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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

8a193d No.51545 [View All]

24JUN23 to 27JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 681 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8a193d No.67452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19078945 (262231ZJUN23) Notable: Sleepy Joe admits to the world he sold out the United States!

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President Biden and Prime Minister Modi Host a U.S.- India Technology Roundtable



2,154 views 26 Jun 2023

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi of the Republic of India meet with senior officials and CEOs of American and Indian companies gathered to discuss innovation, investment, and manufacturing in a variety of technology sectors, including AI, semiconductors, and space.

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8a193d No.67453

File: 00290b95e05a362⋯.png (274.79 KB,589x835,589:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19078957 (262233ZJUN23) Notable: New info reveals CISA has facilitated the censorship of Americans directly and through third-party intermediaries.

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Weaponization Committee


New information obtained to date has revealed that the CISA has facilitated the censorship of Americans directly and through third-party intermediaries.

How? Thread

6:31 PM · Jun 26, 2023


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8a193d No.67454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19078993 (262241ZJUN23) Notable: #23429

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#23429 >>67423

>>67447, >>67452 Sleepy Joe admits to the world he sold out the United States!

>>67425 Brunson v Adams - Petition DENIED AGAIN

>>67426 How corrupt is the United States? Justice Department hauled evidence away ON FIRE in direct violation of OSHA safety requirements

>>67449 New Report Reveals CISA Tried to Cover Up Censorship Practices.

>>67424, >>67442, >>67450 Putin dissolves Wagner and allows the soldiers to go to home, to Belarus or join the Russian army.

>>67427, >>67428 2024: How to Out-Compute the Left

>>67430 DOJ Used Paid Informants and tampered evidence to Indict J6er Jessica Watkins, Now She Sits in Prison and Is Speaking Out (AUDIO)

>>67431 Canadian food company says food-safe microchips will improve traceability

>>67432 Dennis Rodman Turns Out for Houston Groomer Pride Parade in Green Skirt

>>67433 The Burisma Case in Ukraine and the Hunter Biden Case in the U.S. Were Forged Using the Same Scheme

>>67435 Biden Admin Splashing $1.7 Billion on Electric and Low-Emission Busesn

>>67439, >>67436, >>67437 Evaluation of Mask-Induced Cardiopulmonary Stress (N95)

>>67440 Cedric Roussel dead at 45: Former Premier League and Belgium striker

>>67443, >>67446 Episode 263 of the Devin Nunes Podcast with Jim Caviezel

>>67445, >>67434 Fauci lands retirement post as Georgetown professor

>>67448 New study shows that 16.5 million Americans are at risk of stroke from exercising.

>>67438 Ignore all of this… for something ABC Said Or Muh Russia or we got the Bad Orange Man

>>67453, >>67451 New info reveals CISA has facilitated the censorship of Americans directly and through third-party intermediaries.

>>67441 Russia intercepts UK spy plane

>>67444 Denmark begins training Ukrainian pilots for F-16s

>>67429 Planefag GTMO845 up

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8a193d No.67455

File: 84bb5cb8f282ad7⋯.png (134.34 KB,595x516,595:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079009 (262243ZJUN23) Notable: #23430

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8a193d No.67456

File: 287bce3a01687da⋯.jpg (4.78 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079044 (262248ZJUN23) Notable: Washington is watching the radiation levels at Europe’s largest nuclear facility “very closely”

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No ‘imminent’ threat to Zaporozhye nuclear power plant – White House

Washington is watching the radiation levels at Europe’s largest nuclear facility “very closely”

The US is monitoring the situation at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which sits close to the front line between Russian and Ukrainian troops, but sees no signs of an imminent threat to the facility, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Monday at the White House press briefing.

“I’m not going to get into specific intelligence,” Kirby said when asked about Kiev’s accusations that Russia was preparing to blow up the plant. 

“We have the ability near the plant to monitor radioactivity,” he added. “We just haven’t seen any indication that that threat is imminent, but we’re watching it very, very closely.”

Ukraine claimed last week that Russia was preparing a radiation incident at the ZNPP. President Vladimir Zelensky said that Moscow wanted to cause “radiation leakage” at the plant, citing Ukrainian intelligence assessments. According to his aide Mikhail Podoliak, Russia had mined the cooling pond at the facility and was preparing to carry out “a large-scale terrorist attack” in order to “stop the Ukrainian counteroffensive and create a depopulated sanitary gray zone.”

IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe’s largest nuclear plant

Read more

IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe’s largest nuclear plant

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has called the claims by Zelensky and Podoliak “yet another lie” coming from Kiev, noting that Moscow was fully cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


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8a193d No.67457

File: 12edf5b697ebf3c⋯.png (454.04 KB,598x674,299:337,Clipboard.png)

File: cb3fa61b6bf1ad4⋯.jpg (72.64 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079058 (262250ZJUN23) Notable: Who knew in 2006 that 17 years later the man standing behind Bush in this photo would be marching to Moscow with a private military company while Putin is still the president

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸 Retweeted

Global Thinker


=0Who knew in 2006 that 17 years later the man standing behind Bush in this photo would be marching to Moscow with a private military company while Putin is still the president of Russia.==


Godbless patriots WW.

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8a193d No.67458

File: f2a824108850aed⋯.png (359.84 KB,534x522,89:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079094 (262258ZJUN23) Notable: Pope Francis Welcomes Artist Who Submerged a Crucifix in Glass of Urine to the Vatican

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Pope Francis Welcomes Artist Who Submerged a Crucifix in Glass of Urine to the Vatican

3:09 PM · Jun 26, 2023





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8a193d No.67459

File: bebb34d4e167d6e⋯.png (19.31 KB,598x295,598:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079114 (262302ZJUN23) Notable: @Jim_JordanComing up on Fox News with @JesseBWatters at 7:05 p.m.

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Rep. Jim Jordan


Coming up on Fox News with @JesseBWatters at 7:05 p.m.

Tune in!



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8a193d No.67460

File: 9a98b962a6b06ac⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b1b51897c8f2507⋯.png (577.46 KB,749x697,749:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079148 (262309ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN (last week): "I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things…"

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clip and CAP

BIDEN (last week): "I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things…"

>>>/qresearch/19078733 lb



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8a193d No.67461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079153 (262309ZJUN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene lead hearing on ATF accountability in Northwest Florida

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Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene lead hearing on ATF accountability in Northwest Florida


>less already notabled

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8a193d No.67462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079235 (262320ZJUN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene lead hearing on ATF accountability in Northwest Florida

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8a193d No.67463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079256 (262323ZJUN23) Notable: Comer Says Hunter Biden Legal Team Intimidating Witnesses: ‘They Fear For Their Lives’

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Comer Says Hunter Biden Legal Team Intimidating Witnesses: ‘They Fear For Their Lives’

House Oversight Committee Chairman has made a stunning claim regarding whistleblowers and other witnesses who have been providing testimony to his panel regarding President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

The Kentucky Republican has said he has received credible allegations that Joe Biden’s legal team is harassing and even threatening some of the committee’s witnesses.

“We’ve got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward. They fear for their lives,” he told the Just the News podcast last week.

Comer expressed concerns about witness intimidation within his district, emphasizing that high-ranking officials from the Democratic Party are exerting pressure on banks that have cooperated with subpoenas issued by his Oversight and Accountability Committee.

The committee chairman expressed profound concern regarding the legal letters and implicit threats directed towards witnesses by supporters of Hunter Biden. Reports indicate that cooperating banks have been subjected to threats, while political attack campaigns have been funded in the districts of certain lawmakers involved in investigating allegations of influence peddling by the Biden family.

“The Hunter Biden legal team — they’re testing the limits,” Comer said. “I’ll put it like that with respect to witness intimidation. I mean, just look in my district. We’ve got dark money groups that are being funded through prominent high-ranking Democrat officials in Congress. Also the communications director for the White House continues to retweet things trying to intimidate me for having the audacity to investigate.

“We’ve got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward. They fear for their lives. I mean, you’ve got the banks that have worked with us, they’re being squeezed by attorneys, by high-ranking officials in the Democrat Party for having the nerve to work with us to comply with our subpoenas,” he added.


Just the News added: “As the actions play out, there are growing questions in Washington whether the DOJ probe is narrowly focused on tax transactions from 2018 forward instead of earlier deals dating to 2014 that involved Russia, China and Ukraine.”

Comer provided an update during a Newsmax interview on Saturday about the panel’s ongoing probes into the president and his family regarding alleged influence-peddling schemes, saying that GOP investigators have managed to obtain a wealth of new information involving monetary transfers from several more countries.

“We have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more [money wire transfers] from more countries,” Comer said. “Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far: China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.

“And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just the beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way,” he said, adding that despite all of the obstacles being put up by various federal agencies, including the FBI, “we are still producing results every day that shows this family, the president of the United States’ family, has received millions and millions of dollars from our adversaries all over the world, and they can’t explain why.”


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8a193d No.67464

File: ea01460163e5c2c⋯.png (154.77 KB,584x320,73:40,Clipboard.png)

File: eb2cb4c8dbd9e73⋯.png (267.13 KB,545x429,545:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079271 (262326ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN (last week): "I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things…"

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Joe Biden to Indian Prime Minister and Tech Giant CEOs at White House: “I Sold a Lot of State Secrets and a Lot of Very Important Things” ..This Even Made the WH Transcripts!

Joe Biden held a meeting last week with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and several Indian officials at the White House.

During the meeting a VERY CONFUSED Joe Biden blurted out that he sold a lot of state secrets.

Joe Biden: “I was just thanking the… Anyway… I started off without you… And I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things we shared.”

This quote even made the White House transcripts (thank you, Cristina!)


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8a193d No.67465

File: bf9b8df97be916f⋯.png (104.2 KB,806x637,62:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079293 (262330ZJUN23) Notable: Musk's Twitter Faces Millions In Fines After New 'Disinformation' Laws Released In Australia

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Musk's Twitter Faces Millions In Fines After New 'Disinformation' Laws Released In Australia

Elon Musk’s Twitter and other social media giants face the prospect of billions in fines after the Australian government released new laws targeting “misinformation and disinformation.”

Following a months-long process, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland released the draft legislation that will grant the country’s media regulatory body, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), greater powers to stamp out harmful content online.

“Mis and disinformation sows division within the community, undermines trust, and can threaten public health and safety,” the Labor communications minister said in a statement on June 26.

“This consultation process gives industry and the public the opportunity to have their say on the proposed framework, which aims to strike the right balance between protection from harmful mis and disinformation online and freedom of speech.

The government has pledged that ACMA will not have the power to determine what is “true or false” on individual posts and will have no impact on “professional news content or authorised electoral content.”

New Standards and Penalties

The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 introduces a two-tiered system to regulate mis- or disinformation online.

The first tier will see ACMA request social media companies develop a code of practice (industry codes), which will be registered and enforced by ACMA—similar to the telecommunications industry.

A breach of this code will attract significant penalties, including a $2.75 million fine or two percent of global turnover—whichever is greater.

If the code fails, the second tier of regulation will see ACMA itself create and enforce an industry standard (a stronger form of regulation) that will attract even higher penalties of $6.8 million or five percent of global turnover—millions for Twitter and billions for companies like Meta (Facebook).

These laws are meant to strengthen existing voluntary codes developed by the Digital Industry Group.


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8a193d No.67466

File: fecc355d7ef51c4⋯.png (217.31 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dcfdd797f5b5ba⋯.png (293.88 KB,605x402,605:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079308 (262332ZJUN23) Notable: Pope Francis Welcomes Artist Who Submerged a Crucifix in Glass of Urine to the Vatican

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Pope Francis Welcomes Artist Who Submerged a Crucifix in Glass of Urine to the Vatican

Pope Francis has once again stunned Catholics as he welcomed photographer Andres Serrano to the Vatican.

Serrano is the creator of the controversial “Piss Christ,” in which he submerged a model of Jesus Christ on the crucifix in his own urine.

Pope Francis welcomed 200 artists to the Sistine Chapel to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vatican’s collection of contemporary art.

“Thank you for accepting my invitation; I am happy to be with you, because the Church has always had a relationship with artists that can be described as both natural and special,” the pontiff told the artists, including Serrano. “A natural friendship, because artists take seriously the richness of human existence, of our lives and the life of the world, including its contradictions and its tragic aspects. This richness risks disappearing from the view of the many specialized disciplines that respond to immediate needs, but find it difficult to view life as a polyhedron, a complex and multifaceted reality.”


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8a193d No.67467

File: 5decd5e0cc40915⋯.png (153.82 KB,501x544,501:544,Clipboard.png)

File: 7272d83ea4d5ca5⋯.png (65.21 KB,515x469,515:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079324 (262336ZJUN23) Notable: Kerry Skewered By French TV Host After Condemning Putin Invasion

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John Kerry Skewered By French TV Host After Condemning Putin Invasion: "Why Isn't Bush Judged In The Same Way?"

John Kerry, who is Biden's special presidential envoy for climate, came up against rare pushback when he tried to issue the usual invective and talking points on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Putin's aggression while speaking on French television in Paris.

But a French TV anchor wasn't having it, and confronted Kerry over US hypocrisy, given Washington has mounted multiple invasions of sovereign countries in recent decades, especially since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Well-known French journalist Darius Rochebin during the Sunday night interview on news channel LCI posed the following: "We have to judge Putin for crimes of aggression, of course. But you, the Americans, you committed the crime of aggression in Iraq." Rochebin then asked Kerry: "These countries of the Global South say, should we judge George Bush? Why isn’t Bush judged in the same way?”

Kerry simply tried to reject the comparison, without explanation, shooting back "no". Rochebin quickly interjected, "Why?"

"Because there’s never even been a direct process or accusation or anything with respect to President Bush himself," Kerry deflected. "Have there been abuses in the course of that war, yes."

Rochebin didn't let go after this nonsensical attempt to appeal to a legal "process" and mere "abuses" (in a war that killed hundreds of thousands of civilians). The journalist pressed: "Was it not a crime of aggression to enter into Iraq on the basis of a lie?"

"No, no, no," Kerry said. "Well, we didn’t know it was a lie at the time. You know the evidence that was produced, people didn’t know that it was a lie. So no, again, I think, you’re stretching something. That’s not a constructive way —"

"But he lied," Rochebin said of Bush. "He lied. He lied."

A flustered Kerry, who had also served as Secretary of State under the Obama administration, then said, "Sir, I’m not going to re-debate the Iraq war with you here right now. We spent a lot of time doing that previously. I was opposed to going in, I thought it was the wrong thing to do. But we gave the president the power, regrettably, in the Congress, based on the lie. And when we knew it was a lie, people stood up and did the right thing."


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8a193d No.67468

File: 33fdb32be6f08e9⋯.png (312.49 KB,602x586,301:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079386 (262344ZJUN23) Notable: Iconic Titanic Actor, Who Played Ancestor Of Titan Sub CEO Stockton Rush’s Wife, Dies, 94

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JUST IN: Iconic Titanic Actor, Who Played Ancestor Of Titan Sub CEO Stockton Rush’s Wife, Dies


This is the gayest fucking movie EVER. Seriously. Just end it already. This is so fucking retarded.

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8a193d No.67469

File: 65c72186d221327⋯.jpeg (69.29 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079419 (262350ZJUN23) Notable: Kerry Skewered By French TV Host After Condemning Putin Invasion

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26 Jun, 2023 17:29

US envoy admits Iraq invasion was based on lie

The 2003 war was not a crime because President George W. Bush was never charged, (yet) John Kerry has insisted

The US-led invasion of Iraq was completely different to the current Ukraine conflict, Washington’s special envoy for climate change John Kerry has told French TV channel LCI.

He appeared on LCI’s Sunday evening show hosted by Darius Rochebin, who had previously interviewed him for a Swiss outlet in 2017. Rochebin tweeted a video segment of the interview, in which he confronted Kerry about the West accusing Russia of aggression regarding Ukraine. The French journalist noted that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was an actual war of aggression, based on the lie that Baghdad secretly possessed weapons of mass destruction.

No,” Kerry replied. “Because there’s never even been, you know, a process of direct accusationof President [George W.] Bush himself.”

He added that there had been “abuses” in the course of that conflict, and that he “spoke out against them.” When Rochebinasked him directly whether the Iraq War had been a crime of aggression, Kerry repeatedly denied it.

“No, No, No. Well, you didn’t know it was a lie at the time. The evidence that was produced, people didn’t know that it was a lie,” the former diplomat said, before telling Rochebin that he doesn’t intend to “re-debate the Iraq War” at this point.

Kerry also claimed he was opposed to the war at the time and thought it was the wrong thing to do.He actually voted in the Senate to authorize the invasion, however. When Rochebin pushed him on theapparent double standard,Kerry began speaking about “climate justice==.”

The Bush administration accused Iraqi President Saddam Hussein of having chemical and biological weapons, as well as being somehow involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. The ‘evidence’ for WMDs offered to the media and the UN Security Council turned out to beentirely fabricated, and no such weapons were ever found. Likewise, no connection between Baghdad and Al-Qaeda was ever established.

The 2003 invasion and the subsequent occupation of Iraq was carried out without UN approval, by whatBush called a ‘coalition of the willing’. The US, the UK, Australia and Poland provided troops for the attack, though Washington later claimed 44 more countries had offered some kind of support.

Kerry ran against Bush in 2004 but lost. He later served as secretary of state in the Barack Obama administration, and was appointed climate change ambassador by the current president, Joe Biden, in 2021.


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8a193d No.67470

File: 2a55733f07742a1⋯.png (601.79 KB,855x796,855:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079421 (262350ZJUN23) Notable: White House Announces $42 Billion Investment Plan to Expand Internet Access

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White House Announces $42 Billion Investment Plan to Expand Internet Access

June 26, 2023

The Biden administration has announced that the government will divvy up $42 billion among the nation’s 50 states in an effort to expand high-speed broadband to every household and small business throughout the United States by 2030.

In a fact sheet released on June 26, the White House said access to high-speed internet is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for many Americans to complete the different roles in their jobs, participate in school projects, or stay connected with loved ones.

“Yet, more than 8.5 million households and small businesses are in areas where there is no high-speed internet infrastructure, and millions more struggle with limited or unreliable internet options,” the document reads.

The $42 billion in federal funding under the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment program—which was signed by President Joe Biden through his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill in 2021—is based on a newly released Federal Communications Commission coverage map that details gaps in access.

The Department of Commerce unveiled funding for states, territories, and the District of Columbia on June 26, noting that awards will range from $27 million to more than $3 billion depending on location. Each state will receive a minimum funding of $107 million.

A total of 19 states are expected to receive allocations of more than $1 billion; Texas and California—the two most populous U.S. states—top the funding list at $3.1 billion and $1.9 billion, respectively.

“With these allocations and other Biden administration investments, all 50 states, DC, and the territories now have the resources to connect every resident and small business to reliable, affordable high-speed internet by 2030,” the White House stated.

By the end of the year, states are expected to submit initial plans outlining how they propose to use the money, and the funding won’t begin to be distributed until those plans are approved by the Department of Commerce, which could take until 2025. Once approved, states can begin awarding grants to telecommunications companies, electric cooperatives, and other broadband providers to build infrastructure that links homes and small businesses to the internet.

However, broadband companies such as Verizon, Comcast, Charter Communications, and AT&T have been hesitant to provide access to low-population, rural communities because of the expense and how few subscribers are in those areas. The lack of broadband access drew attention during COVID-19 shutdowns that forced students into online schooling.

In a June 26 memo (pdf) obtained by news outlets, senior White House advisers Anita Dunn and Mike Donilon compared the broadband expansion to President Franklin Roosevelt’s efforts in 1936 to bring electricity to rural America.

“Just like Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered electricity to every home in America through his Rural Electrification Act, the announcement is part of President Biden’s broader effort to deliver investments, jobs, and opportunities directly to working and middle-class families across the country,” the memo reads.


The move will kick off the second leg of Biden’s tour highlighting how legislation passed by Congress during the first half of his term will affect average Americans.

“We have a historic opportunity here to make a real difference in people’s lives, and making sure that we deliver on that potential is what we’re about every day—and to make sure that people feel that at their kitchen table, in their communities, in their backyards,” White House chief of staff Jeff Zients said.

In addition to the broadband investment, Biden is set to deliver a major economic speech in Chicago on June 28 to highlight his vision for “Bidenomics,” according to the memo.

The speech, which will largely focus on Biden’s attempts to build a robust economy by focusing on the middle class over the wealthy, will outline the administration’s success in job creation. The memo stated that the economy has added more than 13 million jobs, including nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs, since Biden took office.

“Bidenomics is rooted in the simple idea that we need to grow the economy from the middle out and the bottom up—not the top down,” Dunn and Donilon wrote in the memo. “Implementing that economic vision and plan—and decisively turning the page on the era of trickle-down economics—has been the defining project of the Biden presidency.”


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8a193d No.67471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079508 (270003ZJUN23) Notable: New Analysis of White House Visitor Logs Reveals Notable Gaps and Missing Names

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New Analysis of White House Visitor Logs Reveals Notable Gaps and Missing Names

Who is visiting the White House?

A new analysis of White House visitor logs reveals notable gaps and missing names.

Bloomberg reported:

President Joe Biden promised greater transparency about who was visiting his White House, yet a review of visitor logs from his first two years in office reveals notable gaps in disclosure.

The records detail more than 300,000 visitors from January 2021 through February 2023, including lawmakers such as West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, whose vote Biden was seeking for legislation, and business titans like JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon.

However, a Bloomberg News analysis of the data found duplications, anomalies and missing names. The results raise questions about the accuracy and completeness of the logs that record business meetings, social functions and receptions with Biden and other officials at the White House complex, which includes adjacent office buildings.

For example, the records posted on the White House website show just five visits from Nancy Pelosi when she was House Speaker, despite at least 20 known instances when she was there. And Biden’s former Chief of Staff Ron Klain, whose job would have made him one of the most sought-after people in the complex, is shown hosting only six visitors over two years.

Biden has only spent 60% of his presidency at the White House.

Joe Biden has spent 40% of his presidency on vacation with no visitor logs.

Fox News reported in January that a “source familiar” with the situation told them that the Secret Service has records of “regular” visitors to Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home that the agency is prepared to turn over to Congressional investigators.

This contradicts earlier reports by the White House counsel’s office and a Secret Service spokesman that no visitor logs were kept. The issue of visitor logs or records for Biden’s home is part of investigations into the discovery of illicit unsecured classified documents recently found in several locations, including the garage, at Biden’s home.


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8a193d No.67472

File: 3fd16483637804b⋯.png (253.64 KB,553x519,553:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079537 (270007ZJUN23) Notable: Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Threatens States that Don’t Provide Sex Reassignment Surgeries For Minors

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Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Threatens States that Don’t Provide Sex Reassignment Surgeries For Minors

Remember when the Democrat-media complex called Trump a dictator for trying to withhold federal funds from ‘sanctuary states’ that protect illegal aliens?

Those same screeching leftists are strangely silent after the Biden Regime threatened to withhold Medicaid from states that don’t provide sex reassignment surgeries (mutilation) and puberty blockers for minors.

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra last Thursday threatened GOP-led states that protect children from the monsters pushing them to take puberty blockers and mutilate their bodies.

“We have issued guidelines that say that a provider who receives Medicare funding, Medicaid funding, must be prepared to offer gender-affirming care – we unfortunately ran into a couple Circuit Courts that said differently so now we are in the process of having to work under those rulings, but we’re not gonna stop everywhere we have an opportunity at the federal level,” Becerra said.

Then he threatened red states that don’t provide child mutilation surgeries.

“If you want that Medicaid dollar to come to your state, we’re going to make sure you check the box,” Xavier Becerra said during a discussion at this year’s Aspen Ideas: Health.


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8a193d No.67473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079569 (270013ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump [Newsmax]: I don't know whether or not he [Biden] makes it to the gate…will he make it to the starting gate. He obviously; he's got some problems, some very big problems. Physically, mentally, I don't know. You tell me, is he going to make it to the starting gate?

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President Trump [Newsmax]: I don't know whether or not he [Biden] makes it to the gate...will he make it to the starting gate. He obviously; he's got some problems, some very big problems. Physically, mentally, I don't know. You tell me, is he going to make it to the starting gate?

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8a193d No.67474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079572 (270013ZJUN23) Notable: PresidentTrump is live on @NEWSMAXnow, tune in!

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Liz Harrington·6m

PresidentTrump is live on @NEWSMAXnow, tune in!


8:01 PM · Jun 26, 2023


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8a193d No.67475

File: 17c79b7813ba60e⋯.png (139.39 KB,768x448,12:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 48ff8610406460d⋯.png (94.45 KB,660x418,30:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 88f5ee6ca4d6f2a⋯.png (126.16 KB,660x403,660:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 47adce5f9cf3a64⋯.png (120.75 KB,663x411,221:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 85df3ceae1c7b9d⋯.png (120.75 KB,655x528,655:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079595 (270015ZJUN23) Notable: Dr. Denis Rancourt: Covid injections have killed 13 million people worldwide

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Dr. Denis Rancourt: Covid injections have killed 13 million people worldwide

Dr. Denis Rancourt’s research has shown that the vaccination campaign in India caused the deaths of 3.7 million fragile residents. And, “in Western countries, we quantified the average all-ages rate of death to be 1 death for every 2,000 injections, to increase exponentially with age … We estimated that the vaccines had killed 13 million worldwide,” he said.

Denis Rancourt has a PhD in physics. He held post-doctoral research positions at prestigious institutions in France and The Netherlands, before being a physics professor and lead scientist at the University of Ottawa for 23 years. He has written over 30 scientific reports relevant to covid, starting 18 April 2020 for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and for a new non-profit organisation called Correlation. Presently, all his work and interviews about covid are documented on his website which he created to circumvent the barrage of censorship. You can follow Dr. Rancourt on Twitter HERE.

On 17 May, Dr. Rancourt testified at the National Citizens Inquiry (“NCI”) held in Ontario, Canada. NCI is a citizen-led inquiry into Canada’s covid-19 response.

In a Twitter thread with video clips attached, citizen researcher and journalist Ben M., who is maintaining data through projects such as Mortality Watch, highlighted the following statements made by Dr. Rancourt during his testimony.

“There’s a strong correlation to poverty, which is one of the pieces of evidence that allows you to say that this is not a virus. [..] No matter how you slice it, there’s absolutely no correlation with age, which is definitive proof that this cannot be covid.”



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8a193d No.67476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079597 (270015ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump: I'm getting the word out, in my opinion, like never before. [Truth Social]

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President Trump: I'm getting the word out, in my opinion, like never before. [Truth Social]

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8a193d No.67477

File: 9776213ddd80548⋯.png (206.98 KB,447x596,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079626 (270019ZJUN23) Notable: VP Kamala Harris to Teen Girls: ‘Counting on You’ to Push Abortion Agenda Forward

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VP Kamala Harris to Teen Girls: ‘Counting on You’ to Push Abortion Agenda Forward

Vice President Kamala Harris charged up-and-coming young voters with pushing Democrats’ abortion-on-demand agenda in an exclusive interview with Teen Vogue.

The outlet reported that Harris gave an exclusive interview on the Dobbs anniversary because she “want[s] the readers of Teen Vogue to know that [they] are leaders.” Harris spoke with the outlet via phone after giving a Dobbs anniversary speech in North Carolina on Saturday, where she bemoaned the end of Roe v. Wade and called pro-life Republicans “extremists.”

“You are leaders by virtue of the fact that you are reading this. And I’m counting on you because your voice and your perspective is so important to the future of our country,” Harris continued, ostensibly addressing Teen Vogue‘s target audience: teenagers.

“And one of the significant ways you will express your voice is with your vote, your ability to organize, [and] your ability to remind each other that you are leaders and can help lead the direction of our country.”


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8a193d No.67478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079632 (270020ZJUN23) Notable: Convicted Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins Was Set Up by Federal Agent Posing as “1% Watchdog”

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Convicted Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins Was Set Up by Federal Agent Posing as “1% Watchdog”

June 26, 2023 | Sundance

I have written about the entrapment issue HERE, as well as the value that should be clearly evident. Counselors – On behalf of your client(s) file a motion with the judge requesting a court order compelling Zello to give up the registration records of the ‘Stop the Steal J6’ channel. This will identify the person behind “1% Watchdog”. If federal prosecutors fight the request for the court order, well: (a) there’s your answer; and (b) take the next step of using the preexisting congressional subpoena as evidence to support your compulsion.

Everything revolves around the identity of the person behind the “1% watchdog” user id.

According to the subpoena whoever started the Zello channel with the user id “1% watchdog”, is the person who organized many of the J6 events. Essentially, 1% is the canary in the coal mine of multiple investigations.

As you can see from the subpoena, investigators told me they had “public-source and documents on file with the committee” attributing me to the user id “1% Watchdog.”

Before the federal investigators admitted their mistake, and then urgently wanted to dispatch any further contact with me, they informed me that statements on Twitter and other social media platforms were used in tracking the 1% Watchdog identity to me.



WHO IS "1%Watchdog"???



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8a193d No.67479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079666 (270025ZJUN23) Notable: ebil trips confirm New York becomes gender-treatment 'safe haven' for minors

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New York becomes gender-treatment 'safe haven' for minors

"These new laws will enshrine our state as a beacon of hope, a safe haven for trans youth and their families, and ensure we continue to lead the nation on LGBTQ+ rights," she said.

"As the birthplace of the modern movement for LGBTQ+ rights, New York is proud to protect, defend and affirm our LGBTQ+ community," the governor said Sunday. "From Stonewall to Marriage Equality to GENDA, New Yorkers have been on the forefront of the fight for equal rights."

"Now, as other states target LGBTQ+ people with bigotry and fearmongering, New York is fighting back," she continued. "These new laws will enshrine our state as a beacon of hope, a safe haven for trans youth and their families, and ensure we continue to lead the nation on LGBTQ+ rights."

The measure she signed bars state courts from considering the laws of other states permitting the removal of children from their parent should they allow the minor to receive gender-related treatments amid a custody battle. It also prohibits law enforcement from cooperating with other states in connection with such laws, even in the face of a subpoena. Other measures the governor signed require the use of gender-neutral language in new laws and on state websites.


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8a193d No.67480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079675 (270026ZJUN23) Notable: DHS outsourced censorship to third parties, then tried to cover it up: House Judiciary

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DHS outsourced censorship to third parties, then tried to cover it up: House Judiciary GOP report

Federal government's moves show it "implicitly admitting that its censorship activities are unconstitutional," interim staff report says.

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency outsourced its "censorship operation" to a nonprofit it funded following a First Amendment lawsuit by Louisiana and Missouri attorneys general, "implicitly admitting that its censorship activities are unconstitutional," according to an interim staff report by House Judiciary Committee Republicans shared with Just the News.

CISA also wanted to use the Center for Internet Security, which operates the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) and Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC), as its "mouthpiece" to obfuscate its own role in censorship, the report says.

It cites spring 2022 meeting notes from the subcommittee on "Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Misinformation & Disinformation," which was established by CISA's Cybersecurity Advisory Committee.

The notes show that the so-called MDM Subcommittee was "fully aware" of the contemporaneous "severe public outcry" about DHS's Disinformation Governance Board, which was disbanded after a few months, and the AGs' lawsuit against the Biden administration and CISA for pressuring social media to censor disfavored narratives, according to the report.


House Judiciary Weaponization of CISA interim staff report.pdf

The subcommittee discussed circumventing the First Amendment by outsourcing these activities to third parties, which would also "avoid the appearance of government propaganda," according to meeting notes quoted by House Judiciary Republicans.

Suzanne Spaulding, a former CIA legal advisor who's currently at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and Geoff Hale, who leads CISA’s Election Security Initiative, "suggested designating the ISACs as the clearing house [sic] for information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda," the meeting notes say. The report characterized this as "laundering" the government's messages through EI-ISAC.

Spaulding emailed Kate Starbird, cofounder of the University of Washington's Center for an Informed Public and MDM Subcommittee chair, worrying that it was "only a matter of time" before their work was publicly exposed and suggesting they be "proactive in telling our story." Starbird agreed, saying they had "a couple of pretty obvious vulnerabilities."

House Judiciary Republicans said CISA "still has not adequately complied with a subpoena for relevant documents, and much more factfinding is necessary."


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8a193d No.67481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079691 (270028ZJUN23) Notable: Fauci named ‘distinguished’ professor of infectious diseases at Georgetown University School of Medicine

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Fauci named ‘distinguished’ professor of infectious diseases at Georgetown University School of Medicine

Georgetown University announced on Monday that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, will join its faculty on July 1 as a “Distinguished University Professor” overseeing the School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases.

The academic division “provides clinical care, conducts research and trains future physicians in infectious diseases.” The university stated that Fauci will hold an additional position at its McCourt School of Public Policy.


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8a193d No.67482

File: b10ca119fcd82dd⋯.png (206.33 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079697 (270029ZJUN23) Notable: List of witnesses against Trump cannot be secret in documents case, judge rules

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List of witnesses against Trump cannot be secret in documents case, judge rules

US district court judge Aileen Cannon also scheduled a hearing to start the discovery process for classified documents

Hugo Lowell


Mon 26 Jun 2023 17.33 EDT

“The government’s motion does not explain why filing the list with the court is necessary; it does not offer a particularized basis to justify sealing the list from public view,” the US district court judge Aileen Cannon wrote.


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8a193d No.67483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079762 (270041ZJUN23) Notable: #23430

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#23430 >>67455

>>67456 Washington is watching the radiation levels at Europe’s largest nuclear facility “very closely”

>>67457 Who knew in 2006 that 17 years later the man standing behind Bush in this photo would be marching to Moscow with a private military company while Putin is still the president

>>67458, >>67466 Pope Francis Welcomes Artist Who Submerged a Crucifix in Glass of Urine to the Vatican

>>67459 @Jim_JordanComing up on Fox News with @JesseBWatters at 7:05 p.m.

>>67460, >>67464 BIDEN (last week): "I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things…"

>>67461, >>67462 Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene lead hearing on ATF accountability in Northwest Florida

>>67463 Comer Says Hunter Biden Legal Team Intimidating Witnesses: ‘They Fear For Their Lives’

>>67465 Musk's Twitter Faces Millions In Fines After New 'Disinformation' Laws Released In Australia

>>67467, >>67469 Kerry Skewered By French TV Host After Condemning Putin Invasion

>>67468 Iconic Titanic Actor, Who Played Ancestor Of Titan Sub CEO Stockton Rush’s Wife, Dies, 94

>>67470 White House Announces $42 Billion Investment Plan to Expand Internet Access

>>67471 New Analysis of White House Visitor Logs Reveals Notable Gaps and Missing Names

>>67472 Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Threatens States that Don’t Provide Sex Reassignment Surgeries For Minors

>>67473 President Trump [Newsmax]: I don't know whether or not he [Biden] makes it to the gate…will he make it to the starting gate. He obviously; he's got some problems, some very big problems. Physically, mentally, I don't know. You tell me, is he going to make it to the starting gate?

>>67474 PresidentTrump is live on @NEWSMAXnow, tune in!

>>67475 Dr. Denis Rancourt: Covid injections have killed 13 million people worldwide

>>67476 President Trump: I'm getting the word out, in my opinion, like never before. [Truth Social]

>>67477 VP Kamala Harris to Teen Girls: ‘Counting on You’ to Push Abortion Agenda Forward

>>67478 Convicted Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins Was Set Up by Federal Agent Posing as “1% Watchdog”

>>67479 ebil trips confirm New York becomes gender-treatment 'safe haven' for minors

>>67480 DHS outsourced censorship to third parties, then tried to cover it up: House Judiciary

>>67481 Fauci named ‘distinguished’ professor of infectious diseases at Georgetown University School of Medicine

>>67482 List of witnesses against Trump cannot be secret in documents case, judge rules


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8a193d No.67484

File: a0cc7225304d7d3⋯.png (315.91 KB,720x429,240:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 06a1324b6f5da6a⋯.jpg (113.79 KB,961x500,961:500,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9ad9e223a6051a7⋯.png (846.55 KB,780x646,390:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a98b962a6b06ac⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: bc7d8669d251592⋯.png (286.3 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079781 (270043ZJUN23) Notable: #23431

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8a193d No.67485

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079813 (270046ZJUN23) Notable: PUTIN'S ADDRESS TO THE NATION AFTER WAGNER REBELLION (ENGLISH SUBTITLES)

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this is notable, missed last bread.




Note: Worth watching instead of the retarded msm fake news narrative. Putin sounds very honest and open, spelling out what happened and his response.





Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered an address to the nation on late Monday night, two days after the Wagner rebellion came to a sudden end. Speech with English subtitles.

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8a193d No.67486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079839 (270052ZJUN23) Notable: Raffensperger Says Voting Machines in State are Fine Despite Independent Investigation Reporting Material Vulnerabilities

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Georgia’s Secretary of State Raffensperger Says Voting Machines in State are Fine Despite Independent Investigation Reporting Material Vulnerabilities

Georgia’s Secretary of State will not remove machines in the 2024 election that have been found to be so insecure that they can be hacked and elections changed by bad actors.

A week ago, the Halderman report was finally released in Georgia after the corrupt Obama judge Amy Totenberg allowed it finally to be released. The report laid out numerous facts about the Dominion Voting machines used in the 2020 Election in the state.

But after seeing the report, Raffensperger claims that it wasn’t that the report wasn’t bad and that the machines will be used again in the upcoming election in 2024.

“Georgia’s election system is secure. It’s been battle-tested through two general elections, subjected to repeated audits and intense public scrutiny, and come through with flying colors. Georgia’s election officials are proceeding judiciously and responsibly to ensure that our elections are secure, accurate and accessible to the voters. Every single piece of voting equipment across Georgia will undergo security health checks ahead of the 2024 presidential elections, including verification no software has been tampered with.”


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8a193d No.67487

File: 5637492bdbd5ebc⋯.jpeg (37.25 KB,730x399,730:399,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079845 (270053ZJUN23) Notable: District Attorney Recuses Her Office From Prosecuting Atlanta Domestic Terrorists

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District Attorney Recuses Her Office From Prosecuting Atlanta Domestic Terrorists

Chris Queen JUNE 26, 2023

Authorities have arrested more than 50 domestic terrorists who ravaged metro Atlanta over the past several months trying to stop the construction of a public safety training center just outside the city. These thugs, whoare aligned with Antifa and tied to one of Stacey Abrams’ groups, shot at a Georgia state trooper, did damage to construction equipment, torched a police car, and damaged a historic building in midtown Atlanta. They also targeted the offices of the contractors in charge of the project and allegedly booby-trapped a popular park, and members have reportedly protested at church services where contract employees were worshiping.

You can read my extensive coverage of the situation here, complete with links to all my articles, but suffice it to say that it’s going to take a while to move these suspects through the court system. And now, authorities have one less venue to handle the prosecution.

DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston announced on Friday that she is recusing her office from the prosecution of these Antifa goons. WSB-TV reports that Boston released a statement that she will “withdraw her office from the prosecution of all current cases related to the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.”

Back in January, when the domestic terrorists shot the state trooper, Boston bowed out of the prosecution of that case, claiming it was “the right thing to do.”

“I intend for the investigation to be impartial and therefore I’m removing myself from the situation,” she said at the time, claiming that, despite no legal conflict of interest, recusing herself “avoids the appearance of any impropriety.”

The plan for prosecuting the terrorists was for Boston’s office to team up with Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr to move the cases through the courts, but as the discussions proceeded, Boston said that the conversations “have revealed a fundamental difference in prosecutorial philosophy.”

She didn’t reveal why, but if you read between the lines, Carr is a Republican, whileBoston is a Democrat. Does she side with the Antifa thugs? We don’t know, but it’s hard not to speculate.

“At this point, I have decided it is best that we allow them to move forward with the charges they feel are warranted,” Boston added.

In the meantime, Carr says not to worry — he’s got this.

“While the District Attorney has decided to no longer assist in this case, our office is fully committed to moving forward with the prosecution of those who have engaged in or supported violent acts surrounding the Public Safety Training Center,” Carr said in a statement. “If you shoot police officers, throw Molotov cocktails at law enforcement, vandalize private homes and businesses, and set fire to police vehicles and offices, you will be held accountable. We will not waver when it comes to keeping Georgians safe and putting a stop to violent crime in our state.”

Even though Antifa-types are now circulating a petition to put the building of the training center on the ballot, the Atlanta City Council voted earlier this month to go forward with the project. Kudos to Atlanta for not backing down from the threats of these domestic terrorists.


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8a193d No.67488

File: 5da8da12467bcd1⋯.png (238.42 KB,534x543,178:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079858 (270055ZJUN23) Notable: Judge Cannon Smacks Down Jack Smith, Denies Government’s Motion to Keep List of 84 Witnesses Under Wraps in Classified Docs Case

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Judge Cannon Smacks Down Jack Smith, Denies Government’s Motion to Keep List of 84 Witnesses Under Wraps in Classified Docs Case

Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, issued her first smackdown of Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Judge Cannon on Monday denied Jack Smith’s motion to keep a list of 84 potential witnesses under seal in the classified documents case.

The judge said Jack Smith failed to explain why it was necessary to keep the names of the witnesses a secret.

Jack Smith was also trying to block Trump and his alleged co-conspirator, Walt Nauta, from communicating with the 84 witnesses.

NBC News reported:

A federal judge on Monday rejected a request from special counsel Jack Smith to keep secret a list of 84 potential witnesses in the prosecution of former President Donald Trump over his handling of classified documents.

Federal prosecutors had asked U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, to keep under seal a list of witnesses who Trump would be barred from communicating with directly.

In her order, Cannon said prosecutors failed to explain why it was necessary to keep the names under wraps, or why redacting or partially sealing the document would be inadequate.

Special Counsel Jack Smith recently indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

Walt Nauta, a Mar-a-Lago aide, was indicted along with President Trump as a co-conspirator.


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8a193d No.67489

File: 123d36b8299cc94⋯.png (170.92 KB,996x598,498:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f84ca36a3c08e8⋯.png (108.51 KB,984x464,123:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079864 (270056ZJUN23) Notable: Investment Firm Operator Charged with Running $100 Million Ponzi Scheme

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Investment Firm Operator Charged with Running $100 Million Ponzi Scheme


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8a193d No.67490

File: ddd8e51d8afd3de⋯.png (155.52 KB,989x586,989:586,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fd387c9444a4ac⋯.png (67.93 KB,985x283,985:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079869 (270057ZJUN23) Notable: Attorney and Former U.S. Congressional Candidate Indicted for Defrauding Clients of More Than $5 Million in Escrow Funds

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Attorney and Former U.S. Congressional Candidate Indicted for Defrauding Clients of More Than $5 Million in Escrow Funds


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8a193d No.67491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079882 (270059ZJUN23) Notable: McCarthy's new Garland impeachment push, @repdarrellissa · 17h Joe Biden has officially lawyered up.

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McCarthy's new Garland impeachment push

Punchbowl News

June 26, 2023 ... they consider satisfactory answers from the Justice Department on the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son.

BREAKING: Joe Biden has hired a criminal defense attorney.

https://mobile.twitter.com › GeneralMCNews › status › 1673338135181230093

BREAKING: Joe Biden has hired a criminal defense attorney. - Twitter

TodayBREAKING: Joe Biden has hired a criminal defense attorney. 26 Jun 2023 14:31:15


https://mobile.twitter.com › amuse › status › 1672995568396771328

@amuse on Twitter:

"SHOCK: The President of the United States has hired ...

a criminal defense lawyer after huddling with Hunter and his lawyers all weekend at Camp David. Will the media continue to run cover for their disgraced president?

Will the Democrat Party look the other way? Quote Tweet Rep. Darrell Issa @repdarrellissa · 17h Joe Biden has officially lawyered up.

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8a193d No.67492

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079891 (270101ZJUN23) Notable: Annual Meeting of the New Champions World Economic Forum (WEF)

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June 27, 2023 - June 29, 2023

Annual Meeting of the New Champions

World Economic Forum (WEF)



June 26, 2023

10:10 PM EDT

Annual Meeting of the New Champions - Opening Plenary with Li Qiang, the Premier of the People's Republic of China

Klaus Schwab

Founder, Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum Geneva

World Economic Forum (WEF)




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8a193d No.67493

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079908 (270103ZJUN23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

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Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy -06/26/2023


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8a193d No.67494

File: c466460aee89d36⋯.png (261.5 KB,470x469,470:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079910 (270103ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Special Counsel Jack Smith wants the world to believe that the case against Donald Trump is open and shut. It’s not.” Will Scharf

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Lots of 17's today!

4:58 = 17

Donald J. Trump


“Special Counsel Jack Smith wants the world to believe that the case against Donald Trump is open and shut. It’s not.”

Will Scharf

Former Federal Prosecutor


Jun 26, 2023, 4:58 PM


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8a193d No.67495

File: 61c45b31dd90ced⋯.png (468.68 KB,911x672,911:672,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079919 (270104ZJUN23) Notable: Did The White House Quietly Admit Biden Was Involved With Hunter’s Business Deals?

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Did The White House Quietly Admit Biden

Was Involved With Hunter’s Business Deals?

PJ Media, by Matt Margolis

Posted By: Garnet, 6/26/2023 5:08:25 PM

Last week, a whistleblower gave us a flurry of revelations of Biden administration corruption, including interfering with the federal investigation of Hunter Biden as well as evidence that Joe Biden was directly involved in bribing foreign nationals.The recent allegations appear to prove definitively that Joe Biden, despite his repeated denials, was not only very much involved in Hunter’s shady foreign business deals but was also a key factor in them. In light of this, the White House appears to have subtly changed its longstanding narrative. You’ve no doubt heard Joe Biden deny having any involvement in Hunter Biden’s non-U.S. business dealings. “I have never


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8a193d No.67496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079924 (270105ZJUN23) Notable: CNN obtains audio of Donald Trump talking about classified documents in 2021 For the Keks!

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BREAKING: CNN obtains audio of Donald Trump talking about classified documents in 2021

"This is secret information. [...] These are the papers. This was done by the military and given to me. [...] As President I could have declassified it — now I can’t, you know — but this is still a secret. Isn't that interesting? It’s so cool."

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8a193d No.67497

File: 2718ea2735e79cd⋯.png (254.68 KB,597x534,199:178,Clipboard.png)

File: b8a8777d0ce5315⋯.png (671.47 KB,828x338,414:169,Clipboard.png)

File: dc8037d0d9d1305⋯.png (1.18 MB,1028x804,257:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 325cbf6ef60f1d9⋯.png (563.37 KB,604x595,604:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079944 (270108ZJUN23) Notable: FBI denies claims it had undercover provocateurs at Oregon Pride event

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NEW: FBI denies claims it had undercover provocateurs at Oregon Pride event

“We are appalled…”


1:37 PM · Jun 26, 2023




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8a193d No.67498

File: 87b9d74b65abff5⋯.png (118.46 KB,1140x529,1140:529,Clipboard.png)

File: dd8ff1429028dd4⋯.png (64.83 KB,1137x305,1137:305,Clipboard.png)

File: cae0cabf570346e⋯.png (70.18 KB,1142x475,1142:475,Clipboard.png)

File: b1827b6ff04227a⋯.png (99.34 KB,1135x468,1135:468,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bf32c0481d9682⋯.png (72.75 KB,1147x543,1147:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079985 (270114ZJUN23) Notable: Voter Discrepancies Found In The Arizona 2022 General Election

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Voter Discrepancies Found In The Arizona 2022 General Election

Following reports from other states regarding vote discrepancies, an analysis was conducted of the total number of ballots counted in the 2022 Arizona general election compared to the number of registered voters.

A potential 8,241-vote discrepancy was discovered between the total number of registered voters listed as voting and the total number of ballots counted in the 2022 Arizona general election, about 29.4 times the 280-vote difference in the attorney general race.

The results indicate that there were either more votes counted than registered voters who voted in the 2022 Arizona general election or that Arizona counties have failed to keep accurate records of who voted in the election. Either way, this study has discovered a concerning issue.


In recent years, several state officials have raised concerns that some ballots could have been counted multiple times in their elections, resulting in more ballots counted than registered voters who voted. Others have raised the question of whether ballots could have been destroyed, resulting in more registered voters who voted than ballots counted.[1] Following these concerns, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) endeavored to conduct a study with a simple goal: to match the total number of registered voters listed as voting with the total number of ballots counted in the Arizona 2022 general election. Doing so would enable us to see if the vote totals were consistent or if they revealed discrepancies.

The races for Arizona governor and Arizona attorney general were extremely tight, so we recognized that any discrepancies could have played a role in the outcome. In the attorney general race, just 280 votes divided the Democrat and Republican attorney general candidates (Snow (2023)).

We made no attempt to determine if any discrepancies were intentional or accidental. How and for whom voters voted also were not at issue. We were strictly looking to determine whether voters and vote totals were equal.


This study was conducted with a similar methodology employed in an AFPI analysis of the national 2020 general election that found vast discrepancies. AFPI repeated the study for the November 2022 general election. To answer our specific study question about potential voter discrepancies in Arizona, we focused only on the data for the four most populous Arizona counties—Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, and Yavapai—as well as on smaller populations in tribal communities, such as Apache and Coconino, where previous concerns about voting irregularities had been raised (Davidson (2020) and Smith (2020)).

To obtain records of voter data from the general election, AFPI asked county election officers in 100 counties across the U.S., including six in Arizona, for their official tabulations of total ballots counted in the election. We submitted public records requests to these counties to provide us with a list of all voters who voted in the November 8, 2022, general election, including the following fields:

Voter ID

Voter name

Registration status (i.e., Active/Canceled/Other)

Registered address (City, Zip Code, County)


Voted in 2022 GE (Yes/No)

The goal of these public records requests was to match up the total number of registered voters listed as casting ballots (RVBC) and the total number of ballots counted (TBC) by precinct in each county (the national report will be published in the summer of 2023). Total ballots counted include all ballots: absentee, mail-in, and in-person.



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8a193d No.67499

File: 21315fc3aeca392⋯.png (56.4 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19080037 (270120ZJUN23) Notable: Russia intercepts UK spy plane

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Russia intercepts UK spy plane

Two Su-27 fighters chased off a RAF surveillance flight over the Black Sea

Two British fighter jets and a RC-135 spy plane approached the Russian border on Monday somewhere over the Black Sea, but turned around when approached by two Su-27 interceptors, the Russian Defense Ministry has said.

Russian air defenses “registered three targets” approaching the country’s airspace and dispatched a pair of fighter jets that were on duty to identify them and prevent any territorial violations, the ministry said in a statement.

“The crews of Russian fighters identified the air targets as an RC-135 surveillance, intelligence and electronic warfare aircraft and two RAF Typhoon multirole fighters,” according to the ministry. “When Russian fighters approached, the foreign military aircraft made a U-turn and headed away from the border.”

Both Russian fighters returned to base safely, and violations of the Russian border were “not allowed.” The intercept flight was carried out “in strict accordance with international rules,” over neutral waters and without a dangerous approach to foreign aircraft, the ministry noted.

Monday’s incident is the most serious confrontation between the Russian military and a NATO surveillance flight over the Black Sea since March, when an American MQ-9 drone went down southwest of Sevastopol. The US claimed one Russian Su-27 interceptor clipped the drone’s tail and caused it to crash in international waters. Moscow, however, said neither fighter had been damaged. Video released by Washington showed the Russian planes spraying jet fuel onto the intruding UAV before it lost contact with its operators.

The US paused drone flights over the Black Sea in the aftermath, but resumed them shortly thereafter. Russia has noted that Ukrainian drone and missile attacks often coincide with NATO surveillance flights.

Two years ago this week, the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender sailed into Russian territorial waters off Crimea, but turned away when it was fired upon by the Russian coast guard. The UK has been one of the most vocal champions of Ukraine in the current conflict, with then-PM Boris Johnson playing a key role in scuttling the March 2022 peace talks, according to Ukrainian media.


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8a193d No.67500

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19080133 (270133ZJUN23) Notable: Ric Grenell on his Kosovo Trip that Freed Three Police Officers

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Ric Grenell on his Kosovo Trip that Freed Three Police Officers

ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell joins Sekulow to discuss his recent trip to Kosovo. Ric’s actions on this trip resulted in three police officers being released from prison, and de-escalation in the region. Ric also discusses the Wagner Group’s recent ‘March of Justice’ and what impacts this may have on the war in Ukraine.

American Center for Law and Justice

4 hours ago - 10:45-mins


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8a193d No.67501

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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