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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

918545 No.51540 [View All]

13JUN23 to 15JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 716 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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918545 No.63697

File: 9c87fdd7aeb9993⋯.mp4 (13.94 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010464 (150539ZJUN23) Notable: pb, Mayorkas hearing on dereliction of duty at the border

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Mr Green 1/2

We opened our border, people tested it and they called home and now more are coming. not hurricanes, not earthquakes, not changes to our immigration law, not changes to the budget at C B P, not changes to the number of border patrol agents. What change were policies? And it has created a mass migration wave from 100 and 60 countries of people coming to the United States.

Tragically, the drug cartels have taken advantage of this. They seized on the opportunity to use people to pay them up to $13 billion transferred to some of the most heinous people.

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918545 No.63698

File: cc8718760a70030⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010478 (150546ZJUN23) Notable: pb, Mayorkas hearing on dereliction of duty at the border

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Green 2/2

The UN Charter is very clear when a refugee is seeking asylum and they go into another country, that country is supposed to take care of them and not pass them on to another country that's in the United Nations Charter. Why is this happening all over Central America? And why are we accepting that That's ok. We signed the UN Charter, they signed the UN Charter. Let's enforce it.


I, I, I wanna serve people but the government didn't get to pick where my charity goes. The government doesn't get to decide that I mark Green's taxpayer dollars are gonna go for taking care of my maybe I want to give my charity to gold star families, the, the family members of dead Americans who fought for this country. Maybe that's where I want my charity to go. Maybe I, you know, want to plant trees and save the environment. Best vacuum cleaner for Co2 on the planet is a tree.

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918545 No.63699

File: 0e5f728462d10e5⋯.png (289.04 KB,819x804,273:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010518 (150605ZJUN23) Notable: Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials

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Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials

"As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government emails and documents — including ones containing classified information — from her house in Washington, DC, emails and FBI memos show. But the housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material.

In fact, Marina Santos was called on so frequently to receive emails that she may hold the secrets to emailgate — if only the FBI and Congress would subpoena her and the equipment she used.

Clinton entrusted far more than the care of her DC residence, known as Whitehaven, to Santos. She expected the Filipino immigrant to handle state secrets, further opening the Democratic presidential nominee to criticism that she played fast and loose with national security.

Clinton would first receive highly sensitive emails from top aides at the State Department and then request that they, in turn, forward the messages and any attached documents to Santos to print out for her at the home.

Among other things, Clinton requested that Santos print out drafts of her speeches, confidential memos and “call sheets” — background information and talking points prepared for the secretary of state in advance of a phone call with a foreign head of state."


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918545 No.63700

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010521 (150606ZJUN23) Notable: Pres. Donald J Trump: Thank you to everyone who came out last night—to Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster! FULL REMARKS

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Donald J. Trump


Thank you to everyone who came out last night—to Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster!




Jun 15, 2023, 12:40 AM


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918545 No.63701

File: f46b231c7622449⋯.png (867.61 KB,830x670,83:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010560 (150634ZJUN23) Notable: The flag of the United States position and manner of display (RAINBOW FLAG looks like Satan re-entered the building)

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The flag of the United States position and manner of display

No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States

4 U.S.C.

United States Code, 2011 Edition



From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov



1.Flag; stripes and stars on.

2.Same; additional stars.

3.Use of flag for advertising purposes; mutilation of flag.

4.Pledge of allegiance to the flag; manner of delivery.

5.Display and use of flag by civilians; codification of rules and customs; definition.

6.Time and occasions for display.

_7.Position and manner of display.

8.Respect for flag.

9.Conduct during hoisting, lowering or passing of flag.

10.Modification of rules and customs by President.

§7. Position and manner of display

(c) No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. __No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.

(d) The flag of the United States of America, when it is displayed with another flag against a wall from crossed staffs, should be on the right, the flag's own right, and its staff should be in front of the staff of the other flag.

(e) The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs.

(f) When flags of States, cities, or localities, or pennants of societies are flown on the same halyard with the flag of the United States, the latter should always be at the peak. When the flags are flown from adjacent staffs, the flag of the United States should be hoisted first and lowered last. No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the United States flag's right.


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918545 No.63702

File: b95da583d572bee⋯.mp4 (12.84 MB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010567 (150637ZJUN23) Notable: FLAG DAY June 14, 2023 - BLESS THE AMERICAN FLAG!

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June 14, 2023

National Fraternal Order of Police

🇺🇸 As free Americans, we should all pause on this Flag Day to acknowledge the significance of our flag.

Tens of thousands of Americans have fought for the very things that flag represents. Many of them made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the American way of life.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”


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918545 No.63703

File: d38b1047711e9e3⋯.png (74.29 KB,439x941,439:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010572 (150641ZJUN23) Notable: The flag of the United States position and manner of display (RAINBOW FLAG looks like Satan re-entered the building)

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Is there a fine or punishment for contravening these flag protocols?

Placing a Pedophilic flag on the White House front and center,looks like Satan re-entered the building.


Dec 19, 2017 6:11:07 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No. 127286

Dec 19, 2017 6:07:28 PM EST

Anonymous ID: fad0d1 No. 127237

Dec 19, 2017 6:00:02 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No. 127154

We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.



Q, I have heard fro ppl in France, the Netherlands, Poland, Canada, and USA today. Ppl hunger for LIGHT - have lived under the darkness forTOO LONG.Thankyou


We have tremendous WW support.


Day of days.


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918545 No.63704

File: 3989f4806e5c5d9⋯.png (169.82 KB,873x965,873:965,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010616 (150702ZJUN23) Notable: DOJ Offered Witness with ‘Smoking Gun’ Burisma Evidence of Biden Bribery Ring, But She Died Under ‘Mysterious Circumstances’

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‘Bombshell’ Report: DOJ Offered Witness with ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence of Biden Bribery Ring, But She Died Under ‘Mysterious Circumstances’

by Kyle Becker June 10, 2023 Featured

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who previously served as an attorney for former President Donald Trump, claimed that he offered to give a U.S. attorney information about a whistleblower with access to smoking gun evidence of a Biden international bribery scheme, but he was ignored and she later died under mysterious circumstances.

The former Trump attorney gave his statements about the now-deceased chief accountant at Burisma, the Ukrainian oil and gas company that gave Hunter Biden hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit a board seat, while on Newsmax.

During an interview on “Saturday Report” with Rita Cosby, Giuliani referred to special counsel Jack Smith, who conducted an investigation into Trump’s handling of classified documents, leading to the former president’s federal indictment. Giuliani stated that Smith had emphasized the existence of a single system of laws in the United States that applies equally to everyone.

Giuliani further revealed that the Pittsburgh attorney general had initially been investigating the case. However, the investigation was later transferred to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware, under former Attorney General William Barr. Giuliani criticized the lack of action taken by the Delaware office, claiming that the individual involved was under threat of death.

“Well, of course, that’s the most ridiculous, idiotic statement to make on a day in which we find out that the Bidens took a $10 million bribe fom a Ukrainian Mykola Zlochevsky, which I could have told you, you know, and did tell [the DOJ] three years ago. And they followed up on none of the evidence I gave them. They were hoping that people would disappear or die. It’s extraordinary.”

Giuliani said he gave the DOJ “one witness … who is a woman, who is the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner, who died under suspicious circumstances. And she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens. And she’s supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.”

Giuliani told Cosby that the now-deceased chief accountant at Burisma was willing to give up the offshore bank accounts information at the Ukrainian petrogas company.

“It’s extraordinary,” he said. “I gave them one witness that any investigator would jump through hoops to go to. Gave them a witness who is a woman who was the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner who died under suspicious circumstances. And, she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens’ accounts. She supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.”

“Are you confident that now the House Committee is going to get to the bottom of that?” Cosby asked. “Because that is stunning.”

“The reality is that we gave it to them in January of 2020, and the Pittsburgh US attorney was very interested,” Giuliani replied. “And then in a very strange move, Barr took it away from him, gave it to the US attorney in Delaware. He didn’t do a damn thing about it. And the woman was under threat of death.”

“So, we tried to put pressure on them to do something,” he continued. “Look, suppose she was lying. You would find out in a minute she wouldn’t have the accounts. She either has the goods or she doesn’t. And it’s absurd not to interview her. She claims she had bank accounts and that the Biden’s got a lot more money under the table than already.”

“We had $8 million on the table that we could prove, which they could prove tomorrow if they wanted to they could have proved it three years ago, Rita, he added. “They could have indicted him before he ran for president and obviated this problem. We could have found out if he was innocent or guilty in January of 2020. All the witnesses were there, and I have him on tape like Shokin. Shokin was willing to come and testify.”

The informant named in the redacted FD-1023 document that the Federal Bureau of Investigation gave the House Oversight Committee members limited access to on Friday is still a mystery. The FBI is withholding the name of the informant, purportedly because the bureau fears for the safety of the whistleblower.


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918545 No.63705

File: c1e494be33cea60⋯.png (161.91 KB,1261x963,1261:963,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ad0fe5204f9603⋯.png (344.81 KB,696x558,116:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010623 (150706ZJUN23) Notable: House Rep. Confirms That FBI Informant Doc Shows $5 Million Bribery Payment Was Made TO Joe Biden

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House Rep. Confirms That FBI Informant Doc Shows $5 Million Bribery Payment Was Made TO Joe Biden

By Nathan Baker - June 8, 2023

Rep. Lauren Boebert, Republican from Colorado, has confirmed that the FBI informant document recently shown to members of the House Oversight Committee pertains to an alleged $5 million bribery payment paid to Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, and not his son Hunter Biden.

Boebert appeared on “The Benny Show” with host Benny Johnson and revealed what she saw in the redacted FD-1023 record that has been the basis of an ongoing dispute between the FBI and House investigators.





Johnson confirmed with Boebert that she saw it in a secure facility and the document is not yet public, but pressed her for details on the document’s contents.

“So there are some details you know, just dates, times, locations that, that we cannot express right now for the safety of the source,” Boebert said. “And so what I can say is this is: This has been going on for many years and there was a 5 million dollar payment made to Joe Biden. Not Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, ‘The Big Guy’.”

“And this is, you know, we’ve… it’s been said that we’re going after his son that he has nothing to do with this office, but it’s clearly laid out that they used Hunter Biden because he was stupid and that he could go through his dad for protection and that it would all just go away anyway.”

“Wow,” Johnson said. “And so this does have to do with the natural gas in Ukraine. This does have to do with the development of national gas sources.”

“And Burisma and Hunter Biden being appointed to the board where it is,” she replied. “It is noted that he had no experience, that the Biden family business has no experience in these oil and gas companies in these businesses. Yet he was appointed to the board. They know he is not smart, they know he’s stupid. And the payments were made for bribery. Shokin is certainly mentioned in these documents. And all of this really surrounds around that public statement made by Joe Biden threatening Viktor Shokin. And we’re seeing that there were forced payments made.”

In 2006, Joe Biden boasted at a Council of Foreign Relations meeting about getting Viktor Shokin, former Ukrainian Prosecutor General, fired. Shokin was investigating Burisma, the natural gas company that put Hunter Biden on its board.

Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired



The Biden administration and its advisers have claimed that they wanted the Ukrainian prosecutor general fired because of his lackluster anti-corruption efforts. But this FBI informant document suggests the opposite case. It potentially adds substance to the counter-argument that former President Donald Trump’s attempt to find valid evidence of Biden corruption was justified, albeit it led to his impeachment by the Democrat-led House of Representatives.

On Thursday, Hans Mahncke remarked on the developments, as well as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) reaction to the FBI informant document.

“So it was Burisma all along and we don’t have to take MTG’s word for it,” he said. “We have the evidence.”

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918545 No.63706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010625 (150707ZJUN23) Notable: DOJ Offered Witness with ‘Smoking Gun’ Burisma Evidence of Biden Bribery Ring, But She Died Under ‘Mysterious Circumstances’

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“On Nov 2, 2015, the director of Burisma’s board wrote Hunter demanding ‘deliverables’, specifically to get ‘high-ranking US officials’ to ‘close down’ the cases against Burisma.”

Rep. Greene had weighed in on the “definitely illegal” scheme earlier on Thursday.




House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Fox News on Wednesday and remarked about the FBI’s surprising about-face on the informant document.

“After weeks of refusing to even admit the FD-1023 record exists, the FBI has caved and is now allowing all members of the Oversight and Accountability Committee to review this unclassified record that memorializes a confidential human source’s conversations with a foreign national who claimed to have bribed then-Vice President Joe Biden,” Comer said in a statement following the decision,” Comer said.

“Americans have lost trust in the FBI’s ability to enforce the law impartially and demand answers, transparency, and accountability. Allowing all Oversight Committee members to review this record is an important step toward conducting oversight of the FBI and holding it accountable to the American people,” Comer added.


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918545 No.63707

File: 924642847491896⋯.png (1.54 MB,906x1133,906:1133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010629 (150709ZJUN23) Notable: Weissman Panics, Urges Jack Smith To Move Trump Case From Miami To New Jersey

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸






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918545 No.63708

File: e0b3c0e390fff11⋯.png (879.18 KB,1146x945,382:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010637 (150713ZJUN23) Notable: Newt Gingrich Proposes Bill to 'Break Up the Federal Bureau of Investigation'

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MTG pulls off a brilliant move to help President Trump!

Taylor Greene Announces Legislation to Defund Special Counsel In Trump Indictment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, fed up with the Biden administration’s attempts to indict and jail former President Donald Trump, is responding the best way she can.

The Georgia Republican and Trump ally is proposing legislation that would defund special counsel Jack Smith’s ongoing probe of the former president as well as additional investigations into Trump.

“Today, I’d like to announce that I’m writing an appropriations rider to defund Jack Smith, special counsel, his office and the investigation,” Greene said Monday during a House floor speech. “This is a weaponized government attempt to take down the top political enemy and leading presidential candidate of the United States, Donald J. Trump.”

In November, Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned Smith the task of investigating the manner in which Trump dealt with classified documents that he had taken from the White House and relocated to his Mar-a-Lago estate at the conclusion of his term.

Greene contended that Smith’s inquiry into Trump is driven by political motivations and said there’s a double standard between Trump and Democrats who were similarly implicated in the removal of classified material.

“We cannot allow the government to be weaponized for political purposes,” she noted in her speech. “I’d also like to ask all of my colleagues to join me in this effort. We have to use the power of appropriations to stop the weaponization of government, especially in light that we know that there are others who are guilty of true crimes.”

She went on to note the difference in how the FBI and Justice Department handled Trump’s case and an alleged probe into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s reported mishandling of classified emails on a private, unsecured server in her home.

“There should have been an investigation done into that,” she said.

In addition, Greene brought up classified documents associated with President Joe Biden that were removed during his tenure as vice president and subsequently discovered at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.

Additional documents were found at his residence in Delaware. Special counsel Robert Hur is supposed to be investigating those incidents, but there’s been no word on the progress of the investigation.

“Don’t forget Joe Biden’s documents that are sitting in his garage next to his Corvette where the door opens and closes,” Greene said. “America sees this for exactly what it is, and we will not allow it to stand.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) voiced his support for the measure.

This is an Article I flex! I’m so here for it,” he noted on Twitter.

On Sunday, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) said that the GOP majority should be acting in accordance with its constitutional oversight duty.

“Congress can and should hold the Biden DOJ accountable by defunding their efforts during the appropriations process, executing the Holman Rule to remove and defund corrupt officials, and conducting oversight on its baseless investigations,” Biggs said in a tweet.

In remarks over the weekend, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said the FBI should be “broken up” as it currently exists, senior leadership dismissed and reformed into a less malevolent, politically charged agency.

“This is a remarkable country with extraordinary people who are being crippled by their very own government and crippled by an anti-American faction, largely in the universities, and to some extent in the news media and in the corporate CEOs and in the bureaucracy,” Gingrich said in an interview with Real America News.

“The fact is we need a bill to break up the Federal Bureau of Investigation and replace it with much more reasonable law enforcement systems and eliminate the entire senior leadership. I mean, it’s clearly a corrupted institution, deeply politicized on the left… and the evidence we have is just overwhelming,” he said.


Newt Gingrich Proposes Bill to 'Break Up the Federal Bureau of Investigation'




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918545 No.63709

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010639 (150714ZJUN23) Notable: Newt Gingrich Proposes Bill to 'Break Up the Federal Bureau of Investigation'

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Newt Gingrich Proposes Bill to 'Break Up the Federal Bureau of Investigation'


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918545 No.63710

File: d1efa2161f6bd74⋯.png (276.02 KB,534x492,89:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010663 (150729ZJUN23) Notable: The flag of the United States position and manner of display (RAINBOW FLAG looks like Satan re-entered the building)

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>>63701, >>63703, >>63636, >>63658, >>63663, >>63665, >>63608

==United Nations Principal 16 - "sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed

minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law"==

Lidiya Angelova, microbiologist, PhD


United Nations has nasty deal with Google to suppress free speech and genuine science. https://genuineprospect.com/2022/10/05/united-nations-owns-science/They also work for the pedophiles. Check this out. https://unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/featurestories/2023/march/20230308_new-legal-principles-decriminalization

…Call them out. Share it!

pg 22


Consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, the sex/

gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the people

involved or their marital status, may not be criminalized in any circumstances.

Consensual same-sex, as well as consensual different-sex sexual relations, or

consensual sexual relations with or between trans, non-binary and other gender-

diverse people, or outside marriage – whether pre-marital or extramarital – may,

therefore, never be criminalized.

With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of

consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may

not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage.

__Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed

minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law.__ In this

context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of



persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual

sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. Pursuant to

their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age

should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity

and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees.


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918545 No.63711

File: 27cb79b2a4112ae⋯.png (763.04 KB,1017x1010,1017:1010,Clipboard.png)

File: d914fb26571d5cc⋯.png (848.14 KB,1243x960,1243:960,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010697 (150756ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Jordan Annihilates CNN Host On Trump Indictment, Cites Supreme Court Decision: Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988)

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babbuska egg heads


Sebastian Gorka


They'll indict Trump but not the pedos of Epstein Island.


Jim Jordan Annihilates CNN Host On Trump Indictment, Cites Supreme Court Decision

CNN “State of the Union” host Dana Bash and Republican Rep. Jim Jordan collided and it was not pretty.

The interaction happened on Sunday when the two went to war over the indictment of former President Donald Trump.

“The indictment does say, as I mentioned, the documents included U.S. defense, nuclear capabilities, potential U.S. vulnerabilities to a military attack. They were kept in unsecure areas, like a bathroom, a ballroom, a bedroom,” the host said to start the interview.

“And the indictment says that Donald Trump lied to lawyers, his own lawyers, which resulted in false statements to the FBI, so that he could keep those documents. Is all of that, any of that acceptable to you?” she said.

“Dana,the standard is clear. The standard is Navy v. Egan, a 1988 case, unanimous decision from the courts, from the court, that — Justice Blackmun wrote the opinion. And it said the president’s ability to classify and control access to national security information flows from the Constitution. He decides. He alone decides. He said he declassified this material. He can put it wherever he wants. He can handle it however he wants. That’s the law,” Jordan said.

“That’s the standard. And Jack Smith can do all this 37 different counts and whatever he wants to do, but that doesn’t change the standard. The standard that the Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, said was that he can classify and he can control access. He has the sole authority,” he said.

“In this indictment, he states on at least one occasion that he did not declassify the information. When he’s showing a document to somebody who doesn’t have a security clearance, I might add, he says explicitly that it is classified. He didn’t declassify it,” the host said.

“Dana, he has said time and time again he’s declassified all this material,” Jordan said.

“This is — this is the most political thing I have ever seen. They have been out to get President — they’re going to — they’re indicting President Trump on Tuesday for having material that he declassified that was protected by the Secret Service,” the representative said as he rebuffed attempts by the host to interrupt him.

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918545 No.63712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010699 (150756ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Jordan Annihilates CNN Host On Trump Indictment, Cites Supreme Court Decision: Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988)

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“And the people who are doing it is the administration, the Justice Department from his opponent in the upcoming presidential election,” the representative said.

“This is as political as it gets. And, frankly, Dana, it’s part of a pattern. We have seen it time and time again with the president over the last seven years. They try one thing. Then they try another. They have continued to go after him. And I think anyone with common sense can see that,” he said.

“OK, this is a very detailed indictment. A couple of things that you just said,” the host said. “Number one, the Secret Service, they are charged with protecting the president. They didn’t even know, according to the indictment, that those documents were there. So, that — that wasn’t their job.

“Number two, do you have evidence that the president, when he was president, now former president, actually declassified these documents before he took them?” she said.

“I go on the president’s word, and he said he did. And the Supreme Court said that’s what counts. So, we can have all the — all the things Jack Smith wants to say, but everyone sees this for the political operation it is. The standard is the standard. I didn’t set the standard. The Constitution and Supreme Court did. And they did it in a unanimous fashion, and it was an opinion written by Justice Blackmun,” the representative said.

“So that’s the standard. That’s the fact. Jack Smith can write whatever he wants. But this is a — this is so political.In 2016 — I mean, every election, we have now seen this, Dana. 2016, it was a dossier that they used. They knew it was false. They used it to go get a warrant to spy on his campaign. 2018, it was the Mueller investigation,” he said as she continued to attempt to interrupt him.


“2020, they suppressed the Biden laptop story with the 51 former intel officials. 2022, they raided his home 91 days before an election. And now they’re indicting him before the 2024 presidential race. Every single election, they have done something,” he said.


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918545 No.63713

File: f025c4711247ed7⋯.png (1.43 MB,1536x1240,192:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 1af2407a8ad7721⋯.png (681.07 KB,1268x954,634:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010705 (150803ZJUN23) Notable: The Full List of RINOs Who Helped Adam Schiff Avoid Fine and Censure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Full List of RINOs Who Helped Adam Schiff Avoid Fine and Censure.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) had a plan to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for his role in perpetuating the Russia hoax, which ended up costing U.S. taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, and almost irreparable damage to the country’s political system. The move was supported by a large swathe of America First Republicans, though DeSantis supporters like Rep. Thomas Massie came out against it, on spurious terms. Now, the full list of so-called Republicans who sided with Democrats and Adam Schiff can be revealed, perhaps demonstrating which so-called “conservatives” need primary challengers at their next election.

The list of Republicans in Name Only:

Kelly Armstrong (R-ND)

Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R, OR-5)

Juan Ciscomani (R, AZ-6)

Tom Cole (R, OK-4)

Warren Davidson (R, OH-8)

Brian Fitzpatrick (R, PA-1)

Kay Granger (R, TX-12)

Garrett Graves (R, LA-6)

Thomas Kean (R, NJ-7)

Kevin Kiley (R, CA-3)

Young Kim (R, CA-40)

Mike Lawler (R, NY-17)

Thomas Massie (R, KY-4)

Tom McClintock (R, CA-5)

Marc Molinaro (R, NY-19)

Jay Obernolte (R, CA-23)

Mike Simpson (R, ID-2)

Michael Turner (R, OH-10)

David Valadao (R, CA-22)

Steve Womack (R, AR-3)

California Republicans are disproportionately represented in the list, raising questions as to whether their proximity to Schiff in his district (CA-30) affected their votes. Rep. Luna said after the vote: “20 Republicans voted against the fine, censure, and investigation of Schiff. I don’t think they read the bill in entirety. Next week, we will be filing a motion to censure and investigate Schiff. We are removing fine as that seems to be what made these Republicans uneasy.”


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918545 No.63714

File: 9f0c35a09c8a30b⋯.png (550.37 KB,800x1283,800:1283,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dd7f43b6630703⋯.png (379.37 KB,991x818,991:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010716 (150812ZJUN23) Notable: Adam Schiff lying for 1:07

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ꪻꫝê ꪻꫝê🗽


The resolution called for the House Ethics Committee to investigate Schiff & fine him $16M if the committee determines he "lied, made misrepresentations, & abused sensitive information."

Why bother wasting money investigating when it’s clear👇 that he LIED not one time, but numerous times over several years!


#TheThe #S4TUSA


Adam Schiff lying for 1:07



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918545 No.63715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010743 (150834ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Jordan Annihilates CNN Host On Trump Indictment, Cites Supreme Court Decision: Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988)

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>The standard is Navy v. Egan, a 1988 case, unanimous decision from the courts, from the court, that — Justice Blackmun wrote the opinion.

>And it said the president’s ability to classify and control access to national security information flows from the Constitution.

Department of the Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988)

The President, after all, is the "Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States." U.S.Const., Art. II, § 2. His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security and to determine whether an individual is sufficiently trustworthy to occupy a position in the Executive Branch that will give that person access to such information flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant. ...The authority to protect such information falls on the President as head of the Executive Branch and as Commander in Chief.


"As to these areas of Art. II duties, the courts have traditionally shown the utmost deference to Presidential responsibilities." United States v. Nixon, 418 U. S. 683, 418 U. S. 710 (1974). Thus, unless Congress specifically has provided otherwise, courts traditionally have been reluctant to intrude upon the authority of the Executive in military and national security affairs.


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918545 No.63716

File: 954715e9503d651⋯.png (144.54 KB,872x921,872:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010754 (150845ZJUN23) Notable: FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.

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FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.

by Kyle Becker June 10, 2023

A confidential FBI record indicates that Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.”

According to sources familiar with the FBI record, Zlochevsky discussed an alleged bribe of $5 million to Joe Biden and an additional $5 million to Hunter Biden. The conversation took place years before the date of the FBI form, as reported by the Washington Examiner.

The sources further stated that Zlochevsky believed that unraveling the alleged bribery scheme would be challenging due to the involvement of multiple bank accounts, potentially taking up to 10 years.

It is worth noting that Zlochevsky’s reference to Joe Biden as the “big guy” in this context is unrelated to the mention of the same term by a business associate of Hunter Biden during negotiations with Chinese individuals with links to intelligence agencies. This reference surfaced in a previously undisclosed May 2017 email that became public in October 2020.

The existence of the FD-1023 document related to Ukraine came to light in 2022 when whistleblowers revealed it to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA). In October, Grassley urged the Justice Department and FBI to provide all relevant records, including those referencing Mykola Zlochevsky, Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Joe Biden.

To address concerns over non-compliance with a subpoena, FBI Director Christopher Wray permitted committee members to review the FD-1023 on Thursday.

House Republicans have claimed that the alleged bribery scheme is connected to Joe Biden’s efforts as vice president to pressure the Ukrainian government to dismiss Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. Republicans contend that the FBI form suggests the bribes aimed to hinder a corruption investigation.

In October, Grassley asserted that the FBI possessed “voluminous evidence” of potential criminal conduct by Hunter Biden in relation to his business dealings in China and Ukraine. Whistleblower disclosures on these matters were sent to Wray, Delaware federal prosecutor David Weiss, and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The whistleblower allegations involve Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings with the Chinese government-linked energy conglomerate CEFC China Energy, as well as his involvement with Burisma. Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy giant, in 2014 and reportedly received monthly payments of $50,000 or more.

In 2020, Grassley and Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) released a joint report that focused on then-Vice President Joe Biden’s role in shaping the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy while Hunter Biden served on the Burisma board.

President Donald Trump mentioned Burisma in a July 2019 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, leading to a whistleblower complaint and subsequent Democratic-led impeachment proceedings in the House. Democrats argued that Shokin was not genuinely investigating Burisma, while Republicans claimed otherwise.

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918545 No.63717

File: d04a1e9fea26fe4⋯.png (74.5 KB,254x150,127:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010757 (150847ZJUN23) Notable: FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.

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President Biden dismissed the bribery allegations as “a bunch of malarkey” when asked about them and jokingly said, “Where’s the money? I’m joking.”

Ukrainian officials reported in June 2020 that they were offered $5 million in bribes to halt criminal investigations into Burisma and allow Zlochevsky, who resides abroad, to return to Ukraine. They stated that this was unrelated to Joe and Hunter Biden.

In 2019, Hunter Biden stated that he had discussed his position on the Burisma board with his father only once, and his father told him, “I hope you know what you are doing.” Hunter Biden responded, “I do.”

During the grand jury proceedings in Delaware involving Hunter Biden, a witness was reportedly asked about the identity of the “big guy” in relation to the president’s son’s business dealings with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

The infamous “big guy” email, which emerged in October 2020, detailed a proposed business deal between Hunter Biden and the Chinese company. The email referenced “10 held by H [Hunter] for the big guy.”

The email, dated May 13, 2017, and sent by businessman James Gilliar to Hunter Biden and others, outlined the expectations of the potential deal and its remuneration packages. It stated that Hunter would receive $850,000 and be listed as “Chair/Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC.”

The email mentioned that the equity would be distributed, with 20% allocated to Hunter, and also referred to “10” for “Jim” (James Biden).

Tony Bobulinski, a former Navy lieutenant and Hunter Biden’s business partner, confirmed that the “big guy” referred to Joe Biden. Bobulinski stated that Hunter Biden often referred to his father as “the Big Guy” or “my chairman” and frequently sought his advice and approval for potential deals.

Joe Biden’s spokesman, Andrew Bates, denied that the president has held any stock in such business arrangements, and neither has any family member or any other person on his behalf.

CEFC was a now-defunct multibillion-dollar Chinese company founded by Ye Jianming, with whom Hunter and James Biden sought various deals and from whom they ultimately received millions of dollars.

Text messages from Bobulinski suggest that Joe Biden met with him, Hunter, and James while the president’s son and brother pursued a lucrative deal with CEFC. The meeting reportedly took place on the night of May 2, 2017, in Los Angeles.

Timothy Thibault, a former FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office, allegedly ordered the closure of an avenue of derogatory Hunter Biden reporting in October 2020, despite the information being verified or verifiable through criminal search warrants.

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918545 No.63718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010758 (150847ZJUN23) Notable: FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.

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Bobulinski is concerned that Thibault worked to suppress the information he provided to the FBI in October 2020.

Representative James Comer (R-KY) released a memo earlier this year, stating that two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency, the CEFC-linked company State Energy HK Limited wired $3 million to an account belonging to Hunter Biden’s associate Rob Walker. According to Comer, Walker subsequently transferred $1,065,000 the next day to a company associated with Gilliar, the author of the “big guy” email.

Comer further claimed that Walker began sending funds to Biden family members and companies associated with Hunter and James Biden, with the total amounting to over $1 million over three months.

Joe Biden has consistently stated that he has never discussed his son’s overseas business dealings with Hunter. However, he left a voicemail reassuring Hunter that he was in the “clear” following the release of an article regarding his dealings with CEFC.

During the grand jury proceedings in Delaware involving Hunter Biden, a witness was reportedly asked about the identity of the “big guy” in relation to the president’s son’s business dealings with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

The infamous “big guy” email, which emerged in October 2020, detailed a proposed business deal between Hunter Biden and the Chinese company. The email referenced “10 held by H [Hunter] for the big guy.”

The email, dated May 13, 2017, and sent by businessman James Gilliar to Hunter Biden and others, outlined the expectations of the potential deal and its remuneration packages. It stated that Hunter would receive $850,000 and be listed as “Chair/Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC.”

The email mentioned that the equity would be distributed, with 20% allocated to Hunter, and also referred to “10” for “Jim” (James Biden).

Tony Bobulinski, a former Navy lieutenant and Hunter Biden’s business partner, confirmed that the “big guy” referred to Joe Biden. Bobulinski stated that Hunter Biden often referred to his father as “the Big Guy” or “my chairman” and frequently sought his advice and approval for potential deals.

Joe Biden’s spokesman, Andrew Bates, denied that the president has held any stock in such business arrangements, and neither has any family member or any other person on his behalf.

CEFC was a now-defunct multibillion-dollar Chinese company founded by Ye Jianming, with whom Hunter and James Biden sought various deals and from whom they ultimately received millions of dollars.

Text messages from Bobulinski suggest that Joe Biden met with him, Hunter, and James while the president’s son and brother pursued a lucrative deal with CEFC. The meeting reportedly took place on the night of May 2, 2017, in Los Angeles.

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918545 No.63719

File: 081f2328feec8c1⋯.png (406.22 KB,735x376,735:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010759 (150848ZJUN23) Notable: FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.

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Timothy Thibault, a former FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office, allegedly ordered the closure of an avenue of derogatory Hunter Biden reporting in October 2020, despite the information being verified or verifiable through criminal search warrants.

Bobulinski is concerned that Thibault worked to suppress the information he provided to the FBI in October 2020.

Representative James Comer (R-KY) released a memo earlier this year, stating that two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency, the CEFC-linked company State Energy HK Limited wired $3 million to an account belonging to Hunter Biden’s associate Rob Walker. According to Comer, Walker subsequently transferred $1,065,000 the next day to a company associated with Gilliar, the author of the “big guy” email.

Comer further claimed that Walker began sending funds to Biden family members and companies associated with Hunter and James Biden, with the total amounting to over $1 million over three months.

Joe Biden has consistently stated that he has never discussed his son’s overseas business dealings with Hunter. However, he left a voicemail reassuring Hunter that he was in the “clear” following the release of an article regarding his dealings with CEFC. During the October 2020 debate with Trump, Biden had incorrectly claimed that Hunter Biden had not made money in China.

The Bidens’ tax returns show $5.2 million more in taxable income than he reported on government transparency filings, the Daily Mail found in an analysis.

“But the president’s financial filings reveal that he declared almost $7 million more income on his tax returns than he did on his government transparency reports,” the U.K. publication reported.

“Some of that difference can be accounted for with salaries earned by First Lady Jill Biden and other sums not required on his reports – but still leaves $5.2 million earned by Joe’s company and not listed on his transparency reports,” the report added. “The ‘missing millions’ – combined with emails on Hunter’s abandoned laptop suggesting Joe would have a 10% share in Hunter’s blockbuster deal with the Chinese – raise a troubling question: did Joe Biden receive money from the foreign venture?”


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918545 No.63720

File: cf8af51348ea948⋯.png (1007.28 KB,1441x1010,1441:1010,Clipboard.png)

File: 051b078b26580bf⋯.png (464.53 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 09faf1d9a92ef74⋯.png (1.98 MB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010776 (150902ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Algerian military Gulfstream IV taking the long way around to Moscow. English lettering on right side. Arabic lettering on the left side.

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918545 No.63721

File: 5a7e7bf09b6cec9⋯.png (35.76 KB,998x258,499:129,Clipboard.png)

File: e150d750429ce17⋯.png (552.26 KB,947x500,947:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010787 (150914ZJUN23) Notable: Rumble Cloud, will be the tip of the spear?

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Rumble - 🏴‍☠️ $RUM


Let's be clear, you can't fight the matrix being on AWS cloud computing.

Rumble Cloud, will be the tip of the spear.

Jun 13, 2023, 1:06 PM


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918545 No.63722

File: 1594b45d03a584a⋯.png (1.71 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: cd308c184768407⋯.png (1.96 MB,1600x919,1600:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 483c3be6f854ee8⋯.png (1.86 MB,1450x983,1450:983,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010792 (150918ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Callsign 1. A pair of USAF F-15s up from Lakeheath and westbound at 28,000 feet.

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918545 No.63723

File: 5a4daf7a5c08df0⋯.png (815.24 KB,665x962,665:962,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010794 (150920ZJUN23) Notable: FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

918545 No.63724

File: c1aa26f22937e32⋯.png (963.19 KB,586x768,293:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010795 (150921ZJUN23) Notable: FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

918545 No.63725

File: 2de178061247ffb⋯.png (1.16 MB,826x1299,826:1299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010803 (150928ZJUN23) Notable: The Full List of RINOs Who Helped Adam Schiff Avoid Fine and Censure

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

918545 No.63726

File: 922900765ffbd34⋯.png (1.51 MB,1106x928,553:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010804 (150928ZJUN23) Notable: The Full List of RINOs Who Helped Adam Schiff Avoid Fine and Censure

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

918545 No.63727

File: a74686ede267076⋯.png (144.96 KB,1014x708,169:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c21e29c6fed19d⋯.png (117.28 KB,1048x577,1048:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010805 (150930ZJUN23) Notable: Rep Mike Turner, current GOP Chair of the House Intel Cmte, List of wrong doings

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Would you look at that Ohio @RepMikeTurner has DELETED his Truth Social Account




The Coward 20 situation gets darker..

@RepMikeTurner, current GOP Chair of the House Intel Cmte, is quite the Deep State puppet

-He halted @DevinNunes House Intel investigation into CCP's influence on US business leaders

-He fired the investigative team that led Russian hoax investigation, which ultimately uncovered weaponized IC, DOJ, and FBI

-He opposed the resolution to censure & fine Adam Schiff (going against his own speaker) even though he witnessed Schiff's lies on House Intel


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

918545 No.63728

File: 09efe9f5c4eff6f⋯.png (1.81 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 79714dc16746405⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x654,200:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 5075542db9b4d7f⋯.png (2.32 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 05b8be65490299f⋯.png (3.06 MB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010813 (150936ZJUN23) Notable: Rep Mike Turner, current GOP Chair of the House Intel Cmte, List of wrong doings

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Would you look at that Ohio Rep Mike Turner has DELETED his Truth Social Account

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918545 No.63729

File: 325f0b35f11e9ea⋯.png (983.62 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010819 (150943ZJUN23) Notable: Rep Mike Turner, current GOP Chair of the House Intel Cmte, List of wrong doings

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Michael Turner (R, OH-10) Voted to Helped Adam Schiff Avoid Fine and Censure.

Would you look at that Ohio @RepMikeTurner has DELETED his Truth Social Account

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918545 No.63730

File: 4f70f6cf15cc5f1⋯.png (204.36 KB,577x699,577:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010825 (150946ZJUN23) Notable: X22 Report latest

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X22 Report



Jun 14, 2023, 1:13 PM

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918545 No.63731

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010826 (150948ZJUN23) Notable: X22 Report latest

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X22 Report

Jun 14, 2023

Ep. 3094b - Cyber Attack An Act Of War, WWIII, The Final Act, At Dawn Justice Will Be Done


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918545 No.63732

File: 0e4df8904972814⋯.png (76.63 KB,909x366,303:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010868 (151019ZJUN23) Notable: Paul Sperry: Lisa Monaco has been coordinating w Special Counsel Jack Smith thru her top adviser Marshall Miller

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Paul Sperry


BREAKING: AG Garland's deputy Lisa Monaco, who was instrumental in Obama WH's role in Russiagate frame-up of Trump, has been coordinating w Special Counsel Jack Smith thru her top adviser Marshall Miller, who acts as intermediary w Smith. Miller gave $3,800 to Biden,$3,700 to HRC

3:39 PM · Jun 14, 2023





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918545 No.63733

File: 6e90eaacf7b03b5⋯.png (67.8 KB,951x376,951:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010871 (151021ZJUN23) Notable: Paul Sperry: Foreign bribes, influence-peddling, public corruption are things of which the CURRENT occupant of the Oval Office has been credibly accused

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Paul Sperry


Note that none of the 2 impeachments of President Trump or the 2 indictments of former President Trump has anything to do w/ taking foreign bribes, influence-peddling or public corruption. These are things of which the CURRENT occupant of the Oval Office has been credibly accused

3:02 PM· Jun 14, 2023





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918545 No.63734

File: 66e63bf90100894⋯.png (103.51 KB,710x679,710:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 05e2b863a058353⋯.webp (45.53 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010888 (151034ZJUN23) Notable: Most disturbing thing': Fox News joins 'Pride' party, LGBT propaganda oozes

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Most disturbing thing': Fox News joins 'Pride' party, LGBT propaganda oozes

Fox News, already reeling from its ejection of popular anchor Tucker Carlson, has come completely out of the closet, as it were, using its programming and on-air talent to celebrate LGBT "Pride Month" like never before.

The self-styled "fair and balanced" network, based in heavily gay-populated New York City, has long supported homosexual advocacy behind the scenes through its annual contributions to an LGBT "journalists association."

But the last two years, it began celebrating "pride" in June by running pro-LGBT "puff-pieces" that are every bit as one-sided as those produced by left-leaning networks like CNN and ABC.


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918545 No.63735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010909 (151050ZJUN23) Notable: #23342

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>>63631 pb, >>63684, >>63686, >>63688, >>63689, >>63692, >>63697, >>63698 Mayorkas hearing on dereliction of duty at the border

>>63685 House Funding Bill Blocks Amphib, LCS Decomissionings, Bans Funds to Support Abortion Travel

>>63687 Crimea attacked by drones – governor

>>63690 CEO of Israel's leading religious Zionist news site quits after sexual assault accusation

>>63691 National day of mourning held in Italy for Berlusconi’s state funeral

>>63693 An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 struck Mindoro, Philippines on Thursday

>>63694 Psychological operations - 6/15/23 (video)

>>63695, >>63696, >>63720, >>63722 PF reports

>>63699 Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials

>>63700 Pres. Donald J Trump: Thank you to everyone who came out last night—to Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster! FULL REMARKS

>>63701, >>63703, >>63710 The flag of the United States position and manner of display (RAINBOW FLAG looks like Satan re-entered the building)

>>63702 FLAG DAY June 14, 2023 - BLESS THE AMERICAN FLAG!

>>63704, >>63706 DOJ Offered Witness with ‘Smoking Gun’ Burisma Evidence of Biden Bribery Ring, But She Died Under ‘Mysterious Circumstances’

>>63705 House Rep. Confirms That FBI Informant Doc Shows $5 Million Bribery Payment Was Made TO Joe Biden

>>63707 Weissman Panics, Urges Jack Smith To Move Trump Case From Miami To New Jersey

>>63709, >>63708 Newt Gingrich Proposes Bill to 'Break Up the Federal Bureau of Investigation'

>>63711, >>63712, >>63715 Jim Jordan Annihilates CNN Host On Trump Indictment, Cites Supreme Court Decision: Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988)

>>63713, >>63725, >>63726, >>63729 The Full List of RINOs Who Helped Adam Schiff Avoid Fine and Censure

>>63714 Adam Schiff lying for 1:07

>>63716, >>63717, >>63718, >>63719, >>63723, >>63724 FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.

>>63721 Rumble Cloud, will be the tip of the spear?

>>63727, >>63728, >>63729, >>63729 Rep Mike Turner, current GOP Chair of the House Intel Cmte, List of wrong doings

>>63730, >>63731 X22 Report latest

>>63732 Paul Sperry: Lisa Monaco has been coordinating w Special Counsel Jack Smith thru her top adviser Marshall Miller

>>63733 Paul Sperry: Foreign bribes, influence-peddling, public corruption are things of which the CURRENT occupant of the Oval Office has been credibly accused

>>63734 Most disturbing thing': Fox News joins 'Pride' party, LGBT propaganda oozes

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918545 No.63736

File: 4d1bac60337db74⋯.png (1.09 MB,875x1012,875:1012,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010921 (151053ZJUN23) Notable: #23343-B

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Q Research General #23343: SEENIT: Wannabe Dictator Biden In Deep-State Fox Hole Edition

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918545 No.63737

File: 81b30163d69e153⋯.png (774.11 KB,1310x964,655:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010936 (151100ZJUN23) Notable: Biden admin hit with lawsuit for stonewalling Pete Buttigieg's government jet records

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Biden admin hit with lawsuit for stonewalling Pete Buttigieg's government jet records

'We’re filing suit on behalf of all Americans who deserve to know how their money is being spent by this administration,' watchdog director tells Fox News Digital

EXCLUSIVE: A government watchdog group is filing a federal lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), arguing the agency has stonewalled records detailing Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's use of private government jets.

The group, Americans for Public Trust (APT), said it has repeatedly requested FAA records detailing how often Buttigieg has used the agency's small fleet of jets and the taxpayer costs associated with those flights. But, according to its lawsuit first seen by Fox News Digital, the FAA has improperly delayed producing the records on three separate information requests filed by APT.

"Pete Buttigieg abused taxpayer dollars by using a private jet to fly domestically and internationally," Caitlin Sutherland, APT's executive director, told Fox News Digital. "It’s been six months since we helped expose Secretary Buttigieg’s trips, but his agency refuses to tell the American people how much they’re on the hook for his extravagant travel arrangements."

"Buttigieg’s FAA has stonewalled and refused to adhere to the law for releasing public records, so we’re filing suit on behalf of all Americans who deserve to know how their money is being spent by this administration," she continued.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, federal agencies are required to provide requested records within 20 working days, or 30 working days if an extension is determined to be necessary. The requesting party is allowed to pursue legal action if a court determines it has exhausted its administrative remedies.

Read further


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918545 No.63738

File: 260e0552dc41236⋯.png (144 KB,1266x960,211:160,Clipboard.png)

File: 8721212b0066a9b⋯.png (180.47 KB,771x811,771:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ce0dce7fdcc7e2⋯.png (753.68 KB,1294x952,647:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010938 (151104ZJUN23) Notable: GOP senators demand Biden comply with COVID origins transparency law as deadline approaches

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GOP senators demand Biden comply with COVID origins transparency law as deadline approaches

Biden signed the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023 into law in March

Two Republican senators are demanding President Biden comply with the COVID origins bill he signed into law earlier this year, which requires the declassification of all information pertaining to the links between a Chinese lab and the origin of COVID-19.

The Biden administration has yet to act on the requirements laid out in the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023 despite the deadline for the declassification – June 18 – quickly approaching.

"We write today to urge the swift and complete implementation of the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023, which Congress unanimously passed, and which you signed into law on March 20, 2023," Sens. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., and Mike Braun, R-Ind., wrote in a letter sent to Biden on Wednesday and shared with Fox News Digital.



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918545 No.63739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010974 (151120ZJUN23) Notable: Swamp Things

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June 15, 2023

7:30 AM EDT

Washington Journal: Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) Discusses Trump Indictment & "Weaponization" Committee

Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-VI), ranking member of the Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government, discusses the indictment of former President Donald Trump and Republicans' attacks on the Department of Justice and FBI.


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918545 No.63740

File: 7fcec7497725bb8⋯.png (780.37 KB,1329x833,1329:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010983 (151121ZJUN23) Notable: Tater gets a B+ from NYC

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Americans in nation's biggest blue city grade President Biden's performance

June 15, 2023 2:07am EDT

Americans in New York City weighed in on Biden's performance so far as the president seeks re-election

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918545 No.63741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19010989 (151123ZJUN23) Notable: Dutchsinse:Earthquake activity + Canada Fires , WEATHER MODIFICATION using Radio waves

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Dutchsinse:Earthquake activity + Canada Fires , WEATHER MODIFICATION using Radio waves

dutchsinse is saying they're revising recent earthquakes, downgrading their numbers, and that typically active areas are getting reports of activity AROUND the perimeters, but not the actual areas themselves.

What in the actual fuck are our guys fighting down there, a clone army?


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918545 No.63742

File: 90bf5675d4f48a9⋯.png (729.89 KB,817x962,817:962,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011023 (151133ZJUN23) Notable: Obama’s Personal Investment Deals Mirror Tax Strategies He Once Criticized

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Obama’s Personal Investment Deals Mirror Tax Strategies He Once Criticized

Exclusive details on how Obama’s business deals are designed to minimize tax liabilities.

Last half of the article

Obama’s presidency turned out to be a disappointment to many progressives, who were frustrated, by, among other things, his support for expanded international free trade deals after campaigning on renegotiating them, and his administration’s refusal to criminally prosecute major banks responsible for the 2008 crisis.

Since leaving office, Obama has largely stopped populist economic arguments altogether. He is apparently more interested in the issue of alleged “disinformation” disseminated on social media. That was the topic of Obama’s speech at Stanford University in April 2022, as well as the focus of the Obama Foundation’s inaugural Democracy Forum summit last November. Obama made no mention of the carried interest loophole, or any tax justice issues, during either public address.

The carried interest loophole has remained vexing for multiple administrations. On at least one occasion, former President Donald Trump railed against the loophole on the campaign trail. But he never invested significant energy in eliminating it, sparing it in his far-reaching tax cut legislation in 2017 – and creating a new path for high-income earners to avoid top income tax rates.

President Joe Biden similarly promised to end the special tax treatment but failed after fierce lobbying from the investment fund industry.

Last year, as congressional negotiators hashed out the final stages of the Inflation Reduction Act, the loophole’s closure appeared imminent.

But a last-minute lobbying blitz from the American Investment Council, which represents leading private equity and hedge funds, along with pressure from the real estate industry, convinced Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona an independent who identified as a Democrat at the time to kill the measure. In the end, Biden signed the legislation without any change to the carried interest tax rule.


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918545 No.63743

File: ba8af87efee83f1⋯.png (795.88 KB,1304x828,326:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011041 (151137ZJUN23) Notable: Biden's Ukraine trip as VP, came 3 days before holiday party with Hunter, Rosemont Seneca execs

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Biden's Ukraine trip as VP, came 3 days before holiday party with Hunter, Rosemont Seneca execs

Biden pushed Ukrainian officials to fire top prosecutor investigating Burisma

Hunter Biden and his business partners with ties to Burisma attended a December 2015 holiday party hosted by the then-vice president Biden just a few days after he returned from his famous trip to Ukraine, where he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid if the country’s leaders did not fire their top prosecutor, according to records reviewed by Fox News Digital.

As vice president, Biden traveled to Ukraine, where he famously put pressure on the country’s leaders to fire then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder and former president of Burisma Holdings, where Hunter served as a board member from April 2014 to April 2019. Biden's defenders have said that Shokin was fired not because he was pursuing corruption too aggressively, but rather because he was too lax.

Biden visited Ukraine from Dec. 7-9, 2015. Three months after the visit, Shokin was fired, and Biden would later use it to boast about his foreign policy skills.

"I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money," Biden said in 2018, according to a transcript of his remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations. "Well, son of a b—-. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."

After Biden returned to Washington from his short trip to Ukraine, he hosted a holiday party at the vice president's Naval observatory residence on Dec. 12, 2015, where Hunter and several of his business partners from his now-dissolved investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners were also in attendance, records show.

According to White House visitor logs, Hunter visited the White House on Dec. 12, 2015, with Rosemont Seneca co-founder Devon Archer, Rosemont Seneca President Eric Schwerin, and Sebastian Momtazi, an associate who worked in Rosemont Seneca’s New York City office with Archer. Archer, who was also on the Burisma board with Hunter, and Momtazi both had Burisma.com email addresses, according to emails reviewed by Fox News Digital.

While the visitor logs don’t specify the business partners were there for a vice presidential party, it did say they were there for "holiday reception." Hunter was scheduled to attend a "VP Holiday Party" at 3PM that day with Archer and several others, according to an email from his abandoned laptop, which has been verified by Fox News Digital.


read futher

The report stated that Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., wrote in a letter to Archer's attorney thathe "played a significant role in the Biden family's business deals abroad, including but not limited to China, Russia, and Ukraine."

Archer, who served with Hunter on Burisma's board, lost an appeal last week to have his unrelated 2018 conviction and one-year federal prison sentence for a scheme to defraud a Native American tribe thrown out.Hunter did not have a connection to the fraud scheme.

The White House, Schwerin and Hunter's lawyer did not respond to Fox Digital's requests for comment.


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918545 No.63744

File: b41733a9c93c7d8⋯.webp (206.99 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011066 (151147ZJUN23) Notable: Controversial Synodal LGBTQ Agenda Set for Global Approval – Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate Calls Bishops of Asia and Australia to Rise Up

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Controversial Synodal LGBTQ Agenda Set for Global Approval – Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate Calls Bishops of Asia and Australia to Rise Up

“We present to your attention a video letter in which we call on the bishops of Asia and Australia to oppose the system of newly emerging synodal councils based on the German model, which usurp the powers of bishops. Furthermore, we urge the bishops to separate themselves from the suicidal synodal journey and to initiate a programme of spiritual renewal in their dioceses,” said Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate in an email to TGP.

Dear bishops of Asia and Australia,

A suicidal synodal LGBTQ agenda is to be approved worldwide this autumn. Cardinal Müller described the synodal journey as “doctrinally incompetent and canonically illegitimate.”

The synodal process changes the nature of the Church, turning it into a system of “non-profit organizations.” Just like Soros’ non-profits, which lead every nation to self-destruction, so do these religious non-profits. Previously, such non-profits would have been condemned as treason in the country or heresy in the Church. These non-profits are part of the synodal journey in every parish, in every diocese, in every nation, on every continent.


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918545 No.63745

File: e758e89ed9f53d7⋯.webp (25.51 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011079 (151152ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Pence refused to commit to pardoning President Donald Trump if the Biden regime is successful in jailing the leading GOP candidate.

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Mike Pence Is Done – Says He Will Not Commit to Pardoning President Trump if the Biden Regime Jails Him (Video)

Mike Pence joined Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Wednesday on their popular radio show.

During the interview Mike Pence refused to commit to pardoning President Donald Trump if the Biden regime is successful in jailing the leading GOP candidate.


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918545 No.63746

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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