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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

eebb53 No.51536 [View All]

03JUN23 to 06JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 746 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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eebb53 No.60693

File: ec9f53dec5405bb⋯.png (946.34 KB,1295x877,1295:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18958922 (060208ZJUN23) Notable: Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing 300 to enter Capitol freely

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WATCH fateful moment senate door unlocks allowing hundreds in the Capitol on January 6th

June 5, 2023

New footage obtained by Just The News shows the fateful moment two men exited through the West terrace of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 unlocking the door which allowed hundreds of protestors into the building.


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eebb53 No.60694

File: 2e4f614d7516373⋯.png (430.25 KB,859x952,859:952,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18958927 (060209ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Ty Cobb is a disgruntled former Lawyer, who represented me long ago, and knows absolutely nothing about the Boxes Hoax

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06/01/23 9:29 AM ET

Former Trump lawyer: Reported audio ‘eviscerates’ defense in documents investigation

Former Trump administration White House lawyerTy Cobbsaid late Wednesday that an audio recording that reportedly reveals former President Trump discussing a classified document he took from the White House “eviscerates” Trump’s defense in the Justice Department’s (DOJ) classified documents probe.

Cobb said in an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett that the recording undermines Trump’s previous arguments that he could declassify documents just by taking them out of the White House or that he could declassify them simply by thinking about it.

“It further enhances the obstruction case because it eviscerates the two defenses that Trump has put forward,” Cobb said. ...


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eebb53 No.60695

File: b72150b3073dd86⋯.png (467.71 KB,598x583,598:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18958950 (060215ZJUN23) Notable: Hobbs Allows Pornography to be Filmed in Arizona’s K-12 Public School Classrooms

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One America News


Gov. Hobbs Vetoes Bill Prohibiting Porno-Filming In Arizona’s K-12 Public School Classrooms https://oann.com/newsroom/gov-hobbs-vetoes-bill-prohibiting-porno-filming-in-arizonas-k-12-public-school-classrooms/



Gov. Hobbs vetoes bill prohibiting porno-filming in Arizona's K-12 public school classrooms

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed a new bill that would have made it illegal to facilitate or record sexually-explicit conduct in public places, like classrooms and government buildings.

2:26 PM · Jun 5, 2023




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eebb53 No.60696

File: a8c840c19a57f1b⋯.png (140.54 KB,778x831,778:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18958962 (060217ZJUN23) Notable: Jack Smith indicts the President of Kosovo

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Richard Grenell

Let’s review:

Jack Smith indicts the President of Kosovo @HashimThaciRKS who was leading the negotiations for Kosovo-Serbia normalization and was about to strike a major deal.

Kosovo political turmoil unfolds and the new leader who emerges @albinkurti is now getting condemned by NATO, the US and all of Europe for inciting violence.

Jack Smith will do anything to promote his politics.


10:07 PM · Jun 5, 2023


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eebb53 No.60697

File: af1f611e7244c7f⋯.png (61.71 KB,580x813,580:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18958980 (060222ZJUN23) Notable: @Kash Russia Gate #GovernmentGangsters

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Kash Patel


Russia Gate #GovernmentGangsters:

1-James Comey

2-Andrew McCabe

3-Peter Strzok

4-Bill Priestap

5-Lisa Page

6-Agent Auten

7-Kevin Clinesmith

8-Fiona Hill

9-Charles Dolan

10-Igor Dancheko

11-Christopher Steele

12-Glenn Simpson

13-Mark Elias

14-Michael Sussman

15-Jake Sullivan

16-Hillary Clinton

17-James Clapper

18-John Brennan

19-Gina Haspel

20-Rod Rosenstein

21-Lisa Monaco

22-John Carlin

23-Chris Wray

24-Agent Thibault

25-Bruce Ohr

26-Nellie Ohr


28-David Laufman


30-Fake News

Jun 04, 2023, 1:03 PM

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eebb53 No.60698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959010 (060228ZJUN23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J Trump to Speak at NC GOP Convention. 6/10/23

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June 10, 2023

6:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Donald J Trump to Speak at NC GOP Convention. 6/10/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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eebb53 No.60699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959015 (060229ZJUN23) Notable: Acting ICE leader to vacate post, second Biden immigration leader to leave in June

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Acting ICE leader to vacate post, second Biden immigration leader to leave in June

Tae Johnson has served as acting director for roughly 2.5 years.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acting leader Tae Johnson will leave his position at the end of June, marking the second high-profile exit by an immigration official in recent weeks as the Biden administration struggles to combat a surge in illegal migration at the southern border.

The agency confirmed Johnson's upcoming departure in a Monday statement, saying "[a]fter more than 30 years of dedicated service to our nation, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director Tae D. Johnson will retire from federal law enforcement at the end of the month," according to the Washington Examiner.

Johnson has served as acting director for roughly 2.5 years and the agency has not had an officially confirmed leader in roughly five. Johnson was the ninth consecutive acting director in that period. His successor remains unnamed.

The agency has faced considerable scrutiny in recent years, including calls for its outright abolition.

In late May, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz announced that he also planned to retire at the end of June.

"I leave at ease, knowing we have a tremendous uniformed and professional workforce, strong relationships with our union partners, and outstanding leaders who will continue to tirelessly advocate for you each day," he said at the time.

The twin exits come amid mounting frustrations among the border enforcement rank-and-file over the administration's approach to immigration.

More than five million migrants have been encountered illegally entering the U.S. under Biden's tenure, many of whom have secured release into the U.S. interior instead of being deported. The Biden administration last month ended the Title 42 order that permitted border agents to swiftly deport migrants should they hail from countries known to host communicable disease.

In the week leading up to the order's expiration, authorities encountered record daily migrant numbers on the Mexican frontier.


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eebb53 No.60700

File: d899fa1627eb8bf⋯.jpeg (93.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959035 (060233ZJUN23) Notable: Only 29 million people remain in Ukraine, down from 52 millionwhen it declared independence in 1991, Kiev faced a demographic disaster even before the conflict with Russia

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6 Jun, 2023 01:12

Ukraine’s population close to half level of 1991 – think tank

Data shows Kiev faced a demographic disaster even before the conflict with Russia escalated

Only 29 million people remain in Ukraine, down from 52 millionwhen it declared independence in 1991, the Ukrainian Institute for the Future said on Monday. The think tank noted that demographic trends raise concerns for the country’s very survival.

While more than half of the 20,7 million Ukrainians who left the country in February 2022 seem to have returned, that still leaves 8,6 million who appear to have left permanently, according to UIF. The remainder is “carried” by theproductive population of only nine million – of which only around six million actually generate revenue in the private sector, while therest are on the government budget, the think tank explained in a recent report.

As birth rates have also collapsed far below replacement, in just a few yearsUkraine will have twice as many retirees as working citizens, the UIF said, warning that “there will be no one to generate GDP” unless something changes.

The institute did not address battlefield casualties, which tend to come from the able-bodied male population. Its demographic data also counted the population of Crimea and the four regions that joined Russia last fall as part of Ukraine’s total.

Last month, the Russian Border Guard Service reported that more than 3.5 million Ukrainian citizens crossed into Russia since February 2022. That number did not factor in the populations of Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, or the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

Ukraine’s population was already down to 45.5 million by 2013, when the Maidan protests began. The following year, a US-backed coup brought the nationalists to power in Kiev and set off the reunification of Crimea with Russia and the Donbass conflict.

The UIF was established in 2016. Its newest report, ‘New Economic Policy for Ukraine’, urges the government of President Vladimir Zelensky to urgently prioritize demographics to address the question of “preserving Ukraine as a state.”

The report criticizesevery government in Kievsince 1991, arguing that they havetreated the country as a vessel for personal enrichment and party patronage. According to UIF,Ukraine’s society “remains immature, infantile and prone to paternalism,” in a system where the governing bureaucracy controls all resources, treatsbusinesses as a “cash cow”to be milked for assets, and does not think in terms of common good or serving the citizens.

Corruption is the main element and lever of management. The actions of politicians and officials are subordinated to one goal – to keep power,” the report says. From one of the most industrially developed Soviet republics, the UIF adds,Ukraine has devolvedinto a source of raw materials and “an object of international politics, where other actors determine our path.”

While insisting they are not a party to Kiev’s conflict with Moscow, theUSand its allies have pledged over $100 billion in weapons, ammunition, and equipment to the Ukrainian military over the past year, as well astens of billions in cash to help Zelensky’s government pay the government salaries and pensions.


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eebb53 No.60701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959079 (060241ZJUN23) Notable: #23276

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#23276 >>60653

>>60654, >>60695 Hobbs Allows Pornography to be Filmed in Arizona’s K-12 Public School Classrooms

>>60655, >>60694, >>60691 @realDonaldTrump Ty Cobb is a disgruntled former Lawyer, who represented me long ago, and knows absolutely nothing about the Boxes Hoax

>>60656 Democrat Texas Sheriff Recommends Criminal Charges After Completing Investigation Into DeSantis’ Migrant Flights to Martha’s Vineyard

>>60657 The Biden Administration’s attack on domestic energy has crippled our economy and national security.

>>60658, >>60693 Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing 300 to enter Capitol freely


>>60663 Russian forces have repelled a renewed large-scale attack by Ukrainian troops in several parts of Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions

>>60664, >>60662 Sergeant Major Carlos A. Ruiz has been selected to serve as the 20th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps

>>60665 The debt ceiling deal bulldozes a controversial pipeline's path through the courts

>>60667 California insurance market rattled by withdrawal of major companies

>>60668 FTC will require Microsoft to pay $20 million over charges it illegally collected personal information from children who signed up for its Xbox gaming system

>>60669 Lululemon CEO stands by firing employees who reported robbery, says there is 'zero-tolerance' for employees 'engaging during a theft'

>>60670, >>60671 RudyG: America's Mayor Live (E161): FBI Director Christopher Wray to be Held in Contempt of Congress

>>60672 ICYMI: Reclaiming Democracy with @ElonMusk and @RobertKennedyJr

>>60673 Commanding officer of destroyer Stout relieved for ‘loss of confidence

>>60674 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox

>>60675 Europe's top eco-zealots are plotting a huge 'civil disobedience campaign' of highway blockages and disruption at 'federal properties' in America's first summer of chaos

>>60676 IC whistleblower claims US has retrieved craft of "non-human origin"

>>60677 New growth industry: COVID lawsuits!

>>60678, >>60679 Early Universe Crackled With Bursts of Star Formation, Webb Shows

>>60680 FAA Greenlights Plan to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Be Housed at JFK Airport

>>60681 ‘Highly Credible’ Source Reveals Scandal Bigger Than Biden Bribery: FBI Election Interference

>>60682 During a podcast with Mike Tyson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talked about how the CIA killed his father. YouTube has now deleted the video.

>>60683 PF There are 3 Blackhawks Flying Delaware coast line

>>60684 Mayor Eric Adams floats idea of New Yorkers housing thousands of asylum seekers in "private residences."

>>60685 Ex–Intelligence Official Says Government Is Hiding Alien Technology From Congress

>>60686 Taxpayer funded Planned Parenthood offers "gender-affirming" chemicals in advance of appropriate limitations put in place by a state AG

>>60687 How are sitting members of Congress monetizing their podcasts like this?

>>60688 University Of Texas Students Behind Censorship Project Targeting Conservative News Outlets

>>60689 @CBS_Herridge From FBI re: Comer/Document/Contempt —“The escalation to a contempt vote under these circumstances is unwarranted.”

>>60690 @ SwipeWright: 1/ In 2020, California changed insurance language on double mastectomies for gender dysphoric females from "cosmetic" to "reconstructive" to remove age limits for the surgery.

>>60692 @OKeefeMedia ACLU Letter to federal court SIDES with our journalism in the Biden Diary case following the FBI raid of myself, reporters

>>60696 Jack Smith indicts the President of Kosovo

>>60697 @Kash Russia Gate #GovernmentGangsters

>>60698 LIVE: President Donald J Trump to Speak at NC GOP Convention. 6/10/23

>>60699 Acting ICE leader to vacate post, second Biden immigration leader to leave in June

>>60700 Only 29 million people remain in Ukraine, down from 52 millionwhen it declared independence in 1991, Kiev faced a demographic disaster even before the conflict with Russia


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eebb53 No.60702

File: aacc68a047837a2⋯.jpg (19.72 KB,494x484,247:242,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b531b1f8b68236a⋯.png (442.33 KB,592x847,592:847,Clipboard.png)

File: 075705f519013ee⋯.jpg (41.26 KB,474x536,237:268,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959098 (060244ZJUN23) Notable: #23277

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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eebb53 No.60703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959133 (060252ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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>>>/qresearch/18959091 lb

>Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine

that's a watch the water moment

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eebb53 No.60704

File: e307f6a74078329⋯.png (1.71 MB,1170x732,195:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959152 (060256ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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There is a lot of water above that dam.

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eebb53 No.60705

File: 3bcc5997e2d57f7⋯.png (288.61 KB,415x680,83:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959160 (060258ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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Yup, Putin knows a thing or two about warfare.

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eebb53 No.60706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959166 (060259ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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eebb53 No.60707

File: 0e6db3fc9929783⋯.png (21.79 KB,589x215,589:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 5075392dd99ee63⋯.png (27.44 KB,591x317,591:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959177 (060303ZJUN23) Notable: The Armed Forces of Ukraine have severely damaged the dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine have severely damaged the dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant. From what I'm hearing, water levels in the Dnieper are currently rising, but so far not catastrophically. The worst case scenario is really, really bad.


Severe flooding, several towns destroyed, cooling mechanisms at Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant endangered, energy and water infrastructure in southern Ukraine badly damaged for years to come, severe ecological damage


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eebb53 No.60708

File: 7955c847dde5845⋯.png (153.18 KB,1428x683,1428:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959180 (060303ZJUN23) Notable: Reservoir filled with radioactive material?

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Reservoir filled with radioactive material?


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eebb53 No.60709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959190 (060305ZJUN23) Notable: The Armed Forces of Ukraine have severely damaged the dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant

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Eyes on Ukraine!

The dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant has been damaged, and the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant is downstream from the dam.

If this thing busts completely from the damage, then the nuclear power plant could be in danger of melting down.

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eebb53 No.60710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959194 (060307ZJUN23) Notable: Just the News: "J6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing 300 to enter Capitol freely"

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Just the News: "J6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing 300 to enter Capitol freely"


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eebb53 No.60711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959202 (060309ZJUN23) Notable: Just the News: "J6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing 300 to enter Capitol freely"

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Magnetic Locks didn't disengage themselves

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eebb53 No.60712

File: 1457d5d8cf737f0⋯.mp4 (13.6 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959209 (060310ZJUN23) Notable: Just the News: "J6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing 300 to enter Capitol freely"

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>!!!!! jan_6th_tenney magnetic locks opened by the inside door.mp4

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eebb53 No.60713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959215 (060312ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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~130 ish maybe more miles worth

of water

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eebb53 No.60714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959243 (060318ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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Possible video of the explosion


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eebb53 No.60715

File: adbceaa0d39f4b2⋯.png (86.31 KB,742x899,742:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a88ea7b66c18d5⋯.png (93.43 KB,744x905,744:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 0208c28d2304eda⋯.png (26.62 KB,724x272,181:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959303 (060330ZJUN23) Notable: Biden bribery memo: Open investigation or game of keep away? Comer and Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin were permitted to view the FD-1023 form

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Biden bribery memo: Open investigation or game of keep away?

Comer and Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin were permitted to view the FD-1023 form but not to take it with them.

Three years after it was written, an FBI informant memo alleging Joe Biden was involved in a foreign bribery scheme is at the center of dueling narratives that typify the political divide in Washington.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, a Republican, suggested Monday that the FBI is conducting an ongoing investigation into President Biden stemming from the memo’s allegations about a scheme while he was vice president. Democrats insisted it was much adeiu about nothing, essentially a dead end.

Comer and Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin were permitted to view the FD-1023 form but not to take it with them. The document describes an alleged bribery scheme in which Biden agreed to help change U.S. policy in exchange for $5 million for his family business.

"FBI officials confirmed that the unclassified FBI generated record has not been disproven, and is currently being used in an ongoing investigation," Comer said. The document "suggests a pattern of bribery where payments would be made through shell accounts and multiple banks."

Comer touted the credibility of the informant who provided the information on the alleged scheme. He further admitted that he was unaware of what investigation specifically involved the document, saying "all I know is there’s an ongoing investigation." The Kentucky Republican went on to speculate that it may relate to an ongoing U.S. attorney investigation into first son Hunter Biden, which has seen several whistleblowers warn of political bias in the DOJ's handling of the case.

whatever the case, Comer made it clear he plans to find the FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt for failing to give a copy of the document to Congress.

Raskin, meanwhile, disputed Comer's statement about the FD-1023 being part of an active investigation. "I must have missed that because I’ve not heard that this is part of any ongoing investigation."

In the press conference, the Maryland Democrat contended that the FBI had done its "due diligence" in examining the claims made in the FD-1023, but that it had "found no reason to escalate from an assessment to a so-called preliminary investigation. And after that, comes a full-blown" investigation.

Reporters pressed him on Comer's own statements, but declined to directly contradict him, instead pointing to the the Trump's DOJ's initial review of the claims and decision not to pursue an investigation at the time.



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eebb53 No.60716

File: 9ac11093c91a4be⋯.jpeg (110.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959334 (060336ZJUN23) Notable: Kiev denies reports intel chief is dead, Kirill Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR)

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5 Jun, 2023 15:07

Kiev denies reports intel chief is dead

Accounts of the death of Ukraine's military intelligence head, Kirill Budanov, are “disinformation,” according to officials

Officials in Kiev have dismissed recent media reports about the alleged death of Kirill Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), as a Russian “disinformation” attempt. The Ukrainianspymaster has not made any public appearances for around a week.

The last time Budanov appeared in public was in video published by the GUR on May 29, aday before a Russian missile strike on Ukrainian “decision-making centers.” Since then, the GUR has only published a written statement by Budanov on June 4 buthas not posted any official videos of him.

Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed in late May that theGUR headquarters was one of the targets of the Russian strike. The Russian Defense Ministry said that all of the “designated targets” had been successfully hit.

The strikes came in response to a Ukrainian drone attack targeting Moscow earlier the same day. Several residential buildings were damaged in the attack, with two people suffering minor injuries. The Defense Ministry described the drone raid as a terrorist attack staged by the “Kiev regime.”

The ‘Center for Countering Disinformation’ (Nina Jankowicz creation and training) run by the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council said that all the reports about Budanov’s alleged death are “fakes” aimed at “sowing panic” among Ukrainians. It did not provide any evidence to disprove the reports or make any statements about Budanov’s whereabouts.

In May, Budanov vowed to “keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of the earth until the complete victory of Ukraine.” He also claimed responsibility for supposedly assassinating “many” Russian public figures, without giving any names though. (That’s all one needs to know that he was killed in the building orby other circumstances.)

The Kremlin subsequently said that Budanov’s words only prove that Russian President Vladimir Putin was right when he launched the Russian military operation in Ukraine. “We are essentially talking about a nation that is a de-facto sponsor of terrorism,” the presidential spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told Russian media in mid-May in response to Budanov’s words.

RIA Novosti reported earlier that Ukraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, had sustained a severe injury to his head in another Russian strike. The general has not made any public appearances since mid-May. Kiev also branded those reports as fake. Zaluzhny’s Telegram channel has since said he held two phone conversations with top US officials but has posted no new videos of him.


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eebb53 No.60717

File: 206ea87cc8bcaea⋯.png (163.73 KB,797x742,797:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959338 (060337ZJUN23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Many say don’t “punch down” when talking about people like Chris Sununu, “Sloppy” Chris Christie, “Aida” Hutchinson, or

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

RINO Chris Sununu stated in his Fake Opinion published in The Washington Compost, “I’m not running for president in 2024. Beating Trump is more important.” No, he’s not running for President because he’s polling at Zero, and has no chance of winning. The people of New Hampshire have gotten wise to Chris Sununu, and they no longer like or respect him. I never liked him, but always did whatever he asked for the State, because I wanted to help New Hampshire, and I did!

Jun 05, 2023, 9:58 PM


Donald J. Trump

Many say don’t “punch down” when talking about people like Chris Sununu, “Sloppy” Chris Christie, “Aida” Hutchinson, or others, but sometimes it’s necessary to talk badly about those that, for no reason other than politics, speak badly about you. You have to put them in proper perspective, you have to put them in their place!

Jun 05, 2023, 9:57 PM


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eebb53 No.60718

File: 1c73c8c3bd37d78⋯.png (491.86 KB,710x402,355:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959367 (060343ZJUN23) Notable: When is somebody going to ask Chansley WHO organized his police escort through the Capitol building and HOW and WHEN was it communicated??

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eebb53 No.60719

File: 48b72cb4e1fb32a⋯.png (3.08 MB,2261x1928,2261:1928,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959381 (060346ZJUN23) Notable: FALSE FLAG Hazmat Situation Unfolding at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hazmat Situation Unfolding at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont

LEMONT, Ill. – A hazmat situation is currently unfolding at Argonne National Laboratory near Lemont.

The incident, which began at 12:15, involves a spill in a laboratory room with the potential for an explosion. Emergency response teams have been summoned, and authorities are working diligently to assess the risks and ensure the safety of personnel.

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eebb53 No.60720

File: 8801eca2f99ba68⋯.webm (2.26 MB,1078x720,539:360,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959423 (060355ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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eebb53 No.60721

File: a592e18fbd59348⋯.png (9.1 MB,1800x2834,900:1417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959434 (060357ZJUN23) Notable: Keith Kellogg 79 years ago American paratroopers from the 82d and 101st Airborne left the safety of England and jumped

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Keith Kellogg

79 years ago American paratroopers from the 82d and 101st Airborne left the safety of England and jumped into France in the dead of night and began the Allied effort to claw back freedom from tyranny. Their courage, spirit and sacrifice must always be remembered-and honored.

Military History Now·5h

RIGHT NOW in 1944, the first of 20,000 Allied paratroopers are dropping into Normandy. The long-awaited liberation of France has begun.

11:14 PM · Jun 5, 2023


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eebb53 No.60722

File: 422ee03738567a3⋯.jpeg (9.57 KB,255x176,255:176,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959438 (060358ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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Dasting ty Russia occupies the south side of the river & Ukraine the north, but wat about the Nuclear power plant? The reservoir cools the plant, way up there behind the damn. Ready for meltdown?

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eebb53 No.60723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959444 (060400ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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The flood is coming.

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eebb53 No.60724

File: f3ca85448666224⋯.png (1.67 MB,1237x1081,1237:1081,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959458 (060403ZJUN23) Notable: Mar-a-Lago pool flood raises suspicions among prosecutors in Trump classified documents case

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eebb53 No.60725

File: c44fa5d48deeeff⋯.png (713 KB,1018x1373,1018:1373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959464 (060406ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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🚨#BREAKING: A Major Hydroelectric Power Dam has been blown up resulting of multiple towns evacuating

📌#KhersonOast | #Ukraine

Watch as Footage shows a major A hydroelectric power dam situated in the Kherson Oblast of southern Ukraine has been deliberately blown up, resulting in significant consequences. This major incident has prompted the immediate evacuation of thousands of individuals residing in close proximity to the Dnipro River. Experts specializing in dam construction from Europe have warned that this deliberate act of destruction is expected to cause extensive damage to land, infrastructure, and property on a large scale.

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eebb53 No.60726

File: fd071a9deca73df⋯.png (852.2 KB,978x850,489:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959474 (060409ZJUN23) Notable: When is somebody going to ask Chansley WHO organized his police escort through the Capitol building and HOW and WHEN was it communicated??

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When is somebody going to ask Chansley WHO organized his police escort through the Capitol building and HOW and WHEN was it communicated??

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eebb53 No.60727

File: 03d55567c250134⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB,270x480,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959493 (060414ZJUN23) Notable: @laralogan really DROPPED this many Truth Nukes on live TV?

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NYT admits its true Ukraine filled with Nazis and this

Jun 05, 2023, 11:53 PM


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eebb53 No.60728

File: 5aeba33fa0d0cba⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,1424x1727,1424:1727,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b41c1c72b25d00⋯.jpeg (302.25 KB,1284x1380,107:115,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959501 (060416ZJUN23) Notable: James Comey In my Crime Novelist era

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James Comey


In my Crime Novelist era


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eebb53 No.60729

File: 840bb6f99f04e03⋯.png (128.53 KB,828x549,92:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 28474e8e9c7b83d⋯.png (497.53 KB,873x838,873:838,Clipboard.png)

File: 5579792551f198f⋯.png (78.93 KB,828x317,828:317,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump



Jun 05, 2023, 12:16 PM


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eebb53 No.60730

File: 31c29d5cf356d56⋯.jpeg (240.06 KB,623x760,623:760,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959544 (060427ZJUN23) Notable: James Comey In my Crime Novelist era

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Probably nothing, but thought it was interesting his shirt has the words “SPEAK NOW” compared to Q’s translation of his tweet in 645 “DO NOT TALK”

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eebb53 No.60731

File: 02a4eb371230a93⋯.png (174.03 KB,555x696,185:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 720d875d468781c⋯.png (10.6 KB,555x191,555:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959564 (060432ZJUN23) Notable: James Comey In my Crime Novelist era

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Lotsa posts with RED too.

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eebb53 No.60732

File: 573414c31afe537⋯.png (1.5 MB,1583x1762,1583:1762,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959593 (060436ZJUN23) Notable: @laralogan really DROPPED this many Truth Nukes on live TV?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


she just reTweeted this clip!

Lara Logan Retweeted

E @ElijahSchaffer·14h

WOW: @laralogan really DROPPED this many Truth Nukes on live TV? 😯

She’s the best



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eebb53 No.60733

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959619 (060440ZJUN23) Notable: Tom Fitton: Trump gets harassed while Biden gets protected. That is all you need to know about the DOJ/FB (0:38)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tom Fitton


@realDonaldTrump gets harassed while Biden gets protected. That is all you need to know about the DOJ/FBI.

Jun 05, 2023, 9:54 PM


Trump gets harassed while Biden gets protected. That is all you need to know about the DOJ/FB



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eebb53 No.60734

File: 503f5c78be35a24⋯.png (609.43 KB,615x726,205:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959672 (060451ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

eebb53 No.60735

File: 3c070959af55fce⋯.png (183.82 KB,635x517,635:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959696 (060459ZJUN23) Notable: Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

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How big is Kherson?


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eebb53 No.60736

File: 69719a147747f06⋯.png (102.11 KB,896x405,896:405,Clipboard.png)

File: f588213de4746e7⋯.jpeg (83.42 KB,700x886,350:443,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959808 (060532ZJUN23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Ty Cobb is a disgruntled former Lawyer, who represented me long ago... will be held legally responsible for his false statements!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Ty Cobb is a disgruntled former Lawyer, who represented me long ago, and knows absolutely nothing about the Boxes Hoax being perpetrated upon me by the DOJ for purposes of interfering with the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, where I am substantially leading all “comers,” including Republicans and Democrats. His words are angry, nasty, and libelous, only because I did not continue using him (and paying him), and for good reason. He will be held legally responsible for his false statements!

Jun 05, 2023, 8:05 PM


Ty Cobb you say?

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eebb53 No.60737

File: b8b8ea4b4037b6e⋯.png (61.14 KB,905x375,181:75,Clipboard.png)

File: c9468fe65e6db74⋯.png (541.03 KB,687x761,687:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959817 (060538ZJUN23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Wow. Now that is bad news! Companies in the U.S. have announced, so far this year, more than 400,000 layoffs

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Donald J. Trump


Wow. Now that is bad news!

Breitbart News


Companies in the U.S. have announced, so far this year, more than 400,000 layoffs — more than the layoffs announced in all of last year.


Jun 06, 2023, 1:08 AM


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eebb53 No.60738

File: 881ae5d92cfea80⋯.png (73.73 KB,918x348,153:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 68a87f88f7b2c88⋯.png (389.05 KB,677x753,677:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959821 (060540ZJUN23) Notable: Donald Trump Boasts 38-Point Lead in 2024 Republican Primary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Poll: Donald Trump Boasts 38-Point Lead in 2024 Republican Primary

President Donald Trump is boasting a 38-point lead in the 2024 Republican primary race, the latest weekly Morning Consult survey found.

The latest Morning Consult survey, released Tuesday, found a majority of potential Republican primary voters — 58 percent — support the former president in the growing GOP primary race.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is rumored to announce his presidential campaign this week, comes in 38 points behind with 20 percent support. That reflects a slightly narrowing gap from last week when Trump held a 43-point lead over the Florida governor.

No other potential rival comes remotely close to Trump. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who said in April he would make a 2024 decision in “weeks,” comes in 14 points behind DeSantis with six percent support.

Presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy tie with four percent support each, followed by former Rep. Liz Cheney with two percent support. Sen. Tim Scott, who officially launched his presidential campaign on Monday in North Charleston, South Carolina, also came in with two percent support.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot sees one percent support, while South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson — the latter of whom is formally in the race and not a fan of Trump — garner zero percent support.

Another one percent of voters say they support “someone else.”

2024 National Republican Primary:

Trump 58% (+38)

DeSantis 20%

Pence 6%

Haley 4%

Ramaswamy 4%

Cheney 2%

T. Scott 2%

Abbott 1%

Noem 0%

Hutchinson 0%

.@MorningConsult, 3,526 RV, 5/19-21https://t.co/ZgGzHSCn6L

— Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) May 23, 2023

Meanwhile, 48 percent of GOP registered voters who support Trump choose DeSantis as their second-choice candidate in the field, while 46 percent of DeSantis supporters choose Trump as their second-choice candidate.

The survey also finds Trump tied with President Joe Biden in a 2024 general matchup with 42 percent support each. Ten percent say they support “someone else,” and another five percent say they “don’t know.”

DeSantis trails Biden in a head-to-head matchup by three points — 40 percent to Biden’s 43 percent.

The survey was taken May 19-21, 2023, among 3,526 GOP primary voters. It has a +/- two percent margin of error and follows the latest Republican jumping into the race — Sen. Tim Scott — who was welcomed by Trump in a Truth Social post on Monday.

“Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race. It is rapidly loading up with lots of people, and Tim is a big step up from Ron DeSanctimonious, who is totally unelectable,” Trump said.

“I got Opportunity Zones done with Tim, a big deal that has been highly successful,” he added. “Good luck Tim!”



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eebb53 No.60739

File: 81f52035d01caeb⋯.png (499.06 KB,677x834,677:834,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959826 (060542ZJUN23) Notable: Donald Trump Dominates Iowa Caucus by 42 Points

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald Trump Dominates Iowa Caucus by 42 Points

President Donald Trump leads the Iowa caucus by 42 points, according to the latest Emerson College Polling data.

The survey, taken among 442 Iowa Republican caucus goers, found Trump leading the Republican primary field with overwhelming majority support — 62 percent. No other candidate comes remotely close. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who formally jumped into the race on Wednesday, came in a distant second, 42 points behind, with 20 percent support.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley tied for third place, having five percent support each, followed by Sen. Tim Scott with three percent. Notably, Scott formally jumped into the presidential race on Monday.

Anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy came behind, with two percent support

The remaining candidates, including former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, saw one percent support or less.

Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, noted that Trump’s lead “reflects his numbers in Emerson’s March New Hampshire primary poll, where he held a 41-point lead over DeSantis.”

“The former president’s base continues to be voters under 35: 75 percent of whom support Trump, and voters without a college degree: 70 percent support Trump. DeSantis’s support is higher among voters with a postgraduate degree, with 29 percent support, still trailing Trump’s 37 percent with this group,” Kimball added.

Notably, this survey was taken prior to DeSantis formally jumping into the presidential ring.

This illustration photo shows the live Twitter talk with Elon Musk on a background of Ron DeSantis as he announces his 2024 presidential run on his Twitter page, May 24, 2023 in Los Angeles, California. Republican Ron DeSantis kicked off his 2024 presidential campaign May 24, 2023 with a live event opposite Twitter boss Elon Musk that descended into farce as it was beset by technical bugs. (Photo by Chris DELMAS / AFP) (Photo by CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via Getty Images)

This illustration photo shows the live Twitter talk with Elon Musk on a background of Ron DeSantis as he announces his 2024 presidential run on his Twitter page on May 24, 2023 (CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via Getty Images).

The poll also examined potential 2024 general election matchups and found Trump leading President Joe Biden by 11 points, or 49 percent to Biden’s 38 percent. It also showed DeSantis leading Biden but by a lesser amount — 45 percent to Biden’s 38 percent.

The full survey’s results were taken May 19-22, 2023, among 1,064 registered voters. It has a +/- 2.9 percent margin of error:

🚨 IOWA 2024: Emerson College (A-)


(R) Trump: 49% (+11)

(D) Biden: 38%

(R) DeSantis: 45% (+7)

(D) Biden: 38%


Trump — 62% (+42)

DeSantis — 20%

Pence — 5%

Haley — 5%

T. Scott — 3%

Ramaswamy — 2%

Sununu — 1%

Hutchinson — 1%https://t.co/1rTiaaimdn pic.twitter.com/gW4hk83hJn

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) May 25, 2023

The Iowa survey comes ahead of DeSantis’s planned blitz of the state, as he is slated to visit the Hawkeye State next week, beginning his “campaign kickoff” in Des Moines on Tuesday.


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eebb53 No.60740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959831 (060544ZJUN23) Notable: #23277

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>>60733 Tom Fitton: Trump gets harassed while Biden gets protected. That is all you need to know about the DOJ/FB (0:38)

>>60717 Donald J. Trump: RINO Chris Sununu stated in his Fake Opinion published in The Washington Compost, “I’m not running for president in 2024. Beating Trump is more important.

>>60717 Donald J. Trump: Many say don’t “punch down” when talking about people like Chris Sununu, “Sloppy” Chris Christie, “Aida” Hutchinson, or

>>60703, >>60704, >>60705, >>60706, >>60713, >>60714, >>60720, >>60722, >>60723, >>60725, >>60735, >>60734 Kakhovka dam destroyed Ukraine that's a watch the water moment

>>60707, >>60709 The Armed Forces of Ukraine have severely damaged the dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant

>>60708 Reservoir filled with radioactive material?

>>60710, >>60711, >>60712 Just the News: "J6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing 300 to enter Capitol freely"

>>60715 Biden bribery memo: Open investigation or game of keep away? Comer and Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin were permitted to view the FD-1023 form

>>60716 Kiev denies reports intel chief is dead, Kirill Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR)

>>60719 FALSE FLAG Hazmat Situation Unfolding at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont

>>60721 Keith Kellogg 79 years ago American paratroopers from the 82d and 101st Airborne left the safety of England and jumped

>>60724 Mar-a-Lago pool flood raises suspicions among prosecutors in Trump classified documents case

>>60726, >>60718 When is somebody going to ask Chansley WHO organized his police escort through the Capitol building and HOW and WHEN was it communicated??

>>60727, >>60732 @laralogan really DROPPED this many Truth Nukes on live TV?

>>60728, >>60730, >>60731 James Comey In my Crime Novelist era

>>60736 Donald J. Trump: Ty Cobb is a disgruntled former Lawyer, who represented me long ago... will be held legally responsible for his false statements!

>>60737 Donald J. Trump: Wow. Now that is bad news! Companies in the U.S. have announced, so far this year, more than 400,000 layoffs

>>60738 Donald Trump Boasts 38-Point Lead in 2024 Republican Primary

>>60739 Donald Trump Dominates Iowa Caucus by 42 Points

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eebb53 No.60741

File: edc7950e7521162⋯.jpg (158.84 KB,836x1228,209:307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959870 (060604ZJUN23) Notable: #23278

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q Research General #23278: WHEN NO OTHER PRESIDENT’S WERE CHARGED Edition

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eebb53 No.60742

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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