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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

e11c38 No.24567 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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3e0a50 No.39153

File: 2e55e6c11466589⋯.png (319.32 KB,609x638,21:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775636 (301250ZAPR23) Notable: NYT: Medical Assistance in Dying Should Not Exclude Mental Illness

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New York Times Opinion


“Suicidal people suffering from psychological torture should have the right to consult a medical expert about medical assistance in taking their own lives,” writes Clancy Martin, “and be given that assistance if their need is justified.”


Opinion | Medical Assistance in Dying Should Not Exclude Mental Illness

If we are willing to help people end their physical suffering by assisting their death, can we in good conscience deny them that help for their mental suffering?

10:21 AM · Apr 21, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775679 (301308ZAPR23) Notable: Dig questions re 1stTSC

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How does military equipment (HIMARS, MRAPS, HMMVS, ECT) get delivered anyway? A C(pg)5 jet full of armor plated vehicles? Lots of TONNAGE.

The 1stTSC has a unique Army asset.

When the CF donation list came out on the news, it all made sense.

Why were snipers guarding delivery of the cargo?

What country had a local security guard shoot 2 Americans?

Which country was receiving assistance to train rebels to fight in Syria?


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3e0a50 No.39155

File: ce904bd00878487⋯.png (593.31 KB,897x605,897:605,Clipboard.png)

File: ab08efd381c1288⋯.png (366.63 KB,667x500,667:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c9affa49ebb0e4⋯.png (439.73 KB,900x697,900:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775697 (301317ZAPR23) Notable: WH Correspondents' Dinner Presentations (C-SPAN)

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Important to understand, THE WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS DINNER is for journalist and the propaganda arm of the deep state, paid for by the tax payers for those who are telling you lies and committing treason

We are the news now

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3e0a50 No.39156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775721 (301326ZAPR23) Notable: WH Correspondents' Dinner Presentations (C-SPAN)

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Important to understand, THE WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS DINNER is for journalist and the propaganda arm of the deep state, paid for by the tax payers for those who are telling you lies and committing treason

We are the news now


President Biden complete remarks at 2023 White House Correspondents' Dinner (C-SPAN)


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3e0a50 No.39157

File: 6c0a83ab9c40c6d⋯.mp4 (7.07 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775735 (301331ZAPR23) Notable: Vid - "brought to you by Pfizer"

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3e0a50 No.39158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775744 (301334ZAPR23) Notable: Dig questions re 1stTSC

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Read very carefully. I can't say too much. Connect the dots anons

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3e0a50 No.39159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775755 (301338ZAPR23) Notable: #23040

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#23040 ty notetaker!

>>39131 Clandestine to Elon on bioweapon labs in Ukraine

>>39132 The head of the Israeli National Security Council, Tzachi Khanegb directly stated the responsibility of the Israeli special services for several resonant liquidations of Iranian figures.

>>39133 Federal Agent Whistleblowers Issue Red Alert! U.S. Air Marshals Being Diverted From National Security Threats & Tasked With Targeting Innocent Americans

>>39134 Whistleblower executive who handed feds 150,000 docs about Trump's Truth Social now works as Starbucks barista for $16 an hour

>>39135 Kash Patel’s full interview with Jim Jordan.

>>39136 John Solomon gives Kash Patel an update on the IRS whistle blower.

>>39137 Steve Bannon’s full interview with President Trump

>>39138 Arkansas woman indicted in $11,000 sale of stolen body parts

>>39139 5:5 = May 5th?

>>39140, >>39154, >>39158 Dig questions re 1stTSC

>>39141 /vault/archives Hidden In Plain Sight! Evil Leaves Clues.MP4 (544meg)

>>39142 You Could Hear a Pin Drop After Lib ‘Comedian’ Jokes About School Shootings and Drag Shows at White House Dinner

>>39143 @Cernovich Holy crap. I checked to confirm, and yes DOJ went along with this obvious scam.

>>39144 Matt Whitaker "I think it's not whether or not Hunter Biden ultimately is charged with the crimes, because I think he will be,"

>>39145 SHOCK POLL: Most Republicans Believe QAnon Lie That ‘Top Democrats Are Involved In Elite Child Sex-Trafficking Rings’

>>39146 Sick Fucks Unveil Pedo Flag and Demand Rights

>>39147 Bannon: CCP Triads partner with Mexican Drug Cartels to launder the cash made from selling fentanyl in America…

>>39148 Bo Snerdley - 'I ain’t leaving': Soros-backed prosecutor Kim Gardner refuses to step down from 'rudderless ship of chaos'

>>39149 Government Gangsters. Pre-Order now and you will be one of the first to receive your copy after @Kash gets done, taking them to court.

>>39150 @JDunlap1974 RFK Jr. Says His Father and Uncle Were Fighting the Deep State Before Their Deaths

>>39151 Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

>>39152, >>39155, >>39156 WH Correspondents' Dinner Presentations (C-SPAN)

>>39153 NYT: Medical Assistance in Dying Should Not Exclude Mental Illness

>>39157 Vid - "brought to you by Pfizer"



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3e0a50 No.39160

File: 0c559740d8e03ae⋯.jpg (32.59 KB,525x333,175:111,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775762 (301341ZAPR23) Notable: #23041 Another GOLD noter set

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baker seeking handoff, ghosing in 20

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3e0a50 No.39161

File: 9a983605e8110fb⋯.png (26.83 KB,745x237,745:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775801 (301353ZAPR23) Notable: lefty Op Ed "Gas leaf blowers and lawn mowers are shockingly bad for the planet. Bans are beginning to spread" msn

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Gas leaf blowers and lawn mowers are shockingly

bad for the planet. Bans are beginning

to spread.

USA Today, by Trevor Hughes

Posted By: NorthernDog, 4/30/2023 9:15:33 AM

DENVER – Your lawn may be the next climate change battleground. And parks. And playgrounds. Regulators and clean-air advocates are increasingly eyeing the pollution emitted by small gasoline engines used to power lawn mowers and leaf blowers as they seek to blunt climate change. Advocates say using a commercial gas leaf blower for an hour produces emissions equal to driving from Denver to Los Angeles. Among cities and states with bans or limits: California; Burlington, Vermont; Vancouver, Canada; and Washington, D.C. While many critics first attacked the small engines for the noise they make, experts say these small, two-stroke engines release

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3e0a50 No.39162

File: 8fb9d6436d54278⋯.png (370.3 KB,622x931,622:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775805 (301354ZAPR23) Notable: some Op Eds from American Thinker On Hussein and freedom of Speech

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Obama and his friends are a perfect illustration

of the modern-day elitist Democrat

American Thinker, by Rajan Laad

Original Article

Posted By: Magnante, 4/30/2023 8:55:58 AM

Just yesterday was saw more proof that the mainstream media in the U.S. and beyond are P.R. agencies for the Democrats. The media gave great prominence to former president Obama, filmmaker Steven Spielberg, and rock star Bruce Springsteen making a surprise appearance at a Barcelona restaurant with a last-minute dinner reservation on Thursday. The BBC carried details about the restaurateur being surprised by the visit and what he served his guests (snip) Most articles mentioned restaurant staff member Pol Perello posting a photo on Instagram of the staff and chefs posing with the celebrity trio. (snip) Let's subject Obama’s friends to the diversity criteria

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3e0a50 No.39163

File: 9bed60696c5798e⋯.png (392.13 KB,611x710,611:710,Clipboard.png)

File: 7afbf34c6c98527⋯.mp4 (8.09 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775806 (301355ZAPR23) Notable: A global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius. Manipulated "AI" into MIND CONTROL. tell us something we don't know soc. media

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AI is coming


KINGSMAN: A global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius. Manipulated "AI" into MIND CONTROL.


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3e0a50 No.39164

File: f0a7fb61e4c9352⋯.png (88.55 KB,628x608,157:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775809 (301355ZAPR23) Notable: some Op Eds from American Thinker On Hussein and freedom of Speech

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Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: Judy W., 4/30/2023 8:45:21 AM

The forces determined to monopolize the public square through censorship, lies, and social pressure have devastated universities and scholarship generally, allowed a corrupt public health bureaucracy to ravage our lives, and stuck us with the most incompetent and corrupt leadership in our history. There are signs that this monopoly is hitting some bumps in the road, and if you are brave enough you can and should help the cause by fighting to keep your right to speak freely. One of the biggest forces behind the shifting tide is Elon Musk, who spent a fortune to unlock Twitter from government control. He speaks for me here:

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3e0a50 No.39165

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775813 (301357ZAPR23) Notable: Derek Johnson is Going to Gitmo in July. It’s not Because he’s under Arrest💥💥💥 🇺🇸 He’s Going to Record the Tribunals

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Derek Johnson is Going to Gitmo in July. It’s not Because he’s under Arrest💥💥💥 🇺🇸

God Bless🙏🏻

He’s Going to Record the Tribunals


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3e0a50 No.39166

File: 27f3c69f473e30d⋯.png (464.96 KB,611x708,611:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775819 (301401ZAPR23) Notable: "What is Susan Rice up too" Bartiromo Sunday morning show clip soc media

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Karli Bonne’


What is Susan Rice up too

2:53 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39167

File: 12e1744be1b22d0⋯.png (428.34 KB,607x571,607:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775839 (301404ZAPR23) Notable: Kash Patel’s full interview with legendary Devin Nunes

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The Dirty Truth (Josh)


Kash Patel’s full interview with legendary Devin Nunes. This is history in the making. @SebGorka


Kash Patel’s full interview with legendary Devin Nunes. This is history in the making

Last edited

2:50 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39168

File: d83e2301e8e08af⋯.png (387.97 KB,606x537,202:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775853 (301408ZAPR23) Notable: Ryan Webb, a white councilman in Indiana, now identifies as a woman of color soc media

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End Wokeness


Ryan Webb, a white councilman in Indiana, now identifies as a woman of color

The best part? The media being forced to take him seriously:

12:07 AM · Apr 30, 2023





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3e0a50 No.39169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775854 (301408ZAPR23) Notable: Kash Patel’s full interview with legendary Devin Nunes

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>history in the making

The way (Josh) is laying it on here tells me this particular interview was a yawner.

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3e0a50 No.39170

File: 63486e0eade4e12⋯.png (290.33 KB,406x733,406:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775861 (301412ZAPR23) Notable: Pfizer's Own Trials Showed a 24% GREATER Likelihood of Dying in the Vaccine Group After 6 Months RFH Jr

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Pfizer's Own Trials Showed a 24% GREATER Likelihood of Dying in the Vaccine Group After 6 Months

"For every life they save by preventing a death from COVID, they are killing four people from cardiac arrest."

• In the Pfizer clinical trials, they gave 22,000 people two COVID injections and 22,000 people fake vaccines.

• Of the 44,000 in total, one person died of COVID in the vaccine group, and two people died of COVID in the placebo group. So Pfizer, with the misleading measure of relative risk reduction, called their vaccine "100% effective" because two is 100% greater than one. But from the angle of absolute risk, it took 22,000 vaccines to save just one life from COVID.

• And over a 6-month period, 21 of the vaccinated people died of all causes, whereas only 17 people died in the placebo group, a 24% difference.

So what was killing those people in the vaccine group?

"It was cardiac arrest," attested Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"There were five cardiac arrest deaths in the vaccine group and only one in the placebo group. What that means is that if you take that vaccine, you're [five times] more likely to die from a fatal cardiac arrest over the next six months than if you don't. What it also means is that for every life they save by preventing a death from COVID, they are killing four people from cardiac arrest."

Full Interview:


Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v2l9kdm-pfizers-own-trials-showed-a-24-greater-likelihood-of-dying-in-the-vaccine-g.html) | Substack (http://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Socials (https://bio.site/vigilantfox)Pfizer's Own Trials Showed a 24% GREATER Likelihood of Dying in the Vaccine Group After 6 Months

"For every life they save by preventing a death from COVID, they are killing four people from cardiac arrest."

• In the Pfizer clinical trials, they gave 22,000 people two COVID injections and 22,000 people fake vaccines.

• Of the 44,000 in total, one person died of COVID in the vaccine group, and two people died of COVID in the placebo group. So Pfizer, with the misleading measure of relative risk reduction, called their vaccine "100% effective" because two is 100% greater than one. But from the angle of absolute risk, it took 22,000 vaccines to save just one life from COVID.

• And over a 6-month period, 21 of the vaccinated people died of all causes, whereas only 17 people died in the placebo group, a 24% difference.

So what was killing those people in the vaccine group?

"It was cardiac arrest," attested Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"There were five cardiac arrest deaths in the vaccine group and only one in the placebo group. What that means is that if you take that vaccine, you're [five times] more likely to die from a fatal cardiac arrest over the next six months than if you don't. What it also means is that for every life they save by preventing a death from COVID, they are killing four people from cardiac arrest."

Full Interview:


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3e0a50 No.39171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775862 (301412ZAPR23) Notable: Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

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🚨BREAKING: Epstein’s Private Calendar Includes CIA Chief, Obama's White House counsel And Other Prominent Names

New never-seen documents obtained by the WSJ reveal more meetings with Epstein. Here's the notable names:

- Kathryn Ruemmler, a White House counsel under President Barack Obama, had dozens of meetings with Epstein in the years after her White House service and before she became a top lawyer at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in 2020. They also planned a visit to Epstein’s island

Reason Given: Business relationship as she worked at the law firm Latham & Watkins. Epstein introduced her to various potential clients including Bill Gates and Ariane de Rothschild.

- Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College, invited Epstein, who brought a group of young female guests, to the campus

Reason Given: To get donations to his school.

- Noam Chomsky, a professor, author and political activist, was scheduled to fly with Epstein to have dinner at Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse

Reason Given: To discuss “Israel’s policies with regard to Palestinian issues and the international arena.”

- CIA Director Mr. Burns met with Epstein about a decade ago as he was preparing to leave government service, apparently to seek "advice on transition to the private sector" as he was leaving the CIA.

Reason Given: Claims he "did not know anything about Epstein, other than that he was introduced as an expert in the financial services sector and offered general advice on transition to the private sector,”

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3e0a50 No.39172

File: 0cca73b0c4031b4⋯.png (2.57 MB,1519x3591,217:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775883 (301419ZAPR23) Notable: Moriarity dig-Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

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>RE: 1stTSC

>Which ME countries donated to the CF pre_2016 election?

>Which countries did 1stTSC deliver military equipment to pre_2016 election?

>Those who are able to answer these questions will be shocked. Just a coincidence? Are you really surprised anymore?


>Read very carefully. I can't say too much. Connect the dots anons


>“ The FBI is leading the investigation but so far has not been able to question the shooter because he is in a medically-induced coma.”

Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan


By David Martin

November 17, 2016 / 7:03 PM / CBS News

CBS Evening News

Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan


By David Martin

November 17, 2016 / 7:03 PM / CBS News

A new and sinister picture is emerging in the shooting deaths of three American soldiers earlier this month in Jordan, an important U.S. ally in the Middle East.

When Army Sgt. James Moriarity’s body came home, U.S. officials said a video of the incident in which he and two other American soldiers were killed appeared to show a deliberate terrorist attack not, as was first believed, a tragic accident.


The body of an American soldier killed in Jordan on Nov. 3, 2016. CBS News

The three soldiers were all Green Berets working for the CIA in Jordan, training Syrian rebels. U.S. officials say the security camera video shows several American vehicles stopped in broad daylight at the entrance to the Jordanian air field where the Green Berets were based. The first was allowed to pass through the gate, but then a guard suddenly opened fire on the second vehicle, killing both Americans inside. The Americans in the third and fourth vehicles jumped out and started returning fire. The Jordanian guard shot and killed one of them before he was wounded by the other.

Jordanian officials originally blamed the Americans for failing to stop at the gate. But the U.S. embassy in Jordan said in a statement there is “absolutely no credible evidence” that they did not follow proper procedures.

The FBI is leading the investigation but so far has not been able to question the shooter because he is in a medically-induced coma.

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3e0a50 No.39173

File: 5bca1b99dc26d9e⋯.jpg (155.93 KB,548x678,274:339,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 84930508f8d95d5⋯.jpg (61.99 KB,707x313,707:313,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bed97c9024e2fe6⋯.png (414.95 KB,772x772,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 133eafad18b2c99⋯.png (502.89 KB,761x679,761:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f1cbb1c05a705c⋯.png (113.97 KB,763x662,763:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775896 (301424ZAPR23) Notable: Antony Blinken and the Trilateral Commission

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Antony Blinken and the Trilateral Commission

Previous related digs. v v vAll PB

>>37324 Antony J. Blinken's Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e)

>>37501, >>37505, >>37507 Antony Blinken dig continued

>>37753, >>37756, >>37758, >>37759 Open Society University Network think Soros

>>38517, >>38518, >>38519, >>38520, >>38521 Donald Blinken, Antony's Father

Thanks for the info, Anon v v v (not me)

>>38538 Blinken's late stepfather was Samuel Pisar, the longtime lawyer and confidant of Robert Maxwell

>>39122, >>39124, >>39125, >>39127 Vera Blinken is Antony Blinken's Stepmother

In this 2020 Trilateral Commission Membership List Antony Blinken is listed as a member. The sauce now leads to "does not exist".

OLD DIG - Trilateral Commission Membership List

Tony Blinken - founder of WestExec



This June 2022 Trilateral Commission Membership List shows Blinken on the "FORMER MEMBERS IN PUBLIC SERVICE" list.

Other public servants on the "FORMER MEMBERS" list are:

Lael Brainard, Member, U.S. Federal Reserve's Board of Governors

Mark Brzezinski, U.S. Ambassador to Poland

R. Nicholas Burns, U.S. Ambassador to China

Ken Juster, U.S. Ambassador to India

David Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

Wendy Sherman, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State

Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor

Trilateral Commission - Membership June 2022


The Trilateral Commission is a link between Antony Blinken and the Rockefellers.

Britannica - Trilateral Commission


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3e0a50 No.39174

File: a4b0b971cb339c9⋯.png (912.64 KB,1200x801,400:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775906 (301426ZAPR23) Notable: Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

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>sauce it you fucking rookie




Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

Schedules and emails detail meetings in the years after he was a convicted sex offender; visitors cite his wealth and connections

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3e0a50 No.39175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775918 (301430ZAPR23) Notable: ‘That really shouldn’t happen.’ Sexually transmitted infections surge in Texas yahoonews

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Shot are working, just as the GOF designed.

‘That really shouldn’t happen.’ Sexually transmitted infections surge in Texas

Sun, April 30, 2023 at 4:00 AM PDT

Sexually transmitted infections are continuing to climb in Texas and throughout the U.S., according to new surveillance data released by the federal government this month.

The spike in sexually transmitted infections also includes a rise in cases of congenital syphilis, in which a mother infected with syphilis transmits the virus during pregnancy. Although congenital syphilis can be prevented by prenatal care, about 2,800 cases of congenital syphilis were reported in 2021, resulting in 220 stillbirths across the U.S., according to the latest data.

In all, syphilis cases increased 32% from 2020 to 2021.

“That really shouldn’t happen,” said Dr. Helen King, an infectious disease specialist at Parkland Health in Dallas. “We know how to prevent congenital syphilis and it is just devastating to think that we’re seeing a rise in cases.”

Texas reported more congenital syphilis cases than any other state in the nation in 2021, with about 680 cases, according to state and federal data. That translates to about 180 cases per 100,000 live births, according to a report from the state health department. Although the total number of congenital syphilis cases is relatively small for a state the size of Texas, experts say that every case of congenital syphilis is a failure, because it is easily preventable and because it can cause such serious consequences for infants.

Left untreated, syphilis can cause miscarriages, stillbirths, and early infant death. For the children that do survive, the disease can still wreak havoc and lead to meningitis and other brain infections, blindness and deafness, liver disease, severe anemia, and more.

There has been a staggering rise in congenital syphilis cases in the state, from 70 in 2016 to 685 in 2021 — an eight-fold increase over six years.

Although congenital syphilis can have some of the most dire consequences for infants, chlamydia and gonorrhea can also be transmitted in utero, and can also affect infants. New cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea increased 4% nationwide. More than 200,000 Texans reported new infections of either chlamydia and gonorrhea in 2021. Chlamydia can also cause pelvic inflammatory disease in the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and is a leading cause of infertility in women.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the U.S. was at the brink of eliminating syphilis entirely. Researchers believe the decline was partly because of the HIV epidemic, which had spurred education about safe sex and led to a corresponding decrease in sexually transmitted infections of all kinds, including syphilis, King said.

The exact reasons that sexually transmitted infections are rising now are unclear, but it’s likely linked to changes in the HIV epidemic, King said. As better treatments for HIV became available, and it became easier to prevent and treat, people might have changed their sexual behaviors.

“We would call these syndemics,” King said. “They’re overlapping epidemics.”

If someone has HIV, they are at increased risk of acquiring a different sexually transmitted infection in part because HIV causes inflammation in the genital tract that can increase the likelihood of acquiring another infection.

To respond to the growing epidemic, King urged people to broach what is sometimes seen as an awkward conversation, and to talk to their doctors about sex.

“We need to empower people in the community to feel comfortable talking to health care providers about sex, to seeking out testing, to talking to their partners about about ways to prevent STIs,” King said.

She urged people to get tested for new infections with their partners and for providers and community organizations to de-stigmatize conversations around sexual health.

The most common STIs, which include trichomoniasis and herpes, are not reported to health agencies, but are similarly increasing across the U.S., King said.

The Texas Department of State Health Services will release its own report on STIs later this year.


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3e0a50 No.39176

File: a04cc87a02f729a⋯.png (813.11 KB,778x667,778:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775921 (301430ZAPR23) Notable: High inflation and low wage growth are bad for Biden’s reelection

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High inflation and low wage growth are

bad for Biden’s reelection

New York Post, by Kevin D. Williamson

Posted By: Moritz55, 4/30/2023 10:22:53 AM

Right now, Joe Biden’s biggest enemy in the 2024 election is Joe Biden. If you are an incumbent president, there are many possible recipes for success in re-election—but slow and declining economic growth topped with persistently high inflation is not one of them.The economic news is ugly for the country, which will get over it eventually, and even uglier for Joe Biden, who may not get over it at all. After two consecutive quarters of “Don’t Call This a Recession!” GDP contraction, growth had got up to more than 3 percent in the third quarter of last year, and then it declined to 2.6 percent in the next quarter

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3e0a50 No.39177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775927 (301432ZAPR23) Notable: High inflation and low wage growth are bad for Biden’s reelection

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elections are rigged. none of this matters.

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3e0a50 No.39178

File: bbb5fd847e8d07a⋯.png (319.34 KB,748x711,748:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775928 (301432ZAPR23) Notable: Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

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In 2013, Epstein asked Mrs. de Rothschild for help finding a new assistant, "female.. multilingual, organized," she replied, "I'll ask around.”

“In 2019, after Epstein was arrested, the bank said that Rothschild never met with Epstein.” They later acknowledged this was untrue.


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3e0a50 No.39179

File: b07372ee3f8c685⋯.jpg (137.71 KB,720x1049,720:1049,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 93db896154d0605⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775943 (301435ZAPR23) Notable: "Is [Biden] up for a second term?" RNC Research-Mayorkas blows Biden for 2024 soc media

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Mayorkas likes probing


"Is [Biden] up for a second term?"

MAYORKAS: "Oh, Chuck, 100% — incredibly sharp, incredibly probing, incredible command"

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3e0a50 No.39180

File: 105938002efa8ca⋯.png (150.48 KB,1099x380,1099:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775951 (301437ZAPR23) Notable: Moriarity dig-Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

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>Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

>>>/qresearch/18775916, >>>/qresearch/18775919


>The three soldiers were all Green Berets working for the CIA in Jordan, training Syrian rebels.

Staff Sgt James F. Moriarty

Died November 4, 2016 Serving During Operation Inherent Resolve

27, of Kerrville, Texas; assigned to the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Campbell, Kentucky; died in Jafr, Jordan, of wounds sustained when his convoy came under fire entering a Jordanian military base.

The three service members killed Friday in Jordan were Green Berets from 5th Special Forces Group, the Army announced Sunday.

The Fort Campbell, Kentucky-based soldiers — Staff Sgt. Matthew Lewellen, Staff Sgt. Kevin McEnroe and Staff Sgt. James Moriarty— died Friday after they reportedly came under fire while entering a Jordanian military base. The incident is still under investigation.

The three soldiers had almost 20 years of service between them.

Lewellen, 27, of Kirksville, Missouri, had more than six years of service.

His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the Overseas Service Ribbon and the NATO Medal.

Lewellen, the second son of three children and husband to Renee Laque, was a standout high school athlete who was enrolled at the University of Kansas when he decided to serve his country, his family said in a statement.

He joined the Army in February 2010, graduating from Special Forces training in November 2012. After a 2014 deployment to Afghanistan, Lewellen was on his second deployment to Jordan when he was killed, according to his family.

"Matt was a born leader, a true American," his parents said, according to the statement. "He wanted to be a soldier since third grade, and he was doing what he loved to do."

Lewellen, who was known for his sense of humor, "was proud to serve his country, and he loved the men and women with whom he served," his family said.

Services for Lewellen will take place in his hometown of Kirksville. He will be buried at Missouri Veterans Cemetery in Jacksonville, Missouri, his family said. The family also asked, in lieu of flowers, that donations be made in Lewellen's name to nonprofit organizations that serve military families.

McEnroe, 30, of Tuscon, Arizona, had more than eight years of service. This was his third overseas tour.

His awards include the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, and the Army Service Ribbon.

Moriarty, 27, of Kerrville, Texas, had more than five years of service. This was his second overseas tour.

His awards include the Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and the Army Service Ribbon.

The Associated Press, citing a family spokesman, reported that Moriarty grew up in Houston and earned a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Texas. The spokesman also said the soldier's family is heartbroken, and they are planning a memorial service in a week or two.

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3e0a50 No.39181

File: 0af2b0a8da3de83⋯.png (17.1 KB,387x228,129:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775952 (301437ZAPR23) Notable: Derek Johnson is Going to Gitmo in July. It’s not Because he’s under Arrest💥💥💥 🇺🇸 He’s Going to Record the Tribunals

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I like Derek Johnson, Listened to his videos and it sums up. In this clip he brought up the "First arrest will shock the world" and that it changed to" First arrest will awake the world" (51:30).

Not right! Q never said anything like that. But anyway! Mistake, I think. But totally wrong, that a crumb changed! Just observing!

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3e0a50 No.39182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775959 (301439ZAPR23) Notable: Moriarity dig-Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

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>Died November 4, 2016 Serving During Operation Inherent Resolve

There were conflicting reports after the Friday shooting, as officials first thought one or two service members were killed. The number later was revised to three.

While it’s not immediately clear what prompted the shooting, Jordanian military officials have said the shots were fired as a car carrying the Americans tried to enter the al-Jafr base near the southern Jordanian town of Mann. A Jordanian officer also was wounded.

The U.S. soldiers were in Jordan on a training mission, officials said. The U.S. military typically maintains about 2,000 U.S. forces on the ground in Jordan to support training with the Jordanian military and operations against the Islamic State in neighboring Iraq and Syria.

The deaths of the three soldiers marked a deadly week for the Army’s elite Special Forces, who have been relied upon heavily in Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots around the world. They also were the latest in a series of casualties reported from the U.S. Central Command region.

On Oct. 19 in Afghanistan, Sgt. Douglas Riney, 26, died in a shooting attack at Camp Morehead, an ammunition supply point outside Kabul. Also killed was Michael Sauro, an Army civilian.

The shooter was reportedly wearing an Afghan army uniform.

On Oct. 20, Navy Chief Petty Officer Jason Finan, 34, was killed in Iraq during operations near Mosul.

Finan was with Kurdish forces when his unit came under attack. Finan was moving to a better position when his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device, U.S. officials said.

And on Nov. 3 in Afghanistan, Capt. Andrew Byers and Sgt. 1st Class Ryan Gloyer, Special Forces soldiers from 10th Special Forces Group, were killed in a firefight with the Taliban in Kunduz province.

Military Times senior reporter Andrew Tilghman and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


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3e0a50 No.39183

File: c37c7aef1a7bd84⋯.png (4.14 MB,1920x9834,320:1639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775975 (301442ZAPR23) Notable: Ukraine, Kolomoisky and PrivatBank are the key to the global money laundering

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>Ukraine, Kolomoisky and PrivatBank are the key to the global money laundering


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3e0a50 No.39184

File: 3f29ffbe8806866⋯.png (387.54 KB,1014x828,169:138,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a01e79773b68a1⋯.png (747.8 KB,1201x663,1201:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775991 (301446ZAPR23) Notable: General Mills Issues Flour Recall Following Discovery Of Salmonella huffpost

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General Mills Issues Flour Recall Following Discovery Of Salmonella

General Mills has issued a recall of its Gold Medal bleached and unbleached flour after discovering salmonella while sampling a 5-pound bag.


AP logo

Apr 30, 2023, 12:44 AM EDT


By Natasha Bruns

Jun 22, 2022

The history of Pride at General Mills

General Mills is a proud advocate for LGBTQ+ equality. See how the company has shown its support and allyship over the years.

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3e0a50 No.39185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18775996 (301448ZAPR23) Notable: Ukraine, Kolomoisky and PrivatBank are the key to the global money laundering

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and not to forget the

Breakfast with Soros


getting a little harder to find the og on that one

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3e0a50 No.39186

File: 62a34de3f610b01⋯.png (151.42 KB,908x700,227:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776001 (301448ZAPR23) Notable: Moriarity dig-Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

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>>39180, >>39182

>Staff Sgt. Matthew Lewellen, Staff Sgt. Kevin McEnroe and Staff Sgt. James Moriarty

Moriarty's father.

James R. Moriarty (born September 10, 1946) is an American lawyer noted for mass torts against major corporations,including Tenet Healthcare Corporation, Shell Chemicals, DuPont, and Prudential Securities. His legal cases have been described in the books Serpent on the Rock by Kurt Eichenwald, Money-Driven Medicine: The Real Reason Health Care Costs So Much by Maggie Mahar, and Coronary by Stephen Klaidman. Moriarty is a former Marine and Gold Star father.

Early life

Moriarty was born on September 10, 1946, in Schenectady, New York, shortly after his twin brother Robert James Moriarty, who was born the previous day. He dropped out of high school in January 1965 to enlist in the United States Marine Corps.


Moriarty founded Moriarty & Associates in 1986.

Moriarty and partners have obtained billions of dollars in awards for clients over a career spanning four decades. Moriarty is an expert in mass torts, a type of case in which many similar cases are grouped together but each case is weighed on its own merits. (This is not to be confused with class actions, which also involve many claimants but typically result in smaller awards for the plaintiffs.)

Moriarty's work has targeted makers of faulty medical devices, peddlers of shoddy investments, and medical providers that exploit Medicaid patients.

Moriarty served as special assistant to the former mayor of Houston,[20][21] Bill White, throughout White's term in office. Among other duties, Moriarty assisted the city's attorneys on a pro bono basis, on one occasion helping the city enforce billboard laws designed to avoid "visual blight" in the city of Houston.[22]White and Moriarty met while raising money for Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign.

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3e0a50 No.39187

File: ae692fa1e493af8⋯.png (365.95 KB,1024x966,512:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776009 (301451ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day-Saturn's Moon Helene in Color

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Apr 30 2023

Saturn's Moon Helene in Color

Although its colors may be subtle, Saturn's moon Helene is an enigma in any light. The moon was imaged in unprecedented detail in 2012 as the robotic Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn swooped to within a single Earth diameter of the diminutive moon. Although conventional craters and hills appear, the above image also shows terrain that appears unusually smooth and streaked. Planetary astronomers are inspecting these detailed images of Helene to glean clues about the origin and evolution of the 30-km across floating iceberg. Helene is also unusual because it circles Saturn just ahead of the large moon Dione, making it one of only four known Saturnian moons to occupy a gravitational well known as a stable Lagrange point.


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3e0a50 No.39188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776018 (301452ZAPR23) Notable: Ukraine, Kolomoisky and PrivatBank are the key to the global money laundering

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>>39185 o7


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3e0a50 No.39189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776043 (301457ZAPR23) Notable: Ukraine, Kolomoisky and PrivatBank are the key to the global money laundering

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some kind folks were nice enough to archive The Duran publishing of it…

The source of it all appears as a "draft" not official like on letter head, but mmv

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3e0a50 No.39190

File: 81d6eeaa5b0d9dd⋯.png (471.6 KB,406x571,406:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 72135006d21b5cc⋯.png (58.34 KB,579x364,579:364,Clipboard.png)

File: 968825c1a31a736⋯.png (2.58 MB,1218x1425,406:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776062 (301502ZAPR23) Notable: Moriarity dig-Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

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>Moriarty's father.

Vietnam combat Marine

Moriarty completed Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) San Diego with Platoon 212 in May 1965, received meritorious promotion to private first class. He then attended multiple "A" schools at Naval Air Technical Training Command Memphis, receiving meritorious promotion to lance corporal.

He was offered his choice of assignment and served three tours in the Vietnam War. He was awarded two single-mission Air Medals for heroic achievement while serving as a door gunner in a Marine Observation Squadron 2 helicopter gunship squadron located at Marble Mountain in South Vietnam.[1][2] He was released from active duty as a sergeant in January 1969.

Advocate for veterans

Operation Tailwind

On June 7, 1998, CNN broadcast a story titled “Valley of Death” that purported to offer new, alarming information about a Vietnam War mission called Operation Tailwind. According to the story, U.S. Special Forces advanced into Laos to kill American defectors, dropping sarin nerve gas and killing women and children. A print version of the story appeared in Time magazine, CNN's news partner in the program, called NewsStand.

The story was proven to be false, and on July 2, 1998, the network retracted it in full, issuing a 54-page retraction.[3][4]

An investigation into how the report was allowed to be broadcast concluded that reporters relied too much on information that supported their thesis, failing to properly weigh contrary information.[5]

The CNN broadcast was not fair. Information that was inconsistent with the underlying conclusions reached by CNN was ignored or minimized. … Statements of sources that were vague, ambiguous or qualified were relied upon as if they were clear, focused and unambiguous.

Moriarty represented three of the veterans who had been defamed, underwriting a documentary[6] to tell the story of Tailwind from their point of view and shine a light on the irresponsible actions of the CNN journalists.

One veteran recounted turning on the TV with interest after CNN promoted a new program called NewsStand, then realizing the story was about him and his fellow soldiers.

“The more I watched it, the worse it got. There was nothing in that entire broadcast that was true,” Army veteran Keith Plancich said.

As the veterans explain, they were sent into Laos to cause a diversion and draw the North Vietnamese away from a group of CIA mercenaries.

The team “escaped with the largest cache of enemy intelligence documents ever recovered in the war, and only three of their 156 soldiers killed,” according to a summary of the documentary.[6]



>Mort - death

>Ia - condition or state of being

>Ty - multiply by ten

Total Clown name

James Moriarty

He is a man of good birth and excellent education, endowed by nature with a phenomenal mathematical faculty. At the age of 21, he wrote A Treatise on the Binomial Theorem, which has had a European vogue. On the strength of it he won the mathematical chair at one of our smaller universities, and had, to all appearances, a most brilliant career before him. But the man had hereditary tendencies of the most diabolical kind. A criminal strain ran in his blood, which, instead of being modified, was increased and rendered infinitely more dangerous by his extraordinary mental powers. Dark rumors gathered around him in the University town, and eventually he was compelled to resign his chair and come down to London. He is the Napoleon of Crime, Watson, the organizer of half that is evil and nearly all that is undetected in this great city… 	„

	~ Sherlock Holmes about Professor Moriarty in "The Final Problem".

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3e0a50 No.39191

File: f94cfa99df36e77⋯.png (365.36 KB,594x616,27:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776070 (301503ZAPR23) Notable: "Katie Hobbs kills plan to allow parents to conceal carry at schools." soc media

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Kari Lake War Room



prioritizes her gun control agenda over the safety of your children.

"Katie Hobbs kills plan to allow parents to conceal carry at schools."


PAIGE ROUX: Arizona governor Katie Hobbs kills plan to allow parents to conceal carry at schools

“Ensuring the safety of our students is a responsibility that belongs to all of us.”

3:49 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39192

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776122 (301517ZAPR23) Notable: Federal air marshals are following anyone who flew into the any airport near the Capitol for Jan 6, 2021including dates leading up to it. rumble

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Listen from 47:40 minutes (only 12-13 minutes), federal air marshals are following anyone who flew into the any airport near the Capitol for Jan 6, 2021including dates leading up to it.

All people (probably only conservatives) wereput on a Terrorist Watch List, and they cannot get off the list ever. So anytime they fly they are followed by Fed. Air Marshall.

Sonya Labosco on the Federal Air Marshall Council tells Dan Bongino a lot more details, she mentions and appointee by Bidan Francene Kerner is pushing these insane and illegal political targeting campaign.

Anon will post an article after this

DAN BONGINO SUNDAY SPECIAL w/ Dan Horowitz, Charlie Hurt, Raymond Arroyo andSonya Labosco - 04/16/2023


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3e0a50 No.39193

File: 0897cb9ff1939ff⋯.png (391.83 KB,607x550,607:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776129 (301519ZAPR23) Notable: This woman….brian ded

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How it started/How it's going.

Quote Tweet





Before and after placing a chip in her arm 🙄

8:25 AM · Apr 29, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39194

File: e4c33a1d8e081b6⋯.png (393.65 KB,1162x561,1162:561,Clipboard.png)

File: 97663c03765497f⋯.png (906.45 KB,795x688,795:688,Clipboard.png)

File: 34984eb9cb26aaf⋯.png (493.04 KB,729x344,729:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776143 (301523ZAPR23) Notable: PlaneFag Indo-Pac Activity: 16-3025 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound reappears heading NE back to Manila (@ 11:22pm local- BOXER48 arrived at OSan AB SoKo-Modi departed campaign event back to New Delhi Q drop 759 for Delta on Modi Twat

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>>38987 pb

PlaneFag Indo-Pac Activity

16-3025 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound reappears heading NE back to Manila (@ 11:22pm local-cap #3) after a SE depart into the South China Sea-about 2h elapsed between those two traces SE then back NW so did not go far-probably went to Palawan

INDIA1 737PM Modiheading back to New Delhi from Mysura depart and ground stop of 5h..departed Bengaluru earlier today..Cap#2


Korean AF KAF01 747 returned to Seoul after leaving Boston yesterday

BOXER48 C-40C arrived at Seoul, SOKo-Osan AB last night (after stopping at JB Elmendorf for a refuel)

HOOVR41 RC-135 Rivet Joint arrived at Kadena AB Okinawa

>and should eventually find it's way to Kadena AB Okinawa

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3e0a50 No.39195

File: a6e6d4358d19d8e⋯.jpg (143.59 KB,720x1159,720:1159,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3a8dce042455bf0⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776146 (301524ZAPR23) Notable: Fed bois on the loose soc media "terrorizing a drag event in Columbus, Ohio"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776151 (301525ZAPR23) Notable: Are You a Domestic Terrorist? TSA Might Say Yes

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Are You a Domestic Terrorist? TSA Might Say Yes

By Sonya Hightower-LaBosco - April 25, 2023

Early last year, a wife and mother of two children booked an airline ticket to New York for a family funeral. Innocent enough, right? Apparently not. Her husband (we will call him Bill,) a 20-plus-year Federal Air Marshal Service veteran, went to work a few days before his wife left and noticed something astonishing. He logged on to his Federal Air Marshal Service Operations computer system, and there it was, his wife’s name, and underneath her name, it read “Domestic Terrorist.”

Once the initial shock wore off, he ran to his supervisors and asked them how in the world this could’ve happened; their response was, “You can’t tell her, and you have to let it work itself out.” “What does that mean?” he asked—he got the same response. Bill then realized that since his wife was labeled a domestic terrorist that meantwhenever she traveled, there would be teams of highly trained air marshals following her and their children’s every movein the airport and on the plane—documenting what they wore, what she said, attempting toeavesdrop on herconversations, andwriting an internal reportdocumenting everything. And it was his job to assign the Air Marshal teams to this special mission to follow his wife to New York and back home.

It Gets Worse

This was shocking for many reasons. First, Bill’s wife had never been charged with any crime or questioned by law enforcement agencies about being a terrorist. Second, Bill holds a Top-Secret Security Clearance with the Federal Air Marshals, and apparently, he lives with a terrorist. This should have sparked an immediate investigation by the agency into what he and his TSA-designated terrorist wife were up to, yet the agency didn’t seem the least bit concerned.

Right after his conversation with Air Marshal leadership, Bill returned to his job, which granted him access to very sensitive government databases. This fact alone suggests the label given to his wife is false; why wouldn’t the agency seem to care? This situation meets the very definition of an insider threat.

Lastly, theTSA paperwork noted that Bill’s wife broke into the United States Capitol building on January 6th, 2021. Bill was in disbelief. His wife had been in D.C. on January 6th; however,she was nowhere near the Capitolbuilding and could prove it with her GPS locations, Uber, and hotel receipts. She was at a hotel several miles from the Capitol building. Bill then called the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC) and asked for help. We immediately contacted Congress with Bill’s concerns, as demonstrated in the letter below.

AMNC President Dave Londo and Executive Director Sonya Hightower-LaBosco were not shocked. They informed Bill that shortly after January 6th, a supervisor within theAir Marshal Incident Coordination Section sent the FBI all the names of every person who flew into or out of Washington D.C. in the days leading up to and after the Capitol incident….


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3e0a50 No.39197

File: eb54a4994f987a0⋯.webp (127.44 KB,800x443,800:443,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776158 (301526ZAPR23) Notable: Are You a Domestic Terrorist? TSA Might Say Yes

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It didn’t matter if they had been anywhere near the Capitol. They further advised that it was their belief that this same supervisor made the decision to establish a list with these people’s names, as it was this unit’s job to develop special missions for the agency.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) having the authority to label anyone a terrorist presents a host of issues.TSA is an administrative agency, not a law enforcement agency; it has no investigative authority. Bill’s wife contacted the FBI. They said she had never been under any investigation. If this is the case, how does TSA not only label someone a terrorist but also have someone within the TSA, without any research or follow-up, manipulate a national security database and enter false information that Bill’s wife had broken into the Capitol?

Those actions suggest this is not mere incompetence but anefarious intentional act that can only have a political purpose. If TSA decided to make a list of folks who traveled to D.C. and label them terrorists, that would be a huge overstep of authority; however, to take the extra step of falsely writing that this person committed a criminal act without evidence whatsoever—that is horrifying.

The AMNC believes that hundreds,if not thousands, of entirely innocent Americansmay be falsely labeled as terrorists by the TSA.

If Bill’s wife weren’t married to a Federal Air Marshal, she would have never knownshe was being surveilled by teams of air marshalswhenever she booked travel. She would never know why alarms go off whenever she goes to the airport ticket counter to check-in. Each time she goes through security, alarms go off. Each time she is sent to TSA secondary screening and TSA reverse screening, she must endure further inspections.

The AMNC will bring this case and others to Congress over the next few months. This case represents the smoking gun in the January 6th debacle. This case proves without any doubt a federal agency has been weaponized, and what’s particularly concerning is the target could be you.


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3e0a50 No.39198

File: 0a51b8bb2033d6f⋯.png (79.13 KB,766x708,383:354,Clipboard.png)

File: c4d8c331da7e434⋯.png (17.08 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776161 (301527ZAPR23) Notable: PlaneFag Indo-Pac Activity: 16-3025 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound reappears heading NE back to Manila (@ 11:22pm local- BOXER48 arrived at OSan AB SoKo-Modi departed campaign event back to New Delhi Q drop 759 for Delta on Modi Twat

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3e0a50 No.39199

File: 397a0d21473cbc6⋯.png (717.62 KB,768x913,768:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776171 (301530ZAPR23) Notable: An underground river flowing with gold worth $1 TRILLON beneath the Las Vegas desert which 500 investors believe they are so close to finding? dailymail

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An underground river flowing with gold worth $1 TRILLON beneath the Las Vegas desert which 500 investors believe they are so close to finding? Now DailyMail.com digs deep to find the truth about the fabled treasure

Stalactites taller than the Eiffel Tower, limestone caverns that are ‘one of the marvels of the world’ and – most stunning of all – a ‘river of gold’ running deep underground for mile after mile, flowing with riches beyond any man’s dreams.

Adventurer Earl Dorr certainly didn’t mince his words when he finally set out what he claimed he had discovered under California’s Mojave Desert.

‘This is to certify that there is located in San Bernadino County, California, about two and hundred and fifty miles from Los Angeles, a certain cave.’

So began a sworn statement written in 1934 by Dorr, a cowboy-turned-miner who went on to describe an extraordinary four-day journey he had made seven years earlier deep into the bowels of the earth beneath Mojave’s Kokoweef Peak, which is part of the remote Ivanpah mountain range.

He told of how he and an engineer, identified only as Mr Morton, gained access to a subterranean cave system via Kokoweef’s Crystal Cave, one of three large limestone caverns inside the mountain.

Then, descending several thousand feet, they discovered a half-mile-deep underground canyon, at the bottom of which flowed a river, 300ft wide, and rising and falling as if it were ‘breathing’.

As the water receded, it revealed black sand that was fabulously rich in fat gold nuggets.

In fact, Dorr insisted, there was so much gold that prospectors are still searching for that underground river more than 90 years later. …


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3e0a50 No.39200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776178 (301532ZAPR23) Notable: Federal air marshals are following anyone who flew into the any airport near the Capitol for Jan 6, 2021including dates leading up to it. rumble

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The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson @AbsoluteWithE

Whistleblower Sonya LaBosco (@LaboscoSonya) says TSA flagged anyone flying to D.C. from 1/4/2021-1/7/2021 as suspected domestic terrorists.

We reached out to TSA for comment–they referred us to DHS.

Unfortunately, DHS would not respond to our request.

12:43 PM · Apr 26, 2023

FULL REPORT🚨: (10.5-min video)


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3e0a50 No.39201

File: 7735f3773be0bb0⋯.png (453.77 KB,821x865,821:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776184 (301535ZAPR23) Notable: Moriarity dig-Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

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>Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

>>>/qresearch/18776030, >>39190 Moriarty - Total Clown name

Families of Green Berets slain in Jordan call for extraditions, apology

By Harm Venhuizen

Jul 1, 2020

The parents of three Army Special Forces soldiers killed in 2016 are calling for the extradition of their sons’ killer and a convicted Jordanian terroristtied to the deaths of two U.S. citizens.

U.S. Army Green Berets on a training mission in Jordan were returning to King Faisal Air Base on Nov. 4, 2016, when a guard at the gate opened fire on their convoy, killing three soldiers before being subdued.

The guard, Jordanian airman Ma’arik al-Tawayha, was sentenced by a military court in 2017 to life in prison; however, in Jordan “life” sentences typically last 20 years.

The families of Sgt. First Class Matthew Lewellen, Staff Sgt. Kevin McEnroe, and Staff Sgt. James F. Moriarty sent letters to 84 members of Congress on Monday asking for al-Tawayha to be brought to the U.S. to face trial. The letters also urged members of Congress to demand an apology from King Abdullah’s government and the extradition of convicted terrorist Ahlam al-Tamimi before granting any more aid to Jordan.

The U.S. provided Jordan with $1.5 billion in 2019.

Tamimi was convicted as an accomplice to the 2001 bombing of a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem. The attack resulted in the deaths of 15 people, including two Americans, and injured 130 others.

She was released to Jordan in a 2011 prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas. The families’ letters state that Tamimi has “lived freely in Jordan since her release.”

U.S. requests for her extradition have been denied by Jordan, which claims its 1995 extradition treaty with the U.S. is invalid because it was never ratified by Jordanian parliament.

“I hope this time that our representatives in Congress will be on the proactive and right side of history and not waiting for another mass killing to take action,” Cindy Lewellen, mother of Matthew Lewellen, told Military Times.

Initial claims from the Jordanian government about the three soldiers who were killed stated that they were not complying with entry procedures and that the Americans had fired first, negligently discharging a firearm in one of their vehicles. At trial, al-Tawayha testified that he was startled by a loud noise and believed the base was under attack.

Army investigators stated in their 82-page report that there was no evidence that the U.S. soldiers were not complying with entry procedures or that they fired first.

“The facts seem to indicate that there wasn’t anyone else there who thought they were under attack until he (al-Tawayha) started shooting,” Brian McEnroe, father of Kevin McEnroe, told Military Times.

McEnroe believes that al-Tawayha was following orders.

“I think that the king or someone in the king’s chain of command, ordered the killing of some Americans, and I don’t think that we have the truth right now and I don’t know that we’ll ever get it,” McEnroe said.

James R. Moriarty, father of James F. Moriarty, was hopeful that extradition might bring about closure.

“Part of why I’m demanding his extradition is because I want him interviewed again about what happened. And maybe this time we’ll get the full story,” he told Military Times.

Surveillance video released in 2017 shows the Green Berets, all of whom were at least intermediately proficient in Arabic, waving their arms after the unprompted attack began and trying to communicate to al-Tawayha that they were friendly forces.

Al-Tawayha continued to fire at U.S. troops for nearly six minutes.

“You can see how aggressive he is. You can see my son and the survivor attempting to communicate with him in Arabic, ‘we’re friends, we’re Americans,’” Moriarty told Military Times.

The parents of the other soldiers agreed;the killing was targeted.

“It’s obvious that he set out to murder our Special Forces,” said Lewellen.

In addition to petitioning Congress for action, the families of the fallen soldiers filed a lawsuit in 2018 against Jordan’s royal family in a search for answers and monetary damages. The lawyer handling the ongoing case was not immediately available for comment.

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3e0a50 No.39202

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776207 (301541ZAPR23) Notable: Kash Patel’s full interview with legendary Devin Nunes

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let anons be the judge


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3e0a50 No.39203

File: 8c2444beda49409⋯.png (1.02 MB,844x1200,211:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776214 (301542ZAPR23) Notable: The letter to the Israeli FM says that were a South Azerbaijani state to emerge, Israel would gain a new ally.

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Mike @Doranimated

The letter to the Israeli FM says that were a South Azerbaijani state to emerge, Israel would gain a new ally. If I were advising the MKs, I'd have said, "Focus instead on supporting Azerbaijan & avoid getting sucked into Iran's internal politics." But this is very interesting.

11:34 AM · Apr 30, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39204

File: 6aa3c62ea5b1a6b⋯.png (581.43 KB,696x984,29:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776220 (301545ZAPR23) Notable: Soldier who survived in Jordon

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>The parents of the other soldiers agreed;the killing was targeted.

> https://archive.ph/OHEeI

Training missions at the military base in Jordan had become so routine that the American Special Forces soldiers there wore baseball caps instead of helmets. Most of them had been in a war zone, and Jordan felt far from one.

But as their convoy crept toward an entry gate on a sweltering Friday in November, gunshots erupted from a guard post, inciting a shootout that killed three Americans, drove a wedge between crucial allies and ended with a 39-year-old Jordanian soldier sentenced to life in prison for murder.

“We kept yelling in English and Arabic, saying we were friends. And he kept shooting,” said the lone American soldier to survive the attack, speaking publicly for the first time about that day. “Eventually, we realized it wasn’t an accident.”


Video Captures Ambush of U.S. Soldiers


The episode has sent a chill through the normally warm relations between the United States and Jordan, one of its closest Arab allies, and spurred protests in Jordan by members of the gunman’s influential tribe, who believe he is being punished to placate a powerful ally.

Continue reading the main story


Continue reading the main story

It has also baffled investigators, who have been unable to determine a motive.

Jordanian officials at first portrayed the episode as an accident and blamed the Americans, saying that they had broken the protocol for approaching the base, and later saying that they had accidentally fired a weapon, leading the Jordanian guard to believe he was under attack.

But surveillance video released by the Jordanian military on Monday and an interview with the 30-year-old American staff sergeant who survived the shootout shows a far more troubling scene: a five-minute clash during which the Americans fired back, crouched behind barriers and waved their hands desperately to stop the shooting, before the Jordanian charged with an assault rifle to try to finish them off.

The gunman, First Sgt. Ma’arik al-Tawayha, a member of the Jordanian Air Force, was wounded in the fight and sentenced last week by a Jordanian military court to life in prison for the killings of Staff Sgt. Matthew C. Lewellen, 27, of Kirksville, Mo.; Staff Sgt. Kevin J. McEnroe, 30, of Tucson; and Staff Sgt. James F. Moriarty, 27, of Kerrville, Tex.


First Sgt. Ma’arik al-Tawayha was led out of court in Amman on July 17 after his trial for the killing of three American military trainers last year. Credit Khalil Mazraawi/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The soldier who survived reviewed the video with a reporter from The New York Times on Monday evening, helping to piece together what took place that day.

“We were just terrified and confused,” he said. “We didn’t know what was happening, or why, or how many guys were going to come after us.”

The video first shows a stark desert road leading to a gate to the King Faisal Air Base in the southern Jordanian town of Al Jafr, where the American soldiers were training Syrian rebels as part of a covert program run by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Four trucks are returning from morning mortar training and slowly approach the gate as a Jordanian soldier removes two roadblocks.

U.S. Soldier Who Survived Fatal Jordan Shootout Tells His Story


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3e0a50 No.39205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776223 (301545ZAPR23) Notable: Soldier who survived in Jordon

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>U.S. Soldier Who Survived Fatal Jordan Shootout Tells His Story

Video shows that the American convoy stopped at the gate before the shooting began.

Jordanian Armed Forces

Standing just off camera was Sergeant Tawayha, a familiar presence at the base, who had probably seen Special Forces pass through the gate twice a day, according to the staff sergeant.

Once the first two trucks are off camera, puffs of smoke rise, indicating gunshots. For reasons still in dispute, Sergeant Tawayha suddenly began to fire, peppering the second truck with at least 30 shots at close range, killing Sergeant Lewellen and Sergeant McEnroe.

“Glass was flying, I saw the guys slumped over,” the staff sergeant said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the news media. Training had taught the team to accelerate through ambushes to escape the kill zone. “I waited a few seconds, hoping the guys in front could push through, but nothing happened.”

In the video, the Jordanian soldier who removed the roadblocks runs for cover, and the staff sergeant fires three shots toward the gate with a 9-mm pistol before he and the soldier in the truck behind him, Sergeant Moriarty, seek cover.

A number of trucks pass, apparently unaware of the ambush. The video shows a pickup drive by carrying two camels that crane their necks at the crack of gunfire.

The video has no sound, but the staff sergeant said the gunfire that followed was punctuated with screaming from both sides, with the gunman telling them to put their hands up, and the Americans yelling back that they are friends. To try to appease the gunman, they pop their heads up, raising their arms without their guns to indicate a cease-fire, then duck quickly as explosions of dust show bullets hitting the barricade inches from their heads.

“I put my gun down, raised my hands a little and he took a shot at me,” the staff sergeant said. “That is when we decided this probably was not an accident.”

Continue reading the main story

Continue reading the main story

American Special Forces soldiers waved their hands in surrender before they were shot and killed.

Jordanian Armed Forces

The soldiers were trapped. Their sole radio was in the rear truck, so they could not call for backup, the staff sergeant said. They kept yelling in Arabic and English that they were friends and offered to go away if the guard stopped shooting, but clouds of dust continued to explode as shots hit the barricades.

Pinned down, the staff sergeant and Sergeant Moriarty hurriedly discussed their options.

“We were trying to wave and we’re getting shot at,” the staff sergeant said. “I gave up with trying to figure stuff out and told him we should just try to kill this guy.”

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3e0a50 No.39206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776225 (301546ZAPR23) Notable: Soldier who survived in Jordon

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Both had two full magazines left — a total of 60 rounds — but they needed a better defensive position. After nearly four minutes, they sprinted behind their trucks to other concrete barriers farther from the gate.

“We thought it would buy us some time,” the staff sergeant said. “Maybe help would come.”

The video shows Sergeant Tawayha run toward the trucks with his rifle leveled. He hides behind the first truck, firing at the Americans, then walks to the second, slowly trying to flank them.

Finally, Sergeant Tawayha rushes the Americans with a burst of fire. Both Americans fire their pistols at point blank range, but Sergeant Tawayha shoots Sergeant Moriarty, who slumps to his knees, then collapses.

Continue reading the main story

Continue reading the main story

The shooter can be seen running toward two of the soldiers and firing at them.

Jordanian Armed Forces

The staff sergeant dodges around a barrier and shoots Sergeant Tawayha, who falls to the ground behind the barricade.

The staff sergeant said he grabbed the bleeding Jordanian’s rifle and threw it away before backing off into the desert with his arms raised.

In the confusion, as Jordanian and American forces edged in to determine what had happened, the staff sergeant’s partner bled to death behind the barrier where he was shot. As the staff sergeant described the gunfight, a stammer in his voice revealed his deep sense of regret that he had been unable to help.

“I didn’t go back to Jimmy,” he said. “I didn’t know the attack was over. I didn’t think I could help him while still in a firefight.”

The video was not shown at Mr. Tawayha’s trial, where he testified that he had thought he was acting within the rules of engagement. But after his conviction spurred protests by his tribe, the Jordanian military and the F.B.I. released the video in hopes it would defuse the unrest, said James R. Moriarty, a Houston lawyer and the father of the slain Sergeant Moriarty.

The release has done little to calm Sergeant Tawayha’s tribe, the Howeitat, which is known in Jordan for its role in the Arab uprising that paved the way for the foundation of the modern kingdom. Many still believe that Sergeant Tawayha was doing his duty and is being punished to please the United States.

“It is not right, but our government is looking for cash and they’ll do anything to get it,” his brother, Abdul-Rahman Abu Tayeh, said in an interview.

Sergeant Tawayha was in the military for more than a decade and often worked with Americans, his brother said, so what he did made no sense.

“We lived for years and years with the Americans, so why would we want a problem with them now?” said Lafi Abu Tayeh, another relative of Sergeant Tawayha’s who helps coordinate the protests. “But since the ruling, they are not welcome here.”

The staff sergeant, who attended parts of the gunman’s trial, said he, too, was perplexed by the man’s motives. Sergeant Tawayha remained consistent in his insistence that he had thought the base was under attack, the staff sergeant said.

“But there is no rational person who chases two attackers from the safety of the guard shack without backup,” he said. “It just still doesn’t make sense.”

A version of this article appears in print on July 26, 2017, on Page A6 of the New York edition with the headline: U.S. Soldier Who Survived Fatal Attack by a Jordanian Tells His Story

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3e0a50 No.39207

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776245 (301553ZAPR23) Notable: Are You a Domestic Terrorist? TSA Might Say Yes

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Pete Santilli show

1 day ago



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3e0a50 No.39208

File: 8070b57ad82c842⋯.png (868.56 KB,1128x637,1128:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776254 (301556ZAPR23) Notable: Goliad County Sheriff: The US Doesn’t Have An Immigration Problem, We Have a Slave Trade Problem

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Goliad County Sheriff: The US Doesn’t Have An Immigration Problem, We Have a Slave Trade Problem

“We don’t have an immigration problem in the US, what we have is a slave trade problem, a drug trafficking problem.”

Roy Boyd, Goliad County Sheriff, talks about the realities faced in Texas as a result of the Biden administration’s open southern border.


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3e0a50 No.39209

File: 034d9776ea1ee03⋯.jpg (177.07 KB,720x1172,180:293,Clipboard.jpg)

File: baaae4a736b7d9c⋯.jpg (122.99 KB,688x1280,43:80,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776353 (301626ZAPR23) Notable: Canada 🇨🇦 is now going to have a Pride SEASON that will last FIVE MONTHS instead of one

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BREAKING: Canada 🇨🇦 is now going to have a Pride SEASON that will last FIVE MONTHS instead of one 🥴

One month is far too long for pride to last, let alone an entire season! This is insane.


Pride Season

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3e0a50 No.39210

File: 735b1e0f0109155⋯.png (400.18 KB,600x708,50:59,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776377 (301633ZAPR23) Notable: Quarantine Camps & Injections Against Our Will: Why We Must REJECT the WHO Pandemic Treaty

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Quarantine Camps & Injections Against Our Will: Why We Must REJECT the WHO Pandemic Treaty

• If this treaty goes through, we – tomorrow – can see the construction of quarantine camps in every state.

• Health authorities are trying hard to criminalize or stigmatize dissent as a mental health condition. "Well, if you add mental health to your list of healthcare issues, then the WHO can drag off anyone like you and me," detailed @NaomiRWolf


• Also, Oregon is trying to pass a bill that would allow minors to consent to vaccinations and abortions without their parents' knowledge.

5:18 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39211

File: 2430fa0393cd24b⋯.png (66.08 KB,1084x367,1084:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776401 (301638ZAPR23) Notable: 1977: CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein/2016

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>Ma’arik al-Tawayha


From 1977

CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein

By Bob Woodward and

Washington Post Staff WriterLEAD: The Central Intelligence Agency for 20 years has made secret annual payments totaling millions of d

February 18, 1977

The Central Intelligence Agency for 20 years has made secret annual payments totaling millions of dollars to King Hussein of Jordan, The Washington Post has learned.

The payoffs were reported last year to President Ford as an impropriety by the Intelligence Oversight Board, a three-member panel set up by Ford to curb CIA abuses.

President Ford took no steps to stop the covert payments. Last hear Hussein was paid approximately $750,000 by the CIA.

President Carter learned of the payoffs earlier this week after this newspaper began its investigation. He ordered that the payments be stopped.

The secret arrangement with Hussein had not been disclosed to Carter by the CIA or by any member of the previous administration, including President Ford, former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, or former CIA Director George Bush.

Carter was "distressed" that he had not been told, according to well-placed sources, and sees the solution to CIA abuses as quick confirmation of his nominee as CIA director, Navy Adm. Stansfield Turner.

In addition, the Senate Intelligence Committee created last year to oversee the CIA apparently was not given the full story by the Ford administration of the secret payments to Hussein.

One of the most closely held and sensitive of all CIA covert activities, the payments to Hussein were made under the codeword project name of "No Beef." They were usually delivered in cash to the king by the CIA station chief in Amman.

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3e0a50 No.39212

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776403 (301639ZAPR23) Notable: 1977: CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein/2016

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>CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein

As justification for the direct cash payments to Hussein, the CIA claimed that Hussein was allowing U.S. intelligence agencies to operate freely in his strategically placed Middle Eastern country.

Hussein himself provided intelligence to the CIA and forwarded money from the payments to other government officials who provided intelligence or cooperated with the CIA.

Nonetheless, some CIA officials considered the payments nothing more than "bribes" and reported the matter to President Ford's oversight panel.

Hussein, according to sources, considers the payments simply another form of U.S. assistance.

Within the CIA, the "No Beef" project has been considered one of its most successful operations, giving the United States great leverage and unusual access to the leader of a sovereign state.

The payments were first made to Hussein in 1957 during the Eisenhower administration. The initial payments apparently ran in the millions of dollars but they were sharply curtailed to the $750,000 level last year.

Hussein was only 21 when he first became a beneficiary of CIA funds. It was a time when Jordan was virtually a ward of the United States and Hussein had little money to support his lifestyle, which earned him the reputation as a "playboy prince."

Hussein has a well-publicized taste for sports cars and airplanes. As once previously reported, the CIA has provided Hussein with female companions. The agency also provided bodyguards for Hussein's children when they were abroad in school.

Some money from the most recent CIA payments to Hussein have been used to pay for bodyguards for his children.

Over the years, Hussein has maintained friendly relations with the United States and his country has been the recipient of substantial military and economic aid - about $200 million in loans and grants last year alone.

The "No Beef" payments to Hussein were made outside the conventional channel of military and economic assistance.

Well-placed sources said that nonetheless the United States has not been able to direct Hussein's overall policy decisions. He has not been a "puppet," the sources said, but he has rarely drifted outside the U.S. orbit.

In late 1974 the CIA became the focus of several government investigations into alleged abuses, and in February, 1976, President Ford directed a reorganization of the intelligence community.

Part of a Feb. 18, 1976, executive order set up the Intelligence Oversight Board which, among other things, was to "report in a timely manner to the President any activities that raise serious questions about propriety."

The office of the general counsel in the CIA was assigned by the exectuve order to report any alleged abuses to the oversight panel.

The general counsel soon made such a report on the Hussein payments, and called them possibly improper.

The panel appointed by Ford included former Under Secretary of State Robert D. Murphy, former Secretary of the Army Stephen Ailes, and business book publisher Leo Cherne.

By last summer the oversight panel had made a formal report to President Ford on the payments, concluding that they were improper. Ford read the report but ordered no action taken.

Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance is scheduled to meet with King Hussein today during Vance's six-nation trip to the Middle East.

Jordan is widely considered a moderating influence on the Palestinians and a key to any lasting Middle East peace settlement.

The country is considered a vital part of any realistic option for getting the Palestinians represented at a future Geneva peace conference.

Geographically, Jordan is in a central position, sharing borders with Israel, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Israel's entire eastern border touches Jordan.

Hussein's decisions have often been highly compatible with U.S. and Israeli interests. For example, he expelled the Palestine Liberation Organization from Jordan in 1970, though this also helped Hussein's own domestic situation.

In 1973, Hussein refused to join in the Arab war against Israel.

It is often considered a miracle that Hussein has held power for 24 years through the turbulence of the Middle East wars, frequent internal strife and at least a dozen assassination attempts.

Last week his wife, Queen Alia, 26, died in a helicopter crash while returning from a hospital mercy mission.


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3e0a50 No.39213

File: f8942ddee0231fc⋯.png (714.15 KB,1203x618,401:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776423 (301644ZAPR23) Notable: 1977: CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein/2016

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>>39211, >>39212

>CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein

>By Bob Woodward and

hmmm. Wonder if this other contractor killing is related?

The Jordanian Arms Theft Story

The NYT has a blockbuster story reporting that Jordanian officers have been stealing weapons "shipped into Jordan" by CIA, and selling them on the black market. Some of these weapons were used to kill two American contractors at a training facility in November.

Marcy Wheeler

Jun 27, 2016


The NYT has a blockbuster story reporting that Jordanian officers have been stealing weapons "shipped into Jordan" by CIA, and selling them on the black market. Some of these weapons were used to kill two American contractors at a training facility in November.

Weapons shipped into Jordan by the Central Intelligence Agency and Saudi Arabia intended for Syrian rebels have been systematically stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and sold to arms merchants on the black market, according to American and Jordanian officials.

Some of the stolen weapons were used in a shooting in November that killed two Americans and three others at a police training facility in Amman, F.B.I. officials believe after months of investigating the attack, according to people familiar with the investigation.

The existence of the weapons theft, which ended only months ago after complaints by the American and Saudi governments, is being reported for the first time after a joint investigation by The New York Times and Al Jazeera.

I'm still trying to figure out what to make of this story, so for the moment, I just want to unpack it.

First, consider the players. The story is sourced to US and Jordanian "officials," (a term which can sometimes mean contractors or Members of Congress). The CIA and FBI both refused to comment for the story; the State Department and Jordan's press people both gave fluff statements.

The story is a joint project – between Qatar's media outlet, Al-Jazeera (here's their link to the story), and the "official press" of the US, the NYT. So Americans, Jordanians, and Qataris were involved in this story.

But no Saudis, in spite of the fact that the story reports that Saudis apparently complained some months ago.


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3e0a50 No.39214

File: 8ad732803a4d75c⋯.png (1.22 MB,1439x1013,1439:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: fc56f2bfaaade31⋯.png (65.65 KB,1360x404,340:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 81653852bed8e75⋯.png (2.23 MB,1200x819,400:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 41b7883729b5398⋯.png (127.22 KB,220x351,220:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776469 (301654ZAPR23) Notable: PF Celebrity Jets

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N271DV POPLAR GLEN LLC is Jeff Bezos.


Jackson Hole?

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3e0a50 No.39215

File: 5de007d5a893658⋯.png (1.52 MB,1442x1012,721:506,Clipboard.png)

File: 521a6fcc7b1039c⋯.png (2.08 MB,1200x815,240:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776491 (301700ZAPR23) Notable: PF Celebrity Jets

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David Geffen

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3e0a50 No.39216

File: 043fd769f26637a⋯.png (780.95 KB,1440x1010,144:101,Clipboard.png)

File: bdb4812e7430b14⋯.jpg (534.55 KB,1170x1452,195:242,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776501 (301702ZAPR23) Notable: PF Celebrity Jets

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Kim Kardashian

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3e0a50 No.39217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776547 (301715ZAPR23) Notable: #23041

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#23041 >>39160 Another GOLD noter set

>>39161 lefty Op Ed "Gas leaf blowers and lawn mowers are shockingly bad for the planet. Bans are beginning to spread" msn

>>39162, >>39164 some Op Eds from American Thinker On Hussein and freedom of Speech

>>39163 A global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius. Manipulated "AI" into MIND CONTROL. tell us something we don't know soc. media

>>39165, >>39181 Derek Johnson is Going to Gitmo in July. It’s not Because he’s under Arrest💥💥💥 🇺🇸 He’s Going to Record the Tribunals

>>39166 "What is Susan Rice up too" Bartiromo Sunday morning show clip soc media

>>39167, >>39169, >>39202 Kash Patel’s full interview with legendary Devin Nunes

>>39168 Ryan Webb, a white councilman in Indiana, now identifies as a woman of color soc media

>>39172, >>39180, >>39182, >>39186, >>39190, >>39201, >>39204, >>39201 Moriarity dig-Disturbing details emerge in deaths of 3 American soldiers in Jordan

>>39170 Pfizer's Own Trials Showed a 24% GREATER Likelihood of Dying in the Vaccine Group After 6 Months RFH Jr

>>39171, >>39174, >>39178 Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

>>39173 Antony Blinken and the Trilateral Commission

>>39175 ‘That really shouldn’t happen.’ Sexually transmitted infections surge in Texas yahoonews

>>39176, >>39177 High inflation and low wage growth are bad for Biden’s reelection

>>39179 "Is [Biden] up for a second term?" RNC Research-Mayorkas blows Biden for 2024 soc media

>>39183, >>39185, >>39188, >>39189 Ukraine, Kolomoisky and PrivatBank are the key to the global money laundering

>>39184 General Mills Issues Flour Recall Following Discovery Of Salmonella huffpost

>>39187 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day-Saturn's Moon Helene in Color

>>39191 "Katie Hobbs kills plan to allow parents to conceal carry at schools." soc media

>>39192, >>39196, >>39196, >>39197, >>39200 Federal air marshals are following anyone who flew into the any airport near the Capitol for Jan 6, 2021including dates leading up to it. rumble

>>39193 This woman….brian ded

>>39194, >>39198 PlaneFag Indo-Pac Activity: 16-3025 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound reappears heading NE back to Manila (@ 11:22pm local- BOXER48 arrived at OSan AB SoKo-Modi departed campaign event back to New Delhi Q drop 759 for Delta on Modi Twat

>>39195 Fed bois on the loose soc media "terrorizing a drag event in Columbus, Ohio"

>>39199 An underground river flowing with gold worth $1 TRILLON beneath the Las Vegas desert which 500 investors believe they are so close to finding? dailymail

>>39196, >>39197, >>39207 Are You a Domestic Terrorist? TSA Might Say Yes

>>39203 The letter to the Israeli FM says that were a South Azerbaijani state to emerge, Israel would gain a new ally.

>>39204, >>39205, >>39206 Soldier who survived in Jordon

>>39208 Goliad County Sheriff: The US Doesn’t Have An Immigration Problem, We Have a Slave Trade Problem

>>39209 Canada 🇨🇦 is now going to have a Pride SEASON that will last FIVE MONTHS instead of one

>>39210 Quarantine Camps & Injections Against Our Will: Why We Must REJECT the WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>39211, >>39212, >>39213 1977: CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein/2016

>>39214, >>39215, >>39215, >>39216 PF Celebrity Jets


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3e0a50 No.39218

File: 18e4eeb1168edf0⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776557 (301717ZAPR23) Notable: #23042-A

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Handoff needed, baker will note as long as possible

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3e0a50 No.39219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776575 (301725ZAPR23) Notable: anons conjecture on eclipse, Coronation, Trump Scotland visit

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please add all lb:






Trump Scotland Trip and Charles' coronation


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3e0a50 No.39220

File: 034164cb13a8382⋯.png (219.82 KB,1004x448,251:112,Clipboard.png)

File: 6996a79596eabe6⋯.png (470.37 KB,1078x516,539:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e7643c894a3268⋯.png (485.83 KB,754x395,754:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776633 (301740ZAPR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity-Trudope to Toronto for "private meetings", some high level SAMs left JBA, 45's G650 back to PBI from Morristown

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity-Trudope to Toronto for "private meetings", some high level SAMs left JBA, 45's G650 back to PBI from Morristown and some C-130s from Spooktown W.VA NE

CFC1 CL-60Trudopeleeft Ottawa Int'l heading to Toronto for "Private Meetings"


SAM911and 718, 767 G5s (C-37Bs) SW and west from JBA…all three of these ACs in the top 5 of G5s for the 99th Airlift Squad-the visible ones at least as there are two moar that are never seen

RCH4202 C-17 Globemaster WN from Dover AFB (4 digits is eithere equipment for VIP visits or stuff for Space Force)

RCH6014 C-5 Galaxy and IROC61 C-17 Globemaster departed Westover ARB, MASS WN-looks like IROC going to Alpena, MI

Belgian AF BAF664 A400m SW from St. Johns, Newfoundland depart

RCH439 and 678 C-130j Hercules NE from Charleston W.VA-Yeager Airport and heading across the Atlantic

N108PB G650 departed Morristown Muni (at 48k ft+) after arriving on the same day as 45 went to New Hampshire for rally-it dropped off at Barnes Muni Airport, Westfield-MASS then went to Morristown until this this departure-used for rallys, legal team, family members and linked to 45's movements now after the 757 came backinto service after it's retrofit

All pbs

>>38367, >>38370, >>38380 N757AF 757 and N108PB on 0427


>EJM473 G650 went to Morristown Muni Airport from it's quick stop & drop at Barnes Muni Airport, Westfield-MASS (red dots and cap#2)

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3e0a50 No.39221

File: 2a8c949951084fb⋯.png (1.17 MB,1023x658,1023:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776649 (301742ZAPR23) Notable: Archaeologists unearthed a rare sculpture of a powerful Mayan god near the path of a large-scale rail project

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Archaeologists unearthed a rare sculpture of a powerful Mayan god near the path of a large-scale rail project in southeastern Mexico, officials say.

The sculpture of the ancient god K’awiil is part of an urn recently found near Section 7 of the ongoing Maya Train project, the National Institute of Anthropology and History said in an April 27 release. Section 7 stretches from the town of Bacalar, in Quintana Roo, to Escárcega, in Campeche.

The controversial Maya Train project — which will span 965 miles when finished — is fiercely championed by Mexican President Lopez Obrador, who aims to connect the Yucatan peninsula by rail, Mexico News Daily reported. However, many oppose the endeavor over concerns of environmental destruction and the loss of cultural and historical heritage.

“This finding is very important because there are few sculptural representations of the god K’awiil,” INAH director Diego Prieto Hernandez said, adding that it is “one of the first to appear in Mexican territory,” while just three others have been found in neighboring Guatemala.

K’awiil has been seen by experts before, in paintings and in reliefs, but rarely is he seen in three dimensions.

K’awiil was the Mayan god of lightning, wealth and fertility, and “is related to the Maya’s idea that lightning fertilized the earth,” Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos, associate professor of anthropology at Yale, said in a 2022 university release.

The K’awiil statue is one finding among many made by teams salvaging artifacts along the path of the train project, according to the INAH release. As of April 27, nearly 49,000 buildings or foundations have been cataloged and reserved, over 896,000 pottery fragments, and 491 bones.

Google Translate was used was used to translate the news release from National Institute of Anthropology and History.


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3e0a50 No.39222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776659 (301744ZAPR23) Notable: Swarms of quakes shake Salton Sea region in Southern California

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Swarms of quakes shake Salton Sea region in Southern California, seismologists say

Two swarms of earthquakes reaching up to 4.5 magnitude rattled the Salton Sea region of Southern California, the U.S. Geological Survey reports.

The first swarm began at 12:08 p.m. Saturday, April 29, in Heber near the U.S.-Mexico border, about 60 miles south of the Salton Sea, the USGS reported. It included nearly 50 tremors reaching up to 3.7-magnitude, felt by about 60 people.

The quakes continued overnight, with one hitting at 5:12 a.m. Sunday, April 30.

A second swarm began at 12:09 a.m. Sunday, April 30, near Niland on the southern shore of the Salton Sea, consisting of more than 25 tremors with one of the latest hitting at 5:28 a.m.

The largest, a 4.5-magnitude quake, was felt by about 30 people, according to the USGS. Other quakes in the swarm reached up to 4.1 magnitude.

A 3.2-magnitude quake hit near Ocotillo Wells 30 miles west of the Salton Sea at 10:55 p.m. Saturday, April 29, followed by smaller aftershocks, the USGS reported.

The Salton Sea is a shallow, landlocked body of highly saline water about 180 miles southeast of Los Angeles. It is about 45 miles long and 20 miles wide.


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3e0a50 No.39223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776677 (301750ZAPR23) Notable: Cessna 172 Crashed last night in Bel Air. lookin for deets

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Cessna 172 Crashed last night in Bel Air.

Don't get many Skyhawks auguring in there.

Cessna Skyhawk C172 with the aircraft tail number N575ND.


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3e0a50 No.39224

File: f9ef5c278b56fc2⋯.png (367.72 KB,522x520,261:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776709 (301800ZAPR23) Notable: #ICYMI: We have dismantled a network of criminal cash couriers that laundered more than £100m by smuggling it out of the UK to Dubai.

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#ICYMI: We have dismantled a network of criminal cash couriers that laundered more than £100m by smuggling it out of the UK to Dubai.

The network smuggled cash in suitcases during 83 separate trips between November 2019 and October 2020.

Full story ➡️ https://nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/news/money-laundering-cash-couriers-smuggled-100-million-in-suitcases


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3e0a50 No.39225

File: a48e9b0b94ac62c⋯.png (158.93 KB,446x548,223:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776721 (301803ZAPR23) Notable: Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks loses composure when pressed about government fraud, waste, and abuse.

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Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks loses composure when pressed about government fraud, waste, and abuse.


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3e0a50 No.39226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776728 (301806ZAPR23) Notable: JOE M's THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD (REMASTERED)

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Anons, please join in requesting that this Greatest Video Red-Pill Of All Time be




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3e0a50 No.39227

File: 4a8b065890b0c1a⋯.png (157.17 KB,543x750,181:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776735 (301807ZAPR23) Notable: anons conjecture on eclipse, Coronation, Trump Scotland visit

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Everything you need to know about the penumbral lunar eclipse on May 5

When and at what time will the penumbral lunar eclipse happen?

Between 8.45 PM IST on May 5 and 1.02 AM IST on May 6, the Moon will pass through the Earth’s shadow, resulting in a lunar eclipse, according to In The Sky.

The Earth has a much larger relative size compared to the Moon, which means its shadow is also much larger than the natural satellite’s. This means that lunar eclipses are usually visible in wider parts of the world than solar eclipses.

The eclipse on May 5 should be visible in most locations where the Moon is above the horizon at the time. This includes Antarctica, Asia, Russia, Africa and Oceania.


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3e0a50 No.39228

File: b2b204dc8f2d150⋯.jpg (10.17 KB,255x133,255:133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776748 (301810ZAPR23) Notable: anons conjecture on eclipse, Coronation, Trump Scotland visit

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>>>/qresearch/18776461 PB

>Charles will abdicate

Here's what would happen if King Charles III stepped down and handed the throne to Prince William


There aretwo scenarios in which Charles is alive but no longer king, royal historian Marlene Koenig told Insider.

The first comes under the Regency Act, Koenig said, which could be triggered if Charles was physically incapacitated, meaning he could no longer speak or move. Dr. Bob Morris, an honorary senior research associate at UCL's Constitution Unit, told Insider the monarch's inability to carry out their duties would also have to be certified by various people including their spouse.

If that occurred, the next in line – Prince William – would become regent. "He takes over and has all the powers of the king, except some matters, which are reserved," Morris said.

However, there is another, more controversial scenario — abdication. Koenig said it's highly unlikely to ever occur given Charles' intention to follow in his mother's footsteps.

"…When it comes to Charles' reign as king, Koenig said abdication would likely only ever be an option in a similar circumstance. "Something would have to happen,it would have to be a huge major scandal," she said.

… just wondering out lound… what if King Charles is the first arrest?

The World is watching. (Or, Will be, on May 6th)

Would have to be a monumental scandal. Whatever could it be?

Q3716/3717First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.(could mean Prince William to take the throne.)

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3e0a50 No.39229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776759 (301812ZAPR23) Notable: Swarms of quakes shake Salton Sea region in Southern California

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I can’t help but think of Hunter and his mum when I read through the plot line of the movie on wikipedia to refresh myself with the movie.


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3e0a50 No.39230

File: ead2bcdb332bb60⋯.png (500.33 KB,1080x947,1080:947,Clipboard.png)

File: 9586cd10bb80662⋯.png (405.94 KB,568x852,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776778 (301816ZAPR23) Notable: Private Calendar Reveals Epstein met with Biden’s CIA Spy chief and Other Leftists AFTER Sex Crimes Conviction

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Joseph A. Camp




BREAKING: William Burns, Joe Biden's CIA Director, visited Jeffrey Epstien 3 times AFTER he was convicted of child prostitution / pimping charges. He was Deputy Secretary of State under Obama.


Show Your Daddy Joey some MUCH DESERVED LOVE (NO HOMO):


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3e0a50 No.39231

File: 9c0e4114088b85b⋯.jpeg (328.57 KB,1170x952,585:476,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776792 (301819ZAPR23) Notable: So just to be clear, you just said you believe Antony Blinken lied to you under oath.

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SEN. RON JOHNSON: … What is interesting, Maria [Bartiromo], and here's a little news for you. Antony Blinken finally did come in and sit down for a voluntary transcribed interview in December of 2020 because he wanted to be Secretary of State. And now, because of more information that's come out, we know that he lied boldface to Congress about never emailing Hunter Biden. My guess is he told a bunch of other lies that hopefully we'll be able to bring him and his wife back in, tell them to preserve their records. You cannot trust Joe Biden. You cannot trust Hunter Biden. You can't trust the Biden family. You can't trust so many of the people that they have surrounded themselves with.

MARIA BARTIROMO: … So just to be clear, you just said you believe Antony Blinken lied to you under oath.

SEN. RON JOHNSON: … ==Yes, he did.= He said he did not email Hunter Biden, and now we have those emails. We also know that his wife, using her private email address when she was a[n] employee of the State Department, was basically a conduit between her husband and Hunter Biden as well. So, again, I think there's so much more to uncover here. There's so much more investigation. He needs to be subpoenaed. I don't have subpoena power. He got to come in just voluntarily. If he wants to proclaim his innocence, I doubt he'll do that, but he must and she must preserve their records, their personal emails. When you get to the bottom of this, we need to show how corrupt these individuals are.


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3e0a50 No.39232

File: e3ede21493f8478⋯.jpg (709.01 KB,1536x1536,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776821 (301825ZAPR23) Notable: anons conjecture on eclipse, Coronation, Trump Scotland visit

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Also notable with the 5/5 HaBbEnInGs

5 May King Charles I surrenders his forces to a Scottish army at Southwell, Nottinghamshire.



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3e0a50 No.39233

File: 1dc6f196bfb7fc3⋯.png (1.02 MB,608x894,304:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776826 (301825ZAPR23) Notable: Maricopa Audit. All ballots need this watermark or they do not count.

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Democrats have embraced Marxism 🇺🇸


Maricopa Audit. All ballots need this watermark or they do not count.



3:44 PM · May 1, 2021


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3e0a50 No.39234

File: d98fd14f9311819⋯.png (1.05 MB,1182x634,591:317,Clipboard.png)

File: ef774c371c5fd88⋯.png (112.6 KB,790x262,395:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 291822ba1af341b⋯.png (251.8 KB,853x615,853:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776860 (301832ZAPR23) Notable: RudyG: WARNINGS From "1984" and "Brave New World" You Must Hear

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WARNINGS From "1984" and "Brave New World" You Must Hear | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 132


'Two plus two equals five.' Orwell's '1984' is here

David Kupelian reveals how today's ruling elite is engaged in all-out war with reality itself

David Kupelian By David Kupelian

Published March 21, 2021 at 11:27am


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3e0a50 No.39235

File: 0e53cc4150b36cc⋯.png (20.89 KB,412x442,206:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776889 (301838ZAPR23) Notable: The South Carolina GOP establishment (also known as RINO Republicans) are playing games

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The South Carolina GOP establishment (also known as RINO Republicans) are playing games by violating Party bylaws to hold the State Convention in each county. The requirement is for the Convention to be held in one location.

They also intend to allow virtual computer voting in some counties and paper ballots in others.

Also, watch out for the large number of alternate delegates.

We The People just suffered a vote in November that had NO integrity. The SCGOP RINOS are tracking the Biden Playbook to cheat in the election of the next SCGOP Chair.

I don’t think the SCGOP party members are going to let the RINOS get away with cheating.

There must be ONE convention with uniformity of votes cast by paper ballots.

What do you think?

Let your voices be heard.

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3e0a50 No.39236

File: c8697aefd71e3ab⋯.png (436.78 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 03e55d309ea0580⋯.png (474.14 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e72055648e7b01⋯.png (494.15 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: cef217200148cab⋯.png (480.29 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776904 (301844ZAPR23) Notable: Welcome Home! Vietnam War Commemoration: A Nation Honors our Vietnam Veterans and their Families

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May 11, 2023 - May 13, 2023

Welcome Home! Vietnam War Commemoration: A Nation Honors our Vietnam Veterans and their Families


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3e0a50 No.39237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776907 (301845ZAPR23) Notable: anons conjecture on eclipse, Coronation, Trump Scotland visit

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Amid court action and a potential presidential run, Donald Trump to visit Scotland next week — to play golf

Andrew Smart, The Scotland Herald

April 25, 2023 11:00 am ET

Donald Trump is expected to visit Scotland next week, and is expected to spend time at his golf resort Trump Turnberry in South Ayrshire, according to reports.

The 76-year-old will also stop off in Ireland, where he is understood to be landing at Shannon Airport on May 3.

He is expected to stay at his Trump International Hotel & Golf Links on the outskirts of Doonbeg in Co Clare.

The visit comes as Trump faces court action in the United States and amid speculation he could be planning to run for president again in 2024.

He has pleaded not guilty to charges of falsifying business records to hide damaging information ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

More: Take a look at the golf courses owned by Donald Trump

Trump previously visited Scotland in July 2018 while in office.

He spent two days at his Turnberry resort with wife Melania as part of a four-day trip to the UK, during which he met then-prime minister Theresa May and the Queen.

He faced widespread protests and was heckled as he played golf at Turnberry with his son Eric.

During his campaign for the White House in 2016, he visited Scotland the day after the EU referendum and praised the UK for voting to leave.


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3e0a50 No.39238

File: 7fa2295718a711e⋯.png (244.49 KB,611x575,611:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776970 (301902ZAPR23) Notable: Moderna under fire as CEO earned nearly $400 million in stock options, got 50% raise last year

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John Solomon


Moderna under fire as CEO earned nearly $400 million in stock options, got 50% raise last year | Just The News

Moderna | (NurPhoto/Getty)


Moderna under fire as CEO earned nearly $400 million in stock options, got 50% raise last year

Bancel said he and his wife generated $393 million from the sale of stock options and they donated $176 million in after-tax proceeds to charity.

8:00 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39239

File: c7c84b5b7a7f6e1⋯.png (4.98 MB,2000x3414,1000:1707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776979 (301905ZAPR23) Notable: Yale Law School Accepted a Donation for Clarence Thomas's Portrait. 5 years later, no painting.

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April 29, 2023

Yale Law School Accepted a Donation for Clarence Thomas's Portrait.

Five Years Later, the Painting Is Nowhere To Be Seen.

In the spring of 2018, Yale Law School dean Heather Gerken happily acknowledged the receipt of a donation from the Texas billionaire Harlan Crow to fund the commission of a portrait of Crow's friend, Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas.

In an April 2018 letter to Crow, Gerken thanked him for the gift and described Thomas, a 1974 graduate of the law school, as a "trailblazer."

"We are so pleased to welcome the justice to our outstanding gallery of portraits," Gerken wrote. "They will always have a place of prominence at Yale Law School." Five years later, students and faculty members say they've never seen it, and certainly not displayed in a place of prominence.

The portrait exists. Yale commissioned the New York City-based artist Jacob Collins to paint it, and Collins told the Washington Free Beacon that, according to his records, the portrait was being framed in March 2019 and that he believes it was delivered to the school shortly thereafter. Yale acknowledged his gift with a letter of thanks.

Neither Gerken nor a spokesman for the law school responded to requests for comment about the portrait's whereabouts.

"It was completely understood that the painting would join…the pantheon of paintings," Crow told the Free Beacon.

Thomas has had a contentious relationship with his alma mater, writing in his autobiography of his feeling that a Yale Law School degree "meant one thing for white graduates and another for blacks" and of affixing a 15 cent price sticker to his diploma and tossing it in the basement. In recent years, though, he has visited the school and called his resentments "juvenile."

Dozens of portraits adorn the walls of Yale Law School, which uses them to honor the law school's founders as well as distinguished graduates and professors.

The portraits fall into two categories, former law school dean Guido Calabresi told the Yale Daily News in 2015: those that are automatically displayed and those that are displayed by the dean's discretion. The former includes alumni or faculty members who have served as president of the United States, justices of the Supreme Court, or chief judge of one of the circuit courts—a category that should include Thomas.

All portraits, aside from those of former deans, must be commissioned with outside funding, and Crow in 2018 provided the $105,000 to fund Thomas's portrait after Yale Law School professor George Priest worked to repair Thomas's relationship with the school and helped to persuade the justice to sit for the portrait's painting.

"We've had some episodes here where students protest when people come to the law school, that may have something to do with it," Priest told the Free Beacon. He had not visited the law school since the COVID-19 pandemic and was not aware of whether the painting had gone up, he added.

"It'll be hung, there’s no doubt about that. We have Abe Fortas's portrait up, for crying out loud," Priest said, referring to the Yale Law School graduate and former Supreme Court justice who resigned from his seat in 1969 after revelations that he was receiving payments of $20,000 annually from the family foundation of a Wall Street financier—for the rest of his life—in exchange for unspecific advice.

Typically, the university has marked portrait unveilings with celebratory events. The school in 2017 held such an event for the unveiling of Justice Sonia Sotomayor's portrait, which now hangs in the law school's largest classroom.

Prior to Crow's gift, the Yale Daily News noted the absence of Thomas's portrait. A 2005 report reads: "The walls of the law school display portraits of past Supreme Court justices affiliated with Yale—William Howard Taft, William Douglas, Byron White, Abe Fortas, and Potter Stewart—but Thomas's portrait is conspicuously absent."


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3e0a50 No.39240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18776993 (301910ZAPR23) Notable: JOE M's THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD (REMASTERED)

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youn's like this?

yer gonna LOVE this…



When I first heard about Donald Trump, I was horrified: a billionaire business man who runs for president? Yeah, right! Surely he is the next crook on the scene.

This negative opinion was strongly confirmed by literally everything I saw in the media about this man.

He was portrayed as the worst monster that ever lived on the face of the earth. A liar, insulter, racist, hater, sexist, twisted psychopath and a maniacal narcissist. In short: satan himself.

My wife however started watching his speeches, and to my amazement - and annoyance! - she became excited. “You have to listen to this man”, she told me. “He is wonderful!”.

“What? Have you lost your mind?”, I asked in utter bewilderment. How could she say such a thing? “And by the way, I have already listened to him”. I replied angry. “The man's a lunatic and a beast. Just the next criminal on the platform of corrupt politicians. I hate him already!”

“No, you haven’t listened to him”, my wonderful woman replied. “All you have done, is watch short clips on YouTube that are made by the mainstream media, with short sentences taken out of context”.

Ouch, there she struck a nerve.

It's so easy to paint a dark picture that makes the shiniest saint look like the darkes demon, through media. People tend to believe anything, when it's printed or broadcasted.

My wife said: “If you want to know who Donald Trump is, you should listen to his entire speeches, not just to a video that slanders him with single sentences that are ripped out of context”. Now, that was some wise advice I couldn't ignore. So I did it, and I must say that I was moved - deeply moved.

I suddenly saw a man with genuine passion. A man on fire. A man with a zeal to restore America.

A man that was not acting “like a president” like Joe Biden had said: “Why doesn't the man act like a president?”.

EXACTLY! This man was not trying to please people with a perfect performance. He wasn't reading polished speeches, prepared by professionals. On the contrary, he was trampling on everybody's toes, roaring from his gut, not caring what others would think of him. This man was goddam' REAL! Something I had NEVER ever seen in any political leader, during my entire life.

This was not an act, this was a war!

Did you know every year eight million children go missing?

Did you know these children are abused by the wealthy elite, in Hollywood, politics, banking, and basically every high sphere of our society?

Did you know there are emails of Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama, in which they discuss the abuse of children?

Did you know that most top politicians are involved in this?

Did you know that child abuse is a very basic practice among the rich and powerful?

And… did you know that President Trump is the very first powerful political leader in the history of mankind to violently go after these monsters?

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3e0a50 No.39241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777000 (301913ZAPR23) Notable: JOE M's THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD (REMASTERED)

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Q - The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED


Q - We Are The Plan


Q - Dark To Light


Q - Killing The Mockingbird


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3e0a50 No.39242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777036 (301921ZAPR23) Notable: Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay

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Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay

The concept is to permit two military judges to hold proceedings simultaneously starting in mid-2023.


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3e0a50 No.39243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777038 (301922ZAPR23) Notable: The Boss popped into a Mar-a-Lago wedding & chatted up the bride and groom

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The Boss popped into a Mar-a-Lago wedding last night

and chatted up the bride and groom 🥰

12:39 PM · Apr 30, 2023·17.7K Views


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3e0a50 No.39244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777048 (301924ZAPR23) Notable: Private Calendar Reveals Epstein met with Biden’s CIA Spy chief and Other Leftists AFTER Sex Crimes Conviction

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(SAUCE from earlier post re: William Burns):

Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Calendar: CIA Director William Burns, Goldman Sachs’s Top Lawyer, Noam Chomsky - WSJ

By Khadeeja Safdar and David BenoitApril 30, 2023 7:59 am ET

The nation’s spy chief, a longtime college president and top women in finance. The circle of people who associated with Jeffrey Epstein years after he was a convicted sex offender is wider than previously reported, according to a trove of documents that include his schedules.

William Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency since 2021, had three meetings scheduled with Epstein in 2014, when he was deputy secretary of state, the documents show. They first met in Washington and then Mr. Burns visited Epstein’s townhouse in Manhattan.


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3e0a50 No.39245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777075 (301929ZAPR23) Notable: Private Calendar Reveals Epstein met with Biden’s CIA Spy chief and Other Leftists AFTER Sex Crimes Conviction

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Private Calendar Reveals Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein met with Biden’s CIA Spy chief and Other Leftist Individuals AFTER Sex Crimes Conviction

The Wall Street Journal released an explosive report Sunday revealing that Jeffrey Epstein met with multiple left-wing individuals including Joe Biden’s now-CIA Chief William Burns after Epstein was convicted of child sex crimes.

The documents uncovered by the Wall Street Journal were related to Epstein’s private calendar.

In addition to Burns, the infamous pedophile also reportedly met with Bard College president Leon Botstein, former Barack Obama White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky following his conviction of child sex crimes.

While the Wall Street Journal could not prove every single scheduled meeting took place, the report did find Epstein met with Burns on three separate occasions. These meetings were held in Washington D.C. and in Epstein’s home in Manhattan.

CIA spokeswoman Tammy Kupperman Thorp confirmed that Burns met with Epstein in 2014. However, she claimed Burns had no idea who the disgraced financier was.

She also said Burns only met with Epstein because Burns was looking to leave to government sector and wanted advice.

The director did not know anything about him, other than he was introduced as an expert in the financial services sector and offered general advice on the transition to the public sector.

They had no relationship.

Ruemmler scheduled dozens of meetings with Epstein and managed to land a job at Goldman Sachs in 2020 working as an attorney.

Epstein also invited her to visit his private island, Little Saint James, in 2017. This island is the place where numerous underage girls were sexually abused by Epstein.

Not surprisingly, Ruemmler told the Journal she wishes she never met Epstein.

I regret ever knowing Jeffrey Epstein.

Chomsky told the Journal that he had met with Epstein, and the two discussed politics and academia.

As Fox News reported, other figures on the documents related to Epstein’s laptop included: Ariane de Rothschild, chief executive of the Swiss private bank Edmond de Rothschild Group; Joshua Cooper Ramo, who at the time served on the boards of Starbucks Corp. and FedEx Corp; former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak; Harvard University professor Martin Nowak; and anthropologist Helen Fisher.

Epstein was found dead in a jail cell in New York City in 2019 under suspicious circumstances. Before his death, he was awaiting a trial on sex trafficking charges.


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3e0a50 No.39246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777087 (301932ZAPR23) Notable: Sen. Ron Johnson: New Emails Show Tony Blinken Lied to US Senate Under Oath About Meeting with Hunter Biden

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Sen. Ron Johnson: New Emails Show Tony Blinken Lied to US Senate Under Oath About Meeting with Hunter Biden

Senator Ron Johnson joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Johnson dropped a political bomb to open the segment. Senator Johnson opened up by explaining the US Senate was investigating Hunter Biden back in 2019 and 2020 but he did not have “the full support of my committee or the Republican Conference to subpoena the Bidens.” Senate Republicans REFUSED to subpoena the Bidens. They truly are on the other side.

Johnson then told Maria Bartiromo that Anthony Blinken lied to his committee under oath about contacting Hunter Biden. Blinken told Johnson’s committee he did not email Hunter Biden and now Johnson has those emails.

Senator Ron Johnson: What is interesting, Marie, and here’s a little news for you. Anthony Blinken finally did come in and sit down for a voluntary transcribed interview in December of 2020 because he wanted to be secretary of state. And now, because of more information that’s come out, we know that he lied bold face to Congress about never emailing Hunter Biden. My guess is he told a bunch of other lies that hopefully we’ll be able to bring him and his wife back in, tell them to preserve their records. You cannot trust Joe Biden. You cannot trust Hunter Biden. You can’t trust the Biden family. You can’t trust so many of the people that they have surrounded themselves with these made men. I basically agree with that statement…

…What do you do when you have, in effect, co conspirators of the Biden family inside the agencies, inside our intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, the FBI. And you have the political party, the Democrats, who couldn’t care less, have no interest whatsoever in the corruption that is being uncovered bit by bit as we pull back the layers of the onion here… He must preserve his emails. We must get to the bottom of this. We need to show how corrupt these individuals are.


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3e0a50 No.39247

File: 4efd31be797168a⋯.png (297.52 KB,545x774,545:774,Clipboard.png)

File: 92d4b2e2de9912d⋯.png (146 KB,562x446,281:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 366e3bac58ba4d1⋯.png (574.04 KB,821x876,821:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777106 (301937ZAPR23) Notable: Ireland Set to Pass “Hate Speech” Laws as a Jailable Offense – Elon Musk Weighs In

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Ireland Set to Pass “Hate Speech” Laws – Will Make Possessing “Hateful” Content on Your Devices a Jailable Offense – Elon Musk Weighs In

Lawmakers in Ireland passed legislation that will make it a crime to possess “hateful” content on your phone and computer devices which can result in prison time.

The legislation passed the Irish

The West lost its roots in Christianity – This is the replacement.

Here is the transcript of the legislation.


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3e0a50 No.39248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777116 (301939ZAPR23) Notable: Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning 'Hostile Foreign Nations' From Buying Farmland

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Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning 'Hostile Foreign Nations' From Buying Farmland

"This bill protects Texas farmland, oil and gas, rare earth materials and timber from being owned by foreign entities classified as hostile by the Director of U.S. National Intelligence for three consecutive reports. These nations currently include China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran," wrote Sen . Lois Kolkhorst (R) following the passage of her legislation by a vote of 19-12 in the state Senate on April 26.

According to a 2022 threat assessment report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), China, Russia, Iran and North Korea pose the biggest threats to US national security. The report says that the CCP presents "the broadest, most active, and persistent cyber espionage threat to the U.S. Government and private sector networks."

The Texas bill, SB 147, was introduced last November by Kolkhorst, and has the support of Gov. Greg Abbott (R). That said, the language of the original bill was toned down following criticism from some Democrats and locals over the bill banning property purchases of any individual who is "a citizen of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia."

In the final draft, the ban does not apply to lawful permanent residents, US citizens or dual citizens.

The property which the bill applies to includes agricultural land, improvements, mines and quarries, mineral deposits, and standing timber.

It also grants the Texas attorney general the authority to investigate potential violations if "reasonable suspicion" exists that an individual or entity making a property purchase is associated with one of the designated countries.

"Texas is rich in its natural resources and is home to invaluable strategic military bases and installations. With SB 147, we can protect our Texas food supply and energy resources as well," wrote Kolkhorst - who built this legislation to dovetail with SB 2116 - the state's "Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act," which makes it illegal for Texas governments and businesses to make critical infrastructure deals with entities from the banned list.


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3e0a50 No.39249

File: 801bf6ad3248953⋯.png (369.49 KB,595x572,595:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777117 (301939ZAPR23) Notable: 12-year-old student stands up for wearing "there are only two genders" shirt

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🖤🇺🇸 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓪 🇮🇹🖤


Another kid stands up! @MiddleboroughPS

tells him to remove his shirt or go home. This kid has every right to wear that shirt. He wasn’t lying. There ARE only 2 genders. Bravo 👏 kid & your parents too 👏👏👏

Get your kids out of government schools!

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3e0a50 No.39250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777122 (301939ZAPR23) Notable: Taiwan Now Has ‘Real Time’ Intelligence Sharing Link With Five Eyes

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Taiwan Now Has ‘Real Time’ Intelligence Sharing Link With Five Eyes

A Taiwanese official says Taipei has been upgraded its computers to share information with the Five Eyes nations

A Taiwanese national security official said Wednesday that the island now has a “real time” intelligence-sharing link with the Five Eyes, the Western intelligence alliance that includes the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Britain.

Tsai Ming-yen, the director-general of Taiwan’s National Security Bureau, made the comments during a legislative hearing. Tsai confirmed that Taiwan had been upgrading its computer systems to be able to share information with the Five Eyes nations.

“We can connect with the ‘Five Eyes’ alliance through a confidential system,” Tsai said, according to Reuters.

The comments are the latest example of Taiwan’s growing relationship with the US and its allies. The cooperation angers Beijing, which has responded to the increased US support for Taiwan by putting more military pressure on the island.

Also on Wednesday, the Taiwanese Defense Ministry said its upcoming military exercises will focus on breaking a blockade. China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) simulated a blockade around Taiwan in August 2022 in response to then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visiting the island.

China conducted similar drills after Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen recently met with the current House speaker, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), in California, although they weren’t as extensive as the Pelosi exercises.

Taiwan’s Han Kuang exercises will include tabletop drills from May 15 to 19 and live-fire exercises from July 24 to 28.


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3e0a50 No.39251

File: 042745359419f9c⋯.png (341.32 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777126 (301941ZAPR23) Notable: Ex-Mortuary Employee Indicted for Selling Human Body Parts to Satanist

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Ex-Mortuary Employee Indicted for Selling Human Body Parts to Wicked Satanist She Met on Facebook

As Cristina Laila reported in August, a Pennsylvania man was arrested for buying stolen human remains from an Arkansas woman.

“On June 14th, 2022, the East Pennsboro Township Police received a call for suspicious activity located in the 200 block of N. Enola Rd, Enola,” East Pennsboro TWP PD wrote in a news release. “An investigation was conducted and determined that a Jeremy Pauley of Enola was purchasing human body parts from a female in Arkansas. The human remains were located in Enola, Arkansas and Scranton.”

Jeremy Pauley, 40, was arrested and charged with abuse of a corpse, and receiving stolen property among other charges, NBC News reported.

Pauley was released from jail on a $50,000 bond.

Jeremy Pauley posted a photo of human bones on his Facebook page – The photos are no longer live on the platform.

According to ABC News, a spokeswoman for the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock confirmed that the remains were to be donated to UAMS’s facility. UAMS spokeswoman Leslie Taylor said they were instead stolen from Arkansas Central Mortuary Services in Little Rock by a female mortuary employee and sold, adding that there is an open federal investigation.

The New York Post reported:

An Arkansas woman pleaded not guilty to charges she sold stolen body parts from medical school corpses for $11,000 to a Pennsylvania man she met on social media.

Candace Chapman Scott, 36, a former mortuary worker, is accused of selling 20 boxes of body parts to a man she met through a Facebook group about “oddities,” according to the April 5 indictment unsealed Friday in federal court in Little Rock.

Scott pleaded not guilty to 12 counts, including conspiracy to commit mail fraud, mail fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property and interstate transportation of stolen property.

She remains in jail as she awaits a hearing scheduled for Tuesday on whether she will be released on bail.


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3e0a50 No.39252

File: 0082df5354ad703⋯.png (427.19 KB,616x635,616:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777128 (301941ZAPR23) Notable: Child Gender Clinic Trained Teachers To Help Transition Elementary School Kids

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Daily Caller


🚨EXCLUSIVE🚨 from @reaganreese_

Child Gender Clinic Trained Teachers To Help Transition Elementary School Kids


EXCLUSIVE: Child Gender Clinic Trained Teachers To Help Transition Elementary School Kids

A gender clinic met with two Pennsylvania school districts to discuss how to best support children transitioning genders, according to documents.

8:40 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777131 (301941ZAPR23) Notable: Comer Claims Hunter Biden’s Legal Team is Intimidating Witnesses

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Rep. James Comer Claims Hunter Biden’s Legal Team is Intimidating Witnesses

Comer Alleges Biden Legal Team Is Intimidating Witnesses: ‘They Fear For Their Lives’

One of the top Republicans leading the probe into Hunter Biden’s shady business affairs claims that the president’s son’s lawyers are using intimidation tactics against whistleblowers and witnesses.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said that President Joe Biden’s legal team is threatening potential witnesses, making them fear for their lives.

“We’ve got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward. They fear for their lives,” Comer said, adding that the Hunter Biden legal team has been “testing the limits with respect to witness intimidation.”

The Republican is also accusing Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) of serving as an attorney for the Biden family, who was once all about the support of impeaching former President Trump.

“[As] evidence emerges, thanks to us, about wrongdoing within the Biden family, and he then quickly becomes a defense attorney,” Comer continued.

Comer also claimed that Democrat officials in Congress were bankrolling “dark money groups” to destroy the investigation and paying off witnesses, adding that Left-leaning lawyers are pressuring banks to cooperate with the congressional investigation.


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3e0a50 No.39254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777141 (301944ZAPR23) Notable: Tucker @78.7M

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3e0a50 No.39255

File: 5151af5c25823a9⋯.mp4 (4.3 MB,294x170,147:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777157 (301946ZAPR23) Notable: 12-year-old student stands up for wearing "there are only two genders" shirt

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Have a listen.


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3e0a50 No.39256

File: 2463b6c90582aeb⋯.png (52.39 KB,250x202,125:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 078416c19baa8bb⋯.png (293.29 KB,523x485,523:485,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e27266bf75cab4⋯.png (107.8 KB,989x573,989:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777158 (301946ZAPR23) Notable: RFKjr: His Father, Uncle Were Fighting the Military Industrial Complex Before Their Murders

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RFK Jr Says His Father, Uncle Were Fighting the Military Industrial Complex Before Their Murders

The world took a wrong turn down the road of fascistic corporatism after the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, RFK Jr. told Piers Morgan.

2024 Democrat Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Piers Morgan that his father, and uncle (Robert F. Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy) were fighting against the military-industrial complex and the fascistic merger of corporate and state power before they were murdered.

“My father and uncle were fighting against the emergence of the military-industrial complex,” RFK Jr. told Piers Morgan in an interview on Morgan’s television program, “The Talk.”

“Their deaths really marked a fork in the road for our country and the rest of the world,” RFK Jr. went on, adding that “we started down this road towards corporatism, what I call the merger, this corrupt merger of state and corporate power.”

Kennedy Jr. went on in the interview to add that “President Eisenhower wanted us,” just days before John F. Kennedy took office, about the “rise of the military-industrial complex which has turned America into a warfare state abroad and a surveillance state at home.”


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3e0a50 No.39257

File: 7bbaa501e7861b2⋯.png (665.35 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777167 (301948ZAPR23) Notable: McCarthy Arrives in Israel on First International Visit as Speaker

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McCarthy Arrives in Israel on First International Visit as Speaker

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) arrived in Israel on April 30 with a 16-member bipartisan congressional delegation.

He arrived in Israel at about noon local time following an invitation from the Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana. The Knesset is the Israeli parliament.

Ohana welcomed McCarthy and the delegation, saying that he looks forward to strengthening “the connection between our two parliaments.”

He also thanked him for “choosing the Knesset to be the first parliament in the world to visit.”

“It is an honor for us to join you in Jerusalem to celebrate the independence of Israel and to reaffirm the special bond between our nations,” McCarthy said, according to a press statement from the Knesset spokesperson.

Israel celebrated its Independence Day on April 25 and 26.

“In the next 75 years, our important partnership promises to be even stronger than the first 75 years,” McCarthy added.

“My first trip abroad as Speaker will be a return to Israel to commemorate their 75th year of statehood,” he said in a post on Twitter on April 18.

“The U.S.-Israel relationship is as important as ever, and I’m proud to accept [Ohana]’s invitation as the 2nd Speaker of the House in history to address the Knesset.”

House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) spoke before the Knesset 25 years ago, in May 1998.

McCarthy will visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum, on Monday and will address the Knesset in the afternoon.

My first trip abroad as Speaker will be a return to Israel to commemorate their 75th year of statehood.

The US-Israel relationship is as important as ever, and I’m proud to accept @AmirOhana’s invitation as the 2nd Speaker of the House in history to address the Knesset. 🇺🇸🇮🇱

— Kevin McCarthy (@SpeakerMcCarthy) April 18, 2023

The Republican Speaker has been a strong supporter of Israel and has publicly voiced support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu is an Israeli patriot, statesman, and most importantly a great friend of the USA,” he said in a Twitter post on March 30.

“Free societies have vigorous and open debate. Israel is no exception,” he said, adding, “I support [Netanyahu], and America’s support for Israel’s strong, vibrant democracy is unwavering.”

He was referring to the ongoing efforts by Netanyahu’s government to reform the judicial system in Israel, which has faced criticism both inside and outside the country.


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3e0a50 No.39258

File: ca3275693c87702⋯.png (466.94 KB,531x654,177:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777171 (301949ZAPR23) Notable: Dangerous Extremists or Heroic Pepe's?

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>Shills are breathing through paper bags

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3e0a50 No.39259

File: a99ddc07d83ba5a⋯.png (165.5 KB,841x600,841:600,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c7126443438791⋯.png (215.02 KB,874x872,437:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777175 (301949ZAPR23) Notable: Michigan Senate Votes In Favor of Electric Vehicle Plants for Firm That Pledges Allegiance to CCP

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Michigan Senate Votes In Favor of Electric Vehicle Plants for Firm That Pledges Allegiance to Chinese Communist Party.

Michigan’s State Senate has voted in favor of a second Chinese Communist Party-linked (CCP) company to build electric vehicle (EV) battery plants in the state. The Senate Appropriations Committee saw Democratic legislators vote 10-9 in favor of a $175 million grant to Gotion Incorporated for a new $2.4 billion EV battery plant in Mecosta County, north east of Grand Rapids.

Gotion High-Tech.

The Chair of the Michigan GOP, Kristina Karamo, was firm in her denunciation of the grant before the Senate Committee, stating, “[I]f you choose to give this money to Gotion, you are a traitor to this your Republic, you are a traitor to your children.”

Despite the grant being awarded to the American subsidiary of Gotion, based in California, Gotion’s parent company is Gotion High-Tech, which is based in China.

The President and CEO of Gotion High-Tech, Chen Li, recently refused to respond to questions involving his connections to the CCP, including over suspicions of his party membership. The Vice President of the U.S. subsidiary, Chuck Thelen, acknowledged that Li is both the President of the Gotion Inc – the American subsidiary – as well as the parent company, demonstrating a direct CCP influence across all aspects of the company.

Chen Li is a “member of the [Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference] CPPCC of Bathe District in Hefei City,” reads his biography on the globalist World Economic Forum website. In 2018, the U.S. government published a report explaining the CPPCC is a “critical coordinating body” that brings together representative software Chinese Interest groups and is led by the CCP’s Politburo Standing Committee.

Furthermore, the company’s “Articles of Association,” states the company “shall perform its duties in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and other Party regulations.”

Therefore they must, “ensure and supervise the implementation of the Party’s guidelines, principles and policies in the Company, and implement major strategic decisions of the CPC (Communist Party of China) Central Committee, and the State Council as well as relevant important work arrangements of the Party organization at a higher level.”

Gotion must also, according to the CCP, “[s]trengthen the construction of Party organization and Party members at the grass-roots level of the Company.” This means expanding the “Communist Youth League and other mass work of the Company”.


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3e0a50 No.39260

File: 4d2f30f160d3644⋯.png (29.12 KB,1390x198,695:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777180 (301950ZAPR23) Notable: Hunter Forced to Appear in Arkansas re Child Support Battle

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Daddy Dearest: Hunter Forced to Appear

in Arkansas in Fight Over His Child’s

Name and Support

Jonathanturley.org, by Jonathan Turley

Posted By: earlybird, 4/30/2023 3:28:21 PM

On Monday, Hunter Biden will finally make it to Arkansas. The Natural State is not a Biden family favorite but there is one thing that would ordinarily be an attraction: Biden’s daughter Navy Joan. In the Biden family, the four-year-old girl remains “she who must not be named” literally. Not only has President Biden refused to refer to her as a grandchild or even include a Christmas stocking with the other children, her father Hunter is fighting to prevent her from using the Biden name. Indeed, the only reason that Hunter is coming to the same state with his daughter is to seek to limit his child support.

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3e0a50 No.39261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777188 (301951ZAPR23) Notable: Children's Hospital Shows Videos w/Adults Talking To Young Kids About Transgenderism, Premarital Sex

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Hospital Video Series Features Adults Talking To Young Kids About Transgenderism, ‘Exploring’ Their Bodies Before Sex

Lurie Children’s Hospital created a series of videos in which adults talk to children about transgenderism, pronouns, sexual orientation and other sexual subjects.

Several of the children in these videos identify as transgender and, upon prompting from adult interviewers, recite activist talking points such as denying that transgenderism is caused by social contagion or saying their transgender identity developed in very early childhood.

“My birth parents said that I was a girl but they made a mistake … I wasn’t a girl or a boy,” one young child said, noting that she was “at least five or six” before realizing she was non-binary.

The Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago created a video series in which adults discussed transgenderism and sexual topics with children as young as nine, some of whom identified as transgender themselves.

The “Never Fear” video series on Lurie’s website includes videos of one-on-one talks between adults and children about touching oneself, “exploring” other people’s bodies, same-sex relationships and coming out as transgender. The hospital was previously subject to blowback over its partnerships with local schools, through which it promoted chest binders, LGBT-oriented sex toys and sex tips for “queer” people.

The series features a video of an 11-year-old discussing “exploring” one’s own body before having sexual encounters with other people. One clip shows a young girl explaining what sexual orientation means, and other videos in the series feature older adolescents and young adults discussing topics such as abortion, AIDS and birth control.

Lurie’s Children’s Hospital did not respond to a for comment, but the hospital’s video series has since been made private, meaning they’re inaccessible to the general public. The Daily Caller News Foundation, however, has archived versions of the videos mentioned in this story.

In some of the videos featuring young children who identify as transgender, adults prompt them to say things that closely align with the talking points of transgender activists: that their transgender identity developed in early childhood, for example, or that it wasn’t caused by peer influence.

In one “Never Fear” video, a 13-year-old who goes by “they/them” pronouns said that spending time around transgender people was good for young people because it could help them discover that they’re transgender too.

“A lot of parents think that if their kids are around gender diverse people that they’re going to somehow turn trans,” the child said. “You don’t turn trans, you just discover that you are trans.”


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3e0a50 No.39262

File: db113a10ad81201⋯.png (29.02 KB,1056x222,176:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777192 (301952ZAPR23) Notable: Men competing in women's sports: they are males but they're not MEN

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They are Males, but They’re Not Men

Townhall, by Mark Lewis

Posted By: mc squared, 4/30/2023 2:42:17 PM

I’m not a small guy, but I’m not excessively large, either. I’m 6 feet, 1 inch tall, and weigh about 190 pounds. Big, but not monstrous. But I’m big enough to beat up most 10-year-olds. I suspect if I were to pick a fight with a 10-year-old boy, I could win. I could knock him to the ground, kick him, stomp on him awhile, leave him moaning in pain, and then prance around, my arms raised in victory, glorying in my “achievement” of slaughtering somebody half my size. Wouldn’t I be wonderful? Since I am physically superior to nearly every 10-year-old boy in the world,

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3e0a50 No.39263

File: 333d5f6326574da⋯.png (344.3 KB,740x890,74:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777199 (301954ZAPR23) Notable: Q still alive and well, VICE still cares about us! (KEK)

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Q Is Dead, Long Live QAnon

Q from the QAnon conspiracy is posting again. But even the most diehard followers don’t really seem to care.

by Mack Lamoureux by David Gilbert

November 15, 2022, 10:26am

As the expected red wave failed to materialize in the midterms last week and former President Donald Trump baselessly claimed the election had been stolen (again), new Q drops landed.

Usually new communiqués from Q during a pivotal moment in American politics would send shockwaves through the QAnon conspiracy community. It would be shared everywhere and endlessly broken down to find hidden meaning buried with the short, staccato sentences.

This time around, however, there was a different reaction: tumbleweeds.

Other than the most diehard followers, no one really seemed to care. The mysterious, titular figure at the centre of the massive conspiracy which posits that Trump is fighting a secretive war against pedophilic elites and has burrowed its way into millions of Americans brains has seemingly lost his mojo.

The new Q drops, four in all, were messages supposedly coming from the person or persons who created the QAnon movement, barely registered a ripple of interest among the community. Influencers, who have built up huge followings within the movement, largely ignored it. The hardcore QAnon believers on 8kun, where Q drops are posted, responded with derision, claiming the post was fake. And most of the rest of the world simply didn’t even know anything had happened.

"A new Q-drop was a frenzy. You'd have people on Reddit, on Twitter, on 8chan immediately picking it apart. You'd have long threads discussing what it actually meant," Mike Rothschild, a conspiracy researcher who wrote a book on the QAnon movement, told VICE News. "It must have been like what getting the Bible in real time, like ‘wow, we've got more, our gurus telling us more.’ Now everybody's moved on and Q returning I think really only highlights that."

But that lack of interest doesn’t mean that the QAnon movement is going anywhere. It seems that the new message was ignored because the QAnon movement has moved past requiring new Q drops to bolster itself. QAnon is now a self-sustaining conspiracy movement, buoyed by a growing army of faithful believers, a posse of influencers who seek to profit from keeping the conspiracy alive, and, most importantly, thanks to the mainstreaming of QAnon conspiracies by major figures within the Republican Party, lead primarily by Trump. To say it simply: QAnon has grown beyond needing Q.

The response to the midterm Q drops may at first glance appear to suggest that QAnon is dead or dying, but the opposite appears true. New survey data published last month reveals that the number of Americans who believe in QAnon conspiracies has risen in the last 12 months while the number of people who flat out reject the wild conspiracies has fallen.


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3e0a50 No.39264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777205 (301955ZAPR23) Notable: Massive Explosions have rocked the City of Pavlohrad in the Donetsk Region

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Multiple Massive Explosions have rocked the City of Pavlohrad in the Donetsk Region of Eastern Ukraine; Initial Reports that Russian S-300 Missiles have struck a Rail Yard and a Ukrainian Arms Depot on the Outskirts of the City.



Multiple Massive Explosions have rocked the City of Pavlohrad in the Donetsk Region of Eastern Ukraine; Initial Reports that Russian S-300 Missiles have struck a Rail Yard and a Ukrainian Arms Depot on the Outskirts of the OSINTdefender


Multiple Massive Explosions have rocked the City of Pavlohrad in the Donetsk Region of Eastern Ukraine; Initial Reports that Russian S-300 Missiles have struck a Rail Yard and a Ukrainian Arms Depot on the Outskirts of the City.City./1652762412867616770OSINTdefender


Multiple Massive Explosions have rocked the City of Pavlohrad in the Donetsk Region of Eastern Ukraine; Initial Reports that Russian S-300 Missiles have struck a Rail Yard and a Ukrainian Arms Depot on the Outskirts of the City.

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3e0a50 No.39265

File: cad729d3d0ca7ab⋯.png (458.9 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 71e1e537de91c1c⋯.png (356.04 KB,634x287,634:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 03e59eb79553711⋯.png (514.81 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fc9b8e647dbe05⋯.png (513.56 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d2ab869981726c⋯.png (425.27 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777210 (301956ZAPR23) Notable: Huge 'SatanCon' convention sparks furious protests from religious groups in Boston

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Huge 'SatanCon' devil-worshipping convention sparks furious protests from religious groups in angry scenes in Boston

Hundreds of Satanists have descended on Boston for 'the largest Satanic gathering in history'

Several furious religious groups are 'ambushing' the event, with one saying they plan to use 'intense prayer' to counter the Devil worshippers

Counter-events have been set up across the city, while large numbers of protestors are gathered outside the conference

Furious Christian groups are attempting to shut down the 'largest Satanic gathering in history' after hundreds of The Satanic Temple's members descended on Boston.

The annual SatanCon festival arrived in town on Friday to celebrate the organization's 10-year anniversary, kicking off with a bizarre opening ceremony that saw speakers tear up the bible and perform 'un-baptisms'.

But the arrival of the Devil worshippers on the East Coast has sparked backlash from religious groups, with crowds gathering Saturday to stage a series of demonstrations across the city and combat the hellish three-day event with 'intense prayer'.

It comes after Dr Jaymz Sideras, the leader of religious group Revive Boston, warned: 'While they think they are coming to ambush Boston, little do they know that God has planned to ambush them.'

His organization is hosting a counter-event at the Revere Hotel Boston Common, less than a mile from the Satanist convention at the Boston Marriott Copley Place.

Tempers flared as the conference headed into its second day, with white nationalist group Patriot Front seen brandishing crucifixes.


Fed bois

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3e0a50 No.39266

File: ba0d643da099da7⋯.png (328.91 KB,599x583,599:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777213 (301956ZAPR23) Notable: Moderna teams up with IBM to put A.I., quantum computing to work on mRNA technology used in vaccines

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Moderna teams up with IBM to put A.I., quantum computing to work on mRNA technology used in vaccines


Moderna teams up with IBM to put A.I., quantum computing to work on mRNA technology used in vaccines

Moderna's partnership with IBM comes as the drugmaker navigates its post-pandemic boom driven by its mRNA Covid vaccine.

8:55 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39267

File: 169c95a4b680b3d⋯.png (413.79 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777215 (301957ZAPR23) Notable: The Number Of Jailed Journalists Reaches Record High

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The Number Of Jailed Journalists Reaches Record High

As Statista’s Martin Armstrong reports, some 363 journalists were imprisoned in 30 different countries last year, according to data from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

By 2021, the number of detainees had already exceeded 300 – roughly doubling since 2015. An alarming trend that, according to the experts, is a sign of the deterioration of press freedom worldwide.

In 2022, the largest number of journalists were held in an Iranian prison (62 people), in China (43), and Myanmar, where 42 people were locked away at the end of the year.

Developments in Eastern Europe are also cause for concern – the arrest of Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich by Russian authorities one recent indicator of the situation there. Gershkovich was arrested while reporting on the Ukraine war and is the first U.S. journalist since the end of the Cold War to be detained on espionage charges in Russia.


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3e0a50 No.39268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777223 (301958ZAPR23) Notable: California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

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California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

Teachers from a California middle school are suing officials in their school district in federal court over policies that they say force them to conceal the transgender status of young students from parents.

The lawsuit happens to come after President Joe Biden’s remarks earlier this month in support of the nation’s teacher of the year angered parents by suggesting government knows best when it comes to the raising of children.

Biden quoted the teacher when he said, “There’s no such thing as someone else’s child.” The president then said, “Our nation’s children are all our children.”

The legal complaint (pdf) in the new case, Mirabelli v. Olson, was filed April 27 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. The teachers involved in the lawsuit are devout Christians.

The defendants are officials with the Escondido Union School District (EUSD), which is in San Diego County, and officials with the California State Board of Education.

The lawsuit was prompted by the K-8 school district’s recent policies affecting transgender or gender-diverse students.

The policies require teachers to assist in a student’s transgender “social transition” by accepting a child’s assertion of a transgender or gender-diverse identity and using during school hours any pronouns or a gender-specific name requested by a student.

At the same time, the policies also require teachers to revert to biological pronouns and legal names when speaking with parents in order to cover up information about a child’s purported gender identity from the child’s parents, according to the Thomas More Society, a nonprofit public interest law firm that filed the lawsuit.

“All of this is to be done without parent or guardian agreement or knowledge,” said Paul Jonna, Thomas More Society special counsel and a partner at LiMandri and Jonna.


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3e0a50 No.39269

File: bbc97ae5bb33855⋯.png (759.72 KB,935x3090,187:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777224 (301958ZAPR23) Notable: Men competing in women's sports: they are males but they're not MEN

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….when a male, who by nature is physically superior to every true woman competing, wins against those women, he is celebrated as if he has done something magnificent—as long as he calls himself a “woman”. He gets to raise his arms in victory, dance his dance, act like he is proud of himself for doing something amazing. And the world celebrates his “accomplishment.”

All because he SAYS he is a woman. Without one iota of physical proof, indeed, against all physical proof. Just say, “I am a woman,” and he becomes one. And he can gain victory after victory against female athletes who have sacrificed so much to train as diligently as possible, but can never be as physically capable as he is simply because nature (God) didn’t make them that way.

He isn’t a woman. He’s a male, but not a MAN.

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3e0a50 No.39270

File: 4c19ed613558fbd⋯.png (235.04 KB,703x371,703:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777240 (302002ZAPR23) Notable: California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

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Heavy Digger





Trump 2024

California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents


California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero


Link Feed

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3e0a50 No.39271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777253 (302005ZAPR23) Notable: California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

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War Crime: Ukraine Uses Chemical Weapons In Bakhmut

Four Ukrainian servicemen equipped with antichemical protection and gas-helmets were spotted installing cans with an unidentified chemicals close to the front lines in the Western part of Bakhmut.

The video was shared by Russian sources, which claimed that the group of Ukrainian servicemen was destroyed after it was spotted by Russian UAV.

The Russian military has already reported cases of deployment of chemical weapons by the AFU on the Donbass front lines. On April 22, such reports came from Bakhmut. Russian military reporters in the war-torn city claimed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had already used chemical weapons there before and do not stop their criminal attacks. That time, the Ukrainian military used unidentified gas with no smell which causes epilepsy. Ukrainian forces fire at the advancing Wagner forces with gas cylinders either from RPGs or from mortars. Such shells collapse and spray chemicals. The chemical weapons of the AFU are likely produced with the support of foreign NATO-member states. While the so-called international community turns a blind eye to the war crimes of the terrorist Kiev regime, Ukrainian fighters are paying for them with their lives on the front line.


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3e0a50 No.39272

File: f19269a8b7f09d2⋯.png (1.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777268 (302007ZAPR23) Notable: Trudeau meets with Alex Soros

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Trudeau meets with Alex Soros- son of George Soros- and fellow 'globalists' to discuss climate aid for poor countries

In February, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $44.8 million to tackle climate change in the Caribbean, as part of the Bridgetown Initiative.

On April 26, the U.N. Secretary-General and the Prime Minister of Barbados convened in New York to discuss mechanisms to distribute climate aid to poorer countries.

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres and Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley met with academics, civil servants and heads of state, including Dr. Alex Soros and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, to "advance immediate game-changing steps and longer-term reform" on climate financing.

"The international financial architecture is short-sighted, crisis-prone, and bears no relation to today's economic reality," said Guterres in a press release.

"Building a fair, equal, and peaceful future, with clean air and clean water for everyone, is at the heart of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and reflects the vision of the Global Citizen NOW summit," added Trudeau.

According to the 2023 Financing for Sustainable Development Report, 52 low- and middle-income developing economies are either in debt distress or at high risk of debt distress, accounting for more than 40% of the world's poorest people.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) states poorer countries like Barbados face significant risks from climate change, citing "more frequent and intense" hurricanes, rising sea levels, and coastal erosion.

"If countries cannot access the finance they need at rates they can afford, the world will lose the battle, not simply the countries," added Mottley, who wants to revolutionize how the developing world receives climate aid.

In July 2022, Mottley convened a high-level retreat in Bridgetown, the island nation's capital, which led to the Bridgetown Initiative — a call to action to address the "immediate financial needs" of climate change.

Since then, the United Nations has claimed progress on "multiple fronts," including an agreement to establish a loss and damage fund during the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP27), with the terms to be agreed upon at COP28 in 2023.


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3e0a50 No.39273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777286 (302011ZAPR23) Notable: JPMORGAN AND PNC SUBMITTING FINAL BID FOR FIRST REPUBLIC IN FDIC AUCTION - SOURCE $FRC

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Breaking Stocks 🎢




[JPM will win this one]

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3e0a50 No.39274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777334 (302019ZAPR23) Notable: #23042-A

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#23042-A >>39218

>>39219, >>39227, >>39228, >>39232, >>39237 anons conjecture on eclipse, Coronation, Trump Scotland visit

>>39220 PlaneFag CONUS Activity-Trudope to Toronto for "private meetings", some high level SAMs left JBA, 45's G650 back to PBI from Morristown

>>39221 Archaeologists unearthed a rare sculpture of a powerful Mayan god near the path of a large-scale rail project

>>39222, >>39229 Swarms of quakes shake Salton Sea region in Southern California

>>39223 Cessna 172 Crashed last night in Bel Air. lookin for deets

>>39224 #ICYMI: We have dismantled a network of criminal cash couriers that laundered more than £100m by smuggling it out of the UK to Dubai.

>>39225 Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks loses composure when pressed about government fraud, waste, and abuse.

>>39226, >>39240, >>39241 JOE M's THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD (REMASTERED)

>>39231 So just to be clear, you just said you believe Antony Blinken lied to you under oath.

>>39233 Maricopa Audit. All ballots need this watermark or they do not count.

>>39234 RudyG: WARNINGS From "1984" and "Brave New World" You Must Hear

>>39235 The South Carolina GOP establishment (also known as RINO Republicans) are playing games

>>39236 Welcome Home! Vietnam War Commemoration: A Nation Honors our Vietnam Veterans and their Families

baker change

>>39238 Moderna under fire as CEO earned nearly $400 million in stock options, got 50% raise last year

>>39239 Yale Law School Accepted a Donation for Clarence Thomas's Portrait. 5 years later, no painting.

>>39242 Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay

>>39243 The Boss popped into a Mar-a-Lago wedding & chatted up the bride and groom

>>39245, >>39244, >>39230 Private Calendar Reveals Epstein met with Biden’s CIA Spy chief and Other Leftists AFTER Sex Crimes Conviction

>>39246 Sen. Ron Johnson: New Emails Show Tony Blinken Lied to US Senate Under Oath About Meeting with Hunter Biden

>>39247 Ireland Set to Pass “Hate Speech” Laws as a Jailable Offense – Elon Musk Weighs In

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3e0a50 No.39275

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777341 (302020ZAPR23) Notable: #23042-B

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>>39248 Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning 'Hostile Foreign Nations' From Buying Farmland

>>39249, >>39255 12-year-old student stands up for wearing "there are only two genders" shirt

>>39250 Taiwan Now Has ‘Real Time’ Intelligence Sharing Link With Five Eyes

>>39251 Ex-Mortuary Employee Indicted for Selling Human Body Parts to Satanist

>>39252 Child Gender Clinic Trained Teachers To Help Transition Elementary School Kids

>>39253 Comer Claims Hunter Biden’s Legal Team is Intimidating Witnesses

>>39254 Tucker @78.7M

>>39256 RFKjr: His Father, Uncle Were Fighting the Military Industrial Complex Before Their Murders

>>39257 McCarthy Arrives in Israel on First International Visit as Speaker

>>39258 Dangerous Extremists or Heroic Pepe's?

>>39259 Michigan Senate Votes In Favor of Electric Vehicle Plants for Firm That Pledges Allegiance to CCP

>>39260 Hunter Forced to Appear in Arkansas re Child Support Battle

>>39261 Children's Hospital Shows Videos w/Adults Talking To Young Kids About Transgenderism, Premarital Sex

>>39262, >>39269 Men competing in women's sports: they are males but they're not MEN

>>39263 Q still alive and well, VICE still cares about us! (KEK)

>>39264 Massive Explosions have rocked the City of Pavlohrad in the Donetsk Region

>>39265 Huge 'SatanCon' convention sparks furious protests from religious groups in Boston

>>39266 Moderna teams up with IBM to put A.I., quantum computing to work on mRNA technology used in vaccines

>>39267 The Number Of Jailed Journalists Reaches Record High

>>39268, >>39270 California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

>>39271 California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

>>39272 Trudeau meets with Alex Soros



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3e0a50 No.39276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777388 (302028ZAPR23) Notable: U.S. confiscated Iranian oil on a tanker in recent days, Iran responded by seizing another oil-laden tanker in retaliation

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US Confiscation of Iranian Oil Cargo Preceded ‘Advantage Sweet’ Tanker Seizure

Reuters April 28, 2023

WASHINGTON, April 28 (Reuters) – The U.S. confiscated Iranian oil on a tanker at sea in recent days in a sanctions enforcement operation, three sources said, and days later Iran seized another oil-laden tanker in retaliation, according to a maritime security firm.

As oil markets remain jittery, the cargo seizure is the latest escalation between Washington and Tehran after years of sanctions pressure by the U.S. over Iran’s nuclear program. Iran does not recognize the sanctions, and its oil exports have been rising.

Tehran says its nuclear program is for civilian purposes while Washington suspects Iran wants to develop a nuclear bomb.

Maritime security company Ambrey said the U.S. confiscation took place at least five days before Iran’s action on Thursday. “Ambrey has assessed the seizure by the Iranian Navy to be in response to the U.S. action,” it said in an advisory to clients.

“Both tankers were Suezmax-sized. Iran has previously responded tit-for-tat following seizures of Iranian oil cargo.”

The sources familiar with the matter, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the issue, said Washington took control of the oil cargo aboard the Marshall Islands tanker Suez Rajan after securing an earlier court order. The tanker’s last reported position was near southern Africa on April 22, ship tracking data showed.

The vessel’s Greece-based manager, Empire Navigation, and the U.S. Department of Justice did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The U.S. Navy said Iran seized the Marshall Islands-flagged tanker, Advantage Sweet, in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday, the latest seizure or attack by Tehran on commercial vessels in sensitive Gulf waters.

Iranian state TV said on Friday the tanker ignored radio calls for eight hours following a collision with an Iranian boat, which left several crewmen injured and three missing.”Before using force, we tried to call the vessel …to stop but they did not cooperate,” Iranian deputy navy commander Rear Admiral Mostafa Tajodini told the broadcaster.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was aware of the Gulf of Oman seizure and reaffirmed support for international maritime law, a U.N. spokesperson said on Friday.

Last year the U.S. tried to confiscate a cargo of Iranian oil near Greece, which prompted Tehran to seize two Greek tankers in the Gulf. Greece’s supreme court ordered the cargo returned to Iran. The two Greek tankers were later released.

In a step likely to exacerbate tensions, 12 U.S. senators on Thursday urged President Joe Biden to remove Treasury Department policy hurdles that have prevented the Department of Homeland Security from seizing Iranian oil shipments for more than a year.

In 2020, Washington confiscated four cargoes of Iranian fuel aboard foreign ships that were bound for Venezuela and transferred them with the help of undisclosed foreign partners onto two other ships which then sailed to the U.S.

(Reporting by Jonathan Saul in London, Timothy Gardner in Washington, additional reporting by Michelle Nichols in New York and Dubai buro; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)


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3e0a50 No.39277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777442 (302040ZAPR23) Notable: Russian oil is still powering Europe with help from India

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Russian Oil Still Powering Europe’s Cars With Help of India

By Prejula Prem and Sharon Cho (Bloomberg) — April 28, 2023

Russian oil is still powering Europe — just with the help of India.

Back in December, the European Union barred almost any seaborne crude oil imports from Russia. It extended the prohibition to refined fuels two months later.

However, the rules didn’t prevent countries like India from snapping up cheap Russian crude, turning it into fuels like diesel, and shipping it back to Europe at a markup.

The Asian country is on track to become Europe’s largest supplier of refined fuels this month while simultaneously buying record amounts of Russian crude, according to data compiled by Bloomberg from analytics firm Kpler.

“Russian oil is finding its way back into Europe despite all the sanctioning and India ramping up fuel exports to the west is a good example of it,” said Viktor Katona, lead crude analyst at the firm. “With India taking in so much Russian barrels, it’s inevitable.”

The development is double-edged for the EU. On the one hand, the bloc needs alternative sources of diesel now that it has cut off direct flows from Russia, previously its top supplier. However, it ultimately boosts demand for Moscow’s barrels, and means extra freight costs.

It also means more competition for Europe’s oil refiners who can’t access cheap Russian crude, and comes amid wider market scrutiny about where the region’s diesel imports are coming from.

Repsol SA’s Chief Executive Officer Josu Jon Imaz said on Thursday that Russian diesel is entering Europe illegally and called on authorities to clamp down on the activity. He wasn’t talking about the trade via India but flows of diesel that originated in Russia.

A preliminary inquiry into the matter by Spanish authorities didn’t find evidence that Russian diesel was entering the country, a government official said Friday, adding that a probe is ongoing.

Europe’s refined fuel imports from India are set to surge above 360,000 barrels a day, edging just ahead of those of Saudi Arabia, Kpler’s data show.

Russian crude oil arrivals to India are expected to surpass 2 million barrels a day in April, representing almost 44% of the nation’s overall oil imports, according to Kpler data.

More than half of Russia’s seaborne oil shipments were to the European Union and Group of Seven nations before the bloc began to cut purchases in response to the nation’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022.

–With assistance from Rodrigo Orihuela and Rachel Graham.


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3e0a50 No.39278

File: 65ea0e790695a74⋯.png (45.42 KB,585x372,195:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777449 (302040ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump responds to April 11th Kayleigh McEnany post

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Did Trump btfo Kayleigh?


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3e0a50 No.39279

File: c1d14de1a50432c⋯.mp4 (15.19 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777476 (302044ZAPR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson acknowledging his incorrect stance on Iraq war and recognizing the propaganda tactics he used, realizes this is commonplace in media MP4

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So in the last 2 weeks of Tucker, he had Trump, Elon, and RFK Jr

Shareholders have a strong case that Fox News abrogated their fiduciary duty by firing this massive moneymaking talent

fiduciary duty

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3e0a50 No.39280

File: 786b65b83c22eaa⋯.png (872.74 KB,598x899,598:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777479 (302045ZAPR23) Notable: Is Hellmann's food using bio engineered ingredients?

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Catturd ™


Check everything you use - they’re all trying to slip it past you.

Quote Tweet





Sorry @Hellmanns …it was a great relationship while it lasted

Too bad you caved to "bio engineered food"

#TruthInMedicine #BioEngineered #GMO


9:39 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39281

File: dabaca4a3fddc0b⋯.png (277.2 KB,594x616,27:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777490 (302047ZAPR23) Notable: The strategy behind the left's defund the police movement was to exert pressure on conservative law enforcement officers to depart from major urban areas

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Ray Dietrich


100% accurate take from @Timcast

The strategy behind the left's defund the police movement was to exert pressure on conservative law enforcement officers to depart from major urban areas, thereby opening the door for a new generation of officers who would operate under more progressive policies.

You're not going to like the end of this story…

9:37 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39282

File: b6fde6f91196916⋯.png (504.96 KB,611x558,611:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777518 (302053ZAPR23) Notable: Chelsea Clinton says banning sexually explicit books from schools is harmful to children

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The Gateway Pundit


Chelsea Clinton Says Banning Sexually Explicit Books From Schools is “Harmful” to Children


Chelsea Clinton Says Banning Sexually Explicit Books From Schools is "Harmful" to Children | The…

Chelsea Clinton came out in favor of porn for children.

9:50 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39283

File: d071dddbdadff12⋯.png (1 MB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777529 (302055ZAPR23) Notable: Chelsea Clinton says banning sexually explicit books from schools is harmful to children

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Over 50% of the attempted book bans last year involved books with LGBTQ+ characters & themes. Books are a vital way that children, adolescents and adults learn about themselves and our world. Bans such as these are nothing but harmful:


Over half of 2022's most challenged books have LGBTQ themes

The American Library Association last year reported the highest number of attempted book bans since it began tracking such attempts in 2001.

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3e0a50 No.39284

File: 735b3d54020e8a6⋯.png (374.83 KB,597x555,199:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777534 (302056ZAPR23) Notable: Lingering mystery of the response to COVID, why were we presented with an onslaught of TikTok videos of nurses performing well-choreographed dance routines in hospitals across the world

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Michael P Senger


One of the lingering mysteries of the response to COVID is why we were presented with this onslaught of high-production-value TikTok videos of nurses performing well-choreographed dance routines in hospitals across the world in 2020. Theories welcome.


Dr. Simon Goddek

8:16 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39285

File: 30dc28a90b9a9f4⋯.png (26.9 KB,595x247,595:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777597 (302111ZAPR23) Notable: @TomFitton: Rothschild bank caught lying about Epstein meetings "Mrs. de Rothschild, who married into the famous banking family, had more than dozen meetings with Epstein"

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Tom Fitton


WOW: Rothschild bank caught lying about Epstein meetings…

"Mrs. de Rothschild, who married into the famous banking family, had more than dozen meetings with Epstein…In 2019, after Epstein was arrested, bank said Mrs. de Rothschild never met w/Epstein and it had no business links with him. The bank acknowledged to the Journal its earlier statement wasn’t accurate." https://wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-calendar-cia-director-goldman-sachs-noam-chomsky-c9f6a3ff?st=gyl9pk0lxtnc1dw&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink

5:51 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39286

File: 2081f4161b47748⋯.png (224.65 KB,597x604,597:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777706 (302128ZAPR23) Notable: Dr. Dan McDyer on the alarming increase in irregular bleeding & cancers: "The majority of patients have a laxity of the lower uterine segment, some are qualifying as postpartum hemorrhages."

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Chief Nerd


🚨 OB/GYN Dr. Dan McDyer on the Alarming Increase in Irregular Bleeding & Cancers He Is Seeing in His Practice Since 2021

"There's a distinct difference that I've seen over the past year to year and a half. The majority of patients have a laxity of the lower uterine segment and some are actually qualifying as postpartum hemorrhages."




4:27 AM · Apr 30, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777718 (302130ZAPR23) Notable: Lt. General Flynn: When it comes to certain people, nothing is done without intention. @RichardGrenell trust that something is in the works.

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LTG (R) Mike Flynn


When it comes to certain people, nothing is done without intention.

@RichardGrenell trust that something is in the works.

Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell

NBC has failed to cover the secret hand of Susan Rice for the last few years.

She’s plotted at State and the intel agencies without scrutiny.

She leaves the White House with world chaos in her wake. twitter.com/natashakorecki…



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3e0a50 No.39288

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777743 (302134ZAPR23) Notable: Senator Ron Johnson: We now have evidence that show Blinken boldface lied while under oath, he knew everything that Hunter was doing in Ukraine & Burisma

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5 hours ago

Ron Johnson: We now have evidence that show Blinken boldface lied while under oath.

Blinken worked in the US in 2015, and he knew everything that Hunter was doing in Ukraine & Burisma


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3e0a50 No.39289

File: 02ef32cf3baf40a⋯.png (420.38 KB,684x465,228:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777762 (302136ZAPR23) Notable: PNC and JPMorgan putting in finals bids for First Republic Bank in FDIC auction

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PNC, JP Morgan putting in final bids for First Republic Bank in FDIC auction

PNC Financial Services Group (PNC.N) and JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) were among banks set to submit final bids for First Republic Bank (FRC.N) by midday Sunday in an auction being run by U.S. regulators, sources familiar with the matter said.

Citizens Financial Group Inc (CFG.N) was another bidder in the final phase of the process, according to one of the sources familiar with the matter.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp is expected to announce a deal on Sunday night before Asian markets open, with the regulator likely to say at the same time that it had seized the lender, three sources previously told Reuters. U.S. regulators have been trying to clinch a sale of First Republic over the weekend, with roughly half a dozen banks bidding, sources said on Saturday, in what is likely to be the third major U.S. bank to fail in two months. Guggenheim Securities is advising the FDIC, two sources familiar with the matter said on Saturday.

Citizens Financial Group Inc (CFG.N) was another bidder vying for the bank, according to sources familiar with the matter on Saturday.

FDIC was not immediately available for comment. Guggenheim, FRC and the banks declined to comment. A deal for First Republic would come less than two months after Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failed amid a deposit flight from U.S. lenders, forcing the Federal Reserve to step in with emergency measures to stabilize markets.

While markets have since calmed, a deal for First Republic would be closely watched for the amount of support the government needs to provide.

The FDIC officially insures deposits up to $250,000. But fearing further bank runs, regulators took the exceptional step of insuring all deposits at both Silicon Valley Bank and Signature.

It remains to be seen whether regulators would have to do so at First Republic as well. They would need approval by the Treasury secretary, the president and super-majorities of the boards of the Federal Reserve and the FDIC. In trying to find a buyer before closing the bank, the FDIC is turning to some of the largest U.S. lenders. Large banks had been encouraged to bid for FRC's assets, one of the sources said.


>>38780, >>38890 pb First Republic Bank/FDIC official announcement coming on Sunday and no FDIC intervention the big 6 "buying it" after picking over it's carcass

Exactly as predicted-37 post nogger had themselves and several here thinking this was done and dusted on Friday night (with no posted story)

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3e0a50 No.39290

File: 56a1dbd14856f2e⋯.png (6.88 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,Clipboard.png)

File: 1138271c45490e9⋯.png (1 MB,1123x1218,1123:1218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777788 (302141ZAPR23) Notable: Clockfag April 30 - Who will be next? Access Kills: CIA's William Burns, Goldman's Kathryn Ruemmler, Noam Chomsky, a Kissinger consultant, a Rothschild, and others met with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in the years after his conviction

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QClock April 30, 2023 - Who Will Be Next?


JUST IN - CIA's William Burns, Goldman's Kathryn Ruemmler, Noam Chomsky, a Kissinger consultant, a Rothschild, and others met with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in the years after his conviction.

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3e0a50 No.39291

File: febfd8a20a5202e⋯.png (241.76 KB,1327x1159,1327:1159,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ae35eb967601d7⋯.png (1.12 MB,1308x976,327:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 80b9b462ba7c791⋯.png (751.57 KB,1288x1021,1288:1021,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777790 (302146ZAPR23) Notable: Former executive VP of operations at TruthSocial gave over 150,000 documents and emails to the Feds, now working as minimum wage barista

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'I knew the risks': Whistleblower executive who handed feds 150,000 docs about Trump's Truth Social now works as Starbucks barista for $16 an hour

Will Wilkerson was fired as an executive VP at Donald Trump's Truth Social after giving 150,000 emails and documents to federal and state investigators

He now works as a barista for $16/hour at a Starbucks location in North Carolina, as he has now turned into a federally-protected whistleblower

After applying for other jobs only Starbucks called him back with other companies shunning him given the drama he became embroiled in


PUBLISHED: 00:55 EDT, 30 April 2023 | UPDATED: 01:55 EDT, 30 April 2023

Will Wilkerson, 38, a former executive who was vice president of operations for the Trump Media and Technology Group, overseeing the development of Truth Social is now working as a barista trainer at Starbucks in North Carolina in a $16-an-hour job.

He was fired six months ago by Trump after giving 150,000 internal documents, contracts, and emails to the Securities and Exchange Commission and federal and state investigators.

Wilkerson's high-paying job with Trump together with stock options had the potential to make him a millionaire, but he decided to distance himself from the Truth Social platform after he became concerned that investors in the company might be at risk of losing their investments.

Despite the earning potential he had while working for Trump, Wilkerson said he's more focused on doing what's right.

'I made the conscious decision. I knew the risks … especially in regards to retaliation. But I don't think I could have sat back and stayed quiet, even if I was compensated handsomely for doing so. I'm here and I'm not going away' he told the Washington Post. 'Ultimately, you know, I just want to do what's right.'

After contacting investigators in New York and Florida he accused the Trump Media and Technology Group of violating securities laws revealing inconsistencies in the company's expenses that could put shareholders at risk. Wilkerson has now become a federally-protected whistleblower.

Despite the earning potential he had while working for Trump, Wilkerson chose to prioritize doing 'what's right.'

Among the emails submitted to investigators is an exchange between Wilkerson and fellow co-founder Andy Litinsky, who was allegedly fired as payback for refusing to hand over some of his shares, worth millions of dollars, to former first lady Melania Trump, according to the Post.

Part 1 of 2

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3e0a50 No.39292

File: 03e58434c3426cf⋯.png (631.25 KB,1297x1029,1297:1029,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a27f8b8ada659c⋯.png (1.39 MB,1086x1782,181:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777792 (302148ZAPR23) Notable: Former executive VP of operations at TruthSocial gave over 150,000 documents and emails to the Feds, now working as minimum wage barista

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>39291 - Part 1

Part 2

Trump had already been given 90 percent of the company’s shares in exchange for the use of his name and some minor involvement.

Wilkerson was fired with the company explaining he had 'concocted psychodramas.'

This month, the company's chief executive, former Republican congressman Devin Nunes, sued Wilkerson for defamation in a court in Florida.

Nunes claims he had been subjected to 'anxiety,' 'insecurity,' 'mental anguish' and 'emotional distress' as a result of Wilkerson's comments.

Wilkerson applied for hundreds of jobs after leaving Truth Social, but he believes that the drama surrounding the ordeal led hiring managers to steer clear of him, but Starbucks called him back the day after he submitted his resume. He had previous barista experience from his 20s.

He now works the 5:30am shift inside a Harris Teeter grocery store in North Carolina.

Wilkerson told the Post said that he is happy with his new job. 'It's an honest day's work. I love what I do,' he said. 'Obviously, I don't shout from the rooftops here about my past history and my whistleblower status,' Wilkerson said.

The Post has described Wilkerson as 'one of the biggest threats to the Trump company's future.'

In October last year Wilkerson publicly accused Trump Media and Technology Group of violating securities laws.

He says that he could not stay silent while the company's executives gave what he viewed were misleading information to investors, many of whom are small-time shareholders loyal to the Trump brand.

Truth Social marketed itself as the next big media empire, with plans for a presence in social media, video streaming, live events and online payments - not just as a rival to Twitter but Disney, Google and Amazon.

But Wilkerson said from his position inside the company it was a different story with bitter infighting, technical failures and chaotic jockeying for power among Trump allies which sullied its potential with some workers left crying at their desks.

'One day, you know, he [Trump] would be in a very, very happy mood,' Wilkerson said. 'The next day he would read something in the paper and just yell, just be livid. That's who we were dealing with.'

Truth Social has seen surges of interest, but its user base remains tiny compared to the growth targets TMTG laid out in its plans when the company told investors that the app would reach 56 million users by 2024 and 81 million by 2026.

Truth Social has been downloaded about 7 million times across both platforms,

Trump had 5.2 million followers on Truth Social as of Saturday, compared to the more than 88 million followers he had on Twitter when the platform suspended him following the January 6 Capitol riots.

Trump Media was originally set to go public after a merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp., but the company has been pushing a vote to delay the merger.

The merger, which is now being investigated by the SEC, something TMTG has alleged is keeping the deal from going forward.

Wilkerson also shed light on inconsistencies in the company's expenses. 'The vast majority of SPACs just don't rack up these kinds of expenses … and the shareholders could be in some danger of getting pursued by the unpaid vendors,' he said.

'It could be an interesting and somewhat fitting end for Trump's SPAC: that it ends in failure and liquidation and sticks its shareholders — presumably many or most of whom are his political supporters — with the bill.'

If the SEC takes action against Trump's company Wilkerson could make millions of dollars through the agency's whistleblower reward program, but there is no guarantee.

Wilkerson says the former president's media company has a troubling history.

The early hype of Trump Media had made it into a financial blockbuster with an initial public offering raising $300 million for Digital World, while a group of private investors pledged another $1 billion.

Investors had sent the stock price of the SPAC (special purpose acquisition company) soaring to a high of $175 on the strength of its proposed merger with Trump Media.

In September 2022, shortly before Wilkerson was fired, Forbes magazine estimated that Trump's stake in Trump Media was his 'single most valuable asset,' worth roughly $730 million.

But the value of the venture has plummeted since then, with each Digital World share now worth about $13.

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3e0a50 No.39293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777796 (302153ZAPR23) Notable: Twitter chatter of increased military activity in Black Sea area, PF reports activity in the area

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Seeing chatter that 22 TU-95 Backfires are up and heading towards Ukraine.

Plus this.

War Monitor


⚡️According to Ukrainian sources, 4 missile carriers that can hold up to 24 Kalibr missiles have been deployed to the black sea in the last few hours.


Makes me start to wonder if this was at all related::

Joseph Bahout


#Türkiye’s #Erdoğan announces elimination of #ISIS leader Abu Hussein al-Qurayshi in #Syria.

A strong electoral comeback act after recent setback due to health accident.

Will this change course of polls intents? To follow…



Lotsa pieces moving on the board…

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3e0a50 No.39294

File: e34728b17c7e561⋯.png (331.3 KB,1191x553,1191:553,Clipboard.png)

File: de21c9ac6458b13⋯.png (390.79 KB,432x609,144:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777804 (302225ZAPR23) Notable: PF CONUS update from PB flight watch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>39220 pb

PlaneFag CONUS update

SAM911G5 stopped at San Antonio Int'l and haz already left heading NE

SAM767 G5 went to Peterson SFB

SAM718 G5 went to MacDill AFB

Belgian AF BAF664 A400m arrived at Gulfport, MS (2 high level Falcon 7xs from Belgians in/out there last week)

EJM473 G650 arrived at Palm Beach Int'l-dropped off then went to Stuart, FL-Witham Field

RCH439 and 678 C-130j Hercules went to St. Johns, Newfoundland from Charlottesville W.VA depart (this is a new 'official' NATO base-'chistened' not long ago by NATO Chief Stoltenberg, Trudope and Sec of Defense Austin

RCH4202 C-17 arrived at JB McChord from a Dover AFB depart

IROC61 C-17 left Alpena, MI (I think..coverage not great in MI upper peninsula) and has now left Selfridge ANGB ne of Detroit after a stop)

Canadian AF CFC4054 C-17 arrived at CFB Trenton from it's St. Johns departure (had a German AF A400m arrive there yesterday too-GAF308)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39295

File: 751b11b857c29d6⋯.png (446.9 KB,938x431,938:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c825a8aa618344⋯.png (341.16 KB,631x376,631:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777805 (302233ZAPR23) Notable: Twitter chatter of increased military activity in Black Sea area, PF reports activity in the area

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FORTE12 USAF Glbal Hawk drone on Romania/Moldova/S. Ukraine border..and a Hungarian AF C-17 just entering Black Sea on the south side-looks like they came from Djibouti prolly-trace appears heading NW over Red Sea

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3e0a50 No.39296

File: 261e3f29a62423b⋯.png (711.96 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777813 (302251ZAPR23) Notable: PF reports plane on ground while map shows it at out sea

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This thing says on ground

Been there for a while

Changes direction

Don't go far

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39297

File: 9581bb10f417c56⋯.png (272.48 KB,615x470,123:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777816 (302252ZAPR23) Notable: ISIS leader Abu Hussein al-Qurashi "neutralized" by Turkish forces in Syria yesterday: Erdogan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well this is interesting to say the least! Reminds me of my old dig on when his son was working with ISIS to extract stolen Syrian oil to sell to Europe via Israel

ISIS leader Abu Hussein al-Qurashi "neutralized" by Turkish forces in Syria yesterday: Erdogan



Erdoğan government’s role in ISIS oil trade exposed



Russia unveils 'proof' Turkey's Erdogan is smuggling Isis oil across border from Syria

Moscow publishes satellite images purporting to show Turkish trucks filling up in Isis-controlled Iraq and Syria


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3e0a50 No.39298

File: 5194f41c18c5634⋯.png (416.4 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777824 (302255ZAPR23) Notable: Former child actor Matthew Lawrence says he was fired by agency after refusing casting couch advances by Marvel director

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ormer child actor Matthew Lawrence says he was fired by agency after refusing casting couch advances by Marvel director

"A very prominent Oscar award-winning director, who showed up in his robe, asked me to take my clothes off ."

On Friday, actor Matthew Lawrence said on his podcast Brotherly Love, co-hosted by his brothers and fellow actors Andrew and Joey Lawrence, both actors, that he was "propositioned to get a huge role" by a famous director to get a role in a Marvel movie.

"Whether it's another woman or another man in power, there's been many times in my life where I've been propositioned to get a huge role," Lawrence said. "I've lost my agency because I went to the hotel room—which I can't believe they would send me to—of a very prominent Oscar award-winning director, who showed up in his robe, asked me to take my clothes off and said he needed to take Polaroids of me and then if I did XY and Z I would be the next Marvel character."

"I didn't do that. And my agency fired me because I left this, this director's room," he added.

The actor noted that "a lot of other male friends" have gone through similar circumstances "with both men and women" and mentioned actor Terry Crews who came forward in 2017 with allegations of a sexual assault he suffered at the hands of a Hollywood power broker, reports the Washington Post.

43-year-old Lawrence, best known as one of the siblings in the Robin Williams vehicle Mrs. Doubtfire and for the sitcom Boy Meets World, made the comments after the brothers reflected on the #MeToo movement.



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3e0a50 No.39299

File: dd19255eaa46f76⋯.png (260.65 KB,1269x991,1269:991,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777836 (302258ZAPR23) Notable: Russian military shot down Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter and 14 UAVs

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Russian military shot down a Mi-8 helicopter and 14 UAVs

“Air defense systems destroyed the Mi-8 helicopter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the LPR. We destroyed 14 UAVs and intercepted 4 HIMARS MLRS shells,” Igor Konashenkov said.

It is specified that the aircraft was liquidated near the village of Raygorodok.


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3e0a50 No.39300

File: 8021600086cb617⋯.png (372.7 KB,624x400,39:25,Clipboard.png)

File: f73dc8171238303⋯.png (281.93 KB,551x496,551:496,Clipboard.png)

File: a80a1544a5db043⋯.png (841.31 KB,1042x914,521:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 14c1f462d9cb545⋯.png (90.32 KB,1037x769,1037:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777838 (302259ZAPR23) Notable: County Councilman triggers woke liberals and gets them to protest their own ideology by proclaiming he is now a lesbian “woman of color”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

County Councilman Triggers Woke Liberals and Gets Them to Protest Their Own Ideology by Proclaiming He Is Now a Lesbian “Woman of Color”

An Indiana Republican politician caused woke leftists to lose their minds when he reintroduced himself as a “woman of color” and “a lesbian” because he is attracted to women.

Earlier this month, Delaware County council member Ryan Webb posted a photo to his Facebook account showing him with a pistol in his waistband. The caption read “Ready for an awesome day! Hope everyone has a great day!”

The “awesome day” he was referring was him “coming out” as a black, transgender female.

The Muncie Star-Press reported Webb posted the following message:

After much consideration I have decided to come out and finally feel comfortable announcing my true authentic self, It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well. I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women.

Last Tuesday, hordes of woke leftist students stormed the city council meeting and demanded Webb resign. One student whined that Webb was making the process of discovering who is trans more difficult.

Here’s a photo of the pouting students.


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3e0a50 No.39301

File: 0a3a80ed8f8a24e⋯.png (7.88 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777841 (302301ZAPR23) Notable: Clockfag April 30 - Who will be next? Access Kills: CIA's William Burns, Goldman's Kathryn Ruemmler, Noam Chomsky, a Kissinger consultant, a Rothschild, and others met with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in the years after his conviction

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QClock April 30, 2023 - Access Kills

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3e0a50 No.39302

File: 3928430281be78a⋯.png (223.46 KB,561x692,561:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777858 (302309ZAPR23) Notable: Dark Brandon made an appearance at the White House Correspondent's Dinner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"The podium is yours" ~Joe

"The floor is yours" ~Q

President Biden


Dark Brandon made an appearance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

2:19 PM · Apr 30, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39303

File: be8d1f869718390⋯.png (50.39 KB,519x317,519:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777861 (302312ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: DeSanctimonious had a failed campaign when he was running for Governor - He was ready to drop out, was WAY behind. Then I Endorsed him and he went big league, but artificially, up. The real DeSanctus, however, is the guy we are all watching crash a burn - A really bad politician. Enjoy the trip, Ron!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@realDonaldTrump now

DeSanctimonious had a failed campaign when he was running for Governor - He was ready to drop out, was WAY behind. Then I Endorsed him and he went big league, but artificially, up. The real DeSanctus, however, is the guy we are all watching crash a burn - A really bad politician. Enjoy the trip, Ron!



>crash a burn


>Enjoy the trip, Ron! = 17

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3e0a50 No.39304

File: c333d62e956b38b⋯.mp4 (784.27 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777862 (302312ZAPR23) Notable: Dark Brandon made an appearance at the White House Correspondent's Dinner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39305

File: 69c638e923e0e4c⋯.png (974.69 KB,1439x1014,1439:1014,Clipboard.png)

File: a73ffda6e484027⋯.jpg (66.71 KB,1024x508,256:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777868 (302314ZAPR23) Notable: PF reports Bill Gates cross country flight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39306

File: 013e353f0e7cb0f⋯.png (46.48 KB,546x353,546:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777883 (302320ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I’ve always said John Rich was a very smart guy!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6:47 = 17

Donald J. Trump


I’ve always said John Rich was a very smart guy!

John Rich


I don't understand the logic of DeSantis running. Let's just say he beat @realDonaldTrump in the primary (which won't happen) but let's hypothesize…If he won, there wouldn't be one true Trump supporter left that would vote for him and he would be destroyed in a general election. This is a losing proposition no matter how you look at it, so why on earth would he voluntarily run head on into the wood chipper?

Apr 30, 2023, 6:47 PM


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3e0a50 No.39307

File: bcd5408aff57950⋯.png (216.81 KB,549x454,549:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777944 (302336ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: TONIGHT—8:00PM EASTERN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19:25 =17

Donald J. Trump



Apr 30, 2023, 7:25 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39308

File: 67cc95ed8e4b02d⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,854x472,427:236,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778002 (302353ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: TONIGHT—8:00PM EASTERN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39309

File: 87a23826b6ab601⋯.jpg (178.09 KB,1080x1046,540:523,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 37988234dcd78ca⋯.jpg (114.92 KB,731x1257,731:1257,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d7b7dc518a8627e⋯.jpg (344.32 KB,1440x1715,288:343,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778040 (010000ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine sources reporting incoming cruise missiles - urging residents to not ignore air raid sirens

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39310

File: 548f1991fb79827⋯.png (9.69 KB,438x195,146:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778057 (010002ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine sources reporting incoming cruise missiles - urging residents to not ignore air raid sirens

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39311

File: 75099f8164d3f3a⋯.jpg (136.34 KB,1080x1028,270:257,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8e3bbb5bfdfa8d1⋯.jpg (63.12 KB,1080x470,108:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778062 (010002ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine sources reporting incoming cruise missiles - urging residents to not ignore air raid sirens

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778094 (010008ZMAY23) Notable: #23043

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23043 >>>/qresearch/18777351

>>39276 U.S. confiscated Iranian oil on a tanker in recent days, Iran responded by seizing another oil-laden tanker in retaliation

>>39277 Russian oil is still powering Europe with help from India

>>39278 Donald J. Trump responds to April 11th Kayleigh McEnany post

>>39279 Tucker Carlson acknowledging his incorrect stance on Iraq war and recognizing the propaganda tactics he used, realizes this is commonplace in media MP4

>>39280 Is Hellmann's food using bio engineered ingredients?

>>39281 The strategy behind the left's defund the police movement was to exert pressure on conservative law enforcement officers to depart from major urban areas

>>39282, >>39283 Chelsea Clinton says banning sexually explicit books from schools is harmful to children

>>39284 Lingering mystery of the response to COVID, why were we presented with an onslaught of TikTok videos of nurses performing well-choreographed dance routines in hospitals across the world

>>39285 @TomFitton: Rothschild bank caught lying about Epstein meetings "Mrs. de Rothschild, who married into the famous banking family, had more than dozen meetings with Epstein"

>>39286 Dr. Dan McDyer on the alarming increase in irregular bleeding & cancers: "The majority of patients have a laxity of the lower uterine segment, some are qualifying as postpartum hemorrhages."

>>39287 Lt. General Flynn: When it comes to certain people, nothing is done without intention. @RichardGrenell trust that something is in the works.

>>39288 Senator Ron Johnson: We now have evidence that show Blinken boldface lied while under oath, he knew everything that Hunter was doing in Ukraine & Burisma

>>39289 PNC and JPMorgan putting in finals bids for First Republic Bank in FDIC auction

>>39290, >>39301 Clockfag April 30 - Who will be next? Access Kills: CIA's William Burns, Goldman's Kathryn Ruemmler, Noam Chomsky, a Kissinger consultant, a Rothschild, and others met with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in the years after his conviction

>>39291, >>39292 Former executive VP of operations at TruthSocial gave over 150,000 documents and emails to the Feds, now working as minimum wage barista

>>39293, >>39295 Twitter chatter of increased military activity in Black Sea area, PF reports activity in the area

>>39294 PF CONUS update from PB flight watch

>>39296 PF reports plane on ground while map shows it at out sea

>>39297 ISIS leader Abu Hussein al-Qurashi "neutralized" by Turkish forces in Syria yesterday: Erdogan

>>39298 Former child actor Matthew Lawrence says he was fired by agency after refusing casting couch advances by Marvel director

>>39299 Russian military shot down Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter and 14 UAVs

>>39300 County Councilman triggers woke liberals and gets them to protest their own ideology by proclaiming he is now a lesbian “woman of color”

>>39302, >>39304 Dark Brandon made an appearance at the White House Correspondent's Dinner

>>39303 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: DeSanctimonious had a failed campaign when he was running for Governor - He was ready to drop out, was WAY behind. Then I Endorsed him and he went big league, but artificially, up. The real DeSanctus, however, is the guy we are all watching crash a burn - A really bad politician. Enjoy the trip, Ron!

>>39305 PF reports Bill Gates cross country flight

>>39306 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I’ve always said John Rich was a very smart guy!

>>39307, >>39308 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: TONIGHT—8:00PM EASTERN!

>>39309, >>39310, >>39311 Ukraine sources reporting incoming cruise missiles - urging residents to not ignore air raid sirens



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3e0a50 No.39313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778106 (010009ZMAY23) Notable: #23044

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



baker is requesting handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39314

File: fdb5e0236cff6c3⋯.png (7.8 KB,414x214,207:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778153 (010016ZMAY23) Notable: Reports of Missile Launches from Russian Ships in the Black Sea

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reports now of Missile Launches from Russian Ships in the Black Sea as well.

7:04 PM · Apr 30, 2023













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3e0a50 No.39315

File: acdd76da94e4113⋯.jpeg (116.34 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778154 (010016ZMAY23) Notable: Epstein papers expose his prominent contacts

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30 Apr, 2023 19:04

Epstein papers expose his prominent contacts – media

Documents have reportedly shown that the sex offender set meetings with a future CIA chief, an Obama aide and a Rothschild banker

FutureCIA director William Burns, banker Ariane de Rothschild and an ex-aide to US President Barack Obamaare among the noteworthy people who had meetings with financier Jeffrey Epstein after he was publicly registered as a child-sex offender, according to a newly unearthed trove of documents from the late financier.

The previously unpublicized documents, including thousands of pages of emails and schedules from 2013 to 2017, reveal that Epstein booked multiple meetings with such prominent figures as US spy chief William Burns and with Kathryn Ruemmler, a former White House counsel who later became a top lawyer at Goldman Sachs Group, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday. All of the encounters were arranged after Epstein served jail time in 2008 for procuring a teenage girl for prostitution in Florida.

Burns, then deputy secretary of state in Obama’s administration, first met with Epstein in 2014 in Washington and later visited his townhouse in Manhattan twice, according to the documents. CIA spokeswoman Tammy Kupperman Thorp told the WSJ that Burns didn’t know anything about the notorious financier “other than that he was introduced as an expert in the financial services sector and offered general advice on transition to the private sector.”

Ruemmler had a professional relationship with Epstein, who introduced her to Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and other potential legal clients, a Goldman Sachs spokesman told the newspaper. “I regret ever knowing Jeffrey Epstein,” Ruemmler said.

The WSJ said the documents suggested that Epstein knew his guests well. For instance, he asked an assistant to ensure that avocado sushi rolls were served when he met with Ruemmler. He and his staff also discussed whether Ruemmler would be uncomfortable with the presence of young women at his townhouse. One visitor, anthropologist Helen Fisher, said that after a 2016 lunch with Epstein at the townhouse, he invited her to speak with his staff, and six attractive young women filed into the room.

Ruemmler, who had dozens of meetings with Epstein over the years, was introduced by the convicted pedophile to de Rothschild, the documents show. After the introduction, the de Rothschild family’s Swiss private bank hired Ruemmler’s law firm to assist with US regulatory issues.

In 2013, Epstein asked de Rotshchild to help find him a new assistant, “female . . . multilingual, organized.” She agreed to “ask around.” He had more than a dozen meetings with de Rothschild and sought her help with luxury furnishings and business deals.

After Epstein was arrested in 2019 for alleged sex trafficking of underage girls, the bank, Edmond de Rothschild Group, claimed that de Rothschild never met the financier and had no business ties to him. The bank told the WSJ that its earlier statement was incorrect and that de Rothschild met with Epstein as part of her normal duties, but she had no knowledge of legal proceedings against him or concerns about his conduct.

The earlier case against Epstein in Florida attracted major media coverage and led some politicians to return donations to the financier. Some business associates, such as retail billionaire Leslie Wexner, cut ties with him. “Despite the negative press, Epstein’s days were filled from morning to night with meetings with prominent people,” the WSJ said.

Previously reported Epstein documents showed that he had links with such celebrities as Gates, former President Bill Clinton and the UK’s Prince Andrew. He died in a New York City jail in 2019, allegedly by suicide. His death gave rise to the meme “Epstein didn’t kill himself,” which suggested that he was killed to cover up evidence about the powerful people with whom he associated.

The documents uncovered by the WSJ showed that Epstein also had meetings arranged with former IsraeliPrime Minister Ehud Barak, Bard College President Leon Botstein, author Noam Chomsky, movie director Woody Allen and Joshua Cooper Ramo, then co-CEO of Henry Kissinger’s consulting firm.


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3e0a50 No.39316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778163 (010018ZMAY23) Notable: SpaceX: T-Minus eight minutes to Falcon Heavy liftoff

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T-Minus eight minutes to Falcon Heavy liftoff if it doesn't get scrubbed. Throw away mission. Boosters will not return for re-use. Grid fins removed.

ViaSat-3 Americas Mission


6.49M subscribers

52,008 watching now Started streaming 6 minutes ago

SpaceX is targeting Sunday, April 30 for a Falcon Heavy launch of the ViaSat-3 Americas mission to geostationary orbit from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Also on board this mission is Astranis's first MicroGEO satellite and Gravity Space’s GS-1 satellite. The 57-minute launch window opens at 7:29 p.m. ET (23:29 UTC).

One of the side boosters on this mission previously supported Arabsat-6A, STP-2, COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation FM2, KPLO, and three Starlink missions, and the second previously supported launch of Arabsat-6A and STP-2.

A live webcast of this mission will begin about 15 minutes prior to liftoff.


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3e0a50 No.39317

File: 9581f02a05deab2⋯.jpeg (59.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778191 (010023ZMAY23) Notable: Hungary issues NATO rebuke to Zelensky

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30 Apr, 2023 18:12

Hungary issues NATO rebuke to Zelensky

Ukrainian president had publicly accused Budapest of behaving “inappropriately” for a member of the US-led bloc

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto hasrebuked statementsby Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky, who has publiclyaccused Budapest of behaving “inappropriately” for a NATO member state.

It was “fortunately” not for Zelensky to decide on Hungary’s behavior, Szijjarto said in a Facebook post on Sunday, suggesting also that Budapest already provides enough support for Kiev.

“Hungarian people have already paid an extremely high price for this war,” Szijjarto wrote, adding that multiple representatives of Ukraine’s Hungarian ethnic minority had persisted in the ongoing hostilities between Kiev and Moscow.

If this statement means ‘I respectfully thank the Hungarians for letting in and taking care of more than a million refugees from Ukraine, and I respectfully thank you for continuously sending aid’ then [the response is] ‘You are welcome and can count on us in the future as well.’

The sarcastic remarks by Hungary’s top diplomat apparently came in response to statements made by Zelensky in an interview with Nordic media outlets on Friday. TheUkrainian president accused Budapest of siding with Russia in the ongoing conflict and of treating NATO as an “adversary” altogether.

“It seems to me that confusion reigns among the Hungarian political elite. This is a very strange situation. Can a NATO country simultaneously be with Russia and against NATO?” Zelensky stated, adding that Budapest has been displaying “inappropriate behavior” for a member of the US-led NATO alliance.

Hungary has taken a reserved stance on the ongoing hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, which have been raging since February 2022. The country has opposed EU sanctions against Russia, particularly those harming its own interests, such as restrictions in the nuclear and conventional energy fields. Apart from that, Budapest has repeatedly said it will not support Ukraine’s applications to either NATO or the EU. Hungary has also refrained from providing military aid to Kiev and has refused to allow such shipments from elsewhere to flow through its territory.

Hungary and Ukraine have long been at odds over the fate of the ethnic Hungarian minority in Ukraine. Some 150,000 ethnic Hungarians, living primarily in the Transcarpathian region of the country, have been affected by the Ukrainianization efforts undertaken by the authorities of post-Maidan Ukraine. While the crackdown has primarily focused on Russian speakers, it affected other minorities as well.

Kiev, for its part, has long accused Budapest of meddling in the country’s domestic affairs, with its practice of issuing Hungarian passports to Ukraine’s ethnic Hungarians resulting in multiple diplomatic incidents.

(Zelensky and his Nazis obviously don’t understand how tiresome they are and why munitions are slowing down.)


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3e0a50 No.39318

File: 26796218f66a04b⋯.jpeg (57.08 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778226 (010030ZMAY23) Notable: Zelensky’s adviser (whines and) lashes out at Merkel

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30 Apr, 2023 21:42

Zelensky’s adviser (whines and) lashes out at Merkel

An adviser to President Vladimir Zelensky accused the former German Chancellor of “making excuses” over her own failures

Kiev has criticized claims by Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor from 2005 to 2021, who said this week that she’d “tried with what was at my disposal to prevent” the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The top adviser to Zelensky, Mikhail Podolyak, accused Merkel of “making excuses” for her own policy failures.

Former Chancellor Merkel, who has made Europe totally dependent on Russian energy, makes excuses: ‘I did everything possible to prevent Russia from starting a war, and that is why I got… Russian cheap gas.’ Fantastic. After all, the war did not start, right?” Podolyak wrote on Twitter.

The purported desire of Merkel to obtain said “cheap Russian gas” has ultimately resulted in “destroyed Ukrainian territories and hundreds of thousands of innocent Ukrainian lives,”Podolyak went on. “If you cannot correct the mistakes of the past, just stop making excuses and encouraging the aggressor,” he added.

The remarks from Zelensky’s top adviser come in response to Merkel’s interview with Die Zeit, published on Saturday. In the interview, the ex-Chancellor claimed she has been supporting the Minsk process – an international effort to end the conflict in then-Ukrainian Donbass – in good faith. Merkel insisted that she had “tried with what was at my disposal to prevent” the ongoing hostilities, and even if the effort ultimately failed, she still believed that “diplomacy is a necessity.”

The remarks appeared to contradict the revelations made by Merkel in an interview with the same newspaper last December, when she admitted that the Minsk protocol had been an “attempt to give Ukraine time,” to help it “become stronger” – and the plan succeeded. At the time, it was “clear to all of us that the conflict was frozen, that the problem had not been solved, but that gave Ukraine valuable time,” she stated back then.

Similar revelations about the Minsk negotiations being merely a ruse to buy time for arming Ukraine had been made previously by the country’s ex-President Pyotr Poroshenko, as well as the former President of France, and another original signee of the accords, Francois Hollande.

(This is getting good, Zelensky et al are alienating every leader in the EU and NATO, the demon of Kiev speaks again!)


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3e0a50 No.39319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778256 (010035ZMAY23) Notable: Haitian residents lynch and set fire to suspected gang members

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Haitian residents lynch and set fire to suspected gang members

Haitian police said on Monday that at least 10 suspected gang members had been lynched and their bodies burned by residents of Port-au-Prince.

Haitian police spokesperson Gary Desrosiers said the group of armed bandits had been traveling in a vehicle in the capital and that police had intended to arrest them.

Separately, he said notorious crime boss Carlo Petithomme was dead, without giving any details. Petithomme went by the alias Ti Makak and led a gang of the same name.

The lynchings followed days of confrontations between gang members and security agents.

Photos by Reuters and video circulating on social media show several bodies piled in the road, with smoking tires and other objects on top of them. People surround them, shouting angrily. One person can be seen beating the lifeless bodies with a blunt object.

Gangs in Haiti have grown in strength since the 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moise, with residents caught in the middle as large portions of the capital and much of the countryside have become lawless.

The security situation has deteriorated further in recent months, with routine gun fights taking place between police officers and the gangs. Bloody turf battles have left hundreds dead and thousands displaced.

Desrosiers said the anger of the population was understandable "but the collaboration we are seeking must be done without violence."

Criminal groups control about 80% of the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, where some 200 gangs operate with impunity, according to estimates.

Haiti's government and top United Nations officials have called for an international force to support the Haitian police in their struggle against the gangs.

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3e0a50 No.39320

File: 01349945764700d⋯.png (465.9 KB,601x780,601:780,Clipboard.png)

File: 0212da52f7f9f59⋯.jpg (86.19 KB,770x892,385:446,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778265 (010037ZMAY23) Notable: JUST IN: 12-year old stands up for women’s rights — “Men like Dylan Mulvaney or Lia Thomas will never be girls or women.”

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Chuck Callesto


JUST IN: 12-year old stands up for women’s rights — “Men like Dylan Mulvaney or Lia Thomas will never be girls or women.”


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3e0a50 No.39321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778267 (010037ZMAY23) Notable: Moment 'gang members' beg for mercy before vigilante lynch mob stones them and burns them alive among petrol-soaked tyres in the streets in Haiti

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Moment 'gang members' beg for mercy before vigilante lynch mob stones them and burns them alive among petrol-soaked tyres in the streets in Haiti

At least 19 men were killed in Port-au-Prince on Monday in two separate attacks

Video showed mob piling tyres on the suspected gangsters before lighting them

This is the horrifying moment suspected Haitian gang members beg for mercy before a vigilante lynch mob stones and burns them alive.

The mob beat and burned 13 men to death with gasoline-soaked tyres on Monday after pulling them from police custody at a traffic stop, police and witnesses in the capital Port-au-Prince said.

Six more burned bodies were seen in a nearby neighbourhood later on in the day, and witnesses claimed to have seen police kill them before residents set them on fire. News agencies said this could not be verified.

Haiti's National Police said in a brief statement that officers in the city's Canape Vert section had stopped and searched a minibus for contraband.

The officers confiscated weapons from suspects before they were 'unfortunately lynched by members of the population', the officials said. The statement did not elaborate on how members of the crowd were able to take control of the suspects.

The horrific vigilante violence shows the level of public anger over the increasing lawlessness in Port-au-Prince.

Criminal gangs have taken control of an estimated 60 per cent of the city since the July 2021 assassination of president Jovenel Moïse.

A witness who gave his name as Edner Samuel told reporters that members of the crowd took the suspected gangsters away from police, beat them and stoned them before putting tyres on them, pouring gasoline on top and burning them.

An Associated Press reporter at the scene saw 13 bodies burning in the street.

Two videos shared on social media appeared to show the moments before and after the tyres were set alight above the group of men.

The first video showed the suspected criminals lying on the floor with tyres piled on their backs. One man appeared to lift his head, but as he did so was hit by a stone.

Others were seen lying still face down, seemingly trying not to attract attention to themselves, while one man appears to be pleading with an armed officer.

Police officers were seen standing guard, but showed little sign of trying to protect the men from the mob. One of the officers is shown stamping on one of the suspected gang members to prevent him from standing.

The second video, taken from further away than the first, shows thick black smoke billowing up from a pile of tyres and bodies as flames burn.

The fires drew hundreds of onlookers in the hilly suburb of the city, many of them holding their noses amid the fumes. Pictures showed several bystanders looking horrified, while others appeared to be taking photos.

Mr Samuel said the suspects were believed to have been heading to another area to join a group of gangsters battling police.

Another witness, Jean Josue, said there had been a lot of gunfire in the area since the early morning.

The situation in the capital remained tense, and shots could be heard ringing out from several neighbourhoods.

In the nearby area of Turgeau, a few minutes drive from Canape Vert, witnesses said police had killed six gang suspects in a shoot-out, and that local residents dragged the bodies from where they fell to a central location and set fire to them.

An AP reporter saw the six burned bodies. Police did not release any statements about the violence in Turgeau.

Acting president Ariel Henry tweeted that his government expresses its sympathy with police officers injured in recent operations.

'I applaud the considerable and meritorious efforts of the national police to restore order and peace in our cities and neighbourhoods,' he tweeted.

'There is still a lot to do.'

Witnesses at the scene said the suspects were believed to have been members of the Kraze Barye gang, which translates as 'Breaking Barriers'.

The violence started before dawn, when gang members burst into several residential areas of the capital, looting homes and attacking residents, witnesses said.

'It was the sound of projectiles that woke us up this morning. It was 3.00am, the gangs invaded us. There were shots,' a Turgeau local told AFP news agency.

'If the gangs come to invade us, we will defend ourselves, we too have our own weapons, we have our machetes, we will take their weapons, we will not flee,' said another resident.

'Mothers who want to protect their children can send them elsewhere,' he added.

In fact, dozens of families left the neighbourhoods caught in the spiral of violence on Monday, AFP journalists confirmed. Men, women and children fled the scene on foot, carrying a few personal belongings in bags or bundles.

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3e0a50 No.39322

File: 2dc959ff0063ef8⋯.jpeg (63.32 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778272 (010038ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine can't join NATO now – member state’s president

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30 Apr, 2023 16:27

Ukraine can't join NATO now – member state’s president

Lithuania’s Gitanas Nauseda said Kiev should not be admitted to the military bloc until its conflict with Moscow is over

Ukraine’s aspirations of joining NATO cannot be realized while the country remains locked in a military conflict with Russia, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda has insisited. He noted, however, that a “definite road map”should be developed by mid-summer for Kiev’s eventual accession.

In an interview with Italy’s La Repubblica published on Saturday, Nauseda said letting Ukraine join the US-led military bloc right now “would be too difficult.” The leadership in Kiev is also well aware of this fact, he added.

Instead, the alliance needs to “define stages and formulae of how to act after” the conflict is over, Nauseda continued. He expressed hope that this could be done during the NATO summit in Vilnius on July 11 and 12, 2023.

He acknowledged that the issue of Ukraine’s possible accession “will be the most complicated element to deal with” during the event. According to the Lithuanian head of state,some member states are still reluctant to send “strong signals” to Ukraine.

Last week, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius asserted that “this is now not the time to decide” on Ukraine’s possible future within NATO. Echoing the Lithuanian president, he said this issue could be “carefully” considered only after Kiev succeeds in “repelling this attack.” (Ukraine will not succeed, these are empty promises, there’s a real reason why they have not beem admitted to the EU for 15 years and NATO, its called uncontrolled corruption)

The decision should be made “with a cold head and hot heart, and not the other way round,” he stated.

Around the same time, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban tweeted “What?!” in response to an article reporting NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s remarks in Kiev last Thursday.

During a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, the military bloc’s chief said: “Ukraine’s rightful place is in the Euro-Atlantic family. Ukraine’s rightful place is in NATO.” Stoltenberg added that “over time, our support will help to make this possible.”

However,he stopped shortof offering any timeframe for Ukraine’s possible accession to the alliance.

Commenting on Stoltenberg’s remarks, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stressed that preventing Ukraine from joining NATO remains one of the key goals of Russia’s military campaign against its neighbor.

Explaining the need for military action against Ukraine last February, President Vladimir Putin cited the country’s possible accession to the alliance as one of the reasons for the move.

(More signs and confirmation Ukraine will never join NATO and the EU is tired of Ukraine. Only one member of NATO can object admitting a member, so far 3 have spoken out. I hope NATO dies from this.)


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3e0a50 No.39323

File: 51c6d33ac6cbf2c⋯.jpeg (113.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778339 (010053ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine links attack on Crimea to ‘counter-offensive’

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30 Apr, 2023 14:03

Ukraine links attack on Crimea to ‘counter-offensive’

Kiev is attempting to undermine Russian logistics, according to a military spokesperson

Saturday’s drone attack on an oil terminal in Russia’s Crimea was part of Kiev’s preparations for its planned counteroffensive, Natalya Gumenyuk, the spokeswoman for the Ukrainian military’s southern command, has claimed.

An explosion rocked the key port of Sevastopol on Saturday morning as a UAV crashed into one of the fuel-storage facilities in the city. Theblaze engulfed about a thousand square metersand destroyed four oil tanks, local authorities said. There were no fatalities or injuries as a result of the incident, they added.

Kiev has been saying for a long time that undermining the Russian military’s logistics was “one of the elements of preparation for powerful, active actions by the Defense Forces” of Ukraine, Gumenyuk said during a live TV appearance on Sunday.

Speaking about the previous day’s attack in Sevastopol, she claimed that “this work represents that preparation for a broad, large-scale offensive, which everybody is expecting.”

Crimea, which reunited with Russia in 2014 following a referendum held after the violent coup in Kiev that year, has been a frequent target of aerial and naval drone raids since the conflict erupted into open fighting in February last year. The Ukrainian military and the authorities in Kiev have usually been reluctant to take responsibility for the attacks, most of which have been repelled by Russian forces.

In an interview with Nordic media outlets on Friday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that the “counteroffensive will happen” and expressed hope that it’ll allow Kiev to “de-occupy” Crimea as well as Russia’s newly-incorporated territories: the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who serves at present as deputy head of the country’s Security Council, said that Zelensky’s claims were “delusional,” but warned that, nonetheless, they shouldn’t be discounted.

According to Medvedev, Russia should foil the counteroffensive bydelivering “mass destruction of personnel and military equipment” and inflicting a “maximum military defeat” on the Ukrainian military. After that, the “Nazi regime in Kiev” must be “completely dismantled,” he added.

Earlier this week, Politico reported that Ukraine’s prime backer, the US, has been concerned that the impact of the much-hyped counteroffensive could fall short of expectations. Meanwhile, the New York Times warned thatWestern support for Kiev could weaken if the operation doesn’t bring “a decisive victory.”

Former Ukrainian defense minister Andrey Zagorodnyuk complained earlier this month that “the vast majority ofWestern politicians, analysts and journalists don’t see the liberation of Crimea as a realistic prospect” because significant Russian forces are situated there. Kiev should do more to persuade the US and its allies to support an attack on the peninsula, he insisted.

(Ukraine and its leaders are not listening to the accelerated rhetoric of Medevev, they should! Russia’s patience is running out. Scott Ritter said this in a video last night, making the bear angry is not a good idea!So far they have been conservative to only take care of their primary mission, it won’t last much longer with Ukraine going into Russian territory and destroying people and plants. Ukraine needs to listen to experts. Or else it will really turn into a very bloody war and destruction for the Kiev and the leaders. Russia still considers Ukrainians as related and will try to protect the innocents.)


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3e0a50 No.39324

File: c646d04eede9004⋯.jpeg (84.26 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778437 (010114ZMAY23) Notable: First Chinese world chess champion crowned

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30 Apr, 2023 15:25

First Chinese world chess champion crowned

A rollercoaster match ended with Ding Liren winning the title

Chinese grandmaster Ding Liren prevailed over Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi on Sunday in a tiebreak to win what has been hailed as perhaps themost exciting world chess championship match in a generation.

With the score deadlocked at a 7-7 tie after 14 grueling classical games – the final of which on Saturday clocked in at six and a half hours – the action shifted to a series of four shorter games to break the tie. Had a winner still not emerged, a series of two ‘blitz’ games would have ensued.

The first three games ended in a draw, with neither player able to muster significant winning chances. In game four, however,Ding managed to seize the initiative with the black pieces. But Nepomniachtchi fought back and double-edged play followed, with the Russian eschewing an opportunity to steer the game toward a clear draw and thus a final ‘blitz’ tiebreak.

When nothing subsequently materialized for Nepomniachtchi, he appeared to choose a perpetual check line, a technique whereby a player repeats a series of checks on the opponent’s king but without being able to make any progress.

With less than two minutes on his clock and a world title on the line, Ding declined the repetition and played an unexpected and brave move that pinned his own rook to his king – but in doing so deprived his opponent of further checks. With two passed pawns as compensation for a less safe king,Ding played with razor-sharp precisionand managed to push his pawns while denying Nepomniachtchi counterplay.

After Ding successfully parried one final shot of desperation from Nepomniachtchi, the Russian extended his hand inresignation. A stunned Ding, overcome with emotion, was unable to stand up from the board.

Ding’s journey to becomingChina’s first-ever world chess championand the first new title holder since 2013 was a most improbable one. He only qualified for the Candidates Tournament, the round-robin that determines who takes on the defending champion, after Russian grandmaster Sergey Karjakin was removed. However, because pandemic restrictions in China had left him short of the required number of rated games, he was forced to embark on a punishing schedule of tournaments hastily arranged by the Chinese Chess Federation.

In the Candidates Tournament, meanwhile, Ding finished second – to Nepomniachtchi – and was only catapulted into the championship match when five-time world champion Magnus Carlsen opted not to defend his title.

The absence of Carlsen, who has dominated professional chess for the last decade, was initially seen as diminishing the stature of the match. However, as Ding and Nepomniachtchi traded blow for blow and thrilled viewers with tense and topsy-turvy games, the encounter was increasingly seen as what former world champion Viswanathan Anandcalled “a match for the ages.”

Nepomniachtchi, who was making his second straight appearance in the world title match after squaring off with Carlsen in Dubai in 2021, saw his bid to join a long list of Soviet and Russian world champions fall agonizingly short. Ding will pocket €1.2 million (more than $1.3 million) for prevailing in the match, while Nepomniachtchi, as runner-up, will take home €800,000.


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3e0a50 No.39325

File: a6f48aa5ab3d1f3⋯.jpeg (66.54 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778518 (010130ZMAY23) Notable: The leader of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS),Abu Hussein al-Qurashi, has allegedly been killed

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30 Apr, 2023 23:24

ISIS ‘caliph’ killed in Syria – Erdogan

The anti-terrorist operation was carried out by the Turkish intelligence agency, President Erdogan has announced

The leader of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS),Abu Hussein al-Qurashi, has allegedly been killed in an operation by Türkiye’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) in Syria, becoming the terrorist group’s third self-proclaimed “caliph” to be eliminated in the past 15 months.

MIT agents had been tracking al-Qurashi “for a long time” and “neutralized” him on Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an interview aired on Sunday by broadcaster TRT Turk.

“We will continue our struggle with terrorist organizations without any discrimination,” he said.

The operation was reportedly carried out around 1 am on Saturday in a village near Jindires, about seven kilometers (four miles) from the Turkish border. Turkish forces surrounded a compound where al-Qurashi was believed to be staying and battled with IS fighters. The caliph refused to surrender,then detonated explosives that had been strapped to his body.

Al-Qurashi became the terrorist group’s fourth leader last November, after his predecessor, Abu Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, was killed in battle. US military officials claimed that the previous al-Qurashi had been killed in mid-October by Syrian rebels in southern Syria’s Daraa province. He had been on the job for only about eight months, taking the helm after predecessor Abu Ibrahim al-Qurashi killed himself and his wife and children during a raid in northern Syria by US special forces.

AlthoughTürkiye’s anti-terrorism operations have focused largely on militant Kurdish groups, including the PKK, the Islamic State also has been a thorn in Ankara’s side, killing a combined 315 civilians in dozens of attacks. US-allied Syrian rebels accused Türkiye last year of giving IS a “safe zone” in northern Syria. Turkish officials dismissed the allegation as “utterly ridiculous.” Türkiye was one of the first countries to identify the Islamic State, then known as ISIS, as a terrorist organization, in 2013, and has been fighting the group for years.

This weekend’s MIT operation comes just two weeks before Türkiye’s presidential election. Erdogan will be seeking re-election in a battle with pro-Western opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu. Polls show that the race is currently a dead heat.

(Hmm is in CiC still in force? I think so according according to Derrick Johnson)


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3e0a50 No.39326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778634 (010150ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine live cams

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Ukraine Live Multi - Cams… 24 in total…16 on one, 8 on the other…



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3e0a50 No.39327

File: b456761e33cb229⋯.png (324.78 KB,598x586,299:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778674 (010158ZMAY23) Notable: The leader of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS),Abu Hussein al-Qurashi, has allegedly been killed

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Islamic State leader Abu Hussein al-Qurashi 'was neutralized as part of an operation by the Turkish national intelligence organization in Syria yesterday,' Turkey's president says


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3e0a50 No.39328

File: 7e40c47b2d82537⋯.png (290.41 KB,607x1527,607:1527,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f1f2984bdb21b7⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778735 (010212ZMAY23) Notable: Aliens: Some interesting remarks by POTUS and some speculation on what he meant in the comments.

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Did anybody catch this from the end of Trump's 2nd Nelk Boys interview?

They popped the "are aliens real" question on him.

Some interesting remarks by POTUS and some speculation on what he meant in the comments.



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3e0a50 No.39329

File: 851864216f24aaa⋯.png (99.49 KB,667x522,23:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778739 (010213ZMAY23) Notable: Lauren Cranston, the daughter of a former deputy commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office, has been sentenced to a maximum of eight years in prison/tax fraud

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Lauren Cranston, the daughter of a former deputy commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office, has been sentenced to a maximum of eight years in prison for her role in a $105 million tax fraud conspiracy.

Along with four others including her brother Adam, last month Cranston was found guilty of two charges over a scheme that ran for about three years to 2017.

A long-running Supreme Court trial heard the conspirators ripped off the federal government by keeping millions in GST and Pay As You Go (PAYG) tax through a complex web of second-tier companies.

A legitimate company, Plutus Payroll, appeared "squeaky clean" and tax compliant but money was siphoned off through the lower-level companies with dummy directors, a jury was told.

The Cranstons are the children of former Australian Taxation Office (ATO) deputy commissioner Michael Cranston, who was not accused of involvement.

Cranston's role in the conspiracy was to process payroll runs for Plutus and operate the email accounts of the second-tier companies, which a judge today found fell "towards the bottom of the hierarchy".

Justice Anthony Payne said she was not involved in the initial planning and set up of Plutus, but found her participation began no later than February 2015.

The judge said he harboured "strong suspicions" about her state of knowledge prior to that, despite her barrister urging an inference that she was young, unsophisticated and lacking in curiosity.

"I do not accept at any time Ms Cranston was lacking in curiosity about what she was doing," Justice Payne said in sentencing.

The judge handed her a non-parole period of five years, which will expire in March 2028 with a head sentence of eight years.

Cranston appeared via video link and began to sob upon learning her fate and covered her mouth with her hand.

Cranston had 'misguided sense of loyalty'

Justice Payne said the offences involved a high degree of dishonesty and a corresponding breach of trust but Cranston was not principally motivated by greed, having only benefited by about $181,000.

"Her participation was primarily the result of a misguided sense of loyalty to the people directing the conspiracies, particularly her brother," he said.


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3e0a50 No.39330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778751 (010215ZMAY23) Notable: Oregon governor orders audit of her secretary of state for having consulting job with marijuana firm

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Oregon governor orders audit of her secretary of state for having consulting job with marijuana firm

"I'm very dismayed," Oregon Democrat Gov. Tina Kotek said upon learning Secretary of State Shemia Fagan has the consulting job.

Oregon's Democrat governor has asked the state's ethics commission and Justice Department to investigate Secretary of State Shemia Fagan’s having a consulting job with a marijuana firm, saying she's "dismayed" by the revelations.

"I'm very dismayed,” Gov. Tina Kotek said at a press conference on the issue Saturday, two days after revelations about Fagan's consulting job, according to the Oregonian.

Fagan said in a statement she is "relieved that the governor has asked the [state's] DOJ and Government Ethics Commission to engage in fact finding because the facts will restore trust in our audits division and in me as your secretary of state."

Fagan, a Democrat, is a paid consultant of an affiliate of marijuana retail chain La Mota, according to the Associated Press.

Fagan's consulting job, which her office says does not violate state ethics laws, came into the spotlight Thursday after her office released an audit, from which she recused herself, of Oregon's marijuana regulators that called on them to “reform” some rules for marijuana businesses.

The audit was of the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission and also said some of the group's rules are "burdens" when combined with federal restrictions on interstate commerce, banking and taxation, the wire service also reports.

Fagan's office said Fagan recused herself because she is a paid consultant of an affiliate of marijuana retail chain La Mota.

La Mota’s co-owner has hosted fundraisers for top Democratic Oregon politicians including Fagan.

The co-owner, her partner and their business allegedly owe $1.7 million in unpaid bills and more in state and federal taxes, a Portland weekly reports.

Fagan has not said how much the consultancy pays.

State Republican lawmakers are calling for her resignation.

"This appears to be an ethics violation, and if it isn’t then Oregon’s ethics laws are broken," Senate Republican leader Tim Knopp and House Republican leader Vikki Breese-Iverson said in a joint statement, also according to the Associated Press.


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3e0a50 No.39331

File: ee972d0788f417d⋯.jpeg (101.09 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778753 (010215ZMAY23) Notable: Brits urged to swear oath to their king for first time

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30 Apr, 2023 21:42

Brits urged to swear oath to their king for first time

The Archbishop of Canterbury will call for a “chorus of millions” to recite a pledge of fealty to the UK monarchy

Next week’s coronation of King Charles III willfeature an invitation for all British people to swear their allegiance to the new monarchand his descendants in what organizers have billed as a “chorus of millions.”

The ceremony has been revised to include a “homage of the people,” rather than the traditional “homage of peers” in which dukes pledge their allegiance to the sovereign, according to plans announced on Saturday by the Church of England.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby will call upon “all persons of goodwill” in the UK and its territories – those attending the ceremony at Westminster Abbey and those watching on television or the internet – to recite the following vows: “I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty and to your heirs and successors according to the law, so help me God.” The archbishop will then proclaim, “God save the king” and ask all to respond: “God save King Charles. Long live King Charles. May the king live forever.”

The public pledge is among several tweaks to a ceremony with ancient traditions, some of which date back nearly half a millennium. “Our hope is at that point, when the archbishop invites people to join in, that people wherever they are, if they’re watching at home on their own, watching the telly, ill say it out loud this sense of a great cry around the nation and around the world of support for the king,” a Lambeth Palace spokesperson said.

Among other changes to the traditional ceremony, the coronation will feature female clergy taking a prominent role and leaders of other faiths presenting the king with regalia for the events, including his robe, ring and bracelets. A hymn will be sung in Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic. The service will celebrate tradition while adding “new elements that reflect the diversity of our contemporary society,” the archbishop said.

However, King Charles III will take the traditional oaths, including a pledge to maintain “the Protestant Reformed religion.”The archbishop will preface the oath by saying that the Church of England will seek to foster an environment where “people of all faiths and beliefs may live freely.”

(This is not good when they have to ask for it, he’s not well liked and he’s certainly not king like. UK going down big time.)


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3e0a50 No.39332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778866 (010233ZMAY23) Notable: In 1920, this historian managed to predict World War II step by step!

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Interesting Thread

In 1920, this historian managed to predict World War II step by step!

He called out the Anschluss and the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact included, by reading maps and history books

Buckle up, in this 🧵 we will explore the most prophetic book ever written in history

7:07 AM · Apr 30, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778876 (010236ZMAY23) Notable: #23044

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#23044 >>39313

>>39314 Reports of Missile Launches from Russian Ships in the Black Sea

>>39315 Epstein papers expose his prominent contacts

>>39316 SpaceX: T-Minus eight minutes to Falcon Heavy liftoff

>>39317 Hungary issues NATO rebuke to Zelensky

>>39318 Zelensky’s adviser (whines and) lashes out at Merkel

>>39319 Haitian residents lynch and set fire to suspected gang members

>>39320 JUST IN: 12-year old stands up for women’s rights — “Men like Dylan Mulvaney or Lia Thomas will never be girls or women.”

>>39321 Moment 'gang members' beg for mercy before vigilante lynch mob stones them and burns them alive among petrol-soaked tyres in the streets in Haiti

>>39322 Ukraine can't join NATO now – member state’s president

>>39323 Ukraine links attack on Crimea to ‘counter-offensive’

>>39324 First Chinese world chess champion crowned

>>39326 Ukraine live cams

>>39327, >>39325 The leader of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS),Abu Hussein al-Qurashi, has allegedly been killed

>>39328 Aliens: Some interesting remarks by POTUS and some speculation on what he meant in the comments.

>>39329 Lauren Cranston, the daughter of a former deputy commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office, has been sentenced to a maximum of eight years in prison/tax fraud

>>39330 Oregon governor orders audit of her secretary of state for having consulting job with marijuana firm

>>39331 Brits urged to swear oath to their king for first time

>>39332 In 1920, this historian managed to predict World War II step by step!


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3e0a50 No.39334

File: d6213d8a587e5cb⋯.png (244.76 KB,599x630,599:630,Clipboard.png)

File: a04660ef141148a⋯.gif (437.2 KB,480x287,480:287,Clipboard.gif)

File: 9e6d48bcdc52671⋯.png (611.81 KB,864x712,108:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778895 (010239ZMAY23) Notable: #23045

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Baker can continue or defer, ballers call it

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3e0a50 No.39335

File: 491e70bd67a8015⋯.png (912.29 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778958 (010249ZMAY23) Notable: Pope says Vatican involved in secret Ukraine peace mission/so relieved/s

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Pope says Vatican involved in secret Ukraine peace mission


Don't shut door on foreigners, migrants, Pope Francis says in Hungary

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3e0a50 No.39336

File: 994cea737fbadc4⋯.png (834.46 KB,1018x581,1018:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 8913523823cec58⋯.png (181.03 KB,445x457,445:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18778994 (010258ZMAY23) Notable: PF: NORSE61 E-3B Sentry AWACS trackin' just NE of Rzsesow Airport just before sun up and just got a fill-up from 63-8888 KC-135 tanker

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PF: NORSE61 E-3B Sentry AWACS trackin' just NE of Rzsesow Airport just before sun up and just got a fill-up from 63-8888 KC-135 tanker

FORTE12 USAF Global Hawk still tracking on Moldova Romanian and S. Ukraine border

>>39317 Hungary issues NATO rebuke to Zelensky

>Z libs at Rzsesow ftmp moves around 3-4 locations in Poland and sometimes they move him or that double into Ukraine for the photo-ops

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3e0a50 No.39337

File: 3a1e3ca8a795d57⋯.png (793.6 KB,1174x837,1174:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779018 (010304ZMAY23) Notable: PF: NORSE61 E-3B Sentry AWACS trackin' just NE of Rzsesow Airport just before sun up and just got a fill-up from 63-8888 KC-135 tanker

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3e0a50 No.39338

File: 68b6042a02cd9ed⋯.png (735.69 KB,496x855,496:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a818dafe8e9e10⋯.png (71.04 KB,722x901,722:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f60966217e77f9⋯.png (86.64 KB,790x689,790:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779076 (010319ZMAY23) Notable: "Fed Wishes (they can claim this however this is key to wiping out the smaller banks) It Had Shut Down Reverse Repo Which Is Making The Bank Run Worse… But It Didn't, And Now It's Too Late"

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"Fed Wishes (they can claim this however this is key to wiping out the smaller banks) It Had Shut Down Reverse Repo Which Is Making The Bank Run Worse… But It Didn't, And Now It's Too Late"

The Policy on Counterparties for Market Operations has been updated to clarify that, in addition to implementing monetary policy, broader policy goals including fostering financial stability and ensuring bank safety and soundness, are considered when reviewing a prospective or existing counterparty,” wrote the NY Fed on their website. And of course, on the surface, that’s the most boring quote I’ve ever opened with. Truly. But how about this? “SEC registered 2a-7 funds that, in the sole judgement of the New York Fed, are organized for a single beneficial owner, or exhibit sufficient similarities to a fund so organized, generally will be deemed ineligible to access reverse repo operations.” More boring. For sure.

They concluded with this beauty: “These updates are intended to clarify the New York Fed’s existing counterparty management practices and do not impact the participation of current reverse repo counterparties.” My favorite word here is “clarify,” which suggests their policy was misunderstood. In fact, it was perfectly understood. So understood that the Fed needed to clarify to investors that accelerating the banking crisis is in nobody’s interest, especially not the Fed. But to appreciate such subtleties you must waste decades of the most productive years of your life reading these intentionally mind-numbing statements. Like I have. Do it long enough, you succumb to Stockholm Syndrome. So, to save you a life of torture, let me translate: The Fed introduced the reverse repo policy (RRP) in 2014 when they lost control of market operations at the zero lower bound. But after losing control of inflation, they hiked interest rates so fast it sparked a bank run.

Now, investors are pulling cash from banks to buy money-market funds that invest in risk-free high-yielding reverse repos. This exacerbates the bank run, and contracts credit in the economy. Which scares investors into selling risk assets to park more cash in reverse repos.

And our central bankers wish they’d seen this coming and shut the program years ago. But they didn’t and it’s too late. So instead, they “clarified” their intent, and will probably build another complex program on top of something that should no longer exist. And/or slash interest rates. In the hope of regaining control.

Even as it slips away.


>>>/qresearch/18778217 pb If JPMorgan Wins First Republic, OCC Standing By for Key Nod First Republic Bank

The number 2 guy at the O.C.C. is an ex-JP Moran guy-Greg Coleman Senior Deputy Comptroller for Large Bank Supervision

>He previously served as director within the Credit and Market Risk division in the Office of the Chief National Bank Examiner and as the lead for the capital markets team at JPMorgan Chase.


'''As the depositors flee these smaller banks they either 1. put the munee in the bigger banks or 2. Place them in Money Market Funds (which are then parked at the New York FRB RRP facitlity and cap#2 shows that from Friday @ $2.335T @ 4.80% and when it really got going in April 2021.


Read moar on the entire operations they do: Currency Swaps, Securities 'Lending' and Mortgage Backed Securities purchases-however they have not done that since Sept 2022 so you can see where rates went shortly after that (30y) cap#3


>>>/qrb/142799, >>>/qrb/142800, >>>/qrb/142801 Understanding NYFRB Operations:How this influence(s) market directions-Hypothecation and Rehypothecation of assets creating 1000s of claims

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3e0a50 No.39339

File: 3ebbfd92e9d5ccd⋯.png (636.74 KB,1118x1105,86:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779110 (010327ZMAY23) Notable: Trump on forcing NATO countries to pay their fair share

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Trump on forcing NATO countries to pay their fair share: "I said, 'If you don't pay, you get no protection whatsoever.' The following day, money started pouring in like nobody's ever seen."

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3e0a50 No.39340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779141 (010342ZMAY23) Notable: 2023-006-Worldwide-U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Industry Cybersecurity Resource Center Website

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2023-006-Worldwide-U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Industry Cybersecurity Resource Center Website


1. References: N/A

2. Issue: This advisory announces the launch of a new maritime industry cybersecurity resource by the U.S. Coast Guard, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD), the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The new resource is available at: https://www.uscg.mil/MaritimeCyber/


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3e0a50 No.39341

File: cd845b6c1656b55⋯.png (367.51 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779168 (010356ZMAY23) Notable: the Lincoln Nautilus will be made in China and imported to sell to Americans

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Ford Motor Company will make history by importing its next generation Lincoln Nautilus from China — the first time ever to do so. The move comes as backlash mounts against a planned Ford plant in Marshall, Michigan, that involves China’s premier electric vehicle battery supplier.

This month, Ford executives announced thatthe Lincoln Nautilus will be made in China and imported to sell to Americans in the United States. Previously, the SUV was made in Ontario, Canadabefore being shipped to the U.S. market for sale.


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3e0a50 No.39342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779267 (010448ZMAY23) Notable: Pope says Vatican involved in secret Ukraine peace mission/so relieved/s

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Pope speaks of secret peace ‘mission,’ help for Ukraine kids

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (AP) — Pope Francis on Sunday revealed that a secret peace “mission” in Russia’s war in Ukraine was under way, though he gave no details, and said the Vatican is willing to help facilitate the return of Ukrainian children taken to Russia during the war.

“I’m available to do anything,” Francis said during an airborne press conference en route home from Hungary. “There’s a mission that’s not public that’s underway; when it’s public I’ll talk about it.”

Francis gave no details when asked whether he spoke about peace initiatives during his talks in Budapest this weekend with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban or the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in Hungary.

Deportations of Ukrainian children have been a concern since Russia invaded Ukraine last year. Francis said the Holy See had already helped mediate some prisoner exchanges and would do “all that is humanly possible” to reunite families.

“All human gestures help. Gestures of cruelty don’t help,” Francis said.

The International Criminal Court in March issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s children’s commissioner, accusing them of war crimes for abducting children from Ukraine. Russia has denied any wrongdoing, contending the children were moved for their safety.


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3e0a50 No.39343

File: 8169f1ad9f432e2⋯.png (148.38 KB,1011x321,337:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 0815ddeb871df69⋯.png (234.57 KB,2048x897,2048:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779401 (010603ZMAY23) Notable: Grassley tweet & 'WATCH the water' coincidence

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3e0a50 No.39344

File: f229972c7ddbd8f⋯.png (3.68 MB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779496 (010734ZMAY23) Notable: Friends of Weiner Urge Him to Run for NYC mayor

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3e0a50 No.39345

File: f0abeb73f3b6c34⋯.png (419.97 KB,907x698,907:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779574 (010900ZMAY23) Notable: JP Morgan is set to take over the troubled US bank First Republic

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JP Morgan is set to take over the troubled US bank First Republic in a deal brokered by regulators.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) confirmed in a statement that First Republic had collapsed on Monday.

Investment banking giant JP Morgan will now take on "all of the deposits and substantially all of the assets of First Republic Bank".

First Republic becomes the third major US bank to collapse in recent months.

The San Francisco-based lender's shares fell by more than 75% last week after it admitted that customers had withdrawn $100bn (£79.6bn) of deposits in March.

It follows on from the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in March, which prompted fears of a wider banking crisis.

That was swiftly followed by the demise of another US lender, Signature Bank.

A deposit flight from lenders has forced the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, to step in with emergency measures to stabilise financial markets.

In March, a group of 11 US banks stepped forward to pump $30bn into First Republic in a bid to stabilise the business, but the efforts proved futile.

Founded in 1985, First Republic is a mid-sized US lender, similar to SVB. For years, it has catered to wealthy clients - whose money was at risk before the takeover was announced after a weekend of negotiations.

In the US, FDIC insures customer deposits up to $250,000.

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3e0a50 No.39346

File: 84b076f3e487fde⋯.jpg (99.72 KB,720x778,360:389,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779599 (010930ZMAY23) Notable: Jock Zonfrillo, Master Chef Australia host dies suddenly

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RIP Jock Zonfrillo. Heartbreaking.

Master Chef Australia host dies suddenly

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3e0a50 No.39347

File: 049d0a9155cc428⋯.jpg (196.34 KB,720x1099,720:1099,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c67719b5e36daa1⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779612 (010942ZMAY23) Notable: Englishmen chanting: You can shove your coronation up yer arse

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🎵You can shove your coronation up yer arse.🎵

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3e0a50 No.39348

File: adc7ed79623bb43⋯.png (719.83 KB,678x718,339:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779635 (010954ZMAY23) Notable: Bringing the War on Terror Home to Target Americans for ‘Disinformation’

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Bringing the War on Terror

Home to Target Americans for ‘Disinformation’

Breitbart, by James P. Pinkerton

Original Article

Posted By: mc squared, 4/30/2023 4:26:57 PM

The U.S. government took the information techniques it learned after 9/11 and has turned them on Americans. America may have lost the Great War on Terror, but our technocratic elites could still win their war against American liberty.[snip] Specifically, Siegel writes, these “infallible” elitists believe they are saving the world from “disinformation,” which is whatever they view as untruths about Russia, Ukraine, Donald Trump, Covid, climate change, election fraud, Brexit, etc. You name a flavor of disinfo, and they want to save us from it. And they’re operating in the State Department and other federal agencies, in numerous foundations and NGOs, and at a hundred academic “centers”

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3e0a50 No.39349

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779651 (011001ZMAY23) Notable: #23045

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>>39335, >>39342 Pope says Vatican involved in secret Ukraine peace mission/so relieved/s

>>39336, >>39337 PF: NORSE61 E-3B Sentry AWACS trackin' just NE of Rzsesow Airport just before sun up and just got a fill-up from 63-8888 KC-135 tanker

>>39338 "Fed Wishes (they can claim this however this is key to wiping out the smaller banks) It Had Shut Down Reverse Repo Which Is Making The Bank Run Worse… But It Didn't, And Now It's Too Late"

>>39339 Trump on forcing NATO countries to pay their fair share

>>39340 2023-006-Worldwide-U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Industry Cybersecurity Resource Center Website

>>39341 the Lincoln Nautilus will be made in China and imported to sell to Americans

>>39343 Grassley tweet & 'WATCH the water' coincidence

>>39344 Friends of Weiner Urge Him to Run for NYC mayor

>>39345 JP Morgan is set to take over the troubled US bank First Republic

>>39346 Jock Zonfrillo, Master Chef Australia host dies suddenly

>>39347 Englishmen chanting: You can shove your coronation up yer arse

>>39348 Bringing the War on Terror Home to Target Americans for ‘Disinformation’

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3e0a50 No.39350

File: 567441b7d75bd0d⋯.png (1.05 MB,804x796,201:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779661 (011004ZMAY23) Notable: #23046

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Q Research General #23046: How bad is it for Ron DeSantis? He’s polling at RFK Jr.’s level Edition

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3e0a50 No.39351

File: 5142f7a2505488c⋯.png (414.19 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

File: bd55dcca298e0fa⋯.png (924.49 KB,1200x676,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779711 (011019ZMAY23) Notable: Utah Biotech Company Implants Brain Chips In 50 People To Cure Depression, Blindeness, Paralysis

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Utah Biotech Company Implants Brain Chips In 50 People To Cure Depression, Blindeness, Paralysis

A Utah-based biotech company implanted brain chips in dozens in dozens of patients in an effort its owner claims will cure depression, blindness and paralysis.

The chip, known as NeuroPort Array, is manufactured by Blackrock Neurotech.

Blackrock’s device attaches 96 arrays, small needle-shaped brain chips, that decipher and stimulate electrical signals generated by someone’s thoughts.



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3e0a50 No.39352

File: cdedd800610ba15⋯.jpg (140.07 KB,720x878,360:439,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7f4d5d48698ec8e⋯.jpg (234.96 KB,720x1181,720:1181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779731 (011028ZMAY23) Notable: Nuclear training starts today in Houston, at the same time a massive manhunt is underway

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Nuclear training starts today in Houston, at the same time a massive manhunt is underway in the same general area


⚠️ A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident TRAINING EXERCISE will take place May 1-5 in southeast Houston and Harris County. The training exercise will NOT pose risks to area residents. Please do not be alarmed by training-related activity. @HoustonOEM

There are over 250 law enforcement officers from over a dozen agencies actively searching for Oropesa.

FBI Houston and other local, state, & federal agencies will not stop assisting SJSO until he is captured and justice is brought on behalf of the 5 victims. #ClevelandTXShooting


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3e0a50 No.39353

File: cd6aff206973b7d⋯.png (1.45 MB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779792 (011050ZMAY23) Notable: Rejection of the dollar will lead to economic growth, - Bashar al-Assad

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🇸🇾 Rejection of the dollar will lead to economic growth, - Bashar al-Assad

The Syrian President announced the need to abandon the US dollar in favor of the Chinese yuan.

📝 “It is necessary to put forward an initiative and a way to achieve development and economic cooperation … Exemption from settlement in dollars becomes necessary. The BRICS countries are able to play a key role in this area in addition to choosing the Chinese yuan for trade settlements between the countries,” the presidential press service said.

💲 Earlier, Vladimir Putin said that the Chinese yuan could become the best analogue if the dollar is abandoned.


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3e0a50 No.39354

File: 6750bed3e095b3d⋯.png (470.08 KB,901x938,901:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779810 (011057ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis underwhelms Britain’s business chiefs

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MSM calling Ron tedious, made me take a double look… wonder what they know, comms all through the article

Ron DeTedious: DeSantis underwhelms Britain’s business chiefs

UK captains of industry lambast ‘low-wattage’ US presidential hopeful.

LONDON — He hopes to win the hearts and minds of devoted Donald Trump supporters ahead of next year’s U.S. election.

But Republican presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis failed to impress British business chiefs at a high-profile London event Friday, in a tired performance described variously as “horrendous,” “low-wattage” and “like the end of an overseas trip.”

The Florida governor, expected to launch his bid next month to challenge Trump as the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential race, met with more than 50 representatives of major U.K. firms and business lobbying groups as a part of a four-country “trade mission” ending in London Friday.

His trip was officially billed as an attempt to build Florida’s economic relationships with the U.K., Israel, South Korea and Japan, but it has been widely seen in Washington as a chance for DeSantis to present himself as a statesman on the world stage.

For several of those present, however, the statesmanship was lacking.

One U.K. business figure said DeSantis “looked bored” and “stared at his feet” as he met with titans of British industry in an event co-hosted by Lloyd’s of London — the world’s largest insurance marketplace.

“He had been to five different countries in five days and he definitely looked spent, but his message wasn’t presidential,” they told POLITICO. “He was horrendous.”

A second business figure who was in the room said it was a “low-wattage” performance and that “nobody in the room was left thinking, ‘this man’s going places’.”

They said: “It felt really a bit like we were watching a state-level politician. I wouldn’t be surprised if [people in attendance] came out thinking ‘that’s not the guy’.”

“There wasn’t any stardust.”

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3e0a50 No.39355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779811 (011057ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis underwhelms Britain’s business chiefs

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“There wasn’t any stardust.”

A third person present at the event agreed “it felt like the end of an overseas trip — which it was,” but insisted DeSantis “came across well.” The best a fourth could muster was that DeSantis was “fine.”

DeSantis also met with U.K. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch during a whistlestop tour of London, though Prime Minister Rishi Sunak avoided a bilateral with the right-wing governor.

Sunak was at a Scottish Conservative Party conference Friday, which a No. 10 official said had been in his diary for a “long time.”

DeSantis is trailing Trump in polling among Republican primary voters, but has attracted support among a number of establishment Republicans who see him as a less chaotic figure than the ex-president.

The governor won a landslide re-election last year in what is traditionally a swing state, and has attracted praise from many Republicans for his “anti-woke” agenda and his commitment to tax cuts.

A government official said Badenoch, a rising star in the Conservative Party, and DeSantis had a “fruitful” conversation and that the pair “got on well.”

However, the pair did not discuss the prospect of a state-level economic Memorandum of Understanding between the U.K. and Florida, despite Britain’s efforts to sign similar arrangements with other U.S. states.

A second official said Badenoch’s team “wanted to avoid talking about a Florida MoU” as others are being prioritized, and because of the difficult optics for a British government also dealing with Joe Biden’s White House on several trade-related issues.

A Foreign Office spokesperson said Cleverly and DeSantis discussed “the close and important relationship between the U.K. and Florida.”

“The meeting was an opportunity to strengthen ties with the … U.S. state, and support bilateral economic co-operation that is already worth more than £5 billion a year,” they said.


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3e0a50 No.39356

File: 4b0e949f6ed7c5c⋯.png (192.76 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779813 (011059ZMAY23) Notable: Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei decried the presence of the US military in Iraq

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🇮🇶🇮🇷Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei decried the presence of the US military in Iraq during a meeting with Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid in Tehran on Saturday.

“The presence of even one American in Iraq is too much,” Khamenei said, Iranian state media outlet IRNA reported.

“Americans are not friends with anyone and are not even loyal to their European allies,” Khamenei said, as he called for Iran and Iraq to expand “bilateral cooperation.”


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3e0a50 No.39357

File: 6750bed3e095b3d⋯.png (470.08 KB,901x938,901:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779824 (011105ZMAY23) Notable: DONALDS: There Is No Doubt Trump Is The Right Choice For America

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REP. BYRON DONALDS: There Is No Doubt Trump Is The Right Choice For America

A recent visit to a pizza parlor in Ft. Myers reminded me why endorsing Donald Trump for president was one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever had to make.

The crowd there went wild, chanting “Trump, Trump, Trump!” This is what Paul McCartney must have felt traveling the world during Beatlemania. Americans don’t just love President Trump because he can be funny and entertaining. They have a bond with President Trump because of the results he delivered in the White House.

Voters miss low gas prices, global stability and a commander-in-chief that cared about their problems. The country is desperate for a change in leadership. (RELATED: DEBRA SAUNDERS: Does Anybody Really Think E. Jean Carroll’s Decades-Old Rape Allegation Against Trump Is Legit?)

The choice will be clear and simple for voters come November 2024. Who did the job better as president of the United States, Donald J. Trump or Joseph R. Biden? Who do you trust to turn this country around? Voters will head to the polls with inflation, crime, the indoctrination of their kids, instability across the globe and the economy on their minds.

There is no doubt Trump is the right choice for America.

Not only is Trump the right choice over Biden, but his experience enables him to hit the ground running on day one. This is why I endorsed President Trump over Gov. Ron DeSantis. I’m looking for somebody who can come in on day one and get America back on track.

I know many other Republican voters want the same. Experience matters and no other Republican has the experience President Trump has.

Polling consistently shows that over seventy percent of Americans think our nation is on the wrong track and for good reason. Biden reversed all the successes of the Trump administration.

Our border has been opened to millions of unknown people. Roughly five times more illegal immigrants have been documented crossing our southern border under Biden than under President Trump. This includes a massive spike in terror watch list members entering our nation.

The open border is being taken advantage of by Mexican drug cartels that flood our nation with poison. The amount offentanyl entering into our country has increased 900%. These deadly drugs are causing a historic amount of overdose deaths. Biden has blood on his hands.

Biden has demonized and targeted the energy industry. Under President Trump, America became a net exporter of oil for the first time, now we’re begging tyrants like Nicholas Maduro for oil.

President Trump brought stability to the world stage. Under Biden’s leadership, we’re now on the precipice of World War 3 in Ukraine. Meanwhile, China is negotiating with Brazil and other countries to subvert the dollar.

They’re becoming way more aggressive with Taiwan. China is doing this because they see weakness with the current commander in chief — Joe Biden.

It’s not just about the past. President Trump is looking ahead to the future with a series of bold policy proposals.

He’s already released a series of policy proposals under his Agenda47. These policies will rebuild the greatest economy in history, unleash energy dominance, secure our border, combat the war on drugs impacting countless families, restore safety, renew American strength and leadership, and defend law and liberty.

President Trump made America great once. He will make America great again. He has a proven record of doing it.


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3e0a50 No.39358

File: 1d8d77dfd1c286b⋯.png (354.01 KB,931x844,931:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779835 (011108ZMAY23) Notable: DONALDS: There Is No Doubt Trump Is The Right Choice For America

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my screenshots are asshole

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3e0a50 No.39359

File: 3e4a656e07f9c33⋯.png (1.39 MB,1191x850,1191:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779857 (011116ZMAY23) Notable: Trudeau told NATO Canada can't meet defence spending target

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>>39339 lb notables

>Trump on forcing NATO countries to pay their fair share

Trudeau has no intention of paying, they expect Americans to protect Canada.

Trudeau told NATO Canada can't meet defence spending target, Washington Post reports

James McCarten

The Canadian Press

Updated April 19, 2023 7:53 p.m. EDT

Published April 19, 2023 6:47 p.m. EDT


A trove of leaked Pentagon secrets included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau privately telling NATO that Canada would never meet the military alliance's targets for defence spending, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.

One document in particular, unsigned and undated, includes that blunt assessment among other "widespread" military deficiencies in Canada that are causing friction with security partners and allies, the newspaper says.

The Post report, published online Wednesday, describes it as a Pentagon assessment and does not include any direct quotes from Trudeau himself, nor many from the document beyond single words.

A trove of leaked Pentagon secrets included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau privately telling NATO that Canada would never meet the military alliance's targets for defence spending, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.


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3e0a50 No.39360

File: b94a18333e6401a⋯.png (1.27 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: f1061934aada6e0⋯.png (633.05 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779887 (011137ZMAY23) Notable: Nuclear training starts today in Houston, at the same time a massive manhunt is underway

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>Nuclear training starts today in Houston, at the same time a massive manhunt is underway in the same general area

Chopper circling downtown.

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3e0a50 No.39361

File: d1e4182a5a5f9c7⋯.mp4 (14.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 33eb39ad0674f50⋯.png (622.74 KB,907x701,907:701,Clipboard.png)

File: fd91597b9591133⋯.png (959.38 KB,653x875,653:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779944 (011208ZMAY23) Notable: Donald Trump Lands in Scotland

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Donald Trump Lands in Scotland

Former U.S. president Donald Trump arrived in Aberdeen, Scotland today to spend time at his golf resort at the Menie estate in Balmedie.




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3e0a50 No.39362

File: a325a8899e8fef7⋯.png (757.5 KB,798x880,399:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 355cbb7a8bbf40e⋯.png (1.55 MB,2284x886,1142:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ed2598683f16eb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1510x704,755:352,Clipboard.png)

File: 91f5a4dd3cc640f⋯.png (582.59 KB,1458x940,729:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779950 (011210ZMAY23) Notable: A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favor

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A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favorPart I

The Fox News host often ridicules the president’s son, but years ago, the two were close

By Matt Viser May 19, 2022 at 12:43 p.m. EDT

Tucker Carlson and his wife were looking to get their son a leg up in his college application to Georgetown University when they turned to a well-connected Washington friend who had an even better-connected father.

“I realize you don’t really know Buckley,” Susie Carlson wrote via email in 2014 to Hunter Biden, a Georgetown graduate and the son of the then-vice president. “Maybe you could meet or speak to him and he could send you a very brief resume with his interests and grades attached.”

Tucker Carlson offered that his son was a good squash player and an excellent fly fisherman. “He loves Washington for all the right reasons, I think,” Carlson added, “and really wants to go to school here.” When Biden agreed to write a letter of recommendation, Susie Carlson added a heap of praise: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!”

The Carlsons’ past entreaties to Biden may come as a surprise to many present-day viewers of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the highly rated prime-time Fox News show on which the host has repeatedly ridiculed Biden for seeking to profit off his family connections and at times for his history of personal troubles and drug use.

The interactions reveal the extent to which Carlson was willing to turn on a former associate as he thrives in a hyperpartisan media world in which conservatives have made Biden a prime target for attack during his father’s presidency. They also show how Carlson once sought to benefit from the elite political circles in Washington that he now regularly rails against as the “ruling class.”

“When your dad is president, you get superpowers,” Carlson said in October 2021 during a segment about Biden pursuing a new career as an artist. “Maybe Hunter Biden will invent a new vaccine next we will be required to take. Who knows? You never know. The sky is the limit when your dad is in power.”

Some emails between Tucker Carlson and Biden, saved on a device copied from a laptop that Biden purportedly left at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019, have been previously reported. The Washington Post has verified many of those emails through a forensic analysis and corroborated additional messages, including the correspondence with Carlson’s wife, with a person familiar with the communications.

Tucker Carlson, during a 15-minute phone interview, said that he was once close with Biden, as he has stated on his show.

“Hunter Biden was my neighbor. Our wives were friends. I knew him well. I talked to him many times about addiction, something I know a lot about,” Carlson said. “And I’ve said that. I think that Hunter Biden is an addict and that’s why his life is falling apart, and I feel bad for him. I’ve said that many times, and I mean it.”


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3e0a50 No.39363

File: dc10ba1edc3e8e4⋯.png (5.07 KB,473x500,473:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779951 (011212ZMAY23) Notable: A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favor

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A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favorPart II

The Fox News host often ridicules the president’s son, but years ago, the two were close

By Matt Viser May 19, 2022 at 12:43 p.m. EDT

But Carlson refused to discuss the emails, pointing to past claims by former U.S. intelligence officials that the laptop’s emergence in the final weeks of the 2020 presidential campaign had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Carlson was speaking with apparent irony, as he has frequently mocked those disinformation claims as part of an effort by establishment figures and the tech industry to protect Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign. Social media companies that had been widely criticized for spreading disinformation in the 2016 campaign sought in 2020 to block the spread of early news stories about the laptop.

“I can’t confirm these emails. The emails that you’re referring to were described by our intel community as Russian disinformation,” he said, adding that he doesn’t have access to the account so could not verify the emails. “So why would I? And I read that in The Washington Post.”

“I would just remind you that there’s a war going on,” he added. “And loose lips sink ships.”

On his show earlier this month, when Carlson hosted the owner of the computer repair shop where Biden purportedly left his laptop, the host predicted that the “Russia hysteria will not age well,” adding: “Everyone’s admitting the laptop was not Russian disinformation. It’s real. It was Hunter Biden’s.”

Hunter Biden declined a request for an interview through his lawyer.

The illumination of the Biden-Carlson relationship is one of the more unexpected chapters in the trove of correspondence included on the copy of the Biden laptop, much of which has been widely cited to document Biden’s overseas business dealings during his father’s time in office as well as his personal travails.

A copy of the laptop hard drive was provided to The Post by Jack Maxey, an activist who received a copy from Rudy Giuliani in 2020, at a time when Maxey was working with Stephen K. Bannon and his “War Room” podcast. Two security experts who did a forensic analysis of the data at the request of The Post were able to verify a portion of the emails as authentic communications. The emails cited in this report were either verified by the analysts or recently corroborated by a person familiar with the communications.

After articles surfaced in the New York Post in October 2020, The Washington Post had requested a copy of the material to independently assess — repeatedly asking Giuliani and Bannon for a copy of the data to review before the election — but the requests were rebuffed or ignored. The Washington Post wrote about the New York Post articles at the time and, in March, began publishing reports based on its own review of the data.

The request for Hunter Biden to help their son get into Georgetown came at a time when the Bidens and the Carlsons were close. “Tucker and I would be so grateful if you could write a letter or speak to someone in the Georgetown Admission’s Office about Buckley,” Susie Carlson wrote.

Biden wrote back that he would be honored, and he agreed to prepare a letter to the president of the university. “I will do anything you would like me to do.”

Tucker Carlson supplied a summary of his son’s attributes, hobbies and academic record. He added that his son was a compulsive reader, enjoyed the outdoors and spent a month on a sailboat.

The next day, Carlson sent a note of gratitude.

“I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Bucky’s behalf,” he wrote. “So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon.”


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3e0a50 No.39364

File: 4e57aed45103da7⋯.png (31.68 KB,1016x198,508:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779960 (011217ZMAY23) Notable: Blue States losing pop/tax rev to Red states

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By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: April 30, 2023 - 11:09pm

Even as Democratic governors such as California's Gavin Newsom and Illinois' J.B. Pritzker slam red state policies, their residents are fleeing in droves for Republican-controlled states.

IRS migration data released late last week shows that California lost more residents than any other state, with a net loss of nearly 332,000 people and more than $29 billion in adjusted gross income in 2021. The state with the second largest population loss is New York, which saw a net loss of over 262,000 residents and $24.5 billion in income. Illinois, meanwhile, suffered a net loss of 105,000 people in 2021 and $10.8 billion in income.

Other states saw population losses, albeit not to the same degree as the three most populous states.

Massachusetts, for example, had a net loss of 44,000 people and nearly $4.3 billion in income, while Louisiana lost 28,500 people and $861 million in income. New Jersey, which lost fewer people, had a higher income loss, with 26,000 fewer people and $3.8 billion less in income.

Florida gained the most residents, with a net gain of over 255,000 people and $39 billion in income, while Texas came in second with nearly 175,000 residents and $10.9 billion in income. Meanwhile, North Carolina had a net gain of nearly 77,000 residents, and South Carolina gained nearly 65,000.

The largest source of Florida's new residents was New York, IRS data shows, with 84,365 arriving from the Empire State. New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is well aware of her state's issue with residents fleeing to Florida. Last year, the New York Post reported, she joked while signing a bill about Holocaust education: "I just want to say to the 1.77 million Jews who call New York home: Thank you for calling New York home. Don't go anywhere or to another state. Florida is overrated."

Florida, which does not have state income taxes, also welcomed a significant number of high-income residents from New Jersey, California and Illinois, all states that are known for having high taxes.


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3e0a50 No.39365

File: 52b60b865e4f610⋯.jpeg (66.3 KB,548x432,137:108,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779971 (011220ZMAY23) Notable: Indian government official accuses Kiev of ‘assault on Hindu sentiment’

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1 May, 2023 08:01

Indian government official accuses Kiev of ‘assault on Hindu sentiment’

A tweet by the Ukrainian defense ministry featuring a caricature of the goddess Kali has caused widespread anger

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry offended Hindu sentiment by tweeting a caricature of the Hindu goddess Kali, Senior Advisor at the Indian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Kanchan Gupta has said.

The backlash from Gupta and other Indians prompted Kiev to delete the controversial image shortly after it was posted on Sunday.

The tweet in question included a drawing by Ukrainian artist Maksym Palenko, accompanied by a short caption reading “Work of art.”

Palenko had reworked an image of an explosion to make it look like the Hindu goddess of ultimate power, time, destruction and change in a pose reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe in the 1955 movie ‘The Seven Year Itch’.

The post by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry was an example of “brazen hate speech,”Gupta wrote in a tweet. No other government had ever done such a thing regarding India, he added.

A Hindu goddess being “caricatured on a propaganda poster… is an assault on Hindu sentiments around the world,” the official insisted.

Kiev’s diplomatic advances towards India are all “fakery,” and the cartoon shows the “real face” of the Ukrainian authorities, Gupta claimed.

Despite being swiftly removed, the tweet was seen by almost a million people and made headlines in the Indian media. The Times of India newspaper described the cartoon as “offensive” in its report.

A large number of Twitter users also expressed their outrage that their revered goddess Kali had been “mocked.”

“Our faith is not a matter of joke,” one individual commented, describing the tweet as “shocking.”

Another person insisted that “hurting [the] sentiments of 1.4 billion Indians was not okay,” accusing the Ukrainian defense ministry of a “blatant display of Hinduphobia.”

Indian users also tagged Twitter CEO Elon Musk and Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, urging them to take action.

India, as a founder of the Non-Aligned Movement, has taken a neutral stance since the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022. New Delhi has abstained from UN votes on resolutions condemning Moscow’s military operation, while resisting Western pressure to implement anti-Russia sanctions.

India has also boosted trade cooperation with Moscow, angering Kiev by becoming one of the top buyers of Russian oil. In December, the Ukrainian foreign minister claimed that New Delhi was benefiting from the “suffering”of his compatriots and therefore needed to do more to help Kiev.

(So far Kiev has insulted and disparaged 4-5 world leaders and their countries in the last four days. Weird considering they are begging for more arms. One of the many reasons they will never be admitted to EU or NATO. This is what US and EU get for supporting NAZIs)


The board won’t take the pic

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3e0a50 No.39366

File: 6d6457fd1b693be⋯.png (511.07 KB,859x587,859:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18779974 (011222ZMAY23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr clarified his views on climate change and pollution issues

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Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr clarified his views on climate change and pollution issues during a recent interview with Kim Iverson.

During Friday’s interview, Kennedy claimed that “mega-billionaires” like Bill Gates are using climate change to usher in “totalitarian controls” of the population.

He said:

“Climate issues and pollution issues are being exploited by, you know, the the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and all of these big, you know, mega billionaires. The same way that COVID was exploited to use it as an excuse to clamp down top down totalitarian controls on society and to and then to give us engineering solutions. And if you look closely, as it turns out, the guys who are promoting those engineering solutions are the people who own the IPS, the patents for those solutions. It’s a way they’ve given climate chaos a bad name because people now see that it’s just another crisis that’s being used to strip by the wealth of the poor and to enrich billionaires. And I, for 40 years, have had the same policy on climate and engineering. You can go check my speeches from the 1980s, and I’ve said, the most important solution for environmental issues? Not top down controls. It’s free market capitalism.“


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3e0a50 No.39367

File: ed439749e5c9c9e⋯.jpeg (79.39 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 926d9d3e2e186ec⋯.jpeg (280.05 KB,1240x660,62:33,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 171d8c0652fdd7a⋯.jpeg (222.71 KB,1240x639,1240:639,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 64802dea2233084⋯.jpeg (748.48 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8cc4759bc2029c4⋯.jpeg (688.93 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780009 (011233ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine: Why the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine will be felt for decades

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1 May, 2023 11:47

A literal minefield: Why the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine will be felt for decades

Ukraine is teeming with explosives that have been placed in the ground. The repercussions of this catastrophe will affect future generations

Since February of last year, when Russia launched its military offensive in the country, mine explosions have killed about 200 civilians in Ukraine, while hundreds more have been injured.

The UN has already called Ukraine the most heavily mined state in the world. Yet the contamination continues to grow because of how positional warfare is carried out. With the conflict far from over, the further laying of explosives could have disastrous consequences.

Deadly traps

Official reports claim that 250,000 square kilometers (almost 62 million acres) of Ukrainian territory have been mined. This is equal to the entirety of the UK (244,000 square kilometers). According to Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, his country has become the world’s largest minefield, which has even spurred the government to create a special center to deal with the fallout.

Experts believe that the situation in Ukraine is worse than in Afghanistan and Syria. The number of unexploded ordnance, anti-personnel, anti-tank, and other mines and explosive shells is estimated to be in the millions of units.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s minefields are growing exponentially. In the past year, the entire length of the front line on both sides has been mined. They are often laid in a scattered manner and without mapping. Given Ukraine’s large size, this greatly complicates the process of finding and neutralizing them.

“Indeed, there is a chance that the mined territories may expand further, both due to the prolongation of the conflict and the likely offensive from either side, which may move hostilities to previously unaffected territories,”Maxim Semenov, a political analyst and specialist in conflicts in the post-Soviet space, told RT.

Official sources also report that the contaminated area is expanding. Last summer, the Ukrainian Deminers Association statedthat minefields covered about 133,000 square kilometers of Ukraine, but the number recently announced by Shmigal is already double that.

Meanwhile, there are no solutions that can be totally effective, and most importantly, quick and simple. Demining is the exclusive job of sappers. For example, back in the 2000s, an average of 50 people a day were blown up on anti-personnel objects in Angola, one of the most heavily mined countries in the world. To this day, about 500,000 explosive devices remain, despite the fact that dozens of sapper units from all around the world have helped out in the country. It’s also worth noting that both the fighting and the scope of contamination in Angola were a lot less severe than in Ukraine.

“We should note the experience of African and Asian countries, and even of the Soviet Union, where, decades after the end of war, mine explosions occasionally happened. It is impossible to provide guarantees that an area is completely clear of mines. The army may not make maps of minefields, as has been the case with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass since 2014. Or the maps may be inaccurate, they may get lost, etc. All this complicates the work of the sappers,” notes Semenov, adding that even decades after an area is cleared, mines can still pop up in the most unexpected places. Even sappers cannot guarantee that all mines and shells are found and cleared….(very long article)


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3e0a50 No.39368

File: 7cf397b0d6f42d0⋯.png (67.97 KB,698x438,349:219,Clipboard.png)

File: f04815e534cd63f⋯.png (361.66 KB,672x701,672:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 5132cce501cb493⋯.png (81.54 KB,520x1448,65:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780012 (011235ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine: Why the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine will be felt for decades

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This article strongly suggests that the Murdochs talked to Zelensky, and Tucker's opposition to the US proxy war in Ukraine was a major factor in his firing.



Ben Smith



''' scoop: The Murdochs talked to @ZelenskyyUa

in March, and Carlson's firing ended his public *and private* pressure on pro-Ukraine house Republicans'''


The Murdochs' Ukraine connection

| Semafor

Apr 30, 2023, 6:59pm

The Murdoch’s have not revealed which of Carlson’s many provocations triggered his firing, and there’s no particular suggestion that Zelenskyy — whom Carlson had called a “dictator” — delivered the final blow.

But Carlson’s firing will immediately relieve pressure on key Capitol Hill Ukraine supporters whom Carlson had criticized on air — and sometimes pressed behind the scenes to change their positions on the war.

Texas Rep. Michael McCaul has been one of the most outspoken Republican supporters of the US support for Ukraine, stepping out of line to occasionally reprimand figures in his own party who do not share his views on the subject.

In a segment last year, the Fox News host told viewers that the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee had privately called his show “Russian disinformation.”

“In other words, not only are we wrong — which is fine — we are disloyal Americans. We’re doing the bidding of a foreign power,” Carlson said. “That is not fine, that is slander.”

According to two people familiar with the conversation, the then-Fox News host also made his displeasure to McCaul known in a tense private conversation in which Carlson criticized the congressman’s comments, describing the congressman as having a low IQ. (Both Carlson and McCaul’s office declined to discuss the conversation).

The populist Republican right remains hostile to the war effort and at times openly sympathetic to Russia. But none of Fox’s other top figures seem to share Carlson’s zeal.

"Clearly, he spooked a lot of members into not being fully supportive of Ukraine," a senior Republican congressional aide told Semafor. Carlson's ouster, the aide added, "probably reduces the loudest voice out there against U.S. support."

Regardless of the reason for Carlson’s departure, more moderate pro-Ukraine members of the Republican caucus on the Hill are not hiding their relief.

“There have been some that have argued that he was setting foreign policy for the Republican Party, which I find to be bizarre. Certainly not for me,”Sen. Mitt Romneytold the Hill. “To the primary [Republican] voter, the active participant, the grassroot voter, he’s a person they listen to and has a big influence.”


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3e0a50 No.39369

File: 9c8c82d455d6a3a⋯.png (439.17 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780020 (011240ZMAY23) Notable: First Republic Bank Taken Over by FDIC and Sold to JPMorgan

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monday morn'n money laundering update

so fdic won't insure over 250k of deposits, but will use taxpayer $ to buy up a laundering op and clean it thru jpm. all in broad daylight

First Republic Bank Taken Over by FDIC and Sold to JPMorgan – Largest Lender to Collapse Since 2008


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3e0a50 No.39370

File: 214c5c16f0ba89b⋯.jpeg (107.64 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780046 (011252ZMAY23) Notable: Secret $1.6 billion submarine plans found in pub toilet

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29 Apr, 2023 07:20

Secret $1.6 billion submarine plans found in pub toilet – media

Britain's Royal Navy has launched a probe into the incident

The plans of the torpedo mechanism for the Royal Navy’s newest nuclear-powered submarine were found lying on the floor inside a bathroom stall in a pub, British tabloid The Sun reported on Friday, citing a source.

The files regarding HMS Anson, an Astute-class vessel, werereportedly marked ‘official-sensitive’ – the second level in the UK government’s three-tier classification scheme. People handling official-sensitive information must abide by the ‘need to know’ principle, especially if documents “might be shared outside of a routine or well understood business process,” the Ministry of Justice website states.

According to the newspaper, the files were discovered in a pub in the port town of Barrow-in-Furness, northern England. The establishment is located not far from the BAE Systems’ shipyard where naval vessels are built. “It was quite a lively night,” the source, who claimed to have spotted the documents, said. “The pub was full of people from the docks – military and civilian.”

“I went into the toilet and the plans were lying on the floor of the cubicle with the lanyard … Anyone could have found them,” the source said.

The files reportedly included a description of the submarine’s hydraulics, which “control torpedo hatches, steering and buoyancy.”

A Navy spokesperson told The Sun the files were “generic training documents,” but added that “the circumstances of their discovery”would be investigated.


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3e0a50 No.39371

File: c5d16cd5265aaab⋯.jpeg (197.64 KB,1170x887,1170:887,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780070 (011302ZMAY23) Notable: House Ways and Means Committee granted IRS authority to inspect Hunter Biden’s tax returns

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The House Ways and Means Committee granted two attorneys representing the Internal Revenue Service whistleblower authority to inspect Hunter Biden’s tax returns and related information. This development promises to accelerate the unraveling of the Justice Department’s Biden family protection racket.


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3e0a50 No.39372

File: 76b4c31e1bebd3b⋯.jpeg (1014.95 KB,1170x1873,1170:1873,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780072 (011307ZMAY23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr clarified his views on climate change and pollution issues

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Everyone needs to pay close attention to these new candidates jumping into presidential politics. We are where we are and only God knows the outcome.

Although the @TheChiefNerd may have some insight…


Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Link Between the U.S. Biowarfare Program, Vaccines & the Creation of SARS-COV-2

"After the anthrax attacks, the military wanted to get back in the game…Instead of doing it themselves at first, they shifted at that time $1.7B/year to Tony Fauci. It's now $2.2B/year to essentially do weapons development."




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3e0a50 No.39373

File: b022a0af8d61711⋯.jpeg (70.05 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780079 (011312ZMAY23) Notable: Iranian president plans Syria visit to ‘celebrate victory’

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1 May, 2023 00:17

Iranian president plans Syria visit to ‘celebrate victory’ – officials

Ebrahim Raisi’s trip will mark a “turning point” in the region and beyond, Tehran’s ambassador to Damascus has claimed

Ebrahim Raisi will become the first Iranian president to visit Syria in over a decade when he travels to Damascus this week for talks that Tehran’s ambassador to Damascus has touted as a “turning point” in regional relations.

The two-day trip to Damascus will foster closer ties between embattled nations that oppose Western world dominance, Ambassador Hossein Akbari claimed on Sunday in an interview with Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency, apparently alluding to America’s hegemonic foreign policy. “This trip will not only be beneficial for Tehran and Damascus, but it is a very good event that other countries in the region can also take advantage of.”

The timing of the visit makes it all the more important because of changes happening in the region, Akbari said. Iran and Saudi Arabia reportedly plan to open embassies in each other’s countries within days after agreeing last month to normalize relations under a deal brokered by China. Meanwhile, some Arab countries are normalizing relations with Damascus after years of joining the US in backing rebel fighters in a failed regime-change campaign against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian uprising began in 2011, triggering a war that killed over 500,000 people and created a massive refugee crisis. Assad emerged victorious, regaining control of most of his country, thanks largely to military and economic support from Iran and Russia. Iranian officials hope that success will inspire other nations opposed to US hegemony.

“This trip can open a space and chapter of interaction between the countries that oppose the domination system, especially the countries that are in the area of sanctions and have common interests,” Akbari said. “Other countries can also use it.”

Mohammad Jamshidi, Tehran’s deputy presidential chief of staff for political affairs, said Raisi’s trip to Syria will bea “celebration”for the so-called “axis of resistance.” He added, “West Asia has undergone a tense period of geopolitical change with two results: victory of Iran and failure of the US.”

General Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian military commander who was assassinated by US forces in January 2020, taught his country’s leader that “successful diplomacy is rooted in being powerful in the field,” Jamshidi said.

The last Iranian president to visit Damascus was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who traveled to the Syrian capital in 2010.

(Are the Abraham Accords ongoing? Trump knew our DS would never try to make real peace in the middle east, did he work with other leaders to accomplish this? So when he’s back there is no foreign involvement.Maybe not but interesting the CIA didn’t even know it was happening. 7 Apr, 2023CIA chief admits US ‘blindsided’ by Saudi-Iran deal – WSJTop diplomats from Tehran and Riyadh met in Beijing on Thursday to reestablish contacts between the longtime rivals)


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3e0a50 No.39374

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780084 (011314ZMAY23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/01/2023


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3e0a50 No.39375

File: 83dd3e8240c4c74⋯.jpg (409.58 KB,1440x1122,240:187,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f0b90df07387674⋯.png (273.52 KB,720x521,720:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 0342446668c9e6c⋯.png (897.64 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f2e3b9955dd64c⋯.png (134.23 KB,616x385,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780087 (011315ZMAY23) Notable: First Republic Bank Taken Over by FDIC and Sold to JPMorgan

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Crazy that a less insured bank would take over a failing more insured one.

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3e0a50 No.39376

File: 1a42f637d7e9e83⋯.png (730.98 KB,1132x1200,283:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 230fa5fb3edc514⋯.png (689.43 KB,1123x1184,1123:1184,Clipboard.png)

File: a8bc58e2dfe6178⋯.png (78.59 KB,1482x374,741:187,Clipboard.png)

File: e01c5cd9e804d6d⋯.png (46.71 KB,668x443,668:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780103 (011323ZMAY23) Notable: Contact from another world: Thousands of space radio signals reach Earth

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🚨 Contact from another world: Thousands of space radio signals reach Earth

Contact from another world: Thousands of space radio signals reach Earth

Brendan TaylorApril 27, 2023 1:35 pm ** B = 2, T = 20 ….just a coinky?

According to Canadian astronomers, Earth has received numerous radio signals from space, some of which are suspected to be messages from extraterrestrial sources, NY Post reported. As per the report, 50 of the messages are said to be coming from “repeating sources”.

Canadian astronomers discover thousands of deep space radio signals reaching Earth

The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment has reported the discovery of 25 new repeating sources. They are also referred to as fast radio bursts (FRBs), originating from the depths of the universe. The experiment employs a powerful radio telescope in British Columbia to capture these signals.

The CHIME/FRB collaboration has labeled these FRBs as “one of the biggest mysteries in astronomy.” Yet, there is concrete evidence indicating that they came from a location beyond the Milky Way galaxy.

“Most of the thousands of FRBs that astronomers have discovered to date have only ever been seen to burst once. But there is a small subset that have been seen to burst multiple times,” the collaboration stated.

“One of the big questions is whether the repeating FRBs and those that don’t repeat have similar origins.”

Dr. Ziggy Pleunis unveils significant revelation about enigmatic FRBs

According to Dr. Ziggy Pleunis, who authored the study, the recently published research revealed that some of the enigmatic FRBs were not arbitrary signal emissions.

“We can now accurately calculate the probability that two or more bursts coming from similar locations are not just a coincidence,” Dr. Pleunis said.

This technology’s progress has provided Earth’s leading experts with greater insight into what lies ahead.

The development of the CHIME telescope, which has the ability to scan the northern sky daily, has resulted in an increased interception rate of FRBs “from a few tens, to thousands in recent years.”

The repeating sources of FRBs are considered to be of “uniquely valuable” criteria to astronomers as they can be reobserved in greater detail.

Firstly, identifying a source as a repeater allows it to be observed in greater detail with other telescopes. Secondly, a larger number of bursts provides a more comprehensive understanding of the range of emissions that a particular source can produce.

“FRBs are likely produced by the leftovers from explosive stellar deaths.” Pleunis added. “By studying repeating FRB sources in detail, we can study the environments that these explosions occur in and understand better the end stages of a star’s life.”

Link from Apr 27


Delta between: 3 days 18hrs 18 minutes (countdown to something?)

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3e0a50 No.39377

File: 96279dc40dbf2bf⋯.png (812.21 KB,1062x1148,531:574,Clipboard.png)

File: 63803010ce8b262⋯.png (589.7 KB,837x1280,837:1280,Clipboard.png)

File: c878a82871f1810⋯.png (597.55 KB,859x1280,859:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780124 (011334ZMAY23) Notable: Putin: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA”

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Putin: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA”

Great view count

Throwback 2017 Putin quote

Putin said: “If the CIA have Russian blood on their hands, they will forever regret stirring the Russian bear from its peaceful slumber.”

When questioned by a top aide as to whether the 95% figure was accurate, Putin sighed heavily and fixed the assembled group with his trademark stare before explaining that in regards to how the world is run, all is not how it seems.

Putin affirms that the CIA is a rogue element of the Deep State, and “an expression of the will of world oligarchy and their vision for a New World Order.“

He claimes that CIA exists today as part of America – but it is certainly not American. “The CIA does not work on behalf of the American people or act in their interests.”



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3e0a50 No.39378

File: 76bb621deb9978e⋯.png (370.38 KB,1231x605,1231:605,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fe67622f6900a3⋯.png (230.1 KB,700x393,700:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780183 (011352ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity

Starting out west and today w/ CONUS as Europe/Med looks pretty quiet so far

SPAR65 Indo-PAC G5Cmdr. AquilinoEN from Hickam AFB, Oahu depart

SAM718 G5 departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after an overnight (one of those 3 high level ACs that left JBA yesterday-SAM911 went to San Antonio Int'l, then Bentonville, AR and back to JBA yesterday)

SAM747 G5 west from JBA (this also pretty high level and used as AF2 by pence-as a replacement for a mechanical issue on a C-32A as well as kneepads' for mechanical issue and also as a primary for trip to NH-was SAM2A for the most recent trip to LAX)

BOXER40 C-40B NE from JBA and earlier departure in same direction was 01-0040 C-40B (usually a State dept AC) and used by Blinken for his last trip to far east while his 'normal' AC was at Majors Airport (tail #98-0002 C-32A) having some extended maintenance performed-it back in service already and was used to go to Denver last week-Yellen has used this for several trips as well-most recent was her 'secret visit' to Kyiv (Rzsesow Airport and it went right back to same one day after returning to JBA)

Both of those C-40Bs are prolly for Flauxtus' (and whoever else goes cuz WH sez Potato is not going) trip for chucky BS later this week

RAF RRR2212 A330 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) inbound from RAF Brize Norton depart

SPAR857 Learjet35 east from Scott AFB, IL

Tunisia AF TUN26 C-130j Hercules WS from St. Johns after an overnight

Mexi AF 5211 Super King Air B350 ISR (intelligence, Surveillance, Recon) AC out of Guadalajara runnin' ISR patters on Mexico's southern coast werkin it's way inland

Since it just appeared roundin' Cuba GTMO842 US Navy Beech heading for Ft. Lauderdale and/or NAS JAX

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3e0a50 No.39379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780208 (011403ZMAY23) Notable: Victor Davis Hanson Gives Big Picture Perspective on Fox News and Tucker Carlson Firing

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Victor Davis Hanson Gives Big Picture Perspective on Fox News and Tucker Carlson Firing

April 30, 2023 | Sundance | 189 Comments

Victor Davis Hanson often has a unique big picture perspective on current events, linking and contrasting the disconnected high-brow outlook to the pragmatic perspectives of the modern populist movement.

Hanson takes an academic approach to the reality of current social constructs, yet in his own unique way he can describe the current status in a thoughtful and practical way. In this analysis VDH contrasts the goals of the ideological media, specifically the goals of those in the Republican wing of the media control apparatus, to the reality they have created by removing the voice of Tucker Carlson.

In their quest to control the mounting opposition to the corporate manipulation behind the DC Potemkin Village, the corporate media are creating a nimbler and more consequential army of opposition to their efforts. The need for control is a reaction to fear.

There is a particular type of spider that carries several hundreds of young on her body after birth. If you spot one of these in your shower, and your irrational fear instinct is to smash what seems to be a big scary spider, what you discover in the aftermath is the bathtub walls moving. Yes, you may have squished the spider, but hundreds of smaller spiders are now crawling all around you.



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3e0a50 No.39380

File: 295ec68d0c9d697⋯.png (355.26 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780217 (011406ZMAY23) Notable: Paraguayan Patriots Defeat WEF/CIA Election Coup

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‘Paraguay Has Triumphed, Jesus Has Triumphed’: Paraguayan Patriots Defeat WEF/CIA Election Coup

Paraguayan Patriots have defeated the WEF and CIA-backed election coup that saw Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum, the US Deep State, and hackers linked to Brazil’s left-wing government meddling in the nation’s politics, with the aim of installing a Manchurian candidate to ignite the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Great Reset” agendas in Latin America.

Paraguay‘s center-right to right-wing Colorado Party won the Presidency and both chambers of the national legislature, dealing a major blow to the “Great Reset” agenda of Klaus Schwab and his CIA allies, who were backing the globalist ticket of the left-wing Authentic Radical Liberal Party (PLRA).

The victories also deal a major blow to the establishment figures within the Colorado Party who, much like establishment Republicans in the United States, have been blatantly “captured” by the WEF and their Sorosian allies.

With more than 99% of the vote reported, Colorado Party Presidential candidate Santiago Pena has won the support of more than 1.2 million Paraguayans, giving him a 42% plurality of votes.

Efrain Alegre, the WEF’s man, won just 830,842 votes, equating to 27.49% of those cast.

Even left-wing Paraguayans rejected selling the nation out to globalism, supporting the populist, “dark horse”-style campaign of Paraguayo Cubas, instead of backing Alegre and the PLRA, which sought to pivot the nation towards Communist China. (Paraguay is one of the few nations on earth that recognizes Taiwanese sovereignty, something the PLRA and their WEF backers vowed to put a stop to, had they been successful in installing themselves in government leadership.)

More at: https://nationalfile.com/paraguay-has-triumphed-jesus-has-triumphed-paraguayan-patriots-defeat-wef-cia-election-coup/

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3e0a50 No.39381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780219 (011407ZMAY23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy News Conference After Knesset Address

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10:15 AM EDT

Speaker McCarthy News Conference After Knesset Address

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) holds a news conference in Jerusalem following his address to the Israeli Knesset.


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3e0a50 No.39382

File: 9d4e37525cf8787⋯.png (832.27 KB,956x711,956:711,Clipboard.png)

File: ad6d0c0cf77534f⋯.png (55.04 KB,703x289,703:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d4ccf6d0ceb753⋯.png (301.11 KB,484x410,242:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780237 (011411ZMAY23) Notable: JPMorgan buys First Republic: Bank shares rise as deal reached

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=JPMorgan buys First Republic: Bank shares rise as deal reached

JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup shareholders respond to First Republic purchase. Shares of major U.S. banks are mostly higher after JPMorgan Chase announced Monday that it would purchase most of the assets of the struggling First Republic Bank.

JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citigroup are all in positive territory in premarket trading. As part of the deal, JPMorgan will make a $10.6 billion payment to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) for most of the San Francisco-based lender's assets, after government regulators seized control of the failed bank over the weekend, securing the third major U.S. financial institution to collapse in 60 days. JPMorgan also entered into a loss-share agreement with the FDIC on single family, residential and commercial loans it bought but will not take First Republic Bank's corporate debt or preferred stock (which was the only thing ever downgraded by the ratings agencies)'''


After telegraphing this for several weeks but playing the FDIC gonna take it over (was never gonna habben in an official capacity for payouts) it finally got done and exactly as predicted-the usual normal rules waived so that JP Moran absorbs the rotting carcass of FRC which send the Bank stonks higher and the ETF KBE follows cap #2


>>38780, >>38890, >>39289, >>>/qresearch/18778217, >>39338 pbs First Republic posts and JPMorgan Wins First Republic, OCC Standing By for Key Nod First Republic Bank

The number 2 guy at the O.C.C. is an ex-JP Moran guy-Greg Coleman Senior Deputy Comptroller for Large Bank Supervision

>He previously served as director within the Credit and Market Risk division in the Office of the Chief National Bank Examiner and as the lead for the capital markets team at JPMorgan Chase.


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3e0a50 No.39383

File: 67af06b9e46653e⋯.png (401.41 KB,530x536,265:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780242 (011412ZMAY23) Notable: @GHWBCVN77 Better than a biscuit! 🐶

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Better than a biscuit! 🐶

The Dogs with


who watched us leave, were there for #TeamAvenger when we came home!

#FreedomAtWork #CAVU



Wasn't the raid on Mar-a-Lago by the FBI all about trying to find the biscuit to the nuclear football?

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3e0a50 No.39384

File: d4b0e19cb55e6ff⋯.png (1.91 MB,1153x3434,1153:3434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780256 (011417ZMAY23) Notable: Just archived a listing of 17 Marvel directors, so the name is probably on this list of17

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>>39298 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/18777891 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/18777906 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/18777994 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/18778063 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/187778094 (pb)

>Marvel Directors

Just archived a listing of17Marvel directors, so the name is probably on this list of17

I see the nameJames Gunn, which is the one that jumps out at me as being the most likely pedophile on this list.

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/wip/jYZtg

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3e0a50 No.39385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780331 (011434ZMAY23) Notable: Jock Zonfrillo, MasterChef Australia host, found dead at age 46

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Jock Zonfrillo, MasterChef Australia host, found dead at age 46

No cause of death was given but Victoria state police said the death was not being treated as suspicious.

Police said they were preparing a report for the coroner.


Nothing suspicious? Guys drops dead at 46 and there's nothing suspicious?

Police are preparing the report. Make sure not to mention vaccination status.

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3e0a50 No.39386

File: 839c7e6953dee32⋯.png (287.33 KB,996x592,249:148,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b1f18940c034a8⋯.png (64.94 KB,1069x494,1069:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780372 (011441ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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SHADY18 MC-12W Liberty (little bro of flying antenna farm-'Guardrail') south from Ft. Stewart-Savannah, GA and 18 for the republitards that signed the spending bill

FLASH11 and 12=23KC-135 tankers out of MacDill AFB off SW FL on the refueling track-cap#2

VV700 US Navy G5 some 'Brass' south from JBA

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3e0a50 No.39387

File: c7e7262ef35ea50⋯.png (135.58 KB,534x628,267:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780388 (011444ZMAY23) Notable: 65 years ago today, James Van Allen, existence of radiation belts around the Earth

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65 years ago today, James Van Allen announced at a meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, the existence of radiation belts around the Earth.

These "Van Allen Belts," detected by Explorer I and III, were an unexpected scientific phenomenon: https://go.nasa.gov/3NykuQ3


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3e0a50 No.39388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780438 (011457ZMAY23) Notable: #23046

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#23046 >>39350

>>39351 Utah Biotech Company Implants Brain Chips In 50 People To Cure Depression, Blindeness, Paralysis

>>39352, >>39360 Nuclear training starts today in Houston, at the same time a massive manhunt is underway

>>39353 Rejection of the dollar will lead to economic growth, - Bashar al-Assad

>>39354, >>39355 DeSantis underwhelms Britain’s business chiefs

>>39356 Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei decried the presence of the US military in Iraq

>>39357, >>39358 DONALDS: There Is No Doubt Trump Is The Right Choice For America

>>39359 Trudeau told NATO Canada can't meet defence spending target

>>39361 Donald Trump Lands in Scotland

>>39362, >>39363 A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favor

>>39364 Blue States losing pop/tax rev to Red states

>>39365 Indian government official accuses Kiev of ‘assault on Hindu sentiment’

>>39366, >>39372 Robert F. Kennedy Jr clarified his views on climate change and pollution issues

>>39367, >>39368 Ukraine: Why the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine will be felt for decades

>>39369, >>39375 First Republic Bank Taken Over by FDIC and Sold to JPMorgan

>>39370 Secret $1.6 billion submarine plans found in pub toilet

>>39371 House Ways and Means Committee granted IRS authority to inspect Hunter Biden’s tax returns

>>39373 Iranian president plans Syria visit to ‘celebrate victory’

>>39374 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>39376 Contact from another world: Thousands of space radio signals reach Earth

>>39377 Putin: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA”

>>39378, >>39386 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>39379 Victor Davis Hanson Gives Big Picture Perspective on Fox News and Tucker Carlson Firing

>>39380 Paraguayan Patriots Defeat WEF/CIA Election Coup

>>39381 Speaker McCarthy News Conference After Knesset Address

>>39382 JPMorgan buys First Republic: Bank shares rise as deal reached

>>39383 @GHWBCVN77 Better than a biscuit! 🐶

>>39384 Just archived a listing of17Marvel directors, so the name is probably on this list of17

>>39385 Jock Zonfrillo, MasterChef Australia host, found dead at age 46

>>39387 65 years ago today, James Van Allen, existence of radiation belts around the Earth


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3e0a50 No.39389

File: 358729d4300a343⋯.jpeg (130.44 KB,720x515,144:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 427e082e80ce62a⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,1838x2775,1838:2775,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bec74039c56dde4⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,624x491,624:491,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3508c79a13f2e9a⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,799x499,799:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8038daf155d0506⋯.png (411.71 KB,482x521,482:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780455 (011500ZMAY23) Notable: #23047

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Baker can continue or defer, ballers call it

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3e0a50 No.39390

File: a60b5d285295bdf⋯.png (963.81 KB,743x488,743:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780499 (011510ZMAY23) Notable: Happy May 1st, Anons

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Happy May 1st, Anons


A day when even demented boomers are finally waking up to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job.

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3e0a50 No.39391

File: d97beb502f299a1⋯.png (360.67 KB,531x583,531:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780503 (011511ZMAY23) Notable: Today marks the 12th anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

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Today marks the 12th anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.


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3e0a50 No.39392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780521 (011515ZMAY23) Notable: Nurse charged with sexual exploitation of a minor conducted school sports physicals

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Nurse charged with sexual exploitation of a minor conducted school sports physicals in Ames

A nurse practitioner and one of the owners of an indoor golf business in Ames has been arrested and charged with sexual exploitation of a minor.

Ames police arrested Carl D. Markley, 44, on Friday following an "extensive investigation" into allegations that Markley sexually abused a child, according to a news release. Markley is a registered nurse practitioner in Ames and also is one of the owners of indoor recreation businesses Inside Golf and Perfect Games.

A criminal complaint says investigators uncovered several electronic devices, including a hidden camera clock and pen, while searching Markley's home and business. The devices allegedly had pornographic content, including images of "individuals taken by covert means in Markley's clinic."

The complaint alleges Markley took photos during a physical examination he conducted on a minor. Markley allegedly told the minor the examination was needed to be offered a job at his business, according to the complaint.

According to an email sent to parents from Julious Lawson, superintendent of the Ames Community School District, Markley played a role in the yearly middle school and high school athletic physicals. The district is encouraging parents to speak to their children who may have had a physical exam from Markley as early as 2014.

"As a school district, the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority, and we would never knowingly put them in harm's way," Lawson said in a statement. "We are taking this matter extremely seriously and will cooperate fully with the Ames Police Department."

The warrant for his arrest shows police detained Markley at the North Grand Mall in Ames, where Inside Golf is located. Markley is being held in the Story County jail without bond.

Sexual exploitation of a minor is a Class C felony.


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3e0a50 No.39393

File: 4cf397af92ec990⋯.png (180.1 KB,569x401,569:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780535 (011518ZMAY23) Notable: Jamie Dimon says ‘this part of the crisis is over’ after JPMorgan Chase buys First Republic

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Nice pin, supporting his Jewish buddy Zelensky in the Ukraine…

Jamie Dimon says ‘this part of the crisis is over’ after JPMorgan Chase buys First Republic


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3e0a50 No.39394

File: b5be0621eb3f7c5⋯.png (331.2 KB,529x423,529:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780541 (011520ZMAY23) Notable: Is Michelle Obama RUNNING?!

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The REAL reason Susan Rice fled Biden Administration may SHOCK you— is Michelle Obama RUNNING?!


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3e0a50 No.39395

File: f60a22df3b6c19b⋯.png (28.8 KB,654x283,654:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780557 (011523ZMAY23) Notable: Rupert Murdoch Held Secret Meeting With Zelenskyy Before Tucker Firing?

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REPORT: Rupert Murdoch Held Secret Meeting With Zelenskyy Before Tucker Firing


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3e0a50 No.39396

File: 4e9992aef045ea7⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5eba4b241bf21d4⋯.png (702.1 KB,660x1195,132:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780569 (011525ZMAY23) Notable: It's almost as if Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and your own government was running a honeypot blackmail operation at the behest of the deep state.

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The head of the CIA met with Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was a convicted child sex offender. It's almost as if Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and your own government was running a honeypot blackmail operation at the behest of the deep state.


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3e0a50 No.39397

File: 3ea728fd9c377a5⋯.png (566.67 KB,531x666,59:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780580 (011529ZMAY23) Notable: @RonaldReagan - Happy April Fools Day! (!???!)

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Happy April Fools Day! We hope it’s full of laughter, and not too many pranks! #AprilFoolsDay #FoolMeOnce #FoolMeTwiceNever


Someone is confused as to what day it is.

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3e0a50 No.39398

File: 634d95838350db7⋯.png (1.78 MB,1500x1000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780598 (011533ZMAY23) Notable: Call for Support - KISS singer Paul Stanley just spoke out against the trans cult's mutilation of kids.

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KISS singer Paul Stanley just spoke out against the trans cult's mutilation of kids. The mob is now trying to cancel him.

Paul Stanley, or Starchild, as fans of the supergroup KISS know him, decided to post his two cents in regard to the trans kids debate, and the rock singer came out of it looking like one of the few sane people left in this world.

Here's the statement he posted on Twitter:

There was once a time, in the '70s and '80s, when conservative parents had to work overtime to protect their kids from the influence of Rock and Roll megastars like the folks in KISS.

But in today's upside-down world, those SAME parents would now consider themselves allies of Paul Stanley.

This is the dude telling you that the trans movement has gone completely off the rails: If glam-rock, platform-shoe-wearing, gallons-of-hairspray Paul Stanley is telling you our society has delved too deeply into gender confusion, then you know it's gone pretty dang far.

More at: https://notthebee.com/article/paul-stanley-one-of-the-leaders-of-the-supergroup-kiss-weighed-in-on-the-transgender-debate-with-a-shockingly-sane-take

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3e0a50 No.39399

File: 1f87819e9f6b540⋯.png (36.64 KB,914x638,457:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b0a86c71a52d51⋯.png (50.57 KB,1010x454,505:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780603 (011534ZMAY23) Notable: Trump takes over Fed/Treasury merger?

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>>>/qresearch/18780449 /pb

>>>/qresearch/18780299 /pb

>>>/qresearch/18780338 /pb

>>>/qresearch/18780330 /pb

>>>/qresearch/18780355 /pb

>>>/qresearch/18780391 /pb

FOUND IT!!! Q#3904

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3e0a50 No.39400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780612 (011537ZMAY23) Notable: 12:00 PM EDT Resident Biden and Vice President Harris

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

12:00 PM EDT

President Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Remarks During National Small Business Week

The White House




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3e0a50 No.39401

File: d265be086f144ca⋯.jpg (106.19 KB,720x1060,36:53,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a2598d6bac1df28⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780617 (011539ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT MP4 Scotland Landing. Highlander #45, NCSWIC.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Highlander


45 arrives in Scotland- it’s good to be home

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3e0a50 No.39402

File: ad84fc02ec1e2c0⋯.png (119.77 KB,563x358,563:358,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a63658051b0d8b⋯.png (871.6 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780631 (011543ZMAY23) Notable: Beacon Global Strategies Dig

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"not just Mike Morrell"


Beacon Global Strategies



Jeremy Bash Cos to Panetta

Sequioa capital just hired Beacon Global Strat

Funneling money to democats and fund lawfare.

Knows thatLisa Monacohave solid info about multiple crimes by Sequioa people. Trying to cover it up.

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3e0a50 No.39403

File: 0f0d02ea6bcda63⋯.png (1.04 MB,960x639,320:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780642 (011546ZMAY23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 1 2023

Carina Nebula North

The Great Carina Nebula is home to strange stars and iconic nebulas. Named for its home constellation, the huge star-forming region is larger and brighter than the Great Orion Nebula but less well known because it is so far south and because so much of humanity lives so far north. The featured image shows in great detail the northernmost part of the Carina Nebula. On the bottom left is the Gabriela Mistral Nebula consisting of an emission nebula of glowing gas (IC 2599) surrounding the small open cluster of stars (NGC 3324). Above the image center is the larger star cluster NGC 3293, while to its right is the emission nebula Loden 153. The most famous occupant of the Carina Nebula, however, is not shown. Off the image to the lower right is the bright, erratic, and doomed star known as Eta Carinae a star once one of the brightest stars in the sky and now predicted to explode in a supernova sometime in the next few million years.


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3e0a50 No.39404

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3e0a50 No.39405

File: e6a7dfd131b45fb⋯.png (58.92 KB,961x494,961:494,Clipboard.png)

File: 1280e0ded511f3e⋯.gif (923.54 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.gif)

File: 13e0e2e6892a9e3⋯.png (59.88 KB,1132x662,566:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780661 (011550ZMAY23) Notable: Bonds get hit in corporate rush to mull debt sales

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Bonds get hit in corporate rush to mull debt sales

A renewed bout of selling hit the entire Treasury curve, with a slew of companies considering selling bonds before Wednesday’s Federal Reserve rate decision. As Wall Street gears up for the Fed’s 10th consecutive hike since March of last year, around 10 issuers are considering moving forward with debt sales in the U.S. investment-grade primary market Monday. Borrowers are anticipated to pile in during the coming weeks as more companies exit earnings blackouts, with Meta Platforms Inc. said to kick off proceedings with a five-part deal.

Meta plans $7 billion bond issue


These offerings tend to represent a double-whammy for Treasuries, which tend to cheapen amid competition from new debt and as underwriters sell government bonds to rate-lock the issue for corporate buyers. As a result, the two-year yield climbed as much as 10 basis points to around 4.1 per cent Monday. The rate on the 10-year note rose at a slower pace, approaching 3.5 per cent.

Equities posted small moves after notching two straight months of gains, with traders continuing to sift through a batch of corporate results and taking comfort in the fact that JPMorgan Chase & Co. decided to acquire First Republic Bank in a government-led deal for the failed lender. “The second-largest ever U.S. bank failure is a stark reminder that, although some of the most visible banking sector stress points came in March, the full impacts remain to be seen,” said Will Compernolle, macro strategist at FHN Financial. “Markets are showing a 92 per cent expectation for a 25bp hike on Wednesday, but the bank failure will certainly enter into the meeting’s discussions as the Fed continues balancing the risks between potentially exacerbating banking sector weaknesses through higher interest rates and letting inflation rise higher through a premature rate pause.”

Compernolle expects Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s press conference to stress the Fed’s “meeting-by-meeting” approach to monetary policy even more than usual this week as March bank tension impacts on credit tightening slowly emerge. Stock market investors holding on to hopes that the Fed will cut rates in the second half could be disappointed later this week, according to Morgan Stanley’s Michael Wilson.

“If the message delivered at this meeting is more hawkish, it could provide a near-term negative surprise for equities,” Wilson wrote in a note

Key events this week:

*U.S. factory orders, revised durable goods, light vehicle sales, Tuesday

*U.S. ADP payroll data, Wednesday

*Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell holds news conference following the central bank’s interest-rate decision, Wednesday

https://www.cmegroup.com/markets/interest-rates/cme-fedwatch-tool.html Cap#3

*U.S. initial jobless claims, international trade in goods and services, Thursday

*European Central Bank rate decision, followed by ECB President Christine Lagarde’s news conference, Thursday

*U.S. unemployment, non-farm payrolls, Friday

(Which should keep dropping so the FOMC is done with rate hikes after Weds)

*St. Louis Fed President James Bullard at Economic Club of Minneapolis, Friday

Some of the main moves in markets:


*The S&P 500 was little changed as of 9:31 a.m. New York time

*The Nasdaq 100 fell 0.2 per cent

*The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.2 per cent

*The Stoxx Europe 600 was little changed

*The MSCI World index was little changed


*The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index was little changed

*The euro was little changed at US$1.1025

*The British pound fell 0.1 per cent to US$1.2550

*The Japanese yen fell 0.4 per cent to 136.81 per dollar


*The yield on 10-year Treasuries advanced five basis points to 3.48 per cent

*Germany’s 10-year yield declined 15 basis points to 2.31 per cent

*Britain’s 10-year yield declined eight basis points to 3.72 per cent


*West Texas Intermediate crude fell 1.9 per cent to US$75.33 a barrel

*Gold futures rose 0.6 per cent to US$2,011.60 an ounce



Economic Schedule for week of April 30th, 2023


Apple (who is the biggest sandbagger on the earnings front) announces on Thursday after the close however they just stopped giving forward guidance

>Apple hasn't offered formal revenue guidance for follow-up quarters in previous releases. Given the continuation with the Q1 results it seems unlikely that much guidance will be provided this time around


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3e0a50 No.39406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780665 (011551ZMAY23) Notable: Twitter Check

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twitter Check

















































Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39407

File: 23996bb0e36d728⋯.png (237 KB,720x447,240:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780669 (011552ZMAY23) Notable: PF N757AF 757 on ground at Aberdeen Int'l from Palm Beach Int'l-landed about 5.5h ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


N757AF 757 on ground at Aberdeen Int'l from Palm Beach Int'l-landed about 5.5h ago

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3e0a50 No.39408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780670 (011552ZMAY23) Notable: Media Check

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Media Check



































































Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780679 (011555ZMAY23) Notable: Trend Check

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trend Check

May Day 291K

#MondayMotivation 31K



New Month 245K

JP Morgan 17K

#MetGala 48K


First Republic 70K


Happy Beltane


Scotland 65K

Jamie Dimon

Good Monday 38K


New Blessings 24K

Pacific Islanders

Latavius Murray

Greg Abbott 42K

Peace Out 11K


Met Monday




Native Hawaiian

Redfall 10K

New Week 87K

New Goals 13K

Paul Stanley 13K

Judge Kaplan

Rabbit Rabbit 61K


New Money 34K

Quran 36K

Gigi 24K

Asian American

Dee Snider

Another Monday


Birthday Month 29K

Derrick Brown


Beto 11K


New Opportunities 20K

Trabajadores 280K


St. Joseph

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39410

File: 7bda1a03ddb7e1c⋯.png (246.67 KB,1032x904,129:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c82c91d6f5fd91⋯.png (242.63 KB,306x867,6:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 9af99bdf261b73b⋯.png (967.41 KB,1301x806,1301:806,Clipboard.png)

File: 409e05e23c34778⋯.png (459.89 KB,911x786,911:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780682 (011556ZMAY23) Notable: Beacon Global Strategies Dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Beacon Global Strategies

Beacon Global Strategies LLC(BGS) is a Washington, DC-based strategic advisory firm founded by Jeremy Bash, Philippe Reines, and Andrew Shapiro in 2013.[1][2] Philippe Reines left the firm as of September 2017.[3] According to the firm's website, Beacon Global Strategies specializes in matters of international policy, foreign affairs, national defense, cyber, intelligence, and homeland security.[4]

About BGS

A September 2013 article in Defense News, describes Beacon Global Strategies as unique for a Washington consulting firm because of its partners' intent to eventually return to government. The article noted that "Part of the confidence in future public service may stem from a combination of significant titles and relative youth, paired with the fact that most of the founders of the firm have ties to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who may be a presidential favorite heading into the 2016 election if she decides to run."[1]

A September 2013 profile of Beacon Global Strategies in The Washington Post highlighted the firm's bipartisan make up: "'We want to build bipartisan support for solutions to complex national security problems,' Bash said, noting that cooperation between Democrats and Republicans on these issues 'has been lacking in recent years.'"[5]

BGS leadership

Beacon's Managing Directors served in a variety of government positions prior to founding or joining the firm.

Michael Allen served as Majority Staff Director of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), under Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) from 2011–2013.[6] He previously served in the George W. Bush White House.[7] Allen is the author of "Blinking Red: Crisis and Compromise in American Intelligence after 9/11" (Potomac Books Inc. September 2013).[8]

Jeremy Bash was the only Obama Administration official to have served as Chief of Staff in two national security departments or agencies: first as Chief of Staff to the Director of the CIA (2009–2011) and most recently as Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (2011–2013).[9][10]

Andrew Shapiro is the former and longest serving Senate confirmed United States Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs (2009–2013).[11] During the presidential transition of Barack Obama, Shapiro was a member of the Obama-Biden Department of Defense Agency Review Team, and during the 2008 presidential election, a member of Hillary Clinton's campaign, advising on foreign affairs.

Jeremy B. Bash(born August 13, 1971)[1] is an American lawyer. He was the chief of staff at the Central Intelligence Agency (2009–2011) and the U.S. Department of Defense (2011–2013) under President Barack Obama.[2][3] As a senior advisor to Leon Panetta in both roles, Bash worked on a number of key initiatives, including the creation of a new defense strategy, formation of two defense budgets, counterterrorism operations, a new cyber strategy, and a range of sensitive intelligence operations.

Bash is currently a managing director at Beacon Global Strategies LLC,[1] which he founded with partners Philippe Reines and Andrew Shapiro in 2013.[4][5] Additionally, Bash serves as national security analyst for NBC News and its cable division, MSNBC.

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3e0a50 No.39411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780688 (011558ZMAY23) Notable: Beacon Global Strategies Dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Beacon Global Strategies LLC(

A Global Perspective

Drawing on our decades of service in the international security arena, we develop strategies that enable companies to achieve their business objectives, both in the United States and around the world.

Beacon Global Strategies is a strategic advisory firm specializing in International Policy, Defense, Cyber, Intelligence, and Homeland Security.

Beacon’s leadership has decades of experience in the White House, CIA, Departments of Defense, State, and Justice, Congress, and the Private Sector.

Beacon represents global enterprises and industry disruptors across government services, technology, energy, and financial sectors.

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3e0a50 No.39412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780689 (011558ZMAY23) Notable: Twitter Trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twitter Trends

1·Holidays · Trending

May Day

Trending with New Month, New Blessings

2·Only on Twitter · Trending


34.1K Tweets

3·Only on Twitter · Trending


4,147 Tweets



Trending with Pacific Islanders, Native Hawaiian

5·Fashion · Trending


55K Tweets

6·Politics · Trending


8,218 Tweets

7·Business and finance · Trending

JP Morgan

Trending with First Republic, FDIC

8·Only on Twitter · Trending


4,035 Tweets

9·Only on Twitter · Trending

Happy Beltane

4,010 Tweets



70K Tweets

11·Music · Trending


Trending with Peace Out

12·Video games · Trending


11.7K Tweets


Teacher Appreciation Week

2,122 Tweets

14·Business and finance · Trending

Jamie Dimon

2,970 Tweets

15·Only on Twitter · Trending

Good Monday

41K Tweets

16·Football · Trending

Latavius Murray

1,461 Tweets


King Krule

18·Fashion · Trending

Met Monday

2,638 Tweets

19·Politics · Trending


Trending with Judge Kaplan

20·Entertainment · Trending

Ryan Murphy


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3e0a50 No.39413

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39414

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39415

File: 21d31460412913e⋯.png (395.66 KB,1170x1617,390:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780702 (011602ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT Rally - Des Moines Idaho May 13th 7PM CDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780708 (011603ZMAY23) Notable: OPTICS CHECK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>39414 Military Check

>>39413 Truth Check

>>39412 Twitter Trends

>>39409 Trend Check

>>39408 Media Check

>>39406 Twitter Check

>>39404 Hearing Check

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3e0a50 No.39417

File: 122f82b1f2679f7⋯.png (19.17 KB,535x179,535:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780712 (011605ZMAY23) Notable: REMINDER: A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise begins today in southeast Houston and Harris County.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

REMINDER: A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise begins today in southeast Houston and Harris County. The training exercise DOES NOT pose risks to area residents. Please do not be alarmed by training-related activity.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39418

File: 28d09403d623f94⋯.png (528.98 KB,976x602,488:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780721 (011608ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT Rally - Des Moines Idaho May 13th 7PM CDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Make America Great Again Rally in Des Moines, IA!

Event Details

Sat, May 13, 2023

07:00 pm (US/Central)

Doors Open: 02:00 pm

Lauridsen Amphitheater at Water Works Park

2251 George Flagg Pkwy

Des Moines, IA 50321


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3e0a50 No.39419

File: 7047752f642c1b5⋯.png (2.15 MB,4613x2649,4613:2649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780759 (011620ZMAY23) Notable: GRFX - Cultural_Marxism_Flowchart

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39420

File: fa1c914c56b29e4⋯.png (30.64 KB,663x325,51:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780778 (011623ZMAY23) Notable: @RonaldReagan - Happy April Fools Day! (!???!)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



and deleted

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3e0a50 No.39421

File: 5b4b7f558d18931⋯.png (385.74 KB,828x1249,828:1249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780782 (011623ZMAY23) Notable: Governor Inslee announced that he will not be seeking reelection.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Katie Daviscourt


Governor Inslee announced that he will not be seeking reelection.

“I’m ready to pass the torch.”

12:13 PM · May 1, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780800 (011629ZMAY23) Notable: Huge Development Means IRS Whistleblower Can Soon Explode Biden Family Scandals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Huge Development Means IRS Whistleblower Can Soon Explode Biden Family Scandals


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39423

File: ce9ef06ae23aa73⋯.png (203 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780820 (011635ZMAY23) Notable: AOC will not run for Senate in 2024, spokesperson says

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AOC will not run for Senate in 2024, spokesperson says

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., will not primary Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., in 2024.

Lauren Hitt, Ocasio-Cortez’s spokesperson, told Politico Sunday that the representative is "not planning" on a Senate run.

"She is not planning to run for Senate in 2024," Hitt said. "She is not planning to primary Gillibrand."

Gillibrand, who took office in 2009, announced her re-election bid in January amid speculations she could face a primary challenge from more left-wing member of her party in the deep-blue state.

No prominent challenger has since been announced. Reps. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., and Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., also told Politico they do not plan to enter the race.

Ocasio-Cortez was similarly asked in 2021 whether she would challenge Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., which she initially did not rule out but later declined to do.

More at: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/aoc-will-not-run-senate-2024-spokesperson-says

What would you bet that egomaniac is going to run for president?

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3e0a50 No.39424

File: 80306ee32c1b267⋯.png (92.57 KB,847x425,847:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780842 (011641ZMAY23) Notable: @RonaldReagan - Happy April Fools Day! (!???!)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is the Reagan Library, which Trump has been "Truthing" about, part of the "Reagan Foundation and Institute" ?


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3e0a50 No.39425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780847 (011643ZMAY23) Notable: 1:00 PM EDT Tina Brown on King Charles III's Coronation and Monarchy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1:00 PM EDT

Tina Brown on King Charles III's Coronation and Monarchy

Washington Post Live




Journalists Discuss King Charles Coronation

Journalists Tina Brown and Joanna Coles discuss the upcoming coronation of King Charles and the role of the British monarch during a virtual discussion hosted by the Washington Post.


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3e0a50 No.39426

File: 3f9531fa30bf370⋯.jpeg (1005.02 KB,1427x1515,1427:1515,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780873 (011648ZMAY23) Notable: 3rd US bank Fails. FDIC agrees to cover $13 billion in losses. One More Biden Bailout

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3rd US bank Fails. FDIC agrees to cover $13 billion in losses. One More Biden Bailout

We cannot borrow, spend & bail our way back to a growing economy.

As the US economy heads for Recession-End Runaway Spending Now & make Trump-Pence Tax Cuts Permanent!



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3e0a50 No.39427

File: 59e00a07aabe288⋯.png (382.42 KB,828x1110,138:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780878 (011649ZMAY23) Notable: Ari Drennen, LGBTQ activist and program director for Media Matters, accidentally admits that schools are giving kids porn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ari Drennen, LGBTQ activist and program director for Media Matters, accidentally admits that schools are giving kids porn


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3e0a50 No.39428

File: 2f032a09eea505d⋯.jpeg (193.19 KB,1170x754,45:29,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18780901 (011656ZMAY23) Notable: Hunter Biden, to answer written questions about his investments, his art sales and other financial transactions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


An Arkansas judge on Monday ordered President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, toanswer written questions about his investments, his art sales and other financial transactionsas part of a paternity-related case.

Hunter Biden also will sit for a deposition in mid-June, where he’ll have to answer questions under oath, the judge said at a hearing Monday.


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3e0a50 No.39429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781085 (011734ZMAY23) Notable: Some WWII reading that isn't a glorification of the role of the British

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

some WWII reading that isn't a glorification of the role of the British:


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Torch which is the invasion of North Africa



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Leningrad now called St Petersberg. Cannibals were killed without much fanfare when discovered (a grime history)

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3e0a50 No.39430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781100 (011736ZMAY23) Notable: CFTC Fines South African More than $3.4 Billion In Largest Bitcoin Fraud Case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CFTC Fines South African More than $3.4 Billion In Largest Bitcoin Fraud Case

Steynberg was charged with “fraud in connection with retail foreign currency (forex) transactions."


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3e0a50 No.39431

File: 0d3739c6a224fa7⋯.png (962 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ff1b4d6d374102⋯.png (885.51 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 9450ba96ba61284⋯.png (786.83 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: d3c83fd551f68c2⋯.png (898.73 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781113 (011738ZMAY23) Notable: REMINDER: A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise begins today in southeast Houston and Harris County.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>REMINDER: A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise begins today in southeast Houston and Harris County. The training exercise DOES NOT pose risks to area residents. Please do not be alarmed by training-related activity.


just a drill


>>39352, >>39360 nuclear training starts today in Houston, at the same time a massive manhunt is underway

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3e0a50 No.39432

File: e368d6c2d1ce1a8⋯.webp (261.73 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781118 (011739ZMAY23) Notable: JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon to face questioning in Jeffrey Epstein cases

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon to face questioning in Jeffrey Epstein cases

NEW YORK, April 18 (Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday ordered JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) CEO Jamie Dimon to set aside two days for depositions about what he knew about the bank's relationship with sex offender and former client Jeffrey Epstein.

Advertisement · Scroll to continue

The largest U.S. bank faces lawsuits seeking damages by women who claim that Epstein sexually abused them, and by the U.S. Virgin Islands, where the late financier had a home.

JPMorgan is separately suing former private banking chief Jes Staley, claiming he concealed what he knew about Epstein and should cover losses it may incur in the two lawsuits.

Advertisement · Scroll to continue

U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan said Dimon can be questioned by the plaintiffs' lawyers for five hours, and by Staley's lawyer for two hours.

Rakoff may allow more time if anyone requests it. JPMorgan had offered to make Dimon available for three hours. An Oct. 23 trial is scheduled.

"The plaintiffs' counsel know our CEO has no relevant knowledge, but persist with this media stunt," JPMorgan said in a statement. "A review of more than two decades of emails and other documents makes it clear that he had no involvement with Epstein or his accounts. He does not recall ever meeting, speaking or communicating with him."

Epstein was a JPMorgan client from 2000 to 2013, remaining so after pleading guilty in 2008 to a Florida state prostitution charge.

In court papers, JPMorgan has been accused of knowing by 2006 that Epstein paid cash to have underage girls and young women brought to his home, and ignoring several internal warnings to cut ties with him.

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Dimon joined JPMorgan in 2004 and became CEO in December 2005. He has not been accused of wrongdoing.

Lawyers for the plaintiffs and Staley did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Staley, who was Barclays Plc's (BARC.L) CEO from 2015 to 2021, has expressed regret for being friendly with Epstein.

In August 2019, Epstein died of an apparent suicide in a Manhattan jail cell while awaiting trial for sex trafficking.

The cases in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York are: Jane Doe 1 v JPMorgan Chase & Co, No. 22-10019; Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands v JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, No. 22-10904; and JPMorgan Chase Bank NA v Staley, in Nos. 22-10019 and 22-10904.


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3e0a50 No.39433

File: cd19f57a4579e72⋯.png (974.08 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: ff904d7a2a90448⋯.png (1005.44 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781136 (011742ZMAY23) Notable: PF’s: c5 bearing se at 1:20 due south of harrisburg

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>PF’s: c5 bearing se at 1:20 due south of harrisburg


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3e0a50 No.39434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781155 (011746ZMAY23) Notable: 2:00 PM EDT Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2:00 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

Department of State





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3e0a50 No.39435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781179 (011750ZMAY23) Notable: Paris police fire tear gas as French march against pension reform

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Paris police fire tear gas as French march against pension reform | France May Day Protests 2023


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3e0a50 No.39436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781213 (011758ZMAY23) Notable: #23047

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#23047 >>39389

>>39401 PDJT MP4 Scotland Landing. Highlander #45, NCSWIC.

>>39415, >>39418 PDJT Rally - Des Moines Idaho May 13th 7PM CDT

>>39399 Trump takes over Fed/Treasury merger?

>>39390 Happy May 1st, Anons

>>39391 Today marks the 12th anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

>>39392 Nurse charged with sexual exploitation of a minor conducted school sports physicals

>>39393 Jamie Dimon says ‘this part of the crisis is over’ after JPMorgan Chase buys First Republic

>>39394 Is Michelle Obama RUNNING?!

>>39395 Rupert Murdoch Held Secret Meeting With Zelenskyy Before Tucker Firing?

>>39396 It's almost as if Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and your own government was running a honeypot blackmail operation at the behest of the deep state.

>>39397, >>39420, >>39424 @RonaldReagan - Happy April Fools Day! (!???!)

>>39398 Call for Support - KISS singer Paul Stanley just spoke out against the trans cult's mutilation of kids.

>>39400 12:00 PM EDT Resident Biden and Vice President Harris

>>39403 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>39405 Bonds get hit in corporate rush to mull debt sales

>>39410, >>39402, >>39411 Beacon Global Strategies Dig


>>39417, >>39431 REMINDER: A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise begins today in southeast Houston and Harris County.

>>39419 GRFX - Cultural_Marxism_Flowchart

>>39421 Governor Inslee announced that he will not be seeking reelection.

>>39422 Huge Development Means IRS Whistleblower Can Soon Explode Biden Family Scandals

>>39423 AOC will not run for Senate in 2024, spokesperson says

>>39425 1:00 PM EDT Tina Brown on King Charles III's Coronation and Monarchy

>>39426 3rd US bank Fails. FDIC agrees to cover $13 billion in losses. One More Biden Bailout

>>39427 Ari Drennen, LGBTQ activist and program director for Media Matters, accidentally admits that schools are giving kids porn

>>39428 Hunter Biden, to answer written questions about his investments, his art sales and other financial transactions

>>39429 Some WWII reading that isn't a glorification of the role of the British

>>39430 CFTC Fines South African More than $3.4 Billion In Largest Bitcoin Fraud Case

>>39432 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon to face questioning in Jeffrey Epstein cases

>>39433 PF’s: c5 bearing se at 1:20 due south of harrisburg

>>39407 PF N757AF 757 on ground at Aberdeen Int'l from Palm Beach Int'l-landed about 5.5h ago

>>39434 2:00 PM EDT Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

>>39435 Paris police fire tear gas as French march against pension reform


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3e0a50 No.39437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781259 (011807ZMAY23) Notable: WEF downsizing - global workforce losing 86 million job positions by 2027 due to Artifical Intelligence and technology

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World Economic Forum

Jobs Outlook 2027

83 million positions removed due to technology

69 million new jobs projected to be created

-14 million jobs forecasted to be lost


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3e0a50 No.39438

File: d1f229a2de24cc5⋯.png (321.91 KB,677x645,677:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781267 (011808ZMAY23) Notable: ESPN posts Meta vid of twin towers, "mistakenly"

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ESPN apologizes for showing footage of the twin towers

“We mistakenly used an old stock image and we apologize.”

(Via @awfulannouncing)

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3e0a50 No.39439

File: 27b5dc8405fa5eb⋯.mp4 (116.27 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781273 (011810ZMAY23) Notable: ESPN posts Meta vid of twin towers, "mistakenly"

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3e0a50 No.39440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781280 (011811ZMAY23) Notable: ESPN posts Meta vid of twin towers, "mistakenly"

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3e0a50 No.39441

File: 5ed840831253039⋯.jpg (70.7 KB,953x954,953:954,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781287 (011813ZMAY23) Notable: ESPN posts Meta vid of twin towers, "mistakenly"

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3e0a50 No.39442

File: 4feceff628364d0⋯.png (82.09 KB,651x634,651:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781288 (011813ZMAY23) Notable: ECW rt: There Is No “Defensive Search” Exception to the Fourth Amendment

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted


The FBI's latest audacious pitch to save the FISA 702 backdoor search loophole: It wants warrantless US person queries for "defensive" searches

The problem: "defensive" measures have been a pretext for our nation's worst surveillance abuses

There Is No “Defensive Search” Exception to the Fourth Amendment:

Why a Consistent Warrant Rule Is Necessary to Fix FISA Section 702

May 1, 2023


1:37 PM · May 1, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39443

File: 295ad86e1cf5fc8⋯.png (125.24 KB,683x768,683:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781295 (011816ZMAY23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr·55m

Bailouts create perverse incentives for banks to make reckless swings for the fences with depositors' money, knowing they will pocket vast windfalls when they connect and that the taxpayer will bail them out when they miss. #Kennedy24

I understand the rationale for the rescue of First Republic Bank. The problem isn't this specific bailout. It's a system of too-big-to-fail institutions that requires bailouts in the first place. #Kennedy24

JP Morgan Chase now owns First Republic's sound assets. The FDIC owns its toxic assets. When big banks' gambles succeed, they profit. When they fail, we bail them out. Heads they win, tails you lose. #Kennedy24

Ultimately the problem stems from an over-financialized economy. Finance is supposed to serve production, not replace it. We need to reinvest in the productive base: infrastructure, labor, health, social, and natural capital. #Kennedy24

1:17 PM · May 1, 2023·34.3K Views


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3e0a50 No.39444

File: 1345be8b1d491c8⋯.png (45.86 KB,687x448,687:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781307 (011818ZMAY23) Notable: Grenell: Don’t lecture us on ethics @DrPatSoonShiong

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Richard Grenell

The @latimes gave a word for word question to Joe Biden before his press conference.

Don’t lecture us on ethics.

@DrPatSoonShiong has brought communist tactics to Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Times @latimes·2h

Column: Tucker Carlson's ludicrous falsehoods have no place in journalism https://latimes.com/california/story/2023-05-01/skelton-column

12:46 PM · May 1, 2023·22.5K Views


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3e0a50 No.39445

File: 2899072d6463dac⋯.png (200.57 KB,463x870,463:870,Clipboard.png)

File: 9309e43aa1cce6a⋯.png (200.58 KB,999x476,999:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781317 (011819ZMAY23) Notable: Russia launches large-scale attack on Ukraine’s military-industrial facilities

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Russia launches large-scale attack on Ukraine’s military-industrial facilities

The strikes have disrupted Ukraine’s production of ammunition and weaponry, according to the Russian Defense Ministry

The Russian military has launched a large-scale missile attack against Ukraine’s military industry, disrupting production of weaponry and munitions, the Defense Ministry said on Monday.

“Tonight, the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a group missile attack with long-range precision weapons, air and sea based, on the military-industrial complex of Ukraine,” the ministry said during its daily media briefing, adding that “all assigned targets were hit.”

While the Russian military did not specify which locations had been targeted exactly, Ukrainian media reported strikes in Kiev, Sumy and Dnepropetrovsk regions. The latter has apparently experienced the worst, with a massive explosion reported on the outskirts of the city of Pavlograd.

Unverified footage circulating online shows the aftermath of the strikes near the city. The attack apparently also caused a massive secondary explosion, followed by multiple lesser blasts. Available footage shows numerous columns of white smoke at the location, typically caused by the detonation of solid-fuel projectiles such as anti-aircraft missiles.


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3e0a50 No.39446

File: 27403e9eee331e4⋯.png (65.17 KB,578x475,578:475,Clipboard.png)

File: cec9be15a6a3429⋯.png (57.23 KB,586x421,586:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781332 (011823ZMAY23) Notable: Zelensky Issues McCarthyite Black List of US Politicians Ukraine Says “Promotes Russian Propaganda”

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Zelensky Issues McCarthyite Black List of US Politicians Ukraine Says “Promotes Russian Propaganda” Due to Voicing Criticism of US Proxy War with Russia

Ukraine released a list of US politicians it says “promotes Russian propaganda” by arguing against World War III and the US proxy war with Russia.

The Zelensky regime says those who oppose the war are Russian mouthpieces.

The list was released before the United States government admitted they were running biolabs in Ukraine. This was considered misinformation before the US actually admitted it was true.

The Week reported:

Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation announced Monday that it had compiled a list of American citizens who have been “promoting Russian propaganda.”

The center, which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky created in 2021, named Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), journalist Glenn Greenwald, retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor, academic John Mearsheimer, and military historian Edward Luttwak.

Gabbard and Greenwald have endorsed the theory — which Russia promotes and Ukraine denies — that there are dozens of U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine. In the early days of the invasion, MacGregor told Fox News that Zelensky was a “puppet” and was “putting huge numbers of his own population at unnecessary risk” by refusing to cave to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demands.

Mearsheimer delivered a lecture in 2015 with the title “Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?” in which he argued that NATO and the EU had driven Ukraine into conflict with Russia by teasing the possibility of membership without ever intending to grant it. Paul made similar statements and has voted against military aid for Ukraine. In April, Luttwak called for a peace deal that would allow disputed territories in the Donbas to hold referendums on whether to join with Russia or remain part of Ukraine.


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3e0a50 No.39447

File: 43353f6023a8013⋯.png (328.51 KB,529x580,529:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781336 (011823ZMAY23) Notable: @25thID ⚡ This week, forget all the reasons why it won't work and focus on the one reason that it will.

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⚡ This week, forget all the reasons why it won't work and focus on the one reason that it will.

Conquer this week 25th ID !

#TropicLightning | #StrikeHard


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3e0a50 No.39448

File: 96a4885780b6f4a⋯.png (662.53 KB,946x921,946:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781358 (011826ZMAY23) Notable: 'Dominion did not insist on them firing Tucker Carlson as part of the settlement/Fox

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'We hope it all gets un-redacted': Dominion saysthere are MORE Tucker Carlson texts about Fox execsthat are yet to become public - as they take credit for his firing

▶ Much of the Dominion vs Fox lawsuit remains partially or fully redacted

▶ A lawyer for Dominion says he hopes it all is made public one day

…In their first interview since the lawsuit was settled unexpectedly, Dominion's CEO John Poulos and Stephen Shackelford, a lawyer who was involved in the case, told Axios they now want the full record to become unredacted.

They also took credit for Carlson's firing, which came after senior Fox News executives learned what he had been saying in them in text messages that the lawsuit unearthed.

'Dominion did not insist on them firing Tucker Carlson as part of the settlement.

'But the very fact that that's what resulted out of all of this, and it's traceable from the work that Dominion set in motion.. of course I know what’s in the redacted stuff and I can't say anything about it.

'I hope that it all gets un-redacted at some point,' Shackelford, a partner at Susman Godfrey LLP, told Axios. …


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3e0a50 No.39449

File: 68a31a52106d366⋯.png (338.76 KB,498x681,166:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 0075b5c5ea953d8⋯.png (398.06 KB,903x679,129:97,Clipboard.png)

File: e6842ae2a81d1cb⋯.png (280.62 KB,546x893,546:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 52b8a1b5aaf0750⋯.png (242.64 KB,808x623,808:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 58f6f8805502c63⋯.png (172.39 KB,861x424,861:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781359 (011826ZMAY23) Notable: Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives?

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Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives?

In February of 2019, the White House under Trump established the position of Chief Medical Advisor to the President. The fist person to occupy that position was a physician by the name of Ronnie Jackson and his job was to advise Donald Trump on public health policy. Right before the initial outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, Jackson left the post and it remained vacant for a year; instead the role was filled for the most part by Anthony Fauci, who did not become the next Chief Medical Advisor officially until Joe Biden entered office.

After numerous conflicts with Trump on policies and mandates, Fauci transitioned seamlessly into the new Democrat controlled White House. Biden and Fauci were like two peas in a pod.

Fauci is a figure with a controversial career in virology and medicine and the key official best known for spreading false claims that created nationwide hysteria over the HIV/AIDS virus. Why Trump brought him in as an adviser and who recommended him is not widely known and opinions vary. What we do know is that the elevation of Fauci as a primary point of contact for covid rules was disastrous for the country as a whole. Specifically, his prominence within the Biden Administration brought America to the brink of medical authoritarianism on a scale that could have erased the Bill of Rights for good.

Of course, Fauci didn't act alone during the march towards total societal lockdowns and perpetual vaccine mandates, he was just one bureaucrat among many that joined forces to spread fear and panic over a virus with an average official Infection Fatality Rate of 0.23%. Covid was a non-threat to the vast majority of the population, and yet it was presented as if there would soon be bodies in the streets if Americans did not comply with every government demand.

As if to acknowledge the ultimate failure of the pandemic narrative, multiple government officials have suddenly (and perhaps begrudgingly) started to back away from their original positions. However, instead of admitting they were wrong and apologizing to the public, they are instead trying to rewrite history and claim that they were actually against many of the measures and restrictions they implemented.

In a recent interview with the New York Times, Anthony Fauci made some surprising admissions on “mistakes made” during the pandemic. Fauci tried to distance himself from the lockdowns and school closures as if he had no say or influence in how they were enacted:

“…When people say, ‘Fauci shut down the economy’ — it wasn’t Fauci. The CDC was the organization that made those recommendations. I happened to be perceived as the personification of the recommendations. But show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down. Never. I never did. I gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the C.D.C.’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that. But I never criticized the people who had to make the decisions one way or the other.”


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3e0a50 No.39450

File: 7ae09a5cd2265ff⋯.jpeg (88.59 KB,680x670,68:67,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781367 (011827ZMAY23) Notable: Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives?

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>Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives?

Because…..pic related

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3e0a50 No.39451

File: cc44dfffa24b8ee⋯.png (761.93 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 88bdd1f094f22c9⋯.png (118.71 KB,1222x441,1222:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 83bad1d36bd20d2⋯.png (944.48 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781370 (011828ZMAY23) Notable: PF nuclear training starts today in Houston

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all PB

>>39352, >>39360 nuclear training starts today in Houston, at the same time a massive manhunt is underway



Pipeline inspector apparently

choppers bugged out back to Hobby Airport

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3e0a50 No.39452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781373 (011829ZMAY23) Notable: Bulgaria: EU state’s chief prosecutor targeted by bomb attack

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EU state’s chief prosecutor targeted by bomb attack

The Bulgarian authorities have vowed to find the culprits behind the roadside bombing

Bulgarian prosecutor-general Ivan Geshev was the target of an assassination attempt on Monday morning, authorities in Sofia have said. A roadside bomb detonated as Geshev’s motorcade was driving by.

The incident happened at around 11:45 local time, as Geshev was returning to Sofia from nearby Samokov. As his motorcade made a tight turn, the bomb planted by the side of the road went off, Deputy Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov told Bulgaria’s BNT TV.

According to Sarafov, the bomb was “intended to kill, not to intimidate.” He said the device was stuffed with shrapnel and had the equivalent of 3 kilograms of TNT in explosives. The explosion left a crater four meters wide and 40 centimeters deep, but “miraculously” no one was injured.

The Interior Ministry has opened a terrorism investigation, and vowed to track down the perpetrators. “The threat to the life and health of every Bulgarian citizen is unacceptable, and our actions are and will be in defense of the people,” said the ministry’s chief secretary, Petar Todorov.

Geshev has been Bulgaria’s chief prosecutor since November 2019. Before that, he was deputy chief prosecutor, and head of the special prosecutor’s office. Both his appointment and his tenure have been marked by controversy, however.

His appointment was met with mass protests, as Bulgarian NGOs accused Geshev of being morally unfit for the job, engaging in political prosecutions, and violating the separation of powers. One political scientist dubbed Geshev the “gravedigger of Bulgarian democracy.”

President Rumen Radev initially vetoed his appointment, but was overridden by the judicial council. Geshev spearheaded the raid on Radev’s office in 2020, triggering another round of protests against both the prosecutor and the government of PM Boyko Borisov. The European Parliament endorsed the protesters and criticized Bulgaria for “a significant deterioration in respect for the principles of rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights.”

The prosecutor also drew fire from the US in 2022, after refusing to enforce the Global Magnitsky Act. Geshev had called the American law an “administrative and political tool” of Washington, which had no legal weight in Bulgaria.


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3e0a50 No.39453

File: f481a9bf2e31a5e⋯.png (2.63 MB,1490x1987,1490:1987,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781378 (011830ZMAY23) Notable: Stephen Miller rt: Over 22,000 Border Patrol apprehensions in the last 72 hours, an average of over 7,000 per day…..

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Stephen Miller Retweeted

Bill Melugin·16m

Woah!! Over 22,000 Border Patrol apprehensions in the last 72 hours, an average of over 7,000 per day, putting us right back into peak numbers we were seeing last year - as we are now 10 days away from the lifting of Title 42 and an expected major surge.Buckle up

Chief Raul Ortiz @USBPChief·28m

Past 72 Hours…

- 2 Agents Assaulted/Prosecution sought

- 22,220 Apprehensions

- 806 lbs. Methamphetamine

- 283 lbs. Marijuana

- 62 lbs. Cocaine

- 3 Firearms

- 5 Maritime Events

- 2 Sex Offenders

- 2 Tractor Trailer Events

- 1 Convicted Murderer

- 1 Gang Member

Great work!

2:07 PM · May 1, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39454

File: efc651eeef458cf⋯.png (105.69 KB,1038x650,519:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781390 (011832ZMAY23) Notable: Evidence Exposes Ties Between Mexican Cartels and Chinese Communist Party

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New Evidence Exposes Ties Between Mexican Cartels and Chinese Communist Party

Ben Bergquam from Real America’s Voice released a report on Monday on the ties between the Mexican cartels and the Chinese Communist Party. China and the cartels have together managed to murder 339,849 Americans from a drug overdose since 2018. We already knew this was taking place. The numbers are stark and terrible–339,849 Americans (mostly under 50 years old) died from a drug overdose since 2018. Here are the numbers according to the CDC:

The numbers are stark and terrible–339,849 Americans (mostly under 50 years old) died from a drug overdose since 2018. Here are the numbers according to the CDC:

Year and Number of Deaths:

2018 67,367

2019 72,151

2020 93,331

2021 107,000

Last year, for example, almost twice the number of Americans died from drug overdose–e.g., fentanyl and opiods–than were killed in the Vietnam War. When you add up the numbers from 2018 to 2021, we had 3 times the fatalities then from the deaths in Vietnam and Korea alone.

You do not have to be a math genius to understand that 294 Americans are dying each day from the drugs that are produced in China and smuggled across the U.S./Mexico border courtesy of Mexican drug cartels. To put this in perspective, 220 Marines were killed by a terrorist bombing in Beirut, Lebanon in in October, 1983. That attack awakened Americans to the reality of Middle East terrorism.

Where is the outrage now? The American public has been bamboozled into feeding a war in Ukraine and spending billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars on weapons that are being captured by the Russians or siphoned off by Ukrainian gangsters to be sold on the black market.

I am not trying to spin up support for a war against China. But our refusal to hold the Chinese accountable for their production of synthetic narcotics is fueling a lethal drug abuse crisis in the United States. Sober College provides a genuine sobering summary:


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3e0a50 No.39455

File: 03c832d9b9802b1⋯.png (806.53 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781393 (011833ZMAY23) Notable: PF nuclear training starts today in Houston

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Fertitta Entertainment

Houston, Texas

About Fertitta Entertainment

Fertitta Entertainment is a gaming, dining, hospitality, and entertainment company based in Houston, Texas. The company owns the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas and Laughlin, Nevada, Lake Charles, Louisiana, Biloxi, Mississippi, and Atlantic City. Its restaurant chains include Landry's, Chart House, Morton's, Mastro's, Catch, Del Frisco's, The Palm, Oceanaire, Rainforest Cafe, Bubba Gump, Joe's Crab Shack, Saltgrass, and many others. Many hospitality locations include The Five-Star Post Oak Hotel in Houston, The San Luis Resort, and The Westin Houston Downtown. Other unique and iconic locations include Kemah Boardwalk, Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier, Tower of the Americas in San Antonio, and Downtown Aquariums in Houston and Denver. Read Less

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3e0a50 No.39456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781395 (011833ZMAY23) Notable: Massive Digital Manipulation of Voter Rolls In Florida

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Massive Digital Manipulation of Voter Rolls In Florida

For those of you who might be involved in your local county party….pay attention to this video.

I've also found the same and similar issues in my county in NM.

It is very tedious to track this stuff down.

If your sort your monthly changes by change type, start tracking the address and mailing address changes, zip-code changes, and also the name changes.

Watch the reactivation. We had a LOT of transfers into my county from other counties in NM, that were reactivated simply by moving. But the number of people moving in far far far exceeded number of houses sold during the time period. The age group doesn't match a reasonable reason - such as college age kids moving back home. And the last names don't match property ownership records.

Anyway, anyone involved at the local party level should be keeping eyes open on what this person has uncovered in FL.

Also, seeing the same thing, the number of changes by party is kept relatively level between REP and DEM and even in the DTS (declined to state) category.

1 hour video

Former prosecutor, Professor Clements - election fraud interview.


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3e0a50 No.39457

File: 0ba8a5d5cc4b066⋯.png (504.47 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ec4745b784e201⋯.png (139.13 KB,527x455,527:455,Clipboard.png)

File: f275fd56a242f7a⋯.png (313.8 KB,503x600,503:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781411 (011837ZMAY23) Notable: Paraguayan Patriots Defeat WEF/CIA Election Coup

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‘Paraguay Has Triumphed, Jesus Has Triumphed’: Paraguayan Patriots Defeat WEF/CIA Election Coup

Paraguayan Patriots have defeated the WEF and CIA-backed election coup that saw Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum, the US Deep State, and hackers linked to Brazil’s left-wing government meddling in the nation’s politics, with the aim of installing a Manchurian candidate to ignite the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Great Reset” agendas in Latin America.

Paraguay‘s center-right to right-wing Colorado Party won the Presidency and both chambers of the national legislature, dealing a major blow to the “Great Reset” agenda of Klaus Schwab and his CIA allies, who were backing the globalist ticket of the left-wing Authentic Radical Liberal Party (PLRA).

The victories also deal a major blow to the establishment figures within the Colorado Party who, much like establishment Republicans in the United States, have been blatantly “captured” by the WEF and their Sorosian allies.

With more than 99% of the vote reported, Colorado Party Presidential candidate Santiago Pena has won the support of more than 1.2 million Paraguayans, giving him a 42% plurality of votes.

Efrain Alegre, the WEF’s man, won just 830,842 votes, equating to 27.49% of those cast.

Even left-wing Paraguayans rejected selling the nation out to globalism, supporting the populist, “dark horse”-style campaign of Paraguayo Cubas, instead of backing Alegre and the PLRA, which sought to pivot the nation towards Communist China. (Paraguay is one of the few nations on earth that recognizes Taiwanese sovereignty, something the PLRA and their WEF backers vowed to put a stop to, had they been successful in installing themselves in government leadership.)

“PARAGUAY HAS TRIUMPHED, JESUS HAS TRIUMPHED!!!!” wrote Paraguayan Patriot Jose Ocampos in a post he made to Twitter, summing up his nation’s Sunday election.

“The SOVEREIGN HAS SPOKEN, the discussion is over,” Ocampos said, with “the discussion” being globalist efforts to pull Paraguay into the World Economic Forum’s fold, something that Klaus Schwab has called critical for the realization of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” in Latin America and around the globe.


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3e0a50 No.39458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781414 (011838ZMAY23) Notable: Today is the Anniversary of the Founding of the BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI May 1, 1776

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Today is the Anniversary of the Founding of the BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI May 1, 1776

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3e0a50 No.39459

File: 2ef6785b91fe3ac⋯.png (103.39 KB,508x307,508:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781422 (011841ZMAY23) Notable: @PapiTrumpo - AAAND HE'S GONE!!!😭🤣🤣🤣

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il Donaldo Trumpo



2:34 PM · May 1, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39460

File: ca8cb4e408fb8aa⋯.png (251.91 KB,538x617,538:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781424 (011841ZMAY23) Notable: Dust storm leads to catastrophic 100+ vehicle pileup with multiple severe to critical injuries

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🚨#BREAKING: Dust storm leads to catastrophic 100+ vehicle pileup with multiple severe to critical injuries

📌#Farmersville | #Illinois

Currently, Numerous emergency personnel have responded to a significant vehicular pileup occurring in the southern region of Springfield, Illinois. The incident has taken place on Interstate 55, between Mile Marker 72 and 80, According to first responders they have indicated that approximately 100 vehicles have been involved, and several individuals have suffered severe to critical injuries, with multiple medical helicopters have been requested


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3e0a50 No.39461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781435 (011843ZMAY23) Notable: Dust storm leads to catastrophic 100+ vehicle pileup with multiple severe to critical injuries

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Illinois State Police D18, Macoupin County Public Safety, Montgomery County Public Safety.


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3e0a50 No.39462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781454 (011847ZMAY23) Notable: Judge Orders Hunter Biden to Answer Questions About Financials, Sit for Interview Under Oath

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Judge Orders Hunter Biden to Answer Questions About Financials, Sit for Interview Under Oath

Hunter Biden was ordered to answer questions about his financials and sit for an interview under oath in a child support case against his daughter’s mother, an Arkansas County Judge ruled Monday.

Hunter Biden will answer the questions from the mother’s counsel in writing, which has the potential to reveal information about the family’s international business ventures and his art sales to anonymous buyers.

The judge also ordered Hunter to sit for an interview in mid-June under oath. In addition, a trial is scheduled for July to determine if Hunter’s child support payments will be adjusted, as he requested in 2022.

According to CNN, Hunter is paying $20,000 per month, a calculation based on his income.

The legal dilemma could produce information about how much Hunter Biden earned from his interest in BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed investment fund founded just days after Hunter and President Joe Biden visited China in 2013. Hunter held a ten percent stake in BHR Partners through an entity called Skaneateles LLC.

Hunter Biden allegedly gave up his interest, estimated to be worth between $420,000 and $20 million, after pressure increased to divest from BHR Partners resulting from a conflict of interest when Joe Biden became president.

Documents obtained Friday by Breitbart News revealed Skaneateles LLC is controlled by Kevin Morris, Hunter’s top attorney, who also paid Hunter’s IRS debts.

It is unclear how Morris gained control of the entity. In 2021, Hunter’s lawyer told the New York Times that his client “no longer holds any interest, directly or indirectly in either BHR or Skaneateles.”

Chinese public records from Baidu show that Skaneateles LLC still owns ten percent of BHR Partners.

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) told Newsmax on Monday that he is interested in the paternity case as a vehicle to ascertain who anonymously purchased Hunter’s artwork for up to $500,000 each.

“I’m also anxious to see how much money that Hunter Biden’s made from selling his high-priced artwork. And if we can find out who in fact was buying that artwork,” he said.

“The last thing I’m interested in is to determine whether or not he has offshore accounts,” he alluded to BHR Partners.


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3e0a50 No.39463

File: 2711c68eded2a58⋯.mp4 (7.51 MB,1316x720,329:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781461 (011850ZMAY23) Notable: Dust storm leads to catastrophic 100+ vehicle pileup with multiple severe to critical injuries

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3e0a50 No.39464

File: 8212abe65984b10⋯.jpeg (21.76 KB,228x200,57:50,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781510 (011859ZMAY23) Notable: May 1 1776 - founding of the Bavarian Illuminati

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May 1 1776 - founding of the Bavarian Illuminati

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3e0a50 No.39465

File: b185bfed50fa48d⋯.png (17.35 KB,560x205,112:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 712cc2c17cb5c23⋯.png (100.47 KB,1032x274,516:137,Clipboard.png)

File: d416140738df2e1⋯.png (15.84 KB,550x238,275:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781532 (011904ZMAY23) Notable: May 1 1776 - founding of the Bavarian Illuminati

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3e0a50 No.39466

File: 7de6d495ba6f0bd⋯.png (356.92 KB,598x567,598:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781573 (011914ZMAY23) Notable: Sen. Ben Cardin announces retirement

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New York Post


Sen. Ben Cardin announces retirement, setting up Democratic battle



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3e0a50 No.39467

File: b775206751f100f⋯.jpeg (721.07 KB,1427x1553,1427:1553,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781587 (011918ZMAY23) Notable: US Space Force - Space Delta 4 is responsible for missile warning / tracking across the globe. It’s like an all-seeing eye

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US Space Force

Space Delta 4 is responsible for missile warning / tracking across the globe. It’s like anall-seeing eyethat identifies missile threats via ground- and space-based systems and determines what to do about them.


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3e0a50 No.39468

File: 25cfbbd951074f1⋯.jpeg (110.1 KB,1427x382,1427:382,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781624 (011925ZMAY23) Notable: JUST IN - U.S. military is tracking another balloon — NBC

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JUST IN - U.S. military is tracking another balloon — NBC



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3e0a50 No.39469

File: a49977fa2eff404⋯.png (123.61 KB,1381x937,1381:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781626 (011925ZMAY23) Notable: JUST IN - U.S. military is tracking another balloon — NBC

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New balloon is up anons…

The U.S. military is tracking a mysterious balloon that flew over American soil, but it’s not clear what it is or who it belongs to, according to three U.S. officials.

The object flew across portions of Hawaii but did not go over any sensitive areas, the officials said.

The U.S. military has been tracking it since late last week and has determined that it poses no threat to aerial traffic or national security and is not communicating signals, one official said.

It's not clear if it's a weather balloon or something else, the official said, adding that the U.S. could still shoot it down if it nears land.



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3e0a50 No.39470

File: 6a5daf43480b1d4⋯.png (803.84 KB,1456x426,728:213,Clipboard.png)

File: e6754445bd3a1b1⋯.png (183.86 KB,773x907,773:907,Clipboard.png)

File: ddef4fd46f3ceb3⋯.png (68.43 KB,756x318,126:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d66b21e6e96b0e⋯.png (180.6 KB,778x855,778:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781661 (011931ZMAY23) Notable: The FDA knew on September 17, 2021 that people who got the COVID vaccine were 2X more likely to be infected

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Proof: The FDA knew on September 17, 2021 that people who got the COVID vaccine were 2X more likely to be infected

Why didn't they warn us at the time? Instead, they remained silent. The mandates should have been the opposite: hospitals should have fired anyone who got vaccinated.

Executive summary

The Cleveland Clinic study, which I fully explain in this article, shows that the more vaccines you get, the more likely you are to be infected with COVID.

This was not a fluke. As I pointed out in my article, the results were consistent with three other large studies, two of which (the Qatar and Pfizer studies) were general population and not just healthcare workers.

One of the two large confirming studies was the Pfizer Phase 3 trial participants themselves.

Did you know that Pfizer told the FDA in a document dated September 17, 2021 that people who were on the vaccine for a longer period were more likely to be infected with COVD than those who spent only about half the time in the vaccinated state. The difference between the infection rates of the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed was more than 2X. See this section of my article for details on data in the FDA document and the simple calculation to determine the relative infection rates.

The bottom line is that the FDA knew on Sept 17, 2021 that you were more likely to be infected with COVID if you were vaccinated. That’s the opposite of what they told us.


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3e0a50 No.39471

File: 9e8977e64c46d71⋯.jpg (298.05 KB,772x869,772:869,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781671 (011933ZMAY23) Notable: Donald Trump lands in Aberdeen to visit his Scottish golf resort in first trip to UK since 2019

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Donald Trump lands in Aberdeen to visit his Scottish golf resort in first trip to UK since 2019

Former president Donald Trump -who is facing court action in the US- has arrived in Scotland today.

The 76-year-old's private plane landed at Aberdeen airport shortly before 11.30am ahead of a visit to his golf resort at the nearby Menie Estate.

Connor Gillies - Sky News

they are all programmed. all media is controlled.

sniveling little useful idiot

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3e0a50 No.39472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781684 (011937ZMAY23) Notable: Donald Trump lands in Aberdeen to visit his Scottish golf resort in first trip to UK since 2019

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3e0a50 No.39473

File: cfb45e408c99764⋯.png (143.97 KB,586x489,586:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781813 (012008ZMAY23) Notable: Trump to appear at CNN town hall in New Hampshire, marking his first appearance on the news network in years

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3e0a50 No.39474

File: 77202ed96dd00f2⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,4096x2623,4096:2623,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781827 (012009ZMAY23) Notable: Godspeed.

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3e0a50 No.39475

File: 51a6ac98d0543d1⋯.jpeg (485.45 KB,1170x1650,39:55,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781828 (012009ZMAY23) Notable: Trump to appear at CNN town hall in New Hampshire, marking his first appearance on the news network in years

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sorry, i got excited

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3e0a50 No.39476

File: e6581a39f0fef08⋯.png (298.52 KB,622x426,311:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781831 (012010ZMAY23) Notable: More than 110 nations are developing central bank digital currencies, says IMF chief.

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More than 110 nations are developing central bank digital currencies, says IMF chief.


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3e0a50 No.39477

File: e9674492a65e49d⋯.jpg (2.39 MB,4096x2497,4096:2497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c1e336c0ae2b4ff⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,4096x2532,1024:633,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781836 (012011ZMAY23) Notable: Godspeed.

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3e0a50 No.39478

File: ae643fb1376b666⋯.jpg (824.83 KB,1400x876,350:219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0048c28a0eb51a6⋯.jpg (798.69 KB,1400x897,1400:897,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781861 (012015ZMAY23) Notable: Godspeed.

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3e0a50 No.39479

File: b9f9228b8a46a5f⋯.png (12.17 KB,494x164,247:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781899 (012027ZMAY23) Notable: YELLEN: DEBT-LIMIT MEASURES MAY BE EXHAUSTED BY JUNE 1

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3e0a50 No.39480

File: 0b8fd8a5ce6d926⋯.jpeg (106.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781904 (012028ZMAY23) Notable: Arab states call for withdrawal of foreign forces from Syria

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1 May, 2023 18:00

Arab states call for withdrawal of foreign forces from Syria

Four key regional players have agreed that Damascus should regain control over the entire country

The government in Damascus should re-establish the rule of law on all of Syria’s territory, ending the presence of foreign armed groups and terrorists, the foreignministers of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraqsaid on Monday after meeting in Amman.

Jordan hosted the meeting, the first of its kind since Syria’s membership in the Arab League was suspended in 2011. Prior to the multilateral meeting, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad met with his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi to discuss refugees, border security and “water issues,” according to Amman.

In a joint statement distributed by state news agencies, the five ministers called for “ending the presence of terrorist organizations” as well as “armed groups” on the territory of Syria, and “neutralizing their ability to threaten regional and international security.” They also pledged to “support Syria and its institutions to establish control over all of its territory and impose the rule of law.”

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq pledged to establish ties with the Syrian military and security institutions in order to “address security challenges.” The five ministers also called for stopping “foreign interference in Syrian domestic affairs.” Their joint declaration also called for setting up technical teams of experts that would follow up on the summit and implement practical measures to resolve the conflict in Syria.

The Amman meeting comes just weeks after Mekdad visited Saudi Arabia and received the kingdom’s endorsement for Syria’s territorial integrity. Currently, Turkish-backed militants control parts of northern Syria, while the northeast is under the control of US-backed Kurdish militias. Several hundred US soldiers are also in Syria, controlling most of the country’s oil wells.

MIlitants backed by Saudi Arabia and the US launched an uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad in 2011. With the help of Russia and Iran, the government in Damascus eventually prevailed over the collection of rebels, including terrorists affiliated with Al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). While Syria’s neighbors and regional powers have moved to improve relations with Damascus in recent months, the US has not changed its “regime change” policy.

(Gaetz presented at the House a motion to remove our forces from Syria two weeks ago, the dems voted against it, now combined Arab states want all foreign forces from Syria, which probably includes EU states and UK. Is this how PDJT gets US troops to be removed? Gaetz working with Trump? Interesting.)


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3e0a50 No.39481

File: c64fb47afc8a070⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781909 (012029ZMAY23) Notable: Texas shooting suspect has been deported 4 times

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Texas shooting suspect has been deported 4 times: report

As of press time, Oropesa has eluded authorities, who say he cleared a law enforcement string of roadblocks around Cleveland, Texas.

The alleged gunman suspected of murdering five members of a Texas family was reportedly deported four times prior to the lethal incident.

Francisco Oropesa, 39, remains at large following the Friday evening incident during which his neighbors asked him to stop firing a gun. Authorities believe he was intoxicated at the time of the shooting.

Oropesa was previously deported twice in 2009, once in 2012, and again in 2016, a "source familiar with the investigation" told ABC News. He had previously been convicted of driving while intoxicated and served a prison sentence.

As of press time, Oropesa has eluded authorities, who say he cleared a law enforcement string of roadblocks around Cleveland, Texas, according to NBC News.

A total of five people died following Oropesa's violent attack. Four adults were deceased when authorities discovered them upon arriving at the property, and one child died after being transported to the hospital. Authorities also discovered three surviving children, two of whom were found underneath the bodies of the dead.


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3e0a50 No.39482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781915 (012030ZMAY23) Notable: Godspeed.

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3e0a50 No.39483

File: 1cec44ffddc3826⋯.webp (20.53 KB,764x432,191:108,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781934 (012034ZMAY23) Notable: A federal judge has ruled that a Pennsylvania school district must host an After School Satan Club.

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A federal judge has ruled that a Pennsylvania school district must host an After School Satan Club.

The Satanic Temple’s children’s club is being pushed in school districts that host Christian clubs — with the full backing of the far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) who filed the suit on the organization’s behalf.

The Satanists argue that if the school allows one religion to host events, they must allow all.

“In a victory for free speech and religious freedom, a federal court has ruled that the Saucon Valley School District must allow the After School Satan Club to meet in district facilities,” the ACLU announced in a tweet on Monday.

The Satan club claims to teach kids “benevolence and empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty, and compassion.”

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On "The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification"

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Judge John M. Gallagher wrote in his ruling that “when confronted with a challenge to free speech, the government’s first instinct must be to forward expression rather than quash it. Particularly when the content is controversial or inconvenient.” He added that “here, although The Satanic Temple, Inc.’s objectors may challenge the sanctity of this controversially named organization, the sanctity of the First Amendment’s protections must prevail.”

According to a report from The Hill, “The school district must allow the After School Satan Club, which is sponsored by The Satanic Temple, to meet during the school year on three previously agreed-upon dates, but it won’t have to distribute permission slips for the club for students to take home, according to the filing.”


Homeschool but protecting our chilldren from this.

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3e0a50 No.39484

File: f692362d42152c1⋯.png (573.54 KB,801x698,801:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781943 (012037ZMAY23) Notable: JUST IN - U.S. military is tracking another balloon — NBC

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U.S. military is tracking another mysterious balloon


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3e0a50 No.39485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781967 (012043ZMAY23) Notable: #23048

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@ 700 - Baking

>>39443 Robert F. Kennedy Jr

>>39444 Grenell: Don’t lecture us on ethics @DrPatSoonShiong

>>39445 Russia launches large-scale attack on Ukraine’s military-industrial facilities

>>39446 Zelensky Issues McCarthyite Black List of US Politicians Ukraine Says “Promotes Russian Propaganda”

>>39447 @25thID ⚡ This week, forget all the reasons why it won't work and focus on the one reason that it will.

>>39448 'Dominion did not insist on them firing Tucker Carlson as part of the settlement/Fox

>>39449, >>39450 Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives?

>>39451, >>39455 PF nuclear training starts today in Houston

>>39452 Bulgaria: EU state’s chief prosecutor targeted by bomb attack

>>39453 Stephen Miller rt: Over 22,000 Border Patrol apprehensions in the last 72 hours, an average of over 7,000 per day…..

>>39454 Evidence Exposes Ties Between Mexican Cartels and Chinese Communist Party

>>39456 Massive Digital Manipulation of Voter Rolls In Florida

>>39460, >>39461, >>39463 Dust storm leads to catastrophic 100+ vehicle pileup with multiple severe to critical injuries

>>39457 Paraguayan Patriots Defeat WEF/CIA Election Coup

>>39458 Today is the Anniversary of the Founding of the BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI May 1, 1776

>>39459 @PapiTrumpo - AAAND HE'S GONE!!!😭🤣🤣🤣

>>39462 Judge Orders Hunter Biden to Answer Questions About Financials, Sit for Interview Under Oath

>>39464, >>39465 May 1 1776 - founding of the Bavarian Illuminati

>>39466 Sen. Ben Cardin announces retirement

>>39467 US Space Force - Space Delta 4 is responsible for missile warning / tracking across the globe. It’s like an all-seeing eye

>>39468, >>39469, >>39484 JUST IN - U.S. military is tracking another balloon — NBC

>>39470 The FDA knew on September 17, 2021 that people who got the COVID vaccine were 2X more likely to be infected

>>39471, >>39472 Donald Trump lands in Aberdeen to visit his Scottish golf resort in first trip to UK since 2019

>>39473, >>39475 Trump to appear at CNN town hall in New Hampshire, marking his first appearance on the news network in years

>>39476 More than 110 nations are developing central bank digital currencies, says IMF chief.

>>39474, >>39477, >>39478, >>39482 Godspeed.


>>39480 Arab states call for withdrawal of foreign forces from Syria

>>39481 Texas shooting suspect has been deported 4 times

>>39483 A federal judge has ruled that a Pennsylvania school district must host an After School Satan Club.

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3e0a50 No.39486

File: 97fef844ef63cdc⋯.jpg (48.15 KB,579x431,579:431,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18781991 (012047ZMAY23) Notable: #23049

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Baker requesting hand-off


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3e0a50 No.39487

File: 5425bf2f5e03a51⋯.jpg (12.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782026 (012055ZMAY23) Notable: Russia launches large-scale attack on Ukrainian military-industrial facilities

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1 May, 2023 16:05

HomeRussia & FSU

Russia launches large-scale attack on Ukrainian military-industrial facilities

The strikes have disrupted Kiev’s production of ammunition and weaponry, according to the Russian Defense Ministry

The strikes have disrupted Kiev’s production of ammunition and weaponry, according to the Russian Defense Ministry

Russia launches large-scale attack on Ukrainian military-industrial facilities

FILE PHOTO. © Sputnik / The Russian Defense Ministry

The Russian military has launched a large-scale missile attack against Ukraine’s military industry, disrupting production of weaponry and munitions, the Defense Ministry said on Monday.

“…the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a group missile attack with long-range precision weapons, air and sea based, on the military-industrial complex of Ukraine,” the ministry said during its daily media briefing, adding that “all assigned targets were hit.”

While the Russian military did not specify which locations had been targeted exactly, Ukrainian media reported strikes in Kiev, Sumy and Dnepropetrovsk regions. The latter has apparently experienced the worst, with a massive explosion reported on the outskirts of the city of Pavlograd.

Unverified footage circulating online shows the aftermath of the strikes near the city. The attack apparently also caused a massive secondary explosion, followed by multiple lesser blasts. Available footage shows numerous columns of white smoke at the location, typically caused by the detonation of solid-fuel projectiles such as anti-aircraft missiles.


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3e0a50 No.39488

File: 63a2fa6217c2bff⋯.png (987 KB,1038x1058,519:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782031 (012057ZMAY23) Notable: After reviewing "federal tax receipts, our best estimate is that we will be unable to continue to satisfy all of the govt's obligations

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House Freedom Caucus

Maybe she missed the memo but the @HouseGOP has already passed the Limit Save Grow Act to resolve the Biden debt ceiling crisis.

@SecYellen should’ve sent this letter to @SenSchumer.

Scott Wong @scottwongDC


After reviewing "federal tax receipts, our best estimate is that we will be unable to continue to satisfy all of the govt's obligations … potentially as early as JUNE 1, if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit before that time"

4:32 PM · May 1, 2023


4:38 PM · May 1, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39489

File: f6e6969068c10fc⋯.mp4 (13.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782054 (012103ZMAY23) Notable: President Biden Welcomes Philippines President to White House

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MAY 1, 2023

President Biden Welcomes Philippines President to White House

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden welcomed president of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to the White House.


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3e0a50 No.39490

File: e89a9973517f52c⋯.png (372.36 KB,534x449,534:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782060 (012105ZMAY23) Notable: US Army Fort Sill - Practice makes perfect!

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Practice makes perfect!

#FiresStrong #BeAllYouCanBe


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3e0a50 No.39491

File: 831fa0a1e3f0f3a⋯.png (355.04 KB,542x939,542:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782061 (012106ZMAY23) Notable: After reviewing "federal tax receipts, our best estimate is that we will be unable to continue to satisfy all of the govt's obligations

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U.S. Treasury Secretary Warns the U.S. Could Run Out of Cash by June 1st.


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3e0a50 No.39492

File: 8185cb50c6a7df7⋯.png (448.04 KB,828x542,414:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782082 (012110ZMAY23) Notable: “Who gave NATO the right to kill Gaddafi?” - Putin

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“Who gave NATO the right to kill Gaddafi?” - Putin

8:43 AM · Apr 28, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782084 (012111ZMAY23) Notable: The President hosts a reception celebrating Eid-al-Fitr

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5:30 PM EDT

The President hosts a reception celebrating Eid-al-Fitr; The Vice President and The Second Gentleman attend

The White House





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3e0a50 No.39494

File: b8634ae04a496f8⋯.jpeg (81.06 KB,810x450,9:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782098 (012114ZMAY23) Notable: Pope quotes Bible on stealing and jokes about returning obelisk to Egypt

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Pope quotes Bible on stealing and jokes about returning obelisk to Egypt

VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) - Pope Francis is parroting revisionist history that alleges artifacts in the Vatican Museums may have been stolen from indigenous peoples.

"The Seventh Commandment comes to mind: If you steal something, you have to give it back," Francis told an airborne press conference on his return trip from Hungary on Sunday.

"In the case where you can return things, where it's necessary to make a gesture, better to do it," the pope said when asked about the possibility of returning artifacts from the Vatican's ethnological collections.

"Sometimes you can't if there are no possibilities — political, real or concrete possibilities. But in those cases where you can make restitution, please do it. It's good for everyone, so you don't get used to putting your hands in someone else's pockets," Francis emphasized.

"And if tomorrow the Egyptians come and ask for the obelisk, what will we do?" the pope asked rhetorically, referring to the 4,000-year-old monument at the center of St. Peter's Square.

"The restitution of indigenous things is underway with Canada. At least we agreed to do it," Francis said, noting that a meeting with indigenous groups was "very fruitful."

"There is not a shred of evidence that these works were stolen," a Roman historian told Church Militant. "In fact, indigenous peoples were delighted to showcase their culture to the world at the Pontifical Missionary Exhibition of 1924–6."

"Francis' off-the-cuff remarks will fuel the faux outrage of woke historians and activists who accuse Rome of stealing from indigenous peoples when the creators of these works would be thrilled to have their art displayed for perpetuity in Rome for millions to see," he added.


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3e0a50 No.39495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782102 (012115ZMAY23) Notable: The President hosts a reception celebrating Eid-al-Fitr

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The religious festival Eid al-Fitr, or the “Festival of Breaking the Fast,” is one of two major holidays celebrated by Muslims around the world. In the United States, Eid al-Fitr 2023 begins on the evening of Thursday, April 20 and ends on the evening of Friday, April 21.


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3e0a50 No.39496

File: 66be635d02b152e⋯.png (1.63 MB,971x1125,971:1125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782112 (012118ZMAY23) Notable: MEGHAN MCCAIN: The Biden Family is a national disgrace!

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MEGHAN MCCAIN: The Biden Family is a national disgrace! Joe cast aside his own grandkid to protect his shameful son. And now Hunter wants to slash child support payments for a daughter he's never even met…

Has America really fallen this low?


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3e0a50 No.39497

File: 0b7373af7759b8a⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782114 (012119ZMAY23) Notable: DHS Chief Mayorkas REFUSES to say if Texas gunman was in the United States illegally.

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The First


WATCH - DHS Chief Mayorkas REFUSES to say if Texas gunman was in the United States illegally.

11:47 AM · May 1, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39498

File: c7c65077dcdac6d⋯.png (370.55 KB,538x940,269:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782128 (012122ZMAY23) Notable: Montana Tranny Rep. Zooey Zephyr sues over removal from House floor

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Montana Rep. Zooey Zephyr sues over removal from House floor

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Montana state Rep. Zooey Zephyr asked a court Monday to allow for her return to the House floor after she was silenced and barred for chiding her Republican colleagues over legislation to restrict gender-affirming health care and for encouraging protesters.

Attorneys for the first-term lawmaker sued in state district court in Helena on behalf of Zephyr, a transgender Democrat who represents a liberal district in the college town of Missoula, and several constituents who the attorneys said were being denied their right to adequate representation. Zephyr, whose comments in the Montana Legislature have made her a prominent figure in transgender rights and in conversations about the muffling of dissent in statehouses, said in a statement Monday that she and her constituents were targeted “because I dared to give voice to the values and needs of transgender people like myself.”

The legal challenge against House Speaker Matt Regier and statehouse Sergeant-at-Arms Bradley Murfitt comes with just days left in the Legislature’s biennial session. …


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3e0a50 No.39499

File: 32ff92e4423e206⋯.png (33.82 KB,803x267,803:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782132 (012123ZMAY23) Notable: Bud Light’s New Commercial Aired During NFL Draft Just Made Mulvaney Fallout Even Worse

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Bud Light’s New Commercial Aired During

NFL Draft Just Made Mulvaney Fallout Even Worse

Federalist Papers, by Steve Straub

Posted By: Beardo, 5/1/2023 12:38:43 PM

Anheuser-Busch, the company behind Bud Light, has faced backlash on social media for airing a country-themed commercial during the opening round of the NFL draft. The advertisement featured young women in the rain drinking Bud Light and was accompanied by Zac Brown’s song “Chicken Fried. The commercial, seen as an attempt to recover from a PR debacle caused by the brand’s endorsement deal with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, has drawn criticism for its pandering nature. (snip) Instead of apologizing for insulting their customers, the woke executives instead hope throwing money at the problem will cause former patrons to eventually forget and come back.

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3e0a50 No.39500

File: 7a278eb84b3643a⋯.png (887.94 KB,830x599,830:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782138 (012124ZMAY23) Notable: Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Rein in Federal Agencies

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Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could

Rein in Federal Agencies

National Review, by Jeff Zymeri

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/1/2023 11:32:40 AM

The Supreme Court agreed to hear Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, a case which could see an end to Chevron deference, in which courts defer to a federal agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute. The Court limited its grant of certiorari to the second question presented — namely, “whether the Court should overrule Chevron or at least clarify that statutory silence concerning controversial powers expressly but narrowly granted elsewhere in the statute does not constitute an ambiguity requiring deference to the agency.” Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson recused herself because she heard arguments in this case when she was on the D.C. Circuit. Jackson did not participate in that court’s final opinion,

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3e0a50 No.39501

File: 2760dcd5ef97969⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,610x854,5:7,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782139 (012125ZMAY23) Notable: Poverty grips Ukraine, people are forced to take things to pawnshops and stand in line for hours for free bread.

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Residents of Lvov are storming another second-hand shop.

Poverty grips Ukraine, people are forced to take things to pawnshops and stand in line for hours for free bread. The journalists of the British edition of The Guardian told about this in their article.

An employee of one of the Kiev pawnshops said that up to 50 people come to him a day to pawn their belongings.

Correspondents of The Guardian describe another scene from Irpen. About 500 people come there every day for free bread. They also distribute used clothes, shoes, toys, etc. to people.

“We are seeing a 30% drop in GDP mainly because Ukraine exports 80% of its goods through ports that it no longer has access to. The biggest problem will be how to create new jobs,” economist Elena Bilan comments on the situation.


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3e0a50 No.39502

File: 47143e316bfa8e2⋯.jpeg (24.31 KB,480x264,20:11,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782148 (012127ZMAY23) Notable: The annual $1 million Genesis Prize, dubbed the “Jewish Nobel” by TIME Magazine Awarded to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

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“Jewish Nobel” Awarded to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

The annual $1 million Genesis Prize, dubbed the “Jewish Nobel” by TIME Magazine, honors extraordinary individuals for their outstanding professional achievement, contribution to humanity, and commitment to Jewish values. Dr. Bourla becomes the ninth Genesis Prize Laureate.


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3e0a50 No.39503

File: 7362d410518dc05⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,576x544,18:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782162 (012129ZMAY23) Notable: The Lion of Damascus out for a stroll amongst his people.

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The Lion of Damascus out for a stroll amongst his people.

God. Syria. Bashar.



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3e0a50 No.39504

File: 79f18f906eb2254⋯.png (932.82 KB,1438x837,1438:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782188 (012134ZMAY23) Notable: In his first year of actively posting on Truth Social, Trump amplified QAnon-promoting accounts nearly 500 times

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Trump Truth Social QAnon image

Andrea Austria / Media Matters

In his first year of actively posting on Truth Social, Trump amplified QAnon-promoting accounts nearly 500 times

Written by Alex Kaplan

Published 05/01/23 10:32 AM EDT

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3e0a50 No.39505

File: 99221665ff5eedf⋯.jpg (405.93 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6f95e210ed1f5ad⋯.jpeg (128.15 KB,680x629,40:37,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8477b9f9362b1a1⋯.png (76.96 KB,766x708,383:354,Clipboard.png)

File: eb2fb6ef005f1c2⋯.png (37.39 KB,766x452,383:226,Clipboard.png)

File: a33b87f9d3cb1f8⋯.png (227.71 KB,766x1352,383:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782191 (012135ZMAY23) Notable: U.S. Navy - Honoring Women who serve

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3e0a50 No.39506

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782195 (012136ZMAY23) Notable: Kash Patel: Intel Community Has Been Behind Countless Efforts To Thwart Trump.

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4 hours ago

Kash Patel: Intel Community Has Been Behind Countless Efforts To Thwart Trump.

8:01 minutes


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3e0a50 No.39507

File: 575e6705b849f52⋯.png (420.47 KB,609x562,609:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782210 (012141ZMAY23) Notable: Young people are pushing back against the trans agenda.

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The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson


Young people are pushing back against the trans agenda.

Listen to how @sovereignbrah

and @thedebralea

are upholding their religious values while battling it out with their WOKE panelist on the @Whatever


9:01 AM · May 1, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39508

File: 5be2af6af6cf820⋯.png (75.33 KB,640x500,32:25,Clipboard.png)

File: a0c8243e4a401bf⋯.png (132.68 KB,1122x1084,561:542,Clipboard.png)

File: b271176e9492e2e⋯.png (284.04 KB,544x499,544:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782213 (012141ZMAY23) Notable: First republic bank has died suddenly and no news coverage at all.

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Amazing , First republic bank has died suddenly and no news coverage at all.

2nd largest bank after SVB.

nothing to see here, move along now.



🚨#BREAKING: First Republic Bank has been closed by regulators, as this is the 2nd largest bank failure in U.S. history. First Republic Bank will be acquired by JPMorgan after rescue efforts fails


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3e0a50 No.39509

File: cbe78bd789b4649⋯.png (317.5 KB,598x558,299:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782227 (012144ZMAY23) Notable: Twitter down for thousands of users

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3e0a50 No.39510

File: ab04c960f6e18e9⋯.png (30.62 KB,594x398,297:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782245 (012147ZMAY23) Notable: Trump during his presidency so from 2017 to 2021 amplified QAnon-promoting posts on Twitter a total of more than 300 times

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Alex Kaplan


For comparison, Trump during his presidency so from 2017 to 2021 amplified QAnon-promoting posts on Twitter a total of more than 300 times. So his activity for 1 year on Truth Social alone apparently surpassed multiple years of activity on Twitter.

Quote Tweet

Alex Kaplan




NEW from me:

Trump amplified QAnon-promoting accounts nearly 500 times during his first year of actively posting on his social media platform Truth Social.


Show this thread

3:49 AM · May 1, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39511

File: e8da319f994b464⋯.png (154.41 KB,598x589,598:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 93d7e567138f04f⋯.png (194.49 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 27556f060911dcd⋯.png (173.55 KB,598x475,598:475,Clipboard.png)

File: 67e7fd2eda806cb⋯.png (144.73 KB,598x504,299:252,Clipboard.png)

File: 3feb8fec2492b61⋯.png (135.91 KB,598x455,46:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782254 (012149ZMAY23) Notable: TWITTER FILES #20 The Information Cartel"

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The Information Cartel"


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3e0a50 No.39512

File: 80c22757399c11b⋯.png (50.05 KB,662x401,662:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782255 (012149ZMAY23) Notable: Arizona girl, 12, suffers cardiac arrest while playing soccer

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Arizona girl, 12, suffers cardiac arrest while playing soccer: Star athlete received lifesaving CPR from teammate's mom while her father who was coaching nearby rushed to her side

Pyper Midkiff collapsed 20 minutes into practice for her youth soccer team

Her family confirmed that she is in a stable condition and is improving daily

Soccer teams across the country showed support over the weekend with jerseys

By Tilly Armstrong For Dailymail.Com

Published: 10:42 EDT, 1 May 2023 | Updated: 12:23 EDT, 1 May 2023

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3e0a50 No.39513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782257 (012149ZMAY23) Notable: First republic bank has died suddenly and no news coverage at all.

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Why First Republic failed. Are other banks to follow?

First Republic Bank has become the second large regional bank with assets over $200 billion to fail in just a few weeks. Like Silicon Valley Bank, which was seized by the government on March 10, First Republic catered to a wealthy clientele, which helped it grow deposits rapidly but may have also contributed to its undoing. The bank’s business model left it susceptible to a sudden rise in interest rates.

Since the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank — and Signature Bank the same weekend — investors have wondered who’s next. First Republic quickly rose to the top of that list, but investors and analysts worried about banks such as Comerica and KeyCorp, which also had large numbers of accounts with deposits above the federally-insured level of $250,000.

Here are some things to know about the collapse of First Republic Bank.


First Republic grew rapidly through deposits from wealthy individuals and companies. It used those deposits to make large loans, including jumbo mortgages, when interest rates were at historically low levels in hopes of then convincing customers to expand into more profitable products like wealth management.

Many of the bank’s accounts had deposits well north of the federally-insured $250,000. Once Silicon Valley Bank went under, clients pulled their money, fearful their deposits were in danger. First Republic said last week that depositors had withdrawn more than $100 billion, most of it during a few days in mid-March. …


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3e0a50 No.39514

File: 422ab85f83b07a1⋯.png (445.89 KB,597x584,597:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782265 (012150ZMAY23) Notable: FOX News Primetime Ratings In COMPLETE COLLAPSE Following Tucker’s Exit

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The Gateway Pundit


It’s Spreading: FOX News Primetime Ratings In COMPLETE COLLAPSE Following Tucker’s Exit


It's Spreading: FOX News Primetime Ratings In COMPLETE COLLAPSE Following Tucker's Exit | The…

FOX News has absolutely FLATLINED after firing their top-rated host Tucker Carlson!

2:02 AM · May 1, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782272 (012152ZMAY23) Notable: Hunter Biden ripped by judge for concealing his money in baby mama showdown

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hunter Biden ripped by judge for concealing his money in baby mama showdown

The Arkansas judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s long-running child support battle with his baby mama chastised the first son’s lawyers Monday for being stingy with his financial data.

Judge Holly Meyer rebuked the 53-year-old’s legal team during the two-hour proceedings, saying they wrongly concealed details of filings that had already been submitted to the court as part of the ongoing legal saga.

“The ability to redact is somewhat being abused,” the judge told Hunter’s attorneys before ordering them to refile some of those papers. It wasn’t immediately clear exactly what financial information was included in the filings.

Hunter appeared in a Batesville court as he seeks to reduce his monthly payments for the 4-year-old daughter he fathered with ex-stripper Lunden Roberts.

The Biden scion was required to hand over documents detailing his money situation after he reopened his paternity case last September to try and reduce his $20,000-per-month remittance.

The first son, who has never met his daughter with Roberts, had alleged he experienced a “substantial material change” in his income.

Meyer on Monday ordered Hunter to answer additional written questions about his money — including investments, his art sales and other financial transactions — after Roberts’ attorney Clinton Lancaster claimed he had so far provided “incomplete answers.”

Lancaster argued Hunter divulged neither who had purchased his art nor the estimated values of the pieces.

But Hunter’s attorneys hit back, saying the first son didn’t know the identities of the buyers as part of a purported arrangement to ensure they were unable to “influence” his father’s administration.

“He will not know. Someone else may know,” one of the attorneys told the judge.

Judge Meyer informed Lancaster that he could “issue a subpoena” to force the gallery to divulge names of buyers and prices of the art, adding: “It’s a little incredible that there is no estimate of valuations.”

Both Hunter and Roberts will have to sit for a deposition in mid-June to answer questions under oath, the judge added during Monday’s hearing.

Roberts previously accused her former flame of withholding evidence in the ongoing paternity spat, arguing that Hunter should be held in contempt of court until he complied.

Their legal battle dates back in 2019 when Roberts filed a paternity suit after Hunter denied fathering the little girl during their month-long fling.

Hunter started forking out the monthly child support, which his lawyers say adds up to $750,000, after a DNA test confirmed Navy Joan was his daughter.


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3e0a50 No.39516

File: 48a79c307d0f6db⋯.png (3.53 MB,1198x1719,1198:1719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782277 (012152ZMAY23) Notable: First republic bank has died suddenly and no news coverage at all.

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First Republic's collapse was sparked by 'jumbo mortgages' with interest-only loans at rock bottom rates for the wealthy such as Goldman Sachs' COO and a music exec - who could wait a DECADE before paying back millions

* The failed bank sold mortgages with rock bottom rates to rich clients whose loans were interest only for up to a decade

* Property records show the president of Goldman Sachs and a music executive recently bought multi-million dollar New York City homes with the deals

* But the 'jumbo mortgages', a staple of First Republic's business model for years, also contributed to the bank's collapse


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3e0a50 No.39517

File: 9dcf64e19571100⋯.png (142.1 KB,408x405,136:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782290 (012154ZMAY23) Notable: BREAKING: US ends COVID-19 Unvaccinated Travel Ban!

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BREAKING: US ends COVID-19 Unvaccinated Travel Ban! The White House just announced, that they will end the unscientific and inhumane travel ban on May 11, 2023!



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3e0a50 No.39518

File: f0a5cb26f6772b9⋯.png (184.15 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

File: e3e5b405bdedfe4⋯.png (181.55 KB,598x455,46:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 63979c74fec63c3⋯.png (148.91 KB,598x373,598:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c8fb0d9533218b⋯.png (177.58 KB,1250x423,1250:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782296 (012156ZMAY23) Notable: TWITTER FILES #20 The Information Cartel"

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9. Tech companies not only collaborate on content, they gather regularly for "private sector engagement" with the FBI, DOD, DHS, House and Senate Intel Committees, and others, each agency getting its own meetings:


11. Graphika receives money from the Pentagon, Navy, and Air Force, while simultaneously supporting human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Working with both the perpetrators & those representing the victims is very 2023.


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3e0a50 No.39519

File: f2470fb171f91d6⋯.png (219.97 KB,970x494,485:247,Clipboard.png)

File: e1d3bd603ca36d3⋯.png (784.94 KB,1368x763,1368:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e7643c894a3268⋯.png (485.83 KB,754x395,754:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782311 (012158ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update: SAMs and SPARs oh my!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>39378, >>39386 pb

PlaneFag CONUS update: SAMs and SPARs oh my!

SAM718 went to Peterson SFB from MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) while SAM747 went to Phoenix=Sky Harbor Int'lSAM=Special Air Mission

SPAR856 and 857 Learjet 35s sropped at Forbes Field S of Topeka, KS and are heading WS over Utah and Arizona respectivelySPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

SHADY33 MC-12W Liberty departed Ft. Stewart (was SHADY18) and now they are demoncrats

from March

33 Senate Democrats join Republicans to block DC crime bill


FORGE63 US Army G5 went back JBA from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM) stop of about 1h45m

Tunisian AF TUN26 C-130 Hercules arrived at JBA from St. Johns depart with Kuwait AF KAF3201 C-17 arriving at Dulles Int'l from a Prestwick Int'l depart (Edinburgh Scotland's Int'l Airport-quite a ways outside the city)

RAF RRR2212 A330 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) arrived at Ft. Hood, TX from RAF Brize Norton depart and also from the RAF RFR7041 P-8 Poseidon east from NAS Oceana

Belgian AF BAF664 and666A400m both went to Halifax from Gulfport, MS depart

Mexican Po-Po PF511 CN-235 Persuader left Chihuahua, Mexico S after a stop of about 75m and Mexi AF FAM3510 Beech B300 King Air 350i ran some patterns around San Luis Potosi before heading east towards the Gulf 'o Mexico coast-pretty uninhabited area called Sierra De Tamaulpias Mexico

RCH4143 C-17 Globemaster arrived at Hickam AFB from a Travis AFB stop-departed Dover earlier today (way over on the west siiide of cap#1)

SPAR65 Indo-PAC G5 arrived at JBA earlier from it's Hickam AFB depart and to round it out GTMO842 US Navy Beeck back to Gitmo from it's customary Ft. Lauderdale stop

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3e0a50 No.39520

File: 37fa7ecd39aaa94⋯.png (338.61 KB,598x550,299:275,Clipboard.png)

File: c9b135216c5f827⋯.png (192.96 KB,598x579,598:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 98c6392d0d39ce7⋯.png (187.34 KB,598x435,598:435,Clipboard.png)

File: d3afd3959c0eeeb⋯.png (159.14 KB,598x435,598:435,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ff9480c8662e03⋯.png (266.32 KB,598x641,598:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782376 (012211ZMAY23) Notable: TWITTER FILES #20 The Information Cartel"

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21. The scale of funding is similarly beyond shocking. Governments and foundations pour millions - one company alone reportedly won $979 million from the Pentagon - into "anti-disinformation" firms and NGOs.

23. Whether it's the ADL with election miscreants, the Alethea Group counting China-linked accounts "amplifying known right-wing figures," or the Atlantic Council monitoring "opposition activity" around the Iran deal, the NGOs make blacklists of wrongthinkers:


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3e0a50 No.39521

File: a3fbad75bed6f70⋯.png (654.82 KB,809x1215,809:1215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782381 (012212ZMAY23) Notable: On April 8th, in Huddleston v. FBI/DOJ (Seth Rich Laptop FOIA Case), Huddleston asked Judge Mazzant to decide these 9 issues.

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On April 8th, in Huddleston v. FBI/DOJ (Seth Rich Laptop FOIA Case), Huddleston asked Judge Mazzant to decide these 9 issues.



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3e0a50 No.39522

File: dd58a277fc283e9⋯.png (348.9 KB,556x744,139:186,Clipboard.png)

File: cdf8bb3e6733afc⋯.png (381.71 KB,569x744,569:744,Clipboard.png)

File: 00404aa10bb27dc⋯.png (335.35 KB,1237x744,1237:744,Clipboard.png)

File: 0974928bcadf902⋯.png (249.94 KB,598x648,299:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782406 (012218ZMAY23) Notable: TWITTER FILES #20 The Information Cartel"

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24. The #TwitterFiles are riddled with removal demands from opaque cut-out organizations like the Center for Countering Digital Hate, whose mysterious funding never troubles either Twitter execs or the reporters who transmit their demands.

25. Media forwards the blacklist demands to industry:

26. Industry folds, and all the people from these groups - the same names, over and over - get together for hors d'oeuvres at cozy conferences with NATO STRATCOM, the Center for European Policy Analysis, the Carnegie Endowment, etc. One big club.


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3e0a50 No.39523

File: 04dc412533f20b4⋯.png (786.36 KB,1108x1172,277:293,Clipboard.png)

File: a4bea070232246a⋯.png (704.8 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782419 (012220ZMAY23) Notable: Scientists use brain scans and AI to ‘decode’ thoughts

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Scientists use brain scans and AI to ‘decode’ thoughts

AFPMay 1, 2023 11:19 am

Scientists said Monday they have found a way to use brain scans and artificial intelligence modelling to transcribe “the gist” of what people are thinking, in what was described as a step towards mind reading.

While the main goal of the language decoder is to help people who have lost the ability to communicate, the US scientists acknowledged that the technology raised questions about “mental privacy”.

Aiming to assuage such fears, they ran tests showing that their decoder could not be used on anyone who had not allowed it to be trained on their brain activity over long hours inside a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner.

Previous research has shown that a brain implant can enable people who can no longer speak or type to spell out words or even sentences.

These “brain-computer interfaces” focus on the part of the brain that controls the mouth when it tries to form words.

Alexander Huth, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas at Austin and co-author of a new study, said that his team’s language decoder “works at a very different level”.

“Our system really works at the level of ideas, of semantics, of meaning,” Huth told an online press conference.

It is the first system to be able to reconstruct continuous language without an invasive brain implant, according to the study in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

– ‘Deeper than language’ –

For the study, three people spent a total of 16 hours inside an fMRI machine listening to spoken narrative stories, mostly podcasts such as the New York Times’ Modern Love.

This allowed the researchers to map out how words, phrases and meanings prompted responses in the regions of the brain known to process language.

They fed this data into a neural network language model that uses GPT-1, the predecessor of the AI technology later deployed in the hugely popular ChatGPT.

The model was trained to predict how each person’s brain would respond to perceived speech, then narrow down the options until it found the closest response.

To test the model’s accuracy, each participant then listened to a new story in the fMRI machine.

The study’s first author Jerry Tang said the decoder could “recover the gist of what the user was hearing”.

For example, when the participant heard the phrase “I don’t have my driver’s license yet”, the model came back with “she has not even started to learn to drive yet”.

The decoder struggled with personal pronouns such as “I” or “she,” the researchers admitted.

But even when the participants thought up their own stories — or viewed silent movies — the decoder was still able to grasp the “gist,” they said.

This showed that “we are decoding something that is deeper than language, then converting it into language,” Huth said.

Because fMRI scanning is too slow to capture individual words, it collects a “mishmash, an agglomeration of information over a few seconds,” Huth said.

“So we can see how the idea evolves, even though the exact words get lost.”

– Ethical warning –

David Rodriguez-Arias Vailhen, a bioethics professor at Spain‘s Granada University not involved in the research, said it went beyond what had been achieved by previous brain-computer interfaces.

This brings us closer to a future in which machines are “able to read minds and transcribe thought,” he said, warning this could possibly take place against people’s will, such as when they are sleeping.

The researchers anticipated such concerns.

They ran tests showing that the decoder did not work on a person if it had not already been trained on their own particular brain activity.

The three participants were also able to easily foil the decoder.

While listening to one of the podcasts, the users were told to count by sevens, name and imagine animals or tell a different story in their mind. All these tactics “sabotaged” the decoder, the researchers said.

Next, the team hopes to speed up the process so that they can decode the brain scans in real time.

They also called for regulations to protect mental privacy.

“Our mind has so far been the guardian of our privacy,” said bioethicist Rodriguez-Arias Vailhen.

“This discovery could be a first step towards compromising that freedom in the future.



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3e0a50 No.39524

File: c00f34b9f740909⋯.png (753.96 KB,1155x448,165:64,Clipboard.png)

File: e98f254d9a2109f⋯.png (187.61 KB,1079x408,1079:408,Clipboard.png)

File: f61f6a4e4d6e07d⋯.png (432.87 KB,581x393,581:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782425 (012221ZMAY23) Notable: PF: Yerp-Atlantic crossings and 45 stopped at Goose Bay, Newfoundland on last nights trip over to Aberdeen'''

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>>39378 pb

PF: Yerp-Atlantic crossings and 45 stopped at Goose Bay, Newfoundland on last nights trip over to Aberdeen'''

BOXER40 C-40C heading SE after a stop at Shannon, Ireland for a refuel-so Tel Aviv or Gulf for this most likely-could be Egypt/Sudan too with all the stuff going on in there

SAM485 C-40B arrived at Vilnius, Lithuania after departing JBA last night (CONUS time) and another OTD (just like they 'ded'd UBL on this day 12y ago >>39391 pb) it was 19 years ago that Lithuania became a member of NATO

#OTD, 19 yrs ago, Lithuania joined the #EU


>>39407 pb

N757AF 757 on ground at Aberdeen Int'l and mentioned again becasue it stopped at Goose Bay Airport, Newfoundland for about an hour (must have had someone to p/u or meet as plenty of Range in that AC so no need for a refuel-cap #2 shows it's flight from Goose Bay

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3e0a50 No.39525

File: 52faabfb40e8355⋯.png (204.88 KB,551x455,551:455,Clipboard.png)

File: f6c3be5f32de21f⋯.png (308.75 KB,768x832,12:13,Clipboard.png)

File: da4c3e19989385c⋯.png (52.98 KB,1040x461,1040:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 0956deded55a6f8⋯.png (158.34 KB,1039x612,1039:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782442 (012227ZMAY23) Notable: “Duke, UNC, and ECU” Offers ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old

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SICK: North Carolina’s Leading Medical Institutions “Duke, UNC, and ECU” Offers ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old

Leading medical institutions in North Carolina are targeting extremely young children to begin transitioning, according to investigative journalist Sloan Rachmuth.

In 2015, Duke Medicine launched the Gender Clinic to provide a comprehensive range of treatments for children as young as two for gender dysphoria.

In 2016, the clinic’s director, transgender activist Dr. Deanna Adkins, spoke with the Charlotte Observer about her transgender pediatric patients.

“They are not old enough to consciously just choose to do that. … It is not a choice in any of my patients. It’s really an unpleasant thing to have going on in your body to feel that distress about yourself. I can’t imagine anyone who would choose to do that,” said Adkins.

Adkins wrote in her expert declaration to the federal district court in North Carolina, “From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.”

Adkins claimed that gender identity is “the only medically supported determinant of sex” and hence should be used as the primary foundation for identifying someone’s sex.

“It is counter to medical science to use chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, or secondary sex characteristics to override gender identity for purposes of classifying someone as male or female.”

In court testimony, Duke doctor Deanna Adkins detailed how she treats toddlers:

Before puberty, treatment does not include any drug or surgical intervention. For this group of patients, treatment is limited to “social transition,” which means allowing a transgender child to live and be socially recognized in accordance with their gender identity.

This can include allowing children to wear clothing, to cut or grow their hair, to use names and pronouns, and to access restrooms and other sex-separated facilities and activities in line with their gender identity instead of the sex assigned to them at birth. Social transition is a critical part of treatment of patients with gender dysphoria of all ages and it is the only treatment for pre-pubertal children.

In other health care, children as young as three can be evaluated for gender dysphoria at UNC Health. According to the website, they will work with UNC endocrinologists, family doctors, and surgeons who are ready to medically “affirm” the child’s gender.



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3e0a50 No.39526

File: 278ad8e8eb2809b⋯.png (204.78 KB,413x683,413:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782456 (012231ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#2 On March 24, 2020, the CDC altered how death certificates were recorded *EXCLUSIVELY* for COVID-19.

"COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death."



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3e0a50 No.39527

File: e45b82de51da428⋯.png (281.22 KB,878x912,439:456,Clipboard.png)

File: 62c405e8417fa88⋯.jpg (36.38 KB,402x284,201:142,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782457 (012232ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update: SAMs and SPARs oh my!

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Westbound out of Biggs AAF


Squawking 4106


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3e0a50 No.39528

File: 036d8bef40ace23⋯.png (283.79 KB,412x700,103:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782464 (012233ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#3 Two days later, on March 26, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services financially incentivized healthcare providers, hospitals, and doctors to diagnose patients with COVID-19.



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3e0a50 No.39529

File: dd8a2b94e5b094d⋯.png (60.49 KB,413x501,413:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782465 (012234ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#4 The number of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths was further inflated by the fraudulent use of the PCR test.

The FDA, WHO, CDC, CNN, the NYT, and even Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted the PCR test set at a high cycle threshold produces up to 90% false positives.



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3e0a50 No.39530

File: d26d6def110fbb2⋯.png (191.09 KB,413x576,413:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782553 (012250ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#5 In July 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that PCR tests set at 35 cycles or higher produced mostly false positives or "dead nucleotides."

So why was the entire country using PCR tests set at 35 cycles or higher?



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3e0a50 No.39531

File: 595c57d2f15f783⋯.png (268.81 KB,410x740,41:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782556 (012251ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#6 In August 2020, The New York Times and several experts admitted that up to 90% of positive PCR tests were false positives.

In other words, they were not indicative of an active illness that could be transmitted to others.



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3e0a50 No.39532

File: 5ec73ee5a5fe66a⋯.png (225.1 KB,410x501,410:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782561 (012252ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#7 In Sept. 2020, CNN's Andrew Cuomo reported that PCR tests were "too sensitive."

"In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York, and Nevada, up to 90% of people testing positive carried barely any virus…"



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3e0a50 No.39533

File: d75638c484b767e⋯.png (196.24 KB,412x736,103:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782563 (012252ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#8 The Atlantic reported on a Harvard Medical School study that found 48% of all hospitalized COVID patients may have been admitted for another reason entirely after analyzing the blood oxygen levels of nearly 50,000 hospital patients across the country.



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3e0a50 No.39534

File: e244fecf0f72076⋯.png (193.96 KB,414x502,207:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782564 (012253ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#9 Dr. Simon Goddek explains how the PCR test artificially inflated the pandemic narrative:

"If you want to create a pandemic…you create a PCR protocol, you put the cycle threshold between 35-45, and you test healthy people…that's how you create cases."



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3e0a50 No.39535

File: 7a18fd1c3988b2b⋯.png (192.52 KB,409x520,409:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782569 (012254ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#10 In July 2021, Dr. Peter McCullough explained:

#1 COVID doesn't spread asymptomatically.

#2 Stop testing asymptomatic people.

#3 Natural immunity is robust & durable.

#4 COVID is easily treatable at home.

#5 Vax is obsolete & unsafe for human use.



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3e0a50 No.39536

File: 275f7367a94b02c⋯.png (293.35 KB,410x614,205:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782573 (012254ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#11 Dr. Kary Mullis would turn over in his grave if he knew how they abused the PCR test during COVID.



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3e0a50 No.39537

File: d8ffb822a7e5298⋯.png (93.26 KB,413x502,413:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782574 (012255ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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#4 The number of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths was further inflated by the fraudulent use of the PCR test.

The FDA, WHO, CDC, CNN, the NYT, and even Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted the PCR test set at a high cycle threshold produces up to 90% false positives.



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3e0a50 No.39538

File: 0c181d287c0b5cf⋯.png (388.45 KB,412x779,412:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782579 (012256ZMAY23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

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🧵THREAD: Dr. Scott Jensen tells Jordan Peterson that the CDC artificially inflated COVID death numbers.



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3e0a50 No.39539

File: 337335ab897bd4b⋯.png (333.58 KB,737x1280,737:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782585 (012258ZMAY23) Notable: Flynn Vs US

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Flynn Vs US


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3e0a50 No.39540

File: 748e695336a0610⋯.png (427.67 KB,597x824,597:824,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782611 (012304ZMAY23) Notable: #OTD in 2011, Navy SEALs killed Osama Bin Laden.

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#OTD in 2011, Navy SEALs killed Osama Bin Laden. Oddly, actor Dwayne Johnson was one of the first people to report the news. He tweeted about it the same minute that it was leaked by a Navy Reserve intel officer. His cousin was a SEAL, but Johnson has never revealed his source.


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3e0a50 No.39541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782638 (012310ZMAY23) Notable: 2 more prosecutors resign from Gardner's office

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2 more prosecutors resign from Gardner's office

Two assistant prosecutors in the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office have resigned after being summoned for contempt of court hearings, along with their boss, Kim Gardner.

Attorney Chris Desilets’ resignation is effective immediately. On April 27, Judge Michael Noble scheduled “indirect contempt of court” hearings for both Desilets and Gardner, after Desilets no-showed an April 10 court date for a shooting case.

The shooting case is about an Oct. 2020 incident in which an 11-year-old girl was struck by a stray bullet. Steven Vincent, 28, faces nine counts, including first-degree assault, for the shooting.

Desilets had another attorney pass a note to Judge Noble, explaining that he had to miss court for a doctor’s appointment.

Noble asked Desilets to appear in court on April 24 with proof of the doctor’s appointment and to reschedule the start of trial. However, Desilets no-showed that hearing as well, prompting Noble to summon both Desilets and Gardner. Prior to the judge handing down the contempt of court order, Desilets acknowledged he was handling around 100 active felony cases.

This is the second assistant prosecutor to resign in recent weeks. Natalia Ogurkiewicz resigned on April 15, citing a toxic work environment, an unbearable workload, and a lack of support. She had been working on the Daniel Riley case. He’s the man accused in the tragic crash which caused Janae Edmondson to lose both her legs.

However, our news partners at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported another assistant prosecuting attorney, Alex Polta, resigned last Friday. He’d been with the office since 2017. Polta was at the center of a separate contempt of court hearing for the circuit attorney’s office.

Polta had been assigned to the trial of Jonathon Jones, who was charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action for the Sept. 6, 2021, shooting death of Brandon Scott near the Gateway Arch.

The trial was scheduled to begin on April 17, but Polta no-showed. Judge Scott Millikan requested both Gardner and Polta appear in his court on April 24 to “show cause” why they shouldn’t be held in contempt.

Polta informed Judge Millikan that he provided a medical note to the circuit attorney on April 9, showing that he needed extended medical leave. Gardner no-showed the April 24 hearing as well. Her outside counsel, Michael Downey, appeared on her behalf.

Ultimately, Milliken opted not to hold Gardner and Polta in contempt of court, saying it’s a very high bar to clear, and that it is not met by evidence, instead suggesting an office in chaos rather than one intentionally missing trials.

At this point, it’s unclear how many assistant prosecutors remain at the office.


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3e0a50 No.39542

File: 05d2a3f2157b131⋯.png (387.51 KB,603x701,603:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782725 (012327ZMAY23) Notable: The Iranian embassy and consulates in Saudi Arabia have reopened.

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The Iranian embassy and consulates in Saudi Arabia have reopened.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said three representative offices of the Islamic Republic of Iran - the embassy in Riyadh, the consulate general and the representative office of Iran in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah began to work as usual.

Kanani noted that Tehran is still represented in Riyadh at the level of charge d'affaires, since Iran has not yet appointed an ambassador to Saudi Arabia.


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3e0a50 No.39543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782746 (012333ZMAY23) Notable: #23049

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#23049 >>39486

>>39488, >>39488, >>39491 After reviewing "federal tax receipts, our best estimate is that we will be unable to continue to satisfy all of the govt's obligations

>>39487 Russia launches large-scale attack on Ukrainian military-industrial facilities

>>39489 President Biden Welcomes Philippines President to White House

>>39490 US Army Fort Sill - Practice makes perfect!

>>39492 “Who gave NATO the right to kill Gaddafi?” - Putin

>>39494 Pope quotes Bible on stealing and jokes about returning obelisk to Egypt

>>39493, >>39495 The President hosts a reception celebrating Eid-al-Fitr

>>39496 MEGHAN MCCAIN: The Biden Family is a national disgrace!

>>39497 DHS Chief Mayorkas REFUSES to say if Texas gunman was in the United States illegally.

>>39498 Montana Tranny Rep. Zooey Zephyr sues over removal from House floor

>>39499 Bud Light’s New Commercial Aired During NFL Draft Just Made Mulvaney Fallout Even Worse

>>39500 Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Rein in Federal Agencies

>>39501 Poverty grips Ukraine, people are forced to take things to pawnshops and stand in line for hours for free bread.

>>39502 The annual $1 million Genesis Prize, dubbed the “Jewish Nobel” by TIME Magazine Awarded to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

>>39503 The Lion of Damascus out for a stroll amongst his people.

>>39504 In his first year of actively posting on Truth Social, Trump amplified QAnon-promoting accounts nearly 500 times

>>39510 Trump during his presidency so from 2017 to 2021 amplified QAnon-promoting posts on Twitter a total of more than 300 times

>>39505 U.S. Navy - Honoring Women who serve

>>39506 Kash Patel: Intel Community Has Been Behind Countless Efforts To Thwart Trump.

>>39507 Young people are pushing back against the trans agenda.

>>39508, >>39513, >>39516 First republic bank has died suddenly and no news coverage at all.

>>39509 Twitter down for thousands of users

>>39512 Arizona girl, 12, suffers cardiac arrest while playing soccer

>>39514 FOX News Primetime Ratings In COMPLETE COLLAPSE Following Tucker’s Exit

>>39515, >>39515 Hunter Biden ripped by judge for concealing his money in baby mama showdown

>>39517 BREAKING: US ends COVID-19 Unvaccinated Travel Ban!

>>39511, >>39518, >>39520, >>39522 TWITTER FILES #20 The Information Cartel"

>>39519, >>39527 PlaneFag CONUS update: SAMs and SPARs oh my!

>>39521 On April 8th, in Huddleston v. FBI/DOJ (Seth Rich Laptop FOIA Case), Huddleston asked Judge Mazzant to decide these 9 issues.

>>39523 Scientists use brain scans and AI to ‘decode’ thoughts

>>39524 PF: Yerp-Atlantic crossings and 45 stopped at Goose Bay, Newfoundland on last nights trip over to Aberdeen'''

>>39525 “Duke, UNC, and ECU” Offers ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old

>>39526, >>39528, >>39529, >>39530, >>39531, >>39532, >>39533, >>39534, >>39535, >>39536, >>39537, >>39538 KanekoaTheGreat CDC progression on covid 19

>>39539 Flynn Vs US

>>39540 #OTD in 2011, Navy SEALs killed Osama Bin Laden.

>>39541 2 more prosecutors resign from Gardner's office

>>39542 The Iranian embassy and consulates in Saudi Arabia have reopened.


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3e0a50 No.39544

File: 1d0f134f64060f9⋯.png (858.64 KB,1440x810,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782757 (012336ZMAY23) Notable: #23050

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Baker needs handoff, will tap @20

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3e0a50 No.39545

File: de46f9e360016fa⋯.png (1.99 MB,1152x1306,576:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782791 (012343ZMAY23) Notable: smearing DJT on twitter with photo-fakery

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Q predicted this! (and said don't worry they can prove F&G)

The hacker group anonymous has posted a pic of Trump on a jet surrounded by young girls, and judging by the comments, 95% of the people believe it's authentic. Here's the thing, it originated here on /pol/ on a thread about Trump's Epstein connections, and OP made it clear multiple times it was AI.

"Anonymous" misspelled AI as "iA" in there tweet, and I believe this was intentional since they want people to believe it. If not, they would have replied with a correction.

Why are so many people blindly believing it? Have we officially reached the era where people will use AI generated images to smear politicians? The comments are insane: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1652736896802406407

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3e0a50 No.39546

File: 739efe0658cac60⋯.png (16.13 KB,556x298,278:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782883 (020007ZMAY23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ Heard that Vice is applying for bankruptcy.

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Heard that Vice is applying for bankruptcy.

Good riddance.

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3e0a50 No.39547

File: 631842e150b881d⋯.png (403.94 KB,2536x1473,2536:1473,Clipboard.png)

File: 3de9d3901e0a30b⋯.png (212.84 KB,1396x1270,698:635,Clipboard.png)

File: cd1b80332427316⋯.png (288.57 KB,1523x1270,1523:1270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782897 (020010ZMAY23) Notable: I didn't know May 18th is Ascension Day

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I didn't know May 18th is Ascension Day

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3e0a50 No.39548

File: 9d64deea1aaef1c⋯.png (415.84 KB,598x586,299:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782900 (020012ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States, announced today the start of a new golf venture in honor of his late mother Mary Anne MacLeod.

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Trump International, Scotland


Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States, announced today the start of a new golf venture in Scotland: the MacLeod course, to be built at Trump International Scotland in Aberdeenshire in honor of his late mother Mary Anne MacLeod.




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3e0a50 No.39549

File: 2e2e6632a18fa58⋯.png (78.68 KB,1170x451,1170:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782904 (020012ZMAY23) Notable: Secretary of the Treasury Yellen Threatens Congress over money - wants debt ceiling raised.

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#BREAKING: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the U.S. could be unable to pay its bills by June 1 if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit.

4:38 PM · May 1, 2023

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3e0a50 No.39550

File: 4e1fd65e0751a9e⋯.png (405.94 KB,858x536,429:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782962 (020027ZMAY23) Notable: Anon days: Russia, Special Operation, Ongoing China,Special Operation, SoonUSA, Special Operation, TBA

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Russia, Special Operation, Ongoing

China, Special Operation, Soon

USA, Special Operation, TBA

Special Places for Special People

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3e0a50 No.39551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18782988 (020035ZMAY23) Notable: Geoffrey Hinton says ‘bad actors’ could harness artificial intelligence for ‘bad things’

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<F&G because AI

this is exactly what Geoffrey Hinton was talking about

when he quit the GOOG last month

‘Godfather of AI’ sounds warning as he quits Google

Geoffrey Hinton says ‘bad actors’ could harness artificial intelligence for ‘bad things’

1 May, 2023 18:44

Turing Award-winning scientist Geoffrey Hinton is credited with being a foundational figure in the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), but amid a de-facto arms race in Silicon Valley as Google and Microsoft work against one another to perfect the technology, he has warned of the risks that his life’s work may present to humanity.

Hinton resigned from Google last month, where he had spent much of the past decade developing generative artificial-intelligence programs. This technology has formed the basis for generative artificial-intelligence software such as ChatGPT and Google Bard, as tech-sector giants dip their toes into a new scientific frontier, one they expect to form the basis of their companies’ futures.

Hinton’s motivation for leaving Google, he told the New York Times in a lengthy interview published on Monday, was so he could speak without oversight about technology that he now views as posing a danger to mankind. “I console myself with the normal excuse: If I hadn’t done it, somebody else would have,” he told the US newspaper.

Public-facing chatbots such as ChatGPT have provided a glimpse into Hinton’s concern. While they are viewed by some as just more internet novelties, others have warned of the potential ramifications as they relate to the spread of online misinformation, and of their impact on employment.

The latest version of ChatGPT, released in March by San Francisco’s OpenAI, prompted the publication of an open letter signed by more than 1,000 tech-sector leaders – including Elon Musk – to highlight the “profound risks to society and humanity” that the technology poses.

And while Hinton didn’t add his signature to the letter, his stance on the potential misuse of AI is clear: “It’s hard to see how you can prevent the bad actors from using it for bad things.”

Hinton maintains that Google has acted “very responsibly” in its stewardship of artificial intelligence but eventually, he says, the technology’s proprietors might inevitably lose control. This could lead to a scenario, he says, where false information, photos and videos are indeterminable from real information, and lead to people not knowing “what is true anymore.”

“The idea that this stuff could actually get smarter than people – a few people believed that,” Hinton told the NYT. “But most people thought it was way off. And I thought it was way off. I thought it was 30 to 50 years or even longer away. Obviously, I no longer think that.”


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3e0a50 No.39552

File: f5c64b22de9429e⋯.png (1.59 MB,1770x2100,59:70,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d6c01b91d2f5b5⋯.png (650.88 KB,1582x2054,791:1027,Clipboard.png)

File: b0a1ab20576416a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1000x2500,2:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783049 (020047ZMAY23) Notable: Chart on 5:5, 5 New York fake Indictments and 5:5 the day the FBI killed MLK

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Other recent graphics

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3e0a50 No.39553

File: 0bbb343b8433bc5⋯.png (550.52 KB,572x857,572:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783092 (020055ZMAY23) Notable: IBM to pause hiring to give room for AI

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IBM to Pause Hiring for Jobs That AI Could Do



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3e0a50 No.39554

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783116 (020100ZMAY23) Notable: The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox - 05/01/2023

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The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox - 05/01/2023


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3e0a50 No.39555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783139 (020106ZMAY23) Notable: Pelosi calls Republicans 'losers' during interview with LGBTQ+ news website

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Pelosi calls Republicans 'losers' during interview with LGBTQ+ news website

During an interview with the LGBTQ+ news website the Advocate, Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California called Republicans "losers."

Pelosi, who previously served as House speaker, made the comment after interviewer John Casey claimed that there is "hateful legislation in state Houses all over the country" and that Republicans are engaging in "dangerous rhetoric."

"I think they're losers. They're losers. They're losing on guns. You know, we still don't have the legislation we want, but the public is not really with them with all these mass shootings going on," Pelosi said, according to Casey, who characterized the printed version of their exchange as "an edited and condensed version" of their discussion.

"They're losing on women's right to choose, which is a losing issue for them and was during the last midterm election. So, what do they have? So now they turn to the trans and drag communities because they think that that has some salience. I don't know, does anybody really think that the drag issue is a threat? Of course not, so they're going to lose on that too," the long-serving congresswoman said.

Regarding drag queens Pelosi said, "I'm happy to do whatever I can to support them."

She has indeed been an outspoken supporter, even making appearances on "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars."

According to a 2018 Hollywood Reporter piece, when asked what politicians can learn from drag queens, Pelosi replied, "Authenticity. Taking pride in who you are. Knowing your power — that’s what I talk about on my brief segment on the show. This idea of people believing in themselves, being themselves, taking pride in themselves, is not just a lesson for politicians but for everyone in the country. And that’s why I was so excited and couldn't resist being on the show."

Pelosi, who has served in the U.S. House of Representatives for more than 35 years, holds the distinction of being the first and only woman ever to have served as House speaker.


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3e0a50 No.39556

File: 4dd574d9a02f489⋯.jpg (131 KB,720x772,180:193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 03dd59634ff2de6⋯.mp4 (7.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783315 (020137ZMAY23) Notable: Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is compromised.

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Blinken let Hunter fuck his wife


Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is compromised.

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3e0a50 No.39557

File: 39b0048c9bdcd6e⋯.jpg (112.23 KB,683x1024,683:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 494a43d3c338123⋯.jpg (39.15 KB,600x656,75:82,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b7c2a3912d5c48f⋯.jpg (3.43 MB,4014x2793,1338:931,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783334 (020140ZMAY23) Notable: Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is compromised.

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Blinkens wife Evan Ryan

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3e0a50 No.39558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783389 (020149ZMAY23) Notable: Jesse Watters: “It’s Never Been More Clear. Epstein Was an Intelligence Asset.

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Jesse Watters: “It’s Never Been More Clear. Epstein Was an Intelligence Asset. Not Only Was He Working with the CIA, Israeli Intelligence, Maybe Even Russian”

The Wall Street Journal released an explosive report Sunday revealing that Jeffrey Epstein met with multiple left-wing individuals including Joe Biden’s now-CIA Chief William Burns after Epstein was convicted of child sex crimes.

The documents uncovered by the Wall Street Journal were related to Epstein’s private calendar.

In addition to Burns, the infamous pedophile also reportedly met with Bard College president Leon Botstein, former Barack Obama White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky following his conviction of child sex crimes.

While the Wall Street Journal could not prove every single scheduled meeting took place, the report did find Epstein met with Burns on three separate occasions. These meetings were held in Washington D.C. and in Epstein’s home in Manhattan.

CIA spokeswoman Tammy Kupperman Thorp confirmed that Burns met with Epstein in 2014. However, she claimed Burns had no idea who the disgraced financier was.

She also said Burns only met with Epstein because Burns was looking to leave to government sector and wanted advice.

On Monday night Jesse Watters told his FOX News audience that Jeffrey Epstein was clearly an intelligence asset.

Jesse Watters: Jeffrey Epstein was arrested. So why do we still know nothing about him? Well, we’re finding out tonight some answers. The Wall Street Journal just got its hands on Jeffrey Epstein’s private calendar, and it was a lot more suspicious than Brett Kavanaugh’s. Epstein was meeting with the kind of people you’d think would steer clear of a convicted pedophile. Jeffrey Epstein was meeting with one of Barack Obama. His top lawyers, Kathryn Ruemmler. She met with Epstein dozens of times. Epstein even tried to set up Obama’s lawyer to work for Bill Gates. How is Jeffrey Epstein? A fixer between Obama’s lawyer and Bill Gates? Epstein was also meeting with Joe Biden’s, CIA director. He wasn’t CIA director at the time. He was Barack Obama’s deputy secretary of State. William Burns was working for John Kerry at the State Department and meeting with Jeffrey Epstein, a known pedophile. And then Burns becomes CIA director. Today’s, director of the CIA went to Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse, where Epstein had sex with underage girls and where he filmed other men having sex with underage girls. And William Burns went there and was then promoted to the director of the CIA. Now, I wonder if the future CIA director saw the portrait of Bill Clinton in a blue dress hanging in Epstein’s parlor room.

A few years later, Epstein was arrested and then hung himself in a jail cell while security cameras just happened to not be working and the replacement guards just happened to fall asleep. And two years later, Biden just happens to pick William Burns to run the CIA. So what are we supposed to think?

It’s never been more clear. Epstein was an intelligence asset. Not only was he working for the CIA, Israeli intelligence, maybe even Russia intelligence. So was the American government allowing an asset to traffic and molest teenage girls all over the world for intelligence? Were we allowing Epstein to commit crimes against children for blackmail material? We asked the CIA director, William Burns, why were you meeting with a convicted pedophile at his disgusting townhouse? And the CIA director said this – the director did not know anything about him other than that he was introduced as an expert in the financial services sector and offered general advice on transition to the private sector. They had no relationship. So Obama’s State Department official couldn’t have asked anybody else in the entire country for help with a job in finance. He could have called any CEO, any hedge fund manager, any banking director, but he meets with Jeffrey Epstein, a guy that doesn’t even really have a real business, a guy that doesn’t even have a website, a guy that, as far as we know, only had one client the CEO of Victoria’s Secret.


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3e0a50 No.39559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783443 (020156ZMAY23) Notable: Arab states call for withdrawal of foreign forces from Syria

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Arab states call for withdrawal of foreign forces from Syria

Four key regional players have agreed that Damascus should regain control over the entire country

The government in Damascus should re-establish the rule of law on all of Syria’s territory, ending the presence of foreign armed groups and terrorists, the foreign ministers of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq said on Monday after meeting in Amman.

Jordan hosted the meeting, the first of its kind since Syria’s membership in the Arab League was suspended in 2011. Prior to the multilateral meeting, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad met with his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi to discuss refugees, border security and “water issues,” according to Amman.

In a joint statement distributed by state news agencies, the five ministers called for “ending the presence of terrorist organizations” as well as “armed groups” on the territory of Syria, and “neutralizing their ability to threaten regional and international security.” They also pledged to “support Syria and its institutions to establish control over all of its territory and impose the rule of law.”

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq pledged to establish ties with the Syrian military and security institutions in order to “address security challenges.” The five ministers also called for stopping “foreign interference in Syrian domestic affairs.” Their joint declaration also called for setting up technical teams of experts that would follow up on the summit and implement practical measures to resolve the conflict in Syria.

The Amman meeting comes just weeks after Mekdad visited Saudi Arabia and received the kingdom’s endorsement for Syria’s territorial integrity. Currently, Turkish-backed militants control parts of northern Syria, while the northeast is under the control of US-backed Kurdish militias. Several hundred US soldiers are also in Syria, controlling most of the country’s oil wells.

MIlitants backed by Saudi Arabia and the US launched an uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad in 2011. With the help of Russia and Iran, the government in Damascus eventually prevailed over the collection of rebels, including terrorists affiliated with Al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). While Syria’s neighbors and regional powers have moved to improve relations with Damascus in recent months, the US has not changed its “regime change” policy.


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3e0a50 No.39560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783505 (020207ZMAY23) Notable: #23050

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>>39546 @CodeMonkeyZ Heard that Vice is applying for bankruptcy.

>>39547 I didn't know May 18th is Ascension Day

>>39548 Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States, announced today the start of a new golf venture in honor of his late mother Mary Anne MacLeod.

>>39551 Geoffrey Hinton says ‘bad actors’ could harness artificial intelligence for ‘bad things’

>>39550 Anon days: Russia, Special Operation, Ongoing China,Special Operation, SoonUSA, Special Operation, TBA

>>39549 Secretary of the Treasury Yellen Threatens Congress over money - wants debt ceiling raised.

>>39545 smearing DJT on twitter with photo-fakery

>>39552 Chart on 5:5, 5 New York fake Indictments and 5:5 the day the FBI killed MLK

>>39553 IBM to pause hiring to give room for AI

>>39554 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox - 05/01/2023

>>39555 Pelosi calls Republicans 'losers' during interview with LGBTQ+ news website

>>39556, >>39557 Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is compromised.

>>39558 Jesse Watters: “It’s Never Been More Clear. Epstein Was an Intelligence Asset.

>>39559 Arab states call for withdrawal of foreign forces from Syria

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3e0a50 No.39561

File: 241658026a103b9⋯.png (198.57 KB,935x336,935:336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783516 (020211ZMAY23) Notable: You can take it to the bank

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3e0a50 No.39562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783564 (020217ZMAY23) Notable: Vice Media preparing to file for bankruptcy

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2 minute readMay 1, 20238:59 PM EDTLast Updated an hour ago

Vice Media preparing to file for bankruptcy - NYT


May 1 (Reuters) - Vice Media Group, the company behind popular media websites such as Vice and Motherboard, is preparing to file for bankruptcy, the New York Times reported on Monday, citing people with knowledge of its operations.


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3e0a50 No.39563

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783575 (020220ZMAY23) Notable: Reminder Tucker on Redacted - What Happens Next with J6 Footage

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Below, tuckers latest comments about the Jan 6th video he was given.

short video worth watching.

anon will go hunting for the full length version.

for now this.





P.s The footage should be released to the public as tucker states and crowd sourced to find what really happened on that day. (can you imagine the panic if anons got a hold of it. It would be done within a week with shorter videos made, timelines mapped out and even mobile phone tracking of the feds.


Tucker: What Happens Next with J6 Footage

9 hours ago



Tucker Carlson on What Happens Next with the January 6 Footage

• What we need is crowdsourcing & to be in as many hands as possible

• The footage is owned by the Public, it is not owned by Congress… they don’t own anything. These are our servants.

• “He (McCarthy) has said we’re going to turn this over to the public & that can’t come Soon enough”

• “Don’t tell me it’s the same as 9/11.. if you start lying to me.. I’m gonna push back. Clearly Nancy Pelosi wanted this to happen

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3e0a50 No.39564

File: 4efef412610c6d2⋯.png (592.38 KB,800x528,50:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783597 (020225ZMAY23) Notable: President Tsai meets former United States National Security Advisor John Bolton

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JUST IN - U.S. allies prepare for possibility of war over Taiwan — Axios






JUST IN - Taiwan's president met John Bolton, former U.S. national security advisor, at her official residence.


President Tsai meets former United States National Security Advisor John Bolton

On the morning of May 1, President Tsai Ing-wen met with Ambassador John Bolton, former United States national security advisor, at her official residence. President…


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3e0a50 No.39565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783607 (020227ZMAY23) Notable: Vice Media preparing to file for bankruptcy

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>>39546 pb

confirmed by NewYork Times.

>>39546 pb


Vice Is Said to Be Headed for Bankruptcy


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3e0a50 No.39566

File: 910a960123309f1⋯.png (370.31 KB,781x449,781:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783613 (020229ZMAY23) Notable: Rising GOP Star Rep Wesley Hunt on How Biden Policies Are Making Us Less Safe

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Rising GOP Star Rep Wesley Hunt on How Biden Policies Are Making Us Less Safe | TRIGGERED Ep. 29


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3e0a50 No.39567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783615 (020229ZMAY23) Notable: True-the-Vote revealed election worker data in China on servers there, circled back on by Kari Lake

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News about the most secure election ever from Rasmussen Reports…


Circling back to Konnech…

Having 2 million election workers data being held on a secret computer server in China is now not a "bonkers conspiracy theory."

True the Vote reported the hosting issue to the FBI and what happens? The FBI goes after them?

Kari Lake highlighted this pointing out that this issue was not going away and she is going to make certain it doesn't.

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3e0a50 No.39568

File: a61393bfb099e83⋯.png (163.71 KB,761x717,761:717,Clipboard.png)

File: 7248df34b9a16ba⋯.png (73.83 KB,738x330,123:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783656 (020240ZMAY23) Notable: Disney's sweet heart monopoly deal with State of Florida challenged by DeSantis appointed oversight board

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DeSantis-appointed board sues Disney over Reedy Creek theme park's 'backroom deal'

"No other private business in the State of Florida enjoyed the advantages Disney had through its control of the RCID."

On Monday, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District board sued the Walt Disney Company to void a development agreement reached by the company’s previous board that reeks "of a backroom deal."

The lawsuit stated that following the Florida Legislature’s establishment of an independent board to govern the former Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID), "Disney covertly cobbled together a series of eleventh-hour deals with its soon-to-be-replaced puppet government" in an effort to "stymie Florida’s elected representatives."

"Disney hoped to tie the hands of the new, independent Board and to preserve Disney’s special status as its own government in the District for at least the next thirty years. These agreements reek of a backroom deal—drafted by Disney with the acquiescence a lawyer who represented both Disney and the District, set for hearing without proper notice, and hustled through a compliant Disney-controlled Board that Disney knew would not dwell long on the issue," the lawsuit, filed on Monday in Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Orange County, Florida, stated.

"But perhaps out of haste or arrogance, Disney’s deals violate basic principles of Florida constitutional, statutory, and common law. As a result, they are null and void—not even worth the paper they were printed on," the lawsuit added.

The Florida Governor Ron DeSantis-appointed board, the lawsuit stated, has taken measures to bring "accountability, transparency, and normalized, even-handed administration to the government Disney used to run," including hiring an outside financial advisor, retaining an independent outside counsel, authorized the drafting of fire and building code enforcement provisions, and the hiring of an urban planner.

"When the new Board took office, it expressed to Disney its desire to work together to achieve a win-win solution that would protect Disney’s economic investment in the District while at the same time usher in a new era of accountability, transparency, and cooperation with the District’s other occupants and neighbors. Disney would have none of that," the lawsuit read.

The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District board stated that upon the creation of the RCID in 1967 and the subsequent building of Disney World and Epcot, "Disney’s rule was absolute."

They stated that to be elected to the five-person board of supervisors, the person must own at least one acre of land within the district, which Disney made impossible.

"No individual owned one or more acres of property within the RCID, which meant that no one could qualify to sit on the RCID’s Board of Supervisors. Indeed, Disney sought to limit residents in the District altogether, turning EPCOT into a theme park instead of a residential community and de-annexing the town of Celebration so the town’s inhabitants could not dilute Disney’s control," the lawsuit read.


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3e0a50 No.39569

File: f94d62ec729d4b5⋯.png (211.04 KB,525x560,15:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783678 (020245ZMAY23) Notable: Blinken deflects question regarding Hunter Laptop, refusing to confirm label of "Russian Disinfo" was false

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"Do you accept that [Hunter Biden's] laptop is not Russian disinformation?"

Secretary of State Antony Blinken: "I'm not engaging in politics. I've got a lot on my agenda."

6:42 PM · May 1, 2023 216K Views

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3e0a50 No.39570

File: df8769521602080⋯.png (333.17 KB,598x586,299:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783680 (020245ZMAY23) Notable: Vatican is involved in a secret Ukraine peace 'mission', the Pope claims

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One America News


Vatican is involved in a secret Ukraine peace 'mission', the Pope claims


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3e0a50 No.39571

File: 17031a744bf402e⋯.png (165.32 KB,985x615,197:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783726 (020254ZMAY23) Notable: Feds framing another Russian?

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Russian charged with money laundering and illegally transmitting more than $150 million

FeliksMedvedevhas been indicted on one count of operating an unlicensed money transmitting business and 39 counts of money laundering.


Wonder if he's related?

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3e0a50 No.39572

File: 9feb9206d9741c9⋯.jpg (113.34 KB,720x1093,720:1093,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f894e70f3799f13⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783734 (020255ZMAY23) Notable: The Met Gala: Animals on Parade

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Roach Roacherson has arrived! 🤭#MetGala   


Bugs infesting the Met Gala , must be attracted to all the Demons

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3e0a50 No.39573

File: 402a91738a23c6d⋯.png (62.71 KB,715x639,715:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bc751b582c8fe2⋯.png (66.82 KB,701x649,701:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 1313fed4510cc26⋯.png (63.6 KB,693x645,231:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783743 (020257ZMAY23) Notable: Blinken deflects question regarding Hunter Laptop, refusing to confirm label of "Russian Disinfo" was false

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'Antony Blinken too busy to say if he accepts that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not disinformation

Posted at 7:09 pm on May 1, 2023 by Brett T. '


As Twitchy reported last month, the House Judiciary GOP released a statement saying that interviews confirmed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Biden campaign were behind that letter signed by more than 50 former intelligence officials saying that the Hunter Biden laptop story had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Former acting CIA Director Mike Morell testified that Blinken reached out to him three days after the New York Post published its story about the laptop. Morell said that sure he’d help because he wanted Biden to win the election.

The chyron on this Fox News clip reads, “Blinken says he did not ask for letter” (Morell testified that he did). So Blinken’s denying it, and when asked if he now accepts that the laptop story was not Russian disinformation, well, he’s just too busy with all the fires the Biden administration has going all over the world to answer yes or no.

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3e0a50 No.39574

File: d9b08336fe2e876⋯.png (566.99 KB,847x931,121:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783815 (020312ZMAY23) Notable: Compromised SCOTUS may decide a case hampering the power of the Deep State

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National Review

Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Rein in Federal Agencies

The Supreme Court agreed to hear Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, a case which could see an end to Chevron deference, in which courts defer to a federal agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute.

The Court limited its grant of certiorari to the second question presented — namely, “whether the Court should overrule Chevron or at least clarify that statutory silence concerning controversial powers expressly but narrowly granted elsewhere in the statute does not constitute an ambiguity requiring deference to the agency.”

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson recused herself because she heard arguments in this case when she was on the D.C. Circuit. Jackson did not participate in that court’s final opinion, …


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3e0a50 No.39575

File: 69c5cf489f75011⋯.png (700.04 KB,1098x597,366:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783864 (020331ZMAY23) Notable: The Met Gala: Animals on Parade

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Gorefag is mad. Mr. Pig is at the Met Gala

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3e0a50 No.39576

File: 7e7b144bb00a0b2⋯.png (124.37 KB,844x617,844:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ef928fc6810a3d⋯.png (105.78 KB,807x572,807:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783882 (020337ZMAY23) Notable: Supreme court taking back it's separation of power from the Executive branch in revisiting the Chevron doctrine.

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Supreme court taking back it's separation of power from the Executive branch in revisiting the Chevron doctrine.

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3e0a50 No.39577

File: f20ab84f56a4473⋯.png (284.9 KB,598x584,299:292,Clipboard.png)

File: be31b7c173a9171⋯.png (16.5 KB,384x290,192:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783888 (020339ZMAY23) Notable: Live update:IDF announces planned drill to be held near Gaza border tomorrow

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the end is near.



Live update:IDF announces planned drill to be held near Gaza border tomorrow


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3e0a50 No.39578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18783977 (020406ZMAY23) Notable: Journalist Oscar El Blue reporting from El Salvador, showing how successful President Bukele has been against the gangs

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LIVE REPORT: Journalist Oscar El Blue reporting from El Salvador, showing how successful President Bukele has been against the gangs:

"He has eradicated almost ninety percent of the gangs inside of El Salvador…more than sixty thousand gang member are locked up."

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3e0a50 No.39579

File: 3acbc6ad5e0d6b8⋯.png (308.5 KB,598x641,598:641,Clipboard.png)

File: d046c4b425556e3⋯.png (19.36 KB,598x216,299:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784224 (020546ZMAY23) Notable: Vincent R. Stewart, a Jamaican immigrant who became a Marine Corps Lt. Gen. and the first Black director of the DIA, died at 64

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The Washington Post


Vincent R. Stewart, a Jamaican immigrant who became a Marine Corps Lt. Gen. and the first Black director of the DIA, died at 64. When he joined the Marines, he hoped to be “part of something bigger” after working as a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman.


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3e0a50 No.39580

File: b68d487296495ea⋯.png (515.42 KB,1127x859,1127:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784324 (020620ZMAY23) Notable: Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt makes performing 'irreversible gender transition surgeries' on children a felony

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POLITICS Published May 2, 2023 12:37am EDT

Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt makes performing 'irreversible gender transition surgeries' on children a felony

At least 16 states have restricted or banned gender surgery for minors including Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt has banned all sex reassignment procedures for minors in the state, including irreversible gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies, joining at least 15 other states with similar laws.

The Republican governor signed SB 613 into law Monday, making it a felony for healthcare workers to provide children under the age of 18 gender surgery, puberty-blocking drugs or hormone doses that suppress or delay normal puberty. It also bans the use of any medications or surgical procedures for the purpose of gender transition.

Violators can have their medical licenses revoked or face civil actions from a parent or guardian.

"Last year, I called for a statewide ban on all irreversible gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies on minors so I am thrilled to sign this into law today and protect our kids," Stitt said. "We cannot turn a blind eye to what’s happening across our nation, and as governor, I am proud to stand up for what’s right and ban life-altering transition surgeries on children in the state of Oklahoma."

The law comes amid a wide wave of states across the country tackling the legality of sex reassignment procedures.

Republican-led states have pushed for restricting or outlawing such procedures, as they have argued children under 18 — who are not legally able to get a tattoo, smoke, or drink — are not old enough to think through the consequences of potentially life-altering decisions.


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3e0a50 No.39581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784348 (020624ZMAY23) Notable: #23051

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>>39562, >>39565 Vice Media preparing to file for bankruptcy

>>39563 Reminder Tucker on Redacted - What Happens Next with J6 Footage

>>39564 President Tsai meets former United States National Security Advisor John Bolton

>>39566 Rising GOP Star Rep Wesley Hunt on How Biden Policies Are Making Us Less Safe

>>39567 True-the-Vote revealed election worker data in China on servers there, circled back on by Kari Lake

>>39568 Disney's sweet heart monopoly deal with State of Florida challenged by DeSantis appointed oversight board

>>39569, >>39573 Blinken deflects question regarding Hunter Laptop, refusing to confirm label of "Russian Disinfo" was false

>>39570 Vatican is involved in a secret Ukraine peace 'mission', the Pope claims

>>39572, >>39575 The Met Gala: Animals on Parade

>>39571 Feds framing another Russian?

>>39574 Compromised SCOTUS may decide a case hampering the power of the Deep State

baker change

>>39576 Supreme court taking back it's separation of power from the Executive branch in revisiting the Chevron doctrine.

>>39577 Live update:IDF announces planned drill to be held near Gaza border tomorrow

>>39578 Journalist Oscar El Blue reporting from El Salvador, showing how successful President Bukele has been against the gangs

>>39579 Vincent R. Stewart, a Jamaican immigrant who became a Marine Corps Lt. Gen. and the first Black director of the DIA, died at 64

>>39580 Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt makes performing 'irreversible gender transition surgeries' on children a felony



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3e0a50 No.39582

File: 07597841edec845⋯.png (549.23 KB,691x389,691:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ace5949ab15fd2⋯.png (94.52 KB,251x234,251:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784375 (020631ZMAY23) Notable: #23052

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting in 20

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3e0a50 No.39583

File: 5557db6b9e03e09⋯.png (128.7 KB,846x932,423:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784421 (020710ZMAY23) Notable: A federal grand jury in Tampa, Florida, returned a superseding indictment charging four U.S. citizens and three Russian nationals…

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"A federal grand jury in Tampa, Florida, returned a superseding indictment charging four U.S. citizens and three Russian nationals with working on behalf of the Russian government and in conjunction with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) to conduct a multi-year foreign malign influence campaign in the United States. Among other conduct, the superseding indictment alleges that the Russian defendants recruited, funded and directed U.S. political groups to act as unregistered illegal agents of the Russian government and sow discord and spread pro-Russian propaganda; the indicted intelligence officers, in particular, participated in covertly funding and directing candidates for local office within the United States."


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3e0a50 No.39584

File: dbb86e50c3c0118⋯.png (565.48 KB,854x900,427:450,Clipboard.png)

File: e584fd64a32eb03⋯.jpg (54.47 KB,654x643,654:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784473 (020755ZMAY23) Notable: Jesse Watters: “It’s Never Been More Clear. Epstein Was an Intelligence Asset. Not Only Was He Working with the CIA, Israeli Intelligence…

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Jessie Watters just went WOKE

Jesse Watters: “It’s Never Been More Clear. Epstein Was an Intelligence Asset. Not Only Was He Working with the CIA, Israeli Intelligence, Maybe Even Russian” (VIDEO)


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3e0a50 No.39585

File: 7df6fc850c6ebc0⋯.png (327.93 KB,859x907,859:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784477 (020758ZMAY23) Notable: BIDEN EFFECT… Breaking: US Allies Are Preparing for Possibility of War Over Taiwan

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BIDEN EFFECT… Breaking: US Allies Are Preparing for Possibility of War Over Taiwan

The Biden Agenda – Destroy the US and the World in 4 Years Are Less

Axios on Monday night warned that US allies are preparing for the possibility of war over Taiwan.

A war between the U.S. and China over Taiwan would be a nightmare scenario for America’s allies in the Pacific, but it’s becoming increasingly clear what roles they might play if one breaks out.

The big picture: French President Emmanuel Macron declared last month that Europe should not get “caught up in crises that are not ours,” such as the escalation over Taiwan sparked by U.S.-China rivalry. U.S. allies in the region don’t have that luxury.

1. The U.S. has no formal commitment to defend Taiwan, but President Biden has repeatedly said that Washington would intervene.

2. A Taiwan crisis could take several forms short of an all-out invasion — a blockade, cyber warfare, or attacks on offshore islands. In any contingency, U.S. allies in the region would play a critical role.

Driving the news: Philippines President Bongbong Marcos visited the White House today, shortly after the largest-ever version of annual U.S.-Philippines military drills. For the first time, the war games focused in part on securing the 7o-mile wide channel between the Philippines’ northern islands and Taiwan.

1. As U.S. and Filipino forces rehearsed for potential conflict with China, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited Manila and urged the Philippines — a U.S. treaty ally that moved closer to Beijing under Marcos’ predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte — against “picking sides.”

Earlier this year, Marcos granted the U.S. access to four new bases, three of which are in the north and face Taiwan.

1. Beijing’s ambassador to Manila, Huang Xilian, declared in April that Washington clearly planned to use the bases to “interfere in the situation across the Taiwan Strait.” Huang accused the Philippines of “stoking the fire” rather than prioritizing the security of its 150,000 overseas workers in Taiwan — comments some interpreted as a veiled threat.

2. Ahead of his visit to Washington, Marcos said the bases were for collective defense not “offensive operations,” and his country will not become a military “staging post.”

3. Asked whether the U.S. could use the bases in the event of war with China, a senior U.S. official told reporters Sunday, “We’re careful not to go through scenarios in public.”


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3e0a50 No.39586

File: 9cd754e9e8b4161⋯.webp (63.31 KB,1000x775,40:31,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784554 (020829ZMAY23) Notable: 7 bodies found during search for missing Oklahoma teens

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7 bodies found during search for missing Oklahoma teens

HENRYETTA, Okla. (AP) — Authorities searching a rural Oklahoma property for two missing teenagers discovered the bodies of seven people Monday, including the suspected remains of the teens and a convicted sex offender who was sought along with them, the local sheriff said.

Okmulgee County Sheriff Eddy Rice said the state medical examiner will have to confirm the identities of the victims, but “we believe that we have found the persons.” He said the bodies were believed to include those of 14-year-old Ivy Webster and 16-year-old Brittany Brewer, along with Jesse McFadden, the felon authorities had said the teens were traveling with.


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3e0a50 No.39587

File: 5c344f624f72ebe⋯.jpg (60.63 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784603 (020852ZMAY23) Notable: German chancellor speaks out on Ukrainian strikes inside Russia

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German chancellor speaks out on Ukrainian strikes inside Russia

Everything is being done to prevent a direct clash between NATO and Moscow, Olaf Scholz says

German chancellor speaks out on Ukrainian strikes inside Russia

Everything is being done to prevent a direct clash between NATO and Moscow, Olaf Scholz says

The German government is refraining from any unilateral steps when it comes to arming the government of Vladimir Zelensky, and is only acting in coordination with allies, Scholz stressed during a meeting with citizens in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate on Monday. Berlin intends to stick to that policy in the future, he added.

“It’s important for us that weapons that we supply for Ukraine to defend itself aren’t used in attacks on the Russian territory,” the chancellor said.

Last month, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius argued that it was “fully normal” for Ukraine to carry out strikes inside Russia to “cut supply routes” and for other military reasons.


It's a weather baroon, pop!

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3e0a50 No.39588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784621 (020901ZMAY23) Notable: 7 bodies found during search for missing Oklahoma teens

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My phone receieved that E.M.A. from OHP Monday morning. Found it odd it wasn't the usual "Amber Alert" and assumed it was a non-custodial parent matter. Yikes.


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3e0a50 No.39589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784636 (020908ZMAY23) Notable: Over 100 police officers injured during French Labor Day protests. Almost 300 protesters were arrested

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Over 100 police officers injured during French Labor Day protests

Violent clashes erupted across the country as part of continuing demonstrations against controversial pension reforms

Almost 300 protesters were arrested during massive French Labor Day demonstrations against controversial pension reforms on Monday. More than 100 police officers were injured during the unrest, according to local authorities.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Monday that police had detained a total of 291 people nationwide, 111 of whom were arrested in Paris. He noted that at least 108 officers had been wounded, a figure he described as “extremely rare” for a protest on May 1.


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3e0a50 No.39590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784652 (020918ZMAY23) Notable: 7 bodies found during search for missing Oklahoma teens

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Theres something fucked up about that whole situation…I think the pedo felon had a partner…

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3e0a50 No.39591

File: 4ad5010e7b35140⋯.png (416.7 KB,646x729,646:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784676 (020929ZMAY23) Notable: Gordon Lightfoot Dies. Was 84

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Gordon Lightfoot Dies: ‘If You Could

Read My Mind’ & ‘Sundown’ Singer-Songwriter

Was 84

Deadline, by Erik Pederson

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/1/2023 10:56:33 PM

Gordon Lightfoot, the honey-voiced Canadian singer-songwriter who had giant U.S. hits with “If You Could Read My Mind,” “Sundown” and “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald,” died today at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. He was 84. His longtime publicist Victoria Lord revealed the news to Canadian media outlets including the CBC but did not provide a cause of death. Revered in Canada, Lightfoot had been scheduled to play Los Angeles-area clubs several times during the past two years but had postponed the dates at least twice. Born on November 17, 1938, in Orillia, Ontario, Lightfoot had been part of the Canadian folk scene for several years

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3e0a50 No.39592

File: 859b790238c82f5⋯.png (195.42 KB,686x922,343:461,Clipboard.png)

File: f094145ad21ec9d⋯.png (330.45 KB,910x679,130:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784684 (020931ZMAY23) Notable: Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers' late-night comedy shows are SHUT DOWN as Hollywood writers vote to strike over low pay

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Liz Crokin




BREAKING: Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers' late-night comedy shows are SHUT DOWN as Hollywood writers vote to strike for first time in 15 years over low pay due to explosion of streaming services!

The good news just keeps on coming!


Late-night comedy SHUT DOWN as Hollywood writers vote to go on strike

Shows hosted by Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers will all air re-runs on Tuesday, after Hollywood writers voted to strike for the first time in 15 years.


May 02, 2023, 3:19 AM


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3e0a50 No.39593

File: 72a6e0acc2950d0⋯.png (216.05 KB,829x799,829:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e125fa91eef3a7⋯.png (273.09 KB,768x465,256:155,Clipboard.png)

File: d962c7c256aa0a8⋯.png (436.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784695 (020937ZMAY23) Notable: JP Morgan CEO wants to confiscate private property to force urgent investment in “green energy”

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JP Morgan CEO wants to confiscate private property to force urgent investment in “green energy”

By Rhoda Wilson on May 2, 2023

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who has been bought by the World Economic Forum, believes the US government should seize private property to combat climate change.

This is not an exaggeration.

In his annual letter to shareholders dated 4 April 2023, Dimon stated “governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations” may need to invoke “eminent domain” to get “adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives.”

“Eminent domain” is a legal term that describes the government using its power to expropriate private property for public use, provided the Government provides private owners proper compensation.

Read more: JPMorgan CEO suggests government seize private property to quicken climate initiatives, Fox News, 6 April 2023

The following is the article ‘Dimon Suggests PROPERTY CONFISCATION to Combat Climate Change’ originally published by Armstrong Economics on 12 April 2023.

Implementing socialism would be the fast-track way to achieve the World Economic Forum’s (“WEF’s”) objective – “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy.” Dimon is jumping right to the chase and proposing state ownership and the complete abolition of capitalism.

“The need to provide energy affordably and reliably for today, as well as make the necessary investments to decarbonise for tomorrow, underscores the inextricable links between economic growth, energy security and climate change. We need to do more, and we need to do so immediately,” Dimon added.

[Related: It’s a Trap: Your Government has manufactured the Cost of Living Crisis to advance The Great Reset plan to ensure ‘You will own nothing’ and apparently be happy about it]

They are attempting to instil panic for a problem that does not exist. We must surrender all of our liberties to the government to prevent naturally occurring changes in the weather.

[Related: A Message from CLINTEL: There is No Climate Emergency and The Global Temperature Record Says We’re in a “Climate Emergency”, It’s a Con]

They are doing everything possible to defeat our way of life. This reminds me of the Roman emperor Maximinus I (235-238 AD) who effectively declared all wealth in the country belonged to the state. He paid bribes to anyone who turned in their neighbour for hiding wealth. Of course, the US Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) already does exactly the same as Maximinus. They will share the spoils of someone’s wealth with whoever turns them in.

Once Maximinus wiped out small businesses in this manner, it led to a collapse in confidence in the economy. Commerce rapidly declined from there on out commerce and businesses did not restart. There was no Great Reset. In that instance, only one Pi Cycle marked the bottom of the Roman economy from 237 AD to 268 AD (31 years). The World Economic Forum began infiltrating our way of life in 2019 when they locked down the global economy for a virus. This is why 2027 is a major turning point for many of our models around the globe. The civil unrest we are experiencing in 2023 is only a prelude to what we can expect in 2024.

Our quality of life has been declining since the planned pandemic when governments stretched their reach as far as possible. They are openly discussing their plans to revoke our freedoms. It is all in plain sight.


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3e0a50 No.39594

File: 11edd0ee2b00d81⋯.jpg (277.75 KB,2993x1691,2993:1691,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784703 (020941ZMAY23) Notable: Louisiana lawmakers seek increased penalties for fentanyl dealers

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Louisiana lawmakers seek increased penalties for fentanyl dealers

Fentanyl is now the leading killer for 18 to 45 year olds in the United States, with a tenth of a gram a lethal dose.

Two competing bills to increase penalties for fentanyl dealers and manufacturers are slated for debate on the House floor next week after clearing the criminal justice committee.

The House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice voted 12-1 to approve House Bill 90, sponsored by Rep. John Stefanski, R-Crowley, to impose a sentence of mandatory life in prison for anyone who possesses more than an ounce of fentanyl or carfentanil in aggregate.

"It’s become such a problem across this state and across this country that we need to send a very strong and clear message that if you’re distributing these types of drugs you intend to kill people, and you’re going to face the requisite penalty for that," Stefanski said. "This is really targeted at the guys who are bringing it into our state or at a manufacturing facility that’s cutting it."

Stefanski and other highlighted the fact that fentanyl is now the leading killer for 18 to 45 year olds in the United States, with a tenth of a gram a lethal dose.

The committee also voted unanimously to approve with one abstention HB 75, sponsored by Rep. Debbie Villio, R-Kenner, that takes a tiered approach to increasing the current punishment of a minimum of five to 40 years in prison, and fine of up to $50,000.


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3e0a50 No.39595

File: 525c340a14fff2a⋯.jpg (127.09 KB,720x774,40:43,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dde2d431e199759⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,1270x720,127:72,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784726 (020948ZMAY23) Notable: Pres. Biden to Muslim federal judge: “Hush up, boy!”

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Pres. Biden to Muslim federal judge: “Hush up, boy!”

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3e0a50 No.39596

File: 38ee9de29de1287⋯.png (427.99 KB,602x676,301:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784743 (020955ZMAY23) Notable: Senate Intel Committee calls for watchdog to probe CIA handling of sexual assault cases

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Zachary Cohen


News: The Senate Intelligence Committee is calling on CIA Inspector General to "initiate an immediate investigation" into the agency's alleged mishandling of sexual assault & harassment cases, per new letter sent to watchdog.

CIA IG is reviewing letter.


Senate Intel Committee calls for watchdog to probe CIA handling of sexual assault cases | CNN…

The Senate Intelligence Committee is calling on the CIA Inspector General to "initiate an immediate investigation" into the agency's alleged mishandling of sexual assault and harassment cases,…

7:58 AM · Apr 27, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39597

File: 23a9854b66a2bad⋯.png (908.54 KB,834x1280,417:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784831 (021046ZMAY23) Notable: Louisiana woman accused of killing boyfriend's 6-year-old daughter and burying her in bucket on mother's lawn

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Pray for the Nation.


Louisiana woman accused of killing boyfriend's 6-year-old daughter and burying her in bucket on mother's lawn

Hannah Landon allegedly murdered Bella Fontenelle and buried the child's remains in a chlorine bucket on her mother's front yard, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office said.



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3e0a50 No.39598

File: ad537ad53beef8d⋯.png (531.57 KB,878x734,439:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784839 (021050ZMAY23) Notable: Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers' late-night comedy shows are SHUT DOWN as Hollywood writers vote to strike over low pay

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Bwhahahahahahahahahaha … not funny enough to even write their own jokes. 😂


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3e0a50 No.39599

File: b0a80467e277ebc⋯.png (88.04 KB,873x598,873:598,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e071ca515b62f6⋯.png (121.95 KB,1284x738,214:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784856 (021057ZMAY23) Notable: Eric Trump TS w/CAP: First it was Lara Trump, then Dan Bongino, now TuckerCarlson? What is happening to Fox News?

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Eric Trump


Apr 24, 2023, 1:38 PM


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3e0a50 No.39600

File: 001233c7c82c8e1⋯.jpeg (583.47 KB,1170x1413,130:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784887 (021114ZMAY23) Notable: General Flynn reTruthing Q account. Topic: Child Trafficking

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General Flynn reTruthing Q account.

Topic: Child Trafficking


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3e0a50 No.39601

File: 523ffc68baae4cd⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x814,640:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 36ad59054540d6f⋯.png (1.61 MB,3060x1203,1020:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784904 (021125ZMAY23) Notable: Over past month, Ukrainian army has lost over 15,000 troops as well as 430 tanks and other armored vehicles - Russian Defense Minister Shoigu.

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'not ethnic cleansing'

⚡️Over past month, Ukrainian army has lost over 15,000 troops as well as 430 tanks and other armored vehicles - Russian Defense Minister Shoigu.

Shoigu adds that weapons production in country has increased to supply Russian soldiers, who continue to eliminate NATO military aid in Ukraine.

Subscribe @IntelRepublic


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3e0a50 No.39602

File: 4588a679e44e31f⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB,1676x1506,838:753,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784963 (021200ZMAY23) Notable: Donald Trump world exclusive: Nigel Farage interview to air on GB News TOMORROW at 7pm UK / 2pmUSet

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Donald Trump world exclusive: Nigel Farage interview to air on GB News TOMORROW at 7pm

That’s Wednesday the 3rd UK BST 7pm / USA EST 2pm.


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3e0a50 No.39603

File: c213f648f162e0f⋯.png (475.38 KB,1080x685,216:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18784999 (021217ZMAY23) Notable: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter w/CAP: dismantle the CIA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39604

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785012 (021223ZMAY23) Notable: MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE: Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs

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Memorandum on Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs

MAY 01, 2023


SUBJECT: Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 (22 U.S.C. 2601(c)(1)) (MRAA), I hereby determine, pursuant to section 2(c)(1) of the MRAA, that it is important to the national interest to furnish assistance under the MRAA in an amount not to exceed $50.3 million from the United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for the purpose of meeting unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs in the Western Hemisphere, including through contributions to international organizations by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the Department of State.

You are authorized and directed to submit this determination to the Congress, along with the accompanying Justification, and to publish this determination in the Federal Register.



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3e0a50 No.39605

File: ecb148e8d3d5772⋯.png (255.71 KB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785024 (021228ZMAY23) Notable: 3D printed fish set to hit the market

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3D printed fish set to hit the market


I’ve got to get me sum of dat.

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3e0a50 No.39606

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785101 (021306ZMAY23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/02/2023

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Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/02/2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785119 (021313ZMAY23) Notable: #23052

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final bun for #23052

hold em till the top

bu baker in the bullpen? this baker gotta jet at the top

#23052 >>39582

>>39583 A federal grand jury in Tampa, Florida, returned a superseding indictment charging four U.S. citizens and three Russian nationals…

>>39584 Jesse Watters: “It’s Never Been More Clear. Epstein Was an Intelligence Asset. Not Only Was He Working with the CIA, Israeli Intelligence…

>>39585 BIDEN EFFECT… Breaking: US Allies Are Preparing for Possibility of War Over Taiwan

>>39586, >>39588, >>39590 7 bodies found during search for missing Oklahoma teens

>>39587 German chancellor speaks out on Ukrainian strikes inside Russia

>>39589 Over 100 police officers injured during French Labor Day protests. Almost 300 protesters were arrested

>>39591 Gordon Lightfoot Dies. Was 84

>>39592, >>39598 Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers' late-night comedy shows are SHUT DOWN as Hollywood writers vote to strike over low pay

>>39593 JP Morgan CEO wants to confiscate private property to force urgent investment in “green energy”

>>39594 Louisiana lawmakers seek increased penalties for fentanyl dealers

>>39595 Pres. Biden to Muslim federal judge: “Hush up, boy!”

>>39596 Senate Intel Committee calls for watchdog to probe CIA handling of sexual assault cases

>>39597 Louisiana woman accused of killing boyfriend's 6-year-old daughter and burying her in bucket on mother's lawn

>>39599 Eric Trump TS w/CAP: First it was Lara Trump, then Dan Bongino, now TuckerCarlson? What is happening to Fox News?

>>39600 General Flynn reTruthing Q account. Topic: Child Trafficking

>>39601 Over past month, Ukrainian army has lost over 15,000 troops as well as 430 tanks and other armored vehicles - Russian Defense Minister Shoigu.

>>39602 Donald Trump world exclusive: Nigel Farage interview to air on GB News TOMORROW at 7pm UK / 2pmUSet

>>39603 ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter w/CAP: dismantle the CIA

>>39604 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE: Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs

>>39605 3D printed fish set to hit the market

>>39606 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/02/2023

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3e0a50 No.39608

File: 1332c74bbf72c32⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785147 (021326ZMAY23) Notable: #23053

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Baker Requesting Handoff

can tendy till @50

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3e0a50 No.39609

File: 2b00dfcef393bd3⋯.png (767.6 KB,564x797,564:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785178 (021334ZMAY23) Notable: Anons on the step-up in the targeting of CHILDREN

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LGBT Books are Banned

-No, 1984 is banned, LGBT books are still Printed, only not allowed in Schools

Trans Surgeries are Banned

-No, you can still have your Surgery, only not on Children

Gay Pride Parades are Banned

-No, you can still have your parade, only not around children

Drag Queens are Banned

-No, you can still be a drag Queen, only not around Children

Gender Pharmaceuticals are Banned

-No, you can still have your Pharmaceuticals, only you can't give them to children

ABC People Still have Access to & The Rights to being/having LGBTQIA Surgeries, Medication, Parades, Books, Etc.. Etc…

The only thing that's changed is that you can NOT involve Children or Target Children

& If that is the Only thing they're pissed about, They're not LGBT, they're a Pedophile

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3e0a50 No.39610

File: 1211765fdda1975⋯.jpeg (68.62 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785182 (021337ZMAY23) Notable: Germany explains limits imposed on Ukraine

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2 May, 2023 07:41

Germany explains limits imposed on Ukraine

Berlin wants to prevent a direct clash between NATO and Moscow, Olaf Scholz tells voters

Germany has told Ukraine not to target Russian territorywith weapons that IT has supplied to Kiev, Chancellor Olaf Scholz outlined on Monday.

HE added that Berlin has not taken any unilateral steps when it comes to arming Kiev and is only acting in coordination with ITS allies, during a town hall meeting in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate. Scholz insisted that his government intends to stick to that policy in the future.

“It’s important for us thatweapons that we supplyfor Ukraine to defend itselfaren’t used in attacks on the Russian territory,” the chancellor said. However he didn't explain his definition of Russian territory and whether he means the country's 1991, 2014 or 22 borders.

While assisting Kiev with arms, including Leopard 2 main battle tanks, Berlin is also doing everything to avoid an escalation that could lead to a direct clash between NATO and Moscow, Scholz stressed.

Last month,German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius argued that it was “fully normal” for Ukraine to carry outstrikes inside Russia to “cut supply routes” and for other military reasons. He stressed that civilians should not be targeted in those attacks. Pistorius also said nothing about the origins of weapons that can be used by Kiev in such operations.

Since the start of the conflict in February 2022, the Russian regions of Bryansk, Belgorod and Kursk, all of which border Ukraine, have been the targets of numerous drone and missile attacks by Kiev’s forces. The strikes have been directed against energy infrastructure and residential areas, resulting in several civilian deaths and many injuries, and the destruction of property.

One of the deadliest cross-border attacks took place in Bryansk Region on Sunday, with the shelling of the village of Suzemka from a multiple rocket launch system leaving four civilians dead and two others wounded.

Moscow has long been warning that it considers the use of Western-supplied weapons byUkraine for attacks inside Russian territory “a red line.” Russia also argued that the crisis in Ukraine is actually a “proxy war”waged against it by NATO. According to Moscow, the assistance provided to Kiev by the US, UK, Germany and their allies, including the supply of arms and ammunition, training for Ukrainian troops, and intelligence sharing, has de facto made those nations parties to the conflict.


Ukraine fatigue is accelerating.

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3e0a50 No.39611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785183 (021337ZMAY23) Notable: Anons on the step-up in the targeting of CHILDREN

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Jon Stewart, perhaps CGI version perhaps real, has recently taken to interviewing people against drag shows for toddlers, and accusing them of being 'against free speech'.

Their talking point today is that they claim to have a freedom to groom, confuse, traumatize your kids.

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3e0a50 No.39612

File: ac367e8fcaa5a19⋯.jpg (746.16 KB,1125x1569,375:523,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785187 (021341ZMAY23) Notable: Anons on the step-up in the targeting of CHILDREN

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3e0a50 No.39613

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785191 (021343ZMAY23) Notable: Anons on the step-up in the targeting of CHILDREN

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The push for Grooming and Pedophilia is Intensifying

It's not going to happen

No Parent is going to accept it as an Identity

& Parents make up the Majority of Voters

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3e0a50 No.39614

File: 36715bdecc54c8c⋯.jpeg (95.57 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785193 (021344ZMAY23) Notable: Ugandan minister shot dead

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2 May, 2023 11:47

Ugandan minister shot dead – media

Charles Okello Engola was killed by his bodyguard while getting into his car on the way to a cabinet meeting

Ugandan Minister for Labor, Employment and Industrial Relations Charles Okello Engola has been shot dead, local media reported on Tuesday, citing a police statement.

Engola was killed by his bodyguard, a soldier from the Ugandan National Army, at his home in Kyanja, near Kampala, on Tuesday morning, deputy police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire told the Daily Monitor.

The shooter, identified as Wilson Sabiti, reportedly fled the scene before entering a shop and killing himself.

The motive behind the shooting is still unclear, and it is not known whether there had been an altercation between the soldier and the minister before the incident. However, Latif Ssebagala, a former Kawempe North legislator, claimed eyewitnesses had told him the bodyguard killed his boss over unpaid wages.

“The residents were saying that the man was saying, ‘I’m tired; I’m demanding my salary; I’m not paid. I’m living in a very worried state,’” Ssebagala said, providing an account of the circumstances surrounding the shooting.

Police have yet to confirm whether there were any other victims, according to local media.

“We are also trying to establish if there were any bodyguards who could have been injured,” police spokesperson Fred Enanga said, as quoted by the Daily Monitor.


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3e0a50 No.39615

File: 694b20f71ab81d3⋯.png (1.12 MB,1200x1156,300:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785199 (021346ZMAY23) Notable: McCarthy changes tone on aid to Ukraine

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Moar monies for Zelensky thanks to Mrs. Frank Luntz.


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3e0a50 No.39616

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785228 (021358ZMAY23) Notable: Qpost review for 5-2 date deltas - video

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Qpost review for 5-2 date deltas

Hope y’all have a wonderful day

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3e0a50 No.39617

File: 76b9723a3b15674⋯.jpeg (111.89 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785247 (021403ZMAY23) Notable: More British elderly can’t afford to retire

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2 May, 2023 07:06

More British elderly can’t afford to retire – research

The cost-of-living crisis is forcing people to work beyond the age of 70, new data suggests

An increasing number of older people in the UK are being forced to postpone retirement and continue working as a result of the cost-of-living crisis, new research has suggested.

Thenumber of individuals aged over 70 who are still working jumped by 61% last yearcompared to a decade ago, according to Rest Less, an online community that offers advice to older workers.

The data released ahead of International Workers’ Day suggests thatmore than 446,600 people over 70 had yet to retire last year, which compares to 277,926 in 2012.

“We see many older workers today who are struggling to make ends meet amidst the cost-of-living crisis, with inadequate retirement savings meaning they must work in order to survive financially,” said Stuart Lewis, the chief executive of Rest Less.

The cost of living has risen sharply in the UK over the past two years. Theannual rate of inflation peaked at 11.1% last October, a 41-year high, before easing in subsequent months. In March it was 10.1%, the seventh successive month of double-digit inflation, according to official data.

The currentretirement agefor men and women in theUK is 66 but it will gradually increase to 68 by 2046.


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3e0a50 No.39618

File: 21ff3a99a0de0b7⋯.png (271.61 KB,589x565,589:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785250 (021404ZMAY23) Notable: Officer TouThao, who held back crowd when Floyd died, ground guilty of 2nd degree manslaughter

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3e0a50 No.39619

File: 89ac032e094d985⋯.jpeg (533.98 KB,1400x897,1400:897,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785266 (021407ZMAY23) Notable: President Trump Travels to Scotland to Cut Ribbon for New Golf Course in Aberdeen

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President Trump Travels to Scotland to Cut Ribbon for New Golf Course in Aberdeen

May 1, 2023 | Sundance | 69 Comments

President Donald Trump continues living his best life even when surrounded in the U.S. by globalist jackals and political hyenas. President Trump traveled to Scotland Monday to visit his property holdings and cut the ribbon on a new golf course in Aberdeen.

(Reuters) – Former U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in Scotland on Monday for a short trip to visit his golf courses in the country and in Ireland.

Trump, who has family roots in Lewis, an island off the northwestern tip of Scotland, owns two golf courses in Scotland – one north of Aberdeen and the Turnberry resort south of Glasgow – as well as the Doonbeg golf resort in Ireland.

It’s great to be home,” Trump told reporters after disembarking from his plane at Aberdeen airport. “This was the home of my mother.”

Trump, who launched his election campaign last November for the 2024 U.S. presidential election, said on Sunday he was travelling to “see and inspect” his properties in Scotland and Ireland.

“Will be meeting with many wonderful friends, and cutting a ribbon for a new and SPECTACULAR Second Course in Aberdeen. Very Exciting,” the 76-year old said on his social media platform Truth Social. (read more)


Video of last visit with bagpipes to follow

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3e0a50 No.39620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785270 (021407ZMAY23) Notable: Officer TouThao, who held back crowd when Floyd died, ground guilty of 2nd degree manslaughter

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Sad, this guys has to Suffer for the Saint Floyd Narrative

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3e0a50 No.39621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785273 (021408ZMAY23) Notable: President Trump Travels to Scotland to Cut Ribbon for New Golf Course in Aberdeen

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Seems like a ridiculous investment. The golfer is a dying market. Unless he knows something.

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3e0a50 No.39622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785274 (021408ZMAY23) Notable: Member of Parliament confirms the UK will sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

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Member of Parliament confirms the UK will sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

Last week, Mark Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bolsover, responded to a constituent’s email:

“Then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, alongside other world leaders, called for the creation of a pandemic treaty … the current target date for agreeing on the text of the new instrument is May 2024, at the World Health Assembly (WHA) … Over the next year, the UK will continue to work towards building a consensus on how the global community can better prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics,” he wrote.

Fletcher’s reply implies that it is not only a fait accompli but that the UK is very much one of the significant, if not the major, driving forces behind the Treaty.

Many things can be said about Fletcher’s response, not least of all his questionable statement: “A pandemic treaty [ ] would help … prevent a global pandemic, if this were to happen again.” However, in this article, we want to draw your attention, again, to the fact that the Pandemic Treaty is not the only route WHO is pursuing in its quest to impose a global health dictatorship. And, at this time, the Pandemic Treaty is the less urgent of the evils.

We have included a copy of Fletcher’s response at the end of this article.



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3e0a50 No.39623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785276 (021409ZMAY23) Notable: President Trump Travels to Scotland to Cut Ribbon for New Golf Course in Aberdeen

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Bagpipes and fanfare as former President Donald Trump arrives at Aberdeen golfcourse

The Scottish Sun

May 1, 2023



Former US president Donald Trump has arrived at his Aberdeen golf course to bagpipers playing We Will Rock You, a singer, and American and Scottish flags.

Mr Trump said on Truth Social – the platform he owns – he was going to the Menie estate site near the city to open a “spectacular” second course.


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3e0a50 No.39624

File: b85ed798fdd9b3d⋯.png (622.13 KB,1412x918,706:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785295 (021415ZMAY23) Notable: The wife of one of Scotland’s wealthiest men has died; he's unlikely to attend to Coronation

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The wife of one of Scotland’s wealthiest men has died aged 68, her family has said.

Lady Elizabeth Kerr, the Duchess of Buccleuch, died on Sunday morning. She married the current Duke of Buccleuch, Richard Scott, in 1981, going on to have four children.

She worked in radio and took a keen interest in the arts, founding a prize named after Walter Scott for aspiring young writers.

The Duke of Buccleuch was until recent years Scotland’s biggest landowner, until he was overtaken by the Danish billionaire and rewilding enthusiast Anders Holch Povlsen.

The family owns four estates in central Scotland, in the Scottish Border, and rural Northamptonshire.

The Duke is due to play a ceremonial role in the King’s Coronation at the weekend, by carrying the Sceptre with Cross, a piece of royal regalia, to the altar at Westminster Abbey. It is understood that he is now unlikely to attend, though a final decision has not been made.

Benny Higgins, the executive chairman of Buccleuch - which manages the business interests of the family, said: “The Duke of Buccleuch and his family have announced that, very sadly, on Sunday morning the duchess died after a short illness following an operation.

Literary award

“The Duchess was the most wonderful, life-enhancing spirit and our hearts go out to the family as they come to terms with their loss.”

The Duchess was educated at the London School of Economics, gaining a bachelor’s degree in sociology, before going on to work on BBC Radio 4’s Kaleidoscope programme and then moving to BBC Radio Solway after marrying the Duke.

Her primary interest, however, was in the arts, where she founded the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction, a leading literary award for which she served as a judge.

She subsequently established the Young Walter Scott Prize for aspiring writers.

The Duchess was also involved in a number of other arts organisations, serving as the chairwoman of Scottish Ballet and the Heritage Education Trust as well as being a trustee of the National Museums of Scotland and the British Museum.

She is survived by her husband, four children and 11 grandchildren. She was the daughter of Peter Kerr, the 12th Marquess of Lothian, and the sister of Michael Ancram, the former Conservative MP and deputy leader.

There will be a private family service in the Scottish Borders, with a service to celebrate he Duchess's life to be announced at a later date.


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3e0a50 No.39625

File: 0472112185a1bfc⋯.jpg (55.06 KB,624x617,624:617,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785297 (021415ZMAY23) Notable: President Trump Travels to Scotland to Cut Ribbon for New Golf Course in Aberdeen

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>Unless he knows something.

The ruling allows for depreciation under IRC Sections 167 and 168 of certain land preparation costs in the original construction or reconstruction of modern golf course greens

Typically, golf courses make anywhere from a few hundred thousand dollars to more than five million dollars annually, according to Golf Cart Report's 2022 market report.

The term golf property is used to describe a niche in the property market: residential real estate linked to a golf course. Golf property can be in the ownership of the golf course or in proximity to the golf course.

If you qualify for the deduction, you may deduct 50% of your costs for meals, drinks, parking, greens fees, travel to and from the golf course, golf club rental, golf balls, and other similar expenses.

Golfers can earn significant amounts of money compared to other sportspeople for several reasons: Individual sport: Golf is an individual sport, which means golfers don't have to share their winnings with teammates or other players. This allows them to keep a larger portion of their earnings.

Unlike most entertainment that suffers a 50 percent cut in deductions and faces other limits, golfers can qualify for a 100 percent entertainment deduction when they play in, or are a spectator at, a qualified charity event. The events can be large PGA TOUR events or local school golf outings.

Is buying a course tax deductible?

You can also claim the credit for continuing education, certificate programs or separate classes you take to acquire or improve job skills, and it's available for an unlimited number of tax years….

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3e0a50 No.39626

File: da5ddda856d1330⋯.jpeg (142.75 KB,1183x681,1183:681,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785312 (021419ZMAY23) Notable: FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year &ndash; Here’s Why It Must Be Opposed - Sundance

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FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year – Here’s Why It Must Be Opposed

May 1, 2023 | Sundance |

This is a repost of an earlier outline from last week, you’ll soon see why refamiliarizing yourself with the details is important.

Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitztestified April 27, 2023, that more than 3.4 million search queriesinto the NSA database took place between Dec. 1st, 2020 and Nov. 30th, 2021, by government officials and/or contractors working on behalf of the federal government. These search queries were based on authorizations related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

[OIG Testimony HERE]

Approximately30% of those 3.4 million search queries were outside the rules and regulationsthat govern warrantless searches, what the politically correct government calls “non-compliant searches.” That means more than 1 million searches of private documents and communication of Americans were illegal and outside the rules.

Additionally, IG Horowitz also admitted thatsomewhere north of 10,000 federal employees have access to conduct these searches of the NSA database; a database which contains the electronic data of every single American, including emails, text messages, social media posts, instant messages, direct messages, phone calls, geolocation identifiers, purchases by electronic funds, banking records and any keystroke any American person puts into any electronic device for any reason.

If we were in a functioning system of government everything would be stopped right now, and no conversation would be taking place that was not about this issue. This is the total and complete surveillance state being talked about as if we were discussing what’s for dinner.

This is beyond jaw-dropping.

Context: In 2018 CTH revealed through research of their own documents that FBI and DOJ/FBI contractors had done more than 1,000 illegal searches using the NSA database, targeting Republican primary candidates from November 2015 through May 2016. These stunning admissions were from the DOJ’s own reporting to the FISA court.

Few were paying attention.

Although the number of the illegal search queries were redacted, we know the number is four digits from the size of the redacted text. More than 1,000 and less than 9,999.

FAST FORWARD TO 2023 – April 27, 2023, IG Horowitz outlined that more than 1.1 million illegal searches of this database were conducted in 2021 during the first year of the Joe Biden administration.

Additionally, and perhaps more consequentially, to give scope to how the process of total domestic surveillance has expanded, Horowitz now admits in 2021 the number of federal government employees with access to this total metadata collection system now exceeds 10,000 people. STOP THE PRESSES!

Yes, congress is talking about this ‘as if’there is some level of importance.However, the basic questions are not being asked, or have perhaps just become so accepted that legislators have become oblivious to the insanity of it. Beyond the blood boiling questions about searching the NSA database, questions like:

In order for these search queries to take place, there has to be a housing facility to capture it.

• Where is all of this electronic data being stored?

• Why is all of this electronic data being stored?

• Who is in control of this all-encompassing electronic data collection?

• Forget the searches for a moment, what act of congress authorized the capture of this private data collection? Essentially electronic intercepts of communication systems that flow throughout our life.

The background context here is congress debating the renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the power of the DOJ and FBI to intercept American citizen communication and electronic data via the “702” authorizations, that permit the NSA database to be searched and queried.

If the inspector general is now admitting theFISA laws have been so comprehensively corrupted such that 3.4 million searches by more than 10,000 federal employees and government contractors now have access, there is no way that any reasonably intelligent person should support such reauthorization. Even contemplating this request is absurd, beyond absurd….


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3e0a50 No.39627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785323 (021423ZMAY23) Notable: Why is the CIA Director meeting with a convicted pedophile who was in charge of an elite child sex trafficking ring?

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Why is the CIA Director meeting with a convicted pedophile who was in charge of an elite child sex trafficking ring❓



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3e0a50 No.39628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785330 (021424ZMAY23) Notable: 2025 Jubilee will be the Church’s first ordinary jubilee since St. John Paul II led The Great Jubilee of 2000

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"The 2025 Jubilee will be the Church’s first ordinary jubilee since St. John Paul II led The Great Jubilee of 2000. The Jubilee of Mercy opened by Pope Francis in 2015 was an extraordinary jubilee."


Hermit of Loreto had a prophesy in the 1980s about DJT bringing America back to God. Supposedly, there is a brick in the Vatican donated by that guy with DJT name on it from back in the 80s Jubilee year.

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3e0a50 No.39629

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785336 (021425ZMAY23) Notable: Fox News' Murdochs held phone conversations with Zelensky ahead of Tucker Carlson ouster

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Fox News' Murdochs held phone conversations with Zelensky ahead of Tucker Carlson ouster: report

Hannah NightingaleMay 1, 2023

"His removal eliminated the most influential anti-war voice from TV."

It has been revealed that Fox Corporation Chair Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan spoke on the phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ahead of Tucker Carlson’s ouster from Fox News in April.

According to Semafor, the elder Murdoch held a call with the Ukrainian leader in March where the two discussed the war in the Eastern European country as well as the anniversary of the deaths of two Fox News journalists outside of Kyiv in March 2022.

A similar conversation took place between Zelensky and the younger Murdoch, Fox Corporation Executive Chairman, on March 15, which was noted in a national broadcast last month.

These phone conversations came weeks before the ouster of Fox News’ biggest star, an outspoken critic of America’s involvement in the war in Ukraine, Tucker Carlson.

One person familiar with the calls told Semafor thatSenior Ukrainian officials had raised their objections to Carlson’s coverage of the war to Fox Executives, but Zelensky did not address these objections during the calls.

"Clearly, he spooked a lot of members into not being fully supportive of Ukraine," one senior Republican congressional aide told the outlet. Carlson's ouster, the aide added, "probably reduces the loudest voice out there against US support."

Journalist Glenn Greenwald noted Carlson’s removal and his previous stances against the war.

"This article strongly suggests that the Murdochs talked to Zelensky, and Tucker's opposition to the US proxy war in Ukraine was a major factor in his firing. I'll await confirmation, but one thing is for sure: his removal eliminated the most influential anti-war voice from TV," he wrote on Twitter.

"From the start of Biden's war policy in Ukraine, the establishment wings of both parties were - as usual - in lockstep. Schumer and AOC have the same views as McConnell and Lindsey Graham," Greenwald added. "The only DC opposition came from the populist right, and Tucker was its key media voice."


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3e0a50 No.39630

File: d5bc738b05fe92a⋯.jpeg (102.02 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785361 (021428ZMAY23) Notable: Russia estimates Kiev’s latest casualties

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2 May, 2023 10:43

Russia estimates Kiev’s latest casualties

Over 15,000 Ukrainian troops were killed or injured in April, Defense Minister Shoigu claimed

The Ukrainian armed forces have sustained over15,000 battlefield casualties in April alone, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has estimated. Kiev does not report its military personnel losses and disputes assessments that it perceives as too high.

According to Shoigu, Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses “despite unprecedented military assistance by Western powers.” The minister was reporting developments in the conflict on Tuesday, during a meeting of top military officials.

Neither Ukraine nor Russia offers regular updates on their own casualties. Washington’s evaluation on the tally of casualties came to light last month, after a trove of classified Pentagon assessments was allegedly leaked online.

One of the leaked documents described by The Washington Post said between 124,000 and 131,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded since the start of hostilities in February 2022.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov rejected this assessment, stating in an interview that the number of soldiers killed was smaller than the number of victims of the powerful quakes that hit Türkiye and Syria in February. He later apologized for the comparison, which some in the disaster-struck areas found distasteful. The combined tally of reported deaths from the quakes in the two countries surpassed 55,000.

The meeting attended by Shoigu was focused on military procurement and particularly on the supply of arms and munitions to Russian troops deployed against Ukraine. The minister said delivery levels were mostly sufficient but his department was closely monitoring producers for risks of failures in their contractual obligations. The Russian military was expecting a sharp surge in supply of precision weapons in the immediate future, the minister also announced.


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3e0a50 No.39631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785386 (021433ZMAY23) Notable: Media silence re release of BIG NAMES like Noam Chomsky re Epstein associations

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Note: Some of the excuses from Noam Chomsky were just retarded, none of his business what Epstein was doing with child trafficking, we were talking about finance.

Archiving report, names and faces of those released by Ingram !!


These are explosive revelations about Jeffrey Epstein: Mollie Hemingway

41,753 views 2 May 2023



Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway weighs in on a Wall Street Journal report that identifies top U.S. officials who met with Jeffrey Epstein on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

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3e0a50 No.39632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785390 (021434ZMAY23) Notable: King Charles gives the go-ahead for gene-edited food to be undifferentiated from natural food

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"King Charles gives the go-ahead for gene-edited food to be undifferentiated from natural food, despite the fact that his personal food supply is strictly organic only. And funded by the taxpayer, of course."

Wide Awake Media


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3e0a50 No.39633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785393 (021435ZMAY23) Notable: Rapid Security Responses on Apple devices - does this = auto updates?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WHAT do we know about THIS?:

Rapid Security Responses

Manage Rapid Security Responses on Apple devices

Manage Rapid Security Responses on Apple devices

Rapid Security Response (RSR) is a mechanism for shipping security fixes to users more frequently. These responses are included in any ensuing minor update (not upgrade) and, on a Mac, updated content appears on the Preboot volume (through symbolic links in /System/Cryptexes/).

Rapid Security Responses that involve the operating system require the device to restart. On macOS, the updated operating system content may be made available to Safari and its associated processes with just a relaunch of those processes, though a restart is required to make this content broadly available to the rest of the operating system.

Rapid Security Responses don’t adhere to the managed software update delay; however, because they apply only to the latest minor operating system version, if that minor operating system update is delayed, the response is also effectively delayed. If necessary, the user can also remove the responses.



Sounds like a deceptive way to do "AUTOMATIC UPDATES".

Hi-Tech anons, RSVP

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3e0a50 No.39634

File: 74fdf7f8081fd38⋯.png (716.07 KB,1307x836,1307:836,Clipboard.png)

File: b8112c1b2d41516⋯.png (1.47 MB,1354x809,1354:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 6361b66da82951d⋯.png (298.7 KB,387x507,129:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785405 (021437ZMAY23) Notable: PF report - PlaneFag Europe/Med/Africa activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag Europe/Med/Africa activity

HUNTR01 TC-135 Stratolifter NW about to enter North Sea heading WN after departing from Souda Bay Crete

French AF CTM2022 A400m EN from Marseille depart

Dutch AF MMF35 A330 departed west after a stop at Rzsesow Airport, Poland for about 2h-dropping off moar weapons and 'aid' and arrived from the German Luftwaffe home base in Koln/Bonn >>39615

REDEYE6 E-8C Joint STARS on the ISR track over central and eastern Poland-HOBO11 KC0-135 was there for a fill-up earlier and heading west

JAKE11 RC-135 Rivet Joint also tracking on the Romania/Moldova border and haz Italian AF PERSE71 G550 CAEW (Conformal Airboune Early Warning) out of Constanta AB where German AF GAF301 C-130 Hercules departed WN from as well

Brazil AF BRS03 Embraer 190 heading to London after a fuel stop at Cabo Verde Islands -Sal Airport and is an advanced AC for President Lula-the 'list' sez he is going


Belgian AF BAF86 Falcon7x heading north and just crossing northern African coast at Constantine, Algeria @ 43k ft last heading south from Brussels Int'l in about same position on 0429

Czech AF 3085 A-319 departed Accra, Ghana after arriving on 0430Deputy Prime Minister Vít Rakušan

Yesterday the Deputy Prime Minister @Vit_Rakusan of the 🇨🇿 Czech Republic paid homage to the vicitims of Transatlantic slave trade in Cape Coast Castle


PF house keeping

>>39524 pb

BOXER40 C-40C arrived in Amman after stopping in Shannon, Ireland for a refuel and part of this group

Speaker McCarthy Delegation Arrives in Jordan

Speaker McCarthy is joined by: Rep. Garret Graves (LA-06), Rep. Bruce Westerman (AR-04), Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD-05), Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05), Rep. Jimmy Panetta (CA-19), Rep. Andrew Garbarino (NY-02), Rep. Julia Letlow (LA-05), Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (NY-04), Rep. Erin Houchin (IN-09), Rep. Thomas Kean, Jr. (NJ-07), Rep. Nick LaLota (NY-01, Rep. Greg Landsman (OH-01), Rep. Michael Lawler (NY-17), Rep. Rob Menendez (NJ-08), Rep. Max Miller (OH-07), Rep. Jared Moskowitz (FL-23)



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3e0a50 No.39635

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785416 (021440ZMAY23) Notable: Refresher: Pron as a psychological weapon - NewYorker, 2003

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"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"

Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades or longer. Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.

Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.

US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide � with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.

Porn is good for you












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3e0a50 No.39636

File: f2f81098bda4e8f⋯.png (133.54 KB,470x750,47:75,Clipboard.png)

File: 9eae7ca81df83ff⋯.png (561.95 KB,1290x1593,430:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785442 (021446ZMAY23) Notable: The federal government wants to move Gen. Flynn’s case to DC so they can rig the judge and the jury of course.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


The federal government wants to move Gen. Flynn’s case to DC so they can rig the judge and the jury of course.

8:57 AM · May 2, 2023



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3e0a50 No.39637

File: e2006fae6e0aa9a⋯.jpg (104.31 KB,805x664,805:664,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 903f2b6da2749aa⋯.jpg (118.06 KB,705x642,235:214,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e5a39e306f244cb⋯.jpg (112.53 KB,596x589,596:589,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785473 (021452ZMAY23) Notable: Evan Ryan is Antony Blinken's Wife

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1/3Evan Ryan is Antony Blinken's Wife

Previous related digs. v v vAll PB

>>37324 Antony J. Blinken's Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e)

>>37501, >>37505, >>37507 Antony Blinken dig continued

>>37753, >>37756, >>37758, >>37759 Open Society University Network think Soros

>>38517, >>38518, >>38519, >>38520, >>38521 Donald Blinken, Antony's Father

Thanks for the info, Anon v v v (not me)

>>38538 Blinken's late stepfather was Samuel Pisar, the longtime lawyer and confidant of Robert Maxwell

>>39122, >>39124, >>39125, >>39127 Vera Blinken is Antony Blinken's Stepmother

>>39173 Antony Blinken and the Trilateral Commission

In their New York Times wedding announcement, we learn that Evan Ryan and Antony Blinken were married is 2002. Evan was a "…special assistant to Mrs. Clinton's chief of staff…" and "…the director of scheduling for Hillary Rodham Clintin's campaign for the United States Senate." Antony Blinken was "a special assistant to the President and the senior director for speechwriting." According to the NYT wedding announcement, Ryan's father was the "…program manager at the Office of Personnel Management in Washington…". In Ryan's archived State Dept. biography, more connections to the Clintons come into focus. Connections to the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, Peace Players International, Council on Foreign Relations, Boston College and Johns Hopkins University also become clear. In Ryan's June 30, 2013 Statement to the Senate, her history with Joe Biden is mentioned. It somehow seems appropriate, at this point, that theglobalagenda makes an entrance into this dig.

NYT - "WEDDINGS; Evan Ryan, Antony Blinken"

March 3, 2002


Evan Maureen Ryan

Father - Anthony J. Ryan Jr.

-program managerat theOffice of Personnel Management in Washington

Mother - Donna Ryan

- kindergarten teacher at St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School

U.S. Dept. of State - archived - Evan Ryan


Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Assistant to Vice President Biden for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs

Special Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement

Education Partnership for Children of Conflict(think Angelina Jolie)

Clinton Global Initiative- chair for Governance track

Hillary Clinton's senatorial campaign- director of scheduling

First Lady Hillary Clinton- deputy director of scheduling

Special Assistant to First Lady's chief of staff

Peace Players International - board

Council on Foreign Relations- 2008 to 2013

Boston College

Johns Hopkins University


July 30, 2013


Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Assistant to VicePresident Bidenfor Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs

Peace Players - Board

Education Partnership for Children of Conflict

Global, Global andGlobalare important concepts.

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3e0a50 No.39638

File: 7a314c40fe099c7⋯.png (414.41 KB,598x848,299:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785479 (021453ZMAY23) Notable: THIS is what a President looks like

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Cry Moar and kissenger my ass


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3e0a50 No.39639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785481 (021454ZMAY23) Notable: Grenell: Trump is the nominee.

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Richard Grenell

I’ve travelled the country speaking in all the swing states and to GOP groups in many other states - I know the base.

Trump is the nominee.

Marc Thiessen 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇦&🇹🇼·4h

Trump’s primary support is not locked in.


CBS POLL - 2024 Republican Nomination: right now considering…

24% - Only Trump

49% - Trump and other candidates

27% - Not considering Trump

10:45 AM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39640

File: 5b4a6b4d680a510⋯.png (43.75 KB,1101x231,367:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785484 (021454ZMAY23) Notable: PP receives more taxpayer funds in 2022 than ever before

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Is Planned Parenthood part of money-laundering for politicians as well? Do the abortionists profit from the sale of human body parts? Does this give Big Pharma a source of material for research and profit-making? How much money do they get when they turn abused children into "transgenders" (aka life-long pharmaceutical dependents)?

There is no decent reason for Planned Parenthood to receive tax money.

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3e0a50 No.39641

File: 76e840739118c03⋯.jpg (232 KB,1335x669,445:223,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff1536504903781⋯.jpg (58.56 KB,908x678,454:339,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98f4a58b90f21ab⋯.jpg (194.92 KB,1292x617,1292:617,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 87ca9e3ebd228b2⋯.jpg (171.3 KB,1350x670,135:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785501 (021457ZMAY23) Notable: Evan Ryan is Antony Blinken's Wife

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2/3Evan Ryan is Antony Blinken's Wife

In a Clinton Foundation Timeline entry, we learn that Evan Ryan (while an aid to Joe Biden) met with "…Hunter Biden’s business partner, Eric Schwerin…" on Oct. 28, 2009. A Clinton Global Initiative press release dated September 26, 2007, brings to light more of Ryan's connections. Some of those connections highlight a circular pattern to her field of influence.

The photo on Angelina Jolie's Forum Free webpage makes Anon wonder what her "Education Partnership for Children of Conflict" is all about. At any rate, she and Gene Sperling are cofounders of EPCC. This webpage also reminds us that Jolie is the UN's High Commissioner for Refugees. Anon was not able to find much information about the EPCC, which makes Anon wonder, even more, what EPCC is all about.

Clinton Foundation Timeline - "2009 – 2015: Joe Biden and various aides met with Hunter Biden’s business partner, Eric Schwerin, 27 times while VP"

(think Evan Ryan)



September 26, 2007


The Education Partnership for Children of Conflict (think Angelina Jolie)

The Valentino Achak Deng Foundation



International Rescue Committee (thinkVera Blinken)

Hewlett Packard

Save the Children Alliance

Sesame Workshop Sesame Street Afghanistan (thinkAntony Blinken)

American Jewish World Service

The Norwegian Refugee Council

The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation

Unbound Philanthropy

The Escuela Nueva Foundation

The Center for Mind Body Medicine

The GSM Association

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (think Angelina Jolie)


WPP Group

Angelina Jolie (cofounder)- Education Partnership for Children of Conflict

Gene Sperling, also Founder of the Center for Universal Education

UN's High Commissioner for Refugees


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3e0a50 No.39642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785504 (021457ZMAY23) Notable: FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year &ndash; Here’s Why It Must Be Opposed - Sundance

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FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year – Here’s Why It Must Be Opposed

May 1, 2023 | Sundance

"This is a repost of an earlier outline from last week, you’ll soon see why refamiliarizing yourself with the details is important."

"IG Horowitz also admitted that somewhere north of 10,000 federal employees have access to conduct these searches of the NSA database; a database which contains the electronic data of every single American, including emails, text messages, social media posts, instant messages, direct messages, phone calls, geolocation identifiers, purchases by electronic funds, banking records and any keystroke any American person puts into any electronic device for any reason."

"FAST FORWARD TO 2023 – April 27, 2023, IG Horowitz outlined that more than 1.1 million illegal searches of this database were conducted in 2021 during the first year of the Joe Biden administration."

"The background context here is congress debating the renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the power of the DOJ and FBI to intercept American citizen communication and electronic data via the “702” authorizations, that permit the NSA database to be searched and queried.

If the inspector general is now admitting the FISA laws have been so comprehensively corrupted such that 3.4 million searches by more than 10,000 federal employees and government contractors now have access, there is no way that any reasonably intelligent person should support such reauthorization. Even contemplating this request is absurd, beyond absurd.

The United States government is admitting to the public that a total and comprehensive surveillance state is currently in place, and 10,000 federal government agents have the authorization to monitor everything we do.

This is the admitted and current status of RIGHT NOW. Yet people are worried about possible ‘vaccination passports’ or ‘digital currencies’ or ‘social credit scores’ sometime in the future?

Have we totally lost connection to the reality of our current condition?

Can you see the insanity of it?… Or should we just ask, “what’s for dinner?”"



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3e0a50 No.39643

File: fc492af2e429943⋯.jpg (197.63 KB,1355x670,271:134,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b4d2ff5c5c85869⋯.jpg (207.95 KB,1323x486,49:18,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785507 (021459ZMAY23) Notable: Evan Ryan is Antony Blinken's Wife

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3/3Evan Ryan is Antony Blinken's Wife

In the April 2023 Washington Examiner and CNN pieces below, it's evident that the team is still together.

Washington Examiner - "Angelina Jolie included on guest list for Biden's state dinner with South Korea"

April 26, 2023

Evan Ryan

Antony Blinken


CNN - "Bidens host glamorous state dinner to cap off visit from South Korean president"

Antony Blinken

Evan Ryan

…"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who was followed closely by what appeared to be the 'nuclear football'”…

Anon can't help but think that this was bragging that the Biden admin. does have the nuclear football and that the resent biscut comms were a reminder that the nuclear football is of no use without the biscut.


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3e0a50 No.39644

File: f56d3c08cd3c94b⋯.png (1.81 MB,1000x5180,50:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 789c10cc3279e93⋯.png (1.44 MB,1000x3720,25:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785511 (021500ZMAY23) Notable: Elon Musk Condemns Ireland's Orwellian Hate Speech Bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Massive Attack Against Freedom of Speech': Elon Musk Condemns Ireland's Orwellian Hate Speech Bill

May. 01, 2023

Ireland is about to pass "one of the most radical hate speech bills" in the entire world which will throw people in jail for possessing "hateful" material on their devices and consider the accused guilty until proven innocent.

"Ireland is about to pass one of the most radical hate speech bills yet," Irish nationalist Keith Woods said on Twitter."Merely possessing 'hateful' material on your devices is enough to face prison time."

"Not only that, but the burden of proof is shifted to the accused, who is expected to prove they didn't intend to use the material to 'spread hate'. This clause is so radical that even the Trotskyist People Before Profit opposed it as a flagrant violation of civil liberties. Dark times."


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3e0a50 No.39645

File: a75b80ca58781e7⋯.png (312.07 KB,614x611,614:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785513 (021500ZMAY23) Notable: Bhattacharga on the PRE-EXISTING immunity to Covid unique to East Asia

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Link to paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36328937/

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3e0a50 No.39646

File: 47d97e38250a20d⋯.png (432.44 KB,550x468,275:234,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a055f4323a9417⋯.png (95.06 KB,929x545,929:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b23b14ac2590b4⋯.png (55.03 KB,640x727,640:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 610f37fecab4167⋯.png (52.89 KB,667x696,23:24,Clipboard.png)

File: e06ecc3344baedb⋯.png (301.45 KB,849x452,849:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785521 (021503ZMAY23) Notable: Dow drops 500 points as bank shares slide (after being pumped yesterday)

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Dow drops 500 points as bank shares slide (after being pumped yesterday), Fed decision looms: Live updates

Stocks fell sharply Tuesday, led lower by declines in bank shares, as traders braced for the latest Federal Reserve policy announcement.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average

fell 512 points, or 1.5%. The S&P 500 also slid 1.5%, and the Nasdaq Composite

dropped 1.1%.

Small and large banks fell, as traders questioned the future of some regional financial institutions after the crisis that engulfed Wall Street in March. Regional banks PacWest and Western Alliance had trading paused after tumbling more than 20%.

Meanwhile, JPMorgan Chase’s shares shed 1%, giving back some of its gains from the previous session. A day earlier, JPMorgan shares rose after the takeover of embattled regional First Republic Bank. Other large banks including Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and Citigroup also dropped more more than 2.5%.

The Fed’s two-day policy meeting, which kicked off Tuesday, is expected to conclude with the central bank announcing another 25 basis-point rate hike. Per the CME Group’s FedWatch tool, traders are pricing in 97% chance of a rate hike. Investors will be looking for clues on whether the Fed will keep rates steady after this meeting, or if it will further tighten monetary policy to fight inflation.

“We think it will be the last rate hike of this tightening cycle,” wrote Joe Kalish, chief global macro strategist at Ned Davis Research. “The Fed, however, will want to preserve its optionality — just in case the economic data doesn’t come in as expected before the next FOMC meeting on June 13-14.”

Weighing on sentiment Tuesday was word from Treasury that the country may hit the debt ceiling sooner than expected. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that the U.S. may run out of measures to pay its debts as early as June 1, earlier than the late July deadline Goldman was estimating.

Elsewhere, fresh numbers from the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey for March showed signs of a loosening job market. Employment openings hit their lowest levels since April 2021. Orders for manufactured goods in March grew 0.9%, falling below expectations of a 1.3% increase.


RBA hiked rates 'unexpectedly' as well cap#5

Australia Shocks With Surprise 25bps Rate Hike After April Pause; Aussie, Yields Soar


Crude (WTI) down over 4% and PMs got a nice bump up



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3e0a50 No.39647

File: e074813b20c76a8⋯.png (618.08 KB,873x2328,3:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785528 (021505ZMAY23) Notable: Examples of spending cuts with "Limit Save Grow Act"

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Examples of spending cuts with "Limit Save Grow Act"

Citizens for Renewing America·26m

1/5: The House GOP passed the Limit Save Grow Act to cut the growth of our debt & deficit and dismantle bloated gov bureaucracy.

But Biden and the Congressional Dems would rather threaten the financial future of our country than cut WOKE & WEAPONIZED spending like…


2/5: The State Department funding…

➡️ Pride parades in Prague

➡️ LGBTI community support programs in Haiti

➡️ Abortion in Zimbabwe

➡️ LGBTQIA+ movie nights in Australia

➡️ Latvian LGBTQ poetry


3/5: HHS funding…

➡️ Soros-backed initiatives for Economic Socialism and Race Essentialism

➡️ "Food justice" programs to address racism in the food ecosystem

➡️ Mental health for trans women in Brazil

➡️ Abortion “equity” in Philly


4/5: Medicaid Programs funding…

➡️ Chemical castration via “hormone threrapy”

➡️ Irreversible genital surgery

➡️ Abortion services that use federal match rates to subsidize the killing of the unborn

➡️ "Health equity” in Medical School curriculum


5/5: The Department of Education funding…

➡️ Anti-racism training for 3-year-olds

➡️ Salaries for school board members who pushed mask mandates & lockdowns

➡️ Equity trainings for teachers

➡️ Grant programs that incorporate the debunked 1619 Project


10:28 AM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39648

File: 1d6c81041362412⋯.png (69.02 KB,1141x689,1141:689,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ec4cd7ffb99521⋯.png (416.76 KB,585x363,195:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785531 (021507ZMAY23) Notable: Dow drops 500 points as bank shares slide (after being pumped yesterday)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Although they will still do 25bp the chances of no rate cut went up slightly to 16.7% for none and dropped to 83.3% for 25bp

Jerry and FOMC still have to make it look like they are in control


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3e0a50 No.39649

File: 1800c9afd00584f⋯.png (2.32 MB,2000x1334,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

File: d07687cc0eaf312⋯.png (76.31 KB,741x383,741:383,Clipboard.png)

File: a4dafc5542be4a1⋯.png (449.88 KB,518x472,259:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785552 (021515ZMAY23) Notable: Morgan Stanley plans to cut 3K jobs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Morgan Stanley plans to cut 3K jobs

Morgan Stanley cut 2% of its staff in December. Morgan Stanley is reportedly planning to cut 3,000 jobs during the second quarter, marking its second round of layoffs in the past six months. The bank cited slow deal making amid the tough economic environment as the reason for the second round of cuts, Reuters reported, citing a source familiar with the matter. Morgan Stanley did not return FOX Business' request for comment at the time of publication. Morgan Stanley's investment banking revenue in its first quarter dropped 24% from the same period a year ago to $1.25 billion. Investment banking revenue fell 26% at Goldman Sachs and 19% at JPMorgan Chase during the quarter.

In 2022, investment banking revenue plunged amid a slowdown in mergers and share offerings, marking a stark reversal from a blockbuster 2021 when bankers received big pay bumps. Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman told investors last month on an earnings call that "given the broader market uncertainty and the inflationary environment, expense management remains a priority." The firm announced in December that it was cutting 2% of its staff. That same month, Goldman announced it was planning to slash up to 8% of its workforce after laying off 500 workers in September. Goldman's head of personal finance management, Joe Duran, discussed the layoff of 3,200 employees, telling "Varney & Co." that everything the Wall Street firm does is about what's best for clients and employees.



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3e0a50 No.39650

File: a7036670beb677a⋯.png (336.98 KB,827x440,827:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 489ee4a85b011e5⋯.png (1.04 MB,1025x578,1025:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785610 (021530ZMAY23) Notable: PF report - PlaneFag Europe/Med/Africa activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


N747AF 757 moved from Aberdeen Int'l to Prestwick Int'l (Glasgow's Int'l Airport) about 5h ago

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3e0a50 No.39651

File: 30ca3bcdf0835e4⋯.png (1.05 MB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785614 (021531ZMAY23) Notable: Buckwheat lies

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Media Research Center

Karine Jean-Pierre said illegal immigration has come down 90%, does this look like "down 90%" to you?

10:37 AM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39652

File: 5323503fb680139⋯.jpg (176.14 KB,720x872,90:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d4a3c7195827c0f⋯.jpg (546.62 KB,680x453,680:453,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785647 (021543ZMAY23) Notable: Police officers on fire during French protests.

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Police officers on fire during French protests.

French Revolution version 2.0 continues.

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3e0a50 No.39653

File: 84d8ef2b530f509⋯.png (423.77 KB,1362x665,1362:665,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a332f231c53c97⋯.png (677.45 KB,1218x622,609:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f6eec311e8e122⋯.png (646.17 KB,825x466,825:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785673 (021549ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity- SAM910 WS from JBA, Belgian AF BAF84 Falcon 7X inbound from Brussels departure earlier today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS activity- SAM910 WS from JBA, Belgian AF BAF84 Falcon 7X inbound from Brussels departure earlier today

Belgian AF BAF664 and666A400ms left Halifax after an overnight across the Atlantic-arrived from Gulfport, MS yesterday

FORGE63 US Army G5 departed JBA SW

WING17560 Citation UC-35A WS from McGuire AFB, N.J.

REMUS03 C-17 WS from Dover AFB heading somewhere in W.VA (prolly Charlottesville)

Canada AF CFC3701 CL-60 crossing the Atlantic-prolly for chucky BS later this week (dunno who on it and don't care)

SCORE82 US Navy P-8 Poseidon dropping altitude SE of Houston over the Gulf of Mexico-they are from Pax River-not NAS Jax

RAF RRR2213 A330 MRTT NE from Ft. Hood onight

Mexi AF Super King Air B350i SE from Santa Lucia AB


SPAR856 Learjet 35 returned to Scott AFB, IL from a stop at Nellis yesterday while SPAR857 went to Vandenberg SFB with SAM747 having departed Phoemix Sky Harbor last night and went to Burbank/Hollywood Airport (SoCal-San Fernando Valley)

FIXER05 did finally make it to Pt. Mugu so this is a Hawkeye or Greyhound (sometime ADS-B has the wrong icon at times-it shows the BACN AC as a larger 737 instead of a Global Explorer

SHADY33 MC-12W Liberty arrived back at Savannah from it's Gulfport, MS depart last yesterday and left Ft. Stewart earlier in the day

SAM718 G5 still at Peterson AFB from it's MacDill AFB deaprt yesterday

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3e0a50 No.39654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785701 (021554ZMAY23) Notable: #23053

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23053 >>39608

>>39609, >>39611, >>39612, >>39613 Anons on the step-up in the targeting of CHILDREN

>>39610 Germany explains limits imposed on Ukraine

>>39614 Ugandan minister shot dead

>>39615 McCarthy changes tone on aid to Ukraine

>>39616 Qpost review for 5-2 date deltas - video

>>39617 More British elderly can’t afford to retire

>>39618, >>39620 Officer TouThao, who held back crowd when Floyd died, ground guilty of 2nd degree manslaughter

>>39619, >>39623, >>39621, >>39625 President Trump Travels to Scotland to Cut Ribbon for New Golf Course in Aberdeen

>>39622 Member of Parliament confirms the UK will sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>39624 The wife of one of Scotland’s wealthiest men has died; he's unlikely to attend to Coronation

>>39626, >>39642 FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year &ndash; Here’s Why It Must Be Opposed - Sundance

>>39627 Why is the CIA Director meeting with a convicted pedophile who was in charge of an elite child sex trafficking ring?

>>39628 2025 Jubilee will be the Church’s first ordinary jubilee since St. John Paul II led The Great Jubilee of 2000

>>39629 Fox News' Murdochs held phone conversations with Zelensky ahead of Tucker Carlson ouster

>>39630 Russia estimates Kiev’s latest casualties

>>39631 Media silence re release of BIG NAMES like Noam Chomsky re Epstein associations

>>39632 King Charles gives the go-ahead for gene-edited food to be undifferentiated from natural food

>>39633 Rapid Security Responses on Apple devices - does this = auto updates?

>>39634, >>39650 PF report - PlaneFag Europe/Med/Africa activity

>>39635 Refresher: Pron as a psychological weapon - NewYorker, 2003

>>39636 The federal government wants to move Gen. Flynn’s case to DC so they can rig the judge and the jury of course.

>>39637, >>39641, >>39643 Evan Ryan is Antony Blinken's Wife

>>39638 THIS is what a President looks like

>>39639 Grenell: Trump is the nominee.

>>39640 PP receives more taxpayer funds in 2022 than ever before

>>39644 Elon Musk Condemns Ireland's Orwellian Hate Speech Bill

>>39645 Bhattacharga on the PRE-EXISTING immunity to Covid unique to East Asia

>>39646, >>39648 Dow drops 500 points as bank shares slide (after being pumped yesterday)

>>39647 Examples of spending cuts with "Limit Save Grow Act"

>>39649 Morgan Stanley plans to cut 3K jobs

>>39651 Buckwheat lies

>>39652 Police officers on fire during French protests.

>>39653 PlaneFag CONUS activity- SAM910 WS from JBA, Belgian AF BAF84 Falcon 7X inbound from Brussels departure earlier today


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3e0a50 No.39655

File: 030c5533bff8256⋯.gif (2.08 MB,480x356,120:89,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785708 (021556ZMAY23) Notable: #23054

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3e0a50 No.39656

File: e7bf9f264b9890b⋯.jpeg (45.3 KB,288x362,144:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 150a66679f3193b⋯.jpeg (69.37 KB,567x423,63:47,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: afc5f9904b8eb9a⋯.jpeg (57.08 KB,591x335,591:335,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b7ca4fc8542131⋯.jpeg (30.14 KB,295x175,59:35,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785723 (021600ZMAY23) Notable: ICYMI: Lawrence Jones is named as Tucker Carlson's next rotating replacement

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Lawrence Jones is named as Tucker Carlson's next rotating replacement

By Keith Griffith For Dailymail.com 10:12 EDT 29 Apr 2023 , updated 14:49 EDT 29 Apr 2023

Rising star Lawrence Jones has been tapped as the next rotating replacement for 8pm weekday spot.

Jones, 30, will take over as thenext temporary hostof the rebranded 'Fox News Tonight' starting on Monday, following Brian Kilmeade's weeklong stint as Carlson's replacement, a network spokesperson told DailyMail.com on Saturday.

Since January 2022, Jones has hosted a weekend primetime show on the network, 'Lawrence Jones Cross Country', making him the youngest black solo host of a cable news show in history.

The self-avowed libertarian also spends much of the week as a roving reporter for Fox & Friends, traveling the country to cover major news events.

Meanwhile, conservative news outlet Newsmax is making a major push to woo Carlson, even floating the possibility that he could run programming for the entire channel, and not just his own show, sources told .

Carlson has been cryptic about his plans in remarks this week to DailyMail.com, and a video statement posted on Twitter, and is currently barred from formal job negotiations due to his Fox News contract.

While Newsmax hasn't made any formal job offer, execs at the channel have been peppering Carlson's confidants with informal proposals that he could take a leading role in rebranding the channel and overseeing programming, according to TMZ.

The Newsmax website has also spent much of the week publishing stories bashing Fox News and fawning over Carlson, with a banner headline on Saturday morning, citing a poll, reading: 'Tucker Carlson More Popular Than Fox News.'

Carlson, 53, reportedly made up to $20 million annually at Fox News as the channel's highest-rated primetime host.

In the wake of Carlson's April 24 firing, ratings shot up for Newsmax's Eric Bolling, who hosts a show in the same 8pm Eastern slot as Carlson's former show.

For example, Bolling had 510,000 viewers Wednesday night, compared to 168,000 on the prior Wednesday, Nielsen said. On Tuesday, Bolling had 562,000 viewers, up from 122,000 the same day a week earlier.

Still, those numbers are a fraction of the viewership Fox News typically draws in primetime. Even following a slump with Carlson's departure, the network's 8pm slot drew 1.33 million viewers on Wednesday, with Kilmeade hosting.

The challenge for Newsmax will be making it last. In the wake of the 2020 election, Newsmax also saw a ratings bump as it refused to acknowledge Joe Biden's presidential election win.

But following Biden's inauguration, Newsmax viewership slipped and Fox News surged once again.

Meanwhile One America Network, another right-wing news channel, has also made overtures to Carlson.

Founder and CEO Robert Herring 'would like to extend an invitation to Carlson to meet for negotiation to become a part of the OAN team', according to a report about Carlson's departure on the OAN website.

As the biggest name in cable news, Carlson is unlikely to head anywhere that can't pay a huge salary - or offer the massive reach that he's used to.

In a different vein, fledgling cable news network NewsNation, which bills itself as the politically moderate channel, is keen to recruit both Carlson and fired CNN anchor Don Lemon, according to TMZ.

Both would likely get salaries far below what they recently earned (Lemon apparently made $7 million per year at CNN) if they joined the network.

NewsNation has form for hiring anchors who've left major networks under a cloud.

The network signed up Chris Cuomo in October 2022 after he was fired by CNN, and Cuomo's show regularly features guest appearances from Bill O'Reilly, the former Fox News host.

NewsNation would not comment on the Carlson rumor when approached by DailyMail.com earlier this week.

Fox News has seen primetime ratings slump since Carlson's departure, although on Thursday night his old 8pm slot secured 1.46 million viewers, defeating both CNN and MSNBC.

Carlson had 2.65 million viewers on April 21, for what he didn't know at the time would be his last show on Fox.

He was fired on Monday with no explanation given publicly, although there are no shortage of theories about the split.

On Wednesday, shortly after 8pm Eastern, the time his Fox show used to begin, that talked about a lack of honest political debate in the media.


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3e0a50 No.39657

File: 6322482c336ef4f⋯.jpg (152.97 KB,720x1089,80:121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785736 (021604ZMAY23) Notable: Biden admin to send 1,500 troops to southern border for support roles ahead of expected migrant surge

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden admin to send 1,500 troops to southern border for support roles ahead of expected migrant surge


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3e0a50 No.39658

File: ffe3a7133ac5e62⋯.png (238.03 KB,494x447,494:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785740 (021605ZMAY23) Notable: Biden admin to send 1,500 troops to southern border for support roles ahead of expected migrant surge

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>for support roles

In other words, to help them successfully cross the border.

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3e0a50 No.39659

File: eea1e1a3d990162⋯.jpg (245.42 KB,1080x1487,1080:1487,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 42b284628b2bb19⋯.jpg (262.23 KB,1080x1485,8:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 804b7c0393e1aba⋯.jpg (273.25 KB,1080x1522,540:761,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 62b360c08d369e4⋯.jpg (218.16 KB,1080x1501,1080:1501,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 936981a960b4f2d⋯.jpg (216.78 KB,1080x1519,1080:1519,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785749 (021607ZMAY23) Notable: Moar France up in smoke

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Meanwhile in France…


Can't dl vid but WOW

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3e0a50 No.39660

File: 0392d1ee7c0fa9c⋯.png (672.43 KB,529x622,529:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785752 (021608ZMAY23) Notable: OTD- 2 May 1944: Leonard Dawe, who complied #crossword puzzles for the Britain’s The Daily Telegraph #newspaper, includes code names for the D-Day invasion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 May 1944: Leonard Dawe, who complied #crossword puzzles for the Britain’s The Daily Telegraph #newspaper, includes code names for the D-Day invasion a month before the invasion. The words were Utah, Omaha, #Overlord, Mulberry and Neptune. #WWII #WW2 #ad https://amzn.to/35mqEuh


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3e0a50 No.39661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785755 (021608ZMAY23) Notable: Moar France up in smoke

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3e0a50 No.39662

File: 7dcb8b3c1efbc8e⋯.png (214.76 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785766 (021611ZMAY23) Notable: sodium ion batteries to replace lithium ion in China

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Any. Chemmies

What you think about swapping

One reactive metal for another


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3e0a50 No.39663

File: 1667c99a162bf5b⋯.jpg (202.37 KB,720x1178,360:589,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ab57101af862c5⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,720x1130,72:113,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785767 (021612ZMAY23) Notable: DJT thanking the staff at his club in Scotland.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


DJT thanking the staff at his club in Scotland.

One time I was having dinner at the Trump Hotel & I asked my waitress if she ever gets to see the boss. Her eyes lit up & she raved about how generous & great he was to all the employees.

The media doesn’t want you to see this.

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3e0a50 No.39664

File: ee55044d2dde265⋯.jpg (86.01 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785771 (021612ZMAY23) Notable: DJT thanking the staff at his club in Scotland.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Awesome pic

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3e0a50 No.39665

File: 4d42cf8d6a27ace⋯.png (423.09 KB,656x491,656:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 221deb8e8bf597e⋯.png (764.76 KB,500x1118,250:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785773 (021613ZMAY23) Notable: Margin Call the movie, timely

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For anons who want to watch a movie to do with the financial crisis.

Most anons would have seen THE BIG SHORT

someone recommended the movie THE MARGIN CALL watching now.

The 2008 financial crisis bigger players.


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3e0a50 No.39666

File: eebe8c3d5967e29⋯.png (147.09 KB,743x976,743:976,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785776 (021613ZMAY23) Notable: DOJ: Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures

Today, the Department of Justice, and its Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement (JCODE) team and international partners, announced the results of Operation SpecTor, which included 288 arrests – the most ever for any JCODE operation and nearly double that of the prior operation. Law enforcement also conducted more seizures than any prior operation, including 117 firearms, 850 kilograms of drugs that include 64 kilograms of fentanyl or fentanyl-laced narcotics, and $53.4 million in cash and virtual currencies.


h/t May 02, 2023, 12:00 PM


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3e0a50 No.39667

File: 546c450d5515def⋯.png (116.65 KB,259x383,259:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785787 (021615ZMAY23) Notable: Margin Call the movie, timely

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In 2008, an unnamed investment bank begins laying off a large number of employees. Among those affected is Eric Dale, head of risk management. Dale's attempts to speak about the implications of a model he is working on are ignored. On his way out, he gives a flash drive containing his work to Peter Sullivan, an associate in his department, warning him to "be careful." Sullivan, intrigued, works after hours to complete Dale's model.

Sullivan discovers that the assumptions underpinning the firm's present risk profile are wrong; historical volatility levels in mortgage-backed securities are being exceeded, which means that the firm's position in those assets is over-leveraged and the debt incurred from those over-leveraged assets will bankrupt the company. Sullivan calls his colleague, Seth Bregman, to return to work with the head of credit trading, Will Emerson. Emerson in turn summons Sam Rogers, his boss, after reviewing Sullivan's findings. Attempts by the four to contact Dale end unsuccessfully due to his company phone having been shut off. Sullivan and Bregman go out to find Dale, while Rogers and Emerson inform the company's senior management of the situation.

A subsequent meeting of division head Jared Cohen, chief risk management officer Sarah Robertson, and other senior executives concludes that Sullivan's findings are accurate, and firm CEO John Tuld is called. Upon Tuld's arrival, and after Sullivan explains the problem, Rogers, Cohen, and Tuld spar regarding a course of action. Cohen's plan, favored by Tuld, is a fire sale of the problematic assets. Rogers disagrees, pointing out that the sale will damage the firm's relationships and reputation within the industry and will cause major instability in the markets. Tuld stresses that his desire to avoid the firm's bankruptcy is worth that risk and the cost.

After the meeting with Tuld, Emerson is informed by Dale's wife that he has returned home. Emerson travels to Dale's residence with Bregman and attempts to persuade him to return to the firm, but is unsuccessful. During the drive back, Bregman asks if he will lose his job; Emerson responds that he likely will, but, philosophizing on the nature of the financial markets, tells him not to lose faith, and that his work is necessary.

Tuld selects Robertson to act as the scapegoat for the firm's over-leveraged position and demands that she resign after the fire sale. Robertson argues that she warned Tuld and Cohen about the situation over a year ago, but fails to persuade him. Meanwhile, Eric Dale is bribed and forced into cooperating with Cohen's plan, with the firm threatening to cut his benefits and severance if he refuses. He spends the day commiserating with Robertson.

Despite his misgivings, Rogers rallies his traders and informs them of the fire sale. He acknowledges the damage likely to be done to their reputations and careers, but informs them that they will be well compensated if most of the traders' assigned assets are sold by day's end. As trading progresses, the firm elicits suspicion and eventually anger from their counterparties, and incurs heavy losses, but they are able to sell off most of the bad assets.

As another round of layoffs occurs, Rogers confronts Tuld and submits his resignation. Tuld dismisses Rogers' view of the situation by recalling past economic crises, arguing that such events always happen and that Rogers should not feel guilty for acting in his and the firm's interests. Tuld asks Rogers to stay on for two more years and Rogers reluctantly accepts, citing his personal financial need. Tuld also informs Rogers that Sullivan is going to be promoted.

The film ends with Rogers burying his euthanized dog in his ex-wife's front yard during the night. She informs him that their son's firm also sustained heavy losses but avoided bankruptcy.


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3e0a50 No.39668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785802 (021617ZMAY23) Notable: First Recording of Tucker Carlson Leaked - Behind-the-Scenes at Fox News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

First Recording of Tucker Carlson Leaked - Behind-the-Scenes at Fox News


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3e0a50 No.39669

File: a49138088830627⋯.png (231.38 KB,528x512,33:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785813 (021619ZMAY23) Notable: "They want to get rid of crypto […] In Florida, we'll have a prohibition against [CBDC to make sure] we don't have a financial surveillance state

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN: DeSantis vows to outlaw CBDC, resist federal government if unilaterally authorized by Federal Reserve or Treasury

"They want to get rid of crypto […] In Florida, we'll have a prohibition against [CBDC to make sure] we don't have a financial surveillance state."


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3e0a50 No.39670

File: 7b8555a5b66f4db⋯.png (270.41 KB,634x422,317:211,Clipboard.png)

File: cbc166204ce098a⋯.png (454.3 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785826 (021623ZMAY23) Notable: DJT thanking the staff at his club in Scotland.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785842 (021629ZMAY23) Notable: Cruz: Justice Breyer traveled on the dime of democrat billionaires…paid for by the Pritzker Foundation. I'm not suggesting Justice Breyer is corrupt…..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cruz: Justice Breyer traveled on the dime of democrat billionaires…paid for by the Pritzker Foundation. I'm not suggesting Justice Breyer is corrupt, what I'm suggesting is this committee is corrupt, because this is a kangaroo circus, and I will note, we had fifteen senate democrats, including six members of this committee, send a letter to the appropriations committee, threatening cutting off the funding for security at the Supreme Court. The left is willing to threaten the lives of the justices.

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3e0a50 No.39672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785853 (021636ZMAY23) Notable: Vermont allows nonresidents to use its assisted suicide law

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Anyone who is terminally ill can now travel to Vermont to end their lives as the state becomes the first to change its assisted suicide law to let nonresidents take advantage.


Vermont allows nonresidents to use its assisted suicide law

Vermont on Tuesday became the first state in the country to change its medically assisted suicide law to allow terminally ill people from out of state to take advantage of it to end their lives.

Republican Gov. Phil Scott signed the bill that removes the residency requirement for the decades-old law.

Last year in a court settlement, Oregon agreed to stop enforcing the residency requirement of its law allowing terminally ill people to receive lethal medication. It also agreed to ask the Legislature to remove it from the law.

Before Vermont removed the residency requirement Tuesday, it had reached a settlement with a Connecticut woman who has terminal cancer to allow her to take advantage of its law, provided she complies with other aspects of it. …


12:09 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39673

File: d10ef8c41153345⋯.png (688.59 KB,1071x776,1071:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785854 (021636ZMAY23) Notable: Military Homo COMMs from the NAVY?

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Military Homo COMMs from the NAVY?

The Navy brought on a drag queen, who is an active duty sailor, to a “digital ambassador” program aimed at targeting a wider array of potential recruits through digital platforms like Instagram, a spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Navy is seeking different ways of reaching younger recruits as it faces a historic recruiting crisis, according to social media reports.

“An effort is, indeed, being made to connect recruiting to the interests and concerns of Gen-Z,” Lt. Ian Clark and PO Third Class Kyle Atkinson, U.S. Navy wrote for the U.S. Naval Institute journal in January 2023.


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3e0a50 No.39674

File: 5957c6973218eb2⋯.jpg (187.65 KB,828x1079,828:1079,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae17d11ff206eb1⋯.jpeg (16.55 KB,480x322,240:161,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785870 (021640ZMAY23) Notable: Military Homo COMMs from the NAVY?

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3e0a50 No.39675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785877 (021642ZMAY23) Notable: Hawley: We had an assassin come to the home of Justice Kavanaugh and try to murder him. We have had credible threats on the lives of other justices…..

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Hawley: We had an assassin come to the home of Justice Kavanaugh and try to murder him. We have had credible threats on the lives of other justices, and now members of this body say we will deny you security, for you, your families, your children, unless you do what we want.

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3e0a50 No.39676

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785878 (021642ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Gill walking through the evidence on massive corruption operation based out of New Hampshire on Conservative Daily

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Mike Gill walking through the evidence on massive corruption operation based out of New Hampshire on Conservative Daily



524 watching now

2 May AM Show -Live with Whistleblower Mike Gill: Treasury, IRS, Cartel Corruption - Biggest Money Laundering Operation in the World

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3e0a50 No.39677

File: fb728667dfe34fd⋯.jpeg (550.7 KB,1430x1511,1430:1511,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c1403c3729d5649⋯.png (139.86 KB,766x1652,383:826,Clipboard.png)

File: c96f2bd44b53bbd⋯.png (368.22 KB,766x2166,383:1083,Clipboard.png)

File: 6216510904841db⋯.jpg (597.13 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c0e0ee075e263dd⋯.jpg (160.52 KB,1000x809,1000:809,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785891 (021646ZMAY23) Notable: Military Homo COMMs from the NAVY?

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3e0a50 No.39678

File: cea6f28c1b9bb00⋯.png (997.68 KB,2585x1255,517:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785897 (021648ZMAY23) Notable: OK governor signs legislation banning transgender medical care for minors

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OK governor signs legislation banning transgender medical care for minors

It is a tragedy that we even need new laws that ban chemical castrations of CHILDREN, but the evil sick psychotic 'woke' left, whose entire narrative echoing is controlled by a satanic cult of pedophiles, has made these laws unfortunately necessary.


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3e0a50 No.39679

File: a5584013d5f40f3⋯.png (1.9 MB,1482x1993,1482:1993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785898 (021648ZMAY23) Notable: Legacy Media Back Transgender Mob’s Attack On Montana’s Capitol

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The Federalist - MAY 02, 2023

Legacy Media Back Transgender Mob’s Attack On Montana’s Capitol

The legacy media have failed to hold Rep. Zooey Zephyr accountable for the bigoted attack against lawmakers of faith in the Montana Capitol.


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3e0a50 No.39680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785954 (021703ZMAY23) Notable: America First Legal We are going after the architects of censorship.

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Mollie @MZHemingway

HUGE. This lawsuit challenges what is arguably the largest mass-surveillance and mass-censorship program in American history.

America First Legal·46m

/1🚨BREAKING — We filed a class-action lawsuit against “Election Integrity Partnership” & “Virality Project” for conspiring with the federal government to censor conservative political speech.

We are going after the architects of censorship.

Read on ⤵️

12:33 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39681

File: 3cc81f75d7f34ad⋯.png (625.68 KB,840x480,7:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785958 (021704ZMAY23) Notable: We the People AZ Alliance Sues Maricopa County for Failing to Provide Ballot Envelopes for Public Records Request

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We the People AZ Alliance Sues Maricopa County for Failing to Provide Ballot Envelopes for Public Records Request

We the People AZ Alliance (WPAA) filed a lawsuit against Maricopa County on April 25 for refusing to fulfill their public records request for ballot envelopes containing signatures from the 2022 election. The Verified Complaint for Statutory Special Action to Secure Access to Public Records From Defendants stated that the public records request was submitted on April 5 and denied by the county on April 10.

WPAA tweeted about the rejection on Wednesday, “A.R.S. 16-168(F) is not a catch to hide information from the public. Signatures are filed on deeds, court documents and licenses and made public. Ballot affidavit envelopes are not by design part of a voter record, we are committed to bringing the truth to light.”


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3e0a50 No.39682

File: 45e5eec5bdf9414⋯.mp4 (15.01 MB,386x664,193:332,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785971 (021708ZMAY23) Notable: Moar France up in smoke

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here's an mp4 clip.

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3e0a50 No.39683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785975 (021709ZMAY23) Notable: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat



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3e0a50 No.39684

File: 32ff440af4e912e⋯.png (143.35 KB,1146x603,382:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785989 (021712ZMAY23) Notable: DOJ: Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures

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Part 1 of 3

Home » Office of Public Affairs » News



Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures

Today, the Department of Justice, and its Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement (JCODE) team and international partners, announced the results of Operation SpecTor, which included 288 arrests – the most ever for any JCODE operation and nearly double that of the prior operation. Law enforcement also conducted more seizures than any prior operation, including 117 firearms, 850 kilograms of drugs that include 64 kilograms of fentanyl or fentanyl-laced narcotics, and $53.4 million in cash and virtual currencies.

Operation SpecTor was a coordinated international effort spanning three continents to disrupt fentanyl and opioid trafficking on the darknet, or dark web. The operation was conducted across the United States, Europe, and South America, and was a result of the continued partnership between JCODE and foreign law enforcement against the illegal sale of drugs and other illicit goods and services on the darknet. Operation SpecTor builds on the successes of prior years’ operations and takedowns of marketplaces, which result in the seizure of darknet infrastructure providing investigators across the world with investigative leads and evidence. JCODE and Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) continue to compile intelligence packages to identify entities of interest. These leads allow U.S. and international law enforcement agencies to identify darknet drug vendors and buyers, resulting in a series of coordinated, but separate, law enforcement investigations, resulting in the statistics announced today.

This year’s law enforcement operation was accompanied by a public awareness campaign called Operation ProtecTor aimed to promote public safety and spread awareness of resources for those struggling with substance abuse and who go through extreme lengths to obtain opioids. JCODE has worked with every FBI field office in the country to facilitate outreach to households that have purchased individual amounts of opioids from the darknet. The interagency efforts are aimed to both identify those who use anonymizing technologies to purchase illicit narcotics and direct them to available resources.

“Operation SpecTor was a coordinated international law enforcement effort, spanning three continents, to disrupt drug trafficking on the dark web and represents the most funds seized and the highest number of arrests in any coordinated international action led by the Justice Department against drug traffickers on the dark web,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “Our message to criminals on the dark web is this: You can try to hide in the furthest reaches of the internet, but the Justice Department will find you and hold you accountable for your crimes.”

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3e0a50 No.39685

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18785997 (021713ZMAY23) Notable: DOJ: Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures

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>>39684 Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

“The availability of dangerous substances like fentanyl on dark net marketplaces is helping to fuel the crisis that has claimed far too many American lives,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “That's why we will continue to join forces with our law enforcement partners around the globe to attack this problem together. The FBI is proud to stand with our domestic and foreign partners as we continue to shine that light into the deepest corners of the dark net and hold those accountable who continue to peddle this poison around the world.”

“The Sinaloa and Jalisco drug cartels, and the global networks they operate are killing Americans by sending fentanyl into the United States. Their associates distribute this fentanyl into communities across America by every means possible, including the dark web,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. “The DEA is committed to shutting down the fentanyl supply chain from beginning to end, and we will relentlessly pursue the associates of these cartels wherever they hide, even in the dark corners of the internet.”

“Our coalition of law enforcement authorities across three continents proves that we all do better when we work together,” said Executive Director Catherine De Bolle of Europol. “This operation sends a strong message to criminals on the dark web: international law enforcement has the means and the ability to identify and hold you accountable for your illegal activities, even on the dark web.”

“Collaboration with our law enforcement partners is key to combatting fentanyl and opioid trafficking,” said Chief Jim Lee of the IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI). “Under the JCODE umbrella, law enforcement agencies across the globe have joined forces to take down criminals who use the darknet to buy and sell narcotics. Our team at IRS-CI plays an integral role in these investigations by following the money trail, whether it’s in fiat currency or digital assets on the blockchain.”

“The illicit movement of opioids poses a significant threat to public health and safety – whether by known transnational criminal gang members across international borders or anonymously through darknet spaces,” said Senior Official Performing the Duties of Deputy Director P.J. Lechleitner of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). “Our HSI special agents, alongside federal and international partners, continue to aggressively investigate, disrupt, and dismantle networks responsible for trafficking dangerous, deadly narcotics and other contraband across global communities we are charged with protecting. We will continue to pursue bad actors engaged in these crimes to ensure they face justice, while protecting victims from these lethal substances.”

“The U.S. Postal Inspection Service leverages our specialized knowledge of the postal system as part of sophisticated dark web investigations such as Operation SpecTor with great results,” said Chief Postal Inspector Gary R. Barksdale of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. “We are committed to taking all necessary actions to combat illicit drugs in the mail. And we thank our law enforcement partners for working with us to achieve this; removing dangerous illicit substances from the mail and American communities saves lives.”

“Addressing our nation’s drug overdose crisis and epidemic of substance use disorders is an issue of great concern and remains a top public health priority for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA),” said Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D., of the FDA. “The FDA has undertaken strategic and impactful actions to prevent drug overdoses and reduce deaths and is committed to using all of our cyber-resources to shed light on the darkest corners of illicit medical supply chains for the health and safety of all Americans.”

Operation SpecTor resulted in over 100 federal operations and prosecutions, including:

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3e0a50 No.39686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786006 (021715ZMAY23) Notable: DOJ: Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures

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>>39684 Part 1 of 3

>>39685 Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

On Dec. 1, 2022, Anton Peck, 29, of Boca Raton, Florida, was sentenced to 16 years in prison for conspiring to possess with the intent to distribute controlled substances, including fentanyl, methamphetamine, and heroin. According to court documents, between May 2021 and May 2022, Peck distributed narcotics from various darknet markets using the vendor profile “Syntropy.” After the transactions were carried out using cryptocurrency, Peck and co-conspirators Kevin Fusco and Vincent Banner mailed parcels containing fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine to cities around the country using the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Fusco, 35, of West Palm Beach, Florida, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for conspiring to distribute fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine. Banner, 31, of Boynton Beach, Florida, is scheduled to be sentenced on June 8 after pleading guilty to one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute fentanyl, methamphetamine, and heroin. Law enforcement recovered kilogram quantities of fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin from business and storage locations in West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, and New York City. Peck possessed a list of more than 6,000 customers living across the United States. The DEA, FBI, USPS Office of Inspector General (USPS-OIG), U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) and the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office investigated the case. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida is prosecuting the case.

On Nov. 18, 2022, a federal grand jury returned an indictment charging Christopher Hampton, 36, of Cerritos, California, with heading an organization that obtained bulk fentanyl, operated labs in California that used high-speed pill presses to create fake pills containing fentanyl and methamphetamine, and sold millions of pills to thousands of customers on the darknet. Hampton was named in an 11-count indictment that charges him with various narcotics and weapons offenses that could result in a sentence of life in prison. According to court documents, he was active on at least nine darknet marketplaces where he typically used the moniker “Narco710.” Hampton allegedly sold nearly $2 million worth of narcotics on two of these darknet marketplaces alone. He was arrested on Nov. 2, 2022, at which time federal law enforcement executed search warrants that led to the discovery and seizure of 450 pounds of suspected narcotics; six pill press machines, some of which were capable of producing thousands of pills per hour; and illegal firearms that included assault rifles and a machine gun. Agents later located a storage unit linked to the drug conspiracy and seized over 80 pounds of pressed fentanyl pills, eight guns, and precursor materials to press additional pills. The FBI JCODE and DEA HIDTA Tactical Diversion Squad investigated the case. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California is prosecuting the case.

On May 12, 2022, a federal grand jury returned a two-count indictment charging Holly Adams, 31, and Devlin Hosner, 33, of Indio, California, with conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute fentanyl and methamphetamine, and with conspiracy to launder money. According to court documents, Adams and Hosner operated the vendor accounts “igogrrawwr” and “its4real” on the darknet marketplaces ToRReZ and Darkode, respectively, through which they sold tens of thousands of counterfeit oxycodone pills containing fentanyl in exchange for cryptocurrency. Adams and Hosner shipped these fentanyl pills to buyers throughout the United States, using the USPS, UPS, and other means of delivery. In the course of their conspiracy, Adams and Hosner finalized over 1,100 transactions of narcotics and other contraband and received more than $800,000 in cryptocurrency. Federal law enforcement officers executed a search warrant at a hotel in Riverside county where Adams and Hosner were residing and recovered more than 10,000 counterfeit oxycodone pills as well as approximately 60 grams of methamphetamine. The IRS-CI, HSI, FBI, USPIS, and USPS-OIG investigated the case. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of California is prosecuting the case.

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3e0a50 No.39687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786020 (021716ZMAY23) Notable: DOJ: Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures

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>>39684 Part 1 of 3

>>39685 Part 2 of 4

>>39686 Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

Operation SpecTor was a collaborative initiative across JCODE members, including the Department of Justice, FBI, DEA, USPIS, HSI, IRS-CI, ATF, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), and the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations. This operation was aided by non-operational supporting participation from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Local, state, and other federal agencies also contributed to Operation SpecTor investigations through task force participation and regional partnerships. The investigations leading to Operation SpecTor were significantly aided by support and coordination by the Justice Department’s Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF); multi-agency Special Operations Division; the Criminal Division’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section’s Digital Currency Initiative, Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section, and Fraud Section; the Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs; Europol and its Dark Web team; and international partners. The international partners include Eurojust; Austria’s Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt); France’s Directorate-General of Customs and Indirect Taxes (Douane); Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt), Central Criminal Investigation Department of Oldenburg (Zentrale KriminaIinspektion Oldenburg), General Prosecutor’s Office in Frankfurt/Main - Cybercrime Center (Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt/Main, Zentralstelle zur Bekämpfung der Internetkriminalität), Berlin Police (Polizei Berlin), various police departments (Dienststellen der Länderpolizeien), German Customs Investigation (Zollfahndungsämter); the Netherland’s National Police (Politie); Poland’s Central Cybercrime Bureau (Centralne Biuro Zwalczania Cyberprzestępczości); Brazil’s Civil Police of the State of Piauí (Polícia Civil do Estado do Piauí), Civil Police of the Federal District (Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal), National Secretariat of Public Security - Directorate of Integrated Operations and Intelligence - Cyber Operations Laboratory (Laboratório de Operações Cibernéticas da Diretoria de Operações Integradas e de Inteligência - Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Pública); Switzerland’s Zurich Cantonal Police (Kantonspolizei Zürich) and Public Prosecutor’s Office II of the Canton of Zurich (Staatsanwaltschaft II); and the United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency (NCA) and National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC).

Federal investigations and prosecutions are being conducted in more than 30 federal districts, including the District of Arizona, the Central District of California, the Eastern District of California, the Northern District of California, the Southern District of California, the District of Colorado, the District of Connecticut, the District of Columbia, the District of Delaware, the Southern District of Florida, the Northern District of Georgia, the Southern District of Indiana, the Eastern District of Kentucky, the District of Maryland, the District of Massachusetts, the Eastern District of Michigan, the Western District of Michigan, the Eastern District of Missouri, the Western District of Missouri, the District of Nebraska, the District of Nevada, the District of New Jersey, the Eastern District of New York, the Southern District of New York, the Western District of North Carolina, the Northern District of Ohio, the Southern District of Ohio, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Middle District of Pennsylvania, the District of South Dakota, the Eastern District of Tennessee, the Eastern District of Texas, the Northern District of Texas, the Southern District of Texas, the District of Vermont, the Eastern District of Virginia, and the Western District of Washington.

The Justice Department established the FBI-led JCODE team to lead and coordinate government efforts to detect, disrupt, and dismantle major criminal enterprises reliant on the darknet for trafficking opioids and other illicit narcotics, along with identifying and dismantling their supply chains.

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3e0a50 No.39688

File: 08756aa6902f00e⋯.png (141.03 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786040 (021721ZMAY23) Notable: sodium ion batteries to replace lithium ion in China

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I guess the lithium batteries

Arent reactive enough

Got to change to a heavier reactive metal

Flaming EV be the next

Traffic jam …by Disney land


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3e0a50 No.39689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786050 (021723ZMAY23) Notable: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Jean-Pierre: There is no constituency in this nation that supports threatening to kill millions of jobs unless the VA is gutted, except, apparently, extreme MAGA republicans. House republicans, to be more specific.

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3e0a50 No.39690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786053 (021723ZMAY23) Notable: America First Legal We are going after the architects of censorship.

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America First Legal

/1🚨BREAKING — We filed a class-action lawsuit against “Election Integrity Partnership” & “Virality Project” for conspiring with the federal government to censor conservative political speech.

We are going after the architects of censorship.

/2 Today, we filed a federal class-action lawsuit against key persons and entities involved in the “Election Integrity Partnership” and the “Virality Project,” on behalf of the co-Director of Health Freedom Louisiana and the founder of @gatewaypundit

America First Legal Files Landmark Federal Class-Action Lawsuit Against Private Entities that Conspired With the Federal Government to Censor Speech


/3 Defendants include the Stanford Internet Observatory and its Director and Research Manager, Alex Stamos and Renée DiResta, Dr. Kate Starbird of the University of Washington, Graphika, and the Atlantic Research Council’s Digital Forensic Lab.

/4 This historic lawsuit alleges that these parties conspired with the federal government to conduct a mass surveillance/censorship operation targeting the political speech of millions of Americans on social media platforms.

/5 This operation was specifically designed to target conservative political speech on questions of great public interest like election integrity, COVID-19 vaccines, and vaccine mandates.

/6 The scope of the surveillance and censorship cannot be overstated.

The Defendants admitted that during 2020, they surveilled a staggering 859 million posts on Twitter alone and that they tracked for possible censorship almost 22 million Tweets.

Matt Taibbi·Apr 6

Restoring report that, per the Election Integrity Partnership's own report, their work resulted in flagging of 22 million tweets.

They're playing games with terms like "unique original URL," where more than 1000 tweets can be "collpased" into one "incident":


/7 During 2021, they tracked posts about COVID with about 200 million engagements for possible censorship.

Americans who spoke out against the liberal orthodoxy faced censorship and de-platforming by Big Tech and these elusive surveillance orgs acting with the government.

Mike Benz·Apr 7

No. EIP literally created a ticket for every single one of these election narratives, flagged each NARRATIVE to be mass banned by the tech platforms, and every major tech platform responded to EIP’s narrative-level censorship demands.

Those narratives total to 22 million tweets.

/8 Our lawsuit alleges that this massive operation was concocted in collusion with government officials — including federal national security officials — to evade the First Amendment, all while shielding the government bureaucracy.

Mike Benz·3h

Just so we’re clear: the US government (CISA, at DHS) set up the private sector censorship group (EIP) w/ the censorship switchboard operator (CIS).

The censorship group (EIP) only existed in the first place after its concept was presented to the government (CISA).

12:11 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786070 (021726ZMAY23) Notable: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Reporter at White House press conference says the mayor from Prospect Park was barred from the White House eid celebration. Jean-Pierre said the secret service made the determination; would not comment/confirm if the mayor is on the FBI terror screening database.

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3e0a50 No.39692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786135 (021740ZMAY23) Notable: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Reporter: Was anyone else turned away [from eid celebration], or was he the only one. [Prospect Park Mayor]

Jean-Pierre: We had nearly four hundred attendees…and I will leave it there.

[were others turned away possibly due to being on FBI terror screening list?]

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3e0a50 No.39693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786141 (021741ZMAY23) Notable: America First Legal We are going after the architects of censorship.

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American First Legal sues private groups for allegedly conspiring with government to censor speech

America First Legal filed the lawsuit on behalf of Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and Health Freedom Louisiana co-director Jill Hines.

By Madeleine Hubbard

May 2, 2023 - 1:31pm

The America First Legal Foundation on Tuesday filed afederal class action lawsuit against people and entitiesthat allegedly conspired with the government to target millions of conservative Americans in a mass censorship and surveillance operation.

The lawsuit targets those associated with theElection Integrity Partnership, which partnered with government agencies to censor online posts they considered misinformation during the 2020 election, and theVirality Project, a coalition of groups focused on responding to purported COVID-19 misinformation.

America First Legal, a nonprofit led by former top-ranking Trump administration officials, filed the lawsuit on behalf of Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and Health Freedom Louisiana Co-Director Jill Hines.

The lawsuit states that both Hoft and Hines are experiencing "extensive censorship," including on issues related to COVID-19 and elections.

America First Legal President Stephen Miller said thedefendants "created a regime of surveillance, censorship, and control fit for communist China" by allegedly "flagging content and creators for government entities so that those entities, in turn, would pressure platforms to remove that content or those creators."

The lawsuit demands for the defendants to stop their "ongoing unlawful conduct" and calls for compensatory and punitive damages to be awarded.


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3e0a50 No.39694

File: 8cf2ddd9da2fc7d⋯.png (129.44 KB,861x542,861:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786151 (021744ZMAY23) Notable: RFK would pardon Assange, Snowden others

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RFK would pardon Assange, Snowden others

Robert F. Kennedy Jr·May 2

Instead of championing free speech, the U.S. actively persecutes journalists and whistleblowers. I’ll pardon brave truth-tellers like Julian Assange and investigate the corruption and crimes they exposed. This isn’t the Soviet Union. The America I love doesn’t imprison dissidents. #FreeAssange #Kennedy24

Other brave truth-tellers include John Kiriakou, Chelsea Manning, Reality Winner, Daniel Hale, Thomas Drake, Jeffrey Sterling, and Edward Snowden. They were trying to return America to its democratic and humanitarian ideals.

1:40 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786154 (021746ZMAY23) Notable: GOP wants answers from Consumer Report about suspected 'hidden pressure campaign' to end gas stoves

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=GOP wants answers from Consumer Report about suspected 'hidden pressure campaign' to end gas stoves==

“Such lack of transparency with Congress and the American public is unacceptable."

Updated: May 2, 2023 - 12:35pm

Two Capitol Hill Republicans wantanswers from the venerable "Consumer Reports" publication and others about a suspected "hidden pressure campaign" to get the Biden administration to advance green-energy groups' efforts to limit or end the use of gas appliances.

The effort is being led by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and House Oversight committee Chairman James Comer.

On Monday, the pair wrote toRewiring America, theClimate Imperative Foundation and Consumer Reportsdemanding details on the product-review publication's possible role in getting the Consumer Product Safety Commission to impose a "de facto ban on gas stoves."

The lawmakers cited what they think is their authority to investigate "any matter" at "any time" under House Rule X and jurisdiction over the commission.

The letter also states that Cruz on March 16 "wrote to you requesting information and documents about this matter.Your organization has, however, refused== to substantively answer most of those requests."

The letter continues: "As you know, CPSC has already taken the necessary first step toward a gas stove ban, having recently issued a Request for Information ‘on chronic hazards associated with gas ranges and proposed solutions."

Comer and Cruz also told the groups their lack of transparency is "unacceptable" and gave them a deadline of no later than May 10 to submit requested documents and other information for the investigation.


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3e0a50 No.39696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786160 (021748ZMAY23) Notable: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Reporter: Does [Biden] have any reaction to CIA director William Burns meeting with Jeffrey Epstein in 2014? This is obviously after Epstein had served time for a sex crime and registered as a sex offender.

Jean-Pierre: I'm just not going to comment on that from here.

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3e0a50 No.39697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786172 (021751ZMAY23) Notable: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Jean-Pierre: The active military [being sent to southern border]…is personnel that's performing administrative task…data entry and warehouse support, so they can help free up the CBP…they're not going to interact with migrants.

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3e0a50 No.39698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786217 (021804ZMAY23) Notable: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Reporter: If the border is secure, as the administration has said, then why would we need to send fifteen hundred active duty US Troops down there?

Jean-Pierre: Because we need more work, we need more work needs to be done. We put forth a comprehensive immigration legislation, and republicans in congress have refused to act.

Reporter: You said yesterday that when it comes to illegal migration, you've seen it come down more than ninety percent? Because CBP is telling us the number is one hundred and thirty-six thousand people more this fiscal year so far.

Jean-Pierre: I'm about to answer you if the dramatics would come down just a little bit…I was speaking to the parolee program..the data has shown it has gone down by more than ninety percent.

[abruptly cut off next question]

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3e0a50 No.39699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786227 (021807ZMAY23) Notable: #23054

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#23054 >>39655

>>39656 ICYMI: Lawrence Jones is named as Tucker Carlson's next rotating replacement

>>39657, >>39658 Biden admin to send 1,500 troops to southern border for support roles ahead of expected migrant surge

>>39659, >>39661, >>39682 Moar France up in smoke

>>39660 OTD- 2 May 1944: Leonard Dawe, who complied #crossword puzzles for the Britain’s The Daily Telegraph #newspaper, includes code names for the D-Day invasion

>>39662, >>39688 sodium ion batteries to replace lithium ion in China

>>39663, >>39664, >>39670 DJT thanking the staff at his club in Scotland.

>>39665, >>39667 Margin Call the movie, timely

>>39666, >>39684, >>39685, >>39686, >>39687 DOJ: Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures

>>39668 First Recording of Tucker Carlson Leaked - Behind-the-Scenes at Fox News

>>39669 "They want to get rid of crypto […] In Florida, we'll have a prohibition against [CBDC to make sure] we don't have a financial surveillance state

>>39671 Cruz: Justice Breyer traveled on the dime of democrat billionaires…paid for by the Pritzker Foundation. I'm not suggesting Justice Breyer is corrupt…..

>>39672 Vermont allows nonresidents to use its assisted suicide law

>>39673, >>39674, >>39677 Military Homo COMMs from the NAVY?

>>39675 Hawley: We had an assassin come to the home of Justice Kavanaugh and try to murder him. We have had credible threats on the lives of other justices…..

>>39676 Mike Gill walking through the evidence on massive corruption operation based out of New Hampshire on Conservative Daily

>>39678 OK governor signs legislation banning transgender medical care for minors

>>39679 Legacy Media Back Transgender Mob’s Attack On Montana’s Capitol

>>39680, >>39690, >>39693 America First Legal We are going after the architects of censorship.

>>39681 We the People AZ Alliance Sues Maricopa County for Failing to Provide Ballot Envelopes for Public Records Request

>>39683, >>39689, >>39691, >>39692, >>39696, >>39697, >>39698 Press Briefing with Press Secretary Buckwheat

>>39694 RFK would pardon Assange, Snowden others

>>39695 GOP wants answers from Consumer Report about suspected 'hidden pressure campaign' to end gas stoves


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3e0a50 No.39700

File: a5584013d5f40f3⋯.png (1.9 MB,1482x1993,1482:1993,Clipboard.png)

File: e9586a5e911d8a7⋯.png (187.59 KB,718x480,359:240,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a6068fd3dc23c5⋯.png (437.24 KB,738x480,123:80,Clipboard.png)

File: ce0e17c54277cb2⋯.png (712.32 KB,800x541,800:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 61cf9bae307efd0⋯.png (260.86 KB,351x528,117:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786237 (021809ZMAY23) Notable: #23055

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Baker can continue or defer, not forever though

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3e0a50 No.39701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786245 (021813ZMAY23) Notable: LIVE: Senate GOP holding press conference

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LIVE: Senate GOP holding press conference



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3e0a50 No.39702

File: de7473d25b5c302⋯.png (1.04 MB,898x1830,449:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786274 (021821ZMAY23) Notable: AOC and Gaetz team up to introduce bipartisan ban on stock trading in Congress

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Nancy Pelosi Stock Tracker ♟


AOC & Matt Gaetz have teamed up to introduce a bipartisan bill to ban congress members from trading stocks


AOC and Gaetz team up to introduce bipartisan ban on stock trading in Congress

Congress hardly witnesses progressives and far-right Republicans coming together on anything, but three polarizing representatives are finding common ground over an unlikely but significant matter: congressional stock investments.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) of the Progressive Caucus, Matt Gaetz (R-FL) of the Freedom Caucus, and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), co-chair of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, introduced the Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act on Tuesday. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) has signed onto the bill as well. …


Will it happen? Probably not.

To highlight the hypocrisy of it, did we build a way to copy trade their stock trades? Absolutely.

Learn more here 🫡

Autopilot - Copy Trade Top Investors


1:29 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39703

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786279 (021824ZMAY23) Notable: Another epic take-[D]own bye Senator Kennedy

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Another epic take-[D]own bye Senator Kennedy

Democrats' Star Witness Gets Completely EXPOSED




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3e0a50 No.39704

File: f1a9728cf8fc2ad⋯.png (178.94 KB,1170x672,195:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786291 (021826ZMAY23) Notable: Who paid for Ron DeSantis’ trip overseas? No one will say.

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Who paid for Ron DeSantis’ trip overseas? No one will say.

May 02, 2023

Read the full story by Gary Fineout of POLITICO here.



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3e0a50 No.39705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786299 (021829ZMAY23) Notable: #ThisDayInSpaceHistory, on May 2, 1946, Project RAND filed its first report, titled "Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship."

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United States Space Force

#ThisDayInSpaceHistory, on May 2, 1946, Project RAND filed its first report, titled "Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship." The RAND study indicated that building and launching an artificial satellite would be technically feasible.

1:25 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786301 (021830ZMAY23) Notable: The only person talking about cutting veterans’ benefits is President Biden.

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Rep Ryan Zinke

The only person talking about cutting veterans’ benefits is President Biden.

1:44 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39707

File: e936e7cd8285972⋯.png (884.68 KB,1030x683,1030:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786340 (021836ZMAY23) Notable: DEMS are Spinning the Narrative that the Debt Ceiling Hasn't Been Raised

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DEMS are Spinning the Narrative that the Debt Ceiling Hasn't Been Raised

But It has

by $1,500,000,000,000

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3e0a50 No.39708

File: 424ca53aa0cdae5⋯.png (1013.96 KB,1054x864,527:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786359 (021840ZMAY23) Notable: DEMS are Spinning the Narrative that the Debt Ceiling Hasn't Been Raised

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It's Amazing, DEMS, KJP & Bidan Are Completely Ignoring the -FACT- That the Debt Ceiling -WAS- Raise by $1.5 Trillion

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3e0a50 No.39709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786369 (021841ZMAY23) Notable: Senate panel examines Supreme Court ethics as questions swirl

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Whole hearing:

Senate panel examines Supreme Court ethics as questions swirl

Ethics concerns relating to U.S. Supreme Court justices are scrutinized by a Senate panel during a hearing called after revelations about luxury trips and real estate transactions involving members of the nation's top judicial body.

May 2, 2023 2:33:42

Streamed live 3 hours ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gan4ETymHDs

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3e0a50 No.39710

File: 9921ac0a08ce0bb⋯.png (784.67 KB,1113x1310,1113:1310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786372 (021842ZMAY23) Notable: Active Shooter situation after shots fired at Fox 13 news building forces everyone to evacuate

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🚨#BREAKING: Active Shooter situation after shots fired at Fox 13 news building forces everyone to evacuate

📌#Memphis | #Tennessee

Currently there is an active shooter situation After shots were fired at the fox 13 building near University of Memphis campus, and multiple law enforcement and other agencies are on the scene. the entire Fox 13 news building in the vicinity has been evacuated. The suspect is currently barricaded in a nearby building in a bathroom no injuries have been reported.

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3e0a50 No.39711

File: 67006056a3f3515⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,1620x2137,1620:2137,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786382 (021844ZMAY23) Notable: Flynn before Trump years

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>>>/qresearch/18785912 pb.

Fuck Flynn, because he was taking Energy Out of the United States and was working with Russia and China on the deal!!!


General Michael Flynn’s Efforts to Lift Sanctions and Promote a Joint Project with Russia to Build Nuclear Reactors in the Middle East

Before the Election

• From April 2015 to June 2016, Flynn served as an “advisor” for ACU Strategic Partners, which was promoting a plan to work with Russia to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East, according to his latest financial disclosure form.1 ACU claimed that “Total Regional Security” for its project would be provided by Rosoboron, a Russian company currently under U.S. sanctions. It also listed Atomstroy—a Russian nuclear power facility construction company—as one of the companies that would construct the nuclear power plants.2

• On June 10, 2015, Flynn testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa that he “just came from a trip—fairly extensive trip to the Middle East” where “one of the big issues that came up” was nuclear power in the Middle East.3

• Flynn signed a Truth in Testimony form claiming that he was testifying on behalf of the Flynn Intel Group, but he did not report that he was an advisor to ACU at the time.4 He also failed to report this trip on his security clearance renewal application in January 2016 and concealed it from background check investigators who interviewed him as part of that process.5

• Later in June 2015—after his congressional testimony—Flynn took another, separate trip to Egypt and Israel to meet with high-level government officials regarding the nuclear

1 Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) for Michael Flynn (Aug. 3, 2017) (online at www.documentcloud.org/documents/3913715-Michael-Flynn-amended-public-financial- disclosure.html).

2 ACU/X-Co/IPG—The Iron Bridge (undated) (online at http://s.newsweek.com/sites/www.newsweek.com/files/acu_x-co_ironbridge_acu.pdf).

3 House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa, Hearing on Iran’s Missile Defense Capabilities, 114th Cong. (June 10, 2015) (online at https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/subcommittee-hearing-irans-enduring-ballistic-missile-threat/).

4 House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa, “Truth in Testimony” Disclosure Form (June 10, 2015) (online at http://docs.house.gov/meetings/FA/FA13/20150610/103582/HHRG-114-FA13-TTF-FlynnM-20150610.pdf).

5 Letter from Ranking Member Elijah E. Cummings, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Ranking Member Eliot Engel, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, to Flynn Intel Group et al. (Sept. 12, 2017) (online at https://democrats- oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/documents/2017-09- 12.%20EEC%20%20E.Engel%20%20to%20ACU%20Re.Flynn_Redacted.FINAL_.pdf).


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3e0a50 No.39712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786383 (021844ZMAY23) Notable: Biden’s Incompetent Secretary of Interior Says She is Unaware China Controls Critical Minerals Needed for Electric Vehicles

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Biden’s Incompetent Secretary of Interior Says She is Unaware China Controls Critical Minerals Needed for Electric Vehicles

Joe Biden’s incompetent Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland on Tuesday said she was completely unaware China controls the critical minerals needed for the electric vehicles.

The Biden Regime is FORCING electric vehicles on the American people and China controls the critical minerals needed for the car batteries.

Secretary Haaland is clueless.

Deb Haaland was not chosen to be Biden’s Interior Secretary because she’s qualified for the job.

She checked a box: First Native American cabinet secretary.

And this is the result…

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) on Tuesday asked Secretary Haaland if she knew what nation was the largest producer of cobalt, lithium and natural graphite.

“Now, can you tell me what nation is the largest producer of refined lithium in the world?” Hawley asked Haaland.

“No, I can’t,” she replied.

“It’s China,” Hawley said. “Can you tell me what nation is the largest producer of refined cobalt in the world?”

“No, Senator,” she said.

“It’s China!” Hawley said. “Do you know what nation is the largest exporter of natural graphite to the United States globally?”

“No, Senator,” Haaland said again.

“It’s China!” Hawley said.

Hawley pointed at that the Biden Regime is simultaneously blocking the mining of critical minerals in the US and making us dependent on China.


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3e0a50 No.39713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786393 (021847ZMAY23) Notable: TRUTH about 'Reporters Shield' Program to Protect Journalists

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TRUTH about 'Reporters Shield' Program to Protect Journalists

Simon Ateba

I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS: @SamanthaJPower (@PowerUSAID) of @USAID says the @JoeBiden Government Is Launching 'Reporters Shield' Program to Protect Journalists Worldwide. This is a joke!

Speaking with @kaitlancollins of @CNN, she said, "One of the things we realized is that lately, the tactic is to actually bankrupt journalists as well as to detain them. And so what we're launching today is called Reporter Shield. It's an insurance fund that will allow journalists who may not have the means to compete with a repressive government or an oligarch to actually have the insurance and the legal protection that they need in order to fight back and stay in business. Stay in the business of holding accountable those actors who are trying to steal and repress their people."

But, you just attended a White House Correspondents' Dinner where I was not allowed to attend because of my questions, because I am doing my job. @Stripe tried to bankrupt me after my confrontation with @jrpsaki for trying to get answers, and I have not been called on in months because @PressSec Karine Jean-Pierre is afraid of my questions. The @whca kicked me out for doing my job and said it was because I did not have money. I can't believe this. You want to do good around the world? Why don't you start here. This is a joke. May God help us.

12:56 PM · May 2, 2023·79.7K Views


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3e0a50 No.39714

File: c2622d77fb0b350⋯.png (292.33 KB,538x901,538:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786420 (021853ZMAY23) Notable: Border Patrol Readies for MASS INVASION as Joe Biden Opens Southern Border and Lifts Title 42 in 9 More Days &ndash; 1,500 Troops Sent to Border

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Border Patrol Readies for MASS INVASION as Joe Biden Opens Southern Border and Lifts Title 42 in 9 More Days – 1,500 Troops Sent to Border

The US Border Patrol is readying for the largest illegal migrant surge at the southern border in US history next week.

Joe Biden is lifting Title 42 – Already, 700,000 to One Million illegals have assembled at the border ready to surge across the US southern border. Joe Biden has opened the borders to millions of illegal invaders.

Title 42 is expected to be lifted on May 10th.

22,000 apprehensions were recorded at the border in the last 72 hours.

Joe Biden is sending 1,500 US troops to the border to process the hundreds of thousands of illegals ready to invade.

The New York Post reported:

President Biden will send 1,500 US soldiers to the US-Mexico border in anticipation of the end of Title 42, the public health policy that has allowed authorities to turn back millions of asylum seekers.

The active-duty Army units will aid Border Patrol agents in stemming the expected tide of tens of thousands of migrants at the US-Mexico border when Title 42 ends May 11. The deployment was first reported by Fox News.

The service members would be armed but only permitted to use their weapons for self-defense.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Over the last week, the Border Patrol has recorded tens of thousands of migrants crossing the southern border illegally as the policy’s enforcement period winds down.

Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said Monday that in the three days prior, agents had made 22,220 apprehensions, including two sex offenders, one convicted murderer and one gang member.


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3e0a50 No.39715

File: 64f40ea8e6a954e⋯.png (69.26 KB,1042x535,1042:535,Clipboard.png)

File: cbeda3cdb8ba9ec⋯.png (748.97 KB,1227x1536,409:512,Clipboard.png)

File: f810a18496bd94c⋯.png (256.24 KB,1045x840,209:168,Clipboard.png)

File: 214ac95be96a161⋯.png (105.68 KB,1061x716,1061:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786433 (021856ZMAY23) Notable: Runbeck Election Services Refuses to Comply with Legal Public Records Request, Maricopa County Served With Letter Threatening Lawsuit

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Runbeck Election Services Refuses to Comply with Legal Public Records Request, Maricopa County Served With Letter Threatening Lawsuit – REQUESTS INCLUDED

Runbeck Election Services has refused to comply with a lawful Public Records Request for “exterior video of all loading dock locations which clearly shows any items) being delivered and/or picked up” and “interior video of all loading dock locations/warehouse space which clearly shows any items) being delivered and/or picked up” after Election Day.

This video could shed light on a central question from Kari Lake’s lawsuit of why there are over 35,000 ballots unaccounted for. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Maricopa County still refuses to answer this question, as well as other questions about the missing ballot chain of custody documentation. According to a recent filing from Lake’s attorneys, Maricopa County Delivery Receipt forms “on Election Day, should have been (but were not) completed at MCTEC with the precise number of EDDB ballots sent to Runbeck.”

A Public Records Request to Runbeck from We The People AZ Alliance Shelby Busch, dated April 8, states:

Dear Public Records:

Pursuant to the Arizona Public Records Law, A.R.S. § 39-121 et seq., We the People AZ Alliance requests: Any and all video recorded from November 8, 2022 through November 15, 2022 that depicts the following:

Exterior video of all loading dock locations which clearly shows any item(s) being delivered and/or picked up.

Interior video of all loading dock locations/wharehouse space which clearly shows any item(s) being delivered and/or picked up.

Where possible, please provide responsive materials in an electronic format by email. Given the importance of free, fair, and transparent elections and the public’s skepticism regarding the conduct of recent elections, We the People AZ Alliance PAC is seeking production of these documents on an expedited basis.

We the People AZ Alliance PAC is a reportorial organization (as referenced in A.R.S. § 16-168(F)) with a current focus on election integrity. We are requesting this information for the purpose of providing information to the public, they are not sought for commercial purposes. As such, we request a waiver of all fees for this request or at most fees be limited to copying and postage charges. A.R.S. § 39-121.01(D)(1). If such charges are required, We the People AZ Alliance agrees to pay up to $25. If the costs for such fees will exceed $25, please notify us prior to incurring such costs. This request is for noncommercial purposes and additional fees are not applicable to this request. Disclosure of the requested information to us is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and its election process. Please be aware that these documents, whether produced by the Custodian of Records or not, are public documents and they may be relevant to future litigation. Any deletion of said public documents can give rise to a negative inference in a court of law.


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3e0a50 No.39716

File: 90708e6659d3a1e⋯.png (207.37 KB,758x593,758:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f36c439540e617⋯.png (238.07 KB,570x543,190:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786466 (021904ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz Assaulted at Florida Festival by Occult-Inspired Biden Donor.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Assaulted at Florida Festival by Occult-Inspired Biden Donor.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL) recounted on Tuesday how a “resistance” activist and Joe Biden donor assaulted him and his wife while the couple attended a wine and food festival in Walton, Florida.

“This past Saturday my wife Ginger and I attended the South Walton Beaches Wine and Food Festival,” said Rep. Gaetz in a statement, explaining: “…we were enjoying catching up with new friends and old, and folks recognized me, and so we were taking pictures and having polite conversations. And as I was chatting with one gentleman, a lady threw a drink on the both of us. She was promptly arrested. I want to thank the folks at the Walton County Sheriff’s office who ensured that this did not escalate and that everyone is kept safe.”

The assailant is believed to be Selena Jo Chambers, 41 years old, who has since locked all her social media accounts.

Rep. Gaetz’s video on the incident, below, asserts that Chambers is a “resistance” writer, Joe Biden donor, and even potentially an occultist.


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3e0a50 No.39717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786514 (021914ZMAY23) Notable: $3 million fentanyl shipment to Maine restaurant prompts arrest

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$3 million fentanyl shipment to Maine restaurant prompts arrest

Employees of a Maine restaurant got a surprise when they opened a large wooden crate they thought was a shipment of mugs they'd recently ordered.

Instead, they found a plastic tote that contained what law enforcement suspect is 31 pounds of the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl with an estimated street value of $3 million, Auburn police Deputy Chief Timothy Cougle said in a statement Saturday.

The tote had a shipping label with the restaurant's address but the name of someone who did not work there. Employees who opened it saw what they thought looked like drugs, so they contacted police, Cougle said.

The crate from Arizona that arrived in the Maine town about 30 miles north of Portland was taken to the police department, where a chemical field examination confirmed it contained fentanyl.

About an hour later, the man whose name was on the shipment showed up looking for the crate and was arrested, police said.

Jeremy Mercier, 41, of Auburn, was charged with drug offenses and for violating bail conditions. He was being held in a county jail without bail. It couldn't be determined if he had an attorney.

Mercier previously spent time behind bars on a 2007 federal drug conviction, Cougle said.

The investigation is ongoing, and Cougle said he anticipates state and federal law enforcement getting involved.

Mike Peters, the co-owner of Mac's Grill, told WMTW-TV in an email that he is glad the drugs didn't make it to the streets.

"The instances of overdose in our, and surrounding, communities is awful, and fentanyl seems to be front and center when it comes to fatalities," he said. "It is very sad."


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3e0a50 No.39718

File: dd052ed14f21f16⋯.png (60.31 KB,828x722,414:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786545 (021923ZMAY23) Notable: Border Patrol Readies for MASS INVASION as Joe Biden Opens Southern Border and Lifts Title 42 in 9 More Days &ndash; 1,500 Troops Sent to Border

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"Troops to border"

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3e0a50 No.39719

File: 878000f8bc6bc01⋯.png (180.22 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ab472eafc722c48⋯.png (180.3 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: cf2b574bd21157f⋯.png (187.74 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a3a98999218b5b3⋯.png (109.42 KB,788x643,788:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a5663163b11fe5⋯.png (386 KB,773x861,773:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786554 (021925ZMAY23) Notable: 2011 emails reveal Hunter Biden helped business associates get access to VP Biden, top aide: 'I'll do the mtg'

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2011 emails reveal Hunter Biden helped business associates get access to VP Biden, top aide: 'I'll do the mtg'

'This is the guy with the magic paper that you had me meet with,' VP Biden's deputy chief of staff said in a 2012 email to Hunter Biden

President Biden and his deputy chief of staff held a meeting with three of Hunter Biden’s business associates, at least one of whom was a foreign national, at the White House in the summer of 2011 when he was vice president, according to emails and White House visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital.

At the time of the meeting, Hunter was trying to secure a deal with those associates in bonds worth billions of dollars.

In June 2011, Hunter Biden and his business partner, Rosemont Seneca Partners (RSP) co-founder Devon Archer, were in talks with Sean Conlon, the future CNBC "The Deed" co-host and founder of Conlon & Co., about a potentially lucrative business opportunity if Hunter would be able to secure a meeting between his father and two of Conlon's associates, Andre Lasserre and "Wang," who is identified as Xi Wang in the visitor logs.

Earlier, energy executive David Gamperl had emailed Conlon a contract that was sent to him by Nagi Ghawi, chairman/president of since-dissolved Mercantile Investment Group in the West Indies, which Gamperl said had "a real business model here" and would help them make a "substantial profit."

"Here is the current contract," Gamperl told Conlon on June 22, 2011. "Proof of funds are in place and we may close this week. It has been a challenge in the management of procedures but I think we have it now. We will make substantial profit on this deal but market is between $230 to $380 million. I'm trying to close this bond immediately, as it opens up the flood gates on 29 other bonds that have less hair and much more value. I will also forward you copy of bond and verification from the perito (who is a government official who inspects the authenticity of the bond). Good stuff and I think we have a real business model here."

Despite forwarding this email to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, Conlon said, "I know Absolutely nothing about that" in a Monday email to Fox News Digital. He did not respond to any of Fox News Digital's other questions.

Conlon then forwarded Gamperl’s email to Hunter and Archer, writing, "This is why I am putting up with this carnival! We need to put our heads together on this."

Later that morning, Ghawi emailed Conlon an "RSP - Mercantile Oil & Gas Corporation Proposal," and appeared to suggest that a meeting with the vice president or his chief of staff would have to occur "ASAP" in order to access additional bonds worth billions of dollars through their "Andre Lasserre connection."


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3e0a50 No.39720

File: ab6aff8421fd7b2⋯.png (191.66 KB,687x740,687:740,Clipboard.png)

File: ada126e28d5e2ab⋯.png (160.39 KB,687x618,229:206,Clipboard.png)

File: d3d94a12d036720⋯.png (415.11 KB,589x776,589:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786594 (021934ZMAY23) Notable: Member of Parliament confirms the UK will sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

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Member of Parliament confirms the UK will sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

Last week, Mark Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bolsover, responded to a constituent’s email:

“Then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, alongside other world leaders, called for the creation of a pandemic treaty … the current target date for agreeing on the text of the new instrument is May 2024, at the World Health Assembly (WHA) … Over the next year, the UK will continue to work towards building a consensus on how the global community can better prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics,” he wrote.

Fletcher’s reply implies that it is not only a fait accompli but that the UK is very much one of the significant, if not the major, driving forces behind the Treaty.

Many things can be said about Fletcher’s response, not least of all his questionable statement: “A pandemic treaty [ ] would help … prevent a global pandemic, if this were to happen again.” However, in this article, we want to draw your attention, again, to the fact that the Pandemic Treaty is not the only route WHO is pursuing in its quest to impose a global health dictatorship. And, at this time, the Pandemic Treaty is the less urgent of the evils.

We have included a copy of Fletcher’s response at the end of this article.

Two weeks ago, in response to a petition, a debate was held in Westminster Hall on the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) proposed Pandemic Treaty. As the petition and the parliamentary debate had done, many are focusing on the ratification of the ‘Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord’, the so-called “Pandemic Treaty.” However, there are two routes through which WHO is attempting to impose a global health dictatorship. One is the Pandemic Treaty and the other is the amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”).

The two proposals aim to expand an international bureaucracy for health emergencies with an additional annual budget estimated by the World Bank at three times WHO’s current budget. This program is heavily backed by WHO’s major individual and corporate sponsors – entities that will directly benefit through the commodity-centred responses that are proposed.

Why is WHO following two routes and not just one? Because if power and authority over much of the world cannot be gained through amendments to the IHR then WHO will rely on its Pandemic Treaty.

The proposed amendments to the IHR are a completely different set of proposals to the Pandemic Treaty that will not need to be signed into being by any government. For the amendments to be adopted all that is required is a simple majority of the World Health Assembly (“WHA”). WHA can adopt regulations that are legally binding on WHO Member States unless they expressly reject them or “opt out.” The participation of national legislatures or other governmental bodies is not necessary. The Pandemic Treaty, on the other hand, will require a two-thirds majority of the Member States present and voting in the Assembly for it to be adopted.


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3e0a50 No.39721

File: f84ae765503d4fa⋯.png (319.63 KB,598x622,299:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786598 (021936ZMAY23) Notable: Russia is actually winning the conflict in Ukraine - US General Cavoli.

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Replay ⏪

Russia is actually winning the conflict in Ukraine - US General Cavoli.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in Europe, General Cavoli, in the testimony of the House of Representatives on the armed forces, said that Russia was winning the conflict and explained that the "degradation of the Russian armed forces" was very grossly distorted by the media.

"Most of the Russian military did not suffer from this conflict," the US general said.


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3e0a50 No.39722

File: 3c3beb5021a5bbb⋯.png (355.36 KB,793x437,793:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a73b161e575012⋯.png (127.62 KB,1042x720,521:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786634 (021945ZMAY23) Notable: 288 dark web vendors arrested in major marketplace seizure

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288 dark web vendors arrested in major marketplace seizure

Law enforcement on three continents seize EUR 50.8 million in cash and virtual currencies, 850 kg of drugs and 117 firearms

In an operation coordinated by Europol and involving nine countries, law enforcement have seized the illegal dark web marketplace “Monopoly Market” and arrested 288 suspects involved in buying or selling drugs on the dark web. More than EUR 50.8 million (USD 53.4 million) in cash and virtual currencies, 850 kg of drugs, and 117 firearms were seized. The seized drugs include over 258 kg of amphetamines, 43 kg of cocaine, 43 kg of MDMA and over 10 kg of LSD and ecstasy pills.

This operation, codenamed SpecTor, was composed of a series of separate complementary actions in Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Switzerland.

Intelligence packages as basis for investigations

Europol has been compiling intelligence packages based on troves of evidence provided by German authorities, who successfully seized the marketplace’s criminal infrastructure in December 2021. These target packages, created by cross-matching and analysing the collected data and evidence, served as the basis for hundreds of national investigations. The vendors arrested as a result of the police action against Monopoly Market were also active on other illicit marketplaces, further impeding the trade of drugs and illicit goods on the dark web. As a result, 288 vendors and buyers who engaged in tens of thousands of sales of illicit goods were arrested across Europe, the United States and Brazil. A number of these suspects were considered high-value targets by Europol.

The arrests took place in the United States (153), the United Kingdom (55), Germany (52), the Netherlands (10), Austria (9), France (5), Switzerland (2), Poland (1) and Brazil (1). A number of investigations to identify additional individuals behind dark web accounts are still ongoing. As law enforcement authorities gained access to the vendors’ extensive buyer lists, thousands of customers across the globe are now at risk of prosecution as well.

Illicit marketplaces on the dark web

In the run-up to this coordinated operation, German and U.S. authorities also shut down ‘Hydra’, which was the highest-grossing dark web market with an estimated revenue of EUR 1.23 billion, in April 2022. The Hydra takedown saw EUR 23 million in cryptocurrencies seized by German authorities.

In terms of arrests, the operation was even more successful than previous operations codenamed DisrupTor (2020) with 179 and Dark HunTor (2021) with 150 arrests. It shows once more that international collaboration between police authorities is key for combatting crime on the Dark Web.

https://www.europol.europa eu/media-press/newsroom/news/288-dark-web-vendors-arrested-in-major-marketplace-seizure

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3e0a50 No.39723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786642 (021946ZMAY23) Notable: 288 dark web vendors arrested in major marketplace seizure

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Largest International Operation Against Darknet Trafficking of Fentanyl and Opioids Results in Record Arrests and Seizures


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3e0a50 No.39724

File: ec07f9a41e1e1b7⋯.mp4 (15.35 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786671 (021954ZMAY23) Notable: Border Patrol Readies for MASS INVASION as Joe Biden Opens Southern Border and Lifts Title 42 in 9 More Days &ndash; 1,500 Troops Sent to Border

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The diversity hire moved off the immigration question just as fast as the Biden and Epstein question. 😂🤡


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3e0a50 No.39725

File: cc2676e3d1b0b10⋯.png (1.05 MB,793x944,793:944,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786704 (022001ZMAY23) Notable: Revolutionary Guard has taken over #Iran’s economy, secret files said to show

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Heshmat Alavi

Revolutionary Guard has taken over #Iran’s economy, secret files said to show

Opposition group provides UK’s The Times with memos showing how powerful unit is involved in key aspects of country’s finances; analyst talks of IRGC plan to target global Jewry


3:57 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39726

File: 7266256b3d3d9f7⋯.png (33.55 KB,514x172,257:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 644d9356e2147df⋯.png (649.68 KB,941x999,941:999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786708 (022002ZMAY23) Notable: Kari Lake: Ken Blackwell just released a statement about Maricopa County's disastrous 2022 Midterm Election & their sham attempt at an internal "investigation."

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Former Ohio Secretary of State, and current Chair of the Center of Election integrity at the America First Policy Institute, Ken Blackwell just released a statement about Maricopa County's disastrous 2022 Midterm Election & their sham attempt at an internal "investigation."

We The People Demand a Remedy


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3e0a50 No.39727

File: ac30b01927419c1⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786717 (022005ZMAY23) Notable: Border Patrol Readies for MASS INVASION as Joe Biden Opens Southern Border and Lifts Title 42 in 9 More Days &ndash; 1,500 Troops Sent to Border

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Karine Jean-Fullofshito

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3e0a50 No.39728

File: 4bd0aa27e4e9723⋯.png (634.44 KB,1024x580,256:145,Clipboard.png)

File: f750fa85707d7ff⋯.png (116.05 KB,1035x853,1035:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786771 (022027ZMAY23) Notable: Oregon Secretary Of State Resigns Amid Ethics Scandal

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Oregon Secretary Of State Resigns Amid Ethics Scandal

The month of May. The season of rebirth. The birds are chirping, the leaves are sprouting green, the sun is out, and there’s an election in progress. What a perfect time for Oregon’s Secretary Of State, Shemia Fagan, to get caught up in a shady lobbying scheme and forced to resign in shame.

Barely two years into the job, Fagan announced her resignation Monday morning, effective the following Monday, May 8th, after it was revealed she was moonlighting as a lobbying for an embattled weed shop that was millions behind in tax debt, but somehow had enough money to generously contribute to numerous democrat campaigns, while also stiffing their employees. Somehow they had enough money to pay Fagan $10,000 a month to pull political favors.

The story, first broken by Willamette Week last week, chronicles the scam:

In a remarkable turn of events, Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan confirms in response to questions from WW that she entered into an agreement in February to provide consulting services to an affiliate of the troubled La Mota cannabis dispensary chain.

As WW has previously reported, the owners of La Mota were also major donors to Fagan’s election campaign and have been under the scrutiny of at least two state agencies, the Oregon Department of Revenue and the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission.

La Mota appears to be in financial trouble. In recent years, the Department of Revenue and the federal Internal Revenue Service have filed more than $7 million in liens against La Mota owners Rosa Cazares and Aaron Mitchell, and the companies they control, for failing to pay taxes in full.

The contract included a base payment of $10,000 a month with additional bonuses of $30,000 for each license she helped the affiliate of La Mota obtain outside the states of Oregon and New Mexico.

Fagan has said the amount of time she spent on the contract was “minimal,” but it was far more lucrative than her state salary of $77,000, or about $6,420 a month.

One such example included a scheme with Connecticut’s Lt. Governor to expand La Mota’s franchise out east.

Of course the same media that launched the story quickly published a puff piece, painting Fagan as the innocent single mother who was only trying to get enough money to make ends meet and pay back hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, since her Secretary Of State job “only” pays $77,000 a year, plug per diem.

Newly minted governor Tina Kotek called for an investigation into the matter, and several other officials called on Fagan to resign.


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3e0a50 No.39729

File: f3824651f30ca4e⋯.png (36.23 KB,622x282,311:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786789 (022034ZMAY23) Notable: Green Energy Industry Admits It Needs Cheap Chinese Goods To Survive

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Not a fan of solar. Already have a collection of cheap, planned to be obsolete cheap China made goods. What happens to defunct solar equipment? The localities take in the sales tax on the products without a plan for the debris.

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3e0a50 No.39730

File: b036f4243a5c4d8⋯.png (239.75 KB,704x406,352:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786853 (022051ZMAY23) Notable: The All-American Drug Cartel - Mike Gill dig/bun

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The All-American Drug Cartel

Mike Gill Interview

Divided & Conquered

Mar 22, 2023

Mike Gill ran the largest-volume mortgage brokerage firm in the United States. When meeting victims from the FRM Ponzi Scheme, he created an intelligence network exposing corruption in the state of New Hampshire. He has made the rounds doing interviews, so I have gone through the allegations adding articles of what I could verify.


According to Mike Gill’s interview with Sarah Westall, the heads of this cartel are Bill Greiner, Andy Crews and Dick Anagnost and all three sit on the board of Primary Bank. They own casinos, auto dealerships, hospitals, treatment centers, pharmacies, hospice care, and nursing homes. Not only do they profit from the drugs that are killing our kids but also steal tax dollars from running drug treatment centers they operate.

Andy Crews is the former NH lottery commissioner, owner of Autofair, and former vice-chairman of Primary Bank. The lottery commissioner issues the casino liscense.

Dick Anagnost owns casinos, hospitals, treatment centers, pharmacies, hospice care, nursing homes.

Bill Greiner is current chairman of Primary Bank and founder of Greiner Investments, a firm that develops and invests in real estate.

They traffick drugs out of treatment centersand use their businesses to money launder, but they never lose their business licenses, audited, or go to jail.

Reports: Pence canceled visit to NH rehab linked to drug dealer investigation by Mike Cronin July 23, 2019

Former Vice President Mike Pence plane was turned around because he suppose to meet with Granite State Recovery counselor and ex-NFL star Jeffery Hatch, who also happened to be a drug trafficker.

The treatment counselors are cartel members. They are committing Medicaid fraud in the billions. They have a network of street dealers running out of the treatment centers. This is all about stealing taxpayer’s money at the federal level.

Cops: Drug money gets a wash, rinse and dry at New Hampshire casinos by Mark Hayward March 17, 2022

Dick Anagnost’s DraftKings Sportsbook never lost their casino license after money laundering was discovered at his establishment by an affiliate of The Caruso (drug trafficking organization).

It is alleged thatAndy Crew’s Autofair was used for drug trafficking and money laundering. They take hidden assets and put it in tangible products. That’s why the cartel owned the largest car dealership Autofair and even use the car carriers to ship the fentanyl, heroine, and cocaine. The money goes into the inventory. They pad the finance loans at Primary Bank which is also cartel operated

In 2021, after the release of the Pandora Papers, Andy Crews resigned from Autofair.

Many in the media make out the people exposed in the Pandora Papers as little more than tax cheats. The truth is more sinister. The trusts, LLC fronts, and dummy corporations are laundering money for drug, organ, and human traffickers. It also shields the politicians who are being paid to provide legal protection to these cartels.

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3e0a50 No.39731

File: a09c4b794fed6a9⋯.png (324.88 KB,838x373,838:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786864 (022055ZMAY23) Notable: The All-American Drug Cartel - Mike Gill dig/bun

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>The All-American Drug Cartel

Dartmouth, Fentanyl and the NH AG’s Office by Grazing the Surface February 09, 2022

The Pandora Papers and New Hampshire

In October 2021, a report on the Pandora Papers was published. That report revealed that, per NHPR, $932.5 billion was hidden in trusts, LLCs, and related in New Hampshire. Listed in the article were addresses at Dartmouth College, St Pauls School, Phillips Exeter Academy, and a large auto dealer which I believe may be Autofair. The CEO of Autofair, Andrew Crews, is also on the board of Granite One Health.

Current NH Governor Sununu is on the board of Trustees at Dartmouth. Former US Attorney John Kakavas (US Attorney during the trial of El Chapo’s cousin for drug trafficking in New Hampshire) is the legal counsel for Dartmouth Hitchcock. Andrew Crews is on the board of Granite One Health and CEO of AutoFair.

New Hampshire is 90% White and 4% Hispanic with a population of 1.3 million:

#1 in opioid overdoses

#1 money laundering

#1 military weapons manufacturing

You can read more about their involvement at Is New Hampshire the Libertarian Mena, AR?


How The Protection Network Operates:

Bill Shaheen’s wife, Jean Shaheen, was the New Hampshire Governor and U.S. Senator along with Maggie Hassan. The Governor appoints the state’s Attorney General who controls state agencies by assigning the lawyers for the banking department, department of revenue, and others. The AG is supposed to be the “people’s attorney.” The AG can block investigations, prosecutions, and judgements. Certain law firms, under Bill Shaheen’s direction, infiltrated the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office. The same law firms that represent you are the same ones that control the courts.

The assistant AGs (populated by Shaheen affiliated lawyers) move on to become department heads and the most corrupt become judges. So, there’s a network of corrupt judges through our court system. What about the non-corrupt lawyers and judges? Those same corrupt department heads control professional and business licenses to operate in the state. Most will keep their heads down because they are scares and to keep their jobs. The American Cartel controls the higher court all the way to the lower courts in the very small state of New Hampshire. These courts aren’t about being fair, this is a money-making opportunity.

Biden appeals court nominee faces questions for role in school sexual assault case by Tierney Sneed February 16, 2023

Former New Hampshire AG Michael Delaney, nominated for the 1st US Circuit Court of Appeals, was scrutinized by senators for a motion he filed in a rape case on behalf of a private school arguing that the underage victim should only be allowed to proceed with the case anonymously if certain conditions were met.

“New Hampshire Democratic Sens. Maggie Hassan and Jeannie Shaheen both spoke in Delaney's favor at Wednesday's hearing, with Shaheen referencing the support Delaney has received from former Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who was New Hampshire state attorney general when he was the deputy attorney general.”

These politicians and their affiliated law firms sell protection to the most corrupt such as pharmaceutical companies and drug cartels. How much is that type of protection worth to people who would otherwise spend the rest of their lives in prison? The methodology is to take over a state that is vulnerable with a small population. Moving in 20,000 “libertarians” to take over New Hampshire would most certainly do it. Free State Project founder Jason Sorens and Dick Anagnost support the same St. Anselm College forum.1

Bill Shaheen built the network then it was for sale. Maggie Hassan and then Chris Sununu was governor after Jean Shaheen.

The FBI is the umbrella over this protection network. How many times did we see the FBI’s fingerprints over the Russia investigation and Hunter Biden’s laptop? The FBI had possession of Hunter’s laptop since 2019 and lied to the media calling it “Russian disinformation.”2

They know the corruption of Joe Biden and it makes him the perfect puppet. The FBI also protects the DEA. Mike Gill gave DEA agent Delena the evidence for an 80,000lbs capacity trailer filled top to bottom with fentanyl worth billions in NH. Yet, no one went to prison. Politicians became wealthy and the cartel goes unchecked. The largest cartel is in NH because they are the distribution center.

The Laundering Network

The problem with illegal cartel money is where do you put the money after you steal it? How do you clean it? The protection network became the laundering network too. Inspector General of the Treasury and IRS is tipping off the cartel. When you have politicians in your pocket, they can appoint the auditors.

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3e0a50 No.39732

File: 35256cdc93d4339⋯.png (623.34 KB,892x453,892:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786870 (022056ZMAY23) Notable: The All-American Drug Cartel - Mike Gill dig/bun

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>>The All-American Drug Cartel

5 Major Banks Exposed for Moving Trillions for Mobsters, Onecoin, and Drug Cartels

“According to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), five major global banks have been exposed funneling trillions of dollars in criminal funds in the recently leaked FinCEN Files. The massive leak is 2,100 documents spanning from 2000 to 2017 which shows fraudulent funds flowed almost effortlessly through JPMorgan, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank, and Bank of New York Mellon.”

Shaheen faces scrutiny over IRS letters by Jim Haddadin May 15, 1013

“U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen faced fresh criticism Wednesday from her political opponents over letters she sent to a former IRS commissioner.

Republicans are accusing Shaheen and other Senate Democrats of exerting pressure on the IRS to crack down on political groups seeking nonprofit status.

The critique comes amid new revelations this week that the IRS improperly targeted conservative groups for scrutiny over a period of more than 18 months, between 2010 and 2012.”

Banks laundering money for drug cartels is well documented and Senator Jean Shaheen has a history of weaponizing the IRS for political gain. Using the IRS as protection from audits for these cartel operated businesses seems likely. The banking commissioner doesn’t have to audit if he trusts you. How convenient?

Mike Gill’s YouTube video: Meet the Money Launderer for the Deep State IRS

NH Banking Commissioner Jerry Little was appointed by Gov. Maggie Hassan in 2016.

Here’s a photo of Jerry Little at the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Primary Bank Elm St. branch with Bill Greiner and Senators Maggie Hassan and Jean Shaheen:

MANCHESTER, NH — Shown at the opening of Primary Bank’s new branch location at 1662 Elm St. in Manchester are, from left: Crystal Dionne, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the bank; NH Banking Commissioner Jerry Little; Erica Candage, Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager; U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan; Primary Bank President and CEO Bill Stone; Bill Greiner, Chair of Primary Bank’s Board of Directors; Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig; Congressman Chris Pappas; U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen; and Joe Bator, Executive Vice President and Senior Loan Officer.

I wonder how much Jerry Little “trusts” Primary Bank cartel members?

In 2021, Boston Private Bank & Trust merged with Silicon Valley Bank3

Some facts about Boston Private Bank & Trust:

Registered on Apr 30, 2010 as a foreign profit corporation

The agent name is CT Corporation System

The registered address: 2 1/2 Beacon Street, Concord, NH

SVB lends the majority of their money to tech start ups where 80% go out of business within the first year. Israeli firms were able to get their money out before the collapse happened:

OurCrowd, a SoftBank Group Corp-backed Israeli venture capital firm said it transferred “almost all” of its money out of Silicon Valley Bank before the lender failed.4

How was Israel warned about the bank collapse to get their money out first?

Israel’s Talpiot Program graduates and Unit 8200 veterans create tech startups or infiltrates U.S. cybersecurity firms. These tech firms are connected to the Israeli governement. It would be an easy way to clean cartel money and offshore it to Israel.

Israel, Russia, China, and Iran are working together on the Belt and Road Initiative to form the Mackinderesque Eurasian Economic Union.

Remember: Shaheen and Gordon law firm represented Ghislaine Maxwell and she ran to New Hampshire for protection. Her blackmail and money perhaps? Jefferey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell (CIA and Mossad connected) were involved in financial services, blackmailing and money laundering. Blackmail is the currency in Washington, D.C.

AGs from New Hampshire, other states ask Biden to label Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations by KC Downey Feb 10, 2023

77% of drug traffickers are U.S. citizens.5

All the calls to declare Mexican Cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, but why do we hear nothing on declaring American Cartels as domestic terrorists?

Why does Gov. Greg Abbott claim to invoke the Invasion Clause of the Texas Constitution, then turn around and give them a free plane ride to the interior? Its just another way for politicians to seem like they are doing something to fix the problem while actually protecting their involvement in the cartel.

“Whether on the lam or in jail, Guzman [El Chapo’s cousin] continued to run his powerful cartel through a network of business tentacles that stretched to some of the most unlikely places &ndash; including the easternmost town in New Hampshire.”6

The Southern Border is open because the politicians and the American Cartel want it open because they work with the Mexican Cartels.



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3e0a50 No.39733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786871 (022057ZMAY23) Notable: The All-American Drug Cartel - Mike Gill dig/bun

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Possible Mistakes in Mike Gill Interview

I cannot find Bill Greiner, Michael Delaney (NH AG), or Joseph Foster (NH AG) involved with SVB or Boston Private Bank & Trust. If I am wrong I would appreciate someone leaving the links in the comments section.

John Delaney is named as a Managing Director at SVB Private | Financial Services. https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-delaney-8101477

Ken Greiner of Dalton Greiner Hartman Maher & Co. was aquired by Boston Private Financial Holdings. https://www.thinkadvisor.com/2003/05/12/boston-private-plans-purchase-of-dalton-greiner/

Additional Links:

SVB Collapse: Full List of Lawmakers Who Voted to Weaken Banking Regulation by Darragh Roche March 14, 2023

On the list:

Maggie Hassan (D-NH) Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) Ann M. Kuster, Democrat, New Hampshire

The largest donations from FTX went to Senator Maggie Hassan and the New Hampshire Democratic Party.

FTX to NHDems: Return Your Stolen SBF Money! by Michael Graham Feb 06, 2023

“That includes both Sen. Maggie Hassan and the state Democratic Party (NHDP), who are among the top recipients in the nation of campaign donations from the now-disgraced crypto king.”

The Role Regulators Played in the FTX Fiasco by Daniel Kuhn Nov 10, 2022

“LBRY CEO Jeremy Kauffman is a New Hampshire homesteader who intends to fight the decision, but how many other projects will just move elsewhere?”

Tax Fraud, Registered Agents, and U.S. Shell Companies by Robert J. Fedor May 19, 2022

The role of registered agents in money laundering.













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3e0a50 No.39734

File: 7d5d271f7a8695e⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,4000x2253,4000:2253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786876 (022057ZMAY23) Notable: World Economic Forum predicts 14 million jobs lost in 5 years due to slow economic growth. AI likely to have some positive and negative effects…

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World Economic Forum predicts 14 million jobs lost in 5 years due to slow economic growth

Artificial intelligence is likely to have some positive and negative effects on future jobs.

An estimated 14 million jobs are expected to be lost in the next five years, in part due to slower economic growth, according to a new World Economic Forum report.

The WEF, which hosts an annual gathering in Davos, Switzerland, surveyed over 800 companies and found that of the 673 million jobs studied, 69 million will be gained and 83 million will be lost, resulting in a 2% net decrease in current employment by 2027.

"The three key drivers of expected net job destruction are forecast to be slower economic growth, supply shortages and the rising cost of inputs, and the rising cost of living for consumers," the report states.

Artificial intelligence is likely to have some positive and negative effects on future jobs.

The survey respondents also predicted that 42% of tasks will be automated in five years, up from 35% of tasks today.

Half of all organizations expect that AI will lead to job growth while 25% expect it to create job losses, according to the report.


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3e0a50 No.39735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786970 (022119ZMAY23) Notable: #23055

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final bun for #23055

hold till the top. put'n this bred to bed

>>>/qresearch/18786929 that's qewl. bv has his very own stalker… ghey

#23055 >>39700

>>39701 LIVE: Senate GOP holding press conference

>>39702 AOC and Gaetz team up to introduce bipartisan ban on stock trading in Congress

>>39703 Another epic take-[D]own bye Senator Kennedy

>>39704 Who paid for Ron DeSantis’ trip overseas? No one will say.

>>39705 #ThisDayInSpaceHistory, on May 2, 1946, Project RAND filed its first report, titled "Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship."

>>39706 The only person talking about cutting veterans’ benefits is President Biden.

>>39707, >>39708 DEMS are Spinning the Narrative that the Debt Ceiling Hasn't Been Raised

>>39709 Senate panel examines Supreme Court ethics as questions swirl

>>39710 Active Shooter situation after shots fired at Fox 13 news building forces everyone to evacuate

>>39711 Flynn before Trump years

>>39712 Biden’s Incompetent Secretary of Interior Says She is Unaware China Controls Critical Minerals Needed for Electric Vehicles

>>39713 TRUTH about 'Reporters Shield' Program to Protect Journalists

Ghost Grab

>>39714, >>39718, >>39724, >>39727 Border Patrol Readies for MASS INVASION as Joe Biden Opens Southern Border and Lifts Title 42 in 9 More Days &ndash; 1,500 Troops Sent to Border

>>39715 Runbeck Election Services Refuses to Comply with Legal Public Records Request, Maricopa County Served With Letter Threatening Lawsuit

>>39716 Rep. Matt Gaetz Assaulted at Florida Festival by Occult-Inspired Biden Donor.

>>39717 $3 million fentanyl shipment to Maine restaurant prompts arrest

>>39719 2011 emails reveal Hunter Biden helped business associates get access to VP Biden, top aide: 'I'll do the mtg'

>>39720 Member of Parliament confirms the UK will sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>39721 Russia is actually winning the conflict in Ukraine - US General Cavoli.

>>39722, >>39723 288 dark web vendors arrested in major marketplace seizure

>>39725 Revolutionary Guard has taken over #Iran’s economy, secret files said to show

>>39726 Kari Lake: Ken Blackwell just released a statement about Maricopa County's disastrous 2022 Midterm Election & their sham attempt at an internal "investigation."

>>39728 Oregon Secretary Of State Resigns Amid Ethics Scandal

>>39729 Green Energy Industry Admits It Needs Cheap Chinese Goods To Survive

>>39734 World Economic Forum predicts 14 million jobs lost in 5 years due to slow economic growth. AI likely to have some positive and negative effects…

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3e0a50 No.39736

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18786987 (022122ZMAY23) Notable: #23056

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Baker Ghosting

step up anons

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3e0a50 No.39737

File: e324ffc8b50b3e3⋯.png (37.93 KB,535x249,535:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787028 (022136ZMAY23) Notable: @SenSchumer: If Republicans refuse to level with the American people about their Default on America (DOA) Act, Senate Democrats are more than happy to do it

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If Republicans refuse to level with the American people about their Default on America (DOA) Act, Senate Democrats are more than happy to do it

The DOA Act is a direct assault on families

It would slash child care, weaken our economy, and cut hundreds of thousands of jobs


why does this feel like a threat?

>assault on families

>slash child

>cut hundreds

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3e0a50 No.39738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787041 (022138ZMAY23) Notable: Latest footage of Buckingham Palace as unconfirmed reports of a controlled explosion after one man was arrested

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Man arrested as Buckingham Palace goes into lockdown

Police cordons around Buckingham Palace are being lifted after a man was arrested for throwing what are believed to be shotgun cartridges onto the palace grounds.

A controlled explosion also took place, believed to involve a bag the man was carrying.

Police have said the man was arrested at about 7pm local time (4am AEST).


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3e0a50 No.39739

File: 4d2dc3effc91543⋯.png (213.43 KB,535x606,535:606,Clipboard.png)

File: c7409267541bdd1⋯.mp4 (206.66 KB,576x346,288:173,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 82e941b7b490f47⋯.png (629.6 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787050 (022140ZMAY23) Notable: This is what is going on in schools behind your back

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It is called a pedophile!!

Not a MAP!! This is what is going on in school behind your back. They are painting pedophiles as victims.


-One rope to cure them all.

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3e0a50 No.39740

File: c6b6962e7faa24a⋯.png (437.37 KB,570x737,570:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787062 (022142ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Lawmaker Lois Frankel Sold First Republic Stock Before It Crashed by 80% &ndash; Bought JPMorgan Stock Which Just Bought First Republic Instead

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Democrat Lawmaker Lois Frankel Sold First Republic Stock Before It Crashed by 80% – Bought JPMorgan Stock Which Just Bought First Republic Instead

Investor Matt Allen posted an interesting tweet on how one Democrat lawmaker was able to wade through the collapse of First Republic Bank.

Congresswoman Lois Frankel sold First Republic Bank in March before the stock dropped 80%

After she sold First Republic, she bought JP Morgan Chase which just bought First Republic. She clearly had inside information.

The Free Beacon reported:

Florida Democratic representative Lois Frankel is capitalizing on First Republic Bank’s collapse and subsequent buyout by JP Morgan Chase & Co, according to congressional financial disclosures reported on by Newsweek.

Frankel sold her stock in the San Francisco-based bank on March 16, weeks before the value of its shares dropped 75 percent and U.S. regulators seized the failing bank’s assets, Newsweek reported. A few days later, on March 22, Frankel bought stock in JP Morgan Chase & Co, which on Monday bought most of First Republic Bank’s assets. The exact amount of stock Frankel traded is unknown, but according to the filing, the value for each trade was between $1,001 and $15,000, Newsweek reported.

Frankel’s shrewd trading fuels mounting criticism of members of Congress buying and selling stocks, which allows them to profit from industries they are supposed to regulate. Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D., Ore.) and John Curtis (R., Utah) also reported trading First Republic Bank stocks before its collapse.


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3e0a50 No.39741

File: 652f3717d534031⋯.png (652.86 KB,601x765,601:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787071 (022144ZMAY23) Notable: Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers’ late-night shows will shut down production on Tuesday as Hollywood writers have agreed to go on strike

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Pop Base


Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers’ late-night shows will shut down production on Tuesday as Hollywood writers have agreed to go on strike.


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3e0a50 No.39742

File: 202f811e464a4f6⋯.png (296.31 KB,500x323,500:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 84a02dd671f5f5c⋯.png (78.05 KB,856x659,856:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787086 (022147ZMAY23) Notable: Major Banks Could Be Liable For Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking: Judge

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Major Banks Could Be Liable For Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking: Judge

Two major banks and a bank executive could be liable for Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking, a judge has ruled.

Plaintiffs have presented enough evidence that JPMorgan Chase, longtime JPMorgan executive Jes Staley, and Deutsche Bank could be liable for Epstein’s sex trafficking, U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff said on May 1 as he rejected motions to dismiss cases brought against Staley and the institutions.

“Plaintiffs have pled sufficient facts to support their allegations that JP Morgan had … knowledge of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking venture, either directly or by recklessly disregarding what was plainly to be seen,” Rakoff, a Clinton appointee, wrote in a 54-page decision.

One of the plaintiffs, a woman who says she was abused by Epstein and his associates, has also pled “sufficient facts to support her allegation that Deutsche Bank knew or recklessly disregarded that Jeffrey Epstein ran a sex-trafficking venture,” the judge also said.

The ruling came in cases brought by several alleged Epstein victims and the U.S. Virgin Islands government against JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank. It also covers a claim filed against Staley by JP Morgan.

The banks are accused of violating federal law that prohibits sex trafficking of children by force, fraud, or coercion, with one section of the law allowing for the punishment of people who knowingly benefit financially from participating in a sex trafficking venture.

Defendants have argued they did not participate in Epstein’s venture because they were only providing typical banking services. Participation in a venture requires “specific conduct that furthered the sex trafficking venture,” or conduct that is “more than just passive facilitation,” previous rulings have stated. But plaintiffs have presented evidence that both banks structured the voluminous cash withdrawals Epstein enacted in ways that hid how they were suspicious, the judge said, in addition to delaying or failing to file suspicious activity reports.


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3e0a50 No.39743

File: e0129d1db3a5a9a⋯.png (175.19 KB,592x504,74:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787091 (022149ZMAY23) Notable: The US Dept. of Veterans Affairs is keeping its COVID19 vaccine mandate in place even as most agencies are ending their vaccination requirements

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The US Dept. of Veterans Affairs is keeping its #COVID19 vaccine mandate in place even as most agencies are ending their vaccination requirements.

May 2, 2023

A major federal agency is keeping its COVID-19 vaccine mandate in place even as most agencies are ending their vaccination requirements.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is retaining its mandate, Secretary Denis McDonough said in a message to employees reviewed by The Epoch Times.

The White House’s announcement that many mandates are ending “will not impact” the VA, McDonough said. “To ensure the safety of Veterans and our colleagues, VA health care personnel will still be required to be vaccinated at this time,” he told workers.

“As we transition to this new phase of our response to the pandemic, the vaccine (including booster shots) remains the best way to protect you, your families, your colleagues, and Veterans from COVID-19.”

A VA spokesperson declined to provide any data consulted when choosing to keep the mandate in place.

The VA’s website claims that vaccines “help protect you from getting severe illness” and “offer good protection against most COVID-19 variants,” pointing in part to observational data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that indicate the vaccines provide poor protection against symptomatic infection and transient shielding against hospitalization.

No clinical trial efficacy data has been made public for updated shots from Moderna and Pfizer, and none of the vaccines prevent infection or transmission.

The VA is the second-largest federal agency, employing nearly 400,000 people.

The VA was the first U.S. agency to mandate vaccination for its workers.

“We’re mandating vaccines for Title 38 employees because it’s the best way to keep veterans safe, especially as the Delta variant spreads across the country,” McDonough, an appointee of President Joe Biden, said in a statement on July 26, 2021.

The mandate was later expanded to most Veterans Health Administration employees and volunteers. It covers personnel such as psychologists, pharmacists, housekeepers, social workers, volunteers, and contractors.

“Effectively, this means that any Veterans Health Administration (VHA) employee, volunteer, or contractor who works in VHA facilities, visits VHA facilities, or provides direct care to those we serve will still be subject to the vaccine requirement at this time,” McDonough said on Monday.

The mandate does not cover employees deemed to be VA health care personnel.

Mandates imposed by two other agencies, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Indian Health Service, are also remaining in place while the agencies review the requirements, the Biden administration said.

The NIH did not return requests for comment, and the health service declined to provide more details.



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3e0a50 No.39744

File: 629b64844dcfcf8⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787098 (022149ZMAY23) Notable: Latest footage of Buckingham Palace as unconfirmed reports of a controlled explosion after one man was arrested

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Latest footage of Buckingham Palace as unconfirmed reports of a controlled explosion after one man was arrested.


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3e0a50 No.39745

File: dfac9b5543b2c49⋯.png (55.2 KB,1465x474,1465:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787101 (022150ZMAY23) Notable: 2011 emails reveal Hunter Biden helped business associates get access to VP Biden

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2011 emails reveal Hunter Biden helped

business associates get access to VP Biden,

top aide: 'I'll do the mtg'

Fox News, by Cameron Cawthorne & Jessica Jasmar

Posted By: earlybird, 5/2/2023 4:21:45 PM

President Biden and his deputy chief of staff held a meeting with three of Hunter Biden’s business associates, at least one of whom was a foreign national, at the White House in the summer of 2011 when he was vice president, according to emails and White House visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital. (snip) In June 2011, Hunter Biden and his business partner, Rosemont Seneca Partners (RSP) co-founder Devon Archer, were in talks with Sean Conlon, )sniip) founder of Conlon & Co., about a potentially lucrative business opportunity if Hunter would be able to secure a meeting between his father and two of Conlon's associates, Andre Lasserre and "Wang,"

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3e0a50 No.39746

File: 3530cea5284c57c⋯.png (45.43 KB,658x355,658:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787114 (022153ZMAY23) Notable: Joe Biden blows more than $50 billion on top consulting firms

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Exclusive: Joe Biden BLOWS more than $50

billion on top consulting firms - three

times more than Trump's now-axed border

wall - and YOU are paying for it!

Daily Mail (UK), by James Franey

Posted By: Imright, 5/2/2023 3:32:11 PM

Joe Biden's administration has blown more than $50 billion of taxpayer cash - three times the cost of Donald Trump's border wall - on top consulting firms since entering the White House. A Daily Mail analysis of open-source U.S. government spending data shows that the 80-year-old racked up the eye-watering amount in just over two years on the job. The figures could raise eyebrows amongst voters in key battleground states as ordinary Americans face a cost-of-living crisis and a rise in illegal immigration.

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3e0a50 No.39747

File: 19c3cf08db27bc2⋯.png (656.29 KB,873x525,291:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787121 (022154ZMAY23) Notable: JPMorgan Chase Acquires First Republic Bank with FDIC Backstopping Deal While Ignoring Current Banking Laws

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JPMorgan Chase Acquires First Republic

Bank with FDIC Backstopping Deal While

Ignoring Current Banking Laws

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 5/2/2023 2:54:46 PM

The topline story from the announcement by JPMorgan Chase [SEE HERE] there are no banking rules/laws in the Biden Fed/Treasury system. The Dodd-Frank laws are still on the books, but the FDIC decision to insure all deposits, regardless of size, now means those laws, rules and regulations are not required to be followed. Additionally, as a result of JPMorgan gaining another $100+/- billion in deposit assets, the law(s) surrounding the 10% U.S. deposit maximum, within too big to fail banks, no longer exists. Noted in the announcement, “JPMorgan Chase is assuming all deposits – insured and uninsured.” JPMorgan is also assuming assets consisting of $173 billion in loans and approximately

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3e0a50 No.39748

File: 730533b0be0a9df⋯.png (368.39 KB,889x600,889:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787142 (022158ZMAY23) Notable: FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year

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FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for

This Year – Here’s Why It Must Be Opposed

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 5/2/2023 2:23:06 PM

This is a repost of an earlier outline from last week, you’ll soon see why refamiliarizing yourself with the details is important. Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified April 27, 2023, that more than 3.4 million search queries into the NSA database took place between Dec. 1st, 2020 and Nov. 30th, 2021, by government officials and/or contractors working on behalf of the federal government. These search queries were based on authorizations related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). [OIG Testimony HERE]

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3e0a50 No.39749

File: efaae792b96c912⋯.png (442.89 KB,609x878,609:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787155 (022201ZMAY23) Notable: The CDC just recently admitted to giving 98 million Americans cancer through a contaminated polio vaccine

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Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸


“Fact checkers” still claim this never happened…but the CDC just recently admitted to giving 98 million Americans cancer through a contaminated polio vaccine.

Still “trust the science?”

Watch my video below that explains not only how they did that, but how they made AIDS too.


Quote Tweet

Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸



Apr 27

*NEW VIDEO DROP* If you think what the government just did with the covid vaccine was bad…wait till I tell you how scientists using animals as vectors to manufacture vaccines have created multiple new human diseases throughout the years:

• Just months before AIDS broke out in… Show more

Show this thread


8:23 AM · May 2, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39750

File: 215dcd143919146⋯.png (332.88 KB,597x678,199:226,Clipboard.png)

File: b1316e9f8dbc9ed⋯.png (168.56 KB,1024x848,64:53,Clipboard.png)

File: d7d8c66f1d94ed2⋯.png (153.87 KB,1094x756,547:378,Clipboard.png)

File: ab6aefe7c52f1dc⋯.png (172.69 KB,1187x802,1187:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787156 (022202ZMAY23) Notable: Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death

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Dr. Urso


More Fraud/Lies

Report 69: BOMBSHELL - Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway. - DailyClout



Despite Pfizer and the FDA knowing by April 20, 2021, the extent of damage to fetuses and babies, including the fact that fetuses and newborns had died, on April 23, 2021, inexplicably Dr. Rochelle Walensky held a White House press briefing where she recommended pregnant women get vaccinated. (https://www.verywellhealth.com/pregnant-women-covid-vaccine-5092509)

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3e0a50 No.39751

File: 7067d3a731884b2⋯.png (491.58 KB,602x604,301:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787159 (022202ZMAY23) Notable: AOC, Matt Gaetz team up, back bill to ban Congress member stock trades

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It includes spouses and family members.


AOC, Matt Gaetz team up, back bill to ban Congress member stock trades

Finally, the far-left and far-right have found something they can agree on. Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and firebrand Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) are co-sponsoring a bill to…

8:09 AM · May 2, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39752

File: 1422aa9a9d3360c⋯.png (162.68 KB,597x683,597:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787187 (022208ZMAY23) Notable: Market Bloodbath

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Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA


BREAKING: Bloodbath in regional banks

PacWest Bancorp -39.3%

Western Alliance -22%

Regional Bank ETF $IAT -6.5%

Every single name in the regional bank ETF is red


5:09 AM · May 2, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39753

File: b41fac67066da5e⋯.png (64.18 KB,411x767,411:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787198 (022210ZMAY23) Notable: Kash Patel describes how the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter is Steele Dossier 2.0 w/ John Solomon

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Kash Patel describes how the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter is Steele Dossier 2.0 w/ John Solomon

CIA Director Michael Morell interfered in the last three elections:

1. Altered intelligence on Benghazi

2. Claimed Trump was a Russian asset

3. Claimed Biden's laptop was disinfo

"Once again, a senior intelligence official knowingly puts out false information at the behest of a political campaign. It's essentially Steele Dossier 2.0. They ran the same scheme in 2016, and this time it was for Joe Biden's benefit. And the media, no surprise, this time Politico, says, "Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation," four days after the New York Post story and Tony Blinken and company call Mike Morell and thank him for putting that false letter out.

"Congress needs to haul everyone that signed that letter in. Mike Morell, and everybody else, their security clearances need to be permanently stripped from them, including John Brennan, Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta, James Clapper, and everybody else who allowed a presidential election to be rigged."

What Congress must do:

1. Subpoena all 51 intelligence officials and ask them under oath for the world to see why they intentionally lied to rig a presidential election

2. The intel and appropriations committees need to create legislation to zero out the funding stream for private-sector security clearances for every one of these individuals who signed this letter and helped rig a presidential election

3. House Republicans need to use the power of the purse to remove these 51 intelligence officials' security clearances so the intelligence community doesn't continue to rig presidential elections



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3e0a50 No.39754

File: 9296112800afad6⋯.png (257.12 KB,612x792,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 38973cead667e08⋯.png (255.45 KB,612x792,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 601e597ff8e3efa⋯.png (281.16 KB,612x792,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ddd2877bf3d5b5⋯.png (277 KB,612x792,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: c2f1890142687af⋯.png (135.13 KB,612x792,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787199 (022210ZMAY23) Notable: Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death

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**Pfizer documents


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3e0a50 No.39755

File: 05d55474157c4e5⋯.png (235.16 KB,612x792,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787206 (022211ZMAY23) Notable: Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death

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last one. depressing as hell.


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3e0a50 No.39756

File: 76cdcb8f828f165⋯.png (989.64 KB,1069x875,1069:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787213 (022213ZMAY23) Notable: Obama-Biden Administration Linked To Ghislaine Maxwell’s Hideout House Where She Got Arrested

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Obama-Biden Administration Linked To Ghislaine Maxwell’s Hideout House Where She Got Arrested

What Is "Granite Reality LLC"?

by Patrick Howley

April 26, 2023

in Deep State, News, Politics

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3e0a50 No.39757

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787267 (022229ZMAY23) Notable: Donald Trump - Agenda47: Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs

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Donald Trump - Agenda47: Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs

May 2 2023 4 hours ago

For many years, tuition costs at colleges and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth. The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left, and we will do that


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3e0a50 No.39758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787291 (022234ZMAY23) Notable: This is what is going on in schools behind your back

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Adding a little sauce. Happened in El Paso, Texas towards the end of last year. Good news: teacher was fired.

PICTURED: Texas teacher who was FIRED for telling students 'don't judge people for wanting to have sex with 5-year-olds' and asking them to call pedophiles 'minor attracted persons' in disturbing classroom clip posted to TikTok

>A high school teacher who appeared to defend pedophilia to her students has been fired by her Texas school board

>In an 18-second clip uploaded to TikTok, Franklin High School teacher Amber Parker is heard urging her students to call pedophiles 'Minor Attracted Persons'

>Parker, 53, taught English at the El Paso school

>The school district was immediately informed of the incident, an investigation was launched leading to Parker's suspension and subsequent firing

Sauce: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11202311/Texas-teacher-Amber-Parker-fired-told-students-call-pedophiles-minor-attracted-persons.html

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3e0a50 No.39759

File: 19a626b1771f0d6⋯.png (1018.08 KB,893x890,893:890,Clipboard.png)

File: d21bc727543c8d9⋯.png (131.11 KB,749x669,749:669,Clipboard.png)

File: 41debe61593dadf⋯.png (89.04 KB,745x418,745:418,Clipboard.png)

File: 4504ceed3fb6787⋯.png (24.21 KB,746x151,746:151,Clipboard.png)

File: b4d92d7c07d1187⋯.png (39.83 KB,786x238,393:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787299 (022236ZMAY23) Notable: Obama-Biden Administration Linked To Ghislaine Maxwell’s Hideout House Where She Got Arrested

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3e0a50 No.39760

File: e615fccde6017dc⋯.png (68.03 KB,609x339,203:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787331 (022245ZMAY23) Notable: Market Bloodbath

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"economic mega-crisis"

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3e0a50 No.39761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787344 (022248ZMAY23) Notable: UN: TIMELINE OF ABUSE

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Many see the United Nations as a global organization working toward the noble goals of world peace and global justice. Yet, the UN’s own actions demonstrate loud and clear the true purpose of the organization: to build a world government at the expense of the liberty and independence of its sovereign nation members.

The timeline below offers some of the proof of the deliberate abuse member countries have had to suffer because of United Nations intervention. Whistleblower reports point to UN peacekeeping troops raping and murdering women and children throughout the history of the UN.

March 11, 2020

WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic

The China-controlled World Health Organization belatedly declares COVID-19 a pandemic after enabling the People’s Republic…

March 19, 2011

U.S. Forces Deployed to Libya

President Obama deploys U.S. forces in the NATO air war against Libya that was authorized…

October 16, 2002

Military Force Against Iraq

The 107th U.S. Congress passes the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution…

September 20, 1994

Thousands of US Troops to Haiti

President Bill Clinton sends tens of thousands of American troops to Haiti to enforce another…

July 31, 1994

SC Resolution 940 Passes

Security Council Resolution 940 passes, authorizing military intervention in Haiti under the guise of humanitarianism.

April 11, 1994

UN Orders US to Attack Bosnia

A British UN troop commander, along with a UN diplomat from Japan, orders U.S. fighter…

December 3, 1992

30,000 U.S. Troops Into Somalia

Security Council Resolution 794 passes, which President George H. W. Bush cites as authorization to…

April 3, 1991

SC Resolution 687 Passes

Security Council Resolution 687 passes setting the terms following Iraq’s defeat in the Gulf War….

November 29, 1990

SC Resolution 687 Passes

Security Council Resolution 687 passes, authorizing UN member states to use “all necessary means” to…

July 29, 1980

Zimbabwe Admitted to UN

The Security Council votes to grant admission to Zimbabwe as a UN member state.

April 18, 1980

Rhodesia Officially Becomes Zimbabwe

Rhodesia officially becomes Zimbabwe, and communist terrorist Robert Mugabe is elected president as a result…

January 1, 1972

Nazi Kurt Waldheim Joins UN

Kurt Waldheim, a former Nazi and German intelligence officer during World War II, becomes the…

October 25, 1971

Assembly Resolution 2758 Passes

UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 passes, officially recognizing the communist People’s Republic of China as…

December 16, 1966

Mandatory Sanctions on Rhodesia

The Security Council votes to impose mandatory sanctions on the anti-communist country of Rhodesia.

November 20, 1965

SC Resolution 217 Passes

Security Council Resolution 217 passes and calls upon the government of the United Kingdom to…

November 12, 1965

SC Resolution 216 Passes

Security Council Resolution 216 passes and condemns the newly independent and anti-communist country of Rhodesia…

September 25, 1961

3 Stage “Disarmament” Program

President John F. Kennedy presents the UN General Assembly with a three-stage “disarmament” program that…

February 21, 1961

SC Resolution 161 Passes

Security Council Resolution 161 passes to “prevent the occurrence of civil war in the Congo,”…

July 14, 1960

SC Resolution 143 Passes

Security Council Resolution 143 passes, calling upon Belgium to withdraw its military forces from its…

June 1, 1950

Call to Admit Communized China

Secretary-General Lie begins campaign for the Soviet goal of admitting the then-recently communized mainland China…

UN Formally Established

The United Nations is formally established and Norwegian socialist Trygve Lie becomes the UN’s first…

June 26, 1945

Creation of the UN Charter

The United Nations Conference on International Organization meets in San Francisco with Soviet spy Alger…



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3e0a50 No.39762

File: 85f572d39dd3792⋯.png (369.9 KB,415x682,415:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787371 (022252ZMAY23) Notable: Chemical 'accidents' in the US are happening consistently across the country

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“A Guardian analysis of data collected by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and by non-profit groups that track chemical accidents in the US shows that accidental releases – be they through train derailments, truck crashes, pipeline ruptures or industrial plant leaks and spills – are happening consistently across the country.”

This is chemical warfare!



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3e0a50 No.39763

File: d451d9535ccf751⋯.png (36.34 KB,599x491,599:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787380 (022255ZMAY23) Notable: @MarioNawfal: Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani & Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn are joining the Roundtable TONIGHT to talk all things Trump, Biden, Russia, and more

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Mario Nawfal


Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani & Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn are joining the Roundtable TONIGHT to talk all things Trump, Biden, Russia, and more.

What would YOU like to know from them?

12:41 PM · May 2, 2023



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3e0a50 No.39764

File: e826720f3f9a9c5⋯.png (14.12 KB,993x158,993:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787436 (022309ZMAY23) Notable: Hunter Biden claims he’s in poverty as a defense to get out of paying child support for the daughter he had out-of-wedlock during a hearing on Monday

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Hunter Biden, Using One Of Washington’s Most Expensive Lawyers, Just Made This Claim In Paternity Case

michael May 2, 2023

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3e0a50 No.39765

File: 1d6ecd142f7eb4f⋯.png (217.85 KB,405x634,405:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787444 (022312ZMAY23) Notable: IBM To Stop Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By AI; Nearly 8,000 Workers To Be Replaced By Automation

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IBM To Stop Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By AI; Nearly 8,000 Workers To Be Replaced By Automation

Extrapolating our estimates globally suggests that generative AI could expose the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs to automation" as up to "two thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI."

As Bloomberg reports, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said the company expects to pause hiring for roles it thinks could be replaced with artificial intelligence in the coming years.


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3e0a50 No.39766

File: fd545ef3ed29395⋯.png (485.29 KB,614x562,307:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787460 (022316ZMAY23) Notable: 700,000 to 1 Million Illegals Gather at US Border with Mexico to Storm Country

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This is what we call an “invasion”


US Lawmaker: 700,000 to 1 Million Illegals Gather at US Border with Mexico to Storm Country After…

On Friday’s War Room Steve Bannon reported on the 700,000 to one million illegals gathering at the US border with Mexico and ready to storm into the United States.

7:48 AM · May 1, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39767

File: 5ab6df6057f5028⋯.png (259.65 KB,410x374,205:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d5fd4c8afc3e29⋯.png (1.62 MB,1205x578,1205:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787477 (022320ZMAY23) Notable: Actor Richard Dreyfuss Issues Warning That Americans Ignorant Of Constitution Will Face Consequences

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​ (https://patriotfetch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/richarddreyfull.Shutterstock_1087600841.jpg)Actor Richard Dreyfuss Issues Warning That Americans Ignorant Of Constitution Will Face Consequences

READ → https://defycablenews.com/dt639w

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3e0a50 No.39768

File: dd29c554b071e22⋯.jpg (69.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787491 (022322ZMAY23) Notable: Another train derailed by sabotage in Russian region bordering Ukraine

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Another train derailed by sabotage in Russian region bordering Ukraine – media

Damage to a railroad track in the Bryansk Region has caused a crash, local outlets have reported

A freight train with some 20 cars derailed on Tuesday outside the city of Bryansk, in a Russian region near the northern border of Ukraine. Authorities have blamed the incident on “interference by unauthorized persons in the work of railway transport.”

According to local media, an explosion damaged the tracks while a freight train was transiting the non-electrified portion of the line near the Snezhetskaya station, located southeast of Bryansk city. Russian Railways said the incident happened at around 7:47pm local time.

Preliminary reports have not indicated any casualties. First responders have been dispatched to the scene, along with recovery equipment, the railway company said.


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3e0a50 No.39769

File: ab735ac3fc451cb⋯.png (451.6 KB,583x323,583:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 5051befd9a40b0c⋯.png (693.87 KB,559x596,559:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787498 (022323ZMAY23) Notable: Actor Richard Dreyfuss Issues Warning That Americans Ignorant Of Constitution Will Face Consequences

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3e0a50 No.39770

File: 192c0491b49509f⋯.png (254.59 KB,565x600,113:120,Clipboard.png)

File: a4211edd9762419⋯.png (109.03 KB,675x891,25:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 71c839156f3a9a0⋯.png (66.49 KB,678x563,678:563,Clipboard.png)

File: b2de04a4b7d3634⋯.png (234.17 KB,558x576,31:32,Clipboard.png)

File: b37182aae514a6e⋯.png (233.31 KB,624x624,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787534 (022333ZMAY23) Notable: Scientific American Mag Publishes ‘Embarrassing’ Essay Claiming ‘Human Sex Is Not Binary’

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Scientific American Mag Publishes ‘Embarrassing’ Essay Claiming ‘Human Sex Is Not Binary’

A Scientific American essay deemed “embarrassing” and “pseudo-scientific” is facing backlash after insisting human sex is “not binary,” while arguing claims to the contrary “are not about biology but are about trying to restrict who counts as a full human in society.”

The Monday article authored by Agustín Fuentes, a professor of anthropology at Princeton University, bears the blunt title, “Here’s Why Human Sex Is Not Binary.”

In it, Fuentes argues that “ova don’t make a woman, and sperm don’t make a man.”

The piece begins by pointing to those “politicians, pundits and even a few scientists, who maintain that whether our bodies make ova or sperm are all we need to know about sex.”

“They assert that men and women are defined by their production of these gamete cells, making them a distinct biological binary pair, and that our legal rights and social possibilities should flow from this divide. Men are men. Women are women. Simple,” Fuentes writes.

However, he claims, the notion that human sex “rests on a biological binary of making either sperm or ova” — the concept underlying the previous claims — is, in Fuentes’ words, “bad science.”

According to him, “the production of gametes does not sufficiently describe sex biology in animals, nor is it the definition of a woman or a man.”

He continues:

The animal kingdom does not limit itself to only one biological binary regarding how a species makes gametes. Scientifically speaking, animals with the capacity to produce ova are generally called “female” and sperm producers “male.” While most animal species fall into the “two types of gametes produced by two versions of the reproductive tract” model, many don’t. Some worms produce both. Some fish start producing one kind and then switch to the other, and some switch back and forth throughout their lives. There are even lizards that have done away with one type all together (sic). Among our fellow mammals, which are less freewheeling because of the twin constraints of lactation and live birth, there are varied connections between gametes and body fat, body size, muscles, metabolism, brain function and much more.


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3e0a50 No.39771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787544 (022337ZMAY23) Notable: Foreign Ministry: Israeli hostile policies are nothing but disparate attempts to shuffle cards of the region

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Foreign Ministry: Israeli hostile policies are nothing but disparate attempts to shuffle cards of the region

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Tuesday that the Israeli aggression on Aleppo international Airport yesterday comes within a series of attacks on civilian and vital utilities including Damascus international airport, Lattakia commercial port, other scientific and culture centers.

“Those Israeli hostile policies are nothing but disparate attempts to shuffle cards of the region and confuse the diplomatic current movement, this movement which aims to restore security and stability to the region,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement added that Syria condemns, in the strongest terms, the Israeli latest aggression and warns of the continuation of perpetrating such attacks and calls upon the UN and Security council to break their silence, assume their responsibility and put an end to the Israeli hostile policies and bring their perpetrators to justice.

A soldier was martyred and seven others, including two civilians, were injured in and Israeli aggression that targeted the vicinity of Aleppo city on Monday night.


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3e0a50 No.39772

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787574 (022344ZMAY23) Notable: Boris Epshteyn: "The Democrats have obliterated our southern border…"

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excellent short commentary

6:34 minutes

48 minutes ago

Bannon commentary of DeSantctass ruining his reputation. Boris Epshteyn: "The Democrats have obliterated our southern border…"


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3e0a50 No.39773

File: e0cf03d8789f1a1⋯.png (20.64 KB,548x204,137:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787580 (022345ZMAY23) Notable: @HillaryClinton: Deeply concerned by the passing of the world's most extreme anti-LGBTQ legislation by the Ugandan parliament

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18:44 = 17

Hillary Clinton


Deeply concerned by the passing of the world's most extreme anti-LGBTQ legislation by the Ugandan parliament. The bill threatens the basic human rights of all Ugandans and puts the lives of LGBTQ people, & their defenders like @frankmugisha at grave risk.

6:44 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39774

File: 7a8301a2753a534⋯.png (34.13 KB,963x328,963:328,Clipboard.png)

File: a801816545bee77⋯.png (32.16 KB,853x328,853:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787585 (022347ZMAY23) Notable: @HillaryClinton: Deeply concerned by the passing of the world's most extreme anti-LGBTQ legislation by the Ugandan parliament

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39775

File: 5bef6846f40dff7⋯.jpg (203.82 KB,720x1194,120:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 66c33f7797cf5d3⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787589 (022348ZMAY23) Notable: Rogan waking normies up to Epstein's celebrity/scientist sexual black mail

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rogan waking normies up to Epstein's celebrity/scientist sexual black mail


👀 Joe Rogan on Why Epstein Was Taking Top Scientists from Prominent Universities to His Island

"It was an intelligence operation. Whoever was running it, whether it was the Mossad or whether it was the CIA…they were bringing in people and compromising them. And then when they would compromise them, they would use whatever they had on them to influence their opinions and the way they expressed those opinions."

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3e0a50 No.39776

File: 915edd4b240a1fc⋯.png (525.43 KB,552x542,276:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787598 (022349ZMAY23) Notable: @BarackObama I'm so inspired by the @ObamaFoundation leaders I met today in Berlin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Barack Obama


I'm so inspired by the @ObamaFoundation leaders I met today in Berlin. These young people are putting in the work to strengthen our communities and move democracy forward.

6:46 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39777

File: 5426fcca9aa205c⋯.png (507.05 KB,566x654,283:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787626 (022354ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: I'll be joining Pastor Gene Bailey at 8pm on Victory News. Enjoy!

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they will figure out what happened shortly :D

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3e0a50 No.39778

File: 0af01db2d5fd111⋯.png (407.95 KB,1124x1500,281:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787644 (022358ZMAY23) Notable: Massive explosion as Israeli strike hits target in #Gaza

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Massive explosion as Israeli strike hits target in #Gaza

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3e0a50 No.39779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787659 (022359ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: I'll be joining Pastor Gene Bailey at 8pm on Victory News. Enjoy!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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3e0a50 No.39780

File: 003060a9dd0383d⋯.png (680 KB,927x772,927:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787678 (030003ZMAY23) Notable: Market Bloodbath

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anon bought another 100oz silver bar on the dip yesterday. Should have prolly bought four.


BREAKING: US Banking Crisis - Bank Shares Plummet

Shares of major U.S. regional banks fell further on Tuesday in the aftermath of the collapse of First Republic Bank, the largest U.S. bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis.

Shares of PacWest Bancorp tumbled nearly 30%, while Western Alliance Bank and KeyCorp fell 21% and 10%, respectively.

The KBW Regional Banking Index was down 5.2%, hitting its lowest since December 2020.

Experts warn “If a 'confidence crisis' can happen to First Republic, it can happen to any bank in this country.”

Analysts from Evercore ISI speculate on the implications of JPMorgan being the government's first line of defense in the event of such a crisis.

The repercussions of our insatiable greed and reckless money printing have led us to the dire state in which we find ourselves YET AGAIN!

Things could get MUCH worse if the Fed doesn’t pivot.


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3e0a50 No.39781

File: 011901d4f5e3be4⋯.jpeg (12.32 KB,255x156,85:52,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787705 (030008ZMAY23) Notable: 700,000 to 1 Million Illegals Gather at US Border with Mexico to Storm Country

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

22k illegal crossings documented just in the last 72hrs

Watching FOX, I know but trying to see what's going on down there. They don't lift the title 42 until next week and we are already getting flooded.

Biden to send 1500 active duty troops, pfft this is bad anons, real bad. Texas has spent Billions trying to seal off the border to no avail. We can't support these numbers much longer, the border towns all have been destroyed. Are we gonna make it to Trump 2024?

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3e0a50 No.39782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787721 (030009ZMAY23) Notable: #23056

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#23056 >>39736

>>39730, >>39731, >>39732, >>39733 The All-American Drug Cartel - Mike Gill dig/bun

>>39737 @SenSchumer: If Republicans refuse to level with the American people about their Default on America (DOA) Act, Senate Democrats are more than happy to do it

>>39738, >>39744 Latest footage of Buckingham Palace as unconfirmed reports of a controlled explosion after one man was arrested

>>39741 Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers’ late-night shows will shut down production on Tuesday as Hollywood writers have agreed to go on strike

>>39739, >>39758 This is what is going on in schools behind your back

>>39740 Democrat Lawmaker Lois Frankel Sold First Republic Stock Before It Crashed by 80% &ndash; Bought JPMorgan Stock Which Just Bought First Republic Instead

>>39742 Major Banks Could Be Liable For Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking: Judge

>>39743 The US Dept. of Veterans Affairs is keeping its COVID19 vaccine mandate in place even as most agencies are ending their vaccination requirements

>>39745 2011 emails reveal Hunter Biden helped business associates get access to VP Biden

>>39746 Joe Biden blows more than $50 billion on top consulting firms

>>39747 JPMorgan Chase Acquires First Republic Bank with FDIC Backstopping Deal While Ignoring Current Banking Laws

>>39748 FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year

>>39749 The CDC just recently admitted to giving 98 million Americans cancer through a contaminated polio vaccine

>>39750, >>39754, >>39755 Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death

>>39751 AOC, Matt Gaetz team up, back bill to ban Congress member stock trades

>>39752, >>39760, >>39780 Market Bloodbath

>>39753 Kash Patel describes how the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter is Steele Dossier 2.0 w/ John Solomon

>>39756, >>39759 Obama-Biden Administration Linked To Ghislaine Maxwell’s Hideout House Where She Got Arrested

>>39757 Donald Trump - Agenda47: Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs


>>39762 Chemical 'accidents' in the US are happening consistently across the country

>>39763 @MarioNawfal: Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani & Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn are joining the Roundtable TONIGHT to talk all things Trump, Biden, Russia, and more

>>39764 Hunter Biden claims he’s in poverty as a defense to get out of paying child support for the daughter he had out-of-wedlock during a hearing on Monday

>>39765 IBM To Stop Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By AI; Nearly 8,000 Workers To Be Replaced By Automation

>>39766, >>39781 700,000 to 1 Million Illegals Gather at US Border with Mexico to Storm Country

>>39767, >>39769 Actor Richard Dreyfuss Issues Warning That Americans Ignorant Of Constitution Will Face Consequences

>>39768 Another train derailed by sabotage in Russian region bordering Ukraine

>>39770 Scientific American Mag Publishes ‘Embarrassing’ Essay Claiming ‘Human Sex Is Not Binary’

>>39771 Foreign Ministry: Israeli hostile policies are nothing but disparate attempts to shuffle cards of the region

>>39772 Boris Epshteyn: "The Democrats have obliterated our southern border…"

>>39773, >>39774 @HillaryClinton: Deeply concerned by the passing of the world's most extreme anti-LGBTQ legislation by the Ugandan parliament

>>39775 Rogan waking normies up to Epstein's celebrity/scientist sexual black mail

>>39776 @BarackObama I'm so inspired by the @ObamaFoundation leaders I met today in Berlin

>>39777, >>39779 DJT: I'll be joining Pastor Gene Bailey at 8pm on Victory News. Enjoy!

>>39778 Massive explosion as Israeli strike hits target in #Gaza


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3e0a50 No.39783

File: 268017d928a8e1f⋯.png (5.46 KB,474x315,158:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787734 (030013ZMAY23) Notable: #23057

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baker ghost protocol

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3e0a50 No.39784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787752 (030015ZMAY23) Notable: Now Democrats threaten to cut off security funding for Supreme Court - unless the Justices do what Dems want

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Josh Hawley


Now Democrats threaten to cut off security funding for Supreme Court - unless the Justices do what Dems want. This is AFTER an assassin tried to kill Justice Kavanaugh. Talk about threatening the rule of law

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3e0a50 No.39785

File: 0e1ec6060291dc5⋯.png (443.43 KB,593x558,593:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787756 (030017ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump - I’ll be joining Pastor Gene Bailey at 8pm on Victory News. Enjoy!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Live now

Donald J. Trump



I’ll be joining Pastor Gene Bailey at 8pm on Victory News. Enjoy!


May 02, 2023, 4:32 PM


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3e0a50 No.39786

File: 899182070306c27⋯.png (261.56 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787826 (030028ZMAY23) Notable: WHAT DOES A ROTHSCHILD, A GOLDMAN SACHS TOP LAWYER AND A CIA AGENT HAVE IN COMMON?

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3e0a50 No.39787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787834 (030029ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump - I’ll be joining Pastor Gene Bailey at 8pm on Victory News. Enjoy!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


YT livestream where you can go back and see it


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3e0a50 No.39788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787842 (030030ZMAY23) Notable: The Trojan Unicorn: Queer Theory and Paedophilia (Audio Essay) - 3/7/22

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The Trojan Unicorn: Queer Theory and Paedophilia (Audio Essay)

4,486 views Streamed live on Mar 7, 2022



There is a common accusation aimed at the LGBT movement which is that the movement is trying to "normalize" pedophilia. The accusation is that using softer words like "Inter-generational relations" and couching defense of pedophile rights in the discussion of gay rights is a way to insidiously promote the legalization of pedophilia and child pornography by linking gay rights to sexual liberation in all its forms.

This accusation is wrong - but it's complicated. …

Feminists who are presently disparaged as"Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists" (aka TERFS)are generally skeptical of the philosophical assertions of Queer Theory. One such feminist, … "Dr. Em", detailed the reasons for her caution in a series of essays citing the original writings of major figures in the Queer Theory movement. The original Medium.com articles were censored and removed by the platform.

This video is an audio essay reading of this series of posts diving into 4 key figures in Postmodern philosophy and its subsequent school of thought "Queer Theory" and how they have addressed the issue of the age of consent, adult child sex and images of child sexual abuse.


00:00 - Introduction

06:03 - Part I - Michel Foucault - Postmodernism

17:10 - Part II - Gayle Rubin - Cultural Anthropologist, Queer Theorist and Activist

24:44 - Part III - Pat Califia - Author, Queer Theorist and Activist

42:10 - Part IV - Judith Butler - Philosopher, Queer Theorist


Queer Theory is based on the claim that children can consent to sex with adults.

So although it's often couched in deliberately obscure language and theory, that's where it leads.

Foucault is the father of post-modernism which claims that (a) reality is entirely SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED and (b) children can consent to sex with adults. [means nothing is really immoral]


Rubin built on Foucault's ideas, saying in the 1970s that restricting child pornography is an attack on sexual civil liberties.


Pat Califia, a ‘titan’ of Queer Theory around 2000, consistently advocated for the legalisation and normalisation of paedophilia.


Judith Butler 'high priestess of queer theory gibberish', defends incest and more generally the concept of "intergenerational sex" (adults have sex with children). Dr Em: "This is an example of how queer theorists sandwich advocacy for paedophilia or incest in between legitimate arguments for advancing gay and lesbian rights. This is done in order to legitimise the arguments for child sexual abuse and make them harder to fight."


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3e0a50 No.39789

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787875 (030038ZMAY23) Notable: Troops are going to assist and facilitate immigrants to come in, NOT stop them

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2 hours ago.General Ryder completely dodged direct questions from journalists on the border, National Guard! pathetic. Todd Bensman: "I'm being told that the whole system is already off the rails."

13:00 minutes of shocking excrement and bullshit from the military

Troops are going to assist and facilitate immigrants to come in, NOT stop them


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3e0a50 No.39790

File: 34734af23ee5ba0⋯.png (501.4 KB,734x719,734:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787884 (030039ZMAY23) Notable: chart HRC coincidence: on twitter criticizing anti-LGBTQ government policies of Uganda, then Uganda minister shot same day

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3e0a50 No.39791

File: e757742fa33cb82⋯.png (20.39 KB,551x195,551:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787906 (030045ZMAY23) Notable: Anon Theory - 9:35 = 17 Thank you, Chuckster! Keep up the great work!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9:35 = 17 Thank you, Chuckster! Keep up the great work!

Chuck Grassley


May is Natl Foster Care Awareness Month. As the co-founder + co-chair of the Senate Caucus I believe a safe + loving home is 1 of the greatest gifts u can give a child. I’m committed to doing what I can to make that a reality for as many kids in foster care as possible

9:35 AM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39792

File: 1e088c966b9838e⋯.png (395.38 KB,551x541,551:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787923 (030048ZMAY23) Notable: AOC and Matt Gaetz join forces on bill to ban lawmakers from owning stock

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Our girl.

Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: AOC and Matt Gaetz join forces on bill to ban lawmakers from owning stock


BREAKING: AOC and Matt Gaetz join forces on bill to ban lawmakers from owning stock

The Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act is sponsored by both Democrats and Republicans.

2:21 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39793

File: 26f505b18201ebe⋯.jpeg (564.66 KB,1170x1646,585:823,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 64d109e375e9caa⋯.jpeg (769.3 KB,1170x1593,130:177,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3874b0f443bea3b⋯.jpeg (624.72 KB,1170x1513,1170:1513,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787935 (030049ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT and VPPENCE have same talking points today!

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PDJT and VPPENCE have same talking points today!



07-Feb-2020 9:29:42 AM PST


Why is China/Qatar donating vast sums of money to our education institutions?




Is it really so hard to believe [F] actors are able to bribe those in key positions within the US to betray their Country?



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3e0a50 No.39794

File: 3350e48478bccfd⋯.png (28.93 KB,559x404,559:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18787956 (030051ZMAY23) Notable: AOC and Matt Gaetz join forces on bill to ban lawmakers from owning stock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






‘s bill comes after another Congress official traded banking stocks during the banking crisis.

Lois Frankel sold $FRC on March 16th, avoiding the remaining 80% drop.

She THEN BOUGHT $JPM, the bank buying FRC March 22nd.

To see political trading: http://unusualwhales.com/politics

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3e0a50 No.39795

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788037 (030104ZMAY23) Notable: Former Ice Agents: Victor Avila - "It's lawlessness down there and its been like this in Arizona, Texas, Brownsville.."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6:07 minutes the help by NG is to help them bring illegal immigrants in

==Former Ice Agents: 2 hours ago

Victor Avila: "It's lawlessness down there and its been like this in Arizona, Texas, Brownsville.."==


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3e0a50 No.39796

File: 05e8d39ed03aa8e⋯.png (774.89 KB,1349x786,1349:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d7a245496f7b8d⋯.png (611.25 KB,1074x466,537:233,Clipboard.png)

File: f1fc385137cef48⋯.png (422.88 KB,390x591,130:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788050 (030106ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity update

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>39653 pb

PlaneFag CONUS activity update

SAM910 G5 EN from Mexico City ( i think) departure approximately 5h from its trace vanishing over the Gulf of Mexico heading SW and then reappearing heading NE bakc to JBA-and it not from Mex. City then mebby Tampico but definitely a Mexico stop

SPAR857 Learjet 35 back at JBA-just arriving from a Topeka-Forbes Field stop and Vandenberg SFB departure

SPAR856 Learjet 35 arrived back at Scott AFB, IL from Nellis AFB stop of about 75m

Belgian AF BAF84 Falcon 7x arrived at Toronto-Pearson Int'l-betcha they still can't fin that gold..first it was $100m worth then $20/15m….kek

SAM747 G5 departed Burbank/Hollywood Airport and is now at Palm Springs Int'l Airport

UAE AF UAF1230 C-17 EN from a March AFB, CA overnight and on final at Manassas Regional Airport, VA

SHADY06 MC-12W Liberty departed Stennis Int'l Airport (Stennis Space Center located here and this was SHADY18 for the 18 republitards that voted for the sepnding bill and then on it's return was33for teh demoncrats that overturned teh DC crime bill on March 8th

PAT837 C-12V Huron departed Ashville, NC Regional Airport after a ground stop of about 2h15m and back to McGuire AFB, NJ

REMUS03 C-17 went back to Dover AFB after a ground stop at Harrisonburg,VA-Shenandoah Regional Airport or just flew over it-if it did stop it wasn't there for very long

FORGE94 US Army G5 WS from JBA

GORDO16 E-4B Nightwatch did a refueling exericse over Iowa/MS and back to Offutt AFB earlier

Mexi AF FAM3527 737 went to Huatulco (Pacific Coast for a quick stop and back to Santo Lucia AB

TEAL18 WC-130 'Hurricane Hunter' was out in the eastern Gulf of Mexico earlier and now back at Gulfport/Biloxi Airport

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39797

File: 4fee089287582a6⋯.png (145.42 KB,652x520,163:130,Clipboard.png)

File: 3945416dda7a637⋯.png (396.68 KB,550x386,275:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788075 (030110ZMAY23) Notable: Tomorrow the Fed will hike to 5.25%. That was the final rate during the 2004/6 tightening cycle too.

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Tomorrow the Fed will hike to 5.25%. That was the final rate during the 2004/6 tightening cycle too.


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3e0a50 No.39798

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788082 (030111ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Davis: Nonsense 'Political Smear Job’ against Clarence Thomas.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 hour ago

Mike Davis: Nonsense 'Political Smear Job’ against Clarence Thomas. We are at the point of Revolutionary France to destroy the SC by the democratsAlito said this weekend he was afraid is being assasinated this weekend


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3e0a50 No.39799

File: bba51326ab92983⋯.jpeg (315.75 KB,1241x1245,1241:1245,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7646a3574c97bbf⋯.jpeg (251.5 KB,1122x1066,561:533,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788140 (030123ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Disgraceful’: GOP Senators Accuse Dems of Threatening to Yank Supreme Court Justices’ Security Funding

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‘Disgraceful’: GOP Senators Accuse Dems of Threatening to Yank Supreme Court Justices’ Security Funding

Mary Margaret Olohan / @MaryMargOlohan / May 02, 2023

Ted Cruz Josh Hawley in suits

Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Josh Hawley, R-Mo., condemned Democrats for threatening to yank security funding from Supreme Court justices. Pictured: Cruz gestures as Hawley looks contemplative in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland on March 1 in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Republicans are denouncing Democratic senators’ attempt to leverage the Supreme Court budget in exchange for an enforceable ethics code.

During a Senate Judiciary hearing on Supreme Court ethics reform, Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Josh Hawley, R-Mo., tore into their Democratic colleagues for “threatening to cut off the funding for the security at the Supreme Court,” as Cruz said.

“The Left is willing to threaten the lives of the justices,” said the Texas senator. “This is disgraceful.”

Hawley similarly accused Democrats of threatening the justices.

“The threat is, ‘We will deny you security, unless you do what we want. We will deny you security unless you do what we want,’” he said. “We had an assassin come to the home of Justice [Brett] Kavanaugh and try to murder him.We have had credible threats on the lives of other justices. And now members of this body say ‘We will deny you security for you, your families, your children, unless you do what we want.’”

“Extraordinary,” Hawley said, shaking his head.

The Supreme Court had just asked Congress to increase funding to help protect the justices: $5,897,000 for the “expansion of protective activities” and a separate increase of $585,000 for new IT security positions in “cybersecurity, software development, and network engineering.”

“This request would expand security activities conducted by Supreme Court Police to protect the Justices,” the protective activities request says, before specifically citing the presence of threats to the justices.

“On-going threat assessments show evolving risks that require continuous protection,” the request continues. “Additional funding would provide for contract positions, eventually transitioning to full-time employees, that will augment capabilities of the Supreme Court police force and allow it to accomplish its protective mission.”

Fifteen members of the Democratic Caucus have proposed language to be attached to next year’s Supreme Court funding bill requiring the court to adopt new processes for recusals and ethics allegations—essentially making the court answerable to Congress.

“The Supreme Court should have a code of ethics to govern the conduct of its members, and its refusal to adopt such standards has contributed to eroding public confidence in the highest court in the land,” Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., told the Washington Post. “It is unacceptable that the Supreme Court has exempted itself from the accountability that applies to all other members of our federal courts, and I believe Congress should act to remedy this problem.”


I’m trying to find this video at senate,can any anons help with this?

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3e0a50 No.39800

File: b98a59822e55689⋯.jpeg (839.48 KB,1170x1536,195:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788148 (030124ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT and VPPENCE have same talking points today!

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Validation from PDJT


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788158 (030126ZMAY23) Notable: America First Legal identified the key actors in a sophisticated conspiracy to surveil & censor Americans’ speech, including grave interference in the ‘20 election & extensive collaboration w/the Deep State

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Stephen Miller


America First Legal identified the key actors in a sophisticated conspiracy to surveil & censor Americans’ speech, including grave interference in the ‘20 election & extensive collaboration w/the Deep State. We filed a landmark class action suit: https://aflegal.org/america-first-legal-files-landmark-federal-class-action-lawsuit-against-private-entities-that-conspired-with-the-federal-government-to-censor-speech/

America First Legal·9h

/1🚨BREAKING — We filed a class-action lawsuit against “Election Integrity Partnership” & “Virality Project” for conspiring with the federal government to censor conservative political speech.

We are going after the architects of censorship.

Read on ⤵️

Show this thread

8:44 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39802

File: b953a244a592d7b⋯.jpeg (163.56 KB,1170x1259,1170:1259,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788171 (030129ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT and VPPENCE have same talking points today!

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Time stamp 6:10 = 18:10


03-Aug-2018 12:31:55 PM PDT




Do you believe in coincidences?


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3e0a50 No.39803

File: 7523b3b0e37a7cb⋯.jpeg (345 KB,1170x1270,117:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788179 (030129ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT and VPPENCE have same talking points today!

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Oops forgot picture from TS

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3e0a50 No.39804

File: 57ee319efd205e4⋯.jpeg (268.02 KB,2160x1798,1080:899,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c06d7e7ddc5903c⋯.jpeg (874.27 KB,1170x1404,5:6,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788192 (030132ZMAY23) Notable: LGBT activists have occupied another state capitol, this time in Texas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: LGBT activists have occupied another state capitol, this time in Texas, to protest a bill to ban pediatric gender mutilations


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3e0a50 No.39805

File: 4184e1847052bbc⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788198 (030133ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT Flashpoint Interview - Treasonous / The Warrior Mentality / 17 times pastor / PDJT the man behind the scenes

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From tonight


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3e0a50 No.39806

File: 6695674e028e816⋯.jpg (169.82 KB,2048x1007,2048:1007,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 88a47bea9c74354⋯.png (7.53 MB,3700x4200,37:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788205 (030134ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT and VPPENCE have same talking points today!

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Other timestamp translations

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3e0a50 No.39807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788213 (030135ZMAY23) Notable: The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

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The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro


Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations


Ivermectin’s potential to treat COVID gets a serious look in Duke University study

Read more at: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/coronavirus/article257483164.html#storylink=cpy

Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug


The multitargeted drug ivermectin: from an antiparasitic agent to a repositioned cancer drug


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3e0a50 No.39808

File: 176cb91bfbb1a0d⋯.jpeg (46.48 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788224 (030137ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Davis: Nonsense 'Political Smear Job’ against Clarence Thomas.

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Ketanji Brown Jackson disclosure errors spotlighted in Senate Supreme Court hearing amid Thomas scrutiny

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's transparency gaps were brought up during a hearing on high court ethics reform by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), who asked why the Democrats didn't levy the same scrutiny against her as they did with Justice Clarence Thomas.

Kennedy's questions came during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on ethics after reports revealed Thomas failed to disclose paid trips he went on with wealthy GOP donor Harlan Crow. Democrats have called on Congress to impose ethics rules, while Republicans largely say the justices are capable of governing themselves.

"Justice Jackson made multiple amendments three days after President Biden nominated her. Not one senator brought that up during her confirmation hearings. Not one of my colleagues here walked into her hearings with the buckets of mud that they've thrown against Justice Thomas. Not one," Kennedy said.

In September, Jackson disclosed that she had “inadvertently omitted” information about self-employed consulting income that her spouse received from consulting on medical malpractice cases. Her revisions also revealed new information about reimbursements for travel and board memberships stemming back to at least 2014, according to Bloomberg.

Kennedy then blasted the news reports surrounding Thomas, saying that "some Democrats and their media allies" have "attempted hit pieces" on the longest-serving sitting justice and his Republican-appointed colleagues.

The Louisiana senator was referring to at least two separate reports from ProPublica that highlighted Thomas's failure to disclose travel gifts from Crow and one Georgia property transaction the donor had with the justice, though Thomas recently said he didn't report the sale because he didn't make a profit. Last week, Politico reported Justice Neil Gorsuch was the joint owner of a Colorado property he sold to a major law firm CEO.

"This is untenable," committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) said Tuesday. "Ethics cannot simply be left to the discretion of the nation's highest court. The court should have a code of conduct with clear and enforceable rules."

Durbin had called on Chief Justice John Roberts to testify for the hearing but had his request denied last week. Roberts issued a letter signed by all the justices that included "a Statement of Ethics Principles and Practices to which all of the current Members of the Supreme Court subscribe."

The high court has repeatedly maintained it consults a code of conduct followed by lower court federal judges. The main difference is that the already advisory code for lower court judges is hardly enforceable for the high court, given the limited number of nine justices, legal experts have said.

Earlier in the hearing, ranking member Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) called the recent reports on the justices a "concentrated effort by the Left to delegitimize the court and to cherry-pick examples to make a point."


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3e0a50 No.39809

File: f55862ee106ba88⋯.png (1.07 MB,1280x926,640:463,Clipboard.png)

File: e7f419a15bf8372⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,736x1280,23:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788243 (030140ZMAY23) Notable: China is Expanding the Use of Exit Bans, Preventing Tens of Thousands of People From Leaving the Country

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Report: China is Expanding the Use of Exit Bans, Preventing Tens of Thousands of People From Leaving the Country

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been widening the legal landscape for imposing exit bans and is increasing their use against everyone from human rights defenders to foreign journalists.




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3e0a50 No.39810

File: 4978065aebc9def⋯.png (475.55 KB,2000x2500,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d6c01b91d2f5b5⋯.png (650.88 KB,1582x2054,791:1027,Clipboard.png)

File: b0a1ab20576416a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1000x2500,2:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788248 (030140ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Trading Card charts synced with "Q" messages.

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I know everything is going as scripted.

Enjoy the show.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39811

File: 84455e1c0d7a9f0⋯.mp4 (14.8 MB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788282 (030148ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT Flashpoint Interview - Treasonous / The Warrior Mentality / 17 times pastor / PDJT the man behind the scenes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump with Flashpoint at Mar-a-Lago Interview full pt2

The Warrior Mentality

PDJT hints that next year and a half will be very tough it's gotten so bad.

"We have no choice but to fight. We have great warriors"

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3e0a50 No.39812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788317 (030155ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Davis: Nonsense 'Political Smear Job’ against Clarence Thomas.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


==Supreme Court to decide major case on federal rule-making power

Republican lawmakers have been critical of a decades-old doctrine that gives deference to agencies==

The Supreme Court will decide a challenge over how courts assess federal rule-making, setting up a major case for its next term that could change the balance of power between executive agencies, Congress and the judiciary.

The case the court announced Monday, Loper Bright Enterprises et al. v. Raimondo, centers on a challenge to a Commerce Department rule on fishery inspectors. But the justices said they will reconsider a 39-year-old legal precedent that has been used to uphold thousands of agency rules across the entire federal government.

Federal agencies, from the Justice Department to the EPA and the Federal Communications Commission, regularly assert what’s known as “Chevron deference” in defending their rules in court.

That doctrine stems from a 1984 Supreme Court case, Chevron USA Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council Inc., in which the court found that judges should defer to the agencies’ interpretations of a law if it is ambiguous.

Republican lawmakers and the conservative legal movement have been critical of the doctrine for years, describing it as a way that regulatory agencies go beyond what Congress intended when it passed laws.

With the high court’s current majority of six justices appointed by Republican presidents, federal agencies have been met with increasing skepticism. Several justices, including Samuel A. Alito Jr., Clarence Thomas and Neil M. Gorsuch, have questioned the Chevron decision.

Doctrine questioned

In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit upheld the Commerce Department rule from a challenge from fishing companies.

The fishing companies in a petition called the rule a “threat to efforts to rein in agency overreach” because it would require them to pay the inspectors overseeing their fisheries directly. That rule is a way to get around Congress deciding how much funding there should be for fisheries inspections, they argued.

The petition said the Chevron doctrine has been a “disaster in practice” and led to the widespread growth of federal agencies.

“Lower courts see ambiguity everywhere and have abdicated the core judicial responsibility of statutory construction to executive-branch agencies,” the fishery companies said. “The exponential growth of the Code of Federal Regulations and overregulation by unaccountable agencies has been the direct result.”

The Biden administration defended the fishery rule as well as the broad agency deference under the Chevron decision in a brief meant to dissuade the justices from agreeing to decide the case. The administration argued that the doctrine has been used in thousands of cases across four decades and is relied on daily.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson has recused herself from the case, which means only eight justices will decide. Prior to her confirmation to the Supreme Court, Jackson participated in oral arguments in the case as a judge on the D.C. Circuit.

The case granted Monday would likely be argued sometime in the Supreme Court’s next term, which starts in October, and decided by the end of next June.

Previous challenges

In a 2021 oral argument in the case American Hospital Association v. Becerra, the trio of Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch questioned whether Chevron should stand and what to replace it with.

The court ultimately did not address Chevron when it ruled against Medicare on a drug pricing program last year.

The court last year also advanced what it called the “major questions” doctrine in analyzing federal rule-making in a case known as West Virginia v. EPA. There, the court found that Congress must be explicit when giving a federal agency power to address issues of “economic and political significance” through rule-making.

Congressional Republicans have targeted the doctrine in recent years, including a bill that passed the House in 2017 that would have overturned the Chevron case. That measure did not advance in the closely divided Senate.

“If Chevron requires courts to abdicate their own obligation to adjudicate legal questions by elevating an agency’s views over Congress’s intent to favor veterans, then it patently violates the basic structure of our Constitutional design,” the brief stated.

Anons if you had to chose, why you believe the Senate or Supreme Court?the makeup of the court has everything to do withthe decision


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3e0a50 No.39813

File: 360f6ee561009d4⋯.png (213.92 KB,575x196,575:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788322 (030156ZMAY23) Notable: CBP "bubble" intel out to L.E. on numbers about to cross into US.

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News from the border.

CBP "bubble" intel out to L.E. on numbers about to cross into US.

42,000 staged in El Paso

15,000 near Palomas, MEXICO (population <5,000, "Pancho Villa" territory). These two points are about 75 miles apart.

No idea where they could possibly house 15k in Palomas, or have enough food for that many people. Been there many times.

Confirmed w/ source, wall is not finished between El Paso & Palomas, MX; still a lot of gaps in the wall over the arroyos.

10 miles west of Palomas the wall ends in the middle of Johnson farm (they've been on FoxNews) at west end of the fields. Cattle portion not protected by the wall. On the west end of the wall the border "wall" changes to 3 strands of barb wire (personal knowledge). Barb wire constantly being cut, USgov does not help them with repair costs. MX cattle cross into US (disease problem), and theirs escape to MX (permanently disappear) if they don't get the wire spliced back together quick enough.

On the south side of the border there is an abandoned town where the cartel stages the drug mules to cross in this area. Cartel controls the crossing area. The drug mules and other illegals that cross thru that location come thru my area. A lot of ground sensors in the area, as well as cameras. Don't know if a CBP agent still sits up high in that area.

Last two times I went to Palomas (recent), no CBP at the interior checkpoint. Used to always be 3-4 guys. Lately just 1.

Last time I crossed from AZ to El Paso along the border, I didn't see a single border patrol ! Not even one! That's a first. And no L.E. (not unusual - very few deputies in county areas with square miles larger than some states in this country. Seriously, less than 20 total.)

Large group all illegals caught recently, each carrying $10-$20,000 and drugs. CBP allegedly didn't want anything to do w/ cash and small amount of drugs. Nobody to prosecute. Don't know if entering the country, or leaving. Forgot to ask my source.

1500 military troops to border (has already been posted).


Population in US side in NM.

Lordsburg - <3000

Rodeo >100

Deming >14,000

Columbus 1600

So alsmot the same number of people about to cross illegally, than the entire population of towns from I-10 to the border (excluding Las Cruces, since the other group is headed thru El Paso).

Across the whole area, two walmarts w/ grocery stores, four little grocery stores. That many mouths? They are going to be like LOCUSTS!

They go right up to houses, open spigots to drink water, and leave the spigot open. This is a real problem. No city water out in the desert. Many have to pull up water from wells and store water. Others have pumps/pressure tanks that get overwhelmed.

If they literally storm the border, and bypass CBP entry points, I will not be surprised if there are headlines that some homeowner(s) got scared and fired shotgun or rifle if the house(s) has a large number trying to steal water. It's happened before.

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3e0a50 No.39814

File: eb908be12b84b27⋯.mp4 (13.45 MB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788324 (030156ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT Flashpoint Interview - Treasonous / The Warrior Mentality / 17 times pastor / PDJT the man behind the scenes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump Flashpoint Interview pt3

17 times pastor

Did I post pt1?

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3e0a50 No.39815

File: 44cb81fe3fef037⋯.mp4 (10.95 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788406 (030213ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT Flashpoint Interview - Treasonous / The Warrior Mentality / 17 times pastor / PDJT the man behind the scenes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Not yet

My bad o7

Trump Flashpoint Interview pt1

PDJT the man behind the scenes

"They were PROGRAMMED"

>>39814 pt3

>>39811 pt2

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3e0a50 No.39816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788501 (030231ZMAY23) Notable: #23057

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Notables - FINAL

#23057 >>39783

>>39784 Now Democrats threaten to cut off security funding for Supreme Court - unless the Justices do what Dems want

>>39785, >>39787 Donald J. Trump - I’ll be joining Pastor Gene Bailey at 8pm on Victory News. Enjoy!


>>39788 The Trojan Unicorn: Queer Theory and Paedophilia (Audio Essay) - 3/7/22

>>39789 Troops are going to assist and facilitate immigrants to come in, NOT stop them

>>39790 chart HRC coincidence: on twitter criticizing anti-LGBTQ government policies of Uganda, then Uganda minister shot same day

>>39791 Anon Theory - 9:35 = 17 Thank you, Chuckster! Keep up the great work!

>>39792, >>39794 AOC and Matt Gaetz join forces on bill to ban lawmakers from owning stock

>>39793, >>39800, >>39802, >>39803, >>39806 PDJT and VPPENCE have same talking points today!

>>39795 Former Ice Agents: Victor Avila - "It's lawlessness down there and its been like this in Arizona, Texas, Brownsville.."

>>39796 PlaneFag CONUS activity update

>>39797 Tomorrow the Fed will hike to 5.25%. That was the final rate during the 2004/6 tightening cycle too.

>>39798, >>39808, >>39812 Mike Davis: Nonsense 'Political Smear Job’ against Clarence Thomas.

>>39799 ‘Disgraceful’: GOP Senators Accuse Dems of Threatening to Yank Supreme Court Justices’ Security Funding

>>39801 America First Legal identified the key actors in a sophisticated conspiracy to surveil & censor Americans’ speech, including grave interference in the ‘20 election & extensive collaboration w/the Deep State

>>39804 LGBT activists have occupied another state capitol, this time in Texas

>>39805, >>39811, >>39814, >>39815 PDJT Flashpoint Interview - Treasonous / The Warrior Mentality / 17 times pastor / PDJT the man behind the scenes

>>39807 The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

>>39809 China is Expanding the Use of Exit Bans, Preventing Tens of Thousands of People From Leaving the Country

>>39810 Trump Trading Card charts synced with "Q" messages.

>>39813 CBP "bubble" intel out to L.E. on numbers about to cross into US.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39817

File: 33a5d4443194369⋯.jpg (165.38 KB,850x830,85:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788519 (030233ZMAY23) Notable: #23058

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Welcome to the Digital Battlefield

Information Warfare

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3e0a50 No.39818

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788575 (030242ZMAY23) Notable: Col. Derek Harvey & Brian Costello: Biden, Sequoia Capital, CCP 'A National Security Threat'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Must absolute listen to follow the democrat donor class.Huge not only Big20:05 minutes

2 hours ago

Col. Derek Harvey & Brian Costello: Biden, Sequoia Capital, CCP 'A National Security Threat'.

Biden has been comprised not only since he was VP.Absolutely mind-blowing, Harvey and Costello tracked down how every large company and donor is owned by China! And paid back!

This is sick and sad, this is how they do this! Everyone is compromised.


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3e0a50 No.39819

File: d8d24c47d52684b⋯.png (65.6 KB,612x299,612:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cccfc8ae3ed369⋯.png (125.73 KB,940x655,188:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788608 (030248ZMAY23) Notable: John Rich: US Military does much more than what we see, Trump: John Rih was a very smart guy!

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Saw and remembered DJT quote Truthed him. Has me curious now.


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3e0a50 No.39820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788647 (030257ZMAY23) Notable: According to Reuters, JP Morgan did not sink the Titanic

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CORRECTED-Fact Check-J.P. Morgan did not sink the Titanic to push forward plans for the U.S. Federal Reserve

Just landed on this. Read it. Pretty Wild.


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3e0a50 No.39821

File: 3bfde1f0ef7a124⋯.png (561.97 KB,1087x1217,1087:1217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788660 (030301ZMAY23) Notable: 27 Chinese warplanes and 7 PLAN vessels detected around Taiwan

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BREAKING: 27 Chinese warplanes and 7 PLAN vessels detected around Taiwan, Taiwanese defense ministry says


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3e0a50 No.39822

File: dda37da7aed3036⋯.png (245.98 KB,976x825,976:825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788661 (030301ZMAY23) Notable: Former elementary school teacher sentenced for sexually abusing children

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Former elementary school teacher sentenced for sexually abusing children


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e0a50 No.39823

File: de1ebb3745df0ab⋯.png (213.05 KB,992x695,992:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788666 (030301ZMAY23) Notable: Former Fulton High School Coach Arrested on Federal Charges for CP possession, transportation

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Former Fulton High School Coach Arrested on Federal Charges for Receiving, Transporting, and Possessing Child Pornography


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3e0a50 No.39824

File: c6716dd1ca86bf9⋯.png (65.55 KB,1101x397,1101:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788675 (030304ZMAY23) Notable: A US biotech firm named Blackrock Report: Neurotech has implanted 50 people with brain chips to cure blindness, deafness and depression (sauce??)

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NEW: A US biotech firm named Blackrock Neurotech has implanted 50 people with brain chips to cure blindness, deafness and depression


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3e0a50 No.39825

File: e4ce0818368400c⋯.png (126.35 KB,406x396,203:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788680 (030305ZMAY23) Notable: GP atty's include America First Legal File in Class Action Lawsuit

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Gateway Pundit.

Attorneys for Gateway Pundit Including America First Legal File New Class Action Lawsuit Attacking the Heart of Internet Election Censorship in America


(no replies unless you are satanic q tard racvist non reading nazi dog trained dnc fbi)

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3e0a50 No.39826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788686 (030307ZMAY23) Notable: Vermont's Republican governor signs bill to nix residency requirement for assisted suicide

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Vermont's Republican governor signs bill to nix residency requirement for assisted suicide

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott, a Republican, has signed a measure to remove the residency requirement from the state's assisted suicide law, according to the Associated Press.

Scott, who became governor in early 2017, won re-election during the state's 2022 gubernatorial election contest.

In order to qualify, patients who wish to obtain a deadly prescription to kill themselves must be expected to die within six months. "Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize a physician or any other person to end a patient's life by lethal injection, mercy killing, or active euthanasia," state law reads. "Action taken in accordance with this chapter shall not be construed for any purpose to constitute suicide, assisted suicide, mercy killing, or homicide under the law."

While many will lament Vermont's move to allow expanded access to lethal prescriptions, some are pleased by the developement.

Cassandra Johnston, a 38-year-old from New York who has been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, hailed the news as "life-changing," according to the AP. "It gives me such a peace of mind to know that if I need that peaceful and compassionate option that it's right next door," she said. "And it’s life-changing for someone like me. It really is."

While the law had previously required Vermont residency, the AP reported earlier this year that a Connecticut woman arrived at a settlement with Vermont that will allow her to participate in assisted suicide.

"I was so relieved to hear of the settlement of my case that will allow me to decide when cancer has taken all from me that I can bear," the 75-year-old woman, Lynda Bluestein, said, according to the outlet. "The importance of the peace of mind knowing that I will now face fewer obstacles in accessing the autonomy, control, and choice in this private, sacred and very personal decision about the end of my life is enormous."

Compassion & Choices announced last year that it had filed the suit on behalf of Bluestein and Vermont Dr. Diana Barnard.

Bluestein has not yet ended her own life.


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3e0a50 No.39827

File: d0261161042d700⋯.png (268.19 KB,532x319,532:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788687 (030307ZMAY23) Notable: Morgan Stanley in Talks to Resolve DOJ, SEC Block Trading Probes

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>>39649 pb Morgan Stanley plans to cut 3K jobs

Morgan Stanley in Talks to Resolve DOJ, SEC Block Trading Probes

Morgan Stanley said it’s in talks with US prosecutors and regulators to resolve a probe into its block trading practices. “The firm is currently engaged in discussions regarding potential resolution of the investigations by the enforcement division of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York into various aspects of the firm’s blocks business,” the bank said Tuesday in a regulatory filing. The firm has previously said inquiries focus on whether employees shared or used information regarding impending block transactions in violation of securities regulations. The company has discharged two bankers who had been put on leave in relation to the issue and said the move was tied to allegations about their communications about impending block trades and client activity.

Morgan Stanley disclosed the investigations last year, and said it faces potential civil liability from allegations that it caused stock prices to drop before completing a block trade. Spokespeople for the SEC and Justice Department declined to comment. Wall Street has been watching closely as prosecutors dig into how banks work with hedge funds and other buyers to privately carry out stock sales big enough to move prices. Company founders and other major stakeholders hire bankers to help them discreetly unload large blocks of stock without sending the price into a tailspin. The banks, in turn, often work with hedge funds willing to take the risk of acquiring a slug of equities on short notice. Conversations for those deals can stray into legal gray areas, and if sellers see prices slip just before deals are done, they’re known to question whether information leaked. Bloomberg has previously reported that the Justice Department had sought communications involving more than a dozen professionals at Wall Street firms, including at Morgan Stanley and some of its key clients.

In December, Pawan Passi, who led the US equity syndicate desk and the bank’s communications with investors for equity transactions and an underling, Charles Leisure, formally exited the bank. They initially submitted resignations but their notice period was cut short and departure accelerated over unwillingness to work closely with the bank through the probe, people with knowledge of the matter told Bloomberg at the time.


Magically goes away and will get the ubiquitous admit nothing, pay the fine and 'bidness as usual

from 2015 and then 5 years later JP Moran pays a $920m fine for doing exactly that and then the best part?…they typically do about $20-25m in profit on it's metals desk(s) but in 2020 they booked almost $1B in profit after having that DoJ fine levied…imagine that….

CFTC Closes Investigation Concerning the Silver Markets


JPMorgan Chase & Co. Agrees To Pay $920 Million in Connection with Schemes to Defraud Precious Metals and U.S. Treasuries Markets


So the way this was/is supposed to work is that JP Moran is not allowed to use it's prop trading (house accounts) per that agreement-that expires in Sept of this year-so they already have a few times and they just get someone else to do what they want and BTW if you saw the First Republic 'Deal' they are getting a $50B fixed term loan on top of all that but they don't say who that is coming from exactly..probably the FHLB (Federal Home Loan Bank) as they've already given out $1T in loans to all these regional banks or they've encumbered the DIF (FDIC Depositor Insurance Fund) by roughly half of what is left so you see why they can't really 'fail' a bank properly and also where did those $7.14B in OTC derivatives go that FRC had on it's books?… >asking for a fren


from 0428

During Banking Turmoil, FHLB Loans Rose to Record $1 Trillion

Outstanding loans by Federal Home Loan Banks to financial institutions surged to a record $1 trillion during March’s banking crisis, even as the pace slowed at the end of the month. The loans, which are known as advances, jumped 28% at the end of the first quarter from the close of 2022, the FHLB Office of Finance said on Friday. The increase was “driven by continued demand by depository members for liquidity,” according to a statement. Despite reaching an all-time high, the figure is below what some analysts had anticipated. It’s a signal that lenders’ rush to get cash to pay fleeing depositors might have faded, and that the worst of the stress in March may have abated. The data reflects lending as of March’s end, so the uptick in home loan bank financing sparked by the shaky status of First Republic Bank isn’t reflected.


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3e0a50 No.39828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788695 (030309ZMAY23) Notable: Jimmy Dore on Tucker departure due to Zelensky call

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roads and trains.


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3e0a50 No.39829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788758 (030331ZMAY23) Notable: President Donald Trump has said "it is great to be home" as he arrived in Aberdeen on a visit to his Scottish golf properties.

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>Anons any comments or insight?

Former US President Donald Trump has said "it is great to be home" as he arrived in Aberdeen on a visit to his Scottish golf properties.

It is Mr Trump's first visit to the UK since 2019 after leaving office.

He attended a ceremony to break ground on a new course at his Aberdeenshire resort, Trump International Scotland.

Mr Trump, whose mother was from the Isle of Lewis, sparked a security operation on a 2018 visit with protests in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

The visit comes as Mr Trump faces court action in the United States. Earlier this month he pled not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records.

He is also facing a civil trial over an allegation that he raped an advice columnist in the mid-1990s. A judge has denied his legal team's request for a mistrial.

Mr Trump, who is running for the White House again in 2024, is visiting Scotland as a private individual.

It is understood there is no requirement on the Scottish or UK governments to pay for special security.

The former president arrived at Aberdeen Airport at about 11:30 and was met by two pipers, a red carpet and a 10-vehicle motorcade.

He left the plane and greeted reporters as he walked to a waiting car, but did not stop to take questions.

Before getting into the vehicle, he said: "It's great to be home, this was the home of my mother."

His mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was born on Lewis in the Outer Hebrides before emigrating to the US.

Mr Trump said a "spectacular" second course on the Menie Estate at Balmedie in Aberdeenshire would be dedicated to her.

The former president cut a ceremonial red ribbon to mark the beginning of work on the MacLeod course.

He said the new course would be fit to "host many great championships" in future.

He added: "My mother was an incredible woman who loved Scotland. She returned here every year and she loved the Queen."

He added: "I love Scotland just as much."

Mr Trump is later expected to visit the Trump Turnberry course in Ayrshire before travelling to his course in Doonbeg on Ireland's west coast.

On Mr Trump's last major visit to Scotland in July 2018 he spent two days at his Turnberry resort with wife Melania.

Mr Trump was heckled as he played golf there with his son Eric.

It was part of a four-day trip to the UK, during which he met then Prime Minister Theresa May and the Queen.

Donald Trump's mother may have come from Scotland but he's had a very difficult relationship with people and politicians in the country of her birth.

While he is now opening the second of two golf courses in Aberdeenshire, his investment there remains a fraction of the one billion pounds he originally promised.

Developing the site brought him into conflict with some of his neighbours and environmental campaigners who wanted to preserve the sand dune system and its natural habitats.

Donald Trump also clashed with the Scottish government in court in an unsuccessful attempt to block a wind farm off the Aberdeenshire coast.

His redevelopment of Turnberry in Ayrshire was more warmly received.




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3e0a50 No.39830

File: 3cf92124d0822d6⋯.png (145.67 KB,623x602,89:86,Clipboard.png)

File: be12a5d548595e9⋯.png (651.36 KB,2048x1008,128:63,Clipboard.png)

File: f847f45ff2365bf⋯.png (478.33 KB,2048x1086,1024:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788777 (030339ZMAY23) Notable: 17 armed FBI agents swarm Oregon home in early morning raid to arrest one of their own re J6 misdemeanor charges

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17 armed FBI agents swarm Oregon home in early morning raid to arrest one of their own.

The alleged crimes: Four misdemeanor J6 counts:

trespassing, illegal parading, yelling and calling names, etc. Defendant is former @NewYorkFBI Special Agent Jared Wise. @julie_kelly2

4:13 PM · May 2, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788828 (030356ZMAY23) Notable: ‘What a stuttering mess’: Albanese’s response to controversial question slammed by trans-activists

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‘What a stuttering mess’: Albanese’s response to controversial question slammed by trans-activists

Anthony Albanese has come under fire for his response to a controversial question raised in an interview with talk-show host Piers Morgan.

“What is a woman Prime Minister?” Morgan asked.

“An adult female,” Mr Albanese replied instantly.

In response, the British journalist proceeded to question: “how difficult was that to answer?”

“Not too hard,” Mr Albanese said while slightly shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

“I was asked during the (election) campaign actually.”


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3e0a50 No.39832

File: ac4ca73249b7408⋯.jpeg (573.87 KB,1284x1362,214:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 46d1873168488f5⋯.jpeg (145.2 KB,1284x769,1284:769,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788857 (030405ZMAY23) Notable: Elon goes live on Twitter setting the stage

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Elon goes live on Twitter setting the stage



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3e0a50 No.39833

File: 9d1077f6c095e9b⋯.png (941.01 KB,1024x769,1024:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788883 (030410ZMAY23) Notable: Shock as Brazilian millionaire, 65, marries 16-year-old schoolgirl

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Shock as Brazilian millionaire, 65, marries 16-year-old schoolgirl

A Brazilian mayor who recently married a schoolgirl has copped major backlash over his controversial relationship and quit his job.

A 65-year-old millionaire who recently married a high-school student has reportedly quit his job after facing huge backlash to his nuptials.

Brazilian mayor Hissam Hussein Dehaini married former child beauty queen Kauane Rode Camargo on April 15 – just four days after she turned 16.

The wealthy businessman, who is claimed to be worth 14 million Brazilian Real (around $A4.3 million), was serving his second term as the mayor of Aracáuria in the state of Parana at the time of his wedding.

But the scandal surrounding his new bride has prompted Mr Dehaini to resign from the Cidadania political party, Yahoo News reports.

In another bizarre twist, Mr Dehaini had given two of his bride’s relatives top jobs on his staff days before their nuptials.

Her 36-year-old mother scored a $1500 pay rise after being made the new Municipal Secretary of Culture and Tourism, while her aunt was appointed Secretary General Director, a report by the MailOnline states.

The women have since been removed from their roles after officials announced they were looking into whether he used his influence as a public official to hire family members to government positions, the report added.

Dehaini, a father to 16 children, has been married six times, tying the knot for the first time in 1980, according to Brazilian news outlet G1.

The outlet also stated the former mayor was arrested in November 2000 as part of a drug trafficking investigation.

After being detained for more than 100 days, the investigation was dropped.

In Brazil, marriage at 16 is legal with parental permission and the country is reportedly the fifth biggest in the world for underage marriages.


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3e0a50 No.39834

File: 2236dcfaa27f5d2⋯.png (182.87 KB,981x626,981:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788884 (030410ZMAY23) Notable: Former CommEd Execs and Associates Found Guilty of Conspiring To Influence Former Illinois House Speaker

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Former Commonwealth Edison Executives and Associates Found Guilty of Conspiring To Influence and Reward Former Illinois House Speaker


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3e0a50 No.39835

File: 1485dc85abf7e45⋯.jpg (258.75 KB,800x585,160:117,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18788888 (030411ZMAY23) Notable: KEK SPEAKS – CINCO DE MAYO?

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3e0a50 No.39836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789261 (030546ZMAY23) Notable: Germany to further liberalize immigration

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Germany to further liberalize immigration

Berlin will deal with its shortage of skilled workers by attracting more foreigners,

Berlin will develop one of “Europe’s most modern immigration regimes,” he said, referring to new immigration legislation expected to be passed by lawmakers this month.

The law would allow foreigners, including those from non-EU nations, to come to Germany without a German professional qualification certificate, the minister said.

According to a 2021 report by Germany’s Institute for Labor Market and Vocational Studies (IAB),only an annual net immigration of 400,000 people per yearwill keep a sustainable workforce supply “in the long term.”


RIP Germany

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3e0a50 No.39837

File: cf72cbe104da26f⋯.png (87.33 KB,741x429,19:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789291 (030555ZMAY23) Notable: Florida man charged with setting off explosive device in Capitol tunnel during Jan. 6 riot

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This should be "news" but it isn't?


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3e0a50 No.39838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789312 (030600ZMAY23) Notable: #23058

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#23058 >>39817

>>39818 Col. Derek Harvey & Brian Costello: Biden, Sequoia Capital, CCP 'A National Security Threat'

>>39819 John Rich: US Military does much more than what we see, Trump: John Rih was a very smart guy!

>>39820 According to Reuters, JP Morgan did not sink the Titanic

>>39821 27 Chinese warplanes and 7 PLAN vessels detected around Taiwan

>>39822 Former elementary school teacher sentenced for sexually abusing children

>>39823 Former Fulton High School Coach Arrested on Federal Charges for CP possession, transportation

>>39824 A US biotech firm named Blackrock Report: Neurotech has implanted 50 people with brain chips to cure blindness, deafness and depression (sauce??)

>>39825 GP atty's include America First Legal File in Class Action Lawsuit

>>39826 Vermont's Republican governor signs bill to nix residency requirement for assisted suicide

>>39827 Morgan Stanley in Talks to Resolve DOJ, SEC Block Trading Probes

>>39828 Jimmy Dore on Tucker departure due to Zelensky call

>>39829 President Donald Trump has said "it is great to be home" as he arrived in Aberdeen on a visit to his Scottish golf properties.

>>39830 17 armed FBI agents swarm Oregon home in early morning raid to arrest one of their own re J6 misdemeanor charges

>>39831 ‘What a stuttering mess’: Albanese’s response to controversial question slammed by trans-activists

>>39832 Elon goes live on Twitter setting the stage

>>39833 Shock as Brazilian millionaire, 65, marries 16-year-old schoolgirl

>>39834 Former CommEd Execs and Associates Found Guilty of Conspiring To Influence Former Illinois House Speaker


>>39836 Germany to further liberalize immigration

>>39837 Florida man charged with setting off explosive device in Capitol tunnel during Jan. 6 riot



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3e0a50 No.39839

File: d205270bb88288e⋯.png (99.34 KB,458x189,458:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789324 (030602ZMAY23) Notable: #23059

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baker seeking handoff, will ghost in 20

TY anons for your contributions.

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3e0a50 No.39840

File: 58d33757327b803⋯.jpg (86.88 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789368 (030614ZMAY23) Notable: New Baker

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3e0a50 No.39841

File: f06289a813a8383⋯.png (657.31 KB,793x731,793:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789386 (030620ZMAY23) Notable: Obama is in germany, visiting Merkel again!

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Obama is in germany, visiting Merkel again !


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3e0a50 No.39842

File: 58340b7c27f4f49⋯.mp4 (14.74 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 806dd35b774d213⋯.jpg (146.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789411 (030628ZMAY23) Notable: 'WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY' Chip Roy SILENCES Maxine With SIMPLE 'Socialist Question'

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'WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY' Chip Roy SILENCES Maxine With SIMPLE 'Socialist Question'… DENOUNCES Her

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3e0a50 No.39843

File: 576dd722fc840ea⋯.jpeg (474.65 KB,785x993,785:993,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789501 (030717ZMAY23) Notable: King Charles dealt major blow as 22 million Britons pledge to skip Coronation

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King Charles dealt major blow as 22 million Britons pledge to skip Coronation - survey

A survey has suggested just over half the Britons who watched the Queen's Coronation will watch the King's Coronation.


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3e0a50 No.39844

File: 4dd163b6c657c78⋯.jpg (114.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c05a5458606cc97⋯.mp4 (14.36 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789544 (030735ZMAY23) Notable: John Kennedy Explodes At Schumer, Dems' 'Loon Wing' For 'Threats' Against Supreme Court

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John Kennedy Explodes At Schumer, Dems' 'Loon Wing' For 'Threats' Against Supreme Court

>626,757 views | May 2, 2023

In remarks at the start of today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) excoriated Democrats for their attacks on Supreme Court Justices.

>the early audio 'glitches' are on several channels

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3e0a50 No.39845

File: ac086ff61170f76⋯.jpg (87.47 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 27b6a3e6108fafc⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: bd06f1c17350ffb⋯.png (746.39 KB,579x439,579:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789577 (030753ZMAY23) Notable: John Cornyn Plays Past Video Of Biden And Clarence Thomas He Says Is A 'Searing' Memory

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John Cornyn Plays Past Video Of Biden And Clarence Thomas He Says Is A 'Searing' Memory

>681,345 views | May 2, 2023 | FORBES

At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on a proposed ethics code for Supreme Court Justices, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) played a video of Justice Clarence Thomas's confirmation hearing, with then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) speaking as well.

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3e0a50 No.39846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789589 (030800ZMAY23) Notable: Germany, Italy clamp down on Italian mob with raids, arrests

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Germany, Italy clamp down on Italian mob with raids, arrests

BERLIN (AP) — Police arrested suspects and raided homes early Wednesday across Germany and Italy in a massive effort to clamp down on members of the Italian ’ndrangheta organized crime syndicate.

In Germany, more than 1,000 officers searched dozens of homes, offices and stores in the states of Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia, prosecutors said in a joint statement.

In Italy, carabinieri police backed by helicopters served arrest warrants on 108 people who were accused, among other things, of mafia association; possession, production, and trafficking of drugs and weapons; and money laundering.

European authorities have been waging a campaign against the Calabria-based ’ndrangheta, arguably the world’s richest organized crime group, in recent years. The group has exploited tens of billions of dollars in cocaine revenues over decades to extend its criminal reach across Europe and into several continents as the Sicilian Mafia lost influence.

Over 30 suspects who had outstanding warrants were arrested in Germany.

Among other things, the suspects are accused of money laundering, gang tax evasion, commercial gang fraud, and narcotics smuggling, a statement from the German state office of criminal investigation in North Rhine-Westphalia said.

The raids are part of a wider joint investigation involving Europol and also included simultaneous measures against the group across Europe, the statement said.

A press release from carabinieri in Regio Calabria, where the ’ndrangheta is based, said arrest warrants were also served in Belgium, France, Portugal, Romania and Spain.


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3e0a50 No.39847

File: 738d90da784ba1d⋯.jpg (156.9 KB,720x806,360:403,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789632 (030823ZMAY23) Notable: Royal fans think King Charles was ‘bullied’ into hiding his ‘sausage fingers’

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Royal fans think King Charles was ‘bullied’ into hiding his ‘sausage fingers’

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3e0a50 No.39848

File: 6e296ea1c4bb937⋯.png (143.38 KB,672x767,672:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789660 (030848ZMAY23) Notable: TONY BLINKEN ON THIN ICE AS CONNECTIONS TO BURISMA, LAPTOP SCANDALS PILE UP

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Blinken: ‘Not Engaging in Politics’ of Whether Hunter Biden Laptop Is Russian Disinformation

During an interview on Monday with Fox News State Department Correspondent Benjamin Hall aired on Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken refused to say that the Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation because he’s “not engaging in politics” and he has “a lot on my agenda” with the war in Ukraine, engaging with American allies, dealing with China, and dealing with the situation in Sudan.

Blinken said that the 2020 letter from former intelligence officials claiming that the laptop story was Russian disinformation “wasn’t my idea, didn’t ask for it, didn’t solicit it. And I think the testimony that the former Deputy Director of the CIA, Mike Morell put forward confirms that.”

Hall then asked, “Do you accept that the laptop is not Russian disinformation?”

Blinken responded, “Again, from my perspective, I’m not engaging in politics. I’ve got a lot on my agenda [with] the things that we’ve just talked about, trying to help the Ukrainians in the Russian aggression against them, engaging with allies and partners around the world, and dealing with some of the challenges posed by China. We have a situation now in Sudan that’s fully occupied my time. So that’s where my focus is.”


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3e0a50 No.39849

File: 3d55f865730fa9a⋯.png (219.72 KB,1092x779,1092:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789667 (030852ZMAY23) Notable: TONY BLINKEN ON THIN ICE AS CONNECTIONS TO BURISMA, LAPTOP SCANDALS PILE UP

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸




May 03, 2023, 12:41 AM



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3e0a50 No.39850

File: 7be957d5557ccb2⋯.png (563.85 KB,1280x1017,1280:1017,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789679 (030858ZMAY23) Notable: 'LONG CAREER AS ACTIVIST' Biden Nominee LEFT IN RUINS After Ted Cruz' DEVASTATING TRUTH Hit Her

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>2,732 views | May 3, 2023 | André Ferrizzi


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3e0a50 No.39851

File: 36255874530a5f6⋯.mp4 (13.57 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1ba724c97244c81⋯.jpg (120.33 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789684 (030859ZMAY23) Notable: 'LONG CAREER AS ACTIVIST' Biden Nominee LEFT IN RUINS After Ted Cruz' DEVASTATING TRUTH Hit Her

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>2,732 views | May 3, 2023 | André Ferrizzi


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3e0a50 No.39852

File: 50f41098ac722b1⋯.png (58.02 KB,1119x423,373:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a162d522417d50⋯.png (529.75 KB,713x894,713:894,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789709 (030921ZMAY23) Notable: Why Are We Letting the Chinese Buy Our Land? Q 4097

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Why Are We Letting the Chinese Buy Our Land?

May 2, 2023

Recent events make this question less about commerce and agriculture and more about national security.

When we think of the open spaces out in what’s derisively known as “flyover country,” we think of land that’s used for farming, ranching, mining, and timber. We think of millions upon millions of bountiful acres that keep our bellies full, our lights on, and our industries producing.

While Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates is our nation’s largest farmland owner, his portfolio of 269,000 agricultural acres pales in comparison to the acreage — generally in vast holdings of ranch land — owned by various individuals and families. You may recognize some of the names among the top 10: CNN founder Ted Turner, Subway cofounder Peter Buck, and Los Angeles Rams owner Stan Kroenke. Even the family heirs controlling the venerable King Ranch make the list with more than 900,000 acres owned.

But there are other entities attempting to muscle their way onto this list — Red Chinese entities.

It hasn’t drawn as many headlines as the controversy over the Confucius Institutes we talked about a few years back, or the more recent flight of the red zeppelin, but there’s a growing concern about Chinese ownership of our domestic land — particularly the soil on which we’re growing our food.

The ChiComs have been on a global land-buying spree, and our farms are no exception. The amount of American land owned by Chinese interests has increased by more than fivefold in the last decade, with that property often strategically purchased near sensitive military or civilian institutions. That buying spree is even more pronounced in other areas of the world, leading South Dakota Republican Congressman Dusty Johnson to observe, “When they own that African farmland, when they own that Southeast Asian farmland, they gain more control over the whole global food supply.”

At this point, America can still pretty much feed herself, but a portion of our agricultural exports are now competing with Chinese-owned farms in other parts of the world. The issue is being addressed, however, and it’s a two-pronged approach. States worried about the encroachment of foreign interests on our farmland have been willing to place restrictions on its purchase, with the latest of several examples being a state house bill called the North Carolina Farmland and Military Protection Act.

“Our state’s agricultural land is one of our most important assets and it is common sense that we protect it from foreign governments that do not have America’s best interests in mind,” said State Representative Jennifer Balkcom, the bill’s sponsor. If adopted, North Carolina would join a list of 18 states with some form of regulation on foreign ownership of property.

Good for those 18. What’s keeping the other 32?

Meanwhile, Congress is itself trying to get into the act with a series of competing proposals. And while Johnson cautioned that the Biden administration “is not engaging with us in Congress as much as I think some people would hope,” the bills are proceeding in a hearteningly bipartisan fashion. One key change would be the addition of the secretary of agriculture to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which reviews the potential foreign acquisition of land and businesses.

Two of America’s biggest assets are its landmass and its attractiveness to foreign investment. Sometimes, though, that investment involves our land, and we as a sovereign nation should be able to dictate whether such purchases are in our best interests or not.

Recent events — such as the spy balloon flyover and the opening of clandestine police stations in our cities — strongly suggest that the Red Chinese might not have our own best interests at heart.


Two day early

Q 4097

04-May-2020 4:43:12 PM UTCQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch9025008

Archived links:


Why would Pelosi [D] block origination-source [roll-out] investigation of COVID-19 in [China]?

Prevent public exposure of truth?

Ask yourself, why?



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3e0a50 No.39853

File: a43cd61438006b8⋯.png (467 KB,716x896,179:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789719 (030926ZMAY23) Notable: Banks Collapse After Federal Fiscal Failure

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Banks Collapse After Federal Fiscal Failure

Joe Biden doesn’t run the banks, but his economic mismanagement and federal regulation brought down another big bank.

We humans are funny creatures. We all know deep down that responsibly managing resources, including our finances, is critically important. But in practice, we often simply don’t care.

We just want that next vacation or new toy. We just want the bank on the corner to keep dispensing money without failing. We just want the federal government to keep running those programs to “take care” of people. Let someone else pick up the tab.

Oh how reality intrudes.

The U.S. national debt is $31.7 trillion and counting, and we officially hit the statutory debt ceiling in January. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been using “extraordinary measures” to keep things running, though she warned yesterday that those measures will expire faster than she thought previously. “After reviewing recent federal tax receipts,” Yellen wrote in a letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, “our best estimate is that we will be unable to continue to satisfy all of the government’s obligations by early June, and potentially as early as June 1, if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit before that time.”

Her lecturing letter ought to be addressed to Joe Biden. McCarthy and his fellow Republicans already did pass legislation increasing the debt ceiling. It is Joe Biden who has so far refused to negotiate, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has dutifully waited with him on the sidelines. They prefer to blame Republicans than to actually do anything responsible.

Biden did finally reverse course Monday, inviting McCarthy to come to the White House … next week. Nothing like urgency.

We bring that up because Biden has a fiscal log in his own eye when it comes to the rash of bank failures on his watch — including three of the four biggest failures in U.S. history.

In March, Mark Alexander thoroughly covered the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. SVB was America’s 16th-largest bank, and its failure was the second largest in U.S. history.

Regulators seized First Republic Bank and on Monday sold its assets to JPMorgan Chase. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will take a $13 billion hit, compared with about $20 billion for SVB. First Republic’s failure is now the second biggest, outmatched only by the 2008 collapse of Washington Mutual. JPMorgan also purchased Washington Mutual, and its buyout of First Republic only adds to the balance sheet of America’s largest bank.

Too big to fail just keeps getting even bigger.

What happened? In short, bad management. “Since the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in March, attention has focused on First Republic as the weakest link in the U.S. banking system,” reports CNBC. “Like SVB, which catered to the tech startup community, First Republic was also a California-based specialty lender of sorts. It focused on serving rich coastal Americans, enticing them with low-rate mortgages in exchange for leaving cash at the bank.”

In other words, like SVB, First Republic served wealthy Democrat elites — like Mark Zuckerberg. Its strategy of five-star service and cheap loans rather than rate of return for wealthy depositors didn’t end up panning out.

One particular wealthy Democrat elite blames the nebulous forces of deregulation. “The failure of First Republic Bank shows how deregulation has made the too big to fail problem even worse,” Senator Elizabeth Warren declared. “A poorly supervised bank was snapped up by an even bigger bank — ultimately taxpayers will be on the hook. Congress needs to make major reforms to fix a broken banking system.”

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3e0a50 No.39854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789720 (030926ZMAY23) Notable: Banks Collapse After Federal Fiscal Failure

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Someone get a Leftmedia fact-checker on the line. They scolded and censored anyone who dared suggest that taxpayers might “be on the hook” for SVB or Signature Bank. We’re guessing they’ll just whistle and look the other way now that Warren has said it, maybe because she hedged with future tense.

Moreover, Warren is a big fan of the Dodd-Frank financial takeover that passed before Harvard’s most famous “Native American” arrived in the Senate. Whatever deregulation happened under the too-brief Trump administration was merely rolling back some of the power grabbed by Warren’s ilk. It does not mean the feds don’t still regulate the financial sector even more heavily than before 2008.

Remember that three of the four biggest bank collapses in U.S. history occurred post Dodd-Frank and under Joe Biden’s inflationary economic regime.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve just released its autopsy of SVB Friday, and it echoes Warren’s statist conclusion: The failure of regulation means more regulation is needed.

The inconvenient truth, however, is that SVB collapsed in part because of regulation. The Fed’s regulatory “framework is quite complicated,” the report admits, and SVB expended “considerable effort seeking to understand the rules and when they apply, including the implications of different evaluation criteria, historical and prospective transition periods, cliff effects, and complicated definitions.”

As the editors of The Wall Street Journal translate, “SVB seems to have been more focused on complying with financial regulation than prudently managing its balance-sheet risks.” Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr boasts of this “unflinching” report, but in reality all we got from the Federal Reserve was scapegoating and blame-shifting.

Just remember that these are the same people — mostly Democrats — who are managing our national fiscal house. SVB, Signature Bank, and First Republic all had bad debts that overwhelmed them.

What happens when America is finally overcome by the fiscal profligacy of politicians like Biden and Warren?


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3e0a50 No.39855

File: fdcc9ffa60e9858⋯.png (4.5 MB,856x1835,856:1835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789724 (030929ZMAY23) Notable: 5 Pages of Fun… bun.

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1 of 5

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3e0a50 No.39856

File: 7ae4d5fd18112ac⋯.png (502.19 KB,700x881,700:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789726 (030930ZMAY23) Notable: The BIG Lies- “We get up every day making sure that this economy is delivering for working people all across the country.” —Biden economic adviser Heather Boushey

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May 3, 2023

Wednesday Short Cuts

Notable quotables from Antony Blinken, Greg Abbott, Vivek Ramaswamy, and more.

The BIG Lies

“One of the great benefits of this job is that I don’t do politics and don’t engage in it.” —Secretary of State Antony Blinken

“We get up every day making sure that this economy is delivering for working people all across the country.” —Biden economic adviser Heather Boushey


“If you truly want to ‘work together to find a real solution’ to this border crisis gripping our nation, you must call on the Biden Administration to do its job by securing our border, repelling the illegal immigrants flooding into our communities, classifying the Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, and intercepting the deadly fentanyl that is endangering our country. You are right that ‘this situation is completely untenable,’ but this is not a Texas problem — this is a problem for the entire United States of America. Texas began busing migrants to sanctuary cities such as your ‘Welcoming City,’ along with Washington, D.C., New York City, and Philadelphia, to provide much-needed relief to our overrun border communities. Until President Biden secures the border to stop the inflow of mass migration, Texas will continue this necessary program.” —Texas Governor Greg Abbott in response to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

For the Record

“‘The failure of First Republic Bank shows how deregulation has made the too big to fail problem even worse,’ Senator Elizabeth Warren declared. ‘A poorly supervised bank was snapped up by an even bigger bank — ultimately taxpayers will be on the hook. Congress needs to make major reforms to fix a broken banking system.’ Someone get a Leftmedia fact-checker on the line. They scolded and censored anyone who dared suggest that taxpayers might ‘be on the hook’ for SVB or Signature Bank.” —Nate Jackson

“Remember that three of the four biggest bank collapses in U.S. history occurred post Dodd-Frank and under Joe Biden’s inflationary economic regime.” —Nate Jackson

Re: The Left

“Gay movement: the sex you’re attracted to is hardwired at birth, even though there’s no gay gene. Trans movement: your sex is entirely fluid, even though there is a definitive sex chromosome. LGBT movement: you must believe both of those things at once, or else you’re a bigot.” —Vivek Ramaswamy

“If you are a Christian using trans pronouns, you are aiding the Enemy in advancing a movement that’s destroying bodies, souls, families, & nations. There’s no neutrality or nuance here.” —Allie Beth Stuckey

And Last…

“There is no carefully crafted narrative or hand-selected imagery that can erase the downward spiral and loss of freedom and rights that we can see with our own eyes. We are too aware of the suffering we do not want to see continue for our friends and neighbors. Joe Biden has repeatedly demonstrated no interest in preserving freedom.” —Samantha Koch


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3e0a50 No.39857

File: 9af219f0210225f⋯.png (4.36 MB,841x1810,841:1810,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789741 (030939ZMAY23) Notable: 5 Pages of Fun… bun.

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2 of 5

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3e0a50 No.39858

File: 21e4c19b8a1fc9a⋯.png (4.52 MB,862x1831,862:1831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789760 (030951ZMAY23) Notable: 5 Pages of Fun… bun.

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3 of 5

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3e0a50 No.39859

File: 0d4ee8d5dbbfbe5⋯.png (4.56 MB,864x1840,54:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789778 (030959ZMAY23) Notable: 5 Pages of Fun… bun.

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4 of 5

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3e0a50 No.39860

File: e7af1f72605eedf⋯.png (61.12 KB,598x707,598:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789780 (030959ZMAY23) Notable: Massive police raids across several European countries

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See new Tweets


Insider Paper




BREAKING: Massive police raids across several European countries targeted "more than 100 suspected members" of the Italian mafia


Europe raids target 'more than 100' mafia suspects - Insider Paper

Massive police raids launched Wednesday across several European countries targeted "more than 100 suspected members" of the Italian

Insider Paper


UPDATES - "It is likely the biggest operation ever carried out in Europe against the Calabrese mafia," Belgian prosecutors said in a statement, adding that 3,000 police officers in Italy were involved in the raids, and 1,000 in Germany.

10:45 PM · May 2, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39861

File: a22113014d92a85⋯.png (4.28 MB,843x1769,843:1769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18789799 (031009ZMAY23) Notable: 5 Pages of Fun… bun.

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5 of 5

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3e0a50 No.39862

File: d66caec6e55210c⋯.png (193.47 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790022 (031216ZMAY23) Notable: SCOTUS Justice Barrett Gives Illinois City Until Monday to Respond to Challenge to ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

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SCOTUS Justice Barrett Gives Illinois City Until Monday to Respond to Challenge to ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban


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3e0a50 No.39863

File: 5bf940b7494fa86⋯.mp4 (8.5 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790047 (031228ZMAY23) Notable: John Kennedy Explodes At Schumer, Dems' 'Loon Wing' For 'Threats' Against Supreme Court

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Kennedy laying the smackdown on Schummer

At SCOTUS Ethics Hearing, Sen. Kennedy Reminds Dems How Schumer Threatened Justices


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3e0a50 No.39864

File: 079f531bd86ab75⋯.png (183.72 KB,684x429,228:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790091 (031241ZMAY23) Notable: Judge Rules Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Must Go to Trial Over Willful Neglect of Duties

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baker, i'll post this nb.

Judge Rules Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Must Go to Trial Over Willful Neglect of Duties


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3e0a50 No.39865

File: ae9ad28038d7697⋯.png (932.62 KB,886x664,443:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790095 (031243ZMAY23) Notable: #23059

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…FINALS.Baker requires handoff next bread.Eventually will get the hang of this.


#23059 >>39839

New Baker >>39840

>>39841 Obama is in germany, visiting Merkel again!

>>39842 'WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY' Chip Roy SILENCES Maxine With SIMPLE 'Socialist Question'

>>39843 King Charles dealt major blow as 22 million Britons pledge to skip Coronation

>>39844, >>39863 John Kennedy Explodes At Schumer, Dems' 'Loon Wing' For 'Threats' Against Supreme Court

>>39845 John Cornyn Plays Past Video Of Biden And Clarence Thomas He Says Is A 'Searing' Memory

>>39846 Germany, Italy clamp down on Italian mob with raids, arrests

>>39847 Royal fans think King Charles was ‘bullied’ into hiding his ‘sausage fingers’


>>39850, >>39851 'LONG CAREER AS ACTIVIST' Biden Nominee LEFT IN RUINS After Ted Cruz' DEVASTATING TRUTH Hit Her

>>39852 Why Are We Letting the Chinese Buy Our Land? Q 4097

>>39853, >>39854 Banks Collapse After Federal Fiscal Failure

>>39856 The BIG Lies- “We get up every day making sure that this economy is delivering for working people all across the country.” —Biden economic adviser Heather Boushey

>>39860 Massive police raids across several European countries

>>39855, >>39857, >>39858, >>39859, >>39861 5 Pages of Fun… bun.

>>39862 SCOTUS Justice Barrett Gives Illinois City Until Monday to Respond to Challenge to ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

>>39864 Judge Rules Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Must Go to Trial Over Willful Neglect of Duties

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3e0a50 No.39866

File: d5835b72b989780⋯.png (105.48 KB,373x243,373:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790120 (031254ZMAY23) Notable: #23060

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…Saved it. All good. Baker seeking handoff.

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3e0a50 No.39867

File: 976bf3eb74e2564⋯.png (1.42 MB,1362x766,681:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790121 (031255ZMAY23) Notable: #Epstein Victim Demands #FBI Investigate Its Failure to Stop Him

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#Epstein Victim Demands #FBI Investigate Its Failure to Stop Him

Maria Farmer is asking the FBI to probe why it failed to investigate Jeffrey Epstein in the decades before his arrest, despite being contacted by his victims.


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3e0a50 No.39868

File: 42f41f1ac1ce7c9⋯.png (80.27 KB,1105x684,1105:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790134 (031259ZMAY23) Notable: Limit on gender treatments, surgeries legislation clears Louisiana committee

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Limit on gender treatments, surgeries legislation clears Louisiana committee

Lawmakers voted 14-3 to approve House Bill 463, sponsored by Rep. Michael Firment, R-Grant, to prohibit any physician or medical professional from performing any gender transition procedures or hormone therapy for any person under the age of 18.


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3e0a50 No.39869

File: 0c98d50e8d61e3f⋯.png (110.33 KB,598x590,299:295,Clipboard.png)

File: e0e53e7c9e83172⋯.png (538.67 KB,819x694,819:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790148 (031303ZMAY23) Notable: Buckle up…Russia says Ukraine tried to hit Kremlin with drones overnight

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Chief Nerd


Buckle up…

Quote Tweet





JUST IN - Russia says Ukraine tried to hit Kremlin with drones overnight in an assassination attempt on Putin.

6:52 AM · May 3, 2023




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3e0a50 No.39870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790149 (031303ZMAY23) Notable: British Godfather of AI, 75, QUITS Google over Fears the ‘Scary’ Tech He Pioneered

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British Godfather of AI, 75, QUITS Google over Fears the ‘Scary’ Tech He Pioneered

Geoffrey Hinton, 75, helped to design the systems that became the bedrock of artificial intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT and Google Bard, but now he says that part of him regrets making them. He fears that AI could prompt the proliferation of misinformation and replace people in the workforce. The technology poses a serious risk to ‘drudge’ work and could upend the careers of people working as paralegals, personal assistants and translators. Hinton accused Google of not being a ‘proper steward’ for AI technologies. Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and the late Stephen Hawking are among the most famous critics of AI who believe it poses a ‘profound risk to society and humanity’ and could have ‘catastrophic effects’. If humans lose control of AI then it will be considered to have reached singularity, which means it has surpassed human intelligence and has independent thinking. AI would no longer need or listen to humans, allowing it to steal nuclear codes, create pandemics and spark world wars.



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3e0a50 No.39871

File: 9ac77e05a413049⋯.png (335.41 KB,537x348,179:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790156 (031305ZMAY23) Notable: IBM To Stop Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By AI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


IBM To Stop Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By AI; Nearly 8,000 Workers To Be Replaced

Last month Goldman Sachs predicted that artificial intelligence (AI) could lead to some 300 million layoffs among highly paid, non-menial workers in the US and Europe. They found that two-thirds of current jobs are exposed to some degree of AI automation, and that generative AI could substitute up to one-fourth of current workers. The CEO of IBM said that the company has about 26,000 back office workers who do not interface with the public and that he could see 30% of those workers replaced by AI over the next five years. IBM currently employs about 260,000 workers and continues to hire for software development and customer-facing roles.



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3e0a50 No.39872

File: 6dd0081bf997cba⋯.png (483.91 KB,573x372,191:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790162 (031307ZMAY23) Notable: New York Set to Pass First Statewide Law Banning Gas in New Construction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


New York Set to Pass First Statewide Law Banning Gas in New Construction

Democrat New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced a deal with state lawmakers to become the first state in the nation to pass a law banning natural gas in most new buildings, using heat pumps and induction stoves for heating and cooking. It is part of a national movement, led by climate activists, to rid homes and businesses of natural gas, heating oil and propane. Last month, the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit struck down the city of Berkeley’s first-in-the-nation gas ban, dealing a potential setback to that California city and 25 others with similar ordinances.



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3e0a50 No.39873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790174 (031309ZMAY23) Notable: Students at Texas High School Brutally Beat Assistant Principal Sending Her to Hospital

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Students at Texas High School Brutally Beat Assistant Principal Sending Her to Hospital

A group of students at Westfield High School in Spring Texas, north of Houston, were fighting in the hallway when an administrator attempted to intervene. Students then reportedly formed a mob around the assistant principal and brutally beat her. The injuries were so severe, the victim was left unable to talk, was rushed to the hospital and remains there with pain in her head.



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3e0a50 No.39874

File: d59bc8d238b084e⋯.png (656.39 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790181 (031311ZMAY23) Notable: California to Ban Non-Electric Engine Passenger Trains After 2030, Freight After 2035

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


California to Ban Non-Electric Engine Passenger Trains After 2030, Freight After 2035

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has enacted new regulations that will require “zero emissions” trains to be introduced after 2030, to offer a “green” alternative to cars and trucks. Last August, CARB finalized regulations that ban the sale of gas-powered cars in the state after 2035 despite its already struggling electrical grid. California also plans to ban diesel and gas-powered trucks by 2040, and will require all-electric trucking fleets by 2042.



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3e0a50 No.39875

File: b2415d0a8c3519e⋯.png (177.17 KB,530x491,530:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790182 (031311ZMAY23) Notable: @DiamondandSilk - Devout Catholics Report ‘Suspicious Activity’ After Biden FBI Memo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Devout Catholics Report ‘Suspicious Activity’ After Biden FBI Memo Warning Of ‘Extremist Behavior’ In Churches. #diamondandsilk #attackonchristians #Truth


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3e0a50 No.39876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790184 (031312ZMAY23) Notable: Anon calls for trend war #BIDENLYING

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trend that shit

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3e0a50 No.39877

File: 06cbbfb6e5858cc⋯.mp4 (7.14 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790190 (031315ZMAY23) Notable: @TomFitton The Left wants to be able to steal elections…how to stop them! MP4

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The Left wants to be able to steal elections…how to stop them! @JudicialWatch @realDonaldTrump

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3e0a50 No.39878

File: b3b1d9d9978fe2c⋯.png (31.5 KB,598x451,598:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790196 (031318ZMAY23) Notable: @RealJamesWoods 15,000 in one town in one week. It’s literally an invasion.

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James Woods


15,000 in one town in one week.

It’s literally an invasion.

Quote Tweet

Senator Ted Cruz



May 1

In one week, 15,000 illegal aliens have invaded Brownsville.

The #BidenBorderCrisis is out of control.


3:59 PM · May 1, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790204 (031321ZMAY23) Notable: YT, THE CROWNING OF THE CAPTURED KING CHARLES !!! #Qlocked

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Note: Anon has no problem with Charles and who he is, anon has a problem with what charles has done and who he backs, champions and his past actions, including his friendship with Jimmy Savile, no wonder Prince Andrew thought it was fine to hang around with Epstein. Also Charles and Camila his cheating wife were both married whilst having a ongoing affair. how that would effect his children, They are supposed to be first amongst equals in the u.k and represent the people, Well that is no when he champions the W.E.F and Klaus Schwab vision of dystopia, net zero and social credit system on a free people.

No matter the media propaganda of how loved charles is and his wife, the people of the u.k have a chance to show that no one cares and if they do not turn up, have no street parties and refuse their push, they will make up the propaganda for the world to see with special camera editing and astroturfed celebrations by useful idiots.


Neil Oliver ‘…the last three years have changed everything and altered the fabric of society we’re still being coerced, controlled and distracted….should we swear allegiance and should Charles be King?'


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3e0a50 No.39880

File: f1ed425414bc785⋯.png (556.76 KB,1112x657,1112:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 868b26ef0166127⋯.png (1.53 MB,1286x783,1286:783,Clipboard.png)

File: ae90dfa99f643c3⋯.png (452.53 KB,947x534,947:534,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d5d9898dde158e⋯.png (205.26 KB,484x275,44:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790205 (031321ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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>>39524, >>39634 pb

PF: Europe/Med Activity-McCarthy group AC in Aqaba, Jordan

BOXER40 C-40C arrived at Aqaba, Jordan from Amman depart

>part of this group https://twitter.com/SpeakerMcCarthy

German AF GAF056 and 023 A400ms heading to Muwaffaq Salti Air Base, Jordan-still busy here with load outs

Saudi AF HZKSGA G4 NW from Riyadh departure

Hungarian AF HUAF565 Falcon 7x usually SE from BudapestFM Peter Szjaritoon this one and landed at Istanbul, Turkey

Szijjarto: Hungarian schools facing "pressure by godless ideologies"


RAF RRR7203 RC-135 Rivet Joint and RRR9954 A330 MRTT (tanker) over eastern Romania

Czech AF 2801 A319 on ground about to take off from Prague

NATO04 E-3A Sentry AWACS done over central and southern Poland

AE6858 US Navy P-8 Poseidon heading NW from Nordholz AB

on the right side of cap have Paki AF PFF2 G4 passing south of Moscow @43k ft from Lahore Pakiland depart

Swedish AF Saab S 100D Argus 340 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning and Control AC) out of Skaraborgs AB trackin' just WS of Stockholm

2 German AF GAF781 A-321neo SW from Trondheim and 861 A-319 NE from Koln/Bonn depart…861 heading to Bergen

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3e0a50 No.39881

File: 0081b4c6d40d515⋯.png (338.58 KB,463x735,463:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790211 (031322ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - 2024 Presidential Poll show trump ahead by only 7 points over biden?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

22:49 = 17

Trump 48 % Biden 41% = 17

Donald J. Trump


May 02, 2023, 10:49 PM


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3e0a50 No.39882

File: 2ceb002e63d9800⋯.png (557.01 KB,1230x1063,1230:1063,Clipboard.png)

File: 03720f9fb7f8858⋯.png (283.6 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790212 (031323ZMAY23) Notable: MP4 YT, Purported video shows moment of drone attack on Kremlin

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BREAKING: Purported video shows moment of drone attack on Kremlin

Kinda reminds of that Shia LaBeouf episode…

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3e0a50 No.39883

File: 65f6abc60612c0a⋯.png (481.77 KB,695x500,139:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790213 (031323ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - 2024 Presidential Poll show trump ahead by only 7 points over biden?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Biden 41%

Absolute horse shit!

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3e0a50 No.39884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790214 (031323ZMAY23) Notable: 9:00 AM EDT Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Top Journalists on Global Press Freedom:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9:00 AM EDT

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Top Journalists on Global Press Freedom: The World Press Freedom Index is an annual assessment from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) about the state of journalism in 180 countries and territories.

Washington Post Live






Secretary Blinken Discusses World Press Freedom Day

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is interviewed about the state of global press freedom and the 2023 World Press Freedom Index results in an event hosted by the Washington Post.


Blinken at 10


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3e0a50 No.39885

File: 4458e158babd66a⋯.png (122.63 KB,527x426,527:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790215 (031324ZMAY23) Notable: @elonmusk - Elon Musk was live

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@elonmusk - Elon Musk was live

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3e0a50 No.39886

File: d7b281b2f1c6dbe⋯.png (70.81 KB,1201x436,1201:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790217 (031325ZMAY23) Notable: MP4 YT, Purported video shows moment of drone attack on Kremlin

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BREAKING: Kremlin warned that Russia reserves the right to retaliate and that it viewed the alleged drone attack as a “terrorist” act.

8:41 AM · May 3, 2023·20.2K


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3e0a50 No.39887

File: c8c69e4d0dfa735⋯.mp4 (347.89 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790218 (031325ZMAY23) Notable: MP4 YT, Purported video shows moment of drone attack on Kremlin

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>BREAKING: Purported video shows moment of drone attack on Kremlin

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3e0a50 No.39888

File: 1fdfa512451d92a⋯.png (429.72 KB,544x842,272:421,Clipboard.png)

File: ebb9f170a2065fd⋯.png (13.36 KB,592x286,296:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 56df3952565c283⋯.png (21.97 KB,802x286,401:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790256 (031340ZMAY23) Notable: @POTUS House Republicans have made it clear they’re fighting to give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans.

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Joe keeps posting this graphic. Maybe we are missing something.

President Biden


House Republicans have made it clear they’re fighting to give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans.

Even at the expense of lifesaving care and services Americans count on.

9:25 AM · May 3, 2023


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3e0a50 No.39889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790265 (031343ZMAY23) Notable: MP4 YT, Purported video shows moment of drone attack on Kremlin

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3e0a50 No.39890

File: ea7ea2901d5c8b5⋯.jpg (2.39 MB,3200x5441,3200:5441,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fef5e0028acf8ac⋯.jpg (7.18 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790280 (031348ZMAY23) Notable: back in the day, 1/2 chan autists found the flagpole; FEAT.

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recap for keks

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3e0a50 No.39891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790306 (031357ZMAY23) Notable: Patrick Mahomes' brother Jackson arrested, booked into Johnson County jail on sexual battery warrant

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Jackson Mahomes arrested, booked into Johnson County jail on sexual battery warrant

Jackson Mahomes was arrested Wednesday morning on a warrant for aggravated sexual battery and booked into the Johnson County jail, records show.

The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office arrested Mahomes about 7 a.m. and booked him into the jail at 7:42 a.m., according to the booking report. He was being held on a $100,000 bond.

The case listed in the booking report was not yet available from the Johnson County District Court. He is scheduled to be arraigned at 1:30 p.m. Friday.

Police previously confirmed they were investigating a Feb. 25 incident involving Mahomes at an Overland Park restaurant near West 151st Street and Metcalf Avenue where Mahomes was accused of assaulting a waiter and the owner of the business.

In separate incidents, Mahomes, the brother of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, allegedly shoved a 19-year-old male waiter more than once and then forcibly kissed the 40-year-old female owner of Aspens Restaurant and Lounge, 6995 W. 151st St.

Police said they were reviewing the establishment’s surveillance video recordings from that night as part of their investigation, restaurant owner Aspen Vaughn previously told The Star.

An attorney for Mahomes previously contended that he did nothing wrong. The Star was not able to reach the attorney Wednesday morning.

“Our investigation has revealed substantial evidence refuting the claims of Jackson’s accuser including the statements of several witnesses. We have reached out to law enforcement to provide the fruit of our investigation so that they may have a complete picture of the matter,” Brandan Davies, Mahomes’ attorney, said in a statement in early March.

Vaughn and the waiter both relayed their experiences with Mahomes in interviews with The Star in early March.

Vaughn also provided The Star with a video that she said showed Mahomes grabbing her by the throat and kissing her at least twice in her office a little after 10 p.m.

“He forcibly kissed me out of nowhere,” she said, calling the advances unwelcome and shocking, adding that she thought he was intoxicated.


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3e0a50 No.39892

File: 994a5ffcdb1477a⋯.jpg (451.49 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f5829b917862ee5⋯.png (170.19 KB,766x1572,383:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790308 (031357ZMAY23) Notable: Anon Qmaps US Navy #803

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3e0a50 No.39893

File: 3a480ab147cfef3⋯.png (166.31 KB,700x418,350:209,Clipboard.png)

File: ff1a15432eb0cf6⋯.png (186.35 KB,801x670,801:670,Clipboard.png)

File: 19ffdf87ad015fe⋯.png (17.03 KB,425x387,425:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790314 (031359ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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Indian AF INDIA1 737PM Modireturning to New Delhi from a Belagavi departureIndian AF INDIA1 737PM Modireturning to New Delhi from a Belagavi departure

Karnataka Assembly Elections 2023: Congress Leaders Are Accountable to 'Shahi Family' in Delhi, JDS Is a Private Limited Company of a Family, Says PM Narendra Modi in Belagavi


"While the world is taking note of India’s democratic ethos and developmental strides, some people in reverse gear mindset are busy defaming India. Our people will not accept those with such a reverse gear mindset."


Delta on Modi twat 4:59 and 459 Q drop

10, [10-9]



Floor is yours.

Twitter FW_

Twitter [kill_rogue]



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3e0a50 No.39894

File: bc685aebb641ccd⋯.png (36.94 KB,802x257,802:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790315 (031400ZMAY23) Notable: Dozens of people were arrested Wednesday across Europe in a sprawling probe against members of the ‘Ndrangheta, a mafia organization #GodFatherIII

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May 3, 2023 12:21 pm CET

2 minutes read


Dozens of people were arrested Wednesday across Europe in a sprawling probe against members of the ‘Ndrangheta, a mafia organization from the southern Italian region of Calabria.

“This is undoubtedly the largest operation ever carried out against the Calabrese mafia in Europe,” a spokesperson for the Belgian federal police said in a press conference, according to Italian newswire ANSA.

13 people were arrested in Belgium as part of the operation, the spokesperson added, on suspicion of being linked to “the cocaine trafficking between South America and Europe and there are sufficient indications to think that the port of Antwerp was used for such trafficking.”

A record 110 tons of cocaine were seized in 2022 at the Antwerp port, considered a major hub for drug trafficking in Europe.

The probe followed a joint investigation by Europol and the EU’s judicial cooperation agency, Eurojust, involving more than 2,770 officers from ten countries’ security forces, Europol said in a statement.

Police swooped in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Slovenia and Romania in Europe, as well as Brazil and Panama, arresting “132 members of one of the world’s most powerful criminal networks,” the statement said.

The ‘Ndrangheta “is responsible for much of Europe’s cocaine trade, combined with systematic money laundering, bribery, and violence,” it added.

“With today’s coordinated measures across Europe, the law enforcement authorities have dealt a serious blow to the ‘Ndrangheta,” German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said in a separate statement.

“Our aim is to permanently dismantle criminal structures and consistently deprive them of criminal income,” Faeser added.

In Italy, 108 people suspected of participation in a mafia-type association were arrested by Calabria’s regional police on a range of charges, including arms and international drug trafficking, ANSA previously reported.

In Germany, police forces carried out more than 20 arrests in five different regions, raiding dozens of houses, apartments and offices, the police of North Rhine-Westphalia said in a statement.

Some 20 houses were raided in Belgium, the federal public prosecutor’s office said in a statement, adding that the operation targeted “over one hundred alleged members of the Calabrese mafia.”

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3e0a50 No.39895

File: 40dfa4bff80f32c⋯.jpg (373.26 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d5bfb0d339c8c04⋯.jpeg (294.84 KB,2048x1419,2048:1419,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b10e607ab2f8668⋯.png (93.78 KB,766x966,383:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790317 (031400ZMAY23) Notable: US Army Qmapped #648

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3e0a50 No.39896

File: 6791a9f455bf566⋯.png (418.32 KB,535x686,535:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790329 (031404ZMAY23) Notable: Richard Barnett, the January 6th rioter who put his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, faces up to 46 years in prison

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Richard Barnett, the January 6th rioter who put his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, faces up to 46 years in prison after being found guilty on 8 counts.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


>8 kunts


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3e0a50 No.39897

File: 9eb8429007998e1⋯.jpeg (128.76 KB,1720x1025,344:205,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b78aaff4d106374⋯.jpeg (89.85 KB,1613x265,1613:265,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8fd00acc7c380ef⋯.png (1.14 MB,800x804,200:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790338 (031407ZMAY23) Notable: US Navy hires activy-duty drag queen to be face of recruitment drive

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Doomed I say. Doomed.


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3e0a50 No.39898

File: 61ae4ba5b0d2d9a⋯.png (2.16 MB,960x1440,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790339 (031407ZMAY23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 3 2023

Centaurus A: A Peculiar Island of Stars

Galaxies are fascinating. In galaxies, gravity alone holds together massive collections of stars, dust, interstellar gas, stellar remnants and dark matter. Pictured is NGC 5128, better known as Centaurus A. Cen A is the fifth brightest galaxy on the sky and is located at a distance of about 12 million light years from Earth. The warped shape of Cen A is the result of a merger between an elliptical and a spiral galaxy. Its active galactic nucleus harbors a supermassive black hole that is about 55 million times more massive than our Sun. This central black hole ejects a fast jet visible in both radio and X-ray light. Filaments of the jet are visible in red in the upper left. New observations by the Event Horizon Telescope have revealed a brightening of the jet only towards its edges &ndash; but for reasons that are currently unknown and an active topic of research.


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3e0a50 No.39899

File: 42f6718cfc9c2cd⋯.png (639.65 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e38e83d1c9e946⋯.png (447.87 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fc3dcb5649a377⋯.png (962.66 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790342 (031408ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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Well we got air traffic all over

Let's do east coast

We still have a jet in the water

We got p8s all over Florida coastlines

We got gitmo 1 doin the Wednesday supply run

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3e0a50 No.39900

File: b6578d56da8e38e⋯.png (1.04 MB,1408x1988,352:497,Clipboard.png)

File: b6c36b663a0ae98⋯.png (4.42 KB,384x37,384:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790363 (031418ZMAY23) Notable: Qlock fag droppng Qlock graphics

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>>>/qresearch/17829447 (PB)

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3e0a50 No.39901

File: 111c2ef4a42a397⋯.png (565.05 KB,985x541,985:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790365 (031418ZMAY23) Notable: NASA Selects Emily Nelson as Chief Flight Director

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NASA Selects Emily Nelson as Chief Flight Director

May 2, 2023

NASA has named Emily Nelson its new chief flight director, leading the group that directs human spaceflight missions from the Mission Control Center at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Norm Knight, the agency’s director of flight operations, selected Nelson to replace Holly Ridings, who held the position from 2018 to 2022, and now helps lead the agency’s Gateway Program, an international partnership to establish humanity’s first space station orbiting the Moon. Nelson has been the acting chief flight director since Riding's departure.

“Being a flight director is about accepting great responsibility and exercising excellent leadership and judgment – responsibility for the mission, for your team, and for the astronauts we fly,” Knight said. “Emily’s tenure leading our flight control teams has proven that she is remarkably knowledgeable on the realities of human spaceflight and eminently composed when facing daunting challenges. She is unequivocally the right person to lead our flight director office as we endeavor to push the boundaries of human spaceflight exploration.”

In this role, Nelson manages 31 active flight directors and flight directors-in-training who oversee a variety of human spaceflight missions involving the International Space Station, including integrating American-made commercial crew spacecraft into the fleet of spacecraft servicing the orbiting laboratory, as well as Artemis missions to the Moon.

“We are thrilled to announce Emily as chief fight director as her program and operations experience will continue to ensure the safe and successful completion of every mission as we prepare to transition to a commercialized low Earth orbit where NASA will be a customer of many,” said NASA Johnson Director Vanessa Wyche. “Emily’s dedication to mission excellence makes her the ideal choice to lead the teams that will send our astronauts around the Moon on Artemis II, and as we prepare for operations on the lunar surface via the Artemis campaign that will land the first woman and person of color on the Moon.”

Nelson, born in Okinawa, Japan, and raised in Austin, Texas, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1998. She joined NASA in 1998 as a flight controller in the space station’s thermal operations group.

She was selected as a flight director in 2007, becoming the 70th flight director in NASA’s history. Since then, she has served as the lead flight director for several missions including the station’s fourth utilization and logistics flight with the space shuttle, Atlantis, in 2010, a complex series of spacewalks to repair the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, and five space station long-duration expeditions. She previously served as deputy chief flight director while continuing to support real-time operations from mission control.


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3e0a50 No.39902

File: f942633e3815afe⋯.png (355.83 KB,1087x711,1087:711,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e7643c894a3268⋯.png (485.83 KB,754x395,754:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18790366 (031419ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity

SAM718 G5 arriving at JBA from Peterson SFB onight

SPAR18 C-40C west from JBA after arriving yesterday from a Tel Aviv depart (stopped at Shannon, Ireland for a refuel)-this was probably MCarthy arriving back yesterday while the rest of that group is still in Jordan

SPAR =Special Priority Air Resource

Belgian AF BAF84 Falcon7x departed Toronto Pearson Int'l after an onight and have BAF89 Falcon 7x over Nova Scotia heading WS from Brussels depart

PAT749 Beech C-12V Huron departed Trinidad and Tobago after arriving from Georgetown, Guyana on 0429

The usual P-8s off Space Coast from NAS Jax and since it just showed up GTMO001 US Navy Beech rounding Cuba heading to Ft. Lauderdale or NAS Jax >>39899

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3e0a50 No.39903

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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