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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

00cdb2 No.51537 [View All]

06JUN23 to 08JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 799 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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00cdb2 No.61444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18972910 (081855ZJUN23) Notable: Police Bust International Drug Trafficking Ring Linked to 'Ndrangheta Clan

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hand under chin as she pulls the trigger

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00cdb2 No.61445

File: 73729c14d9cd074⋯.png (606.65 KB,603x791,603:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18972912 (081855ZJUN23) Notable: James Woods: The irony is he couldn’t identify either one…

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James Woods


The irony is he couldn’t identify either one…


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00cdb2 No.61446

File: 190874a2799611d⋯.mp4 (451.27 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18972954 (081902ZJUN23) Notable: "…there's damning evidence in an FBI file that you sold out the country. Do you have a response?" BIDEN: "Where's the money?"

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"...there's damning evidence in an FBI file that you sold out the country. Do you have a response?"

BIDEN: "Where's the money?"


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00cdb2 No.61447

File: d87d19316fde217⋯.png (121.67 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: fb51351de18ed76⋯.png (734.93 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18972973 (081906ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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00cdb2 No.61448

File: 682cf05835ca9bf⋯.png (18.53 KB,598x225,598:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 51bdd5553c98982⋯.png (834.75 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18972975 (081906ZJUN23) Notable: Julian Assange LOSES APPEAL against extradition to the US on espionage charges (Q1195)

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Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Julian Assange LOSES APPEAL against extradition to the US on espionage charges..



>None of that is relevant are related to Q Research.

sad but true.

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00cdb2 No.61449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18972988 (081909ZJUN23) Notable: ‘We’re the Dirty Little Secret Nobody Wants to Talk About,’ Says Man Injured by COVID Vaccine

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‘We’re the Dirty Little Secret Nobody Wants to Talk About,’ Says Man Injured by COVID Vaccine

Injured by the COVID-19 vaccine — that his employer forced him to get — Stephen “Steve” Wenger is now unable to work full-time and is facing more than $70,000 in medical bills, he said in an exclusive interview with The Defender.


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00cdb2 No.61450

File: da0ec5433e1f6ae⋯.png (14.84 KB,468x372,39:31,Clipboard.png)

File: cd12d1d70fb662f⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB,476x380,119:95,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18972998 (081911ZJUN23) Notable: PDJT @TS: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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Donald J. Trump



Jun 08, 2023, 2:50 PM


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00cdb2 No.61451

File: da9afc4ca4c29ee⋯.jpeg (56.41 KB,1280x379,1280:379,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973004 (081911ZJUN23) Notable: Julian Assange LOSES APPEAL against extradition to the US on espionage charges (Q1195)

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00cdb2 No.61452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973026 (081915ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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Why when I post


And corresponding Q drops

Does it kick me of

Or freeze up

Just curious

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00cdb2 No.61453

File: 28586ec68ec1688⋯.png (777.31 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973052 (081921ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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00cdb2 No.61454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973065 (081926ZJUN23) Notable: Georgia’s WEF Puppet Governor Brian Kemp Rolls Out Digital IDs for All Citizens

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Georgia’s WEF Puppet Governor Brian Kemp Rolls Out Digital IDs for All Citizens

Georgia recently became one of at least 12 states that is rolling out new digital ID driver’s licenses, which of course is exactly what the globalists at the World Economic Forum have been clamoring for since the onset of their push for a “Great Reset,” where they basically digitize all of the basic functions in life, including the bodies of human beings.

Georgia joined the ranks of Arizona, Maryland and Colorado where digital IDs have already been implemented. Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma and Utah are also in various stages of getting their digital ID programs up and running. See the whole list here.

If you recall, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp was an invited guest at the annual meeting of the globalist, elitist World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2023. He traveled to Davos on the Georgia taxpayers’ dime along with Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, a slew of BlackRock executives and other high-rollers. He felt real important and told CNBC that he was there to “sell Georgia.”

Well it hasn’t taken him long to sell out his fellow Georgians.

Government officials working under the Kemp administration are using all of the globalist boilerplate talking points to encourage as many naïve Georgians as possible to sign up for a digital ID containing biometric data so they can be tagged and tracked by the system. You know, the bit about it being “safer,” “more secure” and “convenient.”

Strangely, however, those same officials are having to include another bit of information. They are taking great caution to remind citizens that they need to keep their clothes on when submitting photos with their applications for a biometric digital ID.

The Georgia Department of Drivers’ Services reminded people in a June 6 statement to take pictures with their clothes on when submitting a Georgia Digital ID – a new system introduced this month with the full support of Governor Kemp.

“Please take pictures with your clothes on when submitting them for your Digital Driver’s License and IDs,” the department said in a Facebook post. “Cheers to technology and keeping things classy!”

My guess is, few if any Georgians were actually submitting naked pictures to the state Department of Drivers’ Services, but this is a great way to lighten things up and entice folks to digitize their identities while distracting them from the seriousness of the subject.

The GDDS announced the new digital ID on May 18. While they say it isn’t a replacement for a physical ID, yet, the digital ID can be stored in the Apple Wallet app on an iPhone or Apple Watch to “speed up the process” at select TSA checkpoints, the GDDS said.

It won’t be long before that ID is required at more than just TSA. Kemp is a globalist technocrat’s dream, the perfect stooge. He and Klaus Schwab must have really hit it off over in Davos as he’s wasting no time giving his state over to the interests of globalist predators. In all likelihood, he probably has no idea, either, just how serious this is.

If you’d like to support my work, you may send a contribution of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card here. Thank you to all my supporters, who through their generosity allow me to report full-time independent of any corporate, government or other interests.


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00cdb2 No.61455

File: 26bab74a475a121⋯.mp4 (573.5 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973070 (081927ZJUN23) Notable: Greg Price: Biden says that people who oppose kids going through sex changes or boys playing girls sports are "hysterical and prejudiced."

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Biden says that people who oppose kids going through sex changes or boys playing girls sports are "hysterical and prejudiced."


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00cdb2 No.61456

File: b8c5a9a8b7c3c93⋯.png (251.12 KB,533x552,533:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973079 (081930ZJUN23) Notable: Fast and Furious Star Says Hollywood is “Normalizing the Devil”

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Fast and Furious Star Says Hollywood is “Normalizing the Devil”

Tyrese Gibson, who has starred in several hit movies for the Fast and Furious franchise, has gone viral after he stated in a recent interview that Hollywood is trying to “normalize the devil.”

While promoting Fast and Furious X, Gibson told Big Boy in a radio interview “As much as I’m supposed to be promoting this movie and my album, I feel like we’re in competition right now because they are trying to normalize the devil.”

Gibson continued “The devil is on the main stage at award shows and in every video.”

The award winning actor and music artist also noted in the interview that devil worshippers used to hide in secret but now they are practicing evil right in the open.

Per Relevant Magazine:

Fast and Furious star Tyrese Gibson is warning Christians that the world is trying to “promote the devil.”

In the middle of promoting Fast X, Gibson took a moment to call out people who are trying to “normalize the devil.”

“As much as I’m supposed to be promoting this movie and talking about my album, I just feel like we’re in competition right now because they are trying to normalize the devil,” Gibson said. “The devil is on the main stage at award shows and in every video and signs and symbols.

Gibson statements are spot on.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on numerous occasions of Hollywood producers mainstreaming satanic performances during awards shows such as the Grammy’s.


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00cdb2 No.61457

File: 3fa400adf85bfe0⋯.png (758.51 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b50a2abb002727⋯.png (368.09 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973097 (081935ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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00cdb2 No.61458

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973102 (081937ZJUN23) Notable: Evidence Suggests FBI Shielding Firms Tied to Chinese Government

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lb/pb @KanekoaTheGreat - FBI, Chinese government, and an American election software company.

Video Review of the Thread

KONNECH: Evidence Suggests FBI Shielding Firms Tied to Chinese Government

Shocking evidence suggesting a deep-rooted conspiracy involving the FBI, Chinese government, and an American election software company. The episode kicks off with the revelation that Konnech, the software provider for numerous prominent cities and counties in the United States, has been closely tied to Chinese firms that have been financing and developing the company for the past 15 years.

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00cdb2 No.61459

File: 25388f2fa57609d⋯.png (369.58 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 82830871167f1cc⋯.png (436.85 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973123 (081942ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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The Squwak codes

Should be in screen

If yall want to match to drops cool

Want to call this a slide. Cool

Want to filter. Cool

I'm just watching them

And listening

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00cdb2 No.61460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973140 (081944ZJUN23) Notable: FACT SHEET:Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect LGBTQI+ Communities

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FACT SHEET:Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect LGBTQI+ Communities

JUNE 08, 2023

oday, in celebration of Pride Month, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing new actions to protect LGBTQI+ communities from attacks on their rights and safety. Over a dozen states have enacted anti-LGBTQI+ laws that violate our most basic values and freedoms as Americans, and are cruel and callous to our kids, our neighbors, and those in our community. The Biden-Harris administration stands with the LGBTQI+ community and has their backs in the face of these attacks, and today, federal agencies are announcing new actions to:

Protect LGBTQI+ communities from attacks on their rights and safety by launching a new LGBTQI+ Community Safety Partnership and announcing that the Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department will serve as the Department’s liaison to the LGBTQI+ community on issues related to protecting the rights of the community.

Support LGBTQI+ kids so they can thrive by strengthening mental health resources for LGBTQI+ youth, launching a new federal initiative to address LGBTQI+ youth homelessness, releasing federal funding to support programs that help parents affirm their LGBTQI+ kids, and advancing new regulations to protect LGBTQI+ youth in foster care.

Shield LGBTQI+ Americans from book bans that threaten their rights by announcing that the Department of Education will appoint a new coordinator to address the growing threat that book bans pose for the civil rights of students.


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00cdb2 No.61461

File: 93d0ebb28045b57⋯.png (393.45 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973147 (081947ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden laid BARE! Nearly 9,000 photos from his laptop are published by right wing group Marco Polo

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EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden laid BARE! Nearly 9,000 photos from his laptop are published by right wing group Marco Polo - a bizarre mix of the First Son taking drugs, frolicking naked with prostitutes and fetching family snaps


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00cdb2 No.61462

File: 125a4d830cc568e⋯.png (459.4 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e8053f3cb91232⋯.png (444.42 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973156 (081948ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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You see when this many planes are not Squwakin. And 1 is. I post it

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00cdb2 No.61463

File: 67368dedb7ce7d4⋯.png (161.65 KB,598x537,598:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973201 (082000ZJUN23) Notable: Weaponization Committee Uncovers New Information Suggesting the FTC is Targeting @elonmusk's Twitter

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Rep. Jim Jordan Retweeted

Weaponization Committee


🚨 #BREAKING: Weaponization Committee Uncovers New Information Suggesting the FTC is Targeting @elonmusk's Twitter


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00cdb2 No.61464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973263 (082017ZJUN23) Notable: VP Kneepads Co-hosts the U.S.-Caribbean Leaders Meeting with Prime Minister Davis in Nassau

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This was moved up to 3:30 PM so done already

Vice President Harris Co-hosts the U.S.-Caribbean Leaders Meeting with Prime Minister Davis

Nassau, Bahamas




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00cdb2 No.61465

File: c64e26ee8918db4⋯.png (35.21 KB,582x167,582:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973271 (082020ZJUN23) Notable: @NatlGunRights - If trying to repeal an Amendment from the Bill of Rights doesn’t make you a tyrant I don’t know what does.

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National Association for Gun Rights


If trying to repeal an Amendment from the Bill of Rights doesn’t make you a tyrant I don’t know what does.

11:27 AM · Jun 8, 2023


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00cdb2 No.61466

File: 2f1a9e00632deef⋯.png (583.5 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 917cd9d1fdf70a2⋯.png (601.44 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 422e89409f206e6⋯.png (850.04 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9eb351d3e7486ae⋯.png (847.08 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973273 (082020ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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If they ain't talking to us it sure as hell looks that way

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00cdb2 No.61467

File: 203cda0843c37fc⋯.png (15.33 KB,593x169,593:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973280 (082023ZJUN23) Notable: Joran van der Sloot, chief suspect in 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway, arrives in US to face extortion charges

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BREAKING: Joran van der Sloot, chief suspect in 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway, arrives in US to face extortion charges - AP


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00cdb2 No.61468

File: 1a0c105f4b73a3d⋯.png (132.76 KB,597x698,597:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973287 (082025ZJUN23) Notable: GPT Oversight Committee: The #BidenBorderCrisis has gotten completely out of hand - details

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Oversight Committee


The #BidenBorderCrisis has gotten so out of hand, Sec. Mayorkas is diverting over 1,400 personnel from other critical departments such as Federal Air Marshals, the Secret Service, & USCIS to the border.




are demanding answers.

3:49 PM · Jun 8, 2023


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00cdb2 No.61469

File: 25e7b1e974b7859⋯.png (183 KB,879x765,293:255,Clipboard.png)

File: f6a3c9e7607fcd0⋯.png (393.65 KB,577x747,577:747,Clipboard.png)

File: 6efa31975ceadb0⋯.png (79.58 KB,857x721,857:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973298 (082028ZJUN23) Notable: The South Dakota farm wars are coming

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Idk if tru, but ...



This is footage that was shared with me by a South Dakota farmer named Jared Bossly, whose farm has been in his family for four generations.

Bossly is one of over 80 SD landowners currently facing eminent domain lawsuits from a company called Summit Carbon Solutions who wants to seize their property and use it to build a carbon capture pipeline that will transport CO2 emissions from Iowa to North Dakota to be stored underground.

The men in the video are surveyors from Summit. They entered his home and shop before going on his farm to survey the land all without permission while only his wife was home. They later falsely accused him of threatening to kill them (he talked to them for 6 seconds on speaker phone about how the sheriff should be there while they do it) and are taking him to court to get a restraining order so he can't be on his property when they come back. His hearing is tomorrow.

Bossly tells me surveyors from the company have shown up to SD farms without permission, some with armed security guards like something straight out of Blazing Saddles, and have threatened the landowners who haven't agreed to give up their property.

The Republican leadership in South Dakota has also abandoned them. In the last legislative session, bills to protect landowners from eminent domain from Summit failed. Gov. Kristi Norm has done nothing. Why? Because Summit has connections to massive GOP donors.

They are also bankrolled by large investments, some of which are foreign, as well as benefit from massive federal tax credits for carbon capture expanded by Joe Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act."

Meanwhile, South Dakotans whose farms have been in their families for generations, who have put their blood sweat and tears into their land, are now facing them being seized and ruined for the green energy grift. Their elected leaders have abandoned them and no one outside local media is talking about it.

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00cdb2 No.61470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973299 (082028ZJUN23) Notable: During a House Oversight Committee Hearing, Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) discussed American confidence in elections

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Higgins: Corruption is born in the heart of man, not in the mechanisms of man


23m ago

240 views Jun 8, 2023

During a House Oversight Committee Hearing, Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) discussed American confidence in elections, and questioned the DC Board of Elections Director on election fraud.

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00cdb2 No.61471

File: 05ad5e8e399beff⋯.jpg (59.54 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973312 (082033ZJUN23) Notable: Russian lawmakers address world over Ukrainian ‘terrorism’

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Russian lawmakers address world over Ukrainian ‘terrorism’

The upper house of the parliament has accused the “Kiev regime” and its Western backers of destroying the Kakhovka dam

The upper chamber of the Russian parliament, the State Duma, on Tuesday placed the blame for the destruction of the Kakhovka dam on Ukraine and its Western backers and called on legislatures in other countries to give their assessment of the incident

In an open letter to the “parliaments and peoples of the World” published on Thursday, the Russian senators condemned what they described as a “terrorist act by the Kiev regime.” The lawmakers pointed out that the rupture of the dam has led to a “major ecological catastrophe” along the path of the Dnieper River.

According to the document, Moscow warned the UN last October that the Ukrainian leadership might carry out “such a terrorist act.”

Officials cited as proof the repeated shelling of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant by Ukrainian forces in 2022. They went on to claim that the Ukrainian authorities had deliberately opened the floodgates at a similar facility upstream, thereby filling the Kakhovka reservoir to the brim.


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00cdb2 No.61472

File: b1aadccb679c92f⋯.png (310.21 KB,715x651,715:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973314 (082033ZJUN23) Notable: Masked Newsom closes churches and hair salons in several counties

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Newsom is a WEF terrorist.


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00cdb2 No.61473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973337 (082038ZJUN23) Notable: MTG on Biden & Burisma manipulation

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bomb: Joe Biden Was Bribed and Paid Millions of Dollars to Have Ukrainian Prosecutor Investigating Burisma Fired

House Oversight Chairman James Comer Wednesday evening forced the FBI to allow all members of the committee to review the Biden bribery document and receive a briefing.

Comer canceled the Thursday morning vote to hold FBI Director Chris Wray in contempt.

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Thursday emerged from the SCIF and revealed explosive information about the Biden bribery document.

The Ukraine-Biden-bribery evidence was first presented to the FBI by a trusted, highly credible, well paid informant back in 2017.

Meanwhile Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden enjoyed a highly lucrative position as a board member of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company.

According to MTG, the bribery allegations appear to involve Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian oligarch who hired Hunter Biden to serve on the board of Burisma Holdings.

MTG said, “Back in 2015, 2016, Burisma was looking to buy a US-based oil and gas company and this came from being advised by Hunter Biden and his partners.”

She continued, “This was around the time that Joe Biden had said the Ukrainian prosecutor [Viktor] Shokin was corrupt. They hired Hunter on the board to make the problems go away. Hunter advised that they could raise more money if they bought a US company…”

“He [Burisma owner] paid $5 million to one Biden and he paid $5 million to another Biden and it was all a bribery to get Shokin fired and end the investigation into Burisma,” MTG said.

According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, the informant said the Burisma owner claimed to have two pieces of evidence showing proof of payment to Hunter and specifically Joe Biden.


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00cdb2 No.61474

File: e88eaa2f96d3bc0⋯.webp (18.86 KB,1024x577,1024:577,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973343 (082039ZJUN23) Notable: GP: Was there are UFO crash in Las Vegas?

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“UFO Crashes” in Las Vegas: Police Bodycam Captures Mysterious Event as Residents Report Encounter with “Non-Human Beings” (VIDEO)

A Las Vegas, Nevada family says they saw very large “non-human beings” in their backyard just moments after an unidentified object crashed into their backyard.

KLAS is reporting that on April 30th, around 11:50 PM, a strange object was recorded on Las Vegas Metro Police body cam, while streaking through the sky — presumably crashing near the family’s home.

While on the phone with emergency dispatch, the seemingly frightened caller reported, “They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us.”

“They have big eyes,” he continued, “Like, I can’t explain it, and big mouth. They’re shiny eyes and they’re human. They’re 100% not human.”

Why A Veteran-Owned Freeze-Dried Beef Company Unabashedly Embraces An American-First Worldview

Police were quick to respond — arriving to the scene just 30 minutes after their own observations of the unidentified phenomena.

After police arrived on the scene, more family members corroborated what was reported to dispatch. Officers told the witnesses that they seemed “legit scared.”

“I’m not going to BS, you guys,” the officer in the footage tells the family, “One of my partners said they saw something fall out of the sky, too.”


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00cdb2 No.61475

File: fbcab6551e60eff⋯.png (326.52 KB,550x575,22:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973352 (082041ZJUN23) Notable: Biden admin says no plans for China building spy facility in Cuba

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Biden admin denies reports that China plans to build spy facility in Cuba to gather intelligence on United States

China recently reached a secret agreement with Cuba to establish a spy facility on the island to gather intelligence on the United States and its nearby military bases, according to U.S. officials who shared the highly classified intelligence with the Wall Street Journal.

The WSJ reported that the facility would allow China to eavesdrop on electronic communications throughout the southeastern United States, where many military bases are stationed, including 21 in Florida.

With Cuba only 100 miles from Florida, China would be able to monitor ship traffic in the area and intercept emails, phone calls, and satellite transmissions, the outlet stated.

The U.S. officials told the WSJ that China has agreed to pay Cuba several billion dollars to allow it to build the spy facility in America's backyard.

Officials did not share where the alleged eavesdropping station would be located on the island, whether the construction had already begun, or what the Biden administration could do to prevent the facility's construction.

John Kirby, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, denied the accuracy of the WSJ's report.

Kirby told the outlet, "While I cannot speak to this specific report, we are well aware of — and have spoken many times to — the People's Republic of China's efforts to invest in infrastructure around the world that may have military purposes, including in this hemisphere."

"We monitor it closely, take steps to counter it, and remain confident that we are able to meet all our security commitments at home, in the region, and around the world," he added.

When asked about the Chinese spy facility rumor by MSNBC on Thursday, Kirby stated that he had seen the press report and that it was inaccurate.

"You're saying it's not accurate that they're planning this?" an MSNBC host asked Kirby.

He replied, "I'm saying that we've seen the report. It's not accurate. We're focused on making sure that we can mitigate any threats from China in the region."


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00cdb2 No.61476

File: cedf3bf2651c5d7⋯.jpeg (148.22 KB,681x472,681:472,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973356 (082042ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Really Conducting the Jack Smith Prosecution of Trump?

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Who is Really Conducting the Jack Smith Prosecution of Trump? Lawfare’s Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen?

June 8, 2023

On June 2nd former Mueller special counsel and impeachment operative, Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen respectively, published their current Trump prosecution memo [Read Here] using a novel and arcane interpretation of US Code 793. Four days later media began reporting from leaks within the Jack Smith special counsel of the main legal approach they were going to use against President Trump [citation]. What approach is Jack Smith taking, US Code 793! This is not coincidental.

[Weissmann to DOJ Prosecution Memo, page 36 – pdf]

Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen wrote this memo last week. Special Counsel Jack Smith is using it now.

At the time the 186-page Weissmann & Eisen guidance was completed, CTH drew attention to it [HERE] because we track the way the Lawfare operatives work.

In addition to protecting the interests of corrupt former Obama officials, organizing, supporting and coordinating with the Lawfare network is the purpose for Deputy AG Lisa Monaco to exist in current Main Justice operations.

Special Counsel Jack Smith is a tool, vessel and willing participant in one long Lawfare continuum that originates back in the Obama administration when they weaponized the DOJ to target their political opposition. Andrew Weissmann writing the guidelines for Jack Smith to deploy is simply a visible example of how this operation is being conducted.

Weissmann even sells Trump Prosecution swag on his podcast. They are not trying to hide their influence and control over the Main Justice operations, they are quite open about it because they sense they have nothing to fear.

However, the intent of the Weissmann and Eisen approach is based on a need to protect the illegal Lawfare activity from sunlight. The Lawfare continuum is based on a need to protect the weaponized use of government that took place during the Obama administration.

The Obama administration and all of the participants in the agencies involved, use their institutional power to target their political opponents. The DOJ and FBI targeted Donald Trump in 2016 with these weaponized systems. The ODNI and CIA also supported. President Obama, and all the affiliates, aligned ideologues and conscripts used the U.S. government to target their political opposition. In the aftermath of the 2016 election, all of the foot soldiers took up position to protect the administration from public discovery of what took place.

Inside DC, Democrats and many Republicans are aligned in common self-interested defense against Trump specifically because of the weaponization that took place. The Jack Smith special counsel is just another system in a long train of government abuse. That’s why Weissmann, Eisen and the Lawfare group are still operating – still assisting, still helping and still coordinating….


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00cdb2 No.61477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973361 (082042ZJUN23) Notable: NY Atty General files lawsuit against anti-abortion group

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New York Attorney General files lawsuit against anti-abortion group

Members of the group have been arrested several times for trying to block access to abortion clinics.

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit today against members of an anti-abortion group, Red Rose Rescue, for "invading reproductive health care clinics, threatening staff and clinicians, and terrorizing patients," according to a press release from the New York Attorney General’s Press Office.

Members of Red Rose Rescue have allegedly tried to prevent clinics from seeing patients by physically blocking entrances, which is illegal under the United States Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) and the New York State Clinic Access Act.

Attorney General James is looking to prohibit Red Rose Rescue members from coming within 30 feet of any reproductive health care facility in New York state in the lawsuit filed today. James is also seeking penalties and damages.

“Red Rose Rescue has made it their mission to terrorize reproductive health care providers and the patients they serve,” said Attorney General James. “Make no mistake: abortion is health care, and as New York’s Attorney General, I will continue to protect and defend everyone’s legal right to safely access health care.”

Members of Red Rose Rescue Matthew Connolly, Laura Gies, Jacob Gregor, Monica Miller, Father Fidelis (Christopher) Moscinski, and Elizabeth Wagi were found guilty in February of trespassing, and resisting/obstructing a police officer, , according to The Oakland Press. Connolly, Gregor, Moscinski, and Wagi were also found guilty of interfering with a business.

The conviction came from a group visit to Northland Family Planning in April 2022. The six attempted a “defense of others” claim, arguing they were attempting to protect the unborn babies, but it was denied by the court.

“We were there to defend life, throwing ourselves on the side of the unwanted,” said Miller at the time. “And that’s how we are going to live our lives.”


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00cdb2 No.61478

File: 37c016f7cbd12e9⋯.png (110.79 KB,523x689,523:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973368 (082045ZJUN23) Notable: Tesla Drivers Activate "Bioweapon Defense Mode" To Protect Against Wildfire Smoke

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Tesla Drivers Activate "Bioweapon Defense Mode" To Protect Against Wildfire Smoke

Tesla drivers are switching on an advanced air filtration system known as "Bioweapon Defense Mode" to shield against Canadian wildfire smoke blanketing the US Mid-Atlantic and Northeast states.

Air quality alerts are at "hazardous" levels across the Baltimore–Washington metropolitan area to New York City. The unhealthy air is causing eye irritation and inducing coughing among many people, prompting those with severe health issues to seek a doctor.

But those driving in certain Tesla vehicles are equipped with a HEPA filtration system capable of stripping the outside air of smoke and other harmful particles and systematically scrubbing the air inside the cabin to eliminate any trace of these particles. The result is the Bioweapon Defense Mode that drivers are switching on in a real-world test, proving that Tesla is ahead of the curve of major automakers.

"Never thought I'd actually have to use this.. Location: Long Island," one Reddit posted.


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00cdb2 No.61479

File: ee18c437459a075⋯.png (6.64 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973369 (082045ZJUN23) Notable: Clockfag: QClock June 08, 2023 - Mirror Space Freedom 10 Days

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QClock June 08, 2023 - Mirror Space Freedom 10 Days

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00cdb2 No.61480

File: 99954cca5c3562c⋯.png (770.6 KB,603x1100,603:1100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973372 (082046ZJUN23) Notable: @NCSCgov on #DDay79 anniversary

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On this #DDay79 anniversary, we revisit Operation Fortitude, the highly successful deception operation by the Allies to convince Nazi Germany that the primary target of the D-Day invasion was Pas de Calais, not Normandy. For more details on this deception effort, see below.


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00cdb2 No.61481

File: c994c63bb8b2290⋯.png (780.35 KB,589x1052,589:1052,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973383 (082049ZJUN23) Notable: John Kerry: Today I met with @WorldBank President Ajay Banga to discuss the need to mobilize climate finance & meet these challenges

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Special Presidential Envoy John Kerry


As we grapple with climate disruptions in real time, it’s crucial that we urgently deploy resources and technologies to keep this crisis from getting worse.

Today I met with


President Ajay Banga to discuss the need to mobilize climate finance & meet these challenges.

4:13 PM · Jun 8, 2023


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00cdb2 No.61482

File: 1adc85ced5db88e⋯.png (387.44 KB,603x840,201:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 7abeba08cd65e2c⋯.png (3.81 KB,228x103,228:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973410 (082057ZJUN23) Notable: The sixth Delta IV Heavy rocket launching from Cape Canaveral will be #NROL68 June 21.

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The sixth and penultimate Delta IV Heavy rocket launching from Cape Canaveral will be #NROL68 June 21.

NROL - 68 features a baby dragon symbolizing the birth of a new capability in space. This hatchling has its mother watching over as it sets its eyes on first flight.




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00cdb2 No.61483

File: 963ae2559f3fad3⋯.png (269.26 KB,611x396,611:396,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973458 (082110ZJUN23) Notable: NY Gov. Kathy Hochul suggests residents wear a mask indoors

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WATCH: NY Gov. Kathy Hochul suggests residents wear a mask indoors


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00cdb2 No.61484

File: 8346a8fe9e3dd6d⋯.png (195.23 KB,481x477,481:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973462 (082111ZJUN23) Notable: Norm Eisen on declassification rules

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Their Twitter accounts back this up. Norm even admits it.



This guy is MR COLOR Revolution.

Highlighed by Darren Beattie.

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00cdb2 No.61485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973473 (082115ZJUN23) Notable: N.Y. state halts racing; NYRA remains confident about Belmont

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N.Y. state halts racing; NYRA remains confident about Belmont

June 8, 2023 3:54pm

rompted by Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.), the New York State Gaming Commission ordered Belmont Park and the other racetracks under its watch to stop all racing, training and workouts indefinitely because of the poor air quality in the tri-state area. A New York Racing Association spokesperson downplayed the thought that this move would put Saturday’s Belmont Stakes 2023 in jeopardy.


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00cdb2 No.61486

File: 39a4762a9cb7ce8⋯.png (733.74 KB,696x579,232:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 51bd31ccbc5779c⋯.png (405.91 KB,526x571,526:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973476 (082116ZJUN23) Notable: 23 Train Cars Derail From Freight Train In Arizona

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23 Train Cars Derail From Freight Train In Arizona

Authorities are investigating the cause of a freight train derailment in northern Arizona, resulting in significant damage to 23 train cars and a shipment of brand-new vehicles. No injuries were reported.

According to officials from Coconino County Emergency Management, the derailment occurred on Wednesday at approximately 11:20 p.m. in the eastern region of Williams.

The BNSF train cars were transporting a range of new automobiles, vans, and trucks.

Phots taken at the scene of the derailment depict extensive damage to numerous vehicles and train cars.

Emergency Management officials are working on the cleanup effort.

There has been no immediate statement from BNSF Railway, headquartered in Texas, regarding the derailment.



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00cdb2 No.61487

File: 99a05b2c56f5f8f⋯.png (19.95 KB,588x211,588:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973482 (082117ZJUN23) Notable: An FBI agent who House Republicans said was a whistleblower suspended by the bureau

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BREAKING 🚨 An FBI agent who House Republicans said was a whistleblower has been suspended by the bureau because internal investigators concluded that he leaked classified information to Project Veritas, a bureau official says - NBC NEWS


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00cdb2 No.61488

File: 23885e2560317a9⋯.png (159.81 KB,474x390,79:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e5a96001d23207⋯.mp4 (8.1 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973504 (082121ZJUN23) Notable: Bill Barr again confirms that the Biden bribery record is not closed.

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Oversight Committee


Former Attorney General Bill Barr again confirms that the Biden bribery record is not closed.

Investigators determined the information wasn’t disinformation and provided the record to the ongoing investigation in Delaware.


Barr says the investigation was not closed in Aug of 2020

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00cdb2 No.61489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973538 (082128ZJUN23) Notable: Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

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Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

Troops’ use of patches bearing Nazi emblems risks fueling Russian propaganda and spreading imagery that the West has spent a half-century trying to eliminate.

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00cdb2 No.61490

File: c32b5a3a4f06bdf⋯.jpg (19.84 KB,600x369,200:123,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973578 (082136ZJUN23) Notable: Marine Vet Daniel Penny Shares Why He Stepped In to Subdue Jordan Neely-“He Would Have Killed Somebody”

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Marine Vet Daniel Penny Shares Why He Stepped In to Subdue Jordan Neely-“He Would Have Killed Somebody”

The Gateway Pundit reported on the charges against 24-year-old college student and decorated Marine veteran Daniel Penny in the death of serial felon Jordan Neely.

While the media has tried to portray Neely as a harmless Michael Jackson Subway crooner, a witness who was on the subway with Neely and Penny during their encounter is calling Penny a hero and claiming that he saved people’s lives.

The witness shared what she saw, “I’m sitting on a train reading my book, and, all of a sudden, I hear someone spewing this rhetoric. He said, ‘I don’t care if I have to kill an F, I will. I’ll go to jail, I’ll take a bullet.”

Penny spoke with Fox News sharing that be believes if he had not stepped in, Neely “would have killed somebody.”

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On "The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification"

Fox News reports:

“If [Neely] had carried out his threats, he would have killed somebody,” said Penny, who remains so traumatized by the experience he has not boarded a subway train since.

Despite the specter of a five- to 15-year prison term looming over him, Penny said he does not regret the decision that has turned his life upside down in ways he could never have imagined.

Perry told Fox, “Between stops, you’re trapped on the train, and there’s nowhere to go. You can try to move away, but you can only do so much on a packed car. I was scared. I looked around, and I saw older women and children, and they were terrified.”


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00cdb2 No.61491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973596 (082141ZJUN23) Notable: #23294

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#23294 >>61440


>>61470 Higgins: Corruption is born in the heart of man, not in the mechanisms of man

>>61441 Here are the groups moving cash around to secretly blacklist conservative news

>>61442 German Leader Scholz Brutally Booed For Ukraine War Support

>>61443 BIDEN: "They're not somebody else's kids — they're all our kids."

>>61444 Police Bust International Drug Trafficking Ring Linked to 'Ndrangheta Clan

>>61445 James Woods: The irony is he couldn’t identify either one…

>>61446 "…there's damning evidence in an FBI file that you sold out the country. Do you have a response?" BIDEN: "Where's the money?"

>>61447, >>61452, >>61453, >>61457, >>61459, >>61462, >>61462, >>61466 Planefag

>>61448, >>61451 Julian Assange LOSES APPEAL against extradition to the US on espionage charges (Q1195)

>>61449 ‘We’re the Dirty Little Secret Nobody Wants to Talk About,’ Says Man Injured by COVID Vaccine


>>61454 Georgia’s WEF Puppet Governor Brian Kemp Rolls Out Digital IDs for All Citizens

>>61455 Greg Price: Biden says that people who oppose kids going through sex changes or boys playing girls sports are "hysterical and prejudiced."

>>61456 Fast and Furious Star Says Hollywood is “Normalizing the Devil”

>>61458 Evidence Suggests FBI Shielding Firms Tied to Chinese Government

>>61460 FACT SHEET:Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect LGBTQI+ Communities

>>61461 Hunter Biden laid BARE! Nearly 9,000 photos from his laptop are published by right wing group Marco Polo

>>61463 Weaponization Committee Uncovers New Information Suggesting the FTC is Targeting @elonmusk's Twitter

baker change

>>61464 VP Kneepads Co-hosts the U.S.-Caribbean Leaders Meeting with Prime Minister Davis in Nassau

>>61465 @NatlGunRights - If trying to repeal an Amendment from the Bill of Rights doesn’t make you a tyrant I don’t know what does.

>>61467 Joran van der Sloot, chief suspect in 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway, arrives in US to face extortion charges

>>61468 GPT Oversight Committee: The #BidenBorderCrisis has gotten completely out of hand - details

>>61469 The South Dakota farm wars are coming

>>61470 During a House Oversight Committee Hearing, Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) discussed American confidence in elections

>>61471 Russian lawmakers address world over Ukrainian ‘terrorism’

>>61472 Masked Newsom closes churches and hair salons in several counties

>>61473 MTG on Biden & Burisma manipulation

>>61474 GP: Was there are UFO crash in Las Vegas?

>>61475 Biden admin says no plans for China building spy facility in Cuba

>>61476 Who is Really Conducting the Jack Smith Prosecution of Trump?

>>61477 NY Atty General files lawsuit against anti-abortion group

>>61478 Tesla Drivers Activate "Bioweapon Defense Mode" To Protect Against Wildfire Smoke

>>61479 Clockfag: QClock June 08, 2023 - Mirror Space Freedom 10 Days

>>61480 @NCSCgov on #DDay79 anniversary

>>61481 John Kerry: Today I met with @WorldBank President Ajay Banga to discuss the need to mobilize climate finance & meet these challenges

>>61482 The sixth Delta IV Heavy rocket launching from Cape Canaveral will be #NROL68 June 21.

>>61483 NY Gov. Kathy Hochul suggests residents wear a mask indoors

>>61484 Norm Eisen on declassification rules

>>61485 N.Y. state halts racing; NYRA remains confident about Belmont

>>61486 23 Train Cars Derail From Freight Train In Arizona

>>61487 An FBI agent who House Republicans said was a whistleblower suspended by the bureau

>>61488 Bill Barr again confirms that the Biden bribery record is not closed.

>>61489 Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

>>61490 Marine Vet Daniel Penny Shares Why He Stepped In to Subdue Jordan Neely-“He Would Have Killed Somebody”


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00cdb2 No.61492

File: 538730a1559f8a0⋯.png (61.04 KB,1269x242,1269:242,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a2cc7568a074e9⋯.png (173.4 KB,1207x400,1207:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973611 (082145ZJUN23) Notable: #23295

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baker seeking handoff

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00cdb2 No.61493

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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