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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

5e84df No.51549 [Last50 Posts]

06JUL23 to 09JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

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5e84df No.69755

File: 3ff88cb731ad297⋯.png (316.78 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131732 (060721ZJUL23) Notable: There's no hiding now! Secret Service orders DNA and fingerprint analysis of 'dime-sized' cocaine baggie found in the West Wing

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There's no hiding now! Secret Service orders DNA and fingerprint analysis of 'dime-sized' cocaine baggie found in the West Wing

The Secret Service is carrying out fingerprint and DNA analysis of a bag of cocaine found at the White House to track down its owner.

'This is a heavily, heavily trafficked - heavily traveled to be more accurate - area of the campus of the White House. And it is where visitors to the West Wing come,' Jean-Pierre said. 'I just don't have anything else - I'm not going to speculate on who it was.'


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5e84df No.69756

File: 199078cd0c96184⋯.gif (6.26 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: 8902d67f2ed0602⋯.jpg (81.46 KB,645x614,645:614,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131769 (060742ZJUL23) Notable: There's no hiding now! Secret Service orders DNA and fingerprint analysis of 'dime-sized' cocaine baggie found in the West Wing

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5e84df No.69757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131828 (060809ZJUL23) Notable: Peru's Authorities Declare Emergency in South of Country Over Volcano's Eruption

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Peru's Authorities Declare Emergency in South of Country Over Volcano's Eruption

BUENOS AIRES (Sputnik) - The Peruvian authorities have declared an emergency in the Department of Moquegua in the south of the country due to the eruption of the Ubinas volcano, the Peruvian Council of Ministers said Wednesday.

"The declaration of the state of emergency in separate areas of [the Department of] Moquegua due to the eruption of the Ubinas volcano has been approved at a meeting of the Council of Ministers," the council said in a statement.

The decision would allow the authorities to take immediate special measures should the necessity arise.

Ubinas is an active stratovolcano in southern Peru.

The Geophysical Institute of Peru has said that explosions in the volcano began just over a day ago, with ashes rising to a height of several kilometers.


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5e84df No.69758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131831 (060810ZJUL23) Notable: France Approves Remote Eavesdropping of Devices to Identify Terrorists

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France Approves Remote Eavesdropping of Devices to Identify Terrorists

The French National Assembly, the country's lower house, on Wednesday approved an article in a legal reform package that would allow the remote eavesdropping of devices if their owners are suspected of involvement in a terrorist attack or organized crime, according to the live broadcast of the parliament meeting.

The article was approved in an 80-to-24 vote.



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5e84df No.69759

File: 7bf369df49c7d26⋯.png (958.16 KB,1136x1090,568:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131836 (060812ZJUL23) Notable: Mark Zuckerberg Tweets for First Time in 11 Years Following Launch of Threads App

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Mark Zuckerberg Tweets for First Time in 11 Years Following Launch of Threads App

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta* (banned in Russia as an extremist organizationkek), tweeted on Wednesday for the first time in 11 years, following the official launch of the company's new text messaging app, Threads, purportedly designed to rival Elon Musk's Twitter.

In the tweet, Zuckerberg posted a popular internet meme showing two Spider-Men from the eponymous cartoon pointing their fingers at each other.



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5e84df No.69760

File: e592cb342072043⋯.png (841.62 KB,666x714,111:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131916 (060857ZJUL23) Notable: Donald Trump: Security Tapes Would ‘Quickly’ Find White House Cocaine Smuggler

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Donald Trump: Security Tapes Would ‘Quickly’

Find White House Cocaine Smuggler

Breitbart Politics, by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 7/6/2023 12:45:25 AM

Former President Donald Trump said the security tapes would “quickly” reveal who smuggled cocaine into President Joe Biden’s White House after the drug was reportedly found in the West Wing. Over the weekend, a substance was found inside the White House that reportedly tested positive for cocaine.On Monday, U.S. Secret Service spokesman Steven Kopek confirmed an “ongoing investigation” into the matter, but did not confirm whether the substance contained cocaine. In response, Trump predicted the “Fake News Media” will downplay the substance’s finding.

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5e84df No.69761

File: ce2162840d62fa9⋯.png (23.48 KB,939x191,939:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131919 (060859ZJUL23) Notable: Attorney Lin Wood is giving up his law license instead of facing possible disbarment.

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Attorney who challenged Trump 2020 election

results relinquishes law license

Washington Examiner, by Rachel Schilke

Posted By: Beardo, 7/5/2023 10:59:40 PM

Attorney Lin Wood, known for filing challenges seeking to overturn former President Donald Trump's 2020 election loss, is giving up his law license instead of facing possible disbarment. On Tuesday, Wood asked officials in Georgia, his home state, to "retire" his law license in light of “disciplinary proceedings pending against me." In the request, Wood acknowledged that after relinquishing his license, he is “prohibited from practicing law in this State and in any other state or jurisdiction and that I may not reapply for admission."

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5e84df No.69762

File: f5f417ae14e9198⋯.png (586.82 KB,872x769,872:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131922 (060902ZJUL23) Notable: There's no hiding now! Secret Service orders DNA and fingerprint analysis of 'dime-sized' cocaine baggie found in the West Wing

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Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Says Biden Family Member Brought Cocaine

To White House

Daily Wire, by Greg Wilson

Posted By: Beardo, 7/5/2023 8:58:52 PM

Conservative talk radio host and former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino said the mystery of who sneaked cocaine into the White House is hardly a whodunnit. (snip) “There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex,” Bongino said Wednesday. “No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.” (snip) Bongino, who was an NYPD officer in the late 1990s before beginning a 12-year stint in the Secret Service that ended in 2011, is well-versed in the inner workings of the White House.

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5e84df No.69763

File: 98c43898b1af601⋯.png (207.18 KB,424x462,212:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131929 (060907ZJUL23) Notable: Kari nails it, saying people who don’t like Trump have been brainwashed by the Swamp, Uniparty, & Fake News:

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Kari nails it, saying people who don’t like Trump have been brainwashed by the Swamp, Uniparty, & Fake News: “If you do not like him, if you don’t love what he did for our country, I hate to tell ya - you have been a victim of this mass brainwashing scheme..” 🎯🎯🎯

Twitter (https://twitter.com/patri0tcontr0l/status/1676792488311308289?s=46&t=yH_YwZotlm6m-dfwNvYx3Q)

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5e84df No.69764

File: eb262a383e3e96b⋯.png (531.13 KB,600x875,24:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131968 (060933ZJUL23) Notable: Scott Wiener, the radical LGBTQ activist and California state senator from SF—behind bills that strip away parental rights in California:

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Charlie Kirk


Scott Wiener, the radical LGBTQ activist and California state senator from SF—who may succeed Nancy Pelosi once she retires—is currently behind multiple catastrophic bills that strip away parental rights in California:

AB 665 - Allows minors to consent to mental health services referred by "mental health professionals" or school psychologists and/or send a child to a shelter for any reason without parental consent or knowledge.

AB 957 - Codifies into law that a child’s self-selected gender is always part of a child’s health, safety and "welfare". This bill also compels courts to view affirming the child’s gender identity as in the best interests of the child when deciding custody cases (when in doubt, the woke parent gets the advantage)

AB 223 - Will allow any adult in custody of a child to change the child’s name, sex identifier, and/or gender in secret.

This childless Marxist is leading the assault on parental rights and if he's successful he definitely plans on taking it nationwide.


12:45 PM · Jul 5, 2023




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5e84df No.69765

File: 487317f85e7f8c7⋯.png (606.11 KB,1072x828,268:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131974 (060935ZJUL23) Notable: State Department Cancels Facebook Meetings After Trump Judge Blocks Biden Regime From Censoring Conservatives Online

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State Department Cancels Facebook Meetings

After Trump Judge Blocks Biden Regime

From Censoring Conservatives Online

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 7/5/2023 8:02:27 PM

A huge win for freedom of speech! The State Department canceled its future meetings with Facebook just one day after US District Court Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee who still honors the US Constitution, accused the Biden Regime of violating the First Amendment by censoring unfavorable views in a blistering 155-page opinion. A Trump-appointed federal judge on Tuesday issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and other agencies from its government-wide, fascist conspiracy with Big Tech to censor speech and manipulate the public.

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5e84df No.69766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132048 (061017ZJUL23) Notable: France Approves Remote Eavesdropping of Devices to Identify Terrorists

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i repeat:

France set to allow police to spy through phones

French lawmakers agreed to a justice reform bill that includes a provision granting police the power to get suspects' geolocation through phones and other devices.

French police should be able to spy on suspects by remotely activating the camera, microphone and GPS of their phones and other devices, lawmakers agreed late on Wednesday, July 5.


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5e84df No.69767

File: 1cdac0340f5c489⋯.png (982.73 KB,1776x999,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132179 (061136ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Regime Files Notice of Appeal in MO v. Biden Censorship Case with Gateway Pundit as Lead Plaintiff – Demands the Right to Keep Censoring

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slimy bastids

[they] put so much energy into be'n evil

Biden Regime Files Notice of Appeal in MO v. Biden Censorship Case with Gateway Pundit as Lead Plaintiff – Demands the Right to Keep Censoring Conservatives


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5e84df No.69768

File: 4a3ff7a28a98b3e⋯.png (275.72 KB,676x450,338:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132191 (061148ZJUL23) Notable: There's no hiding now! Secret Service orders DNA and fingerprint analysis of 'dime-sized' cocaine baggie found in the West Wing

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aiding and abetting

CNN Hosts Joked and Laughed About Discovery of Cocaine in the White House (VIDEO)


The three anchors ended the segment, which they had conveniently put off until the very end of the show, by joking about this very serious matter. Sidner said that she “would like to know, blow-by-blow, who was responsible for this,” making a joke on the cocaine.

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5e84df No.69769

File: de4879569e6ada6⋯.mp4 (404.1 KB,414x270,23:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132269 (061225ZJUL23) Notable: France Approves Remote Eavesdropping of Devices to Identify Terrorists

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>Remote Eavesdropping of Devices to Identify Terrorists

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5e84df No.69770

File: 10d7a30eadf04f0⋯.jpg (46.99 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132308 (061240ZJUL23) Notable: Air Force embraces DEI as recruitment falters

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Air Force embraces DEI as recruitment falters

The Air Force is not alone in that transition, though, as the Pentagon and other branches take similar steps to varying degrees.

The U.S. Air Force has become increasingly focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts, and critics say it is hurting recruitment.

Chief of Staff of the Air Force Charles Q. Brown has been a major backer of the DEI efforts. Brown said in the fall of 2020 that DEI was a key focal point of recruiting and a factor in promotions. The Air Force launched a Diversity and Inclusion Task Force in September 2020.

The Air Force is not alone in that transition, though, as the Pentagon and other branches take similar steps to varying degrees.

"Shortly after assuming office, President Joe Biden signed three separate executive orders directing all federal agencies to commit extensive time and resources towards Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts,” Thomas Spoehr, a Heritage expert and retired lieutenant general who served more than 36 years in the U.S. Army, told The Center Square.

Brown helped open the Air Force’s DEI office. Now, the Air Force website includes a litany of materials on the issue cautioning against racism and “unconscious bias.”


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5e84df No.69771

File: 83f24123f594791⋯.mp4 (7.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132354 (061256ZJUL23) Notable: There's no hiding now! Secret Service orders DNA and fingerprint analysis of 'dime-sized' cocaine baggie found in the West Wing

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I want to know blow-by-blow who was responsible for this.

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5e84df No.69772

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132364 (061259ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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When's this scare event going to happen?

Nuclear? Biological Weapon? Or Aliens?

I have a bet with my dad that it's going to be Nuclear and he thinks it's Aliens.

Got 50 bucks on it.

What say you, frens?

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5e84df No.69773

File: 901997b9d042f94⋯.jpeg (36.98 KB,474x337,474:337,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132366 (061300ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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Nuclear Aliens sounds right

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5e84df No.69774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132367 (061300ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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How will you settle the bet if it’s three chicks at once?

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5e84df No.69775

File: 85d65265988bf1f⋯.jpeg (23.2 KB,420x242,210:121,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132368 (061301ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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Why not all three, man?

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5e84df No.69776

File: 3d05b44ef41b348⋯.png (890.39 KB,776x573,776:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132377 (061304ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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Ten bucks on Gargoyles.

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5e84df No.69777

File: a3e63697c35bf8a⋯.jpg (91.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132385 (061305ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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5e84df No.69778

File: f18776e6cf06500⋯.jpeg (83.75 KB,462x480,77:80,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132391 (061306ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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I reckon it's gonna be Project BlueBalls with a fake hologram Sky-Jesus and muh fake Pleiadians trying to beam us up


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5e84df No.69779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132420 (061313ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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Subterranean shapeshifting nuclear space lizard demons from an alternate dimension (wearing a Cross/Crescent/StarofDavid/Swastika/Hammer/Sickle)???

I think The Enemy is confused about how to “identify”.

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5e84df No.69780

File: 69105e5e2110cf8⋯.png (149.08 KB,568x675,568:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132423 (061314ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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IDK, theTRUTHis VERY scary to the Demons.

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5e84df No.69781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132431 (061316ZJUL23) Notable: What's it gonna be?

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>Nuclear? Biological Weapon? Or Aliens?

Nuclear incident causes Biological event intercepted by Aliens

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5e84df No.69782

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132443 (061320ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/06/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/06/2023


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5e84df No.69783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132458 (061323ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. Is Destroying the Last of Its Once-Vast Chemical Weapons Arsenal

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U.S. Is Destroying the Last of Its Once-Vast Chemical Weapons Arsenal

PUEBLO, Colo. — In a sealed room behind a gantlet of armed guards and three rows of high barbed wire at the Army’s Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado, a team of robotic arms was busily disassembling some of the last of the United States’ vast and ghastly stockpile of chemical weapons.

In went artillery shells filled with deadly mustard agent that the Army had been storing for more than 70 years. The bright yellow robots pierced, drained and washed each shell, then baked it at 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Out came inert and harmless scrap metal, falling off a conveyor belt into an ordinary brown dumpster with a resounding clank.

“That’s the sound of a chemical weapon dying,” said Kingston Reif, who spent years pushing for disarmament outside government and is now the deputy assistant secretary of defense for threat reduction and arms control. He smiled as another shell clanked into the dumpster.

The destruction of the stockpile has taken decades, and the Army says the work is just about finished. The depot near Pueblo destroyed its last weapon in June; the remaining handful at another depot in Kentucky will be destroyed in the next few days. And when they are gone, all of the world’s publicly declared chemical weapons will have been eliminated.

The U.S. stockpile, built up over generations, was shocking in its scale: Cluster bombs and land mines filled with nerve agent. Artillery shells that could blanket whole forests with a blistering mustard fog. Tanks full of poison that could be loaded on jets and sprayed on targets below.

They were a class of weapons deemed so inhumane that their use was condemned after World War I, but even so, the United States and other powers continued to develop and amass them. Some held deadlier versions of the chlorine and mustard agents made infamous in the trenches of the Western Front. Others held nerve agents developed later, like VX and Sarin, that are lethal even in tiny quantities.

U.S. armed forces are not known to have used lethal chemical weapons in battle since 1918, though during the Vietnam War they used herbicides such as Agent Orange that were harmful to humans.

The United States once also had a sprawling germ warfare and biological weapons program; those weapons were destroyed in the 1970s.

The United States and the Soviet Union agreed in principle in 1989 to destroy their chemical weapons stockpiles, and when the Senate ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1997, the United States and other signatories committed to getting rid of chemical weapons once and for all.

But destroying them has not been easy: They were built to be fired, not disassembled. The combination of explosives and poison makes them exceptionally dangerous to handle.

Defense Department officials once projected that the job could be done in a few years at a cost of about $1.4 billion. It is now wrapping up decades behind schedule, at a cost close to $42 billion — 2,900% over budget.

But it’s done.

“It’s been an ordeal, that’s for sure — I wondered if I would ever see the day,” said Craig Williams, who started pushing for the safe destruction of the stockpile in 1984 when he learned that the Army was storing tons of chemical weapons five miles from his house, at the Blue Grass Army Depot near Richmond, Kentucky.

“We had to fight, and it took a long time, but I think we should be very proud,” he said. “This is the first time, globally, that an entire class of weapons of mass destruction will be destroyed.”

Other powers have also destroyed their declared stockpiles: Britain in 2007, India in 2009, Russia in 2017. But Pentagon officials caution that chemical weapons have not been eradicated entirely. A few nations never signed the treaty, and some that did, notably Russia, appear to have retained undeclared stocks.

Nor did the treaty end the use of chemical weapons by rogue states and terrorist groups. Forces loyal to President Bashar Assad of Syria used chemical weapons in the country numerous times between 2013 and 2019. According to the IHS Conflict Monitor, a London-based intelligence collection and analysis service, fighters from the Islamic State group used chemical weapons at least 52 times in Iraq and Syria from 2014 to 2016.

The immense U.S. stockpile and the decades-long effort to dispose of it are both a monument to human folly and a testament to human potential, people involved say. The job took so long in part because citizens and lawmakers insisted that the work be done without endangering surrounding communities.



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5e84df No.69784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132461 (061325ZJUL23) Notable: #23497

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final bun for #23497

anons put another one in the history books

hold em till the top

#23497	>>69753

>>69755, >>69756, >>69762, >>69768, >>69771 There's no hiding now! Secret Service orders DNA and fingerprint analysis of 'dime-sized' cocaine baggie found in the West Wing

>>69757 Peru's Authorities Declare Emergency in South of Country Over Volcano's Eruption

>>69758, >>69766, >>69769 France Approves Remote Eavesdropping of Devices to Identify Terrorists

>>69759 Mark Zuckerberg Tweets for First Time in 11 Years Following Launch of Threads App

>>69760 Donald Trump: Security Tapes Would ‘Quickly’ Find White House Cocaine Smuggler

>>69761 Attorney Lin Wood is giving up his law license instead of facing possible disbarment.

>>69763 Kari nails it, saying people who don’t like Trump have been brainwashed by the Swamp, Uniparty, & Fake News:

>>69764 Scott Wiener, the radical LGBTQ activist and California state senator from SF—behind bills that strip away parental rights in California:

>>69765 State Department Cancels Facebook Meetings After Trump Judge Blocks Biden Regime From Censoring Conservatives Online

>>69767 Biden Regime Files Notice of Appeal in MO v. Biden Censorship Case with Gateway Pundit as Lead Plaintiff – Demands the Right to Keep Censoring

>>69770 Air Force embraces DEI as recruitment falters

>>69772, >>69773, >>69774, >>69775, >>69776, >>69777, >>69778, >>69779, >>69780, >>69781 What's it gonna be?

>>69782 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/06/2023

>>69783 U.S. Is Destroying the Last of Its Once-Vast Chemical Weapons Arsenal

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5e84df No.69785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132494 (061332ZJUL23) Notable: #23498

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Drips are turning into the flood

Baker Requesting Handoff

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5e84df No.69786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132528 (061342ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Nudge Unit’ Chief Says UK Will Obey Future Lockdowns: Citizens Have ‘Learnt the Behaviour’

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‘Nudge Unit’ Chief Says UK Will Obey Future Lockdowns: Citizens Have ‘Learnt the Behaviour’

Simon Kent6 Jul 2023

A UK government adviser is confident any future pandemic lockdown and compulsory mask edicts will be met with compliance because people have learnt a new behaviour and, “in principle, you can switch it back on.”

Professor David Halpern told The Daily Telegraph the country had “practised the drill” of wearing face masks and working from home and “could redo it” in a future crisis because people are now conditioned to do what they are told.

Enforced loss of personal freedoms was one of the hallmarks of the Conservative government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking on the outlet’s Lockdown Files podcast, the government adviser set out his claim of obedience through behavioural interventions, even suggesting thenation’s prior experience made it “much easier to now imagine” the population would accept future local restrictions.

Prof Halpern said that while fear-based messaging in general is not effective, he defended its use in extreme circumstances, choosing not to reference the mass protests that built across the country after the restrictions began in March, 2020.

Kurt Zindulka / Breitbart News

“There are times when you do need to cut through… particularly if you think people are wrongly calibrated,” he said.

He said messages on posters used throughout pandemic restrictions acted as visual prompts so that “when you go into a shop or somewhere else, it re-reminds you, it cues, it acts as a trigger for the behaviour.”

The professor said that this messaging encouraged mask-wearing, meaning people felt “naked” when they forgot to put one on.

“Put it this way,” he said. “You would feel like, ‘Oh my God, I haven’t got my mask’. You feel naked, right?”

Once the public has learnt a new behaviour, Prof Halpern said: “In principle, you can switch it back on” even though plenty of UK citizens refused to comply and give up their freedoms in the first place.

Kurt Zindulka / Breitbart News

“You’ve got the beginning, particularly, of what is called a habit loop: if this has happened, then you should do that,” he said.

Major disasters “leav[e] this enduring trace on society”, he explained. As well as knowing the drill, this “quasi-evolutionary” impact is a strong indicator of future behaviour, he claimed.


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5e84df No.69787

File: 8c112ef0fb44ce8⋯.jpeg (462.55 KB,848x2001,848:2001,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132537 (061346ZJUL23) Notable: Loomer wins, do voters?

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Laura Loomer Wins – Harmeet Dhillon Retreats from California GOP “Proportional” Rule Position, Now Backs “Winner-Take-All” Option

July 6, 2023 | Sundance1/2

It is difficult to overstate just how impactful Mrs. Laura Loomer was/is in blocking a California scheme that appears to be part of a wider GOPe plan to dilute the primary election delegate distribution against the interests of President Trump and his supporters.

Mrs. Loomer exposed a three-week old plan by state RNC leadership Jessica Patterson, Shawn Steel and Harmeet Dhillon to change the California Republican primary outcome to a proportional distribution of candidates.

Loomer published the contents of a leaked email from the three organizers Patterson, Steel and Dhillon.

As people realized what was happening, all behind closed doors and hidden from public review, outrage began to surface.

Today, after initially trying to justify her position,Mrs. Dhillon reverses course and now supports the ‘winner-take-all’ option. An option that was always available, but purposefully ignored in the plan to deliver the delegates via proportional distribution. As you will see below,Dhillon an RNC rules committee member, claims she was unaware of the ruleand led astray by the statements of Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Steel.

First, here’s Mrs. Loomers statement upon hearing of the Dhillon reversal:

RNC CA Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon is now backtracking. She just sent an email out saying that she supports California’s “winner take all” threshold for delegates, that this is her “personal opinion” and doesn’t speak for Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel? and that she “regrets” that the CA GOP’s back door plan to have a bylaw amendment to remove the “winner takes all” threshold wasn’t communicated to the public and the delegates.

That’s nice and all, but if that’s the case, why was she signed onto the Amendment proposal that was sent out on her behalf on June 17 by CAGOP Chair Jessica Patterson?

In other words, they got caught and now they have to save face.

If this is how Harmeet feels, then I strongly suggest she say so publicly and not support the bylaw change at the CAGOP executive meeting on July 29.

I hope everyone sees they had no plans of ever telling the delegates this information until I blew the whistle.

This is very easy. The RNC’s own rule book says that individual states can keep their “majority takes all”threshold for delegates.

There is no need to change the rules, even if the CA Primary is now earlier. If this is how Harmeet now feels all of sudden, then she needs to oppose the bylaw amendment and keep the language as is so that all of the delegates are awarded to the winner and there’s no way to have a brokered convention.

This is just a very long way of her saying “we got caught doing something we shouldn’t be doing behind closed doors. Now the cat is out of the bag and I know this isn’t going away, so let me try to distance myself from Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel so that I can try to save face.”

The only way this is going away in any capacity is if all 3 RNC reps from California rip up the bylaw amendment and keep the winner takes all language.

There could very well be protests outside of the CAGOP Executive meeting on July 29 unless this is changed. (read more)

If you carefully read the statement made by Dhillon, you will notice a great deal of disingenuous language used in an effort to cover her tracks. She seems to portray herself as being hoodwinked by the other participants, which, when combined with the attempted defenses by her DeSantis supporting allies, seems to be the way Dhillon plans to remove herself from the sunlight.

The RNC National Committeewoman, who ran to become the RNC Chairwoman and sits on the RNC Rules Committee, now claims she was not aware of the rules and further disagrees with the content of the letter that was decided three weeks ago. Something apparently happened between the agreement with the other executives and today. That something was likely Laura Loomer. Read the Dhillon letter carefully.

For comparison, this was Mrs. Dhillon’s position 18 hours ago….


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5e84df No.69788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132539 (061347ZJUL23) Notable: Loomer wins, do voters?

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Again, keep in mind Mrs. Dhillon, who ran for RNC chair 5 months ago, is the California RNC Committeewoman, and she sits on the National RNC rules committee.

Suddenly, all of the stuff in Mrs. Dhillon’s prior position is claimed to be untrue in Mrs. Dhillon’s current position.

Yesterday, the RNC rules were “legally necessary” and the deadlines were “looming”. Today, the RNC rules do not make the proportional requirements mandatory, and there is plenty of time for debate and discussion. Go figure.

In the bigger picture, Mrs. Loomer’s supernova of sunlight has now put the RNC/RGA and DeSantis team into a position of vulnerability. There is a possibility that people will begin to understand that all of the GOP candidates are not trying to win the 2024 nomination; rather they are in the race as part of the Big Club plan to gain collections of individual delegates that can be reassembled into one larger delegate bloc at the RNC convention.

California was only one state that was organizing their rules to participate in the block Trump effort.

Keep watching…

(It’s all about sabotaging Trump and his voters. They are trying to make it impossible for Trump to win, its pretty obvious! Dhillon is transparent in her dishonesty and disloyalty to Trump!)


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5e84df No.69789

File: b06009707e1004a⋯.jpeg (86.17 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132546 (061350ZJUL23) Notable: UK: Social Credit: Bank Blocks Account for Parents’ Organisation Opposed to Child Transgenderism

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Social Credit: Bank Blocks Account for Parents’ Organisation Opposed to Child Transgenderism

Kurt Zindulka6 Jul 2023

A parents’ organisation was reportedly prevented from opening an account with Metro Bank over opposition to allowing children to undergo life-altering transgender medical procedures, in the latest revelation of British banks banning customers for their political views.

Following Brexit leader Nigel Farage revealing nine banks have refused him accounts, a slew of people, mostly holding right-wing or conservative-leaning beliefs have revealed they have faced similar Chinese communist-style debanking in Britain.

According to a report from The Telegraph, the transgenderism-critical parents group Our Duty — which represents over 2,000 parents who are concerned about children being encouraged into medically transitioning their gender — has been refused a new account at the Metro Bank.

Our Duty’s founder Keith Jordan told the broadsheet they were notified by the bank they were not eligible for a business account because “the content of your website conflicts with the culture and ideas we are pushing”.

Metro Bank, which is the UK’s seventh-largest bank with some 2.5 million customers, reportedly joined the far-left LGBTQ+ Stonewall charity’s ‘Diversity Champion’ scheme, which the government’s Information Commissioner has previously claimed holds a “significant degree of influence” over the firms that sign up. Stonewall denies that it exerts any pressure over the operational decisions of the companies.

I bet very few Coutts customers have £1m sitting in their current accounts.

I wonder what made the bank think that giving out my personal financial details to the FT and BBC was ethical or legal?

Something else is at play here. https://t.co/8mOaNliRZR

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) July 4, 2023

The claims from the parent’s group came after Brexit leader Nigel Farage has revealed that nine banks have refused to have him as a customer, with the GB News presenter suggesting that it has been a result of him being considered a Politically Exposed Person (PEP).

In a stunning move, Farage’s previous bank, Coutts, leaked to the BBC that the decision to drop him as a customer was a result of him falling below the financial threshold of having one million deposited in the bank. Mr Farage criticised the bank for leaking his private financial details after the political firestorm broke out after the debanking went public.

‘Mr Brexit’ also said that he had been below the threshold for some time before the decision to drop him was made by the bank. The BBC’s Simon Jack also acknowledged many other customers at the once prestigious bank had come forward saying that their accounts were unaffected by falling below the threshold.

Meanwhile, in another example of debanking in Britain, Anglo-Russian aristocrat Alexandra Tolstoy alleged the NatWest bank, which owns Coutts, had closed her account without providing a justification.

Tolstoy, a distant relative of author Leo Tolstoy, and the daughter of former UKIP politician Count Nikolai Tolstoy, said she believed the decision to drop her as a customer was a result of her name, as she does not air her political beliefs in public.

“The irony is it’s like the Soviet Union. Only they would at least tell you what you are accused of. Even in the kangaroo courts of Stalin, you knew what you were being accused of,” she told The Telegraph.

“It is absolutely extraordinary that this is happening in this country. I have no idea what I’m being accused of, maybe it’s a mistake, maybe it’s my name.”

Debanking Has Arrived: Farage Pursues Legal Action as He’s Left Without Bank Account https://t.co/OVcqD4x7jY

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 30, 2023


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5e84df No.69790

File: 93e44823635195c⋯.png (64.54 KB,232x246,116:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132548 (061351ZJUL23) Notable: David Zaslav Article Taken Down By GQ After Warner Bros. Discovery Raises Objections

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David Zaslav Article Taken Down By GQ After Warner Bros. Discovery Raises Objections

The unflattering piece by freelance film critic Jason Bailey appeared Monday. It catalogued a number of moves by Zaslav — particularly decisions at Warner Bros, Max and TCM — which have made him “the most hated man in Hollywood.” Bailey wrote that Zaslav is “only good at breaking things,” comparing him with the businessman played by Richard Gere in Pretty Woman.


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5e84df No.69791

File: 25410f1fe3208ca⋯.png (259.43 KB,385x542,385:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132558 (061356ZJUL23) Notable: so now they call out doxxing as bad and Obama would never make it to the street to walk KEK

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Prosecutors say man went to Obama’s DC neighborhood after Trump posted what he claimed was the Obamas’ address

A man arrested last week with weapons in former President Barack Obama’s Washington, DC, neighborhood began live-streaming in the area shortly after resharing a social media post from Donald Trump in which the former president posted what he claimed was Obama’s address, according to federal prosecutors.

The prosecutors included the details in a detention memo filed Wednesday, urging federal magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui to keep the defendant, Taylor Taranto, detained pending his trial for charges related to the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack. Taranto has not yet been charged in connection with last week’s incident.

But Faruqui said during the hearing Wednesday that federal law only allows him to detain Taranto if he is considered a flight risk since he is only facing misdemeanor charges from his conduct on January 6. Faruqui said he is not concerned Taranto is a flight risk, but he is worried he is a danger to the community.

The judge did not rule on Wednesday if Taranto will remain in custody while he awaits his trial. The detention hearing is expected to resume on Thursday.

Prosecutors also said in the filing that Taranto made threats against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Maryland Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin. Earlier in June, Taranto and several others entered an elementary school near Raskin’s home, with Taranto live-streaming the group “walking around the school, entering the gymnasium, and using a projector to display a film related to January 6,” according to the filing.

Taranto stated that he specifically chose the elementary school due to its proximity to Raskin’s home and that he is targeting Raskin because “he’s one of the guys that hates January 6 people, or more like Trump supporters, and it’s kind of like sending a shockwave through him because I did nothing wrong and he’s probably freaking out and saying s*** like, ‘Well he’s stalking me,’” the filing said.

“Taranto further comments, ‘I didn’t tell anyone where he lives ‘cause I want him all to myself,’ and ‘That was Piney Branch Elementary School in Maryland…right next to where Rep. Raskin and his wife live,’” the memo said.

“Taranto is a direct and serious threat to the public,” prosecutors told the judge in their filing. “Taranto’s own words and actions demonstrate that he is a direct threat to multiple political figures as well as the public at large. The risk that Taranto poses if released is high, and the severity of the consequences that could result are catastrophic.”

CNN has reached out to Taranto’s lawyer for comment.

Taranto, who had an open warrant for his arrest related to the riot charges, was arrested last week in Obama’s neighborhood with firearms after claiming on an internet livestream the day before that he had a detonator.

On June 28, according to prosecutors, Taranto made “ominous comments” on video referencing McCarthy, saying: “Coming at you McCarthy. Can’t stop what’s coming. Nothing can stop what’s coming.”

After seeing those “threatening comments,” law enforcement tried to locate Taranto but weren’t successful, prosecutors said.

The following day, on June 29, “former President Donald Trump posted what he claimed was the address of Former President Barack Obama on the social media platform Truth Social,” prosecutors wrote in their memo. “Taranto used his own Truth Social account to re-post the address. On Telegram, Taranto then stated, ‘We got these losers surrounded! See you in hell, Podesta’s and Obama’s.’”

“Shortly thereafter, Taranto again began live-streaming from his van on his YouTube channel. This time, Taranto was driving through the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington D.C.,” prosecutors said.

The government said in its filing that Taranto parked his van and began walking around the neighborhood and that because of the “restricted nature of the residential area where Taranto was walking, United States Secret Service uniformed officers began monitoring Taranto almost immediately as soon as he began walking around and filming.”



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5e84df No.69792

File: 02f0c044f6f9960⋯.png (581.34 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132561 (061357ZJUL23) Notable: Jill Biden Claims Husband Is ‘The Education President,’ But Nation’s Test Scores Are At Historic Low/up is down

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Jill Biden Claims Husband Is ‘The Education President,’ But Nation’s Test Scores Are At Historic Low

Frances FlorescaJuly 05, 2023 9:22 PM ET

First lady Jill Biden claimed President Joe Biden is “the education president” in her address to the largest teachers union in the United States July 4, but the nation’s test scores are reportedly at a historic low.

“I knew that Joe would always be the education president, because he knows that our nation’s — you know, the success of our nation starts with you, the educators who shape our students’ lives,” the first lady said, according to the speech posted by the White House.

After Jill Biden spoke and introduced President Biden, he said “educators have champions in the White House.”

“You know, I’ve often say — and you’re tired of hearing me saying it, probably, but — children are the kite strings — they’re not somebody else’s chi- — they’re all our children,” he said, according to the speech.

However, 13-year-olds have shown drops in mathematics and reading test scores, according to the Nation’s Report Card.


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5e84df No.69793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132568 (061400ZJUL23) Notable: S.Korea has ghost babies

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reposting from lb

it's just Korea and China is just around the corner

nothing to see here

4,000 unregistered foreign babies — where are they?

South Korea has no legal obligation to track them down, authorities say

South Korea had some 4,000 unregistered babies born to foreign mothers between 2015 and 2022, but authorities have no plans to check their whereabouts because the government has no legal obligation to do so, The Korea Herald has learned.

Last month, the state audit agency said it has discovered around 6,000 babies born in local hospitals but not logged in the country's birth registration system. Nearly two-thirds of them were born to mothers registered as foreign nationals here, officials said. But while Korean babies must by law have their births registered here, there is no such legal requirement for foreign babies, creating a blind spot in government oversight.

Some will have been registered in their parents‘ home countries, but there is no data available on how many. …


Police look into 193 cases of ‘ghost children,’ 12 confirmed dead

Another alleged infanticide case in Busan revealed in widening investigations

The Korean National Police Agency’s National Office of Investigation said Tuesday that they are investigating 193 cases of what are being referred to as “ghost children,” babies whose births were never registered with local authorities, as part of the government’s latest efforts to discover unregistered children nationwide.

Police said that they had received a total of 209 reports of unregistered babies as of Tuesday. The whereabouts of 20 nameless babies have been identified. Nine of the 20 are alive and have been found to be adequately cared for, resulting in their cases being dismissed, and seven were without any foul play, according to police. Of the 209 total cases, 12 unregistered babies were found to be dead so far. …


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5e84df No.69794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132579 (061404ZJUL23) Notable: A Kanekoa Special: Investigative Journalist DESTROYS Creepy Deranged Mark Zuckerberg on Launch of His New Facebook Threads Platform

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A Kanekoa Special: Investigative Journalist DESTROYS Creepy Deranged Mark Zuckerberg on Launch of His New Facebook Threads Platform

By Jim Hoft Jul. 6, 2023 8:45 am

Facebook founder and deranged liar Mark Zuckerberg is set to launch his new Twitter knock-off today “Threads.”The new platform promises to continue in the tradition of Facebook in silencing and censoring any conservative who dares to speak truth on the platform.

It may not happen right away, but if you are a conservative you will see your shares and likes plummet as you stray into off-limit topics like Hunter Biden’s laptop or vaccine deaths.

Our advice is to stay far away from anything this frothing dishonest psychopath puts his name on.

Kanekoa the Great celebrated the launch of threads with this brutal takedown of Mark Zuckerberg and his history of deceit and throttling of life-saving information.

#1 – Mark Zuckerberg privately told Facebook execs to be cautious about mRNA vaccines because “we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA.” He then censored scientists, doctors, and mRNA vaccine-injured individuals.

#2 – On March 15, 2020, Mark Zuckerberg emailed Tony Fauci and said, “I also wanted to share a few ideas of ways we could help you get your message out.” Zuckerberg proceeded to censor scientists, doctors, and citizens who opposed Fauci’s school closures, lockdowns, and mandates.

#3 – Mark Zuckerberg banned numerous vaccine injury support groups with hundreds of thousands of members because Facebook classified vaccine injuries as “malinformation,” or potentially factual information that still should be censorsed because it might foster vaccine hessitancy.

#4 – Mark Zuckerberg banned George Hu’s vaccine injury support group after Hu, a software engineer who created Washington’s Covid Vaccine website, developed tinnitus from the vaccine. “Some people think this is misinformation, but this is the truth. It is actually happening.”

#5 – Mark Zuckerberg told Joe Rogan that he censored the Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 election based on a general request from the FBI. This is tantamount to rigging a US presidential election that was determined by only 44,000 votes in three swing states.

#6 – Mark Zuckerberg $400 million funding to CTCL, a non-profit, that then gave the money to government election offices with strings attached, which amounted to Democrat get-out-the-vote efforts, widespread mail-in voting, ballot curing, and influence over election policies.

#7 – Numerous books, documentaries, and investigations have shed light on how Mark Zuckerberg provided $400 million in funding for drop-box ballot operations nationwide, covered the salaries of election officials, and fundamentally influenced the outcome of the 2020 election.

#8 – In Texas, Ohio, Nevada, Minnesota, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, 90% of Mark Zuckerberg’s CTCL funds went to Democrat counties, funding get-out-the-vote operations, ballot drop boxes, and granting access to state voter files for left-leaning organizations.

#9 – Mark Zuckerberg then spied on the private messages of Americans who questioned the integrity of the 2020 election and reported them to the FBI. Facebook reported Americans who expressed anti-government sentiments to the FBI’s domestic terrorism unit.

#10 – Last month, Mark Zuckerberg admitted that a lot of the information he censored during COVID turned out to be true. However, Facebook has not made any commitment to altering its policy and will persist in censoring content on behalf of the US government and Zuckerberg’s wims.

# 11 – In fact, Mark Zuckerberg hired one of the CIA’s most senior agents until 2019, and placed him in charge of deciding what Americans see and don’t see on Facebook. Facebook’s entire trust and safety department is filled with former FBI and CIA agents.

#12 – In summary, Mark Zuckerberg launches a Twitter rip-off with mass censorship after he has already lost the public’s trust. He stifled scientific criticism that he himself expressed, reported American’s private messages to the FBI, and aggressively censored factual information.


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5e84df No.69795

File: ab03466dffc8e27⋯.jpg (195.26 KB,1627x886,1627:886,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132597 (061411ZJUL23) Notable: Toxicity of the spike protein of COVID-19 is a redox shift phenomenon: A novel therapeutic approach

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Toxicity of the spike protein of COVID-19 is a redox shift phenomenon: A novel therapeutic approach


COVID-19 protein toxicity is a redox shift phenomenon.

Redox shift is due to Warburg effect and mitochondrial impairment.

The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction.

Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity.


We previously demonstrated that most diseases display a form of anabolism due to mitochondrial impairment: in cancer, a daughter cell is formed; in Alzheimer's disease, amyloid plaques; in inflammation cytokines and lymphokines.

The infection by Covid-19 follows a similar pattern. Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction. This unrelenting anabolism leads to the cytokine storm, chronic fatigue, chronic inflammation or neurodegenerative diseases. Drugs such as Lipoic acid and Methylene Blue have been shown to enhance the mitochondrial activity, relieve the Warburg effect and increase catabolism. Similarly, coMeBining Methylene Blue, Chlorine dioxide and Lipoic acid may help reduce long-term Covid-19 effects by stimulating the catabolism.


In Covid-19, like in any disease, some entropy cannot be exported in the harmless form of heat, H2O and CO2 (catabolism) and is released in larger biomolecules (anabolism). Drugs such as lipoic acid and MeB, which target the metabolism, decrease the redox shift by increasing catabolism. It is possible that a treatment based on MeB, Chlorine dioxide and lipoic acid will decrease the long-term complications of Covid-19 due to the spike protein of SARS-Cov-2.

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5e84df No.69796

File: b3d081ad2b25a92⋯.png (609.16 KB,790x737,790:737,Clipboard.png)

File: 515d265885ecfff⋯.png (131.67 KB,716x577,716:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132598 (061411ZJUL23) Notable: Amtrak power issue halts service from Philly, disrupts NJ Transit travelers/MI

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Amtrak power issue halts service from Philly, disrupts NJ Transit travelers


Internet Issues Michigan


yes, it's quiet and comfy.

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5e84df No.69797

File: df2346c5bc40023⋯.png (116.6 KB,753x574,753:574,Clipboard.png)

File: c531cc91b4837cc⋯.png (328.35 KB,584x375,584:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132603 (061412ZJUL23) Notable: Amtrak power issue halts service from Philly, disrupts NJ Transit travelers/MI

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5e84df No.69798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132618 (061416ZJUL23) Notable: DEBASE THE DEMOCRATS, target is black commentators

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Anons please take a moment to visit each of these targets and look for black commenters to post ammo












-please suggest more targets




>starts 2:48

Half And Jai 320K subscribers

1.4K views 1 hour ago

#donaldtrump #justhalf #simplyjai




























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5e84df No.69799

File: 532d82b57be8e65⋯.png (568.18 KB,972x536,243:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132639 (061421ZJUL23) Notable: UK: Girl killed and '17'injured as car smashes into school during tea party on last day of term - driver arrested

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Girl killed and '17'injured as car smashes into school during tea party on last day of term - driver arrested

A girl has died following a horror car crash at a Wimbledon primary school today, the Met Police has confirmed.

A woman in her 40s, the driver of the 4x4 which hit the school, has also been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.

Police were called at 9.54am today (July 6) to reports that a car had collided with a building at The Study Prep, a £16,000 a year private primary school in Camp Road, Wimbledon.

It is claimed 17 others have been injured, some critically, but the official number of growing casualties has not yet been confirmed.


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5e84df No.69800

File: 48d097790728f8a⋯.pdf (280.44 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132685 (061434ZJUL23) Notable: Declassified JFK Documents Reveal Swedish Man Predicted JFK’s Assassination, 10 Days Beforehand

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Declassified JFK Documents Reveal Swedish Man Predicted JFK’s Assassination, 10 Days Beforehand Said ‘Within Two Weeks President Kennedy Would Be Assassinated on a Trip Among His Own People

By Anthony Scott Jul. 6, 2023 8:15 am

On June 27th, the Biden administration released 1,103 documents pertaining to JFK’s assassination in accordance to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act.

Despite releasing some documents the Biden admin ultimately decided to postpone releasing all of the classified documents.

In the latest JFK file dump, a documentthat originated from the CIA revealed an American from New Jersey named Jay Albrecht who was residing in Stockholm, Sweden entered the US embassy in Stockholm on November 29th 1963 and asked to speak to an embassy officer.

After being arranged a meeting with an embassy officer, Albrecht told an officer that his former girlfriend Charlotte Aberg (Swedish citizen) told him that her boyfriend Karl-Erik Ridderstrale (Swedish citizen) said ‘Within two weeks President Kennedy would be assassinated while on a trip among his own people’.

Albrecht claimed Ridderstrale made these statements while drunk on November 15, 1963 just seven days before Kennedy’s assassination.

Albrecht later shared Ridderstrale was a “left winger and strong supporter of Fidel Castro.”

Charlotte Aberg later came to the Swedish embassy and shared the same story as Albrecht but did have some minor differences in details.

Aberg stated Ridderstrale made the comments about JFK’s murder about 10 days beforehand and not seven as Albrecht stated.

After sharing her testimony with an officer at the US embassy she was advised to give the information to Swedish authorities.

Swedish authorities eventually investigated Ridderstrale and told Aberg that Ridderstrale never remembers saying anything about JFK’s assassination nor did he know anything beforehand about the US president’s death.

Read the entire document here.


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5e84df No.69801

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132695 (061437ZJUL23) Notable: JW likes new embed, czech it out

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ty bakers

have a tora3 premier


watch that happen now

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5e84df No.69802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132771 (061451ZJUL23) Notable: Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to South Carolina

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11:15 AM EDT

Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to South Carolina

Air Force One



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5e84df No.69803

File: b2550a16eebb9db⋯.png (394.68 KB,1622x856,811:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132775 (061451ZJUL23) Notable: JW likes new embed, czech it out

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It rocks my world. It's super awesome. I appreciate your amazing help.

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5e84df No.69804

File: 5bcdb66087d0434⋯.png (16.06 KB,356x196,89:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b9d148ef372650⋯.png (402.35 KB,598x664,299:332,Clipboard.png)

File: f0cfb2e4feb4b97⋯.png (302.25 KB,598x667,26:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 993398bc21f7ed0⋯.png (250.34 KB,598x407,598:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132841 (061505ZJUL23) Notable: TRENDING #CocaineGate

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5e84df No.69805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132878 (061515ZJUL23) Notable: "Sheen has cleaned up his act and said he's feeling much better after taking an experimental medication called PRO 140."

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An article in RadarOnline today mentions how badly the Big Pharma cocktail of drugs that Charlie Sheen was taking for HIV was destroying him. I'm no fan of Sheen, can't stand him in fact, but the article also talks about how "Sheen has cleaned up his act and said he's feeling much better after taking an experimental medication called PRO 140."

Pro 140 is a drug produced by a small USA biotech based in Vancouver WA named CytoDyn. The drug is commercially known as Leronlimab, and is a monoclonal antibody that can be used to treat a wide variety of indications (cancer, liver disease, HIV, to name just a few). It's also one of the safest drugs known to man. Over 800 HIV patients in an experimental group took it for several years with the most severe side-effect being redness around the injection site. It's injected subcutaneously once a week - but they're developing an extended version that lasts much longer. The company unfortunately had to deal with a clown CEO who was fired in January of 2022 and has since firmed up their management group and scientific board with world-renown scientists.

So what have demonic psychopaths at our FDA done with it? Placed it on a safety hold, because of 3 deaths in a covid trial in Brazil. Of these 3 deaths, two were given the placebo - not Leronlimab - and the other was from a person who had illicit drugs in their system and had a heart attack. The FDA is intentionally slow-walking this drug. During this time the share price of CytoDyn (CYDY) has dropped from a high of $10 to 25¢ per share. Big Pharma, through their hedge fund proxies, have been accumulating as long-term private investors capitulate. This is how our corrupt system works friends, as I'm sure many of you know.

The criminals at the FDA deserve swift trials and capital punishment as much as the criminal bankers. As much as anyone on earth. I hope we see justice soon, they're literally killing people in the name of profits.


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5e84df No.69806

File: 53a3107a1fb30e1⋯.png (134.38 KB,945x518,135:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132913 (061521ZJUL23) Notable: What is Human & Child Trafficking?

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The Sound of Freedom: There is a global epidemic of children being abducted and trafficked

This article is structured as follows:

What is Human & Child Trafficking?

Human Trafficking and Forced Labour is a multi-billion-dollar business

Child Sex Trafficking

Children trafficked en masse at the U.S. Border; 85,000 kids go missing

The Sound of Freedom movie, officially released on 4 July 2023, Independence Day

Hollywood’s Darkest Corners

The Corporate Media’s attack on claims made against Hollywood, Paedophiles and Adrenochrome

The CYM Corporation Leaks

Tim Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad

Don’t be part of the problem, but rather part of the Solution



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5e84df No.69807

File: 5e07dd3ac03139b⋯.png (692.91 KB,1206x1198,603:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132922 (061524ZJUL23) Notable: General Flynn says he met with President Trump a couple weeks ago & they discussed ‘guarding the vote’ in 2024

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General Flynn says he met with President Trump a couple weeks ago & they discussed ‘guarding the vote’ in 2024:

“As a military guy, as a warrior, as a General, you have to plan & you have to put together & pull together all the resources that you have, & we’re doing that..”


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5e84df No.69808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132940 (061529ZJUL23) Notable: Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to South Carolina

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Reporter: Has [Biden] made a decision on whether to send cluster munitions to Ukraine?

Bates [White House press conference]: That is under active consideration. I don't have an announcement to make at this time.

[The Convention on Cluster Munitions is an international treaty that prohibits all use or transfer of cluster bombs]

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5e84df No.69809

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132956 (061533ZJUL23) Notable: Interesting interview by Stew Peters pushing the Project Veritas Story Remdesivir Forward

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Interesting interview by Stew Peters pushing the Project Veritas Story Remdesivir Forward

Interesting interview by Stew Peters pushing the Project Veritas Story Remdesivir Forward


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5e84df No.69810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132996 (061541ZJUL23) Notable: Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to South Carolina

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Reporter: If the Secret Service is able to determine the individual responsible [for cocaine in White House], will the White House commit to transparency in this and making that informationm public.

Bates: I'm going to defer to the Secret Service professionals carrying this out. I'm just not going to engage in hypotheticals about it.

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5e84df No.69811

File: fa5ec41cf934ece⋯.png (2.14 MB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133049 (061553ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Fireworks vs Supermoon

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 6, 2023

Fireworks vs Supermoon

On July 4, an almost Full Moon rose in planet Earth's evening skies. Also known as a Buck Moon, the full lunar phase (full on July 3 at 11:39 UTC) was near perigee, the closest point in the Moon's almost monthly orbit around planet Earth. That qualified this July's Full Moon as a supermoon, the first of four supermoons in 2023. Seen from Cocoa Beach along Florida's Space Coast on July 4, any big, bright, beautiful Full Moon would still have to compete for attention though. July's super-moonrise was captured here against a super-colorful fireworks display.


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5e84df No.69812

File: e59a7f6afa2646d⋯.png (637.61 KB,1008x1206,56:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133080 (061556ZJUL23) Notable: 2018 Spain To Begin The First Ever Franco-Era 'Stolen Babies' Trial/Q start 10/17

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How the 'stolen babies' trial in Spain is scandal that won't be forgottenPart II

As many as 300,000 babies were taken from their families for political gain

Federico Lpez-Terra Thursday 19 July 2018 13:41

Vallejo-Nágera also believed that women had an “atrophied intelligence” and their sole life purpose was to procreate.

This ideological context helps explain the profile of the “adopters” of the stolen babies – affluent married women raised in a Catholic country who were unable to have children of their own.

Social pressure was extreme (male sterility wasn’t even considered back then) and having children equated to fulfilling their role in a devoutly Christian society.

Yet what started as an ideologically driven plan to purge Spain of an inferior race (the Marxists) turned into a lucrative business. Newborn children were taken away from their mothers without consent.

They were told the child was born dead or had died soon after.

Most of the time, children would be registered as the biological child of the adopting family, who would pay large sums of money for them.

(Some adopting families were also deceived and believed they were legally adopting children in need of a home.)

These acts represent one of the darkest chapters of Franco’s dictatorship. But its ideological roots share similarities with cases in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s,

when children of dissidents (prisoners, murdered or “disappeared” people), were given to supporters of the regimes in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

But, as with many other originally Francoist crimes, in Spain the illicit network outlived the authoritarian regime. After Franco’s death in 1975,

many perpetrators are believed to have continued their practices during Spanish democracy in the 1980s and 1990s.

Among the many problems victims face, the lack of institutional support in Spain is probably one of the most serious.

Evidence of the extent of the network is still unclear, and the Spanish Catholic church has so far denied access to its files.

Earlier suspicions over the scandal were previously never taken forward and police dropped the cases given the repercussions and the people involved: politicians, lawyers, doctors – a sinister network of crime.

But despite recent public promises very little has been done to support the cause.

Something as simple as a DNA database to help clarify heritage is still overdue in Spain. The lack of documentary evidence and the statute of limitations has resulted in most of the cases being shelved.

So far, the only person convicted in relation to these cases is Ascensión López – herself one of the alleged “stolen babies” – who was prosecuted for slandering a nun.

A court ruled she had wrongly accused the nun of taking her from her biological mother and handing her to ageing adoptive parents in 1962.


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5e84df No.69813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133084 (061557ZJUL23) Notable: 2018 Spain To Begin The First Ever Franco-Era 'Stolen Babies' Trial/Q start 10/17

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Spain To Begin The First Ever Franco-Era 'Stolen Babies' Trial | TIME

85-year-old, Dr. Eduardo Vela, will be the first to stand trial in Spain’s Franco-Era ‘Stolen Babies’ scandal.

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5e84df No.69814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133116 (061603ZJUL23) Notable: 2018 Spain To Begin The First Ever Franco-Era 'Stolen Babies' Trial/Q start 10/17

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As human trafficking becomes something many americans have been forced to confront recently.

The reality is far far worse.

The only person convicted for the theft and sale of approx. 300,000 babies in Spain over 50 years was one of the victims. Convicted of Slandering a Nun.

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5e84df No.69815

File: bf0153ec9b178ab⋯.png (2.46 MB,2884x2284,721:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 79f1399311448e6⋯.png (2.21 MB,2884x1900,721:475,Clipboard.png)

File: c3c2aef5228c9df⋯.png (2.06 MB,2868x1704,239:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e6435b170edfbd⋯.png (452.74 KB,2884x904,721:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133119 (061605ZJUL23) Notable: 2018 Spain To Begin The First Ever Franco-Era 'Stolen Babies' Trial/Q start 10/17

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The Catholic Church Stole 300,000 Babies And Sold Them To The Highest Bidder

Jacob Shelton Updated August 16, 2018

The Catholic Church is no stranger to scandal. They’ve attempted to systematically wipe out entire religions, and covered numerous sex crimes committed within their church,

but one of the most unforgivable things the Catholic Church has ever done has been to take part in Spanish baby trafficking.

Throughout the 20th century the Spanish arm of the Catholic Church would steal newborn babies from their mothers and sell them to the highest bidder. As far as church scandals go this is pretty high up there.

Not only is this behavior absolutely abhorrent, it’s also in direct opposition to their faith. This Spanish child kidnapping rite, like so many Catholic Church crimes,

proves that the people who rise to the highest places of power within organized religion care less about humanity are more about grabbing as much money and dominance as they possible can.

Keep reading to discover the truth behind the truly insane rumor that the Catholic Church sells stolen babies.

The Accused Didn't Face Charges Until 2018

Even though victims Juan Luis Moreno and Antonio Barroso brought the issue to light in 2011, it wasn't until August 2018 that alleged perpetrators faced charges.

Inés Madrigal, born in 1969 at San Ramon clinic in Madrid, claims a doctor kidnapped her and gave her away without her biological mother's permission. On August 14, 2018, her accused kidnapper,

obstetrician Eduardo Vela, stood trial and denied the allegations, telling a three-judge panel that he "never gave a girl to anybody." In 2012, Madrigal's adoptive mother (who passed in 2016) told CNN Vela gave her the baby.

The judges charged Vela with the illegal detention of a minor and forging a public document. Prosecutors are pushing for an 11-year jail sentence. Vela still denies "stealing" Madrigal and is pursuing a full acquittal.

Over 2,000 people filed stolen children suits with prosecutors.

It All Began In Post-War Spain

Following the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) General Francisco Franco became the head of the rebel Nationalist government and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Under his rule Spain became a hermit nation similar to that of modern day North Korea. Anyone who fought against the Nationalists during the war or who held opposing viewpoints were punished -

this includes anyone who wanted to have a child. These people were known as "undesirables" and Franco believed that anyone with an opposing viewpoint or who lived beneath a specific wage line wasn't fit to raise a child.

The task of taking babies away from single mothers and families who didn't fit into Franco's idea of ideal citizens was given to a network of Catholic priests and nuns who did their jobs efficiently and without asking any questions.

The Church Stole The Babies Shortly After They Were Born

Rather than snatch babies from cribs at night, the Catholic Church went straight to the source when they decided to kidnap children.

Directly after childbirth many babies were whisked away under the guise of routine testing and later their mothers were told that the baby had died.

One mother who experienced this first hand explained to the BBC that she fell for this trick because she had been raised to believe that the church was infallible and that they would have no reason to lie to her.

"I couldn't accuse them of lying. This was Franco's Spain. A dictatorship. Even now we Spaniards tend not to question authority."

Many of the mothers who asked to see their child after hearing that it had passed away claim that they were shown the corpse of a child who had been frozen, or that was freezing cold.

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5e84df No.69816

File: 1cafda9a3e1ea7d⋯.png (264.96 KB,534x518,267:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133120 (061605ZJUL23) Notable: Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. Delivers Remarks Announcing the Launch of the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine

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Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. Delivers Remarks Announcing the Launch of the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine




Ukraine will never be part of NATO

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5e84df No.69817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133129 (061609ZJUL23) Notable: 2018 Spain To Begin The First Ever Franco-Era 'Stolen Babies' Trial/Q start 10/17

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5e84df No.69818

File: 10cdf39ee5f7961⋯.png (257.96 KB,596x543,596:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133150 (061614ZJUL23) Notable: #OTD in 1747, John Paul Jones was born in Arbigland, Scotland.

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#OTD in 1747, John Paul Jones was born in Arbigland, Scotland. #DYK that in the 1920s, Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to develop his own film about the "Father of the U.S. Navy"? His manuscript was rejected by the studios. A biopic with Robert Stack as JPJ was released in 1959.


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5e84df No.69819

File: 680f4798d612866⋯.png (693 KB,804x708,67:59,Clipboard.png)

File: fa1a0ea514d9060⋯.png (155 KB,731x840,731:840,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133154 (061615ZJUL23) Notable: ICYMI: Clean Energy 24/7: Engineers Use Nanotechnology To Harvest Electricity “From Thin Air”

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Clean Energy 24/7: Engineers Use Nanotechnology To Harvest Electricity “From Thin Air”

MAY 24, 2023

Engineers describe the “generic Air-gen effect”—nearly any material can be engineered with nanopores to harvest, cost-effective, scalable, interruption-free electricity.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have discovered a method to harvest continuous electricity from air humidity using any material with nanopores smaller than 100 nanometers, called the “generic Air-gen effect.” This technique, scalable and interruption-free, paves the way for a broad range of cost-effective, continuous electricity generation from various materials, overcoming limitations of condition-dependent renewables like solar and wind power.

A team of engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has recently shown that nearly any material can be turned into a device that continuously harvests electricity from humidity in the air. The secret lies in being able to pepper the material with nanopores less than 100 nanometers in diameter. The research was published in the journal Advanced Materials.

“This is very exciting,” says Xiaomeng Liu, a graduate student in electrical and computer engineering at UMass Amherst’s College of Engineering and the paper’s lead author. “We are opening up a wide door for harvesting clean electricity from thin air.”

“The air contains an enormous amount of electricity,” says Jun Yao, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering in the College of Engineering at UMass Amherst, and the paper’s senior author. “Think of a cloud, which is nothing more than a mass of water droplets. Each of those droplets contains a charge, and when conditions are right, the cloud can produce a lightning bolt—but we don’t know how to reliably capture electricity from lightning. What we’ve done is to create a human-built, small-scale cloud that produces electricity for us predictably and continuously so that we can harvest it.”

The heart of the man-made cloud depends on what Yao and his colleagues call the “generic Air-gen effect,” and it builds on work that Yao and co-author Derek Lovley, Distinguished Professor of Microbiology at UMass Amherst, had previously completed in 2020 showing that electricity could be continuously harvested from the air using a specialized material made of protein nanowires grown from the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens.

“What we realized after making the Geobacter discovery,” says Yao, “is that the ability to generate electricity from the air—what we then called the ‘Air-gen effect’—turns out to be generic: literally any kind of material can harvest electricity from air, as long as it has a certain property.”

That property? “It needs to have holes smaller than 100 nanometers (nm), or less than a thousandth of the width of a human hair.”

This is because of a parameter known as the “mean free path,” the distance a single molecule of a substance, in this case, water in the air, travels before it bumps into another single molecule of the same substance. When water molecules are suspended in the air, their mean free path is about 100 nm


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5e84df No.69820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133157 (061615ZJUL23) Notable: ICYMI: Clean Energy 24/7: Engineers Use Nanotechnology To Harvest Electricity “From Thin Air”

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Yao and his colleagues realized that they could design an electricity harvester based around this number. This harvester would be made from a thin layer of material filled with nanopores smaller than 100 nm that would let water molecules pass from the upper to the lower part of the material. But because each pore is so small, the water molecules would easily bump into the pore’s edge as they pass through the thin layer. This means that the upper part of the layer would be bombarded with many more charge-carrying water molecules than the lower part, creating a charge imbalance, like that in a cloud, as the upper part increased its charge relative to the lower part. This would effectually create a battery—one that runs as long as there is any humidity in the air.

“The idea is simple,” says Yao, “but it’s never been discovered before, and it opens all kinds of possibilities.” The harvester could be designed from literally all kinds of material, offering broad choices for cost-effective and environment-adaptable fabrications. “You could image harvesters made of one kind of material for rainforest environments, and another for more arid regions.”

And since humidity is ever-present, the harvester would run 24/7, rain or shine, at night and whether or not the wind blows, which solves one of the major problems of technologies like wind or solar, which only work under certain conditions.

Finally, because air humidity diffuses in three-dimensional space and the thickness of the Air-gen device is only a fraction of the width of a human hair, many thousands of them can be stacked on top of each other, efficiently scaling up the amount of energy without increasing the footprint of the device. Such an Air-gen device would be capable of delivering kilowatt-level power for general electrical utility usage.

“Imagine a future world in which clean electricity is available anywhere you go,” says Yao. “The generic Air-gen effect means that this future world can become a reality.”

Reference: “Generic Air-gen Effect in Nanoporous Materials for Sustainable Energy Harvesting from Air Humidity” by Xiaomeng Liu, Hongyan Gao, Lu Sun and Jun Yao, 5 May 2023, Advanced Materials.

DOI: 10.1002/adma.202300748

This research was supported by the National Science Foundation, Sony Group, Link Foundation, and the Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS) at UMass Amherst, which combines deep and interdisciplinary expertise from 29 departments on the UMass Amherst campus to translate fundamental research into innovations that benefit human health and well-being.




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5e84df No.69821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133235 (061634ZJUL23) Notable: #23498

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#23498 >>69785

>>69786 ‘Nudge Unit’ Chief Says UK Will Obey Future Lockdowns: Citizens Have ‘Learnt the Behaviour’

>>69787, >>69788 Loomer wins, do voters?

>>69789 UK: Social Credit: Bank Blocks Account for Parents’ Organisation Opposed to Child Transgenderism

>>69790 David Zaslav Article Taken Down By GQ After Warner Bros. Discovery Raises Objections

>>69791 so now they call out doxxing as bad and Obama would never make it to the street to walk KEK

>>69792 Jill Biden Claims Husband Is ‘The Education President,’ But Nation’s Test Scores Are At Historic Low/up is down

>>69793 S.Korea has ghost babies

>>69794 A Kanekoa Special: Investigative Journalist DESTROYS Creepy Deranged Mark Zuckerberg on Launch of His New Facebook Threads Platform

>>69795 Toxicity of the spike protein of COVID-19 is a redox shift phenomenon: A novel therapeutic approach

>>69796, >>69797 Amtrak power issue halts service from Philly, disrupts NJ Transit travelers/MI

>>69798 DEBASE THE DEMOCRATS, target is black commentators

>>69799 UK: Girl killed and '17'injured as car smashes into school during tea party on last day of term - driver arrested

>>69800 Declassified JFK Documents Reveal Swedish Man Predicted JFK’s Assassination, 10 Days Beforehand

>>69802, >>69808, >>69810 Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to South Carolina

>>69803, >>69801 JW likes new embed, czech it out

>>69804 TRENDING #CocaineGate

>>69805 "Sheen has cleaned up his act and said he's feeling much better after taking an experimental medication called PRO 140."

>>69806 What is Human & Child Trafficking?

>>69807 General Flynn says he met with President Trump a couple weeks ago & they discussed ‘guarding the vote’ in 2024

>>69809 Interesting interview by Stew Peters pushing the Project Veritas Story Remdesivir Forward

>>69811 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Fireworks vs Supermoon

>>69812, >>69813, >>69814, >>69815, >>69817 2018 Spain To Begin The First Ever Franco-Era 'Stolen Babies' Trial/Q start 10/17

>>69816 Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. Delivers Remarks Announcing the Launch of the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine

>>69818 #OTD in 1747, John Paul Jones was born in Arbigland, Scotland.

>>69819, >>69820 ICYMI: Clean Energy 24/7: Engineers Use Nanotechnology To Harvest Electricity “From Thin Air”


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5e84df No.69822

File: 544b691050d3bd9⋯.jpg (60.76 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8f96a61703cc54b⋯.png (4.28 MB,1600x2056,200:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ae540128703073⋯.jpg (38.45 KB,521x521,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133272 (061640ZJUL23) Notable: #23499

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Baker will continue till hard stop, willing to defer if called

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5e84df No.69823

File: ff621c227b25799⋯.pdf (1.27 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133326 (061649ZJUL23) Notable: Justice Department releases less redacted FBI search warrant for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago pdf

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Justice Department releases less redacted FBI search warrant for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

The affidavit includes a picture of approximately 61 boxes in the storage room.

Updated: July 6, 2023 - 11:32am

Officials released a less redacted version of the FBI's affidavit that agents used to obtain a search warrant of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in August 2022.

Many of the unredacted details in the affidavit published Wednesday were included in the Justice Department's 37-count indictment of Trump last month.

New information revealed in the document includes evidence of surveillance footage that appeared to show Trump aide Walt Nauta moving boxes months before the raid. Nauta was indicted last month.

Another new revelation in the affidavit includes how officials said boxes were stored in at least two different rooms in Mar-a-Lago. The affidavit includes a picture of approximately 61 boxes in the storage room.

Additionally, the affidavit said that any rooms used by Trump and his staff would be included in the search. Even though Mar-a-Lago was closed for the summer, any occupied rooms being used by third parties at Mar-a-Lago would not be searched, the affidavit also said.

The FBI found a total of 103 classified documents in their search of Mar-a-Lago.



Note the date at the top, I thought they would edit it and release it,so it wasn't entered in the court docket system until 7/5/23. I think that's what they did exactly otherwise it would have been submitted to FL court in August 2022

Case 9:22-mj-08332-BER Document 156-1Entered on FLSD Docket 07/05/2023Page 2 of 39

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5e84df No.69824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133342 (061653ZJUL23) Notable: resident delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is spurring manufacturing investments and good-paying jobs across the country

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1:15 PM EDT

The President delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is spurring manufacturing investments and good-paying jobs across the country, including a new partnership between Enphase Energy and Flex

West Columbia, South Carolina




Pres. Biden on Manufacturing in South Carolina

President Biden delivers remarks on manufacturing in West Columbia, South Carolina.


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5e84df No.69825

File: 95bc2345d5ce5e2⋯.pdf (125.43 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133356 (061656ZJUL23) Notable: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is providing an at-a-glance summary of news from around the agency

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Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is providing an at-a-glance summary of news from around the agency.

I get emails from CMS, see whatJoe is trying to mandate for people reliant on government programs, Makes it mandatory for vaccineson those who are. This will be challenged in court for sure! Other programs also

CMS Offers Guidance onNew Mandatory Coverage of Vaccines for AdultsUnder the Inflation Reduction Act

June 27: CMS provided guidance to states on implementing new mandatory vaccine coverage for adults to reduce hospitalizations, deaths, and morbidity. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) mandates Medicaid and CHIP coverage of Food and Drug Administration approved adult vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and their administration, without cost-sharing beginning October 1, 2023. This coverage applies to nearly all full-benefit people covered under traditional Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries aged 19 and older. The CMS letter to states can be viewed here. Additional details can be found on this fact sheet.

From fact Sheet:

Fact Sheet: Inflation Reduction Act changes to Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Adult Vaccine Coverage

Will Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries who are eligible for the newly required coverage have to pay anything for these newly covered vaccines or their administration? "No.

Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries age 19 and older who are eligible for the newly required coverage will have no cost sharing for any FDA-approved adult vaccines that are administered in accordance with any category of ACIP recommendations, and will also have no cost-sharing for the administration of these vaccines". _fact sheet attached__

CMS AnnouncesFunding Opportunity for Minority Health Researchers

June 29: CMS announced a new funding opportunity for minority health researchers as part of the Health Equity Data Access Program (HEDAP). Through HEDAP, CMS will support up to three “seats” in the CMS Virtual Research Data Center (VRDC), with each individual grant worth up to $90,000. Selected researchers will gain access to CMS-restricted data to conduct health services research on racial and ethnic minority groups; people with disabilities; members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community; individuals with limited English proficiency; individuals residing in rural areas; and individuals adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality. Researchers selected for the grant will receive funding for a period of thirty-six months. The notice of funding opportunity is here. The deadline to submit applications is August 15 at 3 p.m.


Agency Name: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Description: The Health Equity Data Access program (HEDAP provides funding for three (3) “seats” in the CMS Virtual Research Data Center (VRDC). HEDAP assists researchers in gaining access to CMS restricted data for minority health research. Seats, in this context are defined as an individual user with VRDC access. These researchers will conduct health services research focusing on,but not limited to, racial and ethnic minority groups; people with disabilities; members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community; individuals with limited English proficiency; individuals residing in rural areas; and individuals adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality. The HEDAP supports specific applied research projects that relate to creative and innovative methods by using CMS data to identify, document, assess, and evaluate health disparities among Medicare and Medicaid and CHIP enrollees.

The project should enhance the capacity of the researcher to understand and utilize CMS data in future research projects. Additionally, HEDAP encourages cutting-edge proposals that explore intersectionality. “Intersectionality” means that people belong to more than one group and, therefore, may have overlapping health and social inequities, as well as overlapping strengths and assets.

Results of the HEDAP will provide CMS and its partners, (e.g. Quality Improvement Organizations, Hospital Engagement Networks, and other stakeholders) with actionable information on the subgroups of enrollees. This will aid the efforts of CMS and its agents to identify and eradicate health disparities in underserved populations.

VRDC seat access will be funded for a period of 36 months each, based on the availability of funds.

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5e84df No.69826

File: 5af67924f9225a8⋯.pdf (7.77 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133363 (061658ZJUL23) Notable: Air Force Research Objectives- 1963

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Air Force Research Objectives- 1963

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5e84df No.69827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133381 (061701ZJUL23) Notable: Tony Evers uses veto powers to extend annual increases for public schoolsfor the next four centuries

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Tony Evers uses veto powers to extend annual increases for public schoolsfor the next four centuries

July 6, 2023

MADISON – Gov. Tony Evers, a former public school educator, used his broad partial veto authority this week to sign into law a new state budget that increases funding for public schools for the next four centuries.

The surprise move will ensure districts' state-imposed limits on how much revenue they are allowed to raise will be increased by $325 per student each year until 2425, creating a permanent annual stream of new revenue for public schools and potentially curbing a key debate between Democrats and Republicans during each state budget-writing cycle.

Evers told reporters at a press conference in the Wisconsin State Capitol on Wednesday his action would "provide school districts with predictable long-term increases for the foreseeable future."

Evers crafted the four-century school aid extension by striking a hyphen and a "20" from a reference to the 2024-25 school year. The increase of $325 per student is the highest single-year increase in revenue limits in state history.

The veto was one of more than four dozen the Democratic governor made to reshape the $99 billion two-year state budget Republicans passed last week. Among the vetoes was the majority of the centerpiece of Republican lawmakers' budget plan: a $3.5 billion tax cut that focused relief for the state's wealthiest residents.

Instead, the reshaped budget will provide $175 million in tax relief and won't condense the state's four income tax brackets into three as Republicans proposed, according to the governor.

Evers said last year he would not sign a budget that included tax relief for wealthy residents and GOP lawmakers crafted the budget in a way that would allow him to veto the changes to the top bracket to ensure the entire the budget would not be scrapped, according to Rep. Evan Goyke, the ranking Democratic member of the Legislature's budget-writing committee.

Even so, Republican lawmakers blasted Evers for the move − calling the pair of vetoes to cut the income tax plan and to create permanent increases for schools an assault on taxpayers and going back on his campaign promise to enact a middle-class tax cut. Part of Evers' veto action includes scrapping reductions for residents earning between $36,840 and $405,550 each year.

“Legislative Republicans worked tirelessly over the last few months to block Governor Evers’ liberal tax and spending agenda. Unfortunately, because of his powerful veto authority, he reinstated some of it today," Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, said in a statement.

“Vetoing tax cuts on the top two brackets provides hardly any tax relief for truly middle-class families. His decision also creates another economic disadvantage for Wisconsin, leaving our top bracket higher than most of our neighboring states, including Illinois."

Sauce/more: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/05/tony-evers-extends-increases-for-public-schools-in-perpetuity/70381898007/

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5e84df No.69828

File: faf761b9c0a5494⋯.png (54.38 KB,649x439,649:439,Clipboard.png)

File: ca7fc5a4754d052⋯.png (545.17 KB,639x427,639:427,Clipboard.png)

File: a66022ee03bd861⋯.png (488.11 KB,639x386,639:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133384 (061701ZJUL23) Notable: Heart of US economy moves South

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5e84df No.69829

File: 84d184117a78cf3⋯.png (53.4 KB,533x554,533:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133404 (061706ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden was Chair of Sen. Judiciary when RBG nominated by Clinton, Ginsburg wrote that the Mann Act (which punishes those who engage in interstate sex traffic of women and girls) is “offensive.

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Joe Biden was Chair of Sen. Judiciary when RBG nominated by Clinton

So much of what we see today can be traced back to RBG, Clinton and Biden.

Sex trafficking. Child trafficking/sex slaves. Ritualistic killings. Adrenochroming. Trans agenda. Removal of she/her he/him.


>6 Jan 2019 - 12:32:35 PM


>Why was she 'selected'?

>Who appointed her?

>Called for the sex-integration of prisons and reformatories so that conditions of imprisonment...

>Called for the sex-integration of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts...

>Cast constitutional doubt on the legality of “Mother’s Day and Father’s Day as separate holidays

>Called for reducing the age of consent for sexual acts to people who are “less than 12 years old.

>Objected to laws against prostitution

>Ginsburg wrote that the Mann Act (which punishes those who engage in interstate sex traffic of women and girls) is “offensive.

>Wanted he, she, him, her, his, and hers to be dropped down the memory hole. They must be replaced by he/she, her/him, and hers/his...

...>... claimed that taxpayer-funded abortions should be a constitutional right.

Selected because of her position that age of consent for sex should be lowered to age 12.

President Bill Clintonnominated Ginsburg as an associate justice of the Supreme Court on June 22, 1993, to fill the seat vacated by retiring justice Byron White. She was recommended to Clinton by then–U.S. attorney generalJanet Reno, after a suggestion by Utah Republican senator ==Orrin Hatch.


Who was the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1993?

None other thanJoe Biden.


What are the odds that Clinton and Biden worked behind the scenes to get a Pedo Judge on the Supreme Court?

Q1148 in 2018

>To be clear, LL was promised the Supreme Court position of RBG.



>RBG big problems.


The movie, Sound of Freedom...... completed in 2018.

Sound of Freedom was inspired by the work of Tim Ballard, the founder of Operation Underground Railroad, or O.U.R.), an anti-trafficking activist. Work onthe script began in 2015.

Coinky-dinks !!!!

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5e84df No.69830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133405 (061707ZJUL23) Notable: Senate Bill 1750 goes into effect on Sept. 1 — just weeks before Harris County’s municipal election

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Harris County Attorney provides update on legal action against bill targeting local elections

Senate Bill 1750 goes into effect on Sept. 1 — just weeks before Harris County’s municipal election. The law abolishes the Harris County Elections Administrator’s Office and bars the county from re-creating the office. It will transfer election duties to the county clerk and tax assessor-collector’s office.

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5e84df No.69831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133406 (061707ZJUL23) Notable: resident delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is spurring manufacturing investments and good-paying jobs across the country

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Mr. Biden [whispering]: I cut the deficit 1.7 trillion trillion dollars in two years. Nobody's ever done that.

[no, you did not]

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5e84df No.69832

File: b0c7811c29cf796⋯.jpeg (708.53 KB,892x3956,223:989,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133409 (061707ZJUL23) Notable: Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold(2017)

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>disease X

Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold(2017)


DARPA aims to develop an integrated end-to-end platform that uses nucleic acid sequences to halt the spread of viral infections in sixty days or less

Over the past several years, DARPA-funded researchers have pioneered RNA vaccine technology, a medical countermeasure against infectious diseases that uses coded genetic constructs to stimulate production of viral proteins in the body, which in turn can trigger a protective antibody response. As a follow-on effort, DARPA funded research into genetic constructs that can directly stimulate production of antibodies in the body.1,2 DARPA is now launching the pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) program, aimed at developing that foundational work into an entire system capable of halting the spread of any viral disease outbreak before it can escalate to pandemic status. Such a capability would offer a stark contrast to the state of the art for developing and deploying traditional vaccines-a process that does not deliver treatments to patients until months, years, or even decades after a viral threat emerges.

"DARPA's goal is to create a technology platform that can place a protective treatment into health providers' hands within 60 days of a pathogen being identified, and have that treatment induce protection in patients within three days of administration. We need to be able to move at this speed considering how quickly outbreaks can get out of control," said Matt Hepburn, the P3 Program Manager. "the technology needs to work on any viral disease, whether it's one humans have faced before or not."

Recent outbreaks of viral infectious diseases such as Zika, H1N1 influenza, and Ebola have cast into sharp relief the inability of the global health system to rapidly contain the spread of a disease using existing tools and procedures. State-of-the-art medical countermeasures typically take many months or even years to develop, produce, distribute, and administer. these solutions often arrive too late-if at all-and in quantities too small to respond to emerging threats. In contrast, the envisioned P3 platform would cut response time to weeks and stay within the window of relevance for containing an outbreak.

Key to this undertaking are nucleic-acid-based technologies-those that are centered on DNA and RNA-including some developed under DARPA's Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and therapeutics (ADEPT) program. Using these tools, scientists can identify protective antibodies from recovering patients and then, through a biological version of reverse engineering, manufacture genetic constructs that, when delivered, can instruct an individual's body to produce similar protective antibodies. Significant quantities of these nucleic acid "blueprints" can be rapidly manufactured compared to state-of-the-art antibody production methods.



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5e84df No.69833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133410 (061708ZJUL23) Notable: Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold(2017)

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Achieving and integrating breakthroughs in all of these areas will require choreographed cooperation among researchers and engineers specializing in such areas as immunology, microbiology, virology, medical infectious diseases, molecular biology, and medical countermeasure product development and manufacturing.

DARPA-funded teams will be required to demonstrate their integrated platforms in five simulations during the planned four-year program; they will initially test their platforms using pathogens of their choice, but ultimately they will test using DARPA-selected pathogens, including two demonstrations in which the identity of the pathogen will remain opaque to the teams until the 60-day clock starts. To ensure the developed platforms can produce a quality product with a viable pathway for regulatory review, each team will be required to complete a Phase I clinical safety trial before the end of the program.

A benefit of the nucleic-acid-based approach to limiting the spread of infection is that the genetic constructs introduced to the body would be processed quickly and would not integrate into an individual’s genome. Similarly, the antibodies produced in response to the treatment would only be present in the body for weeks to months. This is consistent with DARPA's intent with P3, which is to safely deliver transient immunity to a virus, halting the spread of disease by creating a firewall.

“Our country asks our military Service members to deploy globally and provide humanitarian assistance in all manner of high-risk environments. We owe it to them to develop the best protections possible,” said Hepburn, a U.S. Army physician who previously served as Director of Medical Preparedness on the White House National Security Staff. “If we’re successful, DARPA could take viral infectious disease outbreaks off the table as a threat to U.S. troops and as a driver of global instability.”

To further clarify the P3 program vision, answer questions from potential proposers, and facilitate teaming, DARPA is hosting two identical Proposers Days. The first will be at the Crown Plaza Tysons Corner McLean Hotel in McLean, Va., on February 22, 2017, and the second at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel San Diego Downtown in San Diego on March 2, 2017. For registration information, visit: http://www.cvent.com/d/9vqy52.

Full details of the P3 program are included in a Broad Agency Announcement, available at: http://go.usa.gov/x9FbG. Proposal abstracts are due by 12:00 PM ET on March 13, 2017. Full proposals are due by 5:00 PM ET on May 1, 2017.

# # #

2 of 2

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5e84df No.69834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133411 (061708ZJUL23) Notable: resident delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is spurring manufacturing investments and good-paying jobs across the country

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Mr. Biden: By 2035, all the electricity in America is going to be generated by clean energy.

[no, it is not; totally impossible]

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5e84df No.69835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133430 (061713ZJUL23) Notable: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is providing an at-a-glance summary of news from around the agency

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I did, it came through an email and I went and downloaded the fact sheet, it came from this email address

CMS Press

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5e84df No.69836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133451 (061719ZJUL23) Notable: resident delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is spurring manufacturing investments and good-paying jobs across the country

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Mr. Biden: We're helping Richland School District 1 here in Columbia purchase sixteen new electric buses. Because guess what? The diesel buses cause asthma, and cause problems. They cause additional problems.

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5e84df No.69837

File: 8e2dd0930f9b49d⋯.gif (3.08 MB,498x320,249:160,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133479 (061727ZJUL23) Notable: DARPA Awards Moderna therapeutics A Grant For Up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA therapeutics™ (2013)

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Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted assets for the US MILITARY via DARPA, aka the DOD and US gov't. In 2013. For mrna bio-nano technology

DARPA Awards Moderna therapeutics A Grant For Up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA therapeutics™==(2013)


CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.

Messenger RNA therapeutics™ can be designed to tap directly into the body's natural processes to produce antibodies without exposing people to a weakened or inactivated virus or pathogen, as is the case with the vaccine approaches currently being tested. As a result, Moderna's messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform has the potential to speed the development and manufacture of treatments that can produce a safer, more reliable and more robust immune response than existing technologies.

"We are honored to be chosen by DARPA for this important grant, which will greatly accelerate our efforts to develop antibody messenger RNA therapeutics™ to combat a wide range of infectious diseases," said Stephane Bancel, president and founding CEO of Moderna. "We were awarded this major grant after an intense and rigorous scientific review, and it is a testament to our team's progress and to the profound implications of messenger RNA therapeutics™ that our work was funded. We look forward to further expanding the development of our platform into this critically important new therapeutic area."

This $24.6 million grant could support research for up to 5 years to advance promising antibody- producing drug candidates into preclinical testing and human clinical trials. The company also received a $0.7 million "seedling" grant from DARPA in March to begin work on the project.

This grant is part of a DARPA program called ADEPT: PROTECT (Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics: Prophylactic Options to Environmental and Contagious). The goal is to develop platform technologies that can be deployed safely and rapidly to provide the U.S. population with near-immediate protection against emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological weapons, even in cases when the pathogen or infectious agent is unknown.

Pfizer Awarded DARPA Biodefense Contract - DoD Daily Contracts==2013


Pfizer, Inc., has been awarded a $7,670,632 technology investment agreement. Pfizer shall perform a research and development program designed to develop a technology platform to identify and subsequently induce the production of protective antibodies to an emerging pathogen directly in an infected or exposed individual. Work will be performed in Cambridge, Mass. The estimated completion date is Dec. 8, 2016. Fiscal 2013 research and development funds are being obligated at time of award. The contracting activity is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, Va., (HR0011-14-3-0001).

"warp speed". uh huh...

Army General to Co-Lead 'Operation Warp Speed' for COVID-19 Vaccine


The US Military /US Govt is the culprit.

Either moderna and pfizer failed to deliver on their contractual product delivery obligations, or they built exactly to spec, on contract and on schedule.

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5e84df No.69838

File: f1fe2f5369d2507⋯.jpeg (160.43 KB,1014x511,1014:511,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133486 (061730ZJUL23) Notable: White House Spox Refuses to Deny Trump’s Charge West Wing Cocaine Belongs to Joe or Hunter Biden

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White House Spox Refuses to Deny Trump’s Charge West Wing Cocaine Belongs to Joe or Hunter Biden

By Kristinn Taylor Jul. 6, 2023

White House Deputy Press secretary Andrew Bates took several questions from reporters about the discovery Sunday of cocaine in the West Wing during a Thursday morning flight on Air Force One to an appearance in South Carolina by Joe Biden. Bates hid behind the Secret Service investigation to not give direct answers. Bates refused to deny whether the cocaine belongs to Joe or Hunter Biden.

The Biden administration is in a tough spot with Joe hosting his admitted cocaine addict son Hunter at the White House as he faces federal charges at the end of July in a sweetheart deal on taxes and diversion for a gun charge because of his drug addiction. Hunter’s deal could be blown up if the cocaine was found to be his. Questions were raised about Hunter’s sobriety after a video from Tuesday night’s fireworks display showed him with an apparent case of the sniffles. The White House on Wednesday made it known that the entire Biden family was away at Camp David when the cocaine was found on Sunday.

One reporter asked about a Truth Social post by President Trump on Wednesday that questioned whether the cocaine belonged to Joe or Hunter Biden.

Trump’s post: Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden. But watch, the Fake News Media will soon start saying that the amount found was “very small,” & it wasn’t really COCAINE, but rather common ground up Aspirin, & the story will vanish. Has Deranged Jack Smith, the crazy, Trump hating Special Prosecutor, been seen in the area of the COCAINE? He looks like a crackhead to me!”

Unknown male reporter: “One more, you know, President, former President Trump has made some pretty wild posts uh, re, recently on social media. Uh, one of them was that uh, the cocaine found in the White House was, it belonged to either the President or his son.Are you willing to say that that’s not the case, that they don’t belong to them?”

“Andrew bates: “I, I don’t uh, have a uh,response to that because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act. Uh, what I will say is that I have noticed there does seem to be some increasing frustration coming from that corner in general. Uh, and I think it is probably rooted in the contrast between their substantive policy records.” (What does the Hatch Act have to do with denying or confirming it?)

When asked about details of the investigation, whether the cocaine was found in a baggie and if DNA testing was being done on the baggie, Bates stonewalled, hiding behind the Secret Service investigation and repeating the White House talking point the cocaine was found in a “highly travelled area.”

Unknown female reporter: “If the Secret Service is able to determine the individual responsible [for bringing cocaine into the White House], will the White House commit to transparency?”

“Mid-level Biden staffer Andrew Bates: “I’m just not going to engage on hypotheticals”

Young Master Bates was last seen trolling Fox News with “Pride” flag cupcakes.


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5e84df No.69839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133547 (061745ZJUL23) Notable: French lawmakers approved a bill allowing police to secretly activate cameras and microphones on mobile phones and access geolocation data to track suspects

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NEW - French lawmakers approved a bill allowing police to secretly activate cameras and microphones on mobile phones and access geolocation data to track suspects.



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5e84df No.69840

File: 001822be705adaf⋯.png (17.16 KB,452x196,113:49,Clipboard.png)

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File: 38096ade5cb5e77⋯.mp4 (341.99 KB,496x336,31:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133575 (061751ZJUL23) Notable: TRENDS "Sound of Freedom"

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"Sound of Freedom"


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5e84df No.69841

File: ba280c0ff63b9c8⋯.png (498.44 KB,801x540,89:60,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d8ff5a70e9f241⋯.png (507.45 KB,766x532,383:266,Clipboard.png)

File: 2138deb3b6418bb⋯.png (655.95 KB,749x529,749:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133576 (061752ZJUL23) Notable: Largest Teachers Union in America Recommends Illustrative Pornography Book “Gender Queer” and “White Fragility” for Educators

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Largest Teachers Union in America Recommends Illustrative Pornography Book “Gender Queer” and “White Fragility” for Educators

As President Trump announces that he would cut federal funding to any school that is pushing “critical race theory, transgender insanity or any other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children,” the largest teachers union in the country has added the controversial book “Gender Queer” and “White Fragility” to their recommended summer reading for educators.

The National Education Association (NEA) recommended two books, among others, be added to their “Great Summer Reads for Educators”, with the by-line “Stretch out on a beach (or in your backyard), slather on your sunscreen, and dive into these summer reading recommendations from NEA today.” The book “Gender Queer” is de facto “how-to” manual on sexual acts complete with photographic depictions of minors as cartoon figures performing oral sex and other sexual acts on each other. From the NEA website:

According to the New York Post:

The National Education Association (NEA) on Monday recommended that teachers include the controversial book “Gender Queer” on their summer reading lists.

The book was featured in the NEA’s “Great Summer Reads for Educators!” list that showcased 11 books.

Among those books are “White Fragility,” a book that insists that White Americans use anger, shame and guilt to avoid taking responsibility for racial inequality.

Other sections included “books to help you forget about work” and “books to celebrate or help you understand Juneteenth.”

While this example isn’t explicitly for students, but rather the teachers themselves, The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on the books popping up in public schools across the country, including a book titled “This Book is Gay” that teaches children how to sign up for a sex app. A teacher in North Carolina had the book in her “in-classroom student library” but claimed the book was “brought into the classroom without intent of allowing children access.” The book was assigned by a teacher as a “book tasting” in September 2020 in North Carolina’s Jay M. Robinson Middle School.

In April, former “First Daughter” Chelsea Clinton tweeted support for such books, saying “bans such as these are nothing but harmful.” Twitter added context to her Tweet saying “‘Gender Queer’, the book shown in the photo, features sexually explicit material. This book contains visual depictions of oral sex, masturbation and adult sexual content with a minor.”

A Rasmussen survey from September 2022 showed that “89% of likely U.S. voters think it is important that public schools fully inform parents about what is being taught to their children in classrooms, including 70% whos ay it is Very Important. Sixty-nine percent of voters believe books containing explicit sexual depictions of sex acts…should not be present in public high school libraries.” That number skyrockets to 79% and 85% for middle schools and elementary schools.


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5e84df No.69842

File: 72a90a5596b2052⋯.png (163.05 KB,475x600,19:24,Clipboard.png)

File: 8141306f37ddb82⋯.png (108.05 KB,491x719,491:719,Clipboard.png)

File: fb52599ea48e2b8⋯.png (136.79 KB,510x742,255:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133589 (061754ZJUL23) Notable: Meta Launches Data-Harvesting Twitter Clone, Immediately Starts Censoring

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Meta Launches Data-Harvesting Twitter Clone, Immediately Starts Censoring

Meta claims that over 10 million people had signed up for it's Twitter competitor, Threads, in what CEO Mark Zuckerberg framed as a "friendly" alternative to the little blue bird.

"Let's do this. Welcome to Threads," wrote Zuckerberg in his first post on the app, which is a "text-based conversation app" where users can publish posts up to 500 characters long, and allows people to post links, photos and videos.

Threads is directly linked to Meta-owned Instagram, which has over 2 billion users. The Twitter competitor is being rolled out in over 100 countries for iOS and Android.

"The goal is to keep it friendly as it expands. I think it’s possible and will ultimately be the key to its success," wrote Zuckerberg in a Wednesday post, casting the service as a more wholesome substitute to Twitter. "That’s one reason why Twitter never succeeded as much as I think it should have, and we want to do it differently."

Meanwhile, data privacy and censorship concerns have emerged, with former Twitter owner Jack Dorsey highlighting the vast amount of data collected by Threads.

As journalist Michael Shellenberger notes,

Within a few hours of launching, Threads was already secretly censoring users and not offering them the right to appeal.


Meta is already too powerful. One company controls what much of the public is allowed to see. And if Threads succeeds, it will have 80% of the global market outside of Russia and China, according to one industry insider. As such, it’s reasonable to expect that Meta will censor precisely the same way the large news media corporations, including the New York Times, and corporate advertisers want it to. More censorship is what the mainstream news media, big corporations, and their celebrity pitch people have been demanding.

...additionally, Unlike Twitter, Threads collects data about "Health & Fitness," "Financial Info," "Sensitive Info," and "Other Data.”

What's 'other data'?

Shellenberger further noted that within hours of launching, Threads was already secretly censoring users and not offering them the right to appeal.


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5e84df No.69843

File: 5291078f68b383e⋯.png (598.44 KB,1439x1013,1439:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: ebadcc93e36feb2⋯.png (460.72 KB,1000x561,1000:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133594 (061755ZJUL23) Notable: PF USAF B-1 Lancer 86-0135. Nose art "Deadly Intentions".

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USAF B-1 Lancer 86-0135. Nose art "Deadly Intentions".

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5e84df No.69844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133630 (061803ZJUL23) Notable: Over 90 school districts sue Monsanto over toxic chemical contamination found in campus buildings

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Over 90 school districts sue Monsanto over toxic chemical contamination found in campus buildings: ‘Hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars’ to resolve

More than 90 Vermont school districts filed a lawsuit on Friday in federal court against the chemical company Monsanto after finding toxic contamination in school buildings, the Associated Press reported.

Vermont passed a law in 2022 requiring all schools built before 1980 to test for possible polychlorinated biphenyls, also known as PCBs. While the state’s testing will not be concluded until 2027, nearly 100 districts have already filed a complaint against Monsanto.

The man-made chemicals were manufactured from 1929 through 1979, when certain uses were banned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Substances Control Act.

The chemicals were used in building materials and electrical equipment, including caulk, paint, glues, plastics, capacitors, and fluorescent light ballasts. PCB oil can be found in old lighting ballasts, which could leak or emit dangerous vapors. Additionally, PCB found in building materials could be released into the air and dust.

The chemicals, now classified as a carcinogen, have been linked to severe health risks, including nervous, immune, reproductive, and endocrine damage.

One Vermont high school was forced to shutter its doors after dangerously high levels of PCBs were found. Students and faculty were forced to move classes to a closed-down department store in March 2021.

The nearly 100 Vermont school districts taking legal action against Monsanto are seeking damages to cover the exorbitant costs of removing the toxic chemicals or demolishing and replacing contaminated school buildings. According to the districts’ lawsuit, the repair costs could total “hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars.”

Monsanto claims that the districts’ complaint has no merit because “third party companies, not Monsanto,” produced the products containing PCBs.

In a Monday statement, the company said, “Monsanto never manufactured, used or disposed of PCBs in Vermont and has not manufactured these products for more than 45 years.”

Monsanto is asking for an emergency hearing and the preservation of evidence. The company also requested to participate in the districts’ testing and oversee restoration work.

Last month, Monsanto was sued by the Vermont attorney general over contamination of school buildings and natural resources, including high levels of PCBs found in sediment and wildlife. The company maintained that the lawsuit had no merit.


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5e84df No.69845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133645 (061805ZJUL23) Notable: Stealthiest Chinese Fighter Challenging an F-35 - Caught on Camera

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Stealthiest Chinese Fighter Challenging an F-35 - Caught on Camera

Dark Footage

566K subscribers

8,864 views Jul 6, 2023

Tensions in the South China Sea between China and the United States have significantly escalated due to American support for maintaining Taiwan’s independence. In response, China has steadily increased its aerial presence in the region, deploying multiple J-16 squadrons and, more notably, ramping up production of its most advanced fighter jet to date: the J-20 Mighty Dragon.

The J-20 is a direct competitor to the American F-22 and F-35 stealth aircraft, which are operated by South Korean and Japanese allies. Although the J-20 has been deployed in the Pacific since 2017, there has been no recorded encounter between it and the F-35—until now.

In March of 2022, the US Air Force confirmed the first contact between the two aircraft. China followed in August of 2022, although neither side released footage of the encounter.

However, in January of 2023, China published a propaganda video that, according to some analysts, finally included footage of the dramatic initial encounter between two of the world’s most formidable aircraft…


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5e84df No.69846

File: f3fd37b59ba8b14⋯.png (35.63 KB,1305x612,145:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133653 (061807ZJUL23) Notable: MAN FOUND DEAD WAS NO DERELICT ADM. BYRD’S ONLY SON DIED IN OLD WAREHOUSE

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The old man found dead in the vacant, debris-strewn warehouse Monday looked like a derelict.

He was wearing what appeared to be green workman’s clothes and one shoe. The custodian who found him recalls having run him off the property a few days earlier. He had seemed a polite nuisance, just another drifter looking for a dry place to sleep.

But the man, who died of malnutrition and dehydration according to early tests, was not one of Baltimore’s homeless. He was Richard E. Byrd Jr., 68, of Boston — Harvard graduate, father of four grown sons, grandfather of six and the only son of Adm. Richard Evelyn Byrd, the polar explorer and national hero.

How Byrd came to die in a seedy mill-district warehouse is a mystery. Where he was and what he did over the last three weeks is unknown.

“I don’t think we’ll ever know,” Leverett Byrd, one of Byrd’s sons said Friday from his home in Needham, Mass.

On Sept. 13, Byrd left Boston by train, bound for a Washington ceremony to honor his father. He never arrived.

“I put him on a train and my wife was supposed to meet him,” Leverett Byrd said. “What happened in between, I don’t know.”

“He idolized his father,” Leverett Byrd said.

His dream, a family member said, was to establish a museum to the admiral, who in 1926 was the first man to fly over the North Pole and three years later led an expedition to the South Pole.

Baltimore police said Byrd had apparently been dead for several days when his body was found Monday. Police identified him from a Boston Transit Authority identification card that had been pinned to his undershorts.

The only person so far who remembers having seen Byrd since he left Boston was the custodian, who shooed him away together with an unidentified man Wednesday, Sept. 27.

“The first time I came across him, he said, ‘Somebody take me to Baltimore. I want to go to Baltimore,’ ” recalled Burt Gayleard, the on-site manager for Time Realty, owners of the property. “He was trying to sleep when I found him. He didn’t have any teeth, and he spoke like a vagrant. But he pronounced ‘Baltimore’ properly, not like someone who lived here. You know what I mean?” Gayleard said.

Richard Byrd Jr. was 6 years old when his father reached the North Pole, 9 when his father traveled to Antarctica. In the 1940s, Leverett Byrd said, Richard Byrd joined one of the admiral’s expeditions to the South Pole.

The admiral’s son supported himself through “a few little trusts,” Leverett Byrd said.

He always hoped to be able to create a museum in the family’s Beacon Hill home.

Family members said Byrd had no drinking problems. But they were concerned about his increasing vagueness.

“We’d bring up something from one of the expeditions and he’d pull the information right out of the hat,” Leverett Byrd said. “It was amazing all the details he knew. But in the present, he was more vague on things. He never wandered away or anything, but he had trouble remembering day-to-day things and was missing appointments and stuff.”

The last time his family saw Byrd was the night of Sept. 13, when Leverett Byrd drove him to Boston’s South Station and put him on a Washington-bound train. He wore a tan shirt and brown pants and carried a black bag.

The son asked an Amtrak employee who turned down the beds in the sleeper car to keep an eye on his father. But police later found Byrd’s bed apparently had never been slept in.

The Washington ceremony went on without Adm. Byrd’s son. His children hoped he had decided not to attend and instead was visiting someone in the capital. On Sept. 15, his son and daughter-in-law, Cathy, called the Needham Police Department to file a missing person report.

Cathy Byrd said she called Washington and tracked down the Amtrak worker who had seen Byrd when he boarded in Boston.

“She didn’t remember anything. She didn’t see him after the first 30 minutes,” she said.


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5e84df No.69847

File: 6fa623a776fc3f0⋯.png (147.42 KB,766x770,383:385,Clipboard.png)

File: 4df33a74205662c⋯.png (455.44 KB,776x825,776:825,Clipboard.png)

File: b7e410f3db85e8e⋯.png (535.87 KB,775x908,775:908,Clipboard.png)

File: 850512af0e6ce98⋯.png (109.72 KB,786x867,262:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133657 (061807ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family

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‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family in extraordinary video

The “missing witness” from the Biden corruption investigation, Israeli professor Dr. Gal Luft, has laid out his bribery allegations against the president’s family in an extraordinary video filmed in an undisclosed location while he’s on the run.

In the 14-minute recording, obtained exclusively by The Post, the fugitive former Israeli army officer claims he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals with alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with their benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC.

The self-proclaimed fall guy says he provided the incriminating evidence to six officials from the FBI and the Department of Justice in a secret meeting in Brussels in March 2019 — but alleges that it was covered up.

“I, who volunteered to inform the US government about a potential security breach and about compromising information about a man vying to be the next president, am now being hunted by the very same people who I informed — and may have to live on the run for the rest of my life on the run …”

“I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I have no political motive or agenda … I did it out of deep concern that if the Bidens were to come to power, the country would be facing the same traumatic Russia collusion scandal — only this time with China. Sadly, because of the DOJ’s cover-up, this is exactly what happened …”

“I warned the government about potential risk to the integrity of the 2020 elections … Ask yourself, who is the real criminal in this story?”

The House Oversight chairman, Republican James Comer, who was preparing to interview Luft before Luft disappeared, says the Israeli remains a “potential witness” in the Biden family probe, despite his fugitive status.

It remains to be seen whether Luft is the man who will bring down the Bidens, but he is not going quietly into the sunset.

He is determined to tell the American public his version of the truth.

Calling himself “patient zero of the Biden family investigation,” Luft, 57, says he is innocent of charges of conspiring to sell Chinese weapons to Kenya, Libya and the UAE, of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), and of making a false statement.

He says he was forced to skip bail in Cyprus in April while awaiting extradition “because I did not believe I will receive a fair trial in a New York court.”


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5e84df No.69848

File: d85e567fbbf3e00⋯.png (677.87 KB,636x633,212:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133662 (061808ZJUL23) Notable: new malaria vax to be rolled out in 12 African countries

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5e84df No.69849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133669 (061810ZJUL23) Notable: Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% of Deaths Were Caused by Vaccine

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Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Journal Removes Study Within 24 Hours

A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the journal removed the study within 24 hours.

The study, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.

However, less than 24 hours later, the study was removed and a note appeared stating: “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.” While the study had not undergone any part of the peer-review process, the note implies it fell foul of “screening criteria”.

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5e84df No.69850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133673 (061810ZJUL23) Notable: Former Arizona GOP House Speaker spoke with FBI for probe about efforts to overturn 2020 election/Bowers

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Former Arizona GOP House Speaker spoke with FBI for probe about efforts to overturn 2020 election

Bowers said the questions he was asked made him think that the investigation is broad.

Updated: July 6, 2023 - 1:46pm

Former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Republican who stood by his state's 2020 presidential election results, says that he has spoken with the FBI as part of the federal criminal probe of efforts to overturn the election.

"I am hesitant to talk about any subpoenas et cetera. But I have been interviewed by the FBI," Bowers told CNN on Wednesday in response to a question about whether he had been subpoenaed in special counsel Jack Smith's probe.

Bowers said he spoke with investigators about his discussion after the 2020 election with Trump and Rudy Giuliani, Trump's attorney, as well as a second phone call with just Trump.

Smith is investigating both Trump's role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot as well as his alleged mishandling of government documents.

Bowers also said the questions he was asked made him think that the investigation is broad.

"There is a lot of information about attorneys that work with them. About Mr. Giuliani that made the calls and visited us. And other members of his team, who they were, when the meetings were, what was discussed in those meetings or in that meeting," he also said. "And so, I presume that all of them are involved. How that shakes out as the threshold evidence? I don’t know. I just dabble with a paintbrush."

(So Jack is going to anyone that disagreed with Trump about the 2020 election.)


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5e84df No.69851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133682 (061811ZJUL23) Notable: Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder will hold an on-camera press briefing

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2:30 PM EDT

Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder will hold an on-camera press briefing in the Pentagon Press Briefing Room

Department of Defense






Defense Department Briefing

Pentagon Press Secretary Brigadier General Pat Ryder briefs reporters and responds to questions at the Pentagon.


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5e84df No.69852

File: 9e19c33fee81aa0⋯.png (680.59 KB,785x753,785:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133684 (061812ZJUL23) Notable: Heart of US economy moves South

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New York City loses billions as companies decamp for the South

Drive along the 240-mile stretch of the Atlantic coast from Charleston, South Carolina, through the grassy marsh land of southern Georgia and down into northern Florida, and you’ll see one of the most profound economic shifts in the U.S. today.


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5e84df No.69853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133694 (061813ZJUL23) Notable: Pennsylvania governor drops school voucher push over opposition from teachers unions

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Pennsylvania governor drops school voucher push over opposition from teachers unions

The voucher program would have created scholarships for qualifying students in certain public school districts to attend private schools.

Updated: July 6, 2023 - 9:58am

(Coward) Pennsylvania Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro says he plans on dropping his push for private school vouchers from the state budget amid opposition from teachers unions and members of his own party.

The budget passed the state House and Senate on Wednesday after discussions had been deadlocked on the $100 million voucher program, local outlet Spotlight PA reported.

Shapiro as well as Senate Republicans had supported the voucher program, but Pennsylvania House Democratic leadership did not and refused to act on the Senate's budget bill.

"Knowing that the two chambers will not reach consensus at this time to enact [the voucher program], and unwilling to hold up our entire budget process over this issue, I will line-item veto the full $100 million appropriation and it will not be part of this budget bill," Shapiro said.

The voucher program would have created scholarships for qualifying students in certain public school districts to attend private schools.

Teachers unions, such as the Pennsylvania State Education Association and the state chapter of the American Federation of Teachers, fiercely opposed the plan.

"So-called lifeline scholarships are vouchers packaged up to make elected officials feel better about taking money away from public schools," AFT Pennsylvania President Arthur Steinberg said.


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5e84df No.69854

File: bb5a194875e3fd8⋯.png (487.66 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fdbb2a28fde90a⋯.png (94.4 KB,655x666,655:666,Clipboard.png)

File: 7091a1069fab5fa⋯.png (638.18 KB,671x882,671:882,Clipboard.png)

File: 175e53b76eddcb1⋯.png (35.24 KB,665x263,665:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133706 (061816ZJUL23) Notable: China Has Had an Intelligence Base in Cuba for at Least 30 Years

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Report: China Has Had an Intelligence Base in Cuba for at Least 30 Years

A retired American intelligence official told the Miami Herald in a report published Wednesday that China has been conducting espionage activities in Cuba since at least 1992, taking advantage of the fall of the Soviet Union to forge a closer relationship with the fellow communist nation.

The report follows growing concern within the United States regarding China and Cuba’s publicly blossoming relationship, triggered by a report in the Wall Street Journal last month claiming that Beijing and Havana were discussing plans to build a spy base on the island. Cuba is about 90 miles away from America and hosts a pivotal American military base, the Guantánamo Bay facility, making it an enticing target for such activities by U.S. rivals.

The White House initially denied the Journal report, calling it “not accurate,” then claimed the inaccuracy in the report was that the spy base was in the planning stages; it had already been there since 2019, an anonymous official claimed to the Associated Press, blaming the administration of former President Donald Trump.

In reality, retired Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) counterintelligence research chief Chris Simmons told the Miami Herald such a base existed in Cuba since the era of President George H.W. Bush, whose family has a long and well-documented relationship with the Chinese Communist Party.

The base, Simmons claimed, is located in Bejucal, a suburb of the greater Havana area.

“We saw the enhancements over a decade, a steady evolution; clearly something was going on, but we didn’t know what,” he explained, “And then, in 2001, we discovered that the Chinese had been there already for nine years. We were told at that time that when the Chinese arrived in 1992, they were embedded in a single building within Bejucal, and they were 50 officers in this facility.”

Simmons described the base as a “signals intelligence facility,” meaning a base to intercept American communications for espionage purposes, and claimed that U.S. authorities at the time dismissed the news because “the conventional wisdom was that China just seized the political opportunity because of the collapse of the Soviet Union” and Beijing was not worth any significant concern.

In 1992, the year Simmons claims American authorities believe that Chinese intelligence agents established a presence in Cuba, the administration of President George H.W. Bush was invested in a foreign policy of friendliness towards the brutal Chinese Communist Party – which had, barely three years prior, orchestrated the Tiananmen Square Massacre – in an attempt to convince Beijing to become democratic. President Bush promoted expanded commercial ties with China even in the aftermath of that massacre, on June 5, 1989.


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5e84df No.69855

File: cbadb6c66a23995⋯.png (296.13 KB,562x640,281:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133712 (061818ZJUL23) Notable: Facebook Suppressed Tucker Carlson Video That Did Not Violate Content Policy After White House Demanded It, Judge Says

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Facebook Suppressed Tucker Carlson Video That Did Not Violate Content Policy After White House Demanded It, Judge Says

A federal judge accused Facebook on Tuesday of coordinating with the White House to censor posts that did not violate its content policy, including a video by former Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson.

Judge Terry Doughty of U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana Monroe Division described in his injunction the efforts from White House officials to pressure Facebook to censor a video Carlson made about vaccines in April 2021.

On April 14, 2021, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty emailed Facebook demanding censorship of Carlson and then-Fox News host Tomi Lahren, according to Doughty. He claimed the top post about vaccines that day was “Tucker Carlson saying vaccines don’t work and Tomi Lahren stating she won’t take a vaccine.”

Facebook promised Flaherty a report by the end of the week.

The same day, then-White House advisor Andy Slavitt emailed Facebook executive Nick Clegg about Tucker Carlson’s “anti-vax message” and complained about Facebook’s lack of action, Doughty reported.

“Not for nothing but the last time we did this dance, it ended in an insurrection,” Slavitt said, according to court filings.

Clegg responded with a detailed report about Carlson’s post and said the video was being “demoted” despite, according to Clegg, it not violating Facebook’s content policy on COVID-19 vaccines. Facebook also attached a label to the video with authoritative COVID information and did not recommend it to users, Doughty wrote.

Facebook employee Brian Rice sent Clegg’s report about Carlson’s post to Flaherty, who responded by asking for more details on why Carlson’s video was not removed. Flaherty also alleged, according to Doughty, that Facebook provided incorrect information through Crowd Tangle, a content moderation platform for publishers.


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5e84df No.69856

File: 5b1d8d2f5b7423f⋯.png (203.83 KB,555x604,555:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133722 (061820ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Prosecutor Worked for His Former Business Partner

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Hunter Biden’s Prosecutor Worked for His Former Business Partner

Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, who previously worked for Hunter Biden’s business partner, signed off on the charges, along with U.S. Attorney David Weiss, against the president’s son for two federal tax violations and one violation of gun laws.

Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to the charges, which Republicans characterized as a sweetheart deal.

Hines previously worked as a special counsel to former FBI Director Louis Freeh’s private company, according to his LinkedIn account. Freeh owned “Freeh Group International Solutions,” a lobbying firm with ties to the Biden family business. Their relationship dates back to 2013 when Hines served as special counsel to Freeh from 2013 to 2015.

Freeh is a longtime ally of the Bidens. Freeh sent $100,000 to a trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren, the New York Post reported in 2021. One month prior to the donation, Freeh inquired with Hunter about pursuing “future work options” together, with Joe Biden.


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5e84df No.69857

File: aff82411dc3ab11⋯.png (533.61 KB,1509x1218,503:406,Clipboard.png)

File: f9ae064cac43832⋯.png (477.91 KB,1371x1209,457:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d8556f07ce7ef1⋯.png (484.9 KB,1372x1123,1372:1123,Clipboard.png)

File: b743e48c6ced0c0⋯.png (1.65 MB,1024x1371,1024:1371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133747 (061823ZJUL23) Notable: MAN FOUND DEAD WAS NO DERELICT ADM. BYRD’S ONLY SON DIED IN OLD WAREHOUSE

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>Richard E. Byrd Jr

Interesting family

Major Democrat party players/owners and deeply committed racists & clearly in the ruling class since, well forever.

Democrats=racist, shocked pikachoo face incoming

Seems like skulking around on behalf of "the powers that be" can be very hazardous to one's health.

Also, avoid rowing on the Potomac or staying in tall buildings

or being in close proximity to red scarves

or concrete blocks primarily in the State of Arkansas

or dancing on a crowded dance floor

etc and so forth

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5e84df No.69858

File: fefbd01c79b3ebb⋯.png (351.79 KB,603x547,603:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133794 (061830ZJUL23) Notable: MSNBC: WH now says cocaine found was near the West Executive entrance, closer to the Situation Room

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MSNBC: White House now says cocaine found was near the West Executive entrance, closer to the Situation Room, “near where — for example — the Vice President's vehicle is parked.”


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5e84df No.69859

File: c6a216cf8e04a23⋯.png (502 KB,1341x1221,447:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c029fc1bfdc10⋯.png (392.16 KB,1332x1201,1332:1201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133815 (061832ZJUL23) Notable: MAN FOUND DEAD WAS NO DERELICT ADM. BYRD’S ONLY SON DIED IN OLD WAREHOUSE

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The Bolling surname connects with the Byrds, another "ruling class elite" aka Democrat scum. Of COURSE there's OSS-CIA connections too.

[spoiler]Delenda est CIA[/spoiler}

Richard Bolling, namesake of many buildings and a real POS, hope he's plenty warm naow..

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5e84df No.69860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133833 (061834ZJUL23) Notable: McEnany breaks with Trump: ‘No way’ cocaine at White House is Hunter Biden’s

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McEnany breaks with Trump: ‘No way’ cocaine at White House is Hunter Biden’s

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany threw cold water on the suggestion the cocaine found at The White House over the holiday weekend could have belonged to Hunter Biden, the president’s son.

“For it to be Hunter Biden, he left on Friday, he was at Camp David. There is no way, it is inconceivable to think cocaine could sit for a 72-hour period [at The White House], so I would rule him out at this point.” McEnany, who is a Fox News host, said Thursday on the network’s flagship morning talk program.

News broke earlier this week that a suspicious white powder was found in an area of the White House during a routine sweep. After further testing, the powder was confirmed to be cocaine, the Secret Service said.

On Wednesday, former President Trump, who McEnany worked for, lashed out at the media over coverage of the story and suggested the cocaine belonged to Hunter Biden, who has publicly chronicled his history of drug use.

“Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social website.

“But watch, the Fake News Media will soon start saying that the amount found was ‘very small,’ & it wasn’t really COCAINE, but rather common ground up Aspirin, & the story will vanish.”

Trump has attacked McEnany directly in recent weeks, criticizing her for her commentary on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), his chief rival in the 2024 GOP presidential primary race.


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5e84df No.69861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133842 (061836ZJUL23) Notable: Law Enforcement Warns of Terrorists Coming into America Among Illegal Aliens

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Law Enforcement Warns of Terrorists Coming into America Among Illegal Aliens

Former law enforcement officials have been issuing warnings about a renewed threat of terrorism in the United States as the Biden Administration has failed to address the rise in terror suspects sneaking into the country via the southern border.

As reported by Just The News, a recent report by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG), an incident occurred last year in which a terrorist was released into the United States by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) shortly after his apprehension. The terrorist was then allowed to roam freely throughout the country for about two weeks before he was arrested again by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

After he was initially apprehended in April of 2022, the terror watchlist suspect was released “without providing information requested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) that would have confirmed the migrant was a positive match with the Terrorist Screening Data Set (Terrorist Watchlist),” according to the OIG report. He was finally arrested again on May 6th, but the arrest was delayed due to “challenges transferring documentation while planning to arrest the migrant and obtaining GPS data while conducting the arrest.”

Mark Morgan, the former CBP Commissioner during the Trump Administration, described the report as “a huge black eye” for the Biden Administration’s border enforcement efforts – or lack thereof – as well as counterterrorism operations meant to keep the homeland safe. Under the Biden Administration, Morgan added, the main objective of the Border Patrol now “is not to secure the border, your job is to process and release illegal aliens as fast as possible.”

“[W]e know they’ve encountered an unprecedented number, hundreds of illegal aliens that are on the terrorist screening database,” said Morgan in an interview. “Think about how many potential, would-be illegal aliens that could serve as a potential national security threat are among the 1.7 million. We literally could have the next terrorist sleeper cell in the United States planning the next terrorist attack, and we would have no idea. That’s fact, it’s not hyperbole.”

The total number of encounters with suspected terrorists at the southern border has reached record highs under the Biden Administration. Thus far in Fiscal Year 2023, CBP has, by its own numbers, apprehended at least 464 known or suspected terrorists at the southern border. That amount comes close to surpassing the overall total of apprehended terror suspects in the prior fiscal year, at 478.


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5e84df No.69862

File: e9cf834fb18c2bd⋯.png (82.7 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133869 (061840ZJUL23) Notable: Arms sent to Kiev by Paris used by French rioters – Moscow

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6 Jul, 2023 14:10

Arms sent to Kiev by Paris used by French rioters – Moscow

Support for Ukrainian nationalists has emboldened similar groups across Western Europe, the Russian Foreign Ministry has claimed

French weapons originally supplied to Ukraine have surfaced in their country of origin, and are being used by rioters to attack police, Russia's Foreign Ministry spokesperson has claimed.

Maria Zakharova told a press conference on Thursday that Western countries' years-long support of radical Ukrainian nationalists has now emboldened like-minded forces on their own soil.

“According to multiplemedia reports, neo-Nazi groups are taking direct action in the riots in France,” she said.

“Weapons, delivered to Kiev, end up in the hands of those very protesters and are being used against the police there, in France,” Zakharova added, without specifying the type of arms involved.

Weapons and funds provided to the “Kiev regime” by the US and its allies “boomerang and… damage their own people,” Zakharova stated, adding that Moscow has been warning about the risk of a spillover for a long time. Paris “is fueling the black market for arms and sponsors international cross-border crime” with its assistance to Kiev, she claimed.

France may suffer similar blowback after training “nationalist militants” to fight Russian forces, Zakharova warned, noting thatParis plans to teach combat tactics to some 4,000 Ukrainian troops this year alone.

“Nobody should be surprised, if the same [French-trained people] would be spotted during some future riot in the streets of Paris and other French cities,” she stated.

The latest wave of street violence in France was triggered by the police shooting of a 17-year-old man of Algerian and Moroccan descent. Moscow has condemned both the police brutality, which it believes set the stage for the violence, and the mayhem caused by the protesters.

France, Zakharova concluded, should stop lecturing other nations on how they should uphold the rule of law and deal with its own domestic problems.


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5e84df No.69863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133884 (061842ZJUL23) Notable: French Police will be allowed to spy on suspects remotely

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Police will be allowed to spy on suspects by remotely activating their phones' camera, microphone and GPS under new French laws dubbed a 'snoopers' charter'

The spying provision has been widely attacked by the left and rights defenders

But France's justice minister has insisted it would only 'dozens of cases a year'

French police should be able to spy on suspects by remotely activating the camera, microphone and GPS of their phones and other devices, lawmakers agreed late Wednesday.

Part of a wider justice reform bill, the spying provision has been attacked by the left and rights defenders as an authoritarian snoopers' charter, though Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti insists it would affect only 'dozens of cases a year'.

Covering laptops, cars and other connected objects as well as phones, the measure would allow geolocation of suspects in crimes punishable by at least five years' jail.

Devices could also be remotely activated to record sound and images of people suspected of terror offenses, as well as delinquency and organised crime.

The provisions 'raise serious concerns over infringements of fundamental liberties,' digital rights group La Quadrature du Net wrote in a May statement.

It cited the 'right to security, right to a private life and to private correspondence' and 'the right to come and go freely', calling the proposal part of a 'slide into heavy-handed security'.


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5e84df No.69864

File: 1302db9a39a4400⋯.png (397.68 KB,768x295,768:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133917 (061847ZJUL23) Notable: Secrets doc reveal Pfizer and Feds lied about no graphene oxide in vax

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Secret Documents published by order of Federal Court prove Pfizer, FDA & Fact Checkers lied when they said Toxic Graphene Oxide was not inside the Covid-19 Vaccines

Graphene Oxide is a fairly new substance not yet well understood. But what we do know is that studies have proven it can be toxic to cells and tissues in the body. And further studies have shown Graphene Oxide to have toxic effects on blood cells, inducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

This is why it’s concerning to find Graphene Oxide (GO) has been in and out of the news for the past two years in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

Several independent studies conducted by doctors and scientists have confirmed that Graphene Oxide is in fact present in these vaccines. But the manufacturers, medicine regulators and so called Fact-Checkers have refuted these claims, most likely due to the known toxic effects it has on the body.

For instance, Reuters, which essentially supplies the news to the entire Western world without most people realising it, stated in a fact-check article published July 23rd 2021, that it is impossible for the Covid vaccines to contain Graphene Oxide because they would be either dark brown or black in colour, instead of the clear/yellowish colour they are.

But what Reuter’s Fact Checkers failed to mention is that when Graphene Oxide is combined with other ingredients, such as Sucrose, a listed ingredient of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, it’s perfectly possible to produce a clear or yellowish liquid.

But at the time of writing, Reuters did not have access to a document published in February 2023 by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) by order of the U.S. Federal Court.

A document that was submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to gain Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

A document that confirms it is perfectly possible for toxic Graphene Oxide to end up in the Covid-19 vaccines due to the manufacturing process.


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5e84df No.69865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133930 (061849ZJUL23) Notable: France seizes over $100 mln in assets from Lebanon cenbank chief

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France seizes over $100 mln in assets from Lebanon cenbank chief

Riad Salameh’s three-decade tenure as Lebanon’s central bank chief is set to come to a close at the end of July

France’s Court of Appeal has carried out asset seizure orders against the chief of Lebanon’s Central Bank, Riad Salameh, a source with knowledge on the matter told The National on 4 July.

Coming as part of a broad European judicial investigation into Salameh, who is accused of embezzling millions from the Central Bank, orders have been issued to seize over $100 million in property and bank accounts belonging to him across Europe.

According to the media office of Lebanon's Justice Minister, Henry Khoury, the French judiciary has transferred Salameh's assets over to the Lebanese state.

The ruling comes after Salameh’s legal team appealed in court to have the assets released.

Following the first hearing on the issue in April, Salameh’s Paris-based lawyer said that the seizure orders pose “countless issues.”

The asset seizures come a few days after Salameh’s assistant Marianne Hoayek was indicted as part of the investigation. She has been accused of criminal conspiracy and has been ordered to pay a bail amount of 1.5 million euros after her hearing before a French judge last week.

Hoayek allegedly received embezzled funds through Forry Associates, a company founded by Salameh’s brother Raja, which is suspected by investigators to be a front for money laundering using concealed commissions.

In early May, Raja Salameh was questioned about his company for five hours by European investigators in Beirut. Caught up in the case himself, he was detained last year, but released on bail not long afterwards.

As the investigation inches forward, Salameh’s term as chief of the central bank is officially coming to a close at the end of the month, following three decades at the institution’s helm.

“This is the conclusion of the discussions that were held prior to the Eid al-Adha holiday over the file of the vacant, high-ranking state posts,” Al-Akhbar newspaper wrote.

Aside from the European judicial investigation, Salameh is also being investigated in Lebanon, a process which has been stalled many times, sparking concerns that the central bank chief enjoys political backing from the country’s ruling elite.

Washington also backs Salameh, and has intervened to obstruct the Lebanese judicial process on his behalf.

Despite evading capture and failing to show up for hearings on several occasions, Salameh has denied all wrongdoing and claims he is the victim of the witch-hunt.


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5e84df No.69866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133963 (061855ZJUL23) Notable: The One World Government Is Communism 2.0

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The One World Government Is Communism 2.0

The never-ending Hegelian Dialectic scam that continues to cast spells on all of the State brainwashed minions: manufactured problems by the likes of the WEF and UN, mass-induced fear reactions by the slaves, and "solutions" that worsen the problems by those that perpetrated said problems in the first place.

And just like at the height of the Maoist regime, sexless slaves of the earth will wear identical uniforms just in time for the UN's 2030 Agenda:


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5e84df No.69867

File: f5ba2c45e9997fd⋯.png (267.91 KB,549x654,183:218,Clipboard.png)

File: c481f78e3154ce4⋯.png (180.15 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133964 (061855ZJUL23) Notable: Spartz supports Ukraine, discusses on Fox

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Providing all necessary assistance to help Ukraine to protect its people & restore intl order is in everyone’s national interest. I appreciate my fellow

@HelsinkiComm members for joint letters to @POTUS

Biden in support of longer-range & cluster munitions.

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5e84df No.69868

File: 664e1d0e52fb27c⋯.png (79.3 KB,542x437,542:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133978 (061857ZJUL23) Notable: Spartz supports Ukraine, discusses on Fox

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This morning, Rep. Spartz joined




to discuss


’s trip to China, China-Russia relationships and schizophrenic policies by the Biden Administration in dealing with China.


>…Wonder what Yellen is doing, in China?

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5e84df No.69869

File: 412478e0c0a33c9⋯.png (22.62 KB,506x338,253:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 72c637464171f4d⋯.png (373.57 KB,620x413,620:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19133995 (061901ZJUL23) Notable: "Conspiracy cult leader Michael Protzman dies at 60"

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Conspiracy cult leader Michael Protzman dies at 60 from dirt bike crash injuries 2 years after claim JFK would reappear


Israel Salas-Rodriguez6 July 2023


US News


Israel Salas-Rodriguez

Published: 11:11 ET, Jul 6 2023

Updated: 13:23 ET, Jul 6 2023

QANON cult leader Michael Protzman has died after being involved in a dirt bike accident, according to reports.

Protzman died of multiple blunt force injuries after losing control of his dirt bike at the Meadow Valley Motocross track in Millville, Minnesota, on June 30, a medical examiner's report obtained by Vice News showed.

Protzman, known as Negative 48 by his followers, emerged as a QAnon guru in early 2021 when he garnered over 100,000 followers on his Telegram channel over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic.

A believer that former president John F. Kennedy and his son JFK Jr. were still alive, Protzman convinced thousands of followers from across the US to travel to Dallas in November 2021 to witness the former commander-in-chief's "reappearance" at Dealey Plaza - the site of JFK's assassination in 1963.

He claimed Kenndy would reinstate Donald Trump as president and help him carry out the persecution of a global cabal of pedophilic, blood-drinking liberal elites that QAnon, or Q, devotees believe run the world despite no evidence.

When his baseless prediction never came to pass, he would change his conspiracies to keep his followers in line.

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5e84df No.69870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134015 (061904ZJUL23) Notable: #23499

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#23499 >>69822

>>69823 Justice Department releases less redacted FBI search warrant for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago pdf

>>69824, >>69831, >>69834, >>69836 resident delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is spurring manufacturing investments and good-paying jobs across the country

>>69825, >>69835 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is providing an at-a-glance summary of news from around the agency

>>69826 Air Force Research Objectives- 1963

>>69827 Tony Evers uses veto powers to extend annual increases for public schoolsfor the next four centuries

>>69828, >>69852 Heart of US economy moves South

>>69829 Joe Biden was Chair of Sen. Judiciary when RBG nominated by Clinton, Ginsburg wrote that the Mann Act (which punishes those who engage in interstate sex traffic of women and girls) is “offensive.

>>69830 Senate Bill 1750 goes into effect on Sept. 1 — just weeks before Harris County’s municipal election

>>69832, >>69833 Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold(2017)

>>69837 DARPA Awards Moderna therapeutics A Grant For Up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA therapeutics™ (2013)

>>69838 White House Spox Refuses to Deny Trump’s Charge West Wing Cocaine Belongs to Joe or Hunter Biden

>>69839 French lawmakers approved a bill allowing police to secretly activate cameras and microphones on mobile phones and access geolocation data to track suspects

>>69840 TRENDS "Sound of Freedom"

>>69841 Largest Teachers Union in America Recommends Illustrative Pornography Book “Gender Queer” and “White Fragility” for Educators

>>69842 Meta Launches Data-Harvesting Twitter Clone, Immediately Starts Censoring

>>69843 PF USAF B-1 Lancer 86-0135. Nose art "Deadly Intentions".

>>69844 Over 90 school districts sue Monsanto over toxic chemical contamination found in campus buildings

>>69845 Stealthiest Chinese Fighter Challenging an F-35 - Caught on Camera

>>69847 ‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family in extraordinary video

>>69848 new malaria vax to be rolled out in 12 African countries

>>69849 Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% of Deaths Were Caused by Vaccine

>>69850 Former Arizona GOP House Speaker spoke with FBI for probe about efforts to overturn 2020 election/Bowers

>>69851 Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder will hold an on-camera press briefing

>>69853 Pennsylvania governor drops school voucher push over opposition from teachers unions

>>69854 China Has Had an Intelligence Base in Cuba for at Least 30 Years

>>69855 Facebook Suppressed Tucker Carlson Video That Did Not Violate Content Policy After White House Demanded It, Judge Says

>>69856 Hunter Biden’s Prosecutor Worked for His Former Business Partner

baker change

>>69858 MSNBC: WH now says cocaine found was near the West Executive entrance, closer to the Situation Room


>>69860 McEnany breaks with Trump: ‘No way’ cocaine at White House is Hunter Biden’s

>>69861 Law Enforcement Warns of Terrorists Coming into America Among Illegal Aliens

>>69862 Arms sent to Kiev by Paris used by French rioters – Moscow

>>69863 French Police will be allowed to spy on suspects remotely

>>69864 Secrets doc reveal Pfizer and Feds lied about no graphene oxide in vax

>>69865 France seizes over $100 mln in assets from Lebanon cenbank chief

>>69866 The One World Government Is Communism 2.0

>>69867, >>69868 Spartz supports Ukraine, discusses on Fox

>>69869 "Conspiracy cult leader Michael Protzman dies at 60"



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5e84df No.69871

File: ea5f1867605327a⋯.jpg (21.81 KB,378x255,126:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134029 (061907ZJUL23) Notable: #23500

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baker seeking handoff

let us all pause a moment in remembrance of MP...

that is, those of us who remember him


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5e84df No.69872

File: 69052850fc16cbb⋯.png (199.11 KB,540x517,540:517,Clipboard.png)

File: dd0f70c2c97360e⋯.png (107.32 KB,1055x641,1055:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134050 (061910ZJUL23) Notable: Matt Braynard Claims J6er Was Offered a Plea Deal that Included “Condemning President Trump” Saying “President Trump… Made Him Do It”

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Matt Braynard Claims J6er Was Offered a Plea Deal that Included “Condemning President Trump” Saying “President Trump… Made Him Do It”

Wednesday night on the Timcast IRL podcast, Look Ahead America’s Matt Braynard disclosed that he had been able to visit J6ers in the “Gulag”. This is a seemingly rare admittance. In July of 2021, Congressmen Matt Gaetz (FL), Louie Gohmert (TX), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) weren’t even permitted access to the prison. When speaking of his visit to the “DC Gulag”, Braynard said:

“Just going in was completely dehumanizing…but I went there to meet a guy named William Chrestman…this guy has not been charged with any violence. He’s a military veteran. He’s not being charged with conspiracy or organizing or anything…he’s just a guy who showed up. He was arrested in January of 2021. He still doesn’t have a trial date and they have denied him his psychiatric medicine. He tried to keep journals and they just come through and throw all of his papers away. He has two daughters he has not seen for those two years plus. Two young daughters. And he was finally going to get to see them the week after I was in to visit him. Whatever the wildest thing in the world they wanted to accuse him of, that they might even charge him with, he would have already had time served. But they’re keeping him in there in dire conditions, still without a trial date. A military veteran, not charged with any violence, because they can. Not for what he did, but because of what he believes.“

A few moments later, however, Braynard made another shocking claim about Chrestman’s situation. Braynard stated that Chrestman told him he was offered a plea deal to plead guilty to the two lesser charges and also to “condemn President Trump and say that President Trump was the one that made him do it.” On Twitter, another J6er, Ryan Zink, in confirmation to Braynard’s claim, said “same here for my plea.”

The claim by Braynard suggests a weaponized prosecution in DC that is attempting to coerce political prisoners to denounce the front-running candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination and implicate him in what the Mockingbird Media and the partisan J6 Committee have falsely claimed as an “insurrection” (Not a single Jan 6 political prisoner has been charged with 18 USC 2383). All in exchange for their freedom from the heinous conditions they’ve been exposed to for over two years in what can only be described as political persecution in utter defiance of numerous Constitutional Rights.

The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe had the opportunity to interview Chrestman in April about the events of that day, the treatment of J6ers in the “DC Gulag” and the federal government’s role regarding the events. In the in-depth article, Chrestman told Powe:

“We’ve got confidential human sources, which is just a fancy word for FBI rat,” he said. “They are basically people who have been caught doing other bad things. So, what the FBI does is they hire them and give them a deal: ‘Hey, we’ll get rid of your charges, we won’t press charges against you, but you come work for us and we’ll pay you. We’ll pay you damn good money.’

Some of these guys are getting paid $30k a month to set people up. I’ve got a confidential informant — and the funny thing is, they are saying I did nothing wrong. And they still lock me up — their own informant says I did nothing wrong.”


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5e84df No.69873

File: 2f9b07405fb54eb⋯.png (300.28 KB,536x311,536:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134169 (061935ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Bongino Explains Why There's 'Zero Chance' WH Cocaine Brought in by Anyone Other Than Family

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Dan Bongino Explains Why There's 'Zero Chance' WH Cocaine Brought in by Anyone Other Than Family

Leah Barkoukis | July 06, 2023 9:30 AM

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino said it’s not hard to figure out who could have brought cocaine into the White House given how security protocols differ for members of the president’s family.

“There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex,” he said on Twitter. “No chance(anyone else) that would make it past themag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.”

Others noted that the changing story about where the substance was found is suspect.

According to the New York Post, "The initial dispatch call stated that the white, powdery substancewas found in the residence’s libraryon the ground floor of the building.

"However, officials familiar with the incident told The Post the purported cocaine was found in a holding area in the West Wing that is accessible to both White House staff and guests," the report continued. "DC Fire and EMS did not immediately respond to a request to clarify the discrepancy."

There wereSEVERAL people who saw Hunter Biden working in the White House Library with his laptop. When the fire department reported the cocaine was found in the Library they put 2+2 together. Once the White House realized this the location of the cocaine was updated to a West… https://t.co/aNB6Tujv1q— @amuse (@amuse) July 5, 2023

You have got to be kidding me. Cocaine was found at the WH and authorities aren’t saying exactly where it was found. If it’s the Old Executive Office Building, it’s likely staff. If it’s the mansion, it’s likely Hunter. Reporters do your job. https://t.co/aPfGnn4Wof — Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) July 4, 2023

What gibberish. A West Wing “work area”? With the exception of the WH Mess and the bathrooms, the entire West Wing is a work area. Where exactly was the cocaine found? In whose office? In the Sit Room? In the private office next to the Oval? Where? https://t.co/deHd4nvckj — Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) July 5, 2023

I was a Deputy to the President. This is a lie.The library of the residence is NOT “a well-traveled area.” They’re still covering up for #HunterBiden’s cocaine habit. pic.twitter.com/SgJEK1bFjG — Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) July 6, 2023

Republican lawmakers vowed to get answers.

Don’t worry @PressSec, we Oversight Republicans are going to ask Secret Service about cocaine found in the WH. I’d also like to know if WH staff and admin, as well as Hunter Biden, can all pass a drug test. And what list of meds or drugs is Joe taking? pic.twitter.com/LGSvnMfBwS— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) July 5, 2023


(QuestionAll of this is entertaining, but what is Joe and WH distracting up from now with this story, that most likely would never be reported as it was? MTG should not get their committees distracted on this nonsense!)

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5e84df No.69874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134256 (061953ZJUL23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene voted out of Freedom Caucus

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Gateway Pundit reporting...

Marjorie Taylor Greene voted out of Freedom Caucus


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5e84df No.69875

File: f182d0823c84de2⋯.png (533.1 KB,849x700,849:700,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134279 (061958ZJUL23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene voted out of Freedom Caucus

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MTG gets Das Boot from Freedom Caucus


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5e84df No.69876

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134301 (062003ZJUL23) Notable: Tiger net: Dynomite with Jim and James July 6, 2023

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Dynomite with Jim and James July 6, 2023


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5e84df No.69877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134305 (062004ZJUL23) Notable: Penguinsix was riding around DC on Sunday - saw Hazmat called to WH (starts ~8:30)

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Penguinsix was riding around DC on Sunday.

Hazmat call at the White House with a strange ending.penguinsix 153K subscribers 244,174 views Premiered Jul 2, 2023

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5e84df No.69878

File: e5d3bc4404605c2⋯.mp4 (426.15 KB,414x232,207:116,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f40aa6ddd8fdde0⋯.png (1.18 MB,1000x576,125:72,Clipboard.png)

File: 8532879db8325e5⋯.png (1.15 MB,1050x593,1050:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134333 (062009ZJUL23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene voted out of Freedom Caucus

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"According to reports, Greene called Boebert “a little bitch” on the House floor."


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5e84df No.69879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134363 (062015ZJUL23) Notable: The Chinese are not just in Cuba but Mexico too

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(PB) >>69854 China Has Had an Intelligence Base in Cuba for at Least 30 Years

The Chinese are in Mexico too. Mexico has NEVER been America's friend. They always side with our enemy at the moment. Don't forget that.

Over the last few years China’s presence in Mexico has expanded in both legal and illegal activities. According to preliminary data, trade between China and Mexico topped $100 billion in 2021, a new record. Imports from China account for over 90% of total trade between China and Mexico. Chinese foreign direct investments in Mexico tallied $189 billion in 2020. But, while legitimate commerce between Mexico and China is growing, Chinese groups are also becoming more involved in drug trafficking and money laundering in Mexico. In 2007, police in Mexico City seized $205 million in cash from a home owned by Chinese businessman Zhenli Ye Gong.


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5e84df No.69880

File: 62e523fb788a8ea⋯.png (259.93 KB,544x573,544:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134369 (062017ZJUL23) Notable: A group of former U.S. national security officials have held secret talks with prominent Russians re ending the Ukraine war

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NBC News


BREAKING: A group of former U.S. national security officials have held secret talks with prominent Russians, including the Kremlin’s top diplomat, with the aim of laying the groundwork for negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, sources tell




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5e84df No.69881

File: a8680c1170dabea⋯.png (205.5 KB,613x847,613:847,Clipboard.png)

File: c25d83f0c7204da⋯.png (1.27 MB,853x1280,853:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134385 (062019ZJUL23) Notable: Bloomberg now believes Ukraine has more tanks than Russ

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The US Media now believes Ukraine has more tanks than Russia.




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5e84df No.69882

File: e0f62b51cdfa497⋯.png (520.83 KB,885x590,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134392 (062021ZJUL23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene voted out of Freedom Caucus

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Booted From House Freedom Caucus


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5e84df No.69883

File: 99f9f5eeb598896⋯.png (158.3 KB,1455x920,291:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134423 (062029ZJUL23) Notable: What's happening with Zaporhoze crisis?

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Translation: Ukraine calls off planned flag attack on Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).


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5e84df No.69884

File: ac97c38be07d8e0⋯.png (239.86 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134427 (062029ZJUL23) Notable: 2 firefighters confirmed dead after fire aboard cargo ship in Newark

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2 firefighters confirmed dead after fire aboard cargo ship in Newark

Wed, July 5, 2023 at 8:33 PM PDT

NEWARK, N.J. - Two firefighters were confirmed dead overnight after a fire aboard a cargo ship in Port Newark.

CBS New York's John Dias and Zinnia Maldonado have live team coverage from the scene this morning.

The fire broke out around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday on the 10th floor of the ship docked by Corbin and Marsh streets. Officials said multiple vehicles on the ship caught fire, then spread to the two floors above.

A public safety spokesperson said the main body of the fire has been put out, but crews are still working to get it completely under control.

Officials confirmed two firefighters went missing, then reached out to other agencies for help, but they were eventually found and pronounced dead on the scene.

"Our prayers go out to them, to their families, to their brothers and sisters in the fire department who fought beside them tonight and probably many fires before this one," Newark Mayor Ras Baraka said. "I saw acts of bravery and comradery today that are unparalleled. And it's very, very, very traumatic for all of us."

"Unfortunately, we have a loss. This is a tragedy, something that I, as a chief, never wanted to express," added Fire Chief Rufus Jackson.

Watch Zinnia Maldonado's report

Earlier this morning, there was a procession for the firefighters, which traveled from the port to a nearby hospital. Their identities have yet to be released, but they were both members of the Newark Fire Department.

CBS New York learned the ship, called Grande Costa D'Avorio, traveled from Baltimore on a two-day journey. It can carry more than 47,000 tons and was carrying multiple cars at the time of the fire.

The ship was built in 2011 and sails under the flag of Italy, because it's owned by one of the country's leading ship owners, a family-owned company called the Grimaldi Group. The company specializes in the maritime transport of cars, as well as shipping containers.

The port, officially called the Port Newark Container Terminal, is about 272 acres - the largest container port on the East Coast.

There's still no word on how exactly the fire started.


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5e84df No.69885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134428 (062029ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family

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‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family

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5e84df No.69886

File: 2d7d8e856d8e37d⋯.png (244.49 KB,551x412,551:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134432 (062030ZJUL23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene voted out of Freedom Caucus

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Booted From House Freedom Caucus

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was booted from the House Freedom Caucus.

The Freedom Caucus, chaired by Scott Perry (PA), voted on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s future with the group late last month.

According to Politico, the Georgia lawmaker was booted from the Freedom Caucus in last week’s vote.

The vote took place shortly after Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, a fellow member of the Freedom Caucus, clashed on the House floor.

According to reports, Greene called Boebert “a little bitch” on the House floor.

Politico reported:

What’s happening? A member of the House Freedom Caucus on Thursday confirmed that the conservative group has voted to boot Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — a vote first reported by POLITICO last week.

“A vote was taken to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Freedom Caucus for some of the things she’s done,” said Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.).

Details: The Maryland Republican declined to say how he voted, but called the decision to remove her “an appropriate action.” Pressed if that meant Greene is formally out, Harris, who noted he is on the group’s board, added: “As far as I know, that is the way it is.”

A spokesperson for Greene did not respond to a request for comment on her status within the Freedom Caucus. A spokesperson for the group also didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


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5e84df No.69887

File: ded817838e2b8ec⋯.png (253.05 KB,529x540,529:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134446 (062032ZJUL23) Notable: RE WH cocaine belonging to Bidens: Mid-level Biden staffer Andrew Bates: "I don't have a response to that because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act"

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On claims "the cocaine found in the White House had belonged to either the president or his son. Are you willing to say that that's not the case?"

Mid-level Biden staffer Andrew Bates: "I don't have a response to that because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act"


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5e84df No.69888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134456 (062034ZJUL23) Notable: Roseanne Barr interviews dear friend Mo'Nique

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Roseanne Barr interviews dear friend Mo'Nique

Jul 6, 2023

Roseanne is joined by her long-time "soulmate" award-winning actress and comedienne Mo'Nique. The pair discuss overcoming obstacles associated with being successful and edgy women in Hollywood. Topics include race, raising men, and how the "pickings" of women for their sons is troubling these days- and also their fault.


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5e84df No.69889

File: 6bd0fa6fd60b11d⋯.png (212.13 KB,812x885,812:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 793d3f49127e7be⋯.png (77.5 KB,819x345,273:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134463 (062035ZJUL23) Notable: How To Create a Fake News Cycle

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How To Create a Fake News Cycle

Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to pillory him as an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is having a moment. A recent poll from CNN of all places showed him earning 20% of Democratic primary voters – and that was before his Joe Rogan interview and shirtless push-up video went viral. Kennedy’s support only confirms the titanic loss of trust between voters and mainstream media.

Except for those in the business, few people understand the inner workings of the media world. As a doctor and lifelong Democratic voter who pulled the lever for Biden in 2020, I had no clue. Prior to COVID-19, I trusted that what I was reading represented the truth. My experience running the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) quickly disabused me of that idea.

The first wave hit in December 2020, when I testified in the Senate that corticosteroids were saving my COVID patients’ lives. My recommendations weren’t just ignored – they were attacked, and I was personally ridiculed as a fraud and Trump puppet. My life and career were upended. I felt forced to resign my faculty position. It was cold comfort when a few months later, a large study confirmed my testimony and government agencies added steroids to the standard of care for COVID patients.

I struggled to make sense of it through much of 2021. The Biden administration and the mainstream media single-mindedly pushed untested vaccines even as the FLCCC accumulated more and more evidence that cheap, generic medicines could stop COVID. As I detailed in my new book, “The War on Ivermectin,” simply presenting evidence that doctors were using the medicine to treat and prevent COVID around the world was a dog whistle for the mob.

After this crash course in media manipulation, I was much savvier and learned to spot the tactics. When in September 2021 Rachel Maddow tweeted a local news story to her 10 million followers about Oklahoma hospitals being overrun with ivermectin overdoses, I knew it was fake news.

The report quoted a doctor claiming that patients overdosing on ivermectin were backing up rural hospitals. Supposedly people coming to the ER with serious injuries – even gunshot wounds – could not access care. The story was laundered through countless media outlets and blue checks, who were already skeptical of ivermectin because of its association with Trump and his supporters. In their eyes, a bunch of MAGA lunatics overdosing on “horse de-wormer” were killing grandma.

Six days later, the hospital where the doctor worked confirmed that the story was a total fabrication. There were no ivermectin overdoses – none – and the doctor hadn’t worked at the hospital in more than two months.

This was easily the sloppiest and most brazen hit job the media pulled during the pandemic. But Rolling Stone’s coverage took the cakes. The outlet used a photo portraying people lined up outside wearing winter clothes – wrong season. As the saying goes, “A lie is halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.” To this day, Rolling Stone still hasn’t taken the story down. It simply changed the headline and slapped on a disclaimer.

The whole debacle presents a neat lesson in how to create a fake news cycle. It goes like this.


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5e84df No.69890

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134468 (062036ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family

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5e84df No.69891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134471 (062037ZJUL23) Notable: RE WH cocaine belonging to Bidens: Mid-level Biden staffer Andrew Bates: "I don't have a response to that because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act"

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Hatch Act Overview

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Hatch Act, a federal law passed in 1939, limits certain political activities of federal employees, as well as some state, D.C., and local government employees who work in connection with federally funded programs. ​The law’s purposes are to ensure that federal programs are administered in a nonpartisan fashion, to protect federal employees from political coercion in the workplace, and to ensure that federal employees are advanced based on merit and not based on political affiliation.​​​​ ​​

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5e84df No.69892

File: bc09a47b3547d2b⋯.png (196.51 KB,658x2111,658:2111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134473 (062037ZJUL23) Notable: Growing bio-inspired polymer brains for artificial neural networks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19133526 lb


Growing bio-inspired polymer brains for artificial neural networks


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5e84df No.69893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134482 (062038ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Shunned From Hollywood For EXPOSING a $150 Billion Trafficking Network

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Caviezel Shunned From Hollywood For EXPOSING a $150 Billion Trafficking Network

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.69894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134494 (062041ZJUL23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene voted out of Freedom Caucus

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What a freak show. Congress had to create a separate caucus to give Americans a shot at freedom. On July 4th 1776 all of Congress was a Freedom Caucus. Next time you Congress sons of bitches and bastards tweets it should be an apology to the American people. That's a fact. Carry on Freedom Caucus. 8 years and running.

Current members

A number of members have identified themselves, or have been identified by others, as belonging to the Freedom Caucus. There are at least 45 caucus members as of July 2023; those members include:


Barry Moore (AL-2)[111]

Gary Palmer (AL-6)[112]


Eli Crane (AZ-2)[113]

Andy Biggs (AZ-5)[114]

Debbie Lesko (AZ-8)[115]

Paul Gosar (AZ-9)[116]


Lauren Boebert (CO-3) – Communications Chair[117]

Ken Buck (CO-4)[118]


Matt Gaetz (FL-1)[119]

Bill Posey (FL-8)[120]

Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13)[121]

Greg Steube (FL-17)[122]

Byron Donalds (FL-19)[123][124]


Andrew Clyde (GA-9)[125]

Mike Collins (GA-10)[126]


Russ Fulcher (ID-1)[127]


Mary Miller (IL-15)[128]


Clay Higgins (LA-3)[129]

Mike Johnson (LA-4)[130]


Andy Harris (MD-1)[131]


Eric Burlison (MO-7)[132]


Matt Rosendale (MT-2)[133]

North Carolina

Greg Murphy (NC-3)[134]

Dan Bishop (NC-8)[135]


Jim Jordan (OH-4) – Vice chair[136]

Warren Davidson (OH-8) – Whip[137]


Josh Brecheen (OK-2)[113]


Scott Perry (PA-10) – Chair[138]

South Carolina

Jeff Duncan (SC-3)[139]

Ralph Norman (SC-5)[140]


Diana Harshbarger (TN-1)[141]

Scott DesJarlais (TN-4)[142]

Andy Ogles (TN-5)[113]

Mark Green (TN-7)[143]


Ronny Jackson (TX-13)[144]

Randy Weber (TX-14)[2]

Chip Roy (TX-21) – Policy Chair[145]

Troy Nehls (TX-22)[146]

Michael Cloud (TX-27)[147]


Bob Good (VA-5)[148]

Ben Cline (VA-6)[149]

Morgan Griffith (VA-9)[150]

West Virginia

Alex Mooney (WV-2)[151] (retiring at the end of the 118th Congress to run for Senate)


Tom Tiffany (WI-7)[152]


Harriet Hageman (WY-AL)[153]

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5e84df No.69895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134506 (062044ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Shunned From Hollywood For EXPOSING a $150 Billion Trafficking Network

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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5e84df No.69896

File: fdd4cb8b5bf7188⋯.mp4 (185.59 KB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c109d4150936507⋯.png (101.58 KB,938x484,469:242,Clipboard.png)

File: 291e8f1e7b1d6a1⋯.png (532.75 KB,1086x488,543:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 730944c51db6a8f⋯.png (1.36 MB,1200x1020,20:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 19b25bf37f5337e⋯.png (590.34 KB,1088x607,1088:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134609 (062105ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden: "I'm not here to declare victory on the economy, I'm here to say we have a plan that's turning things around quickly"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Biden: "I'm not here to declare victory on the economy, I'm here to say we have a plan that's turning things around quickly"



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5e84df No.69897

File: 377bca97e8a872e⋯.png (82.79 KB,523x242,523:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134620 (062107ZJUL23) Notable: John Rich: New narc charge would violate Hunter's parole

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.69898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134629 (062108ZJUL23) Notable: John Rich: New narc charge would violate Hunter's parole

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Anon doesnt have a twitter anymore.

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5e84df No.69899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134654 (062113ZJUL23) Notable: Anon: "QAnon guru" Michael Protzman (Negative 48) used to make outlandish comments to make Q look ridiculous

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's Michael Protzman, otherwise known as 'Negative48'. He used to make all kinds of outlandish comments and predictions in an attempt to make Q look ridiculous.


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5e84df No.69900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134669 (062116ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom: It's #1 - One theater was Sold out So they Added 6 more Showings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sound of Freedom

One theater was Sold out

So they Added 6 more Showings

for which they also Sold out


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5e84df No.69901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134683 (062119ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom: It's #1 - One theater was Sold out So they Added 6 more Showings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disney DEMOLISHED! 'Sound of Freedom' WHIPS Indiana Jones At Box Office

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5e84df No.69902

File: 23d63249ee4e342⋯.png (663.04 KB,824x708,206:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 02515d58c264503⋯.png (96.51 KB,628x679,628:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134684 (062119ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden tells a young black woman what it would be like if she were his ‘daughter’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Joe Biden tells a young black woman what

it would be like if she were his ‘daughter’

American Thinker, by Olivia Murray

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 7/6/2023 2:58:50 PM

For reasons unknown but entirely providential, Joe Biden spared the audience from any of the more salacious or sordid details of what it might be like for any female to be as disadvantaged and ill-fated as Ashley Biden. A resurfaced video appeared online this week, which featured Joe Biden speaking before a group of students at Benedict College in South Carolina. At one point, a young black woman stood up, and posed this question: “If I were your daughter, what advice would you give me the next time I’m stopped by the police?” To this, Biden responded, “If you were my daughter, you’d be a caucasian girl, and you wouldn't

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5e84df No.69903

File: fb4c0ae80f6db47⋯.png (197.57 KB,746x817,746:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 15843c3605d9ebf⋯.png (746.5 KB,757x928,757:928,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134686 (062120ZJUL23) Notable: United States Files Forfeiture Action Against Over Nine Thousand Rifles and Over 700,000 Rounds of Ammunition Enroute from Iran to Yemen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United States Files Forfeiture Action Against Over Nine Thousand Rifles and Over 700,000 Rounds of Ammunition Enroute from Iran to Yemen


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5e84df No.69904

File: 9a0b282f2d72974⋯.png (195.81 KB,596x874,298:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134690 (062120ZJUL23) Notable: Meta was hiring dozens of former Twitter employees to create a Twitter clone this past few months

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Turns out Meta was hiring dozens of former Twitter employees who had work phones & docs from the company so that they could create a Twitter clone this past few months

Now @elonmusk

is getting ready to sue them for violating intellectual property & trade secrets laws




7:50 AM · Jul 6, 2023




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5e84df No.69905

File: 91fc83e0ad42396⋯.png (593.12 KB,452x723,452:723,Clipboard.png)

File: 4046a2203158ce5⋯.png (164.59 KB,447x445,447:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134698 (062122ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Campaign Raises $35 Million, With Average Contribution $34.20

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(pic top donations of DeSantis campaign)

The People’s President – Trump Campaign Raises $35 Million, With Average Contribution $34.20

July 6, 2023 | Sundance |

According to Trump campaign officials talking to Politico about recent fundraising, in the second quarter of this year the Trump campaign raised $35 millionwith an average contribution of $34.20 per donor. Doing the math, that’s over a million small donors, average Americans, supporting President Trump.

This level of small donor fundraising reminds us of the summer of 2016 when former RNC Chairman ReincePriebusfirst saw the scale of small donors for President Trump andsuddenly realized no political candidate before him had ever assembled such a massive level of grassroots support.Many of those donors contributing for the first time in their lives.

The reality of the “people’s president” is inside this jaw-dropping data-point.

While all other candidates need to fundraise from the grass roots only to water down the scale of the big donors behind them, President Trump builds his political empire from the bottom up.

Florida Governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has the backing of the Wall Street, billionaires and hedge fund managers, a select small group of very affluent donors with massive financial resources. Keep in mind, the RGA, also funded by those same financial elite, previously transferred $20 million to the DeSantis Florida construct in a proactive measure to fund the 2024 operation before the DeSantis managers transferred the money for use in the national campaign. The $20 million in 2022 was a big *tell* indicating the proactive financial positioning. DeSantis ’24 was a long preplanned operation; the RGA money was a proactive positioning assist.

While the DeSantis network has more than $100 million amassed, almost all of it from big multinationals and corporate supporters; what they do not have are small donors. Therein lies the difference. Therein lies the fraud. Yes, even in the financial data you will discover the scheme.

(Via Politico) – […] The former president’s joint fundraising committee raked in more than $35 million, according to a campaign official. That figure is about twice the $18.8 million the committee raised during the first quarter of the year. The joint fundraising committee is split between two entities: Trump’s official campaign, and his leadership political action committee, Save America.

The total amount raised is likely to further cement Trump’s status as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. It also underscores that the twin indictments he’s facing — with the possibility of more to come — are mobilizing his base of online donors. The average donation was $34.20, according to his campaign. (read more)

When people ask me how I was so certain last year that Ron DeSantis was going to run in 2024, the $20 million from the Republican Governors Association is often the easiest reference point that doesn’t need a lot of explanation. Ron DeSantis was polling in the high double digits ahead of Charlie Crist; he literally didn’t need campaign money – yet the RGA sent him $20 million, their biggest allocation of financial resources.

It didn’t make sense….. Unless, that allocation was essentially a pre-positioned fund for use in ’24.

Once you accept that reality, then you begin to see the footprints of control and intent.

The Sea Island donors to Ron DeSantis are the same big donors to the RGA. The RGA pre-positioned the $20 million, because the RGA always knew the bigger goal, the hidden goal, that Ron DeSantis was always going to run for the ’24 nomination. The money was a Big Club move that highlights their secretive operation.

♦ The Illusion of Choice – Once you realize the Republican Governors Association was in on the 2024 anti-Trump control operation all along, then you can look at what other influences the Republican governors would deploy as part of the agenda. That’s where the changing of state primary dates, delegate distribution rules and control of electoral operations starts to surface.

This is what we are up against.

This is why I celebrate Ms. Laura Loomer and her efforts to stop the California GOP agenda.Keep watching.


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5e84df No.69906

File: 9f20cf16820f6ab⋯.png (14.12 KB,586x211,586:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134706 (062123ZJUL23) Notable: Crazy Days and Nights on Sound of Freedom

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I think people are shocked that this controversial movie got great reviews from the trades in town. For the most part, the trades just review them as they see them. It happens to be a good movie. If it had been a bad movie, they would have said so. I mean, one of the actor's most controversial roles, saw the film win three Oscars.


Jealousy because they didn't think to make it first?

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5e84df No.69907

File: 36e9eec22ddc8ef⋯.png (55.75 KB,1087x364,1087:364,Clipboard.png)

File: c15701f4592b2ca⋯.png (171.17 KB,850x999,850:999,Clipboard.png)

File: 70ac1dc2549bee3⋯.png (497.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134708 (062124ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom: It's #1 - One theater was Sold out So they Added 6 more Showings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.69908

File: de73dd34a1543f7⋯.png (870.88 KB,1158x682,579:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134712 (062125ZJUL23) Notable: The Company You Keep: White House Logs how Biden Meeting With Far-Left Smear Factory Tied to Terrorism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Company You Keep: White House Logs

Show Biden Meeting With Far-Left Smear

Factory Tied to Terrorism

Daily Signal, by Ben Collier

Posted By: Hazymac, 7/6/2023 1:13:59 PM

Staff and leadership at the radical Southern Poverty Law Center have frequently visited the Biden White House, according to White House visitor logs. Collaboration between the federal government and the SPLC should alarm Americans as the federal government ramps its weaponization of domestic law enforcement and intelligence agencies. White House records show that members of the SPLC have visited the White House at least 11 times over the short span of three years. These meetings mostly involved Biden himself, referred to as “POTUS”—an acronym for “president of the United States”—and typically featured officials from his Cabinet. These frequent consultations indicate that the Left and the Biden

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5e84df No.69909

File: 97c24f68a46bc6a⋯.png (245.47 KB,587x518,587:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134721 (062127ZJUL23) Notable: North Carolina Democrat Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Sex Changes for Minors, Limiting School Instruction on Gender Ideology

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Gateway Pundit


North Carolina Democrat Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Sex Changes for Minors, Limiting School Instruction on Gender Ideology


North Carolina Democrat Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Sex Changes for Minors, Limiting School Instruction on Gender Ideology…

North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Roy Cooper has vetoed three bills related to transgender issues, one banning sex changes for minors, another keeping biological males out of girls’ sports, and a third…

The Gateway Pundit

Jul 06, 2023, 10:19 AM

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5e84df No.69910

File: 58d8af897e6f7c5⋯.png (24.11 KB,707x380,707:380,Clipboard.png)

File: d339376607449e5⋯.png (234.66 KB,663x859,663:859,Clipboard.png)

File: ea88a6f0be84c98⋯.png (217.47 KB,687x786,229:262,Clipboard.png)

File: 67940f27147f668⋯.png (86.71 KB,644x337,644:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134722 (062127ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America - The Guardian (kek)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America

Jim Caviezel stars as a hero trying to stop child traffickers ina paranoid new movie turning into a surprise box-office hit

Type the words “sound of freedom” into Twitter (decent people who wish to live good, happy lives should under no circumstances actually do this) and the search will yield dozens of triumphant reports crowing about the improbable victory of a film by that title over the likes of Indiana Jones at the box office this week.

Summer flopbusters: why were Indiana Jones and The Flash box office bombs?

Read more

That’s not, strictly speaking, accurate – Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny had already been out for five days, the first three of which out-earned Sound of Freedom’s opening-day take, when the new independent thriller came to theaters on Tuesday. But for a fleeting moment this past Fourth of July, while the intended audience of Indy’s latest outing was presumably spending time with their families and friends at barbecues or in other social situations, an unoccupied fandom rallied by the star Jim Caviezel claimed the day with a $14.2m gross versus Dial of Destiny’s $11.7m. No matter that these figures require selective, almost willfully misleading framing to allow for the David-and-Goliath narrative trumpeted by supporters; as the copious tweets accusing Disney of being in cahoots with a global cabal of high-power pedophiles make clear, the truth doesn’t have too much purchase around these parts.

However one chooses to slice it, Sound of Freedom has over-delivered on expectations in dollars and cents, a feat of profitability uncommon for a comparatively low-budget production without a major Hollywood-led promotional campaign. Judging by the robust round of applause that concluded the fully-seated screening I attended on Wednesday evening – and this, in the liberal Sodom of Manhattan! – it would seem that the folks at the two-year-old Angel Studios have tapped into a substantial and eagerly marshaled viewership.

Following that money leads back to a more unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far-right fringe, a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause célèbre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings. The uninitiated may not pick up on the red-yarn-and-corkboard subtext pinned onto a mostly straightforward extraction mission in South America, pretty much Taken with a faint whiff of something noxious in the air. Those tuned in to the eardrum-perforating frequency of QAnon, however, have heeded a clarion call that leads right to the multiplex.


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5e84df No.69911

File: aaf392949523ae2⋯.png (77.17 KB,590x899,590:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134728 (062128ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Charlie Kirk


The NY Post's Miranda Devine has an EXPLOSIVE new story out today: A 14-minute video from "missing" Israeli professor Gal Luft accusing the Biden family of spectacular amounts of corruption by selling the country out to the Chinese.

Luft was recently arrested and is currently a fugitive, which he claims was to stop him from testifying before House Oversight. We don't know if his allegations are true, but there's reason to believe him: Luft showed proof his attorney spoke to the FBI all the way back in fall 2020, days after the Hunter laptop released.

Luft says he offered evidence against the Bidens during a meeting with the FBI in Brussels in 2019. He's named multiple specific names of the people he met. verifying whether that meeting happened should be easy.

If Luft is telling the truth about that meeting, then he very likely is telling the truth about two other facts: That the Bidens provided an FBI mole named "One Eye" to funnel intel to the CEFC, and that Hunter and James Bides were being paid $165,000/month, combined, to lobby for a Chinese energy company with direct and well-known ties to the CCP.

These are spectacular allegations. But why would that make them untrue?

The Hunter Biden laptop was spectacular, but it's true.

The idea that Hunter Biden could become a painter, and immediately start selling his "art" for 6 figures, is insane, but true.

It's ridiculous to believe that unqualified Hunter Biden was paid $83,000 a month by a Ukrainian energy firm while his father was head of Ukraine policy for the Obama WH, but it's true.

It's ridiculous to believe that multiple IRS agents stepped forward with damning proof that the DOJ engaged in an elaborate scheme to shield Hunter Biden from more serious crimes.

But it's all TRUE.

The regime's strategy for the Biden family corruption is to beat you down with deafening silence from Joe Biden, from the legacy media, and from our law enforcement agencies in response to the most glaring corruption imaginable.

All while they work to throw Donald Trump in prison for 200 years for a paperwork dispute.

Your job is to not fall for it.

3:23 AM · Jul 6, 2023




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5e84df No.69912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134843 (062145ZJUL23) Notable: #23500

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23500 >>69871

>>69872 Matt Braynard Claims J6er Was Offered a Plea Deal that Included “Condemning President Trump” Saying “President Trump… Made Him Do It”

>>69873 Dan Bongino Explains Why There's 'Zero Chance' WH Cocaine Brought in by Anyone Other Than Family

>>69874, >>69875, >>69878, >>69882, >>69886, >>69894 Marjorie Taylor Greene voted out of Freedom Caucus

>>69876 Tiger net: Dynomite with Jim and James July 6, 2023

>>69877 Penguinsix was riding around DC on Sunday - saw Hazmat called to WH (starts ~8:30)

>>69879 The Chinese are not just in Cuba but Mexico too

>>69880 A group of former U.S. national security officials have held secret talks with prominent Russians re ending the Ukraine war

>>69881 Bloomberg now believes Ukraine has more tanks than Russ

>>69883 What's happening with Zaporhoze crisis?

>>69884 2 firefighters confirmed dead after fire aboard cargo ship in Newark

>>69887, >>69891 RE WH cocaine belonging to Bidens: Mid-level Biden staffer Andrew Bates: "I don't have a response to that because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act"

>>69888 Roseanne Barr interviews dear friend Mo'Nique

>>69889 How To Create a Fake News Cycle

>>69892 Growing bio-inspired polymer brains for artificial neural networks

>>69893, >>69895 Jim Caviezel Shunned From Hollywood For EXPOSING a $150 Billion Trafficking Network

>>69896 Joe Biden: "I'm not here to declare victory on the economy, I'm here to say we have a plan that's turning things around quickly"

>>69897, >>69898 John Rich: New narc charge would violate Hunter's parole

>>69899 Anon: "QAnon guru" Michael Protzman (Negative 48) used to make outlandish comments to make Q look ridiculous

>>69900, >>69901, >>69907 Sound of Freedom: It's #1 - One theater was Sold out So they Added 6 more Showings

>>69902 Joe Biden tells a young black woman what it would be like if she were his ‘daughter’

>>69903 United States Files Forfeiture Action Against Over Nine Thousand Rifles and Over 700,000 Rounds of Ammunition Enroute from Iran to Yemen

>>69904 Meta was hiring dozens of former Twitter employees to create a Twitter clone this past few months

>>69905 Trump Campaign Raises $35 Million, With Average Contribution $34.20

>>69906 Crazy Days and Nights on Sound of Freedom

>>69908 The Company You Keep: White House Logs how Biden Meeting With Far-Left Smear Factory Tied to Terrorism

>>69909 North Carolina Democrat Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Sex Changes for Minors, Limiting School Instruction on Gender Ideology

>>69910 Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America - The Guardian (kek)

>>69885, >>69890, >>69847, >>69911 ‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family



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5e84df No.69913

File: 57880e15db31804⋯.png (442.64 KB,894x548,447:274,Clipboard.png)

File: 19d9a948c460df2⋯.png (80.2 KB,629x626,629:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 77f53d6d53f06f7⋯.png (622.32 KB,584x520,73:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134865 (062149ZJUL23) Notable: "Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America" - Charles Bramesco, @theguardian

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Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America

Jim Caviezel stars as a hero trying to stop child traffickers in a paranoid new movie turning into a surprise box-office hit

Charles Bramesco

Thu 6 Jul 2023 17.06 EDT

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5e84df No.69914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134869 (062150ZJUL23) Notable: #23501

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting in 20

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5e84df No.69915

File: 77e7afcd30520c0⋯.png (305.28 KB,605x558,605:558,Clipboard.png)

File: 59184ac65d2a7ec⋯.png (208.32 KB,483x680,483:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134871 (062151ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

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Elon Musk’s Twitter Threatens To Sue Meta Over Copycat Threads App



Twitter has taken action against Meta by sending a cease-and-desist letter regarding their newly released app Threads.

According to Semafor News, the letter accuses Meta of unlawfully utilizing Twitter’s trade secrets, alleging that they have employed former Twitter employees who still possess proprietary information.

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5e84df No.69916

File: bafaee700f2ad58⋯.png (371.34 KB,550x550,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134879 (062152ZJUL23) Notable: "Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America" - Charles Bramesco, @theguardian

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>Charles Bramesco

His favorite movie is Boogie Nights.


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5e84df No.69917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134897 (062155ZJUL23) Notable: [2/5 stars] "Is QAnon a ‘pandemic’ – and do we need a digital WHO?" - James Ball, telegraph.co.uk

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5e84df No.69918

File: 726512c89a29417⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134902 (062156ZJUL23) Notable: The founders of the trust that owns The Guardian were SLAVE TRAFFICKERS.

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>>>/qresearch/19134779 lb


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5e84df No.69919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134910 (062158ZJUL23) Notable: DOJ attempts to block Trump deposition in former FBI agent Peter Strzok lawsuit

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DOJ attempts to block Trump deposition in former FBI agent Peter Strzok lawsuit

by Jack Birle, Breaking News Reporter | July 06, 2023 04:58 PM

The Department of Justice is asking for a district court judge to block former President Donald Trump from being deposed in a lawsuit filed by former FBI agents who were fired during his administration.

In a redacted filing on Wednesday, DOJ officials argued that Trump's deposition was not necessary because of the deposition of FBI Director Christopher Wray, among other "new evidence."

"The new evidence also consists of other sworn testimony from key, high-level government officials with direct knowledge of the former President’s communications (or lack thereof) regarding Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page. The availability of that evidence to Mr. Strzok means the deposition of former President Trump is not appropriate," the filing said.

Wray's deposition, which happened last week, wascited throughout the filing but was redacted. The DOJ said that "whatever wiggle room there might have been is now gone," with relation to getting Trump to be deposed.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled in favor of the DOJ's request to have Trump's deposition delayed until after Wray was deposed, concluding that having the former president testify first would violate standing precedent that federal officials are questioned in order of seniority.

Jackson had ruled in February that Trump and Wray could be deposed in the lawsuit,but the DOJ is still fighting not to have Trump deposed in the legal battle.

The lawsuit was filed by former FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in 2019 after they were fired from their positions while working on the investigation into alleged ties between Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. Text messages from the two while they were working on the investigation showed them espousing anti-Trump sentiments.

Strzok argued he was terminated for political reasons and is seeking to be reinstated at the bureau and be awarded damages. Page is claiming her privacy rights were violated with the text messages being revealed, while also seeking damages.

(The “how to introduce evidence” rule, they are trying to prevent evidence being talked about by Trump! Or him defending himself, because surely Wray lied in his deposition, maybe Wray recommended to Trump fire them. That's gotta be it, Wray recommended Trump fire them, and then he lied in his deposition, the DOJ doesn't want the court to know that.)


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5e84df No.69920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134913 (062159ZJUL23) Notable: "Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America" - Charles Bramesco, @theguardian

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‘BLEW US AWAY’: Angel Studios Co-Founder Reacts to Historic Box Office Victory for ‘Sound of Freedom’

July 5, 2023

Angel Studios’ “Sound of Freedom,” an action thriller exposing the child sex slave trade featuring “Passion of the Christ” actor Jim Caviezel, sold more tickets heading into its opening day July 4 than the blockbuster wannabe “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.”

“As exciting that it is to hit the number 1 spot for this summer opening, it doesn’t even come close to the excitement that the number means for awareness of this issue,” Jordan Harmon, co-owner of Angel Studios, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Wednesday.

“Sound of Freedom” topped the charts with $14.3 million in ticket sales at 2,634 theaters on the Fourth of July, according to Box Office Mojo. “Indiana Jones” came in second with $11.7 million at 4,600 theaters. Disney’s “Elemental,” with $2.8 million at 3,650 theaters, was a distant third.

Harmon said Angel had internal data showing that the film would likely bring in “significantly more than anybody projected,” but “this blew us away.”

“The early projections had sound of freedom at $10 million for the whole week, to do $14-plus million on opening day is wild,” he added. “We’re thrilled to death, there’s a lot to do and there’s awareness to be brought to this incredible cause.”

“That number is a reflection of the lives that will be rescued from this darkness,” Harmon declared.

“Sound of Freedom” tells the story of Tim Ballard (Caviezel), a former agent at the Department of Homeland Security who rescued hundreds of children from sex slavery. Ballard has warned that the Biden administration’s border policy and its transgender ideology aid and abet the evils of the global child sex slave trade. As an actor, Caviezel has spoken out against the legacy media for burying such important issues.

Yet some news outlets have questioned the Caviezel film’s impressive haul, claiming that some of the tickets don’t count. Deadline’s Anthony D’Alessandro had the top two spots reversed, claiming that Indy “officially wins” with $11.698 million and “Sound of Freedom” takes a respectable second with $11.5 million. Why the disparity?

“Angel Studios is a using a crowdfunding platform to spur its ticket sales. Known as Pay It Forward, the patent-pending technology from the distributor is billed as empowering moviegoers to purchase tickets for other people,” the Deadline reporter explained.

Angel Studios launched Pay It Forward for the movie “His Only Son,” and it uses the program to enable viewers to purchase episodes of the hit streaming series about Jesus, “The Chosen,” so others can watch it for free online.

Angel Studios CEO Neal Harmon touted Pay It Forward in his statement on “Sound of Freedom” hitting the top spot at the box office. The company’s press release reads: “Angel Studios’ Pay It Forward Technology Propels Sound of Freedom to #1 movie in America July 4th.”

“The industry’s tossing and turning to even understand what we’re doing,” Jordan Harmon told The Daily Signal. “They don’t really know how to even process that we’ve created a new way for box office to increase drastically.”

With Pay It Forward, there are three potential buckets of tickets: tickets for July 4 showings that audiences purchased, tickets that people purchased through Pay It Forward before July 4 that were claimed for July 4 showings, and tickets that people purchased through Pay It Forward that are still available for people to claim for showings after July 4. These unclaimed tickets may play a similar role to pre-purchased tickets, when someone buys a ticket on July 4 for a showing that will take place at a later date, such as July 8.

Since distributors report their own box office numbers, “every studio probably has its own methodologies,” Harmon explained. While most distributors probably count “butts in seats” for the gross box office, Angel Studios has its own method of counting Pay It Forward tickets.

Harmon said “it doesn’t really matter” how Angel counts the ticket sales because “we’re never going to double-count tickets or purchases.” He reiterated that Hollywood doesn’t know what to make of Pay It Forward because “it’s never been done before.”

The Angel Studios film “His Only Son,” which tells the story of Abraham and his son Isaac, outpunched “Creed III” at the box office earlier this year.

Disney did not respond to a request for comment about the Pay It Forward numbers by publication time.


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5e84df No.69921

File: 7b0ec6e868a483e⋯.pdf (498.83 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134919 (062200ZJUL23) Notable: "Preserve your records" Vance tells colleges that jeered affirmative action ruling

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Preserve your records, Vance tells colleges that jeered affirmative action ruling

by Samantha-Jo Roth, Congressional Reporter | July 06, 2023 04:36 PM

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) called on10 universitiesto preserve their communications after they reacted to the Supreme Court’s recent affirmative action ruling and “expressed open hostility.”

The Supreme Court ruled to ban the consideration of race as part of admissions decisions at colleges, including Harvard University and the University of North Carolina, ending the decades-long practice known as affirmative action.

Schools can consider race as a factor if the applicant has talked about how his or her race has affected their life. The majority held that "nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant's discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise. But, despite the dissent's assertion to the contrary, universities may not simply establish through application essays or other means the regime we hold unlawful today."

In response, several presidents of top universities emphasized their commitment to promoting “diversity” on campus. As a result, Vance sent letters to top universities on Thursday warning them against what he believed to be their intention to circumvent the Supreme Court’s ruling.

"I write to express concern about your institutions’ openly defiant and potentially unlawful reaction to the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, which reaffirmed the bedrock constitutional principle of equality under the law and therefore forbade invidious race-based preferences in college admissions," Vance wrote.

"As you know, the Court has instructed you to honor the spirit, and not just the letter, of the ruling," he continued. "Going forward, the Court explained, ‘universities may not simply establish through application essays or other means the regime we hold unlawful today.’"

In his letter, Vance included statements from each of the presidents of the 10 schools after the high court struck down race-based affirmative action.

The Ohio senator asked the university presidents to respond to several questions including the procedures the schools will be using to preserve their records and how they will ensure their new admissions practices uphold the recent ruling.

Vance also vowed that the Senate would use its full investigative powers to uncover circumvention, covert or otherwise, of the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action and advised schools “to retain admission documents in anticipation of future congressional investigations, including digital communications between admissions officers, any demographic or other data compiled during future admissions cycles, and other relevant materials."


Vance letter attached:

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5e84df No.69922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134924 (062201ZJUL23) Notable: The founders of the trust that owns The Guardian were SLAVE TRAFFICKERS.

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"The Scott Trust"

The Scott Trust is a limited partner in GMG Ventures LP.

In 2023, following independent academic research commissioned in 2020 reporting, the trust apologised for the trust's founders involvement in transatlantic slavery principally through the cotton trade. It announced a £10 million ten-year programme of restorative justice.

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5e84df No.69923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134937 (062204ZJUL23) Notable: The founders of the trust that owns The Guardian were SLAVE TRAFFICKERS.

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The founders of the trust that owns The Guardian were SLAVE TRAFFICKERS.

And they only apologized AFTER independent researchers published it.

Who REALLY funds/controls the Trust today?

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5e84df No.69924

File: 0ddc27a03c9de41⋯.png (290.19 KB,422x595,422:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134948 (062207ZJUL23) Notable: Robert Kennedy JR says that the evidence that the CIA killed JFK is so insurmountable and overwhelming that it is beyond any reasonable doubt and that the mainstream media refuses to accept anything but the Warren Report.

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Robert Kennedy JR says that the evidence that the CIA killed JFK is so insurmountable and overwhelming that it is beyond any reasonable doubt and that the mainstream media refuses to accept anything but the Warren Report. The American media finally had to admit that Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA asset and faked his Russian defection in order to deceive. This was a conspiracy to eliminate JFK because he refused to comply with the military-industrial complex. Is it time for the world to admit that the upper echelon of the CIA is corrupt beyond imagination?

He also says that Mike Pompeo talked to him the other day about the CIA and told him the upper echelon of the CIA do not believe in the institutions of democracy..dasting...What else is he talking to Pompeo about?

Twitter (https://twitter.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1677056736484802561?s=20)

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5e84df No.69925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134958 (062210ZJUL23) Notable: Ambrosia is the street term for Adrenochrome.

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"Adrenochrome. Ambrosia is the street term"

Truth Justice ™


THE ADRENOCHROME EMPIRE: What is driving the child trafficking demand? Child sex, organ harvesting and Adrenochrome. This is a big deal. Adrenochrome is an Elite drug they have used for many years. 10 times more potent than heroin with mystical qualities to make you look younger.

How is Adrenochrome produced? When a child knows he's going to die his body secretes adrenaline. It is the worst horror ever seen. The child is terrorized and screaming, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the Adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinal column. Once collected, the chemical like drug can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices.

These innocent children are deliberately terrorized for hours and sometimes days to increase the amount of adrenaline produced in their innocent bodies and then they are brutally murdered. Their terrorized blood, Adrenochrome is then sold to Elites and any person around the world willing to pay for it.

Human trafficking and child trafficking with all its evil components combined is a $152,000,000,000 Billion Dollar Business. We must save our innocent children.

Jim Caviezel is the star of Sound of Freedom which portrays the true story of a child trafficking rescue operation by Tim Ballard. The Sound of Freedom has the potential to change the world and end child trafficking by bringing awareness to this evil.

Many agents who have witnessed first hand all these atrocities against innocent children are terrified to come forward because they think they will be killed. This movie has the potential to move their hearts and give them the strength not to be afraid, but to bravely expose these atrocities to the world.

This is a clear and present danger. We need all the government agents who eye witnessed these atrocities to come forward as whistleblowers and bravely do the right thing. You must share this horrific truth with the world. Millions of children's lives depend upon you not being afraid to act. Remember, when God tells you to do something, you do not hesitate. For God's children are not for sale.

There are many child sex islands besides Epstein Island and this is one of the reasons why they do not want you to see the Sound of Freedom. You have a lot of government agencies involved in child trafficking.

Jim Caviezel says, yes 100 percent all the three letter agencies are involved in child trafficking. Absolutely, all of them which includes DHS, FBI, CIA, ICE, DOJ, DOD, HHS. Not every person in these agencies are involved, but the most powerful at the top are all involved. Who controls the 3 letter agencies? The Committee of 300.

2 Million children are sex trafficked every year and 2 million more are trafficked for organ harvesting. This is a completely organized operation of child trafficking demand and supply by our government agencies and wealthy bloodlines known as the Committee of 300.

Jim Caviezel spoke to government agents who revealed to him that a barrel of body parts of children, which include blood, Adrenochrome and all the parts that are in the mothers womb goes into a plastic barrel that is sold for $77,000 thousand dollars and then shipped to Bio Labs in Ukraine and other Bio Labs around the world.

The three letter agencies DHS, CIA, FBI, ICE, DOJ, DOD, HHS he believes are organizing these $77,000 thousand dollar child body part barrels. HHS Whistleblower testified that 85,000 unaccompanied children disappeared. They did not disappear, they are being trafficked by the U.S. Government under the control of the Pedophile Committee of 300.

Jim Caviezel also says he received from the best of the best sources that Hunter Biden's laptop will show Adrenochrome. Ambrosia is the street term or Elite term used for Adrenochrome.

This is the worst evil I have ever seen, he says. Many government agents who eye witness this evil do not last long in the field because the atrocities are too shocking and traumatizing, causing emotional damage.

Let me be clear, Tim Ballard never went into the Adrenochrome with Jim Caviezel at this time, Tim saw the organ harvesting, but Jim personally saw and heard the screams and murder involved in Adrenochrome from the evidence the agents had shown him. After seeing this he was not able to sleep for two years.

In the State of California lawmakers want to make it legal to kill babies up to 27 days after their birth. This is an all out attack, a war on God's innocent children. This is a war of good versus evil. A war we all must fight without fear until we eradicate every last trace of this evil from off the surface of our Earth.

3:07 PM · Jul 6, 2023



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5e84df No.69926

File: f3483fba3e162a8⋯.png (139.48 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134961 (062211ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Memes

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5e84df No.69927

File: 4513f49798230f3⋯.png (115.17 KB,426x360,71:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134991 (062215ZJUL23) Notable: Biden opens his speech in South Carolina by struggling to use his podium

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Biden opens his speech in South Carolina by struggling to use his podium: "If you're wondering what I'm kicking here, I'm kicking the stand in. It's not working."

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5e84df No.69928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134992 (062215ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

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Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

Twitter on Thursday issued a cease & desist letter to Meta over the new social media app ‘Threads.’

Elon Musk is threatening to sue Meta over its new “Twitter killer,” Threads, a text-based app that resembles Twitter.

Twitter accused Meta of hiring dozens of former Twitter employees who still have access to the social media platform’s trade secrets.

Attorney Alex Spiro said Meta assigned former Twitter employees to develop ‘Meta’s copycat ‘Threads’ with the intent to use Twitter’s intellectual property.

ABC News reported:

Twitter sent Meta a cease-and-desist letter over the newly launched Threads app, sources familiar with the letter’s existence told ABC News.

The letter was sent by Twitter’s legal team Wednesday, the sources said.

The letter accused Meta of misappropriating Twitter’s trade secrets and said Meta hired former Twitter employees who retained proprietary information, the sources said.

“Over the past year, Meta has hired dozens of former Twitter employees,” the letter, signed by lawyer Alex Spiro, reads. “Twitter knows that these employees previously worked at Twitter; that these employees had and continue to have access to Twitter’s trade secrets and other highly confidential information; that these employees owe ongoing obligations to Twitter; and that many of these employees have improperly retained Twitter documents and electronic devices.”

It continues, “With that knowledge, Meta deliberately assigned these employees to develop, in a matter of months, Meta’s copycat ‘Threads’ app with the specific intent that they use Twitter’s trade secrets and other intellectual property in order to accelerate the development of Meta’s competing app, in violation of both state and federal law as well as those employees’ ongoing obligations to Twitter.”


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5e84df No.69929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134998 (062217ZJUL23) Notable: Ethical Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators Catches One Live On Podcast

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Ethical Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators Catches One Live On Podcast

@ 145:00 he exposes Democrat congressman Nathan Larson who runs the pedo site


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5e84df No.69930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135002 (062217ZJUL23) Notable: New UN report suggests LGBT ideology should take precedence over religious freedom

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New UN report suggests LGBT ideology should take precedence over religious freedom

The report advises governments to 'encourage religious institutions to consider the ways in which representatives will be held responsible in cases in which they promote discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons.'


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5e84df No.69931

File: cf14c7948372ecf⋯.png (1.34 MB,1208x800,151:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135010 (062219ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

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JUST IN: Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

Jul. 6, 2023 5:05 pm

Twitter on Thursday issued a cease & desist letter to Meta over the new social media app ‘Threads.’

Elon Musk is threatening to sue Meta over its new “Twitter killer,” Threads, a text-based app that resembles Twitter.

Twitter accused Meta of hiring dozens of former Twitter employees who still have access to the social media platform’s trade secrets.

Attorney Alex Spiro said Meta assigned former Twitter employees to develop ‘Meta’s copycat ‘Threads’ with the intent to use Twitter’s intellectual property.


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5e84df No.69932

File: 320a3432f483970⋯.png (363.05 KB,589x704,589:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135026 (062221ZJUL23) Notable: @SpeakerMcCarthy JUST RELEASED → Never-before-seen footage from the House floor during a Joint Meeting of Congress

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Speaker Kevin McCarthy


JUST RELEASED → Never-before-seen footage from the House floor during a Joint Meeting of Congress. I will never stop fighting for transparency in the People’s House. Take this 360° video for a spin!

Jul 06, 2023, 12:58 PM



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5e84df No.69933

File: 63072f981c20135⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4d8c0c654756427⋯.png (1 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: e49bd3cd8e81449⋯.png (1.53 MB,2327x1200,2327:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135043 (062223ZJUL23) Notable: Mad Vlad Zelenskyy goes off on tirade in front of reporters during his verbal squabble with Bulgarian PM

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🇺🇦🤬FOAMING AT THE MOUTH: That’s it, Mad Vlad Zelensky’s really living up to word "mad" as he goes off on tirade in front of reporters during his verbal squabble with Bulgarian PM (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/23578).

Zelensky’s lunacy knows no bounds as he goes ballistic and claims if Kiev regime actually wanted to fight, its troops would be "on the territory of Russia".

🤔 Sooo if Kiev army is that good, how’s that counteroffensive (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/23526) of yours going?

Subscribe @IntelRepublic


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5e84df No.69934

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135153 (062249ZJUL23) Notable: Darren Beattie: "I encourage everyone to go and read the ruling of this Missouri Judge"

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29 minutes ago

Darren Beattie: "I encourage everyone to go and read the ruling of this Missouri Judge"Judge ruling:

11:49 minutesskip first minute and half


Ruling here: i’ll post pdf next


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5e84df No.69935

File: a1df27ef7aec1fd⋯.png (489.39 KB,596x628,149:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135163 (062251ZJUL23) Notable: @USArmy Lost in the weeds? Or crouching #Soldier hidden squad?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lost in the 🌿 weeds? Or crouching #Soldier hidden squad?


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5e84df No.69936

File: 6c4e9918b9d8f32⋯.png (447.29 KB,984x687,328:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135165 (062251ZJUL23) Notable: JP Sears & Tim Ballard talk About Human Trafficking in Haiti

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JP Sears & Tim Ballard talk About Human Trafficking in Haiti

Normies Don't think there's a Satanic Pedo Cult...

They're in for a Rude Awakening

They Know NOTHING about Haiti


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5e84df No.69937

File: 10f626d4430e3ec⋯.png (454.65 KB,775x759,775:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135184 (062255ZJUL23) Notable: United States v. Trump, Cannon sets trial date of August 14th, 2023, All pretrial motions due by July 24th, 2023.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United States v. Trump

New ORDER from Judge Cannon setting a trial date of August 14th, 2023. Trial to be held in Fort Pierce, Florida.

All pretrial motions and motions in limine due by July 24th, 2023.



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5e84df No.69938

File: ac05fc55c0b00f9⋯.png (2.46 MB,1432x2304,179:288,Clipboard.png)

File: ed4a44dfde0343d⋯.png (1.56 MB,652x1016,163:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135185 (062255ZJUL23) Notable: United States v. Trump, Cannon sets trial date of August 14th, 2023, All pretrial motions due by July 24th, 2023.

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news unlocks

5.5 Stand Growth and Development over Time


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5e84df No.69939

File: ed2ccdcbb4f75df⋯.pdf (995.96 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135199 (062258ZJUL23) Notable: HISTORIC FIRST: Judge Blocks Biden Admin’s ‘Orwellian’ Collusion With Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech

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HISTORIC FIRST: Judge Blocks Biden Admin’s ‘Orwellian’ Collusion With Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech

Tyler O'Neil / July 05, 2023

On the Fourth of July, a federal judge condemned the Biden administration’s collusion with Big Tech companies to suppress Americans’ free speech as “similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’” and issued a historic order temporarily blocking the federal government from pressuring tech companies to stifle speech.

“It is fitting that the judge granted a first-of-its-kind injunctionon the Fourth of July because that day paved the way for our country to adopt the First Amendment,” Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a Republican, told The Daily Signalin a statement Wednesday. “We had to fight the Revolutionary War in part because King George tried to stamp out political dissent. Now, the Biden administration is trying to censor speech he disagrees with. Fortunately, and thanks to the brave Founders on the Fourth of July, we now have the First Amendment to push back against the Biden administration’s censorship regime.”

“It could not be more perfect timing,” Louisiana Solicitor General Liz Murrill, a Republican, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Wednesday. “I can’t ever recall such a sprawling government enterprise to censor American speech being unraveled in this manner.”

Bailey and Murrill are leading the case Missouri v. Biden..

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’” Doughty wrote.His ruling included a preliminary injunction, barring federal officials from colluding with Big Tech companies to suppress free speech.

Gene Hamilton, vice president of America First Legal, which represents two plaintiffs in the case against the Biden administration, told The Daily Signal he did not consider it a “coincidence” that Doughty issued the order on July Fourth.

“It’s a monumental decision for the American people—a great day for all Americans,” Hamilton said in a phone interview Wednesday. “It was a great, great Fourth of July.”

“It was only appropriate for this decision to be rendered on Independence Day,” he added. “It’s a reaffirmation of our enduring principles on which our country was founded.”

“The Biden administration has made combating ‘mis-,’ ‘dis-,’ and ‘malinformation’ a high priority,” Hamilton added. “They appear to view it as a systemic threat to the existence of democracy when nothing could be further from the truth. The solution to ‘mis-’ and ‘disinformation’ and false information is simply the truth and more information, and letting people draw their own conclusions.”

The lawyer also saidhe had never heard of another judge issuing an injunction to prevent the federal government from directing Big Tech to suppress speech online.

Doughty’s ruling notes that the plaintiffs in the case—Missouri and Louisiana, represented by Bailey and Murrill; doctors who spoke out against the COVID-19 mandates, such as Martin Kulldorff, Jayanta Bhattacharya, and Aaron Kheriaty; Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft; and anti-lockdown advocate and Health Freedom Louisiana Co-Director Jill Hines—allege that the Biden administration “suppressed conservative-leaning free speech” on the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election; on COVID-19 issues, including its origin, masks, lockdowns, and vaccines; on election integrity in the 2020 presidential election; on the security of voting by mail; on the economy; and on President Joe Biden himself.

Doughty’sinjunction names various federal agencies—including the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (the agency Dr. Anthony Fauci formerly directed), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the State Department—and officials, including HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

It forbids those people and agencies from “meeting with social media companiesfor the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing…..

It also specificallybars collaboration with third-party organizationsaiming at urging social media companies to suppress forms of speech…


Ruling attached:


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5e84df No.69940

File: 9085dccce7f9d2a⋯.png (1.37 MB,1200x795,80:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135227 (062304ZJUL23) Notable: Reagan Library unveils statue of Sally Ride, debuts song to honor 1st American woman in space

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Reagan Library unveils statue of Sally Ride, debuts song to honor 1st American woman in space

July 6, 2023

Sally Ride, America's first woman in space, now stands tall on the grounds of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in California, where a statue of her was unveiled Tuesday (July 4) as a part of an Independence Day celebration.

Members of the Ride family, including her 99-year-old mother, Joyce, helped to reveal the larger-than-life tribute, which is backdropped by the rolling hills of Simi Valley, at the entrance to the library's outdoor Peace Plaza.

"It's with great joy and a profound sense of gratitude that the Ride family joins you in celebrating the unveiling of Sally today. As her younger sister, I've always had a sense that she was seven feet tall, and now I have proof," said Karen "Bear" Ride to the small crowd that had gathered around the statue. "But here we are, looking down over our old home in the San Fernando Valley, remembering her, celebrating the fact that Sally was a trailblazer and to many a hero."

The bronze sculpture captures Ride in mid step, as she reaches out with her right arm to lift a scale model of the space shuttle Challenger into the air. She is depicted as she was 40 years ago, dressed in the NASA coveralls and flight jacket that she wore for her first launch.

"In a space agency filled with trailblazers, Sally Ride was a pioneer of a different sort," David Trulio, president and chief executive officer of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, said. "This California native broke the gender barrier on June 18, 1983, when she became the first American woman in space while rocketing on Challenger's STS-7 mission with four male crewmates."

Ride's history-making mission — and her second spaceflight, which followed the year later — took place during Reagan's time as president. She met him with him before and after she flew, and was later appointed by Reagan to the commission that investigated the 1986 tragedy that claimed Challenger and its seven-member STS-51L crew just 73 seconds into flight.

"Reagan was a strong advocate for space exploration his entire presidency, recognizing its importance not just for scientific discovery and technological advancement, but also for global leadership and national pride," said Trulio. "Reagan believed that America had a unique responsibility to explore the frontiers of space and that doing so would inspire future generations and advance the cause of human progress."

"It is for these reasons and more that we are so honored to be unveiling the statue of Sally Ride on our campus today," he said.


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5e84df No.69941

File: 251a62d0cc38449⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,608x608,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135254 (062309ZJUL23) Notable: HISTORIC FIRST: Judge Blocks Biden Admin’s ‘Orwellian’ Collusion With Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> “During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’” Doughty wrote.His ruling included a preliminary injunction, barring federal officials from colluding with Big Tech companies to suppress free speech.


> the Biden administration “suppressed conservative-leaning free speech” on the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election

the Biden administration “suppressed conservative-leaning free speech ... ahead of the 2020 presidential election

^^^ this part though

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5e84df No.69942

File: 1cb1f7c9e1b865d⋯.jpg (155.67 KB,499x489,499:489,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135279 (062312ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.69943

File: 6322c6cb11d9584⋯.png (871.36 KB,894x1280,447:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135282 (062313ZJUL23) Notable: HISTORIC FIRST: Judge Blocks Biden Admin’s ‘Orwellian’ Collusion With Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech

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Some dystopian stuff, basically granting themselves the right to warrantless access to your device.

This is from June 8th when they first started talking about it, BEFORE any sort of rioting was going on in France.

The Batman movie predictive programming was so unbelievably blatant.


h/t: Bill Blair



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5e84df No.69944

File: 3d06529bcbc4195⋯.png (170.15 KB,947x555,947:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135295 (062315ZJUL23) Notable: "Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America" - Charles Bramesco, @theguardian

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Might be time to do a dig and find out who this Betsy Reed actually is…

Sound of Freedom not only beat them, but with Indiana Jones showing in many more theaters, on multiple screens with typically a larger seating capacity

...absolutely CRUSHED them!


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5e84df No.69945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135315 (062317ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

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Meta's fate revealed


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5e84df No.69946

File: 89fe3b0b4d9e7f7⋯.png (299.74 KB,1400x924,50:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135324 (062319ZJUL23) Notable: The shill who kept claiming JFK, Jr. is still alive, has kicked the bucket

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The leader of a QAnon cult who convinced thousands of people that former president John F. Kennedy and his son JFK, Jr. are still alive has died, VICE News can exclusively report.

Michael Protzman, 60, died last Friday in the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota a week after an accident at the Meadow Valley Motocross track in Millville, Minnesota. Protzman’s death was confirmed to VICE News in a phone call with the Minnesota Department of Health.


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5e84df No.69947

File: f77e014fac9a885⋯.png (46.49 KB,658x466,329:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135333 (062320ZJUL23) Notable: Interesting timing if China invades or declares war tomorrow

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Bobby Piton

Interesting timing if China invades or declares war tomorrow?

7/7/ 7(2+2+0+3) 6.66 Years after 11/8/2016 Trump Elected

21,777 (3*7, 7 7 7) days after JFK was Slaughtered publicly...

The same corrupt forces that control China;KILLED JFK

de Medici AKA Rothschild AKA Rockefeller.

Gordon G. Chang·1h

Tonight, pray with all your might for peace. #China’s regime is openly talking about war.

6:24 PM · Jul 6, 2023


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5e84df No.69948

File: d2658ce68f93038⋯.jpg (176.07 KB,720x1040,9:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b4574963fb0e28c⋯.jpg (373.33 KB,2048x1412,512:353,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 584b2b401e20e56⋯.jpg (33.29 KB,400x438,200:219,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135403 (062333ZJUL23) Notable: WE'RES WILLY?

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Who's that guy?

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5e84df No.69949

File: 26dd47dcb0670d4⋯.png (627.99 KB,750x878,375:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135406 (062334ZJUL23) Notable: It's probably Zelensky's coke.

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It's probably Zelensky's coke. Much easier for him to fly from FLA than to haul Pedo Pete to him.

But [they] won't be testing his DNA. Smoke screen, easy cop work + cops like parading around with pedowood and DC scum.

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5e84df No.69950

File: 30175cab8f6191b⋯.png (752.41 KB,710x878,355:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135432 (062341ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Memes

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5e84df No.69951

File: ac2d6a6bb72e1f8⋯.png (289.07 KB,530x488,265:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135477 (062351ZJUL23) Notable: It's probably Zelensky's coke.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.69952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135488 (062353ZJUL23) Notable: WE'RES WILLY?

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Bill Clinton with a black bracelet?

Should've hung out with Sammy Hagar more

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5e84df No.69953

File: b43db4aa7f7cba5⋯.png (81.07 KB,250x255,50:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135496 (062355ZJUL23) Notable: WE'RES WILLY?

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5e84df No.69954

File: e9b2ba56cce4631⋯.jpg (137.91 KB,967x1280,967:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135499 (062356ZJUL23) Notable: Too soon? Subway under fire for ‘distasteful’ Titanic sub sign

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5e84df No.69955

File: 8ecf1f8622028bf⋯.png (555.91 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135532 (070005ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.69956

File: e0d25a7896bb169⋯.png (261.4 KB,505x329,505:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 3eba039227320b3⋯.jpg (268.7 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d4d4cce9ed18ca1⋯.jpeg (304.91 KB,961x720,961:720,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135537 (070007ZJUL23) Notable: It's probably Zelensky's coke.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


carpet crawler 1 level 1

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5e84df No.69957

File: 926235ea1d5d160⋯.png (127.25 KB,760x656,95:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 75e6200c20914be⋯.png (37.81 KB,472x630,236:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 59326709bf5766f⋯.png (112.51 KB,468x1880,117:470,Clipboard.png)

File: 27192c9d3e41de5⋯.png (21.27 KB,470x274,235:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135545 (070010ZJUL23) Notable: JP Sears & Tim Ballard talk About Human Trafficking in Haiti

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.69958

File: 6eab600ba4ab984⋯.png (373.39 KB,1108x581,1108:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 907ba0deec58258⋯.png (346.71 KB,555x491,555:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 84918aab7ba920d⋯.png (532.8 KB,740x491,740:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135554 (070012ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.69959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135583 (070019ZJUL23) Notable: #23501

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#23501 >>69914

>>69919 DOJ attempts to block Trump deposition in former FBI agent Peter Strzok lawsuit

>>69913, >>69916, >>69920, >>69944 "Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America" - Charles Bramesco, @theguardian

>>69917 [2/5 stars] "Is QAnon a ‘pandemic’ – and do we need a digital WHO?" - James Ball, telegraph.co.uk

>>69918, >>69922, >>69923 The founders of the trust that owns The Guardian were SLAVE TRAFFICKERS.

>>69936, >>69957 JP Sears & Tim Ballard talk About Human Trafficking in Haiti

>>69921 "Preserve your records" Vance tells colleges that jeered affirmative action ruling

>>69924 Robert Kennedy JR says that the evidence that the CIA killed JFK is so insurmountable and overwhelming that it is beyond any reasonable doubt and that the mainstream media refuses to accept anything but the Warren Report.

>>69925 Ambrosia is the street term for Adrenochrome.

>>69927 Biden opens his speech in South Carolina by struggling to use his podium

>>69928 Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

>>69929 Ethical Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators Catches One Live On Podcast

>>69930 New UN report suggests LGBT ideology should take precedence over religious freedom

>>69931, >>69915, >>69945, >>69955 Twitter Issues Cease & Desist Letter to Meta Over New Social Media Platform ‘Threads’

>>69932 @SpeakerMcCarthy JUST RELEASED → Never-before-seen footage from the House floor during a Joint Meeting of Congress

>>69933 Mad Vlad Zelenskyy goes off on tirade in front of reporters during his verbal squabble with Bulgarian PM

>>69934 Darren Beattie: "I encourage everyone to go and read the ruling of this Missouri Judge"

>>69935 @USArmy Lost in the weeds? Or crouching #Soldier hidden squad?

>>69937, >>69938United States v. Trump, Cannon sets trial date of August 14th, 2023, All pretrial motions due by July 24th, 2023.

>>69939, >>69941, >>69943 HISTORIC FIRST: Judge Blocks Biden Admin’s ‘Orwellian’ Collusion With Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech

>>69940 Reagan Library unveils statue of Sally Ride, debuts song to honor 1st American woman in space

>>69946 The shill who kept claiming JFK, Jr. is still alive, has kicked the bucket

>>69947 Interesting timing if China invades or declares war tomorrow

>>69954 Too soon? Subway under fire for ‘distasteful’ Titanic sub sign

>>69949, >>69951, >>69956 It's probably Zelensky's coke.

>>69948, >>69952, >>69953 WE'RES WILLY?

>>69926, >>69942, >>69950, >>69958 Moar Memes


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5e84df No.69960

File: 96d0c8ee22cc39b⋯.png (808.05 KB,695x960,139:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135593 (070021ZJUL23) Notable: #23502

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baker may ghostride the whip

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5e84df No.69961

File: 2c99638c22425e5⋯.png (240.35 KB,686x820,343:410,Clipboard.png)

File: 8da4157cdb8e681⋯.png (266.51 KB,607x802,607:802,Clipboard.png)

File: 74bc6aeb8c4974a⋯.png (229.94 KB,595x789,595:789,Clipboard.png)

File: 3df73fd443b6ff5⋯.png (238.74 KB,620x812,155:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135626 (070025ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Jordan, House Republicans Launch Investigation Into Blackrock, Vanguard, Others Over ESG Practices

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Jim Jordan, House Republicans Launch Investigation Into Blackrock, Vanguard, Others Over ESG Practices

House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan and two other House Republicans sent four letters to the heads of massive companies such as BlackRock and Vanguard, calling on them to explain corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts that could violate federal antitrust laws.

The Daily Caller first obtained copies of the letters, which were sent Thursday to the heads of Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. Jordan was joined by Republican North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop and Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie.

In all of the letters, the lawmakers say the companies appear to have potentially violated U.S. antitrust law by coordinating and entering into collusive agreements to “decarbonize” assets under management and reduce emissions to net zero.

GFANZ “is the world’s largest coalition of financial institutions committed to” net zero, and it “(c)oordinate(s) commitments and actions across the sector.” Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) is a sector-specific group within GFANZ that supports net zero goals and has more than 300 asset manager members, as well as over $59 trillion in assets under its management.

BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard are three of the world’s largest asset managers. BlackRock and State Street are members of both NZAM and a company named Climate Action 100+. Vanguard was also a member of NZAM until December 2022. Lawmakers say these companies appear to have colluded “to reach net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner across all assets under management.”

Reaching net zero emissions would severely harm the coal, gas and oil industries as many are trying to phase out gas-powered vehicles and coal and oil power plants.


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5e84df No.69962

File: 55b4edb6408a7ba⋯.png (2.75 MB,1463x1689,1463:1689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135650 (070031ZJUL23) Notable: The Boston Globe >Rachael Rollins could face suspension of law license, disbarment at hands of state disciplinary board

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The Boston Globe

Rachael Rollins could face suspension of law license, disbarment at hands of state disciplinary board

The severity of punishment from the Board of Bar Overseers typically depends on precedents from earlier cases. But the board has not had a case before it in recent memory with a comparable set of...


9:15 PM · Jul 5, 2023


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5e84df No.69963

File: ed2ccdcbb4f75df⋯.pdf (995.96 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135686 (070036ZJUL23) Notable: MO vs Joseph R Biden et alinjunction of Gov and agencies on Free Speech

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MO vs Joseph R Biden et alinjunction of Gov and agencies on Free Speech

Page 6 to page 95 of all the threats and intimidations from gov agencies to social media and most especially from the WH,which were fierce and awful including threats on section 230, had a great effect on them

Even Murthy the retard insinuated many times they were not doing enough!

This indictment by the judge was extremely detailed on how the fed gov was non stop, threatening and horrific. Communism is the game they play.

Social media could never do enough to censure and ban people for Bidan and his agencies.

Again the judgement from the court attached:

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5e84df No.69964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135692 (070037ZJUL23) Notable: Rasmussen Polls: Two Thirds Think Hunter Got Special Treatment, Most Disapprove Plea Deal

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Rasmussen Polls:

Two Thirds Think Hunter Got Special Treatment, Most Disapprove Plea Deal

A majority of voters disapprove of a plea bargain that kept Hunter Biden out of federal prison, and suspect favoritism for President Joe Biden’s son.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters disapprove of the deal in which Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty on charges that he violated federal tax and gun laws, including 41% who Strongly Disapprove. Thirty-seven percent (37%) approve of the plea bargain, including 19% who Strongly Approve.

A majority of voters disapprove of a plea bargain that kept Hunter Biden out of federal prison, and suspect favoritism for President Joe Biden’s son.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters disapprove of the deal in which Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty on charges that he violated federal tax and gun laws, including 41% who Strongly Disapprove. Thirty-seven percent (37%) approve of the plea bargain, including 19% who Strongly Approve.

Rasmussen Reports

Jul 5, 2023

6:55 mins


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5e84df No.69965

File: 8083bbd5bd8c825⋯.jpeg (628.62 KB,1109x1630,1109:1630,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: b8ca7a54c569828⋯.jpeg (776.34 KB,1125x1548,125:172,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135734 (070045ZJUL23) Notable: 0 Delta Trump and Obama twice this week

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0 Delta Trump and Obama twice this week




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5e84df No.69966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135753 (070047ZJUL23) Notable: ‘COVID Was A Trojan Horse’: Missouri AG Reacts To Judge’s Ruling Against Biden Admin’s Censorship Efforts

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‘COVID Was A Trojan Horse’: Missouri AG Reacts To Judge’s Ruling Against Biden Admin’s Censorship Efforts

Old story but interesting that AG Bailey is apparently openly calling COVID a "trojan horse".

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5e84df No.69967

File: 93ad04033c8f2ca⋯.jpeg (350.12 KB,1125x843,375:281,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ffe781184665988⋯.jpeg (289.69 KB,1125x1077,375:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135758 (070049ZJUL23) Notable: 0 Delta Trump and Obama twice this week

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From July 4th

9:03 am



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5e84df No.69968

File: c69120a69375a79⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB,1170x1560,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135783 (070054ZJUL23) Notable: Hugh Hefner's widow Crystal vows to expose the 'dark side' of the 'toxic' Playboy mansion

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EXCLUSIVE: Hugh Hefner's widow Crystal vows to expose the 'dark side' of the 'toxic' Playboy mansion in 'raw' tell-all memoir - as she admits she hid the truth for years because she felt obligated to 'protect' her late husband


~Crystal attended her first party at the notorious Playboy mansion aged just 21

~The now 37-year-old will release a tell-all memoir titled Only Say Good Things

~It will lift the lid on how 'the lifestyle that once seemed alluring had a dark side'

Hugh Hefner's widow Crystal is set to lay bare the 'toxic objectification and misogyny' she faced while living in the Playboy mansion - after spending years hiding 'her story' because she felt obligated to 'protect' her late husband.

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5e84df No.69969

File: 08e83dfa350e028⋯.png (222.16 KB,634x497,634:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a9502898452234⋯.png (172.61 KB,663x767,51:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 747de608e198154⋯.png (248.42 KB,658x655,658:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135925 (070121ZJUL23) Notable: Nearly HALF of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer and infertility

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Nearly HALF of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer and infertility, major government study finds - with worst-hit areas in Cali, Eastern Seaboard, Great Lakes and Great Plains

Government scientists detected toxic PFAS in 45 percent of US water sources

The sprawling study is the most comprehensive yet to highlight the problem

Almost half of all tap water sources in the US are laced with toxic PFAS ‘forever chemicals’, according to a major official study.

Experts said the findings were 'frightening' given the scale of the problem and the link between the toxins and serious health conditions like cancer, infertility, birth defects and hormone issues.

In the most comprehensive study of its kind, researchers from the US Geological Survey tested water sources at more than 700 locations across the country for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

These microscopic, man-made chemicals can take thousands of years to break down in the environment or in the human body, hence the name 'forever chemicals'.

The report found that 45 percent of drinking water sources contained at least one PFAS - with highest concentrations in the Great Plains, the Great Lakes, the Eastern Seaboard and Central/Southern California.


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5e84df No.69970

File: 1d401616613f281⋯.png (324.84 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135978 (070133ZJUL23) Notable: The 1990 Playboy Interview With Donald Trump

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The 1990 Playboy Interview With Donald Trump


The Playboy Interview With Donald Trump

Mar 1, 1990 49 min read

Playboy sat down with a young Donald Trump in 1990 where he teased a future in politics

Donald Trump sits alone. He hasn’t slept in 48 hours. At six a.m., perched high in the bronze-coated jewel of his empire, Trump Tower, he’s bent over a mammoth Brazilian-rosewood desk, scrutinizing spread sheets. No insomnia, no gnawing worries. “Pressure,” he surmises, sipping an iced Coke, “doesn’t upset my sleep,” a standard four hours nightly. “I like throwing balls into the air—and I dream like a baby.” Three hours later, blond hair marshaled, he announces, with standard chutzpah, his seven-and-a-half-billion-dollar bid to gobble down the nation’s premiere airline, American. On the strength of his 120-dollar-a-share bid, the stock vaults from 16 dollars to 99 dollars. The 43-year-old billionaire, who owns huge blocks of American Airlines stock, smiles broadly. A week later, with the market tumbling 190 points, he withdraws his offer, perhaps temporarily. Despite some reports that insinuated his American raid was only cardboard, a ploy to rattle up his stock, Trump stares into space: “Nope. I want it.”

Yup. If it’s the best, and it’s for sale, Donald Trump’s stomach begins to growl. He captured troubled Saudi financier Adnan Khashoggi’s onyx-and-gold-plated yacht for a mere $29,000,000—now it’s worth $100,000,000. Then he bought the Eastern Shuttle for $365,000,000 and transformed it overnight into the Trump Shuttle, complete with comfortable cabins and stewardesses rustling in virgin wool and pearls.

A year earlier, he had bought the Plaza Hotel for $400,000,000 and is now lovingly restoring her without a name change. Her make-over will be supervised by the Czech mistress of Trump’s kingdom, Ivana, a former Olympic skier and fashion model. At home, Ivana presides over a 100-room Trump Tower triplex, recently expanded from 50 rooms “Better closet space,” she jokes). Trump, proud of the salmon-marbled atrium of Trump Tower, where no expense was spared, says, “I bought the whole damn mountain! You’ve never seen that color before. Ivana suggested it because it makes people look better.”

The couple also has a 47-room country house on ten acres in Greenwich, Connecticut, and the well-publicized 118-room Mar-a-Lago Marjorie Merriweather Post estate in Palm Beach, their commute time shortened by the 727 jet and the French-made military Puma helicopter.

The Trump Princess, or the Khashoggi “boat,” as Trump now calls it, has gotten cramped, so a Dutch shipyard is confecting not a Princess but a full-fledged Queen costing more than $175,000,000.


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5e84df No.69971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19135986 (070134ZJUL23) Notable: The 1990 Playboy Interview With Donald Trump

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Such ostentation, despite a catalog of charities and good deeds done for sick kids, has predictably yielded a rich crop of snipers. Spy magazine, the New York—based humor monthly, cheerfully carries on a scabrous vendetta against the Trumps, comparing them to Dickensian monsters. Time did a cover story on the decay of Atlantic City and chided Trump for helping create a crime-plagued urban blight divided between welfare cases and high rollers. On the Upper West Side, Manhattanites attack him for his proclaimed desire to build an enormous complex, Trump City, complete with a 150-story sky-scraper; Phil Donahue charges that Trump’s casinos pillage the gullible; an aide close to outgoing mayor Ed Koch calls Trump “the most arrogant s.o.b. who has ever stepped onto the earth.” Ah, well. To be young, blond and a billionaire. It doesn’t seem to matter. The most daunting entrepreneur since the Astors, Vanderbilts and Whitneys, Donald John Trump has made his “art of the deal” work—not just for making money but for crushing adversaries, too. Case in point: Merv Griffin.

Ten months after Griffin bought Trump’s Resorts International Inc. for $365,000,000, for which Trump had paid $101,000,000 the year before, Griffin found himself holding a busted balloon. Not only had he inherited the hotel-casino’s $925,000,000 debt but he embarrassingly had to report first-half losses of $46,600,000. There’s now talk of a possible bankruptcy for Merv and a possible lawsuit against Trump. Looking beyond his one-billion-dollar Taj Mahal opening in Atlantic City next month, Trump has plenty to consider. There are rumors of his building casinos in Nevada and his buying Tiffany’s, NBC, the New York Daily News or the Waldorf Hotel “I’ve got to have the Waldorf,” he coos jokingly into the phone. “I can’t sleep without it”). And the Presidency? No, that takes an election, and it is clear that Trump is not that patient. Too much to do!

The billion-dollar baby was born in the exclusive Jamaica Estates in Queens, New York, on June 14, 1946, to a mere millionaire, real-estate developer Fred Trump, who had racked up his $20,000,000 fortune building low-to-middle-priced homes and apartments in Brooklyn and Queens. Among the five little Trumps, only Donald seemed to have a passion for mortar and bricks, riding around construction sites with his father- “who ruled all of us with a steel will”—and showing younger brother Robert, now a low-profile V.P. in the Trump organization, who was boss in their 23-room house. At the age of eight, little Donald borrowed Robert’s cherished toy blocks, glued them together into one giant skyscraper and never returned them, thereafter exercising his fantasies about changing Manhattan’s skyline. His father, who harped on the importance of “knowing how to make a buck,” regarded mop-haired Donald as “rough and wild,” shipped him off to the New York Military Academy in Cornwall-on-Hudson and, some say, forever instilled in him a gnawing sense of inadequacy that fueled the boy’s ambition.

There followed two years at Fordham and two years at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance, then a few years diddling in middle-income housing until, at the age of 28, Trump delivered the punch that launched him. Taking a hard look at Manhattan’s troubled fortunes, he fastened onto the bankruptcy of the Penn Central Railroad as his ticket into the big time and nimbly plucked options on Penn’s Hudson River railroad yards, now the site of New York’s Convention Center, and its 59-year-old Commodore Hotel, now the Grand Hyatt. The coup was in his persuading bankers to lend him $80,000,000 and in talking politicians into awarding him a $120,000,000 tax abatement.

Persuasion, hype and chutzpah thereafter defined the Trump style, welded to a scrupulous management technique.

In 1979, at the age of 33, he snapped up the Fifth Avenue site of the old Bonwit Teller for $20,000,000, won a $140,000,000 tax abatement and three years later finished Trump Tower, a 68-story dazzler that includes a six-story atrium and today draws 100,000 visitors daily, with residents such as Johnny Carson and Steven Spielberg.

Amassing a fortune his father never dreamed possible—a cash hoard of $900,000,000, a geyser of $50,000,000 a week from his hotel-casinos, assets thought to total 3.7 billion dollars—Trump soon became as captivated by mystique-making as by money-making.


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5e84df No.69972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136055 (070147ZJUL23) Notable: Court ruling prompts fears of ‘Wild West of disinformation’

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Court ruling prompts fears of ‘Wild West of disinformation’

An order limiting the Biden administration’s communication with social media companies could make it harder to curb disinformation as the 2024 election nears.

A federal judge Tuesday curtailed communication between certain Biden administration agencies and social media companies after a GOP-led challenge to efforts to combat disinformation, arguing attempts to do so violated protected speech.

The ruling left experts concerned about a “chilling effect” on attempts to moderate false information online.

“If we end up with basically no meaningful content moderation, then it is going to be a Wild West of disinformation,” said Darrell West, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Center for Technology Innovation.

Two Republican state attorneys general argued that the Biden administration “coordinated and colluded with social-media platforms to identify disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content.” The result, they said, was a “campaign of censorship” executed by the administration.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee, ruled in their favor, ordering that Biden administration officials cannot contact social media companies relating to “in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech posted on social-media platforms.”

Officials from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Justice, the State Department and the FBI were told to cut those communications with the companies.

The case had primarily taken aim at attempts to curtail disinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, which Republicans decried as a violation of the First Amendment.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Wednesday that administration officials disagree with the court decision.

“Our view remains that social media platforms have a critical responsibility to take action or to take account of the effects of their platforms,” Jean-Pierre said, adding that the administration will “continue to be responsible in that way.”

The Justice Department filed a notice of appeal Wednesday evening and expects to request a stay of the district court’s decision, a department official said. That appeal will next go to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is primarily packed with GOP-appointed judges.

Alice Marwick, principal researcher at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Center for Information, Technology and Public Life, said the ruling perpetuates a narrative that cracking down on disinformation — false information meant to mislead — is code for government suppression.

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5e84df No.69973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136056 (070148ZJUL23) Notable: Court ruling prompts fears of ‘Wild West of disinformation’

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“This [ruling] is part of a political ploy to change the meaning of disinformation from information that’s incorrect and harmful to a sort of political slur — the idea that labeling something disinformation is tantamount to censorship,” Marwick said. “What this ruling does is it really continues that narrative.”

The lawsuit, brought by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri, has seen support from Republican lawmakers and public figures who say social media platforms moderate right-wing content at greater rates than on the left.

Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) called the order a “huge win for the First Amendment and a blow to censorship.”

It’s not likely the ruling will have an immediate impact on online disinformation, Marwick said. But over time, social media platforms might choose to limit their moderation efforts out of fear of legal and political ramifications.

In the years that have followed the COVID-19 pandemic and 2020 presidential election — events during which misinformation and disinformation exploded online — social media companies have already begun taking less stringent approaches to moderating content on their platforms.

YouTube announced last month that it would stop removing content that perpetuates false claims of “widespread fraud, errors, or glitches” in the 2020 or other past U.S. presidential elections. Meta also said last month that it would roll back a policy meant to curb misinformation related to COVID-19, and in November, Twitter said it would not stop users from spreading false information about the virus and its vaccines.

The trend away from strictly moderating false content could make it easier to spread disinformation surrounding the nearing 2024 election, West said.

“If you take this ruling in conjunction with decisions that major platforms already have taken, it just creates a huge problem for 2024,” he said. “I think we’re going to face a tsunami of disinformation.”

Samir Jain, vice president of policy at the Center for Democracy and Technology, said an expected “explosion” of disinformation generated by artificial intelligence as the presidential election nears exemplifies the risks posed by decreased communication between government officials and social media companies.

“It’s unclear, in the wake of this order, the extent to which a government can alert social media providers to intelligence it’s seeing or information that it has about particular kinds of trends and misinformation and disinformation,” he said.

Administration officials were not barred in all cases from communicating with social media platforms. The order indicates that Biden administration officials can confer with platforms about criminal activity, national security threats, threats to public safety and posts “intending to mislead voters about voting requirements and procedures.”

But even with those exemptions, the order’s sweeping directive leaves room for interpretation.

“This is a very broad-based decision,” West said. “And it actually, I think, marks new territory in terms of First Amendment rights.”

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5e84df No.69974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136063 (070149ZJUL23) Notable: If Alleged DOJ Misconduct Is True, A Judge Could Dismiss The Whole Case Against Trump

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If Alleged DOJ Misconduct Is True, A Judge Could Dismiss The Whole Case Against Trump

The conduct claimed is perhaps unprecedented and certainly flagrant. If proven true, the judge would be well within her rights to consider dismissal.

Lost in the breathless headlines over the indictment of President Trump for alleged violations of the Espionage Act is a story that deserves much more attention than it has received thus far: the allegation that a senior official at the Department of Justice attempted to shake down Trump’s co-defendant’s lawyer. It is a scandal in the making that could result in the investigation of senior DOJ officials, which should lead to public congressional hearings, and that might even result in the entire case against Trump being dismissed.

Trump’s co-defendant is Waltine “Walt” Nauta, a Navy valet who served in Trump’s White House and who remained a personal aide to Trump after he left office. Several weeks ago, Nauta’s lawyer, a distinguished, highly-regarded Washington attorney named Stanley Woodward, leveled accusations against senior members of the Department of Justice, including DOJ Counterintelligence Chief Jay Bratt, who is now a part of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team of prosecutors. According to news reports, Woodward claimed in a sealed letter to D.C. District Chief Judge James Boasberg that, in a meeting to discuss Nauta’s case, Bratt indicated that Woodward’s application to be a D.C. Superior Court judge could be impacted if he could not get Nauta to testify against Trump.

If true, and I see no reason why Woodward would make such a threat up — and especially no reason why Woodward would risk his career by making such a representation to a federal judge — Bratt’s alleged misconduct could result in heavy sanctions, and is a potential ground for dismissal of the entire case against Nauta and Trump. Depending on what exactly was said, Bratt could even face criminal prosecution himself.

In cases of flagrant prosecutorial misconduct, courts have the discretion to dismiss indictments altogether. If Woodward’s claims are proven, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon would be well within her rights to consider a dismissal here. The conduct claimed is perhaps unprecedented and certainly flagrant, amounting to nothing less than an effort by a high-ranking DOJ official to deprive a defendant of his Sixth Amendment right to counsel through inappropriate and potentially unlawful acts.

At the very least, Trump and Nauta deserve answers. Courts routinely allow discovery by the defense in cases of alleged prosecutorial misconduct — including depositions and requests for documents and communications — in order to determine the scope, breadth, and effects of any misconduct that occurred. The defense team in this case should seek testimony from Bratt to get to the bottom of what he said and why.

As importantly, defense counsel should also seek to subpoena any communications between Bratt and others in DOJ and the White House relating to Woodward’s judgeship application and Bratt’s approach to Woodward more generally. My assumption is that these communications will be eye-opening, and may reveal even more misconduct on the part of the DOJ, the special counsel’s team, and their political masters.

The legal teams defending Trump and Nauta surely know all of this, and I am confident that they will pursue this and other lines of defense aggressively. But the American people also deserve to know the full details of misconduct by senior officials at the Department of Justice.

Republicans in Congress should demand answers publicly and aggressively. The House Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction to investigate matters relating to the administration of justice in the federal court system. It has the power to subpoena Bratt, the other lawyers involved in the Trump prosecution, and senior Biden administration officials to get to the bottom of this.

Make no mistake, this is a huge deal. Bratt’s conduct may even fall within the ambit of federal criminal statutes. Depending on what exactly was said, Bratt’s conduct could constitute attempted witness tampering in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(b)(1), attempted federal bribery in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 201(b)(3), attempted extortion by a federal official in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 872, or attempted subornation of perjury in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1622.

If the Department of Justice is truly committed to the open and transparent treatment of this case, a special counsel should be empowered to investigate Bratt’s actions and any other alleged misconduct by Jack Smith’s team.

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5e84df No.69975

File: c7d98c0c6a5d3a9⋯.png (1013.23 KB,1074x1365,358:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136210 (070220ZJUL23) Notable: 2014 UPDATE: Louis Freeh’s Curious Car Accident

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>News Unlocks the map

>[special agent Joshua WILSON]

>he had one eye

UPDATE: Louis Freeh’s Curious Car Accident

Russ Baker 09/10/14

An update on the strange one-car crash involving ex-FBI chief Louis Freeh. He nearly took out several motorists. An unidentified FBI man materialized quickly at the rural scene. And more curiosities.

Rescuers prepare to fly ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh to the hospital

Rescuers prepare to fly ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh to the hospital

Recently, we reported on an Aug. 25 one-car crash involving the long-time former FBI director, Louis Freeh. Considering Freeh’s prominence and tenure in the national security apparatus, the incident has received surprisingly little media attention and virtually no serious scrutiny.

But we think that journalistic rigor warrants a close look at misfortune befalling people in sensitive positions, even when there is a reasonable possibility that there is nothing more to learn. You can read our first article here.

Now, we’d like to update you on two key points, and then on some other curiosities.

First: local Vermont media are reporting that, just prior to his crash along a relatively straight and flat portion of a rural stretch of Vermont Highway 12, Freeh, 64, nearly took out three motorists, whose evasive actions saved themselves.

Second: a still unidentified FBI agent quickly materialized at the scene of the crash.

Freeh Wheeling

Vermont’s largest newspaper, the Burlington Free Press, provided the following coverage, citing one of the drivers whose quick action saved their lives:

The driver, Van Coleman, gave a written statement to a Windsor County deputy sheriff, who was the first police officer on the scene of the Aug. 25 crash of Freeh’s vehicle. Deputy Sheriff Justin Hoyt said he gave the eyewitness report to state police.

A motorcyclist and two cars needed to swerve into the left lane when Freeh’s vehicle crossed the center line on Vermont 12 in Barnard and headed at the trio at a high rate of speed, Coleman told the Burlington Free Press.

Freeh “was doing about 60 to 65 miles per hour and was on the left side of the road,” Coleman said. The speed limit was 50 mph.

Coleman said the northbound motorcyclist, who was first in line, moved to the left to avoid the SUV coming in the wrong lane. Another car also swerved left before Coleman followed suit in his Honda, he said.

None of this information about Freeh’s behavior has been provided to the public by the government—so we have the local media to thank for its diligence.

The Free Press provides claims by various Vermont officials that they themselves did not have the information to release.

State police were criticized for trying to keep the crash under wraps for 24 hours. A video crew for Fox44/ABC 22 in Colchester and a photographer from a local weekly newspaper in Woodstock were at the scene, but they were told a news release would be issued the following day.

Instead, FBI sources in Washington told NBC News that Freeh had been in a Vermont crash. The Vermont State Police issued a news release more than eight hours after the wreck and only after multiple calls by local and national media.

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5e84df No.69976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136217 (070222ZJUL23) Notable: 2014 UPDATE: Louis Freeh’s Curious Car Accident

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>UPDATE: Louis Freeh’s Curious Car Accident

Mystery G-Man Rushes to Scene

A still unidentified FBI agent was one of the first people to arrive at the accident scene, according to police. He was apparently from out of state. What he was doing there is still not clear. Police believed him to be off-duty, but could not say with certainty.

Students of history will note the many instances in which FBI have shown up at sensitive accident/crash scenes with great haste—sometimes seemingly surmounting formidable obstacles, and sometimes arriving in force that would seem impossible based on actual local staffing.

One of many examples where FBI swarmed a crash scene was the 1972 Chicago plane crash that killed Dorothy Hunt, a former CIA officer and wife of the embattled CIA officer and Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt, while she was cooperating with a journalist on inquiries into Watergate. The FBI took over the investigation, prompting complaints from the National Transportation Safety Board, which has statutory responsibility for such air disaster probes. (A detailed review of the incident can be found in Carl Oglesby’s Yankee and Cowboy War.)

Freeh himself was involved in a similar accident scene takeover, following the downing/crash of TWA flight 800 over Long Island. Freeh commandeered the investigation from the National Transportation Safety Board right after the incident in July 1996. Once the FBI took over, the NTSB was denied access to witnesses (see Aviation Week, Dec. 15, 1997; paywall). That August, chemists at the FBI crime lab found traces of PETN, a component of bombs and surface-to-air missiles. Yet, in November 1997, the FBI closed the investigation for good, claiming no evidence of a criminal act had been found. There has never been a follow-up investigation of this case. (For more, see the documentary by WhoWhatWhy contributor Kristina Borjesson.)

“His Head Was Down”

What happened to Freeh on August 25 when his 2010 SUV left the highway, and hit a tree? Here’s the Free Press again:

“His head was down, so I thought he had fallen asleep,” Coleman, the witness, said as he reflected on what he saw before Freeh crashed.

“I think he was totally out. He made no attempt to stop,” said Coleman, who spoke initially to the News & Citizen newspaper, a weekly in Morristown.

It’s important to remember that this happened shortly after noon, and not terribly far from Freeh’s vacation home, not typical circumstances for a driver to have fallen asleep.

Freeh and his staff have been mum on the whole thing; the FBI has provided no details or explanation. And law enforcement has not appeared to be especially zealous in figuring out what happened. As the Free Press reported on Sept 3:

Earlier state police had said there was no evidence that drugs or alcohol were a factor in the Aug. 25 crash. That was based on personal observation, no probable cause and a lack of suspicion,” Keefe said in explaining why no test was administered.

And AP reported on Sept 4:

State Police Capt. Ray Keefe said police did not consider if Freeh was using a cellphone before the crash, and did not examine his phone, because the accident was not consistent with one of a distracted driver; no brake or swerve marks were left on the road.

The Vermont State Police said they found no sign that his car had been tampered with. That is also what police said about the one-car crash of national security journalist Michael Hastings. Of course, police see more accidents than most people and rarely say a car has been tampered with. That’s mainly because most cars are not involved in accidents because of tampering.

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5e84df No.69977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136221 (070222ZJUL23) Notable: 2014 UPDATE: Louis Freeh’s Curious Car Accident

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Freeh is, or was, under armed guard at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, a hospital in neighboring New Hampshire that is considered among the top hospitals. It routinely has very tight security, so the reason for the extra precautions is not clear.

There is the possibility that the law enforcement agencies involved with Freeh’s car crash are treating it with kid gloves because Freeh was one of their own. Although it happens less and less nowadays, there is ample history of fellow law officers giving special treatment to cases involving someone else who carries a badge. The fact that Freeh once held the biggest badge in the land could also be playing a factor.

Freeh, with his knowledge of details concerning controversial major security events that have not been, in many people’s minds, satisfactorily explained—including 9/11, TWA Flight 800, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, Waco, investigations of the Clintons and more—is in a sensitive position. If his accident was, in the opinion of the FBI, not an accident, then they would conceivably have a reason to be concerned for his safety.

Ultimately, however, Freeh, a man who headed an agency famous for being tight-lipped, is unlikely to share his thoughts.

[box] WhoWhatWhy plans to continue doing this kind of groundbreaking original reporting. You can count on us. Can we count on you? What we do is only possible with your support.

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5e84df No.69978

File: a3bb56c0e76149d⋯.png (133.06 KB,1182x808,591:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136238 (070225ZJUL23) Notable: Ben Stein going live any minute. Why is this relevant? POTUS mentioned him last week on Truth…

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Ben Stein going live any minute. Why is this relevant? POTUS mentioned him last week on Truth...



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5e84df No.69979

File: 7cb23cd9cb32682⋯.png (255.65 KB,1037x464,1037:464,Clipboard.png)

File: b2a2431841d27b6⋯.png (533.31 KB,1079x1940,1079:1940,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136246 (070227ZJUL23) Notable: The History of Star Alliance

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>is this star alliance?


>Yes it is! When was dat?

The History of Star Alliance

Star Alliance created a new milestone for the airline industry with its founding on 14 May, 1997. As the first global airline alliance, linking five major airlines into a single network, it offered a completely new type of service to the international traveller.

Since then, the Alliance has expanded to 26 member airlines, who together offer a comprehensive network spanning 195 countries worldwide.


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5e84df No.69980

File: 7cafdff4f6737e2⋯.png (25.78 KB,368x479,368:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b0bea7fa130513⋯.jpg (46.03 KB,612x587,612:587,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4b6d5a330ab4c8f⋯.jpg (56.28 KB,671x459,671:459,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136320 (070239ZJUL23) Notable: 2020 Sound of Freedom

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I remember pushing the movie first post here back in April 26, 2020...never thought it would take so long to release it....kept pushing every few months....so happy it got release and on July 4th...

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5e84df No.69981

File: 1dc88c8d5717f01⋯.png (17.96 KB,598x236,299:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136341 (070241ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Why isn’t the left promoting the Sound Of Freedom? Shouldn’t everybody be against child trafficking?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


This is the $64-million-dollar question…

Quote Tweet

Kevin Sorbo




Why isn’t the left promoting the Sound Of Freedom? Shouldn’t everybody be against child trafficking?

2:59 PM · Jul 6, 2023




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5e84df No.69982

File: 2311758d56586ea⋯.png (919.23 KB,792x624,33:26,Clipboard.png)

File: b24a6a39e98d1e6⋯.png (547.3 KB,724x830,362:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136356 (070245ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Guardians of the Pedophiles. Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America. Charles Bramesco

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The Walt Disney Company Reportedly Shelved

Anti-Child Trafficking Film ‘Sound Of

Freedom’ After Obtaining Rights In Merger

With Fox

Bounding Into Comics (Reston, VA), by John Trent

Posted By: Beardo, 7/6/2023 9:24:10 PM

Angel Studios President Jordan Harmon recently detailed that The Walt Disney Company shelved the upcoming Sound of Freedom film after they obtained the rights in their merger with Fox. (snip) "Going back to that story, Fox was originally going to distribute it. Then Disney buys Fox and for whatever reason Disney shelves it.” (snip) “It’s very rare for a film to be shot four or five years ago and it doesn’t come out for four or five years,” he added. (snip) Why do you think The Walt Disney Company shelved this film after they obtained its rights?

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5e84df No.69983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136386 (070249ZJUL23) Notable: #23502

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#23502 >>69960

>>69961 Jim Jordan, House Republicans Launch Investigation Into Blackrock, Vanguard, Others Over ESG Practices

>>69962 The Boston Globe >Rachael Rollins could face suspension of law license, disbarment at hands of state disciplinary board

>>69963 MO vs Joseph R Biden et alinjunction of Gov and agencies on Free Speech

>>69964 Rasmussen Polls: Two Thirds Think Hunter Got Special Treatment, Most Disapprove Plea Deal

>>69966 ‘COVID Was A Trojan Horse’: Missouri AG Reacts To Judge’s Ruling Against Biden Admin’s Censorship Efforts

>>69965, >>69967 0 Delta Trump and Obama twice this week

>>69968 Hugh Hefner's widow Crystal vows to expose the 'dark side' of the 'toxic' Playboy mansion

>>69969 Nearly HALF of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer and infertility

>>69970, >>69971 The 1990 Playboy Interview With Donald Trump

>>69972, >>69973 Court ruling prompts fears of ‘Wild West of disinformation’

>>69974 If Alleged DOJ Misconduct Is True, A Judge Could Dismiss The Whole Case Against Trump

>>69975, >>69976, >>69977 2014 UPDATE: Louis Freeh’s Curious Car Accident

>>69978 Ben Stein going live any minute. Why is this relevant? POTUS mentioned him last week on Truth…

>>69979 The History of Star Alliance

>>69980 2020 Sound of Freedom

>>69981, >>69982 Why isn’t the left promoting the Sound Of Freedom? Shouldn’t everybody be against child trafficking?/shelved


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5e84df No.69984

File: 22129bb52826214⋯.png (1005.54 KB,1095x768,365:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136434 (070257ZJUL23) Notable: Missing Biden Corruption Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Resurfaces – Releases 14 Minute Video Detailing Criminal Allegations Against Biden Crime Family

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Missing Biden Corruption Whistleblower

Dr. Gal Luft Resurfaces – Releases 14

Minute Video Detailing Criminal Allegations

Against Biden Crime Family

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 7/6/2023 6:20:55 PM

Missing Biden corruption whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft released a 14-minute video to The New York Post on Thursday detailing damning allegations against Joe Biden and his family in a massive international bribery scheme filmed in an undisclosed location while on the run from the Biden regime and Department of Justice. The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Luft vanished from Cyprus in April under mysterious circumstances. He is now living as a fugitive in undisclosed foreign location. Luft was an adviser to CEFC China Energy (CEFC), a business conglomerate with extremely close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He served alongside Hunter Biden.

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5e84df No.69985

File: 8c92d6f3b8ed2bb⋯.png (190.82 KB,418x565,418:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136456 (070300ZJUL23) Notable: 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours

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A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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5e84df No.69986

File: d5f0eda51fbeb0d⋯.png (301.75 KB,603x893,603:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 7303417be24bc6c⋯.png (233.75 KB,722x262,361:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136477 (070303ZJUL23) Notable: 2 Days Ago the Twitter Algorithm forced a double decker #buscrash test down our throats … Tens of Millions imagined a Double Decker Bus Crash - TODAY it happens

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2 Days Ago the Twitter Algorithm forced a double decker #buscrash test down our throats … Tens of Millions imagined a Double Decker Bus Crash - TODAY it happens #Witchcraft

Quote Tweet





🚨#BREAKING: Over 55+ injuries reported after a double-decker tour bus collides with MTA city bus

📌#Manhattan | #NewYork

Currently numerous authorities and emergency personnel have been deployed following a collision involving a double-decker tour bus and a MTA city bus in… Show more

0:01 / 1:00

2:18 PM · Jul 6, 2023





That must be a glitch.

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5e84df No.69987

File: 97f8505a8216e65⋯.jpeg (77.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136513 (070311ZJUL23) Notable: Zelensky clashes with EU state president over weapons demands

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6 Jul, 2023 23:52

Zelensky clashes with EU state president over weapons demands

Ukraine’s leader berated his Bulgarian host in a televised meeting

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev found himself lectured by his Ukrainian guest Vladimir Zelensky on Thursday, after telling him thatSofia had no weapons to spare for Kiev. As TV cameras documented their meeting, Zelensky attacked Radev for advocating a diplomatic solution to the conflict.

“I do not agree to provide ammunition, especially from the Bulgarian army reserves,”Radev told Zelensky, according to one of the translations.“I continue to maintain that this conflict has no military solution and more and more weapons will not solve it.”

Zelensky objected to Radev’s use of the term “conflict,” insisting that “this is definitely a war.”

“God forbid, some tragedy should befall you and you should be in my place,” he added. “And if people with shared values do not help, what will you do? You would say: Putin, please grab Bulgarian territory?”

“I also want to tell you, whatever your army has in terms of munitions, it will not be enough to fight with the Russian Federation. You don’t have a bad army, your people are good but it would not be enough to fight against 160 million people. That is why it is good to give the people to defend themselves, so that the war does not come to you, to the Poles, to the Romanians – war knows no distance, I can tell you,” the Ukrainian leader told his host. (Man this guy is going to end up ostracized and banned. This is typical of Zelensky and Ukraine, no thank you’s but just we need more.)

“You cannot support Russia and support a balancing position because Russia wants to destroy NATO, wants to destroy Europe and the European Union; these are their goals. Do you get me?” Zelensky told Radev.

According to Politico’s description of the incident, Zelensky “savaged” Radev and “opened up with both barrels” to “maul” the Bulgarian president, delivering his words “with measured scorn” and “barbed irony” as Radev “took refuge” in the sheet of paper in his hands. TheBulgarian president eventually asked the cameras to leave the room.

NATO countries have sent billions of dollars worth of weapons, ammunition and equipment to Ukraine since February 2022, while insisting they were not directly involved in the conflict with Russia.

Earlier in the day, Zelensky met with the government of PM Nikolai Denkov, who has only been in office for a month. Denkov’s cabinet supports selling weapons to Kiev. The Ukrainian delegation departed Sofia for Prague, on board a Czech air force transport.

(I would not be very surprised if Zelensky is kicked out, or worse after this “war”.)


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5e84df No.69988

File: d37c4db8f1fcbc0⋯.png (1.25 MB,1111x1625,1111:1625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136515 (070311ZJUL23) Notable: Former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh collaborated closely with Hunter Biden in Romania and contributed $100,000 to an education trust established for Joe Biden's grandchildren.

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Lara Logan Retweeted


Former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh collaborated closely with Hunter Biden in Romania and contributed $100,000 to an education trust established for Joe Biden's grandchildren.


7:01 PM · Jul 6, 2023·56.6K


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5e84df No.69989

File: 1c237f709d01f07⋯.jpg (204.98 KB,720x1016,90:127,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 85813287a1faae5⋯.mp4 (6.64 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136540 (070315ZJUL23) Notable: They have opened the All seeing eye in Vegas

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They have opened the All seeing eye in Vegas


🚨#WATCH: as Las Vegas Unveils the $2.3 Billion MSG Sphere Lighting Up the Sky for the first time ever

📌#LasVegas | #Nevada

Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps, has unveiled the MSG Sphere a remarkable arena with a price tag of $2.3 billion. Last night, they turned on the lights for the very first time. The MSG Sphere boasts an impressive 580,000 square feet and features a fully programmable LED screen, making it the highest-resolution LED screen in the world. Additionally, it houses the most advanced concert audio system and includes atmospheric elements like wind and scent to enhance the overall experience.

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5e84df No.69990

File: 0ddc6cc4af89c57⋯.png (505.11 KB,598x620,299:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136549 (070316ZJUL23) Notable: WILL FBI RAID? University of Delaware can keep Biden Senate papers hidden

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Tom Fitton


WILL FBI RAID? University of Delaware can keep Biden Senate papers hidden: court ruling https://nypost.com/2023/07/06/university-of-delaware-can-keep-biden-senate-papers-hidden-from-public-court-rules/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nypost_sitebuttons

via @nypost



University of Delaware can keep Biden Senate papers hidden, court...

The Delaware Supreme Court affirmed a lower court ruling on Thursday denying a conservative watchdog group and media outlet access to a trove of documents from President Biden’s time in the...

4:12 PM · Jul 6, 2023




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5e84df No.69991

File: b2994bbbf695e61⋯.png (3.97 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136603 (070324ZJUL23) Notable: Relevance re: [Susan Rice] 'top secret' [DECLAS] paragraph

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Relevance re: [Susan Rice] 'top secret' [DECLAS] paragraph:

“From a national security perspective, Comey said he does have some concerns that incoming NSA Flynn is speaking frequently with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Comey said that could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information. President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn. Comey replied ‘potentially.’"

What was really discussed during [Jan 5] meeting?

[Hussein] order preventing sharing of intel re: Russia?

Would such an order shield [Hussein] admin from discovery re: Obamagate?

Would such an order shield [Clinton] camp from discovery re: Clinton-DNC Russian collusion?

Would such an order be known to POTUS or CLASSIFIED?

If CLASSIFIED how could it be discovered?

NSA Mike Rogers _step down [retire] [date]?

NSA Mike Rogers _TT [SCIF secure] [date]?

[Brennan][Clapper][Carter] push to TERM _NSA Mike Rogers [date]?


“The heads of the Pentagon and the nation’s intelligence community have recommended to President Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, be removed.The recommendation, delivered to the White House last month, was made by Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., according to several U.S. officials familiar with the matter.”



Critical thinking _what did [Susan Rice] DECLAS [Jan 5] WH meeting reveal?














Welcome to the Shadow Presidency of Barack H. Obama.


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5e84df No.69992

File: 4bce4a0f7a61daf⋯.png (1.74 MB,1296x753,432:251,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fd58a9d2b4a9e7⋯.png (475.28 KB,716x363,716:363,Clipboard.png)

File: 933b937f68f5161⋯.png (457.09 KB,1015x447,1015:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 29e91a996f43e76⋯.png (7.79 KB,427x257,427:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136607 (070325ZJUL23) Notable: Former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh collaborated closely with Hunter Biden in Romania and contributed $100,000 to an education trust established for Joe Biden's grandchildren.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh collaborated closely with Hunter Biden in Romania and contributed $100,000 to an education trust established for Joe Biden's grandchildren.

PB below


>News Unlocks the map

>News Unlocks the map

>[special agent Joshua WILSON]



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5e84df No.69993

File: 8562b7f6d7a408d⋯.png (309.02 KB,597x563,597:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136621 (070328ZJUL23) Notable: Carnival Cruise Ship Emits More Toxic Fumes Than All Of Europe's Cars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Carnival Cruise Ship Emits More Toxic Fumes Than All Of Europe's Cars, Study Finds


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5e84df No.69994

File: 1ff03bc9e72e9f9⋯.png (348.37 KB,596x585,596:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136713 (070343ZJUL23) Notable: The "Guardians of the Galaxy" writer and director James Gunn has been rehired to helm the next sequel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The New York Times


The "Guardians of the Galaxy" writer and director James Gunn has been rehired to helm the next sequel, 8 months after Disney fired him

Disney fired James Gunn as the writer and director of “Guardians of the Galaxy 3” in July after jokes he made years ago on Twitter involving pedophilia and rape resurfaced.


James Gunn Is Hired Back to Helm ‘Guardians of the Galaxy 3’ (Published 2019)

Disney had fired the filmmaker in July after offensive jokes he wrote on Twitter several years ago resurfaced. The dismissal prompted an outcry from the film franchise’s cast and fans.

11:00 AM · Mar 15, 2019

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5e84df No.69995

File: 772ba2c81332d4b⋯.jpg (553.25 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136937 (070427ZJUL23) Notable: $40M has been spent to house 1,400 people in LA models, 8% has landed permanent housing

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I remember when Ben Carson audited HUD, and found a deficit of $500B.

Thieves need to face real consequences.

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5e84df No.69996

File: 4e1e89ee381fd04⋯.png (303.06 KB,594x415,594:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136941 (070428ZJUL23) Notable: Biden's billion dollar hydrogen program makes no sense

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5e84df No.69997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19136988 (070440ZJUL23) Notable: How Close Are We Really From The Government Releasing Alien : UFO Findings?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How Close Are We Really From The Government Releasing Alien : UFO Findings? | Pat McAfee Show

With guest Congressman Mike Gallagher


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5e84df No.69998

File: fd010da3d2436f6⋯.png (243.48 KB,634x497,634:497,Clipboard.png)

File: de2d93268ad0c13⋯.png (190.46 KB,634x372,317:186,Clipboard.png)

File: b959778dda8962c⋯.png (27.86 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 759492b5e6d19ce⋯.png (93.42 KB,471x754,471:754,Clipboard.png)

File: ba35827f92e29b8⋯.png (1.01 MB,1014x1024,507:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137130 (070514ZJUL23) Notable: Nearly half of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nearly HALF of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer and infertility, major government study finds - with worst-hit areas in Cali, Eastern Seaboard, Great Lakes and Great Plains

July 26, 2023

Almost half of all tap water sources in the US are laced with toxic PFAS ‘forever chemicals’, according to a major official study.

Experts said the findings were 'frightening' given the scale of the problem and the link between the toxins and serious health conditions like cancer, infertility, birth defects and hormone issues.

In the most comprehensive study of its kind, researchers from the US Geological Survey tested water sources at more than 700 locations across the country for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

These microscopic, man-made chemicals can take thousands of years to break down in the environment or in the human body, hence the name 'forever chemicals'.

The report found that 45 percent of drinking water sources contained at least one PFAS - with highest concentrations in the Great Plains, the Great Lakes, the Eastern Seaboard and Central/Southern California.

More: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12271527/Nearly-HALF-tap-water-contaminated-forever-chemicals.html

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5e84df No.69999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137164 (070521ZJUL23) Notable: #23503

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>>69984 Missing Biden Corruption Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Resurfaces – Releases 14 Minute Video Detailing Criminal Allegations Against Biden Crime Family

>>69985 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours

>>69986 2 Days Ago the Twitter Algorithm forced a double decker #buscrash test down our throats … Tens of Millions imagined a Double Decker Bus Crash - TODAY it happens

>>69987 Zelensky clashes with EU state president over weapons demands

>>69988, >>69992 Former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh collaborated closely with Hunter Biden in Romania and contributed $100,000 to an education trust established for Joe Biden's grandchildren.

>>69989 They have opened the All seeing eye in Vegas

>>69990 WILL FBI RAID? University of Delaware can keep Biden Senate papers hidden

>>69991 Relevance re: [Susan Rice] 'top secret' [DECLAS] paragraph

>>69993 Carnival Cruise Ship Emits More Toxic Fumes Than All Of Europe's Cars

>>69994 The "Guardians of the Galaxy" writer and director James Gunn has been rehired to helm the next sequel

>>69995 $40M has been spent to house 1,400 people in LA models, 8% has landed permanent housing

>>69996 Biden's billion dollar hydrogen program makes no sense

>>69997 How Close Are We Really From The Government Releasing Alien : UFO Findings?

>>69998 Nearly half of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals'



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5e84df No.70000

File: 56abbb73722f531⋯.jpg (28.32 KB,430x405,86:81,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137170 (070522ZJUL23) Notable: #23504

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baker seeking handoff

God bless this bread and all who post here.

STEADY as she goes.

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5e84df No.70001

File: 165808cdb1ad45e⋯.png (108.13 KB,994x565,994:565,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b1aa7c64f03503⋯.png (288.19 KB,634x468,317:234,Clipboard.png)

File: 92359f54ad64c7d⋯.png (143.31 KB,634x343,634:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 11e420734e896e2⋯.png (359.63 KB,634x736,317:368,Clipboard.png)

File: de821ac58a3c9c2⋯.png (431.24 KB,634x451,634:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137231 (070537ZJUL23) Notable: TARGET will sell Mark Levin's book, after all.

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More Winning

Off Target AGAIN! Superstore is forced into overnight U-turn as it now says it WILL sell firebrand Fox News host Mark Levin's new book - after claiming the day before it was 'too polarizing'

Target will stock conservative radio icon Mark Levin's new book - despite telling the author that 'certain customers might be offended by the title'

The stunning reversal came less than 24 hours after Levin blasted the retail giant prompting a social media firestorm from Levin's supporters

Target has been at the center of a number of controversies - most recently over the stocking and then removal of its LGBTQ products ahead of Pride month

July 6, 2023

Target has made a stunning reversal after Fox News host Mark Levin called out the retail giant for not carrying his new book 'The Democratic Party Hates America' because it 'may offend certain customers.'

Levin blasted the retail giant on Wednesday saying: 'Target has informed my publisher, Simon & Schuster, that it will not carry my new book when it is released on September 19.

'It claims that certain customers might be offended by the title. Imagine that! So, the corporatist leftwing censorship begins. I will discuss this in more detail on this evening's radio show.'

The post was a linchpin for Levin's fans to start floating the idea of a boycott - another potentially damaging decision for the retailer after they lost billions after their controversial decision around their LGBTQ products.

More: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12272975/Target-performs-overnight-U-turn-decides-sell-Mark-Levins-new-book.html


So much winning, not sick of winning yet

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5e84df No.70002

File: 83f283391325279⋯.png (603.59 KB,1048x920,131:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137257 (070542ZJUL23) Notable: Zelensky clashes with EU state president over weapons demands

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Zelly was coked out to the max in Bulgaria today warning of imminent destruction coming to a country near you.


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5e84df No.70003

File: 8f6f1b2486464e5⋯.png (235.03 KB,634x492,317:246,Clipboard.png)

File: 30bdcaeb2f73316⋯.png (298.05 KB,634x633,634:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137294 (070551ZJUL23) Notable: Serial killer, 35, apprehended in Brazil confesses to killing 14 people during a span of 16 years

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Brazil caught the serial homo killer

Serial killer, 35, apprehended in Brazil confesses to killing 14 people during a span of 16 years - last three victims were met on dating apps

July 6, 2023

Police described Renato Teixeira as a prostitute who targeted his victims on dating app for financial favors

Renato Teixeira told television cameras he killed 14 people following his arrest in Franco da Rocha, Brazil on Wednesday. During a police interrogation, the 35-year-old said he had killed only nine people. Authorities have so far accused him for three murders - the victims were killed between 2020 and 2022 after he met them on dating apps

Sectional police chief Kelly César described him as a psychopath.

'His coldness when describing the crimes, even detailing the type of knife he preferred to use, is astounding,' she said.

Police zeroed in on Teixeira following the killing of Mário Marchiani, 60, on December 3, 2022, at a home he rented in São Bernardo.

He then waited three days to text the property owner's husband to say that he had murdered Marchiani and left the body in one of the rooms.

The victim's body was in a state of decomposition when the Military Police searched the home.

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5e84df No.70004

File: c848db17224e1cf⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,426x330,71:55,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137400 (070624ZJUL23) Notable: CFR negotiating with Russian Foreign Minister on behalf of US.

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CFR negotiating with Russian Foreign Minister on behalf of US.


A group of former senior U.S. national security officials has held secret talks with prominent Russians believed to be close to the Kremlin — and, in at least one case, with the country’s top diplomat — with the aim of laying the groundwork for negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, half a dozen people briefed on the discussions said.

The CFR guys laid out their plan back in April:


Basically, a UN certified DMZ stops the lines where they are.

Truth is, big money payments are coming this fall, on the debt held (mostly) by BlackRock. If Russia gains more ground, more of their investment is lost.

All been a game with human pawns for the powerful. Ageneration, perhaps two, have been wiped out in Ukraine. For the love of money; all wars are banker wars.

Vid rel.

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5e84df No.70005

File: dc3743ce1e773fa⋯.png (271.55 KB,308x500,77:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137403 (070625ZJUL23) Notable: Biden to send thousands of cluster bombs to Ukraine despite them being against US law and banned in 120 countries

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Biden to send thousands of cluster bombs to Ukraine despite them being against US law and banned in 120 countries - a year after Jen Psaki said using them 'would potentially be a war crime'


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5e84df No.70006

File: bb956b272242a4d⋯.png (2.84 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137546 (070713ZJUL23) Notable: R&B artist Jill Scott is slammed for savage national anthem rendition branding the U.S as 'home of the slave'

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R&B artist Jill Scott is slammed for savage national anthem rendition branding the U.S as 'home of the slave' and 'not the land of the free' in woke July 4th attack on American culture

By Aneeta Bhole For Dailymail.Com

04:38 07 Jul 2023, updated 07:46 07 Jul 2023

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5e84df No.70007

File: e81b84b8ed25db6⋯.png (1.66 MB,1738x1732,869:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137633 (070745ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Pence Meets Voters at Iowa Pizza Ranch Restaurant

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Mike Pence Meets Voters at Iowa Pizza Ranch Restaurant


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5e84df No.70008

File: 4c85af059b4da5a⋯.jpg (149.44 KB,720x889,720:889,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137787 (070934ZJUL23) Notable: Warner Bros. denies 'Barbie' map endorses China's disputed territorial claims

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Warner Bros. denies 'Barbie' map endorses China's disputed territorial claims: 'Make-believe'

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5e84df No.70009

File: a7667ded1aee2a9⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b762f1d60cd4f13⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 23e921c94acc097⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB,736x1280,23:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 800a9542dc6974c⋯.png (604.61 KB,776x1074,388:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 19b25bf37f5337e⋯.png (590.34 KB,1088x607,1088:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137939 (071105ZJUL23) Notable: A speaker at the WEF just pitched the idea of using CBDCs to stop people from purchasing ammunition.

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'we will not stop people from purchasing food because they still have too many guns to kill us with'

A speaker at the WEF just pitched the idea of using CBDCs to stop people from purchasing ammunition.

Do you now see why a digital dollar can never be allowed in America?



If you come to China, you'd better get a Chinese phone number as soon as possible. because you need it to get a bank account and then a wechat digital wallet to buy food in China. Many places no longer accept cash. QR codes are now dictating people's daily lives here... Digital slavery


🇨🇳 15-minute cities in China are blocked by high iron fences with barbed⚠️☝️ wire People just can't get out of them. These cities form a closed system.


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5e84df No.70010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137945 (071109ZJUL23) Notable: #23504

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definately the final bun for #23504

#23504 >>70000

>>70001 TARGET will sell Mark Levin's book, after all.

>>70002 Zelensky clashes with EU state president over weapons demands

>>70003 Serial killer, 35, apprehended in Brazil confesses to killing 14 people during a span of 16 years

>>70004 A group of former senior U.S. national security officials has held secret talks with prominent Russians believed to be close to the Kremlin

>>70004 CFR negotiating with Russian Foreign Minister on behalf of US.

>>70005 Biden to send thousands of cluster bombs to Ukraine despite them being against US law and banned in 120 countries

>>70006 R&B artist Jill Scott is slammed for savage national anthem rendition branding the U.S as 'home of the slave'

>>70007 Mike Pence Meets Voters at Iowa Pizza Ranch Restaurant

>>70008 Warner Bros. denies 'Barbie' map endorses China's disputed territorial claims

>>>/qresearch/19137927 Japan's former prime minister Shinzo Abe is showing no vital signs after being taken to hospital following an apparent attack at a campaign event

>>70009 A speaker at the WEF just pitched the idea of using CBDCs to stop people from purchasing ammunition.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70011

File: 65a9f40114551fa⋯.jpg (89.78 KB,500x562,250:281,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 74d5cac71b49d17⋯.jpg (26.26 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137958 (071111ZJUL23) Notable: #23505

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happy tgif anons

Baker Requesting Handoff

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5e84df No.70012

File: 0711fdf1a2755ca⋯.mp4 (14.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137995 (071125ZJUL23) Notable: BRICS plans to announce a new gold backed currency at next month’s summit

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NEW: BRICS plans to announce a new gold backed currency at next month’s summit 👀😮





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5e84df No.70013

File: fba9dd06f722000⋯.png (350.86 KB,479x575,479:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137996 (071125ZJUL23) Notable: MovieGuide is sounding the alarm about a new campaign against an upcoming Disney+ that features a teenage girl’s love affair with Satan...

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The family-friendly entertainment organization MovieGuide is sounding the alarm about a new campaign against an upcoming Disney+ that features a teenage girl’s love affair with Satan. The streaming platform has given the green light to start production on a new German original series titled Pauline. According to Deadline, the series follows an 18-year-old girl becomes pregnant after a one-night stand with the devil. The series’ creators, who are behind Netflix’s “How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast),” say the project is “very close” to their hearts. “For a long time, the series has been and still remains a project very close to our hearts,” Philipp Käßbohrer and Matthias Murmann said. “We’re thrilled that Disney+ loves this coming-of-age story as much as we do and that we’ve now been able to begin filming with such an amazing cast and crew


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5e84df No.70014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138071 (071151ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Go be equal’: Anti-feminist clashes with journalist over women’s rights

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‘Go be equal’: Anti-feminist clashes with journalist over women’s rights

Anti-feminist YouTuber Hannah Pearl Davis has clashed with political journalist Ava Santina over women’s rights and equal pay.

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5e84df No.70015

File: 1579f97ec5175c9⋯.png (904.29 KB,890x641,890:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138088 (071157ZJUL23) Notable: WEF Partner Aimed to ‘End’ ‘Private Car Ownership’ to Save the Planet

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WEF Partner Aimed to ‘End’ ‘Private

Car Ownership’ to Save the Planet

PJ Media, by Catherine Salgado

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 7/7/2023 7:03:04 AM

The World Economic Forum (WEF) isn’t the only entity planning for a world where you “own nothing, have no privacy” and enjoy it — or else. WEF’s partner Arup Group released a 2019 report pontificating, “private car ownership needs to end.” This was allegedly going to solve the fake “crisis” of climate change, which has supposedly been about to cause global apocalypse for 50 years now. But give up your car, you stupid peasant, and trust the experts. Arup Group, which is listed as a partner by the insidious World Economic Forum, released a 2019 report demanding that consumption of clothing, cars, electronics, and food has to change —

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5e84df No.70016

File: 8274ae51c91335f⋯.jpg (55.87 KB,400x480,5:6,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 74edac48773e9db⋯.jpg (131.43 KB,780x674,390:337,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3c2bf32e351863b⋯.jpg (118.81 KB,779x686,779:686,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bd731e50d689df3⋯.jpg (170.96 KB,700x838,350:419,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98d509908416b08⋯.png (1.71 MB,1080x872,135:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138090 (071157ZJUL23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY TODAY AND SPEECH TOMORROW!!

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Trump speaks at 1PM EST today.

Pre-stream starts at 9AM.

>RSBN today 1PM EST


>RSBN tomorrow 6PM EST



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5e84df No.70017

File: fe9b7e06abcee80⋯.png (547.64 KB,670x703,670:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138101 (071202ZJUL23) Notable: Karine Jean-Pierre Won’t Say if White House Supports Prosecuting Unknown Cocaine Smuggler

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Karine Jean-Pierre Won’t Say if White

House Supports Prosecuting Unknown Cocaine Smuggler

Breitbart, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/6/2023 11:33:41 PM

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre would not say if the White House supports prosecuting the unknown cocaine White House smuggler. Speaking at Wednesday’s press briefing, a reporter asked, “If the Secret Service determines who brought the cocaine into the White House, does the White House support the prosecution of this individual?” “I’m just not gonna get into hypotheticals from here. Let the Secret Service do their job. It’s under their purview. We are confident that they will get to the bottom of it. I’m just not going to get ahead of this at this time,” she replied. Jean-Pierre refused to answer a number of questions about the cocaine incident.

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5e84df No.70018

File: f584df52b245466⋯.png (301.84 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138109 (071204ZJUL23) Notable: Macron suggests French gov’t should ‘cut off’ social media during violent riots

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the slope, she is slippery

Macron suggests French gov’t should ‘cut off’ social media during violent riots

Macron suggested the need to suspend social networks as a response to the outbreak of riots; however, his comments drew comparison among critics with censorship measures in countries like China, Iran, and North Korea.


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5e84df No.70019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138115 (071206ZJUL23) Notable: (Live) Antony Blinken hosts and delivers opening remarks at a virtual Ministerial meeting to launch the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

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July 7, 2023

8:00 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken hosts and delivers opening remarks at a virtual Ministerial meeting to launch the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

Department of State



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5e84df No.70020

File: ae0b55f18abf5a5⋯.png (553.97 KB,783x506,783:506,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138141 (071217ZJUL23) Notable: 7 Attorneys General Sign Letter Blasting Target For Pushing ‘Pride Campaign’ On Children

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7 Attorneys General Sign Letter Blasting Target For Pushing ‘Pride Campaign’ On Children

FULL STORY —> https://republicandaily.com/2023/07/7-attorneys-general-sign-letter-blasting-target-for-pushing-pride-campaign-on-children/

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5e84df No.70021

File: f9e1dd32b031bfd⋯.png (161.93 KB,421x432,421:432,Clipboard.png)

File: 16048c2aa41ffb3⋯.png (567.03 KB,531x528,177:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138168 (071223ZJUL23) Notable: Ben & Jerry's parent company stock tanks after Vermont ice cream maker tweets anti-American July 4th message

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Ben & Jerry's parent company stock tanks after Vermont ice cream maker tweets anti-American July 4th message


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5e84df No.70022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138227 (071240ZJUL23) Notable: Jobs report MISSES expectations for the first time in several months. 209K new jobs. Unemployment rate falls to 3.6%.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jobs report MISSES expectations for the first time in several months. 209K new jobs. Unemployment rate falls to 3.6%.

Analysts expected 230K new jobs and an unemployment rate of 3.6%


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5e84df No.70023

File: e7ca6dd6777d716⋯.png (22.9 KB,591x316,591:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138271 (071254ZJUL23) Notable: Lara Logan w/CAP: All over the world. Ritualists Suspected of Abductions of Small Children in Nigeria’s Displaced Peoples Camps

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Lara Logan


All over the world. Ritualists Suspected of Abductions of Small Children in Nigeria’s Displaced Peoples Camps | Truth Nigeria


Ritualists Suspected of Abductions of Small Children in Nigeria’s Displaced Peoples Camps - Truth...

By Justine John DyikukSpecial to Truth Nigeria JOS—Parents of small children in Benue State’s Internally Displaced People’s [IDP] camps are scrambling to protect their kids from kidnappers known as...

11:46 PM · Jul 6, 2023




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5e84df No.70024

File: 0e7d7566b18b9f6⋯.png (1.06 MB,1393x760,1393:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138284 (071259ZJUL23) Notable: SPLC Labels Parents As Perpetrators Of Hate, Gets White House Welcome

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70025

File: 154a1f0692207ce⋯.jpg (28.32 KB,480x477,160:159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138427 (071347ZJUL23) Notable: BRICS plans to announce a new gold backed currency at next month’s summit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gold-Backed BRICS+ Currency: A Death Knell for the Dollar’s Global Rule?

In a game-changing move, BRICS+ countries plan to launch a new gold-linked currency, placing the long-standing supremacy of the dollar under serious threat. This unprecedented shift in the international financial landscape poses an essential question: Could this be the end of the dollar’s global dominance? With gold-rich Russia and China spearheading the initiative, the world is on the brink of a potential currency revolution. Our expert analysis uncovers the intricacies of this financial overhaul and its possible repercussions on the dollar, global economy, and investors worldwide.

In a surprising move, the BRICS+ countries – a group including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, plus additional emerging economies – plan to introduce a new currency, likely linked to a weight of gold. This plan, set to be unveiled at their annual leaders’ summit conference, marks a significant challenge to the dollar’s reign in international finance.

The initiative, principally driven by Russia and China – the world’s largest gold producers – aims to link the new currency to a specific weight of gold. This strategy leverages their gold-rich status and presents a formidable challenge to the dollar’s pre-eminence. Experts are closely watching the development and analyzing the potential repercussions for global markets.

Understanding the implications of this currency shift requires an exploration of the dollar’s standing in international finance. Traditionally, the dollar has enjoyed an unchallenged position, serving as the world’s primary reserve currency. It’s used widely in international trade, providing stability and convenience to global transactions. However, the introduction of a new gold-linked currency could disrupt this balance, challenging the dollar’s omnipresence and potentially displacing it as the dominant payment currency.


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5e84df No.70026

File: e47905223c77094⋯.png (310.81 KB,500x369,500:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138451 (071352ZJUL23) Notable: Earthquake Swarm Rattles Iceland As Experts Warn "Eruption Could Occur Within Days"

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Quick, ban volcanos before they climate change!


Earthquake Swarm Rattles Iceland As Experts Warn "Eruption Could Occur Within Days"

About 5,000 earthquakes have been recorded on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland. Quake swarms were first reported on Tuesday and have since intensified, indicating magma is collecting below the surface.

Iceland Review cited geologists who warned, "The current earthquake swarm on the Reykjanes peninsula suggests a more aggressive magma intrusion than in 2021 and 2022."

As of Thursday, 4,700 quakes have been recorded since Tuesday, with the largest registering a magnitude of 4.8. Here's what the quake swarm across the Reykjanes Peninsula, a region in southwest Iceland, looks like:

One expert told Icelandic public broadcaster RUV that an eruption could be imminent and possibly in the area between the mountains Keilir and Fagradalsfjall:

"If this continues we think that there is a possibility that an eruption could occur within a few days," said Magús Freyr Sigurkarlsson, a natural hazards expert at the Icelandic MET Office.

Other experts believe if an eruption is observed, it'll be very similar to the ones seen over the last several years.

Thousands Of Quakes Rock Iceland As Volcanic Eruption Could Be Brewing

Hikers Evacuated As Iceland Volcano Unleashes New Lava Stream

Volcano Erupts In Southwest Iceland Near Capital

In 2010, nearly all flights in Europe and across the Atlantic Ocean were halted for a week as ash from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano sparked one of the most significant air traffic disruptions in peacetime until the Covid virus pandemic in 2020.

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5e84df No.70027

File: 80263774d39d488⋯.jpg (44.65 KB,720x324,20:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138455 (071354ZJUL23) Notable: Scott Adams w/CAP: Something is supposed to happen today. July 7, 2023

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Something is supposed to happen today. July 7, 2023


What does Dilbert know?

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5e84df No.70028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138475 (071359ZJUL23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY TODAY AND SPEECH TOMORROW!!

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LIVE from Council Bluffs, Iowa


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5e84df No.70029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138486 (071402ZJUL23) Notable: China's military is leading in developing weapons that disrupt brain functions, report

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Soft disclosure on what is already happening here?


China's military is leading in developing weapons that disrupt brain functions, report

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5e84df No.70030

File: 05ea9322f9c8fc8⋯.png (111.13 KB,630x749,90:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138501 (071406ZJUL23) Notable: Four potent signs that we are winning the fight against woke corporate power

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Four potent signs that we are winning

the fight against woke corporate power

American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson

Original Article

Posted By: Magnante, 7/7/2023 9:23:50 AM

Video Player is loading.

The strategy of the American Marxists seeking to impose a cultural revolution has been top-down, derived from the work of Antonio Gramsci, taking control of the “commanding heights” of institutional power and imposing their vision on what old style Marxists called “the masses.” So long as the great unwashed remained passive, oblivious to what was happening, it was highly successful. (snip) the rush to transform the most basic building blocks of our culture, the family and the sexual mores that maintain it, appears to be a bridge too far, especially the attempt to impose as normal the transsexual agenda.

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5e84df No.70031

File: e9755153ec39108⋯.png (766.29 KB,985x605,197:121,Clipboard.png)

File: db10a5b17d0d410⋯.png (226.63 KB,320x418,160:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e2fa5b320c748b⋯.png (903.32 KB,985x570,197:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138638 (071430ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Humanoid Robot to Be Tested in Australia

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NASA Humanoid Robot to Be Tested in Australia

Jul 6, 2023

NASA’s Valkyrie robot is beginning a new mission half a world away from its home at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. As part of a reimbursable Space Act Agreement with Woodside Energy in Perth, Western Australia, NASA plans to use a Valkyrie robot to develop remote mobile dexterous manipulation capabilities to accommodate remote caretaking of uncrewed and offshore energy facilities. Woodside Energy will test the resulting software and provide data and feedback to NASA, helping accelerate the maturation of robotic technology.

Under this second reimbursable collaboration with Woodside, Valkyrie will advance robotic remote operations capabilities which have potential to improve the efficiency of Woodside’s offshore and remote operations while also increasing safety for both its personnel and the environment. In addition, the new capabilities may have applications for NASA’s Artemis missions and for other Earth-based robotics objectives.

NASA plans to leverage experience operating Valkyrie in Woodside’s facilities to learn how to better design robots for work in dirty and hazardous conditions, like those found on the Moon at the long-term worksites and habitats that will be established as part of future Artemis missions.

Remotely operated mobile robots on the lunar and Martian surface could enable Earth-based operators to conduct important activities, even when astronauts are not physically present. These activities include inspection and maintenance of infrastructure and plants that leverage resources and materials to produce new items, enabling astronauts to live off the land. Woodside’s testing will also provide valuable data for NASA engineers on the use of advanced robots in similar terrestrial applications.

“We are pleased to be starting the next phase of development and testing of advanced robotic systems that have the potential to positively impact life on Earth by allowing safer operations in hazardous environments,” says Shaun Azimi, lead of the dexterous robotics team at NASA Johnson. “These demonstrations will evaluate the current potential of advanced robots to extend the reach of humans and help humanity explore and work safely anywhere.”

To deliver the robot, the NASA dexterous robotics team from Johnson traveled to the Woodside headquarters in Perth, Western Australia. The team prepared the Valkyrie robot and conducted training with the Woodside team on its operations. The work culminated in a visit with representatives from the government of Western Australia and the U.S. Consul General in Perth.

Valkyrie and other advanced mobile robots can be vital tools in allowing humans to supervise dangerous work remotely and to offload dull and repetitive tasks, enabling humans to work on higher level tasks, including deploying and maintaining robots. These principles apply to both space and Earth, where companies are recognizing the value of human-scale robots.

Using robots to enhance Artemis missions can help humanity build a long-term presence on the lunar surface and one day on other planets like Mars. Through domestic and international commercial partnerships, NASA is creating the next generation of human-scale robotic capabilities.

Supporting Valkyrie’s development on Earth will create data and lessons learned that NASA teams will apply to current and future robotics and automation development for use in space. NASA will apply the software development work done on Valkyrie to upcoming hardware releases and perform operational demonstrations with Woodside as a part of the reimbursable collaboration in 2026-2027 to prove the robot’s capabilities in relevant remote, operational settings.


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5e84df No.70032

File: 178749b55cbfa91⋯.png (14.26 KB,585x200,117:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138656 (071433ZJUL23) Notable: W.H.Grampa TS w/CAP: Oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico

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5e84df No.70033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138721 (071446ZJUL23) Notable: #23505

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final bun for #23505

This bun be done. Hold em till the top

#23505 >>70011

>>70012, >>70025 BRICS plans to announce a new gold backed currency at next month’s summit

>>70013 MovieGuide is sounding the alarm about a new campaign against an upcoming Disney+ that features a teenage girl’s love affair with Satan...

>>70014 ‘Go be equal’: Anti-feminist clashes with journalist over women’s rights

>>70015 WEF Partner Aimed to ‘End’ ‘Private Car Ownership’ to Save the Planet


>>70017 Karine Jean-Pierre Won’t Say if White House Supports Prosecuting Unknown Cocaine Smuggler

>>70018 Macron suggests French gov’t should ‘cut off’ social media during violent riots

>>70019 (Live) Antony Blinken hosts and delivers opening remarks at a virtual Ministerial meeting to launch the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

>>70020 7 Attorneys General Sign Letter Blasting Target For Pushing ‘Pride Campaign’ On Children

>>70021 Ben & Jerry's parent company stock tanks after Vermont ice cream maker tweets anti-American July 4th message

>>70022 Jobs report MISSES expectations for the first time in several months. 209K new jobs. Unemployment rate falls to 3.6%.

>>70023 Lara Logan w/CAP: All over the world. Ritualists Suspected of Abductions of Small Children in Nigeria’s Displaced Peoples Camps

>>70024 SPLC Labels Parents As Perpetrators Of Hate, Gets White House Welcome

>>70026 Earthquake Swarm Rattles Iceland As Experts Warn "Eruption Could Occur Within Days"

>>70027 Scott Adams w/CAP: Something is supposed to happen today. July 7, 2023

>>70029 China's military is leading in developing weapons that disrupt brain functions, report

>>70030 Four potent signs that we are winning the fight against woke corporate power

>>70031 NASA Humanoid Robot to Be Tested in Australia

>>70032 W.H.Grampa TS w/CAP: Oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico

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5e84df No.70034

File: 8cdb29a796727f5⋯.png (577.04 KB,928x500,232:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138746 (071450ZJUL23) Notable: #23506

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Baker Requesting Handoff

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5e84df No.70035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138769 (071454ZJUL23) Notable: retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor spoke of his belief that “we may not make it to 2024.”

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In an appearance which presents a startling appraisal of the instability of the United States, retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor spoke of his belief that “we may not make it to 2024.”

Before moving on to his analysis, in which he argues that due to political and economic conditions that the next presidential election may not take place, the brief video opens with a recently released recording of President Donald Trump.

but (you) heard it from anon first.

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5e84df No.70036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138799 (071501ZJUL23) Notable: James Thorp MD @jathorpmfm Pushing the Lethal mRNA vaccines in my pregnant patients constitutes the GREATEST violation of ETHICS

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James Thorp MD @jathorpmfm

My 44 years of Ob experience and my vast published experience (221 articles, including 48 on COVID-related topics) allow me to be certain. I am willing to bet my life on it and I offered to debate anyone in the world for the last 3 years. NOBODY to date has the ethical, moral, and intellectual integrity to debate me.

Pushing the Lethal mRNA vaccines in my pregnant patients constitutes the GREATEST violation of ETHICS in the history of humanity. The danger signals emanating from the VAERS and a myriad of other sources globally are unprecedented. The danger signals from my VAST experience of seeing nearly 27,500 patients in the last 4.5 years are unprecedented.

The Medical Industrial Complex #HHS #CDC #FDA #ABOG #ACOG #SMFM are all corrupt to the core as are their journals. They are likely bribed by the $13 Billion dispensed by Mark Weber Dep Sec HHS through the newly created COVID-19 Community Corp (CCC) in March 2021. They targeted about 300 "influencers" with the stated purpose of eliminating vaccine hesitancy by a $13 Billion bribe with a contract they would PUSH the lockstep narrative of HHS/CDC.

The American College of ObGyn (ACOG) was a founding member and have taken vast amounts of bribe monies (> $11M) from CCC not allowing them to deviate from the deadly HHS/CDC narrative. I have been honored and awarded by ACOG ABOG & SMFM (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine), I served on the Board of Directors for SMFM. I testified in US Senate TWICE. The HHS CDC ACOG FOIA of 1400 pages are PROOF of this lethal & unprecedented PSYOPS campaign.

What has changed? NOBODY in the ENTIRE WORLD would have condoned pushing a highly novel experimental gene therapy in pregnancy 10 years ago and it would have been considered malpractice and may have resulted in criminal charges likely including jail time. It would’ve been considered patently absurd. Yet the band plays on. Not egregious enough? The Pfizer 3.5.6 internal document 2.28.2021 reported 1223 deaths just after less than 10 weeks of the rollout - the most lethal medical intervention EVER. This was buried and Pfizer attempted to hide this for 75 years.

1:08 PM · Jul 6, 2023·917.8K Views


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5e84df No.70037

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138808 (071503ZJUL23) Notable: Corey's Digs Pride Month Recap, Free Speech Win, Ukraine, Nuclear & NATO

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Corey's Digs

1 hour ago

Dig It! #192:

Pride Month Recap, Free Speech Win, Ukraine, Nuclear & NATO

In this week's podcast, we discuss the Corey's Digs report on "Unraveling the Many Layers of Pride," updates on the Missouri v. Biden case and a win for free speech, as well as Ukraine, nuclear threats and NATO, plus strange reports of smoke in the U.S.

Corey's Digs report:

Unraveling the Many Layers of Pride




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5e84df No.70038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138836 (071508ZJUL23) Notable: retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor spoke of his belief that “we may not make it to 2024.”

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@ 12:45

He says it.

(About at about 11:40 there is an interesting prediction.)

13:50 also interesting

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5e84df No.70039

File: 73836988daf2019⋯.png (4.8 MB,1440x2279,1440:2279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138838 (071508ZJUL23) Notable: SMiller: Architecture & Tradition Budapest, Hungary 🇭🇺

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Stephen Miller Retweeted

Architecture & Tradition

Budapest, Hungary 🇭🇺

10:10 PM · Jul 6, 2023·838.5K Views


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5e84df No.70040

File: 8da1214dd0b4fe9⋯.png (808.36 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138843 (071509ZJUL23) Notable: TRU TUBE 54 MP4 Archive Updated

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>>70034 TYB!

TRU TUBE 54 MP4 Archive Updated

At 3000 Videos for downloading and Sharing


Thank you anons

also if anyone has the frazzle.rip vid please post to site chat with link. Thought i had it at one time???

pepes are asking for it.


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5e84df No.70041

File: d4ef583e5ca55cc⋯.png (398.28 KB,531x608,531:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138869 (071515ZJUL23) Notable: @AFGlobalStrike Hands-on preparedness

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Hands-on preparedness

CE #Striker Airmen participated in training to develop skills such as finding food, water, and shelter in the wilderness—talents which can enable Airmen to be more multi-capable during ACE (agile combat employment) operations.


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5e84df No.70042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138870 (071516ZJUL23) Notable: The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance

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The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance

Michael Oswald's film The Spider's Web reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in The Secret World of Finance.

Independent POV


Sep 14, 2018 - 1:18:01


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5e84df No.70043

File: 6a4029c1bab8f4e⋯.png (261.16 KB,682x614,341:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138877 (071517ZJUL23) Notable: The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance

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Bobby Piton

If you want to understand how Trillions have been siphoned out of the US.... this will fill in a lot of blanks...


8:56 AM · Jul 7, 2023


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5e84df No.70044

File: 732d92c1e240e48⋯.png (577.67 KB,593x586,593:586,Clipboard.png)

File: edf2896627f0092⋯.png (442.75 KB,895x552,895:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138886 (071519ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Guardians of the Pedophiles. Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America. Charles Bramesco

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Guardians of the Pedophiles.



Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America

Jim Caviezel stars as a hero trying to stop child traffickers in a paranoid new movie turning into a surprise box-office hit

Charles Bramesco

Thu 6 Jul 2023 17.06 EDT


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5e84df No.70045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138925 (071527ZJUL23) Notable: Bay Area birdwatchers mourn the failed rescue of 'Tuffy,' the kidnapped baby hawk

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Spoopy BIRD story, about being Birdnapped and failed attempts of family to rescue the little bird. On the WINGS of Sound of FREEDOM. seems it's COMMS perhaps to all those Pedowood types that have Moon Children and other Stolen Children in their possession.

Bay Area birdwatchers mourn the failed rescue of 'Tuffy,' the kidnapped baby hawk

Tuffy, the immature red-tailed hawk who was "adopted" by a family of bald eagles and studied closely by a group of astonished Bay Area birders, has been found dead.

The fledgling raptor's body was found on the ground Wednesday morning, following two days of increasing concern over the animal's health.

The cause of death was not immediately known but was most likely starvation, said Doug Gillard, a professor of anatomy and physiology at Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward. Gillard and others found the body Wednesday morning and showed it to a raptor rehabilitator.

It was also discovered that Tuffy was female.

Tuffy's short life was heavily documented by birders in Santa Clara County after Gillard, a former Olympian hammer-thrower, photographed the hawk chick in the talons of a female bald eagle and posted images to a popular birding Facebook page in Northern California.

It was assumed that the fuzzy hatchling was plucked from her nest on May 20 as a meal, but that parental instinct somehow trumped hunger when the eagle returned to its lair.

Read more: Nature gone mad? Eagles kidnap baby hawk twins, kill one, raise the other as their own

Over the following days, Gillard and a growing number of birdwatchers and photographers documented the mother eagle feeding both the young hawk and its own eaglet.

Although red-tailed hawks and bald eagles typically regard each other as enemies, the eagles seemed to treat Tuffy like one of their own — feeding her and even rescuing her as one of her first few flight attempts failed miserably: The mother eagle caught her and managed to get her back into the nest.

But something in the last week triggered the mother eagle to go "psycho" and attack the young hawk, observers say.

On Friday, Gillard filmed the mother eagle swooping into the nest — talons forward and in attack mode — where the young hawk sat begging for food.

On the first go, Tuffy ducked just in time, and she missed. The same thing occurred on a second pass. On the third attempt, she snagged the hawk and flung her out of the nest. Tuffy, however, was able to grab hold of the side of the nest and haul herself back in. The mother then swooped in a fourth time, grabbed her and threw her out of the nest.

Tuffy eventually returned to the nest, according to Gillard, and things seemed to have calmed down a bit.

Early on Monday however, Gillard heard Tuffy cry out a few times from a nearby oak tree. Later that morning, a Times reporter and another photographer — Thy Bun from Oakland — spotted her in the shaded bosom of the oak looking listless and with eyes closed.

Soon after, the mother eagle returned to the nest with food for Lola, the eaglet — who hungrily grabbed the fully intact and wriggling squirrel her mom had captured for her. Gillard and Bun assumed Tuffy would join them.

She did not.

"I got my camera ready, hoping to catch her flying to the nest, in order to at least get some leftovers — I knew she must be starving, for she hadn't eaten, probably, since Saturday," Gillard wrote on his Facebook page Tuesday. "To my great surprise, she didn't fly to the nest! In fact, she didn't even make food cries. ... Something was very wrong."

Concerned, Gillard got in his car, raced to an area where he could get cell reception and reached out to Craig Nikitas, a rehabilitator with Bay Area Raptor Rescue, who'd gotten federal permission to perform a rescue.



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5e84df No.70046

File: c3538433d5c987e⋯.png (625.17 KB,592x874,296:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138930 (071527ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Eduardo Verastegui asked about the fake news ridiculous Guardian article saying the film is a “QAnon” paranoid movie.

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Eduardo Verastegui asked about the fake news ridiculous Guardian article saying the film is a “QAnon” paranoid movie.

Hey @guardian


0:10 / 4:49

Quote Tweet






Booga booga there is that darned “QAnon” again. 🤣

The cover up continues.


3:29 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70047

File: 33f6eacb11d3382⋯.png (579.51 KB,857x483,857:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138942 (071529ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23 2PM PM Eastern - 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks.

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Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to hold Make America Great Again rally in Council Bluffs, IA.

Venue: MidAmerica Center, 1 Arena Way, Council Bluffs, IA 51501

Timeline of Events

10:00 AM - Doors Open

11:30 AM - Program Begins

2PM PM Eastern - 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks.


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5e84df No.70048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138952 (071532ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23 2PM PM Eastern - 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks.

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5e84df No.70049

File: 72439b4fb6667f9⋯.png (345.01 KB,600x737,600:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138997 (071543ZJUL23) Notable: Male starts a gofundme to buy pumps so he can lactate and offer babies “transgender milk.”

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Libs of TikTok


Male starts a gofundme to buy pumps so he can lactate and offer babies “transgender milk.” He says he’s always wanted to lactate.

1:02 / 2:49

Last edited

3:13 PM · Jul 6, 2023




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5e84df No.70050

File: e11b9a0fb77244f⋯.png (557.11 KB,447x800,447:800,Clipboard.png)


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7 July 2005 London bombings

"7/7" and "2005 London bombings" redirect here. For the calendar date, see 7 July. For the bombings that happened two weeks later, see 21 July 2005 London bombings.


The 7 July 2005 London bombings, also referred to as 7/7, were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists in London that targeted commuters travelling on the city's public transport system during the morning rush hour.

Three terrorists separately detonated three homemade bombs in quick succession aboard London Underground trains across the city and, later, a fourth terrorist detonated another bomb on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square.[1] The train bombings occurred on the Circle line near Aldgate and at Edgware Road, and on the Piccadilly line near Russell Square.

Apart from the bombers, 52 UK residents of 18 different nationalities were killed and more than 700 were injured in the attacks, making it the UK's deadliest terrorist incident since the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 near Lockerbie, as well as the country's first Islamist suicide attack.

The explosions were caused by improvised explosive devices made from triacetone triperoxide, packed into backpacks. The bombings were followed two weeks later by a series of attempted attacks that failed to cause injury or damage.


2005 London bombings

Main articles

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5e84df No.70051

File: 05ad414271b97a5⋯.jpg (397.97 KB,1080x1486,540:743,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139027 (071548ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump When I return to the White House, I will declassify and unseal all JFK assassination related documents. It’s been 60 years, time for the American people to know the TRUTH!

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When I return to the White House, I will declassify and unseal all JFK assassination related documents. It’s been 60 years, time for the American people to know the TRUTH!

582 ReTruths


Jul 07, 2023, 11:33 AM


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5e84df No.70052

File: 5a67716582a5a7c⋯.png (123.81 KB,418x429,38:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139110 (071607ZJUL23) Notable: Actress Dies Through Assisted Suicide After Revealing Persistent Neurological Condition She Attributed to COVID Booster Shot/Katerina Pavelek

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Actress Dies Through Assisted Suicide After Revealing Persistent Neurological Condition She Attributed to COVID Booster Shot

READ: http://w-j.co/s/014b9

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5e84df No.70053

File: d64c4749c00ecf8⋯.png (855.1 KB,1354x4475,1354:4475,Clipboard.png)

File: 64c2af08df699fe⋯.png (403.21 KB,1128x1955,1128:1955,Clipboard.png)

File: c9df115c54bd202⋯.png (4.24 MB,1334x2722,667:1361,Clipboard.png)

File: af83a773ce6c958⋯.png (107.38 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139111 (071607ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Charles Bramesco. Interests: internet pornography. Taught children of various socioeconomic backgrounds the fundamentals

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>Hey @guardian

Charles Bramesco

Freelance Film and TV Critic at Assorted

Brooklyn, New York, United States

121 followers 115 connections

Join to view profile

Assorted Assorted

Tulane University Tulane University


Film critic. B.A. in Film Studies and English at Tulane University. Also comfortably writes about music, television, and pop-culture's great beyond. Work has been featured in the New York Times, Rolling Stone, the Guardian, Nylon Magazine, Vanity Fair, Newsweek, the A.V. Club, and many other reputable publications.


Jun 2012 - Present11 years 2 months

Random Nerds Graphic

Staff Writer

Random Nerds

Jan 2015 - Present8 years 7 months

Washington D.C. Metro Area

I run the pop-culture section of things. That means I write and edit articles pertaining but not limited to: movies, music, television, comic books, theatre, pantomime, street art, internet pornography,artful-looking stains on the sidewalk, overheard conversations from strangers, and cheerleading.

Roxbury, MA

- Taught children of various socioeconomic backgrounds the fundamentals of critical reading and creative writing through self-designed lesson plans and activities.

-Led lessons on survival skills and general outdoor fun.

-Interacted with and tended for youngsters, ensured a pleasant experience for all.

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5e84df No.70054

File: f0e46c50908d4cc⋯.png (441.03 KB,590x739,590:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 6853cc5436e33c8⋯.png (291.72 KB,740x525,148:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139120 (071609ZJUL23) Notable: #OTD in 1908, Ensign Chester Nimitz ran the destroyer USS Decatur (DD-5) aground in the Philippines. He was court-martialed, found guilty of neglect of duty and issued a letter of reprimand.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70055

File: 198b49562f0f38a⋯.png (579.24 KB,1355x621,1355:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139124 (071610ZJUL23) Notable: Here are the details from the oil rig explosion referenced by WH Grampa on Truth Social in the previous bread.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here are the details from the oil rig explosion referenced by WH Grampa on Truth Social in the previous bread.


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5e84df No.70056

File: a716d1045481eb8⋯.png (35.84 KB,534x315,178:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139129 (071611ZJUL23) Notable: @AirMobilityCmd 🚨It’s happening #MobilityGuardian23 is in full swing!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🚨It’s happening #MobilityGuardian23 is in full swing! As the suns set on the first full day of this Indo-Pacific exercise, we continued to integrate closely w/our Allies & partners in the region. More content to come - be on the lookout!


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5e84df No.70057

File: 6a13f084b9b8a1d⋯.png (636.94 KB,668x791,668:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139148 (071615ZJUL23) Notable: Here are the details from the oil rig explosion referenced by WH Grampa on Truth Social in the previous bread.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70058

File: b1d077d08725e8c⋯.png (55.11 KB,1026x803,1026:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f46d6f30df25dd⋯.pdf (830.77 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: ea4b5ecd1ba33f4⋯.png (306.49 KB,1337x1928,1337:1928,Clipboard.png)

File: 4941c3375bc7a49⋯.png (328.35 KB,955x717,955:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139153 (071617ZJUL23) Notable: Refresher: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300

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Dr. John Coleman

November 1991


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5e84df No.70059

File: 0dd18b69ca8c74c⋯.png (1.59 MB,1496x2179,1496:2179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139164 (071620ZJUL23) Notable: Refresher: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300

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Lara Logan

Don’t you ever wonder why no one has exposed the true intentions of the “deep state” & the global cult?

Well, Dr John Coleman did in 1994. You can find his book on the CIA website. Download before it disappears.





10:12 AM · Jul 6, 2023·178.9K Views


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5e84df No.70060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139169 (071620ZJUL23) Notable: Here are the details from the oil rig explosion referenced by WH Grampa on Truth Social in the previous bread.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Straight out of Cloverfield

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5e84df No.70061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139185 (071624ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Charles Bramesco. Interests: internet pornography. Taught children of various socioeconomic backgrounds the fundamentals

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Random Nerds


RandomNerds is a media outlet run by people doing their best. It is, before all else, a sanctuary for passion, quality, and transparency.

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5e84df No.70062

File: 2d4cd8f3b4acaa9⋯.png (615.42 KB,719x812,719:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139191 (071626ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Moar interests: kink films, Stunt dildos. One point of curiosity, for me: when we see the outline of your boner

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‘Sanctuary’: Margaret Qualley & Christopher Abbott Discuss Their Racy New Kink Film, Stunt Dildos & More [Interview]

Charles Bramesco

May 16, 2023 3:00 pm

Interviews, News

A man, a woman, and an enclosed space — as any stage director knows, these components can be transformed into anything within the capabilities of the human imagination, a malleability essential to Zachary Wigon’s devious chamber piece “Sanctuary.” DominatrixRebecca (Margaret Qualley) and her number-one client Hal (Christopher Abbott) bring that same spirit of invention to their sessions, such as a face-off between a playboy corporate heir and the no-nonsense lady lawyer who gets him scrubbing the bathroom floor in his underwear with just a handful of demeaning remarks. The truth of the situation isn’t far off: he’s about to step into the CEO role in his late father’s chain of hotels, and he worries that paying a woman to jam a cotton swab into the tip of his penis may not gel with the career path he sees for himself, so he tries to amicably end their arrangement. She has other plans. But in the volley of mind games she plays over the course of one long night, is she looking out for her own interests or trying to force this passive sub into giving himself what he needs? Are those two things mutually exclusive?

As Wigon slyly redefines the terms of this unorthodox relationship, Qualley and Abbott give an acting masterclass with a kinky metatextual edge, as two experts in involved fakery unpack the authentic challenges and benefits it can offer. Hearing the two discuss this sexy, cunning showcase for their talents, they shrug off the image of the chin-stroking thespian and outline a more instinctive process based on primal impulse and physical presence. Rather than mapping out each glance, touch, and retranslation of body language, they winnowed the text down to its core and trusted one another for an unspoken, in-the-moment guidance. The result is a frisky and vital film, fitting the daffy bickering of screwball into a more daring, taboo-testing romantic framework. Never before have the keywords “breeding JOI” carried so much emotional heft.

The day after the premiere of “Sanctuary” in New York, Qualley and Abbott sat down with The Playlist at the Soho Grand Hotel, an oddly apropos setting for a conversation about the mechanics of closed-door drama, the liberation of stepping outside yourself, Qualley’s past work with Claire Denis, and the secret to selecting the perfect stunt dildo.

How did you get acclimated to one another as scene partners? What happened during the early stages, as you were fast-forwarding to this dynamic your characters have established over a much longer course of time?

Margaret Qualley: We were pretty comfortable with each other, because we’d known each other a bit, and really wanted to work together. It was straightforward like that. We didn’t have much rehearsal time at all. We read through the script once at his apartment, then did a couple scenes at mine with [director] Zach [Wigon], then both of us just learned that script inside and out as our main preparation. We did it by rote, front to back. We only had eighteen days to make the movie, one-day weekends, so we knew it would be a marathon. We wanted to be as comfortable as possible with the words ahead of time, so that we can forget it all and just have fun on the day of shooting.

How’d you two know one another in the first place?

Christopher Abbott: I was actually just trying to remember that. There were a few projects we were gonna do that never came together, we’d emailed and talked about them. But we’ve got a lot of friends in common, so we see each other around. You know, it’s “the scene.” We’re both “on the scene.”


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5e84df No.70063

File: 81fda16e93f8661⋯.png (174.32 KB,691x237,691:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139208 (071630ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Moar interests: kink films, Stunt dildos. One point of curiosity, for me: when we see the outline of your boner

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One point of curiosity, for me: when we see the outline of your boner, what’s that in your pants?Like, a dowel?

Abbott: I don’t know if you know me. But I keep it real.

I guess that’s why I’m not an actor. I don’t think I could make that happen on command, under that kind of pressure.

Qualley: Oh my god, he’s kidding!

Okay, I’m willing to believe basically anything right now, I don’t know!

Abbott: No, no, it’s like a little dildo. Well, not little.

Is there any room for negotiation there? Do they show you a few dildos, and you pick the one that’s calling to you?

Abbott: Yeah, I wanted the sixteen-incher, but they said it would be too distracting. [Beat.] That was also a joke, for the record.

No, yeah, that one I got. I’m catching up.

Abbott: But yeah, just a regular dildo in my pants. Sorry to destroy any of the Hollywood magic there.

You’re both on the cinephile side of actordom. Are there any movies for two players you drew from for this?

Abbott: Wait, can I go back for a second?

To the dildo? Yes.

Abbott: We just saw the movie again last night, and something I never noticed before is that after that scene, when I get up with the erection, we have a very serious conversation. I started laughing, because no one can see it, but I’m still fake-hard out of frame having this very tender conversation.

Qualley: I give him this little look, kind of acknowledging it, like [gives a look that tacitly says ‘nice one, pal.’]

Abbott: But right, movies for two actors.

Qualley: For this one, I wasn’t thinking of two-handers so much, but we watched “His Girl Friday” after Zach mentioned it, for the screwball vibe of it.

Abbott: I was less into the workings of a two-person scene, and more into getting the screwball tone right. Aside from that, visually, I also thought a lot about Koreandramas like “The Housemaid,” and for that matter, “The Handmaiden” too. You get the intensity mixed with classic screwball, and it’s a great marriage of tones.

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5e84df No.70064

File: daf5d0420047a5a⋯.png (432.52 KB,603x575,603:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139225 (071634ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23 2PM PM Eastern - 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)


SOON: President Trump takes the stage in Council Bluffs, Iowa!


Real America's Voice (RAV)



5:27 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70065

File: 704a291fcd056d9⋯.png (974.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 9706c29d7868370⋯.png (653.29 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 83cf0cc7bf6bbae⋯.png (349.41 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139325 (071650ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / sexmagick. hail Satan

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Charles Bramesco

May 20, 2018 ·

“I use sexmagick to create lovemagick!”

Charles Bramesco

Amen and hail Satan



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5e84df No.70066

File: 467e429bb65285b⋯.png (61.57 KB,255x233,255:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139328 (071651ZJUL23) Notable: #OTD in 1908, Ensign Chester Nimitz ran the destroyer USS Decatur (DD-5) aground in the Philippines. He was court-martialed, found guilty of neglect of duty and issued a letter of reprimand.

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#OTD in 1908, Ensign Chester Nimitz ran the destroyer USS Decatur (DD-5) aground in the Philippines. He was court-martialed, found guilty of neglect of duty and issued a letter of reprimand. It was a different era, so he was still able to make fleet admiral despite the incident.


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5e84df No.70067

File: 12b530513497fce⋯.png (641.71 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139340 (071652ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Defund the police cuz St Floyd

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Charles Bramesco

June 1, 2020 ·

Prosecute the criminal cops, slash the NYPD budget to ribbons, get de Blasio out of office, reclaim the abandoned high-rises as public housing while their inhabitants are in the Hamptons letting things cool off

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5e84df No.70068

File: c652b6ac737144f⋯.png (405.93 KB,600x560,15:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139341 (071652ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23 2PM PM Eastern - 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks.

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Countless patriots BRAVE THE RAIN to see Trump at Iowa rally


Countless patriots brave the rain to see Trump at Iowa rally

Countless MAGA patriots in Council Bluffs, Iowa, lined the streets on Friday morning in a bid to hear remarks from President Donald Trump in his anticipated visit to the community. Although Council...

5:46 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70069

File: 783165c711b0efc⋯.png (83.95 KB,255x251,255:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139351 (071654ZJUL23) Notable: @1st_Marine_Div Boom Boom Pew Pew 🎆

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Boom Boom Pew Pew 🎆

Marines with 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division, observe night platoon attacks during Intrepid Maven 23.4.


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5e84df No.70070

File: 6fe8900b25c6b5f⋯.png (299.19 KB,845x624,65:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139410 (071704ZJUL23) Notable: Tibet’s Dalai Lama marks 88th birthday, prays for world peace

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tibet’s Dalai Lama marks 88th birthday, prays for world peace

Birthday celebration held in India’s Dharamsala where the Dalai Lama has lived in exile for decades after fleeing Chinese-controlled Tibet.



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5e84df No.70071

File: d1353aa925f2543⋯.png (604.21 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 237b2e28716d965⋯.png (682.99 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: be91e92b7d50446⋯.png (652.26 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 317498f58f12c4f⋯.png (756.95 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139411 (071704ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Michele Chausse. Happy Mother's Day

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70072

File: 3a096501b9cce11⋯.png (475.83 KB,596x638,298:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139413 (071704ZJUL23) Notable: A California high school teacher who previously promoted the use of a "gender transition closet" is part of an anti-Catholic drag queen group.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Daily Caller Retweeted

Reagan Reese


A California high school teacher who previously promoted the use of a "gender transition closet" is part of an anti-Catholic drag queen group.

Great reporting by @MiaHernandezOTA

for @DailyCaller


Teacher Who Promoted School ‘Transition Closet’ Is Part Of LA Dodgers Honored Drag Group

A California teacher who has previously promoted that the school has a "transition closet" is a member of the drag queen group The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

4:46 AM · Jul 7, 2023

from Washington, DC




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70073

File: 80912fba464aaf3⋯.png (1.13 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: fc5fefb8812d5bb⋯.png (1.15 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d4986092cdffbd⋯.png (1.1 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: b73c055d8b4230c⋯.png (931.91 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139417 (071705ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Clinton Bramesco. Happy Father's day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70074

File: b26a279e6f2a95e⋯.png (24.64 KB,534x255,178:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139429 (071709ZJUL23) Notable: Ron DeSanctimonious will be EXPOSED in Iowa today - TUNE IN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ron DeSanctimonious will be EXPOSED in Iowa today - TUNE IN!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70075

File: d694816bfb2ead2⋯.png (15.1 KB,543x200,543:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139443 (071712ZJUL23) Notable: On this day in history, July 7, 1798, the Quasi-War with France begins.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The “Quasi-War” with France begins

On this day in history, July 7, 1798, the Quasi-War with France begins. This was an undeclared naval war between the United States and France extending out of continued war between Britain and France after the French Revolution.



James Woods with a lengthy tweet.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70076

File: 85aa0b453b30622⋯.png (437.26 KB,531x567,59:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139462 (071718ZJUL23) Notable: @SecretService It was an honor for us to partner with @CapitolPolice and be the escort for the Wounded Warriors who attended the 4th of July concert at the US Capitol.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was an honor for us to partner with


and be the escort for the Wounded Warriors who attended the 4th of July concert at the US Capitol.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70077

File: cfa163da7b2fa50⋯.png (17.71 KB,533x189,533:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139470 (071719ZJUL23) Notable: @/JointBasePHH 💥 BLANK GUNFIRE SOUNDS ALERT 💥

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There will be unit training at Waipio Peninsula over the weekend of July 7th to July 9th. Nearby residents and nearby personnel are advised that blank gunfire may be heard as part of the training. Mahalo.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70078

File: c270f43ae39131b⋯.png (14.77 KB,529x154,529:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139490 (071723ZJUL23) Notable: According to the official EU draft law, the CBDC (DigitalEuro) should come as early as 2024 & replace cash as legal tender.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

According to the official EU draft law, the CBDC (DigitalEuro) should come as early as 2024 & replace cash as legal tender. What is explosive here is that it is explicitly pointed out that it hasn't a Store of VALUE. This means it gets an expiration stamp or earmarked properties.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139536 (071730ZJUL23) Notable: #23506

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23506 >>70034

>>70054, >>70066 #OTD in 1908, Ensign Chester Nimitz ran the destroyer USS Decatur (DD-5) aground in the Philippines. He was court-martialed, found guilty of neglect of duty and issued a letter of reprimand.

>>70035, >>70038 retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor spoke of his belief that “we may not make it to 2024.”

>>70036 James Thorp MD @jathorpmfm Pushing the Lethal mRNA vaccines in my pregnant patients constitutes the GREATEST violation of ETHICS

>>70037 Corey's Digs Pride Month Recap, Free Speech Win, Ukraine, Nuclear & NATO

>>70039 SMiller: Architecture & Tradition Budapest, Hungary 🇭🇺

>>70040 TRU TUBE 54 MP4 Archive Updated

>>70041 @AFGlobalStrike Hands-on preparedness

>>70042, >>70043 The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance

>>70044 Guardians of the Pedophiles. Delta

>>70045 Bay Area birdwatchers mourn the failed rescue of 'Tuffy,' the kidnapped baby hawk

>>70047, >>70048, >>70064, >>70068 Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23 2PM PM Eastern - 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks.

>>70049 Male starts a gofundme to buy pumps so he can lactate and offer babies “transgender milk.”


>>70051 @realDonaldTrump When I return to the White House, I will declassify and unseal all JFK assassination related documents. It’s been 60 years, time for the American people to know the TRUTH!

>>70052 Actress Dies Through Assisted Suicide After Revealing Persistent Neurological Condition She Attributed to COVID Booster Shot/Katerina Pavelek

>>70053, >>70062 Charles Bramesco/groomer?

>>70055, >>70057 >>70060 Here are the details from the oil rig explosion referenced by WH Grampa on Truth Social in the previous bread.

>>70056 @AirMobilityCmd 🚨It’s happening #MobilityGuardian23 is in full swing!

>>70058, >>70059 Refresher: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300

>>70069 @1st_Marine_Div Boom Boom Pew Pew 🎆

>>70070 Tibet’s Dalai Lama marks 88th birthday, prays for world peace

>>70072 A California high school teacher who previously promoted the use of a "gender transition closet" is part of an anti-Catholic drag queen group.

>>70074 Ron DeSanctimonious will be EXPOSED in Iowa today - TUNE IN!

>>70075 On this day in history, July 7, 1798, the Quasi-War with France begins.

>>70076 @SecretService It was an honor for us to partner with @CapitolPolice and be the escort for the Wounded Warriors who attended the 4th of July concert at the US Capitol.


>>70078 According to the official EU draft law, the CBDC (DigitalEuro) should come as early as 2024 & replace cash as legal tender.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70080

File: b7530211f1833c7⋯.png (1.21 MB,883x607,883:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f4c6a492dc540f⋯.jpg (22.07 KB,230x454,115:227,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f7366d34d7b308f⋯.png (147.26 KB,259x310,259:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 182b33142366399⋯.jpeg (138.31 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 55c1e3bead042fe⋯.png (213.29 KB,392x411,392:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139550 (071732ZJUL23) Notable: #23507-A

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70081

File: 310d4754bd6c473⋯.jpeg (94.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139623 (071742ZJUL23) Notable: Moscow ‘closely following’ Erdogan and Zelensky talks – Kremlin

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7 Jul, 2023 14:15

Moscow ‘closely following’ Erdogan and Zelensky talks – Kremlin

The two leaders are set to discuss the Ukraine conflict and the fate of the grain deal

Moscow is keeping an eye on the upcoming negotiations between Türkiye’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

According to Zelensky’s office, Kiev plans to discuss the Ukraine conflict, the country's bid to join NATO, and future prisoner swaps with Russia. Several Turkish media outlets reported that the meeting would take place in Istanbul on Friday.

Both Turkish media outlets and Zelensky’s office also pointed out that Erdogan and Zelensky intend to discuss the fate of the Russia-Ukraine grain deal. The agreement, which was brokered by Türkiye and the UN last summer and sought to unblock agricultural exports via the Black Sea, is set to expire on July 17. In recent months, Russian officials have indicated that they saw no reason to extend the deal, claiming that it has failed to steer grain to poverty-stricken nations.

Speaking to reporters, Peskov noted that Moscow “would very closely follow the results of the negotiations” between Erdogan and Zelensky.

“We maintain constructive partnership relations with Ankara, we value these relations and feel reciprocity from the Turkish side. So, of course, we will be interested to know what Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Zelensky are talking about. It is important,” the spokesman said.

He also noted that the Turkish president has on numerous occasions stepped up to help resolve various issues within the Ukraine conflict, adding that Russian President Vladimir Putin has highly praised these efforts.

Peskov did not rule out the possibility of a meeting between Putin and Erdogan, which could come “in the foreseeable future,” but stopped short of specifying a date. His remarks came after the A Haber channel reported that the Turkish leader could meet with his Russian counterpart after a sit-down with Zelenksy.

Since the onset of the Ukraine conflict, Türkiye has emerged as a key mediator between Moscow and Kiev, most notably hosting peace talks between the two last March. While, at the time, Russia initially expressed optimism about the peace process, Kiev backtracked on all of its promises shortly after the visit of then-UK prime minister Boris Johnson to the Ukrainian capital.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139636 (071743ZJUL23) Notable: Lenders now seeing 60-, 70-, even 90-year mortgages as Canadians struggle with rocketing interest rates

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Lenders now seeing 60-, 70-, even 90-year mortgages as Canadians struggle with rocketing interest rates


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139649 (071745ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up/Sullivan

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July 7, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. She is joined by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.


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5e84df No.70084

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139661 (071747ZJUL23) Notable: Rally live link

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

July 7, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Council Bluffs, Iowa

Doors Open: 10:00 AM Central Time



2:00 PM EDT

Donald Trump Holds Rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa

Former President Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa.



1:00 PM EDT

Join Us for President Trump's MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa This Friday

Real Americas Voice



9:00 AM EDT Livestream Begins

Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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5e84df No.70085

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139681 (071749ZJUL23) Notable: Rally live link

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Live in 17

waiting now 819

LIVE: President Trump in Council Bluffs, IA

Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, holds an event in Council Bluffs, IA!

VOLUNTEER: www.donaldjtrump.com/join



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5e84df No.70086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139715 (071754ZJUL23) Notable: Defense Department Briefing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

July 7, 2023

2:45 PM EDT

Defense Department Briefing

Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl briefs reporters at the Pentagon





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70087

File: a0ef8284a86fbf3⋯.png (655.79 KB,1278x3076,639:1538,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c6083e53eedd4d⋯.png (951.74 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: d10ca7bcec0dde2⋯.png (863.74 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 979be2f40699193⋯.png (1.41 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 50564bd17af9010⋯.png (863.4 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139734 (071757ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Clinton Bramesco. PPP Loan Data. That the governor?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

all PB

>>70053, >>70062 Charles Bramesco/groomer?





PPP Loan DataClinton Bramesco, Danvers, MA

Clinton Bramesco

Entity: Sole Proprietorship

Industry: All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Location: Danvers, MA

Tweet This • Search All PPP Data

Clinton Bramesco is a sole proprietorship located in Danvers, Massachusetts that received a Coronavirus-related PPP loan from the SBA of $9,354.00 in March, 2021.

The company has reported itself as a White male owned business, and employed at least one person during the applicable loan loan period.

$ PPP Loan Information

Loan #3196278605

Loan Size:


Jobs Retained:


Loan Approved:


Loan Status:

Paid in Full or Forgiven


Cross River Bank

Clinton Bramesco in Danvers, MA received a Paycheck Protection Loan of $9,354 through Cross River Bank, which was approved in March, 2021.

This loan's status is reported by the SBA as "Paid in Full", which includes both loans repaid and those fully forgiven from repayment under PPP guidelines. The loan's status was last updated by the SBA in August, 2021.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70088

File: ff9c46203ad26b2⋯.mp4 (6.96 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 88743bbb0ed9f22⋯.png (219.35 KB,760x762,380:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139739 (071757ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. Michael Huang's 3 minute video - CA medical system at work

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Dr. Michael Huang's 3 minute video - CA medical system at work

Steve Kirsch

Dr. Michael Huang was a brave physician in California who treated vaccine-injured patients and wrote vaccine exemptions.

Please watch this heartbreaking 3 minute video that he just sent me. This is the CA medical system at work. No mainstream doctors will speak out in support.


7:35 PM · Jul 6, 2023·326.6K Views


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70089

File: 90fbe7b1b598ebc⋯.jpeg (105.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139742 (071757ZJUL23) Notable: Keep Ukraine out of NATO, US experts argue

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7 Jul, 2023 15:10

Keep Ukraine out of NATO, US experts argue

Membership could force Washington to wage a nuclear war on behalf of Kiev, according to an article in Foreign Affairs magazine

Welcoming Ukraine into NATO would force the US to choose between nuclear war with Russia or abandoning its security commitments to Kiev, two American analysts claimed on Friday.

“The security benefits to the United States of Ukrainian accession pale in comparison with the risks of bringing it into the alliance,” Justin Logan and Joshua Shifrinson of the libertarian Cato Institute wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine.

If Ukraine were to join the alliance amid the ongoing hostilities, Logan and Shifrinson argued, the US and all of NATO’s European members would immediately be pulled into open war with Russia, with the potential for a nuclear exchange. However, even if the conflict were to be resolved, Ukraine and Russia will still have competing territorial claims, and a membership offer would risk reigniting the conflict, this time with NATO as a direct participant, they added.

“Under these circumstances, an American commitment to fight for Ukraine would be open to question,” they continued. If Ukraine were a NATO member and US policymakers chose not to intervene on its behalf, the bloc’s entire collective defense principle would be undermined, resulting in “a true credibility crisis for NATO.”

Furthermore, with the US protected by its nuclear arsenal and the vast Atlantic Ocean, the two analysts argued that America faces no direct threat from Russia, while Ukraine – due to its geography – forms “a bulwark” between Western Europe and Russia “irrespective of NATO membership.”

American time, attention, and resources are needed elsewhere,” Logan and Shifrinson wrote, concluding that“the United States should accept that it is high time to close NATO’s door to Ukraine.”

Since the 2008 Bucharest Declaration, NATO’s official policy is that Ukraine will become a member of the bloc at an unspecified future date. Kiev, however, is unhappy with this non-commitment, with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky reportedly threatening not to attend NATO’s upcoming summit in Lithuania unless the US-led bloc offers “concrete” security guarantees or a roadmap to full membership.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda has already ruled out a membership offerat the Vilnius summit. French President Emmanuel Macron, however, has called on the alliance’s leaders to offer Kiev bilateral or multilateral security guarantees, as well as a “path” to full-fledged membership. British Defense Minister Ben Wallace and a number of Eastern European leaders have called for Ukraine to be fast-tracked into the bloc without the usual “membership action plan” that prospective members must complete.

The White House, meanwhile, maintains that Ukraine “would have to make reforms to meet the same standards as any NATO country before they join.”

(These guys are right shut the door on NATO, and resolve this war. Ukraine will start more wars with Russia if allowed in.)


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5e84df No.70090

File: 010156afbe4c8b0⋯.png (2.25 MB,1800x2365,360:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139755 (071759ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. Michael Huang's 3 minute video - CA medical system at work

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thank you Dr. Huang for doing the right thing. The systems are all tyrannical indeed. I closed my practice due to cancellation by insurance payers cutting off my contracts for speaking truth and saving lives, not even the boards. The public/private partnership is fascism. Corporatism is the death of medicine and society.


1:44 PM · Jul 7, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70091

File: c5c8c77a72cbe68⋯.png (22.63 KB,830x405,166:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 49cace40c56b7ef⋯.png (79.41 KB,815x1168,815:1168,Clipboard.png)

File: 9448fea4e37e86a⋯.jpg (140.22 KB,882x960,147:160,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139759 (071800ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Father works for PBS. Frontline Sound Engineer credits

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Opioids, Inc.


Thomas Jennings


Annie Wong

Nick Verbitsky


Nick Verbitsky

Hannah Kuchler

Annie Wong

Rebecca Blandón


Anna Auster

Shaunagh Connaire


Anna Auster


Frank Koughan


Rebecca Blandón


Julie Rasquin


Tim Grucza

Thomas Jennings


Scott Anger

John Baynard

Nicole Bramley

David Goulding

Rebecca Blandón

Annie Wong


Extreme Aerial Productions


Rachel Beth Anderson

Danielle Bryant


Clinton Bramesco

Chip Crell

John O’Connor


Kate McCormick


Marcela Gaviria


Will Lyman


Griffin Jennings


David Bigelow


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70092

File: ee0c713140b0887⋯.png (290.71 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139790 (071809ZJUL23) Notable: Finally comparing new partially redacted Mar-a-Lago affidavit to original

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

Finally comparing new partially redacted Mar-a-Lago affidavit to original. Never before has a former president been legally harassed over keeping, moving documents FROM HIS OWN PRESIDENCY.

Storage room had boxes other than WH materials, a fact DOJ tried to conceal from public:

12:25 PM · Jul 7, 2023·76.5K Views


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139792 (071809ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up/Sullivan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jean-Pierre: Today marks one hundred days since Evan Gershkovich was wrongfully detained by Russian authorities. The world knows that the charges against Evan are baseless.

[given their concern, Gershkovich is likely an intelligence asset]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70094

File: e68b587db15fbe2⋯.png (65.36 KB,399x591,133:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139796 (071810ZJUL23) Notable: The 10 Biggest Threats to Society

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Simon Goddek

🚨 The 10 Biggest Threats to Society:

1. Globalism

2. Pornography

3. Cultural Marxism

4. Cashless society

5. Gender transition

6. Artificial Intelligence

7. Decline of masculinity

8. Poisoned food supply

9. Carbon Credit System

10. Educational indoctrination

What did I miss?

1:40 PM · Jul 7, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70095

File: 95403ed99f25abb⋯.png (46.71 KB,833x320,833:320,Clipboard.png)

File: bd57c45079a51b8⋯.jpg (267.47 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 53147cdd0fbacd1⋯.png (537.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e854d4dba5d5df⋯.png (1.06 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139805 (071811ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Father works for PBS. Frontline Sound Engineer credits

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Clint Bramesco

Credits (text only)

Hide Hide Sound department (36 credits)

2022 The Shift (TV Series documentary) (sound recordist - 2 episodes)

- Metallica: All Within My Hands (2022) ... (sound recordist)

- OneUnited Bank (2022) ... (sound recordist)

2022 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (TV Series) (sound recordist - 1 episode)

- Real Sports (August 2022) (2022) ... (sound recordist)

2022 37 Words (TV Series documentary) (sound mixer - 1 episode)

- These Are Our Bodies ... (sound mixer)

2021 26th Street Garage: The FBI's Untold Story of 9/11 (Documentary) (sound mixer)

2020 The Soul of America (TV Movie documentary) (sound mixer)

2020 Across the Pacific (TV Series) (sound - 3 episodes)

- Another Ocean (2020) ... (sound)

- Latin Laboratory (2020) ... (sound)

- Airborne (2020) ... (sound)

2018-2019 Simply Ming (TV Series documentary) (sound - 16 episodes)

- Fatima Ali (2019) ... (sound)

- Jacques Pepin Special Episode (2019) ... (sound)

- Michael Schlow (2019) ... (sound)

- Jamie Bissonnette (2019) ... (sound)

- Jay Hajj (2019) ... (sound)

- Joanne Chang (2018) ... (sound)

- Ken Oringer (2018) ... (sound)

- Akhtar Nawab (2018) ... (sound)

- Billy Dec (2018) ... (sound)

- Ivan Orkin (2018) ... (sound)

- Bryan Caswell (2018) ... (sound)

- Sara Moulton (2018) ... (sound)

- Masaharu Morimoto (2018) ... (sound)

- Rick Bayless (2018) ... (sound)

- Jacques Pepin (2018) ... (sound)

- Carla Hall (2018) ... (sound)

2018 60 Minutes (TV Series documentary) (sound - 1 episode)

- Aly Raisman/Clones (2018) ... (sound: Aly Raisman)

2018 Rough Cut with Fine Woodworking (TV Series) (sound recordist - 1 episode)

- End Table (2018) ... (sound recordist)

2018 Nova Wonders (TV Series documentary) (sound recordist - 1 episode)

- Are We Alone? (2018) ... (sound recordist)

2017 Mindfulness Goes Mainstream (TV Movie documentary) (audio engineer - as Clinton Bramesco)

2016 Strange Trips (TV Series documentary) (audio - 2 episodes)

- More Dead Than Alive ... (audio)

- Animal Kingdom ... (audio)

American Experience (TV Series documentary) (field audio - 2 episodes, 2004) (sound - 1 episode, 2015)

- American Comandante (2015) ... (sound)

- Reconstruction: The Second Civil War, Part 2 - Retreat (2004) ... (field audio)

- Reconstruction: The Second Civil War, Part 1 - Revolution (2004) ... (field audio)

2014-2015 48 Hours on ID (TV Series documentary) (sound - 2 episodes)

- Murder on the Cape (2015) ... (sound)

- Loved to Death (2014) ... (sound)

2015 The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements (TV Mini Series documentary) (sound - 3 episodes)

- Into the Atom (2015) ... (sound)

- Unruly Elements (2015) ... (sound)

- Out of Thin Air (2015) ... (sound)

2010-2015 Independent Lens (TV Series documentary) (sound mixer - 2 episodes)

- American Denial (2015) ... (sound mixer)

- Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness (2010) ... (sound mixer)

2014 David Ortiz: In the Moment (TV Movie documentary) (location sound)

2014 Sounding the Alarm: Battling the Autism Epidemic (Documentary) (sound)

2013 American Greed, the Fugitives (TV Series documentary) (field audio - 1 episode)

- Diamond's Aren't Forever; Cover Your Assets (2013) ... (field audio)

2013 What Time Is Left (Documentary) (sound mixer)

2011 20/20 (TV Series documentary) (audio - 1 episode)

- Jacqueline Kennedy: In Her Own Words (2011) ... (audio)

2010 Yoga for the Rest of Us with Peggy Cappy: Easy Yoga for Arthritis (TV Special) (sound)

2010 God in America (TV Series) (sound - 1 episode)

- Soul of a Nation/Of God and Caesar (2010) ... (sound)

2007-2009 Nova (TV Series documentary) (sound recordist - 3 episodes)

- What Darwin Never Knew (2009) ... (sound recordist)

- Doctors' Diaries: Part One (2009) ... (sound recordist)

- Forgotten Genius (2007) ... (sound recordist)

2009 The New Neighbors (Documentary short) (sound)

2008-2009 Nova ScienceNow (TV Series documentary) (sound recordist - 8 episodes)

- Hunt for Alien Earths/Art Authentication//Autism Genes (2009) ... (sound recordist)

- The Search for ET (2008) ... (sound recordist)

- Stem Cells Breakthrough (2008) ... (sound recordist)

- Profile: Edith Widder (2008) ... (sound recordist)

- Leeches/The Search for ET/Stem Cells Breakthrough/Profile: Edith Widder (2008) ... (sound recordist)

- Profile: Pardis Sabeti (2008) ... (sound recordist)

- Personal Genome/Digital Art Authentication/Capturing Carbon/Pardis Sabeti (2008) ... (sound recordist)

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5e84df No.70096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139809 (071811ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Bramesco

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>Clint Bramesco

>Credits (text only)

- Capturing Carbon (2008) ... (sound recordist)

2008-2009 48 Hours (TV Series documentary) (sound - 3 episodes)

- Craigslist: Classified for Murder (2009) ... (sound)

- Live to Tell: The Year We Disappeared (2009) ... (sound)

- Murder on the Cape (2008) ... (sound)

2009 Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness (Documentary) (sound mixer)

2009 48 Hours Presents: Live to Tell (TV Series) (sound - 1 episode)

- The Year We Disappeared (2009) ... (sound)

2008 Big Time Losers (TV Movie documentary) (sound)

2007 Yoga for the Rest of Us with Peggy Cappy: Back Care Basics (TV Special) (sound)

2006 National Geographic Explorer (TV Series documentary) (sound recordist - 1 episode)

- Science of Surveillance (2006) ... (sound recordist)

1996-2005 Frontline (TV Series documentary) (sound - 3 episodes)

- Karl Rove: The Architect (2005) ... (sound)

- The Two Nations of Black America (1998) ... (sound)

- Secret Daughter (1996) ... (sound)

2005 Yoga for the Rest of Us with Peggy Cappy: More Yoga for the Rest of Us (TV Special) (sound)

2004 Innovation: Life, Inspired (TV Series documentary) (sound recordist - 1 episode)

- Brain Fingerprinting (2004) ... (sound recordist)

2002 Phobia: Aviophobia (TV Movie documentary) (sound recordist)


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5e84df No.70097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139823 (071814ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up/Sullivan

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Jake Sullivan [White House press conference]: We base our security assistance decision on Ukraine's needs on the ground...we have provided Ukraine with an historic amount of unitary artillery rounds, and we are ramping up domestic production of these rounds...we will not leave Ukraine defenseless at any point in this conflict, period.

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5e84df No.70098

File: 6712169724f5fec⋯.png (17.99 KB,532x301,76:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139828 (071814ZJUL23) Notable: If you want to trigger a Western fund manager or a central banker: Mention gold.

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If you want to trigger a Western fund manager or a central banker:

Mention gold.

That also explains what they fear most.


Gold is a way to circumvent a weaponized financial system.


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5e84df No.70099

File: d18e019db48f115⋯.png (217.37 KB,721x576,721:576,Clipboard.png)

File: caafc2a14490492⋯.png (49.33 KB,300x596,75:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e667fbec4e6448⋯.png (22.59 KB,317x486,317:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139831 (071815ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. James Thorp calls em out re: mrna on pregnant women

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OB/GYN Dr. James Thorp calls em out re: mrna on pregnant women

James Thorp MD


My 44 years of Ob experience and my vast published experience (221 articles, including 48 on COVID-related topics) allow me to be certain. I am willing to bet my life on it and I offered to debate anyone in the world for the last 3 years. NOBODY to date has the ethical, moral, and intellectual integrity to debate me.

Pushing the Lethal mRNA vaccines in my pregnant patients constitutes the GREATEST violation of ETHICS in the history of humanity. The danger signals emanating from the VAERS and a myriad of other sources globally are unprecedented. The danger signals from my VAST experience of seeing nearly 27,500 patients in the last 4.5 years are unprecedented.

The Medical Industrial Complex #HHS #CDC #FDA #ABOG #ACOG #SMFM are all corrupt to the core as are their journals. They are likely bribed by the $13 Billion dispensed by Mark Weber Dep Sec HHS through the newly created COVID-19 Community Corp (CCC) in March 2021. They targeted about 300 "influencers" with the stated purpose of eliminating vaccine hesitancy by a $13 Billion bribe with a contract they would PUSH the lockstep narrative of HHS/CDC.

The American College of ObGyn (ACOG) was a founding member and have taken vast amounts of bribe monies (> $11M) from CCC not allowing them to deviate from the deadly HHS/CDC narrative. I have been honored and awarded by ACOG ABOG & SMFM (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine), I served on the Board of Directors for SMFM. I testified in US Senate TWICE. The HHS CDC ACOG FOIA of 1400 pages are PROOF of this lethal & unprecedented PSYOPS campaign.

What has changed? NOBODY in the ENTIRE WORLD would have condoned pushing a highly novel experimental gene therapy in pregnancy 10 years ago and it would have been considered malpractice and may have resulted in criminal charges likely including jail time. It would’ve been considered patently absurd. Yet the band plays on. Not egregious enough? The Pfizer 3.5.6 internal document 2.28.2021 reported 1223 deaths just after less than 10 weeks of the rollout - the most lethal medical intervention EVER. This was buried and Pfizer attempted to hide this for 75 years.










































Last edited

10:08 AM · Jul 6, 2023




James Thorp MD


My 44 years of Ob experience and my vast published experience (221 articles, including 48 on COVID-related topics) allow me to be certain. I am willing to bet my life on it and I offered to debate anyone in the world for the last 3 years. NOBODY to date has the ethical, moral, and intellectual integrity to debate me.

Pushing the Lethal mRNA vaccines in my pregnant patients constitutes the GREATEST violation of ETHICS in the history of humanity. The danger signals emanating from the VAERS and a myriad of other sources globally are unprecedented. The danger signals from my VAST experience of seeing nearly 27,500 patients in the last 4.5 years are unprecedented.


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5e84df No.70100

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139836 (071816ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. James Thorp calls em out re: mrna on pregnant women

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Medical Industrial Complex #HHS #CDC #FDA #ABOG #ACOG #SMFM are all corrupt to the core as are their journals. They are likely bribed by the $13 Billion dispensed by Mark Weber Dep Sec HHS through the newly created COVID-19 Community Corp (CCC) in March 2021. They targeted about 300 "influencers" with the stated purpose of eliminating vaccine hesitancy by a $13 Billion bribe with a contract they would PUSH the lockstep narrative of HHS/CDC.

The American College of ObGyn (ACOG) was a founding member and have taken vast amounts of bribe monies (> $11M) from CCC not allowing them to deviate from the deadly HHS/CDC narrative. I have been honored and awarded by ACOG ABOG & SMFM (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine), I served on the Board of Directors for SMFM. I testified in US Senate TWICE. The HHS CDC ACOG FOIA of 1400 pages are PROOF of this lethal & unprecedented PSYOPS campaign.

What has changed? NOBODY in the ENTIRE WORLD would have condoned pushing a highly novel experimental gene therapy in pregnancy 10 years ago and it would have been considered malpractice and may have resulted in criminal charges likely including jail time. It would’ve been considered patently absurd. Yet the band plays on. Not egregious enough? The Pfizer 3.5.6 internal document 2.28.2021 reported 1223 deaths just after less than 10 weeks of the rollout - the most lethal medical intervention EVER. This was buried and Pfizer attempted to hide this for 75 years.










































Last edited

10:08 AM · Jul 6, 2023




2 of 2

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5e84df No.70101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139847 (071818ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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From the late 2000s to the mid-2010s, I worked as a molecular biologist for a national security contractor in a program to study Exo-Biospheric-O

**This is not my story, but from Reddit yesterday, causing a stir

From the late 2000s to the mid-2010s, I worked as a molecular biologist for a national security contractor in a program to study Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). The aim of the program was to elucidate the genome and proteome basis of these organisms. Although the study of OBCs has been going on for decades in other programs, the new high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies of the late 90s unblocked stagnant research in this area. Since then, several breakthroughs have led to significant advances in our understanding of the genome and proteome of these beings. What we've learned so far has enabled us to outline some disconcerting perspectives about our place in this universe. Briefly, we've discovered that the EBO genome is a chimera of genomes from our biosphere and from an unknown one. They are artificial, ephemeral and disposable organisms created for a purpose that still partially eludes us. I'll be substantiating my statements after a brief introduction.

The reason for disclosing these secrets is quite simple. I believe that every human being has the right to know the truth, and that to progress, humanity needs to divest itself of certain institutions and organizations that will probably not survive these revelations in the long term. I'm aware that I'll have very little impact in this regard, but I still believe that small leaks are necessary to break the dam of misinformation on this subject. When the governments will eventually reveal these secrets, there will undoubtedly be a societal upheaval, but in my opinion, the longer we wait, the worse it will be. I choose to divulge what I know anonymously out of selfishness for the well-being of myself and my family. I'm aware that this diminishes the reach and credibility of my message, but it's the furthest I am willing to go. I chose this forum because it offers a good compromise between anonymity and popularity. In order to protect my anonymity, I will be purposely vague or even contradictory about any information that could identify me (date, education, role etc.). I'll even introduce red herrings in this respect. I want to make it clear that any information related to the subject of the research will not be treated in this way.

Before going any further, please excuse me if you find it difficult to understand what I'm explaining. Some parts of my text are very technical. It's difficult to find the right balance between vulgarization and scientific explanation. I'll continue by talking about myself. What's the point of talking about me knowing that the information will necessarily be misleading? I simply want to introduce a perspective on the type of people who work there, normal scientists. I have a Ph.D. in molecular biology. I didn't actively seek to be part of this program, rather it was a stroke of luck that introduced me to one of the senior scientists. I met this person at a conference where I was presenting a poster on my Ph.D. research. When I think back, I don't believe he was impressed by what I was presenting, because it was quite frankly a project that wasn't going anywhere. I think it was rather the most important aspect of a professional life: the attitude and the ease with which you make connections. Shortly afterwards, I graduated and received a call from this person offering me a position. At the time, everything pointed to me working in a regular laboratory.


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5e84df No.70102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139848 (071819ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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I did a series of three increasingly suspicious interviews, each in a different location, where my scientific background and knowledge became less and less relevant. The first was with two of the senior scientists, the second and third with people I've never seen again and who were obviously not interested in science. Sometime after the interview, I was asked to go to a fourth location where what seemed like a corporate lawyer presented me with an NDA. He made sure not only to explain every detail, but also that I understood the consequence of not respecting it.

The first Employment weeks were by far the most memorable, although I spent most of that time in a depressing archive room. It consists almost exclusively of reading about the subject of study and to get us up to speed. There's no secret Wikipedia or even a reference book to guide us. There are only dry reports, memos, presentations, procedures and SOPs. These documents are almost exclusively about the biology of EBOs, but there are also a few that deal with other subjects such as their food, religion or culture. There were no documents on their technology.

As mentioned above, the aim of the project is to gain a better understanding of the EBO genome and proteome. To achieve this, a team of around twenty scientists, four senior scientists and a director was involved. The scientists, like myself, had as their main responsibility to carry out the technical work. As each scientist had to my knowledge a Ph.D., we were all somewhat overqualified for what is ultimately a technician's job. The senior scientists, who make full use of their diplomas, had the task of designing the assays and had a supervisory responsibility. They were also in charge of training new employees, and sometimes even came in to do technical work. The director, of course, was the person in charge who dictated priorities to the senior scientists. He was rarely on site, and the few times he was, it was to attend meetings. Other than the scientific staff, there were security guards working for one subcontractor or another. There were no support staff such as janitors or maintenance workers. Scientists were responsible for this kind of work. In addition, logistical constraints ensure that every scientist is capable of carrying out any technical activity.

The laboratory itself is located in Fort Detrick, Maryland, in a building used for legitimate biomedical research. The clandestine operations are carried out in a restricted part of the basement, out of sight from regular workers. Contrary to what one might imagine, the biosafety level is not maximal for this type of research. Indeed, the lab containing EBO samples or derived cell cultures is BSL3, while the lab where assays are conducted are only BSL2. The BSL3 area of the facility includes a freezer room and a cell culture lab and is only accessible through an antechamber from the BSL2 section. EBO carcasses are preserved in horizontal freezers at a temperature of -80°C nominal. To maximize the preservation of these carcasses, they are preserved in vacuum bags and the air in the room is controlled to minimize humidity. There are only four bodies and none of them are complete. It's obvious that these creatures have died as a result of major trauma. I've never witnessed a motorcycle accident fatality, but it probably looks similar to this. It is acknowledged that there are more EBOs caracasses at other locations. The cell culture laboratory, as its name suggests, is where cell lines derived from EBOs are grown and related activities are performed. I'll talk in more detail about these specific cell lines later on. The BSL2 part is mainly used for assays, immunohistochemistry, genetic engineering, immunocytochemistry, storage etc. There's also a cell culture lab, but this is used for more traditional cell lines. Other than the labs, there are all the amenities you could find in an office. Note that the internet access is limited to senior staff and up. There is, however, an intranet for bioinformatics needs.


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5e84df No.70103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139850 (071819ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


On the subject of the biology of these beings, I'll start by discussing genetics, then their gross anatomy and finally their biological systems. For the sake of clarity, the information that I provide here is an aggregation of what I have observed and what I have read. I will make many comparisons with human anatomy because it is the most logical reference.


First, I'd like to discuss their genetics. Their genetics are like ours, based on DNA. This fact was very puzzling for me when I first learned about it. We imagine that beings from an alternate biosphere would have genetics based on a completely foreign biochemical system and surprisingly, this is not the case. Several conclusions can be drawn from this surprising revelation. The one that immediately comes to mind is that our biosphere and theirs share a common ancestry. They're eukaryotes, which means their cells have nuclei containing genetic material. Which suggests that their biosphere would have been separated from ours sometime after the appearance of this type of organism. The term Exo-Biospheric-Organism is actually a misnomer, but as it's a historical term, it's still used. Their genetics are not only based on the same genetic system, but they’re also even compatible with our own cellular machinery. This means that you can take a human gene and insert it into an EBO cell, and that gene will be translated into protein, and this of course works in reverse with a human gene inserted into an EBO cell. There are important differences in post-translational modifications that will make the final protein non-functional, but I'll discuss these later. Their genome consists of 16 circular chromosomes.

You're probably familiar with the concept of intergenic region or "junk DNA". These are basically DNA sequences that don't code for proteins. These are evolutionary residues, transposons, inactivated genes and so on. To give you an idea, in humans, intergenic regions represent approximately 99% of our genome. I'm aware that these sequences aren't completely useless, they can be used as histone anchors, as buffers to protect coding DNA from radiation or even as alternative open reading frames, but that's rather peripheral.

What's particularly striking about the EBO genome is the uniformity of these intergenic regions. We see the same sequences repeated everywhere, and the distance in bp between the genes is virtually the same throughout their genome. The result is a minimalist, highly condensed genome. In fact, it's much smaller than ours. Moreover, the quantity of protein-coding genes is even significantly lower than ours, probably due to genetic refinement but also to biological processes that are absent in EBO. The uniformity of these sequences is a major indication of the artificiality of these beings. There is no complex organism on earth that has such elegance in its sequences. There is no evolutionary pressure that can lead to this kind of characteristic other than genetic engineering.


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5e84df No.70104

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139855 (071820ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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Speaking of genetic engineering, following sequencing of their genomes, we noticed a troubling and universal characteristic in the 5' of the regulatory sequence of each gene which we call the Tri-Palindromic Region. The TPR are 134bp sequences containing, as its name suggests, 3 palindromes. In genetics, a palindrome is a DNA sequence that when read in the same direction, gives the same sequence on both DNA strands. They serve both as a flag and as a binding site for proteins. The three palindromes in the TPR are distinct from one another and have been poetically named "5'P TPR", "M TPR" and "3' TPR". The TPR is composed (in 5' - 3' order) of 5'P TPR, 12bp spacer, Chromosomal address, 12bp spacer, M TPR, 12bp spacer, Gene address, 12pb spacer and 3' TPR. The chromosomal address is composed of 4 bp and is identical in each TPR of the same chromosome, but distinct between each of the 16 chromosomes of the genome. The Gene address is a 64bp sequence that is unique for each gene in the whole genome. It's therefore understandable that the TPR serves as a unique address not only for numerically identifying a gene, but also for identifying its chromosomal location. For those with only a basic knowledge of genetics, this is completely unheard of. No living thing in our biosphere has this kind of precise address in its genome. Once again, the presence of TPR cannot be explained by evolutionary pressure but only by genetic engineering on a genomic scale.

TPR opens the door to several possibilities. One of them suggests that EBO geneticists can insert or remove a gene from a cell in a way that is far more targeted and efficient than our technology allows. No proteins have been identified in the EBO genome that interacts with TPR. Rather, we believe that these proteins are exclusively targeted by external genetic engineering tools, probably used at the zygotic stage of embryonic development. The nature of these tools is unclear, but we definitely don't have anything like them. The probable absence of these proteins from the genome is a further indication of their artificiality. Given the high probability of artificiality of their genome and the apparent ease of modifying it with biomolecular tools, it's not out of the question that there could be polymorphism between individuals depending on their role and function. In other words, an individual could be genetically designed to have characteristics that give it an advantage in performing a given task, like soldier ants and worker ants in an anthill. Note that these previous statements are speculation. To my knowledge only one individual genome has been sequenced, I can't make a definitive statement on genetic variation between individuals.

I've talked a lot about intergenic regions, now I'll briefly discuss intragenic sequences. Briefly, because there's not a lot less to say despite its obvious importance. Much like ours, their genes have silencers, enhancers, promoters, 5'UTRs, exons, introns, 3' UTRs etc. There are many genes analogous to ours, which is not surprising given the compatibility of our cellular machinery. What's disturbing is that some genes correspond directly, nucleotide by nucleotide, with known human genes or even some animal genes. For these genes, there doesn't seem to be any artificial refinement but rather a crude copying and pasting. Why they do it is nebulous and still subject to conjecture. There are also many genes which are not found in our biosphere whose role has not been identified. Finding the purpose of these novel genes is one of the aims of the program. I'd like to note before going any further that this heterogeneity of genes of known and unknown origin is an undeniable proof of the artificiality of EBOs.

To conclude with genetics, the mitochondrial genome, at the time I was working there, had not yet been sequenced. It's safe to assume that this genome would also be streamlined and possibly has some version of TPR.

Transcription and translation and protein expression.


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5e84df No.70105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139860 (071820ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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I briefly introduced the differences in post-translational modifications between human and EBO. This is hardly a surprise, as we often see the same thing between different terrestrial species. Obtaining a viable protein from a DNA sequence is a complex process involving hundreds of protein intermediates, each with a precise and essential role. A minor variation in this assembly line can lead to functional irregularities in the final product. So, it's no surprise that there are setbacks along the way when the first EBO gene transfection attempts failed to produce the desired functional protein in human cell lines. Fortunately for us, the work of what I imagine to be another team at another site has led to the development of an EBO cell line named EPI-G11 derived from epithelial tissues. With this tool in our hands, we were able to transfect and overexpress proteins of interest in order to eventually purify and study them. For your information, we use a biological ballistics delivery system (AKA gene gun) for our transfection needs because other methods are not very effective with cells of this line. For example, the viral vectors tested cannot be internalized by EPI-G11 and lipofection is too lethal. EPI-G11, like most eukaryotic cell lines, enters a phase of exponential growth when exposed to Fetal Bovine Serum. It's only half surprising that a cell line from such an exotic source should be sensitive to the growth factors present in FBS. In my opinion, this can be explained by the addition of animal genes to the genome, such as growth receptors.

Gross anatomy:

They are morphologically very similar to the grey aliens that are part of modern folklore. Their height is about 150cm, they have two arms, two legs and a head. Still, there are some notable differences.

Skin: The grey skin that is often described in folklore is in fact a biosynthetic film which, likely, serves to protect the EBO from a hostile environment. It doesn't provide effective protection against temperature changes, but it does offer adequate protection against the passage of liquids. It's possible that this film confers other advantages but my knowledge on the subject is limited. Under the grey film, the epidermis is rather white, and the texture is very regular and without any hair. We do not see any defect other than the folds near the joints. It's described as greasy in one report, but that's not something I've observed. The same report states that a strong, lingering smell of burnt hair and ammonia is present when the film is removed. There are a lot of pores on the skin, crossing from the epidermis to a gland in the hypodermis. These glands and pores are the terminal part of the excretory-sudoriferous system, which could explain the previously mentioned smell.

Head: The head contains two large, oversized eyes, two nostrils without protuberance, a narrow mouth without lips and two ear canals without auricles. There is a mandible, but the musculature is vestigial. There are no teeth or tongue in the oral cavity. The nasal cavity where the nostrils meet is compact and does not rise cranially but extends axially. There appears to be no equivalent to the olfactory bulb in the nasal cavity. The mouth leads directly to the esophagus and the nasal cavity to the trachea. The trachea and esophagus do not communicate.

Eye: Like the skin, the eyes are covered with a semi-transparent biosynthetic film that offers the same environmental protection, while providing protection against certain wavelengths and light intensity. When the film is removed, a more traditional eye is revealed. It's about three times larger than a human eye and there are no eyelids. The size of their eyes suggests they have excellent night vision. It seems paradoxical to cover them with a semi-opaque film. Perhaps they only need to wear it in a bright environment. Their sclera is the same color as their skin, the iris is pale grey, and the pupil is black and oversized. The lens is rounder than a human, and the musculature used to adjust focus is more developed. On the retina, there are at least 6 types of cone cells. The responsiveness of each of these 6 types of cone is specific to a wavelength band, with a minimum of overlap between each other. The result is a broader visible spectrum.

Ear: As mentioned, the outer ear has no auricle and the ear canal is unremarkable. The inner ear has all the characteristics of a typical vestibular and cochlear system, although the curvature of the cochlea is more pronounced than a human. This probably results in greater hearing acuity for low frequencies.


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5e84df No.70106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139865 (071821ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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Brain: The brain is tetraspheric, i.e. composed of four major sections. The sections are separated by transverse and longitudinal fissures and are connected to the central lobe, which acts as brainstem and cerebellum. The volume of the brain is around 20% superior to that of a man of the same height. It has a much more pronounced level of gyrication than an average human. Moreover, the ratio of glial cells to neurons is also slightly higher than in humans. It is important to mention the presence of nodules on the central lobe. Histological analysis of these structures reveals a kind of intricate biological circuitry. It is speculated that these nodules are essential to interact with their technology. Consequently, determining the proteome of these structures is an absolute priority for the program.

Neck: The neck is proportionally longer than that of a human, and at the same time relatively thin. As mentioned, the esophagus and trachea are separate. There are no vocal cords in this region.

Thorax: The musculature of the thorax is underdeveloped. Muscles equivalent to the pectoralis major can be seen. We can also see the trapezius and deltoid muscles. The sternocleidomastoids are well defined. The ribs and sternum are clearly visible. There are no nipples.

Abdomen: The abdomen is wider than the thorax and bulges slightly forward. There is no navel.

Pelvis: The pelvic bones are apparent. There are no genitals or anus.

Hands and feets: Their hands have four digits, including an opposable thumb on the medial side. They have no nails, and the texture of their fingerprints is composed of concentric circles. Fingers are proportionally much longer than in humans. Unlike humans, finger musculature is entirely intrinsic to the hand. In other words, the muscles used to move the fingers are not in the forearms but entirely located in the hands. At first glance, the feet consist of just two digits, but a necropsy soon determined that each toe was made of two fused digits. The medial toe is marginally longer than the distal toe. The feet are relatively longer and narrower than in a human. Their musculature, however, is vestigial.

The EBOs endoskeleton is very similar to ours, at least in terms of composition. There's collagen, hydroxyapatite but also copper oxide crystals where marrow would normally be found. The role of these crystals has not been established, but it is not a crystalopathic condition. The blood cells of the myeloid lineage (or the equivalent for these creatures) therefore mature in a different location than in humans i.e. in the thymus like organ. A transverse section of the bone reveals osteon and osteocytes. There appear to be few osteoblasts and no osteoclasts. This indicates that the bones are no longer growing and cannot absorb the minerals present or adapt mechanically to changes in posture.

Biological system:

Respiratory system: Their cellular respiration is equivalent to ours, i.e. they need to oxidize organic components to produce energy. Their lungs have no reciprocating action, but rather have a unidirectional flow of air, similar to those seen in birds, which is more efficient than ours. It is speculated that this is in response to the brain's elevated metabolic needs. Vocalization is produced by vibration of the wall membrane at the junction between the two air sacs.

The Circulatory system of EBOs is rather analogous to ours. The heart is located in the mediastanum, but in a more medial position, directly beneath the sternum. The heart has two ventricles and two atria. There is an aorta, a pulmonary vein, a pulmonary artery and a vena cava. Blood flowing to the pulmonary capillaries via the pulmonary artery is pumped against the flow of air, maximizing gas exchange efficiency. The blood gas barrier is relatively narrow in these capillaries, at least compared to a human. Then oxygen-rich blood is returned to the heart and then expelled into the aorta and the rest of the body. Before returning to the heart, the blood will pass through the hepatorenal organ which, among other things, filters and controls osmotic pressure of the blood.


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5e84df No.70107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139866 (071821ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up/Sullivan

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Sullivan: The challenge of cluster munitions is that, even at low dud rates, there are some unexploded ordinances that are left, and that could potentially pose a risk to civilians down the road...we had to balance that against the risk of civilian harm if Ukraine did not have sufficient artillery and munition.

[our cluster bombs will kill civilians, but that is acceptable]

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5e84df No.70108

File: fcb1df9deda8e7d⋯.png (23.33 KB,602x263,602:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139868 (071822ZJUL23) Notable: NSA Jake Sullivan confirms the US has discussed a prisoner swap with Russia to bring home WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich, detained in Moscow

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NSA Jake Sullivan confirms the US has discussed a prisoner swap with Russia to bring home WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich, detained in Moscow

SULLIVAN: "I do not want to give false hope...there have been discussions but those discussions have not produced a clear resolution."


Do we have anymore "Merchants of death" to trade for some idiot?

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5e84df No.70109

File: 6b2f3bcef366cea⋯.png (569.11 KB,847x1893,847:1893,Clipboard.png)

File: f710d25f4b04478⋯.png (333.7 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: c123e2bda2e8dc7⋯.png (1.05 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139869 (071822ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / clint bramesco - sound recordist - cbsr. Victor Chausse, Jr Grandfather IRS Agent

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clint bramesco - sound recordist - cbsr


https://www.linkedin.com › clint-bramesco-418b6221

Danvers, Massachusetts, United States · sound recordist · cbsr

clint bramesco. sound recordist at cbsr. cbsr. Danvers, Massachusetts, United States. 77 followers 76 connections. Join to view profile.

Victor Chausse, Jr., 88, passed away Monday, May 11, 2015 at Sacred Heart Nursing Home from complications of Alzheimer's disease. He was the beloved husband of Jeanne E. (LeBlanc) Chausse with whom he shared 62 years of marriage.

Born in New Bedford, a son of the late Victor and Agnes (DeMello) Chausse, he was a lifelong resident of the city, and a communicant of St. Mary's Church, New Bedford.

Victor graduated from New Bedford High School in 1944, where he lettered in football and baseball, and Bryant College, Class of 1950 receiving a B.S. in accounting. He was a United States Navy Air Corp Veteran having served during World War II.

He was employed for30 years as an Internal Revenue agent and, upon retirement, became a tax consultant for Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.

He was active in the Whaling City Little League as an assistant coach for his son Peter's team. While a member of St. Killian's parish, he served as a Eucharistic minister, was a member of its parish council, worked at bingo nights and helped with the church's finances, and received the Marian Medal.

Victor was a gregarious man with a sharp wit and a zest for life. He enjoyed travel and U.S. history, pairing them on two cross-country trips with his family. He also toured Europe and Canada. He spent close to 20 years wintering in Venice, FL. Always athletic, in his later years he took up golf and tennis, consistently beating younger opponents well into his 70s.

In addition to his wife, he is survived by his children, Michele and her husband Clinton Bramesco of Danvers, MA and Peter and his wife Kelly of Gresham, OR; four grandchildren, Eva Bramesco and her fiancé Adam Lambros,Charles Bramesco,Kate Banick and her husband T.J., and Becki Anderson and her husband Mitchell; and a great grandchild Harper Rose Anderson.

His Funeral will be held Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 8:00 am from the ROCK FUNERAL HOME, 1285 Ashley Blvd., New Bedford, MA 02745 with a Funeral Mass at 9:00 am in St. Mary’s Church, Tarkiln Hill Rd., New Bedford followed by burial in Sacred Heart Cemetery, New Bedford. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours will be held Tuesday from 5 to 8 pm. Donations may be made to Alzheimer's Association of MA/NH, 480 Pleasant St., Watertown, MA 02472 or the Sacred Heart Home, 359 Summer St., New Bedford, MA 02740

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5e84df No.70110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139875 (071824ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up/Sullivan

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Sullivan: The use of cluster munitions by Russia in this conflict is completely unacceptable on multiple counts.

[however, we can use whatever we want to protect our criminal interests]

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5e84df No.70111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139877 (071824ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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The blood itself is also analogous to that of a human. However, the proportion of plasma is much higher, albumin is in similar proportion ,hormone levels are much lower, metal ion levels are much higher (particularly copper) and glucose levels are significantly higher. The color of the blood is brownish, given the higher proportion of plasma and concentration of metal ions. On the cellular side, there are erythrocytes which, in addition to hemoglobin for binding oxygen, display several complexes capable of binding copper ions. It's not clear what role these copper ions play but we believe it neutralizes blood ammonia, among other things. Several cell types with leukocyte characteristics have been observed, but no comprehensive knowledge of them exists. Platelets are present, but in smaller proportions than in humans.

Excreto-sudoriferous system: This system is completely different from what I've seen. As mentioned earlier, there is no large orifice, like an anus or urethra, to get rid of biological waste. Instead, there are countless small pores on the surface of the skin. There's a large medial organ called the hepatorenal organ, which acts as both kidney and liver and is central to maintaining homeostasis. This organ is highly vascularized and the blood must pass through it before returning to the heart. Its role is, among other things, to purify the blood of metabolic waste. Waste is excreted into the equivalent of a ureter, which branches out into four. Each branch flows towards one of the four limbs and in turn these branches divide until they end up as thousands of excretory pores. The motility of this excretory system is mediated by a weak peristalsis at the proximal level and on the four main branches. Peristalsis ceases around the first distal junction. As there is no urea cycle, the ammonia concentration at the exit of the hepatorenal organ is very high. This ammonia is carried to the pores and gives the distinct odor I mentioned earlier. The rationale behind this unusual excretory system is directly related to this excreted ammonia, which enables thermoregulation by evaporating on the skin's surface. The greater the physical effort, the greater the metabolism. This in turn leads to a rise in temperature, and a corresponding increase in metabolic waste via amino acid catabolism. This leads to an increase in filtration and ammonia excretion, which ultimately lowers body temperature.

Digestive system: The digestive system is extremely underdeveloped. There's no there is no stomach in the familiar sense. However, there is a pseudo-stomach located at the transition between the thoracic and abdominal cavities. This organ is not involved in digestion, but only serves as a reservoir. A sphincter controls the flow of food into the intestine. The intestine is limited to the equivalent of our small intestine, i.e. it only serves to absorb liquids and nutrients and acts as the main digestion site. It has villi and microvilli like ours. The intestine ends in the hepato-renal organ, where non-digested matter is transported to the ureter and excretory system. Residues are dissolved in the ammonia of metabolic waste for excretion. There's an organ near the pseudostomachal sphincter that secretes digestive enzymes directly into the intestine. This organ is inspirationally called the digestive organ. It secretes mainly proteolytic enzymes and glycoside hydrolases.

Given the absence of teeth, the narrowness and rigidity of the esophagus, the absence of a true stomach and the absence of defecation, it is strongly believed that EBOs can only consume food in liquid form. It is assumed that, given the high metabolic needs of their brains, this food would have a high carbohydrate concentration. In order to meet other metabolic needs, there must also be a high protein content in the food consumed. These two statements are supported by the type of enzyme secreted by the digestive organ. It is therefore speculated that the food consumed is a sort of broth rich in sugar and protein, which probably also has a high copper content. Given the strict limitations on the type of food that they can consume, it's unlikely that this type of creature could survive in our biosphere without technological support.

Endocrine system: Knowledge of the endocrine system is minimal. We know that cells are receptive to bovine growth hormones, so it's assumed that certain functions are regulated by such a system. Endocrine mechanisms are very complex, and it goes without saying that they are best studied on living subjects.


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5e84df No.70112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139882 (071824ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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Immune system: The immune system is another unknown. There seems to be an innate immune system but there doesn't seem to be any adaptive immunity, at least not similar to what is known. There's a thymus-like organ near the heart that's proportionally larger than in humans. This organ seems to be where all blood cells mature. Some cells have leukocyte characteristics such as granularity. The immune cells that germinate here have a high copper concentration. The surface receptors of innate immune cells have not yet been characterized, so we might as well say that all the work remains to be done.

Nervous system: The nervous system is also relatively similar. The spinal cord begins at the base of the central lobe of the brain and propagates down the vertebral column. In the vertebrae there are ganglia made of afferent and efferent neurons. In short, other than the CNS, there is nothing out of the ordinary.

Musculoskeletal system: The musculoskeletal system is very ordinary, albeit underdeveloped. Most of the human skeletal muscles have an equivalent. Only the hands, feet and forearms are different. It should be noted that the proportion of type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers is different from that in a human. Indeed, type 1 outnumbers type 2 by about a factor of 10.

Artificial system: We speculate that artificial molecular machines may be present in the body, and that copper, if present, would be essential to their function or assembly. Importantly, no AMMs have been observed.


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5e84df No.70113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139884 (071825ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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Question 1: Amazing story. Have you shared this with the Senate Select Commission on Intelligence or with AARO and do you have evidence to back this up?

Thank you, no I haven't and no I won't. It sounds like a honey trap to me. I will not place my life in the hands of politicians. I have no proof other than this message. I know it's not much but it's what I'm prepared to offer

Question 2: Well that was a read ... So they are bio engineered worker bees... Any elemental components that are unutributal to our biome ?

Yes, knowing that they're disposable, unable to live independently without technological support, and that they're ephemeral. The only suitable hypothesis is that they are alive only to accomplish their task. Can you clarify your question about elemental components?

Question 3: I havent read everything in detail but can you expend on the document on their religion?

EBOs believe that the soul is not an extension of the individual, but rather a fundamental characteristic of nature that expresses itself as a field, not unlike gravity. In the presence of life, this field acquires complexity, resulting in negative entropy if that makes sense. This gain in complexity is directly correlated with the concentration of living organisms in a given location. With time, and with the right conditions, life in turn becomes more complex until the appearance of sentient life. After reaching this threshold, the field begins to express itself through these sentient beings, forming what we call the soul. Through their life experiences, sentient beings will in turn influence the field in a sort of positive feedback loop. This in turn further accelerates the complexity of the field. Eventually, when the field reaches a "critical mass", there will be a sort of apotheosis. It's not clear what this means in practical terms, but this quest for apotheosis seems to be the EBOs main motivation.

The author of the document added his reflections and interpretations as an appendix. He specified that, for them, the soul field is not a belief but an obvious truth. He also argues that the soul loses its individuality after death, but that memory and experience persist as part of the field. This fact would influence the philosophy and culture of EBOs, resulting in a society that doesn't fear death but which places no importance or reverence on individuality. This "belief" compels them to seed life, shape it, nurture it, monitor it and influence it for the ultimate purpose of creating this apotheosis. Paradoxically, they have little or no respect for an individual's well-being.

Please be advised that I'm speaking from memory of something I read more than 10 years ago, so take the following with a grain of salt. Also, I'm not a philosopher or an artist, so please excuse my struggle to properly formulate the concepts and my dry terminology. Finally, note that this information comes from a document whose author was directly interacting with an EBO. It is not specified whether it was an ambassador, a crash survivor, a prisoner. The means of communication were not specified either.

Question 4: Wtf he dropped the location of the lab

Battelle National Biodefense Institute


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5e84df No.70114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139885 (071825ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up/Sullivan

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Sullivan: I'm not grading or judging the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

[he knows Ukraine is all but finished and will never admit it]

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5e84df No.70115

File: 3704b9c576c08af⋯.png (286.73 KB,500x332,125:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139890 (071826ZJUL23) Notable: NATO 'OK' With Cluster Bombs After Biden Approves For Ukraine: Stoltenberg

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NATO 'OK' With Cluster Bombs After Biden Approves For Ukraine: Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg doesn't see a problem with internationally banned cluster munitions... only when the US or its allies deploy them, apparently.

Without doubt if cluster bombs were being deployed by Russia or official US enemies, NATO would condemn it (and has in the past). But with the Biden administration now reportedly moving forward with sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, Stoltenberg has said that "Nato does not have a position on them" as some allies have signed up to prohibit their use and some haven’t.

He was specifically asked by a reporter about the wisdom of allowing them to be sent to the Ukrainians. He had further added in response, "This will be for governments to decide, not for Nato to decide."

"We are facing a brutal war, and we have to remember this brutality is reflected, that every day we see casualties, and that cluster munitions are used by both sides," he sought to justify and explain. "And Russia used cluster munitions to invade another country. Ukraine is using cluster munitions to defend itself."

The Associated Press first reported Thursday that the White House has decided to arm Ukraine with cluster bombs after many weeks of intense internal discussion and debate over the controversial munitions. The cluster bombs are expected to be announced as part of the next $800 million arms package.

On the very same day it was widely reported the US administration is ready to pull the trigger on sending the bombs, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a scathing report. It concluded:

Ukrainian forces have used cluster munitions that caused deaths and serious injuries to civilians. Russian forces have extensively used cluster munitions, causing many civilian deaths and serious injuries.

Cluster munitions used by Russia and Ukraine are harming civilians now and will leave bomblets behind that will continue to do so for many years.

Both sides should immediately stop using cluster munitions and not seek to obtain more of these indiscriminate weapons. The US should not transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine.

Other groups and activists have warned it marks an escalation which is to provide greater dangers to civilians now and in the future.

Below is one of many examples of US state-funded media (RFERL) and organizations like the UNHR condemning Russia's deployment of cluster bombs earlier in the conflict:


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5e84df No.70116

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139893 (071826ZJUL23) Notable: Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

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Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO).


They will continue to push this IMHO.


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5e84df No.70117

File: 4f5ddae8b708497⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1170x2005,234:401,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139906 (071829ZJUL23) Notable: Rally live link

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Trump went live on Facebook


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5e84df No.70118

File: d161842319c99f1⋯.png (649.87 KB,863x486,863:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139911 (071829ZJUL23) Notable: Awaiting Trump

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5e84df No.70119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139916 (071829ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up/Sullivan

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Sullivan: The idea that Ukrainian men and women fighting for the armed forces of Ukraine want to willy-nilly use these things [cluster bombs] in a way that are going to harm Ukrainian citizens, which is somewhat implied in the questions, I find at odds with their fundamental desire to protect their countrymen and their willingness to put their lives on the line to protect their countrymen.

[Ukraine has placed civilians as risk as a matter of course]

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5e84df No.70120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139917 (071829ZJUL23) Notable: Benjamin Boyce hosted as discussion of WOKISM vs SCIENCE

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Benjamin Boyce hosted as discussion of WOKISM vs SCIENCE

Film maker Michael Nayna & James Lindsay


July 6, 2023

Interview is all great, talking about things that happen behind the scenes re the fall of science.

What caught my eye is what Lindsay said about the way opposition to science is being coordinated:

James Lindsay: Push to create WOKE NARRATIVE is a highly COORDINATED EFFORT


- Lindsay recently spoke at the July 2 2023 Moms for Liberty conference in Philly which was beseiged by antifa-type protesters.

- Cops said they weren't locals.

- Moms attending the conference said planes they were on had protesters flying in.

- One of the moms went across the street to a cafe for lunch and was mistaken by the protesters as one of them.

They talked freely, telling her where to get the gift cards, where the next protest was, and other insider info.

Became OBVIOUS there's some umbrella organization behind these protests, Lindsay doesn't know who.

Protest was sponsored by theYoung Communist League of Philadelphia



ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power).

ACT UP was founded in 1987 to get govt action on AIDS, likely far Left now, but was hard to find recently info on them, other than denunciations of Fauci during Covid "pandemic."

Lindsay's comments are significant because he was there, saw exactly what was happening.

But also because he's part of the intellectual dark web circle around Jordan Peterson.

They are trying to create an alternative to WEF. But it's too heady and liberal, these guys think something like Q is for morons (not morans, kek). ALWAYS sidestep the idea that the opposition could be coordinated in any way because they don't want to be called conspiracy theorists.

When even someone like LINDSAY is speaking at Moms for Liberty event - and saying they're being targeted by coordinated protests - it shows some movement towards a real understanding of the global situation.

Whole interview is good but the stuff from about ~30-40 is especially so.

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5e84df No.70121

File: 3dab53fd08d50dd⋯.png (11.09 KB,538x143,538:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139919 (071830ZJUL23) Notable: Keep Ukraine out of NATO, US experts argue

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"Ukraine will not be joining NATO as result of alliance's summit next week," the White House has said.


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5e84df No.70122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139923 (071830ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump takes the stage

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President Trump takes the stage.

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5e84df No.70123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139935 (071832ZJUL23) Notable: "We Love Trump!"

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"We Love Trump!"

"We Love Trump!"

"We Love Trump!"

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5e84df No.70124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139947 (071833ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We're going to do things that have never been seen before. Our country is going to hell, and we're going to take our country back.

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President Trump: We're going to do things that have never been seen before. Our country is going to hell, and we're going to take our country back.

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5e84df No.70125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139962 (071836ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: Now we are approaching the most important battle of our lives.

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President Trump: Now we are approaching the most important battle of our lives.

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5e84df No.70126

File: 31fc87c499d90fd⋯.png (607.65 KB,631x381,631:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139964 (071836ZJUL23) Notable: Antifa Activist Commits Suicide after Hungarian Police Find 70,000 Child Porn Files on His Computer

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Antifa Activist Commits Suicide after Hungarian Police Find 70,000 Child Porn Files on His Computer

Hungary: An unidentified Hungarian Antifa activist reportedly committed suicide after Hungarian police raided his house and found 70,000 graphic pedophilia recordings on his computer, with many of them depicting the torture and rape of small children under three years old. The man is believed to have played a major role in attacking individuals thought to be far-right activists on the streets of Budapest in February, with the help of violent German activists known as Hammerbande (Hammer Gang). They reportedly used iron rods in the attack.



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5e84df No.70127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139965 (071836ZJUL23) Notable: US Army Special Forces interpreter who fled Taliban in Afghanistan fatally shot in DC, suspects caught on camera

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Loose end?

US Army Special Forces interpreter who fled Taliban in Afghanistan fatally shot in DC, suspects caught on camera

A former Afghan interpreter who assisted U.S. Special Forces has been fatally shot in Washington, D.C., according to authorities.

Nasrat Ahmad Yar, 31, served as an interpreter for the U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan for a decade. Yar escaped Afghanistan in 2021 with his wife and children after the Taliban took control of the country.

Yar – a father of four who was living in Alexandria, Virginia – was working as a driver for the ride-sharing service Lyft. Yar was working an extra rideshare shift shortly after midnight on Monday when he was slain, according to a verified GoFundMe page.

A single gunshot is heard in the surveillance video.

Four individuals, seemingly teens, are seen on video running down an alley.

One person says, "You just killed him."

Another replies, "He was reaching, bro."

Emergency personnel responded to the crime scene and found Yar on the ground next to his car suffering from a single gunshot wound. He was transported to a local hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.

Yar had moved to Virginia from Philadelphia less than a year ago because he felt unsafe in the City of Brotherly Love after being robbed at gunpoint, according to CBS News.

The GoFundMe campaign noted that Yar was the sole provider for his family, including his four children, ages 15 months to 13 years old. At the time of publication, the crowdfunding campaign had raised more than $125,000 for Yar's family.

Close friend Jeramie Malone said, "I can't emphasize enough how he was always helping. Leaving the house was very dangerous for him, but he was always eager to help somebody else who is a good guy. His children were the most important thing to him, and he brought them here so he could be safe."

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Butler told WUSA, "He was most certainly a marked man if he stayed."

"You just don’t have words to describe how you feel about someone who had given so much to his country, not as a citizen, but then comes here and experiences some of the worst behavior our country has to offer," Butler added. "The irony is really thick here."

A Lyft spokesperson told CNN, "Our hearts are with Mr. Nasrat’s loved ones as they confront this unspeakable tragedy. We have reached out to his family to offer our support and are in contact with law enforcement to assist with their investigation.”

The Metropolitan Police Department is offering a $25,000 reward to anyone who provides information that leads to an arrest in the heartbreaking case.

Anyone with information is urged to contact the Metropolitan Police Department at 202-727-9099, or send an anonymous tip to the Tip Line by sending a text message to 50411.


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5e84df No.70128

File: 25bd3b16abb0851⋯.png (822.93 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a8e2e7d02cb43b⋯.png (12.94 KB,595x361,595:361,Clipboard.png)

File: bd57c45079a51b8⋯.jpg (267.47 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 288b74852d4cb13⋯.png (1.05 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139968 (071836ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Sister and Husband Silver Spring MD.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139978 (071838ZJUL23) Notable: Beautiful Hillary and Crooked Joe

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Beautiful Hillary and Crooked Joe

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70130

File: a1d1cff19781811⋯.png (90.31 KB,629x629,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139979 (071838ZJUL23) Notable: America’s Current Conception Of ‘Pride’Is Toxic

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America’s Current Conception Of ‘Pride’

Is Toxic

American Thinker, by Vince Coyner

Posted By: Imright, 7/7/2023 12:37:37 PM

Although the first person killed in the American Revolution was a black man with Native American blood—Crispus Attucks—the reality is that every man who signed the Declaration of Independence and was involved with crafting the Constitution was white. Simply put, there would be no United States without white men. After almost 250 years, however, the life of the average American is not directly affected by what those white men did in Philadelphia. Indirectly, however, we experience daily a world built upon the foundations they laid…and they created that foundation thanks to the inventions and innovations of other white men.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139991 (071840ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: I repealed Barack Hussein Obama's; have you ever heard of him? Ridiculous 'Waters of the United States rule'…basically they were taking your property away from you, that's what it was.

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President Trump: I repealed Barack Hussein Obama's; have you ever heard of him? Ridiculous 'Waters of the United States rule'...basically they were taking your property away from you, that's what it was.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140010 (071844ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Admin To Form Global Coalition Against Fentanyl/no Chinese participation kek

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Biden Admin To Form Global Coalition Against Fentanyl. There's Just One Problem

The Biden administration is set to form a global coalition of countries to target fentanyl trafficking, but it doesn’t appear that China, a major source of the synthetic drug, will participate.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to host a meeting Friday with representatives from 84 countries to discuss efforts to disrupt the global supply chains of illicit fentanyl, the State Department said Thursday. However, there’s no indication China intends to participate despite the country being the source of precursor chemicals used by the cartels in Mexico to make the synthetic drug.

“We’ve invited China. We don’t have any indication at the moment that they’re going to participate. But what I would say is this is the beginning of the process, and our hope is that all responsible countries will eventually participate between now and over the next year,” Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Todd D. Robinson told reporters on a Thursday call.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) labeled China as “the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States,” in a 2020 intelligence report.


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5e84df No.70133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140017 (071845ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: I went to our Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, I said, "Sonny, how much damage has China done to our farmers…you gotta come back with a number." He came back, he said, "It's about twenty-eight billions dollars." I said we're going to give the farmers twenty-eight billion dollars, right out of the pockets of China.

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President Trump: I went to our Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, I said, "Sonny, how much damage has China done to our farmers...you gotta come back with a number." He came back, he said, "It's about twenty-eight billions dollars." I said we're going to give the farmers twenty-eight billion dollars, right out of the pockets of China.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140024 (071846ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: I got Japan to slash or eliminate tariffs on over ninety percent of US food and agricultural exports.

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President Trump: I got Japan to slash or eliminate tariffs on over ninety percent of US food and agricultural exports.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140049 (071850ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We're going to come back; we're going to do some really big rallies over the next month and a half. Here [Iowa], and in Nebraska

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President Trump: We're going to come back; we're going to do some really big rallies over the next month and a half. Here [Iowa], and in Nebraska.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140091 (071858ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I will cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers and our country.

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President Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I will cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers and our country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70137

File: a0a142eb6028fa2⋯.png (350.78 KB,604x589,604:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140097 (071859ZJUL23) Notable: BlackRock Confirms ESG On Hold Until They Can Come Up With Another Name For It That Nobody Knows About Top Kek

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See new Tweets


Square profile picture

The Babylon Bee



Jul 6

BlackRock Confirms ESG On Hold Until They Can Come Up With Another Name For It That Nobody Knows About https://buff.ly/3rgIPk9


Elon Musk




7:55 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140105 (071900ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We will bring down interest rates, and appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer and other farm products, which is happening, again, because of energy. Drill baby, drill, that's what we're gonna do.

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President Trump: We will bring down interest rates, and appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer and other farm products, which is happening, again, because of energy. Drill baby, drill, that's what we're gonna do.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140112 (071901ZJUL23) Notable: The Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, the TRTA

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The Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, the TRTA, or terta as I will be pronouncing it.

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5e84df No.70140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140117 (071902ZJUL23) Notable: Report paves way for EU to renew glyphosate use

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Report paves way for EU to renew glyphosate use

The European Food Safety Authority said on Thursday it had not found "any critical areas of concern" preventing the controversial and widely used herbicide glyphosate from being reauthorised for use in the EU. FRANCE 24's Environment Editor Valerie Dekimpe tells us more.


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5e84df No.70141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140124 (071904ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: I'll tell other countries where we spend billions and billions of dollars on military protection, we protect these countries; they wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for us. That if they do not give preferential treatment to our farmers and to our manufacturers, the troops are going to pack up, and they are going to come home.

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President Trump: I'll tell other countries where we spend billions and billions of dollars on military protection, we protect these countries; they wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for us. That if they do not give preferential treatment to our farmers and to our manufacturers, the troops are going to pack up, and they are going to come home.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70142

File: 0c25ae112aa98ca⋯.png (177.38 KB,511x434,73:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140128 (071904ZJUL23) Notable: WEF: Digital Cash Can Be Used to Block Citizens from Buying ‘Less Desirable’ Items

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WEF: Digital Cash Can Be Used to Block Citizens from Buying ‘Less Desirable’ Items

An agent of the World Economic Forum (WEF) has gloated that one of the “benefits” of “digital cash” is that governments can control what citizens can and can’t pay for.

During the WEF’s recent Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Communist China, Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy at Cornell University Eswar Prasad gave a chilling insight into the rationale behind the globalist elite’s interest in pushing toward a cashless society.

Prasad spoke about the coming Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and how unelected authoritarians will be able to control the public by managing the regulation of society’s spending.

According to Prasad, a top economics expert and former International Monetary Fund (IMF) official, the coming CBDC-only cashless society will be regulated to ensure that people comply with what is considered to be “desirable.”

Prasad spoke at the gathering, also known as “Summer Davos,” bluntly stating the “benefits of digital money” include the “programmability” of citizens.

For example, the government could control what products citizens are allowed to purchase with digital currencies.

He gloated that people will be blocked from buying “less desirable” items such as “ammunition.”

Prasad said, “The government decides that units of central bank money can be used to purchase some things but not other things that it deems less desirable like say, ammunition or drugs or pornography or things of the sort.”


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5e84df No.70143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140134 (071905ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: I'm the only person ever got indicted who became more popular.

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President Trump: I'm the only person ever got indicted who became more popular.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140141 (071906ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We've changed a lot of lives with those nicknames. They follow people right to the grave, they follow them.

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President Trump: We've changed a lot of lives with those nicknames. They follow people right to the grave, they follow them.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70145

File: 4200e2223a823f0⋯.png (202.44 KB,1132x679,1132:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140142 (071906ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Says Assad Must Go

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Biden Says Assad Must Go

While on the campaign trail, President Joe Biden spoke with some “Syrian American activists” who favor increased sanctions on the country as well as regime change in Damascus, during a private fundraiser in Maryland last month. According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés – Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. Rogin says these activists “took advantage of their audience with Biden… to implore him to do more to oppose” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Alla Tello, a Syrian American from Massachusetts, said she declared to Biden that “Assad must go,” to which the president responded “I agree.” That rallying cry was first uttered in 2011, when the Barack Obama administration began launching its dirty war against Damascus, an ultimately failed but extremely bloody regime change effort.

Al-Qaeda affiliated militants and Islamic State fighters waged a war against the people of Syria and its government that is estimated to have resulted in the deaths of more than 500,000 people. The terrorist forces that carried out the failed regime change attempt were supported often by the CIA and its allies, including the British, the French, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar.

Consequently, Russia maintains a significant military presence in Syria, having intervened at the request of Assad in 2015 to help beat back ISIS and al Qaeda elements wreaking havoc. Iran and Hezbollah also came to the aid of Damascus. Tello demanded that that Washington do more to “help the Syrian people free themselves from the grip” of Assad, Tehran, and Moscow. “[Biden] said, ‘I can’t promise you, but I will do the best I can,’” she told Rogin.

“Encouragingly, these activists told me, Biden not only seemed to care deeply about the plight of Syrians but also seemed to want to do more about it,” Rogin writes. This rings hollow as for years, on a near-weekly basis, Tel Aviv has dropped bombs on Syria. Last year, the Wall Steet Journal reported that a large portion of these air raids are carried out with the US military’s coordination. The Israelis claim their constant airstrikes are meant to counter Iranian forces in the country, though they routinely target and kill Syrian soldiers as well as civilians, along with airports, and other civilian infrastructure. This year, following a devastating earthquake which killed thousands of Syrians, the Aleppo airport – which was a vital channel for aid – was bombed on three separate occasions and rendered inoperable by the Israeli Air Force.

During the last several decades, Biden has been known as apartheid “Israel’s man in Washington.” Since becoming president, he has said emphatically that US ties with Tel Aviv are “bone-deep,” including in the wake of the Israeli military’s murder of an American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh. In May, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant boasted that since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to power last December, the airstrikes in Syria have doubled. Reportedly, Israel has bombed Syria at least 19 times this year alone.

“We have to save Idlib,” Muhammad Bakr Ghbeis, Tello’s husband, told Biden. This northwestern province has been controlled by al Qaeda affiliates for years as a result of Washington’s policy. Even the hawkish Brett McGurk, the former anti-ISIS envoy under Obama and Trump, admitted in 2017 that “Idlib Province is the largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11.” McGurk is now Biden’s top Middle East official on the National Security Council.

“Please save Idlib, Mr. President,” Ghbeis pleaded, to which Biden replied “I hear you, but I can’t send U.S. soldiers to Syria.” Washington currently has about 900 troops illegally deployed to eastern Syria, backing the Kurdish-led SDF, and occupying about a third of the country, where US forces control most of Syria’s oil and wheat resources. This is not the first time Biden has forgotten he has US forces engaged in combat in Syria and dropping bombs.


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5e84df No.70146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140179 (071912ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: I asked Ted Kennedy who's the dumbest in the senate. He goes, "Let's see. Probably Joe." I said, "Joe who?" "Joe Biden. He's the dumbest in the senate."…he said this, and this was prime time, this wasn't now.

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President Trump: I asked Ted Kennedy who's the dumbest in the senate. He goes, "Let's see. Probably Joe." I said, "Joe who?" "Joe Biden. He's the dumbest in the senate."...he said this, and this was prime time, this wasn't now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140197 (071914ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: Never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones that can stop them. We can stop them. We are stopping them.

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President Trump: Never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones that can stop them. We can stop them. We are stopping them.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140210 (071916ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: If they wanted to run against me, they wouldn't have me under federal indictment. But I'm doing this for you, and we're going to win, and we're going to turn our country around.

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President Trump: If they wanted to run against me, they wouldn't have me under federal indictment. But I'm doing this for you, and we're going to win, and we're going to turn our country around.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70149

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140217 (071917ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Refuses To Endorse President Trump Due To Donors, Bannon Slams For Disloyalty

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4:36 minutes

3 hours ago

Kevin McCarthy Refuses To Endorse President Trump Due To Donors, Bannon Slams For Disloyalty


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5e84df No.70150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140232 (071919ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We have a president of the United States who is a stone-cold, corrupt thief. Who's willing to arrest his opponent who's leading him substantially in the polls.

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President Trump: We have a president of the United States who is a stone-cold, corrupt thief. Who's willing to arrest his opponent who's leading him substantially in the polls.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140245 (071921ZJUL23) Notable: The resident delivers remarks on lowering costs for hardworking Americans

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July 7, 2023

3:30 PM EDT

The President delivers remarks on lowering costs for hardworking Americans

The White House




President Biden Remarks On Lowering Health Care Costs

President Biden delivers remarks on ways his administration has worked to lower health care costs.


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5e84df No.70152

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140250 (071922ZJUL23) Notable: Republicans Prepare To Steal Trump’s Nomination With Last-Minute Rule Changes And Endorsements

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Laura Loomer: Republicans Prepare To Steal Trump’s Nomination With Last-Minute Rule Changes And Endorsements


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140323 (071932ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: After birth. They have laws that passed, actually saying it's okay [killing a baby] after birth. They are the radical ones.

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President Trump: After birth. They have laws that passed, actually saying it's okay [killing a baby] after birth. They are the radical ones.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140325 (071933ZJUL23) Notable: If they wanted to run against me, they wouldn’t be indicting me.

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Liz Harrington

We have a POTUS who is a stone cold corrupt thief who’s willing to arrest his opponent who’s leading him substantially in the polls. Then they go out and say, ‘We really want to run against him.’

If they wanted to run against me, they wouldn’t be indicting me.”


3:28 PM · Jul 7, 2023


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5e84df No.70155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140334 (071934ZJUL23) Notable: Trump on CORRUPT media: They have absolute proof that Biden is being paid off by China and Ukraine and the press doesn’t even write about it

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The Post Millennial

Trump on CORRUPT media: They have absolute proof that Biden is being paid off by China and Ukraine and the press doesn’t even write about it🔥

3:32 PM · Jul 7, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140351 (071938ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: As the horrific riots in France have proven, we must also redouble our efforts to ensure that anyone who comes to America, shares our values and assimilated into our culture. We don't want people coming into our country that hate us. We want people that love us.

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President Trump: As the horrific riots in France have proven, we must also redouble our efforts to ensure that anyone who comes to America, shares our values and assimilated into our culture. We don't want people coming into our country that hate us. We want people that love us.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140360 (071940ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: When I return to office, the travel ban is coming back even bigger than before, and much stronger than before. We don't want people blowing up our shopping centers, we don't want people blowing up our cities, and we don't want people stealing our farms. It's not going to happen., The United States will not be condemned to the same fate as is happening in France.

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President Trump: When I return to office, the travel ban is coming back even bigger than before, and much stronger than before. We don't want people blowing up our shopping centers, we don't want people blowing up our cities, and we don't want people stealing our farms. It's not going to happen., The United States will not be condemned to the same fate as is happening in France.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140376 (071943ZJUL23) Notable: #23507-A

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#23507-A >>70080

>>70118 Awaiting Trump

>>70122 President Trump takes the stage

>>70123 "We Love Trump!"

>>70124 President Trump: We're going to do things that have never been seen before. Our country is going to hell, and we're going to take our country back.

>>70125 President Trump: Now we are approaching the most important battle of our lives.

>>70129 Beautiful Hillary and Crooked Joe

>>70131 President Trump: I repealed Barack Hussein Obama's; have you ever heard of him? Ridiculous 'Waters of the United States rule'…basically they were taking your property away from you, that's what it was.

>>70133 President Trump: I went to our Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, I said, "Sonny, how much damage has China done to our farmers…you gotta come back with a number." He came back, he said, "It's about twenty-eight billions dollars." I said we're going to give the farmers twenty-eight billion dollars, right out of the pockets of China.

>>70134 President Trump: I got Japan to slash or eliminate tariffs on over ninety percent of US food and agricultural exports.

>>70135 President Trump: We're going to come back; we're going to do some really big rallies over the next month and a half. Here [Iowa], and in Nebraska

President Trump: In California, they don't call them brownouts anymore, they call them blackouts. The whole state doesn't have any electricity, and now they want to go to all-electric cars. These people are insane. They're trying to destroy our country.

>>70136 President Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I will cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers and our country.

>>70138 President Trump: We will bring down interest rates, and appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer and other farm products, which is happening, again, because of energy. Drill baby, drill, that's what we're gonna do.

>>70139 The Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, the TRTA

>>70141 President Trump: I'll tell other countries where we spend billions and billions of dollars on military protection, we protect these countries; they wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for us. That if they do not give preferential treatment to our farmers and to our manufacturers, the troops are going to pack up, and they are going to come home.

>>70143 President Trump: I'm the only person ever got indicted who became more popular.

>>70144 President Trump: We've changed a lot of lives with those nicknames. They follow people right to the grave, they follow them.

>>70146 President Trump: I asked Ted Kennedy who's the dumbest in the senate. He goes, "Let's see. Probably Joe." I said, "Joe who?" "Joe Biden. He's the dumbest in the senate."…he said this, and this was prime time, this wasn't now.

>>70147 President Trump: Never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones that can stop them. We can stop them. We are stopping them.

>>70148 President Trump: If they wanted to run against me, they wouldn't have me under federal indictment. But I'm doing this for you, and we're going to win, and we're going to turn our country around.

>>70150 President Trump: We have a president of the United States who is a stone-cold, corrupt thief. Who's willing to arrest his opponent who's leading him substantially in the polls.

>>70153 President Trump: After birth. They have laws that passed, actually saying it's okay [killing a baby] after birth. They are the radical ones.

>>70156 President Trump: As the horrific riots in France have proven, we must also redouble our efforts to ensure that anyone who comes to America, shares our values and assimilated into our culture. We don't want people coming into our country that hate us. We want people that love us.

>>70157 President Trump: When I return to office, the travel ban is coming back even bigger than before, and much stronger than before. We don't want people blowing up our shopping centers, we don't want people blowing up our cities, and we don't want people stealing our farms. It's not going to happen., The United States will not be condemned to the same fate as is happening in France.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140380 (071944ZJUL23) Notable: #23507-B

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#23507-B >>70080

>>70081 Moscow ‘closely following’ Erdogan and Zelensky talks – Kremlin

>>70082 Lenders now seeing 60-, 70-, even 90-year mortgages as Canadians struggle with rocketing interest rates

>>70083, >>70093, >>70097, >>70107, >>70110, >>70114, >>70119 Buckwheat up/Sullivan

>>70084, >>70085, >>70117 Rally live link

>>70086 Defense Department Briefing

>>70087, >>70095, >>70096, >>70109 Moar Bramesco

>>70088, >>70090 Dr. Michael Huang's 3 minute video - CA medical system at work

>>70089, >>70121 Keep Ukraine out of NATO, US experts argue

>>70092 Finally comparing new partially redacted Mar-a-Lago affidavit to original

>>70094 The 10 Biggest Threats to Society

>>70098 If you want to trigger a Western fund manager or a central banker: Mention gold.

>>70099, >>70100 Dr. James Thorp calls em out re: mrna on pregnant women

>>70108 NSA Jake Sullivan confirms the US has discussed a prisoner swap with Russia to bring home WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich, detained in Moscow

>>70115 NATO 'OK' With Cluster Bombs After Biden Approves For Ukraine: Stoltenberg

>>70116 Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). BUN

>>70120 Benjamin Boyce hosted as discussion of WOKISM vs SCIENCE

>>70126 Antifa Activist Commits Suicide after Hungarian Police Find 70,000 Child Porn Files on His Computer

>>70127 US Army Special Forces interpreter who fled Taliban in Afghanistan fatally shot in DC, suspects caught on camera

>>70130 America’s Current Conception Of ‘Pride’Is Toxic

>>70132 Biden Admin To Form Global Coalition Against Fentanyl/no Chinese participation kek

>>70137 BlackRock Confirms ESG On Hold Until They Can Come Up With Another Name For It That Nobody Knows About Top Kek

>>70140 Report paves way for EU to renew glyphosate use

>>70142 WEF: Digital Cash Can Be Used to Block Citizens from Buying ‘Less Desirable’ Items

>>70145 Biden Says Assad Must Go

>>70149 Kevin McCarthy Refuses To Endorse President Trump Due To Donors, Bannon Slams For Disloyalty

>>70151 The resident delivers remarks on lowering costs for hardworking Americans

>>70152 Republicans Prepare To Steal Trump’s Nomination With Last-Minute Rule Changes And Endorsements

>>70154 If they wanted to run against me, they wouldn’t be indicting me.

>>70155 Trump on CORRUPT media: They have absolute proof that Biden is being paid off by China and Ukraine and the press doesn’t even write about it


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70160

File: a68f86ec31d2b70⋯.png (1.04 MB,1299x807,433:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 1591f5aaabb23c0⋯.jpeg (188.55 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e8a645e623aeb05⋯.png (665.09 KB,800x733,800:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140397 (071946ZJUL23) Notable: #23508

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Off hand needed, will tap @20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140406 (071948ZJUL23) Notable: (You) President Trump: I will move Heaven and Earth, to do something, that if it's not done, we will soon not have a country. To protect our elections. Because our elections are in bad shape. We need our borders, and we need our elections. The rest of it will happen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will move Heaven and Earth, to do something, that if it's not done, we will soon not have a country. To protect our elections. Because our elections are in bad shape. We need our borders, and we need our elections. The rest of it will happen.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140429 (071951ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: Don't forget, I rebuilt the entire military of the United States of America, and created Space Force…I like Peace through Strength, as opposed to using the strength.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Don;t forget, I rebuilt the entire military of the United States of America, and created Space Force...I like Peace through Strength, as opposed to using the strength.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140432 (071951ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We Will Drain The Swamp Once And For All.

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President Trump: We Will Drain The Swamp Once And For All.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70164

File: 75cc6cf38f99a45⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: fec048d3f927970⋯.png (499.15 KB,700x493,700:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140447 (071953ZJUL23) Notable: After a car crash in Brooklyn, an individual was assaulted

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After a car crash, an individual was assaulted in Brooklyn, New York City.

Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE) westbound, right before the Atlantic Avenue exit, a person was assaulted after being involved in a car crash.

Just scholarly things.

More video -> LiveLeak (http://t.me/leaklive)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140452 (071954ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: Frankly, this economy is not doing well, but the reason it's doing okay, is it's running on the fumes of what we built. But those fumes are running out, and they're running out fast. And it's not going to be a pretty picture.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Frankly, this economy is not doing well, but the reason it's doing okay, is it's running on the fumes of what we built. But those fumes are running out, and they're running out fast. And it's not going to be a pretty picture.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70166

File: 904c5e6ea76de96⋯.png (349.85 KB,600x880,15:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140477 (072000ZJUL23) Notable: @libsoftiktok: Planned Parenthood is so desperate to talk to your kids about sex and gender identity that they’re PAYING teens to attend a “sex ed summer camp.”

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Libs of TikTok


Planned Parenthood is so desperate to talk to your kids about sex and gender identity that they’re PAYING teens to attend a “sex ed summer camp.”

Some of the recent news surrounding Planned Parenthood include an elementary school using their sex ed materials to teach students about puberty blockers and pubic hair. Another school using their sex ed material to give students “ABC sex cards” and a tweet saying that virginity is a social construct.





Quote Tweet

Planned Parenthood Minnesota Advocate



Looking for youth opportunities in Mankato this summer? Sex Ed Summer Camp is a week long, in-person program from 7/24-7/28 for ages 15-18. Sign up is free, lunch is provided daily, & those who complete the program receive a $150 gift card! Apply by 7/19

[image description: light and medium blue divided background with pink, green, and yellow floral designs in the bottom corners. White title text: SEX ED SUMMER CAMP / Blue, body text: FOR MANKATO AREA YOUTH AGES 15-18 / Monday, July 24 - Friday, July 28 / 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. / Lunches provided and participants receive a $150 gift card upon completion! Blue button with white text: Apply by July 19]

7:01 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70167

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140523 (072006ZJUL23) Notable: All of President Trump's commented by anon in a bun

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Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23




Pastebin link to notes below.



President Trump: We're going to do things that have never been seen before. Our country is going to hell, and we're going to take our country back.

President Trump: Now we are approaching the most important battle of our lives.

President Trump: I repealed Barack Hussein Obama's; have you ever heard of him? Ridiculous 'Waters of the United States rule'…basically they were taking your property away from you, that's what it was.

President Trump: I went to our Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, I said, "Sonny, how much damage has China done to our farmers…you gotta come back with a number." He came back, he said, "It's about twenty-eight billions dollars." I said we're going to give the farmers twenty-eight billion dollars, right out of the pockets of China.

DJT: Abe of Japan wasassassinated

President Trump: I got Japan to slash or eliminate tariffs on over ninety percent of US food and agricultural exports.

President Trump: We're going to come back; we're going to do some really big rallies over the next month and a half. Here [Iowa], and in Nebraska.

President Trump: In California, they don't call them brownouts anymore, they call them blackouts. The whole state doesn't have any electricity, and now they want to go to all-electric cars. These people are insane. They're trying to destroy our country.

President Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I will cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers and our country.

President Trump: The gloves are off with these guys, because these guys, they're sick; there's something wrong with them.

President Trump: We will bring down interest rates, and appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer and other farm products, which is happening, again, because of energy. Drill baby, drill, that's what we're gonna do.

Djt: The Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, the TRTA, or terta as I will be pronouncing it.

President Trump: I'll tell other countries where we spend billions and billions of dollars on military protection, we protect these countries; they wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for us. That if they do not give preferential treatment to our farmers and to our manufacturers, the troops are going to pack up, and they are going to come home.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70168

File: b12325d72a463a7⋯.gif (1.03 MB,245x166,245:166,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140533 (072007ZJUL23) Notable: All of President Trump's commented by anon in a bun

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President Trump: I'm the only person ever got indicted who became more popular.

President Trump: We've changed a lot of lives with those nicknames. They follow people right to the grave, they follow them.

President Trump: I asked Ted Kennedy who's the dumbest in the senate. He goes, "Let's see. Probably Joe." I said, "Joe who?" "Joe Biden. He's the dumbest in the senate."…he said this, and this was prime time, this wasn't now.

President Trump: Never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones that can stop them. We can stop them. We are stopping them.

President Trump: If they wanted to run against me, they wouldn't have me under federal indictment. But I'm doing this for you, and we're going to win, and we're going to turn our country around.

President Trump: We have a president of the United States who is a stone-cold, corrupt thief. Who's willing to arrest his opponent who's leading him substantially in the pol

President Trump: After birth. They have laws that passed, actually saying it's okay [killing a baby] after birth. They are the radical ones.

President Trump: As the horrific riots in France have proven, we must also redouble our efforts to ensure that anyone who comes to America, shares our values and assimilated into our culture. We don't want people coming into our country that hate us. We want people that love us.

President Trump: When I return to office, the travel ban is coming back even bigger than before, and much stronger than before. We don't want people blowing up our shopping centers, we don't want people blowing up our cities, and we don't want people stealing our farms. It's not going to happen., The United States will not be condemned to the same fate as is happening in France.

President Trump: I will move Heaven and Earth, to do something, that if it's not done, we will soon not have a country. To protect our elections. Because our elections are in bad shape. We need our borders, and we need our elections. The rest of it will happen.

President Trump: I will move Heaven and Earth, to do something, that if it's not done, we will soon not have a country. To protect our elections. Because our elections are in bad shape. We need our borders, and we need our elections. The rest of it will happen.

President Trump: Don;t forget, I rebuilt the entire military of the United States of America, and created Space Force…I like Peace through Strength, as opposed to using the strength.

President Trump: We Will Drain The Swamp Once And For All.

President Trump: Frankly, this economy is not doing well, but the reason it's doing okay, is it's running on the fumes of what we built. But those fumes are running out, and they're running out fast. And it's not going to be a pretty picture.

President Trump: As soon as these clowns come in, they gave up 'remain in Mexico'.

President Trump: These people are either very evil or very; it's just the one thing that nobody can explain, is why they do it. Why? Why do they do it?…Our country is being ruined, our country is being destroyed, by probably very sick, very evil people.


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5e84df No.70169

File: 9cd8c64831e0fda⋯.png (264.38 KB,604x705,604:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140550 (072010ZJUL23) Notable: @realchrisrufo For an entire year, the mainstream media said that "gender-affirming" doctors were not performing genital surgeries on children (it's a LIE)

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Robert Patrick Lewis Retweeted

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️


For an entire year, the mainstream media said that "gender-affirming" doctors were not performing genital surgeries on children.

This was always a lie—and now they're admitting it in the open. @libsoftiktok

Quote Tweet

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️




Blair Peters, a self-described "queer surgeon" who uses "he/they" pseudo-pronouns, describes using a robot to castrate "puberty suppressed adolescent" boys and transform their penis tissue into an artificial vagina.

8:19 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70170

File: b48b46944b1aee1⋯.jpeg (131.9 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140559 (072011ZJUL23) Notable: French police gain remote spying powers - media

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7 Jul, 2023 19:06

French police gain remote spying powers – media

A new law allows authorities to activate the cameras and microphones of suspects’ cell phones

Police in France gained the power to remotely activate and monitor the camera, microphone, and GPS of a suspect’s devices under a so-called “justice reform bill” that passed the National Assembly on Wednesday, according to media reports.

The legislation, which passed with a majority of 80-24, allows police to use laptops, cars, phones, and other connected electronics in order to monitor terrorism suspects, as well as those suspected of organized crime and delinquency.

The bill reportedly includes exemptions for “sensitive professions” such as journalists, judges, lawyers, doctors, and MPs.

Lawmakers with President Emmanuel Macron’s party added an amendment limiting remote spying to “when justified by the nature and seriousness of the crime” and “for a strictly proportional duration” not exceeding six months. Police will only be able to use geolocation when investigating crimes that carry at least a five-year prison sentence, and a judge must sign off on every use of the powers.

The new measures “raise serious concerns over infringement of fundamental liberties,”digital rights advocacy group La Quadrature du Net said in a statement. It claimed that the “right to security, right to a private life, and to private correspondence” hung in the balance, as well as “the right to come and go freely.”

Because the bill is vague about what constitutes a serious crime, the government could use the new police powers to silence political activists and others who pose no real threat to the state, the group argued.

The Paris Bar, a professional group of 30,000 lawyers, warned in a statement that the bill constituted a “particularly serious breach of respect for privacy,” arguing it “cannot be justified by the protection of the public order”and complaining it did not prohibit police from snooping on protected conversations between lawyer and client.

Insisting the new police powers would only be used on “dozens of cases a year,” Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti argued “people’s lives will be saved” by beefed-up surveillance.“We’re far away from the totalitarianism of 1984,” he said.

The justice reform bill passed the Senate last month in its original form, and now must be approved as amended.

Last week, France erupted into massive, violent riots following the police shooting of 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk as he allegedly attempted to flee a traffic stop in Nantes. The officer who shot the youth was arrested and charged with voluntary homicide.

In response to the violence, which has led to over 4,000 arrests across the country, with 1,200 of those estimated to be minors, Macron has proposed a social media kill-switch to prevent young people from coordinating actions.

(Sundance warned about this earlier this week. The revolt was almost like the FF of 911 that pushed the Patriot Act that Bush wanted so badly! https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/07/03/beware-france-macron-moves-to-shut-down-internet-communication-to-block-rebellious-uprisings/ Beware France – Macron Moves to Shut Down Internet Communication to Block Rebellious Uprisings)


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5e84df No.70171

File: 31e0deac6cbd011⋯.jpg (241.37 KB,720x1353,240:451,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140580 (072013ZJUL23) Notable: CNN reports that global temps are higher than in 100,000 years (didn't know the records went back that far kek)

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hottest in 100,000 years? That's some super serious shit, The Normies must think we are all going to melt and burn to death this weekend from that nasty ol' sun


This week’s record-breaking global temperatures are likely highest in ‘at least 100,000 years’

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5e84df No.70172

File: ba42b1187845aff⋯.png (876.41 KB,1409x1045,1409:1045,Clipboard.png)

File: bc0b642aab7bc39⋯.png (488.97 KB,827x697,827:697,Clipboard.png)

File: eb8de2ddac34926⋯.png (574.15 KB,800x863,800:863,Clipboard.png)

File: ed671b24c799854⋯.png (386.78 KB,814x886,407:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a1657741ac3c28⋯.png (218.72 KB,784x919,784:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140597 (072016ZJUL23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein has been associated with numerous high profile-celebrities, scientists and politicians.

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Jeffrey Epstein has been associated with numerous high profile-celebrities, scientists and politicians.

This important expose into the sickening connections of pedophilia and technocratic transhumanism is key to understanding the world we live in and the rapid transformation of humans into Cyborgs.

"In other words, the boundary between human beings and machines is going to become increasingly blurred.

Ito: In a phase preceding the development of such superior artificial intelligence, there could arise, if only for a short period, a situation in which people will be used like slaves by computers. This is because a human brain may be cheaper to use than a computer. "

The deposition also names Prince Andrew of Britain and former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, among others.

A separate witness lent credence to Giuffre’s account, testifying that she and Minsky had taken a private plane from Teterboro to Santa Fe and Palm Beach in March 2001. Epstein, Maxwell, chef Adam Perry Lang, and shipping heir Henry Jarecki were also passengers on the flight, according to the deposition. At the time of the flight, Giuffre was 17; Minsky was 73.

Minsky was one of a number of prominent scientists with ties to Jeffrey Epstein, who often called himself a “science philanthropist” and donated to research projects and academic institutions. Many of those scientists were affiliated with Harvard, including physicist Lawrence Krauss, geneticist George Church, and cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker. Minsky’s affiliation with Epstein went particularly deep, including organizing a two-day symposium on artificial intelligence at Epstein’s private island in 2002, as reported by Slate. In 2012, the Jeffrey Epstein Foundation issued a press release touting another conference organized by Minsky on the island in December 2011.


There were billionaires (Leslie Wexner and Leon Black), politicians (Bill Clinton and Bill Richardson), Nobel laureates (Murray Gell-Mann and Frank Wilczek) and even royals (Prince Andrew).

Few, though, compared in prestige and power to the world’s second-richest person, a brilliant and intensely private luminary: Bill Gates. And unlike many others, Mr. Gates started the relationship after Mr. Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.

Employees of Mr. Gates’s foundation also paid multiple visits to Mr. Epstein’s mansion. And Mr. Epstein spoke with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and JPMorgan Chase about a proposed multibillion-dollar charitable fund — an arrangement that had the potential to generate enormous fees for Mr. Epstein.

Mr. Gates and the $51 billion Gates Foundation have championed the well-being of young girls. By the time Mr. Gates and Mr. Epstein first met, Mr. Epstein had served jail time for soliciting prostitution from a minor and was required to register as a sex offender.

Ms. Arnold said that “high-profile people” had introduced Mr. Gates and Mr. Epstein and that they had met multiple times to discuss philanthropy.



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5e84df No.70173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140604 (072018ZJUL23) Notable: SpaceX Starlink Mission

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SpaceX Starlink Mission

SpaceX is targeting Friday, July 7 at 12:29 p.m. PT (19:29 UTC) for a Falcon 9 launch of 48 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. If needed, a backup opportunity is available on Saturday, July 8 at 12:06 p.m. PT (19:06 UTC).

This is the 12th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, DART, Transporter-7, Iridium OneWeb, and seven Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship, which will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean.



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5e84df No.70174

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140611 (072020ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. McCullough on New Studies: “The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients”

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Dr. McCullough on New Studies: “The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients”

Dr. Peter McCullough is not only America’s leading cardiologist, but he is also our foremost COVID-19 expert. Now that we have several years of COVID data under our belt, Dr. McCullough is exposing the truths about the disease and the experimental vaccines that were forced on so many Americans.

Dr. McCullough, reviewing recent studies on the prevalence of serious heart-related issues after the vaccine, writes,

“the COVID-19 vaccine campaign has generated a tidal wave of new patients with a variety of problems. Fortunately, many issues we are able to handle in the office. Adverse events warranting hospitalization including “heart attacks” is another matter.”

Dr. McCullough makes it clear that the mountains of scientific evidence, including a review of over 100 studies, show the dangers of the vaccine,

“One can see from this analysis, that cardiovascular complications including various forms of “heart attacks” do indeed occur after COVID-19 vaccination and the medical academic community and the WHO is widely recognizing the association. So the next time a doctor tries to gaslight you or your loved on a heart attack after the vaccine, please share this….”

But it’s not just the vaccinated who need to be concerned, Dr. McCullough also recently reported that the persistent presence of spike protein, the protein present in both COVID and the mRNA COVID vaccines, can be transmitted or “shed” onto others.

“In the most comprehensive paper on shedding thus far, former Inserm researcher Dr. Helene Banoun has published the basis for which there is great likelihood that mRNA either on lipid nanoparticles or within exosomes is circulatory in blood and is secreted in every body secretion that would naturally expect to contain particles of this size.”

Fortunately, Dr. McCullough has identified a solution: the best-known way to remove and protect against mRNA-carrying spike proteins is a daily dose of over-the-counter nattokinase:.

“Nattokinase is an enzyme is produced by fermenting soybeans with bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.”


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5e84df No.70175

File: 8881a9a32e5341d⋯.png (266.76 KB,618x453,206:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140616 (072021ZJUL23) Notable: "Sound of Freedom is an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon"

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The Redheaded libertarian




9:19 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70176

File: 76df2c5a3d223fd⋯.png (553.68 KB,864x1187,864:1187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140634 (072024ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT: Dr. Ben Carson is a big fan of this movie (Sound of Freedom) and I am a big fan of Ben. He asked me to post this….

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Dr. Ben Carson is a big fan of this movie, and I am a big fan of Ben. He asked me to post this, because he thought it was so good. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyyyKcfJRGQ&t=3s&pp=2AEDkAIB https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/110668010334411685

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5e84df No.70177

File: 4c961d740fff85f⋯.png (517.55 KB,747x586,747:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140671 (072031ZJUL23) Notable: Scavino: HAPPENING NOW at Dairy Queen in Council Bluffs, Iowa

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HAPPENING NOW at Dairy Queen in Council Bluffs, Iowa….

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5e84df No.70178

File: 212d47d0180c2b0⋯.png (248.39 KB,986x829,986:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140673 (072032ZJUL23) Notable: Tracy Resident Charged With Computer Attack On Discovery Bay Water Treatment Facility

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Tracy Resident Charged With Computer Attack On Discovery Bay Water Treatment Facility


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5e84df No.70179

File: a1110c26265ecd9⋯.png (239.07 KB,1014x761,1014:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140683 (072034ZJUL23) Notable: Cooperation Between United States and Mexican Law Enforcement Leads to Significant Actions Against Transnational Drug Trafficking Organization

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Cooperation Between United States and Mexican Law Enforcement Leads to Significant Actions Against Transnational Drug Trafficking Organization


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5e84df No.70180

File: 713dbf51a0c5955⋯.jpeg (118.28 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140704 (072037ZJUL23) Notable: More than 70% of respondents want the influx of immigrants reduced, Le Figaro has found

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7 Jul, 2023 19:16

Most French blame liberal immigration rules for riots – poll

More than 70% of respondents want the influx of immigrants reduced, Le Figaro has found

Some 59% of the French public want the government to tighten a forthcoming immigration bill in response to a recent wave of nationwide violence. While the government insists that the rioters were “90% French,”opposition politicians have described the unrest as thebeginnings of a “race war.”

The French government has been working on a sweeping immigration bill since late last year, and lawmakers are expected to vote on a final version this fall. While the bill will make it easier for legal immigrants to obtain work permits, it grants the government more extensive powers to deport foreign aliens.

However, 59% of the French public think that the bill should be toughened in light of last week’s nationwide riots, according to a poll published by Le Figaro on Thursday. According to the newspaper, almost six in ten French people view the riots as “the consequence of the failures of our migration policy.”

The violence erupted after police shot and killed a French-Algerian teenager when he refused to comply at a traffic stop in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on June 27. Although the officer responsible was charged with homicide, riots soon engulfed the country. Widespread arson and vandalism occurred, and rioters attacked police with fireworks and molotov cocktails, while some were filmed brandishing military-grade firearms.

The violence was primarily instigated by youths from immigrant backgrounds. TheFrench government has attempted to downplay the ethnic nature of the violence, with Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin stating on Wednesday that of more than 3,500 people arrested during the riots, only 10% were foreigners.

“The issue today is young offenders, not foreigners,” Darmanin said, noting that those responsible were “90% French.”

Darmanin’s figures do not account for second- and third-generation immigrants. Despite their French passports, these “delinquents…shout their hatred of France and burn its flag,” MEP François-Xavier Bellamy wrote in Le Figaro on Wednesday. “Naturalization does not mean assimilation,” Bellamy added.

It’s not riots, it’s guerrilla warfare. A challenge to France, to our institutions, by a population that seeks secession,” MP Nicolas Dupont-Aignan declared on Friday. A week earlier, former presidential candidate Eric Zemmour described the then-raging riots as “a race war,”solely attributable to “the number of immigrants” in France.

According to Le Figaro’s poll, the French public favors such harsh measures. Some 71% called for “a reduction in migratory flows”in response to the unrest, 75% called for dual nationals convicted of rioting to be stripped of French citizenship, and 90% demanded a heavier police presence in affected neighborhoods.


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5e84df No.70181

File: 67a7c31859c8457⋯.png (135.27 KB,579x593,579:593,Clipboard.png)

File: b2efee440507e6a⋯.png (91.24 KB,745x926,745:926,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b74d3d3242f320⋯.png (328.88 KB,734x864,367:432,Clipboard.png)

File: ed2625c4e60894d⋯.png (88.47 KB,746x863,746:863,Clipboard.png)

File: a816779b902b906⋯.png (294.64 KB,781x919,781:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140717 (072040ZJUL23) Notable: Interior Department included Wuhan lab funder on early COVID pandemic research team

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Interior Department included Wuhan lab funder on early COVID pandemic research team

EcoHealth Alliance officials served as report author, "expert panel" member in U.S. Geological Survey research of potentiial transmission between humans, bats before "empirical data" were available.

Officials at the U.S. nonprofit that passed taxpayer money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology – whose coronavirus bat research is now suspected by the FBI to be the source of the pandemic – helped the Interior Department research possible transmission of COVID-19 between humans and North American bats, according to newly released government memos.

Lightly redacted documents provided to government watchdog Protect the Public's Trust in response to a Freedom of Information Act request show the "fingerprints" of the EcoHealth Alliance "at key points" of the resulting U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) paper in June 2020, the group said Wednesday.

One EcoHealth official served on an "expert panel" that was convened by the researchers to determine "parameter estimates" in lieu of collecting "empirical data and associated mathematical models" to determine estimates, according to the memos.

The panel estimated a 33% chance that the virus could spread in North American bats if infected and recommended researchers wear N95 masks to protect bats from infection.

While substituting the "subjective experience" of experts for actual data was "understandable" early in the pandemic because "there weren’t enough samples for a more data-driven approach," the presence of EcoHealth Vice President for Science and Outreach Jonathan Epstein on the expert panel is troubling, according to PPT.

“EcoHealth’s track record doesn’t inspire confidence," says group Director Michael Chamberlain, a former Trump administration Department of Education communications official.

He cited the group's attempts to delegitimize the lab-leak theory while its president, Peter Daszak, obscured the group's "extensive ties" to Wuhan lab and the National Institutes of Health's claim to Congress last summer that EcoHealth hasn't turned over requested "laboratory notebooks and original electronic files from the research conducted at WIV."


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5e84df No.70182

File: 85d53c502cbc4ad⋯.jpeg (89.34 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140730 (072042ZJUL23) Notable: The country has too many migrants and has failed to integrate them, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has argued

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7 Jul, 2023 11:05

Exit Schengen to tackle riots – French MP

The country has too many migrants and has failed to integrate them, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has argued

France must leave the Schengen zoneif it wants to tackle repeated riots, opposition MP Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has said. The lawmaker claimed the violence is the result of failed attempts to integrate an excessive number of migrants.

“I am the only one to ask for the reestablishment of national borders and for leaving Schengen,” the self-described Gaullist politician told the CNews television channel on Friday.

Dupont-Aignan claimed that the entire French political class was opposed to the idea, although rightwing lawmaker Marine Le Pen did include it as part of her unsuccessful presidential campaign in 2017.

Le Pen subsequently toned down her anti-EU rhetoric during the 2022 election cycle, but pledged to impose border checks – a measure that critics said violated the spirit of the Schengen free travel agreement.

Dupont-Aignan, who is the only MP from his Debout la France (France Arise) party in the national parliament, was commenting on the latest round of riots to grip the country under President Emmanuel Macron.

The MP accused the government of inaction and insisted Macron’s policy has led to “forces of order” being diminished and barely able to defend essential services.

“It’s not riots, it’s guerrilla warfare. A challenge to France, to our institutions, bya population that seeks secession,” Dupont-Aignan declared.

The latest violence was sparked by the killing of a 17-year-old boy of Moroccan and Algerian descent by a police officer during a traffic stop on June 27.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin estimated this week that the number of participants in the riots was between 8,000 and 12,000, with “only 10%” of them being non-French citizens. Most of the people arrested were aged 17 or 18, but some were as young as 11, senior officials reported to the Senate on Wednesday.

(Note: The Schengen: Area Luxembourgish: is an area comprising 27 European countries that have officially abolished all passport and all other types of border control at their mutual borders. Being an element within the wider area of freedom, security and justice policy of the European Union (EU), it mostly functions as a single jurisdiction under a common visa policy for international travel purposes. The area is named after the 1985 Schengen Agreement and the 1990 Schengen Convention, both signed in Schengen, Luxembourg.)


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5e84df No.70183

File: ba78255ad06ac4b⋯.png (334.49 KB,687x1236,229:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140763 (072048ZJUL23) Notable: Dutch government collapses after asylum talks break down

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Dutch government collapses after asylum talks break down


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5e84df No.70184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140792 (072053ZJUL23) Notable: CDC ‘Chestfeeding’ Guidance Fails To Consider Hormone Risk To Infants

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CDC ‘Chestfeeding’ Guidance Fails To Consider Hormone Risk To Infants

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5e84df No.70185

File: 5b816def7b7ef48⋯.png (492.18 KB,1047x632,1047:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140793 (072053ZJUL23) Notable: Left wing seethes over success of anti-child trafficking film The Sound of Freedom

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American News Jul 7, 2023

Left-wing media seethes over success of anti-child trafficking film Sound of Freedom

The movie tells the story of Tim Ballard, who started an organization to fight child sex trafficking.

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5e84df No.70186

File: 43e912f203e1182⋯.png (434.21 KB,606x612,101:102,Clipboard.png)

File: b6c1bc9e0c78737⋯.png (413.69 KB,492x349,492:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140822 (072100ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom: "the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America"

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Guardian US


Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America


Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America

Jim Caviezel stars as a hero trying to stop child traffickers in a paranoid new movie turning into a surprise box-office hit

10:15 AM · Jul 6, 2023




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5e84df No.70187

File: beeceddc03220ea⋯.png (152.62 KB,599x539,599:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140838 (072103ZJUL23) Notable: Trump at DQ: "Who wants a Blizzard? What the Hell is a Blizzard?"

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Trump: "Who wants a Blizzard? What the Hell is a Blizzard?"

Quote Tweet

Margo Martin




President @realDonaldTrump ordering Blizzards at local Iowa Dairy Queen!

9:56 AM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70188

File: 4b20ea96726de60⋯.png (89.39 KB,862x672,431:336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140898 (072113ZJUL23) Notable: Trump at DQ: "Who wants a Blizzard? What the Hell is a Blizzard?"

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5e84df No.70189

File: c2a808d6bfed18f⋯.mp4 (8.68 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 468e1260279e583⋯.png (531.09 KB,750x967,750:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140931 (072119ZJUL23) Notable: Left wing seethes over success of anti-child trafficking film The Sound of Freedom

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~3-mins @DQ in DQ Council Bluffs IA - 7JUL23

Steven Cheung

President Trump at a Dairy Queen in Council Bluffs, IA handing out some frosty Blizzards!

4:28 PM · Jul 7, 2023·84.2K Views


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5e84df No.70190

File: 2c707f949c4148e⋯.jpeg (107.89 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140934 (072119ZJUL23) Notable: Russia points to root causes of migration

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7 Jul, 2023 18:12

Russia points to root causes of migration

Western meddling in the Middle East and North Africa is driving the crisis, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova has said

Solving the problem ofmass migrationrequires addressing theWestern meddlinginto the affairs of other countries and destabilization of their governments, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

During her daily news briefing, Zakharova was asked to comment on unspecified media reports in “unfriendly countries” about Moscow allegedly weaponizing migration against the EU.

We believe that migration in this direction is the result of irresponsible and reckless interference by Western countries in the internal affairs of sovereign states, in order to destabilize them and forcefully change objectionable governments in the region, ”Zakharova said, noting that most migrants come to the EU from the Middle East and North Africa.

The countries responsible should deal with the consequences, one of which is a “massive flow of migrants and refugees,” she said.

Moscow’s position is that the best way to solve the migration problem is to “eliminate the root causesthat force people to leave their homeland,” including political settlement of ongoing conflicts, economic aid, and strengthening governments in the fight against terrorism, according to the spokeswoman.

Mass migration into Europe began following the so-called Arab Spring of 2011, which saw “color revolutions” in several North African countries and Western-backed regime change operations in Libya and Syria. Once the most prosperous country in Africa, Libya has been torn by civil war ever since, while the neighboring region of Sahel has had to deal with Islamist militants. Syria almost fell to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorists until Russia and Iran intervened in 2015.

The EU has sought to spread the burden of handling the migrants and asylum-seekers through apolicy of “mandatory solidarity,”adopted at a ministerial meeting in early June, but Hungary has since signaled it intends to reject the proposal.

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), an estimated 94,000 migrants had arrived on EU shores as of July 3, compared to 189,000 in 2022. The vast majority of arrivals, some 85,000, have been by sea. The crossing has also been more hazardous this year, with more than 2,000 deaths recorded so far, compared to 2,400 in all of 2022.


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5e84df No.70191

File: d10c6a519ec7fbf⋯.png (335.25 KB,629x566,629:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140995 (072130ZJUL23) Notable: Tesla Signs Pledge to Promote 'Core Socialist Values'

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Tesla Signs Pledge to Promote 'Core Socialist Values'

Friday, 07 July 2023 01:03 PM EDT

Elon Musk's Tesla, along with Chinese automakers, pledged to enhance "core socialist values" in an agreement that came after China demanded that the electric vehicle industry control its ongoing price war, according to the Financial Times.

Bloomberg, citing translated details of the agreement, said the agreement calls on those who signed to "promote core socialist values, actively fulfill social responsibilities, and take on the heavy responsibility of maintaining steady growth, strengthening confidence and preventing risks."

Bloomberg said the pledge is non-binding.

Tesla was among 16 EV manufacturers to make the commitment in a letter signed at a conference in Shanghai on Thursday. It came after a battle among makers of electric vehicles when Tesla cut prices on its Model 3 and Model Y cars in October, the Financial Times reported.

Mediaite noted Chinese authorities had demanded that electric vehicle automakers alter their behavior after Tesla and others attempted to choke out smaller competitors, which Chinese officials characterized as "reckless."

The Financial Times reported that Tesla declined comment immediately on the pledge. The Chinese market accounts for nearly one-third of the company's annual sales.

Meanwhile, Tesla rolled out a new program globally allowing buyers to earn extra incentives through referrals from existing customers, a strategy long used by traditional automakers to boost sales, Reuters reported.

The incentive, which Tesla dubbed as "Refer and Earn" on its websites, is equivalent to about $500 in cashback for buyers in the U.S., who purchase Model 3 and Model Y. The U.S. incentives also include three months of its Full Self-Driving feature.

The program was rolled out in Tesla's largest markets, including the U.S., China, Germany, France, Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, and Singapore, according to the company's regional websites on Friday.


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5e84df No.70192

File: 0d117d999adad1d⋯.jpg (117.42 KB,720x719,720:719,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 717254d02614293⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141002 (072130ZJUL23) Notable: Welcome to England

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Welcome to England.


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5e84df No.70193

File: 1b950041b8a2ba6⋯.jpeg (574.63 KB,1136x1825,1136:1825,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141030 (072136ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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GTMO844 up


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5e84df No.70194

File: 5a1df07869c5529⋯.jpg (150.3 KB,720x1094,360:547,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8171a088b53ec86⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141055 (072141ZJUL23) Notable: Trump at DQ: "Who wants a Blizzard? What the Hell is a Blizzard?"

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President Trump at the @DairyQueen in 🌽 Iowa 🤣...I love 45 ❤️ 🇺🇸

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5e84df No.70195

File: 625ab5bdb9743cd⋯.png (390 KB,746x751,746:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141076 (072147ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Carlson tells Russell Brand he 'doesn't know' why he was fired by Fox News

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Tucker Carlson tells Russell Brand he 'doesn't know' why he was fired by Fox News

in his first interview - as he also makes the bombshell claim that the crowd outside of the Capitol on January 6th was 'FILLED with federal agents'

(Tucker Carlson has given his first interview since he was fired by Fox News, telling Russell Brand he 'doesn't know' why the network gave him the boot. The 54-year-old firebrand drew an audience of more than 120,000 Friday as he sat down with the British comedian on his Stay Free show podcast. 'I don't know why I was fired. I really don't. I'm not angry about it. I wish Fox well,' Carlson said, adding that it came with the territory of working in media.)


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5e84df No.70196

File: 809903df7b22240⋯.png (447.56 KB,611x489,611:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141079 (072149ZJUL23) Notable: @DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump thanking some incredible Law Enforcement Officers from Iowa and Nebraska at Eppley Airfield

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



@realDonaldTrump thanking some incredible Law Enforcement Officers from Iowa and Nebraska at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Nebraska—after a great afternoon in Council Bluffs, Iowa! THANK YOU #LESM!

5:40 PM · Jul 7, 2023


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5e84df No.70197

File: 6aa5cfb2edc4aa1⋯.png (10.67 KB,399x178,399:178,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b619584ea42644⋯.png (258.05 KB,406x1470,29:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141088 (072151ZJUL23) Notable: Trump at DQ: "Who wants a Blizzard? What the Hell is a Blizzard?"

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5e84df No.70198

File: 08ce74c510c2d3c⋯.png (213.48 KB,611x902,611:902,Clipboard.png)

File: b26065946277970⋯.png (329.33 KB,660x824,165:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141089 (072151ZJUL23) Notable: BREAKING: United States has destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile

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BREAKING: United States has destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile - White House

5:42 PM · Jul 7, 2023


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5e84df No.70199

File: be9157bc5023ee4⋯.png (728.03 KB,899x778,899:778,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141113 (072155ZJUL23) Notable: Electrical fire at Owings Mills Metro station causes systemwide shutdown

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Electrical fire at Owings Mills Metro station causes systemwide shutdown

Updated: 5:05 PM EDT Jul 7, 2023


A fire at the Owings Mills Metro station on Friday caused a systemwide shutdown of the subway system in Baltimore.

According to Baltimore County Fire Department, fire and hazardous crews were called to an electrical-related fire at the Owings Mills Metro Station. The fire has caused a systemwide shutdown of subway service.

Firefighters said once they put out the fire, they gave Baltimore Gas and Electric and the Maryland Department of Transportation control of the area.

"Local fire stations responded, found significant smoke coming from an electrical room under a bridge that goes below the subway tracks," Baltimore County fire Lt. Travis Francis said. "Upon entry into that room, they had electrical components that do affect transit lines."

Shortly after 5 p.m., the Maryland Transit Administration released a statement, saying Metro subway service will remain closed as crews inspect equipment.

A bus bridge making all station stops between Owings Mills and Johns Hopkins will remain in service during the shutdown.


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5e84df No.70200

File: d36a75019c31d78⋯.png (1.02 MB,650x1040,5:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141237 (072232ZJUL23) Notable: #23509

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You have my Shield of Faith Anons

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5e84df No.70201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141318 (072255ZJUL23) Notable: Dutch Government has collapsed over Migration

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Dutch Government has collapsed over Migration



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5e84df No.70202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141322 (072256ZJUL23) Notable: Dutch Government has collapsed over Migration

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Dutch government collapses as ruling party seeks immigration restrictions

The Netherlands is far from the only European country to struggle with rising migration.

The Dutch coalition government led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte collapsed on Friday after the bloc's constituent parties failed to reach an agreement to restrict migration to the Netherlands.

An influx of asylum seekers has presented considerable strain on the country, which has struggled to contend with the volume of applicants and agree on policy to manage it. Rutte had hoped to create a system to prioritize migrants fleeing from war zones and to limit the number of family members who may join existing refugees in the country per year, according to Politico.

Final negotiations on Friday failed to win the support of some parties in the coalition, which had steadfastly opposed efforts to limit family reunifications. The government collapse means new elections are likely to occur in November.

The Netherlands is far from the only European country to struggle with rising migration. Countries such as France have permitted large swathes of new arrivals from Africa and the Middle East to the point of causing sizeable demographic changes.

Curbing migration was a frequently mentioned goal of the UK's Brexit movement to leave the European Union. Asylum and migration policy has also become a sticking point between the EU and its eastern constituent nations, who have largely resisted accepting significant asylum seekers and migrants.


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5e84df No.70203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141328 (072258ZJUL23) Notable: Jack Smith spent $5.5 mil on Trump investigation in 4 months, John Durham $7,683,839 throughout the entire investigation.

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Jack Smith spent $5.5 million on his Trump investigation in just 4 months

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith in November 2022 shortly after Trump announced his 2024 presidential campaign.

Special counsel Jack Smith spent a whopping $5.5 million in the first four months of his investigation into former President Donald Trump's alleged mishandling of classified materials.

Smith in June unveiled a 37-count indictment against Trump related to the materials recovered from his Mar-a-Lago estate in August of 2022. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith in November 2022 shortly after Trump announced his 2024 presidential campaign. From that point through March of this year, he spent a total of $5,428,579 on the case, Fox News reported. More than $1.8 million of that figure went to "contractual services." More than $2.6 million, meanwhile, went to paying personnel and providing benefits.

Special counsel Robert Hur, meanwhile, whom Garland appointed in January to look into President Joe Biden's handling of classified materials, has spent just $615,962 since his appointment.

Special counsel John Durham, whose yearslong case resulted in the publication of a report that found the FBI initiated its investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign with no predicating evidence, spent a total of $7,683,839 throughout the entire investigation.

Smith's seemingly zealous prosecution has drawn scrutiny from the Trump camp, with one of his attorneys, Jesse Binnall, asserting that the special counsel has political motivations.

"I will say that Jack Smith, I think, absolutely wants to rain hellfire down on this president and his supporters–not just people in his orbit, but also his supporters. And he's gonna stop at nothing," he said on the Thursday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "This is not a good guy... Unfortunately, the people that he tends to work with are zealots."


10% for the big guy?

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5e84df No.70204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141330 (072259ZJUL23) Notable: D.C. Court of Appeals committee recommends Giuliani be disbarred

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D.C. Court of Appeals committee recommends Giuliani be disbarred


D.C. Court of Appeals committee recommends Giuliani be disbarred

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5e84df No.70205

File: fabda0f3a46c028⋯.png (341.51 KB,654x551,654:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141555 (072355ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer and infertility, major government study finds

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Nearly HALF of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer and infertility, major government study finds - with worst-hit areas in Cali, Eastern Seaboard, Great Lakes and Great Plains

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5e84df No.70206

File: 67ad06e9638ec78⋯.png (135.59 KB,593x478,593:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141593 (080003ZJUL23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Good News Everyone

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Sidney Powell - Defend The Republic Newsletter

July 7, 2023

Good News Friday: 07/07/23

Dear Patriots,

This week we had several really big wins.

There were a lot of smaller examples of GOOD NEWS too.

1- We thank God for Missouri Senator Eric Schmitt who as the state’s Attorney General, along with the Attorney General of Louisiana, brought this lawsuit against the federal government. The censorship was so shockingly egregious that U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty shut it down with a restraining order before the case was heard. He announced this on Independence Day!

We have ALL been censored. Most of the time we do not know it is happening. It was a massive Biden Administration plot to suppress any and all information that they were trying to hide from Americans.

One of the many aspects of the censorship mentioned in the ruling was related to anything that pointed out that the 2020 election was rife with fraud.

The censorship on election fraud from the Biden Regime continued into the 2022 election.

This means that if you posted something on Facebook with facts on election fraud, the White House and government agencies asked ALL the social media players to shadow-ban you so no one could see your posts.

There are no words for this except: unconstitutional.

And yet, the White House is appealing the ruling.

There will be much more on this topic in the future. It is worth reading the ruling.

QUOTE Senator Schmitt: “White House officials, CDC & others are stopped cold. We need to continue the fight to take down the Vast Censorship Enterprise,” he said. “Their view of ‘misinformation’ isn’t an excuse to censor. This is the most important free speech case in a generation. Freedom is on the march.”

Washington Examiner

A victory for free speech in a Louisiana courtroom

2- Continue sending a message to Hollywood, if you have not seen “Sound of Freedom” yet, go this weekend. If you have seen it, buy tickets for friends and family.

We are beating back Hollywood, Disney, Anheuser-Busch, and the NBA by refusing to participate in their assault on our country and values.

Western Journal

‘Sound of Freedom’ Dethrones Disney, Beats Out ‘Indiana Jones’ on its Opening Day

3- As we have pointed out to you, these boycotts are much more successful than you might know. The media, operating as a Democrat/Woke public relations agency, hides the truth.

Clay Travis shows that long before Bud Light, sensible and fed up Americans boycotted the NBA. That boycott continues today.

This news dovetails with this story from Disney-owned ESPN: Massive Wave of Lay-Offs at ESPN

Clay Travis at Outkick

NBA Is The Original Bud Light, And No One In Mainstream Sports Media Will Tell You That

4- Every single time we fight against election fraud it is good news.

The Gateway Pundit

Election Integrity for Wisconsin: In a Stunning Move, Wisconsin Republicans Vote to Start the Removal Process of Administrator of Elections

5- More babies saved as dogged citizens in Indiana do not back down from the fight!


Indiana Supreme Court Upholds Abortion Ban Protecting Babies From Abortions

6- It is well worth it to click on the link and read this entire opinion. It is good to be reminded and reinforced that we live an exceptionally good country full of really good people.

Charles Lipson at RealClearPolitics

Yes, Virginia, America Really Is a Good Country

7- Enjoy this Sidney Powell interview discussing the strong constitutional decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court this week.

Defending The Republic

Viewpoint This Sunday: A Supreme Week for the US Constitution with Sidney Powell



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5e84df No.70207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141703 (080025ZJUL23) Notable: Officials Probe $1 Billion Land Purchases Near Air Base

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Officials Probe $1 Billion Land Purchases Near Air Base

Friday, 07 July 2023 01:53 PM EDT

Air Force officials are investigating a series of land acquisitions amounting to nearly $1 billion near a major air base in California, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The Journal found that over the past five years, investment group Flannery Associates has become the largest landowner in Solano County after purchasing nearly $1 billion worth of land.

An attorney for the company told the newspaper that it's controlled by American citizens and that 97% of the firm's capital comes from U.S. investors, with the remainder coming from British and Irish investors. Local and federal officials said they have yet to uncover the identities of Flannery's investors.

The company previously told Solano County that it "is owned by a group of families looking to diversify their portfolio from equities into real assets, including agricultural land in the western United States."

Records show Flannery purchased large parcels of land near Travis Air Force Base, including several areas directly next to the base that houses the largest wing of the Air Mobility Command, which the Air Force uses for refueling and transporting military personnel and supplies.

"We don't know who Flannery is, and their extensive purchases do not make sense to anybody in the area," Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif., the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee's readiness panel, told the Journal. "The fact that they're buying land purposefully right up to the fence at Travis raises significant questions."

Said county supervisor Mitch Mashburn: "The majority of the land they're purchasing is dry farmland. I don't see where that land can turn a profit to make it worth almost a billion dollars in investment."

Flannery's attorney added that "any speculation that Flannery's purchases are motivated by the proximity to Travis Air Force Base" is unfounded.

A spokesperson for Travis told the Journal that officials at the base and other Air Force offices "are aware of the multiple land purchases near the base and are actively working internally and externally with other agencies."


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5e84df No.70208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141797 (080050ZJUL23) Notable: Russia confirms that they are launching a BRICS currency backed by #gold.

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Russia confirms that they are launching a BRICS currency backed by #gold.


It will be on the agenda at the BRICS South Africa meeting in August. Many other countries have applied to join BRICS.

De-dollarization is accelerating.

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5e84df No.70209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141806 (080053ZJUL23) Notable: #23509

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#23509 >>70200

>>70201, >>70202 Dutch Government has collapsed over Migration

>>70203 Jack Smith spent $5.5 mil on Trump investigation in 4 months, John Durham $7,683,839 throughout the entire investigation.

>>70204 D.C. Court of Appeals committee recommends Giuliani be disbarred

>>70205 U.S. is laced with hormone-warping 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer and infertility, major government study finds

>>70206 Sidney Powell - Good News Everyone

>>70207 Officials Probe $1 Billion Land Purchases Near Air Base

>>70208 Russia confirms that they are launching a BRICS currency backed by #gold.

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5e84df No.70210

File: c71a3fff58eb5c8⋯.png (377.61 KB,704x380,176:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141984 (080133ZJUL23) Notable: #23510

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(you) are more than you know

Backup Baker is now Off Duty

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5e84df No.70211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141996 (080135ZJUL23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene Voted Out Of House Freedom Caucus

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Voted Out Of House Freedom Caucus: Report

That's what happens when you spend most of your time under Kevin's desk...

It didn't help that she called Boebert a little bitch.


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5e84df No.70212

File: adac45995509d06⋯.png (508.06 KB,802x829,802:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142020 (080139ZJUL23) Notable: FLASHBACK: White House Press Secretary Said Using Cluster Munitions Would Be A Potential 'War Crime'

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FLASHBACK: White House Press Secretary Said Using Cluster Munitions Would Be A Potential 'War Crime'

Then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki called Russia’s alleged use of cluster munitions a potential “war crime” in the early days of the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Biden administration announced plans to primarily send M864 155-millimeter artillery shells, known as Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICM) and commonly called cluster munitions, which dispense smaller explosive weapons over an area to attack personnel and vehicles. Cluster munitions are controversial due to the risk posed by “dud” submunitions that could cause harm to civilians long after a conflict is over and were last manufactured in the 1990s, The Washington Post reported.

“There are reports of illegal cluster bombs and vacuum bombs being used by the Russians. If that’s true, what is the next step of this administration?” a reporter asked Psaki during the Feb. 28, 2022 press briefing. “And is there a red line for how much violence will be tolerated against civilians in this manner that’s illegal and potentially a war crime?”

“It is — it would be. I don’t have any confirmation of that,” Psaki responded. “We have seen the reports. If that were true, it would potentially be a war crime.”

Over 100 countries have banned the usage of cluster munitions, including the U.K., France and Germany, CNN reported.

Fox News host Pete Hegseth, substituting for “Jesse Watters Primetime” host Jesse Watters, replayed the clip Friday evening for former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii while the two discussed the Biden administration’s decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, reversing a previous policy of withholding the weapons.

“It was a war crime for Vladimir Putin, but it is okay for us to send it to the Ukrainians,” Hegseth said.

“This is exactly what I’m talking about, Pete. The hypocrisy of rules that apply to others, but not to them, making decisions based on their own selfish decisions for power, and their political decisions,” Gabbard said.

Both Hegseth and Gabbard have a history of military service, including deployments to Iraq.


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5e84df No.70213

File: 7eba56773e1932f⋯.png (277.27 KB,611x650,47:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142032 (080142ZJUL23) Notable: NOAA Throws Cold Water On Media Hysteria Over Earth's 'Three Hottest Days On Record'

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NOAA Throws Cold Water On Media Hysteria Over Earth's 'Three Hottest Days On Record'

Numerous corporate media outlets drove the narrative that July 3-5 was the hottest 72-hour stretch ever on record, citing a computer model from the University of Maine which the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has warned is not as dependable as traditional observational data.

The New York Times, Fortune, Axios and CBS News each cited the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer computer model in various Thursday reports asserting that this week’s global temperatures broke the previous record for hottest three-day stretch. The coverage came as NOAA said Thursday that the model’s findings are not a suitable substitute for observational data, since the model depends in part on unverifiable, computer-generated outputs, according to The Associated Press.

Axios’ Thursday headline asserted that “Earth sees three hottest days on record,” while The Times wrote in its Thursday story that “the past three days were quite likely the hottest in Earth’s modern history.” CBS News ran a chyron on a Thursday television segment which read, “Earth sees third straight hottest day on record,” while the first half of Fortune’s Thursday headline stated that “Earth hits record heat third day in a row.”

“Although NOAA cannot validate the methodology or conclusion of the University of Maine analysis, we recognize that we are in a warm period due to climate change,” NOAA said, according to the AP.

The Reanalyzer uses observational data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and then calculates various global temperature estimates based on that data using its model, according to the Reanalyzer’s website. The Reanalyzer’s model found that this week was the hottest week it has ever recorded.

NCEP is part of the National Weather Service, which is part of NOAA, according to the National Weather Service’s website.

“The situation we are witnessing now is the demonstration that climate change is out of control,” United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said of the heat, according to The Guardian. “If we persist in delaying key measures that are needed, I think we are moving into a catastrophic situation, as the last two records in temperature demonstrates.”

NOAA, The New York Times, Fortune, Axios and CBS News did not respond immediately to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.


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5e84df No.70214

File: 7194759c274a2e8⋯.png (409.85 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 462e3ab1897d9f9⋯.png (17 KB,593x158,593:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142048 (080147ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine labels US peace advocates ‘traitors’

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Ukraine labels US peace advocates ‘traitors’

A Kiev official fumed over American “imperialism” after a controversial NBC report

Americans who reportedly discussed peace in Ukraine behind Kiev’s back are traitors and imperialists, an ambassador at the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has said in response to a news story claiming that such talks took place.

“So, a group of anonymous US tankies discussing Ukraine with Russia behind Ukraine’s back? There’re [sic] another words to describe it: treason, betrayal, and pure imperialism,” tweeted Alexander Scherba, Kiev’s “ambassador for strategic communications” and a former envoy to Austria.

He was reacting to a NBC News report, based entirely on anonymous sources, which claimed that a group of former US national security officials have been conducting “track two” talks with “prominent Russians believed to be close to the Kremlin” for the past several months.

US President Joe Biden’s administration found issues with the NBC story, disavowing any role in the alleged talks. Washington “did not sanction those discussions,” a State Department spokesman said in a statement on Thursday.

Meanwhile, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told CBS News that, while the White House was “aware” of the unofficial contacts, “I want to make it clear that these discussions were not encouraged or engendered by us and we were not supporting them in any active way.”

Richard Haass, the former head of the Council on Foreign Relations who was reportedly involved in the talks, mentioned the NBC report in a Substack post on Friday, seeking to address “some legitimate interest in my position mixed in with nasty, ad hominem attacks.”

Haass said he was “present” at the meeting between “several former senior US national security officials and a group of Russian diplomats led by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov” that allegedly took place in April. No such meeting was acknowledged on Lavrov’s agenda during his visit to New York to chair the UN Security Council.

Moscow has described the NBC News report as “fake” and “disinformation,” without going into any details.

Russia has long said it has nothing to negotiate with the Ukrainian leadership, and will only deal with those in the West who are pulling its strings. The US has said that it will never discuss Ukraine without the direct involvement of Ukrainians. Kiev, meanwhile, insists that the only framework for ending the conflict is President Vladimir Zelensky’s “peace formula,” which would amount to Russian capitulation and has been rejected by Moscow as delusional.


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5e84df No.70215

File: 3b9f8ef19b76746⋯.png (48.7 KB,604x333,604:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142145 (080219ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor that Corrupt Joe Biden and his Thugs stuck on me during the political campaign in which Biden is losing “BIG” (an absolute No, No!), just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt

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Donald J. Trump


Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor that Corrupt Joe Biden and his Thugs stuck on me during the political campaign in which Biden is losing “BIG” (an absolute No, No!), just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt. Biden’s Special Prosecutor, by comparison, has spent almost nothing. Prosecutorial Misconduct for purposes of Election Interference!

Jul 07, 2023, 7:00 PM

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5e84df No.70216

File: d87108487134e42⋯.png (1.42 MB,1440x1014,240:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ee1f896c8f561c⋯.png (3.4 MB,1600x1086,800:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142188 (080231ZJUL23) Notable: PF Callsign SPAR360 Special Priority Air Resource/mil

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Callsign SPAR360

Special Priority Air Resource

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5e84df No.70217

File: a2b234116cde8f1⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e8fc3a051900df1⋯.png (410.88 KB,798x875,114:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142220 (080240ZJUL23) Notable: UK: "No one could have given informed consent because the public were mislead."

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Josh Guetzkow@joshg99

"No one could have given informed consent because the public were mislead."

MP @ABridgen posed a question today in parliament about the Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty clinical trial "bait and switch" that @RetsefL and I highlighted in our recent BMJ rapid response.



11:12 AM · Jul 6, 2023·67K Views


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5e84df No.70218

File: 5c148e4289bb860⋯.jpeg (941.05 KB,1170x1398,195:233,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142245 (080244ZJUL23) Notable: incoming dust cloud, again

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Massive dust cloud from Sahara Desert is drifting 5,000 miles over the Atlantic towards the US - with experts warning it could lower air quality in five states including Florida


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5e84df No.70219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142258 (080247ZJUL23) Notable: incoming dust cloud, again

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Saharan dust comes over EVERY year. It's the primary fertilizer for the Amazon rainforest FFS.

More climate doom and gloom from the UN/WHO/WEF cabal.

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5e84df No.70220

File: 68d572f7845614a⋯.png (676.25 KB,1176x802,588:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142263 (080248ZJUL23) Notable: incoming dust cloud, again

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5e84df No.70221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142279 (080254ZJUL23) Notable: incoming dust cloud, again

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Every other summer or so this happens. The sunsets are absolutely spectacular.

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5e84df No.70222

File: 09ad9ec739f68dc⋯.png (311.45 KB,458x909,458:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142303 (080300ZJUL23) Notable: THE HAGUE - The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen. The #WEF devotee and comrade of German Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and his Government have collapsed.

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BREAKING NEWS: THE HAGUE - The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen. The #WEF devotee and comrade of German Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and his Government have collapsed. The asylum talks that have been dragging on for months have torn apart the partnership between VVD, D66, CDA and CU. A last attempt to reach agreement in a crisis meeting on Friday also failed. This will enable the Netherlands to prepare for new elections, probably in the autumn. The cabinet will meet as a whole on Friday evening around 9:30 PM, after which Prime Minister Rutte will give a press conference. The government parties have been diametrically opposed to the asylum measures for some time. This week that sensitive file exploded, in which the differences between VVD and CDA on the one hand and D66 and CU on the other were large. Especially between VVD and CU, there was a lot of clashing over measures to limit family reunification. The differences have proved insurmountable. On Friday it was already noticeable that it was especially restless at the CU offices. Prior to the crisis meeting, the MPs of the smallest coalition party already gathered together, after which party leader Bikker continued to talk to the CU ministers. And after Deputy Prime Minister Schouten and State Secretary Van Ooijen left for the Ministry of General Affairs for the crisis consultation, party employees, but also Agriculture Minister Adema, continued to nervously rummage through the corridors. In recent days, numerous proposals have been discussed to get the parties back together. The last plan discussed on Friday was a so-called on and off button for family reunification. If the influx of migrants were too high, that button could be turned off. But that also did not lead to an agreement between the parties. Earlier plans were also shot down. For example, VVD and CDA suggested on Thursday to make their own initiative law for the introduction of a two-status system. In such an asylum system, migrants would be given different rights. D66 and CU saw less in such a system and did not find the idea of ​​an initiative law attractive at all. A plan to introduce the multi-status system on the condition of an implementation test also failed due to opposition from D66 and CU. Tempers had run high in recent days after Prime Minister Rutte put a strong package of demands on the table with a show of force on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Prime Minister had backed down a bit, and the parties decided to give it another day to look at a final proposal. But that too fell, and with it the cabinet. #WEF2030Agenda #DutchFarmers #holland


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5e84df No.70223

File: eb3ea96a9fafad6⋯.png (435.02 KB,607x725,607:725,Clipboard.png)

File: e2d9cbcaf5339f1⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142342 (080311ZJUL23) Notable: THE HAGUE - The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen. The #WEF devotee and comrade of German Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and his Government have collapsed.

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5e84df No.70224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142359 (080314ZJUL23) Notable: #23508 posted in 23510

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>>70161 President Trump: I will move Heaven and Earth, to do something, that if it's not done, we will soon not have a country. To protect our elections. Because our elections are in bad shape. We need our borders, and we need our elections. The rest of it will happen.

>>70162 President Trump: Don't forget, I rebuilt the entire military of the United States of America, and created Space Force…I like Peace through Strength, as opposed to using the strength.

>>70163 President Trump: We Will Drain The Swamp Once And For All.

>>70165 President Trump: Frankly, this economy is not doing well, but the reason it's doing okay, is it's running on the fumes of what we built. But those fumes are running out, and they're running out fast. And it's not going to be a pretty picture.

>>70166 @libsoftiktok: Planned Parenthood is so desperate to talk to your kids about sex and gender identity that they’re PAYING teens to attend a “sex ed summer camp.”

>>70167, >>70168 All of President Trump's commented by anon in a bun

>>70164 After a car crash in Brooklyn, an individual was assaulted

>>70169 @realchrisrufo For an entire year, the mainstream media said that "gender-affirming" doctors were not performing genital surgeries on children (it's a LIE)

>>70170 French police gain remote spying powers - media

>>70171 CNN reports that global temps are higher than in 100,000 years (didn't know the records went back that far kek)

>>70172 Jeffrey Epstein has been associated with numerous high profile-celebrities, scientists and politicians.

>>70173 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>70174 Dr. McCullough on New Studies: “The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients”

>>70175 "Sound of Freedom is an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon"

>>70176 PDJT: Dr. Ben Carson is a big fan of this movie (Sound of Freedom) and I am a big fan of Ben. He asked me to post this….

>>70177 Scavino: HAPPENING NOW at Dairy Queen in Council Bluffs, Iowa

>>70178 Tracy Resident Charged With Computer Attack On Discovery Bay Water Treatment Facility

>>70179 Cooperation Between United States and Mexican Law Enforcement Leads to Significant Actions Against Transnational Drug Trafficking Organization

>>70180 More than 70% of respondents want the influx of immigrants reduced, Le Figaro has found

>>70181 Interior Department included Wuhan lab funder on early COVID pandemic research team

>>70182 The country has too many migrants and has failed to integrate them, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has argued

>>70183 Dutch government collapses after asylum talks break down

>>70184 CDC ‘Chestfeeding’ Guidance Fails To Consider Hormone Risk To Infants

>>70185, >>70189 Left wing seethes over success of anti-child trafficking film The Sound of Freedom

>>70187, >>70188, >>70194, >>70197 Trump at DQ: "Who wants a Blizzard? What the Hell is a Blizzard?"

>>70186 Sound of Freedom: "the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America"

>>70190 Russia points to root causes of migration

>>70191 Tesla Signs Pledge to Promote 'Core Socialist Values'

>>70192 Welcome to England

>>70199 Electrical fire at Owings Mills Metro station causes systemwide shutdown

>>70193 PF

>>70195 Tucker Carlson tells Russell Brand he 'doesn't know' why he was fired by Fox News

>>70198 BREAKING: United States has destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile

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5e84df No.70225

File: 2c4c0c6524dc5ab⋯.png (251.81 KB,501x578,501:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142492 (080345ZJUL23) Notable: Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter mark 77th wedding anniversary

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Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter mark 77th wedding anniversary

at home in Plains, Georgia

Published 12:10 AM EDT, July 7, 2023


ATLANTA (AP) — Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter are marking their 77th wedding anniversary with a quiet Friday at their south Georgia home, extending their record as the longest-married first couple ever as both nonagenarians face significant health challenges.

The 39th president is 98 and has been in home hospice care since February. The former first lady is 95 and has dementia. The Carter family has not offered details of either Jimmy or Rosalynn Carter’s condition but has said they both have enjoyed time with each other and a stream of family members, along with occasional visits from close friends, in recent months.

“As we have looked back at their legacy, it has been really wonderful to see the outpouring of support and respect and love,” grandson Jason Carter said recently. “That word love is really the one that defines certainly their personal relationship, but also the way they approach this world.” ...


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5e84df No.70226

File: 5bc3e7147e65400⋯.png (350.55 KB,705x643,705:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142496 (080346ZJUL23) Notable: THE HAGUE - The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen. The #WEF devotee and comrade of German Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and his Government have collapsed.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70227

File: a70e421853ddfdc⋯.png (959.39 KB,833x485,833:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142599 (080422ZJUL23) Notable: Remember When Hunter Biden Was Kicked Out of the Navy For Testing Positive for Cocaine?

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Remember When Hunter Biden Was Kicked

Out of the Navy For Testing Positive for Cocaine?

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 7/7/2023 8:07:34 PM

With the so-called “mysterious” discovery of cocaine being found at the Biden White House this week, critics are reminding Americans that Hunter Biden was kicked out of the Navy in 2014 after failing a drug test due to the white powder being found in his system. In 2013, Hunter failed a drug test after testing positive for cocaine. However, he was not booted from the Reserve until February 2014. In true Democrat fashion, instead of taking responsibility, the president’s son blamed the incident on two men from Africa.

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5e84df No.70228

File: b4ff6b268e5e57a⋯.png (193.88 KB,593x748,593:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142608 (080425ZJUL23) Notable: @GenFlynn C_A They will not be repaired by nibbling on the margins…there must be whole cloth reform.

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General Mike Flynn


The CIA’s culture and mission are so out of whack and their usefulness and effectiveness as an organization so overrated (and have clearly been for many decades now) that severe reforms must be brought front and center in the next administration.

They will not be repaired by nibbling on the margins…there must be whole cloth reform.

Quote Tweet

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺




16 years after creating the CIA, in an op-ed titled “Limit CIA Role To Intelligence,” President Truman wrote: “For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of… Show more



4:23 PM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70229

File: f613bff3cbbfe1e⋯.png (10.24 KB,773x537,773:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142639 (080432ZJUL23) Notable: @GenFlynn C_A They will not be repaired by nibbling on the margins…there must be whole cloth reform.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70230

File: 3efe7b79137b043⋯.png (534.41 KB,609x593,609:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142660 (080437ZJUL23) Notable: THE HAGUE - The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen. The #WEF devotee and comrade of German Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and his Government have collapsed.

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Netherlands… Mark Rutte has been forced to resign as his party no longer has control and they can not rein in immigration. Rutte was trying to seize over 3000 farms to free land for immigrants. He will resign as the most corrupt, unpopular leader in Dutch history…



12:47 PM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70231

File: 23f820b590e13b5⋯.png (682.73 KB,675x712,675:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142677 (080440ZJUL23) Notable: Colonialists Ben and Jerry Lose $2 Billion in Market Cap After Boycott For the BIG Keks

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Colonialists Ben and Jerry Lose $2 Billion

in Market Cap After Boycott

Breitbart, by John Nolte

Posted By: Beardo, 7/7/2023 7:04:04 PM

The parent company for the left-wing colonialists known as Ben & Jerry’s has lost $2 billion in market cap after the colonialists hypocritically smeared America on the Fourth of July. Looks like Ben & Jerry’s is becoming “The Bud Light of Ice Cream.” The New York Post reports that shares of Unilever, Ben & Jerry’s parent company, “slid 0.8% Thursday after closing down 0.5% the previous day.” That equaled a market cap drop from $130.2 billion to 128.5 billion. Remember that Ben & Jerry’s is a small part of Unilever, a massive, century-old British multinational that sells dozens of household brands.

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5e84df No.70232

File: e78d83a18266b44⋯.png (452.85 KB,600x496,75:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142736 (080454ZJUL23) Notable: @NoorBinLadin Goodnight to all my fellow Patriot extremists x/Pepe pic

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Noor Bin Ladin


Goodnight to all my fellow Patriot extremists x


2:13 PM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70233

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142753 (080457ZJUL23) Notable: #23510

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#23510 >>70210

>>70211 Marjorie Taylor Greene Voted Out Of House Freedom Caucus

>>70212 FLASHBACK: White House Press Secretary Said Using Cluster Munitions Would Be A Potential 'War Crime'

>>70213 NOAA Throws Cold Water On Media Hysteria Over Earth's 'Three Hottest Days On Record'

>>70214 Ukraine labels US peace advocates ‘traitors’

>>70215 @realDonaldTrump Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor that Corrupt Joe Biden and his Thugs stuck on me during the political campaign in which Biden is losing “BIG” (an absolute No, No!), just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt

>>70216 PF Callsign SPAR360 Special Priority Air Resource/mil

>>70217 UK: "No one could have given informed consent because the public were mislead."

>>70218, >>70219, >>70220, >>70221 incoming dust cloud, again

>>70222, >>70223, >>70226, >>70230 THE HAGUE - The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen. The #WEF devotee and comrade of German Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and his Government have collapsed.

>>70225 Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter mark 77th wedding anniversary

>>70227 Remember When Hunter Biden Was Kicked Out of the Navy For Testing Positive for Cocaine?

>>70228, >>70229 @GenFlynn C_A They will not be repaired by nibbling on the margins…there must be whole cloth reform.

>>70231 Colonialists Ben and Jerry Lose $2 Billion in Market Cap After Boycott For the BIG Keks

>>70232 @NoorBinLadin Goodnight to all my fellow Patriot extremists x/Pepe pic


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5e84df No.70234

File: 003c24a5bed1a8e⋯.gif (428.88 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142761 (080459ZJUL23) Notable: #23511

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Baker will tap @20

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5e84df No.70235

File: 1c1392cdb33c665⋯.png (91.33 KB,422x511,422:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142770 (080502ZJUL23) Notable: It’s the first crack I’ve seen in WEF captain Klaus Schwab’s team of puppet globalist “government” front-men leadership

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It’s the first crack I’ve seen in WEF captain Klaus Schwab’s team of puppet globalist “government” front-men leadership. WEF favorite Mark Rutte, PM of the Netherlands, sees his goverment collapse over none other than immigration disputes.

On this day. Praise the Lord!


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5e84df No.70236

File: 0c713ce9e62def6⋯.png (30.43 KB,693x641,693:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142817 (080517ZJUL23) Notable: Why The Dutch Government Collapsed, What Happens Now

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70237

File: 3704867f2908c91⋯.png (521.13 KB,897x912,299:304,Clipboard.png)

File: 727baa813008dd4⋯.png (94.88 KB,634x1039,634:1039,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142904 (080544ZJUL23) Notable: @RollingStone 'Sound of Freedom,' the QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking, is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.(DELTA: Q3355 The time has come to re_enter the public domain. Q )

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70238

File: 7b573032a000b62⋯.png (147.37 KB,569x480,569:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142928 (080554ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter Poll: Trump 74%

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Red Wave Riders

🤣🤣🤣 Twitter Poll 🤣🤣🤣

Well, this certainly didn’t go the way they expected...

(poll results pic related)

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5e84df No.70239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142953 (080603ZJUL23) Notable: REMINDER: the Hewlett Foundation announced a $10 million commitment to support research on U.S. democracy’s digital disinformation problem

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Digest and Understand:[Censorship]

We have ALL been censored. Most of the time we do not know it is happening. It was a massive Biden Administration plot to suppress any and all information that they were trying to hide from Americans.

One of the many aspects of the censorship mentioned in the ruling was related to anything that pointed out that the 2020 election was rife with fraud.

The censorship on election fraud from the Biden Regime continued into the 2022 election.

This means that if you posted something on Facebook with facts on election fraud, the White House and government agencies asked ALL the social media players to shadow-ban you so no one could see your posts.

(pb) >>70206



Reducing engagement with disinformation

“Changing whether, and how, people encounter disinformation is another area where research is needed. Interventions might involve identifying pieces of disinformation, or identifying problematic accounts, and either warning people or algorithmically reducing the visibility of disinformation.

It is important to figure out how to identify nefarious content quickly”

“Cooperate to trace users sharing disinformation across platforms”

“Can we develop protocols to identify people?”

January 25, 2018:

Ford Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation convened a group of more than 50 scholars, think tank leaders, funders, and platform representatives to brainstorm key research questions and steps to address these concerns.

Participants: pgs. 21-23


Nick Pickles Head of Public Policy and Government for the U.K. and Israel at Twitter

Kathy Porto Chang Product Manager at Twitter

Sara Su Product Manager at Facebook, News Feed

Katherine Brown Facebook’s Global Policy Development team

Clément Wolf Global Public Policy Manager at Google

Wilson White is a public policy and government relations senior counsel on Google’s Mountain View

policy team

They focused on digital disinformation, political polarization, and research.


Since the discussion took place, the Hewlett Foundation announced a $10 million commitment to support research on U.S. democracy’s digital disinformation problem.

And the Hewlett Foundation together with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Charles Koch Foundation, Democracy Fund, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and Omidyar Network, announced a new partnership with Harvard, Stanford and the Social Science Research Council to provide scholars with privacy-protected data access to advance the public’s [understanding of Facebook’s role in elections and democracy].

May 23, 2018


This means that if you posted something on Facebook with facts on election fraud, the White House and government agencies asked ALL the social media players to shadow-ban you so no one could see your posts.

Q !A6yxsPKia. No.124

Aug 7 2018 16:17:45 (EST)

Q !A6yxsPKia. No.122

Aug 6 2018 18:39:46 (EST)

The BILL that opened the door for TWITTER, FB, GOOG, etc. to CENSOR & CONTROL.


Think Russian bots.

Think Foreign propaganda.

The more you know.



Digest and understand.

'Foundation to support censorship against Conservatives'


All-in [Blue Wave].


>>>Their entire future depends on winning majority in the House



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5e84df No.70240

File: d3cdb1c09348622⋯.png (1.6 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142982 (080615ZJUL23) Notable: Republicans Want to Mandate a Single Style of Architecture in Washington

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Republicans Want to Mandate a Single Style of Architecture in Washington

The Trump-era war against modern design in federal buildings is back — but now it’s in Congress.

An illustration featuring Donald Trump surrounded by pictures of the National Archives Building, Jefferson Memorial, Parthenon, Orrin G. Hatch United States Courthouse, FBI Building and Department of Education building

POLITICO illustration/Photos by Getty Images, AP, Wikimedia Commons


07/07/2023 04:30 AM EDT

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5e84df No.70241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142990 (080618ZJUL23) Notable: Raskin passes on Senate bid

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Raskin passes on Senate bid

Sen. Ben Cardin’s retirement announcement in May immediately fueled speculation that Raskin would run.


—07/07/2023 07:33 PM EDT—

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5e84df No.70242

File: faf0889e14ee4a6⋯.png (3.6 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142991 (080619ZJUL23) Notable: Raskin passes on Senate bid

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5e84df No.70243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143052 (080655ZJUL23) Notable: Arthritis - prevent Arthritis in pigs Dr. Wallach Pigs Arthritis formula(YouTube vid)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>magnesium for joint pain

>selenium for blood cells/oxygen

>D for all kinds of reasons but i forget them all rn

Dead doctors don't lie


Arthritis - prevent Arthritis in pigs Dr. Wallach Pigs Arthritis formula

Lithium - suicidal, depression, violent, drug addictions

give Lithium, Chromium, Vanadium


90 nutrients

Lithium, Chromium, Vanadium

U.S. Senate Document No 264

The Alarming Fact is that foods - are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat!"

Receeding gums - calcium deficiency in face or jaw bones

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure - calcium deficiency 3 TIMES RDA recommended dosage

Insomnia - calcium deficiency

Cramps - Calcium deficiency

PMS - Calcium, over RDA

Low Back Pain - Calcium Defiency

Diabetes Types 2 - Chromium Vanadium (since 1957)

University of Vancouver, BC, Canada Vanadium will replace..."


Calcium lactate - SCHLECHT

Gallium - brain cancer

Zinc + Lithium - little girls Athletes depressed

2x RDA beta-carotene, Vitamin E and Selenium - REDUCED ALL DEATHS BY 9%, ALL CANCERS BY 13%


Alzheimer - since 1979 - NO VEGETABLE OIL

Vitamin E + Selenium

San Diego (1:02:00)

White/Grey/Silver hair - first sign of copper deficiency

Cardiac Heart Disease - Selenium

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5e84df No.70244

File: ca5ede1bc1ea295⋯.jpg (182.23 KB,720x1212,60:101,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 36f02e628a0c169⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143121 (080733ZJUL23) Notable: @KariLakeWarRoom @katiehobbs spends her days hiding in her office and ruling via executive order(mp4)

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Give it a f*cking rest, Jordan!”

@katiehobbs spends her days hiding in her office and ruling via executive order.

Because she thinks she doesn't answer the public or the press.

Hobbs can’t handle being asked a simple question about the illegitimate process that she used to obtain power.

She's a petulant child.


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5e84df No.70245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143227 (080835ZJUL23) Notable: Bulgaria: 10 People were Detained for Migrant Trafficking in a Police Operation today

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Bulgaria: Nationwide Police Operation against Illegal Migration

July 7, 2023, Friday //11:07

A specialized police operation against illegal migration has been launched across the country, BNR reported.

The police, together with the prosecutor's office, will attack the so-called "Havalari".

Today's operation by uniformed officers and prosecutors is aimed at the people who actually carry out the financial transactions of the channelers. Illegal migrants pay extremely large sums to reach Western Europe, illegally through Bulgaria, namely through the so-called "Havalari", the traffickers manage to get these funds.

The operation comes a month after the cabinet took office. Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov announced the fight against illegal migration as his priority.


Bulgaria: 10 People were Detained for Migrant Trafficking in a Police Operation today

July 7, 2023, Friday //17:45

10 people were detained for illegal migrant trafficking during the specialized operation against illegal migration from today, BNT reported. 9 of them were detained by "Border Police", the tenth - by the Metropolitan Directorate of Internal Affairs.

These are individual cases of illegal migrant trafficking. Separate pre-trial proceedings have been established. The nationwide operation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office took place throughout the country on two fronts - against the traffickers themselves and against the so-called "Havalari", who deal with the financial transactions of the trafficers.

One person detained by the Metropolitan Directorate of Internal Affairs is a Romanian citizen. He has already been detained for 72 hours.

In terms of financial crimes, 18 locations were checked, mainly in Sofia and Harmanli, and these agencies took part: Main Directorate "Fighting Organized Crime", Main Directorate "National Police", Metropolitan Directorate of Internal Affairs, National Revenue Agency, Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, Regional Health Inspectorate.

Some of the crime sites have been sealed, others have been issued administrative violations by various institutions.


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5e84df No.70246

File: 14bee5cecf76aee⋯.png (281.19 KB,591x611,591:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143358 (081004ZJUL23) Notable: @TheNatPulse Big Tech corporations including Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook spent at least a quarter a billion dollars killing legislation aimed at regulating their censorship of conservatives

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The National Pulse


Big Tech corporations including Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook spent at least a quarter a billion dollars killing legislation aimed at regulating their censorship of conservatives.


Big Tech Spent $250M to Buy Off The U.S. Congress.

Big Tech corporations including Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook spent at least a quarter a billion dollars killing legislation aimed at regulating their censorship of conservatives, as well as...

11:01 PM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143363 (081007ZJUL23) Notable: Not every post is intended to deceive.The conduit and the information source had to appear authentic and real information was shared.There's a Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication that explains further if you are interested(pdf)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>What I have wondered much: What causes that moment when the green rolls hot on US streets per drop 34 to keep the peace as operators operate?

When I read each post I ask myself who the information is intended for and what is the information intended to accomplish. Among other things Q informed us that not all posts were meant for anons.

If a post reveals information similar to 'Patton has an army in England' or 'The landing will be at Pas-de-Calais'. I recognize both the intended target of the information as well as the information's purpose. The target is the opposing force and the purpose is military deception.

This is true of dates and/or hints of dates in particular. D5 was a very successful illustration of a feint that caused the DS to take an unnecessary action.

CBTS and /qresearch were used as MILDEC conduits.

Not every post is intended to deceive. The conduit and the information source had to appear authentic and real information was shared. There's a Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication that explains further if you are interested: https://jfsc.ndu.edu/portals/72/documents/jc2ios/additional_reading/1c3-jp_3-13-4_mildec.pdf

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70248

File: 133f2f5d6795d33⋯.png (72.04 KB,422x543,422:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143365 (081009ZJUL23) Notable: LizCrokin People are always asking me what they can do to combat child sex trafficking.America's Future is kicking off a Get In The Fight awareness campaign that includes education and training on Aug. 17 in Sarasota, Florida as part of Project Defend and Protect Our Children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


People are always asking me what they can do to combat child sex trafficking. America’s Future is kicking off a Get In The Fight awareness campaign that includes education and training on Aug. 17 in Sarasota, Florida as part of Project Defend and Protect Our Children. You can register and learn more here.👇🏻


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143412 (081030ZJUL23) Notable: Not every post is intended to deceive.The conduit and the information source had to appear authentic and real information was shared.There's a Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication that explains further if you are interested(pdf)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>This was Q, kek

This too: "create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to interpret" (11.3 for example)

DISO is a MILDEC activity that protects friendly operations, personnel, programs, equipment, and other assets against foreign intelligence and security services (FISS) collection. The intent of a DISO is to create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to interpret by FISS, limiting the ability of FISS to collect accurate intelligence on friendly forces. DISOs are general in nature, they are not specifically targeted against particular adversary military, paramilitary, or VEO decision makers, but are, instead, used to protect friendly operations and forces by obfuscating friendly capabilities, intent, or vulnerabilities.

This was Anons across all platforms:

It is rare that a deceptive message is sent directly to the deception target itself. Most often, deception messages are sent to intelligence collectors (conduits) with the expectation that the deceptive message will systematically make its way to the deception target.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143448 (081044ZJUL23) Notable: World's first robot-human press conference at UN AI summit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

World's first robot-human press conference at UN AI summit | Dt Next

Robots presented at an AI forum said on Friday (July 7) they expected to increase in number and help solve global problems, and would not steal humans' jobs or rebel against us.

But, in the world's first human-robot press conference, they gave mixed responses on whether they should submit to stricter regulation. The nine humanoid robots gathered at the 'AI for Good' conference in Geneva, where organizers are seeking to make the case for Artificial Intelligence and the robots it is powering to help resolve some of the world's biggest challenges such as disease and hunger.


4min28 sec long

another article

UN tech agency rolls out human-looking robots for questions at a Geneva news conference


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70251

File: 92b5e988c20fd52⋯.png (42.5 KB,1248x321,416:107,Clipboard.png)

File: ce503cc3209adcd⋯.png (268.75 KB,784x744,98:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 32e157226de1388⋯.png (44.36 KB,1183x448,169:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143454 (081047ZJUL23) Notable: Wayfair denies Reddit human sex trafficking conspiracy theory

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Published July 10, 2020 4:08pm EDT

Wayfair denies Reddit human sex trafficking conspiracy theory


Wayfair product listings spark child trafficking conspiracy theory

By Bruce Golding

July 10, 2020



Published July 13, 2020 3:25pm EDT

Ellen questioned for Wayfair partnership amid conspiracy theory


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70252

File: f714dfe64aa9fe2⋯.png (428.41 KB,611x681,611:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143461 (081049ZJUL23) Notable: Wayfair denies Reddit human sex trafficking conspiracy theory

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Marianna Spring


NEW 🚨 How did furniture firm Wayfair end up at the centre of a conspiracy theory about child trafficking?

Expensive pillows - and cabinets with girls’ names - the latest QAnon conspiracy gripping the internet.

Read here: https://bbc.in/2C5CsqM

I spoke to @BBCRosAtkins


10:00 AM · Jul 15, 2020


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70253

File: 0ba7d9152116290⋯.png (271.9 KB,701x527,701:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 917b9a220b1e82e⋯.png (269.94 KB,968x530,484:265,Clipboard.png)

File: 71dfa060e650c6d⋯.png (359.13 KB,700x534,350:267,Clipboard.png)

File: cfc84a02176afbc⋯.png (283.83 KB,767x521,767:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 63d050da38ec814⋯.png (171.21 KB,872x519,872:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143480 (081059ZJUL23) Notable: Wayfair denies Reddit human sex trafficking conspiracy theory

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70254

File: 23faa4283b6867b⋯.png (345.91 KB,584x797,584:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143489 (081104ZJUL23) Notable: @DC_Draino Go watch the movie they don’t want us to see #SOFMovie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Truth Details




This is unreal @JackPosobiec

WaPo & Rolling Stone both praised “Cuties”

Now both are attacking Sound of Freedom

They support the sexualization of kids yet they attack those trying to stop child sex trafficking?


Go watch the movie they don’t want us to see #SOFMovie

Jul 07, 2023, 1:56 PM

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5e84df No.70255

File: 9c322742f1c885a⋯.png (166.44 KB,594x597,198:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143498 (081108ZJUL23) Notable: @laralogan This is the real threat we are all facing together - left & right(mp4)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


This is the real threat we are all facing together - left & right. Focussing on political theatre & engineered division is exactly where they want people on both sides. Call them out - they call you crazy. It is so obvious. Don’t fall for it.

Quote Tweet





12:00 AM · Jul 8, 2023




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5e84df No.70256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143504 (081111ZJUL23) Notable: @WarClandestine Why are the Left/MSM so desperate to deter people from learning about human trafficking and pedophilia?Because they are in on it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The one red pill that changes you the most, is child sex trafficking.

Not only it’s prevalence, but the lengths the Left/MSM go to cover it up.

Why are the Left/MSM so desperate to deter people from learning about human trafficking and pedophilia?

Because they are in on it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70257

File: 8c6b6813a4bd335⋯.png (1.28 MB,452x989,452:989,Clipboard.png)

File: 31be5ad410ff985⋯.jpg (61.25 KB,461x680,461:680,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143511 (081114ZJUL23) Notable: @WarClandestine Why are the Left/MSM so desperate to deter people from learning about human trafficking and pedophilia?Because they are in on it

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70258

File: 4d6eb805b527dba⋯.png (358.21 KB,600x893,600:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143514 (081115ZJUL23) Notable: @DC_Draino Go watch the movie they don’t want us to see #SOFMovie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Lara Logan


The attacks on ‘Sound of Freedom’ tell you everything you need to know about the people & publications pushing these narratives. They do not reflect the views of the vast majority of decent people everywhere & for too long they have had information dominance which has enabled a minority to shove their ideology down the throats of the majority. No more.

Quote Tweet





This is unreal @JackPosobiec

WaPo & Rolling Stone both praised “Cuties”

Now both are attacking Sound of Freedom

They support the sexualization of kids yet they attack those trying to stop child sex trafficking?


Go watch the movie they don’t want us to see #SOFMovie





11:48 PM · Jul 7, 2023




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5e84df No.70259

File: 0067b0c48eb5d7f⋯.png (130.59 KB,532x269,532:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143520 (081116ZJUL23) Notable: @DC_Draino Go watch the movie they don’t want us to see #SOFMovie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





See new Tweets





Jun 9

Why do we never see women dressed as men demanding to dance in front of kids?

Why is it all men dressed as women wanting to dance in front of kids?

Elon Musk


Good question

12:26 PM · Jun 9, 2023




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5e84df No.70260

File: 8be59751ccfa94b⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143525 (081119ZJUL23) Notable: @laralogan This is the real threat we are all facing together - left & right(mp4)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70261

File: 03a8216fd37faeb⋯.png (29.29 KB,609x611,609:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143551 (081131ZJUL23) Notable: @GenFlynn #GuardTheVote

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General Mike Flynn










Quote Tweet





Is anyone really surprised that Zuck, the guy who spent over $400 million to “fortify” the election for Joe Biden in 2020, is now trying to stop Elon from giving Americans free speech before the 2024 election?

12:28 AM · Jul 8, 2023




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5e84df No.70262

File: 3e3c487ea3a415e⋯.png (207.43 KB,596x411,596:411,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f0762a9155e1e1⋯.png (630.5 KB,733x397,733:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143569 (081138ZJUL23) Notable: @dailymail Now health professionals are urged to call vaginas 'bonus holes' to avoid offending patients

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







Now health professionals are urged to call vaginas 'bonus holes' to avoid offending patients dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1

Now health professionals are urged to call vaginas 'bonus holes'

EXCLUSIVE: Women have condemned a charity after it suggested the vagina could instead be referred to as 'the bonus hole' to avoid upsetting non-binary or trans men.


Jul 08, 2023, 12:20 AM

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5e84df No.70263

File: 2d4ce114a382e85⋯.png (252.05 KB,423x573,141:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143575 (081143ZJUL23) Notable: Why The Dutch Government Collapsed, What Happens Now

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Steve Bannon: Michael Called This Collapse on WarRoom…The Invasion Starts to Topple Governments…

Dutch government collapses over immigration policy - Reuters



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5e84df No.70264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143656 (081234ZJUL23) Notable: #23512

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Twice Baked Dough made of Potato


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70265

File: e79fe44b90cee79⋯.jpeg (659.43 KB,1170x1195,234:239,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143720 (081251ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Rolling Stone is getting ratio’d to death.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rolling Stone is getting ratio’d to death.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70266

File: 44d781b226a3f41⋯.png (314.15 KB,609x771,203:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e579db407d201b⋯.jpg (171.05 KB,1057x694,1057:694,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9bf13e05bcd5e88⋯.jpg (174.52 KB,1061x691,1061:691,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 641e415cf49bfd6⋯.jpg (175.41 KB,1050x687,350:229,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 47ad9080a8aa03d⋯.jpg (173.29 KB,954x674,477:337,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143760 (081300ZJUL23) Notable: Flashback - The Finders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Research this... "The Finders"...CIA...

When you realize (pic 1) is true, then the other 4 pics(out of 21 total pages) will tell you how bad it is...

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5e84df No.70267

File: 5013a68c1b047f8⋯.jpeg (687.72 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143819 (081315ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Rolling Stone is getting ratio’d to death.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I guess Q(anon) just ain't goin' away.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70268

File: b3ebbc8d72408eb⋯.png (705.95 KB,1010x1386,505:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143885 (081333ZJUL23) Notable: Germany going Dutch? - NOW - Clashes around the "Eritrea Festival" in #Gießen, Germany. More than 1,000 police officers are deployed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NOW - Clashes around the "Eritrea Festival" in #Gießen, Germany. More than 1,000 police officers are deployed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70269

File: 10070adc54d0bb4⋯.jpeg (78.39 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143898 (081334ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8 Jul, 2023 07:24

‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

A US official has defended the decision to supply Ukraine with the weapons, which are banned in more than 100 countries

US fears of Russian success on the battlefield outweigh concerns that deliveries of cluster bombs to Ukraine could result in civilian casualties, a senior Pentagon official acknowledged on Friday. (Even though Russia’s operation free trapped citizens; the Pentagon knows its Russian citizens that get blown up)

Speaking to reporters, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl defended the White House’s decision to approve another $800 million weapons package for Ukraine, including cluster munitions. The weapons are banned in more than 100 countries.

When they detonate, the munitions release many small bomblets over a wide area. A percentage of bomblets fail to detonate on impact, however, and unexploded elements pose severe risks to civilians for years after fighting ends.

Asked if the Pentagon has assured its allies that the munitions will not cause excessive civilian harm, Kahl replied: “I’m as concerned about the humanitarian circumstance as anybody,but the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine is for Russia to win the war. And so it’s important that they don’t.” (Regardless of the armaments Ukraine receives, they have already lost! This narrative that they can win, is all for the narrative for the dogs of war to get more dead Ukrainians. As Zelensky said, “Ukraine is the perfect testing ground for new armaments!)

He added thatKiev had promisednot to use cluster munitions in civilian-populated urban areas and to keep records of where the weapons are deployed to make future de-mining efforts easier. The official also portrayed the deliveries as a stop-gap measure until Kiev’s Western backers can ramp up production of conventional shells.

In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, US President Joe Biden described the decision to supply the controversial shells to Ukraine as “difficult.” He said that it was in part motivated by the fact that both Kiev and Washington recognise a deficit in ordinary ammunition, adding that Ukraine “needed” cluster munitions to prevent Russia from stopping its ongoing counteroffensive.

Commenting on the announcement, Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador to the US, called the move “a gesture of desperation,”adding that the West does not want to admit that Ukraine’s counteroffensive is faltering.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted by posting a clip of former White HousePress Secretary Jen Psakifrom late February 2022, days after the start of the Ukraine conflict, saying that theuse of cluster munitions could potentially be regarded as a war crime.


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5e84df No.70270

File: cb9e22a7a240d73⋯.png (109.56 KB,630x763,90:109,Clipboard.png)

File: f4b95a5c72c40fa⋯.png (185.15 KB,284x415,284:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143984 (081402ZJUL23) Notable: Karine Jean-Pierre: Racial preferences are an ‘important constitutional right’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Karine Jean-Pierre: Racial preferences

are an ‘important constitutional right’

American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson

Posted By: DW626, 7/8/2023 7:21:23 AM

Employing the euphemism “affirmative action,” President Biden’s press secretary claimed that there is a constitutional right to receive preferential treatment based on one’s race. She was discussing recent Supreme Court decisions on MSNBC with host Ari Melber, and made the extraordinary claim without citing any language in the Constitution – because of course there isn’t any to support her and, contrarily, language in the 14th Amendment that prohibits it. The bogus claim came a minute into a nearly 5 ½ minute, very friendly interview, and did not elicit any pushback from the host, or even any audible reaction to the claim.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143986 (081403ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Rolling Stone is getting ratio’d to death.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


it's beautiful

read the comments under Schiff tweets of Lindsey Graham tweets

every comment is based af

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70272

File: cdcbda7f32b08f3⋯.png (702.74 KB,689x673,689:673,Clipboard.png)

File: 0675c5a731de432⋯.png (1.79 MB,899x900,899:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19143991 (081405ZJUL23) Notable: Fox News Retracts Fake News Hit Piee on Donald Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fox News Retracts Fake News Hit Piece

on Donald Trump

Breitbart Politics, by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 7/8/2023 2:24:53 AM

Fox News retracted a hit piece against former President Donald Trump and admitted they “inaccurately attributed” an anti-Trump quote to former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. Fox News’s story had the following headline: “Former Trump Cabinet member tells him to ‘kiss’ his ‘butt.” The since-retracted, purportedly exclusive story read, in part: EXCLUSIVE: Former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price told Fox News Digital there’s “no way” he will support former President Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential bid. When asked whether he will endorse Trump, Price said, “After he fired me? No way.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70273

File: 0e0fe0d8c1b1a71⋯.png (308.6 KB,773x434,773:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 94a1d5e24a125ea⋯.png (81.46 KB,827x467,827:467,Clipboard.png)

File: b15bb77434e65ef⋯.png (87.47 KB,845x446,845:446,Clipboard.png)

File: e204800d3513154⋯.png (40.84 KB,711x309,237:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 38bbb0a82175338⋯.png (39.4 KB,713x306,713:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144017 (081412ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Rolling Stone Pedophile defender Author Miles Klee. Looks like father(?) has a Blackrock Connection. oh and lots of fake news.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Rolling Stone is getting ratio’d to death.


Pedophile defender AuthorMiles Klee.

Looks like father(?) has aBlackrock Connection

oh..and lots of fake news.


I was the loneliest pothead on ‘Tinder for stoners’

More weed for me, I guess.

Miles Klee

Miles Klee


Posted on Feb 10, 2015 Updated on May 29, 2021, 2:07 pm CDT

Noticing my growing frustration,my wife, Cecilia,posited a theory. “You’re not getting matched because you’re a guy,” she said. I didn’t want to believe this—getting stoned shouldn’t be a gendered thing, according to my hippie ideals.


of Miles Klee in Davis, CA

Brendan Klee

Age 35 (Nov 1987)

Clare Klee

Age 67 (Oct 1955)

Isabel Klee

Age 30 (Apr 1993)

Kenneth Klee

Age 69 (Oct 1953)


of Miles Klee in Davis, CA

Cecilia Lederer

Age 39(Oct 1983)

Madeline Gobbo

Age 32(Aug 1990)




Kenneth Klee

inSouth Orange, NJ (New Jersey)

Age 69

Current Address (Since July 1992)

384 Meadowbrook Ln

South Orange NJ 07079

Essex County

Kenneth Klee

Accomplished writer and editor on financial and business topics, with a current focus on climate finance and the energy transition. Strong record in both journalism and thought leadership at leading organizations.

South Orange, New Jersey, United States

532 followers 500+ connections

Join to view profile

BlackRock BlackRock

University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-Madison

Personal Website Personal WebsiteExternal link

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70274

File: 25e75e46adb6b18⋯.png (118.67 KB,818x400,409:200,Clipboard.png)

File: f5bd53426c248dc⋯.png (170.53 KB,756x1731,252:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144036 (081416ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Kenneth Klee. Writer. Blackrock. Newsweek, Other fake news

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Pedophile defender AuthorMiles Klee.

>Looks like father(?) has aBlackrock Connection

>oh..and lots of fake news.


>South Orange, New Jersey, United States

>532 followers 500+ connections

>Join to view profile

>BlackRock BlackRock

Writer, editor, consultant


Dec 2011 - Nov 20121 year

Thought leadership writing for clients including Boston Consulting Group

Visium Asset Management Graphic

Director of Communications

Visium Asset Management

Jul 2010 - Dec 20111 year 6 months

New York

The Deal LLC Graphic

Editor, Corporate Dealmaker

The Deal LLC

2003 - Jul 20107 years

Self-employed Graphic

Writer, editor, consultant


2000 - 20033 years

Columnist for SmartMoney.com and Inc. Magazine; contributor to Newsweek International, Newsweek Japan, The Deal. Edited and wrote white papers and other thought leadership materials for Accenture. Analyzed biotech and pharma dealmaking trends for Decision Resources.

Newsweek Graphic

Business Editor, International


1997 - 20003 years

Edited and wrote business section for international edition; covered international business topics for U.S. edition.

Institutional Investor Graphic

International Editor

Institutional Investor

1987 - 199811 years

Venture Magazine Graphic

Managing Editor

Venture Magazine

1984 - 19873 years

Datamation Magazine Graphic

Features Editor

Datamation Magazine

1980 - 19844 years

Forbes Magazine Graphic

Copy Editor

Forbes Magazine

1978 - 19802 years

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5e84df No.70275

File: 8ae3b396c22e3a2⋯.png (86.47 KB,1046x383,1046:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 675b704e1db0f56⋯.png (70.89 KB,927x476,927:476,Clipboard.png)

File: a83c53fcad91a58⋯.png (175.6 KB,1016x1177,1016:1177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144065 (081425ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Kenneth Klee. Writer. Blackrock. Newsweek, Other fake news

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CURRENTSpublished by BlackRock, Inc.please direct story ideas, comments and questions to: kenneth klee, editorTelephone 212-810-5681ken.klee@blackrock.comFind Currents on the web at blackrock.com/currents


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5e84df No.70276

File: baf566c04b50a2c⋯.png (238.72 KB,702x1492,351:746,Clipboard.png)

File: 63454fb7fc133de⋯.png (31.05 KB,436x454,218:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144106 (081435ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Clare C. Dixon Is Bride Of Kenneth Alan Klee. His father is a psychiatrist in Towson, Md.

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Miles Klee

Miles Klee is a novelist and web culture reporter. The former editor of the Daily Dot’s Unclick section, Klee’s essays, satire, and fiction have appeared in Lapham’s Quarterly, Vanity Fair, 3:AM, Salon, the Awl, the New York Observer, the Millions, and the Village Voice. He's the author of two odd books of fiction, 'Ivyland' and 'True False.'

> https://www.nytimes.com/1981/10/25/style/clare-c-dixon-is-bride-of-kenneth-alan-klee.html

Clare C. Dixon Is Bride Of Kenneth Alan Klee

Oct. 25, 1981

Clare Catherine Dixon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Dixon of Brooklyn, was married there yesterday toKenneth Alan Klee, son of Dr. Gerald D. Klee and Elizabeth Grace Klee, both of Baltimore. The Rev. Edward Kiernan performed the ceremony in St. Andrew the Apostle Roman Catholic Church.

The bride, advertising director for F.A.O. Schwarz,the New York toy store, was graduated from Notre Dame Academy in Grymes Hill, S. I., and Manhattanville College. Her father, a retired lawyer, was general solicitor for the New York Telephone Company in New York, and her mother, Gertrude Dixon, is a teacher in the New York City schools.

Mr. Klee, an associate editor at Datamation, a monthly trade magazine published by Dun & Bradstreet in New York, was graduated from Friends School in Baltimore and the University of Wisconsin at Madison.His father is a psychiatrist in Towson, Md.

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5e84df No.70277

File: ef76fc690a16112⋯.jpeg (78.47 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144136 (081444ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

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8 Jul, 2023 13:24

US-supplied cluster bombs will not affect Russian military operation – Moscow

Providing “yet another wonder weapon” to Kiev is nothing but an act of despair on Washington’s part, the foreign ministry has said

Washington’s decision to hand over cluster munitions to Kiev only shows that Ukraine and its Western backers are “powerless” to change the situation on the frontlines, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday.

The use of this new ammunition would hardly affect the Russian military campaign but would have “dire consequences” for civilians, she noted in a statement published by the ministry.

These bombs are nothing but “yet another ‘Wunderwaffe’ [wonder weapon] Washington and Kiev are betting on, without thinking about the harsh consequences” of its employment, Zakharova said, adding that previous uses of such munitions in the Middle East and other parts of the world showed that its bomblets could stay unexploded for a long time and go off after a conflict has ended.

“Through thecluster munition deliveries, Washingtonde-facto becomes anaccomplicein mining [Ukraine’s] territory and will share full responsibilityfor the deaths… of both Russian and Ukrainianchildren,” the spokeswoman stressed.

The continued expansion of weapon supplies to Kiev is aimed at “raising the stakes in this conflict to the maximum,” Zakharova warned, adding that such actions also show the US and its allies engaging more and more in the hostilities. This serves as yet another example of America’s “aggressive anti-Russian course,” she said, stressing that Washington is seeking to prolong the conflict for as long as possible and turn it into a “war to the last Ukrainian.”

Her words came a day after Washington approved another $800 million weapons package for Ukraine, including cluster munitions, despite America’s own legislation banning their export. US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl then defended the White House’s decision by saying that Russia’s victory would be “the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine,” even when compared to the potential harm inflicted by cluster bombs.

Some US allies have questioned the move. On Friday, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expressed a negative attitude to the idea, saying that Berlin is sticking to the Oslo agreements that ban cluster munitions. Austria, which is not a NATO member, said the West would be sending the wrong signal if such munitions are sent to a conflict zone.

The use of cluster bombs was also condemned by the UN and Human Rights Watch (HRW). The munitions were banned under a UN convention back in 2008. More than 110 nations have become parties to the agreement since then.

(It’s pretty interesting that EU countries are opposing cluster bombs but they don’t want to stop the war that have killed 130,000-150,000 Ukrainians soldiers die)


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5e84df No.70278

File: 97994e75645fb2a⋯.png (168.87 KB,853x1370,853:1370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144140 (081444ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Dr. Gerald D. Klee, was an LSD expert and participated in its experimentation on volunteer servicemen at several military installations in the 1950s

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>Fuck………………now that is a DOXXING!!!


>His father is a psychiatrist in Towson, Md.

His father is a psychiatrist in Towson, Md.

>His father is a psychiatrist in Towson, Md.


Dr. Gerald D. Klee, psychiatrist

By Frederick N. Rasmussen and The Baltimore Sun

Baltimore Sun

Mar 07, 2013 at 12:00 am

Dr. Gerald D. Klee, a retired psychiatrist whowas an LSD expert and participated in its experimentation on volunteer servicemen at several military installations in the 1950s,died Sunday of complications after surgery at the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center.

The longtime Timonium resident was 86.

Dr. Klee made headlines in 1975 when he confirmed published reports that the University of Maryland School of Medicine's Psychiatric Institute had been involved in secret research between 1956 and 1959, when hundreds of Army soldiers were given LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide.

He said that in addition to LSD, the Army was also experimenting with other hallucinogens as part of its chemical weapons research program.

Dr. Klee said the Army had negotiated a contract in 1956 with Dr. Jacob E. Finsinger, director of the University of Maryland's Psychiatric Institute, to conduct physiological and psychological tests on the soldiers.

"A large proportion of the people who have gotten involved in research in this area have been harebrained and irresponsible — Timothy Leary being the most notorious example — and a lot of the stuff that has been published reflects that," Dr. Klee told The Evening Sun in a 1975 interview.

"We didn't have any axes to grind, and the university's role was to conduct scientific experimentation," he said. "The interests of the University of Maryland group were purely scientific, and the military was just there."

Dr. Klee said soldiers from military posts around the country were brought to Edgewood Arsenal and Aberdeen Proving Ground to participate in experiments involving various drugs and chemical warfare agents, of which the hallucinogens were a small part, reported the newspaper.

"They were mostly enlisted men — there were a few commissioned officers — but they were mostly unlettered and rather naive," said Dr. Klee. "Now the people knew they were volunteering, the bonus was leave time — seeing their girlfriends and mothers and that kind of thing. They had a lot of free time and most of them enjoyed it."

Dr. Klee said he and his colleagues from the University of Maryland tried to explain to the volunteers what to expect.

"They were told it was very important to national security," he said in The Evening Sun interview.

Before the experiments commenced, Dr. Klee experimented with LSD.

"I figured that if I was going to study this stuff, then I've got to experience it myself," he told The Evening Sun. "I felt obliged to take it for experimental reasons and also because I didn't think it would be fair to administer a drug to someone else that I hadn't taken myself."

The LSD was slipped into cocktails at a party in the soldiers' honor. While this approach garnered criticism, Dr. Klee said the Army and civilian researchers acted responsibly.

"I was there and I didn't like it, but thought I might be of help to the victims," Dr. Klee told The Washington Post in the 1975 interview.

The civilian team quickly learned about those who had experienced "bad trips." Dr. Klee also explained to them that they could control their behavior.

He said he did not know of any lasting ill effects on the soldiers but added that university researchers followed the cases only during their month stay at Edgewood.

"What the Army did after that, I don't know. I've given many hours thought to that. I wish I did know," he said in the interview.

"I think he felt unease about this," said a son, Kenneth A. Klee, an editor and writer who lives in South Orange, N.J.

In an email, Mr. Klee wrote that this father and his colleagues accepted the military money because they thought it was "important science." He added that because they were World War II veterans and the nation was mired in the Cold War, it "didn't seem unreasonable."

"I do know my dad did his best to do right (and conduct real science — the two were closely linked for him) and that he disapproved of the unethical acts he witnessed. Hence his willingness to be vocal on the subject a few years later," his son wrote.

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5e84df No.70279

File: 8ba93020b1b0246⋯.jpg (119.26 KB,1440x987,480:329,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 952504deec494f0⋯.png (230.19 KB,1054x279,34:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144159 (081450ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Scientist. German name. Brother from Austria. Worked on LSD eperiments. Honk. Op Paperclip?

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>was an LSD expert and participated in its experimentation on volunteer servicemen at several military installations in the 1950s,died S

In 1975, the Army admitted that it had administered LSD to nearly 1,500 people between 1956 and 1967, including 585 at Edgewood.

Dr. Klee later led the unsuccessful effort to persuade President Richard M. Nixon to renounce the use of LSD as a chemical weapon.

Gerald D'Arcy Klee was born and raised in Bay Ridge in Brooklyn, N.Y., and was a 1944 graduate of Fort Hamilton High School. He enlisted in the Army and served in Paris with the Office of Liquidation until being discharged in 1946.

After earning a bachelor's degree in 1948 from McGill University, he graduated in 1952 from Harvard Medical School.

He interned from 1952 to 1953 at the U.S. Public Health Hospital on Staten Island, N.Y., and from 1954 to 1956 completed a residency in psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University and the Veterans Hospital at Perry Point.

From 1959 to 1967, he was director of the Division of Adult Outpatient Psychiatry at the University of Maryland, and served in a similar capacity at Temple University from 1967 to 1970.

Dr. Klee also was a medical educator who taught at the University of Maryland, Temple and Hopkins. He also maintained a private practice until retiring in 2000.

His interests included the Chesapeake Bay, art and music. He enjoyed swimming and reading, especially in the fields of mythology and classical literature.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at the Collins Funeral Home, 500 University Blvd. W, Silver Spring.

In addition to his son, Dr. Klee is survived by another son, Brian D. Klee of Waterford, Conn.; three daughters, Susan E. Klee of Chevy Chase, Louise E. Klee of Takoma Park and Sheila G. Klee of New York City;a brother, Raymond Klee of Innsbruck, Austria;and 11 grandchildren. His four marriages ended in divorce.







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5e84df No.70280

File: 533d5fc75aa1456⋯.png (44.1 KB,665x368,665:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144180 (081455ZJUL23) Notable: Shocking moment paedophile drags suitcase containing 12-year-old schoolgirl to his flat to abuse her after snatching her off the street in Brazil and telling her she would be his sex slave

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Shocking moment paedophile drags suitcase

containing 12-year-old schoolgirl to his

flat to abuse her after snatching her

off the street in Brazil and telling her

she would be his sex slave

Daily Mail (UK), by Alexander Butler

Posted By: Imright, 7/8/2023 10:12:45 AM

This is the shocking moment a paedophile drags a suitcase containing a 12-year-old girl into his flat after kidnapping her and telling her she would be his 'sex slave'. The footage, captured in Luziania, Brazil, shows 42-year-old Daniel Moraes Bittar struggling to pull the suitcase behind him up two flights of stairs after he kidnapped the girl from outside her school on 28 June. Bittar kidnapped the child with his 22-year-old girlfriend Gesielly Souza Vieira who bundled her into their car and held a chloroform-soaked cloth to her face as he threatened her with a knife.

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5e84df No.70281

File: 05ed4c546b14bac⋯.jpeg (287.46 KB,1239x1441,1239:1441,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: adc93652ecabc6d⋯.jpeg (375.63 KB,1608x1462,804:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144184 (081456ZJUL23) Notable: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan Insinuates Construction Workers as Potential Source of Cocaine Discovered in ‘Under Construction’ Situation Room

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5e84df No.70282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144190 (081458ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Scientist. German name. Brother from Austria. Worked on LSD eperiments. Honk. Op Paperclip?

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I was 100 percentile asvab

admitted prolific lsd use and was recruited for 20 year cia/reckon programs at 15

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5e84df No.70283

File: 95c9022b597bfcb⋯.png (1.62 MB,1831x1825,1831:1825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144228 (081507ZJUL23) Notable: Clockfags on the Clock

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QClock July 7, 2023

Public Money

*It's perhaps not a 1:1 connection, but I think it drives the point.

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5e84df No.70284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144237 (081510ZJUL23) Notable: 'This is exactly wrong - as usual': Rand Paul rips Lindsey Graham for claiming that Ukrainian NATO membership would help foster peace

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'This is exactly wrong - as usual': Rand Paul rips Lindsey Graham for claiming that Ukrainian NATO membership would help foster peace

July 7,2023

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky publicly spurned Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-S.C.) claim that adding Ukraine to NATO would help foster peace, noting that such a move could draw the U.S. into a war against Russia.

"I will be working with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate to pass a resolution urging the admission of Ukraine into NATO. The best way to prevent future wars and promote peace is to create security guarantees that make aggressor nations think twice before starting wars. Ukrainian NATO membership is vital to the future security of Europe and the world. I believe there is an overwhelming majority of Senators supporting this proposition," Graham tweeted.

"Absolutely not. This is exactly wrong - as usual - and could very well lead us to war with Russia, something no one should want," Paul tweeted in response to Graham's post.


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5e84df No.70285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144264 (081517ZJUL23) Notable: #23511 posted in #23512

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tyb, tybv!

For Incoming baker

notetaker note

Please check.

If there are any oddities, please correct them.

If I missed something, I apologize.

>>>/qresearch/19142754 Q Research General #23511: Bullet Bread Bewb Edition

>>70234 DOUGH


#23511 >>70234

>>70235 It’s the first crack I’ve seen in WEF captain Klaus Schwab’s team of puppet globalist “government” front-men leadership

>>70236, >>70263 Why The Dutch Government Collapsed, What Happens Now

>>70237 @RollingStone 'Sound of Freedom,' the QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking, is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.(DELTA: Q3355 The time has come to re_enter the public domain. Q )

>>70238 Twitter Poll: Trump 74%

>>70239 REMINDER: the Hewlett Foundation announced a $10 million commitment to support research on U.S. democracy’s digital disinformation problem

>>70240 Republicans Want to Mandate a Single Style of Architecture in Washington

>>70241, >>70242 Raskin passes on Senate bid

>>70243 Arthritis - prevent Arthritis in pigs Dr. Wallach Pigs Arthritis formula(YouTube vid)

>>70244 @KariLakeWarRoom @katiehobbs spends her days hiding in her office and ruling via executive order(mp4)

>>70245 Bulgaria: 10 People were Detained for Migrant Trafficking in a Police Operation today

>>70246 @TheNatPulse Big Tech corporations including Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook spent at least a quarter a billion dollars killing legislation aimed at regulating their censorship of conservatives

>>70247, >>70249 Not every post is intended to deceive.The conduit and the information source had to appear authentic and real information was shared.There's a Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication that explains further if you are interested(pdf)

>>70248 LizCrokin People are always asking me what they can do to combat child sex trafficking.America's Future is kicking off a Get In The Fight awareness campaign that includes education and training on Aug. 17 in Sarasota, Florida as part of Project Defend and Protect Our Children

>>70250 World's first robot-human press conference at UN AI summit

>>70251, >>70252, >>70253 Wayfair denies Reddit human sex trafficking conspiracy theory

>>70254, >>70258, >>70259 @DC_Draino Go watch the movie they don’t want us to see #SOFMovie

>>70255, >>70260 @laralogan This is the real threat we are all facing together - left & right(mp4)

>>70256, >>70257 @WarClandestine Why are the Left/MSM so desperate to deter people from learning about human trafficking and pedophilia?Because they are in on it

>>70261 @GenFlynn #GuardTheVote

>>70262 @dailymail Now health professionals are urged to call vaginas 'bonus holes' to avoid offending patients


Sorry, I don't have the ability to hear English, this sounds important, but I'm not sure ...

>>>/qresearch/19142942, >>>/qresearch/19142955, >>>/qresearch/19142978, >>>/qresearch/19142980, >>>/qresearch/19142993 will allow a "chip" implant(mp4)


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5e84df No.70286

File: ae592b128a99468⋯.jpeg (714.05 KB,1170x806,45:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144294 (081525ZJUL23) Notable: New North Carolina community will require American flags on all homes

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New North Carolina community will require American flags on all homes

Fankhauser said each resident will be given an American flag upon moving in and will have agreed to display it in front of their homes at all times.

Updated: 1:21 PM EDT July 7, 2023

GASTONIA, N.C. — A new community in Gastonia, North Carolina, set to welcome new residents by early 2024, is causing quite a stir online.

The 43-home neighborhood called 1776 Gastonia has just completed its infrastructure. The made-to-order homes will be available for purchase in the next few months.

Here's the talker: Each home will be required to fly an American flag in front of their homes.

"We're handling the American flag like an architectural element," Brock Fankhauser, the owner and founder of Great American Homes, said. "We are installing it similarly to a fixture."

For the latest breaking news, weather and traffic alerts, download the WCNC Charlotte mobile app and enable push notifications.

Fankhauser said each resident will be given an American flag upon moving in and will have agreed to display it in front of their homes at all times. Though, Fankhauser stressed his community is not associated with any particular political party.

"I've also said it's very important for us to distance ourselves from any political movement, any political party, and any political figures," he said. "We are completely detached from that."


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5e84df No.70287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144352 (081539ZJUL23) Notable: #23512

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#23512 >>70264

>>70266 Flashback - The Finders

>>70268 Germany going Dutch? - NOW - Clashes around the "Eritrea Festival" in #Gießen, Germany. More than 1,000 police officers are deployed.

>>70269, >>70277 ‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

>>70270 Karine Jean-Pierre: Racial preferences are an ‘important constitutional right’

>>70272 Fox News Retracts Fake News Hit Piee on Donald Trump

>>70280 Shocking moment paedophile drags suitcase containing 12-year-old schoolgirl to his flat to abuse her after snatching her off the street in Brazil and telling her she would be his sex slave

>>70281 US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan Insinuates Construction Workers as Potential Source of Cocaine Discovered in ‘Under Construction’ Situation Room

>>70283 Clockfags on the Clock

>>70284 'This is exactly wrong - as usual': Rand Paul rips Lindsey Graham for claiming that Ukrainian NATO membership would help foster peace

>>70286 New North Carolina community will require American flags on all homes

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5e84df No.70288

File: 90ebba3727d674d⋯.jpeg (112.71 KB,680x668,170:167,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144368 (081541ZJUL23) Notable: #23513

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5e84df No.70289

File: c2a808d6bfed18f⋯.mp4 (8.68 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144441 (081558ZJUL23) Notable: Quoting a BLIZZARD of erroneous laws with varying degrees of accuracy.

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Anons got this!

Love ya, Baker.

Now time for some DQice cream.

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5e84df No.70290

File: 2dc1cfff0230e27⋯.png (171.21 KB,919x792,919:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144469 (081612ZJUL23) Notable: Come see the new shill movie "You made the list", coming soon to a shill near (You)

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You know what I think? I think what you're trying to do is 'herd' Anons into sending messages en masse that a corrupt prosecutor would bring to a corrupt judge to be 'code' for THREATS OF VIOLENCE.

"You made the list" will then be coopted by criminals.

Then therapists will deceive impressionable and vulnerable people to 'take back control' where fake news will be ready and waiting yo produce a 'movie moment' to then blast it all over and provide cover to the satanic pedo cult.

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5e84df No.70291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144529 (081628ZJUL23) Notable: Quoting a BLIZZARD of erroneous laws with varying degrees of accuracy.

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after a Blizzard comes an Avalanche

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5e84df No.70292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144532 (081629ZJUL23) Notable: Quoting a BLIZZARD of erroneous laws with varying degrees of accuracy.

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>after a Blizzard comes an Avalanche


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5e84df No.70293

File: a6373f8089e4d87⋯.png (316.15 KB,1228x528,307:132,Clipboard.png)

File: 52c4e9b211c7294⋯.png (151.11 KB,590x575,118:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144591 (081643ZJUL23) Notable: Here is Jen Psaki in 2022 saying that using cluster bombs is a war crime

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My statement on providing cluster munitions to Ukraine:

1:23 PM · Jul 7, 2023

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5e84df No.70294

File: 581a10346d66bb1⋯.png (180.89 KB,596x545,596:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 486efe25734ddde⋯.png (204.13 KB,587x680,587:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fdad93c9b5d372⋯.png (483.83 KB,781x744,781:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144610 (081647ZJUL23) Notable: Here is Jen Psaki in 2022 saying that using cluster bombs is a war crime

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But Jen Psaki says it's a war crime to use cluster bombs..


BREAKING: Here is Jen Psaki in 2022 saying that using cluster bombs is a war crime

The Biden Admin is sending cluster bomber to Ukraine today

5:56 PM · Jul 7, 2023

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5e84df No.70295

File: 3e63fdae1672def⋯.jpeg (37.93 KB,267x280,267:280,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144625 (081653ZJUL23) Notable: The 'Titanic' Aldrich Plan for a Federal Reserve

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Power Grab: The Aldrich Plan for a Federal Reserve

Above: "The Octopus." Frontispiece of Alfred Owen Crozier's book U.S. Money vs. Corporation Currency: "Aldrich Plan" (Cincinnati, OH: The Magnet Co., 1912).

On 9 January 1912, a Report of the National Monetary Commission headed by Rhode Island Sen. Nelson W. Aldrich presented to the Senate Finance Committee of the U.S. Congress a bill to create a "National Reserve Act" - a plan popularly known as "The Aldrich Plan."

Wikipedia: "It provided for one great central bank, the National Reserve Association, with a capital of at least $100 million and with 15 branches in various sections. The branches were to be controlled by the member banks on a basis of their capitalization. The National Reserve Association would issue [paper] currency, based on gold and commercial paper, that would be the liability of the bank and not of the government. It would also carry a portion of member banks’ reserves, determine discount reserves, buy and sell on the open market, and hold the deposits of the federal government. The branches and businessmen of each of the 15 districts would elect thirty out of the 39 members of the board of directors of the National Reserve Association.

"Aldrich fought for a private monopoly with little government influence, but conceded that the government should be represented on the Board of Directors."

Put into plain English, this was the bill proposing that Congress create a Federal Reserve System - a system that would require every single small-town bank in America to park their reserves with a small and secretive group of bankers from Wall Street who would then "look after" the reserves for the federal government.

Oh, by the way, the same group of Wall Street bankers would have the exclusive right to print paper currency for the United States government, and this bill would also require every single citizen of the United States to pay a personal income tax.

Did we mention that the paper currency or "Federal Reserve Notes" would actually be I.O.U.s or loans, on which the federal government would owe interest to the bankers?

Hmmm. There was a lot to think about in the Aldrich Plan.

After thinking about it for a while, a lot of people (including some pretty rich people, like banker John Jacob Astor IV of New York) decided they didn't much like the sound of the Aldrich Plan. For some reason, something just didn't sound right.

In fact the Aldrich Plan was so controversial that it was splitting the Republican Party right down the middle during an election year. Many Republicans were backing Morgan, Aldrich and their "Money Trust." But just as many liberal Republicans thought that this was a classic case of a "bad" monopoly that would hurt small banks, hurt consumers and hurt the country's economy in general.

These "progressive" Republicans wanted to kill this plan for a banking trust, and they planned to vote for Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican trust buster who had initiated 44 anti-trust lawsuits during his eight years in the White House. In 1902 Roosevelt had busted J.P. Morgan's railroad trust, the Northern Securities Corporation, wide open.

Taft was a trust buster too. In fact, during his four years in the White House, from 1908 to 1912, Taft had brought 90 lawsuits against big business under the Sherman Anti-Trust act. But Taft did not distinguish between "good monopolies" and "bad monopolies" and he was taking a legal stick to any business that looked big.

Taft had also riled the liberal and "progressive" Republicans of his party by backing the Payne-Aldrich Act - a racket that enforced high tariffs for the benefit of Aldrich and his cronies but hurt everyone else.

Among the Republican millionaires on board the RMS Titanic, several were friends and business partners of J.P. Morgan, but they were sick of Aldrich and they had decided to kill the Aldrich Plan. They were on board Morgan's ship, but they were not on board with Morgan's political plans.

In fact, when they got to New York, they were planning to attend the upcoming Republican primaries and to do something about it. They were going to vote Taft and Aldrich down, effectively killing Morgan's plans for a Federal Reserve.

John Jacob Astor was an especially big headache for Morgan. Morgan's group had invested more than $28 million in the Astor Trust, an important New York bank, but Astor was now talking about back-stabbing Morgan and the circle of Wall Street bankers who wanted to be the leaders of the new "National Reserve Association."

How could this problem be fixed?


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5e84df No.70296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144631 (081654ZJUL23) Notable: Quoting a BLIZZARD of erroneous laws with varying degrees of accuracy.

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Apr 28, 2020 10:07:26 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6


Dates are important.

SWC drop [Dec 16] to closure - coincidence?

Soros invest [Feb 14] BLIZZARD- coincidence?

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

When [why] do you 'expose' what you know publicly?


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5e84df No.70297

File: f15fbb7ea2c6651⋯.png (87.87 KB,708x760,177:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144633 (081654ZJUL23) Notable: Quoting a BLIZZARD of erroneous laws with varying degrees of accuracy.

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5e84df No.70298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144635 (081655ZJUL23) Notable: The 'Titanic' Aldrich Plan for a Federal Reserve

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==Millionaires Who Did Board Titanic

Old Friends of Teddy Roosevelt==

Col. John Jacob Astor IV

Maj. Archibald Butt

Silver Barons opposed to paper currency

Margaret Tobin Brown

Benjamin Guggenheim

Zionist Opposition

Isidor and Ida Straus

Pennsylvanian Railroad and Coal Clique

William and Lucile Carter

John Borland Thayer Jr.

John Borland Thayer III


Charles Hays, railroad business rival of Morgan's

Harry Molson

Collateral Damage

Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon and his wife Lucile

William Dulles

Frederick Maxfield Hoyt

Clarence Moore

Countess of Rothes

Emil Taussig

George Dunton Widener and Eleanor


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5e84df No.70299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144645 (081658ZJUL23) Notable: The 'Titanic' Aldrich Plan for a Federal Reserve

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Battle of the Titans: Taft v Roosevelt

Many of the Republican millionaires on board RMS Titanic were heading home to Philadelphia to participate in the party primary that was being held there from 13 to 16 April 1912.

The Republican Primaries of April 1912 marked the beginning of a deep split in the Republican Party, resulting from a Titanic power struggle between the incumbent President William Howard Taft (Morgan's agent) and former president Theodore Roosevelt(backed by J.J. Astor and other men who had served with Roosevelt in Cuba).

A Vicious Power Struggle within the Republican Party

This was the first year for Republican primaries.

Roosevelt overwhelmingly won the primaries — and yet, through clever maneuvering by Morgan and Taft, he lost the party nomination.

Roosevelt won 9 out of 12 states (8 by landslide margins). Taft won only the state of Massachusetts (by a small margin); he even lost his home state of Ohio to Roosevelt.

Senator Robert M. La Follette, an anti-Morgan reformer who loudly opposed the Aldrich Plan, won two states.

Through the primaries, Senator LaFollette won a total of 36 delegates; President Taft won 48 delegates; and Roosevelt won 278 delegates.

That means Roosevelt won the Republican Party's nomination to run as their candidate for president, right? Wrong!

Dirty Tricks Campaign

Unfortunately for Teddy, 36 states did not hold primaries. Their delegates were chosen by state conventions, which were controlled by party politics, not by the voter. Many of the state delegates were contested.

Taft controlled the Republican National Committee, which had the power to make decisions on contested delegates. They awarded 235 of the contested delegates to Taft and 19 to Roosevelt. As a result, Roosevelt's delegates abstained from voting at his request.

The 1912 National Convention of the Republican Party of the United States was held at the Chicago Coliseum, Chicago, Illinois, from June 18 to June 22, 1912. The party nominated William Howard Taft from Ohio for re-election as President of the United Statesand James S. Sherman of New York for re-election as Vice President.

Sherman died days before the election, and was replaced as Republican vice-presidential nominee by Nicholas M. Butler of New York.


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5e84df No.70300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144656 (081701ZJUL23) Notable: If our government can't do it's job, why are we still paying these people?

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Well folks they supposedly couldn’t find the leaker in the very small Community of the Supreme Court. Do you really think they’ll admit to who is responsible for the cocaine

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5e84df No.70301

File: 93f07f5aca3692d⋯.jpg (164.94 KB,720x1381,720:1381,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144670 (081705ZJUL23) Notable: Madonna’s Twins Saw Her Unconscious Before She Was Revived by Narcan Injection

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Tragic Discovery: Madonna’s Twins Saw Her Unconscious Before She Was Revived by Quick-Thinking Aide With Narcan Injection

Don't we all have quick thinking aide with a narcan Injections on stand by for sudden septic attacks.

How did the quick thinking aide know how to handle sepsis with a narcon injection?

Madonna's twins thought their mom had died — it has been claimed. Estere and Stella, the pop star’s 10-year-old twins, were said to be inconsolable when they saw the commotion as their mother lay cold and unresponsive during the June 24 medical emergency at her New York City townhouse.

But a quick-thinking aide saved the 64-year-old by administering a NARCAN injection which is being credited with saving her life, as RadarOnline.com detailed in a blockbuster exclusive.

The NARCAN injection was used to combat acute septic shock, a life-threatening condition caused when the body releases chemicals to fight infection. These chemicals damage the body's own tissues and organs — and can lead to shock, organ failure, and death.

“The entire ordeal left the twins understandably shocked, upset, and in tears,” a source told RadarOnline.com.

Article continues below advertisement

“People inside the house were quick to shield Estere and Stella from seeing their mother unconscious. No one wanted them to see their mother in that state. Imagine the anguish of thinking their mom had died," the insider explained.

As RadarOnline.com previously reported, the Material Girl singer was intubated for at least one night at a New York hospital before having the tube removed. The official explanation has been that a serious bacterial infection put her in intensive care.

She had spent days hooked up to a ventilator while her family was told to "expect the worst."

Is madonna brain ded?

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5e84df No.70302

File: 41fe626d32bc082⋯.jpeg (181.61 KB,826x1212,413:606,Clipboard.jpeg)

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5e84df No.70303

File: 4a188c2a9cec781⋯.jpg (31.13 KB,382x386,191:193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1ca27cc641eed4b⋯.jpg (54.41 KB,909x351,101:39,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9283aed3a8c4361⋯.jpg (26.28 KB,280x204,70:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144711 (081714ZJUL23) Notable: Please REPORT anything that looks sketchy. THIS IP HASH HAS BEEN PERMA-BANNED.

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>Peterson interview Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard

>Are they protecting pedos?

This interview has been posted many times, also notabled.

eg -

>>69638 Jim Caviezel and tim ballard Sound of Freedom Interview

BVs don't remove interviews. Only time it can happen is if a blended shill mixes in a dig with shill posts in order to create confusion.

speaking of which...


this morning, a CP poster started something new, posting "cartoons" that are sick, one showed a children in four-point restraints on a bed among other things. Posted CAP to show the STYLE. It's always creepy but looks like a harmless cartoon if you don't look too closely. Not on Tineye.

Please REPORT anything that looks sketchy.


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5e84df No.70304

File: 1d92a54bb7d81c7⋯.jpeg (776.95 KB,1170x1472,585:736,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144713 (081715ZJUL23) Notable: #Antifa in Portland, Ore. have been using Twitter to organize an attack on an Evangelical Christian "Jesus March" today

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#Antifa in Portland, Ore. have been using Twitter to organize an attack on an Evangelical Christian "Jesus March" today (July 8). Prior Evangelical gatherings in Portland have been violently targeted by Antifa, who thew explosive devices at families and children.






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5e84df No.70305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144718 (081716ZJUL23) Notable: The 'Titanic' Aldrich Plan for a Federal Reserve

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

William Waldorf Astor and the Cliveden Set

William Waldorf Astor was the cousin of Titanic victim John Jacob Astor IV, but he deserves attention for several reasons:

1) He was a business partner of J.J.'s - they built the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York together.

2) He owned the Pall Mall Magazine and Pall Mall Gazette in London, publications that once employed journalist William T. Stead (another Titanic victim) as their editor.

3) While William T. Stead worked as editor at the Pall Mall Gazette in London, he made the acquaintance of another important person on Mr. Astor's payroll:Alfred Milner, later Lord Milner, the founder of the 1909 Roundtable movement, apowerful group of men identified by many writers as the "invisible government" that secretly runs the governments of Britain and the United States. Lord Milner's group certainly founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs, an influential think tank in London, and theCouncil of Foreign Relations in the United States, a group of ministers who seem to set the foreign policy for both countries without ever having been elected to do so.

4) William Waldorf Astor was an Egyptian rite mason of high degree, and his stories on the subject of Egypt (published in the Pall Mall Magazine), when combined with his clear record of collecting Egyptian antiquities, help to explain why John Jacob Astor IV and his newly wed wife, Madeleine, chose to go to Egypt for their honeymoon. The spring equinox rituals of Isis play an important role in the beliefs of Egyptian rite masons.

5) During the 1920s and the 1930s, William Astor's English mansion, Cliveden, later became the home base of what was known as the Cliveden Set, a group of extremely wealthy and extremely conservative British nationalists who supported Hitler and the rise of fascism in Europe. For the British, they are still a source of much embarrassment and argument: It seems their political powerbase never really went away. British researchers hark back to them for much the same reason that American historians explore President Bush's family history. The political constellations of 1912 help to explain and clarify much of what is going on today.


His cousin that was killed by Morgan, joined the Cabal that is running the country and world today.

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5e84df No.70306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144751 (081722ZJUL23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump Deranged Jack Smith just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt

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Donald J Trump




Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor that Corrupt Joe Biden and his Thugs stuck on me during the political campaign in which Biden is losing “BIG” (an absolute No, No!), just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt. Biden’s Special Prosecutor, by comparison, has spent almost nothing. Prosecutorial Misconduct for purposes of Election Interference!


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5e84df No.70307

File: 74339f4042cf2f7⋯.png (480.92 KB,1068x715,1068:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144796 (081729ZJUL23) Notable: Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!

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Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!

by Joe Hoft Jul. 13, 2019 8:03 am


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5e84df No.70308

File: 0295997d28ab1f9⋯.jpeg (13.41 KB,220x300,11:15,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8eff6771299632b⋯.jpeg (41.66 KB,226x320,113:160,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144815 (081731ZJUL23) Notable: The 'Titanic' Aldrich Plan for a Federal Reserve

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

John Jacob Astor IV and the "War of the Currents"

Millions of reasons to kill John Jacob Astor IV—he was killed on the maiden voyage of the Titanic because he opposed the J. P Morgan plan to create the Federal reserve! And HE backed Tesla

1. Astor's huge fortune and financial empire: The Astor Trust

2.Friendship with Nikola Tesla and investments in Tesla's Experiments

3. Business partnerships with J.P. Morgan in Niagara power station schemes

4. War of the Currents (AC vs DC, metered electricity versus free electricity)

5. J.P. Morgan's decision to back Thomas Edison and metered electricity

6.Opposition by Astor, who continues to back Tesla

7. First Wife: Ava Lowle Willing

8. A Nasty Divorce: Yet Another Motive for Murder?

9. Ava remarries in 1911 to an English Baron: Thomas Lister, 4th Baron Ribblesdale

10. J.J. remarries in 1911 to a young beauty: Madeleine Talmadge Force

11. Social scandal convinces the newly weds to get out of town

12. Honeymoon in Egypt

Had to remove link it stated it was spam

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5e84df No.70309

File: 33f13677d941d55⋯.png (301.91 KB,861x617,861:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144816 (081731ZJUL23) Notable: Epstein made fortune by blackmailing rich people? Hedge-fund managers believe his wealth didn't come from trading

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Epstein made fortune by blackmailing rich people?

Hedge-fund managers believe his wealth didn't come from trading

Art Moore By Art Moore

Published July 12, 2019 at 8:08pm


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5e84df No.70310

File: d7bd9990fcbcdfe⋯.png (794.43 KB,1315x682,1315:682,Clipboard.png)

File: d257633b360e254⋯.png (907.74 KB,858x483,286:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144826 (081733ZJUL23) Notable: Tarantino Billboards Hijacked in L.A. to Slam Epstein, Polanski and “Pedowood”

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Tarantino Billboards Hijacked in L.A. to Slam Epstein, Polanski and “Pedowood”

Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio no longer appear on several ads in Hollywood for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, as a conservative street artist has swapped their images with those of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and film director Roman Polanski.

July 26, 2019 9:45am

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5e84df No.70311

File: 5ed2353eb85956f⋯.png (1.02 MB,711x873,79:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fdd0c7a6278ac1⋯.png (259.85 KB,671x500,671:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144864 (081739ZJUL23) Notable: Allison Mack Nxivm SEX CULT RECRUITER Released From Prison

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‘Smallville’ Actress Who Recruited Women for Nxivm Is Released From Prison

Allison Mack, the former “Smallville” actress, was sentenced to three years in prison in 2021.

July 5, 2023


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5e84df No.70312

File: 2696fca47a85ec2⋯.png (361.12 KB,735x811,735:811,Clipboard.png)

File: bd213f4da50fdc3⋯.mp4 (6.4 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144869 (081740ZJUL23) Notable: "That's when I realized that this was just a rigged game." ICU Nurse Whistleblower Nicole Sirotek Shares What She Saw in NYC Hospitals in 2020

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👀 ICU Nurse Whistleblower Nicole Sirotek Shares the 'Negligence & Malfeasance' She Saw in NYC Hospitals in 2020

"That's when I realized that this was just a rigged game. They did not want these people off these ventilators. They did not want them discharged home."





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5e84df No.70313

File: e2da4c29edea20c⋯.png (967.64 KB,911x690,911:690,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144885 (081742ZJUL23) Notable: Gaurdians of the Pedophiles NOW SHOWING

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Sex Offenders in Colorado Will No Longer Be Called 'Sex Offenders'

By Rick Moran 3:26 PM on November 20, 2021

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5e84df No.70314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144889 (081742ZJUL23) Notable: The 'Titanic' Aldrich Plan for a Federal Reserve

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Egyptian Entourage: The 1912 Discovery of Nefertiti's Tomb

Several of the millionaire victims on board RMS Titanic had recently been on a visit to Cairo, Egypt, and they were on their way to New York after a long time in Cairo. There is strong evidence that they bought Egyptian artifacts and were bringing these antiquities back to the United States with them, either to keep them in private collections or to donate them to public museums (see the entry on Molly Brown's "ushabti" below).

Members of the Egyptian Entourage

John Jacob Astor IV and his wife Madeleine

Margaret Tobin Brown

William T. Stead?

Benjamin Guggenheim? and his mistress?

Henry Clay Frick and his wife Adelaide

J. Horace Harding and his wife

The Main Attraction in 1912: The Tomb of 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti at Tell el-Amarna.

The digs at Amarna were the subject of endless fascination to Victorians and Edwardians thanks to the discovery of the Tell el-Amarna Tablets in 1887. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, "they contain precious information concerning the history, geography, religion, and language of the predecessors of the Hebrews in Palestine, and, in many cases, illustrate and confirm what we already know from the Old Testament."

To British nationalist hellbent on proving that theEnglish speaking races were one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel mentioned in the Bible, this was fascinating stuff. Many of the snobbier members of British and American aristocracy believed that the archaeologists digging in Egypt were on the verge of finding artifacts that wouldprove the theories of British Israelism.

Plus, there was money to be made. Museums were all the rage, and the archaeologists of the day had no scruples about robbing Egyptians tombs wholesale, crating up the artifacts, and carting them back to English and American museums, where they intended to charge public admission even whilst standing on a podium and pontificating on the historical value of their "finds."

On the menu for1912: The Tomb of Queen Nefertiti, mother of King Tuth'mosis (aka "Moses").

"The Nefertiti Bust is a 3300-year-old painted limestone bust of Nefertiti, the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten and one of the most copied works of ancient Egypt. Due to the work, Nefertiti has become one of the most famous women from the ancient world and as an icon of feminine beauty. The work is believed to have been crafted in 1345 BC by the sculptor Thutmose." - Wikipedia

Discovery of the bust shown above was announced by German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt on 4 October 1912. This discovery indicates a great deal of digging around the gravesite of Pharaoh Akhenaten must have been taking place during the Spring of 1912, right about the time that John Jacob Astor IV, his wife Madeleine, and their entourage of millionaire friends decided to pay a visit to Cairo.

Given the Astor family's long-standing interest in the Biblical story of Moses being discovered by a Pharaoh's daughteramong the bulrushes (see William Waldor Astor's story "The Pharaoh's Daughter" in the Pall Mall Magazine, which was then edited by William T. Stead), it stands to reason that the Astors made a beeline to Tell el-Amarna to pay a visit to the dig, and stare through their opera glasses at what they believed to be the thrilling sight of their great-great-great-(whatever)-grand-mummy.

Indeed the Astors may have financed the dig, and visited the site to take home some goodies.

One must note that some modern-day experts have recently made the startling claim that thefamous Nefertiti bust is a "fake" - a copy made in 1912to use for testing different kinds of Egyptian pigments.

This raises the very interesting question of what happened to the original?


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5e84df No.70315

File: c3a9f59bf7fc355⋯.png (559.92 KB,705x698,705:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144895 (081743ZJUL23) Notable: Gaurdians of the Pedophiles NOW SHOWING

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Nov 16, 2021



The Left has sunk to a new level of Depravity

They are advocating that pedophiles be called MAP's (Minor Attracted Persons) because it's less offensive to child molesters

Seriously, the world needs an enema because we're sick of all this Satanic SHIT


The Left has sunk to a new level of Depravity


Link Feed

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5e84df No.70316

File: 473d87eb1c48865⋯.jpeg (665.56 KB,1170x1074,195:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145071 (081814ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Jeff Roe, Ron DeSanctimonious’s boss, Presidential donors have largely fled [do] to his terrible, and still falling, poll numbers

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Ron DeSanctimonious is desperately trying to get out of the Presidential race, while at the same time saving face for 2028, where he has been greatly damaged. Jeff Roe, Ron’s boss despite having a terrible record of winning, is spending money like a wild man gone bad. Much of the money being used was raised for his Gubernatorial race, and transferred over (illegally?) because his Presidential donors have largely fled do to his terrible, and still falling, poll numbers. Ron is just wasting time!


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5e84df No.70317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145080 (081815ZJUL23) Notable: Turkey's release of Ukrainian neo-Nazis violates deal - Kremlin

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Turkey's release of Ukrainian neo-Nazis violates deal – Kremlin

Both Ankara and Kiev have broken a 2022 prisoner exchange agreement with Moscow, Dmitry Peskov has insisted

Allowing former commanders of the neo-Nazi Azov regiment to return to Ukraine is a “direct violation” of the 2022 prisoner swap deal between Moscow and Kiev that also involved Türkiye, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Saturday.

Earlier the same day, five previously-interned Azov commanders flew from Türkiye to Ukraine on board President Vladimir Zelensky’s plane. The Ukrainian leader hailed the development as a “return of heroes” and published a video on Facebook of the men boarding his aircraft. Zelensky was on a short visit to Türkiye on the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“Both the Ukrainian and Turkish sides breached the provisions [of the deal] in this case,” Peskov said, commenting on the release. He also said that Moscow had not been duly informed of Ankara’s decision to hand over the five Ukrainians.

Türkiye was apparently “forced” to take this step ahead of the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius, the Kremlin spokesman said, adding that the Turkish leadership had to demonstrate “solidarity” with the military bloc and that Moscow was “well aware” of that. “Yet, a breach of an agreement flatters no one,” Peskov stressed. Ankara has so far not commented.

Under the prisoner exchange agreement, reached in September 2022, five commanders, including top Azov leaders, were to stay in Türkiye until the end of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. At the time, President Zelensky explicitly stated that Kiev had agreed to that condition.

President Erdogan then offered protection to the five Ukrainians. All of them were captured by Russian forces and Donbass militias in spring 2022, following the lengthy siege of the Azovstal steel plant in the port city of Mariupol.


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5e84df No.70318

File: 82df9b0b6dc8b17⋯.png (428.22 KB,604x694,302:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145086 (081815ZJUL23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr Show us all the Epstein client list now!!! Why would anyone protect those scum bags?

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Donald Trump Jr.


Show us all the Epstein client list now!!! Why would anyone protect those scum bags?

Ask yourselves this question daily and the answer becomes very apparent!!

Quote Tweet

Wall Street Apes




Jeffery Epstein Victim: “I have spend the last 17 years in my own prison for what she, Jeffery & all the coconspirators did to me. I was raped repeatedly, I was raped 3x per day sometimes & I was not the only girl on that island. There was a constant stream of girls being raped… Show more

5:27 AM · Jul 8, 2023




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5e84df No.70319

File: 3b56708adc34588⋯.png (368.5 KB,595x866,595:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145092 (081816ZJUL23) Notable: The depths of hell on earth. Meanwhile the liberal media attacks any efforts to expose this evil

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Melissa Tate


“ Children ages 3-5 raped 15 times a day for many years. When their no longer considered ‘fresh’ for the sex markets their organs are harvested & sold”

The depths of hell on earth. Meanwhile the liberal media attacks any efforts to expose this evil


Gustavo Marval

3:52 AM · Jul 8, 2023




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5e84df No.70320

File: d9559a9ea52fdaf⋯.png (399.97 KB,610x528,305:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145103 (081818ZJUL23) Notable: The regime media spends all of its time attacking people fighting against child sex trafficking. That’s revealing, isn’t it?

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The regime media spends all of its time attacking people fighting against child sex trafficking. That’s revealing, isn’t it?


Alex Christy

5:39 AM · Jul 8, 2023





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5e84df No.70321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145107 (081818ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Jeff Roe, Ron DeSanctimonious’s boss, Presidential donors have largely fled [do] to his terrible, and still falling, poll numbers

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>>>/qresearch/19145090 notable

DUE not “do”

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5e84df No.70322

File: d4ecff1f54676d0⋯.png (541.21 KB,606x905,606:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145113 (081820ZJUL23) Notable: @rothschildmd Reminder that SOUND OF FREEDOM star Jim Caviezel is a Q-pilled antisemite

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Mike Rothschild (no relation) Retweeted

Mike Rothschild (no relation)


Reminder that SOUND OF FREEDOM star Jim Caviezel is a Q-pilled antisemite who went on Steve Bannon's podcast to rant about "Rothschild banks," and that the entire movie is based on a baseless and antisemitic conspiracy theory.


5:23 AM · Jul 4, 2023





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5e84df No.70323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145180 (081832ZJUL23) Notable: #23514 (posted in 23516)

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>Baker has ghosted at this time

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5e84df No.70324

File: 977cae01b504aad⋯.png (634.88 KB,1020x843,340:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145194 (081834ZJUL23) Notable: US preparing ‘Israel-style’ security guarantees for Ukraine - Ukraine ‘deserves’ NATO membership

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US preparing ‘Israel-style’ security guarantees for Ukraine – Biden

Kiev is not yet ready for NATO membership, the US leader told CNN

The US is willing to offer Kiev a sort of security arrangement currently offered to Israel instead of membership in NATO, President Joe Biden told CNN in an interview previewed on Friday.

“I don’t think it’s ready for membership in NATO,” Biden said of Ukraine. “I don’t think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war.”

Membership in the US-led military bloc means a commitment to defend all of its territory, so “if the war is going on, then we’re all in a war. We’re at war with Russia, if that were the case,” Biden told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.

Ukraine has demanded an invitation from NATO, or at least an announcement of when it might be ready to bring it on board, at the upcoming summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. The octogenarian US president said it is “premature” to call for a vote right now and described NATO as “a process that takes some time” and involves reforms such as democratization. The US needs to present a “rational path” for Ukraine to qualify for membership, Biden said.

“And one of the things I indicated is, the United States would be ready to provide, while the process was going on, and that’s gonna take a while, to provide security a la the security we provide for Israel: providing the weaponry they need, the capacity to defend themselves,” Biden said, adding, “If there is an agreement, if there is a ceasefire, if there is a peace agreement.”

It was not clear what he meant by this, as Kiev has rejected any talk of a ‘frozen conflict’ or ceasefire, and the US has pledged not to negotiate about Ukraine without the Ukrainians, while Russia has said it will not deal with President Vladimir Zelensky, but only with his Western handlers.

The ‘Israel model’ was first mentioned last month by the New York Times, which described it as a time-limited commitment to maintain the flow of Western weapons to Ukraine. The US and its allies have supplied Kiev with over $100 billion in weapons, ammunition, and equipment in 2022 alone, according to Russian military estimates.

Biden told Zakaria that his priority is “holding NATO together” because it is his assessment and that of the US intelligence community that breaking up the bloc is one of Russia’s policy objectives. He also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had asked for a US commitment that Ukraine would not join NATO at the summit in Geneva two years ago, but that Biden refused, citing the bloc’s ‘open door policy’.


Ukraine ‘deserves’ NATO membership – Erdogan

The Turkish leader called for a new round of negotiations between Moscow and Kiev after mediating peace talks last year


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5e84df No.70325

File: 33ba0c4c16ba2e9⋯.png (230.09 KB,509x519,509:519,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fee5aac0cd8617⋯.png (279.04 KB,858x781,78:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 9110af512882a1f⋯.png (245.2 KB,524x555,524:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145204 (081835ZJUL23) Notable: "Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

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"Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

The pedo-loving propagandists at the once-great Rolling Stone are at it again, this time seemingly defending child traffickers with a scathing review of Jim Caviezel's anti-child-trafficking film, Sound of Freedom - which they described as a "QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking" which is "designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer."

Authored by pothead journalist Miles Klee, the review attacks Caviezel as "a prominent figure on the conspiracist right," and slams the actor's past claims over elite pedophile rings that kidnap, rape and murder children to harvest adrenochrome, a compound produced in the brain that reportedly contains psychedelic effects, as featured in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Apparently Caviezel's beliefs invalidate the premise of the film, which was inspired by the very real work of Tim Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad.


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5e84df No.70326

File: c81e50f244528fa⋯.png (382.69 KB,631x581,631:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145236 (081841ZJUL23) Notable: A BRICS Currency Could Shake the Dollar’s Dominance

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The BRICS countries are planning to introduce a new trading currency, which will be backed by gold.

More and more counties recently express desire to join BRICS.



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5e84df No.70327

File: 88eb713dc7d2037⋯.png (104.4 KB,650x867,650:867,Clipboard.png)

File: f7900f3a65efb0f⋯.png (14.49 KB,569x135,569:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145250 (081843ZJUL23) Notable: "Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

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Leftist media outlets attack 'Sound of Freedom' movie, claim anti-child trafficking film is QAnon fantasy for the 'conspiracy-addled boomer'

Several leftist media outlets have slammed the new "Sound of Freedom" movie, claiming the anti-child trafficking film is a QAnon fantasy for the "conspiracy-addled boomer."

The official synopsis of "Sound of Freedom":

Based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places. After rescuing a young boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.

"Sound of Freedom" was written and directed by Mexican director Alejandro Monteverde and produced by Mexican producer Eduardo Verástegui. The movie features "The Passion of the Christ" star Jim Caviezel and Academy Award winner Mira Sorvino.

Filming for "Sound of Freedom" ended in 2018, and had a distribution deal with 20th Century Fox. However, the movie was shelved after the Walt Disney Company acquired 20th Century Fox. Disney released the rights to the movies and it was scooped up by Angel Studios.

"Sound of Freedom," with a budget of $14.5 million, outperformed Disney's highly-promoted "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny," with costs of nearly $300 million, at the 4th of July box office.

Despite the stunning success of the underdog movie tackling human trafficking that was written and directed by a Mexican director, liberal outlets trashed "Sound of Freedom" as simply a QAnon fantasy.

Rolling Stone published an article with title: "'Sound Of Freedom' Is a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms." The sub-headline reads: "The QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer."

The author accuses the movie of "fomenting moral panic for years over this grossly exaggerated 'epidemic' of child sex-trafficking, much of it funneling people into conspiracist rabbit holes and QAnon communities."

The author slams "Sound of Freedom" for presenting a "hackneyed white savior narrative."

The author attempts to argue that there are worse social issues that should have higher priority than child trafficking.

"There is visible suffering all around us in America. There are poor and unhoused, and people brutalized or killed by police," the Rolling Stone piece reads. "There are mass shootings, lack of healthcare, climate disasters. And yet, over and over, the far right turns to these sordid fantasies about godless monsters hurting children."

The Guardian featured a headline that reads: "'Sound of Freedom': the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America."

The author claims that "Sound of Freedom" was funded by an "unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far-right fringe, a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause célèbre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings."

The author says the movie oozes the "eardrum-perforating frequency of QAnon."

Jezebel, the leftist website for women, ran with the headline: "'Sound of Freedom' Is an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon."

The article states, "At last, QAnon’s camp appeal gets the cinematic exploration it demands."

The Jezebel writer admits that she was "entertained in some way" by the movie, but suggested the film is propaganda.

Jezebel is owned by G/O Media, a leftist digital media company that recently started publishing error-filled articles written by artificial intelligence bots.


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5e84df No.70328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145262 (081845ZJUL23) Notable: #23513 posted in #23514

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#23513 >>70288

>>70289, >>70296, >>70297, >>70291, >>70292 Quoting a BLIZZARD of erroneous laws with varying degrees of accuracy.

>>70290 Come see the new shill movie "You made the list", coming soon to a shill near (You)

>>70293, >>70294 Here is Jen Psaki in 2022 saying that using cluster bombs is a war crime

>>70295, >>70298, >>70299, >>70305, >>70308, >>70314 The 'Titanic' Aldrich Plan for a Federal Reserve

>>70300, >>70300 If our government can't do it's job, why are we still paying these people?

>>70301 Madonna’s Twins Saw Her Unconscious Before She Was Revived by Narcan Injection

>>70302 Alice the tunnel boring machine keeps on digging

>>70303 Please REPORT anything that looks sketchy. THIS IP HASH HAS BEEN PERMA-BANNED.

>>70304 #Antifa in Portland, Ore. have been using Twitter to organize an attack on an Evangelical Christian "Jesus March" today

>>70306 @realdonaldtrump Deranged Jack Smith just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt

>>70316, >>70321 @realDonaldTrump Jeff Roe, Ron DeSanctimonious’s boss, Presidential donors have largely fled [do] to his terrible, and still falling, poll numbers

>>70307 Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!

>>70309 Epstein made fortune by blackmailing rich people? Hedge-fund managers believe his wealth didn't come from trading

>>70310 Tarantino Billboards Hijacked in L.A. to Slam Epstein, Polanski and “Pedowood”

>>70312 "That's when I realized that this was just a rigged game." ICU Nurse Whistleblower Nicole Sirotek Shares What She Saw in NYC Hospitals in 2020

>>70313, >>70315 Gaurdians of the Pedophiles NOW SHOWING

>>70311 Allison Mack Nxivm SEX CULT RECRUITER Released From Prison

>>70317 Turkey's release of Ukrainian neo-Nazis violates deal - Kremlin

>>70318 @DonaldJTrumpJr Show us all the Epstein client list now!!! Why would anyone protect those scum bags?

>>70319 The depths of hell on earth. Meanwhile the liberal media attacks any efforts to expose this evil

>>70320 The regime media spends all of its time attacking people fighting against child sex trafficking. That’s revealing, isn’t it?

>>70322 @rothschildmd Reminder that SOUND OF FREEDOM star Jim Caviezel is a Q-pilled antisemite

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5e84df No.70329

File: d3638430570bf3e⋯.png (385.36 KB,502x783,502:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145267 (081846ZJUL23) Notable: A BRICS Currency Could Shake the Dollar’s Dominance

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Loomer Exposes Florida GOP Attempts to Rig the Primary

The Florida GOP wants candidates to sign a 'loyalty pledge' before their names appear on the ballot, and shell out cash to appear at the party's Florida Sunshine Summit.

Laura Loomer exposed the Florida GOP’s attempts to rig the Florida Primary by requiring presidential candidates to sign a loyalty pledge before their names can appear on the ballot. This is despite the fact that Ron DeSantis has previously refused to commit to backing Trump if Trump is the GOP’s nominee. These facts show that the Florida GOP is attempting to bend the primary rules to allow DeSantis to have an advantage over Trump.

Loomer’s tweet read, “More election rigging out of the @FloridaGOP which has just announced that if Presidential candidates want to be on the ballot, they must sign a loyalty pledge and also pay to attend the Florida Sunshine summit.”

Loomer’s tweet went on to expose Team DeSantis’ close relationship with the Florida GOP, “As I exposed 2 weeks ago, Florida GOP is and has been rooting for @RonDeSantis. @ChrisMZiegler’s wife is supporting DeSantis , who appointed her to the Reedy Creek Board. And then the Vice Chair of

@FloridaGOP @EvanPower’s wife @themelissapower is literally the CFO of @RonDeSantis’s Presidential campaign.”

Loomer then called out the Florida GOP’s conflict of interest, “This is such a blatant conflict of interest that undermines the integrity of our elections. How can they be neutral when they are both financially benefiting from their wives relationship with DeSantis? Once again, the state party is trying to select our nominee instead of letting the voters decide.”

The tweet ended with, “You shouldn’t need to sign a loyalty pledge if you don’t support the candidate you’re running against. The notion that you must support the party nominee is akin to a bank robber committing an armed robbery and holding the bank teller hostage unless they give them all the money. @FloridaGOP is trying to hold us all hostage with their loyalty pledge and stupid last minute rule changes. Just like @CAGOP with the last minute rule changes!”

National File recently reported on the California GOP’s efforts to rig their primary in DeSantis’ favor.

Florida and California show that America’s globalist elite are pulling out all the tricks to try and steal the nomination away from Trump. Sadly, so many GOP Party Chairs are going along with this elitist undemocratic plot.

These last few weeks have shown that Trump supporters must keep a close eye on their state GOP Primary and Caucus rules.


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5e84df No.70330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145319 (081857ZJUL23) Notable: Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism - WHY IS THAT?

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==Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism – WHY IS THAT?

The current population of Amish folks in America is quickly approaching 400,000, with the largest concentrations of 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio. Amish have settled in as many as 32 US states, and have an average of 7 kids per family, so the population is growing rapidly. In a brand new, comprehensive study (as of June 2023), presented by Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was calculated that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent not vaccinated (fully unvaccinated), typical chronic conditions barely exist, if any at all.

These chronic conditions, also called preventable diseases and disorders, that nearly many vaccinated children and swaths of Americans suffer from, include auto-immune disease, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, ADHD, arthritis, cancer, and of course… wait for it… autism (think ASD and Asperger's Syndrome).

Expert panelists testified how healthy Amish children are compared to vaccinated American children

Maybe scaring people off vaccines is a good thing, for all those pro-jab-fanatics who think every natural health advocate is a "conspiracy theorist" who spreads disease and disorder by talking about dirty vaccines, vaccine injuries and vaccine-induced deaths. During testimony, expert health advocates shared WHY there's never been any reports published regarding the health of Amish children in general, saying “After decades of studying the Amish, there’s no report because the report would be devastating to the narrative. It would show that the CDC has been harming the public for decades and saying nothing and burying all the data.”

Dr. Peter McCullough, a top cardiologist in America, with mountains of peer-reviewed, published work, testified before the U.S. Senate and before legislatures throughout the U.S., regarding dangers of vaccines, including the COVID-19 gene-mutating jabs. Speaking of the pandemic, the Amish did NOT lock down, they did NOT put on bacteria-breeding masks, and they most certainly did NOT "vaccinate" for the Wuhan Lab Flu. They ignored every single CDC and Fauci-propagandized mandate and protocol, including the deadly clot shots (because they knew better than to get injected with millions of toxic, sticky spike proteins and graphite nanoparticles).

Guess what happened? The Amish had a survival rate of COVID 90 times higher than the rest of America. Nobody wants to talk about this, except natural health advocates. If you post anything about it on social media, you immediately get banned, blacklisted and labeled "misinformation" or "disinformation."

Why is it so important to AVOID vaccines like the plague? Just take a look at all the insane ingredients used in vaccines, including preservatives, emulsifiers, adjuvants, genetically modified bacteria, mutated viruses and sterility-causing chemicals. This is all listed right out in the open. No human should ever have any of this injected into their blood and muscle tissue, bypassing the normal defensive shields of the body, including the skin, lungs and digestive tract.

These toxic, sometimes lethal ingredients include mercury (high doses in the multi-dose flu jab), human blood (albumin from abortions), deadly pig viruses called circovirus (in Rotateq Rotavirus jabs), eagle blood, dog blood, infected green monkey kidney cells, sucralose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), cow blood, chicken blood, eggs, dairy, antibiotics, peanut oil (yes, residuals remain, hence all the deathly peanut allergies), latex (from the stoppers on the needles and vials that the needles penetrate), aluminum and much more.



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5e84df No.70331

File: e82adc9a98f679e⋯.png (29.72 KB,477x173,477:173,Clipboard.png)

File: f3ae51323e8a73f⋯.png (91.81 KB,732x847,732:847,Clipboard.png)

File: 29ebbd0cbc47309⋯.png (46.99 KB,705x381,235:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145337 (081901ZJUL23) Notable: Maine Governor Poised To Sign Bill Allowing Elective Abortions Up Until Birth

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Maine Governor Poised to Sign Bill Allowing Elective Abortions Up Until Birth

Maine may soon allow elective abortions up until birth, pending final approval from the state’s governor.

The bill — H.P. 1044, An Act to Improve Maine’s Reproductive Privacy Laws — would allow a woman to receive a late-term abortion at any point if it is determined to be “necessary” by a doctor.

It’s likely the legislation will be codified. Maine Governor Janet Mills, a Democrat, introduced the bill in January alongside legislative leadership, both also Democrats: House Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross and Senate President Troy Jackson. At the time, Mills credited the case of Maine woman Dana Peirce as justification for the expanded legalization of abortion.

At eight months pregnant, Peirce wanted to abort her unborn son after he was diagnosed with a genetic mutation called lethal skeletal dysplasia, as reported by the Portland Press Herald. Peirce ultimately traveled to Colorado for an abortion because Maine law prohibits post-viability abortions where the mother’s life or health are not jeopardized. The law does allow elective abortions up to viability, generally recognized at 24 weeks.

“No Maine person should have to endure the same physical, emotional, psychological, and financial burden that Dana and her family had to in order to receive medical care,” stated Mills.

H.P. 1044 passed out of the Maine Senate 20-11 on Thursday. The state House passed the bill last month, 73-69.

During the Senate’s final vote, Republican state Sen. Stacey Guerin raised concerns about doctors and mothers determining unborn children diagnosed with disabilities to be unworthy of life.

“Were they of less value to society?” said Guerin. “When we start down the path of deciding who is worthy of life, where do we stop? Where did governments before us stop in deciding who had the right to live, and who had the right to die, to make it convenient for the parents, the government, for business?”

Another Republican state senator, Eric Brakey, questioned the resistance from Democrats to narrowly legislate around fatal fetal abnormalities rather than expanding elective abortion.

“We are really opening the door here for those circumstances where […] a fully-developed baby could be killed for any number of reasons,” said Brakey.

Brakey introduced several unsuccessful amendments to mitigate the legislation’s impact. One reworked the bill’s language to only expand post-viability abortions to cases where the unborn child suffers from a fatal fetal abnormality likely to result in death within 30 days post-birth. Another proposed instituting a four-year moratorium on the sale or transfer of aborted fetal remains to for-profit or nonprofit entities.

State Sen. Anne Carney, a Democrat, declared that the bill represented compassion for families facing trying times.


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5e84df No.70332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145369 (081906ZJUL23) Notable: #23514 (posted in 23516)

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updated dough

updated dough

updated dough


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5e84df No.70333

File: dc0b59ea3d512fa⋯.png (439.55 KB,835x464,835:464,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145392 (081912ZJUL23) Notable: US military giving artificial intelligence classified operation info

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US military giving artificial intelligence classified operation info

The U.S. Air Force is running successful tests of “large-language model” artificial intelligence experiments amid concerns of military operations relying on artificial intelligence.

According to Bloomberg, U.S. Air Force Col. Matthew Strohmeyer, the Air Force has successfully executed a large-language model experiment with artificial intelligence for the first time, after years of using only data-based exercises with artificial intelligence under the U.S. Department of Defense.

“It was highly successful,” he said. “It was very fast. We are learning that this is possible for us to do.”

Large-language models (LLMs) utilize large amounts of information from the internet to enable artificial intelligence to predict and generate responses to specific prompts from users. LLMs are similar to generative AI platforms, such as Google’s Bard and ChatGPT.

Five LLMs are reportedly being used in an eight-week exercise conducted by the Pentagon’s digital and AI office, top military officials, and U.S. allies. While the Pentagon will not currently confirm which LLMs are being tested, a San-Francisco based company named Scale AI claims that its Donovan product is one of the five platforms being tested by the military.


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5e84df No.70334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145439 (081922ZJUL23) Notable: Key witness in Netanyahu trial Hadas Klein threatened over testimony

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Key witness in Netanyahu trial Hadas Klein threatened over testimony

Klein was the assistant of Milchan at the time of the alleged bribery, she was the conduit through which "gifts" were given to the Prime Minister.

Hadas Klein, the key witness in Case 1000 against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, filed a complaint to the police last night about suspected threats against her and her family members.

This comes after a strongly worded post on Facebook directed at her said: "She stole money to put in her own pocket and then she tried to blame it on the prime minister, this will cost her and her family in blood, they will not be immune, we will hunt down every single one in her family, but her we will hunt first."

Klein filed a complaint to the police just as she had in previous cases of online harassment and threats.

Klein is expected to continue her testimony on Monday after Arnon Milchan's testimony has ended. Earlier she complained to the state attorney, Amit Aisman, claiming the prime minister's attorneys were intimidating and threatening her. Hadas Klein confirmed these details but refused to elaborate.

Klein received death threats last year for her testimony as well. The man who threatened her was indicted earlier this year.

Hadas Klein was the assistant of Arnon Milchan at the time of the alleged bribery, she was the conduit through which "gifts" were allegedly given to the prime minister.

Conflicting testimony

Contrary to the claims of the prime minister and Milchan, who claim these were gifts voluntarily given from a friend to a friend, Klein claims the Netanyahus demanded the gifts and would often complain when the gifts weren't exactly what they had requested.

However, Netanyahu's lawyers also showed that he had given gifts to Milchan in return, indicating that it was a friendly relationship. They argued that there is nothing illegal about rich people giving gifts to politicians to get access to and feel closer to power.

To prove the case, the prosecution will have to show that the gifts constituted a clear gifts-for-favors relationship which will be hard to prove. Indeed, even for a lower-level conviction, they will need to show that Netanyahu could have influenced matters in favor of Milchan.


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5e84df No.70335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145449 (081926ZJUL23) Notable: CDC admits not including diagnostic codes showing COVID vax as 'cause' on some death certificates

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CDC admits not including diagnostic codes showing COVID vax as 'cause' on some death certificates

Georgia-based agency's response to Just the News will be incorporated into grand jury petition to investigate its COVID statistical practices, death-certificate analyst says.

The CDC's explanation for leaving certain diagnosis codes off Minnesota death certificates that cite COVID-19 vaccines as a cause of death, allegedly hiding vaccine injuries in federal records, shows "intent to deceive," according to a person who helped analyze the death certificates for the Brownstone Institute, a think tank that challenges the scientific basis for COVID conventional wisdom and policy.

John Beaudoin Sr., who is suing Massachusetts for submitting "fraudulent" death certificates to the feds falsely labeling COVID as a cause of death, says CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordlund's comments on the matter to Just the News will be incorporated in an "affidavit to petition for a grand jury investigation of the CDC" in its home of Georgia.

Beaudoin's law school expelled him for refusing its vaccine mandate, which he says was based on federal COVID guidance devised in part from Massachusetts death certificate data.

The suit includes a 123-page exhibit analyzing death certificates Beaudoin claims either wrongly omit vaccine-induced deaths or falsely attribute them to COVID. And in May he requested a hearing in response to the state's motion to dismiss his January amended complaint. His website includes legal filings.



The Minnesota analysis is part of three years of questions about the reliability and integrity of federal and state governments' COVID-related statistics.

The New York Times found up to 90% of COVID-positive tests officially recorded in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada in summer 2020 were based on SARS-CoV-2 viral loads too small to be infectious.

Oregon lawmakers similarly sought a federal grand jury investigation into COVID statistical manipulation nearly two years ago, claiming the Center for Disease Control and Prevention employed a "double-standard exclusively for COVID-19 data collection" that inflated cases and deaths starting early in the pandemic.

One of them told Just the News that Beaudoin is assisting their efforts, which are now pending before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. "I think this type of fraud is extended across all boundaries, all states," Oregon state GOP Sen. Dennis Linthicum said.

"Vaccination is not a disease or cause of death, so simple mention of the vaccine or vaccination without mention of adverse effects will not get coded" on the death certificates cited in Brownstone's analysis, Nordlund wrote in an email.

"COVID-19 vaccines are undergoing the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history," she said. "To date, CDC has not detected any unusual or unexpected patterns for deaths following immunization that would indicate that COVID vaccines are causing or contributing to deaths, outside of the nine confirmed TTS [thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome] deaths following the Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine."



Nordlund's claims "do not comport with truth, which can be shown by the Massachusetts data," Beaudoin said. "She trapped herself."

The CDC is "essentially trying to claim that a coroner who writes 'covid vaccine 8 hours before death'" in the cause field "means to convey that the vaccine had no side effects and *definitely* did not contribute to the death in any way," Aaron Hertzberg, who collaborated with Beaudoin and wrote the Brownstone analysis, wrote in an email. "The absurdity of such a position is self-evident."



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5e84df No.70336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145475 (081935ZJUL23) Notable: Activists want to disqualify Trump from ballot in key states under 14th Amendment

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Activists want to disqualify Trump from ballot in key states under 14th Amendment

Two civil rights organizations are launching a campaign to pressure state governments to disqualify former President Trump from appearing on ballots in 2024.

The groups say secretaries of state are empowered by the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from running for office because of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection.

Starting Sunday, Mi Familia Vota and Free Speech for People will stage a week of rallies and banner drops outside the offices of the secretaries of state of California, Oregon, Colorado and Georgia.

The groups also penned a letter to Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar last month, calling on him to block Trump under what’s known as the Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause.

“We’re really focusing on Nevada and California and [Oregon, Colorado and Georgia] to make sure that they are taking a stand by disqualifying Trump in those spaces, which is something that the secretary of state can do,” said Héctor Sánchez, executive director of Mi Familia Vota.

The groups are calling their campaign “Trump is Disqualified,” and are timing it to coincide with the 155th anniversary of the 14th Amendment.


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5e84df No.70337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145526 (081944ZJUL23) Notable: J.P. Morgan & Co: The Octopus Always Wins - alternative Titanic Sinking Theory

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Interdaatig, a friend told me today he didn’t think the Titanic went down by hitting an iceberg:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mystery Ships and Titanic owner J.P. Morgan's Masked Enemies


Was Titanic rammed by a mystery ship? And might that ship have been British?

To many it seems like nonsense to suggest that the British enemies of Titanic's owner, J.P. Morgan, would ram a friendly vessel with many of their own citizens aboard, especially when Titanic was part of a joint shipping venture with a UK shipping firm, the White Star Line. Why would the British sink ships built by your own countrymen?

The answer is simple: They wanted Morgan's shipping business to fail.

Not everyone was cut into the 1902 deal that was made between J.P. Morgan's International Mercantile Marine (IMM) and the White Star Line. Some of the smaller British shipping lines, namely Cunard and the Leyland Line, were being muscled out of business. They were afraid Titanic, and her sister ships, the RMS Olympic and RMS Brittanic, were going to hurt their business badly - literally sail off with their passengers.

While Americans saw Titanic as a wonderful expression of their own financial and industrial might, the British shipping lines saw her as direct competition and a threat. To them the letters Titanic spelled hardship, bankruptcy, unemployment, ruin.

If Titanic floated, they were sunk.

It was very much like a Wal-Mart opening in a small town, and putting several Mom and Pop stores out of business. How could the British save their local merchants?

The Cunard Line was a medium-sized British shipping line that was struggling to remain in direct competition with Morgan's near monopoly on the Atlantic shipping lanes, and it had every reason to worry that a lifetime of hard work was about to be swamped and ruined by Titanic's huge backwash.

Some people in British government were worried too - so concerned that America's super-liners might destroy the prestige of the British shipping industry that they decided to give Cunard massive loans to build two rival super-liners, the RMS Mauretania (built in 1906) and the RMS Lusitania (completed in 1907).

In other words, the owners of the Cunard Line and some wealthy Lords, bankers and ministers in the British government itself had put their life savings on the line in an effort to compete with Morgan and Titanic. Their fortunes were at great risk, and they had a deep interest in seeing Titanic fail.

Some people have suggested that these smaller British shipping lines did not sit idly by, waiting to be sunk by Titanic. Recognizing the situation as "kill or be killed," they and their carefully masked investors in the British government actually conspired to bring the RMS Olympic and the RMS Titanic to a bad end.

If one buys this hyposthesis, then it stands to reason that British secret agents deliberately rammed the RMS Olympic with the HMS Hawke and they deliberately engineered an "accident at sea" for Titanic with the specific goal of destroying permanently the White Star Line's rep for safety, effectively spooking people and driving them back to the "old reliable" shipping firms.

Put another way, the sinking of RMS Titanic was a deliberate act of economic warfare. The British government itself had a vested interest in seeing Titanic fail. One hundred years earlier their troops had burned down the American capitol building in Washington. They had made war upon the American people before, and in this case they did not hesitate to sink a ship that was threatening their national security - their standing as the most powerful navy and merchant fleet in the world.

In the eyes of the wise old men who ran the British Navy, this was just another ship to be sunk.

This theory may not be as wild as it sounds, especially when one realizes that the entire British Empire and its economy depended upon maintaining the preeminence of the British Navy and the British merchant fleet. Morgan's IMM and the Titanic itself were seen as a genuine threat.

In 1902, when Titanic was just a gleam in J.P. Morgan's eye, there were certainly a number of very powerful merchant bankers in the City of London gabbing with high-ranking officers of the British Admiralty - all of them frowning and wagging their heads with deep concern. The press of the day reflects this: Many senior ministers in London viewed the International Mercantile Marine as nothing less than a colossal power grab, an effort to swoop in and buy up the British fleet, stealing away the magical seapower of the entire British Empire at a single blow…


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5e84df No.70338

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145569 (081951ZJUL23) Notable: Damning Audit Shows New York Paid Up To $14,050 For Injecting ONE Covid-19 “Vaccine”

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Damning Audit Shows New York Paid Up to $14,050 for Injecting ONE Covid-19 “Vaccine”

New York City health officials regularly overpaid a contractor to administer COVID-19 tests and vaccines, paying as much as $14,050 for a single COVID-19 vaccination, an audit shows.

Officials let Executive Medical Services, a contractor awarded a contract early in the COVID-19 pandemic, to set its own staffing levels, leading to uncontrolled costs, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander found.

That led to exorbitant costs and low efficiency, with an analysis of invoices showing that only one vaccination was administered for every two billed hours.

“Emergency contracting allows the City to stand up vital services in times of crisis, but demands heightened vigilance to safeguard the fiscal interests of the City. Our audit reveals significant weaknesses in the control mechanisms that impact past, present, and potentially future emergencies. By addressing these challenges head-on, agencies can better spend New York City’s taxpayer dollars wisely and efficiently, even in crises,” Lander, a Democrat, said in a statement.

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Health Services, which paid Executive Medical Services, did not respond to a request for comment.

Executive Medical Services, also known as Affiliated Physicians, did not return an inquiry.


The agency originally agreed to pay Executive Medical Services up to $500,000. After six amendments to the contract, stretching it through the end of 2022, the agency paid the contractor some $390 million.

The contract paid Executive Medical Services to create long-term and temporary, or popup, sites for COVID-19 testing or vaccination. Out of 302 sites, 267 were temporary.

Lander’s office investigated to see whether the Department of Health made sure payments to the contractor were legal, that staffing levels were reasonably aligned with demand, and whether sites were established equitably under the contract provisions.

While auditors found sites were set up in communities heavily impacted by COVID-19, as required, and that invoices were usually supported by documentation, they uncovered concerning data on staffing levels and costs.

Skip the gold scams and go straight to the smart money with bullion. Contact Kirk Elliott and get true guidance instead of just another sales pitch.

The department “did not adequately control or monitor staffing levels,” Lander’s office said.

Under the contract, Executive Medical Services would be paid $150 per hour all sites, plus $100 per test administered and $25 per vaccine administered. The department was the party responsible for monitoring contractor performance, but the plan lacked standards for whether sites were appropriately staffed based on demand, auditors said. That left the department with “limited means of effectively controlling expenditures or minimizing waste.”

Auditors analyzed a sample of 49 invoices and documentation for the invoices and found that one test was administered per 1.6 staff hours, and that one vaccination was administered every two staff hours.

Auditors also found ballooning costs, including payments of up to $14,050 for each vaccination administered and payments of up to $2,040 for each test carried out.


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5e84df No.70339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145602 (081957ZJUL23) Notable: Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the World’s Population

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Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the World’s Population

Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, is a member of the World Economic Forum.

Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, is an honorary member of the Club of Rome and a member of the World Economic Forum. If you thought his ideology had softened and become less anti-human since the publishing of his book, you’d be wrong.

Here’s a 2017 video of Meadows musing over his hopes that the coming inevitable genocide of 86% of the world population could be accomplished peacefully under a “benevolent” dictatorship. He said:

“We could [ ] have eight or nine billion, probably, if we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart … and [people have] a low standard of living … But we want to have freedom and we want to have a high standard of living so we’re going to have a billion people. And we’re now at seven, so we have to get back down. I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow and that it can be done in a way which is relatively equal, you know, so that people share the experience.”

An ‘agricultural world’ in which most human beings are peasants, should be able to support 5 to 7 billion people … In contrast, a reasonable estimate for an industrialised world society at the present North American material standard of living would be one billion.

Global Biodiversity Assessment, UNEP, 1995, pg. 773


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5e84df No.70340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145727 (082016ZJUL23) Notable: Biden admin seeks to deter border crossings by creating clear immigration path for Central Americans, Columbians

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Biden admin seeks to deter border crossings by creating clear immigration path for Central Americans, Columbians

The admin says it will "help relieve pressure at the Southwest Border."

President Joe Biden and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are opening a new path for immigration to the US for people in Central America and Columbia, and are claiming it is part of an effort to 'reduce irregular migration,' much of which is occurring at the US southern border.

Officials from the Department of Homeland Security announced on Friday that the process will start July 10 and will allow "nationals from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras whose family members are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents," who have lawful approval, to travel to the US.

The program is set to approve nationals applying to stay with family members in the US for up to three years while they wait for the opportunity to become US residents.

US Secretary of DHS Alejandro Mayorkas said the process is to "promote family unity and provide lawful pathways consistent with our laws and our values" in our immigration system.

Mayorkas added it will be "reducing dangerous, irregular migration to the United States."

Those who can apply to the program must not have already received an immigration visa. The process begins with a family member in the US filling out a form declaring and establishing a relationship with a relative in one of the applicable countries.

The program applies to nationals on a "case-by-case and temporary basis upon a demonstration of urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit."

Immigrants who are eligible will also have the opportunity to work when they come in and can "request employment authorization while they wait for their immigrant visa to become available."

The process has been used before when Haiti suffered an earthquake in 2010. In response, a program for Haitians was created in 2014 to reunite families that were separated in the aftereffects of the disaster.

It has also been used for Cubans starting in 2007 so the US could meet obligations under the 1994 and 1995 US-Cuba migration accords to bring a minimum of 20,000 Cuban immigrants to the US each year.

According to CBS News, government data shows over 70,000 migrants would qualify immediately for the new program.

The Biden administration called it "an alternative to irregular migration to help relieve pressure at the Southwest Border."


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5e84df No.70341

File: 2774b4383ed2e9f⋯.png (362.59 KB,600x315,40:21,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145772 (082023ZJUL23) Notable: Seven AGs Send Target a Letter Warning Pride Displays May Have Violated Laws That ‘Protect Children From Harmful Content Meant to Sexualize Them’

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Seven AGs Send Target a Letter Warning Pride Displays May Have Violated Laws That ‘Protect Children From Harmful Content Meant to Sexualize Them’

Seven Republican Attorney Generals have sent a letter to retail giant Target warning that their Pride month displays may have violated state laws that “protect children from harmful content meant to sexualize them and prohibit gender transitions of children.”

The letter was penned by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita and signed by his counterparts from Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and South Carolina.

“As the chief legal officers of our States, we are charged with enforcing state laws protecting children and safeguarding parental rights,” the letter stated. “State child-protection laws penalize the ‘sale or distribution . . . of obscene matter.’ A matter is considered ‘obscene’ if ‘the dominant theme of the matter . . . appeals to the prurient interest in sex,’ including ‘material harmful to minors.’ Indiana, as well as other states, have passed laws to protect children from harmful content meant to sexualize them and prohibit gender transitions of children.”

In light of these responsibilities, the letter continued to say, “we wish to communicate our concern for Target’s recent ‘Pride’ campaign. During this campaign, Target wittingly marketed and sold LGBTQIA+ promotional products to families and young children as part of a comprehensive effort to promote gender and sexual identity among children.”

“This year, Target reportedly promoted and sold products in our states that included, among other products, LGBT-themed onesies, bibs, and overalls, t-shirts labeled ‘Girls Gays Theys;’ ‘Pride Adult Drag Queen Katya’ (which depicts a male dressed in female ‘drag’); and girls’ swimsuits with ‘tuck-friendly construction’ and ‘extra crotch coverage’ for male genitalia,” Rokita continued. “Target also included merchandise by the self-declared ‘Satanist-Inspired’ brand Abprallen, which is known for designs that glorify violence. These designs include the phrases ‘We Bash Back’ with a heart-shaped mace in the trans-flag colors, ‘Transphobe Collector’ with a skull, and ‘Homophobe Headrest’ with skulls beside a pastel guillotine. Target also sold products with antiChristian designs, such as pentagrams, horned skulls, and other Satanic products. One such design included the phrase ‘Satan Respects Pronouns’ with a horned ram representing Baphomet—a half-human, half-animal, hermaphrodite worshiped by the occult.”


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5e84df No.70342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145780 (082025ZJUL23) Notable: USDA Rubber Stamps Public Sale of Lab Grown Meat Product — Public Expresses Concern

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USDA Rubber Stamps Public Sale of Lab Grown Meat Product — Public Expresses Concern

The United States Department of Agriculture is busier than ever — promoting it’s stated priorities — and it shows.

Now, USA Today reports that two companies, Upside Foods and GOOD Meat, were recently granted a “rubber stamp” from USDA to manufacture and sell their laboratory grown chicken products to the public.

In fact, the Frankenstein Meats are already being sold in San Francisco restaurants, and plans for rapid expansion are well underway.

But a Thursday report from Natural News details the intimate role of reviled billionaire Bill Gates in the launch of the industry.

Additionally, the Bloomberg report explains that while “leading scientists” are desperate to convince the public that cultured meat products won’t lead to skyrocketing cancer, “the industry doesn’t have the decades of data to prove it—so it’s trying to avoid the question instead.”

So while globalist-backed corporations attempt to alter the means of public nutrition — forever changing the way we eat protein — it’s safe to say that vast numbers of people want nothing to do with it.

But as the USDA continues forward with the stated agenda to promote Racial Justice, Climate-Smart Agriculture, and New Market Opportunities, it’s highly unlikely that the will of the people is considered in much larger plans.


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5e84df No.70343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145844 (082036ZJUL23) Notable: Top BBC star is taken off air after 'paying teenager £35,000 for sexual pictures'

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Top BBC star is taken off air after 'paying teenager £35,000 for sexual pictures'

The well-known presenter is said to have asked the teenager for 'performances'

A top BBC star has reportedly been taken off air pending an investigation after claims emerged that he paid a vulnerable teenager more than £35,000 for sexual images.

The well-known presenter allegedly began paying the teenager when they were 17, and sent them the money which they used to fund a crack cocaine addiction.

The child's mother, who has made the shocking allegations, told the Sun she feels 'sick' whenever she sees the man on TV.

The star was said to have requested 'performances' from the individual, who told their mother they would then 'get their bits out'.

The family made a formal complaint to the BBC in May, begging the corporation to stop the behaviour towards their child, now 20.

It is claimed he sent hundreds or even thousands of pounds at once, once depositing a sum of £5,000 in the teenager's bank account.


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5e84df No.70344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145856 (082039ZJUL23) Notable: Plane crash in Southern California leaves 6 people dead

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Plane crash in Southern California leaves 6 people dead

The incident is being investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration.

Six people died early Saturday morning after a Cessna business jet crashed in Southern California, according to reports.

Authorities responded to the crash in Murrieta at around 4:15 a.m. where the plane was found “fully engulfed in flames in a field,” according to NBC News.

A National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) spokesperson told the outlet that the plane "crashed short of French Valley Airport during its second approach." The flight had departed from Las Vegas, Nevada.

As of now, no other victims have been identified, but six people were pronounced dead on the scene.

The incident is being investigated by the NTSB and the Federal Aviation Administration.

The cause of the crash is not known at this time.

"At this early stage of an investigation, NTSB does not state a cause but will provide factual information when available," NTSB spokesperson Jennifer Gabris said, according to NBC News. "Investigations currently take between 12 and 24 months to complete."


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5e84df No.70345

File: 2cf6f4cc6c64fc7⋯.png (334.2 KB,494x886,247:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145896 (082049ZJUL23) Notable: A looming US-Turkey F-16 deal is about much more than Sweden’s NATO bid

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July 8, 2023 • 3:47pm ET

A looming US-Turkey F-16 deal is about much more than Sweden’s NATO bid

The NATO Summit in Vilnius starting on July 11 will mark milestones in several strategic processes of vital importance to the Alliance. These include assessing progress on the Strategic Concept adopted in Madrid last year, recognizing Finland’s successful accession, debating the path forward on Ukraine’s application, and consideration of the end game towards Swedish membership. A long-awaited deal for the United States to sell F-16 fighter jets to Turkey is also on the table in Vilnius, but it’s about much more than unlocking Sweden’s accession: It is a puzzle piece in a broader strategic calculation about Ankara’s role in NATO’s Southeast.

At the 2022 summit, Finland and Sweden signed a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding outlining a path for accession through progress on Turkey’s security concerns. After Finland officially became a member country on April 4, 2023, the United States and other NATO member countries started to exert pressure on Turkey to accelerate approval for Sweden prior to the Vilnius summit. Sweden, with two hundred years of military non-alignment, and Finland, neutral throughout the Cold War, applied for membership only after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February last year. Enhancing Ukraine’s security is high on the agenda at the NATO Summit, necessitating attention to direct support for Ukraine’s defense, Alliance enlargement, and effective cooperation in the Black Sea region.

For Ankara the primary consideration in approving Sweden is tougher enforcement of counter-terror laws against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), an internationally recognized terrorist group, and its offshoots. Washington has dangled possible approval of Turkey’s proposed purchase of F-16 fighter jets and upgrade kits in attempts to influence Ankara’s calculation. Ankara, which is a long-time F-16 producer and user, desires reasonable compensation for its earlier expulsion from the F-35 program, after it went ahead with the purchase of Russia’s S-400 missile defense system which also led to the imposition of US sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). Both the United States and Turkey see Turkish air power as a NATO anchor in the Black Sea region.

Securing the Black Sea ...


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5e84df No.70346

File: 893176f67bb6d7d⋯.png (369.54 KB,820x605,164:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146040 (082123ZJUL23) Notable: Meta Employee Caught In Amateur Pedophile Sting Video Allegedly Attempting To Lure 13-Year-Old Bo

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Meta Employee Caught In Amateur Pedophile Sting Video Allegedly Attempting To Lure 13-Year-Old Boy

(Screenshot/YouTube/PCI Predator Catchers Indiannaopolis)

(Screenshot/YouTube/PCI Predator Catchers Indiannaopolis)

Daily Caller News Foundation logo

Ailan Evans

Deputy Editor

February 17, 2022 11:29 PM ET

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5e84df No.70347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19145220 (081838ZJUL23) Notable: #23515

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ebake dough


bread remains ghosted

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5e84df No.70348

File: 312f62c9c353a28⋯.png (973.72 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146076 (082131ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Not My King’ Chants from Protesters as King Charles visits Scotland

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‘Not My King’ Chants from Protesters as King Charles visits Scotland

In Britain, we are ten months into the reign of King Charles. He became King automatically on the death of his Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who was the longest reigning monarch in British History. While the Queen was held in high regard by the vast majority of the British people, the media and the world at large, the situation with King Charles is altogether different. We are seeing frustrations and voices of opposition to Charles which would never have been seen under Queen Elizabeth II.

This week we saw that voice of discontent once again shown to the world. Anti monarchists gathered and many lined the route holding yellow boards that read “Not my King”. Such opposition to the monarch would have been unthinkable during Queen Elizabeth’s time but times have changed and there is little love from the public for the new king. Why is this?


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5e84df No.70349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146078 (082131ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: 45th President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Nevada Volunteer Recruitment Event - 7/8/23

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LIVE: 45th President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Nevada Volunteer Recruitment Event - 7/8/23

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5e84df No.70350

File: dee92eda9af25a6⋯.png (88.24 KB,1003x508,1003:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146082 (082132ZJUL23) Notable: Six dead after taking off from Harry Reid airport.

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Six dead after taking off from Harry Reid airport.


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5e84df No.70351

File: 83a9648132cd16f⋯.png (65.26 KB,764x467,764:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146098 (082136ZJUL23) Notable: POTUS Hit piece - Aus MSM

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Hit piece - Aus MSM

‘Visible disgust’: Bombshell book exposes Donald Trump’s creepy Ivanka comments

An explosive new book claims former US president Donald Trump made a series of inappropriate comments about his own teenage daughter.

Donald Trump made lewd remarks about his daughter Ivanka’s appearance and wondered “what it might be like to have sex with her”, a new book about life inside his White House administration reveals.

Former chief of staff of Trump’s Department of Homeland Security Miles Taylor makes the claim in his soon-to-be-released book Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump.

Taylor describes what he calls “naked sexism” towards female advisors and staff members. And he says one of Trump’s many chiefs-of-staff, John Kelly, felt compelled to intervene during a ribald rant.

“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” Taylor writes.

“Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was ‘a very, very evil man’.”

Trump was famously caught on tape in 2005 claiming that he could grab women “by the p***y”, stating that “when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything”.

It is not the first time Trump has been accused of focusing on the sexuality of his daughter.

A photo taken in 1996 with his then 15-year-old daughter showed the apparently braless Ivanka sitting on his lap with a statue of two parrots appearing to engage in intercourse in the foreground.

A year later, as the 16-year-old Ivanka hosted the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he reportedly told the then Miss Universe: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?”

n a 2006 talk show appearance, he said: “She does have a very nice figure. If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her. Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?”

At about the same time, he told radio host Howard Stern, “She’s actually always been very voluptuous”. He added it was okay to call her a “piece of ass”.

In 2015, he told Rolling Stone that Ivanka was “a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father …”

The book’s release comes shortly after a jury found Trump liable for sexually abusing — but not raping — journalist Jean Carroll.

Carroll said Trump attacked her in a store changing room in the 1990s. Trump has vehemently denied the allegation but Carroll was awarded $5 million in damages.

Trump is appealing and suing her for defamation over comments she made during an interview with CNN.

Several former staff members have since spoken out against his treatment of women while president.

“There still are quite a few female leaders from the Trump administration who have held their tongues about the unequal treatment they faced in the administration at best, and the absolute naked sexism they experienced with the hands of Donald Trump at worst,” Taylor told Newsweek.


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5e84df No.70352

File: 5ac97af6531e13a⋯.png (184.28 KB,1319x442,1319:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146112 (082138ZJUL23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr Retweeted Edward Dowd;🚨🚨Bad news…real time Disability Data from US Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr Retweeted

Edward Dowd

🚨🚨Bad news…real time Disability Data from US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) rose 857k in June to a new all time high of 34.15 million. The rate of change is accelerating again. If this was a stock it’s a break out chart and reacceleration of trend. Both employed women & men hit new highs as well.

3:29 PM · Jul 8, 2023·258.2K Views


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5e84df No.70353

File: 89f7407bd70c758⋯.png (151.58 KB,804x796,201:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146122 (082140ZJUL23) Notable: Frustration about the DeSantis campaign

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Erick Erickson·4h

I'm on a number of group chats, email lists, etc., and all of them are dealing with ongoing threads offrustration about the DeSantis campaign. The perception is settling in that something needs to happen, but everyone has a different opinion on what to do.

Richard Grenell Retweeted

Brandon Saario

DeSantis has a couple of problems

1. He doesn't have much charisma, and when he speaks, it sounds like lecturing rather than leading

2. His wife is campaigning more than him.

3. He tried to paint himself as perfect on covid, which videos show he wasn't. When he got called out, he said "Trump made me do it" which is weak. Should have never tried to campaign as perfect because Americans really dislike that. Admit your flaws because we all have made mistakes. I know I have

4. He can do better when HE campaigns alone and people don't get multiple people campaigning .

5. Stop with the cheesy groups

2:46 PM · Jul 8, 2023·20.3K Views


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5e84df No.70354

File: e8640ebcf96546a⋯.jpg (114.64 KB,720x707,720:707,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146177 (082155ZJUL23) Notable: Meme posse

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5e84df No.70355

File: 0601735b5352cfd⋯.png (110.96 KB,848x928,53:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 7699c4ce6ae1181⋯.png (110.58 KB,859x892,859:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b4bd7c49c257b0⋯.png (48.33 KB,862x397,862:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146203 (082159ZJUL23) Notable: BIS: CBDC Roll-Outs May Require Changing The Constitution(?)

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BIS: CBDC Roll-Outs May Require Changing The Constitution

The IMF is warning that with all these CBDCs about to launch, there need to be global inter-operability standards between them all, and they’re working on a global platform to facilitate just that.

Speaking at a conference of African central banks in Rabat, Morocco, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said that there needs to be agreement among CBDC implementations,

“on a common regulatory framework for digital currencies that will allow global interoperability. Failure to agree on a common platform would create a vacuum that would likely be filled by cryptocurrencies”

Not to be outdone, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) worked with seven central banks to publish YARP (Yet Another Research Paper) on CBDC policy, entitled “Central Bank Digital Currencies: ongoing policy perspectives”… (*yawn*).

The central banks involved were: Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, England, the United States, Canada, and the European Union.

The paper is mostly a snoozer:

“Development of CBDC work requires careful consideration and engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, including the private sector and legislators”…

“To successfully meet its public policy objectives, a CBDC ecosystem should allow a wide range of private and public stakeholders to participate and, in doing so, deliver services which benefit end users.”…

“The complex design questions and the potential risks arising from the implementation of any CBDC require careful consideration.”

Until you get to the rather innocuous sounding Annexes, like “Box 2: Legal Considerations”.

This is where it starts to get interesting.


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5e84df No.70356

File: 46c07a351901a27⋯.png (204.67 KB,536x792,67:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146228 (082205ZJUL23) Notable: Report: Allegations Emerge of U.S. Officials Meeting with ‘Missing’ Biden Corruption Witness

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Report: Allegations Emerge of U.S. Officials Meeting with ‘Missing’ Biden Corruption Witness

Allegations emerged Thursday of U.S. law enforcement officials setting a meeting with a “missing” Biden family whistleblower, Dr. Gal Luft, who claims authorities arrested him in Cyprus to prevent his cooperation with House Oversight Committee chair James Comer’s (R-KY) probe into the Biden family.

Comer wanted to interview Luft as a “potential witness” before he went into hiding after his arrest in February. Authorities charged Luft with conspiring to sell Chinese weapons to the UAE, Kenya, and Libya, violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), and making a false statement.

Luft claims he skipped bail in Cyprus in April while awaiting extradition: “I did not believe I will receive a fair trial in a New York court,” he said.

As a fugitive, Luft alleges his testimony to the committee would show the Biden family received money from CEFC China Energy Co, an entity linked to the CCP. He also claims the Bidens had a mole inside the FBI who shared information to the benefit of the family business.

Luft, who claims he is a fall guy, said he gave the incriminating evidence of Biden family wrongdoing to the FBI and the DOJ in Brussels at a March 2019 secret meeting. But U.S. authorities covered up the meeting, he alleged.

On Thursday, allegations surfaced via a document from Miranda Devine that supports the alleged meeting occurred. The reported document represents the first alleged proof of his claims:

Luft said six U.S. authorities attended the Brussels meeting, including four FBI agents and two prosecutors from the Southern District of New York, named Daniel Richenthal and Catherine Ghosh.

“Why did the government dispatch to Europe so many people?” Luft asked in a video released Wednesday in the New York Post.

“They knew very well I’m a credible witness and I have insider knowledge about the group and individuals that enriched the Biden family,” he said.

“Over an intensive two-day meeting, I shared my information about the Biden family’s financial transactions with CEFC, including specific dollar figures,” he added. “I also provided the name of Rob Walker, who later became known as Hunter Biden’s bagman.”

Walker is an infamous character involved in the Biden business. Suspicious activity reports obtained by Comer’s committee revealed Rob Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC in 2017. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Walker was also cc’d on a 2017 email chain between Hunter and two of his former business partners, Tony Bobulinski and James Gilliar, about ten percent “held by H for the big guy.”

According to an IRS whistleblower’s testimony, U.S. officials prevented prosecutors from questioning Walker about the email.


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5e84df No.70357

File: f85c0562b03b724⋯.png (359.65 KB,647x362,647:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146243 (082208ZJUL23) Notable: Acting Labor Sec’y: Rate Hikes Are Hurting a Lot of People, People ‘Continue to Feel’ ‘Pain’

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Acting Labor Sec’y: Rate Hikes Are Hurting a Lot of People, People ‘Continue to Feel’ ‘Pain’

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports,” acting Labor Secretary Julie Su acknowledged that the Federal Reserve hiking interest rates to tame inflation is hurting many people and stated that “We should acknowledge some of the pain that Americans continue to feel.”

Host Ana Cabrera asked, “Markets are reacting to today’s news, still down slightly this morning. Wall Street expects another interest rate hike…mortgage rates are already way up. Credit card rates are up. This is hurting a lot of Americans. What’s the answer?”

Su responded, “I think that’s right. We should acknowledge some of the pain that Americans continue to feel. Remember, just three years ago, we were deep in a pandemic, and the economic catastrophe that associated — that came with it. I think part of the answer, though, is to continue to do what the President said. Let’s finish this job. Let’s continue to create good jobs in communities all across the country, let’s create pathways so people who have been left out of the labor market before can get those good jobs, and let’s continue to focus on bringing down inflation, bringing down costs of living so that Americans can feel this in their homes, at the grocery stores, and at the kitchen table.”



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5e84df No.70358

File: 9de5c1a50bca030⋯.png (220.23 KB,693x379,693:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146253 (082210ZJUL23) Notable: EVIL: CNN Criticizes ‘Sound of Freedom’ for Allegedly Encouraging QAnon Conspiracy Theories

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Jim Hoft





EVIL: CNN Criticizes ‘Sound of Freedom’ for Allegedly Encouraging QAnon Conspiracy Theories Despite Real-life Implications of Epstein-Maxwell (VIDEO)


EVIL: CNN Criticizes 'Sound of Freedom' for Allegedly Encouraging QAnon Conspiracy Theories Despite Real-life Implications of Epstein-Maxwell (VIDEO) | The Gateway…

The faith-based film ‘Sound of Freedom’ has outperformed Disney’s $300 million-budget film “Indiana Jones” at the box office.

The Gateway Pundit

Link Feed

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5e84df No.70359

File: ba65370dc0ed77d⋯.png (231.14 KB,631x596,631:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146283 (082215ZJUL23) Notable: KEK! WaPo calls Sound Of Freedom Low Budget.

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KEK! WaPo calls Sound Of Freedom Low Budget.

Low Budget for the WIN! $$$$$$$


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5e84df No.70360

File: 04ed820093e0d8b⋯.png (243.49 KB,708x351,236:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146309 (082218ZJUL23) Notable: SICK: Disney Announces They'll Pay For Employees' Abortion-Related Travel Costs

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Jim Hoft


Jun 25, 2022


SICK: Disney Announces They'll Pay For Employees' Abortion-Related Travel Costs https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/disney-paying-employees-abortion-related-travel-costs/?utm_source=Gab&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

SICK: Disney Announces They'll Pay For Employees' Abortion-Related Travel Costs

Disney just stooped to another low. Walt Disney Company sent a memo to employees saying they would pay for the travel costs of employees seeking abortions. The New…

The Gateway Pundit

Link Feed

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5e84df No.70361

File: b7a531f2ee43a7c⋯.jpeg (124.24 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146324 (082222ZJUL23) Notable: Allies slam cluster bombs US plans to send to Kiev (RT)

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8 Jul, 2023 21:28

Allies slam cluster bombs US plans to send to Kiev

Both Ottawa and London have said they are against using the weapons on the battlefield

Canada and the UK have become the latest Western nations to voice concern over US President Joe Biden’s decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine. Both countries have reaffirmed their commitment to a UN agreement banning the armaments and spoken against employing them in the current conflict with Russia.

“We do not support the use of cluster munitions,” the Canadian government told the national broadcaster CTV on Saturday. Ottawa is “committed to putting an end to the effects cluster munitions have on civilians – particularly children,” the statement read.

Separately, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told journalists that London also does not support employing cluster bombs. “The UK is a signatory to a convention that prohibits production or use of cluster munitions and discourages their use,” he explained, adding that London would continue to support Ukraine through other means.

Canada said it was “fully compliant” with the UN convention banning the weapons, which was adopted in 2008. More than 110 nations have joined the agreement since then.

Cluster bombs carry smaller explosive submunitions that are released in flight and scattered across a target area, and are typically used against personnel and lightly armored vehicles. They also tend to leave behind undetonated ‘duds’ that can remain in former conflict zones for decades.

“People continue to die because of the use of this type of weapon,” Earl Turcotte, a veteran Canadian diplomat and a disarmament activist, told CTV. The former official, who led the Canadian delegation at the talks on the 2008 convention on cluster munitions, urged Ottawa to specifically “speak out” against the US decision.

“The point must be made clearly and forcefully that any immediate military benefit cluster munitions might afford would be nullified and far exceeded by their humanitarian impact on the Ukrainian citizenry over the longer term,”Turcotte said.

Washington, however, took a different position on Saturday. When asked about the potential harm to the civilian population the US-made bombs could inflict in Ukraine, a senior Pentagon official said that “the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine is for Russia to win.”

The move announced by the US this week has sparked concern among various nations, including some of America’s allies, as well as at the UN. On Friday, Germany reaffirmed its commitment to the UN treaty banning cluster munitions. Austria also warned that the West would be sending the wrong signal by delivering such ordnance to a conflict zone, while Spain said that it should not be used by Ukraine “under any circumstances.”

Moscow has condemned Washington’s decision as an act of “desperation” that would not affect its ongoing military campaign, but would have dire consequences for non-combatants. The US will “share full responsibility for the deaths… of both Russian and Ukrainian children,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated on Saturday.

(This is the first time the EU and Canada has challenged Bidan, they’ve gotten the word, Joe is out soon! Although the UK chiming in is rich, since they sent Storm missiles that could kill men, women and children.)


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5e84df No.70362

File: b3ae028a98c7673⋯.png (145.32 KB,737x951,737:951,Clipboard.png)

File: 24be9c851b5d836⋯.pdf (743.12 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 6d8b3ba28c10ca9⋯.png (153.31 KB,730x854,365:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 59474feb41dff2d⋯.png (135.45 KB,718x861,718:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146327 (082223ZJUL23) Notable: Kari Lake says her election lawsuit is the best hope at reforming elections in the US

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5e84df No.70363

File: 2b84955a6be77bd⋯.png (158.77 KB,562x827,562:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146329 (082223ZJUL23) Notable: Kari Lake says her election lawsuit is the best hope at reforming elections in the US

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Updated: July 8, 2023 - 3:49pm

Kari Lake says her election lawsuit is the best hope at reforming elections in the US

"I have great faith in this case, and we may actually expand things a bit. I will just kind of leave it at that, and I won't reveal our full strategy," Lake said.

Former GOP Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake said that she believes her election lawsuit is the best hope at reforming elections across the country.

"This is, I believe, our best hope to get reform in our elections: my case," Lake said on the Friday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "I believe it's the greatest election case. We have the truth on our side. We have tons of evidence. Yes, we haven't had a judge rule in our favor. But it takes a lot of courage to make the right ruling on this case."

Lake and her team have filed a notice for appeal. You can read it here:


"We filed a notice for appeal," she said. "And we're working on our appeal. We hope to have it filed at the earliest within a week, at the latest by the end of the month."

She hinted that they may have a bigger strategy with the lawsuit, but didn't elaborate.

"We have this fraud named Katie Hobbs sitting in the governor's office," Lake continued. "Anything they (the state legislature) push on election reform, she vetoes. So I believe my case is the only way to truly get reform and we're going to continue to push it. I have great faith in this case, and we may actually expand things a bit. I will just kind of leave it at that, and I won't reveal our full strategy."

Since losing to current Arizona Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, Lake has contested the results of the 2022 election in court, arguing that thousands of Republican voters were disenfranchised on Election Day, when voting machine errors occurred in at least 60% of the voting centers in Maricopa County. She also pointed out major problems with the signature verification process for mail-in ballots.

Lake has vowed to take her election lawsuit all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.


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5e84df No.70364

File: 706d53314ef9eb2⋯.jpeg (54.25 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146402 (082240ZJUL23) Notable: US confirms talks with Russia on prisoner swap (RT)

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8 Jul, 2023 18:19

US confirms talks with Russia on prisoner swap

The two sides have not found a “clear pathway to a resolution” so far, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has said

American and Russian officials are holding talks on possible prisoner trades, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told journalists on Friday. The list of candidates for exchange includes Wall Street Journalreporter Evan Gershkovich, he added.

The negotiations have not yielded any tangible results so far, the senior White House official said, adding that he did not want to give “false hope.” Gershkovich was arrested in Russia in late March on espionage charges and has remained in custody ever since. In May, a Russian court extended his arrest until August 30.

“There have been discussions, but those discussions have not produced a clear pathway to a resolution,” Sullivan said, when asked about Gershkovich’s case. He also added that theUS had no “clear answer” on how to secure the journalist’s release. (Call in Kash he got like 38 out without discussing it with the press!)

Earlier this week, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also confirmed that Moscow and Washington were holding talks on potential prisoner swaps. “We have said that there are certain contacts on this subject but we do not want to make them public in any way,” he said, adding that such discussions “should… continue in complete silence.”

Peskov did not mention Gershkovich’s case specifically. He only said that diplomatic access to those detained should be facilitated by both Moscow and Washington. His comments came after the US ambassador to Russia, Lynne Tracy, visited Gershkovich in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison. She stated that the reporter was in “good health” and remained “strong, despite his circumstances.”

The US officially designated Gershkovich “wrongfully detained” by Russia in April. Moscow maintains that what he was doing in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg “had nothing to do with journalism.” Peskov also previously described the reporter as being “caught red-handed” in an act of espionage.

It has also been reported that Washington has allegedly considered some “creative solutions”to secure Gershkovich's release,including arresting some “Russian spies”in third countries to offer in exchange. A Russian MP previously suggested trading the WSJ reporter for Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange, currently being held in a British maximum-security prison while the US seeks his extradition on espionage charges.

(They really don’t get what a bad position they are in with Russia, do they?)


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5e84df No.70365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146418 (082243ZJUL23) Notable: Portland, OR Jesus March

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5e84df No.70366

File: 3c7cadadd3e327e⋯.png (326.2 KB,600x496,75:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146423 (082243ZJUL23) Notable: Karine Jean-Pierre claims race-based college admissions is one of Americans’ “important constitutional rights”

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anyone can toss a well used mop on their head and say stupid things in 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146466 (082251ZJUL23) Notable: #23515

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'~@370 >>70347

...Gathered for convenience.

>>70348 ‘Not My King’ Chants from Protesters as King Charles visits Scotland

>>70349 LIVE: 45th President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Nevada Volunteer Recruitment Event - 7/8/23

>>70350 Six dead after taking off from Harry Reid airport.

>>70351 POTUS Hit piece - Aus MSM

>>70352 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Retweeted Edward Dowd;🚨🚨Bad news…real time Disability Data from US Bureau of Labor Statistics

>>70353 Frustration about the DeSantis campaign

>>70354 Meme posse

>>70355 BIS: CBDC Roll-Outs May Require Changing The Constitution(?)

>>70356 Report: Allegations Emerge of U.S. Officials Meeting with ‘Missing’ Biden Corruption Witness

>>70357 Acting Labor Sec’y: Rate Hikes Are Hurting a Lot of People, People ‘Continue to Feel’ ‘Pain’

>>70358 EVIL: CNN Criticizes ‘Sound of Freedom’ for Allegedly Encouraging QAnon Conspiracy Theories

>>70359 KEK! WaPo calls Sound Of Freedom Low Budget.

>>70360 SICK: Disney Announces They'll Pay For Employees' Abortion-Related Travel Costs

>>70361 Allies slam cluster bombs US plans to send to Kiev (RT)

>>70362, >>70363 Kari Lake says her election lawsuit is the best hope at reforming elections in the US

>>70364 US confirms talks with Russia on prisoner swap (RT)

>>70365 Portland, OR Jesus March

>>70366 Karine Jean-Pierre claims race-based college admissions is one of Americans’ “important constitutional rights”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70368

File: 67de4d3243e4930⋯.jpeg (1015.74 KB,1170x1568,585:784,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146530 (082303ZJUL23) Notable: #Antifa & #Trantifa in downtown #Portland are outnumbered by families & people of color attending the “Jesus March” Evangelical rally.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#Antifa & #Trantifa in downtown #Portland are outnumbered by families & people of color attending the “Jesus March” Evangelical rally. Antifa’s comrades are trying to disrupt the event by driving around the square and blasting the car horn the entire time. Video by @hunnybadgermom:

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146632 (082317ZJUL23) Notable: Dutch Coalition Government Collapses, Prime Minister Resigns Over Migration Policy Differences

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dutch Coalition Government Collapses, Prime Minister Resigns Over Migration Policy Differences

July 18, 2023

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte handed his government’s resignation to King Willem-Alexander in The Hague on Saturday, the Associated Press (AP) reported.

The resignation signaled theend of Rutte’s 17-month-old, four-party coalition government recently riven by differences over migration policy, the AP news report noted. The government will not pass major new laws but will remain in power as a caretaker administration until general elections later this year and the formation of a new ruling coalition.

Rutte’s Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (VVD), or People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, is one of the four parties that comprised the coalition government. VVD and the Christian Democrats favor tough measures on migration, whereas the other two parties, Democrats 66 and Christian Union oppose a strict crackdown on migration, according to a separate AP news report. One of the migration proposals the government considered entailed creating two classes of asylum, a temporary one for people fleeing conflicts and a permanent one for people fleeing persecution. Another focused on reducing the number of family members who are allowed to join asylum-seekers in the Netherlands. Late-night meetings from Wednesday to Friday failed to result in a deal on migration policy, leading Rutte to “draw the conclusion that those differences are irreconcilable,” the report noted.

In 2022, 401,351 persons moved to the Netherlands, with nearly 64% of them being European, according to Statistics Netherlands, the country’s statistical office. Asian immigrants were the largest non-European Union (EU) migrants at 17.3%. Non-EU asylum seekers numbered 21,505, and 18,465 persons from non-EU countries were students. Nearly half of the labor migrants from non-European Union countries are highly educated males working in the services sector, according to a separate report by Statistics Netherlands. The migration rate, however, reportedly strains housing resources in the densely populated country, the AP noted.

Rutte, 56, has been prime minister since 2010, becoming the Netherlands‘ longest-serving prime minister, according to the BBC. His government, the fourth coalition he has formed, has reportedly been under pressure on migration from other anti-immigration political parties in the country.


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5e84df No.70370

File: 7e167b15b910463⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146700 (082330ZJUL23) Notable: Dan (you)?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70371

File: 71029bf0b092807⋯.jpg (58.77 KB,719x579,719:579,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146740 (082338ZJUL23) Notable: The enthusiasm is great

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The enthusiasm is great

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70372

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146741 (082338ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: The level of love, and the level of enthusiasm is something that; I 'm not sure that any political campaign has ever seen it. I've never seen anything like it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The level of love, and the level of enthusiasm is something that; I 'm not sure that any political campaign has ever seen it. I've never seen anything like it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146758 (082341ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We have broken borders, and we have rigged elections. And you can't have either of those two if you're going to have a country.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We have broken borders, and we have rigged elections. And you can't have either of those two if you're going to have a country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146768 (082343ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: They can be dishonest and they can lie, they can cheat, they can do whatever they want. The one thing they can't do is if we get massive numbers of votes, they can only go so far.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They can be dishonest and they can lie, they can cheat, they can do whatever they want. The one thing they can't do is if we get massive numbers of votes, they can only go so far.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70375

File: aa696bd6ccd6039⋯.png (303.47 KB,1330x168,95:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146774 (082343ZJUL23) Notable: Nevada State Volunteers Meeting

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‘stimulate by electricity’


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146797 (082347ZJUL23) Notable: They gloves are off, “the jar has been opened”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


They gloves are off, “the jar has been opened”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146820 (082350ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We can't be kind anymore. The gloves are off. The jar has been opened. [Biden has] taken millions of dollars from other countries like China; he's totally compromised….ten million, two hundred thousand dollars from, China, millions and millions of dollars from Ukraine. These are compromised people. The people that are leading us are corrupt and they are compromised.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We can't be kind anymore. The gloves are off. The jar has been opened. [Biden has] taken millions of dollars from other countries like China; he's totally compromised....ten million, two hundred thousand dollars from, China, millions and millions of dollars from Ukraine. These are compromised people. The people that are leading us are corrupt and they are compromised.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146861 (082357ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: You have to have; ultimately, we got to win the election first, and if we win the election, we're going to paper ballots, we're going to immediately, voter ID, and we're going to same-day voting.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: You have to have; ultimately, we got to win the election first, and if we win the election, we're going to paper ballots, we're going to immediately, voter ID, and we're going to same-day voting.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146883 (090001ZJUL23) Notable: #23515

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

...Oh shiiiiii


#23515 >>70347, >>70367

>>70348 ‘Not My King’ Chants from Protesters as King Charles visits Scotland

>>70349 LIVE: 45th President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Nevada Volunteer Recruitment Event - 7/8/23

>>70350 Six dead after taking off from Harry Reid airport.

>>70351 POTUS Hit piece - Aus MSM

>>70352 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Retweeted Edward Dowd;🚨🚨Bad news…real time Disability Data from US Bureau of Labor Statistics

>>70353 Frustration about the DeSantis campaign

>>70354 Meme posse

>>70355 BIS: CBDC Roll-Outs May Require Changing The Constitution(?)

>>70356 Report: Allegations Emerge of U.S. Officials Meeting with ‘Missing’ Biden Corruption Witness

>>70357 Acting Labor Sec’y: Rate Hikes Are Hurting a Lot of People, People ‘Continue to Feel’ ‘Pain’

>>70358 EVIL: CNN Criticizes ‘Sound of Freedom’ for Allegedly Encouraging QAnon Conspiracy Theories

>>70359 KEK! WaPo calls Sound Of Freedom Low Budget.

>>70360 SICK: Disney Announces They'll Pay For Employees' Abortion-Related Travel Costs

>>70361 Allies slam cluster bombs US plans to send to Kiev (RT)

>>70362, >>70363 Kari Lake says her election lawsuit is the best hope at reforming elections in the US

>>70364 US confirms talks with Russia on prisoner swap (RT)

>>70365 Portland, OR Jesus March

>>70366 Karine Jean-Pierre claims race-based college admissions is one of Americans’ “important constitutional rights”

>>70368 #Antifa & #Trantifa in downtown #Portland are outnumbered by families & people of color attending the “Jesus March” Evangelical rally.

>>70369 Dutch Coalition Government Collapses, Prime Minister Resigns Over Migration Policy Differences

>>70370 Dan (you)?

>>70375 Nevada State Volunteers Meeting

>>70371 The enthusiasm is great

>>70372 President Trump: The level of love, and the level of enthusiasm is something that; I 'm not sure that any political campaign has ever seen it. I've never seen anything like it.

>>70373 President Trump: We have broken borders, and we have rigged elections. And you can't have either of those two if you're going to have a country.

>>70374 President Trump: They can be dishonest and they can lie, they can cheat, they can do whatever they want. The one thing they can't do is if we get massive numbers of votes, they can only go so far.

>>70376 They gloves are off, “the jar has been opened”


>>70377 President Trump: We can't be kind anymore. The gloves are off. The jar has been opened. [Biden has] taken millions of dollars from other countries like China; he's totally compromised….ten million, two hundred thousand dollars from, China, millions and millions of dollars from Ukraine. These are compromised people. The people that are leading us are corrupt and they are compromised.

>>70378 President Trump: You have to have; ultimately, we got to win the election first, and if we win the election, we're going to paper ballots, we're going to immediately, voter ID, and we're going to same-day voting.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70380

File: 29dd3669e0e1c4b⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,780x521,780:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146892 (090007ZJUL23) Notable: #23516

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146929 (090012ZJUL23) Notable: #23514

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23514 posted in 23516

>>70324 US preparing ‘Israel-style’ security guarantees for Ukraine – Ukraine ‘deserves’ NATO membership

>>70325, >>70327 "Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

>>70326 A BRICS Currency Could Shake the Dollar’s Dominance

>>70329 A BRICS Currency Could Shake the Dollar’s Dominance

>>70330 Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism – WHY IS THAT?

>>70331 Maine Governor Poised To Sign Bill Allowing Elective Abortions Up Until Birth

>>70333 US military giving artificial intelligence classified operation info

>>70334 Key witness in Netanyahu trial Hadas Klein threatened over testimony

>>70335 CDC admits not including diagnostic codes showing COVID vax as 'cause' on some death certificates

>>70336 Activists want to disqualify Trump from ballot in key states under 14th Amendment

>>70337 J.P. Morgan & Co: The Octopus Always Wins - alternative Titanic Sinking Theory

>>70338 Damning Audit Shows New York Paid Up To $14,050 For Injecting ONE Covid-19 “Vaccine”

>>70339 Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the World’s Population

>>70340 Biden admin seeks to deter border crossings by creating clear immigration path for Central Americans, Columbians

>>70341 Seven AGs Send Target a Letter Warning Pride Displays May Have Violated Laws That ‘Protect Children From Harmful Content Meant to Sexualize Them’

>>70342 USDA Rubber Stamps Public Sale of Lab Grown Meat Product — Public Expresses Concern

>>70343 Top BBC star is taken off air after 'paying teenager £35,000 for sexual pictures'

>>70344 Plane crash in Southern California leaves 6 people dead

>>70345 A looming US-Turkey F-16 deal is about much more than Sweden’s NATO bid

>>70346 Meta Employee Caught In Amateur Pedophile Sting Video Allegedly Attempting To Lure 13-Year-Old Boy

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70382

File: 90dc33354feba66⋯.jpeg (222.06 KB,1124x494,562:247,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146969 (090021ZJUL23) Notable: DAVID BLACKMON: A Backlash Against Net-Zero Policies Is Finally Beginning To Take Shape

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DAVID BLACKMON: A Backlash Against Net-Zero Policies Is Finally Beginning To Take Shape

July 8, 2023

The past week has been a very interesting one, to say the least, as the media has suddenly filled with story after story documenting a rising backlash against net-zero policies in the Western world.

From environmental, social and governance (ESG) to insurance alliances to recent elections in Europe, the tide seems to be turning against the destructive outcomes of policies pushing net-zero and “energy transition” goals. With recent elections in Europe having resulted in the institution of more conservative governments in Sweden, Greece and Italy, and public attitudes in other EU nations trending in that direction, a developing backlash is not at all surprising.

Austria’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP) said Tuesday that its climate targets for 2030 will not be reached in time. The revised plan rolled out this week cuts the country’s greenhouse gas reduction goals from 48% below 2005 levels to a 35% reduction.

The UK Guardian reported Tuesday that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government is developing plans todrop the country’s costly, £11.6 billion climate and nature funding plan dueto its overwhelming cost. Government officials estimate that meeting the pledge would consume 83% of the Foreign Office’s official development assistance budget on the global international climate fund.

Earlier in the month, Poland’s climate minister, Anna Moskwa, promised to appealthe EU’s recently-adopted mandate to ban internal combustion engine automobiles by 2035 to the EU’s highest court. “We don’t agree with this and other documents from the Fit for 55 package and we’re bringing this to the European Court of Justice. I hope other countries will join,” Moskwa told Radio Zet on June 10. “We will file the motion in the coming days.”

On Wednesday, the United Nations-administered Net Zero Insurers Alliance (NZIA) announced it has dropped all requirements for members to set or publish greenhouse gas emission-reduction targets. The revision comes as 23 Republican state attorneys general in the United States threatened to file lawsuits over the group’s alleged violations of U.S. anti-trust laws. At least 18 of the 30 members of the alliance had rescinded their memberships in the group due to those allegations.

Ohio Republican Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is leading an investigation over similar anti-trust allegations against so-called ESG investment houses which boast about collectively controlling trillions of dollars in investment capital. The Daily Caller reported it had obtained copies of letters the Committee sent to the CEOs of Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), which is co-chaired by Michael Bloomberg.

Jordan’s letters were sent just days after BlackRock CEO Larry Fink told an audienceat the Aspen Ideas Festival that he was “ashamed” of his involvement in the debate over ESG, which he claimed had become “politicized.” Whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship here is anyone’s guess.

And of course the ESG issue is “politicized.” The entire pursuit is highly political — almost toxically so — by its very nature. The campaign towards “net zero” and this “energy transition” from fossil fuels to renewables is entirely driven by political decisions and policies.


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5e84df No.70383

File: 7d2d9e2bcfa09d5⋯.png (1.61 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 945f5847e93fc14⋯.jpeg (1006.25 KB,1620x1953,180:217,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146973 (090023ZJUL23) Notable: The FBI has reportedly launched an investigation into Rob Malley, President Joe Biden’s special envoy to Iran, over his handling of classified material.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The FBI has reportedly launched an investigation into Rob Malley, President Joe Biden’s special envoy to Iran, over his handling of classified material.


Robert Malley



Robert Malley was appointed Special Envoy for Iran on January 28, 2021.  Prior to that, he served as President and CEO of the International Crisis Group.

Under the President Barack Obama, he served as Special Assistant to the President, Senior Advisor to the President for the Counter-ISIL campaign, and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and Gulf Region in 2015-2016 and, before that, as Senior Director for the Gulf Region and Syria.

Before joining the National Security Council staff in February 2014, Mr. Malley founded and directed the International Crisis Group’s Middle East and North Africa Program from January 2002.  Prior to that, he was a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Until January 2001, Mr. Malley was Special Assistant to President Clinton for Arab-Israeli Affairs and Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Security Council. Mr. Malley first joined the National Security Council staff in August 1994 as Director for Democracy. In July 1997, he became Executive Assistant to the National Security Advisor from July 1997 to September 1998, acting as an informal chief of staff for Samuel R. Berger.

Mr. Malley served as a law clerk to Justice Byron R. White of the United States Supreme Court in 1991-1992.

Mr. Malley is a graduate of Yale University, Harvard Law School and Oxford University, England, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He is the author of “The Call from Algeria: Third Worldism, Revolution and the Turn to Islam” and of articles published in the New York Review of Books, Foreign Affairs, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Le Monde, and several other publications.

Follow on Twitter @USEnvoyIran


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5e84df No.70384

File: 4dd92dac6c0c61b⋯.jpg (157.38 KB,1080x896,135:112,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146974 (090023ZJUL23) Notable: Joe’s at the beach and no one cares! Sunbathing and not one SS agent nearby?

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Joe’s at the beach and no one cares!

Sunbathing and not one SS agent nearby?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70385

File: 528eea634a8559a⋯.jpeg (159.89 KB,1241x692,1241:692,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19146999 (090029ZJUL23) Notable: Trump kicks up a hornet’s nest: WH now refuses to rule out if the cocaine belongs to Hunter…

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Trump kicks up a hornet’s nest: WH now refuses to rule out if the cocaine belongs to Hunter…

July 8, 2023 (7h

President Trump has a unique talent for stirring the pot. He’s got this “thing” where he says out loud what many folks are thinking, whether they’ll own up to it or not. And this really ruffles the feathers of the upper crust who prefer to exist in a bubble of phony courtesies and insincerity. When it comes to “CokeGate” at the White House, Trump really kicked up a hornets nest, putting the regime in a tight spot. He got the ball rolling with a few zingers on Truth, placing Hunter firmly in the spotlight.



Those posts put the media and left in a panic.

We’re also learning some new very interesting developments in CokeGate. A new report from NBC has pinpointed where the coke was actually found, and it wasn’t the library, after all.


The White House cocaine story has just changed again, blowing the scandal wide open.

Now NBC is reporting the mystery cocaine was “found one floor below the main West Wing offices and the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining area.

“The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the vice president’s limo or SUV park.”

This is an area an MSNBC reporter said: “Wasn’t necessarily covered by cameras all that well.”

“We are doing everything possible to attempt to identify who may have brought this item into the White House,” Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

This situation showcases a sad possibility that’s crystal clear to most of us — it’s likely Hunter’s coke — but the powers that be are doing a heck of a job trying to dodge it. It’s almost like they’re passing the hot potato of blame, even when we can all see exactly what’s happening right before our eyes.


"It doesn't usually happen that cocaine's found in the White House, when you have a guy there who has spent years on camera, in still and in video, on crack, using cocaine."


— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) July 7, 2023

But it was President Trump who got things going and placed the regime between a rock and a hard place by calling a spade a spade. As a result, the regime is now refusing to rule out Hunter as the owner of the cocaine.

Daily Mail:

The White House batted away new lines of questioning Thursday about cocaine discovered at the White House – with a spokesman invoking the Hatch Act to avoid giving a direct answer to a charge leveled by Donald Trump.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates was asked about ‘pretty wild’ posts by the former president, who claimed cocaine discovered at the White House Sunday belonged to the president or his son Hunter, who has acknowledged illegal drug use in the past but says he is clean now.

‘I don’t have a response to that because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act,’ Bates responded, invoking the law barring politicking by government officials during their official duties. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has regularly used the law as a crutch during briefings, but recently got her own warning about running afoul of its intricacies from the Office of Special Counsel.

President Trump is saying what everyone out there is thinking — of course it was probably Hunter’s cocaine, he was at the White House the day before, and looked suspiciously “hyped on” on the balcony during the July 4th festivities.

I’m not saying Hunter Biden snorted cocaine at the White House but if he did, I would expect it to look exactly like this. pic.twitter.com/n3VykREfgq

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 5, 2023

We also know that Hunter tends to get very careless with his “things” and leaves them lying around when he’s high as a kite — as he did with the laptop from hell.

THERE'S HUNTER!!!😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/SnLlsAzJjH

— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) July 6, 2023

Unfortunately, Joe Biden’s enabler mindset towards his loser son has transformed the White House into a coke den.


It doesn’t matter how much Joe, the Enabler in Chief, tries to protect and shield his son; it’s a pointless and fruitless endeavor because when Hunter, an addict at heart, is chafing and dying for some blow, nothing can stop him.


It doesn’t matter how much Joe, the Enabler in Chief, tries to protect and shield his son; it’s a pointless and fruitless endeavor because when Hunter, an addict at heart, is chafing and dying for some blow, nothing can stop him.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70386

File: 9fbfa9862497d75⋯.png (35.05 KB,537x292,537:292,Clipboard.png)

File: 694557536883dff⋯.png (343.8 KB,559x680,559:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 95d35869a531e69⋯.png (30.87 KB,563x181,563:181,Clipboard.png)

File: f8807115e5c19fe⋯.png (15.18 KB,544x124,136:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147009 (090032ZJUL23) Notable: Hillary Clinton Throws Her Support Behind Joe Biden Amid Major Cocaine Scandal… and the Responses Are Brutal

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Hillary Clinton Throws Her Support Behind Joe Biden Amid Major Cocaine Scandal… and the Responses Are Brutal

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is all in for Joe Biden for 2024.

“There’s only one presidential candidate who’s working to make life better for parents, and it’s Joe Biden,” Hillary Clinton said on Friday in response to Biden’s vow to provide affordable healthcare to parents.

Biden doesn’t care about children.

Joe Biden won’t even acknowledge his own granddaughter!


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5e84df No.70387

File: 5ab1aa242107101⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147025 (090036ZJUL23) Notable: GLOVES ARE OFF @DJT - "We have a corrupt, incompetent leader in Biden — He has taken millions of dollars from other countries like China. He is totally compromised!"

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We have a corrupt, incompetent leader in Biden — He has taken millions of dollars from other countries like China. He is totally compromised!


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5e84df No.70388

File: d0ce68d8745d15b⋯.png (171.54 KB,601x408,601:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147284 (090130ZJUL23) Notable: Ireland Abortions Hit Record High: One Baby Killed for Every Seven Babies Born

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Ireland Abortions Hit Record High: One Baby Killed for Every Seven Babies Born

Ireland has seen its highest number of abortions on record for 2022, with one abortion for every seven babies born.

Yesterday, the Department of Health in Ireland released its abortion statistics for 2022, which revealed there had been 8,156 abortions. This is the highest number of abortions since abortion was made legal in Ireland in 2018.

Due to a discrepancy in the 2021 abortion figures, which the Department of Health in Ireland blamed on COVID-19 and a cyber attack, only approximate numbers for the total number of abortions in Ireland in 2021 are available. Based on the approximate figure though, there were 6,700 abortions in Ireland in 2021, which means there was a 22% increase in abortions over a single year.

Pro Life Campaign spokesperson, Eilís Mulroy, said that the latest figures showed that for every seven babies born, one was aborted.

“It shows how the Irish abortion rate has dramatically jumped, as the result of a government which has shown a complete lack of interest in providing women in unplanned pregnancies with real alternatives to abortion. Politicians’ only focus now should be on reducing the numbers, not on making the abortion regime even more pervasive.”

“Even the Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, in recent days has spoken of his concern with the exploding abortion rate … If Mr Varadkar is serious about seeing a decrease in the abortion rate, he urgently needs to focus on providing women in unplanned pregnancies with greater supports and alternatives to abortion. He must also engage with and listen to pro-life perspectives, instead of relying exclusively on abortion advocates in setting policy in this area”, she added.

More at: https://www.lifenews.com/2023/06/27/ireland-abortions-hit-record-high-one-baby-killed-for-every-seven-babies-born/

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5e84df No.70389

File: 4cddae26b66e336⋯.jpg (133.02 KB,720x856,90:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8d523f2fda58008⋯.mp4 (6.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147429 (090201ZJUL23) Notable: Sun Baked Potato

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Sun Baked Potato


A shirtless Joe Biden enjoys a relaxing day at the beach.

Biden has spent 353 days — 39.2% of his presidency — on vacation.

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5e84df No.70390

File: 706a570de03f0e1⋯.png (274.3 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147445 (090205ZJUL23) Notable: Lord’s Prayer opening may be ‘problematic’, says archbishop

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Lord’s Prayer opening may be ‘problematic’, says archbishop

The archbishop of York has suggested that opening words of the Lord’s Prayer, recited by Christians all over the world for 2,000 years, may be “problematic” because of their patriarchal association.

In his opening address to a meeting of the Church of England’s ruling body, the General Synod, Stephen Cottrell dwelt on the words “Our Father”, the start of the prayer based on Matthew 6:9–13 and Luke 11:2–4 in the New Testament.

“I know the word ‘father’ is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all of us who have laboured rather too much from an oppressively patriarchal grip on life,” he said.

His comment – a brief aside in a speech that focused on the need for unity – will divide members of the C of E, a body whose differences on issues of sexuality, identity and equality have been highly visible for years.

After Cottrell’s speech, Canon Dr Chris Sugden, chair of the conservative Anglican Mainstream group, pointed out that in the Bible Jesus urged people to pray to “our father”.

More at: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/07/lords-prayer-our-father-opening-may-be-problematic-archbishop-of-york-stephen-cottrell

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5e84df No.70391

File: 10b705cdf23d161⋯.jpg (344.66 KB,1080x1468,270:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147531 (090226ZJUL23) Notable: 🔥HAPPENING NOW🔥 @realDonaldTrump arrives with @DanaWhite at #UFC290 in Paradise, Nevada…

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5e84df No.70392

File: 2306277f7097236⋯.png (229.82 KB,481x452,481:452,Clipboard.png)

File: 86efcc04ee95585⋯.png (139.6 KB,270x360,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 9aaddb32aeecc26⋯.png (3.35 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147545 (090230ZJUL23) Notable: @RogerJStoneJr - "Shooting the sh*t with @realDonaldTrump and #MelGibson at the UFC fight in Vegas"

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Shooting the sh*t with


and #MelGibson at the UFC fight in Vegas


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5e84df No.70393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147568 (090236ZJUL23) Notable: Richard Grenell - "And the crowd goes absolutely wild for @realDonaldTrump"

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Richard Grenell

And the crowd goes absolutely wild for @realDonaldTrump

10:26 PM · Jul 8, 2023·11.8K Viewshttps://twitter.com/i/status/1677866725780627456


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5e84df No.70394

File: 29dd3669e0e1c4b⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,780x521,780:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147688 (090311ZJUL23) Notable: #23517

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C´mon man.

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5e84df No.70395

File: 878314496b14016⋯.png (603.46 KB,843x713,843:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 87d6f489ea772ed⋯.png (3.22 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 9aaddb32aeecc26⋯.png (3.35 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147736 (090318ZJUL23) Notable: Roger Stone: Shooting the sh*t with @realDonaldTrump and #MelGibson at the UFC fight in Vegas

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Roger Stone

Shooting the sh*t with @realDonaldTrump and #MelGibson at the UFC fight in Vegas

10:22 PM · Jul 8, 2023·123.2K Views


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5e84df No.70396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147767 (090324ZJUL23) Notable: More January 6 dots are connected and a radical woman named Fatima Goss Graves has emerged…

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More January 6 dots are connected and a radical woman named Fatima Goss Graves has emerged…

July 8, 2023 ( ago)


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5e84df No.70397

File: 3fbb48be2a96762⋯.png (3.58 MB,1512x2016,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 8868857f50fc54c⋯.png (3.06 MB,1031x1633,1031:1633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147776 (090326ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump :handshake: Guy Fieri

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The Post Millennial

President Trump 🤝 Guy Fieri

Jason Miller·43m

11:07 PM · Jul 8, 2023·7,376 Views


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5e84df No.70398

File: 53c781db2572556⋯.mp4 (248.36 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a0ebb4537e1bfa1⋯.png (356.16 KB,835x756,835:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147781 (090327ZJUL23) Notable: Yellen in China - humiliating video

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>>>/qresearch/19147641 lb

>>>/qresearch/19147622 lb

Yellen in China - Humiliating, bowing down. video

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5e84df No.70399

File: 6a5e7c55710f789⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 435d4dc2046a85b⋯.png (394.13 KB,675x841,675:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147831 (090336ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Scavino Jr.:us::eagle:HAPPENING NOW:fire::fire::fire::fire: rom Paradise, NV @realDonaldTrump @danawhite @dricusduplessis #UFC290

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


@realDonaldTrump @danawhite @dricusduplessis


11:32 PM · Jul 8, 2023 from Paradise, NV·3,378 Views


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5e84df No.70400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147833 (090337ZJUL23) Notable: Trump ‘In a Much More Dominant Position’ Than in 2016 Race

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Trump ‘In a Much More Dominant Position’ Than in 2016 Race: Former GOP Presidential Campaign Strategist

Former President Donald Trump is in a stronger position so far in the 2024 Republican presidential primary race than he was in the 2016 presidential primary cycle, according to former Republican campaign strategist Matthew Dowd.

Mr. Dowd, who served as the chief strategist on George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign, evaluated the current Republican presidential primary field during a Tuesday panel discussion on MSNBC’s “Lindsey Reiser Reports” program. Mr. Dowd’s political loyalties have shifted since serving on Mr. Bush’s re-election campaign, and in 2021 he entered the race to become the Texas lieutenant governor, running a failed campaign on the Democratic ticket.

“Eight years ago, when Donald Trump first ran, Donald Trump was at 14 or 15 percent in the polls,” Mr. Dowd said. “Today he’s at 50 or 60 percent in the polls. He’s in a much more dominant position—Donald Trump—than he was in 2015 and 2016 when he still won the nomination in this process.”

Mr. Trump is the frontrunner in the RealClearPolitics Republican presidential primary polling average. With polling data across the month of June, Mr. Trump has the support of 52.4 percent of Republican primary voters across the polling average, compared to the second top Republican candidate—Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis—at 21.5 percent.

Mr. Dowd noted Mr. DeSantis won reelection in Florida “overwhelmingly,” securing a 19-point margin against his Democratic opponent. Yet, Mr. Dowd said, the Republican Florida governor “can’t seem to do anything when he goes out” of Florida.

NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Ali Vitali, who was also on the MSNBC panel discussion, added that the growing field of Republican presidential candidates is also potentially helping Mr. Trump.

“I think that the Trump campaign perspective frankly, is the more the merrier,” Ms. Vitali said adding that “the more people who are trying to counter Trump, the more ways the non Trump vote gets split up.”

Mr. Dowd said the Republican presidential primary is already shaping up as though Trump is the “incumbent.”

“The problem for Ron DeSantis, I think, and anybody else running in this race, it’s really not about them, but will some external event happen? Something that was some legal cause or something else happen that gives them a window where they can actually succeed? Because without it, I don’t see how they do,” Mr. Dowd said.

Mr. Dowd’s comments about an “external event” or some “legal cause” changing the course of the race may be in reference to the fact that Mr. Trump is facing multiple criminal indictments and investigations. Mr. Trump was indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in April on allegations he falsified his business records in order to conceal an alleged hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. The former president and leading Republican candidate was indicted again in June, this time in federal court by Special Counsel Jack Smith, on allegations he improperly retained national defense documents after his presidency and obstructed government efforts to retrieve those documents.

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5e84df No.70401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147834 (090337ZJUL23) Notable: Trump ‘In a Much More Dominant Position’ Than in 2016 Race

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Trump’s Post-Indictment Polling Rise

While the indictments against Mr. Trump could pose a legal peril for the 2024 Republican frontrunner, so far they’ve correlated to a boost in Mr. Trump’s popularity among Republican primary voters.

Mr. Trump led Mr. DeSantis by around 15 points in the RCP polling average throughout the month of March. That lead began to expand in April after the Manhattan indictment.

The former president again touted a jump in his poll numbers and fundraising after the federal charges brought by Mr. Smith.

“As far as this joke of an indictment, it’s a horrible thing. It’s a horrible thing for this country,” Mr. Trump said at a June 10 rally following the federal indictment. “I mean, the only good thing about it is it’s driven my poll numbers way up. Can you believe it?”

Steve Cortes, a former advisor to Trump who is now a top spokesman for the pro-DeSantis Never Back Down super PAC, offered a similar assessment of Mr. Trump’s polling advantage after the indictments.

“Right now in national polling, we are way behind, I’ll be the first to admit that,” Mr. Cortes said in a July 3 Twitter spaces event. “I believe in being blunt and really honest. It’s an uphill battle. I don’t think it is an unwinnable battle by any stretch. But clearly, Donald Trump is the runaway frontrunner, particularly since the indictments. That was not the case before the indictments. It is the case afterward.”

“And it is understandable that a lot of folks want to rally to him when he’s been unfairly, not prosecuted, really, but persecuted—particularly the Alvin Bragg indictment, which I think was just an absolute sham. So, it is understandable that there was a rally to Trump there,” Mr. Cortes added.

Mr. Cortes said that while Mr. Trump leads by a wide margin in national polls, the contest runs “a lot tighter” in the first four Republican primary states.

“We are still clearly down,” Mr. Cortes said of the early primary states. “We’re down double digits, we have work to do.”

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5e84df No.70402

File: c0420c92c7c31a4⋯.mp4 (12.28 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 2ff045f072ab23b⋯.png (215.38 KB,477x884,477:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147846 (090340ZJUL23) Notable: Donald Trump makes appearance at UFC 290 in Las Vegas, packed arena goes absolutely WILD

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Jul 8, 2023


Donald Trump makes appearance at UFC 290 in Las Vegas, packed arena goes absolutely WILD

The crowd absolutely went wild when 45 made his entrance.

President Donald Trump made a high-profile appearance at UFC 290 on Saturday night, accompanied by UFC boss Dana White. Trump was met with an electrifying reception from the enthusiastic crowd at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. ...


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5e84df No.70403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147860 (090343ZJUL23) Notable: Watch live: Trump addresses crowd in Las Vegas

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Why would POTUS divert?

Watch live: Trump addresses crowd in Las Vegas

by The Hill Staff - 07/08/23 7:36 PM ET

Former President Trump is set to make a campaign stop in Las Vegas on Saturday.

Watch live: White House holds press briefing

Watch live: Trump rallies in South Carolina

He will deliver remarks at a Nevada volunteer recruitment event.

The former president is expected to speak at 7:30 p.m. EDT.

Watch the video above.


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5e84df No.70404

File: ad590d4e811fd25⋯.png (206.46 KB,404x256,101:64,Clipboard.png)

File: b2483b9c0972657⋯.png (102.92 KB,359x422,359:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ad53464c1f5934⋯.png (138.51 KB,758x443,758:443,Clipboard.png)

File: c6edad3538d63df⋯.png (366.63 KB,654x428,327:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147863 (090343ZJUL23) Notable: Anne Archer's mother was married to Harry Volk (Union Bank); connected to Heinz, Devon Archer & Hunter Biden

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Anne Archer's mother was married to Harry Volk

Harry Volk ran Union Bank/Union Bank of California, now MUFG Union Bank

MUFG Union Bank is a trustee to Heinz:


as in Christopher Heinz

partners with Devon Archer and Hunter Biden

now THAT's fucking interesting


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5e84df No.70405

File: 30a6a5d04b13c43⋯.png (506.03 KB,992x991,992:991,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147880 (090345ZJUL23) Notable: Elon: Phones are not safe.

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5e84df No.70406

File: bbf63ab9d81452e⋯.png (599.2 KB,457x598,457:598,Clipboard.png)

File: 8efe45fa9c05875⋯.png (172.81 KB,591x715,591:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147946 (090358ZJUL23) Notable: Gen. Flynn: When I hear these type diatribes, I know more and more Americans are getting it and are starting to understand what we’re up against.

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General Mike Flynn


This guy makes some really excellent points here.

When I hear these type diatribes, I know more and more Americans are getting it and are starting to understand what we’re up against.

Fifth generation warfare is different. It is designed to be different. But so are the consequences. This video describes some interesting ideas for those consequences of getting into politics.

Quote Tweet

ŞϵŋƫĩŋϵⱢ ƻ.0 🇺🇲



Jul 7

Definitely a Game Changer.

12:24 PM · Jul 8, 2023




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5e84df No.70407

File: 857d26230425517⋯.png (21.77 KB,585x328,585:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147949 (090359ZJUL23) Notable: Cates: The real life events that "Sound of Freedom" is based on happened well before Q ever began posting in late 2017. STFU, CNN.

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Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


The real life events that "Sound of Freedom" is based on happened well before Q ever began posting in late 2017.

The script was written and the film had been shot and was in post production when Q began posting.

It was originally intended to be released in 2018.


12:50 PM · Jul 8, 2023




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5e84df No.70408

File: f938605ee9c96c8⋯.png (78.66 KB,604x891,604:891,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147950 (090359ZJUL23) Notable: In 2020 Jude Salas Was Assigned The Jeffrey Epstein - Deutsche Bank Case. Her Home Was Shot Up Immediately After.

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Wall Street Apes


In 2020 Jude Salas Was Assigned The Jeffrey Epstein – Deutsche Bank Case. Her Home Was Shot Up Immediately After.

What they didn’t tell you is the shooter worked for a US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm. The gunman, you guessed it, “committed suicide” by self inflicted gunshot.

Report: Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm

The alleged gunmen who killed the son of Esther Salas, the judge recently assigned to the Epstein-Deutsche Bank case, worked for a company of corporate spies and mercenaries with ties to intelligence and also to Deutsche Bank.

The case Salas is set to oversee is a class action lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank investors who allege that Deutsche Bank “failed to properly monitor customers that the Bank itself deemed to be high risk, including, among others, the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.” The case came after the New York state Department of Financial Services had settled with Deutsche Bank over the bank’s failure to cut ties with Epstein-linked accounts, resulting in Deutsche Bank paying a $150 million fine. Deutsche Bank, unlike other financial institutions, failed to close all of its accounts linked to Epstein until less than a month prior to his arrest last year, even though the bank had identified him as “high risk” years before.

Beyond the tragedy of the shooting, which claimed the life of Salas’ only child, the quick discovery of the death of the main suspect, Roy Den Hollander, of a “self-inflicted” gunshot to the head before he could be arrested or questioned by authorities has led to speculation that there is more to the official narrative of the crime than meets the eye.

With law enforcement sources now claiming that Esther Salas was not the intended target of the attack and some media reports now suggesting that Den Hollander’s motive was related to his dislike of feminism, it appears there are efforts underway to distance Sunday’s tragic shooting from Salas’ recent assignment to the Epstein case, which occurred just four days before the tragic shooting.

The most likely reason for any such “damage control” effort lies in the fact that both U.S. law enforcement investigations and mainstream media reports have consistently downplayed the connections of Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual trafficking and financial crimes to intelligence agencies in the U.S. and Israel. Similarly, Roy Den Hollander previously worked for a New York firm has been described as a “private CIA” with ties to those countries’ intelligence agencies and, also, ties to Deutsche Bank.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Links to Deutsche Bank

Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to Deutsche Bank go back decades, and potentially earlier. After working for Bear Stearns earlier in his career and then as a so-called “financial bounty hunter” with ties to intelligence-linked arms dealers and Wall Street, Epstein set up a Ponzi scheme with Steve Hoffenberg called Tower Financial, which collapsed in 1993 and subsequently landed Hoffenberg 20 years in prison. Epstein’s name, despite being a clear co-conspiractor, was suspiciously dropped from the case during the trial. Hoffenberg subsequently alleged that Epstein used his ill-gotten gains from Tower Financial alongside a series of suspect loans from Deutsche Bank to create his investment company.

“His lead bank is Deutsche Bank, Germany, that runs the lead on his financial trust company. They run the platform in the trading of the currencies for Epstein and with Epstein. He’s never disclosed to the investors that provide the money to Deutsche Bank his true legacy, that’s securities fraud.”

#Epstein #EpsteinClientList #EpsteinIsland #JefferyEpstein


2:13 PM · Jul 8, 2023




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5e84df No.70409

File: 0930f8d65f80a99⋯.mp4 (9.88 MB,19147951_1.mp4)

File: fd10f436a1adee6⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,19147951_2.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147951 (090359ZJUL23) Notable: Anon on July 4 Scavino video; are we still good at math or decodes?

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July 4th Dan posted a video on FB of the fireworks with the text "HAPPENING NOW" "FINALE"

Dan posted this final scene of a play last night on Facebook. Cutting call, swamp sinking, lights.

Are we still good at math or decodes anons?

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Post last edited at

5e84df No.70410

File: dd2592adfd3c3fd⋯.png (786.22 KB,1006x726,503:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147981 (090405ZJUL23) Notable: Rolling Stone “reporter” locks down after publishing bizarre review on “Sound of Freedom”…

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Rolling Stone “reporter” locks down after publishing bizarre review on “Sound of Freedom”…

July 8, 2023 (2h ago)

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5e84df No.70411

File: 211489f0aa1da7e⋯.png (110.73 KB,807x911,807:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19147988 (090407ZJUL23) Notable: Rolling Stone “reporter” locks down after publishing bizarre review on “Sound of Freedom”…

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And it doesn’t seem like things are going well for Miles. He has currently removed his photo, and locked down his Twitter account.

Miles kicks off his review by scoffing at the idea that kids are actually molested and by blaspheming

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5e84df No.70412

File: a97268bce27eef7⋯.png (287.62 KB,445x498,445:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148029 (090417ZJUL23) Notable: Woke advocates must accept that the reasons for LGBYQ suicide rates lie within themselves and their own cohort — the data proves it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


On LGBTQ Suicides, Emotional Blackmail, and Inconvenient Facts

Woke advocates must accept that the reasons for their suicide rates lie within themselves and their own cohort — the data proves it.

READ MORE: https://spectator.org/on-lgbtq-suicides-emotional-blackmail-and-inconvenient-facts/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148082 (090429ZJUL23) Notable: #23516

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



to be added to updated dough

#23516 >>70380

>>70382 DAVID BLACKMON: A Backlash Against Net-Zero Policies Is Finally Beginning To Take Shape

>>70383 The FBI has reportedly launched an investigation into Rob Malley, President Joe Biden’s special envoy to Iran, over his handling of classified material.

>>70384 Joe’s at the beach and no one cares! Sunbathing and not one SS agent nearby?

>>70385 Trump kicks up a hornet’s nest: WH now refuses to rule out if the cocaine belongs to Hunter…

>>70386 Hillary Clinton Throws Her Support Behind Joe Biden Amid Major Cocaine Scandal… and the Responses Are Brutal

>>70387 GLOVES ARE OFF @DJT - "We have a corrupt, incompetent leader in Biden — He has taken millions of dollars from other countries like China. He is totally compromised!"

>>70388 Ireland Abortions Hit Record High: One Baby Killed for Every Seven Babies Born

>>70389 Sun Baked Potato

>>70390 Lord’s Prayer opening may be ‘problematic’, says archbishop

>>70391 🔥HAPPENING NOW🔥 @realDonaldTrump arrives with @DanaWhite at #UFC290 in Paradise, Nevada…

>>70392 @RogerJStoneJr - "Shooting the sh*t with @realDonaldTrump and #MelGibson at the UFC fight in Vegas"

>>70393 Richard Grenell - "And the crowd goes absolutely wild for @realDonaldTrump"

>>>/qresearch/19147594 #23516

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5e84df No.70414

File: f0d06d9dbfd0fe5⋯.png (579.69 KB,1028x665,1028:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148086 (090430ZJUL23) Notable: Grace Napolitano, longtime California congresswoman, announces her retirement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Grace Napolitano, longtime California

congresswoman, announces her retirement

CNN, by Sydney Kashiwagi , Philip Wang & Melissa Holzberg Depalo

Original Article

Posted By: FlyRight, 7/9/2023 12:08:59 AM

CNN — Longtime California Rep. Grace Napolitano announced Saturday that she is retiring from Congress at the end of her current term. “I am incredibly grateful for the people of the San Gabriel Valley and the people of Southeastern Los Angeles County for the trust they have bestowed in me to represent them for a quarter century,” the Democrat said in a statement. A Texas native, Napolitano is currently serving her 13th term in the House, representing a majority-Latino district in the Los Angeles area. She was first elected to the chamber in 1998 after six years in the California State Assembly and a stint as the mayor of Norwalk, California,

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5e84df No.70415

File: 076b631d9ae9b50⋯.png (729.41 KB,1116x980,279:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148103 (090436ZJUL23) Notable: Trump brands Biden a 'corrupt, incompetent leader' : "The Gloves are Off"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Daily Mail top story:

Trump brands Biden a 'corrupt, incompetent leader'

and accuses him of taking 'millions and millions from other countries' during Vegas rally before joining Dana White and Mel Gibson at the UFC

Donald Trump (left) accused Joe Biden of being a 'corrupt, incompetent leader' who has been 'compromised' by China and Ukraine at a gathering of Republican volunteers in Las Vegas before joining UFC president Dana White (together middle) at the T-Mobile arena where he was seen with actor Mel Gibson and veteran Republican operative Roger Stone (right top and bottom). Trump claimed that the president has 'taken millions of dollars from other countries like China.' 'He's totally compromised. In history there has never been a scandal like this.' Trump said. Trump also used his speech to rail against DeSantis's track record in Florida. 'I'm not a big fan of his and he's highly overrated. He's highly overrated,' he said. Trump lost Nevada in two consecutive presidential campaigns, with Biden winning by almost three percentage points in 2020, making Saturday's visit all the more important.


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5e84df No.70416

File: 66ba16f2bf38613⋯.png (40.76 KB,586x394,293:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148108 (090437ZJUL23) Notable: Devin Nunes RT Poso: Now we have now seen entire media launch a coordinate smear campaign against Sound of Freedom to stop its momentum

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Devin Nunes ReTruthed


Jack Poso 🇺🇸




We have now seen entire media launch a coordinate smear campaign against Sound of Freedom to stop its momentum

The timing is part of their agenda. It is CRITICAL to see Sound of Freedom this weekend. This Saturday and Sunday will determine how long it runs at the box office, and if it is able to expand the amount of theaters and screenings where it is shown

Buy tickets even if you have already seen it and give them to your friends and neighbors

This message will NOT be stopped

Jul 08, 2023, 3:52 AM

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5e84df No.70417

File: 42063b122b28841⋯.png (404.74 KB,757x1125,757:1125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148110 (090438ZJUL23) Notable: Trump brands Biden a 'corrupt, incompetent leader' : "The Gloves are Off"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'The gloves are off':

Donald Trump brands Joe Biden a 'corrupt, incompetent leader' and accuses him of taking 'millions and millions from other countries' during Las Vegas rally before heading to the UFC with Dana White

* Donald Trump on Saturday night addressed a group of Republican volunteers in Las Vegas

* Speaking for an hour, he addressed the border, the economy, crime, trans women in sport, and Ron De Santis

* He also attacked Joe Biden, calling him a 'corrupt, incompetent leader' and accusing him of taking millions from China and Ukraine

Donald Trump has accused Joe Biden of being a 'corrupt, incompetent leader' who has been 'compromised' by China and Ukraine.

Addressing a gathering of Republican volunteers in Las Vegas, Trump spent 40 minutes discussing the border, economy, crime, and trans women in sport.

He attacked his Republican rival Ron DeSantis as 'highly overrated', and saying he has 'no personality'.

But he saved his strongest condemnation for the president, declaring that 'the gloves are off'.

He then went to a UFC match at the T-Mobile arena with Dana White, president of UFC; Roger Stone, veteran Republican operative; and Mel Gibson.

'We have a corrupt, incompetent leader in the White House,' said Trump. 'And I wouldn't have said this a few weeks ago.'



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5e84df No.70418

File: 31beea115425700⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,1454x720,727:360,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e6859ce9af4c169⋯.png (523.39 KB,837x652,837:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148129 (090442ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Scavino Jr.:us::eagle:HAPPENING NOW:fire::fire::fire::fire: rom Paradise, NV @realDonaldTrump @danawhite @dricusduplessis #UFC290

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another clip from Dan the man:

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

Trump/Wahlberg #UFC290…

12:32 AM · Jul 9, 2023·5,440 Views


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5e84df No.70419

File: ed4795386c6c5e2⋯.jpg (963.72 KB,792x6918,132:1153,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148181 (090500ZJUL23) Notable: More January 6 dots are connected and a radical woman named Fatima Goss Graves has emerged…

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More January 6 dots are connected and a radical woman named Fatima Goss Graves has emerged…

July 8, 2023

The D.C. Swamp is quite the scene. It’s like an elusive country club filled with “lizard people” where decent, regular folks like us are not welcomed. Not that we’re missing out on much. It’s an unappetizing cocktail of the swampiest dregs of humanity who are masquerading as the “good guys. The DC elites have a knack for putting on a show, posing as virtuous saviors, when they’re actually undermining the very foundations our country was built upon. They throw around the word “democracy” like they actually know what it means.

A perfect example of this members only lizard club is a woman named Fatima Goss Graves who has one of the worst Valley Girl vocal fries we’ve ever heard. Chances are you’ve never heard of her, but she’s actually a pretty big player in the D.C. swamp. She’s a hardcore radical left-wing feminist, a CNN contributor, an activist who runs a $100 million dollar progressive nonprofit, and she just so happens to be the wife of Matthew Graves, the D.C. U.S. attorney who is on a feverish witch hunt to imprison American citizens who attended the January 6th rally.

Behold, Mrs. Goss Graves:

It’s hard to believe that Goss Graves is a real person after you watch that video. Surely, we’re through the looking glass and this is some kind of elaborate parody?

Goss Graves recently penned a far-left hate screed calling Moms For Liberty a terrorist “hate group” in the pages of the “Philadelphia Gay News”....


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5e84df No.70420

File: 1da6ef0aabf3834⋯.png (317.67 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: e473398c71dfc13⋯.png (287.14 KB,634x441,634:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 6999203ece7edd6⋯.png (485.06 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: 790b1fc08715613⋯.png (377.01 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148184 (090500ZJUL23) Notable: Trump brands Biden a 'corrupt, incompetent leader' : "The Gloves are Off"

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1) Trump, after his speech, attended the UFC 290 event at T-Mobile Arena

2) Donald Trump on Saturday gave a speech to Republican volunteers in Las Vegas

3) Trump is seen arriving for the fight on Saturday night in Las Vegas

4) Trump supporters are seen on Saturday giving the Pledge of Allegiance before the former president addressed a gathering of Republican volunteers in Las Vegas

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5e84df No.70421

File: a8f74f132871c68⋯.jpg (233.15 KB,1358x762,679:381,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bad844147f7bdff⋯.jpg (78.3 KB,1199x668,1199:668,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cffa49becdf00cc⋯.png (220.91 KB,710x708,355:354,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b0b44d798e3b97⋯.jpg (199.27 KB,1188x1689,396:563,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a28acc27472efa3⋯.jpg (301.89 KB,1127x634,1127:634,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148283 (090550ZJUL23) Notable: Summary of IVERMECTIN studies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mass treatment with ivermectin: an underutilized public health strategy



A Randomized Trial of Ivermectin-Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin therapy on COVID19 patients



Effectiveness of Ivermectin as add-on Therapy in COVID-19 Management (Pilot Trial)


Journal of Antibiotics:

Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen



A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343305357 _A_Case_Series_of_100_COVID-19_Positive_Patients_Treated_with_Combination_of_Ivermectin_and_Doxycycline

Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons:

A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline


Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons:

Comparison of Viral Clearance between Ivermectin with Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromycin in COVID-19 Patients



ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) study: Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19



Has Ivermectin Virus-Directed Effects against SARS-CoV-2? Rationalizing the Action of a Potential Multitarget Antiviral Agent

https://chemrxiv.org/articles/preprint/12782258 Has_Ivermectin_Virus-Directed_Effects_against_SARS-CoV-2_Rationalizing_the_Action_of_a_Potential_Multitarget_Antiviral_Agent/12782258

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5e84df No.70422

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148326 (090610ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / lb The Sound of Freedom - FULL MOVIE

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Note: Total run time is 2 hours, watch it yourself and decide, this just touches the surface of child sex trafficking and exploitation with the latest global push to legalize pedophilia by the w.h.o and the u.n including gender ideology, this is now making the situation worse. will this film spark a great awakening. anon does not think so. but it will bring awareness !!!

p.s this is a pirate copy, but if it is about awareness, then use for that purpose and share it.



First published at 03:11 UTC on July 9th, 2023.


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5e84df No.70423

File: 5c45f1e30e56ff5⋯.png (531.02 KB,1127x636,1127:636,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f2e5c8b6266248⋯.png (686.24 KB,1130x630,113:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148343 (090631ZJUL23) Notable: @45's plane has touched down safely @LAX

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS has touched down safely at LAX 11:25:52pm local time.

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5e84df No.70424

File: 754dc3ffd394d3d⋯.jpg (57.61 KB,467x479,467:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148378 (090651ZJUL23) Notable: New Study proves Pfizer mRNA induced turbo cancer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨TurboCancer: New Study proves Pfizer mRNA induced turbo cancer

In a new Belgian study by Sander Eens et al. they injected 14 mice with 2 Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

2 days after 2nd Pfizer dose, 1/14 mice (7%) died suddenly, had turbo cancer with lymphoma infiltration of many organs: liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs & intestines.

The turbo cancer mouse had shown no clinical signs of illness before sudden death.

This is the 2nd study to show turbo cancer after Pfizer mRNA vaccination.

These were the types of studies that Pfizer & Moderna should have performed on mice but never did.

Key point: This 14 mouse study was larger than the study done to approve COVID-19 Omicron bivalent mRNA booster shots which were given to 100s of millions of people - that study only had 8 mice!



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5e84df No.70425

File: 9621740561c27f5⋯.mp4 (12.2 MB,290x212,145:106,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148436 (090715ZJUL23) Notable: Christians take back downtown Portland

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Christians take back downtown Portland

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5e84df No.70426

File: 8ce57493a0602f3⋯.png (300.63 KB,895x934,895:934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148449 (090719ZJUL23) Notable: Six dead in corporate jet crash outside Los Angeles

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Six dead in corporate jet crash outside Los Angeles

The National Transportation Safety Board will investigate the crash, the FAA said.

All six people aboard a small jet died when the aircraft crashed and burned in a field near an airport near Los Angeles on Saturday, local and federal authorities said.

The aircraft, a Cessna C550 business jet, was traveling from Las Vegas and crashed near French Valley Airport in Riverside County, about 85 miles (137 km) south of Los Angeles, at around 4:15 a.m. the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement.

The passengers and pilot who died were all adults, Elliott Simpson, an aviation investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, said at a news briefing.

The privately-owned plane crashed 500 feet from the runway at the small airport, after attempting an instrument landing as a marine layer weather phenomenon settled on the area, Simpson said.

The conditions appeared to have met minimum standards for a landing at the airport, he said.

Just days earlier, on July 4, a small aircraft with four occupants crashed near the same airport, killing the adult pilot and injuring three juveniles, authorities said.

What caused the plane to crash?

In Saturday's incident, fire engulfed all but the tail of the aircraft after it crashed, Simpson said.

Aerial video from local media showed burnt rubble in the shape of a small aircraft in a blackened part of a field across the road from the airfield.

Radar data from flight tracking website FlightAware shows just one business jet traveling from Las Vegas to French Valley at the time. That plane circled once near the field before descending.

The sheriff's office in Riverside County, where the French Valley Airport is located, said officials responding to the crash located an aircraft fully engulfed in flames in a field and that six occupants were pronounced deceased at the scene.

The National Transportation Safety Board will continue to investigate the crash, with more results expected within the next two weeks, Simpson said. He did not release the names of the deceased.


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5e84df No.70427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148485 (090730ZJUL23) Notable: #23517

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23517 >>70394

>>70395 Roger Stone: Shooting the sh*t with @realDonaldTrump and #MelGibson at the UFC fight in Vegas

>>70396, >>70419 More January 6 dots are connected and a radical woman named Fatima Goss Graves has emerged…

>>70397 President Trump :handshake: Guy Fieri

>>70398 Yellen in China - humiliating video

>>70399, >>70418 Dan Scavino Jr.:us::eagle:HAPPENING NOW:fire::fire::fire::fire: rom Paradise, NV @realDonaldTrump @danawhite @dricusduplessis #UFC290

>>70400, >>70401 Trump ‘In a Much More Dominant Position’ Than in 2016 Race

>>70402 Donald Trump makes appearance at UFC 290 in Las Vegas, packed arena goes absolutely WILD

>>70403 Watch live: Trump addresses crowd in Las Vegas

>>70404 Anne Archer's mother was married to Harry Volk (Union Bank); connected to Heinz, Devon Archer & Hunter Biden

>>70405 Elon: Phones are not safe.

>>70406 Gen. Flynn: When I hear these type diatribes, I know more and more Americans are getting it and are starting to understand what we’re up against.

>>70407 Cates: The real life events that "Sound of Freedom" is based on happened well before Q ever began posting in late 2017. STFU, CNN.

>>70408 In 2020 Jude Salas Was Assigned The Jeffrey Epstein - Deutsche Bank Case. Her Home Was Shot Up Immediately After.

>>70409 Anon on July 4 Scavino video; are we still good at math or decodes?

>>70410, >>70411 Rolling Stone “reporter” locks down after publishing bizarre review on “Sound of Freedom”…

>>70412 Woke advocates must accept that the reasons for LGBYQ suicide rates lie within themselves and their own cohort — the data proves it.

>>70414 Grace Napolitano, longtime California congresswoman, announces her retirement

>>70415, >>70417, >>70420 Trump brands Biden a 'corrupt, incompetent leader' : "The Gloves are Off"

>>70416 Devin Nunes RT Poso: Now we have now seen entire media launch a coordinate smear campaign against Sound of Freedom to stop its momentum

>>70421 Summary of IVERMECTIN studies

>>70422 The Sound of Freedom - FULL MOVIE

>>70423 @45's plane has touched down safely @LAX

>>70424 New Study proves Pfizer mRNA induced turbo cancer

>>70425 Christians take back downtown Portland

>>70426 Six dead in corporate jet crash outside Los Angeles




keep a' filling

- tired baker

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5e84df No.70428

File: 3d7532880cf664b⋯.jpg (45.98 KB,559x353,559:353,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148494 (090732ZJUL23) Notable: #23518

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



baker OUT, bread is GHOSTED

ty anons for your fine shitposting,


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5e84df No.70429

File: f15bb0b84449675⋯.jpg (206.31 KB,1080x816,45:34,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5312a4f6c2cd729⋯.jpg (172.14 KB,1076x695,1076:695,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148519 (090740ZJUL23) Notable: @DanScavino TS HAPPENING NOW timestamps12:46 (Q1246 Happening now)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Please check timestamps plus its happening

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5e84df No.70430

File: 7e98f7772598fb4⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,548x480,137:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148528 (090742ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump TS : Trumps' Saturday vs Biden's Saturday vid(mp4)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Jul 09, 2023, 3:37 AM EST

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5e84df No.70431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148554 (090751ZJUL23) Notable: DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP STILL HAVE THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



If not it would be an amazing cohenincidence.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70432

File: cd67e3a4b44b5b0⋯.jpg (578.57 KB,1064x1193,1064:1193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148570 (090756ZJUL23) Notable: Largest maternity scandal in NHS history expected to be uncovered(17)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70433

File: 9b485ba54fa9b9d⋯.png (1.26 MB,1524x1398,254:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148587 (090802ZJUL23) Notable: Solar storm on Thursday expected to make Northern Lights visible in 17 states

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


in 17 states


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5e84df No.70434

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148590 (090803ZJUL23) Notable: Largest maternity scandal in NHS history expected to be uncovered(17)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Mothers who helped uncover the biggest NHS maternity scandal Feb 2022


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5e84df No.70435

File: c22f9866593fa47⋯.jpg (231.5 KB,720x1082,360:541,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7f6989818c7bd02⋯.jpg (410.93 KB,1412x1803,1412:1803,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 009a96eb4ab86da⋯.jpg (89.55 KB,636x926,318:463,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 193b7d681e19a6b⋯.jpg (70.47 KB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5651eadeb23b178⋯.jpg (126.87 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148610 (090809ZJUL23) Notable: US Pacific fleet retweeted( Why are those pictures sideways?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Pacific fleet retweeted

Great visit and discussion with Admiral Aquilino @INDOPACOM, Admiral Paparo @USPacificfleet and the 3rd Marine Littoral Brigade 🇺🇸 about cooperation and the situation in the Indo-Pacific region. A region that is of paramount importance for our common safety and prosperity.


Why are those pictures sideways?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70436

File: af32c3b000da629⋯.png (159.93 KB,382x555,382:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148650 (090825ZJUL23) Notable: Interesting short twatter thread regarding DJT not supporting or promoting The Sound of Freedom.

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Interesting short twatter thread regarding DJTnotsupporting or promoting The Sound of Freedom. Interesting choice of words DJT used in his Ben Carson tweet about the film. Comments are good as well.

This anon has seen this same topic in about 4 different places now. Seems this film is about the bad guys, including Ballard and Caviezel exposing their own complicity in child trafficking. Have not seen this topic posted in the notables b4 nor do I know what to think about it yet.


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5e84df No.70437

File: aaf6125af71b35f⋯.jpg (168.76 KB,720x992,45:62,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f3f99b1ee00f672⋯.mp4 (617.77 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d18731964c881d4⋯.jpg (170.53 KB,1201x1212,1201:1212,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148664 (090832ZJUL23) Notable: Beijing will perceive Yellen's actions as a weakness(mp4)

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Yellen is a stupid old hag


Yellen most likely just confused Chinese and Japanese customs, a very common occurrence amongst ignorant uncultured Westerners drowned in their own lack of self-awareness.

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5e84df No.70438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148725 (090900ZJUL23) Notable: Interesting short twatter thread regarding DJT not supporting or promoting The Sound of Freedom.

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the movie "Sound of Freedom" is by Alejandro Monteverde

His father and brother were killed in 2015


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5e84df No.70439

File: 3d89e0b675916cd⋯.jpg (257.59 KB,1290x2172,215:362,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148736 (090912ZJUL23) Notable: Joe from yesterday at the beach ,wtf is going on here, his face looks plastic also

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Joe from yesterday at the beach ,wtf is going on here, his face looks plastic also


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5e84df No.70440

File: 6436e4018be9294⋯.png (1.22 MB,1920x3212,480:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148750 (090922ZJUL23) Notable: Researchers Uncover New Linux Kernel 'StackRot' Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2023-3269)

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Researchers Uncover New Linux Kernel 'StackRot' Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2023-3269)

Details have emerged about a newly identified security flaw in the Linux kernel that could allow a user to gain elevated privileges on a target host.

Dubbed StackRot (CVE-2023-3269, CVSS score: 7.8), the flaw impacts Linux versions 6.1 through 6.4. There is no evidence that the shortcoming has been exploited in the wild to date.

"As StackRot is a Linux kernel vulnerability found in the memory management subsystem, it affects almost all kernel configurations and requires minimal capabilities to trigger," Peking University security researcher Ruihan Li said.

"However, it should be noted that maple nodes are freed using RCU callbacks, delaying the actual memory deallocation until after the RCU grace period. Consequently, exploiting this vulnerability is considered challenging."

Following responsible disclosure on June 15, 2023, it has been addressed in stable versions 6.1.37, 6.3.11, and 6.4.1 as of July 1, 2023, after a two-week effort led by Linus Torvalds.

A proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit and additional technical specifics about the bug are expected to be made public by the end of the month.

The flaw is essentially rooted in a data structure called maple tree, which was introduced in Linux kernel 6.1 as a replacement for red-black tree (rbtree) to manage and store virtual memory areas (VMAs), a contiguous range of virtual addresses that could be the contents of a file on disk or the memory a program uses during execution.


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5e84df No.70441

File: 0d06d0f7ef319c1⋯.webp (77.95 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148772 (090936ZJUL23) Notable: THE BBC presenter at the centre of a sex-pictures scandal stripped to his underpants for a video call, the alleged victim’s mother claimed yesterday

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THE BBC presenter at the centre of a sex-pictures scandal stripped to his underpants for a video call, the alleged victim’s mother claimed yesterday.

She said she saw him on the youth’s phone — “leaning forward, getting ready for my child to perform for him”.


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5e84df No.70442

File: 2d9f33da09afec7⋯.png (55.43 KB,646x418,17:11,Clipboard.png)

File: d48f3e1a7dbeb40⋯.png (228.17 KB,320x499,320:499,Clipboard.png)

File: eb4544e460b35b6⋯.png (758.23 KB,637x525,91:75,Clipboard.png)

File: 52dd040feee6e6d⋯.png (264.11 KB,310x503,310:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148878 (091058ZJUL23) Notable: Balenciaga designer Demna moans that he's 'suffered' after vile bondage-themed kids' clothing campaign and compares his clothes to Moderna COVID vaccine

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5e84df No.70443

File: 0c29ec9067dfc7f⋯.mp4 (4.49 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148885 (091101ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump TS : Trumps' Saturday vs Biden's Saturday vid(mp4)

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Trump shaking hands with Joe Rogan at UFC 290 👀

Interview incoming?




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5e84df No.70444

File: c8d6d9172dc7dd3⋯.png (428.69 KB,626x602,313:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148890 (091102ZJUL23) Notable: Authorities Charge 5 More in Probe of Child Sexual Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses in Pennsylvania

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PHILADELPHIA—A Pennsylvania grand jury investigating child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses community has charged five more people with raping or molesting children as young as 4, the latest developments in an ongoing probe that has identified 14 suspects.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry, at a Friday news conference, said that while the misconduct dates back years or even decades, “the trauma endures for these victims.”

Henry did not address the church’s handling of complaints, but said the investigation would continue.

Critics say that Jehovah’s Witnesses elders have treated child sexual abuse as a sin rather than a crime, documenting complaints in internal files but not reporting them to authorities. And they say the church often required a second witness to substantiate a complaint, a standard that can be impossible to meet when perpetrators often isolate their victims.

Martin Haugh of York Haven, Pennsylvania, a former elder who left the church in 2016 and now advocates for survivors of abuse in the church, applauded investigators.

“I hope elders are arrested who knew about child abuse and covered it up and then it happened again,” said Mr. Haugh, who testified to the grand jury about the church’s structure and about his own daughter’s abuse within a Jehovah’s Witnesses congregation.

He also hopes organizational leaders are called to account, “because it’s not just a Pennsylvania problem, it’s a national problem.”


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5e84df No.70445

File: 7edf24877a83e25⋯.png (122.2 KB,628x857,628:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148933 (091126ZJUL23) Notable: The governor of Texas wins again

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The governor of Texas wins again

American Thinker, by Silvio Canto Jr.

Posted By: FlyRight, 7/9/2023 5:53:03 AM

Back in the COVID days of "masks," Governor Abbott opened up Texas and things got back to normal by the end of 2020. Nevertheless, some county leaders decided to enforce their own mask mandates and challenge the governor directly. In the end, the governor prevailed in the Texas courts: Settling a heated pandemic-era debate between Gov. Greg Abbott and leaders of the state's major urban areas, the Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday that the governor had the legal authority to forbid local officials from requiring residents to wear masks in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

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5e84df No.70446

File: 77d683301667d0a⋯.png (708.53 KB,695x834,5:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148937 (091128ZJUL23) Notable: Opinion | These French Riots Are Different— and Far More Disturbing

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Opinion | These French Riots Are Different

— and Far More Disturbing

Politico, by Catherine Fieschi

Posted By: FlyRight, 7/9/2023 5:45:17 AM

It is extremely tempting to see the riots that spread across France recently as merely a sequel to the shocking events of 2005. Back then, 21 days of riots shook France’s “banlieues” (code for largely impoverished multi-racial communities) and made international headlines. And there are indeed long-term political, economic and social issues in France that explain why things have not improved since. Why there is more, or even worse, police violence against rebellious — but usually defenseless — young men of Arab or non-Western descent.

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5e84df No.70447

File: b2b86eb679b011e⋯.png (932.42 KB,1008x646,504:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148943 (091130ZJUL23) Notable: Hillary Clinton Throws Her Support Behind Joe Biden Amid Major Cocaine Scandal… and the Responses Are Brutal

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Hillary Clinton Throws Her Support Behind

Joe Biden Amid Major Cocaine Scandal…

and the Responses Are Brutal

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 7/9/2023 1:36:52 AM

Hillary Clinton threw her full support behind Joe Biden amid a major cocaine scandal currently rocking the White House. A major cocaine scandal rocked the White House this past week. Biden has not answered any questions about the cocaine found in the West Wing last weekend after Hunter Biden visited the grounds.Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is all in for Joe Biden for 2024.“There’s only one presidential candidate who’s working to make life better for parents, and it’s Joe Biden,” Hillary Clinton said on Friday in response to Biden’s vow to provide affordable healthcare to parents.

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5e84df No.70448

File: 84b4ba7e497b7e0⋯.png (449.72 KB,581x563,581:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148950 (091133ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump TS : Trumps' Saturday vs Biden's Saturday vid(mp4)

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Donald J. Trump


Jul 08, 2023, 8:37 PM

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5e84df No.70449

File: 837e8c1be3bce89⋯.jpg (297.59 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 452138fde181dc7⋯.jpg (145.68 KB,1024x769,1024:769,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8a70c2f0a8468f4⋯.jpg (688.34 KB,2048x2731,2048:2731,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5f82483ec36818c⋯.jpg (309.52 KB,834x742,417:371,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1b21fac8da59898⋯.jpg (327.33 KB,852x469,852:469,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148953 (091134ZJUL23) Notable: Trump promises to lift the shroud on JFK murder, releasing all classified documents(Q703)

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Trump promises to lift the shroud on JFK murder, releasing all classified documents


Donald Trump has promised to release all the remaining top secret documents surrounding former president John F Kennedy’s assassination, after Joe Biden for the third year in a row refused to release a remaining fraction of them.

Former president Trump, the front runner for the Republican party’s 2024 presidential nomination, said on Friday (Saturday AEST) he would “declassify and unseal all JFK assassination related documents”, despite himself having withheld their release during his presidency.

“It‘s been 60 years, time for the American people to know the TRUTH!” Mr Trump said on his social media platform Truth.

The controversy surrounding the former president’s assassination in Dallas in November 1963 returned to the spotlight in April after Robert F Kennedy Junior, the former president’s nephew and Democrat presidential candidate, announced a White House bid, and repeatedly accused the CIA of being involved.

“The assassination was 60 years ago. What national security secrets could possibly be at risk? What are they hiding?,” Mr Kennedy, who also believes the CIA were involved in his father’s Robert F Kennedy’s assassination in 1968, said last week.

“Public trust in government is at an all-time low. Releasing these records would be a small but significant step toward regaining that trust”.

Mr Trump, who refused to release all the documents as president, told confidant and political strategist Roger Stone that the remaining documents were “so horrible you wouldn’t believe”, according to Mr Stone recollection in an interview on podcast Human Events last week.

“If, as the Warren commission insists, there was no international involvement nor foreign state actors involved in JFK’s murder, what would be the national security interest in keeping the record sealed”.

The Warren commission, appointed by the US government to investigate the murder, concluded in 1964 the US government was not involved, and the accused Lee Harvey Oswald, who was himself shot days after the assassination by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, before any trial, acted alone.

A subsequent congressional investigation in 1978 disputed the commission’s findings and concluded John F Kennedy was “probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy” but didn’t offer further details.

Animosity between JFK and the CIA and US military leading up to his assassination over the aborted Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba and the war in Vietnam, along with a series of unusual and hard to explain facts surrounding the murder, have fanned conspiracy theories for decades.

JFK, whose daughter Caroline is currently US Ambassador to Australia, sacked CIA director Allen Dulles, a leading figure on the Warren Commission, two years before the assassination.

In 1992 the JFK Assassination Collection Records Act instructed the National Archives to release all related documents by 2017 unless the president objected.

“This action reflects his instruction that all information related to President Kennedy‘s assassination should be released, except when the strongest possible reasons council otherwise,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters last week after the decision emerged late Friday night local time before the July 4 holiday weekend.

The Biden administration has declassified around 14,000 JFK-related documents, including a further 1,103 last week, amounting to around 99 per of the total, the White House said.

Jefferson Morley, a veteran US journalist who tracks the controversy, said around 4,000 documents remain classified or redacted on his Substack JFK Facts.

Experts on the murder have long given up on any smoking gun emerging from the remaining documents but expect them to show the CIA, or other parts of the US intelligence apparatuses, had greater knowledge of Oswald than was suggested by the Warren Commission.




Q Post #703

Feb 10 2018 03:33:29 (EST)

“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”

Prayer said every single day in the OO.

JFK - Secret Socities.

Where we go one, we go all.


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5e84df No.70450

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148963 (091139ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump Conference: Child Sex Trafficking, Southern Border, w/ Guest Tim Ballard (of Sound of Freedom) (2.1.19)(rumble vid)

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I don´t know. I don´t know enough to say something positiv or negativ about Tim Ballard or Jim Caviezel.

I have listened to some of Jim´s interviews and he sounds honest. Q wrote, there are more good than bad and at some point, I just hope that there are good people involved and presenting themselves in the open! I hope!

But what do I know?

I was cheering Craig Sawyer (Vets For Child Rescue) hard, as I first heard of them. I thought, "cool Vets taking shit in their own hands, respect!" But then I read more and more shady stuff the more I researched the group. Disappointment again...

So my trust in people is at zero, sadly.

I have seen this round table, with Tim Ballard and my take is, please let him be honest! It is about time to see honest people! I am just fed up with liars and fucking assholes!

Will I watch the movie? No! Can´t stomach the shit anymore! Is there awareness with the media bashing and the reference to QAnon? Absolute! Either way, people are talking about the horrors of child sex trafficking, maybe new eyes on the Q drops and that is a good thing!

President Trump Conference: Child Sex Trafficking, Southern Border, w/ Guest Tim Ballard (of Sound of Freedom) (2.1.19)


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5e84df No.70451

File: 3ba9b80ddc78167⋯.png (150.24 KB,1390x892,695:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19148981 (091146ZJUL23) Notable: Reminder: Vindaman and Sullivan were involved in Ukraine along with the Biden

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Vindaman and Sullivan were involved in Ukraine along with the Biden…the "

final act" was using paramilitary to kill 100 protestors…CIA picked the shooters…

"This documentary explores the 2013 US color revolution in Ukraine that led to the replacement of Ukraine's democratically elected government with a coalition of neo-Nazi groups covertly supported CIA-funded foundations. Late investigative journalist Robert Parry appears in the film to describe his investigations into the role of the US Embassy; CIA-funded foundations like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); George Soros's Renaissance Foundation and the Dutch Embassy.

The film begins by exploring Hitler's invasion of Ukraine in 1941. Western Ukraine welcomed the Nazis, as this liberated them from Soviet occupation. The OSS (which became the CIA in 1947) protected Ukraine's Nazis (who had participated in genocidal terrorism against neighboring Poles and Ukrainian Jews) to ensure they never stood trial for war crimes at Nuremberg.

In 1989, as the Soviet Union began to disintegrate, Ukrainian fascists the CIA had incubated formed the Ukrainian nationalist neo-Nazi group Svoboda. In 1994, three years after Ukraine declared independence, others would form the far right paramilitary organization Tryzub.

These and other US-funded groups were extremely instrumental in Ukraine's first color revolution in 2005. The "Orange Revolution," as it was known, displayed the same characteristic hallmarks as CIA-inspired "color revolutions" (eg coups) in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Georgia, Lebanon and elsewhere."


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5e84df No.70452

File: 498c84dc6b7ae1e⋯.png (603.94 KB,906x799,906:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 865947d2bfba2aa⋯.png (231.53 KB,776x892,194:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 44db83acda429ee⋯.pdf (545.47 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149022 (091157ZJUL23) Notable: SMOKE, LIES AND THE NANNY STATE(PDF)

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5e84df No.70453

File: 834a8b32d8e6536⋯.png (212.29 KB,1080x792,15:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149023 (091157ZJUL23) Notable: Chicago police officers are sleeping with illegals and impregnating teen girls

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Chicago police officers are sleeping with illegals and impregnating teen girls.

These hypocrites will be the first to arrest you for "hate speech," while simultaneously raping children.




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5e84df No.70454

File: f4342c13fbc4f44⋯.png (160.39 KB,332x304,83:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 1711f5bd604a3d2⋯.png (359.93 KB,583x693,53:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 2218a68d5beba49⋯.mp4 (163.34 KB,366x270,61:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149037 (091159ZJUL23) Notable: WTF is wrong with Justin Trudeau's hand?

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WTF is wrong with Justin Trudeau's hand?

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5e84df No.70455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149072 (091207ZJUL23) Notable: Anon dig: THE LARGEST HUMAN TRAFFICKING NETWORK IN THE US

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you care...





https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/catholic-charities-under-siegeCatholic Charities Under SiegeHouse Republicans and TX bearing down hard




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


'That's A Ridiculous And Silly Question!': Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At BorderPart I

Yesterday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) snapped at a reporter during a press briefing on the southern border.

Forbes Breaking News 1.78M subscribers 55,740 views May 12, 2023


TED CRUZ "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" "the situation is unsustainable"

REPORTER#1 "and how long have you been in Office?"

REPORTER#2 "Come on, man. This has been going on for 20 years."

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.153 📁 1881

Aug 15 2018 00:10:19 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.152 📁

Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST)



[Read very carefully]


"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of theircustomers are western humanitarian workerswho’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…



Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in 2008.[15] India is estimated to have had about 2 million NGOs in 2009 (approximately one per 600 Indians), many more than the number of the country's primary schools and health centers.[16][17]

The United States, by comparison, has approximately 1.5 million NGOs.[18]

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5e84df No.70456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149079 (091208ZJUL23) Notable: Anon dig: THE LARGEST HUMAN TRAFFICKING NETWORK IN THE US

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yer a deep digger!

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.153 📁 1881

Aug 15 2018 00:10:19 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.152 📁

Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST)



[Read very carefully]


"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…



"This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in Haiti is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, theNGOworkers and the so-called humanitarians.”





'That's A Ridiculous And Silly Question!': Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At BorderPart II

DEFINE: NGO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-governmental_organization

Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in 2008.[15] India is estimated to have had about 2 million NGOs in 2009 (approximately one per 600 Indians), many more than the number of the country's primary schools and health centers.[16][17] The United States, by comparison, has approximately 1.5 million NGOs.[18]

DEFINE: Parasite


When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


In 2010, Catholic Charities had revenues of $4.7 billion, $2.9 billion of which came from the US government.



WATCH LIVE: Harris delivers remarks at meeting for faith leaders PBS NewsHour 2 YEARS


When does a Mockingbird Cry?

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5e84df No.70457

File: e99becdcbee6c6d⋯.png (1.15 MB,1418x1162,709:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149090 (091211ZJUL23) Notable: Interesting short twatter thread regarding DJT not supporting or promoting The Sound of Freedom.

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just finished watching Sound Of Freedom on bitchute


i must admit the movie is ok but quite lame, not because of the quality but because of the music and it is way too slow..

but has anyone seen this (toward the end)?

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5e84df No.70458

File: e3a14f4a11def1a⋯.jpeg (382.5 KB,828x933,276:311,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149121 (091216ZJUL23) Notable: Marine In Custody After Missing Underage Girl Found In Camp Pendleton Barracks

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e84df No.70459

File: bac75cfec74a7e1⋯.jpeg (667.43 KB,1448x635,1448:635,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149131 (091218ZJUL23) Notable: Fareed Zakaria To Biden: Why Are You Giving Ukraine The Same Weapon You Said Would Be A War Crime If Russia Used It?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As we see Lindsey pushing for Ukraine to Join NATO and countries postering for the July 11-12 Meeting

Mainstream Media is calling Biden out for possible War Crimes?

Fareed Zakaria To Biden: Why Are You Giving Ukraine The Same Weapon You Said Would Be A War Crime If Russia Used It?

In an interview with President Joe Biden, CNN's Fareed Zakaria asked the president why he changed his mind on providing Ukraine with cluster bombs, a weapon that his administration said would "constitute war crimes" if Russia used them.


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5e84df No.70460

File: 610058d89f86594⋯.png (88.24 KB,425x630,85:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149225 (091232ZJUL23) Notable: CNN Lets The Mask Slip, Appears To Go Pro-Pedophilia In Attempt To Discredit Anti-Pedophile Film

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If they'll declare themselves as being adjacent to pedophiles at a minimum, would they also lie to their audience in other ways in order to protect other pedophiles?

CNN Lets The Mask Slip, Appears To Go Pro-Pedophilia In Attempt To Discredit Anti-Pedophile Film [VIDEOS]


👉🏻 Want to see ALL of our content? We post it on Twitter (https://twitter.com/redvoicenews) first. Follow and ring the bell for notifications.

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5e84df No.70461

File: 0a7f3b0210ac62e⋯.png (523.16 KB,593x581,593:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149232 (091233ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom Bun / pb

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The Gateway Pundit


Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile Amid Backlash


Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks 'Sound of Freedom' Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile Amid Backlash |...

Miles Klee, the writer responsible for a Rolling Stone article mocking the movie “Sound of Freedom,” has made a hasty retreat by locking down his profile amidst backlash.

1:20 AM · Jul 9, 2023




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5e84df No.70462

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149250 (091237ZJUL23) Notable: CNN Panics That 'Sound of Freedom' Shows Normies About Adrenochrome(rumble vid)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNN Panics That 'Sound of Freedom' Shows Normies About Adrenochrome


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5e84df No.70463

File: fc2c313f31e606a⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149292 (091243ZJUL23) Notable: CNN Panics That 'Sound of Freedom' Shows Normies About Adrenochrome(rumble vid)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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5e84df No.70464

File: e3bba1bb41337af⋯.png (339.21 KB,868x809,868:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149323 (091257ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / "Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

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"Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jul 08, 2023 - 05:00 AM

The pedo-loving propagandists at the once-great Rolling Stone are at it again, this time seemingly defending child traffickers with a scathing review of Jim Caviezel's anti-child-trafficking film, Sound of Freedom - which they described as a "QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking" which is "designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer."

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5e84df No.70465

File: 861f536b095e535⋯.png (376.68 KB,593x578,593:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149333 (091258ZJUL23) Notable: Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

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The Gateway Pundit


Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border


Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child...

A video of Tim Ballard, the founder of the anti-sex trafficking non-profit Operation Underground Railroad, meeting up with President Trump has gone viral in recent days.

1:50 AM · Jul 9, 2023




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5e84df No.70466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149367 (091309ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom Bun

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>>>/qresearch/19149349 ty!

For Incoming baker

Please check.

If any are not worthy of notable, please remove them.

Sorry if I have missed something.

>>>/qresearch/19148491 Q Research General #23518: Someday This Bread's a Gonna End Edition

>>70428 DOUGH

notetaker lb note


#23518 >>70428

>>70429 @DanScavino TS HAPPENING NOW timestamps12:46 (Q1246 Happening now)

>>70430, >>70443, >>70448 @realDonaldTrump TS : Trumps' Saturday vs Biden's Saturday vid(mp4)


>>70432, >>70434 Largest maternity scandal in NHS history expected to be uncovered(17)

>>70433 Solar storm on Thursday expected to make Northern Lights visible in 17 states

>>70435 US Pacific fleet retweeted( Why are those pictures sideways?)

>>70436, >>70438, >>70457 Interesting short twatter thread regarding DJT not supporting or promoting The Sound of Freedom.

>>70437 Beijing will perceive Yellen's actions as a weakness(mp4)

>>70439 Joe from yesterday at the beach ,wtf is going on here, his face looks plastic also

>>70440 Researchers Uncover New Linux Kernel 'StackRot' Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2023-3269)

>>70441 THE BBC presenter at the centre of a sex-pictures scandal stripped to his underpants for a video call, the alleged victim’s mother claimed yesterday

>>70442 Balenciaga designer Demna moans that he's 'suffered' after vile bondage-themed kids' clothing campaign and compares his clothes to Moderna COVID vaccine

>>70444 Authorities Charge 5 More in Probe of Child Sexual Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses in Pennsylvania

>>70445 The governor of Texas wins again

>>70446 Opinion | These French Riots Are Different— and Far More Disturbing

>>70447 Hillary Clinton Throws Her Support Behind Joe Biden Amid Major Cocaine Scandal… and the Responses Are Brutal

>>70449 Trump promises to lift the shroud on JFK murder, releasing all classified documents(Q703)

>>70450 President Trump Conference: Child Sex Trafficking, Southern Border, w/ Guest Tim Ballard (of Sound of Freedom) (2.1.19)(rumble vid)

>>70451 Reminder: Vindaman and Sullivan were involved in Ukraine along with the Biden


>>70453 Chicago police officers are sleeping with illegals and impregnating teen girls

>>70454 WTF is wrong with Justin Trudeau's hand?


>>70458 Marine In Custody After Missing Underage Girl Found In Camp Pendleton Barracks

>>70459 Fareed Zakaria To Biden: Why Are You Giving Ukraine The Same Weapon You Said Would Be A War Crime If Russia Used It?

>>70460 CNN Lets The Mask Slip, Appears To Go Pro-Pedophilia In Attempt To Discredit Anti-Pedophile Film

>>70461 Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile Amid Backlash

>>70462, >>70463 CNN Panics That 'Sound of Freedom' Shows Normies About Adrenochrome(rumble vid)

#23518 posted in #23519

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5e84df No.70467

File: 2e27c45daa70ef7⋯.png (1.71 MB,1354x4189,1354:4189,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f2d342242005c7⋯.jpg (133.92 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed8047cd0c42cf0⋯.jpg (156.78 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 94ecda449f156b4⋯.jpg (139.59 KB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149408 (091321ZJUL23) Notable: Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

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Oct 26, 2017

2 days ahead

Operation Underground Railroad's Tim Ballard meets with Ivanka Trump, politicians regarding human trafficking

By Trent Toone Oct 26, 2017, 11:15am MDT

Operation Underground Railroad's Tim Ballard recently gave a special presentation on human trafficking to Ivanka Trump and a group of politicians. Courtesy Sen. Hatch's office

Tim Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad, gave a special presentation to Ivanka Trump, special advisor to the president, and a small group of senators on Oct. 25 in Washington, D.C.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, hosted the meeting, invited Trump, and arranged for Ballard to speak.

During the meeting, Ballard discussed legislation put forth by Sen. Hatch to help in the fight against human trafficking around the world. A former victim of trafficking also spoke to the gathering, according to ourrescue.org.

During the meeting, Ballard spoke of one day creating an anti-trafficking center.

"The big picture would be an anti-trafficking center, similar to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, but for trafficking," Ballard said in a video clip of the meeting, shared by Hatch. "This is what we need for trafficking."

This video was released by Sen. Orrin Hatch's office.

In addition to Sen. Hatch, those in attendance included Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who serves as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee; Rob Portman, R-Ohio, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee and Foreign Relations Committee; Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee; and Chris Coons, D-Delaware, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Ballard, also an author with a passion for U.S. history, was featured in the Deseret News last June.

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5e84df No.70468

File: 2326691931c736d⋯.webp (66.54 KB,1114x624,557:312,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149410 (091321ZJUL23) Notable: WHO & Gates Inc announce plans to flood Africa with ultra dangerous malaria "vaccines"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Isn’t Gates Banned from Africa at this Point? Should he be Banned from every Country?

WHO & Gates Inc announce plans to flood Africa with ultra dangerous malaria "vaccines"

The World Health Organization and its partner organization, the Bill Gates-controlled GAVI, announced Wednesday that they will be flooding Africa with 18 million doses of malaria vaccines.

During a Wednesday press conference, WHO director Tedros Adhanom declared that 12 African countries will be receiving 18 million doses of malaria vaccine in the coming months, declaring that climate change is largely responsible for the continuing disease burden in the continent.

While it seems like great news at the surface, considering Africa’s continuing malaria epidemic, we’ve again encountered a situation in which the “cure” appears to be more threatening than the disease itself.


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5e84df No.70469

File: 62d0f18f24ef2c0⋯.png (1 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149436 (091328ZJUL23) Notable: BREAKING: Latest SCOTUS Filing Has Potential to Impact Hundreds of J6 Cases - Lawyers Seek to Toss Controversial 1512 Obstruction Charges Against January 6 Defendant Jake Lang

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BREAKING: Latest SCOTUS Filing Has Potential to Impact Hundreds of J6 Cases – Lawyers Seek to Toss Controversial 1512 Obstruction Charges Against January 6 Defendant Jake Lang

January 6th Defendant Jake Lang is taking his case to the highest court in the land.

Lang’s decision to move his arguments to the Supreme Court follows a split ruling in the DC Court of Appeals in April.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, two of three judges on the appellate panel ruled against U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, who dismissed the 1512 felony obstruction charge in three separate cases against January 6th defendants.

Perhaps most notable among the affected was Jacob Edward Lang — widely known by TGP readers through multiple eyewitness accounts of his repeated efforts to save lives during the onslaught of violence near the U.S. Capitol tunnel where Rosanne Boyland was killed.


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5e84df No.70470

File: e4b56f73d7a243d⋯.png (1.75 MB,1005x716,1005:716,Clipboard.png)

File: a83c53fcad91a58⋯.png (175.6 KB,1016x1177,1016:1177,Clipboard.png)

File: 25e75e46adb6b18⋯.png (118.67 KB,818x400,409:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149456 (091334ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Sound of Freedom and the Guardians of the Pedophiles Dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>"Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone

>>>70461 pb

Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile Amid Backlash

PB Below

Sound of Freedom and the Guardians of the Pedophiles Dig

"Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?"

Charles Bramesco the Guardian

>>69981 Why isn’t the left promoting the Sound Of Freedom? Shouldn’t everybody be against child trafficking?

>>70044, >>69982 Guardians of the Pedophiles. Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America. Charles Bramesco

>>70044, >>69982 Guardians of the Pedophiles. Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America. Charles Bramesco

>>70046 Eduardo Verastegui asked about the fake news ridiculous Guardian article saying the film is a “QAnon” paranoid movie.

>>70053, >>70061 Charles Bramesco. Interests: internet pornography. Taught children of various socioeconomic backgrounds the fundamentals

>>70062, >>70063 Moar interests: kink films, Stunt dildos. One point of curiosity, for me: when we see the outline of your boner

>>70065 sexmagick. hail Satan

>>70067 Defund the police cuz St Floyd

>>70071 Michele Chausse. Happy Mother's Day

>>70073 Clinton Bramesco. Happy Father's day

>>70087 Clinton Bramesco. PPP Loan Data. That the governor?

>>70091, >>70095 Father works for PBS. Frontline Sound Engineer credits

>>70109 clint bramesco - sound recordist - cbsr. Victor Chausse, Jr Grandfather IRS Agent

>>70128 Sister and Husband Silver Spring MD.

Miles Klee Rolling Stone

>>70265, >>70267, >>70271 Rolling Stone is getting ratio’d to death.

>>70273 Rolling Stone Pedophile defender Author Miles Klee. Looks like father(?) has a Blackrock Connection. oh and lots of fake news.

>>70274, >>70275 Kenneth Klee. Writer.Blackrock. Newsweek,Other fake news

>>70276 Clare C. Dixon Is Bride Of Kenneth Alan Klee. His father is a psychiatrist in Towson, Md.

>>70278 Dr. Gerald D. Klee,was an LSD expert and participated in its experimentationon volunteer servicemen at several military installations in the 1950s

>>70279, >>70282 Scientist. German name. Brother from Austria. Worked on LSD eperiments. Honk. Op Paperclip?

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5e84df No.70471

File: 6c13248a8cabec7⋯.png (1.68 MB,2372x1512,593:378,Clipboard.png)

File: ed605da674e9446⋯.png (130.91 KB,369x337,369:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 878314496b14016⋯.png (603.46 KB,843x713,843:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149583 (091358ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Potus: Comms for a shift. Sounds of Freedom Jul 01 > 01/07. PatriotsFight. Biblical

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>Tim Ballard

pb below

>>70436, >>70438, >>70457 Interesting short twatter thread regarding DJT not supporting or promoting The Sound of Freedom.

he did. on

July 1




> before joining Dana White andMel Gibsonat the UFC

>>70395 Roger Stone: Shooting the sh*t with @realDonaldTrump and#MelGibsonat the UFC fight in Vegas

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5e84df No.70472

File: c587fd2c0c2fd08⋯.png (610.52 KB,500x746,250:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149585 (091358ZJUL23) Notable: Treaty of Peace 1783 - the piece of paper that "made" the United States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The piece of paper that "made" the USA

The Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783

In the Name of the most Holy & undivided Trinity.

It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the Hearts of the most Serene and most Potent Prince George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, Arch- Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc.. and of the United States of America, to forget all past Misunderstandings and Differences that have unhappily interrupted the good Correspondence and Friendship which they mutually wish to restore; and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory Intercourse between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal Advantages and mutual Convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual Peace and Harmony; and having for this desirable End already laid the Foundation of Peace & Reconciliation by the Provisional Articles signed at Paris on the 30th of November 1782, by the Commissioners empowered on each Part, which Articles were agreed to be inserted in and constitute the Treaty of Peace proposed to be concluded between the Crown of Great Britain and the said United States...

Article 1st:

His Brittanic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz., New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free sovereign and Independent States; that he treats with them as such, and for himself his Heirs & Successors, relinquishes all claims to the Government, Propriety, and Territorial Rights of the same and every Part thereof.

Article 3d:

It is agreed that the People of the United States shall continue to enjoy unmolested the Right to take Fish of every kind on the Grand Bank and on all the other Banks of Newfoundland, also in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and at all other Places in the Sea, where the Inhabitants of both Countries used at any time heretofore to fish....

Article 7th:

There shall be a firm and perpetual Peace between his Britanic Majesty and the said States, and between the Subjects of the one and the Citizens of the other, wherefore all Hostilities both by Sea and Land shall from henceforth cease: All prisoners on both Sides shall be set at Liberty, and his Britanic Majesty shall with all convenient speed, and without causing any Destruction, or carrying away any Negroes or other Property of the American inhabitants, withdraw all his Armies,...

Article 8th:

The Navigation of the river Mississippi, from its source to the Ocean, shall forever remain free and open to the Subjects of Great Britain and the Citizens of the United States.

Article 10th:

The solemn Ratifications of the present Treaty expedited in good & due Form shall be exchanged between the contracting Parties in the Space of Six Months or sooner if possible to be computed from the Day of the Signature of the present Treaty. In witness whereof we the undersigned their Ministers Plenipotentiary have in their Name and in Virtue of our Full Powers, signed with our Hands the present Definitive Treaty, and caused the Seals of our Arms to be affixed thereto.

Done at Paris, this third day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.






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5e84df No.70473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149629 (091408ZJUL23) Notable: Covid Vaccine Implicated in Most of the Deaths! - Pre-print paper Removed from Lancet!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Covid Vaccine Implicated in Most of the Deaths! - Pre-print paper Removed from Lancet!

This paper is looking at autopsy data of over 325 people who died after Covid vaccination. The assessment from the paper is that (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Hulscher, Nicolas and Alexander, Paul E. and Amerling, Richard and Gessling, Heather and Hodkinson, Roger and Makis, William and Risch, Harvey A. and Trozzi, Mark and McCullough, Peter A., A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination.

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5e84df No.70474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149630 (091409ZJUL23) Notable: Covid Vaccine Implicated in Most of the Deaths! - Pre-print paper Removed from Lancet!

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5e84df No.70475

File: df3994a0a05bfd2⋯.png (202.6 KB,542x278,271:139,Clipboard.png)

File: fb60436defdaf90⋯.png (84.03 KB,446x398,223:199,Clipboard.png)

File: c10822f33f2485d⋯.png (15.83 KB,344x256,43:32,Clipboard.png)

File: 8024cecbb518258⋯.png (132.09 KB,293x460,293:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149631 (091409ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Potus: Comms for a shift. Sounds of Freedom Jul 01 > 01/07. PatriotsFight. Biblical

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>he did. on

>July 1



From and including: Tuesday, January 31, 2023

To, but not including Saturday, July 8, 2023

Result:158 days

It is 158 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.

Or 5 months, 8 days excluding the end date.


Aug 15, 2018 3:12:17 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000No. 158

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

– Corinthians 13:4-13

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18


Jul 01, 2020 1:58:37 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c81237 No. 9813912




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5e84df No.70476

File: bd7a9c90bf90ec2⋯.jpg (89.81 KB,720x740,36:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1f4cfcc242d6923⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149656 (091415ZJUL23) Notable: Rob Schneider on When His Wife found out he voted for Trump For the Keks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

.@RobSchneider on When His Wife Found Out He Voted for Trump 🤣


KeK The tide has TURNED

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5e84df No.70477

File: 7d4ad97597f7ac7⋯.jpeg (94.05 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149702 (091424ZJUL23) Notable: Russian agents ‘left feces’ in US official’s suitcase - WSJ

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9 Jul, 2023 12:08

Russian agents ‘left feces’ in US official’s suitcase – WSJ

A clandestine FSB division wanted to make its presence known, the paper’s sources claim

A secretive unit of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) tasked with covertly following high-profile Americans in the country oftenleft “calling cards” in the homes of their targets, including feces in their toilets and a suitcase, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing sources.

According to senior Western officials, Russian journalists, and analysts who fled the country, the FSB’s Department for Counterintelligence Operations (DKRO), which the paper says is responsible for the arrest of WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich and several other US citizens,was responsible “for a string of strange incidents.”

The Russian operatives are believed to have something to do with the “mysterious death” of a dog belonging to an unnamed US diplomat, trailing an ambassador’s children, and flatting tires on embassy vehicles.

The agents working for the secretive unit also allegedly often want their targets to know they are being followed. To achieve that goal, in at least one instance they purportedly left a burnt cigarette on a toilet seat. They also went as far as to leave “feces in unflushed toilets at diplomats’ homes and in the suitcase of a senior official visiting from Washington,” the WSJ claimed.

According to the paper, DKRO operatives also broke into Americans’ rooms to plant bugs, tried to recruit embassy clerks, and even used young women to cajole US Marines stationed in Moscow to get them to spill secrets.

Neither the Kremlin, nor the FSB, nor US authorities have commented on the report.

WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich still remains behind bars in Russia. The 31-year-old journalist was detained in late March near a military installation in the city of Ekaterinburg in Central Russia and charged with espionage. Both the WSJ and US authorities have denied the allegation, with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claiming that Gershkovich was “wrongfully detained.”

Speaking on a possible prisoner swap involving Gershkovich, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Russia maintains contacts with the US on the matter, but noted that all relevant talks should be carried out “in complete silence.”

The ongoing negotiations were confirmed by the White House, with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan saying that “there have been discussions, but those discussions have not produced a clear pathway to a resolution.”

(The WSJ seems to be spreading outrageous stories. But if true funny in some ways.)


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5e84df No.70478

File: e90c402c3ced29f⋯.jpeg (148.6 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149719 (091429ZJUL23) Notable: Half of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure damaged by Russia - minister

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9 Jul, 2023 09:23

Half of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure damaged by Russia – minister

Kiev registered 271 hits on power grid systems between last October and this March, German Galushchenko has said

Half of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure has been damaged by Russian strikes, withsome facilities knocked out of service for good, Energy Minister German Galushchenko said on Saturday.

Speaking on national TV, Galushchenko summed up the results of the Russian missile attacks on the country’s energy infrastructure, saying that theUkrainian authorities registered 271 hitsbetween October 10, 2022 and March 9, 2023.

“In terms of losses, 50% of the entire power grid system, including generation assets and the transmission system, has been hit by Russian strikes,” he stated, as quoted by local media. “Unfortunately, some facilities have been completely destroyed and cannot be restored.”

The energy minister said the Ukrainian authorities have embarked on the largest repair campaign in the country’s history. “The scale of destruction is enormous, and we have the task of restoring as much as possible by the next heating season.”

He noted that the World Bank had estimated thedamage to the energy infrastructure at $11 billion, but added that this figure is even higher as it does not take into account attacks that occurred after the assessment was completed.

In late May, Galushchenko announced an increase in energy tariffs. He explained at the time that Kiev was unable to maintain the discount rates, citing Russian attacks on the energy infrastructure and the fact that Ukraine no longer controls the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, the largest facility of its kind in Europe, as well as the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam, which was destroyed last month.

Russia significantly stepped up missile strikes on Ukraine’s energy facilities after a deadly blast on the Crimean Bridge last October, which Moscow says was orchestrated by Kiev’s intelligence service. While Ukraine has denied responsibility, officials in Kiev have hinted at their role in the blast on numerous occasions.


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5e84df No.70479

File: 5ac67424d2b7b0a⋯.png (688.21 KB,1366x1141,1366:1141,Clipboard.png)

File: 076b631d9ae9b50⋯.png (729.41 KB,1116x980,279:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149771 (091440ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / Potus: Comms for a shift. Sounds of Freedom Jul 01 > 01/07. PatriotsFight. Biblical

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>No. 158


PatriotsFight board

Mel Gibson - "The Patriot"

UFC Fight


Mel Gibson - Braveheart: "FREEEEDOM'

Mel Gibson/Jim Caviezel - "Passion of the Christ



no. 158

15 Aug

15 8

> Corinthians 13:4-13

> Ephesians 6:10-18

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5e84df No.70480

File: fa4188c4b17f38d⋯.jpeg (144.24 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149795 (091445ZJUL23) Notable: Bank of England accuses retailers of profiteering

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9 Jul, 2023 11:30

Bank of England accuses retailers of profiteering

Some of them are “overcharging customers” during the cost-of-living crisis, BoE governor has claimed

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey has denounced domestic retailers for beingengaged in ‘greedflation,‘ claiming that some of them have been taking advantage of rampant inflation by raising prices.

In an interview with the BBC this week, Bailey said certain retailers were “overcharging customers” as millions of families struggle to make ends meet.

“If you look at petrol prices, some sellers of petrol have possibly been charging too much for it,” the BoE head suggested.

According to the top economist, “moves by regulators on retail prices will help to lower inflation,” particularly in the fuel market.

The BoE believes UK inflation will fall back to the 2% target towards the end of next year.

Asked when a fall in interest rates might be seen, Bailey responded: “I can’t give you a date as to when interest rates start to come down because that really depends upon what happens over the period of time ahead, but getting inflation down is the most important thing that we have to do.”

Meanwhile, economists at JPMorgan projected this week that BoE may have to furtherhike interest rates to 7% from the current 5%to bring inflation under control, hitting household budgets even harder.

Earlier this year, theBoE warned that British households and businesses needed to accept that they were worse off and should stop asking for wage increases and pushing prices higher. The regulator’s chief economist, Huw Pill, said at the time that “a series of inflationary shocks” generated by the pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, and crop shortages have sent prices in the UK to a 40-year high. He claimed that in response to surging bills and other rising costs, workers and businesses were attempting to transfer the impact of inflation onto each other.

(UK is not backing off from blaming everyone else for a self created crisis.)


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5e84df No.70481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149809 (091448ZJUL23) Notable: Ted Cruz Thinks the Bag of Cocaine Found at the White House Belongs to a Biden Staffer, 'It Probably Isn't Hunter's'

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Why is Ted Cruz helping Hunter Biden?

Ted Cruz Thinks the Bag of Cocaine Found at the White House Belongs to a Biden Staffer, 'It Probably Isn't Hunter's'

Texas Senator Ted Cruz has dismissed the notion that President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, was responsible for the cocaine found in the White House earlier this month, instead speculating that a senior Biden official may be involved, RadarOnline.com has learned.

Cruz, an outspoken critic of the Biden administration, has expressed his disbelief that any member of the Biden family would be involved in the discovered drugs. However, he accused the administration of engaging in a cover-up, highlighting the surprising length of time it's taking for the Secret Service to identify the responsible party.

"You know, my guess is it probably isn't Hunter's," said Cruz, speaking on Friday's episode of his podcast, Verdict.

"I don't know that, obviously. We know that Hunter has a drug problem. We know that he has used cocaine and use crack cocaine in the past ...but I doubt Hunter Biden is going in the West Wingall that often and going in that entrance all that often." (He is that stupid or is ignoring the fact cocaine is all over capitol hill.)

"I think it is, in all likelihood, someone who works in the Biden administration, some senior Biden official, which makes the cover-up all that the more astonishing," the Texas Senator speculated.

He claimed the only reason they would put out a statement saying we will never know who it was, is "the same reason why the DOJ and the FBI is engaged in a cover-up of Hunter Biden's acts of criminality, of Joe Biden's acts of criminality."

"It would be embarrassing if we discover that a senior White House aide is bringing cocaine into the west wing to do schedule-one, serious drugs in the White House," he told his listeners. "And so their answer instead is, of course, we're not going to prosecute it. We're not going to investigate it."


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5e84df No.70482

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149834 (091452ZJUL23) Notable: NATO flexes muscle to protect Vilnius summit near Russia, Belarus

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NATO flexes muscle to protect Vilnius summit near Russia, Belarus

Andrius Sytas

July 9, 20233:22 AM EDT

NATO has turned Vilnius into a fortress defended by advanced weaponry to protect U.S. President Joe Biden and other alliance leaders meeting next week only 32 km (20 miles) from Lithuania's razor-wire topped border fence with Russian ally Belarus.

Sixteen NATO allies have sent a total of about 1,000 troops to safeguard the July 11-12 summit, which will take place only 151 km (94 miles) from Russia itself. Many are also providing advanced air defence systems which the Baltic states lack.

"It would be more than irresponsible to have our sky unprotected as Biden and leaders of 40 countries are arriving," Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said.

The Baltic countries of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, once under Moscow's rule but part of both NATO and the European Union since 2004, all spend above 2% of their economies on defence, a larger share than most other NATO allies.

But for the region with total population of about 6 million people, this is not enough to sustain large militaries, invest in their own fighter jets or advanced air defence.

Germany deployed 12 Patriot missile launchers, used to intercept ballistic and cruise missiles or warplanes.

Spain has brought a NASAMS air defence system, France is sending Caesar self-propelled howitzers, France, Finland, and Denmark are basing military jets in Lithuania, and the United Kingdom and France are supplying anti-drone capabilities.

Poland and Germany sent helicopter-enhanced special operations forces. Others are sending equipment to deal with any potential chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks.

For Nauseda, the allied effort to ensure air safety during the leader's gathering means NATO needs to urgently set up permanent air defences in the Baltic states.

"We think about what happens after the summit ends, and we will work with allies to create a rotating force for a permanent air protection", he told reporters.


At villages next to the Belarus border, locals told Reuters they feel totally safe, despite the Russian ally's offer to accommodate Russia's private Wagner militia and its hosting of Russian nuclear weapons.

"Do you think Wagner or Belarus could attack Lithuania, which is in NATO? They don't have the guts. NATO is NATO, and we feel ourselves safe because we are in NATO. Why would we fear those Belarussians?", said Edvard Rynkun, 67, in Kaniukai, a village 1 km (less than a mile) from Belarus.

"If Lithuania was alone, I would feel differently," he added. "If not for the NATO membership, things here could already be same as in Ukraine," said Elena Tarasevic, 55, Rynkun's neighbour.

At Vilnius airport, eight German-operated Patriot missile launchers were seen standing with their nozzles pointed in the direction of Russia's Kaliningrad. Two more pointed towards Belarus. All of the launchers were operational since Friday morning.

"You know where you are situated geographically, and you know pretty well where the threat is coming from", said Lt Col Steffen Lieb, commander of the Patriot deployment.

"Lithuania asked us for protection of the summit, and also NATO asked Germany for help. This is our answer," he added.


Lithuania has tripled the deployment of border guards at the Belarus and Russian borders for the summer, augmented by officers from Latvia and Poland. The two countries have also sent police to help patrol Vilnius.

"We are preparing for various provocations", border guard chief Rustamas Liubajevas said. He added that he feared waves of migrants at the border, or border violations, or military vehicles appearing at the border without explanation.

Thousands of Middle Eastern migrants have crossed at the Belarus border in 2021, in an effort Lithuania and the European Union said was orchestrated by Minsk, a charge it denies. The numbers have since subsided.

"The situation is really very tense, because of aggression of Russia against Ukraine. So the (border protection) was already on a very, very high level (before the summit)", said Liubajevas.

(Spreading fear and panic and flexing their combined NATO muscles, is what they do. Does anyone really think Russia will be that stupid to attack when all NATO countries are in one place?)


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5e84df No.70483

File: cbedfb9c021fc7d⋯.png (355.6 KB,901x803,901:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a7e2c5499544c2⋯.png (34.72 KB,218x172,109:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149927 (091508ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun / End of movie there is a guy with a Q on his hat! Wasn't this filmed PRIOR to Q showing up in 2017?

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Sound of Freedom

End of movie there is a guy with a Q on his hat-!

Wasn't this filmed PRIOR to Q showing up in 2017?

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5e84df No.70484

File: 5f2288957eb87cc⋯.jpeg (157.75 KB,1101x754,1101:754,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149929 (091508ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine, Poland leaders jointly mark WWII massacres that strained ties

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Ukraine, Poland leaders jointly mark WWII massacres that strained ties


July 9, 202310:13 AM EDT

KYIV, July 9 (Reuters) - The Ukrainian and Polish presidents jointly marked the anniversary on Sunday of World War Two-era massacres of Poles by Ukrainian nationalists, killings that have caused tension for generations between countries that are now close allies.

Warsaw has positioned itself as one of Kyiv's staunchest supporters since Russia invaded the country in 2022.

But the Volhynia massacres have continued to hang over ties between the two nations, particularlyahead of the July 11 anniversary of one of the bloodiest daysof a series of killings that took place from 1943 to 1945.

Poland says around 100,000 Poles were killed in the massacres by Ukrainian nationalists. Thousands of Ukrainians also died in reprisal killings.

Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskiy and his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda attended a church service together in the western Ukrainian city of Lutsk, in memory of the victims.

"Together we pay tribute to all the innocent victims of Volhynia! Memory unites us!," Duda's office and Zelenskiy both wrote on Twitter. "Together we are stronger."

The service was attended by the heads of the largest Orthodox and Catholic churches in Ukraine and the head of the Polish Bishop's Conference, Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki.

The Ukrainian president's chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, wrote on Telegram that Ukraine and Poland were "united against a common enemy who dreamed of dividing us".

Duda called the service "a testimony of friendship in the face of a difficult history".

In a post on Twitter, Zelenskiy said he had a "brief but very substantive" discussion at the event with Duda about the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius, where Ukraine is hoping for decisions that will hasten its goal of membership in the alliance.

"We agreed to work together to get the best possible result for Ukraine," Zelenskiy wrote.

The head of Duda's office said the fact that the presidents were commemorating the victims together was "historic", but that more work was needed.

"This is not the end of this difficult road, explaining to our Ukrainian friends about the historical truth, it will of course be continued," Pawel Szrot told private broadcaster Polsat News.

The Polish parliament has said that the murders, carried out between 1943 and 1945 by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists under the leadership of Stepan Bandera, bore elements of genocide.

Ukraine has not accepted that assertion and often refers to the Volhynia eventsas part of a conflict between Poland and Ukraine which affected both nations.

Warsaw and Kyiv have also clashed over the issue of whether Polish specialists can search for and exhume the remains of Poles that died in Ukraine.

The massacre caused an unusually public row between Poland and Ukraine earlier this year, after a Polish foreign ministry spokesman said that Zelenskiy should apologise and ask for forgiveness for the events in Volhynia.

However, Ukraine's parliament speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk moved to defuse tensions in May when he told the Polish parliament that Kyiv understood Poland's pain.

(It’s all show, Poland expects in return for support, their territory and billions from Ukraine. Attending Church together is a ruse since Zelensky is banning churches in his country. I’m surprised he didn’t automatically caught on fire walking in the church)


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5e84df No.70485

File: caff3b68cabf135⋯.png (691.83 KB,826x687,826:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149988 (091515ZJUL23) Notable: Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

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“Pedophile-Infested” CNN Attacks Sound of Freedom Film for “Catering to Conspiracy Theorists”

By: Jason Walsh

July 9, 2023

Maybe CNN needs to look at its own problems since they also appear to have a “pedophile problem “in its staff, as Tucker Carlson noted in 2021.

“As of today, there are more accused pedophiles at CNN than Americans who have died of the so-called Omicron variant that is supposed to be so deadly,” Carlson said.


Just last month, a former CNN producer who was fired from the network before being charged with molesting a 9-year-old girl was sentenced to 19 years in prison.

In December, John Griffin, 45, pleaded guilty to using interstate commerce to entice and coerce the Girl to engage in sexual activity.

The child sex offender worked at CNN for approximately eight years.

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5e84df No.70486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150034 (091523ZJUL23) Notable: Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

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This is somewhat slanted - but - wait for it.

AG of Utah, Sean Reyes makes an appearance.

Utah AGTim Ballard

Its amazing how much time and effort is spent to refute "Qanon"

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5e84df No.70487

File: 63c1da3e25ef5ee⋯.png (334.02 KB,879x900,293:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150122 (091542ZJUL23) Notable: Ex-CNN producer John Griffin sentenced

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>>70485 lb


Ex-CNN producer John Griffin sentenced

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5e84df No.70488

File: 801a402166736fb⋯.jpeg (88.36 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150139 (091548ZJUL23) Notable: France to ban sale of fireworks for Bastille Day July 14

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9 Jul, 2023 08:27

France to ban sale of fireworks on national holiday

PM Elisabeth Borne announced the measure days after the recent nationwide unrest began to subside

The French will not be able to buy or carry fireworks mortars on Bastille Day on July 14, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has said. The restrictions follow massive rioting in which youths have fired pyrotechnic devices at police across the country.

In an interview with Le Parisien on Saturday, Borne acknowledged that a number of officials and ordinary citizens had expressed concern that the unrest, which appears to be waning, could reignite during the national holiday. (People will beg their dictators for more safety and to give up their freedom)

To prevent this from happening, the French government is going to implement “massive” means to “protect the French,” she stated, adding that a decree would be published on Sunday imposing a ban on the sale of fireworks mortars.

“Only professionals, who will organize the fireworks in the municipalities, will be able to buy them,” the premier clarified.

On Thursday, government spokesperson Olivier Veran said the authorities would do “everything to ensure… security and public tranquility” on Bastille Day. He also ruled out the possibility of the national holiday being canceled this year due to the riots.

The unrest began late last month after a police officer fatally shot teenager Nahel Merzouk in the suburbs of Paris on June 27. The 17-year-old allegedly tried to drive away after being stopped by the police. The official was soon placed in custody and charged with homicide.

The ensuing days of rioting saw gangs of youths clashing with police, pelting them with stones and Molotov cocktails, as well as using fireworks as improvised weapons.

Over 4,000 people have been detained as a result, including around 1,200 minors.

Rioters have set fire to vehicles and vandalized private property. In the southern port city of Marseille alone, 400 businesses sustained damage of more than €100 million ($109 million), a local official said earlier this week.

(I personally think Macron contracted this murder and unrest to get revenge on those that protested the raising on minimum age to get state retirement benefits to 70. Plus he wants much more power over the people.)


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5e84df No.70489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150143 (091549ZJUL23) Notable: MSM doesn't like free tickets to Sound of Freedom

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So this asshole thinks it’s bad for people to get free tickets! And Sound of Freedom should get no credit. He mad because major studios can’t do it because no one would use the tickets

Faith Based “Sound of Freedom” Has Booming Sales, But It’s “The Sound of Free” as Company Offers Thousands of Gratis Tickets Paid for By Others

Roger FriedmanJuly 7, 2023 2:46 pm

I told you all about a movie called “Sound of Freedom” on Wednesday. It was released on Tuesday by a small outfit called Angel Studios and made $14 million.

Two more days at the box office have brought the total up to $22 million. That’s three days of audiences.

But there should be an asteris, next to these numbers. For all other movies, individuals pay for their own tickets (or their companions).

In the case of this movie, the Sound of Freedom just should be called the Sound of Free. That’s right. According to the Angel Studios website, free tickets are available in parts of the country that are considered “Christian friendly.” In other areas, there are deep discounts for groups — like church groups — which account for the bulk of the sales.

Let me explain: when I went to the website and plugged in a zip code for Fairfield county, Connecticut, I was given the opportunity to buy group sales only. For example, the website instructs, you can buy 100 tickets for the price of 50.

But when I plugged in a Chicago suburb, I was able to get in line for a free ticket if I promised to use it. (LOL.) I was number 6,678 in line for a gratis ducat. If my showing wasn’t available, I’d be allowed to choose another.

All this is being funded by a program they call “Pay it Forward.” You can register and donate funds — as much as you like– so that those 6,678 can see the movie for free. Someone, after all, has to pay for it.

On the website, Angel Studios is also running their own kind of Go Fund Me pages — opportunities to “invest” in coming Christian films.

The website is clever in that it reads like a cult doctrine, creating a community. Their vague offer:” We’re building a home for stories that amplify light (or, as we call it, our North Star).”

If buy the idea, welcome

Meantime,box office aggregators like boxofficemojo and thenumbers.com should really set aside the totals for “Sound of Freedom.”


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5e84df No.70490

File: 5a7e2c5499544c2⋯.png (34.72 KB,218x172,109:86,Clipboard.png)

File: cbedfb9c021fc7d⋯.png (355.6 KB,901x803,901:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 816928df178ad2f⋯.png (68.11 KB,851x239,851:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150190 (091556ZJUL23) Notable: MSM doesn't like free tickets to Sound of Freedom

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>>>/qresearch/19150115 TYB

>>70483 PB

Sound of Freedom was apparently was filmed in 2018, but the Q is still a nice little Easter egg.

Q hat at end of Sound of Freedom movie, ICYMI.



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5e84df No.70491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150199 (091558ZJUL23) Notable: #23518 posted in #23520

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ty for the heads-up, reposting the notes for #23518:

#23518 >>70428

>>70429 @DanScavino TS HAPPENING NOW timestamps12:46 (Q1246 Happening now)

>>70430, >>70443, >>70448 @realDonaldTrump TS : Trumps' Saturday vs Biden's Saturday vid(mp4)


>>70432, >>70434 Largest maternity scandal in NHS history expected to be uncovered(17)

>>70433 Solar storm on Thursday expected to make Northern Lights visible in 17 states

>>70435 US Pacific fleet retweeted( Why are those pictures sideways?)

>>70436, >>70438, >>70457 Interesting short twatter thread regarding DJT not supporting or promoting The Sound of Freedom.

>>70437 Beijing will perceive Yellen's actions as a weakness(mp4)

>>70439 Joe from yesterday at the beach ,wtf is going on here, his face looks plastic also

>>70440 Researchers Uncover New Linux Kernel 'StackRot' Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2023-3269)

>>70441 THE BBC presenter at the centre of a sex-pictures scandal stripped to his underpants for a video call, the alleged victim’s mother claimed yesterday

>>70442 Balenciaga designer Demna moans that he's 'suffered' after vile bondage-themed kids' clothing campaign and compares his clothes to Moderna COVID vaccine

>>70444 Authorities Charge 5 More in Probe of Child Sexual Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses in Pennsylvania

>>70445 The governor of Texas wins again

>>70446 Opinion | These French Riots Are Different— and Far More Disturbing

>>70447 Hillary Clinton Throws Her Support Behind Joe Biden Amid Major Cocaine Scandal… and the Responses Are Brutal

>>70449 Trump promises to lift the shroud on JFK murder, releasing all classified documents(Q703)

>>70450 President Trump Conference: Child Sex Trafficking, Southern Border, w/ Guest Tim Ballard (of Sound of Freedom) (2.1.19)(rumble vid)

>>70451 Reminder: Vindaman and Sullivan were involved in Ukraine along with the Biden


>>70453 Chicago police officers are sleeping with illegals and impregnating teen girls

>>70454 WTF is wrong with Justin Trudeau's hand?


>>70458 Marine In Custody After Missing Underage Girl Found In Camp Pendleton Barracks

>>70459 Fareed Zakaria To Biden: Why Are You Giving Ukraine The Same Weapon You Said Would Be A War Crime If Russia Used It?

>>70460 CNN Lets The Mask Slip, Appears To Go Pro-Pedophilia In Attempt To Discredit Anti-Pedophile Film

>>70461 Rolling Stone Writer Who Mocks ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Locks Down Twitter Profile Amid Backlash

>>70462, >>70463 CNN Panics That 'Sound of Freedom' Shows Normies About Adrenochrome(rumble vid)

#23518 posted in #23520

notes from #23519 need collecting

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5e84df No.70492

File: 65df3d36d032de2⋯.jpeg (127.37 KB,1132x811,1132:811,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150218 (091602ZJUL23) Notable: Biden begins three-nation tour with stop in London

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Biden begins three-nation tour with stop in London

By Steve Holland

July 9, 202311:00 AM EDTUpdated an hour ago

DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Delaware, July 9 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden departed on Sunday on a three-nation trip that will be dominated by a NATO summit in Lithuania aimed at showing solidarity with Ukraine in its fight against Russia while not yet accepting Kyiv as a member of the alliance.

Biden's first stop will be in London, where he will meet British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at 10 Downing Street on Monday and then travel to Windsor Castle for a visit with King Charles.

The talks with the king, expected to include climate initiatives, will give Biden a greater sense of the man who succeeded his mother, Queen Elizabeth, who died last September.

Biden had tea with the queen at Windsor in June 2021 and they discussed many of the same issues that remain a top priority today, like Russia and China.

Biden will travel on to Vilnius, Lithuania, on Monday night and hold talks with NATO leaders there on Tuesday and Wednesday. Biden and the allies aim to show support for Ukraine and give Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy a sense of what he will have to do to gain NATO membership at some point in the future.

In a CNN interview previewing his trip, Biden urged caution for now on Ukraine's drive to join NATO, saying the alliance could get drawn into the war with Russia due to NATO's mutual defense pact.

"I don't think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war," Biden said.

Zelenskiy said an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO would send a message that the Western defense alliance is not afraid of Moscow. Ukraine should get clear security guarantees while it is not in NATO and that would be one of his goals in Vilnius, he added in an interview broadcast Sunday.

"I'll be there and I'll be doing whatever I can in order to, so to speak, expedite that solution, to have an agreement with our partners," Zelenskiy said on ABC's "This Week."

A centerpiece of Biden's visit to Lithuania will be a speech that he will deliver at Vilnius University on Wednesday night.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters the speech will cover Biden's vision of "a strong, confident America flanked by strong, confident allies and partners taking on the significant challenges of our time, from Russia’s aggression in Ukraine to the climate crisis."

One of Biden's objectives on the trip is toshow Americans back home the importance of continuing support for Ukraineas he faces re-election. Some of his Republican rivals in the race for the November 2024 presidential elections have voiced doubts about his strategy.

Solid majorities of Americans support providing weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself against Russia and believe that such aid demonstrates to China and other U.S. rivals a will to protect U.S. interests and allies, according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey late last month. (Thats a lie!)

Biden's last stop will be in Helsinki for talks with the leaders of the newest NATO member, Finland, and to attend a summit of U.S. and Nordic leaders.


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5e84df No.70493

File: 877a7d09eb1a6da⋯.jpeg (207.44 KB,828x551,828:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 61776b41a6539de⋯.jpeg (558.13 KB,828x1037,828:1037,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150239 (091606ZJUL23) Notable: Crashed business jet followup

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5e84df No.70494

File: 03c5d09606a36e2⋯.png (250.13 KB,620x413,620:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150262 (091612ZJUL23) Notable: Who is Senator Tom Cotton’s wife Anna Peckham?

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follow the wives

Who is Senator Tom Cotton’s wife Anna Peckham?


Elizabeth Barton 11 February 2022

FOR a junior member of the U.S. House, Arkansas representative Tom Cotton certainly is embroiled in the political scene.

The congressman, a Harvard Law graduate, former law clerk, and veteran, is infamous for stirring controversy on Twitter and in the opinion pages.

Who is Tom Cotton's wife?

Cotton is speculated to have met his wife, Anna Peckham, in 2013.

This was the same year Cotton was sworn in as the representative of Arkansas's fourth district.

The couple married in 2014, keeping ceremony details private.

Peckham, also an attorney, grew up in rural Nebraska, earning a bachelor's degree from Pepperdine University in California.

She later moved to New York, where she earned a law degree from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University.

The two share an interest in politics.

Peckham was a press intern for Republican Senator Chuck Hagel in 2002, and she is now a licensed attorney in Virginia.

As Cotton has become more prominent in Washington, Peckham has kept a preference for privacy.

The couple has two children, sons Gabriel and Daniel.

The family is currently between Washington and Arkansas, as Cotton balances his work between the Hill and his constituents.

In January 2021, when Cotton was sworn into a second term, Peckham and their sons watched from the Senate gallery.

According to Cotton's own website, he was sworn in using his son, Gabriel’s, Bible.

What is Tom Cotton's Background?

After graduating from Harvard Law, and a clerkship with the U.S. Court of Appeals, Cotton is said to have left the law due to the September 11th attacks.

He was motivated to serve and stayed on active duty with the Army for roughly five years.

Between the Army and the Senate, Cotton briefly worked for McKinsey & Co., a well-known consulting firm.

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5e84df No.70495

File: 8319eef4d1259b1⋯.png (126.38 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150282 (091615ZJUL23) Notable: Who is Senator Tom Cotton’s wife Anna Peckham?

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Anna Cotton | The Federalist Society


Anna Cotton is the founder of SLG Solutions and serves on boards for a cybersecurity company and an intelligence-services company.

She also advises global manufacturing and technology companies.

Cotton served as the Deputy General Counsel of the National Reconnaissance Office, which procures and launches intelligence satellites for the U.S. Government.

She was also Assistant General Counsel at the Central Intelligence Agency, where she managed complex litigation, including litigation arising from the 2011 raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

During her career, she has led insider-threat initiatives, assisted internal investigations, and conducted security-clearance reviews, among other matters.

As a former federal prosecutor, she prosecuted criminal cases and conducted multiple jury and bench trials. Cotton has a JD from the Cardozo School of Law and a BA from Pepperdine University.


A person listed as a contributor has spoken or otherwise participated in Federalist Society events, publications, or multimedia presentations. A person's appearance on this list does not imply any other endorsement or relationship between the person and the Federalist Society. In most cases, the biographical information on a person's "contributor" page is provided directly by the person, and the Federalist Society does not edit or otherwise endorse that information. The Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues. All expressions of opinion by a contributor are those of the contributor.

Sep 20 2022 Blog Post

Ken Starr: The Quiet Warrior

Anna Cotton

It was the summer of 2003. I was interning at the U.S. Solicitor General’s office...

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5e84df No.70496

File: d0ca9a92479c58c⋯.png (103.73 KB,1035x392,1035:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150325 (091623ZJUL23) Notable: Was the last of the USA's stockpile of chemical weapons really destroyed?

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I archived this think from WYMT @


It originally said - By The Associated Press and ANDREW DeMILLO, THOMAS PEIPERT and DYLAN LOVAN

Published: Jul. 7, 2023 at 4:51 AM UTC|Updated: Jul. 7, 2023 at 11:34 PM UTC

And now if you go to the AP mention is missing.

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5e84df No.70497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150328 (091623ZJUL23) Notable: Crashed business jet followup

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Sheriff-Coroner’s Office identified the six people killed as Abigail Tellez-Vargas, 33; Riese Lenders, 25; Manuel Vargas-Regalado, 32; Lindsey Gleiche, 31; Alma Razick, 51; and Ibrahem Razick, 46.

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5e84df No.70498

File: 39ba27635fb09b1⋯.png (1.18 MB,1090x828,545:414,Clipboard.png)

File: 534d6fb76d159e2⋯.png (407.06 KB,717x323,717:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150359 (091628ZJUL23) Notable: The ‘Sound of Freedom’ stuns Hollywood - WA Times

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The ‘Sound of Freedom’ stuns Hollywood

Washington Times, by Mercedes Schlapp

Original Article

Posted By: Moritz55, 7/9/2023 10:24:09 AM

In news that is shocking Hollywood and the mainstream media elite world, Angel Studios’ movie “Sound of Freedom” beat out the latest long-promoted Indiana Jones sequel on July 4th, despite having a tiny fraction of the budget and media attention. The Sound of Freedom, starring Jim Caviezel and Eduardo Verástegui, is based on a true story of a former special agent, Tim Ballard, and his mission to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers. CPAC hosted a special screening for “Sound of Freedom” at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, a couple of weeks ago to bring awareness to the crisis and announce the unveiling of CPAC’s

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5e84df No.70499

File: 81668316ed07697⋯.png (385.23 KB,623x834,623:834,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150367 (091630ZJUL23) Notable: Gender ideology’s days are numbered, Musk: Time for parents to fight back!

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See new Tweets


Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸




Gender ideology’s days are numbered.

Moms and dads are not going to put up with it.

0:39 / 1:18


Sarah Fields

Elon Musk


Time for parents to fight back!

4:49 AM · Jul 9, 2023




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5e84df No.70500

File: 36e52fb6d8538ea⋯.jpeg (635.65 KB,1160x2435,232:487,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 68cd56a8a70f379⋯.jpeg (350.63 KB,1136x1339,1136:1339,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e2a54cd34e502b0⋯.jpeg (421.92 KB,1242x2463,414:821,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 46f618d3be53493⋯.jpeg (328.06 KB,1241x2515,1241:2515,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f32f64406ff8ed1⋯.jpeg (540.74 KB,1129x2304,1129:2304,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150372 (091630ZJUL23) Notable: DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP STILL HAVE THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL?

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Noah2 days ago July 6, 2023

This is a repost from over the weekend in case you missed it.

HUGE! Yes folks, this is an ALL CAPS post! And an ALL CAPS question…

Because I’m wondering if President Trump still has the nuclear football? It looks that way to me! I’ll show you why in just a moment.

But first I have to give credit to Jon Herold (Patel Patriot) for first spotting this and asking the question.

Here was his Tweet:

You might not know what you’re looking at right away, so I’ll explain.

In fact, I’ve broken it out a bit on my Twitter, so I’ll take you through it step by step from there…

It all starts with this video originally posted by Mr. Dan Scavino, one of the longest and most loyal advisors to rPOTUS.

Video here:

The video is great in its own right, especially the moment where the lady in pink prays for President Trump.

I’ll cover that in a future article.

But it’s what happens at the end when eagle eye viewers like Mr. Patel Patriot spotted what looks like someone carrying the nuclear football bag.

Even just the people surrounding Trump looks MUCH more like a Presidential Detail than the people around Biden, don’t you think?

One looks real and official and dead serious, and the other looks….fake?

But back to the football bag. Here is a freeze frame and a zoom in…

The picture on the left is confirmed from 2019 while there is NO doubt President Trump’s team was still carrying the football.

The picture on the right is the freeze frame from this video from today, 6/27/23.

Same size. Identical tag. Oh my!

Here is a zoom in on those if that’s helpful:



And for those saying that is impossible and insane, allow me to remind you that even Business Insider told you President Trump left the White House WITH the nuclear football:

Remember that?

And since then we’ve all speculated that he likely never gave it back.

I mean, why would you give it to someone who didn’t lawfully win?

Why would you give it to someone trying to stage a coup?

Why would you give it to someone trying to take down America?

You wouldn’t.

And I don’t think Trump ever did.

From Business Insider in 2019:

President Donald Trump has departed the White House once and for all, but he still has control of the nuclear football and the ability to wage nuclear war until noon on Wednesday. Experts say this is the productof a dangerous and outdated system.

Trump boarded Marine One on the South Lawn Wednesday morning for a flight to Joint Base Andrews, where he delivered a farewell address before boarding Air Force One with his family to fly to Florida. He will not attend Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration.

As he leaves Washington, DC, a military aide carrying a briefcase known as the “nuclear football” is accompanying the outgoing president, who still has the sole authority to order a nuclear strike.

The nuclear football, officially known as the “president’s emergency satchel,” is a heavy 45-pound briefcase that contains communication tools, codes, and options for nuclear war. Used together with a card known as the “biscuit” that contains authentication codes, the president can contact the National Military Command Center, identify himself to the armed forces, and select a strike option.

As long as the strike option selected is legal, there are almost no checks on the president’s ability to use nuclear weapons….

Which all reminds me EXACTLY of what I posted yesterday…

Does President Trump look worried to you?

Or does he look like a man who still holds all the cards?

A man who is clearly still fully in control?

A man who….still holds even the nuclear football?

Here’s what I wrote yesterday and it’s proving to be quite prescient:

Does President Trump Look Worried To You?

I just have to ask one question, and it’s a serious one.

Because I think this one question answers all of the others…

All of the others like, are the white hats in control or the black hats?

Is Trump coming back into office?

Is Trump secretly the CIC right now?

And the question is a simple one:

“Does President Trump look worried to you?”


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5e84df No.70501

File: e42459d92466fd0⋯.jpg (109.61 KB,952x878,476:439,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c82952800df650⋯.jpg (78.33 KB,1024x770,512:385,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 255d3e95300bf9a⋯.jpg (137.58 KB,1024x854,512:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150390 (091635ZJUL23) Notable: Epstein connection chart

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Ran across some old archives of epstein connections made by talented anon (not me, kek)

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5e84df No.70502

File: 550a9894721421f⋯.png (452.32 KB,594x636,99:106,Clipboard.png)

File: a994115a769d6d2⋯.png (166.16 KB,444x287,444:287,Clipboard.png)

File: c10822f33f2485d⋯.png (15.83 KB,344x256,43:32,Clipboard.png)

File: fb60436defdaf90⋯.png (84.03 KB,446x398,223:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150396 (091636ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom bun

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all pb

Sound of Freedom and the Guardians of the Pedophiles Dig

Charles Bramesco the Guardian

>>69981 Why isn’t the left promoting the Sound Of Freedom? Shouldn’t everybody be against child trafficking?

>>70044, >>69982 Guardians of the Pedophiles. Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America. Charles Bramesco

>>70044, >>69982 Guardians of the Pedophiles. Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America. Charles Bramesco

>>70046 Eduardo Verastegui asked about the fake news ridiculous Guardian article saying the film is a “QAnon” paranoid movie.

>>70053, >>70061 Charles Bramesco. Interests: internet pornography. Taught children of various socioeconomic backgrounds the fundamentals

>>70062, >>70063 Moar interests: kink films, Stunt dildos. One point of curiosity, for me: when we see the outline of your boner

>>70065 sexmagick. hail Satan

>>70067 Defund the police cuz St Floyd

>>70071 Michele Chausse. Happy Mother's Day

>>70073 Clinton Bramesco. Happy Father's day

>>70087 Clinton Bramesco. PPP Loan Data. That the governor?

>>70091, >>70095 Father works for PBS. Frontline Sound Engineer credits

>>70109 clint bramesco - sound recordist - cbsr. Victor Chausse, Jr Grandfather IRS Agent

>>70128 Sister and Husband Silver Spring MD.

Miles Klee Rolling Stone

>>70265, >>70267, >>70271 Rolling Stone is getting ratio’d to death.

>>70273 Rolling Stone Pedophile defender Author Miles Klee. Looks like father(?) has a Blackrock Connection. oh and lots of fake news.

>>70274, >>70275 Kenneth Klee. Writer. Blackrock. Newsweek, Other fake news

>>70276 Clare C. Dixon Is Bride Of Kenneth Alan Klee. His father is a psychiatrist in Towson, Md.

>>70278 Dr. Gerald D. Klee, was an LSD expert and participated in its experimentation on volunteer servicemen at several military installations in the 1950s

>>70279, >>70282 Scientist. German name. Brother from Austria. Worked on LSD eperiments. Honk. Op Paperclip?

>>70422 lb The Sound of Freedom - FULL MOVIE

>>70410, >>70411 Rolling Stone “reporter” locks down after publishing bizarre review on “Sound of Freedom”…

>>70358 EVIL: CNN Criticizes ‘Sound of Freedom’ for Allegedly Encouraging QAnon Conspiracy Theories

>>70359 KEK! WaPo calls Sound Of Freedom Low Budget.

>>70407 Cates: The real life events that "Sound of Freedom" is based on happened well before Q ever began posting in late 2017. STFU, CNN.

>>70416 Devin Nunes RT Poso: Now we have now seen entire media launch a coordinate smear campaign against Sound of Freedom to stop its momentum

>>70436, >>70438 Interesting short twatter thread regarding DJT not supporting or promoting The Sound of Freedom.

>>70450 President Trump Conference: Child Sex Trafficking, Southern Border, w/ Guest Tim Ballard (of Sound of Freedom) (2.1.19)(rumble vid)

>>70462, >>70463 CNN Panics That 'Sound of Freedom' Shows Normies About Adrenochrome(rumble vid)

>>70464 "Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

>>70470 Sound of Freedom and the Guardians of the Pedophiles Dig

>>70471, >>70475, >>70479 Potus: Comms for a shift. Sounds of Freedom Jul 01 > 01/07. PatriotsFight. Biblical

>>70483 End of movie there is a guy with a Q on his hat! Wasn't this filmed PRIOR to Q showing up in 2017?

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5e84df No.70503

File: 7f0dca75ed2565d⋯.mp4 (15.75 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150405 (091638ZJUL23) Notable: DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP STILL HAVE THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL?

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The video




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5e84df No.70504

File: 96141e53d748535⋯.jpeg (73.93 KB,1500x500,3:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: df51e56c46beb04⋯.jpeg (455.19 KB,1846x1325,1846:1325,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150434 (091643ZJUL23) Notable: Don Jr. Retweets this guy shaking hands with POTUS

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Don Jr. Retweets this guy shaking hands with POTUS.

See this UFC fighters profile photo


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5e84df No.70505

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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