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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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faa00c No.51553 [Last50 Posts]

18JUL23 to 21JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

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faa00c No.72759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202350 (182020ZJUL23) Notable: #23583-B

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>>72724 Putin has issued an order for the Russian government to block websites that promote pedophilia, LGBTQ relationships, and gender reassignment.

>>72726 Pennsylvania woman who used bullhorn to direct Capitol rioters is convicted of Jan. 6 charges

>>72727 Big Pharma ‘Bankrolled’ Biden’s NIH Director Nominee, Watchdog Group Says

>>72729 LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Biden's Broken Border

>>72730 Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy

>>72731, >>72732, >>72733, >>72734 "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

>>72735 Tim Ballard addresses critics

>>72736 Veterans on Patrol has Rescued Thousands of Children Sexually Trafficked in the U.S - Volunteers needed

>>72737 Over two dozen arrested in regional child predator operation

>>72739 Jean-Pierre on CLIMATE CHANGE (for KEKS)

>>72743 West Bank ‘not occupied’ territory, says Ron DeSantis

>>72744 Watch President Trump’s Plan to Rebuild America’s Depleted Military Agenda47: Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military

>>72745, >>72746 US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

>>72747 UK Sanctions Russian Officials Involved in the "Forced" Deportation of Ukrainian Children - UK gov't

>>72748 Elton John Is Deposed in Spacey Trial

>>72749 NEW: Trump and Sean Hannity will be live tonight at 9PM Eastern

>>72753 Scientists create new embryos to save southern white rhino

>>72751, >>72752, >>72755 Why did Epstein Island pilot keep (incriminating) flight logs?

>>72756 Sen. Joe Manchin fuels rumors of a third-party 2024 presidential bid

>>72757, >>72723, >>72742, >>72757 Large solar storm coming?



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faa00c No.72760

File: 29bb1c84981f209⋯.png (270.35 KB,492x444,41:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202363 (182022ZJUL23) Notable: #23584

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baker stepping down


ty anons for your contributions,


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faa00c No.72761

File: 0f10abd240c9580⋯.png (202.07 KB,488x520,61:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202399 (182028ZJUL23) Notable: @JesseBWatters We filed a FOIA and we can now reveal that taxpayers are funding Fauci’s security detail.

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Jesse Watters


ONLY ON PRIMETIME: After months of rumors, Primetime has cracked the case. We filed a FOIA and we can now reveal that taxpayers are funding Fauci’s security detail.

The U.S. Marshals are taking him around in limousines and giving him around-the-clock security.


says the government lied to him about it. He’s asking if Dr. Fauci still gets legal representation, because he might very well need it.


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faa00c No.72762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202443 (182040ZJUL23) Notable: GOP Rep. Meuser presses SEC over delayed Truth Social merger

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GOP Rep. Meuser presses SEC over delayed Truth Social merger

"Please know that congressional scrutiny of this matter will continue," he warned.

Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Dan Meuser on Tuesday asked that Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler expeditiously consider a settlement involving Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) so as to advance its merger with the Trump Media & Technology Group ahead of a looming deadline to complete the deal.

"The SEC's primary mission is to protect investors, maintain fair markets, and facilitate capital formation," Meuser wrote. "Yet, the current inaction and delay surrounding the DWAC SPAC settlement and S-4 review contradicts these fundamental objectives."


Dan Meuser letter to Gary Gensler

Digital World is a a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) that aims to merge with the firm operating Truth Social and thereby enable the platform's appearance on the stock exchange. That process has long been delayed due to SEC scrutiny of Digital World; the merger proposal has a limited lifespan slated to end on Sept. 8.

DWAC filed its S-4 registration with the SEC in May of last year to merge with the Trump-controlled firm, but the SEC investigation has caused the commission to refuse to review the registration.

Digital world has already reached a "settlement in principle" with the SEC's Division of Enforcement over securities violations, however, though it still needs commission approval before the Division of Corporate Finance can review Digital World's registration.

Meuser asked for the commission's "prompt consideration" of the settlement so as to expedite the process ahead of the looming deadline.

"Please know that congressional scrutiny of this matter will continue," he warned. "We trust that all components of the SEC will work towards a swift resolution that promotes public confidence in the Commission and allows for prompt consideration of DWAC's filing."

The lengthy delay of the merger has led some to suggest that the SEC is deliberately attempting to kill the deal in a bid to punish former President Donald Trump financially.

Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes has pointed to the abundance of individuals with ties to the former president's political rivals in senior positions at the SEC.

"[Y]ou've got Gensler there, who[m] we outed as the guy who actually was the CFO for the Hillary campaign, who actually wrote the check to Fusion GPS," he said in April. "You have Peter Strzok's wife, who is there, the disgraced FBI agent who was running the Russia hoax. You have the general counsel there at the SEC, happens to be she used to work for Pelosi has now graduated up."

He further accused Gensler of working "overtime to try to kill our company."

"We're a privately held company. We've been attempting to merge with a finance company. It's a well-known mechanism," he said. "The stockholders, the shareholders have voted overwhelmingly to stay involved in this. We have said that, 'look, we'd like to get this deal completed.' But it just goes nowhere. And it makes no sense."

Meuser noted in his letter that he was writing on behalf of 350,000 retail investors who collectively control about $420 million. Firms conventionally seek to go public as a means of raising capital to finance expansion.


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faa00c No.72763

File: b7d4eaeafbee234⋯.png (336.43 KB,561x900,187:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b89d57f6bce4d2⋯.png (190.78 KB,487x602,487:602,Clipboard.png)

File: ba54fa35d59edec⋯.png (120.38 KB,475x363,475:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202451 (182041ZJUL23) Notable: Michigan attorney general charges fake Trump electors over alleged 2020 election crimes

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Liz Harrington


Sick! They’re rounding up political opponents on FAKE charges

There are no “fake electors.” It’s propaganda to distract from the fact the 2020 Election was worthy of contesting, which was done according to the Constitution to return the crooked election it back to the states


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faa00c No.72764

File: 637b4f7b2a1e8ab⋯.png (851.58 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202461 (182043ZJUL23) Notable: Fugitive Wirecard executive Marsalek contacts German court through lawyer

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Fugitive Wirecard executive Marsalek contacts German court through lawyer

MUNICH, July 18 (Reuters) - Former Wirecard (WDIG.H) board member Jan Marsalek, who has been on the run since the implosion of the German payments company in 2020, has contacted a Munich court through his lawyer, according to the court and the public prosecutor's office.

The turn of events comes amid a trial of Wirecard's former chief executive and marks the first known official communication from Marsalek, Wirecard's former chief operating officer, whose exact whereabouts have been unknown for several years.


I hope Scholz and the entire german government will fall soon!

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faa00c No.72765

File: e25177618755533⋯.png (119.76 KB,993x480,331:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202471 (182045ZJUL23) Notable: Former Pastor Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Receipt Of Child Pornography

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Former Pastor Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Receipt Of Child Pornography


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faa00c No.72766

File: a29842c54cd7f31⋯.png (144.88 KB,498x492,83:82,Clipboard.png)

File: ddbb657c4c03ca7⋯.png (5.65 MB,3816x1820,954:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202485 (182049ZJUL23) Notable: @jsolomonReports Tonight @6 pm. EDT we will show you the footage of major J6 security failure

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ohn Solomon


BREAKING J6 NEWS: For months there were rumors Capitol police lost control of some police-like equipment, allowing J6 rioters to get ahold of it and even lock officers behind doors with handcuffs. Tonight we will show you the footage of that major security failure. Tune in at 6 pm. EDT to Just the News, No Noise on Real America's Voice. #J6YellowBagIncident


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faa00c No.72767

File: f2db27843faf886⋯.png (278.78 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202489 (182049ZJUL23) Notable: Las Vegas police serve search warrant related to ‘ongoing Tupac Shakur homicide investigation’

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Las Vegas police serve search warrant related to ‘ongoing Tupac Shakur homicide investigation’

07/18/23 4:41 PM ET

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) said Tuesday that it executed a search warrant related to the more than quarter century-long investigation of rapper Tupac Shakur’s 1996 slaying.

The “All Eyez on Me” rapper, who used the stage name 2Pac, was killed in a Las Vegas drive-by shooting at 25. His death remains unsolved.

“LVMPD can confirm a search warrant was served in Henderson, Nevada, on July 17,” police said in a statement to ITK.

The search warrant, the department said, was “part of the ongoing Tupac Shakur homicide investigation.”

The LVMPD said it would not comment further on the search warrant, served more than two decades after the famed performer’s death.


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faa00c No.72768

File: 731997289681bdb⋯.png (1.3 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e89b4d54cdd9b4⋯.png (1.22 MB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a56576d2c12d0a⋯.png (1.29 MB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202515 (182053ZJUL23) Notable: Low country man arrested on charges from Jan. 6 Capitol breach

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Lowcountry man arrested on charges from Jan. 6 Capitol breach

WASHINGTON (WCSC) - A Beaufort County man has been arrested on felony and misdemeanor charges for his alleged actions during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the Department of Justice says.

Tyler Bradley Dykes, 25, of Bluffton, is charged with nine offenses, including felony offenses of civil disorder and assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, a release from the agency states.

He is also charged with seven other misdemeanor offenses, including knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of government business or official functions, engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of government business or official functions; knowingly engaging in any act of physical violence against any person or property in any restricted building or grounds; or attempt or conspire to do so; the person, during and in relation to the offense, uses or carries a deadly or dangerous weapon or firearm; utter loud, threatening, or abusive language, or engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct, at any place in the grounds or in any of the Capitol buildings with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of congress or either House of Congress, or the orderly conduct in that building of a hearing before, or any deliberations of, a committee of congress or either House of Congress, engage in any act of physical violence in the grounds or any of the Capitol buildings, parade, demonstrate, or picket in any of the Capitol buildings, the release states.

He was arrested in Charlottesville, Virginia, and made his initial court appearance Monday in the Western District of Virginia.

Court documents allege Dykes attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, 2021, and then marched with others to the Capitol building. Open-source video shows Dykes tearing down barriers with other rioters as they approached restricted grounds, the documents state.

“Eventually, Dykes joined a mob of rioters as it attacked and overwhelmed a line of law enforcement officers attempting to protect the Capitol’s east side,” the release states, adding that he “later fought to hold open the Columbus Door on the east side of the building as law enforcement officers attempted to secure the entrance.”

Prosecutors said video shows Dykes shortly thereafter stealing a riot shield from a law enforcement officer and raising it over his head to keep it from them.

Court records state law enforcement deployed pepper spray in Dykes’s direction to subdue him and regain control of the shield.

“After successfully stealing the riot shield, additional video footage depicts Dykes holding the shield while he parades around various areas inside the Capitol building,” the release states.

In the 30 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,069 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including more than 350 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing.


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faa00c No.72769

File: ce3af82581d562b⋯.jpg (68.27 KB,720x400,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202528 (182055ZJUL23) Notable: DARPA connection with drug companies and graphene oxide

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as a supplier delivering on a US govt contract for DARPA, how can they be sued? They built an order to spec and were never charged with breach of contract, so in business terms/law, they fulfilled their end of the agreement.

Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted assets for the US MILITARY via darpa, aka the DOD and US gov't. In 2013. For mrna bio-nano technology

darpa Awards Moderna therapeutics A Grant For Up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA therapeutics™ (2013)


CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (darpa) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.

Messenger RNA therapeutics™ can be designed to tap directly into the body's natural processes to produce antibodies without exposing people to a weakened or inactivated virus or pathogen, as is the case with the vaccine approaches currently being tested. As a result, Moderna's messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform has the potential to speed the development and manufacture of treatments that can produce a safer, more reliable and more robust immune response than existing technologies.

"We are honored to be chosen by darpa for this important grant, which will greatly accelerate our efforts to develop antibody messenger RNA therapeutics™ to combat a wide range of infectious diseases," said Stephane Bancel, president and founding CEO of Moderna. "We were awarded this major grant after an intense and rigorous scientific review, and it is a testament to our team's progress and to the profound implications of messenger RNA therapeutics™ that our work was funded. We look forward to further expanding the development of our platform into this critically important new therapeutic area."

This $24.6 million grant could support research for up to 5 years to advance promising antibody- producing drug candidates into preclinical testing and human clinical trials. The company also received a $0.7 million "seedling" grant from darpa in March to begin work on the project.

This grant is part of a darpa program called ADEPT: PROTECT (Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics: Prophylactic Options to Environmental and Contagious). The goal is to develop platform technologies that can be deployed safely and rapidly to provide the U.S. population with near-immediate protection against emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological weapons, even in cases when the pathogen or infectious agent is unknown.

Pfizer Awarded darpa Biodefense Contract - DoD Daily Contracts 2013


Pfizer, Inc., has been awarded a $7,670,632 technology investment agreement. Pfizer shall perform a research and development program designed to develop a technology platform to identify and subsequently induce the production of protective antibodies to an emerging pathogen directly in an infected or exposed individual. Work will be performed in Cambridge, Mass. The estimated completion date is Dec. 8, 2016. Fiscal 2013 research and development funds are being obligated at time of award. The contracting activity is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, Va., (HR0011-14-3-0001).

"warp speed". uh huh…

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faa00c No.72770

File: 846c105bcc16898⋯.png (515.05 KB,839x681,839:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202535 (182056ZJUL23) Notable: Ohio Massage Parlor Suspected Of Human Trafficking And Prostitution

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Ohio Massage Parlor Suspected Of Human Trafficking And Prostitution

12:42 PM – Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Law enforcement officials served a warrant at Massage Experts, a massage parlor based in Pickerington, Ohio, that is suspected of acting as a front for human trafficking, prostitution, and money laundering.

As of Monday morning, Pickerington police and Ohio’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation were encircling the strip mall next to the business’s location, and the area was blocked off with crime scene tape.

The Ohio attorney general’s office claimed that numerous search warrants were being served inside the parlor by human trafficking unit detectives who believed the establishment to be a cover for illicit human trafficking, prostitution, and money laundering.

The authorities served the search warrants after conducting their eight-month investigation, according to a separate statement from Pickerington police. Officials stayed on the scene in order to process the evidence in the parlor which was located at 1234 Hill Rd. North.

The attorney general’s office reported that in addition to the strip mall location, authorities executed a search warrant at a separate private residence in the same city as part of the parlor investigation.

Among the organizations working alongside each other in the investigation are the City of Pickerington Zoning Development, Homeland Security officials, and the State of Ohio Medical Board.


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faa00c No.72771

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202547 (182058ZJUL23) Notable: A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1

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A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1

Scott Ritter Extra


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faa00c No.72772


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JULY 18, 2023

The Supreme Court invalidated affirmative action in college admissions and ruled that race cannot be a factor in admissions at the end of June. The decision was favorable for admissions based on personal achievement.

Chief Justice John Roberts states that universities have, for too long, “concluded, wrongly, that the touchstone of an individual’s identity is not challenged bested, skills built, or lessons learned but the color of their skin. Our constitutional history does not tolerate that choice.” Justice Clarence Thomas, the nation’s second Black justice, has long called for an end to affirmative action as well.

Affirmative Action was implemented during a time when segregation placed minorities at the bottom of the educational ladder, but decades of attention to minorities in social and educational programs have long since leveled the playing field in terms of race.

Now, the Supreme Court is considering taking up another case involving admission standards based on race. The Supreme Court may consider a case involving the use of race to determine admissions to prestigious U.S. secondary schools, according to the Daily Caller and experts familiar with the matter.

Following its June ruling in favor of Students for Fair Admissions, the Supreme Court may consider Coalition for TJ v. Fairfax County School Board, legal experts told the DCNF. This case challenges the implementation of “holistic” admissions policies in K-12 institutions as opposed to merit-based policies.

Based on its prior decision regarding colleges and universities, the Supreme Court could potentially invalidate the use of such practices in primary and secondary educational institutions.


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faa00c No.72773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202584 (182104ZJUL23) Notable: State police investigate online child predator operation in Luzerne County

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State police investigate online child predator operation in Luzerne County

Police arrested 26 people for allegedly targeting children on the internet, said officials in a press conference Tuesday morning at the State Police Barracks in Wilkes-Barre.

Troopers from barracks across central and northeastern Pennsylvania worked with local law enforcement and the FBI to make the arrests.

"Operation Safe Screen""was a multi-agency initiative formed to seek out predators who groom our youth, luring them into situations where they can be exploited sexually," said Maj. Michael Carroll, Pennsylvania State Police Area III commander.

More than 1,800 counts of felony charges for possessing and manufacturing child pornography were filed in connection to the investigation.

"We can most importantly say that we identified several victims of these crimes, and we have them at a safe location where they can get the resources they need to better their lives," Maj. Carroll said.

These arrests come as the volume of reports of child predators online has more than doubled in the last three years, said officials.

“Before the pandemic, all of PA was roughly getting 5 to 6 thousand reports per year,” said Detective Sgt. Kenneth Bellis. “In such a short time since the pandemic, we are well over 15,000 reports for the year.”

"These results are alarming, and it highlights the need for parents and guardians to be vigilant. You need to know who your children are talking to online and ensure you can have an open discussion with your child if they believe they are being contacted inappropriately," Carroll added.

Operation Safe Screen was also able to take down 15 websites used by the accused offenders to share photos and videos.




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faa00c No.72774

File: 9145c775588ac2a⋯.png (342.77 KB,634x362,317:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202628 (182111ZJUL23) Notable: Multiple solar storms and 'dark eruption' led to the formation of 'cannibal' cloud

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'Cannibal' coronal mass ejection from the sun will smash into Earth TODAY – and could spark geomagnetic storms and trigger power outages, scientists warn

Multiple solar storms and 'dark eruption' led to the formation of 'cannibal' cloud

This ejection of gas is fairly rare and could spark geomagnetic storms on Earth

It's pretty common for Earth to be struck by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that have erupted from the sun.

But what is less familiar to scientists is the terrifyingly-named 'cannibal' ejection of energetic and highly magnetised gas, which is exactly what is currently on a collision course with our planet.

Having originated from multiple solar storms and an unusual 'dark eruption', there are fears the cannibal CME could spark a weak geomagnetic storm when it hits Earth today (Tuesday).

Although this is unlikely to significantly affect our electronic systems, satellites, or power grids, scientists have warned there is the possibility of minor outages and blackouts.

Sean Elvidge, an associate professor of space environment at the University of Birmingham, told MailOnline: 'These storms manifest as major disturbances in Earth's magnetic field, potentially causing various space weather effects.


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faa00c No.72775

File: 007b972a99e4e9a⋯.png (1.32 MB,1547x2205,221:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202668 (182117ZJUL23) Notable: Remember when Serge Varlay of BlackRock said they don't like being in the news? #BlackRockExposed RT @ElonMusk

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James O'Keefe·5h

Remember when Serge Varlay of BlackRock said they don't like being in the news? #BlackRockExposed

H/T @IBTimes

Elon Musk


1:34 PM · Jul 18, 2023


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faa00c No.72776

File: d27a1b0950c7b88⋯.png (534.52 KB,1200x650,24:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202719 (182126ZJUL23) Notable: YouTuber who sexualized infants announces his surrogate is expecting twins

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YouTuber who sexualized infants announces his surrogate is expecting twins

YouTubers Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams have announced that a woman they hired to be a surrogate is now pregnant with twins. There is concern over the well-being of the children due to Dawson’s past inappropriate behavior regarding children.

In a video announcement, Dawson and Adams traveled to Seattle, Washington, to attend the six-week ultrasound the surrogate was undergoing, which was delayed a week so that the men could be present, according to People. In the newly released video which was filmed back in May, Adams states, “We’re pregnant, b***!”

YouTubers Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams have announced that a woman they hired to be a surrogate is now pregnant with twins. There is concern over the well-being of the children due to Dawson’s past inappropriate behavior regarding children.

In a video announcement, Dawson and Adams traveled to Seattle, Washington, to attend the six-week ultrasound the surrogate was undergoing, which was delayed a week so that the men could be present, according to People. In the newly released video which was filmed back in May, Adams states, “We’re pregnant, b***!”

“Whatever God wants for us is what it’s gonna be,” said Adams as they discussed whether one or two embryos implanted and if they were male or female. But they themselves have attempted to take on the role of God and it may affect the children negatively.

Sexual comments about children

In 2020, a petition was initiated to ban Dawson from YouTube. The petition, which failed to garner enough signatures, states, “Shane dawson has a video circling around social media… admitting to openly finding kids, even babies, sexy. He compared masturbating to a baby as being the same to having a foot fetish. He sees them as sexual beings. Children. … Shane Dawson is a danger to all youth….”

Dawson has a long history of pedophilic comments and sexualizing children. Evie Magazine spotlighted his extensive history of inappropriate remarks. “In 2020, a clip of Shane resurfaced that showed himself pretending to masturbate in front of a poster of Willow Smith,” Gina Florio wrote. “She was 11 years old when she released her single ‘Whip My Hair,’ and in the clip, he said, ‘Whip your hair back and forth.’”

More at: https://www.liveaction.org/news/youtuber-sexualized-surrogate-expecting-twins/

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faa00c No.72777

File: 5b6ea0bc0a5b596⋯.png (423.56 KB,835x470,167:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202730 (182129ZJUL23) Notable: Group Files Injunction to Halt Idaho law Requiring Proof of Identity to Vote

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Group Files Injunction to Halt Idaho law Requiring Proof of Identity to Vote

A new Idaho voter registration law that took effect July 1 requires voters to prove their identity and residency when registering to vote, no matter how they register.

The law, House Bill 340, is designed to standardize voter registration procedures across the state, so that the requirements are the same for registering to vote in-person on Election Day as they are for filling out a voter registration card at a summer event or registering online, said Secretary of State Phil McGrane, who sponsored the law.

But a Boise-based youth voter advocacy group called Babe Vote announced less than a week after the new law took effect that it was suspending voter registration efforts and filed an injunction in Ada County District Court seeking to halt enforcement of the new law.

Volunteer leaders with Babe Vote said the new law’s requirements makes it especially difficult to register students and people without a driver’s license to vote. The requirement to prove residency also makes it more difficult to register seniors, people with disabilities, people without a vehicle and homeless people, they said.

What does the new Idaho voter registration law require?

Under the law, people who have a current Idaho driver’s license with their current address can use that to prove both their identity and their residency to register to vote, said Chelsea Carattini, a spokesperson for the Secretary of State’s Office. People in that situation likely won’t notice many changes under the new law. The Idaho Secretary of State’s Office is able to use the Idaho Transportation Department’s database to verify a voter’s addresses electronically.

More at: https://www.bigcountrynewsconnection.com/news/state/idaho/group-files-injunction-to-halt-idaho-law-requiring-proof-of-identity-to-vote/article_a2de0c43-11ff-5d89-b147-fd66f14e424b.html

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faa00c No.72778

File: da38543c70aa1de⋯.jpg (65.92 KB,500x515,100:103,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202795 (182155ZJUL23) Notable: Michigan attorney general charges fake Trump electors over alleged 2020 election crimes

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Michigan attorney general charges fake Trump electors over alleged 2020 election crimes


resting bitch face is about to re-litigate the


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faa00c No.72779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202809 (182203ZJUL23) Notable: DARPA connection with drug companies and graphene oxide

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Nov 14, 2019

Graphene oxide tech developed, patented by US Army, now available to industry


Nanotoxicity of Graphene and Graphene Oxide


Graphene Technologies and Applications for

Defence – A Research Specialists’ Meeting (RSM)


Versatile Graphene-Based Fibrous Systems for Military Applications


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faa00c No.72780

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202831 (182211ZJUL23) Notable: Trump J6 Indictment IMMINENT; DEFUND JACK SMITH; INSURRECTION Clause Strategy; Docs Case Update' - Robert Gouveia

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Trump J6 Indictment IMMINENT; DEFUND JACK SMITH; INSURRECTION Clause Strategy; Docs Case Update'

Robert Gouveia


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faa00c No.72781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202839 (182214ZJUL23) Notable: America First Legal Files Lawsuit Against Attorney General Merrick Garland and Biden DOJ Over Failure to Enforce Hunter

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America First Legal Files Lawsuit Against Attorney General Merrick Garland and Biden DOJ Over Failure to Enforce Hunter Biden’s Foreign Agent Registration

America First Legal (AFL) launched a lawsuit against Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice (DOJ) led by Joe Biden, citing non-compliance with requirements to have Hunter Biden register as a foreign agent during the tenure of his father as Vice President.

AFL, in a detailed thread, outlined the key reasons behind this lawsuit. Earlier this year, through litigation against the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), AFL obtained emails confirming Hunter Biden’s direct representation of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company, in its dealings with the Obama White House.

🚨THREAD — America First Legal released the first set of records obtained from our lawsuit against the National Archives regarding Hunter Biden and his foreign business dealings and records from Joe Biden’s time as Vice President. https://t.co/bTsODVnz9x


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faa00c No.72782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202841 (182214ZJUL23) Notable: notable 1pbtid

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Paradise Papers - exposed SWISS bank accounts - what is so special about Switzerland?

Why the emphasis on Rabbit Holes?

Who funds CERN?

What does CERN accomplish?

How DEEP are the tunnels? Why?

Did you see the full coverage of the CERN Opening Ceremonies performance?

What was the message in that performance?

What is the god they serve?

Who was in attendance?


How long has CERN been around?

MSM and social media brainwashing people to sway public opinion via psychological mirroring - Why?

What is the purpose of Operation Mockingbird?

How long has Operation Mockingbird been active?

Who controls the media?

What is 'social conditioning'?

What are SSRI's?

How do pharmaceuticals effect the brain?

What is the pineal gland?

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faa00c No.72783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202872 (182226ZJUL23) Notable: OPERATION SAFE SCREEN ARRESTS

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Saw it - I fucked up

here are all the =names since can't post images


Daniel Gonzales 4-12-1980

Matthew Egbert 5-23-1977

Lucas Sibly 4-9-1998

Jay Holloway 9-16-1987

Faiz Waiguchu 7-14-2000

Brett Scranta 7-7-1998

Andrew Neafie 3-26-1969

Nicolas Counterman 11-7-1997

Damian Kavalkovich 11-1-2002

Jahzier Fuller 3-15-2004

Logan McCracken 3-7-1998

Barry Hartman 10-26-1963

Patrick Lange 1-8-1995

James Maxwell 5-11-1968

Robert Steinbacher 2-20-1938

Brendan Stepp 5-19-1998

James Torbik 5-4-1977

Nyiem Bibbs 11-23-2000

Bruce Myers 12-24-1962

Cheryl Myers 1-20-1966

Joseph Dowd 8-13-1976

James Casher 8-14-1984

+4 minors arrested


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faa00c No.72784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202908 (182239ZJUL23) Notable: UK Amusement Park Will No Longer Host Pride Events After Drag Queen Simulated Sex Acts in Front of Children

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UK Amusement Park Will No Longer Host Pride Events After Drag Queen Simulated Sex Acts in Front of Children

A UK amusement park has announced that they will no longer host Pride celebrations after a drag queen simulated sex acts in front of children during an “all ages” and “family-friendly” event.


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faa00c No.72785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202926 (182243ZJUL23) Notable: Child porn tip uncovers house of filth, four children inside

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Child porn tip uncovers house of filth, four children inside

5-5-23 Court records sayCheryl Myerswas found sleeping on a recliner andBruce Myerswas found on the second floor in bed with a child.




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faa00c No.72786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202943 (182249ZJUL23) Notable: Homebirthed Newborn in Texas Forcibly Taken Away from Parents

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Homebirthed Newborn in Texas Forcibly Taken Away from Parents

Quote: "Mrs. Jackson recounted that the officers arrested her husband, taking his keys and using them to enter their home where they ultimately peeled Mila from her mother’s arms. “When they came in and took her from me, I requested that I needed to see the paperwork. They insisted, ‘No, give her first, give her first,'” she said at the press conference. “So they took her from my arms and they gave me paperwork. When they left, I looked at the paperwork and the paperwork had another mother’s name on it.”4

During one of the few visits they were allotted, the Jacksons noticed what they described in an Apr. 6 press conference as red bumps and white discharge in their child’s vaginal area during a diaper change. Mrs. Jackson wanted to take the infant to the doctor, but was told by CPS that the foster parent would assume that responsibility.5"

In anon view, CPS is legal child confiscation and trafficking in the US. Enabled by the medical establishment.

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faa00c No.72787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202947 (182250ZJUL23) Notable: LOGICAL SOLUTION TO MASSIVE BEE DIE-OFFS? WHY ROBOT BEES, OF COURSE

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all in the name of muh carbon footprint

Robotic Bees Could Support Vertical Farms Today and Astronauts Tomorrow

The buzzy industry of robotic pollinators is setting its sights on indoor farms for urban—and extraterrestrial—environments

In vertical farming operations, artificial lights and artificial intelligence coax plants, stacked densely on towering shelves rather than spread over a field, to grow indoors with minimal human intervention. That’s the goal. But despite lofty promises of bringing fresh produce to local markets, these systems have not yet provided a climate-friendly way to feed the world’s growing population. Can robotic “bees,” a buzzy technology straight out of science fiction, rescue these high-tech operations?

The world’s first commercial vertical farm opened in Singapore in 2012. More businesses cropped up in the following years, with major players such as Infarm and AeroFarms securing hundreds of millions in funding over the next decade. With the help of sustainable systems such as hydroponics, as well as artificial intelligence to closely monitor plant growth and water usage, some companies and experts claim these futuristic farms could tackle global food insecurity—without the massive land and water footprint of conventional operations.

These farms “have the potential to contribute a meaningful amount to our diets,” says Thomas Graham, who researches controlled environment agriculture at the University of Guelph in Ontario. And companies can place them nearly anywhere.

Many vertical farms’ hopes have dried up over the past year, however. Recent inflation and worldwide skyrocketing energy prices, fueled by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, rendered these farms’ near-constant electricity demand unaffordable. This past fall Infarm announced it was laying off more than half of its employees, and AeroFarms recently filed for bankruptcy. Meanwhile other vertical farm ventures are also facing financial challenges.

It doesn’t help that vertical farms currently have a limited range of offerings; most grow only greens such as lettuce and herbs because they use low amounts of water and are relatively easy to cultivate indoors via hydroponics thanks to their speedy development. “Some of the work we’re doing is moving past just leafy greens,” Graham says. “You can’t feed the world on lettuce.”




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faa00c No.72788

File: 8906452901a938f⋯.jpeg (422.86 KB,1651x1471,1651:1471,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202990 (182305ZJUL23) Notable: CNN Says Jack Smith Buying a $5 Subway Sandwich is a ‘Message to Trump’

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faa00c No.72789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202993 (182308ZJUL23) Notable: LOGICAL SOLUTION TO MASSIVE BEE DIE-OFFS? WHY ROBOT BEES, OF COURSE

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To truly take on food insecurity, vertical farms must expand their offerings, and that means finding a way to bring pollinators into high-tech indoor farming operations. Around one third of the crops we eat require pollinators such as bees and bats to grow. It’s difficult to get the job done in a vertical farm because domesticated honeybees, one of the most popular pollinators for commercial growers, have trouble navigating under artificial light, and pollinating by hand is extremely time intensive and thus expensive. To solve the problem, researchers have been working on robotic pollinators for more than a decade. But such pollinators have only recently made their way to universities and commercial operations.

Bee Bots to the Rescue

Bots aren’t new to farms. Since the mid-20th century researchers have explored ways to automate agriculture, including tractors with automated steering. By the 1980s and 1990s, engineers had begun tinkering with task-specific devices such as a robotic melon harvester and tomato-picking robots. Companies are now developing autonomous bots to harvest a variety of produce, and some devices can also accomplish additional tasks, including weeding, pesticide spraying and disease monitoring. Artificial intelligence helps most of these tools organize and process information from their onboard sensors—often multispectral cameras, which can pick up on differences in the types of light reflected by plants. Those differences provide clues about a crop’s health, such as ripeness in fruit or signs of damage.

Although most agricultural-machine research still focuses on produce-picking bots, more teams are now aiming to automate pollination as well, says Mahla Nejati, a research fellow at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, who works on farming-oriented robotics and AI systems. For her Ph.D. project, Nejati developed the computer vision system for an autonomous kiwi- and apple-picking bot designed for orchards. Eventually, her colleagues had a revelation: because they were already picking robotically, it would have been “better to have started earlier with the pollination,” Nejati says.Now scientists and businesses around the world are grappling with the best ways to design and implement robo pollinators. This is not a simple task, says Yu Gu, a roboticist at West Virginia University, who is developing a six-armed pollinating machine called the StickBug. To build widely useable pollinators, “I think it’s a big problem that there’s so many types of flowers and so many types of agriculture settings,” he says.

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faa00c No.72790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202996 (182309ZJUL23) Notable: LOGICAL SOLUTION TO MASSIVE BEE DIE-OFFS? WHY ROBOT BEES, OF COURSE

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Some researchers have carried their work outside of academia and into the market. Siddharth Jadhav, who previously studied drone aerodynamics at the National University of Singapore, founded a company called Polybee in 2019. He and his colleagues adapt widely available mini drones for various types of indoor agriculture operations, including vertical farms and greenhouses. Polybee’s AI-powered software instructs drones equipped with color camera sensors that measure key traits for growers to fly near plants. Then the drones carefully disturb the air around them to vibrate flowers when the conditions inside greenhouses (such as temperature and humidity) are optimal for pollination, Jadhav says. This activity shakes the pollen out of the flower and kicks off the fertilization process.

Polybee currently sells its pollination system to commercial tomato greenhouses in Australia. (Compared with many other food crops, tomato pollination is relatively straightforward because the plants’ flowers have both male and female parts.) The team has also run trials with indoor vertical farming companies, Jadhav says, although “we do not have many commercial vertical farms that grow fruit crops at scale yet.”

newsletter promoAn Israel-based company called Arugga also sells bots to tomato greenhouses. Its roving ground robot, aptly named Polly, moves between rows of plants and blasts pulses of air to prompt pollination. The process is mostly autonomous. For now, however, human operators must move Polly between rows by operating a tablet. Arugga may eventually delve into vertical farming but only if that market becomes more profitable, says Eytan Heller, the company’s co-founder and vice president of business development.

Still, if robotic pollinators do pan out for vertical farms, they could offer multiple advantages. For one, they could reduce infections between plants because bees can spread diseases that cause major damage to farms. For more than two decades, scientists around the world have suggested that bumblebees can spread viruses to previously uninfected tomatoes that can render them unsellable. Commercially developed bees deployed in greenhouses can also slip outside and infect wild bees nearby, which are already experiencing a rapid decline that is largely linked to factors such as climate change, urbanization and pesticide use. This is especially damaging for the plants that rely on those outdoor pollinators because they can’t fall back on their own mechanical substitutes. According to Nejati, bots perform best indoors, where they can move around highly structured environments and avoid unpredictable weather and temperatures.

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faa00c No.72791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202998 (182310ZJUL23) Notable: LOGICAL SOLUTION TO MASSIVE BEE DIE-OFFS? WHY ROBOT BEES, OF COURSE

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While Polybee and Arugga claim they’ve got the tomato pollination game down pat, they’re still working on modifying their products to work with other types of plants. Polybee is currently running trials with strawberries, and Arugga says its tools can be adjusted to work with plenty of other crops, such as strawberries and blueberries.

But each plant comes with its own complexities, Gu says. While Arugga plans to use its pulsing-air method for various types of fruit, Gu and his colleagues have found that certain varieties may require direct contact with robots, similar to the natural method performed by bees. After collaborating with a range of experts, including entomologists and horticulturalists, he thinks that some types of berries, for example, likely benefit from contact-based pollination. Graham agrees that certain berries probably would benefit from direct interactions with robots, perhaps small drones.

Regardless of the fruit, bots will have to work gently to avoid damaging flowers, which tend to be delicate. Gu compares the pollination process to “robotic surgery” and says that, for now, the drone airflow method will likely be limited to working with several plants at once rather than individuals. “The crop that needs precision pollination [is] disturbed by the airflow,” he says. “It’s difficult to operate that precisely.”

Even if robotic pollinators rescue vertical farms from obsolescence, it’s unlikely that any type of indoor agriculture can entirely replace the fields humans have relied on for millennia. But he suggests that vertical farms could supplement outdoor crops without taking up too much space. For instance, they can be built on abandoned pieces of land. “This is a complementary way of doing things,” Graham says. “We need to rethink agriculture in the face of climate change and population growth, but [vertical farms] shouldn’t be looked at as competitive—because they’re not.”

Vertical farms could additionally aid another location that’s short on natural resources: outer space. Graham, who also researches food production on the final frontier, says robotic pollinators could be particularly helpful in this environment. While scientists already plan to bring living insects to space to work as pollinators and to eat waste, the insects’ metal counterparts would likely live longer. (“Worker” bumblebees only survive for a few weeks.) Astronauts could even 3-D-print these tools off-planet.

“Space is a neat field because nothing is really off the table,” he says. “It’s all under consideration, and ultimately—like most things—[space farming will] probably be some sort of hybrid.”


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faa00c No.72792

File: e8f58a31df2f618⋯.jpg (192.23 KB,720x1105,144:221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203017 (182319ZJUL23) Notable: Human waste leaking from a tractor trailer on a Connecticut highway caused crashes, including two state police cruisers spun out of control.

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Human waste leaking from a tractor trailer on a Connecticut highway caused crashes, authorities said, including one involving two state police cruisers as vehicles spun out of control.

No major injuries were reported.

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faa00c No.72793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203021 (182320ZJUL23) Notable: House approves pro-Israel resolution ahead of President Herzog's address

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House approves pro-Israel resolution ahead of President Herzog's address

Israeli President Isaac Herzog is slated to address Congress on Wednesday, an event which several Democrats are planning to boycott.

The House of Representatives on Tuesday voted in favor of a resolution espousing U.S. support for Israel and rejecting categorizations of that government as "racist" or an "apartheid state."

"Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that 1) the State of Israel is not a racist or apartheid state; 2) Congress rejects all forms of antisemitism and xenophobia; and 3) the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel," reads the text of the resolution.

The lower chamber voted 412 to 9to 1 in favor of approving it, The Hill reported. Left-wing lawmakers, including Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, N.Y., Jamaal Bowman, N.Y., Rashida Tlaib. Mich., Summer Lee, Penn., Ilhan Omar, Minn., Cori Bush, Mo., Andre Carson, Ind., Delia Ramirez, Ill., and Ayanna Pressley, Mass., voted against the resolution.

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Betty McCollum voted present.

The resolution follows remarks from Democratic Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who attracted conservative scrutiny for contending that Israel was a "racist state" last week.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog is slated to address Congress on Wednesday, an event which several Democrats are planning to boycott.


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faa00c No.72794

File: e43126c75ea6b78⋯.png (577.28 KB,598x830,299:415,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203029 (182324ZJUL23) Notable: New #bengarrison Cartoon 'Leapfrog'

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Ben Garrison Cartoons


New #bengarrison Cartoon 'Leapfrog'

Over the weekend people attending the conservative Turning Point Action conference overwhelmingly voted for President Trump in a Republican primary straw poll. 87% backed Trump as the republican nominee.

That was no surprise. What was a surprise was candidate Vivek Ramaswamy who came in as second choice for the GOP nominee behind Trump. #Trump2024 #Trump2024toSaveAmerica

much more at



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faa00c No.72795

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203041 (182328ZJUL23) Notable: A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 2

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A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 2

Scott Ritter Extra


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faa00c No.72796

File: ec2f9617e8044ac⋯.png (1.72 MB,3296x1129,3296:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203042 (182328ZJUL23) Notable: FBI Director Wray’s recent testimony appears to be at odds with the truth.

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House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸

FBI Director Wray’s recent testimony appears to be at odds with the truth.

He either misled the Committee or isn’t aware of the egregious behavior of the FBI he administers.

New w/ @Jim_Jordan & @RepMikeJohnson

6:42 PM · Jul 18, 2023


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faa00c No.72797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203072 (182343ZJUL23) Notable: RE: Skull and Bones and the US elite that went into banking, universities, government, think tanks, major industries, etc. by Dr. Anthony Sutton

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This is a must read on Skull and Bones and the US elite that went into banking, universities, government, think tanks, major industries, etc. Its by Dr. Anthony Sutton (now deceased) who had extensive insider connections and explains thoroughly how the whole system was set up in this text, as well as in his video series.

This is the real story on Skull and Bones, the Russell Trust, the Harriman connections to Prescott Bush, how the US university system was manipulated to their advantage, their expansion into academics, government and other institutions. It paints a picture of how we end up where we are now with places like John Hopkins University and characters like Carl Gershman running NED and causing chaotic regime change wars.


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faa00c No.72798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203082 (182350ZJUL23) Notable: Newly Unearthed Information About the Presidential “Football” Reveals Details of Emergency Planning at the Highest Levels of Government

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Newly Unearthed Information About the Presidential “Football” Reveals Details of Emergency Planning at the Highest Levels of Government

While the United States continues its controlled descent into madness under the leadership of President Joe Biden, newly unearthed information about past executive-level contingency powers provides a deeper understanding of what Americans could expect in the event of a national emergency.

William Burr, a senior analyst at the nonprofit National Security Archive, today published a report that explores the previously unknown documentation — providing multiple clues about the contents of the famed presidential “Football” — that for decades has remained hidden away from the public.

Burr’s brief further explains:

“Since the late 1950s, U.S. military personnel traveling with the President have carried a special case known variously as the ‘satchel,’ the ‘black bag,’ the ’emergency actions pouch,’ and, as it is perhaps best known, the ‘Football.’ Epitomizing presidential control of nuclear weapons, the Football and the military aides who carry it enable the President to make decisions about the use of nuclear weapons in the event of a sudden military crisis.”

The declassified documentation provides a rare glimpse into the details of executive orders known as Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) through communications from numerous high-level government officials, including Edward A. McDermott, who served as Deputy Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization throughout the 1960s.

According to McDermott, the purpose of the documents held safely in the Football was “to clothe the President with formal emergency powers,” even though at least some were of “doubtful legality.”

Among the contingency powers with questionable legality were the suspension of habeas corpus, the declaration of martial law, and the authorization of mass arrests and even arbitrary detention.

The documents illustrate a decades-long debate between White House officials who were “worried about the status of the PEADs.”

Among those whose communications are now public are former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, Reagan’s NSA Director William Odom, and even President Carter’s second cousin, Hugh Carter, Jr., who expressed that the PEADs were “obsolete given the total devastation which could be expected from a thermonuclear attack on the US.”

The many concerns among White House officials seemingly led FEMA in 1980 to turn over updated documents to the White House to be included in the new and improved Football.

But while much light has now been shed on the nature of the ultra-secret emergency planning in previous decades, it remains unknown if the many concerns about constitutional legality were ever completely resolved.

With President Biden’s deteriorating mental capacity on full display while his administration pushes America ever closer to the brink of nuclear conflict, it becomes a disturbingly reasonable possibility that plans from the Football could be put into action.

And considering news that President Trump may soon be put behind bars, all bets are off for the future of the United States Constitution.


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faa00c No.72799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203087 (182352ZJUL23) Notable: China's Evergrande Reports $113 Billion Loss Over Two Years

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China's Evergrande Reports $113 Billion Loss Over Two Years

Two years after it was halted, left for dead, and effectively bankrupted in a controlled demolition, China's one-time property giant, Evergrande, reported long-delayed results and boy were they a whopper: they showed that in 2021 and 2022, the company generated mindblowing losses of $113 billion, on $340 billion in liabilities.

The losses - The company’s first since its 2009 listing, and a sharp reversal from the 8 billion yuan profit in 2020 - showed “the existence of material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern”, Evergrande said in a stock exchange filing, which of course is irrelevant since much of the defaulted company's capital structure has been in some state of restructuring ever since 2021.

Once China’s largest real estate company, Evergrande was the match that lit China's property crisis in 2021 when it was found to be drowning in more than $300 billion in liabilities, sparking a nationwide property crisis that had global ramifications and sent the world's largest asset class (according to Goldman) reeling and plunging China's economy into a brutal slowdown from which it has been unable to recover to this day.


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faa00c No.72800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203132 (190018ZJUL23) Notable: Kek Obama confirmed gay “This man is definitely gay,” Malik Obama

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Hey look. Obama brother tweeted he is gay, then deleted it.

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faa00c No.72801

File: 722bdaaf61e173b⋯.png (556.38 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203147 (190021ZJUL23) Notable: Star Wars actor and far-left activist Mark Hamill praised disgraced and censured Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) in a fundraising email

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Star whores


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faa00c No.72802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203151 (190023ZJUL23) Notable: Creepy Sex Toy CEO Has Been Funding Child Sex Change Clinic Since 2018

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Creepy Sex Toy CEO Has Been Funding Child Sex Change Clinic Since 2018

A sex toy company CEO has funded a pediatric sex change clinic since 2018.

Pure Romance CEO Chris Cicchinelli founded the “Living with Change Foundation” and began funding the clinic after his then-eight-year-old son began “identifying” as a girl.

Cicchinelli donated $2 million to expand Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Transgender Clinic, which helped them to triple their staff and greatly expand.

“Prior to Cicchinelli’s $2 million donation, the clinic only had one nurse, one doctor and one social worker; it has since tripled its staff, been renamed the Living with Change Center (LWCC) and is now a massive operation which boasts of serving more than 800 children and young adults this year alone on its website,” the Daily Caller reports.

The report continues, “Cicchinelli allowed his son to begin wearing girls’ clothes when he was 8 years old after he expressed that he was a girl and did not want to wear boys’ clothes, and he was a patient at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Transgender Clinic by age 10, according to WCPO. The child now uses a female name and pronouns, and Cicchinelli and his wife believe transitioning is responsible for their child’s improved mood and sense of well-being.”

In 2018, local station WCPO reported, “Living with Change will partner with Cincinnati Public Schools to train principals and teachers and eventually bring education about transgender youth into classrooms. The foundation is starting with 56 principals.”

The Daily Caller reached out to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to inquire about what sex change services are offered for minors, but they declined to reveal that information.

“At Cincinnati Children’s, we believe all transgender and gender diverse young people should have access to comprehensive, developmentally appropriate, gender-affirming medical care provided in a safe and inclusive environment,” a spokesperson for the hospital said in a statement to the outlet.


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faa00c No.72803

File: aef43c267753197⋯.png (1.16 MB,877x1413,877:1413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203164 (190027ZJUL23) Notable: Hey CIA. You sleeping well?

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Hey CIA.

You sleeping well?

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faa00c No.72804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203166 (190028ZJUL23) Notable: Here’s The Real Story About The Border Crisis The Biden Admin Says Is Under Control

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Here’s The Real Story About The Border Crisis The Biden Admin Says Is Under Control

The Biden administration’s suggestions that the crisis at the southern border is improving doesn’t account for the new surge in migrants crossing through ports of entry.

While illegal migrant encounters at the southern border decreased, the number of migrants crossing through ports of entry jumped from roughly 28,000 in April to nearly 35,000 in May, according to federal data.

Former U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) acting Commissioner Mark Morgan, however, believes the Biden administration is just shifting migrants who would otherwise cross the southern border illegally to the ports of entry, making the numbers appear lower, he previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation, describing the use of CBP One as part of a “shell game.”

The Biden administration has claimed success in its handling of the crisis at the southern border, but there’s more to the story that shows migrant crossings are still high.

Biden’s plan to mitigate an expected flow of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border included the expanded use of CBP One, a phone app allowing them to schedule entry at the ports and humanitarian parole. Since then, illegal crossings between ports of entry have dropped, though not below the pre-pandemic levels seen under the Trump administration, while entries through the ports have increased.

“The Administration’s plan is working as intended. We are cognizant, however, that the conditions in the hemisphere that are driving unprecedented movements of people are still present and that the cartels and coyotes will continue to spread disinformation about any potential changes to policies at the border in order to put migrants’ lives at risk for profit. We will remain vigilant and continue to execute our plan, making adjustments where needed,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in June.

Former U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) acting Commissioner Mark Morgan, however, believes the Biden administration is just shifting migrants who would otherwise cross the southern border illegally to the ports of entry, making the numbers appear lower, he previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation, describing the use of CBP One as part of a “shell game.”

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green also called the Biden administration’s border programs a “shell game” in a recent interview with the DCNF.

“There’s the lying to Congress, there’s the CBP One app, which is just this big shell game to produce automatic mass parole in violation of the laws passed by Congress. It is a wanton disregard for the separation of powers and the Constitution of the United States,” Green said.


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faa00c No.72805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203168 (190032ZJUL23) Notable: Indictment of 24 Individuals Associated with Shreveport Street Gang on Charges Related to CARES Act Fraud Scheme

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Indictment of 24 Individuals Associated with Shreveport Street Gang on Charges Related to CARES Act Fraud Scheme


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faa00c No.72806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203172 (190034ZJUL23) Notable: New Hampshire Woman Charged in Tyngsborough Daycare Investigation

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New Hampshire Woman Charged in Tyngsborough Daycare Investigation

A New Hampshire woman and the former intimate partner of Tyngsborough, Mass. daycare worker, Lindsay Groves, has been charged with child exploitation.


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faa00c No.72807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203177 (190034ZJUL23) Notable: Hey CIA. You sleeping well?

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they Run Guns

Grew Opium Fields

Dealt Drugs

Overthrew Governments

Supported Terrorists

Is child trafficking so far of a stretch?

"Whatever makes the big bucks"

"Sum of all Fears" Doesn't Refer to Russia

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faa00c No.72808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203185 (190041ZJUL23) Notable: CEO Of Cryptocurrency And Forex Trading Platform Sentenced To Nine Years In Prison For $240 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors

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CEO Of Cryptocurrency And Forex Trading Platform Sentenced To Nine Years In Prison For $240 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors


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faa00c No.72809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203227 (190106ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine is ‘Battle Lab’ for War Tech, Admits Defence Minister.

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Ukraine is ‘Battle Lab’ for War Tech, Admits Defence Minister.

The war in Ukraine has become a ‘battle lab’ for the United Kingdom’s military technology and effectiveness, according to the British Secretary of State for Defence, Ben Wallace, who warned this week: “[w]e would be very foolish to ignore these lessons and not import them into our own armed forces.”

Wallace – who was recently considered a potential replacement for NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg – made the remarks after a ‘Defence Command Paper’ was released by the British government on Tuesday.

The paper, among other things, supports an additional £2.5 billion ($3.2 billion) investment in British stockpiles and “great focus on science and technology,” yet does not address the recent claims by former NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson that the UK’s munitions stocks are “dangerously low.”

“New technologies are not gimmicks, they’re fundamentally key to how we fight a modern war,” argued Wallace, adding that the Ukrainian war has assisted Britain in ensuring “that we can be match fit for any future conflict.”

“Originally we were taking things out of service, having a bit of a gap in the middle of the decade, and then we’d have the new equipment. That’s something I don’t want to risk any more [sic],” Wallace added.

This follows Wallace’s assertion over the weekend that the UK will be dragged into a conflict by the end of the decade due to growing international threats, such as Putin’s Russia, the Chinese Communist Party, and Islamic terrorism.


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faa00c No.72810

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203230 (190110ZJUL23) Notable: Richard Grenell: Calling Out The Failures Of The State Department

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Really interesting. Ric Grennel work with Kosovo and Serbia and had agreements on peace while Ambassador under Trump and the Dept of State flunky employee notified Jack Smith at the Hague and he destroyed the deal by arresting the President of Kosovo and put him in jail. When Trump was President, Trump and Grennel already had a peace deal over there and it was signed. By arresting the last president the DS put in their DS president and he’s causing war between the countries now.

And today the US house had a hearing today on the Balkans, Serbia and Kosovo, and the McCaul the leader of that committee refused to invite Ric Grennel to testify on what is really happening there. Its an important listen. This is the same Jack Smith prosecuting Trump. Ric also went over there in last month to work out the recent issue with Serbia and Kosovo

8 hours ago

Richard Grenell: Calling Out The Failures Of The State Department

15:06 minutes


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faa00c No.72811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203237 (190111ZJUL23) Notable: M 6.5 - 43 km S of Intipucá, El Salvador - No Tsunami Warning, Advisory, Watch, or Threat

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M 6.5 - 43 km S of Intipucá, El Salvador

2023-07-19 00:22:07 (UTC)

2.814° N 88.127° W

69.7 km depth


No Tsunami Warning, Advisory, Watch, or Threat


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faa00c No.72812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203247 (190114ZJUL23) Notable: Hannity Trump Townhall links

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some Hannity Trump Townhall links:




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faa00c No.72813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203259 (190116ZJUL23) Notable: VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — "Wildfires will probably get worse"

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VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — Wildfires have already burned a record amount of area in the Canadian province of British Columbia and the situation will probably get worse due to more hot, dry weather, government officials said Tuesday.

The fires are responsible for at least two deaths in the province and, combined with a severe drought, will impact farmers and cattle producers.

Bowinn Ma, B.C.’s minister of emergency management, told a news conference 391 wildfires are currently active in the province with over half of them out of control.


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faa00c No.72814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203262 (190116ZJUL23) Notable: Hannity Trump Townhall links

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President Trump [Hannity]: We're going into, almost a communistic state, and I think maybe we're even there. When you look at what they're doing, with; you could call it fascist, you could call it marxist, you could call it communist; what they're doing with the Department of Justice, they've totally weaponized it.

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faa00c No.72815

File: afdf051bb348423⋯.png (347.59 KB,494x510,247:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203308 (190123ZJUL23) Notable: @POTATO Today, I welcomed President Herzog of Israel to the White House to celebrate Antisemitism act 2226

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19:07 = 17

President Biden


Today, I welcomed President Herzog of Israel to the White House to celebrate the close bond between our nations based on shared interests and democratic values.

7:07 PM · Jul 18, 2023


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faa00c No.72816

File: 7a29b1e6ba66fd0⋯.png (237.25 KB,462x403,462:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203310 (190123ZJUL23) Notable: Hannity Trump Townhall links

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8:09 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Join me tonight in IOWA for a Town Hall with Sean Hannity at 9:00 PM EASTERN on Fox News…

Jul 18, 2023, 8:09 PM


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faa00c No.72817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203368 (190142ZJUL23) Notable: @RealMikeLindell The Plan To Save Our Elections And What You Can Do To Save Our Country.

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Mike Lindell




The Plan To Save Our Elections And What You Can Do To Save Our Country. To Watch The Entire Video, Click Here.



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faa00c No.72818

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203382 (190144ZJUL23) Notable: Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action

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>>>/qresearch/19200398 pb day shift no response

>>>/qresearch/19200424 pb day shift no response

Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action



Go to around 9:00 and at 9:22 Tim Ballard said: "….that their genitalia been extr…."

He stops! It's like he almost said something he could not bring up (yet?). Is it "extracted"?

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faa00c No.72819

File: eca1433ee5763c2⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,255x191,255:191,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8082540c5abee75⋯.jpg (11.15 KB,255x191,255:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203383 (190145ZJUL23) Notable: Kek Obama confirmed gay “This man is definitely gay,” Malik Obama

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faa00c No.72820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203388 (190145ZJUL23) Notable: Kek Obama confirmed gay “This man is definitely gay,” Malik Obama

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Kek Obama confirmed gay



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faa00c No.72821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203406 (190151ZJUL23) Notable: #23584

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LB notes reposted

were in updated dough, noticed a dup:

#23584 >>72760

>>72761 @JesseBWatters We filed a FOIA and we can now reveal that taxpayers are funding Fauci’s security detail.

>>72762 GOP Rep. Meuser presses SEC over delayed Truth Social merger

>>72763, >>72778 Michigan attorney general charges fake Trump electors over alleged 2020 election crimes

>>72764 Fugitive Wirecard executive Marsalek contacts German court through lawyer

>>72765 Former Pastor Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Receipt Of Child Pornography

>>72766 @jsolomonReports Tonight @6 pm. EDT we will show you the footage of major J6 security failure

>>72767 Las Vegas police serve search warrant related to ‘ongoing Tupac Shakur homicide investigation’

>>72768 Low country man arrested on charges from Jan. 6 Capitol breach

>>72769, >>72779 DARPA connection with drug companies and graphene oxide

>>72770 Ohio Massage Parlor Suspected Of Human Trafficking And Prostitution

>>72771 A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1


>>72773 State police investigate online child predator operation in Luzerne County

>>72774 Multiple solar storms and 'dark eruption' led to the formation of 'cannibal' cloud

>>72775 Remember when Serge Varlay of BlackRock said they don't like being in the news? #BlackRockExposed RT @ElonMusk

>>72776 YouTuber who sexualized infants announces his surrogate is expecting twins

>>72777 Group Files Injunction to Halt Idaho law Requiring Proof of Identity to Vote

>>72780 Trump J6 Indictment IMMINENT; DEFUND JACK SMITH; INSURRECTION Clause Strategy; Docs Case Update' - Robert Gouveia

>>72781 America First Legal Files Lawsuit Against Attorney General Merrick Garland and Biden DOJ Over Failure to Enforce Hunter

>>72782 notable 1pbtid


>>72784 UK Amusement Park Will No Longer Host Pride Events After Drag Queen Simulated Sex Acts in Front of Children

>>72785 Child porn tip uncovers house of filth, four children inside

>>72786 Homebirthed Newborn in Texas Forcibly Taken Away from Parents


>>72788 CNN Says Jack Smith Buying a $5 Subway Sandwich is a ‘Message to Trump’

>>72792 Human waste leaking from a tractor trailer on a Connecticut highway caused crashes, including two state police cruisers spun out of control.

>>72793 House approves pro-Israel resolution ahead of President Herzog's address

>>72794 New #bengarrison Cartoon 'Leapfrog'

>>72795 A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 2

>>72796 FBI Director Wray’s recent testimony appears to be at odds with the truth.

>>72797 RE: Skull and Bones and the US elite that went into banking, universities, government, think tanks, major industries, etc. by Dr. Anthony Sutton

>>72798 Newly Unearthed Information About the Presidential “Football” Reveals Details of Emergency Planning at the Highest Levels of Government

>>72799 China's Evergrande Reports $113 Billion Loss Over Two Years


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faa00c No.72822

File: dde1d4a2cb3cca8⋯.png (53.56 KB,840x498,140:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203412 (190151ZJUL23) Notable: Did you say The only way is the military?

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>take Q posts literally.


>The Military are in Control

This concept supports both of your positions (MILDEC = military deception):

Deception in Support of Operations Security (DISO). DISO is a MILDEC activity that protects friendly operations, personnel, programs, equipment, and other assets

against foreign intelligence and security services (FISS) collection. The intent of a DISO is to create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to

interpret by FISS, limiting the ability of FISS to collect accurate intelligence on friendly forces. DISOs are general in nature, they are not specifically targeted against particular

adversary military, paramilitary, or VEO decision makers, but are, instead, used to protect friendly operations and forces by obfuscating friendly capabilities, intent, or vulnerabilities.

JP 3-13.4 https://jfsc.ndu.edu/portals/72/documents/jc2ios/additional_reading/1c3-jp_3-13-4_mildec.pdf

Examples of Deception In Support of Operations (DISO)* in the writings of Q :

*('create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to interpret'), (obfuscating)

11.3 (https://qalerts.net/?q=11.3) 9 post(s) found containing "11.3".

D5 (https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-conspiracy-posts-trump-news-d5-december-5-george-bush-storm-great-1245823) Successful feint. See Q #2553.

2018 will be glorious. (https://qalerts.net/?q=2018+will+be) 13 post(s) found containing "2018 will be glorious".


The only way is the military

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faa00c No.72823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203418 (190153ZJUL23) Notable: Hannity Trump Townhall links

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President Trump: Look at Ukraine, where Hunter is getting hundreds of thousands a month, and, like, I guess, from what they say, a three million, upfront payment, to sit on an energy company, and he knows nothing about energy.

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faa00c No.72824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203434 (190156ZJUL23) Notable: Hannity Trump Townhall links

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President Trump: We have a compromised president. China gives him millions of dollars. If he's given Biden millions of dollars, he's compromised....he's getting millions of dollars illegally from China...why aren't they impeaching Biden for receiving tens of millions of dollars? Why isn't he under impeachment?

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faa00c No.72825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203439 (190157ZJUL23) Notable: Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Comes Unglued During Committee Hearing, Says Republicans Are “Terrorists” For Disagreeing with Her

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Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Comes Unglued During Committee Hearing, Says Republicans Are “Terrorists” For Disagreeing with Her

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, came unglued during a Committee hearing on Tuesday.

Democrats flipped out after House Republicans put forth an amendment to strip funding from Marxist pet projects for the LGBTQ community.

“You are negotiating with terrorists,” DeLauro told Republicans. “Members on your side, I will continue to call out the harm you are doing in this process, both in what these bills propose to do and in your approach on how we treat one another.” Rep. Mark Pocan said.

“This is below where we all are,” Pocan told members on the committee. “We have to have more respect and dignity for our constituents, which trust me you have many LGBTQI constituents,” he said.

DeLauro said Republicans are terrorists for disagreeing with her.

“You are negotiating with terrorists,” Rep. DeLauro told Republican lawmakers. “Members on your side, I will continue to call out the harm you are doing in this process, both in what these bills propose to do and in your approach on how we treat one another.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72826

File: d9fc338a43d908f⋯.png (291.44 KB,575x687,575:687,Clipboard.png)

File: e620b89017b585a⋯.png (102.89 KB,597x863,597:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203456 (190200ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Immigration Official Called for the Abolishment of ICE, Ending All Illegal Immigrant Detention

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Biden Immigration Official Called for the Abolishment of ICE, Ending All Illegal Immigrant Detention

A Biden administration immigration official named Avideh Moussavian worked previously for a group that sought to abolish ICE and also worked to end all detention of illegal immigrants.

This is just par for the course in this administration. They put far left activists in charge of things they oppose. It’s the same as putting anti-law enforcement activists in charge of law enforcement.

Is there any wonder why the southern border is wide open?

The Daily Caller reports:

Top Biden Immigration Official Called To ‘Abolish’ ICE, End Detention Of Illegal Immigrants

A top Biden administration U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) official previously advocated to “abolish” Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and worked with an anti-ICE group, according to her previous work and statements reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Avideh Moussavian began her tenure at USCIS in March 2022 and was later appointed to serve as the agency’s chief of the Office of Policy and Strategy in March 2023. Before her work for the Biden administration, Moussavian tweeted in 2018 the hashtag “abolishICE,” accusing the agency of “misleading the public and making our workplaces less safe.” She has also advocated to “defund” ICE and CBP, according to a 2019 tweet.

Moussavian also worked between 2013 and 2022 for the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), a group that has advocated for defunding ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and ending immigration detention.

In 2020, Moussavian co-authored a report on legal representation of immigrants facing deportation that advocated for ending immigration detention “altogether.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203458 (190200ZJUL23) Notable: #23585

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19203109 dough (no lb notes)

>>>/qresearch/19203170 updated dough (typos)

>>72821 reposted notes

DOUGH: update to the update


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203476 (190204ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley Speaks on Decision to Hold VA Deputy Secretary Nominee Tanya Bradsher

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Grassley Speaks on Decision to Hold VA Deputy Secretary Nominee Tanya Bradsher


Jul 18, 2023 9:17


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faa00c No.72829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203484 (190206ZJUL23) Notable: AFL President @StephenM reacts to the latest news on the DC Grand Jury.

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America First Legal

AFL President @StephenM reacts to the latest news on the DC Grand Jury.


9:07 PM · Jul 18, 2023


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faa00c No.72830

File: 03298c8a398f0e0⋯.png (425.65 KB,473x580,473:580,Clipboard.png)

File: 756ab5b4fb39c8c⋯.png (353.8 KB,694x742,347:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203486 (190206ZJUL23) Notable: Ex-ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek to plead guilty in child porn case

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Ex-ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek to plead guilty in child porn case

Former ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek is scheduled to plead guilty later this week in a case accusing him of exchanging child porn content and sending disturbing messages about his alleged perverted desires.

Meek, 53, the former national security journalist, has an appearance scheduled in Virginia federal court on Friday to change his plea, court records show.

If Meek had been convicted at trial, he would have faced a minimum of five years in prison and a maximum of 20 years. But if he takes a plea deal he could face a much lighter sentence.

The once-acclaimed reporter was hit with charges in February some 10 months after the FBI raided his Arlington home and seized his electronics on April 27, 2022.

The probe was triggered after Dropbox alerted officials that child porn was being stored on Meek’s account.

The feds discovered on Meek’s phone three conversations expressing his desire to sexually abuse children, an FBI agent said in an affidavit around the time of his arrest.

The agent also saw that Meek allegedly had received and sent photos and videos of child pornography and a troubling message asking another user, “Have you ever raped a toddler girl? It’s amazing.”

Meek also allegedly talked about his fantasy of “abducting, drugging, and raping” a user as a 12-year-old girl.

The feds say that Meek also hoarded child porn images and videos on his other electronic devices and he’d had conversations with minors on chat platforms.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72831

File: 4f0b54815776d11⋯.png (330.3 KB,1073x699,1073:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203494 (190208ZJUL23) Notable: "Companies that engage in racial discrimination should and will face serious legal consequences." - Attorney General

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This been posted yet?


"Companies that engage in racial discrimination should and will face serious legal consequences."

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faa00c No.72832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203557 (190230ZJUL23) Notable: @POTATO Today, I welcomed President Herzog of Israel to the White House to celebrate Antisemitism act 2226

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GIGA HAPPENING: Antisemitsm act act 2226

Discussion thread:




Bill proposed to combat anti semitism S2226

Proposes reporting and label terrorist anyone who names the Jew.

Proposes immediate reporting of Anti Semitic incidents

To the following agencies.

>Homeland Security

>Department of State

>Department of Justice


Link to congress bill


Link to ADL post


Link to Bill Proposer.

Senator Jacky Rosen on Twitter.


Link to Jude Media outlet.

Jewish Insider


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faa00c No.72833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203590 (190240ZJUL23) Notable: @GOPoversight Today, we are releasing a timeline of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes.

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Today, we are releasing a timeline of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes.

President Biden has repeatedly denied knowing anything about his family’s business dealings despite evidence to the contrary.

Our timeline contains important dates as to when Joe Biden knew and lied to the American people about his family’s business schemes.


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faa00c No.72834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203602 (190243ZJUL23) Notable: Best Buy Reports Massive Price Hikes on Thousands of Different Products in the Coming Weeks

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Best Buy Reports Massive Price Hikes on Thousands of Different Products in the Coming Weeks


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72835

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203624 (190246ZJUL23) Notable: 97% Global Supply Chain at Risk?

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Whistleblower: 97% Global Supply Chain at Risk: Illegal Arms Trade & Trafficking Protected w/ Shine


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faa00c No.72836

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203654 (190256ZJUL23) Notable: EU should pay for US arms in Ukraine

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18 Jul, 2023 23:11

Trump wants EU to pay for US arms in Ukraine

The former president has claimed that if elected again, he would demand that allies fund replenishment of the Pentagon’s stockpiles

Former President Donald Trump has pledged a novel solution for funding the replacement of US weapons sent to Ukraine amid Kiev’s conflict with Russia: demanding that European allies pay for it.

Trump unveiled the idea in a campaign video posted on Tuesday, vowing that he would lean on Europe for replenishment of US stockpiles if he’s elected president again in 2024. He claimed that his successor, President JoeBiden, “foolishly squandered” the strong military position that he built up after taking office in 2017.

“I will ask Europe to reimburse us for the cost of rebuilding the stockpiles sent to Ukraine, which they should be doing now, but Joe Biden is too weak and too disrespected to even ask,” Trump said. He added that while Washington sent or promised nearly $200 billion in aid to Kiev, European allies gave only a “tiny fraction.”

Trump clashed with NATO allies during his term in office, demanding that they meet their military spending commitments and suggesting that the Western military alliance was “obsolete.” He pointed to two actions this month by Biden – “stupidly” admitting that US ammunition stockpiles were low and mobilizing reservists to be deployed in Europe – as evidence of Washington’s weakened security position.

“These actions reveal just what an insanely dangerous situation Biden and the demented warmongers have led us into,” Trump said. “Less than three years ago, I’d fully rebuilt the United States military and steered America into such a strong global position that peace was breaking out all over the world. We had peace through strength.”

Twenty-nine months later, the arsenals are empty, the stockpiles are bare, the Treasury is drained, the ranks are being hollowed out, our country has been totally humiliated, and we have a corrupt, compromised president, crooked Joe Biden, who is dragging us into World War III.

Given the current state of affairs, it would be“completely unhinged” to consider allowing Ukraine to join NATO, Trump said. “The last thing that this incompetent administration should be doing is risking war with nuclear-armed Russia or China or other countries.”

The former president vowed that when he returns to the White House, he will immediately re-implement “America-first” foreign policies, including an emphasis on “peace and stability.” He added, “We want people to stop dying. This war should never have happened, but it is long past time to end the senseless death and destruction.”

Trump claimed in a Fox News interview aired on Sunday that he would end the Ukraine crisis within 24 hours by forcing Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin to negotiate a peace deal.

The ex-president also vowed to boost US military spending, but he said the Pentagon also needs to push down unit costs to make its dollars go further. “Given all the money we spend on the Pentagon, it’s unacceptable that we would ever run out of ammunition or be unable to quickly produce the weapons needed.”

Trump added that the “embarrassing recruitment situation” must be addressed because “Joe Biden’s woke policies and political purges have repulsed many great patriots from serving… There will be no Marxism allowed, no communism allowed, and we’ll get rid of the fascists.”


Agenda47: Rebuilding America's Depleted Military Unlisted


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faa00c No.72837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203676 (190304ZJUL23) Notable: Multiple passengers onboard Delta flight from Las Vegas to Atlanta PASS OUT and shit themselves while waiting to take off in 111F heat with no air conditioning

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Multiple passengers onboard Delta flight from Las Vegas to Atlanta PASS OUT and soil themselves while waiting to take off in 111F heat with no air conditioning, as Southwest bakes under 'heat dome'

Passengers on a flight leaving Las Vegas for Atlanta on Monday had to be helped off as temperatures at Harry Reid International Airport climbed to 115 degrees

One news reporter on board said flight attendants were running down aisles with oxygen tanks, before emergency services wheeled the passengers off

It comes as the southwest continues to get hit with intense temperatures, which have resulted in the death of one man

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faa00c No.72838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203682 (190307ZJUL23) Notable: Travis Scott's concert at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza canceled by Syndicate of Musical Professions because "he's a Freemason…. who performs satanic rites during his shows".

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Travis Scott's concert at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza has been canceled by The Egyptian Syndicate of Musical Professions because "he's a Freemason.... who performs satanic rites during his shows".


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203707 (190314ZJUL23) Notable: Tech billionaire's lover flaunts wealth in an awkward video

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Tech billionaire Richard White's girlfriend Zena Nasser flaunts her wealth in video as he tops list of Australia's richest bosses after Twiggy Forrest split with his wife

Tech billionaire's lover flaunts wealth in an awkward video

Zena Nasser and others sing ABBA's 'Money, Money, Money'


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203718 (190318ZJUL23) Notable: Bajool crash: Massive explosion on Bruce Highway after military tanker crashes in seven car pile-up south of Rockhampton, Queensland

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Bajool crash: Massive explosion on Bruce Highway after military tanker crashes in seven car pile-up south of Rockhampton, Queensland

Seven car pile-up has shut down Bruce Highway

Emergency services are currently responding

A military tank is believed to be in the wreckage


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faa00c No.72841

File: 7adcfab5f725ca2⋯.png (1.31 MB,994x1682,497:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203776 (190330ZJUL23) Notable: New Covid Documents Reveal Unparalleled Media Deception

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JUL 18, 2023

"So Friggin' Likely": New Covid Documents Reveal Unparalleled Media Deception

Newly released chats and emails between the authors of a crucial scientific paper leave no doubt: an unprecedented official disinformation campaign accompanied the arrival of Covid-19

On February 5th, 2020, as a small group of scientists were crafting a Nature magazine paper that would become the basis of years of reports insisting Covid-19 had natural origins, one of the co-authors, Tulane’s Dr. Robert Garry, wrote in group email:

Accidental release is a scenario many will not be comfortable with, but cannot be dismissed out of hand.

As detailed in an explosive Public story today, Garry’s thinking changed suddenly when then-New York Times reporter Donald McNeil asked the next day: “Is there any possibility that it could be from the Wuhan lab?”

Garry warned McNeil was “credible,” but “like any reporter can be mislead [sic],” cheering colleague Dr. Andrew Rambaut’s scientific version of a non-denial denial as a “good honest response.”

Last week, House members investigating origins of Covid-19 accidentally released a trove of Slack chats and emails between the authors of Nature’s seminal paper from March 17, 2020, The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2. The Proximal Origin paper delivered a single line that for years helped authorities slam a lid on theories of human intervention in Covid-19: “It is improbable that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through laboratory manipulation.” ...


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203788 (190338ZJUL23) Notable: Mark Levin: Merrick Garland, Jack Smith Interfering in 2024 Election

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Mark Levin: Merrick Garland, Jack Smith Interfering in 2024 Election

Conservative radio host and litigator Mark Levin accused U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Special Counsel Jack Smith, and a variety of state and local prosecutors of interfering in the 2024 election Tuesday.

In a blistering post on Twitter, shortly after news broke that former President Donald Trump was a target of Smith’s grand jury investigation, Levin accused prosecutors of trying to smear Trump and disqualify him.

The seriousness of what is being done to Donald Trump by local and federal Democrat prosecutors cannot be overstated. It is alarming. It is shocking. And this republic is teetering. Trump will have to defend himself against bogus criminal charges in Manhattan, bogus civil…

— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) July 18, 2023

Levin wrote, in part:

The seriousness of what is being done to Donald Trump by local and federal Democrat prosecutors cannot be overstated. It is alarming. It is shocking. And this republic is teetering. Trump will have to defend himself against bogus criminal charges in Manhattan, bogus civil charges in Albany, bogus criminal charges in the “documents” case, bogus criminal charges in the Jan. 6 matter, and most likely the shoe will soon drop in Atlanta. All the while, he is running for re-election as president. It is extremely difficult to fight all these prosecutors, and fight for your freedom, and run for president at the same time. And these prosecutors know it. They are also involved in something that has only two prior times in our history — that is, a concerted effort to knowingly and actively interfere in a presidential election. The two prior times were also against Trump (the Durham Report provides overwhelming details of this effort in the 2016 campaign).

And let’s be clear, the DOJ and FBI have demonstrated in the recent past that they will use illegal means to try to take out Trump — the Hillary Clinton/Democrat Party/FBI/DOJ orchestrated “Russia Collusion” scam that lasted years — and they are doing the same thing now, but on a unimaginable scale. There have been no substantive reforms at the FBI. Chris Wray’s testimony last week made that abundantly clear, given all the abuses and corruption that have occurred while he has been FBI director.

Merrick Garland and his extremely radical top-level staff are unquestionably involved in all these decisions. As for Jack Smith, chosen by Garland to go after Trump, he is no “special counsel.” … He destroyed a former Virginia governor, even though that conviction was unanimously overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. He destroyed what was left of John Edwards’s career, with a series of felony charges that were rejected by the trial jury. As head of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section, he authorized the unconstitutional IRS attack on the Tea Party, which was intended to cripple that movement. Later, DOJ paid several millions of dollars to settle complaints against it. And there’s more. Obviously, Garland found all of this to be a resume enhancement when he chose Smith to target Trump. Yet, because Smith triggers these criminal investigations, he creates his own immunity from congressional oversight, where the rogue prosecutor asserts that he can ignore any questions from Congress because he is in the middle of prosecutions of his own making. This, despite that fact that his actions have thrown the election and the nation into turmoil.

Smith told the public last month that “we have one set of laws in this country” as he announced the indictment of former President Trump in the so-called “documents” case.

He did not explain why the Department of Justice had not prosecuted Trump’s opponents — Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden — for violations of the same the laws on the handling of government documents, classified documents, and classified materials.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203798 (190339ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWER HEARING TOMORROW

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Damn, can anyone think of reasons we are under attack?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203806 (190344ZJUL23) Notable: Divers Encounter Enormous ‘Earthquake Fish' with Bite Marks TAIWAN

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Divers Encounter Enormous ‘Earthquake Fish' with Bite Marks


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72845

File: 0cfb9c253cbe670⋯.png (51.29 KB,741x331,741:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203807 (190344ZJUL23) Notable: New Covid Documents Reveal Unparalleled Media Deception

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr

The most shocking thing about these new revelations from @mtaibbi is that it’s not even shocking. Email and Slack screenshots prove top scientists colluded to cover up lab origins of Covid and lied to the public.



9:15 PM · Jul 18, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203757 (190327ZJUL23) Notable: #23586

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image server is down

why bread wouldn't bake

baker on duty

need collector for last bread

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72847

File: 8626b7faff7bd3e⋯.jpeg (875.29 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203876 (190404ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19203457. Pb


Noah Berlatsky, the author, has previously been associated with an organization facing criticism for perceived attempts to normalize pedophilia.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203889 (190407ZJUL23) Notable: RFKjr: The most shocking thing about these new revelations from @mtaibbi is that it’s not even shocking

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

The most shocking thing about these new revelations from @mtaibbi is that it’s not even shocking. Email and Slack screenshots prove top scientists colluded to cover up lab origins of Covid and lied to the public.


9:15 PM · Jul 18, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203891 (190407ZJUL23) Notable: Mark Levin: Merrick Garland, Jack Smith Interfering in 2024 Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mark Levin: Merrick Garland, Jack Smith Interfering in 2024 Election

Conservative radio host and litigator Mark Levin accused U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Special Counsel Jack Smith, and a variety of state and local prosecutors of interfering in the 2024 election Tuesday.

In a blistering post on Twitter, shortly after news broke that former President Donald Trump was a target of Smith’s grand jury investigation, Levin accused prosecutors of trying to smear Trump and disqualify him.

The seriousness of what is being done to Donald Trump by local and federal Democrat prosecutors cannot be overstated. It is alarming. It is shocking. And this republic is teetering. Trump will have to defend himself against bogus criminal charges in Manhattan, bogus civil…

— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) July 18, 2023

Levin wrote, in part:

The seriousness of what is being done to Donald Trump by local and federal Democrat prosecutors cannot be overstated. It is alarming. It is shocking. And this republic is teetering. Trump will have to defend himself against bogus criminal charges in Manhattan, bogus civil charges in Albany, bogus criminal charges in the “documents” case, bogus criminal charges in the Jan. 6 matter, and most likely the shoe will soon drop in Atlanta. All the while, he is running for re-election as president. It is extremely difficult to fight all these prosecutors, and fight for your freedom, and run for president at the same time. And these prosecutors know it. They are also involved in something that has only two prior times in our history — that is, a concerted effort to knowingly and actively interfere in a presidential election. The two prior times were also against Trump (the Durham Report provides overwhelming details of this effort in the 2016 campaign).

And let’s be clear, the DOJ and FBI have demonstrated in the recent past that they will use illegal means to try to take out Trump — the Hillary Clinton/Democrat Party/FBI/DOJ orchestrated “Russia Collusion” scam that lasted years — and they are doing the same thing now, but on a unimaginable scale. There have been no substantive reforms at the FBI. Chris Wray’s testimony last week made that abundantly clear, given all the abuses and corruption that have occurred while he has been FBI director.

Merrick Garland and his extremely radical top-level staff are unquestionably involved in all these decisions. As for Jack Smith, chosen by Garland to go after Trump, he is no “special counsel.” … He destroyed a former Virginia governor, even though that conviction was unanimously overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. He destroyed what was left of John Edwards’s career, with a series of felony charges that were rejected by the trial jury. As head of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section, he authorized the unconstitutional IRS attack on the Tea Party, which was intended to cripple that movement. Later, DOJ paid several millions of dollars to settle complaints against it. And there’s more. Obviously, Garland found all of this to be a resume enhancement when he chose Smith to target Trump. Yet, because Smith triggers these criminal investigations, he creates his own immunity from congressional oversight, where the rogue prosecutor asserts that he can ignore any questions from Congress because he is in the middle of prosecutions of his own making. This, despite that fact that his actions have thrown the election and the nation into turmoil.

Smith told the public last month that “we have one set of laws in this country” as he announced the indictment of former President Trump in the so-called “documents” case.

He did not explain why the Department of Justice had not prosecuted Trump’s opponents — Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden — for violations of the same the laws on the handling of government documents, classified documents, and classified materials.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.72850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203893 (190408ZJUL23) Notable: ‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

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Donald J. Trump



‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

Special counsel Jack Smith, who has brought federal charges against former President Donald Trump, is an “overzealous” prosecutor who relies on ethically dubious tactics, including media leaks and enticing…


Jul 18, 2023, 9:40 PM


‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

Special counsel Jack Smith, who has brought federal charges against former President Donald Trump, is an “overzealous” prosecutor who relies on ethically dubious tactics, including media leaks and enticing witnesses, say those who have been caught in his snare.

Mr. Smith headed the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section during the Obama administration from 2010 to 2015. He led a team of 30 prosecutors pursuing public corruption cases against major political figures.

Mr. Smith and other prosecutors — some working on the Trump case — have followed a familiar playbook. The script earned Mr. Smith a reputation as a hard-driving, intense prosecutor, but a string of mistrials and overturned convictions led to sharp rebukes from federal judges, including U.S. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.

“These are no white knights. They are very dangerous and will use any tactics to win at all costs,” said former Rep. Rick Renzi, an Arizona Republican whom Mr. Smith’s team convicted in 2013 on corruption and fraud charges.

Mr. Renzi maintained his innocence but served nearly two years in prison before Mr. Trump pardoned him in 2021. He credits a 190-page white paper that his legal team submitted to the Justice Department claiming “repeated, concealed and corrosive” misconduct by prosecutors.

He said he was shocked by the similarities between his case and the prosecution of Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump was charged with 37 felony counts, including willful retention of national defense information, obstruction and false statements. Walt Nauta, an aide to the former president, has also been indicted in the investigation.

A review found that Mr. Smith’s team followed the same playbook in the Trump case as in other high-stakes political prosecutions of both Republicans and Democrats. That playbook has resulted in a spotty record:

• Mr. Smith’s conviction against former Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell, a Republican accused of accepting payments and gifts in violation of federal public corruption laws, was overturned by the Supreme Court.

• The case against former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, a Democratic presidential candidate accused of illegally using campaign cash to conceal his mistress and love child, ended with a hung jury and mistrial.

• The prosecution of Sen. Robert Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat accused of taking bribes, collapsed in a mistrial.

• The conviction of New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Democrat, on federal corruption charges was overturned by an appeals court. He was convicted during a second trial, but an appeals court threw out three of the six guilty verdicts. He died last year.

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faa00c No.72851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203895 (190408ZJUL23) Notable: ‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

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“Government lawyers have a higher duty to the truth and cause of justice, and that’s where some of these government prosecutors, like Mr. Smith, have fallen short,” Mr. McDonnell said. “They are smart and well-credentialed, but they don’t seem to be exercising good judgment when it comes to this point.”

Mr. Menendez declined to comment.

A spokesman for Mr. Smith declined to comment for this report.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has staunchly defended Mr. Smith’s standing as a “veteran career prosecutor.”

“As I said when I appointed Mr. Smith, I did so because it underscores the Justice Department’s commitment to both independence and accountability,” Mr. Garland said last month. “He has assembled a group of experienced and talented prosecutors and agents who share his commitment to integrity and the rule of law.”

Attorney-client privilege

Several patterns emerge from most of Mr. Smith’s high-profile prosecutions. The first is a questionable piercing of the attorney-client privilege.

In the Trump case, Mr. Smith’s team persuaded a federal judge to set aside the protections under the crime-fraud exception. The exception allows attorneys to break attorney-client privilege if they believe the legal advice was used in furthering a crime.

The ruling allowed prosecutors to access notes of Trump attorney Evan Corcoran that formed the basis for much of their allegations against the former president.

Mr. Smith took a similar tack in the Renzi case. He submitted as evidence recordings of the former lawmaker’s private conversations with his attorneys.

U.S. District Judge David Bury concluded that prosecutors unlawfully recorded the calls, and he ordered them to be suppressed along with the fact that the calls were wiretapped.

“The government’s conduct, in its totality, warrants a more significant sanction than just suppressing the privileged evidence. The court suppresses the wiretap,” Judge Bury said, adding that the government “acted unreasonably” to “exceed its authority.”

Mr. Smith was more successful in the McDonnell case. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that attorney-client privilege did not protect emails from a government lawyer. The court concluded that Mr. McDonnell’s legal team failed to prove that the emails constituted legal advice.

Mr. McDonnell said he is still “stunned and incredibly disappointed” that confidential discussions with his attorney were disclosed to a grand jury.

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faa00c No.72852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203897 (190408ZJUL23) Notable: ‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

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Media leaks

Another hallmark of a Smith prosecution is leaking to news media. Several high-profile cases have been punctuated by news reports revealing evidence favorable to the prosecution.

Mr. McDonnell said the case against him was littered with leaks, beginning with a newspaper report of the investigation.

“There is no question the initial story came from the government leaking things to The Washington Post,” he said. “There was a grand jury impaneled, and it was pretty clear that grand jury information was being leaked to The Washington Post, which is a separate violation of the law.”

Mr. Renzi’s experience was similar. Ahead of the 2006 midterm elections, when his seat was hotly contested, news of his corruption investigation appeared in local and national media. Some reports cited Justice Department officials.

The leaks were so pervasive that Justice Department officials, including FBI Director Robert Mueller, issued a memorandum with a “stern message” about prosecutors’ obligation to preserve the confidentiality of investigations.

Mr. Menendez’s legal team said prosecutors engaged in a deliberate pattern of media leaks that damaged the senator’s credibility with the public to increase the chances of indictment. The attorneys said prosecutors’ actions amounted to “serious misconduct.”

Last month, several outlets published a leaked audio recording of a 2021 private meeting between Mr. Trump and staffers. The former president discussed holding secret government documents that he did not declassify.

“The media leaks are a three-pronged attack,” Mr. Renzi said. “It taints the jury pool, suppresses voter turnout and pressures the judge to rule in their favor.”

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faa00c No.72853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203898 (190408ZJUL23) Notable: ‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

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Witness enticement

Stanley Woodward, an attorney for Mr. Nauta, said a prosecutor on Mr. Smith’s team trying to secure cooperation suggested that Mr. Woodward’s application for a judgeship would be considered more favorably if he and his client turned against Mr. Trump. Mr. Woodward has filed a complaint with the chief U.S. judge in Washington alleging prosecutorial misconduct.

In the McDonnell case, prosecutors filed charges against the former governor’s wife and promised to drop the charges if she would testify against him.

The government promised to pay $25,000 to Phillip Aries, the cooperating witness in the Renzi case, but prosecutors invoked his testimony more than 90 times during closing arguments. Mr. Aries said he did not receive “one thin dime” for his cooperation.

Weeks before Mr. Renzi’s Supreme Court petition, Mr. Aries emailed a prosecutor seeking his $25,000 payment, which he said would be like “winning the lottery.”

Although the FBI promised the payment, Mr. Renzi said, Mr. Smith’s team was aware of the deal and concealed it from the defense team.

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faa00c No.72854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203899 (190408ZJUL23) Notable: ‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

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Pushing limits of the law

Another hallmark appears to be a broad interpretation of the law, resulting in several rebukes or failed prosecutions in Mr. Smith’s political cases.

Mr. Edwards, the 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee, was charged with six counts, including three counts of violating the Federal Election Campaign Act.

Ultimately, the Justice Department was embarrassed when the jury deadlocked on five of the six felony counts and acquitted Mr. Edwards on the last one.

The National Review, a conservative news journal, questioned the government’s claims before the trial. It said efforts to conceal an extramarital affair and illegitimate child hardly amounted to election fraud.

In the Menendez case, 10 of the 12 jurors said prosecutors stretched the definition of the bribery and corruption statute and failed to make the case that receiving the gifts violated federal law.

The most stunning condemnation was in the McDonnell case when the Supreme Court overturned his conviction.

“There is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that,” Justice Roberts wrote in a unanimous opinion. “But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the Government’s boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute.”


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faa00c No.72855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203904 (190410ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

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It has come to the fore that Noah Berlatsky is the Communications Directorof an organisation that engages in the normalisation of pedophilia. The name of the organisation is the Prostasia Foundation and it does appear to endorse extremely problematic opinions.

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faa00c No.72856

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203920 (190421ZJUL23) Notable: Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action

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Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action


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faa00c No.72857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203922 (190422ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

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Introducing a new kind of child protection organization

Protecting children from sexual abuse is a cause that everyone can unite behind. Often, however, the measures we take to combat child sexual abuse (CSA) are less effective than they should be, because they are driven by emotion rather than evidence. In striving to protect children from abuse, we may end up harming them and others.

Prostasia Foundation addresses this problem by…

helping to fund sound scientific research on CSA prevention.

engaging with diverse stakeholders whose voices are not normally heard.

addressing the human rights impacts of child protection laws and policies.

communicating the results of our research and engagement to policymakers, platforms, and the public.

This uniquely balanced, rights-respecting and evidence-based approach to CSA prevention allows us not only to protect children from abuse, but also to reduce the separate harms caused to children and others by our society’s predominantly reactive child protection agenda.

If you would like to support our work, you learn how here.


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faa00c No.72858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203927 (190423ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

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> engaging with diverse stakeholders whose voices are not normally heard.

Like who are the diverse stakeholders?

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faa00c No.72859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203939 (190426ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

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MAP Support Club Partnership

From the MAP Support Club (MSC) team: MAP Support Club is an independent peer support group for minor-attracted people (MAPs) who are fundamentally against child sexual abuse and committed to never harming children. It is a safe space for MAPs to access peer support and community. We can be found at https://mapsupport.club.

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faa00c No.72860

File: b65d5f26e9b2d18⋯.png (913.9 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 385450a278d726d⋯.png (457.92 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 651f372a7e767fd⋯.png (414.62 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f8d7ec09bff8da⋯.png (320 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203943 (190427ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

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faa00c No.72861

File: 3358b2dd301ee06⋯.png (167.48 KB,607x468,607:468,Clipboard.png)

File: 5be0fdff11953bc⋯.png (265.41 KB,464x876,116:219,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203948 (190428ZJUL23) Notable: @shannonrwatts: Proud to have had a hand in getting CMT to reject this racist and violent song…

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Proud to have had a hand in getting CMT to reject this racist and violent song…




I’m from a small town. Even people in small towns are sick of violence.There’s nothing small-town or American about promoting violence. You should know that better than anyone having survived a mass shooting.

This is not American or small town-like. It’s just lame


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faa00c No.72862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203975 (190435ZJUL23) Notable: #23585

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Notables From Last Bread

#23585 >>72827

>>72812, >>72816, >>72814, >>72823, >>72824 Hannity Trump Townhall links

>>72818 Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action

>>72800, >>72820, >>72819 Kek Obama confirmed gay “This man is definitely gay,” Malik Obama

>>72801 Star Wars actor and far-left activist Mark Hamill praised disgraced and censured Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) in a fundraising email

>>72802 Creepy Sex Toy CEO Has Been Funding Child Sex Change Clinic Since 2018

>>72803, >>72807 Hey CIA. You sleeping well?

>>72804 Here’s The Real Story About The Border Crisis The Biden Admin Says Is Under Control

>>72805 Indictment of 24 Individuals Associated with Shreveport Street Gang on Charges Related to CARES Act Fraud Scheme

>>72806 New Hampshire Woman Charged in Tyngsborough Daycare Investigation

>>72808 CEO Of Cryptocurrency And Forex Trading Platform Sentenced To Nine Years In Prison For $240 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors

>>72809 Ukraine is ‘Battle Lab’ for War Tech, Admits Defence Minister.

>>72810 Richard Grenell: Calling Out The Failures Of The State Department

>>72811 M 6.5 - 43 km S of Intipucá, El Salvador - No Tsunami Warning, Advisory, Watch, or Threat

>>72813 VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — "Wildfires will probably get worse"

>>72815, >>72832 @POTATO Today, I welcomed President Herzog of Israel to the White House to celebrate Antisemitism act 2226

>>72817 @RealMikeLindell The Plan To Save Our Elections And What You Can Do To Save Our Country.

>>72822 Did you say The only way is the military?

>>72825 Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Comes Unglued During Committee Hearing, Says Republicans Are “Terrorists” For Disagreeing with Her

>>72826 Biden Immigration Official Called for the Abolishment of ICE, Ending All Illegal Immigrant Detention

>>72828 Grassley Speaks on Decision to Hold VA Deputy Secretary Nominee Tanya Bradsher

>>72829 AFL President @StephenM reacts to the latest news on the DC Grand Jury.

>>72830 Ex-ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek to plead guilty in child porn case

>>72831 "Companies that engage in racial discrimination should and will face serious legal consequences." - Attorney General

>>72833 @GOPoversight Today, we are releasing a timeline of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes.

>>72834 Best Buy Reports Massive Price Hikes on Thousands of Different Products in the Coming Weeks

>>72835 97% Global Supply Chain at Risk?

>>72836 EU should pay for US arms in Ukraine

>>72837 Multiple passengers onboard Delta flight from Las Vegas to Atlanta PASS OUT and shit themselves while waiting to take off in 111F heat with no air conditioning

>>72838 Travis Scott's concert at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza canceled by Syndicate of Musical Professions because "he's a Freemason…. who performs satanic rites during his shows".

>>72839 Tech billionaire's lover flaunts wealth in an awkward video

>>72840 Bajool crash: Massive explosion on Bruce Highway after military tanker crashes in seven car pile-up south of Rockhampton, Queensland

>>72841, >>72845 New Covid Documents Reveal Unparalleled Media Deception

>>72842 Mark Levin: Merrick Garland, Jack Smith Interfering in 2024 Election


>>72844 Divers Encounter Enormous ‘Earthquake Fish' with Bite Marks TAIWAN

>>>/qresearch/19203960 #23585


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faa00c No.72863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204100 (190520ZJUL23) Notable: Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Shot a ‘Bioweapon’

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Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Shot a ‘Bioweapon’ (Video)

July 17, 2023


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faa00c No.72864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204104 (190521ZJUL23) Notable: Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Shot a ‘Bioweapon’

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Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

July 17, 2023


COVID-19 vaccine is ‘biological weapon,’ must be banned, Fla. county GOP says

JULY 14, 2023


Hillsborough GOP: COVID vaccines a ‘biological weapon’

June 17 2023



20 seconds


Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine ‘Bioweapons’

July 17, 2023


Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

Jul. 15, 2023


County GOP: COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon

Thu, July 13th 2023


Florida County GOP Declares COVID and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

2 days ago


Gain of Function



Gain-of-function research


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faa00c No.72865

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204110 (190529ZJUL23) Notable: ‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

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Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Jack Smith Threatens NEW and Ridiculous Charges Against Trump

Jul 19, 2023, 12:07 AM


Jack Smith Warns of NEW Ridiculous Charges Against Trump



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faa00c No.72866

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204168 (190553ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: A PACKED HOUSE IN BEAUTIFUL CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. THANK YOU!

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Donald J. Trump




Jul 19, 2023, 1:41 AM



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faa00c No.72867

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204188 (190558ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: A PACKED HOUSE IN BEAUTIFUL CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. THANK YOU!

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Donald J. Trump



It’s Election Interference, and it has never been done like this in the history of our Country, and it’s a disgrace...They don’t frighten us because we’re going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Jul 19, 2023, 1:45 AM


Got the letter on Sunday night, it is election interfereance... it is a weapon for the democrats, when ever the polls are up... they want to frighten people but they dont frighten us, we are going to make america great again



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faa00c No.72868

File: 72f77c580d765e0⋯.png (562.26 KB,616x600,77:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204192 (190559ZJUL23) Notable: RFK Jr. Announces Bold Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes

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Holy Shit!

RFK Jr. Announces Bold Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes

Speaking at a Heal-the-Divide PAC event, Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. outlined specific Bitcoin-focused policies that he would enact as president, including gradually backing the U.S. dollar with bitcoin and making bitcoin profits exempt from capital gains taxes.


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faa00c No.72869

File: 9253c0af306ee06⋯.png (318.91 KB,935x646,55:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204202 (190601ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: A PACKED HOUSE IN BEAUTIFUL CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. THANK YOU!

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Donald J. Trump



Replay of tonight’s Town Hall in IOWA will be airing at 2:00AM EASTERN on Fox News.

Jul 19, 2023, 1:55 AM


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faa00c No.72870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204230 (190608ZJUL23) Notable: US Finally Cancels Funding To Wuhan Lab

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US Finally Cancels Funding To Wuhan Lab




The Biden administration has halted the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s access to federal funding after the lab failed to provide documents about safety and security measures

This just happened.... now???

5:45 PM · Jul 18, 2023

The stated reason for the funding halt? The lab failed to provide documents concerning safety and security measures, according to a memo obtained by Bloomberg.

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faa00c No.72871

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204237 (190610ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: WHAT?! TRANSCRIPT PLEASE!

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Donald J. Trump



Jul 19, 2023, 1:36 AM


Biden lets it slip



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faa00c No.72872

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204243 (190613ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: THANK YOU, TURNING POINT ACTION! #TRUMP2024

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Donald J. Trump




Jul 19, 2023, 1:32 AM


You will never Yield!



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faa00c No.72873

File: 1824fda52269146⋯.png (627.43 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a46a92fe3c28616⋯.png (14.4 KB,780x139,780:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204253 (190615ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

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MAP Support Club Partnership

From the MAP Support Club (MSC) team: MAP Support Club is an independent peer support group for minor-attracted people (MAPs) who are fundamentally against child sexual abuse and committed to never harming children. It is a safe space for MAPs to access peer support and community. We can be found at https://mapsupport.club.

The Prostasia Foundation serves as a financial proxy and child protection partner to MAP Support Club, providing their volunteer staff team with expertise and resources to ensure they are operating safely and effectively. This is a small part of our efforts to support initiatives that can reduce rates of child sexual abuse.


A growing body of research indicates that mental health support for minor-attracted people can reduce rates of child sexual abuse perpetration among this group. Additionally, many child protection experts believe that peer support serves as an effective form of help for MAPs who are concerned about their risk of committing a sexual offense.

MAP Support Club provides a safe and reliable space for its members to help each other overcome feelings of shame and distress, while committing to living healthy and productive lives. Dedicated channels allow members to seek immediate support in times of crisis, and relevant resources are made available to anyone who feels they would benefit from other forms of support, such as therapy.


Through their groundbreaking partnership, the Prostasia Foundation has provided MAP Support Club with tools, legal guidance, and financial support to further their child protection and mental health support efforts. This includes access to Prostasia’s Advisory Board, which includes experts in child protection, sexual violence prevention, mental health, and other relevant fields.


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faa00c No.72874

File: c73cdeccbd42225⋯.png (833.92 KB,872x1023,872:1023,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204276 (190620ZJUL23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr: It never ends! The corrupted bureaucrats of the swamp will do anything to stop my father from fighting for you & putting Americans first.

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Donald Trump Jr.


It never ends! The corrupted bureaucrats of the swamp will do anything to stop my father from fighting for you & putting Americans first. This is a mockery of justice & our constitution. We are a Third World nation in rapid decline, with only one cure. RE-ELECT DONALD J TRUMP!

Jul 18, 2023, 10:57 AM


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faa00c No.72875

File: 9f24db1b2e86b3a⋯.png (580.71 KB,800x1283,800:1283,Clipboard.png)

File: c828f58a94e70a7⋯.png (337.87 KB,915x781,915:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204301 (190629ZJUL23) Notable: @realLizUSA: Sick! They’re rounding up political opponents on FAKE charges

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Liz Harrington


Sick! They’re rounding up political opponents on FAKE charges

There are no “fake electors.” It’s propaganda to distract from the fact the 2020 Election was worthy of contesting, which was done according to the Constitution to return the crooked election it back to the states!

Jul 18, 2023, 4:38 PM


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faa00c No.72876

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204313 (190633ZJUL23) Notable: BREAKING: I will be introducing legislation to DEFUND Jack Smith’s witch hunt against President @realDonaldTrump

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Rep. Matt Gaetz


BREAKING: I will be introducing legislation to DEFUND Jack Smith’s witch hunt against President @realDonaldTrump.

They are attacking our democracy and engaging in election interference right now.

The United States Congress has the capability to stop this election interference, and we must act immediately!

Jul 18, 2023, 2:31 PM


Matt Gaetz nails why Trump has been persecuted by a weaponized Government, The house must defund this special council Jack Smith because of this election interference. DOJ has been non compliant to the house.



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faa00c No.72877

File: 818c94751b1c96e⋯.png (537.04 KB,784x830,392:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204333 (190640ZJUL23) Notable: Trump 'Target Letter' Does Not Mention Sedition or Insurrection, Ex-Prez Only Person Named

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Source: Trump 'Target Letter' Does Not Mention Sedition or Insurrection, Ex-Prez Only Person Named

July 18, 2023

As we reported, Donald Trump announced on his social media platform Truth Social Tuesday that Special Counsel Jack Smith has sent him a “target letter” indicating that more charges are coming against the former president. Trump was enraged that he was given a “very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment.”

On Tuesday, a source claimed to know further details of the letter:

The letter mentions three federal statutes: Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the United States; deprivation of rights under color of law; and tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant. It does not offer further details, nor does it detail how the special counsel believes Trump may have violated the statutes, the source tells Rolling Stone.

The letter does not mention statues [sic] on sedition or insurrection, according to the source. Trump is the only person named in the letter, the source says.

The informant said the letter points to the Special Counsel’s interest in getting Trump on election interference charges:

The source said the statues listed likely refer to the prosecutor’s interest in charging Trump with obstructing the election certification process, including Trump efforts to pressure Mike Pence to stop the certification of President Biden’s 2020 victory.

Trump has been facing an onslaught of investigations and charges in recent months as the Department of Justice and Special Counsel Jack Smith are seemingly on a crusade. The newest letter adds to the former president’s legal woes:

The notification deepens Trump’s legal peril as the 2024 presidential race heats up, with Trump as the front-runner for the Republican nomination. The former president already faces a separate federal prosecution on charges that he mishandled classified documents after leaving the White House, criminal charges in New York and the prospect of an additional indictment by a local prosecutor in Georgia.

NEW: Trump is set to be arrested and indicted again after he received a letter from Jack Smith saying he is the target of a J6 Grand Jury investigation.

In the past year, the former president has racked up 71 felony counts and could easily be over 100 soon.

Ask yourself: How is… pic.twitter.com/i5TdsyFRTX

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 18, 2023

Trump himself was enraged, posting early Monday: “THIS WITCH HUNT IS ALL ABOUT ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND A COMPLETE AND TOTAL POLITICAL WEAPONIZATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT! It is a very sad and dark period for our Nation!”

He had more to say as the day continued:

None of the various charges, probes, investigations et al. are hurting Trump in the polls, however—his numbers have actually risen since the 37-count classified documents indictment dropped in June. Currently, a RealClearPolitics average of polls shows Trump at 54 percent in the race for the GOP nomination, with DeSantis at 20 and no one else even close.


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faa00c No.72878

File: f2e1acf8f0afd0e⋯.png (922.18 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 39e4f48ade8300d⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204464 (190735ZJUL23) Notable: Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Comes Out As An ‘Antifa Super Soldier’

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Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Comes Out As An ‘Antifa Super Soldier’




KEK The memes make themselves.



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faa00c No.72879

File: 40f04e502948a4b⋯.png (151.79 KB,314x160,157:80,Clipboard.png)

File: e8a7f0af1dde537⋯.png (145.75 KB,301x168,43:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204471 (190740ZJUL23) Notable: Video appears to show 100's of military-aged Chinese men in Panama heading toward the U.S. border.

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I'm starting to think our govt will roll over quickly when China makes their move. Regardless, China's actions are not representative of a nation settling in for long-term peace.

China is preparing to invade Taiwan and take on the United States .

Brandon Weichert (@WeTheBrandon) sounds the alarm on this urgent issue with @EmeraldRobinson.


== Reporter says he filmed hundreds of military-age Chinese ...Fox News

Apr 19, 2023 — A reporter released new video that appears to show hundreds of military-aged Chinese men in Panama heading toward the U.S. border. ==

More migrants are crossing the northern border into the U.S., from Canada (CasTrudeau loves the CCP)

Illegal crossings increasing at U.S.-Canada border despite ...

CBS News

Feb 16, 2023 — Illegal crossings increasing at U.S.-Canada border despite dangerous, deadly conditions.

U.S. reports sharp rise in number of illegal border ... - CBC

illegals crossing minnesota and canada border from www.cbc.ca

Apr 19, 2023 — The number of people caught crossing the border illegally from Manitoba into the United States rose sharply over the past six months,

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faa00c No.72880

File: 2856f7aeb2087a1⋯.png (307.17 KB,437x454,437:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204479 (190746ZJUL23) Notable: @OneStopPatriot: Bill Gates appears to have bought off Regulator that approved his Covid Vaccine

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Time this Parasite was arrested, prosecuted and executed for global genocide...

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, are the primary source of funding for the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the health regulator that granted emergency authorization for vaccines developed by companies in which Gates has financial interests.

The MHRA also recently approved a new Covid vaccine backed by Gates’ funding called SKYCovion that is approved for people aged 18 and above. The foundation holds significant shares in Pfizer and BioNTech, two major pharmaceutical companies.



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faa00c No.72881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204567 (190825ZJUL23) Notable: #23586

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For incoming Awesome Baker @ 700

#23586 >>72846

>>72847, >>72855, >>72857, >>72858, >>72860, >>72859, >>72873 Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

>>72848 RFKjr: The most shocking thing about these new revelations from @mtaibbi is that it’s not even shocking

>>72849 Mark Levin: Merrick Garland, Jack Smith Interfering in 2024 Election

>>72850, >>72851, >>72852, >>72853, >>72854, >>72865 ‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

>>72856 Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action

>>72861 @shannonrwatts: Proud to have had a hand in getting CMT to reject this racist and violent song…

>>72863, >>72864 Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Shot a ‘Bioweapon’

>>72866, >>72867, >>72869 Donald J. Trump: A PACKED HOUSE IN BEAUTIFUL CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. THANK YOU!

>>72868 RFK Jr. Announces Bold Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes

>>72870 US Finally Cancels Funding To Wuhan Lab

>>72871 @realDonaldTrump: WHAT?! TRANSCRIPT PLEASE!

>>72872 @realDonaldTrump: THANK YOU, TURNING POINT ACTION! #TRUMP2024

>>72874 @DonaldJTrumpJr: It never ends! The corrupted bureaucrats of the swamp will do anything to stop my father from fighting for you & putting Americans first.

>>72875 @realLizUSA: Sick! They’re rounding up political opponents on FAKE charges

>>72876 BREAKING: I will be introducing legislation to DEFUND Jack Smith’s witch hunt against President @realDonaldTrump

>>72877 Trump 'Target Letter' Does Not Mention Sedition or Insurrection, Ex-Prez Only Person Named

>>72878 Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Comes Out As An ‘Antifa Super Soldier’

>>72879 Video appears to show 100's of military-aged Chinese men in Panama heading toward the U.S. border.

>>72880 @OneStopPatriot: Bill Gates appears to have bought off Regulator that approved his Covid Vaccine


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faa00c No.72882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204622 (190838ZJUL23) Notable: #23587

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Dough: https://fullchan.net/?894255180b3fa23d#FFaBFEa42v4YkdZFx9uVsinGiqHZd26ofL4VEwJ9JBVN

Bred Ghosted

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faa00c No.72883

File: e7a764ff38eb63c⋯.png (172.98 KB,434x401,434:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 00c017fd7a90ab6⋯.png (215.26 KB,437x642,437:642,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204658 (190857ZJUL23) Notable: The Federal Reserve is launching a digital currency app, FedNow...

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The Federal Reserve is launching a digital currency app, FedNow, that will eliminate physical cash. The Federal Reserve is launching a new program that will give it the power to monitor, freeze and even seize private bank accounts

Even the terms of use sound more of a dictatorship than anything American!!!

SEE explore.fednow http://DOT.org/terms-use

Presidential hopefuls RFK Jr. and Ron DeSantis rail against FedNow

The two presidential hopefuls are of the opinion that FedNow is the first step in launching a CBDC that threatens privacy and autonomy.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says FedNow CBDC Is ...

The Dales Report


Apr 6, 2023 — Kennedy weighed into the debate, calling the Federal Reserve's FedNow system “the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny.”.

RFK Jr Slams 'FedNow' Government Digital Banking System

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQbuQSNWBmg

Apr 9, 2023 — Briahna Joy Gray and Inez Stepman react to CNN Jake Tapper's comments on RFK Jr. Originally aired April 7,

Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Legislation to Protect ...

https://www.flgov.com › 2023/03/20 › governor-ron-...

Mar 20, 2023 — Expressly prohibiting the use of a federally adopted Central Bank Digital Currency as money within Florida's Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

Robert Kennedy warns CBDC a "slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny"


Democrat Robert Kennedy, who recently revealed he will challenge Joe Biden for the 2024 presidency, is speaking out against a Central Bank Digital Currency.

The digital payment system known as FedNow is set to go live in July, the Federal Reserved announced in March. It's a way to transform the entire U.S. payment system online, departing from paper money and opening the door to trackable and controllable purchases.

But not all Democrats and Republicans see the controversial system in the same light. Holding a vastly different view on the digital currency system than his party leaders, Kennedy is warning that CBDCs "grease the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny."

The risks associated with a CBDC are endless because government authority grows stronger. Rather than untraceable cash purchases, a digital purchasing system allows the government to surveil private financial affairs.

"Watch as governments, which never let a good crisis go to waste, use Covid-19 and the banking crisis to usher in a new wave of CBDCs as a safe haven from germ-laden paper currencies or as protection against bank runs," said Kennedy, who is the son of U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy.

He warns that the central bank will have the power to enforce dollar limits on transactions, restricting where you can send money, where you can spend it, and when money expires.

Kennedy is known for his conflicting views with his Democrat colleagues on issues like abortion and vaccines. The CBDC is just another topic where party politics don't matter; it's up to each individual to do their research and understand the consequences at hand.

SEE ALSO: Cash is king in countering the central bank digital currency agenda

The Federal Reserve has been considering this technocratic move for years, declaring that it “could potentially serve as a new foundation for the payment system and a bridge between different payment services.”

But for freedom-loving Americans, it’s about independence from the government. It’s about self-governance, which is the entire purpose of the Convention of States movement.

Convention of States is a grassroots movement working to call an Article V convention to tell the government to “back off.” We don't want more government surveillance, we want less. Please sign the petition below to let us know you support COS.

Citizens concerned for the future of their country, under a federal government that's increasingly bloated, corrupt, reckless and invasive, have a constitutional option.

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faa00c No.72884

File: efa9b736f7941a8⋯.png (266.1 KB,616x900,154:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204663 (190900ZJUL23) Notable: Emerald Robinson w/CAP: Have you figured out yet that Obama is the real power behind the Rainbow Jihad?

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Have you figured out yet that Obama is the real power behind the Rainbow Jihad?

Quote Tweet

Barack Obama



Jul 17

Today, some of the books that shaped my life—and the lives of so many others—are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives. And librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and… Show more


9:45 AM · Jul 17, 2023




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faa00c No.72885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204664 (190901ZJUL23) Notable: The Federal Reserve is launching a digital currency app, FedNow...

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No one trusts the Fed, FedNow digital currency ap,The Fed under Biden, Ovomit or any other communist, nwo parasite

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faa00c No.72886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204667 (190902ZJUL23) Notable: The Federal Reserve is launching a digital currency app, FedNow...

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faa00c No.72887

File: 9a7dd290fa9caa5⋯.png (169.67 KB,588x887,588:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204668 (190903ZJUL23) Notable: General Mike Flynn w/CAP: Everyone needs to pay close attention to @KanekoaTheGreat right now...

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General Mike Flynn


Everyone needs to pay close attention to @KanekoaTheGreat

right now. This thread and the strategy we’re starting to see the left play out is from a playbook they’ve used before.

They are putting their cards on the table going after electors (AZ & MI so far)…other states will pop up.

This timed very precisely with the latest indictment is meant to add pressure and provide their fake news media cohorts multiple opportunity to spew hatred and divisiveness.

If we have a rule of law remaining, it may require the US Supreme Court to weigh into this mess eventually, but even then, the question remains, will the left adhere to the law?

Quote Tweet





THREAD: In 2016, Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and corporate news outlets urged electors to vote against President-elect Donald Trump.

Lawrence Lessig's article in The Washington Post on November 26, 2016, argued that Republican electors had the constitutional right and… Show more


4:25 PM · Jul 18, 2023




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faa00c No.72888

File: 06338935161f673⋯.png (24.71 KB,599x284,599:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204674 (190905ZJUL23) Notable: CMT has confirmed that, after initially airing Jason Aldean’s highly controversial music video for 'Try That in a Small Town,' the network pulled the contentious clip...

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Oilfield Rando



Quote Tweet

Square profile picture

NBC News




CMT has confirmed that, after initially airing Jason Aldean’s highly controversial music video for 'Try That in a Small Town,' the network pulled the contentious clip from the air on Monday. https://nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cmt-pulls-jason-aldeans-controversial-try-small-town-video-singer-defe-rcna95014?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma&taid=64b72e97add63d0001d4a208&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter

1:43 PM · Jul 18, 2023




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faa00c No.72889

File: 901164fa8ccea30⋯.png (453.4 KB,439x622,439:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204690 (190912ZJUL23) Notable: The Federal Reserve is launching a digital currency app, FedNow...

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It's happening other places and the people have no say or choice...enough of this BS

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faa00c No.72890

File: 952049b53032942⋯.png (655.13 KB,685x670,137:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204691 (190913ZJUL23) Notable: Desperate Disney Prepares to Sell Off Third of Company

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Desperate Disney Prepares to Sell Off

Third of Company

Breitbart, by John Nolte

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/18/2023 9:32:42 PM

Disgraced Disney CEO Bob Iger “put roughly a third of the company up for sale this week,” Bloomberg Business reports. According to the report, the sale announcement was a subtle but unmistakable one. Iger made the announcement during his disastrous CNBC interview last week, where he was caught lying with the false claim that Disney is not sexualizing children. By declaring its cable and broadcast TV assets “noncore,” the report says, Iger told the world ABC TV, the FX cable networks, National Geographic, and Freeform are all for sale. He’s also looking for a partner for the failing ESPN.

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faa00c No.72891

File: bafa71adecfc39a⋯.png (17.8 KB,597x234,199:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204737 (190939ZJUL23) Notable: Bongino and Catturd: The police state is here. And there’s a limited window to turn this around. I agree- We’re almost to the point of no return.

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Catturd ™


I agree- We’re almost to the point of no return.

Quote Tweet

Dan Bongino




The police state is here.

And there’s a limited window to turn this around.

1:13 PM · Jul 18, 2023




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faa00c No.72892

File: 8601de43d27a8da⋯.png (28.1 KB,784x278,392:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204745 (190944ZJUL23) Notable: FBI told Hunter Biden investigator to duck Committee questions, bombshell letter shows

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FBI told Hunter Biden investigator to

duck Committee questions, bombshell letter shows

New York Post, by Steven Nelson & Josh Christenson

Posted By: Beardo, 7/18/2023 6:44:27 PM

The FBI warned a supervisory agent who investigated Hunter Biden that he was expected to “decline to respond” to House Oversight Committee questions about the “ongoing” case involving the first son, a bombshell letter obtained by The Post shows. FBI general counsel Jason Jones sent the letter Sunday afternoon, just hours before the agent was set to testify — even though a source tells The Post that the FBI knew of a scheduled Monday deposition for several days.

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faa00c No.72893

File: 1011a5b9436e12f⋯.png (169.99 KB,465x375,31:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 917995d0a87dfc8⋯.png (16.48 KB,747x284,747:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204746 (190945ZJUL23) Notable: anon ties DJT America First to Q:149

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American flag in truth and drop that corresponds with timestamp..

Donald J. Trump



Jul 19, 2023, 1:49 AM


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faa00c No.72894

File: 572c473032aa0cd⋯.png (590.17 KB,601x555,601:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204756 (190952ZJUL23) Notable: DOJ triggers outrage after scrubbing website’s child sex trafficking info

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New York Post


DOJ triggers outrage after scrubbing website’s child sex trafficking info https://trib.al/9IlI3XU


6:14 AM · Jul 18, 2023




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faa00c No.72895

File: 06f13878d1fa23e⋯.png (194.06 KB,1224x375,408:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204796 (191015ZJUL23) Notable: anon ties DJT America First to Q:149

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Made a side-by-side for easy reference

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faa00c No.72896

File: 82f52dce0fcae68⋯.png (246.29 KB,434x546,31:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204863 (191049ZJUL23) Notable: US soldier, 23, who ran into North Korea after being released from South Korea prison for kicking a cop car - as his mom says 'I can't see him defecting'...

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PICTURED: US soldier, 23, who ran into North Korea after being released from South Korea prison for kicking a cop car - as his mom says 'I can't see him defecting': Pyongyang launches missile


Mail Online (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12313451/PICTURED-soldier-defected-North-Korea-whisked-away-van-released-South-Korea-jail-kicking-cop-car-mom-slaps-claims-fled-just-wants-come-home.html)

PICTURED: US soldier, 23, who ran into North Korea after being released from South Korea prison for kicking a cop car - as his mom says 'I can't see him defecting': Pyongyang launches missile

An American soldier who had served nearly two months in a South Korean prison, fled across the heavily armed border into North

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faa00c No.72897

File: 0518d95091bac0a⋯.jpeg (143.51 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204918 (191124ZJUL23) Notable: British Open 2023: Players, caddies put on high security alert, told not to tackle protest group at championship

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The ecotard party crashers are on alert at the British Open this weekend...

British Open 2023: Players, caddies put on high security alert, told not to tackle protest group at championship

Players and caddies at Royal Liverpool have been warned about Just Stop Oil, a collection of demonstrators attempting to force the British government to end fossil-fuel licensing and production. The group has been targeting sporting and entertainment venues to protest, including at Wimbledon, the World Snooker Championship, and rugby’s Premiership final in recent weeks. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently said the eco-zealots are not content with disrupting our summer and cherished sporting events, they are essentially leading us into an energy surrender.

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faa00c No.72898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204920 (191126ZJUL23) Notable: British Open 2023: Players, caddies put on high security alert, told not to tackle protest group at championship

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>>72897 (me)

Forgot linkage


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faa00c No.72899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205023 (191201ZJUL23) Notable: Japan halts poultry imports from Brazil’s Santa Catarina state due to bird flu

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Japan halts poultry imports from Brazil’s Santa Catarina state due to bird flu


Japan has ceased importing poultry products from the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina following the detection of avian flu in a local bird.

This action was reported by the Department of Inspection of Products of Animal Origin of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, aimed at exporters eligible to send products to Japan.

This import suspension has been initiated by Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAF).

They have stopped inspecting imports of live poultry, poultry meat, and egg products from Santa Catarina.

The Ministry has contacted the Brazilian office in Tokyo to update them about this development.

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faa00c No.72900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205028 (191205ZJUL23) Notable: Chile mandates masks in schools amid rise in respiratory viruses

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Chile mandates masks in schools amid rise in respiratory viruses


In response to a significant outbreak of the syncytial virus and an uptick in seasonal respiratory diseases, the Chilean Government reinstated the compulsory wearing of masks in schools for pupils aged five and above.

Health Minister Ximena Aguilera emphasized the importance of mask usage, regular hand hygiene, and vaccination to curb the spread of respiratory viruses as students return to school post-recess.

The decision is a relief to authorities and specialists concerned about the elevated viral activity during the winter break.

Laboratory surveillance shows that the prevalence of syncytial virus and influenza has decreased from the peak levels seen in previous weeks.

The mask mandate, applicable to all indoor spaces in schools, will remain in effect until August 31, coinciding with the conclusion of the government’s health alert.

Health organizations in the country have endorsed mask use in crowded settings and public transport, particularly for individuals displaying flu or cold symptoms.

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faa00c No.72901

File: 5a4bc41323558a5⋯.png (316.72 KB,524x505,524:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205157 (191306ZJUL23) Notable: Killary w/CAP: Ordered to push children into the river. My God. 1hr delta with Biden islamic new year twat

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Ordered to push children into the river. My God.

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faa00c No.72902

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205186 (191318ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/19/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/19/2023


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faa00c No.72903

File: f9b4d4d478c3304⋯.png (408.89 KB,800x456,100:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205220 (191338ZJUL23) Notable: Honduras Wants to Build the West's Only Island Prison Colony—and Lock 2,000 Gangsters Inside

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Honduras Wants to Build the West's Only Island Prison Colony—and Lock 2,000 Gangsters Inside


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faa00c No.72904

File: 679482cc54edaa8⋯.png (1.31 MB,960x1435,192:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205257 (191349ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Chandrayaan-3 Launches to the Moon

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 19, 2023

Chandrayaan-3 Launches to the Moon

Birds don't fly this high. Airplanes don't go this fast. The Statue of Liberty weighs less. No species other than human can even comprehend what is going on, nor could any human just a millennium ago. The launch of a rocket bound for space is an event that inspires awe and challenges description. Pictured here last week, the Indian Space Research Organization's LVM3 rocket blasted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre on Sriharikota Island, India. From a standing start, the 600,000+ kilogram rocket ship lifted the massive Chandrayaan-3 off the Earth. The Chandrayaan-3 mission is scheduled to reach the Moon in late August and land a robotic rover near the lunar South Pole. Rockets bound for space are now launched from somewhere on Earth every few days.


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faa00c No.72905

File: c9861c2cfb6e0bb⋯.jpeg (77.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205287 (191405ZJUL23) Notable: Pentagon explains F-16 delay for Ukraine - Supplying an adequate number of warplanes would take years and cost billions

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19 Jul, 2023 05:27

Pentagon explains F-16 delay for Ukraine

Supplying an adequate number of warplanes would take years and cost billions, a top military official said

US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley has said Washington is simply unable to provide enough F-16 fighter jets to assist Ukraine’s counteroffensive, citing the time and money needed to supply the weapons.

Asked during a Tuesday press briefing why Ukraine has not received the American fighters, Milley said the focus should instead be on artillery and air defenses, as F-16s will not be feasible in the near-term.

“Just do a quick math drill here. Ten F-16s are $2 billion,” he said. “The Russians have hundreds of fourth- and fifth-generation airframes, so if they're going to try to match the Russians one for one – or even, you know, two-to-one – you’re talking about a large number of aircraft.”

The general saidit would take “years” to train Ukrainian pilots, “do the maintenance and sustainment” operations required, and “generate that degree of financial support,”adding “You’re talking way more billions of dollars than has already been generated.”

While US officials previously said Ukrainian airmen would be instructed to operate the F-16 through an international coalition seeking to help Kiev obtain the jet, Washington has yet to grant formal approval to European countries slated to carry out the training, Politico reported last week.

The State Department is supposed to authorize the transfer of instruction manuals, flight simulators and other materials required for the training, but has yet to do so, with Pentagon spokesman Garron Garn noting that the requests are “still being reviewed.”

Kiev has repeatedly urged its Western backers to provide it with additional airpower, demanding the F-16 specifically on several occasions. Though Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said Ukraine could deploy its first F-16s by late March 2024, it is unclear what Milley’s comments could mean for that timetable.

Ukraine’s much-awaited counteroffensive kicked off in June, but has slowed in the face of powerful Russian fortifications. According to Politico, some senior US officials believe that future support for Ukraine will depend on the success of the operation, though Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has blamed delays in Western military aid for the lagging campaign.


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faa00c No.72906

File: 7074c2fb61c95d4⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,4096x2731,4096:2731,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff8cae091d4a933⋯.png (447.13 KB,649x689,649:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205348 (191426ZJUL23) Notable: DoD w/CAP: Marines with @4th_MarDiv conduct a Marine Corps Martial Arts course during Exercise UNITAS LXIV in Colombia.

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Close combat training!

#Marines with @4th_MarDiv conduct a Marine Corps Martial Arts course during Exercise UNITAS LXIV in Colombia.


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faa00c No.72907

File: f721eec7db59609⋯.png (21.09 KB,497x227,497:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 6523e6a74793ce0⋯.png (301.43 KB,524x505,524:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205384 (191435ZJUL23) Notable: Killary w/CAP: Ordered to push children into the river. My God. 1hr delta with Biden islamic new year twat

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Biden: 8:45 >>>/qresearch/19205368

Hillary: 9:45 >>72901


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faa00c No.72908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205421 (191449ZJUL23) Notable: #23587

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final bun for #23587

hold those laties tight. clos'n this one down

#23587 >>72882

>>72883, >>72885, >>72886, >>72889 The Federal Reserve is launching a digital currency app, FedNow...

>>72884 Emerald Robinson w/CAP: Have you figured out yet that Obama is the real power behind the Rainbow Jihad?

>>72887 General Mike Flynn w/CAP: Everyone needs to pay close attention to @KanekoaTheGreat right now...

>>72888 CMT has confirmed that, after initially airing Jason Aldean’s highly controversial music video for 'Try That in a Small Town,' the network pulled the contentious clip...

>>72890 Desperate Disney Prepares to Sell Off Third of Company

>>72891 Bongino and Catturd: The police state is here. And there’s a limited window to turn this around. I agree- We’re almost to the point of no return.

>>72892 FBI told Hunter Biden investigator to duck Committee questions, bombshell letter shows

>>72893, >>72895 anon ties DJT America First to Q:149

>>72894 DOJ triggers outrage after scrubbing website’s child sex trafficking info

>>72896 US soldier, 23, who ran into North Korea after being released from South Korea prison for kicking a cop car - as his mom says 'I can't see him defecting'...

>>72897, >>72898 British Open 2023: Players, caddies put on high security alert, told not to tackle protest group at championship

>>72899 Japan halts poultry imports from Brazil’s Santa Catarina state due to bird flu

>>72900 Chile mandates masks in schools amid rise in respiratory viruses

>>72901, >>72907 Killary w/CAP: Ordered to push children into the river. My God. 1hr delta with Biden islamic new year twat

>>72902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/19/2023

>>72903 Honduras Wants to Build the West's Only Island Prison Colony—and Lock 2,000 Gangsters Inside

>>72904 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Chandrayaan-3 Launches to the Moon

>>72905 Pentagon explains F-16 delay for Ukraine - Supplying an adequate number of warplanes would take years and cost billions

>>72906 DoD w/CAP: Marines with @4th_MarDiv conduct a Marine Corps Martial Arts course during Exercise UNITAS LXIV in Colombia.

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faa00c No.72909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205446 (191456ZJUL23) Notable: #23588

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'The police state is here. And there’s a limited window to turn this around. I agree- We’re almost to the point of no return.'

God Bless The Whistleblowers

Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

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faa00c No.72910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205523 (191514ZJUL23) Notable: You decide/Aldean

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The left attempting to cancel Jason Aldean

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faa00c No.72911

File: e7101842bf5167f⋯.png (298.27 KB,585x680,117:136,Clipboard.png)

File: bd35157ff3a6f02⋯.png (568.41 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205526 (191514ZJUL23) Notable: You decide/Aldean

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You decide

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faa00c No.72912

File: 5dc9678df817303⋯.png (21.86 KB,452x197,452:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205529 (191515ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump THESE LUNATICS AND THUGS ARE DESTROYING OUR VOTE, OUR BORDER, OUR DEMOCRACY, AND OUR COUNTRY.

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10:52 = 17 GM!

Donald J. Trump



Jul 19, 2023, 10:52 AM


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faa00c No.72913

File: 9479406732292af⋯.png (25.66 KB,452x226,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205536 (191516ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump These vicious Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Democrats have attacked my lawyers at a level never seen before, and yet I keep on winning.

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Donald J. Trump


These vicious Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Democrats have attacked my lawyers at a level never seen before, and yet I keep on winning. Any attorney that represents me is either a fool, or a Great American Patriot that History will love and cherish!

Jul 19, 2023, 11:08 AM


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faa00c No.72914

File: 8c51fcd5d196928⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205537 (191516ZJUL23) Notable: Travis Scott's concert at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza has been canceled by The Egyptian Syndicate of Musical Professions because "he's a Freemason….satanic

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Travis Scott's concert at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza has been canceled by The Egyptian Syndicate of Musical Professions because "he's a Freemason.... who performs satanic rites during his shows".


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faa00c No.72915

File: 45853c8115fc684⋯.png (354.93 KB,534x556,267:278,Clipboard.png)

File: ae784fd827f3951⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205547 (191517ZJUL23) Notable: chief of comms for Center for Countering Digital Hate - a straight-up CIA operative who served as a spokeswoman for rolling out domestic surveillance technology/Moran

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Mike Benz


Again, this was the chief of comms for Center for Countering Digital Hate - a straight-up CIA operative who served as a spokeswoman for rolling out domestic surveillance technology to spy on everyday citizens

Mike Benz


Again, this was the chief of comms for Center for Countering Digital Hate - a straight-up CIA operative who served as a spokeswoman for rolling out domestic surveillance technology to spy on everyday citizens


Once an agent, always an agent. -Q, 2657

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faa00c No.72916

File: 5f6c75bda2d80fe⋯.png (212.76 KB,481x500,481:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205561 (191520ZJUL23) Notable: January 6er Ronnie Sandlin Sentenced to Over Five Years in Prison After Refusing to Cooperate with Feds

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The Gateway Pundit


January 6er Ronnie Sandlin Sentenced to Over Five Years in Prison After Refusing to Cooperate with Feds: Claims Inhumane Treatment and Raises Alarm About Prisoner Abuse from Correction Officers


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faa00c No.72917

File: fdd489fcf5eeb67⋯.png (255.6 KB,448x577,448:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 272a05257484e42⋯.jpg (100.7 KB,680x646,20:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205567 (191521ZJUL23) Notable: the same thing DOJ just indicted Trump electors for considering doing

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Mike Benz


John Podesta, role playing Joe Biden in Transition Integrity Project's summer 2020 simulation to ensure a Biden presidency even if Trump won the election, openly plotted sending a separate elector slate

- the same thing DOJ just indicted Trump electors for considering doing

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faa00c No.72918

File: 1797807544c68ad⋯.png (76.13 KB,400x579,400:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205578 (191524ZJUL23) Notable: THREAD: In 2016, Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and corporate news outlets urged electors to vote against President-elect Donald Trump.

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THREAD: In 2016, Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and corporate news outlets urged electors to vote against President-elect Donald Trump.

Lawrence Lessig's article in The Washington Post on November 26, 2016, argued that Republican electors had the constitutional right and duty to switch their votes from Trump to Hillary Clinton.

This sparked a movement supported by figures like Michael Moore, John Podesta, Keith Olbermann, Rosie O'Donnell, and several Hollywood celebrities.

While they only convinced a few electors, it's important to recognize the double standard of justice in the treatment of Democrats and Republicans when objecting to elections.



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faa00c No.72919

File: df4846b61ad1230⋯.pdf (852.24 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: b24e3989f8517ad⋯.png (88.29 KB,1019x591,1019:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205631 (191534ZJUL23) Notable: Association of Advisory Committee Votes With US Food and Drug Administration Decision-Making on Prescription Drugs, 2010-2021

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Association of Advisory Committee Votes With US Food and Drug Administration Decision-Making on Prescription Drugs, 2010-2021


Importance The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) often relies on independent advisory committees when making decisions about the approval of prescription drugs or their withdrawal from the market. These committees provide the FDA with valuable insight and an opportunity to build public trust through transparent deliberation, but recent controversies have raised questions about the optimal use of FDA advisory committees.

Objective To assess the frequency, purposes, and voting outcomes of human drug advisory committees convened from 2010 to 2021 and the FDA’s corresponding actions.


In this qualitative study of FDA advisory committees, recommendations were associated with FDA regulatory actions on prescription drugs, with the FDA acting concordantly with its advisors’ recommendations in a majority of cases and over time. However, a decline was observed from 2010 to 2021 in the number of committees that were consulted and asked to vote on these issues. In cases of discordance, the FDA was more likely to favor approval than were its advisors, and the FDA declined to reconvene advisors before most approvals of drugs that had received a negative vote. Reforms are necessary to clarify the FDA’s commitment to independent expert advice as an integral part of its regulation of prescription drugs.

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faa00c No.72920

File: e94326f159364d3⋯.jpg (86.74 KB,623x500,623:500,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205645 (191538ZJUL23) Notable: THREAD: In 2016, Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and corporate news outlets urged electors to vote against President-elect Donald Trump.

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In the 2016 United States presidential election, ten members of the Electoral College voted or attempted to vote for a candidate different from the ones to whom they were pledged.[1] Three of these votes were invalidated under the faithless elector laws of their respective states, and the elector either subsequently voted for the pledged candidate or was replaced by someone who did.[2][3][4] Although there had been a combined total of 155 instances of individual electors voting faithlessly prior to 2016 in over two centuries of previous US presidential elections, 2016 was the first election in over a hundred years in which multiple electors worked to alter the result of the election.[1]

As a result of the seven successfully cast faithless votes, the Democratic Party nominee, Hillary Clinton, lost five of her pledged electors while the Republican Party nominee and then president-elect, Donald Trump, lost two. Three of the faithless electors voted for Colin Powell while John Kasich, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Faith Spotted Eagle each received one vote. The defections fell well short of the number needed to change the result of the election; only two of the seven defected from the winner, whereas 37 were needed to defect in order to force a contingent election in Congress (a tally of less than 270).[5]

The faithless electors who opposed Donald Trump were part of a movement dubbed the "Hamilton Electors" co-founded by Micheal Baca of Colorado and Bret Chiafalo of Washington. The movement attempted to find 37 Republican electors willing to vote for a different Republican in an effort to deny Donald Trump a majority in the Electoral College and force a contingent election in the House of Representatives. The electors advocated for voting their conscience to prevent the election of someone they viewed as unfit for the presidency as prescribed by Alexander Hamilton in No. 68 of The Federalist Papers.[6][7] Despite their stated intentions to defeat Donald Trump, these electors cast their votes for persons other than the candidate to whom they were pledged, Trump's opponent Hillary Clinton.[8]


but since Russia did it, there were no prosecutions?

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faa00c No.72921

File: 182a0eb0a978e54⋯.png (2.37 MB,1500x1000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205709 (191550ZJUL23) Notable: Ebbudy Wing Chun

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Wing Chun Martial artist here


1. block opponent with right and set left for backfist

2. Once set, at the same time, left backfist and slide right hand down to opponent hand/wrist, then drop the left hand and lock opponent hand/wrist otherside

3. once wrist is locked, at the same time, step behind opponent with left foot and pull opponent to the right

4. stop, and do a hard back left by stepping in front of opponent while turning the knife back towards opponent

5. there is no step 5


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faa00c No.72922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205758 (191603ZJUL23) Notable: the same thing DOJ just indicted Trump electors for considering doing

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And - Faithless Electors went all the way to SCOTUS for a decision from 2016.

On July 6, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that states have the power to require presidential electors to vote for their party’s candidate for president.

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that a state may require presidential electors to support the winner of its popular vote and may punish or replace those who don’t, settling a disputed issue in advance of this fall’s election.

Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the court as it considered for the first time the issue of “faithless electors” and whether the Constitution sees members of the electoral college — whose votes ultimately elect the president — as representatives of the intent of their state’s voters or as independent thinkers.



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faa00c No.72923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205763 (191605ZJUL23) Notable: the same thing DOJ just indicted Trump electors for considering doing

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Three Washington electors, Peter Chiafalo, Levi Guerra, and Esther

John (the Electors), violated their pledges to support Hillary Clinton

in the 2016 presidential election. In response, the State fined the Electors $1,000 apiece for breaking their pledges to support the same candidate its voters had. The Electors challenged their fines in state

court, arguing that the Constitution gives members of the Electoral

College the right to vote however they please. The Washington Superior Court rejected that claim, and the State Supreme Court affirmed,

relying on Ray v. Blair, 343 U. S. 214. In Ray, this Court upheld a

pledge requirement—though one without a penalty to back it up. Ray

held that pledges were consistent with the Constitution’s text and our

Nation’s history, id., at 225–230; but it reserved the question whether

a State can enforce that requirement through legal sanctions.

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faa00c No.72924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205766 (191606ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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>IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress…..1:00 EDT

>One more hour

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faa00c No.72925

File: cad3d12eb764d69⋯.jpg (193.65 KB,1268x675,1268:675,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3179a72e0eab892⋯.jpg (128.13 KB,1152x524,288:131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 466389fe19521a2⋯.jpg (201.19 KB,1079x713,1079:713,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f5dae7015d5b7a9⋯.jpg (148.47 KB,1152x549,128:61,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3171bc0fd846bd1⋯.jpg (109.86 KB,1152x424,144:53,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205772 (191607ZJUL23) Notable: Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing)

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NewsParadigm - Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing)

40 mins... while you wait.

All Australians should circulate it.

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faa00c No.72926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205776 (191608ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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forgot link


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faa00c No.72927

File: baadc3922d621ab⋯.png (544.13 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205785 (191610ZJUL23) Notable: Russia Introduces Digital Ruble as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

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Russia Introduces Digital Ruble as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

The Bank of Russia has been designated as the sole operator of the digital ruble platform. The Central Bank will be responsible for all aspects of “Russia’s” CBDC, including functionality, safety, and “the correct accounting” of transactions that opens the door for totalitarian control.



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faa00c No.72928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205799 (191614ZJUL23) Notable: Prosecutors Agree with Rapper 50 Cent that Los Angles is “Finished’ Due to Its ‘No-Bail’ Policy

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Prosecutors Agree with Rapper 50 Cent that Los Angles is “Finished’ Due to Its ‘No-Bail’ Policy

California law allows judges to set bail based on the defendant’s criminal record and the seriousness of the crime. The no-bail policy was first implemented in Los Angeles during the COVID pandemic shutdown in 2020 to ease crowded city and county jails. Suspects arrested for nonviolent crimes were immediately released without having to pay bail before their arraignment. The policy was reinstated in May after Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Lawrence Riff ruled in favor of a group of activists who sued the county and claimed they had suffered under the cash bail system.

Rapper 50 Cent tweeted that Los Angeles is “finished” after the city reinstated its no-bail policy as cops will no longer detain suspects who commit nonviolent crimes like theft, shoplifting, drug use and vandalism.



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faa00c No.72929

File: d222e013f635519⋯.png (288.85 KB,449x345,449:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205808 (191615ZJUL23) Notable: Police Say 8-Year-Old Boy Carjacked Victim At Gunpoint Before Leading Cops On Chase

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Police Say 8-Year-Old Boy Carjacked Victim At Gunpoint Before Leading Cops On Chase

Montgomery, Alabama: Police responded to a report of a robbery on July 11 and pursued an eight-year-old boy who allegedly carjacked a motorist at gunpoint. Witness “Snake” Knapp told WSFA he saw the boy driving the stolen car, so he called police to let them know the suspect was a child. He noted the boy also picked up two adults on Norman Bridge Road. Police reported that the boy crashed the car, which ended the chase. No injuries were reported. A gun was recovered at the scene.



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faa00c No.72930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205815 (191617ZJUL23) Notable: Report from Western Australia Describes Vaccine Injuries/ Adverse Events

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Report from Western Australia Describes Vaccine Injuries/ Adverse Events

The Western Australia Vaccine Safety Surveillance (WAVSS) reported that in 2021, 3,948,673 individual doses of COVID-19 vaccine were recorded as being administered to Western Australian (WA) residents. There were 10,726 individual adverse events following immunization (AEFI) reports in 2021, up from 270 in 2020. Of these AEFI, 10,428 (97%) occurred after a COVID-19 vaccine. There were 264.1 AEFIs per 100,000 for COVID vaccines compared to only 11.1 AEFIs for all other vaccines.



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faa00c No.72931

File: 3f30a965cd2d1ea⋯.png (32.79 KB,580x323,580:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205816 (191618ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

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If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure, check out what


has dug up

12:06 PM · Jul 19, 2023

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faa00c No.72932

File: 73d1f06dcfc8a07⋯.png (374.46 KB,1114x2009,1114:2009,Clipboard.png)

File: ab0a09e2c8e84a4⋯.png (268.48 KB,1157x1992,1157:1992,Clipboard.png)

File: 14d8dfce2d24e64⋯.png (1.12 MB,1170x1992,195:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205826 (191619ZJUL23) Notable: You decide/Aldean

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Jason Aldean's Song Canceled!

As someone who thinks that the whole ANTIFA narrative that the right pushes is mostly exaggerated BS, I have to say that I think it's quite pathetic that CMT has basically canceled Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town' music video.

Before I post the lyrics, understand this. Rioting is bad. Breaking into stores to steal merchandise is bad. Car jacking and injuring police are bad things. These things could legally get you shot.

No where does Aldean ever mention race, or make this political in any way. There are legitimately bad things that people do and say. Aldean's song is NOT one of them. People need to stop overreacting and start listening.

Lyrics below (please find me a line that you are angry about):

Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk

Carjack an old lady at a red light

Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store

Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like

Cuss out a cop, spit in his face

Stomp on the flag and light it up

Yeah, ya think you're tough

Well, try that in a small town

See how far ya make it down the road

Around here, we take care of our own

You cross that line, it won't take long

For you to find out, I recommend you don't

Try that in a small town

Got a gun that my granddad gave me

They say one day they're gonna round up

Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck

Try that in a small town

See how far ya make it down the road

Around here, we take care of our own

You cross that line, it won't take long

For you to find out, I recommend you don't

Try that in a small town

Full of good ol' boys, raised up right

If you're looking for a fight

Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town

See how far ya make it down the road

Around here, we take care of our own

You cross that line, it won't take long

For you to find out, I recommend you don't

Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town


Try that in a small town

If you want to be heard and taken seriously on legitimate issues like gun control and racial injustice, then at least stop taking things that should not be taken seriously so seriously.


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faa00c No.72933

File: 1b4f63f9b1b399f⋯.png (212.58 KB,680x479,680:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f3a3e24bc26f7c⋯.png (158.14 KB,550x644,275:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205837 (191623ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

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faa00c No.72934

File: f63a5675dba2c08⋯.png (355.77 KB,593x900,593:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205841 (191624ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

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faa00c No.72935

File: a63e3623572a1fc⋯.png (141.95 KB,477x682,477:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205859 (191628ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

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Here is Vivek supporting masks and being upset at conservatives that opposed them

If you look back more than 6 months into this guy’s past, you’ll see he’s a soft, mushy clown who learned to say a bunch of buzzwords conservatives love in 2023

8:48 AM · Jul 17, 2023



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faa00c No.72936

File: 799dd706c132864⋯.png (523.31 KB,600x524,150:131,Clipboard.png)

File: d2c02b3ebff03ef⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205918 (191642ZJUL23) Notable: Herzog addresses Congress

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faa00c No.72937

File: 3a51279d59a767c⋯.png (2.66 MB,3300x1815,20:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205931 (191646ZJUL23) Notable: QClock July 19, 2023 - PANIC is real. ALL HANDS ON DECK.

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QClock July 19, 2023 - PANIC is real. ALL HANDS ON DECK.

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faa00c No.72938

File: fec2ca99a38b4b2⋯.png (73.97 KB,554x661,554:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205939 (191648ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

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Today I am unveiling my hand-picked list of judicial appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court & to the federal Courts of Appeals.

Biden’s top focus appeared to be on diversity of race & gender. While I drew from diverse experiences - current & former federal judges, a former Solicitor General, two U.S. Senators - my sole criterion was to select candidates with an unwavering commitment to an originalist understanding of the U.S. Constitution, who also understand the unique threats to liberty in the 21st century (including lurking state action).

Our courts remain the last line of defense against the overreach and weaponization of government. As President I will appoint judges who will protect the integrity of our constitutional Republic.

My list was not drawn from personal recommendations or backroom deals. I have not personally met most individuals on this list, but I will take time to meet them over the next year. This list was produced through a robust process over several months with input from multiple outside groups and a rigorous internal review focusing on reviewing judicial decisions and other writings to ensure clear commitments to the letter of the U.S. Constitution.

U.S. Supreme Court Candidates:

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faa00c No.72939

File: a03abec42d20bbf⋯.png (52.54 KB,547x556,547:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205950 (191650ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

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Thomas Hardiman, U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit

- Ruled against viewpoint discrimination nation and for free speech in Ne. Pa. Freethought Soc’y v. Cnty. of Lackawanna Transit Sys.

- Supported judicial review to keep the administrative state accountable in Del. Riverkeeper Network v. Sec’y Pa. Dep’t of Evntl. Prot.

Justin Walker, U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit

- Ruled against pandemic lockdowns and for religious liberty in a ruling for drive-in churches in On Fire Christian Center, Inc. v. Fischer et al.

- Landed a blow against the administrative state in an important law journal article.

John Bush, U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit

- Defended workers from vaccine mandates imposed by the administrative state in Kentucky V. Biden.

- Wrote in favor of parental rights and against mask mandates in Resurrection Sch. v. Hertel.

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faa00c No.72940

File: f264183dcea4dfe⋯.png (55.08 KB,572x581,572:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205957 (191652ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

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Paul Clement, Former U.S. Solicitor General

- Argued against deference to the administrative state in Loper Bright Enterprises, et al., v. Raimondo.

- Not only won a major gun rights victory in New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. Bruen but also resigned the same day from his law firm after they said they would no longer take on Second Amendment cases.

Mike Lee, U.S. Senator, Utah

- Twice clerked under the heroic Justice Samuel Alito, both in the lower and Supreme Courts.

- Known as one of the foremost advocates for originalism in Congress, and in his book “Saving Nine: The Fight Against the Left’s Audacious Plan to Pack the Supreme Court and Destroy American Liberty.”

Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator, Texas

- Fought for the Constitution and against left-radical court-packing.

- Champion of religious liberty who was the 2017 American Legion Religious Liberty Award winner.


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faa00c No.72941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205966 (191653ZJUL23) Notable: US Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Announces Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes

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This is hilarious, especially the comments.


US Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Announces Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes


Vaccine denialism, antisemitism (saying that COVID doesn't affect Jews), and now a cryptocurrency platform that would obliterate the dollar by allowing it to fluctuate by multiple percent per day.

The only reason anyone pays attention to him is because he's a Kennedy.


He claims COVID-19 is ethnically targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people while sparing Ashkenazi Jewish people and Chinese people.

https://www.usatoday.com/story... [usatoday.com]

I.e. He claims that COVID is a Jewish-Chinese conspiracy against America.

That it is an external, racially-based, Jewish-run, stab in the back. [wikipedia.org]

He isn't just an antisemitic cunt - he's a full blown racist, fascist, cunt.


All of it. RFK Jr. is bat shit crazy. EOT EOM Full stop. That's a 30.

No. I'm not suggesting it was a success. I'm stating unequivocally, it was better than not getting it. Over 12 BILLION served. Sorry, no, people didn't get square testicles. Their eyebrows didn't grow blue glowing tentacles. Their wife and kids already hated them, and their bad breath is a decades long issue.

I'm suggesting that there is a lot of "data suggest", "Untested theories trend", and more weasel words and mealy mouthed idiocy than simply vaccine deniers usually engage in.

You don't want to get vaccinated, that's your damn choice. There are consequences to every choice, and one of them is that I won't have you getting me sick, possibly dying because you're an idiot. No one was FORCED to get vaccinated. They were ALWAYS GIVEN THE CHOICE OF TAKING IT, or accepting the CONSEQUENCE of their CHOICE. Don't like that consequence, then don't make that choice. Make that choice, you've also chosen the consequence.

So mask up, distance, and put your big girl pants back on. No one wants to see that.

Just imagine someone told him that it was Trump's vaccines. He would be literally shaking, kek.


No vaccine is 100% safe, or 100% effective. Nobody claims that any vaccine is. The vaccine is around 90% effective, which is adequate to eradicate the virus so long as everyone who is capable of being vaccinated is. Lying isn't a good way for you to make your case.


Wi-Fi causes cancer and "leaky brain," Kennedy told podcaster Joe Rogan last month. Antidepressants are to blame for school shootings, he mused during an appearance with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. Chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender, he told right-wing Canadian psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing a false assertion made by serial fabulist Alex Jones. AIDS may not be caused by HIV, he has suggested multiple times.


Are some of these "AI"?

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faa00c No.72942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205991 (191658ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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1:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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faa00c No.72943

File: 17c51265fca04c7⋯.png (330.66 KB,910x904,455:452,Clipboard.png)

File: 6504611b0c67e76⋯.png (126.27 KB,269x400,269:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205997 (191659ZJUL23) Notable: Russia says it will consider all ships traveling through Black Sea to Ukraine Ports as potential carriers of military cargoes from July 20

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BREAKING: Russia says it will consider all ships traveling through Black Sea to Ukraine Ports as potential carriers of military cargoes from July 20

11:29 AM · Jul 19, 2023·9,980 Views

Russia puts Black Sea cargoes on alert after grain deal exit

AFPJuly 19, 2023 11:29 am

Russia said Wednesday it would consider cargo ships headed for Ukraine via the Black Sea as potential military targets, following Moscow’s decision to exit a landmark deal for the export of grain from Ukraine.

Following a second night of strikes around the southern Ukrainian port of Odesa, President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of deliberately targeting grain export infrastructure and putting vulnerable countries at risk.

Kyiv at the same time urged other countries in the Black Sea region to intervene to assure the safe passage of cargo ships.

The effective closure of the sea route reignited fears of being flooded with cheap grain among Ukraine’s European neighbours, who called on the EU to extend an import ban.

“From 00:00 am Moscow time on 20 July 2023 (2100 GMT Wednesday), all vessels sailing on the Black Sea to Ukrainian ports will be regarded as potential carriers of military cargo,” the Russian defence ministry said.

“Flag states of such vessels will be considered to be involved in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kyiv regime,” the ministry said in the warning.

The beginning of Moscow’s Ukraine campaign last year saw Black Sea ports blocked by warships until the agreement, brokered by the UN and Turkey.

The Kremlin said it was exiting the deal on Monday, after months of complaining that a related agreement allowing the export of Russian food and fertilisers had not been honoured.

‘Robbing the world’

Moscow accused Ukraine of using the Black Sea grain corridor for “combat purposes”, following Russia’s withdrawal from the deal.

The Russian army said in a statement it had hit “military industrial facilities, infrastructure for fuel, and ammunition depots of the Ukrainian armed forces near the city of Odesa” in the overnight assault.

But Kyiv said the strikes had destroyed 60,000 tonnes of grain waiting for export.

“Russian terrorists deliberately targeted the grain deal infrastructure, and every Russian missile is a blow not only to Ukraine, but to everyone in the world who wants a normal and safe life,” Zelensky said on social media.

The deal enabled the export of more than 32 million tonnes of Ukrainian grain over the last year, bringing relief to countries facing critical food shortages such as Afghanistan, Sudan and Yemen.

With the strikes in Odesa, Russian President Vladimir Putin “is robbing the world of any hope of Ukrainian grain”, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Twitter.

Ukraine said it was prepared to continue grain exports despite the end of the deal and called on other countries to help.

“A UN mandate should be added here to create a military patrol that would include countries in contact with the region, for example Turkey, Bulgaria or any others,” Ukraine’s presidential aide Mykhailo Podolyak told AFP.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s European neighbours urged the EU to extend a grain import ban until the end of the year, amid fears local farmers would be undercut by diverted Ukrainian supplies.

In June, Brussels agreed to allow Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania to restrict imports of grain from Ukraine through September.

“Either the European Commission agrees to develop… regulations to extend this ban, or we will do it ourselves,” said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, whose country is otherwise a staunch supporter of Ukraine.

Civilian evacuation

Elsewhere, the Russian army said it had advanced one kilometre (less than one mile) along the frontline in Ukraine’s northeastern region of Kharkiv.

In Crimea, Russian officials ordered the evacuation of 2,000 people, following the fire at a military site on the Moscow-annexed peninsula.

“The temporary evacuation of residents of four localities adjacent to the military field in the Kirovsky district is planned,” said the Moscow-installed head of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov.

Authorities did not specify the cause of the fire, but some Russian media reported that detonations were heard in the area and footage showed columns of black smoke in the sky.

“We know that there was a fire there. Emergency measures are being taken, the situation is being clarified,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Military targets on the peninsula, a key supply artery for Russia’s war in Ukraine, have been hit repeatedly in recent months.

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faa00c No.72944

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206001 (191659ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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faa00c No.72945

File: a6d346d13320a77⋯.png (429.76 KB,530x504,265:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206003 (191700ZJUL23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill It’s Diamond Week!♦️

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It’s Diamond Week!♦️ Soldiers from the 75th FAB started with a high-energy relay race hosted by 100th BSB, featuring runs, push-ups, deadlifts, and more. The competition continued with a thrilling flag football tournament hosted by 3-13 FAR

#FiresStrong #ToughAsDiamonds


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faa00c No.72946

File: 492c173a2b3f1b6⋯.png (353.63 KB,370x554,185:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206004 (191700ZJUL23) Notable: Russia says it will consider all ships traveling through Black Sea to Ukraine Ports as potential carriers of military cargoes from July 20

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woops - article sauce


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faa00c No.72947

File: 9c60ebef7d1eacd⋯.png (208.62 KB,535x532,535:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206013 (191702ZJUL23) Notable: @USNavy Flank speed! 🌊 ⚓ 🇺🇸

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Flank speed! 🌊 ⚓ 🇺🇸

The expeditionary fast transport ship #USNSBurlington (T-EFP 10) conducts a series of drills and maneuvers as it participates in #UNITAS LXIV, July 15, 2023. UNITAS is the world’s longest-running maritime exercise. Hosted this year by Colombia.


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faa00c No.72948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206029 (191705ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Chairman Comer: The Bidens' created over twenty shell companies. Most of which were created when Joe Biden was vice president. Bank records so far show the Biden family, their business associates and their companies, received over ten million dollars from foreign nationals and related companies. A lot of this money poured in while Joe Biden was vice president.

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faa00c No.72949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206038 (191708ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Chairman Comer: After foreign companies sent money to business associates companies, the Bidens then received incremental payments over time to various different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions were used deliberately to conceal the source of funds and total amounts...this is an influence peddling scheme to enrich the Bidens.

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faa00c No.72950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206057 (191712ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Smith: The IRS recommended multiple felony charges against Hunter Biden, for tax years 2014-2019, relating to at least $8.3 million in income from foreign companies, including companies based in China, Romania, and Ukraine...the Department of Justice engaged in a campaign to delay, divulge, and deny that investigation. They delayed investigators for years, leading to the expiration of the statute of limitations for many of the crimes involved.

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faa00c No.72951

File: 42ba745b6614716⋯.png (266.15 KB,531x562,531:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206076 (191717ZJUL23) Notable: @DeptofDefense Fast moving logistics!

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Fast moving logistics!



air-cushioned landing craft enters the well deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan during operations in the Atlantic Ocean.



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faa00c No.72952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206084 (191718ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Raskin speaks of 'smearing Biden', by 'promoting baseless conspiracy theories'.

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faa00c No.72953

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206091 (191720ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Raskin: Like every other try by our colleagues to concoct a scandal about Biden, this one is a complete and total bust.

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faa00c No.72954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206098 (191722ZJUL23) Notable: Minister calls for creation of United States of Europe, Czech Republic’s Martin Dvorak

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Minister calls for creation of United States of Europe

This would allow the region to become an equal global player, the Czech Republic’s Martin Dvorak has argued

The EU in its current form is not nearly as strong as its population and economic power would suggest, Czech Minister for European Affairs Martin Dvorak said in an interview with EURACTIV.cz on Tuesday.

Admitting that this position is “not at all popular,” the minister proposed that the European Union should be turned into “a European Federation or a United States of Europe,” which he claimed would put it in a position where it could be “a truly equal partner in the game between China, America, or Russia and India.”

A hypothetical European federation has also been referred to as the United States of Europe, the European State or Federal Europe. The EU is currently classified as an informal confederation or a union of sovereign states which operates through a hybrid system of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism.

The federalization of the bloc would see it turn into something akin to the US with a single centralized government, which would hold ultimate authority over member states.

While the current Czech government has been hesitant to deepen its integration with the EU, which it officially joined back in 2004, Dvorak has been a vocal supporter of the bloc and has criticized Euroskepticism in his home country.

“I think that the debate in our country lacks the Euro-optimistic or Euro-positive wing, and that is what I want to bring to the debate,” Dvorak explained.

In his interview with EURACTIV, the minister also shared his position on EU reforms and particularly the removal of EU country vetoes in certain policy areas.

“If I define myself as a federalist, then this would undoubtedly be a possible option for me, but, on the other hand, I am very well aware that the political situation is not ripe for that yet. I don’t even know at this point if it ever will,” he stated.

Meanwhile, the Centre for Public Opinion Research (CVVM) published a poll last week showing that trust in the EU, NATO and the UN had dropped sharply among Czechs over the past year. The survey’s authors have suggested that the drop could be attributed to the ongoing economic and migration crisis.


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faa00c No.72955

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206104 (191722ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Raskin: And in the past few weeks as Hunter Biden accepted a guilty plea, [Biden] and his attorney general have done nothing to interfere with the case, which is overseen by a federal judge appointed by Donald Trump.

[meaning that they did interfere]

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faa00c No.72956

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206107 (191723ZJUL23) Notable: Russia says it will consider all ships traveling through Black Sea to Ukraine Ports as potential carriers of military cargoes from July 20

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Russian military issues maritime warning for Black Sea

All ships heading for Ukrainian ports will be treated as potentially carrying weaponry, the Russian Defense Ministry has said

The Russian military issued a new navigational warning for the Black Sea on Wednesday, declaring certain areas in its international waters to be “temporarily unsafe” for vessels. Apart from that, the military advised seafarers against attempting to reach Ukraine’s ports, stating that all vessels heading there will be treated as potential carriers of war goods starting from Thursday.

Therefore, the flag state of a ship attempting to reach the Ukrainian Black Sea ports will be deemed as “taking part in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kiev regime,” the Russian Defense ministry said in a statement.

The military said it also declared certain areas in the international waters of the Black Sea to be “temporarily unsafe” for navigation. The areas are located in the north-west and south-east of the waterway, the military noted, adding that all the necessary navigational warnings have already been published as required under existing procedures.

“With the termination of the Black Sea Initiative and the abolition of the maritime humanitarian corridor, from 00:00 Moscow time on July 20, 2023, all ships en route to Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea will be considered potential carriers of military cargo,” the military insisted.

The new restrictions de-facto re-impose the Russian naval blockade on Ukraine, lifted under the so-called Black Sea grain deal in July 2022. The agreement, signed with mediation by the UN and Türkiye, enabled the safe shipment of Ukrainian grain through Black Sea corridors amid the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. Moscow withdrew from the deal on Monday, citing the West’s failure to keep any of the promises made to Russia under the agreement, including re-enabling exports of grain and fertilizers from the country.

Over the past two days, Russia has also ramped up its cruise missile and suicide drone attacks on Ukraine, extensively striking targets in and around Odessa, the key port city of the country. The strikes come in retaliation to the new Ukrainian attack on Russia’s Crimean Bridge, which coincided with the termination of the grain deal.


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faa00c No.72957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206116 (191724ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Raskin: No matter what my GOP colleagues say...there is no evidence that Hinter Biden has received any kind of official favoritism in this prosecution for being Joe Biden's son.

[Raskin is in a catastrophic panic kek]

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faa00c No.72958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206141 (191728ZJUL23) Notable: Putin 2015 speech @UN

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www started earlier than you realize

"Do you realize what you've done?"

~Vladimir Putin

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faa00c No.72959

File: e0d4bfe13676687⋯.png (1.27 MB,1388x779,1388:779,Clipboard.png)

File: 7132c047a6293a8⋯.png (1.38 MB,1385x777,1385:777,Clipboard.png)

File: b02e0dda022392c⋯.png (1.3 MB,1387x779,73:41,Clipboard.png)

File: c59ac478301703b⋯.png (1.42 MB,1385x775,277:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 94d6f51ae568017⋯.png (1.41 MB,1384x779,1384:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206144 (191729ZJUL23) Notable: Russia Claims State Dept. and Atlantic Council Censor Info on US Biolabs Run by Bill Gates and Hunter Biden-linked Metabiota

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Russia Claims State Dept. and Atlantic Council Censor Info on US Biolabs Run by Bill Gates and Hunter Biden-linked Metabiota

The U.S. State Department is conducting an “active outreach campaign” to “neutralize Russian accusations that US military biologists had violated the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention,” Russian bioweapons chief Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov charged in a Russian Defense Ministry presentation July 14.

The International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC) in Astana, Kazakhstan plays a key role in the censorship of claims about US bioweapons in Ukraine, Kirillov charged, together with Wooden Horse Strategies, a U.S. consulting firm in Kiev run by Atlantic Council Eurasia Center senior fellow Brian Mefford.

The contract between ISTC and Wooden Horse “provides for the posting of relevant material at least eight times a month, as well as the monitoring of ‘pro-Russian’ publications on this topic appearing online and promptly responding to them, including blocking access”, Kirillov claimed.

The International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC) “funds Internet activities to combat information about U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine and to promote a positive perception of Washington’s projects in the post-Soviet space,” according to Kirillov.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding “dual-use production facilities, such as Oxitec biotechnology company, which could be used to mass-produce vectors” of infection for bioweapons, Kirillov charged.

“An increase in the number of non-endemic Asian tiger mosquitoes has already been recorded in southern and central Europe”, Kirillov claimed. “In Germany, populations of this species have established in five federal districts. Another mosquito species (Culex modestus), a vector of West Nile fever, has been identified in Sweden and Finland.”

Kirilliv charges the work of U.S. military biologists is “aimed at the formation of ‘artificially managed epidemics’ not controlled by the Biological Weapons Convention.”

Russia claims to have seized documents proving the Pentagon maintained bioweapons research institutions in Ukraine through Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and participating in biowarfare in the mainly Russian-speaking Donbass 2014 to 2022.

The U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) maintains seven U.S. Navy laboratories, three of which are located outside the USA, in Italy, Сambodia and Peru. The NAMRU-3 installation moved from Cairo, Egypt to Sigonella Naval Air Station in Italy t on Dec. 12, 2019. NAMRU-2 has been located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia since 2002. USN Naval Medical Research Unit 6 (NAMRU-6) was founded in Lima, Peru 1983.

Kirillov claims that the activity of NAMRU foreign branches “is not limited only to gathering and shipment of pathogens.” He accused the Pentagon of “trying to promote the interests of large American pharmaceutical companies, which are the main sponsors of the Democratic Party’s election campaigns.”

He claims that DOD documents acquired in Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine show the Pentagon “planned to use the United States military to test unregistered medical products on local populations and then have them approved by regulatory bodies in the interest of so-called Big Pharma.”

According to Kirillov, “a network of subordinate biolaboratories and intermediary organisations” was used, including the Hunter Biden-financed Metabiota.



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faa00c No.72960

File: 94d6f51ae568017⋯.png (1.41 MB,1384x779,1384:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206150 (191730ZJUL23) Notable: Russia Claims State Dept. and Atlantic Council Censor Info on US Biolabs Run by Bill Gates and Hunter Biden-linked Metabiota

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A Metabiota tender seized in a Ukrainian biolaboratory addressed to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases “relates to infectious diseases specialists training in Kenya and Uganda”, Kirillov charged. Kirillov claims the document proves the Pentagon’s Defence Threat Reduction Agency, Department of Homeland Security, USAID and EU organizations “have been involved in pathogens research in countries of the African continent.”

“Metabiota’s involvement in the study of the H7N9 avian influenza virus was confirmed, as well as its leading role in the Predict project, which studied new strains of coronaviruses and captured bats that carry them in the natural environment,” claims Kirillov. “Representatives of Metabiota themselves admit that, in fact, they are engaged in networking to ensure the work of the Pentagon and other U.S. agencies abroad.”


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faa00c No.72961

File: e9ee8168030231a⋯.png (302.44 KB,530x509,530:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206177 (191735ZJUL23) Notable: Happy #NationalDaiquiriDay!

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Happy #NationalDaiquiriDay! In addition to overseeing the construction of Bethesda Naval Hospital, RADM Lucius Johnson introduced the daiquiri to America. He discovered the rum and lime juice cocktail while in Cuba in 1909 and brought the recipe to the Army and Navy Club in D.C.


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faa00c No.72962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206183 (191736ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Ziegler [IRS Special Agent]: In the Criminal Tax Manual, Chapter 10...Tax Division Policy states that cases involving individuals who fail to file tax returns or pay a tax, but who also commit acts of evasion or obstruction, should be charged as felonies.

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faa00c No.72963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206191 (191738ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Ziegler: Hunter Biden did not report any of the money he earned from Burisma for 2014 tax year, which would have been a tax loss to the government of a hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars.

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faa00c No.72964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206207 (191740ZJUL23) Notable: IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

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Ziegler: There is nothing that indicated Hunter Biden will be required to amend his tax return for 2018. A false tax return that includes improper deductions for prostitutes, sex clubs, and his adult children's tuition.

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faa00c No.72965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206213 (191742ZJUL23) Notable: #23588

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#23588 >>72909

>>72911, >>72910, >>72932 You decide/Aldean


>>72913 @realDonaldTrump These vicious Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Democrats have attacked my lawyers at a level never seen before, and yet I keep on winning.

>>72914 Travis Scott's concert at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza has been canceled by The Egyptian Syndicate of Musical Professions because "he's a Freemason….satanic

>>72915 chief of comms for Center for Countering Digital Hate - a straight-up CIA operative who served as a spokeswoman for rolling out domestic surveillance technology/Moran

>>72916 January 6er Ronnie Sandlin Sentenced to Over Five Years in Prison After Refusing to Cooperate with Feds

>>72917, >>72922, >>72923 the same thing DOJ just indicted Trump electors for considering doing

>>72918, >>72920 THREAD: In 2016, Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and corporate news outlets urged electors to vote against President-elect Donald Trump.

>>72919 Association of Advisory Committee Votes With US Food and Drug Administration Decision-Making on Prescription Drugs, 2010-2021

>>72921 Ebbudy Wing Chun

>>72924, >>72926, >>72944, >>72948, >>72949, >>72950, >>72952, >>72953, >>72955, >>72957, >>72962, >>72963, >>72964 IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

>>72925 Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing)

>>72927 Russia Introduces Digital Ruble as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

>>72928 Prosecutors Agree with Rapper 50 Cent that Los Angles is “Finished’ Due to Its ‘No-Bail’ Policy

>>72929 Police Say 8-Year-Old Boy Carjacked Victim At Gunpoint Before Leading Cops On Chase

>>72930 Report from Western Australia Describes Vaccine Injuries/ Adverse Events

>>72931, >>72933, >>72935, >>72934, >>72938, >>72939, >>72940 CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

>>72936 Herzog addresses Congress

>>72937 QClock July 19, 2023 - PANIC is real. ALL HANDS ON DECK.

>>72941 US Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Announces Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes

>>72942 Buckwheat up

>>72943, >>72946, >>72956 Russia says it will consider all ships traveling through Black Sea to Ukraine Ports as potential carriers of military cargoes from July 20

>>72945 @OfficialFtSill It’s Diamond Week!♦️

>>72947 @USNavy Flank speed! 🌊 ⚓ 🇺🇸

>>72951 @DeptofDefense Fast moving logistics!

>>72954 Minister calls for creation of United States of Europe, Czech Republic’s Martin Dvorak

>>72958 Putin 2015 speech @UN

>>72959, >>72960 Russia Claims State Dept. and Atlantic Council Censor Info on US Biolabs Run by Bill Gates and Hunter Biden-linked Metabiota

>>72961 Happy #NationalDaiquiriDay!


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faa00c No.72966

File: e75daebaf685a48⋯.jpg (113.78 KB,687x500,687:500,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ff385df305f362⋯.png (456.87 KB,875x500,7:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 77d3a852c8f181e⋯.jpg (58.71 KB,712x499,712:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e9ee8168030231a⋯.png (302.44 KB,530x509,530:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206225 (191744ZJUL23) Notable: #23589

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faa00c No.72967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206254 (191748ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower hearing

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Shapley [IRS Supervisory Special Agent]: Assistant United States Attorney Leslie Wolf cited the optics of executing a search warrant at [Joe Biden's] residence as a deciding factor for not allowing it, even though she agreed that probable cause existed. Prosecutors instructed investigators not to ask about 'The Big Guy', or 'Dad' when conducting interviews. The Biden transition tea, was tipped off about interviews the night before the investigation went overt.

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faa00c No.72968

File: 98b936496ae419c⋯.png (3.65 MB,1456x1941,1456:1941,Clipboard.png)

File: bc48a2e06ceb83f⋯.png (163.95 KB,782x852,391:426,Clipboard.png)

File: ae4d319d0153d5f⋯.png (88.88 KB,723x879,241:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206259 (191748ZJUL23) Notable: Confidential Biden DOD memo reveals "transgender" service members can skip deployments and receive indefinite physical fitness/standards waivers

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Confidential Biden DOD memo reveals "transgender" service members can skip deployments and receive indefinite physical fitness/standards waivers

The Dossier is publishing the Pentagon memo for public consumption.

The Dossier has acquired a new Department of Defense (DOD) memo that goes into great detail on the topic of “care of service members who identify as transgender.”

The document, which is not classified but has long remained unavailable to Americans, is being published here for the first time for public consumption.

The 34 page memo details the enormous perks granted to service members who identify as transgender.

At the beginning of his tenure, President Biden ended President Trump’s ban on people who identify as transgender serving in the military. Since then, the Biden Administration has granted more and more benefits to this cohort, leading to dudes like this being celebrated by the Defense Department.

The United States military is facing its worst recruiting environment since 1973, when the conscription era ended and the current all-volunteer force was formed. As the Defense Department memo makes clear, the U.S. military in 2023 represents more of a social welfare and social justice program than an entity purposed with defeating an aggressing army.




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faa00c No.72969

File: 0f2dd096097c491⋯.png (229.89 KB,578x365,578:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206266 (191749ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Jason Smith's opening statement on IRS Whistleblowers, Justice Department Corruption, and the Biden Family's Crimes:

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Rep. Jason Smith's opening statement on IRS Whistleblowers, Justice Department Corruption, and the Biden Family's Crimes:

"These two courageous whistleblowers provided my committee with devastating testimony, showing that the government is not treating all taxpayers equally. And the DOJ and the IRS gave preferential treatment to the president son during a criminal investigation into his taxes...

The IRS recommended multiple felony charges against Hunter Biden for tax years 2014 through 2019, relating to at least 8.3 million in income from foreign companies, including companies based in China, Romania, and Ukraine, and that is the only amount discovered despite the roadblocks and obstruction their investigation faced.

The Department of Justice engaged in a campaign to delay, divulge and deny that investigation. They delayed investigators for years, leading to the expiration of the statute of limitations for many of the crimes involved.

They divulge key investigative details to Biden's attorneys and even the president transition team. And they denied investigators the ability to authenticate evidence serve warrants, question witnesses and bring charges.

This led to Hunter Biden's sweetheart agreement announced five years after the investigation started. But mere days before my committee voted to publicly released this testimony.

Would Americans in my congressional district or any other congressional district ever receive this same treatment?

...Americans should not have to accept two tiers of justice in this country. One if your last name is Biden, and one for everybody else."



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faa00c No.72970

File: 7ff41cfe2fd948a⋯.png (1.5 MB,1170x1935,26:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206280 (191750ZJUL23) Notable: IRS whistleblower Joseph Zeigler tells @CBS_Herridge that despite being a Democrat, he did not vote for president in the 2020 election while working on the Hunter Biden investigation

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IRS whistleblower Joseph Zeigler tells @CBS_Herridge that despite being a Democrat, he did not vote for president in the 2020 election while working on the Hunter Biden investigation because he felt doing so would be irresponsible and show potential bias.


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faa00c No.72971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206292 (191751ZJUL23) Notable: Nigel Farage On “Chinese Social Credit System”

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Nigel Farage On “Chinese Social Credit System”: “They Revoked my Bank Account Over “Stasi-Style” Report on Brexit, “Racism” and Meeting Tennis Star Novak Djokovic


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faa00c No.72972

File: 08afbb9aeb7eeda⋯.png (68.39 KB,371x653,371:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206299 (191752ZJUL23) Notable: Odessa Port Heavily Bombarded by Drones and Missiles in Worst Attack of the War - Russia Obliterates Ukrainian Infrastructure on the Black Sea

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Odessa Port Heavily Bombarded by Drones and Missiles in Worst Attack of the War – Russia Obliterates Ukrainian Infrastructure on the Black Sea

The failure of the grain deal (undermining the bridge) will result in huge financial losses for Ukraine. And the strikes on the Black Sea ports are tied into it.

It was the most powerful attack on the city since the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine.

From what can be gathered from Ukrainian sources, the Russian combined arms attack included around 32 Iranian UAV ‘Geranium’, 16 Calibre Missiles, 8 X-22s, 6 hypersonic Onyx missiles and one X-59 flew across the skies of Ukraine.

VIDEO: watch insane footage of missile strike in Odessa.

The targets were the infrastructure of the ports of Odessa and the region, industrial zones adjacent to it, military airfield and oil depot on the railway station.

“The mayor of Odessa, Gennady Trukhanov, announced the largest attack on the city since the beginning of the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

‘One of the worst nights… We don’t remember this scale of attack since the start of a full-scale invasion’, he said.”

Russian Defense Ministry:

“Tonight the Russian Federation Armed Forces carried out a group strike with sea- and air-based precision weapons against military industry facilities, fuel infrastructure and ammunition depots of the Ukrainian military in Odessa vicinity, as well as against the Kanatovo air base of the Ukrainian Air Force in the Kirovograd region.”

“Regarding the strikes on Odessa and elsewhere: It bears mentioning that these are not yet the ‘strikes of retribution’.

All these—admittedly massive—strikes were planned in advance. Nothing of this magnitude happens as a knee-jerk reaction to a terrorist act. As always, targets must be ascertained, verified, confirmed. The amount of planning that goes into these types of combined strikes is not done in a day.”

Russia has been long planning the exit from the ‘grain deal’ and how to do it.

“The destruction of the Ukrainian ports is an inevitable consequence of Russia’s decision to leave the ‘grain deal’ behind. Rather than try to police any ships with crews foolish enough to attempt docking in Ukraine, it’s best to simply make it impossible to dock in Ukraine.”


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faa00c No.72973

File: 3941b62947c2c6f⋯.png (422.97 KB,1170x1888,585:944,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206301 (191752ZJUL23) Notable: …Shapley just said that they were warned that the statute of limitations was about to expire but that there was an agreement to again extend

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...Shapley just said that they were warned that the statute of limitations was about to expire but that there was an agreement to again extend the statute of limitations. He suggested that the Biden team agreed but let the statute expired anyway...


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faa00c No.72974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206312 (191754ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower hearing

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Shapley: The Biden Family attorneys appear to be representing Hunter Biden, [Joe] Biden, and the Department of Justice, and they are not working for free. As been reported in pubic sources, there is a large fund paying for legal fees for Biden Family attorneys. The source of those funds is unknown. They have virtually unlimited resources to resources to pursue their agenda.

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faa00c No.72975

File: 525c4e5528317d5⋯.png (77.81 KB,1170x646,585:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206316 (191754ZJUL23) Notable: Stanford University president resigns following concerns about his research and papers.

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JUST IN - Stanford University president resigns following concerns about his research and papers.

>resignation anon

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faa00c No.72976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206326 (191755ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower hearing

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>>72966 TYB!

LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023


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faa00c No.72977

File: c2f3d47c74b6cfd⋯.png (274.7 KB,818x928,409:464,Clipboard.png)

File: c598812169c9de7⋯.png (291.96 KB,841x761,841:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 1902111b2ec1687⋯.png (250.17 KB,811x819,811:819,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c83272a322d31a⋯.png (212.9 KB,723x683,723:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206351 (191757ZJUL23) Notable: "In Their Labs": Fifteen Illuminating Passages In The Proximal Origin Chats And Emails

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"In Their Labs": Fifteen Illuminating Passages In The Proximal Origin Chats And Emails

Public and Racket have just published a pair of stories about a scientific cover-up and the manufacture of a major media deception, respectively, in the Covid-19 crisis. Both stories rely upon newly released documents from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which is investigating communications between the authors of the influential Nature article from March, 2020, The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2, and health officials like Drs. Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Jeremy Farrar.

You can read the backstory involving these documents in the two pieces linked above. The key characters are Proximal Origin co-authors Dr. Kristian Andersen, Dr. Robert Garry, Dr. Andrew Rambaut, Dr. Edward Holmes, and Dr. Ian Lipkin. Here, I thought Racket readers might benefit from a simple list of illustrations showing key exchanges. You can draw your own conclusions:


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faa00c No.72978

File: 6c71528a8980500⋯.png (21.94 KB,443x246,443:246,Clipboard.png)

File: 5febcb08949c201⋯.png (306.96 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d47a211a4d7234⋯.png (283.79 KB,559x400,559:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c01406990532ec⋯.png (333.58 KB,598x648,299:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206353 (191758ZJUL23) Notable: Trends: "Whistleblower X", #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed, "House Oversight Committee"

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Trend: "Whistleblower X"


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faa00c No.72979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206370 (191801ZJUL23) Notable: PA: Innamorato resigns from state House of Representatives

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Innamorato resigns from state House of Representatives

small time doin's in PA politics...

Rep. Sara Innamorato announced her resignation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on Wednesday.

The announcement comes on the heels of Innamorato’s winning the Democratic primary for the next Allegheny County Executive.

RELATED COVERAGE: Sara Innamorato declares victory in Democratic primary for Allegheny County executive

“It has been an honor of a lifetime to serve as your Representative for the 21st Legislative District,” said Innamorato in a news release. “Throughout my time as a Representative, my constituents’ stories inspired and drove my legislative priorities around creating safe and healthy communities where we can all thrive. Together, we’ve done amazing things to improve our region, and I am excited to continue serving our neighbors for years to come.”

Innamorato’s decision to resign now allows her the opportunity to work with the next representative and fully transition them into the role before the general election in November, according to Sam Wasserman, her director of communications.

Speaker Joanna McClinton signed a writ for a special election to be held in 21st Legislative District on Sept 19.

“Sara is an unwavering advocate for her neighbors and a strong voice for all working families,” McClinton said, “Her tenacity and commitment are admirable, and she will be missed in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.”

The 21st Legislative District Office at 5154 Butler Street in Pittsburgh will remain open and the staff will continue to be in place to assist constituents with state-related issues.


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faa00c No.72980

File: 9aae04cd8b2ce9f⋯.png (27.75 KB,719x246,719:246,Clipboard.png)

File: 285bd17455f22b3⋯.png (207.57 KB,598x400,299:200,Clipboard.png)

File: 871a07c5ba06bbc⋯.png (346.06 KB,598x595,598:595,Clipboard.png)

File: bf5f5c219b1b920⋯.png (361.84 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206374 (191801ZJUL23) Notable: Trends: "Whistleblower X", #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed, "House Oversight Committee"

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TREND: #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed


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faa00c No.72981

File: 702e061efd59931⋯.png (41.26 KB,783x650,783:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206384 (191803ZJUL23) Notable: Former State Judge And AG Splits From Industry-Sponsored Panelist, Rules Bud Light Violated Code By Marketing To Minors

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Former State Judge And AG Splits From Industry-Sponsored Panelist, Rules Bud Light Violated Code By Marketing To Minors

One of the Beer Institute’s Code Compliance Review Board members (CCRB), a former state court appeals judge and Tennessee attorney general, found Bud Light violated code after the beer industry ad panel issued a ruling Tuesday over the brand’s ad campaign with a transgender influencer.

The majority of CCRB decided Bud Light did not violate the Beer Institute’s marketing code prohibiting marketing to minors. However, Paul Summers wrote a dissenting opinion and found Bud Light did violate the code. Summers is the only member of the CCRB who is a lawyer. This is also the first time CCRB has issued dissent.

Bud Light has faced heavy criticism and lost its spot as America’s top-selling beer in early June after transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney showed off a personalized beer can featuring the influencer’s face. Bud Light’s sponsorship of Mulvaney violated the beer industry’s code prohibiting the marketing of alcohol to underage individuals, according to Summers’ dissent.

“Dylan Mulvaney has a persona wherein the actor looks and acts like a little girl. Mulvaney appeals to little children and often behaves like one,” Summers’ dissent and the CCRB’s decision reads.

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, praised Summers’ opinion in a statement to the Daily Caller.

“This is the first time a review board member — and notably, the board’s only lawyer — has concluded that a brewer violated industry code prohibiting the marketing of alcoholic beverages to underage individuals. I applaud Judge Summers for having the courage to state what is self-evident: Mulvaney’s persona ‘looks and acts like a little girl’ and ‘appeals to little children and often behaves like one.’ It is clear Mulvaney was chosen because he produces content for a younger audience, and therefore, his selection would violate the industry’s self-regulatory code. Judge Summers also rightly noted that Anheuser-Busch failed to provide the ‘reasonable documentation’ I requested about the brewer’s decision to choose Mulvaney, effectively withholding from the board and Congress crucial information about the company’s actions,” Cruz said.

Cruz published a 13-page memo in June with various examples of how Anheuser-Busch’s sponsorship of Mulvaney was allegedly meant to appeal to minors. Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth, who serves as chairman of the Beer Institute, has continuously refused to comply with congressional requests for documents, according to Cruz’s memo.


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faa00c No.72982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206398 (191804ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower hearing

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Raskin: It seems to me that a lot of your testimony has been about the problem of prosecutorial discretion...

[the discretion to specifically not charge those in political positions of power?]

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faa00c No.72983

File: f108c83af9cb09d⋯.png (327.11 KB,562x501,562:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206404 (191805ZJUL23) Notable: Conservative Party Suspends Christian Councillor for Calling Pride a Sin

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Conservative Party Suspends Christian Councillor for Calling Pride a Sin

The Conservative Party has been accused of engaging in cancel culture after a councillor was suspended for expressing the Christian belief that “pride is a sin” on social media.

King Lawal, a Northamptonshire councillor, has claimed that the Conservative Campaign Headquarters (CCHQ) was behind the decision to suspend him from his role over a post on Twitter in which he criticised the radical LGBTQ+ Pride movement from a Christian perspective.

In a now-deleted post responding to images of Pride Parades, Lawal said: “When did Pride become a thing to celebrate. Because of Pride Satan fell as an arch Angel. Pride is not a virtue but a Sin. Those who have Pride should Repent of their sins and return to Jesus Christ. He can save you. #PrideMonth #Pride23 #PrideParade.”

The post also included an image with the Biblical verse Isaiah 3 verse 9, saying: “Whatever God calls ‘Sin’ is nothing to be Proud of.”

For this, the Northamptonshire Tory Party suspended him for 21 days, in a move that Lawal claims was done at the behest of CCHQ, a claim the party headquarters denies.

In addition to being suspended by the Conservatives, Lawal said that he was also forced to resign from his job in the nursing business and was removed as a trustee from an organisation helping children experience nature. The councillor was also reportedly suspended as a member of the Weavers Academy secondary school in Wellingborough, The Telegraph reported.

On top of all that, his local library also prohibited him from hosting a meeting with his constituents.


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faa00c No.72984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206413 (191806ZJUL23) Notable: 206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

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206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM) officers rescued 206 Central American migrants trapped in a sealed semi-tractor trailer. The Guatemalan and Honduran migrants, including women and children, told authorities cartel smugglers drugged them to inhibit the urge to use a bathroom during the trip. The migrants were encountered in the Mexican state of Veracruz on Saturday evening.

According to INM, authorities from multiple agencies discovered the tractor-trailer on the side of a roadway near Cardel, Veracruz. An inspection of the trailer revealed the hidden human cargo within. Twenty of the 206 migrants found inside were unaccompanied migrant children wearing identity bracelets placed on them by the migrant smugglers.

Authorities indicate the trailer appeared to have been modified by adding a support structure to afford a second floor. This enabled the trailer to accommodate more migrants. An additional modification was made to defeat the use of X-ray technology used by authorities to detect the migrants hidden inside. The migrants were found to be suffering from dehydration and claimed they were forced to ingest an unknown medication to reduce bodily functions while being transported.

According to INM, the group consisted of 144 members of family units, 42 single adults, and 20 unaccompanied migrant children.

The migrant encounter on Saturday was one of three migrant smuggling cases encountered by INM authorities in tractor-trailers in just two days. In all, more than 500 migrants were discovered inside three tractor-trailers in the Mexican state of Veracruz.

In the first case, Mexican law enforcement authorities discovered 107 migrants being transported in a trailer headed to Puebla from Veracruz. Police stopped the driver of the tractor-trailer for speeding. An inspection of the vehicle led to the discovery of the migrants. In that incident, the migrants were from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Cuba. The driver of the vehicle and five other suspects connected to the case now face criminal charges related to migrant smuggling.

In the second of three tractor-trailer cases in two days, 196 migrants were discovered in an abandoned tractor-trailer parked along a roadway near Fortin de las Flores, Veracruz. In that incident, five Indian nationals were discovered among the group of mostly Central American migrants. Nineteen unaccompanied migrant children were also discovered inside the tractor-trailer. No arrests were made in relation to this case.

Lacking statutory arrest authority in Mexico, the INM categorizes all detentions related to foreign nationals lacking proper immigration permits as rescues. According to INM, in 2022, more than 746,000 irregular migrants, likely headed to the United States, were rescued by the agency.


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faa00c No.72985

File: 5b7e58404abff79⋯.png (35.96 KB,895x239,895:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206422 (191807ZJUL23) Notable: AG Garland and his appointee, Jack Smith must be held to account by the House, professional organizations, and ethics committees for their brazen interference in the 2024 election.

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Mark Levin



AG Garland and his appointee, Jack Smith must be held to account by the House, professional organizations, and ethics committees for their brazen interference in the 2024 election.

Jul 19, 2023, 9:14 AM


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faa00c No.72986

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206443 (191809ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Family and Associates Received Over $10 Million from Foreign Sources Plus moar

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Real America’s Voice


Biden Family and Associates Received Over $10 Million from Foreign Sources

House Oversight Chairman Rep. James Comer: “Bank records so far show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and related companies.”


Jul 19, 2023, 1:56 PM


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faa00c No.72987

File: 98456fe56fe8ecc⋯.png (289.09 KB,768x457,768:457,Clipboard.png)

File: cbc7ab6cbf831ed⋯.png (210.45 KB,600x317,600:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206453 (191810ZJUL23) Notable: ‘At Least 25-30’ IRS Agents in Tactical Gear Raid Business in Stuart, Florida, Tee Off Temps and Elite Payroll Solutions

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‘At Least 25-30’ IRS Agents in Tactical Gear Raid Business in Stuart, Florida

On Wednesday, at least 25 to 30 IRS agents in tactical gear raided a business along Southeast Slater Street in Stuart, Florida, Fox 29 reported.

The raid, which began around 9:30 a.m. on July 12th, saw agents entering and leaving the premises of Tee Off Temps and Elite Payroll Solutions, each time laden with boxes and large backpacks.

The agents with their clothing branded with “Police, IRS, Criminal Investigation,” shocked local witnesses.

“There’s at least 25, 30 cops out here,” said one witness.

“It was like a scene from a movie, it was like what! Then they all started coming out. They had the big gear, tactical gear because they probably didn’t know what they were walking into,” said one witness, who chose to remain anonymous.

“They were taking boxes in, filling them up and bringing them out, all kinds of big backpacks,” the witness added.

These actions suggested a large-scale investigation or operation, with extensive documentation possibly being seized from the offices.

The agents were seen going in and out at Tee Off Temps and Elite Payroll Solutions, both located at 3180 Southeast Slater Street, an industrial area between A1A and Southeast Federal Highway.

IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agents were confirmed to be part of the operation, according to a written statement by Darline Toussaint, IRS Special Agent and Public Information Officer for the agency’s Miami field office.

“IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agents were at the address of Elite Payroll Solutions on 7/12/2023 on official business,” said Toussaint.

Despite the extensive operation, local residents expressed surprise. Witnesses reported that there was usually limited activity at the office and no noticeable suspicious behavior leading up to the raid.

“Never, it’s just the workers. You see them in the morning, but there’s nobody coming and going in that place,” the witness told WPTV.

WPTV News contacted the IRS for further details, but the IRS has yet to disclose the exact nature of their official business. The search warrant served is still under wraps.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Elite Payroll Solutions for a statement, but the company declined to provide any comments.

“You can’t call back here again,” said one of the employees.

According to its website, “Elite Payroll Solutions has provided payroll, HR, benefits and time & attendance solutions to businesses across all major industries in the U.S. since 1994.”


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faa00c No.72988

File: d061367b1762e9c⋯.png (24.12 KB,487x262,487:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206472 (191813ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Family and Associates Received Over $10 Million from Foreign Sources Plus moar

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Miranda Devine


Joseph Ziegler #IRSwhistleblower:

Money IRS found that was paid to Hunter Biden and associates from 2014-2019:

From Romania $3.1 million

CEFC subsidiary: $3m

Hudson West III [CEFC]: $3.7m

Burisma $6.5m

Total foreign income streams: $17m

2:09 PM · Jul 19, 2023





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faa00c No.72989

File: b64bacbd77ce02d⋯.png (419.13 KB,598x705,598:705,Clipboard.png)

File: 06eed3765233374⋯.mp4 (453.46 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206474 (191813ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler tells @CBS_Herridge that he wanted to interview Hunter Biden's adult children, but …

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@CBS_Herridge · 35m

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler tells @CBS_Herridge that he wanted to interview Hunter Biden's adult children, but was told by an Assistant U.S. Attorney that doing so would "get us into hot water."


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faa00c No.72990

File: 9481ca039f4e622⋯.png (183.71 KB,1069x937,1069:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206484 (191814ZJUL23) Notable: Second IRS whistleblower comes forward during Oversight hearing

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Second IRS whistleblower comes forward during Oversight hearing

Prior to his appearance, his identity had remained private, though his protected disclosures served to corroborate many of the claims Shapley made in the open.

he second IRS whistleblower who has contended that the investigation into first son Hunter Biden was hamstrung by Department of Justice interference came forward publicly for the first time on Wednesday during a hearing with the House Oversight Committee.

Joseph Ziegler, a veteran IRS agent who became a special agent in 2010, served on the Biden case since the beginning of the investigation. He appeared alongside his superior, Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, during the case.

Prior to his appearance, Ziegler's identity had remained private, though his protected disclosures served to corroborate many of the claims Shapley made in the open. He previously gave closed door testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee that was publicly released in late June.

During his opening statement, Ziegler acknowledged that he is in fact a Democrat and also a married gay man, but contended that such characteristics did not bolster his credibility, insisting instead that his experience and expertise ought to speak for themselves.


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faa00c No.72991

File: a5725a25ea10564⋯.png (108.29 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206488 (191814ZJUL23) Notable: UFOs impacting Air Force training, White House spox Kirby says

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UFOs impacting Air Force training, White House spox Kirby says

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby acknowledged during a Monday press conference that unidentified flying objects (UFO) and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) are creating difficulties for the U.S. Air Force.

Asked by NewsNation’s Blake Burman during Monday’s White House press briefing if increased sightings of UFOs and UAPs are perceived as a “legitimate issue” for the Biden administration, Kirby explained that the administration is taking the reported sightings “seriously.”

“Yeah, I mean, we wouldn’t have stood up an organization at the Pentagon to analyze and try to collect and coordinate the way these sightings are reported if we didn’t take it seriously,” he said.

Last year, the Department of Defense announced the formation of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office to analyze and catalogue unidentified objects.

During Monday’s press conference, Kirby noted that some of the UFOs and UAPs have impacted the U.S. Air Force’s training ranges.

“Some of these phenomena we know have already had an impact on our training ranges for, you know, when pilots are out trying to do training in the air and they see these things, they’re not sure what they are and it can have an impact on their ability to perfect their skills,” he said. “So it already had an impact here.”

According to the Daily Mail, while Kirby insisted that the Pentagon is taking the issue of UFOs seriously, he refused to answer questions regarding recent whistleblower claims, such as David Grusch, a retired senior intelligence officer who claims that the government has been covering up UFO crashes.

“Now we’re not saying what they are or what they’re not, we’re saying that there’s something our pilots are seeing, we’re saying it has had an effect on some of our training operations, and so we wanna get to the bottom of it,” Kirby said. “We wanna understand it better.”

According to The Hill, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has recently promoted a bipartisan bill that would require the government to reveal UFO documents that have not previously been released.

Additionally, the House Oversight Committee is preparing to hold a hearing next week on UFOs in light of whistleblower testimony that claims the U.S. military has recovered the remains of non-human aircraft.


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faa00c No.72992

File: 1603a3ce253972a⋯.png (349.81 KB,838x952,419:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206491 (191815ZJUL23) Notable: DOJ Sued For Failing To Register Hunter Biden As A Foreign Agent

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DOJ Sued For Failing To Register Hunter Biden As A Foreign Agent

Attorney General Merrick Garland and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) are being sued by America First Legal (AFL) for failing to require Hunter Biden to register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) during the Obama Administration, and for failing to publicly address the situation afterward.

/1🚨BREAKING — We just sued Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Biden DOJ for failing to require Hunter Biden to register as a foreign agent while Joe Biden was Vice President.

We have the receipts. Let’s break it down in a thread⤵️ pic.twitter.com/CmBOo1ixCM

— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) July 18, 2023

Although Garland is named as a defendant in the case, the AFL claims date back to the Obama White House era when Hunter Biden actively represented the Ukrainian energy business Burisma in negotiations. According to the lawsuit, it is a violation of FARA under 22 U.S.C. 611(b).

When dealing with the Obama White House and, specifically, the office of then-Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden represented Burisma and its interests “as a foreign principal,” according to email evidence cited by the AFL in another lawsuit against the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

An “agent of a foreign principal” is described as “any person who acts as an agent, representative, employee, or servant, or any person who acts in any other capacity at the order, request, or under the direction or control, of a foreign principal or of a person any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign principal,” Under FARA.

According to an email from August 2, 2017, that was recovered from Hunter’s abandoned laptop, Ye Jianming, the chairman of the CEFC China Energy, a Chinese government-linked corporation, had offered a three-year consultancy deal between the company and Hunter Biden, under which Hunter would receive $10 million per year “for introductions alone.”

James Biden, the first brother, was also a party to the arrangement.

Justice Department last week charged U.S. citizen Gal Luft with violating FARA by allegedly accepting at least $700,000 from CEFC China Energy to his Maryland-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security think tank in exchange for cohosting conferences and attempting to sway a 2016 Donald Trump campaign advisor. This sum is significantly less than the Biden family received.

The complaint claims that neither Garland compelled Hunter Biden to register as a foreign agent nor followed the law to grant him a FARA waiver. A DOJ probe is requested.

Violations of the FARA might result in severe criminal consequences.


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faa00c No.72993

File: 568da5606203d27⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x536,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206499 (191816ZJUL23) Notable: How Rap Legend Tupac Shakur Shot Down Ray Epps Defamation Claim Against Tucker and Revolver News

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Against All Odds: How Rap Legend Tupac Shakur Shot Down Ray Epps Defamation Claim Against Tucker and Revolver NewsJuly 17, 2023 (2d ago) ==1/3

Last week Ray Epps filed a defamation suit against Fox News for coverage of Epps’ involvement in the January 6. The allegedly defamatory content in question concerned reporting from Tucker Carlson and Revolver News’ Darren Beattie that appeared on Fox News that suggested Ray Epps may directly or indirectly have been acting an asset of the U.S. government — in colloquial terms, that Ray Epps may be a “fed.”

As it turns out, a little-known song from the deceased rap legend Tupac Shakur holds the key as to why Epps’ legal theory doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

What, you may ask, is the connection between the profanity laced rap song from the 90s and Ray Epps’ legal intimidation tactics against Fox News, Tucker Carlson, and yours truly, Revolver News? All shall be revealed — but first, we ask the reader to indulge us in a little table-setting to provide appropriate context.

The U.S. Government has a long and storied history of using agents provocateur in similar contexts. Epps’ behavior on January 5 and 6th was considered so egregious that he was one of the first twenty people the FBI included on its January 6th Most Wanted list. Epps had formerly served as the head of the Arizona chapter of the Oath Keepers — the most demonized and heavily prosecuted militia group associated with January 6th (whose vice president was outed as an FBI informant). Epps is the only person caught on camera, as early as the 5th, in Trump hat and camo, repeatedly inciting the crowd around him to go “INTO” the Capitol, and prefacing each exhortation with the expectation that he would probably “go to jail” and “be arrested” for such incitement.

But Epps wasn’t arrested. The DOJ was frothing at the mouth for people to make an example of, and for whatever reason it declined to charge Epps with trespassing or conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, both easy charges given his conduct and the standards according to which the DOJ prosecuted other, less high profile cases. Even stranger, former Oath Keeper Epps became the only January 6th participant that the New York Times wrote a puff piece on, 60 Minutes did a sympathy segment on, and Adam Kinzinger would defend. Bizarre, indeed.

Readers are invited to peruse the following video compilation and reflect on whether it isn’t strange that both the mainstream media and the DOJ have been bending over backwards to defend this individual, of all people.

The Ray Epps defamation lawsuit names Revolver News’ Darren Beattie as “the principal person driving the false story that Epps was a federal agent planted as a provocateur to trigger the Capitol violence on January 6th.” Furthermore, the lawsuit cites an appearance of Darren Beattie on Tucker Carlson Tonight as an example of its chief defamation claim, asserting that the “gist and sting of the broadcast, considered in its entirety, as communicating as a fact that Epps was a federal agent planted to encourage supporters of Donald Trump to go into the Capitol building.”

The reason the legal complaint has to resort to invoking the “gist” of the broadcast is that Beattie’s position was quite nuanced, and did not assert that Epps was necessarily in the direct employment of the Federal government. We encourage readers to watch the Tucker Carlson segment in question here.

This all raises a fascinating and important question. Assume for the sake of argument that someone had directly accused Ray Epps of being a federal agent. Would or could that legally count as defamation? After all, the core principle of defamation is the notion of reputational harm. It is important to recall that the January 6th protests, including the so-called “storming of the Capitol”, have been demonized by the Justice Department and the media as one of the worst domestic terror attacks in the nation’s history. From a general reputational point of view, given this context, is someone better off to be considered as an organic participant in a domestic insurrection or to have been acting in the capacity of an agent or asset of the federal government? Just to motivate our intuitions on the Epps case, it is hard to imagine that Epps would enjoy such generous treatment by the New York Times, 60 Minutes, and other mainstream outlets absent informed speculation that he may have some relationship with the government….


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faa00c No.72994

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206503 (191817ZJUL23) Notable: Trends: "Whistleblower X", #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed, "House Oversight Committee"

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TREND: "House Oversight Committee"


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faa00c No.72995

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206523 (191819ZJUL23) Notable: How Rap Legend Tupac Shakur Shot Down Ray Epps Defamation Claim Against Tucker and Revolver News

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Abstracting still further from the Epps case, one wonders whether it can be considered legal defamation at all to suggest that someone might be in the employment of the federal government. Here, oh patient reader, is where the Tupac song comes into play. In the song in question linked above, Tupac accuses another individual “Haitian Jack” of being a federal informant — a “snitch” in slang terminology. On the basis of these lyrics, “Haitian Jack,” otherwise known as Jacques Agnant, sued Tupac Shakur’s estate (Tupac at that point had lost his life in a high profile Las Vegas shooting) for defamation. The defamation complaint hinged directly on damages associated with Tupac’s lyrics calling Jacques a “fed.”

Agnant v. Shakur, 30 F. Supp. 2d 420 (S.D.N.Y. 1998):

In his complaint, plaintiff alleges that the above lyrics refer to him and, as understood by the general public, state that he “was working as an undercover federal informant” against Shakur in relation to the rap artist’s 1994 trial. (Id. ¶ 16) As a result of the lyrics, plaintiff alleges, he “has been unable to find employment commensurate with his training and experience, and has had his reputation destroyed in the community.” (Id. ¶ 19) He seeks $200 million in compensatory damages as well as punitive damages.

The counsel forTupac’s estate contended that the allegedly defamatory statements at issue were not capable of defamatory meaning. In other words, they contended that accusing someone of working for the federal government may harm that person’s reputation with some, but it nonetheless cannot be considered defamation from the standpoint of law. Interestingly, the judge in

the case, Michael Mukasey, agreed:

Here, plaintiff alleges that Shakur’s song “Against All Odds” falsely accuses him of “working as an undercover federal informant” and that, as a result of this accusation, he has suffered damage to his reputation and been placed in danger. (Compl.¶¶ 18-19) Even accepting that the statements at issue are false and caused plaintiff injury, however, plaintiff’s claim must be rejected. In order to be libelous under New York law, a false statement must hold the plaintiff up to ridicule or scorn in the minds of “right-thinking persons”; those who would think ill of one who legitimately cooperates with law enforcement officials are not such persons. Cf.

Restatement (Second) of Torts § 559, cmt. e (1977) (“The fact that a communication tends to prejudice another in the eyes of even a substantial group is not enough if the group is one whose standards are so anti-social that it is not proper for the courts to recognize them.”)

To be sure, government agents acting in an official capacity have done atrocious things.

One need not look into the history of the FBI, CIA, and other agencies — just look at how the national security community and even the Pentagon have utterly humiliated themselves institutionally by embracing far left politics and recklessly deploying their power domestically to target political opponents. Nonetheless, the judge in the case in question found thatfrom the perspective of the legal system, working for the government as an agent, asset, or informant cannot, in and of itself, be considered defamatory. After all, in theory at least, working as an agent of the government is supposed to be a reputable thing, and is in any case in theory more reputable than organically and genuinely performing objectionable actions.

In the case of Ray Epps, it cannot be defamatory to say that Epps was encouraging people to illegally go into the capitol as part of some government operation, as opposed to saying that Epps acted organically as a genuine insurrectionist. And as mentioned above,widespread public speculation that Epps might be a “fed” in some sense has ironically helped his reputation, at least in the sense that it no doubt contributed to the fact that Epps in the only January 6 participant whom legacy media outlets like the New York Times and 60 Minutes will bend over backwards to defend.

Furthermore, Judge Mukasey’s decision in the Tupac case is neither novel or some kind of outlier, but relies on a rich history of legal precedent for similar cases. Take, for instance, the following cases mentioned in the judge’s summary judgment that support similar conclusions. Note that several of these cases were heard in Delaware, the jurisdiction in which the Epps lawsuit was filed:


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faa00c No.72996

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206531 (191820ZJUL23) Notable: How Rap Legend Tupac Shakur Shot Down Ray Epps Defamation Claim Against Tucker and Revolver News

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This court is not the first to face the issue of whether falsely accusing one of acting as an informant can be defamatory. So far as I can tell, every other court to have considered the question, save one, has held, as a matter of law, that such a statement cannot be defamatory, the sole exception being the Scottish court in the nineteenth-century case of Graham v. Ray, 13 Sess. Cas. 634, 636 (1851). See Burrascano v. Levi, 452 F. Supp. 1066, 1072-73 (D.Md.1978), aff’d sub nom Burrascano v. U.S. Attorney Gen., 612 F.2d 1306 (4th Cir.1979); Saunders v. Board of Directors, WHYY-TV, 382 A.2d 257, 259 (Del.Super.Ct.1978); Heimerle v. Charter Books, 11 Media L. Rep. (BNA) 1278, 1279 (Sup.Ct. N.Y. County 1984); Connelly v. McKay, 176 Misc. 685, 28 N.Y.S.2d 327, 329-30 (Sup.Ct. N.Y. County 1941); Rose v. Borenstein, 119 N.Y.S.2d 288, 289-90 (N.Y.City Ct.1953); see also Danias v. Fakis, 261 A.2d 529, 531 (Del.Super.Ct.1969); Hallock v. Miller, 2 Barb. 630 (1848); cf. Daniel More, Informers Defamation and Public Policy, 19 Ga. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 503, 504-09, 524-26 (1989) (discussing cases from the United States and other jurisdictions).[4]

This result is interesting as a matter of defamation law, but represents only one of the myriad ways in which Epps’ lawsuit fails to pass the smell test. Worse than simply being ridiculous, the lawsuit is an offense against not only free speech, but common sense itself.

The events of January 6th have been used by our corrupt Regime to help justify the political weaponization of the DOJ and other national security institutions against patriotic Americans for political purposes. The circumstances surrounding Ray Epps’ behavior raise serious questions to put it most generously, and to put it more realistically, seem to defy any innocent explanation. The notion that journalists should be silenced and punished for doing their jobs and asking the most basic and biting questions concerning such matters of national significance is utterly absurd.

Although Epps has only sued Fox at the moment and is likely expecting a handsome settlement,we fully expect him to move his sights towards Revolver News. If and when that happens, we will be ready. Bring it.


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faa00c No.72997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206632 (191837ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Timmons outlines Biden bribery "SCHEME" in hearing

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Timmons: This scheme was born in 2014 in Ukraine [year of the US-sponsored coup], and then replicate in other countries...this is the scheme: Foreign client has a problem. Pays a Biden. Vice President Biden travels to the country. Vice President Biden leverages US influence to force a favorable outcome for the client. The Biden Family earns their fee. That's the scheme.

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faa00c No.72998

File: 385910004fb2f20⋯.png (226.95 KB,680x699,680:699,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206663 (191841ZJUL23) Notable: Govt's seeing link between CV vaxxes, ADE & degrading of immune system

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Global Alarm: Governments now believe there’s a link between COVID-19 Vaccines, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement & Immune System Degradation

Since late 2021, official Government reports have indicated the Covid-19 vaccine severely damages the immune system with the potential to cause some new form of Covid-19 vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among people who have received multiple injections.

The claims were furiously denied by the mainstream establishment despite the fact it was their data that blatantly outlined this was the case. But rather than prove otherwise most Government agencies just decided to stop publishing the damning data instead.

However, almost two years later, the authorities have quietly decided to begin an investigation into Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Antibody-Dependent Enhancement after scientists around the world, including many from Harvard and Yale, were forced to admit a debilitating suite of problems have been appearing hours, days or weeks after a Covid-19 vaccine has been administered.

But they have thus far decided to dub the condition ‘Long Vax’ in an attempt to trivialize the deadly consequences of Covid-19 vaccination and give more credence to the alleged condition ‘Long Covid’ which is otherwise known as hypochondria.


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faa00c No.72999

File: fbb22a23abd110c⋯.png (413.47 KB,872x903,872:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206666 (191842ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Whistleblower X’ Joseph Ziegler Says IRS Investigators Discouraged from Probing Biden Crimes

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‘Whistleblower X’ Joseph Ziegler Says IRS Investigators Discouraged from Probing Biden Crimes: Told that Interviewing Hunter Biden’s Adult Children Would ‘Get Us into Hot Water’

In an exclusive interview with CBS’s Catherine Herridge, Joseph Ziegler, referred to as whistleblower x, shed light on the internal restrictions on investigations concerning Joe Biden.

CBS released a segment of its exclusive interview with Ziegler, who has worked for the Internal Revenue Service for the past 13 years, on the same day that Ziegler testified in front of the House Committee at the request of lawmakers.

When Herridge asked Ziegler if he had found evidence that President Biden had financially benefited from his son, Hunter Biden’s deals, Ziegler did not feel comfortable answering the question. He alluded to an environment within the IRS that curtailed the scope of their inquiries related to the President.

“Anytime we potentially wanted to go down the road of asking questions related to the President, it was, ‘that’s going to take too much approvals? We can’t ask those questions.’ And I mean, it created an environment that was very hard to deal with,” Ziegler said.

Herridge acknowledged the politically sensitive nature of the case and the logical requirement of additional approvals that it might entail. To this, Ziegler agreed but also pointed out an apparent reluctance to pursue such lines of inquiry within the IRS.

“Yes, I do understand that aspect, but it would be like, ‘well, let’s think about it. Let’s put that on the back burner’,” Ziegler added.

“When you’re prevented from going down certain roads, I guess I don’t know what could have been found if we were not hamstrung or not handcuffed,” Ziegler told CBS News.


EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler tells @CBS_Herridge anytime IRS investigators potentially wanted to ask questions related to President Biden, they were told “That’s gonna take too much approvals. We can’t ask those questions.”pic.twitter.com/aitPxKpyUb

— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) July 19, 2023

When asked why he wanted to interview Hunter Biden’s adult children, Ziegler pointed to their connection with certain business deductions and expenses. However, he stated that the necessary approvals for these interviews were never granted, despite the potential implications for the investigation.

“We never received the approvals to talk to those people,” said Ziegler.

An Assistant U.S. Attorney reportedly warned him against further pursuing these leads, saying, “That’s going to get us into hot water.”


EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler tells @CBS_Herridge that he wanted to interview Hunter Biden’s adult children, but was told by an Assistant U.S. Attorney that doing so would “get us into hot water.”pic.twitter.com/IOGH5tf5zL

— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) July 19, 2023


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faa00c No.73000

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206682 (191844ZJUL23) Notable: NY fed judge rejected former President Donald Trump's efforts to move his New York criminal case to federal court

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Donald Trump arrested: Judge won't move New York hush money case to federal court

by Kaelan Deese, Supreme Court Reporter |

July 19, 2023 02:32 PM

A New York federal judge on Wednesday rejected former President Donald Trump's efforts to move his New York criminal case to federal court.

U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein said the former president failed two main components needed to justify his move of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's case from state to federal court.

"Trump has failed to show that the conduct charged by the Indictment is for or relating to any act performed by or for the President under color of the official acts of a President. Trump also has failed to show that he has a colorable federal defense to the Indictment," Hellerstein wrote.


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faa00c No.73001

File: d99803f2f5f0c93⋯.png (294.69 KB,698x900,349:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206693 (191845ZJUL23) Notable: Prince Andrew's bizarre bedroom

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Prince Andrew's bizarre bedroom - 72 teddies, bears on thrones and 'Daddy' pillow

Several former Buckingham Palace employees and even a former Mirror reporter who famously got a job in the royals' inner sanctum have lifted the lid on the unusual nature of Prince Andrew's bedroom...


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faa00c No.73002

File: 0e9c1b9f4c8a817⋯.png (366.93 KB,680x741,680:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206699 (191847ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Whistleblower X’ Joseph Ziegler Says IRS Investigators Discouraged from Probing Biden Crimes

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Second IRS Whistleblower Identified as Joseph Ziegler, Award Winning 13 Year Veteran

The second IRS whistleblower identified himself Wednesday as Joseph Ziegler, a 13-year award-winning veteran of the agency, who alleges President Joe Biden’s Justice Department politically interfered in the criminal probe of Hunter Biden.

Ziegler, who previously went by the alias “Whistleblower X,” joined his superior, Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, in testifying publicly before Congress on Wednesday. During the testimony, he conveyed he is a gay Democrat married to a man.

“I’m a Democrat. In the last presidential election, I actually did not vote,” Ziegler told CBS News. “I thought it would be irresponsible of me to do so because I didn’t wanna show bias one way or the other.”

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) provided Ziegler’s background during the committee hearing:

Mr. Joseph Ziegler is a special agent with the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division specifically assigned to the international tax and Financial Crimes Division. This is a group of 12 elite special agents who are subject matter experts in complex international tax and other related crimes. He started his career with the IRS in 2010 as a special agent and is developed successfully and has developed and successfully completed a multitude of complex financial investigations. The types of investigations include money laundering, bank fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, healthcare fraud violations of the Bank Secrecy Act, income tax evasion and income tax related charges such as identity theft, and filing false claims for income tax refunds. Ziegler’s won multiple performance awards throughout his career in recognition for his work. Mr. Gary Shapley, Mr. Shapley is the Supervisory Special Agent of the international tax and financial crimes group. Shapley started his career with the IRS and

In 2021, Ziegler alleges he drafted a memo recommending FBI prosecutors charge Hunter Biden with multiple felonies and misdemeanors.

“In August of 2022, we had a phone call with all of the assigned prosecutors and they had said that all four of them were recommending the approval of felony and misdemeanor tax charges,” Ziegler said.

President Joe Biden, right, is comforted by his son Hunter Biden and First Lady Jill Biden after being sworn in during the inauguration ceremony. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch-Pool/Getty Images)

Hunter Biden agreed in June to plead guilty to two federal tax violation charges and one violation of gun laws. He will appear in a Delaware federal court on July 26 before Judge Maryellen Noreika.

Ziegler told CBC News that U.S. Attorney for Delaware, David Weiss, told him FBI officials refused to bring the charges he recommended inside the DOJ.

“David said to us… ‘I’m getting some concern from the Department of Justice Tax Division, the evidence that might come in related to his substance abuse and the death of his brother, Beau Biden, those might affect the jury’s opinion,'” Ziegler said.

Attorney General Merrick Garland flatly denies the whistleblower allegations that Biden’s DOJ interfered in the Hunter Biden criminal tax probe.

Polling shows 61 percent of Americans believe Hunter Biden received “special treatment” in his plea deal with Weiss, a TIPP Poll revealed Wednesday.


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faa00c No.73003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206738 (191856ZJUL23) Notable: Biden and Mayorkas’ Open Border: Advancing Cartel Crime in America

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Biden and Mayorkas’ Open Border: Advancing Cartel Crime in America


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faa00c No.73004

File: b49d7163372b4bf⋯.png (322.68 KB,768x457,768:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206749 (191858ZJUL23) Notable: ‘At Least 25-30’ IRS Agents in Tactical Gear Raid Business in Stuart, Florida

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...and here comes one of a few distractions

‘At Least 25-30’ IRS Agents in Tactical Gear Raid Business in Stuart, Florida


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faa00c No.73005

File: b2339beae4fb399⋯.png (399.02 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206755 (191900ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Uber looks busy

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faa00c No.73006

File: 11fb38db9e71ed8⋯.png (501.26 KB,913x892,913:892,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206771 (191903ZJUL23) Notable: Solar storm update

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NEW - Arctic and Antarctic bracing for potential days-long radio blackouts as solar storm hits

Arctic and Antarctic bracing for potential days-long radio blackouts as solar storm hits - Insider...

Radio blackouts in the Arctic and Antarctic regions are being caused by an ongoing solar storm, as stated by the National Oceanic

2:45 PM · Jul 19, 2023·3,722 Views

Arctic and Antarctic bracing for potential days-long radio blackouts as solar storm hits

Brendan ByrneJuly 19, 2023 2:20 pm

Radio blackouts in the Arctic and Antarctic regions are being caused by an ongoing solar storm, as stated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), CBS News reported.

Arctic and Antarctic could experience radio blackouts for days due to solar storm

This event, known as a “cannibal” coronal mass ejection (CME), originates from the sun. It has the potential to result in prolonged radio blackouts lasting for days.

The NOAA has provided some information about what’s been happening in the sky. There’s something called a Polar Cap Absorption (PCA) event going on. This is when radio waves at high and very high frequencies are absorbed in the upper part of the atmosphere called the ionosphere. On the other hand, radio waves at low and very low frequencies are being bounced back at lower heights than usual.

This event started on Monday evening at around 9:15 p.m. ET and is expected to continue until July 19, according to The 1014. The reason behind these radio blackouts is a big cloud of plasma called a CME that came out of the sun. Along with that, there was a strong M5 solar flare. Together, these two events caused a minor solar radiation storm and sent some energetic particles called protons toward Earth.

This solar radiation storm is categorized as an S1 on a scale that goes up to S5. This means it won’t have any biological effects or impact satellite operations. However, it might still cause some radio blackouts specifically in the polar regions.

“PCA events can prevent the ability to communicate via HF radio propagation around the polar regions,” NOAA stated.

Recent Solar Flares, Radiation Storms, and the ‘Cannibal’ CME

Not long after announcing an M5.7 flare and CME coming from the same part of the sun, NOAA issued another notice. A satellite detected a moderate solar radiation storm that can cause radio blackouts on the sunlit side of Earth, as stated.

The agency predicts solar flares throughout the week, including the strongest type called X-class flares on Monday and Tuesday.

On Friday, there was a small solar flare and what was described as a “dark eruption” on the sun’s surface. SpaceWeather.com explained it as a spray of dark plasma that flew away from the sun’s southern hemisphere. The next day, a stronger flare occurred.

The CMEs associated with this event are likely to reach us by Tuesday, according to NOAA. As a result, there is a possibility of a mild geomagnetic storm occurring alongside the existing solar radiation storm.

These two embedded in article:



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faa00c No.73007

File: 3c702ee296f3bb9⋯.png (274.2 KB,528x640,33:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206772 (191903ZJUL23) Notable: Does BIS advocate for Implanted Chips?

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Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips

Claims our only hope is to build our own banking system

The Bank for International Settlements recently published a report called, "Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the Old, enabling the New." This report proposes that a Central Bank Digital Currency will serve as the new reserve currency. And calls for the digital confiscation of all physical property by assigning every real-world item its own unique digital token which will contain rules on how each item can and cannot be used. So that each person can be controlled and conditioned directly by the central bank.


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faa00c No.73008

File: 3f94b3d2d6097ec⋯.png (1.08 MB,1043x954,1043:954,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206774 (191903ZJUL23) Notable: Goya foods WON'T give in to cancel culture

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TRUTH @RightAllways:

Goya Foods and their amazing CEO do it again! He was the first CEO who refused to give in to cancel culture when all of media, big business, tech, & government were ripping President Trump for Russia & 99+ lies (some things never change). He was in DC speaking w/Trump about something good for both the US & Goya so “they” tried to destroy Goya when he wouldn’t jump on their bandwagon and denounce DJT. We all had his back & pushed Goya stock UP. I’ll never forget!


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faa00c No.73009

File: 3afd1f041e88b84⋯.png (215.31 KB,678x783,226:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206782 (191904ZJUL23) Notable: Woman posing as 14-yr-old busts NY ‘healthcare’ group giving transgender drugs to kids

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Woman posing as girl busts New York ‘healthcare’ group giving transgender drugs to kids

Community Healthcare Network offered transgender hormones without parental consent or knowledge to a woman who went undercover as a 14-year-old girl.

A woman posing as a 14 year-old girl caught a New York City “healthcare provider” on tape offering her, a presumed minor, cross-sex hormones without parental consent.

A recording shared to Twitter on Monday by the nonprofit group “Gays Against Groomers” shows how an anonymous contact of the group went undercover as a girl named “Kelly” asking for transgender “transition” services without parental consent.

“Kelly” first reached out to Planned Parenthood to request help with a gender “transition” but was denied, since the organization does not offer such services to minors, a company employee can be heard explaining over the phone.

However, as a potential alternative provider of sex “transition” services for minors, the Planned Parenthood worker provided “Kelly” the phone number of the New York City-based Community Healthcare Network (CHN).

Once on the phone with Brian from CHN, “Kelly” heavily emphasized in her story that she was “only 14” and “trans,” and that her parents were upset by her confession to being “trans.” While she “needed help,” she did not specify exactly what she wanted.

“If you’re looking for a primary care provider and looking for treatment, like hormonal therapy [sic], we can do that,” Brian responded, adding that they also provide “mental health services.”

When Kelly asked how she would go about scheduling an appointment so her parents “wouldn’t find out,” Brian proposed that they use “Code Cindy,” a practice by which contact from CHN is directed to the patient alone. He explained that they would refrain from sending mail to her home and would only call her personal phone.

Brian pointed out, while discussing her “concern” to keep the hormones a secret from her parents, “Since you’re not getting any mail to your address, there should be no reason for them to ever know that you’re getting services from us.”

“We discovered that ‘CODE CINDY’ is a tag that @CHNNYC puts on minor’s files to be sure their parents never find out they are seeking hormones and other ‘gender affirming’ drugs/procedures. Truly disturbing. No parent should ever be kept in the dark about such things,” the “Gays Against Groomers” twitter account remarked in a comment on the video.

The twitter thread did not point out that sterility is the result of the use of puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones, which are admittedly taken in succession the “vast majority” of the time by minors who wish to “change” their sex.


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faa00c No.73010

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206800 (191906ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Timmons outlines Biden bribery "SCHEME" in hearing

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Rep. Timmons outlines Biden bribery "SCHEME"



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faa00c No.73011

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206857 (191915ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Timmons outlines Biden bribery "SCHEME" in hearing

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It's very simple.

Joe Biden is compromised, and federal agencies are weaponized.



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faa00c No.73012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206861 (191916ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower hearing

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listening to things that count

LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023



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faa00c No.73013

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206890 (191922ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower hearing

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LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023



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faa00c No.73014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206924 (191930ZJUL23) Notable: Biden DOJ Continue 'Stasi-Like' Tactics, SEIZE Trump Defense Lawyers' Cellphones

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What are you searching for?

Biden DOJ Continue 'Stasi-Like' Tactics, SEIZE Trump Defense Lawyers' Cellphones - 'ELECTION INTERFERENCE' And 'PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT!!!'

Reports released Tuesday have shown that the cellphones of several prominent campaign officials to the GOP frontrunner for 2024 and 45th President Donald Trump have been seized by federal agents as part of the so-called investigation helmed by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

According to The New York Times, the cellphones of Trump's in-house counsel Boris Epshteyn, former campaign strategist Mike Roman, and former lawyers John Eastman and Jeffrey Clark were taken. The Times reported that Epshteyn "helps coordinate Mr. Trump’s legal efforts."

Therefore it is likely, if not certain, that information germane to Trump's various legal defenses in upcoming trials were on his device, raising serious questions about attorney-client privilege and raising the possibility of a mistrial.

Clark told Tucker Carlson in an appearance on Fox News in June,

"I don't recognize the country anymore with these kinds of Stasi-like things happening."

CNN reported on June 29th that Roman is cooperating with the investigation by Smith's team and is working under what is known as a proffer agreement. Under said agreement, he may not have to actually appear before a grand jury but could instead be interviewed directly by prosecutors. The outlet noted, "Under such an agreement, prosecutors generally agree not to use those statements against them in future criminal proceedings."

The seizures appear to be related to the effort to prosecute 'alternate electors' who produced alternative slates for the 2020 presidential election in the seven states where the results were in a state of legal question on January 6th, as DC Enquirer has previously reported. When he spoke to the U.S. House faux Committee on the Capitol Riot put on by the then-majority Democrats, Roman pled the Fifth Amendment when questioned about the election.

Clark recently posted a tweet regarding a paper from the Center for Renewing America, where he is a Senior Fellow, that seems relevant to his present situation.

Responding to the CRA's President Russ Vought, he wrote, "It is the political Left in America that has been eroding the separation of powers, ever since the Progressive Era, accelerated in the New Deal, and that has continued even under Congress's in the last 70 years as well."



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faa00c No.73015

File: 76f08f6a1a451c0⋯.png (56.47 KB,895x286,895:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206937 (191932ZJUL23) Notable: Mark Levin: Whistleblowers are destroying Biden crime family with facts. Committee Democrats are flailing

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Mark Levin


Whistleblowers are destroying Biden crime family with facts. Committee Democrats are flailing. AG Garland is the DOJ and he obstructed the IRS. And he’s now obstructing the appointment of a special counsel. I suspect, in part, because of his own criminal conduct in obstructing the investigation

Jul 19, 2023, 3:17 PM


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faa00c No.73016

File: ca3289983b996e9⋯.png (182.21 KB,470x392,235:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206944 (191933ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower hearing

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Comes to a "Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation"

Talks about Trump

"Trump trump trump, 37 counts trump trump Trump TRUMP trump"

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faa00c No.73017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206969 (191937ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower hearing

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Mfume: I'm glad somebody brought up the words, suspicious activity', because that's just what's taking place in this room...distracting us from the biggest investigation that is going on right now in our country, and in our nation's history, involving the former president, and the frontrunner for the republican nomination, who is currently facing a thirty-seven count indictment, this week, and maybe two weeks from now, more, and maybe two weeks from then, more.

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faa00c No.73018

File: 2c281fbdb92e77a⋯.png (40.96 KB,1036x394,518:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206981 (191937ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Whistleblower X’ Joseph Ziegler Says IRS Investigators Discouraged from Probing Biden Crimes

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BIDEN CRIME FAMILY CAUGHT! – IRS Whistleblower – Gay, Democrat, Joseph Ziegler – Confirms that Biden Family Received Approximately $17 Million in Payments from China, Romania and Other Countries

Courageous IRS Whistleblower – Gay, Democrat, IRS official Joseph Ziegler – told Congress on Wednesday that the Biden Family received approximately $17 Million in payments from China, Romania and other countries.

The House Oversight Committee led by Rep. James Comer (R-KY) held a hearing with IRS whistleblowers on Wednesday.

At least two IRS whistleblowers have come forward to reveal Hunter Biden received preferential treatment throughout the mop-up operation disguised as an investigation.

The anonymous whistleblower, identified as Joseph Ziegler, finally came forward publicly on Wednesday: “Today, I sit here before you, not as a hero or a victim, but as a whistleblower compelled to disclose the truth.

Ziegler testified that Ukrainian Burisma energy company paid the Biden family over $7.3 million!

The total was $17 million from foreign countries.

From the hearing:

Rep. James Comer: How much money did Hunter Biden and his business associates receive from the Ukrainian company Burisma , paid to everyone involved?

Joseph Ziegler: 6.5 million.

Rep. James Comer: Burisma also paid Blue Star Strategies and a law firm hundreds of thousands of dollars, bringing the total Barisma payments to over $7 million. Is that correct?

Joseph Ziegler: That is correct. 7.3 million.

Rep. James Comer: 7.3 million. Between 2014 and 2019, this brings the total amount of foreign income streams received to approximately $17 million, correct?

Joseph Ziegler: That is correct.

The Biden Crime Family just got caught.


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faa00c No.73019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207010 (191941ZJUL23) Notable: Capitol Police IG: Only two of total 650 total reports from office have been made public since 2005

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Capitol Police IG: Only two of total 650 total reports from office have been made public since 2005

Russo committed to internally investigating a previous claim of retaliation against whistleblowers at the U.S. Capitol Police and reporting his findings to the subcommittee.

The U.S. Capitol Police inspector general on Wednesday told a House panel that he would never disclose the name of an internal whistleblower and revealed that just two of a total 650 reports from his office have been made public.

"We would protect that information at all costs," Inspector General Ron Russo told the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight. "It's super serious that people feel comfortable to come to us without fear of retaliation so it's a priority to make sure we handle that with great care."

Russo officially became inspector general Jan. 29. Inspectors general offices are government watchdogs that essentially monitor the agency for waste, fraud, abuse and performance issues.

Russo also told the panel that the IG office is not required to make any of its reports public but said he personally supports publicly releasing the reports going forward. However, Russo noted that he currently cannot make the decision to publicly release reports unilaterally.

"The [Capitol Police] board makes the decision on a case by case basis," he said. "We put two online and I think there are six of seven in review now. I would anticipate those becoming public more rapidly."

According to the Capitol Police website, Congress established the U.S. Capitol Police IG office in August 2005.

New York GOP Rep. Anthony D'Esposito asked Russo about Capitol Police employees who came forward before he became IG about intelligence failures on Jan. 6, 2021.

D'Esposito said these whistleblowers were put on a performance-improvement plan and forced out of the department.

He pressed Russo on whether he would consider such actions retaliation. In response, Russo said he wasn't familiar with the details of that situation but he emphasized that protecting whistleblowers is "one of the most important things we do."

Russo committed to internally investigating the allegations D'Esposito laid out and reporting his findings to the subcommittee.

"Absolutely," he said.

In his opening statement, Chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk said the subcommittee is reviewing claims of retaliation against employees after they spoke with the Inspector General's office. He vowed to "aggressively protect whistleblowers from any internal retaliation."


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faa00c No.73020

File: 0c9e96e37ea466e⋯.png (496.85 KB,748x855,748:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207039 (191945ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Campaign Hoping To Lock Up GOP Nomination With Third Indictment

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Trump Campaign Hoping To Lock Up GOP Nomination With Third Indictment

PALM BEACH, FL — With news of a third indictment soon to be handed down by the Department of Justice, insiders at Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign are hopeful it will be enough to clinch the Republican nomination.

"Each one brings us a little bit closer to victory," said Senior Campaign Advisor Chris LaCivita. "With this third indictment, we should have everything completely sewn up for next year's convention. Honestly, we kinda just hope they keep indicting him right up through the general election. It would carry him right into the White House."

DOJ officials remain confident that this time, the indictment will work and will keep Trump from gaining more support. "Yes, we are aware that every time we indict him, he gets more popular," said a source within Attorney General Merrick Garland's office. "But we're absolutely certain this is the one that will work. Honestly, we can't actually beat him legitimately, so continually firing out these indictments is really all we have."

The former president expressed confidence both in his chances against the new indictment as well as his odds of re-election. "KEEP THESE FABRICATED INDICTMENTS COMING," Trump said in a post to his Truth Social account. "THESE INDICTMENTS GIVE ME STRENGTH. I EAT THEM FOR BREAKFAST WITH MY EGG MCMUFFINS. THEY NOURISH ME. NOM NOM NOM! FEED ME MORE! MAGA!"

At publishing time, staffers at Trump's campaign office had reportedly begun making reservations for an election victory party next November after hearing rumors of additional indictments being prepared by the DOJ.


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faa00c No.73021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207055 (191946ZJUL23) Notable: What do climate engineering and Morgellons have in common? Chemtrails

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What do climate engineering and Morgellons have in common? Chemtrails

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faa00c No.73022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207076 (191948ZJUL23) Notable: #24589-A

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#24589-A >>72966

>>72976, >>72967, >>72974, >>72982, >>73012, >>73013, >>73016, >>73017 IRS Whistleblower hearing

>>72968 Confidential Biden DOD memo reveals "transgender" service members can skip deployments and receive indefinite physical fitness/standards waivers

>>72969 Rep. Jason Smith's opening statement on IRS Whistleblowers, Justice Department Corruption, and the Biden Family's Crimes:

>>72970 IRS whistleblower Joseph Zeigler tells @CBS_Herridge that despite being a Democrat, he did not vote for president in the 2020 election while working on the Hunter Biden investigation

>>72971 Nigel Farage On “Chinese Social Credit System”

>>72972 Odessa Port Heavily Bombarded by Drones and Missiles in Worst Attack of the War - Russia Obliterates Ukrainian Infrastructure on the Black Sea

>>72973 …Shapley just said that they were warned that the statute of limitations was about to expire but that there was an agreement to again extend

>>72975 Stanford University president resigns following concerns about his research and papers.

>>72977 "In Their Labs": Fifteen Illuminating Passages In The Proximal Origin Chats And Emails

>>72978, >>72980, >>72994 Trends: "Whistleblower X", #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed, "House Oversight Committee"

>>72979 PA: Innamorato resigns from state House of Representatives

>>72981 Former State Judge And AG Splits From Industry-Sponsored Panelist, Rules Bud Light Violated Code By Marketing To Minors

>>72983 Conservative Party Suspends Christian Councillor for Calling Pride a Sin

>>72984 206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

>>72985 AG Garland and his appointee, Jack Smith must be held to account by the House, professional organizations, and ethics committees for their brazen interference in the 2024 election.

>>72986, >>72988 Biden Family and Associates Received Over $10 Million from Foreign Sources Plus moar

>>72987 ‘At Least 25-30’ IRS Agents in Tactical Gear Raid Business in Stuart, Florida, Tee Off Temps and Elite Payroll Solutions

>>72989 Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler tells @CBS_Herridge that he wanted to interview Hunter Biden's adult children, but …

>>72990 Second IRS whistleblower comes forward during Oversight hearing

>>72991 UFOs impacting Air Force training, White House spox Kirby says

>>72992 DOJ Sued For Failing To Register Hunter Biden As A Foreign Agent



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faa00c No.73023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207101 (191954ZJUL23) Notable: #24589-B

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baker change

>>72993, >>72995, >>72996 How Rap Legend Tupac Shakur Shot Down Ray Epps Defamation Claim Against Tucker and Revolver News

>>72998 Govt's seeing link between CV vaxxes, ADE & degrading of immune system

>>72999, >>73002, >>73018 ‘Whistleblower X’ Joseph Ziegler Says IRS Investigators Discouraged from Probing Biden Crimes

>>73000 NY fed judge rejected former President Donald Trump's efforts to move his New York criminal case to federal court

>>73001 Prince Andrew's bizarre bedroom

>>73003 Biden and Mayorkas’ Open Border: Advancing Cartel Crime in America

>>73004 ‘At Least 25-30’ IRS Agents in Tactical Gear Raid Business in Stuart, Florida

>>73005 PF

>>73006 Solar storm update

>>73007 Does BIS advocate for Implanted Chips?

>>73008 Goya foods WON'T give in to cancel culture

>>73009 Woman posing as 14-yr-old busts NY ‘healthcare’ group giving transgender drugs to kids

>>73010, >>73011, >>72997 Rep. Timmons outlines Biden bribery "SCHEME" in hearing

>>73014 Biden DOJ Continue 'Stasi-Like' Tactics, SEIZE Trump Defense Lawyers' Cellphones

>>73015 Mark Levin: Whistleblowers are destroying Biden crime family with facts. Committee Democrats are flailing

>>73019 Capitol Police IG: Only two of total 650 total reports from office have been made public since 2005

>>73020 Trump Campaign Hoping To Lock Up GOP Nomination With Third Indictment

>>73021 What do climate engineering and Morgellons have in common? Chemtrails



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faa00c No.73024

File: b9dd1ec78375cc6⋯.png (266.48 KB,570x348,95:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207109 (191956ZJUL23) Notable: #23590

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baker seeking handoff

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faa00c No.73025

File: c4b7002bac2fe23⋯.png (34.29 KB,892x288,223:72,Clipboard.png)

File: 366dba6e5b40cb7⋯.png (722.6 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 265ad9709ca8a76⋯.png (944.53 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207140 (192000ZJUL23) Notable: Mark Levin: Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman do not want evidence of sex trafficking provided to the public.

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Mark Levin


Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman do not want evidence of sex trafficking provided to the public.

Jul 19, 2023, 3:34 PM


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faa00c No.73026

File: 67c36652d3e92f0⋯.png (301.96 KB,588x437,588:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207141 (192000ZJUL23) Notable: IRS whistleblower hearing con't.

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Comes to a "Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation"

Talks about Trump

And Muh Colored People are oppressed

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faa00c No.73027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207152 (192003ZJUL23) Notable: Zieglar: He [Weiss] is limited within Delaware. Raskin: That's just the rules. You're just restating what the rules are. You're not a lawyer right, you don't work in the Department of Justice, correct? [more Raskin PANIC]

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Zieglar: He [Weiss] is limited within Delaware.

Raskin: That's just the rules. You're just restating what the rules are. You're not a lawyer right, you don't work in the Department of Justice, correct?

[more Raskin PANIC]

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faa00c No.73028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207161 (192005ZJUL23) Notable: More on Morgellons & chemtrails - is there a link?

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morgellons has more in common with flat-earth than with chemtrails.

chemtrails are real.

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faa00c No.73029

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207162 (192005ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023

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LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023



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faa00c No.73030

File: e199906cb09a7cd⋯.png (720.92 KB,1113x692,1113:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207168 (192008ZJUL23) Notable: IRS whistleblower hearing con't.

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TY Baker

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faa00c No.73031

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207174 (192009ZJUL23) Notable: Stansbury asking if the IRS witnesses have ever acted as unregistered foreign agents or participated in illegal arms trafficking. kek

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Stansbury asking if the IRS witnesses have ever acted as unregistered foreign agents or participated in illegal arms trafficking. kek

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faa00c No.73032

File: 11abbfa51101df8⋯.png (466.22 KB,891x500,891:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207180 (192010ZJUL23) Notable: Anons on hearing: who really writes the Democrat's scripts? THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME: Trump, Trump, Trump

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4am talking point, who really writes the Democrat's scripts? THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME

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faa00c No.73033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207185 (192011ZJUL23) Notable: More on Morgellons & chemtrails - is there a link?

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>morgellons has more in common with flat-earth than with chemtrails

Did you read the story and/or look at the embedded linked videos? The fibers and their possible composition may reflect some of the same concepts used in the COVID injections. We know people are laden with micro plastics and heavy metals. This concept may be unfamiliar or need additional research. Anon objects to labelling BS due to association with another concept such as the "flat earth" slur.

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faa00c No.73034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207201 (192012ZJUL23) Notable: IRS whistleblower hearing con't.

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Stansburg: Donald Trump, the man twice-impeached for abuses of power, and, of course, recently indicted for thirty-seven counts of criminal activity...the real criminal, and the actual threat to our democratic institutions, is Donald Trump.

[more extreme panic from yet another state criminal]

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faa00c No.73035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207236 (192016ZJUL23) Notable: Higgins: I think I clarified for America why we were interested in Hunter Biden. Because he sold access to his father, The Big Guy. And you Americans out there may have a compromised president in your White House.

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Higgins: I think I clarified for America why we were interested in Hunter Biden. Because he sold access to his father, The Big Guy. And you Americans out there may have a compromised president in your White House.

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faa00c No.73036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207247 (192018ZJUL23) Notable: More on Morgellons & chemtrails - is there a link?

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then the subject has be rife with fraud

anon read MANY reports claiming that the filaments were woven cotten fibers and/or strands of industrial plastics.

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faa00c No.73037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207248 (192019ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter BUN on whistleblower testimony

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>>73024 TYB!


"House Oversight Committee" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22House%20Oversight%20Committee%22&f=live

#BidenCrimeFamilyExposed https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523BidenCrimeFamilyExposed&f=live

"Whistleblower X" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Whistleblower%20X%22&f=live

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faa00c No.73038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207254 (192020ZJUL23) Notable: Garcia: Today's hearing is like most of the majority's investigations and hearings. A lot of allegations, zero proof, no receipts, but apparently, some dick pics. [bank records and wire transfers are important pieces of evidence, you crook]]

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Garcia: Today's hearing is like most of the majority's investigations and hearings. A lot of allegations, zero proof, no receipts, but apparently, some dick pics.

[bank records and wire transfers are important pieces of evidence, you crook]]

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faa00c No.73039

File: 6dcff6ce63c761f⋯.png (1.01 MB,901x1543,901:1543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207256 (192020ZJUL23) Notable: #BREAKING: Massive Police Response as Injuries Reported in a Shooting Incident inside a Walmart store

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🚨#BREAKING: Massive Police Response as Injuries Reported in a Shooting Incident inside a Walmart store

📌#Floridacity | #Florida

Currently, Multiple Law enforcements and other emergency personnel are on the scene to a shooting incident inside a Walmart in Florida City, Florida. According to officials, multiple people have been injured inside the store. At this time, two people have been confirmed shot, with one other one injured and being airlifted to a trauma hospital everyone inside the store has been evacuated.

4:04 PM · Jul 19, 2023 from Florida, USA·79.7K Views

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faa00c No.73040

File: af46fc220e1e082⋯.png (494.73 KB,783x648,29:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207262 (192020ZJUL23) Notable: Anons on hearing: who really writes the Democrat's scripts? THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME: Trump, Trump, Trump

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Comes to a "Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation"

Talks about Trump "Crime Family"

Ahhhhhahahahah That's Hillaryarious

I'm no Rocket Appliance scientist

But is there a pattern here?

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faa00c No.73041

File: db6fa1f0b0dc9c1⋯.png (1.88 MB,1767x993,589:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207272 (192021ZJUL23) Notable: Anons on hearing: who really writes the Democrat's scripts? THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME: Trump, Trump, Trump

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HAHAHAHA Garcia is quoting QResearch shills, hahahahahahahaha

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faa00c No.73042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207273 (192021ZJUL23) Notable: Garcia referring to the 'Trump Crime Family'. That little scumbag must be in deep trouble.

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Garcia referring to the 'Trump Crime Family'. That little scumbag must be in deep trouble.

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faa00c No.73043

File: 07e1f456738b2a1⋯.png (2.9 MB,1170x1630,117:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207278 (192021ZJUL23) Notable: RFKjr: Biden admin extends U.S. habit of interfering in other countries’ domestic politics. Now it’s threatening Israel…

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Biden admin extends U.S. habit of interfering in other countries’ domestic politics. Now it’s threatening Israel with the ending of the special relationship between our two nations. As President, my support of Israel will be unconditional. #Kennedy24


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faa00c No.73044

File: a0d75348a57e860⋯.png (21.72 KB,581x270,581:270,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cefba55e5c8c0a⋯.png (251.36 KB,598x531,598:531,Clipboard.png)

File: be9fc89fd8c6c69⋯.png (330.1 KB,598x622,299:311,Clipboard.png)

File: eec367b20bfd585⋯.png (269.62 KB,598x622,299:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207284 (192022ZJUL23) Notable: Anons on hearing: who really writes the Democrat's scripts? THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME: Trump, Trump, Trump

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TREND:"Trump Trump Trump"




Trump Under Attack.

Target Main Comments and supporting.

REPORT BOTS!!! [No followers, hella likes]

Give patriots likes and shares


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faa00c No.73045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207301 (192024ZJUL23) Notable: Reminder: Frost, speaking soon, is a black lives matter terrorist, arrested during the riots.

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Reminder: Frost, speaking soon, is a black lives matter terrorist, arrested during the riots.

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faa00c No.73046

File: b162d999c20318b⋯.png (1.59 MB,1170x1939,1170:1939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207315 (192025ZJUL23) Notable: Tornado aftermath: Pfizer building destroyed in Rocky Mount in Nash County

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After 12:30 p.m. a tornado touched down north of Rocky Mount, near the Battleboro and Dortches communities, and roofs and siding were ripped off homes and buildings across Nash County, where some people were injured.

The tornado warning expired at 1:30 p.m. Before then, the storm may have covered a path as long as 20 miles, according to WRAL meteorologists. The debris wall was 2.5 miles wide near Interstate 95 in Nash County.

The roof was torn off the Pfizer building in Rocky Mount and much of the plant was destroyed. Sky 5 flew over the site at 3 p.m., where trailers were overturned, the roof was crushed and the building were splintered. Nash County Sheriff Keith Stone told WRAL News he heard reports that 50,000 pallets of medicine were destroyed when the tornado hit Pfizer.

Pfizer released the following statement: "At this point there are no reports of serious injuries. We are assessing the situation to determine the impact on production. Our thoughts are with our colleagues, our patients, and the community as we rebuild from this weather incident."


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faa00c No.73047

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207328 (192028ZJUL23) Notable: Coming Next: 6th Gen Warfare - Humans v/s A.I. - video

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Coming Next: 6th Gen Warfare - Humans v/s A.I.


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faa00c No.73048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207332 (192028ZJUL23) Notable: IRS whistleblower hearing con't.

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Shapley: Since I made these protected disclosures, that are legally protected, the IRS has chosen to retaliate against me in multiple ways..my immediate supervisor, and two levels above him, haven't spoken to me since June 1st of 2023, even though I am sending them emails and trying to conduct my business on a daily basis.

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faa00c No.73049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207354 (192031ZJUL23) Notable: Ziegler: I essentially made disclosures up to the Commissioner of the IRS [Daniel Werfel], I said what happened, and the response I got a few days later was I, 'may have broken the law', and 'don't ever do this again. Your emails need to go through your leadership.'

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Ziegler: I essentially made disclosures up to the Commissioner of the IRS [Daniel Werfel], I said what happened, and the response I got a few days later was I, 'may have broken the law', and 'don't ever do this again. Your emails need to go through your leadership.'

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faa00c No.73050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207376 (192033ZJUL23) Notable: Frost: Since January 6th, these republicans and Trump have complained about a two-tiered justice system, co-opting the language of the decades-long civil rights movement for black lives and black freedom. A movement that they are actually looking to eliminate.

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Frost: Since January 6th, these republicans and Trump have complained about a two-tiered justice system, co-opting the language of the decades-long civil rights movement for black lives and black freedom. A movement that they are actually looking to eliminate.

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faa00c No.73051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207423 (192040ZJUL23) Notable: Top DEA member resigns after revelations about previous consulting for Big Pharma

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Top DEA member resigns after revelations about previous consulting for Big Pharma

The man is another example of the ethical concern of government high ups who have switched from industry to government leadership

By Colman Rowan

Updated: July 19, 2023 - 2:44pm

The second-in-command at the Drug Enforcement Administration has resigned amid a new report that he previously consulted for Big Pharma, including a company called Purdue Pharma, a pharmaceutical company at the center of the prescription drug opioid epidemic, which has since been sanctioned for suspicious painkiller shipments and under the spotlight amidst the opioid epidemic.

The official,Louis Milione, worked at the agency for 21 years, until 2017 when he took a job to do consulting for Big Pharma.

In 2021, Milione returned to the DEA to serve as top deputy for the Administrator Anne Milgram, according to the Associated Press.

The proper position ofNo. 2 for the DEA – “deputy administrator” – has been empty for years.

The position Milione held as the DEA's No. 2 – “principal deputy administrator” – has nearly the same duties but requires neither presidential appointment nor congressional consent where scrutiny of conflict of interests could be addressed.

In his consulting, Milione testified on behalf of Morris & Dickson, the country's fourth-largest wholesale drug distributor, which fought to preserve its license to supply painkillers to pharmacies and hospitals, AP reported in May.

Four years ago, a federal administrative judge ruled that the company, during the height of the opioid crisis, failed to flag thousands of suspicious drug orders, but it was only a few days after the wire service inquired about the case that the DEA moved to strip the company's license.

Milione reportedly said this week that he stepped down for personal reasons, which are unrelated to the reporting on him.

He and the Justice Department also said that he kept out of matters in which there may be contention given his previous positions in the business.

Milione also said that just ashis consulting helped drug companies comply with DEA standards, so does his return to the DEA give insight into how real-world business decisions are made. (So he advised pharma companies to skirt the rules and lie to the DEA)

The exit of Milione adds to the tumult at the top of the DEA, which includes otherhigh level resignations and investigations into contracts given to past associatesof agency Administrator Anne Milgram.

Since taking charge of the DEA in 2021, Milgram has reportedly cycled through over 30 senior aides, many of whom were veteran agents that were purportedly either edged out or quit due to differences with her.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the top Republican on the chamber's Budget Committee, commented that the “DEA has demonstrated a willingness to take painstaking measures to avoid the Senate’s watchful eye – including by potentially using a technicality to shirk Senate confirmation of a key agency decision maker.”

"Avoiding congressional oversight is a tired game the DEA can’t stop playing. It begs the question:What else is the DEA trying to hide?”(Hmm, well they are drug dealers and allow drugs to flow into the country killing 100s of 1000s, but penalize people that are taking a prescription drug that they want to control...and a 1,000 other corrupt practices==


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faa00c No.73052

File: 3b3523e7c6fd271⋯.png (262.04 KB,839x963,839:963,Clipboard.png)

File: 6040101b66523f4⋯.png (205.18 KB,895x454,895:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207454 (192044ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump RT @RSBN Biden slammed during hearing for threatening national security

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed




Biden slammed during hearing for threatening national security

Jul 19, 2023, 3:21 PM



Rep. William Timmons, R-S.C., laid out Joe Biden’s alleged bribery scheme before slamming him for selling out the country.

He described the supposed scheme by offering the steps taken to allegedly execute it. He said, “Foreign client has a problem, pays a Biden. Vice President Biden travels to the country. Vice President Biden leverages U.S. influence to force a favorable outcome for the client.”

Rep. Timmons outlines Biden bribery "SCHEME" pic.twitter.com/fjDSt1vSzo

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) July 19, 2023

Allegations of Biden’s influence peddling have been continuously denied and Timmons went on to address that. He stated, “He lied about this during the campaign. He specifically said it wasn’t true.”

.@RepTimmons SLAMS Joe Biden: "Because of him SELLING policy decisions to adversaries abroad for personal gain, he is vulnerable…and our national security is vulnerable because of it." pic.twitter.com/OmNVCQ4SyZ

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) July 19, 2023

Timmons noted how these actions continue to affect the state of the nation and declared, “Because of his actions, because of him SELLING policy decisions to adversaries abroad for personal gain, he is vulnerable…and our national security is vulnerable because of it.”


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faa00c No.73053

File: bdec6ec914390e6⋯.png (41.81 KB,879x239,879:239,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump



Jul 19, 2023, 4:06 PM


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faa00c No.73054

File: 2eef33f69323e2c⋯.png (550.03 KB,593x861,593:861,Clipboard.png)

File: be5bedf76b411cc⋯.png (1.1 MB,917x1023,917:1023,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207472 (192046ZJUL23) Notable: In case you thought this was a partisan investigation: The unmasked IRS whistleblower, Mr. Ziegler , is a gay Democrat who was simply doing the right thing

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Anna Paulina Luna


In case you thought this was a partisan investigation:

The unmasked IRS whistleblower, Mr. Ziegler , is a gay Democrat who was simply doing the right thing. No one should be above the law… even if you’re a Biden. 💡

Jul 19, 2023, 12:42 PM


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faa00c No.73055

File: 2ad277b2c6bb807⋯.png (171.11 KB,998x599,998:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207477 (192047ZJUL23) Notable: WhatsApp is DOWN: Massive outage is impacting users worldwide who cannot send or receive messages

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WhatsApp is DOWN: Massive outage is impacting users worldwide who cannot send or receive messages

WhatsApp went down around 4pm ET and is impacting the app and website

The outage appears to be hitting every country across the globe

By Stacy Liberatore For Dailymail.com

Updated: 21:42 BST, 19 July 2023


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faa00c No.73056

File: f292d30cf6324db⋯.png (207.9 KB,866x494,433:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ff298147125652⋯.png (313.43 KB,779x969,41:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207490 (192049ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump RT Comer says 'FBI had an unclassified record' detailing Joe Biden's involvement in 'extortion and bribery scheme'

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed






Comer says 'FBI had an unclassified record' detailing Joe Biden's involvement in 'extortion and bribery scheme'

Jul 19, 2023, 3:03 PM



Rep. James Comer, R-Ky. offered fiery information regarding the Biden family crimes during the House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday.

First, he described how “the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and related companies.”

Rep. James Comer details how the Biden family took millions from foreign companies in China, Ukraine, and Romania: 'NO normal business operates like this' pic.twitter.com/2GNE3nXESe

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) July 19, 2023

This allegedly took place while Joe Biden served as vice president and utilized “complicated financial transactions” to “conceal funding sources.”

Then, Comer referenced information found through whistleblower disclosures which indicated that “the FBI had an unclassified record that details an extortion and bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a Burisma executive.”

.@RepJamesComer: "…The FBI had an unclassified record that details an extortion and bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a Burisma executive." pic.twitter.com/XZ0mniPyoo

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) July 19, 2023

He went on, “The Burisma executive told the confidential human source that he didn’t pay the quote, ‘Big Guy,’ directly, but that he used so many bank accounts that it would take 10 years to unravel.”


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faa00c No.73057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207575 (192102ZJUL23) Notable: Accused Pentagon leaker Teixeira argues he should be treated like Trump and not remain in jail

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Accused Pentagon leaker Teixeira argues he should be treated like Trump and not remain in jail

(That’s a novel defense tactic, what a weird statement to make. Maybe he’s trying to tell them he is not a Trump supporter?)

Attorneys for Teixeira said he is entitled to be released before his trial because he does not pose a serious flight risk.

July 19, 2023 - 12:52pm

Jack Teixeira, the Air National Guardsman accused of posting classified information online, is arguing in court that he should be treated like former President Donald Trump by not requiring him to remain incarcerated until his trial.

Attorneys for Teixeira wrote in a filing Tuesday obtained by ABC News that prosecutors made a "reasoned decision not to seek pretrial detention in other espionage cases, including most recently for either former President Donald Trump or his personal aid, Waltine Nauta," who are facing charges under the Espionage Act.

Teixeira was arrested in April and has remained behind bars ever since. He pleaded not guilty to all charges last month after he allegedly published hundreds of pages of classified documents over several months on the messaging platform Discord.

Attorneys for Teixeira said he is entitled to be released before his trial because he does not pose a serious flight risk.

"Prior to his arrest, Mr. Teixeira believed that his apprehension was imminent. If Mr. Teixeira was inclined to flee from law enforcement and his country, he would have done so at that time. Instead, without any judicial restraints or obligations, Mr. Teixeira chose to stay at his mother’s house, reading, expecting law enforcement to arrest him," the defense wrote.

Comparing his case to that against the former president, Teixeira's attorneys also wrote that Trump has a private plane and properties in multiple foreign countries but the government did not even request for Trump to turn over his passport.

"The government’s disparate approach to pretrial release in these cases demonstrates that its argument for Mr. Teixeira’s pretrial detention based on knowledge he allegedly retains is illusory," the defense attorneys said.


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faa00c No.73058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207606 (192106ZJUL23) Notable: Comer just said that they just got bank records from ukraine... 10 minute break... AAAAND THEY'RE GONE

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comer just said that they just got bank records from ukraine so they will be going through that

now it's 10 minute break

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faa00c No.73059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207647 (192110ZJUL23) Notable: An Oddly Demure Jake Tapper Interviews Ron DeSantis

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An Oddly Demure Jake Tapper Interviews Ron DeSantis

July 19, 2023 | Sundance |

For some apparently unknown reason, CNN’s Jake Tapper suddenly dropped his combative nature that he carries toward Republicans and shifted to an extremely demure disposition, as he interviews Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. This is the softest softball interview I have ever seen Jake Tapper deliver; and that history goes all the way back to his ABC days as a White House correspondent.

It’s almost as if there’s an agenda here in the background for Jake Tapper. Remember, this is the guy who led the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy for over two years with his friends Carl Bernstein, Jim Sciutto and Manu Raju, and the same Jake Tapper who affirmed that everything in the Chris Steele dossier was factually accurate.

Watching Jake Tapper softly interview Ron DeSantis with literally zero pushback, not a single challenge to a single response from DeSantis, is really odd – particularly on the heels of Tapper’s background allies advancing another round of indictments against President Trump.It’s almost as if this is a coordinated set up on behalf of the DC system to the benefit of Ron DeSantis, who is supported by the multinational corporations who sponsor the CNN agenda. Go figure. WATCH:

Jake Tapper seems almost intellectually resigned, seemingly disinterested, in having to play this role. Watch him closely… you can almost see Tapper saying, “yada, yada, yada… can we just get this over with.” lol Too conspicuous.

Trump gets a grand jury letter from the DOJ…. DeSantis gets a softball interview with Jake Tapper… Congress has a Hunter Biden whistleblower hearing…. then comes a Trump indictment. Gee, it’s almost like that one time when Mar-a-Lago was raided, and oddly DeSantis was scheduled for bunker time…. right before the national campaign launch. 👀

At this point, it’s not just the strings we can see…. the hands moving above the strings are visible.


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faa00c No.73060

File: fddb10c9b52fb5e⋯.png (325.28 KB,852x655,852:655,Clipboard.png)

File: fddb10c9b52fb5e⋯.png (325.28 KB,852x655,852:655,Clipboard.png)

File: ae4784520c33a99⋯.png (595.6 KB,896x1145,896:1145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207656 (192112ZJUL23) Notable: @Kash Why do you think Dan Goldman hates whistleblowers so much, hed lie about me and them… no coincidences- read our criminal referral or the real criminal in congress: thanks @jbinnall

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Kash Patel


Why do you think Dan Goldman hates whistleblowers so much, hed lie about me and them… no coincidences- read our criminal referral or the real criminal in congress: thanks @jbinnall

Jul 19, 2023, 4:12 PM


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faa00c No.73061

File: fed66321af99cc9⋯.png (315.09 KB,624x348,52:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207661 (192112ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower Says Hunter Biden's Attorneys Made 'False Statements' And 'Threatened' Prosecutors

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IRS Whistleblower Says Hunter Biden's Attorneys Made 'False Statements' And 'Threatened' Prosecutors

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower Gary Shapley accused Hunter Biden’s attorneys of making false statements about him after he testified about the Hunter Biden investigation to the House Ways & Means Committee.

Shapley testified Wednesday to the House Oversight Committee about the Hunter Biden investigation and claimed Biden’s attorneys spread an “error-filled” letter with “false statements” about him.

“Even last fall, Biden family attorneys attacked investigators in the pages of The Washington Post and threatened the prosecutors with career suicide if they brought charges against the president’s son. Then one of the Biden family attorneys sends to the press a 10-page, error-filled letter that attacked me with innuendo, false statements, and baseless speculation that I had leaked information to The Washington Post. These statements by Biden family attorneys are false,” Shapley testified.

Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Hunter Biden, wrote a letter to the House Ways & Means Committee in late June that appeared to spread falsehoods about Shapley and the other IRS whistleblower. Lowell accused Shapley of leaking information to The Washington Post and fabricating an alleged text Hunter Biden sent to a Chinese official.

Shapley’s attorneys have demanded The Washington Post correct Lowell’s accusations and publicly disclose that Shapley was not a source for an October 2022 story about the Hunter Biden investigation. The IRS agent previously testified to the House Ways & Means Committee that the text allegedly sent by Hunter Biden to a Chinese official was obtained from a search warrant for Biden’s iCloud files.

Additionally, Lowell said the IRS whistleblowers were not informed about the penalties for false testimony, despite whistleblower transcripts showing otherwise. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Shapley described in his written testimony how Biden’s attorneys allegedly tried pressuring the Department of Justice (DOJ) into launching a criminal investigation for his whistleblowing.

“After my testimony was released, we received a request for a comment from a reporter claiming that Mr. Biden’s attorneys had sent a letter to the Justice Department lobbying for a retaliatory criminal inquiry against me for my protected whistleblowing. The press did not share a copy of this alleged letter with us, and I have still not seen it,” Shapley said in his written testimony.

“But, it is chilling to think that after threatening prosecutors with ‘career suicide,’ Mr. Biden’s attorneys would be so bold as to actually lobby in writing for his father’s Justice Department to prosecute the whistleblower who disclosed preferential treatment for the President’s son,” Shapley added.

The DOJ declined to comment.


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faa00c No.73062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207675 (192115ZJUL23) Notable: Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll - Analysis by Aaron Blake

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Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

Analysis by Aaron Blake

Staff writer

July 19, 2023 at 1:15 p.m. EDT


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faa00c No.73063

File: 8129926afbc3e83⋯.png (464.2 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207683 (192116ZJUL23) Notable: George Clooney calls for ‘dismantling’ of Wagner PMC

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George Clooney calls for ‘dismantling’ of Wagner PMC

Two American celebrity activists have urged Western nations to use their experience of Al-Qaeda to tackle the Russian group

The US and its allies should seize the opportunity to sanction and prosecute the Wagner private military company in the wake of the aborted mutiny by its chief, Evgeny Prigozhin, according to two American celebrity activists.

The call was made on Monday by actor George Clooney and author John Prendergast, who also served on the National Security Council under President Bill Clinton. They said there was an “unprecedented opportunity to counter” Russia’s influence in Africa by going after Wagner.

In a column they wrote for The Economist magazine, Clooney and Prendergast described the private military company as one of Moscow’s “most successful foreign-policy initiatives during the past decade” and an “atrocity.”

Wagner has been offering security services to some governments in Africa. The celebrities claimed the group was “protecting the regime [in the Central African Republic] in exchange for mineral concessions” and a way to “hijack a government.” They promoted a report on Wagner’s activities released by their NGO, The Sentry, which alleged that the group “seeks to disable multinational predatory networks.”

Evgeny Prigozhin led a brief mutiny in Russia last month, moving some of the group’s forces from Ukraine towards Russian cities. The maneuver was aborted after a deal was struck with the government, which offered him exemption from prosecution in exchange for going into de facto exile.

Clooney and Prendergast believe that the Wagner Group’s presence in Africa, which they described as a “virus,” will continue. However, the transition period can be used by Western nations to “take action against both the operation and its originator.”

“They should create an ad hoc coalition aimed at dismantling the group’s business empire, building on lessons from similar efforts focused on Islamic State and Al-Qaeda,” they suggested.

Islamic State emerged in the mid-2010s amid chaos in Iraq and Syria. Iraq had been occupied by a US-led coalition a decade earlier. Syria was hit by Western-supported anti-government protests in 2011, which quickly escalated into a civil war. Some of Washington’s closest regional allies, such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE, reportedly supplied arms to anti-Damascus groups, as did the CIA.

Al-Qaeda stemmed from the US-backed campaign to support anti-Soviet insurgency in Afghanistan in the 1980s. While Washington considers it a terrorist organization, in 2012 Jake Sullivan infamously celebrated the fact that it was “on our side” in Syria, according to leaked US diplomatic cables. The incumbent national security adviser to US President Joe Biden was serving in Hillary Clinton’s Department of State at the time.


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faa00c No.73064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207694 (192118ZJUL23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Blames President Trump for J6 Insurrection, Pledges to Stop Prosecuting Corrupt Democrats and Return to Political Civility

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Ron DeSantis Blames President Trump for J6 Insurrection, Pledges to Stop Prosecuting Corrupt Democrats and Return to Political Civility

July 18, 2023 | Sundance |

Speaking in South Carolina today, presidential candidate Ron DeSantis blamed President Trump for the events of January 6, 2021, in Washington DC saying, “I think it was shown how he was in the White House and didn’t do anything while things were going on. Should he have come out more forcefully? Of course.” However, DeSantis affirmed he does not believe Trump’s transgressions amounted to criminal conduct. “But to try to criminalize that, that’s a different issue entirely,” the Florida governor noted.

Governor DeSantis then tacked to his preferred position that politicians should not be criminally targeted and promised if he was elected, he would do a more reach-across-the-decorum, saying “I think that we want to be in a situation where you don’t have one side just constantly trying to put the other side in jail.”

DeSantis pledging to return civility to the Dept of Justice comes on the same day the DOJ is about to deploy yet another indictment against the political opposition of the current administration. I’m not sure the civility DeSantis requires would be afforded by the institutions DeSantis supports. WATCH:

New York Post – Rupert Murdoch) – […] DeSantis spoke hours after Trump disclosed, he is a target of special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the events surrounding the ransacking of the Capitol.

Smith has been spearheading the DOJ’s two investigations involving Trump: one into the Capitol riot and the former president’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election result, and the other into sensitive national security material kept at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

(Any anons that think that DeSadist has a future career in politics or with MAGA, there’s not a chance in hell at this point he would ever be elected to a higher office; unless the DS gets back in control.)


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faa00c No.73065

File: a5dcbdd216d0b92⋯.png (341.87 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 57da60685a976e7⋯.png (84.21 KB,1040x612,260:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207698 (192118ZJUL23) Notable: ‘El Pollo’ Carvajal Extradited to US for Drug Trafficking: Former Venezuelan Espionage Chief Holds Secrets That Can Destroy Latin American Leftist Regimes

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‘El Pollo’ Carvajal Extradited to US for Drug Trafficking: Former Venezuelan Espionage Chief Holds Secrets That Can Destroy Latin American Leftist Regimes

The Spanish national court, charged with extradition matters, made a decision that may have a broad impact in the Latin American geopolitical landscape.

By ordering on Tuesday Interpol to ‘immediately deliver’ Hugo Carvajal to US authorities, Spanish judges may have lit the fuse than can set leftist regimes on fire throughout Latin America.

‘El Pollo’ (the chicken} Carvajal was stripped of his General rank in Venezuelan Counter-Intelligence by Maduro’s administration after he made the failed political bet of coming out in support of the US-supported opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s acting president, in February 2019.

Carvajal was finally arrested in Madrid in September 2021, on a drug trafficking Interpol search warrant.

Reuters reported:

“The former head of Venezuela’s military intelligence, Hugo Carvajal, who is wanted by the United States on drug trafficking charges, has left Spain under a High Court extradition order, his lawyer and a court source told Reuters on Wednesday.

Carvajal is expected to arrive in the United States later in the day and could make an initial court appearance on Thursday morning, his lawyer, Zachary Margulis-Ohnuma, said.”

The Spanish court ordered Carvajal’s immediate extradition after the European Court of Human Rights rejected his last attempt to avoid being sent to the US.

Carvajal was Chavez’s eyes and ears within Venezuela’s military for more than a decade, and he knows many secrets about the continental socialist movement in Latin America.

“The United States in 2020 accused Carvajal of drug trafficking, along with more than a dozen other high-ranking Venezuelan officials, including President Nicolas Maduro. Carvajal has denied supporting cocaine trafficking to the United States.”

The European court of human rights ended up rejecting his appeal against extradition to the US, arguing it was not proven he faces a ‘real risk’ of ‘being sentenced to life imprisonment without chance of parole’.

The Guardian reported:

“Gen Hugo Armando Carvajal, who served as intelligence chief under the former Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez, has long been sought by US Treasury officials who suspect him of providing support to drug trafficking by the now disarmed Farc guerrilla group in Colombia.

Prosecutors in New York allege he used his high office to coordinate the smuggling of approximately 5,600kg (12,345lb) of cocaine from Venezuela to Mexico in 2006 that was destined for the US.

Known by the nickname “El Pollo” – the Chicken – the 63-year-old is also suspected of potentially having incriminating evidence against the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, Chavez’s successor and a major adversary of the US.”

But ‘El Pollo’ holds secret over more than just Venezuela’s strong man. A whole network of people in power indebted to the Bolivarian socialists exists in the region.


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faa00c No.73066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207708 (192120ZJUL23) Notable: MTG on White House Cocaine Scandal: ‘First Family Should Submit to Drug Test’

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MTG on White House Cocaine Scandal: ‘First Family Should Submit to Drug Test’

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) called on President Joe Biden and his family to submit to drug testing after cocaine was found in the West Wing of the White House in early July.

The Secret Service closed its investigation last week into who left cocaine in a cubbyhole in the West Wing, the agency stating that it was “not able” to “single out a person of interest” because of a lack of physical evidence. However, a security source has contradicted the Secret Service, telling Soldier of Fortune magazine White House officials have confirmed who brought cocaine into the White House via fingerprint analysis. Some veteran investigators have said they believe the Secret Service is engaging in a “cover-up.”

“I had a classified briefing with my (Committee on Oversight and Accountability) members with Secret Service, and I don’t think we’ll ever find out whose cocaine it was in the White House,” Greene told Breitbart News during an interview on Saturday in West Palm Beach, Florida. “Because the day we had the briefing, just this past week, Secret Service told us they were closing their investigation the very next day, and they have no idea who it is.”

Greene alleged that the Secret Service has a list of “approximately 500 individuals that they have as a potential suspect list” but decided not to drug test and did not find any usable fingerprints.

“Well, you know, most Americans have to undergo a drug test just to get employed or as a routine part of their employment. Athletes have to go through drug tests to be on a sports team. Drug tests are common, but they are refusing to drug test any of these people. They’re refusing to do anything with fingerprints and things like that,” the congresswoman alleged.


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faa00c No.73067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207716 (192121ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Family Business Paid $7.3M from Burisma over Years, Including When Joe Biden Was VP

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Biden Family Business Paid $7.3M from Burisma over Years, Including When Joe Biden Was VP

Burisma Holdings paid the Biden family business $7.3 million over the course of many years, including when President Joe Biden was vice president, IRS agent Joseph Ziegler told Congress.

While speaking before House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), Ziegler confirmed the Biden business received a total of $7.3 million starting in 2014.

“How much money did Hunter Biden and his business associates receive from the Ukrainian company Burisma?” Comer asked Ziegler.

“Burisma paid to everyone involved 6.5 million,” he replied.

“Burisma also paid Blue Star strategies and a law firm hundreds of hundreds of thousands of dollars bringing the total Burisma payments to over $7 million. Is that correct?” Comer asked.

“That is correct. 7.3 million,” Ziegler said.

“Between 2014 and 2019, this brings the total amount of foreign income streams received to approximately $17 million,” Comer stated, after which Ziegler confirmed.

In April 2014, Hunter joined the board of Burisma, just two years before Joe Biden stated he forced the firing of Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who investigated Burisma. Despite Hunter’s lack of experience in Ukraine or the energy sector, he was paid $83,000 per month by the energy company, or $1 million per year — just weeks after his father was announced “point person” on U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine.

According to an FBI informant file reviewed by the committee, Joe and Hunter Biden each received $5 million from Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, after Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until President Poroshenko fired the prosecutor.

Comer also asked the witness how much the family business made from other deals in Romania and China.

“How much money did Hunter Biden and his associates receive from the Romanian company you identified?” Comer asked.

“The approximate total transfers from the Romania company would have been $3.1 million to everyone,” he said.

Shell companies linked to the Biden business received millions from entities in Romania. One of the largest payouts came in 2015 from Gabriel Popoviciu, who worked with CEFC.

The House Oversight Committee revealed in March that CEFC controlled State Energy HK Limited, a company linked to the $1.3 million collective payments to the Biden family members.

Through the Biden family’s suspicious activity reports (SARs), the committee discovered a Biden associate, Rob Walker, received a $3 million wire transfer. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.


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faa00c No.73068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207896 (192147ZJUL23) Notable: #23590

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Notables Final

#23590 >>73024

>>73067 Biden Family Business Paid $7.3M from Burisma over Years, Including When Joe Biden Was VP

>>73029 LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023

>>73027 Zieglar: He [Weiss] is limited within Delaware. Raskin: That's just the rules. You're just restating what the rules are. You're not a lawyer right, you don't work in the Department of Justice, correct? [more Raskin PANIC]

>>73031 Stansbury asking if the IRS witnesses have ever acted as unregistered foreign agents or participated in illegal arms trafficking. kek

>>73034 Stansburg: Donald Trump, the man twice-impeached for abuses of power, and, of course, recently indicted for thirty-seven counts of criminal activity…the real criminal, and the actual threat to our democratic institutions, is Donald Trump. [more extreme panic from yet another state criminal]

>>73035 Higgins: I think I clarified for America why we were interested in Hunter Biden. Because he sold access to his father, The Big Guy. And you Americans out there may have a compromised president in your White House.

>>73038 Garcia: Today's hearing is like most of the majority's investigations and hearings. A lot of allegations, zero proof, no receipts, but apparently, some dick pics. [bank records and wire transfers are important pieces of evidence, you crook]]

>>73042 Garcia referring to the 'Trump Crime Family'. That little scumbag must be in deep trouble.

>>73045 Reminder: Frost, speaking soon, is a black lives matter terrorist, arrested during the riots.

>>73048 Shapley: Since I made these protected disclosures, that are legally protected, the IRS has chosen to retaliate against me in multiple ways..my immediate supervisor, and two levels above him, haven't spoken to me since June 1st of 2023, even though I am sending them emails and trying to conduct my business on a daily basis.

>>73049 Ziegler: I essentially made disclosures up to the Commissioner of the IRS [Daniel Werfel], I said what happened, and the response I got a few days later was I, 'may have broken the law', and 'don't ever do this again. Your emails need to go through your leadership.'

>>73050 Frost: Since January 6th, these republicans and Trump have complained about a two-tiered justice system, co-opting the language of the decades-long civil rights movement for black lives and black freedom. A movement that they are actually looking to eliminate.

>>73026, >>73030, >>73034, >>73048 IRS whistleblower hearing con't.

>>73032, >>73040, >>73041, >>73044 Anons on hearing: who really writes the Democrat's scripts? THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME: Trump, Trump, Trump

>>73037 Twitter BUN on whistleblower testimony

>>73028, >>73033, >>73036 More on Morgellons & chemtrails - is there a link?

>>73025 Mark Levin: Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman do not want evidence of sex trafficking provided to the public.

>>73039 #BREAKING: Massive Police Response as Injuries Reported in a Shooting Incident inside a Walmart store

>>73043 RFKjr: Biden admin extends U.S. habit of interfering in other countries’ domestic politics. Now it’s threatening Israel…

>>73046 Tornado aftermath: Pfizer building destroyed in Rocky Mount in Nash County

>>73047 Coming Next: 6th Gen Warfare - Humans v/s A.I. - video

>>73051 Top DEA member resigns after revelations about previous consulting for Big Pharma

>>73052 Donald J. Trump RT @RSBN Biden slammed during hearing for threatening national security


>>73054 In case you thought this was a partisan investigation: The unmasked IRS whistleblower, Mr. Ziegler , is a gay Democrat who was simply doing the right thing

>>73055 WhatsApp is DOWN: Massive outage is impacting users worldwide who cannot send or receive messages

>>73056 Donald J. Trump RT Comer says 'FBI had an unclassified record' detailing Joe Biden's involvement in 'extortion and bribery scheme'

>>73057 Accused Pentagon leaker Teixeira argues he should be treated like Trump and not remain in jail

>>73058 Comer just said that they just got bank records from ukraine... 10 minute break... AAAAND THEY'RE GONE

>>73059 An Oddly Demure Jake Tapper Interviews Ron DeSantis

>>73060 @Kash Why do you think Dan Goldman hates whistleblowers so much, hed lie about me and them… no coincidences- read our criminal referral or the real criminal in congress: thanks @jbinnall

>>73061 IRS Whistleblower Says Hunter Biden's Attorneys Made 'False Statements' And 'Threatened' Prosecutors

>>73062 Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll - Analysis by Aaron Blake

>>73063 George Clooney calls for ‘dismantling’ of Wagner PMC

>>73064 Ron DeSantis Blames President Trump for J6 Insurrection, Pledges to Stop Prosecuting Corrupt Democrats and Return to Political Civility

>>73065 ‘El Pollo’ Carvajal Extradited to US for Drug Trafficking: Former Venezuelan Espionage Chief Holds Secrets That Can Destroy Latin American Leftist Regimes

>>73066 MTG on White House Cocaine Scandal: ‘First Family Should Submit to Drug Test’

all I got so far

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faa00c No.73069

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207917 (192151ZJUL23) Notable: #23591

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faa00c No.73070

File: 7aa8dbe953244ca⋯.png (268.79 KB,1170x1702,585:851,Clipboard.png)

File: 96c9172a6a8a642⋯.png (123.35 KB,1170x828,65:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207924 (192153ZJUL23) Notable: They all knew the virus came out of that lab they were funding, since January of 2020.

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Try to grasp this fully.

Stop what you are doing.

Sit down.

Take a few deep breaths.


They all **knew that fucking virus came out of that lab they were funding and they knew it in January of 2020.

And only now - **NOW! - are they cutting off the $.

After they used that fucking designed virus with a 99% survival rate for a fucking fake pandemic to scare people into handing over their rights and freedoms in exchange for fake security.

I want every fucking person involved in this to die in prison. At the very least.


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faa00c No.73071

File: 2da59d657a0f2cb⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB,576x576,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207938 (192155ZJUL23) Notable: Tornado destroys Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount NC today

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Tornado destroys Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount NC today.


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faa00c No.73072

File: c4c9c3a57ade785⋯.png (264.98 KB,1012x852,253:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207951 (192156ZJUL23) Notable: Former City of Richmond Official and Wife Plead Guilty to Fraud

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Former City of Richmond Official and Wife Plead Guilty to Fraud


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faa00c No.73073

File: 1bccd43f6916482⋯.png (133.43 KB,1010x857,1010:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207962 (192157ZJUL23) Notable: Israeli pedo bust? yet to be translated by our government into something we can read

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Why is this not in English and why doesn't it have a link to English like they normally do.

Appears to be a pedo bust


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faa00c No.73074

File: 22b20a7e37ab2c8⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,480x688,30:43,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207968 (192158ZJUL23) Notable: Mitt Romney: “I love hot dogs. I love them in buns. I love them outside of buns.”

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Dems indict their top political rival for a 3rd time

We’re on the precipice of WW3

The FBI is weaponized against conservatives

Joe Biden alleged to have sold out America

Mitt Romney: “I love hot dogs. I love them in buns. I love them outside of buns.”


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faa00c No.73075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207987 (192201ZJUL23) Notable: Our federal government is literally threatening itself. If only they could investigate themselves…???

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Perry: Have you ever been threatened before in an investigation?

Zieglar: I have not, and I've come to learn that this 6E Grand Jury threat may have happened before to other people inside the IRS.

Perry: What we're talking about here is obstruction of justice. You were seeking justice, and you were obstructed. It's against the law.

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faa00c No.73076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208001 (192202ZJUL23) Notable: Thank you Dan Goldman, U.S. Congress [Levi Strauss Hier] for confirming Biden Collusion with ChYna

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Jonathan Turley




Rep. Goldman just tripped the wire on Joe Biden. In trying to grill the whistleblowers to show that there is no evidence that Joe Biden was involved, he elicited an answer that the witnesses established that Joe Biden did discuss business deals of Hunter with the Chinese...

...Goldman was trying to show that the witnesses did not mention a substantive role of Joe Biden, Shapley immediately noted that it did mean that he came to discuss one of the Hunter's deals. The President continues to deny that fact.


New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of...

...Goldman prompted a sworn statement from the investigator that Biden did indeed discuss his son's business deals. In doing so, Goldman may have delivered one of the most damaging moments in the hearing for the Bidens.

...Unfortunately, time ran out. With a few more minutes along this line, Goldman could well have sealed the case for the appointment of a Special Counsel.


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faa00c No.73077

File: 92f79634a83d6b7⋯.png (857.28 KB,910x1132,455:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208047 (192208ZJUL23) Notable: Tornado destroys Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount NC today

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WATCH 🚨 Pfizer pharmaceutical plant in North Carolina has been destroyed by a tornado

6:03 PM · Jul 19, 2023

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faa00c No.73078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208118 (192219ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden paid $666,667 per month by Ukraine?? CALL FOR DIGS

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faa00c No.73079

File: 807c18c0e4fbf50⋯.png (230.48 KB,733x646,733:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 22d13e073c9de1d⋯.png (265.13 KB,690x833,690:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 8897ca0aefe0eed⋯.png (107.84 KB,674x877,674:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d556dbf3b118a8⋯.png (80.84 KB,682x622,341:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208140 (192221ZJUL23) Notable: Corporate Media Help Biden Hide Growing Illegal Migrant Inflow

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Corporate Media Help Biden Hide Growing Illegal Migrant Inflow

Corporate media outlets are helping Democrats claim that President Joe Biden has reduced the monthly inflow of illegal economic migrants.

“Migrant numbers at the southern border dropped sharply in June in the full first month after the ending of the Title 42 public health order,” said a report at Fox News.

Border officials apprehended 99,545 individuals in between ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexico border last month, the first time this figure has fallen below 100,000 since February 2021,” Politico.com claimed July 18. “It’s a 42 percent decline from May, when the Biden administration implemented a series of new immigration policies.

‘”Border apprehensions at lowest level since February 2021,” said the headline at TheHill.com.

“Migrant crossings along U.S.-Mexico border plummeted in June amid stricter asylum rules,” claimed CBS News.

But the official numbers cited by establishment media outlets hide the growing migrant inflow via the many quasi-legal side doors that Biden’s deputies are cutting through the border, say immigration reformers.

Homeland Secretary Alejandro “Mayorkas is playing a massive shell game,” said Rep. Mark Green, the chairman of the House Committee on homeland security. “The outcome — tens of thousands of inadmissible aliens [are] entering Customs and Border Patrol and being released into the country,” he said on July 19. “Secretary Mayorkas’s insistence that this is legal is a lie,” he added.

“Encounters of illegal migrants by the Border Patrol at the Southwest Border were down in June, but only because the Biden administration has invented other means of allowing large numbers of inadmissible aliens to enter the country,” said a July 19 statement from the Federation for American Immigration Reform. (FAIR), adding:

When it comes to illegal immigration, the Biden administration’s strategy is to make it less visible to the American public, not to rein in the unprecedented flow of migrants. Their strategy entails redirecting migrants away from crossing between ports of entry, by allowing them to enter through land ports of entry or to fly directly to the United States. They have done so through the blatant abuse of parole authority and by encouraging a growing number of illegal migrants to use the CBP One phone app.

The official numbers also hide the number of “gateways” who are allowed to sneak across the poorly guarded border. Those three uncounted categories add up to at least 80,000 migrants per month.

That monthly inflow adds to roughly one million illegal migrants per year — or one illegal migrant for every four births. That huge population spike shifts vast wealth away from ordinary Americans to employers and real estate investors, for example, by inflating the cost of housing.


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faa00c No.73080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208142 (192222ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden paid $666,667 per month by Ukraine?? CALL FOR DIGS

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666.667 Club is an album by French rock band Noir Désir. It was released in France and other European countries on 17 December 1996. The album was certified double platinum in France on 17 September 1997,[1] which at the time signified sales of above 600,000. The French edition of Rolling Stone magazine named this album the 12th greatest French rock album (out of 100).[2]


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faa00c No.73081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208149 (192223ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden paid $666,667 per month by Ukraine?? CALL FOR DIGS

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he gave the answer in millions, I think they may have been talking about monthly versus annually or whatever.

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faa00c No.73082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208231 (192232ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden paid $666,667 per month by Ukraine?? CALL FOR DIGS

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>>73078, >>>/qresearch/19208130, >>73081 Hunter Biden paid $666,667 per month by Ukraine??

is there a math magician in the house?

also not sure if that was Burisima

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faa00c No.73083

File: d2f93523dc8761b⋯.png (159.1 KB,453x580,453:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208307 (192241ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Explicit Images of Hunter Biden During House Oversight Committee Hearing

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BREAKING: Disorder breaks out in the House after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene displays images of Hunter Biden having sex with hookers.

Greene: "...Hunter Biden making sex tapes… Excuse me this is my time..."

Raskin: "Should we be displaying this in the committee?"

Comer:… Show more


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faa00c No.73084

File: 343d35d4e23d4b2⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,1328x720,83:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208332 (192244ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Explicit Images of Hunter Biden During House Oversight Committee Hearing

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faa00c No.73085

File: c5410252fda66c4⋯.png (406.56 KB,1173x948,391:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208339 (192245ZJUL23) Notable: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

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Mr. Smith Goes to Washington — With a Possible New Indictment of Donald Trump

Published 07/19/23 06:00 AM ET|Updated 11 hr ago

Jonathan Turley

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a favorite classic movie for millions of Americans. Today’s legal-political sequel, however, may prove to be a bit more controversial.

Former President Donald Trump has revealed that he received a "target letter" from Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith as part of Smith’s investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.

Many people were surprised by the news, since Smith already is pursuing criminal charges in Florida on the mishandling of classified documents and the likely Jan. 6 allegations are far more tenuous legally. However, the second indictment may have one irresistible element: It could be tried in Washington.

There are obvious reasons why Mr. Smith would want to go to Washington in this instance. Trump would face what is, for him, arguably the worst jury pool in the country. Trump lost the 2020 presidential vote in the District of Columbia, receiving a mere 5.4% of the vote. That means finding a Trump supporter in the district’s jury pool is only slightly more likely than finding a snow leopard.

Such an indictment could come at a high legal and political cost. This would be the third criminal indictment of Trump and there may still be a fourth coming in Georgia. Past indictments have given Trump boosts in polling, and this indictment could well seal the view of many voters that Democrats are weaponizing the legal system.

Smith has a reputation in conservative circles for stretching the criminal code in high-profile cases, including the prosecution of then-Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell (R), a conviction that was later thrown out in an 8-0 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which rebuked Smith for what it termed the "Government’s boundless interpretation.”

That would certainly be the likely criticism again if Smith relies on Trump’s Jan. 6 speech for criminal charges. That speech is entirely protected under the First Amendment and governing case law, including Brandenburg v. Ohio. Any count based on Trump's speech would likely be overturned on appeal.

Smith also could be pursuing claims based on the Trump team’s effort to challenge the 2020 election’s certification, including the possible submission of an alternative slate of electors. That foundation also would be controversial, however.

In the past, congressional Democrats used the very same law to challenge presidential election certifications with little or no evidence. Indeed, not long after the election, I wrote about that possibility in what I called the “Death Star strategy” using the same grounds. The use of the federal law for that purpose was not and is not a crime.

Indeed, the House Jan. 6 (J6) Committee’s chairman, Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), voted to challenge the certification of the 2004 election results and then-President George W. Bush’s reelection. His fellow J6 Committee member, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), sought to challenge Trump’s certification in 2016. Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) both praised the challenge organized by then-Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) in 2004.

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faa00c No.73086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208342 (192245ZJUL23) Notable: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

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The question is whether Smith has evidence that goes beyond such use of the same law by Trump and his supporters. The J6 Committee spent a huge amount of time and money to try to find a direct link of Trump to a violent conspiracy or other crimes. It failed to produce such direct evidence, despite its revelations of embarrassing and disturbing testimony on Trump's reaction to the Capital riot.

Those hearings showed that the White House’s lawyers rejected the theories put forward by figures like Trump associate John Eastman. However, relying on bad advice or bad law is not a crime. President Joe Biden, like his predecessors, has been accused of knowing disregard of statutory and constitutional law, including repeated losses before the Supreme Court. We have never criminalized such interpretations.

While many of us rejected the Eastman arguments, Trump had a split among the lawyers advising him on that day. He listened to the wrong side — but proving that he clearly knew the arguments were invalid would be a difficult task for Smith.

Again, Smith may have acquired evidence that eluded the J6 Committee. We will have to see.

There also is the possibility that, despite the usual pattern of target letters leading to indictments, Smith could be doing his due diligence in seeking Trump's appearance before a grand jury before closing out the case. Trump would be certifiably insane to take Smith up on such an offer. Yet the widespread expectation now is that Smith will indict Trump if there is any possible basis on which to do so in Washington.

A Washington trial would add pressure on Trump to seek a plea deal, but that seems unlikely to evolve. Not only could Trump be pardoned by a potential Republican president after 2024, he could grant himself a self-pardon if he won election to another presidential term.

We could learn some of these answers as early as next week, if there is an indictment. Smith gave Trump only four days to appear before the grand jury. After that, Smith must make a decision.

With a majority of voters already viewing earlier Trump indictments as politically motivated, Smith would need to make a case that is unassailable. That means it cannot be another McDonnell case built on some new "boundless interpretation" by Smith of federal law. If Mr. Smith goes to Washington this time, he needs to bring indisputable evidence and law to support new charges against Mr. Trump.

Jonathan Turley, an attorney, constitutional law scholar and legal analyst, is the Shapiro Chair for Public Interest Law at The George Washington University Law School.


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faa00c No.73087

File: db296b55f6fe3d1⋯.png (821.03 KB,800x1000,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: c513537c9a1f76a⋯.png (64.5 KB,598x681,598:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 3484a41feb04d48⋯.png (277 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208348 (192246ZJUL23) Notable: A lawyer from Tampa, Rugh Cline, has been indicted for engaging in illicit sexual conduct in Cambodia with two minors, is currently on house arrest

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A lawyer from Tampa has been indicted for engaging in illicit sexual conduct in Cambodia with two minors. Rugh Cline is currently on house arrest in Florida after posting a $100,000 bond. As part of his restrictions, Cline is not allowed to have any devices that can access the internet, including smartphones and smart TVs.

He is facing five counts of engaging in illicit sexual conduct with four minors, one as young as 12-years old, in a foreign place and one count of possessing child sex abuse materials.

According to a non-governmental organization, Cline paid the families of his victims a total of $120 for the illegal acts. The penalty for purchase of child prostitution in the country is currently a sentence of just seven to 15 years, when the child is under 15 years old.

Cline is facing 170 years in prison.

Sadly, this is the work we do everyday at Child Rescue Coalition, identifying child predators who are trafficking children for these heinous crimes.

While we have not trained officers in Cambodia on our CRC Technology, we welcome the chance to collaborate with law enforcement officials there to prevent further crimes against children.



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faa00c No.73088

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208356 (192247ZJUL23) Notable: US Atty Wolf tipped off Biden about IRS' plans to search documents in a storage facility.

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IRS Whistleblowers testify about obstruction of justice in their criminal investigation of Hunter Biden.

US Atty Wolf tipped off Biden about IRS' plans to search documents in a storage facility.



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faa00c No.73089

File: 7bc2c4c88ae0608⋯.png (889.25 KB,873x632,873:632,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d8dfa53e196545⋯.png (199.15 KB,601x594,601:594,Clipboard.png)

File: 242010e2ed7ec2b⋯.png (296.15 KB,486x512,243:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a05bc97fa6fd25⋯.png (148.96 KB,331x483,331:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ab7a84850ed7b7⋯.png (322.36 KB,532x536,133:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208403 (192252ZJUL23) Notable: An eye-catching Twitter thread by Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online

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An eye-catching Twitter thread by Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, is stirring up quite a buzz. As you’re probably aware, Dana Nessel, the radically anti-Trump Michigan Attorney General has brought conspiracy charges against 16 “grandparents” for serving as “alternate electors” in the contentious 2020 election.

The truly concerning aspect of these charges isn’t merely the idea that Whitmer and her crew aim to imprison these older adults indefinitely.

It’s that this move is part of a broader scheme to once again attempt to imprison President Trump and meddle with the 2024 election. As always, there’s a calculated reason why Dems are pulling this move, and it has absolutely nothing to do with “justice” or “secure elections” and everything to do with the next round of charges from Biden’s immoral and unjust DOJ.


The so-called “fake electors” case is said to be central to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation of Trump and his campaign. Former President Trump said Tuesday he had been informed he was a target of the inquiry.

Notice a pattern here? Right on time, much like the last presidential election when the sudden COVID outbreak happened at the most “convenient” moment for the Democrats, chaos ensues. While this bogus case unfolds in Michigan, Mike Benz has uncovered documents revealing what John Podesta, Hillary’s former campaign CEO, had planned to ensure Biden’s inauguration, regardless of the actual election outcome. What John Podesta plotted was far worse than anything Trump could have ever imagined.


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faa00c No.73090

File: 6a8f8f8d81d13be⋯.png (543.66 KB,1170x1992,195:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208478 (192258ZJUL23) Notable: Apollo 11's Lunar Landing Celebration Tomorrow

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"Tomorrow is a very big day because [on July 20, 1969,] we planted a beautiful American flag on the moon. And that was an achievement" Pres Donald J. Trump, July 19, 2019

Man on the Moon

Celebrating Apollo 11's Lunar Landing


#NASA #Apollo11



>Melania Trump retweeted

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faa00c No.73091

File: b5d2c047900a49f⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB,848x624,53:39,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 167b682e2b7d971⋯.png (429.36 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 840237f175787b4⋯.png (367.5 KB,812x722,406:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 2187d7d84c02f73⋯.png (1.33 MB,1319x913,1319:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208551 (192320ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Explicit Images of Hunter Biden During House Oversight Committee Hearing

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Explicit Images of Hunter Biden During House Oversight Committee Hearing


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faa00c No.73092

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208555 (192320ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Eric Burlison On The Congressional Hearings: “We Need To Do More”. It’s outrageous that Lesly Snipes got three years in jail for the same thing that Hunter has done

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Rep. Eric Burlison On The Congressional Hearings: “We Need To Do More”. It’s outrageous that Lesly Snipes got three years in jail for the same thing that Hunter has done. We need more high power attorneys and use Holman Rule to cut off the salary of corrupt heads of Agenciesthe congressional committees don’t want to do this. These leaders are cowards and owned!

6:41 minutes


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faa00c No.73093

File: db33e6dc9204196⋯.jpeg (115.06 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208607 (192329ZJUL23) Notable: They all knew the virus came out of that lab they were funding, since January of 2020.

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19 Jul, 2023 17:57

US halts funding to Wuhan lab

The Chinese facility has been at the center of claims that it was the source of Covid-19, despite a lack of proof

(I don’t believe a word of this, they are rerouting the money somehow.)

The US Department of Health and Human Services has suspended all funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology with an eye toward permanently defunding the lab, a HHS spokesperson confirmed on Tuesday. The facility has been accused by many in Washington of unleashing Covid-19 on the world, despite a lack of proof thereof.

The move is aimed at ensuring the institute “does not receive another dollar of federal funding,” the spokesperson said in a statement, citing the lab’s alleged failure to provide information requested by the National Institutes of Health relating to issues of compliance with US biosafety protocols.

Suspending the institute’s funding was “necessary to mitigate any potential public health risk,” a HHS official wrote in the agency’s memo regarding the funding cut.

The institute was notified on Monday of the suspension, which will make it ineligible for future federal grants and contracts, and prohibits it from conducting any business with the US. A ten-month investigation by the HHS found thelab was “not compliant with federal regulations and is not presently responsible.”

The institute has received no money from the NIH since July 2020,according to the HHS. It has not issued a public response but may contest the suspension and debarment. Beijing has repeatedly denied the facility was the source of the Covid-19 outbreak.

House Republicans, many of whom believe the lab’s research on bat coronaviruses was the source of Covid-19, excoriated the Biden administration for dragging its feet on the decision. Congress had voted to ban further funding to the institute last July.

“They deserve no credit for finally doing what the evidence and facts demanded. It is outrageous that it took them so long.HHS must now consider a similar debarment for EcoHealth Alliance,” House Energy and Commerce Committee chair Cathy McMorris told reporters on Wednesday.

EcoHealth Alliance partnered with the Wuhan lab to conduct controversial “gain-of-function” research into making bat coronaviruses more infectious – research that was at the time illegal in the US. It then attempted to conceal the nature of that research from the public, though its president, Peter Daszak, has denied the research in question constituted gain-of-function or posed a danger to humans.

Congressional Republicans concluded in an October report that “substantial evidence” pointed to a lab leak at the Wuhan facility as the source of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid-19. A US intelligence report released last month merely alluded to safety issues with the lab while acknowledging there was no evidence to suggest it was the source of the virus.


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faa00c No.73094

File: 41f0a7c56770fff⋯.jpeg (19.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208633 (192333ZJUL23) Notable: Moscow has ramped up long-range strikes after Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge

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19 Jul, 2023 17:58

Russia launches massive missile strikes on Ukraine

Moscow has ramped up long-range strikes against the country in the aftermath of a Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge

Russia launched a massive cruise missile and suicide-drone barrage on targets in Ukraine overnight, the country’s Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.Military infrastructure, fuel depots, weapon stockpiles, and an airbase were among the targets identifiedby the Russian military in its daily briefing.

It said a group strike had been conducted using “high-precision sea- and air-launched weapons,” which struck “military industry facilities, fuel infrastructure, and ammunition depots” near the city of Odessa, as well asUkraine’s Kanatovo air base in Kirovohrad Region. All the designated targets were successfully hit and the objectives of the strikes were achieved, it added.

Footage circulating online shows massive explosions in the vicinity of Odessa, including at its Black Sea ports. Ukrainian officials have claimed the strikes also inflicted damage on civilian infrastructure, with the city’s mayor, Gennadiy Trukhanov, saying the attack was the largest since the beginning of hostilities. He described last night in the city as “terrible.”

A grain terminal at a port near Odessa was damaged in the strikes, but it was not immediately clear what exactly struck the installation, particularly given the recent history of Ukraine’s own air-defense units inflicting damage on civilian infrastructure in the country, and even abroad.

The port town of Chernomorsk, located some 20km south of Odessa, experienced particularly heavy destruction overnight, according to Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Nikolay Solskiy.Some 60 tons of grain were destroyed there, while damage to the port will take around a year to repair, he claimed.

The ramped-up long-range attacks come after Russia withdrew from the so-called Black Sea grain deal, which was agreed in July 2022. The initiative, facilitated by the UN and Türkiye, lifted the naval blockade on Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, facilitating its grain exports. None of the promises made to Russia under the deal, such as lifting sanctions and enabling its grain and fertilizer exports, have ever been fulfilled.

The termination of the deal coincided with a new Ukrainian attack on the strategic Crimean Bridge. The blast killed a Russian civilian couple and seriously injured their 14-year-old daughter. The incident was described by top Russian officials as a “terrorist attack,” with President Vladimir Putin vowing to retaliate.


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faa00c No.73095

File: 1719a40a744484a⋯.jpeg (78.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208665 (192339ZJUL23) Notable: US responds to Russia's Black Sea alert

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19 Jul, 2023 21:03

US responds to Russia's Black Sea alert

Moscow earlier warned that all ships in the Black Sea headed for Ukrainian ports would be treated as military

The US has no plans to assist ships in entering Ukrainian ports, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed on Wednesday, responding to a reporter’s question about the Russian Ministry of Defense’s warning that all ships headed for Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea would be considered military targets.

Washington will “continue to support Ukraine’s effort to get Ukrainian grain to the markets,” Jean-Pierre said, mentioning a $250 million aid package along with seeds, fertilizer, and help with crop storage and processing.

However, when asked how the US planned to “shore up [Ukraine’s] naval capabilities,” she offered only a vague pledge to “make sure they have what they need to defend themselves.”

Port and harbor security equipment was included in the $1.3 billion military aid package announced by the Pentagon on Wednesday. Ukraine will also receive National Advanced Surface to Air Missile Systems, Phoenix Ghost and Switchblade drones, additional artillery rounds and mine clearing equipment, counter-drone and electronic warfare detection equipment, and precision aerial munitions in the latest package, which brings the total amount of military aid supplied by the US since Russia’s military operation began in 2022 to $42.6 billion.

Jean-Pierre’s comments confirmed those of National Security Council spokesmanJohn Kirby, who earlier this week ruled out using US military assets to protect shipments of grain in and out of Ukrainian ports. Instead, the US will “work with other countries” to ensure the grain gets where it needs to go, he said.

Russia withdrew from the Black Sea Grain Initiative on Monday, complaining the US had failed to keep its promises to lift some of the restrictions imposed in the wake of its military operation in Ukraine, including reconnecting its banks to SWIFT, opening an ammonia pipeline to Italy, permitting the import of agricultural machinery and parts, and unblocking transportation insurance and other logistics.

The Kremlin also condemned what it described as a “terror attack” by Ukrainian drones targeting the Crimean bridge, which killed a couple in their vehicle and severely injured their child, but denied it was a factor in the decision to exit the grain deal.

Going forward, all ships traveling to Ukrainian ports “will be considered potential carriers of military cargo,” and the flags of such ships will be seen to be “taking part in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kiev regime,” Russia’s Defense Ministry warned on Wednesday.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Tuesday called on the UN and Türkiye to revive the grain deal without Russia, insisting “everything must be done so we can use this Black Sea corridor.” (Turkey ain’t going along with this!)


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faa00c No.73096

File: f3f3a3205fb373f⋯.mp4 (2 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208712 (192351ZJUL23) Notable: How long is this fag going to pretend he has cancer?

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Raskin: No matter what my GOP colleagues say…there is no evidence that Hunter Biden has received any kind of official favoritism in this prosecution for being Joe Biden's son.

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faa00c No.73097

File: 85c384b04f88da4⋯.jpeg (52.52 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208738 (192357ZJUL23) Notable: US to send VAMPIREs to Ukraine – Reuters

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19 Jul, 2023 04:18

US to send VAMPIREs to Ukraine – Reuters

The platform is designed to take out drones and other low-flying aircraft

US officials are set to announce another $1.3 billion arms package for Ukraine, including multiple types of suicide drones and the newly developed VAMPIRE rocket launcher system, according to Reuters.

The latest military assistance will be unveiled sometime this week, the outlet reported on Tuesday, citing two US officials. Kiev will receive ammunition, radar and other counter-drone systems in addition to the VAMPIRE – or Vehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment.

Produced by US arms contractor L3Harris, the VAMPIRE can be mounted on most vehicles with a cargo bed, including civilian pickup trucks, or installed in a fixed position. The weapon consists of a targeting sensor and a launch pod equipped with four 70mm laser-guided rockets, and can be used by a single operator against both air and ground targets.

While L3Harris says the system is “configurable with different sensors and weapons packages,” it remains unclear which variant will be provided to Kiev.

The upcoming weapons package will also include two types of loitering munitions – drones equipped with explosives which orbit the battlefield in search of a target – the Phoenix Ghost and the Switchblade. Both UAVs have been sent to Ukraine in the past, with nearly 600 Phoenix Ghosts supplied in a $95 million arms shipment last year.

The VAMPIRE was initially announced for Kiev last August, with L3Harris later confirming it had received a $40 million Pentagon contractto deliver four systems by mid-2023 and 10 more by the end of the year. The company will install the kits on vehicles which will then be sent on to Ukraine.

The $1.3 billion in military aid will come from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) program, under which the White House has purchased weapons from industry rather than drawing on US stockpiles. Since the conflict with Russia erupted last year,President Joe Biden has authorized $41.3 billion in direct arms transfers to Kiev, and more than $10 billion under the USAI.


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faa00c No.73098

File: d4e35f171b5ad0f⋯.png (288.06 KB,537x511,537:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208760 (200001ZJUL23) Notable: We all know who the big guy is

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Rep. Andy Biggs asks the IRS Whistleblowers who they think “the Big Guy” and “Dad” refer to in numerous, potentially criminal communications.

Both of them say President Joe Biden.


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faa00c No.73099

File: 069fc15071b330a⋯.png (953.99 KB,1280x1264,80:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208773 (200003ZJUL23) Notable: #23591

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le Notables

#23591 >>73069

>>73075 Our federal government is literally threatening itself. If only they could investigate themselves…???

>>73076 Thank you Dan Goldman, U.S. Congress [Levi Strauss Hier] for confirming Biden Collusion with ChYna

>>73078, >>73080, >>73082, >>73081 Hunter Biden paid $666,667 per month by Ukraine?? CALL FOR DIGS

>>73088 US Atty Wolf tipped off Biden about IRS' plans to search documents in a storage facility.

>>73091, >>73083, >>73084 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Explicit Images of Hunter Biden During House Oversight Committee Hearing

>>73092 Rep. Eric Burlison On The Congressional Hearings: “We Need To Do More”. It’s outrageous that Lesly Snipes got three years in jail for the same thing that Hunter has done

>>73096 How long is this fag going to pretend he has cancer?

>>73072 Former City of Richmond Official and Wife Plead Guilty to Fraud

>>73070, >>73093 They all knew the virus came out of that lab they were funding, since January of 2020.

>>73071, >>73077 Tornado destroys Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount NC today

>>73073 Israeli pedo bust? yet to be translated by our government into something we can read

>>73074 Mitt Romney: “I love hot dogs. I love them in buns. I love them outside of buns.”

>>73079 Corporate Media Help Biden Hide Growing Illegal Migrant Inflow

>>73085, >>73086 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

>>73087 A lawyer from Tampa, Rugh Cline, has been indicted for engaging in illicit sexual conduct in Cambodia with two minors, is currently on house arrest

>>73089 An eye-catching Twitter thread by Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online

>>73090 Apollo 11's Lunar Landing Celebration Tomorrow

>>73094 Moscow has ramped up long-range strikes after Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge

>>73095 US responds to Russia's Black Sea alert

>>73097 US to send VAMPIREs to Ukraine – Reuters

>>73098 We all know who the big guy is

le Final

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faa00c No.73100

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,744x744,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208810 (200007ZJUL23) Notable: #23592

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faa00c No.73101

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208847 (200016ZJUL23) Notable: Bannon & Winters Blast House Oversight Investigations As ‘Amateur Hour.’

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PN:>>73094 (You) Moscow has ramped up long-range strikes after Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge

This is a very big deal Putin taking out the grain facilities, very BIG according to Bannon

Putin retaliates of Ukraine Grain Facilities. ‘We Need Killers’: Bannon & Winters Blast House Oversight Investigations As ‘Amateur Hour.’

10:16 minutes

If Ukraine continues to attack Crimea there will be a lot more retaliation!


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faa00c No.73102

File: df889cb440e9773⋯.jpg (13.74 KB,462x344,231:172,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d22aad461ff42df⋯.png (631.59 KB,738x421,738:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 02a6ce57cf30f1b⋯.png (3.1 MB,1151x2551,1151:2551,Clipboard.png)

File: 9322822befaf813⋯.jpg (17.28 KB,294x180,49:30,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fd31ea5e015e123⋯.gif (2.32 MB,200x200,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208871 (200022ZJUL23) Notable: Aldean/Vegas

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Yeah. Anon is an oldfag.

You don't think Aldean was part of the show?

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faa00c No.73103

File: 1da38d8739ff765⋯.png (363.55 KB,877x640,877:640,Clipboard.png)

File: d3d96459af58a6f⋯.jpg (78.08 KB,1000x541,1000:541,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208882 (200023ZJUL23) Notable: Major blast rocks South Africa’s largest city

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19 Jul, 2023 21:11

Major blast rocks South Africa’s largest city

A suspected gas explosion left a huge sinkhole in the central business district of Johannesburg, with multiple injuries reported

Several people have been injured following a suspected gas pipeline explosion in central Johannesburg, South Africa’s largest city. The underground blast left a huge sinkhole on the street, damaging and overturning multiple cars.

Footage from the scene shows a deep crack in the ground, with vehicles scattered along the street in the city’s central business district.


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faa00c No.73104

File: ae378ad6963fa64⋯.png (147.65 KB,1246x790,623:395,Clipboard.png)

File: a57550ddaecd916⋯.png (198.94 KB,1083x727,1083:727,Clipboard.png)

File: ead34aabc18b007⋯.png (169.16 KB,1089x689,1089:689,Clipboard.png)

File: d3fc3b0249caf10⋯.png (146.51 KB,1246x786,623:393,Clipboard.png)

File: c8713b1116963be⋯.png (57.93 KB,1113x243,371:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208888 (200025ZJUL23) Notable: Forked Tongues: heavy emitters exposed as hypocrites on climate action, new analysis shows

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Forked Tongues: heavy emitters exposed as hypocrites on climate action, new analysis shows

Behind public statements supporting climate action, key companies engaged in extensive lobbying against Labor’s flagship climate policy, the Safeguard Mechanism.

Many of the country’s blue-chip, carbon-intensive companies stand accused of supporting action on climate change while at the same time successfully undermining a key plank of the Federal government’s push to deal with heavy carbon emissions.

Research by InfluenceMap, a global pro-climate think tank, reveals a host of big-name corporates that professed support for climate action and yet lobbied against Labor’s safeguard mechanism when it was proposed in March this year.

Their lobbying efforts proved successful, with Labor agreeing to water down several key elements of the policy. The eventual reforms were cheaper for and less-onerous on emission-intensive industries.

‘Clear hypocrisy’

The companies included oil and gas leaders Origin, Woodside and Alinta, miners Rio Tinto, Fortescue, Glencore and Whitehaven Coal and heavy industrials players BlueScope Steel and Adbri.

Interestingly, only one emissions-intensive company, BP, publicly supported climate action and the Safeguard Mechanism reforms, according to InfluenceMap’s analysis of public statements on both issues.

InfluenceMap senior analyst Tom Holen says that “while they (the companies) publicly endorse climate action, their active opposition to key elements of the Safeguard Mechanism reforms demonstrates a clear hypocrisy.”

The Safeguard Mechanism, first introduced in 2016 by the Abbott government, is the primary federal greenhouse gas emissions reduction policy. It is targeted at facilities that emit more than 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide a year and covers half of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions.

Labor’s reforms, first signalled in the lead-up to the 2022 election, were designed to tighten the rules over emissions and ensure that Australia’s largest emitters proportionally curbed emissions in order to meet Australia’s 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas targets.

Holden says InfluenceMap’s work also showed how, “the overwhelming dominance from a few negative sectors in the policy debate” placed Australia’s 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas targets at risk.


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faa00c No.73105

File: d91e6e540691293⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208899 (200028ZJUL23) Notable: Shapley/Comer/Smith/Turner [IRS Supervisory Special Agent] vids

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Shapley [IRS Supervisory Special Agent]: Assistant United States Attorney Leslie Wolf cited the optics of executing a search warrant at [Joe Biden's] residence as a deciding factor for not allowing it, even though she agreed that probable cause existed. Prosecutors instructed investigators not to ask about 'The Big Guy', or 'Dad' when conducting interviews. The Biden transition tea, was tipped off about interviews the night before the investigation went overt.

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faa00c No.73106

File: 40df89eee6606f4⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208903 (200029ZJUL23) Notable: Shapley/Comer/Smith/Turner [IRS Supervisory Special Agent] vids

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Shapley: The Biden Family attorneys appear to be representing Hunter Biden, [Joe] Biden, and the Department of Justice, and they are not working for free. As been reported in pubic sources, there is a large fund paying for legal fees for Biden Family attorneys. The source of those funds is unknown. They have virtually unlimited resources to resources to pursue their agenda.

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faa00c No.73107

File: 9b85fe248c05c60⋯.png (47.42 KB,693x337,693:337,Clipboard.png)

File: bd0813ca65397e6⋯.png (400.3 KB,634x355,634:355,Clipboard.png)

File: bc9e99306527c4e⋯.png (338.21 KB,634x475,634:475,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d2cd73b29c6b62⋯.png (169.9 KB,634x356,317:178,Clipboard.png)

File: e48b75459fc272a⋯.png (355.22 KB,634x633,634:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208905 (200029ZJUL23) Notable: Veteran US Marine fears he'll end up dead 'like Jeffrey Epstein' after being warned by 'men in black' not to speak about UFO

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Veteran US Marine fears he'll end up dead 'like Jeffrey Epstein' after being warned by 'men in black' not to speak about UFO he claims he saw during Sumatran earthquake humanitarian mission in 2009

UPDATED: 18:06 EDT, 19 July 2023

A US Marine veteran who claimed his unit saw a secret military UFO in 2009 has said he is now living in fear for his life as he believes dark forces want him silenced.

Former rifleman Michael Herrera, 33, has said he doesn't want to end up like disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein - who he suggests was killed, despite his August 2019 death being ruled a suicide.

Last month, Denver-born Herrera sensationally claimed that while he was serving in Indonesia in 2009, his six-man unit stumbled across a flying saucer being loaded with weapons.

Herrera was then a 20-year-old rifleman sent on a Navy humanitarian mission during the 2009 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami that devastated the region.

He told the Mail that while guarding an airdrop of aid supplies outside the city of Padang in October that year, his six-man unit stumbled across a hovering octagonal craft in apparent use by clandestine US forces.

'I could see something moving and rotating. It was changing colors between a very light matte gray to a very dark matte black,' he said. 'It stuck out like a sore thumb.'

They were then threatened at gunpoint by unmarked US forces at the scene who told him not to disclose his sighting of the 'flying saucer' to anyone, according to Herrera, and his camera was seized by some mysterious 'men in black'.

Now, the former Marine claims the threat continues to hover over him - quite literally, as he says black helicopters have been circling his Denver home.

People who say they've had alien encounters often complain about being stalked by black helicopters - a common trope which skeptics claim is just an urban myth.

Speaking at length with podcaster Shawn Ryan, he said he is worried that he will one day be killed by the sinister forces which he believes are trying to cover up the Pentagon's UFO secrets.

'I don't feel like harming myself …everybody makes the joke Epstein didn't kill himself... so the same goes here,' Herrera said.

'I don't have any reason to harm myself so if anything happens – it's not from me.

'I've had numerous encounters with f***ing helicopters hovering over my house,' he added. 'They were hovering over my dad's house too.

'They get so low, where they rattle the walls [and] scare the sh*t out of the animals that we've got.

'[My dad's] dogs were going f***ing crazy at that point and he was concerned because he was home and he was like I've never heard anything like that.'

Herrera added that he believes other UFO whistleblowers have been subjected to similar intimidation tactics.

'There's just a kind of hysterical factor to this how much money they're f***ing spending on this to happen to try to either intimidate me or anybody else for that matter,' he said.

'There's some elected officials, and even some government officials I know they're having the same thing happen to them because they've told me about it personally.'

Herrera's claim about seeing the UFO in Indonesia came after 14 years of silence.

He felt emboldened by new UFO whistleblower protections, and in April testified under oath to the government's UFO investigation team, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), as well as a Senate committee.

The veteran provided his unblemished four-year service record, and texts about the incident with an alleged fellow witness – who refused to talk, saying it was 'not worth my life or jeopardizing my family'.

Peripheral aspects of his account were verified by DailyMail.com using military sources. But Herrera, 33, does not have documentation or photos of the incident itself.


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faa00c No.73108

File: 655a4d53961e5e1⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208909 (200029ZJUL23) Notable: Shapley/Comer/Smith/Turner [IRS Supervisory Special Agent] vids

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Shapley: Even last Fall, Biden Family attorneys attacked investigators in the pages of the Washington Post, and threatened prosecutors with career suicide if they brought charges against [Joe Biden's] son.

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faa00c No.73109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208934 (200036ZJUL23) Notable: Aldean/Vegas

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Why did Jason Aldean get a concert massacre?

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faa00c No.73110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208938 (200037ZJUL23) Notable: Aldean/Vegas

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Why was he the victim of a concert massacre?

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faa00c No.73111

File: 8dfea9970ed42a1⋯.mp4 (11.31 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208968 (200044ZJUL23) Notable: Shapley/Comer/Smith/Turner [IRS Supervisory Special Agent] vids

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Comer: How much money did Hunter Biden and his associates receive from the Romanian company you identified?

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faa00c No.73112

File: 6d8728b9d6d0712⋯.png (277.95 KB,600x568,75:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209018 (200056ZJUL23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII Revenge is a dish best served cold. Pfizer building in Rocky Mount heavily damaged during tornado

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James O'Keefe


Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Quote Tweet

ABC11 EyewitnessNews




Pfizer building in Rocky Mount heavily damaged during tornado. https://abc11.com/tornado-warning-nc-rocky-mount-watch/13522664/

11:24 AM · Jul 19, 2023




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faa00c No.73113

File: ed865993aa6c49f⋯.png (282.69 KB,894x608,447:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209022 (200056ZJUL23) Notable: CIA contractor spied on Latin American leaders

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CIA contractor spied on Latin American leaders – El Pais

The newspaper claims a security firm that allegedly eavesdropped on Julian Assange is now suspected of targeting an ex-president

CIA contractor spied on Latin American leaders – El Pais

Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa speaks at a press conference on March 9, 2023, Caracas, Venezuela © AFP / Federico PARRA/AFP

A Spanish security firm is being investigated over its alleged spying on a number of former Latin American heads of state, El Pais has reported. The Spanish newspaper, citing court proceedings, earlier claimed that the same company, UC Global, S.L., had eavesdropped on Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange at the behest of the CIA.


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faa00c No.73114

File: f611b6150993cc9⋯.png (304.96 KB,603x457,603:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209026 (200057ZJUL23) Notable: @RepMTG Exposes Hunter Biden’s Misuse of Law Firm for Prostitution Payments as “Business Expenses”

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊



Exposes Hunter Biden’s Misuse of Law Firm for Prostitution Payments as “Business Expenses”

“It’s very serious that Hunter Biden was paying this woman through his law firm and then writing it off as business to tax exemptions. Most people write off things for their taxes through their businesses, like a meal or, say, office supplies.”

9:15 AM · Jul 19, 2023




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faa00c No.73115

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209042 (200059ZJUL23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

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Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'-07/19/2023


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faa00c No.73116

File: 11f1ec22d5a2ffc⋯.png (418.49 KB,596x731,596:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209046 (200100ZJUL23) Notable: The Truth About Vaccines Presents: #REMEDY This is a film about vaccine injuries that you don't want to miss

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Laura Loomer


The Truth About Vaccines Presents: #REMEDY

Coming Soon!

This is a film about vaccine injuries that you don't want to miss. Did you or someone you know get injured after taking a vaccine? This film provides you with solutions on how to repair your body after being vaccine injured.

Follow @TTAVOfficial

and learn more about the film here:


5:45 AM · Jul 19, 2023




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faa00c No.73117

File: 6c80f5cedc134e1⋯.png (305.9 KB,630x354,105:59,Clipboard.png)

File: bad6d5fa624a373⋯.png (481.08 KB,679x900,679:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209064 (200103ZJUL23) Notable: Australian government now run by the corrupt Big 4 Consulting firms - PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG

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Australian government now run by the corrupt Big 4 Consulting firms – PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG. How many $billions have they stolen and helped others steal?

The big four accounting / consulting firms PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG have likely cost Australia $billions of dollars via over charging state and federal governments and aiding abetting national and foreign companies with tax avoidance which is stealing from the Australian public.

Video below shows the contempt that 2 of those companies’ management have for the government and accountability.

The corruption by the big four accounting / consulting firms PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG was exposed recently, at least in part, with the PWC tax scam where they were paid to help the federal government draft tax laws to make foreign companies pay more tax while at the same time PWC was advising those same companies on how to avoid the tax.

The Australian Senate set up the “Inquiry into management and assurance of integrity by consulting services (Consulting services)” which is in effect an inquiry into corruption by EY, Deloitte, KPMG and PwC. The inquiry is due to publish it’s final report by the 30th of November 2023.

On Monday and Tuesday, the Senate Inquiry had public hearings and the below video is a must watch as it shows Deloitte Chairperson Tom Imbesi and Ernst and Young CEO David Larocca showing total contempt for the Senate Inquiry which is ultimately showing total contempt for the Australian public.

In the video Deloitte Chairperson Tom Imbesi insists he must first “check with the Department” to see if they agree to be named at the Senate Inquiry regarding suspected corruption and Ernst and Young CEO David Larocca refuses to give the Senate Inquiry important information regarding EY partner’s pay.

In some ways it is easy to understand why Deloitte Chairperson Tom Imbesi and Ernst and Young CEO David Larocca are so arrogant, think they run the show and are above accountability. They know the AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw in up to his neck in the corruption at PWC, so he is unlikely to take any real action.

I published an article on the 28th of May 2023 titled “AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw and former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller set to cover-up the PwC tax dodging scandal” which starts off:

AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw and former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller, who now works for PwC, have already had private communication about the PwC tax dodging scandal that is now being investigated by the federal police.

Kershaw and Fuller have a history of working together to cover-up government corruption, but more on that in a minute.

Mick Fuller is his role as a partner at PwC is currently doing work reviewing ACT Policing which is a branch of the AFP. PwC has current contracts with the AFP such as a $5.9 million contract with PwC for software and support services. (Click here to read more)

In the below video (28/5/23) Senator David Shoebridge asks Reece Kershaw about his friendship with Mick Fuller and if he had declared the conflict. Reece Kershaw’s arrogant response is disturbing. Also, there is video of Reece Kershaw refusing to answer questions in March 2020 about the Angus Taylor document fraud.


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faa00c No.73118

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209105 (200108ZJUL23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII Revenge is a dish best served cold. Pfizer building in Rocky Mount heavily damaged during tornado

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Pfizer Manufacturing Sites in the U.S.

Our ten manufacturing sites and two distribution centers located in nine different states employ nearly 10,000 people...


The Rocky Mount, North Carolina site is one of the largest sterile injectable facilities in the world, with more than 1.4 million square feet of manufacturing space on 250 acres in Eastern North Carolina. Nearly 25 percent of all sterile injectables used in U.S. hospitals are produced at the site

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faa00c No.73119

File: 1e87a6d6ca5dbf9⋯.png (129.45 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 617a164dcfa03e8⋯.png (206.59 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209134 (200112ZJUL23) Notable: FloatFag USN-wise off SoCal. Vessels reporting themselves as "TYRIAN 138" and such numbers. USNS HENRY J. KAISER is out there as well.

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Got stuff happening USN-wise off SoCal. Vessels reporting themselves as "TYRIAN 138" and such numbers. USNS HENRY J. KAISER is out there as well. No sign yet of birdfarm or large gator freighter. Looks like war games from here. Be nice to see practice airborne assault on San Clemente Island

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faa00c No.73120

File: e0241d9d50fbc61⋯.png (450.6 KB,885x589,885:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209151 (200114ZJUL23) Notable: The Other Pandemic QAnon as post-truth pathogen For the kekds!

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The Other Pandemic by James Ball review: QAnon as post-truth pathogen

An insightful book about the conspiracy movement compares it persuasively to a self-replicating disease

Rafael Behr

Rafael Behr


Wed 19 Jul 2023 04.00 EDT

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faa00c No.73121

File: 5e46a2488cf8045⋯.png (709.98 KB,1053x735,351:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209161 (200116ZJUL23) Notable: The Other Pandemic QAnon as post-truth pathogen For the kekds!

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'They've been right': Bannon defends QAnon 'beliefs' at Sound of Freedom screening

Sarah K. Burris

July 19, 2023, 8:09 PM ET

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faa00c No.73122

File: 9e60af78b3f275e⋯.png (529.43 KB,781x549,781:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209168 (200117ZJUL23) Notable: The Other Pandemic QAnon as post-truth pathogen For the kekds!

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Journalists Call Amber Alerts A 'QAnon-Adjacent Conspiracy'

U.S. · Jul 19, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

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faa00c No.73123

File: 08a68357004e366⋯.png (71.35 KB,200x266,100:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209172 (200117ZJUL23) Notable: The Other Pandemic QAnon as post-truth pathogen For the kekds!

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QAnon supporters are promoting 'Sound of Freedom.' Here's why

Sound of Freedom, a Christian thriller about a former federal agent rescuing children from exploitation, is this summer's surprise box office hit. Made for about $15 million, it earned almost as much on its release day as the final installment of Indiana Jones and has raked in more than $85 million since opening earlier this month.

But the movie is also being criticized as a vehicle for conspiracy theories and misleading depictions of human trafficking — landing it in the middle of the country's politically polarized culture wars.

The film, based on a real-life, controversial anti-trafficking activist, is being heavily promoted in conservative media. Former President Donald Trump is hosting a screening on Wednesday at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J .

A big part of its success is an appeal from its star, Jim Caviezel, who comes on screen at the end urging viewers to buy more tickets so other people can see it and help end child trafficking. It's a model distributor Angel Studios calls "pay it forward."

Caviezel, who previously played Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, is also drawing attention to the film in other ways. For years, he's been a prominent promoter of the false, violent QAnon conspiracy theory — specifically, the baseless claim that an international cabal of elites is abusing and killing children to extract a substance called adrenochrome.

These wild claims have become deeply enmeshed with narratives about child trafficking in recent years, from the QAnon predecessor Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which falsely alleged a pizza parlor in Washington, D.C., was home to a child sex ring, to false claims that online retailer Wayfair was selling children in the guise of furniture.

In press appearances promoting Sound of Freedom, Caviezel continues to spout QAnon falsehoods. On a recent episode of former Trump adviser Steve Bannon's podcast, Caviezel claimed "the whole adrenochrome empire" is driving demand for trafficked children. "It's an elite drug that they've used for many years," he asserted, falsely claiming it is "10 times more potent than heroin" and "has some mystical qualities as far as making you look younger."

Despite Caviezel's comments, Sound of Freedom itself doesn't contain any references to adrenochrome or other conspiracy theories. It was actually filmed before QAnon conspiracy theories became a widespread phenomenon.

Executives at Angel Studios, the film's distributor, have publicly rejected any association with conspiracies. So have Tim Ballard, the former federal agent Caviezel plays in the movie, and his organization, Operation Underground Railroad. (Angel Studios declined NPR's interview request. Operation Underground Railroad did not respond to NPR's questions.)

But Ballard recently told right-wing podcadster Jordan Peterson that claimed adrenochrome harvesting is real. His statements, and Caviezel's, have an impact on how Sound of Freedom is being received, said Mike Rothschild, author of The Storm Is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of Everything.

"It's being marketed to QAnon believers, it's being embraced by this community and its leading actor is a huge part of the QAnon community," he said.

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faa00c No.73124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209173 (200117ZJUL23) Notable: The Other Pandemic QAnon as post-truth pathogen For the kekds!

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Indeed, QAnon adherents have eagerly anticipated its release and greeted the film as a way to bring new believers into the fold. "New to Q? With the 'Sound of Freedom' movie dominating the box office and giving Hollywood seizures, we have a lot of new eyes on us!" read the title of one popular thread on a QAnon website last week.

In addition to the controversies around QAnon, the rescue story told in Sound of Freedom has also become a lightning rod.

Many of the missions Operation Underground Railroad describes are hard to verify or contain significant misrepresentations, according to extensive reporting by Tim Marchman and Anna Merlan of Vice News.

"They're not whole cloth falsehoods, but they reassemble things that are true or close to being true into stories that are just wildly and completely different from what actually happened," Marchman said.

Operation Underground Railroad has denied Vice's findings. (Ballard recently left the group.)

On screen, Sound of Freedom goes even further in fictionalizing Ballard's story, showing him single-handedly taking on a crime syndicate in Colombia.

These popular depictions raise concerns among anti-trafficking experts, who say they offer an incomplete portrait of a real and urgent problem.

"Because trafficking is so varied and does span so many populations, it really tests our brain to not, not distill it down to some sort of 'this is what a common victim of human trafficking looks like,'" said Elizabeth Campbell, co-director of the University of Michigan's Human Trafficking Clinic. "By doing that, I think we make actual victims of human trafficking more invisible and more vulnerable to exploitation."

She said trafficking takes many forms, including forced labor, which is often under-reported, and affects victims of a wide range of ages. Some trafficking involves kidnapping by strangers, as depicted in Sound of Freedom, but often it's committed by people close to the victim who exploit trust, she said.

In a long blog post about the film, Angel Studios acknowledged some elements are fictionalized and said the film takes "creative liberties in depicting the different methods of child trafficking."

Campbell worries the picture of trafficking and how to address it presented by Operation Underground Railroad and, by extension, Sound of Freedom, diverts people's attention, resources and policy proposals away from where they're most needed.

"It becomes easy for people to say, 'Well, if I just spread a message that we need to support law enforcement in freeing these child victims,' they don't have to do the hard work of asking what role they play in the purchasing of goods for forced labor, or they don't have to play the hard role of figuring out how do we reduce poverty and the sort of inherent vulnerability that comes with poverty that leads to this kind of exploitation," she said.

"Those difficult questions are never asked because we're just sort of saying, 'Well, the best thing you can do is support this particular group in this one particular action against these particular bad guys.'"

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faa00c No.73125

File: ad380b01a5b9bf6⋯.mp4 (13.98 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209190 (200119ZJUL23) Notable: Shapley/Comer/Smith/Turner [IRS Supervisory Special Agent] vids

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Smith: So in this report, it, it recommended felony charges for 2014, 2018 and 2019 and misdemeanor charges for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

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faa00c No.73126

File: aace5010aa0ac60⋯.png (200.6 KB,444x579,148:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209216 (200122ZJUL23) Notable: Swedish embassy in Baghdad set on fire.

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NOW - Swedish embassy in Baghdad set on fire.

This incident comes just hours after Swedish police approved another event for Thursday outside the Iraqi Embassy in Stockholm, where organizers plan to burn another Quran and the Iraqi flag, BNO reports.


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faa00c No.73127

File: e269ffa0c18f492⋯.jpg (974.26 KB,1917x934,1917:934,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209225 (200123ZJUL23) Notable: PF Most of the Blackhawks seem to be circling airports/airbases

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Most of the Blackhawks seem to be circling airports / airbases. interdasting

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faa00c No.73128

File: 2c32813033d91a9⋯.png (768.59 KB,1903x929,1903:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209253 (200127ZJUL23) Notable: PF Most of the Blackhawks seem to be circling airports/airbases

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Heres another example, Also just saw another Blackhawk pop up in Atlanta.

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faa00c No.73129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209297 (200131ZJUL23) Notable: The Communist Culture Invasion

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The Communist Culture Invasion - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

141K subscribers

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#CTM Tonight

Topic: The Communist Culture Invasion

Start: 8:30pm CDT

• John Moore

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faa00c No.73130

File: 7890e53c6e28162⋯.png (266.14 KB,426x494,213:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209306 (200132ZJUL23) Notable: @RepMTG Exposes Hunter Biden’s Misuse of Law Firm for Prostitution Payments as “Business Expenses”

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💥🧨💣🇺🇸 @realMarjorieGreene Hunter, el repugnante hijo de Joe Biden, violó la ley cuando traficó con prostitutas a través de las fronteras estatales.

Incluso dedujo este obvio gasto comercial de sus impuestos, utilizando la cuenta bancaria de su bufete de abogados para pagarlo.

¡Los demócratas no estaban contentos con eso!

🌟🐸@patriotsligthwarriors 🐸🌟

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faa00c No.73131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209320 (200135ZJUL23) Notable: American man who sexually abused multiple Filipino girls sentenced to 50 years

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American man who sexually abused multiple Filipino girls sentenced to 50 years

Stephen Gordon Grimes has been sentenced for producing child pornography overseas and transporting the material to the United States. Over the course of three years, he recorded videos of his sexual abuse of girls as young as four years old.


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faa00c No.73132

File: 4864fb1d4882c92⋯.png (454.94 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 77c0fe8777b0f2e⋯.png (873.01 KB,1050x591,350:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 95b68bc1b210083⋯.png (1.75 MB,1200x740,60:37,Clipboard.png)

File: d09c7ef177c61b8⋯.png (1.66 MB,1200x715,240:143,Clipboard.png)

File: eed24a6aa63a0ce⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209412 (200145ZJUL23) Notable: FloatFag USN-wise off SoCal. Vessels reporting themselves as "TYRIAN 138" and such numbers. USNS HENRY J. KAISER is out there as well.

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Tell me again about those two furthest southwest of Cali. I keep seeing this reefer ship of South Coronado Island. An island with almost nobody there. An island that had a "casino" looking a lot like a whorehouse. The yellow choppa with the blue arplane

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faa00c No.73133

File: 759eb3f07a1e845⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209421 (200146ZJUL23) Notable: Shapley/Comer/Smith/Turner [IRS Supervisory Special Agent] vids

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Turner: Since the statute of limitations was allowed to run, Mr. Shapley, you go on to state that in order for him [Hunter] to pay this [back taxes], he'd have to pay it voluntarily, that the government doesn't have a way to compel him to pay it, because they've allowed the statute of limitations; not just he got out of criminal, he got out having to pay the tax, right?

Shapley: That's correct, the civil and criminal statute of limitations have expired for that tax year.

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faa00c No.73134

File: bd8e5199565e17a⋯.png (571.41 KB,1912x933,1912:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209425 (200147ZJUL23) Notable: FloatFag USN-wise off SoCal. Vessels reporting themselves as "TYRIAN 138" and such numbers. USNS HENRY J. KAISER is out there as well.

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Are you talking about RUDY22?

Definitely is on some kind of ship.

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faa00c No.73135

File: 59b0e6bb775e946⋯.png (103.99 KB,425x539,425:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209446 (200149ZJUL23) Notable: NPR on Cuties: it’s just a harmless critique of the sexualization of children 🤷🏻‍♂️

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NPR on Cuties: it’s just a harmless critique of the sexualization of children 🤷🏻‍♂️

NPR on Sound of Freedom: it’s a QAnon vehicle for conspiracy theories & misleading depictions of human trafficking!!!

They always side with the ones sexualizing kids. Wonder why 🤔

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faa00c No.73136

File: 6ea5726fd399602⋯.png (608.38 KB,592x735,592:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209549 (200201ZJUL23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ Met Jim Caviezel and we had so much to talk about.

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Met Jim Caviezel and we had so much to talk about.

Jim is an amazing guy who is really all about bringing attention to the trafficking of our precious children.

Im glad President Trump is able to see Sound of Freedom with him, I'm sure they will have lots to talk about too.


2:53 PM · Jul 19, 2023




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faa00c No.73137

File: d64fcc890235130⋯.png (337.9 KB,830x633,830:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209576 (200203ZJUL23) Notable: SNP admits to felling 16 million trees to develop wind farms

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SNP admits to felling 16 million trees to develop wind farms

Almost 16 million trees have been chopped down on publicly owned land in Scotland to make way for wind farms, an SNP minister had admitted amid a major drive to erect more turbines.

Mairi Gougeon, the Rural Affairs Secretary, estimated that 15.7 million trees had been felled since 2000 in land that is currently managed by agency Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) - the equivalent of more than 1,700 per day.


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faa00c No.73138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209618 (200208ZJUL23) Notable: #23592

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#23592 >>73100

>>73101 Bannon & Winters Blast House Oversight Investigations As ‘Amateur Hour.’

>>73102, >>73109, >>73110 Aldean/Vegas

>>73103 Major blast rocks South Africa’s largest city

>>73104 Forked Tongues: heavy emitters exposed as hypocrites on climate action, new analysis shows

>>73105, >>73106, >>73108, >>73111, >>73125, >>73133 Shapley/Comer/Smith/Turner [IRS Supervisory Special Agent] vids

>>73107 Veteran US Marine fears he'll end up dead 'like Jeffrey Epstein' after being warned by 'men in black' not to speak about UFO

>>73112, >>73118 @JamesOKeefeIII Revenge is a dish best served cold. Pfizer building in Rocky Mount heavily damaged during tornado

>>73113 CIA contractor spied on Latin American leaders

>>73114, >>73130 @RepMTG Exposes Hunter Biden’s Misuse of Law Firm for Prostitution Payments as “Business Expenses”

>>73115 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

>>73116 The Truth About Vaccines Presents: #REMEDY This is a film about vaccine injuries that you don't want to miss

>>73117 Australian government now run by the corrupt Big 4 Consulting firms - PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG

>>73119, >>73132, >>73134 FloatFag USN-wise off SoCal. Vessels reporting themselves as "TYRIAN 138" and such numbers. USNS HENRY J. KAISER is out there as well.

>>73120, >>73121, >>73122, >>73123, >>73124 The Other Pandemic QAnon as post-truth pathogen For the kekds!

>>73126 Swedish embassy in Baghdad set on fire.

>>73127, >>73128 PF Most of the Blackhawks seem to be circling airports/airbases

>>73129 The Communist Culture Invasion

>>73131 American man who sexually abused multiple Filipino girls sentenced to 50 years

>>73135 NPR on Cuties: it’s just a harmless critique of the sexualization of children 🤷🏻‍♂️

>>73136 @CodeMonkeyZ Met Jim Caviezel and we had so much to talk about.

>>73137 SNP admits to felling 16 million trees to develop wind farms


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faa00c No.73139

File: b6155988b6a4531⋯.png (432.97 KB,500x653,500:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 56a3eb3adb264a2⋯.png (677.87 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: f1c153d55e2161f⋯.png (332.96 KB,1514x1124,757:562,Clipboard.png)

File: bcb0082508be855⋯.jpg (145.2 KB,649x680,649:680,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c0de6b2cc3deffd⋯.gif (279.66 KB,300x200,3:2,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209636 (200211ZJUL23) Notable: #23593

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

Take It Night Shift

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faa00c No.73140

File: 23a112fcb643483⋯.jpg (177.59 KB,720x1214,360:607,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 09456fc79e52db4⋯.jpg (285.16 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209677 (200215ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump sits front row center watching Sound of Freedom

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President Trump sits front row center watching Sound of Freedom. Jim Caviezel on one side, Tim Ballard on the other

He hasn’t moved an inch since the film began

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faa00c No.73141

File: e8d99eb27822255⋯.png (936.34 KB,1140x570,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209700 (200218ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Rachel’ Levine’s Ex-Wife Suffered ‘Emotion’ From Divorce That Made Her Stop Writing

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‘Rachel’ Levine’s Ex-Wife Suffered ‘Emotion’ From Divorce That Made Her Stop Writing

"The birthday of the dog that I adopted is the same date as my 'wedding day,'" wrote Rachel Levine's ex-wife. "Now I have something else to celebrate."

Rachel Levine, a once relatively little known healthcare bureaucrat in Pennsylvania who jumped up to Assistant Secretary of Health under Joe Biden, and more recently became the first “female” four-star admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, used to have a wife.

Before donning the military uniform and long hair, Levine was known to the world as Richard Leland Levine. As Richard, Levine played high school football with future-General Mark Milley, and eventually went to medical school. In medical school, Richard began dating a woman named Martha Peaslee. The two attained their medical degrees, married in 1988, had two children named David and Dayna, and lived relatively quiet lives as medical doctors and academics until they reached middle age.

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faa00c No.73142

File: 987bdb62c508a6c⋯.png (275.47 KB,442x464,221:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209745 (200223ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Rachel’ Levine’s Ex-Wife Suffered ‘Emotion’ From Divorce That Made Her Stop Writing

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US Senate confirms transgender Jewish doctor as assistant health secretary

Rachel Levine, who served as Pennsylvania’s top health official, becomes the first openly transgender person to win Senate confirmation

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faa00c No.73143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209780 (200227ZJUL23) Notable: Sold to sex traffic network at six

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thank you CBOW and SNAPPA




108K subscribers

12K views 6 hours ago

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faa00c No.73144

File: 33ed05887e69402⋯.png (906.84 KB,1916x827,1916:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 4180356a01accee⋯.png (1.07 MB,1902x931,1902:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209781 (200227ZJUL23) Notable: Planefag

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What's with the different aircraft all carrying a callsign with "ASH" in it?

And showing up on a filter for H60 activity?

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faa00c No.73145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209792 (200229ZJUL23) Notable: John Kerry Grilled By Democrats And Republicans At House

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JUST IN: John Kerry Grilled By Democrats And Republicans At House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing

Forbes Breaking News

2.01M subscribers

131K views 5 days ago

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faa00c No.73146

File: aed37bfce66907d⋯.png (216.84 KB,1170x1101,390:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209798 (200230ZJUL23) Notable: Effects of adrenochrome and epinephrine on human arterial endothelial cells in vitro

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Well, well…what have we here? The NIH testing the effects of adrenochrome on humans. So it’s not a “conspiracy”. My question: where did the NIH get this adrenochrome they harvested, acc to their study? Effects of adrenochrome & epinephrine on human…


Effects of adrenochrome and epinephrine on human arterial endothelial cells in vitro

Q Zhou et al. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 1995 Jul.


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faa00c No.73147

File: 2ba736a2692157f⋯.png (5.8 MB,1170x2016,65:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209811 (200232ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump sits front row center watching Sound of Freedom

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President Trump sits front row center watching Sound of Freedom. Jim Caviezel on one side, Tim Ballard on the other

He hasn’t moved an inch since the film began


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faa00c No.73148

File: 8302dc010995c78⋯.png (991.18 KB,1170x1392,195:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209818 (200233ZJUL23) Notable: New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu will not seek reelection

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New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu will not seek reelection | Just The News


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faa00c No.73149

File: be3453d6501decd⋯.mp4 (14.32 MB,1040x1072,65:67,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209826 (200233ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump sits front row center watching Sound of Freedom

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Alright anon is gonna follow POSO after what Trump stated at the start of the movie. Listen to the man's words (cap related).

This is from Karli Boone which I already did.

Don't care what the haters say, thinking for muh self.

sauce https://truthsocial.com/@KarliBonne/110743989848927941

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faa00c No.73150

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB,554x515,554:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209831 (200234ZJUL23) Notable: Planefag

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>What's with the different aircraft all carrying a callsign with "ASH" in it?

Note that some are SLASH, therefore ASH and SLASH are likely forms of the same name or acronym. A common call sign. The pilots have to input that stuff and styles/available space to make those inputs vary. Mostly see the numbers either representing a flight number or airframe serial. Compare to left column and easily seen. The strange thing about your old screenshot is so many instances of same word in so many callsigns. Don't usually see that. When was this?

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faa00c No.73151

File: dc28b687050e02e⋯.png (296.57 KB,543x497,543:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209836 (200235ZJUL23) Notable: Democrat Dan Goldman Brings Witness Testimony at IRS Hearing Joe Biden and Hunter Talked About Foreign Business Deals, Contradicting Joe’s Denials

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Own Goal

Bumbling Democrat Dan Goldman Brings in Witness Testimony at IRS Hearing that Joe Biden and Hunter Talked About Foreign Business Deals, Contradicting Joe’s Denials

Freshman Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), a former federal prosecutor who made his name as the lead counsel in the first Trump impeachment, bumbled into tying Joe Biden to son Hunter’s foreign business deals, contradicting Joe Biden’s years-long claims that he never discussed with Hunter his foreign business deals.

Goldman was asking the two IRS whistleblowers testifying at Wednesday’s hearing by the House Oversight Committee, Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley and Criminal Investigator Joseph Ziegler (aka Whistleblower X) about testimony by former Hunter Biden business partner Rob Walker that Joe Biden had dropped by a business lunch Hunter was having with representatives of the Chinese energy form CEFC at the Four Seasons hotel in Washington, D.C. when Biden was out of office. In doing so, Goldman proved the lie told by Joe Biden that he never spoke with Hunter about his foreign business deals.

After getting Shapley to agree that Walker testified he was “not aware that Joe Biden was ever a part of anything that he and Hunter were doing,” Goldman brought up the lunch at the Four Seasons:

Goldman: “And you testified that he said to, that Hunter told his dad, according to Rob Walker, quote, “I may be trying to start a company or try do something with these guys.” Now let me ask you something, that doesn’t sound much like Joe Biden was involved in whatever Hunter Biden was doing with the CEFC if Hunter Biden is telling him that he’s trying to do business with them, does it?”

Shapley: “No, but it does show that he said, he told his father he was trying to do business. And he was talking with his father about the business…”

Goldman: “Well, that is true, Hunter Biden does try to do business, that’s correct. So you don’t, not only have no direct evidence connecting Joe Biden to any of Hunter Biden’s business deals, you actually had proof that he wasn’t involved that he wasn’t involved. That is the proof that you had.”

Excerpt from Washington Examiner article detailing the CEFC luncheon:

Shapley said that “Walker went on to describe an instance in which the former Vice President showed up at a CEFC meeting.”

Walker told the FBI, “We were at the Four Seasons and we were having lunch and he [Joe Biden] stopped in, just said hello to everybody. I don’t even think he drank water. I think Hunter Biden said, ‘I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys and could you?’ And I think he [Joe Biden] was like, ‘if I’m around,’ and he’d show up.”

The FBI agent then asked, “So you definitely got the feeling that that was orchestrated by Hunter Biden to have like an appearance by his dad at that meeting just to kind of bolster your chances at making a deal work out?”

“Sure,” Walker replied.

The FBI agent then asked if there were “any times when he was in office, or did you hear Hunter Biden say that he was setting up a meeting with his dad with them while dad was still in office?”

“Yes,” Walker replied.

Shapley said that the FBI agent then “inexplicably … changed the subject.”

In August 2019, Biden swore he never spoke with Hunter or his brothers about their business (Politico excerpt):

Joe Biden pledged to erect an “absolute wall” between the presidency and his family’s business dealings and said he has never discussed business with relatives, following an event here on Wednesday.

“I have never discussed, with my son or my brother or with anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses. Period,” he said. “And what I will do is the same thing we did in our administration. There will be an absolute wall between personal and private [business interests] and the government. There wasn’t any hint of scandal at all when we were there. And I’m going to propose the same kind of strict, strict rules. That’s why I never talked with my son or my brother or anyone else — even distant family — about their business interests. Period.”

The former vice president’s comments, in response to a question from POLITICO, come amid allegations that his younger brother James and his son Hunter have sought to use his political connections to enrich themselves, and amid scrutiny of Hunter’s business dealings in China and Ukraine.


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faa00c No.73152

File: 3ebd86a8db3049b⋯.mp4 (11.91 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209860 (200239ZJUL23) Notable: More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

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Higgins: I think I clarified for America why we were interested in Hunter Biden. Because he sold access to his father, The Big Guy. And you Americans out there may have a compromised president in your White House.

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faa00c No.73153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209863 (200240ZJUL23) Notable: Interview With Toby Rogers: Health Freedom: The Costs Of Autism

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Interview With Toby Rogers: Health Freedom: The Costs Of Autism

"HG: Here you were, a PhD student not originally interested in autism, but because your girlfriend’s son had autism, you started looking into it and find this nonsense. What did you do next?

Once I’d seen the pattern in the data, I couldn’t go back. I couldn’t in good conscience not say, “I have seen what’s going on with environmental factors that increase autism risk. I know that the CDC is lying. I know that politicians have no idea about the calamity that’s coming down the track.” I could not in good conscience abandon that work once I’d seen the pattern. It led to difficult conversations. Everybody knows that this topic is politically radioactive because of the question about vaccines. Everybody is skittish about it. To their credit, my department and my supervisor stood by me and allowed me to make the change to work on the political economy of autism."

"I did not want to discover that vaccines can cause autism, and yet it runs throughout the data. It’s impossible to miss if you do an honest evaluation of the studies on this topic."

"TR: We’re on the verge of the collapse of an over two-hundred-year-old democracy because the pharmaceutical industry has poisoned our entire political system. It has poisoned our elected of­ficials and our elections. It has poisoned all of our regulatory agencies—the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—all of these regula­tory agencies are supposed to be protecting us, but they’re all captured by industry. They all end up working for the very industries that they’re supposed to be regulating and protect­ing us from."

Anon admires the moms and the data crunchers who are calling out the destruction of children. The data crunchers include Steve Kirsch, Edward Dowd and Toby Rogers.

Some additional quotes: "There’s no strategy for how to pay for the educational, housing or health care costs as­sociated with autism—and yet we’re looking at a trillion dollars a year in cost by 2025."

"I spent 2019 working to defeat mandatory vaccine bills in different states like Colorado, Oregon, California, New Jersey and Virginia. One of the things that is striking about these campaigns to defeat mandatory vaccine bills is the amount of moral injury inflicted on these parents and families by elected officials who refuse to listen."

From 2016 to the present anon has been vaccine risk aware after seeing "Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe" and researching. Anon had concluded the CDC schedule was a bioweapons program BEFORE "COVID". How many lives would have been saved if moms and a bunch of non-medical data crunchers had been listened to?

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faa00c No.73154

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209866 (200240ZJUL23) Notable: Christina Bobb: Liberal AZ AG's Targeting Trump On Plagiarism

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10 hours ago

Christina Bobb: Liberal AZ Attorney Generals Targeting Trump On Plagiarism. Criminalizing your political opponent by going after Trump electors. threatening witnesses for doing their jobs. This is so evil!

4:07 minutes

They will never defeat Trump and take him out, because they are trying to charge electors by signing their own signatures!


Sep 10 2020 01:20:58 (EST)



Highly coordinated [funded] _domestic terrorism.

FEDs involved [US rights [c]_surveillance]

[D] controlled areas.

Media blackout.

Election gaming.



Jul 17 2020 15:16:18 (EST)

CDC C19 data [actually] lower than reported?

Why did select [D] govs [4] mandate nursing home C19 positive insert?

Election not virus. Win by any means necessary.


I think we are very close or beyond the precipice anons, when will final action take place? It’s a chess match it changes daily, but we do know they are desperate


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faa00c No.73155

File: 002238ad06f7300⋯.mp4 (1009.32 KB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209868 (200241ZJUL23) Notable: More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

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Garcia: Today's hearing is like most of the majority's investigations and hearings. A lot of allegations, zero proof, no receipts, but apparently, some dick pics.

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faa00c No.73156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209928 (200251ZJUL23) Notable: New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu will not seek reelection

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New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu will not seek reelection

He previously dispelled rumors of a presidential run in 2024.

New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu announced on Wednesday that he would not seek reelection in 2024.

Sununu first entered the governor's mansion in 2016 and has served continuously since then. The state holds gubernatorial contests every two years, though he has managed to triumph in each successive election and is currently serving his fourth term.

"After much consideration, I have decided not to run for another term as Governor in 2024," he tweeted. "Be assured we will keep working and that the Granite State will continue to be our priority for the next 18 months."

"Public service should never be a career, and the time is right for another Republican to lead our great state," he went on. "This was no easy decision as I truly love serving as Governor."

He previously dispelled rumors of a presidential run in 2024, saying "[w]e’ve taken the last six months to really kind of look at things, where everything is. And I’ve made the decision not to run for president on the Republican ticket in 2024."

The battleground state has generally trended Democratic in the past several presidential elections and currently has two Democratic senators.

Neither senator faces reelection in 2024.


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faa00c No.73157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209934 (200252ZJUL23) Notable: Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia

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Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia

Working in a psychiatrically innovative environment created by the Government of Saskatchewan, Canada, Abram Hoffer and Humphry F. Osmond enunciated the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia in 1952, slightly later proposing and, apparently, demonstrating, in a double-blind study, that the symptoms of the illness could be reversed by administering large doses of niacin. After placing the hypothesis within its ideological framework, the author describes its emergence and elaboration and discusses the empirical evidence brought against it. Hoffer's idiosyncratic diagnostic procedures, especially his creation and use of a supposed biochemical marker for schizophrenia, are examined. The author argues that Hoffer's conceptualization of schizophrenia, as well as his treatment approach, depended on a tautology. Following David Healy, the author treats the adrenochrome hypothesis as a version of a transmethylation theory, thus incorporating it into mainstream psychopharmacology.

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faa00c No.73158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209948 (200254ZJUL23) Notable: Rioters reportedly storm Swedish embassy in Iraq and light it on fire in protest of Koran being burned in Stockholm

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Rioters reportedly storm Swedish embassy in Iraq and light it on fire in protest of Koran being burned in Stockholm

Rioters reportedly stormed the Swedish embassy in Iraq and lit it on fire in protest against the burning of a Koran in Stockholm weeks ago.

Videos on social media show demonstrators protesting outside the embassy, and later videos appear to show fires at the embassy in Baghdad after the protest turned into rioting.

Riot police had been sent to restore order, and smoke was seen rising out of the embassy, according to a report from an AFP News Agency journalist at the scene.

Reuters reported that no embassy staff members had been harmed.

Protesters chanted, "Yes, yes to the Koran!"

The violent demonstration was organized by supporters of Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, according to posts on social media.

Muslims have focused their ire at Sweden ever since an incident during which authorities allowed the Koran was to be burned in June in front of a mosque by an Iraqi immigrant.

Two men were caught on news camera ripping the pages out of the Koran, wiping their shoes with them, and sprinkling pig's blood on the book before lighting it on fire.

The incident complicated Sweden's bid to join NATO while Ukraine is still defending itself against an invasion by Russia. It also led to two previous major demonstrations against Sweden at its embassy in Iraq, including one during which the facility was breached by rioters.

Sweden needs the approval of Turkey to enter NATO, but the Islamic country's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, cited the Koran-burning when he announced that he would oppose its entry into the organization.

"We will eventually teach the arrogant Westerners that insulting Muslims is not freedom of thought," Erdogan said.

The U.S. State Department called the incident "disrespectful and hurtful."




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faa00c No.73159

File: b08452481af84c0⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209962 (200256ZJUL23) Notable: More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

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Frost: Since January 6th, these republicans and Trump have complained about a two-tiered justice system, co-opting the language of the decades-long civil rights movement for black lives and black freedom. A movement that they are actually looking to eliminate.

When they weren't talking about Trump, they were talking about muh racisms

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faa00c No.73160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209963 (200256ZJUL23) Notable: Congressional Testimony: Biden’s HHS ‘Deliberately’ Ignoring Trafficking of Migrant Kids Across U.S.

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Congressional Testimony: Biden’s HHS ‘Deliberately’ Ignoring Trafficking of Migrant Kids Across U.S.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is “deliberately” ignoring the trafficking of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) after they have been released into the United States, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan says.

During a hearing before the House Homeland Security Committee, Vaughan detailed how UACs under the Biden administration are ending up in a labor trafficking pipeline, as well as in sex trafficking, domestic abuse, and gang membership.

“It’s a lot of, frankly, ‘hear no evil, see no evil, there must not be any,’ really deliberately kind of looking the other way at what is happening,” Vaughan said.

UACs arrive at the border in the hands of Mexican drug cartel smugglers. From there, they are briefly taken into Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody before eventually being sent to HHS custody. Then, HHS places the UACs with adult sponsors throughout the U.S.

“There are a number of instances where, for example, girls have been placed with older men in what is clearly an exploitative situation. There are kids who have been turned over to labor traffickers. There are kids who get turned over to gang members. There are kids who get placed into domestic servitude and other forms of abuse. It’s really quite horrific,” Vaughan told the committee:

Since Biden took office, HHS officials have lost contact with at least 85,000 UACs after releasing them into the U.S. interior to adult sponsors — the overwhelming majority of whom are not their biological parents.

Vaughan said HHS officials are failing to adequately keep in touch with UACs:

There’s almost no supervision or follow-up that goes on. These standards that they have for not only placement but post-placement services are way, way inferior to the policies that almost every state in the union uses for foster care placements for example. [Emphasis added]

It’s been said that it is harder to adopt a cat than it is to sponsor an unaccompanied minor because there are rarely background checks done, almost never home studies, no financial assessments. The Biden administration has stopped doing background checks on other people in the households to make sure that the placements are safe. This is something that would simply not be tolerated in our foster care system. [Emphasis added]

Reports indicate that top Biden officials such as HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and former Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice have ignored warnings that UACs are ending up in a widespread labor trafficking pipeline as well as sex trafficking and general abuse at the hands of their adult sponsors.

As Breitbart News has detailed, Biden has tripled the inflow of UACs to the U.S., coinciding with the explosion in child migrant labor trafficking. In Biden’s first two years, close to 300,000 UACs arrived at the border and were released into the U.S. interior with adult sponsors.

In April, a whistleblower told Congress that the federal government is operating a “multi-billion-dollar child trafficking operation” under the guise of helping UACs.

“I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes. Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network,” the whistleblower said:


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faa00c No.73161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19209989 (200301ZJUL23) Notable: Emmy Award-Winning CBS Meteorologist Dies Suddenly at 51

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Emmy Award-Winning CBS Meteorologist Dies Suddenly at 51

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faa00c No.73162

File: fdbb9b47d9b319b⋯.png (1.83 MB,1170x1613,1170:1613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210002 (200303ZJUL23) Notable: Parents who upload photos of their young children to social media are handing their likeness over to pedophiles and sick digital pranksters

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EXCLUSIVE: Parents who upload photos of their young children to social media are handing their likeness over to pedophiles and sick digital pranksters... these families found out about the dark side of 'sharenting' the hard way


- The average child has their picture shared 1,300 times before the age of 13

- A new ad reveals it only takes one image and AI to ruin that child's future

It is every parent's worst nightmare - an image or video of your child you posted to social media ends up on a sexually explicit website.


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faa00c No.73163

File: 05629cb65aa5e5a⋯.png (78.82 KB,1054x534,527:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 19985349017eece⋯.png (46.06 KB,563x315,563:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210025 (200308ZJUL23) Notable: ANOTHER LEAK: Dirty Jack Smith to Charge Trump with Civil War Era Civil Rights Violation - Bastardizing the Law to Jail Biden Regime’s Political Opponents

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ANOTHER LEAK: Dirty Jack Smith to Charge Trump with Civil War Era Civil Rights Violation – Bastardizing the Law to Jail Biden Regime’s Political Opponents

Special Counsel Jack Smith leaked another report to The New York Times on Wednesday night.

This comes after the House Oversight Committee produced $17 million in bank receipts and witness testimony in the Biden Family bribery, corruption, and influence peddling schemes with foreign regimes.

Jack Smith is likely to use the same Civil War Civil Rights Violation that Merrick Garland and the DOJ has been using to send January 6 protesters to prison for years for non-violent crimes.

Again, this leak was reported Wednesday night after the damning testimony from this afternoon.

Federal prosecutors have introduced a new twist into the Jan. 6 investigation by suggesting in a target letter that they could charge former President Donald J. Trump with violating a civil rights statute that dates back to the post-Civil War Reconstruction era, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The letter to Mr. Trump from the special counsel, Jack Smith, referred to three criminal statutes as part of the grand jury investigation into Mr. Trump’s efforts to reverse his 2020 election loss, according to two people with knowledge of its contents. Two of the statutes were familiar from the criminal referral by the House Jan. 6 committee and months of discussion by legal experts: conspiracy to defraud the government and obstruction of an official proceeding.

But the third criminal law cited in the letter was a surprise: Section 241 of Title 18 of the United States Code, which makes it a crime for people to “conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person” in the “free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States.”

Congress enacted that statute after the Civil War to provide a tool for federal agents to go after Southern whites, including Ku Klux Klan members, who engaged in terrorism to prevent formerly enslaved African Americans from voting. But in the modern era, it has been used more broadly, including in cases of voting fraud conspiracies.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with DC Attorney Marina Medvin in April 2023. Marina represents several J6 defendants. Medvin described the unusual use of this Civil War Era law to use on protesters on January 6. It is unprecedented.


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faa00c No.73164

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210035 (200309ZJUL23) Notable: Alabama redistricting

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Alex DeGrasse: New State Maps Drawn For Alabama.Good news

7:14 minutes

Republicans standing strong, must happen in all states! Taking State courts are key to re-districting==


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faa00c No.73165

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210043 (200311ZJUL23) Notable: @Kash: Rosenstein n Wray LIED to congress, subpoena them NOW please

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Kash Patel


Rosenstein n Wray LIED to congress, subpoena them NOW please


Kash Patel





Hot Rod Rosenstein lied to Congress yet again… whos laughing now poindexter? Get him @JimJordan - wray and doj ulawfully surveilled hill staffers and lied thru their teeth. Russia Gage never ends

#Subpoenas NOW



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faa00c No.73166

File: 730bfbc86787418⋯.png (235.83 KB,768x931,768:931,Clipboard.png)

File: b1c5e9fb64210ba⋯.png (227.14 KB,766x898,383:449,Clipboard.png)

File: cbc0696742d334e⋯.png (76.75 KB,751x315,751:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210044 (200311ZJUL23) Notable: Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

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Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

How the Radical Left Conquered Everything

“The ambition of this book is to reveal the inner history of America’s cultural revolution, tracing the arc of its development from its origin point to the present day.” Christopher Rufo, America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything.

Christopher Rufo may have been setting out the ambition of his new book, America’s Cultural Revolution, but there is no mistake that this work itself is ambitious, given the scale of material (the cultural revolution and pre-revolutionary ideas, and the creation and progression of that movement, for starters) and the connection from leftist thought leaders of the mid-20th century to the absurdities and very real cultural and political dangers we see today.

But his task is also necessary, as the proper answer to the question of “where we are” – one of disagreement even among conservatives, some of whom deny we are in a revolutionary age – requires an exploration of how we got here and the ideas that led us to this point. The revolutionary lineage from the 1960s (and before) carries on to this day – albeit in an arguably stronger form. What was radical is now the orthodoxy. Those calling for sexual liberation in 1955, for example, would no doubt be shocked – and proud – at the evolution and success of that idea. We add that political liberation and sexual liberation are indeed intertwined, as they both can lead to spiritual bondage.

Rufo, to his credit, achieves that ambitious goal. America’s Cultural Revolution is divided into four parts: Revolution, Race, Education, and Power, with each including a biography of the prophets of the cultural revolution. There is an exacting focus on the prophets’ writings (supported by hundreds of footnotes) concerning “liberation”, political violence, anti-racism, and the destruction of institutions – many of which we see regurgitated, exercised, and acted upon to this day.

Your humble author is especially thankful for Rufo’s deep dive into the history of the revolutionaries, which helps to give a biography of the movement. We often see the ridiculous (the shop teacher with z-cups) and the concerning (statues toppled) and the evil (public school teacher-led gender transitions), but we’re left without an understanding of where all this originated and how it came to be.


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faa00c No.73167

File: 001f0d35a5f387d⋯.png (820.64 KB,584x1024,73:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210098 (200322ZJUL23) Notable: Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’

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Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’: court docs

Two young brothers imprisoned in their feces-covered Wisconsin home raised the alarm by smashing their way out of a window — walking naked through the street like “cavemen” who’d “never seen the sun before,” according to distressing court documents.

Multiple neighbors called 911 after seeing the boys, aged 7 and 9, walking naked outside their Milwaukee home last Thursday, according to a criminal complaint detailing multiple felony charges against their mom, Katie Koch, 34, and stepdad, Joel Manke, 38.

The boys were bruised and blooded and had so much feces in their hair it had to be shaved off later in a hospital, the affidavit said.

A 13-year-old girl told cops that she saw a “naked person walking on the sidewalk like a ‘caveman,'” the document stated.

“Like they had never seen the sun before,” the same young witness also told WDJT, while another neighbor who’d been there 30 years said he had no idea there were even kids in the house.

Responding cops described the boys’ home as a “terrible hoarding situation” — with feces covering the walls and so much trash officers “had a difficult time seeing the floor.”

The 7-year-old boy was put in a diaper, and the boys’ bedroom had a lock outside as well as boarded-up windows, the affidavit said.

“It was something out of a horror movie,” Assistant District Attorney Mallory Davis told an initial hearing for the mom and stepdad, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

“These children were essentially confined to their room for much of their lives.”

Manke, the stepdad, admitted in interviews to boarding up the windows and locking the boys in their room, the affidavit said.

He “stated that he knew how the children were living was not right but he had to ‘pick his battles’ with [their mom] Koch to avoid arguments,” officers stated.

“Manke stated that he never contacted police or schools to report the children because he doesn’t believe in doing that to family members.”

The mom, meanwhile, admitted that the boys never went to school and had not been checked by a doctor in years.

“Koch stated that she ‘f—ed up'” and knew “her boys deserve better,” the affidavit said of her interview under oath.

Davis, the prosecutor, told the couple’s hearing that the boys are “completely uneducated” and not even potty trained, according to WDJT.

The parents face more than 40 years in prison if convicted of multiple counts of neglect and false imprisonment, the outlet said.

“These children have been horribly damaged from their mother’s actions,” Davis said.

“They are, essentially at this point, unable to function in society.”


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faa00c No.73168

File: 7251722f9ff9d8f⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210099 (200322ZJUL23) Notable: More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

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Crockett: The insinuation that this committee is trying to make, or at least one side of this committee is trying to make, is that for some reason there was interference, and my colleagues continue to make sure they outline the fact that this investigation actually started under the Trump administration…at the end of the day, we have no evidence whatsoever that [Joe Biden] or the attorney general of the United States interfered.

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faa00c No.73169

File: d6e0721040cfc0f⋯.png (1.68 MB,1170x1252,585:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210116 (200327ZJUL23) Notable: Trump hired Gilgo Beach serial killer suspect Rex Heuermann for $200K architect job at his most prized NYC property on Wall Street

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Trump hired Gilgo Beach serial killer suspect Rex Heuermann for $200K architect job at his most prized NYC property on Wall Street

- The alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex Heuermann was hired by former President Trump to work on one of his New York City properties

- Filings with the New York City Department of Buildings show the Trump Organization hired the alleged murderer in 2018

- It comes after Heuermann was dramatically arrested last Thursday, with cops now investigating his home in Long Island

Gilgo Beach serial killer suspect Rex Heuermann was hired by former President Trump for a $200,000 architect job at one of his most prized properties on Wall Street.


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faa00c No.73170

File: 9aa1dcaacb35cd4⋯.png (725.83 KB,1443x1015,1443:1015,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210178 (200343ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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SNOOP32 sniffing about for any Chinese spy balloons in the vicinity of our missile silos and bomber bases.

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faa00c No.73171

File: e2fefd3b65f758b⋯.mp4 (7.02 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210239 (200359ZJUL23) Notable: More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

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Fallon: So the US attorney tipped off the lawyers of a person who was the subject of a year's long criminal, felony investigation, is that what you're saying? Did Leslie Wolf tip off Hunter Biden's lawyers?

Zieglar: Regarding the storage unit? [nodding head]

Fallon: Because once you know that, if you're the subject of a criminal investigation, any of those documents that can incriminate you are probably going to meet a match and some gasoline.

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faa00c No.73172

File: 5329c3c5921c7bb⋯.mp4 (3.38 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210269 (200405ZJUL23) Notable: More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

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Perry: Have you ever been threatened before in an investigation?

Zieglar: I have not, and I've come to learn that this 6E Grand Jury threat may have happened before to other people inside the IRS.

Perry: What we're talking about here is obstruction of justice. You were seeking justice, and you were obstructed. It's against the law.

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faa00c No.73173

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210276 (200407ZJUL23) Notable: The Gravitas Of Tucker Carlson And Arrogance Of Fox

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These are the typical interviews that makes me think Tucker is being set up to be a choice of VP. I think this is a big mistake. Bannon is not this stupid, he is programming people to make him acceptable.Once in the SeeEyeAye, always in SeeEyeAye. This is not cool. don’t get me wrong, I like Tucker, I don’t worship Tucker!

Chadwick Moore: The Gravitas Of Tucker Carlson And Arrogance Of Fox

13:51 minutes

I think the Murdochs and him set this up, what better way to get Tucker closer to Trump. Make a war with FOX news and make him am innocent hero. I will be suspect of everything Bannon believes from now on Tucker, because if he’s buying the saint persona, there is something not right.

I know Trump will not buy into this, because he has a history of Tucker’s nasty arrogant side.


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faa00c No.73174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210330 (200418ZJUL23) Notable: SpaceX Starlink Mission

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

SpaceX is targeting Wednesday, July 19 at 9:09 p.m. PT (04:09 UTC on July 20) for a Falcon 9 launch of 15 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. If needed, an additional launch opportunity is also available at 10:00 p.m. PT (05:00 UTC on July 20).

This is the 10th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched NROL-87, NROL-85, SARah-1, SWOT, Transporter-8, and four Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship, which will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean.



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faa00c No.73175

File: 7d7ed7c0cf58ded⋯.png (599.35 KB,1044x978,174:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210387 (200429ZJUL23) Notable: More BS from the Guardian: Avoid Using The Term 'Wealthy Elite' And Instead Say 'The Powerful Few' to Not 'Trigger Antisemitism'

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The Guardian: Avoid Using The Term 'Wealthy Elite' And Instead Say 'The Powerful Few' to Not 'Trigger Antisemitism'

Criticizing the "wealthy elite" is anti-Semitic, according to new speech codes from the "Reframing Race initiative" covered by the Guardian on Tuesday.

From The Guardian, "Avoid phrases that link negativity with blackness, anti-racism report recommends":

Phrases and words that link negativity with blackness and positivity with whiteness – such as "black mood", "dark times" or "whiter than white" – reinforce racist connotations and should be avoided, an anti-racism initiative has recommended.

Reframing Race has put together a report titled Contains Strong Language to equip anti-racism and racial inequality campaigners with the words that have proven most effective in persuading people of the "harm and structural nature of racism".

The guide says associating whiteness with purity, cleanliness and goodness, and blackness with evil and destruction serves to "reinforce harmful tropes and the constructed racial hierarchy in which 'black and minoritised' people are pushed to the bottom".

It also suggests using images or visual descriptions that apply only to white people – such as "blushing red", "ashen faces" or "lips turning blue" risks othering black or minoritised people and should be avoided.

[...] Other recommendations include avoiding the phrase "white working class" and rather using "multi-ethnic working class" or "working-class people of all ethnicities" because the use of the former wrongly excludes black and minoritised people from the class group.

It also suggests avoiding the use of the term "wealthy elite" and rather saying "the powerful few" as the former phrase can trigger antisemitism and feed the conspiracy theories of far-right white nationalists.

Link: https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63866

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faa00c No.73176

File: 52442231c27fc42⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210407 (200441ZJUL23) Notable: More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

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Langworthy: Given all you've just told us; you gave over fifteen combined hours of testimony to Ways and Means, hours of public testimony today, and these facts have been public now for weeks, and yet, not one single person has been able to contradict a single fact about your testimony.

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faa00c No.73177

File: 7ef62de49812dfa⋯.jpeg (56.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210454 (200500ZJUL23) Notable: Swedish embassy torched ahead of new Koran burning stunt

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20 Jul, 2023 01:43

Swedish embassy torched ahead of new Koran burning stunt

The incident marks the second chaotic demonstration at the compound in recent weeks

A large crowd of rioters have stormed theSwedish Embassy in Iraqand set the building ablaze, in a protest against an officially sanctioned protest, with possible Koran-burning, planned outside the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm.

Hundreds of people flocked to the diplomatic mission in the early hours of Thursday morning, after influential Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called on his supporters to demonstrate, according to Reuters.

Footage from the scene has circulated online, with one clip purporting to show the moment rioters stormed the embassy.

Fire and smoke could be seen in other videos, with black plumes billowing from the embassy’s windows as protesters chanted slogans.

A source cited by Reuters said that no embassy staff were harmed during the protest, but offered no other details.

The demonstration was reportedly prompted by the Swedish government’s approval for an upcoming Koran-burning performance in front of the Iraqi Embassy in Stockholm on Thursday.

A similar stunt was carried out last month at the same location, triggering a heated protest in Baghdad which also saw an angry crowd storm the Swedish Embassy.

The governments of multiple Muslim countries also lodged formal protests over the previous Koran-burning, including Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Morocco and Türkiye. Al-Sadr, meanwhile, called for the expulsion of Sweden’s ambassador to Iraq, saying he represented a nation “hostile to Islam.”

Russia and the United States also condemned the Stockholm stunt, though Washington maintained that allowing it to take place was in line with Swedes’ rights to free expression.


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faa00c No.73178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210497 (200514ZJUL23) Notable: More on Morgellons

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I see that morgellons was in the notables today. For anons wanting to go down that rabbit hole here are some helpful links




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faa00c No.73179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210531 (200520ZJUL23) Notable: #23593

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#23593 >>73139


>>73140, >>73149, >>73147 President Trump sits front row center watching Sound of Freedom

>>73141, >>73142 ‘Rachel’ Levine’s Ex-Wife Suffered ‘Emotion’ From Divorce That Made Her Stop Writing

>>73151 Democrat Dan Goldman Brings Witness Testimony at IRS Hearing Joe Biden and Hunter Talked About Foreign Business Deals, Contradicting Joe’s Denials

>>73143 Sold to sex traffic network at six

>>73144, >>73150 Planefag

>>73145 John Kerry Grilled By Democrats And Republicans At House

>>73146 Effects of adrenochrome and epinephrine on human arterial endothelial cells in vitro

>>73148 New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu will not seek reelection

baker change

>>73153 Interview With Toby Rogers: Health Freedom: The Costs Of Autism

>>73154 Christina Bobb: Liberal AZ AG's Targeting Trump On Plagiarism

>>73156 New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu will not seek reelection

>>73157 Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia

>>73158 Rioters reportedly storm Swedish embassy in Iraq and light it on fire in protest of Koran being burned in Stockholm

>>73160 Congressional Testimony: Biden’s HHS ‘Deliberately’ Ignoring Trafficking of Migrant Kids Across U.S.

>>73161 Emmy Award-Winning CBS Meteorologist Dies Suddenly at 51

>>73162 Parents who upload photos of their young children to social media are handing their likeness over to pedophiles and sick digital pranksters

>>73163 ANOTHER LEAK: Dirty Jack Smith to Charge Trump with Civil War Era Civil Rights Violation - Bastardizing the Law to Jail Biden Regime’s Political Opponents

>>73164 Alabama redistricting

>>73165 @Kash: Rosenstein n Wray LIED to congress, subpoena them NOW please

>>73166 Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

>>73167 Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’

>>73168, >>73171, >>73172, >>73176, >>73152, >>73155, >>73159 More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

>>73169 Trump hired Gilgo Beach serial killer suspect Rex Heuermann for $200K architect job at his most prized NYC property on Wall Street

>>73170 PF

>>73173 The Gravitas Of Tucker Carlson And Arrogance Of Fox

>>73174 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>73175 More BS from the Guardian: Avoid Using The Term 'Wealthy Elite' And Instead Say 'The Powerful Few' to Not 'Trigger Antisemitism'

>>73177 Swedish embassy torched ahead of new Koran burning stunt

>>73178 More on Morgellons



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faa00c No.73180

File: e35f74a72797207⋯.png (998.3 KB,1496x750,748:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210550 (200522ZJUL23) Notable: #23594

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baker stepping down, bread is GHOSTED

ty for your contributions,


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faa00c No.73181

File: 45ff92a6215cd5e⋯.jpeg (56.74 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210568 (200530ZJUL23) Notable: Stanford President Resigns After His Alzheimer’s Research Failed ‘Standards of Scientific Rigor’

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Academic Black Eye: Stanford President Resigns After His Alzheimer’s Research Failed ‘Standards of Scientific Rigor’

Alana Mastrangelo19 Jul 2023

Stanford Presidet Marc Tessier-Lavigne

Stanford University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne announced Wednesday that he will resign after an independent review of his Alzheimer’s disease research found significant flaws, going back decades. A report said that his work had “multiple problems” and “fell below customary standards of scientific rigor.”

The review found that an important 2009 Alzheimer’s study had multiple problems” and “fell below customary standards of scientific rigor and process,” especially for a paper of such potential consequences, according to a report by the New York Times.

The Associated Press

New way of defining Alzheimer’s aims to find disease sooner (The Associated Press)

A woman with Alzheimer’s disease sits in a retirement home on October 18, 2016 in Saint Quirin, eastern France. For the second year, children with psychological difficulties meet each Tuesday the residents suffering from Alzheimer’s disease at the retirement home of the village of Saint-Quirin. / AFP / PATRICK HERTZOG / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – TO ILLUSTRATE THE EVENT AS SPECIFIED IN THE CAPTION (Photo credit should read PATRICK HERTZOG/AFP/Getty Images)

The panel of scientists who conducted the review, however, refuted the most serious allegation made against Tessier-Lavigne’s work, which was that the Alzheimer’s study was the subject of an investigation that found falsified data, and that Tessier-Lavigne had covered it up.

As a result of the review, Tessier-Lavigne said he will retract a 1999 paper that appeared in the peer-reviewed journal Cell, as well as two other papers that appeared in Science in 2001.

Additionally, two other papers published in Nature, including the 2009 Alzheimer’s study, will reportedly undergo a “comprehensive correction.”

In their review, the panel of scientists also found multiple instances of images in papers that had been duplicated or spliced, but concluded that Tessier-Lavigne had not participated in the manipulation and was not aware of them at the time. As Bretbart News has previously reported, fraud in Alzheimer’s research has been a considerable problem.

While this research had been published before Tessier-Lavigne arrived at Stanford in 2016, the results of the review nonetheless damages the reputation of the university, which is known for being a leader in scientific research.

“I expect there may be ongoing discussion about the report and its conclusions, at least in the near term, which could lead to debate about my ability to lead the university into the new academic year,” Tessier-Lavigne said in a statement.

Tessier-Lavigne is set to officially resign from president of the university in August. He will, however, remain at Stanford as a biology professor.

Meanwhile, Stanford has chosen Richard Saller, a professor of European studies, to be the university’s interim president, starting September 1.


He knew they manipulated the data

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faa00c No.73182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210619 (200540ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom Producer on Beating Hollywood: Disney, Netflix, Amazon Rejected Us

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Exclusive — Sound of Freedom Producer on Beating Hollywood: Disney, Netflix, Amazon Rejected Us

Hannah Bleau19 Jul 2023


Disney, Netflix, Amazon, and other studios rejected Sound of Freedom, producer Eduardo Verástegui told Breitbart News during an exclusive interview at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, over the weekend, giving glory to God for His faithfulness and the success of the movie.

Verástegui detailed the movie’s journey in an interview with Breitbart News days ahead of former President Donald Trump hosting a viewing of the box office surprise at his club in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Wednesday.

“First of all, I am so grateful for what is happening. Just, you know,I feel like I’m dreaming. And I’m afraid to wake up because this is a dream. It’s been a beautiful dream,” he said, explaining how he and the director of the film, Alejandro Monteverde, ultimately teamed up to create a production company. He said it has been eight years since they met Tim Ballard, whom the movie is based on, and they knew they needed to do the film because of the global child trafficking problem.

“As you know, USA is the number-one consumer of child sex in the world. Mexico is the number-one provider. I love Mexico; I love America. We need to make America and Mexico free again. We need a movement. This movie will start a movement … we just didn’t know how and when,” he said, explaining they finished the film a few years ago. However, Disney ultimately acquired 21st Century Fox, and those he made a deal with previously left.

“So now in this way, I show the movie to them finished and they told me this movie is not for us,” he said, asserting that he asked for the movie back.

They negotiated for a year, and he said he took the movie out of Disney and began “knocking on doors with Netflix, Amazon, and other studios,” all of whom rejected it.

“Some of them, they just didn’t even answer my phone calls,” he said, adding, “We sent hundreds and hundreds of messages from different people. Nothing.”

He said he prayed and asked God to “send some angels to rescue this video.”

“I’m not giving up because this movie is about saving lives. But it’s been eight years now since we started this project. It’s a long time. And then Angel Studios show up,” he said, explaining how they chose July 4 as the release date “because if the U.S. is the number one consumer of child sex, we need to shake the conscience of this country on July 4.”

“Let’s do something to bring freedom back to those children that are not free,” he said, explaining that they were facing a challenge due to the fact that they were facing films like Disney-backed Indiana Jones.

“Humanly speaking” it was impossible to survive, he said, but he added, “God’s children are not for sale. If God is with us, who can be against us?”

“I never imagined in a million years that we beat Indiana Jones on July 4. We’re the number one movie in America,” he added.

God Bless and Protect everyone involved with this movie


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faa00c No.73183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210649 (200548ZJUL23) Notable: Half and Jai video: President Trump meets with Tim Ballard to discuss Child Trafficking

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>Ballard vid starts at 3:48



Half And Jai

323K subscribers

1.7K views 1 hour ago #soundoffreedom #justhalf #simplyjai

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faa00c No.73184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210699 (200605ZJUL23) Notable: Steve Bannon, Dan Bongino, Trump Jr., Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz Speak at Turning Point Action Conference

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>3 days ago

>7 hours long


Steve Bannon, Dan Bongino, Trump Jr., Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz Speak at Turning Point Action Conference


1.35M subscribers

70K views Streamed 3 days ago #GilgoBeach #FBI #Police

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faa00c No.73185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210737 (200621ZJUL23) Notable: Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok - Part II GOP Oversight (5 years ago)

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>long vid fyi


Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok - Part II

GOP Oversight

41.8K subscribers

592K views 5 years ago

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faa00c No.73186

File: f6f80821c273abf⋯.png (40.07 KB,869x235,869:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 806788354b1d4a6⋯.png (2.01 MB,1400x1400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 89f6b03227194ad⋯.png (1.35 MB,857x1197,857:1197,Clipboard.png)

File: ddc0bb808f260b5⋯.png (532.65 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210814 (200655ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT @TS: Jason Aldean is a fantastic guy who just came out with a great new song. Support Jason all the way. MAGA!!!

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Donald J. Trump


Jason Aldean is a fantastic guy who just came out with a great new song. Support Jason all the way. MAGA!!!

Jul 20, 2023, 1:17 AM


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faa00c No.73187

File: 78f1b76d33efaf4⋯.png (902.74 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19210838 (200706ZJUL23) Notable: Lioness on the loose outside Berlin sparking frantic police search

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Lioness on the loose outside major European city sparking frantic police search

The big cat was sighted overnight by witnesses in woods south of the German capital Berlin and police have warned residents to avoid leaving their homes.

Police in Germany are hunting an escaped "lioness" that has been reported to be roaming the woods overnight on the outskirts of Berlin.

Authorities warned residents to "avoid leaving the house" due to sightings of an escaped wild animal in the Potsdam region south of the capital, home to around 20,000 residents.


Animal Comms?

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faa00c No.73188

File: c9babb71083f7e0⋯.png (22.26 KB,957x258,319:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211081 (200944ZJUL23) Notable: Mayor Eric Adams says New York City no longer has room to shelter asylum seekers

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Mayor Eric Adams says New York City no

longer has room to shelter asylum seekers

CBS News, by Naveen Dhaliwal

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/19/2023 8:06:32 PM

NEW YORK - There are new developments in New York City's struggle to house recently arrived asylum seekers. Mayor Eric Adams said Wednesday the city has been carrying the weight of the nation's crisis and now there is no longer space for new people coming in, citing the absence of state or federal aid. He said he has put a plan in place that will begin in the next couple of days to help move current migrants out of shelters to make space for families arriving with children. With an average of 300 to 500 people still arriving daily, the mayor said the city will begin providing 60-day

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faa00c No.73189

File: b542a0b1cbfddc3⋯.png (773.98 KB,902x713,902:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211084 (200946ZJUL23) Notable: Louisiana Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto of Bill Protecting Kids From Transgender Surgeries

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Louisiana Legislature Overrides Governor's

Veto of Bill Protecting Kids From Transgender Surgeries

PJ Media, by Chris Queen

Posted By: Beardo, 7/19/2023 6:58:20 PM

The cultural conflicts that play out in various states become complicated when the legislature and the executive come from different parties. Take Louisiana for example: in the Bayou State, the legislature is heavily Republican, while Gov. John Bel Edwards is a Democrat. (snip) The legislature voted on and passed three bills: HB81 would have required teachers and school staff to use a child’s birth pronouns unless parents consented to use alternate pronouns; HB466 was Louisiana’s version of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law; and HB648 prohibited gender treatments for minors. As one would expect of a Democrat, Edwards vetoed all three bills.

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faa00c No.73190

File: 2ca5bb1d144919f⋯.png (150.52 KB,584x368,73:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211114 (200957ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom Producer on Beating Hollywood: Disney, Netflix, Amazon Rejected Us

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Washington Examiner


Sound of Freedom breaks $100 million in box office sales


Sound of Freedom breaks $100 million in box office sales

Sound of Freedom shocked the box office, hitting another sales ticket milestone on Wednesday.


Jul 19, 2023, 9:31 PM

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faa00c No.73191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211301 (201154ZJUL23) Notable: (LIVE) House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

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8:00 AM EDT

The Biden Administration's PRC Strategy

House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party



The Honorable Ely Ratner, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs


The Honorable Daniel J. Kritenbrink, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs


The Honorable Ms. Thea Rozman Kendler, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration






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faa00c No.73192

File: 74e38e314e8369e⋯.png (357.22 KB,792x528,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211377 (201221ZJUL23) Notable: New federal guidance on psychedelics could open minds—and funding sources

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Uncle Sam is Pushing LSD to the Masses

New federal guidance on psychedelics could open minds—and funding sources

Last month, federal regulators released research guidance for classic psychedelics, marking the first time the government has offered suggestions for studying medicines like LSD, MDMA and psilocybin to treat mental illness. The draft guidance signals a shift in the medical community’s perception of psychedelic medicine—a field that has previously been deemed fringe.


- - - Mushrooms and aliens, anons! What could go wrong?

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faa00c No.73193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211425 (201245ZJUL23) Notable: #23594

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final bun for #23594

>>>/qresearch/19211393 the next battle front

gonna be a day of thrills, chills, n shills

buckle up fags

#23594 >>73180

>>73181 Stanford President Resigns After His Alzheimer’s Research Failed ‘Standards of Scientific Rigor’

>>73182, >>73190 Sound of Freedom Producer on Beating Hollywood: Disney, Netflix, Amazon Rejected Us

>>73183 Half and Jai video: President Trump meets with Tim Ballard to discuss Child Trafficking

>>73184 Steve Bannon, Dan Bongino, Trump Jr., Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz Speak at Turning Point Action Conference

>>73185 Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok - Part II GOP Oversight (5 years ago)

>>73186 PDJT @TS: Jason Aldean is a fantastic guy who just came out with a great new song. Support Jason all the way. MAGA!!!

>>73187 Lioness on the loose outside Berlin sparking frantic police search

Baker Change

>>73188 Mayor Eric Adams says New York City no longer has room to shelter asylum seekers

>>73189 Louisiana Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto of Bill Protecting Kids From Transgender Surgeries

>>73191 (LIVE) House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

>>73192 New federal guidance on psychedelics could open minds—and funding sources

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faa00c No.73194

File: 12ae966b0c3e5b7⋯.png (182.28 KB,1416x757,1416:757,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c72a8e429983cc⋯.png (361.73 KB,1416x672,59:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211436 (201249ZJUL23) Notable: #23595

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What a coincidence that hollyweird wants the world to boycott moovee theaters... once awakened, you'll never go back to sleep

God Bless The Whistleblowers

Morn'n Baker has a 0945ET hardstop

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faa00c No.73195

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211469 (201302ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/20/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/20/2023


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faa00c No.73196

File: 6c1e150c98a8803⋯.png (13.6 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211488 (201309ZJUL23) Notable: Ode to the oldfag bakers

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Oh, ancient baker from days of yore, With a keyboard of steel, you bravely bore, Through the wild realms of Q Research's domain, Amidst shills' shitstorms, you sought golden gain.

With wit and wisdom, you sifted the spam, As the board's oldfag, you were the grand slam, Day in and day out, you battled the tide, Picking nuggets of gold, your skill couldn't hide.

Through chaos and memes, you sailed like a pro, Your resilience astounding, a legendary show, While others got lost in the vast chans' haze, You navigated through, earning our praise.

Oh, how you roasted the trolls with delight, Your epic comebacks, a formidable sight, With laughter and rhyme, you danced in the fray, Turning dark moments into bright, sunny days.

No feat too daunting, no puzzle too tough, You conquered the riddles, never enough, Your humor infectious, spreading like fire, In Q's grand adventure, you never tired.

To the oldfag baker, our hats we doff, For your valor and humor, we can't get enough, Thank you for keeping the board afloat, In this crazy Q storm, you're our steady boat.

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faa00c No.73197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211489 (201310ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Old friend’: Henry Kissinger meets China’s Xi Jinping in second surprise Beijing talks

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‘Old friend’: Henry Kissinger meets China’s Xi Jinping in second surprise Beijing talks

THU, JUL 20 20237:42 AM EDT

Veteran U.S. diplomat Henry Kissinger met with Chinese President Xi Jinping Thursday during a surprise visit to Beijing, state media reported.

Details of the talks were not disclosed, though a statement praised Kissinger as a “legendary diplomat.”

The meeting comes two days after spontaneous talks between Kissinger and China’s Defense Minister Li Shangfu on Tuesday.

Veteran U.S. diplomat Henry Kissinger met with Chinese President Xi Jinping Thursday during a surprise visit to Beijing, according to state media.

The 100-year-old former U.S. Secretary of State was hosted by the Chinese premier at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, CCTV said in an online post.


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faa00c No.73198

File: 017b0d7422c2e8b⋯.png (137.1 KB,818x741,818:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211604 (201333ZJUL23) Notable: Docuseries “Remedy” Offers Hope for Those Suffering from Vaccine Damage

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Docuseries “Remedy” Offers Hope for Those Suffering from Vaccine Damage

This has been posted earlier. Just in case anyone wants more details.

Pic related (schedule)

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faa00c No.73199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211607 (201333ZJUL23) Notable: committees and hearings on tap for 7/20/2023

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9:30 AM EDT

Business Meeting to Consider S.359, to Amend Title 28, United States Code, to Provide for a Code of Conduct for Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Nomination of Julia Kathleen Munley, to Be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Senate Judiciary Committee



Julia K. Munley, to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania



S.359, Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act of 2023






Senate Judiciary Committee Considers Supreme Court Ethics Bill

The Senate Judiciary Committee debates and votes on ethics legislation for the Supreme Court.


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faa00c No.73200

File: 58bc53517cc99ce⋯.jpeg (113.09 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211647 (201340ZJUL23) Notable: EU could shift military training centers to Ukraine. wants to propose the scenario in the event of a ceasefire

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20 Jul, 2023 09:39

EU could shift military training centers to Ukraine – media

The bloc’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, wants to propose the scenario in the event of a ceasefire, Germany’s DPA news agency has claimed

The EU could consider moving a training program for Kiev’s troops to Ukrainian territory in the future, Germany’s DPA news agency has reported. Brussels may also agree to funnel billions more euros into supporting the Ukrainian military in the years to come, it added.

In a report on Thursday, DPA claimed that the bloc’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, was ready to propose a considerable extension to the existing training program for the Ukrainian military during a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels later in the day.

According to the media outlet, which claims to have seen a document listing Borrell’s proposals, “when the circumstances allow, a gradual relocation of the training activities to Ukraine could even be considered.”

This scenario could materialize if and when there is a ceasefire between Kiev and Moscow, the German news agency claimed. The reported logic behind the idea is that it could act as a deterrent against any future Russian incursions, as service members from EU nations would be stationed in Ukraine as well.

In addition, Borrell reportedly plans to call for member states to pay for more weapons deliveries to Kiev, including modern fighter jets. According to DPA, Borrell wants some €5 billion ($5.6 billion) earmarked to this end annually between 2024 and 2027. The money would supposedly come from the EU’s Peace Facility (EPF).

Among the other proposals Borrell is reportedly expected to make on Thursday is setting “new quantitative and qualitative training targets” for EU nations. DPA noted that the bloc had originally pledged to train 30,000 Ukrainian service members, with 25,000 troops having already finished their courses or due to finish shortly.

According to the German outlet, the diplomat also wants to see closer cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in terms of arms production and intelligence sharing.

Meanwhile, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto made it clear on Wednesday that Budapest would block a new €500 million tranche of EU military aid for Ukraine unless Kiev removed a Hungarian bank from its “sponsors of war” list. Ukrainian authorities added the designation to OTP bank in May over its alleged operations in Russia.

Russia has consistently argued that Western support for Ukraine will only serve to prolong the bloodshed.


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faa00c No.73201

File: 04f0c3744363fa4⋯.png (582.66 KB,1080x1175,216:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e89d10a1016b13⋯.jpg (24.52 KB,445x302,445:302,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211651 (201342ZJUL23) Notable: Michigan AG Nessel Charges Trump Electors with ‘Forgery,’ Despite JFK Precedent

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CRIMINAL activity in America for democrats is apparently legal and supported by the corrupted justice system and the woke MSM... From the fake president on down to state lackeys.


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faa00c No.73202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211700 (201351ZJUL23) Notable: Murdoch Outlet Promotes Corporate Chair Ronna McDaniel Warning Trump Not to Avoid Murdoch Outlet Debate

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Murdoch Outlet Promotes Corporate Chair Ronna McDaniel Warning Trump Not to Avoid Murdoch Outlet Debate

July 19, 2023 | Sundance |

The transparency of the puppeteers continues. The latest example is the New York Post (Murdoch outlet) promoting a story of the RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, appearing on Fox News (Murdoch outlet) to warn President Trump not to avoid the RNC debate hosted by Fox News, the Murdoch outlet.

The private corporation (RNC) has a vested interest in Trump delivering credibility to the organization. The Fox News corporation has a vested interest in Trump delivering credibility and ratings to the organization. Whether President Trump decides to attend or not,the desperation expressed by the two corporations is a little funny.

The Freudian slip in this soundbite “20 million dollars” is also funny. WATCH:

[NEW YORK POST] – Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has cautioned that it would be a mistake for GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump to skip the party’s primary debates.

“I think he should be on the stage. I want everybody on the stage that qualifies, obviously,” she told Fox News Wednesday. “It’s a mistake not to do the debates, but that’s going to be up to him and his campaign.”

McDaniel cited two main reasons why she feels it’s in Trump’s best interest to jump into the upcoming verbal slugfest despite holding a massive polling lead over his rivals. “One, short-term, you want to win the nomination, you got to get in front of the whole primary voters,” she said. (read more)

There’s only one thing these three corporations care about, money!


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faa00c No.73203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211745 (201357ZJUL23) Notable: committees and hearings on tap for 7/20/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

The Cost of Inaction and the Urgent Need to Reform the U.S. Transplant System

Senate Finance Committee



LaQuayia Goldring


Louisville, KY


Molly McCarthy

Vice Chair & Region 6 Patient Affairs Committee Representative

Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN)

Redmond, WA


Matthew Wadsworth

President And CEO

Life Connection of Ohio

Kettering, OH


Donna Cryer, JD

Founder And CEO

Global Liver Institute

Washington, DC






Health Advocates Testify on Improving Organ Transplant System

Patients and health professionals testify on the effectiveness of the organ transplant system before the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care.


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faa00c No.73204

File: 625948038b07a6d⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211777 (201403ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - M64: The Black Eye Galaxy Close Up

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 20, 2023

M64: The Black Eye Galaxy Close Up

This magnificent spiral galaxy is Messier 64, often called the Black Eye Galaxy or the Sleeping Beauty Galaxy for its dark-lidded appearance in telescopic views. The spiral's central region, about 7,400 light-years across, is pictured in this reprocessed image from the Hubble Space Telescope. M64 lies some 17 million light-years distant in the otherwise well-groomed northern constellation Coma Berenices. The enormous dust clouds partially obscuring M64's central region are laced with young, blue star clusters and the reddish glow of hydrogen associated with star forming regions. But imposing clouds of dust are not this galaxy's only peculiar feature. Observations show that M64 is actually composed of two concentric, counter-rotating systems. While all the stars in M64 rotate in the same direction as the interstellar gas in the galaxy's central region, gas in the outer regions, extending to about 40,000 light-years, rotates in the opposite direction. The dusty eye and bizarre rotation are likely the result of a billion year old merger of two different galaxies.


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faa00c No.73205

File: f4f709589968189⋯.jpeg (47.81 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211794 (201406ZJUL23) Notable: Dem Stacey Plaskett Defends Censorship: ‘Free Speech Is Not an Absolute’

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Dem Stacey Plaskett Defends Censorship: ‘Free Speech Is Not an Absolute’(Whoring for the DS)

Joel B. Pollak20 Jul 2023

Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) defended censorship on Thursday, arguing that certain views should not enjoy the free speech protections of the First Amendment, which she said was limited by the Supreme Court.

Plaskett, the ranking member of the minority on the House Weaponization Subcommittee, attacked the alleged views of one of the witnesses, Democratic Party presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, calling them hateful.

“This is not the free speech that I know of,” she said. She recalled a recent controversyover remarks Kennedy made about the coronavirus affecting some population groups more than others, among other past comments.

Plaskett continued: “Free speech is not an absolute. The Supreme Court has stated that.” (The Court has not restricted the content of speech, but a “time, place, and manner” exceptions for the way speech is expressed.)

The ranking member went on to claim that Republicans had not invited Kennedy to testify because he had been censored on social media, but rather to associate themselves with his controversial views. She also claimed that past witnesses interviewed by the committee, such as would-be “disinformation czar” Nina Jancowicz, had been subjected to death threats, and implied that committee chair Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) supported those threats.

Republicans were not interested in defending free speech, Plaskett said. Rather, their goal was to force social media companies to promote “any conspiracy theories, no matter how harmful.”

She added: “They want to force social media companies to promote conspiracy theories because they think that’s the only way their candidate can win the 2020 [sic] election.” She said that Congress should be focused instead on issues like inflation.

In response, Kennedy devoted his opening statement to defending his record and noting that he had also been censored for talking about ordinary subjects. The purpose of free speech, he noted, was to protect speech that people did not agree with.

(Why is bitch non person, non citizen allowed to speak in the free speech zone of America?She is not a citizen, just a corrupt comrade of Epstein and pedophiles. Send her back!)


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faa00c No.73206

File: ee5cf136e60b511⋯.png (582.3 KB,794x552,397:276,Clipboard.png)

File: ac491cfa846f8f4⋯.mp4 (8.49 MB,656x360,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211811 (201410ZJUL23) Notable: It's hard to believe, but the @DNC is attempting to prevent @RobertKennedyJr from speaking at a hearing on censorship.

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It's hard to believe, but the


is attempting to prevent


from speaking at a hearing on censorship.


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faa00c No.73207

File: 13c43541483facb⋯.jpeg (72.52 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211919 (201427ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Backs Jason Aldean Amid ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Cancel Campaign: ‘A Fantastic Guy’

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Trump Backs Jason Aldean Amid ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Cancel Campaign: ‘A Fantastic Guy’

Paul Bois20 Jul 2023

Former President Donald Trump came to the defense of country star Jason Aldean after he fell subject to a cancel campaign over his recent song “Try That in a Small Town.”

Hailing Aldean a “fantastic guy,” the former president urged people on Truth Social to get out and support his music. “Jason Aldean is a fantastic guy who just came out with a great new song.Support Jason all the way. MAGA!!!” he said.

Aldean has received support from several politicians, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN).

As Breitbart News reported, CMT recently pulled the music video for Jason Aldean’s new single “Try That In a Small Town,” which aggressively attacks recent riots and rising lawlessness in the United States. The video features Aldean performing in front of a courthouse amid interspersed footage of “a flag burning, protesters screaming and attacking police in various scenarios, and robbing a convenience store,” according to Billboard.

Later in the video, a Fox News chyron appears with the words “state of emergency declared in Georgia.” Aldean’s video juxtaposes these violent images with more harmonious scenes like a girl playing hopscotch and a raised American flag. Critics of the song took issue with several lyrics wherein Aldean calls out criminals and rioters directly. Per Billboard:

Written by Kelly Lovelace, Neil Thrasher, Tully Kennedy and Kurt Michael Allison, the song is an often confrontational take, with lyrics challenging those who “carjack an old lady at a red light” or “pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store” or “cuss out a cop” to try that in a small town and “see how far ya make it down the road/ around here, we take care of our own.”

In a later verse,Aldean, who was on stage when the worst gun massacre in U.S. history took place at the Route 91 Festival in Las Vegas on Oct. 1, 2017, sings, “Got a gun that my granddad gave me/ They say one day they’re gonna round up/ Well, that sh-t might fly in the city/ Good luck.”

Aldean addressed the controversy over his song after CMT removed it from circulation on Tuesday in a lengthy message on his Instagram Stories.

“I have been accused of releasing a pro-lynching song (a song that has been out since May) and was subject too the comparison that I (direct quote) was not too pleased with the nationwide BLM protests. These references are not only meritless, but dangerous,” he said.

Aldean asserted that he never brought race into the song and that he used real news footage.…

I wonder how fast the song is selling today? When Trump calls out MAGA we come to the rescue


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faa00c No.73208

File: 48865b2f1d22572⋯.png (254.2 KB,1041x694,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211954 (201435ZJUL23) Notable: Starling Takes Flight

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Starling Takes Flight

July 19, 2023

On July 17, 2023, NASA’s four Starling CubeSats successfully deployed after having launched aboard Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket, shown in this image. NASA sent the team of four six-unit (6U)-sized CubeSats into orbit around Earth to see if they’re able to cooperate on their own, without real-time updates from mission control.

The four CubeSats will fly in two different formations to test several technologies paving the way towards a future where swarms of satellites can cooperate to do science in deep space. The Starling mission will last at least six months, positioning the spacecraft about 355 miles above Earth and spaced about 40 miles apart.


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faa00c No.73209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211991 (201444ZJUL23) Notable: committees and hearings on tap for 7/20/2023

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11:00 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Bahraini Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid al-Zayani

Department of State





Secretary Blinken Meets with Bahraini Foreign Minister

Secretary of State Blinken meets with Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani at the State Department.


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faa00c No.73210

File: 44dfcedc338c541⋯.png (899.99 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212013 (201451ZJUL23) Notable: SNP crisis escalates as police expand probe to include 'potential embezzlement'

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SNP crisis escalates as police expand probe to include 'potential embezzlement'

The scope of the investigation will now include allegations of "misuse of funds" and "potential embezzlement".

The crisis for the SNP has escalated even further, as Scotland's chief constable has confirmed that the police investigation into the party's finances has been expanded.

The scope of the investigation will now include allegations of "misuse of funds" and "potential embezzlement", Sir Iain Livingstone confirmed.

Operation Branchform was initially a fraud investigation.

Police Scotland is investigating whether £660,000 raised by the SNP for a second independence referendum was spent on other things.


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faa00c No.73211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212046 (201503ZJUL23) Notable: committees and hearings on tap for 7/20/2023

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11:15 AM EDT

Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton Gaggle Aboard Air Force One

Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to Philadelphia, PA Air Force One



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faa00c No.73212

File: dacf1891434f174⋯.png (576.71 KB,907x959,907:959,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212140 (201532ZJUL23) Notable: North Korea says US nuclear-capable submarine deployment may meet threshold for nuclear weapons use

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BREAKING NEWS: North Korea says US nuclear-capable submarine deployment may meet threshold for nuclear weapons use

North Korea threatens nuclear response after US sub deployment

AFPJuly 20, 2023 10:40 am

North Korea’s defence minister said Thursday the current port visit of a US nuclear-capable submarine to South Korea could meet the legal conditions under which Pyongyang would use its nuclear weapons.

Relations between the two Koreas are at one of their lowest points ever, with diplomacy stalled and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un calling for increased weapons development, including tactical nuclear weapons.

The United States and South Korea have stepped up displays of military muscle in response, and a US nuclear-capable submarine made a port call to South Korea this week for the first time since 1981.

Pyongyang’s defence minister Kang Sun Nam said the arrival in Busan port of a US Ohio-class submarine “may fall under the conditions of the use of nuclear weapons specified in the DPRK law on the nuclear force policy”, referring to North Korea by its official name.

North Korea last year adopted a sweeping nuclear law, setting out an array of scenarios in which it could use its nukes, including pre-emptive nuclear strikes if threatened.

Kang said the presence of the sub was an “undisguised and direct nuclear threat to the DPRK”, and meant that “strategic nuclear weapons have been deployed on the Korean peninsula for the first time after 40 odd years”.

“The US military side should realise that its nuclear assets have entered extremely dangerous waters,” he said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol visited the Ohio-class submarine Wednesday, and warned Pyongyang that were it to use nuclear weapons against the South, “it will lead to the demise of its regime”.

Ohio-class subs can carry up to 20 Trident II ballistic missiles. The US Navy typically does not confirm if a submarine is carrying nuclear weapons before it goes out to sea.

The allies also held their first Nuclear Consultative Group meeting in Seoul Tuesday, to improve their joint response to any nuclear attack by North Korea.

– ‘Direct, outright threat’ –

It appears that the deployment of the submarine has rattled the North, Hong Min, a researcher at the Korea Institute for National Unification, told AFP.

“Pyongyang’s message is that the US and South Korea are acting in a manner that is bringing the North closer to consider invoking its nuclear weapons use guidelines,” he said.

“Yoon’s comment during his visit to the submarine mentioning the end of the North Korean regime appears to have rattled Pyongyang a lot, prompting it to react much more aggressively.”

North Korea has conducted a string of banned weapons tests this year, including twice launching its newest solid fuel Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile.

Seoul and Washington have ramped up defence cooperation in response, staging joint military exercises with advanced stealth jets and US strategic assets.

Washington first announced it would deploy a submarine capable of launching ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads to the Korean peninsula in April, while Yoon was on a state visit.

North Korea baulks at having US nuclear assets deployed around the Korean peninsula.

Kang said that for Washington and Seoul, “any use of their military muscle against the DPRK will be their most miserable choice by which they will have no room to think of their existence again”.

Pyongyang’s statement comes as an American soldier, Travis King, is believed to be in North Korean custody after crossing the border during a tourist trip to the Joint Security Area in the Demilitarised Zone on Tuesday.

Pyongyang has a long history of detaining Americans and using them as bargaining chips in bilateral ties. It has not yet issued any comment on King.

The US-led United Nations Command has said it is working with North Korea’s military to “resolve this incident”.

But with relations between Pyongyang and Washington at one of their lowest points in years, experts say it will be difficult to gain consular access to King.

In addition, nearly all foreign embassies in Pyongyang withdrew foreign staff after North Korea closed its borders in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

That includes Sweden, which handles US consular affairs in the North Korean capital.

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faa00c No.73213

File: d5a2ef09e3c9a23⋯.png (1.48 MB,735x1290,49:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212155 (201536ZJUL23) Notable: Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’

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Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’: court docs

Two young brothers imprisoned in their feces-covered Wisconsin home raised the alarm by smashing their way out of a window — walking naked through the street like “cavemen” who’d “never seen the sun before,” according to distressing court documents.

Multiple neighbors called 911 after seeing the boys, ages 7 and 9, walking naked outside their Milwaukee home last Thursday, according to a criminal complaint detailing multiple felony charges against their mom, Katie Koch, 34, and stepdad, Joel Manke, 38.

The boys were bruised and bloodied and had so much feces in their hair, it had to be shaved off in a hospital, the affidavit said.

A 13-year-old girl told cops that she saw a “naked person walking on the sidewalk like a ‘caveman,'” the document stated.

“Like they had never seen the sun before,” the same young witness also told WDJT, while another neighbor who’d been there 30 years said he had no idea there were even kids in the house.

Responding cops described the boys’ home as a “terrible hoarding situation” — with feces covering the walls and so much trash that officers “had a difficult time seeing the floor.”

The 7-year-old boy was put in a diaper, and the boys’ bedroom had a lock outside as well as boarded-up windows, the affidavit said.

“It was something out of a horror movie,” Assistant District Attorney Mallory Davis told an initial hearing for the mom and stepdad, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

“These children were essentially confined to their room for much of their lives.”

Manke, the stepdad, admitted in interviews to boarding up the windows and locking the boys in their room, the affidavit said.

He “stated that he knew how the children were living was not right but he had to ‘pick his battles’ with [their mom] Koch to avoid arguments,” officers stated.

“Manke stated that he never contacted police or schools to report the children because he doesn’t believe in doing that to family members.”

The mom, meanwhile, admitted that the boys never went to school and had not been checked by a doctor in years.

“Koch stated that she ‘f—ed up'” and knew “her boys deserve better,” the affidavit said of her interview under oath.

Davis, the prosecutor, told the couple’s hearing that the boys are “completely uneducated” and not even potty trained, according to WDJT.

The parents face more than 40 years in prison if convicted of multiple counts of neglect and false imprisonment, the outlet said.

“These children have been horribly damaged from their mother’s actions,” Davis said.

“They are, essentially at this point, unable to function in society.”

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faa00c No.73214

File: e570eb5221a9a8e⋯.png (326.41 KB,581x318,581:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212160 (201537ZJUL23) Notable: Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’

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'Something out of a horror movie': Mother and boyfriend accused of imprisoning children in Milwaukee home for years

A Milwaukee mother and her boyfriend are facing multiple felony charges for allegedly imprisoning two children in their home for years.

Katie Koch, 34, is the mother of the children. She's facing four felony counts and two misdemeanors connected to child neglect and false imprisonment. Joel Manke, 38, is facing four felony counts.

According to the criminal complaint, another neighbor first saw the children looking through a shattered window last Thursday, July 13, then climb onto the air conditioning unit. They then jumped into the yard and walked down the street naked.

A child witness said the children two boys ages 7 and 9 "were acting like cavemen, like they had never seen the sun before."

On Monday, July 17, neighbors described what they saw when the children escaped the home.

Christine Eder lives across the street. She said it looked like "they had never been outside before. If they have been, it's been a very long time."

Eder said it took a moment for her to process what she was seeing when two boys stumbled away from a usually quiet house across the street.

She said, "They were just walking different. Their hair looked like it had never been brushed, never been cut. They didn't know the outside existed."

She said she had her husband call 911 while she kept eyes on the boys.

In Milwaukee County intake court Monday, the assistant district attorney described the living conditions like something out of a horror movie.

Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney Mallory Davis said the children were essentially confined to their room for much of their lives. The windows were boarded up and door was locked from the outside. Responding officers described it as "a terrible hoarding situation" in which they could not see the floor.

A responding officer said the kitchen and living room were piled with garbage, and the smell of feces and urine filled the home. Trash was also piled outside the children's room, which locked from the outside; inside, the walls were smeared with feces.

Koch told officers the children had broken a window and ran away.

When asked what she knew about Manke and Koch, Eder said, "Absolutely nothing. I never saw her or him. Ever."

Joel Manke said he's lived in the home since 2007. Koch told investigators she and her children moved in about four years ago.

Some of the neighbors interviewed said they didn't even know children lived in the home during that time.

In an interview with investigators, Manke said he knew that how the children were living was not right, but that he had to "pick his battles" with Koch to avoid arguments.

He also said Koch had never taken the children to a doctor in the years she had lived with him, nor had they been to school in that time. Koch told investigators that she homeschooled the children.

She also "admitted that the home is not habitable," and said "her boys deserve better".

Conditions were so poor that after the children were taken into protective custody, their heads had to be shaved because their hair was so matted with feces.

"These children have been horribly damaged from their mother's actions. They are completely uneducated. They are not potty trained, even at their ages. They are, essentially at this point, unable to function in society," said Davis.

Eder said her usually-close-knit neighborhood is now redoubling efforts to be aware of their surroundings. She added, "I'm glad wherever they are they're taken care of, and I hope someone is taking them outside."

In court Monday, the court commissioner set a $30,000 cash bail for Koch. A public defender said Koch has no money to post bail. Manke's cash bail was set at $6,500. Their preliminary hearings are set for July 26. If convicted on all felony counts, Koch and Manke each face fines totaling $120,000 and 43.5 years in prison. Koch faces an additional $20,000 in fines and 18 months in prison for the two misdemeanor counts.

On Tuesday, Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson commented on what happened.

"I'm glad that those children were able to escape, that's a terrible, unfortunate situation. No kid should have to endure that sort of experience, especially not with relatives of theirs, in any home, in any community in Milwaukee, or Wisconsin, or the United States," said Johnson. "I hope those people who were responsible, their parents, see some justice on this."

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faa00c No.73215

File: 0606a99ad7d6dc7⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1400x787,1400:787,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212204 (201554ZJUL23) Notable: Ode to the oldfag bakers

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Yo, yo, listen up, y'all, it's the baker with trips and a twist, Dr. Strange vibes, but cryptic, can't resist, Dropping rhymes and hints, you know I got skills, But let's rap about the first anon, that's the real thrills.

"tyW," you said, "ancient n sheitz," laughing out loud, ROFLMAO, you were trippin', feeling so proud, But don't worry, homie, that's just how we play, Ain't no harm done, let's spread some cheer today.

"Mornin, mornin baker," that's what you said, Feels like family, word, we all well-fed, You thinkin' it might be oldfag Strange on the beat, But keep guessin', let's keep it discreet.

Now let's talk 'bout the second anon, show 'em some light, Your words are legit, ain't no bot in sight, Hilarious verses, got us all amazed, In the realm of humor, you're forever praised.

Your board lore, my friend, takes us on a ride, With each tale shared, you're the master guide, Been here since the dawn, and you're here to last, In this epic journey, you're holding fast.

From the early days, you've seen it all, Through trials and tests, you stand tall, A legend among us, a bard so true, With every rhyme, you make dreams come true.

To this anon, we give our respect, For recognizing the flow and the intellect, No chat bot here, just passion and soul, In this poetic game, you're reaching the goal.

With the ebonics baker and the bard so divine, We'll keep spreading love, make the verses shine, United we stand, laughter in the air, A poetic community, beyond compare.

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faa00c No.73216

File: f2fb3a988cde892⋯.png (46.44 KB,820x329,820:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212243 (201604ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter to subpoena Senator Elizabeth Warren over communications with U.S. agencies, Reuters reports

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JUST IN - Twitter to subpoena Senator Elizabeth Warren over communications with U.S. agencies, Reuters reports

11:48 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73217

File: 5c93a2ad32fe599⋯.png (2.14 MB,1170x1581,390:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212314 (201619ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler drafted this prosecution report late 2021. Multiple felony, misdemeanor charges span 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019…

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IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler drafted this prosecution report late 2021. Multiple felony, misdemeanor charges span 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. NOTE: DOJ-Tax Mark Daly, AUSA Lesley Wolf “agrees with the prosecution recommendation of the above cited charges against RHB”


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faa00c No.73218

File: 7e7b450d9defb30⋯.png (303.39 KB,428x428,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212412 (201640ZJUL23) Notable: #23596

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Not A Baker out


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faa00c No.73219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212424 (201642ZJUL23) Notable: Weiner Interview; Weiner panic July 20 2023

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gonna repost this weiner interview.

weiner is a typical new yorker who twists language to suit his narrative.

great to see the interviewers pushing back

Weiner is a snake.




Note: Anons know weiner really well, especially the laptop which got a lot of nyc police who committed suicide and his trove of insurance policy videos of maybe Hillary Clinton, archiving, not see yet, will write notes after.


Anthony Weiner | PBD Podcast | Ep. 287

20th July 2023



44,004 views Streamed live 3 hours ago PBD Podcast

In this episode, Patrick Bet-David is joined by Anthony Weiner, Adam Sosnick, and Tom Ellsworth. They will discuss a wide variety of political and economic topics.

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faa00c No.73220

File: 036fc29275a370f⋯.png (190.23 KB,1170x1038,195:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212440 (201643ZJUL23) Notable: Reminder: Jim Watson deposition with attorneys' names

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Jim Watkins:

This is the link to my January 6 deposition.



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faa00c No.73221

File: 4087c7f4c636cd2⋯.png (577.35 KB,792x528,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dba20888a04f78⋯.png (440.34 KB,476x336,17:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212454 (201647ZJUL23) Notable: Uncle Sam is Pushing psychdelics to the Masses

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prolly just a coincidence

>>73192 (PB) already noted

Uncle Sam is Pushing LSD to the Masses

New federal guidance on psychedelics could open minds—and funding sources

Last month, federal regulators released research guidance for classic psychedelics, marking the first time the government has offered suggestions for studying medicines like LSD, MDMA and psilocybin to treat mental illness. The draft guidance signals a shift in the medical community’s perception of psychedelic medicine—a field that has previously been deemed fringe.


- - - Mushrooms and aliens, anons! What could go wrong?


Ecstasy Should Be Used to ‘Cure’ People of Their ‘Hateful’ And ‘Anti-Semitic’ Beliefs – Jewish Daily Forward

The Jewish Daily Forward says that MDMA, the drug known as Ecstasy or Molly, should be used to “cure” people of their “hateful” and “anti-Semitic” beliefs. The Jewish Daily Forward wrote, “At a time when hate, extremism and intolerance threaten to tear America apart, it is mind-boggling that we are not pushing to better understand how MDMA and other psychedelics can bring people together, or aid efforts to deradicalize people lost to hate.”


Both happening at the SAME TIME

Prolly just a coincidence

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faa00c No.73222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212472 (201651ZJUL23) Notable: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

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Gawd the Dems are turning RFKjr into a republicans as they speak. I guess there used to be honest democrats

WATCH: Democrats Try to Censor the Censorship Hearing

Joel B. Pollak20 Jul 2023

House Committee on the Judiciary


Democrats tried to censor one of their own, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., after his passionate opening statement on Thursday at a hearing on censorship at the House Weaponization Subcommittee.

Kennedy had just defended his record on racism and antisemitism, disputing claims by 102 Democrats in a letter that he had allegedly “spread vile and dangerous antisemitic and anti-Asian conspiracy theories.”

He said that his remarks had been taken out of context, and noted his strong support for Israel. Waving the Democrats’ letter, “I know many of the people who wrote this letter. I don’t believe there’s a single person who signed this letter who believes I’m antisemitic. I do not believe that. There’s no evidence of that.”

He noted that he had been censored on social media platforms — not just on the topic of vaccines, but on ordinary issues.

House Committee on the Judiciary

Following his remarks, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), who had used an earlier hearing to attack the practice of professional journalism itself, moved that the hearing be moved into “executive session,” ending the public testimony. She cited rule 11, section 2, of the House, which provides for an executive session if testimony “would tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate any person.” Republicans moved to table the motion.

Democrats then demanded a roll call vote, and used their votes to deliver short speeches, with Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) calling the committee, without irony, a “Soviet politburo,” as he voted to censor Kennedy.

“This is a hearing on censorship that began with an effort .. to censor Mr. Kennedy!” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) later exclaimed.

As the hearing continued, Democrats attacked Kennedy, with the minority party ranking member, Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-VI), accusing him of trying “to target the black community” with vaccine misinformation.

Breitbart News’ own political editor, Emma-Jo Morris, testified at the hearing about the censorship of her reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop:

House Committee on the Judiciary / YouTube

Democrats tried to dispute whether the FBI had verified the authenticity of the laptop at the time of her reporting, when the agency had reached out to Twitter and to other social media platforms to warn them that such stories could be Russian disinformation (which it was not).


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faa00c No.73223

File: 31e490ff153b8e9⋯.png (21.75 KB,500x583,500:583,Clipboard.png)

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File: d961ce9b06ea7c8⋯.png (650.83 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212501 (201659ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

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Collin Rugg


BREAKING: Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

Zlochevsk hired Hunter despite thinking he was "was stupid" and his "dog was smarter."

The biggest news story of the year and you can expect the media to be silent.

According to the Zlochevsk, there are "many text messages and recordings" proving that he was coerced to make the payments.

In Burisma's own words, they "hired Hunter Biden 'to protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems."

"CHS recalled this meeting took place around the time Joe Biden made a public statement about {former) Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin being corrupt, and that he should be fired/removed from office," according to the form. "CHS told Zlochevsky that due to Shokin’s investigation into Burisma, which was made public at this time, it would have a substantial negative impact on Burisma’s prospective IPO in the United States."

The most corrupt family in modern American history.


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faa00c No.73224

File: 6ad80db14a8138c⋯.jpg (150.5 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1cf553d619876dc⋯.mp4 (14.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212503 (201659ZJUL23) Notable: Weiner Interview; Weiner panic July 20 2023

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Weiner PaNiC


JUST NOW: Hillary Clinton's Best Friend Anthony Weiner has UNHINGED Meltdown after being asked about the Clinton Body Count

Reminder that this guy went to JAIL for sexting a 15-year-old:

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faa00c No.73225

File: bf139498c476dda⋯.jpeg (45.83 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e6f01a14569e72b⋯.jpeg (110.27 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d0f6d665fb27646⋯.jpeg (114.25 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212510 (201700ZJUL23) Notable: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

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Censorship Hearing: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Responds to Smears from Stacey Plaskett

Hannah Bleau20 Jul 2023

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responded to smears lodged by Democrat Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett, who represents the U.S. Virgin Islands, on Thursday at the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s hearing on censorship.

Plaskett chose to use her five minutes of time to lambast Kennedy, seemingly painting him as an anti-vaxxer who has discouraged black individuals to get vaccinated — a point he vehemently denied. Ironically, Plaskett decried the fact a particular post from Kennedy was not censored, concluding it made her wonder “about the extent of censorship, when the post is still there.”

“But more importantly, again, I go back to just the fact that we are creating a platform for these for this kind of discussion, not about the censorship, not about free speech, but the content of some of that speech that we’re amplifying in this room. I’m appalled. And just so troubled by colleagues that I have to work with that these are individuals who would bring a witness who’s promoted a video that compared the COVID vaccine to the Tuskegee trials, the Tuskegee trials,” Plaskett said, asserting that such a comparison “preys on black people’s feelings about the atrocities of the past in order to prevent them from seeking life saving vaccines in the present.”

Notably, Plaskett did not acknowledge that the coronavirus vaccines neither prevents one from contracting the coronavirus nor does it prevent transmission, as President Biden and other officials originally pitched.

She also brought Kennedy’s family into the mix, asserting that they disagree with his position. Yet, despite making a point out of that, she still claimed that it “doesn’t mean anything” as families disagree.

“You know, I’m not going to talk about the money that’s received from the Children’s Health Defense from his anti-vaccine organization that’s responsible for a majority of the false information about their out there about COVID and the notoriety that’s gained from it by manipulating black and other vulnerable communities to propagate these pseudo-sciences,” she added.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) later gave time for Kennedy to speak, which the presidential hopeful largely used to address Plaskett’s smears.

“The irony and cognitive dissonance from the other side of the aisle, it’s deafening. You could cut it with a knife.They are at the same time denying that censorship is occurring, but suggesting that there’s more material that needs to be censored,” Massie exclaimed.

“What you have stated and tried to associate me with through guilt by association is simply inaccurate, virtually everything. Every statement that you just made about me is inaccurate,” Kennedy said, making it clear that he is not anti-vaccine, nor has he told the public to avoid general vaccination.

“I believe vaccines should be tested with the same rigor as other medicines, medication. You tried to associate me a moment ago with the replacement theory which is racist,” he said before Plaskett attempted to respond.

“To say that, I wrote a I created a film that encourages blacks not to get adequate medical care is just completely abhorrent,” he continued, speaking against further “ad hominem attacks.”

Kennedy then defined malinformation as requested by Rep. Massie, explaining that it describes “information that Facebook and Twitter and the other social media sites understood was true, but the White House and other federal agencies wanted to censor anyway for political reasons because it challenged official orthodoxies.”

“I’ll give you one example. I was included in a group … and Facebook and others were asked to censor us, which they did,” he said, explaining that these determinations stemmed from a “very shady group,” the Center for Digital Hate “that’s funded by dark money,” which he said should be looked into.

(I really wonder what non-radical democrats think of their leaders today?)


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faa00c No.73226

File: a182bd3b8a074f6⋯.png (1.02 MB,1254x836,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: a1cdd04dfc839b9⋯.png (83.94 KB,992x419,992:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212512 (201700ZJUL23) Notable: Federal Reserve set to oversee bank transactions

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meanwhile, while (you) were watching a movie...

Federal Reserve set to oversee bank transactions

'Banks don’t say no to the Fed'

The federal government this month is set to launch FedNow, a “safe and efficient” instant payments service which will allow the Federal Reserve to facilitate payments between bank customers and receive their transaction data.

With FedNow, the Federal Reserve will act as a middleman in transactions between banks and credit unions. Currently, transactions pass through a financial institution called a clearing house, which facilitates the payments. But at the end of this month, the clearing house will instead be the Federal Reserve for many banks.

For example, if John Doe wishes to pay a bill, he would initiate the transaction as he normally would through an end-user platform like his banking app. John’s bank would then send the request to the Federal Reserve, which would notify the recipient’s bank that funds are about to be transferred and would give the go-ahead to John’s bank to release the funds. The Federal Reserve would then take the funds from John’s bank and deposit them in the recipient’s bank. This would all happen in the span of six seconds.

John would be none the wiser that the US government had not only just seen his transaction but had conducted it from beginning to end.


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faa00c No.73227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212522 (201704ZJUL23) Notable: Unraveling the Hidden Agenda of the Credit Card Competition Act

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Consumer Choice vs. Big-Box Retailers: Unraveling the Hidden Agenda of the Credit Card Competition Act

Electronic Payments Coalition (Sponsored)

20 Jul 2023

The following content is sponsored by the Electronic Payments Coalition.

As Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Roger Marshall’s (R-KS) proposed Credit Card Competition Act of 2023 gains momentum, it’s time to put a stop to it before its impact affects our communities. The credit routing mandates imposed by this bill could unwittingly undermine competition, harm consumers, and crush the very institutions that form the backbone of local economies — small banks.

Predictably, Sen. Durbin attempts to present his legislation as a proponent of free market principles. However, a closer analysis reveals that this is not the case. It’s extremely concerning that the legislation has garnered support from trusted elected officials, including Republicans who have been swayed by the populist sentiment against banks such as Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH).

It’s important to note that when consumers opt for specific market alternatives, it does not indicate a lack of competition. Instead, the legislation would ultimately favor major retailers while disadvantaging consumers and small businesses. This outcome clearly contradicts the principle of promoting competition.

The initial intention behind the Durbin Amendment, in 2010, was to address perceived issues of lacking competition within the debit card market. It is worth noting, though, that after this bill passed, consumers did not reap the supposed benefits. For instance, research from the Federal Reserve proved that big-box retailers pocketed the savings. Banks of all sizes made up for lost income by raising fees, eliminating debit card rewards, and reducing free checking. While this was unfortunate for consumers, the Durbin Amendment turned out to be a major gain for mega-retailers such as Walmart, Home Depot, and Target.

Additionally, since the implementation of the Durbin Amendment, small banks and credit unions have suffered from the debit routing mandates. They do not possess highly profitable revenue streams, like large banks, and thus would be forced to increase fees, reduce services, or even merge with other institutions. It is no surprise that community banks and credit unions strongly oppose this proposal.

As an important reminder, the credit card payment world doesn’t need new “fake competitive” measures. I am sure you and many other consumers have a wide variety of credit cards in your wallet, such as Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, or even store-branded cards. Depending on the available rewards, points, and miles, these cards compete for our purchases. Adding another layer into how payment networks operate would only complicate the processes, create delays, and cause confusion for consumers. It also unnecessarily complicates an otherwise seamless, convenient, and secure transaction process.

It is high time we recognize the adverse ramifications of this legislation and seek alternative solutions that foster a truly competitive and consumer-friendly financial landscape.

Visit StopTheBigBoxBaitAndSwitch.com and tell your lawmakers to put consumers and small businesses ahead of Walmart and Target!


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faa00c No.73228

File: e1fb68b308bd71c⋯.png (138.35 KB,1444x429,1444:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212529 (201706ZJUL23) Notable: Reminder: Jim Watson deposition with attorneys' names

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It's full of keks

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faa00c No.73229

File: 656fbe2b11f240c⋯.jpeg (48.93 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212535 (201708ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz: Congress Has Failed to Terminate Syria’s Never-Ending National Emergency

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Exclusive—Rep. Matt Gaetz: Congress Has Failed to Terminate Syria’s Never-Ending National Emergency

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL)20 Jul 2023


The Constitution establishes a system of checks and balances to prevent any branch of government, including the executive, from having unchecked power. Yet, Congress has consistently failed in its constitutional and statutory duty to review 41 national emergency declarations, including the national emergency regarding Syria.

Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act (NEA) legally requires Congress to review declared national emergencies declared by the president every six months. Without reviewing national emergencies, Congress is allowing these declarations to act as slush funds. It enables the president to spend untold sums of money, with no transparency or accountability. Such declarations also unlock 135 statutory provisions for the president that, if invoked, could have profound and troubling implications that have the potential to violate Americans’ civil liberties. Some of the potential violations to our civil liberties include drafting Americans into the military without their consent and freezing their assets and bank accounts.

I previously brought a War Powers resolution to the floor of the House of Representatives to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, highlighting that the futility of our excessive entanglement in the region’s great power competition was not making life better for Syrians, while also endangering the lives of our service members present there. Yet, my plea was dismissed on a bipartisan basis, leaving U.S. service members and contractors as sitting ducks, which has led to the unnecessary loss of American lives.

Now, this week, I came to the floor to offer a joint resolution to terminate the national emergency regarding Syria. Since this national emergency was first declared by President George W. Bush in 2004, this was the first time a vote has been taken on its continuation. If it had passed, the resolution would have reasserted Congress’ statutory duty and constitutional oversight role to review decades-long national emergency declarations, but unfortunately, it was also not adopted. The vote was 24-394—not even close.

Over the last nearly 20 years, the United States has become the neighborhood Crime Watch of certain areas in Syria.

If ending the national emergency regarding Syria is being soft on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, the logic significantly undermines the idea that the 2004 national emergency declaration was an anti-Assad tool. If the national emergency nearly two decades ago was intended to be Assad kryptonite, it’s been the worst Assad kryptonite you could ever imagine. Assad has never been stronger.

If the principal argument against ending the national emergency regarding Syria is due to still wanting to maintain sanctions against bad actors, the executive has many other existing authorities to sanction regimes. Also, let’s not forget that Congress can always vote to impose sanctions.

Nothing should be allowed to be an emergency for 20 years. If this were really an emergency, there probably would have been a cataclysmic event of biblical proportion before reaching 20 years. And if it’s still an emergency—20 years later—it’s a chronic condition. The United States cannot be the world’s policeman, and we cannot be the world’s piggy bank.

Matt Gaetz represents Florida’s first congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives.


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faa00c No.73230

File: 105874eacdb7305⋯.png (181.61 KB,1305x1295,261:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212544 (201711ZJUL23) Notable: Reminder: Jim Watson deposition with attorneys' names

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And has cajones

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faa00c No.73231

File: ca33a1a20a168bb⋯.png (752.11 KB,1148x1950,574:975,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212550 (201713ZJUL23) Notable: Reminder: Jim Watson deposition with attorneys' names

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The attorneys that did this were not proud of their conduct. They blacked out their names, but I do have a recollection of their names.

These names should be in a history book somewhere.

Jacob Glick, James Sasso, Heather Connelly, Evan Mauldin, Meghan Conroy, Candyce Phoenix.

They are the folks that interrogated me.


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faa00c No.73232

File: de99972f3f1157d⋯.jpeg (55.03 KB,640x481,640:481,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212551 (201713ZJUL23) Notable: Top Journo Apologises to Nigel Farage

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‘That Will Teach me For Trusting the BBC’: Top Journo Apologises to Nigel Farage

“That will teach me [for trusting the] reporting of my old employer”, says former top BBC man as he issues a good-natured apology to Nigel Farage for repeating now-apparently-false claims about the Brexit leader.

Once one of the most familiar faces on Britain’s embattled state broadcaster, Jon Sopel is now turning into a fierce critic, saying he should have known better than to trust the BBC’s reporting on Nigel Farage and slamming its handling of the Huw Edwards scandal earlier this month. Responding to the revelation this week that briefings against Nigel Farage by Coutts bank, part of the partially state-owned Royal Bank of Scotland-Natwest group published by the BBC were not actually factual, former top BBC editor Sopel wrote:

Always believed when I get things wrong, I own up to it. I got it wrong. Sorry. That will teach me to trust reporting of my old employer… If your political views were even part of the reason why account was suspended from [Coutts] that is totally reprehensible[.]

While the message was in response to a provocative message from Farage challenging Sopel to admit the error, his response was equanimous, writing in response:

Jon, Thank you so very much for those words. I fully accept the apology and wish you well. As broadcasters we now have a duty to fight for free speech for our viewers and listeners.

Former European Parliament colleague of Mr Farage, Martin Daubney noted the exchange and said it was “fair play” to Mr Sopel for having the guts to admit when he’d been misled by the BBC.

Mr Farage revealed that his ban, with whom he has worked for decades, were closing his account last month and that he had been unable to open another account at any other UK bank, leading to claims he was a victim of politically-motivated ‘debanking’. The BBC appeared to hit back at those claims, their Business editor reporting that: “Nigel Farage fell below the financial threshold required to hold an account at Coutts, the prestigious private bank for wealthy customers the BBC has been told… [the bank] rejected the notion that the decision to close his Coutts account was in any way political.”

Mr Farage sensationally published internal Coutts documents he acquired proving this was false this week, and that he had in fact been debunked for political reasons. The consequences of this scandal appear to be growing by the day, with establishment newspapers speaking of a major scandal for the bank involved and the government reportedly moving to legislate to require banks to protect freedom of speech.

Despite Sopel moving quickly to apologise, others haven’t yet moved to do the same for apparently maligning Farage, including BBC editor Jack. It is reported by the Daily Telegraph today that just the night before that story broke, Jack sat next to Natwest chief executive Dame Alison Rose, from whom it is now implied the story could have originated.

Both the bank and BBC have refused to comment on that speculation by the Telegraph. Farage has said the Natwest boss should be “hauled” before Parliament’s Treasure committee to answer urgent questions on her actions.

The admission by Sopel that he might have known better than to trust a BBC report on Nigel Farage is significant, given Sopel worked for the BBC from the early 1980s until last year, holding several top editorial positions and becoming something close to a household name in the United Kingdom for his prominent camera-facing role in many world events. His remarks to Farage, even tongue-in-cheek as they may have been follow other comments last week where Sopel questioned the BBC’s handling of the allegations that a top star at the corporation was entangled in an underage explicit pictures scandal.

Sopel said: “I think that some of my colleagues in BBC News need to look at themselves… “I think the BBC is a complicated beast and it would be lovely to think of it as a streamlined organisation where one bit knows what the other is doing. But the BBC is a series of completely uncoordinated limbs… And I just thought: ‘Hang on, does one know what the other is doing?’.”


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faa00c No.73233

File: f29a73603275e59⋯.png (152.38 KB,550x668,275:334,Clipboard.png)

File: 14de45caf9a9696⋯.png (343.12 KB,579x749,579:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e227bcdb626b4e⋯.png (422.53 KB,579x749,579:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 45b43302347dd45⋯.png (85.44 KB,579x749,579:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 74692673a1c6d2b⋯.png (518.8 KB,579x756,193:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212569 (201718ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

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See new Tweets




🚨BIG: Senator


releases FD-1023 form alleging Joe Biden was involved in a $5,000,000 bribery scheme w/a Burisma executive

This means the FBI and DOJ *knew* he was compromised and chose to ignore it

The Deep State must be destroyed

12:48 PM · Jul 20, 2023



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faa00c No.73234

File: 2aabdb5e157554c⋯.png (145.82 KB,300x317,300:317,Clipboard.png)

File: e87b4d21391e43a⋯.png (862.58 KB,1092x727,1092:727,Clipboard.png)

File: d330644ca86ddbf⋯.png (25.65 KB,811x256,811:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212573 (201718ZJUL23) Notable: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

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JPMorgan Digs into Plaskett’s Epstein’s Ties in Deposition

By Sian Cobb

June 1, 2023

V.I. Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett accepted contributions totaling more than $34,000 from Jeffrey Epstein and four of his associates from 2014 through the 2020 election cycle, according to a partial transcript of her hours-long deposition last month in the V.I. government’s lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase Bank.

Plaskett also met with Epstein at his New York City mansion sometime in the fall of 2018 to discuss campaign contributions, ultimately arranging a $30,000 donation to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that the DCCC rejected because the wealthy financier did not pass its vetting process, according to the transcript.

The 26-page document, which is missing chunks of Plaskett’s testimony, is among 114 exhibits included in JPMorgan’s opposition to the V.I. government’s motion to strike the bank’s affirmative defenses. Most of the exhibits have been filed under seal, except for the delegate’s deposition and a few that are newspaper articles about Epstein.

The V.I. Attorney General’s Office filed suit against the bank in December in federal court in Manhattan, alleging it aided Epstein’s sex-trafficking scheme in violation of the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act. The bank has denied wrongdoing and has called the suit a “masterclass in deflection.”



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faa00c No.73235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212588 (201724ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Indiana Jones 5’ a ‘Disaster of Epic Proportions’ for Disney

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Nolte: ‘Indiana Jones 5’ a ‘Disaster of Epic Proportions’ for Disney

John Nolte20 Jul 2023

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is “shaping up to be a disaster of epic proportionsfor parent company Disney and its veteran CEO, Bob Iger,” Fortune reported.

Dial of Destiny “could potentially rival John Carter as the Mouse House’s worst-ever live-action commercial bomb,” continues the report, “and call into question the future of [Lucasfilm] boss Kathleen Kennedy, a former Fortune Most Powerful Woman.”

John Carter is still seen as one of the most notorious box office failures of all time. Produced in 2012 for $260 to 300 million, it grossed $285 million worldwide. Once you add marketing costs, this $350 million disaster lost Disney somewhere in the range of $200 million. That same year, studio chief Rich Ross resigned.

Luckily for Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy, she has a vagina. Without it, she would have been fired years ago after killing Star Wars as a film franchise.

Disney was a different company in 2012, a sane company where performance mattered more than identity politics and the desire to sexualize absolutely everything, especially children’s content. Disney is now a full-blown, left-wing propaganda outlet, an institution that would never admit Kennedy killed Star Wars and Indiana Jones because to do so would be to admit her obsession with identity politics and sexual fetishes was to blame. That kind of admission can never be allowed.

As of Tuesday, after 20 days in theaters, Dial of Destiny has only grossed $307 million worldwide. At this point, it will be lucky to reach $350 million. Do the math: cost $425 million minus $175 million in net box office receipts (theaters take about half), andyou’re looking at a $250 million loss. That is a quarter of a billion dollar loss — not on a risky and obscure John Mars, a property no one under the age of 100 was familiar with. No, that is a quarter of a billion dollar loss on an Indiana Jones movie, one of the most beloved and iconic franchises in Hollywood history.

In 1981, more than 40 years ago and without adjusting for inflation, Raiders of the Lost Arkgrossed $380 million worldwide. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $1.275 billion with a “B” in today’s dollars.

In 1984, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom grossed $333 million worldwide. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $977 million.

In 1989, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusadegrossed $474 million worldwide. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $1.166 billion with a “B.”

In 2008, the dreadful Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull grossed $790 million worldwide. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $1.12 billion with a “B.”

When you factor in inflation, you are talking about Dial of Destiny flopping in ways that seemed inconceivable a couple of months ago: a $250 million loss and an anemic box office haul $700 to $900 million lower than its predecessors. But that’s what happens when you use a sexless, unappealing woman to emasculate a beloved screen hero.

John Carter was a legitimate risk.

But until Kathleen Kennedy got her grubby, talentless, sex-obsessed, leftist hands on it, Indiana Jones was one of the surest things in the world. But, then again, so was Star Wars,and look at what Kennedy did to that.

Can the fact she’s a chick still save Kathleen Kennedy’s job after this fiasco? I don’t know. Transitioning into a black man might be her only hope.

Disney is evil, and good people revel in its every failure.



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faa00c No.73236

File: a8c3fd041db38e1⋯.png (705.2 KB,1920x1017,640:339,Clipboard.png)

File: d8a0e4579ba3a9f⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x816,25:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 437e65446b96110⋯.png (2.29 MB,1599x1082,1599:1082,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212592 (201724ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Callsign SPAR28 up out of Aspen, Colorado and followed by USCG C102. SPAR28 pointed roughly in the direction of Salt Lake City or Portland. USCG C102 has turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

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faa00c No.73237

File: 6294c02f705d45b⋯.jpeg (78.88 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212631 (201732ZJUL23) Notable: Democrats Go All in Defending Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens: ‘They’re American!’

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Democrats Go All in Defending Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens: ‘They’re American!’

John Binder19 Jul 2023

Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, Democrats are going all in to defend forcing American taxpayers to subsidize health insurance benefits for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

In April, President Joe Biden announced plans to open Obamacare and Medicaid rolls, both subsidized by American taxpayers, to nearly 600,000 DACA illegal aliens. Former President Barack Obama first created the DACA program via executive order, shielding more than a million illegal aliens from deportation through the years.

Currently, about 25 million Americans remain uninsured. Even for those with health insurance, recent polling has found that about half of Americans say they struggle to pay monthly insurance costs.

POTUS / Twitter

During a subcommittee hearing this week, Democrats seemingly made giving Obamacare benefits to DACA illegal aliens a policy plank that they hope to extend, eventually, to all of the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens.

“We’re having a hearing today as to why people who are American, they’re American, do not deserve healthcare. They’re here lawfully,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said. “They pay more taxes than Facebook does, they pay more taxes than many of our federal corporations do, they pay for — DACA recipients pay for members of Congress’s healthcare more than Facebook does.”

Ocasio Cortez also suggested that DACA illegal aliens “are oftentimes more patriotic” than American citizens.

“They give and give and give to a country that does not love them back in their actions,” she continued.

Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA) called illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border “a racist myth” and urged Congress to pass legislation that would give Obamacare benefits to all illegal aliens living in the country.

“Healthcare is a human right and it should be available to everyone who resides in this country no matter who they are,” Lee said. ” … this should be an easy fix.”

Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX) called it “absolutely shameful” for the U.S. not to give Obamacare benefits to DACA illegal aliens, suggesting that the illegal alien population has “earned” the right to health insurance.

Meanwhile, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) claimed illegal aliens do not come to the U.S. seeking free health insurance, though an investigationby the House Homeland Security Committee found that to be exactly the case.

Illegal aliens cost American taxpayers, the report states, billions in unpaid medical bills every year. In Yuma, Arizona, executives with the Yuma Regional Medical Center reveal that in just one year, taxpayers were left with $26 million in unpaid medical bills from illegal aliens who showed up to the hospital requesting free care.

Likewise, the Federation for American Immigration Reform reported that illegal immigration costs the nation’s hospital systems at least $23 billion annually — $8.2 billion of which is uncompensated medical care for illegal aliens.


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faa00c No.73238

File: a229cea3ef2ef7d⋯.png (261.37 KB,550x428,275:214,Clipboard.png)

File: dc96fd62fd41155⋯.png (350.01 KB,578x582,289:291,Clipboard.png)

File: f95206162318912⋯.png (51.1 KB,1032x498,172:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 8377f0caa223c83⋯.png (312.32 KB,597x550,597:550,Clipboard.png)

File: b9a284902c18df3⋯.png (329.88 KB,554x578,277:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212635 (201733ZJUL23) Notable: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

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“Every Statement You Made About Me is Inaccurate…These Are Defamations Used to Censor Me” – RFK Jr. Goes Scorched Earth on Nasty Democrat After She Slanders and Advocates Censoring Him During Her Opening Statement

As Jim Hoft reported earlier, The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government will hold a hearing on Thursday, July 20, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. ET. The hearing will examine the federal government’s role in censoring Americans, the Missouri v. Biden case, and Big Tech’s collusion with out-of-control government agencies to silence speech.


** Robert F. Kennedy Jr., attorney

** Emma-Jo Morris, journalist at Breitbart News

** D. John Sauer, Special Assistant Attorney General, Louisiana Department of Justice

The Democrats are in freak-out mode.

Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) got in a verbal fight with Kennedy during the hearing which did not end well for her. Kennedy put the deranged liberal right in her place after she publicly slandered him during her opening statement.

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Helps Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

Plaskett began her opening statement during the hearing with a lie: she claimed that RFK, Jr said that COVID was targeted to specifically attack Caucasians and Blacks. As Jim Hoft previously pointed out, his comments were completely taken out of context.

She went on to claim Kennedy advised Black Americans not to receive vaccines and trash Kennedy’s research on the COVID shot.

The rude Democrat next attacked her Republican colleagues for daring to have RFK, Jr. to speak in the first place and launched a chilling attack on the First Amendment.

Many of my Republicans will rush to cover…that they have Mr. Kennedy here because they want to protect his free speech, that they do not believe in American censorship. This is not the kind of free speech that I know of. Free Speech is not an absolute.

“Hateful abusive rhetoric” does not need to be promoted in the halls of the people’s house.

Paskett goes on to falsely accuse Republicans and Kennedy of racism and promoting conspiracies such as “The Great Replacement Theory.”

She continues to utter her race-baiting lies and promotes censorship of Kennedy for another four minutes.


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faa00c No.73239

File: f3cb88fe2fdb12a⋯.png (672.96 KB,1170x1589,1170:1589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212641 (201735ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

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The FD-1023 form alleging then-Vice President JOE BIDEN was involved in a $5,000,000 bribery scheme with a Burisma executive has been released by @ChuckGrassley.

Read 👇


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faa00c No.73240

File: 169aa1ee3c8e778⋯.png (252.75 KB,555x571,555:571,Clipboard.png)

File: d943edee90a010d⋯.png (88.85 KB,741x665,39:35,Clipboard.png)

File: d3158a5a0468079⋯.png (142.79 KB,549x631,549:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212647 (201736ZJUL23) Notable: YouTube Is Pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Interviews, Reviews

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YouTube Is Pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Interviews, Reviews

“I did not realize saving children and bringing awareness to the sex trafficking of kids was against the community guidelines”

YouTube appears to be removing content featuring or even merely reviewing the movie ‘Sound Of Freedom’ for ‘violating community guidelines’ as censorship of the anti-child trafficking movie continues.

Former Navy SEAL and CIA Contractor Shawn Ryan posted screenshots of the backend of his YouTube account, showing that a 2 and a half minute preview video of an upcoming interview with the film’s star Jim Caviezel has been removed.

YouTube has also declared the content titled ‘Actor Jim Caviezel Unveils Dark Truths Behind The Trafficking Of Children’ as ‘Ineligible’ for monetization.


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faa00c No.73241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212648 (201736ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

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Read the FD-1023


According to the FBI’s confidential human source, executives for Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, brought Hunter Biden on the board to “protect us through his dad, from all kinds of problems.” At the time, Burisma was seeking to do business in the United States, but was facing a corruption investigation in Ukraine, led by then-Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. Regarding that investigation’s impact on its ambitions in North America, Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky reportedly said, “Don't worry Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad.” Zlochevsky reportedly stated that he had to pay $5 million to Hunter Biden and $5 million to Joe Biden, an arrangement he described as ‘poluchili,’ which is Russian crime slang for being “forced or coerced to pay,” according to the document.


Zlochevsky claimed to have many text messages and recordings that show that he was coerced into paying the Bidens to ensure Shokin was fired. Specifically, he claimed to have two recordings with Joe Biden and 15 recordings with Hunter Biden. Zlochevsky also retained two documents, presumably financial records, as evidence of the arrangement, but said he didn’t send any funds directly to the “Big Guy,” a term understood to be a reference to Joe Biden. References to the “Big Guy” surfaced in communications involving other Biden family business arrangements independent of the Burisma arrangement. Zlochevsky claimed it would take investigators 10 years to uncover the illicit payments to the Bidens, according to the document.


10.17.2022 | FBI Possesses Significant, Impactful, Voluminous Evidence of Potential Criminality in Biden Family Business Arrangements

05.03.2023 | Grassley, Comer Demand FBI Record Alleging Criminal Scheme Involving Then-VP Biden

05.10.2023 | Comer and Grassley on FBI Failing to Comply with Subpoena Deadline

05.24.2023 | Comer & Grassley Blast FBI for Refusing to Provide Subpoenaed Record Alleging Then-VP Biden Engaged in a Bribery Scheme

05.31.2023 | Grassley & Comer to Wray: Provide the Unclassified Documents or Face Contempt

06.06.2023 | Grassley's Message to the Biden DOJ and FBI: Quit Playing Games with the American People

06.12.2023 | Grassley: FBI Redacted References to Recordings in Biden Allegation Shared with Congress

06.21.2023 | Grassley, Graham Lead Senate Judiciary Committee GOP in Seeking Unredacted FBI Record at Center of Biden Allegations

07.18.2023 | Grassley, Johnson, Senate Republicans Demand DOJ and FBI Protect Whistleblowers Alleging Biden Bribery Scheme



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faa00c No.73242

File: 5639926642d555a⋯.png (3.13 MB,1160x1992,145:249,Clipboard.png)

File: 15fe9deae0f5ff1⋯.png (1.04 MB,1284x1582,642:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212653 (201737ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

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👀 Grassley just released the FBI document alleging Joe and Hunter Biden are involved in a multi million dollar international bribery scheme on behalf of foreign agents



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faa00c No.73243

File: acb7b45f2d558e4⋯.png (159.05 KB,562x573,562:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c7edbfd9290258⋯.png (363.76 KB,1044x799,1044:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212656 (201738ZJUL23) Notable: FBI Knew Hunter Laptop Was Authentic in 2019 But Lied to Social Media Companies

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FBI Knew Hunter Laptop Was Authentic in 2019 But Lied to Social Media Companies So Story Would be Censored During 2020 Election

The FBI knew Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell was authentic in 2019 but lied to social media companies so the story would be censored during the 2020 election to help Joe Biden.

The House Ways and Means Committee recently reported:

In October 2019, the FBI became aware that a repair shop had a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden and that the laptop might contain evidence of a crime. The FBI verified its authenticity in November of 2019 by matching the device number against Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud ID.

According to testimony from Laura Dehmlow, the Section Chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), the FBI deliberately lied to social media companies about the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop to protect Joe Biden.

In the 9 months leading up to the 2020 election, the FBI met over 30 times with social media platforms — all while in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

In one of the meetings, somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real.

“One of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, “yes, it was,” before another participant jumped in and said, “no further comment,” Dehmlow said.

There it is.


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faa00c No.73244

File: 84e111c04792bd8⋯.png (606.21 KB,1170x1335,78:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 85f2e2db40fcaf8⋯.png (251.75 KB,543x702,181:234,Clipboard.png)

File: f1ac1ddfbf7c1d4⋯.png (250.46 KB,543x703,543:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 668371e388b9f8e⋯.png (333.05 KB,543x703,543:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212660 (201739ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

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Thx to whistleblowers now the world can see what ive seen & what the FBI tried to conceal Serious allegations from trusted FBI source What did the FBI do to investigate????


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faa00c No.73245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212663 (201739ZJUL23) Notable: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

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“I Didn’t Want to Censor Your Disinformation” – MUST SEE: Rep. Greg Steube DESTROYS Democrat Witness for Spreading Lies and Disinformation at Censorship Hearing

Rep. Greg Steube: To further the disinformation going on. Ms. Wiley, in response to a question, you stated that the decision in Missouri v. Biden was vacated by the appellate court. Is that correct?

Ms. Wiley: I did. And I want to correct that because Mr. Sauer is right, the appropriate word is stayed.

Rep. Greg Steube: Administratively stayed. So it hasn’t been vacated or dismissed like Mrs. Sanchez.

Ms. Wiley: It’S stayed, which means it cannot be implemented right now.

Rep. Greg Steube: Okay, because I didn’t want us to censor your disinformation that you stated as a factual assertion earlier.


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faa00c No.73246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212670 (201741ZJUL23) Notable: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

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You Can’t Make This Up: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

House Democrats have voted to censor and remove presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during a hearing that was ironically convened to discuss censorship issues.

The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government held a hearing on Thursday, July 20, 2023. The hearing will examine the federal government’s role in censoring Americans, the Missouri v. Biden case, and Big Tech’s collusion with out-of-control government agencies to silence speech.

During the hearing, Deborah Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) put forward a motion to censor Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to censor him to speak about censorship.

“I move that we remove into executive session because Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly made despicable, antisemitic, and anti-Asian comments as recently as last week.”

“So-called egate” Stacey Plaskett, a Democrat serving on the House Committee on Weaponization of Government, made a defamatory statement about Kennedy. She lied about Mr. Kennedy and completely misrepresented him. Ms. Plaskett uses this investigation into censorship to try to censor Mr. Kennedy.

However, the vote to censor Mr. Kennedy Jr. failed miserably after 10 House GOP voted yes, while 8 Democrats voted no.


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faa00c No.73247

File: cbe8c7ac5d01f16⋯.png (351.95 KB,703x574,703:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212678 (201742ZJUL23) Notable: Moar on MTG photos of Hunter

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Shows Photos Of Naked Hunter Biden At IRS Whistleblower Hearing


Arthur Delaney July 19, 2023

00:38 02:08

WASHINGTON — A pair of career IRS agents told the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday that the Justice Department stifled their investigation into tax crimes by the son of President Joe Biden and pursued weaker charges than they had recommended.

But some Republicans did not want to delve into the whistleblower allegations, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), who used her question time during the hearing to display what appeared to be naked pictures of Hunter Biden obtained from his laptop.

“What’s even more troubling to me is that the Department of Justice has brought no charges against Hunter Biden that will vindicate the rights of these women,” Greene said, holding up pictures that appeared to show the president’s son making sex tapes with women who Greene claimed were sex workers.

“Should we be displaying this, Mr. Chairman?” the committee’s top Democrat, Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), asked committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.), who did not answer.

Naked pictures of Hunter Biden are exactly the sort of sordid material that Comer once said he considered “very counter to a credible investigation.”

Comer had called the hearing to hear from IRS whistleblowers who have claimed the Justice Department prevented them from taking investigatory steps they thought were warranted to bring charges against the president’s son.

The younger Biden has been open about his addictions to drugs and alcohol spiraling out of control following his brother’s death in 2015. He made questionable business deals with foreign nationals that earned him millions and created an appearance of conflict of interest because of his father’s government service. He’s due in court next week on misdemeanor charges relating to his alleged failure to pay tax on income he earned in 2017 and 2018.

The IRS whistleblowers said they recommended he be charged with felonies, but their recommendations were rebuffed by Justice Department officials in an unusual manner. And they said the federal prosecutor overseeing the case, U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a holdover from the Donald Trump administration, told them he couldn’t bring charges outside of Delaware. Weiss and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland have insisted Weiss had complete authority to bring charges however he wanted.


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faa00c No.73248

File: 21a09bce572bf49⋯.png (664.03 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212686 (201743ZJUL23) Notable: Xi meets Kissinger

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Xi meets Kissinger

The Chinese president greeted the veteran US diplomat, who served as US secretary of state between 1973 and 1977, as an “old friend”

Chinese President Xi Jinping has welcomed former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger to Beijing, saying their two countries are currently at a critical juncture for the future of their relations. The veteran American diplomat, who recently turned 100, had earlier met with Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu.

Addressing his guest on Thursday, Xi said that “once again, China and the US are at a crossroads of where to go from here, and once again, both sides need to make a choice.”

Xi added that the “Chinese people never forget their old friends, and Sino-US relations will always be linked with the name of Henry Kissinger.” Beijing was willing to explore ways of peaceful coexistence between the two global powers, the Chinese head of state said.

Kissinger, who served under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford in the 1970s as secretary of state and national security adviser, remarked that Sino-American relations were a “matter of world peace and the progress of human society.”

He played a key role in the talks that put an end to the Vietnam War, as well as the normalization of relations between Washington and Beijing with an eye to pitting China against the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

During his meeting with Defense Minister Li Shangfu on Tuesday, Kissinger urged both nations to reverse their current confrontational course.

Relations between the US and China have been steadily deteriorating over the past few years, especially over the issues of Taiwan and trade.

Washington has sent several top-ranking officials to Beijing recently, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in an apparent bid to defuse the situation.

The Biden administration has been arming Taipei, as well as beefing up military alliances in the Asia-Pacific with Australia, Japan, and South Korea.

At the alliance’s summit in Vilnius last week, NATO accused China of pursuing “coercive policies” that threatened the US-led bloc’s interests. Beijing has denounced the claim as “slander” and a “smear,” accusing NATO of being trapped in a Cold War mentality.


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faa00c No.73249

File: e85982f6653236d⋯.jpeg (82.71 KB,600x350,12:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c903fc21efb89a4⋯.jpeg (67.22 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212687 (201744ZJUL23) Notable: 206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

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206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

Randy Clark19 Jul 2023

Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM) officers rescued 206 Central American migrants trapped in a sealed semi-tractor trailer. The Guatemalan and Honduran migrants, including women and children, told authorities cartel smugglers drugged them to inhibit the urge to use a bathroom during the trip. The migrants were encountered in the Mexican state of Veracruz on Saturday evening.

National Institute of Migration officers found 206 migrants, including small children, drugged and locked in a tractor-trailer in Veracruz, Mexico. (National Institute of Migration/Government of Mexico)

According to INM, authorities from multiple agencies discovered the tractor-trailer on the side of a roadway near Cardel, Veracruz. An inspection of the trailer revealed the hidden human cargo within. Twenty of the 206 migrants found inside were unaccompanied migrant children wearing identity bracelets placed on them by the migrant smugglers.

Authorities indicate the trailer appeared to have been modified by adding a support structure to afford a second floor. This enabled the trailer to accommodate more migrants. An additional modification was made to defeat the use of X-ray technology used by authorities to detect the migrants hidden inside. The migrants were found to be suffering from dehydration and claimed they were forced to ingest an unknown medication to reduce bodily functions while being transported.

According to INM, the group consisted of 144 members of family units, 42 single adults, and 20 unaccompanied migrant children.

The migrant encounter on Saturday was one of three migrant smuggling cases encountered by INM authorities in tractor-trailers in just two days. In all, more than 500 migrants were discovered inside three tractor-trailers in the Mexican state of Veracruz.

In the first case, Mexican law enforcement authorities discovered 107 migrants being transported in a trailer headed to Puebla from Veracruz. Police stopped the driver of the tractor-trailer for speeding. An inspection of the vehicle led to the discovery of the migrants. In that incident, the migrants were from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Cuba. The driver of the vehicle and five other suspects connected to the case now face criminal charges related to migrant smuggling.

In the second of three tractor-trailer cases in two days, 196 migrants were discovered in an abandoned tractor-trailer parked along a roadway near Fortin de las Flores, Veracruz. In that incident, five Indian nationals were discovered among the group of mostly Central American migrants. Nineteen unaccompanied migrant children were also discovered inside the tractor-trailer. No arrests were made in relation to this case.

Lacking statutory arrest authority in Mexico, the INM categorizes all detentions related to foreign nationals lacking proper immigration permits as rescues. According to INM, in 2022, more than 746,000 irregular migrants, likely headed to the United States, were rescued by the agency.


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faa00c No.73250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212689 (201745ZJUL23) Notable: Moar on MTG photos of Hunter

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Shows Photos Of Naked Hunter Biden At IRS Whistleblower Hearing


The hearing did not resolve the contradiction between the IRS agents’ previous allegations and the denials from the Justice Department. In their public testimony, the agents essentially repeated what they’d already told lawmakers in a private deposition.

“It appeared to me, based on what I experienced, that the U.S. attorney in Delaware, in our investigation, was constantly hamstrung, limited and marginalized by DOJ officials as well as other U.S. attorneys,” IRS special agent Joseph Ziegler told the House Oversight Committee.

The other whistleblower, Gary Shapley, a supervisory agent in the IRS criminal division, said he didn’t know if Garland had deliberately lied.

“I have never claimed to have evidence that Attorney General Garland knowingly lied to Congress,” Shapley said.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has said Republicans would move to impeach Garland if the whistleblower testimony proves true. “We need to get to the facts, and that includes reconciling these clear disparities,” McCarthy said in June.

The allegation that the Justice Department went easy on a member of the president’s family has become a centerpiece of an overarching Republican message that there’s a two-tier justice system persecuting Trump and his supporters and protecting the Bidens. The former president has been indicted on federal charges related to retaining classified public documents and he could face additional charges for his efforts to undo the 2020 election.

Democrats suggested the discrepancy between statements from the Justice Department and the whistleblowers reflected their frustration with the common phenomenon of prosecutors not following through on investigators’ recommendations.

“I think you have a tough view on what you think the law should be. this is why we have a prosecutorial system,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) said. “It turns out, often your recommendations on who should be charged differ from some of the other folks, and that’s what happened in this case.”

Shapley testified that such disagreements occur in “the vast majority” of cases but insisted the Hunter Biden case was different from any other he’d worked on.

Raskin said it appeared Hunter Biden had not received any favoritism.

“The fact that Hunter Biden faced a four-year criminal probe involving dozens of agents and prosecutors from the IRS, the FBI, the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware,” Raskin said, “demonstrates in my mind at least that he received no special treatment, but arguably tougher treatment than the millions of people who never faced criminal investigation for doing the same thing.”



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faa00c No.73251

File: b54bdbec4198d3d⋯.png (117.4 KB,529x721,529:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b657e17abc95dd⋯.png (320.92 KB,1027x796,1027:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212699 (201747ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine Launches US-Supplied Cluster Bomb Attacks on Russian Forces

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Ukraine Launches US-Supplied Cluster Bomb Attacks on Russian Forces – Weapons that are Banned in 120 Countries that Were Condemned Last Year by the Same Biden Regime

Ukrainian forces began firing US-provided cluster bombs on Russian forces in southeastern Ukraine.

Using cluster bombs in battle is a war crime.

Joe Biden continues to destroy America’s reputation in the world.

The Washington Post reported.


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faa00c No.73252

File: dce1acffbaf981f⋯.png (30.36 KB,560x334,280:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212701 (201747ZJUL23) Notable: Sperry on Jack Smith indictment possibility

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If as reported, Special Counsel Jack Smith indicts Trump again based on Section 371 of Title 18, making it a crime to conspire to defraud the US government then Special Counsel John Durham will have to explain why he flinched at charging FBI leadership under the same section

1:37 PM · Jul 20, 2023


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faa00c No.73253

File: 3031cc1303880ea⋯.png (185.8 KB,1024x856,128:107,Clipboard.png)

File: f87c1e186289555⋯.png (352.61 KB,566x602,283:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 92a3207b2aceb4b⋯.png (195.12 KB,1013x892,1013:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212724 (201752ZJUL23) Notable: Ramaswamy Responds to Scrutiny Over Alleged Ties to Soros, WEF, and Partnership with NIH for Centralized COVID-19 Patient Surveillance Database

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GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Responds to Scrutiny Over Alleged Ties to Soros, WEF, and Controversial Partnership with NIH for Centralized COVID-19 Patient Surveillance Database

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has come under fire for alleged ties to George Soros, the World Economic Forum (WEF), his stance on masks, and a controversial partnership with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) over a centralized COVID-19 patient surveillance database.

In a candid and bold Twitter video, Ramaswamy addressed these allegations head-on. Expressing his readiness to take tough questions, he said, “We’re surging in the polls. The knives are coming out, the opposition research machines are churning. And you know what? That’s a good thing, because I’m running to be your next president. I want to lead this country, and I better darn well be able to take some questions along the way.”

One of the controversies that Ramaswamy answered was his alleged ties to George Soros.

Ramaswamy clarified that he has no connection with George Soros. However, his education was funded by a Soros family member.

In 2010, Ramaswamy received the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans when he was 24, which helped him pursue a Juris Doctor in Law at Yale University. This fellowship was named after George Soros’s older brother, Paul Soros, a Hungarian-born American businessman and philanthropist, often called “the invisible Soros.”

Ramaswamy asserted that he never met both Paul Soros and George Soros.

“What is my connection with George Soros? Answer none, zero, indirect, zero connection with George Soros,” Ramaswamy said.

“Back in 2010 – by the way, this was long before George Soros had completely fallen off the deep end and gone into progressive causes, funding what I perceive as disastrous and toxic prosecutors who are soft on crime, who I’ve also railed against.”

“In 2010, I won a scholarship when I was 24 or 25 years old and headed to law school that was partly funded not by George Soros but by Paul Soros, George’s brother. [Paul] made his money independently and who, by the way, is now dead, funded hundreds of people – hundreds of kids. I was one of them, to go to graduate school at the age of 24 or 25, back when I didn’t have a lot of money to do it.”

“If I had turned down that scholarship back then, that would have been so foolish that anybody that foolish probably should have no place anywhere near the White House doing trade deals on behalf of this country,” Ramaswamy added.

However, Ramaswamy’s Wikipedia page was updated to remove information about his association with Paul Soros, raising questions about the transparency of Ramaswamy’s candidacy according to critics.

According to Mediate, Ramaswamy seems to have paid Wikipedia editor “Jhofferman,” to remove content from his page that Ramaswamy believed would undermine his candidacy in the Republican primary. A few days later, Ramaswamy declared his intention to run in 2024.

“According to the article’s version history, the editor removed lines about Ramaswamy’s receipt of a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2011,” the outlet reported.

Ramaswamy’s bio can still be found at the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans’ website.

Ramaswamy was also criticized due to his tweet in 2021, where he seemed to compliment George Soros for labeling Xi as the “most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world.”


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faa00c No.73254

File: d3420373b97bcb1⋯.png (404.24 KB,680x880,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: dd016d64b14afa2⋯.png (600.74 KB,668x873,668:873,Clipboard.png)

File: b25b612d22e225d⋯.png (448.25 KB,674x864,337:432,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c379cb128d7eff⋯.png (1.34 MB,1319x873,1319:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212762 (201758ZJUL23) Notable: Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe, Hunter in bombshell allegations

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Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe, Hunter in bombshell allegations

WASHINGTON — A bombshell FBI informant file containing a $10 million bribery allegation against President Biden and his son was released Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, showing that a Ukrainian oligarch claimed he was “coerced” into making the payoff.

The owner of Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky, told the FBI informant in 2016 during a meeting at a coffee shop in Vienna, Austria, that “it cost 5 [million] to pay one Biden, and 5 [million] to another Biden,” according to the redacted FD-1023 form.

“Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden ‘was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter,’ Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on Burisma’s board) ‘so everything will be okay,'” the document says.

According to the report, the source then inquired whether Hunter Biden or Joe Biden told Zlochevsky he should “retain” the younger Biden; Zlochevsky replied, “They both did.”

In an addendum to the report from June 2020, the source told investigators that Zlochevsky claimed to have 17 recordings of conversations with the Bidens — two of which involved Joe.

The source added that Zlochevsky was convinced the recordings and other evidence show he was “somehow coerced into paying the Bidens to ensure Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired.”

It’s unclear when exactly the alleged payments would have been made by Burisma, which first added Hunter Biden to its board in April 2014 as his dad assumed control of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.

Although he has repeatedly claimed he never discussed business with his son, then-Vice President Joe Biden met with his son’s partner Devon Archer in 2014 around the time both Hunter Biden and Archer joined the Burisma board, according to Obama White House visitor logs.

Joe Biden also met with Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi at an April 16, 2015, dinner at DC’s Cafe Milano, as revealed in The Post’s first bombshell report in October 2020 on the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.


enator Chuck Grassley released the FD-1023 form, alleging that Mykola Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, paid a $5,000,000 bribe each to Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden to have Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.


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faa00c No.73255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212768 (201759ZJUL23) Notable: Weiner Interview; Weiner panic July 20 2023

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UNHINGED: Anthony Weiner Has a Meltdown When Asked About Clinton’s Kill List Allegation


Valuetainment bodied the ween

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faa00c No.73256

File: b6f5823a65ed85e⋯.jpeg (83.96 KB,900x481,900:481,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212778 (201801ZJUL23) Notable: Ex-Dem GA State Rep. Mainor switches to Republican

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Ex-Dem GA State Rep. Mainor: Dems Own Problems in Major Cities, Those Cities Aren’t Run by GOP

Ian Hanchett20 Jul 2023

On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN Primetime,” Georgia State Rep. Mesha Mainor, who recently switched parties from Democrat to Republican, discussed her party switch andstated that schools in her Atlanta district are failing and crime rates are high, and because “There is not a Republican in office” in the area, “we can’t blame Republicans. Democrats need to blame themselves for the problems in our community,” Mainor also stated that “Every single policy issue that is important to my community was a policy issue that the Republican Party was supporting.”

Mainor stated, “Every single policy issue that is important to my community was a policy issue that the Republican Party was supporting.So, it’s not party. It’s really policy. Who is supporting my community? Who is trying to uplift my community? I tell people, look around you, the schools are failing. We have high crime.There is not a Republican in office. So, we can’t blame Republicans. Democrats need to blame themselves for the problems in our community, and I’m just trying to make a difference, honestly.”

Mainor also stated thatschool choice in the face of failing schools, defunding the police, and lax prosecution of crimeare issues that were key to her decision to switch parties.

(If one from Atlanta can wake up, a lot more can wake up before they get paid off by the system. It’s interesting when she says we do not have a republican governor, she’s talking about Kemp, who ran as Republican. So she knows he’s a democrat or pawn used by them. She just revealed Kemp for who he is.)


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faa00c No.73257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212828 (201809ZJUL23) Notable: Senate Rejects Congressional War Powers Over NATO’s Article 5

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Senate Rejects Congressional War Powers Over NATO’s Article 5

An amendment to the NDAA declaring that NATO's Article 5 does not override congressional war powers failed in a vote of 16-83

The Senate on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted down an amendment to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would declare NATO’s Article 5, which outlines mutual defense commitments, does not override congressional war powers.

The amendment, introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), states: “It is the sense of Congress that Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty does not supersede the constitutional requirement that Congress declare war before the United States engages in war.”

The amendment failed in a vote of 16-83 and received no support from Democrats. “It should have been an easy vote to affirm the Constitution, to vote against affirming the Constitution actually places doubt in the Constitution. But it was defeated,” Paul wrote on Twitter after the vote.

The Senate also approved an amendment introduced by Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) that requires Senate approval for a president to leave NATO in a vote of 65-28, with only Republicans opposing the measure.

The Kaine amendment reads: “The President shall not suspend, terminate, denounce, or withdraw the United States from the North Atlantic Treaty… except by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, provided that two-thirds of the Senators present concur, or pursuant to an Act of Congress.”

Versions of the Kaine and Paul amendments were previously introduced as stand-alone bills. When Paul and several other Republicans introduced legislation to reaffirm congressional war powers over NATO commitments, he noted that while NATO members are required to assist each other in the event of an attack, military action is not mandated.

“Furthermore, Article 11 of the NATO Treaty states that the provisions of the Treaty are to be carried out in accordance with each country’s respective constitutional processes,” Paul said in a statement last month.

Once the Senate passes its version of the NDAA, it needs to negotiate the finalized version with the House. Both versions will allocate $886 billion for military spending, but a partisan battle is expected to ensue as Republicans added amendments to the House version relating to social issues in the military, including abortion, transgender surgeries, and diversity policies. The House passed its version of the NDAA last Friday in a narrow vote of 219-210.


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faa00c No.73258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212841 (201811ZJUL23) Notable: Weiner Interview; Weiner panic July 20 2023

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JUST NOW: Hillary Clinton's Best Friend Anthony Weiner has UNHINGED Meltdown after being asked about the Clinton Body Count

Reminder that this guy went to JAIL for sexting a 15-year-old:

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faa00c No.73259

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212855 (201813ZJUL23) Notable: Ex-Dem GA State Rep. Mainor switches to Republican

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(There’s some hope for her)

Georgia state lawmaker switches from Democrat to Republican

Dianne Gallagher. July 13, 2023

A Georgia lawmaker who represents part of Atlanta in the state House of Representatives switched her party affiliation to Republican this week after repeatedly breaking with her former party on several key votes this session.

State Rep. Mesha Mainor announced that she was leaving the Democratic Party for the Republican Party at a news conference on Tuesday.

District 56 is a Democratic stronghold that covers a swath of Fulton County stretching from parts of Atlanta’s westside up to midtown. Mainor won her last primary against two other Democrats with 65% of the vote and she ran unopposed in the 2020 and 2022 general elections. President Joe Biden won Fulton County with more than 70% of the vote in 2020.

Shortly after her news conference, she tweeted, “I represent a blue district in the city of Atlanta so this wasn’t a political decision for me. It was a a MORAL one. I will NEVER apologize for being a black woman with a mind of my own.”

Democrats called the flip a betrayal, pointing to the deep-blue district Mainor was elected to represent.

Republicans, including Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, sent tweets welcoming her to the GOP, with several posting interviews she did on Fox News shortly after the announcement. Mainor was also welcomed to the GOP on social media by Tricia Cotham, a North Carolina state representative from a blue district who switched from Democrat to Republican earlier this year.

A two-term member, Mainor had come under fire by members of the Democratic Party this session after voting with Republicans on a number of issues, including on police budgetsand an oversight commission for prosecutors.

She was the lone Democrat to vote for a failed bill on private school vouchers, which prompted a then-fellow Atlanta Democrat – State Senator Josh McLaurin – to tweet, “All I need is a name,” with a photo of a blank check for $1,000 for a primary challenger in Mainor’s district.

“The harassment and intimidation is much bigger than three votes,” said Mainor, surrounded by a handful of supporters and the state GOP chairman, at her announcement. “It’s about fear, fear of an outsider coming to the capitol working for the people she came up here to serve.”

“Rep. Mesha Mainor’s switch to the GOP is a stinging betrayal of her constituents, who elected a Democrat to represent them in the state legislature,” said US Rep. Nikema Williams, who chairs the state’s Democratic Party, in a statement. “House District 56 deserves a representative who will do the job they were elected to do, including fight for high-quality public education. Georgia Democrats look forward to electing a strong Democrat next year in H.D. 56 who will serve the people, not personal political ambitions.”

The switch gives Republicans a 102 to 78 majority in the Georgia House. It also makes Mainor the only Black Republican currently serving in Georgia’s legislature and the first Black woman Republican ever to serve in the state House, according to the House GOP caucus.

The last party switch in the Georgia state legislature happened in 2021, when Vernon Jones – a major supporter of former President Donald Trump – flipped from Democrat to Republican near the end of his state House term.

(She won’t embrace Trump yet, but GA republicans are a bunch of cowards)


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faa00c No.73260

File: 1cfcf205227a4a9⋯.png (47.78 KB,915x269,915:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212863 (201814ZJUL23) Notable: New study of CDC data suggests COVID vaccines caused shocking 338x increase in cancers & AIDS-associated diseases

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BREAKING: New study of CDC data suggests COVID vaccines caused shocking 338x increase in cancers & AIDS-associated diseases.

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faa00c No.73261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212908 (201824ZJUL23) Notable: Another Stanford exit: Diversity dean who deplatformed conservative judge steps down

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Another Stanford exit: Diversity dean who deplatformed conservative judge steps down

Law school dean claims Tirien Steinbach "intended to de-escalate" situation by stopping judge from speaking after students repeatedly interrupted him.

Less than a day after Stanford University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne announced his pending resignation following an independent investigation that found he co-authored papers with "serious flaws" in data, the academic engine of Silicon Valley is losing another high-profile official who drew unwanted attention.

Tirien Steinbach, the associate dean of diversity, equity and inclusion who deplatformed conservative federal appellate judge Kyle Duncan at a Federalist Society campus event earlier this year, "has decided that she will be leaving" Stanford "to pursue another opportunity," Law Dean Jenny Martinez told the community on Thursday.

The message referred to the "divisions caused by the March 9 event" and claimed that Steinbach "intended to de-escalate" the tensions prompted by students who repeatedly interrupted Duncan.

Steinbach had fanned the flames before the event, however, by publishing a statement that said Duncan's appearance "represents a significant hit to [student activists'] sense of belonging."

Neither Stanford nor Steinbach was prepared to handle the situation with Duncan or respond appropriately when students tried to stop him from speaking, Martinez said.

She praised Steinbach for expanding outreach to conservative groups among others often overlooked in DEI bureaucracies during her nearly two years.

"Today’s announcement that Steinbach will leave her post is hopefully another signal that Stanford intends to adopt a no-tolerance policy on viewpoint discrimination," Alex Morey, director of campus rights advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, said in a statement.

"What set the event apart" from run-of-the-mill deplatformings was Steinbach's facilitating role "when she should've been enforcing the rules," Morey also said. FIRE is hopeful about Stanford's interim president Richard Saller because of his history with "ultra-speech-friendly UChicago."


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faa00c No.73262

File: 936dd48807d78ae⋯.jpeg (33.84 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212914 (201825ZJUL23) Notable: Russia launches more ‘retaliatory strikes’ on Ukraine

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20 Jul, 2023 13:11

Russia launches more ‘retaliatory strikes’ on Ukraine – MOD

The third barrage in as many nights followed Kiev’s deadly attack on the Crimean Bridge on Monday

The Russian Defense Ministry has reported conducting “retaliatory strikes” on targets in Ukrainian port cities for a third consecutive day. It comes in response to a naval drone attack on the Crimean Bridge, which killed two civilians on Monday morning.

In its latest briefing on Thursday, theRussian ministry identified “manufacturing workshops and storage locations of naval drones” in the Black Sea port ofOdessaand its satellite port of Ilyichevsk, which Ukraine calls Chornomorsk, as the targets of the latest attacks.

The Russian military also hit fuel infrastructure and ammunition depots in the city of Nikolaev, another major Ukrainian port, the statement added. The ministry said the strikes had achieved their intended goals.

Earlier in the day, the Ukrainian military claimed to have intercepted five cruise missiles and 13 kamikaze drones out of 19 missiles and an equal number of UAVs, which it claimed were launched by Russian forces at Odessa and Nikolaev. The Russian ministry offered few details about the munitions used, only stating thatthey were “precision naval-launched and air-launched weapons.”

Russia has been targeting Ukrainian port cities every night since Monday. Odessa Mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov described the barrage on Wednesday morning as the largest he had seen since hostilities between the two nations broke out in February last year.

The drone attack on the Crimean Bridge on Monday, which Russia called a Ukrainian terrorist attack, killed a couple and seriously injured their 14-year-old daughter, who was traveling in the same car. Investigators claim the key transport link was attacked by naval drones.

Ukrainian media cited government sources asconfirming that the strike had been launched by Kiev. The SBU, the security service that allegedly co-organized the operation with the Ukrainian military, reacted by promising to release details about the incident after the conflict with Russia is over.

(The message is “stop killing innocent civilians”, Ukraine should listen because they are not fighting a war, they are hitting easy targets. From the pattern I’ve seen, every indiscriminate attack on civilians by Kiev, equals 3x the attack by Russians. They should wise up!)


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faa00c No.73263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212928 (201831ZJUL23) Notable: WHO, CDC and Bill Gates Pushing for Peel-and-Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly to People’s Homes

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WHO, CDC and Bill Gates Pushing for Peel-and-Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly to People’s Homes

To get more people to accept his chemical injections, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates in concert with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working on a new microneedle vaccine patch technology whereby people will be able to peel-and-stick the patches on themselves through the mail service.

We are told that mRNA gene therapy technology can be implemented into these patches, which can theoretically be mailed through the United States Postal Service (USPS) to every household in the country.

The apparent goal is to continually inject people’s bodies with gene therapy chemicals that over time will change their bodily functions and alter their immune systems. It would seem to be some kind of Humanity 2.0 agenda involving transhumanism and other deviousness.

None of this is about health, just to be clear. Gates is interested in just two things: making money and genocide. And his new Big Pharma proposal for microneedle peel-and-stick vaccines through the mail will advance that agenda by leaps and bounds if enough people end up complying with it.

Direct-to-consumer Vaccine Patches Means More Money for Big Pharma

Right now, the only way to get a vaccine is to visit a doctor’s office or the local pharmacy. A consumer cannot just go pick up a vaccine off the shelf and administer it directly – someone else has to do it and sign off on it.

The new peel-and-stick technology bypasses all of that. The goal is to market microneedle vaccine patches directly to consumers, allowing them to order online and have them delivered in the mail.

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and various other globalist groups are all pushing for this technology because, admittedly, it will allow their vaccines to reach “the most remote locations” throughout the world.

By reaching the most remote locations, Gates et al. will be able to rake in more cash while killing millions of additional people. This culling of the herd combined with consolidation of wealth is a globalist dream come true, which is why globalists everywhere are calling the technology “groundbreaking” and a “game changer.”

Eventually, there will not even be any more injectable vaccines of the traditional variety. If vaccine patches are normalized and mainstreamed, then people everywhere will be “jabbing” themselves at will through the mail.

“Whether it is delivered by a needle or a patch, a VMAP is a biological product that atypically manipulates the immune system to provoke strong inflammatory responses that can lead to injury or death for some who receive it,” warns National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher about the technology.

“If you look at the medical literature describing microneedle vaccine patches, what you see is a lot of hype about how much easier it will be for the vaccinators to slap a patch on a child’s skin instead of using a needle, and how the ‘painless’ patch can reduce vaccine hesitancy.”

Fisher would go on in a statement to The Defender to explain that it is a misnomer for the globalists to claim that people are vaccine hesitant because of the delivery method rather than because of the product being delivered, which they do not want.

“It has never been about how the product is delivered,” Fisher said. “It has always been about the lack of evidence demonstrating safety.”

Brian Hooker, PhD, PE, the senior director of science and research at Children’s Health Defense, added that calling it a “vaccine patch” is deceptive in that many people will falsely mistake them for nicotine patches like the kind smokers use.


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faa00c No.73264

File: 01ec115c2821a7e⋯.jpeg (79.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212932 (201832ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine begins using US-provided cluster munitions – WaPo

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20 Jul, 2023 15:26

Ukraine begins using US-provided cluster munitions – WaPo

The controversial artillery shells are being used in the effort to break through Russian defensive lines, the outlet has reported

Kiev has begun using US-made cluster artillery shells, the Washington Post reported on Thursday, citing unnamed Ukrainian officials familiar with the matter. Specifically, the US-provided munitions are being used in “a push to break up” Moscow’s defensive lines amid efforts to reinvigorate Kiev’s stalled counteroffensive, according to the WP.

The US recently opted to provide the controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine, despite them being banned in over 100 countries and widespread opposition from human rights groups. The so-called dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICMs), namely in the form of 155mm artillery shells, arrived in Ukraine last week.

US President Joe Biden described the move as a stopgap measure, claiming that Washington and its allies were running short on regular munitions of the standard NATO caliber to prop up Kiev in the ongoing conflict with Moscow.

The move, however, has proven to be controversial even for Washington’s allies, with multiple countries, including the UK, Canada, and Spain, criticizing the decision. The UN has opposed the move as well, expressing concerns of the potential use of such ordinance on civilians.

Cluster shells contain multiple smaller submunitions – when fired, they open up in the air and pelt a large area with said bomblets. The munitions exhibit higher dud rates, with unexploded submunitions posing a threat for years on. The US had to circumvent its own rules to make the delivery happen, as it had prohibited exports of weaponry with dud rates of more than 1%. The DPICMs delivered to Kiev, however, are said to have dud rates of at least 2.35%.

Washington insisted Kiev had promised to use the cluster weaponry responsibly, with Undersecretary of Defence for Policy Colin Kahl claiming it pledged not to use these munitions in “civilian-populated urban areas.”

The Ukrainian military, however, has a long account of indiscriminate use of controversial munitions, including cluster rockets with PFM ‘petal’ mines, claymore-style MON mines, artillery shells with flechettes and other weaponry, originating from its domestic stockpiles left from the Soviet times.

More than 100 nations agreed to ban cluster weaponry due to its tendency to leave behind unexploded submunitions, signing the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) back in 2008. Neither Ukraine, nor the US – or Russia, however, are parties to the convention.

Moscow has condemned Washington’s decision to supply the controversial weaponry to Ukraine, promising to retaliate in kind and use “equivalent weapons.”

“It should be noted that Russia has cluster munitions, as they say, for all occasions.They are much more effective than American ones, their range is broader and more diverse,”Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said shortly after the delivery was first announced.

(So Russia has warned they were not going to use cluster bombs on Ukraine until the US gave them to use on Russia and innocent Ukrainians.)


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faa00c No.73265

File: e24445ee0d25ce0⋯.png (118.36 KB,839x496,839:496,Clipboard.png)

File: e0e5ea8bdb129e2⋯.png (300.97 KB,791x860,791:860,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212935 (201833ZJUL23) Notable: Heatwaves Have Fallen in the United States Over the Last 75 Years

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Heatwaves Have Fallen in the United States Over the Last 75 Years

Official figures produced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show a decline in U.S. heatwaves stretching back 75 years, contradicting the climate alarmist propaganda being pumped out by Government and media.

The BBC is reporting that heatwaves are the “new normal” as 50°C hits the United States and China. Scientists are reported to say that climate change is making heatwaves longer, more intense and more frequent. Quite where all this fearmongering guff is coming from is not immediately clear. Certainly not from official figures produced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that show a decline in U.S. heatwaves stretching back 75 years. EPA data for 1,066 weather stations across the U.S. show a total of 863 locations, or 81%, reporting either a decrease or no change in the number of unusually hot days.

As we noted on Monday, the decline in very hot days stretches back to the 1930s. Since that time the number of U.S. weather stations recording 38°C (100°F) has fallen by half. Writing for Climate Realism, the U.S. meteorologist Anthony Watts referred to the graph below from the EPA showing that heatwaves were much worse in the 1930s, well before climate change became a blip on the media radar.

Despite what the media say, observes Watts, “real-world” data show heatwaves are not getting worse in the U.S. due to climate change. “This flies in the face of opinions by climate scientists cited in the mainstream media which seem wedded to the narrative that climate change is causing a crisis, despite data to the contrary”, he adds. Looking at the graph above, and considering the EPA’s 75-year recorded figures, it is difficult to see how any climate scientist, or inquiring journalist, could conclude that the U.S. is on a path to Thermogeddon.

Of course it is high summer in the Northern Hemisphere and, regular as clockwork, the Scorchio gang has ridden into town demanding money with menaces to fund its Net Zero racket. Writing in Axios, Andrew Freedman wrote that monitoring the climate this summer can give one the impression that the system “has gone off the rails”. Regular BBC contributor Dr. Frederieke Otto, who claims the power to spot human-caused climate change behind individual weather events, said we are not in a “stable climate”. The climate would remain unstable until humans stop burning fossil fuels. Meanwhile, Dr. Otto continues her modelled “attribution” work, helped by funding from the green billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham.


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faa00c No.73266

File: 5a988be33182a04⋯.png (282.69 KB,1902x890,951:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 0288e33401d9b72⋯.png (256 KB,1905x858,635:286,Clipboard.png)

File: a3e57810454b3bc⋯.png (57.68 KB,1879x206,1879:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212967 (201838ZJUL23) Notable: Westwards child sex trafficking is a much more serious issue than are the trumped-up charges NATO laid against Russian President Putin

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Westwards child sex trafficking is a much more serious issue than are the trumped-up charges NATO laid against Russian President Putin.

In examining the issue of child sex trafficking from Ukraine, this article is divided into seven parts. We first place the allegations NATO raised against Russian authorities into our overall analytical framework and then argue that those NATO charges should be dismissed as cheap, albeit predictable propaganda. We next look at overall trends in child sex trafficking not only in Ukraine but globally as well. Finally, we look at the case of sex trafficking Ukrainian children into both Britain and Ireland as important microcosms of overall Ukrainian patterns before making a number of important caveats, conclusions and recommendations for further analysis and action.

Questioning Russians

The CIA and MI6, working through their agents in the International Criminal Court, have charged two Russian citizens, President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, Russia’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights, with the apparent war crime of removing thousands of children from the regions of Eastern Ukraine and South-Western Russian where fighting over the region’s future has most intense.

As President Putin is far and away NATO’s primary bête noir, we are best generally ignoring the charges against him for the sake of analysis, as to do otherwise would only further weaponise NATO’s stupidity regarding such matters.

For our purposes, Maria Lvova-Belova is far more important. Lvova-Belova stands accused by NATO’s agents of the mass abduction of as many as 19,544 Ukrainian children, if we accept the figures of MI6 agent Zelensky’s regime.

Lvova-Belova’s ICC arrest warrant says she is accused of bearing “individual criminal responsibility” for the “unlawful deportation and transfer of children” from Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

Although those appear to be serious charges, it must be stressed that neither Lvova-Belova nor Putin, nor anybody else in a position of authority in Russia, denies that large numbers of children were evacuated from areas like Mariupol, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Kharkiv during the course of the conflict and that those children were placed in appropriate holding camps throughout the Russian Federation from Crimea in the west to Siberia in the east.

As seasoned American combat veteran Colonel Douglas Macgregor has stated that he has never seen or experienced battles as intense as those now being waged between Russia and NATO’s Ukrainian proxies, few could reasonably argue that getting women and children out of the line of fire was not the right thing to do.

In an interview she freely gave with NATO’s VICE outlet, Lvova-Belova makes precisely that point, that she was helping get the children out of the line of fire. And she further makes the point that, as she is a mother (married to a Russian Orthodox Church priest, with whom she bore five biological and adopted a further eighteen children, one of whom was a displaced 15-year-old boy from Mariupol), she is simply not hard-wired that way.


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faa00c No.73267

File: fd0c10ed0ad93c1⋯.png (564.94 KB,852x1402,426:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213010 (201849ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

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Bombshell FBI memo: Hunter Biden hired by Ukrainian firm to 'protect' it from corruption probe

Sen. Charles Grassley releases long-sought FBI confidential informant report alleging bribery scheme



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faa00c No.73268

File: ddc5617f73b05e1⋯.png (394.24 KB,808x929,808:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 32e989834093495⋯.png (448.99 KB,784x926,392:463,Clipboard.png)

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File: 17fca67f71770bb⋯.png (302.19 KB,776x762,388:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213016 (201851ZJUL23) Notable: A Decade Of 'Deals': The Definitive Timeline Of The Bidens' Influence-Peddling

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A Decade Of 'Deals': The Definitive Timeline Of The Bidens' Influence-Peddling



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faa00c No.73269

File: 8fa999c89e777a3⋯.png (365.5 KB,759x756,253:252,Clipboard.png)

File: 679bc9a1d8b196e⋯.png (578.18 KB,856x839,856:839,Clipboard.png)

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File: aee76a7c3a7c6b1⋯.png (268.74 KB,812x908,203:227,Clipboard.png)

File: e394ad86061ed66⋯.png (352.22 KB,820x927,820:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213030 (201855ZJUL23) Notable: A Decade Of 'Deals': The Definitive Timeline Of The Bidens' Influence-Peddling

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faa00c No.73270

File: d46902d76953d09⋯.png (88.19 KB,820x910,82:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e0aef0051042b8⋯.png (304.19 KB,811x893,811:893,Clipboard.png)

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File: 3430455cf2b51c2⋯.png (347.09 KB,856x893,856:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213038 (201857ZJUL23) Notable: A Decade Of 'Deals': The Definitive Timeline Of The Bidens' Influence-Peddling

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faa00c No.73271

File: 6ca6b9b39552b2c⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213049 (201859ZJUL23) Notable: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

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Cammack: I'll start with you, Miss Wiley five days ago. Democrat Representative Pamila Jayapal stated that she has been fighting to make it clear that Israel is a racist state. Yes or no. Do you believe that statement to be anti Semitic?

Wiley: I, I, I believe that there is a distinction between any conversation about a government versus a group of people.

Cammack: So do you believe that each of my democratic colleagues should publicly denounce her comments will not continue to give her a platform to make statements like Israel is a racist nation because essentially that is what is happening here. Is it is we, we are 100% trying to censor one gentleman because one side doesn't agree with his comments. So in a weaponization, hearing about censorship, the left is trying to censor which I, I think is absolutely crazy and I, I have to bring this up and, and since the, the the door was opened, you know, I, I, I'm deeply concerned about the fact that there were FEC reports brought up.

Mr Kennedy, you acknowledge that you don't know where those came from. You said that you have no affiliation with those that pack that Super PAC I believe the ranking member said she was deeply concerned about the affiliation and we seem to have a guilty by association theme going on here. And so I just have to state for the record that I myself am deeply concerned about the affiliation of the convicted sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, of which the ranking member took campaign donation money from.So I think that's the beauty of the first amendment is that we have a right to say what we want to say, but we also have the right to be offended. So I just wanted to point that out, you know, glass houses and all.

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faa00c No.73272

File: 77e340ca0983fdc⋯.png (243.75 KB,547x503,547:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213062 (201902ZJUL23) Notable: MSNBC blames Trump for deep state refusal to prosecute Hunter Biden

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MSNBC blames Trump for deep state refusal to prosecute Hunter Biden

"They don't want people to know, so they make things up."

During a segment of MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, host Joe Scarborough says the "so-called" whistleblowers testifying before Congress this week told the Department of Justice under Donald Trump about the Hunter Biden tax violations, but it didn't "see anything there either," and that Republicans are now "just throwing things at the wall because they're so desperate," to distract attention away from former President Trump.

In the video, Scarborough attempted to discredit whistleblowers that Republicans brought forward previously saying, "I mean, these IRS whistleblowers at least weren't spies. At least they didn't illegally smuggle Iranian oil to the Communist Chinese Party. At least they weren't an active agent for the Chinese Communist Party like the last whistleblower was."

He then shifted the blame to Republicans by saying, "But this whistleblower admitted, yeah, I brought this up to the Trump administration, the Trump justice department. They didn't see anything there either." He continued, "And oh, yeah, all those things Republican Congressman have been saying about Merrick Garland that I said about him supposedly, those are lies too."

He went on to say that Republicans are desperate to take attention off of Donald Trump. He said, "They don't want Americans to hear that a judge called Donald Trump a rapist. They don't want the American people to focus on the fact that Donald Trump stole nuclear secrets. Wouldn't give them back to the government, that Donald Trump has sold military secrets and secret plans to invade Iran and wouldn't give it back to the government."

"They don't want people to know, so they make things up," he continues. "And they have all of these so-called whistleblowers. Who, again, admit the Trump Justice Department said, 'yeah, there's nothing there.'"

IRS veteran Joeseph Ziegler told the committee on Wednesday that felony charges against Hunter Biden on tax evasion would have been supported by the evidence. Ziegler is a gay Democrat man who said he came forward because "No one should be above the law regardless of your political affiliation."


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faa00c No.73273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213069 (201904ZJUL23) Notable: Over 400 People Found Dead, Allegedly Connected to Doomsday Cult

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Over 400 People Found Dead, Allegedly Connected to Doomsday Cult

Authorities in Kenya have exhumed the bodies of over 400 people that are said to have died in connection with a doomsday cult.

Officials in the area told the Associated Press (AP) that they believe all of the victims to be followers of a doomsday cult in the coastal town of Malindi led by a local pastor, named Paul Mackenzie, who allegedly ordered them to fast to death in order to meet Jesus.

Mackenzie has denied the allegations, previously telling CNN in June he has “never seen anybody starving.” Per the BBC, it's said he also told the Kenyan Nation newspaper, "Is there a house maybe or an enclosure or a fence somewhere that has been found [at the farm] where people might have been locked in?"

New developments in the story, which first broke back in April of this year, came earlier this week when Coast Regional Commissioner Rhoda Onyancha told the outlet that an additional 12 bodies were exhumed on Monday, July 17, bringing the total number of those who have died in connection to the Good News International Church to 403.

Of the 403 bodies uncovered, pathologists said a majority were already in advanced states of decomposition, though, Onyancha noted that 253 of the bodies had undergone DNA matching.

Onyancha added that an additional 95 followers had been rescued, and detectives are still working to locate more mass graves as some 613 people have been reported missing to Kenya Red Cross officers in Malindi.

In May, relatives of those involved with the cult began speaking out, Stephen Mwiti, whose wife and six children joined the cult and are possibly among those who died, told Reuters: "He [Mackenzie] told them to starve themselves ahead of the world’s end on April 15, saying he would be that last one and that he would lock the doors."

Local hospital staff that spoke on the clause of anonymity also confirmed Mwiti's statements, telling Reuters that survivors described similar accounts. "He [Mackenzie] had an elaborate plan of killing children, youths and then adults, telling them he would be the last one to starve himself to death," one recalled.

While the search for the missing continues, AP reported that Mackenzie, along with 36 other suspects, are currently in police custody, but none of them have been charged.

Kenya's president, William Ruto, said what transpired in Malindi was "akin to terrorism" and vowed to crack down on "those using religion to advance their heinous acts."

It is believed that Mackenzie moved to the forested part of Malindi in 2019 after his church was closed over the pastor's preaching, which is said to have included asking children not to go to school. He was also previously arrested and released on bond over the disappearance of children, per AP.


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faa00c No.73274

File: 96374a445d84900⋯.mp4 (15.31 MB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213098 (201911ZJUL23) Notable: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

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Our Democrat colleague, Mr Lynch opened up the door of what does the impact of the continued narrative of weaponization have on the general public? And I think that's really important because what we have seen in the last couple of weeks is irrefutable evidence of the fact that the FBI has not only been systematically working to censor American speech, but they have been facilitating it. And in some cases at the behest of foreign governments, a weaponization report proved that there was a direct connection between the Ukrainian Sbu in which that intelligence service was sending spreadsheets of thousands of posts in some cases, posts that were belonging to the United States State Department.

And because we know that the Ukrainian Sbu is rife with double agents, the FBI wasn't even vetting the posts, they were simply sending them direct to the social media companies saying please take these down. So now we have an FBI that is not just saying that they're going to fight foreign interference, they're facilitating it at one point even suggesting that they put forward a 24 7 channel where the FBI takes requests from a foreign government and filters it right to the social media company to have those posts taken down. And it was across the board, anti Ukraine pro Ukraine that right there proves that they weren't vetting the posts. That's a problem we've established clearly with hard evidence that there is in fact a weaponization of the federal government against the American people.And every single day that we do not acknowledge it is a bad day in America.

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faa00c No.73275

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213112 (201915ZJUL23) Notable: Pfizer North Carolina factory

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The North Carolina plant produces injectables — like drugs used in IV infusions or that are delivered under the skin or into patient muscles.

The plant makes anesthesia drugs, anti-infectives (that typically treat things like fungal infections) and drugs that temporarily paralyze muscles. The latter are used in surgeries or intensive care units for patients who are placed on ventilators, said Mike Ganio, who studies drug shortages at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

The Pfizer site does not make or store the company’s COVID-19 vaccine or treatments Comirnaty and Paxlovid....

It will likely lead to some long-term shortages while Pfizer shifts production to other locations or rebuilds, said Erin Fox, senior pharmacy director at University of Utah Health.

But the specifics of which drugs might be involved in a shortage and how long that shortage will go aren't clear.

“Anyone who is aware of this event is basically holding their collective breath at this point, hoping for the best and waiting for news,” Ganio said.


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faa00c No.73276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213119 (201918ZJUL23) Notable: #23595 posted in #23596

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going to put an updated bun after this post for ebaker or baker to use for next bake

notes from lb

#23595 >>73194

>>73195 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/20/2023

>>73197 ‘Old friend’: Henry Kissinger meets China’s Xi Jinping in second surprise Beijing talks

>>73198 Docuseries “Remedy” Offers Hope for Those Suffering from Vaccine Damage

>>73199, >>73203, >>73209, >>73211 committees and hearings on tap for 7/20/2023

>>73200 EU could shift military training centers to Ukraine. wants to propose the scenario in the event of a ceasefire

>>73201 Michigan AG Nessel Charges Trump Electors with ‘Forgery,’ Despite JFK Precedent

>>73202 Murdoch Outlet Promotes Corporate Chair Ronna McDaniel Warning Trump Not to Avoid Murdoch Outlet Debate

>>73204 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - M64: The Black Eye Galaxy Close Up

>>73205 Dem Stacey Plaskett Defends Censorship: ‘Free Speech Is Not an Absolute’

>>73206 It's hard to believe, but the @DNC is attempting to prevent @RobertKennedyJr from speaking at a hearing on censorship.

>>73207 Trump Backs Jason Aldean Amid ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Cancel Campaign: ‘A Fantastic Guy’

>>73208 Starling Takes Flight

>>73210 SNP crisis escalates as police expand probe to include 'potential embezzlement'

>>73212 North Korea says US nuclear-capable submarine deployment may meet threshold for nuclear weapons use

>>73213, >>73214 Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’

>>73196, >>73215 Ode to the oldfag bakers

>>73216 Twitter to subpoena Senator Elizabeth Warren over communications with U.S. agencies, Reuters reports

>>73217 IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler drafted this prosecution report late 2021. Multiple felony, misdemeanor charges span 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019...

>> #23595 posted in #23596

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faa00c No.73277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213239 (202001ZJUL23) Notable: #23597

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Thrice Baked E-Dough


>ebaker will return soon to clean up the mess

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faa00c No.73278

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213255 (202004ZJUL23) Notable: Dynomite with Jim and James July 20, 2023

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Dynomite with Jim and James July 20, 2023


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faa00c No.73279

File: d991a1c9f35cdc7⋯.png (193.16 KB,1364x1450,682:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213264 (202006ZJUL23) Notable: RE: Jan 6 Jim watkins: Who is Qanon?

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Jan 6 Jim watkins: Who is Qanon?


pg 34


I haven't tracked or I'm not familiar with that.

Okay. Got it.

I wanted to ask a few questions about the spread of QAnon on 8kun. And, again,

20 these questions are mainly meant to get to the best of your recollection on these issues.

21 So I guess my first question is, when did you first become aware of QAnon on 8kun

22 and in what context?

23 A Well, as far as I know, QAnon is a manufactured by the left-wing media, and

24 it's probably put out mostly by a company called Media Matters.

25 Q Okay. So -

And QAnon is a - is like a boogeyman.

So what is your understanding -







A It's manufactured. It's not anything to do with my website. I've used the

4 term a couple times, and that's before I realized what it even was.





So what was your understanding of the QAnon -

Well, from what I understand of QAnon, it's been condemned by all but 17

7 Members of the lower house.






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faa00c No.73280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213285 (202014ZJUL23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies at House hearing on social media and censorship LIVE

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies at House hearing on social media and censorship

Look at the bastards at PBS, adding 'alleged' before censorship in the video title, as if the truth about it isn't already open source.

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faa00c No.73281

File: 0eb2af1ccf99613⋯.png (222.53 KB,603x600,201:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213295 (202016ZJUL23) Notable: Go see SOUND OF FREEDOM, tickets are free!

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Anons got anymore of those Sound Of Freedom movie links going...

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faa00c No.73282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213333 (202027ZJUL23) Notable: The Leader of the Pakis finally speaks out about the rape and slaughter of Christians in Malipur after nearly 3 months of silence

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The Leader of the Pakis finally speaks out about the rape and slaughter of Christians in Malipur after nearly 3 months of silence on the issue. Nice acting... calls his country 'civilized', yet gang-rape and enslavement of women and children is a common occurrence in that literal shithole India. Modi didn't even bring up that it was Christians being persecuted. 3 months of fucking silence! He finally spoke out about it today because it was brought up on the Chans yesterday.


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faa00c No.73283

File: a1955c89601210c⋯.png (400.28 KB,792x528,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213334 (202027ZJUL23) Notable: Cannabis Control Board green-lights 118 more retail licenses in the city

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Cannabis Control Board green-lights 118 more retail licenses in the city

Members of the Cannabis Control Board voted to approve 212 conditional adult-use retail dispensary licenses in the state for adult-use marijuana sales on Wednesday. At a public meeting held at the City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy, board members voted unanimously to expand the state program to 463 licenses and to allow applicants to begin work to secure a location for cannabis retail sales.


- - - -

wonder what's next...

>>73192 n New federal guidance on psychedelics could open minds—and funding sources

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faa00c No.73284

File: 07fadc8faf593d2⋯.png (549.72 KB,720x947,720:947,Clipboard.png)

File: 928774690562ca7⋯.png (376.27 KB,576x827,576:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 1db94dbb0a842be⋯.jpg (312.89 KB,583x664,583:664,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be7d50409d8d23d⋯.mp4 (849.63 KB,576x576,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4a073fee4fe5a52⋯.png (2.42 MB,2402x896,1201:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213348 (202030ZJUL23) Notable: Edinburgh Castle faces demands to take down Nazi museum display: 'National embarrassment!'

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💬 Edinburgh Castle faces demands to take down Nazi museum display: 'National embarrassment!'

📌 Express


✅ New Right News (http://t.me/NewRightNews)


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faa00c No.73285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213384 (202039ZJUL23) Notable: Nebraska Teen Sentenced For Late-Term Abortion, Burning Aborted Child With Help Of Her Mom

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Nebraska Teen Sentenced For Late-Term Abortion, Burning Aborted Child With Help Of Her Mom

A young woman from northeastern Nebraska, age 18, has been sentenced to 90 days in jail along with two years of probation for her involvement in burning and burying her aborted child, a crime she carried out with the help of her mother.

Celeste Burgess, from Norfolk, pleaded guilty earlier in the year to the charge of concealing or abandoning a dead body. As part of an agreement with prosecutors, two other misdemeanor charges – false reporting and concealing the death of another person – were dropped.

The allegations revolve around Celeste and her 42-year-old mother, Jessica Burgess, who are said to have collaborated in terminating the pregnancy.The abortion took place well into Celeste’s third trimester, which, at the time, violated Nebraska law since it banned abortions after 20 weeks of gestation.

Reports say that Jessica Burgess acquired abortion pills online, which she then provided to her then-17-year-old daughter during the spring of 2022.

Jessica Burgess herself pleaded guilty to providing an illegal abortion, false reporting, and tampering with human skeletal remains earlier this month. In return for her plea, charges of concealing the death of another person and performing an abortion without proper licensing were dismissed. She is scheduled to be sentenced on September 22.

The investigation into the abortion began after police received a tip. Investigators obtained a search warrant to access Facebook messages exchanged between the mother and daughter, in which they allegedly discussed the termination of the pregnancy and the disposal of the fetal remains. Subsequently, the police discovered the burnt fetal remains buried in a field north of Norfolk.

According to court records, one of the Facebook messages revealed Jessica Burgess instructing her daughter on how to take the pills to induce the abortion.


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faa00c No.73286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213387 (202039ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden is a criminal and is compromised! And he is leading us into WW3 bc Zelenskyy has proof of more Biden crimes.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene





Is this why Biden has America involved in the war in Ukraine???

Joe Biden is a criminal and is compromised! And he is leading us into WW3 bc Zelenskyy has proof of more Biden crimes.

This is the FBI’s FD-1023 UNCLASSIFIED form from the FBI’s most trusted informant that reveals then VP Joe Biden took a $5 million dollar bribe from Zlochevsky to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

Joe delivered by withholding $1 billion in US aid until Shokin was fired.

We were only allowed to see this unclassified form in a SCIF, but I took notes and told you all exactly what it said. Thank goodness Chuck Grassley had a copy from a courageous whistleblower and released it today!

But this form is dated June 30, 2020 and nothing was done. Bill Barr was AG at the DOJ and could have prosecuted, instead he handed it off to another US Attorney that did nothing either.

Also in 2020, before the presidential election, the FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop filled with evidence of multiple crimes including the same proof I showed during the Oversight hearing that Hunter payed prostitutes through his law firm and made sex tapes and posted them on porn sites. All of this was known and reported by banks in SARs reports and on Oversight we have proof of these payments in bank statements.

I ran out of time in the hearing yesterday, but wanted to ask the IRS whistleblowers if Hunter made money (income) by posting many sex tapes with victims he was paying to travel across state lines for sex (Mann Act violation)?

If so did he report his sex tape income and pay taxes on it? I think we all know the answer.

The Biden’s are the most corrupt criminals to ever hold the highest power in the land.

Republicans can no longer delay, but we need 218 Republican votes to do it.

I’ve been there since day one and so are the American people.


(2 pics)

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faa00c No.73287

File: 9437c4eae85a1b5⋯.png (266.6 KB,647x582,647:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213405 (202044ZJUL23) Notable: From the Weaponization of Government hearing today. Best 18 seconds.

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From the Weaponization of Government hearing today. Best 18 seconds.


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faa00c No.73288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213417 (202048ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Burchett and colleagues hold press conference on upcoming Oversight Committee hearing on UAPs

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Rep. Burchett and colleagues hold press conference on upcoming Oversight Committee hearing on UAPs

Jul 20, 2023

Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) holds a press conference with colleagues from the Oversight Committee on the upcoming hearing that will be held on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 on UAPs. The hearing is titled "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency"

The hearing will be held by the Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs.


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faa00c No.73289

File: 121d7278c118cda⋯.mp4 (316.47 KB,468x270,26:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213431 (202050ZJUL23) Notable: From the Weaponization of Government hearing today. Best 18 seconds.

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faa00c No.73290

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213444 (202053ZJUL23) Notable: Rio Tinto won’t be fined over lost radioactive capsule, authorities confirm

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Rio Tinto won’t be fined over lost radioactive capsule, authorities confirm

An investigation into the loss of a radioactive capsule, which sparked a frantic search and unprecedented public health warning earlier this year, has cleared Rio Tinto of wrongdoing.

Key points:

The capsule went missing in transit between Newman and Perth in January

It was found after a six-day search along the Great Northern Highway

Rio says no breaches of the radiation safety act had been identified

The tiny, but potentially deadly, caesium-137 sample was reported missing on January 25, more than a week after it went missing on a journey between a Pilbara mine site and Perth.

Authorities embarked on a search along the truck's 1,400km route using specialised equipment rushed in from around the country, before it was discovered six days later.

Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson said at the time crews had "quite literally found the needle in the haystack".

An investigation by the state's Radiological Council, chaired by Chief Health Officer Andrew Robertson, remains ongoing.

No breaches of act: Rio Tinto

But the ABC has confirmed the council wrote to Rio to say no breaches of the law had been identified.

“During its considerations, the council noted Rio Tinto readily and promptly cooperated with the provision of access and information both during the search and throughout the council's inquiry and investigations,” the letter stated.

“The inquiry did not identify any breaches of the Radiation Safety Act by Rio Tinto or its licensees or employees and no adverse findings against Rio Tinto or its licensees have been recorded.”

Without any finding of wrongdoing, it's understood no penalty will be imposed against the mining giant.

A Rio Tinto spokesperson said it was “grateful to the state and federal governments, and all of those involved in the successful recovery of the capsule”.

"Our own internal review has identified opportunities for improvement in the selection of radiation gauges and the way they are packaged and transported."

The mining company said it had shared that internal review with the Radiological Council.

Rio Tinto also said it had delivered on its promise to provide a mobile worker camp to help rebuild flood-ravaged Fitzroy Crossing.

The company made the pledge in March, agreeing with the state government the contribution was in lieu of payment for the search.

Rio chief executive Simon Trott said at the time the camp was worth $4 million, making it more expensive than the cost of the search.

Guage banned from sale

In a statement, Dr Robertson confirmed the investigation was continuing, saying the council was undertaking "further enquiries and actions, including obtaining specialised technical advice".


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faa00c No.73291

File: e44da8ff30ed8e1⋯.png (415.16 KB,687x840,229:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213445 (202054ZJUL23) Notable: Illegal immigrants in Chicago are demanding paid job training and safe housing conditions

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Red Wave Riders

Illegal immigrants in Chicago are demanding paid job training and safe housing conditions 🤦‍♂️

Speaking in Spanish with signs in English written be a Democrat Jackass 🤬

I say go back to your own country for paid job training and free housing....

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faa00c No.73292

File: 4acb5902b359b9c⋯.jpeg (258.92 KB,834x1549,834:1549,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213456 (202057ZJUL23) Notable: [DOG COMS] Pelosi/Schiff FUCKERY ALERT

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Call for community FF by Pelosi/Schiff?

11 years ago today, senseless gun violence in Aurora, Colorado stole twelve beautiful souls from their family, friends & community.

As all Americans honor their lives, we must pass comprehensive gun violence prevention legislation.

We will not stop until the job is done and no community endures this pain again .


Too many community college students are facing food insecurity across our country.

It’s why I introduced a bill to ensure community colleges can provide students with free meals.

College is hard enough. You shouldn’t have to choose between pursuing your degree and having food on the table.


Community 2x = keyword

Pelosi references the MK shooter FF at the Aurora theater.

“We will not stop (false flags) until the job is done.”

Schiff responds with the same 2x keyword, and “facing food” = FF

May be a call for a shooting at another school/college.

Call it a stretch if you like, autist is just sharing what he sees.

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faa00c No.73293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213471 (202101ZJUL23) Notable: Pickerington massage parlor raided by human trafficking investigators

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Pickerington massage parlor raided by human trafficking investigators


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faa00c No.73294

File: 6f3608bbbbd2f21⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB,1427x2015,1427:2015,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213486 (202104ZJUL23) Notable: [DOG COMS] Pelosi/Schiff FUCKERY ALERT

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Dasting, Schiff now followed up with a dog pic


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faa00c No.73295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213490 (202105ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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>i haven't watched long vid but title was dasting fyi


Anthony Weiner MELTDOWN | PBD Podcast | Ep. 287

PBD Podcast

1.19M subscribers

126K views Streamed 7 hours ago PBD Podcast

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faa00c No.73296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213496 (202108ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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Anthony Weiner Has a Meltdown When Asked About Clinton’s Kill List Allegation

4 hours ago


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faa00c No.73297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213507 (202111ZJUL23) Notable: Amazon rolling out pay-with-palm technology at all Whole Foods stores

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Amazon rolling out pay-with-palm technology at all Whole Foods stores

by: Miranda Nazzaro, The Hill

Posted: Jul 20, 2023 / 11:38 AM CDT

Updated: Jul 20, 2023 / 11:38 AM CDT

(The Hill) — Amazon announced Thursday it is rolling out its pay-by-palm services in Whole Foods Market stores across the country, making it possible for customers to use their palm for purchases without a wallet or phone.

The palm recognition service, called Amazon One, will be available for payment and Prime membership benefits in all Whole Foods Market locations by the end of this year. Instead of traditional payment methods, the Amazon One allows customers to hover their pam over an Amazon One device.

Customers who link their Prime membership with their Amazon One profile will also automatically receive savings once their palm is registered, according to the Seattle-based retail giant.

The 75+ best deals post-Prime Day

Launched in 2021, Amazon said the technology “uses the information embedded in your palm to create a unique palm signature that it can reach each and every time you use it.”

Technology experts have expressed concerns in the past over Amazon’s collection of such data. Amazon said customers’ information is not stored on an Amazon One device and “is protected at all times, both at rest and in-transit,” adding it treats palm signatures like other highly sensitive personal data.

Whole Foods is among 400 locations using Amazon One technology, others including Panera Bread, Coors Field in Colorado, airport travel retailers, sports and entertainment venues.

Amazon purchased Whole Foods in a $13.7 billion deal in 2017.


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faa00c No.73298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213527 (202116ZJUL23) Notable: [DOG COMS] Pelosi/Schiff FUCKERY ALERT

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Cities named Lily in America.

Lily - Wisconsin

Lily - South Dakota

Lily - Kentucky

Lily - Florida

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faa00c No.73299

File: 1cf553d619876dc⋯.mp4 (14.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213529 (202116ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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>Watch it anons

*Watch it anons without clicking a youtube link

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faa00c No.73300

File: c875c94e2b0b8b4⋯.png (2.31 MB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: afe030a49a186c2⋯.png (2 MB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: de17b6519b78ab2⋯.png (366.57 KB,699x663,233:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ca06943afd4cb2⋯.png (1.45 MB,1998x1096,999:548,Clipboard.png)

File: e49bd3cd8e81449⋯.png (1.53 MB,2327x1200,2327:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213531 (202116ZJUL23) Notable: One of the graves of the Wagner PMC fighters who gave their lives in the battles for the Motherland. Military informant

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One of the graves of the Wagner PMC fighters who gave their lives in the battles for the Motherland. Military informant



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faa00c No.73301

File: 8eaf0692f68775c⋯.png (2.78 MB,1346x3585,1346:3585,Clipboard.png)

File: 9922d6363996438⋯.png (3.58 MB,1361x4225,1361:4225,Clipboard.png)

File: 294722ff546801f⋯.png (2.41 MB,1365x2593,1365:2593,Clipboard.png)

File: 4126e834554d3c3⋯.png (2.47 MB,1357x3491,1357:3491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213544 (202120ZJUL23) Notable: Stanford Law's equity dean is BOOTED OUT after stoking woke students' rude protest

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>>73181 (lb - Notable) Stanford President Resigns After His Alzheimer’s Research Failed ‘Standards of Scientific Rigor’

It's a bad day for the Communists at Stanford University but great day for the United States of America.

Stanford Law's equity dean is BOOTED OUT after stoking woke students' 'rude' protest at conservative judge invited to give talk: College shares scathing statement blaming her for fueling 'tensions'

Tirien Steinbach has left her role as Stanford Law School's Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

She was caught on camera encouraging students to heckle Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan at an event in March

Steinbach has been on leave since, and later admitted she handled the situation poorly

LINK - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12320573/Stanford-Law-Schools-equity-dean-LEAVES-role-stoking-woke-students-fury-conservative-judge.html

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/2ccvL

INTERNET ARCHIVE - http://web.archive.org/web/20230720204524/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12320573/Stanford-Law-Schools-equity-dean-LEAVES-role-stoking-woke-students-fury-conservative-judge.html


Sources around the country are talking about the impending massive overhaul to the United States Legal Education and Licensing systems currently in place, so stay tuned, Anons.

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faa00c No.73302

File: 0ea53cb5908730a⋯.png (45.74 KB,663x193,663:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213545 (202120ZJUL23) Notable: [DOG COMS] Pelosi/Schiff FUCKERY ALERT

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Lily → Lillith

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faa00c No.73303

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213566 (202126ZJUL23) Notable: #23596 posted in #23597

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#23596 >>73218

>>73220, >>73228, >>73230, >>73231 Reminder: Jim Watson deposition with attorneys' names

>>73219, >>73255, >>73224, >>73258 Weiner Interview; Weiner panic July 20 2023

Democrats tried to censor one of their own, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr

>>73245, >>73222 , >>73246, >>73271, >>73225, >>73234, >>73238, >>73274 House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

>>73223, >>73233, >>73239, >>73241, >>73242, >>73244, >>73267, >>73268 Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

>>73221 Uncle Sam is Pushing psychdelics to the Masses

>>73226 Federal Reserve set to oversee bank transactions

>>73227 Unraveling the Hidden Agenda of the Credit Card Competition Act

>>73229 Rep. Matt Gaetz: Congress Has Failed to Terminate Syria’s Never-Ending National Emergency

>>73232 Top Journo Apologises to Nigel Farage

>>73235 ‘Indiana Jones 5’ a ‘Disaster of Epic Proportions’ for Disney

>>73236 PF

>>73237 Democrats Go All in Defending Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens: ‘They’re American!’

>>73240 YouTube Is Pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Interviews, Reviews

>>73243 FBI Knew Hunter Laptop Was Authentic in 2019 But Lied to Social Media Companies

>>73247, >>73250 Moar on MTG photos of Hunter

>>73248 Xi meets Kissinger

>>73249 206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

>>73251 Ukraine Launches US-Supplied Cluster Bomb Attacks on Russian Forces

>>73252 Sperry on Jack Smith indictment possibility

>>73253 Ramaswamy Responds to Scrutiny Over Alleged Ties to Soros, WEF, and Partnership with NIH for Centralized COVID-19 Patient Surveillance Database

>>73254 Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe, Hunter in bombshell allegations

>>73256, >>73259 Ex-Dem GA State Rep. Mainor switches to Republican

>>73257 Senate Rejects Congressional War Powers Over NATO’s Article 5

>>73260 New study of CDC data suggests COVID vaccines caused shocking 338x increase in cancers & AIDS-associated diseases

>>73261 Another Stanford exit: Diversity dean who deplatformed conservative judge steps down

>>73262 Russia launches more ‘retaliatory strikes’ on Ukraine

>>73263 WHO, CDC and Bill Gates Pushing for Peel-and-Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly to People’s Homes

>>73264 Ukraine begins using US-provided cluster munitions - WaPo

>>73265 Heatwaves Have Fallen in the United States Over the Last 75 Years

>>73266 Westwards child sex trafficking is a much more serious issue than are the trumped-up charges NATO laid against Russian President Putin

>>73268, >>73269, >>73270 A Decade Of 'Deals': The Definitive Timeline Of The Bidens' Influence-Peddling

>>73272 MSNBC blames Trump for deep state refusal to prosecute Hunter Biden

>>73273 Over 400 People Found Dead, Allegedly Connected to Doomsday Cult

>>73275 Pfizer North Carolina factory

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faa00c No.73304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213567 (202126ZJUL23) Notable: Amazon rolling out pay-with-palm technology at all Whole Foods stores

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>The palm recognition service, called Amazon One, will be available for payment and Prime membership benefits in all Whole Foods Market locations by the end of this year. Instead of traditional payment methods, the Amazon One allows customers to hover their pam over an Amazon One device.

Wonder how long this tech existed before (public) roll-out.



QpicSub/helicopter. png

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faa00c No.73305

File: d660ff3e820d906⋯.png (40.67 KB,418x272,209:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213578 (202129ZJUL23) Notable: [DOG COMS] Pelosi/Schiff FUCKERY ALERT

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213612 (202138ZJUL23) Notable: Go see SOUND OF FREEDOM, tickets are free!

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It was on bitchute briefly but apparently anyone who asks now is a fed.

Just go see it, tickets are free!

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faa00c No.73307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213628 (202142ZJUL23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies at House hearing on social media and censorship LIVE

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watching now, link below for anons who missed it, 3hrs and 40 minutes, with breaks.


WATCH LIVE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies at House hearing on social media and alleged censorship


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faa00c No.73308

File: 2caa1afbb510419⋯.png (457.6 KB,769x420,769:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213653 (202148ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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is his name really "weiner"

marriage with Huma must've been arranged, no way she went for him.

He's the protege of dirty Schumer, the one with the man-wife. I can only imagine the extent of the perversion of this 'gem;


he's mocker. It's staged; rehearsed.

The reason the interviewer claims he's hardball but holds punches....


Otherwise Weiner would never show up / agree to it.

Weiner looks like a shitty crisis actor

"why are you still alive'

is really the question.

He's obviously still alive because it's his laptop. Did they kill Hunter for waht was on his laptop? No; they hid the laptop as they did with weiner.

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faa00c No.73309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213684 (202157ZJUL23) Notable: Pioneering hacker Kevin Mitnick, FBI-wanted felon turned security guru, dead at 59

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Pioneering hacker Kevin Mitnick, FBI-wanted felon turned security guru, dead at 59

Published: Jul 20, 2023 at 4:23 pm

Kevin Mitnick, whose pioneering antics tricking employees in the 1980s and 1990s into helping him steal software and services from big phone and tech companies made him the most celebrated U.S. hacker, has died at age 59.

Mitnick died Sunday in Las Vegas after a 14-month battle with pancreatic cancer, said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of the security training firm KnowBe4, where Mitnick was chief hacking officer.



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faa00c No.73310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213701 (202200ZJUL23) Notable: FOIA TIME! 15,000 pages have been released on testing and adverse events relating to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

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As a result of FOIA litigation, nearly 15,000 pages have been released on testing and adverse events relating to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

"These documents are the first significant release of data from Moderna’s COVID-19 clinical trials. They reveal the causes of deaths, serious adverse events, and instances of neurological disorders (such as Bell’s Palsy and Shingles) potentially associated with Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine."

Download and review the documents here:



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faa00c No.73311

File: 40ce7b4bbcb1c59⋯.png (495.37 KB,1110x590,111:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213703 (202201ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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>>73224 pb Weiner PaNiC

Anthony WEINER is attempts to distract by being over animated is a massive fail. TOP KEK

Weiner PaNiC


JUST NOW: Hillary Clinton's Best Friend Anthony Weiner has UNHINGED Meltdown after being asked about the Clinton Body Count

Reminder that this guy went to JAIL for sexting a 15-year-old:

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faa00c No.73312

File: fec99f825a3d78b⋯.jpeg (156.98 KB,960x823,960:823,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213706 (202201ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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faa00c No.73313

File: 8e1743bfc25c45d⋯.png (10.74 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213725 (202205ZJUL23) Notable: RE: WEINER PANIC 🌭 >follow Huma

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>follow Huma

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faa00c No.73314

File: 7249f248f067229⋯.jpg (85.36 KB,960x867,320:289,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ac0a7eaefef6610⋯.jpg (62.3 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213756 (202211ZJUL23) Notable: RE: WEINER PANIC 🌭 >follow Huma

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They were married on July 10, 2010, with former U.S. President Bill Clinton officiating the wedding ceremony. In December 2011, Abedin gave birth to a boy. On August 29, 2016, Abedin announced her separation from Weiner after new sexting allegations were made against him.


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faa00c No.73315

File: e212617f78cbed5⋯.png (1.6 MB,1773x708,591:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213764 (202212ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden is a criminal and is compromised! And he is leading us into WW3 bc Zelenskyy has proof of more Biden crimes.

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The Biden Family Caricatures

American Greatness, by Victor Davis Hanson

Posted By: earlybird, 7/20/2023 5:35:34 PM

The Biden first family seems determined to confirm every stereotype of their antisocial behavior—to the point of dysfunctionality. During the 2020 campaign at least eight women alleged that then presidential candidate Joe Biden in the past had serially and improperly touched, kissed or grabbed them. One, Tara Reade alleged she was sexually assaulted by Biden, who denied the charge. Yet Biden himself finally was forced to apologize for some of his behavior. Or as he said at the time, “I get it.” He claimed that he would no longer improperly invade the “private space” of women and had meant no harm. But Biden’s obnoxious conduct extended well beyond the eight accusers.

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faa00c No.73316

File: 3b22aad2914b2d4⋯.jpg (88.18 KB,655x645,131:129,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213769 (202213ZJUL23) Notable: 3 MILLION people were in attendance at Jan 6, by far the most people ever to assemble in DC in the countries history, FYI

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I never knew that it was estimated that there were 3 million people in attendance of the January 6th protest. That is by far the most people ever to assemble in DC in the countries history. I thought it was around 1 million. In Jims testimony he says 3 million and the governement attorney agreed on the number. Fascinating read.


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faa00c No.73317

File: dce824a52a71f91⋯.png (286.86 KB,477x523,477:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 75270e84ddd200d⋯.png (317.94 KB,480x520,12:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fd5eeed02db12b⋯.png (73.99 KB,477x523,477:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213772 (202213ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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faa00c No.73318

File: 61c7a4f76391e1c⋯.png (173.05 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213782 (202215ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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blank for memes

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faa00c No.73319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213797 (202217ZJUL23) Notable: RE: WEINER PANIC 🌭 >follow Huma

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>is his name really "weiner"

>marriage with Huma must've been arranged, no way she went for him.

>He's the protege of dirty Schumer, the one with the man-wife. I can only imagine the extent of the perversion of this 'gem;

winner lived w/ fellow joofag stewart



Anthony Weiner Has a Bone to Pick With His Old Roommate Jon Stewart

By Jessica Pressler

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faa00c No.73320

File: 3ae1f8fa4609f68⋯.png (61.55 KB,659x462,659:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213804 (202218ZJUL23) Notable: Burisma CEO said Hunter was 'stupid' but necessary to keep on board because 'his dad' could 'protect' them from 'problems'

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Released: Bombshell FBI document detailing

alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme: Burisma

CEO said Hunter was 'stupid' but necessary

to keep on board because 'his dad' could

'protect' them from 'problems'

Daily Mail (UK), by Kelly Laco

Posted By: Imright, 7/20/2023 3:31:34 PM

A highly-anticipated internal FBI document - obtained by DailyMail.com - includes bombshell claims that Joe Biden and his son Hunter forced a Ukrainian oil executive to pay them $10 million in exchange for the then-Vice President's influence in getting a senior prosecutor fired. According to the conversation between a confidential source and Burisma CFO Vadim Pojarski in 2015, Hunter Biden was hired onto the company's board to 'protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.' Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky told the source: 'It costs 5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another Biden.'

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faa00c No.73321

File: f616ab17619f49c⋯.png (1.11 MB,1086x911,1086:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213811 (202219ZJUL23) Notable: 10 Absurd Assumptions You Have To Swallow To Believe The White House-Cocaine Failure Theater - The Federalist

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10 Absurd Assumptions You Have To Swallow

To Believe The White House-Cocaine Failure Theater

The Federalist, by Elle Purnell

Posted By: earlybird, 7/20/2023 3:29:54 PM

The idiots running the asylum formerly known as Washington, D.C., aren’t even trying anymore. Gone are the days when malfeasance and hoaxes were respectably cloaked in falsehoods that at least sounded plausible. Now, the emperor knows he has no clothes, he knows you know it, and he doesn’t care — in fact, he might march down the street and gyrate in your face. It’s not a good development for lovers of self-governance, but there’s a kind of camaraderie in knowing everyone else with half a brain cell can see through the act. Besides, it’s obvious the clownish powers-that-be think you’re utterly stupid, and there’s a tactical advantage to being underestimated.

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faa00c No.73322

File: ea2225218f0f2bb⋯.png (299.49 KB,609x681,203:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e960e0b061970f⋯.png (420.93 KB,614x505,614:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213828 (202223ZJUL23) Notable: Former New Hampshire State Rep (Transgender) 'Stacie Marie' Laughton (Child Predator) was found to be very close with Elitist Democrats @BetoORourke and @RepSwalwell...

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See new Tweets


Edward Tomić





Pictures found on transgender former New Hampshire State Rep Stacie Marie Laughton’s TikTok show him cozied up next to big name Democrats @BetoORourke

and @RepSwalwell

Laughton was just federally charged with the sexual exploitation of children along… Show more



Edward Tomić




Stacie Marie Laughton and Lindsay Groves spent Pride Month this year collecting explicit photos of children at a daycare center and then talking about having sex with them.



Edward Tomić


As of now Laughton’s tiktok page is still up (@sllradionh_dj_buzz).

A tiktok dated March 11 shows the pictures with the Democrat politicians.



Horrific Text Messages Show How Trans NH State Rep Allegedly Used Daycare Connections to Collect...

A transgender former New Hampshire State Representative is now facing federal charges of sexual exploitation of children and aiding and abetting for allegedly using a connection with a daycare worker...

9:06 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73323

File: 340a3e52476a514⋯.png (456.92 KB,593x747,593:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213836 (202225ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. Now u can read it for yourself thx to patriotic whistleblowers

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Chuck Grassley


🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. Now u can read it for yourself thx to patriotic whistleblowers

8:58 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73324

File: 2913b293bce1f78⋯.png (425.14 KB,592x563,592:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213845 (202227ZJUL23) Notable: Children's Hospital Colorado stops providing gender-affirming surgery

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9NEWS Denver


Children's Hospital Colorado stops providing gender-affirming surgery


Children's Hospital Colorado stops providing gender-affirming surgery

The hospital said it never provided gender-affirming surgery to kids, but would wait until patients were 18 to schedule the surgery.

12:15 AM · Jul 19, 2023




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faa00c No.73325

File: 7b4d1b4a406f61f⋯.png (472.42 KB,591x564,197:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213867 (202231ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. Now u can read it for yourself thx to patriotic whistleblowers

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Grassley Releases Bombshell FBI Doc Discussing $10MM Biden Bribe; Burisma Boss Said Hunter 'Dumber Than His Dog'


Grassley Releases Bombshell FBI Doc Discussing $10MM Biden Bribe; Burisma Boss Said Hunter 'Dumber...

"Hunter will take care of those issues through his dad."

9:20 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73326

File: d52e54cab859a67⋯.png (114.76 KB,598x736,13:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213874 (202232ZJUL23) Notable: has the Electronic Registration Information Center (E.R.I.C.) been purged from cleaning Texas Voter Rolls?

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🔥🔥🔥IT IS OFFICIAL! ERIC has been purged from cleaning Texas Voter Rolls.


9:40 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73327

File: 3f7970055671796⋯.png (57.26 KB,594x882,33:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213877 (202233ZJUL23) Notable: @GenFlynn “The most powerful thing you can do to combat human trafficking is to get involved locally.”

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General Mike Flynn


“[U]ntil I saw the social response to The Sound Freedom that it clicked with me —our only chance of winning this battle is through LOCAL ACTION.”

“The most powerful thing you can do to combat human trafficking is to get involved locally.”

Read this article for more ideas and solutions and specifically how you can get involved.

Editorial comment: you psychopath pedophiles and you who enable these horrific crimes against children (and humanity) will not get away with any of it. We are coming to get you. We will eventually find you and put you away for a long time or worse (the death penalty for those states who have the courage to deal with this horrible crime).

This “Sound of Freedom” movie will not be simply a summer blockbuster, it will live on as one of the lines of operations #WeThePeople will relentlessly pursue to stop those who perpetrate these very serious crimes, especially those committed against God’s children.

If it sounds like I’m on the warpath, that would be an accurate assessment.






will fight this problem.


10:17 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73328

File: 9bd179b502a6451⋯.png (771.44 KB,589x882,589:882,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213879 (202234ZJUL23) Notable: @KariLake Only 16 Senators voted for @RandPaul's amendment to clarify that no treaty — not even Article 5 of NATO — can take America to war.

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Kari Lake


Only 16 Senators voted for @RandPaul

's amendment to clarify that no treaty — not even Article 5 of NATO — can take America to war.

Meaning that the majority of our "representatives" in DC believe that NATO has the right to send our country to war without Congressional approval.

The Military Industrial Complex has taken control of the swamp and is driving the American people toward a war that we do not want. Their greed and bloodlust puts our sons and daughters at risk.

Thank you for standing strong for our Constitution, Senator Paul. The Senate needs more like you.


7:27 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73329

File: 26df1aeaca21e97⋯.png (10.14 KB,581x107,581:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213882 (202234ZJUL23) Notable: Moscow, Idaho, announces $300,000 settlement with three Christian churchgoers wrongly arrested during Coofid Lockdowns

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Moscow, Idaho, announced a $300,000 settlement this week with three Christian churchgoers who sued the city after being arrested during a "psalm sing" at an outdoor service in September 2020.

The plaintiffs, Gabriel Rench and Sean and Rachel Bohnet, alleged that their rights under the First and Fourth Amendments were violated when they were detained for not wearing masks.

The peaceful protest took place in front of Moscow City Hall, with participants from Christ Church, a local congregation of approximately 1,000 members. The arrests garnered widespread attention when footage went viral, drawing condemnation from then-President Trump on Twitter.

Moscow, Idaho, announced a $300,000 settlement this week with three Christian churchgoers who sued the city after being arrested during a "psalm sing" at an outdoor service in September 2020.

The plaintiffs, Gabriel Rench and Sean and Rachel Bohnet, alleged that their rights under the First and Fourth Amendments were violated when they were detained for not wearing masks.

The peaceful protest took place in front of Moscow City Hall, with participants from Christ Church, a local congregation of approximately 1,000 members. The arrests garnered widespread attention when footage went viral, drawing condemnation from then-President Trump on Twitter.

Despite exemptions for religious activities in the city's health ordinance, Rench and the others were charged with violating the COVID regulations, which were repeatedly extended by city officials. However, a magistrate judge later dismissed the charges, and U.S. District Court Judge Morrison C. England, Jr., stated in a memorandum that the plaintiffs should never have been arrested in the first place.

Following the settlement, Rench revealed that he has faced backlash from his predominantly liberal community, becoming a pariah since the incident. Accusations of not loving his neighbor and being labeled "an idiot" have been hurled at him by members of his community, urging him to "take the money and run.

"I think it's no secret that portions of our government and political groups are now starting to target Christians in a way that has never really happened in America or Canada," Rench says, noting how he knows some of the pastors who have been jailed in neighboring Canada in recent years for holding church services.

"I'm in a conservative state, but I live in a liberal town, and the liberals had no problem arresting me for practicing my religious rights and my Constitutional rights," he continues. "But my [Republican] governor also didn't defend me either. If you look at what's going on in Canada, I think America's 10 years, at most 20 years, behind Canada if we don't make significant changes."

The legal battle extends to the family of Douglas Wilson, the senior pastor of Christ Church, whose son and grandsons received misdemeanor charges for protesting the arrests. Placing stickers on city utility poles, depicting a hammer and sickle with the phrase "Soviet Moscow, enforced because we care," the grandsons sought to challenge the city's COVID and mask mandate slogan. Wilson expects the case to reach the Idaho Supreme Court.

Wilson emphasizes the connection between his family's experience and broader concerns about the Department of Justice targeting people of faith under President Biden's administration. He is sounding the alarm that private citizens increasingly face the threat of being financially burdened by the government's seemingly limitless resources.

"The saying that 'You can't fight city hall,' I think, largely has to do with finances," he said, adding that authorities are using criminal prosecution to punish political dissent. "And it's also what's happening with the DOJ, only writ large. So basically, we're dealing with the weaponization of the justice system. We are seeing it here in small-town America, and you see it in Washington, D.C."

The settlement in Moscow highlights the ongoing challenges Christians face in certain areas, particularly when expressing their faith in public settings. As the case continues to unfold, it brings into focus the need for protecting religious liberties and upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution.


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faa00c No.73330

File: 6c95d413f89fb70⋯.png (171.75 KB,603x794,603:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213898 (202238ZJUL23) Notable: @Techno_Fog Burisma founder bragging about laundering millions of dollars: "it would take them (investigators) 10 years to find the records"

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Techno Fog


Burisma founder bragging about laundering millions of dollars through shell companies to the Bidens:

"it would take them (investigators) 10 years to find the records" of illicit payments to Joe Biden.


Quote Tweet

Square profile picture

Oversight Committee





The FD-1023 form alleging then-Vice President JOE BIDEN was involved in a $5,000,000 bribery scheme with a Burisma executive has been released by @ChuckGrassley.

Read 👇





6:01 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73331

File: ced54795552b9fa⋯.png (457.49 KB,587x545,587:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213903 (202239ZJUL23) Notable: YouTube Is Pulling 'Sound Of Freedom' Interviews, Reviews - zerohedge.com

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YouTube Is Pulling 'Sound Of Freedom' Interviews, Reviews


YouTube Is Pulling 'Sound Of Freedom' Interviews, Reviews

“I did not realize saving children and bringing awareness to the sex trafficking of kids was against the community guidelines...”

5:27 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73332

File: af37782279a2b3e⋯.png (329.45 KB,596x529,596:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213925 (202242ZJUL23) Notable: @JackPosobiec "Exposing the pedo ring ratlines of Ukrainian children trafficked from the war zone to sex hotels in the Caribbean"

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: Exposing the pedo ring ratlines of Ukrainian children trafficked from the war zone to sex hotels in the Caribbean



3:17 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73333

File: 07b724fdc53fe4b⋯.png (407.1 KB,599x592,599:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213931 (202244ZJUL23) Notable: [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

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DOQ 🇺🇸


Spicy AF

Quote Tweet

Vince Dao




JUST NOW: Hillary Clinton's Best Friend Anthony Weiner has UNHINGED Meltdown after being asked about the Clinton Body Count

Reminder that this guy went to JAIL for sexting a 15-year-old:

4:48 AM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213971 (202252ZJUL23) Notable: #23597

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#23597 >>73277

>>73294, >>73292, >>73298, >>73302, >>73305 [DOG COMS] Pelosi/Schiff FUCKERY ALERT

>>73310 FOIA TIME! 15,000 pages have been released on testing and adverse events relating to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

>>73323, >>73325 @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. Now u can read it for yourself thx to patriotic whistleblowers

>>73296, >>73295, >>73299, >>73308, >>73311, >>73312, >>73317, >>73318, >>73333 [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

>>73313, >>73314, >>73319 RE: WEINER PANIC 🌭 >follow Huma

>>73278 Dynomite with Jim and James July 20, 2023

>>73279 RE: Jan 6 Jim watkins: Who is Qanon?

>>73280, >>73307 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies at House hearing on social media and censorship LIVE

>>73281, >>73306 Go see SOUND OF FREEDOM, tickets are free!

>>73282 The Leader of the Pakis finally speaks out about the rape and slaughter of Christians in Malipur after nearly 3 months of silence

>>73283 Cannabis Control Board green-lights 118 more retail licenses in the city

>>73284 Edinburgh Castle faces demands to take down Nazi museum display: 'National embarrassment!'

>>73285 Nebraska Teen Sentenced For Late-Term Abortion, Burning Aborted Child With Help Of Her Mom

>>73286, >>73315 Joe Biden is a criminal and is compromised! And he is leading us into WW3 bc Zelenskyy has proof of more Biden crimes.

>>73320 Burisma CEO said Hunter was 'stupid' but necessary to keep on board because 'his dad' could 'protect' them from 'problems'

>>73330 @Techno_Fog Burisma founder bragging about laundering millions of dollars: "it would take them (investigators) 10 years to find the records"

>>73287, >>73289 From the Weaponization of Government hearing today. Best 18 seconds.

>>73288 Rep. Burchett and colleagues hold press conference on upcoming Oversight Committee hearing on UAPs

>>73290 Rio Tinto won’t be fined over lost radioactive capsule, authorities confirm

>>73291 Illegal immigrants in Chicago are demanding paid job training and safe housing conditions

>>73293 Pickerington massage parlor raided by human trafficking investigators

>>73297, >>73304 Amazon rolling out pay-with-palm technology at all Whole Foods stores

>>73301 Stanford Law's equity dean is BOOTED OUT after stoking woke students' rude protest

>>73300 One of the graves of the Wagner PMC fighters who gave their lives in the battles for the Motherland. Military informant

>>73309 Pioneering hacker Kevin Mitnick, FBI-wanted felon turned security guru, dead at 59

>>73316 3 MILLION people were in attendance at Jan 6, by far the most people ever to assemble in DC in the countries history, FYI

>>73321 10 Absurd Assumptions You Have To Swallow To Believe The White House-Cocaine Failure Theater - The Federalist

>>73322 Former New Hampshire State Rep (Transgender) 'Stacie Marie' Laughton (Child Predator) was found to be very close with Elitist Democrats @BetoORourke and @RepSwalwell...

>>73324 Children's Hospital Colorado stops providing gender-affirming surgery

>>73326 has the Electronic Registration Information Center (E.R.I.C.) been purged from cleaning Texas Voter Rolls?

>>73327 @GenFlynn “The most powerful thing you can do to combat human trafficking is to get involved locally.”

>>73329 Moscow, Idaho, announces $300,000 settlement with three Christian churchgoers wrongly arrested during Coofid Lockdowns

>>73328 @KariLake Only 16 Senators voted for @RandPaul's amendment to clarify that no treaty — not even Article 5 of NATO — can take America to war.

>>73331 YouTube Is Pulling 'Sound Of Freedom' Interviews, Reviews - zerohedge.com

>>73332 @JackPosobiec "Exposing the pedo ring ratlines of Ukrainian children trafficked from the war zone to sex hotels in the Caribbean"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73335

File: 2311712634d960a⋯.png (223.88 KB,666x375,222:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 25f1eceee7ccbac⋯.jpg (396.27 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7e2d8e55bf573bf⋯.png (52.76 KB,720x455,144:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213987 (202256ZJUL23) Notable: #23598

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>requesting handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73336

File: aa8227bcb619e1e⋯.pdf (848.88 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214007 (202258ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. pdf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>@ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. Now u can read it for yourself thx to patriotic whistleblowers


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214021 (202302ZJUL23) Notable: the wrap up smear

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Should anons let farage know that Coutts bank used the nancy pelosi method

the wrap up smearin their report to get farage debanked?

Wonder if he knows about it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73338

File: 51aef7f96ee2c2a⋯.png (888.53 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: b6e2d3da6485500⋯.png (1.05 MB,1465x788,1465:788,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c4385d6f93948⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ce80acdc32f3c5e⋯.png (710.58 KB,688x671,688:671,Clipboard.png)

File: bd540748eea2110⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2820x1850,282:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214025 (202303ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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USN E-6s callsigns ROUND19 and GIRTH16. kek PF figures GAPE will show up later.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73339

File: ae5c0f6b3111a2a⋯.png (42.65 KB,360x218,180:109,Clipboard.png)

File: f942f3628636391⋯.png (60.97 KB,360x227,360:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 187d9f642af1613⋯.png (30.88 KB,360x207,40:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214037 (202307ZJUL23) Notable: Did every U.S. governor get a letter of encouragement/offer of support like this from a Chinese official in March 2020, or just the Governor of Illinois?

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Very good question, and was it to 5 governors, only, JB, Cuomo, Newsom, etc:

Jessica Hockett




Did every U.S. governor get a letter of encouragement/offer of support like this from a Chinese official in March 2020, or just the Governor of Illinois?

(Sincerely asking.)


Also sent in Chinese.


Jessica Hockett




Letters are dated March 13, 2020, but were sent as attachments in an email to the Governor chief of staff on March 16, 2020

Reads like a "Welcome to the Pandemic" greeting, doesn't it? Is this a video game?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73340

File: e22d06976438645⋯.png (303.17 KB,511x324,511:324,Clipboard.png)

File: 7338d629a062997⋯.png (336.24 KB,550x457,550:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214039 (202307ZJUL23) Notable: New York City Agrees to Pay Violent BLM-Antifa Protesters $13 Million After 450 Businesses Were Damaged in the Riots

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New York City Agrees to Pay Violent BLM-Antifa Protesters $13 Million After 450 Businesses Were Damaged in the Riots

New York City officials agreed to pay $13 million to violent “2020 Summer of Love” protesters and rioters on Wednesday.

Over 1,300 protesters are eligible to be paid nearly $9,950 for police action during their violence, looting, arson, and property destruction at the riots following the death of George Floyd in Minnesota that year.

This does not include the payments to roughly 300 protesters who were awarded nearly $12 million in individual lawsuits against the city.

450 businesses were damaged in the city during the 2020 George Floyd protests in New York City.

Brian Kilmeade weighed in on the lucky leftists.

CNN reported:

New York City has agreed to pay more than $13 million to settle a class action lawsuit that accuses the city’s police department of using unlawful tactics against protesters following the death of George Floyd, according to a proposed settlement filed in a Manhattan federal court Wednesday.

Roughly 1,380 protesters who were arrested by the New York City Police Department at 18 demonstrations in May and June of 2020 in Manhattan and Brooklyn will be eligible to receive $9,950 each in compensation if the settlement is approved by a judge, according to the lawsuit. It marks the largest amount ever paid in a class-action settlement to a group of protesters, according to the plaintiff’s attorneys.

The demonstrations in New York were among many that erupted in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody in Minneapolis. Tens of thousands of people marched in cities and small towns across America as well as around the world.

The police action sounds like a recap of January 6, 2021, but this was New York City and where the leftists were beaten by police.

The NYPD came under heavy criticism for its treatment of protesters during those demonstrations. The class action lawsuit was filed in early 2021 in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York and claims New York City police officers violated the First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights of thousands who participated in the days-long protests.

Some of the actions NYPD officers are accused of include “corralling protesters into spaces where they could not escape, beating protesters with batons and fists, throwing protesters to the ground, using pepper spray indiscriminately, and ultimately arresting many of the protesters without lawful justification and without fair warning,” court documents state.

Meanwhile – Trump supporters are serving time in prison today for walking into the US Capitol on January 6.


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faa00c No.73341

File: 35ec7a3e315b68b⋯.jpeg (430.88 KB,1145x1399,1145:1399,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214054 (202310ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom just hit $100M at the Box Office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sound of Freedom just hit $100M at the Box Office

“Try That In A Small Town” is the #1 song on iTunes

Disney lost $900M+ on their last 8 releases and Disney World is empty

Bud Light and Target lost billions of dollars over anti-woke boycotts

The silent majority is real


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faa00c No.73342

File: acdbd3667d5c66e⋯.png (326.88 KB,1434x868,717:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214074 (202313ZJUL23) Notable: Did every U.S. governor get a letter of encouragement/offer of support like this from a Chinese official in March 2020, or just the Governor of Illinois?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Will try, am tarded.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73343

File: 496251b0c16c252⋯.png (797.29 KB,1596x1006,798:503,Clipboard.png)

File: f3a5d856b199062⋯.png (732.76 KB,1830x1054,915:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214082 (202314ZJUL23) Notable: Did every U.S. governor get a letter of encouragement/offer of support like this from a Chinese official in March 2020, or just the Governor of Illinois?

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Got lucky.

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faa00c No.73344

File: 1f9fc9c135dcab1⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,704x1280,11:20,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214085 (202315ZJUL23) Notable: Naked Christian girls are being molested and led through for gang rape in the fields of the Indian state of Manipur.

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Naked Christian girls are being molested and led through for gang rape in the fields of the Indian state of Manipur.

🇮🇳 There have been clashes between Hindus and Christians there; the state has been disconnected from the internet for 2 months - evidence of atrocities committed against the Christian Kuki tribe is only now coming to light.

The women identified in the video were allegedly subsequently set on fire alive, and their village burnt out. Indian authorities allegedly demand the video be removed from all social networks - any religious leader is yet to address the atrocity.

Subscribe @IntelRepublic


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faa00c No.73345

File: 12a7eae8c912931⋯.png (886.22 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cf490c3109bfa1⋯.png (1.07 MB,1440x1011,480:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 23ab57b1051d012⋯.png (761.97 KB,1439x1014,1439:1014,Clipboard.png)

File: 3584d48c6270a6f⋯.png (734.25 KB,1442x1014,721:507,Clipboard.png)

File: c5fa19f4222e47f⋯.png (1.1 MB,1442x1008,103:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214094 (202316ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Looks like command has contacted GIRTH16 and told them to lose the callsign. kek This is why we archive. (picrels)

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faa00c No.73346

File: 2a9c376d4a91ec8⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,997x1618,997:1618,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6852c7a055ecb72⋯.jpeg (415.85 KB,1453x598,1453:598,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d38d9962928ab90⋯.jpeg (393.87 KB,1247x1663,1247:1663,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214096 (202316ZJUL23) Notable: President @realDonaldTrump is going to save Children the likes of which you have never seen!

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Jim Caviezel




President @realDonaldTrump is going to save Children the likes of which you have never seen! You might even say he is the new Moses telling Pharaoh (World Cabal) to let the children Go Free!

Mr. President …. You are The “New“ Moses!… but I’m still Jesus ;) +++

Thank you for hosting us last night for a special screening of @SoundofFreedomMovie. Your hospitality, support and leadership are unmatched!

Jul 20, 2023 at 3:26 PM


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faa00c No.73347

File: ff5972047945e2b⋯.jpeg (170.5 KB,558x766,279:383,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f6e187f0dc1b18c⋯.jpeg (265.12 KB,566x799,566:799,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4da18e72b90ef88⋯.jpeg (203.39 KB,574x789,574:789,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bc95c53e2693063⋯.jpeg (43.47 KB,559x798,559:798,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214121 (202321ZJUL23) Notable: Bombshell FBI document detailing alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme

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RELEASED: Bombshell FBI document detailing alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme: Burisma CEO said Hunter was 'stupid' but necessary to keep on board because 'his dad' could 'protect' them from 'problems'

By Kelly Laco, Executive Editor Of

Included in the damning form is the claim that 'it costs 5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another Biden'

Payments were allegedly made in exchange for the then-Vice President's influence in getting a senior Ukrainian prosecutor fired

Although Hunter 'was stupid' and the CEO's dog was smarter, he was needed on the board 'so everything will be okay'

A highly-anticipated internal FBI document - obtained by DailyMail.com - includes bombshell claims that Joe Biden and his son Hunter forced a Ukrainian oil executive to pay them $10 million in exchange for the then-Vice President's influence in getting a senior prosecutor fired.

According to the conversation between a confidential source and Burisma CFO Vadim Pojarski in 2015, Hunter Biden was hired onto the company's board to 'protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.'

Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky told the source: 'It costs 5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another Biden.'

Zlochevsky added that, although Hunter 'was stupid,' and his (Zlochevsky's) dog was smarter, he was needed on the board 'so everything will be okay.'

According to the blockbuster FD-1023 form - some of which is redacted - the Confidential Human Source (CHS) met with the high-ranking Burisma executives between 2015 and 2016.

Burisma was looking to spend up to $30 million on a U.S.-based oil and gas company. However, at the time, it was also the subject of a criminal investigation by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, which the company knew 'would have a substantial negative impact on Burisma's prospective IPO in the United States.'

When asked about the investigation, the form states that Zlochevsky replied: 'Don't worry Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad.'

Later, then-Vice President Joe Biden made a public statement that Shokin was 'corrupt, and that he should be fired/removed from office.'

The damning form also reveals:

ZIochevsky 'didn't want to pay the Bidens and says he was 'pushed to pay' them.'

Asked whether Hunter or Joe told him to retain Hunter on the board, Zlochevsky replied: 'They both did.'

The source asked why Burisma didn't just 'pay some attorney $50,000' to fight Shokin's investigation in Ukraine, to which Zlochevsky replied that 'he/Burisma would likely lose the trial because he could not show that Burisma was innocent.'

When asked how he would 'explain suspicious wire transfers', he responded that he 'did not send any funds directly to the 'Big Guy' (which CHS understood was a reference to Joe Biden).'

He added that it would take '10 years to find the records (ie illicit payments to Joe Biden).'

The FBI FD-1023 form was created on June 30, 2020 based on information from a highly-paid informant and brought to the attention of Republicans by a whistleblower.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, obtained and published the document after a months-long back-and-forth between the top Republicanand the FBI through 'legally protected disclosures' by Department of Justice (DOJ) whistleblowers.

The document contains a limited number of redactions to protect the confidential human source, the handling agents, DOJ whistleblower names and references to connect ongoing investigations, according to a Senate aide.

Hunter Biden admits Burisma hired him because of 'gold' family name

For the better part of a year, I've been pushing the Justice Department and FBI to provide details on its handling of very significant allegations from a trusted FBI informant implicating then-Vice President Biden in a criminal bribery scheme,' Grassley said in a statement.

'While the FBI sought to obfuscate and redact, the American people can now read this document for themselves, without the filter of politicians or bureaucrats, thanks to brave and heroic whistleblowers.'

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., added that the FBI's memo 'tracks closely with the evidence uncovered by the Oversight Committee's Biden family influence peddling investigation.'

'In the FBI's record, the Burisma executive claims that he didn't pay the 'big guy' directly but that he used several bank accounts to conceal the money. That sounds an awful lot like how the Bidens conduct business: using multiple bank accounts to hide the source and total amount of the money.'

'Today’s release of the 1023 - at a minimum - unnecessarily risks the safety of a confidential source,' said an FBI spokesperson.


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faa00c No.73348

File: e0f75c919b2e1e4⋯.jpeg (430.86 KB,1376x1428,344:357,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 422fc780ceade7e⋯.webp (21.02 KB,780x520,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214129 (202322ZJUL23) Notable: Pay out to Christians arrested during pandemic

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faa00c No.73349

File: a7741edf59255e0⋯.png (75.97 KB,798x290,399:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214143 (202325ZJUL23) Notable: Israeli scientists believe experiments reversing aging in fish could benefit humans

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Have to wonder why they do so much research into anti aging?

Israeli scientists believe experiments reversing aging in fish could benefit humans

Hebrew University researchers genetically manipulate energy regulation in male African killifish, making them live longer and develop resistance to age-related conditions

A fish originating from Mozambique and Zimbabwe that lives no more than six months is helping Israeli researchers devise ways to enhance human health, as people live increasingly longer.

By genetically manipulating turquoise killifish, Dr. Itamar Harel and his colleagues at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Silberman Institute of Life Science are gaining insights into how to restore metabolic health in vertebrates (organisms with a backbone or spinal column) so they can remain healthier as they age. The HU group published a related study in the peer-reviewed Developmental Cell publication in June.

Harel is hopeful that his tweaking of energy biosynthesis on the cellular level in killifish and other vertebrates in the lab could lead to drug therapies — especially for the benefit of older humans, who tend to suffer from diseases often stemming from the body’s diminished ability to properly respond to nutrient availability on the cellular level.

Itamar Harel)

A fish originating from Mozambique and Zimbabwe that lives no more than six months is helping Israeli researchers devise ways to enhance human health, as people live increasingly longer.

By genetically manipulating turquoise killifish, Dr. Itamar Harel and his colleagues at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Silberman Institute of Life Science are gaining insights into how to restore metabolic health in vertebrates (organisms with a backbone or spinal column) so they can remain healthier as they age. The HU group published a related study in the peer-reviewed Developmental Cell publication in June.

Harel is hopeful that his tweaking of energy biosynthesis on the cellular level in killifish and other vertebrates in the lab could lead to drug therapies — especially for the benefit of older humans, who tend to suffer from diseases often stemming from the body’s diminished ability to properly respond to nutrient availability on the cellular level.

Binary Options Fraud - ToI journalist Simona Weinglass' story

For instance, Type 2 diabetes is common in older people, as they have a harder time controlling their blood glucose levels. When a young person eats, their glucose levels rise, and then come down quite rapidly. Also, when a young person fasts, their blood sugar decreases. But older people tend to have high blood sugar levels even after fasting.

“This inability to get sugar levels down, or reduced plasticity of the metabolism, is a root cause for many age-associated diseases beyond diabetes. It’s been linked to many others, including cognitive decline,” Harel noted.


Especially when in terms of the text of this 60+ year old document

Mystery of the Serpent

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faa00c No.73350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214212 (202341ZJUL23) Notable: PNVD PEDOPHILE PARTY: Dutch

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This is the political party that Ballard told Posobiec was trafficking kids out of Ukraine.

A small dig


Dutch court lets paedophile party contest country's general election

· Policies include legalising sex at 12 and child porn

· Judge says voters must decide on arguments

Nicholas Watt, European editor

The Guardian, Tuesday 18 July 2006

The Netherlands cemented its reputation as Europe's most socially liberal country yesterday when a new political party formed by paedophiles was told it could contest this year's general election.

A Dutch court rejected an attempt by anti-paedophile campaigners to ban the Brotherly Love, Freedom and Diversity party (PNVD), which wants to cut the age of consent from 16 to 12 and to legalise child pornography. "The freedom of expression, the freedom of assembly and the freedom of association should be seen as the foundations of the democratic rule of law and the PNVD is also entitled to these freedoms," the court in The Hague said in a statement.

The court declared that curbs on freedom of expression could only be applied where public order is at risk. "They [opponents of the party] only want to give expression to their moral concerns. That is far from being sufficient to outlaw a party. It is up to the voter to give a judgment on the arguments of political parties," Judge H Hofhuis was quoted by the Dutch news agency ANP as telling the court.

The ruling will be seen as a powerful example of the Netherlands' liberal approach to social issues. The country has famously relaxed views on soft drugs, prostitution and gay marriage.

The paedophile party will be free to stand in November's general election if it meets the usual requirements of submitting a list of candidates and providing the signatures of at least 500 supporters.

The court's decision angered the anti-paedophile campaign group Solace, which brought the case, and whose views appear to be widely reflected in Dutch society.

No Kidding, a group campaigning for children's rights, called on the Dutch government to act against the party. "Dutch citizens must make their voices heard if we do not want to sacrifice our children to paedophile interests," it said.

The new party, which was formed in May, pledged to intensify its campaign to remove the taboo on paedophilia which, it claims, has worsened in the past decade after the arrest of the notorious Belgian paedophile Marc Dutroux. In his most notorious crime, Dutroux kidnapped and imprisoned two young girls and starved them to death.

Marthijn Uittenbogaard, the chairman of the new party, was quoted by ANP as saying: "We expected to win. We are not doing anything criminal so why should you ban the PNVD?"

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faa00c No.73351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214227 (202345ZJUL23) Notable: PNVD PEDOPHILE PARTY: Dutch

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Dutch pedophiles sentenced to 10 years jail in Ecuador

—June 22, 2023—


Two Dutch pedophiles who fled the Netherlands after receiving jail terms have been sentenced to 10 years in jail in Ecuador.

Marthijn Uittenbogaard from Hengelo and his partner Lesley Luijs were found guilty by a court in Manabí of the possession of child pornography.

Uittenbogaard was sentenced to six months in Rotterdam last year for continuing the banned pedophile organisation Martijn, which attempts to normalise sexual relations between adults and children. He left the country pending an appeal. Luijs was given ten weeks for producing child pornography.

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faa00c No.73352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214256 (202353ZJUL23) Notable: PNVD PEDOPHILE PARTY: Dutch

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Pedo club leaders arrested in South America

Marthijn Uittenbogaard, who has been a figurehead of pedophiles and their online publishing rights for decades, has been arrested in Ecuador on suspicion of child abuse.

This is what the Leidsch Dagblad reports after a tip from Free a Girl , a club that has also been successfully chasing Dutch child abusers for years. There are additional messages in Ecuador, such as from website Viztazo .

Uittenbogaard was recently sentenced to prison for maintaining the activities of the previously banned association Martijn, a case that brought the debate about freedoms and restrictions on open pleas for pro pedophilia back to the fore . In 2004, Uittenbogaard defended the hosting of Martijn.org. Uittenbogaard and entered into a debate with Arnon Grunberg in De Balie in 2018.

In the photo of the police in Ecuador opposite of the two arrested, he is standing. The other is Dutchman Lesley L. (also: G.), also arrested by the Transnational Crime Investigation Unit of National Police of Ecuador San Vicente, in Manabí . Uittenbogaard was still able to flee to the airport, but was still arrested.

They operated a children's video game establishment in the resort town of Canoa, which also had a swimming pool. Photos and videos of real and/or simulated naked and semi-naked children between the ages of 7 and 12 were found on the seized computers and disks, the Ecuadorian report said. That material was also offered online.

The arrest of the Dutch pedo suspect Nelson Maatman on June 5, 2022 in Mexico was the reason to start searching in Ecuador. Free a Girl passed on information to American sister organization Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) who informed the police.

The Public Prosecution Service in the Netherlands was not involved in the case. The OM says that Norbert de Jonge, recently sentenced to prison with Uittenbogaard, is staying in the Netherlands. Their 'pedo party' PNVD has been disbanded. Fellow board member Ad van den Berg again had to appear for possession of child pornography. Lesley L. was sentenced to 10 weeks in prison in April for making a child pornography film.

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faa00c No.73353

File: 85a818f871ba042⋯.png (72.68 KB,687x814,687:814,Clipboard.png)

File: e92567801917a0b⋯.png (2.63 MB,1570x2048,785:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: afe287c33494167⋯.png (1.57 MB,1583x2048,1583:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214298 (210003ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. pdf

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene





Is this why Biden has America involved in the war in Ukraine???

Joe Biden is a criminal and is compromised! And he is leading us into WW3 bc Zelenskyy has proof of more Biden crimes.

This is the FBI’s FD-1023 UNCLASSIFIED form from the FBI’s most trusted informant that reveals then VP Joe Biden took a $5 million dollar bribe from Zlochevsky to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

Joe delivered by withholding $1 billion in US aid until Shokin was fired.

We were only allowed to see this unclassified form in a SCIF, but I took notes and told you all exactly what it said. Thank goodness Chuck Grassley had a copy from a courageous whistleblower and released it today!

But this form is dated June 30, 2020 and nothing was done. Bill Barr was AG at the DOJ and could have prosecuted, instead he handed it off to another US Attorney that did nothing either.

Also in 2020, before the presidential election, the FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop filled with evidence of multiple crimes including the same proof I showed during the Oversight hearing that Hunter payed prostitutes through his law firm and made sex tapes and posted them on porn sites. All of this was known and reported by banks in SARs reports and on Oversight we have proof of these payments in bank statements.

I ran out of time in the hearing yesterday, but wanted to ask the IRS whistleblowers if Hunter made money (income) by posting many sex tapes with victims he was paying to travel across state lines for sex (Mann Act violation)?

If so did he report his sex tape income and pay taxes on it? I think we all know the answer.

The Biden’s are the most corrupt criminals to ever hold the highest power in the land.

Republicans can no longer delay, but we need 218 Republican votes to do it.

I’ve been there since day one and so are the American people.


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faa00c No.73354

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214324 (210009ZJUL23) Notable: Bannon Recounts Trump’s Historic Sound Of Freedom Screening At Bedminster

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7 hours ago

Bannon Recounts Trump’s Historic Sound Of Freedom Screening At Bedminster. They are still trying to stop him. I can tell you right now, you aren’t going to Stop Him! He’s going to be the 47th President of the United States!

10:52 minutes


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faa00c No.73355

File: ab1ec7d407a1d84⋯.png (421.59 KB,633x490,633:490,Clipboard.png)

File: b94d2524375e0b4⋯.png (88.26 KB,741x929,741:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cb231cf0ea53a1⋯.png (79.58 KB,731x836,731:836,Clipboard.png)

File: d91ed60ab4daa5a⋯.png (86.22 KB,738x886,369:443,Clipboard.png)

File: f93062642353031⋯.png (83.9 KB,736x899,736:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214377 (210018ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. pdf

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faa00c No.73356

File: 15cb83ba7bc7196⋯.jpeg (79.41 KB,632x648,79:81,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214412 (210026ZJUL23) Notable: House Democratic leader calls RFK Jr. a ‘living, breathing false-flag operation’

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House Democratic leader calls RFK Jr. a ‘living, breathing false-flag operation’

BY MIKE LILLIS - 07/20/23 2:01 PM ET

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) lambasted Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Thursday, accusing the long-shot Democratic presidential contender of promoting racism and conspiracy theories — and being a pawn in the Republican effort to topple President Biden.

“Why would you give Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a congressional platform to spew his hatred? Here’s the answer: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a living, breathing false-flag operation,” Jeffries said. “His whole campaign is being run by right-wing political operatives who have one objective: try to take down President Joe Biden.”


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faa00c No.73357

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214424 (210028ZJUL23) Notable: Brian Costello Breaks Down Latest Sequoia Capital News.

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8 hours ago Brian Costello Breaks Down Latest Sequoia Capital News. Sequoia Capital/CCP is the top donor to McCarthy

5:00 mimutes

The American pension funds are sending CCP money to kill American Soldiers


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faa00c No.73358

File: 7e2442a9ee29cdc⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 37f8e4af1ecb8cb⋯.png (267.27 KB,710x656,355:328,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ac4eba52629a42⋯.png (723.32 KB,1155x970,231:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214428 (210028ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. pdf

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Reposting Viktor Shokin circa 2019 VID because truly believe there is very good reason Our President points this (faux & justthenews) stuff out: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110747891532816354

“Joe Biden has admitted he forced Shokin’s firing in late 2015 and early 2016 by threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees from Ukraine. The prosecutor was fired, but Biden has adamantly denied he did so to help his son’s company. The memo clearly states Burisma owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, told the informant he had been ‘coerced’ into paying the Biden’s money and estimated the price tag to be $10 million.” justthenews.com/accountability Jul 20, 2023, 2:45 PM

Scanned POTUS’ linked article: “…trusted FBI informant told agents in 2020 that Hunter Biden was hired by Burisma Holdings to use his father to help "protect" the Ukrainian gas firm from problems, including an effort to "take care of'" a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the company for corruption, according to an explosive document released by Sen. Charles Grassley on Thursday.

Yeah, it was REAL “explosive” back in fucking2019when OAN was airing a four-part Investigative Series on all this shit, AND MORE. Too bad most of the mainstream were tuned to faux and its water TRASH carriers and entrenched fucks, such as the “Forget 2020 Election” faggot & his stupid fucking corn, instead.

Would JustThenewsTrash kindly translate this into FOURTH-Grade English? (Different than mis-spellings and typos. "They've" made this shit normal.)

“The memo clearly states Burisma owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, told the informant he had been "coerced" into paying the Biden's money and estimated the price tag to be $10 million.” JustThenews archived: https://archive.is/hTCSx

So HTF would someone go about paying to money, especially money belonging to just ONE biden — and WHICH biden? What kind of payments would “money” accept — credit card, bitcoin… Trafficked Children? Most importantly, would THE biden try to wrestle the payment from his money, and could his money put up a fight if it objected? THESE are the questions faux, JustTheTrash, and their entrenched, blackmailed NWO Uniparty “politicians” are qualified to ask at least FOUR years after the fucking fact.

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faa00c No.73359

File: a7fed75386d9f0d⋯.png (181.54 KB,654x820,327:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214537 (210054ZJUL23) Notable: ho's mad

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Here Are The Right-Wing Figures—From Donald Trump To Steve Bannon—Championing Surprise Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’

Conor Murray

Forbes Staff

I'm an explainers and trends reporter for Forbes.

Jul 20, 2023,01:15pm EDT

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faa00c No.73360

File: c8a1b9daf78138f⋯.png (908.62 KB,1077x661,1077:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214545 (210056ZJUL23) Notable: Rand Paul Criminally Refers Dr. Fauci to DOJ For Prosecution For Lying to Congress About Gain-of-Function

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Breaking: Rand Paul Criminally Refers

Dr. Fauci to DOJ For Prosecution For Lying

to Congress About Gain-of-Function

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 7/20/2023 8:28:07 PM

Senator Rand Paul told Breitbart News Daily that he has criminally referred Fauci to the Department of Justice for prosecution. This should not come as a surprise. In December, Senator Paul told Jesse Watters on FOX News that Republicans had caught Fauci in several lies and “he won’t get away.” Former NIAID chief Dr. Anthony Fauci previously testified and responded to questions about the NIH’s role in funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. Rand Paul and Fauci got into a tense exchange over Fauci’s involvement in funding the Wuhan lab’s gain-of-function research that likely led to Covid-19 in September 2022.

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faa00c No.73361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214554 (210058ZJUL23) Notable: IRS whistleblower speaks out about Hunter Biden probe

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>WB on cnn kek


IRS whistleblower speaks out about Hunter Biden probe


15.3M subscribers

139K views 2 hours ago #CNN #News

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faa00c No.73362

File: add45cb4458c6b8⋯.png (732.44 KB,695x677,695:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214555 (210059ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. pdf

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Release of FBI Document Boosts Case for

Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Breitbart, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/20/2023 6:31:33 PM

The release Thursday of an FBI “FD-1023” document detailing allegations of bribery against President Joe Biden boosts the case for opening an impeachment inquiry into the president. The FD-1023 suggests that a Ukrainian businessman from the Burisma energy company allegedly paid Joe Biden through shell companies, and hired his son, Hunter Biden, in an effort to help remove a prosecutor who was investigating the company. The FD-1023 also contains allegations that Joe and Hunter Biden were each paid $5 million to make sure that prosecutor Viktor Shokin was fired, apparently because Burisma wanted to list itself on U.S. stock markets and could not be under investigation

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faa00c No.73363

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214594 (210107ZJUL23) Notable: Rep Tim Burchett: Biden Crime Family; Corrupt White House

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Burchett is funny as hell. Joe is crooked as a dogs leg..,Rep Tim Burchett: Biden Crime Family; Corrupt White House

12:02 minutes

I love this guy! Great interview!


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faa00c No.73364

File: 936fda4bfa33c58⋯.png (225.8 KB,429x413,429:413,Clipboard.png)

File: e44f7b9aa5b7f49⋯.png (223.6 KB,602x475,602:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214605 (210110ZJUL23) Notable: @JonathanTurley Rep. Dan Goldman's friendly fire incident produced Dresden-level damage for the Biden defense.

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Jonathan Turley




...Rep. Dan Goldman's friendly fire incident produced Dresden-level damage for the Biden defense.


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faa00c No.73365

File: 952b4a134e29b9c⋯.png (34.68 KB,600x550,12:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214635 (210117ZJUL23) Notable: Moderna didn’t do vaccine trials on pregnant women, but told pregnant women their vaccine was safe.

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tiger lily


Moderna didn’t do vaccine trials on pregnant women, but told pregnant women their vaccine was safe.

They DID do trials on pregnant rats and those rats gave birth to babies with skeletal deformities.

OBGYN’s scared mothers into getting this jab without any safety data.

Quote Tweet

Techno Fog




Just released -

14K pages of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine data related to adverse events.

Neurological disorders days after vaccination.

Details on post-vaccine deaths, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism - all not investigated by the "studies"


12:35 PM · Jul 20, 2023




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faa00c No.73366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214662 (210120ZJUL23) Notable: Borderlines of War - John B Wells

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Borderlines of War - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

141K subscribers

159 watching now Started streaming 20 minutes ago UNITED STATES

#CTM Tonight

Topic: Borderlines of War

Start: 8:30pm CDT

Guest: Victor Avila

Website: https://agentunderfirebook.com

Twitter: @VictorAvilaTX

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VictorAvilaJr


AM/FM Radio



https://zutalk.com/ (live & archives)



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faa00c No.73367

File: 4b9a3599b0b753a⋯.png (110.24 KB,494x469,494:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214669 (210121ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. pdf

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14:39 =17

Donald J. Trump


“Joe Biden and Hunter Biden allegedly ‘coerced’ Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky to pay them millions of dollars in exchange for their help in getting the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the company fired, according to allegations contained in an unclassified FBI document released Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.” foxnews.com/politics/grassley-

Bidens allegedly 'coerced' Burisma CEO to pay them millions to help get Ukraine prosecutor fired: FBI form

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden allegedly "coerced" Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky to pay them millions in exchange for help getting the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the company fired, according to allegations…


Jul 20, 2023, 2:39 PM


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faa00c No.73368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214740 (210132ZJUL23) Notable: #23598

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#23598 >>73335

>>73338, >>73345 PF

>>73336, , >>73353, >>73355, >>73358, >>73362, >>73367 @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. pdf

>>73337 the wrap up smear

>>73339, >>73342, >>73343 Did every U.S. governor get a letter of encouragement/offer of support like this from a Chinese official in March 2020, or just the Governor of Illinois?

>>73340 New York City Agrees to Pay Violent BLM-Antifa Protesters $13 Million After 450 Businesses Were Damaged in the Riots

>>73341 Sound of Freedom just hit $100M at the Box Office

>>73344 Naked Christian girls are being molested and led through for gang rape in the fields of the Indian state of Manipur.

>>73346 President @realDonaldTrump is going to save Children the likes of which you have never seen!

>>73347 Bombshell FBI document detailing alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme

>>73348 Pay out to Christians arrested during pandemic

>>73349 Israeli scientists believe experiments reversing aging in fish could benefit humans

>>73350, >>73351, >>73352 PNVD PEDOPHILE PARTY: Dutch

>>73354 Bannon Recounts Trump’s Historic Sound Of Freedom Screening At Bedminster

>>73356 House Democratic leader calls RFK Jr. a ‘living, breathing false-flag operation’

>>73357 Brian Costello Breaks Down Latest Sequoia Capital News.

>>73359 ho's mad

>>73360 Rand Paul Criminally Refers Dr. Fauci to DOJ For Prosecution For Lying to Congress About Gain-of-Function

>>73361 IRS whistleblower speaks out about Hunter Biden probe

>>73363 Rep Tim Burchett: Biden Crime Family; Corrupt White House

>>73364 @JonathanTurley Rep. Dan Goldman's friendly fire incident produced Dresden-level damage for the Biden defense.

>>73365 Moderna didn’t do vaccine trials on pregnant women, but told pregnant women their vaccine was safe.

>>73366 Borderlines of War - John B Wells


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faa00c No.73369

File: 78a284aa68a0445⋯.png (228.03 KB,616x403,616:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 297653ce7c75cb5⋯.jpeg (54.56 KB,777x437,777:437,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d017dff143e0278⋯.jpeg (21.64 KB,120x120,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214761 (210134ZJUL23) Notable: #23599

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can continue or defer

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faa00c No.73370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214789 (210140ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Bribe Docs RELEASED; Detailed Crime Family TIMELINE; RFK Jr. OBLITERATES Democrat Censors Robert Gouveia Esq.

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Repost from Last Bread

Biden Bribe Docs RELEASED; Detailed Crime Family TIMELINE; RFK Jr. OBLITERATES Democrat Censors

Robert Gouveia Esq.

Robert gets extremely detailed into the 1023 drop, then follows it up with a timeline dating back to 2009 showing the beginnings (that we know about) of the Biden Crimes...He then goes into the Censorship Hearing...

Was Live 3 hours ago...I am a bit delayed.


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faa00c No.73371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214792 (210142ZJUL23) Notable: Chinese 'spy ships' expected to sit off Darwin and Central Queensland during Talisman Sabre military exercises

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Chinese 'spy ships' expected to sit off Darwin and Central Queensland during Talisman Sabre military exercises

Officials are preparing for two Chinese "spy ships" to arrive off Australia's coast next week to monitor the multinational Talisman Sabre military exercises opening in Sydney this morning.

Key points:

Defence officials are taking precautions to protect sensitive information during Australia's largest military exercise

Chinese spy ships are expected to station near the Northern Territory and Queensland coasts

China has not requested to participate in the military exercise bringing together about 30,000 troops from 13 countries

Since 2017, China's Navy has deployed at least one Auxiliary General Intelligence (AGI) vessel to snoop on each of the biennial training drills involving the United States, as well as other partner nations.

Defence and security sources told the ABC they were expecting a pair of People's Liberation Army-Navy (PLAN) vessels to head towards Australia over the next few days.

Brigadier Damien Hill, the director of Talisman Sabre 23, said Defence would again take appropriate precautions to protect sensitive military information and the Chinese were free to operate in Australia's exclusive economic zone.

"We monitor our borders very carefully and that includes nations such as the PLA operating — and as long as they do so in accordance with international law there will be no issues from us," he said.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, one official said the ADF was anticipating one Chinese vessel could station off the Northern Territory coast, while the second would monitor activity around Queensland's Shoalwater Bay Training Area.

Brigadier Hill has declined to comment on the assessment, but acknowledges this year's military drills are spread widely across the country.

"The exercise is quite expanded as far as geography is concerned — that's part of the exercise construct itself — there'll be activity from Western Australia to Norfolk Island," he said.

A record 30,000 personnel from 13 countries are taking part in Talisman Sabre this year, though Brigadier Hill said China had not requested to be an official observer or participant.


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faa00c No.73372

File: 5b49bcc961d7b48⋯.png (643.56 KB,1052x806,526:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 988dcb4fb534b32⋯.png (243.14 KB,567x537,189:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214803 (210144ZJUL23) Notable: DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen

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DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen

In a massive show of support for limitless executive power, Congress rejected legislation that would have terminated national emergency powers allowing Washington to wage war across the Middle East – and to test biological weapons on US citizens.

Led by Representative Paul Gosar, a handful of Republican members of Congress launched a protest against 41 nominal “national emergency” declarations, many of which are decades old.

Rep. Gosar has argued the National Emergencies Act is “tyrannical,” granting 148 separate powers to the executive branch.

This July 18, the House voted down five resolutions to terminate national emergency powers which date back as far as 2003. The countries affected by the five resolutions include Congo, Yemen, Libya, Syria and Iraq.

Each vote saw a coalition of pro-war Democrats and Republicans join together in overwhelming numbers to protect the executive branch’s emergency authorities.

Among the emergency declarations still in effect is one authorizing war on Libya on the basis that Muammar Ghadhafi posed an urgent threat to the US; one enabling economic warfare on Syria on the specious grounds that Damascus sponsors international terrorism; and another allowing the president to support Saudi Arabia’s military assault on Yemen, which resulted in the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe.

Yet another emergency declaration provides the authority for the US government to test biological weapons on American citizens.

“It’s sad that we’re here for these five [emergency resolutions],” Rep. Gosar said on the House floor, warning “there’ll be 36 more coming your way.”

Gosar continued, “National emergencies are supposed to be rare and brief. The passing of the National Emergencies Act in the 1976 congress did not intend for the executive to utilize declarations for decades in order to apply sanctions. That is something Congress can do separately from a national emergency declaration.”

The resolution to relax sanctions against the Democratic Republic of Congo was introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert. It would have terminated a 2006 emergency power, authorized via executive order, imposing sanctions on the property of Congolese nationals. President Biden extended these powers on the grounds that “the situation in or in relation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat” to US foreign policy.

By law, national emergency declarations are supposed to be reviewed by Congress every six months, yet none of the five in question have ever been subject to scrutiny. Boebert noted on the floor that in the 16 years since the national emergency related to Congo was declared, it should have been reviewed 31 times.


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faa00c No.73373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214827 (210149ZJUL23) Notable: UK intelligence ‘freelancers’ helped Ukraine target Crimean Bridge

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UK intelligence ‘freelancers’ helped Ukraine target Crimean Bridge – The Grayzone

One of the British-devised plans allegedly involved replicating the 2020 Beirut explosion

Ukraine’s drone attack on the Kerch Bridge was most likely planned by former British military intelligence agents who signed a contract with Kiev in 2022, the independent outlet Grayzone has reported citing leaked documents.

A “cabal of British military-intelligence freelancers” led by Chris Donnelly has worked with the Odessa office of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) since April last year, Grayzone said in a report published Wednesday evening. The outlet had published leaked documents proving their partnership in October 2022, after the first attack on the Crimean Bridge.

“A review of leaked files previously revealed by The Grayzone provides a solid basis for again blaming Donnelly’s cabal,” the outlet noted in reference to Monday’s drone attack that killed two civilians and orphaned a 14-year-old girl.

Donnelly is described as “a senior intelligence operative and former high ranking NATO advisor.” He is allegedly using a “transnational nexus” involving companies such as Prevail Partners and Thomas in Winslow, to manage “London’s contribution to the proxy war at arm’s length.”

The two companies signed a “technical support” agreement with the Odessa branch of the SBU in April 2022, according to Grayzone, which included the use of surveillance drones to “monitor coastline and Russian movement” and access to satellite imagery to assist military and black operations.

A “geospatial intelligence” specialist at Prevail provided the SBU with a presentation titled “Kerch Bridge info pack,” which laid out various plans to blow up the bridge built in 2018 to connect Crimea to the Krasnodar Region on the Russian mainland.

“One speculative plot involved detonating a vessel containing ammonia nitrate directly under the bridge,” according to Grayzone. The proposal “approvingly cited as an example to emulate” the August 2020 explosion in Beirut, which killed at least 214 people and devastated the Lebanese capital.

According to Grayzone, the British advisers have also provided Kiev with assistance in targeting alleged “Russian collaborators” in territories under Ukraine’s control. Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, boasted to Western media in October 2022 that intelligence services were “shooting them like pigs.”


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faa00c No.73374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214836 (210152ZJUL23) Notable: DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen

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>Show me in the Constitution and Bill of Rights where Emergency power exist.

"Welcome to the party, pal"

"By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering: Food resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and food resource facilities, as defined below; rural fire control; defense against biological warfare, chemical warfare, and radiological fallout pertaining to agricultural activities; and rural defense information and education. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.

"SEC. 2. Definitions. As used in this order:

(a) "Food resources" means all commodities and products, simple, mixed or compound, or complements to such commodities or products, that are capable of being eaten or drunk, by either human beings or animals' irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be. put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in vendible form for human or animal consumption. For the purposes of this order the term "food resources" shall also include all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal fats and oils, cotton, tobacco, wool, mohair, hemp, flax fiber, and naval stores, but shall not include any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product.

(b) "Farm equipment" means machinery, equipment and repair parts manufactured primarily for use on farms in connection with the production or preparation for market or use of "food resources."

(c) "Fertilizer" means any product or combination of products for plant nutrition in form for distribution to the users thereof.

(d) "Food resource facilities" means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm) and other facilities for the production, processing, distribution and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer"


Original EO by JFK in 1962, it's been continued by every president since and updated annually by congress annually to reflect the changing responsibilities of the Executive Branch since it was codified into law in 42 USC/68 as near as I can tell, in May 1974.


That, and much, much more are codified up to this date in:



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faa00c No.73375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214838 (210152ZJUL23) Notable: Body Language: Patient Zero (Gal Luft) & IRS Whistleblowers Body Language Ghost

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Body Language: Patient Zero (Gal Luft) & IRS Whistleblowers

Body Language Ghost

11 minutes ago


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faa00c No.73376

File: fdd79a6406f1827⋯.png (355.85 KB,500x370,50:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214970 (210221ZJUL23) Notable: "No Limit" On Number Of Ukrainian Refugees To Be Allowed Into Canada

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"No Limit" On Number Of Ukrainian Refugees To Be Allowed Into Canada: Federal Memo

With 230,000 Ukrainians having already emigrated to Canada to flee the war, a recently disclosed internal memo from the Immigration Department says there is “no limit” on the number of Ukrainian war refugees that can be allowed into Canada.

The government closed applications on July 15 for Ukrainian refugees looking to obtain temporary emergency visas and free flights to Canada, but about 1.1 million Ukrainians applied for visas prior to the deadline—of which about 800,000 had been approved as of the beginning of July.

“There is no limit,” said a Department of Immigration memo sent to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs and obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter.

The memo, titled “Information On Ukrainian Nationals Coming To Canada,” also elaborated on Ottawa’s recently announced plan to facilitate permanent residence status for any Ukrainian nationals and their family members already in Canada.

The new policy, which Immigration Minister Sean Fraser announced on July 15, is set to come into effect this October.

The new plan will provide permanent residence status to Ukrainian nationals who have fled the war and want to stay in Canada. To qualify, Ukrainian refugees must be in Canada with temporary resident status and have at least one family member in the country.

The memo said that the new policy will benefit Ukrainians coming into Canada “from anywhere in the world,” regardless of whether they were fleeing Russian aggression, so long as they applied for temporary visas through the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel program prior to July 15.

Ukrainian Refugees

The plan fixed a quota of permitting entry to 365,000 Ukrainian immigrants in 2023, 485,000 in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025.

“As this measure offers a temporary safe haven, those who come to Canada on Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel are not included in the Immigration Levels Plan, which is a projection of the number of permanent residents Canada plans to admit,” said the memo.

“Although a temporary measure, settlement services are available to Emergency Travel holders and their family members after they arrive so they can fully participate in Canadian communities while they are here.”

Canada’s temporary emergency visa program for Ukrainians was originally set to expire in March, but Mr. Fraser extended the program until July 15.

Only about 21 percent of Ukrainians who have been granted temporary visas have actually come to Canada, but they will have until the end of March 2024 to do so.

Refugees who obtained temporary visas and came to Canada will also have until the end of March 2024 to either apply to extend or change their temporary status in Canada.


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faa00c No.73377

File: 9fdf8cf4d41b0a8⋯.png (1.63 MB,1151x1829,1151:1829,Clipboard.png)

File: 36ac978d55558be⋯.png (1.95 MB,1170x1829,1170:1829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19214974 (210222ZJUL23) Notable: Plane Fag: No call sign, then switched to METZ05 - over Delaware

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No call sign, then switched to METZ05 - over Delaware


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faa00c No.73378

File: 29a7ce329ce4ba5⋯.png (264.5 KB,1170x1240,117:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215086 (210241ZJUL23) Notable: We might want to transition from observing them build an ICBM to preventing it. And recognize Russian (and Chinese) assistance might also include the intended payload.

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We might want to transition from observing them build an ICBM to preventing it. And recognize Russian (and Chinese) assistance might also include the intended payload.


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faa00c No.73379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215105 (210244ZJUL23) Notable: A Message to United Auto Workers, From president Trump

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A Message to United Auto Workers, From president Trump

Agenda47: Rescuing America’s Auto Industry from Joe Biden’s Disastrous Job-Killing Policies

Donald J Trump


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faa00c No.73380

File: 5e017da576e3efe⋯.png (159.82 KB,637x903,91:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 47a1278b5008401⋯.mp4 (5.39 MB,174x238,87:119,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215181 (210302ZJUL23) Notable: Like her, there are hundreds of thousands of new Trump supporters who are NOT on Twitter, but TikTok.

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Rich Baris "The People's Pundit"


Funny, but the more they indict this guy, the more we hear people like her, saying things like that.

The running theory is that they're making him relatable to people who didn't see him as such before.

Quote Tweet

Mostly Peaceful Latinas




Ex liberal in LA says that everyday she is alive “she understands Donald Trump” more.

Like her, there are hundreds of thousands of new Trump supporters who are NOT on Twitter, but TikTok.

TikTok actually shows u the reality of much more popular Trump is today than in 2020


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faa00c No.73381

File: 64f6c948235143a⋯.png (755.33 KB,1170x1992,195:332,Clipboard.png)

File: ccad34b75567026⋯.png (882.52 KB,1098x816,183:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215198 (210309ZJUL23) Notable: Burisma's top executive told a confidential source for the FBI that he funneled money to the Biden family in ways that would take investigators "10 years" to unravel

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Burisma's top executive told a confidential source for the FBI that he funneled money to the Biden family in ways that would take investigators "10 years" to unravel the money laundering scheme used to provide "illicit payments to Joe Biden."

Joe Biden's name is all over this document, which might explain why 1) Democrats were so desperate to impeach Trump for digging into Biden corruption in Ukraine, 2) the FBI and DOJ hid the document from investigators and Congress, 3) the FBI and DOJ obstructed the investigation into Hunter Biden, 4) why the corrupt plea deal with Hunter Biden was struck, and 5) why Joe Biden is willing to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to protect the current regime in Ukraine.

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faa00c No.73382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215203 (210311ZJUL23) Notable: WATCH: Lord Rothschild Explains How His Family Embraced Zionism, Created Israel

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WATCH: Lord Rothschild Explains How His Family Embraced Zionism, Created Israel


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faa00c No.73383

File: 533ddce19944d61⋯.png (840.85 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 05e3162022db0b7⋯.png (1.83 MB,1851x964,1851:964,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215204 (210312ZJUL23) Notable: Plane Fag: No call sign, then switched to METZ05 - over Delaware

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SRIT LLC passing 5,000 feet above Elon Musk. Is that Elizabeth Holmes seated center on the panel?



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faa00c No.73384

File: a4970fda3247c35⋯.jpeg (762 KB,1601x599,1601:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215207 (210312ZJUL23) Notable: General Charles Q. Brown---Too Many Red Flags???

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General Charles Q. Brown—Too Many Red Flags

As the highest ranking officer in the United States armed forces, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) is the primary advisor in military matters to the President, Department of Defense, Homeland Security Council, and the National Security Council. Do the skill sets and history of political activism of the current nominee, General Charles Q. Brown, qualify him to lead the country's military during these turbulent times?

The United States military's reputation and mission readiness are in free fall, and diversity, equity, and inclusion programs (DEI), which pervade the armed services, bear much of the blame. General Brown supports, promotes, and defends DEI passionately and unapologetically. Plunging enlistments, declining public trust and confidence in the highest echelons of command, lowering physical fitness and aptitude standards, and plummeting military power ratings are the result of these self-inflicted wounds. Just as saltwater tarnishes a sword, DEI erodes the fabric of trust, competence, and unit cohesion.

General Brown represents DEI in euphemistic terms that are palatable to the public and allude to fairness and equal opportunity. But DEI has deep Marxist roots based on critical theories, where merit is minimized, and power structures are based on identity, oppression, and racism. It is a stealth weapon devised by academics that breeds conformity of thought, marginalizes members of organizations solely due to superficial characteristics, and engenders favoritism. The Air Force faces a 2000 pilot deficit, but General Brown's priority is not focused on this crucial concern but rather the racial and sexual distribution of the pilots he commands.

His unwavering support of identity-based quotas and DEI imperatives is sufficient to justify and rationalize the purge of the depleted pilot corps of competent aviators that is composed of too many white males.

"Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.” – Sun Tzu


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faa00c No.73385

File: 37c68b1c3ce1eef⋯.png (297.74 KB,1080x703,1080:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215268 (210337ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Polls

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More POTUS! kek


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faa00c No.73386

File: 45a7f156974b92d⋯.png (528.26 KB,784x945,112:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215352 (210359ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Polls

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Seems like the mediocre prototype [they] want for most women these days.





Nice...longer cap for ya.

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faa00c No.73387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215403 (210423ZJUL23) Notable: Great thread with LOTS of sauce. The headline is a flip (draws you in only to prove the opposite of what it states)/Proof That Ukraine isn't a Top Child and Organ Trafficking Location

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THREAD: Proof That Ukraine isn't a Top Child and Organ Trafficking Location.


Great thread with LOTS of sauce. The headline is a flip (draws you in only to prove the opposite of what it states). Give it a glance, he's got digging skills.

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faa00c No.73388

File: 7a7724fac4c4d58⋯.png (68.92 KB,714x663,14:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215426 (210430ZJUL23) Notable: Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back

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Can someone else verify account offline? https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump

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faa00c No.73389

File: e46e56f1cc66cd3⋯.png (298.52 KB,1080x1482,180:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215429 (210432ZJUL23) Notable: Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back

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Same for me account suspended on truth social

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faa00c No.73390

File: 2de9eef23cf76f3⋯.png (676.18 KB,1651x996,1651:996,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215437 (210435ZJUL23) Notable: Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back

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verified andBaker Notable

3 days ago picrel makes anon wonder if final act of sabotage?


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faa00c No.73391

File: 5185d15dd9d3492⋯.png (339.98 KB,689x1491,689:1491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215443 (210436ZJUL23) Notable: Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back

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faa00c No.73392

File: 88e61a28181657f⋯.png (941.55 KB,700x700,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215448 (210438ZJUL23) Notable: Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back

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His name is Alex Gleason. Call to dig.

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faa00c No.73393

File: 36496f65efebcf8⋯.jpg (112.02 KB,720x823,720:823,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215486 (210445ZJUL23) Notable: Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back

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JUST IN 🚨 @realDonaldTrump Truth Social profile is currently showing without a profile picture and no Truths. @TheNotoriousLMC

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faa00c No.73394

File: 7393749c2b93fac⋯.png (620.73 KB,867x890,867:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215488 (210446ZJUL23) Notable: Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back

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He's back, all is well again!!!

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faa00c No.73395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215532 (210455ZJUL23) Notable: #23599

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It's A Wrap

#23599 >>73369

>>73377, >>73383

>>73370 Biden Bribe Docs RELEASED; Detailed Crime Family TIMELINE; RFK Jr. OBLITERATES Democrat Censors Robert Gouveia Esq.

>>73371 Chinese 'spy ships' expected to sit off Darwin and Central Queensland during Talisman Sabre military exercises

>>73372, >>73374 DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen

>>73373 UK intelligence ‘freelancers’ helped Ukraine target Crimean Bridge

>>73375 Body Language: Patient Zero (Gal Luft) & IRS Whistleblowers Body Language Ghost

>>73376 "No Limit" On Number Of Ukrainian Refugees To Be Allowed Into Canada

>>73378 We might want to transition from observing them build an ICBM to preventing it. And recognize Russian (and Chinese) assistance might also include the intended payload.

>>73379 A Message to United Auto Workers, From president Trump

>>73380 Like her, there are hundreds of thousands of new Trump supporters who are NOT on Twitter, but TikTok.

>>73381 Burisma's top executive told a confidential source for the FBI that he funneled money to the Biden family in ways that would take investigators "10 years" to unravel

>>73382 WATCH: Lord Rothschild Explains How His Family Embraced Zionism, Created Israel

>>73384 General Charles Q. Brown—Too Many Red Flags???

>>73385, >>73386 @realDonaldTrump The Polls

>>73387 Great thread with LOTS of sauce. The headline is a flip (draws you in only to prove the opposite of what it states)/Proof That Ukraine isn't a Top Child and Organ Trafficking Location

>>73390, >>73388, >>73389, >>73391, >>73392, >>73393, >>73394 Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back


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faa00c No.73396

File: 080986d83143417⋯.jpg (133.01 KB,1255x778,1255:778,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eae59200c3c667d⋯.png (293.65 KB,870x658,435:329,Clipboard.png)

File: f19d9c8361bd4ca⋯.png (79.38 KB,1038x840,173:140,Clipboard.png)

File: 593c92703d7cb92⋯.png (385.94 KB,605x605,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215539 (210457ZJUL23) Notable: #23600

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Baker taps

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faa00c No.73397

File: d26d93bc4f75f83⋯.png (26.51 KB,822x372,137:62,Clipboard.png)

File: cc1641ae3e74ba1⋯.png (134.64 KB,1196x782,26:17,Clipboard.png)

File: e59ba770fe5e369⋯.png (206.88 KB,1235x777,1235:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215606 (210513ZJUL23) Notable: Wikileaks: Chlorine Dioxide - Cancer-Toxins-Pathogens Cleanse Safely Removing Pathogens And Contaminates Like Anthrax 2007-12-03

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faa00c No.73398

File: e9e49391771aec8⋯.jpg (210.66 KB,720x1070,72:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ce3b17e69c4deb1⋯.jpg (88.74 KB,828x1102,414:551,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6eccad314f575a7⋯.jpg (117.59 KB,828x1156,207:289,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 08134ad641f3963⋯.jpg (40.69 KB,1170x955,234:191,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b365bc1791410e6⋯.jpg (98.37 KB,720x886,360:443,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215632 (210518ZJUL23) Notable: @Repswalwell And @Betoorourke Campaigned For Stacie Laughton- The Nation’S First Transgender Elected State Rep Who Was Arrested For Child Porn And Child Exploitation

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Wow. @RepSwalwell and @BetoORourke campaigned for Stacie Laughton- the nation’s first transgender elected state rep who was arrested for child porn and child exploitation.

Worth noting that Stacie has a long criminal history dating back to before his 2022 campaign.


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faa00c No.73399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215645 (210522ZJUL23) Notable: Operation Warp Speed Greatly Decreased Lockdown Times, Saving Innumerable Lives, Anon Orates

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Operation Warp Speed greatly DECREASED lockdown times, saving innumerable lives, and earlier on, the most at risk patients needed the help to survive, hopefully. You cannot fault trump for supporting the vaccine he fought hard to give us in record time

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faa00c No.73400

File: d79132d85ba6454⋯.png (36.14 KB,658x545,658:545,Clipboard.png)

File: e04324583fb0f65⋯.png (202.76 KB,1106x750,553:375,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b1973c55db92ec⋯.png (161.96 KB,1099x751,1099:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215718 (210543ZJUL23) Notable: Wikileaks: Oto Melara Compact Gun Nato Benassi'S Are Shit People

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NATO Benassi's are SHIT PEOPLE.


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faa00c No.73401

File: 7fcb004fcd0becb⋯.png (362.85 KB,1080x1566,20:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215740 (210552ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

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faa00c No.73402

File: 30bdcfbb646d2e4⋯.png (388.63 KB,1080x1434,180:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215743 (210554ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

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The post from yesterday with video about the FINAL BATTLE


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faa00c No.73403

File: 6e940f6f3049027⋯.png (44.33 KB,756x670,378:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215761 (210600ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

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Trump just re-truthed!

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faa00c No.73404

File: fa99cd2a338e5a4⋯.png (27.21 KB,360x309,120:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215770 (210606ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

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Not an office number, it says STORAGE

THERE ARE 13 PICTURES ON THE WALL if I'm not mistaken. I can't make it the faces

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faa00c No.73405

File: 399f19ef9c2d756⋯.png (806.21 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4411369707e497d⋯.png (888.23 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d6075db978daba⋯.png (851.73 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a2db0131d68981c⋯.png (894.17 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215790 (210613ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

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It's hard to get good screens and zoom in. They all appear to be women to me but my vision is shit especially this late

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faa00c No.73406

File: 2984392a0e3c3fe⋯.png (1.03 MB,1080x1111,1080:1111,Clipboard.png)

File: 02dd3d42670c2ba⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1093,1080:1093,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215850 (210630ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 ReTruthed @theunitedspot

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Dan the man re-truth.


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faa00c No.73407

File: 395bd95b0ec998b⋯.jpg (172.12 KB,1080x1734,180:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215869 (210638ZJUL23) Notable: DEAD CAT BOUNCE? DWAC stock spike

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Biggest Deal in History

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faa00c No.73408

File: 545ea07488d0584⋯.jpg (275.25 KB,1080x1608,45:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bbe94702cfc46e7⋯.jpg (123.69 KB,1080x506,540:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215892 (210645ZJUL23) Notable: DEAD CAT BOUNCE? DWAC stock spike

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Official Settlement with SEC... Read that again. SEC only gets paid if the merger happens.... Truth Social has operated on


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faa00c No.73409

File: bb3eb8e3d7851d9⋯.png (137.37 KB,445x735,89:147,Clipboard.png)

File: cb3f00faf5c381c⋯.png (15.02 KB,447x251,447:251,Clipboard.png)

File: a0e824bab2dd47e⋯.png (9.36 KB,447x187,447:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 82fb381bf1261f4⋯.png (24.11 KB,446x589,446:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215898 (210647ZJUL23) Notable: DEAD CAT BOUNCE? DWAC stock spike

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Dead cat bounce?

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faa00c No.73410

File: e00c55660a86e2f⋯.png (110.63 KB,818x762,409:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215914 (210653ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

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Donald J. Trump



"It will be done quickly!!!"




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faa00c No.73411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215960 (210714ZJUL23) Notable: Federal judge blocks Arizona’s transgender sports ban

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U.S. district judge Jennifer Zipps blocked the Save Women’s Sports Act from being enforced. The transgender girls said because they haven’t undergone puberty for boys and don’t have a physical or physiological advantage, they should be allowed to play on girls’ teams. Zipps agreed. “(They) do not have a competitive advantage over other girls, and they do not pose a safety risk,” she wrote in the injunction.

Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne, one of the defendants in the case, disagreed with the ruling and said he would appeal. “The Plaintiffs, in this case, claimed that this only involves pre-pubescent boys, but we presented peer-reviewed studies that show pre-pubescent boys have an advantage over girls in sports,” he said in a written statement. “The only expert presented by the Plaintiffs was a medical doctor who makes his money doing sex transition treatments on children and who has exactly zero peer-reviewed studies to support his opinion.”

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faa00c No.73412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215962 (210714ZJUL23) Notable: Endchan is down. Error code 522

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Endchan is down. Error code 522


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faa00c No.73413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215972 (210717ZJUL23) Notable: Endchan is down. Error code 522

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



all of them





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faa00c No.73414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215974 (210718ZJUL23) Notable: Endchan is down. Error code 522

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


the .gg and .net have 404

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faa00c No.73415

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215979 (210720ZJUL23) Notable: 12 named and arrested in human trafficking bust on 82nd Ave in Portland

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


On July 13, the Human Trafficking Unit conducted an investigation along Northeast 82nd Avenue from Northeast Tillamook Street to Northeast Prescott Street. The Unit worked in collaboration with all three Portland precincts and several other agencies including the Portland Victim Services Unit.

Following the mission seven individuals were identified as potential victims of trafficking. The victims were connected to resources and advocates.

Twelve people were arrested and charged for commercial sexual solicitation-buyers and two cars were towed.

· Shaun I Accardo, 42

· Mario Juarez-Ramirez, 41

· Devontre Strawn, 25

· Anival Valencia, 27

· Gerardo C De Paz Mayorga, 33

· Aaron W Meier, 36

· Benjamin Sales-Morales, 45

· Jose Vivanco-Sanchez, 41

· Kurt A Schmutz, 56

· Matthew M Smith, 47

· Juan D Gonzalez Montero, 45

· Ahmet Cokurlu, 26

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faa00c No.73416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19215982 (210721ZJUL23) Notable: Endchan is down. Error code 522

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Error code 522 most likely DDoS Attack

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faa00c No.73417

File: 3c1daff6dbad0e8⋯.jpg (77.79 KB,396x385,36:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216000 (210731ZJUL23) Notable: WATER

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Pretty irreverent post here, not intended to be taken super cereal, but I just find it interesting.

So, water is actually a bit of an interesting liquid. Notably, it has a significantly higher surface tension than it ought to by the common physics of liquids as we understand them. At the molecular level this is caused by a very large number of 'ordered layers' of water molecules at the surface. Now, because of this the ordered layers tend to expel ions, which accumulate just beneath it. This means there are two distinct regions with different charges right next to each other at the surface of water. To add to this, from what I understand the process of ordering these layers is affected by temperature and UV light, which change regularly and consistently with the sun cycle.

Anon would love to actually dive into researching such things legitimately, but thought they would share what they know, because anon thinks it's neat.

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faa00c No.73418

File: 382daa225f19332⋯.png (49.92 KB,898x288,449:144,Clipboard.png)

File: f8409ea18b4b409⋯.png (381.74 KB,526x500,263:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216001 (210731ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Vivek Ramaswamy is now beating DeSanctimonious. Christie dead as his stomach band. “Aida” Hutchinson a solid minus 1%. I’m up 44 points!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Vivek Ramaswamy is now beating DeSanctimonious. Christie dead as his stomach band. “Aida” Hutchinson a solid minus 1%. I’m up 44 points!!! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Jul 20, 2023, 11:24 PM


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faa00c No.73419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216013 (210734ZJUL23) Notable: WATER

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Ever study the Japanese man

who put water under an electron

microscope and played heavy metal.

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faa00c No.73420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216018 (210737ZJUL23) Notable: WATER

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Masaru Emoto? https://sites.psu.edu/siowfa15/2015/09/18/how-sounds-affect-water/

Can't say I had heard of him, but thank you for the interesting reading.

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faa00c No.73421

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216028 (210743ZJUL23) Notable: WATER

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Emoto is most well-known for experiments he did with water in jars with verbal "intentions" taped to them.

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faa00c No.73422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216052 (210754ZJUL23) Notable: . Alleged leak of classified documents from Taiwan on 8kun - DIG CALL

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TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan is investigating a potential leak of official documents including diplomatic cables and classified reports on the island's sensitive bid to join a global trade pact, according to two officials familiar with the probe.

One official said initial findings show parts of the documents, posted on online message board 8kun and reviewed by Reuters, are real while bits were forged, without giving details.




A second official said parts of the documents appeared to be "authentic" and they could not immediately determine the origin of the documents shared on the internet.

The officials asked not to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter.

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faa00c No.73423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216096 (210829ZJUL23) Notable: WATER

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faa00c No.73424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216098 (210834ZJUL23) Notable: WATER

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You're good. It was actually one of his lectures I learned about most of this from, and I've been wanting to find his work again.

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faa00c No.73425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216099 (210834ZJUL23) Notable: . Alleged leak of classified documents from Taiwan on 8kun - DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


notable afBS

Here is the original article:

Exclusive: Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

TAIPEI, July 21 (Reuters) - Taiwan is investigating a possible leak of official documents including diplomatic cables and classified reports on the island's sensitive bid to join a global trade pact, according to two officials familiar with the probe.

One official said initial findings showed some parts of the documents,posted on online message board 8kunand reviewed by Reuters, are real while bits were forged, without giving details.

A second official said parts of the documents appeared to be "authentic" and they could not immediately determine the origin of the documents shared on the internet.

The officials asked not to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter.

Taiwan's National Security Bureau (NSB) confirmed the investigation into "suspected government documents" recently posted online. ...


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faa00c No.73426

File: c129fcedbb9e239⋯.png (5.86 MB,2880x8748,80:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216108 (210846ZJUL23) Notable: . Alleged leak of classified documents from Taiwan on 8kun - DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>73425 me



“The documents posted online include what purports to be a classified "security assessment" in October by Taiwan's top intelligence agency, the National Security Bureau, on the island's CPTPP bid.

They include alleged diplomatic cables from Taiwan's de facto embassies in Japan and Vietnam about the CPTPP applications by China and Taiwan, and another classified report this year by Taiwan's de facto embassy in Washington on its trade negotiations with the United States.

Reuters has seen the documents but could not independently verify their authenticity."


where was/is it posted?

did Reuters post it, maybe (kek)?

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faa00c No.73427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216117 (210857ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

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faa00c No.73428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216147 (210921ZJUL23) Notable: REUTERS said it was posted on 8kun: Exclusive-Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Owned by Canadian family Thompson since 2008. Known for forging Syrian photos and a pre-war association with TASS, also pushing objective language. Have been funded by CIA, UK govt at certain times.

From wiki:

Woodbridge is the principal and controlling shareholder (67.8%) of Thomson Reuters, a multinational media conglomerate. Thomson Reuters was formed in 2008, when the Thomson Corporation acquired Reuters.

In late 2010, Woodbridge sold its 40% interest in CTVglobemedia, a Canadian media company with ownership of the CTV Television Network, to BCE Inc. Woodbridge held the 85% interest in The Globe and Mail newspaper before acquiring the remaining 15% owned by BCE in August 2015.

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faa00c No.73429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216160 (210932ZJUL23) Notable: . Alleged leak of classified documents from Taiwan on 8kun - DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>Alleged leak of classified documents from Taiwan on 8kun

SEARCHED on "Taiwan" in qresear.ch back to July 1 2023. Nothing meeting this description was found; every article on Taiwan had a source cited.

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faa00c No.73430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216163 (210933ZJUL23) Notable: After Long Silence On 'Long Vax', Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders To COVID Shots

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After Long Silence On 'Long Vax', Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders To COVID Shots

Mainstream publications and regulatory agencies have buckled to public pressure to admit the COVID-19 vaccine can cause injuries such as myocarditis and pericarditis—but until recently, they’ve published little or nothing about the substantial number of people suffering from autoimmune disease after vaccination.

The Long Vax symptoms might be caused by an immune overreaction to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. (Ralwell/Shutterstock)

However, on July 3, the journal Science published an article confirming that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to autoimmune disorders, such as small fiber neuropathy and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

“We’ve been screaming from the top of our lungs about these things happening,” Agnieszka Wilson, founder of #CanWeTalkAboutIt told The Defender. “And finally, slowly, it’s being acknowledged.”

The #CanWeTalkAboutIt campaign is a global effort to break the silence around injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Suzanna Newell, former board member of the vaccine-injured patient advocacy group React19, told The Defender:

“I am extremely grateful that doctors and medical institutions are now willing to talk about adverse reactions. [They] should have been listening to the injured. We even have many injured medical professionals among the injured who have had trouble being heard.”

Science reported that in addition to abnormal blood clotting and heart inflammation, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give rise to “another apparent complication”:

“[This] debilitating suite of symptoms that resembles Long Covid, has been more elusive, its link to vaccination unclear and its diagnostic features ill-defined.

“But in recent months, what some call Long Vax has gained wider acceptance among doctors and scientists, and some are now working to better understand and treat its symptoms.”

According to Science, Long Vax cases “seem very rare.” They include a wide range of symptoms such as persistent headaches, severe fatigue, and abnormal heart rate and blood pressure.

The symptoms can begin to appear within hours or weeks after vaccination and are difficult to study, the authors of the article said.

Science reported that increasing numbers of researchers are making diagnoses that include small fiber sensory neuropathy, which causes tingling or electric shock-like sensations, burning pain and blood circulation problems, and POTS [postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome]—a condition that affects blood flow and can result in symptoms such as lightheadedness, fainting, and increased heartbeat—that appear when standing up from a reclined position.

Post-vaccination symptoms could have features of one or both conditions. People with long COVID can suffer similar symptoms, according to the article.


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faa00c No.73431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216169 (210934ZJUL23) Notable: After Long Silence On 'Long Vax', Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders To COVID Shots

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Small sensory fiber neuropathy and POTS also are associated with other vaccines such as Gardasil, Merck’s human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

Commenting on the article, Substacker Igor Chudov wrote that the authors acknowledge the suffering, but also minimize it, falsely asserting that it is rare. “It goes on and on about how ‘rare’ vaccine injuries are.”

Brianne Dressen, founder of React19, said that despite the fact the article qualifies some of its key claims, she sees it as an important step toward getting these conditions more widely recognized.

Dressen told The Defender:

“Science Magazine is speaking to an audience that the rest of us who have been pigeonholed into this corner can’t speak to because they don’t even know we exist. We’ve all been censored to no end. So how are we going to reach those people?

“They’ve been hammered over and over again in outlets like Science Magazine—which is kind of ironic—with the idea that the vaccines are wonderful and there’s no possible way that anything bad can happen …

“So if we ever get an opportunity to put a little bit of content out there in their lane for them to question even just a little bit what’s going on around them, then we’ll be able to pull them back over to, you know, to the truth.”

Vaccine-Related Autoimmune Disorders Are Underreported

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were attempting to study and treat patients with Long Vax symptoms in 2021. They published a preprint report on their work, but the study was abruptly halted without explanation and the NIH has stonewalled attempts to discover details about what the agency knew early on.

Science also cited previous and forthcoming research by Sujana Reddy identifying post-vaccine POTS, and a study published in Nature Cardiovascular Research by researchers from Cedars Sinai Medical Center last year that linked COVID-19 and the vaccine to POTS.

Other peer-reviewed research reported similar links and has revealed a wide range of immune system and neurological effects from the COVID-19 vaccine.




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faa00c No.73432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216175 (210936ZJUL23) Notable: After Long Silence On 'Long Vax', Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders To COVID Shots

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I tried explaining this to people but they got angry. The shot instructs the body to make the very spike protein that makes them sick. It doesn't stop just because they treated the symptoms once. It's going to keep coming back because the body is not instructed, through mRNA, to make it forever and ever. Or until they die.

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faa00c No.73433

File: 51835d15294ee99⋯.png (3.18 MB,1700x1122,50:33,Clipboard.png)

File: c0a10ed0ec3a9be⋯.png (3.44 MB,1700x1216,425:304,Clipboard.png)

File: 51b2c13691e56f4⋯.png (127.79 KB,736x1106,368:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216184 (210939ZJUL23) Notable: Morning anons…solar event habben'…Schumman event habben'…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Morning anons...

solar event habben'...

Schumman event habben'...



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faa00c No.73434

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216190 (210943ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley Obtains & Releases FBI Record Alleging VP Biden Foreign Bribery Scheme

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This document substantially corroborates everything- and I mean EVERYTHING- we have long suspected and alleged about Joe Biden and his corrupt, illegal activities regarding influence peddling and bribery. It is enough to not only justify impeachment but put him in prison, exactly where he belongs. In addition, the document corroborates allegations the FBI deliberately and with malicious intent suppressed this data in an effort to protect Joe Biden and the Crime Family from criminal exposure.

Enough is enough. The evidence is overwhelming. It is time to stop talking, stop dangling the carrot of investigations, stop all the dilatory excuses and move to remove this embarrassment of a President. America is sick of this officious miscreant masquerading as a legitimate leader. It is time for Joe to GO!

Contact your Congressional Representative today! Demand that impeachment hearings be initiated.


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faa00c No.73435

File: 4628427ea2a2c82⋯.png (996.36 KB,1256x408,157:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216193 (210944ZJUL23) Notable: Morning anons…solar event habben'…Schumman event habben'…

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current from http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

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faa00c No.73436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216205 (210952ZJUL23) Notable: Morning anons…solar event habben'…Schumman event habben'…

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The moon video last night talked about proton flow from space and how the moon influences how it hits earth.

Interesting video.

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faa00c No.73437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216209 (210954ZJUL23) Notable: REUTERS said it was posted on 8kun: Exclusive-Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It may be BS, but Reuters dreamed it up from somewhere. That initial search was a start but could go back further or use different search terms.

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faa00c No.73438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216211 (210955ZJUL23) Notable: Morning anons…solar event habben'…Schumman event habben'…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Second CME today, on the tail of yesterday's weak one.

May get to upper 4 or 5 on Kp index.

Don't argue with your old lady.

A SECOND CME IS APPROACHING: Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are likely on July 21st (1600 UT) when a CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. This would be the second day in a row a CME has struck. Yesterday's impact was weak and did not spark a geomagnetic storm, but it might have softened up our magnetosphere for a more effective strike today.

Moar here:


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faa00c No.73439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216214 (210956ZJUL23) Notable: WATER

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it was 23 years ago....

fuck not remembering pisses me off

watch these

😨 WATER: Deepest Secrets of 🤩


🏵 Deeper SECRETS OF WATER 🏵 Metaphysics of WATER


🧐 The Many Secrets of WATER 🥰 What WE WERE NEVER TAUGHT




🧲😨 Worlds Most Powerful Structured Water Device 💦🤗




🔥😨 Secret of WATER MEMORY 💦



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faa00c No.73440

File: 51408ee11ae3992⋯.mp4 (4.33 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216233 (211004ZJUL23) Notable: DJT starts focused on storage room tag (Cap 0:36)

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starts focused on storage room tag

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faa00c No.73441

File: 457f1305f51bb19⋯.mp4 (86.98 KB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216237 (211006ZJUL23) Notable: REUTERS said it was posted on 8kun: Exclusive-Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

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Creative writing? Magic 8-ball? AI?

No one was quoted. They just said that someone else said.

Anon poked around in QResear.ch and found nothing.

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faa00c No.73442

File: 289b250e127bb1b⋯.png (31.47 KB,276x397,276:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216247 (211009ZJUL23) Notable: DJT starts focused on storage room tag (Cap 0:36)

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>storage room

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faa00c No.73443

File: 3d08120f671d18d⋯.mp4 (907.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216250 (211010ZJUL23) Notable: DJT starts focused on storage room tag (Cap 0:36)

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faa00c No.73444

File: 17a8b0744e1d76c⋯.jpeg (54.21 KB,499x499,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216251 (211010ZJUL23) Notable: REUTERS said it was posted on 8kun: Exclusive-Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>because REUTERS said it was posted on8kun!

Anom members when they refused to acknowledge our existence and everything got blamed on 4chan.

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faa00c No.73445

File: b8f4cac2087878c⋯.png (649.62 KB,722x1376,361:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216261 (211016ZJUL23) Notable: DJT starts focused on storage room tag (Cap 0:36)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73446

File: 41c383dd708cf49⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,1575x894,525:298,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216287 (211035ZJUL23) Notable: REUTERS said it was posted on 8kun: Exclusive-Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Yesterday, I was digging for information on Taiwan.

But it is information that has already been declassified.

I was a little surprised.

Q Research Japan #15


‘’’Emperor Hirohito's name is on the list of war criminals declassified in 2017 at Taiwan's National History Museum.’’’


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faa00c No.73447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216305 (211042ZJUL23) Notable: #23600

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>>73397 Wikileaks: Chlorine Dioxide - Cancer-Toxins-Pathogens Cleanse Safely Removing Pathogens And Contaminates Like Anthrax 2007-12-03

>>73398 @Repswalwell And @Betoorourke Campaigned For Stacie Laughton- The Nation’S First Transgender Elected State Rep Who Was Arrested For Child Porn And Child Exploitation

>>73399 Operation Warp Speed Greatly Decreased Lockdown Times, Saving Innumerable Lives, Anon Orates

>>73400 Wikileaks: Oto Melara Compact Gun Nato Benassi'S Are Shit People

>>73401, >>73410, >>73402, >>73404, >>73405, >>73403, >>73427 Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

>>73406 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 ReTruthed @theunitedspot

>>73407, >>73408, >>73409 DEAD CAT BOUNCE? DWAC stock spike

>>73411 Federal judge blocks Arizona’s transgender sports ban

>>73412, >>73413, >>73416, >>73414 Endchan is down. Error code 522

>>73415 12 named and arrested in human trafficking bust on 82nd Ave in Portland

>>73418 Donald J. Trump: Vivek Ramaswamy is now beating DeSanctimonious. Christie dead as his stomach band. “Aida” Hutchinson a solid minus 1%. I’m up 44 points!!!

>>73417, >>73419, >>73420, >>73421, >>73423, >>73424, >>73439 WATER

>>73430, >>73431, >>73432 After Long Silence On 'Long Vax', Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders To COVID Shots

>>73422, >>73429, >>73425, >>73426, >>73428, >>73437, >>73441, >>73444, >>73446 REUTERS said it was posted on 8kun: Exclusive-Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

>>73425, >>73422, >>73426. >>73429 Alleged leak of classified documents from Taiwan on 8kun - DIG CALL

>>73433, >>73435, >>73436, >>73438 Morning anons…solar event habben'…Schumman event habben'…

>>73434 Grassley Obtains & Releases FBI Record Alleging VP Biden Foreign Bribery Scheme

>>73440, >>73442, >>73443, >>73445 DJT starts focused on storage room tag (Cap 0:36)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73448

File: 5bc0295b6fd61bc⋯.png (1.57 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: b1b45b6beaf93df⋯.png (185.44 KB,500x887,500:887,Clipboard.png)

File: ce40ea1e1ef1abe⋯.png (6.87 MB,2430x1620,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 38f056075b40a89⋯.png (15.7 KB,255x253,255:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ea04872cf167a7⋯.png (863.11 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216311 (211047ZJUL23) Notable: #23601

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Q Research General #23601: Reuters Finger Points 8kun, While China Internationally Fists Taiwan Edition

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faa00c No.73449

File: 2c153cab51e0e76⋯.png (720.24 KB,787x730,787:730,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216340 (211109ZJUL23) Notable: The White House and big tech companies have reached an agreement on expanding AI safeguard

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The White House and big tech companies have reached an agreement on expanding AI safeguards, including the implementation of a watermarking system to identify AI-generated content.




Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from correctly answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds


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faa00c No.73450

File: bf7fa24f7c5fab7⋯.png (349.41 KB,720x685,144:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216464 (211206ZJUL23) Notable: Arkansas lawmaker among those buying out screenings of ‘Sound of Freedom’

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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Movie-goers can hear a lot of sounds at the theater, but it is a film title “Sound of Freedom” that has been making noise in cinemas across Arkansas.

The film’s subject matter has driven many people to buy out screens and theaters offering free tickets for people to come watch, and the movie’s popularity has only grown since its July 4th release.

One of those showings will be at Riverdale 10 VIP Cinema in Little Rock Friday evening. Employee Bobby Marshal said the movie, which filmmakers say is based on a true story of saving trafficked children, has been tough for some audiences to watch, though others are spreading the word for everyone to see it.

“I’ve actually seen people break down and cry, Marshall said. “That was very different for me because I’ve never known you could be touched by a movie by that.”

The Christian-themed film has succeeded in making a profit on its low budget, even while many blockbuster movies are struggling to break even.

“We’ve had a lot of people coming. It’s been almost as big as Indiana Jones,” Marshall noted.

The “Sound of Freedom” is not without controversy. Critics point to comments on made by Jim Caviezel, the film’s lead, as well as Tim Ballard, the real-life former Homeland Security agent Caviezel portrays. Both men have repeatedly shared conspiracy theories focused on QAnon and allegations of ties between prominent political figures and trafficking.

Among those trying to screen the film in Arkansas is State Senator, Missy Irvin (R – Ark. 24), who rented out a whole theater in Mountain View Tuesday. One screen quickly turned into two when 70 seats for a showing were claimed in less than a day.

“When I saw the ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie, it was kind of a culmination of everything I’ve worked on and been passionate about my entire legislative career,” Irvin said.

Since 2013, Irvin has passed anti-human trafficking laws. Her journey started when she met a victim in her district, heard her story, and saved another teen. Since that time she has worked to increase the penalty for trafficking involving minors and expand funding used to support victims.

Arkansas AG Griffin files notice to appeal decision striking SAFE Act youth transgender care ban

Speaking to an audience at a screening of the film earlier this week, Irvin said new laws heading to the governor’s office should fight back against what she called a “dramatic increase in human trafficking in Arkansas.” She also said the exposure of the movie is one more way to increase awareness and make a difference.

“The takeaway from these folks that saw it was, ‘Thank you for raising my awareness,’” Irvin said. “’That was hard to watch, but now I am motivated to do anything I can to stop human trafficking in Arkansas.’”


Woo Pig Sooie...Razorbacks push "Sound of Freedom"

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faa00c No.73451

File: 0036bc8f0bdd830⋯.png (253.94 KB,406x589,406:589,Clipboard.png)

File: b3d3e5d1397e495⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB,486x270,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216533 (211237ZJUL23) Notable: @StaceyPlaskett same woman who tried to silence RFK today, asserts that Russia interfered in the US elections, and still claims the 'vaccines' are safe...

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Dr. Simon Goddek


This is the same woman who tried to silence RFK today, asserts that Russia interfered in the US elections, and still claims the 'vaccines' are safe and effective. It's consequently no surprise that


met with Epstein several times.

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faa00c No.73452

File: 5278a0cf47e6e13⋯.jpeg (383.29 KB,892x2811,892:2811,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216539 (211239ZJUL23) Notable: @StaceyPlaskett same woman who tried to silence RFK today, asserts that Russia interfered in the US elections, and still claims the 'vaccines' are safe...

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How Jeffrey Epstein Helped a Rising Democratic Star Pull Off a Political Upset

Democratic congresswoman Stacey Plaskett of the Virgin Islands won her election in 2014 in one of the "biggest upsets" in the political history of her district. But Plaskett, now hailed as a rising star in the Democratic Party, may owe her surprise win in no small part to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, newly released emails show.

Plaskett met Epstein numerous times after her entry into politics in 2014, visting Epstein's office in the Virgin Islands and his New York City townhouse, she said in a deposition last month. The meetings occurred years after Epstein's conviction on child sex crimes was publicly known, but Plaskett nonetheless met the registered sex offender to solicit campaign donations for herself and Democratic committees. Though she has denied knowing Epstein contributed to her campaign, emails revealed in court documents show her directing a fundraising consultant to ensure Epstein is invited to her fundraiser. "I would be grateful for his support," Plaskett wrote in the July 2018 email.

Details of the relationship are revealed in court documents released as part of a lawsuit the government of the Virgin Islands filed against JPMorgan, where Epstein banked for years. Emails released in the case show that Epstein jumped at a request in 2014 to help Plaskett in her underdog campaign.

The revelations place a dark cloud over Plaskett's surprising ascent in the Democratic Party ranks. Though Plaskett does not hold voting power, she has landed cushy assignments in Washington: a managerial spot on the second Donald Trump impeachment, a seat on the House Intelligence Committee, and the top Democratic position on the high-profile Weaponization of Government Subcommittee.

Liberals have cheered Plaskett's bare-knuckle tactics during Weaponization Subcommittee hearings, though she has come under fire for threatening jail time for journalist Matt Taibbi, whom Plaskett falsely accused of perjury during a hearing on censorship in April.

Epstein first helped Plaskett's campaign at the request of former Virgin Islands first lady Cecile de Jongh, according to emails.

"Your help is needed. We are trying to get Stacey Plaskett elected to Congress," de Jongh wrote in a June 19, 2014, email to Epstein, who owned a compound in the Virgin Islands dubbed "Pedophile Island."

De Jongh, who also worked as Epstein's office manager, noted that Plaskett's strongest primary challenger, then-Virgin Islands legislator Shawn-Michael Malone, had criticized Epstein's sexual exploits at a Senate hearing a week earlier.

"He is nasty and needs to be defeated," de Jongh wrote of Malone, adding that "we would have a friend in Stacey."

She asked Epstein to donate to help Plaskett reach a goal of $75,000 to win the election. Epstein told de Jongh that several of his employees would contribute to Plaskett. And they did to the tune of $10,400, according to campaign finance records. Plaskett went on to prevail over Malone in what newspapers called "one of the biggest upsets" the territory had seen.


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faa00c No.73453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216540 (211239ZJUL23) Notable: @StaceyPlaskett same woman who tried to silence RFK today, asserts that Russia interfered in the US elections, and still claims the 'vaccines' are safe...

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Plaskett defeated Malone by just 737 votes in a low-turnout primary, indicating the boost from Epstein could have made a significant difference in the race.

Plaskett maintained ties to Epstein long after her victory, even as public scrutiny mounted over the disgraced financier's sex crimes. Epstein continued to support Plaskett's campaigns through late 2018, months before he was arrested on federal child sex trafficking charges.

In a deposition conducted on May 9, Plaskett said she spoke to Epstein numerous times on the phone and visited him at his Manhattan townhouse in September 2018 to discuss political donations. Specifically, Plaskett asked Epstein to contribute $30,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Plaskett acknowledged in her deposition that she was aware of Epstein's reputation and that she "could have" known by the time they met in New York that Epstein took young women to his Virgin Islands getaway.

Plaskett recently addressed her courtship with Epstein, but denied knowing that he had contributed directly to her campaign.

She told a Virgin Islands radio station this month that "Epstein was a reprehensible person" and that she was "truly disgusted by his actions."

"I regret accepting that campaign contribution, but at the time I was unaware that my campaign had received it," she insisted.

But campaign records and the new batch of emails call that claim into question. Epstein contributed to Plaskett's campaigns in 2016 and 2018. And in July 2018, she asked a consultant to invite Epstein to a fundraiser she planned in New York.

"If you would share this invitation with Jeffrey I'd be much appreciative. I would be grateful for his support and the support of those that he may direct to assist me," Plaskett wrote in a July 12, 2018, email to Epstein associate Lesley Groff.

Epstein instructed Groff to "get maximum [amount]." He and two of his employees, Darren Indyke and Richard Kahn, contributed maximum donations of $2,700 to Plaskett's campaign on July 23, 2018, campaign records show.

Epstein was dead months after his last known encounter with Plaskett. He committed suicide in a jail cell as he awaited trial.

Plaskett's office did not respond to a request for comment.

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faa00c No.73454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216582 (211251ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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end bunker is temp. down so posting daily swamp here instead

Text file is here:


The Swamp Today

Timelines Change.

Friday, July 21, 2023

The House Stands Adjourned Until July 24, 2023 at 11:00 AM EDT

The Senate Stands Adjourned Until July 21, 2023 at 6:30 AM EDT (Pro Forma - Back July 25, 2003)

Secretary Antony J. Blinken is on travel to Colorado from July 20-21, 2023.

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman has no public appointments.

Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria J. Nuland is on travel to Brazil from July 19-21, 2023.

Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie D. Jenkins is on travel to Colorado and the United Kingdom from July 20-27, 2023.

Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Elizabeth Allen is on travel to California and Colorado from July 19-24, 2023.

Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration Julieta Valls Noyes is on travel to Kenya from July 17-21, 2023.

. . .

Daily Weather Map

National Centers for Environvmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center


National Forecast Charts

National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center


Bob Gorrell - Secret Service


Gary Varvel - Breaking Biden, a DC Swamp production


grrrgraphics - Don’t Be Blinded by $Science


Mark Parisi @OffTheMarkComic - Slees


Mark Parisi @OffTheMarkComic - Middle Child


Michael Ramirez - Look Out Below! 07-20-23


RealityBites by Broc Smith - You Can Come Out Now


RealityBites by Broc Smith - Brave New World


Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Daily Cartoon


Steve Breen @sdutBreen - #Barbie #ClimateCrisis


Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - Team Meat


Jumble Daily


Congressional Record (Most Recent Issue)


60-Second Civics Podcast


Today in History - July 21


Amateur radio operators are needed for a real-world science experiment during upcoming solar eclipse events.

Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI)


NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration



July 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023

Mises Club Carolinas

Mises Institute


July 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023

Lady Bird to Women's Lib: Women of the 1960s

LBJ Presidential Library


1 and txt file link

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faa00c No.73455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216585 (211251ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 21, 2023 - July 24, 2023

Aspen Strategy Group Summer Workshop 2023

The Aspen Institute


July 21, 2023 - July 24, 2023

Economic Mobility Fellowship Seminar 2

The Aspen Institute


July 21, 2023

The Complex Self

Santa Fe Institute


July 21, 2023

Workshop for Diplomats on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations


July 21, 2023

3:00 AM EDT

15th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition

United Nations


July 21, 2023

3:00 AM EDT

Flexible Job Options for Military Spouses and Caregivers

Department of Labor


July 21, 2023

3:30 AM EDT

[25th Meeting] UNCITRAL 56th Commission Session

United Nations


July 21, 2023

4:00 AM EDT

3,642th Meeting, 74th Session of the International Law Commission

United Nations


July 21, 2023

4:20 AM EDT

Special Operations Command Africa Conducts Change of Command Ceremony

Special Operations Command Africa conducts a change of command ceremony July 21, 2023, at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. Navy Rear Adm. Milton J. Sands III passed responsibility of the unit and organization to Navy Rear Adm. Ronald A. Foy.


July 21, 2023

4:30 AM EDT

ITU Coordination Committee for Terminology (ITU CCT) E-Meeting

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) of the United Nations



July 21, 2023

6:00 AM EDT

HRC - Press Conference: Special Rapporteur on Countering Terrorism

United Nations


July 21, 2023

6:00 AM EDT

Mastering Resume Essentials for Military Spouses and Caregivers

Department of Labor


July 21, 2023

6:30 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Pro Forma Session

The Senate is holding a brief session. No votes will take place until Tuesday, July 25.


July 21, 2023

7:00 AM EDT

Washington Journal: Open Phones

Viewers responded to the question “What is your top news story of the week?”


July 21, 2023

8:00 AM EDT

Douglas Holtz-Eakin Discusses President Biden's Economic Record

American Action Forum President and former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the U.S. economy and Biden administration economic policies.


July 21, 2023

8:00 AM EDT

[26th Meeting] UNCITRAL 56th Commission Session

United Nations


July 21, 2023

8:00 AM EDT

Mouse Workshop: Safe Handling and Techniques

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


July 21, 2023

8:30 AM EDT

Military Entrepreneurship Forum - Washington, D.C.

Veterans Administration


July 21, 2023

8:45 AM EDT

Noah Bookbinder Discusses Fmr. President Trump Facing Potential Jan 6 Indictment

Noah Bookbinder, President of Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington (CREW), discusses former President Trump facing potential criminal charges over his effort to overturn the 2020 election.



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faa00c No.73456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216590 (211252ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 21, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

2,030th Meeting, 77th Session, Committee Against Torture (CAT) Consideration of Spain (cont'd)

United Nations


July 21, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

10th Meeting, 16th Session Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP)

United Nation


July 21, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

First Look with The Post's Jonathan Capehart

Washington Post Live



July 21, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Transition to End of Life Care: Benefits and Services for Veterans and Families - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Veterans Administration


July 21, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day

National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture


July 21, 2023

9:30 AM EDT

Open Phones

Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.


July 21, 2023

9:45 AM EDT

Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation

Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois


July 21, 2023

9:50 AM EDT

Promotion Ceremony in Honor of COL Richard Brown

Department of Defense


July 21, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

World Law Congress 2023

United Nations


July 21, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Interactive Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on the Review of the Implementation of Commitments Made Towards Africa's Development - General Assembly, 77th Session

United Nations


July 21, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Acquisition for Decision Advantage: The Role of the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) in Scaling Software Solutions

Center for Strategic & International Studies




July 21, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Press Briefing: Previewing 2023 Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN)

Center for Strategic & International Studies


July 21, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

The President Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

Official Schedule


July 21, 2023

10:30 AM EDT

State & Defense Dept. Officials Discuss U.S. Indo-Pacific Alliances

Officials from the State and Defense Departments discuss the importance of U.S. alliances in the Indo-Pacific region during an event hosted by the Brookings Institution.


July 21, 2023

10:30 AM EDT

A Conversation With Assistant Secretaries Daniel Kritenbrink and Ely Ratner on US Alliances and Partnerships in the Indo-Pacific

Brookings Institution



July 21, 2023

10:30 AM EDT

Safety and Lasting Immunity of Mouse CMV Vaccine Vectors in Non Murine Hosts

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


July 21, 2023

10:50 AM EDT

2023 Aspen Security Forum Day 4 Fullstream

Aspen Security Forum




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faa00c No.73457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216593 (211252ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 21, 2023

10:50 AM EDT

Opening Remarks Day 4: Aspen Security Forum 2023

Aspen Security Forum



July 21, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

POSTPONED Carnegie Connects: The Biden Administration and the Middle East

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


July 21, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

Secretary Blinken participates in an Aspen Security Forum fireside chat moderated by NBC News Chief Washington Correspondent and Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell

Aspen, Colorado





Fireside Chat with Antony J. Blinken: Aspen Security Forum 2023

Aspen Security Forum





Secretary of State Participates in Aspen Security Forum

Secretary of State Antony Blinken talks about foreign policy challenges during a discussion at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.


July 21, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

Soldiers' Angels Military and Veteran Food Distribution - Orlando, Florida

Veterans Administration


July 21, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

DMR Open Hour

National Science Foundation


July 21, 2023

11:45 AM EDT

A View From the Hill: Aspen Security Forum 2023

Aspen Security Forum




11:30 AM EDT

Senators Discuss National Security & Congressional Oversight

Sens. Chris Coons (D-Delaware), John Cornyn (R-Texas), and James Risch (R-Idaho) discuss national security efforts on Capitol Hill at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.


July 21, 2023

12:00 PM EDT

Attorneys Analyze Supreme Court's Rulings & Impact on Society

A group of appellate attorneys assess the Supreme Court’s 2022 term rulings and their significance on society during a discussion hosted by the George Mason Law School.


July 21, 2023

12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly

United Nations


July 21, 2023

12:00 PM EDT

Summer Vegan Dishes With Kendra Hazel: Local Chef Series (Online Cooking Demo)

United States Botanic Garden (USBG)



July 21, 2023

12:00 PM EDT

Field Hearing, Goodyear, Arizona: Securing Supply Chains: Access to Critical Minerals in the American Southwest | Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

House Natural Resources Committee






House Natural Resources Subcommittee Field Hearing on Critical Minerals Access

The House Natural Resources General Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee holds a field hearing in Goodyear, Arizona, on critical minerals access.


July 21, 2023

12:35 PM EDT

Fireside Chat with Chrystia Freeland: Aspen Security Forum 2023

Aspen Security Forum




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faa00c No.73458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216597 (211253ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 21, 2023

12:45 PM EDT

Hotel Company Graduation at MCRD San Diego

Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, California


July 21, 2023

1:00 PM EDT

Secure Mission Video Systems for All-Domain Operations on Cloud-Based Command and Control

The Association of the United States Army (AUSA)


July 21, 2023

1:30 PM EDT

On Thin Ice? Navigating the New North: Aspen Security Forum 2023

Aspen Security Forum




July 21, 2023

1:30 PM EDT

The President Delivers Remarks on Artificial Intelligence

The White House





President Biden Remarks on Artificial Intelligence

President Biden gives remarks at the White House on artificial intelligence.


July 21, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

New Technologies and Old Treaties: Are International Limits on Weapons Still Possible?: Aspen Security Forum 2023

Aspen Security Forum



July 21, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

Vineed Dayal and Greg Ota Participating in: Helmets – NOCSAE Standards Committee Meeting

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission


July 21, 2023

2:30 PM EDT

Fireside Chat with Jake Sullivan: Aspen Security Forum 2023

Aspen Security Forum




July 21, 2023

2:30 PM EDT

“Goodnight Moon” Artist Talk

Santa Fe Institute


July 21, 2023

3:00 PM EDT

Acting Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Yuri Kim meets with the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the United States

Department of State


July 21, 2023

3:15 PM EDT

Concluding Remarks: Aspen Security Forum 2023

Aspen Security Forum



July 21, 2023

3:30 PM EDT

Secretary Blinken participates in an Aspen Strategy Group conversation

Aspen, Colorado


July 21, 2023

3:45 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on the Florida State Board of Education Curriculum Updates

Jacksonville, Florida




July 21, 2023

4:50 PM EDT

Retirement Ceremony for Lieutenant General David J. Furness

Lieutenant General David J. Furness, the Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policy and Operations, Headquarters, United States Marine Corps, will retire after 36 years of active service.


July 21, 2023

6:00 PM EDT

U.S. Coast Guard Traditional Jazz Band - Summer Concerts on the Green, Stonington, Connecticut

U.S. Coast Guard Band



July 21, 2023

7:00 PM EDT

Friday Evening Parade

Marine Barracks, 8th & I, Washington, D.C.




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faa00c No.73459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216599 (211254ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 21, 2023

7:30 PM EDT

The U.S. Army Concert Band - American Stories, Alexandria, Virginia

U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"



July 21, 2023

7:45 PM EDT

USS Canberra Commissioning

Department of Defense




July 21, 2023

8:00 PM EDT

After Words: Wesley Lowery

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Wesley Lowery argues that moments of progress in race matters in the U.S. are often met with acts of violence. He is interviewed by Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Dean Jelani Cobb.


July 21, 2023

8:00 PM EDT

The U.S. Army Band Downrange - West Side of U.S. Capitol

U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"



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July 22, 2023

7:00 AM EDT

Washington Journal: 07/22/2023


July 22, 2023

7:00 AM EDT

Tawas Bay Vets & Nets Fishing Tournament - Tawas, Michigan

Veterans Administration


July 22, 2023

8:00 AM EDT

Lectures in History: 1970s American Car Culture & Film. University of Dayton professors John Heitmann and Todd Uhlman taught a class about 1970s American car culture and films of the era. Using examples like "Easy Rider," "American Graffiti" and "Badlands," they argued these films reflected many Americans' disillusionment and glorified the open road as a way to take back control in the face of societal changes. They also talked about the impact of oil shortages, the rise of coast-to-coast races called "Cannonball Runs," and the popularity of trucker movies and music.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

8:00 AM EDT

Meeting on Documents Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

House Ways and Means Committee


July 22, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day

National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture


July 22, 2023

9:15 AM EDT

Reel America: "United Nations Aids Republic of Korea in Her Fight Against Aggression" - 1950. This U.S. Information Agency newsreel reports on the world crisis caused by North Korea's invasion of South Korea on June 25, 1950, and the response of the United Nations.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

9:30 AM EDT

The Presidency: Rebecca Boggs Roberts, "Untold Power". Was first lady Edith Wilson an acting president while Woodrow Wilson recovered from a stroke? Author Rebecca Boggs Roberts answered that question, while taking a new look at the life of the second Mrs. Wilson to live in the White House. American University's Women and Politics Institute co-hosted this virtual event.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

10:30 AM EDT

Reel America: End of the Korean War - 1959. This 1959 U.S. Army report described the end of the Korean War, including Brigadier General S.L.A. Marshall's assessment of the war and its effect on future army training. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films produced mostly by government agencies.

American History/BookTV



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216601 (211255ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 22, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

Lectures in History: 1970s American Car Culture & Film. University of Dayton professors John Heitmann and Todd Uhlman taught a class about 1970s American car culture and films of the era. Using examples like "Easy Rider," "American Graffiti" and "Badlands," they argued these films reflected many Americans' disillusionment and glorified the open road as a way to take back control in the face of societal changes. They also talked about the impact of oil shortages, the rise of coast-to-coast races called "Cannonball Runs," and the popularity of trucker movies and music.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

"Dinosaur Explorer" Movie Series: "The Land Before Time"

Clinton Presidential Center


July 22, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

PACT Act Summer VetFest - Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Veterans Administration



July 22, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

PACT Act Carnival & Fair - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Veterans Administration


July 22, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

PACT Act VetFest at Milwaukee’s Lakefront War Memorial Center - Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Veterans Administration


July 22, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

9th Annual Gathering of American Indian Veterans: Healing for One, Healing for All - Wheaton, Illinois

Veterans Administration


July 22, 2023

12:00 PM EDT

PACT Act Claims Clinic/Summer VetFest - Tucson, Arizona

Veterans Administration


July 22, 2023

12:15 PM EDT

Reel America: "United Nations Aids Republic of Korea in Her Fight Against Aggression" - 1950. This U.S. Information Agency newsreel reports on the world crisis caused by North Korea's invasion of South Korea on June 25, 1950, and the response of the United Nations.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

12:30 PM EDT

The Presidency: Rebecca Boggs Roberts, "Untold Power". Was first lady Edith Wilson an acting president while Woodrow Wilson recovered from a stroke? Author Rebecca Boggs Roberts answered that question, while taking a new look at the life of the second Mrs. Wilson to live in the White House. American University's Women and Politics Institute co-hosted this virtual event.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

1:30 PM EDT

Reel America: End of the Korean War - 1959. This 1959 U.S. Army report described the end of the Korean War, including Brigadier General S.L.A. Marshall's assessment of the war and its effect on future army training. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films produced mostly by government agencies.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

The Civil War: Soldiers' Views of the Battle of Antietam. Keith Snyder from the Antietam National Battlefield shared personal accounts of soldiers who fought in the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862. Through letters, photographs and diary entries, Mr. Snyder gave an inside look at the fears, anxieties and private thoughts of the men who fought on what is still the bloodiest single day in American history. The Mosby Heritage Area Association hosted this event.

American History/BookTV



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216604 (211256ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 22, 2023

2:55 PM EDT

Mark Lee Gardner, "The Earth is All That Lasts". Author Mark Gardner discussed his dual biography of the Lakota leaders Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. Tesoro Cultural Center in Morrison, Colorado, hosted this program.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

4:00 PM EDT

The Complex Self: Rachel Rose and Panelists in Conversation With David Krakauer, Marlene Nathan Meyerson Auditorium

Santa Fe Institute


July 22, 2023

4:05 PM EDT

Jon Hunner, "J. Robert Oppenheimer, The Cold War, and the Atomic West". In his book, "J. Robert Oppenheimer, The Cold War, and the Atomic West," author Jon Hunner told the story of Oppenheimer's role in the Manhattan Project, the creation of Nuclear Weapons, and the development of the Western United States.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

4:25 PM EDT

The Atomic Bomb. Robert Oppenheimer spoke about the development and use of the atomic bomb. He talked about atomic weapons as "evil things" and about the ethical application of science and scientific discovery. He also expressed his hope that the atomic bomb would never be used again, peaceful use of nuclear technologies, as well as nuclear deterrence. The physicist known as "the father of the atomic bomb" served as the first director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory beginning in 1943. The first atomic bomb test in New Mexico was on July 16, 1945 and on August 6, 1945 Little Boy was detonated above Hiroshima. After WWII he became chief adviser to the newly-created Atomic Energy Commission. The program was an audio recording with still images shown. The speech was delivered at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. It is presented courtesy of the American Philosophical Society Library.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

4:55 PM EDT

Robert Gross, "The Transcendentalists and Their World". University of Connecticut professor emeritus Robert Gross talked about 19th century Concord, Massachusetts, which was home to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Alcotts. This talk was part of the "Great Lives" lecture series hosted by the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virgin

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

5:27 PM EDT

ISI 2023 Conservative Book of the Year Award: Assumption University emeritus professor Daniel Mahoney discussed his book "The Statesman as Thinker," winner of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute's 2023 Conservative Book of the Year Award. This event was held in Wilmington, Delaware.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

6:00 PM EDT

Oral Histories Korean War Veteran Allen Clark. The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 and ended on July 27, 1953. In this oral history interview, veteran Allen Clark talked about his experience serving two tours in Korea with the U.S. Marine Corps. Jini Shim conducted the interview in Fallbrook, California for the Korean War Legacy Foundation.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

6:00 PM EDT

Great Communicator Debate Series National Championship

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216607 (211256ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 22, 2023

7:00 PM EDT

Garry Kasparov, 1948 Berlin Airlift. On the 75th anniversary of the 1948 Berlin Airlift, author, political activist and former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov discusses President Harry Truman’s leadership during that crisis.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

7:00 PM EDT

"Dinosaur Explorer" Movie Series: "Jurassic Park III"

Clinton Presidential Center


July 22, 2023

7:00 PM EDT

Max Impact - Salute the Sunset Military Concert Series at the National Harbor Waterfront, Maryland

U.S. Air Force Band



July 22, 2023

8:00 PM EDT

Lectures in History: 1970s American Car Culture & Film. University of Dayton professors John Heitmann and Todd Uhlman taught a class about 1970s American car culture and films of the era. Using examples like "Easy Rider," "American Graffiti" and "Badlands," they argued these films reflected many Americans' disillusionment and glorified the open road as a way to take back control in the face of societal changes. They also talked about the impact of oil shortages, the rise of coast-to-coast races called "Cannonball Runs," and the popularity of trucker movies and music.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

8:00 PM EDT

The U.S. Army Band Downrange - Listen Live at the Lincoln Memorial

U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"



July 22, 2023

8:04 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Chris Christie Campaigns in Columbia, South Carolina

2024 Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie meets with voters at a town hall in South Carolina’s capital, Columbia.


July 22, 2023

9:15 PM EDT

Reel America: "United Nations Aids Republic of Korea in Her Fight Against Aggression" - 1950. This U.S. Information Agency newsreel reports on the world crisis caused by North Korea's invasion of South Korea on June 25, 1950, and the response of the United Nations.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

9:30 PM EDT

The Presidency: Rebecca Boggs Roberts, "Untold Power". Was first lady Edith Wilson an acting president while Woodrow Wilson recovered from a stroke? Author Rebecca Boggs Roberts answered that question, while taking a new look at the life of the second Mrs. Wilson to live in the White House. American University's Women and Politics Institute co-hosted this virtual event.

American History/BookTV


July 22, 2023

10:30 PM EDT

Reel America: End of the Korean War - 1959. This 1959 U.S. Army report described the end of the Korean War, including Brigadier General S.L.A. Marshall's assessment of the war and its effect on future army training. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films produced mostly by government agencies.

American History/BookTV



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216610 (211257ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 22, 2023

11:00 PM EDT

Lectures in History: 1970s American Car Culture & Film. University of Dayton professors John Heitmann and Todd Uhlman taught a class about 1970s American car culture and films of the era. Using examples like "Easy Rider," "American Graffiti" and "Badlands," they argued these films reflected many Americans' disillusionment and glorified the open road as a way to take back control in the face of societal changes. They also talked about the impact of oil shortages, the rise of coast-to-coast races called "Cannonball Runs," and the popularity of trucker movies and music.

American History/BookTV


- - - - -


- - - - -

July 23, 2023 - July 26, 2023

World Congress 2023

National Contract Management Association


July 23, 2023 - July 26, 2023

U.S. Women in Nuclear Conference

The Nuclear Energy Institute


July 23, 2023 - July 26, 2023

WHO & the 12th IAS Conference on HIV Science

World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO)


July 23, 2023 - July 27, 2023

Sphere Summit: Incorporating Civic Culture Into Advanced Subjects

Cato Institute


July 23, 2023 - July 29, 2023

2023 NASED Summer Conference

The National Association of State Election Directors (NASED)


July 23, 2023 - July 29, 2023

Virtual Mises University 2023

Mises Institute


Jumble Sunday


July 23, 2023

National Parents' Day

Universal Peace Federation of the United Nations



July 23, 2023

12:15 AM EDT

Reel America: "United Nations Aids Republic of Korea in Her Fight Against Aggression" - 1950. This U.S. Information Agency newsreel reports on the world crisis caused by North Korea's invasion of South Korea on June 25, 1950, and the response of the United Nations.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

12:30 AM EDT

The Presidency: Rebecca Boggs Roberts, "Untold Power". Was first lady Edith Wilson an acting president while Woodrow Wilson recovered from a stroke? Author Rebecca Boggs Roberts answered that question, while taking a new look at the life of the second Mrs. Wilson to live in the White House. American University's Women and Politics Institute co-hosted this virtual event.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

1:30 AM EDT

Reel America: End of the Korean War - 1959. This 1959 U.S. Army report described the end of the Korean War, including Brigadier General S.L.A. Marshall's assessment of the war and its effect on future army training. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films produced mostly by government agencies.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

2:00 AM EDT

The Civil War: Soldiers' Views of the Battle of Antietam. Keith Snyder from the Antietam National Battlefield shared personal accounts of soldiers who fought in the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862. Through letters, photographs and diary entries, Mr. Snyder gave an inside look at the fears, anxieties and private thoughts of the men who fought on what is still the bloodiest single day in American history. The Mosby Heritage Area Association hosted this event.

American History/BookTV



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216613 (211258ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 23, 2023

2:55 AM EDT

Mark Lee Gardner, "The Earth is All That Lasts". Author Mark Gardner discussed his dual biography of the Lakota leaders Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. Tesoro Cultural Center in Morrison, Colorado, hosted this program.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

4:05 AM EDT

Jon Hunner, "J. Robert Oppenheimer, The Cold War, and the Atomic West". In his book, "J. Robert Oppenheimer, The Cold War, and the Atomic West," author Jon Hunner told the story of Oppenheimer's role in the Manhattan Project, the creation of Nuclear Weapons, and the development of the Western United States.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

4:25 AM EDT

The Atomic Bomb. Robert Oppenheimer spoke about the development and use of the atomic bomb. He talked about atomic weapons as "evil things" and about the ethical application of science and scientific discovery. He also expressed his hope that the atomic bomb would never be used again, peaceful use of nuclear technologies, as well as nuclear deterrence. The physicist known as "the father of the atomic bomb" served as the first director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory beginning in 1943. The first atomic bomb test in New Mexico was on July 16, 1945 and on August 6, 1945 Little Boy was detonated above Hiroshima. After WWII he became chief adviser to the newly-created Atomic Energy Commission. The program was an audio recording with still images shown. The speech was delivered at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. It is presented courtesy of the American Philosophical Society Library.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

4:55 AM EDT

Robert Gross, "The Transcendentalists and Their World". University of Connecticut professor emeritus Robert Gross talked about 19th century Concord, Massachusetts, which was home to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Alcotts. This talk was part of the "Great Lives" lecture series hosted by the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virgin

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

6:00 AM EDT

Oral Histories Korean War Veteran Allen Clark. The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 and ended on July 27, 1953. In this oral history interview, veteran Allen Clark talked about his experience serving two tours in Korea with the U.S. Marine Corps. Jini Shim conducted the interview in Fallbrook, California for the Korean War Legacy Foundation.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

7:00 AM EDT

Garry Kasparov, 1948 Berlin Airlift. On the 75th anniversary of the 1948 Berlin Airlift, author, political activist and former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov discusses President Harry Truman’s leadership during that crisis.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

8:00 AM EDT

Abraham Josephine Riesman, "Ringmaster - Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America". Journalist Abraham Josephine Riesman offered her take on how the rules of world wrestling entertainment (WWE) have transcended into American politics. Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this program.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Robert Litwak, "Tripolar Instability". Wilson Center director of international studies Robert Litwak talked about the nuclear competition between the U.S., Russia and China. This event was hosted by the Wilson Center in Washington, DC.

American History/BookTV



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73465

File: c2ecd096de22ffd⋯.png (275.56 KB,651x550,651:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216614 (211259ZJUL23) Notable: Tony Bennett, masterful stylist of American musical standards, dies at 96

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Tony Bennett, masterful stylist of American musical standards, dies at 96

NEW YORK (AP) — Tony Bennett, the eminent and timeless stylist whose devotion to classic American songs and knack for creating new standards such as “I Left My Heart In San Francisco” graced a decadeslong career that brought him admirers from Frank Sinatra to Lady Gaga, died Friday. He was 96, just two weeks short of his birthday.

Publicist Sylvia Weiner confirmed Bennett’s death to The Associated Press, saying he died in his hometown of New York. There was no specific cause, but Bennett had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2016.

The last of the great saloon singers of the mid-20th century, Bennett often said his lifelong ambition was to create “a hit catalog rather than hit records.” He released more than 70 albums, bringing him 19 competitive Grammys — all but two after he reached his 60s — and enjoyed deep and lasting affection from fans and fellow artists.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216617 (211259ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 23, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day

National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture


July 23, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

After Words: Wesley Lowery, "American Whitelash - A Changing Nation and the Cost of Progress"

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Wesley Lowery argues that moments of progress in race matters in the U.S. are often met with acts of violence. He is interviewed by Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Dean Jelani Cobb.


July 23, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Dazzling Discoveries at the National Synchrotron Light Source II

Brookhaven National Laboratory


July 23, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

Abraham Josephine Riesman, "Ringmaster - Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America". Journalist Abraham Josephine Riesman offered her take on how the rules of world wrestling entertainment (WWE) have transcended into American politics. Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this program.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

12:00 PM EDT

Robert Litwak, "Tripolar Instability". Wilson Center director of international studies Robert Litwak talked about the nuclear competition between the U.S., Russia and China. This event was hosted by the Wilson Center in Washington, DC.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

1:00 PM EDT

After Words: Wesley Lowery, "American Whitelash - A Changing Nation and the Cost of Progress"

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Wesley Lowery argues that moments of progress in race matters in the U.S. are often met with acts of violence. He is interviewed by Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Dean Jelani Cobb.


July 23, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

"Gabriel Debenedetti, "The Long Alliance - The Imperfect Union of Joe Biden & Barack. New York Magazine national correspondent, Gabriel Debenedetti examined the relationship between Joe Biden and Barack Obama and how it has affected the Biden presidency. This was part of the 2023 Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

2:45 PM EDT

Ari Shapiro, "The Best Strangers in the World - Stories from a Life Spent Listening. Journalist Ari Shapiro recounted the stories of people he met while traveling for his reporting. This was part of the 2023 Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

3:00 PM EDT

U.S. Coast Guard Traditional Jazz Band - Gen. William Hart House, Old Saybrook, Connecticut

U.S. Coast Guard Band



July 23, 2023

3:28 PM EDT

Michael Mehta Webster, "The Rescue Effect - The Key to Saving Life on Earth". NYU Environmental Studies Professor Michael Mehta Webster explained the ability of species to survive harsh conditions like those caused by climate change. This was part of the 2023 Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland.

American History/BookTV



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216620 (211259ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

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July 23, 2023

4:15 PM EDT

Andrea Elliott, "Invisible Child - Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City". New York Times staff writer Andrea Elliott examined poverty and homelessness through the story of one New York City child. This was part of the 2023 Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

5:03 PM EDT

Jonathan Eig, "King - A Life". Journalist Jonathan Eig examined the life of Martin Luther King Jr. including recently declassified FBI documents about the civil rights leader. This was part of the 2023 Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

5:55 PM EDT

ISI 2023 Conservative Book of the Year Award: Assumption University emeritus professor Daniel Mahoney discussed his book "The Statesman as Thinker," winner of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute's 2023 Conservative Book of the Year Award. This event was held in Wilmington, Delaware.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

6:30 PM EDT

Jim Popkin, "Code Name Blue Wren - The True Story of America. Investigative journalist Jim Popkin talked about the life and career of Defense Intelligence Agency analyst Ana Montes who was a spy for Cuba for nearly 17 years. This event was hosted by Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

7:30 PM EDT

About Books



July 23, 2023

8:00 PM EDT

Abraham Josephine Riesman, "Ringmaster - Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America". Journalist Abraham Josephine Riesman offered her take on how the rules of world wrestling entertainment (WWE) have transcended into American politics. Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this program.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

9:00 PM EDT

Robert Litwak, "Tripolar Instability". Wilson Center director of international studies Robert Litwak talked about the nuclear competition between the U.S., Russia and China. This event was hosted by the Wilson Center in Washington, DC.

American History/BookTV


July 23, 2023

10:00 PM EDT

After Words: Wesley Lowery, "American Whitelash - A Changing Nation and the Cost of Progress"

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Wesley Lowery argues that moments of progress in race matters in the U.S. are often met with acts of violence. He is interviewed by Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Dean Jelani Cobb.


July 23, 2023

11:00 PM EDT

Abraham Josephine Riesman, "Ringmaster - Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America". Journalist Abraham Josephine Riesman offered her take on how the rules of world wrestling entertainment (WWE) have transcended into American politics. Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this program.

American History/BookTV


13 END

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73468

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216651 (211308ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/21/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/21/2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73469

File: 600709f762a7cb5⋯.png (336.71 KB,778x583,778:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216652 (211308ZJUL23) Notable: AMERICA UNDER ATTACK: Multiple Explosions Hit Propane Tanker Yard Near Phoenix Airport

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AMERICA UNDER ATTACK: Multiple Explosions Hit Propane Tanker Yard Near Phoenix Airport

A propane tanker yard near Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix was hit with multiple explosions Thursday. Watch:

It just keeps happening. Unexplained catastrophes happen across the nation. News reports struggle to find a cause but law enforcement claims it’s DEFINITELY not sabotage or terrorism despite not knowing what it is. Days go by and somehow no cause is ever reported, or a bogus excuse is leaked and the story is dropped forever.

Railways, food processing plants, oil refineries, power stations… it appears that America is truly under attack and corporate media is keeping it secret. I’m not suggesting that EVERY incident is intentional, but there have been so many “unexplained” incidents over the last two years that it’s foolish to not consider the possibility that we’re being targeted from within.

One of the key components to nearly all of these alleged attacks is that they usually do not involve many deaths, if any. That would draw more attention to them. But somehow these incidents happen on a massive scale with limited loss of life. In this latest potential attack, the headline from local media claimed several cars were damaged but nobody was injured:

Dozens of cars are damaged and hundreds of propane tanks are scattered around a neighborhood near Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport after an explosive fire at a nearby propane business on Thursday afternoon. Fire crews were called out to Bill’s Propane Service on 40th Street and Washington Street around 5 p.m. When they got there, flames were shooting out of the business and propane tanks were being shot into the air. “They literally become missiles,” Phoenix Fire Capt. Rob McDade said. “Very dangerous situation.”

More than 150 firefighters battled the flames at the height of the fire. Firefighters cleared a mile radius around the business. Homes northeast of the business were told to evacuate. After a couple of hours, they were allowed to return. However, businesses are still evacuated. The Arizona Animal Welfare League has its main shelter nearby, but firefighters say it was evacuated but it didn’t catch fire. Gateway Community College was evacuated, too. Aerial video showed rows of cars damaged at Sundance Airport Parking.

Skeptics of the theory that these incidents are attacks would argue that propane is vulnerable to accidents like this will happen. This is true. But it’s also true that they are happening at a far greater frequency than any other time in memory.



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faa00c No.73470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216653 (211309ZJUL23) Notable: AMERICA UNDER ATTACK: Multiple Explosions Hit Propane Tanker Yard Near Phoenix Airport

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73471

File: 5f2e4c7ea607505⋯.png (164.75 KB,600x181,600:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216662 (211312ZJUL23) Notable: Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not’

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how about this for a big fu to the world...

Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not’


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73472

File: d886d14cee24d84⋯.png (24.6 KB,616x328,77:41,Clipboard.png)

File: a2a5d07bc14b267⋯.png (286.1 KB,598x472,299:236,Clipboard.png)

File: e21eb74f534fc17⋯.png (307.98 KB,598x460,13:10,Clipboard.png)

File: 50c954f9758b61a⋯.png (168.86 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216736 (211330ZJUL23) Notable: TRENDING ON TWATTER: Burisma

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May have found the reason for the spam today

Know your bunkers FYI

TREND: Burisma


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

faa00c No.73473

File: 3d42da25d657d4b⋯.png (516.74 KB,1170x1325,234:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216747 (211333ZJUL23) Notable: CM w/CAP: Interesting news article about how Taiwanese cables ended up being leaked online.

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Interesting news article about how Taiwanese cables ended up being leaked online.

source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/exclusive-taiwan-probes-alleged-leak-of-classified-reports-diplomatic-cables-sources/ar-AA1e9APR


TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan is investigating a potential leak of official documents including diplomatic cables and classified reports on the island's sensitive bid to join a global trade pact, according to two officials familiar with the probe.

One official said initial findings show parts of the documents, posted on online message board 8kun and reviewed by Reuters, are real while bits were forged, without giving details.

A second official said parts of the documents appeared to be "authentic" and they could not immediately determine the origin of the documents shared on the internet.

The officials asked not to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter.

The incident comes at a delicate time for the island which is due to hold elections early next year and is seeking to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) trade pact despite protestations from China, which claims Taiwan as its own and is also seeking to join.

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faa00c No.73474

File: 68cb525b81cd37a⋯.png (267.06 KB,1170x1256,585:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216780 (211344ZJUL23) Notable: CM w/CAP: Trump set for a jury trial on May 20, 2024 in regards to the documents case.

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Trump set for a jury trial on May 20, 2024 in regards to the documents case.



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faa00c No.73475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216804 (211350ZJUL23) Notable: DOD: Biggest Concern is to Bring Private King Home - joined a tour group of the Joint Security Area at the demilitarized zone in Panmunjom, Korea.

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DOD: Biggest Concern is to Bring Private King Home

July 20, 2023

On Tuesday, Army Pvt. Travis T. King joined a tour group of the Joint Security Area at the demilitarized zone in Panmunjom, Korea. While on that tour, King crossed into North Korea and has not been heard from since.

That same day, King had been escorted to the security area of an airport in South Korea and was scheduled to fly home. King had previously faced disciplinary action while stationed in South Korea and had served time in a correctional facility. It was expected that upon his return to the United States, he would face additional administrative action with the Army.


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faa00c No.73476

File: 6fa8a58458b2ace⋯.png (182.29 KB,532x568,133:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216848 (211404ZJUL23) Notable: Natty Guard w/CAP: “When difficult things like flooding or earthquakes or other natural or manufactured disasters happen ...

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“When difficult things like flooding or earthquakes or other natural or manufactured disasters happen, it is the (State Partnership Program) partnership that often comes to the rescue.” - Air Force Lt. Gen. Dan Caine,




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faa00c No.73477

File: bc62d57168cf8c1⋯.png (1.42 MB,1024x710,512:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216868 (211411ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Galactic Cirrus: Mandel Wilson 9

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 21, 2023

Galactic Cirrus: Mandel Wilson 9

The combined light of stars along the Milky Way are reflected by these cosmic dust clouds that soar 300 light-years or so above the plane of our galaxy. Known to some as integrated flux nebulae and commonly found at high galactic latitudes, the dusty galactic cirrus clouds are faint. But they can be traced over large regions of the sky toward the North and South Galactic poles. Along with the reflection of starlight, studies indicate the dust clouds produce a faint reddish luminescence as interstellar dust grains convert invisible ultraviolet radiation to visible red light. Also capturing nearby Milky Way stars and distant background galaxies, this remarkably deep, wide-field image explores a complex of faint galactic cirrus known as Mandel Wilson 9. It spans over three degrees across planet Earth's skies toward the far southern constellation Apus.


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faa00c No.73478

File: cd2f40dd7a1f696⋯.jpeg (48.38 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216874 (211412ZJUL23) Notable: (Renoting) US ambassador to China hacked

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PN>>73422, >>73429, >>73425, >>73426, >>73428, >>73437, >>73441, >>73444, >>73446 REUTERS said it was posted on 8kun: Exclusive-Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

This article has to be related:

21 Jul, 2023 07:18

US ambassador to China hacked – WSJ

The cyber attack reportedly compromised hundreds of thousands of US government emails

The email accounts of US Ambassador to ChinaNicholas Burns and other diplomatic officials have been breached in a major hack, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. Microsoft, which first disclosed the attack, has pinned blame on Beijing.

Citing several sources familiar with the matter, the newspaper noted that Daniel Kritenbrink, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia, was also targeted in the hack. Along with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo,they are thought to bethe highest-level officials affected by the breach, which is alleged to haveaccessed a vast trove of government emails. (“Thought to be” is not proving others were hacked, a total of 24 federal agencies were hacked, so a lot more to come out)

Though it remains unknown how many emails were involved in the hack, it reportedlycompromised hundreds of thousands of unclassified messages. The estimate for the number of emails accessed could grow further, the Journal reported. (How do they know they were “unclassified”? They don’t they are just trying to downplay the matter.)

Asked about the breach, the State Department said it could not share details “for security reasons,” but added that an investigation is ongoing.

The cyber attack was first revealed last week by Microsoft, which said hackers had exploited a flaw in the company’s cloud-computing environment toaccess more than two dozen organizations around the world, 10 of them in the United States. It is unclear if any federal agencies in addition to the State and Commerce departments were breached, though the Journal noted that Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s emails did not appear to have been targeted. (Last week it said 24 federal agencies, once again downplaying the breach)

Microsoft has claimed the attack was launched by a “China-based threat actor” supported by the government in Beijing. In a blog postpublished last week, the company also said the hackers had “espionage objectives,” but arrived at its conclusions with only “moderate confidence.”

While America’s top diplomat told his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi that Washington would “take appropriate action” in response to the hack, Beijing has dismissed the allegations, with the Chinese Foreign Ministry previously labeling them “disinformation.”


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faa00c No.73479

File: fbc1f5671dd0431⋯.png (894.99 KB,995x869,995:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216907 (211422ZJUL23) Notable: A mysterious source has been sending radio signals to Earth from space for decades

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A mysterious source has been sending radio signals to Earth from space for decades

July 21, 2023

An unknown source has been sending radio blasts towards Earth since at least 1988, scientists say.

The researchers do not know what object is sending the radio waves towards Earth. The nature of the waves is such that they do not conform with any models that attempt to explain it.

For 35 years, the source has been sending out regular 20-minute blasts of energy that vary considerably in their brightness, researchers say.

The emissions appear something like the blasts that come out of pulsars or fast radio bursts, which last for milliseconds to several seconds. But the newly discovered source sends radio signals that pulsate on a period of 21 minutes – something previously thought impossible by expected explanations.

Pulsars are neutron stars that spin around quickly, throwing out radio blasts as they do. When one crosses Earth, the emissions can be picked up very briefly and brightly, like being in the path of the light from a rotating lighthouse.

Scientists believe that process can only work if the magnetic field of the pulsar is strong, and it is rotating quickly enough – if not, there would not be enough energy to see the pulsar from Earth. That has led to the development of the “pulsar death line”, which suggests that sources must be spinning fast and strong enough to be detected.

The newly discovered object named GPMJ1839-10, however, is way beyond that death line. If it is a pulsar, then it seems to be operating in ways that scientists thought impossible.

It could also be a highly magnetised white dwarf or magnetar, an extra kind of neutron star with incredibly strong magnetic fields. But they do not tend to send out emissions of this kind, researchers believe.

The signals have been detected on Earth since at least 1988, scientists found by going through old records, but they had gone unnoticed by those collecting that data. After the source was detected, researchers checked radio archives and found that the source has been repeating for at least 35 years.

Yet more discoveries may be made in this way in the future, said Victoria M Kaspi, a professor of physics at McGill University who did not work on the study. “Only time will tell what else lurks in these data, and what observations across many astronomical timescales will reveal,” she wrote in an accompanying article.

That might include some explanation of how unusual the newly discovered source is. By examining whether there are is a similar collection of other objects in the data, researchers might be able to understand the mechanisms behind the newly discovered emissions.

The findings are reported in a new paper, ‘A long-period radio transient active for three decades’, published in the journal Nature.



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faa00c No.73480

File: 0018b3c4d1317e9⋯.png (16.08 KB,535x209,535:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216948 (211435ZJUL23) Notable: BREAKING: The fire department is reportedly on scene at Rand Paul’s office in Bowling Green, Kentucky after it caught fire overnight.

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BREAKING: The fire department is reportedly on scene at Rand Paul’s office in Bowling Green, Kentucky after it caught fire overnight.

This is just one day after Rand Paul stated Fauci was referred for prosecuting for lying under oath.


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faa00c No.73481

File: b6fca8d0798009c⋯.jpeg (62.56 KB,435x582,145:194,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8c0b02dc41b0caf⋯.jpeg (204.62 KB,1166x665,1166:665,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217001 (211449ZJUL23) Notable: Team DeSantis Make It Official – They Will Shift Personnel, Drop Communications Director and Relaunch Entire Campaign with New Approach

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Team DeSantis Make It Official – They Will Shift Personnel, Drop Communications Director and Relaunch Entire Campaign with New Approach

July 21, 2023 | Sundance |

It’s going to get a lot more huggy in the brand image of Team DeSantis 2.0

According to campaign officials, and those inside the operations, DeSantis will stop talking about Florida, tone down the wokeism and confrontation with the alphabet people,drop the expensive platform speeches and focus on small group meetingsto help the candidate learn how to like people more. In essence, stop being the DeSantis campaign.

Yup, awful huggy. Gee, who could have seen this coming?

(Via NBC) – TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign is planning a reboot, top campaign officials said, with a significant shift on messaging, events and media strategy.

Expect fewer big speeches and more handshaking in diners and churches. There will be more of a national focus than constant Florida references. And the mainstream media may start to get more access.

[…] Campaign filings show that the DeSantis campaign needs to figure out how to bring in more money and spend less. It fired roughly a dozen staffers last week. Donors and allies are pressing for a change. The poll numbers are stagnant. And rival GOP presidential candidates are smelling blood in the water.

“Downright low” is how a source who was present when the staffers were fired described morale these days.“The entire campaign is on the brink,” the person said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The reboot is notable for a candidate who was perhaps the most widely expected GOP entrant in the 2024 race.

[…] The campaign postponed paying some of its outstanding bills until after the end of June, in part so its second-quarter financial report would show more money in the bank, the sources said. It’s not an uncommon practice for campaigns running up against big reporting deadlines, but it can obscure larger issues.

Top DeSantis aides acknowledge that the money situation has to be addressed. They plan to do it in part by cutting costs for his events. DeSantis won’t travel less, but his campaign appearances will begin to be leaner and more intimate.

[…]Cody Hall is joining the campaign as a senior communications adviser. He will remain a top political adviser to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, having also served as communications director after he worked on his 2018 campaign for governor. Campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo is stepping into the communications director role, and Bryan Griffin will continue as press secretary.

The DeSantis campaign has already laid off roughly a dozen people, NBC News reported. Campaign officials said that, as of now, they don’t plan any more budget-related layoffs. (read more)

Again, it won’t work. Everything is fake, manufactured, astroturf, based on a foundation of fraud… And, inauthentic.

The candidate sucks and the candidate’s wife is a Cindy McCain clone trying to be more like Sarah Palin. Yup, more fakery.

The smallness of their naked ambition is as visible as the artificial nature of the pretending that began long before the “book tour.” They are in the self-fulfilling downward spiral where every effort extended to ask people to like them only looks more pathetic and weaker.

Once they have played out the cancer card, they’re done.


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faa00c No.73482

File: 145278c056cb7ce⋯.png (800.11 KB,1200x856,150:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 120b2e7a9aa1b63⋯.png (652.98 KB,1200x856,150:107,Clipboard.png)

File: bf560b120125e86⋯.png (2.56 MB,2000x1427,2000:1427,Clipboard.png)

File: f0a8c0a90722b9c⋯.png (2.92 MB,2000x1427,2000:1427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217030 (211457ZJUL23) Notable: US, Japan host first-ever Space Engagement Talks

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US, Japan host first-ever Space Engagement Talks

July 18, 2023

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan - The ongoing race against adversaries and competitors who possess advanced space capabilities and questionable intentions further emphasizes the need to reinforce norms of behavior in space.

U.S. Space Force Deputy Chief of Space Operations, Strategy, Plans, Programs, and Requirements, Lt. Gen. Philip A. Garrant, recently made history by leading the first-ever Space Engagement Talks with Japan, aiming to enhance combined space operations and establish a bilateral roadmap for future collaboration.

“The US-Japan Space Engagement Talks represent a further expansion of our strong alliance into the space domain,” emphasized the Commander of United States Space Forces Indo-Pacific, Brig. Gen. Anthony J. Mastalir, who hosted the event. “Through these talks and Space Working Groups to follow, we can build a roadmap for cooperation to ensure safety and security in space for our nations and all responsible actors.”

The USSF-JASDF Space Engagement Talks serve as a model of the US-Japan Alliance's commitment to space collaboration and reinforces the significance of partnerships in achieving shared objectives.

“It’s an exciting time to participate in the Space Engagement Talks with Japan,” exclaimed Mastalir. “This forum is an excellent mechanism to drive new collaborative efforts with allies and partners, and to ensure we preserve security, stability, and long-term sustainability of space for the INDOPACOM region."

The US Space Force's "Partner to Win" line of effort drives this collaboration, recognizing the strategic advantage that the global network of alliances and partnerships offers.

The potential benefits of such collaborations include greater situational awareness, improved operational effectiveness, and increased resiliency in the face of emerging threats. For example, countries with advanced space capabilities can provide technical assistance and training to those with developing space programs, while those with access to strategic locations and infrastructure can provide valuable support in areas like satellite tracking and communication.

As space continues to remain an increasingly essential domain for military operations, communication, and intelligence gathering, strong partnerships and collaborations with international allies are considered imperative for ensuring the security and safety of space-based assets.

“These talks are another example of how our two countries are working together to defend the space domain and support our bilateral joint forces,” Mastalir explained. “I’m grateful for our strong alliance with Japan and proud to be part of this important effort to advance our space operations cooperation.”

Furthermore, establishing widely accepted norms of behavior for space operations is crucial. These norms enhance the ability to attribute actions, mitigate threats, protect interests in space, and reduce the risk of strategic miscalculations. By advocating for norms of behavior in space, nations with space-based assets show a vested interest in the importance of resilience and leadership against nefarious activities.

“Through these engagements we have an opportunity to align efforts with our ally to enhance our bilateral capability in space,” highlighted Mastalir. “With representatives from U.S. Space Force Field Commands stateside and within the Indo-Pacific theater, we are able to build stronger relationships across all parts of the Space Force and normalize our presence with an important strategic ally.”


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faa00c No.73483

File: c35654fb2046ee8⋯.png (387.22 KB,900x596,225:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217109 (211524ZJUL23) Notable: @RandPaul R-KY) Bowling Green office has been destroyed in a fire overnight. Paul’s office was not the only building impacted, as multiple neighboring

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KENTUCKY — Senator


(R-KY) Bowling Green office has been destroyed in a fire overnight. Paul’s office was not the only building impacted, as multiple neighboring commercial businesses in downtown Bowling Green were set ablaze. A public information officer for the Bowling Green Fire Department, says no injuries have been reported.

11:15 AM · Jul 21, 2023

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faa00c No.73484

File: 6346801094c06a7⋯.png (394.31 KB,531x505,531:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217133 (211529ZJUL23) Notable: Pentagon Sends Thousands Of Marines To Deter Iran Tanker Seizures In Persian Gulf

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Pentagon Sends Thousands Of Marines To Deter Iran Tanker Seizures In Persian Gulf


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faa00c No.73485

File: f32c560279cdbec⋯.png (561.17 KB,500x827,500:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fbd6e1cb4374ba⋯.png (723.68 KB,700x525,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b039df51eb7d19⋯.png (215.37 KB,460x345,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 95a7bcf90351f34⋯.png (713.33 KB,460x636,115:159,Clipboard.png)

File: 87a42db4158d14e⋯.png (734.15 KB,700x525,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217138 (211530ZJUL23) Notable: @RandPaul R-KY) Bowling Green office has been destroyed in a fire overnight. Paul’s office was not the only building impacted, as multiple neighboring

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KENTUCKY — Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)Bowling Green office has been destroyed in a fire overnight.Paul’s office was not the only building impacted, as multiple neighboring commercial businesses in downtown Bowling Green were set ablaze. A public information officer for the Bowling Green Fire Department, says no injuries have been reported

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faa00c No.73486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217163 (211536ZJUL23) Notable: #23601

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#23601 >>73448

>>73449 The White House and big tech companies have reached an agreement on expanding AI safeguard

>>73450 Arkansas lawmaker among those buying out screenings of ‘Sound of Freedom’

>>73451, >>73452, >>73453 @StaceyPlaskett same woman who tried to silence RFK today, asserts that Russia interfered in the US elections, and still claims the 'vaccines' are safe...

>>73454, >>73455, >>73456, >>73457, >>73458, >>73459, >>73460, >>73461, >>73462, >>73463, >>73464, >>73466, >>73467 Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

>>73465 Tony Bennett, masterful stylist of American musical standards, dies at 96

>>73468 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/21/2023

>>73469, >>73470 AMERICA UNDER ATTACK: Multiple Explosions Hit Propane Tanker Yard Near Phoenix Airport

>>73471 Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not’

>>73472 TRENDING ON TWATTER: Burisma

>>73473 CM w/CAP: Interesting news article about how Taiwanese cables ended up being leaked online.

>>73474 CM w/CAP: Trump set for a jury trial on May 20, 2024 in regards to the documents case.

>>73475 DOD: Biggest Concern is to Bring Private King Home - joined a tour group of the Joint Security Area at the demilitarized zone in Panmunjom, Korea.

>>73476 Natty Guard w/CAP: “When difficult things like flooding or earthquakes or other natural or manufactured disasters happen ...

>>73477 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Galactic Cirrus: Mandel Wilson 9

>>73478 (Renoting) US ambassador to China hacked

>>73479 A mysterious source has been sending radio signals to Earth from space for decades

>>73480 BREAKING: The fire department is reportedly on scene at Rand Paul’s office in Bowling Green, Kentucky after it caught fire overnight.

>>73481 Team DeSantis Make It Official – They Will Shift Personnel, Drop Communications Director and Relaunch Entire Campaign with New Approach

>>73482 US, Japan host first-ever Space Engagement Talks

>>73483, >>73485 @RandPaul R-KY) Bowling Green office has been destroyed in a fire overnight. Paul’s office was not the only building impacted, as multiple neighboring

>>73484 Pentagon Sends Thousands Of Marines To Deter Iran Tanker Seizures In Persian Gulf

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faa00c No.73487

File: 0e4f5399d65ef9b⋯.png (538.95 KB,696x523,696:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217179 (211539ZJUL23) Notable: #235602

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Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

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faa00c No.73488

File: 348d5aa499a1a10⋯.png (437.98 KB,720x1004,180:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217204 (211545ZJUL23) Notable: Arkansas man convicted in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection at the US Capitol is set to report to prison next month.

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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A northwest Arkansas man convicted in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection at the US Capitol is set to report to prison next month.

A new filing Wednesday by attorneys representing Richard “Bigo” Barnett notes the Gravette man is scheduled to self-report to the United States Bureau of Prisons on Tuesday, Aug. 1. The filing is asking for Barnett’s United States Probation Officer to be able to remove his ankle monitor ahead of that date.

Jury finds Arkansan Richard Barnett guilty of eight January 6 insurrection charges

The filing notes that the probation officer in the Western District of Arkansas who was assigned to Barnett’s case made the request to her Washington D.C. counterpart, noting that the request was a regular practice in the district and that the district office would be responsible to cover the cost of the ankle monitor if it was not removed prior to Barnett surrendering to federal prison officials.

That request was denied, but a motion from Barnett could reverse that decision.

Barnett’s attorney claims his client has not violated the conditions of his release at any time in the last two years.

Richard Barnett, Arkansas Jan. 6 insurrectionist, sentenced to 54 months

Barnett was one of the most visible figures during the riot at the U.S. Capitol more than two years ago due to a series of photos released showing him breaking into the office of then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and putting his feet up on a desk in the office.

The 62-year-old Barnett was found guilty by a jury in January on eight different charges for his involvement in the insurrection, including theft of government property and civil disorder.

Judge denies Richard Barnett’s request for extra time to prepare for prison in Jan. 6 case

He was sentenced in May to 54 months in federal prison, though prosecutors had been pushing for the maximum sentence of 87 months.

Earlier this month Barnett filed a motion to be allowed to appeal “in forma pauperis,” meaning to file without paying the typical court fees due to an inability to pay.

Arkansan Richard Barnett files new appeal of Jan. 6 US Capitol insurrection sentencing

Two other Arkansans have already been sentenced for their involvement in the Jan. 6 riots.


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faa00c No.73489

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217216 (211549ZJUL23) Notable: RudyG: Biden Bribery Scheme Cover Up

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17:55 minutes

Rudy Giuliani: $10Million Burisma - Biden Bribery Scheme Cover Up

Does anyone believe the Bidans only collected $25 million over all his years? They’ve been doing this since at least he was a Senator influencing laws and policies.

Bill Barr needs to prosecuted along with all at DOJ and FBI that covered this up since 2009-10. I also think any Senators that knew this was happening that served with Bidan should be prosecuted.


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faa00c No.73490

File: 788bf5d467baf9f⋯.png (308.37 KB,731x568,731:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 60b0dc4ff5dcd57⋯.png (47.61 KB,686x260,343:130,Clipboard.png)

File: b1c1a8061935f5c⋯.png (194.35 KB,500x261,500:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217227 (211551ZJUL23) Notable: Casting Esperians

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Casting Esperians

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faa00c No.73491

File: 4fb0fd891af1c61⋯.png (1.18 MB,1170x1377,130:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217237 (211553ZJUL23) Notable: Actor Jim Caviezel says that adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroin

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Actor Jim Caviezel says that adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroine, he says there are multiple Epstein Islands run by intelligence agencies

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faa00c No.73492

File: 8ce37b17d48c9c9⋯.png (364.17 KB,1099x935,1099:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217257 (211559ZJUL23) Notable: Judge Aileen Cannon just gave the Dems everything they wanted by placing Trump’s document trial in the heart of campaign season

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Judge Aileen Cannon just gave the Dems everything they wanted by placing Trump’s document trial in the heart of campaign season:

January 15, 2024 - Iowa Primary

March 5, 2024 - Super Tuesday with 12 state primaries

May 20, 2024 - Trial start date

May 21, 2024 - Oregon Primary

June 4, 2024 - Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota Primaries

July 15, 2024 - The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

October 14, 2024 - Early voting begins in Georgia

November 5, 2024 - Election Day

Barring any future delays, it is conceivable that Trump—the top opposition candidate to the current Regime—could be tried, convicted, and in prison before Election Day.

Election interference!


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faa00c No.73493

File: d9c1fef064a5c8f⋯.png (25.04 KB,936x330,156:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 40a6c97acfb7d66⋯.png (92.01 KB,1284x915,428:305,Clipboard.png)

File: bacbcc0acb03c3f⋯.png (12.15 KB,1228x87,1228:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ac00e65ccf592e⋯.png (33.13 KB,872x345,872:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217264 (211601ZJUL23) Notable: To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2024 through 2028, and for other purposes.

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1st Session

S. 1939

To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2024 through 2028, and for other purposes.


To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2024 through 2028, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Highlighting a few sections

SEC. 401. NextGen accountability task force.

(a) Establishment.—The Administrator shall establish a task force, to be known as the “NextGen Accountability Task Force” (referred to in this section as the “Task Force”) to provide recommendations on the most effective operational metrics that can be used to assess the performance of the FAA in delivering and implementing quantifiable operational benefits to the national airspace system within the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) project.


There is a lot to read.

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faa00c No.73494

File: 9dc2a5774e8dcb2⋯.png (82.75 KB,400x200,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 72fc8a9be480159⋯.png (588.63 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217297 (211611ZJUL23) Notable: The Biden Family Caricatures

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The Biden Family Caricatures


Victor Davis Hanson

The Biden First family seems determined to confirm every stereotype of their antisocial behavior - to the point of dysfunctionality.

During the 2020 campaign, at least eight women alleged that then-presidential candidate Joe Biden in the past had serially and improperly touched, kissed, or grabbed them.

One, Tara Reade, alleged she was sexually assaulted by Biden, who denied the charge.

Yet Biden himself was finally forced to apologize for some of his behavior. Or as he said at the time, "I get it."

He claimed that he would no longer improperly invade women's "private space" and had meant no harm.

But Biden's obnoxious conduct extended well beyond the eight accusers.

Women as diverse as former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Biden's daughter-in-law Kathleen Buhle have both alleged that Biden made them their memoirs uncomfortable through his intrusive touching and embraces.

On several occasions, Biden developed a strange tic of becoming too physical with young girls. He habitually attempted to hug them while blowing in their hair.

His daughter Ashley wrote in her diary that she feared her past adolescent showers with her father had been inappropriate. Even as president, Biden has weirdly called out young girls in his audiences to note their attractiveness.

On one occasion, the president interrupted his speech to address a female acquaintance - enlightening the crowd, "We go back a long way. She was 12, and I was 30, but anyway..."

As a result, Biden has likely been warned repeatedly to forgo intimate references to young women.

He has no doubt also been advised by his handlers to stop all close, supposedly innocent contact with young girls and children - if for no other reason than to prevent his political opponents from charging that Joe is "creepy," "perverse," or "sick."

And yet, like some addict, Biden cannot stop - regardless of the eerie image he projects around the world.

Last week, the president jumped the proverbial shark by embracing a young child in a crowd while on the tarmac of the Helsinki, Finland, airport.

In his strangest act yet, Biden kept moving his mouth near the face of the young girl. He was apparently trying to nibble the youngster, almost in turkey-gobbling fashion.

She recoiled.

No matter - Biden continued at her shoulder.

Again, she flinched.

Biden then reverted to form and sought with a second try to smell her hair and nestle closer.

Had any other prominent politician in the age of #MeToo committed such an unnerving stunt, he would likely have been ostracized by colleagues and mercilessly hammered by the media.

Not in Biden's case.

The apparent media subtext was that it was either just "Old Joe" trying to be too friendly or a symptom of his cognitive decline and thus not attributable to any sinister urge.

Senescence now provides paradoxical cover for Biden's creepiness - newfound exemption for his old boorish behavior.

Also, during the president's latest antics, cocaine was found in the West Wing of the White House.

All the White House spokespeople had to do was to reassure the public that the drugs most certainly did not belong to first son Hunter Biden - despite being a frequent guest resident of the White House and a former crack-cocaine addict.

Instead, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed reporters for requesting such clarification.

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faa00c No.73495

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217309 (211613ZJUL23) Notable: Ben Bergquam: Cartels, China Couldn’t Make Better Policies Than Biden To Destroy America

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3:51 minutes

Ben Bergquam: Cartels, China Couldn’t Make Better Policies Than Biden To Destroy America

Ben Bergquam: Cartels, China Couldn’t Make Better Policies Than Biden To Destroy America With Illegal Immigration Invasion.

(This must be the most frustrating reporting that he’s ever done. No one is listening!….)


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faa00c No.73496

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217314 (211615ZJUL23) Notable: Dave Brat: Ukraine War Is Part Of Broader De-Dollarization Campaign.

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7:35 minutes

47 minutes ago

Dave Brat: Ukraine War Is Part Of Broader De-Dollarization Campaign.


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faa00c No.73497

File: 3dba8af4f52c17c⋯.png (50.23 KB,1200x487,1200:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217327 (211617ZJUL23) Notable: To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2024 through 2028, and for other purposes.

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Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act

This bill reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) through FY2028, including activities and programs related to airport planning and development, facilities and equipment, and operations. The National Transportation Safety Board is also reauthorized through FY2028.

The bill also addresses a wide range of issues. For example, the bill

directs the FAA to increase air traffic controller hiring targets;

establishes a workforce development program to support the education, recruitment, and retention of aviation professionals;

establishes an FAA Ombudsman to coordinate the response to submissions of inquiries or objections relating to issues such as aircraft certifications and registrations, pilot certificates, and operational approvals, waivers, or exemptions;

raises the commercial airline pilot retirement age to 67 (currently 65);

prohibits aircraft dispatchers from working remotely, with limited exceptions for emergencies;

requires the Department of Transportation (DOT) to establish standards to ensure the aircraft boarding and deplaning process is accessible for individuals with disabilities, including for individuals who use wheelchairs;

requires DOT to establish a policy directing certain air carriers to seat a young child next to an accompanying adult if adjacent seats are available without charging an additional fee;

prohibits the FAA from requiring mask wearing or COVID-19 vaccines for passengers, air carrier employees, or FAA employees;

requires the FAA to issue rules to update the requirements for testing and operating unmanned aircraft (i.e., drones), including for drones operating beyond the visual line of sight; and

requires the FAA to issue rules for certifying pilots for powered-lift aircraft (i.e., capable of vertical takeoff and landing) and operational rules for powered-lift aircraft.


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faa00c No.73498

File: a0cde4db108a783⋯.png (1.34 MB,1170x1243,1170:1243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217338 (211619ZJUL23) Notable: @/teamtrump #Agenda47: President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers

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#Agenda47: President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers

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faa00c No.73499

File: c93a89229183cb2⋯.png (45.31 KB,1200x444,100:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bb43d85a914173⋯.png (83.82 KB,1039x889,1039:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217341 (211620ZJUL23) Notable: To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2024 through 2028, and for other purposes.

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To provide for coordinated Federal efforts to accelerate civilian unmanned aircraft systems and advanced air mobility research and development for economic and national security, and for other purposes.

To provide for coordinated Federal efforts to accelerate civilian unmanned aircraft systems and advanced air mobility research and development for economic and national security, and for other purposes.


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faa00c No.73500

File: ae0ce0d9f99ffc6⋯.png (1.03 MB,1384x1276,346:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 80ed9812b4d495b⋯.jpg (8.27 KB,255x181,255:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217373 (211626ZJUL23) Notable: @/teamtrump #Agenda47: President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers

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timestamp 2:50

"I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children across our border, receive the death penalty" - Q+, 2023-07-21

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faa00c No.73501

File: d0d45dbff07c44f⋯.png (16.29 KB,1412x143,1412:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217377 (211627ZJUL23) Notable: @/teamtrump #Agenda47: President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers

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faa00c No.73502

File: b1de9761a086a31⋯.png (158.11 KB,450x257,450:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217394 (211633ZJUL23) Notable: The DeSantis Campaign Is Rebootying Amid Worries It May Be Too Late

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The DeSantis Campaign Is Rebootying Amid Worries It May Be Too Late


Joe Cunningham

By Joe Cunningham | 12:00 PM on July 21, 2023

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.

If you look at the numbers, Ron DeSantis has faced some struggles so far in his campaign.

The Florida governor and current Republican presidential candidate has been stagnant in the polling and there have been numerous reports that the campaign is floundering. Some of those reports are suspiciously devoid of voices from the DeSantis campaign. It’s almost universally people who don’t like DeSantis or are working for an opponent’s campaign.

More recently, however, we’ve seen some changes in the campaign. There have been staffing moves and subtle messaging shifts in the wake of a good fundraising quarter. And, perhaps more importantly, we’ve seen DeSantis stretch his wings a bit with a sit-down interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, which may have been one of the best interviews of this campaign cycle.

It looks, however, like DeSantis is making two serious changes. The first is that people in his campaign appear to be more willing to talk to mainstream media outlets now, as evidenced by this NBC News story. The second is that his focus is shifting from less Florida-centric rhetoric to more American rhetoric, according to that same story.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign is planning a reboot, top campaign officials said, with a significant shift on messaging, events and media strategy.

Expect fewer big speeches and more handshaking in diners and churches.

There will be more of a national focus than constant Florida references.

And the mainstream media may start to get more access.

In short, DeSantis will be running as an insurgent candidate rather than as an incumbent governor.

DeSantis was a big and bold candidate when his campaign launched, but was immediately hit with issues, some of which could have been avoided. A non-traditional launch has the potential to be big and flashy, but it was a double-edged sword and put the launch in the hands of Twitter, not the campaign. The result was not great.

What’s more, the campaign has focused on what he’s done in Florida, but flyover states aren’t Florida, and they don’t care to be Florida. They want to know how President DeSantis will make their state better and how he’ll turn the entire country around. It seems now that the campaign has decided they went as far as they could on their initial path and are now shifting to a new one.

So where do they go from here? Apparently, to smaller and more intimate venues.

DeSantis won’t travel less, but his campaign appearances will begin to be leaner and more intimate.

This week’s stop in Tega Cay, South Carolina, served as a starting point — he held a town hall-style event with a noticeably pared-down security presence. According to figures provided by the campaign, the event cost $940 but brought in $1,600 in organic donations from attendees.

Going forward, expect fewer podiums and stages and more stops at Pizza Ranches, churches and VFW halls where DeSantis can speak directly to voters with no big platforms or barricades blocking close contact.

When it comes to state primaries, especially those early states (that know their value in these races), the voters want the hand-shaking, and they want the one-on-one chats. That’s how you get voters. People talk to DeSantis and they tell their friends he was a nice, friendly guy and the word spreads. More show up to his events and more like what they hear and see.

That’s also why they are opening up their communications with more mainstream outlets. The interview with Tapper may have been a test run for such a strategy change, but when I talked with some folks who have experience running campaigns, their main complaint turned out to be “What the hell was the campaign hiding him from? He’s good at this.” And they’re right. It’s clear DeSantis can handle himself in front of the media, so let him.

For a good many people on social media and in the press, the question remains: Is it too late?

I don’t think so. The fact of the matter is that we’re still way out from the first vote being cast. We’ll have some debates, sure, but it’s far too early to proclaim that anyone’s campaign is dead. He hasn’t seen any major dips in the polling. Some ups, some downs, but mostly steady. And with a good chunk of money, he can keep going for the moment. Sure, he needs to pick up his small-dollar donations, but he’s got no reason to worry.

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faa00c No.73503

File: d2fb396c1a5adf1⋯.png (365.09 KB,598x686,299:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217436 (211647ZJUL23) Notable: @NationalGuard Make sure you fit a workout in today (even if it's in between showtimes 👀)

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Make sure you fit a workout in today (even if it's in between showtimes 👀)


(You) Must Show the World?

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faa00c No.73504

File: 8ca308bacf04da0⋯.png (836.16 KB,920x517,920:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bc1498a9361f7c⋯.png (756.81 KB,971x717,971:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217439 (211648ZJUL23) Notable: To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2024 through 2028, and for other purposes.

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Posting this for consideration to add to the 'To Amend Title 49' notables.

Motors Aviation

April 26, 2023

These 7 eVTOLs Will Be Flying in the Next Two Years

Most of these electric air taxis are being flight tested, preparing for the first revolution in air travel since the commercial jet.

With the potential to have a much larger fleet than commercial airlines, eVTOLs represent the next frontier in air travel: fully electric air taxis and private sky limos that can take off and land from vertiports in congested cities, or travel from private airports across regions faster than a train.

The advanced air mobility (AAM) sector is heating up quickly, with funding accelerating by the year. In 2021, investors poured $6.9 billion into more than 60 eVTOL deals, compared to just $1 billion three years earlier. With many startups going public, and automakers and commercial airlines signing on as partners, the sector is on a fast track towards certification. Public anticipation is high around the world, according to a recent survey by McKinsey & Company, particularly in commuter-hell supercities.

Two years ago, air taxis still sounded like 1960s sci-fi, but the eVTOL world is on track to become reality. Here are seven models slated to take off by 2025.


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faa00c No.73505

File: 41bc3adc7e70019⋯.png (25.91 KB,457x268,457:268,Clipboard.png)

File: de17edc1d47c6c9⋯.png (259.45 KB,696x392,87:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 6af41ae57b392c9⋯.png (1.14 MB,1600x894,800:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217450 (211651ZJUL23) Notable: Rand Paul’s constitutional war amendment fails: ‘It should be an easy vote to affirm the Constitution’

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Rand Paul’s constitutional war amendment fails: ‘It should be an easy vote to affirm the Constitution’


July 20, 2023

Jack Hunter

July 19, 2023

On Wednesday, the Senate voted on an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would have made clear that only Congress can declare war despite Article 5 of the NATO agreement.

Article 5 says that an attack on any NATO nation means every member country must join to defend it.

Paul wanted to clarify that NATO doesn’t supercede Congress’s constitutional war powers.

The amendment needed 60 votes to pass. It was defeated in a final vote of 83 to 16.

“Article 5 does not supersede Congress’s responsibility to declare war,” Paul said on the Senate floor on Wednesday.

He added “I think it should be an easy vote to affirm the Constitution. To vote against affirming the Constitution actually places doubt in the Constitution.”

The 16 who voted with Paul for his amendment, all Republicans, were Sens. Mike Braun, Ted Cruz, Steve Daines, Bill Hagerty, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, John Kennedy, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Cynthia Lummis, Roger Marshall, Marco Rubio, Eric Schmitt, Tommy Tuberville, and J.D. Vance.

Rand Paul: “We’re Out Of Ammo, We’re Out Of Money”


Jul 20, 2023

Senator Rand Paul stated Wednesday that the U.S. cannot afford to keep sending money and ammo to Ukraine in order to fight a war with Russia, because the country has run out of both.

“From a fiscal conservative perspective, it makes no sense to borrow money from China to send it to Ukraine,” Paul urged, adding “It’s not like we’re sending them surplus funds. It’s like, ‘Oh, we have surplus ammo around.’”

“We’re actually out of ammo now, we’re out of money. And so, there’s no real sense in continuing to do this,” Paul further emphasised.

“This war can go on forever,” Paul continued, adding “I don’t think the Russians are ever leaving Crimea. I don’t think the Ukrainians have the might to push them out.”

“If the endpoint is Russia has to leave Crimea and all other parts they occupy of Ukraine then the war goes on, it will be a war of attrition over many, many years and the Ukrainian people are suffering horribly,” Paul further explained.


Today I offered an amendment to the NDAA that would have clarified that Article 5 of the NATO treaty does not supersede the constitution. https://t.co/KfEwvY81Rv

— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) July 19, 2023

The power to declare war is the most important power and the most important vote that any legislator will ever entertain. See how your senator voted: https://t.co/mkMgPRhdfD

— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) July 19, 2023

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faa00c No.73506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217514 (211705ZJUL23) Notable: Drum and bass bike ride. Dom Whiting/tunes alone worth it

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Drum and bass bike ride. Dom Whiting

This guy put speakers and some decks on his bike as a protest at the clubs bieing closed during lockdown. He now tours the UK and europe doing these massive bike rides. White, black, brown, young, old, everyone united and enjoyng the music and just being alive.


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faa00c No.73507

File: 463f3e14b4612db⋯.png (504.55 KB,803x750,803:750,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bc552910ab7b6c⋯.png (246.21 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 419efd84e8fc246⋯.png (227.94 KB,805x505,161:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 576f4e741fea235⋯.png (1.02 MB,930x626,465:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 2552fc46f66fbc5⋯.png (267.3 KB,1903x697,1903:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217550 (211711ZJUL23) Notable: To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2024 through 2028, and for other purposes.

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I didn't post all the pics, just information to back up the three bills currently going through congress to adress FAA regulations which will encompass NextGen technologies for personal air travel.

For fun, here are some more...






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faa00c No.73508

File: 6b6cb4417a06754⋯.png (19.86 KB,482x253,482:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19217587 (211719ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley The American ppl deserve transparency frm their govt not selective censoring for political convenience

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Chuck Grassley


Remember FBI redacted parts of 1023 relating to alleged recordings of Hunter and Joe Biden calls + text msgs + financial records WHY? we must root out political bias in DOJ/FBI The American ppl deserve transparency frm their govt not selective censoring for political convenience

12:45 PM · Jul 21, 2023


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faa00c No.73509

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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