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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

93dd9e No.51550 [Last50 Posts]

09JUL23 to 12JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

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93dd9e No.70506

File: 12b212761fca0d7⋯.png (434.56 KB,602x626,301:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150446 (091647ZJUL23) Notable: Arizona's illegitimate governor Katie Hobbs was asked about the election she stole by an honest reporter and as usual she ran

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Kari Lake War Room Retweeted



BREAKING: Arizona's illegitimate governor Katie Hobbs was asked about the election she stole by an honest reporter and as usual she ran

Told the reporter to "give it a f*cking rest"

We will never give it a rest Katie Robbs/Katie Frauds

9:33 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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93dd9e No.70507

File: ed6bdcecde48a49⋯.png (340.93 KB,379x1284,379:1284,Clipboard.png)

File: ed53434bf605cb4⋯.png (475.03 KB,1120x507,1120:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dd6b0a464030b8⋯.png (607.19 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 37137eda917e2bf⋯.jpg (553.5 KB,2048x1256,256:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150467 (091652ZJUL23) Notable: DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP STILL HAVE THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL?

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Keep your eyes on the ball

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93dd9e No.70508

File: a15d07366f86230⋯.mp4 (7.41 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150477 (091653ZJUL23) Notable: DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP STILL HAVE THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL?

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This is two confirmations today, my earlier post

This is what I got from that video,this video is packed full of confirmations

LO 🍑Pay attention to what she says when she’s meeting President Trump. 😬

Listen to this woman who met with PDJT yesterday, really interesting:

1. There were about 28 chosen to meet one on one with Trump for a quick picture and little chit chat, this woman is a grass roots activist in NC for Trump.

A spokeswoman working for Trump gave instructions to all that would see and talk to him, these were the few that stood out to me:

Leave your phones here, we have aWhite House Photographer-in there to take pictures. The photog will only takeone picture

• Don’t try to shake his hand or touch or hug him, he will initiate contact if he chooses

• Remember you are going in to meetThe President of the United States

2. The woman chosen, had a t-shirt that hadTrump 2023, she then said, “when you know you know”. President Trump made a big deal of the shirt and asked the WH Photographer take s big beautiful picture of them again

Is it normal for former Presidents have a “White House” photographer with them for years afterwards?The spokeswoman said you are meeting “The President of the Unites”, she said it in present tense, not past or future.

Anons you gotta watch this, everything about thisvideo indicates PDJT is already and currently President. I have thought for 6-9 months that Trump would be President again in early July 2023. This seems to confirm my belief that was put together by anons posts after the last year!

But when I think about it, I rememberLindell said in 2020 or 21,“President Trump will be President again in August!


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93dd9e No.70509

File: a51e15511000829⋯.png (761.59 KB,680x1024,85:128,Clipboard.png)

File: b22f3ebd9648a98⋯.png (87.73 KB,300x242,150:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150478 (091653ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Continues Shrinking, Corporate Republican Influencers Increasingly Need and Support the Corrupt DOJ

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DeSantis Continues Shrinking, Corporate Republican Influencers Increasingly Need and Support the Corrupt DOJ


July 9, 2023

The Ron DeSantis campaign continues to collapse under the inertia of its central flaw, a terrible candidate.

Hundreds-of-millions have been amassed to structure the pretending, create the brand image and present the narrative of something completely false.

The central flaw was always, eventually, going to surface.

Tens of millions have been spent on the launch and careful construction. However, when the core of the effort is built upon a false premise, there is nothing that can be done to change the outcome. Truth has a way of being self-evident; this represents the ultimate problem for the DeSantis team.

Every single week since the launch of the DeSantis campaign he has lost ground. The more Ron DeSantis is pushed into the voting audience, the less he is supported. In a desperate effort to stop hemorrhaging that support, the branding and image consultants decided to replace the candidate with a stand-in, his wife, Jill “Casey” DeSantis.

Think about this in context. The best hope of a multi-million-dollar ‘Never Back Down operation’ is to remove the principal from the equation and use an alternate. That’s the mindset of the DeSantis brain trust. That’s their solution to the central flaw; remove the candidate – show him less. None of their action deals with the central flaw, because the core of the problem is the center of the operation.

[READ ARTICLE HERE] https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/07/08/new-desantis-booster-erick-erickson-admits-campaign-frustration-says-something-needs-to-happen/

The only hope for the assembly behind those hundreds-of-millions, behind all those group chats, email lists, and meeting rooms of professional political consultants, is if some external force removes President Donald Trump. Ultimately, that’s all they have. Without an external intervention, the downward spiral continues.

When you realize this central truth, you can then go back to what I was saying in the summer of 2022 and get an idea of what I meant.

In the summer of 2022 when few people would accept my prediction that Ron DeSantis was running for the GOP nomination in 2024, even fewer people truly understood what I meant when I said eventually all the Ron DeSantis supporters would start promoting eating bugs. “Hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.”

Few people understood what I was stating. But it was actually acceptance of a logical sequence.

Ron DeSantis cannot win the GOP nomination without an external intervention to change the dynamic. If you start your review of the sequence from that acceptance point, then you realize those who support Ron DeSantis will need to support the external intervention. In this instance, a corrupt and weaponized leftist U.S. Dept of Justice.

The DeSantis team, just like the Ted Cruz team that preceded him, is more anti-Trump and anti-nationalism than they are anti-corruption in government.

If it takes a corrupt and weaponized United States government to achieve its objective of a DeSantis nomination, then the corrupt and weaponized government is something they must accept. Hence, the baseline for my snarky prediction is, “hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.”

Again, this is not a grand exercise in political insight, it is simply following the sequence of necessary events to its most logical conclusion.


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93dd9e No.70510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150479 (091653ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Continues Shrinking, Corporate Republican Influencers Increasingly Need and Support the Corrupt DOJ

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Ron DeSantis supporters will support Joe Biden in order to eliminate the problem of Donald Trump. However, the number of Republican voters who are willing to accept that conflicting outlook is far fewer than the number of ideologues within the GOPe willing to use it.

What I have just described in that dynamic of diminished support, is exactly why Team DeSantis continues to shed supporters amid the ranks of voters.

Team DeSantis, the billionaires, the RGA, RNC, and the entire coalition of ideological influencers, may be willing to eat the bugs – but the overwhelming majority of the voters will not; nor will they accept a transparently weaponized Dept of Justice as an external force against the will of We The People.

If you understand this dynamic, I mean really understand this dynamic, it becomes fun to combat the influence group being paid by the hundreds of millions in Sea Island funding.

In order to achieve their objective, the DeSantis supporters are forced to align with the corrupt system they pretend to despise. They are forced to deny that elections are manipulated; they are forced to deny the targeting of Trump is an inflection point that destroys our nation; they are forced to deny their association with the same corrupt and manipulated systems they depend on to achieve their objective. Pushing those supporters into the painful sunlight of their hypocrisy is not difficult.

The reason I shared the Casey DeSantis video yesterday is an element of this dynamic. Like her husband, she’s unbearable. Like her husband, she is fake. Like her husband, she is artificial, annoying, and becomes more unlikable the more you are exposed to her. The scale, scope, and transparently visible inauthentic pandering by both Casey and her “The Governor,” Ron, is hilarious.

You can literally see the Republican brand image consultants at work.

Hey, MAGA, via Palin, originated and likes the Mama Grizzlies.

Hey, MAGA likes and relates to Duck Dynasty.

Hey, MAGA likes and relates to Melania, and her ‘come and take them’ stiletto heel attitude.

Hey, I’ve got an idea….

…Let’s put Mama Grizzlies, Duck Dynasty, and Melania’s stilettos into the brand:


You cannot make up this level of inauthentic effort.

At a certain point, you just laugh at it.


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93dd9e No.70511

File: c4ee0893f3fdec6⋯.png (673.57 KB,798x557,798:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c90f2af7d2a1fa⋯.png (208.25 KB,231x374,21:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150480 (091653ZJUL23) Notable: DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP STILL HAVE THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL?

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Seems legit to me folks.

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93dd9e No.70512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150488 (091655ZJUL23) Notable: #23519 posted in #23520

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>>70465, >>70467, >>70485, >>70486 Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

>>70468 WHO & Gates Inc announce plans to flood Africa with ultra dangerous malaria "vaccines"

>>70469 BREAKING: Latest SCOTUS Filing Has Potential to Impact Hundreds of J6 Cases - Lawyers Seek to Toss Controversial 1512 Obstruction Charges Against January 6 Defendant Jake Lang

>>70470 Sound of Freedom Bun

>>70472 Treaty of Peace 1783 - the piece of paper that "made" the United States

>>70473, >>70474 Covid Vaccine Implicated in Most of the Deaths! - Pre-print paper Removed from Lancet!

>>70476 Rob Schneider on When His Wife found out he voted for Trump For the Keks

>>70477 Russian agents ‘left feces’ in US official’s suitcase - WSJ

>>70478 Half of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure damaged by Russia - minister

>>70479 Sound of freedom decodes and connections graphic

>>70480 Bank of England accuses retailers of profiteering

>>70481 Ted Cruz Thinks the Bag of Cocaine Found at the White House Belongs to a Biden Staffer, 'It Probably Isn't Hunter's'

>>70482 NATO flexes muscle to protect Vilnius summit near Russia, Belarus

>>70484 Ukraine, Poland leaders jointly mark WWII massacres that strained ties

>>70501 Epstein connection chart


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93dd9e No.70513

File: a36299512f9afad⋯.png (270.88 KB,602x576,301:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150499 (091657ZJUL23) Notable: Nation's largest teachers' union recommends sexually explicit "Gender Queer" in their summer reading list

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Not the Bee


Nation's largest teachers' union recommends sexually explicit "Gender Queer" in their summer reading list


Nation's largest teachers' union recommends sexually explicit "Gender Queer" in their summer...

The largest teachers' union in the nation, the NEA, has put out a recommended summer reading list that includes the book Gender Queer which has been at the center of the battle over "banned books" in...

5:50 AM · Jul 9, 2023




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93dd9e No.70514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150588 (091716ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom review by interview of SoF director

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>Would have been much better had they had woodchippers.

Found this comment on a video I am watching:


1 day ago

"New Sub. I worked as an animal rights activist fighting the Dog meat trade in Asia. It was there I learned about the hell on earth for children. Dog farmers do not invest in dog food. The remains of trafficked children are fed to the dogs and then they eat the dogs. It's so sickening I had to quit out of fear and shock. If people don't care about the children, how could I expect anyone to care about the dogs. I am so glad this is being exposed because I was called crazy. I still have nightmares about what I saw. You can never unsee it. "

I Took My 12-Year-Old Cousin to See "Sound of Freedom" the Film About Child S** Traicking

Brittany Valadez


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93dd9e No.70515

File: 58df97b865ab779⋯.mp4 (8.29 MB,480x834,80:139,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150598 (091718ZJUL23) Notable: Father says 9 yr old son asked by the doctor: Do you identify as a boy, a girl, gender fluid or non-binary?

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93dd9e No.70516

File: 8032d404255330f⋯.png (523.4 KB,1540x937,1540:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150660 (091733ZJUL23) Notable: Arizona GOP state senator could face REVENGE PORN charges for sharing X-rated Hunter Biden photos on Twitter

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Arizona GOP state senator could face REVENGE PORN charges for sharing X-rated Hunter Biden photos on Twitter

* Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers retweeted the explicit images of Hunter Biden

* She has since removed the post but could still face legal ramifications

* The images made up some of the 9,000 posted online from Hunter's laptop

A Republican GOP state senator could face criminal charges for revenge porn after sharing explicit images of Hunter Biden on social media.

Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers retweeted footage of the First Son to her 300,000 followers on Twitter, which included several X-rated images.

Posting online, Rogers – a staunch advocate for former President Trump - said: 'It's all here in black and white. Oh, and apparently in NBC living color.'

She has since removed the footage and has been warned that her social media post was a 'mistake' by another Republican – who claims she didn't realize the images were in the footage.

Lawyers have also warned that by posting the X-rated images, she could find herself in hot water legally. ...


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93dd9e No.70517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150799 (091758ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Ron Johnson Accuses John Durham of Preventing Him and Sen. Grassley from Investigating Russian Collusion Hoax

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Senator Ron Johnson Accuses John Durham of Preventing Him and Sen. Grassley from Investigating Russian Collusion Hoax

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Ron Johnson disclosed that the same prosecutor from the Southern District of New York who tried Chinese Communist Party linked Hunter associate Patrick Ho, is the same prosecutor who prevented Hunter Biden’s name to be mentioned at trial.

And a second individual mentioned by Dr. Gal Luft in his latest video is the FBI agent who signed the subpoena for the Hunter Biden laptop

Sen. Johnson: What’s interesting about those individuals, one of the prosecutors from the Southern district of New York is the same prosecutor that prosecuted Patrick Ho, the money launderer that paid Hunter Biden a million dollars to defend him. And in that trial, he prevented the name of Biden’s from being brought into court. Also, one of the FBI agents was the same agent then that signed the subpoena from the Hunter Biden laptop. So what Mr. Dr. Luft has shown is the same financial transactions, the millions of dollars, the $100,000 per month retainer for Hunter, $65,000 for James Biden paid by CESC.

He’s got a wealth of information, but they never followed up on that meeting. Instead, they arrested him in Cyprus to silence him. They could have gone to Israel. He resides in Israel. We have extradition treaties. But they instead arrest him in Cyprus. Now he’s literally fleeing for his life.

Senator Johnson went on to describe the entrenched corruption in the FBI and DOJ.

Sen. Johnson: They’ve done a really good job of setting up their procedures in the FBI, in the Department of justice to insulate themselves from scrutiny. I mean, look at the letters that David Weiss sent to Jim Jordan in June 7, June 30, basically giving Jim Jordan the middle finger. “You can’t investigate us because we have an active investigation.” That’s what they always use as an excuse. So they’ve insulated themselves from scrutiny. It’s very difficult. But one indication of the problem we have in terms of the multiple tier system of justice here is Robert Mueller, in less than two years, spent $32 million on his special counsel investigation on a complete hoax, on a false narrative that the Obama administration knew was perpetrated by Hillary Clinton as a dirty trick. The Russian collusion with Trump hoax – $32 million. John Durham, in over three years, only spent $7.7 million and delivered virtually nothing. So he prevented Senator Grassley and I from investigating the corrupt Russian collusion investigation. Now you’ve got Jack Smith in a few months has spent $5.5 million. Robert Hurr, who’s investigating Biden’s classified documents, spent $616,000.

So when you just see the resources and effort put behind targeting Republicans or Donald Trump versus what little resources and how corrupt and un-thorough the investigations are against Democrats, it’s pretty revealing.


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93dd9e No.70518

File: 8b67c136434ef0e⋯.png (276.95 KB,473x1024,473:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 3202947289852b5⋯.png (354.42 KB,512x593,512:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150815 (091800ZJUL23) Notable: Corrupt Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Discusses “Strengthening Global Democracy” at the EU

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Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Discusses “Strengthening Global Democracy” at the EU

Corrupt Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos spoke this week at the EU about democracy. How ironic after the actions he took in protecting the stolen election in his state in 2020.

Wisconsin GOP Speaker Robin Vos spoke at the EU representing the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) on the 6th.

“Let’s gngage in this work together, share best practices and work to ensure the future generations inherit a more prosperous and interconnected world,” said Vos.

Vos also shared his comments on the Global Community.

“Our friends, our neighbors, and our families better for those we care about, and leave our communities stronger for the generations can’t be accomplished in a vacuum, local, and regional governance requires a deeper understanding of in connection with a global community,” he added.

But the most shocking remarks from Wisconsin Speaker Vos were his comments on strengthening global democracy. After his actions to ensure that the 2020 Election was certified for Joe Biden in Wisconsin and preventing the true winner in the 2020 Election, President Donald Trump, from being awarded the state based on the facts and valid votes. It’s shocking that Vos would make these remarks.

“Effective solutions that work for everyone. National governments play a major role in strengthening, global democracy,” he said.

The EU shares the following about what it defines as strengthening global democracy (it’s about reducing inequality):

The EU’s approach to democracy complements its work on human rights (see fact sheet 5.4.1). It is grounded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international and regional standards on human rights, democratic institutions and elections. Since 2015, the EU has also been basing its support for democracy on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular Goal 16 on accountable institutions and inclusive and participatory decision making, and Goal 10 on reducing inequality.

This is what fascists say when they want to destroy a country and rule over it. “It’s all about equality” – their definition, of democracy of course.

The EU is also backing democracy in Ukraine where Zelensky has eliminated his opposing party, free speech, some churches, and potentially next year’s election. This is what they mean by democracy.

Although Vos is proud of his presentation, others are not so impressed:


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93dd9e No.70519

File: 04c037b0bb636a4⋯.png (255.53 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150836 (091803ZJUL23) Notable: 25-year-old Hispanic male indiscriminately shot four people, killing one in NYC

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25-year-old Hispanic male indiscriminately shot four people, killing one in NYC


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93dd9e No.70520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150885 (091814ZJUL23) Notable: US drone strike kills an Islamic State group leader in Syria, the Defense Department says

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US drone strike kills an Islamic State group leader in Syria, the Defense Department says

WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. drone strike killed an Islamic State group leader in Syria hours after the same MQ-9 Reaper drones were harassed by Russian military jets over the western part of the country, according to the Defense Department.

Three Reapers had been flying overhead searching for the militant on Friday, a U.S. defense official said, when they were harassed for about two hours by Russian aircraft. Shortly after that, the drones struck and killed Usamah al-Muhajir, who was riding a motorcycle in the Aleppo region, said the official, who was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity to describe details of the military operation.

The official said al-Muhajir was in northwest Syria at the time of the strike, but that he usually operated in the east.

It was not immediately clear how the U.S. military confirmed that the person killed was al-Muhajir; no other details were provided.

In a statement Sunday, U.S. Central Command said there are no indications any civilians were killed in the strike. The military was assessing reports a civilian may have been injured.

Friday was the third day in a row that U.S. officials complained that Russian fighter jets in the region had conducted unsafe and harassing flights around American drones.

Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich, head of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, said in a statement that during the Friday encounter, the Russian planes “flew 18 unprofessional close passes that caused the MQ-9s to react to avoid unsafe situations.”

The first friction occurred Wednesday morning when Russian military aircraft “engaged in unsafe and unprofessional behavior” as three American MQ-9 drones were conducting a mission against IS, the U.S. military said. On Thursday, the U.S. military said Russian fighter aircraft flew “incredibly unsafe and unprofessionally” against both French and U.S. aircraft over Syria.

Col. Michael Andrews, Air Forces Central Command spokesman, said the Thursday incident lasted almost an hour and included close fly-bys, by one SU-34 and one SU-35 and that they deployed flares directly into the MQ-9.

U.S. officials said the drones were unarmed in the earlier flights, but were carrying weapons on Friday, as they were hunting al-Muhajir.

“We have made it clear that we remain committed to the defeat of ISIS throughout the region,” said Gen. Erik Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, in the statement.

Rear Adm. Oleg Gurinov, head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, said this past week that the Russian and Syrian militaries had started a six-day joint training that ends Monday.

Gurinov added in comments carried by Syrian state media that Moscow was concerned about the flights of drones by the U.S.-led coalition over northern Syria, calling them “systematic violations of protocols” designed to avoid clashes between the two militaries.


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93dd9e No.70521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150904 (091817ZJUL23) Notable: #23520

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>>70487 Ex-CNN producer John Griffin sentenced

>>70488 France to ban sale of fireworks for Bastille Day July 14

>>70489, >>70490 MSM doesn't like free tickets to Sound of Freedom

>>70492 Biden begins three-nation tour with stop in London

>>70493, >>70497 Crashed business jet followup

>>70494, >>70495 Who is Senator Tom Cotton’s wife Anna Peckham?

>>70496 Was the last of the USA's stockpile of chemical weapons really destroyed?

>>70498 The ‘Sound of Freedom’ stuns Hollywood - WA Times

>>70499 Gender ideology’s days are numbered, Musk: Time for parents to fight back!

>>70500, >>70503, >>70507, >>70511, >>70508 DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP STILL HAVE THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL?

>>70502 Sound of Freedom bun

>>70504 Don Jr. Retweets this guy shaking hands with POTUS

>>70506 Arizona's illegitimate governor Katie Hobbs was asked about the election she stole by an honest reporter and as usual she ran

>>70509, >>70510 DeSantis Continues Shrinking, Corporate Republican Influencers Increasingly Need and Support the Corrupt DOJ

>>70513 Nation's largest teachers' union recommends sexually explicit "Gender Queer" in their summer reading list

>>70515 Father says 9 yr old son asked by the doctor: Do you identify as a boy, a girl, gender fluid or non-binary?

>>70514 Sound of Freedom review by interview of SoF director

>>70516 Arizona GOP state senator could face REVENGE PORN charges for sharing X-rated Hunter Biden photos on Twitter >>70517 Senator Ron Johnson Accuses John Durham of Preventing Him and Sen. Grassley from Investigating Russian Collusion Hoax

>>70518 Corrupt Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Discusses “Strengthening Global Democracy” at the EU

>>70519 25-year-old Hispanic male indiscriminately shot four people, killing one in NYC

>>70520 US drone strike kills an Islamic State group leader in Syria, the Defense Department says




baker must tap nb

bakers, plz step up.

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93dd9e No.70522

File: 323bc0234cee51a⋯.png (582.9 KB,586x786,293:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150943 (091824ZJUL23) Notable: Wow Trump calls them out! , who paid for the movie sounds of freedom, carlos Slim, do your research on Carlos

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Wow Trump calls them out! , who paid for the movie sounds of freedom, carlos Slim, do your research on Carlos


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93dd9e No.70523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150948 (091824ZJUL23) Notable: More than 700 arrested in ‘biggest ever’ UK operation against organised crime after encrypted phone network cracked

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More than 700 arrested in ‘biggest ever’ UK operation against organised crime after encrypted phone network cracked

Police hail ‘unparalleled victory against the kingpin criminals’ after £54m and tonnes of drugs seized


Hundreds arrested in 'biggest ever' UK operation against organised crime


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Police have arrested more than 700 suspects, seized £54m in cash and tonnes of drugs in the UK’s “biggest and most significant” operation ever against organised crime.

Officials said previously “untouchable” kingpins who have evaded justice for decades, while enjoying “flashy” lifestyles, were among those detained.

High-level gangs, including those importing guns, drugs and people into Britain, have been targeted in a series of raids after law enforcement agencies accessed a secretive communications network.

Known as EncroChat, it was used on bespoke mobile phones that were designed to be secure against police infiltration and examination.

But in April, an international team cracked its encryption, started spying on users and harvesting their data as they carried on unawares.

“There were 60,000 users worldwide and around 10,000 users in the UK,” the National Crime Agency (NCA) said as raids continued on Thursday morning.

“The sole use was for coordinating and planning the distribution of illicit commodities, money laundering and plotting to kill rival criminals.”

The platform was infiltrated by agencies in France and the Netherlands, and shared via Europol to partners including the UK.

“Unbeknown to users, the NCA and the police have been monitoring their every move since then,” an NCA spokesperson said.

“It is the biggest and most significant operation of its kind in the UK.”

Hundreds of staff worked to analyse the data and identify EncroChat users, working through millions of messages and hundreds of thousands of images.

It resulted in 746 arrests across the UK so far, including “high-value targets” and “iconic” fugitives who had previously escaped justice.

The operation has also revealed the identities of an unknown number of corrupt police officers and employees in different law enforcement agencies.

Officials said that while police operations against gangs frequently see lower-level operatives who “get their hands dirty” arrested while those at the top remain free, EncroPhones were only used by the “middle tier upwards”.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for serious organised crime, Chief Constable Steve Jupp, called the operation “an unparalleled victory against the kingpin criminals”.


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93dd9e No.70524

File: 34832d54e038e6e⋯.png (291.72 KB,576x421,576:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150955 (091826ZJUL23) Notable: Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

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Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

A video of Tim Ballard, the founder of the anti-sex trafficking non-profit Operation Underground Railroad, meeting up with President Trump has gone viral in recent days.

The video from 2019 has resurfaced just days after Sound of Freedom hit number one in the box office.

Sound of Freedom is based on the true story on how former DHS special agent Tim Ballard left his job in order to rescue children from being sex-trafficked around the world.

In the new resurfaced video of Ballard meeting up with Trump, Ballard discusses how children are being trafficked along the Southern Border.

Ballard told Trump “They brought this little girl through a part of the Southern Border where there was no wall. Easily got her to New York City and this is hard to hear but this is the truth.”

Ballard continued “This little girl was raped for money everyday 30 to 40 times a day.”

While many people in D.C. have dismissed Ballard and his effort to put an end to child trafficking, Trump listened intently to what the O.U.R. founder had to share.


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93dd9e No.70525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150956 (091826ZJUL23) Notable: #23520

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link fixed.

>>70487 Ex-CNN producer John Griffin sentenced

>>70488 France to ban sale of fireworks for Bastille Day July 14

>>70489, >>70490 MSM doesn't like free tickets to Sound of Freedom

>>70492 Biden begins three-nation tour with stop in London

>>70493, >>70497 Crashed business jet followup

>>70494, >>70495 Who is Senator Tom Cotton’s wife Anna Peckham?

>>70496 Was the last of the USA's stockpile of chemical weapons really destroyed?

>>70498 The ‘Sound of Freedom’ stuns Hollywood - WA Times

>>70499 Gender ideology’s days are numbered, Musk: Time for parents to fight back!

>>70500, >>70503, >>70507, >>70511, >>70508 DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP STILL HAVE THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL?

>>70502 Sound of Freedom bun

>>70504 Don Jr. Retweets this guy shaking hands with POTUS

>>70506 Arizona's illegitimate governor Katie Hobbs was asked about the election she stole by an honest reporter and as usual she ran

>>70509, >>70510 DeSantis Continues Shrinking, Corporate Republican Influencers Increasingly Need and Support the Corrupt DOJ

>>70513 Nation's largest teachers' union recommends sexually explicit "Gender Queer" in their summer reading list

>>70515 Father says 9 yr old son asked by the doctor: Do you identify as a boy, a girl, gender fluid or non-binary?

>>70514 Sound of Freedom review by interview of SoF director

>>70516 Arizona GOP state senator could face REVENGE PORN charges for sharing X-rated Hunter Biden photos on Twitter

>>70517 Senator Ron Johnson Accuses John Durham of Preventing Him and Sen. Grassley from Investigating Russian Collusion Hoax

>>70518 Corrupt Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Discusses “Strengthening Global Democracy” at the EU

>>70519 25-year-old Hispanic male indiscriminately shot four people, killing one in NYC

>>70520 US drone strike kills an Islamic State group leader in Syria, the Defense Department says

>>70521 #23520

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93dd9e No.70526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150962 (091827ZJUL23) Notable: #23521

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updated dough

updated dough

updated dough


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93dd9e No.70527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150965 (091827ZJUL23) Notable: Wow Trump calls them out! , who paid for the movie sounds of freedom, carlos Slim, do your research on Carlos

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Q+ endorsed the movie:


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93dd9e No.70528

File: 73abf4b75147852⋯.png (663.45 KB,853x957,853:957,Clipboard.png)

File: fbdcb6436aabf54⋯.png (310.06 KB,843x986,843:986,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150974 (091829ZJUL23) Notable: Wow Trump calls them out! , who paid for the movie sounds of freedom, carlos Slim, do your research on Carlos

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Among the pic’s executive producers are motivational speaker Tony Robbins; John Paul DeJoria, the founder of Paul Mitchell hair products and Patron tequila; Apple vp education John Couch; and Patrick Slim, who is the son of Carlos Slim, one of the world’s richest men.

Verastegui tells The Hollywood Reporter that he chose to make Sound of Freedom “to inspire people to become the heroes that this world needs … art has the power. Let’s make this world a better place; let’s save children that are in captivity.”



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93dd9e No.70529

File: 7a0bd34f356de8d⋯.png (342.9 KB,760x588,190:147,Clipboard.png)

File: a8a8ae1c07253b2⋯.png (88.29 KB,720x525,48:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fafa80e56a77dd⋯.png (347.99 KB,600x578,300:289,Clipboard.png)

File: c44691308adac21⋯.png (262.71 KB,602x778,301:389,Clipboard.png)

File: efdb9b36ce3c8f2⋯.png (87.49 KB,748x825,68:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150978 (091829ZJUL23) Notable: How US and UK Government Propaganda Specialists Collaborated with Nazis in Ukraine

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How US and UK Government Propaganda Specialists Collaborated with Nazis in Ukraine

A host of Western government officials, intelligence agents, and assets have been directly involved in intimate collaboration with Nazi groups

A MintPress investigation has found that a host of Western government officials, intelligence agents and assets have been directly involved in intimate collaboration with Nazi groups and individuals since at least 2014. This has included involvement in creating and operating the Nazi-run kill list in Ukraine, which MintPress revealed recently.

While Western media have belatedly been forced to concede that there are Nazi influences in Ukraine, many journalists have insisted that the visible fascist patches on uniforms are only there to troll Russians and that they are insignificant and a gift to Russian propaganda. Still, other journalists admit to asking Ukrainian service members to cover up their Nazi symbols. Yet, as we shall see, this collaboration goes much further.

Perhaps a good place to start is with the ongoing role of a key intelligence-linked official who has taken on a propaganda role on behalf of Ukraine since the launch in February 2022 of what the Russian government calls its “Special Military Operation.” Meet Cormac Smith, a member of the first Irish bobsleigh team to qualify for the Winter Olympics in 1992. He has appeared in scores of news reports passing on Western propaganda talking points about the role of Russia in Ukraine. But who is Smith working for?

According to his own account, he is a “private citizen” supporting “Ukraine/global freedom.” Yet until December 2018, he was the deputy director of communications for the British Cabinet Office – the official body responsible for supporting the prime minister. He was also previously attached to the UK Foreign Office as the strategic communications advisor to the foreign minister of Ukraine.

Last May, The Irish Independent claimed that Smith is “an unlikely key player in the information war,” who “estimates he has given about 100 TV, radio and print interviews with the international media in the past few months to tell Kyiv’s side of the story.” Smith has a nice line in outrageous propaganda gambits, claiming that Russians are the actual Nazis and that they murder, rape and pillage, including the rape of children.

As it turns out, the source of many of the allegations of rape – including multiple alleged cases of rape to death of children – was the Ukraine parliamentary commissioner for human rights, Lyudmila Denisova. Her evidence was alleged to be a helpline set up to report allegations of human rights abuses. Her tales were too much even for the Ukrainian government, which dismissed her at the end of May 2022.

Last year, it was comprehensively demonstrated that her stories had little evidential basis. However, even before this, she had already reportedly admitted to “promoting fake news to persuade Western countries to send more arms and aid.” Smith nonetheless carried on making vague allegations of rape (including of children) for months afterward. Naturally, no evidence was ever cited. He repeated the rape allegation almost monthly between April 2022 and January 2023. (In 2022: May, August, September, October, November, and in 2023: January, April, May).


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93dd9e No.70530

File: bacd794d42c85d9⋯.png (322.21 KB,553x458,553:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150990 (091831ZJUL23) Notable: Treasury Sec. Yellen literally bows to CCP counterpart, describes official China trip as 'successful'

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Treasury Sec. Yellen literally bows to CCP counterpart, describes official China trip as 'successful'

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen described her official trip to China as "successful" Sunday on CBS News' "Face the Nation" while a viral video of her repeatedly bowing to her CCP counterpart in Beijing raised eyebrows back home.

"Never, ever, ever…an American official does not bow. It looks like she’s been summoned to the principal’s office, and that’s exactly the optics the Chinese love," Bradley Blakeman, former senior staffer in George W. Bush's White House, told the New York Post of the unseemly protocol flub.

"WATCH: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen — in an embarrassing 'diplomatic faux pas' — repeatedly bows to Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng in Beijing," @RNCResearch tweeted.

In the video, Sec. Yellen's counterpart, Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng, approaches her, with his hand extended as if to shake hands.

Yellen returns the gesture by extending her own hand. The pair lightly grasp hands and shake, and then the situation grew awkward. As she shook He's hand, she bowed, not once, but three times. Cameras flash as a woman wearing a mask, carrying two bags, moves in from behind Yellen, possibly in an effort to guide her. Meanwhile, He stands tall and takes a step back, maintaining the handshake all the while.

In an interview with Yellen before she left Beijing, "Face the Nation" host Margaret Brennan aired the clip, but referred to it only obliquely. Brennan framed it as "one of those awkward moments," likening it to He's mention of concerns about Chinese spy balloons.

"I had a very constructive visit. I received a warm welcome and ... had substantive conversations about the global economy, developments in our own economies, financial markets, and a list of concerns that each of us brought to the table that we agreed to follow up on over time," Yellen told Brennan.

Yellen said she made it clear during the meetings that the U.S. could not compromise on national security issues "even if it harms our own narrow economic interests." She added that when the U.S. takes actions that would affect China's economy, the U.S. would ensure our actions were "transparent, narrowly targeted, and well-explained."

Asked if Beijing was taking a warning shot by restricting exports on critical minerals essential for computer chips, Yellen said she had "expressed concern" about China's action, describing it as "potentially" retaliatory.

"My purpose is to ensure we don't engage in a series of unintended escalatory actions that would be harmful to our overall economic relationship."

She said that senior officials as well as citizens from both countries had had "very little contact" with one another in the past several years, due in part to COVID, and that the lack of contact can lead to misunderstandings.

"I do think my trip has been successful in forging those relationships and creating the opportunity for a deeper set of more contacts at our staff levels."

"It is my hope that there is a path to bring inflation down ... the data I've seen suggests we are on that path," Yellen said, as the conversation with Brennan moved to the economy back home.

Yellen's apparent optimism about Bidenomics stopped short when Brennan asked her directly about the risk of recession given the recent slowdown in job numbers.

Recession is "not completely off the table," Sec. Yellen said, also adding her expectation that we would see a slower pace of ongoing job gains in the future.


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93dd9e No.70531

File: 72af700e1403d5d⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1170x1721,1170:1721,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150993 (091831ZJUL23) Notable: @cbs_herridge Letter @ChuckGrassley to US Attorney Weiss obtained @CBSNews detailing Oct. 2020 briefing on alleged bribery scheme involving then-VP Biden + Hunter Biden

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NEW: Letter @ChuckGrassley to US Attorney Weiss obtained @CBSNews detailing Oct. 2020 briefing on alleged bribery scheme involving then-VP Biden + Hunter Biden. IRS agents excluded. Further questions alleged blocks by Weiss deputy.”Did AUSA Wolf take similar proactive measures to frustrate any investigation into the FD-1023?” Seeking comment Weiss’ office. @EMPOWR_us


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93dd9e No.70532

File: 694515863557fbd⋯.png (243.71 KB,1001x916,1001:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151001 (091832ZJUL23) Notable: Wow Trump calls them out! , who paid for the movie sounds of freedom, carlos Slim, do your research on Carlos

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Carlos Slim Helu & family

Honorary Chairman, América Móvil

$101.3B - Real Time Net Worth as of 7/9/23

#10 in the world today

About Carlos Slim Helu & family

Mexico's richest person, Carlos Slim Helú and his family control América Móvil, Latin America's biggest mobile telecom firm.

With foreign telecom partners, Slim bought a stake in Telmex, Mexico's only phone company, in 1990. Telmex is now part of América Móvil.

He also owns stakes in Mexican construction, consumer goods, mining and real estate companies. He previously held a 17% stake in The New York Times.

His son-in-law Fernando Romero designed the Soumaya Museum in Mexico City, home to Slim's extensive, eclectic art collection.

Slim and his family own 79% of Grupo Carso, one of Latin America's largest conglomerates.


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93dd9e No.70533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151007 (091833ZJUL23) Notable: Wow Trump calls them out! , who paid for the movie sounds of freedom, carlos Slim, do your research on Carlos

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I watched that clip. He got some points. Some really good points!

But if the media is pointing to QAnon it is something they always do to bury the whole thing.

Carlos Slim is a deal, POTUS calling him out, another point.

I heard the children rescued where never seen again (was looking for sauce, could not find much if anything about that claim).

Awareness is going around. That´s good. Ben Carson liked the movie and got POTUS to share his opinion. POTUS was talking to Mel Gibson. What did they talk about? Gibson promoted the film. Gibson is doing some loud stuff regarding Hollywood for years!

Confusing times in a basket of confusing shit again! At the end of my thoughts, awareness. That´s the positiv thing I got so far...

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93dd9e No.70534

File: df32faa29d62f62⋯.png (283.75 KB,500x421,500:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 25ad6c17a8cf253⋯.png (260.37 KB,853x888,853:888,Clipboard.png)

File: 74632b36999534d⋯.png (223.89 KB,889x866,889:866,Clipboard.png)

File: b29cb11b8066734⋯.png (253.6 KB,509x455,509:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151014 (091833ZJUL23) Notable: YouTube Censors Australian Politician's Maiden Speech To Parliament

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YouTube Censors Australian Politician's Maiden Speech To Parliament

"30 minutes of truth bombs" is how one Twitter user described Liberal Democrat John Ruddick’s maiden speech to the New South Wales (NSW) Parliament, last Wednesday 28 June. "Indeed, Ruddick, who left the Liberal Party in 2021 after public disagreements over the Party’s handling of the pandemic response, said out loud in parliament what many Australians have been saying for some time now – at first privately, around dinner tables, but increasingly more publicly, over workplace water coolers or at the pub, as saying the obvious becomes more socially acceptable.

Nevertheless, what is socially acceptable offline is not necessarily acceptable on social media. YouTube swiftly removed Ruddick’s speech from its platform, just seven hours after it was uploaded. The NSW Liberal Democrats say this is the first time in Australian history that a politician’s maiden speech has been censored by the platform.

The interference of the social media giant in Australia’s political discourse is ironic given this line from Ruddick’s speech: “We libertarians are plotting to take over the world … so we can leave you all alone.”

A spokesperson for the Lib Dems says, “We initially posted the video on party founder Dr John Humphreys’ YouTube account. We then circulated that link on other social media – for example, this tweet from Dr John, which you can see now links to a takedown notice.”


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93dd9e No.70535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151057 (091840ZJUL23) Notable: Musk’s Tesla Pledges to Uphold ‘Core Socialist Values’ for Communist China

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Musk’s Tesla Pledges to Uphold ‘Core Socialist Values’ for Communist China

Elon Musk’s Tesla has pledged to uphold “core socialist values” and compete fairly in China’s fast growing car market. Musk’s latest agreement with the communist government comes of the heels of his praise for the country’s AI researchers. Musk praised the “wisdom and determination” of Chinese AI researchers despite the country’s hostile stance towards the United States.

The Financial Times reports that Elon Musk’s Tesla and its Chinese rivals have vowed to uphold “core socialist values” and compete fairly in China’s expanding auto market. This pledge is in response to a directive from Beijing that aims to end a protracted price war that has been upsetting the sector. Tesla has cut prices multiple times in China over the past year.

16 manufacturers signed the letter of commitment on Thursday at a motor industry conference in Shanghai, including Tesla and its biggest Chinese rival BYD. Following Tesla’s price cuts on its Model 3 and Model Y cars last October in response to escalating domestic competition, there was a price war among electric vehicle manufacturers. The main beneficiaries of this price war have been Tesla and Warren Buffett-backed BYD, both of which reported record sales in the second quarter.

Miao Changxing, a senior inspector at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, emphasized the need for the industry to avoid “reckless” price-cutting. The Chinese market is of immense value to Tesla, accounting for just under one-third of its annual sales.

Elon Musk, who also owns Twitter and SpaceX, visited China last month. During his visit, he met with the foreign, commerce, and industry ministers, as well as Robin Zeng, the founder and chair of CATL, the world’s biggest maker of EV batteries. Musk’s visit to China drew attention to the country’s restrictions on free speech, as Twitter is banned there. Musk refrained from using the platform during his visit, which led to criticism from human rights groups over allegations of compliance with Chinese censorship.

In a separate address to the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, Musk predicted that the car industry could achieve nearly full self-driving capability later this year. He also expressed his belief that China would develop strong capabilities in artificial intelligence and called for regulatory oversight of the industry.

As Breitbart News previously reported:

Business Insider reports that Elon Musk, the tech mogul behind companies such as SpaceX and Tesla and new owner of Twitter, recently expressed his admiration for China’s progress in the field of artificial intelligence. Speaking at the World AI Conference in Shanghai, Musk highlighted the determination and wisdom of the Chinese people.

“I admire the Chinese people’s wisdom and determination,” Musk said. “As long as the Chinese people decide to do well in one thing, they will, including in AI.”

The conference, hosted by Chinese government ministries, was sponsored by several high-profile companies, including Huawei and SenseTime. Both of these companies have been sanctioned by the U.S. government, which has raised concerns about their close ties to the Chinese government and the potential misuse of their technology.


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93dd9e No.70536

File: d7cae6a7c9ed747⋯.png (245.39 KB,579x800,579:800,Clipboard.png)

File: 833b59e6853d8ed⋯.mp4 (82.57 KB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151059 (091840ZJUL23) Notable: Today is the 61st anniversary of Starfish Prime

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Today is the 61st anniversary of Starfish Prime

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93dd9e No.70537

File: aec465ffada9f6e⋯.png (385.43 KB,542x740,271:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151090 (091844ZJUL23) Notable: Planned Parenthood pushes week-long 'sex ed summer camp'; entices teens with $150 gift card, free lunch

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Planned Parenthood pushes week-long 'sex ed summer camp'; entices teens with $150 gift card, free lunch

Planned Parenthood is offering $150 gift cards and free lunch for youth who participate in their week-long "sex ed summer camp," according to an advertisement posted by the Planned Parenthood Minnesota Advocate's Twitter account Thursday.

"I care passionately about the well-being of all children and the generation my kids are growing up alongside ... I think most families and most parents would firmly agree that we don't want people sexualizing our children, and that's exactly what this camp will do," a Minnesota mother-of-six identified only as "Karin" told Fox News Channel's Brian Kilmeade Sunday morning on "Fox & Friends Weekend."

The "camp" is for Mankato, Minnesota area youth ages 15-18. It is slated to run July 24 through July 28, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the advertisement posted by the @PPMM Twitter account says.

"Lunches are provided and participants receive a $150 gift card upon completion," the flyer also says.


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93dd9e No.70538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151220 (091903ZJUL23) Notable: Wow Trump calls them out! , who paid for the movie sounds of freedom, carlos Slim, do your research on Carlos

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Carlos Slim Bun








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93dd9e No.70539

File: f6e4360d3df1a48⋯.png (840.75 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 86738d40ee68f37⋯.png (274.12 KB,639x900,71:100,Clipboard.png)

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File: b90ae1c81f87bab⋯.png (68.79 KB,1024x1009,1024:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: c9757f4db63c589⋯.png (428.88 KB,492x777,164:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151330 (091924ZJUL23) Notable: Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile

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Report: Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile

By Jim Hoft Jul. 9, 2023 7:15 am850 Comments

Miles Klee, the writer responsible for a Rolling Stone article mocking the movie “Sound of Freedom,” has made a hasty retreat by locking down his Twitter profile amidst backlash, according to Revolver News.

It is not clear if his tweets have always been protected, although many people believe it’s recent.

It seems Klee couldn’t handle the heat and sought refuge behind locked virtual doors, shielding himself from the consequences of his own derision.

Klee wasted no time unleashing his mockery upon the film, condemning actor Jim Caviezel as an alleged QAnon conspiracy theorist and dismissing the movie as a “Movie for Dads With Brainworms.”

“I watched Jim Caviezel’s QAnon-ish child-trafficking drama “Sound of Freedom” with the kind of muttering, coughing, “Amen!”-bellowing boomers who have made it a right-wing indie hit. Hard to overstate just how disgusting it was!” Klee wrote on his Threads account.

“Sound of Freedom,” a movie that strives to raise awareness about child trafficking, achieved a remarkable feat by surpassing Disney’s Indiana Jones at the box office on July 4th. However, as the film climbed the ladder of success, Klee’s attempt to belittle and undermine its significance proved to be a major misstep.

The online community erupted with criticism, condemning Klee’s article as ‘baseless and disrespectful.’

“To dismiss this movie based on your presumptions and biased is near-sighted, and I hope that you continue to develop and learn about real journalism,” said one user who lost a child to human trafficking.

“You will never understand true pain until your own children have been taken from you and sold like cattle. I will never see mine again and thanks to you, people that read your article won’t give a sh-t either.”

One TGP reader wrote, “You know how low the leftists have sunk, when they are condemning a film about SAVING children from trafficking, like it is a BAD thing, you couldn’t make it up.”

Unable to withstand the relentless backlash, Miles Klee chose to lock down his Twitter profile, hoping to shield himself from the justified criticism. It seems Klee couldn’t handle the heat and sought refuge behind a locked door.

“Sound of Freedom” tells the inspirational true story of Tim Ballard, a former CIA and DHS agent who dedicated his life to rescuing children caught in human trafficking. Rather than appreciating the movie’s noble cause and the attention it brings to this urgent problem, Klee chose to dismiss it with sarcasm and ridicule.

While legacy media outlets wasted no time attacking the box office hit, it seems the public recognized the importance of shedding light on this pressing issue.

The movie currently enjoys a 99% user rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Klee’s insult and downgrading of the movie follows a pattern set by other media outlets, such as The Guardian, which published an article titled “Q-Anon-adjacent thriller seducing America,” attempting to associate the film’s narrative with unfounded conspiracy theories. CNN also joined the chorus, downplaying the movie and attempting to link it to the controversial QAnon movement.

Despite the mocking tone of some media outlets and their writers, the movie’s call to action against child trafficking will continue to resonate with those who recognize the urgency of this global issue.

UPDATE: Miles Klee seemed to have a secondary Twitter account that was created a month ago. Notably, he has made an effort to conceal his true identity by choosing not to use his real name on this alternate account. Operating under the pseudonym “Woke Mind Virus Supersoldier” with the handle @youwouldntpost, Klee has been active on this separate profile trashing the movie.

He even joked about being trafficked.

Klee was still able to post on his old account on June 30. The post suggests that his prior account was just recently locked down.


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93dd9e No.70540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151370 (091930ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Doubles Down, Refusing Netanyahu Visit over ‘Extreme’ Cabinet Members

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Biden Doubles Down, Refusing Netanyahu Visit over ‘Extreme’ Cabinet Members

President Joe Biden doubled down on refusing to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to pay a customary visit to the White House, despite the fact that Netanyahu was elected last year by the Israeli people.

Biden said in March that he would not invite Netanyahu to the White House because of the his government’s attempt to reform Israel’s powerful judiciary — reforms that largely parallel existing practice in the U.S.

In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Sunday, Biden said that he would not invite Netanyahu until he could “work through … his existing problems in terms of his coalition,” referring to Israel’s governing parties.

Biden said that some of Netanyahu’s coalition partners were the “most extreme members of Cabinet that I’ve seen” since meeting Prime Minister Golda Meir in the early 1970s, whom he noted was not an extremist.

However, Biden met quickly with both prime ministers from the last coalition government, which included an Arab party regarded as extremist by many Israeli Jews because it denies the right of the State of Israel to exist.

Biden described himself on CNN as an “unyielding supporter of Israel” and added that some of the problems in the region were the fault of the Palestinian Authority leaders, whom he said created a “vacuum for extremism.”

However, he said that he opposed members of Netanyahu’s cabinet who, he said, believed that Jews can “settle anywhere where we want” in the historic territories of Judea and Samaria, captured from Jordan in a defensive war in 1967. Some portions of those territories are administered by the Palestinian Authority, and the area is still disputed between the two sides.

Biden said that he hoped Netanyahu “will continue to move toward moderation,” suggesting the White House has made close ties conditional on the kind of government Israelis elect, overriding respect for democracy.

Biden also said a peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel — which was said to be close at hand in the final months of the Trump administration — is “a little way off.” Biden has adopted a tough approach to the Saudis, which in turn has caused them to turn to China in recent months.


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93dd9e No.70541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151378 (091932ZJUL23) Notable: BBC Suspends Male Presenter Amid Teen Sex Pic Scandal, Does Not Reveal Name

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BBC Suspends Male Presenter Amid Teen Sex Pic Scandal, Does Not Reveal Name

LONDON (AP) – The BBC said Sunday that it has suspended a leading presenter who is alleged to have paid a teenager for sexually explicit photos.

As senior British politicians urged a rapid investigation, the broadcaster said it was working to establish the facts of “a complex and fast-moving set of circumstances.”

The U.K.’s publicly funded national broadcaster was scrambling to head off a worsening crisis after The Sun newspaper reported allegations that the male presenter gave a youth 35,000 pounds ($45,000) starting in 2020 when the young person was 17.

Neither the star nor the youth was identified. Amid speculation on social media about the identity of the presenter, several of the BBC’s best-known stars spoke up to say it wasn’t them.

Though the age of sexual consent in Britain is 16, it’s a crime to make or possess indecent images of anyone under 18.

The Sun said the young person’s mother had complained to the BBC in May but that the presenter had remained on the air.


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93dd9e No.70542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151388 (091937ZJUL23) Notable: Musk’s Tesla Pledges to Uphold ‘Core Socialist Values’ for Communist China

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Comrade Elon: Musk’s Tesla Pledges to Uphold ‘Core Socialist Values’ for Communist China

Elon Musk’s Tesla has pledged to uphold “core socialist values” and compete fairly in China’s fast growing car market. Musk’s latest agreement with the communist government comes of the heels of his praise for the country’s AI researchers. Musk praised the “wisdom and determination” of Chinese AI researchers despite the country’s hostile stance towards the United States.

The Financial Times reports that Elon Musk’s Tesla and its Chinese rivals have vowed to uphold “core socialist values” and compete fairly in China’s expanding auto market. This pledge is in response to a directive from Beijing that aims to end a protracted price war that has been upsetting the sector. Tesla has cut prices multiple times in China over the past year.

16 manufacturers signed the letter of commitment on Thursday at a motor industry conference in Shanghai, including Tesla and its biggest Chinese rival BYD. Following Tesla’s price cuts on its Model 3 and Model Y cars last October in response to escalating domestic competition, there was a price war among electric vehicle manufacturers. The main beneficiaries of this price war have been Tesla and Warren Buffett-backed BYD, both of which reported record sales in the second quarter.

Miao Changxing, a senior inspector at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, emphasized the need for the industry to avoid “reckless” price-cutting. The Chinese market is of immense value to Tesla, accounting for just under one-third of its annual sales.

Elon Musk, who also owns Twitter and SpaceX, visited China last month. During his visit, he met with the foreign, commerce, and industry ministers, as well as Robin Zeng, the founder and chair of CATL, the world’s biggest maker of EV batteries. Musk’s visit to China drew attention to the country’s restrictions on free speech, as Twitter is banned there. Musk refrained from using the platform during his visit, which led to criticism from human rights groups over allegations of compliance with Chinese censorship.

In a separate address to the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, Musk predicted that the car industry could achieve nearly full self-driving capability later this year. He also expressed his belief that China would develop strong capabilities in artificial intelligence and called for regulatory oversight of the industry.


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93dd9e No.70543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151402 (091939ZJUL23) Notable: Lawmakers have criticized a resolution by Senator Lindsey Graham that pushes for Kiev’s admittance to NATO

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US Republicans blast colleague’s Ukraine proposal

Lawmakers have criticized a resolution by Senator Lindsey Graham that pushes for Kiev’s admittance to NATO

Conservatives in both houses of the US Congress have rebuked their colleague Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) for pushing to get Ukraine admitted to NATO, saying such an expansion of the Western military bloc would make Americans less safe by triggering a direct war with Russia.

At issue is a resolution by Graham that presses for allowing Ukraine to join the alliance. The 68-year-old Republican claimed on Friday to have bipartisan support for his proposal, saying, “Ukrainian NATO membership is vital to the future security of Europe and the world. I believe there is an overwhelming majority of senators supporting this proposition.”

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) was among the lawmakers who did not provide such support. “Absolutely not,” he said on Friday in a Twitter post. “This is exactly wrong – as usual – and could very well lead us to war with Russia, something no one should want.”

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) agreed, saying, “This is madness. Everyone in Washington should be urging peace and stopping the war in Ukraine, not bringing us to the brink of World War III.”

Another congresswoman, Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado), said admitting Kiev to NATO “would mean American troops on the ground in Ukraine. The American people would not stand by and allow our troops to go die in someone else’s war.”

Representative Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky) said expanding NATO was contrary to US interests. He called the bloc a “Cold War relic,” adding that past expansions of the group led to the rise of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the conflict in Ukraine.

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy called Graham’s proposal “shameful” and argued that President Joe Biden “needs to man up to his bully-friend,” Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, by making clear that Kiev will not be allowed to join the alliance. He said NATO had made nuclear war with Russia more likely by breaking a US promise not to expand the bloc after the Soviet Union’s collapse.

As president, I’ll refuse to be bullied by an anti-democratic comedian-turned-leader, and it’s truly mystifying to me that the rest of the West is eating out of this Pied Piper’s hand every day,” Ramaswamy said on Saturday.

The US controversy comes as NATO member states prepare to gather in Vilnius this week for talks on the Ukraine conflict. The bloc’s secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, predicted on Friday that NATO would reach a consensus on how to bring Ukraine closer to joining the group.

However, German officials reportedly oppose giving Kiev any guarantees because they want to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia. Biden has acknowledged that adding Ukraine to NATO while fighting is ongoing would mean war with Moscow. “I don’t think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war,” he said in a CNN interview.

Zelensky demanded earlier this month that Ukraine be given an official invitation to join NATO when the current conflict ends.


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93dd9e No.70544

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151410 (091940ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Go to hell,’ Ukraine tells anti-cluster bomb German MP

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Ukraine uses a less known diplomatic strategy on EU society, “bite the hand that feeds you until you get your wish”. It will be a winning strategy in the next millennium I’m sure. Kek!

9 Jul, 2023 17:06

‘Go to hell,’ Ukraine tells anti-cluster bomb German MP

Critics of the controversial weapons have “no idea” what they’re talking about, Andrey Melnik has declared

Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Melnik has told a German lawmaker to “go to hell” for opposing the delivery of cluster munitions to Kiev’s forces. Melnik formerly served as ambassador to Germany, where he made a name for himself by publicly insulting his hosts.

“The use of ‘cluster munitions’ is rightly outlawed internationally,” German MP Ralf Stenger tweeted on Friday, adding that those who “act in the name of international order and values ​​do not supply such weapons, not even in Ukraine.” Stenger is a member of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’ SPD party.

US President Joe Biden authorized the delivery of cluster munitions to Ukraine on Friday, despite his administration referring to their use as a potential “war crime” last year. Explaining his decision, Biden cited a shortage in conventional ammunition due to Ukraine’s high consumption rate throughout its ongoing counteroffensive.

Biden’s shift in policy was criticized by some of America’s NATO allies, including Canada, Spain, and the UK.

Melnik reacted angrily to Stenger’s tweet. “Go to hell with your advice, Mr. Ralph Stegner and others,” the Ukrainian diplomat tweeted on Saturday. “You have no idea what you're talking about. Have you ever been to war in Ukraine for 500 days? Did you feel the suffering of the people? If not, then stay seated on your Biedermeier sofa.”

Melnik served as Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany from 2015 until last October, when he was recalled to Kiev after he publicly professed his admiration for Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator considered a hero by Ukrainian nationalists.

Before his dismissal, Melnik repeatedly accused the German government of being too slow to provide military assistance, and referred to Chancellor Scholz as an “offended liver sausage” over his reluctance to visit Kiev. Melnik also sparred with Elon Musk on Twitter, telling the billionaire to “f**k off” over his plan for a peaceful settlement of the conflict with Russia.

Melnik was appointed as Ukraine’s envoy to Brazil last month, but has yet to take up his new post.

Cluster munitions scatter small ‘bomblets’ over a wide area, some of which fail to immediately explode and pose severe risks to civilians for years after fighting ends. More than 110 countries have ratified a 2008 UN convention prohibiting their use and transfer, although the US, Russia, and Ukraine are not parties to the ban.


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93dd9e No.70545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151420 (091942ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy's Soros connection

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July 9, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy's Soros connection

By Bob Ryan

When looking at potential candidates running for office without a voting record to base judgment on, I look for red flags.

To me, voting records are the best indicators.

Without voting records, candidates can say anything they wish, without a single vote to prove anything. This is the political unknown where Vivek Ramaswamy comes from.

Beyond being a Hindu, which in my mind means that Ramaswamy cannot hold the Judeo-Christian views this nation was founded on, there are serious red flags that attach him to Soros.

In 2011, Ramaswamy was the beneficiary of the Soros Fellowship, which was used help cover the costs at Yale for a future law degree.

His connection to anything Soros related raises serious red flags, especially with Ramaswamy never bringing up that connection.

Rather than addressing that questionable connection, he chooses to pretend as if he was never a beneficiary of Soros.

And it seems that his ties to Soros have continued beyond 2011:

Through a link at the Soros Fellowship on news and events for 2020:

“Roivant Sciences announced today that it is working with regulators in the United States and around the world to advance the clinical development of Gimsilumab, an anti-body that could prevent and treat acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which has been widely connected to the COVID-19 virus. 2011 Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow Vivek Ramaswamy, the child of immigrants from India, is the CEO and founder of Roivant Sciences.”

The Soros Fellowship articles involving past recipients do not include everything they later do. What they show is what the Fellowship views as important, which is what Soros and his house believes. Ramaswamy’s involvement with COVID-19 is important to Soros, which provides a link between the two.



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93dd9e No.70546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151433 (091946ZJUL23) Notable: Biden admin: Child-killing cluster bombs are only used by ‘war criminals,’ until they’re used by us

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Biden admin: Child-killing cluster bombs are only used by ‘war criminals,’ until they’re used by us

Guest post by Leo Hohmann

The Biden regime has approved cluster bombs for Ukraine, under the justification that “but Russia used them first.”

Watch below as former White House press secretary Jen Psaki condemns the use of cluster bombs as “war crime” in 2022. The overall thrust of her comment suggests that only the “bad guys” would use these little bomblets that tend to be left lying on the ground, unexploded, until little children come along and pick them up, blowing their little bodies to smitherines.

Cluster bombs are widely banned around the world.

In fact, more than 120 nations have agreed to ban them.

They agreed not to use, produce, transfer or stockpile the weapons and to clear them after they’ve been used.

The United States, Russia and Ukraine are among the countries that have not signed on.

Sarah Yager, the Washington director at Human Rights Watch, called the U.S. decision to send these weapons to Ukraine “devastating.”

“They are absolutely awful for civilians,” Yager told Al Jazeera in a television interview. “I think when legislators and policymakers here in the United States see the photos coming back of children with missing limbs, parents injured, killed by our own American cluster munitions, there’s going to be a real awakening to the humanitarian disaster that this is.”

Remember, this is the same wicked administration that has recently approved radiological depleted uranium shells to be used in Ukraine, potentially poisoning some of the world’s most fertile black soil for decades to come.

Revelation 18 speaks of the great Harlot, modern Babylon, being destroyed in the latter days, smashing its ability to traffic in all manner of luxury products including “the bodies and souls of men,” which I explored in my previous article about the story of Tim Ballard in Sound of Freedom.

But another characteristic of the end-times revived Babylonian system, which the Bible says in Revelation 18 will be destroyed “in one hour” is that it wreaks havoc on the earth’s natural environment. The Luciferian oligarchs who run the world love to talk about “saving the plant” with their policies leading to total surveillance and control, but that’s just a Hegelian trap. They don’t care about the environment. They are all about destroying it. From Bill Gates’ effort to dim the sun’s light and various other geoengineering tactics, to the destruction of farmlands, to the polluting of the oceans and lakes and the eventual use of nuclear weapons, the globalists have no regard for the environment. They are hypocrites.

“And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.” Rev. 11:18


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93dd9e No.70547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151441 (091949ZJUL23) Notable: Mexican Government Covers Up Sexual Assault in Congressional Building, Says Politician

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Mexican Government Covers Up Sexual Assault in Congressional Building, Says Politician

A Mexican politician claims that Mexico City’s Attorney General is covering up a sexual assault investigation inside the city’s congressional building. The politician alleges she is the victim, and a male politician is the alleged aggressor.

This week, Luisa Gutierrez Urena, a representative with the National Action Party (PAN), posted a video on social media calling out Mexico City’s Attorney General Ernestina Godoy for allegedly attempting to derail a sexual assault complaint against Nazario Norberto Sanchez. The politician claims that Godoy has been using her position to protect her political allies from facing any criminal charges.

“Sadly, in this case, I am the victim of sexual aggression,” Gutierrez said. “The representative Nazario Norberto Sanchez from the MORENA parliamentary group sexually abused me inside the plenary session of Congress of Mexico City.”

Gutierrez claimed that the security cameras of the congressional building captured the sexual assault in 2021. She claimed that Ernestina Godoy, the current attorney general who had been a politician for the MORENA party in the past, stopped the investigation into her allegations.

The politician claimed that through her lawyer, she learned Mexico City prosecutors are looking to notify her that they will not be criminally charging anyone in the case.She also claimed that there are witnesses to the sexual assault, videos, and even various reports by investigators that prove her accusations.

Gutierrez claimed that she presented a motion before Congress calling for Godoy to stop acting like a MORENA politician and to act as a law enforcement official. The measure failed by one vote, with all of the MORENA members voting against it — including the alleged sexual aggressor Nazario Norberto Sanchez.

“This man is not only the sexual aggressor, but he also votes so that there is no justice in a case where he is the criminal,” she said. “That is how things are in this city.”


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93dd9e No.70548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151461 (091953ZJUL23) Notable: Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile

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Report: Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile

Miles Klee, the writer responsible for a Rolling Stone article mocking the movie “Sound of Freedom,” has made a hasty retreat by locking down his Twitter profile amidst backlash, according to Revolver News.

It is not clear if his tweets have always been protected, although many people believe it’s recent.

It seems Klee couldn’t handle the heat and sought refuge behind locked virtual doors, shielding himself from the consequences of his own derision.

Klee wasted no time unleashing his mockery upon the film, condemning actor Jim Caviezel as an alleged QAnon conspiracy theorist and dismissing the movie as a “Movie for Dads With Brainworms.”

“I watched Jim Caviezel’s QAnon-ish child-trafficking drama “Sound of Freedom” with the kind of muttering, coughing, “Amen!”-bellowing boomers who have made it a right-wing indie hit. Hard to overstate just how disgusting it was!” Klee wrote on his Threads account.

“Sound of Freedom,” a movie that strives to raise awareness about child trafficking, achieved a remarkable feat by surpassing Disney’s Indiana Jones at the box office on July 4th. However, as the film climbed the ladder of success, Klee’s attempt to belittle and undermine its significance proved to be a major misstep.

The online community erupted with criticism, condemning Klee’s article as ‘baseless and disrespectful.’

“To dismiss this movie based on your presumptions and biased is near-sighted, and I hope that you continue to develop and learn about real journalism,” said one user who lost a child to human trafficking.

“You will never understand true pain until your own children have been taken from you and sold like cattle. I will never see mine again and thanks to you, people that read your article won’t give a sh-t either.”

One TGP reader wrote, “You know how low the leftists have sunk, when they are condemning a film about SAVING children from trafficking, like it is a BAD thing, you couldn’t make it up.”

Unable to withstand the relentless backlash, Miles Klee chose to lock down his Twitter profile, hoping to shield himself from the justified criticism. It seems Klee couldn’t handle the heat and sought refuge behind a locked door.


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93dd9e No.70549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151479 (091957ZJUL23) Notable: Nearly 1,000 arrested in largest-ever UK organized crime bust, seized over £131 million in drugs, plus guns and cash, in Operation Mille

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Nearly 1,000 arrested in largest-ever UK organized crime bust

Police in England and Wales have seized over £131 million in drugs, plus guns and cash, in Operation Mille

Police arrested nearly 1,000 people last month and confiscated hundreds of millions of pounds in drugs and cash in the UK’s largest-ever crackdown on organized crime, authorities revealed on Thursday.

Described by the BBC as the “most significant” law enforcement initiative of its kind, Operation Mille netted 180,000 cannabis plants, potentially worth £130 million ($167 million) and 20kg of cocaine worth as much as £1 million in a month of coordinated raids across England and Wales. Police also confiscated 20 guns, 40 other offensive weapons, and £636,000 in cash from targets.

Some 11,000 members of all 43 local and regional police forces in the two countries collaborated with the National Crime Agency and Immigration Enforcement on the raids, serving more than 1,000 warrants at suspected cannabis growing operations.

Of the 967 people arrested during the sweep, over 450 had been charged as of Sunday, Sky News reported.

The strategy was aimed at disrupting organized crime groups by taking out major revenue sources, nabbing the key players, and learning how criminal networks operate, said Steve Jupp, the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for Serious and Organized Crime. He told the BBC that Operation Mille’s goal was much more significant than putting a dent in local cannabis production.

While admitting trade in the drug was often considered “low-level,” he argued its cultivation on a large scale was a proven source of income to organized crime networks, with participants “complicit in wider offending which blights our communities.”

“We know that organized networks involved in cannabis production are also directly linked to an array of other serious criminality such as Class A drug importation, modern slavery and wider violence and exploitation,” Jupp said.

Of particular concern is the exploitation of young people in so-called county lines networks, which use kids as young as 12 who have been lured out of school with offers of fast cash and trinkets to deliver drugs to customers in rural areas. Children are used based on the belief they are unlikely to face serious punishment even if caught with illegal substances. More than 2,000 such gangs are believed to exist in the UK, employing 27,000 youths in selling and transporting drugs.

In 2020, UK police arrested more than 700 suspects and seized £54 million in cash and tons of drugs after intelligence agencies in Europe hacked into EncroChat, an encryption format that was at the time ubiquitous among criminal organizations involved in drugs, weapons, and people smuggling into the UK. EncroPhones were used by 10,000 people in the UK alone and 60,000 worldwide who believed their communications to be secure from eavesdropping.


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93dd9e No.70550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151494 (092001ZJUL23) Notable: “I’m Wondering What’s Going On with Your Campaign?… What Happened?” - Maria Bartiromo Corners Ron DeSantis

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“I’m Wondering What’s Going On with Your Campaign?… What Happened?” – Maria Bartiromo Corners Ron DeSantis in Sunday Interview (VIDEO)

Governor Ron DeSantis joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunder Morning Futures this morning.

Maria did not hesitate to ask the hard questions. Maria cornered Governor DeSantis on his stalled out campaign. DeSantis has failed to put a dent in President Trump’s huge lead in the GOP presidential primary.

Governor DeSantis dismissed claims of a stalled campaign, attributing them to media narratives that seek to undermine his candidacy.

“I’m wondering what’s going on with your campaign? There was a lot of optimism about you running for president earlier in the year, but here’s this weekend’s headline from the Politico playbook, “FAILURE TO LAUNCH — Florida Gov. RON DeSANTIS’ campaign to topple DONALD TRUMP has stalled.” We are way behind, says a top DeSantis PAC official, sounding the alarm. What happened?” asked Maria Bartiromo.

DeSantis asserted that the media is aware of his potential to defeat President Biden and enact policies they may oppose. DeSantis emphasized the significance of building grassroots support in early primary states, highlighting the recent launch of the “mama’s movement” initiative alongside his wife in Iowa. He believes that parents, especially mothers, will play a crucial role in both the primary and general elections.

“Maria, these are narratives. The media does not want me to be the nominee. I think that’s very, very clear. Why? Because they know I’ll beat Biden. But even more importantly, they know I will actually deliver on all these things,” DeSantis said.

Bartiromo brought attention to a recent poll that showed DeSantis trailing former President Donald Trump, who was leading with 56% support compared to DeSantis’s 22%. In response, DeSantis acknowledged Trump’s popularity but focused on addressing the issue of corruption within the justice system. He pledged to end the “weaponization” of government agencies, advocating for the appointment of a new FBI director on day one.

“I think one of the reasons that Donald Trump is in the lead, because of the corruption and the unfairness of our justice system,” said DeSantis.


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93dd9e No.70551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151501 (092002ZJUL23) Notable: The Epiphany of Natly Denise: Dark World of Human Trafficking Leads to Discovery of Purpose

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The Epiphany of Natly Denise: Dark World of Human Trafficking Leads to Discovery of Purpose for Houston, Texas Woman

On a hot summer night in Houston, Natly Denise Diaz walked into the throbbing bass and loud music of a dark cantina on Star Lane.

Eerily welcomed inside by the house’s madam, the burgeoning activist moved cautiously into the small bar — an obvious stranger among the usual patronage.

As she lingered, Natly noticed men of all ages — drinking conspicuously overpriced beer and enjoying the establishment’s more pertinent attractions, “pony girls” as they’re often referred to in the industry.

Every paying customer was another John in the making — either paired up with or waiting for their very own pony girl to use and abuse as they wished.

Across the wide dance floor, Natly could see through the smoky ambiance to the very back of the room, where a well-lit bench kept at least a dozen pony girls on display.

Natly kept scanning the bench — now looking at what she struggled to believe was a child — just 11 or 12 years old, as far as she could tell.

Natly fixed her focus on the unfolding tragedy. Questioning her senses, she asked a companion if her eyes could be lying.

Unfortunately, they were not.

Natly’s fears were confirmed, and a horrible realization went straight into her gut. A child was there to be trafficked and sold.

The little girl, an apparent Latina migrant, wore a short skirt with a bare midriff. She was scantily dressed as a fully-fledged pony girl. A small handbag completed the abhorrent ensemble, meant to inspire perverted lust and quick cash from the degenerate, child-raping clientele.

Natly desperately considered any manner or method she could to remove the terrified child from the colorfully-lit hell of the Houston cantina.

A horrendous yet undeniable reality put a hard check on all hope, however. There was no easy way to affect a fast rescue — escape for the child was impossible. Natly’s heart ached with despair.

By 2015, Natly Denise was relatively familiar with the many harsh realities of human trafficking. After four years of assistance to various victim advocacy groups, she was aware of the atrocities behind the veil.

But nothing prepared her for what she saw at the cantina on that hot summer night — or how it still tortures her thoughts.

In the big cartel business of trafficking children through the many dark cantinas of Houston, even taking a picture puts all lives at risk.


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93dd9e No.70552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151509 (092005ZJUL23) Notable: UK Cancer trust defends calling vagina ‘bonus hole’

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UK Cancer trust defends calling vagina ‘bonus hole’

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust included the term – along with ‘front hole’ – in an LGBT glossary for health professionals

Medical charity Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust has defended suggesting health professionals use the terms ‘bonus hole’ and ‘front hole’ in place of ‘vagina’ to accommodate trans men and non-binary patients for cervical screenings, telling the Daily Mail on Saturday that the guidance on its website is not meant for all patients.

The trust explained the language wasn’t directed at “all women,” but that it was taken from a guide for health professionals looking to encourage trans-men and non-binary female-bodied individuals to come in for cervical cancer screenings.

“It is a list of phrases that nurses may hear some patients prefer,” a spokesperson clarified, noting the glossary had been “developed with expert organizations who work with the LGBT community.”

While admitting that “women are our main audience” at the cervical cancer trust, the spokesperson stressed that Jo’s mission was to screen as many cervixes as possible, no matter whose.

The controversial advice, which has incensed women’s groups, appears on Jo’s website in a glossary titled “Language to use when supporting trans men and/or non-binary people,” partially credited to the LGBT Foundation. ‘Bonus hole’ is defined as “an alternative word for the vagina,” with the qualification, “it is important to check which words someone would prefer to use.”

Accusing Jo’s of “grooming” by seeking to “encourage body dissociation and hatred” among young people, Conservatives for Women founder Caroline Fiske told the Mail Online “these charities promoting harm” should be “struck off” if a legal mechanism is available.

Standing for Women founder Kellie-Jay Keen denounced the glossary as “loathsome” and “so misogynist.” “You would think that charities focused on cervical cancer would have better things to do than erase female language,” she said.

Jo’s website also includes a page designed to help potential patients determine if they have a cervix and why (or why not). Explaining “women are usually born with a cervix,” the site explains that trans men, non-binary people “assigned female at birth,” and even men with a “difference in sex development” might also share the anatomy. Intersex women and those who have undergone a hysterectomy or gender confirmation surgery might not, the charity advises, urging the uncertain to verify with their doctor.

While it is not clear why ‘bonus hole’ went viral last week – the guidance was reportedly posted to Jo’s website in 2020 and is up for review in September – the controversy around transgender medical procedures has reached a fever pitch as the UK and several European countries reversed course on hormone treatment for children.

London’s famed Tavistock gender clinic closed its doors last year after it was accused of rushing impressionable and confused teens into “life-altering treatment on hormone-blocking drugs,” with referrals having surged from 250 in 2011 to 5,000 in 2020.


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93dd9e No.70553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151518 (092006ZJUL23) Notable: New NBC Poll is Devastating for Joe Biden - Majority of Democrat Voters Don’t Even Like Joe

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New NBC Poll is Devastating for Joe Biden – Majority of Democrat Voters Don’t Even Like Joe (VIDEO)

A new NBC News poll spells trouble for Joe Biden.

Just 34% of Americans approve of Joe Biden’s economy dubbed “Bidenomics.”

It’s so bad that even the left-wing media is calling for Joe Biden to step aside.

“The American public is just not feeling it. Just 34% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the economy … and only 20% of voters believe the nation is on the right track,” “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd said.

“Biden is trying to persuade voters that the economy is better than they think it is,” Chuck Todd said.

Bidenomics = High mortgage rates, high inflation rates, collapsed banks, expensive groceries, record high rent, and dwindling retirement accounts.

The popular 30-year fixed-rate mortgage spiked 31 basis points in one week to 7.22%!

The average payment on a $400,000 mortgage is $1,000 more per month than it was 2 years ago.

“The 30-year fixed mortgage rate has now risen 31 basis points in just the past week. For a homebuyer taking out a $400,000 mortgage, the monthly payment of principal and interest rose to $2,720 from $2,637 in just one week.” CNBC reported.

Biden isn’t worried about polls because the fix is in for 2024.

Democrats will use the same game plan they used in 2020. Nominate an unpopular candidate, campaign from the basement, hold few rallies with 20-30 people, mail out millions of ballots, insert drop boxes, use voting machines, late night ballot deliveries after the deadline, keep adding votes to the totals for days after the election, and block GOP workers from the counting rooms.

Joe Biden is the worst president in US history. The economy sucks, inflation is skyrocketing, the border is wide open, his family runs an international crime ring, the White House has cocaine, Biden sniffs kids and babies, he can’t finish a sentence, he’s shipping illegal cluster bombs to kill more people in Ukraine, he surrendered to the Taliban and lost US soldiers at the same time.


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93dd9e No.70554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151525 (092008ZJUL23) Notable: The University of Cincinnati Rescinds Reprimand for Professor Accused of Failing Student Who Used Term ‘Biological Women’

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The University of Cincinnati Rescinds Reprimand for Professor Accused of Failing Student Who Used Term ‘Biological Women’ in Assignment

The Gateway Pundit reported that a student at the University of Cincinnati, Olivia Krolczyk, received a zero on a project for using the term “biological women.”

TGP then reported that the gender studies professor involved in the incident, Melanie Nipper, was ordered to undergo free speech training and received a formal reprimand.

The University of Cincinnati is now backtracking and has reversed the reprimand.

“Please note that this is to be considered a formal reprimand for your actions. A copy of this letter will be placed in your permanent records,” the university told Nipper, according to the June 14 document obtained by the Enquirer.

“It is also understood that any other violations of UC policy may be subject to further disciplinary actions up to and including termination. You are reminded that as an unrepresented, unclassified ‘at will’ employee your employment may be terminated with or without cause.”

In addition to completing training about UC’s free speech policy, she must also submit her future syllabi for the upcoming school year for approval.

The New York Post reports that, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer, “Nipper’s reprimand will be removed from her personnel file. Nipper is still required to complete training about the university’s free speech policy and submit a syllabus to her department head.”

In the original viral TikTok shared by Krolczyk, “I got a zero on a project proposal in my class because I used the term ‘biological women,’ which is apparently not allowed anymore.”


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93dd9e No.70555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151540 (092011ZJUL23) Notable: UK housing market falls at fastest rate since Great Financial Crash

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UK housing market falls at fastest rate since Great Financial Crash

Demand for new homes has dropped as families cannot afford increased mortgage costs, Halifax has said

House prices in the UK fell at the fastest annual rate seen in 12 years last month, Britain’s major mortgage lender, Halifax, announced this week.

Prices for June dropped for the third month in a row by 2.6% year-on-year, after a 1.1% fall in May, in the largest decline since June 2011, according to Halifax. The average cost of a home in Britain totaled £285,932 ($364,320) last month, the lender said in a statement.

The latest slump comes as soaring mortgage rates, driven by a series of interest rate hikes by the Bank of England to curb inflation, have sent jitters through the housing market.

Kim Kinnaird, the director of Halifax Mortgages, said that the “resulting squeeze on affordability will inevitably act as a brake on demand” as buyers consider what they can realistically afford.

Concerns about persistent inflation have led to a significant increase in the cost of funding, according to Kinnaird. Coupled with the base rate rising by another 0.5 percentage points to 5%, this contributed to a “big jump” in typical mortgage rates over the last month.

With markets now forecasting a peak in Bank Rate of over 6%, the likelihood is that mortgage rates will remain higher for longer, and the squeeze on household finances will continue to put downward pressure on house prices over the coming year,” he added.

Traders are expecting the Bank of England to further increase rates to 6.5% by December, which would be the highest level since 1998. Analysts project house prices in the UK to drop as much as 10% from their peak in the summer of last year.


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93dd9e No.70556

File: 4334430ee4f781a⋯.png (490.75 KB,788x808,197:202,Clipboard.png)

File: 40c32d5ef080d34⋯.png (109.92 KB,580x553,580:553,Clipboard.png)

File: e6f5a31926faa61⋯.png (152.97 KB,676x492,169:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151542 (092011ZJUL23) Notable: An overview of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Leaders for Tomorrow (1993-2003

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An overview of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Leaders for Tomorrow (1993-2003) and Young Global Leaders (since 2005) in politics and the media.


1) Introduction ↓ 2) Young Global Leaders ↓ 3) Fact Checks ↓ 4) Appendix ↓


The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) is a premier forum for governments, global corporations and international entrepreneurs. Founded in 1971 by German engineer and economist, Dr. Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world”. According to its website, “moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”

The World Economic Forum has been running, since 1993, a program called Global Leaders for Tomorrow, rebranded, in 2005, as Young Global Leaders. This program aims at identifying, selecting and promoting future global leaders in both business and politics. Indeed, quite a few Young Global Leaders have later managed to become Presidents, Prime Ministers, or CEOs (see below). In a speech in 2017, WEF founder Klaus Schwab described this process as “penetrating the Cabinets”.

There is some evidence that the founding of the WEF in 1971 may have been a CIA-directed Cold War initiative, inspired by Henry Kissinger, to coordinate and educate Western leaders (similar to the left-wing “Congress for Cultural Freedom”, later exposed as a CIA platform). If so, the WEF Young Global Leaders may have to be seen as CIA-selected political and economic leaders.

Young Global Leaders

There follows an overview of WEF Young Global Leaders (2005-2021) and Global Leaders for Tomorrow (1993-2003) in politics and the media. The list may not be exhaustive.

Sources: Young Global Leaders and Global Leaders for Tomorrow on WikiSpooks and the official WEF Young Global Leaders website.

United States

Politics and Policy

California Governor Gavin Newsom (selected in 2005), Pete Buttigieg (Presidential candidate in 2020, selected in 2019), Chelsea Clinton (Clinton Foundation board member), Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton aide, selected in 2012), Nikki Haley (US ambassador to the UN, 2017-2018), Samantha Power (US ambassador to the UN, 2013-2017, USAID Administrator since 2021), Adam Kinzinger (2005), Ian Bremmer (founder of Eurasia Group), Bill Browder (initiator of the Magnitsky Act), Jonathan Soros (son of George Soros), Kenneth Roth (director of “Human Rights Watch” since 1993), Paul Krugman (economist, selected in 1995), Lawrence Summers (former World Bank Chief Economist, former US Treasury Secretary, former Harvard University President, selected in 1993), Alicia Garza (co-founder of Black Lives Matter, selected in 2020), Stéphane Bancel (Moderna CEO), Jeffrey Zients (White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, selected in 2003).


CNN host Fareed Zakaria (2001), CNN anchor Anderson Cooper (2008), CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta (2010), Andrew Ross Sorkin (New York Times, 2007), Thomas Friedman (New York Times, 1995), George Stephanopoulos (ABC News, 1993), Lachlan Murdoch (CEO of Fox Corporation, 1997), Maria Bartiromo (Fox Business).

Technology and Social Media

Microsoft founder Bill Gates (1993), former Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer (selected in 1995), Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (1998), Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (2002/2005), former Google CEO Eric Schmidt (2001-2017, selected in 1997), Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales (2007), PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel (2007), eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar (1999), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (2009), Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (2007), Google Jigsaw CEO Jared Cohen (2014).

Note: US congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and US entrepreneur Elon Musk were nominated as WEF Young Global Leaders but apparently never participated in the program (see here and here).

Great Britain

Former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (both selected in 1993), William Hague (Foreign Secretary, 2010-2014), Lynn Forester de Rothschild (co-owner of The Economist), Nathaniel Rothschild (son of Lord Rothschild), historian Niall Ferguson (selected in 2005), Charles Allen (CEO of ITV, 2004-2007; Chairman of EMI, 2008-2010), Caterhine Howarth (board member of the Scott Trust, owner of The Guardian), Dawood Azami (BBC World Service journalist), Professor in Public Health Devi Sridhar (selected in 2020/21).




>WEF has scrubbed many of the pages implicating the past Young Global Leaders who have "penetrated ze cabinets".



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93dd9e No.70557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151551 (092014ZJUL23) Notable: BBC Suspends Male Presenter Amid Teen Sex Pic Scandal, Does Not Reveal Name

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UK government holds talks with BBC over child sexting scandal

An unnamed presenter reportedly paid a teenage girl for explicit photos

The British government has urged the BBC to “urgently” investigate claims that one of its presenters paid a teenage girl more than £35,000 ($45,000) for sexually explicit images. Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer spoke to BBC chief Tim Davie about the allegations on Sunday.

“As a public service broadcaster in receipt of public funding, senior officials have stressed to the BBC that the allegations must be investigated urgently and sensitively,” the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) said in a statement on Sunday.

Frazer addressed the allegations in a phone call with Davie later in the afternoon. In a post on Twitter, she said that Davie “assured me the BBC are investigating swiftly and sensitively.”

The BBC has an extensive record of failing to deal with child sexual abuse committed by the stars on its roster. Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, and Rolf Harris all abused children while working for the broadcaster, with Hall and Harris both serving sentences for indecent assault. Savile’s alleged crimes – which involved up to 450 victims over five decades – became widely known after his death in 2011.

According to the alleged victim’s mother, the presenter began exchanging messages with her daughter in 2020, when she was 17 years old. Over the next three years, the presenter sent the teen more than £35,000 in exchange for “performances,” the mother told The Sun, which broke the story on Friday.

The money reportedly kept coming as the teen developed a crack cocaine addiction. The mother claimed to have seen evidence of video calls between the presenter and her daughter, in which the TV star appeared in his underwear. The mother first went to the BBC with her allegations in May, and the presenter was taken off the air last week, The Sun reported.

“I loved watching him on TV, so I was shocked to see a picture of him sitting on a sofa in his house in his underwear. I immediately recognized him,” the mother told the newspaper.

BBC stars Jeremy Vine, Rylan Clark, Gary Lineker, and Nicky Campbell have all publicly denied that they are the presenter in question.


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93dd9e No.70558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151575 (092018ZJUL23) Notable: CIA’s Secret Mosquito Experiments In India???

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CIA’s Secret Mosquito Experiments In India

Not sure the story actually establishes the link directly to the C_A. However, these sentences caught my attention:

They specifically unveiled the U.S.’s involvement in biological warfare, cleverly concealed by the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), within GCMU. Contrary to the agreement between the WHO and the Government of India, the GCMU diverted its efforts from malaria research to filarial vector control, even though the disease was not endemic in the region.

GCMU stands for Genetic Control of Mosquitos Unit!!

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93dd9e No.70559

File: 805ee293d2511c0⋯.png (361.11 KB,686x930,343:465,Clipboard.png)

File: 065fc07c4417c4c⋯.png (208.64 KB,848x942,424:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151625 (092028ZJUL23) Notable: 2015 DEA: 'Yes,' Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim Is Linked to Drugs/no trust for 3 letters

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DEA: 'Yes,' Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim Is Linked to Drugs

By: OIivier Acuña

Published 10 December 2015

Many suspect he is the frontman for former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, while a Mexican researcher said even former presidents are scared of talking about him.

Mexican reporter, writer and filmmaker Diego Enrique Osorno recently published a book of one of the world's “allegedly” richest people, Mexican businessman Carlos Slim, who in 2011 was linked to drug trafficking by a DEA agent. In his book, Osorno writes that former Mexican presidents were “very fearful” of speaking about Slim. In March, Forbes said he was second only to Bill Gates in terms of riches, with a fortune hovering near US$80 billion.

WikiLeaks recently revealed emails dated April 2011, that confirm that Slim is involved in drug trafficking.

The first email is by Anya Alfano of global intelligence agency Strategic Forecasting, Inc., who was tasked with addressing Dell’s concerns about Slim. She wrote to Stratfor's head of intelligence Fred Burton:

“Do we have any information about where Carlos Slim fits into the [drug) cartel dynamics that we’ve seen in Mexico? … Should clients have any concerns about dealing with him professionally?”

Burton then asks DEA Special Agent William F. Dionne the question:

“Billy, is the MX billionaire Carlos Slim linked to the narcos?”

Dionne replies, “Regarding your question, the MX telecommunication billionaire is.”

The Frontman for Former President Salinas de Gortari

I write “allegedly” the richest person because most of the fortune that is attributed to Slim actually belongs to one of Mexico's biggest thieves, former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

A few months after his term ended, in December 1994, Salinas fled the country, leaving it in economic shambles. The situation was so grave that then U.S. President Bill Clinton felt forced to step in and order his Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin to transfer US$20 billion in emergency funds to then Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, who took the opportunity to buy himself a mansion worth close to US$1 million.



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93dd9e No.70560

File: c6f87475ba0dce7⋯.png (113.38 KB,658x811,658:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fd05b7254f62be⋯.png (134.81 KB,629x853,629:853,Clipboard.png)

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File: 286cb256a55de37⋯.png (116.15 KB,614x845,614:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 1923b8d1c86ca28⋯.png (124.48 KB,640x848,40:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151666 (092038ZJUL23) Notable: “State child-protection laws penalize the ‘sale or distribution … of obscene matter,'” the letter states (pdf), which includes items with sexual themes and material harmful to minors

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“State child-protection laws penalize the ‘sale or distribution … of obscene matter,'” the letter states (pdf), which includes items with sexual themes and material harmful to minors.

“Indiana, as well as other states, have passed laws to protect children from harmful content meant to sexualize them and prohibit gender transitions of children.”


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93dd9e No.70561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151699 (092046ZJUL23) Notable: #23521

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#23521 >>70526

>>70522, >>70527, >>70528, >>70532, >>70533, >>70538 Wow Trump calls them out! , who paid for the movie sounds of freedom, carlos Slim, do your research on Carlos

>>70523 More than 700 arrested in ‘biggest ever’ UK operation against organised crime after encrypted phone network cracked

>>70524 Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

>>70529 How US and UK Government Propaganda Specialists Collaborated with Nazis in Ukraine

>>70530 Treasury Sec. Yellen literally bows to CCP counterpart, describes official China trip as 'successful'

>>70531 @cbs_herridge Letter @ChuckGrassley to US Attorney Weiss obtained @CBSNews detailing Oct. 2020 briefing on alleged bribery scheme involving then-VP Biden + Hunter Biden

>>70534 YouTube Censors Australian Politician's Maiden Speech To Parliament

>>70535, >>70542 Musk’s Tesla Pledges to Uphold ‘Core Socialist Values’ for Communist China

>>70536 Today is the 61st anniversary of Starfish Prime

>>70537 Planned Parenthood pushes week-long 'sex ed summer camp'; entices teens with $150 gift card, free lunch

>>70539, >>70548 Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile

>>70540 Biden Doubles Down, Refusing Netanyahu Visit over ‘Extreme’ Cabinet Members

>>70541, >>70557 BBC Suspends Male Presenter Amid Teen Sex Pic Scandal, Does Not Reveal Name

>>70543 Lawmakers have criticized a resolution by Senator Lindsey Graham that pushes for Kiev’s admittance to NATO

>>70544 ‘Go to hell,’ Ukraine tells anti-cluster bomb German MP

>>70545 Vivek Ramaswamy's Soros connection

>>70546 Biden admin: Child-killing cluster bombs are only used by ‘war criminals,’ until they’re used by us

>>70547 Mexican Government Covers Up Sexual Assault in Congressional Building, Says Politician

>>70549 Nearly 1,000 arrested in largest-ever UK organized crime bust, seized over £131 million in drugs, plus guns and cash, in Operation Mille

>>70550 “I’m Wondering What’s Going On with Your Campaign?… What Happened?” - Maria Bartiromo Corners Ron DeSantis

>>70551 The Epiphany of Natly Denise: Dark World of Human Trafficking Leads to Discovery of Purpose

>>70552 UK Cancer trust defends calling vagina ‘bonus hole’

>>70553 New NBC Poll is Devastating for Joe Biden - Majority of Democrat Voters Don’t Even Like Joe

>>70554 The University of Cincinnati Rescinds Reprimand for Professor Accused of Failing Student Who Used Term ‘Biological Women’

>>70555 UK housing market falls at fastest rate since Great Financial Crash

>>70556 An overview of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Leaders for Tomorrow (1993-2003

>>70558 CIA’s Secret Mosquito Experiments In India???

>>70559 2015 DEA: 'Yes,' Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim Is Linked to Drugs/no trust for 3 letters

>>70560 “State child-protection laws penalize the ‘sale or distribution … of obscene matter,'” the letter states (pdf), which includes items with sexual themes and material harmful to minors


>>>/qresearch/19151694 all guud

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93dd9e No.70562

File: 3b354b5345458f2⋯.png (324.75 KB,606x345,202:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bdb463a564c82a⋯.jpg (236.03 KB,889x1619,889:1619,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151708 (092047ZJUL23) Notable: #23522

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93dd9e No.70563

File: 25de5c50af874f8⋯.png (669.28 KB,908x692,227:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151764 (092101ZJUL23) Notable: Sen. John Kennedy Responds to Cocainegate in a Way Only He Can

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Sen. John Kennedy Responds to Cocainegate

in a Way Only He Can

PJ Media, by Matt Margolis

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 7/9/2023 4:11:24 PM

Video Player is loading.

It’s clear to anyone who is paying attention that the Biden administration is actively trying to cover up the truth regarding the cocaine that was found in the White House. Not only has the story as to where the cocaine was found changed multiple times, but the administration also curiously refuses to explicitly deny that the cocaine belonged to a Biden family member and hasn’t committed to fully prosecuting the responsible party. Meanwhile, the White House is aggressively setting expectations really low as to whether the culprit will ever be found and blasting the media for questioning

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93dd9e No.70564

File: 785afb1d5a6b373⋯.png (104.47 KB,914x927,914:927,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e4eac14ae490c1⋯.png (409.22 KB,895x901,895:901,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151815 (092111ZJUL23) Notable: DOJ’s ‘War Crimes Accountability Team’ and ICPA to Veil Biden’s Biowarfare, Money Laundering, Fraud and Worse

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INTERNATIONAL COVER-UP: DOJ’s ‘War Crimes Accountability Team’ and ICPA to Veil Biden’s Biowarfare, Money Laundering, Fraud and Worse

We must pause to accept that the current state of the US Department of Justice is that it’s a politicized and weaponized instrument of “lawfare” and judicial retribution against the political enemies of Joe Biden.

It bears a simple and rhetorical question: Why would Biden’s DOJ be interested in sorting-out and prosecuting corruption in Ukraine, when the the Biden Crime Family’s corruption and crime threads right through the heart of Ukraine?

Occam’s delivers the answer: It’s a cover-up operation.

Biden’s political enemies include President Donald Trump, those under his umbrella and the tens of millions of Americans who ardently support him.

The assumption here permits us to view the federal agencies and departments through a lens of ulterior means and ends.

What are they really doing and seeking to accomplish in Ukraine?

That lens led to this analysis from the first article:

The ICPA is an international cover-up operation for the massive Ukrainian international money laundering operation and US Attorney General Merrick Garland is integral to its planning, formulation, operations and outcomes.

The ICPA even indicates that Russia is not subject to prosecution for its primary prosecutorial objective.

This makes the ICPA; at least from the US perspective, an organization functioning outside of explicitly stated purposes and therefore fueled by an ulterior agenda.

For the US, the ICPA permits it to maintain its fraudulent Ukraine narrative focused on blaming all of its own criminality and crimes against humanity on its favorite ‘boogeyman’, Russia, while it vacuums-up and seals away evidence of the Bidens’ severe and egregious criminality.

The evidence for this is found in the appointment of Special Prosecutor to the ICPA, Jessica H. Kim. As defined by the established narrative and despite the jurisdiction of Eurojust and ICPA, Kim’s exact areas of expertise have little to do with “aggression against Ukraine” and everything to do with the corruption, criminality and treason coming out of the Biden Administration and its departments: matters of national security, organized crime, enterprise fraud, investment fraud, corporate fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, cybercrimes and more.



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93dd9e No.70565

File: caada4479cb6a38⋯.png (808 KB,840x560,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: a03be1437afc969⋯.png (53.6 KB,929x498,929:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151825 (092113ZJUL23) Notable: DOJ’s ‘War Crimes Accountability Team’ and ICPA to Veil Biden’s Biowarfare, Money Laundering, Fraud and Worse

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The foundation of it goes back to the genesis of the ‘War Crimes Accountability Team’ in September 2022

On 20 Sep 22, US Attorney General Merrick Garland and Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin executed a Memorandum of Understanding.

Joe Biden has an established history of tampering with the analog to other nations’ Attorney General and DOJ.

In particular, Biden in 2016 threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire Prosecutor Victor Shokin, who was investigating the corruption of Hunter Biden and his private equity dealings with Burisma, which entangle Joe Biden.

Shokin investigated the case before his termination due to pressure applied by then-Vice President Joe Biden, who then later bragged about the firing in 2018.

The MOU was executed by Garland and Kostin to, “step up our common efforts in ensuring accountability for international crimes. Through establishing a formal framework of cooperation, we will strengthen effective investigation and prosecution of crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine and provide a measure of justice to victims,” said Ukraine Prosecutor General Kostin.

The U.S.-Ukraine MOU will promote efficiency in investigations and prosecutions by, consistent with national laws, removing barriers to timely and effective exchanges of information and evidence in investigations and prosecutions by the two countries, and increasing the ease with which technical cooperation may be provided.

The MOU builds on prior efforts by the department following the Attorney General’s trip to Ukraine on June 21, 2022.

During that trip, Attorney General Garland announced the launch of a War Crimes Accountability Team to centralize and strengthen the Justice Department’s ongoing work to hold accountable those who have committed war crimes and other atrocities in Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s unprovoked invasion.

The team brings together the department’s leading experts in investigations involving human rights abuses, war crimes, and other atrocities; and provides wide-ranging technical assistance, including operational assistance and advice regarding criminal prosecutions, evidence collection, forensics, and relevant legal analysis.

DOJ Office of Public Affairs

This aggregate of the ICPA special prosecutor and the WCAT MOU are two facets of a multifacted cover-up operation installed by AG Garland and his weaponized DOJ.

When the precise areas of ICPA Special Prosecutor Jessica Kim’s [matters of national security, organized crime, enterprise fraud, investment fraud, corporate fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, cybercrimes and more] and WCAT resident legal advisor Jared Kimball’s [rule of law, anti-corruption, terrorism, counterterrorism and counterterrorism strategy] combined scope of expertise is examined, it represents a perfect overlay for Biden’s corruption and criminality [enterprise fraud, money laundering, war crimes, international terrorism and biowarfare] in Ukraine.

I’ve written several hundred articles on Joe Biden’s corruption, crimes and war crimes in Ukraine; branding the country as the keystone of corruption and one of two ‘epicenters’ for Biden’s corruption crime and treason.





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93dd9e No.70566

File: 69608f07b48f84b⋯.png (261.28 KB,423x803,423:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151847 (092118ZJUL23) Notable: @SenRonJohnson discusses the DOJ arresting and silencing Dr. Gal Luft in November 2022

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.@SenRonJohnson discusses the DOJ arresting and silencing Dr. Gal Luft in November 2022, after their refusal to investigate Luft's March 2019 evidence suggesting the Bidens used an FBI mole named "One Eye" to exchange classified information for bribe money from CEFC China Energy.

"What's very interesting about Dr. Luft is he's an energy expert who had a think-tank and consulted with people like CIA Director James Woolsey and Robert McFarlane, and he was consulting with CEFC. The same Chinese company connected to the Communist Party that was paying the Bidens millions of dollars.

When he heard that Joe Biden was going to run for president, that alarmed him because he knew how compromised that Joe Biden would be. So, he met with two prosecutors from the SDNY and four FBI agents in Brussels in March of 2019.

What's interesting about those individuals is one of those prosecutors from SDNY is the same prosecutor that prosecuted Patrick Ho, the CEFC money launderer that paid Hunter Biden $1 million to defend him, and in that trial, he prevented the name of the Bidens from being brought into court. Also, one of the FBI agents was the same agent that signed the subpoena from the Hunter Biden laptop.

What Dr. Luft has shown is the same financial transaction, the millions of dollars, the $100,000 per month retainer, and $65,000 per month for James Biden paid by CEFC. He's got a wealth of information, but they never followed up on that meeting. Instead, they arrested him in Cyprus to silence him... He's an important witness, he needs to be granted immunity to be able to testify and tell his story."



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93dd9e No.70567

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151848 (092118ZJUL23) Notable: CIA Child Sex Ring-The Finders | Documentary: Who Will Find What the Finders Hide?

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video and link to fbi vault on the finders, The c.i.a killed JFK and so much moar, red pill the masses with this documentary and the link to below to the finders.


❗CIA Child Sex Ring-The Finders | Documentary: Who Will Find What the Finders Hide?




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93dd9e No.70568

File: 1eb6509de849542⋯.png (425.97 KB,726x892,363:446,Clipboard.png)

File: ca75fa8fa3485f7⋯.png (465.47 KB,731x839,731:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 131ec78ac0d9b13⋯.png (417.17 KB,733x751,733:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bcdab45baffd8a⋯.png (380.21 KB,743x920,743:920,Clipboard.png)

File: b3fbc7696c118cc⋯.png (408.89 KB,725x916,725:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151862 (092121ZJUL23) Notable: NATO’s Jihadist Blackmails Putin for $5million at Month/Erdogan uses Zelensky to Save the Turkish Duties on Black Sea Grain Initiative

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NATO’s Jihadist Blackmails Putin for $5million at Month

Erdogan uses Zelensky to Save the Turkish Duties on Black Sea Grain Initiative. Turkish President said that Ukraine deserves to join NATO and later allowed former commanders of the neo-Nazi Azov regiment to return to Ukraine making a “direct violation” of the 2022 prisoner swap deal between Moscow and Kiev, according to Kremlin spokesman

After the earthquake emergency in Turkey, with the doubt that it was caused by Western 007 undermining some of the too many oil wells built insanely on an underground fault line with very high seismic risk, and victory in the presidential elections was obtained thanks to the international support of Russia and the countries Muslims (Iran and Syria), the NATO jihadist Recep Tayyip Erdoğan returns to take on the role of cynical dictator of an almost rogue-nation that is ready to challenge every rule in order to resume the role of needle of the balance in the geopolitical, as well as military, clash between Moscow and Kiev, supported more and more obsessively by the countries of the Atlantic Alliance in armaments.

Aware of having defeated his challenger wanted by George Soros and the pro-LGBT West to renew the fundamentalist anti-gender culture of the Muslim Brotherhood, a religious and political organization born out of the need of British Freemasonry like the Zionist Movement in Israel, Erdogan can return to play the double and triple game in which he proved to be a master in Syria on the skin of the Kurds and Christians massacred in Rojava and in the province of Idlib by jihadist mercenaries recruited by freeing the commanders of ISIS and Al Qaeda from prisons.

This is certified history. And also applauded by NATO when the Turkish president sent 14,000 of these guerrillas to Libya, including at least 229 internationally wanted terrorists. If James Bond had a license to kill from Her British Majesty’s MI6 counter-espionage, Erdogan has a license to exterminate from the Atlantic Alliance in all those areas where, unlike Ukraine, the false moral rule of supporting and defending the invaded country does not apply (as in Syria).

Erdogan uses Zelensky to provoke Moscow about USA-Gates Grain

This is why the Turkish president can afford to play the role of fake mediator in the conflict between Moscow, Kiev and Brussels by posing as a loyal NATO ally without wanting to rage against Russia with which he has too many trade relations to apply the sanctions wanted by the West .

That is why Erdogan cares nothing about the fate of Ukraine or Russia but only credits his position as a “neutral” state to strengthen his geopolitical influence and his economy in order to increase the military power of his army which is already the second of NATO with its 350,000 soldiers (second in number only to the USA).



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93dd9e No.70569

File: ee40a94ecd5599f⋯.png (509.22 KB,739x674,739:674,Clipboard.png)

File: 36d644c0093d006⋯.png (456.33 KB,749x930,749:930,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b56778a7ecc122⋯.png (383.36 KB,755x838,755:838,Clipboard.png)

File: 574a00271cfa768⋯.png (624.75 KB,754x916,377:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151872 (092124ZJUL23) Notable: NATO’s Jihadist Blackmails Putin for $5million at Month/Erdogan uses Zelensky to Save the Turkish Duties on Black Sea Grain Initiative

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On the other hand, Russia has already announced that it does not want to extend the treaty for military reasons: “We are thinking of exiting the grain agreement, especially if the corridor is used by Ukraine for attacks with the help of drones,” he told mid-June, Russian President Vladimir Putin in a meeting with war correspondents in Moscow in reference to the attacks attempted by unmanned aircraft of the Ukrainian army both on the Crimean peninsula but also on civilian targets on the Russian border territory and even in the capital.

Ukraine’s entry into NATO also rejected by Biden

Hence the prompt provocative reaction of Turkish President Erdogan.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday said that Ukraine deserves to join NATO echoing the words of NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg used for years also with the aim of provoking the Russian invasion and as forecast by New World Order’s mastermind George Soros in the far 1993.

“We have always expressed our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said at a news conference in Istanbul following talks with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. “Ukraine deserves to be a NATO member.” added Erdogan.

Turkey’s backing could jeopardize its ties with Russia, after the Kremlin warned it was watching Zelenskiy’s visit “very closely”. Erdogan said he will personally brief Putin on the negotiations during the Russian president’s visit next month. But the Kremlin has taken care to say that there is no date set yet…

The act is clearly provocative because even US President Joe Biden, who is expected to have the US Congress ratify the entry of the new ally,

“I don’t think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war,” Biden said. “For example, if you did that, then, you know – and I mean what I say – we’re determined to commit every inch of territory that is NATO territory. It’s a commitment that we’ve all made, no matter what. If the war is going on, then we’re all in war. We’re at war with Russia, if that were the case.”.

The Liberation of Prisoners of the Azov Battalion held in Ankara

The second move that prompted immediate condemnation from the Kremlin was even more mocking.


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93dd9e No.70570

File: 2ab9feb2888835c⋯.jpeg (844.58 KB,1170x1274,45:49,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151873 (092124ZJUL23) Notable: Stargazers could catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights across 17 states this week as solar storm is set to hit US

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US anons:

Stargazers could catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights across 17 states this week as solar storm is set to hit US


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93dd9e No.70571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151877 (092125ZJUL23) Notable: The resident arrives at Winfield House Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom

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5:35 PM

Official Schedule

The President arrives at Winfield House Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom


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93dd9e No.70572

File: 0c32a515fdcc725⋯.png (771.53 KB,831x707,831:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ae25ddb137c4e2⋯.png (316.43 KB,548x786,274:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151949 (092140ZJUL23) Notable: Georgia Mayor Accused Of Breaking Into Lake House, Held At Gunpoint

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Georgia Mayor Accused Of Breaking Into Lake House, Held At Gunpoint

1:16 PM – Sunday, July 9, 2023

According to police and the affected homeowner, Georgia Mayor Khalid Kamau was jailed for reportedly breaking into a lake house he desired and approaching the terrified homeowner while yelling, “Do you know who the f-k I am?”

South Fulton Mayor Khalid Kamau was arrested on Saturday after a resident reported a trespasser at his property on Cascade Palmetto Highway at 6:52 a.m.

While the victim was speaking with police, Kamau yelled at him many times, shouting, “Do you know who the f-k I am?… I’m the mayor, and I’ll wait for my police to arrive and see what happens,” WSB-TV reported.

Kamau has since refrained from making any comment on the incident, instead complimenting the South Fulton Police Department for their quick reaction.

“I do want to thank the South Fulton police and the staff of officers for their courteous and professional service throughout the day,” he told reporters after being released from jail on an $11,000 bond.

According to the police report, the mayor told authorities he was on his way to a dog park when he stopped by the property, stating that it was his “dream home” and that he hoped to buy it one day.

The mayor then revealed to authorities that he was aware that he was trespassing on the homeowner’s property, however, he told an Atlanta-based news station that he thought the house had been “abandoned.”

When the homeowner, who has not been named publicly, raced to get dressed and contacted police from inside his truck, he observed the mayor come up his driveway and approach the house.

The home’s owner then approached Kamau and held him at gunpoint until police came, urging the mayor to remain still.

“No, motherf–ker, you stay right there,” the homeowner told him, according to Kamau.

According to the mayor, he apologized to the homeowner and explained who he was. When the homeowner told him to wait for the cops, Kamau allegedly said, “Are you going to shoot me while I’m walking away?”

The mayor was charged with criminal trespass and first-degree burglary and was taken into the Fulton County Jail before being released on bail.

City authorities stated that the inquiry is underway and did not disclose any other information about the case.

“The city of South Fulton is committed to upholding the law and ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their position, are subject to the same fair and just treatment,” officials said.


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93dd9e No.70573

File: c7fc0f06cecc7c7⋯.png (625.62 KB,880x934,440:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151957 (092142ZJUL23) Notable: wef listings are bullshit, AND ARE USED TO DIVIDE US

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>>>/qresearch/19151732 PB

>>There is an Indian guy suing them for listing him, IIRC.

>>>/qresearch/19151720 PB

VERY notable PB

wef listings are bullshit, AND ARE USED TO DIVIDE US


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93dd9e No.70574

File: 98713e0381ee4d0⋯.png (252.5 KB,1094x1086,547:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151967 (092142ZJUL23) Notable: Business Council of Australia … or Business Council of Foreign Multinationals?

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Business Council of Australia … or Business Council of Foreign Multinationals?

A new report confirms that Big Business in Australia is totally dominated by foreign owners, particularly the fossil fuels export sector now whining, make that ‘always whining’, about modest tweaks to curb their profiteering. What’s the scam?

This journal has been saying it for years. The scam is that the media follows daily the agendas set by the business lobby – the likes of the Business Council of Australia, The Minerals Council of Australia and APPEA (Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association) – and the business lobby is foreign controlled.

Likewise, the bureaucracy and politicians are daily lobbied therefore by agents of foreign interference. Ergo, we get owned. Research from David Richardson and Clinton Fernandes:

Despite this, and despite the business lobby’s incessant carping about how government should be following their policy advice, oil and gas lobby APPEA does not even adhere to basic transparency and disclosure.


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93dd9e No.70575

File: 0ee3e8bf3ef17af⋯.png (61.25 KB,722x397,722:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f4c98f548fb76a⋯.png (468.62 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: f474c27b41ebb87⋯.png (195.94 KB,634x542,317:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152162 (092221ZJUL23) Notable: Pilot killed along with five others when small plane crashed 500ft from the runway in California - after telling air traffic control he could not see the landing strip in dense fog

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Pilot killed along with five others when small plane crashed 500ft from the runway in California - after telling air traffic control he could not see the landing strip in dense fog

Updated 17:34 EDT, 9 July 2023

- A Cessna C550 Citation jet crashed in Southern California killing all six on board

- The pilot was attempting to land but a dense layer of fog compromised visibility

- It is the second fatal incident at the French Valley Airport in less than a week

A pilot was killed along with five others when their small plane crashed 500ft from a runway in California - after warning air traffic control he could not see the landing strip in dense fog.

A Cessna C550 Citation jet was attempting to land at around 4.15am on Saturday at the French Valley Airport between Los Angeles and San Diego when foggy conditions prevented the pilot from clearly seeing the runway.

After aborting an initial landing attempt, the jet crashed when it missed the runway by around 500 feet and went up in flames.

Everyone on board the plane, which was arriving from Las Vegas, died in the crash, according to the Riverside County Fire Department.

The pilot was 25-year-old Riese Lenders and on board were two married couples and 31-year-old Lindsey Gleiche of Huntington Beach.

The couples were Manuel Vargas-Regalado, 32, and his wife Abigail Tellez-Vargas, 33, as well as Ibrahem Razick, 46, and his wife Alma, 51.

The crash was the second fatal incident at French Valley Airport in less than a week - on Tuesday a single-engine Cessna 172 crashed in the parking lot soon after taking off, killing one of the four people on board.

The resulting fire set alight an acre of vegetation before crews were able to put it out.

National Transportation Safety Board said in a press conference held on Saturday that a 'marine layer' of fog - common around coastal southern California - had descended upon the runway.

The pilot told air traffic controllers that he was going to perform a go around and abort his first landing, which they approved.

Flight tracking information from Flight Aware shows that the twin-jet aircraft abandoned its first attempt at an altitude of less than 1,600 feet and a speed of around 170 mph.

It then looped back around and attempted to make the landing the second time, but crashed several hundred feet before the runway, around 58 minutes after it took off from Harry Reid International in Nevada.

Photos captured later in the morning during the recovery phase showed thick fog around the airport

French Valley is an airport in the hills north of San Diego at an altitude of around 1,350 feet.

The plane that crashed taking off from the airport on Tuesday was being piloted by a father who was flying with his three children. He died and the children survived.

In November 2021, a pilot died on a hillside near the airport after crashing his Zodiac plane. When deputies arrived, they found the man, the plane's sole occupant, dead inside the aircraft.


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93dd9e No.70576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152238 (092235ZJUL23) Notable: Pat King, of the Freedom Convoy, is back on YouTube with an update after a year and a half.

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Pat King, of the Freedom Convoy, is back on YouTube with an update after a year and a half.


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93dd9e No.70577

File: 510418bcd614496⋯.jpg (22.49 KB,393x355,393:355,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 40f0c396795d931⋯.png (267.39 KB,614x894,307:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152261 (092239ZJUL23) Notable: Musk on NSFW

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See new Tweets


Libs of TikTok




Hi @elonmusk

, these are just some of the messages I received in the past week. I’ve been shadowbanned for weeks now. Is there a reason why accounts are still getting throttled like this in Twitter 2.0?


You Retweeted

Elon Musk



Your account was labeled as NSFW by our dick pic bot on 6/26, because you posted media with nudity from Pride parades.

Corrective action is to label the individual posts as NSFW, rather than the whole account. Should be fixed now.

9:47 AM · Jul 9, 2023




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93dd9e No.70578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152337 (092259ZJUL23) Notable: My “in the know friends” went to the “Sound of Freedom” today, this is their comments

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My “in the know friends” went to the “Sound of Freedom” today, this is their comments:

We just saw Sound of Freedom. Wow. Could heard a pin drop for 2 hours. Surrounded by all ages. We all applauded at the end. Powerful. So many numbers and phrases. The nod to the MILLSTONES my fucking favorite. Watch it. Feel the good people around you. Its a God moment for sure. Love u Anon. KEEP FIGHTING NEVER STOP!!

When he said the millstone bit I think I whooped out loud. I pointed at the screen YES. People literally barely moved. My hands were fists. Brings back the searing anger all over my body. No one will understand our journey unless they were there from the beginning. Couldn't eat pizza for months I remember.

Don't forget, the plan started long long ago. Easily movies could be in the works. Jim Caviezel says at the end how difficult it was to get produced. Pedos I guess stopping at every point in Pedowood. Just like Its A Wonderful Life took 10-12 years. Jimmy Stewart waited all that time. They hate anything with God, angels, and virtues and hope.

Its been a long horrid journey. But those people surrounding us in a nearly sold out movie on Sunday afternoon gives us HOPE !!!!!!

We were silent on way home. Radio on low.What comes on....WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT!!!!!God nod :)

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93dd9e No.70579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152458 (092327ZJUL23) Notable: #23522

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#23522 >>70562

>>70563 Sen. John Kennedy Responds to Cocainegate in a Way Only He Can

>>70564, >>70565 DOJ’s ‘War Crimes Accountability Team’ and ICPA to Veil Biden’s Biowarfare, Money Laundering, Fraud and Worse

>>70566 @SenRonJohnson discusses the DOJ arresting and silencing Dr. Gal Luft in November 2022

>>70567 CIA Child Sex Ring-The Finders | Documentary: Who Will Find What the Finders Hide?

>>70568, >>70569 NATO’s Jihadist Blackmails Putin for $5million at Month/Erdogan uses Zelensky to Save the Turkish Duties on Black Sea Grain Initiative

>>70570 Stargazers could catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights across 17 states this week as solar storm is set to hit US

>>70571 The resident arrives at Winfield House Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom

>>70572 Georgia Mayor Accused Of Breaking Into Lake House, Held At Gunpoint

>>70573 wef listings are bullshit, AND ARE USED TO DIVIDE US

>>70574 Business Council of Australia … or Business Council of Foreign Multinationals?

>>70575 Pilot killed along with five others when small plane crashed 500ft from the runway in California - after telling air traffic control he could not see the landing strip in dense fog

>>70576 Pat King, of the Freedom Convoy, is back on YouTube with an update after a year and a half.

>>70577 Musk on NSFW

>>70578 My “in the know friends” went to the “Sound of Freedom” today, this is their comments


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93dd9e No.70580

File: d7ee90fbf3a9b78⋯.png (357.71 KB,598x561,598:561,Clipboard.png)

File: 97bb32fdcbdbfa4⋯.jpg (148.3 KB,900x777,300:259,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5defc707ce9bb3d⋯.jpeg (655.1 KB,1800x1800,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 193bb6b00179bf5⋯.jpg (52.31 KB,555x450,37:30,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4c54bbc7d87f8e5⋯.jpg (24.73 KB,828x793,828:793,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152492 (092330ZJUL23) Notable: #23523

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Baker haz IRL, off hand needed, will tap @20

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93dd9e No.70581

File: a4defc68b3d3fd9⋯.png (6.21 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152515 (092335ZJUL23) Notable: QClock July 9, 2023 - Whose Gold Shall Destroy The Fed?

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QClock July 9, 2023 - Whose Gold Shall Destroy The Fed?

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93dd9e No.70582

File: 2fafe1e570b4975⋯.png (521.2 KB,1100x532,275:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152568 (092348ZJUL23) Notable: West Point washout: Military base is engulfed by water leaving cars submerged and drivers stranded amid biblical flooding in upstate New York

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West Point washout: Military base is engulfed by water leaving cars submerged and drivers stranded amid biblical flooding in upstate New York

Images show submerged vehicles and flooded streets near West Point

The prestigious military base in New York was hit with significant rainfall this evening, with an estimated 3.5 inches of precipitation each hour

Millions of people are under flood warning as torrential rain is set to hit Sunday night


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93dd9e No.70583

File: 9a9d66a1f365a43⋯.jpeg (103.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152569 (092348ZJUL23) Notable: Moscow blasts France’s pledge to ramp up aide to Ukraine

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Just wait until the Nazi dog bites the hand that feeds them. It will happen

9 Jul, 2023 17:04

Moscow blasts France’s pledge to ramp up aide to Ukraine

Charles de Gaulle is “spinning in his grave” over Paris’ behavior, the Russian Foreign Ministry says

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has condemned France’s promise to ramp up military aid to Kiev, saying that late French leader Charles de Gaulle is “spinning in his grave” ==over Paris “sponsoring” Ukrainian Nazis•=.

The pledge was made by France’s top diplomat, Catherine Colonna, who said the aid will “continue and intensify” to meet Kiev’s “most urgent” needs.

“De Gaulle is spinning in his grave: his country is sponsoring Nazis,” Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Sunday.

The remark comes in response to statements made by Colonna in an interview with French public broadcaster RFI.“The support we are providing is aimed at meeting the needs expressed by the Ukrainian authorities in cooperation with our allies and partners,” the foreign minister said.

“This support will continue and intensify. New military assistance deliveries are being prepared to constantly address the most urgent needs expressed by Ukraine,” she added.

Colonna also touched upon the upcoming NATO summit set to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania on July 11 and 12, expressing hope that the event will “provide an opportunity to consolidate the alliance’s support for Ukraine on a long-term basis.” She added that Paris hopes thesummit will “give concrete contentto its prospects for joining NATO.”

However, member states of the US-led bloc appear to be split on the matter of inviting Kiev into the alliance at the upcoming summit. NATO membership has been one of the main talking points for pro-Western Ukrainian politicians for decades. The topic picked up steam following the launch of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, which was in part triggered by Ukraine’s NATO aspirations.

Germany is reportedly opposed to offering Kiev a clear roadmap or concrete prospects of joining, seeking to offer security guarantees instead. France had previously signaled a similar stance, with President Emmanuel Macron stating in June that “we have to build something between the security provided to Israel and full-fledged membership.” The US appears to be wary of inviting Kiev into the bloc as well, with President Joe Biden voicing similar concerns in a recent interview and warning that the move means “war with Russia.”


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93dd9e No.70584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152584 (092353ZJUL23) Notable: Missing 14-Year-Old Girl Found In Marine Corps Barracks; Human Trafficking Task Force Investigatinga

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A Marine was detained last month after a missing 14-year-old girl was found in the barracks of a California base, authorities said.

Military police at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in Oceanside found the teenager on June 28, just over two weeks after her grandmother reported her missing to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department, said Melissa Aquino, a sheriff's spokesperson.

Capt. Charles Palmer, the director of communications strategy and operations for the 1st Marine Logistics Group, confirmed in a statement that an unidentified “Marine with Combat Logistics Battalion 5, 1st Marine Logistics Group was taken into custody for questioning by Naval Criminal Investigative Services,” the Navy and Marine law enforcement agency, on June 28.

Palmer said that the Marine remains in the custody of his command and that he has not been formally charged.

“This command takes this matter and all allegations very seriously,” he added.

The sheriff’s department and the San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force are “supporting NCIS with the investigation,” said Aquino, of the sheriff’s office.

Representatives for the state attorney general's office did not immediately respond to inquiries Sunday morning about the human trafficking task force's involvement

Aquino said the girl's grandmother reported her missing on June 13 and that she said the girl had run away from home four days earlier. The grandmother said the girl had run away before but always returned home quickly, Aquino said.

Authorities entered the girl's information into missing person databases, including that of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the sheriff's office said.

She was subsequently returned to her grandmother, said Aquino, who added that detectives interviewed the teen and that the family was "offered services." The sheriff's office did not immediately respond to a follow-up question seeking more detail about what kind of services the family was offered.

The girl has not been publicly identified. The sheriff's office said in a statement that it does not release information that could identify victims who are minors.

Jeff Houston, a spokesperson for NCIS, said in a statement, "Out of respect for the investigative process, NCIS does not comment on, confirm details relating to, or confirm the existence of ongoing investigations."

Lt. David LaDieu, the sheriff's department's media relations director, said in a statement that NCIS is handling the investigation and that "the only involvement we have had is the recovering the juvenile as she was listed missing from our jurisdiction."

The Teen Line provides peer-based support from trained teenagers who are available every evening to field calls and texts. Call 310-855-HOPE (4673) or toll-free at 800-TLC-TEEN from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. ET or text TEEN to 839863 from 3 and 6 p.m. ET. Teen Line also responds to emails and has a message board.


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93dd9e No.70585

File: 651f795414c1331⋯.png (1.46 MB,1170x1254,195:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152603 (092356ZJUL23) Notable: Reptilian on plane said to be a hoax

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A TikTok video has gone viral of a guy saying he was on that flight where a woman yelled about a fellow passenger being "not real." The guy claimed a Reptilian creature winked at him. I tracked the guy down and he told me his hoax was a "social experiment"


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93dd9e No.70586

File: df47e4d631c3ce4⋯.png (201.31 KB,1184x1624,148:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152607 (092357ZJUL23) Notable: A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination Posted: 5 Jul 2023

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>if any anons have or can find the names of the authors of the Lancet paper that was withdrawn (the one about vax deaths)


A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination

Posted: 5 Jul 2023

Nicolas Hulscher

University of Michigan at Ann Arbor - School of Public Health

Paul E. Alexander

Government of the United States of America - Department of Health and Human Services

Richard Amerling

Wellness Company

Heather Gessling

Wellness Company

Roger Hodkinson

Wellness Company

William Makis

CancerControl Alberta - Alberta Health Services

Harvey A. Risch

Yale School of Public Health

Mark Trozzi

Wellness Company

Peter A. McCullough

Wellness Company

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93dd9e No.70587

File: cb473aef45952a4⋯.jpeg (131.08 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152608 (092357ZJUL23) Notable: The effort to maintain unanimity on aid to Kiev is reportedly raising long-term complications for the US-led bloc

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9 Jul, 2023 19:32

NATO divided over cost of supporting Ukraine – Politico

The effort to maintain unanimity on aid to Kiev is reportedly raising long-term complications for the US-led bloc

Continuing support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia may mean long-term trouble for NATO, with major issues that should be addressed by the military bloc being “kicked down the road,” experts and former officials have told Politico.

A piece run by the outlet on Saturday ahead of the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, raises questions about the mounting costs of aid to Ukraine, as well as a lack of unity among members. Many allies have displayed increasingalarm over “how long, and at what cost, Kiev can continue to be supported,” the article said.

In public, however, NATO and US officials have ramped up efforts to demonstrate a united front ahead of the summit, expressing readiness to continue backing Ukraine for as long as necessary.

“The [US] president has been clear that we are going to support Ukraine for as long as it takes and provide them an exceptional quantity of arms and capabilities,” US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Friday.

Solidarity with Kiev, however, may ultimately serve Washington’s domestic goals, namely strengthening the position of US President Joe Biden and the Democrat Party ahead of the 2024 general elections. At the same time, growing political uncertainty in the US is pushing Ukraine to demand more and more from its Western backers in order to prepare for a scenario when aid abruptly stops,Hagar Chemali, a former US government official under president Barack Obama, told Politico.

“Given that [Donald] Trump is running again for presidentand given the growing chorus of Republican candidates who question or are against US support for Ukraine. I would expect President [Vladimir] Zelensky to push even harder for additional military support this year to avoid getting stuck in US domestic politics as we near November 2024,” she said. (This is conformation that Obama wants and is telling Zelensky to push harder)

Moreover, the effort to supply Ukraine might also be an attempt to avoid addressing long-term problems within the US-led alliance by focusing on short-term goals, Rachel Rizzo, a fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center, told the outlet.

“It’s indicative of the broader climate within the alliance and how right now the priority is to hold the line on Ukraine for as long as possible,” Rizzo stated, expressing doubt that the bloc would provide any clarity on a timeline for Ukraine’s NATO membership at the summit.(STFU O, haven’t you done enough death and damage around the world?)

“NATO must present a cohesive front at this summit. So the easier approach here is just answering the short-term questions; and the bigger questions that require consensus from allies are being kicked down the road a little,”she said.

NATO has appeared to be split on offering Ukraine a clear roadmap for joining, with major member states, including the US itself, seemingly reluctant to do so. Recently, Biden warned that inviting Kiev into the alliance now would carry the risk of bringing the organization into a war with Russia.


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93dd9e No.70588

File: cb8589704e4b899⋯.jpeg (72.9 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152628 (100002ZJUL23) Notable: Biden pressures Turkey to allow new NATO expansion

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9 Jul, 2023 23:01

Biden pressures Turkey to allow new NATO expansion

Stockholm hasn’t made enough progress to be approved for membership, the Turkish leader has said

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned US counterpart Joe Biden that he hasn’t yet seen enough progress from Sweden on anti-terrorism measures to approve the country’s application for NATO membership.

In a telephone call with Erdogan on Sunday, President Biden “conveyed his desire to welcome Sweden into NATO as soon as possible,” according to a brief readoutreleased by the White House.

Erdogan, however, noted that while Stockholm had taken some positive steps by revising its anti-terrorism legislation, it still allowed pro-Kurdish “terrorist organizations” to hold public demonstrations.

“This nullifies the steps taken,” Türkiye’s communications directorate quoted Erdogan as saying in a statement on the phone call, held ahead of this week’s NATO summit in Vilnius.

Sweden and neighboring Finland applied for NATO membership last year, breaking with their long traditions of military neutrality on security concerns raised by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Finland was officially admitted to the Western bloc in April, but Türkiye essentially blocked Sweden’s bid after accusing the country of sheltering Kurdish terrorists. The alliance’s bylaws require unanimous approval before new members can be admitted.

Biden had previously pressured Erdogan to approve Sweden’s NATO application by linking the decision to US approval for the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Ankara. Sunday’s Turkish statement suggested that Biden may have agreed to decouple the issues.

According to Ankara,Erdogan said it wasn’t appropriate to tie Türkiye’s F-16 request to Sweden’s bid, and he thanked Biden for supporting the fighter-jet deal, though White House only said that the leaders “reviewed efforts to strengthen our bilateral ties.” The two leaders also agreed to meet on the sidelines of the Vilnius summit to further discuss bilateral issues.


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93dd9e No.70589

File: dc3bf6a630b42c5⋯.png (146.73 KB,788x650,394:325,Clipboard.png)

File: 31db6d32f3ac06d⋯.png (114.4 KB,811x514,811:514,Clipboard.png)

File: 597a5a4567e8945⋯.png (84.2 KB,819x402,273:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152646 (100006ZJUL23) Notable: Latin American countries push back on Ukraine, EU agenda ahead of joint summit

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Latin American countries push back on Ukraine, EU agenda ahead of joint summit

Central and Latin American countries threw cold water on the EU’s efforts to rally the continent’s support for Ukraine and called for colonial reparations in a counter-proposal of an upcoming EU summit draft declaration, seen by EURACTIV.

Heads of state and governments of 33 countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) are expected to travel to Brussels on 17-18 July for a summit with their EU counterparts.

Ahead of the landmark summit, however, the countries sent a 21-page counter-proposal to the draft text EU member states had sent them last month, dated 4 July and seen by EURACTIV.

Ukraine support as irritant

The initial EU-proposed summit declaration text had included several paragraphs on support for Ukraine, referencing the UN General Assembly’s resolutions, three people familiar with the document said.

“The text on Ukraine was very balanced,” one EU diplomat told EURACTIV. “There is nothing special about anything we sent them,” a second EU diplomat added.

However, Latin American countries “deleted everything about Ukraine”, a third EU diplomat complained after seeing the counter-proposal.

Since the start of Russia’s war on Ukraine, Europeans have been firm in saying that post-war peace should be built according to Kyiv’s parameters, which the CELAC proposal does not mention.

According to the modified declaration text, the EU and CELAC members would together “advocate for serious and constructive diplomatic solutions to the current conflict in Europe, by peaceful means, which guarantees the sovereignty and security of us all, as well as regional and international peace, stability and security”.

“It is crucial that the joint declaration should refer to a shared commitment to all principles enshrined in the Charter of the UN, including respect to territorial integrity and sovereignty, and the need to condemn Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine,” a fourth EU diplomat told EURACTIV.

The counterproposal is expected to be discussed by EU ambassadors in their meeting on Friday (7 July) where member states are expected to discuss how much they are willing to compromise on language in an effort to salvage a draft communiqué being ready for the summit in two weeks.

“The initial reaction was somewhat expected – now the real negotiations start. But we will work hard to have a declaration,” a fifth EU diplomat said.

“But we also have to take into account the possibility that the summit might end without any joint declaration,” a sixth EU diplomat quipped. Another one echoed that sentiment.

An additional irritant ahead of the joint summit was back and forth around the attendance of Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy, who initially received an invitation from Spain – but was dropped after pushback from Latin American leaders.


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93dd9e No.70590

File: f6b41617b871b5d⋯.png (734.55 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152690 (100017ZJUL23) Notable: Authorities Identify 6 People Killed in Plane Crash in Southern California

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Authorities Identify 6 People Killed in Plane Crash in Southern California

MURRIETA, Calif.—Authorities have identified the six California residents who died Saturday when they were on a small plane that crashed after a flight that started in Las Vegas.

A spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Administration, Mina Kaji, told The Press-Enterprise in Riverside, California, that the Cessna C550 business jet took off from Harry Reid International Airport at about 3:15 a.m. Saturday. The plane crashed about an hour later at French Valley Airport in Murrieta, California, about 80 miles southeast of Los Angeles. All aboard were killed.

Riverside County Sheriff-Coroner Chad Bianco identified those who died as Lindsey Gleiche, 31, of Huntington Beach; Riese Lenders, 25, of Rancho Palos Verdes; Alma Razick, 51, of Temecula; Ibrahem Razick, 46, of Temecula; Abigail Tellez-Vargas, 33, of Murrieta; and Manuel Vargas-Regalado, 32, of Temecula.

Mr. Bianco did not release other details.

The crash occurred during the second of two landing attempts in fog just before dawn, authorities said. The jet, which can seat up to 13 people, crashed about 500 feet short of the intended runway, said Elliott Simpson, an investigator with the National Transportation Safety Board. Simpson said fire consumed most of the plane.


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93dd9e No.70591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152716 (100023ZJUL23) Notable: Missing 14-Year-Old Girl Found In Marine Corps Barracks; Human Trafficking Task Force Investigatinga

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Missing 14-Year-Old Girl Found In Marine Corps Barracks; Human Trafficking Task Force Investigating

SAN DIEGO, Calif. — A United States Marine has been taken into custody for questioning after a 14-year-old girl who was reported missing was found at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego County, California, last month, authorities said.


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93dd9e No.70592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152741 (100028ZJUL23) Notable: Sunday Geopolitical Talks – Biden and Coons Admit Ukraine Almost Out of Artillery Shells - Sundance

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Sunday Geopolitical Talks – Biden and Coons Admit Ukraine Almost Out of Artillery Shells, No Strategic NATO Consideration Until War With Russia Ends

July 9, 2023 | Sundance | 94 Comments

Both Joe Biden [VIDEO HERE] and Senator Chris Coons [VIDEO HERE] were interviewed as part of the Sunday talk circuit just before the upcoming NATO summit. The message from both voices were similar as part of the larger geopolitical discussion, so I’m blending them into one review.

On the subject of Ukraine seeking NATO membership the key democrats gave the same explanation and justification, although Biden mumbled a little more alarmingly. Biden, speaking to the Dept of State narrative engineers on CNN, noted there can be no discussion of Ukraine entering NATO as long as the war with Russia is ongoing. From Biden’s perspective if NATO accepted Ukraine now, then all of NATO would immediately need to enter the war with Russia.

What Biden and Coons did not say was that if NATO opened the door to Ukraine now, the interests of Russia would immediately change. If NATO was to make immediate announcements of Ukraine membership, Russia would be stupid not to expand the war immediately and begin the process of taking all of Ukraine instead of the eastern Russian speaking section bordering the homeland.

On the subject of sending cluster bombs to Ukraine, both Biden and Coons admitted something that would not ordinarily be discussed in public circles. Ukraine is almost out of 155mm artillery shells and the U.S. stockpile we have used to support them is now gone. It will take more than several months to manufacture and resupply our own military stores, let alone support the needs of Ukraine. As a consequence, 155mm cluster bombs are being supplied in lieu of our ability to provide less deadly munitions.

[COONS] – “First, we are running out of 155mm artillery munitions, and they are burning through them at a remarkable rate. Six to eight thousand a day. That’s a million a year. We have a plan to bring back online the manufacturing of 155mm shells at scale, but that won’t happen for months. They are at risk of losing this counter offensive if they run out of their shells. We have a large stockpile of 155mm shells that are cluster munitions. It’s the Ukrainians who are asking to be able to use these on their own soil. They’ve committed to monitoring their use to remediating them after the war. And frankly, they will be tactically helpful against dug-in Russian troops that are behind large minefields. So weighing all of those factors, the President made a tough call that I will support.” (more)

[BIDEN] – […] “we’re in a situation where Ukraine continues to be brutally attacked across the board by munitions — by these cluster munitions that are — have dud rates that are very, very low — I mean, very high, that are a danger to civilians, number one.

Number two, the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition, the ammunition — they used to call them 155-millimeter weapons. This is a — this is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of those — that ammunition. And we’re low on it.” (read more)

Ordinarily in a time of war one might not expect to see public discussion of ammo supplies; alas, in the era of World War Reddit, it seems not to be an issue.

On the subject of China, I think this is the first time when Joe Biden has said publicly, that after the Xi-Putin summit, Biden threatened Chairman Xi Jinping with unilateral action to remove U.S. corporations and investment from China if Xi was to openly assist Russian President Putin. At least that is the Biden claim within the interview.


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93dd9e No.70593

File: 5e1067ee21d6ba0⋯.png (200.83 KB,660x330,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152754 (100030ZJUL23) Notable: Israeli settlers burn tens of dunums of agricultural land in Nablus

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Israeli settlers burn tens of dunums of agricultural land in Nablus

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-Israeli settlers burned Sunday tens of dunums of Palestinian agricultural land in Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village, south of Nablus, in the West Bank.

“A number of settlers set fire to tens of dunums planted with agricultural crops and dozens of olive trees,” said Yaqoub Aweys, head of the East Al-Lubban Council, noting that the people, with the help of the civil defense, were able to control the fire.

Aweys called on international and human rights institutions to intervene urgently, to stop the repeated settler attacks on the village and Palestinian property and agricultural lands.


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93dd9e No.70594

File: 4afc723e0d30908⋯.png (50.53 KB,351x194,351:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152759 (100031ZJUL23) Notable: Male body found floating in Central Park lake

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93dd9e No.70595

File: 6f5f652b9878eae⋯.png (16.69 KB,625x184,625:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152768 (100032ZJUL23) Notable: Elon: Zuck is a cuck

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Zuck is a cuck

- Elon

Zuck is a cuckkike

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93dd9e No.70596

File: 052ba200e0d9c49⋯.png (631.95 KB,883x739,883:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 47b59aece5cf981⋯.mp4 (14.16 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152770 (100033ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Scavino: HAPPENING NOW at LAX [Trump plane lands], at 1:40, a cop hands something to Pres. Trump.

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At 1:40 one of the cops hands President Trump something.


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93dd9e No.70597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152772 (100033ZJUL23) Notable: Canada's push to euthanize veterans with PTSD is 'disgusting, unacceptable and infuriating'

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Canada's push to euthanize veterans with PTSD is 'disgusting, unacceptable and infuriating', says female artillery gunner who spent six months on the front line in Afghanistan

Kelsi Sheren enlisted in the Canadian military, aged 19, and was sent to Afghanistan - a harrowing experience that left her with severe PTSD

She has since become a vocal opponent of Canada's relaxed euthanasia laws - including to veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder

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93dd9e No.70598

File: 8f04940e8c87fb5⋯.png (362.48 KB,642x353,642:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152786 (100037ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Scavino: HAPPENING NOW at LAX [Trump plane lands], at 1:40, a cop hands something to Pres. Trump.

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what does officer give trump @2:23

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93dd9e No.70599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152821 (100049ZJUL23) Notable: Traitor John Kelly Claims in Sworn Statement Trump Discussed Using IRS to Retaliate Against FBI Lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

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Traitor John Kelly Claims in Sworn Statement Trump Discussed Using IRS to Retaliate Against FBI Lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

Trump’s ex-Chief of Staff John Kelly claimed in a sworn statement that Trump discussed using the IRS to retaliate against two FBI officials involved in Russiagate.

John Kelly, a retired General, served as Trump’s second Chief of Staff from July 2017 to the end of 2018.

Traitor John Kelly has been backstabbing Trump for years.

Now he’s claiming Trump sought to retaliate against FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Recall, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page used the power of the FBI to sabotage Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

John Kelly provided a sworn statement in connection with lawsuits filed by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page against the DOJ for publishing their private text messages.

The New York Times reported:

John F. Kelly, who served as former President Donald J. Trump’s second White House chief of staff, said in a sworn statement that Mr. Trump had discussed having the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies investigate two F.B.I. officials involved in the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia.

Mr. Kelly said that his recollection of Mr. Trump’s comments to him was based on notes that he had taken at the time in 2018. Mr. Kelly provided copies of his notes to lawyers for one of the F.B.I. officials, who made the sworn statement public in a court filing.

“President Trump questioned whether investigations by the Internal Revenue Service or other federal agencies should be undertaken into Mr. Strzok and/or Ms. Page,” Mr. Kelly said in the statement. “I do not know of President Trump ordering such an investigation. It appeared, however, that he wanted to see Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page investigated.”

Mr. Kelly’s assertions were disclosed on Thursday in a statement that was filed in connection with lawsuits brought by Peter Strzok, who was the lead agent in the F.B.I.’s Russia investigation, and Lisa Page, a former lawyer in the bureau, against the Justice Department for violating their privacy rights when the Trump administration made public text messages between them.


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93dd9e No.70600

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Shouldn't Cameras be Turned ON when Recording?



Shouldn't Cameras be Turned ON when Recording? It's almost like they're props that paid extras would use in a movie!

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93dd9e No.70601

File: 543ce97ff1db8e4⋯.png (36.85 KB,600x276,50:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152842 (100056ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: FoxNews keeps pushing phony polls....for DeSanctus, pretending that he is doing better than he is

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Donald J. Trump


FoxNews keeps pushing phony polls, like in Nevada & Wisconsin, for DeSanctus, pretending that he is doing better than he is. Actually, he is doing very badly. I am beating Ron and Crooked Joe Biden by a lot. He is losing to Biden. Fake Polls equal Fake News!

Jul 09, 2023, 8:48 PM


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93dd9e No.70602

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152899 (100110ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Interview on Bartiromo

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Sunday Talks –DeSantis Interview, the Professionally Republican People Really Do Think We’re Stupid

July 9, 2023 | Sundance | 336 Comments

I’ve said this before, and it really does deserve some emphasis today. The professional republican political class, the entire industry that is financially dependent on the mechanics of republican politics, really do think the average American is stupid.Don’t forget that.

Suffice to say we have people, contractors and vendors, who funnel information to us from behind enemy lines. Nothing has made them angrier in the past several months that the article I wrote last night outlining the mindset in their conference room and specifically the brand image consultants around this recent exhibition.

…”Let’s put Mama Grizzlies, Duck Dynasty and Melania’s stilettos into the brand”… Brilliant! 😂

I’m sorry, it’s not very polite of me to laugh uncontrollably thinking of a big mad Casey yelling at Ken Cuccinelli while Ron feels awkward – but I just cannot stop laughing. “Curse you villain,” lol – life is too short not to keep snickering all day.

On a more serious note, the point of this article is to remind everyone the “professionals” in the GOPe consultant class really do think we are stupid. That’s not a disposable generic line, it is really how they feel, and it exhibits in everything they do. The modern republican consultancy has become a caricature of itself, and everything they do only makes the issue more transparent.

Dear Lord, please forgive my horrible trespasses, but it’s like Donald Trump threw them a bag of Chinese finger-traps and stupidlytheir team started to play with them just moments before the volleyball game broke out. Team DeSantis is on the court with their hands stuck together, and the audience is in hysterics, me included. Gawd, my ribs hurt.

Here’s the principal trying to find a way through the matrix {Direct Rumble Link}, acting all superior and talking about the neatly pressed uniforms while the team in the background is stumbling around looking silly. WATCH:

9 hours ago

His voice cracks like a pubescent teen whose balls haven’t dropped yet


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93dd9e No.70603

File: 4bdaf4c7fb35b37⋯.png (766.94 KB,834x796,417:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152902 (100111ZJUL23) Notable: Variety: How Jim Caviezel’s Faith-Based ‘Sound of Freedom’ Became This Summer’s Unlikely Box Office Hit

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How Jim Caviezel’s Faith-Based ‘Sound

of Freedom’ Became This Summer’s Unlikely

Box Office Hit

Variety, by Rebecca Rubin

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/9/2023 7:17:07 PM

“Sound of Freedom,” a religious thriller led by “The Passion of the Christ” star Jim Caviezel, is becoming an unlikely box office savior. The faith-based movie about child sex trafficking has collected an impressive $40 million after six days of release. Angel Studios opened “Sound of Freedom” last Tuesday, generating a mighty $14.2 million on Independence Day. The film picked up another $18.2 million between Friday and Sunday, enough to place third on domestic box office charts behind “Insidious: The Red Door” ($32.6 million) and “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” ($26.5 million). It’s also playing in 2,850 North American theaters — a smaller footprint

“Sound of Freedom” has also stirred up some controversy, with detractors accusing the film of embellishing the reality of child exploitation and stoking QAnon conspiracy theories. Rolling Stone called “Sound of Freedom” a “QAnon-tinged thriller,” one that is designed to “appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.”

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93dd9e No.70604

File: 7c7b4c7a35e1101⋯.png (599.72 KB,664x714,332:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152910 (100113ZJUL23) Notable: Disney’s ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Dead as a Doornail with 2nd-Place Finish, ‘Sound of Freedom’ Soars

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Disney’s ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Dead

as a Doornail with 2nd-Place Finish, ‘Sound

of Freedom’ Soars

Breitbart, by John Nolte

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/9/2023 6:31:19 PM

After a dismal $60 million opening, the Disney Grooming Syndicate’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny collapsed somewhere between 50 to 60 percent with a dreadful $25 to $28 million second weekend — and couldn’t even manage one consecutive first-place finish. What had once been one of the most popular and bulletproof franchises ever created finally met its match in Kathleen “Franchise Killer” Kennedy and her anti-entertainment identity politics. Kennedy might be offscreen, but she is the true villainess in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which should’ve been called Indiana Jones and Talentless Queendom of Woke Child Grooming Nazis. Indy also met its match this week

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93dd9e No.70605

File: 76b746cfcf5c738⋯.png (53.42 KB,666x365,666:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152921 (100115ZJUL23) Notable: US homeowners lost $108.4 BILLION in equity this year

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Inside the negative equity timebomb: US

homeowners lost $108.4 BILLION in equity

this year - leaving more than 200,000

at risk of going 'underwater' if property

prices fall another 5%

Daily Mail (UK), by Helena Kelly

Posted By: Imright, 7/9/2023 6:05:49 PM

Homeowners are sitting on a negative equity timebomb after losing $108.4 billion on their property values this year, experts say. The average borrower saw their home equity plummet by $5,400 in the first quarter of 2023 compared to last year - with households in Washington, California and Utah worst affected. And if prices tumble by 5 percent more than 200,000 households could be at risk of falling into negative equity - otherwise known as 'going underwater' on their home loans.

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93dd9e No.70606

File: 7d37721a0d243a2⋯.png (559.84 KB,664x719,664:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152940 (100121ZJUL23) Notable: Former DNI John Ratcliffe Calls for FISA Surveillance Reforms After FBI Abuse

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Exclusive – Former DNI John Ratcliffe

Calls for FISA Surveillance Reforms After

FBI Abuse

Breitbart Politics, by Kristina Wong

Posted By: Imright, 7/9/2023 5:38:02 PM

Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe, in an exclusive interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday, called for reform of key government surveillance powers amid a larger debate on whether Congress should reauthorize them by the end of this year. Ratcliffe called surveillance powers granted under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) “vital,” but said, given the executive branch’s abuse of them to spy on Americans and on the Donald Trump campaign in 2016, “there’s no way” they would be reauthorized by Congress in their current form.

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93dd9e No.70607

File: 9a19647f0a0ce4f⋯.png (33.42 KB,1158x282,193:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152957 (100125ZJUL23) Notable: Disney’s ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Dead as a Doornail with 2nd-Place Finish, ‘Sound of Freedom’ Soars

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American News Jul 9, 2023

BREAKING: Sound of Freedom is a SMASHING SUCCESS, projected to earn OVER $40 MILLION in opening week

"SOUND of FREEDOM has taken on a life of its own."

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93dd9e No.70608

File: 7f9c7f30f99adfe⋯.png (413.63 KB,1029x1210,1029:1210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152970 (100129ZJUL23) Notable: Pres. Trump re poll: Who made the decision at @FLVoiceNews to order the names in this way?

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Who made the decision at @FLVoiceNews to order the names in this way?

It's not alphabetical in either first or last name.

Why not have the 84% as the top row, then the second highest, and then third, etc?

Why the decision to put 2nd by value as first in rank order, then 1st by value as second in rank order?

It's almost as if someone was told to do by a network however small or big to switch first and second place.

Seriously, what is the point of this ordering if not someone just said fuck it, just put DeSantis at the top even though he's a distant second.

FLVoiceNews: going forward fix that mistake.


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93dd9e No.70609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152992 (100135ZJUL23) Notable: Abortion rate in Ukraine is sky high - women aborting very late get paid up to $300 (3 mos salary) for live births for organ harvesting

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While practicing medical oncology in Donetsk, Dr. Lazaryev began to wonder why doctors tell almost all pregnant women in Ukraine that there is a very high probability that their preborn children have serious birth defects. His own wife Elena was advised to have an abortion on the grounds that her preborn son would have severe birth defects — which, of course, he did not.

Dr. Lazaryev’s own mother had thirteen pregnancies, eleven of which ended in abortion between his older brother and him.

He found that all Ukrainian women are advised to abort because preborn children are excellent sources of organs and stem cells.

Dr. Lazaryev found that the abortion rate in Ukraine is much, much higher than the official figures would suggest — in fact, about 1.2 million annually in a nation with a population of about 46 million, or more than six times higher than the abortion rate in the United States.

As Dr. Lazaryev says, “The only thing which protects unborn life in Ukraine is the courage of pregnant women.”

Continuing his investigations, Dr. Lazaryev found that women were paid $200 to $300 — three month’s salary — to carry their pregnancies to a very late stage and to deliver the babies alive in a kind of forced premature birth. This procedure allows the living baby’s organs to be harvested while they are still as fresh as possible.

Dr. Lazaryev also found that every region of Ukraine has twin institutions. One does the late-term ‘artificial deliveries,’ and the other dismembers the live-born baby and passes the parts on to other buyers, who screen the material and then sell it at a huge markup to the worldwide network of “clinics” like the Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

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93dd9e No.70610

File: f08b3f55681e4ea⋯.png (159.64 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152994 (100135ZJUL23) Notable: Benzene, a Known Carcinogen, Has Been Found in Some Spray Sunscreens

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>Why are we being pushed to Wear Sun Screen?

Benzene, a Known Carcinogen, Has Been Found in Some Spray Sunscreens


Detectable Levels of Benzene Noted in Some Sunscreen Batches

“There is not a safe level of benzene that can exist in sunscreen products,” said Christopher Bunick, MD, PhD, associate professor of dermatology at Yale University and member of Dermatology Times®’ editorial advisory board. “Even benzene at 0.1 ppm in a sunscreen could expose people to excessively high nanogram amounts of benzene.”



Skin Protection Dilemma: Testing Detects Benzene in Some Sun Care Products

Benzene is a known human carcinogen,1 so consumers should not expect to find it in personal care products.2 Nevertheless, between April 2021 and April 2022, companies issued 11 recalls for hand sanitizers, sunscreens, deodorants, and hair and foot care products contaminated with the chemical.3 In a recent study in Environmental Health Perspectives, scientists from Valisure, an independent laboratory, evaluated benzene levels in sunscreen and after-sun products.


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93dd9e No.70611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153016 (100142ZJUL23) Notable: Sunlight lowers cholesterol levels by synthesizing it into vitamin D

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Well, as the body is making cholesterol, before it becomes cholesterol, it’s another molecule named 7-Dehydrocholesterol. It’s almost there but before it gets to cholesterol, if the sun hits it, it becomes vitamin D.

so the sunlight lowers cholesterol levels by synthesizing it into vitamin D


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93dd9e No.70612


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Was the plan to add photos in the phones? reminds me of Obama speech where we discovered his arem was photoshopped. Might have been infront of New World ORder type crowd.

>Shouldn't Cameras be Turned ON when Recording? It's almost like they're props that paid extras would use in a movie!

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93dd9e No.70613

File: ad52fd96dc716ff⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4402e0438baff86⋯.mp4 (9.77 MB,880x512,55:32,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153044 (100151ZJUL23) Notable: Join Pres. Trump's FIGHT FOR AMERICA

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calm down sugartits

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93dd9e No.70614

File: 8ebcab0e918b0ba⋯.png (865.22 KB,1226x807,1226:807,Clipboard.png)


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Live: Joe Biden celebrates 4th July at the White House



54,545 views Streamed live on 4 Jul 2023

Watch live as Joe Biden celebrates 4th of July at the White House, which is expected to be even more spectacular this year.

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden will host their third Fourth of July celebration on the South Lawn on Tuesday.

The entertainment part of the event with Grammy winners Ne-Yo and Brothers Osborne scheduled to perform, along with artist and producer DJ D-Nice.

The president and first lady are expected to make remarks during the evening and watch among the other attendees, from the White House, the Independence Day fireworks extravaganza as it unfolds over the National Mall.

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93dd9e No.70615

File: 0da4f219a77b263⋯.png (254.27 KB,530x487,530:487,Clipboard.png)


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That is the thing about tick tock videos,

must confirm with actual video as it is easy to doctor videos on tick tock.


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93dd9e No.70616

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153091 (100200ZJUL23) Notable: Dem activists move to disqualify Trump from 2024 presidential ballots under 'Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause'

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==Democrat activists move to disqualify Trump from appearing on 2024 presidential ballots under 'Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause'=

Civil rights organizations Free Speech for People and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund are urging secretaries of state and election officials across the country to bar former President Donald Trump from appearing on their 2024 ballots, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.

The group claims on its website, former President Trump is ineligible to run for office for "his role in inciting, encouraging, and supporting the January 6th insurrection." According to the Hill, the organizations are beginning a week of rallies outside the secretary of state offices in California, Oregon, Colorado, and Georgia.

The 14th Amendment Section 3 reads, "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath . . . as an officer of the United States . . . to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

In a letter to Nevada Secretary of State Francisco V. Aguilar, the organizations claim that "states can enforce Section 3 without any new federal legislation–just as they regularly enforce other constitutional provisions and other sections of the Fourteenth Amendment itself." They add, "Section 3 does not require that Congress, a court, or anyone else, adjudicate the question of Mr. Trump’s ineligibility before you may decide his eligibility for the ballot."

The campaign director for Free Speech For People Alexandra Flores-Quilty said in a declaration, "Secretaries of State have a duty to ensure that candidates who seek to appear on their state ballots meet the constitutional qualifications for serving in public office." She continued, "We are urging them follow the Constitution and declare that Donald Trump is barred from ever again holding public office, as is required under the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.”

“We’re really focusing on Nevada and California and [Oregon, Colorado, and Georgia] to make sure that they are taking a stand by disqualifying Trump in those spaces, which is something that the secretary of state can do,” executive director of Mi Familia Vota Héctor Sánchez, told the Hill.

More at: https://thepostmillennial.com/democrat-activists-move-to-disqualify-trump-from-appearing-on-2024-presidential-ballots-under-insurrectionist-disqualification-clause

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93dd9e No.70617

File: b0045f011647143⋯.png (377.12 KB,581x454,581:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153112 (100206ZJUL23) Notable: Nunes rt: Levin on fire tonight

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Jul 09, 2023, 1:26 PM

Devin Nunes ReTruthed


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸




Levin is on fire tonight!

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93dd9e No.70618

File: 29249919ea40060⋯.png (676.93 KB,883x625,883:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153163 (100221ZJUL23) Notable: Two Bodies found in Central Park

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Note Screenshot of video, the police officer stated that 2 bodies were found in central park both dead..

There is moar to this story than meets the eye, no names given one was identified as he had i.d in his pocket the other remains unknown.

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93dd9e No.70619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153220 (100236ZJUL23) Notable: #23523

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#23523 >>70580

>>70581 QClock July 9, 2023 - Whose Gold Shall Destroy The Fed?

>>70582 West Point washout: Military base is engulfed by water leaving cars submerged and drivers stranded amid biblical flooding in upstate New York

>>70583 Moscow blasts France’s pledge to ramp up aide to Ukraine

>>70585 Reptilian on plane said to be a hoax

>>70586 A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination Posted: 5 Jul 2023

>>70587 The effort to maintain unanimity on aid to Kiev is reportedly raising long-term complications for the US-led bloc

>>70588 Biden pressures Turkey to allow new NATO expansion

>>70589 Latin American countries push back on Ukraine, EU agenda ahead of joint summit

>>70590 Authorities Identify 6 People Killed in Plane Crash in Southern California

>>70584, >>70591 Missing 14-Year-Old Girl Found In Marine Corps Barracks; Human Trafficking Task Force Investigatinga

>>70592 Sunday Geopolitical Talks – Biden and Coons Admit Ukraine Almost Out of Artillery Shells - Sundance

>>70593 Israeli settlers burn tens of dunums of agricultural land in Nablus

>>70594, >>70618 Two Bodies found in Central Park

>>70595 Elon: Zuck is a cuck

>>70596, >>70598 Dan Scavino: HAPPENING NOW at LAX [Trump plane lands], at 1:40, a cop hands something to Pres. Trump.

>>70597 Canada's push to euthanize veterans with PTSD is 'disgusting, unacceptable and infuriating'

>>70592 Sunday Geopolitical Talks – Biden and Coons Admit Ukraine Almost Out of Artillery Shells - Sundance

>>70593 Israeli settlers burn tens of dunums of agricultural land in Nablus

>>70594 Male body found floating in Central Park lake

>>70596 Dan Scavino: HAPPENING NOW at LAX [Trump plane lands], at 1:40, a cop hands something to Pres. Trump.

>>70597 Canada's push to euthanize veterans with PTSD is 'disgusting, unacceptable and infuriating'

>>70599 Traitor John Kelly Claims in Sworn Statement Trump Discussed Using IRS to Retaliate Against FBI Lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page


>>70601 @realDonaldTrump: FoxNews keeps pushing phony polls....for DeSanctus, pretending that he is doing better than he is

>>70602 DeSantis Interview on Bartiromo

>>70603 Variety: How Jim Caviezel’s Faith-Based ‘Sound of Freedom’ Became This Summer’s Unlikely Box Office Hit

>>70604, >>70607 Disney’s ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Dead as a Doornail with 2nd-Place Finish, ‘Sound of Freedom’ Soars

>>70605 US homeowners lost $108.4 BILLION in equity this year

>>70606 Former DNI John Ratcliffe Calls for FISA Surveillance Reforms After FBI Abuse

>>70608 Pres. Trump re poll: Who made the decision at @FLVoiceNews to order the names in this way?

>>70609 Abortion rate in Ukraine is sky high - women aborting very late get paid up to $300 (3 mos salary) for live births for organ harvesting

>>70610 Benzene, a Known Carcinogen, Has Been Found in Some Spray Sunscreens

>>70611 Sunlight lowers cholesterol levels by synthesizing it into vitamin D

>>70613 Join Pres. Trump's FIGHT FOR AMERICA

>>70616 Dem activists move to disqualify Trump from 2024 presidential ballots under 'Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause'

>>70617 Nunes rt: Levin on fire tonight



baker seeking handoff at the top

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93dd9e No.70620

File: 5f15f7521de5adb⋯.jpg (4.61 KB,255x148,255:148,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153246 (100242ZJUL23) Notable: #23524

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

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93dd9e No.70621

File: d336faaa8b0c1dc⋯.png (335.38 KB,1087x790,1087:790,Clipboard.png)

File: c1f3de81addbaf5⋯.png (160.24 KB,1081x635,1081:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153303 (100250ZJUL23) Notable: Robodebt and Robododger: PwC’s consulting operation revealed

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Robodebt and Robododger: PwC’s consulting operation revealed

The double standard is glaring, further illuminated by the findings of the Robodebt Royal Commission. While the AFP dithered for years investigating the blue-chippers from PwC for selling state secrets to foreign corporations, it was as quick as a rat up a drainpipe when it came to sending out letters to Centrelink clients threatening them with prison sentences unless they paid their Robodebts.

This strike on Australia’s most vulnerable – the Robodebt scheme targeted 381,000 people to unlawfully recover more than $750m – was badged “Taskforce Integrity”.

So we are conducting a “Taskforce Integrity” of our own today, perusing PwC’s only significant public financial disclosure and finding an inevitable morass of related party transactions – a global maze of partnerships, trusts and tax haven entities designed to skive out of paying tax on a billion dollars in revenue.

A good deal of this is revenue from the Australian government we can surmise. As the Senate Inquiry into the Big 4 consulting players has ably revealed, the obscure partnership structures of PwC and the other Big 4 enable them to hide a lot of things (including even how and where they make all this money).

In fact, as partnerships, their single duty of disclosure is the Orwellian-named “Transparency Report” issued once a year in which they are compelled merely to reveal one actual number, their top-line revenue. You will find this actual number interred within the glossy revelations of outstanding ESG initiatives, the smiling faces, the net zero talk and the marketing gumph about the firms’ amazing contributions to society.

And for the past few years, as the Australian Public Service has been gutted in favour of high-priced consultants. EY, Deloitte, KPMG and PwC have been coolly notching up double digit rises in revenue growth – not profit, but yes, revenue.

Who else does this routinely in a 1pc interest rate environment while the broader economy is growing at 3%? Only the maestros of preying on insipid governments.

The rise of the paper-shufflers

Unlike its Big 4 confrères however, the PwC partnership controls an actual company of size. It is called PricewaterhouseCoopers ASEANZ Consulting Pty Limited and is required to publish with ASIC its annual financial report.

In this document we find that consulting revenues last year rose again, up from from $944m to $1.15bn. Bear in mind that this probably includes income from New Zealand and other countries in South East Asia, also that it comprises non-government consulting work too.

They don’t have to disclose it. But what we do know is that PwC Australia, the partnership which controls this large consulting operation, recorded a glitzy 17% rise in revenue to $3b last year. We also know that Australia has one of the most over-consulted governments in the world and that Federal government consulting revenue alone was probably north of $300m.


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93dd9e No.70622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153306 (100250ZJUL23) Notable: Parental Rights & Local Education Control in the Balance in NJ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Parental Rights & Local Education Control in the Balance in NJ

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70623

File: c4bf6287114fb76⋯.jpg (125.48 KB,720x899,720:899,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ccdb37859ea9cd⋯.mp4 (360.72 KB,392x288,49:36,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153366 (100259ZJUL23) Notable: There is something seriously wrong with Justin Trudeau's left hand

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Throwing up Gang signs , or KURU?


There is something seriously wrong with Justin Trudeau's left hand

Does anyone know what this is?

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93dd9e No.70624

File: a9c8d1a70a699a6⋯.mp4 (10.83 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cc4506c76af47c7⋯.png (448.94 KB,735x715,147:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153441 (100317ZJUL23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: A great day in California. THANK YOU to all of the incredible Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

A great day in California.

THANK YOU to all of the incredible Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel all across America. We are GRATEFUL for everything you do!


Jul 09, 2023, 11:05 PM


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93dd9e No.70625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153479 (100322ZJUL23) Notable: Tennessee Soccer Coach Drugged, Raped, Recorded Attacks On Children, Police Say

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Tennessee Soccer Coach Drugged, Raped, Recorded Attacks On Children, Police Say

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93dd9e No.70626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153491 (100323ZJUL23) Notable: Family says missing 14-year-old girl found at Camp Pendleton sold for sex

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Family says missing 14-year-old girl found at Camp Pendleton sold for sex

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93dd9e No.70627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153496 (100324ZJUL23) Notable: Family says missing 14-year-old girl found at Camp Pendleton sold for sex

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Marine taken into custody after missing 14-year-old girl found at Camp Pendleton

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93dd9e No.70628

File: bbc4a3f44286ccd⋯.png (253.49 KB,747x881,747:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19153885 (100449ZJUL23) Notable: Lara Logan w/CAP: You have to be kidding. This is so blatant, it reeks of desperation. I guess attack is the best form of defence.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lara Logan

You have to be kidding. This is so blatant, it reeks of desperation.

I guess attack is the best form of defence.

Good luck.

They knew: why didn’t the unvaccinated do more to warn us? - IQfy


12:05 AM · Jul 10, 2023


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93dd9e No.70629

File: 120853329c53e43⋯.png (332.78 KB,439x440,439:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154344 (100815ZJUL23) Notable: #23525

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baker on duty

can stay long enough to get the bread going, please repost anything worthwhile here

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93dd9e No.70630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154392 (100836ZJUL23) Notable: S Korea: No. of ‘ghost child’ cases nears 1,000; 34 confirmed dead

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

some days ago i posted about the "ghost children" in South Korea:

>>69793 ob

>Police look into 193 cases of ‘ghost children,’ 12 confirmed dead

here is a new article:

No. of ‘ghost child’ cases nears 1,000; 34 confirmed dead

The Korean National Police Agency’s National Office of Investigation said Monday that they are investigating 939 cases of what are popularly being referred to as “ghost children” in an ongoing nationwide probe to discover unregistered babies.

So far, police have confirmed that 34 of the unregistered babies have died. Investigators are looking into the possibility of 11 babies having been killed by their own parents, according to local reports quoting police. Nineteen other cases were closed after being cleared of suspicions, they explained.

Of the total cases police are looking into, the whereabouts of 782 babies remain unknown, while only 146 babies have been located.

Police said they had received a total of 1,069 reports of undocumented newborns as of late Friday afternoon. The highest number of cases were filed with the Seoul Metropolitan Police, with 205 reports, while only five cases were filed to Sejong City Police, they added.

Seoul Gwanak Police Station is looking into two suspicious deaths and found that the newborns had died at the hospital after receiving medical care immediately following birth in 2015 and 2016. Gyeonggi Nambu Provincial Police, Busan Metropolitan Police and Incheon Metropolitan Police are each investigating one death case.

As of Monday, four infanticide cases have been referred to the prosecution after police found evidence possibly indicating their parents’ involvement in the deaths of their children.

South Korea launched a wide-scale nationwide probe late last month to identify the whereabouts of 2,123 undocumented babies born since 2015 and verify whether they are alive or dead. Local authorities have faced difficulties tracking those born before 2014 due to poor data management.

Investigation results are set to be announced Wednesday at the earliest.


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93dd9e No.70631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154400 (100844ZJUL23) Notable: 'unprecedented' air-traffic control delays

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Summer chaos for thousands of easyJet passengers as airline cancels 1,700 flights to and from Gatwick Airport due to 'unprecedented' air traffic control delays

'unprecedented' air-traffic control delays


(around 180,000 easyJet passengers have had their flights cancelled at the last minute)


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93dd9e No.70632

File: 7a92418ce10618c⋯.jpg (195.95 KB,720x1036,180:259,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154403 (100846ZJUL23) Notable: Liz Crokin - Any dark truth the Deep State doesn’t want you to know about is labeled as a “QAnon conspiracy theory” — especially if it has to do with child sex trafficking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Any dark truth the Deep State doesn’t want you to know about is labeled as a “QAnon conspiracy theory” — especially if it has to do with child sex trafficking.

Have you ever paused and asked yourself “what is QAnon”? Or even worse, dared to research what it is?

They said and continue to say Pizzagate is a “conspiracy theory” to this day even with the overwhelming evidence it’s real and the majority of the population waking up to the fact.

So what IS IT about “QAnon” that they are so obsessed and scared of? Have you ever read one media article that actually cited one thing Q actually posted? Why is that? If Q truly was the crazy conspiracy theory they’ve lead you to believe it is, why can’t they back it up by citing at least one of the thousands of Q posts and prove it’s wrong? It should be SO easy, if Q or “QAnon” is what the MSM claims it is.

But they don’t. Why is that?


BOOOMlet's go!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70633

File: baf3519ddd0f3e9⋯.jpg (194.71 KB,720x1037,720:1037,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2acd37a195d2778⋯.jpg (61.57 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154406 (100848ZJUL23) Notable: More Crokin: Andrew Breitbart was the first person to expose John Podesta & essentially exposed Pizzagate back in 2011

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Andrew Breitbart was the first person to expose John Podesta & essentially exposed Pizzagate back in 2011. He was then murdered, IMO. I never met him. I simply picked up the pieces and carried out the message he was delivering because it’s what God called me to do. What I find so bizarre — the people that actually knew Andrew, where are you? Why aren’t you carrying on his message to expose Podesta, the Clintons & his cabal of pedophiles?

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93dd9e No.70634

File: bf0a90c8c262b9e⋯.jpg (177.64 KB,720x1192,90:149,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ce33eb45c712839⋯.jpg (141.85 KB,720x1137,240:379,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4b1d9bed5f494d2⋯.jpg (152.49 KB,1289x1302,1289:1302,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154483 (100925ZJUL23) Notable: You can almost not tell that Carl Farberger @cfarberger is a trans “woman” - pushes ESG and DEI on companies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You can almost not tell that Carl Farberger @cfarberger is a trans “woman”.

Carl is also pushing ESG and DEI on companies.


That's a scary looking dude

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93dd9e No.70635

File: 755bc5e76618d5b⋯.png (1.03 MB,884x775,884:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154507 (100937ZJUL23) Notable: Trans Voice Agenda is straight out of the Pedophile Playbook

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Agent Who Inspired Box Office Smash 'Sound

of Freedom' Warns: 'Trans Voice' Agenda

Is Straight out of the Pedophile Playbook

Red State, by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/10/2023 12:12:59 AM

RedState has reported on the reception from legacy Hollywood and the Left on the unexpected box office smash Sound of Freedom, starring Passion of The Christ‘s Jim Caviezel. Caviezel portrays Tim Ballard, a federal agent who rescues a boy from captivity in South America, only to discover that his sister has been left behind. The rest of the film focuses on the mission to get her out of the country. This journey leads Ballard to found Operation Underground Railroad, which works to rescue children from human trafficking across the globe. One reason the Left is having conniption fits is because the film is building not only awareness about child trafficking

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93dd9e No.70636

File: 08a38c0cf150fd5⋯.png (44.5 KB,610x512,305:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154515 (100939ZJUL23) Notable: Elon says again he is protecting anonymity, "with every fiber in my body"

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See new Tweets


Ashley St. Clair




I just told 127,000 followers on Instagram that I’m deleting my account

I no longer want to give my attention to companies and people who hate me, who hate fundamental American values

For now, I will be on Twitter & Twitter only. Maybe that will change & I’ll leave the Matrix… Show more

Ramses 🇺🇸




Yeah, deleted my IG / threads today too, once Elon confirmed he’s protecting anonymity I only need 1.

You Retweeted

Elon Musk



With every fiber in my body

2:36 PM · Jul 9, 2023




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93dd9e No.70637

File: 04fc71f9058832c⋯.png (44.59 KB,604x581,604:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154517 (100940ZJUL23) Notable: Liz Crokin - Any dark truth the Deep State doesn’t want you to know about is labeled as a “QAnon conspiracy theory” — especially if it has to do with child sex trafficking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Any dark truth the Deep State doesn’t want you to know about is labeled as a “QAnon conspiracy theory” — especially if it has to do with child sex trafficking.

Have you ever paused and asked yourself “what is QAnon”? Or even worse, dared to research what it is?

They said and continue to say Pizzagate is a “conspiracy theory” to this day even with the overwhelming evidence it’s real and the majority of the population waking up to the fact.

So what IS IT about “QAnon” that they are so obsessed and scared of? Have you ever read one media article that actually cited one thing Q actually posted? Why is that? If Q truly was the crazy conspiracy theory they’ve lead you to believe it is, why can’t they back it up by citing at least one of the thousands of Q posts and prove it’s wrong? It should be SO easy, if Q or “QAnon” is what the MSM claims it is.

But they don’t. Why is that?

7:43 PM · Jul 9, 2023




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93dd9e No.70638

File: dc1e46c91a4db3f⋯.png (19.04 KB,419x310,419:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154543 (100953ZJUL23) Notable: Coalition of State AGs issues letter to Target about how 'Pride' campaign may have broken child protection laws

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If you happened to be in Target during "pride" month, you may have wondered how the filth and blasphemy displayed in the children's section could possibly be legal. Well, it turns out - it may not be. Seven U.S. state attorneys general have sent a letter to Target, raising concerns...

via READ MORE https://ijr.com/target-gets-bad-news-coalition-state-ags-pride-campaign-might-broken-child-protection-laws/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=IJR&utm_campaign=ifttt&utm_content=2023-07-10

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93dd9e No.70639

File: 80aa8cd82ddb8af⋯.png (160.86 KB,997x673,997:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154576 (101020ZJUL23) Notable: Jonathan Turley explains Fauci and 12 other had no legal authority to act after December 2021 and acted illegally handing out billions in grant money while setting policy

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Jonathan Turley explains Fauci and 12 other had no legal authority to act after December 2021 and acted illegally handing out billions in grant money while setting policy. Has this happened across his administration? It was a simple task Becca needed to complete yet didn't.


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93dd9e No.70640

File: 6260c1bf8d1f903⋯.png (231.83 KB,499x437,499:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154667 (101052ZJUL23) Notable: Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70641

File: a52aadee0a69411⋯.png (355.63 KB,500x330,50:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154715 (101103ZJUL23) Notable: "Domestic Abuse Is A Severe Crime": British Parents Could Be Prosecuted for Refusing to Pay for Transgender Treatments

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Domestic Abuse Is A Severe Crime": British Parents Could Be Prosecuted for Refusing to Pay for Transgender Treatments

As the debate rages in the United States over parental notification and authority in cases involving transgender children, the United Kingdom is embroiled in a controversy over a law that would not only limit parental authority in such cases but affirmatively require parents to pay for such transitioning.

Under the interpretation put forward by police, parents who refuse to use the alternative pronouns for their children or refuse to pay for their transitioning could be criminally prosecuted.

According to the UK’s Code for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), abusive conduct now includes “withholding money for transitioning [and] refusing to use their preferred name or pronoun.”

So a parent with familial or religious objections to the transitioning of a child would be required under the law to fund operations or treatments.

According to the guidance material, this is not even “an exhausted list,” but some of the first “examples” of potentially criminal conduct that comes to mind.

The guideline would suggest that parents with deep-seated religious convictions against transgender status would either have to fund an operation that they consider immoral or face arrest for failing to do so


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93dd9e No.70642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154807 (101132ZJUL23) Notable: US: Torrential Rains Drench The Northeast, Severe Flooding Hits Pennsylvania And New York

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


US: Torrential Rains Drench The Northeast, Severe Flooding Hits Pennsylvania And New York


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93dd9e No.70643

File: d067c9ff56c2031⋯.jpg (84.32 KB,720x1001,720:1001,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7872b98c1cd2300⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154831 (101140ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel talking about what's going on in the Biolabs. Making genetic cocktails to target certain groups

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Dasting, im guessing they did the same thing with the vax, mix up certain cocktails to genetically attack different types of people


Jim Caviezel talking about what's going on in the Biolabs.

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93dd9e No.70644

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154874 (101154ZJUL23) Notable: #23524 posted in #23525

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23524 notables posted in #23525

#23524 >>70620

>>70621 Robodebt and Robododger: PwC’s consulting operation revealed

>>70622 Parental Rights & Local Education Control in the Balance in NJ

>>70623 There is something seriously wrong with Justin Trudeau's left hand

>>70624 DJT TS w/CAP: A great day in California. THANK YOU to all of the incredible Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel

>>70625 Tennessee Soccer Coach Drugged, Raped, Recorded Attacks On Children, Police Say

>>70626, >>70627 Family says missing 14-year-old girl found at Camp Pendleton sold for sex

>>70628 Lara Logan w/CAP: You have to be kidding. This is so blatant, it reeks of desperation. I guess attack is the best form of defence.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70645

File: ce644a88b78a3d6⋯.jpeg (620.96 KB,1646x1318,823:659,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c6611f5312553a0⋯.jpeg (146.58 KB,2118x1361,2118:1361,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c5c119fbb10936e⋯.jpeg (119.64 KB,1139x630,1139:630,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154896 (101159ZJUL23) Notable: Forty percent of Brown University students say they are LGBT, suggesting social contagion

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70646

File: b60b10a9df4dc56⋯.jpeg (150.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155031 (101234ZJUL23) Notable: NATO powers in ‘frantic’ race to conceive Ukraine deal – Politico

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10 Jul, 2023 01:05

NATO powers in ‘frantic’ race to conceive Ukraine deal – Politico

The US, UK, France, and Germany are reportedly trying to finalize a security pledge to Kiev ahead of the bloc’s Vilnius summit

Washington is reportedly rushing to complete an agreement with its most powerful NATO partners – the UK, Germany, and France – on a set of security guarantees for Ukraine so the deal can be presented to the full bloc when the Western military alliance gathers for a summit this week in Vilnius.

The group’s power brokers have been holding “frantic, last-minute” negotiations to finalize their agreement on a security declaration for Kiev, Politico reported on Sunday, citing four unidentified officials familiar with the talks. The declaration would create an “umbrella” for all countries willing to provide military aid to Ukraine, even though details of the security commitments may vary from nation to nation.

The US, UK, France, and Germany have been discussing the issue with Ukrainian leaders for weeks and have “reached out” to other allies within NATO, the EU, and the G7, Politico said. The four governments aim to unveil their framework agreement at the summit in hopes that other members will join with them in the security pledges. The two-day event is scheduled to begin on Tuesday.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has pressed for NATO to accelerate his country’s bid to join the alliance, but multiple members of the bloc have said Kiev can’t be admitted at least until its conflict with Russia ends. German officials are reportedly reluctant to give Ukraine any guarantees on future membership, given concern that such a move could trigger a direct conflict with Russia.

In lieu of pledging NATO membership,Washington is willing to give Ukraine security assurances similar to those it provides Israel, US President Joe Biden told CNN in a recent interview.

Staffers for Biden and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will try to “iron out last-minute details” at a meeting on Monday in London, Politico said. The allies may essentially promise to keep providing much of the aid that they have been giving Ukraine since Russia began its offensive against Kiev in February 2022.

“It is basically a guarantee towardUkraine that we will – for a very long time to come – we will equip their armed forces, we will finance them, we will advise them, we will train themin order for them to have a deterrent force against any future aggression,” a senior NATO diplomat said.

US lawmakers have squabbled in recent days over Ukraine’s NATO prospects. Multiple Republican members of the US House and Senate have argued that allowing Ukraine to join the alliance would make Americans less safe because it could trigger a catastrophic conflict with Russia.


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93dd9e No.70647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155037 (101236ZJUL23) Notable: MARK LEVIN FINDING PATTERNS IN THE LEAKING BY THE DOJ

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just watching mark levin

he really needs to calm the fuck down.

he will give himself a heart attack.



Mark Levin: This is Biden's 'rogue operation'



114,574 views Premiered 10 hours ago #foxnews

Fox News host Mark Levin sounds off on President Biden's and Attorney General Merrick Garland's Department of Justice for 'destroying America' on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.

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93dd9e No.70648

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155175 (101303ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/09/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/09/2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70649

File: d119c0c2b20b9f4⋯.jpg (112.88 KB,720x853,720:853,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e9826293ed654e9⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155203 (101313ZJUL23) Notable: Like she's possessed? This lady is out of her mind KEK , this is like something out of a movie

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This lady is out of her mind KEK , this is like something out of a movie

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155229 (101318ZJUL23) Notable: #23525

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #23525

hold yer guud'ns till the top

we got a bu baker on board? gotta wurkfag

czech em

#23525 >>70629

>>70630 S Korea: No. of ‘ghost child’ cases nears 1,000; 34 confirmed dead

>>70631 'unprecedented' air-traffic control delays

>>70632, >>70637 Liz Crokin - Any dark truth the Deep State doesn’t want you to know about is labeled as a “QAnon conspiracy theory” — especially if it has to do with child sex trafficking.

>>70633 More Crokin: Andrew Breitbart was the first person to expose John Podesta & essentially exposed Pizzagate back in 2011

>>70634 You can almost not tell that Carl Farberger @cfarberger is a trans “woman” - pushes ESG and DEI on companies.

>>70635 Trans Voice Agenda is straight out of the Pedophile Playbook

>>70636 Elon says again he is protecting anonymity, "with every fiber in my body"

>>70638 Coalition of State AGs issues letter to Target about how 'Pride' campaign may have broken child protection laws

>>70639 Jonathan Turley explains Fauci and 12 other had no legal authority to act after December 2021 and acted illegally handing out billions in grant money while setting policy

Ghost Grab

>>70640 Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

>>70641 "Domestic Abuse Is A Severe Crime": British Parents Could Be Prosecuted for Refusing to Pay for Transgender Treatments

>>70642 US: Torrential Rains Drench The Northeast, Severe Flooding Hits Pennsylvania And New York

>>70643 Jim Caviezel talking about what's going on in the Biolabs. Making genetic cocktails to target certain groups

>>70645 Forty percent of Brown University students say they are LGBT, suggesting social contagion

>>70646 NATO powers in ‘frantic’ race to conceive Ukraine deal – Politico


>>70648 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/09/2023

>>70649 Like she's possessed? This lady is out of her mind KEK , this is like something out of a movie

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93dd9e No.70651

File: 6d5e5c3d60e0daa⋯.png (3.11 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155248 (101323ZJUL23) Notable: #23526

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REVEALED: Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

Baker Requesting Handoff

need to ghost @50 if no taker fer kitchen duty

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93dd9e No.70652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155252 (101325ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

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QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

So what is QAnon?

“QAnon” is a baseless internet conspiracy theory whose followers believe that a cabal of Satan-worshipping Democrats, Hollywood celebrities and billionaires runs the world while engaging in pedophilia, human trafficking and the harvesting of a supposedlylife-extending chemical from the blood of abused children.


It's a bad year to be a Jew.

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93dd9e No.70653

File: 5379d149fe86716⋯.jpeg (261.41 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155291 (101335ZJUL23) Notable: Catastrophic, life-threatening flooding expected in Vermont starting Sunday

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Catastrophic, life-threatening flooding expected in Vermont starting Sunday

The National Weather Service expects two to five inches of rain throughout much of the state and more than seven inches in some areas. Gov. Phil Scott declared a state of emergency Sunday afternoon ahead of expected flash flooding.

By Paul Heintz

July 9, 2023, 2:42 pm

Updated at 10:58 p.m.

Vermont could face catastrophic, life-threatening flooding as a deluge of rain meets saturated soils and swelling waterways, officials warned Sunday. The forecast prompted Gov. Phil Scott to declare a state of emergency that afternoon.

“It’s flooding that we haven’t seen in over a decade,” said Matthew Clay, a Burlington-based meteorologist for the National Weather Service. “This could be similar to the flooding that we saw with (Tropical Storm) Irene in some places.”

The weather service issued a statewide flood watch from Sunday afternoon through Monday evening. Forecasters said to expect two to five inches of rain throughout much of Vermont by Tuesday morning — and more than seven inches in some areas. Southern Vermont and the spine of the Green Mountains are expected to be hit hardest, according to Clay.

Flash floods are likely overnight, Clay said, particularly in low-lying areas and those near streams and rivers. Larger rivers could continue to rise through Tuesday morning.

In an executive order declaring the state of emergency, the governor wrote that the rainfall was likely to cause “widespread damage” and pose “a threat to property and public safety in Vermont.” Scott called for the activation of the State Emergency Operations Center and authorized the Vermont National Guard to respond to emergencies.

The Department of Public Safety, the Agency of Transportation and other state agencies were preparing to work overnight Sunday to assist municipalities with their response, according to Vermont Emergency Management. Swiftwater rescue teams were staged throughout the state to help with potential evacuations, VEM said, and other crews from outside Vermont may join the effort in the coming days.

Most of Vermont has seen two to eight inches of rain over the past week, according to Clay, exacerbating the risks of the coming storm. On Friday, flash flooding and a mudslide closed roads in Killington and briefly stranded people, VTDigger reported.

“It’s just kind of the worst-case scenario after getting all this rainfall,” Clay said.


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93dd9e No.70654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155294 (101337ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

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QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

The visibility of the online movement has surged as a supporter appears headed to Congress and Trump fails to debunk claims

To Donald Trump, it’s “people who love our country”. To the FBI, it’s a potential domestic terror threat. And to you or anyone else who has logged on to Facebook in recent months, it may just be a friend or family member who has started to show an alarming interest in child trafficking, the “cabal”, or conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and the coronavirus.

This is QAnon, a wide-ranging and baseless internet conspiracy theory that reached the American mainstream in August. The movement has been festering on the fringes of rightwing internet communities for years, but its visibility has exploded in recent months amid the social unrest and uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic.

Now, a QAnon supporter is probably heading to the US Congress, the president (who plays a crucial role in QAnon’s false narrative) has refused to debunk and disavow it, and the successful hijacking of the #SaveTheChildren hashtag has provided the movement a more palatable banner under which to stage real-life recruiting events and manipulate local news coverage.

Here’s our guide to what you need to know about QAnon.

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93dd9e No.70655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155296 (101337ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

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>Here’s our guide to what you need to know about QAnon.

So what is QAnon?

“QAnon” is a baseless internet conspiracy theory whose followers believe that a cabal of Satan-worshipping Democrats, Hollywood celebrities and billionaires runs the world while engaging in pedophilia, human trafficking and the harvesting of a supposedly life-extending chemical from the blood of abused children. QAnon followers believe that Donald Trump is waging a secret battle against this cabal and its “deep state” collaborators to expose the malefactors and send them all to Guantánamo Bay.

There are many, many threads of the QAnon narrative, all as far-fetched and evidence-free as the rest, including subplots that focus on John F Kennedy Jr being alive (he isn’t), the Rothschild family controlling all the banks (they don’t) and children being sold through the website of the furniture retailer Wayfair (they aren’t). Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Soros, Bill Gates, Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, Chrissy Teigen and Pope Francis are just some of the people whom QAnon followers have cast as villains in their alternative reality.

This all sounds familiar. Haven’t we seen this before?

Yes. QAnon has its roots in previously established conspiracy theories, some relatively new and some a millennium old.

The contemporary antecedent is Pizzagate, the conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 presidential campaign when rightwing news outlets and influencers promoted the baseless idea that references to food and a popular Washington DC pizza restaurant in the stolen emails of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta were actually a secret code for a child trafficking ring. The theory touched off serious harassment of the restaurant and its employees, culminating in a December 2016 shooting by a man who had travelled to the restaurant believing there were children there in need of rescue.

QAnon evolved out of Pizzagate and includes many of the same basic characters and plotlines without the easily disprovable specifics. But QAnon also has its roots in much older antisemitic conspiracy theories. The idea of the all-powerful, world-ruling cabal comes straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fake document purporting to expose a Jewish plot to control the world that was used throughout the 20th century to justify antisemitism. Another QAnon canard – the idea that members of the cabal extract the chemical adrenochrome from the blood of their child victims and ingest it to extend their lives – is a modern remix of the age-old antisemitic blood libel.

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93dd9e No.70656

File: 5aba02fd63538c7⋯.png (128.29 KB,520x480,13:12,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cbb048bf4904ff⋯.png (156 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155298 (101338ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

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93dd9e No.70657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155299 (101338ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

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How did QAnon start?

On 28 October 2017, “Q” emerged from the primordial swamp of the internet on the message board 4chan with a post in which he confidently asserted that Hillary Clinton’s “extradition” was “already in motion” and her arrest imminent. In subsequent posts – there have been more than 4,000 so far – Q established his legend as a government insider with top security clearance who knew the truth about the secret struggle for power between Trump and the “deep state”.

Though posting anonymously, Q uses a “trip code” that allows followers to distinguish his posts from those of other anonymous users (known as “anons”). Q switched from posting on 4chan to posting on 8chan in November 2017, went silent for several months after 8chan shut down in August 2019, and eventually re-emerged on a new website established by 8chan’s owner, 8kun.

Q’s posts are cryptic and elliptical. They often consist of a long string of leading questions designed to guide readers toward discovering the “truth” for themselves through “research”. As with Clinton’s supposed “extradition”, Q has consistently made predictions that failed to come to pass, but true believers tend to simply adapt their narratives to account for inconsistencies.

For close followers of QAnon, the posts (or “drops”) contain “crumbs” of intelligence that they “bake” into “proofs”. For “bakers”, QAnon is both a fun hobby and a deadly serious calling. It’s a kind of participatory internet scavenger hunt with incredibly high stakes and a ready-made community of fellow adherents.

How do you go from anonymous posts on 4chan to a full-fledged conspiracy movement?

Not by accident, that’s for sure. Anonymous internet posters who claim to have access to secret information are fairly common, and they usually disappear once people lose interest or realize they are being fooled. (Liberal versions of this phenomenon were rampant during the early months of the Trump administration when dozens of Twitter accounts claiming to be controlled by “rogue” employees of federal agencies went viral.)

QAnon might have faded away as well, were it not for the dedicated work of three conspiracy theorists who latched on to it at the very beginning and translated it into a digestible narrative for mainstream social media networks. A 2018 investigation by NBC News uncovered how this trio worked together to promote and profit off QAnon, turning it into the broad, multi-platform internet phenomenon that it is today. There now exists an entire QAnon media ecosystem, with enormous amounts of video content, memes, e-books, chatrooms, and more, all designed to snare the interest of potential recruits, then draw them “down the rabbit hole” and into QAnon’s alternate reality.

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93dd9e No.70658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155301 (101339ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

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How many people believe in QAnon? And who are they?

Nobody knows, but we think it’s fair to say at least 100,000 people.

Experts in conspiracy theories point out that belief in QAnon is far from common. While at one point, 80% of Americans believed a conspiracy theory about the Kennedy assassination, a poll by Pew Research in March found that 76% of Americans had never heard of QAnon and just 3% knew “a lot” about it.

The largest Facebook groups dedicated to QAnon had approximately 200,000 members in them before Facebook banned them in mid-August. When Twitter took similar action against QAnon accounts in July, it limited features for approximately 150,000 accounts. In June, a Q drop that contained a link to a year-old Guardian article resulted in approximately 150,000 page views over the next 24 hours.

These are rough figures to draw a conclusion from, but in the absence of better data, they hint at the scale of the online movement.

In general, QAnon appears to be most popular among older Republicans and evangelical Christians. There are subcultures within QAnon for people who approach studying Q drops in a manner similar to Bible study. Other followers appear to have come to QAnon from New Age spiritual movements, from more traditional conspiracy theory communities, or from the far right. Since adulation for Trump is a prerequisite, it is almost exclusively a conservative movement, though the #SaveTheChildren campaign is helping it make inroads among non-Trump supporters (see below).

QAnon has spread to Latin America and Europe, where it appears to be catching on among certain far-right movements.

Why does QAnon matter?

First, there’s the threat of violence. For those who truly believe that powerful figures are holding children hostage in order to exploit them sexually or for their blood, taking action to stop the abuse can seem like a moral imperative. While most QAnon followers will not engage in violence, many already have, or have attempted to, which is why the FBI has identified the movement as a potential domestic terror threat. Participation in QAnon also often involves vicious online harassment campaigns against perceived enemies, which can have serious consequences for the targets.

QAnon is also gaining traction as a political force in the Republican party, which could have real and damaging effects on American democracy. Media Matters has compiled a list of 77 candidates for congressional seats who have indicated support for QAnon and at least one of them, Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene, will in all likelihood be elected in November.

As the hero of the overall narrative, Trump has the unique ability to influence QAnon believers. On 19 August, at a White House press briefing, he was given the opportunity to debunk the theory once and for all. Instead, he praised QAnon followers as patriots and appeared to affirm the central premise of the belief, saying: “If I can help save the world from problems, I’m willing to do it; I’m willing to put myself out there, and we are, actually. We’re saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country and, when this country is gone, the rest of the world will follow.”

QAnon believers were jubilant.

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93dd9e No.70659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155306 (101339ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

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Didn’t you mention #SaveTheChildren? What’s that all about?

Participating in QAnon is largely made up of “research” – ie learning more about the byzantine theories or decoding Q drops – and evangelism. Most of the proselytization relies on media manipulation tactics designed to catch users’ attention and send them into a controlled online media environment where they will become “redpilled” through consuming pro-QAnon content.

QAnon followers have for years used a wide range of online tactics to achieve virality and garner mainstream media coverage, including making “documentaries” full of misinformation, hijacking trending hashtags with QAnon messaging, showing up at Trump rallies with Q signs, or running for elected office.

A very potent iteration of this tactic emerged this summer with the #SaveTheChildren or #SaveOurChildren campaign. The innocuous sounding hashtag, which had previously been used by anti-child-trafficking NGOs, has been flooded with emotive content by QAnon adherents hinting at the broader QAnon narrative. (It doesn’t help that the debate around human trafficking is already full of bogus statistics.)

On Facebook, anxiety over children due to the coronavirus pandemic, a resurgent anti-vaxx movement, and QAnon-fueled scaremongering about child trafficking have all combined to inspire a modern-day moral panic, somewhat akin to the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980s.

Hundreds of real-life “Save Our Children” protests have been organized on Facebook in communities across the US (and around the world). These small rallies are in turn driving local news coverage by outlets who don’t realize that by publishing news designed to “raise awareness” about child trafficking, they are encouraging their readers or viewers to head to the internet, where a search for “save our children” could send them straight down the QAnon rabbit hole.

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93dd9e No.70660

File: 6a6dce7b4307c1c⋯.png (3.54 MB,1714x2285,1714:2285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155313 (101341ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

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Julia Carrie Wong is a journalist primarily reporting on labor, tech and extremism, currently for The Guardian. Her reporting on Facebook and its involvement in disinformation and misinformation campaigns that artificially promoted candidates in Azerbaijan and Honduras has raised awareness of Facebook's content management controversies, as has her reporting on the company's similar failure to act on white supremacist groups on Facebook.

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93dd9e No.70661

File: 17cc3eda5fc57c3⋯.png (311.67 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155325 (101345ZJUL23) Notable: Ex-gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar stabbed multiple times during Florida prison altercation

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Ex-gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar stabbed multiple times during Florida prison altercation: AP sources

WASHINGTON (AP) — Disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar, who was convicted of sexually abusing female gymnasts, was stabbed multiple times during an altercation with another inmate at a federal prison in Florida.

Two people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press the attack happened Sunday at United States Penitentiary Coleman in Florida. The people said he was in stable condition Monday.

One of the people said he had been stabbed in the back and in the chest.

The people were not authorized to publicly discuss details of the attack or the ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

Nassar was sentenced to decades in prison for sexually assaulting gymnasts, including Olympic medalists.

Nassar is serving decades in prison for convictions in state and federal courts. He admitted sexually assaulting athletes when he worked at Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics, which trains Olympians. Separately, Nassar pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography.

During victim impact statements in 2018, several athletes testified that over the course of Nassar’s more than two decades of sexual abuse, they had told adults what was happening, including coaches and athletic trainers, but that it went unreported.

More than 100 women, including Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, collectively sought more than $1 billion from the federal government for the FBI’s failure to stop Nassar when agents became aware of allegations against him in 2015. He was arrested by Michigan State University police in 2016, more than a year later.

Michigan State, which was accused of missing chances over many years to stop Nassar, agreed to pay $500 million to more than 300 women and girls who were assaulted by him. USA Gymnastics and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee made a $380 million settlement.

Simone Biles returning to gymnastics competition for 1st time since 2020 Olympics

In June 2022, the Michigan Supreme Court rejected a final appeal from Nassar. Attorneys for Nassar said he was treated unfairly in 2018 and deserved a new hearing, based on vengeful remarks by a judge who called him a “monster” who would “wither” in prison like the wicked witch in “The Wizard of Oz.”

More at: https://www.wavy.com/news/national/dr-larry-nassar-stabbed-multiple-times-at-federal-prison-in-florida-ap-sources/

Karma is a bitch.

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93dd9e No.70662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155334 (101347ZJUL23) Notable: Ex-gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar stabbed multiple times during Florida prison altercation

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FBI failure to investigate and FBI false statements

On September 15, 2021, four elite American gymnasts, McKayla Maroney, Simone Biles, Maggie Nichols, and Aly Raisman, testified before the U.S. Senate regarding the mishandling by FBI agents of abuse allegations brought against Nassar and how the agents made false statements regarding their reports and misinformation about the botched investigation.

Maroney testified that she was met with silence by an FBI agent after telling the agent of Nassar's "... molestations in extreme detail." She further stated that the FBI falsified her statement, said the agents involved should be indicted, and criticized Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco for not appearing at the hearing. Raisman testified that the FBI made her feel that the "abuse didn't count" but she felt it "was like serving innocent children up to a pedophile on a silver platter." After the testimony by the gymnasts, FBI director Wray testified, speaking to the gymnasts that he was "deeply and profoundly sorry that so many people let you down over and over again."

According to a report issued in July 2021 by the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, at least 70 more athletes were subjected to abuse between the time of reports to the FBI and the arrest of Nassar by state authorities, while Nassar's victims stated that the number abused in that period was 120.

In April 2022, 13 survivors of Larry Nassar filed a lawsuit against the FBI for negligence and other alleged investigatory failures in the Nassar case.

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93dd9e No.70663

File: 4ee958f1c864ef6⋯.png (78.71 KB,243x230,243:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155337 (101348ZJUL23) Notable: Church of England to draft pastoral guidance on same-sex couple blessings

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Church of England to draft pastoral guidance on same-sex couple blessings

LONDON (Reuters) - The Church of England will work towards drafting new pastoral guidance and other material needed to allow same-sex couples to receive blessings from priests over the next few months, it said on Saturday.

The Church's governing body, called the General Synod, held a four-hour debate on the matter, which has revealed divisions within the institution after the synod voted in February to let gay couples have a prayer service after a civil marriage.

"It has been good to hear their (synod members') reflections, and we will take these away to feed into the concentrated drafting work that starts now. We look forward to reconvening in November," Sarah Mullally, the Bishop of London, said in a statement.

Among the 226 responses received from the synod on the blessings, 60 responses were that the prayers were too much like marriage and 44 responses that they don't go far enough and 42 responses that more pastoral guidance would be required for their use, the update published on the CoE website showed.

The CoE, central to the worldwide Anglican communion, does not allow same-sex marriage in its churches, and its discourse on homosexuality and gender is closely monitored by millions of Anglicans around the world.

Source: https://news.yahoo.com/church-england-draft-pastoral-guidance-215120118.html

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93dd9e No.70664

File: f71b27e9f9ea37c⋯.png (157.04 KB,397x296,397:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155347 (101350ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Campaign Is Giving 'Jeb Bush Vibes,' Ex-GOP Staffer Warns

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DeSantis Campaign Is Giving 'Jeb Bush Vibes,' Ex-GOP Staffer Warns

Republican 2024 presidential nominee and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is giving out "Jeb Bush vibes" while on the campaign trail, former GOP communications director Tara Setmayer said on Saturday.

"The idea of Ron DeSantis was what attracted people to him until he went on the campaign trail and people realized that he's actually whiny. He got snippy with a high school student for asking him a basic question. He can't answer a question about January 6, [2021], for goodness' sake. So even though he's raised all this money, it's giving me Jeb Bush vibes all over again," Setmayer said to MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart on The Saturday Show.

In May, DeSantis announced his bid to run for president and is among the ever-widening field of candidates running for the Republican Party's 2024 presidential nomination. While former President Donald Trump regularly maintains a commanding lead in the polls, DeSantis has proven to be his most significant opponent, polling behind in second place, still ahead of others in the field like former Vice President Mike Pence and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

More at: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/desantis-campaign-is-giving-jeb-bush-vibes-ex-gop-staffer-warns/ar-AA1dDOLH

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93dd9e No.70665

File: 82e9ed9bf2e1edd⋯.png (742.78 KB,634x953,634:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155355 (101351ZJUL23) Notable: Transgender woman is crowned Miss Netherlands for the first time in the beauty pageant's history and will now compete for the Miss Universe crown

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Transgender woman is crowned Miss Netherlands for the first time in the beauty pageant's history and will now compete for the Miss Universe crown

A transgender woman has been crowned Miss Netherlands for the first time in the beauty pageant's history and is now set to compete for the Miss Universe title.

Rikkie Valerie Kolle, 22, made history after she won the competition on Sunday.

The new Miss Netherlands wore a red gown as she was overcome by emotion while receiving her crown from her predecessor Ona Moody and reigning Miss Universe R'Bonney Gabriel from the USA.

The model stood victorious with a bouquet of flowers while her competitors applauded. She later took to Twitter to exclaim 'I DID IT!'

Miss Universe 2023 will be held in El Salvador in December, although an exact date has not yet been confirmed, and will see contestants from 24 countries battle it out to claim the title.

More at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12280819/Transgender-woman-crowned-Miss-Netherlands-time.html

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93dd9e No.70666

File: fe6f20aa6acc3b1⋯.jpeg (316.25 KB,1170x795,78:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155357 (101352ZJUL23) Notable: Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

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NEW - Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

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93dd9e No.70667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155382 (101358ZJUL23) Notable: The Conservative Twins Reveal Why They Left The Democratic Party

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The Conservative Twins Reveal Why They Left The Democratic Party

DailyWire+ 3.11M subscribers


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93dd9e No.70668

File: b12c4a04dbcf911⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155387 (101359ZJUL23) Notable: Commandant of Marine Corps Relinquishment of Office Ceremony

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10:00 AM EDT

Commandant of Marine Corps Relinquishment of Office Ceremony

Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger is hosting a relinquishment of office ceremony at Marine Barracks Washington. Marine Corps Gen. Eric M. Smith will take over as acting commandant until Berger's replacement is confirmed. This marks the first time the USMC is without a confirmed commandant since then-Commandant Archibald Henderson died in 1859.



Lloyd J. Austin III provides remarks at 10 a.m. EDT at the relinquishment of office ceremony for Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger

Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.




Relinquishment of Office Ceremony for Marine Corps Commandant

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger hosts a Relinquishment of Office ceremony at Marine Barracks Washington. Assistant Commandant Gen. Eric Smith will take over duties as the acting Commandant until a new Commandant is confirmed.


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93dd9e No.70669

File: 307c38dd5435bac⋯.jpg (33.88 KB,306x379,306:379,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d42ca4e40c25514⋯.png (619.2 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6167bd9c49a6902⋯.png (154.15 KB,1717x1017,1717:1017,Clipboard.png)

File: cff708885ff38fe⋯.jpg (142.33 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0db5b22526754ba⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155389 (101359ZJUL23) Notable: Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

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Asymptomatic infections?

PCR test?

Alice in Wonderland?


Alice in Wonderland syndrome and Epstein-Barr virus infection


Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is common and usually occurs in childhood or early adulthood. EBV is the cause of infectious mononucleosis, usually associated with fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, and sometimes an enlarged spleen. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS), also called Todd’s syndrome, is a rare condition, principally involving visual and somesthetic integration. AIWS remains a poorly known and probably misdiagnosed syndrome, can occur at any age but mostly in children is mostly associated with migraine and EBV infection. We present a 10-year-old patient who went to the emergency department with visual distortion of corporal form and bizarre behaviour, initially suspected as a psychiatric pathology but subsequently diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis and serologically confirmed Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. This case reflects the importance of recognizing this syndrome by emergency physicians in order to avoid inadequate referrals to the psychiatric service.

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93dd9e No.70670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155419 (101405ZJUL23) Notable: Ceremonial Arrival for President Biden at Windsor Castle

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JULY 10, 2023

8:49 AM EDT

Ceremonial Arrival for President Biden at Windsor Castle

President Biden was welcomed to Windsor Castle by King Charles III with an official arrival ceremony and inspection of the honor guard.


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93dd9e No.70671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155428 (101407ZJUL23) Notable: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Hearing Date: Wed, 07/12/2023 - 10:00 AM

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'''Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation


Date: Wed, 07/12/2023 - 10:00 AM

Location: 2141 Rayburn House Office Building


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93dd9e No.70672

File: 2625f19b0674761⋯.png (138.68 KB,387x243,43:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155433 (101408ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Campaign Is Giving 'Jeb Bush Vibes,' Ex-GOP Staffer Warns

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DeSantis’s stumbles have GOP mulling other Trump alternatives

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s weaker-than-expected campaign is prompting other Republicans, such as Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, to take a new look at running for president, GOP strategists say.

These Republicans argue that DeSantis, long seen as the strongest potential challenger in a GOP primary to former President Trump, has failed to establish himself as the clear alternative.

“I think his high point was right after the last election, when he was the brightest spot on an otherwise somewhat disappointing night for Republicans,” said GOP strategist Vin Weber, commenting on the big DeSantis reelection victory for governor in 2022.

“Since then, he hasn’t come on as strong. It looks to me people are looking at it because he’s not as strong as he was before,” added Weber, who advised Republican presidential campaigns in 1996, 2004 and 2008.

Weber argued Trump also looks vulnerable, despite his massive polling lead, because of his mounting legal problems, which could make the race look more attractive to Youngkin and Kemp.

“The fading of a guy who was never the front-runner is not in and of itself a good reason for someone to take a look at running,” Weber said. “They have to perceive vulnerability in the front-runner. I think those two factors play into it together.”

John Merrill, who served two terms as Alabama’s secretary of state, said, “Gov. DeSantis is in trouble.”

“There were high expectations for Gov. DeSantis and his team when they entered the race. I think they were confident they were going to be the Trump-lite alternative,” he said. “What I mean by that is having the same emphasis that President Trump had, having the same following that President Trump [had].

“But the problem is he didn’t have a ground game in place that was able to allow him to continuously mature [Trump-inclined supporters] to make them the kind of supporters that he had to have,” Merrill added. “It’s a major problem for him.

“He waited too long because I think that he anticipated that people were just waiting on him to be the guy to come out and beat Trump and that is obviously not the case,” added Merrill, who hasn’t endorsed a candidate but plans to support Trump.

Republican strategists have pointed to other DeSantis missteps, such as his glitch-riddled campaign launch on Twitter Spaces, which was marred by audio feedback and stretches of dead air.

More at: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4086028-desantiss-stumbles-have-gop-mulling-other-trump-alternatives/

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93dd9e No.70673

File: 8348b3ade1217a8⋯.png (533.88 KB,1920x2290,192:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155438 (101409ZJUL23) Notable: Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

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Forgot most important:



Five patients with Guillain-Barré (G.B.) syndrome, aged from 18 months to 27 years, had very high levels of antibodies to Epstein-Barr (E.B.) virus. All five had higher titres of E.B.-virus antibody than age-matched control groups. Two of the five patients had infectious mononucleosis (I.M.) but three had neither clinical nor laboratory evidence of this disease.These findings strongly suggest an association of E.B. virus with G.B. syndrome even without the signs of I.M.

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93dd9e No.70674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155473 (101417ZJUL23) Notable: Hue Edwards The Latest Sex Scandal

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anyone know who the bbc presenter is caught up latest child exploitation case?

anon does not watch the beeb or pay for it.

there are anons here who are dedicated to bringing down this state sponsored propaganda arm of the u.k deep state.

Just opt out of paying the licence, anon did it years ago


BBC ‘Creepy Presenter’ LASHES OUT At Family Who Reported Him 😱


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93dd9e No.70675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155475 (101418ZJUL23) Notable: 50 Cent posts dire warning about L.A.: 'Watch how bad it gets'

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50 Cent posts dire warning about L.A.: 'Watch how bad it gets'


Gruesome & the camelhoes killed California for profit and tyranny. Gruesome 2024

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93dd9e No.70676

File: 2f76d00d5598134⋯.png (62.48 KB,749x480,749:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155517 (101429ZJUL23) Notable: Grenell: “Richard, Thank you for reaching out regarding a political mailing in Iowa. I can assure you that this is not something I support.” But his staff did it anyway.

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>>>/qresearch/19153691 PB

>Are Koch brothers funding anti-gay attack on the Log Cabin Republicans?

Richard Grenell

UPDATE: Charles Koch has responded via email to me. He copied Brian Hooks on the reply and said:

“Richard, Thank you for reaching out regarding a political mailing in Iowa. I can assure you that this is not something I support.”

Buthis staff did it anyway.

9:59 AM · Jul 10, 2023


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93dd9e No.70677

File: db0657443ae00fa⋯.png (129.08 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155530 (101431ZJUL23) Notable: Latin American Countries Reject EU’s Stance on Ukraine Help, Pushback Against Environmental Rules for Trade Deal

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Latin American Countries Reject EU’s Stance on Ukraine Help, Pushback Against Environmental Rules for Trade Deal – Demands for Reparations for Slavery Bring Discord Ahead of Summit

33 Latin American and Caribbean heads of States (from CELAC group) will travel to Brussels for the 17-18 July Summit with the 27 United Europe members.

But the historical upcoming CELAC-EU summit is facing an unexpected amount of discord over a range of issues, most notably the stance on the war on Ukraine.

That the two groups are not seeing eye-to-eye in this issue has become clear after the dispute over the attendance of Ukraine’s President Zelensky, who was invited by Spain, only to be ‘uninvited’ after heavy pushback from Latin American leaders.

The EU and the US United States are backing Kyiv money, weapons and ammunitions. But Latin Americans will not be dragged into a war they see as a primarily ‘European problem’.

More at: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/latin-american-countries-reject-eus-stance-ukraine-help/

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93dd9e No.70678

File: cfb8d3d9dfa79fc⋯.png (1.39 MB,979x602,979:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155551 (101439ZJUL23) Notable: Liberal Supreme Court justice comes out in favor of segregation

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Liberal Supreme Court justice comes out in favor of segregation

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is trying to put one over on America.

In her dissent from the high court’s long-overdue ruling against racial preferences in college admissions, she cited an utterly bogus statistic.

“For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live,” she wrote in rationalizing Harvard’s bigotry against Asian American applicants.

Yet that black infant mortality number is obvious bunk.

If it were true, it would mean thousands of black infants dying every year thanks to white doctors’ secret racism.

But the actual survival rates are 99.55% for black infants, 99.68% for white ones.

And other issues (such as the awful racial disparity in very-low-birthweight babies) dwarf any MD factor.

Brown Jackson herself is no dummy. She’s a lifelong academic overachiever, a grad of both Harvard and Harvard Law. Did she really not recognize a garbage stat simply because it confirms her worldview?

More at: https://nypost.com/2023/07/09/liberal-supreme-court-justice-comes-out-in-favor-of-segregation/

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93dd9e No.70679

File: a88f270bced0f52⋯.jpeg (469.32 KB,1498x957,1498:957,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dcc672d29a9866e⋯.jpeg (258.84 KB,1123x811,1123:811,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 33d5b9e1e9364ef⋯.jpeg (202.54 KB,1138x791,1138:791,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155565 (101442ZJUL23) Notable: Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

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PN>>70640 Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

REVEALED: Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

by Cristina Laila Jul. 9, 2023 4:40

New court documents show that DOJ prosecutor Jay Bratt, an Obamaite-Russiagate-DNC donor, redacted every reference to Trump cooperating with subpoenas.

Recall, Jay Bratt tried to bribe Walt Naut’s lawyer Stanley Woodward in order to get his client to testify against Trump.

New court documents show Jay Bratt purposely redacted all references to Trump cooperating with grand jury subpoenas.

Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart approved new aspects of the Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant to be unsealed.

Last August the Biden Justice Department released a highly redacted Trump raid affidavit.

Media organizations asked to unseal the affidavit in support of the search warrant. Only a redacted version was previously unsealed.

The newly unredacted search warrant affidavit reveals Jay Bratt used dirty tricks to make Trump look uncooperative.More proof the FBI raid was a political hit job.

Via investigative reporter Paul Sperry:

Trump complied with TWO grand jury subpoenas, but Jay Bratt tried to hide this information from the public behind redactions.

REDACTED: Page 2: ” additional documents bearing classification markings … have been produced to the government in response to a grand jury subpoena …

REDACTED: page 18″ “… agreed to accept service of a grand jury subpoena … ”

REDACTED: Page 20: ” … an extension was granted for compliance with the subpoena … ”

REDACTED: Page 21: ” … documents … produced pursuant to the grand jury subpoena

REDACTED: Page 22: ” … classified documents (the ones recently provided … ”

REDACTED: Page 23: ” … agreed to accept service of a grand jury subpoena for footage from those cameras … ”

” … provided a hard drive to FBI agents …”

REDACTED: Page 25: ” … in response to a grand jury subpoena provided FBI agents and DOJ COUNSEL a Redweld envelope containing documents … ”

REDACTED: Page 28: ” … a padlock was installed on the STORAGE ROOM door.”


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93dd9e No.70680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155586 (101449ZJUL23) Notable: Hue Edwards The Latest Sex Scandal

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Huw Edwards The Latest Sex Scandal

5,746 views 10 Jul 2023 #bbc #bbcnews #Huwedwards

Allegedly Huw Edwards is the man at the heart of the latest BBC scandal.


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93dd9e No.70681

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155594 (101451ZJUL23) Notable: Old Joe Is Completely Lost: King Charles Visibly Frustrated, Has Trouble Urging Joe Biden to Move On During Honor Guard Inspection

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Old Joe Is Completely Lost: King Charles Visibly Frustrated, Has Trouble Urging Joe Biden to Move On During Honor Guard Inspection(VIDEO 0.19 seconds)

By Jim Hoft Jul. 10, 2023 9:30 am24

It’s no secret to anyone paying attention that Joe Biden is visibly suffering through mid-stage dementia.

The 80-year-old can barely walk and has no idea what he is doing anymore.

Democrats are running Old Joe for president again which tells you EVERYTHING about the blatant fraud in our elections.

On Monday Joe Biden looked like he could barely walk as he arrived in London for a visit. He later had trouble walking to Windsor Castle.

Biden then walked in front of King Charles during the inspection of the honor guard. The fake news made a HUGE deal out of this when Trump was president.

And at one point King Charles was visibly frustrated as he was forced to tell Old Joe to move on during the presentation after Joe stopped and started talking to the Honor Guard.

What a disgrace.



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93dd9e No.70682

File: 5854a0a6c7683c6⋯.jpg (62.23 KB,604x453,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 63a5b5adc6b66ae⋯.png (388.66 KB,922x670,461:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155602 (101453ZJUL23) Notable: NORTH DAKOTA WANTS DOUG BURGUM OUT OF THE FOR GOOD

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North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum has said he would vote for Donald Trump again as president, but draws the line at ever conducting business with the man he’s now running against for the Republican presidential nomination.

Burgum, a former business owner who turned a small software company into a $1.1 billion deal with Microsoft, was asked by “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd in an interview that aired Sunday if he would do business with Trump.

“I don’t think so,” Burgum responded. Asked why, he said, “I just think that it’s important that you’re judged by the company you keep.”

One person Burgum said he’d be comfortable doing business with is Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of Twitter and Tesla.


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93dd9e No.70683

File: 3abba19fc360275⋯.png (259.51 KB,476x931,68:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 028127e3213dddb⋯.png (1.28 MB,1879x732,1879:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155620 (101459ZJUL23) Notable: Hue Edwards The Latest Sex Scandal

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Note: The british people like the welsh accent especially those who are asleep, they are great singers and have a kind of rhythm in their voice when they speak.


Huw Edwards


Huw Edwards (/hiːʊ, hjuː/; born 18 August 1961) is a Welsh journalist, presenter, and newsreader. Edwards presents BBC News at Ten, the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) flagship news broadcast.

Edwards also presents BBC coverage of state events, international events, the hour-long BBC News at Five on the BBC's rolling news channel BBC News, and occasionally presents either as relief or as the BBC's chief presenter BBC News at Six, BBC News at One, BBC Weekend News and Daily Politics, as well as on the BBC's international news channel BBC World News. Edwards presented the BBC's coverage of major royal events, including the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton, the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II, the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the funeral of Prince Philip, the death and state funeral of Elizabeth II, and the coronation of Charles III and Camilla.

Edwards succeeded David Dimbleby as the host of BBC election night coverage and was the lead presenter for the 2019 general election coverage on 12 and 13 December.[1]

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93dd9e No.70684

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155688 (101512ZJUL23) Notable: Now We’re Supposed to Hate Trump Because he Outsmarted the Mafia! HAH!

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FOX News Channel Hits Rock Bottom – Drags Out Old Mob Boss to Smear Trump – Now We’re Supposed to Hate Trump Because he Outsmarted the Mafia! HAH!(VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Jul. 9, 2023 3:20 pm

You just can’t make this up.

FOX News host Eric Shawn dragged out an old mob boss to run a verbal hit on President Trump.

The old mob boss Billy D’Elia saysyou can’t trust President Trump because Trump outsmarted the mob and saved himself millions of dollars. Trump flipped a coin and saved one million dollars.

So NOW we’re supposed to hate Trump because he bested the mob! Hah!

Trump is such a badass! He even wins deals with the mob!

And the Mighty FOX has fallen.



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93dd9e No.70685

File: f66a545338b08e7⋯.png (673.97 KB,1434x808,717:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155739 (101521ZJUL23) Notable: X22 Report EP 3111B - STRATEGIC PRE-PLANNED, ONCE TRUMP IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE, THE [DS] REIGN WILL BE OVER

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X22 Report



You have my Bless & Shield of Faith Dave

God Bless you

PS: Great Bit about "Ben & Jerry's", Hilarious Backfire - 8:31 in

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93dd9e No.70686

File: 1f8c4901aedcdea⋯.png (277.13 KB,449x884,449:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155763 (101528ZJUL23) Notable: Montana may be first state to separate from 'Marxist lesbian' leadership of American Libraries Association

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vote is tomorrow:

Montana may be first state to separate from 'Marxist lesbian' leadership of American Libraries Association

"Time for states to break away from the American Library Association. Montana is about to lead the way."

...the Montana State Library Commission will formally separate itself from the American Library Association. The Daily Montanan, which begrudgingly reported the news, said that the board has concerns over ALA President Emily Drabinski, who identifies as a "Marxist lesbian."

And Montana is not the only state considering distancing their libraries from the far-left, activist American Library Association. Campbell County in Wyoming has cut ties with the ALA, as well as with the Wyoming Library Association, which pays dues to the ALA.

Drabinski was elected in 2022, and congratulated herself on Twitter, saying: "I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is president elect of ALA. I am so excited for what we will do together. Solidarity. And my mom is so proud. I love you mom."

She outlined her platform, saying "So many of us find ourselves at the ends of our worlds. The consequences of decades of unchecked climate change, class war, white supremacy, and imperialism have led us here. If we want a world that includes public goods like the library, we must organize our collective power and wield it." Her plans for the ALA are entirely social justice oriented, with LGBTQIA+, green initiatives, equity, diversity, and inclusion at the center of all her initiatives. ...


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93dd9e No.70687

File: f9746fb8c88d569⋯.png (321.75 KB,746x744,373:372,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155775 (101530ZJUL23) Notable: Montana may be first state to separate from 'Marxist lesbian' leadership of American Libraries Association

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Andy Ngô

An avowed Marxist has been elected to be the next president of the American Library Association (@ALALibrary). Emily Drabinski is currently a librarian at New York's @cunyGClibrary.


6:54 PM · Apr 19, 2022


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93dd9e No.70688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155813 (101537ZJUL23) Notable: Tennessee soccer coach is charged with child rape after restaurant workers find photos on his phone

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Tennessee soccer coach is charged with child rape after restaurant workers find photos on his phone

FRANKLIN, Tenn. (AP) — A Tennessee soccer coach is accused of drugging and raping at least 10 boys after photos and videos of the children were discovered on his cell phone, police said.

Police were contacted by a local restaurant after staff found a cell phone left behind by a customer. Workers looked through it to try to determine the owner and found “unconscionable videos and pictures of children,” according to a news release Sunday from the Franklin Police Department.

Camilo Hurtado Campos was arrested on June 23 and charged with rape of a child and sexual exploitation of a minor. Detectives have since found hundreds of videos and pictures on the phone; they say Campos recorded himself raping unconscious boys between approximately 9 and 17 years old.

Police have identified two of the victims and are working to identify the others. Because the children in the videos were unconscious, they might not realize they are victims, police said.

Campos lived in the Franklin area for 20 years and would often approach children playing at school playgrounds to recruit them for his soccer team, gaining their trust and then inviting them to his home, police said.

Campos was being held Monday at the Williamson County Criminal Justice Center on a $525,000 bond. Additional charges are likely, police said. The jail had no record of an attorney for Campos and no one answered at two phone numbers listed for him in online directories


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93dd9e No.70689

File: 1cba629fd846781⋯.png (435.63 KB,762x810,127:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155825 (101541ZJUL23) Notable: I can tell you its Kelly with "real character issues"

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Peter Navarro

From my days in White House, I can tell you its Kelly with "real character issues" - bully/martinet.Kelly abused his Chief of Staff position, conspiring with Mattis/Tillerson to disobey direct orders from @realDonaldTrump Court martial in order.

Maddow Blog | Under oath, John Kelly raises serious allegations against Trump

• 3h ago


10:45 AM · Jul 10, 2023


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93dd9e No.70690

File: 9bd5313df7918b2⋯.png (131.45 KB,590x431,590:431,Clipboard.png)

File: e0c90c960b249a8⋯.png (1.55 MB,2400x1920,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155862 (101551ZJUL23) Notable: Over the last few months, I have opened my world up to TIME. They investigated and this is my story🙏🏼

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Anna Paulina Luna


Over the last few months, I have opened my world up to TIME. They investigated and this is my story🙏🏼. It will be in printed and available in the next issue of the magazine. You can also read below👇🏼:


Jul 10, 2023, 6:22 AM


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93dd9e No.70691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155885 (101556ZJUL23) Notable: Police Taking Selfies With Donald Trump Sparks Outrage: 'Disgraceful'

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Newsweek is mad that cops like Trump.

Police Taking Selfies With Donald Trump Sparks Outrage: 'Disgraceful'

By Khaleda Rahman On 7/10/23 at 7:25 AM EDT

A video showing police officers angling for selfies with Donald Trump has sparked a backlash on social media.

Dan Scavino, a senior adviser on Trump's 2024 campaign and former White House deputy chief of staff, tweeted a video on Sunday showing officers from a number of law enforcement agencies lined up on the tarmac at Los Angeles International Airport waiting for the former president.

They are seen applauding as Trump emerges from a vehicle and greets them. Trump then poses for a photo with the officers in front of his private jet. Several officers shake hands and take selfies with him afterward.

"HAPPENING NOW at Los Angeles International Airport," Scavino wrote in the tweet alongside the video.

Newsweek reached out to the Los Angeles Police Department, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California Highway Patrol, and Los Angeles Airport Police for comment via email.

It was not immediately clear why Trump was in Los Angeles, but his appearance at the airport came after he attended UFC 290 in Paradise, Nevada, on Saturday, following an appearance at a Clark County volunteer recruitment drive earlier in the day.

Scavino's video sparked criticism of law enforcement for taking part in a photo opportunity with Trump, who is currently leading the race for the Republican presidential nomination, while in uniform and apparently on duty.

"Not LA cops doing a Trump photo op on our taxpayer's dime," Christopher Webb wrote in a tweet with more than 90,000 views.

Chris D. Jackson, a Tennessee election commissioner, wrote on Twitter: "I'm really confused how government agencies continue to let this kind of political involvement by on the job, uniformed officers take place. It's a clear violation of taxpayer dollars."

One Twitter user said the display "should piss off every taxpayer of LA" while another called it "disgraceful."

When asked about the criticism, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek: "President Trump is the law and order President, and he's the only one who can bring safety and security to all communities."

Some also noted that Trump is facing dozens of federal and state charges.

He was indicted last month on 37 felony counts alleging he illegally kept classified records at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and refused government demands to give them back. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges and denied wrongdoing.

That came on the heels of a New York state indictment on 34 criminal counts charging him with a scheme to bury allegations of extramarital affairs that arose during his first White House campaign. Trump has denied the affairs and wrongdoing involving payments.

Special counsel Jack Smith is also investigating efforts by Trump and his allies to undo the results of the election in the weeks before the January 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.

Still, Trump supporters praised the former president and said the video shows that law enforcement "respect" him.

One Twitter user wrote: "Thank you LEOs!! So moving to see the mutual respect - I am feeling so grateful!"


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93dd9e No.70692

File: 154f76690417f26⋯.png (1.73 MB,1796x963,1796:963,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155901 (101600ZJUL23) Notable: PF AF1 92-9000 VC-25 approaching Vilnius.

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92-9000 VC-25 approaching Vilnius.

C-32A 09-0016support plane following.

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93dd9e No.70693

File: dcb046f75a27cbe⋯.png (82.76 KB,229x221,229:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155948 (101610ZJUL23) Notable: Chris Matthews: Biden’s World Leadership ‘Brilliant at Level of FDR or Eisenhower’/moron Joe

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Chris Matthews: Biden’s World Leadership ‘Brilliant at Level of FDR or Eisenhower’

MSNBC political commentator Chris Matthews said Monday on “Morning Joe” that President Joe Biden’s world leadership is “brilliant” at the level of former Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Matthews said, “Tom Friedman, I guess a couple months ago, said Joe Biden has united NATO as never before, his problem is uniting the United States, that is the challenge. I noticed that Richard Haass said the other day in leaving his post at the Council of Foreign Relations, he said biggest challenge in the world today is us. It is so interesting how this whole thing is polarized now. We’re doing a great job in world leadership, brilliant at level of FDR or Eisenhower. We are holding the world together.”

He continued, “We’re building NATO, as it was built to be when it was first formed to stop Russia, to stop Russia’s advancement into Western Europe. And look where we’ve stopped them, at the Ukraine. In Ukraine that’s where we stopped them and in the Balkans. It’s extraordinary what Blinken has done and Jake Sullivan has done, and what the president’s done. Altogether, they’re doing a great job.”

Matthews added, “But here at home, and you talked about that earlier this morning, this distinction where people cannot say what you said in your article for The Atlantic, they can’t believe it. They can’t believe it. Which is everything is doing pretty well. We have inflation it’s continued but it’s going down. Everything is going swimmingly.”

Source: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2023/07/10/chris-matthews-bidens-world-leadership-brilliant-at-level-of-fdr-or-eisenhower/

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93dd9e No.70694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156044 (101630ZJUL23) Notable: #23526

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#23526 >>70651

>>70652, >>70654, >>70655, >>70656, >>70660, >>70657, >>70658, >>70658, >>70659 QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

>>70653 Catastrophic, life-threatening flooding expected in Vermont starting Sunday

>>70661, >>70662 Ex-gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar stabbed multiple times during Florida prison altercation

>>70663 Church of England to draft pastoral guidance on same-sex couple blessings

>>70664, >>70672 DeSantis Campaign Is Giving 'Jeb Bush Vibes,' Ex-GOP Staffer Warns

>>70665 Transgender woman is crowned Miss Netherlands for the first time in the beauty pageant's history and will now compete for the Miss Universe crown

>>70666, >>70669, >>70673 Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

>>70667 The Conservative Twins Reveal Why They Left The Democratic Party

>>70668 Commandant of Marine Corps Relinquishment of Office Ceremony

>>70670 Ceremonial Arrival for President Biden at Windsor Castle

>>70671 Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Hearing Date: Wed, 07/12/2023 - 10:00 AM

>>70675 50 Cent posts dire warning about L.A.: 'Watch how bad it gets'

>>70676 Grenell: “Richard, Thank you for reaching out regarding a political mailing in Iowa. I can assure you that this is not something I support.” But his staff did it anyway.

>>70677 Latin American Countries Reject EU’s Stance on Ukraine Help, Pushback Against Environmental Rules for Trade Deal

>>70678 Liberal Supreme Court justice comes out in favor of segregation

>>70679 Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

>>70680, >>70674, >>70683 Hue Edwards The Latest Sex Scandal

>>70681 Old Joe Is Completely Lost: King Charles Visibly Frustrated, Has Trouble Urging Joe Biden to Move On During Honor Guard Inspection


>>70684 Now We’re Supposed to Hate Trump Because he Outsmarted the Mafia! HAH!


>>70686, >>70687 Montana may be first state to separate from 'Marxist lesbian' leadership of American Libraries Association

>>70688 Tennessee soccer coach is charged with child rape after restaurant workers find photos on his phone

>>70689 I can tell you its Kelly with "real character issues"

>>70690 Over the last few months, I have opened my world up to TIME. They investigated and this is my story🙏🏼

>>70691 Police Taking Selfies With Donald Trump Sparks Outrage: 'Disgraceful'

>>70692 PF AF1 92-9000 VC-25 approaching Vilnius.

>>70693 Chris Matthews: Biden’s World Leadership ‘Brilliant at Level of FDR or Eisenhower’/moron Joe


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93dd9e No.70695

File: 62b5597a70d18e0⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155985 (101618ZJUL23) Notable: #23527

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93dd9e No.70696

File: 86e60e265ccf975⋯.jpg (303.66 KB,1080x1279,1080:1279,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156104 (101642ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The public is demanding to know the White House “Cocaine Story. like I QUICKLY PROVIDED SECURITY TAPES FROM MAR-a-LAGO

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The public is demanding to know the White House “Cocaine Story.” Just like I QUICKLY PROVIDED SECURITY TAPES FROM MAR-a-LAGO on the BOXES HOAX, the White House has Security Cameras (far more than Mar-a-Lago!) all over the place, especially the location in question. THEY 100% KNOW WHO IT IS. If they don’t release information, it means they destroyed the tapes & the Cocaine was for use by Hunter, & probably Crooked Joe, in order to give this total disaster of a President a little life and energy!

12:33 EST


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93dd9e No.70697

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156117 (101643ZJUL23) Notable: Kassam: Biden Mimics President Trump’s Political Strategy, DeSantis Is In Trump’s Killshot Zone

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Kassam: Biden Mimics President Trump’s Political Strategy, DeSantis Is In Trump’s Killshot Zone

15:48 minutes

Pretty interesting analysis!


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93dd9e No.70698

File: 8160a97aa7e0cc6⋯.jpg (83.93 KB,609x505,609:505,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156138 (101647ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I love Iowa, protected & expanded Ethanol, got 28 Billion Dollars from China for our great Farmers, ended the Estate (Death!) Tax on farms...

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I love Iowa, protected & expanded Ethanol, got 28 Billion Dollars from China for our great Farmers, ended the Estate (Death!) Tax on farms, made the best TRADE deals in history (USMCA, China, & many more), introduced the World to our FARMERS, & kept Iowa’s “First in the Nation” status. I opened up the Governor position for Kim Reynolds, & when she fell behind, I ENDORSED her, did big Rallies, & she won. Now, she wants to remain “NEUTRAL.” I don’t invite her to events! DeSanctus down 45 points!

12:10 EST


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93dd9e No.70699

File: b1dc596cddc1f95⋯.png (51.17 KB,591x362,591:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156156 (101651ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I love Iowa, protected & expanded Ethanol, got 28 Billion Dollars from China for our great Farmers, ended the Estate (Death!) Tax on farms...

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93dd9e No.70700

File: c06a93f731211d3⋯.png (826.23 KB,960x682,480:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156170 (101654ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Stars, Dust and Nebula in NGC 6559

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 10, 2023

Stars, Dust and Nebula in NGC 6559

When stars form, pandemonium reigns. A textbook case is the star forming region NGC 6559. Visible in the featured image are red glowing emission nebulas of hydrogen, blue reflection nebulas of dust, dark absorption nebulas of dust, and the stars that formed from them. The first massive stars formed from the dense gas will emit energetic light and winds that erode, fragment, and sculpt their birthplace. And then they explode. The resulting morass can be as beautiful as it is complex. After tens of millions of years, the dust boils away, the gas gets swept away, and all that is left is a bare open cluster of stars.


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93dd9e No.70701

File: 83dcc36e4b8601d⋯.png (47.37 KB,563x239,563:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156247 (101706ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Was Crooked Joe Biden on Cocaine when he instructed the FBI/DOJ to illegally invade my home, Mar-a-Lago...

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Was Crooked Joe Biden on Cocaine when he instructed the FBI/DOJ to illegally invade my home, Mar-a-Lago, in complete and total violation of my 4th Amendment Rights? Was he on Cocaine, or various other substances, when he, for the first time in U.S. history, had his political opponent, who is leading him in the Polls by a lot, indicted and arrested (twice, if you include the DOJ run Manhattan D.A.’s Office)? WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE!!!

13:02 (1:02) EST


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93dd9e No.70702

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156252 (101707ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Hale: 'CCP Stiffed Americans'; China In Default In Trillions Of Dollars To US Bondholders. And Yellen is helping them!

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11:34 minutes

Andrew Hale: 'CCP Stiffed Americans'; China In Default In Trillions Of Dollars To US Bondholders. And Yellen is helping them!


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93dd9e No.70703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156274 (101709ZJUL23) Notable: Department Press Briefing With Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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July 10, 2023

1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing With Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State





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93dd9e No.70704

File: 60c22c4e9d0fa83⋯.png (485.41 KB,749x640,749:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156395 (101726ZJUL23) Notable: Arlington National Cemetery, Matt and Ginger Gaetz

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Rep. Matt Gaetz

This morning, with utmost reverence and an unwavering sense of patriotism, my staff and I embarked on a solemn pilgrimage to Arlington National Cemetery (@ArlingtonNatl).

In this hallowed ground, where our nation's heroes rest eternally, we paid homage to the countless brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our cherished freedoms.

Words cannot adequately convey the profound honor and privilege Ginger and I felt as we placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. May their memory forever inspire our commitment to our great nation.

Arlington National Cemetery and Ginger Gaetz

12:40 PM · Jul 10, 2023


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93dd9e No.70705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156480 (101745ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Pence Takes Credit for Trump’s Tough Stand that Prevented Putin from Invading Ukraine During His Watch

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Mike Pence Takes Credit for Trump’s Tough Stand that Prevented Putin from Invading Ukraine During His Watch

FOX News continued today to cement its image as just another Trump-bashing mainstream media channel.

Mike Pence was invited on to America’s Newsroom this morning. The former vice president who is running for president for some reason, was asked about Ukrainian President Zelensky’s swipe at Trump in a recent ABC interview.

Zelensky trash-talked Trump during his interview with Martha Raddatz saying “It seems to me that the sole desire to bring the war to an end is beautiful. But this desire should be based on some real-life experience.” This was in response to President Trump saying he would end the War in Ukraine in 24 hours.

Zelensky’s response did not make much sense since Russia only invaded Ukraine last year in 2022.

Mike Pence quickly took credit for President Trump’s tough stance on the international stage.

Mike Pence: the reason why Russia did not even attempt to redraw international lines by force during our administration is because we were strong. We made it clear that we not only had rebuilt our military, but they were willing to use military force in Syria, our armed forces taking down ISIS. And frankly, we took down over 100 Russian soldiers in a military engagement in Syria itself.

Pence contradicts himself and then pushes for more war with Russia.

Via Midnight Rider.

Mike Pence: So. Look, I understand President Zelensky’s frustration. The Russians were in Crimea. They had taken that area during the Obama years. But, look, there’s only one pathway towards success here, and that is to give the Ukrainian military, much more quickly than Joe Biden has done, what they need to repel the Russian invasion and reclaim their country.

Mike Pence is a clown. He’s nothing like President Trump. What a joke.


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93dd9e No.70706

File: 0d58d5b7eef993d⋯.png (533.59 KB,763x610,763:610,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a0cb9c21e5a676⋯.mp4 (8.64 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a754d9a85027188⋯.png (527.7 KB,752x794,376:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156500 (101749ZJUL23) Notable: Please retweet so that people can grasp the basic rule - of how to deal with today's elite-funded feudal scam system

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Utter brilliance and profound insight from Nick Hudson - again.

Please retweet so that people can grasp the basic rule - of how to deal with today's elite-funded feudal scam system:


In 2 minutes @NickHudsonCT explains brilliantly everything you need to know for instantly debunking any new frightening scam for #ManufacturingConsent to usher in #GlobalGovernance, e.g. by #TerrorismScam, #IPCCCO2Scam, #WHOpLandemicScam, #DangerousAIScam and #AlienAttackScam.


full interview here:



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93dd9e No.70707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156513 (101751ZJUL23) Notable: China Unveils Shocking New Weapon Allowing Control Of Entire Populations

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China Unveils Shocking New Weapon Allowing Control Of Entire Populations

China has emerged as a global leader in creating “NeuroStrike weapons” that directly target brain function. This groundbreaking study sheds light on the ambitious armament developments made by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which involve the use of microwaves or other directed energy to control brain activity.


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93dd9e No.70708

File: df556f7cee29eb8⋯.png (272.07 KB,522x715,522:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156514 (101752ZJUL23) Notable: The US Just Confessed To Imminent War Crimes In Ukraine

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Kremlin: The US Just Confessed To Imminent War Crimes In Ukraine

Statements made by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on the Sunday news shows have been seized upon by the Kremlin as a clear demonstration the US has 'confessed to war crimes'.

Kirby in a fresh interview with ABC was defending President Biden's approving cluster bombs for Ukraine, which are banned by over 120 countries internationally for being 'indiscriminate' and thus more likely to result in civilian deaths. Kirby at one point told ABC that "we can all agree that more civilians have been and will continue to be killed by Russian forces… than will likely be hurt by the use of these cluster munitions."

The administration's consistent rationale has been to say that while yes - this opens up Ukraine's military to the greater likelihood of committing war crimes - it's essentially OK because Russia is doing it.

Russia in particular is highlighting Kirby's admission that some civilians "will likely be hurt" by US-supplied cluster bombs.

Russia's ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov took note of Kirby's 'confession'...

We have taken note of the Director for Strategic Communications of the NSC John Kirby’s statements about the provision of cluster munitions to Ukraine. The official de facto confessed to the United States committing war crimes during the Ukrainian conflict.

He overtly stated that civilians would fall victim to 🇺🇸 cluster-type weapons.

He continued, "According to the perverted view of the White House representative, this does less harm than the actions of Russia."

Multiple leading Western allies have pushed back against the Washington decision, with Germany, the UK, Canada, Austria, and Spain all voicing their disapproval. But Kirby and the administration has emphasized it's all about "keeping Ukraine in the fight."

Kirby in the ABC interview admitted Ukraine's counteroffensive is going slower than expected, and that the rate of artillery fire is higher than what the West can keep up with. Kirby also admitted the higher risk of children and civilians being hurt by unexploded ordinance which is typical of cluster munition usage...

"We are very mindful of the concerns about civilian casualties and unexploded ordinance being picked up by civilians or children and being hurt, of course we're mind of that."

He then sought to justify it by saying the US will join Ukraine in de-mining efforts "when war conditions permit". He essentially shrugged off the criticisms that more civilians, Ukrainians in particular, could be severely maimed or die by cluster munitions. Watch:


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93dd9e No.70709

File: cef7cf8af154cdc⋯.png (50.04 KB,535x330,107:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156532 (101756ZJUL23) Notable: UN Set to Launch ‘Global Shocks’ Plan Just Prior to US Presidential Election

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UN Set to Launch ‘Global Shocks’ Plan Just Prior to US Presidential Election

The powerful United Nations is now seeking to increase its influence worldwide by seizing global “emergency” powers, and President Joe Biden supports their proposal.

Interestingly, the U.N. proposal would begin September 2024, a mere two months before a highly anticipated general election in the U.S.

The global organization will host a “Summit of the Future” where associated nations will adopt a so-called “Pact for the Future.”

The “pact,” or agreement, would set in place multiple policy reforms offered by the U.N. in past years as part of its “Our Common Agenda” platform.

While there are several aggressive proposals included in the agenda, none are as disconcerting as the U.N.’s plan for an “emergency platform,” which would provide the international organization significant powers in times of “global shocks,” such as another global pandemic.

Most details of the U.N.’s proposal were included in a March policy paper titled, “Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks — An Emergency Platform.”

The U.N.’s secretary-general, António Guterres, outlined the emergency platform proposal: “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”

“The challenges we face can only be addressed through stronger international cooperation,” Guterres declared.

The emergency platform would provide the international body with power over all nations in times of distress.

Such power, according to the U.N., is needed to “[e]nsure that all participating actors make commitments that can contribute meaningfully to the response and that they are held to account for delivery on those commitments.”

According to the U.N.’s policy proposal, the secretary-general could extend the emergency platform, if need be, despite its duration being set for a “finite period.” Such a decision would be made without the consent of any member nations.

So, precisely what type of “global shock” would trigger an emergency platform?

According to the U.N., a “large-scale event,” “future pandemics,” a “disruptions to global digital connectivity,” a “major event in outer space,” and other “unforeseen risks” are all causes of an emergency platform.

Many have criticized the U.N.’s proposal and have accused it of being an attempt at consolidating power.

Although many oppose the proposal, there are some who support it, such as the Biden administration.


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93dd9e No.70710

File: 21086fcaa17b68b⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,278x480,139:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156539 (101757ZJUL23) Notable: The media claims that child sex trafficking is a “conspiracy theory” and doesn’t want videos like this getting around

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The media claims that child sex trafficking is a “conspiracy theory” and doesn’t want videos like this getting around

*Disturbing Video


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93dd9e No.70711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156544 (101758ZJUL23) Notable: CHILD S3X trafficking in HOLLYWOOD ** shocking revelations - insider turns whistleblower EP 1

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CHILD S3X trafficking in HOLLYWOOD ** shocking revelations - insider turns whistleblower EP 1


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93dd9e No.70712

File: deaec12f9d6b7e9⋯.png (501.6 KB,1290x1611,430:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156587 (101805ZJUL23) Notable: Missouri v. Biden - The judge in the case has DENIED the stay on the temporary injunction.

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>BREAKING- Missouri v. Biden -

>The judge in the case has DENIED the stay on >the temporary injunction.

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93dd9e No.70713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156590 (101805ZJUL23) Notable: Full Committee Field Hearing, American Confidence in Elections: The Path to Election Integrity Across America – Atlanta, Georgia

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July 10, 2023

2:30 PM EDT

Full Committee Field Hearing, American Confidence in Elections: The Path to Election Integrity Across America – Atlanta, Georgia

Committee on House Administration



The Honorable Hans von Spakovsky

Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow, The Heritage Foundation






House Administration Field Hearing on U.S. Election Integrity

The House Administration committee holds a field hearing in Atlanta, Georgia, on U.S. election integrity.


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93dd9e No.70714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156628 (101814ZJUL23) Notable: The media claims that child sex trafficking is a “conspiracy theory” and doesn’t want videos like this getting around

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Wow, his twitter thread. People have never seen this video before. BTW, the voices are speaking Hindi

I'm almost too scared to search for others. I'm sure they exist, but horrific viewing.

BTW, there was one on Twitter showing the southern border with kids that were drugged / passed out and tied up. Might have to find that one again.

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93dd9e No.70715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156640 (101816ZJUL23) Notable: Erdoğan Demands EU Membership Path for Turkey in Exchange for Backing Sweden’s NATO Bid

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Erdoğan Demands EU Membership Path for Turkey in Exchange for Backing Sweden’s NATO Bid

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday introduced a new condition for approving Sweden’s membership in NATO, calling on European countries to “open the way” for Turkey to join the European Union.

The surprise announcement by Erdogan before departing for a NATO summit in Lithuania’s capital added new uncertainty to Sweden’s bid to become the alliance’s 32nd member, which Turkey initially blocked by saying Sweden was too soft on Kurdish militants and other groups that Ankara considers security threats.

It was the first time that Erdogan linked his country’s ambition to join the EU with Sweden’s efforts to become a NATO member.

“Turkey has been waiting at the door of the European Union for over 50 years now, and almost all of the NATO member countries are now members of the European Union,” Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul. “I am making this call to these countries that have kept Turkey waiting at the gates of the European Union for more than 50 years.”

“Come and open the way for Turkey’s membership in the European Union. When you pave the way for Turkey, we’ll pave the way for Sweden as we did for Finland,” he added.

Earlier, Erdogan’s office said he told U.S. President Joe Biden during a telephone call Sunday that Turkey wanted a “clear and strong” message of support for Turkey’s EU ambitions from the NATO leaders meeting in Vilnius. The White House readout of the Biden-Erdogan call did not mention the issue of Turkish membership in the EU.

Erdogan and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson met later Monday as they arrived in Vilnius, where NATO leaders are to meet over the next two days to discuss a host of issues including NATO’s future relations with Ukraine.

Asked about Erdogan’s comments, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he supports Turkey’s ambition to join the EU but noted that it wasn’t among the conditions listed in an agreement that Sweden, Finland and Turkey signed at last year’s NATO summit in Madrid.

Stoltenberg reiterated that Sweden had met those conditions and said he thinks it is “still possible to have a positive decision” on the country’s pending membership during this week’s summit in Lithuania.

EU Commission spokesperson Dana Spinant said that “you cannot link the two processes in regards to Turkey.”

Turkey is a candidate to join the EU, but democratic backsliding during Erdogan’s presidency, disputes with EU-member Cyprus and other issues have held up the country’s progress toward admission in the 27-nation bloc.

However, as a member of NATO, Erdogan’s government has postponed ratifying Sweden’s accession to the alliance, saying the administration in Stockholm needs to do more to crack down on Kurdish militants and other groups. A series of anti-Turkey and anti-Islam protests in Sweden’s capital raised doubts that an agreement to satisfy Turkey’s demands could be reached before the NATO summit.

Turkey’s delays on Sweden’s accession have irritated other NATO allies including the United States. Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, confirmed Sunday that Biden and Erdogan had spoken earlier that day about Sweden’s NATO membership among other issues and had agreed to meet in Vilnius for further talks. Sullivan didn’t mention the EU membership issue.

He said the White House is confident Sweden will join the alliance.

“If it happens after Vilnius – we’re confident it will happen,” he said. “We don’t regard this as something that is fundamentally in doubt. This is a matter of timing. The sooner the better.”


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93dd9e No.70716

File: f4b1d89890a57d2⋯.png (239.42 KB,510x326,255:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156651 (101817ZJUL23) Notable: Collapsed Bank's Former Owner Sues Feds For Billions After Massive Bailout

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Collapsed Bank's Former Owner Sues Feds For Billions After Massive Bailout

California tech lender Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) parent company sued the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on Sunday for nearly $2 billion months after the regulator bailed out depositors at its main company, according to a bankruptcy court filing.

SVB Financial Group (SVBFG) filed for bankruptcy in March, just days after its main business SVB collapsed and its depositors received a substantial bailout from the FDIC’s taxpayer-backed Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF). SVBFG alleges the FDIC violated U.S. bankruptcy law by retaining almost $2 billion of its cash following the regulator’s takeover of SVB in March, according to the filing.

The FDIC estimated SVB’s failure depleted the DIF by $16 billion and that, as the regulator assesses the portion of the cost SVBFG should pay for the rescue, it has legal authority to keep the seized $1.93 billion, according to Reuters.

“These continuing violations are having a significant impact on the Debtor,” SVBG wrote in the filing. “The $1.93 billion in Account Funds is the core estate asset. The Debtor’s lack of access to these Account Funds is impeding its ability to reorganize, and causing harm to the Debtor on a continuous basis.”

SVBFG stressed the need to receive the cash promptly for planning purposes, and added that the $1.93 billion “should be generating more than $100 million in annual interest for the estate at current rates,” according to the filing.

SVB collapsed on March 10 and the FDIC used its DIF to rescue all of the bank’s depositors on March 13, including those with over $250,000 in deposits, which is the insured limit. SVB was the second-largest bank failure in American history at the time, according to CNN Business.

Over 70% of 1,000 likely voters surveyed did not approve of the FDIC using its DIF to bail out large depositors at SVB, according to a poll published by Convention of States Action in collaboration with The Trafalgar Group in April.

SVBFG did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

The FDIC declined to comment.


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93dd9e No.70717

File: 69ccf11f13c1675⋯.png (188.56 KB,471x519,157:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156653 (101818ZJUL23) Notable: The media claims that child sex trafficking is a “conspiracy theory” and doesn’t want videos like this getting around

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Here's the rumble link mentioned in the twitter post.


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93dd9e No.70718

File: 73450ce2addde99⋯.jpeg (869.65 KB,1170x2366,45:91,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156673 (101822ZJUL23) Notable: What do f I told you that the whole premise of the Movie Sound of Freedom

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What do f I told you that the whole premise of the Movie

Sound of Freedom

Was to get you to voluntarily start microchipping

Your Children, Would you believe me?

If you're a parent who has seen the latest season of Black Mirror, you're probably still feeling triggered by the episode where a mother decides to microchip her daughter after she goes missing, and of course like every Black Mirror episode, it has horrifically negative consequences.

Well it seems many Aussie parents are putting their confidence in 'Big Brother' style technology. A study of 1,000 parents by Real Insurance has found just over a third are currently monitoring their children using GPS tracking apps, 40 per cent of those people believing it is their 'parental right' to use such surveillance methods.

One in ten parents would seriously consider implanting their children with a microchip to keep tabs on them at all times, while three in ten believe the concept is interesting and they would like to know more.

Almost 60 per cent also admitted to using social media platforms to keep track of their children's lives, but half of respondents say they are aware their children are more likely to share parent-friendly content and post more personal information on the platforms where parents aren't connected.

One Sydney-based microchip company, Chip My Life, claim they've been flooded with calls from parents wanting to get their kids implanted despite the technology not actually being available or approved yet.

Some experts though, aren't too fond of the technology citing many moral and health issues. Child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg has compared microchipping children to "tagging a dog".

"They have to understand the greatest protection is in fact what's between the ears of their children," Carr-Gregg told The Daily Telegraph.


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93dd9e No.70719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156696 (101826ZJUL23) Notable: US climate envoy John Kerry to visit China

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US climate envoy John Kerry to visit China

John Kerry, the U.S. special envoy for climate change, will travel to Beijing this month for talks with Chinese officials on global warming, a State Department official said on Friday. The trip will mark the third to China in the last month by a member of President Joe Biden’s cabinet.

The trip will take place in the week starting July 16, an official at the State Department told Radio Free Asia on condition of anonymity because the travel plans have not yet been officially announced.

Kerry is expected to meet with Xie Zhenhua, his Chinese counterpart as special envoy for climate change. The pair have not met publicly for talks since then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s August 2022 trip to Taiwan threw ties between Beijing and Washington off course.

In an interview with The New York Times, Kerry said he would seek “genuine cooperation” during the visit, which follows trips by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

“China and the United States are the two largest economies in the world and we’re also the two largest emitters,” Kerry said. “It’s clear that we have a special responsibility to find common ground.”

The meetings will take place as the El Niño pattern sets in, causing record-setting temperatures and flooding in China. Meteorological authorities also say that July 4 was the hottest ever recorded day.

Important talks

Kerry’s trip will be his third to China as climate envoy since Biden appointed the former U.S. secretary of state to the role in 2021.

It comes as American and Chinese officials cautiously test a thaw in relations after almost a year of intensifying bad blood over issues like the status of the self-governing island of Taiwan, the alleged Chinese spy balloon found over the United States and microchip exports.

The stakes in the talks for climate change mitigation will be high: China is the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, responsible for about 30% of emissions, while the United States is second, at about 10%.

Even though China has emerged as a frontrunner in global renewable energy – thanks to a blend of incentives and regulatory policies to host about 50% of the world’s operational wind and solar capacity – fossil fuels also currently generate about two-thirds of China’s electricity.

In 2022, China alone accounted for 53% of the world’s coal-fired electricity generation, showing a dramatic revival in appetite for new coal power projects. Chinese officials have said emissions will likely peak in 2030 before slowing down to reach net zero by 2060.

Last year, Beijing approved the highest new coal-fired power capacity in eight years. That has continued this year, environmental group Greenpeace said in April, with China’s government approving at least 20.45 GW of new coal capacity in the first three months of 2023.

Yet climate change remains one of the most visible areas where U.S. and Chinese officials have sought cooperation in recent years.

In May, the U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, said the two governments have a joint interest in working to mitigate climate change. Despite the tense relations between the countries, he said, Kerry and Xie kept talking and “work together … very effectively.”

“It doesn’t mean they always see eye to eye,” Burns said at an online event hosted by the Stimson Center. “But I think both governments want to work to see if we can achieve the U.N. target of limiting the average global increase to 1.5 degrees Centigrade.”


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93dd9e No.70720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156708 (101831ZJUL23) Notable: The media claims that child sex trafficking is a “conspiracy theory” and doesn’t want videos like this getting around

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Miranda Devine of the Post just picked up the DC Draino thread.

Getting more traction.

Let's see how long before Twitter shuts it down again. They have been sensoring it for a while.

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93dd9e No.70721

File: 8d295d1902611d7⋯.png (86.31 KB,762x890,381:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 13b197b2bc5aae9⋯.png (100.24 KB,770x863,770:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b09ee7ae039d82⋯.png (96.26 KB,768x900,64:75,Clipboard.png)

File: 0767d8688b4d6b1⋯.png (321.84 KB,345x460,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156717 (101833ZJUL23) Notable: YMCA Accuses Teen Girl of Hate Speech for Opposing Man in Girls' Locker Room

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YMCA Accuses Teen Girl of Hate Speech for Opposing Man in Girls' Locker Room

Yet another “trans”-cultic offense against children, women, decency, reason, and basic human rights has taken place. Such offenses will continue unless and until right-thinking Americans oppose them with courage and tenacity—oh, and lawsuits.

The Springfield YMCA Typhoons Swim Team (SPY) in Springfield, Illinois now allows biological men who pretend to be women to enter the girls’ locker room—including when minor girls are present and undressing. The coaches and YMCA administrators began this practice without telling any girls or their parents.

Here is an excerpt from a summary provided by the father of one of the girl swimmers at the center of what should be a shocking event:

On April 27, 2023, my sixteen-year-old daughter, a member of the YMCA SPY Swim Team, entered the girl’s locker to change out of her swimsuit and noticed a couple transgender individuals sitting in the locker room. My daughter went back out on the pool deck and informed the head swim coach, Alex Totura, of the situation and he responded to her by stating, “There’s nothing I can do about it.”

On May 10, 2023, the SPY Swim Team held their monthly parent meeting where the issue of girls’ locker room use by biological males was brought up. The meeting was attended by Angie Sowle, Chief Executive Officer of the YMCA. The parents were told there’s nothing that can be done about it.

Parents asked if the YMCA could ask the transgender members to use the Family Changing Area (private bathrooms with toilet, sink shower and changing area) instead of the girl’s locker room. The YMCA staff said they could not do that because it is discrimination and against the law.

Parents asked if the YMCA could send out a notification to swim team members that transgender people were using the girl’s locker room so that member could make informed decisions for their family. Again, the YMCA staff said that they could not do that because it is discrimination and against the law.

After the Parent Meeting, my daughter, her mom, and another swim mom approached Ms. Sowle and Coach Totura. My daughter said that she didn’t understand why this is happening and asked how long the YMCA knew about this. Coach Totura laughed and stated, “transgender people have been around a long time.” My daughter then stated, “That is not the question I asked.” She asked the question again and Ms. Sowle responded, “We have known for a while."


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93dd9e No.70722

File: 3425457c62dd00d⋯.png (33.02 KB,587x437,587:437,Clipboard.png)

File: a8dcd8aa67803f5⋯.jpg (627.88 KB,1004x1417,1004:1417,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156718 (101833ZJUL23) Notable: Fasting for 48-72 hours kills spike protein

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93dd9e No.70723

File: 7efc1e5a508dd11⋯.png (166.73 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 74a61a51ae82bfa⋯.png (465.89 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ba9fa8689952f2f⋯.png (136.63 KB,798x772,399:386,Clipboard.png)

File: c3e10cde6fca2bc⋯.png (472.99 KB,778x835,778:835,Clipboard.png)

File: 13596f3140d8292⋯.png (183.15 KB,757x828,757:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156745 (101843ZJUL23) Notable: Obama-era emails reveal Hunter's extensive ties to nearly a dozen senior-level Biden admin aides

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Obama-era emails reveal Hunter's extensive ties to nearly a dozen senior-level Biden admin aides

Hunter deeply connected to Biden's inner circle as whistleblowers cry foul over federal probe

Nearly a dozen current and former officials serving in the White House and Biden administration, including the president's national security adviser and the secretary of state, have extensive ties to Hunter Biden, who is accused by Republicans of selling access to his father, dating back over a decade.

A Fox News Digital analysis reveals the extent of Hunter's potential reach in the White House, while the embattled first son is expected to make his first court appearance on July 26 for two alleged misdemeanor tax violations and a felony gun charge.

The Justice Department announced last month that Hunter had entered a plea agreement in the case that will likely keep him out of jail. U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David Weiss, who led the investigation, is facing demands from Republicans probing alleged improper retaliation against whistleblowers who claimed the probe was "influenced by politics" and that Weiss was "hamstrung" when making prosecutorial decisions.

The analysis includes two members of Biden's Cabinet and one former Cabinet member, a top aide to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a national security adviser, five top Biden White House aides, and a top Biden campaign aide who is currently on leave from her role as a communications director for first lady Jill Biden.

Jake Sullivan

Hunter Biden and President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, served together on the board of the Truman National Security Project, a liberal foreign policy think tank, for roughly two years before Sullivan joined the president’s campaign in 2020.

Hunter, who started serving on the board in 2012, and Sullivan both served on the Washington-based nonprofit’s board between 2017 and early 2019, according to internet archives captured by the Wayback Machine.

During that time, Hunter was also serving on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and the Chinese private equity fund BHR Partners. The federal investigation into Hunter's foreign business dealings, which is still ongoing, also launched during the same time frame in 2018.

Sullivan was recently accused by former White House official Mike McCormick of being a "conspirator" in the Biden family's "kickback scheme" in Ukraine when Biden was vice president.

Sullivan denied the allegations, telling reporters that he had nothing to do with such an operation.

Antony Blinken

Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a meeting with Hunter Biden at the State Department in July 2015 when he was serving as the deputy secretary of state in the Obama-Biden administration and Hunter was on Burisma's board, according to emails previously reviewed and verified by Fox News Digital.

The meeting was two months in the making after Hunter emailed Blinken in late May 2015, asking, "Have a few minutes next week to grab a cup of coffee? I know you are impossibly busy, but would like to get your advice on a couple of things."

Blinken said "absolutely" and Hunter forwarded Blinken's full email response to Devon Archer, who was also serving on the Burisma board with him. However, the initial meeting appeared to have been canceled due to the admission of Hunter’s older brother, Beau Biden, to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland because of a recurrence of brain cancer. Beau passed away on May 30, 2015.


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93dd9e No.70724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156813 (101900ZJUL23) Notable: #23527

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#23527 >>70695

>>70696 @realDonaldTrump The public is demanding to know the White House “Cocaine Story. like I QUICKLY PROVIDED SECURITY TAPES FROM MAR-a-LAGO

>>70697 Kassam: Biden Mimics President Trump’s Political Strategy, DeSantis Is In Trump’s Killshot Zone

>>70698, >>70699 @realDonaldTrump I love Iowa, protected & expanded Ethanol, got 28 Billion Dollars from China for our great Farmers, ended the Estate (Death!) Tax on farms...

>>70700 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Stars, Dust and Nebula in NGC 6559

>>70701 @realDonaldTrump Was Crooked Joe Biden on Cocaine when he instructed the FBI/DOJ to illegally invade my home, Mar-a-Lago...

>>70702 Andrew Hale: 'CCP Stiffed Americans'; China In Default In Trillions Of Dollars To US Bondholders. And Yellen is helping them!

>>70703 Department Press Briefing With Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>70704 Arlington National Cemetery, Matt and Ginger Gaetz

>>70705 Mike Pence Takes Credit for Trump’s Tough Stand that Prevented Putin from Invading Ukraine During His Watch

>>70706 Please retweet so that people can grasp the basic rule - of how to deal with today's elite-funded feudal scam system

>>70707 China Unveils Shocking New Weapon Allowing Control Of Entire Populations

>>70708 The US Just Confessed To Imminent War Crimes In Ukraine

>>70709 UN Set to Launch ‘Global Shocks’ Plan Just Prior to US Presidential Election

>>70710, >>70714, >>70717, >>70720 The media claims that child sex trafficking is a “conspiracy theory” and doesn’t want videos like this getting around

>>70711 CHILD S3X trafficking in HOLLYWOOD ** shocking revelations - insider turns whistleblower EP 1

>>70712 Missouri v. Biden - The judge in the case has DENIED the stay on the temporary injunction.

>>70713 Full Committee Field Hearing, American Confidence in Elections: The Path to Election Integrity Across America – Atlanta, Georgia

>>70715 Erdoğan Demands EU Membership Path for Turkey in Exchange for Backing Sweden’s NATO Bid

>>70716 Collapsed Bank's Former Owner Sues Feds For Billions After Massive Bailout

>>70718 What do f I told you that the whole premise of the Movie Sound of Freedom

>>70719 US climate envoy John Kerry to visit China

>>70721 YMCA Accuses Teen Girl of Hate Speech for Opposing Man in Girls' Locker Room

>>70722 Fasting for 48-72 hours kills spike protein

>>70723 Obama-era emails reveal Hunter's extensive ties to nearly a dozen senior-level Biden admin aides


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93dd9e No.70725

File: 0fdd74c5fe36d14⋯.png (497.85 KB,720x665,144:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 76fc06d705f0b35⋯.png (87.76 KB,254x255,254:255,Clipboard.png)

File: eb95915ca36f69e⋯.png (474.1 KB,640x414,320:207,Clipboard.png)

File: b18293e55cd7613⋯.jpeg (73.66 KB,1080x893,1080:893,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156832 (101903ZJUL23) Notable: #23528

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Baker has IRL, taps @20

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93dd9e No.70726

File: b2c59d41242c98b⋯.png (299.6 KB,617x582,617:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156884 (101911ZJUL23) Notable: STATE DEPT. SPOX MILLER: "We believe the war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine…"

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STATE DEPT. SPOX MILLER: "We believe the war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine..."

PRESS: "Don't you mean 'a strategic failure for Russia?'"

MILLER: "I'm sorry — excuse me — a strategic failure for Ukraine! Thank you for the correction!"


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93dd9e No.70727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156911 (101917ZJUL23) Notable: AMC Sabotages “Sound of Freedom” Movie -Turns off A/C Units nationwide

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saw this yesterday

AMC Sabotages “Sound of Freedom” Movie -Turns off A/C Units nationwide


35.7K subscribers

22,558 views Jul 8, 2023

AMC is trying to sabotage “Sound of Freedom”

AMC says the air conditioning isn’t working in the theater playing “Sound of Freedom” so they refund everyone’s tickets. But the air conditioning is working perfectly fine in the lobby, hallway, and bathrooms. Oh, it’s just the theater playing the Christian movie where the A/C stops working. Riiiiight.

And it just so happens that all of AMC’s air conditioners stop working at multiple theaters across the country simultaneously during the release of Sound of Freedom.

The A/C units in North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, and Sandwich, Illinois. Yup. They all just stop working simultaneously during the release of this Christian film.

Then also California had AC units stop working, then also Las Vegas, Nevada and Dacula, Georgia. All these AC units stop working the moment that Sound of Freedom hits theaters. All these AC units all across the country just stop working at the same time.

Original Video:


checkout the YT comments also

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93dd9e No.70728

File: 5bbe86711725ebf⋯.png (91.59 KB,644x562,322:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156925 (101920ZJUL23) Notable: Ben & Jerry's Held to the Fire over Virtue Signaling, When do the Negotiations Begin?

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Ben & Jerry's Held to the Fire over Virtue Signaling, When do the Negotiations Begin?

A Native American chief in Vermont has called out Ben & Jerry's for having its headquarters on indigenous land.

The ice cream company has been receiving backlash after they tweeted on July 4th calling for the United States to 'return indigenous land'.

Now, Don Stevens, chief of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation, has told the New York Post that the land the company built their HQ on is on Native land.

Stevens said: 'If you look at the [Abenaki] traditional way of being, we are place-based people. Before recognized tribes in the state, we were the ones who were in this place.'

Stevens also said he 'looks forward to any kind of correspondence with the brand to see how they can better benefit indigenous people.'


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93dd9e No.70729

File: 03d4fe6f7e26472⋯.png (423.17 KB,1075x1080,215:216,Clipboard.png)

File: fab7918fdd7383b⋯.png (1.06 MB,958x886,479:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fe162245bd76bc⋯.png (1.17 MB,1042x1219,1042:1219,Clipboard.png)

File: 57994d3fcb7df34⋯.png (928.01 KB,1042x1219,1042:1219,Clipboard.png)

File: 717b2615bff8bb6⋯.png (94.6 KB,1102x528,551:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19156931 (101920ZJUL23) Notable: Disney theme parks surprisingly empty this summer as ticket prices remain high

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Disney theme parks surprisingly empty this summer as ticket prices remain high

July 10, 2023

(Disney goes out on limb for Corporate masters and Pedophile overlords- Limb breaks off up their wahoo, news at 11)

Walt Disney World and Disneyland have seen significantly shorter wait times to get on rides — a sign that visitors are staying away this summer as the Mouse House struggles to attract guests apparently put off by the exorbitant ticket prices, according to a report.

Data from the analysis firm Touring Plans shows that smaller crowds have descended on The Walt Disney Company’s US-based theme parks as well as its competitors, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The thinning traffic is bad news for the entertainment giant, which is in the midst of a $5.5 billion cost-cutting spree that has resulted in layoffs across its divisions, including sports cable empire ESPN.

Touring Plans, which measures wait times through information posted by Disney parks on their mobile apps, compiled data comparing the average wait times for rides at the four Walt Disney World parks in Orlando, Fla.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/07/10/disney-theme-parks-empty-this-summer-amid-high-ticket-prices/

Does that pic remind any anons of the Buttipeg pic in front of the Washington Monument? and does any anon have a copy.... sure would like to rip a copy

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93dd9e No.70730

File: 9b24c73dd2e389c⋯.png (437.98 KB,823x467,823:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157004 (101935ZJUL23) Notable: Australia joins G7-backed 'climate club' and promises to drive down greenhouse gas emissions

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Australia joins G7-backed 'climate club' and promises to drive down greenhouse gas emissions

Australia is joining the "climate club" backed by the Group of Seven major economies to take more ambitious action in tackling global warming, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced.

The club was first proposed by Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus as a way of getting countries to voluntarily set high targets for curbing climate change and then require trading partners to meet those same standards.

Such moves are opposed by major emerging economies like China, the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gas.

"We're very pleased to join the climate club because we are ambitious and we also see that this isn't just the right thing to do by the environment, but this is also the right thing to do by jobs and by our economy," Albanese said at a news conference in Berlin after meeting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who made the idea a key pillar of his G7 presidency last year.

"One thing we can do is to cooperate and learn off each other, because you can't address climate change as just a national issue. It has to be by definition, a global response," Albanese said.

The Albanese government committed last year to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 43 per cent by the end of the decade — almost double the previous target.

In March, parliament passed a law requiring Australia's biggest greenhouse gas polluters reduce their emissions or pay for carbon credits.

Other countries that have joined the climate club include Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Indonesia, Colombia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Singapore and Uruguay.


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93dd9e No.70731

File: 880f398520def08⋯.png (338.94 KB,511x540,511:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157039 (101945ZJUL23) Notable: Erdogan appears to have been leveraged look at his expression compared to the others

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Erdogan appears to have been leveraged look at his expression compared to the others

Glad to announce that after the meeting I hosted with @RTErdogan & @SwedishPM

, President Erdogan has agreed to forward #Sweden's accession protocol to the Grand National Assembly ASAP & ensure ratification. This is an historic step which makes all #NATO Allies stronger & safer.


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93dd9e No.70732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157083 (101956ZJUL23) Notable: SPLC Condemns ‘Moms for Liberty’ on Its Hate List as They Gain Political Power and Threaten Leftist Agendas

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SPLC Condemns ‘Moms for Liberty’ on Its Hate List as They Gain Political Power and Threaten Leftist Agendas

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) listed Moms For Liberty, a parents’ rights group, on its ‘Year in Hate and Extremism’ report and the media is going along with smear and calling the group extremists and anti-government, although the SPLC has been discredited many times. Moms for Liberty has objected to school closures and masking children during the COVID ‘pandemic’, and opposes schools promoting transgenderism, sexualization of children, pornographic books, and critical race theory (CRT). They refuse to co-parent with the government. Moms for Liberty have been successful in a number of local school board elections, giving them the power to change bad policies, which threatens leftist agendas.



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93dd9e No.70733

File: bcd2d29e9c4f411⋯.png (222.92 KB,292x539,292:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157098 (101959ZJUL23) Notable: Klaus Schwab will not attend next weeks NATO summit due to ill health.

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🚨JUST IN: Klaus Schwab will not attend next weeks NATO summit due to ill health.

(We’re not entirely sure why he was invited to start with)

6:14 AM · Jul 9, 2023





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93dd9e No.70734

File: 5431ae466272534⋯.jpeg (70.45 KB,548x465,548:465,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3e3d5bfc105ea53⋯.jpeg (376.26 KB,1674x1495,1674:1495,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 25ba4f51d310198⋯.jpeg (142.61 KB,1637x693,1637:693,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157197 (102025ZJUL23) Notable: “Get the F*ck Out of Here!” - Angry Joe Biden Screams at Staffers, Abuses His Aides Behind Closed Doors

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157210 (102030ZJUL23) Notable: Judge Doughty Denies Biden Administration’s Attempt to Halt Preliminary Injunction in Historic First Amendment Case…

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No, he mad, BIG MAD.

BREAKING: Judge Doughty Denies Biden Administration’s Attempt to Halt Preliminary Injunction in Historic First Amendment Case with Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft as Plaintiff


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93dd9e No.70736

File: eab5727253032d0⋯.png (21.82 KB,539x206,539:206,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d3a4765cc62e40⋯.png (69.48 KB,550x361,550:361,Clipboard.png)

File: cfcc3fb1bbc82bc⋯.png (164.26 KB,1164x628,291:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157344 (102101ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Rogan, Elon Musk call out MSNBC for suggesting being healthy and in shape is 'far-right'

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Joe Rogan, Elon Musk call out MSNBC for suggesting being healthy and in shape is 'far-right'

“Being healthy is ‘far right.’ Holy f*ck.”

Famous podcast host Joe Rogan along with Tesla CEO and Twitter owner Elon Musk, who both have described themselves as liberal, tore into MSNBC after the leftist news outlet claimed that health and fitness is an obsession of the “far-right.”

“Being healthy is ‘far right,’” Rogan wrote on Twitter in response to MSNBC’s new story. “Holy f*ck.”

Musk also ridiculed the writeup, commenting, “MSNBC thinks you’re a nazi if you work out lmaooo.”

MSNBC detailed how fitness training, particularly in combat sports, supposedly draws in those of the “far right.” Examples cited in the article include encouraging men to be “warriors,” in addition to embracing messages of “solidarity, heroism, and brotherhood.”

Rogan previously called out actors on the left for attempting to try fitness with being far right in recent months, saying that they are doing it because “there's a giant percentage of our population that is really lazy and fat. And if you want those people on your team, you have to say there's nothing wrong with being lazy and fat, in fact, not being lazy and fat is actually connected to misogyny, racism and fascism, and the far right.”

He added, “and then people are like, oh great, let's eat donuts and just f*cking vote blue.”

The longtime comedian and podcast host, who has described himself as “liberal,” “left,” and “almost a socialist,” has in the past lamented being labeled a “far-right influencer” by critics.

Musk, who similarly has called himself a liberal, appeared to face similar issues, as was exemplified in a meme he shared on Twitter in April of last year.


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93dd9e No.70737

File: 0cc2c3b69d9d610⋯.jpg (60.08 KB,778x277,778:277,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5404d3d25234a38⋯.jpg (52.78 KB,772x313,772:313,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157472 (102133ZJUL23) Notable: US Capitol Police officer arrested for possession of child pornography

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US Capitol Police officer arrested for possession of child pornography

Jared M. Lemon has been charged with five counts of possession of child pornography.


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93dd9e No.70738

File: 4e56fc2a7e5efe8⋯.png (18.8 KB,595x247,595:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157478 (102135ZJUL23) Notable: Lara Logan w/CAP: And not being laughed out of court or office. That’s the incredible part.

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Lara Logan


And not being laughed out of court or office. That’s the incredible part.

Quote Tweet

Catturd ™




Biden’s rotten DOJ is actually fighting against free speech. twitter.com/mzhemingway/st…

7:08 AM · Jul 10, 2023




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93dd9e No.70739

File: 3fd0e268ba68a5a⋯.png (463.76 KB,600x585,40:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157489 (102138ZJUL23) Notable: Lara Logan w/CAP: Biden and Other Obama Officials Sought to ‘Torpedo’ Incoming Trump Admin, Docs Show

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Lara Logan


Biden and Other Obama Officials Sought to ‘Torpedo’ Incoming Trump Admin, Docs Show – PJ Media


Biden and Other Obama Officials Sought to ‘Torpedo’ Incoming Trump Admin, Docs Show

According to heavily redacted documents from the National Security Agency obtained by The Daily Signal, there was a coordinated effort by the outgoing Obama administration to “torpedo the incoming...

9:12 AM · Jul 10, 2023




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93dd9e No.70740

File: f482ce7cd25153c⋯.png (510 KB,611x871,47:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157512 (102143ZJUL23) Notable: Lara Logan w/CAP: Does this mean everyone can now admit organ harvesting is real?

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Lara Logan


Does this mean everyone can now admit organ harvesting is real?

Quote Tweet

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives




On January 5, 2018, Washington Post announced that police in Cyprus arrested an Israeli man described as the ringleader of a worldwide organ trafficking network that operated out of the tiny Balkan country of Kosovo several years ago.

Moshe Harel was accused of luring donors… Show more


9:35 AM · Jul 10, 2023




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93dd9e No.70741

File: 6dd80d46d38f728⋯.png (315.67 KB,822x607,822:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157517 (102144ZJUL23) Notable: Judicial Watch Sues for FBI Records of Investigations of Parents Spurred by October 2021 Merrick Garland Memo

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Judicial Watch Sues for FBI Records of Investigations of Parents Spurred by October 2021 Merrick Garland Memo

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for all FBI communications from bureau officials using several systems and databases regarding investigations carried out after an October 4, 2021, memo from Attorney General Merrick Garland instructing investigators to target American parents due to an alleged “increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools” (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:23-cv-01856)).

Judicial Watch is following up on the controversial October 4, 2021, memo by Garland instructing federal law enforcement to “open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response” on possible criminal threats to local school board members over politically charged issues such as Critical Race Theory and other extremism.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after the Justice Department and FBI failed to respond to a February 17, 2023, FOIA request for:

Records and communications (internal and external) of the below named Federal Bureau of Investigation employees or former employees regarding 1) school board threats 2) meetings with U.S. attorneys’ offices in accordance with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Oct. 4, 2021 memo, which directed the FBI to partner with local law enforcement and U.S. attorneys to identify parental threats at school board meetings 3) EDUOFFICIALS 4) National School Boards Association (NSBA) 4) Moms for Liberty 5) Turning Point USA

Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI

Paul Abbate, Deputy Director of the FBI

Carlton L. Peeples, SAIC, Birmingham Field Office

Jay Greenberg, SAIC, St. Louis Field Office

Calvin A. Shivers, Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division, FBI Headquarters

Brian M. Cohen, Unit Chief and Senior Program Manager, FBI Headquarters

Timothy Langan, Executive Assistant Director, Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch, FBI Headquarters

Kevin Vorndran, former Deputy Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, FBI Headquarters

The request also asked that the FBI search the following systems/databases for responsive records:


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93dd9e No.70742

File: bfbb7459feaaa91⋯.png (55.68 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157520 (102145ZJUL23) Notable: NATO is ‘malicious poison’ - former Australian PM

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10 Jul, 2023 15:23

NATO is ‘malicious poison’ – former Australian PM

Paul Keating has argued that the military bloc should remain confined to Europe and the Atlantic and not try to expand into Asia

NATO has no place in Asia and should stick to its original focus, that is the security of the Transatlantic region, former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating has argued. The Labour politician, who served in office from 1991 to 1996, also warned against attempts to “circumscribe” China.

In his statement published on Sunday, Keating appeared to refer to a recent report in Politico, which claimed French President Emmanuel Macron had blocked NATO’s plans to establish a liaison office in Japan.

The former premier lauded the French head of state for “doing the world a service” by apparently emphasizing the military bloc’s focus on Europe and the Atlantic.

According to Keating, the alliance’s very existence past the end of the Cold War “has already denied peaceful unity to the broader Europe.”

Exporting such “malicious poison to Asia would be akin to Asia welcoming the plague upon itself,” he insisted. The former prime minister warned that NATO’s presence on the continent would negate most of the region’s recent advances.

Keating went on to describe NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg as the “supreme fool” on the international stage who is conducting himself like an “American agent.”

He cited a comment Stoltenberg made back in February when he called for the West not to repeat the “mistake” it had made with regard to Russia, suggesting it should work to contain China.

The former Australian leader noted that the NATO chief conveniently ignored the fact that “China represents twenty per cent of humanity and now possesses the largest economy in the world.” He added that Beijing, unlike Washington, “has no record of attacking other states.”

Over the weekend, Politico cited an anonymous Elysee Palace official who claimed that Paris is against NATO expansion beyond the North Atlantic. “NATO means North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” the French presidential staffer reportedly emphasized.

Back in May, the Japanese ambassador to the US, Koji Tomita, revealed that his country was working toward opening a NATO liaison office in Tokyo, which would become the bloc’s first in Asia. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida confirmed the plans to Japanese lawmakers, noting that Tokyo did not intend to join the US-led organization.

Commenting on the news, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning advised NATO against “extending its geopolitical reach.” The diplomat pointed out that the “Asia-Pacific does not welcome bloc confrontation or military blocs.”


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93dd9e No.70743

File: 1f0bbd662b034cd⋯.png (262.25 KB,599x584,599:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157540 (102148ZJUL23) Notable: Illinois Law Now Forces Landlords to Rent and Sell Property to Illegal Immigrants Amidst Soaring Urban Housing Costs

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The Gateway Pundit


Illinois Law Now Forces Landlords to Rent and Sell Property to Illegal Immigrants Amidst Soaring Urban Housing Costs


Illinois Law Now Forces Landlords to Rent and Sell Property to Illegal Immigrants Amidst Soaring...

Illinois has passed a law requiring landlords to open their doors to illegal immigrants.

7:04 AM · Jul 10, 2023




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93dd9e No.70744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157558 (102151ZJUL23) Notable: #23528

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final bun for #23528

got what i coul

morn'n baker doing a flyby. will take us to the top

#23528 >>70725

>>70726 STATE DEPT. SPOX MILLER: "We believe the war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine…"

>>70727 AMC Sabotages “Sound of Freedom” Movie -Turns off A/C Units nationwide

>>70728 Ben & Jerry's Held to the Fire over Virtue Signaling, When do the Negotiations Begin?

>>70729 Disney theme parks surprisingly empty this summer as ticket prices remain high

>>70730 Australia joins G7-backed 'climate club' and promises to drive down greenhouse gas emissions

>>70731 Erdogan appears to have been leveraged look at his expression compared to the others

>>70732 SPLC Condemns ‘Moms for Liberty’ on Its Hate List as They Gain Political Power and Threaten Leftist Agendas

>>70733 Klaus Schwab will not attend next weeks NATO summit due to ill health.

>>70734 “Get the F*ck Out of Here!” – Angry Joe Biden Screams at Staffers, Abuses His Aides Behind Closed Doors

>>70735 Judge Doughty Denies Biden Administration’s Attempt to Halt Preliminary Injunction in Historic First Amendment Case...

>>70736 Joe Rogan, Elon Musk call out MSNBC for suggesting being healthy and in shape is 'far-right'

>>70737 US Capitol Police officer arrested for possession of child pornography

>>70738 Lara Logan w/CAP: And not being laughed out of court or office. That’s the incredible part.

>>70739 Lara Logan w/CAP: Biden and Other Obama Officials Sought to ‘Torpedo’ Incoming Trump Admin, Docs Show

>>70740 Lara Logan w/CAP: Does this mean everyone can now admit organ harvesting is real?

>>70741 Judicial Watch Sues for FBI Records of Investigations of Parents Spurred by October 2021 Merrick Garland Memo

>>70742 NATO is ‘malicious poison’ – former Australian PM

>>70743 Illinois Law Now Forces Landlords to Rent and Sell Property to Illegal Immigrants Amidst Soaring Urban Housing Costs

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93dd9e No.70745

File: 7e322216f2cb3d7⋯.png (731.41 KB,1169x752,1169:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157611 (102201ZJUL23) Notable: #23529

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Biden Regime in a Rush to Jail Trump – DOJ Opposes Delay in Pretrial Hearing in Trump Classified Docs Case

Bread Is Ghost

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93dd9e No.70746

File: fbd95a9409a4902⋯.jpg (100.7 KB,658x389,658:389,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157628 (102205ZJUL23) Notable: Rev. Al Sharpton's pastor brother is jailed for 30 months for drug trafficking, income tax evasion and lying to obtain Social Security benefits

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Rev. Al Sharpton's pastor brother is jailed for 30 months for drug trafficking, income tax evasion and lying to obtain Social Security benefits


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93dd9e No.70747

File: f76751b7a75b23b⋯.png (339.17 KB,595x673,595:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157631 (102206ZJUL23) Notable: In 2014 CBS did a segment applauding Sound of Freedom ’s Tim Ballard’s work against child trafficking. Almost 10 years later the same media is calling the film inspired by his work, “paranoid” “Qanon conspiracy

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Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽⚖️🚜🇺🇸 Attorney & Author


Very telling, and a very sick revelation of the state of this country.



Quote Tweet

Melissa Tate




In 2014 CBS did a segment applauding Sound of Freedom ’s Tim Ballard’s work against child trafficking.

Almost 10 years later the same media is calling the film inspired by his work, “paranoid” “Qanon conspiracy Why?

4:16 PM · Jul 9, 2023




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93dd9e No.70748

File: 0881ae7f889af59⋯.jpg (72.11 KB,1059x376,1059:376,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157638 (102208ZJUL23) Notable: Rand Paul: "Under my Free Speech Protection Act, the government will no longer be able to cloak itself in secrecy to undermine the First Amendment rights of Americans,"

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Rand Paul moves to protect Americans' First Amendment rights from Biden admin collusion with Big Tech

"Under my Free Speech Protection Act, the government will no longer be able to cloak itself in secrecy to undermine the First Amendment rights of Americans," Paul told Fox News Digital.

"Under my Free Speech Protection Act, the government will no longer be able to cloak itself in secrecy to undermine the First Amendment rights of Americans," Paul told Fox News Digital.


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93dd9e No.70749

File: 0b27f9eb616d838⋯.png (601.95 KB,897x901,897:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157644 (102209ZJUL23) Notable: Rev. Al Sharpton's pastor brother is jailed for 30 months for drug trafficking, income tax evasion and lying to obtain Social Security benefits

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rev. Al Sharpton's pastor brother is jailed for 30 months for drug trafficking,

income tax evasion and lying to obtain Social Security benefits

* Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow, 58, the half-brother of the civil rights leader, was sentenced to more than two years behind bars on Thursday

* He pleaded guilty to stealing $407,000 from two non-profit organizations he founded The Ordinary People Society and the Prodigal Child Project

* Jim Parkman, one of Glasgow's defense attorneys, told The Christian Post it was 'a fair sentence'


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93dd9e No.70750

File: ef0a6ad3a40fe26⋯.png (128.04 KB,841x706,841:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157647 (102210ZJUL23) Notable: Democrat Grace Napolitano of California announced this weekend that she will retire when this term ends in January 2025.

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Having made her millions, a congresswoman

will retire

Substack, by Don Surber

Original Article

Posted By: earlybird, 7/10/2023 2:24:14 PM

Democrat Grace Napolitano of California announced this weekend that she will retire when this term ends in January 2025. She will be 88. That you can retire from Congress reflects an electorate that pays scant attention to those who represent them in Washington, as shown by the 98% re-election rate in the House. Grace went from being poor when she entered Congress after the 1998 election to a net worth of over $5 million. This coincided with the national debt rising from under $6 trillion when she arrived to more than $32 trillion today. Congress has overspent

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93dd9e No.70751

File: 4bf18da69045565⋯.png (753.17 KB,903x918,301:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157652 (102211ZJUL23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene's ousting from the Republican Freedom Caucus sparks war

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The House Freedom Caucus' 'days are numbered' predicted one conservative lawmaker, as the ouster of Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene put the group's problems on full display. On Thursday, Freedom Caucus member Rep. Andy Harris told Politico that caucus members had voted in favor of expelling Greene, after she had called another member, Rep. Lauren Boebert, a 'little b****' on the House floor.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's ousting from the Republican Freedom Caucus sparks war:

Members spar over calling Lauren Boebert a 'little b****' and loyalty to Trump and Kevin McCarthy

* The House Freedom Caucus kicked out Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

* Conservative group is splintering now that it's 40 some members strong

* Group isn't in unison on support for Speaker Kevin McCarthy or Donald Trump

The House Freedom Caucus' 'days are numbered' predicted one conservative lawmaker, as the ouster of Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene put the group's problems on full display.

On Thursday, Freedom Caucus member Rep. Andy Harris told Politico that caucus members had voted in favor of expelling Greene, after she had called another member, Rep. Lauren Boebert, a 'little b****' on the House floor.

On Monday, CNN reported on the deep tensions within the Freedom Caucus, which was launched in 2015 by Rep. Jim Jordan, among others, to move House Republican leadership to the right.

Now around 40 members strong, the group has become unwieldy, with members split on how much they should support House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and whether they should officially back the 2024 White House run of former President Donald Trump.

'Days are numbered anyway for the group,' one conservative lawmaker told CNN. 'Because they go in 100 different directions.' ...


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93dd9e No.70752

File: 9b38eb2849e36ae⋯.jpg (25.37 KB,917x170,917:170,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157653 (102211ZJUL23) Notable: Buffett Takes Control of US LNG Plant With $3.3 Billion Deal

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Buffett Takes Control of US LNG Plant With $3.3 Billion Deal

Berkshire Hathaway Energy agreed to buy Dominion Energy Inc.’s stake in a Maryland liquefied natural gas export project for $3.3 billion.

The deal will give Berkshire control of one of just seven operational US facilities that can export LNG at a time when the fuel has assumed an increased economic and geopolitical significance. Natural gas prices surged in 2022 following the invasion of Ukraine, and US exports of the liquefied form of the fuel helped to sustain Western European economies after Russia cut supplies.


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93dd9e No.70753

File: d069b092eef9771⋯.png (463.51 KB,744x713,24:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157659 (102213ZJUL23) Notable: The DOJ has indicted Gal Luft

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Greg Price

BREAKING:The DOJ has indicted Gal Luft,a think tank official who recently came forward to allege that he provided the FBI in 2019 with evidence of the Biden family receiving payments from individuals with ties to Chinese military intelligence

5:34 PM · Jul 10, 2023·61.3K Views


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93dd9e No.70754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157671 (102216ZJUL23) Notable: The DOJ has indicted Gal Luft

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>Gal Luft

>>>/qresearch/19157433 lb

New York Post


Jul 6, 2023



‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family

... In the 14-minute recording, obtained exclusively by The Post, the fugitive former Israeli army officer claims he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals with alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with their benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC. ...

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93dd9e No.70755

File: 8f03af4f5d8f5f1⋯.png (62 KB,772x292,193:73,Clipboard.png)

File: e8411a4a94ada10⋯.png (548.49 KB,880x802,440:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157679 (102219ZJUL23) Notable: Bombshell Allegations About Special Treatment Feinstein, Swalwell Chinese Spy Sagas Got From FBI

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NEW: Bombshell Allegations About Special Treatment Feinstein, Swalwell Chinese Spy Sagas Got From FBI


>>>/qresearch/19157623 (lb)


>>>>Dear Jim.

>>>>Instead of me clicking on another Proprietary Adobe PDF that I don't trust, why not put a >>>>few hundred pieces of shit in prison so I know My government isn't EVIL first?

>dumbest comment in the thread

I didn't smash black berries, put Hillary in prison ✅

I didn't give weapon secrets to enemy put Biden and generals of those bases in prison ✅

Not my dell email servers facing the web - put clinton in prison ✅

Not my FRAUDATION that has bad paperwork calling itself Clinton Foundation put MANY in prison ✅

Not my spyring in congress that Tanya Chutkan willfully ignored was much wider and epansive than the wrist slap and dismiss on July 4th, Open investigation into that JUDGE for not protecting the country ✅

FBI, DOJ, SES, CIA, NSA shouldn't exist under tenth amendment, they protect state department who protects nazis in ukraine and ccp in china, why does every cop wearing a badge PROTECT this treason? ✅

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93dd9e No.70756

File: 85fcf2d0d2d967c⋯.png (47.67 KB,678x316,339:158,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bd938339444022⋯.pdf (850.16 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157690 (102221ZJUL23) Notable: The FBI's Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor American Speech

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The FBI's Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor American Speech

Our latest report: https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/fbi-sbu-staff-report-7.10.23-sm.pdf


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93dd9e No.70757

File: 867b23cabbb35bb⋯.png (128.41 KB,893x634,893:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157696 (102222ZJUL23) Notable: Alien planet with metallic clouds resembles 'a giant mirror in space'

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Alien planet with metallic clouds resembles 'a giant mirror in space'

Mon, July 10, 2023 at 10:15 AM PDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It is a planet astronomers say probably should not even exist.

Researchers said on Monday they have spotted a truly extreme planet beyond our solar system, a blazingly hot world a bit bigger than Neptune that orbits a sun-like star every 19 hours and appears to be wrapped in metallic clouds made of titanium and silicates that reflect most incoming light back into space.

"It's a giant mirror in space," said astronomer James Jenkins of Diego Portales University and the Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA) in Chile, a co-author of the research published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

It reflects about 80% of incoming light, making it the universe's most reflective object known. Venus, the brightest object in Earth's night sky besides the moon, is our solar system's most reflective object, enrobed in toxic sulfuric acid clouds. Venus reflects about 75% of incoming light. Earth reflects about 30%.

The planet, named LTT9779b, and its star are located in our Milky Way galaxy about 264 light years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Sculptor. A light year is the distance light travels in a year, 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km).

The planet's diameter is about 4.7 times greater than Earth, and it orbits very close to its star - closer than our solar system's innermost planet Mercury's distance to the sun and 60 times closer than Earth's orbit. With blistering solar radiation from its star, its surface temperature is about 3,270 degrees Fahrenheit (1,800 degrees Celsius), hotter than molten lava.

With its star so close, it is a wonder it has any atmosphere, according to the researchers. An atmosphere with water-based clouds, as on Earth, would have been blown away by solar radiation long ago. But they believe its clouds are metallic, a combination of titanium and silicate - the stuff that makes up most of the rocks in Earth's crust.

"We even think that the clouds could condense into droplets, and have titanium rain falling in parts of the atmosphere," Jenkins said.

The researchers studied the planet using the European Space Agency's CHEOPS orbiting telescope.

"No other planet like this has been discovered to date," said astronomer and study lead author Sergio Hoyer of the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory in France.

Possessing an atmosphere while orbiting so close to its star makes it "a planet that shouldn't exist," according to astronomer and study co-author Vivien Parmentier of the Côte d'Azur Observatory in France.

"The super-reflective cloud cover likely helped stop the planet from warming up too much and being stripped of its atmosphere," Parmentier said. "This is quite unique as all other planets at this temperature that are big enough to keep their atmosphere are too hot to form clouds and are thus as dark as charcoal."

It also appears to be tidally locked to its star like the moon is to Earth, with a permanent day side facing the star and a permanent night side facing away.

All previously known planets that orbit their stars in less than one Earth day were either "hot Jupiters," gas giants similar in composition to our solar system's largest planet but much hotter due to solar radiation - or rocky planets smaller than Earth and lacking an atmosphere.

The researchers are pondering whether LTT9779b, classified as an "ultra-hot Neptune," perhaps began as a gas giant only to lose most of its atmosphere, or whether it started out at its current size.

More than 5,000 planets beyond our solar system - called exoplanets - have been discovered, many with traits vastly different than our solar system's eight planets. With increasingly capable instruments coming on line - the James Webb Space Telescope became operational last year and the Extremely Large Telescope is under construction in Chile - more discoveries await.

"The diversity of exoplanets is stunning," Parmentier said, "and we have just scratched the surface."


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93dd9e No.70758

File: 1aec984d6efad24⋯.jpg (240.81 KB,2048x2023,2048:2023,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157706 (102225ZJUL23) Notable: Herridge: EXHIBIT 10: IRS WB Shapley email October 7, 2022 “Weiss stated that he is not the deciding person on whether charges are filed. I believe this to be a huge problem - inconsistent with DOJ public position and Merrick Garland testimony.”

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EXHIBIT 10: IRS WB Shapley email October 7, 2022 “Weiss stated that he is not the deciding person on whether charges are filed. I believe this to be a huge problem - inconsistent with DOJ public position and Merrick Garland testimony.”



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93dd9e No.70759

File: 17203c227492c27⋯.png (89.52 KB,674x402,337:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157722 (102229ZJUL23) Notable: The DOJ has indicted Gal Luft

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U.S. Attorney announces charges against co-director of think tank for acting as an unregistered foreign agent, trafficking in arms, violating U.S. sanctions against Iran, and making false statements to federal agents



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93dd9e No.70760

File: 003e4ca272239a1⋯.jpg (32.05 KB,592x293,592:293,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157726 (102229ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service briefing on White House cocaine now moved UP to Thursday, July 13 at 10 am. Will be with staff

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Secret Service briefing on White House cocaine now moved UP to Thursday, July 13 at 10 am. Will be with staff

Had been told earlier today it would be moved back until late July. But that just changed.

Fox is told this means the USSS may have more to share about its inquiry


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93dd9e No.70761

File: 242f73d758d2cf7⋯.jpg (22.99 KB,984x155,984:155,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157744 (102232ZJUL23) Notable: Biden to meet with Zelenskyy during NATO summit

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Biden to meet with Zelenskyy during NATO summit


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93dd9e No.70762

File: be5e10b75c7cd6e⋯.png (168.58 KB,1012x919,1012:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157784 (102240ZJUL23) Notable: The DOJ has indicted Gal Luft

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U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Co-Director Of Think Tank For Acting As An Unregistered Foreign Agent, Trafficking In Arms, Violating U.S. Sanctions Against Iran, And Making False Statements To Federal Agents

Gal Luft, a Dual U.S.-Israeli Citizen, Allegedly Evaded FARA Registration While Working to Advance the Interests of China in the United States and Sought to Broker the Illicit Sales of Chinese-Manufactured Weapons and Iranian Oil to China

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Matthew G. Olsen, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security, and Christie M. Curtis, the Acting Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today the unsealing of an eight-count Indictment charging GAL LUFT with offenses related to willfully failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”), arms trafficking, Iranian sanctions violations, and making false statements to federal agents. LUFT, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, was arrested on February 17, 2023, in the Republic of Cyprus based on the charges in the Indictment. LUFT subsequently fled after being released on bail while extradition proceedings were pending and remains a fugitive. ...


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93dd9e No.70763

File: c6405d01090f239⋯.png (689.85 KB,1024x609,1024:609,Clipboard.png)

File: 408beda8a853876⋯.png (886.39 KB,798x998,399:499,Clipboard.png)

File: b5823af002337e5⋯.png (739.42 KB,685x1024,685:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d67675c77bbb9c⋯.png (796.98 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157797 (102242ZJUL23) Notable: Pro surfer Mikala Jones dies after freak water accident that severed his artery

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Pro surfer Mikala Jones dies after freak water accident that severed his artery

July 10, 2023 3:31pm Updated

Hawaiian surfing star Mikala Jones bled to death after severing an artery in his groin while riding a wave in Indonesia this weekend.

Jones, a 44-year-old married father of three, was involved in a freak surfing accident in the Mentawai Islands Sunday.

Jones had been staying at the Awera Resort with his family, when around 9:15 a.m. he likely impaled his left groin on his surfboard fin, suffering a 4-inch-long gash, according to the surfing website Surfline, citing official reports.

While the exact circumstances of Jones’ death remained unclear, those close to Jones wrote on social media that he died after slashing his femoral artery, leading to a massive blood loss.

“Details are a little sketchy but it sounds like he was hit by his surfboard, cut a main artery and that’s all I know,” Brian Bielmann, a photographer and friend of Jones, wrote on Facebook.

Jones was best known in Hawaii for tube-surfing, which entails riding inside the barrel of a breaking wave.

The Hawaii native had been documenting his adventures in stunning GoPro videos, prompting Surfline to hail him as “one of the 21st century’s most photogenic surfers.”

Jones’ daughter Isabella Jones confirmed her father’s tragic death on Instagram.

“I’m not sure how to put this in words, but my dad got into a bad surfing accident and didn’t make it,” she wrote in a post Sunday. “Im [sic] happy he was doing what he loved the most.

The distraught daughter also shared touching photos of herself as a child surfing with her dad, writing that she was “in disbelief” and that Jones’ untimely death “doesn’t feel real.”

“I love you so much dad and i wish i could give you one last hug,” she added. “I wish i could tell you again how much i love you and thank you for being the best dad.”

The news of Jones’ fatal surfing accident was met with an outpouring of tributes from members of the worldwide surfing community.

Three-time surfing World Champion Mick Fanning shared a photo of himself and Jones together on Instagram, writing that he felt “shattered.”

“Mikala you were one of a kind. Funny, mellow, an explorer, a pioneer but most of all loving husband and father,” Fanning wrote. “Going to miss your sense of humor and classic one liners. Love how you always kept it real but were a true ambassador of aloha.”

T&C Surf designs, a surfboard-making company in Hawaii, also paid tribute to Jones on Facebook, reminiscing about his “quiet demeanor and easy smile.”

“His passion for deep barrels and his unquenchable wanderlust led him to explore points beyond to get even deeper,” the post read. “Mikala shared the experience with his amazing POV images letting many of us share the feeling even though we lacked his mastery of tube riding.”


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93dd9e No.70764

File: 58fec067ecb2068⋯.jpg (183.94 KB,1227x775,1227:775,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157801 (102243ZJUL23) Notable: IRS commissioner tells agency employees of right to directly inform Congress about their concerns

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IRS commissioner tells agency employees of right to directly inform Congress about their concerns

IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel told employees in a new memo about their constitutional and statutory right to make protected disclosures to Congress.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith on Saturday said that previous communications by the agency to employees may have had a “chilling effect” on whistleblowers, as they did not tell them that their rights included sharing concerns directly to Congress.

A recent letter from attorneys for Hunter Biden, Mr. Smith noted, may have had a similar effect for asking whether it was appropriate for these employees to approach Congress with their concerns.


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93dd9e No.70765

File: 48be9d401287eb9⋯.png (302.53 KB,710x723,710:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157812 (102245ZJUL23) Notable: Spain closes probe into Pegasus spyware over Israel’s ‘complete lack of cooperation’

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Spain closes probe into Pegasus spyware over Israel’s ‘complete lack of cooperation’

After Israel ignores four requests from judge investigating use of Israeli-made hacking technology, Spain set to pursue ‘diplomatic channel’

MADRID, Spain — A Spanish judge probing the alleged hacking of ministers’ phones with Pegasus spyware has shelved his investigation over a “complete” lack of cooperation from Israel, a court statement said Monday.

In June 2022, Jose Luis Calama said he had sent a formal request for international judicial assistance, known as a letter rogatory, to the Israeli government asking for information about the software made by Israeli firm NSO Group.

He also said he wanted to go there in person to take a witness statement from NSO’s chief executive. The NSO Group logo is seen on a smartphone placed on a laptop keyboard. (Mundissima/Alamy)

MADRID, Spain — A Spanish judge probing the alleged hacking of ministers’ phones with Pegasus spyware has shelved his investigation over a “complete” lack of cooperation from Israel, a court statement said Monday.

In June 2022, Jose Luis Calama said he had sent a formal request for international judicial assistance, known as a letter rogatory, to the Israeli government asking for information about the software made by Israeli firm NSO Group.

He also said he wanted to go there in person to take a witness statement from NSO’s chief executive.

🎉 Celebrating 75 years of excellence in healthcare!

Current Time 1:13


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But on Monday, the Audiencia Nacional, Spain’s top criminal court, said Calama had decided to provisionally close the case, “due to the complete lack of legal cooperation from Israel, which has not responded to the rogatory commission… and has prevented the investigation from going ahead.”

The investigation began in May 2022, after the Spanish government said the spyware, which infiltrates cellphones to extract data or activate a camera or microphone to spy on their owners, had been used against top politicians.

Among those targeted were the phones of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Defense Minister Margarita Robles, Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska and Agriculture Minister Luis Planas. But the Israeli government had never answered the request for assistance, which had been sent “four times,” meaning “it probably never would,” the court said in a statement, indicating the only remaining option was diplomacy.

“All that remains is a possible diplomatic channel capable of promoting compliance with the obligations derived from international treaties,” it said.

The court said Sanchez’s phone had been targeted on five occasions between October 2020 and December 2021.

But despite a prolonged analysis of the four phones, it had not been possible to determine “who was behind the attacks,” the statement said.

Spain’s government has blamed it on “an external attack” while the Spanish press has pointed the finger at Morocco given the context of an ongoing diplomatic crisis between the two countries at the time.

The scandal emerged in April 2022, when Canadian cybersecurity watchdog Citizen Lab published a report saying the phones of at least 65 Catalan separatists had been tapped following the failed 2017 independence bid.

Several weeks later, spy chief Paz Esteban told a parliamentary committee 18 Catalan separatists, including Catalan regional leader Pere Aragones, had been spied on with Pegasus software — but always with court approval.

She was later fired.


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93dd9e No.70766

File: 19bf86b2d0cde87⋯.jpg (53.75 KB,640x426,320:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157837 (102250ZJUL23) Notable: apitol Police officer charged with possession of child pornography

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Capitol Police officer charged with possession of child pornography

BY JULIA MUELLER - 07/10/23 2:11 PM ET

A longtime Capitol Police (USCP) officer has been charged with possession of child sexual abuse material and suspended from duty, according to the law enforcement agency.

Maryland State Police on Monday arrested Capitol Police officer Jared M. Lemon, 42, outside his home in the state and charged him with five counts of possession of child pornography, according to a release.

Lemon, who has been with the Capitol Police for nearly two decades, is suspended pending the outcome of the criminal case.


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93dd9e No.70767

File: 947e6de7006d4ed⋯.png (376.97 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157867 (102259ZJUL23) Notable: Gaetz co-sponsoring measure to prevent Biden from sending cluster bombs to Ukraine

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Gaetz co-sponsoring measure to prevent Biden from sending cluster bombs to Ukraine

07/10/23 5:51 PM ET

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said Monday he will co-sponsor a measure to block President Biden from sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, joining a small group of Democrats on an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.

“I will be the Republican co-sponsor on the NDAA amendment introduced by [Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-Calif.)] to stop the transfer of cluster bombs. These cluster bombs will not end the war in Ukraine and will not build a more stable country,” Gaetz wrote in a tweet, which included a video clip from his podcast. “Children will be left without limbs and without parents because of this decision if we do not work together in a bipartisan fashion to stop it.”

“Cluster bombs are features of the world’s bloodiest and most inhumane wars, and some of the longest. It’s hardly the corner stone of a path to peace,” he said in the video.

Biden’s announcement that he would send Ukraine cluster munition has been among the most controversial decisions he’s made yet in the 500-day war. The bombs are banned in several countries because of the risk they pose to civilians.

Biden has defended the decision, saying he believes Ukraine needs them, but he acknowledged the difficulty in reaching his conclusion.

Members of Biden’s own party have been split on the move, and Jacobs’s amendment to the NDAA is one of the latest efforts to push back against the decision. Gaetz’s move to co-sponsor the amendment could give additional weight to it, although it’s unlikely that the amendment will result in any change in policy.

The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas), indicated his support for Biden’s move in an interview over the weekend and said the weapons could possibly be a “game changer” in the war.

“They want these as self-defense to use against Russians in their own country of Ukraine. I don’t see anything wrong with that because, quite honestly … as you look at the counteroffensive, it’s been slowed tremendously because this administration has been so slow to get the weapons in,” McCaul said Sunday.

The Gaetz-backed amendment is only one of hundreds to the NDAA, which is expected to be taken up and debated on the floor of the House this month.


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93dd9e No.70768

File: da4728ecd463da6⋯.png (471.48 KB,752x663,752:663,Clipboard.png)

File: a8047a6d37dfcb0⋯.png (1.31 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 99ac662a8bd91bc⋯.png (1.64 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 99ac662a8bd91bc⋯.png (1.64 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: d79cab4d652381c⋯.png (1.5 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158086 (102338ZJUL23) Notable: 2022"The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order"

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Christo Grozev@christogrozev

"The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order". Literal quote from the official Russian Officer's Handbook. Captured by Ukrainian GUR, document appears authentic.

2:00 AM · Mar 7, 2022


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93dd9e No.70769

File: 18c7fb9feb0c6b4⋯.png (502.32 KB,1442x1004,721:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158101 (102341ZJUL23) Notable: PF N807XR CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION/PERATON

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Well that's a bit odd. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=aafdfb

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93dd9e No.70770

File: ccaa9025f12c1c1⋯.pdf (245.65 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158138 (102348ZJUL23) Notable: Watchdog files complaint over concerns on top Air Force Gen. Brown's diversity hire priorities

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Watchdog files complaint over concerns on top Air Force Gen. Brown's diversity hire priorities

Multiple times over the past several years, Brown has said things pushing divererse hiring.

Updated: July 10, 2023 - 3:20pm

A top U.S. Air Force official is making hiring decisions based on race and ideology, in possible violation of the U.S. Constitution, according to a complaint filed Monday by a nonprofit watchdog.

The complaint is being filed by the American Accountability Foundation is in response to public comments made by Air Force chief of staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown about his hiring policies.

"If implemented, the statements and views of General Brown on what should be official hiring policy of the U.S. Air Force present a significant likelihood of violating the civil and constitutional rights of military personnel," the watchdog wrote in a letter to the Air Force inspector general. "Under the direction and supervision of General Brown, subordinates in the U.S. Air Force may have unintentionally already committed a number of such violations in their hiring and promotion processes."

The foundation told Just the News it uses the term "hiring" to refer to both the recruitment and promotion of uniformed servicemembers as well as the hiring of civilian employees. President Biden is expected to nominate Brown as the next Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman to replace Gen. Mark Milley.

Examples of discriminatory statements from Brown, cited by the foundation, include how in July 2020, during the height of the George Floyd riots, he said, "I'm thinking about airmen who don't have a life similar to mine and don't have to navigate through two worlds. I'm thinking about how these airmen view racism."

Floyd, a black male, died two months earlier while being arrested two months earlier by Minneapolis police officers.

File American Accountability Foundation inspector general complaint.pdf

Brown, who is also a black man, additionally said in July 2021, on the "PBS NewsHour" TV show, the "beauty of ... George Floyd's death is ... the fact that we're taking a hard look at ourselves, and I think it's opened some eyes to some of our airmen who were just – they just weren't – they were unconscious to it, in some aspects."

The foundation cited multiple times over the past several years in which Brown has said things in support of diversity in hiring.Also in 2021, he purportedly said: "The other thing that we have to do is ensure that we have diversity on the boards, but also diversity on the candidate list. That’s something we have been doing."

And in November 2020, he also purportedly said: "I hire for diversity." His comments, if put into action, could violate the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, the foundation said.

Government employees have free speech rights so long as their comments are not directly related to their job. However, military service members have fewer protections, but only when the words are content-neutral, so Brown's comments may not be protected.

"General Brown’s actions should be investigated because he used Air Force resources to advocate openly for discrimination, in violation of both the Constitution, U.S. law, and Air Force Policy," the foundation also said. It's unclear whether Brown has in fact hired applicants based on his public comments about diversity.

The foundation said it is requesting the Air Force inspector general to conduct an "investigation into whether General Brown’s actions, statements and implicit direction to subordinates resulted in the violation of the Constitutional and civil rights of military personnel and recruits." The Air Force did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


(Anon attached is the PDF, I read the whole thing, 10 pages, but this gives you are sense where this guy is coming from. This guy is radically racists, prejudiced and wants to monitor what recruits are thinking and feeling. Where do they come up with these guys?And Who recommended him to Trump?)

• In a July 28, 2021, interview with PBS,General Brown stated that “membership of an extremist organization that goes against our core values,” should not be a part of the military and that recruits’ social media should be monitored because ‘individuals will put things on social media that they would never say to your face” and that it would “also tell you a little bit about the character of the individual that you’re bringing into our service.” He said thatwrong viewswould be a “factor” in determining whether a recruit would be taken.

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93dd9e No.70771

File: e0fa5ad7eb1d899⋯.png (1.43 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158156 (102351ZJUL23) Notable: 2022"The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order"

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Where can the complete text of the book be found?


Головне управління розвідки Міністерства оборони України

March 6, 2022

‼Конспірологія, ксенофобія та перекручення історії – як російським військовим промивають мізки для війни з Україною

🔹Триває опрацювання документів, вилучених у знищених та полонених російських окупантів

🔹Зокрема, напередодні вторгнення до України, серед ворожих військових масово розповсюджені різноманітні пропагандистські матеріали. Серед них, так званий “Кодекс чести современного российского офицера”, виданий міністерством оборони Росії для обов’язкового вивчення та використання військовими. Це невеличкий посібник “моральних принципів”, яких мають дотримуватися в армії окупанта.

🔹Текст “кодексу” сповнений ненависті, відвертої фашистської пропаганди війни, утвердження розподілу росіян за національною ознакою та примітивних конспірологічних теорій. Текст явно розрахований на вкрай неосвічених людей.

🔹Деякі красномовні тези “кодексу”:

- “росія та російська армія це останній рубіж від настання сатанинського “нового світового порядку”. Ця теза є прямою відсилкою до новітніх радикальних ксенофобських конспірологічних теорій всесвітньої змови. Які сьогодні є невід’ємною складовою офіційної ідеології держави-агресора.

- “російським офіцером може бути не росіянин за походженням”. Тобто, російська тоталітарна держава завідомо розділяє власних громадян на етнічних росіян і “не росіян”.

- “російський офіцер готовий жити та померти без імені”. Можливо саме тому у більшості окупантів перед відправленням в Україну вилучають особисті документи.

- “вміти визнавати свою неправоту”. З огляду на здоровий глузд, саме цей пункт має стати відправною точкою для відмови окупаційними військами виконувати злочинні накази або здаватися в полон.

🔹В “кодексі” також містяться пропагандистські цитати військово-політичного керівництва держави-окупанта: Путіна, Шойгу та інших. Так, міністр оборони Росії Шойгу стверджує, що “Росія існує вже 1152 роки і об неї зламав зуби не один західний імператор”.

🔹Нагадуємо, що Москву як місто було засновано 1147 року київським князем Юрієм Долгоруким. При тому, вона довгий час була лише одним з улусів Золотої орди.

🔹Також згідно “документа” завдання російського офіцера полягає лише в “служении отечеству”, а фактично правлячому режиму. І жодного слова про захист власного народу.

🔹Тобто, на сьогодні російська армія – виключно засіб реалізації агресивних амбіцій влади країни-окупанта, а пропаганда серед російських військових давно відповідає найгіршим тоталітарним зразкам, що засуджені всім цивілізованим світом.

Слава Україні!🇺🇦


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93dd9e No.70772

File: d5e175c2c9bfe36⋯.png (1.28 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158194 (102357ZJUL23) Notable: 2022"The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order"

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and last page here:

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93dd9e No.70773

File: 2c9442f2b4239b0⋯.png (267.33 KB,1339x910,103:70,Clipboard.png)

File: 60c710cd02f7e50⋯.png (84.41 KB,979x538,979:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c9a1a8ce6d8211⋯.png (630.99 KB,883x1137,883:1137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158259 (110008ZJUL23) Notable: 2022"The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order"

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>Holy War

Pro-Kremlin lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov described Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a "holy war."

April17, 2022


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A Russian lawmaker appearing on a television program described Moscow's internationally condemned invasion of Ukraine as a "holy war," contending that it was a struggle between "good and evil."

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the full-scale assault on Ukraine on February 24, with the vast majority of United Nations General Assembly members formally condemning the unprovoked attack just days later. Only four nations—Syria, Belarus, North Korea and Eritrea—joined Russia in voting against the landmark resolution.

In recent weeks, Russia has faced growing accusations of "war crimes" and "genocide" as international journalists and Ukrainian officials have documented atrocities. Civilians have reportedly been shot in the back of the head with their hands tied behind their backs, as Ukrainians have discovered mass graves with hundreds of bodies in areas previously occupied by Russian troops for several weeks. There have additionally been growing reports of rape as well as indiscriminate bombing of Ukrainian cities.

Sauce/more: https://www.newsweek.com/russian-lawmaker-calls-ukraine-invasion-holy-war-between-good-evil-1698552

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93dd9e No.70774

File: bba8e5099995fcd⋯.jpg (161.97 KB,720x1114,360:557,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7b8e12db17e1d2f⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158282 (110014ZJUL23) Notable: Chatham County Patriot gets physically assaulted, humiliated, manhandled, and removed during Board of Election Meeting when she mentions going before the Grand Jury to get Fair, Legal Elections.

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Corrupt assholes down in Georgia


Chatham County Patriot gets physically assaulted, humiliated, manhandled, and removed during Board of Election Meeting when she mentions going before the Grand Jury to get Fair, Legal Elections.

What the HECK is going on in Georgia?!

US Constitution Section 241 and 242 of Title 18 have clear violations listed.

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93dd9e No.70775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158362 (110032ZJUL23) Notable: #23529

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#23528 >>70745

>>70746, >>70749 Rev. Al Sharpton's pastor brother is jailed for 30 months for drug trafficking, income tax evasion and lying to obtain Social Security benefits

>>70747 In 2014 CBS did a segment applauding Sound of Freedom ’s Tim Ballard’s work against child trafficking. Almost 10 years later the same media is calling the film inspired by his work, “paranoid” “Qanon conspiracy

>>70748 Rand Paul: "Under my Free Speech Protection Act, the government will no longer be able to cloak itself in secrecy to undermine the First Amendment rights of Americans,"

>>70750 Democrat Grace Napolitano of California announced this weekend that she will retire when this term ends in January 2025.

>>70751 Marjorie Taylor Greene's ousting from the Republican Freedom Caucus sparks war

>>70752 Buffett Takes Control of US LNG Plant With $3.3 Billion Deal

>>70753, >>70754, >>70759, >>70762 The DOJ has indicted Gal Luft

>>70755 Bombshell Allegations About Special Treatment Feinstein, Swalwell Chinese Spy Sagas Got From FBI

>>70756 The FBI's Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor American Speech

>>70757 Alien planet with metallic clouds resembles 'a giant mirror in space'

>>70758 Herridge: EXHIBIT 10: IRS WB Shapley email October 7, 2022 “Weiss stated that he is not the deciding person on whether charges are filed. I believe this to be a huge problem - inconsistent with DOJ public position and Merrick Garland testimony.”

>>70760 Secret Service briefing on White House cocaine now moved UP to Thursday, July 13 at 10 am. Will be with staff

>>70761 Biden to meet with Zelenskyy during NATO summit

>>70763 Pro surfer Mikala Jones dies after freak water accident that severed his artery

>>70764 IRS commissioner tells agency employees of right to directly inform Congress about their concerns

>>70765 Spain closes probe into Pegasus spyware over Israel’s ‘complete lack of cooperation’

>>70766 apitol Police officer charged with possession of child pornography

>>70767 Gaetz co-sponsoring measure to prevent Biden from sending cluster bombs to Ukraine

>>70768, >>70771, >>70772, >>70773 2022"The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order"


>>70770 Watchdog files complaint over concerns on top Air Force Gen. Brown's diversity hire priorities

>>70774 Chatham County Patriot gets physically assaulted, humiliated, manhandled, and removed during Board of Election Meeting when she mentions going before the Grand Jury to get Fair, Legal Elections.


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93dd9e No.70776

File: f26bc9d1d2e2300⋯.jpg (613.93 KB,1300x1049,1300:1049,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158374 (110034ZJUL23) Notable: #23530

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Baker Haz Tapped

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93dd9e No.70777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158386 (110037ZJUL23) Notable: Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65

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What are they hiding from us???...

Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65


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93dd9e No.70778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158401 (110040ZJUL23) Notable: Wealthy Elites Oversaw A Massive Bank Collapse. Now They're Suing To Claw Back Billions

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Wealthy Elites Oversaw A Massive Bank Collapse. Now They're Suing To Claw Back Billions

The wealthy board of directors who presided over the failure of California tech lender Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is suing federal regulators seeking billions, according to a bankruptcy court filing.

Despite their bank collapsing and receiving an estimated $16 billion rescue from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) taxpayer-backed Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF), SVBFG is suing the federal regulator for the nearly $2 billion it seized from the company after taking over SVB in March, according to the filing. SVB Financial Group (SVBFG) was SVB’s parent company and its board of directors oversaw SVB, its biggest asset, whose bailout cost the FDIC ‘s DIF an estimated $16 billion.

The FDIC stated it has legal authority to keep the seized $1.93 billion in cash as it assesses the cost SVBFG should pay for the rescue, according to Reuters. SVBFG asserts that the FDIC violated U.S. bankruptcy law by retaining the money, according to the filing.

“These continuing violations are having a significant impact on the Debtor,” SVBFG wrote in the filing. “The $1.93 billion in Account Funds is the core estate asset. The Debtor’s lack of access to these Account Funds is impeding its ability to reorganize, and causing harm to the Debtor on a continuous basis.”

The first takeaway of a Federal Reserve review in April on why SVB failed was that “Silicon Valley Bank’s board of directors and management failed to manage their risks.” Some members of the board of directors even served on SVB’s risk committee.

Board member since April 2010 and risk committee member Kate Mitchell owned 4,248 shares of SVBFG as of May 2022, according to SEC filings. Mitchell currently holds seven board positions, according to her LinkedIn profile. Another board member who served on the risk committee was Tom King, formerly CEO of Barclays Investment Bank, according to his LinkedIn profile. Further, Kay Matthews has been a board member since 2019 and was also a risk committee member, who owned 2,374 shares of SVBFG as of January.

SVBFG’s risk committee needed to sign off on the company’s contingency funding plan detailing its “strategy for dealing with liquidity needs during a stress event,” according to the Federal Reserve review.

Garen Staglin, board member since 2011, and chair of the compensation committee, owned 13,964 shares of SVBFG as of January and owns a 71-acre estate in California focused on creating rare wine, according to his LinkedIn profile. Eric Benhamou, board member since 2005, owned 5,455 shares of SVBFG as of May 2022.

SVBFG filed for bankruptcy in March, just days after its main business SVB collapsed.


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93dd9e No.70779

File: 05f7b76a502292f⋯.png (226.59 KB,553x385,79:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158409 (110042ZJUL23) Notable: Mark Levin Goes Scorched Earth on the Corrupt DOJ: “If We Don’t Break the Back of the DOJ, It Will Destroy This Country”

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Mark Levin Goes Scorched Earth on the Corrupt DOJ: “If We Don’t Break the Back of the DOJ, It Will Destroy This Country”


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93dd9e No.70780

File: 014dccfec025fdb⋯.png (2.35 MB,1920x977,1920:977,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158438 (110049ZJUL23) Notable: Earthquake NNE of Antigua

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I didn't see this posted in Notables yet.

Dasting spot for a 6.6 EQ today... 150 mi North of Epstein Island and only 10Km deep.

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93dd9e No.70781

File: 9f7b67752926862⋯.png (188.76 KB,422x720,211:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158491 (110102ZJUL23) Notable: Tim Ballard Discusses the Sound of Freedom

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Tim Ballard Discusses the Sound of Freedom - It’s Success over Disney & Why the MSM is Connecting the Film to “QAnon”

This was a 20th Century Fox movie. Disney bought 20th Century Fox & stonewalled the film… gee I wonder why?

How ironically poetic is it that the same film Disney tried to stop from coming out ends up beating their blockbuster movie, Indiana Jones?

That is a really good sign where people are right now.

Disney is a multi-billion dollar empire with unlimited marketing funds, against we Anons with memes & short clips.

We the People came out on top.

Context About the Movie:

Angel Studios jumped in right before the rights expired after Disney Stonewalled the film & made a deal in 5 days with the producers.

They originally did not want Jim Caviezel & Tim Ballard fought for Jim & said, “Jim Caviezel loves Jesus & that’s important to me because I love Jesus”

Tim Responds to the MSM connections to The Sound of Freedom & “QAnon”:

“I can’t explain it & neither can they.. very show I’ve seen they like to throw out QAnon & they make zero connection to the actual story.. which is very difficult to make that connection when it’s based on a true story…> where’s the QAnon doctrine being spewed in the script, I have no idea.”

Tim Ballard goes on to absolutely wreck the CNN QAnon skit & goes into organ harvesting rings.


🧢 @Realkarlibonne

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93dd9e No.70782

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158493 (110102ZJUL23) Notable: The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

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The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy -07/10/2023


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93dd9e No.70783

File: 3d819d95e982264⋯.png (555.46 KB,830x761,830:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158496 (110103ZJUL23) Notable: Watch: Fox News Panel Abruptly Cuts to Commercial As Worried Hosts Point Outside Studio Windows, Close Shades Afterwards

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Watch: Fox News Panel Abruptly Cuts to Commercial As Worried Hosts Point Outside Studio Windows, Close Shades Afterwards

July 10, 2023

An unexpected sighting interrupted Monday’s broadcast of Fox News’ daily panel talk show, “Outnumbered.”

The Daily Caller reported that when several panel members began looking out the window, producers quickly cut to a commercial break.

Viewers observed the show’s hosts visibly disturbed and pointing toward the studio windows. Notably unsettled were co-hosts Emily Compagno, Harris Faulkner and Kayleigh McEnany.

After the commercial, viewers observed the studio windows had their shades drawn and panelists resumed their conversation regarding the unusual rise in LGBTQ-identified students at Brown University.

The panelist did not address the unusual occurrence.

Fox News has not commented on the matter nor has the network responded to requests for comment.


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93dd9e No.70784

File: 31ca7fdee408268⋯.png (132.09 KB,594x465,198:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158522 (110112ZJUL23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

July 10, 2023

Setting the mood for the week

Dear Patriots,

If history is any guide, and it should be, we will have another crazy, fast summer week full of both frustrating and uplifting news.

Here are a few items to set the mood for this week.

1- Electing sensible, conservative Attorneys General is very important. Pay attention to these races in your state. A good Attorney General is an important line of defense.

The Gateway Pundit

Seven AGs Send Target a Letter Warning Pride Displays May Have Violated Laws That ‘Protect Children From Harmful Content Meant to Sexualize Them’

2- We have been chronicling the massive success of the movie ‘Sound of Freedom’. However, that success is terrifying those who favor child sex trafficking. The leftist smears are out.

Do not let these ridiculous leftist comments stop you from seeing this important movie and taking your friends and family. Based on two weekends of high audience numbers the studio will be allowed to expand into more theaters. You can go to the Angel Studios and buy tickets to pay-it-forward if you have already seen the movie.


Media’s Insane Attacks on ‘Sound of Freedom’ Film Speaks Volumes

3- For three years, we have been saying what Tucker says in this interview. It is good to see some truthful movement on the subject of election fraud in the media.

The Gateway Pundit

Tucker Carlson: “Any Country That Has Electronic Voting Machines is by Definition at Risk of Having its Elections Stolen”

4- Enjoy this recent interview with Sidney by Alex Newman at LindellTV. Every subject is covered and Sidney is not shy with her opinions!

The Sentinel Report with Sidney Powell



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93dd9e No.70785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158567 (110121ZJUL23) Notable: Violent brawl breaks out at Michigan GOP committee meeting

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Violent brawl breaks out at Michigan GOP committee meeting

My favorite part From the Article..." “He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” Mr DeYoung said, adding that Mr Chapman ran at him and slammed him into a chair."

Too bad republicans don't have the balls to deal with democrats in the same manner.

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93dd9e No.70786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158619 (110130ZJUL23) Notable: Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden | Sundance

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Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter BidenJuly 10, 2023 | Sundance

Beyond the big picture of the Biden justice department filing a criminal indictment against the man who provided the FBI with evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with the FBI, is the secondary point of the Biden DOJ once again using FARA violations as the tip of the spear against their targets.

Last week Dr. Gal Luft went public with statements about who, when, how and why he informed the FBI and DOJ of Joe and Hunter Biden taking payments from companies associated with the Chinese Communist Party. [link]Today, Joe Biden’s DOJ filed criminal charges against Dr. Luft[DOJ LINK]

Quite a remarkable development. Dr. Luft was the one who contacted the FBI/DOJ with the information. Now Dr. Luft is the target for giving the information to the FBI


DOJ is getting desperate

U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Co-Director Of Think Tank For Acting As An Unregistered Foreign Agent, Trafficking In Arms, Violating U.S. Sanctions Against Iran, And Making False Statements To Federal Agents

Monday, July 10, 2023

U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of New York Gal Luft, a Dual U.S.-Israeli Citizen, Allegedly Evaded FARA Registration While Working to Advance the Interests of China in the United States and Sought to Broker the Illicit Sales of Chinese-Manufactured Weapons and Iranian Oil to China

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Matthew G. Olsen, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security, and Christie M. Curtis, the Acting Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office… announced today the unsealing of an eight-count Indictment charging GAL LUFT with offenses related to willfully failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”), arms trafficking, Iranian sanctions violations, and making false statements to federal agents. LUFT, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, was arrested on February 17, 2023, in the Republic of Cyprus based on the charges in the Indictment….

U.S. Attorney Damian Williamssaid: “As alleged, Gal Luft, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen and co-head of a Maryland think tank, engaged in multiple, serious criminal schemes. He subverted foreign agent registration laws in the United States to seek to promote Chinese policies by acting through a former high-ranking U.S. Government official; he acted as a broker in deals for dangerous weapons and Iranian oil; and he told multiple lies about his crimes to law enforcement. As the charges unsealed today reflect…

FBI ActingAssistant Director in Charge Christie M. Curtissaid: “As alleged, the defendant engaged in multiple schemes to evade sanctions and laws intended to protect our national security.

For years, LUFT, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizenwho serves as the co-director of a Maryland-based think tank, engaged, along with others, in multiple international criminal schemes.

FirstLUFT conspired with others in an effort to act within the United States to advance the interests of the People’s Republic of China (“China”) as agents of China-based principals, without registering as foreign agents as required under U.S. law. As part of this scheme, while serving as the co-director of a Maryland-based non-profit think tank, LUFT agreed to covertly recruit and pay, on behalf of principals based in China, a former high-ranking U.S. Government official (“Individual-1”), including in 2016 while the former official was an adviser to the then-President-elect==, to publicly support certain policies with respect to China without LUFT or Individual-…

Second, LUFT conspired with others and attempted to broker illicit arms transactionswith, among others, certain Chinese individuals and entities. In his role as a broker or middleman, LUFT worked to find both buyers and sellers of certain weapons and other materials, without a license to do so as required under U.S. law, in violation of the Arms Export Control Act….

Third, LUFT conspired with others and attempted to broker deals for Iranian oil– ..and evade sanctions – in violation of U.S. sanctions against Iran and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.


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93dd9e No.70787

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158646 (110135ZJUL23) Notable: Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden | Sundance

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In a stunning twist, the Biden DOJ indicts Dr. Gal Luft, a Biden corruption whistleblower, for not registering as an agent of CEFC China Energy, while Hunter, James, and Sara Biden simultaneously collected millions from CEFC China Energy without registering, also violating FARA.

In a widely known text message from July 2017, Hunter explicitly demanded payment from a CEFC executive, stating, "I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."

Just ten days after Hunter's threat, invoking his father's involvement, CEFC wired $5.1 million to bank accounts linked to the Biden family.

Moreover, Ye Jianming, the Chairman of CEFC, gifted Hunter a 3.16-carat diamond valued at approximately $80,000.

In an email dated August 2017, Hunter mentioned that Ye Jianming had agreed to pay him "$10 million per year for a three-year guarantee, totaling $30 million," solely for providing introductions.

Subsequently, in a November 2017 email, Hunter and CEFC collaborated on plans to sell US natural gas to China, as outlined in a Mandarin-translated PowerPoint presentation titled "Overview of the U.S. Natural Gas Industry Chain," featuring detailed topographical maps of US natural gas reserves with annotations in Mandarin.

Hunter wrote, "I hope that you have received the information I sent regarding the LNG [liquified natural gas] opportunities in the state of Louisiana… The proposal I have shared with you has the added benefit of being good for both the United States and China simultaneously."

Reports suggest that Joe Biden was set to receive ten percent of the CEFC China Energy deal, referred to as the "10% held by H for the Big Guy," a claim later confirmed by Hunter's business partner Tony Bobulinksi.

While the Biden Justice Department accuses Dr. Gal Luft of FARA violations on behalf of CEFC China Energy, it conveniently overlooks the far more egregious FARA violations committed by the Biden family in connection with CEFC China Energy.



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93dd9e No.70788

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158655 (110137ZJUL23) Notable: Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system

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Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.


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93dd9e No.70789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158671 (110141ZJUL23) Notable: REVEALED: Corrupt (((DOJ))) Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

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REVEALED: Corrupt (((DOJ))) Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

If True, and I am sure it is, that is grounds for immediate dismissal by the judge.

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93dd9e No.70790

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158674 (110141ZJUL23) Notable: The Globe Interview: President Donald J Trump

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The Globe Interview: President Donald J Trump

July 10, 2023 9:16 am

The Nevada Globe (TNG), had the opportunity for a one-on-one interview with former President Donald J. Trump during his first 2024 presidential campaign stop in Las Vegas. As we sat down, he inquired about another obligation with his staff for the UFC Unfiltered podcast with Jim Norton and Matt Serra. The staff confirmed and Trump replied, “I think they want to this run by 6:30. What time is it?” He then turned to me and said, “Do you have anywhere to go?” To which I replied, “No” and we walked down the hall for the UFC interview.

After the UFC spot, we made our way back to our original room for an exclusive conversation that lasted approximately 22 minutes, despite a scheduled 10-minute interview, and President Trump landed some punches.

TNG: I’ve listened and watched many interviews, and I have yet to find an answer to this personal question: ” What is your favorite childhood memory and how do you carry that with you?

President Trump:

Well, I had great parents, I think, just growing up. I grew up in Queens, New York, and I had great parents…very supportive, both very different type of people…but they got along.

They were married for many, many years, decades, many decades. And, I think just the fact that I really grew up with strong loving parents…and if that happens, it’s a big… it’s a big advantage.

That doesn’t happen to a lot of people and they oftentimes suffer a lot.

But if that happens, it’s a tremendous advantage. Really a tremendous advantage.

TNG: What do you think that they would be saying to you now as you’re going through another campaign and this legal persecution, if you will?

President Trump:

It is persecution. It is. I call it election interference, more than anything else.

These are terrible people, disgusting people.

My father would be angry at these people. My mother would be– she’d feel a little remorse for me, because, you know, it’s very unfair.

It’s a total…this witch hunt has been going on from the beginning–from the time I came down the escalator, and it has been proven to all be false.

Everything has been proven to be false.

If you look, every single thing that they’ve done, from Russia, Russia, Russia…it has all turned out to be a hoax.

That’s what Democrats are good at is just these hoaxes.

They’re not good at policy. They’re not good at, frankly, many things.

All Democrats do is disinformation and hoaxes.

But, I think that it has been an amazing period of time.

We had an amazing presidency.

We’re leading in the polls by a lot, tremendously. We’re way up above everybody, including Biden.

But with the Republicans–we are way up over, I call him Sanctimonious—because I got him elected. But, he’s doing poorly. I don’t think he’ll do well because he has got no personality and we’re doing great.

We’ll see what happens. I think we have a really very good chance of winning it and bringing the country back by making America great again.

We were energy independent. We had tax cuts, we had regulation cuts at a level that never seen before.

We had no wars. I didn’t start wars, but I finished wars. We beat Isis.

Everything we did worked out incredibly well, and we had to do it through the guise of these witch hunts all the time. Constantly,

Adam Schiff… Shifty Shiff…and all of these people that are sick. They’re psychos.

It was an amazing period of time, and I think the reason we’re doing well now is they see how badly it is and how bad it was.

There’s more spirit now.

I got more votes than any sitting president in history in 2020, and there’s more spirit now than there was in 2016 or in 2020. I think a lot of that is because of the fact that they see how bad, just how bad they’re doing.

They’re destroying our country.


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93dd9e No.70791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158675 (110142ZJUL23) Notable: The Globe Interview: President Donald J Trump

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TNG: So with the indictments, we actually saw your polling numbers go up. How do you explain that phenomenon?

President Trump:

Because people are very smart. The public is actually very smart and they’ve studied it, and they saw it’s a hoax.

It’s all a big hoax.

Biden has boxes all over. Nobody does anything about it.

I come under the Presidential Records Act which allows me… it’s perfect for explaining exactly what this is all about. It gives the full authority and power to the President.

Biden doesn’t come under that act because he wasn’t the president when he took all of these documents. But I was, and they don’t mention that. The fake news doesn’t cover it. But the people understand it. You’ve heard me speak about it. The people understand it.

I come under the Presidential Records Act which isn’t criminal, nothing.

It’s not criminal and everything I did was absolutely fine. But, it’s a very important, very important distinction when you look…when you look at the fact that one person is targeted, and the other person gets away with murder.

Look at all the money that Biden has stolen from China.

He takes money.

He take bribes.

Call it whatever you want.

But, we have a compromised president.

They paid him millions and millions of dollars through Hunter.

And, Ukraine. Money comes in, and from other countries money comes in–it comes pouring in, and the fake news doesn’t want to even cover it.

I think the Republican congress is doing a great job. Jamie Comer is doing great. Jim Jordan is doing great.

But, the fake news doesn’t want to cover it. And, yet, this is the biggest story probably in the history of our country.

This is 100 times bigger than Watergate, but they don’t want to cover it, because they want to shield the Democrat.

And, I think it’s really showing how sick the press is. It’s sick, it’s corrupt. It’s as corrupt as anything I’ve ever seen. And it’s not only what they talk about, it’s what they don’t talk about.

They won’t talk about things, and that came out with the judge’s opinion the other day where he said you couldn’t talk through Facebook and Twitter and all of these different places because you’re giving them false information…the FBI, the DOJ, et cetera, the government, the Democrats.

So it’s big stuff. I mean, it’s big stuff.

It, at some point, it must explode. It must absolutely explode.

TNG: In the decision, the judge referred to the government as the “Ministry of Truth” in reference to Orwell’s 1984, and with that, we now know that there was election interference via massive censorship during the 2020 election cycle. Now that the judge has rendered this decision, how do you think this is going to impact the 2024 election?

President Trump:

I think it impacts it greatly because people realize…look, you had True The Vote where they found hundreds of thousands of votes. They stuffed it, right? Catherine Englebrecht. She is a fantastic woman.

They stuffed the ballot boxes.

We have it on tape and people don’t want to talk about it.

You have so many other things, but now you have a judge who made a statement, it’s a very powerful statement. Brilliant judge, brilliant man, highly respected.

But even before that, you had the 51 intelligence officers saying that it was Russian disinformation, and they knew it wasn’t.

And, even before that you had Twitter, Facebook and you had FBI Twitter.

The FBI Twitter thing was unbelievable.

The FBI Facebook and the DOJ Facebook, all of these scandals, and the pollster said it made a 17 point difference. 17 points… and just with a quarter of a point…

Look, the election was rigged. It was a rigged election.

We have no borders in our country and we have rigged elections. You can’t have a country like that.

It’s one of the reasons I am running and I’m doing it, and I think it’s one of the reasons we’re doing so well.

People see what happened, but this, the judge’s decision, the recent judge’s decision, from two days ago, was amazing.


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93dd9e No.70792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158677 (110142ZJUL23) Notable: The Globe Interview: President Donald J Trump

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TNG: So, how do you win in 2024 if the system, in your words, is rigged?


You have to swamp them.

They’re cheaters.

They cheat. They lie. They’re horrible.

I wouldn’t have said this two years ago.

Who would have ever thought a thing like this was possible?

But, they’re cheaters, and you have to hope the courts get tougher because they see a lot of it.

They don’t want to get involved because they’re afraid, or something.

Bill Barr was a stiff.

He was afraid of being impeached. He was petrified of being impeached.

He was just a stiff.

And now, you see with this stuff coming up, but it should happen now. I mean, Garland should do something about what’s taking place.

So, I’m actually surprised, more than anybody, at Garland because he sees this massive corruption. I’m surprised that he allows it to go on. I really am.

I had a lot of respect for him. He was a liberal man and that’s fine. But, I’m surprised that he allowed it to go on, and allows it to go on, at a level that the country has never seen before.

And it’s fully exposed…although new stuff is coming out which blows everything else away… but it is so exposed, and yet the press doesn’t pick it up. It won’t pick it up.

They know about it. They agree. They don’t want to write it.

It’s somewhat hard to have a scandal if they’re not gonna write about it.

But, the public sees it. It’s a good thing. That is what is so positive about the internet.

You see things that you wouldn’t normally see. It also gives you defense, you know, Truth is doing fantastically well.

By having Truth, I have defense, because I’m allowed to say things that normally wouldn’t…people won’t pick it up because they don’t want to pick it up for political reasons.

TNG: So, a lot of this that we’ve talked about is about the swamp. Yet, your 2016 chant was “drain the swamp.” But, for whatever reason, you couldn’t do it or you didn’t do it. So the question is, did you realize how deep, wide and vast the swamp was when you started in 2016?

President Trump:

It is such a good question.

I put a lot of great people in.

We rebuilt our military.

We had the Biggest tax cuts in history. The biggest regulation cuts in history.

No wars.

We beat ISIS.

We did an amazing job.

We had no inflation.

We were energy independent.

But some of the people, and we mostly had great people, but nobody wants to write about great people.

They want to write about the Bill Bars and the people that didn’t do their job. Because, they were cowards.

Bill Barr was a coward.

Bill Barr was afraid of being impeached, and I understand that they were talking about impeaching him.


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93dd9e No.70793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158679 (110143ZJUL23) Notable: The Globe Interview: President Donald J Trump

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They didn’t even know why, but they were talking, and he didn’t want to be impeached.

But, we were doing a great job with draining the swamp.

Don’t forget, I fired Comey. Comey had a long term contract.

I fired Comey very early.

You know, somebody said, “oh, you should have done it sooner”, but I did it very early.

I mean, it was one of the early things in the administration. That was a great thing to do.

If I didn’t do that…and a lot of people criticized me for doing it… but if I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t be talking to you right now about the presidency.

Because that was a coup, in a sense.

Those were people that had reports written on them, like the Horowitz report, the IG. He wrote such a terrible report on Comey.

It was so breathtakingly horrible that when you read it, even the New York Times said “this is unbelievable.”

But, I fired a lot of people.

But, the swamp is deep, it’s deep and we got stopped a little bit by COVID.

When COVID came in, we had, as an example, the greatest economy in the history of our country.

COVID came in and we had to fight that battle too. So, we had a lot of battles going.

We did an incredible job with COVID. Never got the credit for COVID.

You know, this came in as a brand new situation that nobody saw coming.

It came in from China…came in from Wuhan, the Wuhan labs.

I said that right from the beginning.

We closed it up to China, and we didn’t want that, but we saved a lot of lives by doing that.

But we were very focused on the last part, but we got rid of a lot of the swamp.

But, you take a look at Comey as an example. I mean, he was going to be there for years. That was one of the best firings ever.

People that said you shouldn’t have done it, now say it “was the single one of the greatest moves you made” because they were looking to do numbers.

So it was, it was very bad.

And when I fired him, that’s when we found out about the insurance policy. That’s when we found Strzok and Paige and this one and that one.

I mean, it was so deep, but we did a great job. But then, we had a rigged election, and now we’re doing it and we’re leading by much more than we’ve ever led before because people loved the job we were doing.

We had a great economy. We had the greatest economy in history, and one of the reasons is is that we were is so energy independent.

We were going to be energy dominant.

We were soon going to start paying off debt.

We were going to make so much money with energy. “Liquid Gold” I call it.

We were going to be supplying oil and gas to Europe, instead of Russia.

I ended the pipeline. Remember, I’m the one that ended the Nord 2 pipeline.

When Biden came in, he approved it.

I was rough on Russia, but I got along very well with Putin and that’s a positive thing, not a negative thing.

So, we were getting rid of a lot of people. But then, COVID came.

We had to focus on that, but we did and we had great people, Bob Lighthizer did a great job. We had some really great people. We did great on trade. We did incredibly on the economy.


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93dd9e No.70794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158681 (110143ZJUL23) Notable: The Globe Interview: President Donald J Trump

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TNG: So let’s talk Nevada. Governor Lombardo lost Clark County by six points. He lost Washoe county by two points. Yet, he still won the governorship. Additionally, he’s recently signed legislation that awards $25 million to the Culinary Union. The Nevada GOP believes that that money is going to be used for ballot harvesting. Proponents claim it’s going to be used for a “capital improvement project” that hasn’t been identified. A GOP presidential candidate hasn’t won Nevada since 2004. You lost Nevada twice. How do you win Nevada?

President Trump:

I think I won the last time. I think I won both times by a lot.

This is a state that is disgraceful.

You know, we sued on the basis of …they robbed the vote at a level.

We had a lawsuit that was so good and the judge didn’t want to see it. He didn’t even want to see it.

We had a lawsuit that was, in my opinion, conclusive.

But, you know, we have guys like Laxalt. Laxalt was a very weak candidate. He was pathetic.

You know, I helped Laxalt do the best he could. I guess his grandfather was strong. His father was good. But, I guess the chain got weaker and weaker.

But, Adam Laxalt is a stiff and he didn’t do the job. He was a lawyer. He was working for a lot of different people on trying to do the vote thing, but he wasn’t the right guy.

We have great people working now. We have great lawyers working.

They used COVID to cheat the last time. They used COVID to cheat.

But, we think we have a great team in place to stop it.

(We are then asked to wrap the interview due to an event at Calvary Chapel for NVGOP volunteers)

TNG: Nevada has unlimited ballot harvesting….

President Trump:

It’s a disgrace. I think it’s a disgrace. It’s, it’s not a good thing, but the Republicans are going to do it now.

You have to understand. I come here and I campaign. You have other people running elections.

The last time I did a great job in campaigning, but I didn’t know I had to be running every voting booth in the country.

Some states do a great job. This is a state that, I have no doubt, if you take a look at the litigation…but, Adam was not a good attorney and didn’t do a good job. I thought he was actually a terrible attorney and he didn’t do a good job. He wasn’t able to do anything with the litigation, but this is a state we did very well in.

I don’t believe this is a Democrat state. I think this is a Republican state.

I endorsed the governor. I like the governor. He was able to win. So we’re proud of him for doing that.

TNG: Thanks to the press, everyone now knows you like two scoops of ice cream. As a reporter, I like scoops. Any scoop on your vice presidential pick?

President Trump:

No, not yet. But, I’ll let you know, I’m watching.

With that, President Trump instructed his staff to make sure that “we do this again” and invited TNG to join the presidential motorcade to Calvary Chapel where the former president addressed a crowd of volunteers and elected officials for approximately one hour. He then headed to UFC 290 where he was escorted into the T-Mobile Arena by long-time supporter Dana White, shaking hands with the fans and chatting with Mel Gibson, Joe Rogan, Roger Stone, and various celebrities.

Although his 24-hour visit to Las Vegas was packed with back-to-back events, and having endured a never-ending stream of lawsuits and hostility, the former President showed no signs of physical or mental wear in his ongoing battle against President Biden, the press, and his political opponents. As President Trump’s swings at his opponents, Nevada remains a swing state. In order to carry Nevada, President Trump will have to land some blows and dominate the rurals in order to, in his words, “swamp the cheaters.”



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93dd9e No.70795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158722 (110150ZJUL23) Notable: Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden | Sundance

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Write down those names from DOJ, research and remember, because I think whistleblowers will come out to expose them all:

•AG Merrick Garland

• Deputy Attorney General/Dictator: Lisa Monico

•Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

• Matthew G. Olsen, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security

• Christie M. Curtis, the Acting Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”),

• Assistant U.S. Attorneys Daniel C. Richenthal and Catherine Ghosh are in charge of the prosecution, with assistance from

• Trial Attorney Scott Claffee of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.

• Mr. Williams also thanked theInternal Revenue Service– Criminal Investigation,

• Department of Justice’s National Security Division,

• the Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs for their assistance.

More names and more agencies will be involved! Plus at the names involved in Trump indictments, most likely Bratt is involved in all

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93dd9e No.70796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158738 (110152ZJUL23) Notable: Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system

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>Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome

Covid entry requirements for Peru until October 31, 2022

For international passengers on commercial flights and travelers crossing into Peru at a land border, Peru requires the following (October 12, 2022):

Peruvians and foreign residents 12 years and older must present a vaccination certificate proving they had 3 doses of a vaccine against Covid (see Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3).

Non-resident foreigners (visitors) must present proof of being vaccinated according to the “vaccination scheme” of their home country (see Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3).

Those not vaccinated according to the above rules can present a negative real-time COVID-19 molecular (RT-PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours after being issued and before boarding the plane (see Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3).

Children under the age of 12 years just have to be healthy (asymptomatic) - we highly recommend checking if the airline requests any document / test result to prove that the child is healthy (see Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3).


063-2022-PCM, Supreme Decree No. 069-2022-PCM and Supreme Decree No. 108-2022-PCM, with the following text:

4.3 Peruvians and foreign residents aged 12 years and over, whose final destination is the national territory as passengers and regardless of the country of origin, must prove that they have applied the three (3) doses of vaccination against COVID-19 in Peru. or abroad. Non-resident foreigners whose final destination is the national territory as passengers and regardless of the country of origin, must be vaccinated according to the scheme of their country of origin.

If they do not have the aforementioned vaccination, they can present a negative molecular test with a result date of no more than 48 hours before boarding at their point of origin. Children under 12 only need to be asymptomatic to board. Those people who show symptoms upon arrival in the national territory enter mandatory isolation, according to regulations on the matter.

The National Health Authority is empowered to take diagnostic tests for COVID-19 from passengers arriving in the country, establishing complementary health measures for positive cases.

Verification of vaccination against COVID-19, in Peru and/or abroad, must be carried out through the physical or virtual card together with an official identity document.


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93dd9e No.70797

File: 5b7ee7746fd01fb⋯.png (310.97 KB,598x593,598:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158751 (110154ZJUL23) Notable: Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin met with Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin days after the rogue paramilitary leader launched a failed uprising, the Kremlin says.

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World News Tonight


Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin met with Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin days after the rogue paramilitary leader launched a failed uprising, the Kremlin says.


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93dd9e No.70798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158761 (110155ZJUL23) Notable: Ben and Jerry’s Parent Company Unilever LOSES BILLIONS||

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Ben and Jerry’s Parent Company Unilever LOSES BILLIONS


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93dd9e No.70799

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158811 (110206ZJUL23) Notable: REAL AMERICA - Dan Ball W/ Jaco Booyens, Leftists Attack "Sound Of Freedom" Movie

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REAL AMERICA - Dan Ball W/ Jaco Booyens, Leftists Attack "Sound Of Freedom" Movie



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93dd9e No.70800

File: e8156ceb4cbc9d7⋯.png (816.4 KB,1440x1011,480:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158821 (110208ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Brazillian Military CESSNA 172 Skyhawk doing 443 knots at 45,000 feet east of Florida coast. Yeah right.

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93dd9e No.70801

File: 7307c00116c3e28⋯.png (1.85 MB,1383x10338,461:3446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158834 (110211ZJUL23) Notable: Review of autopsy findings in deaths after covid 19 vax - vax is the culprit in majority of found dead after injection

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93dd9e No.70802

File: 932fc02f669bcf2⋯.png (509.23 KB,753x713,753:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158835 (110211ZJUL23) Notable: 314th Anniversary of Russia defeating the Swedes in the Battle of #Poltava

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314th Anniversary of Russia defeating the Swedes in the Battle of #Poltava

MFA Russia 🇷🇺

⚔️ On July 10, Russia celebrates the Day of Military Glory, marking the triumph of Russian army over Swedes in the Battle of #Poltava (1709).

It was the first major step towards victory in the Great Northern War, which secured Russia's position as a leading European power.

4:47 PM · Jul 10, 2023·68K Views


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93dd9e No.70803

File: 8aaeb68b0bfdc8c⋯.png (602.89 KB,755x835,151:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158856 (110218ZJUL23) Notable: President Erdogan has agreed to forward #Sweden's accession protocol to the Grand Natl Assembly

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interesting coincidence

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Jens Stoltenberg

Glad to announce that after the meeting I hosted with @RTErdogan & @SwedishPM, President Erdogan has agreed to forward #Sweden's accession protocol to the Grand National Assembly ASAP & ensure ratification. This is an historic step which makes all #NATO Allies stronger & safer.

3:21 PM · Jul 10, 2023·7.4M Views


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93dd9e No.70804

File: 94c41f62660f9e4⋯.png (1.08 MB,1439x966,1439:966,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158871 (110223ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Just after take off from Orlando International it was climbing at a rate of 4,480 feet per minute.

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93dd9e No.70805

File: b982cf16f146b03⋯.png (623.87 KB,749x1132,749:1132,Clipboard.png)

File: 3096ce529639758⋯.png (642.7 KB,746x1177,746:1177,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a00480da7ae0fb⋯.png (1.13 MB,742x1157,742:1157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158888 (110230ZJUL23) Notable: Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden | Sundance

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Part 1 of 3 (maybe 4)

Israeli professor who claims to have given evidence to the FBI about Biden family corruption is charged by DOJ with arms trafficking and Iran sanctions violations - as he remains on the run

Charges against Gal Luft, an Israeli-US citizen, were unsealed on Monday: he faces eight counts of working illegally for China and selling Iranian oil

Luft, 57, was arrested on February 17 in Cyprus but released on bail and has fled: he remains on the loose

Luft claimed the criminal case is meant to stop him from testifying the Bidens received payments from people connected to Chinese military intelligence


PUBLISHED: 21:44 EDT, 10 July 2023 | UPDATED: 22:16 EDT, 10 July 2023

The Justice Department on Monday unsealed arms trafficking and sanctions violations charges against an Israeli professor who claims he has information about the Biden family's business with people linked to Chinese military intelligence.

Gal Luft, 57, was arrested in February on eight counts of working secretly for China, attempting to broker the sale of arms to Libya, Kenya and the UAE without the necessary U.S. permits, and selling Iranian oil to China, in violation of sanctions.

He was detained in Cyprus but fled while free on bail.

His whereabouts are unknown, but on Monday the indictment against him was unsealed.

Luft is charged with willfully failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, arms trafficking, Iranian sanctions violations, and making false statements to federal agents.

Luft last week told The New York Post, in a video filmed from an undisclosed location, that he was being hunted by the Justice Department because he had information about the Bidens.

'I, who volunteered to inform the US government about a potential security breach and about compromising information about a man vying to be the next president, am now being hunted by the very same people who I informed — and may have to live on the run for the rest of my life,' he said.

The House Oversight Committee was preparing to interview Luft as part of their investigation into the Biden family, before he fled his extradition.

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93dd9e No.70806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158890 (110231ZJUL23) Notable: Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden | Sundance

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>>70805 - part 1

Part 2 of 3

Luft claims he met with FBI agents in Brussels in 2019, and told them that relatives of President Joe Biden were receiving vast sums of money from Chinese officials.

Luft said the China state-controlled energy company CEFC was paying $100,000 a month to Hunter Biden, and $65,000 to his uncle, Joe's brother Jim Biden.

Hunter and Jim Biden took the money in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China's Belt and Road Initiative around the world, Luft claimed.

On Monday, prosecutors in Manhattan detailed the charges against Luft, which were filed earlier this year.

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Luft worked illegally to advance Chinese interests in the United States and worldwide.

'As alleged, Gal Luft, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen and co-head of a Maryland think tank, engaged in multiple, serious criminal schemes,' said Williams.

'He subverted foreign agent registration laws in the United States to seek to promote Chinese policies by acting through a former high-ranking U.S. Government official; he acted as a broker in deals for dangerous weapons and Iranian oil; and he told multiple lies about his crimes to law enforcement.

'As the charges unsealed today reflect, our Office will continue to work vigorously with our law enforcement partners to detect and hold accountable those who surreptitiously attempt to perpetrate malign foreign influence campaigns here in the United States.'

Luft is accused of attempting to broker the sale of Chinese weapons to Libya, Kenya, and the UAE, without the necessary permits.

Prosecutors claim he communicated in code, referring to weapons as 'toys' and the United States as 'uncle'.

He also referred to the Iranian oil as being Brazilian, in an alleged attempt to hide the true origin of the fuel.

The indictment states that Luft voluntarily spoke to investigators, and lied to them repeatedly - insisting that he was not involved in trafficking arms or brokering trade of Iranian oil.

'For years, Luft, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen who serves as the co-director of a Maryland-based think tank, engaged, along with others, in multiple international criminal schemes,' the indictment states.

But Luft claims that the charges against him are politically-motivated, and designed to stop him sharing what he knows about Hunter Biden, Jim Biden and their businesses.

'The chances of me getting a fair trial in Washington are virtually zero,' he told The New York Post in a phone call from an undisclosed location in a foreign jail.

Explaining why he skipped bail, he told the paper: 'I had to do what I had to do. I don't want to get people in trouble.'

Cypriot police realized he had skipped bail after finding Luft's car abandoned near the airport. He told the publication he was in a different country now.

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93dd9e No.70807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158895 (110232ZJUL23) Notable: Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden | Sundance

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>>70805 - part 1

>>70806 - part 2

Part 3

The former Israeli Defense Force colonel claims he was 'charged for a thought crime' amid his weapons trafficking allegations

The accusations date from an email with an associate five years ago.

Luft told The New York Post: 'I was asked by a bona fide arms dealer, an Israeli friend, to inquire with a company I knew if they had an item and what would be the price of an item.

'This is where the conspiracy ended. No follow-up, no money, no brokering activity,' he claimed.

Luft also said there was sinister intent behind his extraction order which was issued on November 1, 2020 - seven days before the midterms.

He claims that this was processed shortly before Democrats were expected to lose control of the House to Republicans who were wanting to investigate the Biden family over alleged corruption and abuse of foreign influence.

'When it was clear the Republicans are going to win the House or the Senate, all of a sudden comes [Republican Rep. James] Comer and [Republican Rep. Jim] Jordan and the game is changing,' he told The New York Post.

'There will be questions and subpoenas and investigations [so] they [the administration] have to discredit me. I never thought of coming forward. Through 2020 I sat quiet like a fish.'

He added: I didn't want to get caught up in this game, but when they arrested me I had no choice but to blow it up.'

Luft made his claim earlier this year after he was detained at the Cyprus airport.

'I've been arrested in Cyprus on a politically motivated extradition request by the US,' he tweeted on February 19.

'The US, claiming I'm an arms dealer. It would be funny if it weren't tragic. I've never been an arms dealer.

'DOJ [Department Of Justice] is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim & Hunter Biden. Shall I name names?,' he wrote.

The tweet was brought to the attention of House investigators.

Luft previously met with FBI officials and DOJ prosecutors in 2019, The New York Post reported, at the U.S. Embassy in Brussels.

It comes after emails revealed earlier this year that Hunter Biden had been asked to use contacts in the FBI to help his Chinese business partner, who was arrested for bribery and money laundering.

It was also claimed that Hunter Biden used a top FBI official code-named 'One Eye' to funnel secret bureau information to his Chinese business partners.

Patrick Ho – convicted of bribery and money laundering in 2018 – was secretary general of CEFC, the Chinese oil giant Hunter partnered with, and which sent the Biden family more than $5 million.

Hunter Biden described Ho as the 'f***ing spy chief of China' in a May 2018 recorded conversation on his abandoned laptop, and court documents show Ho was under surveillance by federal law enforcement in an espionage-related investigation.

Hunter took a $1 million wire payment to represent Ho as his attorney before he was arrested in November 2017. He also agreed to speak to FBI agents to glean information on the case against his Chinese Communist Party-connected client.

On September 18, 2017, Ho retained Hunter with a $1million contract.

The agreement, obtained by DailyMail.com earlier this year in March from Hunter's abandoned laptop, describes Ho as 'Deputy Chairman and Secretary General of China Energy Fund Committee' (CEFC) and says Hunter would provide 'Counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertaining to the hiring and legal analysis of any US Law Firm or Lawyer'.

Two months later, Ho was cuffed by FBI agents who intercepted him at JFK Airport in New York on November 18, 2017 on charges of bribing African government officials for CEFC.

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93dd9e No.70808

File: d268724fa73b0c3⋯.png (483.39 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158909 (110238ZJUL23) Notable: Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

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==Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill=

House Republicans have slipped a massive foreign worker expansion into their Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spending bill, a blow to the GOP’s promise to protect the nation’s working class from powerful special interests.

After markups and hearings, Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee approved the DHS spending bill which would blow the lid off blue-collar migration caps to the United States, spurring an influx of foreign visa workers in the labor market with whom working class Americans would have to compete for jobs.

“Who represents the working class? This bill suggests it’s not necessarily Republicans,” Jeremy Beck of NumbersUSA told Breitbart News.

Specifically, the $91.5 billion funding measure would loosen H-2A visa rules so that more industries related to the agricultural sector could import foreign workers and rewrites the program so that jobs do not have to be seasonal or temporary.

The H-2A visa program, as currently implemented, allows U.S. farms to annually outsource an unlimited number of American agricultural jobs to foreign workers, who can extend their stay for up to three years.

Fraud and abuse are widespread across the program, with one recent lawsuit accusing a western Michigan farm of trafficking foreign H-2A visa workers into blueberry picking jobs where they were paid slave wages and housed in egregiously poor conditions.

Most notoriously, earlier this year, black Americans scored a settlement against two U.S. farms along the Mississippi Delta after they were fired and replaced with foreign H-2A visa workers from South Africa.

More at: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/07/10/republicans-slip-massive-foreign-worker-expansion-dhs-funding-bill/

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93dd9e No.70809

File: 3c53182a7c34212⋯.png (93.48 KB,890x637,890:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158919 (110244ZJUL23) Notable: Antifa Activist Reportedly Commits Suicide, Police Find Graphic Child Pornographic Recordings

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Antifa Activist Reportedly Commits Suicide, Police Find Graphic Child Pornographic Recordings


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93dd9e No.70810

File: cd31eccfdef85fb⋯.jpg (145.19 KB,1028x999,1028:999,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e2b7bf61614fb22⋯.jpg (238.94 KB,1080x1396,270:349,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19158931 (110245ZJUL23) Notable: Scavino: "The Man in the Arena"

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93dd9e No.70811

File: ba090b8c448aaba⋯.mp4 (9.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159023 (110302ZJUL23) Notable: Scavino: "The Man in the Arena"

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“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

― Theodore Roosevelt



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93dd9e No.70812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159076 (110315ZJUL23) Notable: Six killed in kindergarten stabbing in China, continuing trend of knife attacks targeting kids

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Six killed in kindergarten stabbing in China, continuing trend of knife attacks targeting kids

China, which has strict gun laws, has experienced multiple recent kindergarten stabbings.


Six people, including children, died in a stabbing attack Monday at a kindergarten in southern China, police said, as knife attacks continue at schools in the gun-free country. 

A 25-year-old man identified by his surname Wu was detained, police said, according to Fox News. One other person was injured when the suspect began his assault before 8 a.m. local time in Lianjiang, Guangdong province.

Dafeng News, a Chinese outlet, said the attack may have come after a vehicular incident in which the car hit the attacker's child before the stabbing spree. That driver is deceased, the outlet said.

China, which has strict gun laws, has experienced multiple recent kindergarten stabbings.

Three people died and six others were wounded in an August 2022 kindergarten stabbing in Jiangxi.

Two children died and 16 more were wounded in a stabbing attack at a Guangxi kindergarten in 2021.

A school guard allegedly stabbed 39 people in 2020. 


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93dd9e No.70813

File: b363d415639ec4e⋯.png (255.51 KB,768x952,96:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a02251d0eeadbe⋯.png (106.36 KB,1011x791,1011:791,Clipboard.png)

File: ba50666b1343bfb⋯.png (93.26 KB,1032x641,1032:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159084 (110318ZJUL23) Notable: UPDATE: Biden Administration Files Emergency Stay with 5th Circuit Court Demanding the Right to Censor, Silence, and Manipulate Americans

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UPDATE: Biden Administration Files Emergency Stay with 5th Circuit Court Demanding the Right to Censor, Silence, and Manipulate Americans

Earlier today Judge Terry Doughty denied the Biden Administration’s attempt to halt preliminary injunction pending the outcome of appeal in the historic First Amendment case that was reported on Independence Day.

The plaintiffs in the case consist of the State of Missouri, the State of Louisiana, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty (“Kheriaty”), Dr. Martin Kulldorff (“Kulldorff”), Jim Hoft (“Hoft”), Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya (“Bhattacharya”), and Jill Hines (“Hines”).

“Judge Doughty’a brief explaining his reasoning for denying the government’s baseless motion to stay appears to also directly respond to the media’s attacks on his order preventing the government from censoring speech.

For example, a common trope from dishonest left wing media pundits and even law professor analysts, is that there was no evidence that the government censored speech.

Judge Doughty’s order denying the government’s request to halt the injunction goes through several examples of airtight evidence showing the feds’ deliberate efforts to work with Big Tech to censor speech.

“(a) On January 23, 2021, White House Digital Director for COVID-19 Response Team Clarke Humphrey emailed Twitter and requested the removal of an anti-COVID-19 vaccine tweet by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.11

(b) On April 14, 2021, White House Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty (“Flaherty”) demanded censorship by Facebook of a video of Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Tomi Lahren where Tucker Carlson was saying COVID-19 vaccines don’t work and Tomi Lahren was saying she won’t take a COVID-19 vaccine.12 Flaherty demanded immediate answers from Facebook on April 16, 2021, in relation to the video, and on April 21, 2021, despite not violating Facebook’s policies, Facebook gave the video a 50% reduction for seven days and stated it would continue to demote the video.13

2. Surgeon General Defendants

(a) Senior Advisor to the Surgeon General Eric Waldo (“Waldo”) testified that Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy (“Murthy”) used his office to advocate for social-media platforms to take stronger actions against “health misinformation,” which involved putting pressure on social-media platforms to reduce the dissemination of health misinformation. That message was given to social-media platforms both publicly and privately.14

(b) In addition to public statements, Murthy had meetings with social-media companies, called health misinformation “poison,” and called for social-media companies to do more to control the reach of health disinformation. When Murthy was calling posts “health disinformation,” he was referring to anti-vaccine posts.15


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93dd9e No.70814

File: 948e8e848901107⋯.webp (399.72 KB,1440x960,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159090 (110319ZJUL23) Notable: New data shows how many Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine

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New data shows how many Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine

Two independent Russian media outlets used Russian government data to shed light on one of Moscow’s closest-held secrets — the true human cost of its invasion of Ukraine.

BRUSSELS (AP) — Nearly 50,000 Russian men have died in the war in Ukraine, according to the first independent statistical analysis of Russia’s war dead.

Two independent Russian media outlets, Mediazona and Meduza, working with a data scientist from Germany’s Tübingen University, used Russian government data to shed light on one of Moscow’s closest-held secrets — the true human cost of its invasion of Ukraine.

To do so, they relied on a statistical concept popularized during the COVID-19 pandemic called excess mortality. Drawing on inheritance records and official mortality data, they estimated how many more men under age 50 died between February 2022 and May 2023 than normal.


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93dd9e No.70815

File: e7b13433ac493fa⋯.png (354.52 KB,641x529,641:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159122 (110326ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley demands answers from US Attorney David Weiss, claiming “hundreds” of people have had access to FBI informant memo.

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Hunter Biden prosecutor’s office briefed on bribery allegation before 2020 election, senator says

Grassley demands answers from US Attorney David Weiss, claiming “hundreds” of people have had access to FBI informant memo.

The office of a Trump-era federal prosecutor who has led the investigation of Hunter Biden was briefed two weeks before the 2020 election that the FBI had allegations from an informant suggesting Joe Biden was involved in a bribery scheme involving Ukrainian business interests, according to new information released by a top Republican senator.

In a letter made public Monday, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, asked Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss when he first learned about the October 2020 briefing the FBI gave to one of his top prosecutors, Lesley Wolf.

“Based on information provided to my office from individuals aware of the meeting, on October 23, 2020, Justice Department and FBI Special Agents from the Pittsburgh Field Office briefed Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, one of your top prosecutors, and FBI Special Agents from the Baltimore Field Office with respect to the contents of the FBI-generated FD- 1023 alleging a criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden,” Grassley wrote in the letter dated Sunday.

You can read the letter here:



The existence of the FD-1023 informant memo was first disclosed by Grassley and House Oversight committee Chairman James Comer earlier this spring, transforming the congressional investigation into Hunter Biden into an inquiry also involving his father, the 46th president.

Lawmakers who have seen the memo say it indicates the FBI first learned about the bribery allegations in 2017, and the FBI has told them the allegations remain part of an ongoing investigation. The allegations specifically claim Joe Biden was part of a scheme in which $10 million was paid to his family in return for unspecified policy decisions, lawmakers have said.

Congressional investigators’ interest in the memo heightened in recent days when an IRS whistleblower, Supervisory Agent Gary Shapley, revealed to Congress he was never told about the informant allegations, even though he was leading the IRS team investigating Hunter Biden‘s finances.

Grassley wrote that while IRS agents weren’t included in the October 2020 briefing, many government officials had access to the sensitive informant report.

“Based on information provided to my office, potentially hundreds of Justice Department and FBI officials have had access to the FD-1023 at issue, which begs the question that I’ve been asking since the start of my oversight in this matter: What steps have the Justice Department and FBI taken to investigate the allegations? You, Attorney General Garland, and Director Wray have failed to answer,” the veteran senator wrote.

Grassley asked Weiss to answer a half dozen questions, including:

When he became aware of the October 2020 briefing provided by Justice Department and FBI officials to Wolf;

Whether he is aware of any steps Wolf and the Baltimore Field Office took to investigate the bribery allegations;

Why IRS agents on the case weren’t included in the October 2020 briefing;

Does the scope of Weiss’ probe include the alleged criminal scheme between a foreign national and Joe Biden;

Has Weiss taken any steps to recover the alleged audio recordings and related evidence the informant alleged existed.

Weiss has declined to answer most of lawmakers’ questions, saying he must protect private information during an ongoing investigation.

Hunter Biden has been charged with two tax misdemeanors and a gun felony and is expected to plead guilty to the tax charges in a plea deal. His first appearance is slated for later this month.

Weiss, however, on Monday, disputed one aspect of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, saying he never requested or was turned down to be a special counsel in the case.

“To clarify an apparent misperception and to avoid future confusion, I wish to make one point clear: in this case, I have not requested Special Counsel designation,” Weiss wrote Sen. Lindsey Graham.


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93dd9e No.70816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159138 (110330ZJUL23) Notable: "Ukraine in NATO is ‘path to peace’ "– FM

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Dmitry Kuleba has made a pitch for Kiev’s membership to German media

Ukraine in NATO is ‘path to peace’ – FM

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba speaks at an event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 24, 2023. © Amanuel Sileshi / AFP

Inviting Kiev into NATO will create peace in Europe, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba argued on Monday, during an interview with the German public broadcaster ARD.

Kiev was “promised entry” in 2008, but Germany and other Western European countries got cold feet, Kuleba told the Tagesschau newscast on Monday. The upcoming Vilnius summit of the US-led military bloc is the time to correct that “mistake,” he added.

“We appreciate everything that Germany and the US are doing for Ukraine to support us in this war,” Kuleba added, but disagreed with Berlin that the invitation into NATO would drag the West into open war with Russia. The invitation is simple “a political message to Ukraine” and Article 5 – the mutual defense clause – “only applies if Ukraine is a member country.”

“Ukraine’s NATO membership is a path towards peace. Once Ukraine can join NATO, there will be no more wars in Europe,” Kuleba claimed, because “Russia will no longer dare to attack the alliance.”

Although Kiev’s bid is strongly supported by the Eastern European and Baltic states, the leaders of Western Europe and the US have opposed making Ukraine a full-fledged NATO member. In a CNN interview over the weekend, US President Joe Biden reiterated that Washington is against admitting Ukraine into NATO and offered “Israel-like guarantees” instead. 

‘Go to hell,’ Ukraine tells anti-cluster bomb German MP

Read more

‘Go to hell,’ Ukraine tells anti-cluster bomb German MP

“Why does everyone always want to put Ukraine in a separate pot?” lamented Kuleba. “Why are people always looking for alternative solutions? Why can’t we simply develop a holistic solution for a European security architecture in which Ukraine sits in the NATO boat?”


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93dd9e No.70817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159161 (110335ZJUL23) Notable: #23530

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#23530 >>70776

>>70777 Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65

>>70778 Wealthy Elites Oversaw A Massive Bank Collapse. Now They're Suing To Claw Back Billions

>>70779 Mark Levin Goes Scorched Earth on the Corrupt DOJ: “If We Don’t Break the Back of the DOJ, It Will Destroy This Country”

>>70780 Earthquake NNE of Antigua

>>70781 Tim Ballard Discusses the Sound of Freedom

>>70782 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

>>70783 Watch: Fox News Panel Abruptly Cuts to Commercial As Worried Hosts Point Outside Studio Windows, Close Shades Afterwards

>>70784 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>70785 Violent brawl breaks out at Michigan GOP committee meeting

>>70786, >>70787, >>70795, >>70805, >>70806, >>70807 Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden | Sundance

>>70788, >>70796 Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system

>>70789 REVEALED: Corrupt (((DOJ))) Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

>>70790, >>70791, >>70792, >>70793, >>70794 The Globe Interview: President Donald J Trump

>>70797 Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin met with Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin days after the rogue paramilitary leader launched a failed uprising, the Kremlin says.

>>70798 Ben and Jerry’s Parent Company Unilever LOSES BILLIONS||

>>70802 314th Anniversary of Russia defeating the Swedes in the Battle of #Poltava

>>70799 REAL AMERICA - Dan Ball W/ Jaco Booyens, Leftists Attack "Sound Of Freedom" Movie

>>70800, >>70804 PF

>>70801 Review of autopsy findings in deaths after covid 19 vax - vax is the culprit in majority of found dead after injection

>>70803 President Erdogan has agreed to forward #Sweden's accession protocol to the Grand Natl Assembly

>>70808 Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

>>70809 Antifa Activist Reportedly Commits Suicide, Police Find Graphic Child Pornographic Recordings

>>70810 , >>70811 Scavino: "The Man in the Arena"

>>70812 Six killed in kindergarten stabbing in China, continuing trend of knife attacks targeting kids

>>70813 UPDATE: Biden Administration Files Emergency Stay with 5th Circuit Court Demanding the Right to Censor, Silence, and Manipulate Americans

>>70814 New data shows how many Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine

>>70815 Grassley demands answers from US Attorney David Weiss, claiming “hundreds” of people have had access to FBI informant memo.

>>70816 "Ukraine in NATO is ‘path to peace’ "– FM



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93dd9e No.70818

File: 0663fe62c6caa06⋯.jpg (10.66 KB,193x271,193:271,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159171 (110337ZJUL23) Notable: #23531

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baker seeks handoff, ghosting @20

God bless this board and this bread,


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93dd9e No.70819

File: 34b742786b7e158⋯.webp (151.31 KB,1155x1440,77:96,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159244 (110353ZJUL23) Notable: James Lewis, the suspect in the 1982 Tylenol poisonings that killed 7 in the Chicago area, has died.

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James Lewis, the suspect in the 1982 Tylenol poisonings that killed 7 in the Chicago area, has died.

The suspect in the 1982 Tylenol poisonings that killed seven people in the Chicago area, triggered a nationwide panic, and led to an overhaul in the safety of over-the-counter medication packaging, has died, police said on Monday.

Officers, firefighters and EMTs responding to a report of an unresponsive person at about 4 p.m. Sunday found James W. Lewis dead in his Cambridge, Massachusetts, home, Cambridge Police Superintendent Frederick Cabral said in a statement. He was 76, police said.

“Following an investigation, Lewis’ death was determined to be not suspicious,” the statement says.

No one was ever charged in the deaths of seven people who took the over-the-counter painkillers laced with cyanide. Lewis served more than 12 years in prison for sending an extortion note to manufacturer Johnson & Johnson, demanding $1 million to “stop the killing.” He and his wife moved to Massachusetts in 1995 following his release. Listed numbers for his wife were not in service.

When Lewis was arrested in New York City in 1982 after a nationwide manhunt, he gave investigators a detailed account of how the killer might have operated. Lewis later admitted sending the letter and demanding the money, but he said he never intended to collect it. He said he wanted to embarrass his wife’s former employer by having the money sent to the employer’s bank account.

Lewis, who had a history of trouble with the law, always denied any role in the Tylenol deaths, but remained a suspect and in 2010 gave DNA samples to the FBI. He even created a website in which he said he was framed. Although the couple lived briefly in Chicago in the early 1980s, Lewis said they were in New York City at the time of the poisonings.

In a 1992 interview with The Associated Press, Lewis explained that the account he gave authorities was simply his way of explaining the killer’s actions.

“I was doing like I would have done for a corporate client, making a list of possible scenarios,” said Lewis. He called the killer “a heinous, cold-blooded killer, a cruel monster.”

The FBI seized a computer and other items from Lewis’ home in February 2009 after Illinois authorities renewed the investigation.


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93dd9e No.70820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159307 (110414ZJUL23) Notable: 1:30 AM EDT Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

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July 11, 2023

1:30 AM EDT

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

Vilnius, Lithuania





White House Press Secretary & Nat'l Sec. Adviser at NATO Summit

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan brief reporters and take their questions at the 2023 NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.


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93dd9e No.70821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159315 (110415ZJUL23) Notable: 2:00 AM EDT NATO Public Forum Day 1 Atlantic Council

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July 11, 2023

2:00 AM EDT

NATO Public Forum Day 1

Atlantic Council



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93dd9e No.70822

File: 9479d734f5ceeb8⋯.png (269.01 KB,646x712,323:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159542 (110519ZJUL23) Notable: benny johnson w/CAP: Investigative journalist Garrett Ziegler of @MarcoPolo501c3 after going through entire Hunter Biden laptop...

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Investigative journalist Garrett Ziegler of @MarcoPolo501c3

after going through entire Hunter Biden laptop:

"The worst thing on the laptop is the corporation with the Chicoms... We have it down to the wire-transfer number of the millions of dollars that the Bidens were paid by confirmed associates of the Chinese Communist Party."


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93dd9e No.70823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159749 (110646ZJUL23) Notable: ▶ Anonymous 07/11/23 (Tue) 15:36:023f0f8d (9) No.19159167

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>>>70751 Marjorie Taylor Greene's ousting from the Republican Freedom Caucus sparks war

kayfabe to smoke out some more RINOs

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93dd9e No.70824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159760 (110651ZJUL23) Notable: ▶ Anonymous 07/11/23 (Tue) 15:36:023f0f8d (9) No.19159167

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>>>70757 Alien planet with metallic clouds resembles 'a giant mirror in space'

so you're saying we could get earth reflected back to us from ~264x2 years ago?

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93dd9e No.70825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159770 (110653ZJUL23) Notable: ▶ Anonymous 07/11/23 (Tue) 15:36:023f0f8d (9) No.19159167

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>>>70763 Pro surfer Mikala Jones dies after freak water accident that severed his artery

the first of many. remember andy irons suicide? bali is a MASSIVE pedo center that caters to aussie surfers and others.

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93dd9e No.70826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159802 (110702ZJUL23) Notable: Russian Defense Ministry reveals number of mercenaries among Ukrainian troops

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Russian Defense Ministry reveals number of mercenaries among Ukrainian troops

It is reported that over 4,800 foreign mercenaries, mostly from the United States, Canada and European countries, have been eliminated in Ukraine, while just as many have opted to flee the former Soviet republic

MOSCOW, July 10. /TASS/. More than 11,000 mercenaries have arrived in Ukraine since the start of the special military operation, of which almost 5,000 have been eliminated, with over 2,000 mercenaries still fighting for Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Monday.

"At present, 2,029 mercenaries continue fighting for Ukraine. According to information obtained from Ukrainian prisoners of war during interrogations, the commanders of Ukrainian troops being engaged in operations along the line of engagement are not prosecuted over losses among foreign mercenaries," the ministry said.

"In all, since February 24, 2022, 11,675 foreign mercenaries from 84 countries have arrived to fight for Ukraine. The bulk of them came from Poland (more than 2,600 people), the United States and Canada (more than 900 people), Georgia (over 800 people), Great Britain and Romania (more than 700 people from each), Croatia (more than 300 people), as well as from France and the Turkey-controlled areas in Syria (more than 200 people from each)," the Russian Defense Ministry specified.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, over 4,800 foreign mercenaries, mostly from the United States, Canada and European countries, have been eliminated in Ukraine, while just as many have opted to flee the former Soviet republic. "As of June 30, 4,845 foreign mercenaries, mostly coming from the United States, Canada and European countries, have been confirmed killed in combat actions," the ministry reported. "Another 4,801 foreign fighters escaped from the territory of Ukraine after they realized how the Kiev regime really treated them," the ministry added.

The Kiev regime has been using foreign mercenaries as cannon fodder, the Russian Defense Ministry said. "Nobody in the Ukrainian command cares about their lives. That’s why they have no other choice but to flee Ukraine or die," the ministry said. It underscored that, in the course of its special op, Russia will continue to wipe out foreign mercenaries regardless of where in Ukraine they are.


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93dd9e No.70827

File: 64f1b3cca90958d⋯.webp (56 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159944 (110815ZJUL23) Notable: Grand Jurors Who Will Consider Trump Charges in Georgia to be Selected.

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Grand Jurors Who Will Consider Trump Charges in Georgia to be Selected.


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93dd9e No.70828

File: 370fc4e3e4e092c⋯.png (545.72 KB,1025x1025,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159973 (110848ZJUL23) Notable: #23532

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old dough


ebaker out

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93dd9e No.70829

File: 99a0ccd0da1a0a0⋯.jpg (148.01 KB,720x1022,360:511,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f57e820545a3d9⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160014 (110911ZJUL23) Notable: enemy doing all it can to supress sound of freedom in theatres. addtl related sof news

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Booms under the floor

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93dd9e No.70830

File: e11df4bb8dfb7d5⋯.png (113.75 KB,583x422,583:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160048 (110926ZJUL23) Notable: enemy doing all it can to supress sound of freedom in theatres. addtl related sof news

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Lara Logan


You can’t stop the truth. twitter.com/norestrictions/sta

No Restrictions Studios on Twitter

“HINT: #1 Reason the Hollywood Media Industrial Complex @DEADLINE is ignoring @SOFMovieUSA made by @AngelStudiosInc starring @reallycaviezel... strong per screen average. “First they ignore you, then…


Jul 10, 2023, 2:34 PM

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93dd9e No.70831

File: 6e52ac705a26e54⋯.jpg (36.05 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160054 (110928ZJUL23) Notable: Illinois to spend $30 million for 'peacekeepers' this fiscal year. Chicago Police statistics show a 39% increase in total crime...

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Illinois to spend $30 million for 'peacekeepers' this fiscal year

Chicago Police statistics show a 39% increase in total crime compared to last year.

Community members from Chicago are seeking to address crime throughout the state with violence intervention methods as group officials suggest more funding is needed. Others say money is not the issue.

The Illinois Department of Human Services is looking to spend $30 million in fiscal year 2024 that started July 1 on the Peacekeepers Program. The money comes from COVID-19 relief federal tax funds. The program summary is looking for community groups with a "comprehensive approach to reducing firearm violence through targeted, integrated behavioral health services and economic opportunities."

The community group Violence Interrupters focuses on interrupting violence in select cities throughout the United States by establishing short and long-term goals that will reduce the number of violent crimes.

The group's founder, Tio Hardiman, told The Center Square that his group in Chicago had made strides in addressing some of the root causes of crime but did suggest increased funding to expand their operation.

"My overall goal here in Chicago is to hire another 1,000 violence interrupters to hit the streets of Chicago and mediate conflicts in Chicago at an all-time high level," Hardiman said. "So we can reduce gun violence by 50% in Chicago."


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93dd9e No.70832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160056 (110930ZJUL23) Notable: OHIO EARLY VOTING STARTS TODAY ONLY ONE ISSUE, changing the voting majority to a 60% instead of 50%.

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OHIO EARLY VOTING STARTS TODAY ONLY ONE ISSUE, changing the voting majority to a 60% instead of 50%.

Require citizens who want to place an amendment on the ballot to collect signatures from at least 5% of voters from the last gubernatorial election in all 88 counties, instead of the current 44.

Eliminate a 10-day cure period that allows citizens to replace any signatures deemed faulty by the secretary of state's office.

Issue 1 needs a simple majority to pass. If approved, the 60% threshold would take effect right away, and changes to signature gathering would be in place starting Jan. 1.


Sounds like the opposition is losing their base and want to change the rules to not lose on issues.

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93dd9e No.70833

File: 0e08be4eb5fee12⋯.png (903.48 KB,820x747,820:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160061 (110933ZJUL23) Notable: Honduran Drug Dealers Say They’ve Flocked to San Francisco Because of Sanctuary Laws

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Honduran Drug Dealers Say They’ve Flocked

to San Francisco Because of Sanctuary Laws

National Review, by Caroline Downey

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/10/2023 6:08:19 PM

Honduran drug dealers have made a business hub out of San Francisco due to the progressive city’s sanctuary laws for illegal immigration, fueling the nation’s fentanyl epidemic and the visible decline of a major American city. San Francisco’s accommodative approach to illegal immigration makes it appealing to sell there, Honduran dealers told the San Francisco Chronicle as part of an in-depth investigation into how Honduran nationals have come to play a dominant role in the city’s drug crisis. Under current San Francisco law, last amended in July 2016, city employees are forbidden from using city resources to cooperate with any ICE investigation, detention, or arrest relating to an illegal immigration case.

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93dd9e No.70834

File: 172fee61ece483c⋯.png (76.99 KB,740x226,370:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9485e255d01368b⋯.png (93.56 KB,847x476,121:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160066 (110936ZJUL23) Notable: enemy doing all it can to supress sound of freedom in theatres. addtl related sof news

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Won the day on July 4th. Has already made up it's cost.

Audiences loved it. Critics (paid shills), tepid.

They have to keep it down, lest people find out the truth of the Babylonian system we live in (screen shot from ending)

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93dd9e No.70835

File: b736629839f2d48⋯.png (913.56 KB,771x647,771:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160118 (111018ZJUL23) Notable: enemy doing all it can to supress sound of freedom in theatres. addtl related sof news

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Singer and song-writer Jewel showed her support for the new film “Sound of Freedom,” sharing a video on TikTok and Twitter encouraging everyone to get out and see the movie.

Responding to a month-old tweet from Twitter owner Elon Musk – who had suggested that Angel Studios make the film available to stream on Twitter — the “Foolish Games” singer shared a video of herself talking about the importance of the movie’s message.

“It saddens me that some media is trying to politicize this movie,” she captioned the video. “This is not left or right. It’s about millions of kids being trafficked, and no matter what your faith or creed, we need to protect all the vulnerable kids rather than fight over philosophical differences.”

“You guys, I just saw the ‘Sound of Freedom,'” she said. “You have to see it. I’m so verklempt.”

“Some friends of mine made this movie,” the singer continued. “And I’ve — it’s been years of it being in production. It’s the most inspiring film. Did you know that there are millions of children in slavery? This is the fastest-growing criminal enterprise, and the amount of children enslaved right now is greater than all 300 years of the transatlantic slave trade. What the actual eff?”

“This is a true story about a man who just doesn’t give up on a child,” she said, referencing the inspiration for the movie — former federal agent Tim Ballard. “So touching, you’re going to love it. Please go see it. This is the little Indie movie that could, it’s competing with all of the giant blockbusters and it’s kicking butt and it deserves it.”

“Go see this and have your heart filled,” Jewel concluded. “Love you guys, take care of your babies!”


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93dd9e No.70836

File: 5485c538584b283⋯.png (251.21 KB,630x593,630:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160135 (111034ZJUL23) Notable: FL AG Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking

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Attorney General Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking and address the concerning results of a recent survey on human trafficking in Florida.

Moody, in a letter to Zuckerberg, highlighted the findings of the survey, which revealed that Meta platforms were responsible for 146 out of 271 reported instances of human trafficking facilitated through social media platforms.

Moody extended an invitation to Zuckerberg to testify and discuss Meta’s plans to combat the use of their platforms by human traffickers in furtherance of this abhorrent crime. The Meta umbrella includes prominent platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

The Statewide Council on Human Trafficking collaborated with law enforcement agencies to review cases where social media might have been exploited to facilitate human trafficking. The council’s next meeting is scheduled for October 2nd, and Moody has requested a response from Zuckerberg by September 5th.

Moody emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue, stating in a press release, “Rather than focusing on launching new products or engaging in futile preparations, Zuckerberg should prioritize enhancing the safety of Meta’s existing platforms and preventing the exploitation of vulnerable individuals for illicit activities like human trafficking.”

Moody pointed out that the findings of the statewide survey, along with other reports, make it evident that Meta platforms are the preferred social media applications among human traffickers seeking to prey on vulnerable individuals.

“Zuckerberg must immediately address this threat to public safety and testify before our council regarding Meta’s efforts to prevent the utilization of their platforms for aiding, facilitating, or supporting human trafficking,” Moody emphasized.

In collaboration with law enforcement agencies, Moody and the council conducted a comprehensive statewide study on documented instances since 2019 where social media was used to facilitate human trafficking, trafficking operations, or control victims. The survey was distributed to 80 law enforcement agencies, including all 67 sheriffs’ offices and police departments in major cities.

According to the 2022 Federal Human Trafficking Report, Facebook emerged as the primary platform employed for recruiting human trafficking victims between 2019 and 2022. Facebook and Instagram collectively constituted 60% of the top ten platforms identified in the study.


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93dd9e No.70837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160148 (111047ZJUL23) Notable: #23531 posted in #23532

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notables bun from #23531

#23531 >>70818

>>70819 James Lewis, the suspect in the 1982 Tylenol poisonings that killed 7 in the Chicago area, has died.

>>70820 1:30 AM EDT Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

>>70821 2:00 AM EDT NATO Public Forum Day 1 Atlantic Council

>>70822 benny johnson w/CAP: Investigative journalist Garrett Ziegler of @MarcoPolo501c3 after going through entire Hunter Biden laptop:

>>70826 Russian Defense Ministry reveals number of mercenaries among Ukrainian troops

>>70827 Grand Jurors Who Will Consider Trump Charges in Georgia to be Selected.

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93dd9e No.70838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160175 (111101ZJUL23) Notable: France to send long-range missiles to Ukraine – Macron

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Good morning!

France to send long-range missiles to Ukraine – Macron

The country’s president says the weapons are intended to help Kiev’s ongoing counteroffensive


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93dd9e No.70839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160292 (111151ZJUL23) Notable: Controlled demolition update: Key UK Mortgage Rate Hits 6.66%, Highest Since 2008 Meltdown

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Key UK Mortgage Rate Hits 6.66%, Highest Since 2008 Meltdown


>A whole lot of pain nears.

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93dd9e No.70840

File: efd251d77508adb⋯.jpeg (164.74 KB,1070x689,1070:689,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a16578a9896b2e7⋯.jpeg (327.31 KB,1322x840,661:420,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160342 (111211ZJUL23) Notable: schedule for NATO plotting WW3

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Ukraine on the Membrane

Ukraine in NATO Agenda July 12th at 12:35 and at 13:00


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93dd9e No.70841

File: 4851a113dc087fb⋯.jpeg (354.75 KB,1148x760,287:190,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160477 (111252ZJUL23) Notable: DJT Jr. w/CAP: They can’t figure out who left the coke in the White House just like they magically can’t figure out who’s on the Epstein client list...

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They can’t figure out who left the coke in the White House just like they magically can’t figure out who’s on the Epstein client list. They know, they just don’t care and won’t do anything till it’s no longer convenient for their narrative.


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93dd9e No.70842

File: 55bcd9a310e1d2f⋯.jpeg (530.13 KB,1286x1095,1286:1095,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: eacfa803705886a⋯.jpeg (525.15 KB,1330x1090,133:109,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6a3c6a0c291c05e⋯.jpeg (578.54 KB,1368x1095,456:365,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ba6b56d42ce7aa4⋯.jpeg (581.34 KB,1376x1097,1376:1097,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d601b3d7a563dd2⋯.jpeg (599.57 KB,1380x1093,1380:1093,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160496 (111257ZJUL23) Notable: anon posts decades of debt increase per citizen

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1990 - Debt Per Citizen - $12,575

2000 - Debt Per Citizen - $20,150

2008 - Debt Per Citizen - $34,083

2012 - Debt Per Citizen - $49,218

2016 - Debt Per Citizen - $60,941

2023 - Debt Per Citizen - $96,937

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93dd9e No.70843

File: c93c7fd68b6dc65⋯.jpeg (617.05 KB,1306x1100,653:550,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160509 (111300ZJUL23) Notable: anon posts decades of debt increase per citizen

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>>70842 (You)

Forgot to attach 2023

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93dd9e No.70844

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160519 (111304ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/11/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/11/2023


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93dd9e No.70845

File: faec4da5f1884df⋯.png (8.52 MB,4124x2195,4124:2195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160523 (111305ZJUL23) Notable: anon posts decades of debt increase per citizen

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93dd9e No.70846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160539 (111312ZJUL23) Notable: NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023

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NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023



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93dd9e No.70847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160562 (111320ZJUL23) Notable: NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023

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Putin underestimated the political consequences of war with Ukraine: NATO chief says

CNBC International TV


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93dd9e No.70848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160568 (111321ZJUL23) Notable: (Live 0930ET) Hearings to Examine the Nomination of General Charles Q. Brown, USAF for Reappointment to the Grade of General...

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July 11, 2023

9:30 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine the Nomination of General Charles Q. Brown, USAF for Reappointment to the Grade of General and to Be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Senate Armed Services Committee



General Charles Q. Brown Jr.

Chief of Staff, Air Force







Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Nominee Testifies at Confirmation Hearing

Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown Jr., nominee to be joint chiefs of staff chair, testifies at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee.


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93dd9e No.70849

File: 2ec718b9cf96e65⋯.png (619.27 KB,800x934,400:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160585 (111325ZJUL23) Notable: WUH? Heat Down Below Is Making the Ground Shift Under Chicago

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"Underground Climate Change"


Heat Down Below Is Making the Ground Shift Under Chicago

July 11, 2023

Underneath downtown Chicago’s soaring Art Deco towers, its multilevel roadways and its busy subway and rail lines, the land is sinking, and not only for the reasons you might expect.

Since the mid-20th century, the ground between the city surface and the bedrock has warmed by 5.6 degrees Fahrenheit on average, according to a new study out of Northwestern University. All that heat, which comes mostly from basements and other underground structures, has caused the layers of sand, clay and rock beneath some buildings to subside or swell by several millimeters over the decades, enough to worsen cracks and defects in walls and foundations.

“All around you, you have heat sources,” said the study’s author, Alessandro F. Rotta Loria, walking with a backpack through Millennium Station, a commuter rail terminal underneath the city’s Loop district. “These are things that people don’t see, so it’s like they don’t exist.”

It isn’t just Chicago. In big cities worldwide, humans’ burning of fossil fuels is raising the mercury at the surface. But heat is also pouring out of basements, parking garages, train tunnels, pipes, sewers and electrical cables and into the surrounding earth, a phenomenon that scientists have taken to calling “underground climate change.”


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93dd9e No.70850

File: ffc2a9f1f066ace⋯.png (378.2 KB,598x532,299:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160588 (111326ZJUL23) Notable: DOG COMMS

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13/10 good doggos

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93dd9e No.70851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160591 (111327ZJUL23) Notable: NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023

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'We have to spend more': European leaders weigh in on defense spending across the continent

CNBC International TV


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93dd9e No.70852

File: dd3408d0a2ee710⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB,1170x1951,1170:1951,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160620 (111335ZJUL23) Notable: catherine herridge w/CAP: “..your questions about allegations contained in FBI FD 1023 (Ukraine bribery claims Hunter, Joe Biden) relate to an ongoing investigation.”

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YELLOW: Weiss letter to @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorDurbin also confirms FD 1023 not closed as some democrats suggested, “..your questions about allegations contained in FBI FD 1023 (Ukraine bribery claims Hunter, Joe Biden) relate to an ongoing investigation.” Credibility record, investigative steps taken by FBI not shared.


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93dd9e No.70853

File: 2c85c7271838ab7⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,1157x1837,1157:1837,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160649 (111345ZJUL23) Notable: GCHQ, JTRIG, Five Eyes and COVIDcrisis PsyWar How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

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GCHQ, JTRIG, Five Eyes and COVIDcrisis PsyWar

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

Share if you dare.



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93dd9e No.70854

File: 225a554f9e04959⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 39fbdaa6dbc62ff⋯.mp4 (7.51 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b6128b7546311da⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160682 (111353ZJUL23) Notable: NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023

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2023-07-11 NATO Secretary General Welcomes President Biden to NATO Summit in Vilnius 480.mp4


2023-07-11 President Biden Participates in Arrival Ceremony Ahead of NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania 480.mp4


2023-07-11 President Biden Takes Official Portrait with Lithuanian President 480.mp4


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93dd9e No.70855

File: 57d154014473d17⋯.mp4 (10.63 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160691 (111355ZJUL23) Notable: NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023

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2023-07-11 President Biden Participates in North Atlantic Council Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania 480.mp4


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93dd9e No.70856

File: d52b23bf4923764⋯.png (285.04 KB,620x387,620:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160698 (111356ZJUL23) Notable: Christie: Trump goes to bed every night ‘thinking about the sound of the jail cell door closing’

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Christie: Trump goes to bed every night ‘thinking about the sound of the jail cell door closing’

GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie said Tuesday that former President Trump goes to bed every night thinking about the threat of going to jail over his 37-count federal indictment in the classified documents case.

Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, said based on the indictment, he believes Trump would be convicted and ultimately face jail time if he went to trial. During an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” he said that to avoid going to jail, Trump may consider taking a plea deal instead of going to trial, despite his claims that he is not “afraid.”

“Because part of what the Department of Justice has always done, under all of the attorneys general that I’ve seen in my lifetime, is if we offer you a plea — which I’m certain they will — and you turn it down and you take us to trial and you’re convicted, that judge is sending you to jail,” said Christie, who has been outspoken in criticizing Trump on the presidential trail.

“And I’m telling you, no matter what he says no matter how he’s bragging and going on and on, about him not being afraid, he goes to bed every night, thinking about the sound of that jail cell door closing behind them,” he said.

“So the point of all that, really is to say, when push comes to shove, I’m not so sure [Trump] won’t take a plea. Because if that’s the only way he knows he can avoid prison, I think he just may,” he added.

More at: https://thehill.com/elections/4090479-christie-trump-goes-to-bed-every-night-thinking-about-the-sound-of-the-jail-cell-door-closing/

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93dd9e No.70857

File: 30abd1dc409ac5e⋯.mp4 (10.46 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160700 (111356ZJUL23) Notable: NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023

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2023-07-11 President Biden Meeting with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda in Vilnius 480.mp4


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93dd9e No.70858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160731 (111402ZJUL23) Notable: #23532

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final bun for #23532

hold yer laties tight. it's clos'n time

czech em

#23532 >>70828

>>70829, >>70830, >>70834, >>70835 enemy doing all it can to supress sound of freedom in theatres. addtl related sof news

>>70831 Illinois to spend $30 million for 'peacekeepers' this fiscal year. Chicago Police statistics show a 39% increase in total crime...

>>70832 OHIO EARLY VOTING STARTS TODAY ONLY ONE ISSUE, changing the voting majority to a 60% instead of 50%.

>>70833 Honduran Drug Dealers Say They’ve Flocked to San Francisco Because of Sanctuary Laws

>>70836 FL AG Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking

>>70838 France to send long-range missiles to Ukraine – Macron

>>70839 Controlled demolition update: Key UK Mortgage Rate Hits 6.66%, Highest Since 2008 Meltdown

>>70840 schedule for NATO plotting WW3

>>70841 DJT Jr. w/CAP: They can’t figure out who left the coke in the White House just like they magically can’t figure out who’s on the Epstein client list...

>>70842, >>70843, >>70845 anon posts decades of debt increase per citizen

>>70844 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/11/2023

>>70846, >>70847, >>70851, >>70854, >>70855, >>70857 NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023

>>70848 (Live 0930ET) Hearings to Examine the Nomination of General Charles Q. Brown, USAF for Reappointment to the Grade of General...

>>70849 WUH? Heat Down Below Is Making the Ground Shift Under Chicago

>>70850 DOG COMMS

>>70852 catherine herridge w/CAP: “..your questions about allegations contained in FBI FD 1023 (Ukraine bribery claims Hunter, Joe Biden) relate to an ongoing investigation.”

>>70853 GCHQ, JTRIG, Five Eyes and COVIDcrisis PsyWar How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

>>70856 Christie: Trump goes to bed every night ‘thinking about the sound of the jail cell door closing’

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93dd9e No.70859

File: 87a409ee9002548⋯.jpg (78.13 KB,1024x709,1024:709,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160769 (111406ZJUL23) Notable: #23533

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For anon from last tuesday.. TY anon for shining light into evil darkness

Baker Requesting Handoff

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93dd9e No.70860

File: fb1c1c2aecb4a54⋯.png (19.73 KB,374x246,187:123,Clipboard.png)

File: fa75e1b011385f7⋯.png (313.56 KB,598x500,299:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 87233371223ca82⋯.png (351.72 KB,598x702,23:27,Clipboard.png)

File: e1f5ab18c385da1⋯.png (156.75 KB,598x461,598:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160778 (111407ZJUL23) Notable: TREND: Chinese Spy

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TREND: Chinese Spy















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93dd9e No.70861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160806 (111414ZJUL23) Notable: Ruiz [COVID hearing]: There is currently no consensus on how this virus came to be. Whether it came from a lab or from nature, is still unknown.

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Ruiz [COVID hearing]: There is currently no consensus on how this virus came to be. Whether it came from a lab or from nature, is still unknown.

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93dd9e No.70862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160857 (111423ZJUL23) Notable: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2024

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PN>>70808 Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

Listing of R & Ds on the committees (not subcommittes)

Homeland Security: Appropriations Committeefrom Kay Grangers website

Member List


Rep. Dave Joyce (OH) – Chair

Rep. John Rutherford (FL)

Rep. Andy Harris (MD)

Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA)

Rep. Ashley Hinson (IA)

Rep. Michael Cloud (TX)

Rep. Michael Guest (MS)


Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX) – Ranking Member

Rep. Lauren Underwood (IL)

Rep. Ed Case (HI)

Rep. David Trone (MD)

Subcommittee Chair[5] Ranking Member[6]

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

Andy Harris (R-MD)

Sanford Bishop (D-GA)

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

Hal Rogers (R-KY)

Matt Cartwright (D-PA)


Ken Calvert (R-CA)

Betty McCollum (D-MN)

Energy and Water Development Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN)

Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)

Financial Services and General Government

Steve Womack (R-AR)

Steny Hoyer (D-MD)

Homeland Security

David Joyce (R-OH)

Henry Cuellar (D-TX)

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Mike Simpson (R-ID) Chellie Pingree (D-ME)

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Robert Aderholt (R-AL)

Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)

Legislative Branch

Mark Amodei (R-NV)

Adriano Espaillat (D-NY)

Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

John Carter (R-TX)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)

State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)

Barbara Lee (D-CA)

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Tom Cole (R-OK)

Mike Quigley (D-IL)

Link to all Appropriations Committees and News:


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93dd9e No.70863

File: 3161cb9e4ec5901⋯.jpeg (785.08 KB,1101x1813,1101:1813,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160930 (111436ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ: Psyops are next-generation warfare.

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I took nearly a year-long hiatus from social media to collect my thoughts and observe.

During this year, many psyops were successfully executed by big tech and governments; important events were covered up with simple distractions; people were lead down wild goose chases.

Psyops are next-generation warfare.

It is important to understand how to identify psyops, the players involved, the techniques used, and pathways to run counter-psyops.

I am extremely passionate about this topic and want to share it with you in a consolidated manner, therefore I have decided to make a substack for this discussion, which I will be launching soon.

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93dd9e No.70864

File: 32b0c0d010bbebd⋯.jpg (122.02 KB,720x840,6:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b1bd4b452804b2⋯.mp4 (5.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160969 (111448ZJUL23) Notable: Before the summit, NATO PR people released a video aimed at the egos of the leaders of the alliance with the chronology of membership

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Cringe aids


Before the summit, NATO PR people released a video aimed at the egos of the leaders of the alliance with the chronology of membership

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93dd9e No.70865

File: 264137febf65b6d⋯.png (351.43 KB,1170x606,195:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160972 (111448ZJUL23) Notable: @markgranza — in defense of anons, in defense of free speech

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Terrific piece from @markgranza — in defense of anons, in defense of free speech


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93dd9e No.70866

File: b63c49aece3a9f7⋯.jpg (229.63 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160987 (111451ZJUL23) Notable: Jun 21, 2023 —As much as 30% of Ukraine’s arsenal is under repair at any given time — a high rate, defense experts said

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Jun 21, 2023 —As much as 30% of Ukraine’s arsenal is under repair at any given time — a high rate, defense experts said, for a military that needs every weapon it can get for its developing counteroffensive. By late August, contractors had repaired transmissions, dead batteries, fluid leaks, broken lights, door latches and seat belts on the Humvees, ...


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93dd9e No.70867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160988 (111452ZJUL23) Notable: CBDCs are a solution for a problem we don’t have, and they want to implant it under our skin

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CBDCs are a solution for a problem we don’t have, and they want to implant it under our skin

Professor Richard A. Werner is an economist and professor of banking and finance. He is known as the proponent of a new post-crisis monetary policy he called Quantitative Easing (“QE”) when he proposed it in Japan in 1995 as chief economist of a British investment bank. Besides experience as senior managing director and senior portfolio manager at Bear Stearns Asset Management, he has worked as a researcher or consultant at the University of Oxford, the Bank of Japan, the Development Bank of Japan, and the Asian Development Bank, among others. He is involved in supporting the establishment of not-for-profit community banks through an initiative called Local First CIC.

At the Amsterdam Science Summit 2022, Prof Werner gave a lecture on central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”) and the 2030 Agenda. At the sidelines of this year’s Amsterdam Science Summit, he spoke to Ivor Cummins about CBDCs and how high inflation has been orchestrated by central banks to further their agenda.

There are two aspects to QE monetary policies that Prof. Werner proposed: QE1 and QE2. QE1 is for the central bank to step in and purchase the non-performing assets in the banking system. The central bank buys up non-performing assets at face value and the problem is solved, banks have a strong balance sheet. But that won’t be enough to get banks to increase credit.

So, Prof. Werner proposed QE2 which allows the central bank to force the banks to create more money and push it into the economy. This would be accomplished with central banks buying assets, e.g., property, from the non-bank sectors. The money the non-bank sectors receive from the sale of the property would then be deposited into the seller’s bank account. When an economy is experiencing deflation, “that’s how central banks can push money into the economy directly,” Prof Werner explained.

QE1 was followed by Japan in the 1980s but the USA disallowed Japan subsequently using QE2. And then out of the blue and at the wrong time, QE2 was adopted by the US Federal Reserve and other central banks in March 2020. The intention of adopting QE2 at that time was to cause high inflation. Why? To move economies onto a CBDC system.

“You have to think of CDBCs as a control system [or a permit system], not a currency,” Prof. Werner explained.

“It’s a conditional currency based on you actually getting that permit. Now, if you happen to be some kind of critic of government policy or a critic of central banks this could be difficult. Or if you dare to step out of the 15-minute city zone, you know, maybe you’ll find that: ‘Oh [my CBDC is] not working’. Of course, these are things we’ve seen already in China. There’s plenty of videos where somebody tries to use it to buy a ticket and it doesn’t work because his social credit scores are low.”

And, effectively, there’s no real right to appeal. With very few people controlling the very many, the controllers will use computers and algorithms to run the system. If you appeal the blocking of CDBCs you’ll be dealing with automated responses.

More at: https://expose-news.com/2023/07/09/cbdcs-are-a-solution-for-a-problem-we-dont-have/

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93dd9e No.70868

File: d921f84bd71895d⋯.pdf (3.68 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160999 (111454ZJUL23) Notable: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2024

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Here is the full 191 page bill


June, 27, 2023.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed

Mr. Joyce of Ohio, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following

R E P O R T together with


[To accompany H.R. 4367 The Committee on Appropriations submits the following

report in explanation of the accompanying bill making

appropriations for the ==Department of Homeland Security for the

fiscal year ending September 30, 2024==.




Office of the Secretary and Executive Management...

Operations and Support.....................

Procurement, Construction, and Improvements

Federal Assistance.........................

Management Directorate..................

Operations and Support.....................

Procurement, Construction, and Improvements

Federal Protective Service.................

Intelligence, Analysis, and Situational Awareness..

Operations and Support.....................

Procurement, Construction, and Improvements

Office of Inspector General...............

Operations and Support.....................

Administrative Provisions................


Administrative Provisions.......................... 22



Cybersecurity and Infrastructure


Administrative Provisions.......................... 57



This Act...........................................


House of Representatives Reporting Requirements


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93dd9e No.70869

File: 39e318690efedb3⋯.png (259.74 KB,537x401,537:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161009 (111458ZJUL23) Notable: Catholic Charities is the "Illegal Immigrant Travel Agency"

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Catholic Charities is the "Illegal Immigrant Travel Agency"

Source: https://t.me/realKarliBonne/179599

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93dd9e No.70870

File: a4898101b0bca23⋯.jpg (14.54 KB,300x225,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161019 (111501ZJUL23) Notable: The Capital , Building with White porch , The Plaza Hotel Montpelier Vermont inundated as floodwater covers capital’s streets

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The Capital , Building with White porch , The Plaza Hotel

Montpelier Vermont inundated as floodwater covers capital’s streets

By Erin Petenko and Fred Thys

The city experienced a deluge of rain on Monday, overflowing its main rivers and flooding major roads at its heart.


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93dd9e No.70871

File: e6b7043e710e26d⋯.png (172.71 KB,897x838,897:838,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c1b5e139861174⋯.jpg (50.59 KB,880x220,4:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161020 (111502ZJUL23) Notable: The Bank of International Settlements (#BIS) is literally laying out how you will own nothing

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This might be the most terrifying thing I've seen. The Bank of International Settlements (#BIS) is literally laying out how you will own nothing. Central banks will own your house, your car, your bank account, etc & you will be able to do things IF you comply with their mandates.

Understand that this is not just a war on freedom, it is a war on humanity. Even your healthcare could be dependent on how compliant you are with government mandates. Combine this with #CBDCs & you have the recipe for the #GreatReset... you will own nothing & like it.

2024 election is not a referendum on D or R - it will be a referendum on freedom or global tyranny for all times.



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93dd9e No.70872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161021 (111502ZJUL23) Notable: Ruiz [COVID hearing]: There is currently no consensus on how this virus came to be. Whether it came from a lab or from nature, is still unknown.

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Raskin: Some people think that the finding that it all started with a lab leak would somehow absolve Donald Trump of his lethally reckless response to the pandemic.

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93dd9e No.70873

File: b80415acae3db99⋯.png (319.01 KB,882x2022,147:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161030 (111504ZJUL23) Notable: The Capital , Building with White porch , The Plaza Hotel Montpelier Vermont inundated as floodwater covers capital’s streets

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President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Vermont Emergency Declaration

JULY 11, 2023


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93dd9e No.70874

File: a05a1454ada8a72⋯.png (988.56 KB,960x967,960:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161060 (111514ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sunspots on an Active Sun

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 11, 2023

Sunspots on an Active Sun

Why is our Sun so active now? No one is sure. An increase in surface activity was expected because our Sun is approaching solar maximum in 2025. However, last month our Sun sprouted more sunspots than in any month during the entire previous 11-year solar cycle and even dating back to 2002. The featured picture is a composite of images taken every day from January to June by NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory. Showing a high abundance of sunspots, large individual spots can be tracked across the Sun's disk, left to right, over about two weeks. As a solar cycle continues, sunspots typically appear closer to the equator. Sunspots are just one way that our Sun displays surface activity another is flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that expel particles out into the Solar System. Since these particles can affect astronauts and electronics, tracking surface disturbances is of more than aesthetic value. Conversely, solar activity can have very high aesthetic value - in the Earth's atmosphere when they trigger aurora.


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93dd9e No.70875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161130 (111532ZJUL23) Notable: @markgranza — in defense of anons, in defense of free speech

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the First Things article linked in the piece is interesting ty

As of 2022, women held 52 percent of professional-managerial roles in the U.S. Women earn more than 57 percent of bachelor degrees, 61 percent of master’s degrees, and 54 percent of doctoral degrees. And because they are overrepresented in professions, such as human resource management (73 percent) and compliance officers (57 percent), that determine workplace behavioral norms, they have an outsized influence on professional culture, which itself has an outsized influence on American culture more generally.

Richard Hanania has shown how the ascendance of the Civil Rights legal regime, and its transformation into the HR bureaucracy that manages nearly all of our public and private institutions, enforces the distinctly feminine values of its overwhelmingly female workforce. Thomas Edsall makes a similar case in the New York Times, emphasizing how female approaches to conflict and competition have become normative among the professional class. Edsall quotes evolutionary biologist Joyce Benenson’s summary of those approaches:



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93dd9e No.70876

File: e108629925edce0⋯.jpeg (236.66 KB,1170x892,585:446,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161131 (111532ZJUL23) Notable: 5 Eyes

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YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqu8RncKvUw

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93dd9e No.70877

File: f245b6d0bc25ee5⋯.jpeg (101.38 KB,554x699,554:699,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 52287a7af87a0ad⋯.jpeg (127.19 KB,692x810,346:405,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161133 (111533ZJUL23) Notable: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2024

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DHS funding bill

Funny, these are the two Minority Committee Members that criticize the bill and say democrats can’t support it. Their comments on last two pages 190-191


We thank the Chairs of the Full Committee and Subcommittee for engaging with us in drafting this report. The process of working with the subcommittee Chairman has been a good one, consistent with the tradition of this subcommittee. While we acknowledge that there are several bipartisan funding initiatives in this bill,unfortunately, we cannot support it.This bill makes flawed investments, contains harmful policy riders, weakens our national security, and abandons the values of our nation.

Unfortunately, this bill does not support the DHS workforce, as evidenced by its undermining the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workforce throughunfairly implementing the TSA pay restructuringcommitted to in the last Congress. This is a reversal of bipartisan commitments made in the last Congress to the TSA workforce,cutting fundingfor workforce pay andcollective bargaining initiatives by over $469 millionfrom the request.

This bill continues to waste billions of dollars on an ineffective border wall. We know from history that walls do not work. As a result, this bill fails to adequately resource areas

where we know there are significant threats, like our ports of entry and interior Border Patrol checkpoints. Rather than smart investments in personnel, technology, and infrastructure, this bill does the opposite,funding a border wall that provides a false sense of securityand leaves our nation vulnerable to trafficking of fentanyl and other illicit narcotics.

It is imperative that we provide DHS the investments necessary to adequately enforce our immigration laws. Instead,this bill slashing funding for humanitarian programs by over $796 million, increases immigration detention capacity and

while simultaneously cutting critical oversight of our immigration detention facilities. This includes several cuts throughout DHS to programs intended to advance the interests of underrepresented and vulnerable populations,including cuts to the Family Reunification Task Forcethat was established after the family separation travesty under the previous Administration. It alsoeliminates discretionary fundingfor refugee processing, shifting the burden of those costs back onto other applicants and petitioners in an already backlogged and overwhelmed system.

The reality is that the bill fails to adequately plan for and propose real solutions to address the rise in irregular migration around the world As the Secretary testified to the subcommittee in March, ``Violence, food insecurity, severe poverty, corruption, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and dire economic conditions have all contributed to a significant increase in irregular migration around the world.'' Specifically in the Western Hemisphere, the real and growing number of migrants fleeing failed, authoritative regimes, such as Venezuela and Nicaragua, along with other humanitarian crises such as what we're witnessing in Haiti, is driving hundreds of thousands to seek refuge and asylum in the United States and other countries.

The history of our nation is one of unprecedented immigration, refuge, and fight. We reject the false dichotomy that we must leave our values at the door as we look to protect and strengthen our nation's security.

Domestic violent extremism poses one of the most significant threatsto the United States, and threats from malign foreign influences continue to threaten our cyber networks, our critical infrastructure, and our democratic elections. Yet this bill fails to protect our communities from these dangerous threats by underfunding programs that enhance regional preparedness and response capabilities, ==cutting requested funding to combat terrorism, extremism, and cybersecurity attacks by over $232 million.

This bill also guts funding for climate-change, climate-resiliency, and facilities transformation initiatives by over $748 million. This leaves Americans vulnerable to the growing

number and increasing severity of natural disasters by failing to deliver needed resources to mitigate loss of life and property, combat climate change, and support climate resilience.

The bill includes unacceptable policy provisions that we cannot in good conscious support, such as provisions targeting underserved, underrepresented, or vulnerable populations, misguided and harmful law enforcement and funding limitations, restrictions that weaken our defenses and resiliency, and restrictions that jeopardize the health and safety of Americans.

As the appropriations process continues, we look forward to working with the majority to develop final legislation..

Rosa DeLauro.

Henry Cuellar.

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93dd9e No.70878

File: ed1976460f48026⋯.jpg (64.34 KB,599x454,599:454,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e94c81a69251ed5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB,790x566,395:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161137 (111534ZJUL23) Notable: agent Z is calling them cowards too/NATO

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agent Z is calling them cowards too

while aboard the Polish President's plane

on his way to Vilnius

where he was invited to attend the second day of the summit

"you vill negotiate with Russia, and you vill enchoy it."

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93dd9e No.70879

File: a451149634b5022⋯.png (772.32 KB,1041x1041,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161160 (111539ZJUL23) Notable: NASA's New Horizons spacecraft captured this high-resolution enhanced color view of Charon

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New Horizons’ Infrared View

Jul 10, 2023

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft captured this high-resolution enhanced color view of Charon, Pluto's largest moon, just before closest approach on July 14, 2015. The image combines blue, red, and infrared images taken by the spacecraft's Ralph/Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera (MVIC); the colors are processed to best highlight the variation of surface properties across Charon.

New Horizons conducted a six-month-long reconnaissance flyby study of Pluto and its moons in summer 2015, helping us understand worlds at the edge of our solar system, then venturing deeper into the distant, mysterious Kuiper Belt – a relic of solar system formation. The spacecraft is now more than 5 billion miles from Earth and uses machine-learning AI software to make searches beyond the Kuiper Belt much faster and more productive.


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93dd9e No.70880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161185 (111543ZJUL23) Notable: 5 Eyes

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93dd9e No.70881

File: 23dd167e24f2849⋯.png (420.28 KB,695x589,695:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161191 (111544ZJUL23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr declared Monday that he believes the CIA was involved in funding the Wuhan lab where the COVID pandemic originated.

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Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr declared Monday that he believes the CIA was involved in funding the Wuhan lab where the COVID pandemic originated.

In an interview with Fox News’ Jesse Watters, Kennedy suggested that the Biden administration is not interested in punishing China for covering up the lab leak because it would expose National Institutes of Health funded bioweapons programs.

“I think the CIA was involved certainly in this research,” Kennedy proclaimed, adding “They were funding it through USAID. And NIH, I think, in the end gave about $26 million in funding to the Wuhan lab. But USAID, which was functioning as the CIA surrogate, gave over $64 million. The Pentagon also gave a lot of money.”

RFK Jr also slammed Anthony Fauci, the subject of an entire book that he was written, noting “I think he caused a lot of injury. I think that he particularly by withholding early treatment from Americans we racked up the highest death count in the world. We only have 4.2% of the globe’s population but we had 16% of the COVID deaths in this country and that was from bad policy.”

“There was countries that did the opposite of what we did that provided Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, other early treatments to their population, and had 1/200th of our death rate,” Kennedy continued.


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93dd9e No.70882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161198 (111546ZJUL23) Notable: New 3D Visualization Highlights 5,000 Galaxies Revealed by Webb

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New 3D Visualization Highlights 5,000 Galaxies Revealed by Webb

Jul 10, 2023

This video, a scientific visualization of the galaxies captured as a part of the CEERS (Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science) Survey, showcases a large undertaking by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. It flies by thousands of galaxies, starting with those nearby and ending with less-developed galaxies in the very distant universe, including one never seen before Webb.

The area highlighted in this visualization is a small part of the Extended Groth Strip, a region between the Ursa Major and Boötes constellations originally observed by the Hubble Space Telescope between 2004 and 2005. While this vast region contains about 100,000 galaxies, the visualization focuses on approximately 5,000 – with the nearest and more complex galaxies, shown in the beginning, located within a few billion light-years of Earth. As the visualization proceeds, showing galaxies farther away from Earth, we see different stages of the universe’s history and evolution.

The visualization’s farthest galaxy, known as Maisie’s Galaxy, is a target of great interest to astronomers. It formed about 390 million years after the big bang, or about 13.4 billion years ago. It’s not only one of the first bright, extremely distant galaxies found by Webb, but it’s also an example of an early galaxy that only Webb could see. This is because Webb’s instruments can capture the light from these early galaxies, which has been shifted to infrared wavelengths by the expansion of the universe.

“This observatory just opens up this entire period of time for us to study,” said Rebecca Larson of the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York, one of the survey’s investigators. “We couldn’t study galaxies like Maisie’s before because we couldn’t see them. Now, not only are we able to find them in our images, we’re able to find out what they’re made of and if they differ from the galaxies that we see close by.”

Steven Finkelstein of the University of Texas at Austin, principal investigator of the CEERS program, continued, “This observation exceeded our expectations. The sheer number of galaxies that we’re finding in the early universe is at the upper end of all predictions.” The observatory’s ability to conduct surveys like these provides a demonstration of Webb’s instruments for astronomers to reference for future observations.

This visualization not only shows just how far Webb can observe, but also how much it builds off the accomplishments of Hubble. In many cases, Hubble’s observations, along with Webb’s data from the CEERS Survey, enabled researchers to determine which galaxies were truly far away – the early-universe galaxies of interest – and which were nearby, but so dusty that their visible light was obscured.

With these observations, the next goal for researchers is to learn about the formation of stars in these early galaxies.

“We’re used to thinking of galaxies as smoothly growing,” Finkelstein remarked. “But maybe these stars are forming like firecrackers. Are these galaxies forming more stars than expected? Are the stars they’re making more massive than we expect? These data have given us the information to ask these questions. Now, we need more data to get those answers.”


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93dd9e No.70883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161208 (111548ZJUL23) Notable: Elaine Chao's CCP Ties Exposed | Mitch McConnell's Relationship With China.

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Elaine Chao's CCP Ties Exposed | Mitch McConnell's Relationship With China.


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93dd9e No.70884

File: 8721e1e80a54238⋯.png (806.29 KB,1254x836,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161210 (111548ZJUL23) Notable: Wyoming becomes latest state to launch mass surveillance/AI???

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Wyoming becomes latest state to launch AI-powered mass surveillance

Council members vote reluctantly to install cameras

Cameras using automated license plate recognition (ALPR) technology can scan passing cars and capture license plate numbers, makes and models, colors, and identifying markers such as bumper stickers or broken tail lights. They then use artificial intelligence to break these data down into searchable queries and match them against the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC). If there is a match, a real-time alert is sent to law enforcement.

Jackson, Wyoming

The cameras feed into a centralized mass camera network owned by the manufacturer, Flock Safety, which it calls a “public safety platform”.

On Wednesday, the Jackson Town Council narrowly voted to spend $185,000 to install 30 ALPR Falcon cameras from Flock Safety, though even proponents of the measure felt uneasy.

“I don’t like this particular arc of this particular part of history,” said Councilman Josh Schechter. “I’m screaming ‘stop’ as I vote ‘yes.’”


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93dd9e No.70885

File: 573d2572962b05c⋯.png (72.38 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 93371df319001c4⋯.png (67.65 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: ae9aa1af60173a9⋯.png (59.41 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161229 (111552ZJUL23) Notable: On Sovereignty

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On Sovereignty

By Anna Von Reitz

... This is a horse's mouth testimony from expert witnesses about the meaning, nature, and operation of sovereignty in this country, but if you would rather believe uneducated pundits,that's up to you. ...


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93dd9e No.70886

File: 3c796d11144a95f⋯.png (468.75 KB,759x577,759:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161233 (111552ZJUL23) Notable: Swiss billionaire has been exploiting a foreign influence loophole, allowing him to avoid federal bans on foreign influence in American elections

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A Swiss billionaire has been exploiting a foreign influence loophole, allowing him to avoid federal bans on foreign influence in American elections. Hansjörg Wyss – who founded Synthes USA before selling it to Johnson & Johnson for $20 billion – has donated upwards of $475 million in an effort to “[re]interpret the American Constitution in the light of progressive politics.” Both the Wyss Foundation and the Berger Action Fund have been used to funnel cash through the Arabella Advisors network, a “dark money hub” comprised of a number of groups supporting: radical climate change policies; changes to American election laws; defunding police; and packing the US Supreme Court. Wyss also donated $72.7 million to another 12 “dark money organizations” in 2021 alone, $62.5 million of which went to groups supporting and promoting President Joe Biden‘s policies. The Swiss octogenarian – who is also the co-owner of Chelsea Football Club following the British government’s ouster of the Vladimir Putin-linked Roman Abramovich – has “used his personal fortune to finance radical left-wing causes and candidates, all while attempting to avoid any public scrutiny or oversight,” states a new report from Americans for Public Trust. “It’s time for Congress to close the foreign influence loophole that allows foreign dark money to flood the American electoral and political system,” argues Caitlin Sutherland, the group’s executive director.


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93dd9e No.70887

File: 61262b0c755b6a2⋯.png (83.4 KB,765x520,153:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161237 (111554ZJUL23) Notable: "Every single President from George Washington to Joe Biden, except for Donald Trump, have been related to King John/Plantagenets in violation of the Conventions, Treaties, and Constitutions owed to this country

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Martin Geddes

"Every single President from George Washington to Joe Biden, except for Donald Trump, have been related to King John, the same Overseer of the Church's Commonwealth lands, still attached to the service of Pope Innocent III and his Successors, All the "Presidents" are Plantagenets in violation of the Conventions, Treaties, and Constitutions owed to this country, all acting in hidden conflict of interest."

>>70885 [PDF]

10:29 AM · Jul 11, 2023


The Great Kazoo

Excellent work that should be read by all on Earth. This is the way the world is supposed to have been allocated. "Someone/Something" came along and seemingly hijacked the earth from us all! This is what I feel we are reversing and seeing the side effects of in our governments.

11:04 AM · Jul 11, 2023


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93dd9e No.70888

File: 1fa4bc93de79373⋯.png (922.08 KB,1041x694,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 76032bec5043558⋯.png (596.01 KB,985x657,985:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 05c59252ddafbee⋯.png (672.12 KB,985x657,985:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 57c7e692674dc7f⋯.png (630.45 KB,985x657,985:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c0d12cd564459c⋯.png (890.94 KB,985x657,985:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161261 (111558ZJUL23) Notable: First CHAPEA Crew Begins 378-Day Mission

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First CHAPEA Crew Begins 378-Day Mission

Jul 10, 2023

The inaugural CHAPEA, or Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog, mission began Sunday, June 25, when the four-person volunteer crew entered its new home at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston to begin a 378-day Mars surface simulation.

This is the first of three planned missions. NASA will use research gained from CHAPEA to determine how to best support crew health and performance while living on Mars during a long-duration exploration mission.

During the CHAPEA simulations, crew members will carry out different types of mission activities, including simulated spacewalks, robotic operations, habitat maintenance, personal hygiene, exercise, and crop growth. To be as Mars-realistic as feasible, the crew also will face environmental stressors such as resource limitations, isolation, and equipment failure.

NASA is leading a return to the Moon for long-term science and exploration. Through Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. Lessons learned on and around the Moon and activities like CHAPEA on the ground will prepare NASA for the next giant leap: sending astronauts to Mars.


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93dd9e No.70889

File: 1e5a99406c0fd0e⋯.png (377.01 KB,591x615,197:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161285 (111602ZJUL23) Notable: Former Republican congressman Denver Riggleman, who served in Virginia’s 5th district, is now advising the younger Biden’s legal team

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The Hunter Biden saga has been filled with twists and turns, and it took another one on Sunday. Former Republican congressman Denver Riggleman, who served in Virginia’s 5th district, is now advising the younger Biden’s legal team, and he went on CNN to share a new theory about the laptop.

Riggleman, who never had an extensive profile but did make news a couple of times throughout his tenure in Congress, spoke to Jim Acosta (the least surprising part of this story). Acosta seems enthralled throughout the interview, nodding profusely at the defense of a man fresh off legally barring his own daughter from taking his last name.

Acosta begins by noting that Riggleman worked with the January 6th committee, which apparently adds great credibility in the eyes of the host. At that point, Riggleman begins to suggest that the material on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which has been forensically authenticated by numerous news outlets (including The New York Times and The Washington Post, albeit belatedly), is actually fake. He claims to have the “data” on his side.

My role is really the same as it was at the committee. It’s really technical and analytical support based on computer forensics and phone forensics, and by the way, I’ve been doing this since late last year and we’ve been tracking data and what everybody’s been saying over the past two years, which has been really interesting.

Let me stop there because it’d be easy to miss what he’s really saying there. Riggleman’s nod to the idea that he’s been “tracking data and what everybody’s been saying” and that he finds it “interesting” isn’t idle talk. That’s a threat. He’s issuing a threat to anyone who has dared to speak the truth and report the facts on Hunter Biden’s laptop that if you continue to do so, they might sue you. That makes what Riggleman says next especially ironic.

But why did I really take this? Is because, you know, I do hate bullies, but I also found out, you know, as the Hunter Biden legal team reached out to me, that a lot of the people that have been pushing this are the same people that pushed the J6 conspiracy theories. And once I saw that some of the same techniques were being used, you know, and that you had Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Petter Navarro’s staff all involved in pushing the Hunter Biden laptop data, I got very curious. I love ones and zeros, I love forensics, and I think we have the best team in the world, and we saw that the Hunter Biden laptop data dissemination was so similar to what was happening on January 6th and it was the same people, I needed to jump in so I came in late last year.


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93dd9e No.70890

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161310 (111607ZJUL23) Notable: Ruiz [COVID hearing]: There is currently no consensus on how this virus came to be. Whether it came from a lab or from nature, is still unknown.

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Marjorie Greene: It's unfortunate that you all [Anderson, Gerry] are speaking the same pro-China talking points as some of our colleagues on the committee.

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93dd9e No.70891

File: 0dadd4f6fe82b89⋯.jpeg (776.13 KB,1170x1842,195:307,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161352 (111614ZJUL23) Notable: PF SPAR12 Haiti return

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SPAR12 Haiti return


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93dd9e No.70892

File: 6cb79b5ed86e74b⋯.png (516.15 KB,640x638,320:319,Clipboard.png)

File: cc7f4d5ac510ab7⋯.png (2.41 MB,2106x1193,2106:1193,Clipboard.png)

File: db006ae03a2d0fc⋯.png (2.18 MB,2093x1200,2093:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161358 (111614ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Turning Point 2023, July 15, 16

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I wonder if the pedos will again send their conservative hating muhjoo shill puppets to infiltrate just like they did last year at the Turning Point event for students.


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93dd9e No.70893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161411 (111622ZJUL23) Notable: Ruiz [COVID hearing]: There is currently no consensus on how this virus came to be. Whether it came from a lab or from nature, is still unknown.

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Dingell: The suggestion that Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins were engaged in some sort of intricate coverup, to suppress the lab leak theory and bribe researchers, is reckless, irresponsible, and grossly inaccurate!

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93dd9e No.70894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161461 (111629ZJUL23) Notable: Trump has OK'd 36 clemency requests, far fewer than others

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Trump has OK'd 36 clemency requests, far fewer than others



Donald Trump

Fact check: Trump has granted fewest clemencies, but how he's used pardon power is notable

Camille Caldera


The claim: President Donald Trump is under fire for ‘abusing’ pardon power when in reality he has issued the fewest pardons since President Jimmy Carter.

A post on Facebook by the page Red Pill Republic totals the number of pardons and commutations each president, from Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump, issued while in office. Red Pill Republic is a right-wing page that purports to provide information to "patriots" who "prefer difficult truths to cozy lies."

“Dems are mad at Trump today for ‘abusing’ his pardon power,” the post reads.

The post credits Carter with 566; Ronald Reagan with 406; George H.W. Bush with 77; Bill Clinton, whom the post refers to as “Cigar Bill,” with 459; George W. Bush with 200; Barack Obama with 1,927; and Trump with 26.

A different version of the meme lists Trump at 36.

The post appeared to be responding to the criticisms of Trump's use of the pardon, which intensified after he commuted the 40-month prison sentence of his longtime political adviser and friend Roger Stone on July 10.

Democrats — including Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.; Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. — have accused Trump of abusing his power, particularly with regard to Stone.

"With Trump, there are now two systems of justice in America: One for Trump's criminal friends and one for everyone else," Schiff wrote on Twitter.

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, called the commutation of Stone an "unprecedented, historic corruption."


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93dd9e No.70895

File: 00abdd1b854d91c⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB,1161x1605,387:535,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161462 (111629ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ: Psyops are next-generation warfare.

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93dd9e No.70896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161465 (111630ZJUL23) Notable: Trump has OK'd 36 clemency requests, far fewer than others

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Numbers are accurate, except for Trump

A pardon is an expression of presidential “forgiveness” and can restore some civil rights, while a commutation is a reduction of a prison sentence, per the Department of Justice. Neither erases the record of the conviction.

The power of the president to grant them comes from Section II of Article II of the Constitution, which states “shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”

The combined number of pardons and sentence commutations in the meme for Carter through Obama are accurate, according to data from the Department of Justice and an analysis from Pew Research Center.

The number for Trump, though, is slightly off in one of the memes.

He has actually granted 36 clemency requests — 25 pardons and 11 commutations, including his latest commutation of Stone.

Trump grants clemency to ally Roger Stone after railing against 'unfair' conviction, sentencing

Percentages tell a different story

Obama issued more pardons and commutations than any of the previous 10 presidents, as far back as Harry Truman, who issued 2,044 pardons and commutations between 1945-53.

But the number of clemency requests that Obama granted tells a different story in the context of the total number of requests his administration received. The 1,927 requests he granted represented just 5% of the 36,544 requests his White House received — more requests than the previous nine presidents combined.

So far, according to the Department of Justice, Trump has received 9,146 requests for pardon or commutation, putting his percentage granted at 0.4%.

Prior to Trump, the only president who granted a smaller percentage of requests than Obama was George W. Bush, at 2%. George H.W. Bush granted the same proportion as Obama, at 5%, and Clinton granted slightly more, at 6%.

Reagan, though, granted 12% of the 3,400 clemency requests submitted to his administration. Carter issued an even larger proportion — 22%. The highest percentage came from Truman, who approved 41% of the requests his administration received.


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93dd9e No.70897

File: 27c31018ea0e852⋯.jpeg (429.95 KB,1170x1174,585:587,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161466 (111630ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ: Psyops are next-generation warfare.

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93dd9e No.70898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161473 (111631ZJUL23) Notable: Trump has OK'd 36 clemency requests, far fewer than others

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Clemency in the Obama era

The vast majority of the clemency requests Obama granted were also commutations, not pardons — the opposite of almost every president before him.

Part of the reason the Obama administration received and granted such a larger number of requests for clemency is because his administration ran the Clemency Initiative from April 2014-January 2017.

The initiative encouraged federal inmates to apply for commutations or sentence reductions, and prioritized applications for nonviolent, low-level offenders without significant criminal history, who had served at least a decade of their sentences and demonstrated good conduct in prison.

Trump's use of the pardon

Many of the pardons and commutations that Trump has granted have drawn increased scrutiny due to the high-profile status of their subjects.

Stone was convicted of seven charges — including lying to Congress and witness tampering — as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Other examples include his pardons of former Arizona Sheriff Joseph Arpaio in August 2017 and of conservative provocateur Dinesh D’Souza in May 2018, and his commutation of the prison sentence of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich in February.

Arpaio had been convicted of criminal contempt because he disobeyed a court order to stop racially profiling Latinos in immigration-enforcement operations. One critic called it the first case in which a president condoned “a public official using state power for racist ends.” It was also the first pardon that Trump issued.

D’Souza — a frequent guest on Fox News and a harsh critic of Obama — was convicted of making $20,000 in illegal campaign contributions. Some noted that his and other pardons, which focused on campaign finance law violations, lying to federal investigators and disregard for the judicial process, were also "criminal infractions hanging over several members of the president's circle."

Blagojevich was found guilty of 17 counts — including attempted extortion, conspiracy to solicit bribes, and wire fraud — while attempting to solicit donations and political favors in return for an appointment to the Senate seat that Obama vacated in 2008.

Some scrutinized the commutation because Blagojevich had previously appeared as a guest on Trump’s television show, “Celebrity Apprentice,” while others tied it to spite for Mueller, who headed the Federal Bureau of Investigation while it a built case against Blagojevich.

More:'Abandoned the rule of law': Lawmakers react to Trump granting clemency to Roger Stone

Most of Trump’s grants of clemency have also been unusual in that they have gone to individuals who did not meet the requirements of the Justice Department’s Office of the Pardon Attorney or who did not file a request for clemency, according to the Washington Post.

Some critics have also claimed that Trump uses his pardon power "primarily" to reward his political and personal allies, according to NPR.

Legally, though, that's fine – the president can grant a pardon to any individual at any time after an offense has been committed. And it is not uncommon for presidents to pardon people with personal connections.

Our rating: Partly false

Based on our research, the viral post is PARTLY FALSE because one of the statistics it lists is inaccurate. It also is misleading in suggesting how critics have responded to Trump's pardons.. Many critics of his pardon power cite how he's used it rather than how many he's used.


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93dd9e No.70899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161476 (111632ZJUL23) Notable: Trump has OK'd 36 clemency requests, far fewer than others

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Our rating: Partly false

Based on our research, the viral post is PARTLY FALSE because one of the statistics it lists is inaccurate. It also is misleading in suggesting how critics have responded to Trump's pardons.. Many critics of his pardon power cite how he's used it rather than how many he's used.

Our fact-check sources:

USA TODAY, “Trump grants clemency to ally Roger Stone after railing against 'unfair' conviction, sentencing"

USA TODAY, "'Abandoned the rule of law': Lawmakers react to Trump granting clemency to Roger Stone"

Pew Research Center, “Obama used clemency power more often than any president since Truman”

Department of Justice, "Pardons Granted by President Donald Trump"

Department of Justice, "Commutations Granted by President Donald Trump"

Department of Justice, "Clemency Statistics"

Department of Justice, "Pardon Information and Instructions"

Department of Justice, "Commutation Information and Instructions"

National Constitution Center, "Article II: Executive Branch"

The Atlantic, "Why the Arpaio Pardon Matters"

BBC News, "Dinesh D'Souza: Why did Trump pardon the provocateur?"

The Hill, “Former top FBI official: Trump's possible Blagojevich commutation part of effort to discredit Mueller”

Washington Post, “Why Presidential Pardons Are Normal, Trump’s Less So”

NPR, "Roger Stone Clemency Latest Example Of Trump Rewarding His Friends, Scholars Say"

Arizona Republic, "President Donald Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio"

USA TODAY, "Trump pardons Dinesh D'Souza — and might do the same for Rod Blagojevich and Martha Stewart"

USA TODAY, "Trump commutes 14-year sentence of former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich amid blitz of pardons"

Thank you for supporting our journalism. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here.

Our fact check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook.

This fact check is available at IFCN’s 2020 US Elections FactChat #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Click here, for more.

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93dd9e No.70900

File: 5624fd9f91348b1⋯.png (197.23 KB,508x640,127:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161495 (111636ZJUL23) Notable: Trump has OK'd 36 clemency requests, far fewer than others

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93dd9e No.70901

File: 142d445dd3b475f⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1103x2058,1103:2058,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161508 (111639ZJUL23) Notable: My name is Rep. Meisha Mainor and today I made the decision to leave the Democrat Party.

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My name is Rep. Meisha Mainor and today I made the decision to leave the Democrat Party.

I represent a blue district in the city of Atlanta so this wasn’t a political decision for me. It was a a MORAL one.

I will NEVER apologize for being a black woman with a mind of my own.

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93dd9e No.70902

File: 0673425a78ba959⋯.png (617.58 KB,584x726,292:363,Clipboard.png)

File: 64ef0675fe1ca6f⋯.jpg (104.02 KB,640x638,320:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161604 (111658ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Turning Point 2023, July 15, 16

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Turning Point Action Conference.




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93dd9e No.70903

File: 70aad8be29e92ec⋯.jpeg (90.85 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161678 (111710ZJUL23) Notable: Kissinger falls victim to Russian pranksters posing as Zelensky

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11 Jul, 2023 14:29

Kissinger falls victim to Russian pranksters posing as Zelensky

The US statesman believes Ukraine to be the culprit of the Nord Stream sabotage, according to a video filmed by Vovan and Lexus

Veteran US statesman Henry Kissinger said he wouldn’t criticize Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, according to a video published by a pair of Russian pranksters. The centenarian thought he was talking to the Ukrainian leader himself.

The duo, who go by stage names Vovan and Lexus, posed as the Ukrainian leader during a video conference with Kissinger, they claimed on Monday. A full hour-long episode of their show, which was based on the prank, was released on social media the next day.

According to one of the shown clips, at one point they asked Kissinger whether he believed Moscow blew up its own undersea energy links with Germany last September. At first the centennial former US official seemed hesitant to respond, but the fake Zelensky insisted.

“I, frankly, have thought it was you,” Kissinger finally said, according to the dubbed over translation of the exchange.

‘Zelensky’ in response assured the American that Ukraine was not behind the sabotage, to which Kissinger said he “didn’t blame” Kiev and made it clear that his remark was not meant as a criticism.

The sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines made direct supplies of Russian natural gas to Western Europe impossible. European states investigating it failed to identify the culprit, but reports in Western media, which were based on intelligence leaks, claimed that either a “pro-Ukrainian group” or a faction of the Ukrainian military not answering to Zelensky was likely to blame.

Veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has reported that the operation was ordered by US President Joe Biden and conducted jointly by the US and Norway, which both nations deny. Moscow indicated that it trusts Hersh’s sources in this case.

Vovan and Lexus, whose real names are Vladimir Kuznetsov and Aleksey Stolyarov, play pranks on public figures by pretending to be other influential figures and goading interlocutors into making statements that, presumably, they wouldn’t want the public to hear.

Kissinger famously became the target of Zelensky’s criticisms last year, too, after he shared his views about Ukraine’s conflict with Russia. He suggested that the status of Crimea and other former Ukrainian territories, which Kiev claims under its sovereignty, should be subject to negotiation.

Both Kissinger and Zelensky are Jewish. The American noted at the time that the Ukrainian leader was remarkable for being elected head of state in a country “that normally would not elect somebody of his background” but who, he said, lacked “clarity and conviction” when it came to post-conflict settlement.


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93dd9e No.70904

File: 9a119541196ae73⋯.png (56.39 KB,1330x413,190:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 82b18776f373c89⋯.png (459.26 KB,1330x883,1330:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161683 (111711ZJUL23) Notable: GOP Hold Leaves Marines Without Confirmed Leader For First Time In 164 Years

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GOP Hold Leaves Marines Without Confirmed Leader For First Time In 164 Years

Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blockade over a Biden administration abortion policy is preventing the confirmation of hundreds of military promotions.



Bye bye Berger.

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93dd9e No.70905

File: e87263b290db8c8⋯.jpeg (65.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161700 (111715ZJUL23) Notable: EU support for Ukraine will wane - bloc member’s president, Pavel said Kiev has “window of opportunity” in its counteroffensive against Russia until end of the year

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11 Jul, 2023 15:52

EU support for Ukraine will wane – bloc member’s president

Czech Republic’s Petr Pavel said Kiev has “window of opportunity” in its counteroffensive against Russia until end of the year

Ukraine should aim to regain as much territory as it can from Russia before the end of the year as it may not have a second chance at a counteroffensive, Czech President Petr Pavel has warned.He cited general “war fatigue”and the upcoming presidential electionsstateside as potential reasons why Kiev’s backers may have less of an appetite for a continuation of hostilities.

In an interview with Britain’s Sky News TV channel broadcast on Tuesday, Pavel acknowledged that while “in an ideal world” he would want to see Ukraine regain control of all itsterritories within its 1991 borders, this may not be realistic.

He added that the situation will likely look “slightly different,” with Kiev ready to start talks with Moscow “once they expire all the possibilities of advancing.”

The official went on to predict that Russian President Vladimir Putin would probably arrive at the same conclusion at some point, with neither Ukraine nor Russia being interested in a frozen conflict.

“So, what Ukraine is now aiming for is to get control ofas much territory as possible by the end of this year, because then we’ll have an entirely different situation,” the Czech president explained.

According to the official, who previously served as a top NATO military commander, Kiev will have a hard time mustering forces for a second counteroffensive.

Moreover, Western backers’ military support for Ukraine may diminish, not least because of the upcoming presidential election stateside, Pavel explained.

Commenting on President Joe Biden’s decision last week to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl acknowledged that “things are going a little slower than some had hoped” in terms of Kiev’s present counteroffensive.

Speaking to CNN earlier last week, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky accused Western backers of not providing his country with sufficient weapons quickly enough, resulting in the ongoing military operation being “slowed down.”

The Financial Times reported last month that Western officials had been unimpressed by Kiev’s battlefield performance. The paper’s sources claimed that long-term Western support for Ukraine would be contingent on the eventual outcome of the counteroffensive.

Russia’s Defense Ministry, in turn, has reported that its forces have so far successfully repelled the push, which began in early June.


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93dd9e No.70906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161738 (111727ZJUL23) Notable: #23533

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Finally Final

#23533 >>70859

>>70860 TREND: Chinese Spy

>>70861, >>70872, >>70890, >>70893 Ruiz [COVID hearing]: There is currently no consensus on how this virus came to be. Whether it came from a lab or from nature, is still unknown.

>>70863, >>70895, >>70897 CMZ: Psyops are next-generation warfare.

>>70864 Before the summit, NATO PR people released a video aimed at the egos of the leaders of the alliance with the chronology of membership

>>70865, >>70875 @markgranza — in defense of anons, in defense of free speech

>>70866 Jun 21, 2023 —As much as 30% of Ukraine’s arsenal is under repair at any given time — a high rate, defense experts said

>>70867 CBDCs are a solution for a problem we don’t have, and they want to implant it under our skin


>>70869 Catholic Charities is the "Illegal Immigrant Travel Agency"

>>70870, >>70873 The Capital , Building with White porch , The Plaza Hotel Montpelier Vermont inundated as floodwater covers capital’s streets

>>70871 The Bank of International Settlements (#BIS) is literally laying out how you will own nothing

>>70874 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sunspots on an Active Sun

>>70876, >>70880 5 Eyes

>>70878 agent Z is calling them cowards too/NATO

>>70879 NASA's New Horizons spacecraft captured this high-resolution enhanced color view of Charon

>>70881 Robert F. Kennedy Jr declared Monday that he believes the CIA was involved in funding the Wuhan lab where the COVID pandemic originated.

>>70882 New 3D Visualization Highlights 5,000 Galaxies Revealed by Webb

>>70883 Elaine Chao's CCP Ties Exposed | Mitch McConnell's Relationship With China.

>>70884 Wyoming becomes latest state to launch mass surveillance/AI???

>>70885 On Sovereignty

>>70886 Swiss billionaire has been exploiting a foreign influence loophole, allowing him to avoid federal bans on foreign influence in American elections

>>70887 "Every single President from George Washington to Joe Biden, except for Donald Trump, have been related to King John/Plantagenets in violation of the Conventions, Treaties, and Constitutions owed to this country

>>70888 First CHAPEA Crew Begins 378-Day Mission

>>70889 Former Republican congressman Denver Riggleman, who served in Virginia’s 5th district, is now advising the younger Biden’s legal team

>>70891 PF SPAR12 Haiti return

>>70892, >>70902 @realDonaldTrump Turning Point 2023, July 15, 16

>>70894, >>70896, >>70898, >>70899, >>70900 Trump has OK'd 36 clemency requests, far fewer than others

>>70901 My name is Rep. Meisha Mainor and today I made the decision to leave the Democrat Party.

>>70903 Kissinger falls victim to Russian pranksters posing as Zelensky

>>70904 GOP Hold Leaves Marines Without Confirmed Leader For First Time In 164 Years

>>70905 EU support for Ukraine will wane - bloc member’s president, Pavel said Kiev has “window of opportunity” in its counteroffensive against Russia until end of the year


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70907

File: 42b581b47f9b27e⋯.jpg (91.82 KB,1200x627,400:209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d1eb4a6add29854⋯.png (640.85 KB,644x551,644:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 5624fd9f91348b1⋯.png (197.23 KB,508x640,127:160,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e5a99406c0fd0e⋯.png (377.01 KB,591x615,197:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f0d844c1152892⋯.png (781.25 KB,476x666,238:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161749 (111729ZJUL23) Notable: #23534-A

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Baker haz IRL, off hand or will tap @20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70908

File: 34cfc533ef6863b⋯.png (19.84 KB,593x240,593:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161782 (111739ZJUL23) Notable: The "highest" or "top" class of people in the USA (& most likely WW) probably aren't from Earth.

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New POTUS Tweet


The "highest" or "top" class of people in the USA (& most likely WW) probably aren't from Earth.

Only beings from another world would create a way of life that enslaves an entire planet to needing to work 40hrs+/week in order 2 have the basic necessities that we all need to live

9:34 AM · Jul 11, 2023

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93dd9e No.70909

File: 33daefcb66f9d54⋯.png (29.92 KB,784x328,98:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e487d9483e9fb5⋯.png (299.33 KB,598x569,598:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161791 (111742ZJUL23) Notable: TRENDING: Eric Swalwell - FBI agents were aware of Eric Swalwell’s ‘SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP’ with CCP SPY Fang Fang but Dem Senators refused to allow them to investigate.

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TREND: Eric Swalwell

>Swallows Well


BREAKING: FBI agents were aware of Eric Swalwell’s ‘SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP’ with CCP SPY Fang Fang but Democrat Senators refused to allow them to investigate.

Corruption at its finest!



FBI Agents Thought Swalwell Had ‘Sexual Relationship’ with Fang Fang, But Dem Senators Halted Probe: Report

Jerry Dunleavy, author of Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco, and former Justice reporter at the Washington Examiner, revealed a disturbing new “scoop” about the FBI’s alleged investigation into House Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and his purported ties to a Chinese intelligence-connected woman known as “Fang Fang.”


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93dd9e No.70910

File: c6d573257acf609⋯.png (566.47 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161809 (111746ZJUL23) Notable: NATO to keep Ukraine at arm’s length

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NATO to keep Ukraine at arm’s length

Kiev will be permitted to join the US-led bloc “when allies agree and conditions are met”

NATO has reaffirmed its readiness to grant Ukraine membership at some point in the future. A joint statement released during the annual summit of the US-led bloc said Kiev would be invited to join only “when allies agree and conditions are met,” but it will be allowed to bypass the so-called Membership Action Plan that is usually required for candidate members.

“We reaffirm the commitment we made at the 2008 summit in Bucharest that Ukraine will become a member of NATO, and today we recognize that Ukraine’s path to full Euro-Atlantic integration has moved beyond the need for the Membership Action Plan,” the statement read.

Ukraine has become “increasingly interoperable and politically integrated with the US-led bloc,” it stated. It also outlined the need for “additional democratic and security sector reforms” in the country.

“The alliance will support Ukraine in making these reforms on its path towards future membership. We will be in a position to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the alliance when allies agree and conditions are met,” the statement concluded.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg further elaborated on the matter at a press conference, stating that the bloc must first ensure that Ukraine achieves a “victory” in its ongoing conflict with Russia. Should Kiev not succeed, its NATO membership will be out of the question, he warned.

The pledge falls short of calls by top Ukrainian officials, who have repeatedly urged the US-led alliance to accept the country right away or at least produce an official “invitation” for it at the summit. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky made an apparent last-ditch attempt to influence the bloc’s joint statement hours before it was released, taking to social media to criticize NATO and demand “respect” for Ukraine from the alliance.

“It’s unprecedented and absurd when [a] time frame is not set neither for the invitation nor for Ukraine’s membership. While at the same time vague wording about ‘conditions’ is added even for inviting Ukraine,” Zelensky wrote, referring to a draft of the document that was partially leaked to the media.


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93dd9e No.70911

File: 3d0c8f70d2b16ee⋯.mp4 (9.7 MB,854x450,427:225,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161810 (111746ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel wonders why MSM is always after Q and anons - it is because they ask questions?

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Jim Caviezel mentions Q and Anons.


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93dd9e No.70912

File: 782360f2b4668f7⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1170x2284,585:1142,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161814 (111747ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel wonders why MSM is always after Q and anons - it is because they ask questions?

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Hive mind


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93dd9e No.70913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161817 (111748ZJUL23) Notable: AG Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking in Florida

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>>70836 pb

I read that as the AG wanted Mark to testify as a human. Like, is he really a human? Was he on a plane recently and scared a woman?

Attorney General Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking and address the concerning results of a recent survey on human trafficking in Florida.

>Moody, in a letter to Zuckerberg, highlighted the findings of the survey, which revealed that Meta platforms were responsible for 146 out of 271 reported instances of human trafficking facilitated through social media platforms.

>Moody extended an invitation to Zuckerberg to testify and discuss Meta’s plans to combat the use of their platforms by human traffickers in furtherance of this abhorrent crime. The Meta umbrella includes prominent platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

>The Statewide Council on Human Trafficking collaborated with law enforcement agencies to review cases where social media might have been exploited to facilitate human trafficking. The council’s next meeting is scheduled for October 2nd, and Moody has requested a response from Zuckerberg by September 5th.

>Moody emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue, stating in a press release, “Rather than focusing on launching new products or engaging in futile preparations, Zuckerberg should prioritize enhancing the safety of Meta’s existing platforms and preventing the exploitation of vulnerable individuals for illicit activities like human trafficking.”

>Moody pointed out that the findings of the statewide survey, along with other reports, make it evident that Meta platforms are the preferred social media applications among human traffickers seeking to prey on vulnerable individuals.

>“Zuckerberg must immediately address this threat to public safety and testify before our council regarding Meta’s efforts to prevent the utilization of their platforms for aiding, facilitating, or supporting human trafficking,” Moody emphasized.

>In collaboration with law enforcement agencies, Moody and the council conducted a comprehensive statewide study on documented instances since 2019 where social media was used to facilitate human trafficking, trafficking operations, or control victims. The survey was distributed to 80 law enforcement agencies, including all 67 sheriffs’ offices and police departments in major cities.

>According to the 2022 Federal Human Trafficking Report, Facebook emerged as the primary platform employed for recruiting human trafficking victims between 2019 and 2022. Facebook and Instagram collectively constituted 60% of the top ten platforms identified in the study.


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93dd9e No.70914

File: 8cb38416fed697b⋯.jpg (96.76 KB,716x770,358:385,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 45b167220dee59a⋯.mp4 (941.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161828 (111751ZJUL23) Notable: Joy Behar says she is “turned on by Biden’s anger”

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Joy Behar says she is “turned on by Biden’s anger” 🤢🤮

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93dd9e No.70915

File: eab2525a895d0d9⋯.png (5.81 MB,1663x3748,1663:3748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161838 (111753ZJUL23) Notable: Georgia House District-56 Democrat Rep. Mesha Mainor makes MORAL decision to leave party

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Georgia House District-56 Democrat Rep. Mesha Mainor makes MORAL decision to leave party

Simon Ateba

BREAKING - YOUR REACTION: Exhausted Georgia Democrat Rep. @MeshaMainor makes a stunning defection to the GOP, citing feeling 'crucified' and 'abandoned' by the Democrats. Mainor represents District 56 in Georgia.

She wrote, "My name is Rep. Meisha Mainor and today I made the decision to leave the Democrat Party.

"I represent a blue district in the city of Atlanta so this wasn’t a political decision for me. It was a a MORAL one.

"I will NEVER apologize for being a black woman with a mind of my own."

#PoliticalShift #DemocratToRepublican

12:10 PM · Jul 11, 2023·332.7K Views


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93dd9e No.70916

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161841 (111753ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel wonders why MSM is always after Q and anons - it is because they ask questions?

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93dd9e No.70917

File: 81249c1e8bf6a01⋯.png (779.9 KB,1038x626,519:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161846 (111755ZJUL23) Notable: First hearing on classified documents will be July 18 after special counsel accuses Trump co-defendant of seeking ‘unnecessary’ delay

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First hearing on classified documents will be July 18 after special counsel accuses Trump co-defendant of seeking ‘unnecessary’ delay


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93dd9e No.70918

File: ccb42aa66387ec2⋯.png (286.87 KB,1550x2006,775:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: 85b5497b77feaba⋯.png (450.78 KB,2342x1810,1171:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 77e2b56e65c6fa2⋯.pdf (779.86 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 32bb2f747631d4f⋯.pdf (674.37 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161849 (111756ZJUL23) Notable: FULL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE VAXX DEATH STUDY THAT WAS YANKED BY LANCET

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as previously promised....


yer welcome

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93dd9e No.70919

File: dd8842763ea140b⋯.png (4.21 MB,1036x9144,259:2286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161858 (111758ZJUL23) Notable: 5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

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full CAP

Geddes - WWG1WGA QAnon

I wrote this article in the summer of 2018 for my Future of Communications newsletter ... The topic of QAnon has been a controversial one, and Medium “deplatformed” me (and other writers on this subject) in March of 2019. ...


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93dd9e No.70920

File: a81c580bb4ecd69⋯.png (349.59 KB,630x827,630:827,Clipboard.png)

File: be586c27a1f444b⋯.png (36.07 KB,637x623,91:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161861 (111759ZJUL23) Notable: LIVESTREAM: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Holds Hearing with “Proximal Origins” Authors on COVID-19 Lab-Leak Suppression

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LIVESTREAM: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Holds Hearing with “Proximal Origins” Authors on COVID-19 Lab-Leak Suppression


Select Subcommittee on the COVID Pandemic Releases Explosive Report on COVID-19 Lab Leak Hypothesis – Reveals Coordinated Effort, Led by Dr. Fauci, to Suppress COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory


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93dd9e No.70921

File: 1a343d22ef2b784⋯.png (117.73 KB,827x395,827:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161873 (111801ZJUL23) Notable: 5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

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5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

Martin Geddes

Tuesday 11th is the fifth anniversary of me publishing



6:59 PM · Jul 9, 2023


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93dd9e No.70922

File: 97fa9c3e541cbe4⋯.png (207.32 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161876 (111802ZJUL23) Notable: BofA Ordered To Pay $250 Million For Opening Fake Accounts, Charging Illegal Fees

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BofA Ordered To Pay $250 Million For Opening Fake Accounts, Charging Illegal Fees

Bank of America has pulled a Wells Fargo - and has agreed to pay $150 million in fines and $100 million to customers for opening unauthorized credit card accounts, improperly charging extra fees, and withholding rewards, according to US regulators.

The bank was fined by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for "systematically double-dipping on fees imposed on customers with insufficient funds in their account."

BofA also failed to pay advertised credit card reward bonuses, and enrolled customers in new cards without their authorization or knowledge, the CFPB said in a statement.

The $150 million is broken down into a $90 million penalty to the CFPB, and $60 million to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The bank did not admit to or deny the allegations as part of the settlement, Bloomberg reports.

"Bank of America wrongfully withheld credit-card rewards, double-dipped on fees and opened accounts without consent," said CFPB Director Rohit Chopra in a Tuesday statement, adding "These practices are illegal and undermine customer trust."

The consumer-protection agency found that Bank of America charged consumers a $35 overdraft fee and then “double-dipped” by allowing fees to be charged repeatedly for the same transaction, according to the statement. That allowed the Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank to generate “substantial additional revenue,” the bureau said.

Bank of America said in an emailed statement that it “voluntarily reduced overdraft fees and eliminated all non-sufficient fund fees in the first half of 2022.” It declined to address the case or the allegations against the lender.

In early 2022 BofA vowed to cut back on fees charged to customers for insufficient funds to cover check and debit-card charges, after Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said they "snatch billions from struggling families," and that "big banks raked in billions from this abusive practice" during the Covid-19 pandemic.

While BofA did take some steps to reduce the impact on consumers, it didn't completely eliminate overdraft fees - as had been under consideration.

The CFPB also said that BofA employees had been opening credit card accounts for consumers without their knowledge dating back to 2012 - leading to unjustified fees being charged, and impacting borrowers' credit, according to the statement.

BofA also withheld cash rewards or bonus points earned by tens of thousands of customers for signing up for credit cards, according to regulators.


Cost of doing business

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93dd9e No.70923

File: 81defd8630c73ad⋯.png (71.58 KB,1047x467,1047:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d4eff2bdca60d8⋯.png (289.64 KB,609x609,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5028a4faa30eeb7⋯.png (357.48 KB,446x728,223:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161900 (111807ZJUL23) Notable: AG Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking in Florida

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Attorney General Ashley Moody Calls on Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Testify, As Report Highlights Platform as Top App Used by Human Traffickers

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has issued a formal call for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify before the State’s Human Trafficking Council. This follows a revealing report that highlights Meta platforms – Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger – as the most frequently used by human traffickers.

Florida’s Statewide Council on Human Trafficking revealed shocking results in a recent survey of Florida law enforcement agencies. The Florida Legislature had mandated this investigation to assess the prevalence and impact of social media platforms’ role in human trafficking within the state.

Law enforcement agencies were asked to report instances since 2019 where social media had been employed to facilitate human trafficking, including victim recruitment, trafficking operations, or victim control. Agencies were also asked to identify the specific platforms used.

According to the letter from Moody, out of 271 reported instances of social media usage in human trafficking, 146, or over 53%, were linked to Meta platforms – Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. This figure is dramatically higher than that of the second most-used platform, Snapchat, which was implicated in just 19 cases.

According to the 2022 Federal Human Trafficking Report, Facebook was the top platform used for recruitment of human trafficking victims from 2019 to 2022, with Facebook and Instagram combined representing 60% of the top ten platforms cited in the study.

In a joint investigation conducted by The Wall Street Journal and researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, it was revealed that Instagram, the social media platform owned by Mark Zuckerberg, is serving as a hub to “connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage-sex content.”

Unlike traditional forums and file-transfer services associated with illicit content, Instagram’s algorithms actively encourage and recommend such activities, effectively connecting pedophiles and guiding them to content sellers, WSJ reported.

Major social media sites have also reported an increase in suspected instances of child sexual abuse material, which includes child sex trafficking cases. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s 2022 CyberTipline Reports by Electronic Service Providers revealed a shocking 27 million, or 85%, of reported incidents came from Meta platforms.

The Chair of the Council, who also serves as Florida’s Attorney General, has issued an invitation to Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, to address these findings before the Council. The next Council meeting is set for October 2, 2023.


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93dd9e No.70924

File: a1a0fe50ff5374b⋯.png (215.83 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161906 (111808ZJUL23) Notable: WND: Fauci might have to pay back his salary for final year at NIH

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Fun fun fun

Till daddy takes the money away


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93dd9e No.70925

File: 570ddab92d913bc⋯.png (19.54 KB,500x183,500:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 79038c36e35139f⋯.png (132.48 KB,1108x756,277:189,Clipboard.png)

File: 68be37307bc5db8⋯.png (824.42 KB,954x534,159:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 493182856c234dd⋯.png (701.44 KB,863x655,863:655,Clipboard.png)

File: c76618a7efff3d0⋯.png (3.4 MB,2048x1136,128:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161923 (111812ZJUL23) Notable: TREND: Biden DOJ

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In a stunning twist, the Biden DOJ indicts Dr. Gal Luft, a Biden corruption whistleblower, for not registering as an agent of CEFC China Energy, while Hunter, James, and Sara Biden simultaneously collected millions from CEFC China Energy without registering, also violating FARA.

In a widely known text message from July 2017, Hunter explicitly demanded payment from a CEFC executive, stating, "I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."

Just ten days after Hunter's threat, invoking his father's involvement, CEFC wired $5.1 million to bank accounts linked to the Biden family.

Moreover, Ye Jianming, the Chairman of CEFC, gifted Hunter a 3.16-carat diamond valued at approximately $80,000...


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93dd9e No.70926

File: cead81778f3ffe7⋯.png (209.73 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161932 (111813ZJUL23) Notable: WND: N Dakota Gov doing out $20 gift cards to donors to meet debate stage reqt's

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All the votes money can buy

Would you be muh fren


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93dd9e No.70927

File: b6416b6a37cd0e7⋯.png (308.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161939 (111815ZJUL23) Notable: Putin issues warning about US banking system

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>How do we contact Putin to help this happen

Putin issues warning about US banking system

Negative trends are mounting in the American financial sector, according to the Russian president

“Regarding anti-Russia sanctions, we have probably become somewhat immune because of them, and we have enhanced our sovereignty in this field,” Kostin told the Russian leader in the Kremlin on Tuesday.

“Look at what is now happening in the United States. This is virtually the largest financial and banking crisis since 2008, and it is already spreading to Europe,” the top Russian banker noted, adding “that sanctions against Russia are a double-edged sword.”


Putin, who has previously cited economic sovereignty as the country's top priority, agreed with Kostin, saying: “Perhaps what you have said about raising the level of independence and sovereignty is rather timely, considering greater negative trends in the US banking system.”

The Russian president had earlier stated that the country’s economy was successfully withstanding outside pressure, warning that Western sanctions would have a boomerang effect.

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93dd9e No.70928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161941 (111816ZJUL23) Notable: Zelensky attacks NATO

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Zelensky attacks NATO

The Ukrainian president has condemned the US-led bloc for its reluctance to offer Kiev immediate membership


cool, it is destroying itself

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93dd9e No.70929

File: 3c8caf084769ce9⋯.png (397.02 KB,491x1024,491:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 38ebd3b85b63966⋯.png (589.24 KB,673x765,673:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161979 (111822ZJUL23) Notable: Biden’s DOJ Eliminates Language on Child Sex Trafficking from Govt Website and Child Victims of Prostitution - After Losing Track of 85,000 Migrant Children

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Biden’s DOJ Eliminates Language on Child Sex Trafficking from Government Website and Child Victims of Prostitution – After Losing Track of 85,000 Migrant Children

Why did the DOJ remove “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors” and “Child Victims of Prostitution” from the Department of Justice website under Child Sex Trafficking?

The Biden administration removed these sections on May 12, 2023.

Why would they remove these important sections?

This snapshot was taken on April 21, 2023.

Before the change:

April 21, 2023 (Includes “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors” and “Child Victims of Prostitution“)


(Also on Archive.ph on Feb. 2, 2023: https://archive.li/zIAzT)

Then on May 28, 2023 the Biden Department of Justice removed the language for “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors” and “Child Victims of Prostitution.“

May 28, 2023 (Does not include “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors” and “Child Victims of Prostitution“)


This is the same administration that lost track of 85,000 migrant children in the United States since 2021.

And now the same administration is eliminating language on child sex trafficking. What gives?


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93dd9e No.70930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161985 (111823ZJUL23) Notable: RFK Jr: CIA Was Involved In Funding Wuhan COVID Leak Lab

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RFK Jr: CIA Was Involved In Funding Wuhan COVID Leak Lab

“I think the CIA was involved certainly in this research”

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr declared Monday that he believes the CIA was involved in funding the Wuhan lab where the COVID pandemic originated.

In an interview with Fox News’ Jesse Watters, Kennedy suggested that the Biden administration is not interested in punishing China for covering up the lab leak because it would expose National Institutes of Health funded bioweapons programs.

“I think the CIA was involved certainly in this research,” Kennedy proclaimed, adding “They were funding it through USAID. And NIH, I think, in the end gave about $26 million in funding to the Wuhan lab. But USAID, which was functioning as the CIA surrogate, gave over $64 million. The Pentagon also gave a lot of money.”

RFK Jr also slammed Anthony Fauci, the subject of an entire book that he was written, noting “I think he caused a lot of injury. I think that he particularly by withholding early treatment from Americans we racked up the highest death count in the world. We only have 4.2% of the globe’s population but we had 16% of the COVID deaths in this country and that was from bad policy.”

“There was countries that did the opposite of what we did that provided Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, other early treatments to their population, and had 1/200th of our death rate,” Kennedy continued.

When discussing vaccines, Kennedy stated “I do believe that autism comes from vaccines. But I think most of the things people believe about my opinions about vaccines are wrong. I, you know, all I have said about vaccines is we should have good science.”

He continued, “We should have the same kind of testing, placebo controlled trials that we have for every other medication. Vaccines are exempt from pre-licensing placebo controlled trials. There’s no way that anybody can tell the risk profile of those products or even the relative benefits of those products before they’re mandated, and we should have that kind of testing.”


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93dd9e No.70931

File: 1d7916ab1e0b9e7⋯.png (6.1 MB,873x10149,291:3383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162005 (111826ZJUL23) Notable: 5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

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The final battle for the future of humanity

We must fight on to complete victory because our children need defending

Five years ago today I was on holiday in Pervalka, Lithuania with my two daughters, their (Lithuanian) mother, and both of my parents. It is a quiet and beautiful spot, a place amenable to deeper reflection on the happenings of the world. Summoning up all my skill at synthesis in one go, I wrote the essay >>70919 “WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history” to paint the big picture of what I saw unfolding. By offering clarity with brevity, it resonated with the wider public, and got considerable attention on social media. This launched me into being the “British face of QAnon” — whatever that label may mean to you. ...


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93dd9e No.70932

File: abe49fb1593df32⋯.png (539.11 KB,832x763,832:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162010 (111828ZJUL23) Notable: 5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

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Martin Geddes

A fifth anniversary essay.


7:14 AM · Jul 11, 2023·15.5K Views


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93dd9e No.70933

File: 04e46a480a395e7⋯.png (589.78 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

File: c656b72000893d4⋯.png (552.33 KB,686x611,686:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162020 (111829ZJUL23) Notable: NY principal allegedly seeking sex with teen on Snapchat brought chicken nuggets, shake to remote location prior to arrest

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NY principal allegedly seeking sex with teen on Snapchat brought chicken nuggets, shake to remote location prior to arrest

An upstate middle-school principal used Snapchat to try to lure a 16-year-old girl to meet him in a remote location for sex — bringing with him condoms, chicken nuggets and a Grimace milkshake from McDonald’s, authorities say.

Johnson City Middle School Principal Daniel Erickson was arrested Friday and charged with luring a child and attempted rape, the Broome County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

Erickson, 55, had been allegedly communicating with the teen for at least a week before his arrest.

The New York principal made statements to her that indicated he was “going to engage in sexual conduct with the minor,” the sheriff’s office said.

Erickson initially posed as a younger adult before revealing his true identity to the girl, officials said.

He then used “his position as the Johnson City Middle School Principal and school district database information to convince the 16-year-old girl who he really was,” authorities said.

Erickson made multiple attempts to meet with the girl — even showing up at her house — but the teen never came outside to see him, officials said.

Authorities said they were made aware of the situation Wednesday.

Two days later, Erickson allegedly agreed to meet with the student in a remote location with the intention of engaging in sexual relations.


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93dd9e No.70934

File: bf454386432bd02⋯.png (441.02 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162034 (111831ZJUL23) Notable: Affirmative Action - A Thoroughly Useless Idea

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Affirmative Action - A Thoroughly Useless Idea


The U.S. Supreme Court in a June 29 ruling struck down affirmative action in college admissions. Colleges can no longer consider race when determining which applicants to admit, the court ruled in lawsuits involving Harvard University and the University of North Carolina. This decision supports the conclusion of my new book, The War on Whites, that affirmative action is a bad idea.

The hiring obstacles to minorities that existed 50 years ago have been swept away. Competent Blacks and Hispanics have no difficulty getting jobs or being admitted to college. In today’s job market, says Heather Mac Donald in When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives if people of color are not hired in greater numbers it is not because of racism, but because they don’t meet the job qualifications.

Employers are jumping up and down for a chance to hire minority applicants. “One would have difficulty finding an elite institution today that does not pressure its managers to hire and promote as many blacks and Hispanics as possible,” Mac Donald said. This is especially true in our universities. “There is not a single faculty that is not desperately trying to find underrepresented minorities or women to hire.”

If you are a qualified person of color, you don’t need affirmative action. Only unqualified people need affirmative action. Affirmative action means lowering standards. The Left would like to see our standards lowered across the board, which would “level the playing field” and reduce our competitiveness in the world. Should we seek “social justice” by lowering the standards to the lowest denominator via affirmative action, or should we require the lowest denominator minority students, for example to meet the higher standard? Lowering standards has given us an educational system that is producing substandard results. Statistics that show the U.S. lagging behind in educational accomplishments are proof that the Left is succeeding.

Attorney and former Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz brings up another negative outcome of affirmative action - it is anti-White. Qualified White job candidates are regularly passed over for minority candidates with fewer qualifications. For example, Heather Mac Donald found that Blacks and Hispanics are promoted ahead of Whites in the New York City Police Department. “Blacks and Hispanics became detectives almost five years earlier than whites and took half the time as whites did to be appointed to deputy inspector or deputy chief.”

A UCLA study revealed that colleges that allow racial preferences give Blacks more than a 5-1 advantage over Whites in the admission process. “Students are encouraged in their application to indicate that they are nonwhite in order to gain entry,” says Scott Greer in No Campus for White Men: The Transformation of Higher Education into Hateful Indoctrination. Unfortunately, it does not always do justice to the intended beneficiaries. Blacks, the strongest defenders of affirmative action, can suffer negative consequences from racial preferences.


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93dd9e No.70935

File: 6c7d237ad19be3b⋯.png (347.79 KB,583x454,583:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162036 (111831ZJUL23) Notable: Fulton County DA Fani Willis arriving for selection of grand jurors re charges against Trump

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Fulton County DA Fani Willis arriving for selection of grand jurors, some of whom will consider charges against former President Donald Trump for his alleged election meddling after Georgia’s 2020 election.

6:57 AM · Jul 11, 2023

from Atlanta, GA





7.11 is on FIYYAAAA

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93dd9e No.70936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162040 (111832ZJUL23) Notable: Affirmative Action - A Thoroughly Useless Idea

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Affirmative action recipients at colleges and universities experience a high dropout rate. Mismatch theory describes the many minority students who are accepted at schools beyond their aptitude, creating a sense of failure, depression, and alienation. “The students struggle academically because they got into a school that was beyond their skill level thanks to racial preferences in college admissions,” Greer explains. “Instead of blaming a system that judges them by their skin color, or their own failures to study, they blame the invisible systemic racism of the schools they attend for why their grades aren’t so great.”

In The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture, Heather Mac Donald describes the history of affirmative action at California universities, that offers an accurate view of what is taking place nationally. The results have been predictable: affirmative action students meet with failure. One Berkeley professor confessed that “they admitted people who could barely read. There was a huge drop-out rate of affirmative action admits by mid-terms. No one had taught them the need to go to class. So we started introducing BS majors, in an effort to make the university ready for them, rather than making them ready for the university.”

Arguments for affirmative action omit the question of why minorities need racial or gender preferences in the first place. Students are not rejected for admission to elite universities because they are the wrong race, but due to inadequate educational preparation and lack of family support for education as a worthwhile goal. Affirmative action doesn’t work because it fails to address either of those issues.

Another major drawback of affirmative action is the implication that minorities are inferior and therefore unable to achieve without special assistance. “Affirmative action,” says Shelby Steele in White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era, “explicitly violates many [American] principles equal protection under the law, meritorious advancement that the King-era civil rights movement fought for.”

Merit not affirmative action is enforced in the NBA, whose players are 74 percent Black. All that matters is how well you play basketball. For the same reason, merit ought to be applied to airline pilots, Marines, and brain surgeons. When I am flying over the Pacific Ocean, I want the most qualified pilot at the controls. At 30,000 feet, who wants an affirmative-action pilot sitting in the cockpit? As a former Marine, I appreciate that combat units should not have their standards lowered simply to accommodate women or transgenders. When I am being operated on for a brain tumor, I don’t want to look up and see the winner of this year’s social justice award.

Affirmative action may have looked good in 1970, but the country has moved on.

Ed Brodow (www.edbrodowpolitics.com) is a conservative political commentator and author of the No. 1 Amazon Best Seller, THE WAR ON WHITES: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport.

Image: Elvert Barnes


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93dd9e No.70937

File: d2591a9c5f32a17⋯.png (469.68 KB,795x876,265:292,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dcacee75eb6781⋯.png (84.24 KB,792x412,198:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162045 (111833ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

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Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday charged a key witness in the investigation into alleged Biden family corruption for taking money from the same Chinese firm that paid Hunter Biden’s businesses and associates millions, according to DOJ records.

Gal Luft, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, allegedly “willfully” failed to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) while working to “advance the interests of China” in the U.S. by brokering the illegal sale of Chinese weapons and Iranian oil to China, according to the DOJ. The DOJ alleges that Luft’s think tank, the Institute for the Analysis for Global Security, accepted at least $700,000 from CEFC China Energy beginning in 2015, which happens to be the same Chinese firm that allegedly sent millions to accounts linked to Hunter Biden and his associates, in 2017, according to a Senate committee report and a Washington Post review of Biden documents.

“For years, Gal Luft, the defendant, a dual U.S.- Israeli citizen, and others known and unknown, engaged in multiple international criminal schemes, including a scheme to act within the United States to advance the interests of the People’s Republic of China (“China”) as agents of China-based principals, without registering as foreign agents as required under U.S. law,” the DOJ indictment states.

A CEFC subsidiary sent $100,000 to Owasco P.C., a firm controlled by Hunter Biden, on Aug. 4, 2017, just days after Hunter sent a text to CEFC associate Raymond Zhao in which he cited his “ability to forever hold a grudge” if certain business was not conducted. That text message mentioned that Hunter’s “father” was nearby at the time, referring to President Joe Biden; pictures from Hunter Biden’s laptop show that Joe was with Hunter on the day the text message was sent.

Additionally, that CEFC subsidiary sent payments totaling over $5 million to Hudson West III, a business linked to Hunter, on Aug. 8, 2017, according to a Senate report. Hudson West III then paid Owasco, Hunter’s personal corporation, nearly $5 million.

The DOJ’s indictment cites as evidence against Luft behavior also allegedly exhibited by Hunter Biden.

The DOJ claims that Luft knowingly violated FARA by seeking to influence U.S. foreign policy toward China and “concealed these efforts by creating the false appearance that they were simply the sharing of sincere opinions of an independent expert on national security and international relations,” according to the DOJ indictment.

Meanwhile, Republicans lawmakers, like Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, have previously called on the DOJ to assess whether or not Hunter Biden may have willfully failed to register under FARA.

In May 2017, Hunter Biden sent a message to his business associate Tony Bobulinski about setting up a shell company apparently in order to avoid registering as a foreign agent.


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93dd9e No.70938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162065 (111838ZJUL23) Notable: 5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

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"On matters of timing we were purposely led astray" - Martin Geddes

Q and matters of timing.

When you read each Q Post ask yourself who the information is intended for and what is the information intended to accomplish. Among other things Q informed us that not all posts were meant for anons.

If a Q post reveals information similar to 'Patton has an army in England' or 'The landing will be at Pas-de-Calais' or 'We'll be on the beach on the next new moon', think about both the intended target of the information as well as the information's purpose. With information that reveals strategy, tactics, or deadlines the target of that information is the opposing force and the purpose is military deception.

In the writings of Q this is true of dates and/or hints of dates in particular. For example, 'D5' was a very successful illustration of a feint that caused the opposing force to take an unnecessary action.

"A feint is an offensive action involving contact with the adversary conducted for the purpose of deceiving the adversary as to the location and/or time of the actual main offensive action." (JP 3-13.4 I-9)

The 'D5' feint resulted in the GHWB funeral. The opposing force wasted 'ammunition' (Q#2553). The following objective was achieved:

"Causing the adversary to misallocate personnel, fiscal, and material resources in ways that were advantageous to the friendly force." (JP 3 - 13.4 I-6)

In the writings of Q '11.3' and '11.11.18' are examples of information that conveys multiple possible interpretations. Information like '11.3' and '11.11.18' is consistent with DISO, or Deception in Support of Operations Security. DISO:

"… protects friendly operations, personnel, programs, equipment, and other assets against foreign intelligence and security services (FISS) collection. The intent of a DISO is to create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to interpret by FISS, limiting the ability of FISS to collect accurate intelligence on friendly forces. DISOs are general in nature, they are not specifically targeted against particular adversary military, paramilitary, or VEO decision makers, but are, instead, used to protect friendly operations and forces by obfuscating friendly capabilities, intent, or vulnerabilities. (JP 3-13.4 I-2)

CBTS and /qresearch were used as MILDEC conduits.

"Within MILDEC, conduits are information or intelligence gateways to the deception target. Conduits may be used to control flows of information to a deception target. It is rare that a deceptive message is sent directly to the deception target itself. Most often, deception messages are sent to intelligence collectors (conduits) with the expectation that the deceptive message will systematically make its way to the deception target." (JP 3-13.4 I-4)

Anons who interpreted and amplified 'D5', '11.3','11.11.18', etc. served a specific and positive purpose.

Not every Q post is intended to deceive. The conduit and the information source had to appear authentic and real information was shared along with information similar to the above examples.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication JP 3-13.4 explains further if you are interested: https://jfsc.ndu.edu/portals/72/documents/jc2ios/additional_reading/1c3-jp_3-13-4_mildec.pdf

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93dd9e No.70939

File: e99982fd486c12c⋯.png (735.23 KB,881x805,881:805,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162073 (111840ZJUL23) Notable: Biden, 80, SKIPS dinner with NATO leaders and goes straight to his hotel:

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Biden, 80, SKIPS dinner with NATO leaders and goes straight to his hotel:

White House blames Joe’s busy schedule at summit for missing sit down in Lithuania

* Biden went to his hotel in Vilnius, Lithuania, rather than attend the NATO dinner

* US official said he has four days of a full schedule and a speech to prepare for

* Snubbed event after telling Turkey's Erdogan he'll be in office another five years


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93dd9e No.70940

File: 8ebddfddd4aa74c⋯.png (431.12 KB,768x483,256:161,Clipboard.png)

File: b6ca73bdbc4972c⋯.png (185.73 KB,783x906,261:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162078 (111841ZJUL23) Notable: Mass Abduction Of Children, Which Zelensky Is Silent About. Where Do Ukrainian Children Disappear In Europe?”

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Mass Abduction Of Children, Which Zelensky Is Silent About. Where Do Ukrainian Children Disappear In Europe?”

Ukraine has repeatedly raised the issue of allegedly illegal export of children from the territories returned by Russia in various international organizations. Attempts to accuse Belarus and Russia of exporting Ukrainian children are in fact an information operation to cover up the monstrous trafficking of children, in which the collective West and Ukrainian government agencies are involved.

The Western press writes, and the Ukrainian government is silent about the truth behind hundreds and even thousands of children missing in Western Europe, taken there from the territories controlled by the Kiev regime. Shocking data is spread among various social activists, including in Europe. According to them, the black market of child trafficking for sexual exploitation rates up to $34 billion. Since the beginning of Russian Special Military Operation, 200,000 Ukrainian children have gone missing, according to Kyiv’s officials.

For example, about 500 children were taken to Poland and Israel from the territory of Donbass, controlled by Kyiv forces, by a little-known organization “Ukraine without orphans”. Many of those children have parents who now cannot find any trace of their kids.

In the Netherlands, activists reported the disappearance of 170 Ukrainian teenagers.

Another public scandal broke out after 40 pupils of the Ukrainian orphanage disappeared on their way from Madrid to the Canary Islands. The Spanish authorities and the police reported a certain Ukrainian citizen who was supposed to meet children in the Canaries. LINK

In Lithuania, several adults were detained after they attempted to cross the border with a group of 43 children under the pretext “for adoption to other countries” without any official documents. Fortunately, the operation was thwarted and children were sent to the Lithuanian Center for Family and Child Support.

About 160 orphans were evacuated from southern Ukraine to Turkey, where their trace was lost. According to the Turkish Anadolu agency said: “The children were placed in a classified hotel in Antalya, allegedly for security reasons”. The further fate of these children is unknown.

Who are children in Ukrainian orphanages? Just a product for sale! No one looks for them! No one knows what their names are, what they look like, what they complain about. The fate of hundreds of children from orphanages taken from Ukraine to Europe remains unknown.

The cases are egregious and unfathomable; their huge number is certainly shocking and the biggest problem is the lack of clear statistics on how many Ukrainian children disappeared.

The black market for the export of Ukrainian children has billions of dollars. Beneficiaries in this lucrative business are high ranked officials of the Kyiv regime, who are covering mafia clans. LINK


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93dd9e No.70941

File: d749ce0b04d1600⋯.png (319.73 KB,634x352,317:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162093 (111845ZJUL23) Notable: Risk of cancer and pregnancy complications up to 70% higher in neighborhoods where tap water is most contaminated with PFAS 'forever chemicals'

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Risk of cancer and pregnancy complications up to 70% higher in neighborhoods where tap water is most contaminated with PFAS 'forever chemicals' — with counties in North Carolina and Iowa among worst-affected

Water in several cities was found to have PFAS contamination of up to 186 ppt

The standard from the Environmental Protection Agency is capped at a 4 ppt

Cities where tap water is laced with toxic 'forever chemicals' have above-average rates of disease and pregnancy complications, a DailyMail.com analysis shows.

The majority of neighborhoods with the highest levels of PFAS chemicals in drinking water suffer more cancer diagnoses and deaths than the rest of the country each year and see more babies born at a dangerously low weight.

Experts said the findings were 'concerning' and that they warranted a 'national study' into whether PFAS contamination is causing serious health problems across the country, though they cautioned the correlation was not definitive proof of a link.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are microscopic, man-made chemicals that can take thousands of years to break down in the environment or in the human body, hence the name 'forever chemicals'.

They have been loosely linked to a slew of serious health problems, but especially cancer and pregnancy complications.


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93dd9e No.70942

File: 737b2f40252f8bd⋯.png (108.41 KB,672x874,336:437,Clipboard.png)

File: ad0176ead9abd06⋯.png (66.13 KB,661x594,661:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162110 (111848ZJUL23) Notable: Transgenderism a “scientifically baseless movement,” says endocrinologist

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Transgenderism a “scientifically baseless movement,” says endocrinologist

Everything the Endocrine Society is currently pushing with regards to "gender-affirming care," especially for children, is completely unscientific, a prominent endocrinologist has warned.

In a recent piece he co-wrote for The Wall Street Journal, Dr. Roy Eappen criticized the Endocrine Society's false claims about "transitioning" children with drugs and surgery, stating that the whole thing is a "scientifically baseless movement" pushing an ulterior agenda.

Shamefully, some of these false claims made by the Endocrine Society were used by a federal judge to block an Arkansas law that aimed to protect children from the pharmaceutical chemicals and destructive surgical procedures being pushed on them by the LGBT mob.

With the help of Ian Kingsbury of the medical advocacy group Do No Harm, Dr. Eappen did a phenomenal job at blowing holes in the Endocrine Society's false, pro-trans claims, which are destroying countless children's lives.

"... over the past decade transgender activists have co-opted the Endocrine Society and other professional organizations to promote such treatments for adolescents and even young children," Dr. Eappen and Kingsbury warn.

"Their guidelines are based on flimsy evidence, giving the appearance that invasive and irreversible treatments are beneficial for young patients despite a growing body of evidence to the contrary. The guidelines have been used by lawmakers in states such as California and New York to endanger children – and now by judges to block state efforts at protecting youngsters."


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93dd9e No.70943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162122 (111850ZJUL23) Notable: Girl found in Camp Pendleton barracks was raped by Marine, family alleges

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Girl found in Camp Pendleton barracks was raped by Marine, family alleges

A girl was found at Camp Pendleton more than two weeks after she had been reported missing, according to her family, who alleges she was raped by a Marine on the military base north of San Diego.

The girl’s aunt, Casaundra Perez, said in a video posted to TikTok on Thursday that her niece, whom she did not identify by name, went missing from her home near Spring Valley on June 10 and was found at the base June 28.

A photograph posted to Instagram by the account notinregz, which shares content submitted by military personnel, shows an unidentified Marine in handcuffs being escorted by military police officers. The post included a photo of what it said was a handwritten logbook from Camp Pendleton that says military personnel found a 13-year-old girl in the barracks June 28. The Los Angeles Times could not verify the authenticity of the logbook page.

A Marine with Combat Logistics Battalion 5 was taken into custody for questioning by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service the day the girl was found, 1st Marine Logistics Group spokesperson Capt. Charles Palmer confirmed.

The Marine is on active duty and assigned to the battalion stationed at Camp Pendleton, Palmer said.

“This command takes this matter and these allegations very seriously. The incident is under investigation, and we will continue to cooperate with NCIS and appropriate authorities,” Palmer said in a statement.

It is unclear whether the Marine who was taken in for questioning remains in military police custody.

In the TikTok video, Perez alleged that her niece had been trafficked and accused military personnel of trying to “cover up” the case and shift blame to the girl for the alleged sexual assault.

Perez said “security looked her (niece) in the face and allowed this man to bring a minor onto base.”

“Our family is worried about retaliation from the military and the man that has trafficked my niece,” said Perez, who could not be reached for comment.

NCIS spokesperson Jeff Houston said in an email the agency does not comment on or confirm details relating to ongoing investigations.

According to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, a 14-year-old girl who had been last seen June 9 and reported missing by her grandmother June 13 was found at Camp Pendleton. The grandmother said the girl had run away from home before but had quickly returned, according to the Sheriff’s Department.


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93dd9e No.70944

File: 2a86c9bb0371b51⋯.png (29.66 KB,502x258,251:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162123 (111850ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT on Ron Desantis

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If they don’t like Ron DeSanctimonious now, they won’t like him any better 6 months from now with the start of “Primary Season.” The more people get to know him, the lower go his polls. He is now in the mid-teens, and falling fast!


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93dd9e No.70945

File: 41fcef09b1a0ecf⋯.png (73.03 KB,621x401,621:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162136 (111853ZJUL23) Notable: Democrats want DOJ to turn over info on Barr, Durham trip to Italy

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Democrats want DOJ to turn over info on Barr, Durham trip to Italy

House Judiciary Committee Democrats are asking the Justice Department (DOJ) to turn over information about a trip former Attorney General Bill Barr and special counsel John Durham took to Italy after reviewing a tip about possible financial crimes carried out by former President Trump.

Durham was appointed to investigate the FBI’s handling of the initial probe into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

But in the course of that investigation, the Justice Department received a tip from Italian officials alleging wrongdoing by Trump, spurring an unusual trip by both gentlemen.

“Because of the strength and seriousness of this evidence, Attorney General Barr acknowledged that the Department was compelled to investigate, but instead of allowing the investigation to proceed through normal channels, he asked Mr. Durham to handle the investigation secretly,” ranking member Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The investigation of the tip prompted Barr to give Durham criminal prosecution powers — a detail that fueled speculation there may have been criminal wrongdoing by those investigating Trump rather than possible wrongdoing by the president himself.

Instead, Durham lost the two trials he brought to court with juries quickly delivering not guilty verdicts.

In a June appearance before Congress, Durham said little about the trip, stressing that high level DOJ staff were needed to properly engage with the Italian officials.

He also said that “investigative steps were taken, and grand jury subpoenas were issued” but that he saw no reason to include information about the episode in his report.

Nadler described the move as an end run around special counsel statutes designed to “provide independence from political pressure and to ensure public confidence in the fairness of an investigation.”

“In this instance, it appears that Attorney General Barr turned the Special Counsel regulations on their head and used the Special Counsel not to promote independence and fairness, but to bury a potentially significant criminal investigation from the public,” Nadler wrote.

“Mr. Durham’s refusal to explain his decision not to charge former President Trump after secretly investigating him for alleged financial crimes is highly concerning, especially considering Mr. Durham’s extensive public discussion of evidence that was rejected by juries which acquitted the defendants that he charged.”


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93dd9e No.70946

File: f4cabeb87679766⋯.png (2.08 MB,1500x1000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 8949c3f2793de99⋯.png (310.78 KB,561x469,561:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 9996190912b9feb⋯.png (183.23 KB,684x446,342:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162176 (111858ZJUL23) Notable: Spanish climate minister flies on private jet to eco-conference, gets out of limo a hundred yards before venue to ride bike for the cameras

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Spanish climate minister flies on private jet to eco-conference, gets out of limo a hundred yards before venue to ride bike for the cameras

Riding that bike actually created more emissions because the vehicle train presumably had to stop and idle while she was getting out her bike.

Sadly, no one over at Google told the Bard AI the "Rules for Thee" policy.


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93dd9e No.70947

File: 85e596c105f78c4⋯.png (362 KB,834x923,834:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162189 (111900ZJUL23) Notable: The Senate should swiftly reject Gen. C.Q. Brown's nomination to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

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Stephen Miller Retweeted

Russ Vought

The Senate should swiftly reject Gen. C.Q. Brown's nomination to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. The US military cannot be a leading proponent of state sanctioned racism & division in our country bc its woke.


Brief: President Biden’s Radical Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Nominee Undermines America’s...

Background On May 25, 2023, President Biden nominated General C.Q. Brown to serve as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff–the nation’s highest-ranking military officer. The nomination comes...

11:08 AM · Jul 11, 2023·4,627 Views


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93dd9e No.70948

File: 13d3e306c6ab335⋯.png (77.56 KB,664x584,83:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162214 (111903ZJUL23) Notable: Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

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Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

House Republicans have slipped a massive foreign worker expansion into their Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spending bill, a blow to the GOP’s promise to protect the nation’s working class from powerful special interests.

After markups and hearings, Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee approved the DHS spending bill which would blow the lid off blue-collar migration caps to the United States, spurring an influx of foreign visa workers in the labor market with whom working class Americans would have to compete for jobs.

“Who represents the working class? This bill suggests it’s not necessarily Republicans,” Jeremy Beck of NumbersUSA told Breitbart News.

Specifically, the $91.5 billion funding measure would loosen H-2A visa rules so that more industries related to the agricultural sector could import foreign workers and rewrites the program so that jobs do not have to be seasonal or temporary.

The H-2A visa program, as currently implemented, allows U.S. farms to annually outsource an unlimited number of American agricultural jobs to foreign workers, who can extend their stay for up to three years.

Fraud and abuse are widespread across the program, with one recent lawsuit accusing a western Michigan farm of trafficking foreign H-2A visa workers into blueberry picking jobs where they were paid slave wages and housed in egregiously poor conditions.

Most notoriously, earlier this year, black Americans scored a settlement against two U.S. farms along the Mississippi Delta after they were fired and replaced with foreign H-2A visa workers from South Africa.

Beck called the H-2A visa program a “medieval system” that relies on “cheap back-breaking labor while other countries are mechanizing and workers are being paid high wages to man machines.”

“This is a way to push off mechanization indefinitely when you have relatively compliant, affordable labor,” he said. “The people who broker these visa programs advertise it as ‘It will save you money.'”

In addition, the DHS spending bill includes an expansion of the H-2B visa program which allows U.S. employers to import about 66,000 foreign workers for seasonal non-agricultural jobs in industries like construction, landscaping, hospitality, and food services, among others.

The provision included in the bill, though, ensures that foreign workers who arrived in the U.S. on H-2B visas in the prior three years would not count against the annual cap. Beck estimates that the provision could see at least 200,000 additional foreign H-2B visa workers in the labor market.


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93dd9e No.70949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162252 (111910ZJUL23) Notable: New Dem-backed bill could see California judges consider a convicted criminal's RACE in sentencing to 'rectify racial bias' if it's passed into law

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New Dem-backed bill could see California judges consider a convicted criminal's RACE in sentencing to 'rectify racial bias' if it's passed into law

The bill would add a section to the Penal Code of California regarding race

Republican Assembly Member Tom Lackey disagrees and says the courts should be color-blind

The proposal comes as the state is considering paying billions to black residents in reparations


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93dd9e No.70950

File: fbbde86bc4d5ba4⋯.png (264.95 KB,489x582,163:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162295 (111921ZJUL23) Notable: Flashback: Pro-LGBTQ magazine “The Advocate” publishes story about how “unfair” sex offender registry is to gays…

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Flashback: Pro-LGBTQ magazine “The Advocate” publishes story about how “unfair” sex offender registry is to gays…

An article recently resurfaced from a left-wing pro-LGBTQ magazine called “The Advocate” that shockingly advocates for child sex predators under the age of 18 who end up on the National Sex Offender Registry. The magazine goes to the extent of labeling it “unfair” that these minors, whom they describe as merely “playing doctor,” are included on the list of offenders. According to The Advocate, these young perpetrators face embarrassment and social exclusion. Meanwhile, the lives of their innocent victims are forever changed for the worse.

Putting aside whether or not the sex offender registry is justified in all edge cases, which could admittedly over-penalize some youth behavior that perhaps should or should not cause one to be stigmatized for life, the the real catastrophe, according to The Advocate, is that a disproportionate number of the youths on the registry are queer.


The Advocate:

It’s hard to believe that until recently, there were still laws on the books that made it illegal to be gay. Our legal system may no longer explicitly prohibit same-sex relationships, but we have found new ways to criminalize queer kids. We label them as sex offenders.

Across the country, children are put on sex-offense registries for behaviors that range from “playing doctor” to streaking to having consensual sex with peers a few years apart in age. The statistics are scary: out of 800,000 people on registries, one out of four — more than 200,000 — are under the age of 18. A child as young as 8 years old can be labeled as a “deviant.” Additionally, initial investigations show a disproportionate number of these youth are queer.


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93dd9e No.70951

File: cf7d8732c704a80⋯.jpg (145.65 KB,720x1195,144:239,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a568cbfb264c7f⋯.jpg (106.07 KB,707x1082,707:1082,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c37d263abad12a3⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,706x1194,353:597,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162335 (111930ZJUL23) Notable: Las Vegas police SWAT standoff at Caesars Palace - armed man busting windows out of Caesars hotel room on Las Vegas Strip sources say he is armed and fear he could stray shooting…

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Oh Shit


What is going on at Caesar’s Palace in Vegas?

Las Vegas police SWAT standoff at Caesars Palace - armed man busting windows out of Caesars hotel room on Las Vegas Strip sources say he is armed and fear he could stray shooting…

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93dd9e No.70952

File: 177c3edad9eed22⋯.png (542.08 KB,1169x623,167:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162340 (111931ZJUL23) Notable: WOW! Reporter Asks Jake Sullivan Why the DOJ Charged Biden Crime Family Whistleblower Gal Luft For Violating FARA, But Spared Hunter Biden (VIDEO)

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Bidens be fook'd

WOW! Reporter Asks Jake Sullivan Why the DOJ Charged Biden Crime Family Whistleblower Gal Luft For Violating FARA, But Spared Hunter Biden (VIDEO)


“Yesterday, a US Attorney from the Southern District of New York indicted a man named Gal Luft for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act by working without registration for a company called CEFC China Energy. The president’s son and brother worked for the SAME firm without registration … what’s the White House’s take?” Steven Nelson asked Jake Sullivan.

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93dd9e No.70953

File: 5654a862004b9c3⋯.png (327.49 KB,559x584,559:584,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c5277f207c8e47⋯.png (41.44 KB,564x341,564:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162372 (111939ZJUL23) Notable: “DOJ Is Trying to Bury Me to Protect Joe, Jim and Hunter Biden” – Whistleblower Gal Luft Launches GiveSendGo Campaign After Biden’s AG Charges Him

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“DOJ Is Trying to Bury Me to Protect Joe, Jim and Hunter Biden” – Whistleblower Gal Luft Launches GiveSendGo Campaign After Biden’s AG Charges Him

The Justice Department indicted Biden corruption whistleblower, Gal Luft on Monday just one week after he released a video detailing criminal allegations against the Biden Crime Family.

Gal Luft, a dual US-Israeli citizen, was hit with an 8-count indictment.

“LUFT, 57, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen who formerly resided in both Maryland and Israel and is now a fugitive, has been charged with the following offenses, which carry the maximum prison terms listed below. The statutory maximum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant would be determined by a judge.” – the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York announced.

Missing Biden corruption whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft released a 14-minute video to The New York Post on Thursday detailing damning allegations against Joe Biden and his family in a massive international bribery scheme filmed in an undisclosed location while on the run from the Biden regime and Department of Justice.

In February Gal Luft the Merrick Garland-Joe Biden DOJ arrested Gal Luft in Cyprus and accused him of being an arms dealer.


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93dd9e No.70954

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162374 (111939ZJUL23) Notable: "Is SCOTUS Captured?" with Loy Brunson and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

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Brunson brothers are not finished yet.

"Is SCOTUS Captured?" with Loy Brunson and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

In this interview, Loy is intensively questioned on the next steps (Loy ;anticipates another chance for SCOTUS hearing coming up), what holding the SCOTUS hold outs would look like, including investigations into any dealings between the SCOTUS's and the 385 being sued; and how and what it would look like when and IF the original lawsuit against Alma et. al is successful.

Very interestingly, describes a military controlled operation...



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93dd9e No.70955

File: 7736384eb8d6122⋯.png (302.48 KB,548x474,274:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162380 (111940ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Where Are These Tapes?’ - Grassley Blasts the FBI For Hiding the 17 Smoking Gun Tapes Incriminating Joe Biden in Bribery Scheme

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‘Where Are These Tapes?’ – Grassley Blasts the FBI For Hiding the 17 Smoking Gun Tapes Incriminating Joe Biden in Bribery Scheme

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow that the FBI is stonewalling his efforts to obtain the 17 smoking gun tapes incriminating Joe Biden in a bribery scheme involving a Ukrainian oligarch.

Joe Biden refuses to answer questions about a bribery scheme alleging he received a $5 million bribe from Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian oligarch who runs Burisma Holdings.

Last month Grassley revealed Mykola Zlochevsky said he kept 17 audio recordings of conversations with Joe Biden (2) and Hunter Biden (15) as an insurance policy.

“According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden. According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then Vice President Joe Biden. These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case that he got into a tight spot,” Grassley said on the Senate floor last month.

“The 1023 also indicates that then Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma hiring Hunter Biden,” Grassley added.

Larry Kudlow asked Grassley what happened to the smoking gun audio tapes.

“What do you think? Do you think the FBI has the tapes? Do you think there is only one set of tapes? What’s happened to these tapes?” Larry Kudlow asked Grassley.

“I want the FBI to tell me because that’s the only place that I can get the information because they have the responsibility to investigate,” Grassley said.

Grassley said he is still working to get the unclassified FD-1023 document released to the public.


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93dd9e No.70956

File: 37590d13b91d0db⋯.png (145.17 KB,779x756,779:756,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e1aaeec160f46c⋯.png (195.42 KB,774x846,43:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 002ff00f3cdc4e4⋯.png (172.69 KB,788x846,394:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f9af9ace850730⋯.png (181.17 KB,820x862,410:431,Clipboard.png)

File: ff0ceef16f0ab4b⋯.png (168.11 KB,803x845,803:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162390 (111943ZJUL23) Notable: British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture

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British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture

Recent developments raise the prospect that British intelligence agents could finally face justice for their little-known role in the CIA’s global torture program.

Britain’s foreign and domestic intelligence apparatus is facing scrutiny by a tribunal tasked with intelligence oversight. On May 26, London’s infamously opaque Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) unanimously issued a landmark ruling which means the complaints of two Saudis brutally tortured at CIA black sites and jailed for years in Guantanamo Bay can finally be heard, at least behind closed doors.

The British government insisted that the Tribunal, which explicitly examines wrongdoing by London’s security and intelligence agencies, did not have jurisdiction over the cases of Mustafa al-Hawsawi and Abd al-Rahim Nashiri. But the IPT disagreed.

Noting that “the underlying issues raised by this complaint are of the gravest possible kind,” the tribunal declared that “if the allegations are true, it is imperative that that should be established,” as “it would be in the public interest for these issues to be considered.”

The ruling means the Tribunal is likely to hear a complaint from Mustafa al-Hawsawi, who’s remained in US custody since American troops captured the man they claim is “a senior al-Qaida member” in 2003.

Al-Hawsawi bounced between CIA black sites for three years before being shipped to the US torture camp in illegally-occupied Guantanamo Bay in 2006. Along the way, he was subjected to brutal “enhanced interrogation” techniques, including rectal examinations conducted with “excessive force,” from which he was severely injured and reportedly suffers ongoing health problems to this day.

Lawyers for al-Hawsawi say they have proof that British intelligence agents illegally “aided, abetted, encouraged, facilitated, procured and/or conspired” with the US to torture and abuse their client.

Al-Hawsawi is one of just five remaining Guantanamo detainees to have been charged over alleged involvement in the 9/11 attacks.


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93dd9e No.70957

File: ce457d9cfcf0f3d⋯.png (1.01 MB,812x744,203:186,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a4a5ed3fd9f773⋯.png (378.19 KB,1280x541,1280:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162414 (111947ZJUL23) Notable: Sometimes it takes a ‘roast’ in order to be able to speak the TRUTH and get away w/ it.

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Sometimes it takes a ‘roast’ in order to be able to speak the TRUTH and get away w/ it.

[14:40] – Haiti


So anon did a small dig...

Clintons preside at star-studded opening of Haitian industrial park

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presided over the opening of a $300 million industrial park in Haiti

Located between Haiti’s second-largest city, Cap Haitien, and the northern border with the Dominican Republic, the Caracol industrial park is seen as one of the few visible signs of progress

includes the expansion of the Cap Haitien airport to accommodate large passenger aircraft and a planned port in Fort-Liberté.

Some 1,000 people already work at the park’s first factory. Operated by South Korean textile and apparel firm Sae-A Trading Co Ltd, it makes T-shirts for Wal-Mart.

A paint factory is set to open next month.

The Inter-American Development Bank committed an initial $55 million investment for the park’s construction. The lead investor, Sae-A Trading Co Ltd, said it plans to build 12 factories

Linose Joseph, 29, a Sae-A sewing machine operator, said she is now better able to feed her three children even though she thinks her salary is too low.

Ever wonder how Walmart keeps their prices so low.

Anyone that shops at walmart condones child labor practices


85,000 Children Do Not Just Disappear!

Also, what really caused the haiti earthquake?

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93dd9e No.70958

File: 332f0217fe54d55⋯.png (353.57 KB,677x669,677:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162424 (111948ZJUL23) Notable: Inside Melbourne's wild swinging community

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Inside Melbourne's wild swinging community and the A-listers having group sex at a popular secret location - including AFL players and rock stars

The owner of a popular swingers bar in Melbourne has lifted the lid on his celebrity clientele.

Matt, who runs Between Friends Wine Bar, said a long line of A-list stars have visited his venue since it opened two years ago.

'We have had rock stars come in. Some people come in using pseudonyms, some are incognito,' he said on Sam Newman's You Cannot Be Serious podcast.

A swingers bar is a venue designed for various couples and singles (both male and female) to hook up and engage in sexual activities, ranging from a couple to a group of participants.

Matt said several high-profile AFL and cricket players have also frequented his bar.

'We have had a lot of football players come along, cricket players. I love the fact that we have had people from all sides of the political spectrum,' he explained.

'It is huge. I take great pride in the fact that we have had lawyers, doctors, teachers, police and celebrities.'

However, he remained tight-lipped about the identity of his famous clientele, revealing some even use fake names to avoid recognition.

'We have been doing this for two years and you would think you would run out of the pool of people interested in the lifestyle, but it just goes from strength to strength,' he said.

Matt added that the big appeal of the venue was that it was a safe and non-judgmental environment perfect for both returning patrons and newcomers.


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93dd9e No.70959

File: 07120db66d1297b⋯.png (715.87 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162426 (111948ZJUL23) Notable: pf

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93dd9e No.70960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162472 (111957ZJUL23)

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sorry, notetaker cannot bake

IRL imminent

#23534 >>70907 @550

>>70908 The "highest" or "top" class of people in the USA (& most likely WW) probably aren't from Earth.

>>70909 TRENDING: Eric Swalwell - FBI agents were aware of Eric Swalwell’s ‘SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP’ with CCP SPY Fang Fang but Dem Senators refused to allow them to investigate.

>>70910 NATO to keep Ukraine at arm’s length

>>70911, >>70912, >>70916 Jim Caviezel wonders why MSM is always after Q and anons - it is because they ask questions?

>>70913, >>70923 AG Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking in Florida

>>70914 Joy Behar says she is “turned on by Biden’s anger”

>>70917 First hearing on classified documents will be July 18 after special counsel accuses Trump co-defendant of seeking ‘unnecessary’ delay

>>70919, >>70921, >>70931, >>70932, >>70938 5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

>>70933 NY principal allegedly seeking sex with teen on Snapchat brought chicken nuggets, shake to remote location prior to arrest

>>70934, >>70936 Affirmative Action - A Thoroughly Useless Idea

>>70935 Fulton County DA Fani Willis arriving for selection of grand jurors re charges against Trump

>>70937 Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

>>70939 Biden, 80, SKIPS dinner with NATO leaders and goes straight to his hotel:

>>70940 Mass Abduction Of Children, Which Zelensky Is Silent About. Where Do Ukrainian Children Disappear In Europe?”

>>70941 Risk of cancer and pregnancy complications up to 70% higher in neighborhoods where tap water is most contaminated with PFAS 'forever chemicals'

>>70942 Transgenderism a “scientifically baseless movement,” says endocrinologist

>>70943 Girl found in Camp Pendleton barracks was raped by Marine, family alleges

>>70944 PDJT on Ron Desantis

>>70945 Democrats want DOJ to turn over info on Barr, Durham trip to Italy

>>70946 Spanish climate minister flies on private jet to eco-conference, gets out of limo a hundred yards before venue to ride bike for the cameras

>>70947 The Senate should swiftly reject Gen. C.Q. Brown's nomination to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

>>70948 Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

>>70949 New Dem-backed bill could see California judges consider a convicted criminal's RACE in sentencing to 'rectify racial bias' if it's passed into law

>>70950 Flashback: Pro-LGBTQ magazine “The Advocate” publishes story about how “unfair” sex offender registry is to gays…

>>70951 Las Vegas police SWAT standoff at Caesars Palace - armed man busting windows out of Caesars hotel room on Las Vegas Strip sources say he is armed and fear he could stray shooting…

>>70952 WOW! Reporter Asks Jake Sullivan Why the DOJ Charged Biden Crime Family Whistleblower Gal Luft For Violating FARA, But Spared Hunter Biden (VIDEO)

>>70920 LIVESTREAM: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Holds Hearing with “Proximal Origins” Authors on COVID-19 Lab-Leak Suppression

>>70922 BofA Ordered To Pay $250 Million For Opening Fake Accounts, Charging Illegal Fees

>>70924 WND: Fauci might have to pay back his salary for final year at NIH

>>70927 Putin issues warning about US banking system

>>70925 TREND: Biden DOJ

>>70926 WND: N Dakota Gov doing out $20 gift cards to donors to meet debate stage reqt's

>>70928 Zelensky attacks NATO

>>70929 Biden’s DOJ Eliminates Language on Child Sex Trafficking from Govt Website and Child Victims of Prostitution - After Losing Track of 85,000 Migrant Children

>>70930 RFK Jr: CIA Was Involved In Funding Wuhan COVID Leak Lab

>>70915 Georgia House District-56 Democrat Rep. Mesha Mainor makes MORAL decision to leave party

>>70953 “DOJ Is Trying to Bury Me to Protect Joe, Jim and Hunter Biden” – Whistleblower Gal Luft Launches GiveSendGo Campaign After Biden’s AG Charges Him

>>70954 "Is SCOTUS Captured?" with Loy Brunson and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

>>70955 ‘Where Are These Tapes?’ - Grassley Blasts the FBI For Hiding the 17 Smoking Gun Tapes Incriminating Joe Biden in Bribery Scheme

>>70956 British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture

>>70957 Sometimes it takes a ‘roast’ in order to be able to speak the TRUTH and get away w/ it.

>>70958 Inside Melbourne's wild swinging community

>>70959 pf

notetaker OUT



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93dd9e No.70961

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162479 (111958ZJUL23) Notable: Raheem Kassam: talks about Gale Luft

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Raheem Kassam: talks about Gale Luft, Bidan admin trying to put him in jail for 100 years. How The DeSantis Campaign’s Attempting To Set Up New American Oligarchs


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93dd9e No.70962

File: faa838c617f4b6e⋯.png (739.54 KB,1331x1137,1331:1137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162548 (112012ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel wonders why MSM is always after Q and anons - it is because they ask questions?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Caviezel:"One could say they're also racists. But they don't go after those, only the 'Qanon'. By way of analogy, if I were an apostle Paul, and I'm a Pharisee, I'm going to go after the Christians, I'm going to take them down. Now, remove 'Christian' and let's make it 'Qanon'. I'm going to destroy them, because the Romans told me they're evil. I'm going to destroy them because my own church staff, my own fellow Pharisees are evil, I'm going to take them out.And then you find out it's not 'Qanon'. It's 'Q', and 'Anons'.And Q puts out a question, and you're not allowed to ask questions anymore. Not allowed to. And the Anons, they look it all up, they start looking and investigating this stuff.I never knew about them, while I was doing this movie Sound of Freedom, has nothing to do with our film.But it's real interesting, they pointed to this immediately and said that guy's one of them, he's bad."


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93dd9e No.70963

File: 08c9169a9f7038a⋯.webp (311.17 KB,830x415,2:1,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162586 (112019ZJUL23) Notable: Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’.

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That title takes the prize if the funniest lead ever!

Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’.

The White House payroll has hit historic highs under President Joe Biden, and the most highly remunerated staff member is his Monkeypox Co-ordinator Demetre Daskalakis, who The National Pulse first revealed as a Satan-and-occult-obsessed gay man who recently donned bondage gear for a speech at a biomedical conference.

Daskalakis, who is 50 this year, joined Biden’s White House staff less than a year ago. In that brief time, he has earned himself a salary of $260,718 – the highest in the White House apart from the President himself. According to Open The Books,”[t]he second most highly paid is Anand H. Das ($216,414), Senior Deputy Associate Counsel,” with the total staff bill for the year coming in at a hefty $52.7 million for 2023. By comparison, the Trump White House averaged a staff cost of $46.95 million over four years. Daskalakis and his partner Michael MacNeal launched a “goth” gym together in New York, based in a former gay nightclub that in turn had taken over an old church in Manhattan: Monster Cycle. The duo often post Satanic imagery, as well as Christ-desecrating content. Daskalakis recently appeared for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as part of their “Out and Proud” event. K.

Christopher Powell contributed to these reports.


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93dd9e No.70964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162600 (112022ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Hits All-Time Low in Delegate Forecast

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DeSantis Hits All-Time Low in Delegate Forecast, Holds Crisis Talks With Donors.

Florida man Ron DeSantis is at an all-time low in GOP delegate number predictions, dropping more than 400 since declaring his candidacy, according to ‘Race to the WH,’ which tracks the latest GOP polling data.

DeSantis was predicted to receive around 1,413 delegates as late as February 25 this year, leading former President Donald Trump by almost 400. Since then, support for DeSantis has dropped precipitously, with the Governor now forecasted to receive only 405 delegate votes, down from 834 on May 25 – the day after his “historic screw-up” presidential campaign launch on Twitter spaces. Former President Donald Trump, on the other hand, is leading the Republican primary race in 49 US states and is expected to receive as many as 2051 delegate votes in a head-to-head with DeSantis: far more than the necessary 1,234 to win the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Worse still for DeSantis, Trump is predicted to attain a “decisive” victory in his home state of Florida, where the former President is predicted to receive 45 percent of the vote and gain 125 delegates.

This comes as the latest statistical blow to the Governor of Florida, who had to change the subject to the amount of corporate cash he has received when asked about his poor polling last week. The Governor is also expected to hold crisis talks with donors next week to insist that he is playing the “long game” and not just getting thrashed.


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93dd9e No.70965

File: 40a19cd8fb3bc10⋯.jpeg (64.92 KB,830x415,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162644 (112030ZJUL23) Notable: ‘All of Us Got Cystitis’: Ukraine’s Military Women Reveal Problems.

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‘All of Us Got Cystitis’: Ukraine’s Military Women Reveal Problems.

Ukraine’s 60,000 women soldiers are plagued by health issues and poor equipment in the field, according to a series of interviews published by the left-wing Daily Beast website.“

After a year of the war we have a bouquet of all sorts of health issues,” said one woman, aged 24, who gave her name as Julia.“Try to go to the toilet in the woods at 4 degrees Fahrenheit…

All of us got cystitis or inflammation of the ovaries and back pain,” she added.Julia’s sister, Alina, said shortages of diapers and devices to assist urination for women were “the least of the problems” they face, however.

She especially highlighted the oversized boots and uniforms originally intended for men that women on the front line often have to wear, hindering their movement.

Body armor also seems to be an issue, with Alina complaining vests “never [fit] snugly to the body with boobs like mine” and are often too heavy for women soldiers.Taking them off is a major gamble, however, as President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government does not pay compensation to wounded soldiers or the families of those killed in action if they were not wearing body armor at the time.Women make up over 15 percent of the Ukrainian military.

In Russia, that number is close to just four percent, due in large part to “traditional gender roles that emphasize reproduction.”


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93dd9e No.70966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162714 (112048ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Club for China Growth’ Drops $3.6M in Anti-Trump Ads in Iowa, NH.

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‘Club for China Growth’ Drops $3.6M in Anti-Trump Ads in Iowa, NH.

A new PAC linked to the Club for Growth – recently referred to as the “Club for China Growth” by Donald Trump – is funding a $3.6 million advertisement campaign to halt the former President ‘s efforts to become the 2024 Republican nominee.

The PAC known as ‘Win it Back’ will beginairing commercials in the key states of Iowa and South Carolina on Tuesday. The ads feature an overweight, single man – who looks more like a Lincoln Project supporter than a Trump fan – struggling to start a lawnmower while suggesting “[w]e definitely need someone that can freakin’ win,” and complaining that his sister blacklisted him for his one-time support of the 45th President.

David McIntosh and Adam Rozanksy, two leading members of the Club for Growth, are listed as agents for the new PAC. McIntosh openly announced the Club for Growth’s total opposition to Trump earlier this year, stating that “the party should be open to another candidate.”

Similar tactics have been deployed against Donald Trump before by the Club for Growth. The group spent around $1 million against the him in the run up to the 2016 presidential election. The group also spent and campaigned heavily against US Senator from Ohio JD Vance, Trump’s choice for the position in the Republican primaries last year.

“It’s not surprising that David Macintosh, a pro-China, America last, failed congressman wannabe is organizing another swampy D.C. insider super PAC,” told Chris LaCivita, a senior consultant for the Trump campaign, to POLITICO.

“Their goal is to maintain their shady influence over Washington because they know President Trump stands in their way as he protects Americans from these vultures,” LaCivita added.WATCH:

Win it Back PAC is merely the latest anti-Trump political group to be formed before the 2024 presidential election. Top Democrats and Republicans met at a “Uniparty summit” in Washington D.C. last month to discuss how to stop Trump’s re-election in 2024.



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93dd9e No.70967

File: 0c6a8f36c186288⋯.png (1017.27 KB,1002x564,167:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162727 (112050ZJUL23) Notable: Scenes from the Flood

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Scenes from the Flood


Rural roads, downtown districts, and farmers’ fields all underwater

8 Photos current for July 10 / 23 inside link many list where


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93dd9e No.70968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162731 (112053ZJUL23) Notable: Amtrak derailed in DC - live with @PenguinSix

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Amtrak derailed in DC - live with @PenguinSix


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93dd9e No.70969

File: d43b3b0d85388b2⋯.mp4 (7.99 MB,576x428,144:107,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162740 (112058ZJUL23) Notable: 2 minutes of TRUTH!!!

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2 minutes of TRUTH!!!


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93dd9e No.70970

File: 9782eb461142c50⋯.jpeg (103.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162744 (112059ZJUL23) Notable: More on NATO's relationship to Ukraine

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11 Jul, 2023 12:52

Security chief offers explanation for lack of NATO invitation to Ukraine

The West looks at Ukraine through Russian eyes, Aleksey Danilov claims

Kiev still hasn’t been invited to join NATO because Western leaders learned their history via Russian textbooks, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council Aleksey Danilov has suggested.

“The thing is that the textbooks used by students, who graduate from respected Western universities, including American, British ones, were written by Russians,”Danilov said during a TV interview on Monday.

Those textbooks “were written based on the version of history that was written in Russia,”he added.

This is a “big problem” for Kiev because the present-day leaders of NATO countries, who graduated from those universities, “look at certain issues through Russian eyes,” the security chief pointed out.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has been calling on NATO to offer his country a concrete roadmap towards NATO accession during the bloc’s two-day summit, which kicked off in Lithuania’s capital Vilnius on Tuesday. He even warned that he may boycott the high-profile gathering if his demand isn’t fulfilled.

During his press-conference on Tuesday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made it clear that the summit won’t bring the breakthrough desired by Kiev. He said that members could only “remove the requirement for a Membership Action Plan (MAP)” for Ukraine, which would change the country’s accession path “from a two-step process to a one-step process.”

Later in the same day, Zelensky wrote on Telegram that Kiev had received “signals” that “there’s no timeline for both the invitation [or for] Ukraine’s membership” in the final statement of the NATO summit, which is currently being prepared, and without discussions with Ukraine.

Such a situation is “absurd,” he claimed, adding that NATO’s “indecisiveness” on the issue of Ukraine’s membership was a sign of the bloc’s “weakness.”

The Ukrainian leader also said that despite earlier threats he’ll eventually be coming to Vilnius to raise these issues with NATO members.

The US, Germany and some other countries have opposed Poland and the Baltic states, which pushed for a roadmap on joining NATO, after the end of the conflict with Russia, to be provided to Kiev. US President Joe Biden told CNN on Sunday that it was “premature” to speak about Ukraine’s membership as the country needed more reforms and “democratization.”

(They are only making it worse for themselves now! But I still think Ukraine will never be welcome, they recognize Ukraine as a good tool for propaganda but will never put them in a position of leadership, just like they keep the SeeEyeAye in the background as a red headed step child.)


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93dd9e No.70971

File: e24e70d2f956693⋯.jpeg (49.73 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162747 (112100ZJUL23) Notable: More on NATO's relationship to Ukraine

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11 Jul, 2023 15:24

US explains why Ukraine can’t join NATO now

A “reform path” for Kiev will be drawn upat some point, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has said

Allowing Ukraine to join NATO at the moment would lead the US-led military bloc “into a war with Russia,” White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has said.

A “reform path for Ukraine” to become a NATO member will be drawn up but “I can’t put a timetable on it,” Sullivan told reporters on Tuesday at the bloc’s summit in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius.

“Today, we’re not going to define how the war [between Ukraine and Russia ends], we’re not going to lay down the definition for that,”Sullivan stated. He added that “there have been historical circumstances where you’ve seen different ways of looking at that question.”

Sullivan also spoke about the agenda for talks between US President Joe Biden and his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, which are scheduled to take place during the event in Vilnius. The two leaders will discuss “how the US alongside our... partners are prepared to make long-term commitments to help Ukraine defend itself now and to deter future aggression,” he said.

During an interview with CNN on Sunday, Biden argued it was “premature” to speak about NATO membership for Ukraine, adding that Kiev needs to carry out more reforms and achieve “democratization” before it can become part of the bloc.

On Tuesday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Ukraine will not be given a clear roadmap to join the bloc at the summit in the Lithuanian capital. Instead, he announced that members could only “remove the requirement for a Membership Action Plan (MAP),” which in theory would speed up Ukraine’s accession by making it a single-step process instead of a two-step one.

Zeleksky later wrote on Telegram that his government had received “signals” that “there’s no timeline for both the invitation [or for] Ukraine’s membership” in the text of the final statement for the NATO summit, which is currently being drafted.

The Ukrainian leader called the situation “absurd,” claiming thatNATO’s “indecisiveness” was a sign of the bloc’s “weakness.”

The comments did not go unnoticed by NATO, with an unnamed senior diplomat from Central Europe telling Politico thatZelensky “is going too far.” “I think that this is not a thoughtful and fair approach [from] the Ukrainian leader,” he added.

Another person familiar with the current draft of the NATO statement told Politico that the bloc hadsent a strong signal to Ukrainethat the language in thecommunique was almost final, and thatZelensky’s government would have to accept it.

Moscow, which views NATO as hostile and vigorously opposes its eastward expansion, highlighted Kiev’s push to join the alliance among the main reasons for launching its military operation against Ukraine in February 2022.

(Lesson to Allies with Ukraine, never go into a war with neo nazies and one of the most corrupt countries on the planet, laundering your leaders money. It will never end well.)


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93dd9e No.70972

File: d6f8cb5542ad69a⋯.jpeg (87.86 KB,580x435,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162753 (112102ZJUL23) Notable: Barre, Montpelier underwater - expected rain could overwhelm upstream dam

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Barre, Montpelier underwater – expected rain could overwhelm upstream dam

By Guy Page

As of 11 AM today, the good news about the ongoing Flood of July 2023 is that the sun is shining and there are no reported deaths or injuries.

The bad news is that more rain is expected Thursday and Friday. And regions already the hardest hit – Barre Montpelier and northwestern Windham County – could suffer far worse flooding if surging waters overwhelm upstream dams, Gov. Phil Scott reported in a press briefing late this morning.

The downtown streets of Barre, Montpelier, and Waterbury – all large communities located in the Winooski River basin – are underwater as of late morning today. Rte. 302, the busy residential/commercial strip running through Montpelier, Berlin and Barre, also was inundated.

Barre – power was out all night, until 8 AM, and Main Street stores were flooded out and remain closed, according to eyewitness reports. A few vehicles are reported moving on the streets as of late morning. Rescue boats were seen moving between buildings at night. Parking lots have mud about eight inches deep.

Some Good Samaritans – like Brian Judd in the Academy Street neighborhood – scouted out the area and then stood outside offering drivers information on road conditions. Such assistance is in line with this morning’s plea from Vermont Public Safety Commissioner Jennifer Morrison: “Focus your volunteer effort at the hyperlocal level. Check on neighbors. “Please do not self-deploy. Please do not become someone in need of rescue.”

Berlin – Many of the town’s mobile home parks situated near the Dog and Stevens Brook rivers were evacuated ahead of the rising waters. Some neighborhoods (including VDC’s) were cut off from vehicular traffic. Traffic can be heard on Rte. 302. Gov. Scott found “the roads around my house [near Berlin Pond] were completely impassable this morning. Grateful for the Vermont Association of Snow Travelers trail network, which I was able to hike through to get to an open road and on to our emergency response center,” he reported on a Facebook post.

Waterbury – the state’s Emergency Operations Center in the Waterbury state office complex was closed due to lack of access.

Montpelier – the streets of the downtown district, including State and Main Streets, is underwater (see photos in today’s VDC). But of particular concern is the Wrightsville Dam, located three miles north of downtown.

Yesterday, authorities expressed concern that the water levels were just six feet below the level requiring a controlled release through the floodgates – an act of utmost necessity that would quickly, greatly worsen flooding downstream. That immediate threat appears to have passed.

“It appears at this point in time we’ll be able to work our way through that without opening up the gates,” Scott said.

It’s what might happen during and after the expected rains Thursday and Friday that have authorities “monitoring and modeling” Wrightsville and other dams.

“We have had 48 hours of steady rain,” Scott explained.

Vernon, in the southwesternmost corner of the state, got lots of rain but no flooding, resident Nancy Gassett reported.

Parts of Orange County also suffered flooding, according to resident and former award-winning reporter Allison Teague.

Rte 14, Williamstown Gulf – road closed due to flooding and land and tree slides.

South, in the East Valley, at least three bridges across Sunset Brook are washed out and people stranded.

In E. Randolph, campers and houses are flooded with emergency services on the scene pumping water.

“I am safe. The beaver dam broke sometime last night, and the nature reserve bridge is somewhere… between here and theah!,” Teague wrote to VDC this morning. “If we hadn’t killed all the beavers, straightened out the waterways, and paved everything… we would sail right through this!”

“Hope you are safe,” Teague added. “There was a reason settlers built on the ridges, by gar!”


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93dd9e No.70973

File: bb5a8d7c26ad17a⋯.png (278.77 KB,594x444,99:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162790 (112112ZJUL23) Notable: 2 minutes of TRUTH!!!

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ECR Chairman Ryszard Legutko absolutely DESTROYS EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT.

Look at their faces, including Ursula!

“A political vehicle for the Left”

Every word is spot on.


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93dd9e No.70974

File: 4a54270bca30b1b⋯.png (634.22 KB,1238x992,619:496,Clipboard.png)

File: e2749cccf7520dc⋯.png (624.29 KB,1227x984,409:328,Clipboard.png)

File: b1f283120cd04ee⋯.png (663.05 KB,1237x994,1237:994,Clipboard.png)

File: 46eb5ae4d1ab78b⋯.png (634.63 KB,1254x1002,209:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 93fff4661e2ce6e⋯.png (1.42 MB,1247x1006,1247:1006,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162833 (112122ZJUL23) Notable: 2 minutes of TRUTH!!!

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He's right.

When you have a leftist ideology demanding no dissent, no DIVERSITY, then it doesn't matter how many times 'diversity' is repeated.

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93dd9e No.70975

File: 00ef9fcd45a0cc8⋯.png (276.48 KB,598x452,299:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162851 (112126ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Tucker on Twitter....Ep. 9 The Andrew Tate interview...2 hour post video...holy shit!!!


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93dd9e No.70976

File: ce62176745f0139⋯.png (792.31 KB,907x679,907:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162856 (112128ZJUL23) Notable: New Report: More Biden Censorship of US Social Media in Collusion With Ukrainian Spy Agency

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New Report: More Biden Censorship of US

Social Media in Collusion With Ukrainian

Spy Agency

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/11/2023 12:11:06 PM

A 27-page report released on Monday by the House Judiciary Committee revealed more alleged social media censorship from the Biden administration, this time in a concerning collaboration between the FBI and the Ukrainian spy agency the SBU to go after and flag U.S. social media accounts, including multiple journalists and even a U.S. State Department account. The FBI was essentially doing the bidding of a foreign spy agency, according to the report, which should concern everyone. The report was based on subpoenaed documents. “Although the SBU’s lists contained American accounts, neither the FBI nor Meta appeared to raise concerns about the provenance of the SBU’s ‘disinformation’ registries. Instead,

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93dd9e No.70977

File: 49e0f9a0f296b25⋯.png (814.94 KB,904x683,904:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162862 (112129ZJUL23) Notable: New Biden Spin—He's a Real Jerk So…No Dementia!

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New Biden Spin—He's a Real Jerk So...No Dementia!

PJ Media, by Stephen Kruiser

Posted By: Hazymac, 7/11/2023 8:53:00 AM

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) It is time for another Mainstream Media production of “Joe Biden Is Totally All There!” This one is presented by the spinmeisters over at Axios. In an effort to avoid chiropractic and physical therapy Axios writers like to trade days with the hacks at Politico when it comes to licking Biden’s boots. Robert covered this one for us: "Until now, however, the establishment media has dutifully done its part to keep the public from seeing the real Joe Biden. In another sign that the Left is preparing to throw Old Joe overboard, Axios on Monday revealed that the real Joe Biden is ill-tempered,

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93dd9e No.70978

File: 73cc1509efb225b⋯.png (268.92 KB,586x886,293:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162879 (112132ZJUL23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr: Stmt from President Trump opposing Joe Biden's irresponsible and dangerous plan to send cluster munitions to Ukraine.

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Donald Trump Jr.


NEW: Statement from President Trump opposing Joe Biden's irresponsible and dangerous plan to send cluster munitions to Ukraine. Instead of trying to prolong this war and drag us into World War 3 like Biden is doing, Trump is calling for an immediate peace deal.


7:28 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.70979

File: bf3910b7f54c2ff⋯.png (282.5 KB,600x352,75:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ea5099927a2200⋯.png (350.21 KB,547x706,547:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162884 (112134ZJUL23) Notable: California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

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California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

The California Assembly Committee on Public Safety has squashed a bill that would have increased the charges for human trafficking, despite it passing through the state’s Senate with bipartisan support.

ali would have made human trafficking of children a “serious felony,” on par with murder, rape, or other crimes that could carry life in prison or the death penalty.

On Tuesday, the California Assembly Public Safety Committee blocked the measure, prompting a victim to scream out “horrible” through sobs.

Fox News reports, “No Democrats on the committee voted for the bill. Only one Republican assemblyman — Assemblyman Tom Lackey — voted yes on the bill while the GOP vice chair of the committee, Assemblyman Juan Alanis, was out of the committee room at the time of the vote.”

The report added that “S.B. 14 was given reconsideration, meaning it could be taken up again by the California Assembly next year.”

The bill had been supported by Elizabeth Smart, whose kidnapping at age 14 made national headlines.

“This bill should be passed into law without hesitation. Too many victims fear coming forward and speaking out for fear of their traffickers repercussions,” Smart had said of the bill prior to Tuesday’s vote. “Too often we are restricted in our efforts to serve justice, and far too often victims and survivors never even glimpse justice. Trafficking is heinous and brutal – a crime thankfully many of us will never experience. This is a small step we can take to begin protecting our survivors and procure some small modicum of justice.”

The bill had passed through the senate in May.


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93dd9e No.70980

File: 31560ada00d990f⋯.png (1003.99 KB,920x614,460:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162888 (112134ZJUL23) Notable: Train derails at Union Station in Washington, causing delays but no serious injuries

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Train derails at Union Station in Washington, causing delays but no serious injuries

July 11, 2023

WASHINGTON (AP) — A pair of Amtrak train cars derailed Tuesday morning outside of Washington D.C.'s Union Station, causing delays but no significant injuries, according to authorities.

The incident took place before 9 a.m. in a tunnel near the Union Station entrance, and involved an incoming train arriving from Norfolk, Virginia. Both derailed train cars remained upright. Fire officials and medics boarded the train but reported no serious injuries among the passengers, although one Amtrak employee was taken to a medical facility for a minor issue.

Union Station is a major regional hub and the derailment has caused delays and suspended service to Arlington and Richmond, Virginia, according to Amtrak.

The Charlotte Observer reported that The Carolinian and other long-distance passenger trains that pass through Raleigh were disrupted Tuesday morning because of the derailment in D.C.

The northbound Carolinian, which goes from Charlotte to New York City, ended its run in Raleigh on Tuesday. Amtrak said the southbound Carolinian and the Palmetto between New York and Savannah, Georgia, would end their runs in Washington, D.C.


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93dd9e No.70981

File: 69176b763938416⋯.png (210.54 KB,400x244,100:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 117e4ace7192338⋯.png (1.87 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: b7432ff69b2b3eb⋯.png (80.21 KB,170x296,85:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162893 (112135ZJUL23) Notable: Bay Bridge murals and 49ers logos adorn this Honduran village. Why?

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Bay Bridge murals and 49ers logos adorn this Honduran village. Why?

Three thousand miles from San Francisco, a cluster of rural villages in Honduras is buzzing with the sounds of construction as new mansions spring up — many adorned with Bay Area iconography.

The region shares a surprising connection to San Francisco: It is the birthplace of many of the city’s drug dealers.


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93dd9e No.70982

File: fe996bc9a034346⋯.png (325.99 KB,598x777,598:777,Clipboard.png)

File: fd651bdbc3f3adf⋯.png (102.96 KB,233x266,233:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162899 (112137ZJUL23) Notable: @reallycaviezel on how the MSM is trying to discredit him & film with "QAnon" smears; also talks about adrenochrome

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Lisa Mei



discusses how the MSM is trying to discredit him & "Sound of Freedom" with "QAnon" smears. He nails it here.

Drop 4881:

There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

6:33 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.70983

File: 00ec4e3d3b52a33⋯.png (420.83 KB,604x575,604:575,Clipboard.png)

File: c5d1ac69ada8d8a⋯.png (346.45 KB,394x372,197:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162903 (112139ZJUL23) Notable: Brutal news report shows no one showed up for major Biden/Harris campaign event: 'Not much to see' - TheBlaze

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Juanita Broaddrick


Brutal news report shows no one showed up for major Biden/Harris campaign event: 'Not much to see' - TheBlaze


Brutal news report shows no one showed up for major Biden/Harris campaign event: 'Not much to see'

'This is a huge event politically, but you can't tell'

5:38 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.70984

File: 93f505f2d7fd1ab⋯.png (212.98 KB,634x466,317:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162905 (112140ZJUL23) Notable: LA Times Calls Killing Babies in Abortion “An Act of Self-Defense”

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California is an evil place.

Los Angeles Times Calls Killing Babies in Abortion “An Act of Self-Defense”

An Alaska cartoonist made the argument Monday that, even if unborn babies are valuable human beings, aborting them is an ethical form of “self-defense.”

Published in the Los Angeles Times, Holly Todd’s “op-ed comic” points to maternal mortality rates to make her claim. Through a series of cartoons, she argues that pregnancy is “dangerous” and deadly self-defense is culturally acceptable, therefore abortions must be ok.

“Anti-abortion advocates argue that an embryo should be accorded all the rights of a born human. Even if one accepts this argument, given the deadly risks, does a pregnant person not have a right to self-defense against someone threatening their safety?” Todd asks in a cartoon depiction of a pregnant mother.

“U.S. culture has long accepted self-defense as a valid reason to use deadly force. Fetishized it, even,” she continues in another comic showing people carrying guns.

Her argument seems to make sense initially, but abortion data and a bit of reflection quickly expose its flaws.

The unborn baby is not trying to kill the mother, nor is it intruding on her body, as is the case in situations involving self defense. The natural habitat for an unborn baby to begin life and develop is in its mother’s womb. And in nearly all abortion cases, the mother made a choice to have sex with the knowledge that the act can lead to the creation of a child’s life, a child for whom she and the father are responsible.

Todd’s claims about the risks of pregnancy and maternal mortality do not support her pro-abortion argument either.

She says pregnancy is “dangerous” and abortions are needed to protect women’s lives, but statistics show nearly all unborn babies are aborted for elective reasons. A 2022 study of state abortion data by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found only 0.2 percent of abortions were done because of risks to the mother’s life or a major bodily function.

What’s more, in the United States, approximately 93 percent of OB-GYNs do not provide abortions, a strong indication that killing unborn babies is not life-saving health care.

More at: https://www.lifenews.com/2023/07/11/los-angeles-times-calls-killing-babies-in-abortion-an-act-of-self-defense/

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93dd9e No.70985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162911 (112142ZJUL23) Notable: Crown Resorts to pay $450 million fine for money laundering breach

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Crown Resorts to pay $450 million fine for money laundering breach, Federal Court orders

In short: Crown Resorts will pay an interest-free $450 million fine for breaching money laundering laws

What's next? Crown will pay $125 million up front, $125 million within a year, and a further $200 million in two years

Crown Resorts has been slapped with Australia's third-largest corporate fine, but will be allowed to pay its penalty in interest-free instalments over two years.

On Tuesday, the Federal Court ordered the gambling giant to pay $450 million for breaches of money laundering laws.

Crown has admitted its casinos in Melbourne and Perth did not have proper systems to monitor "high risk" gamblers and junket tours, some of whom had links to organised crime syndicates.

The company was found to have committed at least 546 breaches of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act, between 2016 and 2022.

Among its failings, Crown did not carry out suitable due diligence on 505 high-risk players, who gambled tens of billions in VIP rooms. Some were later found to be major criminal figures.

Crown's fine ranks behind payments made by Westpac ($1.3 billion) and the Commonwealth Bank ($700 million) for breaches of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws.

Interest-free $450m payment on 'lower end', judge says

In May, Crown and the financial crime regulator said they had struck a deal for Crown to pay a $450 million fine over two years. However, the plan was subject to approval by the Federal Court.

On Monday, Justice Michael Lee raised concerns with the proposal when lawyers for Crown and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) fronted up to the Federal Court in Sydney.

He said allowing Crown to defer most of its payment effectively gave the company a discount of about $50 million because of the reduced net present value of the fine.

Despite that, Justice Lee eventually agreed to the $450 million penalty over two years with no interest incurred.


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93dd9e No.70986

File: 067bbeba3459d2a⋯.png (16.33 KB,586x235,586:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162916 (112142ZJUL23) Notable: Bank of America, $BAC, secretly opened credit card accts in customer names, double charged overdraft fees & withheld promised perks

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BREAKING: Bank of America, $BAC, secretly opened credit card accounts in customer names, double charged overdraft fees, and withheld promised perks from users.

It has been fined $150 million over junk fees.

5:43 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.70987

File: e86c9b7465703d7⋯.png (452.02 KB,918x672,153:112,Clipboard.png)

File: 47b4df25d39c013⋯.png (37.86 KB,622x411,622:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162923 (112145ZJUL23) Notable: Box Office Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Controversy—Including QAnon Ties And False Claims Theaters Are Sabotaging Screenings—Explained

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Box Office Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Controversy—Including QAnon Ties And False Claims Theaters Are Sabotaging Screenings—Explained

Conor Murray

Forbes Staff

I'm an explainers and trends reporter for Forbes.

Jul 11, 2023,03:58pm EDT

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93dd9e No.70988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162925 (112145ZJUL23) Notable: LA Times Calls Killing Babies in Abortion “An Act of Self-Defense”

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>in the United States, approximately 93 percent of OB-GYNs do not provide abortions, a strong indication that killing unborn babies is not life-saving health care.

powerful forces seek to coerce medical professionals to be complicit in medical killing—or abandon medicine altogether

At this point, Americans should remember that the enormity of the euthanasia movement is present in their own midst.

The assertion of human exceptionalism was aided by growth of the nascent religion Christianity, whose beliefs and values would eventually surmount pagan civilization in the West. Indeed, as Nigel Cameron points out in his history of the Hippocratic Oath, The New Medicine: Life and Death After Hippocrates, a Christian version has been discovered that began, “From the Oath according to Hippocrates in so far as a Christian may swear it.” After stating allegiance to “God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,” this version includes identical precepts to the original pagan oath.

As the Roman Empire converted to Christianity, the values of the now-dominant faith dovetailed closely with the professional maxims and proscriptions of the Oath, and transformed the doctor's role. Physicians no longer routinely assisted their patients' suicides, and abortion became an underground practice.

Eugenics: The Consequence of Abandoning the Hippocratic Tradition

the doctor could well become the most dangerous person in the state

“Negative eugenics” promoted the idea that undesirable people should not be allowed to procreate at all. As often happens with radical social movements, eugenics first became popular among academics and then spread rapidly in the early years of the twentieth century among the cultural elite and the intelligentsia of the United States, Canada, England, and Germany. By 1910, “eugenics was one of the most frequently referenced topics in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature.”8

Eugenicist societies formed for the promulgation and discussion of theories, academic eugenics journals sprouted, and philanthropic foundations (such as the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations) embraced the movement, financing eugenics research and policy initiatives. Many of the political, cultural, and artistic notables of the time supported eugenics—including Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, George Bernard Shaw, and Margaret Sanger—leading to further expansion of the movement's popular support.

If physicians can ignore the Hippocratic Oath, medicine has ceased to be a profession, and patient safety will depend on the vagaries of each doctor's personal values and beliefs.


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93dd9e No.70989

File: cf40a6a3011d96e⋯.png (22.15 KB,1476x201,492:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162944 (112150ZJUL23) Notable: 'Sound of Freedom' Creator Responds to QAnon Allegations: 'Sick'

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'Sound of Freedom' Creator Responds to QAnon Allegations: 'Sick'

By Jamie Burton On 7/11/23 at 9:39 AM EDT

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93dd9e No.70990

File: 10afbdb36183a37⋯.png (394.92 KB,607x715,607:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162972 (112157ZJUL23) Notable: Max Blumenthal shares irrefutable facts and summaries the US corruption of the war in Ukraine at the UN Security Council:

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


If this video won’t make you pissed off, I don’t know what will?

Max Blumenthal shares irrefutable facts and summaries the US corruption of the war in Ukraine at the UN Security Council:

“The American public has no idea where their tax money is going… We found among many bizarre payments $4.5 Million US Social Security Administration payment to the Kyiv government. We found $4.5 Billion worth of payments from the US Agency for the National Development to pay off Ukraine sovereign debt much which is owned by the global investment firm Black Rock…”

4:09 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.70991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162974 (112157ZJUL23) Notable: #23534-A

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FULL BREAD>>>/qresearch/19162705

#23534-A >>70907

>>70908 The "highest" or "top" class of people in the USA (& most likely WW) probably aren't from Earth.

>>70909 TRENDING: Eric Swalwell - FBI agents were aware of Eric Swalwell’s ‘SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP’ with CCP SPY Fang Fang but Dem Senators refused to allow them to investigate.

>>70910 NATO to keep Ukraine at arm’s length

>>70911, >>70912, >>70916, >>70962 Jim Caviezel wonders why MSM is always after Q and anons - it is because they ask questions?

>>70913, >>70923 AG Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking in Florida

>>70914 Joy Behar says she is “turned on by Biden’s anger”

>>70917 First hearing on classified documents will be July 18 after special counsel accuses Trump co-defendant of seeking ‘unnecessary’ delay


>>70919, >>70921, >>70931, >>70932, >>70938 5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

>>70961 Raheem Kassam: talks about Gale Luft

>>70933 NY principal allegedly seeking sex with teen on Snapchat brought chicken nuggets, shake to remote location prior to arrest

>>70934, >>70936 Affirmative Action - A Thoroughly Useless Idea

>>70935 Fulton County DA Fani Willis arriving for selection of grand jurors re charges against Trump

>>70937 Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

>>70939 Biden, 80, SKIPS dinner with NATO leaders and goes straight to his hotel:

>>70940 Mass Abduction Of Children, Which Zelensky Is Silent About. Where Do Ukrainian Children Disappear In Europe?”

>>70941 Risk of cancer and pregnancy complications up to 70% higher in neighborhoods where tap water is most contaminated with PFAS 'forever chemicals'

>>70942 Transgenderism a “scientifically baseless movement,” says endocrinologist

>>70943 Girl found in Camp Pendleton barracks was raped by Marine, family alleges

>>70944 PDJT on Ron Desantis

>>70945 Democrats want DOJ to turn over info on Barr, Durham trip to Italy

>>70946 Spanish climate minister flies on private jet to eco-conference, gets out of limo a hundred yards before venue to ride bike for the cameras

>>70947 The Senate should swiftly reject Gen. C.Q. Brown's nomination to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

>>70948 Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

>>70949 New Dem-backed bill could see California judges consider a convicted criminal's RACE in sentencing to 'rectify racial bias' if it's passed into law

>>70950 Flashback: Pro-LGBTQ magazine “The Advocate” publishes story about how “unfair” sex offender registry is to gays…

>>70951 Las Vegas police SWAT standoff at Caesars Palace - armed man busting windows out of Caesars hotel room on Las Vegas Strip sources say he is armed and fear he could stray shooting…


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70992

File: bae8905e277fd06⋯.mp4 (12.38 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162977 (112158ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Part 1

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93dd9e No.70993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162979 (112158ZJUL23) Notable: #23534-B

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>>>/qresearch/19162705 dough

>>70991 A


>>70952 WOW! Reporter Asks Jake Sullivan Why the DOJ Charged Biden Crime Family Whistleblower Gal Luft For Violating FARA, But Spared Hunter Biden (VIDEO)

>>70920 LIVESTREAM: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Holds Hearing with “Proximal Origins” Authors on COVID-19 Lab-Leak Suppression

>>70922 BofA Ordered To Pay $250 Million For Opening Fake Accounts, Charging Illegal Fees

>>70924 WND: Fauci might have to pay back his salary for final year at NIH

>>70927 Putin issues warning about US banking system

>>70925 TREND: Biden DOJ

>>70926 WND: N Dakota Gov doing out $20 gift cards to donors to meet debate stage reqt's

>>70928 Zelensky attacks NATO

>>70929 Biden’s DOJ Eliminates Language on Child Sex Trafficking from Govt Website and Child Victims of Prostitution - After Losing Track of 85,000 Migrant Children

>>70930 RFK Jr: CIA Was Involved In Funding Wuhan COVID Leak Lab

>>70915 Georgia House District-56 Democrat Rep. Mesha Mainor makes MORAL decision to leave party

>>70953 “DOJ Is Trying to Bury Me to Protect Joe, Jim and Hunter Biden” – Whistleblower Gal Luft Launches GiveSendGo Campaign After Biden’s AG Charges Him

>>70954 "Is SCOTUS Captured?" with Loy Brunson and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

>>70955 ‘Where Are These Tapes?’ - Grassley Blasts the FBI For Hiding the 17 Smoking Gun Tapes Incriminating Joe Biden in Bribery Scheme

>>70956 British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture

>>70957 Sometimes it takes a ‘roast’ in order to be able to speak the TRUTH and get away w/ it.

>>70958 Inside Melbourne's wild swinging community

>>70959 pf

>>70963 Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’.

>>70964 DeSantis Hits All-Time Low in Delegate Forecast

>>70965 ‘All of Us Got Cystitis’: Ukraine’s Military Women Reveal Problems.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.70994

File: 6211d0651cede27⋯.png (34.64 KB,598x481,46:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 50e4b7d9a86a83e⋯.png (302.66 KB,375x418,375:418,Clipboard.png)

File: ec7b9ba9e1a4a99⋯.png (1.38 MB,712x943,712:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162984 (112200ZJUL23) Notable: CMz on psy-ops as next-gen warfare

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I took nearly a year-long hiatus from social media to collect my thoughts and observe.

During this year, many psyops were successfully executed by big tech and governments; important events were covered up with simple distractions; people were lead down wild goose chases.

Psyops are next-generation warfare.

It is important to understand how to identify psyops, the players involved, the techniques used, and pathways to run counter-psyops.

I am extremely passionate about this topic and want to share it with you in a consolidated manner, therefore I have decided to make a substack for this discussion, which I will be launching soon.

3:35 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.70995

File: 54a3e3f846c7524⋯.png (82.48 KB,1028x670,514:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162992 (112201ZJUL23) Notable: Brazilian Faith Healer ‘John of God’ Is Sentenced To Additional 99 Years for Sexual Crimes

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Brazilian Faith Healer ‘John of God’ Is Sentenced To Additional 99 Years for Sexual Crimes – Once Promoted by Oprah, Serial Rapist Now Faces 370 Years in Prison, but Awaits Appeals Under House Arrest

For decades, from his small town in Center-west Brazilian state of Goiás, João Teixeira de Faria built a worldwide reputation as a medium and faith healer.

Both the common people and celebrities flocked to his house on the outskirts of the Federal District of Brasília, in search of his ‘healing touch’ and his highly controversial psychic surgeries.

O Globo reported:

“João Teixeira de Faria, ‘João de Deus’, gained a following of faithful foreigners – who call him ‘John of God’ – when he appeared on a program by American presenter Oprah Winfrey, in 2012. Among his international fans, figures like former US president Bill Clinton, actress Shirley MacLaine and model Naomi Campbell.”

But it all came crashing down in 2018, when a scandal of gigantic proportions broke, revealing that the medium had raped or abused hundreds of women and girls that sought his ‘spiritual help’.

Conexão Política reported:

“This Monday, the 10th, the medium, better known as João de Deus, was sentenced to an additional sentence of 99 years in prison for sexual crimes.

The Justice considered that the medium committed ‘rape of vulnerable person’ and ‘sexual violation through fraud’ against eight victims between the years 2010 and 2018. In addition to the prison sentence, João de Deus was also condemned to pay R$ 100 thousand in compensation for moral damages to the victims.

Despite the new convictions establishing the fulfillment of the sentence in a closed regime, João de Deus is currently under house arrest due to a second instance decision. Since his arrest at the end of 2018, he has alternated between a closed regime and house arrest. The defense of João de Deus alleged that he suffers from a series of illnesses to obtain this benefit.”

sentence was 99 years, 8 months and 15 days of imprisonment in a closed regime.

four lawsuits in progress in the Abadiânia district, in which he is a defendant. These lawsuits are already in the final arguments phase.

Metropoles reported:

“With the new convictions, the medium’s sentences adds up to 370 years, 9 months and 15 days in prison. The sentences await judgment of appeals. Now, there remains four criminal prosecutions against João de Deus awaiting sentencing. According to the Court of Justice of Goiás, all cases are in the final arguments phase.”

All cases are still possible to be appealled. According to court records, João de Deus committed abuses against at least 42 victims between 1985 and 2018.

Incredible as it may seem, this torrent of accusations of sex crimes against people who put their misguided trust on him was NOT the worst accusations against the ‘healer’.

While these allegations have been erased from all recent coverage of the story, I’m here to remind you that an activist blew the whistle on the fact that ‘John of God’ allegedly ‘ran a baby trafficking operation where children were then sold to childless couples’.


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93dd9e No.70996

File: b397eb2035894b0⋯.mp4 (13.88 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162999 (112203ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Part 2

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93dd9e No.70997

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163000 (112205ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Requests Trial DELAY; Biden Whistleblower INDICTED; FBI CENSORED with Ukraine Intelligence

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Trump Requests Trial DELAY; Biden Whistleblower INDICTED; FBI CENSORED with Ukraine Intelligence

Robert Gouveia


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93dd9e No.70998

File: 95b1654b7054f93⋯.png (691.44 KB,506x901,506:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163017 (112207ZJUL23) Notable: Documentary, "Operation Toussaint: Operation Underground Railroad & the Fight to End Modern Day Slavery"

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See new Tweets


Lisa Mei




I wasn't aware of this documentary, "Operation Toussaint: Operation Underground Railroad & the Fight to End Modern Day Slavery" until tonight when my former boss, ADM Vic See, told me about it. Watching now.

Synopsis: Tim Ballard left his post as a special agent for the U.S.… Show more

Mike the Mouse


Post 1881


10:50 PM · Jul 10, 2023




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93dd9e No.70999

File: e6014881dc56cf6⋯.mp4 (12.74 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163021 (112209ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Part 3

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93dd9e No.71000

File: 64a615936d2a51b⋯.png (850.12 KB,1212x938,606:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163033 (112213ZJUL23) Notable: Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten released from California prison

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First Allison Mack last week, and now Leslie Van Houten. Sensing a pattern. Who is next?

Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten released from California prison

By Adam Sabes , Michael Lundin | Fox News

Published July 11, 2023 4:28pm EDT

Leslie Van Houten, a follower of Charles Manson, was released from a California prison on Tuesday.

A California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation spokesperson told Fox News that Van Houten "was released to parole supervision" on Tuesday.

"Van Houten will have a three-year maximum parole term with a parole discharge review occurring after one year," a spokesperson said.

Van Houten was 19 when she joined the Manson Family and help kill Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, in 1969.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has stopped several efforts to release Van Houten, said that he won't ask the state's Supreme Court to block her paroled release.

"More than 50 years after the Manson cult committed these brutal killings, the victims’ families still feel the impact," Newsom said in the previous statement.

Combined, Newsom and former California Gov. Jerry Brown turned down five recommendations for parole since 2016.

On May 31, a state appeals court ruled in favor of Van Houten's parole by a 2-1 decision, noting "extraordinary rehabilitative efforts, insight, remorse, realistic parole plans, support from family and friends."

Nancy Tetreault, Van Houten's attorney, previously said, "She’s thrilled, and she’s overwhelmed" at the prospect of parole.

"She’s just grateful that people are recognizing that she’s not the same person that she was when she committed the murders," Tetreault said.

Leno LaBianca’s daughter, Cory LaBianca, said Van Houten's release is re-traumatizing.

"My family and I are heartbroken because we’re once again reminded of all the years that we have not had my father and my stepmother with us," Cory LaBianca said. "My children and my grandchildren never got an opportunity to get to know either of them, which has been a huge void for my family."

Van Houten was handed a life sentence for her involvement helping followers of Manson kill the LaBiancas.

She would later describe holding Rosemary LaBianca down with a pillowcase on her head while other people stabbed her before stabbing the woman over a dozen times, too.


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93dd9e No.71001

File: 116468492397f55⋯.mp4 (14.97 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163034 (112213ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Part 4

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93dd9e No.71002

File: 37809a5b93363c6⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163056 (112217ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Part 5

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93dd9e No.71003

File: 5320de7ca33dc9d⋯.mp4 (10 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163073 (112222ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Part 6

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93dd9e No.71004

File: 42bd28b45c6c21e⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163088 (112224ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Part 7 (Final)

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93dd9e No.71005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163090 (112225ZJUL23) Notable: Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

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Tucker Episode 9: The Andrew Tate interview video bun

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93dd9e No.71006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163156 (112242ZJUL23) Notable: Exposing How Christian Churches Participate in and Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking

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Exposing How Christian Churches Participate in and Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking

Anon has been acquainted with many families that were victimized by CPS or other state "authorities".

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93dd9e No.71007

File: da144fd96b55c8f⋯.jpg (35.92 KB,612x396,17:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163163 (112243ZJUL23) Notable: Leslie Van Houten, follower of cult leader Charles Manson, released from California prison

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Leslie Van Houten, follower of cult leader Charles Manson, released from California prison

July 11, 2023

LOS ANGELES - Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten walked out of a California prison Tuesday after serving 53 years of a life sentence for her participation in two infamous murders.


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93dd9e No.71008

File: a0505719eb4b2ae⋯.mp4 (9.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6da6a640d780d6a⋯.png (439.73 KB,833x673,833:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163170 (112244ZJUL23) Notable: 42% of Americans believe the CIA played some role in President John F Kennedy's assassination

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Poll shows most Americans know the CIA killed JFK

The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson

42% of Americans believe the CIA played some role in President John F Kennedy's assassination, according to @Rasmussen_Poll.

Rasmussen's head pollster Mark Mitchell joined @EmeraldRobinson to discuss.


6:00 PM · Jul 11, 2023


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93dd9e No.71009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163210 (112253ZJUL23) Notable: Future Portuguese cardinal on WYD: ‘We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ’

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Future Portuguese cardinal on WYD: ‘We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ’

Jul 10, 2023

“We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or to the Catholic Church or anything like that at all,” said Bishop Américo Aguiar, the head of World Youth Day (WYD) Lisbon 2023 who will be created a cardinal by Pope Francis in September.


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93dd9e No.71010

File: ac3f5c3ee91edf0⋯.png (545.75 KB,596x786,298:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163220 (112256ZJUL23) Notable: FM #Lavrov and FM of Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud met in Moscow.

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MFA Russia 🇷🇺


🇷🇺🇸🇦 On July 10, FM #Lavrov and FM of Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud met in Moscow.

During the meeting, priority topics related to the progressive development of traditionally friendly bilateral relations were discussed.

4:46 AM · Jul 11, 2023


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93dd9e No.71011

File: 53525343132e902⋯.png (402.43 KB,790x591,790:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163227 (112257ZJUL23) Notable: California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

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Democrats on the California Assembly’s Public Safety committee have made some terrible votes this session, which is saying a lot given the number of bad bills the supermajority has passed. This year, while the state is in the midst of a surge in violent crime and fentanyl deaths they’ve blocked bills which would classify domestic violence as a violent crime and increase penalties for fentanyl dealers, seemingly because Republicans either sponsored them or heavily supported them.

That streak of terrible votes continued Tuesday when the committee blocked SB 14, which would have made human trafficking of a minor a serious felony in the state. The bill cleared the state Senate with bipartisan support back in April, but none of the Assembly Public Safety Committee’s six Democrats voted to move it out of committee. Of the two Republicans, the only one in attendance, Asm. Tom Lackey, voted yes.

As KCRA’s Capitol correspondent Ashley Zavala wrote, a victim sobbed in the audience as the bill died.

Why the big shift in support? Even Sen. Scott Wiener, the Democrat who’s infamous for pushing legislation that would harm minor children, voted for it in the CA Senate. Could the hubbub around the movie “Sound of Freedom,” which does an incredible job of exposing just how prevalent the sexual trafficking of minors is worldwide and highlights the United States as the largest consumer in this abominable industry, have played a role? After all, over the last two weeks there’s been a steady stream of media declaring that the only people who really believe that the sexual trafficking of minors is happening on a large scale are those who believe in QAnon conspiracies. So if the Democrats in Sacramento passed this bill, they could be seen as giving credibility to the issue – even though they heard from actual victims during their hearing (and re-victimized them with their vote).


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93dd9e No.71012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163264 (112304ZJUL23) Notable: The Hunt For Crashed Saucers with guest Congressman Tim Burchett

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WEAPONIZED : EPISODE #25 : The Hunt For Crashed Saucers with guest Congressman Tim Burchett

July 11, 2023

The UFO mystery might represent the only truly bipartisan issue on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers of both parties, and in both houses of Congress, have demonstrated a commitment to piercing the veil of secrecy and ridicule that has surrounded UFO/UAP matters since the late 1940's. The Senate Intelligence committee recently approved extraordinary language that targets special access programs and defense contractors which might be hiding exotic materials obtained at crash sites. And later this month, the House Oversight Committee is expected to conduct an open hearing featuring whistleblowers and eyewitnesses who are NOT part of the ongoing coverup. In this episode, Jeremy and George review the spotty history of Congressional UFO hearings and speak with Rep. Tim Burchett about what the public can expect to hear later this month.



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93dd9e No.71013

File: f5dc46bae5b41e0⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,1170x2142,65:119,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163271 (112305ZJUL23) Notable: Is there's a dirty relationship between NBA and China?

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I tried to warn you @NBA!

Now you will get exposed in front of the whole world!!

Today is a BIG day!

Today, we are finally exposing the dirty relationship between the #NBA and #China in front of the U.S Congress and Senate.

Today, we are going to expose how an American company can bow down to the biggest dictatorship in the world, and how the commissioner of the @NBA Adam Silver sells this Americana to an Evil Empire.

Today, we are exposing all of those fake athletes who call themselves “more than an athlete.”

Today, we are exposing @TheNBPA, who according to the #NBA players association, are working for the players and charge them thousands of dollars every month… but who do they REALLY work for?

Let’s have some fun!

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93dd9e No.71014

File: 2c468803e26dc2b⋯.png (773.53 KB,600x876,50:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163304 (112312ZJUL23) Notable: Herridge: Weiss letter to @LindseyGrahamSC (FD 1023 is NOT closed)

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Catherine Herridge


YELLOW: Weiss letter to @LindseyGrahamSC


also confirms FD 1023 not closed as some democrats suggested, “..your questions about allegations contained in FBI FD 1023 (Ukraine bribery claims Hunter, Joe Biden) relate to an ongoing investigation.” Credibility record, investigative steps taken by FBI not shared.


1:52 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.71015

File: 648401f1a02c93d⋯.png (463.26 KB,602x745,602:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163308 (112313ZJUL23) Notable: Jack White is taking aim at Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson for “normalizing” Donald Trump by meeting him at public events

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This is the part of the movie when all the pedophiles start squealing loudly/publicly.

Better yet, their anger confirms who's on the right side of the argument about whether or not adults should rape children.

Are you paying attention?



Jack White Slams ‘Disgusting’ Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson and More for Interacting With ‘Fascist,...

Jack White is taking aim at celebrities such as Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson for “normalizing” Donald Trump by meeting him at public events. The two actors, along with Joe Rogan and Guy Fieri, were...

6:51 PM · Jul 10, 2023




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93dd9e No.71016

File: 53cb352daf93079⋯.png (445.77 KB,608x604,152:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163314 (112315ZJUL23) Notable: Crokin: MSM using pizzagate to distract the public from The Sound of Freedom

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Quote Tweet

Nathan Jugan #UnitedWeStand




😡😡 Absolutely demonic to say the least! @TheDailyShow just re-uploaded their propaganda piece on Pizzagate that originally came out seven months ago. Just another way of how the corporate media complex is trying to distract you from Sound of Freedom and paint it as “crazy”.



8:20 PM · Jul 10, 2023




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93dd9e No.71017

File: 24520c5523f8705⋯.jpeg (595.72 KB,1170x1257,390:419,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163331 (112318ZJUL23) Notable: Ezra Cohen on Confucius Institutes and proposed new statu[t]e affecting them

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The statue should be expanded to deny DoD AND Department of Energy funding to any school that hosts Confucius Institutes or has research partnerships with Chinese Universities with ties to the PLA.


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93dd9e No.71018

File: dbefbf443c3c02c⋯.jpeg (704.78 KB,1125x1371,375:457,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163356 (112324ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT Truths on Jack Smith, Elise Stefanik, Jason Aldean

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93dd9e No.71019

File: 5d69e01b700d28d⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB,1170x1853,1170:1853,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163380 (112328ZJUL23) Notable: Singer Jewel talking about Sound of Freedom

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Singer Jewel talking about Sound of Freedom


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93dd9e No.71020

File: 6b4e8648b6a9e97⋯.png (182.71 KB,424x578,212:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163381 (112329ZJUL23) Notable: @reallycaviezel on how the MSM is trying to discredit him & film with "QAnon" smears; also talks about adrenochrome

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Jim Caviezel says that the day after he brought up adrenochrome he was dropped by his agency, his lawyers let him go and he was canceled in Epstein Island connected Hollywood.

"Adrenochrome is a chemical compound that's been around since the 1930s. There is a natural form.. which is caused by torturing kids..

I brought this up a few years ago and all of a sudden I was attacked by every media group. The next day I never heard from my agency for 14 months. My lawyers let me go. My agency never called me after that. I didn't realize the connection to my industry. To Epstein Island and all of that but obviously there is."

Twitter (https://twitter.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1678829029225562112?s=20)

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93dd9e No.71021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163382 (112330ZJUL23) Notable: California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

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California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

Anon would like to know if the California Assembly profits from some manner via commandeering children. State Senator Dr. Richard Pan was instrumental in getting medical vaccine exemptions overturned. This produces a cadre of disabled easily controlled children. Being "on the spectrum" seems associated with gender "fluidity" making it easy for such children to be manipulated and groomed. Also, by labelling concerned parents as "abusers" and extremists it becomes easy to justify state control.

Why not make trafficking a serious crime? Perhaps because they benefit from it!

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93dd9e No.71022

File: 402cc4becdba0f4⋯.jpeg (570.06 KB,1125x1398,375:466,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163396 (112332ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT Truths on Jack Smith, Elise Stefanik, Jason Aldean

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All that equals 17


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93dd9e No.71023

File: 9c152e9167b4f70⋯.jpeg (1 MB,1125x1609,1125:1609,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163400 (112333ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT Truths on Jack Smith, Elise Stefanik, Jason Aldean

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93dd9e No.71024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163426 (112339ZJUL23) Notable: #23535

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>>70966 ‘Club for China Growth’ Drops $3.6M in Anti-Trump Ads in Iowa, NH.

>>70967 Scenes from the Flood

>>70968, >>70980 Amtrak derailed in DC - live with @PenguinSix

>>70970, >>70971 More on NATO's relationship to Ukraine

>>70969, >>70973, >>70974 2 minutes of TRUTH!!!

>>70972 Barre, Montpelier underwater - expected rain could overwhelm upstream dam

>>71005, >>70975, >>70992, >>70996, >>70999, >>71001, >>71002, >>71003 , >>71004 Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

>>70976, >>70976 New Report: More Biden Censorship of US Social Media in Collusion With Ukrainian Spy Agency

>>70977 New Biden Spin—He's a Real Jerk So…No Dementia!

baker change

>>70978 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Stmt from President Trump opposing Joe Biden's irresponsible and dangerous plan to send cluster munitions to Ukraine.

>>70979, >>71011, >>71021 California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

>>70980 Train derails at Union Station in Washington, causing delays but no serious injuries

>>70981 Bay Bridge murals and 49ers logos adorn this Honduran village. Why?

>>70982,>>71020 @reallycaviezel on how the MSM is trying to discredit him & film with "QAnon" smears; also talks about adrenochrome

>>70983 Brutal news report shows no one showed up for major Biden/Harris campaign event: 'Not much to see' - TheBlaze

>>70984, >>70988 LA Times Calls Killing Babies in Abortion “An Act of Self-Defense”

>>70985 Crown Resorts to pay $450 million fine for money laundering breach

>>70986 Bank of America, $BAC, secretly opened credit card accts in customer names, double charged overdraft fees & withheld promised perks

>>70987 Box Office Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Controversy—Including QAnon Ties And False Claims Theaters Are Sabotaging Screenings—Explained

>>70989 'Sound of Freedom' Creator Responds to QAnon Allegations: 'Sick'

>>70990 Max Blumenthal shares irrefutable facts and summaries the US corruption of the war in Ukraine at the UN Security Council:

>>70994 CMz on psy-ops as next-gen warfare

>>70995 Brazilian Faith Healer ‘John of God’ Is Sentenced To Additional 99 Years for Sexual Crimes

>>71012 The Hunt For Crashed Saucers with guest Congressman Tim Burchett

>>71013 Is there's a dirty relationship between NBA and China?

>>70997 Trump Requests Trial DELAY; Biden Whistleblower INDICTED; FBI CENSORED with Ukraine Intelligence

>>70998 Documentary, "Operation Toussaint: Operation Underground Railroad & the Fight to End Modern Day Slavery"

>>71000 Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten released from California prison

>>71006 Exposing How Christian Churches Participate in and Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking

>>71007 Leslie Van Houten, follower of cult leader Charles Manson, released from California prison

>>71008 42% of Americans believe the CIA played some role in President John F Kennedy's assassination

>>71009 Future Portuguese cardinal on WYD: ‘We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ’

>>71010 FM #Lavrov and FM of Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud met in Moscow.

>>71014 Herridge: Weiss letter to @LindseyGrahamSC (FD 1023 is NOT closed)

>>71015 Jack White is taking aim at Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson for “normalizing” Donald Trump by meeting him at public events

>>71016 Crokin: MSM using pizzagate to distract the public from The Sound of Freedom

>>71017 Ezra Cohen on Confucius Institutes and proposed new statu[t]e affecting them

>>71018, >>71022, >>71023 PDJT Truths on Jack Smith, Elise Stefanik, Jason Aldean

>>71019 Singer Jewel talking about Sound of Freedom



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93dd9e No.71025

File: e4e33d3927ee196⋯.png (1.02 MB,973x969,973:969,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163451 (112342ZJUL23) Notable: #23536

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

TY all, bizzy world today.


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93dd9e No.71026

File: fb71398d2c02b2c⋯.jpeg (469.75 KB,2247x1194,749:398,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3d220214dff5b74⋯.jpeg (106.08 KB,1200x797,1200:797,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 98f9981e1f00667⋯.jpeg (516.4 KB,2162x1418,1081:709,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163527 (120000ZJUL23) Notable: sleepy Jo skips din din, tells Erdy he'll win in 24

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71027

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163531 (120002ZJUL23) Notable: THE FULL INTERVIEW - CHARLIE KIRK WITH JIM CAVIEZEL !!!

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Note: Total run time 2 hours and 55 minutes (archived to watch later)

ps interview with jim starts at 36 minutes into video timestamp. the rest is filler and promo's, there is not much of the jim caviezel interview with kirk, most of it is on the first interview. probably needs clipping, total time jim interview is around 7 minutes with constant breaks. how is anyone supposed to get into deep into a experience and outcome and its repercussions.


Fearing the Base + Jim Caviezel LIVE + Weirdo Wiener Exposed | LIVE 7.11.23



Can you win a GOP nomination if you are afraid of the GOP base? Turning Point Action's Act Con is this weekend, but one of the GOP's highest-profile figures has decided to be somewhere else. Charlie responds and explains why he thinks it's a strategic blunder. Also, twenty years ago, Jim Caviezel made one of the most iconic cinematic performances of all time when he played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ. Now, he's the star of Sound of Freedom. He joins Charlie to discuss the film, the child-trafficking epidemic, and his career as Hollywood's most famous Christian. Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort discusses what it's like being targeted by the DOJ. John Lovell of the Warrior Poet Society stops in. The Charlie Kirk Show is LIVE on Salem Radio stations across the country and simulcasting on Real America's Voice.

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93dd9e No.71028

File: 09a913c5a9b9b4d⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a60df8ce5723a71⋯.png (184.38 KB,475x529,475:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163539 (120004ZJUL23) Notable: Kissinger — master of the deep state — admits Ukraine blew up the Nordstream Pipeline.He did this while being punk’d by Russians.

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Benny Johnson


🚨 Henry Kissinger — master of the deep state — admits Ukraine blew up the Nordstream Pipeline.

He did this while being punk’d by Russians.

How embarrassing


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93dd9e No.71029

File: 2c536676b472121⋯.png (24.51 KB,549x267,183:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163548 (120006ZJUL23) Notable: @TulsiGabbard Congress must ban Atrazine, one of the most widely used and toxic herbicides, to stop further contamination of our food & water supply.

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Attention Froggies!!!

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺


Congress must ban Atrazine, one of the most widely used and toxic herbicides, to stop further contamination of our food & water supply. Atrazine “wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning 1 in 10 into females” according to studies. The EU has already banned it, now US must do the same. Call your reps.


6:59 AM · Jul 11, 2023


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93dd9e No.71030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163556 (120008ZJUL23) Notable: Patrick Gunnels reads Martin Geddes's "The final battle for the future of humanity"

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Patrick Gunnels reads Martin Geddes's "The final battle for the future of humanity"

>>70931 pb


>The final battle for the future of humanity


5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

>>70919 pb



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93dd9e No.71031

File: af609629d9330ff⋯.png (212.18 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163577 (120013ZJUL23) Notable: Sun Spot Baby

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Watching the solar background x-ray flux steadily rise over the past three days into C-class flare range and climbing now into M-class range in the past 12 hours or so.

A new incoming sunspot (3372) has been firing off a couple of upper M-class flares today, but it is the general background that seems interesting.

I don't know if this noteworthy or not, but I haven't seen it before that I can recall. Usually see it in the B range and occassionally low C.

Eyes on and if any sunfags know anything about sustained elevated x-ray background, please pipe up.



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93dd9e No.71032

File: 58ac235419947e7⋯.jpg (31.69 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163585 (120014ZJUL23) Notable: DOJ will not defend Trump as immune in E. Jean Carroll lawsuit

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DOJ will not defend Trump as immune in E. Jean Carroll lawsuit

A jury in May held Trump responsible for battery and defamation in a civil trial Carroll brought against him.

Updated: July 11, 2023 - 5:55pm


Dig In

The Department of Justice will not defend former President Donald Trump as immune with respect to defamation claims from writer E. Jean Carroll.

The DOJ announced that it would not longer argue Trump's immunity on Tuesday, after previously certifying that Trump made allegedly defamatory statements denouncing Carroll's claims of sexual assault while in his official capacity as president, The Hill reported.

The agency "has determined that it lacks adequate evidence to conclude that the former President was sufficiently actuated by a purpose to serve the United States Government to support a determination that he was acting within the scope of his employment when he denied sexually assaulting Ms. Carroll and made the other statements regarding Ms. Carroll that she has challenged in this action," it announced.

Tuesday's announcement represents a reversal of the DOJ's past position, which supported Trump's immunity claims.

A jury in May held Trump responsible for battery and defamation in a civil trial Carroll brought against him. She had claimed that Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room sometime in the 1990s. The jury determined that Trump's conduct did not amount to rape, but sexual abuse, and also found that Trump defamed Carroll by denying her story through public comments after he left the presidency. That suit did not face immunity questions given the timeframe of Trump's statements for which Carroll claimed defamation.

The suit was separate from Carroll's initial 2019 defamation case, which stems from comments Trump made denying the story while in office. At issue was the matter of Trump's immunity, given he made the statements while president. The DOJ announcement pertains to that case.

U.S. District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan in late June rejected Trump's immunity argument in the suit, contending that his denials of Carroll's claims had no bearing on his official duties.


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93dd9e No.71033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163588 (120015ZJUL23) Notable: 2022 “The European Parliament has been sending a false message”

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>>70969 lb, >>70973 lb, >>70974 lb 2 minutes of TRUTH!!!

here is the original YouTube post of that clip:

“The European Parliament has been sending a false message”

Chairman of the ECR Group, Prof Ryszard Legutko, took the floor during the European Parliament's 70th Anniversary commemoration to highlight the shortcomings of so-called European democracy.

ECR Group European Parliament


Nov 22, 2022



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93dd9e No.71034

File: aea2646c8f715df⋯.png (394.37 KB,500x323,500:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163592 (120015ZJUL23) Notable: Blinken: Ukraine Will Be "Defenseless" Without US Cluster Bombs

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Blinken: Ukraine Will Be "Defenseless" Without US Cluster Bombs

Secretary of State Antony Blinken while at the NATO summit in Lithuania is promoting a message that Washington essentially had no choice but to arm Ukraine with cluster munitions because the country would have been "defenseless" with them.

He gave an interview to MSNBC’s "Andrea Mitchell Reports" and asserted that Ukraine's own stockpile of cluster bombs and artillery is running out, even merely exhausted.

"The stockpiles around the world and in Ukraine of the unitary munitions, not the cluster munitions, were running out, about to be depleted," Blinken began.

"And so, the hard but necessary choice to give them the cluster munitions amounted to this: If we didn’t do it, we don’t do it, then they will run out of ammunition," he explained to Mitchell. "If they run out of ammunition, then they will be defenseless."

He also when pressed by the MSNBC host continued to advance the White House talking point that Russia is already doing worse, so cluster bombs are permissible despite the well-known human rights and war crimes issues.

Mitchell asked whether the US is ceding the moral high ground in delivering bombs which are banned by over 120 nations. "Every ally I’ve talked to has said they understand why we’re doing this when we’re doing it," Blinken claimed.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has relied on the same logic. "We are facing a brutal war, and we have to remember this brutality is reflected, that every day we see casualties, and that cluster munitions are used by both sides," Stoltenberg said days ago. "And Russia used cluster munitions to invade another country. Ukraine is using cluster munitions to defend itself."

Meanwhile, a number of European allies have broken from the US on the issue, condemning the move - most notably Germany. Ukraine has long accused Berlin of being weak and hesitate in the face of the Russian invasion.

But Blinken's method of arguing makes clear, Washington has framed each new escalation decision as matter of life & death, despite billions in arms already shipped. Every moment is somehow "facing down Hitler"... we are told.


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93dd9e No.71035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163610 (120018ZJUL23) Notable: Biden administration has agreed to the sale of F-16 fighter jets after Ankara dropped its opposition to Sweden’s NATO bid

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White House greenlights troubled arms deal with Türkiye

The Biden administration has agreed to the sale of F-16 fighter jets after Ankara dropped its opposition to Sweden’s NATO bid

US President Joe Biden’s administration has agreed to push forward with the controversial sale of F-16 fighter jets to Türkiye, just hours after Ankara stopped standing in the way of Sweden’s membership in NATO.

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan confirmed the decision on Tuesday, saying Biden would work with Congress to get the arms deal finalized.

“He has placed no caveats or conditions,” Sullivan told reporters at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. “He intends to move forward with that transfer in consultation with Congress.”

A group of US senators threatened to block the aircraft deal in February unless Ankara approved the bid by Sweden and Finland to join the US-led military bloc. Finland became a NATO member in April.


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93dd9e No.71036

File: c51a336af1b4a24⋯.webp (22.39 KB,600x352,75:44,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163632 (120022ZJUL23) Notable: California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

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California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

The California Assembly Committee on Public Safety has squashed a bill that would have increased the charges for human trafficking, despite it passing through the state’s Senate with bipartisan support.

ali would have made human trafficking of children a “serious felony,” on par with murder, rape, or other crimes that could carry life in prison or the death penalty.

On Tuesday, the California Assembly Public Safety Committee blocked the measure, prompting a victim to scream out “horrible” through sobs.


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93dd9e No.71037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163638 (120024ZJUL23) Notable: MyPillow auctions off equipment amid sales drop, CEO blames cancel culture

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MyPillow auctions off equipment amid sales drop, CEO blames cancel culture

The CEO called the development "a massive, massive cancellation."

MyPillow is selling off much of its equipment and subleasing its manufacturing facilities as the company continues to lose retailer support due in part to CEO Mike Lindell's controversial positions on the 2020 presidential election and his right-wing political advocacy.

Lindell has faced multiple lawsuits stemming from his election fraud claims. A court in April ordered him to pay $5 million to a software forensics expert who debunked some of his claims as part of a "Prove Mike Wrong" contest. He also faces a sizeable lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems for defamation, The Hill noted. That case is currently ongoing.

The company has lost $100 million in annual sales following the removal of its products from several major retailers, Lindell told the StarTribune. Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond have all removed MyPillow products from their shelves over Lindell's election fraud claims.

The CEO called the development "a massive, massive cancellation."

"We lost $100 million from attacks by the box stores, the shopping networks, the shopping channels, all of them did cancel culture on us," he added.

He further attributed the sublease of manufacturing space due to changing demand. The company has witnessed a shift to direct sales rather than retail sales in the wake of the development, which he says requires different packaging. He offered a comparable explanation for the auctioned equipment.


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93dd9e No.71038

File: 512e1bc09c32e6e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1439x1016,1439:1016,Clipboard.png)

File: 95abe7c814de519⋯.png (727.85 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163642 (120025ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Barksdale AFB B-52 60-0021 "Blackjack" up from home base and holding station at 23,000 feet over southern Louisiana.

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93dd9e No.71039

File: de2bbf434c2392a⋯.png (257.7 KB,547x654,547:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163654 (120027ZJUL23) Notable: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum offers $20 gift card to people who donate $1 to his presidential campaign

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Free money? North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum offers $20 gift card to people who donate $1 to his presidential campaign

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who is one of the many candidates competing in the Republican presidential primary, is offering an unusual deal to people who donate to his campaign: For a donation of just $1, people can snag a $20 gift card.

"People are hurting because of Bidenflation, and giving Biden Economic Relief cards is a way to help 50,000 people until we get in office and fix this crazy economy for everyone!" Burgum tweeted on Monday. "Yes, 50,000 people will actually get a Visa or Mastercard gift card to their mailing address. When it comes to providing economic relief to the American people, I'm not messing around!" he added.

"We just launched a short time ago and already we're giving away about 1,000 Biden Relief Cards per hour. Get yours before it's too late!" he noted in another tweet a bit later on Monday.

"It also allows us to secure a spot on the debate stage while avoiding paying more advertising fees to social media platforms who have owners that are hostile to conservatives," Burgum spokesperson Lance Trover noted, according to Fox News Digital.

In order to qualify for the August 23 primary debate slated to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, candidates must meet certain criteria, some of which include polling and fundraising thresholds.

The Republican National Committee's fundraising criteria for debate eligibility stipulates that candidates must have "a minimum of 40,000 unique donors to candidate’s principal presidential campaign committee (or exploratory committee), with at least 200 unique donors per state or territory in 20+ states and/or territories."

Vivek Ramaswamy, an author and entrepreneur who is also vying for the GOP presidential nomination, has announced that people can join the "Vivek Kitchen Cabinet" program and earn a 10% commission on any funds that they raise for his campaign.


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93dd9e No.71040

File: 63661eb797364b8⋯.png (1.18 MB,1439x1013,1439:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: a7709d7e9b3501f⋯.png (9.02 MB,4000x4000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163664 (120029ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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F-35 Lightning moving well beyond the speed of sound over Arizona. 927 knots or 1067 mph.

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93dd9e No.71041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163670 (120031ZJUL23) Notable: A recent survey indicated that most supporters of the three ruling coalition parties are unhappy

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Most Germans dissatisfied with government – poll

A recent survey indicated that most supporters of the three ruling coalition parties are unhappy

The majority of Germans are unimpressed by the performance of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government, a recent poll has shown. Dissatisfaction with the ruling traffic light coalition is apparently prevalent even among the voters who support the three constituent parties.

According to the survey conducted by Institut Forsa and published on Tuesday, 77% of respondents said they were somewhat or completely dissatisfied with the government.

The study found that 52% of SPD voters, Chancellor Scholz's political party, are dissatisfied. Among Green Party and Free Democratic Party supporters, which make up the rest of the ruling coalition, 55% and 71% were dissatisfied respectively.

The poll commissioned by RTL and NTV media outlets drew on responses from 1,002 people last Thursday through Friday.


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93dd9e No.71042

File: 04553f3400005b3⋯.jpeg (794.81 KB,1170x1441,1170:1441,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163677 (120031ZJUL23) Notable: California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

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FLASHBACK: Biden-appointed Ketanji Brown Jackson was soft on pedophiles even in baby sex torture cases

(NYP link https://nypost.com/2022/04/02/ketanyi-brown-jackson-even-chose-leniency-in-baby-sex-cases)

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93dd9e No.71043

File: 94c364a6e387940⋯.png (135.17 KB,917x875,131:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163682 (120032ZJUL23) Notable: NATO's Big Climb Down

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NATO's Big Climb Down


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93dd9e No.71044

File: e180a7710117c6b⋯.jpeg (901.71 KB,1170x1249,1170:1249,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163688 (120033ZJUL23) Notable: NATO's Big Climb Down

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93dd9e No.71045

File: 9cc0601e8729f2e⋯.png (418.57 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163701 (120035ZJUL23) Notable: Muzzies Go Gay -Rep. Ilhan Omar

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Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar says Muslims should embrace ‘solidarity’ with LGBT movement

The 'Squad' member from Minnesota is pushing back on US Muslims' growing dissident from LGBT ideology.


- - -

This ought to be rich.

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93dd9e No.71046

File: e32a92ec6425752⋯.png (271.93 KB,500x280,25:14,Clipboard.png)

File: fdd51b724ee618e⋯.png (783.28 KB,840x473,840:473,Clipboard.png)

File: a44d793d376a9af⋯.png (378.45 KB,840x473,840:473,Clipboard.png)

File: ff4581acd57ca0a⋯.png (473.32 KB,840x473,840:473,Clipboard.png)

File: e6b39287ffe24da⋯.png (410.69 KB,840x473,840:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163732 (120039ZJUL23) Notable: New Evidence Informs and Confirms Old Analysis on Cover-up Operations, Biden Criminality, Ukraine, NATO, China and CEFC China Energy Company

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THE BIG PICTURE: New Evidence Informs and Confirms Old Analysis on Cover-up Operations, Biden Criminality, Ukraine, NATO, China and CEFC China Energy Company

A dead horse worth kicking again is the fact set surrounding how Joe Biden is a national security threat to the US for his corruption, crimes and treason in two epicenters: Ukraine and China.

The vehicle for the crimes was private equity deals between the Bidens and major players of foreign nations; one of them regarded as the US’ primary hegemonic, economic and military rival, China.

It all distills down to pure spirits captured in these graphic illustrations:

In the aggregate, the evidence clearly indicates that Joe Biden is a Chinese proxy [161 articles reference this fact] with severe exposure to criminality in both Ukraine and China.

This article provides big picture understanding for Joe Biden’s criminality in Ukraine and China with newly emerged [leaked by the intelligence community to remove Biden and possibly Harris] evidence on both fronts relative to Ukraine’s NATO membership and the CEFC China Energy Company.

The lens of former two-time AG Bill Barr is our evidentiary lens for understanding.

Further distilled, we can accurately view the Biden Administration according to these two images; they explain everything:

Relative to China and the Bidens, reporting from the NY Post on 05 Jul 23 has emerged to detail a longstanding subject of our examination: the Bidens’ private equity dealings with CEFC China Energy Company [appears in 52 articles going back to 2020].

The formerly ‘missing’ whistleblower is Israeli professor and former Israeli army officer Dr. Gal Luft and readers are free to vet him on their own accord.

Trump’s DOJ and specifically the corrupt SDNY arranged for a controversial meeting with Luft in Brussels.


Part 1

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93dd9e No.71047

File: 28dd13fc007d624⋯.png (262.41 KB,734x840,367:420,Clipboard.png)

File: daeed94d954c6f2⋯.png (101.96 KB,935x896,935:896,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b3d2d27e388650⋯.png (95.25 KB,936x887,936:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f9e64a4fdf8820⋯.png (181.3 KB,932x556,233:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c22947a2aa35d4⋯.png (152.46 KB,619x840,619:840,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163747 (120041ZJUL23) Notable: New Evidence Informs and Confirms Old Analysis on Cover-up Operations, Biden Criminality, Ukraine, NATO, China and CEFC China Energy Company

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According to the NYP, Luft’s claims are, “that the Biden family received payments from individuals with alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with their benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC.“

Luft, “provided the incriminating evidence to six officials from the FBI and the Department of Justice in a secret meeting in Brussels in March 2019 — but alleges that it was covered up,” NYP reports.

Luft says he told the DOJ and the FBI in Brussels that Joe Biden, soon after his vice presidential term ended, had attended a meeting at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, DC, with his son Hunter and officials from CEFC.

Luft’s account of the former VP’s presence at that meeting was corroborated 21 months later when the FBI interviewed another attendee, Biden family associate Rob Walker, according to recent testimony before Congress.

Luft disclosed during the Brussels interview that CEFC was paying $100,000 a month to Hunter and $65,000 to his uncle Jim Biden, in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world — and that the money was being funneled through Walker.

The Oversight Committee has written to Walker demanding he submit to questioning about his role in distributing more than $1 million from China to at least three of President Biden’s relatives.

The DOJ sent a delegation of six people to meet Luft in Brussels, he alleges: four FBI agents and two prosecutors from the Southern District of New York, Daniel Richenthal and Catherine Ghosh.

Among the FBI contingent was Special Agent Joshua Wilson from the Baltimore field office, who would go on to sign a subpoena later that year to seize Hunter’s abandoned laptop from a Delaware repair shop.

“Why did the government dispatch to Europe so many people?” asks Luft.

“They knew very well I’m a credible witness and I have insider knowledge about the group and individuals that enriched the Biden family.

“Over an intensive two-day meeting, I shared my information about the Biden family’s financial transactions with CEFC, including specific dollar figures. I also provided the name of Rob Walker, who later became known as Hunter Biden’s bagman.”

The New York Post

Breitbart reports,

“Over an intensive two-day meeting, I [Luft] shared my information about the Biden family’s financial transactions with CEFC, including specific dollar figures,” he added.

“I also provided the name of Rob Walker, who later became known as Hunter Biden’s bagman.” Walker is an infamous character involved in the Biden business.

Suspicious activity reports obtained by Comer’s committee revealed Rob Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC in 2017.

In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Walker was also cc’d on a 2017 email chain between Hunter and two of his former business partners, Tony Bobulinski and James Gilliar, about ten percent “held by H for the big guy.”

According to an IRS whistleblower’s testimony, U.S. officials prevented prosecutors from questioning Walker about the email.

Part 2

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93dd9e No.71048

File: b19e8db4b02d37a⋯.jpg (119.29 KB,1169x623,167:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163754 (120043ZJUL23) Notable: Vermont Dam One Foot From Failing Amid Historic Flooding

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DEVELOPING: Vermont Dam One Foot From Failing Amid Historic Flooding

A major Vermont dam is one foot away from failing amid catastrophic floods.

Northeastern states such as New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont were hit with torrential downpours this week.

Joe Biden declared a state of emergency.


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93dd9e No.71049

File: 6005b8f1f671b8b⋯.png (460.12 KB,850x844,425:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 05b9f1276d6e00c⋯.png (411.79 KB,863x706,863:706,Clipboard.png)

File: aa1a356ed9e7eb4⋯.png (570.1 KB,870x732,145:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a775674a37ed36⋯.png (91.3 KB,951x878,951:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163755 (120043ZJUL23) Notable: New Evidence Informs and Confirms Old Analysis on Cover-up Operations, Biden Criminality, Ukraine, NATO, China and CEFC China Energy Company

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More primary source evidence can be accessed at Marco Polo, which unpacked the Biden laptop among other Biden-related forensic examination.

Another aspect of the NYP’s reporting informs the important information and analysis contained in yesterday’s article, which outlined how Ukraine’s NATO membership serves as an effective geopolitical “switch” and primer to initiate war.

The analysis is underpinned by our assumed concept that war is the best eraser of inconvenient history and evidence, like Biden’s criminality in Ukraine and China.

The chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-TX delivered the contextual evidence stating that admitting Ukraine as a NATO member, “would immediately put us at war with Russia.”

Overlay those details with this development from Insider Paper: NATO to drop major hurdle to Ukrainian membership: Western official.

NATO is set to drop a major hurdle to Ukraine’s bid for membership in the alliance, a Western official said Monday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the allies “are set” to drop the Membership Action Plan requirement for Ukraine’s application.

“MAP is just one of the steps in the NATO accession process though so even with its removal, Ukraine will still need to complete further reforms before joining NATO,” the official said.

Insider Paper

This development puts Biden’s hand closer to the switch and Ukraine’s NATO membership remains a critical marker.

The NATO matter is informed by my two-part analysis on the ongoing cover-up operation of Biden’s criminality and worse in Ukraine, which should be viewed through the war lens just framed.

Important sidebar: Don’t be surprised to see 2024 stolen and handed to another Vice President; the one who sealed the removal of a sitting president when as President of the US Senate, he confirmed the 2020 election and triggered presidential transition as a formal coup mechanism – Mike Pence.

It’s the same Biden that was purchased and compromised by China; making him a legitimate national security threat.

It’s also clear that Biden was a broker to China for the nation’s most sensitive and top secret information; just like Hillary Clinton and her private email server.

Biden was in-part purchased by CEFC China Energy Company and energy is the “currency” for massive amounts of corruption, financial crimes and enterprise fraud prosecutable under RICO statute.

Energy tethers the Biden’s to Ukraine as the global center for money laundering; making it the keystone of corruption.

Joe and Hunter Biden’s Burisma entanglements are one nexus between the Bidens and Ukraine using energy as the “currency” of corruption.

The Biden/FTX money laundering operation also bears down and firmly so.

Beginning in 2014, Biden conspired with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Victoria Nuland to conduct a color revolution in Ukraine that eventually resulted in the installation of US proxy Volodymyr Zelensky and the capturing of PrivatBank to facilitate money laundering operations.

In 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire Prosecutor Victor Shokin, who was investigating the corruption of Hunter Biden and his private equity dealings with Burisma.

Shokin investigated the case before his termination due to pressure applied by then-Vice President Joe Biden, who then later bragged about the firing in 2018.

The ongoing cover-up operation of Ukraine is occurring with the initial Barr effort along with the ICPA and WCAT.

There is certainly a cover-up operation for the China/CEFC matters, too, making for future work.

If the cover-ups are ineffective, the best eraser of history and inconvenient truth is lying in wait with the whole world on the razor’s edge of World War III.

The removal of a barrier to Ukraine’s eventual NATO admittance puts Biden’s hand cloer to the geopolitical “switch” to initiate war with Russia “immediately.”

Stay tuned.


Part 3

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93dd9e No.71050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163762 (120044ZJUL23) Notable: Cocaine tours at the WH No wonder Disney is empty For the keks!

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Cocaine tours at the WH

No wonder Disney is empty

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93dd9e No.71051

File: 3343a49f7ae26b2⋯.webp (6.91 KB,474x303,158:101,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163797 (120049ZJUL23) Notable: Armed Gunman at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas

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Armed Gunman at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas – Seen Throwing Items Out Window – SWAT Involved in Standoff

LVMPD said they received a report of a domestic disturbance at the hotel. When they attempted to make contact with the people in the room, a male refused to open the door and said he was armed, police reported.

SWAT and Crisis Negotiators have been dispatched to the scene.


Police have said the situation is ongoing, while a single male and female are believed to be in the room. A window to the room was broken and objects were thrown out of it, while negotiators are speaking with the male subject.

No shots have been fired by police or the suspect at this point, police said. The floor of the hotel where the room is located has been locked down.


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93dd9e No.71052

File: 76874ad2b59fb19⋯.png (118.95 KB,1330x630,19:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 14eba7e93c6bac1⋯.png (22.92 KB,270x503,270:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163845 (120058ZJUL23) Notable: Chinese neuro-strike programme: Pushing cognitive warfare to a new level

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Chinese neuro-strike programme: Pushing cognitive warfare to a new level

July 8, 2023

A worrisome dimension of the Chinese weapon programme relating to the weaponisation of public opinion in target countries has been confirmed by a twelve-page report of US researchers. The report entitled “Enumerating, Targeting and Collapsing the Chinese Communist Party’s NeuroStrike Program” indicates that China has developed a new type of neuro-strike weapons that are not only capable of disabling the cognitive capabilities of targets but can also control their brains. These weapons can cause neurological problems in a human, reduce his awareness, and tamper with the brains of soldiers in battle. NeuroStrike, as defined by McCreight- a well-known expert on cognitive warfare, refers to the engineered targeting of soldiers’ and civilians’ brains using distinct non-kinetic technology to impair cognition, reduce situational awareness, inflict long term neurological degradation, and fog normal cognitive functions.

Significantly, the report underlines that NeuroStrike and psychological warfare are a core component of its asymmetric warfare strategy against the US and its Allies in the Indo-Pacific, and are part of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) standard order of battle; not an unconventional set of capabilities only to be used under extreme circumstances. This represents the strategic thinking of China.

The report points out that China’s weaponisation of neuroscience extends well beyond the scope and understanding of classical microwave weapons; it now includes using massively distributed human-computer interfaces to control entire populations as well as a range of weapons designed to cause cognitive damage. Sources of resistance against China can be eliminated through these weapons by instilling intense fear or other forms of cognitive incoherence resulting in inaction.

The Academy of Military Medical Sciences has a division called the PLA Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, where such weapons are manufactured. This institute was placed on the United States export control blacklist in December 2021 with its leading role in CCP NeuroStrike research serving as a key justification.

China has been working for a long time to evolve a strategy to win wars without fighting adversaries, in accordance with Sun Tzu’s dictum. In late 1990s, China came up with its “No Contact Warfare” strategy, which was based on creating confusion in the adversary’s command and control system. In 2014, it came up with its ‘Three Warfares Strategy’ comprising psychological warfare, media warfare, and legal warfare to achieve its objectives. Broadly, the objectives of this strategy are to seize the “decisive opportunity” for controlling public opinion, organise psychological offence and defence, engage in legal struggle, and fight for popular will and public opinion.

The report points out how this strategy was used in the South China Sea (SCS). It contained seven steps. First, it changed the ground conditions and tried to shape the internal and external environment to support its claims. Second, utilise international arbitration to delay any settlement, while continuing to change the ground conditions. Third, dismiss the validity of international arbitration rulings in the event of an adverse ruling and shift focus on domestic laws. Fourth, claim the entire nine-dash-line area that was forcefully taken by foreign aggressors, based on manufactured historical evidence. Fifth, launch a high-voltage propaganda on its claims and project that China is exercising its legitimate rights to fully recover from the ‘Century of Humiliation.’ Sixth, utilise Chinese media, social media, and public diplomacy to achieve the objective. Seventh, use the Chinese Maritime Militia, Coast-Guard, and PLAN for intrusions in the EEZs of other countries and deny them oil exploration activities. China used these operations to divert international attention from its activities in the SCS and along the Indo-Tibetan border during the pandemic.



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93dd9e No.71053

File: fb18c58262b8ed7⋯.jpeg (84.45 KB,900x682,450:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a29175ca6e76609⋯.png (1.7 MB,1079x1766,1079:1766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163846 (120059ZJUL23) Notable: THE LAB-GROWN, FRANKENMEAT WORKAROUND IS TO BUY MEAT WITH BONES

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A few weeks ago, while the media focused on the Titanic submarine, the government quietly legalized the sale of lab-grown chicken and meat without any labeling. This happened with very little safety review, or public discussion. If you are okay with eating lab meat, cultured from cancer cells, then this post isn't for you.

If you are disturbed by this development, it may be wise to purchase chicken and meat with bones (like steak and ribs). I took this photo at the Whole Foods near my house this morning. The package on the left says 'grass fed ground beef', and the package on the right, which is for sale, simply says 'beef'. I'm going to look for indications (like 'grass fed') that chicken and beef are coming from animals, rather than labs.

Found above via Lara Logan


She screenshot the tweet. I found the link and posted it first...

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93dd9e No.71054

File: 2a3a916a68ac282⋯.jpeg (50.1 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163884 (120108ZJUL23) Notable: Peter Nygard faces new charges of sexual assault and unlawful confinement

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WINNIPEG - Former fashion mogul Peter Nygard faces new charges of sexual assault and unlawful confinement after Manitoba justice officials sought a second opinion of the evidence outside his home province.

Winnipeg police said a person came forward in 2020 with allegations about a sexual assault at the Nygard corporate headquarters in Manitoba's capital in 1993.

The 81-year-old was arrested Tuesday at the Toronto South Detention Centre, where he remains in custody for similar charges in Ontario.


Quebec sex assault trial for ex-fashion mogul Peter Nygard scheduled for June 2024

Crown wants sex assault case of fashion mogul Peter Nygard to move more quickly

Review will look at decision to not lay charges against fashion mogul in Manitoba

Fashion mogul Peter Nygard waives right to bail hearing in Quebec sex crime case

Disgraced fashion mogul Peter Nygard faces two additional sexual assault charges in Toronto

Disgraced fashion mogul Peter Nygard charged with sexual assault, forcible confinement in Montreal

Crown wants sex assault case of fashion mogul Peter Nygard to move more quickly

There were originally no charges laid in Manitoba, where Nygard had spent decades ensuring that everyone knew his name and his face. For years Nygard stores throughout Winnipeg were draped in photos of the mogul and he was given a key to the city in 2008.

Winnipeg police have said they submitted eight cases for consideration by the Crown, but prosecutors decided not to lay charges.

That decision drew ire in Nygard's hometown, especially as police forces elsewhere in Canada laid charges.

Nygard faces two sex charges in Quebec and nine in Ontario, dating as far back as the 1980s.

Authorities in the United States have asked for him to be extradited to face charges of sex trafficking and racketeering in that country. Nygard has appealed an extradition order that would see him sent south of the border once his Canadian court cases are settled.

He has maintained his innocence.

The Manitoba government forwarded the investigation to Saskatchewan Justice in 2022 for an independent review.

Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen said at the time a review was important for people's confidence in the justice system.

"I felt it important because I had concerns," Goertzen said. "It bothered me that we were seeing charges in other places, but there might be good reason."

Police said after reviewing the opinion from Saskatchewan, an arrest warrant was issued Monday.

Nygard founded his fashion company in Winnipeg in 1967. He stepped down as chairman after the FBI and police raided his offices in New York in February 2020.

Nygard International later filed for bankruptcy.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 11, 2023.

- By Kelly Geraldine Malone in Saskatoon, with files from Steve Lambert in Winnipeg.


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93dd9e No.71055

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163886 (120109ZJUL23) Notable: MAN IN AMERICA

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Note: just started, you can rewind to the start.


The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom



STARTS AT 9PM ET: Join me for a deep dive into the disturbing truth about the media, the CIA, and child sex trafficking.


The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom


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93dd9e No.71056

File: 256b91190fa4253⋯.png (784.19 KB,1827x906,609:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163922 (120115ZJUL23) Notable: MAN IN AMERICA

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chek'it over a 1k watching comments are on

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93dd9e No.71057

File: 5c7bc394bd597d9⋯.png (367.19 KB,848x523,848:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163963 (120122ZJUL23) Notable: Illinois Law Forces Landlords To Rent To Illegals Or Face Civil Rights Violations

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Illinois Law Forces Landlords To Rent To Illegals Or Face Civil Rights Violations

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed SB 1817 into law, which mandates landlords must rent property to illegal immigrants. Democrats in this ultra-progressive crime-ridden state are under fire for prioritizing the needs of migrants over the needs of their constituents.

Breitbart first reported Pritzker signed SB 1817 into law on June 30. The rule amends the Illinois Human Rights Act to include "immigration status" as a protected class. This means landlords could get slapped with a civil rights violation if they 'discriminate' against a migrant.

"This law sets clear boundaries, protecting the rights of immigrants and ensuring that financial institutions and service providers cannot engage in discriminatory practices," Democratic State Sen. Ann Gillespie wrote in a statement.

Gillespie continued, "Putting these protections in place will promote fairness to ensure people are not unjustly denied housing."

The law comes after Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent more than 8,000 migrants to Chicago amid the worst border crisis ever - sparked by the Biden administration's failed open border policies. In the last few years, the record surge of migrant and drug flows into the country has triggered a twin crisis this country has never seen before.

Meanwhile, Democratic leadership in Chicago has pleaded with Abbott to halt the bussing of migrants from the southern border to their city because resources are limited to help them.


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93dd9e No.71058

File: 767e541b643add2⋯.gif (1.2 MB,312x212,78:53,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164016 (120131ZJUL23) Notable: MAN IN AMERICA

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He NAILED it here:

"If you're looking at the mainstream media. One thing that is important is that when you look across the mainstream media outlets, the news outlets, you can almost always see a very consistent narrative. Look at the media coverage of Sound Of Freedom. They wrote three different headlines, and each media company picks their headline, modify it a little bit, BUT IT'S THE EXACT SAME STORY. The story is "Sound Of Freedom is a far right Qanon fantasy about child sex trafficking." That's the story. SO IT'S SOMETHING BIGGER than just a couple of individuals at each individual media company forming their own opinions. THERE IS A MUCH LARGER CONTROL MECHANISM AT WORK HERE. And here is where we enter into the C_A"

Patterns patterns patterns.

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93dd9e No.71059

File: 8a777598aa0f9a3⋯.jpeg (276.28 KB,1125x731,1125:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 20e62188b74df7a⋯.jpeg (378.62 KB,1125x928,1125:928,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1d6f2a103f6ca69⋯.jpeg (349.94 KB,1125x996,375:332,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164052 (120136ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump czech these polls

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93dd9e No.71060

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164190 (120154ZJUL23) Notable: #23536

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#23536 >>71025

>>71026 sleepy Jo skips din din, tells Erdy he'll win in 24


>>71028 Kissinger — master of the deep state — admits Ukraine blew up the Nordstream Pipeline.He did this while being punk’d by Russians.

>>71029 @TulsiGabbard Congress must ban Atrazine, one of the most widely used and toxic herbicides, to stop further contamination of our food & water supply.

>>71030 Patrick Gunnels reads Martin Geddes's "The final battle for the future of humanity"

>>71031 Sun Spot Baby

>>71032 DOJ will not defend Trump as immune in E. Jean Carroll lawsuit

>>71033 2022 “The European Parliament has been sending a false message”

>>71034 Blinken: Ukraine Will Be "Defenseless" Without US Cluster Bombs

>>71035 Biden administration has agreed to the sale of F-16 fighter jets after Ankara dropped its opposition to Sweden’s NATO bid

>>71036, >>71042 California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

>>71037 MyPillow auctions off equipment amid sales drop, CEO blames cancel culture

>>71038, >>71040 PF

>>71039 North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum offers $20 gift card to people who donate $1 to his presidential campaign

>>71041 A recent survey indicated that most supporters of the three ruling coalition parties are unhappy

>>71043, >>71044 NATO's Big Climb Down

>>71045 Muzzies Go Gay -Rep. Ilhan Omar

>>71046, >>71047, >>71049 New Evidence Informs and Confirms Old Analysis on Cover-up Operations, Biden Criminality, Ukraine, NATO, China and CEFC China Energy Company

>>71048 Vermont Dam One Foot From Failing Amid Historic Flooding

>>71050 Cocaine tours at the WH No wonder Disney is empty For the keks!

>>71051 Armed Gunman at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas

>>71052 Chinese neuro-strike programme: Pushing cognitive warfare to a new level


>>71054 Peter Nygard faces new charges of sexual assault and unlawful confinement

>>71055, >>71056, >>71058 MAN IN AMERICA

>>71057 Illinois Law Forces Landlords To Rent To Illegals Or Face Civil Rights Violations

>>71059 @realDonaldTrump czech these polls


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93dd9e No.71061

File: 04230c7626c1cde⋯.png (1.03 MB,1005x716,1005:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c9773ff5389537⋯.png (231.87 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cd64c1c989a044⋯.jpg (98.89 KB,560x377,560:377,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164203 (120156ZJUL23) Notable: #23537

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Baker one n done, will tap @20

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93dd9e No.71062

File: 91b542549af9686⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164256 (120206ZJUL23) Notable: The day Donald J. Trump saved the Veteran's Day Parade!!!(mp4)

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The day Donald J. Trump saved the Veteran's Day Parade!!!


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93dd9e No.71063

File: 6bc764f29d6551e⋯.png (480.68 KB,802x1689,802:1689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164315 (120222ZJUL23) Notable: Berkshire Hathaway takes control of LNG facility as Buffett ups bet on energy infrastructure

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Berkshire Hathaway takes control of LNG facility as Buffett ups bet on energy infrastructure

erkshire Hathaway Energy has agreed to purchase a 50% stake in the Cove Point liquefied natural gas facility for $3.3 billion in cash.

Warren Buffett's big energy and utility division bought the stake from Dominion Energy and will now own a 75% limited partnership stake in Cove Point LNG located in Lusby, Maryland. A subsidiary of Brookfield Infrastructure Partners holds the remaining 25% .

While the deal, which was announced Monday, isn't large in size for Berkshire, it builds on a growing bet on energy infrastructure at the conglomerate as it gains control of one of the rare functional facilities in the U.S. that can export LNG.

"It builds on their long-term theme of energy resources becoming more valuable and ownership of one of only a few US LNG exporters," said Bill Stone, chief investment officer at Glenview Trust and a Berkshire shareholder.

continued here.... https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/berkshire-hathaway-takes-control-of-lng-facility-as-buffett-ups-bet-on-energy-infrastructure/ar-AA1dIpeX

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93dd9e No.71064

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164335 (120225ZJUL23) Notable: The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom(rumble vid)

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Anon is still watching man in america after the look at the sound of freedom he continues with a interview with kirk elliot, the guy who is always grifting for customers to his company to buy gold and silver.

interesting that Seth Holehouse is actually schooling this guy on the big picture.





The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom



STARTS AT 9PM ET: Join me for a deep dive into the disturbing truth about the media, the CIA, and child sex trafficking.

including a interview with kirk Elliot on the b.i.s and interanational banking monetary system.

remember the b.i.s is a ngo and above any laws globally including their staff and assets.

they could commit murder and not be bought to justice and cannot have their assets seized.


The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom


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93dd9e No.71065

File: 0c79c98539dcf30⋯.png (698.21 KB,768x1113,256:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164359 (120229ZJUL23) Notable: Private jets are descending on a small-town airport as the 'summer camp for billionaires' kicks off

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Private jets are descending on a small-town airport as the 'summer camp for billionaires' kicks off

Private jets are already arriving in Sun Valley, Idaho ahead of the "summer camp for billionaires."

The nearby airport began reporting delays from inbound traffic on Tuesday.

Big names like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg were invited to attend the event.

Private jets have already begun piling up outside of small town Sun Valley, Idaho as some of the world's most powerful people head to Allen & Co's annual conference — also known as "summer camp for billionaires."


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93dd9e No.71066

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164376 (120233ZJUL23) Notable: Beth Majeroni Dragged Out Of Chatham County Board Of Elections Meeting On Dominion Machines Issues(rumble vid)

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2 hours ago

Beth Majeroni Dragged Out Of Chatham County Board Of Elections Meeting On Dominion Machines Issues

12:53 minutes


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93dd9e No.71067

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164391 (120235ZJUL23) Notable: Harnwell: Zelensky Advisor Shock Admission: Goal Is For Russia To 'Cease To Exist As A Country'(rumble vid)

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Harnwell: Zelensky Advisor Shock Admission: Goal Is For Russia To 'Cease To Exist As A Country'

5:10 minutes


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93dd9e No.71068

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164470 (120249ZJUL23) Notable: Mark Mitchell Details Poll Explaining Americans Thoughts On The JFK Assassination(rumble vid)

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8:31 minutes

Mark Mitchell Details Poll Explaining Americans Thoughts On The JFK Assassination

Really interesting poll numbers, Donald J. Trump still on top!


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93dd9e No.71069

File: 727b3863f7667e7⋯.png (399.83 KB,608x449,608:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164475 (120250ZJUL23) Notable: No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine's Orphanages(Jun 2, 2015)

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No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine's Orphanages



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93dd9e No.71070

File: 1bf5a01073c348c⋯.png (364.58 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164546 (120308ZJUL23) Notable: WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden Admin a ‘Middleman’ in Child Sex Trafficking

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WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden Admin a ‘Middleman’ in Child Sex Trafficking

A whistleblower has given an explosive statement accusing Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration of acting as a “middleman” in an international child sex trafficking operation.

The allegations were revealed in a damning new report compiled by journalist and Gatestone Institute Senior Fellow Uzay Bulut.

Bulut has outlined the allegations on the organization’s website, claiming that youngsters are being brought from Mexico through the porous Southern Border.

“The criminal practice of trafficking and abusing hundreds of thousands of migrant children who cross the Southern Border is now, thanks to the open-border policy of the Biden administration, apparently ‘normal’ inside the U.S.,” Bulut writes.

He cites federal statistics about the millions of illegals encountered at the border in recent years.

However, he pointedly notes that “at least 85,000 children are believed to be missing.”

“Many of those children are raped,” he explained.

They are “used for forced labor, and forced to undertake brutal jobs ostensibly to ‘work off’ their debt by the criminal cartels who reportedly now control the Mexican side of the border and brought the children in.”

And he cites the comments from whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas.

Just a few weeks ago, Rodas gave a testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.

“Whether intentional or not, it can be argued that the U.S. government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children,” Rodas told lawmakers.

Rodas previously served in the Health and Human Services bureaucracy under Biden.

“Today, children will work overnight shifts at slaughterhouses, factories, and restaurants to pay their debts to smugglers and traffickers,” she testified.

“Today, children will be sold for sex.

“Today, children will call a hotline to report they are being abused, neglected, and trafficked…..”

Rodas said she had volunteered to help with the crisis at the Southern Border.

“I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes.

More at: https://theleadingreport.com/2023/07/10/whistleblower-biden-admin-a-middleman-in-child-sex-trafficking/

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93dd9e No.71071

File: 56be441bac95dd8⋯.png (225.19 KB,843x806,843:806,Clipboard.png)

File: b34c8e16e544238⋯.png (176.75 KB,860x736,215:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164694 (120344ZJUL23) Notable: Santa Clara University Students Must Take Covid Vaccines or Withdraw

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Santa Clara University Students Must Take Covid Vaccines or Withdraw

College COVID vaccine mandates remain some of the most coercive mandates ever declared. While most colleges have now rescinded their mandates, some colleges refuse to let go, and Santa Clara University in California is one of the most oppressive.

In late April 2021, after most incoming freshmen had committed, SCU announced that all students were required to get COVID vaccines for fall enrollment or after full approval, whichever was later.

Then by mid-summer, SCU announced that students would be required to receive the vaccine even if it remained authorized only for emergency (EUA) and despite the fact that the CA Health and Safety Code codifies the Nuremberg Code. Section 24172 states

“(t)here is, and will continue to be, a growing need for protection for citizens of the state from unauthorized, needless, hazardous, or negligently performed medical experiments on human beings. It is, therefore, the intent of the Legislature, in the enacting of this chapter, to provide minimum statutory protection for the citizens of this state with regard to human experimentation and to provide penalties for those who violate such provisions.”

SCU (and many other CA colleges and universities) are in direct violation of this Code for removing informed consent by mandating EUA medical treatments.

Despite lack of efficacy or adequate safety data for this overwhelmingly healthy young adult population, in December 2021, SCU mandated the booster, midway through the academic year when students would have no choice but to comply or leave tens of thousands of dollars behind. SCU’s three-dose requirement remained through the 2022-23 school year.

In complete disregard for the end of the emergency declarations, in early April 2023, when most universities like nearby Stanford were announcing the end of their COVID vaccine mandates, SCU updated its requirement for incoming freshmen.

On May 8th, one week after the fall 2023 enrollment deadline, SCU quietly updated its COVID vaccine policy to require one bivalent dose for incoming freshmen (but not returning students) regardless of how many COVD vaccines they had previously taken. SCU backdated this announcement to May 1st thinking no one would take notice, but in private emails from incoming students learned that some were furious. We encouraged them to withdraw and accept another offer.

On May 31st, SCU updated its policy again. They now require either three previously taken monovalent doses or one bivalent dose for all community members. As with the University’s previous mandates, SCU offers no religious exemptions and limited medical exemptions for students even in the most extreme of circumstances as explained below. Faculty and staff, however, are permitted to request exemptions.

SCU’s policy is determined by its opaque “COVID-19 team,” believed to be led by campus physician Dr. Lewis Osofsky, who also holds several positions at Santa Clara County Medical Association (SCCMA). SCCMA partners with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department (SCCPH) to maximize COVID-19 vaccinations. Santa Clara County is one of the most vaccinated counties in the country, with more than a third having received the bivalent booster, twice the national average, and 88.5 percent having received the primary series.


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93dd9e No.71072

File: 439ab24f9552bbe⋯.png (264.58 KB,568x681,568:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164709 (120347ZJUL23) Notable: Subpoena Of Transgender Health Group's Documents Postponed Until 2024 Amid Stonewalling Transparency Efforts

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Subpoena Of Transgender Health Group's Documents Postponed Until 2024 Amid Stonewalling Transparency Efforts

The World Professional Association For Transgender Health (WPATH) has until April 2024 to produce documents subpoenaed by an Alabama judge in March.

U.S. District Judge Liles Burke filed an internal documents request from WPATH as part of an ongoing lawsuit over the state’s ban on gender transition treatments for children. The law prohibits doctors from prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to patients 18 and under. Doctors who violate the law could face up to 10 years in prison.

WPATH, an advocate for child sex changes, was repeatedly referenced by plaintiffs arguing against Alabama’s ban.

The subpoena could reveal how WPATH has arrived at the conclusion child gender transition treatments are safe and medically necessary, despite multiple European countries urging caution on the procedures. The medical organization has been stonewalling efforts to reveal their methods for months, in a move some experts told the Daily Caller in May is indicative of guilt.

Judge Burke postponed the trial date from August to April 2, 2024, allowing WPATH more time to produce the requested documents, according to the Associated Press.

WPATH set standards of care for those with a “eunuch” gender identity in 2022, recommending orchiectomy, or castration, as a treatment option. WPATH used information from the Eunuch Archive in setting these standards of care, which the medical organization itself described as “filled with fantasy,” containing stories of child castration, pedophilia and sexual torture.

WPATH has recently pushed to remove any minimum age requirement to undergo sex change surgeries or cross-sex hormone therapy.

During a similar lawsuit in Florida, a district court ordered WPATH, the Endocrine Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to comply with a subpoena of all documents related to their guidance for transgender-identified kids in March. An amicus brief filed April 7 on behalf of the attorneys general for 17 states highlighted the stark contrast between transgender guidance for minors in Europe versus in the U.S.


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93dd9e No.71073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164774 (120403ZJUL23) Notable: Where was the Cocaine in the White House?(YouTube vid)

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Where was the Cocaine in the White House?

6,203 views Premiered 3 hours ago WASHINGTON

Quick answer: we don't know yet, but we have a pretty good idea from media reports that it was on the ground level of the West Wing. Let me show you around a bit of the White House so you can see some of these locations.

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93dd9e No.71074

File: 7dbf35fdb991fa1⋯.png (176.62 KB,832x756,208:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164864 (120423ZJUL23) Notable: Paul Sperry: NEW: S.C. Justice Ketanji Jackson's late aunt would not be pleased w/ her decision to join Sotomayor's dissent on same-sex wedding case

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Paul Sperry·12m

NEW: S.C. Justice Ketanji Jackson's late aunt would not be pleased w/ her decision to join Sotomayor's dissent on same-sex wedding case. Her mother's sister, who suggested her African name "Ketanji" at birth, was a disciple of

The pastor of Justice Ketanji Jackson's aunt also warned of AIDS from "sodomy:" "The leading cause of HIV infection among black men was sexual contact with other men (sodomy or homosexual activity)," wrote Pastor Willie Wooten, founder of Gideon Christian Fellowship

Pastor Willie Wooten, who ministered to Justice Ketanji Jackson's aunt - a devout follower of his Gideon church and Bible-based doctrine, has also been an outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage, arguing it would open the door to the legalization of polygamy and incest

12:03 AM · Jul 12, 2023


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93dd9e No.71075

File: 9b466eb7a437c73⋯.png (148.27 KB,736x704,23:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19164960 (120448ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TS: CHRIS CHRISTIE IS A TOTAL LOSER!

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Donald J. Trump·now

Page 2: Sloppy Chris Christie is thrashing about, doing and saying anything to stay relevant. He desperately wanted to join the Trump Administration, but I said “NO!” In 2016, he spent most of his time away from New Jersey in order to campaign for President, much like Ron DeSanctimonious is doing now to Florida. Chris ended up getting run out of New Hampshire, where he had almost no vote or popularity. They knew him well - CHRIS CHRISTIE IS A TOTAL LOSER!”


Sloppy Chris Christie, who is polling at 1% and left his State, New Jersey, with an Approval Rating of 9% (the WORST number in State History), was interviewed on FoxNews (of course!) and stated that I only built 47 miles of Border Wall, knowing that the actual number is 463 Miles, as reported by the Department of Homeland Security. This does not include many Miles that we fixed or renovated, or areas that I got Mexico to secure. BEST BORDER EVER! He also lied about Russia & many other subjects!

Jul 12, 2023, 12:43 AM


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93dd9e No.71076

File: 29dd3669e0e1c4b⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,780x521,780:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165009 (120512ZJUL23) Notable: #23538

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Still ghosted.

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93dd9e No.71077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165055 (120528ZJUL23) Notable: Liar Mike Pence Gets Huffy When Voters Confront Him about the 2020 Election

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93dd9e No.71078

File: 969cd24d362dec3⋯.jpeg (266.91 KB,828x1583,828:1583,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165063 (120530ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Box Office: Movie Opens No. 1 in Texas, Arizona and Florida Theaters

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This rag lurks here, the last paragraph mentions “QAnon message boards” (stitched to headline.)

‘Sound of Freedom’ Box Office: Movie Opens No. 1 in Texas, Arizona and Florida Theaters


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93dd9e No.71079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165077 (120534ZJUL23) Notable: Washington state Jewish camp promises to keep campers' gender identity secret from parents

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93dd9e No.71080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165088 (120538ZJUL23) Notable: California Democrats push judges to make race a factor in sentencing criminals

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93dd9e No.71081

File: ccb42aa66387ec2⋯.png (286.87 KB,1550x2006,775:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: 85b5497b77feaba⋯.png (450.78 KB,2342x1810,1171:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 77e2b56e65c6fa2⋯.pdf (779.86 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 32bb2f747631d4f⋯.pdf (674.37 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165089 (120539ZJUL23) Notable: THE FULL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE VAXX DEATH STUDY THAT WAS YANKED BY LANCET(PDF)

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as promised....


posted earlier today

nomed & seconded

nowhere to be seen in bread

dayshift dropped the ball

let's see if nightshift is comped, too

two PDFs, 102 pages total

screencap one page from each

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93dd9e No.71082

File: c1f4f545f8cc6b3⋯.jpeg (794.67 KB,1125x1643,1125:1643,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165118 (120548ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Crooked Joe Biden’s Targeted, Weaponized DOJ & FBI are a grave threat to our Democracy!

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93dd9e No.71083

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165136 (120554ZJUL23) Notable: Ex-CIA Agents Now Occupy Highest-Ranking Positions in Big Tech(rumble vid)

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Ex-CIA Agents Now Occupy Highest-Ranking Positions in Big Tech.Plus: Racist Diversity Officers | SYSTEM UPDATE #113



Glenn Greenwald


CIA agents have completely infiltrated not only corporate media but also Big Tech's censorship units.

Plus: @aaronsibarium

on racist diversity officers. And: Jamie Dimon and the psychology of war


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93dd9e No.71084

File: 89b4e21b23bb7b8⋯.jpg (175.18 KB,720x790,72:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165156 (120559ZJUL23) Notable: @DailyMail: 'Sad' Dylan Mulvaney flees to PERU after complaining she no longer 'feels safe' in US

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'Sad' Dylan Mulvaney flees to PERU after complaining she no longer 'feels safe' in US

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93dd9e No.71085

File: ff26d85f58b8a18⋯.png (362.74 KB,1062x912,177:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165189 (120607ZJUL23) Notable: China warns against NATO expansion into Asia-Pacific

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China warns against NATO expansion into Asia-Pacific

>Beijing vows a “resolute response” should the US-led military bloc attempt to move closer to its borders


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93dd9e No.71086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165233 (120629ZJUL23) Notable: North Korea Fires Long-Range Ballistic Missile Toward Sea of Japan

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North Korea Fires Long-Range Ballistic Missile Toward Sea of Japan

5 hours ago (Updated: 3 hours ago)

The Wednesday launch marks the first in nearly a month after North Korea last fired off a missile in mid June. To date, it marks the 12 such launch in 2023 alone.


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93dd9e No.71087

File: b83fd2480e1bb3b⋯.jpg (69.37 KB,720x752,45:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ce2b2f0cc06e0f4⋯.jpg (35.52 KB,623x410,623:410,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165284 (120700ZJUL23) Notable: Meta wants your FACE

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Meta wants your FACE

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93dd9e No.71088

File: 4af513f6c7d06ca⋯.png (190.65 KB,298x493,298:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165409 (120754ZJUL23) Notable: Mel Gibson besties with Peter Nygard?

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Mel Gibson besties with Peter Nygard? https://twitter.com/Prolotario1/status/1678873140363948034

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93dd9e No.71089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165410 (120754ZJUL23) Notable: #23537 posted in #23538

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>>71076 ty e-baker

notetaker lb note

>>>/qresearch/19164194 Q Research General #23537: Night Shift Freedom Sounds, Mabbe Not For Zelensky, The End Edition

>>71061 DOUGH


#23537 >>71061

>>71062 The day Donald J. Trump saved the Veteran's Day Parade!!!(mp4)

>>71063 Berkshire Hathaway takes control of LNG facility as Buffett ups bet on energy infrastructure

>>71064 The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom(rumble vid)

>>71065 Private jets are descending on a small-town airport as the 'summer camp for billionaires' kicks off

>>71066 Beth Majeroni Dragged Out Of Chatham County Board Of Elections Meeting On Dominion Machines Issues(rumble vid)

>>71067 Harnwell: Zelensky Advisor Shock Admission: Goal Is For Russia To 'Cease To Exist As A Country'(rumble vid)

>>71068 Mark Mitchell Details Poll Explaining Americans Thoughts On The JFK Assassination(rumble vid)

>>71069 No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine's Orphanages(Jun 2, 2015)

>>71070 WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden Admin a ‘Middleman’ in Child Sex Trafficking

>>71071 Santa Clara University Students Must Take Covid Vaccines or Withdraw

>>71072 Subpoena Of Transgender Health Group's Documents Postponed Until 2024 Amid Stonewalling Transparency Efforts

>>71073 Where was the Cocaine in the White House?(YouTube vid)

>>71074 Paul Sperry: NEW: S.C. Justice Ketanji Jackson's late aunt would not be pleased w/ her decision to join Sotomayor's dissent on same-sex wedding case


#23537 posted in #23538

note link:


notetaker OUT

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93dd9e No.71090

File: 6495d1f03845728⋯.png (291.28 KB,1005x1297,1005:1297,Clipboard.png)

File: 6671467cb40e272⋯.png (121.98 KB,887x450,887:450,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f36024006f823d⋯.png (55.68 KB,801x258,267:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 74d3406f0656f6a⋯.png (136.08 KB,819x435,273:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165425 (120807ZJUL23) Notable: Would Ukraine be in NATO right now, if the bitch had won?(PDF)

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Things happen in ukraine always reminds me of this Soros piece of paper. Written before POTUS was elected. Written with Clinton as pres. Would Ukraine be in NATO right now, if the bitch had won?

Uploaded by John Solomon. (Q mentioned JS in a good way!)


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93dd9e No.71091

File: b35e58af866eef7⋯.png (889.6 KB,1302x880,651:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165504 (120855ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: Tucker Carlson WORLD FIRST Interview Since Leaving Fox! - #163 - Stay Free With Russell Brand(rumble vid)

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LIVE: Tucker Carlson WORLD FIRST Interview Since Leaving Fox! - #163 - Stay Free With Russell Brand


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93dd9e No.71092

File: 902cc489003c407⋯.png (53.88 KB,659x386,659:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165535 (120913ZJUL23) Notable: Sure about that Joe? Biden slammed over campaign ad bragging 'I'll always answer a call from my grandchildren' after disowning granddaughter, 4, born to Arkansas stripper and Hunter, as CNN joins condemnation

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Sure about that Joe? Biden slammed over

campaign ad bragging 'I'll always answer

a call from my grandchildren' after disowning

granddaughter, 4, born to Arkansas stripper

and Hunter, as CNN joins condemnation

Daily Mail (UK), by Claudia Aoraha

Posted By: Imright, 7/11/2023 9:10:09 PM

Video Player is loading.

This is a modal window.

The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.

Joe Biden has been slammed over one of his advertisements during his 2020 campaign, where he bragged that he'll 'always answer a call from my grandchildren.' The president, 80, has disowned one of his granddaughters - who was born after Biden's son Hunter had a fling with a former stripper named Lunden Roberts. Biden infamously said earlier this year that he has 'six grandchildren' - completely ignoring Arkansas-based Navy Joan Roberts, who is his seventh.

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93dd9e No.71093

File: c005f56cf36bf61⋯.png (407.8 KB,782x880,391:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165537 (120915ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

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Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions

From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing'

Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

Daily Caller, by Philip Lenczycki

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 7/11/2023 5:52:23 PM

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday charged a key witness in the investigation into alleged Biden family corruption for taking money from the same Chinese firm that paid Hunter Biden’s businesses and associates millions, according to DOJ records. Gal Luft, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, allegedly “willfully” failed to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) while working to “advance the interests of China” in the U.S. by brokering the illegal sale of Chinese weapons and Iranian oil to China, according to the DOJ. The DOJ alleges that Luft’s think tank, the Institute for the Analysis for Global Security, accepted at least $700,000 from CEFC China Energy beginning in 2015,

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93dd9e No.71094

File: 7b0f79df33f4be7⋯.png (675.38 KB,1439x1015,1439:1015,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165552 (120921ZJUL23) Notable: PF report

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N828CL appears to be having some sort of navigation issue.

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93dd9e No.71095

File: c5e0e24f1d95c1b⋯.png (1.12 MB,905x726,905:726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165598 (120947ZJUL23) Notable: Attendance Drops Off at First National Jamboree of New, Inclusive Boy Scouts

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Attendance Drops Off at First National

Jamboree of New, Inclusive Boy Scouts

PJ Media, by Athena Thorne

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 7/11/2023 3:31:10 PM

A seminal moment in the lives of tens of thousands of young men occurred in 2017 when they attended the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) National Jamboree, where they were addressed by President Donald Trump. The Jambo traditionally has always been a transformative experience for the youths who attend it — two weeks away from their families in a tween- and teen-boy paradise, a sylvan Never Land where they can belch and play with cool, nerdy stuff and whittle and stink without having to worry about impressing girls or being nagged not to do something dangerous. Anywhere from 2% to 5% of Boy Scouts journey to the quadrennial National Jamboree.

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93dd9e No.71096

File: 21099d195ced87e⋯.png (495.93 KB,597x593,597:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165609 (120953ZJUL23) Notable: @TheNatPulse: Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’

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The National Pulse


Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’.


Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’.

The White House payroll has hit historic highs under President Joe Biden, and the most highly remunerated staff member is his Monkeypox Co-ordinator Demetre Daskalakis, who The National Pulse first...

9:30 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.71097

File: 0b7183f66b42d9a⋯.png (583.87 KB,1442x1009,1442:1009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165621 (121000ZJUL23) Notable: PF report

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Still there holding and circling. My guess is they are testing a repair of some sort. Or test flight to try and reproduce a problem with the aircraft, avionics, etc.

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93dd9e No.71098

File: ca6bbcbcc1f0405⋯.png (736.84 KB,701x792,701:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165642 (121010ZJUL23) Notable: FCC Commissioner Says US Government Can Provide Internet Access to Cuba

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National Security

FCC Commissioner Says US Government Can Provide Internet Access to Cuba

Defunct high-altitude balloon project could give Cubans ability to share protest videos and photos

A Project Loon balloon in 2013 (Marty Melville/AFP via Getty Images)

Santi Ruiz

July 16, 2021


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93dd9e No.71099

File: 1f10c5017a49934⋯.png (89.92 KB,587x524,587:524,Clipboard.png)

File: 8be7348d1b069ca⋯.png (15.47 KB,858x174,143:29,Clipboard.png)

File: ab2e2bf4c18575c⋯.png (736.82 KB,791x818,791:818,Clipboard.png)

File: 2185af1f2b13d4a⋯.png (233.83 KB,431x313,431:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165657 (121016ZJUL23) Notable: Meta wants your FACE

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Lol holy shit.


7:32 PM · Jul 11, 2023






White House Admits To Flagging Posts To Be Censored By Facebook

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Jul 16, 2021 - 04:00 PM

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71100

File: 358f59addfcff5e⋯.jpeg (713.44 KB,1125x1423,1125:1423,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165719 (121040ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: The DOJ will not defend me in the E. Jean Carroll civil case, which is all part of the political Witch Hunt, lawyered up by a political operative who I just beat in another case, financed by a big political funder, and “judged” by a Clinton appointee who truly hates “TRUMP.”

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Page 1 ….the cat name may be coming


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93dd9e No.71101

File: 43b3f910aaee67e⋯.png (182.38 KB,587x454,587:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165760 (121056ZJUL23) Notable: @gatewaypundit: Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (VIDEO)

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Gateway Pundit


Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (VIDEO)


Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from…

Praise Petey is set to premiere July 21st at 10pm ET/PT on Freeform with the first two episodes.

The Gateway Pundit

Jul 11, 2023, 2:30 PM

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93dd9e No.71102

File: c3c04032a73d33d⋯.png (821.46 KB,772x471,772:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f180170e87dd19⋯.png (332.47 KB,600x529,600:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165775 (121101ZJUL23) Notable: @gatewaypundit: Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (VIDEO)

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Just a new Disney show about a girl who inherits a human-sacrificing, blood-drinking cult whose logo has the all-seeing eye.

Nothing to see here!

0:20 / 2:04

8:12 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.71103

File: b875edfd9f64a58⋯.png (744.8 KB,683x680,683:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165852 (121137ZJUL23) Notable: #23539

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e-bake dough


I was in practice and collecting lb notes. I will post them now.

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93dd9e No.71104

File: 38c2faa0110f53d⋯.jpeg (65.34 KB,732x264,61:22,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165855 (121138ZJUL23) Notable: Trend Sound of Freedom #SaveTheChildren

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71105

File: 565344c6d401ede⋯.webp (202.59 KB,1592x928,199:116,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165857 (121139ZJUL23) Notable: Karine Jean-Pierre: We’re Confident the Secret Service Will Determine Who Brought the Cocaine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If the Secret Service can’t find the Culprit -FIRE THE SECRET SERVICE

Karine Jean-Pierre: We’re Confident the Secret Service Will Determine Who Brought the Cocaine


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93dd9e No.71106

File: edc929e22fab129⋯.png (216.48 KB,416x389,416:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165863 (121141ZJUL23) Notable: They're now trying to convince the masses that "heat" massacred 61,000 Europeans last year.

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They're now trying to convince the masses that "heat" massacred 61,000 Europeans last year.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71107

File: 98a5499b3e6fa32⋯.jpeg (741.81 KB,1125x1467,125:163,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1e73706c807d489⋯.jpeg (686.36 KB,1125x1435,225:287,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7d3dfb3ee13accb⋯.jpeg (754.86 KB,1125x1478,1125:1478,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165864 (121141ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Truth Caps - E. Jean Carroll Pages 1, 2, 3

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165880 (121147ZJUL23) Notable: 10AM ET LIVE FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies at an oversight hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.

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FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies at an oversight hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165883 (121148ZJUL23) Notable: #23538 Posted in #23539

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notetaker lb note

>>>/qresearch/19165003 Q Research General #23538: EBAKE Edition


#23538 >>71076

>>71077 Liar Mike Pence Gets Huffy When Voters Confront Him about the 2020 Election

>>71078 ‘Sound of Freedom’ Box Office: Movie Opens No. 1 in Texas, Arizona and Florida Theaters

>>71079 Washington state Jewish camp promises to keep campers' gender identity secret from parents

>>71080 California Democrats push judges to make race a factor in sentencing criminals


>>71082 @realDonaldTrump: Crooked Joe Biden’s Targeted, Weaponized DOJ & FBI are a grave threat to our Democracy!

>>71083 Ex-CIA Agents Now Occupy Highest-Ranking Positions in Big Tech(rumble vid)

>>71084 @DailyMail: 'Sad' Dylan Mulvaney flees to PERU after complaining she no longer 'feels safe' in US

>>71085 China warns against NATO expansion into Asia-Pacific

>>71086 North Korea Fires Long-Range Ballistic Missile Toward Sea of Japan

>>71087, >>71099 Meta wants your FACE

>>71088 Mel Gibson besties with Peter Nygard?

>>71090 Would Ukraine be in NATO right now, if the bitch had won?(PDF)

>>71091 LIVE: Tucker Carlson WORLD FIRST Interview Since Leaving Fox! - #163 - Stay Free With Russell Brand(rumble vid)

>>71092 Sure about that Joe? Biden slammed over campaign ad bragging 'I'll always answer a call from my grandchildren' after disowning granddaughter, 4, born to Arkansas stripper and Hunter, as CNN joins condemnation

>>71093 Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

>>71094, >>71097 PF report

>>71095 Attendance Drops Off at First National Jamboree of New, Inclusive Boy Scouts

>>71096 @TheNatPulse: Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’

>>71098 FCC Commissioner Says US Government Can Provide Internet Access to Cuba

>>71100 @realDonaldTrump: The DOJ will not defend me in the E. Jean Carroll civil case, which is all part of the political Witch Hunt, lawyered up by a political operative who I just beat in another case, financed by a big political funder, and “judged” by a Clinton appointee who truly hates “TRUMP.”

>>71101, >>71102 @gatewaypundit: Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (VIDEO)

#23538 posted in #23539

Please check, anons.

note link


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93dd9e No.71110

File: 66c5946535c1e0c⋯.png (276.7 KB,996x626,498:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165899 (121153ZJUL23) Notable: Anon notices Strange Coincidence re DOJ whistle Blower. Sauce?

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What a strange coincidence...

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93dd9e No.71111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165908 (121157ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Delivers Remarks with G7 Leaders

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July 12, 2023

8:10 AM EDT

President Biden Delivers Remarks with G7 Leaders

Vilnius, Lithuania



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93dd9e No.71112

File: 687d803928a64a9⋯.jpeg (143.33 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165922 (121200ZJUL23) Notable: FBI colluded with Ukraine in social media crackdown

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11 Jul, 2023 09:58

FBI colluded with Ukraine in social media crackdown – lawmakers

The bureau failed to properly vet information provided by Kiev, the US House Judiciary Committee says

The FBI cooperated with Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) to clamp down on social media accounts disseminating alleged “Russian disinformation,” but ended up flagging pages run by the US State Department and American journalists, a report by the House Judiciary Committee has revealed.

Released on Monday, the report accused the FBI of not properly vetting lists of accounts provided to it by the SBU before sending them to the likes of Meta, Google, and Twitter.

As a result, the two agencies “flagged for social media companies the authentic accounts of Americans, including a verified US State Department account and those belonging to American journalists,” and requested that those pages be deleted, the document read.

On some occasions, the FBI followed up to ensure that “these accounts were taken down,” according to the report, which was based on documents subpoenaed from Meta and Alphabet in February.

In one of the SBU’s lists forwarded by the FBI to Meta, the official Russian-language Instagram account of the US State Department was described as “distribut[ing] content that promotes war, inaccurately reflects events in Ukraine, justifies Russian war crimes in Ukraine in violation of international law,” the report stated.

CNN pointed out that Meta, which owns Instagram and Facebook, apparently did not comply with the request to delete the State Department page.

Another moderation request filed to Facebook by the US domestic security agency included a roster of 5,165 accounts, the House Judiciary Committee said.

The report cited an email by a senior Twitter employee who indicated to the FBI that “a few accounts of American and Canadian journalists” were on one of the lists sent to the company by the agency.

Alphabet platforms Google and YouTube were also approached about censoring alleged pro-Russian accounts. A high-ranking member of Google’s cybersecurity team told the authors of the report that the company had been “deluged with various requests” for the removal of content, mainly from “the Ukrainian government, other Eastern European governments, the European Union, and the European Commission.”

The House Judiciary Committee suggested that theFBI had “violated the First Amendment rights of Americans and potentially undermined our national security” through its partnership with the SBU, claiming that the latter had been “infiltrated by Russian-aligned actors.”

The author of the paper noted the purge within the SBU by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky last summer, which saw the agency’s head sacked and hundreds of criminal cases launched against employees on treason charges.

The report was released ahead of FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, which is scheduled for Wednesday.

A Judiciary Committee aide told CNN that the Republicans on the panel are planning to question Wray about the content of the paper and use it to claim that the FBI interferes in free speech.


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93dd9e No.71113

File: b590e689394d89f⋯.png (988.05 KB,1174x1155,1174:1155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19165936 (121205ZJUL23) Notable: Anon notices Strange Coincidence re DOJ whistle Blower. Sauce?

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>What a strange coincidence…



Published April 25, 2023 7:56pm EDT

Whistleblower to tell House that US govt is 'middleman' in multibillion dollar migrant child trafficking op

Whistleblower on child migrant trafficking comes as Biden admin faces scrutiny over handling of forced labor


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93dd9e No.71114

File: 0588f8924b86b67⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166088 (121249ZJUL23) Notable: Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father #PureEvil. MP4

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Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Jul. 11, 2023 8:20 pm


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93dd9e No.71115

File: 0916940232f367d⋯.png (807.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166118 (121259ZJUL23) Notable: @MayorRudyGiuliani LIVE THIS MORNING: I'm about to join @SidRosenberg on 77 WABC radio.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@MayorRudyGiuliani · 14m

🔴 LIVE THIS MORNING: I'm about to join @SidRosenberg on 77 WABC radio.

Listen at: wabcradio.com 🇺🇲


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93dd9e No.71116

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166124 (121303ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/12/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/12/2023


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93dd9e No.71117

File: 05c418fd86bb5f9⋯.jpg (122.44 KB,720x827,720:827,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ab2f3495a2444c5⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166159 (121313ZJUL23) Notable: Biden gets in the way as world leaders reach over him to greet Zelensky at NATO Summit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden gets in the way as world leaders reach over him to greet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the NATO Summit in Lithuania


Worthless old man gets in the way

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93dd9e No.71118

File: 0b1245507fa74f2⋯.jpg (62.13 KB,394x599,394:599,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166178 (121318ZJUL23) Notable: best meme in the bread.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166219 (121330ZJUL23) Notable: Joe and Zelensky live

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Joe and Zelensky live


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93dd9e No.71120

File: 1c5fcadaab562d0⋯.png (143.93 KB,596x491,596:491,Clipboard.png)

File: d6ac452093c8fad⋯.png (72.46 KB,2160x698,1080:349,Clipboard.png)

File: e8624f76504e27c⋯.png (885.47 KB,1558x1146,779:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166231 (121334ZJUL23) Notable: TWITTER FILES: Missouri v. Biden edition

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Matt taibbi



TWITTER FILES: Missouri v. Biden edition

"Thank you for your ongoing collaboration!"

3:14 PM Jul 11, 2023



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93dd9e No.71121

File: ed74f822b1fe0fe⋯.png (270.3 KB,607x1110,607:1110,Clipboard.png)

File: 1222597a6602e57⋯.png (467.56 KB,848x1456,53:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166251 (121341ZJUL23) Notable: TWITTER FILES: Missouri v. Biden edition

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4. Here’s the whole scheme, in one picture:


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93dd9e No.71122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166345 (121411ZJUL23) Notable: Chairman Jordan [reading recent opinion of judge]: The United States government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ministry of truth

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chairman Jordan [reading recent opinion of judge]: The United States government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ministry of truth...The FBI's failure to alert social media companies that the Biden laptop story was real, and not Russian disinformation, is particularly troubling.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71123

File: 19f9566970592ed⋯.jpeg (706.53 KB,1082x1767,1082:1767,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166352 (121412ZJUL23) Notable: GTMO844 returning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GTMO844 returning


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93dd9e No.71124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166358 (121414ZJUL23) Notable: Chairman Jordan: American's speech is censored, parents are called terrorists, Catholics are called radicals, and I haven't even talked about the spying that took place

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chairman Jordan: American's speech is censored, parents are called terrorists, Catholics are called radicals, and I haven't even talked about the spying that took place of a presidential campaign, or the raiding of a former president's home, but maybe what is more frightening, is what happens if you come forward and tell congress. If you're a whistleblower, come tell the legislature, come tell the congress what's going on, look out. You will be retaliated against.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166367 (121416ZJUL23) Notable: Nadler: [this hearing] is an elaborate show with only two purposes in mind

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nadler: [this hearing] is an elaborate show with only two purposes in mind. To protect Donald Trump from the consequences of his actions, and return him to the White House in the next election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166375 (121417ZJUL23) Notable: Nadler: Chairman Jordan had launched an array of baseless investigations into the FBI,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nadler: Chairman Jordan had launched an array of baseless investigations into the FBI, most premised on absurd conspiracy theories, some so absurd that the chairman cannot possibly believe them to be true.

[they are all true]

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93dd9e No.71127

File: b732e42223d3a35⋯.png (435.96 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166399 (121423ZJUL23) Notable: Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports on Their Own Criminal Activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports on Their Own Criminal Activity

People took the opportunity to report the FBI, the poor fibbies shot themselves in the foot.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166411 (121424ZJUL23) Notable: Nadler: Republican claims that the FBI has been weaponized, their personal attacks on Director Wray, their repeated calls to defund the FBI; these are not victimless acts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nadler: Republican claims that the FBI has been weaponized, their personal attacks on Director Wray, their repeated calls to defund the FBI; these are not victimless acts. They're a clarion call to anti-government extremists, and that call is being hears.

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93dd9e No.71129

File: 43102c419d9a212⋯.jpeg (50.54 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166428 (121427ZJUL23) Notable: Meme of the Hearing

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166447 (121431ZJUL23) Notable: Sanctuary city San Francisco is fueling property boom in HONDURAS as $350,000-a-year fentanyl dealers send cash home

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sanctuary city San Francisco is fueling property boom in HONDURAS as $350,000-a-year fentanyl dealers send cash home, safe in knowledge they likely face light sentences and will never be deported


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93dd9e No.71131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166470 (121436ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Johnson: The American people that we represent are losing count of the scandals that are mounting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mike Johnson: The American people that we represent are losing count of the scandals that are mounting...they've seen counter-terrorism resources being used against school parents, the homes of conservative political opponents being raided. They've seen conservative states being targeted over their election integrity laws, and conservative Catholics and pro-life citizens characterized as violent extremists.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166498 (121440ZJUL23) Notable: Director Wray: The FBI is not in the business of moderating content

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Director Wray: The FBI is not in the business of moderating content, or causing any social media company to suppress or censor...

Johnson: That is not what the court has found.

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93dd9e No.71133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166556 (121448ZJUL23) Notable: Massie/Wray Testimony Bun

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Massie: Can you tell us about how the second pipebomb was found at the DNC [ January 6th]?

Director Wray: I'm not going to get into that here.

Massie: Nine hundred days ago is when this happened, and you said you had total confidence we would apprehend the subject. We found video that looks like somebody, a passerby, miraculously found this pipebomb at the DNC, and then notified the police. Miraculously, I say, because it was at specifically the precise time to cause maximum distraction from events going on at the Capital.

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93dd9e No.71134

File: 63ca98d09059a8e⋯.png (474.59 KB,690x1672,345:836,Clipboard.png)

File: db978383eda6c5f⋯.jpeg (220.03 KB,750x1300,15:26,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 04b3b2c8d812e47⋯.jpeg (199.34 KB,750x1301,750:1301,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bbee4b1f575b31b⋯.jpeg (142.56 KB,749x976,749:976,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f4dd34c3ed5578d⋯.jpeg (189.66 KB,747x960,249:320,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166557 (121449ZJUL23) Notable: Planefags about - Since Q1680 delta'd on 4JULY have been digging on UNITED 747s.

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Any planefags about?

Since Q1680 delta'd on 4JULY have been digging on UNITED 747s.

Found some interesting info. The paint design (livery) seen in the Q pic was supposed to have been in use since May2010 after United merged with Continental. I naively thought ALL the planes would have had their liveries changed right away but found, so far, today one such 747 that had still not had its paint job changed as late as NOV 2012.

FACT: United stopped using 747s as of 7NOV2017, 7 months before the Q drop.

Way back, anons had already observed that the HONG KONG scene must pre-date January 2017 based on SV images. That leaves a 2016 bookend. I am now finding proof that some of the 747 fleet may not have changed their liveries til NOV2012.

That makes a rough possible timeframe for the HONG KONG drops of 2013 thru 2016.

So far my research has eliminated almost HALF of the 747s United used because 1/2 of them were either scrapped, sold or mothballed before the MAY 2010 new livery seen in the Q pic. Still working on this. Just getting started actually.

Picrels are for tail number N104UA.

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93dd9e No.71135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166574 (121451ZJUL23) Notable: Massie/Wray Testimony Bun

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Massie: Do you believe there is any limitation on your ability to obtain gun purchase data, or purchase information, for people who are not suspects from banks, without a warrant?

Director Wray: Now you're asking a legal question, which I would prefer to defer to the lawyers.

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93dd9e No.71136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166593 (121454ZJUL23) Notable: Lofgren: The January 6th Committee, I was a member, did find that the ex-president was the center of a wide-ranging conspiracy to overturn the election.

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Lofgren: The January 6th Committee, I was a member, did find that the ex-president was the center of a wide-ranging conspiracy to overturn the election.

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93dd9e No.71137

File: 22f251104cfb080⋯.png (862.66 KB,1218x799,1218:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166609 (121456ZJUL23) Notable: matt gaetz reads hunters text about sitting next to his father

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matt gaetz reads hunters text about sitting next to his father

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93dd9e No.71138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166612 (121456ZJUL23) Notable: Gaetz: Are you protecting the Bidens? Director Wray: Absolutely not.

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Gaetz: Are you protecting the Bidens?

Director Wray: Absolutely not.

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93dd9e No.71139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166623 (121458ZJUL23) Notable: #23539

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#23539 >>71103

FBI Oversight Hearing

>>71122 Chairman Jordan [reading recent opinion of judge]: The United States government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ministry of truth

>>71124 Chairman Jordan: American's speech is censored, parents are called terrorists, Catholics are called radicals, and I haven't even talked about the spying that took place

>>71125 Nadler: [this hearing] is an elaborate show with only two purposes in mind

>>71126 Nadler: Chairman Jordan had launched an array of baseless investigations into the FBI,

>>71128 Nadler: Republican claims that the FBI has been weaponized, their personal attacks on Director Wray, their repeated calls to defund the FBI; these are not victimless acts.

>>71129 Meme of the Hearing

>>71131 Mike Johnson: The American people that we represent are losing count of the scandals that are mounting

>>71132 Director Wray: The FBI is not in the business of moderating content

>>71133, >>71135 Massie/Wray Testimony Bun

>>71136 Lofgren: The January 6th Committee, I was a member, did find that the ex-president was the center of a wide-ranging conspiracy to overturn the election.

>>71137 matt gaetz reads hunters text about sitting next to his father

>>71138 Gaetz: Are you protecting the Bidens? Director Wray: Absolutely not.


>>71104 Trend Sound of Freedom #SaveTheChildren

>>71105 Karine Jean-Pierre: We’re Confident the Secret Service Will Determine Who Brought the Cocaine

>>71106 They're now trying to convince the masses that "heat" massacred 61,000 Europeans last year.

>>71107 Trump Truth Caps - E. Jean Carroll Pages 1, 2, 3

>>71108 10AM ET LIVE FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies at an oversight hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.

>>71109 #23538 Posted in #23539

>>71110, >>71113 Anon notices Strange Coincidence re DOJ whistle Blower. Sauce?

>>71111 Biden Delivers Remarks with G7 Leaders

>>71112 FBI colluded with Ukraine in social media crackdown

>>71114 Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father #PureEvil. MP4

>>71115 @MayorRudyGiuliani LIVE THIS MORNING: I'm about to join @SidRosenberg on 77 WABC radio.

>>71116 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/12/2023

>>71117 Biden gets in the way as world leaders reach over him to greet Zelensky at NATO Summit

>>71119 Joe and Zelensky live

>>71120, >>71121 TWITTER FILES: Missouri v. Biden edition

>>71118 best meme in the bread.

>>71123 GTMO844 returning

>>71127 Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports on Their Own Criminal Activity

>>71130 Sanctuary city San Francisco is fueling property boom in HONDURAS as $350,000-a-year fentanyl dealers send cash home

>>71134 Planefags about - Since Q1680 delta'd on 4JULY have been digging on UNITED 747s.

>>>/qresearch/19166623 #23539


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93dd9e No.71140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166652 (121501ZJUL23) Notable: House Republicans grill FBI Director Christopher A. Wray

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#23540 https://fullchan.net/?8c5386f834d929de#EkJRYdbF75UPLJtofZaN4ChxNHnjsy6EjxzUVENy8iS

House Republicans grill FBI Director Christopher A. Wray


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93dd9e No.71141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166672 (121503ZJUL23) Notable: Wray just told Gaetz that people in Florida applying for FBI is up 100 percent.

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Wray just told Gaetz that people in Florida applying for FBI is up 100 percent.

Gaetz: We're proud of people in Florida and they deserve better than you.

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93dd9e No.71142

File: 5e5c3e80a8dbc80⋯.png (300.36 KB,1189x604,1189:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166684 (121506ZJUL23) Notable: The number one movie on The Pirate Bay is a CAM version of Sound of Freedom

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The number one movie on The Pirate Bay is a CAM version of Sound of Freedom. Just shows how much people wanna see it. I'm planning on paying full price when it comes to a theater in my country.


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93dd9e No.71143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166690 (121507ZJUL23) Notable: Cohen: There have been, I think Tucker Carlson and some of the members, colleagues on the other side of the aisle, have said that Ray Epps was a secret government agent

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Cohen: There have been, I think Tucker Carlson and some of the members, colleagues on the other side of the aisle, have said that Ray Epps was a secret government agent, helping encourage this crime so as to make the president look bad. Do you have any knowledge of Ray Epps being a secret government agent?

Director Wray: Uh, no. I will say this notion that somehow the violence at the Capital on January 6th was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources and agents is ludicrous, and is a disservice to our brave, hardworking, dedicated men and women.

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93dd9e No.71144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166701 (121509ZJUL23) Notable: House Republicans grill FBI Director Christopher A. Wray

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of all the live streams to post, you post the fucking washington post? really? wapo? massive faggot

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93dd9e No.71145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166736 (121514ZJUL23) Notable: Issa: Director, how many individuals were either FBI employees, or people that the FBI had made contact with, were in the January 6th entry of the Capital, and the surrounding area?

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Issa: Director, how many individuals were either FBI employees, or people that the FBI had made contact with, were in the January 6th entry of the Capital, and the surrounding area?

Director Wray: I really need to be careful here, talking about where we have or have not used confidential human sources.

Issa: Was there one or more individuals that would fit that description on January 6th, that were in or around the Capital?

Director Wray: I believe there is a filing in one of the January 6th cases that can provide a little more information about this.

Issa: I just want an answer, was there one or more? I mean, you would know if there was at least one individual that worked for the FBI who went to the Capital on that day.

Director Wray: I just can't speak to that here

Issa: It's been two years...I'm going to make the assumption that there was more than one, more than five, more than ten, and that you're ducking the question because you don't want to answer for the fact that you had at least one, and somehow missed understanding that some of the individuals were very dangerous, and that there were others inciting individuals to enter the Capital after others broke windows.

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93dd9e No.71146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166748 (121517ZJUL23) Notable: Hank Johnson: We are here today because MAGA republicans will do anything to protect Donald Trump, their savior, no matter how unfounded or dangerous it may be

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Hank Johnson: We are here today because MAGA republicans will do anything to protect Donald Trump, their savior, no matter how unfounded or dangerous it may be to do so. Welcome to the legislative arm of the Trump reelection campaign.

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93dd9e No.71147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166761 (121519ZJUL23) Notable: Hank Johnson: Did you contact the Trump administration to offer yourself for this job

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Hank Johnson: Did you contact the Trump administration to offer yourself for this job, or did the administration recruit you for the job?

Director Wray: They contacted me, and asked me if I would be willing to consider taking on the role.

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93dd9e No.71148

File: 401a7234dd83305⋯.png (567.44 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166791 (121524ZJUL23) Notable: PF - Squwak 316

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Tried to post this earlier

Squwak 316

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93dd9e No.71149

File: 5d0cfca93294e59⋯.jpg (117.57 KB,720x762,120:127,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 11092ef7b08829b⋯.mp4 (4.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166800 (121525ZJUL23) Notable: Wow! @RepMattGaetz just read the Hunter Biden text message to Wray MP4

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Wow! @RepMattGaetz just read the Hunter Biden text message to Wray

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93dd9e No.71150

File: 2c625b1f751825c⋯.jpeg (912.74 KB,1170x1786,585:893,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166813 (121527ZJUL23) Notable: Gaetz: "You seem deeply uncurious about it— almost suspiciously uncurious. Are you protecting the Bidens?"

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Matt Gaetz enters Hunter Biden smoking-gun WhatsApp message into Congressional record, then EXPOSES FBI Dir Wray about it UNDER OATH during testimony:

"You seem deeply uncurious about it— almost suspiciously uncurious. Are you protecting the Bidens?"

>Congressional record

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93dd9e No.71151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166819 (121528ZJUL23) Notable: Schiff: During the last administration, and for four years, the Justice Department took the position, not unprecedented for the department, that a current president could not be indicted

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Schiff: During the last administration, and for four years, the Justice Department took the position, not unprecedented for the department, that a current president could not be indicted...that was the view of the Office of Legal Council and the Justice Department during the Trump years, that the president of the United States could not be indicted.

[The Justice Department's Office of Legal Council first concluded a sitting president cannot be indicted in 1973]

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93dd9e No.71152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166849 (121532ZJUL23) Notable: Jordan: What's the difference between a traditional Catholic, and a radical traditional Catholic?

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Jordan: What's the difference between a traditional Catholic, and a radical traditional Catholic?

Director Wray: I'm not an expert on the Catholic orders.

Jordan: Well your FBI wrote a memo talking about radical traditional Catholics. I'm just wondering if you can define it for us.

Director Wray: What I can tell you, is that you are referring to the Richmond product, which was a single product, by a single field office, which, as soon as I found out about it, I was aghast, and ordered it withdrawn and removed from FBI systems.

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93dd9e No.71153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166858 (121533ZJUL23) Notable: House investigators exposed the FBI’s cooperation with foreign agents in Ukraine

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It’s official. House investigators exposed the FBI’s cooperation with foreign agents in Ukraine (Russia-infiltrated intelligence agency) to orchestrate online censorship.

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93dd9e No.71154

File: be833125f7e503d⋯.png (121.66 KB,620x831,620:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166866 (121534ZJUL23) Notable: Are theaters turning off air-conditioning to suppress the box office for Sound of Freedom?

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Are theatres turning off air-conditioning

tosuppress the box office for Sound of Freedom?

American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson

Posted By: ScarletPimpernel, 7/12/2023 8:46:17 AM

We have received multiple emails from people saying that theaters are telling patrons that air-conditioning is broken in the auditoriums showing the hit movie Sound of Freedom and offering another movie or a refund. Many people fear that a campaign is underway to suppress the box office totals for the film, which exposes the sex-trafficking of children. The box office success of SoF is particularly embarrassing for Disney, whose ridiculously expensive Indiana Jones movie is performing poorly and unlikely to earn a profit,

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93dd9e No.71155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166917 (121543ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Jordan: 911 was an attack on Conservative and Christians, period.

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Jim Jordan:

911 was an attack on Conservative and Christians, period. The FBI covered it up, ask Wray how did Building 7 fall on 911 around 5 o'clock that evening yet it wasn't hit by any pane nor debris. This was the start of the war against Christians and Conservatives, not just Catholics. All this chaos is just the Satanic Cabal trying to genocide anyone who would resist them. We are not extremists Wray, we lost families and friends, and the FBI did nothing but confiscate all the videos and never complained. Maybe you should ask Lisa Page and Peter Strok about their secret cabal meetings.

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93dd9e No.71156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166921 (121543ZJUL23) Notable: Biggs: Do you know if any of your personnel at the FBI is involved in the investigations promised that will lead to indictments by the January 6th quota established by US Attorney Graves?

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Biggs: Do you know if any of your personnel at the FBI is involved in the investigations promised that will lead to indictments by the January 6th quota established by US Attorney Graves?

Director Wray: That doesn't sound familiar to me.

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93dd9e No.71157

File: f6729b659e42fea⋯.png (850.69 KB,960x770,96:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166934 (121545ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 12, 2023

Rings and Bar of Spiral Galaxy NGC 1398

Why do some spiral galaxies have a ring around the center? Spiral galaxy NGC 1398 not only has a ring of pearly stars, gas and dust around its center, but a bar of stars and gas across its center, and spiral arms that appear like ribbons farther out. The featured deep image from Observatorio El Sauce in Chile shows the grand spiral galaxy in impressive detail. NGC 1398 lies about 65 million light years distant, meaning the light we see today left this galaxy when dinosaurs were disappearing from the Earth. The photogenic galaxy is visible with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Furnace (Fornax). The ring near the center is likely an expanding density wave of star formation, caused either by a gravitational encounter with another galaxy, or by the galaxy's own gravitational asymmetries.


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93dd9e No.71158

File: c44ff39b9a573b5⋯.png (194.47 KB,423x378,47:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166955 (121549ZJUL23) Notable: Kash Patel says he worked with Sound of Freedom’s Tim Ballard at the Trump White House

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Kash Patel says he worked with Sound of Freedom’s Tim Ballard at the Trump White House and reduced human and sex trafficking border crossings by up to 50% 💥

Twitter (https://twitter.com/patri0tcontr0l/status/1679138932884226056?s=46&t=yH_YwZotlm6m-dfwNvYx3Q)

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93dd9e No.71159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166967 (121551ZJUL23) Notable: Overview thread on the new Senate and House bills for crypto regulation:

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Responsible Financial Innovation Act (RFIA)

Fantastic overview thread on the new Senate and House bills for crypto regulation:


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93dd9e No.71160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166972 (121551ZJUL23) Notable: When you don’t have much time to spend on Q research

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When you don’t have much time to spend on Q research, what method or search terms do you use to do a quick catch-up? Mine is:

1. Word search “notable” on current board.

2. Word searches for “breaking” and “developing” on current board.

3. Scan previous breads notables on current board.

4. With any remaining time, I participate in on current board.

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93dd9e No.71161

File: 39663e5516ac026⋯.png (586.28 KB,854x781,854:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166974 (121551ZJUL23) Notable: FBI agents killed in Florida spent years fighting crimes against children: "It's our job to stop that"

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FBI agents killed in Florida spent years fighting crimes against children: "It's our job to stop that"

Updated on: February 3, 2021 / 7:06 PM / CBS/AP

More details are emerging about the two FBI agents who were shot and killed when they arrived to search an apartment in a child pornography case in Florida on Tuesday. FBI Director Christopher A. Wray identified the two slain agents as Laura Schwartzenberger and Daniel Alfin, both of whom specialized in investigating crimes against children.

Three other officers were wounded in the shooting. The suspect, identified by the FBI as 55-year-old David Lee Huber, also died.

A law enforcement source said the suspect's Florida home was equipped with a Ring security camera, which may have been used by the suspect to identify approaching FBI agents before he opened fire and shot them through the door. The source said the suspect used an automatic weapon to attack the agents.

The shootings marked one of the bloodiest days in FBI history in South Florida and among the deadliest nationally as well, according to the FBI website. Schwartzenberger, a native of Pueblo, Colorado, is the third female agent to die in the line of duty outside of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, CBS Denver reports.


FBI Special Agent Laura Schwartzenberger and FBI Special Agent Dan Alfin were shot and killed in the line of duty serving a search warrant in Sunrise, Florida, on Feb. 2, 2021. FBI

Schwartzenberger, 43, had been an agent with the FBI since December 2005 and worked in the Miami field office on a squad of agents handling violent crimes against children, according to court records. Her work primarily focused on tracking offenders who sexually exploit children online and investigating other crimes against children. Schwartzenberger is survived by a husband and two children, George Piro, who leads the FBI's Miami field office, said at a news conference.

CBS affiliate WPEC-TV spoke with Schwartzenberg in 2018 for an investigative piece on sex extortion. In 2013, she also spoke to CBS Miami about catching those who exploit others, including children.

"Extortion is a form of exploitation in which the perpetrator uses coercion in which to obtain sexual images or videos, money, or even sex from the victim. The victim can be an adult, could be a teenager, or could be a child," she said.

Alfin, 36, who also investigated child exploitation cases, had previously worked at FBI headquarters handling major cases involving violent crimes against children, according to court records. He had a degree in information technology and went through the FBI's specialized training programs for cybercrimes. He was involved in a major child exploitation investigation dubbed Playpen that resulted in arrests around the world.

"It's the same with any criminal violation," Alfin said in 2017 about the Playpen case. "As they get smarter, we adapt, we find them. It's a cat-and-mouse game, except it's not a game. Kids are being abused, and it's our job to stop that."

Alfin is survived by a wife and child, Piro said.

Alfin's brother is a sergeant with the Coral Springs Police Department and his sister-in-law is with Pembroke Pines PD, CBS Miami reported.

Alfin began his FBI career at the Albany FBI office in 2009 before leaving in 2014, CBS affiliate WRGB-TV reported. In a statement, the Albany office said it was "heartbroken," calling Alfin an incredible agent.

After the shootings Tuesday, police motorcycles with their lights flashing escorted a fire rescue truck as it brought the body of one of the agents to the medical examiner's office in nearby Dania Beach. Law enforcement officials from numerous agencies lined up to pay their respects as a flag-covered body was removed from the vehicle and taken inside.

"Special Agent Alfin and Special Agent Schwartzenberger exemplified heroism today in defense of their country," Wray said in a statement. "The FBI will always honor their ultimate sacrifice and will be forever grateful for their bravery."

President Joe Biden offered his condolences during an immigration event at the White House.

"They put their lives on the line and that's a hell of a price to pay," he said of the agents. "My heart aches for the families."


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93dd9e No.71162

File: a58bf7783e64bf4⋯.png (505.89 KB,594x644,297:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166990 (121554ZJUL23) Notable: Pizza Shop Worker Who Found Child Rapist’s Cell Phone Speaks On Finding Horrific Videos

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"This was a problem" | Pizza Shop Worker Who Found Child Rapist’s Cell Phone Speaks On Finding Horrific Videos

WATCH: https://breaking911.com/tennessee-soccer-coach-drugged-raped-recorded-attacks-on-children-police-say/


10:09 AM · Jul 11, 2023




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93dd9e No.71163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167001 (121556ZJUL23) Notable: Governor Greg Abbott says Dominion Voting Systems will not operate in the state of Texas?

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🚨BREAKING: Governor Greg Abbott says Dominion Voting Systems will not operate in the state of Texas.

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93dd9e No.71164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167003 (121556ZJUL23) Notable: YT - Bohmenian Grove 101

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Bohmenian Grove 101

social cohesiveness for the ruling class.

12 min of education and review.

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93dd9e No.71165

File: c85270fe0030d16⋯.png (493.68 KB,600x573,200:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167014 (121557ZJUL23) Notable: Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports of Their Own Criminal Activity

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The Gateway Pundit


Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports of Their Own Criminal Activity


Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet - Then Are Overwhelmed with...

The FBI on Monday asked Americans to help them protect the country by reporting criminal activity to them at 800-225-5324.

2:34 AM · Jul 12, 2023




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93dd9e No.71166

File: 3c8389af3bbeaea⋯.png (488.8 KB,1362x737,1362:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167039 (121601ZJUL23) Notable: PF notices just a few minutes ago, is that there are more military planes over the country right now than I have ever seen on publicly viewable tracking software.

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Guise, MassFag here in Western Massachusetts where I've been listening to choppers and U.S. Military aircraft overhead for a year. Today, though, I'm noticing that the choppers and bombers going overhead are not even appearing on Flight Tracking kinds of software. Apparently the things going overhead are not even publicly trackable.

But what I did notice just a few minutes ago, is that there are more military planes over the country right now than I have ever seen on publicly viewable tracking software.

Just thought I'd better let you know.

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93dd9e No.71167

File: 85a3eb4962d54b7⋯.png (529.9 KB,1362x737,1362:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167090 (121610ZJUL23) Notable: PF notices just a few minutes ago, is that there are more military planes over the country right now than I have ever seen on publicly viewable tracking software.

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Where I live, in the USA, I've been listening to choppers and U.S. Military aircraft overhead for a year. Today, though, I'm noticing that the choppers and bombers going overhead are not even appearing on Flight Tracking kinds of software. Apparently the things going overhead are not even publicly trackable.

But what I did notice just a few minutes ago, is thattoday there are more military planes over the country right now than I have ever seen on publicly viewable tracking software. Ever. The software says that there are 321 military craft overheald, but that's not even including the non-viewable choppers and bombers I've been hearing.

Just thought I'd better let you know, and yeah, I know what a bomber sounds like cuz I grew up in an Air Force family and went to a ton of Thunderbirds exhibitions in my life.

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93dd9e No.71168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167118 (121614ZJUL23) Notable: Jordan: Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their debit and credit card purchase history, in the Washington , DC area, for January 5th and 6th, 2021?

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Jordan: Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their debit and credit card purchase history, in the Washington , DC area, for January 5th and 6th, 2021?

Director Wray: Uh, I don't know the answer to that as I sit here right now.

Jprdan: Well we do, because Bank of America gave us the email from the FBI to Bank of America.

Director Wray: I am aware that Bank of America provided information to the FBI, but what communications occurred between the FBI and Bank America about it...my understanding is that our engagement with Bank of America was fully lawful, but we recalled the leads that were cut to field offices.

Jordan: Why did you not use the leads if it was lawful to get the information?

Director Wray: There are plenty of times where there are things that we lawfully can do, but we decide it's better that we not do.

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93dd9e No.71169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167143 (121618ZJUL23) Notable: Harris: Well, I think culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right?

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Harris: Well, I think culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And — and present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment.

And — and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy, because every — you know, it comes in the morning. (Laughs.) We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too.

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93dd9e No.71170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167149 (121619ZJUL23) Notable: The FBI whistleblower has apparently not cashed the check that democrats have been screeching about.

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The FBI whistleblower has apparently not cashed the check that democrats have been screeching about. kek

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93dd9e No.71171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167152 (121620ZJUL23) Notable: Have we ever had normies screaming out for help from the military? Not yet publicly, but soon

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Awesome digits, Anon, and I'm freaking loving reading all your posts in here tagged with the ID off5bfef.

Thank you for your service and for this poast, with these digits, because it ties into something I've heard about in recent days. . . .

I'm hearing that there are Anons around the country reaching out to United States Military leaders and informing them, with firsthand knowledge, of the alleged criminal conduct being inflicted on state citizens by those in positions of power in certain states.

My understanding is that if one or two of the three branches are not yet demonstrably corrupted, then those other branches are supposed to oversee and seek justice to repair a branch that is known to be corrupt.

The interesting twist in at least one of the states is that all three branches are provably corrupt, and the whistleblowers have documented the deadly corruption in preparation for reaching out, publicly, to the leaders in the U.S. Military.

In short, it seems we are in need of that Military Civilian Alliance to which Q once referred on June 24th.

So hang on, guise, because this movement is growing and shall soon be a topic of worldwide discussion.

Have we ever had normies screaming out for help from the military? Not yet publicly, but soon . . . .

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93dd9e No.71172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167234 (121637ZJUL23) Notable: Cline: Did the FBI have an adequate basis on which to launch Crossfire Huricane?

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Cline: Did the FBI have an adequate basis on which to launch Crossfire Huricane?

Director Wray: My understanding is that Mr. Durham found that it did not have a proper basis to elevate it to a full investigation, but that he thought that it was, an assessment or preliminary inquiry was appropriate.

Cline: Did the FBI fail to examine all available exculpatory evidence?

Director Wray: Certainly I think there were significant failures with respect to exculpatory information.

Cline; Did the FBI interview all key witnesses in Crossfire Hurricane?

DIreector Wray: I think Mr. Durham found that they did not.

Cline: Did the FBI abuse it's authority under Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act?

Director Wray: Certainly there were violations that were totally unacceptable, and in my view, cannot be allowed to happen again.

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93dd9e No.71173

File: db628c2c1889079⋯.png (880.64 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167238 (121638ZJUL23) Notable: National Guard in space? White House says no thanks

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National Guard in space? White House says no thanks

July 11, 2023

The White House has urged Congress 'not to create a new bureaucracy with far-reaching and enduring implications and expense.'

The office of United States President Joe Biden has voiced opposition to the creation of a Space National Guard.

The U.S. National Guard is a military reserve force made up of part-time members who hold civilian jobs but can be called up to full-time service when needed. The National Guard is also used within the United States to respond to domestic emergencies such as natural disasters. Currently, the Army and the Air Force have National Guard reserve components, but the U.S. Space Force does not. Several lawmakers in Congress have previously proposed the idea of creating a Space National Guard to provide part-time forces to bolster Space Force personnel numbers. But the push has yet to receive enough support to make it into law.

Now the White House has voiced its opposition. On Monday (July 10), the Executive Office of the President of the United States issued a statement that argues against the creation of a Space Force element of the National Guard. "The Administration continues to strongly oppose the creation of a Space National Guard," the White House's statement reads, urging Congress "not to create a new bureaucracy with far-reaching and enduring implications and expense."

Several lawmakers and former servicemembers have voiced their support for a Space National Guard in recent months, arguing that control of the U.S. military's space assets should be controlled by a single service, namely, the Space Force.

"Air National Guard personnel provide fundamental capability to the Space Force today," Air & Space Forces Association President and CEO Lt. Gen. Bruce Wright, USAF (Ret.) said in June.

"Logically, moving those Guardsmen into the Space Force is the right thing to do, ensuring space remains under the control of a single service," Wright added. "A New Space National Guard does not need to be large and unwieldly. It can comprise just those units we have today. And it can do so without a lot of complicated infrastructure."

President Joe Biden's office disagrees. Instead of creating a Space National Guard, the White House's statement calls for a new management structure within the existing Space Force that could achieve some of the same goals that a Space National Guard would, namely creating flexibility for Space Force Guardians to more easily move between full- and part-time service.

The White House's statement argues that the proposed Space Force Personnel Management Act (SFPMA) would offer the same part-time flexibility that a National Guard space component would, but without the red tape and costs that come with creating an entirely new branch of the National Guard.

Furthermore, the statement makes it clear that, since the Space Force's mission is "federal in nature and global in impact," it does not make sense to offload some of that mission to the National Guard, which is overseen at the state level.

"The existing National Guard space equipment was procured and is sustained with Federal funding. Further, Air National Guard space missions are overwhelmingly housed on Federal land, and are largely maintained by the regular Air and Space Forces," the White House's statement reads.



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93dd9e No.71174

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167246 (121641ZJUL23) Notable: Scanlon: Like many Americans, I find it unpatriotic and dangerous when member of congress embrace dangerous conspiracy theories

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Scanlon: Like many Americans, I find it unpatriotic and dangerous when member of congress embrace dangerous conspiracy theories that undermine our federal law enforcement, and ultimately, our democracy. And I find it disingenuous for members of congress to harangue the head of the FBI about people losing faith in the FBI, when those same members have been trumpeting lies and conspiracy theories about the agency for months.

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93dd9e No.71175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167251 (121641ZJUL23) Notable: The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

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The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

Mentions Henry I. Miller M.D. whom anon became familiar with due to his support of genetically engineered foods.

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93dd9e No.71176

File: 6620ace3cdd52fb⋯.png (49.53 KB,699x610,699:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167278 (121648ZJUL23) Notable: Anon's Epstien Facts List CAP

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93dd9e No.71177

File: af40e9aab95128a⋯.png (1.8 MB,1509x851,1509:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167284 (121649ZJUL23) Notable: Space Force, Air Force sign MOA on Guardian uniform development

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Space Force, Air Force sign MOA on Guardian uniform development

July 11, 2023

Department of the Air Force senior executives signed a memorandum of agreement continuing the development of U.S. Space Force uniforms to accommodate all genders, life events and weather conditions July 11.

Wade Yamada, deputy director of staff, Office of the Chief of Space Operations, and Lea Kirkwood, program executive officer and director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s Agile Combat Support Directorate, signed the MOA extending an agreement signed May 16, 2022. The memo of understanding signed last year formally established the USSF Uniform production process and outlined responsibilities related to the design, development and sustainment of U.S. Space Force uniforms and streamlined communication between the newest military service and the directorate.

“The MOA signifies the continual commitment between the U.S. Space Force and the Air Force Uniform Office to deliver the highest quality Guardian uniforms,” Yamada said. “This partnership enables us to continue developing the service dress while simultaneously designing prototypes for maternity, outerwear, and the mess dress.”

The Change Management Team, within the Office of the CSO, and the Air Force Uniform Office, within the ACS Human Systems Division, have worked side by side to design, develop, modify and field new Space Force uniforms to include physical training gear and the service dress.

“As we embark on the next phase of uniform development, we are excited to continue our partnership with Space Force meeting their uniform requirements,” Kirkwood added. “We are honored to have the chance to contribute to the establishment of this new and extraordinary identity for our Guardians.”

The Space Force is leveraging the Uniform Office program designated by the MOA to develop the maternity service dress, outerwear coat, sweater and headgear. The Uniform Office is continuing to develop the Space Force mess dress uniform in conjunction with the CMT uniform team. Both offices are working diligently to ensure a timely uniform delivery for all Guardians.


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93dd9e No.71178

File: eab6d9a5b943831⋯.png (809.1 KB,1178x1108,589:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167288 (121650ZJUL23) Notable: On Charlie Kirk’s show Jim Caviezel compares critics of QAnon to The Pharisees

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On Charlie Kirk’s show Jim Caviezel compares critics of QAnon to The Pharisees, who are opponents of Jesus in the New Testament.

He also says “It’s not QAnon. It’s Q and Anons,” which is a paraphrase of Q drop 4881.


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93dd9e No.71179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167297 (121653ZJUL23) Notable: Director Wray: Every employee who in any way touched the Crossfire Hurricane matter, has been referred to our Office of Professional Responsibility, our disciplinary arm.

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Director Wray: Every employee who in any way touched the Crossfire Hurricane matter, has been referred to our Office of Professional Responsibility, our disciplinary arm.

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93dd9e No.71180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167303 (121654ZJUL23) Notable: Former LGBT activist renounces her job ‘grooming’ children: ‘What have I contributed to?’

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Former LGBT activist renounces her job ‘grooming’ children: ‘What have I contributed to?’

Pray for her.

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93dd9e No.71181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167330 (121659ZJUL23) Notable: Director Wray: I'm not going to second guess the judgement of the career agents on the ground that made the determination. [to raid Houck's home]

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Director Wray: I'm not going to second guess the judgement of the career agents on the ground that made the determination. [to raid Houck's home]

Roy: But you job is to second guess and look at what they are doing. Your job is to review what they do. Your job is to protect the American people from a tyrannical FBI storming the home of an American family.

Director Wray: I could not disagree more with your description of the FBI as 'tyrannical'.

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93dd9e No.71182

File: 557a8cb34dd4576⋯.jpeg (750.93 KB,1170x1564,585:782,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167361 (121706ZJUL23) Notable: Elon - How is "Child Trafficking" not already a serious felony?

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93dd9e No.71183

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167369 (121708ZJUL23) Notable: Director Wray: I'm very mindful of the fact that the whole reason I'm in this job,

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Director Wray: I'm very mindful of the fact that the whole reason I'm in this job, is because my predecessor was fired, and in a fairly scathing inspector general report, one of the things he was criticized for was for sharing more information, both with the public, and with congress, than was consistent with federal rules.

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93dd9e No.71184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167395 (121714ZJUL23) Notable: There is no logical reason or need for the director of the FBI to travel cross-country to go to a crime scene.

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Wray says he actually visited the El Paso Walmart crime scene, shortly after the shooting occurred in 2019. There is no logical reason or need for the director of the FBI to travel cross-country to go to a crime scene.

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93dd9e No.71185

File: 27c75f2d8908886⋯.png (711.61 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

File: 19db39ad37a0a00⋯.png (525.78 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

File: 286fbef4e084920⋯.png (833.34 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

File: 68ddc5c85b37454⋯.png (778.92 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

File: cf7bb8cbadc03cd⋯.png (834.39 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167404 (121716ZJUL23) Notable: CAPS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71186

File: bc16febf244a34c⋯.png (174.31 KB,464x410,232:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167405 (121717ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom $14.5Mil, Zero CGI, Zero Woke = summer hit

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SoF $14.5Mil, Zero CGI, Zero Woke = summer hit

IJDoD5 $260Mil, All CGI, All Woke = Complete Failure

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93dd9e No.71187

File: a59d7127cde6128⋯.png (686.39 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

File: d1ba1a1b2e66151⋯.png (751.32 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

File: 9da3d6541f61031⋯.png (692.59 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

File: d345705f7321f6d⋯.png (763.46 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

File: 58bf4ea655e5599⋯.png (655.58 KB,1159x596,1159:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167422 (121720ZJUL23) Notable: CAPS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167427 (121720ZJUL23) Notable: Many People that Watched Sound of Freedom are now Researching #GreatAwakening

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Many People that Watched Sound of Freedom

are now Researching

-Human Trafficking

-Epstein Island

-Biden's Border


-Q Posts

That is Priceless imho

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93dd9e No.71189

File: 2ed8a66d7835b4b⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,540x270,2:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167431 (121721ZJUL23) Notable: On Charlie Kirk’s show Jim Caviezel compares critics of QAnon to The Pharisees

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93dd9e No.71190

File: c3e42f16239c8c7⋯.jpeg (920.06 KB,1170x1770,39:59,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167448 (121724ZJUL23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan: "Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their customers' debit and credit card purchase history in the Washington DC area for January 5-6th, 2021?"

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@Jim_Jordan: "Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their customers' debit and credit card purchase history in the Washington DC area for January 5-6th, 2021?"

WRAY: "I don't know the answer."

JORDAN: "We do. Because Bank of America gave us this email from FBI to Bank of America."

The email goes on to show FBI was interested in the historical purchases of weapons by Bank of America customers as well.


>Bank of America

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93dd9e No.71191

File: 54f65eb5b72cab9⋯.png (1.19 MB,1174x1118,587:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167474 (121727ZJUL23) Notable: @SenateGOP Over 85,000. That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Over 85,000.

That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden.

He has created the largest child trafficking ring in U.S. history.


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93dd9e No.71192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167478 (121727ZJUL23) Notable: Director Wray: We are finding over the course of the last year, maybe even a little less than a year, that almost every gang takedown we have now, and we're doing them all over the country

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Director Wray: We are finding over the course of the last year, maybe even a little less than a year, that almost every gang takedown we have now, and we're doing them all over the country, all of the time; almost every single one now seems to involve, as well, a seizure of Fentanyl.

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93dd9e No.71193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167491 (121729ZJUL23) Notable: #23540

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#23540 >>71140

FBI Oversight Hearing

>>71140, >>71144 House Republicans grill FBI Director Christopher A. Wray

>>71141 Wray just told Gaetz that people in Florida applying for FBI is up 100 percent.

>>71145 Issa: Director, how many individuals were either FBI employees, or people that the FBI had made contact with, were in the January 6th entry of the Capital, and the surrounding area?

>>71146 Hank Johnson: We are here today because MAGA republicans will do anything to protect Donald Trump, their savior, no matter how unfounded or dangerous it may be

>>71147 Hank Johnson: Did you contact the Trump administration to offer yourself for this job

>>71143 Cohen: There have been, I think Tucker Carlson and some of the members, colleagues on the other side of the aisle, have said that Ray Epps was a secret government agent

>>71149 Wow! @RepMattGaetz just read the Hunter Biden text message to Wray MP4

>>71150 Matt Gaetz enters Hunter Biden smoking-gun WhatsApp message into Congressional record

>>71151 Schiff: During the last administration, and for four years, the Justice Department took the position, not unprecedented for the department, that a current president could not be indicted

>>71152 Jordan: What's the difference between a traditional Catholic, and a radical traditional Catholic?

>>71155 Jim Jordan: 911 was an attack on Conservative and Christians, period.

>>71156 Biggs: Do you know if any of your personnel at the FBI is involved in the investigations promised that will lead to indictments by the January 6th quota established by US Attorney Graves?

>>71150 Gaetz: "You seem deeply uncurious about it— almost suspiciously uncurious. Are you protecting the Bidens?"

>>71168 Jordan: Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their debit and credit card purchase history, in the Washington , DC area, for January 5th and 6th, 2021?

>>71169 Harris: Well, I think culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right?

>>71170 The FBI whistleblower has apparently not cashed the check that democrats have been screeching about.

>>71172 Cline: Did the FBI have an adequate basis on which to launch Crossfire Huricane?

>>71174 Scanlon: Like many Americans, I find it unpatriotic and dangerous when member of congress embrace dangerous conspiracy theories

>>71179 Director Wray: Every employee who in any way touched the Crossfire Hurricane matter, has been referred to our Office of Professional Responsibility, our disciplinary arm.

>>71181 Director Wray: I'm not going to second guess the judgement of the career agents on the ground that made the determination. [to raid Houck's home]

>>71183 Director Wray: I'm very mindful of the fact that the whole reason I'm in this job,

>>71184 There is no logical reason or need for the director of the FBI to travel cross-country to go to a crime scene.

>>71185, >>71187 CAPS

>>71190 @Jim_Jordan: "Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their customers' debit and credit card purchase history in the Washington DC area for January 5-6th, 2021?"

>>71192 Director Wray: We are finding over the course of the last year, maybe even a little less than a year, that almost every gang takedown we have now, and we're doing them all over the country


>>71142 The number one movie on The Pirate Bay is a CAM version of Sound of Freedom

>>71148 PF - Squwak 316

>>71153 House investigators exposed the FBI’s cooperation with foreign agents in Ukraine

>>71154 Are theaters turning off air-conditioning to suppress the box office for Sound of Freedom?

>>71157 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>71158 Kash Patel says he worked with Sound of Freedom’s Tim Ballard at the Trump White House

>>71159 Overview thread on the new Senate and House bills for crypto regulation:

>>71160 When you don’t have much time to spend on Q research

>>71161 FBI agents killed in Florida spent years fighting crimes against children: "It's our job to stop that"

>>71162 Pizza Shop Worker Who Found Child Rapist’s Cell Phone Speaks On Finding Horrific Videos

>>71163 Governor Greg Abbott says Dominion Voting Systems will not operate in the state of Texas?

>>71164 YT - Bohmenian Grove 101

>>71165 Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports of Their Own Criminal Activity

>>71166, >>71167 PF notices just a few minutes ago, is that there are more military planes over the country right now than I have ever seen on publicly viewable tracking software.

>>71171 Have we ever had normies screaming out for help from the military? Not yet publicly, but soon

>>71173 National Guard in space? White House says no thanks

>>71175 The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

>>71176 Anon's Epstien Facts List CAP

>>71178, >>71189 On Charlie Kirk’s show Jim Caviezel compares critics of QAnon to The Pharisees

>>71177 Space Force, Air Force sign MOA on Guardian uniform development

>>71180 Former LGBT activist renounces her job ‘grooming’ children: ‘What have I contributed to?’

>>71182 Elon - How is "Child Trafficking" not already a serious felony?

>>71186 Sound of Freedom $14.5Mil, Zero CGI, Zero Woke = summer hit

>>71188 Many People that Watched Sound of Freedom are now Researching #GreatAwakening

>>71191 @SenateGOP Over 85,000. That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden.


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93dd9e No.71194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167517 (121731ZJUL23) Notable: #23541

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#23541 https://fullchan.net/?27aa9ff3d1ea47ff#8i9MgKbVdY5WcvtacWq3VaoVi7auvKewkyF7FF6piWQ2

Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation


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93dd9e No.71195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167546 (121736ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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Tiffany: As a result of the actions of James Comey, the disgraced James Comey and the FBI, they interfered with the elections in both 2016, and 2020. Will that interference happen again in 2024, by the FBI?

Director Wray: The FBI is not going to be interfering in elections.

Tiffany: They did in 2016.

Director Wray: I don't know that that's what Mr. Durham found. I will tell you again is that it was conduct I consider unacceptable and unrepresentative.

Tiffany: You can be in denial if you want to.

Director Wray: I'm not in denial.

Tiffany: You can be in denial on this; that's exactly what happened.

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93dd9e No.71196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167574 (121742ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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Hageman has Wray talking with his hands pretty hard lol

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93dd9e No.71197

File: 0878609446f8e86⋯.png (418.75 KB,601x381,601:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167579 (121743ZJUL23) Notable: El Salvador President Bukele’s Wildly Popular Gang Crackdown is Reducing Illegal Immigration to US

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El Salvador President Bukele’s Wildly Popular Gang Crackdown is Reducing Illegal Immigration to US

The Wall Street Journal reported that El Salvador President Nayib Bukele’s successful crackdown on MS-13 gang members has led to a dramatic 44% reduction in the number of Salvadorans illegally crossing the southern border into the US. El Salvador, was once known for having the world’s highest murder rate, now has the world’s highest incarceration rate, 68,000 prisoners, which is about 1% of their population. The strategy has helped lower homicides by 92% compared with 2015, giving Bukele the support of nine of every 10 Salvadorans. Ecuador, Guatemala and Colombia are considering copying Bukele’s policies.

The success of Bukele’s heavy-handed crackdown has made fools of our ruling elites who insist restorative justice and throwing open our nation’s prisons is how you create peace.



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93dd9e No.71198

File: ebd384245a22de3⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1179x1672,1179:1672,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 97d396b0fe4106d⋯.jpeg (184.12 KB,818x715,818:715,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167581 (121744ZJUL23) Notable: Jim posting this morning on his TG was a welcome sight. LFG Orlando!

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Jim posting this morning on his TG was a welcome sight. LFG Orlando!

Wolves comms too. VVolves


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93dd9e No.71199

File: 74ab3618680464a⋯.png (892.85 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: ec3dada89a45937⋯.png (905.5 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 472ad557ada92e9⋯.png (898.69 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 279f97f2243622a⋯.png (855.87 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167585 (121744ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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>Hageman has Wray talking with his hands pretty hard lol

Same with wisconsin fag

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93dd9e No.71200

File: edf377b2c211cbe⋯.png (640.28 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167586 (121744ZJUL23) Notable: Evanston, Illinois Will Pay 140 Elderly Black People $25,000 for Reparations in a “Test Run” for the Whole Country

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Evanston, Illinois Will Pay 140 Elderly Black People $25,000 for Reparations in a “Test Run” for the Whole Country

Illinois: In 2019, the city of Evanston, a suburb of Chicago with a population of 75,000 people, committed to paying $10 million over the next 10 years in local reparations. Evanston is expected to pay 140 mostly elderly black residents $25,000 each in reparations by the end of the year in what it is calling a ‘test run for the whole country.’ The program will benefit black residents if they, or their ancestors, lived in the city between 1919 and 1969 or if they can show they suffered housing discrimination due to the city’s policies. The payments, which come in either vouchers or cash, will be funded by marijuana and real-estate transfer taxes that will affect prices in the real estate market. Supporters say that the program is expected to lead the country. Federal reparations efforts have stalled for decades, but cities, counties, school districts and universities have taken up the cause.

Last month, a task force in California recommended spending billions on reparations as proposals for the rest of the country sit idle. A University of California, Los Angeles study found that roughly two-thirds of Californians are in favor of some form of reparations, though residents are divided on what they should be. California was not a slave state.



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93dd9e No.71201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167589 (121745ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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Hageman: Does the FBI intend to continue to have such meetings [with social media companies] leading up to the 2024 election, to police election-related speech?

Director Wray: Well, we're not going to be policing election-related speech.

Hageman: That's what you previously did.

Director Wray: That's not; I do not agree with that description.

Hageman: This committee has learned that the FBI acted to, "discredit leaked information about Hunter Biden, before and after it was published." That, "Twitter's contact with the FBI was contact and pervasive, as if it were a subsidiary," and that, "a surprisingly high number of requests from the FBI for Twitter to take action non-election misinformation, even involving joke tweets from low-follower accounts." Are you aware that that has been reported?

Directpr Wray: I am aware of some of what the committee has found in it's report, but I will add that I'm not sure I agree with the findings in the report.

Hageman: Bit that's what we found.

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93dd9e No.71202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167595 (121747ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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Director Wray: The idea that I'm biased against conservatives seems somewhat insane to me, given my own personal background.

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93dd9e No.71203

File: a90c65f3372aea1⋯.png (62.01 KB,717x709,717:709,Clipboard.png)

File: dc6d46fce0782da⋯.png (59.62 KB,717x679,717:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167596 (121747ZJUL23) Notable: @Trends, TREND: The FBI

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93dd9e No.71204

File: c3e42f16239c8c7⋯.jpeg (920.06 KB,1170x1770,39:59,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167598 (121747ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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>>71190 lb

@Jim_Jordan: "Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their customers' debit and credit card purchase history in the Washington DC area for January 5-6th, 2021?"

WRAY: "I don't know the answer."

JORDAN: "We do. Because Bank of America gave us this email from FBI to Bank of America."

The email goes on to show FBI was interested in the historical purchases of weapons by Bank of America customers as well.


>Bank of America

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93dd9e No.71205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167617 (121749ZJUL23) Notable: Firefighters ambushed, shot at Birmingham fire station

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Firefighters ambushed, shot at Birmingham fire station



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93dd9e No.71206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167621 (121750ZJUL23) Notable: Air Force Officials Probe $1 Billion in Land Purchases Surrounding Travis Air Base by Mysterious Investment Group

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Air Force Officials Probe $1 Billion in Land Purchases Surrounding Travis Air Base by Mysterious Investment Group

U.S. officials are investigating the purchase of 55,000 acres of dry farmland near a U.S. Air Force base in California.

A company called Flannery Associates LLC reportedly spent nearly $1 billion since 2018 acquiring land in Solano County near the base.

Travis Air Force Base, approximately 54 miles from San Francisco, “houses large transport aircraft used for refueling smaller planes and sending aid and munitions around the world,” Daily Mail reports.

Authorities remain clueless to who’s behind the company and why they acquired the land around the base.

In May, Flannery Associates sued a group of California landowners for allegedly conspiring to inflate the price of land in the Jepson Prairie and Montezuma Hills area of Solano County, California, between San Francisco and Sacramento.


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93dd9e No.71207

File: 431648f9eab89a7⋯.png (14.15 KB,372x213,124:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fce0252b9e1195⋯.png (280.56 KB,598x540,299:270,Clipboard.png)

File: 6af56ddfb7fb98f⋯.png (335.37 KB,598x480,299:240,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a88bcfd3930df7⋯.png (328.82 KB,598x583,598:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167624 (121751ZJUL23) Notable: @Trends, TREND: The FBI

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93dd9e No.71208

File: 836223bf50c54ba⋯.jpeg (925.43 KB,1151x1879,1151:1879,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a214a5aace49dcb⋯.jpeg (601.61 KB,1170x1091,1170:1091,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167640 (121754ZJUL23) Notable: Here’s Kash saying Human Trafficking under the Trump administration fell under his jurisdiction in the Counter Terrorism division he headed up

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The picture has become abundantly clear to me…. This is exactly why Trump endorsed the film the way he did, & exactly why the film did not mention adrenochrome.

People are seeing the way the media is going nuts about QAnon… and the Streisand Effect is beautiful to watch.

Here’s Kash saying Human Trafficking under the Trump administration fell under his jurisdiction in the Counter Terrorism division he headed up, & he worked Tim Ballard to “stamp out” human & child sex trafficking.

“He was doing incredible work back then without any notoriety & we reduced that by 50%, the amount of border crossings related to human & sex trafficking. Tim Ballard has done some amazing work.

And Jim Caviezel is a personal friend; for him to go out there & make this movie, and have the main stream media say, the work these two individuals & so many others have done to stamp out child-sex slave trafficking, & call it a QAnon conspiracy shows you the extent to which they will go to shovel disinformation, so long as it props up Joe Biden & hurts Donald Trump.

We are talking about our children here! This is not a political story…”



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93dd9e No.71209

File: f7e49fd96736e08⋯.mp4 (5.25 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167643 (121754ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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: "Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their customers' debit and credit card purchase history in the Washington DC area for January 5-6th, 2021?"

WRAY: "I don't know the answer."

JORDAN: "We do. Because Bank of America gave us this email from FBI to Bank of America."

The email goes on to show FBI was interested in the historical purchases of weapons by Bank of America customers as well.


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93dd9e No.71210

File: db6af7ce02c631b⋯.png (277.84 KB,565x577,565:577,Clipboard.png)

File: a9037bee44f0de9⋯.png (327.26 KB,602x822,301:411,Clipboard.png)

File: dfebec30ce68972⋯.png (203.7 KB,591x816,197:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167644 (121754ZJUL23) Notable: GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They "Did A 180" On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them

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Watch: GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They "Did A 180" On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them

“Are you both conspiracy theorists?”

During a House Select Subcommittee on the origins of the Coronavirus pandemic Tuesday, Republican representative Nicole Malliotakis of New York grilled a pair of scientists, demanding to know why they suddenly switched their positions from considering the lab leak of the virus a likelihood to it being a “conspiracy theory” just days after Anthony Fauci emailed them both.

Malliotakis asked Kristian Andersen and Robert Garry why their paper on the “proximal origins” of COVID-19 from March 2020 dismissed the lab leak in favour of a zoonotic origin when just days before they had both suggested the virus had a unnatural origin.

Addressing Andersen, the GOP rep. noted “You and Garry expressed concerns about the genetic makeup of the virus just days before the initial draft of this paper came out,” adding “Dr. Fauci emailed you after you’d expressed concerns to him on a phone call that COVID would have been engineered.”

“Within a matter of days, something changed… What happened within that three-day period between the conference call and the paper that suddenly you did a 180,” Malliotakis asked, to which Garry replied “there was some new data that came.”

“Are you both conspiracy theorists?” Malliotakis further pressed Andersen, adding “you just accused everyone who believed there was a lab leak of being a conspiracy theorist,” citing Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of the Center for Disease Control, who has told the committee that “it was not scientifically plausible that the virus went from a bat to humans and subsequently became one of the most infectious viruses in history.”


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93dd9e No.71211

File: 463b776963d172c⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,588x332,147:83,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167665 (121803ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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93dd9e No.71212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167673 (121805ZJUL23) Notable: House GOP Is About To Drop A Massive Report Alleging That Biden's DHS Chief Broke The Law

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House GOP Is About To Drop A Massive Report Alleging That Biden's DHS Chief Broke The Law

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green is set to release a lengthy report detailing his initial findings of his probe into Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that details ways he believes he broke the law, he told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an exclusive interview.

Green launched a probe into Mayorkas on June 14 with the initial phase focusing on the DHS secretary’s alleged “dereliction of duty.” Green says the more than 100 pages of findings from the first phase of his ongoing probe will be released within the next couple of weeks.

“The list of everything that we’ve learned so far in phase one, the dereliction of duty phase will be published here very shortly. In fact, I’m proofing the final document, which is like 111 pages, but laws that have been violated. In some cases, we believe that Mayorkas has broken the law himself,” Green told the DCNF.

Green cited several instances where he believes Mayorkas has committed “intentional” and “willful dereliction of duty,” he said, referring to DHS’ use of the CBP One phone application to allow tens of thousands of migrants to enter the country each month through ports of entry at the southern border. He also believes Mayorkas lied to Congress when he asserted that DHS had “operational control” of the U.S.-Mexico border.

“There’s the lying to Congress, there’s the CBP One app, which is just this big shell game to produce automatic mass parole in violation of the laws passed by Congress. It is a wanton disregard for the separation of powers and the Constitution of the United States,” Green said.

“There’s also sort of negligent dereliction of duty. He admitted in the Senate that he didn’t understand the cartel strategy despite the fact that Merrick Garland very clearly understood it when he testified. If you’re the guy who’s in charge of homeland security and protecting the borders and going against the cartels, you probably ought to understand the major strategies of the drug cartels,” Green said, referring to Mayorkas seemingly not knowing about cartel wristbands used to track migrants crossing the southern border when previously pressed by Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.


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93dd9e No.71213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167678 (121807ZJUL23) Notable: Suspected Chinese Hackers Exploited Microsoft Vulnerabilities to Breach Government Email Systems

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Suspected Chinese Hackers Exploited Microsoft Vulnerabilities to Breach Government Email Systems

Hackers believed to be linked to China have exploit vulnerabilities in Microsoft software to breach the email systems at over two dozen organizations, including some U.S. government agencies, as part of a suspected cyber-espionage campaign.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the hackers, identified as “Storm-0558,” exploited a security weakness in Microsoft’s cloud-computing environment to gain access to sensitive computer networks. This development is especially concerning for officials and security researchers, as it is seen as part of a larger espionage campaign that could have compromised valuable U.S. government information.

“Last month, U.S. government safeguards identified an intrusion in Microsoft’s cloud security, which affected unclassified systems. Officials immediately contacted Microsoft to find the source and vulnerability in their cloud service,” said Adam Hodge, spokesman for the White House National Security Council. He added, “We continue to hold the procurement providers of the U.S. government to a high security threshold.”

The full extent and severity of the incident, including the specific institutions and individuals affected, are not yet known. The incident has underscored the growing concerns among senior Western intelligence officials about the ability of Chinese hackers to orchestrate stealthy attacks that can evade detection for years.

China, however, has consistently denied hacking U.S. organizations and has accused the U.S. and its allies of targeting Chinese networks. The Chinese embassy in Washington did not respond to requests for comment on the incident.

Microsoft has confirmed that the hackers took advantage of a security weakness in its cloud-computing environment. “The hackers broke into email accounts at about 25 organizations and hit consumer accounts that were likely linked to these entities,” Microsoft said in a statement. The company has since mitigated the security weakness and is working with the impacted customers.

“We have been working with the impacted customers and notifying them prior to going public with further details,” Microsoft stated.

Breitbart News reported in June on another major hack perpetrated by the Chinese:

The new Chinese attack Mandiant detected once again exploited security flaws in an email program to infect an as-yet-unknown number of computer systems. In this case, the email package is called Barracuda Email Security Gateway (ESG).

Barracuda announced on May 23 that it discovered a zero-day vulnerability – a previously undetected gap in software security that hackers exploited before security experts became aware of it. The vulnerability allowed attackers to gain unauthorized access to parts of the email system and deposit malicious code by formatting filenames in a manner that tricked the ESG system into executing them without requiring proper authentication.

Barracuda quickly patched the vulnerability but warned that hackers may have been exploiting it for up to seven months before it was discovered. On June 11, Barracuda issued an urgent update that advised users to replace affected ESG devices immediately, regardless of installed patches or software version level – a sobering testament to the severity of the flaw, and how ruthlessly it was exploited by hackers before security professionals discovered it.


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93dd9e No.71214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167700 (121812ZJUL23) Notable: Where Is All the Welfare Money Going? Reclaiming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

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July 12, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

Where Is All the Welfare Money Going? Reclaiming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Non-Assistance Dollars to Lift Americans Out of Poverty

House Ways and Means Committee



Clarence Carter

Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Human Services


Shad White

State Auditor, Mississippi Office of the State Auditor


Robert Knodell

Director, Missouri Department of Social Services


Kristi Putnam

Secretary, Arkansas Department of Human Services


Dr. Aisha Nyandoro

CEO, Springboard to Opportunities






State Officials Testify on Welfare Waste & Abuse

Various state officials testify on waste, fraud, and abuse in a welfare program before the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Work and Welfare.


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93dd9e No.71215

File: 68c9fb8e6de4494⋯.jpeg (257.28 KB,1170x652,585:326,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0cfcaa215527aab⋯.jpeg (823.65 KB,1140x1829,1140:1829,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167725 (121816ZJUL23) Notable: Hue Edwards, no evidence of crime muh ass

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93dd9e No.71216

File: 7f623b436e06c0d⋯.png (271.26 KB,679x622,679:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167740 (121819ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Putin’ Your Foot in it! Biden Stumbles Over His Words as He Calls Zelensky ‘Vladimir’at NATO

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‘Putin’ Your Foot in it! Biden Stumbles

Over His Words as He Calls Zelensky ‘Vladimir’


Breitbart, by Oliver JJ Lane

Posted By: Beardo, 7/12/2023 1:23:56 PM

President Biden found himself momentarily lost in his own words after he called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “Vladimir”, the forename of his Russian enemy, before correcting himself in Vilnius, Latvia on Wednesday. Speaking at the closing ceremony of the annual NATO summit, hosted this year in Vilnius, Lithuania, U.S. President Biden read from his notes as he made remarks about the developing relationship between the alliance and Ukraine.

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93dd9e No.71217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167743 (121820ZJUL23) Notable: Hue Edwards, no evidence of crime muh ass

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🚨BREAKING: Huw Edwards Named As BBC Presenter Accused By Four


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93dd9e No.71218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167744 (121821ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Fighting the Flow of Fentanyl from the Southwest Border

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LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Fighting the Flow of Fentanyl from the Southwest Border

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93dd9e No.71219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167753 (121822ZJUL23) Notable: The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

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The Franklin Coverup Scandal

The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse


Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, "Conspiracy of Silence" was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians. Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary.


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93dd9e No.71220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167758 (121823ZJUL23) Notable: Department of State Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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July 12, 2023

2:30 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State





State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matt Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of international and diplomatic issues.


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93dd9e No.71221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167769 (121825ZJUL23) Notable: GOP Reps Claim Dr. Fauci Served Unlawfully Years Due To 'Unprecedented' Becerra Act

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BREAKING NEWS: GOP Reps Claim Dr. Fauci Served Unlawfully Years Due To 'Unprecedented' Becerra Act

Not sure if already posted, true if big.


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93dd9e No.71222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167796 (121828ZJUL23) Notable: New York Rep. Jerry Nadler alleges FBI whistleblowers were paid $250,000 to testify before Congress

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New York Rep. Jerry Nadler alleges FBI whistleblowers were paid $250,000 to testify before Congress

He went on to allege the money given to them was raised by former Trump aide Kash Patel.

New York Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler accused two FBI whistleblowers of accepting $250,000 each to testify before the Weaponization Subcommittee during FBI Director Chris Wray's testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

"Chairman Jordan invited some of these so-called whistleblowers to testify before the Weaponization Subcommittee in May," Nadler said. "As it turns out, two of the witnesses were ultimately paid $250,000 each for their testimony."

He went on to allege the money given to them was raised by former Trump aide Kash Patel.

Jason Foster, the founder of Empower Oversight, a nonprofit that represents government whistleblowers, said via social media that Nadler's claims were untrue.

"It is reprehensible for a Member of Congress to attack our client, FBI #whistleblower Marcus Allen, with bogus accusations," Foster said on Twitter. "Far from profiting, he’s had to deplete his family’s retirement savings to survive."

The FBI whistleblowers who testified before Congress last month lost their security clearances after speaking out against alleged FBI corruption.

The whistleblowers that testified before the Weaponization Subcommittee included Garret O'Boyle, Steve Friend and Marcus Allen.

Kash Patel responded last month to allegations that the whistleblowers were bought and paid for by him, stating that having a charitable foundation to help those abused by the government is allowed.

He told Just the News in a statement that the witnesses had their lives destroyed and he set up a fund for them so they could feed their families after the FBI suspended them without pay and left them unable to afford groceries.

"The Kash Foundation is Mission First, all day every day," the statement reads. "We provide support to brave Patriots who protect our nation while the radical left and government gangsters destroy the essence of our republic with their two tier system of justice. Having a charitable foundation is not a monopoly they own."

"We are committed to the truth and give financial assistance to those in need, especially the courageous Americans who shed sunlight on government corruption," the statement concluded.


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93dd9e No.71223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167799 (121828ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Fighting the Flow of Fentanyl from the Southwest Border

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Cori Bush: St. Louis and I are here today in continuing solidarity with the protesters, the advocates and movements that area actually targeted by surveillance, and other law enforcement abuses in this country.

[Just wait, Bush, until all the domestic terrorists you support are locked away..it's coming]

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93dd9e No.71224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167810 (121831ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Fighting the Flow of Fentanyl from the Southwest Border

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Bush: There is real and justified skepticism of whether the civil rights of black and brown people are adequately protected.

[they are as protected as anyone else]

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93dd9e No.71225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167811 (121831ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service informed him that disclosure of the requested information could potentially “interfere with enforcement proceedings./WH cocaine

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Secret Service Says They ‘Cannot Comply’ With FOIA Request On Cocaine: Here’s Why

The Secret Service is reportedly refusing to comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests regarding the cocaine that was found in the White House just over a week ago.

According to Bloomberg Business investigative reporter Jason Leopold, the Secret Service informed him that disclosure of the requested information could potentially “interfere with enforcement proceedings.

Leopold shared a photo of the letter he had received, along with the caption, “NEW: In response to my #FOIA request, Secret Service says it cannot release any records about the cocaine found in the White House because it would interfere [with] enforcement proceedings.”

NEW: In response to my #FOIA request, Secret Service says it cannot release any records about the cocaine found in the White House because it would interfere enforcement proceedings. pic.twitter.com/28ErB3oWkL

— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) July 11, 2023

“This is the final response to your recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, received by the United States Secret Service (Secret Service) on July 10, 2023, for information pertaining to emails, text messages, photographs, memos, letters, directives, and intelligence bulletins and threat assessments, after action reports, suspicious activity reporting, open-source intelligence/social media monitoring reports, referencing the cocaine found in the West Wing of the White House,” the letter read.

“We regret to inform you that we cannot comply,” the letter continued, citing the “foreseeable harm” standard and arguing that any release of the requested information “could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

The letter concluded by offering Leopold the chance to appeal their decision within 90 days.

Since the cocaine was found, questions have swirled about who might have brought it into the White House. And while most legacy media outlets have attempted to steer the conversation away from President Joe Biden’s embattled son Hunter — who has a history of drug abuse — there are a number who have suggested it would have been nearly impossible for anyone outside the family to have brought it in.

“There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex. No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those,” former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino explained.

There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex. No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.

— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) July 5, 2023


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93dd9e No.71226

File: a5107be90957f5d⋯.png (257.92 KB,620x343,620:343,Clipboard.png)

File: e5ce6d987ee289b⋯.png (1.25 MB,1177x926,1177:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167812 (121831ZJUL23) Notable: FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”

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FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”

A new Senate report calls out the FBI for lying to Congress about its social media monitoring, pointing out the FBI’s hiring of ZeroFox.

Ken Klippenstein

July 6 2023, 1:11 p.m.

The FBI’s primary tool for monitoring social media threats is the same contractor that labeled peaceful Black Lives Matter protest leaders DeRay McKesson and Johnetta Elzie as “threat actors” requiring “continuous monitoring” in 2015.

The contractor, ZeroFox, identified McKesson and Elzie as posing a “high severity” physical threat, despite including no evidence that McKesson or Elzie were suspected of criminal activity. “It’s been almost a decade since the referenced 2015 incident and in that time we have invested heavily in fine-tuning our collections, analysis and labeling of alerts,” Lexie Gunther, a spokesperson for ZeroFox, told The Intercept, “including the addition of a fully managed service that ensures human analysis of every alert that comes through the ZeroFox Platform to ensure we are only alerting customers to legitimate threats and are labeling those threats appropriately.”

The FBI, which declined to comment, hired ZeroFox in 2021, a fact referenced in the new 106-page Senate report about the intelligence community’s failure to anticipate the January 6, 2021, uprising at the U.S. Capitol. The June 27 report, produced by Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security Committee, shows the bureau’s broad authorities to surveil social media content — authorities the FBI previously denied it had, including before Congress. It also reveals the FBI’s reliance on outside companies to do much of the filtering for them.

The FBI’s $14 million contract to ZeroFox for “FBI social media alerting” replaced a similar contract with Dataminr, another firm with a history of scrutinizing racial justice movements. Dataminr, like ZeroFox, subjected the Black Lives Matter movement to web surveillance on behalf of the Minneapolis Police Department, previous reporting by The Intercept has shown.

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In testimony before the Senate in 2021, the FBI’s then-Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Jill Sanborn flatly denied that the FBI had the power to monitor social media discourse.

“So, the FBI does not monitor publicly available social media conversations?” asked Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema.

“Correct, ma’am. It’s not within our authorities,” Sanborn replied, citing First Amendment protections barring such activities.

Sanborn’s statement was widely publicized at the time and cited as evidence that concerns about federal government involvement in social media were unfounded. But, as the Senate report stresses, Sanborn’s answer was false.

“FBI leadership mischaracterized the Bureau’s authorities to monitor social media,” the report concludes, calling it an “exaggeration of the limits on FBI’s authorities,” which in fact are quite broad.

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93dd9e No.71227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167821 (121833ZJUL23) Notable: FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”

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>FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”

It is under these authorities that the FBI sifts through vast amounts of social media content searching for threats, the report reveals.

“Prior to 2021, FBI contracted with the company Dataminr that used pre-defined search terms to identify potential threats from voluminous open-source posts online, which FBI could then investigate further as appropriate,” the report states, citing internal FBI communications obtained as part of the committee’s investigation. “Effective Jan. 1, 2021, FBI’s contract for these services switched to a new company called ZeroFox that would perform similar functions under a new system.”

The FBI has maintained that its “intent is not to ‘scrape’ or otherwise monitor individual social media activity,” instead insisting that it “seeks to identify an immediate alerting capability to better enable the FBI to quickly respond to ongoing national security and public safety-related incidents.” Dataminr has also previously told The Intercept that its software “does not provide any government customers with the ability to target, monitor or profile social media users, perform geospatial, link or network analysis, or conduct any form of surveillance.”

While it may be technically true that flagging social media posts based on keywords isn’t the same as continuously flagging posts from a specific account, the notion that this doesn’t amount to monitoring specific users is misleading. If an account is routinely using certain keywords (e.g. #BlackLivesMatter), flagging those keywords would surface the same accounts repeatedly.

The 2015 threat report for which ZeroFox was criticized specifically called for “continuous monitoring” of McKesson and Elzie. In an interview with The Intercept, Elzie stressed how incompetent the FBI’s analysis of social media was in her situation. She described a visit the FBI paid her parents in 2016, telling them that it was imperative she not attend the Republican National Convention in Cleveland — an event she says she had no intention of attending and which troll accounts on Twitter bearing her name claimed she would be at to foment violence. (The FBI confirmed that it was “reaching out to people to request their assistance in helping our community host a safe and secure convention,” but did not respond to allegations that they were trying to discourage activists from attending the convention.)

“My parents were like why would she be going to the RNC? And that’s where the conversation ended because they couldn’t answer that.”

“I don’t think [ZeroFox] should be getting $14 million dollars [from] the same FBI that knocked on my family’s door [in Missouri] and looked for me when it was world news that I was in Baton Rouge at the time,” Elzie told The Intercept. “They’re just very unserious, both organizations.”

The FBI was so dependent on automated social media monitoring for ascertaining threats that the temporary loss of access to such software led to panic by bureau officials.

“This investigation found that FBI’s efforts to effectively detect threats on social media in the lead-up to January 6th were hampered by the Bureau’s change in contracts mere days before the attack,” the report says. “Internal FBI communications obtained by the Committee show how that transition caused confusion and concern as the Bureau’s open-source monitoring capabilities were degraded less than a week before January 6th.”

One of the FBI communications obtained by the committee was an email from an FBI official at the Washington Field Office, lamenting the loss of Dataminr, which the official deemed “crucial.”

“Their key term search allows Intel to enter terms we are interested in without having to constantly monitor social media as we’ll receive notification alerts when a social media posts [sic] hits on one of our key terms,” the FBI official said.

“The amount of time saved combing through endless streams of social media is spent liaising with partners and collaborating and supporting operations,” the email continued. “We will lose this time if we do not have a social media tool and will revert to scrolling through social media looking for concerning posts.”

But civil libertarians have routinely cautioned against the use of automated social media surveillance tools not just because they place nonviolent, constitutionally protected speech under suspicion, but also for their potential to draw undue scrutiny to posts that represent no threat whatsoever.

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93dd9e No.71228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167822 (121833ZJUL23) Notable: FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”

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While tools like ZeroFox and Dataminr may indeed spare FBI analysts from poring over timelines, the company’s in-house definition of what posts are relevant or constitute a “threat” can be immensely broad. Dataminr has monitored the social media usage of people and communities of color based on law enforcement biases and stereotypes.

A May report by The Intercept also revealed that the U.S. Marshals Service’s contract with Dataminr had the company relaying not only information about peaceful abortion rights protests, but also web content that had no apparent law enforcement relevance whatsoever, including criticism of the Met Gala and jokes about Donald Trump’s weight.

The FBI email closes noting that “Dataminr is user friendly and does not require an expertise in social media exploitation.” But that same user-friendliness can lead government agencies to rely heavily on the company’s designations of what is important or what constitutes a threat.

The dependence is mutual. In its Securities and Exchange Commission filing, ZeroFox says that “one U.S. government customer accounts for a substantial portion” of its revenue.


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93dd9e No.71229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167824 (121834ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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Director Wray: I'm not going to try to engage on Supreme Court jurisprudence.

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93dd9e No.71230

File: 87dc71c9bb4397e⋯.png (205.56 KB,672x866,336:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 05662092186e2d8⋯.png (157.48 KB,686x744,343:372,Clipboard.png)

File: 614b3d02fe1c414⋯.png (209.59 KB,677x865,677:865,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167832 (121835ZJUL23) Notable: The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

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The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

In November 2020, GCHQ was ordered “to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda” and “to take out anti-vaxxers online and on social media.”

GCHQ is Britain’s main eavesdropping agency and has a close relationship with the US National Security Agency, as well as the eavesdropping agencies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in an intelligence alliance known as the “Five Eyes.”

Using dirty trick tactics, these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.

As Dr. Robert Malone has been reporting during the Covid crisis the leadership of the Five Eyes alliance nations have actively conspired to aggressively deploy fifth-generation warfare PsyOps technologies on their respective civilian/citizen populations.


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93dd9e No.71231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167834 (121835ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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"I don't pretend to know the law, I just enforce it as my faith guides me."

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93dd9e No.71232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167865 (121840ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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Bishop: You're bound to be aware of New York TImes Company vs United States, the Pentagon Papers case, that says that even if information had been stolen or inappropriately taken, you can't get a prior restraint in almost any circumstance to prevent them from being distributed. So how is it that your Foreign Influence Taskforce is out warning of hack and leak operations to innocent, not involved in the hack, that would be criminal, but social media organizations where information may be circulating?

Director Wray: First off, we're not engaging on any prior restraint. Second...second

Bishop: Wow!

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93dd9e No.71233

File: 2116e03daa79dcb⋯.png (257.21 KB,777x845,777:845,Clipboard.png)

File: da67665465f81ee⋯.png (235.2 KB,788x836,197:209,Clipboard.png)

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File: edf6bf2136eebf2⋯.png (244.99 KB,792x863,792:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 90ff904f087ef83⋯.png (472.78 KB,799x825,799:825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167880 (121842ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. DOD issued contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine in 2019

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U.S. DOD issued contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine in 2019

The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease as Covid-19.

So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?

The shocking findings however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.

Perhaps explaining why Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017.


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93dd9e No.71234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167910 (121847ZJUL23) Notable: The Candace Owens Show: Tim Ballard

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The Candace Owens Show: Tim Ballard


3.09M subscribers





1.3M views 3 years ago The Candace Owens Show

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93dd9e No.71235

File: 7ed1a7139c756d2⋯.png (62.39 KB,891x256,891:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167915 (121848ZJUL23) Notable: Maine: Drag Queen Gets Paid to Make Recruits in Public School

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Maine: Drag Queen Gets Paid to Make Recruits in Public School

Up in Bangor, Maine, at least parents can rest assured that in the local public schools, their children are learning about what’s really important. At Bangor High School, enlightened educators doled out $1,000 to a young man who calls himself Priscilla Poppycocks and dresses up as an exaggerated mockery of a woman. Priscilla Poppycocks enjoyed this payday for the hard work of regaling students with tales of “his life growing up gay in Maine.” As far as these learned administrators are concerned, it was money well spent: after all, young Maine residents will need to be well-versed in the religion of the state, don’t they?

According to a Fox News report Tuesday, Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) documents revealed yet another revolting episode of our age of absurdity: Priscilla Poppycocks, a drag queen whose real name is Dominick Varney, “spoke to Bangor High School students on May 4 as part of the school’s ‘Support, Educate, Empower’ series to ‘empower’ LGBT students.” The good news is that “the school confirmed to Fox News Digital that Varney did not attend in drag.” Hey, that’s terrific, but couldn’t Bangor High School have found something else to support, educate, and empower students about? Are our public schools now just one long advertisement for homosexuality?

The money that the school used to pay Dominic Varney was actually supposed to go for a different kind of propaganda. The dough came out of a $15,000 grant that the school received from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, which endeavors to “advance racial equity in public education.” Now, you might have thought that since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, racial inequality in education was illegal, stigmatized, and vanishingly rare. But don’t you see that you’re overlooking all that systemic racism that we need Critical Race Theorists to come point out for us?

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation explains: “We believe that applying a racial equity lens is essential for analyzing and solving problems that have endured for generations, impact individuals and communities of color most acutely, and ultimately affect ALL people, whether in other marginalized or privileged groups.” “Racial equity,” of course, means blaming white people for as much as possible, no matter how outlandish, and demanding special privileges for “people of color.”

That much is clear, but what’s not clear is how Dominic Varney’s presentation advanced those divisive objectives. Varney, after all, is white. Bangor, Maine is 88% white. And Priscilla Poppycocks didn’t show up to spread race victimhood propaganda. Fox noted that “in the 90-minute workshop, titled ‘Make Them Hear You,’ Varney discussed ‘growing up gay in Maine.’” The flier announcing the event enthused: “During our conversations together you will have some opportunities to experience some acting techniques and gain some first hand knowledge of how being different is the biggest advantage we all have to be successful in our lives. And most likely, you’ll hear him sing!”

Being different? Really? In 2023 in American public schools, nothing could be more go-along and conformist than being gay and learning from drag queens all about how to be “different.” Nothing could be more establishment than going to high school and not learning any math, or science, or (perish the thought) history, but instead gathering at the feet of a professional drag queen in order to hear about how stunning and brave it is to be homosexual, if not transgender.

And this was definitely an either/or situation: students who wanted to hear Varney were excused from class from 12:30 to 2 p.m., and indoctrination was very much the order of the day: Bangor High English teacher Emilie Brand Throckmorton, who no doubt spends a great deal of class time teaching pronoun fantasies, wrote to Varney: “I just know you are a role model for these kids, and we just want you to shine your light on them.”


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93dd9e No.71236

File: ea4399de8464774⋯.png (165.71 KB,422x623,422:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167925 (121850ZJUL23) Notable: Why would anyone want to discredit a film that's sole purpose is to bring attention to the growing epidemic of human trafficking?

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Why would anyone want to discredit a film that's sole purpose is to bring attention to the growing epidemic of human trafficking, specifically child sex trafficking?

Blue Anon Conspiracy Theory That The Sound Of Freedom Is A QAnon Conspiracy Debunked In 2 Minutes [VIDEO]


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93dd9e No.71237

File: 8949b24e02e2356⋯.png (36.5 KB,598x344,299:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167940 (121853ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Jordan: Want to drain the Swamp?

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Want to drain the Swamp?

Start by moving the FBI out of Washington, D.C.

Give the agency back to Real America.


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93dd9e No.71238

File: a8de1388a1bd367⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,644x360,161:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167958 (121855ZJUL23) Notable: This is a line of people outside the halls of Congress demanding Chris Wray be detained.

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We as a Nation are at a breaking point. This is a line of people outside the halls of Congress demanding Chris Wray be detained.

Can you feel the shift in power?

The people are fed up with the deep-state 2 tier system of justice.

Accountability is coming soon.


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93dd9e No.71239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167964 (121857ZJUL23) Notable: Montana State Library Withdraws from American Library Association “The Constitution Forbids Association with an Organization Led by a Marxist”

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Montana State Library Withdraws from American Library Association “The Constitution Forbids Association with an Organization Led by a Marxist”

At least one state, Montana, has had enough of ALA’s marxist ways.

On Tuesday, a seven-member commission voted to immediately withdraw the Montana State Library from membership in the American Library Association. The commission citied ALA President Emily Drabinski’s public affirmation of her Marxist beliefs as one of the concerns with ALA.

During the meeting, commissioner Tom Burnett requested a letter be sent to the ALA clarifying that “our oath of office and resulting duty to the Constitution forbids association with an organization led by a Marxist.”

Before the vote, members of the community shared their concerns, including Bozeman parent Cheryl Tusken.

Montana Free Press reports:

“I think this is a really good move to send a really clear signal to our national organizations that we are not in agreement with the direction they are taking these organizations,” Tusken said, likening the motion to the Montana School Boards Association’s decision last year to withdraw from the National School Boards Association. That decision was fueled by the NSBA’s request for federal assistance in addressing widespread threats against teachers and school board members over COVID-19 mask mandates and other issues — threats the NSBA likened to domestic terrorism.

Tusken and other parents were joined in public comment Tuesday by Derek Oestreicher, legal counsel for the conservative Montana Family Foundation, and by David Ingram, a board trustee at Kalispell’s ImagineIF library. Both framed their support for withdrawing the state library from ALA membership in the context of national culture-war issues, claiming the organization embraces policies tied to critical race theory and uses public funds to, as Ingram stated, “undermine truth and natural law.”

“Instead of pursuing the long-term viability of future libraries and supporting the traditional role of acquisition, preservation and circulation, ALA desires to inject the library into the vanguard of the culture wars,” said Ingram, whose local library’s recent struggles with such issues were the subject of an April article in the New Yorker. Fellow ImagineIF trustee Carmen Cuthbertson, who sits on the Montana State Library Commission, spoke in favor of and voted for the ALA withdrawal.


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93dd9e No.71240

File: bd4ce61f9fe626a⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167966 (121857ZJUL23) Notable: Wray testimony continues

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CHIP ROY: “Your job is to protect the American people from a tyrannical FBI storming the home of an American family”

WRAY: “I could not disagree more with your description of the FBI as tyrannical.”

ROY: “You don't believe it's tyrannical that FBI agents were a part of storming a father's home?”

WRAY: “Our agents are armed virtually all the time”


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93dd9e No.71241

File: 3d9e755a69b12cc⋯.png (1.79 MB,1500x844,375:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 9668ba9e3f9f97a⋯.png (132.93 KB,808x876,202:219,Clipboard.png)

File: d0140989711de93⋯.png (623.3 KB,787x857,787:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167987 (121902ZJUL23) Notable: IDAHO’S DAVOS: Big-Tech Billionaires, Intelligence Operatives & Media Moguls Invade Sun Valley To Decide Our Future In Shady Back-Room Summit

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IDAHO’S DAVOS: Big-Tech Billionaires, Intelligence Operatives & Media Moguls Invade Sun Valley To Decide Our Future In Shady Back-Room Summit

You’ve heard of the World Economic Forum, But Have You Heard of The Sun Valley Conference?

Sun Valley is a picturesque town nestled in the Sawtooth mountains right in the heart of Blaine County Idaho, and it’s also the richest, most liberal part of the state.

They’ll look at you like you have 3 heads. If for whatever reason you find yourself in town, just ask for a “caramel soy latte; hold the soy, hold the caramel, and hold the latte.” You’ll stand a better chance of getting served.

Past attendees of the Sun Valley Conference include George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Tony Blair, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, former Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch, Jared Kushner and other nefarious billionaries.

This years list of invitees includes:

Bill Gates

Amos Yadlin - former Israel Defense Forces military attaché to Washington, D.C. and head of the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate

Martin Indyk, former U.S. ambassador to Israel

Yousef Al Otaiba, the United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States

Mario Draghi, former Italian Prime Minister

David Petraeus, former CIA chief

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Meta

Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and cut-throat Vulture Capitalist

There’s literally too many invitees to include all their photographs… Disney, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Open AI, Netflix, CNN and other multi-billion dollar corporations will be gathering for this secretive meeting, where the fate of humanity, and Idaho’s future will be decided.


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93dd9e No.71242

File: 4f9ec9e7f63cefa⋯.png (598.43 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168027 (121910ZJUL23) Notable: 83-year-old woman beaten while praying outside Maryland abortion facility

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83-year-old woman beaten while praying outside Maryland abortion facility

‘For fifty years I’ve been in this war. Before this war is over, we ourselves will see our blood spilled on the sidewalk,’ predicted pro-life Olga Fairfax. ‘It’s a war: God against Satan, good against evil.’

picrel: perp


- - -

C-anon needs muh crawl

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93dd9e No.71243

File: 8cf9c36edb0c56e⋯.png (80.27 KB,634x952,317:476,Clipboard.png)

File: a99cbf953b0697b⋯.png (15.26 KB,1152x419,1152:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168053 (121915ZJUL23) Notable: Moar re research on @GreatAwakening

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>>71188 (lb, notable, not me)

>Many People that Watched Sound of Freedom are now Researching #GreatAwakening

Not that I trust Google to report accurately, and I am not sure what the value of "100" means, but even Google shows a marked uptick in the search term "trafficking" in the last 30 days. A tool that I haven't used before (keywordtool.io), appears to extract data from Google APIs and gives a markedly different picture - "human trafficking" up 4,511,650% and "sex trafficking up 2,337,000%.



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93dd9e No.71244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168089 (121920ZJUL23) Notable: UPDATE: Modelo Tops Bud Light in Latest Sales Report Just Before Key July 4th Holiday - Bud Light Sales Trend -28.5%

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UPDATE: Modelo Tops Bud Light in Latest Sales Report Just Before Key July 4th Holiday – Bud Light Sales Trend -28.5%

July 11, 2023 | Sundance |

Anheuser Busch continues to lose market share according to the latest statistics shared by Bump Williams consulting firm. In the key period just before the July 4th holiday, sales of Bud Light dropped another 28.5% compared to the prior year.

The initial sales decline which began in April continues. The ongoing boycott against Bud Light appears to be holding firm.

CNN – […] For the four weeks ending on July 1, Modelo Especial captured 8.7% of overall beer sales, compared to Bud Light’s 7% share, according to NIQ data given to consulting firm Bump Williams. Dollar sales for the pre-July 4 period continued to be grim for Bud Light, with sales falling 28.5%, while Modelo’s grew 8.5% during the same time period. (more)

Fox releases video of Americans saying. Anything but Bud Light.


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93dd9e No.71245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168120 (121925ZJUL23) Notable: 'Sound of Freedom' actor Jim Caviezel responds to media attacks: 'They’re scared. Quaking in their boots'

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'Sound of Freedom' actor Jim Caviezel responds to media attacks: 'They’re scared. Quaking in their boots'

Jim Caviezel, star of the movie "Sound of Freedom," made striking remarks about media backlash toward the film in a recent interview with the movie studio's CEO.

"At least they broke their silence. It means they can't ignore this issue; they cannot ignore it," the actor said, as reported by Breitbart. “They’re scared. Quaking in their boots. And it’s because the public are listening to their hearts, which is what this film tells you to do."

The film, which is based on a true story of a Department of Homeland Security agent regarding the realities of child trafficking, blew past box office expectations on its July 4, 2023 release date. The movie surprised critics by beating the latest "Indiana Jones" installment and was expected to reach $20 million over the first six days of its release.

The movie had more than doubled that benchmark after six days in theaters, reaching nearly $46 million as of July 10, 2023, according to Box Office Mojo.

Despite the movie's success, certain media outlets have lambasted the film with bizarre narratives.

Rolling Stone published an article titled "'Sound Of Freedom' Is a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms." The article featured the sub-headline, "The QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer."

The Guardian featured the headline "'Sound of Freedom': the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America." The outlet added that the funding for the film came from an "unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far-right fringe, a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause célèbre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings."

As well, the Washington Post claimed that Caviezel "has openly embraced" QAnon ideas, but admitted that the film "doesn’t depict anything close to QAnon conspiracy fantasies."

Caviezel responded to media attacks by saying, “When there is evil, real evil in the world, and when love is in your heart, boy, evil is just a coward to God.”

"Sound of Freedom" is a true story surrounding former Homeland Security Agent Tim Ballard, who founded Operation Underground Railroad in 2013. The operation has reportedly conducted several sting operations to rescue children, some of whom were outside the United States.


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93dd9e No.71246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168136 (121928ZJUL23) Notable: Former FBI agents: Wray never takes ownership of issues

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Former FBI agents: Wray never takes ownership of issues


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93dd9e No.71247

File: d0b6c24c968c1c0⋯.png (536.07 KB,1224x758,612:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168168 (121933ZJUL23) Notable: 'Sound of Freedom' actor Jim Caviezel responds to media attacks: 'They’re scared. Quaking in their boots'

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Jim Caviezel Thriller ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Knocks ‘Insidious: Red Door’ From No. 1 Spot Monday – Box Office

By Anthony D'Alessandro

Anthony D'Alessandro

Editorial Director/Box Office Editor


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‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One’ Lights Up $7M In Previews – Box Office Update

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July 11, 2023 2:00pm

Angel Studios is adding 300 theaters to the current count of 2,852 locations.

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93dd9e No.71248

File: 5cb110accee683d⋯.png (156.94 KB,796x607,796:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168197 (121938ZJUL23) Notable: 'Sound of Freedom' actor Jim Caviezel responds to media attacks: 'They’re scared. Quaking in their boots'

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‘Sound Of Freedom’ Is a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms


July 7, 2023

Save the Children

The QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer

Jim Caviezel Speaks Out Over 'Sound of Freedom' QAnon Allegations


Anders Anglesey July 12, 2023

Actor Jim Caviezel has defended the film Sound of Freedom, in which he has a lead role, amid criticism it is linked to the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory.

In a July 11 edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, hosted by Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, Caviezel addressed claims that he and the Sound of Freedom were "QAnon adjacent."

The film is based on the story of Operation Underground Railroad founder Tim Ballard and tells the story of the fight against child sex trafficking, primarily in the Western Hemisphere.

Ballard has distanced the movie from any ties to QAnon, branding such allegations as "sick."

Is 'Sound of Freedom' QAnon-adjacent?


Joel Mathis Talking point

Sound of Freedom brings the culture wars to the big screen

Is QAnon winning at the box office? Variety reported that's what some critics are saying about the success of Sound of Freedom, a faith-based thriller about child trafficking, after it took in $40 million during its first six days of release. The movie's defenders say that its success proves that Hollywood all too often overlooks the potential of films that appeal to religious conservatives. That accomplishment "reflects a demand by an underserved audience who are hungry for entertainment that reflects their values and beliefs," said one analyst.

Box Office Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Controversy—Including QAnon Ties And False Claims Theaters Are Sabotaging Screenings—Explained


Conor Murray July 11, 2023 / Updated Jul 11, 2023, 03:59pm EDT

The Sound of Freedom, a film based on a former government agent’s pursuit to rescue child sex trafficking victims, is a hit at the box office and a darling among right-wing audiences, but it’s also come under scrutiny for its numerous ties to the QAnon conspiracy.

Key Facts

The Sound of Freedom debuted in theaters July 4 and has collected more than $41 million so far, placing third at the box office last weekend behind bigger-budget films, Indiana Jones: Dial of Destiny and Insidious: The Red Door.

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93dd9e No.71249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168224 (121942ZJUL23) Notable: LB

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bread needs a baker


Try an ebake. Notes can be added.


#23541 >>71194

>>71195, >>71196, >>71199, >>71201, >>71202, >>71204, >>71209, >>71211, >>71229, >>71231, >>71232, >>71240 Wray testimony continues

>>71197 El Salvador President Bukele’s Wildly Popular Gang Crackdown is Reducing Illegal Immigration to US

>>71198 Jim posting this morning on his TG was a welcome sight. LFG Orlando!

>>71200 Evanston, Illinois Will Pay 140 Elderly Black People $25,000 for Reparations in a “Test Run” for the Whole Country

>>71203, >>71207 @Trends, TREND: The FBI

>>71205 Firefighters ambushed, shot at Birmingham fire station

>>71206 Air Force Officials Probe $1 Billion in Land Purchases Surrounding Travis Air Base by Mysterious Investment Group

>>71208 Here’s Kash saying Human Trafficking under the Trump administration fell under his jurisdiction in the Counter Terrorism division he headed up

>>71210 GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They "Did A 180" On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them

>>71212 House GOP Is About To Drop A Massive Report Alleging That Biden's DHS Chief Broke The Law

>>71213 Suspected Chinese Hackers Exploited Microsoft Vulnerabilities to Breach Government Email Systems

>>71214 Where Is All the Welfare Money Going? Reclaiming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

>>71215, >>71217 Hue Edwards, no evidence of crime muh ass

>>71216 ‘Putin’ Your Foot in it! Biden Stumbles Over His Words as He Calls Zelensky ‘Vladimir’at NATO

>>71218, >>71223, >>71224 LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Fighting the Flow of Fentanyl from the Southwest Border

>>71219 The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

>>71220 Department of State Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>71221 GOP Reps Claim Dr. Fauci Served Unlawfully Years Due To 'Unprecedented' Becerra Act

>>71222 New York Rep. Jerry Nadler alleges FBI whistleblowers were paid $250,000 to testify before Congress

>>71225 Secret Service informed him that disclosure of the requested information could potentially “interfere with enforcement proceedings./WH cocaine

>>71226, >>71227, >>71228, >>71228 FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”

>>71230 The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

>>71233 U.S. DOD issued contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine in 2019

>>71234 The Candace Owens Show: Tim Ballard

>>71235 Maine: Drag Queen Gets Paid to Make Recruits in Public School

>>71236 Why would anyone want to discredit a film that's sole purpose is to bring attention to the growing epidemic of human trafficking?

>>71237 Jim Jordan: Want to drain the Swamp?

>>71238 This is a line of people outside the halls of Congress demanding Chris Wray be detained.

>>71239 Montana State Library Withdraws from American Library Association “The Constitution Forbids Association with an Organization Led by a Marxist”

>>71241 IDAHO’S DAVOS: Big-Tech Billionaires, Intelligence Operatives & Media Moguls Invade Sun Valley To Decide Our Future In Shady Back-Room Summit

>>71242 83-year-old woman beaten while praying outside Maryland abortion facility

>>71243 Moar re research on @GreatAwakening

>>71244 UPDATE: Modelo Tops Bud Light in Latest Sales Report Just Before Key July 4th Holiday - Bud Light Sales Trend -28.5%

>>71245, >>71247, >>71248 'Sound of Freedom' actor Jim Caviezel responds to media attacks: 'They’re scared. Quaking in their boots'

>>71246 Former FBI agents: Wray never takes ownership of issues

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93dd9e No.71250

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168244 (121945ZJUL23) Notable: Rasmussen Reports: American Institutional Trust Abysmal Due To Americans’ Fatigue Of Getting Burnt

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22:11 minutes

Rasmussen Reports: American Institutional Trust Abysmal Due To Americans’ Fatigue Of Getting Burnt


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93dd9e No.71251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168251 (121946ZJUL23) Notable: ROLLINGSTONE (msm): Why "Anti-Trafficking Experts" Are Torching ‘Sound of Freedom’

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Why Anti-Trafficking Experts Are Torching ‘Sound of Freedom’

The new movie offers a "false perception" of child trafficking that experts worry could further harm the real victims

When Sound of Freedom, the new Jim Caviezel thriller about child trafficking, was released in theaters last week, it garnered mixed reviews, to say the least. The movie, with its central narrative about a former Homeland Security agent (Caviezel) embarking on a high-stakes mission to rescue children from a Colombian trafficking ring, has drawn criticism for its self-serious tone, its star’s promotion of conspiracy theories, and its dubious source material (Caviezel plays a fictionalized version of Tim Ballard, the founder of the anti-trafficking organization Operation Underground Railroad, which has been accused of embellishing some of its more extreme claims, which they have denied).

Such criticism hasn’t stopped people from flocking to theaters: to date, Sound of Freedom has grossed $40 million at the box office, with many of its defenders framing it as yet another lightning rod in the culture wars and accusing mainstream theaters of suppressing the film (the CEO of AMC, for his part, has denied this, calling such rumors “really bizarre”). Yet one demographic has expressed concern about the film’s tremendous popularity: the anti-child trafficking experts who Sound of Freedom is ostensibly about.

“I’ve literally been on four different group texts about the damn movie,” says Erin Albright, an attorney who has worked in the anti-trafficking space for 15 years, including as a former fellow for the Department of Justice’s anti-trafficking task force. Albright says Sound of Freedom is “grounded in this sensational perspective of what child trafficking would be,” rather than reflecting its grim reality.

A representative for Angel Studios, which distributed Sound of Freedom, did not respond to a request for comment about questions regarding its accuracy; however, in a blog post on its website, it acknowledges altering some of Ballard’s biographical details and that the film “took creative liberties in depicting the different methods of child trafficking.”

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93dd9e No.71252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168268 (121948ZJUL23) Notable: #23541

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notetaker notes


#23541 >>71194

>>71195, >>71196, >>71199, >>71201, >>71202, >>71204, >>71209, >>71211, >>71229, >>71231, >>71232, >>71240 Wray testimony continues

>>71197 El Salvador President Bukele’s Wildly Popular Gang Crackdown is Reducing Illegal Immigration to US

>>71198 Jim posting this morning on his TG was a welcome sight. LFG Orlando!

>>71200 Evanston, Illinois Will Pay 140 Elderly Black People $25,000 for Reparations in a “Test Run” for the Whole Country

>>71203, >>71207 @Trends, TREND: The FBI

>>71205 Firefighters ambushed, shot at Birmingham fire station

>>71206 Air Force Officials Probe $1 Billion in Land Purchases Surrounding Travis Air Base by Mysterious Investment Group

>>71208 Here’s Kash saying Human Trafficking under the Trump administration fell under his jurisdiction in the Counter Terrorism division he headed up

>>71210 GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They "Did A 180" On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them

>>71212 House GOP Is About To Drop A Massive Report Alleging That Biden's DHS Chief Broke The Law

>>71213 Suspected Chinese Hackers Exploited Microsoft Vulnerabilities to Breach Government Email Systems

>>71214 Where Is All the Welfare Money Going? Reclaiming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

>>71215, >>71217 Hue Edwards, no evidence of crime muh ass

>>71216 ‘Putin’ Your Foot in it! Biden Stumbles Over His Words as He Calls Zelensky ‘Vladimir’at NATO

>>71218, >>71223, >>71224 LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Fighting the Flow of Fentanyl from the Southwest Border

>>71219 The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

>>71220 Department of State Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>71221 GOP Reps Claim Dr. Fauci Served Unlawfully Years Due To 'Unprecedented' Becerra Act

>>71222 New York Rep. Jerry Nadler alleges FBI whistleblowers were paid $250,000 to testify before Congress

>>71225 Secret Service informed him that disclosure of the requested information could potentially “interfere with enforcement proceedings./WH cocaine

>>71226, >>71227, >>71228, >>71228 FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”

>>71230 The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

>>71233 U.S. DOD issued contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine in 2019

>>71234 The Candace Owens Show: Tim Ballard

>>71235 Maine: Drag Queen Gets Paid to Make Recruits in Public School

>>71236 Why would anyone want to discredit a film that's sole purpose is to bring attention to the growing epidemic of human trafficking?

>>71237 Jim Jordan: Want to drain the Swamp?

>>71238 This is a line of people outside the halls of Congress demanding Chris Wray be detained.

>>71239 Montana State Library Withdraws from American Library Association “The Constitution Forbids Association with an Organization Led by a Marxist”

>>71241 IDAHO’S DAVOS: Big-Tech Billionaires, Intelligence Operatives & Media Moguls Invade Sun Valley To Decide Our Future In Shady Back-Room Summit

>>71242 83-year-old woman beaten while praying outside Maryland abortion facility

>>71243 Moar re research on @GreatAwakening

>>71244 UPDATE: Modelo Tops Bud Light in Latest Sales Report Just Before Key July 4th Holiday - Bud Light Sales Trend -28.5%

>>71245, >>71247, >>71248 'Sound of Freedom' actor Jim Caviezel responds to media attacks: 'They’re scared. Quaking in their boots'

>>71246 Former FBI agents: Wray never takes ownership of issues

>>71250 Rasmussen Reports: American Institutional Trust Abysmal Due To Americans’ Fatigue Of Getting Burnt

>>71251 ROLLINGSTONE (msm): Why "Anti-Trafficking Experts" Are Torching ‘Sound of Freedom’

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93dd9e No.71253

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168333 (122003ZJUL23) Notable: #23542

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CatGirl Kulak 😻😿 (Anarchonomicon)


I keep encountering this misconception from people who don't follow Canadian politics...

That somehow the Trucker convoy was defeated.

The Freedom Convoy was the most wildly immediately successful protest in Canadian history, maybe WORLD history.

People remember Trudeau's crackdown, old ladies having their skulls cracked with batons, Disabled indigenous grandmothers trampled by police horses, Bank accounts frozen and public employees investigated for mere donations...

And there's a big reason people remember this: It was dramatic, and the media and the regime certainly wanted you to think resistance was futile.

What people don't remember is what happened in the immediate aftermath: The government caved on absolutely everything! Within a week for the most important things, and then a month or so for the rest.

First off there was the massive political shift that happened as the convoy was occurring:

Jason Kenny, the pro-lockdown Premiere of Alberta (Canada's most conservative province) was forced to announce his resignation, and Alberta immediately lifted all its lockdown impositions.

Erin O'Toole the pro-lockdown leader of the conservative party was likewise forced to resign, his temporary replacement Candice Bergen (not to be mistaken with the actress) being a longtime rival opposed to lockdowns, and his main rival who replaced her after party elections were


, the Politician after


who was quickest to embrace the Truckers and their cry for freedom.

As the convoy was ongoing Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act (the Act which replaced the War Measures Act for invoking Martial Law)... Now these grant the government almost unlimited powers, famously the War Measures Act was invoked by Trudeau's Father to detain Quebecers and raid hundreds of homes without warrants during the FLQ separatist crisis of 1972...the catch is while the follow on Emergencies Act can be invoked by a prime minister parliament has to sign off on the act's continued use within one week.

Well, skulls were cracked, accounts were frozen, and as the week passed things came down to the deadline... On the very last night... Trudeau managed to get sign-off (without the conservative opposition) from the House of Commons, but it had to go to the Upper House, the Canadian Senate.

NOW. The Canadian Senate is a shameful institution.

It's like the British House of Lords but without the nobility.

A premonition of the great Class War to come.


8:50 AM · Jul 12, 2023




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93dd9e No.71254

File: 727e0c24bc89574⋯.jpeg (76.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168342 (122005ZJUL23) Notable: The Ukraine conflict is just part of a global struggle for multipolarity, the Russian FM has said

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11 Jul, 2023 23:41

West pushing ‘neocolonial agenda’ on world stage – Lavrov

The Ukraine conflict is just part of a global struggle for multipolarity, the Russian FM has said

The US and its allies are attempting to cling onto world hegemony against the tide of a multipolar international order, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

“We do not define the current phase of international relations as a new Cold War,”Lavrov told the Indonesian outlet Kompas.

“The issue at hand is about something different, namely, the formation of a multipolar international order.This is an objective process. Everyone can see that new globally meaningful decision-making centers are growing stronger in Eurasia, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.”

These countries and their associations are seeing success because they promote “values such as national interests, independence, sovereignty, cultural and civilizational identity and international cooperation,” in line with the global development trends, Lavrov explained.

Meanwhile, the US-led “collective West” is trying to slow or reverse this process, the Russian diplomat said.

Their goal is not to strengthen global security or engage in joint development, but to maintain their hegemony in international affairs and to keep pursuing their neo-colonial agenda, or in simpler terms, to continue to address their own problems at the expense of others, as they are accustomed to doing.

Lavrov pointed to economic sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia in response to its military operation in Ukraine, as well as “overall selfish foreign policy,” which he said had undermined global food and energy security and made life difficult for developing countries.

The Ukraine conflict will continue “until the West gives up its plans to preserve its domination and overcome its obsessive desire to inflict on Russia a strategic defeat at the hands of its Kiev puppets,” Lavrov added, noting that there are no signs of that happening at this time.

Instead, he said, “the Americans and their vassals continue feverishly pumping Ukraine full of arms and pushing [President] Vladimir Zelensky to continue hostilities.”

The US and its allies spent over $100 billion in 2022 alone to provide Ukraine with weapons, equipment, ammunition and financial support, while insisting they were not a party to the conflict with Russia. Moscow, meanwhile, has argued that the vast military aid only prolongs the conflict and leads to more escalation.


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93dd9e No.71255

File: b442e9129c4aa20⋯.png (868.75 KB,634x951,2:3,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168451 (122029ZJUL23) Notable: Fox News is sued for defamation by January 6 protestor Ray Epps

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Fox News is sued for defamation by January 6 protestor Ray Epps after Tucker Carlson branded him a federal agent who 'helped stage-manage the insurrection'

Epps, a former Marine, claims that he was targeted and is seeking unspecified damages

Carlson, who has since been fired from the network, made the comments on several occasions last year

Lawyers for Epps previously demanded that Fox retract its stories about him and his purported role in the Capitol riot and issue an on-air apology

A former Marine and Trump supporter is suing Fox News for defamation over claims he helped incite the January 6 riots.

Ray Epps, 61, claims in a new lawsuit that he became the subject of various conspiracy theories after comments by the network's former host Tucker Carlson.

The suit states: 'Just as Fox had focused on voting machine companies when falsely claiming a rigged election, Fox knew it needed a scapegoat for January 6th.

'It settled on Ray Epps and began promoting the lie that Epps was a federal agent who incited the attack on the Capitol.'

Carlson, who was sacked in April, accused Epps of being a 'federal agent who helped stage-manage the insurrection.'

Carlson made the comments on his late-night show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, after a video showed Epps urging others to join him in entering the Capitol.

During the segment in July last year Carlson said: 'Now we've asked Ray Epps on this show repeatedly to explain why he thinks he's escaped prosecution, and we'll ask him once again tonight, and we'll keep asking because we think it is a very obvious and important question.'

He was videotaped urging people to go to the Capitol, yet unlike 1,000 others, he has never been charged - giving rise to the theory that he was an FBI plant sent to whip up the riot.

The complaint was filed in the Superior Court in Delaware, where Fox agreed to a $787.5 million settlement in a separate defamation case with Dominion Voting Systems.

The group claims that the company had helped rig the 2020 election against Trump, which was ultimately settled out of court.

Fox did not immediately respond to a request for comment by DailyMail.com regarding the latest suit.

However, they appear to have requested that the venue for the case be changed to the Federal District Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

The suit added: 'When Fox, through its on-air personalities and guests, told its audience that the 2020 election had been stolen, Epps was listening.

'He believed Fox. And when Epps kept hearing that Trump supporters should let their views be known on Jan. 6 in Washington D.C., Epps took that to heart.'

Epps is seeking unspecified damages in the case, as the conspiracy theories quickly spilled online.

His suit is the latest in a long line of legal woes for the broadcaster, which saw a $2.7 billion suit from a second voting technology company, Smartmatic.

Epps told the Jan. 6 Committee in a transcript released Thursday that his wife, Robyn Ebbs (pictured) had to move from their home due to concerns for her safety following a flurry of threats

Epps told the Jan. 6 Committee in a transcript released Thursday that his wife, Robyn Ebbs (pictured) had to move from their home due to concerns for her safety following a flurry of threats

Fox were hit by two separate claims from Fox Corporation shareholders, as well as a former producer for Carlson - settling for $12million over allegations he condoned and encouraged a toxic workplace.

Epps claims that he and his wife Robyn were targeted online, received numerous death threats and had to sell their five-acre ranch in Arizona.

The couple says they were forced to move into a 350-square-foot mobile home parked at a remote trailer park in the mountains of Utah.

Lawyers for Epps previously demanded that Fox retract its stories about him and his purported role in the Capitol riot and issue an on-air apology. They did not respond.

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93dd9e No.71256

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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