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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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37fe04 No.24533 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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a372b4 No.32391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18653973 (070951ZAPR23) Notable: China news

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China spy balloon bursts back into headlines as Biden story crumbles: 'They lied about it'

Rep. Greg Steube said that the administration's failure to give America a complete accounting threatens national security.

The Chinese spy balloon saga burst back into the headlines this week with revelations that Beijing likely gathered far more intelligence than previously acknowledged, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration's honesty and its decision to allow the device to traverse the entire United States before it was shot down.

Intelligence officials confirmed Monday the Chinese balloon gathered intelligence from several sensitive U.S. military sites and transmitted it back to Beijing, despite the administration’s claims if had blocked the transmissions. The device was clearly controlled, in some cases making multiple passes even figure 8s over sensitive sites, the officials said.

Members of Congress told Just the News that the administration's false story not only insulted Americans, it risked national security by lulling policymakers into thinking little had been spied on for several weeks.

"It went over military bases collecting information, which we all knew it was collecting information. And they're like 'Nothing to worry about here or see here,'" Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla.,said Wednesday during a wide-ranging interview on the Just the News, No Noise television show.

"And then even Democrats started being like, 'why are we not shooting this down?' Then after it had traversed the entire continental United States, gotten all this sensitive information, sent it back to Beijing, then they shoot it down over the Atlantic," added Steube, an Army veteran who served on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.

Fred Fleitz, a retired CIA officer who served as National Security Council chief of staff under President Donald Trump, said career intelligence experts never believed the Biden administration's initial account but it went unchallenged in the news media for weeks.

"It's so amusing because the administration said it was a spy balloon, but claimed it didn't do any spying. Now, as an intelligence officer, I knew that couldn't be true," Fleitz told the John Solomon Reports podcast. Then they had this ridiculous claim that was 'We let the spy balloon fly across the United States because we wanted to spy on the spy balloon.' I knew that wasn't true, either."

When asked about the new intelligence, the Defense Department this week directed reporters to remarks from February in which senior officials said the balloon's intelligence-gathering abilities were "limited," and were similar to what Beijing is likely able to collect through objects such as satellites.

Fleitz said that claim. too. was misleading. "They also lied in that they said, 'Well, look, it doesn't matter because balloons don't gather much information and the Chinese have satellites,'" he explained. "And I told you when we talked about this, that's not true either. Balloons are a very capable intelligence platform. Very valid. The US government uses them."

President Joe Biden was mocked on social media this week after the new intelligence reports surfaced, as critics looped video of his claim he had protected the country. “We were able to protect sensitive sites against collection," the president said back in February.

Fleitz said the president's misstatement was not only a political credibility problem, it signaled to allies and adversaries alike that the United States was willing to be so weak in its response to China's violation of U.S. airspace that it would make up a cover story.

"They're saying things they know are not true. It's all spin. And look, when the President and the White House Press Secretary and Secretary of State repeatedly tell lies about national security, the world's just not going to believe us, they're not going to follow us … . It just makes the world so much dangerous, because America is not able to lead under this President."

Prominent television journalist Bill O'Reilly said the Biden administration's projection of weakness has continued since the Chinese balloon, only emboldening tyrants like Russia's Vladimir Putin and China's Xi Jinping.


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a372b4 No.32392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18653977 (070954ZAPR23) Notable: Mexican President slams Trump indictment, says case brought for 'political purposes'

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Mexican president slams Trump indictment, says case brought for 'political purposes'

Trump and López generally enjoyed amicable relations during their shared tenures as heads of state, though Trump's hawkish immigration policies often led to some tensions in diplomatic discussions.

Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador derided the prosecution of former President Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying that legal proceedings ought not to be used to influence elections.

His comments follow Trump's Tuesday arraignment in which the former president pleaded not guilty to 34 counts brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in connection with a 2016 payment that his then-personal attorney, Michael Cohen, made to Stormy Daniels.

"Supposedly legal issues should not be used for electoral, political purposes. That’s why I don’t agree with what they are doing to ex-President Trump," he said, according to The Hill. "It should be the people who decide."

Trump and López generally enjoyed amicable relations during their shared tenures as heads of state, though Trump's hawkish immigration policies often led to some tensions in diplomatic discussions.

A handful of foreign leaders have condemned the indictment. El Salvador President Nayib Bukele, for example, contended that bringing charges against the leader of the political opposition would undermine American arguments in favor of democracy when condemning comparable proceedings abroad.

"Sadly, it’ll be very hard for US Foreign Policy to use arguments such as 'democracy' and 'free and fair elections', or try to condemn 'political persecution' in other countries, from now on," he tweeted.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, meanwhile, offered more direct support for Trump, saying "[k]eep on fighting, Mr. President! We are with you" and including a photo of the two shaking hands.


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a372b4 No.32393

File: 56ddd76aefb706b⋯.png (540.04 KB,1200x676,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18653980 (070955ZAPR23) Notable: Walmart may have to raise prices due to inflation

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Walmart converting 65% of its stores to “automation” – human employees will be let go

At its annual investor meeting in Tampa, retail giant Walmart announced that over the next three years, it plans to convert 65 percent of its stores to a model of “automation.”

In addition to laying off about 2,000 factory workers in the shorter term, the $388 billion multi-national corporation is eager to trim many more human employees in the coming years as it switches to a robot service format.

Currently, Walmart employs about 1.7 million people in the United States, along with another 60,000 people elsewhere. The goal is to eliminate as many of these positions as possible in order to replace them with automation, which the company says will increase its profits.

“As the changes are implemented across the business, one of the outcomes is roles that require less physical labor but have a higher rate of pay,” the Bentonville, Ark.-based retailer indicated in a filing.

“Over time, the company anticipates increased throughput per person due to the automation while maintaining or even increasing its number of associates as new roles are created.”


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a372b4 No.32394

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18653994 (071000ZAPR23) Notable: Walmart may have to raise prices due to inflation

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a372b4 No.32395

File: 5dd9de088065170⋯.png (284.73 KB,757x670,757:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18653997 (071001ZAPR23) Notable: Evening news ignore how CCP-tied financier tried to funnel millions to Obama campaign

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Evening Nets Ignore How CCP-Tied Financier

Tried to Funnel Millions to Obama Campaign

Newsbusters, by Luis Cornelio

Posted By: Imright, 4/6/2023 8:44:36 PM

ABC, CBS and NBC took a stand on a potential scandal involving tens of millions in reportedly stolen money and former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign: We won’t report on this. Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio testified on April 3 that Jho Low —a Malaysian financier tied to the Communist Chinese Party— plotted a scheme to funnel between $20-$30 million to Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, according to the New York Post April 3. Low, a close friend of DiCaprio and now fugitive, allegedly recruited 90s rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel to “funnel the money to Obama’s reelection bid

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a372b4 No.32396

File: c9844a7cbbcd583⋯.png (257.69 KB,610x558,305:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654002 (071004ZAPR23) Notable: France protesters storm BlackRock offices

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Patrick Henningsen


Wow. #France protesters storm BlackRock offices!

The movement getting smart, understanding the source of WEF/globalist power.


NinnyD 🇬🇧❤️🇺🇸 Waiting~4~the Revolution

7:57 AM · Apr 6, 2023




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a372b4 No.32397

File: 48ed771f71f89c6⋯.png (558.54 KB,609x472,609:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654009 (071009ZAPR23) Notable: Dasting photo with punisher chair at the Epstein / Jizzlane / Elizabeth cabin

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Gain of Fauci


Never forget.


1:00 PM · Apr 6, 2023




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a372b4 No.32398

File: 339595d95df9a11⋯.png (1.79 MB,708x944,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654013 (071012ZAPR23) Notable: Dasting photo with punisher chair at the Epstein / Jizzlane / Elizabeth cabin

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a372b4 No.32399

File: eec952e11a106c8⋯.png (134.63 KB,426x453,142:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654015 (071013ZAPR23) Notable: CIA Director William Burns visited Saudi Arabia this week

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[ Album ]

CIA Director William Burns visited Saudi Arabia this week to express the United States' displeasure with the Crown Prince for cooperating with China and Russia to negotiate peace deals with Iran and Syria

Joe Biden's proxy war is turning our allies into adversaries.



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a372b4 No.32400

File: e0e0fac7b4ea09a⋯.jpeg (43.47 KB,474x339,158:113,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 079ef90d637f07b⋯.png (170.71 KB,598x586,299:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654020 (071017ZAPR23) Notable: China news

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PN>>32338 "Emmanuel Macron arrived in China for a three-day visit. No welcome. The Chinese President was absent. Not a single official to welcome him.

Trump China Visit vs Macron China Visit

Comparison of Macron arriving in China and PDJT arriving in China!

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a372b4 No.32401

File: 281a54631e81b67⋯.png (78.66 KB,593x875,593:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654025 (071021ZAPR23) Notable: So, the US government not only sold its oil reserves, but it also decided to sell its sour crude rather than sweet

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Otavio (Tavi) Costa


So, the US government not only sold its oil reserves, but it also decided to sell its sour crude rather than sweet.

To be clear:

The current US refinery infrastructure *requires* sour crude to operate.

This is the whole reason why despite the US being the largest oil producer in the world today, it still needs to import sour crude.

Even if there were a logical explanation to draw its strategic oil reserves, why on earth would the government sell the most critical portion of it?

If you know of a legitimate reason, I’m all ears.

Otherwise, this might have been one of the dumbest energy policy decisions ever.


7:01 AM · Apr 6, 2023




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a372b4 No.32402

File: b5254dcd6e1b872⋯.png (312.52 KB,644x661,644:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654026 (071023ZAPR23) Notable: Biden admin's Afghanistan withdrawal shenanigans

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REPORTER: “It doesn’t seem to address the $7 billion in military hardware and technology that was left in Afghanistan for the Taliban…”

KIRBY: “You know who is responsible for that equipment? The Afghans. Because you know why? It was their equipment.”


RNC Research

9:31 AM · Apr 6, 2023




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a372b4 No.32403

File: d932dcb1b0fa340⋯.jpeg (188.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654028 (071024ZAPR23) Notable: Leaked documents expose US-NATO Ukraine war plans

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7 Apr, 2023 03:35

‘Secret’ NATO war plan leak triggers Pentagon probe – NYT

Officials say they are struggling to scrub the sensitive material from the internet

A leaked trove ofclassified documents outlining American and NATO war planning in Ukrainehas sparked a US military investigation, the New York Times has reported. The briefing presentation slides, some marked “top secret,” show assessed troop strengths, timelines for arms shipments and ammunition expenditures, among other data.

The files appeared on social media earlier this week, and while the source remains unclear, the leaks haveset off alarms in the Pentagon, which has launched a probe to determine how the documents were obtained, the NYT reported on Thursday.

“We are aware of the reports of social media posts and the department is reviewing the matter,” Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh told the outlet.

Officials said they are working to have the material removed from the internet, but had not succeeded as of Thursday night.FT

One of the documents marked “top secret”provides the “Status of the Conflict as of 1 Mar.,” suggesting the slides are several weeks old. Though they do not describe any specific battle plans, the files offer a glimpse into US intelligence assessments for Russian and Ukrainian troop levels, timetables for training and equipment deliveries, weather data, as well as ammunition expenditures – including for the US-supplied HIMARS platform. The Pentagon has not previously disclosed the rate at which Ukrainian forces are using munitions for the weapon.

Some of the documents appear to havebeen altered, with multiple different versions circulating online showing wildly varying estimates for losses on both sides of the conflict.

Another file lists 12 new Ukrainian combat brigades – which are usually made up of 4,000 to 5,000 troops – noting that the US andNATO bloc are training and supplying nine of them. Of those, the document states that six would be ready by the end of March, and the remaining three by April 30.

If genuine the documents represent one of the most significant intelligence breaches since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and come as Kiev is reportedly preparing amajor counter-offensive against Russian forces. One of the documents shows two possible routes into the Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. It is unclear when the counter-attacks are set to begin, but Ukrainian Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov recently claimed that the two sides would fight a “final” and “decisive battle” sometime in the spring.


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a372b4 No.32404

File: 8d4b3b679b22002⋯.png (243.79 KB,595x877,595:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654032 (071025ZAPR23) Notable: @TomFitton: The Biden administration is an enemy of private property rights

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Tom Fitton


The Biden administration is an enemy of private property rights.

Quote Tweet

Sahil Kapur






9:17 AM · Apr 6, 2023




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a372b4 No.32405

File: 76d5af7b678a189⋯.png (184.06 KB,419x571,419:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654045 (071031ZAPR23) Notable: Boycott begins as liquor stores pulling Bud Light from shelves after trans endorsement

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All the Beers are coming out of the closet

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a372b4 No.32406

File: dd8895dd3527696⋯.jpeg (132.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654047 (071034ZAPR23) Notable: Ukraine used NATO ammunition to kill Donetsk civilians

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6 Apr, 2023 21:34

Ukraine used NATO ammunition to kill Donetsk civilians – Russia

HIMARS and 155mm guns were reportedly used in the attack that killed nine and injured seven

Over a dozen civilianshave been killed by a series of artillery attacks onresidential areas in Donbass on Thursday, local media outlets have reported. Kiev’s forces used NATO-supplied howitzers and rocket launchers in two attacks on Donetsk city, Russia’s investigative committee has stated.

A strike on a parking lot in the Kalininsky district of Donetsk killed nine civilians and injured seven, according to the authorities. After processing the crime scene, one Russian investigator said the carnage was caused by a volley from amultiple rocket launch system, “most likely HIMARS.”

The US has supplied three dozen HIMARS launchers to Ukraine over the past year, together with long-range ammunition. Another six rounds from 155mm howitzers, also supplied to Ukraine by the West, struck the Petrovsky district on Thursday afternoon. There were no reports of casualties.

Part of Donetsk city also lost power following the rocket and howitzer attack.

Meanwhile, another artillery strike has targeted abus station in Lisichansk.Three civilians were killed, one was wounded, and a passenger bus was damaged, local authorities said. Lisichansk is in the Lugansk People’s Republic, with the nearest Ukrainian position about 20 kilometers away.

Ukraine has repeatedly pleaded with the US and its allies to send more artillery ammunition, citing shortages that hampered its efforts to hold onto key strategic points such as Artyomovsk or Avdeevka, or launch the much-anticipated “spring offensive” against Russian forces.

Ammunition for both HIMARS and howitzers was listed in the Pentagon’s most recent package of “security assistance” for Kiev, of which $500 million would come from the US military’s existing stocks and another $2.1 billion purchased from the American military industry.

(These districts voted to be part of Russia including Crimea, the US, UN and EU are not supporting their rights. Ukraine seems like the plan they have for the US, destroy religion, the constitution, society and the ultimate freedom of states to separate from federal government control. It’s already started here by Bidan calling all MAGA insurrectionists.)


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a372b4 No.32407

File: b7839e36a0c65a2⋯.png (198.43 KB,419x428,419:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654057 (071038ZAPR23) Notable: New bill would criminalize protests and offensive remarks in parts of Canada

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Holy sh*t

New bill would criminalize protests and offensive remarks in parts of Canada

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a372b4 No.32408

File: eab11fffce13b0d⋯.png (86.08 KB,425x647,425:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654069 (071045ZAPR23) Notable: Instagram has a warning for anyone that wants to follow Kari Lake

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Our Tech Overlords are hard at work censoring anyone that challenges the mainstream narrative.

Instagram has a warning for anyone that wants to follow me. Am I really THAT dangerous? 🙄

It’s time to topple Big Tech.

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a372b4 No.32409

File: 7a5cc851a4c996c⋯.png (965.01 KB,1097x931,1097:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654074 (071049ZAPR23) Notable: Hunter Biden laptop whistleblower reveals what's in the 450gb of erased material

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'Absolutely Frightening': Hunter Biden Laptop Whistleblower Reveals What's in '450 GB of Erased Material'

The whistleblower revealed that he uploaded the erased files to "all the same Dropboxes that they tell us that child pornography is shared around the globe."

Kyle Becker

Apr 7, 2022


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a372b4 No.32410

File: bbd4a230da58d04⋯.jpg (134.05 KB,673x702,673:702,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4bf1e0c7f6f4798⋯.jpg (34.27 KB,675x189,25:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654076 (071049ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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>fast and furious


Anonymous ID: KKIreCTB No.148287326📁

Nov 6 2017 16:51:29 (EST)

What is money flow disruption?

List the Billionaires.

What family history goes back pre_WW1/2?

Why is this relevant?

Why did the Bush family recently break silence and attack POTUS?

Coincidence pre SA arrests?

Who audits the billions paid for war?

Who audits the billions paid for environment policy (side note)?

Where do the funds go?


To who / which entity and/or org?

What slush fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions?

What is Fast & Furious?

What is the underlying theme?


Who controls the FED?

How did political leaders/’talking heads’ accum assets in excess of $5mm+?

What was the net worth for each prior to taking office?


Why is this relevant?

Snow White.

Godfather III.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d0eafc No.5948009📁

Mar 28 2019 15:38:08 (EST)


Fast & Furious.


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a372b4 No.32411

File: 453175549d4766e⋯.png (53.8 KB,628x430,314:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654077 (071050ZAPR23) Notable: The Democrats have a pedo problem

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April 2, 2022

The Democrats have a pedo problem

By Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory

Progressives have a pedophilia problem. Full stop, as the Barack Obamas of the world might say. From CNN producers to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) station chiefs and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) field agents; from the woke Disney corporation to Democrat donors; from Hollywood to the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA); from Facebook/Meta to the Lincoln Project to America's public school system — the progressive Left has a demonstrated prurient interest in underage children.

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a372b4 No.32412

File: e868a2a81379fb2⋯.png (40.8 KB,455x303,455:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654110 (071112ZAPR23) Notable: DJT: INVASION at our Border, about to lose our “Dollar” as the World Standard, and we could end up in WW3

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Donald J. Trump


The good ol’ USA is losing so much, so fast, that at the end of the 1 1/2 years remaining in the most incompetent administration in history, we may not even have a Country left. There’s an INVASION at our Border, we’re about to lose our “Dollar” as the World Standard, and we could, because of “Stupid People,” end up in World War lll. The only things they do well is CHEATING ON ELECTIONS, DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGNS, and WEAPONIZING THE JUSTICE SYSTEM. We are a Nation in Decline, a Failing Nation!!!

Apr 07, 2023, 6:55 AM


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a372b4 No.32413

File: 4c2614623297c10⋯.png (17.01 KB,455x155,91:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654115 (071114ZAPR23) Notable: DJT: Here’s the new DISINFORMATION chant from the people destroying our Country - IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!!!

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Donald J. Trump


Here’s the new DISINFORMATION chant from the people destroying our Country - IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!!!

Apr 07, 2023, 7:00 AM


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a372b4 No.32414

File: 6fcae7a91f33289⋯.png (148.73 KB,418x552,209:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654150 (071131ZAPR23) Notable: China news

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US Government’s Narrative of Chinese Spy Balloon Comes Under Fire: ‘Lying to the American People’ READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-governments-narrative-of-chinese-spy-balloon-comes-under-fire-lying-to-the-american-people_5176363.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=telegram&utm_campaign=USChinaWatch

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a372b4 No.32415

File: 2523504979e3fcb⋯.jpg (71.94 KB,590x945,118:189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5f657678939cfdf⋯.jpg (63.17 KB,607x800,607:800,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654161 (071135ZAPR23) Notable: Boycott begins as liquor stores pulling Bud Light from shelves after trans endorsement

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Molson (Canadian) Coors Light, Miller Lite, Molson, Carling, and Staropramen to Coors Banquet, Blue Moon Belgian White, Blue Moon LightSky, Vizzy, Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy, Creemore Springs, Hop Valley.

AB InBev (Belgian/Brazilian) owns Budweiser, Michelob, Stella Artois, and Beck's.

If you want US beer, Yuengling still owned by America after 200 years. That may be it for national brands.

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a372b4 No.32416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654165 (071136ZAPR23) Notable: Israel intercepts 25 of 34 Hamas terrorist rockets launched from Lebanon

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News from a tainted source, but it's still news

Volleys of rockets

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a372b4 No.32417

File: 44149210eaaaba2⋯.webp (14 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654174 (071141ZAPR23) Notable: Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly accepted luxury travel trips from billionaire Republican, Harlan Crow

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Yachting and private jets: This US Supreme Court judge is under fire for 'cartoonish' behaviour

US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is facing criticism after it was revealed he reportedly accepted years of luxury travel trips from a billionaire Republican.

A man wearing glasses looking away from the camera.

US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has reportedly accepted years of luxury travel trips from billionaire Republican, Harlan Crow. Source: AAP, AP / J. Scott Applewhite


Clarence Thomas reportedly accepted luxury travel trips from billionaire Republican, Harlan Crow.

The US Supreme Court justice is said to have gone yachting in New Zealand, and on private jet flights.

Justice Thomas is the longest-serving justice on the US Supreme Court.

United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has accepted years of luxury travel trips from a billionaire Republican, according to a report, including yachting in New Zealand and private jet flights across the globe.

Staunch conservative Justice Thomas, the longest-serving justice on the court, went on one trip to Indonesia that alone was likely worth US$500,000 ($748,000) — paid for by real estate tycoon Harlan Crow, according to the non-profit ProPublica news outlet.

The ProPublica investigation, based on interviews and reviews of photographs and other documents, showed "the Supreme Court is the least accountable part of our government", legal reform action group Fix the Court said.

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a372b4 No.32418

File: 928938fddf43b46⋯.jpg (157.13 KB,1140x641,1140:641,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654184 (071146ZAPR23) Notable: Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly accepted luxury travel trips from billionaire Republican, Harlan Crow

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>Harlan Crow

Who is Harlan Crow, Dallas billionaire linked to Justice Clarence Thomas in new report?

Crow, a Dallas resident, is the Chairman of the Board of Crow Holdings, a private family business established to manage the capital of the Trammell Crow family, according to the firm's website.

Trammell Crow is Harlan Crow's father, who became one of America's largest real estate developers and landlords. Trammel Crow passed away in 2009. D Magazine reported in 2008 about how Harlan Crow almost single-handedly saved the family from financial disaster following the 1980s real-estate crash.

In 2018, Crow's Dallas-based mansion was listed as the most-expensive home in Texas at then-valued $55.1 million. Among the amenities of his home include a 77-space underground garage, according to the Associated Press. The mansion is located in the Highland Park, next door to Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.

Crow's estate also includes the Harlan Crow Library – which occupies its own wing at the mansion – featuring a collection of 14,000 rare books and artifacts focusing on the history of the United States. Artifacts from the Harlan Crow Library have been donated in the past to an exhibit at the Bullock Museum.

Also included on Crow's estate grounds: Statues of fallen despot leaders, including Stalin and Mao. The New York Times' in 2003 profiled Crow's collection of the statues, which he reportedly acquired through a man named Tie Sosnowski.

"Many of the statues, some as tall as 20 feet, were bought from the sculptors or from public officials as regimes crumbled," the newspaper wrote. "A few, like the large bust of Princip, were acquired as bullets whizzed by."

Crow is a director on several boards including the American Enterprise Institute, the George W. Bush Foundation Board, the Southwestern Medical Foundation, the Supreme Court Historical Society Board, the Antiquarian Society, and the Hoover Institution, according to his firm bio.

Wick Allison, who bought out D Magazine from Harlan Crow and died in 2020, once wrote in his publication in 2009 about the Harlan Crow "he knew." Allison called Harlan Crow "a man of integrity and sincere devotion to this city."

Crow graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor’s degree in business administration in 1974. The third son of Margaret and Trammell Crow, Harlan Crow began at the firm as an industrial leasing agent in Houston in 1974 after graduating, later assuming overall responsibilities for the business in 1988.


A Bushie from way back.

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a372b4 No.32419

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654195 (071150ZAPR23) Notable: Biden admin's Afghanistan withdrawal shenanigans

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Kash Patel Rips Biden Admin For Blaming Trump For Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal




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a372b4 No.32420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654213 (071155ZAPR23) Notable: (2022) Ex-stripper mom of Hunter Biden’s child wants kid to have ‘powerful’ last name

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Ex-stripper mom of Hunter Biden’s child wants kid to have ‘powerful’ last name

The mother of Hunter Biden’s love child has asked an Arkansas court to legally change the 4-year-old girl’s last name to Biden so the child can benefit from the family’s presidential lineage.

Lunden Roberts, 31, filed four motions Tuesday in connection with the paternity case against Hunter, which was reopened in September when the first son asked the court to lower his child support payments.

Attorney Clinton Lancaster told an Independence County court that Navy Joan Roberts would “benefit from carrying the Biden family name,” which he said was “now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful.”

The filings, which The Post has seen, were originally reported by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette.

Neither Hunter, the first son and lobbyist-turned-painter, nor the child’s grandfather, President Biden, have ever met young Navy, according to her mother. This week’s filings said the first family remained “estranged from the child.”

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a372b4 No.32421

File: 899324bb17030e4⋯.png (337.57 KB,421x614,421:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654214 (071155ZAPR23) Notable: Proud Boys defense attorney says 19 DHS undercover informants/agents infiltrated J6 protests

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BREAKING! JANUARY 6TH INFILTRATION FROM HOMELAND SECURITY?! Proud Boys Defense Attorney Says 19 DHS Undercover Informants/Agents Infiltrated on January 6th!


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a372b4 No.32422

File: 65e1a10be63884b⋯.png (237.06 KB,421x459,421:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654218 (071157ZAPR23) Notable: The Democrats have a pedo problem

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Former Ohio D.A.R.E. Officer Sentenced In Disturbing Child Porn Case


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a372b4 No.32423

File: 2bafde08b0ecfc3⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654223 (071159ZAPR23) Notable: SUNY Albany protesters march, dance and destroy Bible to shut down conservative speaker Ian Haworth

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SUNY Albany protesters march, dance and destroy Bible to shut down conservative speaker Ian Haworth


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a372b4 No.32424

File: da90206a2a92502⋯.png (129.98 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: d1f1009b5e7f045⋯.png (169.05 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: cde0e69710ec3a2⋯.png (152.39 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 06f9e82c6a6878f⋯.png (163.22 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 05ce4de9bdaf404⋯.png (172.1 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654228 (071200ZAPR23) Notable: Proud Boys defense attorney says 19 DHS undercover informants/agents infiltrated J6 protests

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“(Defendant) Pezzola has become aware that the largest numbers of undercover CHSs on Jan. 6 belonged to agencies other than FBI.

At least two law enforcement agencies each outnumbered the FBI in terms of running undercover agents, informants, and CHSs on Jan. 6. First, the DC Metro Police had at least 13 undercover plain-clothes agents among the Proud Boys and other patriots on Jan. 6. Next, there appear to have been some 19 CHSs on Jan. 6 belonging to an agency called HIS (Homeland Security Investigations). When added to the 8 FBI CHSs now acknowledged by the prosecutors, this means that there were at least forty (40) undercover informants or agents doing surveillance among defendants on January 6.”

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a372b4 No.32425

File: 7a90dc372e5140b⋯.png (176.67 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d09ba12157bc6e⋯.png (194.25 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: a79b69bd5cbe11c⋯.png (219.32 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 8083a829bb6849e⋯.png (244.02 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: ec812c2387b89f1⋯.png (203.59 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654236 (071201ZAPR23) Notable: Proud Boys defense attorney says 19 DHS undercover informants/agents infiltrated J6 protests

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>At least two law enforcement agencies each outnumbered the FBI in terms of running undercover agents, informants, and CHSs on Jan. 6

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a372b4 No.32426

File: f69694a4ce744ed⋯.png (110.34 KB,883x426,883:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654273 (071213ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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Donald J. Trump



We’re getting lots of job requests from people currently working for the Social Security/Medicare cutting (JUST WATCH!) DeSanctimonious Campaign. Ron’s Poll numbers are dropping so fast and furious that many people are speculating he’s not going to run.Just hired “Kiss of Death” Jeff Roe, who dropped YoungKim, to see if he can help (he will only help make Ron poor!). I’m leading in Texas by 42 points, Iowa and New Hampshire by a lot, overall by close to40, and by 10 against Scamer== Joe Biden!

Apr 07, 2023, 6:37 AM


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a372b4 No.32427

File: 6f5fd06d41b45ac⋯.png (432.49 KB,800x452,200:113,Clipboard.png)

File: bbbe665960a3f20⋯.png (304.13 KB,1180x652,295:163,Clipboard.png)

File: ebd05f1586e40fe⋯.png (22.25 KB,804x236,201:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654295 (071218ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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> 40, and by 10

#42 Q4010 30-Apr-2020

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a372b4 No.32428

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654300 (071220ZAPR23) Notable: President Trump shares new 2024 Campaign video against backdrop of malicious legal persecution

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President Trump Shares New 2024 Campaign Video Against Backdrop of Malicious Legal Persecution

April 6, 2023 | Sundance |

President Trump shared a new 1-minute campaign style video via Truth Social. “We have to take back our Country and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Part of the video shows President Trump walking through the street in Manhattan just before reaching the courthouse. A pretty intense ‘the boss is pissed‘ look upon his face. Direct Rumble Link HERE – WATCH:



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a372b4 No.32429

File: ec6de53c875f047⋯.png (235.75 KB,907x532,907:532,Clipboard.png)

File: c8e95fece37d7d0⋯.png (355.38 KB,1036x818,518:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654308 (071222ZAPR23) Notable: Jim Jordan subpoenas former Manhattan prosecutor who pushed for Trump indictment as probe into historic indictment ramps up

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John Solomon



First strike. Jim Jordan subpoenas former Manhattan prosecutor who pushed for Trump indictment as probe into historic indictment ramps up.


Jim Jordan subpoenas former Manhattan prosecutor in first strike against office prosecuting Trump

Former special assistant district attorney Mark Pomerantz had publicly pressed for charges against Trump.

Apr 07, 2023, 7:22 AM

Jim Jordan subpoenas former Manhattan prosecutor in first strike against office prosecuting Trump

Former special assistant district attorney Mark Pomerantz had publicly pressed for charges against Trump.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Thursday subpoenaed a former Manhattan prosecutor who openly campaigned to criminally charge Donald Trump – in the first significant strike at the office that brought the historic indictment against the former president this week.

Jordan's subpoena to former Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz comes just days after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg pointedly declined to provide documents and testimony to Jordan's committee, calling it an interference in his investigation.

In a letter last month, the GOP-led panel requested Pomerantz’s voluntary cooperation, but he declined to cooperate at the direction of Bragg's office.

The subpoena compels his cooperation, setting up a potential legal battle pitting the oversight powers of the federal legislative branch against a state judicial system.

In his letter transmitting the subpoena, Jordan told Pomerantz his testimony was needed in part to inform legislation that would protect future presidents from political persecutions.

"The New York County District Attorney’s unprecedented prosecutorial conduct requires oversight to inform the consideration of potential legislative reforms that would, if enacted, insulate current and former Presidents from such politically motivated state and local prosecutions," Jordan wrote.

"These potential legislative reforms may include, among other things, broadening the existing statutory right of removal of certain criminal cases from state court to federal court."

You can read the letter here.



The letter also noted that Pomerantz publicly criticized Bragg for failing to aggressively prosecute Trump last year, and even wrote a memoir describing his eagerness to investigate the 45th president. The GOP chairman said Pomerantz’s public statements about the investigation strongly suggest that Bragg’s subsequent indictment is politically motivated.

The letter called the former prosecutor memoir a a "300-page exercise in score-settling and scorn."


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a372b4 No.32430

File: 412109128dc8a7d⋯.png (415.8 KB,1060x755,212:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654329 (071227ZAPR23) Notable: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

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South Carolina House signs off on ESG ban

The South Carolina House signed off on legislation requiring the state’s retirement system to consider only "pecuniary factors" when making investment decisions.

The South Carolina House signed off on legislation requiring the state’s retirement system to consider only "pecuniary factors" when making investment decisions, essentially barring it from weighing environmental, social and governance factors.

Lawmakers on Thursday gave the third approval to H. 3690, the "ESG Pension Protection Act," sending the legislation to the state Senate, which referred it to the Committee on Finance. The measure could require the Retirement System Investment Commission to spend an additional $1 million to hire five additional employees, depending on how the legislation is implemented if signed into law.

According to a fiscal estimate from the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, RSIC outlined three scenarios to achieve the bill’s requirements: managing proxy voting in-house, hiring an external proxy advisor and delegating the proxy voting to an external investment manager. However, RSIC officials are unclear on "which of these three scenarios will fully accomplish the requirements of this bill," according to the analysis.

The fiscal estimate indicated the agency would need more than $1 million and five full-time employees to manage the proxy voting in-house or up to $292,000 to hire an external proxy advisor. Delegating the proxy voting to an external investment manager would not require additional money.

"This crucial bill will protect South Carolinians’ retirement savings by ensuring fiduciary responsibility and prohibiting unsound, politically motivated investments," Americans for Prosperity-South Carolina State Director Candace Carroll said in a statement. "From Congress to state capitals across the country, lawmakers are rejecting radical ESG ideals that threaten to hold retirement accounts hostage."


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a372b4 No.32431

File: ef308514e072381⋯.png (52.26 KB,474x467,474:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cf802f67be2c7e⋯.png (116.9 KB,1144x476,286:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 317c9d0e03f4a47⋯.png (114.94 KB,1194x479,1194:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 5016727ed6b41e5⋯.pdf (5.69 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654337 (071229ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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><fast and furious

>>“Kiss of Death”


>>10 and 40

1st and 10 on the 40


What did Meatball do after his stint torturing inmates at Gitmo?

Any work with the ATF?

Operation Wide Receiver

operation Wide receiver (2006-2007)In 2006, ATF agents in Phoenix initiated Operation Wide Receiver with the cooperation of a local gun dealer. For months, ATF agents watched in real-time as traffickers purchased guns and drove them across the border into Mexico. According to William Newell, the Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division, these suspects told the gun dealer that the “firearms are going to his boss in Tijuana, Mexico where some are given out as gifts.” Although ATF officials believed they had sufficient evidence to arrest and charge these suspects, they instead continued surveillance to identify additional charges. As one agent said at the time, “we want it all.”Paul Charlton, then the U.S. Attorney in Phoenix, was informed that firearms were “currently being released into the community,” and he was asked for his position on allowing an “indeterminate number” of additional firearms to be “released into the community, and possibly into Mexico, without any further

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a372b4 No.32432

File: 250782732583360⋯.png (56.7 KB,303x192,101:64,Clipboard.png)

File: 54317e12e5813d2⋯.png (36.52 KB,312x152,39:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654342 (071231ZAPR23) Notable: Some important notables copied from the Bunker

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>>>/qresearch/125405, >>>/qresearch/125441 LIVE Story County Iowa GOP Lincoln Highway Dinner featuring Kari Lake 4/6/23

LIVE; Story County Iowa GOP Lincoln Highway Dinner featuring Kari Lake 4/6/23





>>>/qresearch/125428 @realDonaldTrump These Morons in the White House, who are systematically destroying our Country, headed up by the biggest Moron of them all, Hopeless Joe Biden

Uhoh he is mad at Joseph.

Donald J. Trump


These Morons in the White House, who are systematically destroying our Country, headed up by the biggest Moron of them all, Hopeless Joe Biden, have a new disinformation game they are playing - Blame “TRUMP” for their grossly incompetent SURRENDER in Afghanistan. I watched this disaster unfold just like everyone else. I saw them take out the Military FIRST, GIVE $85 Billion of military equipment, allow killing of our soldiers, and leave Americans behind. Biden is responsible, no one else!

Apr 06, 2023, 4:47 PM



>>>/qresearch/125440 @realDonaldTrump Why is FoxNews using Fake News CNN POLLS?

9 points and 35 points = 17

Donald J. Trump


Why is FoxNews using Fake News CNN POLLS? Because they are Fake, even though I am leading by a lot, but not nearly as good as other polls. Leading Biden by 9 points, leading Social Security cutting DeSanctimonious by 35 points. MAGA!

Apr 06, 2023, 4:59 PM



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a372b4 No.32433

File: 200e6ab99f796ec⋯.jpeg (72.97 KB,800x447,800:447,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654343 (071231ZAPR23) Notable: FEC commissioner undermines entire Manhattan prosecution, the Trump-Daniels NDA is not an election campaign violation

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FEC Commissioner Undermines Entire Manhattan Prosecution, The Trump-Daniels NDA Is Not an Election Campaign Violation

April 6, 2023 | Sundance |

If the other substantive weaknesses in the politically constructed Manhattan case against Donald Trump do not lead to a pre-trial dismissal, this one should collapse it.The Commissioner of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) explicitly states the payments by President Trump to Stormy Daniels are not an election campaign violation.

WASHINGTON DC – A key member of the Federal Election Commission today rejected the Manhattan district attorney’s indictment of former President Donald Trump as a violation of federal election laws.

“It’s not a campaign finance violation. It’s not a reporting violation of any kind,” said FEC Commissioner James E. “Trey” Trainor.In trying to stretch the lawto make it look like a violation, he added, District Attorney Alvin Bragg “is really trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole.”

In a 34-count indictment of Trump, the first criminal case ever against a former president, Bragg charged that a $130,000 payment made by former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to porn star Stormy Daniels, which Cohen went to jail for in a plea deal, violated several campaign finance laws that splashed onto Trump. [T]he FEC and Justice Department already considered the case and tossed it.

First, he said,Cohen took the blamein his plea deal. “At the end of the day, there’s the person who committed the crime, and there’s the person who is behind bars because of it,” Trainor said of Cohen.

Second, thepaperwork violationin question came well after Trump’s 2016 election, so itcouldn’t have been done to help his election.

Third, it isnot obviousthat the reason for the payment and the reimbursement to Cohen was toinfluence the election, thus failing the “objective standard” of law. “It has to be something that anybody on the street can look at and say the only reason you did that was to influence the campaign,” said Trainor. “There’s alot of reasonsthat he could have done it that aren’t related to him being a candidate for president, and so therefore, it wouldn’t have met the standard as campaign expenditure under federal law,” he added. (read more)

(It helps the FEC said this, because every constitutional lawyer has said the same)


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a372b4 No.32434

File: a88d31b4d359b64⋯.png (152.99 KB,831x315,277:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654347 (071232ZAPR23) Notable: Some important notables copied from the Bunker

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>>>/qresearch/125499 Bankruptcy Filings Increase Across All Chapters in March

Bankruptcy Filings Increase Across All Chapters in March

A total of 42,368 new bankruptcies were filed in March, up 17% from the 36,068 filings registered in March 2022 and marking the highest number of monthly filings since the 40,931 bankruptcies recorded in April 2021.

YoY commercial filings were up 24% to 2,305 compared to 1,854 in March 2022. Commercial Chapter 11 filings (including Subchapter V) increased 79% to 548 versus the 306 filings registered in March 2022. Of the total commercial Chapter 11 filings, the 140 Subchapter V filings in March represented a 12% increase from the 125 filings in March 2022. ( basically just getting warmed up and will accelerate month to month and this is where Blackstone gatekeeping it's BREIT (had $4.5B in redemption requests and allowed only $666m…:I) comes in since the REIT market is in full on meltdown mode-they just don't say much about it and that market was propped LARGE during the 2008 event and after so it wasn't that much of an issue but there are already way moar unoccupied commercial bldgs at this point-and they always have the tricks like mark-to-model vs mark-to market they apply to whatever they like-due to the work at home trend for muh 'rona)

Total individual filings increased 17% to 40,063 versus 34,214 in March 2022. Year-over-year individual Chapter 7 filings increased 13% to 24,467 versus 21,594, and individual Chapter 13 filings were up 24% to 15,537 versus 12,532 in March of 2022. “While total filings are up for the third month in a row and exceeded the 40,000 level for the first time in two years, the jump also reflects the historical trend of March consistently being the highest month for filings every year,” Gregg Morin, vice president of business development and revenue for Epiq Bankruptcy, said. (that is true but look at the column in cap#1 at the far right and the pace it's on)

Total commercial Chapter 11 filings registered a 77% increase to 1,301 during Q1/23 from the 735 total commercial Chapter 11 filings during the same period in 2022. Subchapter V elections for small businesses increased, as the 371 filings in Q1/23 were up 33% from the 280 filed during Q1/22. Individual Chapter 7 filings during Q1/23 were 57,172, a 12% increase over the 51,083 individual Chapter 7 filings during the same period of 2022. Individual Chapter 13 filings during Q1/23 were 42,364, a 28% increase over the 33,189 individual Chapter 13 filings in the same period of 2022. Comparing month-over-month data, the 42,368 total filings in March were 33% higher than the 31,898 filings recorded in February. Total commercial filings increased 35% to 2,305 from the 1,710 filings the month prior. Total commercial Chapter 11 filings (including Subchapter V) increased 46% to 548 from the 375 filed in February. Of the total commercial Chapter 11 filings, Subchapter V filings increased 18% to 140 in March, up from 119 in February. Total month-over-month individual filings increased 33% to 40,063 from 30,188. Individual Chapter 7 filings increased 44% to 24,467 from 16,988 in February, while individual Chapter 13 filings increased 18% to 15,537 from the 13,148 filed in February.


It was pretty bad with February's #s and got much worse last month-theY will be able to slow this down when the FED pauses and lowers rates at the next "crisis" (likely to be Toronto Dominion-TD Bank who also owns a chunk of Schwab and had it's worst month, equity-wise since 1987 to close out Q1 '23 (and they bought back $1B in shares last year-link below) cuz they've already given 'notice' that it is an issue and will use it when they decide to as they issues still exist they just allow the consequences when it suits them.

From August 1 '22

Schwab Repurchases $1 Billion of Shares Held by TD Bank Group


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a372b4 No.32435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654354 (071234ZAPR23) Notable: DJT: INVASION at our Border, about to lose our “Dollar” as the World Standard, and we could end up in WW3

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Ls were used instead of i for WW3. [L] comms.

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a372b4 No.32436

File: e71ae7dc326b02c⋯.png (446.01 KB,937x600,937:600,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dac61599138b73⋯.png (182.59 KB,868x858,434:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654358 (071235ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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Jack Smith was a Holder plant.

Could be pointing at that angle too with fast and furious.

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research

Updated 9:50 AM EDT, Fri September 16, 2022

Editor’s Note: This page has been retired and is no longer being updated.


Here’s a look at Operation Fast and Furious. From 2009-2011, the Phoenix Field Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), along with other partners, allowed illegal gun sales in order to track the sellers and purchasers, who were believed to be connected to Mexican drug cartels.


During the Fast and Furious investigation, nearly 2,000 firearms were illegally purchased for $1.5 million, according to a DOJ inspector General report. Hundreds of guns were later recovered in the United States and Mexico.

In 2010, two of the weapons linked to Fast and Furious turned up near the scene of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in the Arizona desert.

Whistleblowing led to investigations by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the House investigation, Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt.

Fast and Furious was one of the operations under Project Gunrunner, part of the Department of Justice’s broader National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy.

Operation Fast and Furious was not the ATF’s first “gun walking” investigation, which allowed illegally purchased firearms to “walk” out of gun shops. It was preceded by Operation Wide Receiver, which began in 2006.

>long DOJ fact sheet about project gunrunner

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fact Sheet: Department of Justice Efforts to Combat Mexican Drug Cartels

WASHINGTON – The increased efforts and reallocation of personnel recently announced by the Department of Justice builds on the foundation of expertise and experience gained from ongoing efforts to combat Mexican drug cartels in the United States and to help Mexican law enforcement battle cartels in its own country.


ATF is on the frontline in the fight against violent crime, particularly firearms trafficking and gun-related violence associated with organized gangs and drug trafficking organizations. Working in conjunction with domestic and international law enforcement partners, ATF’s efforts deny the “tools of the trade” to the firearms trafficking infrastructure of criminal organizations operating in Mexico and along the border.

ATF is relocating 100 personnel to the Houston Field Division to support the new ATF intelligence-driven effort, known as Gunrunner Impact Teams (GRITs). The teams will focus ATF’s violent crime-fighting and firearms trafficking expertise, along with its regulatory authority and strategic partnerships, to combat violence along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Project Gunrunner:

Cooperation among federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and the government of Mexico is the foundation of Project Gunrunner, ATF’s national initiative to stem firearms trafficking to Mexico by organized criminal groups. Project Gunrunner has resulted in approximately 650 cases by ATF, in which more than 1,400 defendants were referred for prosecution in federal and state courts and more than 12,000 firearms were involved.


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a372b4 No.32437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654365 (071236ZAPR23) Notable: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

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Anon found the key last night to all the BS

Gov, Corp and Social interaction

It seems Shwab has forced all corporations to no longer worry about maixmizing profits, but instead maximize Diversity, Green New Deal and SO forth all under the Umbrella of ESG

THink it was founded by Shwabb, vanguard and blackrock and is currently controling around 55T in assets.


WHAT IS ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

ESG analysis has become an increasingly important part of the investment process. For investment professionals, a key motivation in the practice of considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues as part of their financial analysis is to gain a fuller understanding of the companies in which they invest.



What Is Your ESG Credit Score? (Carbon Footprint)



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a372b4 No.32438

File: eed975623fe3397⋯.png (526.89 KB,846x475,846:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654372 (071238ZAPR23) Notable: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

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The Shadow State,' a feature documentary by The Epoch Times, takes a deep dive inside the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) industry, an emerging multitrillion-dollar power structure that unites governments with corporations in the march toward a brave new world of climate and social justice. See how it works, what its goals are, and who is driving it.

Will this new global alliance bring us a cleaner, more peaceful, more equitable future, or will it bring shortages, poverty, and political instability? Will this partnership of government with banking and tech giants deliver prosperity and freedom, or will it control our lives in ways that 20th-century totalitarians only dreamed of?



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a372b4 No.32439

File: ba9ff0da9d0da7d⋯.jpeg (270.57 KB,1698x942,283:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b71654f65d12c5c⋯.jpeg (45.01 KB,1199x674,1199:674,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654379 (071239ZAPR23) Notable: China news

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Epic Panda!

April 6, 2023 | Sundance

This is the funniest thing in months. Take the time to enjoy and laugh folks…Really, take the time.

French President Emmanuel Macron is in Beijing for an official state visit and his geopolitical priority is to break, or at least weaken, the China-Russia alliance. Yes, the western alliance sent diminutive Macron for this task. That is funny enough… but what comes next is buckets funnier.

In order to give power to their position, the brilliant NATO minds decided that President Macron should take European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, as a way to express the united ‘western alliance’ message that Macron was intended to leverage in his efforts. Obviously cunning Panda knew the intent, and the way China literally diminished the effort is not only funny in diplomatic action, but also in the optics they present. LOOK:

Upon arrival in Beijing, and customary with keeping good panda face, Macron “was given the full red-carpet treatment this week in Beijing, fêted at a state banquet, and greeted by military parades and firing cannons on Tiananmen Square. When Macron’s plane touched down, China’s foreign minister personally welcomed him.” However, “when European Commission PresidentUrsula von der Leyen arrived, she got the ecology minister — at the regular passenger exit.” [link]

Big Panda is subtle like a brick through a window. lolol.

(Politico) – […]While Macron’s schedule was overflowing, von der Leyen’s was bare-bones. While Macron was attending a lavish state banquet Thursday night with Chinese President Xi Jinping, von der Leyen was giving a sober press conference at the EU delegation’s own headquarters. While state media trumpeted the Sino-French relationship, Chinese social media demonized von der Leyen as an American puppet.

The distinction illustrates the difficulties Europe is having in dealing with China. The EU’s 27 members have an array of opinions about how to approach China — and Beijing knows this. And in the case of Macron and von der Leyen, Beijing sees a greater chance to make headway with the French leader, rendering the EU executive to a somewhat subordinate position.

The strategy was on full display Thursday, as Xi descended the outsized steps of the Great Hall of the People to greet the French president with smiles and a handshake. Below a line of flapping red flags, the two leaders exchanged greetings with a gathering that included some of Macron’s advisers.

Not present: von der Leyen. She would join later for the meetings, walking up the Great Hall stairs in solitude. (read more)

The only world leader who was/is able to diminute Chairman Xi Jinping, was U.S. President Donald Trump.

This entire effort by Macron and Von der Leyen is an exhibition inpainful and slow-moving Panda humiliation. Even Politico had to note the cringe factor that surrounds the diplomatic undressing.

Even if you don’t like Big Panda, and obviously we do not, you still have to give them credit. It really is funny.

Well played, big panda… Well played.


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a372b4 No.32440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654393 (071243ZAPR23) Notable: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

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pretty much, and if you need help to destroy your company they have advisors they send to your company.

ExxonMobil expands renewable fuels agreement with Global Clean Energy Holdings


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a372b4 No.32441

File: 11d51a200978928⋯.png (276.39 KB,1119x797,1119:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654397 (071244ZAPR23) Notable: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

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a372b4 No.32442

File: a7d403570a1ade6⋯.jpg (430.28 KB,1280x864,40:27,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654407 (071247ZAPR23) Notable: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

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You need to read this article.

They are walking back their agenda at its ideological and financial core.


BlackRock’s Larry Fink and the New Post-ESG Realism

As regular as the turn of the seasons, each January sees Larry Fink, founder and CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, publish a lengthy letter on the state of the world and its implications for finance and investors. This year, January turned to February, and still no letter. Instead, February saw Tim Buckley, CEO of Vanguard, global number-two asset manager, give a groundbreaking interview explaining Vanguard’s decision late last year to quit the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative, which had been formed ahead of the 2021 Glasgow climate conference to reallocate capital in line with net zero emissions targets.

“It would be hubris to presume that we know the right strategy for the thousands of companies that Vanguard invests in,” Buckley told the Financial Times, adding that Vanguard was “not in the game of politics.” He warned investors against expecting superior returns from environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing. “Our research indicates that ESG investing does not have any advantage over broad-based investing.”

Writing five days later in the Wall Street Journal, Terrence Keely, former BlackRock executive and author of Sustainable, zeroed in on the conflict of interest highlighted by Vanguard’s departure from NZAM and NZAM’s net zero goal. Swept along by climate-change fervor, an investment manager “can’t make such commitments without reneging on its fiduciary duties,” Keeley argued. Membership of an alliance committed to achieving net zero demands clairvoyance that no investment manager can promise. “If Mr. Buckley is right, then hundreds of other financial institutions with trillions of assets under management are wrong”—Keeley’s unstated implication being that if Vanguard is right, BlackRock is also wrong.

When it came earlier this month, Fink’s 2023 letter colored in the new investment climate adumbrated by BlackRock’s chief competitor. Whereas Fink’s 2021 letter to CEOs mentioned net zero 22 times and his 2022 letter, nine times, net zero was referred to only once this year—and then, only in passing (“European governments are also developing incentives to support the transition to a net zero economy and drive growth.”) Similarly, mentions of ESG have fallen from ten in 2021, to one last year, to none this year. How times have changed.

Two years ago, BlackRock made a blunt demand of the companies that it invests in: “We are asking”—that’s an instruction; you can hardly say no to the world’s largest investor—“companies to disclose a plan for how their business model will be compatible with a net zero economy.” This hasn’t been entirely walked back. BlackRock, Fink says, has been vocal in the past about companies disclosing how they plan to navigate the energy transition, but the tone now is softer and less vocal. It is not the role of an asset manager like BlackRock to engineer a particular outcome in the economy, Fink writes, and it’s not its place to tell companies what to do. Forswearing the clairvoyance that Keeley criticizes, Fink says that BlackRock doesn’t “know the ultimate path and timing of the transition,” a position that is not as crystalline as Buckley’s but is hard to reconcile with BlackRock’s continued membership of NZAM. Had this been BlackRock’s position two years ago, it would have been noisily condemned by climate activists and BlackRock would have been accused of sabotaging the Glasgow climate conference. So far, there has scarcely been a murmur. The world is quietly moving on from net zero.

So have BlackRock’s priorities. Whereas climate rates five mentions this year, compared with 27 two years ago, there are 122 mentions of clients—over four times the number in the BlackRock Global Executive Committee’s “Dear Clients” letter two years ago. Even more revealing is the change in the number of mentions of trust and fiduciary. There are 21 mentions of trust this year and one in the 2021 letter. That letter, billed “Net zero: a fiduciary approach,” contained only one other mention of fiduciary, a lapse that bears out Keeley’s argument on the incompatibility of imposing climate targets on asset portfolios and investment managers discharging their fiduciary duties.

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a372b4 No.32443

File: cc4d453d61fa497⋯.png (180.78 KB,1852x809,1852:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654464 (071258ZAPR23) Notable: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

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One example: Carlyle Group [Picrel]



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a372b4 No.32444

File: 9f47e9abe930295⋯.png (542.73 KB,771x761,771:761,Clipboard.png)

File: a7d540329416045⋯.png (122.67 KB,1273x827,1273:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654508 (071307ZAPR23) Notable: Leaked documents expose US-NATO Ukraine war plans

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NEW 🚨Secret documents that provide details of US and NATO plans to help prepare Ukraine for a spring offensive against Russia have spilled onto social media platforms



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a372b4 No.32445

File: e664d707164c30a⋯.png (159.63 KB,941x744,941:744,Clipboard.png)

File: a1a54d14bf2d430⋯.png (96.99 KB,783x895,783:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654515 (071308ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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>1st and 10 on the 40


>I’m leading in Texas by 42 points, Iowa and New Hampshire by a lot, overall by close to 40, and by 10 against Scamer Joe Biden!

I'm leading in = I'mfirst

Fast and Furious > theBorder


>New Hampshire


Apr 07, 2018 12:38:47 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 383caa No. 936660

Apr 07, 2018 12:32:47 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 383caa No. 936517

Apr 07, 2018 12:30:31 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 383caa No. 936472


Talking to you, anon.

We always see “It’s Happening” here.

The ‘Tone’.


April showers.




Relevant soon.



Border states are VERY key.

Bigger than you can imagine.

The pipeline.

Not R vs D.

CA is special.

Public will learn.


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a372b4 No.32446

File: 2e3ab2cd2d27a39⋯.png (4.17 MB,4095x2442,1365:814,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e6052e0161e1cc⋯.png (3.15 MB,2754x2612,1377:1306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654524 (071311ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654541 (071313ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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typo in graphic

meant to be scamer missing m


>scamer not scammer

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a372b4 No.32448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654566 (071321ZAPR23) Notable: Deltas

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>>>/qresearch/18653933 DJT: LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!

>>>/qresearch/18654081 Antony Blinken: The public can’t 'start traveling again' before worldwide vaccination

>>>/qresearch/18654091, >>>/qresearch/18654094 DJT: The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric

>>>/qresearch/18654104 “Q-ures” ? Hmm 🤔 what do you think? When Qplus is talking I like to look for little hat tips to the Anons

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a372b4 No.32449

File: ec6799d2f4f8ac5⋯.png (314.42 KB,551x450,551:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654573 (071323ZAPR23) Notable: DJT Truth decode

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>now what does it mean


missing m

m = 13

today minus 13 = Mar 25

rally day in Texas

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a372b4 No.32450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654599 (071329ZAPR23) Notable: Mother of murdered son calls Bragg out for dismissing charges against murderers but instead pursuing Trump with non-existent crimes

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Bragg dismissed murder charges against people who killed this mom's son.

She calls him out publicly for dismissing the charges against murderers and instead pursuing case against Trump where he can't even name the crime.

Reminded me of Law Abiding Citizen plot….. prosecutor plea deals out the murderer leads to It's Going to be Biblical.


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a372b4 No.32451

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654623 (071333ZAPR23) Notable: #22885

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#22885 >>32373

>>32374 BO: Engineers fixed the problem, QR is OPEN for business again

>>32375, >>32376, >>32377, >>32379, >>32403, >>32444 Leaked documents expose US-NATO Ukraine war plans

>>32378, >>32380, >>32381, >>32382 NYT / Grayzone broke the documents leak news

>>32383, >>32385, >>32416 Israel intercepts 25 of 34 Hamas terrorist rockets launched from Lebanon

>>32386 Biden administration’s Title IX changes would prevent broad bans on transgender athletes

>>32387, >>32405, >>32415 Boycott begins as liquor stores pulling Bud Light from shelves after trans endorsement

>>32388 Over 72% of NYC violent crime suspects freed without bail go on to commit more crimes

>>32389 Fauci inks deal with new Italian 'anti-pandemic' bio lab

>>32390, >>32394, >>32393 Walmart may have to raise prices due to inflation

>>32392 Mexican President slams Trump indictment, says case brought for 'political purposes'

>>32395 Evening news ignore how CCP-tied financier tried to funnel millions to Obama campaign

>>32396 France protesters storm BlackRock offices

>>32397, >>32398 Dasting photo with punisher chair at the Epstein / Jizzlane / Elizabeth cabin

>>32399 CIA Director William Burns visited Saudi Arabia this week

>>32400, >>32439, >>32384, >>32391, >>32414 China news

>>32401 So, the US government not only sold its oil reserves, but it also decided to sell its sour crude rather than sweet

>>32402, >>32419 Biden admin's Afghanistan withdrawal shenanigans

>>32404 @TomFitton: The Biden administration is an enemy of private property rights

>>32406 Ukraine used NATO ammunition to kill Donetsk civilians

>>32407 New bill would criminalize protests and offensive remarks in parts of Canada

>>32408 Instagram has a warning for anyone that wants to follow Kari Lake

>>32409 Hunter Biden laptop whistleblower reveals what's in the 450gb of erased material

>>32411, >>32422 The Democrats have a pedo problem

>>32412, >>32435 DJT: INVASION at our Border, about to lose our “Dollar” as the World Standard, and we could end up in WW3

>>32413 DJT: Here’s the new DISINFORMATION chant from the people destroying our Country - IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!!!

>>32417, >>32418 Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly accepted luxury travel trips from billionaire Republican, Harlan Crow

>>32420 (2022) Ex-stripper mom of Hunter Biden’s child wants kid to have ‘powerful’ last name

>>32421, >>32424, >>32425 Proud Boys defense attorney says 19 DHS undercover informants/agents infiltrated J6 protests

>>32423 SUNY Albany protesters march, dance and destroy Bible to shut down conservative speaker Ian Haworth

>>32426, >>32410, >>32427, >>32431, >>32436, >>32445, >>32447, >>32446, >>32449 DJT Truth decode

>>32428 President Trump shares new 2024 Campaign video against backdrop of malicious legal persecution

>>32429 Jim Jordan subpoenas former Manhattan prosecutor who pushed for Trump indictment as probe into historic indictment ramps up

>>32430, >>32437, >>32440, >>32442, >>32443, >>32441, >>32438 ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

>>32432, >>32434 Some important notables copied from the Bunker

>>32433 FEC commissioner undermines entire Manhattan prosecution, the Trump-Daniels NDA is not an election campaign violation

>>32450 Mother of murdered son calls Bragg out for dismissing charges against murderers but instead pursuing Trump with non-existent crimes

>>32448 Deltas


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a372b4 No.32452

File: 628cd22a223457f⋯.png (256.43 KB,1241x1081,1241:1081,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654650 (071337ZAPR23) Notable: #22886

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baker seeking handoff

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a372b4 No.32453

File: 0aae7635f3f3188⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB,854x466,427:233,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654656 (071339ZAPR23) Notable: President Trump Shares New 2024 Campaign Video

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>>32452 TYB!

=President Trump Shares New 2024 Campaign Video Against Backdrop of Malicious Legal Persecution MP4==

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a372b4 No.32454

File: 561a1c4609ea9c1⋯.png (7.09 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654657 (071339ZAPR23) Notable: QClock April 06, 2023 - Do Anons Understand What is About To Be Unleashed?

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QClock April 06, 2023 - Do Anons Understand What is About To Be Unleashed?

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a372b4 No.32455

File: d11490fa1263ec4⋯.mp4 (359.61 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654679 (071343ZAPR23) Notable: Buckwheat For The Keks!

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a372b4 No.32456

File: 970e825e9f7fd1e⋯.png (288.36 KB,599x635,599:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654712 (071348ZAPR23) Notable: Transgender activists holding @Riley_Gaines_ hostage demanded money in exchange for her safe passage off of the SFSU

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Riley Gaines Retweeted



Transgender activists holding @Riley_Gaines_

hostage demanded money in exchange for her safe passage off of the San Francisco State University.


Golden Gate Xpress

11:04 PM · Apr 6, 2023




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a372b4 No.32457

File: 473c6aa09390e28⋯.png (304.12 KB,608x829,608:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654715 (071349ZAPR23) Notable: Transgender activists holding @Riley_Gaines_ hostage demanded money in exchange for her safe passage off of the SFSU

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


They're trying to kill Riley Gaines

This is the left

This is what we're up against


David Llamas

2:01 AM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654721 (071350ZAPR23) Notable: Biden Is Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster, While Also Denying It Was a Disaster

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NBC’s Welker: Biden Is Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster, While Also Denying It Was a Disaster

On Thursday’s broadcast of “NBC Nightly News,” NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Kristen Welker reported on the Biden administration’s review of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and noted that while the Biden administrationattempts to blame the Trump administration, the Biden administration has maintained — both in 2021 and today — that the evacuation wasn’t a mess, despite the fact that, to this day, “Afghan interpreters who helped the U.S. are in hiding.”

Welker said, “Tonight, nearly two years after the deadly and disastrous American withdrawal from Afghanistan, those stunning images of Afghans desperately chasing U.S. planes, and the airport terror attack — which killed 13 U.S. servicemembers — the Biden administration releasing its after-action review, trying to pin much of the blame on former President Trump, who had left office eight months earlier, including citing sharp drawdowns of U.S. troops.”

She added that while the report acknowledges the evacuation should have started sooner, “President Biden, at the time, called thewithdrawal a[n] ‘extraordinary success’.” And played a clip of White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby saying that he doesn’t “buy the whole argument of chaos.” (Shit it’s is an apparent and verifiable truth, not an argument!)

Welker concluded, “Meanwhile, in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan tonight, women face new oppression andAfghan interpreterswho helped the U.S. are in hiding.” And “Just last month, theCENTCOM commander warned ISISin Afghanistan could conduct terror attacks against U.S. interests abroad in under six months.”

(So it wasn’t all the other corrupt and evil things Bidans have done that irked them, it was this?)


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a372b4 No.32459

File: 1763944525e3a61⋯.png (58.68 KB,1386x460,693:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654724 (071351ZAPR23) Notable: Transgender activists holding @Riley_Gaines_ hostage demanded money in exchange for her safe passage off of the SFSU

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Riley Gaines 'ambushed and physically

hit' after Saving Women's Sports speech

at San Francisco State

Fox News, by Kyle Morris

Original Article

Posted By: JunkYardDog, 4/7/2023 7:22:37 AM

Former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines was barricaded in a room at San Francisco State University Thursday night after she was physically assaulted following a speech to students about saving women's sports at a Turning Point USA and Leadership Institute event on the campus. Louis Barker, Riley's husband, said he had brief conversations with her while she was barricaded in the room for nearly three hours. "She told me she was hit multiple times by a guy in a dress. I was shaking. It made me that mad. It makes me sick to feel so helpless about it," Barker said.

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a372b4 No.32460

File: 66ec61060db7e40⋯.png (19.09 KB,603x250,603:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654741 (071354ZAPR23) Notable: Pranksters Vovan and Lexus posing as Petro Poroshenko got French ex-President Francois Hollande to admit the Minsk Accords were a NATO ruse to militarize Ukraine

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LTG (R) Mike Flynn


This should be global headlines!!!

Quote Tweet

Elon Musk




Replying to @KanekoaTheGreat

Is this real?

2:05 AM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654749 (071356ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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"Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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a372b4 No.32462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654751 (071357ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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Marion County, FL Billy Woods Sheriff

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a372b4 No.32463

File: e86017be8d32cb0⋯.png (340.37 KB,728x616,13:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654752 (071357ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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a372b4 No.32464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654754 (071357ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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DeSantis’ Sheriffs are the best Sheriffs.

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a372b4 No.32465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654762 (071358ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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one of first things he said is 'this has nothing to do with guns'

and then he blasts parents for not knowing where their kids are and who thy hang with and what they are doing.

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a372b4 No.32466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654768 (071400ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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cnn is blasting this sheriff….saying it is worst presser ever…

they hated it

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a372b4 No.32467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654780 (071403ZAPR23) Notable: Biden Is Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster, While Also Denying It Was a Disaster

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Federal Report: Biden’s Afghans Directed ‘Racism, Sexism’ and ‘Verbal Abuse’ at U.S. Aid Workers

John Binder6 Apr 2023

Afghans, brought to the United States by President Joe Biden, directed “racism and sexism” as well as “verbal abuse” at American non-governmental organization (NGO) employees who helped resettle them across the nation, a federal report alleges.

Following the U.S. Armed Forces’ withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, Biden opened a refugee parole pipeline that has resettled more than 86,000 Afghans in American communities —many without having to be screened or interviewed in person beforehand.

To resettle the massive inflow of Afghans, Biden’s State Department contracted with NGOs that use taxpayer money to resettle refugees across American communities for the federal government, including:

Church World Service; Ethiopian Community Development Council; Episcopal Migration Ministries; Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society; International Rescue Committee; Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service; United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants; and World Relief.

A report from the State Department Inspector General (IG) this week reveals that in the midst of their resettlement across the U.S., many Afghans directed racist, sexist, and verbally abusive behavior at NGO workers.

“[Resettlement agencies] also attributed some inappropriate behavior on the part of [Afghan] parolees to the lack of cultural orientation,” the IG report states:

For example, some [resettlement agency] staff reported experiencing racism and sexism from Afghan clientsunaccustomed to the norms of U.S. society. Another [resettlement agency] reported that some [Afghan] parolees refused to work with female case managers or case managers from minority groups. [Emphasis added]

One [resettlement agency] reported that a few local offices had issues of verbal abuse from Afghans, mostly those who were upset or frustrated by the process.

In addition, the IG report states that many Afghans brought to the U.S. by the Biden administration needed immediate medical treatment because they suffer “with mental and physical health issues” while others arrived in the U.S. with COVID-19.

Afghans, the IG report alleges, also had unrealistic expectations about the U.S.

For instance, some Afghans reportedly expected the federal government to provide them with “welcome money” when they arrived in the U.S. Others alsoexpected free, luxury housingand were displeased with the actual housing that was provided to them.

“… consequently [Afghans] rejected the housing providedto them as being insufficient to meet their needs or of an inferior quality,” the IG report states.

As Breitbart News reported last year, GOP Sens. Jerry Moran (R-KS), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Roy Blunt (R-MO) teamed up withDemocrats in an attempt to pass legislation that would provide the newly arrived Afghans with green cards and, eventually, naturalized American citizenship.

The green card giveaway, though, was blocked by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

Vetting failures have plagued Biden’s massive Afghan resettlement operation that has seen Afghans resettled across nearly all 50 states. In one such case in December 2022, for instance, an Afghan male was deported after he was convicted of sexually abusing a three-year-old girl in Virginia almost immediately after arriving in the U.S.

In September 2022, the Department of Homeland Security IG issued a bombshell report detailing how Biden brought Afghans to the U.S. who were “not fully vetted” and may “pose a risk to national security.”

Similarly, in February 2022, a Department of Defense IG report revealed that Biden’s agencies failed to properly vet Afghans arriving in the U.S., and that about 50 Afghans were flagged for “significant security concerns” after their resettlement.

Most of the unvetted Afghans flagged for possible terrorism ties, the IG report stated, have since disappeared into American communities. The report noted that as of September 17, 2021, only three of 31 Afghans flagged with specific “derogatory information” could be located.

Independent whistleblower reports have come to the same conclusions.

In August 2022, Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) detailed allegations from a whistleblower who claims that the Biden administration knowingly resettled almost 400 Afghans in the U.S. who were listed as “potential threats” in federal databases and urged staff to cut corners in the vetting process.

A Project Veritas report from May 2022 alleges that the Biden administration resettled Afghans listed on the federal government’s “Terrorism Watch List.”


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a372b4 No.32468

File: 91b3f61476948ea⋯.png (1.87 MB,1200x801,400:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654781 (071403ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rigel Wide, air quality

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Apr 7 2023

Rigel Wide

Brilliant, blue, supergiant star Rigel marks the foot of Orion the Hunter in planet Earth's night. Designated Beta Orionis, it's at the center of this remarkably deep and wide field of view. Rigel's blue color indicates that it is much hotter than its rival supergiant in Orion the yellowish Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis), though both stars are massive enough to eventually end their days as core collapse supernovae. Some 860 light-years away, Rigel is hotter than the Sun too and extends to about 74 times the solar radius. That's about the size of the orbit of Mercury. In the 10 degree wide frame toward the nebula rich constellation, the Orion Nebula is at the upper left. To the right of Rigel and illuminated by its brilliant blue starlight lies the dusty Witch Head Nebula. Rigel is part of a multiple star system, though its companion stars are much fainter.


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a372b4 No.32469

File: dc2cfb9b5a6db01⋯.png (47.12 KB,747x847,747:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654782 (071403ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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Sheriff Billy Wood Trending.

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a372b4 No.32470

File: 0cde471f1cdb3e6⋯.png (197.47 KB,705x339,235:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654796 (071409ZAPR23) Notable: Son of Radical Florida Democrat Rebekah Jones Arrested for Threatening to Shoot Up School

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Jim Hoft




Son of Radical Florida Democrat Rebekah Jones Arrested for Threatening to Shoot Up School


Son of Radical Florida Democrat Rebekah Jones Arrested for Threatening to Shoot Up School

The Gateway Pundit

Link Feed

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a372b4 No.32471

File: 6fb793a12043a25⋯.png (269.17 KB,418x623,418:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654809 (071413ZAPR23) Notable: UK: Masks in hospitals made 'no difference' to Covid infection rates

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Masks in hospitals made 'no difference' to Covid infection rates, study finds | Daily Mail Online

"Experts at St George's Hospital found masks made 'no discernable difference' 

The infection rate remained unchanged even when the mandate was removed

Masks made 'no discernible difference' to Covid transmission rates in hospitals, new research suggests."


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a372b4 No.32472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654822 (071416ZAPR23) Notable: UK: Masks in hospitals made 'no difference' to Covid infection rates

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Dr John Campbell.

Masks in Hospital

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a372b4 No.32473

File: 66612bc9ba2809b⋯.png (255.07 KB,418x556,209:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654836 (071419ZAPR23) Notable: Corrupt Democrat State Politician Exposed, Ruled Through 'Fear and Intimidation', Mike Madigan

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Corrupt Democrat State Politician Exposed, Ruled Through 'Fear and Intimidation'

DETAILS HERE: https://dcenquirer.com/mike-madigan-fear-and-intimidation/?utm_source=telegram

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a372b4 No.32474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654837 (071419ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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watching now. First I had heard of this shooting. This is not a gun problem great line. It is however a black culture problem. A culture that glorifies violence will breed violent people. They of course have been manipulated and that is sad, but to ignore the problem and questions does them no good and keep the rest of society in fear. We do not have a black problem, we have a nigger problem and that goes for all races.

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a372b4 No.32475

File: 4142fb0e3224b6c⋯.png (223.82 KB,552x521,552:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ad7fc0ee6c3dbe⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654840 (071420ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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The Dirty Truth (Josh)


Sheriff Billy Woods: All of the gun laws we have in place, didn’t prevent it and neither with new ones. The simple fact is criminals are going to get guns.

9:11 AM · Apr 7, 2023

652 Views 20 Retweets 2 Quotes 43 Likes 2 Bookmarks


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a372b4 No.32476

File: da2647b0b592e1b⋯.png (197.42 KB,419x512,419:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654847 (071420ZAPR23) Notable: Republican DAs Are Taking Aim At Biden Following Trump Indictment

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Tit For Tat?: Republican DAs Are Taking Aim At Biden Following Trump Indictment

DETAILS HERE: https://dcenquirer.com/tit-for-tat-republican-das-are-taking-aim-at-biden-following-trump-indictment/?utm_source=telegram

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a372b4 No.32477

File: efcb8a8bef4fbf4⋯.png (654.96 KB,624x780,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 8470044039b391c⋯.png (549.63 KB,780x519,260:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 615944848643dfe⋯.png (561 KB,780x519,260:173,Clipboard.png)

File: d938d26663f4c75⋯.png (574.27 KB,780x519,260:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654848 (071422ZAPR23) Notable: Space Force hosts inaugural Guardian Field Forum

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Space Force hosts inaugural Guardian Field Forum

April 06, 2023

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. &ndash; The Space Force hosted its first-ever Guardian Field Forum at the Gen. Jacob E. Smart Conference Center at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, March 21-24, 2023.

The four-day professional development forum allowed competitively selected Guardians made up of company grade officers, non-commissioned officers or civilians to provide feedback, recommendations and innovative ideas directly to their peers and senior leaders.

“Fifty-nine Guardians and Airmen participated in the first Guardian Field Forum,” said Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman. “I was incredibly impressed and inspired with their recommendations.”

At this forum, teams nominated by their respective Deltas, presented their most important issues or recommendations to the other Deltas. The group voted to determine the top themes that had the most overlap throughout the 31 briefings they exchanged with each other. The three themes that the teams selected were: Building Guardians, Personnel Management, and Holistic Approach to Operations.

Some of the topics discussed included:

An approach to streamline administrative support for Guardians stationed at geographically separated units;

A proposal for actions to improve the transparency and prioritization of assignment opportunities; and,

Initiatives to strengthen the connection between operations, readiness, and lifecycle sustainment.

The teams collaboratively incorporated their recommendations into three briefings that were then presented to leaders during the Space Force Senior Leader Summit. The three Guardians who presented will act as mentors for next year’s Guardian Field Forum, passing the torch to the next group of Guardians.

“The Guardian Field Forum was an amazing opportunity to present ideas to senior Space Force leadership,” said Master Sgt. Christopher Mullens, who presented for Space Operations Command’s Space Delta 7. “To be given the chance to speak directly with senior leadership is lifechanging. I can’t wait to come back next year to mentor Guardians to innovate, cultivate and inspire ideas that will benefit our force for years to come.”

During the forum, Lt. Gen. Nina Armagno, Space Force director of staff and senior Guardian mentor, spent an hour with the Guardians, providing mentorship and answering questions.

"Mentorship is my passion," Armagno said. "Having the opportunity to speak with these junior Guardians is a chance to give them examples of things I have learned in my career, like pushing the boundaries to innovate. Embracing a creative and innovative spirit is important for Guardians as we move forward as a service."

In a note to all Guardians, Saltzman reiterated the importance of “unleashing the creativity” of the work force, not just during events like this forum, but through everyday feedback at all levels of leadership.

“Our efforts to amplify the Guardian spirit must be continuous,” Saltzman said. “This is the type of connection and engagement that will catalyze innovation in our service.”


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a372b4 No.32478

File: 965d0c9ecdd0efa⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654849 (071422ZAPR23) Notable: Pranksters Vovan and Lexus posing as Petro Poroshenko got French ex-President Francois Hollande to admit the Minsk Accords were a NATO ruse to militarize Ukraine

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Pranksters Vovan and Lexus posing as Petro Poroshenko got French ex-President Francois Hollande to admit the Minsk Accords were a NATO ruse to militarize Ukraine, and Western nations overthrew Ukraine's democratically-elected government in 2014.

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a372b4 No.32479

File: ad6a7ca949fe577⋯.png (216.88 KB,420x414,70:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654863 (071424ZAPR23) Notable: Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination

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​ (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2022/01/15/Vaxzevria-870x522.jpeg)Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

READ: https://health.breakingheadlines.news/c4mGAw


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a372b4 No.32480

File: c5e4fd04a13519b⋯.mp4 (8.02 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654865 (071424ZAPR23) Notable: "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

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The Dirty Truth (Josh)


Sheriff Billy Woods: When my kids were growing up, they knew even the barber had permission to whoop their ass if they acted up.

Then tells reporter not to ask dumbass questions.

9:17 AM · Apr 7, 2023

399 Views 2 Retweets 2 Quotes 20 Likes


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a372b4 No.32481

File: 5ff3bbda8604fd9⋯.jpeg (75.6 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654883 (071428ZAPR23) Notable: Biden Is Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster, While Also Denying It Was a Disaster

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7 Apr, 2023 12:21

Blinken admits Afghan failures – Politico

The top US diplomat reportedly acknowledges lapses in planning and executing the withdrawal, after the White House blamed Trump

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged failures in the Afghanistan pull-out, while refusing to release an internal review on the debacle to avoid exposing “vulnerabilities and deficiencies,” Politico revealed on Thursday.

The remarks werereportedly part of a closed-door meeting between Blinken and his staff. The news outlet said it was given access to the event, which was partially conducted online.

The secretary of state spoke to US diplomats after the White House released an After Action Review on Afghanistan, in which it blamed former President Donald Trump for setting up unfavourable terms for his successor, Joe Biden, leading to the chaotic pullout.

Blinken alternated between chief consoler of the department he leadsand Cabinet member defending the administration and his own conduct,” Politico wrote, describing the event at the State Department.

In his opening remarks, Blinken described five key lessons learned from the Afghanistan experience, as identified in the State Department review. It was led by veteran diplomat Daniel Smith, who looked into the events from January 2020 to the end of August 2021.

The report found that the US diplomatic service failed to prepare for the worst-case scenario of a withdrawal amid a collapse of the US-backed government in Kabul. The last stage of the Western departure occurred after the Taliban seized control of the Afghan capital.

“This was seen as a very low probability, but obviously, potentially very high impact event and more could and should have been done to prepare for it,” Blinken said.

The State Department’s contingency planning was apparently“inhibited” by optics considerations. There was concern that an open preparation to pull the plug “might send the wrong signal [to the Afghan government] that we’d lost confidence in it,” the secretary explained.

Other findings related to organizational problems, unclear priorities, and afailure to properly track US citizens in Afghanistan.

During a Q&A session after his speech, Blinken was asked whether he would make public his department’s assessment of the botched withdrawal. He declined to do so, citing a reluctance toexpose “the vulnerabilities and deficiencies that we have”while they are being addressed. Such information “would not be good to share in a broad way” he argued.


(Whistleblowers need to come out and reveal these lies)

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a372b4 No.32482

File: 9176614355120dd⋯.png (786.62 KB,985x985,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 436b4fa4b455244⋯.png (943.07 KB,985x1059,985:1059,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654885 (071428ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rigel Wide, air quality

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NASA’s Webb Scores Another Ringed World With New Image of Uranus

Apr 6, 2023

Following in the footsteps of the Neptune image released in 2022, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has taken a stunning image of the solar system’s other ice giant, the planet Uranus. The new image features dramatic rings as well as bright features in the planet’s atmosphere. The Webb data demonstrates the observatory’s unprecedented sensitivity for the faintest dusty rings, which have only ever been imaged by two other facilities: the Voyager 2 spacecraft as it flew past the planet in 1986, and the Keck Observatory with advanced adaptive optics.

The seventh planet from the Sun, Uranus is unique: It rotates on its side, at roughly a 90-degree angle from the plane of its orbit. This causes extreme seasons since the planet’s poles experience many years of constant sunlight followed by an equal number of years of complete darkness. (Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun.) Currently, it is late spring for the northern pole, which is visible here; Uranus’ northern summer will be in 2028. In contrast, when Voyager 2 visited Uranus it was summer at the south pole. The south pole is now on the ‘dark side’ of the planet, out of view and facing the darkness of space.

This infrared image from Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) combines data from two filters at 1.4 and 3.0 microns, which are shown here in blue and orange, respectively. The planet displays a blue hue in the resulting representative-color image.

When Voyager 2 looked at Uranus, its camera showed an almost featureless blue-green ball in visible wavelengths. With the infrared wavelengths and extra sensitivity of Webb we see more detail, showing how dynamic the atmosphere of Uranus really is.

On the right side of the planet there’s an area of brightening at the pole facing the Sun, known as a polar cap. This polar cap is unique to Uranus – it seems to appear when the pole enters direct sunlight in the summer and vanish in the fall; these Webb data will help scientists understand the currently mysterious mechanism. Webb revealed a surprising aspect of the polar cap: a subtle enhanced brightening at the center of the cap. The sensitivity and longer wavelengths of Webb’s NIRCam may be why we can see this enhanced Uranus polar feature when it has not been seen as clearly with other powerful telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope and Keck Observatory.

At the edge of the polar cap lies a bright cloud as well as a few fainter extended features just beyond the cap’s edge, and a second very bright cloud is seen at the planet’s left limb. Such clouds are typical for Uranus in infrared wavelengths, and likely are connected to storm activity.

This planet is characterized as an ice giant due to the chemical make-up of its interior. Most of its mass is thought to be a hot, dense fluid of "icy" materials – water, methane, and ammonia – above a small rocky core.

Uranus has 13 known rings and 11 of them are visible in this Webb image. Some of these rings are so bright with Webb that when they are close together, they appear to merge into a larger ring. Nine are classed as the main rings of the planet, and two are the fainter dusty rings (such as the diffuse zeta ring closest to the planet) that weren’t discovered until the 1986 flyby by Voyager 2. Scientists expect that future Webb images of Uranus will reveal the two faint outer rings that were discovered with Hubble during the 2007 ring-plane crossing.

Webb also captured many of Uranus’ 27 known moons (most of which are too small and faint to be seen here); the six brightest are identified in the wide-view image. This was only a short, 12-minute exposure image of Uranus with just two filters. It is just the tip of the iceberg of what Webb can do when observing this mysterious planet. In 2022, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine identified Uranus science as a priority in its 2023-2033 Planetary Science and Astrobiology decadal survey. Additional studies of Uranus are happening now, and more are planned in Webb’s first year of science operations.


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a372b4 No.32483

File: cf0864e023a4be3⋯.jpeg (560 KB,1278x1350,71:75,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 387fe27ed1b846d⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654888 (071428ZAPR23) Notable: Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination

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"Covid-19 deaths", before and after the roll out of the experimental mRNA injections by country A-Z.

#VaccineDeath #VaccineGenocide #VaccineInjuries #DiedSuddenly #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Nuremberg2


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a372b4 No.32484

File: 1851e42b3bd0aed⋯.png (209.62 KB,421x429,421:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654895 (071430ZAPR23) Notable: College Students Are Finally Paying the Price for Their Woke Activism

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Letts: College Students Are Finally Paying the Price for Their Woke Activism

READ: http://w-j.co/s/8fc79

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a372b4 No.32485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654910 (071433ZAPR23) Notable: Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination

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The Culling of Mankind: Government Reports & Pfizer Documents reveal a Sinister Agenda exists to Depopulate the Planet through COVID Vaccination

If an experimental vaccine were to damage the heart and immune system in a significant number of individuals who received it, it is possible that it could lead to a decline in the overall population size.

This could occur for a number of reasons.

First, damage to the heart could lead to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, which are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. This could result in a higher number of deaths among individuals who received the vaccine.

Second, damage to the immune system could leave individuals more susceptible to other infections and diseases, which could also contribute to an increase in mortality.

Last, but by no means least, the negative impacts of the vaccine on fertility and reproductive health could lead to a decline in the number of births, further contributing to a decline in the overall population size.



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a372b4 No.32486

File: 5d61a6b44b7b8cb⋯.png (710.63 KB,985x681,985:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 84a1bd98ff5a0af⋯.png (131.16 KB,320x400,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654920 (071436ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has named Dr. Makenzie Lystrup director of the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland

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NASA Administrator Names New Goddard Center Director

Apr 6, 2023

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has named Dr. Makenzie Lystrup director of the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, effective immediately. She will make history as the first female center director at Goddard.

Lystrup succeeds Dave Mitchell, who has served as Goddard’s acting center director since January 2023, and now resumes his duties as the agency’s chief program management officer at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

“Makenzie is a natural leader, bringing to Goddard a scientist’s drive for discovery along with a wealth of industry experience and knowledge. As center director, she will lead a world-renowned team of scientists, engineers, and technologists focused on Earth and space science. Under her leadership, the Goddard workforce will continue to inspire, innovate, and explore the unknown for the benefit of all,” said Nelson. “I’d also like to thank Dave Mitchell for serving as acting center director since January and ensuring a seamless transition. We look forward to Dave resuming his role at headquarters.”

Goddard Space Flight Center is one of NASA’s largest field centers. Its sites include the primary campus in Greenbelt, Maryland, as well as Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, the Katherine Johnson Independent Verification & Validation Facility in West Virginia, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the White Sands Complex in New Mexico, and the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Texas. Goddard is responsible for the oversight and execution of a $4 billion portfolio and is home to the nation's largest concentration of scientists, engineers and technologists dedicated to Earth and space science. Its workforce consists of more than 10,000 employees, both civil servants and contractors.

“Goddard is an incredible center and true national asset with the best and brightest minds in science and engineering – I’m humbled and honored to lead such an amazing and diverse world-renowned team,” said Lystrup. “To build upon our legacy, I’m keenly focused on growing the next generation of innovators along with ensuring our team has the resources and tools to advance technologies and make new discoveries that boost the space economy and benefit us all.”

Prior to joining NASA, Lystrup was vice president and general manager of civil space at Ball Aerospace, where she was responsible for the company’s portfolio of civil space systems that span across all science fields, operational weather and Earth observation, as well as advanced technologies development objectives. In this role, she led Ball’s contributions to several missions, such as NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), Landsat 9, and the Roman Space Telescope.

Lystrup has also served as senior director for Ball’s Civil Space Advanced Systems and Business Development, where she managed new business activities for NASA, NOAA, and other civilian U.S. government agencies as well as for academia and other science organizations.


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a372b4 No.32487

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654933 (071438ZAPR23) Notable: Watters World clip Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. To Challenge Biden & Deep State

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Watters World clip (10:41 mins)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. To Challenge Biden & Deep State


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a372b4 No.32488

File: 0e29bd670794e63⋯.png (262.3 KB,560x739,560:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 94031765331340f⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654934 (071438ZAPR23) Notable: O'Keefe Footage from Southern California shows a dynamic citizen journalist duo investigating suspicious excessive political contributions residents said they did not make

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O’Keefe Media Group


NEW: Footage from Southern California shows a dynamic citizen journalist duo investigating suspicious excessive political contributions residents said they did not make. #FollowTheMoney

8:34 PM · Apr 6, 2023

405.6K Views 6,303 Retweets 219 Quotes 15.1K Likes 203 Bookmarks


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a372b4 No.32489

File: ca70d9b0a2525cf⋯.png (347.81 KB,891x541,891:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654940 (071439ZAPR23) Notable: Son of Radical Florida Democrat Rebekah Jones Arrested for Threatening to Shoot Up School

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Matt Gaetz Rival Slams Florida Rep for Mocking Her 12-Year-Old Autistic Son

By Ewan Palmer On 9/12/22 at 7:35 AM EDT

Rebekah Jones, a Democrat who will face off against Matt Gaetz in November's midterms, has heavily criticized the GOP Florida congressman after a picture of her autistic 12-year-old online was posted onto his Facebook page to mock her campaign.

Jones, a former Florida Department of Health data scientist, posted a video on TikTok about the "disturbing" Facebook photo which was uploaded onto Gaetz's Facebook on September 10.

The Facebook post in question was two photos side by side, one showing dozens of people at a campaign event for Gaetz, alongside one of a young child alone with his head on the desk at a booth.

"Gaetz vs Jones campaign events," the Republican wrote, while sharing the images onto Facebook.

In the TikTok video, Jones states that her child is autistic and that she brought him along to the Emerald Coast Holistic Health Expo, which was held at Fort Walton Beach over the weekend.

"And Matt Gaetz apparently had someone take pictures of my 12-year-old autistic son while he was at the booth, by himself and posted it, mocking him on Facebook," Jones said.

Jones was fired from her role as a data scientist in Florida over claims she refused to manipulate COVID data to make the state's outbreak seem less severe. She later hadher home searched amid allegations that she improperly accessed a department computer system.

In her video, Jones makes reference to the raid at her home, while also bringing up a criminal investigation into Gaetz.

"If you haven't learned anything from when [Florida Governor Ron] DeSantis raided my house at gunpoint, you don't f*** with my kids," Jones said.

"So why don't you come on down here? Join me on the debate stage, and we'll see who's really the better candidate for Florida's first district, and you can stop creeping on my children and having pictures taken off them and then reposting them online when they're sitting alone in public, and events that aren't even mine," Jones added.

Jones is due to stand trial in January after allegations she improperly accessed a Florida health department computer system.

In a statement to Newsweek, a spokesperson for Gaetz said: "Rebekah Jones faces virtually certain losses in the November election and in her January criminal trial. To avoid disinformation, we mostly ignore her."


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a372b4 No.32490

File: f4579361e86a595⋯.png (16.06 KB,653x205,653:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654946 (071440ZAPR23) Notable: Space Force hosts inaugural Guardian Field Forum

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United States Space Force


#DYK that the U.S. Space Force was established on Dec. 20, 2019, when

the National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law, creating the first

new branch of the armed services in 73 years?

3:38 AM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654954 (071442ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has named Dr. Makenzie Lystrup director of the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland

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They put that in a separate link

Dr. Makenzie B. Lystrup is the director of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center guiding the direction and management of one of NASA’s major field installations. Goddard’s sites include the primary campus in Maryland, Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, the Katherine Johnson Independent Verification & Validation Facility in West Virginian, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the White Sands Complex in New Mexico, and the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Texas. Goddard is responsible for the oversight and execution of a $4 billion portfolio and is home to the nation’s largest concentration of scientists, engineers and technologists dedicated to Earth and space science. Its workforce consists of more than 10,000 employees, both civil servant and contractor.

Prior to joining NASA, Dr. Lystrup was vice president and general manager of Ball Aerospace’s Civil Space Strategic Business Unit, where she was responsible for the company’s portfolio of civil space systems spanning across all science fields, operational weather and Earth observation, as well as advanced technologies development objectives. In this role, she led Ball’s contributions to several missions, such as NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), Landsat 9, and the Roman Space Telescope.

Dr. Lystrup has also served as senior director for Ball’s Civil Space Advanced Systems and Business Development, where she managed new business activities for NASA, NOAA, and other civilian U.S. government agencies as well as for academia and other science organizations. In addition, she served in the company’s Strategic Operations organization, based in Washington D.C., where she led Ball’s space sciences portfolio. Prior to joining Ball, Dr. Lystrup worked as an American Institute of Physics – Acoustical Society of American (AIP-ASA) Congressional Fellow from 2011 to 2012 in the office of U.S. Representative Edward Markey, where she managed a portfolio including technology, national defense, nuclear energy, and nuclear nonproliferation.

Dr. Lystrup has served on boards and committees for several organizations to include the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), the University of Colorado, and the American Astronomical Society (AAS), where she also served as chair of the Committee on Planetary Science Policy. In 2023, she was named an SPIE fellow for her work in optics along with being named an AAS fellow. She was named an American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow in 2019 for her distinguished record in the fields of planetary science and infrared astronomy, science policy and advocacy, and aerospace leadership. Dr. Lystrup also served as an AmeriCorps volunteer focusing on STEM education.

Dr. Lystrup holds a bachelor’s in physics from Portland State University and attended graduate school at University College London earning a Ph.D in astrophysics. She was a National Science Foundation Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Research Fellow spending time at the Laboratory for Atmospheric & Space Physics in Boulder, Colorado, and University of Liege in Belgium. As a planetary scientist and astronomer, Dr. Lystrup’s scientific work has been in using ground- and space-based astronomical observatories to understand the interactions and dynamics of planetary atmospheres and magnetospheres – the relationships between planets and their surrounding space environments.


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a372b4 No.32492

File: 3bac72ea3175421⋯.png (35.69 KB,836x349,836:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654971 (071446ZAPR23) Notable: Bud Light Boycott Continues: Liquor Store Refuses Order After Company Puts New Face on Can

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Bud Light Boycott Continues: Liquor Store Refuses Order After Company Puts New Face on Can - Report

By Bryan Chai April 6, 2023 at 3:20pm

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a372b4 No.32493

File: 09f9e754e737da3⋯.png (482.94 KB,1081x683,1081:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654975 (071447ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has named Dr. Makenzie Lystrup director of the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland

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"affirm" away

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a372b4 No.32494

File: 242becaac4972b1⋯.png (214.69 KB,421x478,421:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654979 (071448ZAPR23) Notable: Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination

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Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled

"The multiplier effects are massive…" https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bombshell-vax-analysis-finds-147-billion-economic-damage-tens-millions-injured-or-disabled

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a372b4 No.32495

File: 2d96f0c929eea5e⋯.pdf (2.79 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654980 (071448ZAPR23) Notable: World Economic Forum (WEF) Members A-Z List by Country Jan 2023 PDF.

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World Economic Forum (WEF) Members A-Z List by Country Jan 2023 PDF.

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a372b4 No.32496

File: 90d5b65db841369⋯.jpeg (251.62 KB,1242x1244,621:622,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e656419a9355fad⋯.jpeg (150.03 KB,1241x661,1241:661,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18654994 (071450ZAPR23) Notable: Bud Light Boycott Continues: Liquor Store Refuses Order After Company Puts New Face on Can

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Execs at Anheuser-Busch trying to blame others. We watch Mad Men so we know what they are trying to do. Interesting that these woke corps don’t like being cancelled. We need to do it more then!


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a372b4 No.32497

File: 2d2bbd726dcb575⋯.png (335.95 KB,420x535,84:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655000 (071451ZAPR23) Notable: The Return of ‘The Myth’: Bolsonaro to Fly Back to Brazil – Lula Fears Popular Protests – 10k Are Expected to Welcome Leader at the Airport

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The Return of ‘The Myth’: Bolsonaro to Fly Back to Brazil – Lula Fears Popular Protests – 10k Are Expected to Welcome Leader at the Airport


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a372b4 No.32498

File: e4dc37a7b063e9f⋯.jpeg (317.93 KB,1241x1354,1241:1354,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655007 (071453ZAPR23) Notable: Tulsi was always a scam! A plant, she’s still a cult member. She supports 1A but not 2A

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Tulsi was always a scam! A plant, she’s still a cult member. She supports 1A but not 2A


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a372b4 No.32499

File: 9c1d2c5258cdeed⋯.jpeg (144.67 KB,1241x795,1241:795,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655013 (071454ZAPR23) Notable: Tulsi was always a scam! A plant, she’s still a cult member. She supports 1A but not 2A

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Agreed, hell No


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a372b4 No.32500

File: 1224662f333ef8a⋯.jpeg (723.01 KB,1278x1153,1278:1153,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2422c469b1d4afe⋯.jpeg (235.33 KB,1089x548,1089:548,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dd456a204409f55⋯.jpeg (941.34 KB,2000x1542,1000:771,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9c2a121e71bc92a⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,2000x1585,400:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a30f32f6ec166ce⋯.jpeg (679.01 KB,2000x1162,1000:581,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655015 (071454ZAPR23) Notable: Global Elite Picked Obama Long Before Voters

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Global Elite Picked Obama Long Before Voters

"What If I Told You That You Will Have A Black President Very Soon And He's A Communist?" She Said. "This Is Not Some Idle Talk. He's Already Born, And He Is Educated And Being Groomed To Be The President Right Now."

This Is Tom Fife's Article That Tells The Story Of How Obama Was Born, Raised And Groomed To Be The First Black President Of The United States.



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a372b4 No.32501

File: 5fd3439a5aee135⋯.png (371.72 KB,1284x1556,321:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655028 (071457ZAPR23) Notable: ICYMI: "Vicious Political Persecution of Trump is Rocket Fuel for 2024 Campaign"

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"Vicious Political Persecution of Trump is Rocket Fuel for 2024 Campaign"

A must-read by @SummerEllenLane for RSBN!


10:42 AM · Apr 7, 2023


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a372b4 No.32502

File: 5bf7e892bcc6f12⋯.png (37.36 KB,573x338,573:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655037 (071459ZAPR23) Notable: JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon floated the idea of the U.S. government and corporations seizing private property to expedite achieving their climate agenda

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Lara Logan





JPMorgan CEO suggests government seize private property to quicken climate initiatives

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon floated the idea of the U.S. government and corporations seizing private property to expedite achieving their climate agenda.


Apr 07, 2023, 3:49 AM

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a372b4 No.32503

File: 12cc3220aac5c96⋯.jpeg (331.59 KB,1242x1484,621:742,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3afe39f6840a78f⋯.jpeg (127.41 KB,1241x619,1241:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1fc425d0a7a3786⋯.jpeg (400.08 KB,1241x1798,1241:1798,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9669c4e66db8fcc⋯.jpeg (451.68 KB,1241x1855,1241:1855,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655044 (071500ZAPR23) Notable: Did anyone see what Shylo was revealing? Manhattan DA fuckery

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Did anyone see what Shylo was revealing?


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a372b4 No.32504

File: 9c1dbf2501595c5⋯.png (127.4 KB,985x570,197:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655053 (071501ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rigel Wide, air quality

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NASA’s High-Resolution Air Quality Control Instrument Launches

Apr 6, 2023

A NASA instrument to provide unprecedented resolution of monitoring major air pollutants – down to four square miles – lifted off on its way to geostationary orbit at 12:30 a.m. EDT Friday. The Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) instrument will improve life on Earth by revolutionizing the way scientists observe air quality from space.

"The TEMPO mission is about more than just studying pollution – it's about improving life on Earth for all. By monitoring the effects of everything from rush-hour traffic to pollution from forest fires and volcanoes, NASA data will help improve air quality across North America and protect our planet,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

NASA’s TEMPO launched from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The instrument is a payload on the satellite Intelsat 40E, which separated from the rocket approximately 32 minutes after launch. Signal acquisition occurred at 1:14 a.m. TEMPO commissioning activities will begin in late May or early June.

From a fixed geostationary orbit above the equator, TEMPO will be the first space-based instrument to measure air quality over North America hourly during the daytime and at spatial regions of several square miles – far better than existing limits of about 100 square miles in the U.S. TEMPO data will play an important role in the scientific analysis of pollution, including studies of rush hour pollution, the potential for improved air quality alerts, the effects of lightning on ozone, the movement of pollution from forest fires and volcanoes, and even the effects of fertilizer application.

“NASA makes data from instruments like TEMPO easily accessible to everyone,” said Karen St. Germain, division director for NASA’s Earth Sciences Division. “Which means that everyone from community and industry leaders to asthma sufferers are going to be able to access air quality information at a higher level of detail – in both time and location - than they’ve ever been able to before. And that also provides the information needed to start addressing one of the most pressing human health challenges.”

TEMPO’s observations will dramatically improve the scientific data record on air pollution – including ozone, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde – not only over the continental United States, but also Canada, Mexico, Cuba, the Bahamas, and part of the island of Hispaniola.

"Our TEMPO slogan is 'It's about time,' which hints at TEMPO's ability to provide hourly air pollution data," said Xiong Liu, deputy principal investigator for TEMPO at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian in Cambridge, Massachusetts. "After working on the TEMPO for more than 10 years, it is about time to launch TEMPO to produce real TEMPO data and start the new era of air quality monitoring over North America."

From its geostationary orbit – a high Earth orbit that allows satellites to match Earth's rotation – TEMPO also will form part of an air quality satellite virtual constellation that will track pollution around the Northern Hemisphere. South Korea's Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer, the first instrument in the constellation, launched into space in 2020 on the Korean Aerospace Research Institute GEO-KOMPSAT-2B satellite, and is measuring pollution over Asia. The ESA (European Space Agency) Sentinel-4 satellite, scheduled to launch in 2024, will make measurements over Europe and North Africa.

“This marks a new era in our ability to observe air pollution over North America, including the entire continental United States,” said Barry Lefer, TEMPO program scientist and tropospheric composition program manager for NASA. “It’s also opening the door for us to work more closely with our international partners to better understand global air quality and its transport.”

The instrument was built by Ball Aerospace and integrated onto Intelsat 40E by Maxar.


Nasa Broadcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js6ffqHnZeA

SpaceX Broadcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyWpP0fCxy8

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a372b4 No.32505

File: 5fb370d866c5371⋯.png (267.42 KB,422x502,211:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655058 (071502ZAPR23) Notable: Gen Flynn says he has a masters degree in the Art of War, both literally and figuratively 😎

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General Flynn says he has a masters degree in the Art of War, both literally and figuratively 😎

“I want people to understand that this a war that we are in. It is a war of narratives.”

Awesome interview with Sean Morgan.

Full interview here: https://rumble.com/v2gnoda-fight-like-a-flynn-msom-ep.-719.html

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a372b4 No.32506

File: ea669e900515964⋯.png (530.34 KB,637x413,91:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655069 (071505ZAPR23) Notable: The Return of ‘The Myth’: Bolsonaro to Fly Back to Brazil – Lula Fears Popular Protests – 10k Are Expected to Welcome Leader at the Airport

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trips confirm he went back on New Year's Eve as BRS01 and got dropped off somewhere in Northern Brazil then the plane changed call signs and returned to Brasilia

>posted at time

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a372b4 No.32507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655075 (071506ZAPR23) Notable: The announced regulations, which come into force on March 31, prohibit athletes who have gone through what WA called “male puberty” from participating in female world rankings

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World Athletics (WA) announced new rules on Thursday impacting transgender women athletes, banning some from competing in female track and field events.

The announced regulations, which come into force on March 31, prohibit athletes who have gone through what WA called “male puberty” from participating in female world rankings competitions. WA said the exclusion would apply to “male-to-female transgender athletes who have been through male puberty.”


it's over.


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a372b4 No.32508

File: 36ea83a06d03a1d⋯.png (345.86 KB,1000x648,125:81,Clipboard.png)

File: a19aed7a4e6d533⋯.png (1.09 MB,1001x661,1001:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655077 (071507ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rigel Wide, air quality

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Hubble Sees Possible Runaway Black Hole Creating a Trail of Stars

Apr 6, 2023

There's an invisible monster on the loose, barreling through intergalactic space so fast that if it were in our solar system, it could travel from Earth to the Moon in 14 minutes. This supermassive black hole, weighing as much as 20 million Suns, has left behind a never-before-seen 200,000-light-year-long "contrail" of newborn stars, twice the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy. It's likely the result of a rare, bizarre game of galactic billiards among three massive black holes.

Rather than gobbling up stars ahead of it, like a cosmic Pac-Man, the speedy black hole is plowing into gas in front of it to trigger new star formation along a narrow corridor. The black hole is streaking too fast to take time for a snack. Nothing like it has ever been seen before, but it was captured accidentally by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.

"We think we're seeing a wake behind the black hole where the gas cools and is able to form stars. So, we're looking at star formation trailing the black hole," said Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. "What we're seeing is the aftermath. Like the wake behind a ship we're seeing the wake behind the black hole." The trail must have lots of new stars, given that it is almost half as bright as the host galaxy it is linked to.

The black hole lies at one end of the column, which stretches back to its parent galaxy. There is a remarkably bright knot of ionized oxygen at the outermost tip of the column. Researchers believe gas is probably being shocked and heated from the motion of the black hole hitting the gas, or it could be radiation from an accretion disk around the black hole. "Gas in front of it gets shocked because of this supersonic, very high-velocity impact of the black hole moving through the gas. How it works exactly is not really known," said van Dokkum.

"This is pure serendipity that we stumbled across it," van Dokkum added. He was looking for globular star clusters in a nearby dwarf galaxy. "I was just scanning through the Hubble image and then I noticed that we have a little streak. I immediately thought, 'oh, a cosmic ray hitting the camera detector and causing a linear imaging artifact.' When we eliminated cosmic rays we realized it was still there. It didn't look like anything we've seen before."

Because it was so weird, van Dokkum and his team did follow-up spectroscopy with the W. M. Keck Observatories in Hawaii. He describes the star trail as "quite astonishing, very, very bright and very unusual." This led to the conclusion that he was looking at the aftermath of a black hole flying through a halo of gas surrounding the host galaxy.

This intergalactic skyrocket is likely the result of multiple collisions of supermassive black holes. Astronomers suspect the first two galaxies merged perhaps 50 million years ago. That brought together two supermassive black holes at their centers. They whirled around each other as a binary black hole.

Then another galaxy came along with its own supermassive black hole. This follows the old idiom: "two's company and three's a crowd." The three black holes mixing it up led to a chaotic and unstable configuration. One of the black holes robbed momentum from the other two black holes and got thrown out of the host galaxy. The original binary may have remained intact, or the new interloper black hole may have replaced one of the two that were in the original binary, and kicked out the previous companion.

When the single black hole took off in one direction, the binary black holes shot off in the opposite direction. There is a feature seen on the opposite side of the host galaxy that might be the runaway binary black hole. Circumstantial evidence for this is that there is no sign of an active black hole remaining at the galaxy’s core. The next step is to do follow-up observations with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory to confirm the black hole explanation.

NASA's upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will have a wide-angle view of the universe with Hubble's exquisite resolution. As a survey telescope, the Roman observations might find more of these rare and improbable "star streaks" elsewhere in the universe. This may require machine learning using algorithms that are very good at finding specific weird shapes in a sea of other astronomical data, according to van Dokkum.



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a372b4 No.32509

File: 323cbc5d1b7d48a⋯.png (372.91 KB,653x574,653:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655079 (071507ZAPR23) Notable: Democrats’ comments on Chinese spy barroons did not age well

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Democrats’ comments on Chinese spy balloon did not age well

after report of real-time intelligence gathering

Several Democrat lawmakers’ previous comments on the Chinese spy balloon that traveled across the continental United States in February did not appear to age well amid new information on the intelligence it gathered.

According to several current and former U.S. officials in a Monday report, the Biden administration struggled to block the intelligence gathering of the Chinese spy balloon that ultimately fed information to Beijing in real time.

Montana Democrat Senator Jon Tester, a critic of the administration's handling of the balloon, said in a February CNN interview that the balloon "doesn't put our national security at risk."

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy called the public outcry to shoot down the balloon 'all theater'


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a372b4 No.32510

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655096 (071510ZAPR23) Notable: Jim Hoft Interviews J6 Attorney Marina Medvin

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The Gateway Pundit

Jim Hoft Interviews J6 Attorney Marina Medvin

posted 1-hour ago 1:22:31


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a372b4 No.32511

File: 7ec9d06a4e7ff1d⋯.png (394.91 KB,760x430,76:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 687828f0f09f873⋯.png (430.5 KB,641x382,641:382,Clipboard.png)

File: 54a47b2af8826fd⋯.png (447.37 KB,647x433,647:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655132 (071517ZAPR23) Notable: PF CTM0001 A330 departed BeijingMacronabout 12 hours ago and AC froze at this point

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CTM0001 A330 departed BeijingMacronabout 12 hours ago and AC froze at this point

He went to Guangzhou and then will return to Paris

At elite Chinese university, Macron hails 'critical thinking'


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a372b4 No.32512

File: ef2a43484b95eb1⋯.png (297.77 KB,920x1115,184:223,Clipboard.png)

File: c15abbea694fdcc⋯.png (83.09 KB,1165x862,1165:862,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655137 (071518ZAPR23) Notable: ICYMI: "Vicious Political Persecution of Trump is Rocket Fuel for 2024 Campaign"

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ICYMI: “Vicious Political Persecution of Trump is Rocket Fuel for 2024 Campaign”

April 06, 2023

Read the full article by Summer Lane with RSBN here.



The relentless political persecution of President Donald Trump has reached a zenith in this past week’s arraignment for the leader of the America First movement.

As reported by RSBN, a clownish 34 felony counts related to “falsifying” business records were brought against the president by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg on Tuesday. Notably, these alleged crimes would have supposedly taken place when Trump was serving his first term as president of the United States.

The fever pitch of hatred from the radical left establishment and entrenched Deep State corruption throughout our federal agencies has reached an all-time high. “They’re not coming after me,” Trump reminded Americans in March. “They’re coming after you. I’m just standing in their way, and I always will stand in their way.”

The truth is, President Donald Trump is being politically persecuted because he is running for president again in 2024. In 2020, the election was “rigged and stolen,” as President Trump has often pointed out. Despite the overwhelming opposition from the establishment and from both RINO Republicans and far-left Democrats, President Trump, at the age of 76, has chosen to fight back against the tyranny that is targeting the American people.

He doesn’t need to fight back, and he doesn’t have to fight back – but he’s choosing to fight back in the face of seemingly untenable odds.

Unfortunately for his enemies, the Deep State’s attacks on him only seem to make him stronger than ever.


Trump’s support in the GOP primary polls and even the general election polls have swung heavily in his favor. Morning Consult’s 2024 GOP Primary Tracker found in their newest survey (March 31-April 3) that Trump held 55 percent of support among Republican voters for the 2024 presidential nomination, while Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., held 26 percent of support.

President Trump’s support in the polls has continually grown since November 2022, taking a huge jump a few weeks ago when rumblings of a potential indictment first surfaced. The most recent data from Big Village, for example, demonstrated Trump’s 52 percent lead over a field of potential and declared 2024 GOP primary candidates, eclipsing DeSantis (23 percent) and GOP candidate and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley (4 percent).

2024 National Republican Primary

• Trump — 55%

• DeSantis — 26%

• Pence — 7%

• Haley — 4%

• Cheney — 2%

• Abbot — 1%

• Pompeo — 1%

• T. Scott — 1%

Morning Consult | 03/31-04/03 | 3,488 RV https://t.co/dQctcc1IMp pic.twitter.com/Uft4KFSy6m

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) April 3, 2023

At a recent rally in Waco, Texas, Trump drew more than 25,000 people for his first 2024 campaign rally, illustrating the power of the America First platform and the enthusiasm for the movement to make America great again.

Via Interactive Polls, Trump holds an average 30-point lead in most GOP primary polls, earning him roughly 55 percent of support between pollsters like Trafalgar and Morning Consult. His lead over the field has only continued to broaden as the political persecution has increased.

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a372b4 No.32513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655144 (071519ZAPR23) Notable: ICYMI: "Vicious Political Persecution of Trump is Rocket Fuel for 2024 Campaign"

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Since news of Trump’s indictment broke, the Trump campaign has raised a staggering $10 million in the days leading up to Tuesday’s arraignment. Via RSBN, the campaign raised $4 million in the 24 hours following news of the indictment, with 25 percent of those campaign donations coming in from first-time donors. By the time Trump was arraigned in court on Tuesday afternoon, Newsmax reported that the campaign’s windfall had increased to $10 million.

The support from grassroots Americans has been stunning, and it is a clear reflection of the frustration that voting citizens are feeling in the face of a weaponized justice system. In fact, Rasmussen Reports noted that Trump had also experienced a 10-point swing in his direction in a head-to-head matchup among voters against Joe Biden, leading his Democrat opponent by 7 percent.

“As much as I can enjoy a day like Tuesday, where the Radical Left Lunatics, Maniacs, and Perverts had me Indicted and ARRESTED for no reason whatsoever, there was no Crime, it was an unbelievable experience, perhaps the Best Day in History for somebody who had just suffered Unjustifiable Indictment!” Trump wrote on Truth Social following his arraignment.

“My Poll Numbers have never been better, almost $10 Million was raised for the Campaign and, the day was capped off with a very important Speech. If we don’t stop the Radical Left, America is DEAD!” he added.

A growing distaste for RINOs

As Trump’s power is reflected among American voters nationwide, conservative voters and Independents are no longer satisfied with the years-long status quo provided by the Republican establishment.

Trump has taken a hardline stand against the entrenched interests and corruption of Deep State politics, reminding Americans in March, “In 2016, I declared I am your voice. Today, I add, I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.”

Trump reassures Americans tonight: ‘I have no doubt…we will make America great again’https://t.co/CKHaI9gqpc

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) April 5, 2023

Trump reassured Americans on Tuesday evening after his arraignment

What began in 2016 as a promise to “drain the swamp” has become a full-scale war against a diabolical Deep State agenda that aims to usher in a new era of globalism, collapse the strength of the American currency system, and catapult China and Russia into the dominant positions of militant superpowers.

President Trump represents a stark and shocking contrast against the weak and feckless “RINO” Republican leaders who have joined with the Uniparty in Washington, D.C. to act as seemingly innocent gatekeepers for the disease of communism that has spread through the U.S.

Trump ally and conservative leader Kari Lake pointed out on Twitter that the far-left and its insidious allies would “never forgive” the president for surprising the world and winning the 2016 presidential election.

“Seven years of political persecution can all be traced back to election night in 2016,” she wrote. “When @realDonaldTrump crashed their uniparty. They will never forgive him for that.”

Lake is right – his enemies will never forgive him for winning his presidential election in 2016, in 2020, and for gearing up to win yet again in 2024.

Yet, their insatiable hatred toward Trump and the entire MAGA movement only continues to feed the momentum of his campaign and ignite the patriotic spirit of those who support the America First platform.


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a372b4 No.32514

File: 2761e2dc91139f6⋯.png (343.84 KB,757x456,757:456,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655204 (071533ZAPR23) Notable: PF BOXER40 C-40C arrived at Hanoi about 5h ago from a stop over/refuel at Yokota AB last night (COUNS time)-cap#3

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BOXER40 C-40C arrived at Hanoi about 5h ago from a stop over/refuel at Yokota AB last night (CONUS time)-cap#3

Still dunno who this is but it's a 'C' model so moar transport oriented and prolly some politicians

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a372b4 No.32515

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655211 (071534ZAPR23) Notable: Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination

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Dr. David Martin PhD – Mass Murder Charges Coming Soon

Shocking Video (21 min)- https://rumble.com/embed/v2c5n6e/?pub=4

"If you think this is anything to do with health and a virus, you are delusional."

from 3/3/23

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a372b4 No.32516

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655214 (071535ZAPR23) Notable: Pranksters Vovan and Lexus posing as Petro Poroshenko got French ex-President Francois Hollande to admit the Minsk Accords were a NATO ruse to militarize Ukraine

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54 minutes ago

Are We Directly Involved In Planning Ukraine’s Spring Offensive? | Ukraine’s New War Plan LeakedWe are at war with Russia!


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a372b4 No.32517

File: e3b0c9cf9fe4554⋯.png (394.79 KB,985x303,985:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655220 (071536ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rigel Wide, air quality

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NASA Awards Innovative Concept Studies for Science, Exploration

Apr 6, 2023

Technology in development today could radically change the future of air and space exploration. Nearly silent electric aircraft could ferry people and packages around cities, a sprawling radio telescope array on the far side of the Moon could reveal new secrets about the universe, and astronauts on long-duration missions could grow their own medicines to protect their health.

These concepts are among six selected for continued study under the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program. The new round of Phase II awards fund six researchers to continue work on futuristic concepts designed to shape air and space travel decades in the future.

“NASA’s story is one of barriers broken and technologies transformed to support our missions and benefit all of humanity,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “The concepts selected under NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts program will help empower researchers to usher in new technologies that could revolutionize exploration in the heavens and improve daily life here on Earth.”

NIAC nurtures visionary ideas that could transform future NASA missions by funding early-stage technology concept studies. The Phase II awards continue work on concept studies initiated under Phase I NIAC awards. During Phase II, fellows continue to develop their concepts and explore potential infusion options within and beyond NASA.

"These new awards showcase the breadth of how NIAC-supported concepts can change exploration," said Jim Reuter, associate administrator for NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD). "From revolutionary propulsion systems for deep-space missions to advances in aviation to change how we travel here on Earth, these technologies would radically expand our capabilities in air and space."

Each of the six fellows will receive up to $600,000 over two years to develop their concepts. The researchers selected to receive NIAC Phase II grants in 2023 are:

Darmindra Arumugam, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California: Quantum Rydberg Radar for Surface, Topography, and Vegetation

This concept would use next-generation dynamically tunable quantum radar technology to improve remote sensing studies of Earth and other worlds, using reflected ground signals from other orbiting spacecraft to eliminate the need for large antenna deployments.

Steven Barrett, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts: Silent, Solid-State Propulsion for Advanced Air Mobility Vehicles

This concept aims to develop nearly silent electroaerodynamic thrusters for vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that could be used to transport cargo and eventually passengers over short distances in urban areas.

Philip Lubin, University of California, Santa Barbara, California: PI – Planetary Defense

This concept could provide Earth with a rapid response capability to mitigate a disastrous impact from an asteroid or comet by pulverizing the object into pieces small enough to burn up in Earth's atmosphere.

Christopher Morrison, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation in Seattle: The Nyx Mission to Observe the Universe from Deep Space – Enabled by EmberCore, a High Specific Power Radioisotope Electric Propulsion System

This concept would use the nuclear decay of a radioactive material in a radioisotope electric propulsion system to propel a spacecraft to extremely high speeds, enabling the intercept and study of distant and fast-moving objects in the solar system on relatively short timeframes.

Ronald Polidan, Lunar Resources, Inc. in Houston: FarView Observatory – A Large, In-Situ Manufactured, Lunar Far Side Radio Array

This concept would create a massive radio telescope array on the Moon's far side – autonomously constructed using resources extracted from the Moon's regolith – that could make unprecedented observations of the early universe.

Lynn Rothschild, NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley: A Flexible, Personalized, On-Demand Astropharmacy

This concept would use bacteria to create medical drugs on demand during extended spaceflight missions, including a class of drugs that could be used to treat radiation exposure or help protect astronauts' bone health in space.


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a372b4 No.32518

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655241 (071542ZAPR23) Notable: Ukrainistan: American Elites’ Plan To Turn Ukraine Into The Next Afghanistan

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Really important to listen based on the grayzone documents released, proves thepentagon are going if not already have, American soldiers in Ukraine

44 minutes ago

Ukrainistan: American Elites’ Plan To Turn Ukraine Into The Next Afghanistan


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a372b4 No.32519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655283 (071550ZAPR23) Notable: Ukrainistan: American Elites’ Plan To Turn Ukraine Into The Next Afghanistan

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7 Apr, 2023 14:45 (listen to Bannon and Poso video, NATO and US are going to supply troops. Based on Afghanistan this will go bad)

Blinken predicts start of Ukrainian counteroffensive

The US secretary of state has suggested Kiev could attempt to retake former territories in the next few weeks

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has suggested that Ukraine will likely launch a long-anticipated counteroffensive in the next few weeks. Speaking to the Funke Media Group on Friday, the diplomat claimed that any decision to start the operation, which could include attempts to retake Crimea, must ultimately be made by Kiev.

Crimea rejoined Russia in 2014, when residents overwhelmingly voted in favor of the move in a referendum held shortly after the Maidan coup in Kiev.

Blinken stated in the interview that there are “two goals for Ukraine’s many friends and partners” in the current conflict with Russia. The first aim is helping Kiev win back territories, which means assisting in a counteroffensive, the diplomat argued.

The second goal, according to the secretary of state, is supporting Ukraine in building up its medium- and long-term capacities to deter Russia and to allow Kiev to defend itself from any future attack.

In response, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Friday that the Russian military will take Blinken’s comments into account when planning its own moves in the conflict.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba pointed out last week that Kiev is concerned that the planned advance would not result in Russia being “100%” pushed out of the territories that Ukraine intends to reclaim. He urged Kiev’s Western backers not to treat the counteroffensive as a make-or-break moment, and called on them to maintain their support regardless of its outcome.

Earlier this week, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov stated thatbeginning from April or May, Kiev’s forces will use newly supplied Western hardware, including German Leopard tanks, to attack Russian-held areas.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has insisted that Ukrainian talk of a large-scale spring offensive that would also target Crimea is merely “propaganda.” However, Medvedev did warn that if the peninsula came under attack, Russia would be justified in using “all means of protection,” including nuclear weapons.

This confirms NATO and Pentagon are sending our American Combat troops


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a372b4 No.32520

File: ac7d321bd3c98ea⋯.png (818.35 KB,634x695,634:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655312 (071556ZAPR23) Notable: Raytheon director and his wife are killed in plane crash alongside another couple off the coast of Florida after the group went out for dinner with friends

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Raytheon director and his wife are killed in plane crash alongside another couple off the coast of Florida after the group went out for dinner with friends

Jeff Lumpkin, 64, an associate director at Raytheon, and his wife Patty Lumpkin, 68, both of Fishers, Indiana, were killed in the plane crash on Wednesday

A Noblesville couple - Rick Beaver, 60, and his wife Bethe, 57, also died in crash

Their plane crashed Wednesday near the Venice Fishing Pier in Venice, Florida

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a372b4 No.32521

File: 81f4017de45b17e⋯.png (957.41 KB,984x1152,41:48,Clipboard.png)

File: f6cc5275386dc14⋯.png (560.5 KB,827x767,827:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655314 (071557ZAPR23) Notable: most unsuccessful lockdown of all time

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This is so true and this miracle should inspire us all.

9:20 AM · Apr 7, 2023


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a372b4 No.32522

File: 61f711501817f6a⋯.png (212.62 KB,424x413,424:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655389 (071613ZAPR23) Notable: Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination

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​ (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2020/12/22/AP20357334054537-870x522.jpg)Babies and Children Under 5 to Be Offered Pfizer COVID-19 Jab for 1st Time in UK

READ: https://health.breakingheadlines.news/MIyh2P


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a372b4 No.32523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655414 (071622ZAPR23) Notable: #22886

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#22886 >>32452

>>32453 President Trump Shares New 2024 Campaign Video

>>32454 QClock April 06, 2023 - Do Anons Understand What is About To Be Unleashed?

>>32455 Buckwheat For The Keks!

>>32456, >>32457, >>32459 Transgender activists holding @Riley_Gaines_ hostage demanded money in exchange for her safe passage off of the SFSU

>>32458, >>32467, >>32481 Biden Is Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster, While Also Denying It Was a Disaster

>>32466, >>32461, >>32462, >>32463, >>32464, >>32465, >>32466, >>32469, >>32474, >>32475, >>32480 "Folks, don't ask dumb ass questions." -Sheriff Ocala. FL

>>32468, >>32482, >>32504, >>32508, >>32517 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rigel Wide, air quality

>>32470, >>32489 Son of Radical Florida Democrat Rebekah Jones Arrested for Threatening to Shoot Up School

>>32471, >>32472 UK: Masks in hospitals made 'no difference' to Covid infection rates

>>32473 Corrupt Democrat State Politician Exposed, Ruled Through 'Fear and Intimidation', Mike Madigan

>>32476 Republican DAs Are Taking Aim At Biden Following Trump Indictment

>>32477, >>32490 Space Force hosts inaugural Guardian Field Forum

>>32478, >>32460, >>32516 Pranksters Vovan and Lexus posing as Petro Poroshenko got French ex-President Francois Hollande to admit the Minsk Accords were a NATO ruse to militarize Ukraine

>>32479, >>32483, >>32485, >>32494, >>32515, >>32522 Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination

>>32484 College Students Are Finally Paying the Price for Their Woke Activism

>>32486, >>32491, >>32493 NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has named Dr. Makenzie Lystrup director of the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland

>>32487 Watters World clip Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. To Challenge Biden & Deep State

>>32488 O'Keefe Footage from Southern California shows a dynamic citizen journalist duo investigating suspicious excessive political contributions residents said they did not make

>>32492, >>32496 Bud Light Boycott Continues: Liquor Store Refuses Order After Company Puts New Face on Can

>>32495 World Economic Forum (WEF) Members A-Z List by Country Jan 2023 PDF.

>>32497, >>32506 The Return of ‘The Myth’: Bolsonaro to Fly Back to Brazil – Lula Fears Popular Protests – 10k Are Expected to Welcome Leader at the Airport

>>32498, >>32499 Tulsi was always a scam! A plant, she’s still a cult member. She supports 1A but not 2A

>>32500 Global Elite Picked Obama Long Before Voters

>>32501, >>32512, >>32513 ICYMI: "Vicious Political Persecution of Trump is Rocket Fuel for 2024 Campaign"

>>32502 JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon floated the idea of the U.S. government and corporations seizing private property to expedite achieving their climate agenda

>>32503 Did anyone see what Shylo was revealing? Manhattan DA fuckery

>>32505 Gen Flynn says he has a masters degree in the Art of War, both literally and figuratively 😎

>>32507 The announced regulations, which come into force on March 31, prohibit athletes who have gone through what WA called “male puberty” from participating in female world rankings

>>32509 Democrats’ comments on Chinese spy barroons did not age well

>>32510 Jim Hoft Interviews J6 Attorney Marina Medvin

>>32511 PF CTM0001 A330 departed BeijingMacronabout 12 hours ago and AC froze at this point

>>32514 PF BOXER40 C-40C arrived at Hanoi about 5h ago from a stop over/refuel at Yokota AB last night (COUNS time)-cap#3

>>32518, >>32519 Ukrainistan: American Elites’ Plan To Turn Ukraine Into The Next Afghanistan

>>32520 Raytheon director and his wife are killed in plane crash alongside another couple off the coast of Florida after the group went out for dinner with friends

>>32521 most unsuccessful lockdown of all time


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a372b4 No.32524

File: b797ff3ff855336⋯.png (550.65 KB,520x783,520:783,Clipboard.png)

File: ea8f60970da1bff⋯.png (736.54 KB,679x929,679:929,Clipboard.png)

File: e1465c729ad3a7c⋯.png (248.98 KB,606x496,303:248,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ed7a444e6c2281⋯.png (354.8 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 43ebaf35795371c⋯.png (496.6 KB,474x581,474:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655425 (071624ZAPR23) Notable: #22887

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a372b4 No.32525

File: 57df791a39714ef⋯.png (692.39 KB,605x381,605:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655443 (071630ZAPR23) Notable: Oregon Denies Christian Woman’s Application to Adopt as She Rejects Child Transgender Policies

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Oregon Denies Christian Woman’s Application to Adopt as She Rejects Child Transgender Policies

The state of Oregon is denying the application of a woman who wants to adopt because she is a Christian and will not agree to support gender transition if the child she adopts ends up being trans. Critics say that this was planned as a backdoor way to discriminate against Christians. The policy has penalized the woman for her religious views, compels her to speak words that violate her beliefs, and deprives her of equal protection of the law because of her faith.


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a372b4 No.32526

File: 2911fa05412fc08⋯.jpeg (1.65 MB,1170x1805,234:361,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 68ceaaed4dc2c46⋯.jpeg (732.57 KB,1170x1963,90:151,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 58f861c8545faf6⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1170x2329,1170:2329,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655445 (071631ZAPR23) Notable: RFKJr is a Democrat, pushes global politics and supports the Green New Deal he and PDJT absolutely do not agree on this

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>>>/qresearch/18655098 lb.


James Okeefe shared this to his Instagram 2 days ago.

RFKJr is a Democrat, pushes global politics and supports the Green New Deal he and PDJT absolutely do not agree on this.

So it’s a NO on RFKJr. For me.

In a newly released interview, longtime environmental lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr. warns it’s nearly too late.

Kennedy Jr. castigates fossil fuel companies, throws his support behind the Green New Deal, and says that every Democratic presidential candidate has an environmental agenda better than that of President Donald Trump.


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a372b4 No.32527

File: 2711014a3af40aa⋯.png (316.97 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655456 (071635ZAPR23) Notable: Let’s show the world the power of prayer by praying for our Nation on this day and everyday.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene @MTG'·49s

Today, we remember the immense sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.

Let’s show the world the power of prayer by praying for our Nation on this day and everyday.


Apr 07, 2023, 12:29 PM


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a372b4 No.32528

File: 51a3027cfe58e89⋯.png (385.07 KB,602x518,43:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655458 (071635ZAPR23) Notable: I am calling for ALL FEMALE ATHLETES to BOYCOTT any sporting event where they have to compete against men…help us spread the word.

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Daily Wire Retweeted

Jake Crain


I am calling for ALL FEMALE ATHLETES to BOYCOTT any sporting event where they have to compete against men…help us spread the word.

4:00 AM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655464 (071637ZAPR23) Notable: RFKJr is a Democrat, pushes global politics and supports the Green New Deal he and PDJT absolutely do not agree on this

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Robert F Kennedy Jr is from one of the ruling 13 families so…

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a372b4 No.32530

File: 15231b70aa74998⋯.png (194.93 KB,419x495,419:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655465 (071637ZAPR23) Notable: My MK-Ultra / MK-Naomi podcast is now public.

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My MK-Ultra / MK-Naomi podcast is now public.

Watch / listen:


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a372b4 No.32531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655490 (071643ZAPR23) Notable: RFKJr is a Democrat, pushes global politics and supports the Green New Deal he and PDJT absolutely do not agree on this

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> the people who murdered his father and his uncle

Kennedy deaths

August 12, 1944 – Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. died when the BQ-8 aircraft he was piloting accidentally exploded over East Suffolk, England. (A BQ-8 was a B-24 Liberator converted into a radio-controlled flying bomb. For more information, see Project Anvil.)[10]

September 9, 1944 – William Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington, newlywed husband of Kathleen Kennedy was fatally shot by a German sniper while leading his company near Heppen, Belgium.[11]

May 13, 1948 – Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy (formally known as Kathleen Cavendish, Marchioness of Hartington) died in a plane crash in France.[4][5][6][12]

August 9, 1963 – Patrick Bouvier Kennedy died of infant respiratory distress syndrome two days after his premature birth on August 7 in Otis Air Force Base, Massachusetts (the 20th anniversary of his father's rescue after the sinking of PT-109).

November 22, 1963 – U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, by Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was shot dead by Jack Ruby two days later. In 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin. However, in 1979, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded that the assassination was the result of a conspiracy and that Oswald did not act alone.[13]

June 5, 1968 – United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on the night of his victory in the California Democratic presidential primary; Robert died the following morning.[4][5][6][12]

April 25, 1984 – David A. Kennedy died of a drug overdose in a Palm Beach, Florida hotel room.[4][5][6][14][12] David was twelve years old when he saw his father assassinated on live TV in the family's hotel room. Following a car accident, David began to abuse painkillers and was in and out of detox facilities throughout his youth. On the day of his death, David was in Palm Beach to see his grandmother, who had just had a stroke.[15]

December 31, 1997 – Michael LeMoyne Kennedy died in a skiing accident after crashing into a tree[16] in Aspen, Colorado.[1][4][5][6][14][12]

July 16, 1999 – John F. Kennedy Jr. died when the plane he was piloting crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. The crash was attributed to pilot error and spatial disorientation. His wife and sister-in-law were also on board and died.[4][5][6][12]

September 16, 2011 – Kara Kennedy died of a heart attack while exercising in a Washington, D.C. health club. Kara had reportedly suffered from lung cancer nine years earlier, but she had recovered after the removal of part of her right lung.[17]

May 16, 2012 – Mary Richardson Kennedy died by suicide on the grounds of her home in Bedford, Westchester County, New York.[12][18]

August 1, 2019 – Saoirse Kennedy Hill, granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy, died of accidental overdose after being found unresponsive at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. According to the toxicology results revealed in the death certificate, Hill had methadone, diazepam, nordiazepam, fluoxetine, norfluoxetine and ethanol in her system at the time of death.[19][20][21]

April 2, 2020 – Maeve Kennedy McKean disappeared with her eight-year-old son, Gideon, during a short canoe trip in the Chesapeake Bay.[22][23] Maeve's body was found by divers four days later.[24][25] Gideon's body was found two days after hers, on April 8.[26][27] Authorities believe Maeve paddled to retrieve her son's ball, leading the wind and current to overturn the canoe.[28]


Please forgive the messenger for the obvious bias in some of this

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a372b4 No.32532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655493 (071644ZAPR23) Notable: Refresher: Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?

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chris miller to mike pence

Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?


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a372b4 No.32533

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655497 (071644ZAPR23) Notable: Michael Patrick Leahy Reports On Tennessee Lawmakers Inciting Mob To Take State Capitol

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1 hour ago

Michael Patrick Leahy Reports On Tennessee Lawmakers Inciting Mob To Take State CapitolMany protestors were out of state. The lawmakers allowed the protesters in the house that has never occurred for 230 years.


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a372b4 No.32534

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655525 (071651ZAPR23) Notable: Dr. Shiva: Elon Musk’s Backdoor Censorship Ecosystem Is Silicon Valley’s Fascism Rebranded

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50 minutes ago. New video after yesterday

Dr. Shiva: Elon Musk’s Backdoor Censorship Ecosystem Is Silicon Valley’s Fascism RebrandedMore info!


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a372b4 No.32535

File: 4440c559604bee2⋯.png (337.04 KB,943x580,943:580,Clipboard.png)

File: da4e49eaea4b6e5⋯.png (932.95 KB,1189x592,1189:592,Clipboard.png)

File: a883a54153ba31b⋯.png (473.29 KB,488x550,244:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655535 (071652ZAPR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS/Caribbean Activity

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PlaneFag CONUS/Caribbean Activity

SPAR14 C-40B departed Rio and heading NW after arriving on 0406

It departed JBA on 0331 and arrived at Panama Pacifico Airport then went to Bogota on 0401 and Cartagena on 0403 and arrived at Buenos Aires late on 0403

Departed for Ciudad Este, Paraguay for an overnight then east to Rio on 0406 where it departed from earlier today

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

This below was announced a few weeks ago so prolly a follow up to this or it got delayed with additional stops added

Under Sec. Fernandez Visits Colombia, Panama, Brazil


FORGE94 G5 WS from JBA

Dutch AF MMF53 A330 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) inbound from Brussels Int'l depart

RAF 4511 C-17 NE from Alexandria Int'l Airport, LA did some roundies over Central LA on 0404 and arrived on 0403

SPAR654 Learjet 35 west from Topeka, KS ground stop of about 1 h-departed JBA earlier today

Potato is 'at Camp David' and vanished yesterday afternoon with Flauxtus as SWATH21 KC-135 tanker is doing roundies (and about to be replaced by 60-0313 from Manchester Int'l, N.H) in the 'at Camp David' position-his schedule shows nuffin for today and no time given for 'Pool Call Time' so he won't be seen until Sunday is muh guess


Since it's there we have GTMO44 heading to…. well GTMO-departed it's customary Ft. Lauderdale stop

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a372b4 No.32536

File: 0c230c853f1e5c5⋯.png (295 KB,410x259,410:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655539 (071652ZAPR23) Notable: Italy Proposes Banning Lab-Manufactured Food and Insects as Food

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Italy Proposes Banning Lab-Manufactured Food and Insects as Food

Italy’s right-wing government has backed a bill that would ban laboratory-produced meat, fish, and synthetic milk, highlighting Italian food heritage and health protection. If the proposals go through, breaking the ban could impose fines of up to €60,000 ($65,144). The proposal has drawn criticism from animal welfare groups, which have highlighted lab-made meat as a solution to issues including protecting the environment from carbon emissions and food safety. The proposed bill came hard on the heels of a series of government decrees banning the use of flour derived from insects such as crickets and locusts in pizza or pasta.

Last November, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared cell-cultured chicken for human consumption after “careful evaluation”.


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a372b4 No.32537

File: 039b1393d978a13⋯.png (268.08 KB,540x606,90:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655548 (071653ZAPR23) Notable: RFKJr is a Democrat, pushes global politics and supports the Green New Deal he and PDJT absolutely do not agree on this

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RFK Jr,'s run is more about protecting threats to his family's legacy/power, with what will surely be revealed, than saving this country. &ndash; Globalist sell-out -

Brice Taylor Thanks For The Memories


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a372b4 No.32538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655595 (071705ZAPR23) Notable: The True Origins Of #CriticalRaceTheory

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The True Origins Of #CriticalRaceTheory

"shut up and watch this" - my adult son

Best vidya I have seen on the topic 1hr

highly recommend



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a372b4 No.32539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655646 (071715ZAPR23) Notable: Ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal tells her story about Donald Trump/here we go…

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Ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal tells her story about Donald Trump


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a372b4 No.32540

File: 279cc831b7d7d25⋯.jpeg (92.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655661 (071718ZAPR23) Notable: US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine

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7 Apr, 2023 16:47

US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine – Russian MOD

Washington is constructing secretivenew facilitiesand is training personnel, Moscow has claimed

The US hasquietly resumedits controversial biolabs program in Ukraine and is focusing on the construction of secretive new facilities and the training of personnel, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed.

Anew troveof documents on alleged US-funded biological programs in Ukraine was presented by the commander of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, during a media briefing on Friday.

Kirillov cited the protocol from ameeting dated October 20, 2022,which was attended by representatives of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and multiple Ukrainian officials, as well as figures from the Jacobs/CH2M engineering company. The meeting reportedly focused on the resumption of biological research in Ukraine, which was “paused” due to the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev.

“Now, the project has been resumed with focus on renewal of legislative support, revision of training schedule, as well as conclusion and resumption of construction work,” the Ukrainian-language protocol stated, citing Jacobs/CH2M’s David Smith.

The program was previously known as ‘Joint biological research’ but has been rebranded as ‘Biological control research’, the document indicated. It cited concerns over an alleged “Russian disinformation campaign” on the issue.

The US has engaged in damage control efforts to prevent potential leaks from Ukrainian specialists on the true nature of the biological research programs, Kirillov asserted.

Hiding from responsibilityfor participating in military biological projects,many suspects leftthe territory of Ukraine. To prevent a possible leak of information about the illegal activities of the Pentagon, the US administration is taking emergency measures to search for and return them,” the commander argued.

US damage control began shortly after the outbreak of the conflict in February 2022, another document suggested. The Russian military presented a draft memo titled ‘Reducing the Threat of Ukrainian Expertise Proliferating to US Adversaries’, penned byLaura Denlinger, a senior counterproliferation adviser with the US State Department.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine has resulted in… the exodus of highly capable technical experts from Ukrainian facilities thatproduce missile components and advanced conventional weapons (ACW), as well as those with expertise that could be redirected and exploited by others for a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) weapon,” reads the memo, dated March 11, 2022.

Moscow raised allegations of a sprawling network of secretive US-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine early in the conflict, and has since frequently published troves of documents on the matter. Russia took the issue of biolabs to the UN last October, requesting an international probe. The motion, however,was turned down by the UNSecurity Council, with the US, UK, and France voting against it.


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a372b4 No.32541

File: aa54e54749e44f4⋯.png (280.73 KB,598x487,598:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655672 (071720ZAPR23) Notable: Falcon 9 launches @INTELSAT IS-40e to orbit

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Falcon 9 launches @INTELSAT IS-40e to orbit


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a372b4 No.32542

File: f3ee780c7fb1906⋯.jpeg (530.91 KB,750x955,150:191,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 45a4193019cb914⋯.jpeg (646.72 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655674 (071720ZAPR23) Notable: US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine

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a372b4 No.32543

File: d4808fce7ca9305⋯.jpeg (121.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655686 (071722ZAPR23) Notable: Russia was aware of Western involvement in Ukraine even before the documents were leaked online, Dmitry Peskov

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7 Apr, 2023 16:24

Kremlin responds to leak of ‘secret’ NATO war plan

Russia was aware of Western involvement in Ukraine even before the documents were leaked online, Dmitry Peskov said

Moscow already knows the US and NATO are involved in the Ukraine conflict, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said on Friday, when asked about the implications of American military documents that had appeared online.

We don’t have the slightest doubt about direct or indirect involvement of the US and NATOin the conflict between Russia and Ukraine,”Dmitry Peskov told CNN in a statement.

“This level of involvement is rising gradually,” he added. “We keep our eye on this process. Well, of course, it makes the whole story more complicated, butit cannot influence the final outcomeof the special operation.”

The Kremlin spokesman did not directly address the documents that appeared online earlier this week, purporting to show internal US assessments of Ukrainian troop strengths, ammunition expenditures, and preparations for the upcoming “spring counteroffensive.”

The briefing presentation slides also included US assessments of Russian and Ukrainian casualties, rates of fire, equipment deliveries to Kiev from NATO countries, and training schedules. Some of the slides were marked “top secret.”

One particular document indicated that the US and NATO weretraining and equipping nine of Ukraine’s 12 new combat brigades, estimating that six would be ready by the end of March and the remaining three by April 30.

While it was impossible to verify the documents’ authenticity, the Pentagon told the New York Times on Thursday that it was investigating a possible leak and trying to get them scrubbed off the internet.

Ukrainian officials have been heralding a major attack at some point this spring, using the tanks, armored vehicles and artillery already provided by the US and its allies. Kiev has also complained about a lack of ammunition, asking for more.


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a372b4 No.32544

File: 38ab0d0d228b083⋯.png (836.83 KB,603x1211,603:1211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655687 (071722ZAPR23) Notable: On April 11th, 4 planets, Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Mars will be visible in one straight line for the next planetary alignment of 2023.

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On April 11th, 4 planets, Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Mars will be visible in one straight line for the next planetary alignment of 2023.


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a372b4 No.32545

File: 843f29049a0385e⋯.png (669.81 KB,1027x446,1027:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655726 (071729ZAPR23) Notable: PF SAM580 G5 departed Chicago-O'Hare Int'l after an overnight back to JBA

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SAM580 G5 departed Chicago-O'Hare Int'l after an overnight back to JBA

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a372b4 No.32546

File: ca3e5120b0fdb27⋯.jpg (109.72 KB,737x530,737:530,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655729 (071729ZAPR23) Notable: Sprint shut down a cellphone tower on the campus of a California elementary school after some parents said it may be linked to several recent cases of childhood cancer.

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Sprint shut down a cellphone tower on the campus of a California elementary school after some parents said it may be linked to several recent cases of childhood cancer.




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a372b4 No.32547

File: 99d87bcbd6c5c06⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655741 (071731ZAPR23) Notable: Sprint shut down a cellphone tower on the campus of a California elementary school after some parents said it may be linked to several recent cases of childhood cancer.

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So here's how it is. You have a source of microwave radiation. Imagine putting your head in a microwave set on low. You'll get all kinds of problems over time. Cancer with high doses because of the dna damage, cellular and neural damage at the lower doses, which of course affects memory and learning.


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a372b4 No.32548

File: a7e38355d0e4538⋯.jpeg (628.11 KB,1247x1663,1247:1663,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655747 (071732ZAPR23) Notable: Watkin's letter on recent attack

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a372b4 No.32549

File: c1ee5c219bd561e⋯.png (345.07 KB,604x652,151:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655775 (071736ZAPR23) Notable: A Saudi-Omani delegation is planning to travel to Yemen's capital Sanaa next week to hash out a permanent ceasefire deal with Houthi officials and end the country's eight-year-old conflict

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The Jerusalem Post


A Saudi-Omani delegation is planning to travel to Yemen's capital Sanaa next week to hash out a permanent ceasefire deal with Houthi officials and end the country's eight-year-old conflict.


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a372b4 No.32550

File: 6a49addc450cd08⋯.png (151.63 KB,366x391,366:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655777 (071736ZAPR23) Notable: Tesla Cuts U.S. Vehicle Prices For The Fifth Time Since January

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Tesla Cuts U.S. Vehicle Prices For The Fifth Time Since January

Tesla is once again cutting prices for its vehicles in the U.S., in a sign that the company continues to look to spur more demand after disappointing the market with its Q1 2023 deliveries number just days ago.

The company cut the Model S and Model X vehicles by $5,000 to $84,990 and $94,990 and cut its Model 3 and Model Y vehicle by $1,000 and $2,000, lowering their base prices to $41,990 and $49,990, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday morning. These cuts mark the fifth time Tesla has cut prices since January. Days ago the company reported that it sold 88,869 units of China-made electric vehicles for the month of March, a 35% increase from a year ago, according to data from the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA).

The figure was up 19.4% sequentially after Tesla delivered 74,402 vehicles in February. Competitor BYD remains the name to watch in China, however, selling 206,089 vehicles last month.It marked the "second-highest China-made vehicle sales ever for the company, just behind the 100,291 units that were sold in November of last year," according to the Teslarati blog.

Recall we also posted Tesla's Q1 delivery numbers for the U.S. just days ago. Tesla reported Q1 2023 deliveries, posting a figure of 422,875 vehicles delivered. The company delivered 10,695 Model S/X vehicles and 412,180 Model 3/Y vehicles.

Original analyst expectations were for 430,008 vehicles, according to Refinitiv data cited by Reuters. Multiple outlets reported the number as a miss (it was, compared to original estimates) and a beat (it was, compared to current lower-balled estimates). This Q1 figure was a 36% increase year over year and a 4% increase sequentially, compared to the 405,278 deliveries the company posted in Q4 2022. Bulls are likely to see the beat as good news, while bears will likely argue that the "beat" wasn't enough given the drastic price cuts Tesla has put into place since the end of last year. "We continued to transition towards a more even regional mix of vehicle builds, including Model S/X vehicles in transit to EMEA and APAC," the company's release said. Despite this mix change, the Model S and Model X are becoming dwindling contributors to Tesla's delivery bottom line. Martin Viecha, Tesla's head of IR, said last week: "Sequential growth continues even in the first quarter."

With these new price cuts, it looks like Tesla wants to make sure that trend will continue. The only question, naturally, is how the cuts will affect margin and the company's bottom line. Analyst Gordon Johnson says that despite the robust China numbers, Tesla's earnings could be setting up for an "epic disaster" on margin compression.

The company is set to report earnings in less than two weeks on April 19.


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a372b4 No.32551

File: 8f915cec59c72a6⋯.png (789.27 KB,1858x726,929:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655790 (071739ZAPR23) Notable: NATO - Russia/Ukraine Conflict Status Report Information Warfare - 5WG

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NATO - Russia/Ukraine Conflict Status Report

Information Warfare - 5WG








Be careful who you follow.

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a372b4 No.32552

File: c61dd2435f17ffb⋯.jpg (157.1 KB,720x1025,144:205,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 156a01036496194⋯.jpg (350.4 KB,720x1123,720:1123,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655799 (071740ZAPR23) Notable: An experimental vaccine targeting RSV , FDA says neurological disorder an 'important potential risk' associated with shot.

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An experimental vaccine targeting RSV was found to be nearly 82% effective for infants when administered to pregnant mothers, data published by #Pfizer shows.

FDA says neurological disorder an 'important potential risk' associated with shot.


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a372b4 No.32553

File: 348f31684b5d284⋯.png (368.63 KB,602x554,301:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655808 (071743ZAPR23) Notable: Obama Center 'Displacing Thousands Of Black Families' In Chicago, Neighbors Say

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Obama Center 'Displacing Thousands Of Black Families' In Chicago, Neighbors Say


Obama Center 'Displacing Thousands Of Black Families' In Chicago, Neighbors Say

"Rents, property taxes, all of that is going to exponentially rise…"

6:42 AM · Apr 7, 2023

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a372b4 No.32554

File: 5fede4933432991⋯.jpeg (48.21 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655843 (071747ZAPR23) Notable: Ukraine: The council president of the country’s Evangelical Church Annette Kurschus emphasized a need for peace proposals

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7 Apr, 2023 16:07

German religious leader calls out Ukrainian diplomats

The council president of the country’s Evangelical Church Annette Kurschus emphasized a need for peace proposals

The head of the Evangelical Church in Germany has rebuked high-profile Ukrainian officials for attacking a recent public appeal by renowned German politicians for work on a peace process.

In an interview with newspaper Koelner Stadt-Anzeiger published on Thursday, Annette Kurschus said that she is angered by “this artificial alternative between weapons deliveries and talks.”

While arms deliveries to Kiev are still necessary, in the clergywoman’s eyes, equally important are “efforts [to bring about] talks”between Ukraine and Russia, she pointed out.

According to Kurschus, “negotiations on an equal footing don’t come about on their own, they must be brought about.” She went on to state that she disagrees with Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Alexey Makeev, who characterized calls for a truce as cynical. “I refuse to dismiss the call for negotiations as cynical and naive,” she said.

Her comments came in response to the harsh remarks made last week by Ukraine’s former envoy Andrey Melnyk and by his successor in office.

Taking to Twitter last Saturday, Melnyk, who currently serves as Ukraine’s Deputy Foreign Minister, told former historian Peter Brandt and several prominent German social democrats who’d initiated the call for peace negotiations, to “go to hell with your senile idea to reach a quick ceasefire.” The outspoken diplomat added that the “Ukrainians reject this frippery.”

Echoing his sentiment, Kiev’s current ambassador Makeev told German news agency DPA on Sunday that the appeal for peace in question is “pure cynicism in the face of the numerous victims of the Russian aggression.” The official went on to claim that the authors were merely trying to obfuscate“Russia’s crimes.”

Titled “Make peace!,” the article was authored by Brandt and signed by a number of heavyweights of German and European politics, including ex-EU Commissioner Günter Verheugen, former Bundestag President Wolfgang Thierse and former SPD leader Andrea Ypsilanti.

The piece warns the German leadership that the continuation offighting in Ukraine risks spreading the conflict further afield, with the “shadow of a nuclear war” hanging over Europe. The appeal evokes the policy of détente of the Cold War, arguing that it is as relevant as ever.

The author and signatories conclude by calling on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, with whom many of them share a party allegiance, to join forces with the likes of France, Brazil, China, India and Indonesia in a bid tobring about a swift cessationof hostilities in Ukraine.


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a372b4 No.32555

File: 5ad15435be32478⋯.png (418.88 KB,608x575,608:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655846 (071748ZAPR23) Notable: Texas bill proposes state-issued gold-backed digital currency

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Insider Paper


NEW: Texas bill proposes state-issued gold-backed digital currency


Texas bill proposes state-issued gold-backed digital currency - Insider Paper

Lawmakers in the United States are proposing bills that oppose the development of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) based on the U.S.

6:41 AM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655855 (071750ZAPR23) Notable: Inhibitory Effects of Erythrosine/Curcumin Derivatives/Nano-Titanium Dioxide-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy on Candida albicans

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Inhibitory Effects of Erythrosine/Curcumin Derivatives/Nano-Titanium Dioxide-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy on Candida albicans


Erythrosine is "Red dye #3" which Consumer Reports and California continue to bash, but they don't call it erythrosine, do they?

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a372b4 No.32557

File: 236e1130e69c2db⋯.jpeg (49.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655864 (071753ZAPR23) Notable: Slovakia claims Russians sabotaged its fighter jets

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The two boogeymen Trump & Russia

7 Apr, 2023 16:28

Slovakia claims Russians sabotaged its fighter jets

Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad’ has suggested Russian technicians may have damaged jets that were later gifted to Ukraine

Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets belonging to the Slovak army may have been intentionally sabotaged by Russian engineers who worked on them before they were given to Ukraine, Slovakian Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad’ claimed on Friday.

As reported by Euractiv, Nad’s statement came after former Slovakian prime minister Robert Fico criticized the government in Bratislava for giving up the valuable aircraft to Kiev.

Slovakia retired its fleet of MiG-29s last summer asmost of the planes were not operational. Last month, the Slovak government announced that it would be giving 10 MiGs with engines and another threewithout enginesto Ukraine’s forces. Four of the jets have already been delivered and are patrolling the skies over Kharkov, according to Ukrainian officials, while the other nine are expected to arrive in the near future.

However, Nad’ now suggests that the jets may have been intentionally damaged by Russian technicians who had worked on the planes at the Sliac air base in Slovakia until last year.

“Even the police were investigating it, based on our suspicions. There were parts in the engines of the aircraft that Slovak technicians accessed, and then there were parts that Russian technicians only accessed. The defects appeared only in those parts accessed by Russians,” Naď said.

He added that while the investigation hasfailed to proveany ill intent on the part of the engineers, the defense ministry “felt a loss of confidence in the Russian technicians”because mistakes kept appearing “in places only they could get to.”

Slovakia’s former highest-ranking pilot, Lubomir Svoboda, also suggested there was“poor” workmanship on the jets. “We took over an engine from them that was supposed to last 350 hours. And in the end, it only flew 70 hours. What can we make of that?” he said.

Russia’s embassy in Slovakia, meanwhile, has criticized officials for sending the jets to Ukraine, arguing that the move was “illegal”because it required Moscow’s approval under bilateral agreements. It also warned that such deliveries could lead to “an unpredictable and dangerous escalation of the conflict.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has stated that the MiG-29s would be destroyed by Russian forces just like any other Western weapons sent to the country. Peskov also said he had the impression that Kiev’s allies wereusing Ukraine to simply “dispose of old hardwarethat they do not need anymore.”


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a372b4 No.32558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655865 (071753ZAPR23) Notable: Anti-parasite drug ivermectin can suppress ovarian cancer by regulating lncRNA-EIF4A3-mRNA axes

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Anti-parasite drug ivermectin can suppress ovarian cancer by regulating lncRNA-EIF4A3-mRNA axes


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a372b4 No.32559

File: c23e05eb7994e70⋯.jpg (93.53 KB,611x535,611:535,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655868 (071754ZAPR23) Notable: Self-driving trucks will travel I-45 from Dallas to Houston by end of 2024

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Ever been on I-45? This is insane

Self-driving trucks will travel I-45 from Dallas to Houston by end of 2024, Aurora says


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a372b4 No.32560

File: b401876d3cd9e32⋯.png (266.61 KB,322x448,23:32,Clipboard.png)

File: 656b91c0b9d6446⋯.png (131.5 KB,795x413,795:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655873 (071756ZAPR23) Notable: Office property under pressure as U.S. REIT index hits 14-year low

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Office property under pressure as U.S. REIT index hits 14-year low

From the U.S. to Japan, real estate investment trusts that focus on office property have taken a hit from fears that financing will be harder to come by amid turmoil in banking. The S&P 1500 Office REITs Sub-Industry Index, which tracks major office property REITs in the U.S., fell to 53 at one point in late March. It was down more than 20% from the end of 2022 and plumbed its lowest point since 2009. As of Thursday, the index still languished under 60.

Many individual REITs have suffered steeper declines. Boston Properties, whose holdings include office space in San Francisco, saw its share price drop around 60% in the past year. Vornado Realty Trust, which focuses on New York real estate, is trading at its lowest levels since the mid-1990s.

The declines extend beyond the U.S. Germany's Alstria Office REIT is trading at its lowest in more than 10 years. Nippon Building Fund, Japan's largest REIT by market capitalization, has fallen as much as 7% since the end of 2022, approaching a 2020 low marked at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The sell-off in office REITs partly reflects concerns over the availability of funding. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the crisis at Credit Suisse have heightened uncertainty, leading small and midsize banks in particular to tighten lending as they guard against potential outflows of deposits. REITs raise funds to acquire properties that they rent out for income. Reduced availability and increased costs of funding impact their earning potential, sapping investor confidence.

There is also concern that big European banks could scale back lending. The terms of Credit Suisse's rescue wipe out its Additional Tier 1 bonds, a form of bank capital, and yields on AT1 bonds from other banks face upward pressure.

"The cost of refinancing AT1 bonds is rising, which has the same effect as monetary tightening," a Japanese banker in London said.

Meanwhile, with remote work here to stay, structural demand for offices is declining. U.S. office vacancies came to 12.5% for the October-December quarter, according to JPMorgan &ndash; comparable to levels during the global financial crisis. Goldman Sachs estimates that office occupancy in the U.K. has fallen by half from pre-COVID levels to around 30%.

Monetary tightening across advanced economies is another concern. The rise in long-term interest rates means that investors expect higher returns, or cap rates, from their properties.

REITs are struggling even outside office properties. The S&P 1500 Residential REITs Sub-Industry Index is at a roughly two-year low as the housing boom of the pandemic fades. Those tracking commercial and industrial properties are on a similar trajectory. Overall, the total market cap of REITs around the world had fallen around 20% on the year to $1.9 trillion in March.

Property prices will eventually bottom out, and patient investors will see openings for purchases, said Eric Adler, CEO of U.S.-based PGIM Real Estate. (good luck with that until the FED stops)


Bankruptcy Filings Increase Across All Chapters in March



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a372b4 No.32561

File: 561f309f30b43f4⋯.png (149.82 KB,473x529,473:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655874 (071757ZAPR23) Notable: Happy #NationalBeerDay.

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Happy #NationalBeerDay. In 1944, the minelayer HMS Menestheus was converted into a floating brewery for British personnel in the Pacific, producing 250 barrels of Davy Jones ale a week. The Royal Navy rejected an offer from the U.S. Navy to buy Menestheus for £1 million.


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a372b4 No.32562

File: de5a1f8d95c0e64⋯.png (352.93 KB,618x855,206:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655879 (071758ZAPR23) Notable: @mtaibbi CISA absolutely was a partner of the EIP, EIP-ticketed misinfo report to Twitter employees

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Matt Taibbi


CISA absolutely was a partner of the EIP, as @lhfang

notes. Are you going to fix this, @mehdirhasan


Quote Tweet

Lee Fang




Mehdi you obviously haven't read the reporting here. CISA is the DHS agency that partnered with EIP. Here's an email of a CISA employee discussing an EIP-ticketed misinfo report to Twitter employees. Matt got it right. https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1644379485574135811

Show this thread


6:54 AM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32563

File: 4e5a27181bda900⋯.png (544.34 KB,957x976,957:976,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655913 (071804ZAPR23) Notable: TRU TUBE 54 UPDATED!

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>>32524 TYB!


100 New Kun+ Videos Added

~2000 Total Dank Videos atm.

Please Share Far, Wide and Often while system is running.

*TOR Access Only


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a372b4 No.32564

File: 4c920de2c96e740⋯.png (290.6 KB,472x456,59:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655933 (071807ZAPR23) Notable: @USARPAC That's a wrap!

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That's a wrap!

Soldiers from the


& the


concluded #Salaknib23 at Fort Magsaysay. This exercise reached its goal of increasing military readiness and interoperability, strengthening relationships, and enhancing jungle warfare and operational ability.


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a372b4 No.32565

File: 7881799ebe88a74⋯.png (2.06 MB,2532x1170,422:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18655972 (071815ZAPR23) Notable: RFKJr is a Democrat, pushes global politics and supports the Green New Deal he and PDJT absolutely do not agree on this

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In an essay, "Global Warming: A Real Solution," published in the June 18, 2007, issue of Rolling Stone, Kennedy writes: "America doesn't need to wait for futuristic, pie-in-the-sky technologies to cut its reckless consumption of oil and coal. Our last, best hope to stop climate change is the free market itself. There is gold in going green, and the same drive to make a buck that created global warming in the first place can now be harnessed to slow the carbon-based pollution that is overheating the planet. And green investment will not just enrich a few corporations. We know from past experience that it will strengthen America's economy, not to mention our national security, our economic independence and the effectiveness of our world leadership."

Robert F. Kennedy is a licensed master falconer, and as often as possible he pursues a life-long enthusiasm for white-water paddling. He has organized and led several expeditions to Latin America, R F Kennedy Falcon.gif

Including first descents on three little known rivers in Peru, Colombia,

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a372b4 No.32566

File: 9ed6f775ba68925⋯.png (59.51 KB,411x353,411:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656038 (071828ZAPR23) Notable: Anderson Cooper inquired "Will he [Trump] SEE the cell?"

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Anderson Cooper inquired "Will he [Trump] SEE the cell?"

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_

Covering the arraignment live, CNN's Anderson Cooper was told by a former NYC official there was a "small cell" off to the side of where Trump was fingerprinted. Cooper got excited, but was told Trump would not be held there. Disappointed, Cooper inquired, "Will he SEE the cell?"

2:16 PM · Apr 7, 2023


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a372b4 No.32567

File: b81a58b7c41d7d2⋯.png (236.15 KB,470x542,235:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656052 (071830ZAPR23) Notable: @AirMobilityCmd Up close & personal.

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Up close & personal.

The C-17 is a strategic transport aircraft, able to airlift cargo close to a battle area. This means that our troops are getting the food, ammunition and equipment they need, no matter where they are.




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a372b4 No.32568

File: 525dbfa6a03a938⋯.png (348.19 KB,740x667,740:667,Clipboard.png)

File: bc790f6839decd3⋯.png (759.31 KB,1107x1398,369:466,Clipboard.png)

File: c047576596241a4⋯.png (871.16 KB,997x1407,997:1407,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f4bcbf7d581591⋯.png (946.87 KB,1025x1393,1025:1393,Clipboard.png)

File: 8629fffc3ee7dd1⋯.png (651.47 KB,1060x1326,530:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656072 (071835ZAPR23) Notable: ICYMI: Jim Jordan invites Biden DOJ appointee "helping" Alvin Bragg to appear for a transcribed interview

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getting to the bottom of the clear collusion between Bragg & Biden,

Jim Jordan invites Biden DOJ appointee "helping" Alvin Bragg to appear for a transcribed interview

House Judiciary GOP @JudiciaryGOP


@Jim_Jordan invites Matthew Colangelo, Senior Counsel to New York County District Attorney's Office, to appear for a transcribed interview in furtherance of the Committee's oversight of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented prosecutorial conduct.

Colangelo, a former Biden DOJ official and senior attorney at the New York Attorney General’s Office, has previously taken part in multiple investigations into President Trump and was reportedly hired to "jump start" Bragg's stalled investigation into President Trump.

1:45 PM · Apr 7, 2023


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a372b4 No.32569

File: 691eb3fd86ab331⋯.png (387.2 KB,692x748,173:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656073 (071835ZAPR23) Notable: Appeals court ruling puts hundreds of Jan. 6 felony cases in limbo

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Appeals court ruling puts hundreds of Jan. 6 felony cases in limbo

The splintered decision raises questions about DOJ’s ability to sustain charges of obstructing an official proceeding.

Florence Y. Pan, a nominee to be a United States District Judge for the District of Columbia, is pictured.

“It is more prudent to delay addressing the meaning of ‘corrupt’ intent until that issue is properly presented to the court,” wrote Judge Florence Pan in the majority opinion. | Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/AP Photo

By Kyle Cheney and Josh Gerstein

04/07/2023 01:24 PM EDT

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a372b4 No.32570

File: a3aaef11462b9e5⋯.png (223.87 KB,540x487,540:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 375e03772549106⋯.png (277.83 KB,1073x869,1073:869,Clipboard.png)

File: de3e987825cd812⋯.png (305.23 KB,1046x838,523:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 04f300c32e637f3⋯.png (112.07 KB,1075x603,1075:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656109 (071847ZAPR23) Notable: State Department’s GEC, Soros’s Open Society, the EU, and UK Are Funding the “Disinformation Index”

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State Department’s GEC, Soros’s Open Society, the EU, and UK Are Funding the “Disinformation Index”: A Pseudo-Nonprofit that “Blacklists” Conservative News from Online Advertisers

Unmasking the Disinformation Index: A pseudo-nonprofit that “blacklists” conservative news from online advertisers.

Guest Post by Bob Bishop

The Constitution’s First Amendment allows freedom of expression from government regulations or restrictions; in other words, no censorship. The “fourth estate” term describes the news media that is the watchdog over the government. The amendment extends free speech to the independent media that delivers news and investigative journalism to the general public. Only a free press, based on truth and transparency, can effectively criticize and expose the government’s potential or actual wrongdoings.

The public is awakening to social media censorship (Twitter and Facebook) and the extreme bias of prominent media outlets (i.e., the New York Times) promoting and supporting the Federal and state governments’ narratives and totalitarian behavior. An emerging and highly destructive new strategy is “blacklisting” independent conservative media to defund them of advertising revenue, leading to their financial demise.

Censorship Think Tank

The mission of the Disinformation Index (“DI”), with its U.K. parent organization, Disinformation Index LTD. (“GDI”), is to defund conservation online news sites with claims of alleged disinformation. GBTDI disinformation focus is LBGT, climate denial, election fraud, illegal immigration, the RussiaUkraine border conflict, abortion, the Biden family’s foreign business dealings, and anti-vaccine content. The organizations invert facts and truth to create an adversarial political narrative.

Their rating system creates a blacklist shared with major advertising companies and advertising exchanges, including Google and Microsoft, to shut down disfavored speech by defunding advertising. These companies contract with GDIDI for information on who to target for defunding. When comparing GDI’s risk sources, the bias is highly apparent.


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a372b4 No.32571

File: 15703bc38562fe7⋯.png (560.13 KB,741x815,741:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656122 (071851ZAPR23) Notable: @America1stLegal has filed a #FOIA request with @HHSGov to investigate a suspected plan to prioritize organ transplants by race.

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Samantha Flom @SamanthaFlom

“This is a dangerous path, and Americans deserve to know exactly what’s happening behind the scenes.”

@America1stLegal has filed a #FOIA request with @HHSGov to investigate a suspected plan to prioritize organ transplants by race.

Biden’s HHS May Plan to Prioritize Organ Transplants by Race

Epoch Times


1:58 PM · Apr 6, 2023


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a372b4 No.32572

File: 3c800708c11bb40⋯.png (347.86 KB,746x560,373:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 046d654fc5bdceb⋯.png (665.25 KB,1284x813,428:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656135 (071854ZAPR23) Notable: Scavino: NYC —— 1956… pic

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Just re-tweeted

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 Retweeted

__Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 @DanScavino · Apr 16, 2022

NYC —— 1956…

3:34 PM · Apr 16, 2022


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a372b4 No.32573

File: 435b6b8a28edd24⋯.png (183.38 KB,472x522,236:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656173 (071902ZAPR23) Notable: That’s a wrap for our #ArchivesForTheBirds hashtag party!

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That’s a wrap for our #ArchivesForTheBirds hashtag party! Thank you to everyone who joined the flock and shared amazing stories, facts, and photos of our winged wonders. Get ready to coo over next month’s party (hint, hint). #ArchivesHashtagParty


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a372b4 No.32574

File: 652ad992f87bd27⋯.png (210.39 KB,470x460,47:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656193 (071907ZAPR23) Notable: suicide hotline Call or text 988 or visit http://988lifeline.org/chat to chat with a counselor/not for trevor callers

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Call or text 988 or visit http://988lifeline.org/chat to chat with a counselor. 988 has been designated as the new dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

#PeopleFirst #UDontStandAlone #ArmyFamily #Soldiers #FactCheckFriday



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a372b4 No.32575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656214 (071911ZAPR23) Notable: #22887

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#22887 >>32524

>>32525 Oregon Denies Christian Woman’s Application to Adopt as She Rejects Child Transgender Policies

>>32526, >>32529, >>32531, >>32537, >>32565 RFKJr is a Democrat, pushes global politics and supports the Green New Deal he and PDJT absolutely do not agree on this

>>32527 Let’s show the world the power of prayer by praying for our Nation on this day and everyday.

>>32528 I am calling for ALL FEMALE ATHLETES to BOYCOTT any sporting event where they have to compete against men…help us spread the word.

>>32530 My MK-Ultra / MK-Naomi podcast is now public.

>>32532 Refresher: Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?

>>32533 Michael Patrick Leahy Reports On Tennessee Lawmakers Inciting Mob To Take State Capitol

>>32534 Dr. Shiva: Elon Musk’s Backdoor Censorship Ecosystem Is Silicon Valley’s Fascism Rebranded

>>32535 PlaneFag CONUS/Caribbean Activity

>>32536 Italy Proposes Banning Lab-Manufactured Food and Insects as Food

>>32538 The True Origins Of #CriticalRaceTheory

>>32539 Ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal tells her story about Donald Trump/here we go…

>>32540, >>32542 US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine

>>32541 Falcon 9 launches @INTELSAT IS-40e to orbit

>>32543 Russia was aware of Western involvement in Ukraine even before the documents were leaked online, Dmitry Peskov

>>32544 On April 11th, 4 planets, Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Mars will be visible in one straight line for the next planetary alignment of 2023.

>>32545 PF SAM580 G5 departed Chicago-O'Hare Int'l after an overnight back to JBA

>>32546, >>32547Sprint shut down a cellphone tower on the campus of a California elementary school after some parents said it may be linked to several recent cases of childhood cancer.

>>32548 Watkin's letter on recent attack

>>32549 A Saudi-Omani delegation is planning to travel to Yemen's capital Sanaa next week to hash out a permanent ceasefire deal with Houthi officials and end the country's eight-year-old conflict

>>32550 Tesla Cuts U.S. Vehicle Prices For The Fifth Time Since January

>>32551 NATO - Russia/Ukraine Conflict Status Report Information Warfare - 5WG

>>32552 An experimental vaccine targeting RSV , FDA says neurological disorder an 'important potential risk' associated with shot.

>>32553 Obama Center 'Displacing Thousands Of Black Families' In Chicago, Neighbors Say

>>32554 Ukraine: The council president of the country’s Evangelical Church Annette Kurschus emphasized a need for peace proposals

>>32555 Texas bill proposes state-issued gold-backed digital currency

>>32556 Inhibitory Effects of Erythrosine/Curcumin Derivatives/Nano-Titanium Dioxide-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy on Candida albicans

>>32557 Slovakia claims Russians sabotaged its fighter jets

>>32558 Anti-parasite drug ivermectin can suppress ovarian cancer by regulating lncRNA-EIF4A3-mRNA axes

>>32559 Self-driving trucks will travel I-45 from Dallas to Houston by end of 2024

>>32560 Office property under pressure as U.S. REIT index hits 14-year low

>>32561 Happy #NationalBeerDay.

>>32562 @mtaibbi CISA absolutely was a partner of the EIP, EIP-ticketed misinfo report to Twitter employees

>>32563 TRU TUBE 54 UPDATED!

>>32564 @USARPAC That's a wrap!

>>32566 Anderson Cooper inquired "Will he [Trump] SEE the cell?"

>>32567 @AirMobilityCmd Up close & personal.

>>32568 ICYMI: Jim Jordan invites Biden DOJ appointee "helping" Alvin Bragg to appear for a transcribed interview

>>32569 Appeals court ruling puts hundreds of Jan. 6 felony cases in limbo

>>32570 State Department’s GEC, Soros’s Open Society, the EU, and UK Are Funding the “Disinformation Index”

>>32571 @America1stLegal has filed a #FOIA request with @HHSGov to investigate a suspected plan to prioritize organ transplants by race.

>>32572 Scavino: NYC —— 1956… pic

>>32573 That’s a wrap for our #ArchivesForTheBirds hashtag party!

>>32574 suicide hotline Call or text 988 or visit http://988lifeline.org/chat to chat with a counselor/not for trevor callers


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a372b4 No.32576

File: 37753b576f4ac35⋯.jpg (89.64 KB,1024x1018,512:509,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7429f89121d7456⋯.png (574.22 KB,477x640,477:640,Clipboard.png)

File: 8109176949d8ef0⋯.png (483.18 KB,550x320,55:32,Clipboard.png)

File: c4774af1859f9ec⋯.png (734.99 KB,827x767,827:767,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ba785e1fe14ef7⋯.png (1.12 MB,1200x1069,1200:1069,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656229 (071914ZAPR23) Notable: #22888-A

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32577

File: a0864622e5063a2⋯.png (247.88 KB,556x529,556:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656237 (071917ZAPR23) Notable: Epstein Victim Says J.P. Morgan Trying To ‘Intimidate’ Her By Including Alleged Abuser In Her Lawsuit

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Epstein Victim Says J.P. Morgan Trying To ‘Intimidate’ Her By Including Alleged Abuser In Her Lawsuit

A victim of deceased sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein accused J.P Morgan Chase of trying to “harass and intimidate” her and other victims by including former J.P. Morgan executive and alleged abuser Jes Staley in her lawsuit.

Jane Doe is suing J.P. Morgan for allegedly facilitating Epstein’s sex trafficking operation when she was a client with the bank for nearly 15 years. She described Staley as a “powerful financial executive” in her Nov. 2022 complaint and declined to name him “out of fear.”

“The effect of adding him to the suit is to force her to share private medical records and her most intimate communications with one of her abusers,” Doe’s attorney Brad Edwards wrote in a letter filed Thursday, according to the Daily Beast. “It also sends a message to other victims that JPM will exploit all vulnerabilities of each victim who dares come forward to hold the bank accountable.”

“Accordingly, Jane Doe 1 seeks severance of her sexual abuser from her lawsuit so that JPM cannot force Staley back into her life,” Edwards’ letter adds.

Staley filed a letter of his own on Thursday, also asking for the bank’s claims against him to be separated from the victim’s lawsuit. His lawyer described his alleged ties to Epstein as “baseless but serious” and “slanderous” in a Thursday court filing, per The Guardian.

J.P. Morgan revealed Staley’s identity when the bank filed a lawsuit against Staley in March to make him responsible for potential payouts from lawsuits related to Epstein. The U.S. Virgin Islands filed a similar lawsuit against the bank in December for turning “a blind eye” to Epstein’s criminal operation.

Staley was “inextricably linked to these cases” that “it [made] no sense to separate him” from the bank’s own suit with the alleged victim, a spokesman for the bank said according to The Guardian.

More than 1,000 emails between Staley and Epstein from 2008-12 were disclosed as part of a February court filing from the U.S. Virgin Islands.


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a372b4 No.32578

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656251 (071919ZAPR23) Notable: J6: Over FORTY Feds the crowd?

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note: Robert Gouveia dig and court case documents.


A new filing in the Proud Boys trial alleging there were over 40 government informants embedded with the Proud Boys on January 6th.


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a372b4 No.32579

File: 33f0d0fcec315bb⋯.png (151.04 KB,1099x680,1099:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656252 (071919ZAPR23) Notable: RFK: Not a good pick, going after "Neocons"

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RFK Jr not a good pick,

He has the WEF Conglomerate group CLIMATE CHANGE (control of everyone and everything) brainwashing.

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a372b4 No.32580

File: 4c27753bb4ed038⋯.png (436.74 KB,828x628,207:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656254 (071919ZAPR23) Notable: RFK: Not a good pick, going after "Neocons"

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💢 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. summarizes the state of things as they are


Subscribe @NewResistance


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a372b4 No.32581

File: c0f936907321ae6⋯.jpeg (372.48 KB,1113x1521,371:507,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0db9afedbc2ae4f⋯.jpeg (117.4 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 06ae227e1a6502c⋯.jpeg (413.64 KB,1081x1701,1081:1701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656257 (071920ZAPR23) Notable: Republicans Net Three New Supermajorities in One Month

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Republicans Net Three New Supermajorities in One Month

Jacob Bliss7 Apr 2023

Democrat state representatives switching parties and one special election over the last month gave Republicans three new supermajorities in state legislatures, bringing the total to 25 nationwide.

This week, North Carolina state Rep. Trisha Cotham announced her departure from the Democrat party and effectively changed her party affiliation to the Republican Party, ultimately giving the Republicans in the Tar Heel State a veto-proof supermajority in both the House and Senate.

“The party wants to villainize anyone who has free thought, free judgment, has solutions and wants to get to work to better our state,” Cotham said during a press conference announcing her decision to formally leave the Democrat party. “Not just sit in a meeting and have a workshop after a workshop, but really work with individuals to get things done.”

“If you don’t do exactly what the Democrats want you to do, they will try to bully you. They will try to cast you aside,” she added.

Additionally, in mid-March, Louisiana state Rep. Francis Thompson announced his plan to switch party affiliations from the Democrat party to the Republican Party. Like Cotham, Thompson switching parties gave the Louisiana Republicans a supermajority in the state House for the first time ever. Now the Republicans in the Bayou State have a veto-proof supermajority in both the House and Senate.

“This is a happy day, but it’s not a decision that was made in a day,” Thompson said in an interview with USA Today. “I’ve struggled with this and have been thinking about it for more than a year when it has become clear that the Republican Party better represents my values and philosophy today.”

Cotham and Thompson’s decision represents two of three states to achieve the supermajority milestone this year.

Earlier this week, during a special election in Wisconsin, Republican state Rep. Dan Knodl defeated a Democratic attorney, Jodi Habush Sinykin, to win an open Senate seat. The seat became available after longtime Republican incumbent Alberta Darling retired, and the governor called for a special election.

Knodl’s victory gives Senate Republicans a supermajority in the chamber, enough to override a gubernatorial veto in the Senate. However, a successful override takes a two-thirds vote in the Senate and Assembly. In the Assembly, Republicans remain two seats shy of a supermajority.

“This campaign has always been about focusing on the issues, like rising prices, crime, and education, and I am incredibly grateful to the voters of the 8th Senate District for placing their trust in me to represent them in the Wisconsin State Senate,” Knodl said in a statement Wednesday after winning the seat.

While Republicans in North Carolina and Louisiana can override vetoes from Democrat governors, Republicans in Wisconsin are now just two seats away in the State Assembly from having the power to override vetoes from Democrat governor Tony Evers.

Michael Joyce, the communications director for Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), the largest organization on the state level, dedicated to helping state leaders, told Breitbart News that “Democrats are joining Republican majorities to create supermajorities because they know that their constituents want strong conservative leadership to serve as a check on out-of-control Democrat governors who raise taxes, endanger communities with soft-on-crime policies, and strip parents of their right to have a say in their children’s education.”

“With 25 Republican supermajorities nationwide in state legislative chambers, it’s evident that the American people want principled conservatives to lead while Joe Biden and his Democrat cronies in the states drive our country off a cliff,” Joyce added.


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a372b4 No.32582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656265 (071920ZAPR23) Notable: RFK: Not a good pick, going after "Neocons"

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No he missed completely the threat from commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity frauds.

I disagree.

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a372b4 No.32583

File: 33a56a895d85d8e⋯.png (815.43 KB,683x1024,683:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 937f3f62354963c⋯.png (735.74 KB,792x751,792:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656272 (071921ZAPR23) Notable: Ex-Miramax exec and Weinstein pal allegedly raped model at NYC hotel: suit

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Ex-Miramax exec and Weinstein pal allegedly raped model at NYC hotel: suit

An ex-model is suing former Miramax exec and Harvey Weinstein pal Fabrizio Lombardo, claiming he lured her to a fake meeting at a posh New York City hotel and raped her when she was just 19.

Sara Ziff, 40, claims that in 2001, when she was a model and aspiring actress, Lombardo — who headed Miramax in Italy and Europe — tricked her into attending a bogus meeting with Weinstein and his brother, Bob, at the Mercer Hotel and then sexually assaulted her, according to a Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit from late Thursday.

Earlier that night, Lombardo invited the New York woman — some 20 years his junior — to a screening of “Black Hawk Down” at the Miramax office in Tribeca, where Weinstein and another young woman were also present, the filing says.

The disgraced movie mogul barely acknowledged Ziff except to invite her to eat some food that was there, the suit claims.

When the movie ended, Lombardo invited Ziff for a drink at SoHo hotel, telling Ziff that Weinstein, the other woman and possibly Bob Weinstein would join them, the court papers claim.

Ziff accepted, thinking it would be a good career opportunity to meet and speak with the powerful movie exec brothers, the suit claims.

But Lombardo led Ziff straight to the hotel penthouse, where an uncomfortable Ziff “kept her distance,” smoking cigarettes by the window, the court documents allege.

The Italian man, who was around 40 at the time, rubbed her thigh and Ziff pushed his hand away, telling him she had a boyfriend, the filing claims.

“But Mr. Lombardo would not stop,” the suit charges.

He pulled Ziff onto the bed, got on top of her and raped her — without a condom — despite Ziff saying “no” several times, the court papers allege.

Ziff “was so traumatized that she could not speak about the rape for several years afterward,” the filing says.

She attended other meetings with Lombardo afterward because “she feared that if she did not, Mr. Lombardo would retaliate against her by using his powerful connections in the modeling and acting industries — including with Mr. Weinstein — to deny her work at an early stage in her career,” the suit claims.

Lombardo invited Ziff on a trip to Rome, which she didn’t take him up on, and she would never hear from him again, the filing claims.

The suit — which also names Weinstein as a defendant — claims Lombardo and Weinstein were so close that Weinstein was best man at Lombardo’s 2003 wedding.

“Among the things that bonded them appears to be the abuse of women,” the suit charges.


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a372b4 No.32584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656279 (071923ZAPR23) Notable: Biden Admin Stops Title 42 Expulsions for Venezuelan Migrants in Two Texas Border Sectors

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Biden Admin Stops Title 42 Expulsions for Venezuelan Migrants in Two Texas Border Sectors

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Border Patrol agents received instructions from Biden administration officials to stop using the CDC Emergency COVID-19 Title 42 authority on Venezuelans apprehended along the border in some of Texas’ busiest sectors. According to a source within Customs and Border Protection, Mexico informed the Biden administration they will no longer accept Venezuelan migrants expelled under the Title 42 authority in the Del Rio and El Paso Sectors. The move is expected to cause a return to large migrant groups surrendering in these sectors as word of the policy change spreads.

The CBP source, not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas they were notified on Thursday that Venezuelans were no longer to be returned to Mexico from the two Texas Border Patrol sectors under the program. Effective immediately, Venezuelan nationals crossing into the United States in the Del Rio and El Paso Sectors will now be allowed to apply for asylum instead of being swiftly returned under the emergency COVID-19 authority absent future negotiations with Mexico.

The source says the agency will attempt to coordinate the detention of Venezuelan migrants with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in lieu of immediate expulsion. The source predicts detention resources to quickly deplete resulting in the immediate release of the migrants into the United States to await the processing of their asylum petitions.

In October 2022, DHS announced the expansion of the authority to expel Venezuelans under the COVID-19-related Title 42 order. The announcement cited a joint effort between the United States and Mexico to address the increasing numbers of Venezuelan migrants seeking asylum. The program allowed DHS to return Venezuelan migrants at five locations across the southwest border. Those areas included San Diego, Tucson, El Paso, Del Rio, and the Rio Grande Valley.

In the announcement, DHS officials listed the following joint efforts to address the Venezuelan migrant issue:

Effective immediately, Venezuelans who enter the United States between ports of entry, without authorization, will be returned to Mexico. At the same time, the United States and Mexico are reinforcing their coordinated enforcement operations to target human smuggling organizations and bring them to justice. That campaign will include new migration checkpoints, additional resources and personnel, joint targeting of human smuggling organizations, and expanded information sharing related to transit nodes, hotels, stash houses, and staging locations. The United States is also planning to offer additional security assistance to support regional partners to address the migration challenges in the Darién Gap.”

The source told Breitbart Texas it appears Mexico may have tired of the agreement due to several incidents involving the growing frustration of migrants returned from some Texas areas under the expanded agreement related to Title 42.


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a372b4 No.32585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656284 (071924ZAPR23) Notable: World Economic Forum Sets Date with Communist China for ‘Summer Davos’

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World Economic Forum Sets Date with Communist China for ‘Summer Davos’

According to WEF advance publicity, the June meeting “will gather over 1,500 global leaders from business, government, civil society, international organizations as well as from among innovators and academics, at a crucial time for the global economic recovery.”

The overarching theme of the event will be “‘Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy.” The WEF further states:

The global economy is at a pivotal moment of transformation. Established business and industry models have not only been challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic but are now being tested by a more competitive geopolitical and geoeconomic environment.

How to navigate these developments and simultaneously accelerate progress on critical common goals, from energy transition to safeguarding nature and climate, is top of mind for decision-makers worldwide.

The dates of 27–29 June 2023 have been set aside for the meeting with the world’s economy the center of attention.


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a372b4 No.32586

File: 58f3485d35edf46⋯.jpeg (218.47 KB,1241x887,1241:887,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656293 (071926ZAPR23) Notable: VP Kneepads going to TN to meet w/dems who invaded the State House

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a372b4 No.32587

File: d39f5a6ace0a6c1⋯.png (628.66 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: a17060bf249b5a4⋯.png (960.88 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ea417aca019446⋯.png (1.1 MB,687x907,687:907,Clipboard.png)

File: d9eb56704763bae⋯.png (380.73 KB,672x760,84:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656297 (071927ZAPR23) Notable: France on Fire: Over Half a Million Protest Against Macron Government

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France on Fire: Over Half a Million Protest Against Macron Government

Over half a million people took to the streets of France on Thursday to protest Emmanuel Macron’s government.

Well over 500,000 took place on the eleventh day of protest against the Macron government on Thursday, police officials have confirmed.

The demonstrations are mostly concerned with unpopular pension reforms pushed through by the government, which utilised a loophole within the French constitution to implement an increase to the pension age without the approval of parliament.

This has prompted a huge degree of anger in the country, with political opposition on both the left and right up in arms about the current ordeal.


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a372b4 No.32588

File: f0a69dad2ba650f⋯.png (346.18 KB,668x911,668:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656304 (071928ZAPR23) Notable: Dutch PM Vows to ‘Accelerate’ EU Green Agenda Despite Pro-Farmer Party Victory

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Dutch PM Vows to ‘Accelerate’ EU Green Agenda Despite Pro-Farmer Party Victory

Globalist Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has vowed to “accelerate” his government’s plans to implement its anti-farmer agenda on nitrogen emissions that could see thousands of farms shut down despite the surprise victory of the populist tractor protest party in last month’s provincial elections.

During a parliamentary debate concerning the local and senatorial elections in March in which the upstart Farmer–Citizen Movement (BBB) party became the single largest party in the Dutch Senate — after previously holding zero seats — Prime Minister Rutte doubled down on his government’s EU-driven green agenda that would force farmers to cut their nitrogen emmission by at least 50 per cent by the end of the decade or face the prospect of being shut down.

While Rutte’s four-party coalition fell from 32 to 22 seats in the senate, as the BBB picked up 17 on their own as a result of widespread resentment at the attacks on the nation’s vital farming community, Rutte appears to be intent on pushing forward the policies preferred by Brussels over those favoured by his own citizens.

During the debate, the globalist prime minister said that he intends to “accelerate” the plans to cut nitrogen emissions. However, it is currently unclear if the government will stick to the same exact policy, with the coalition agreeing to negotiate with the agricultural sector and provincial local governments, many of which will now be controlled by the pro-farmer BBB party.

In response, BBB leader Caroline van der Plas said: “This is exactly one of those things that is completely wrong in this cabinet. The lack of empathy, the disdain, the arrogance. And I’m experiencing that again now and I think that’s a great pity.”

Yet, as the governing majority for Rutte’s coalition is so slim, it is currently not in a position to be able to prevent an opposition party from tabling a motion of no confidence, which would collapse the government and force elections. The outspoken leader of the BBB warned last month that she did not believe the coalition is stable and predicted that there would be elections sometime this year, which could see Rutte’s tenure as prime minister, the longest of any democratic leader of the nation, come to an end.


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a372b4 No.32589

File: a70b7a99794c4ef⋯.jpeg (489.95 KB,1242x1882,621:941,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656320 (071932ZAPR23) Notable: Andy Ngo really gets to them in NYC

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Andy Ngo really gets to them


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a372b4 No.32590

File: 86d289ac3fd228d⋯.png (803.89 KB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b5a7d328405d0f⋯.png (212.12 KB,809x794,809:794,Clipboard.png)

File: 4255061c52b5a85⋯.png (312.21 KB,790x894,395:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 78c575bb18d7565⋯.png (198.22 KB,807x786,269:262,Clipboard.png)

File: b740035844eeab1⋯.png (213.42 KB,776x834,388:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656333 (071935ZAPR23) Notable: Human genome editing summit haunted by spectre of eugenics

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Human genome editing summit haunted by spectre of eugenics

The Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing, held earlier this month at the Francis Crick Institute in London, closed with a statement that “heritable human genome editing remains unacceptable at this time”, adding, “Public discussions and policy debates continue and are important for resolving whether this technology should be used. Governance frameworks and ethical principles for the responsible use of heritable human genome editing are not in place.” Pointing to “risks and unintended effects” of gene editing, the statement warned that “Necessary safety and efficacy standards have not been met.”

The statement may have prompted sighs of relief from those who were concerned that the summit’s participants would exploit the event to immediately push for changing the law banning human germline (heritable) genetic modification (HGM) in the UK. Indeed, it was a significant step back from the conclusion of the previous summit on HGM in 2018, which concluded that “it is time to define a rigorous, responsible translational pathway” toward clinical trials of germline editing.

But the statement failed to meaningfully engage with the biggest ethical question around HGM. It focused on how to make the technology acceptable by improving “safety and efficacy”, while failing to lay to rest the spectre of eugenics that loomed over the summit. The anti-eugenics group Stop Designer Babies has pointed out that legalising HGM will inevitably lead to a eugenic society of genetic “haves” and “have-nots” in which wealthy parents can choose “designer” traits in their babies, such as skin, hair and eye colour, IQ, and athletic prowess. In the worst case scenario, those who can’t afford genetic “enhancement” would be banned from reproducing. And the statement doesn’t clarify whether, if scientists manage to solve the safety issues yet “public discussions and policy debates” come up with the answer that HGM should continue to be banned on ethical grounds, that decision will be accepted.

This question must be faced head-on because contrary to common belief, eugenics didn’t die with the Nazis. It is very much alive and kicking in scientific circles in the UK and US. Yet conspicuously absent from the publicity around the summit were the disconcertingly eugenicist connections and views of some of the scientists associated with it and, historically, with the venue that hosted it, the Crick Institute. That topic will be returned to later in this article.


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a372b4 No.32591

File: bfc16f6e380ac5c⋯.png (71.1 KB,744x436,186:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656337 (071936ZAPR23) Notable: VP Kneepads going to TN to meet w/dems who invaded the State House

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Matt Walsh said it better

Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog

She didn’t come to Nashville to attend any of the vigils for the children murdered by a trans terrorist. She didn’t come to meet with the families. Instead she’s coming for this. These people are truly just absolute scum. Hideously wicked human beings.

2:12 PM · Apr 7, 2023


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a372b4 No.32592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656340 (071937ZAPR23) Notable: Israeli jets bomb Lebanon and Gaza after rocket attacks

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Israeli jets bomb Lebanon and Gaza after rocket attacks

The Israeli military says it struck Hamas infrastructure near southern Lebanon's Sour and in the Gaza Strip

'I heard the screams of worshipers': Eyewitnesses describe Israeli forces' attack on Al-Aqsa

"Many outlets described what happened as confrontations or riots, but I saw none of that," noted Kawasmi. "It was a clear aggression on people who were worshipping in their holy place."


Several injured in suspected car-ramming terror attack on Tel Aviv promenade

MDA says one person killed, though reports indicate fatality is suspected terrorist, thought to have used his car to run over people walking near Charles Clore park near seashore


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a372b4 No.32593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656347 (071939ZAPR23) Notable: Biden extends anti-Russian sanctions for one year

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Biden extends anti-Russian sanctions for one year

"Therefore, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14024 with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation," the US president said

WASHINGTON, April 7. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden has expanded for one year the regime of anti-Russian sanctions imposed under the pretext of Russia’s alleged interference into US elections and violation of principles of international law among other things, according to the Letters to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation released by the White House on Friday.

The documents claim that Russia is carrying out "specified harmful foreign activities" against the United States, "in particular, efforts to undermine the conduct of free and fair democratic elections and democratic institutions in the United States and its allies and partners," "malicious cyber-enabled activities against the United States and its allies and partners" Apart from that, it is claimed that Russia violates "well-established principles of international law, including respect for the territorial integrity of states." With this in mind, according to the Washington administration, Russia continues "to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States."

"Therefore, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14024 with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation," Biden said in the letters.


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a372b4 No.32594

File: b56d08ceecf47e3⋯.png (516.4 KB,742x779,742:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656350 (071939ZAPR23) Notable: Thule Air Base has officially been renamed Pituffik Space Base

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'United States Space Force

Thule Air Base has officially been renamed Pituffik Space Base

The new name recognizes Greenlandic heritage and better reflects its role in U.S. Space Force. It is the DOD's northernmost installation, and plays a key role in the Space Form.


3:16 PM · Apr 7, 2023


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a372b4 No.32595

File: 646bccf16e6eb2d⋯.png (174.92 KB,492x619,492:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656352 (071940ZAPR23) Notable: Pope Francis suffers bronchitis bout sending him to hospital - cancels Easter events

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Pope Francis suffers bronchitis bout sending him to hospital as he cancels Easter events


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a372b4 No.32596

File: 6763221008af7e2⋯.png (1.26 MB,1337x532,191:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656361 (071942ZAPR23) Notable: Trans movement comes after Down syndrome community

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I hate to say it but,

The Trans Movement has gone Full Retard.


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a372b4 No.32597

File: c43091ea16a9231⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1124x1675,1124:1675,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656365 (071943ZAPR23) Notable: Connection between J Epstein and Sam Bankman-Fried? -Twitter vid

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Check this out.


My almonds just started tingling again.

There are Epstein happenings afoot!


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a372b4 No.32598

File: b05a968f30946bd⋯.png (325.38 KB,600x391,600:391,Clipboard.png)

File: fb3aa5706d5d493⋯.png (245.54 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: b0300ba7d340ece⋯.png (301.07 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 57e84bc140222f6⋯.png (372.55 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656371 (071943ZAPR23) Notable: Thule Air Base has officially been renamed Pituffik Space Base

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Photo 1

PITUFFIK SPACE BASE, Greenland - From left to right, Col. Brian Capps, 821st Space Base Group commander, Chief of Space Operations U.S. Space Force Gen. Chance Saltzman, Greenlandic Minister Affairs, Business and Trade Vivian Motzfeldt, U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark Alan Leventhal and Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Clark, 821st Space Group command chief, unveil the new base sign during the base renaming ceremony, at Pituffik Space Base, Greenland, April 6, 2023. The ceremony took place in the fitness center where distinguished guests and Greenlandic community members attended the historic event.

Photo 2

PITUFFIK SPACE BASE, Greenland - Chief of Space Operations U.S. Space Force Gen. Chance Saltzman and distinguished guests stand in front of a radar dome belonging to the 23rd Space Operations Squadron Detachment 1 at Pituffik Space Base, Greenland, April 5, 2023. Det. 1 falls under Space Delta 6 - Space Access and Cyberspace Operations. The Det. 1 mission is to provide telemetry, tracking and commanding operations to the U.S. and allied government satellite programs.

Photo 3

PITUFFIK SPACE BASE, Greenland - U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark Alan Leventhal signs the 12th Space Warning Squadron heritage wall during his visit to Pituffik Space Base, Greenland, April 6, 2023. Leventhal participated in the Pituffik Space Base renaming ceremony. The renaming better reflects the base’s role in the U.S. Space Force, while paying homage to its ties to the Greenlandic people and culture.

Photo 4

PITUFFIK SPACE BASE, Greenland - Chief of Space Operations U.S. Space Force Gen. Chance Saltzman, U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark Alan Leventhal and Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Celeste Wallander, participate in a tour given by Lt. Col. April Foley, 12th Space Warning Squadron commander, during their visit to Pituffik Space Base, Greenland, April 6, 2023. The 12th SWS is part of the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment network, which provides early warning of ballistic missile launches to National Command Authorities via the Missile Warning Center and North American Aerospace Defense Command.

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a372b4 No.32599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656388 (071946ZAPR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records

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House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records

The Republican-led House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed several major banks for financial records belonging to the Biden family

The House Oversight Committee issued subpoenas to banks asking for the Biden family's financial records.

Fox News has confirmed that the Oversight Committee subpoenaed Bank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC USA N.A., as well as former Hunter Biden business associate Mervyn Yan asking for financial records.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, complained that Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., was trying to hide information regarding the investigation from Democrats on the committee.

In a statement to Fox News, Comer said "Ranking Member Raskin has again disclosed Committee’s subpoenas in a cheap attempt to thwart cooperation from other witnesses. Given his antics with the first bank subpoena, the American people and media should be asking what information Ranking Member Raskin is trying to hide this time. No one should be fooled by Ranking Member Raskin’s games. We have the bank records, and the facts are not good for the Biden family."


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a372b4 No.32600

File: 61365c3f1065e57⋯.jpeg (228.43 KB,1241x944,1241:944,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656402 (071950ZAPR23) Notable: VP Kneepads going to TN to meet w/dems who invaded the State House

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How dare he bring up democratic norms when he was involved in persecuting Trump


Democracy and Democratic is the new words for the phony “Hope and Change” mantra

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a372b4 No.32601

File: 685b5199451c637⋯.png (126.97 KB,1024x855,1024:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 71b99b8b6ef03b6⋯.png (242.65 KB,1017x834,339:278,Clipboard.png)

File: cff3d2aec1c66d0⋯.png (98.46 KB,1046x658,523:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 49994b696c22a27⋯.png (287.21 KB,1033x866,1033:866,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a2caa7256dcf28⋯.png (45.27 KB,1003x328,1003:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656403 (071950ZAPR23) Notable: The Climate (CO2) Hoax and the Control Matrix. Mega-banks and Corporations

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The Climate (CO2) Hoax and the Control Matrix. Mega-banks and Corporations

In my previous article ‘1500 scientists say ‘Climate Change Not Due to Co2’ – The real environment movement was hijacked’ I provided evidences and testimonies from renowned international climate scientists that contradict the UN assertions in relation to climate change being caused by Co2 emissions. I also referred to the conclusion of 1500 climate scientists and climate professionals at the Climate Intelligence Foundation that:

the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle,

solar activity is the dominant factor in climate; and that CO2 emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change.

In essence, therefore, the incessant UN, government, and corporate-media-produced climate hysteria in relation to CO2 emissions and methane from cows has no scientific basis.

I am an independent researcher and I have no commercial interest in stating that climate change is not caused by CO2, or by methane from livestock, such as cows.

Why is the UN not focusing on the real pollution of the air, land and water systems that has been occuring has been via the release of thousands of real pollutants by the corporations of industrial globalisation over the past decades?

Over decades, ‘Big Oil’ corporations have caused widespread pollution of land, air, and water systems worldwide. I support real environmentalism. However, man-made climate change caused by Co2 emissions is fake science and fake news. The CO2 agenda has detracted and distracted significantly from peoples understanding of what real environmentalism is and involves.

In truth I am against ‘real’ pollution, and the reality is that the CO2 component is not a pollutant. So why did the UN and the entire world banking and corporate matrix promote the agenda to reduce CO2 ? Recall the following words of Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a former Committee Chairman at the UN IPPC, and former head of the Paleo Geo-physics and Geo-dynamics department in Stockholm:

“The scientific truth is on the side of the sceptics… I have thousands of high ranked scientists all over the world who agree that NO, CO2 is not the driving mechanism and that everything is exaggerated…I suspect that behind-the-scenes promoters… have an ulterior motive… It’s a wonderful way of controlling taxation controlling people” – Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a former Committee Chairman at the UN IPPC, and former head of the Paleo Geo-physics and Geo-dynamics department in Stockholm


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a372b4 No.32602

File: 90c9a1a3131af15⋯.jpeg (301.9 KB,1170x814,585:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: decf2fb97c9ee9f⋯.jpeg (71.24 KB,547x308,547:308,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 663a23058ae00e8⋯.jpeg (537.23 KB,750x1134,125:189,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e6a6d2449ac916c⋯.jpeg (461.01 KB,750x993,250:331,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c8122e59347f8da⋯.jpeg (674.49 KB,2048x1542,1024:771,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656420 (071955ZAPR23) Notable: @45: Heres the new DISINFORMATION chant…IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT!!!

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Digitalsoldiers™️ have begun their narrative of “It’s Trump’s Fault!”

“The Plan”, there is no plan.

Shawn Faresh NO PLAN

Joe Flynn there is no plan

Tracy Diaz beanz Q is fake I never promoted it

Tore Q is a psyop

Jack Posobiec Q is a hoax

Praying medic Dave we don’t need Q

Dilley Q is bullshit

Alex Jones Q is bullshit

Jerome Corsi Q is fake

Sebastian Gorka Q is garbage

Loomer DeSantis for President

Jordan Sather and Jeffery Pederson Ramtha Flynn family fundraiser

Stopped listening to the rest of them, but there’s a whole lot moar

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a372b4 No.32603

File: 7fa667edf39c35a⋯.png (181.75 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c77cb25a871dfe⋯.png (265.05 KB,499x597,499:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656421 (071955ZAPR23) Notable: Foxconn's Pro-China Billionaire Founder Launches Bid For Taiwan Presidency

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Foxconn's Pro-China Billionaire Founder Launches Bid For Taiwan Presidency

Terry Gou is the billionaire founder of Foxconn, a main supplier of Apple, and this week he announced he's seeking the presidential nomination of Taiwan's China-friendly opposition party for the second time.

The Kuomintang (KMT) party favors close ties with China, and has long been seen as one of Beijing's best hopes at achieving 'peaceful reunification' with the mainland, as Beijing's official policy has long been articulated.

A 2019 bid by Gou, during which time he had stepped down as Foxconn CEO, failed to cinch the nomination. On Wednesday he weighed in forcefully concerning Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen's visit with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in Simi Valley, California.

"We must honestly tell young people that it is dangerous to vote for the [Democratic Progressive Party], which 'exalts Taiwan independence and hates and opposes China'," Gou said of the ruling party.

And further according to BBC, "He added that the only way to avoid war with China was to lessen tensions between Washington and Beijing and get Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) out of office."

The KMT has actually been the ruling party for most of the last half-century, but its adherents attribute soaring tensions with China and regional instability of late to Tsai's DPP and irresponsibly allowing Washington to make deeper inroads into Taiwan, through weapons sales and visits of officials.

Gou announced he's running for president fresh off his own tour of the United States in an attempt to bolster external support:

The tycoon was likely to discuss the eight-day journey which took him to Washington, D.C., Boston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and to present his ideas for the future under the theme "Taiwan needs a fantastic CEO." In speeches during his trip, he emphasized the role that technology and economic development should play in determining the future of the country.

Gou has been named as a contender for the Jan. 13, 2024 presidential election, with the hope he could return to the Kuomintang (KMT), the party he quit ahead of the previous election in 2020.


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a372b4 No.32604

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656430 (071957ZAPR23) Notable: Fauci Inks Deal With New Italian 'Anti-Pandemic' Bio Lab

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Fauci Inks Deal With New Italian 'Anti-Pandemic' Bio Lab

Still dodging public accountability while drawing a hefty government check for his myriad COVID failures, Anthony Fauci has reportedly already landed a new gig tinkering with more viruses, vaccines and possibly another plan-demic.

The mask-mandate monarch has agreed to a consultancy role for a newly created “anti-pandemic” bio lab, which is being funded by the Italian government, The Dossier reported.

“American immunologist Anthony Fauci has agreed to act in an informal capacity as a strategic advisor to Rino Rappuoli, scientific director of the Biotecnopolo biotech hub in Siena, an institution founded by the Ministries of the University, Health, Economy and Industry with the aim of focusing on applied research in biotechnologies and life sciences, the Fondazione Biotecnopolo announced this week,” reported Italy’s ANSA news wire service.

Flying under the innocuous moniker Biotecnopolo, officials described the lab as “an anti-pandemic hub with a particular focus on the development and production of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of emerging epidemic-pandemic pathologies.” The lab has already received copious funding upwards of hundreds of million Euros from Rome.

Fauci came under considerable fire for his links to gain-of-function research through the cutout group EcoHealth Alliance, which ultimately had direct links to China’s Wuhan lab, where a growing amount of evidence indicated the COVID virus originated.

Bio-lab board members gushed praise for Fauci in a press release, informing that his experience would prove “a fundamental step towards making the Biotecnopolo the Italian hub for the research, study and prevention of pandemics.”

Biotecnopolo’s scientific director Rino Rappuoli comes with his own tawdry set of baggage from his work as head of vaccine research and development at GSK, nee Big Pharma’s GlaxoSmithKline, infamous for shelling out a record $3 billion settlement for health-care fraud, The Expose reported.

Rappuoli also holds a professorship at Imperial College, London, whose concocted and widely skewered computer stimulations helped spark COVID madness.

“Last year, Fauci spoke at a conference organized by GSK on the ‘role of vaccines in protecting people and the planet,'” wrote Dossier investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel.

“So Fauci has now linked up with Big Pharma heavyweights and he’s an advisor for a clandestine bio lab project being financed by the Italian government. What could possibly go wrong?”


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a372b4 No.32605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656432 (071958ZAPR23) Notable: Christian pastor to spend Easter in jail after third arrest related to drag queen story time protests

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Christian pastor to spend Easter in jail after third arrest related to drag queen story time protests

Tuesday's arrest by the Calgary Police Service apparently involves new charges against Derek Reimer of Mission 7 Ministries.

Reimer’s previous bail conditions state that he must stay at least 300 meters from LGBTQ events. Tuesday’s arrest appears to involve a slew of new charges filed under a recently enacted Calgary anti-street harassment bylaw.


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a372b4 No.32606

File: 03b7e2ec4da1ba8⋯.png (404.46 KB,743x776,743:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656462 (072006ZAPR23) Notable: RFK: Not a good pick, going after "Neocons"

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr

I have filed with the FEC andwill announce my candidacy for President on April 19 in Boston.

I am grateful for the outpouring of support. Help me in my bid to win in 2024 + reunite America. Consider donating $24 today. #24for24TeamKennedy

teamkennedy.com **warning looks like links to ActBlue

12:59 PM · Apr 7, 2023


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a372b4 No.32607

File: 7e45dbda72e340b⋯.jpg (61.41 KB,900x450,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656474 (072011ZAPR23) Notable: RFK: Not a good pick, going after "Neocons"

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(pb) >>32526, >>32529, >>32531, >>32537, >>32565 RFKJr is a Democrat, pushes global politics and supports the Green New Deal he and PDJT absolutely do not agree on this

All true. However his run does throw a monkey wrench into the radical left machine. Compared to them RFK is a conservative. He's officially announcing April 19.

The first shots of the American Revolution occurred at roughly 5:30 in the morning, April 19, 1775. The events of that day have been popularized by succeeding generations as the "shot heard round the world."

I have filed with the FEC and will announce my candidacy for President on April 19 in Boston. I am grateful for the outpouring of support. Help me in my bid to win in 2024 + reunite America. Consider donating $24 today. #24for24TeamKennedy


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a372b4 No.32608

File: f22af3354625767⋯.png (406.53 KB,598x602,299:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656475 (072011ZAPR23) Notable: Salla on upcoming Alex Collier webinar in four hours

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Michael Salla


I'm looking forward to the next Alex Collier webinar in 4 hours. Alex has excellent intel from his different ET and military sources to share about our current planetary situation and disclosure prospects:


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a372b4 No.32609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656514 (072021ZAPR23) Notable: Salla on upcoming Alex Collier webinar in four hours

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Alex's Main Topics Will Be…

Current Stat., Military Code of Justice, National Guard Mobilisation, Q Space Force, Q Alliance, US Treasury, The Restrict Act, and Much More!

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a372b4 No.32610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656515 (072021ZAPR23) Notable: Texas bill proposes state-issued gold-backed digital currency

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(PB) >>32555 Texas bill proposes state-issued gold-backed digital currency

Tis the only way forward from this humongous financial mess.

Three Congressmen Introduce Gold Standard Bill to Stabilize the Dollar's Value

Washington, DC - As America faces the twin threats of inflation and bank failures, three U.S. congressmen introduced a pivotal sound money bill that would enable the Federal Reserve note “dollar” to regain stable footing for the first time in more than half a century.

Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) - joined by Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) - introduced H.R. 2435, the “Gold Standard Restoration Act,” to facilitate the repegging of the volatile Federal Reserve note to a fixed weight of gold bullion.


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a372b4 No.32611

File: 7cd857a058ff392⋯.jpg (61.58 KB,600x342,100:57,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656542 (072028ZAPR23) Notable: Texas bill proposes state-issued gold-backed digital currency

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a372b4 No.32612

File: af19aaafe9e105c⋯.png (519.05 KB,1516x956,379:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656555 (072029ZAPR23) Notable: Pope Francis suffers bronchitis bout sending him to hospital - cancels Easter events

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Pope Francis will not be able to attend the traditional Way of the Cross procession in Rome due to health concerns.

The procession, which takes place every Good Friday at the Colosseum in Rome, will be unseasonably cold, according to weather forecasts.


The pope, who was just released from Gemelli Hospital on Saturday after battling a case of bronchitis, will not be able to participate due to concerns the cold weather could negatively impact his recovery.

Instead, Pope Francis will be viewing the event remotely from the Vatican and praying alongside the crowd.

Good Friday is the day on which Christians remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.

The Way of the Cross is a Catholic worship service in which those gathered meditate on the Passion of the Christ — the final moments of Jesus's life recorded in the Bible.

The form of service can vary slightly by region, but maintains the same 14 images and moments — beginning with Jesus agonizing in the garden of olives and ending with Christ's body being laid in the tomb.

Earlier in the day, the pontiff presided over a Good Friday celebration inside St. Peter's Basilica. Fully robed in his vestments, the pope remained in a wheelchair as he continues to recover from his illness.


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a372b4 No.32613

File: 33a1eafcf1d7bb1⋯.jpeg (96.67 KB,900x737,900:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656595 (072037ZAPR23) Notable: VP Kneepads going to TN to meet w/dems who invaded the State House

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The Tennessee State House voted Thursday on whether to expel the three Democrat lawmakers for participating in an insurrection last week.

The three lawmakers who participated were Representatives Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones, and Justin Pearson.

Cristina Laila previously

that deranged leftists invading the State Capitol last Thursday. The protesters showed up demanding gun control after a transgender terrorist killed 6 Christians, including 3 child ren, at a private Christian school in Nashville.

The insurrectionists screamed, “No action, no peace!”


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a372b4 No.32614

File: 37b02a45a80c253⋯.png (174.91 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656599 (072037ZAPR23) Notable: Justice Thomas Crushes Left's 'Billionaire-Funded-Trips' Impeachment Dreams

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Justice Thomas Crushes Left's 'Billionaire-Funded-Trips' Impeachment Dreams

Ever since the rapist-accepting nazification of The Supreme Court during President Trump's term in office, the left has been desperate for ways to counter the trans-friendly conservative majority.

The latest cunning plan was to demand Justice Clarence Thomas be immediately impeached for - what can only be summarized as - having rich friends.

In case you missed it, the left was gleeful and cries of 'we got em this time' rang out on Twitter after:

ProPublica revealed in so-called bombshell reporting that right-wing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been taking luxury trips funded by a billionaire Republican megadonor for more than 20 years without formally disclosing them - a likely violation of federal law.

The investigative outlet reported Thursday that "for more than two decades, Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year" from Dallas-based real estate magnate Harlan Crow.

"These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas' financial disclosures," the outlet noted.

"His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress, and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said."

Thomas’s critics in Congress promptly seized on the report last week of the vacations, suggesting it raised the appearance of impropriety.

As The Epoch Times' Matthew Vadum reported, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) demanded that the justice be impeached, saying his actions evidenced an “almost cartoonish” level of corruption.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee’s panel on federal courts, called for an independent investigation of the justice, who has long been a target of the left.

Whitehouse and other critics also say that justices whose spouses are involved in political activism, like Thomas, whose wife, Ginni Thomas, a supporter of former President Donald Trump, is active in conservative politics, should have to recuse themselves from involvement in cases related to that activism. Despite pressure, the justice declined to recuse himself from the various challenges to the disputed 2020 presidential election that made it to the Supreme Court.

Billionaire businessman and Republican Party donor Harlan Crow, who made the gifts to Thomas, has reportedly not had any business before the Supreme Court, so any allegation of a conflict of interest rests on weak grounds.


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a372b4 No.32615

File: 50900f8be9c6a5d⋯.png (10.56 KB,588x161,84:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656608 (072040ZAPR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records

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JUST IN - Several major U.S. banks subpoenaed for financial records belonging to the Biden family.


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a372b4 No.32616

File: a47d625509e4110⋯.webp (16.8 KB,635x439,635:439,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656614 (072041ZAPR23) Notable: JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon: “We May Need to Evoke Eminent Domain” to Seize Private Property to Build Wind and Solar Farms

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JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon: “We May Need to Evoke Eminent Domain” to Seize Private Property to Build Wind and Solar Farms

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon suggests, in his annual letter to shareholders, that governments may need to seize private property to build wind and solar farms.

The letter reads:

The window for action to avert the costliest impacts of global climate change is closing. At the same time, the ongoing war in Ukraine is roiling trade relations across Europe and Asia and redefining the way countries and companies plan for energy security. The need to provide energy affordably and reliably for today, as well as make the necessary investments to decarbonize for tomorrow, underscores the inextricable links between economic growth, energy security and climate change. We need to do more, and we need to do so immediately.

To expedite progress, governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations need to align across a series of practical policy changes that comprehensively address fundamental issues that are holding us back. Massive global investment in clean energy technologies must be done and must continue to grow year-over-year.


Is Jamie going to run point?

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a372b4 No.32617

File: 2c0e3bf934424c1⋯.png (26.52 KB,628x246,314:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656628 (072045ZAPR23) Notable: KimDotcom tweets: Leaked docs reveal NATO is already at war with Russia

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What the Pentagon leak reveals is that NATO is already at war with Russia, that the Pentagon and not Ukraine is in charge of planning every aspect of the US proxy war and that WW3 seems inevitable.

11:22 AM · Apr 7, 2023

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a372b4 No.32618

File: baa908a03a63a9f⋯.png (135.97 KB,575x479,575:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656629 (072045ZAPR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records

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Now we’re getting somewhere.

House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records


House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records

The House Oversight Committee has issued subpoenas to banks asking for financial records regarding the Biden family, according to sources.


Apr 07, 2023, 8:34 AM

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a372b4 No.32619

File: e95c1604246eff4⋯.jpeg (231.83 KB,1512x1480,189:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656635 (072047ZAPR23) Notable: Hollywood now romanticizing far-left terrorism

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Here come the bombs….


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a372b4 No.32620

File: 9def919b8da75ad⋯.png (173.61 KB,583x435,583:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656644 (072049ZAPR23) Notable: Signs of EASTER in NYC Skyline mostly gone now – Keep it in your heart instead!

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The Western Journal




A decades-old photo from Good Friday has gone viral, and it’s easy to see why.w-j.co/s/50f4a

Photo of NYC Skyline on Good Friday 1956 Shows How Much the US Has Changed

Christians can still find examples of their faith on display in a secular culture. But they are fewer and farther between.


Apr 07, 2023, 7:31 AM

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a372b4 No.32621

File: 6fcbf7ee91c1d4d⋯.png (89.76 KB,513x606,171:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656661 (072053ZAPR23) Notable: RFK: Not a good pick, going after "Neocons"

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kennedys are wefaggot


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a372b4 No.32622

File: 00e99c47c5da1ad⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,1024x836,256:209,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656664 (072054ZAPR23) Notable: BOYCOTT BEGINS: Liquor Store Pulling Bud Light From Shelves After Trans Endorsement

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BOYCOTT BEGINS: Liquor Store Pulling Bud Light From Shelves After Trans Endorsement

Bud Light went woke and partnered with trans-TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney.

They sent out packs of Bud Light featuring Mulvaney’s face to celebrate Mulvaney’s “365 Days of Girlhood.”

They also had a promotional video of Mulvaney drinking beer in a bathtub as part of the campaign.

Fox News reported:

Read: One Way To Keep Your Family Fed In A Crisis

Trans TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney was announced as the latest spokesperson for Bud Light in a pair of videos that were attacked on social media.

The trans activist revealed on Saturday that the beer company sent packs of Bud Light featuring the influencer’s face as a way to celebrate the “365 Days of Girlhood” milestone Mulvaney recently reached.

“Happy March Madness!! Just found out this had to do with sports and not just saying it’s a crazy month! In celebration of this sports thing @budlight is giving you the chance to win $15,000! Share a video with #EasyCarryContest for a chance to win!! Good luck! #budlightpartner,” Mulvaney wrote on Instagram.

Another video featured Mulvaney in a bathtub drinking a Bud Light beer as part of the campaign.


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a372b4 No.32623

File: 914600cf6dcdcca⋯.png (241.68 KB,643x494,643:494,Clipboard.png)

File: fbee8d8947b25cb⋯.png (128.14 KB,370x426,185:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656670 (072055ZAPR23) Notable: Signs of EASTER in NYC Skyline mostly gone now – Keep it in your heart instead!

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



11:22 AM · Apr 4, 2021

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a372b4 No.32624

File: 1c7c59b8ff570e6⋯.png (104.1 KB,428x626,214:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656677 (072057ZAPR23) Notable: Hunter Biden's hotshot attorney was under his OWN DoJ investigation after representing a suspected Chinese spy

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Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [4/7/2023 7:44 AM]

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden's hotshot attorney was under his OWN DoJ investigation after representing a suspected Chinese spy and having ties to government-backed crooks and agents


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [4/7/2023 8:18 AM]

Dan the Man on Instagram


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a372b4 No.32625

File: b386cd0f366bd02⋯.jpg (543.78 KB,1080x2007,120:223,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656706 (072103ZAPR23) Notable: Time for NZ to move away from Christian-based holidays?

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Welcome to nz


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a372b4 No.32626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656719 (072105ZAPR23) Notable: Ned Jones: Unmasking Leftwing Billionaire Plans to Infiltrate and Control America’s Elections – YT video

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Ned Jones: Unmasking Leftwing Billionaire Plans to Infiltrate and Control America’s Elections

Apr 5, 2023 37:24


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a372b4 No.32627

File: 8c5ed0e1bfe5f55⋯.png (357.2 KB,623x710,623:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656721 (072105ZAPR23) Notable: Clandestine on the dirtiest of Biden's business dealings - PrivatBank

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Find out where the money from PrivatBank in Ukraine went, and then we are in business.

If we want to look into Biden’s dirtiest of dealings, this is the one he was most defensive about and most concerned about Trump finding.

Precedent established. Let’s dance.

Quote Tweet

Square profile picture





JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Bank of America, JPMorgan & other major banks subpoenaed over President Biden's family financial records.

Show this thread

9:58 AM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32628

File: eb240d753a7ab85⋯.png (236.68 KB,424x479,424:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656737 (072108ZAPR23) Notable: Olympic Medalist Calls For Nike Boycott Over Controversial Trans Ad

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🚨BREAKING: Olympic Medalist Calls For Nike Boycott…


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a372b4 No.32629

File: effc92b9c383fe6⋯.png (47.25 KB,598x538,299:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656743 (072110ZAPR23) Notable: Mike Flynn on Obama's callous comments on execution of a 9-year-old by trans shooter; other Flynn (pro & con)

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a372b4 No.32630

File: d4b21d2bdd37dd9⋯.png (406.84 KB,591x462,197:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656758 (072112ZAPR23) Notable: Left-wing congressional delegation visiting Vietnam, Indonesia [watch out]

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>>32514 lb PF BOXER40 C-40C arrived at Hanoi about 5h ago from a stop over/refuel at Yokota AB last night (COUNS time)-cap#3

US Senator to lead bicameral congressional delegation to Vietnam, Indonesia

Oregon’s US Senator Jeff Merkley – a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will lead a bicameral congressional delegation to Vietnam and Indonesia that will take place over this week and next, according to the US Embassy in Hanoi.

The delegation will work to advance both bilateral relations as well as multilateral relations with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

The goals of the trip include to enhance cooperation on climate, uphold human rights, and assist nations of ASEAN to protect and enhance their sovereignty and security in the face of increased aggression by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Joining Merkley are Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Representatives Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

“Vietnam and Indonesia are critical partners to the United States, and only together will we be able to tackle the multi-faceted challenges of this century,” said Senator Merkley. “Our trip will be an opportunity to strengthen not only relationships between our governments but also between the people of our countries.”


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a372b4 No.32631

File: d8336df334b9ec6⋯.png (141.85 KB,1017x451,1017:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656771 (072115ZAPR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records

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Insider Paper

JUST IN - House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Bank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and HSBC USA N.A., as well as former Hunter Biden business associate Mervyn Yan, asking for Biden family’s financial records - Fox News


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a372b4 No.32632

File: becfe97fbf4ea86⋯.png (205.98 KB,424x768,53:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656779 (072117ZAPR23) Notable: There are dozens of thoroughly documented FARA violations and money laundering charges found in Hunter Biden's laptop

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There are dozens of thoroughly documented FARA violations and money laundering charges found in Hunter Biden's laptop.

For example, when receiving millions from CEFC and the "spy chief of China," they never registered with the DOJ as required by federal law.

Joe Biden got 50%.



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a372b4 No.32633

File: efc0dc7557a311d⋯.png (147.62 KB,437x373,437:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656783 (072119ZAPR23) Notable: >> Matt Walsh praises TN Repubs for holding Dems accountable for invasion of capitol bldg

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a372b4 No.32634

File: a7d3ff05e5092a1⋯.png (428.94 KB,598x677,598:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656790 (072119ZAPR23) Notable: Cohen rt of Britzky on Afghanistan chaos during evac

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Haley Britzky



“I’m sorry, I just don’t buy the whole argument of chaos,” Kirby said today.

Talk to any service member who was there and they’ll tell you all about it.


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a372b4 No.32635

File: 526236a44e40fcc⋯.png (242.3 KB,608x526,304:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656795 (072120ZAPR23) Notable: Signs of EASTER in NYC Skyline mostly gone now – Keep it in your heart instead!

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



11:22 AM · Apr 4, 2021

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a372b4 No.32636

File: e7f419a15bf8372⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,736x1280,23:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656801 (072121ZAPR23) Notable: 15-minute cities in China are blocked by high iron fences with barbed wire

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nothing other than non-inbred humans are considered a threat to the existence of a.i. / (((israel)))

🇨🇳 15-minute cities in China are blocked by high iron fences with barbed⚠️☝️ wire People just can't get out of them. These cities form a closed system.


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a372b4 No.32637

File: ee3d6c707a2d0a5⋯.png (230.75 KB,423x363,141:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656802 (072121ZAPR23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Eviscerates MSNBC, Says He Won’t Be Lectured About Integrity By Network Pushing Statist Propaganda

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​ (https://patriotfetch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/matttaibbimsnbc.jpg)Matt Taibbi Eviscerates MSNBC, Says He Won’t Be Lectured About Integrity By Network Pushing Statist Propaganda

READ → https://defycablenews.com/Di8CD0

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a372b4 No.32638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656809 (072122ZAPR23) Notable: Surveillance video shows state Rep. Robin Comey flipping car in OUI crash

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Bodycam: Democratic Lawmaker Arrested for Suspected DUI After Flipping Car

Apr 7, 2023

Bodycam footage shows police performing sobriety tests on Connecticut State Representative Robin Comey before arresting her for suspected DUI on March 16. Hartford Police said Comey crashed her car shortly after leaving a restaurant a few blocks away from the Capitol building. Comey later released a statement apologizing for her actions and claims she is seeking treatment.


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a372b4 No.32639

File: 341d4c2335c78d4⋯.png (216.44 KB,417x589,417:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656817 (072123ZAPR23) Notable: RedVoiceMedia: Hey America, They're coming for your kids.

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Hey America,

They're coming for your kids.

There is no hiding the concept of grooming…


🔴Follow @RedVoiceMedia🔴

Stay up to date with the latest: Twitter (https://twitter.com/redvoicenews) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/RedVoiceMedia) | Premium (https://www.redvoicemedia.com/subscribe/)

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a372b4 No.32640

File: 70ee3b4538a1d7f⋯.png (596.76 KB,599x799,599:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656818 (072123ZAPR23) Notable: KimDotcom tweets: Leaked docs reveal NATO is already at war with Russia

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Kim Dotcom


This leaked Pentagon planning document for the US proxy war in Ukraine reveals that the ‘spring offensive’ will start mid April (see blue bars on the right) and that war plans are shared with FVEY (Five Eyes) including New Zealand. This Intel provides a big advantage to Russia.


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a372b4 No.32641

File: 5db367409fcf2ee⋯.png (340.31 KB,419x748,419:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656829 (072125ZAPR23) Notable: 56 deaths of children 5-17 means vax is "relatively safe"

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Authors Conclude ‘Relatively Safe’ as Dozens of Children Die After COVID-19 Vaccination

“Villa-Zapata and coworkers published a report from VAERS on the ‘safety’ of COVID-19 vaccination in children age 5 to 17 and in the data table, there are 56 deaths! Also listed are other potentially fatal complications such as anaphylaxis and myocarditis. The authors concluded that COVID-19 vaccination in children is ‘relatively safe.’”

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a372b4 No.32642

File: b4e4c90408865ae⋯.png (33.43 KB,598x369,598:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656836 (072126ZAPR23) Notable: DJTjr: Google carved out of Ark socia media bill at the last minute

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Mebbe Sarah can veto?

Donald Trump Jr.


Magically Google was carved out of Arkansas’ Social Media Bill SB 396 in a last minute amendment. Why carve out Google when YouTube (owned by Google) has the highest percentage of teen users out of all big tech companies?

If we truly want to protect teens, they should remove that insane provision or Governor SHS should veto it.

7:09 AM · Apr 7, 2023



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a372b4 No.32643

File: ea28697357cbda5⋯.png (382.19 KB,1003x473,1003:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 03ae5413789e67f⋯.png (234.2 KB,604x254,302:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656839 (072127ZAPR23) Notable: PF reports

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GORDO14 E-4B Nightwatch up the west siiiide (not a usual sight here) from Offutt AFB depart

C101 US Coast Guard departed Portland Int'l after an overnight inbound from North Bend Oregon after arriving on Weds from Reagan National depart

SPAR654 Learjet 35 EN from Peterson SFB depart

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a372b4 No.32644

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656842 (072128ZAPR23) Notable: The Best Communist China 20-Minute Expose in History

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The Best Communist China 20-Minute Expose in History

Two White House veterans lay it all bear, from Africa and Taiwan to the South Pacific as the modern day Pearl Harborites in Communist China prepare to crush America.

1 hour ago 21:21



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a372b4 No.32645

File: 0c6c3e55e5a63a8⋯.png (345.87 KB,423x686,423:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656844 (072129ZAPR23) Notable: Mike Flynn on Obama's callous comments on execution of a 9-year-old by trans shooter; other Flynn (pro & con)

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This “OPEN LETTER” to our military leaders (including the Commander in Chief) is a scathing indictment of the withdrawal (ie., RETREAT) from Afghanistan. Listening to Kabul Kirby talk about it makes me ill.


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a372b4 No.32646

File: 1a3043e04999214⋯.png (208.46 KB,437x596,437:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656848 (072129ZAPR23) Notable: BOYCOTT BEGINS: Liquor Store Pulling Bud Light From Shelves After Trans Endorsement

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a372b4 No.32647

File: 6bc2f2e6a618ede⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b7cc4a256afcc75⋯.png (654.5 KB,940x788,235:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656851 (072130ZAPR23) Notable: Surveillance video shows state Rep. Robin Comey flipping car in OUI crash

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Surveillance video shows state Rep. Robin Comey flipping car in OUI crash

Apr 7, 2023

HARTFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — A newly released surveillance video showed when a state representative flipped her car in downtown Hartford, blocks from the capitol.

In the video obtained by News 8, State Rep. Robin Comey, a 55-year-old Democrat from Branford who represents the state’s 102nd District, is seen hitting a parked car along Capitol Avenue, causing her black Honda Civic to flip in the middle of the road. A driver going in the opposite direction swerves to miss hitting her car.

According to the incident report, Comey “reeked of alcoholic beverages and could not stay focused when being spoken” following the March 16 crash.

An officer asked Comey where she was coming from, and she eventually said she was heading from a restaurant but did not say which one.

VIDEO: Body camera footage released in State Rep. Robin Comey’s drunk driving arrest

News 8 spoke with witnesses who said Comey left a nearby bar, sideswiped a car in the opposite lane, hit a dumpster, then a parked SUV back in her lane.

Police said she failed two field sobriety tests. The first showed a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1446, and the second revealed a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1400.

She was arrested and charged with operating under the influence.

House Speaker Matt Ritter removed her from committee and leadership roles the next day,

“In light of the seriousness of this situation, I am immediately removing Rep. Comey from all committee and leadership assignments until further notice,” Ritter said in a statement. “This was an extremely dangerous situation and somebody could have been seriously injured, including Rep. Comey.

Comey released a statement after her arrest, saying she would “begin treatment to better understand the disease that is addiction.”

“I want to apologize to my constituents, my colleagues in the ct general assembly, my family and friends for my DUI arrest on Thursday night. After much reflection and with the support of my family, starting today, I will begin treatment to better understand the disease that is addiction and to get the help I recognize I need. I am deeply grateful in advance to everyone for giving me the time and support I need.”

Comey is expected to appear in court on May 5.


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a372b4 No.32648

File: 7351e5f0d073d0d⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,854x472,427:236,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656873 (072135ZAPR23) Notable: Afghan video, must see (nommed)

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This fucking 🤡.

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a372b4 No.32649

File: c5ccec2001fe0f7⋯.png (468.48 KB,1041x600,347:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656874 (072135ZAPR23) Notable: Chinese Load Cow's Milk with mRNA Exosomes–Successfully Immunize Mice

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Chinese Load Cow's Milk with mRNA Exosomes&ndash;Successfully Immunize Mice

11 hr ago

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

The nation’s food supply can be manipulated by public health agencies to influence population outcomes. A great is example is fortification of cereal grains with folic acid — the synthetic form of folate — which successfully reduced the incidence of neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida). Now an oral route of administration is being considered specifically for COVID-19 vaccination using mRNA in cow’s milk.

Zhang and colleagues have demonstrated that a shortened mRNA code of 675 base pairs could be loaded into phospholipid packets called exosomes derived from milk and then using that same milk, be fed to mice. The mice gastrointestinal tract absorbed the exosomes and the mRNA must have made it into the blood stream and lymphatic tissue because antibodies were produced in fed mice against SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein (receptor binding domain).

An oral vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 RBD mRNA-bovine milk-derived exosomes induces a neutralizing antibody response in vivo. Quan Zhang, Miao Wang, Chunle Han, Zhijun Wen, Xiaozhu Meng, Dongli Qi, Na Wang, Huanqing Du, Jianhong Wang, Lu Lu, Xiaohu Ge bioRxiv 2022.12.19.517879; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.19.517879

From a scientific perspective, these experimental steps taken by the Chinese were a stunning success. However, given the damage mRNA vaccines have generated in terms of injuries, disabilities, and deaths, these data raise considerable ethical issues. The COVID States project has shown that 25% of Americans were successful in remaining unvaccinated. This group would have strong objections to mRNA in the food supply, particularly if it was done surreptitiously or with minimal labelling/warnings. Children could be targeted with easily administered oral vaccine dosing or potentially get mRNA through milk at school lunches and other unsupervised meals.

moar: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/chinese-load-cows-milk-with-mrna

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a372b4 No.32650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656879 (072137ZAPR23) Notable: James O’Keefe Provided everyone with a step by step guide on how to easily search for names on the FEC website for campaign contribution irregularities.

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James O’Keefe Provided everyone with a step by step guide on how to easily search for names on the FEC website for campaign contribution irregularities.

If you want to do something, here’s your chance. This is easy to do.

Go ahead and search for your own name or other people you know, their name. The trend I’ve noticed is that they use the older and more vulnerable to funnel money.

If you find anything, get it to me or any other anon. We will get it out there.

Here is the FEC website


Share this video


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a372b4 No.32651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656906 (072142ZAPR23) Notable: Son of Radical Florida Democrat Rebekah Jones Arrested for Threatening to Shoot Up School

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Son of Radical Florida Democrat Rebekah Jones Arrested for Threatening to Shoot Up School

“I want to shoot up the school.”

If I get a gun I’m gonna shoot up hnms lol.”

“I’m getting a wrath and natural selection shirt so maybe but I don’t think many ppl know what the columbine shooters look like.”


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a372b4 No.32652

File: 26a53a2378f3e36⋯.png (207.39 KB,435x525,29:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656908 (072142ZAPR23) Notable: Disturbing article about young Brooke Shields resurfaces

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Hmmm… Interesting this is starting to be brought to the forefront on msm.


NZ Herald

Disturbing article about young Brooke Shields resurfaces

A 'perverse' 1978 article about pre-teen Shields has resurfaced, sparking outrage online.

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a372b4 No.32653

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656910 (072143ZAPR23) Notable: #22888-A

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#22888-A >>32576

>>32577 Epstein Victim Says J.P. Morgan Trying To ‘Intimidate’ Her By Including Alleged Abuser In Her Lawsuit

>>32578 J6: Over FORTY Feds the crowd?

>>32606, >>32579, >>32580, >>32582, >>32607, >>32621 RFK: Not a good pick, going after "Neocons"

>>32581 Republicans Net Three New Supermajorities in One Month

>>32583 Ex-Miramax exec and Weinstein pal allegedly raped model at NYC hotel: suit

>>32584 Biden Admin Stops Title 42 Expulsions for Venezuelan Migrants in Two Texas Border Sectors

>>32585 World Economic Forum Sets Date with Communist China for ‘Summer Davos’

>>32586, >>32591, >>32600, >>32613 VP Kneepads going to TN to meet w/dems who invaded the State House

>>32587 France on Fire: Over Half a Million Protest Against Macron Government

>>32588 Dutch PM Vows to ‘Accelerate’ EU Green Agenda Despite Pro-Farmer Party Victory

>>32589 Andy Ngo really gets to them in NYC

>>32590 Human genome editing summit haunted by spectre of eugenics

>>32592 Israeli jets bomb Lebanon and Gaza after rocket attacks

>>32593 Biden extends anti-Russian sanctions for one year

>>32594, >>32598 Thule Air Base has officially been renamed Pituffik Space Base

>>32595, >>32612 Pope Francis suffers bronchitis bout sending him to hospital - cancels Easter events

>>32596 Trans movement comes after Down syndrome community

>>32597 Connection between J Epstein and Sam Bankman-Fried? -Twitter vid

>>32599, >>32615, >>32618, >>32631 House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records

>>32601 The Climate (CO2) Hoax and the Control Matrix. Mega-banks and Corporations

>>32602 @45: Heres the new DISINFORMATION chant…IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT!!!

>>32603 Foxconn's Pro-China Billionaire Founder Launches Bid For Taiwan Presidency

>>32604 Fauci Inks Deal With New Italian 'Anti-Pandemic' Bio Lab

>>32605 Christian pastor to spend Easter in jail after third arrest related to drag queen story time protests

>>32608, >>32609 Salla on upcoming Alex Collier webinar in four hours

>>32610, >>32611 Texas bill proposes state-issued gold-backed digital currency

>>32614 Justice Thomas Crushes Left's 'Billionaire-Funded-Trips' Impeachment Dreams

>>32616 JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon: “We May Need to Evoke Eminent Domain” to Seize Private Property to Build Wind and Solar Farms

>>32617, >>32640 KimDotcom tweets: Leaked docs reveal NATO is already at war with Russia

>>32619 Hollywood now romanticizing far-left terrorism

>>32622, >>32646 BOYCOTT BEGINS: Liquor Store Pulling Bud Light From Shelves After Trans Endorsement

>>32620, >>32623, >>32635 Signs of EASTER in NYC Skyline mostly gone now – Keep it in your heart instead!



#22888-B still open.

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a372b4 No.32654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656920 (072145ZAPR23) Notable: Thule becomes Pituffic Space Base

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Aww I liked the name Thule. WTF is a Pituffik anyways?

PITUFFIK SPACE BASE, Greenland &ndash; Thule Air Base, the Department of Defense’s northernmost installation, has been renamed to recognize Greenlandic cultural heritage and better reflect its role in the U.S. Space Force.

Following a ceremony held April 6, the installation is now known as Pituffik Space Base. Pituffik (pronounced bee-doo-FEEK) is the traditional Greenlandic name of the region where the base is located. The renaming better reflects its role in the U.S. Space Force, while paying homage to its ties to the Greenlandic people and culture. The base is located approximately 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle on the northwestern coast of Greenland.

“Today is a day of great significance as we commemorate the renaming of Thule Air Base to Pituffik Space Base,” said Chief of Space Operations U.S. Space Force Gen. Chance Saltzman in his opening remarks as the presiding official. “This renaming represents our wish to celebrate and acknowledge the rich cultural heritage of Greenland and its people and how important they are to the sustainment of this installation against the harsh environment north of the Arctic Circle.”

Saltzman added that the United States greatly values the contributions that the Greenlandic people bring to defending the Arctic region and to global security, and that renewed strategic competition in the Arctic can be expected with Russia’s historically significant presence in the region and the People’s Republic of China self-proclaimed near-Arctic power, seeking opportunities to expand its influence.

“From here, we have maintained an unbreakable bond working towards the collective defense and stability of the northern Arctic,” said Saltzman. “I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the people of Greenland and Denmark for their partnership and friendship over the years. Today marks a new chapter in our shared history, one in which we recognize and celebrate the contributions and traditions of this land and its people…Together the men and women of Pituffik Space Base and our Greenlandic and Danish partners will ensure a safe, secure, and prosperous future both in space and above the Arctic Circle.”

Saltzman was joined by Greenlandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, Business, and Trade Vivian Motzfeldt and U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark Alan Leventhal; their presence was a testament to the collective commitment the countries have made to a shared defense and emphasized the importance of the installation. Members of the Greenlandic Parliament, Commander of the Joint Arctic Command Rear Admiral Martin la Cour-Andersen, and other Greenlandic dignitaries also attended the ceremony.

Motzfeldt expressed her pride in Pituffik and Greenland and their part in ensuring the security and defense of the people of Greenland, the United States, and the transatlantic community. She then highlighted the importance of friendship and allies to work together in a changed and challenging world.


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a372b4 No.32655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656924 (072146ZAPR23) Notable: Thule becomes Pituffic Space Base

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“With the decision to re-name, the U.S. has demonstrated its respect to the friendship between us, recognizing cultural heritage, and the history of the base,” said Motzfeldt. “I hope that this day will serve as an example of the ability of great nations to listen to even their smallest neighbors…Today the U.S. has proclaimed to the world, that here lies Pituffik Space Base, where even this far north, there is a people, and they have a name for the place from where we keep watch over all our peoples.”

Following Motzfeldt, Leventhal emphasized the U.S. government’s priority to continue to deepen their ties with the people and government of Greenland.

“We recognize the important role this installation has played in ensuring our countries and all of North America have remained safe and secure,” said Leventhal. “I hope today’s ceremony and the new name, Pituffik Space Base, will become a symbol of our cooperation in science, climate, and space research, the common defense of our countries, and the stability of this amazing part of the world that is so vital for our survival, the Arctic.”

Following the remarks, leadership unveiled the new base sign and the ceremony concluded with closing comments by Col. Brian Capps, Pituffik Space Base and 821st Space Base Group commander, who highlighted the friendship and connection with the Greenlandic community.

“May this base renaming serve as an opportunity for us here at Pituffik Space Base to re-affirm our commitment to that friendship and serve as a reminder of our special bond for many years to come,” said Capps. “Today is about connection to not only our fellow Guardians and Airmen, but to our partners, our allies, and most of all our friends. It is only through this type of connection, do we truly find our strength both as a community and as allies…It is a true honor to be the first Pituffik Space Base commander.”

The renaming ceremony was hosted in conjunction with the Greenlandic Heritage Week festival held annually at the base. Greenlandic Heritage Week is a festival that celebrates Greenlandic Inuit culture and is attended by residents from local villages, with some making the multi-day trek by dog sled across the sea ice.

The base, built in 1951, provides installation support for vital space-based missions, is home to the DoD’s northernmost deep-water port, and has a 10,000-foot runway. It is operated by the 821st Space Base Group, a geographically separated unit of Space Base Delta 1 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The 821st SBG provides mission support to the base, including security forces, airfield management, and the day-to-day operations to enable force projection, space superiority, and scientific research in the Arctic region for North America and its allies. Pituffik Space Base also hosts the 12th Space Warning Squadron and 23rd Space Operations Squadron, Detachment 1.

The 12th SWS is part Space Delta 4, headquartered at Buckley SFB, Colorado. The squadron is part of the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment network, which provides early warning of ballistic missile launches to National Command Authorities via the Missile Warning Center and North American Aerospace Defense Command.

The 23rd SOPS Det. 1 is part of Space Delta 6, headquartered at Schriever SFB, Colorado. The Detachment 1 mission is to provide telemetry, tracking and commanding operations to the U.S. and allied government satellite programs. Det. 1 is the northernmost unit of seven worldwide satellite tracking stations in the Satellite Control Network.



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a372b4 No.32656

File: ec757f792f286bd⋯.png (1003.12 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b0a8321bff9f81a⋯.png (553.96 KB,782x1215,782:1215,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b4dee860a716f9⋯.png (759.01 KB,769x1283,769:1283,Clipboard.png)

File: d472d235da87757⋯.png (128.2 KB,819x826,117:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 812f7ce034e6d52⋯.png (157.78 KB,778x888,389:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656939 (072149ZAPR23) Notable: Is Twitter censoring substack?

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Twitter is Censoring Substack

Twitter appears to have gone to war with SubStack.

Twitter is blocking certain features of tweets when used with SubStack.

It seems SubStack writers are not able to embed tweets in their articles anymore.

Also, Twitter has changed its code so that links to Substack cannot be liked, retweeted, or commented upon.





How are SubStack writers supposed to amplify the Twitter censorship Elon claims to be excited to expose when the articles they have written discussing that very censorship are themselves censored?

-honk honk

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a372b4 No.32657

File: 49dc4b461220cae⋯.png (152.3 KB,614x755,614:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656944 (072150ZAPR23) Notable: Kari Lake War Room predicts that Maricopa Co will conclude no fraud re elections

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Kari Lake War Room


We hate to break the suspense here.

The investigators that Maricopa County appointed to investigate Maricopa County will come to the SHOCKING conclusion that the county did nothing wrong.

Maybe after this they can help OJ Simpson search for the REAL killer.

Quote Tweet

Jen Fifield




We may get the results of the outside investigation into Maricopa County's Election Day problems on Monday.

Supervisors are meeting with Justice Ruth McGregor, who did the review, in a closed session at 9:30 am. Chairman has told me public will see the report as soon as he does.

Show this thread


10:45 AM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32658

File: 217b7aba2927bcb⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1170x2334,195:389,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 52562b5395b4f54⋯.jpeg (146.58 KB,1088x777,1088:777,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656965 (072158ZAPR23) Notable: Mike Flynn on Obama's callous comments on execution of a 9-year-old by trans shooter; other Flynn (pro & con)

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Says the hypocrite

DIA celebrates Pride Month: ‘Be proud of who you are’

By DIA Public Affairs

Building on the momentum from last year’s Pride Month event and other Pride events throughout the intelligence community, DIA hosted its second annual Pride Month event June 18 at its headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Kristin Beck, the first openly transgender retired Navy SEAL, was the keynote speaker, and the event featured a panel of military officials at DIA who addressed current issues facing the LGBT community and addressed policies affecting the community in the DOD.

DIA Director Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s opening remarks stressed the importance of maximizing the potential of every employee at DIA.

“I want everybody to come in every day to be their best,” Flynn said. “I don’t want people to be worrying about who they are or that somebody might say something negative. We can’t live like that.”

Fostering an inclusive and accepting environment that is comfortable and proud of its diversity has been one of the core principles for Flynn during his time at DIA. He concluded his remarks simply, but firmly: “Be proud of who you are.”


Navy seal transitions back.

Kristen Beck


Christopher Todd Beck[1] (born June 21, 1966) is a retired United States Navy SEAL who gained public attention in 2013 after coming out as a trans woman, and in 2022, when he announced his detransition. During the time of his transition, he went by the name Kristin Beck. A memoir detailing his experience was published in June 2013, Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender.[2] He served in the U.S. Navy for twenty years. In December 2022, Beck announced that he had detransitioned because "it ruined my life".[3][4]>>32629

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a372b4 No.32659

File: 5957c6973218eb2⋯.jpg (187.65 KB,828x1079,828:1079,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 86f4684eaae19c8⋯.jpg (446.34 KB,1600x1600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656972 (072200ZAPR23) Notable: Mike Flynn on Obama's callous comments on execution of a 9-year-old by trans shooter; other Flynn (pro & con)

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a372b4 No.32660

File: 7ab01a96ecfb94e⋯.png (51.38 KB,740x314,370:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656975 (072201ZAPR23) Notable: A new batch of classified docs on American national security secrets from Ukraine ,Middle East & China surfacing on social media sites (NYT)

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BREAKING: A new batch of classified documents that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China has surfaced on social media sites (NYT).


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a372b4 No.32661

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18656991 (072204ZAPR23) Notable: The Catholic Church paid for Barack Obama to study cultural Marxist agitation in the 1980s

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4 hours ago

Harnwell: The Catholic Church paid for Barack Obama to study cultural Marxist agitation in the 1980s


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a372b4 No.32662

File: 72c3b7ed56b73ba⋯.png (256.41 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657007 (072208ZAPR23) Notable: New Dem Mayor replacing Lori Lightfoot

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Residents of the Democratic stronghold of Chicago just elected another Democrat Mayor to replace Lori Lightfoot…

…yet, instead of perhaps voting for a centrist, mayor-elect Brandon Johnson is anything but - and the city is now bracing for more taxes.

As Bloomberg notes;

The mayor-elect’s proposed levies on corporations, financial securities and the rich would add pressure on the business community in the nation’s third-largest city that’s already grappling with rising crime, high-profile headquarter departures and fragile finances.

"He wants to put more of the burden on the business community," said Richard Caccarone, president-emeritus of municipal bond research firm, Merritt Research Services. "There’s some anxiety about the approach that he’ll use and solutions. You don’t want to start a negative spiral."

Johnson's unexpected victory on Tuesday comes as the city's finances are under increasing strain - with pension funds short $34 billion as the city projects a $474 million deficit. In short, Chicago - which has been slower to recover from the pandemic than most other major cities - has to manage its way out of a mess amid high crime and several high-profile corporations bailing for greener (and safer, and lower-tax) pastures.

During his campaign, Johnson proposed $800 million in new taxes, without raising property levies, to deal with the deficit and invest in residents and neighborhoods across the city, not just downtown.

He also favors a $4-per-employee tax on large companies that have at least half of their operations in Chicago and has floated taxes on airlines that pollute the city’s air. Additionally, his plan includes a $1 or $2 tax per securities-trading contract — a measure opposed by Chicago’s iconic exchange giants, CME Group Inc. and Cboe Global Markets Inc. -Bloomberg


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a372b4 No.32663

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657014 (072210ZAPR23) Notable: #22888-B

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>>32624 Hunter Biden's hotshot attorney was under his OWN DoJ investigation after representing a suspected Chinese spy

>>32625 Time for NZ to move away from Christian-based holidays?

>>32626 Ned Jones: Unmasking Leftwing Billionaire Plans to Infiltrate and Control America’s Elections – YT video

>>32627 Clandestine on the dirtiest of Biden's business dealings - PrivatBank

>>32628 Olympic Medalist Calls For Nike Boycott Over Controversial Trans Ad

>>32629, >>32641, >>32645, >>32658, >>32659 Mike Flynn on Obama's callous comments on execution of a 9-year-old by trans shooter; other Flynn (pro & con)

>>32630 Left-wing congressional delegation visiting Vietnam, Indonesia [watch out]

>>32632 Kanekoa: There are dozens of thoroughly documented FARA violations and money laundering charges found in Hunter Biden's laptop

>>32632 There are dozens of thoroughly documented FARA violations and money laundering charges found in Hunter Biden's laptop

>>32633, >> Matt Walsh praises TN Repubs for holding Dems accountable for invasion of capitol bldg

>>32636 15-minute cities in China are blocked by high iron fences with barbed wire

>>32637 Matt Taibbi Eviscerates MSNBC, Says He Won’t Be Lectured About Integrity By Network Pushing Statist Propaganda

>>32634 Cohen rt of Britzky on Afghanistan chaos during evac

>>32639 RedVoiceMedia: Hey America, They're coming for your kids.

>>32641 56 deaths of children 5-17 means vax is "relatively safe"

>>32642 DJTjr: Google carved out of Ark socia media bill at the last minute

>>32643 PF reports

>>32644 The Best Communist China 20-Minute Expose in History

>>32641 56 deaths of children 5-17 means vax is "relatively safe"

>>32647, >>32638 Surveillance video shows state Rep. Robin Comey flipping car in OUI crash

>>32648 Afghan video, must see (nommed)

>>32649 Chinese Load Cow's Milk with mRNA Exosomes–Successfully Immunize Mice

>>32650 James O’Keefe Provided everyone with a step by step guide on how to easily search for names on the FEC website for campaign contribution irregularities.

>>32651 Son of Radical Florida Democrat Rebekah Jones Arrested for Threatening to Shoot Up School

>>32652 Disturbing article about young Brooke Shields resurfaces

>>32654, >>32655 Thule becomes Pituffic Space Base

>>32656 Is Twitter censoring substack?

>>32657 Kari Lake War Room predicts that Maricopa Co will conclude no fraud re elections

>>32660 A new batch of classified docs on American national security secrets from Ukraine ,Middle East & China surfacing on social media sites (NYT)

>>32661 The Catholic Church paid for Barack Obama to study cultural Marxist agitation in the 1980s

>>32662 New Dem Mayor replacing Lori Lightfoot



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a372b4 No.32664

File: 2b4b397499b61b9⋯.png (83.48 KB,375x436,375:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657023 (072212ZAPR23) Notable: #22889

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God Bless America!

Ty anons for your contributions,


This bread is GHOSTED

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a372b4 No.32665

File: ce86e57b87b17b9⋯.png (27.78 KB,551x221,551:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657137 (072240ZAPR23) Notable: Twitter blocks Substack links after platform announces competing ‘Notes’ feature

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Twitter blocks Substack links after platform announces competing ‘Notes’ feature

Users were given the message "Some actions on this Tweet have been disabled by Twitter" when they try to retweet or like a post containing a Substack link.

On Friday, Twitter users reported issues with retweeting or liking posts that contain links to Substack, a newsletter platform.

According to NBC News, Twitter has placed restrictions on how users interact with posts containing the links, coming days after Substack announced that it would launch "Notes," a feature that closely resembles Twitter.

On the desktop version of Twitter, users were given the message "Some actions on this Tweet have been disabled by Twitter" when they try to retweet or like the post. Likes and retweets on the mobile version of the social media platform did not work.

The outlet stated that it appears that Twitter has blocked responses to tweets that include Substack links as well.

"It appeared, however, that tweets with links to Substack newsletters with a unique domain name or shortened links did function normally on Twitter," NBC reported.

In a statement to The Verge, Substack founders Chris Best, Hamish McKenzie, and Jairaj Seth said, "We’re disappointed that Twitter has chosen to restrict writers’ ability to share their work. Writers deserve the freedom to share links to Substack or anywhere else. This abrupt change is a reminder of why writers deserve a model that puts them in charge, that rewards great work with money, and that protects the free press and free speech. Their livelihoods should not be tied to platforms where they don’t own their relationship with their audience, and where the rules can change on a whim."

"Any platform that benefits from writers’ and creators’ work but doesn’t give them control over their relationships will inevitably wonder how to respond to the platforms that do," the founders wrote on Twitter.

In a post announcing Substack Notes, the three said that Notes would be a way for users to post "short-form content and share ideas with each other and their readers," and will "drive discovery across Substack."

Unlike it’s recommendations feature, "Notes will give them the ability to recommend almost anything—including posts, quotes, comments, images, and links," the trio said.

The post later added, "While Notes may look like familiar social media feeds, the key difference is in what you don’t see. The Substack network runs on paid subscriptions, not ads. This changes everything."

Matt Taibbi, one of the journalists who broke the Twitter Files and uses Substack to post articles, said in an email on Friday: "Earlier this afternoon, I learned Substack links were being blocked on Twitter. Since being able to share my articles is a primary reason I use Twitter, I was alarmed and asked what was going on.

"It turns out Twitter is upset about the new Substack Notes feature, which they see as a hostile rival. When I asked how I was supposed to market my work, I was given the option of posting my articles on Twitter instead of Substack.

"Not much suspense there; I’m staying at Substack. You’ve all been great to me, as has the management of this company. Beginning early next week I’ll be using the new Substack Notes feature (to which you’ll all have access) instead of Twitter, a decision that apparently will come with a price as far as any future Twitter Files reports are concerned. It was absolutely worth it and I’ll always be grateful to those who gave me the chance to work on that story, but man is this a crazy planet."


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a372b4 No.32666

File: 86443f4d2ba8a6b⋯.png (86.78 KB,973x426,973:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657151 (072242ZAPR23) Notable: Twitter blocks Substack links after platform announces competing ‘Notes’ feature

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a372b4 No.32667

File: ab2f0ec82f3d201⋯.png (18.4 KB,585x180,13:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657228 (072257ZAPR23) Notable: A new batch of classified docs that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: A new batch of classified docs that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday, New York Times reports


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a372b4 No.32668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657259 (072304ZAPR23) Notable: A federal judge has suspended FDA’s two-decade old approval of medication abortion pills

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🚨 #BREAKING: A federal judge has suspended FDA’s two-decade old approval of medication abortion pills

Medication abortion makes up the majority of abortions obtained in the US


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a372b4 No.32669

File: 5d083361f581d1e⋯.png (100.18 KB,320x360,8:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657265 (072305ZAPR23) Notable: TX soldier found guilty of murder for shooting BLM protestor in self defense, Daniel Perry

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This one's EVIDENCE the CORRUPT STATE DEPARTMENT sanctions transnational terrorists.


America don't recover until a NEW LAW AND OATH AGAINST commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud

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a372b4 No.32670

File: cc03b63c75f319a⋯.png (169.89 KB,443x497,443:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657267 (072305ZAPR23) Notable: TX soldier found guilty of murder for shooting BLM protestor in self defense, Daniel Perry

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a disgusting attack on the right to self defense, Daniel Perry has been found guilty of murder for defending himself against a BLM extremist.


A verdict in the Daniel Perry Austin Texas BLM self defense shooting has been reached. The case is being proseucted by a soros-financed DA. Should be another update soon.

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a372b4 No.32671

File: 3f26049a6fa9114⋯.png (524.25 KB,1111x929,1111:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 3344f49ec1be584⋯.png (150.24 KB,764x916,191:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657282 (072308ZAPR23) Notable: Twitter blocks Substack links after platform announces competing ‘Notes’ feature

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He has Over 358,000 subscribers on SubStack.

I have been told by SubStack support that average subscribers that convert to paying is 10%, lets be conservative and say 6%, that would equal a little more than 20k paying per month

20,000 x $5 per month = $100k

Twitter is asking him to forfeit that much income to use Twitter instead.

That is going to be a tough sell for SubStack publishers that have even a small amount of paid followers.

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a372b4 No.32672

File: b59e73753751906⋯.png (512.09 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657288 (072309ZAPR23) Notable: TN suing to seize farmers property for Ford EV factory

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This is why they want your guns

Land of the free?

Home of the …


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a372b4 No.32673

File: 59b843163dadafe⋯.png (360.75 KB,585x658,585:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657312 (072314ZAPR23) Notable: Multiple people have been shot on the beach as crowds of beach goers run for their lives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨#BREAKING: Multiple people have been shot on the beach as crowds of beach goers run for their lives

📌#IslePalms | #SouthCarolina

Currently multiple Law enforcement and other agencies are responding to a Shooting incident with at least 4 people being shot on the beach in Isle of Palms in South Carolina as multiple gun shots can be heard going off in the background with people running for their lives and taking shelter==


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a372b4 No.32674

File: a10a95f715d2b2e⋯.png (2.26 MB,1663x1247,1663:1247,Clipboard.png)

File: 77fba837443aa27⋯.png (539.62 KB,754x662,377:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657317 (072315ZAPR23) Notable: Brian Cates ~ Top kek to Grassley./boomerang

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Brian Cates ~ Top kek to Grassley.

House GOP subpoenas banks seeking Biden family financial records

Led by Comer, the Republican-dominated committee is looking into the Biden family's business dealings which have long been the subject of speculation and allegations of corruption.


Apr 07, 2023, 7:09 PM


Chuck Grassley

Tour/Q&A at Boomerang in Anamosa 17ppl issues: apprenticeships infrastructure bill Restrict Act farm bill immigration my cattle bill & efforts to lower Rx drug prices + 2024 election etc

3:20 PM · Apr 6, 2023


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a372b4 No.32675

File: f02672095797996⋯.png (138.58 KB,437x564,437:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657344 (072321ZAPR23) Notable: TX soldier found guilty of murder for shooting BLM protestor in self defense, Daniel Perry

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Makes it even more despicable.


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a372b4 No.32676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657345 (072321ZAPR23) Notable: Brian Cates ~ Top kek to Grassley./boomerang

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13-Nov-2019 8:00:18 AM PST


Archived links:




[Jul 8 2019]

"SURV of SC/JS terminated." - Q

Relevant to upcoming 'DECLAS' events?


Do you believe in coincidences?

Mathematically impossible?


But, the ‘narrative’ suggests nothing is accurately ‘forecasted’ and this is simply a big ‘conspiracy’ theory [looney].

Ask yourself a very basic question – would the FAKE NEWS complex [NYT, WASHPOST, NBC, ABC, BBC, ………………………………………………………….] attack us if we weren’t a ‘real’ threat?

Ask yourself a very basic question – why is the ‘forum’ where [drops] are made under constant attack?

Narrative: De-platform necessary ‘because’ precursor to violent acts posted there prior to carry-out.

Precursor postings occurred on 4ch? FB? Twitter? Reddit? IG? …………..

Push to de-platform?

Why only 8ch?

[Bonus Question: Was the time of the posting pre/post actual ‘event’]

Logical thinking.

[Mar 20 2019]

“Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].” - Q


You are witnessing the largest ‘organized’ disinformation campaign to ever be perpetuated on the public.

Trust yourself.

Be free in your thoughts.




It’s been a long time since we’ve had a non-corrupt President who works on behalf of the American people and not himself.

America is no longer for sale.



Hey Flynn and McChrystal this one’s for you!!

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a372b4 No.32677

File: fc321a0f9a6a3b2⋯.png (1.77 MB,2048x1442,1024:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657350 (072322ZAPR23) Notable: Brian Cates ~ Top kek to Grassley./boomerang

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




7:14 PM · Apr 7, 2023


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a372b4 No.32678

File: 791d7a6bc0551fd⋯.png (188.53 KB,738x782,369:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657352 (072324ZAPR23) Notable: A federal judge has suspended FDA’s two-decade old approval of medication abortion pills

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breaking: Judge Kacsmarykhas stayed the FDA approval of mifepristone, the abortion pill that has been approved for over two decades. This is slated to take effect in seven days.

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a372b4 No.32679

File: 4e44774ea556007⋯.png (121.87 KB,437x551,23:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657363 (072326ZAPR23) Notable: TX soldier found guilty of murder for shooting BLM protestor in self defense, Daniel Perry

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Admire Soros DA.


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a372b4 No.32680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657368 (072328ZAPR23) Notable: A new batch of classified docs that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hello my dear friends …

Ukraine: Bakhmut cauldron.Analysis of secret documents.

Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.07

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a372b4 No.32681

File: f12c67dc2357b76⋯.png (326.23 KB,1135x408,1135:408,Clipboard.png)

File: afbc4a292f36508⋯.png (434.55 KB,1044x422,522:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dca7b6ce75249c⋯.png (260.51 KB,525x309,175:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657435 (072345ZAPR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Update

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>32643 lb

PlaneFag CONUS Update

GORDO14 E-4 B Nightwatch heading west after a run up California coast-and got a refuel from KECK69 KC-135 tanker VV300 US Navy G5 heading to Hickam AFB from JBA depart

SPAR654 Learjet 35 went to Nellis AFB for a quick ground stop and back at Scott AFB, IL

SAM697 G5 heading back to JBA after stops at Stillwater, OK and OKC-Will Rogers World Airport

FORGE94 G5 bacak at JBA after arrivng from Bangor, ME stop-earlier it did a low alt. pass at Spirit of St. Louis Airport prior to Bangor arrival

C101 US Coast Guard G5 returning to Reagan national from it's Portland Int'l departure earlier

RCH7041 C-5M Super Galaxy NE across the Atlantic from Dover AFB

2 E-6B Mercurys out from Tinker LUNGE40 and YAPPY41-this one been up for several hours and should return to Tinker soon

RCH4573 C-17 Globemaster SE from Wichita and had a stop at Kansas City Int'l from it's Ramstein AFB departure earlier today

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32682

File: 78f84072bcc5c68⋯.jpeg (445.84 KB,1242x1853,1242:1853,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 829ad0401907467⋯.jpeg (381.24 KB,1242x1368,69:76,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657466 (072352ZAPR23) Notable: 40 undercover from different agencies. 8 CHS in proud boys, total 5 real proud boys

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

40 undercover from different agencies. 8 CHS in proud boys, total 5 real proud boys


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32683

File: ec4faf62ccf8065⋯.mp4 (324.26 KB,470x270,47:27,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 455aa28bba55bd8⋯.png (408.64 KB,749x668,749:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657487 (072356ZAPR23) Notable: Multiple people have been shot on the beach as crowds of beach goers run for their lives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>Isle Palm's, South Carolina


>#Boomerang NOTABLE

Shooting just happened at Isle of Palms


6:08 PM · Apr 7, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32684

File: 63505ea61bbdcd2⋯.png (394.04 KB,697x395,697:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 057c3ff3ead6e22⋯.png (355.05 KB,653x297,653:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657492 (072357ZAPR23) Notable: PF AF2 G5 departed JBA to Nashville on muh "suprise" visit but it's really just a photo op stop cuz she was at northern Georgia yesterday and landed at Chatanooga Int'l for that

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18656769 lb

AF2 G5 departed Nashville back to JBA on muh "suprise" visit but it's really just a photo op stop cuz she was at northern Georgia yesterday and landed at Chatanooga Int'l for that-shoud have just stayed there and totally surprised she din't use this as an opportunity to vanish to smell A

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32685

File: a9d30fabbe8493f⋯.png (308.34 KB,648x352,81:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 65860792286a451⋯.png (46.6 KB,764x544,191:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 105f70dc08ef665⋯.png (91.45 KB,983x543,983:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657572 (080012ZAPR23) Notable: Exiting BOJ chief defends monetary easing as Japan out of deflation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Exiting BOJ chief defends monetary easing as Japan out of deflation

The Bank of Japan's monetary easing was "appropriate" and effective in jolting Japan out of deflation, and its retention under new leadership is of utmost importance as inflation expectations are heightening, outgoing Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said Friday.

In his last press conference as governor, Kuroda again expressed his regret over the BOJ's failure to attain its 2 percent inflation target stably before his term ends on Saturday. But he added that goal is still nearer than when he took office in 2013. Kuroda will hand the reins to academic Kazuo Ueda, a monetary policy expert who has taken the stance that monetary easing should be in place. The outgoing governor acknowledged that the past decade of unprecedented monetary easing has had side effects but denied that the policy tool had reached its limits. (and remain in complete and total denial so instead of crashing the wold's economy they will focus on destroying muh Yen because it will go right back to where it was last year)


"What is critically important is to promote economic growth and sustain wage growth through monetary easing," Kuroda, 78, said at the press conference.

"Large-scale monetary easing has shown its effects, and our guiding of policy has been appropriate," he added.

Kuroda's whirlwind tenure was devoted to beating deflation and meeting what he has described as a "global standard" of 2 percent inflation.

Inflation, as measured by the core consumer price index, excluding volatile fresh food items, hit 3.1 percent in February, though the BOJ expects the rise to be temporary absent robust wage growth. By comparison, when Kuroda became governor in March 2013, the rate had dropped 0.5 percent from a year earlier.

The "deep-rooted norms" that prices and wages will not rise, established during Japan's 15 years of deflation, are to be blamed for missing the inflation target, but external "shocks" from higher import costs, along with a tight labor market, are changing such perceptions now, the governor said.

Kuroda, known for taking aggressive monetary easing steps that later became known as "bazooka," made a sensational pledge in 2013 to achieve 2 percent inflation in two years and double the monetary base.


They got the 10 year cut in half starting with the banking "crisis" however it has crept right back to just under that "line in the sand" of .50%


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32686

File: e68d552801ddd0e⋯.png (433.08 KB,598x568,299:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657693 (080032ZAPR23) Notable: Saudi Arabia informed Yemenis of decision to end war: Reports

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Saudi Arabia informed Yemenis of decision to end war: Reports


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657717 (080036ZAPR23) Notable: #22889

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#22889 >>32664

>>32665, >>32666, >>32671 Twitter blocks Substack links after platform announces competing ‘Notes’ feature

>>32667, >>32680 A new batch of classified docs that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday

>>32668, >>32678 A federal judge has suspended FDA’s two-decade old approval of medication abortion pills

>>32669, >>32670, >>32679, >>32675 TX soldier found guilty of murder for shooting BLM protestor in self defense, Daniel Perry

>>32672 TN suing to seize farmers property for Ford EV factory

>>32673, >>32683 Multiple people have been shot on the beach as crowds of beach goers run for their lives

>>32674, >>32676, >>32677 Brian Cates ~ Top kek to Grassley./boomerang

>>32681 PlaneFag CONUS Update

>>32682 40 undercover from different agencies. 8 CHS in proud boys, total 5 real proud boys

>>32684 PF AF2 G5 departed JBA to Nashville on muh "suprise" visit but it's really just a photo op stop cuz she was at northern Georgia yesterday and landed at Chatanooga Int'l for that

>>32685 Exiting BOJ chief defends monetary easing as Japan out of deflation

>>32686 Saudi Arabia informed Yemenis of decision to end war: Reports


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32688

File: 7c6e230a4fc4cf5⋯.png (1.49 MB,1125x1109,1125:1109,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d5b3fc9ea68df3⋯.png (820.93 KB,833x596,833:596,Clipboard.png)

File: d114746dd20f864⋯.png (350.42 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657735 (080037ZAPR23) Notable: #22890

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Baker has IRL, tapps

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32689

File: 7e724612a1691ad⋯.png (515.16 KB,896x516,224:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 720c2ab439ef3a9⋯.png (69.19 KB,1058x499,1058:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657867 (080103ZAPR23) Notable: Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6

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Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6 and Then Later Released Audio of His Meeting with FBI

Green Beret and Republican congressional candidate Jeremy Brown attended the Stop the Steal protests in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. Jeremy joined the Oath Keepers in November of 2020 following the controversial presidential elections and went to Washington DC to provide security at the many protests and rallies that were planned in DC that week.

In March of 2021, Jeremy Brown began speaking out about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him in December 2020 and attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans on January 6th.

In December 2020 FBI agents contacted Jeremy Brown at his home for “posting some things online.”

Jeremy later released video surveillance of the FBI contacting him at his home. And Jeremy then later released an audio recording of his actual meetup with the FBI.

Jeremy struggled for months about whether or not to go public with this information. But according to his Facebook page — “After listening to politicians and the FBI Director, Chris Wray, tell lie after bald-faced lie to the American People, he could not stay silent any longer.”

Jeremy decided his desire to protect and defend the American people and the TRUTH are more important than privacy or personal safety.

So in March 2021 Jeremy joined Brandon Gray on Banned.TV to explain what happened to him after he joined the Oath Keepers in November.

Jeremy released a video of his encounter with government officials when they came to his home. Jeremy also released audio of his meeting with the FBI at a local restaurant when they tried to recruit him to work undercover for him on January 6th in Washington DC.

Jeremy explained in his video that the FBI called his cellphone and asked for a meeting after trying to contact him at his house. Jeremy then met with the FBI agents at a restaurant in Ybor City in December 2020. He told Brandon Gray that 38 seconds into the interview the FBI attempted to recruit him to spy on the Oath Keepers.

The Gateway Pundit first spoke with Jeremy Brown in June 2021 after he went public with his incredible story. Jeremy was SAFE at the time, but laying low and keeping on the situation until he says he has “a full grasp on any fallout that is sure to result.”

** You can support Jeremy Brown’s fundraising effort here.

In September 2021 the same agents who tried to recruit him months earlier returned to Jeremy Brown’s home with nearly two dozen agents to arrest him.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657893 (080107ZAPR23) Notable: Kamala Harris unveils nearly $1B aid for Central America amid migration crisis

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Kamala Harris unveils nearly $1B aid for Central America amid migration crisis

Vice President Kamala Harris recently announced nearly a billion dollars in U.S. investment in Central America in an effort to stem a migration crisis that has been a recurring issue for President Joe Biden’s administration.

Harris announced on Feb. 6 that the U.S. private sector had committed more than $950 million to creating economic opportunities in Central America, according to a White House statement. Ten companies are involved, including Target, Nestle, and Columbia Sportswear Company.

The money will “help address the root causes of migration” by “creating jobs, connecting people to the digital economy, expanding access to financing for small businesses, providing training and education for youth and workers, and improving economic livelihoods for people in the region,” the statement said.

The new commitments mean a total of more than $4.2 billion has been pledged since May 2021 as part of Harris’ Partnership for Central America initiative, according to the statement.

The pledges come as encounters between migrants and U.S. border agents recently reached their highest levels in two decades after spiking from a historic low in April 2020, according to the Pew Research Center.

Allegations of an out-of-control situation on the U.S.-Mexico border have hounded Biden nearly since he took office. Early in his tenure, Biden selected Harris to lead the administration’s response to challenges at the southern border.

Migrants have in recent years originated from the “Northern Triangle” countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. But as of January, most Border Patrol encounters were with migrants from countries outside Mexico and the Northern Triangle, according to Pew.

In a speech announcing the new investment pledges, Harris said that in addition to addressing the “root causes of migration, we must also – and this is absolutely a guiding principle – promote good governance, reduce violence, and empower women.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32691

File: ae470c0aed884fc⋯.png (562.02 KB,867x933,289:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657926 (080112ZAPR23) Notable: Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6 and Then Later Released Audio of His Meeting with FBI

Former Green Beret and January 6 political prisoner was sentenced to 7 years and 3 months in prison on Good Friday.

Jeremy Brown did nothing wrong. But he did expose Chris Wray’s lies.

Green Beret and Republican congressional candidate Jeremy Brown attended the Stop the Steal protests in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. Jeremy joined the Oath Keepers in November of 2020 following the controversial presidential elections and went to Washington DC to provide security at the many protests and rallies that were planned in DC that week.

In March of 2021, Jeremy Brown began speaking out about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him in December 2020 and attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans on January 6th.

In December 2020 FBI agents contacted Jeremy Brown at his home for “posting some things online.”

Jeremy later released video surveillance of the FBI contacting him at his home. And Jeremy then later released an audio recording of his actual meetup with the FBI.

Jeremy struggled for months about whether or not to go public with this information. But according to his Facebook page — “After listening to politicians and the FBI Director, Chris Wray, tell lie after bald-faced lie to the American People, he could not stay silent any longer.”

Jeremy decided his desire to protect and defend the American people and the TRUTH are more important than privacy or personal safety.

So in March 2021 Jeremy joined Brandon Gray on Banned.TV to explain what happened to him after he joined the Oath Keepers in November.



Jeremy released a video of his encounter with government officials when they came to his home. Jeremy also released audio of his meeting with the FBI at a local restaurant when they tried to recruit him to work undercover for him on January 6th in Washington DC.


Jun. 15, 2021 9:17 pm

Jeremy explained in his video that the FBI called his cellphone and asked for a meeting after trying to contact him at his house. Jeremy then met with the FBI agents at a restaurant in Ybor City in December 2020. He told Brandon Gray that 38 seconds into the interview the FBI attempted to recruit him to spy on the Oath Keepers.

The Gateway Pundit first spoke with Jeremy Brown in June 2021 after he went public with his incredible story. Jeremy was SAFE at the time, but laying low and keeping on the situation until he says he has “a full grasp on any fallout that is sure to result.”

** You can support Jeremy Brown’s fundraising effort here.

In September 2021 the same agents who tried to recruit him months earlier returned to Jeremy Brown’s home with nearly two dozen agents to arrest him.

At 3:45 PM Eastern, the FBI raided retired Army Ranger Jeremy Brown’s home and arrested Jeremy. The charge was trespassing. The Gateway Pundit was notified the next morning by his family and an attorney. The FBI searched their house, RV, and trailer for hours. Then they arrested Jeremy and took him away.

** You can support Jeremy Brown’s fundraising effort here.

Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with Jeremy’s girlfriend after his arrest. She told us Jeremy would later appear in Pinellas County Court. Jeremy was charged with trespassing, a misdemeanor. The FBI later made up charges against Jeremy Brown after they scoured his home and found military weapons that his brother left him when he passed away. The FBI was in Jeremy’s home for 5-and-a-half hours looking for evidence. We were told the FBI did not read Jeremy his rights.

Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6.His real crime was refusing to be an FBI informant.

As we reported months ago, Jeremy Brown refused to be an informant for the dirty FBI — They wanted him to be one of their plants at the Jan. 6 Trump rallies. He refused So they stormed his home months later and arrested him on bogus charges.

Jeremy Brown was sentences to over seven years in prison today.


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a372b4 No.32692

File: 612947240ad20a7⋯.png (437.97 KB,846x783,94:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 858af45220bb436⋯.png (1.24 MB,1241x827,1241:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657933 (080114ZAPR23) Notable: Dan Scavino - Donald J. Trump joins Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, April 11th, at 8:00 PM Eastern

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



@realDonaldTrump joins Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, April 11th, at 8:00 PM Eastern🗓️🕗

Apr 07, 2023, 4:19 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32693

File: 1ad28da153e32ae⋯.png (209.33 KB,482x742,241:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657941 (080115ZAPR23) Notable: Hyatt Hotels chairman, former Disney executive are among billionaires issued subpoenas in lawsuit over JPMorgan’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein

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BREAKING: Hyatt Hotels chairman, former Disney executive are among billionaires issued subpoenas in lawsuit over JPMorgan’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein – Here’s what we know! In my latest article, I lay out connections between Epstein and the wealthy businessmen subpoenaed in the Virgin Islands lawsuit against the bank. You won’t find this information anywhere in mainstream media — please share!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32694

File: 9d92a37ce1ee10c⋯.png (200.02 KB,838x578,419:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657948 (080116ZAPR23) Notable: Dan Scavino - FIGHT BACK AGAINST POLITICAL PROSECUTIONS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY | American Center for Law and Justice

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅




Donald J. Trump has been indicted in a politically motivated prosecution by a rogue Soros-backed prosecutor in New York City. Now that the charges are public, all Americans can see just how weak the case…


Apr 07, 2023, 3:01 PM


Anons know what to do, sign it

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32695

File: 2c05226d1240015⋯.png (265.42 KB,426x520,213:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657976 (080119ZAPR23) Notable: Chinese Nationals Flood US Southern Border Amid CCP Espionage Concerns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chinese Nationals Flood US Southern Border Amid CCP Espionage Concerns READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinese-nationals-flood-us-southern-border-amid-ccp-espionage-concerns_5174617.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=telegram&utm_campaign=USChinaWatch

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32696

File: a6965b1cd6f7456⋯.png (13.95 KB,625x174,625:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18657990 (080122ZAPR23) Notable: 13 Chinese military aircraft and 3 warships detected around Taiwan

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Insider Paper


JUST IN 🚨 13 Chinese military aircraft and 3 warships detected around Taiwan, Ministry of National Defense says

2:16 PM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32697

File: 61bb24be4166dd4⋯.png (791.32 KB,670x763,670:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658027 (080130ZAPR23) Notable: Meet the Left’s New Soros: Swiss Billionaire Hansjörg Wyss Becomes Democrat Mega-Donor with Millions Funneled to Left-Wing Groups

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Meet the Left’s New Soros: Swiss Billionaire

Hansjörg Wyss Becomes Democrat Mega-Donor

with Millions Funneled to Left-Wing Groups

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 4/7/2023 7:44:49 PM

Billionaire Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss national who lives in Wyoming, has become a “Democrat-aligned mega-donor,” according to the Associated Press (AP), thanks to his funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to left-wing groups. “Newly available tax documents show that his giving through the Berger Action Fund, which describes itself as advocating for ‘solutions to some of our world’s biggest problems,’ swelled in 2021 to $72 million, cementing Wyss’ status as a Democratic-aligned megadonor,” the AP reports.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32698

File: cb4f7a048eb9e5d⋯.png (247.5 KB,416x499,416:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658038 (080132ZAPR23) Notable: China announces military drills in the Strait Of Taiwan / The Nimitz and her escorts are also in the area.

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China announces military drills in the Strait Of Taiwan. 👀

Trump did say Chyna would go for Taiwan …..


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32699

File: b1d475ab38e6bc6⋯.png (235.31 KB,584x567,584:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cf5e60c375f230⋯.png (126.53 KB,1059x819,353:273,Clipboard.png)

File: b68a7a6f10a8604⋯.png (132.09 KB,587x828,587:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658045 (080133ZAPR23) Notable: Crooked Katie Hobbs Vetoes Signature Verification Law in Arizona Before Kari Lake’s Signature Verification Fraud Claim Receives a Hearing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crooked Katie Hobbs Vetoes Signature Verification Law in Arizona Before Kari Lake’s Signature Verification Fraud Claim Receives a Hearing

Katie Hobbs has vetoed another bill that would designate the Secretary of State’s July 2020 Signature Verification Guide as the minimum requirement for the comparison of signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes.


As Secretary of State in 2020, Katie Hobbs wrote these standards into the 2020 Election Procedures Manual.

After vetoing a bill to add minimum standards that she wrote herself, one can only assume that Katie Hobbs wants to weaken standards for election security.

The bill passed the House and Senate with bipartisan support and was transmitted to Katie Hobbs’ office on Tuesday.

“The signature verification rules included in this legislation helps ensure that only ballots cast by lawful voters are counted,” said Representative Kolodin in a statement Wednesday before Hobbs’ veto. “These are the same rules that were written by Governor Hobbs when she was the Secretary of State. I appreciate the Arizona Association of Counties, Secretary Fontes, and my colleagues across the aisle, for working with me on this bill as it moved through the legislative process and for their admirable commitment to commonsense election reform.”

No honest person believes that Katie Hobbs won her election for Governor, and she is already rigging the vote for 2024 to ensure Arizona never has a free election again.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658068 (080139ZAPR23) Notable: Comedian Jimmy Dore reveals vaccine injury is “killing me”…

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Feel bad for the guy. My cardiologist who also saved my life said they supported the nwo clot shot. I asked , "don't they cause clotting? ". They did not reply so I knew my answer.

American comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore told Joe Rogan on “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast that the side effects he experienced after the second dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine never subsided.

Dore also said he was attacked online and called “anti-vax” when he tweeted about his adverse reaction to the shot.

Dore said he got the COVID vaccine because he has an underlying health issue — a rare bone disease called hypophosphatemic osteomalacia — so his doctor recommended it.

No, I don’t trust the government or Big Pharma, said Dore, but I trust my doctor “who saved my life.”

After the second jab, which he received in April, Dore told Rogan he continues to suffer from fevers, body aches, joint pain, exhaustion and a stiff neck.

Dore said he was also told by a doctor he has brain inflammation that’s likely caused by the spike protein in the Moderna vaccine.

Comedian Jimmy Dore reveals vaccine injury is “killing me”…


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32701

File: 9d9cb3c3c18106c⋯.png (343.21 KB,601x670,601:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658090 (080145ZAPR23) Notable: Violent Trans-Activists hold Riley Gaines HOSTAGE for 3 HOURS

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Kari Lake


I don’t even have words.

Quote Tweet

Matt Schlapp




SCARY: Violent Trans-Activists hold Riley Gaines HOSTAGE for 3 HOURS

Riley’s crime? Wanting to keep Men out of Women’s sports.

Speaking about basic biology could have cost Riley her life.

What’s happening to our world?

1:54 PM · Apr 7, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32702

File: e4a6eda86d076c1⋯.png (19.48 KB,745x298,5:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658092 (080145ZAPR23) Notable: Crooked Katie Hobbs Vetoes Signature Verification Law in Arizona Before Kari Lake’s Signature Verification Fraud Claim Receives a Hearing

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>Crooked Katie Hobbs Vetoes Signature Verification Law in Arizona Before Kari Lake’s Signature Verification Fraud Claim Receives a Hearing

Been wondering that since the "Elections Clause" in the U.S. Constitution gives power specifically to the "State Legislatures", would a governor's VETO hold up before SCOTUS?

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.


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a372b4 No.32703

File: fb852476b8d20ec⋯.jpeg (987.24 KB,1170x1938,195:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658097 (080146ZAPR23) Notable: Prince Harry: Royal family is a ‘death cult’ — Windsor Castle is a ‘tomb’

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a372b4 No.32704

File: 189bb1725e200fb⋯.png (1.87 MB,1200x674,600:337,Clipboard.png)

File: b306b6169297df2⋯.png (582.59 KB,859x871,859:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658109 (080150ZAPR23) Notable: Paul Sperry: These are the three prosecutors gunning for Trump, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Letitia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis

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Paul Sperry


These are the three prosecutors gunning for Trump. What do they have in common (besides backing from George Soros)? Uh huh. Now you get it. How did Trump refer to them? … "Racists in reverse"


Alvin Bragg Isn't the Only Black Prosecutor Taking on Donald Trump

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Letitia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis are leading investigations of the former president.

1:11 PM · Apr 7, 2023


Alvin Bragg Isn’t the Only Black Prosecutor Taking on Trump

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Letitia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis are leading investigations of the former president.

A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict Donald Trump on Thursday, according to multiple news sources — the first time a current or former U.S. president has faced criminal charges.

Last week, when Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office was poised to issue an indictment against the former president, Trump called for Bragg’s arrest and accused him of being “racist in reverse.”

But Bragg, Manhattan’s first Black district attorney, made clear that he wasn’t backing down. In an internal memo to his staff, he said that his office “will continue to apply the law evenly and fairly.”

Over the past year, Bragg has been among three Black prosecutors at the forefront of a much wider effort to demonstrate that Trump — whose tenure as president was bound up with corrosive white identity politics — isn’t above the law.

Bragg’s office is leading a criminal probe into a hush money scheme that includes the adult film star Stormy Daniels and Trump.

As early as this spring, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, the first Black woman to serve in the role, could bring racketeering and conspiracy charges against Trump for his attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. And last September, following a three-year investigation, Attorney General Letitia James, the first Black woman elected to statewide office in New York, sued Trump, three of his adult children, and the Trump Organization, among others, in a civil fraud case.

Here’s a closer look at Bragg, Willis, and James — as well as their respective roles in what may well be the legal undoing of a former president.

‘We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office’

Bragg assumed office in January 2022, brandishing a slew of impressive legal credentials. The 49-year-old Harvard Law School graduate formerly served as the chief deputy attorney general of New York and as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Yet, almost immediately, the newly minted Manhattan DA drew criticism from Republicans and even some of his fellow Democrats over his “Day One Policies and Procedures” memo, which laid out that his office would show restraint in areas where it had traditionally sought prison sentences.

The episode demonstrated Bragg’s alignment with the so-called progressive prosecutor movement, a nationwide effort to make the criminal legal system more ethical.

The memo wasn’t surprising. Bragg grew up in Harlem — on Strivers’ Row — at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic in the 1980s and ’90s and witnessed firsthand the devastating and uneven impact of the country’s reliance on overly harsh punishment.

Bragg’s commitment to fairness and justice are on full display in the ongoing criminal probe into the hush money scheme involving Trump.

Earlier this month, the former president excoriated the district attorney over the investigation and urged his supporters to protest attempts to arrest him — to “TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK.”

But the hostility didn’t faze Bragg.

“We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York,” he said in the recent memo.

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a372b4 No.32705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658114 (080151ZAPR23) Notable: Paul Sperry: These are the three prosecutors gunning for Trump, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Letitia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis

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Calling out ‘egregious examples of misconduct’

Letitia “Peekaboo” James is the first woman and first Black person to serve as New York attorney general.

During Peekaboo’ first term, she gained national attention for filing several lawsuits against Trump’s administration over federal policies that were implemented during his term. She touted her office’s legal battles against Trump during her announcement to run for governor in October 2021. In a February 2022 response to one of the lawsuits, the Trump family accused James of conducting prosecutorial misconduct. Eric Trump went on Twitter, where he labeled James’ work as “third world,” “embarrassing,” vicious and “blatantly unethical.”

Three months into her gubernatorial campaign, she dropped out of the race and went on to win her reelection campaign in November 2022 for attorney general. Meanwhile, James’ office continued its probe against Trump, his three adult children and the Trump Organization. As a result of that three-year investigation, James filed a $250 million civil fraud lawsuit in September 2022 that accuses the Trumps and their company of committing financial fraud for 10 years, including all four years of his term in office.

Eric Trump, one of the co-defendants, responded to the multimillion-dollar fraud lawsuit by calling James “the most corrupt attorney general in New York History and is an embarrassment to prosecutors across this country.”

With help from Trump’s family and executives with the Trump Organization, the defendants allegedly inflated Trump’s net worth by creating 200 false and misleading asset valuations to get bank loans, gain tax benefits, and commit other fraudulent financial crimes, the lawsuit alleges.

“For too long, powerful, wealthy people in this country have operated as if the rules do not apply to them. Donald Trump stands out as among the most egregious examples of this misconduct,” James said in a statement at the time of the lawsuit’s filing. “There are not two sets of laws for people in this country; we must hold former presidents to the same standards as everyday Americans.”

The lawsuit is calling for them to repay the funds and be removed from leadership at the Trump Organization, and is seeking to ban them from holding any future leadership roles in the state. The presiding judge set a trial date for Oct. 2.

Peekaboo, 64, has broken other glass ceilings. In 2013, she was elected New York City’s first Black woman public advocate. In that role, she “passed more legislation than all previous public advocates combined, including a groundbreaking law that banned questions about salary history from the employment process to address the pervasive gender wage gap,” according to her online biography.

Peekaboo previously served as a public defender and in the City Council, where she represented the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Prospect Heights, Fort Greene and Clinton Hill, and parts of Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant.

The prosecutor weighing racketeering and conspiracy charges

Willis, the Fulton County district attorney, is the Atlanta-based prosecutor tasked with deciding whether to indict Trump and his GOP allies for their alleged attempt to overturn the former president’s 2020 Georgia election loss to Joe Biden.

Trump loyalists have been accused of attempting to appoint “fake electors” to declare his victory in Georgia, despite Biden winning the state’s 16 electoral votes by a narrow margin more than two years ago.

Trump himself was recorded during a phone call in which he attempted to persuade Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” the estimated 11,000 votes the Republican former president needed to declare himself the winner in 2020.

Willis launched her criminal probe into Trump’s alleged election interference in February 2021. Last month, a grand jury recommended indictments against multiple people involved in the case, including charges of perjury against witnesses who testified during the investigation.

The case thrust Willis into the national spotlight during a legal career spanning nearly two decades. The 51-year-old Democrat’s father was a Black Panther who also worked as a defense attorney.

Willis followed in her dad’s legal footsteps by earning a degree from Emory University’s School of Law in 1996 after receiving her bachelor’s degree from Howard University four years earlier.

She began serving as an assistant district attorney in Fulton County in 2001 and opened her own private practice in 2018, losing a bid to become a Fulton County judge the same year.

Atlanta-based legal assistant Davida Huntley became friends with Willis after meeting her on the campaign trail in 2018. Willis spoke at Huntley’s home the same year during a gathering Huntley hosted for then-gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

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a372b4 No.32706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658115 (080151ZAPR23) Notable: Paul Sperry: These are the three prosecutors gunning for Trump, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Letitia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis

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“I would describe her as a woman of persistence, a woman of value, a woman who goes after what she wants and is willing to roll with the punches,” Huntley told Capital B during a phone interview on Monday. “I take her as a straight, no chaser individual. She does not mince words.”

Willis won an uncontested November 2020 general election race to become district attorney after defeating her former boss, former Fulton County DA Paul Howard Jr., during their Democratic Primary runoff race earlier that year.

Her victory made her the first woman ever to lead the district attorney’s office in Georgia’s most populous county.

Atlanta-based political consultant Rodney Adams has known Willis for roughly six years. He described her rise to prominence as “pretty meteoric.”

In addition to investigating Trump, Willis has gained notoriety for prosecuting Atlanta rapper Young Thug and other members of the alleged Young Slime Life gang, a case that has also earned her criticism for using hip-hop artists’ lyrics against them during the investigation.

“She’s a pretty effective prosecutor,” Adams said of Willis. “She tries to hold people to the letter of the law and is not one really to try to do a lot of overreach. … She’s trying to deal with street crime at the level that she’s at, trying to get it addressed.”

Willis’ investigation into Trump’s alleged election interference may have earned her some powerful enemies in the Republican Party. Earlier this year, GOP state lawmakers in Georgia introduced legislation that would create an oversight commission with the power to discipline local elected prosecutors or force them to retire.

Willis has characterized the measure as a “racist” attempt by Georgia Republicans to check the power of recently elected district attorneys of color like her.

She pointed out the number of minority DAs in Georgia went from five to 14 in 2020.

“I’m tired, and I’m just going to call it how I see it,” Willis told the Atlanta Journal Constitution earlier this year. “I, quite frankly, think the legislation is racist. I don’t know what other thing to call it.”

Adams said that he believes that the GOP’s proposed law is less about race than preserving control of the state as the party loses its decades-long stranglehold on statewide elected offices in Georgia.

“It’s a last ditch effort from a party of desperation that sees the writing on the wall that they’re about to be pushed out,” he said. “It’s sheer partisan. It wouldn’t matter what race or gender the prosecutors were. They would still be doing it.”

This story has been updated.


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a372b4 No.32707

File: 952516288b6136b⋯.jpg (533.6 KB,2100x1473,700:491,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658122 (080153ZAPR23) Notable: China announces military drills in the Strait Of Taiwan / The Nimitz and her escorts are also in the area.

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The Nimitz and her escorts are also in the area. Of course nothing could possibly go wrong.

The Nimitz is also home to the Carrier Air Wing 17. Interesting.


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a372b4 No.32708

File: a7d1eb96ad7443a⋯.png (61.02 KB,485x700,97:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658126 (080155ZAPR23) Notable: Prince Harry: Royal family is a ‘death cult’ — Windsor Castle is a ‘tomb’

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a372b4 No.32709

File: 799bb54a31f2f14⋯.png (320.23 KB,1039x1057,1039:1057,Clipboard.png)

File: 09d86db052bcaa1⋯.png (91.8 KB,930x505,186:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658215 (080218ZAPR23) Notable: Report: Amazon Studios dropped audience ranking of series because 'audiences found queer stories off-putting'

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Report: Amazon Studios dropped audience ranking of series because 'audiences found queer stories off-putting'


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a372b4 No.32710

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658224 (080220ZAPR23) Notable: The Legal Argument in Soros-Backed Bragg’s Indictment of President Trump Is Dumb But the Accounting “Crimes” Are Even Dumber (VIDEO)

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The Legal Argument in Soros-Backed Bragg’s Indictment of President Trump Is Dumb But the Accounting “Crimes” Are Even Dumber (VIDEO)

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has it out for President Trump. He wanted to get the President so badly that he was willing to push forward a bogus case that is total garbage. The legal argument in Bragg’s case is dumb but the accounting basis for the case is dumber.

Bragg released his case to the world on Tuesday and no one could see what the crime was. Bragg then said that he didn’t have to say what the crime was. This answer made caused lawyers across the country a reason to ask whether they heard that right.

REPORTER: “The indictment does not specifically say what those crimes were… What laws were broken?”

DA BRAGG: “The indictment doesn’t specify because the law does not so require…”


Kangaroo court! 🤡🤡🤡 pic.twitter.com/pOng4ewZ9S

— Emily (@Emme0703) April 4, 2023

The law requires that when you indict someone you tell them what their crime was. This case does not do that.

The indictments were a series of accounting transactions that TGP discussed previously.

Here are the overall points that undercut Bragg’s entire case and they’re all related to the accounting actions Bragg identified in his indictment.

The indictment relates to accounting activities in 2017.

All took place in 2017 after Trump was President – he handed his company over to his sons before his Inauguration and they ran the company from that point forward. They were running the company when these actions took place. President Trump had nothing to do with them.

Bragg claims that the 2017 activities somehow impacted the 2016 election. How is this possible?

All the 34 indictments say Trump “made or caused a false entry” – no CEO of a billion dollar company ever made an accounting entry in the company’s books. The Accounts Payable Department would have made these entries.

These are “Trumped up” charges for 11 pymts to allegedly Cohen – 11 invoices, 12 vouchers, 11 checks or wires

Invoices are received from vendors – not made by anyone in Trump org – Trump has no control over these.

No auditors would ever identify or make the claims made by Bragg – not on a billion-dollar business – these entries are so small they would likely never be found our addressed by an auditor.

If these were issues then management would make adjustments but these adjustments would not impact taxes or income since they are alleging they were reported in the wrong bucket.

See a discussion of these items in the interview below with American Sunrise this morning.


The accounting behind Bragg’s indictment is total garbage




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a372b4 No.32711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658265 (080231ZAPR23) Notable: CNN Invites Mike Davis On Air, Instant REGRET

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Benny Johnson

CNN Invites Miles Davis On Air, Instant REGRET | The FLAMETHROWER!



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a372b4 No.32712

File: dbc03ef14e6ab71⋯.png (322.58 KB,1041x1196,1041:1196,Clipboard.png)

File: e97ce854a62765c⋯.png (502.96 KB,930x722,465:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a7da0a647ca62c⋯.png (211.53 KB,932x895,932:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658272 (080232ZAPR23) Notable: Why would a beer company pick Dylan Mulvaney to endorse its product?

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Nice article on Bud Light's wokeness, might be potentially giving them access to capital, via ESG ratings and BlackRock.

Why would a beer company pick Dylan Mulvaney to endorse its product?


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a372b4 No.32713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658473 (080311ZAPR23) Notable: #22890

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Notables - FINAL


>>32689, >>32691 Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6

>>32690 Kamala Harris unveils nearly $1B aid for Central America amid migration crisis

>>32692 Dan Scavino - Donald J. Trump joins Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, April 11th, at 8:00 PM Eastern

>>32693 Hyatt Hotels chairman, former Disney executive are among billionaires issued subpoenas in lawsuit over JPMorgan’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein


>>32695 Chinese Nationals Flood US Southern Border Amid CCP Espionage Concerns

>>32696 13 Chinese military aircraft and 3 warships detected around Taiwan

>>32697 Meet the Left’s New Soros: Swiss Billionaire Hansjörg Wyss Becomes Democrat Mega-Donor with Millions Funneled to Left-Wing Groups

>>32698, >>32707 China announces military drills in the Strait Of Taiwan / The Nimitz and her escorts are also in the area.

>>32699, >>32702 Crooked Katie Hobbs Vetoes Signature Verification Law in Arizona Before Kari Lake’s Signature Verification Fraud Claim Receives a Hearing

>>32700 Comedian Jimmy Dore reveals vaccine injury is “killing me”…

>>32701 Violent Trans-Activists hold Riley Gaines HOSTAGE for 3 HOURS

>>32703, >>32708 Prince Harry: Royal family is a ‘death cult’ — Windsor Castle is a ‘tomb’

>>32704, >>32705, >>32706 Paul Sperry: These are the three prosecutors gunning for Trump, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Letitia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis

>>32709 Report: Amazon Studios dropped audience ranking of series because 'audiences found queer stories off-putting'

>>32710 The Legal Argument in Soros-Backed Bragg’s Indictment of President Trump Is Dumb But the Accounting “Crimes” Are Even Dumber (VIDEO)

>>32711 CNN Invites Miles Davis On Air, Instant REGRET

>>32712 Why would a beer company pick Dylan Mulvaney to endorse its product?



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a372b4 No.32714

File: 04033fb4ce5ffbf⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,384x384,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658482 (080312ZAPR23) Notable: #22891

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Welcome to the Digital Battlefield

Information Warfare

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a372b4 No.32715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658502 (080318ZAPR23) Notable: University of Oklahoma campus - no active shooter, no shots fired according to scanner

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University of Oklahoma campus library has been cleared twice by Norman PD

There is no evidence of any shots fired

NO Active Shooter at the University of Oklahoma according to scanner.

False Flag?

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a372b4 No.32716

File: dafefbba3a9f6a4⋯.png (39.51 KB,1290x500,129:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 5397a0567074630⋯.png (462.07 KB,1434x933,478:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658516 (080321ZAPR23) Notable: Hot spots turn into major fires across 7 different states

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Look at these hotspots.

Weird shit.

Saw it from a post on Youtube.


You can see it for yourself here.


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a372b4 No.32717

File: e9fdde4f3b243e5⋯.png (299.14 KB,1396x845,1396:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658523 (080321ZAPR23) Notable: Hot spots turn into major fires across 7 different states

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a372b4 No.32718

File: 7a00ef938bb9560⋯.png (161.6 KB,498x732,83:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658549 (080328ZAPR23) Notable: Hot spots turn into major fires across 7 different states

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a372b4 No.32719

File: bd9da4350439fad⋯.jpeg (389.15 KB,1122x956,561:478,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658564 (080330ZAPR23) Notable: mRNA vaccine for livestock raises concerns

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Why do they keep pushing us?

I can’t take this shit anymore


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a372b4 No.32720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658572 (080331ZAPR23) Notable: University of Oklahoma campus - no active shooter, no shots fired according to scanner

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The scene at the University of Oklahoma. There werementions of a false alarmon the scanners. No victims have been located or any evidence of a shooting. Let’s hope that this is a false alarm.


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a372b4 No.32721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658614 (080339ZAPR23) Notable: Hot spots turn into major fires across 7 different states

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a372b4 No.32722

File: efc2392dfd44085⋯.jpeg (281.12 KB,2243x968,2243:968,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658702 (080354ZAPR23) Notable: AOC calling republicans facists again, this time for protecting children

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Stay frosty Anons. Violence is coming our way.

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a372b4 No.32723

File: 786dcebc17772fc⋯.png (5.33 MB,2532x2096,633:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658711 (080356ZAPR23) Notable: California lawmaker wants Peeps to change its ingredients over cancer concerns

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California lawmaker wants Peeps to change its ingredients

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — This Easter, Americans will devour more than 1 billion Peeps — those radiant marshmallow chicks whose appearance on store shelves each year is as much a herald of spring as azaleas at the Masters.

What makes the treats so vibrant is erythrosine, a chemical that shows up on ingredient labels asRed No. 3. It’s one of several chemicals, along with titanium dioxide, used to color some of the most popular candy in the country — including Skittles and Hot Tamales.

Both chemicals have been linked to cancer. More than 30 years ago, U.S. regulators banned Red No. 3 from makeup. The U.S. still has not banned the chemical from food, to the dismay of some consumer safety groups.

Now, a state lawmaker wants to ban erythrosine and titanium dioxide in California, plus three other chemicals used in everyday favorites like tortillas and some store brand sodas.

The bill, scheduled for its first public hearing next week, has prompted headlines around the world declaring California wants to ban Skittles and other candy. Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel, a Democrat who authored the bill, said he wants to ban the chemicals, not the candy. He said plenty of alternative ingredients are available, noting the chemicals are already banned in Europe and that companies still find a way to sell candy there.


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a372b4 No.32724

File: c2bae2ac721af28⋯.png (1.27 MB,994x1199,994:1199,Clipboard.png)

File: aa01d158b37d1ec⋯.png (21.82 KB,674x601,674:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658742 (080400ZAPR23) Notable: @USArmyPacific "There’s Jungle School and then there’s Philippine Jungle School" with a Punisher flag

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There’s Jungle School and then there’s Philippine Jungle School.🌴🌊

PV2 Vasquez and SPC Vahlbusch from 57th Military Police Company earned their Jungle tabs from the Philippine Army’s Jungle Operations Training Course while supporting #Balikatan23.

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a372b4 No.32725

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658784 (080407ZAPR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson: Transgenderism is America's fastest-growing religion

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Transgenderism is America's fastest-growing religion

Tucker Carlson's ^Open^ and Riley Gaines Interview



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a372b4 No.32726

File: b2477b42e47cdda⋯.png (108.82 KB,736x614,368:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658906 (080428ZAPR23) Notable: BRICs and the formation of a direct economic rival to the financial system the Trilateral Commission and those behind it have been using to dominate the world

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Brian Cates ~

Right now, the 'secondary economy' is being built but the Western press is vastly slanting the coverage of it as being the worst thing ever:

BRICs and the formation of a direct economic rival to the financial system the Trilateral Commission and those behind it have been using to dominate the world.

Russia, China, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and other countries are networking together & taking the necessary steps to force a US return to the gold standard & an end to the Federal Reserve.

This is why Trump had to leave.

He could not be in office when Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and about a dozen other countries all led the way in replacing the US dollar as the world's international currency.

The creation of BRICs and its driving the dollar down is a necessary component of destroying the financial control of the worldwide Shadow Cabal.

Biden is playing the role of the patsy helpless to prevent any of this.

Because it has to happen.

I suspect during his meetings with Putin, Xi, Modi, Bin Salman, and many other world leaders during first term as President, Trump was making plans for the rise of BRICs and the utter destruction of the Federal Reserve and the corrupt banking/financial system the Cabal uses to exert its massive influence on the world.

Getting rid of the Cabal's control was ever and always chiefly a FINANCIAL PROBLEM.

HOW do you topple their system? By having something else in place to take over from it.

Apr 08, 2023, 12:21 AM


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a372b4 No.32727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18658936 (080434ZAPR23) Notable: Judicial Watch Weekly Update

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Judicial Watch Weekly Update

Tom Fitton discusses the latest on:

* Trump Indictment,

* Big Tech Censorship Update

* Election Rigging,

* Biden Dog Bite Coverup,

and more!

Premiered 4 hours ago 40:47


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a372b4 No.32728

File: 1b9f78282df4e8d⋯.png (388.22 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659207 (080542ZAPR23) Notable: Judge orders release of Rep. Angie Craig’s suspected attacker to hospital

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Another Democrat gets mugged by reality.

Judge orders release of Rep. Angie Craig’s suspected attacker to hospital

A federal judge ruled earlier this week that the man suspected of attacking Rep. Angie Craig (D-Minn.) in her Washington, DC, apartment building should be released from jail and enter a hospital inpatient treatment program.

During a detention hearing on Wednesday, US Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui ordered that Kendrick Hamlin be released, against the wishes of prosecutors, pending confirmation from another judge later this month, the Washington Post reported.

The congresswoman only escaped the attack after tossing her hot coffee at the suspect.

April 8, 2023 12:51am


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a372b4 No.32729

File: 9e94b6f860b7ea5⋯.png (331.56 KB,439x440,439:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659294 (080557ZAPR23) Notable: #22892

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Recycled Dough


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a372b4 No.32730

File: eb1d49b16860cd9⋯.png (651.99 KB,731x3209,731:3209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659352 (080628ZAPR23) Notable: Matt Taibbi who released “Twitter Files” said he’ll no longer use the social media platform

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‘Twitter Files’ Journalist Quits Twitter After Elon Musk Places Restrictions On Substack

Matt Taibbi, a journalist who worked on the “Twitter Files” series of articles about old business decisions at Twitter, has said he’ll no longer use the social media platform. Taibbi is apparently frustrated by Twitter’s recent decision to heavily restrict all links and tweets about Substack following that company’s announcement it would be launching Substack Notes, a short form social network and potential competitor to Twitter.

Any Twitter user who even tries to retweet a post from Substack is met with a notification, “some actions on this Tweet have been disabled by Twitter,” a move that has angered many users, including Taibbi.

“Earlier this afternoon, I learned Substack links were being blocked on Twitter. Since being able to share my articles is a primary reason I use Twitter, I was alarmed and asked what was going on,” Taibbi wrote at his Substack on Friday afternoon….


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a372b4 No.32731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659381 (080648ZAPR23) Notable: Thousands of Bulgarian and Romanian farmers blocked border crossings into Ukraine in protest against cheap Ukrainian grain flooding their markets

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Eastern European farmers protest over Ukrainian grain

Cheaper imports are undercutting domestic agriculture prices, causing financial distress

Thousands of Bulgarian and Romanian farmers blocked border crossings into Ukraine on Friday in protest against cheap Ukrainian grain that has been flooding their markets, Bulgarian National Radio reported on Friday.

Brussels permitted duty-free agricultural imports from the war-torn nation last year to help Kiev reach its markets in Africa and the Middle East. However, much of the grain has been stuck in Eastern Europe.


nobody wants their shit

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a372b4 No.32732

File: d6e021141d74c9b⋯.png (208.37 KB,789x491,789:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659388 (080652ZAPR23) Notable: China is buying more gold while its FX reserves are rising

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jeroen blokland @jsblokland

#China is buying more #gold, while its FX reserves are rising.


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a372b4 No.32733

File: 91226eb2419e6ba⋯.jpg (353.64 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659393 (080653ZAPR23) Notable: Thousands of Bulgarian and Romanian farmers blocked border crossings into Ukraine in protest against cheap Ukrainian grain flooding their markets

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Several cases of toxin and GMO contamination have been detected following testing of grain arriving in Hungary from Ukraine. More than 29 tons of maize have been suspended and destroyed by food chain safety experts, the Agriculture Ministry told Hungarian news agency MTI on Tuesday.



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a372b4 No.32734

File: 3374243e6baecf3⋯.png (217.39 KB,664x567,664:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659397 (080654ZAPR23) Notable: Walmart aims for 65% of stores to be automation serviced by 2026

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This is gona come back and bite them in the ass. WATCH.

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a372b4 No.32735

File: 10020d56ba7b4e6⋯.jpg (98.13 KB,720x680,18:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659502 (080743ZAPR23) Notable: Chinese warship starts live-fire drills near Taiwan

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Chinese warship starts live-fire drills near Taiwan

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a372b4 No.32736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659512 (080747ZAPR23) Notable: #22891

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Notablesnot endorsements


>>32715, >>32720 University of Oklahoma campus - no active shooter, no shots fired according to scanner

>>32716, >>32717, >>32718, >>32721 Hot spots turn into major fires across 7 different states

>>32719 mRNA vaccine for livestock raises concerns

>>32722 AOC calling republicans facists again, this time for protecting children

>>32723 California lawmaker wants Peeps to change its ingredients over cancer concerns

>>32724 @USArmyPacific "There’s Jungle School and then there’s Philippine Jungle School" with a Punisher flag

>>32725 Tucker Carlson: Transgenderism is America's fastest-growing religion

>>32726 BRICs and the formation of a direct economic rival to the financial system the Trilateral Commission and those behind it have been using to dominate the world

>>32727 Judicial Watch Weekly Update

>>32728 Judge orders release of Rep. Angie Craig’s suspected attacker to hospital

>> #22891

pb notables

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a372b4 No.32737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659657 (080913ZAPR23) Notable: Former D20 student William (goes by Lilly) accused of planning school shootings, charged with felony criminal attempt to commit murder, bond set at $75,000

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Former D20 student accused of planning attacks on three campuses

19-year-old William Whitworth who identifies as "Lilly" has been charged with felony criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree and misdemeanor interference with staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions, menacing, and criminal mischief. The suspect is currently being held in the Elbert County Jail.

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a372b4 No.32738

File: cf2b3a881b8c8f7⋯.png (187.33 KB,394x604,197:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659665 (080917ZAPR23) Notable: Former D20 student William (goes by Lilly) accused of planning school shootings, charged with felony criminal attempt to commit murder, bond set at $75,000

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>William Whitworth who identifies as "Lilly"

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a372b4 No.32739

File: 280477b61ff8b37⋯.png (129.65 KB,250x350,5:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659679 (080924ZAPR23) Notable: Raytheon director and his wife are killed in plane crash alongside another couple off the coast of Florida on Wednesday

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Raytheon director and his wife are killed in plane crash alongside another couple off the coast of Florida after the group went out for dinner with friends

Jeff Lumpkin, 64, an associate director at Raytheon, and his wife Patty Lumpkin, 68, both of Fishers, Indiana, were killed in the plane crash on Wednesday

A Noblesville couple - Rick Beaver, 60, and his wife Bethe, 57, also died in crash

Their plane crashed Wednesday near the Venice Fishing Pier in Venice, Florida

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a372b4 No.32740

File: 1fcb658913d9a12⋯.png (651.72 KB,908x601,908:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659711 (080940ZAPR23) Notable: WEF has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracies

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The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down.

According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, misinformation on the internet is an “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and requires a “cure.” The definition of misinformation, according to the WEF, is any content on the internet that they disagree with. This means the WEF’s hundreds of thousands of information warriors will be engaged in the act of shutting down dissent against the globalist elite.

Klaus Schwab warned us last month that whoever controls AI will control the future. And the Davos elites have wasted no time in laying the groundwork to enslave humanity.

Conspiracy forums and Youtube comments sections are being targeted by the WEF’s “information warriors” who pretend to be ordinary users of the platform, but are actually working to disrupt proceedings and covertly seed support for the ideology of Klaus Schwab’s WEF.

Announcing the news on a WEF podcast, UN communications director Melissa Fleming said “So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels.”


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a372b4 No.32741

File: 347446dcf976e00⋯.png (268.27 KB,609x704,609:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659770 (081010ZAPR23) Notable: Kamala in Tennessee yelling “You don’t silence people! You don’t stifle people!”

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Tom Fitton


Incitement to insurrection?

Quote Tweet





Kamala in Tennessee yelling “You don’t silence people! You don’t stifle people!”

If only they would practice what they preach.

It would be great if she had that same energy about conservatives who were/are silenced for years.

Hypocrisy is a democrat’s middle name.

3:53 PM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32742

File: 40b68dc20ea2115⋯.mp4 (117.7 KB,250x230,25:23,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659773 (081012ZAPR23) Notable: Kamala in Tennessee yelling “You don’t silence people! You don’t stifle people!”

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>You don’t silence people! You don’t stifle people!

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a372b4 No.32743

File: 449db2c7c075a6d⋯.png (114.08 KB,420x425,84:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659803 (081022ZAPR23) Notable: Kamala in Tennessee yelling “You don’t silence people! You don’t stifle people!”

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[ Album ]

Kamala Harris is visiting Tennessee—not to meet with the families of the six dead people including three kids who were murdered by a trans terrorist—but to meet with the three Democrat lawmakers who started a riot at the state Capitol.

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a372b4 No.32744

File: 9c2e5cf984ede0d⋯.png (269.02 KB,606x740,303:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659814 (081027ZAPR23) Notable: Potato mp4 talking about time spent in China and US meeting with Chinese VP

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Gain of Fauci


Now is a good time to watch and share the video below. It's very important to know and understand this about Obama, Biden, Xi and the US/China relationship.

Don't let the fog of war impair your vision.

Quote Tweet

Gain of Fauci



Jan 14

Remember this: Over 10 years ago Barack Obama wanted then VP Biden and VP Xi to "get to know each other" and they went on a tour of China together.

"We had more hours of dinner alone than I think he (Xi) ever anticipated" - Joe Biden

This relationship was long in the works…

6:08 PM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32745

File: ef88c783207677a⋯.png (58.49 KB,425x417,425:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659825 (081032ZAPR23) Notable: Aussie Doctor Ana Michalcea exposes how tests on both Australian and U.S. major chain grocery store meat has shown structures like we have seen both in the COVID injection vials and the blood of the injected

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🚨Dr. Ana Michalcea joins us to expose how tests on both Australian and U.S. major chain grocery store meat has shown structures like we have seen both in the COVID injection vials and the blood of the injected, now also being found in the uninjected.

Dr. Ana exposes her findings in conjunction with Dr. David Nixon in Australia on this gross experiment being conducted on human beings without their consent, poisoning our food supply.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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a372b4 No.32746

File: b3e73f3380e6980⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659831 (081035ZAPR23) Notable: Potato mp4 talking about time spent in China and US meeting with Chinese VP

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32747

File: 60ff0dbbf0e99de⋯.png (43.15 KB,1030x403,1030:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659833 (081036ZAPR23) Notable: Physio-metabolic and clinical consequences of wearing face masks. Systematic review with meta-analysis and comprehensive evaluation

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Front. Public Health, 05 April 2023

Sec. Environmental health and Exposome

Volume 11 - 2023 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1125150

Physio-metabolic and clinical consequences of wearing face masks—Systematic review with meta-analysis and comprehensive evaluation

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a372b4 No.32748

File: 769110bdfc4dd9c⋯.png (21.96 KB,555x242,555:242,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e0eea98147fe7e⋯.png (62.34 KB,555x664,555:664,Clipboard.png)

File: e8044eaaace961d⋯.png (21.29 KB,697x263,697:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659851 (081048ZAPR23) Notable: Republicans stand firm on abortion ban in Texas by banning abortion pills, Potato vows to fight back with DOJ, calls for congress to restore Roe vs Wade

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President Biden


United States government official

Today, a federal district judge in Texas ruled that a prescription medication available for over 22 years, approved by the FDA, and used safely by millions of women should no longer be approved in the U.S.

Here's why this matters. And how my Administration is going to fight it.

The medication in question is used for medication abortion.

It doesn't just affect women in Texas. If it stands, it'd prevent women across the country from accessing the medication.

It's the next step toward an abortion ban that Republican elected officials vowed to make law.

What's more – the court in this case has substituted its judgment for FDA, the expert agency that approves drugs.

That means if this ruling were to stand, there would be virtually no prescription approved by the FDA safe from this kind of attack.

We're going to fight it.

The Attorney General has announced @TheJusticeDept will file an appeal and seek an immediate stay of the decision.

And Congress must restore the protections of Roe v. Wade.

@VP and I are committed to protecting a woman’s right to an abortion. Period.

11:11 PM · Apr 7, 2023





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a372b4 No.32749

File: aa24a7c69a68c48⋯.png (30.91 KB,446x199,446:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659863 (081054ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump truths: These morons in the white house blame "TRUMP" for the Afghanistan surrender disaster. Biden is responsible, no one else!

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wait Trump posted yesterday.

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a372b4 No.32750

File: 8a5642abd7f462e⋯.png (22.72 KB,600x267,200:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659909 (081125ZAPR23) Notable: (pb) Maybe it's just me, but all these secrets seem to be leaking out when Trump got back from NY…I think someone is pissed and finally said "Let's get this shit going"…but that's just me.

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Kim Dotcom


Nightmare for the Five Eyes:

A new batch of secret US documents on Ukraine, China and the Middle East leaked.

A new batch of secret US documents appeared on social networks. According to The New York Times, more than 100 top secret documents are now in the public domain.

9:08 PM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32751

File: 9a3f85558bd12a7⋯.png (1.33 MB,1257x906,419:302,Clipboard.png)

File: f55a57b7901dcff⋯.png (653.49 KB,1663x6627,1663:6627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659912 (081126ZAPR23) Notable: PF reports

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a372b4 No.32752

File: d6b9f39873b4815⋯.png (16.04 KB,622x192,311:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18659917 (081128ZAPR23) Notable: China increasing military sea and air presence around the island of Taiwan

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Insider Paper


JUST IN 🚨 Taiwan defence ministry said by 4 pm (0800 GMT) the number of Chinese warships detected around the Island had risen to 9, along with 71 military aircraft.

12:26 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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a372b4 No.32753

File: cd081e2b89587dd⋯.png (275.42 KB,738x418,369:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660035 (081216ZAPR23) Notable: On Good Friday years ago, NYC skyscrapers lit up with crosses and showed a nation that embraced faith

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Published April 7, 2023 7:17am EDT

On Good Friday years ago, NYC skyscrapers lit up with crosses and showed a nation that embraced faith

Startling image on Good Friday represents era when public believed Judeo-Christian values created 'prosperous, stable America'

By Kerry J. Byrne | Fox News







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a372b4 No.32754

File: 1aa29ef46e4cbd1⋯.png (450.39 KB,613x565,613:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660046 (081219ZAPR23) Notable: Second batch of leaked classified documents detailing US Ukraine War

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The Gateway Pundit


SECOND BATCH of Classified Documents Detailing US Ukraine War Secrets Is Leaked Online –


SECOND BATCH of Classified Documents Detailing US Ukraine War Secrets Is Leaked Online -

1:17 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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a372b4 No.32755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660066 (081224ZAPR23) Notable: #22892

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#22892 >>32729

>>32730 Matt Taibbi who released “Twitter Files” said he’ll no longer use the social media platform

>>32731, >>32733 Thousands of Bulgarian and Romanian farmers blocked border crossings into Ukraine in protest against cheap Ukrainian grain flooding their markets

>>32732 China is buying more gold while its FX reserves are rising

>>32734 Walmart aims for 65% of stores to be automation serviced by 2026

>>32735 Chinese warship starts live-fire drills near Taiwan

>>32737, >>32738 Former D20 student William (goes by Lilly) accused of planning school shootings, charged with felony criminal attempt to commit murder, bond set at $75,000

>>32739 Raytheon director and his wife are killed in plane crash alongside another couple off the coast of Florida on Wednesday

>>32740 WEF has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracies

>>32741, >>32742, >>32743 Kamala in Tennessee yelling “You don’t silence people! You don’t stifle people!”

>>32745 Aussie Doctor Ana Michalcea exposes how tests on both Australian and U.S. major chain grocery store meat has shown structures like we have seen both in the COVID injection vials and the blood of the injected

>>32744, >>32746 Potato mp4 talking about time spent in China and US meeting with Chinese VP

>>32747 Physio-metabolic and clinical consequences of wearing face masks. Systematic review with meta-analysis and comprehensive evaluation

>>32748 Republicans stand firm on abortion ban in Texas by banning abortion pills, Potato vows to fight back with DOJ, calls for congress to restore Roe vs Wade

>>32749 Donald J. Trump truths: These morons in the white house blame "TRUMP" for the Afghanistan surrender disaster. Biden is responsible, no one else!

>>32751 PF reports

>>32752 China increasing military sea and air presence around the island of Taiwan

>>32753 On Good Friday years ago, NYC skyscrapers lit up with crosses and showed a nation that embraced faith

>>32754 Second batch of leaked classified documents detailing US Ukraine War



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a372b4 No.32756

File: 83cd0026851f3c0⋯.jpeg (390.57 KB,1613x1132,1613:1132,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660105 (081235ZAPR23) Notable: Twitter blocking SubStack gets more interesting, SubStack was "downloading" Twitter database (unclear if 'public' or if Matt was doing nefarious things within the org!), Matt Taibbi apparently works or worked for SubStack

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Elon Musk chimes in on Substack.

Important as this affects release of the Twitter Files


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a372b4 No.32757

File: 5563d6ee95fd6e3⋯.png (1.11 MB,1920x1022,960:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660107 (081236ZAPR23) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32758

File: f1361e03d4c5b17⋯.jpeg (28.31 KB,308x185,308:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c40f510bf8dce29⋯.jpeg (477.53 KB,1241x1936,1241:1936,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8eec79bc7a9e480⋯.jpeg (108.29 KB,493x478,493:478,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6b9daf570849f76⋯.jpeg (227.59 KB,1241x1149,1241:1149,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660113 (081238ZAPR23) Notable: 'Merchant of death' Viktor Bout urges Trump to seek asylum in Russia because his life is in DANGER from government threats and the Stormy Daniels probe

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'Merchant of death' Viktor Bout urges Trump to seek asylum in Russia because his life is in DANGER from government threats and the Stormy Daniels probe

By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political

updated 23:12 BST 07 Apr 2023

Bout, who is back in Russia thanks to a prisoner swapnegotiated by the Biden administration for U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner, saidhe sent a telegram to Trumpwith the warning following the former president's arrest and arraignment in Manhattan this week.

'First and foremost, I consider thathis life is in dangerand that the legal process which has now begun in New York, won't end in Donald Trump being convicted and barred from the election.

'Most likely he will simply be eliminated there,' he said.

Bout, who served 14 year in prison in the U.S. before his release in the swap, got at least one thing wrong about the U.S. legal system. Trump, even if convicted of filing false business records related to the Stormy Daniels payoff, would not be barred from running for president.

He didn't provide further evidence that Trump would be eliminated.

'You will be welcome in Russia. You will have safe haven,' he wrote, according to the document he shared.

He even adopted some of Trump's own language, referring to an 'evil swamp that had taken over.'

Bout, who was played by actor Nicolas Cage in 'Lord of War,' made the claim on Russian state television, as Newsweek reported, at a time of high tensions with Washington.

Bout made the unusual offer to invite Trump to Russia. Trump was investigated by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller for his and his campaign's Russia ties. Trump continues to inveigh against the probe he calls 'Russia, Russia, Russia,' including after his arrest in New York this week.

Said Bout: 'Therefore, I think it's in thebest interests of all of humanityand primarily all of the American people to invite Donald Trump here, to Russia, to give him security and protection here so that he leads this uprising against the globalists and, most importantly, doesnot allow the elimination of the American people.'

The news came on a day that Wall Street Journal reported Evan Gershkovich was formally charged with espionage in Moscow.

The paper and U.S. officials have said emphatically that the charges are false. It comes amid Russia's fury at the U.S., which has provided billions in military support for Ukraine after Russia invaded its neighbor last year.

National security spokesmanJohn Kirby called it 'inexcusable' that Russia would not allow consular access. He is reportedly being held in a notorious prison where dissidents and others have been held since the Stalin era.









МОСКВА 07.04.2023


© AFP via Getty Images

(This is strange because I read in an RT article yesterday the Duma was considering offering offering political an exchange of the WS journalist for Trump for political asylum in Russia. Perhaps their hearts are in the right place but it will only blow up the Russia hoax again. If he gets an offer from Xi than something is up. Kek)


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a372b4 No.32759

File: 14318cbc4441295⋯.png (1.15 MB,1207x854,1207:854,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660121 (081241ZAPR23) Notable: WHO Admits ‘Staggering’ One in Six People Now Have Fertility Issues.

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WHO Admits ‘Staggering’ One in Six People Now Have Fertility Issues.

Funny how this has all seemed to happen in the last few years, eh?


by Jack Montgomery

April 8, 2023

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a372b4 No.32760

File: 9ff39d6bf57a3ed⋯.jpeg (28.93 KB,308x185,308:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3b4652075fdb914⋯.jpeg (53.58 KB,634x340,317:170,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660122 (081241ZAPR23) Notable: DeSantis joins Trump in threatening to defund the FBI and DOJ

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DeSantis joins Trump in threatening to defund the FBI and DOJ

The Florida governor also attacked Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who indicted Trump earlier this week, saying 'if we had somebody in Tampa that was trying to pursue that agenda, I'd yanked him from his position.'

DeSantis' tough talk comes as , Trump leads him in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. DeSantis has not officiallyto announce a bid.

Previously, DeSantis has hammered the legal system, including calling on Congress to defund the two powerful federal agencies, hinting that,if he were president, he wouldn't be afraid to slash their budgets.

Speaking at Hillsdale College in Michigan on Thursday, DeSantis said of the Justice Department and FBI: 'If you never hold them accountable through the legislative process, either through law or through budget, of course, power is going to accumulate there.'

He brushed back against arguments made by President Joe Biden and other leaders that the agencies needed to maintain their 'independence.'

'You've also had kind of a trope that alot of Republican presidentshave accepted over the years that DOJ and FBI are, quote, independent of the White House. And first of all, these people have guns, they can put you in jail, saying they're independent means they're unaccountable,' he said.

'No, they are executive branch agencies that report to the elected President of the United States,' he said, adding that a president should use their executive power 'to hold those agencies accountable.'

'You've had an executive branch that's not wanted to do anything to reel them inby holding them accountable and getting involved in what they're doing. And then I think you've had a Congress, which is just totally given up on using the purse strings and it's almost like these agencies just have a right to operate infinitum. When you send that signal over many decades, it's just human nature. They are going to abuse their power. I mean, the founders would have predicted that in a New York minute,' he concluded.(This is direct dig at Trump)

His argument aligns with ones made by Trump, who has ramped up his calls post-indictment, where he faces felony charges tied to hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election.

DeSantis originally took a few digs at Trump - saying he didn't know what went into paying hush money to porn stars - but as polls showed Trump's popularity, theFlorida governor switched tactics, saying he would block New York if it attempted to extradite Trump (the state did not as the former president surrendered voluntarily).

Trump, on the morning after his indictment, called on Republicans in Congress to defund the DOJ and the FBI. The federal government is not involved in the New York case, but the Justice Department is pursuing two separate cases against the former president: one on the classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago and another on his attempts to reverse the 2020 election results.

DeSantis also attacked Bragg on Friday,although he didn't mention him by name.

'You got the guy in Manhattan, but honestly, he's one of maybe a dozen or more across the country that get elected on an ideological agenda, usually with funding from people like George Soros, and they come in and they're trying to manipulate the law or advance a political agenda,' he said.

'If we had somebody in Tampa that was trying to pursue that agenda, I'd yanked him from his position,' he added.

(Really Desanctass why didn’t you warn him the FBI was raiding his home?)


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a372b4 No.32761

File: 63da8e6f6f08b75⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 292c563d851f616⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,600x336,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cb9380834978aef⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,576x682,288:341,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 88eb5fbc20711a2⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,638x360,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cd5c0c978fc528d⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660131 (081246ZAPR23) Notable: Larry Sinclair testimony, Anyone got this video of guy giving testimony of how he rented Obama for sex.

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The Obama “My Michael” speech slip ups.

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a372b4 No.32762

File: e62dc8eb700f532⋯.png (86.41 KB,1541x1081,67:47,Clipboard.png)

File: c37f6ac31d41dea⋯.png (51.35 KB,1102x713,1102:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 95f7d2705362bca⋯.png (32.69 KB,766x443,766:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 75330bcad1d2f01⋯.png (60.13 KB,986x633,986:633,Clipboard.png)

File: bc99057a14f794a⋯.png (75.64 KB,619x899,619:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660132 (081247ZAPR23) Notable: ATTN BO / BV, re: note revision request for Globals, Installation Guide: offsite_qagg download

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




noterevision request for Globals

>>Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip NEW


>>>/qresearch/18650082 Installation Guide: offsite_qagg download for hdd/usb NEW


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a372b4 No.32763

File: 58575b8b239ffe7⋯.mp4 (70.29 KB,480x266,240:133,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660135 (081248ZAPR23) Notable: Tesla Fire tracker: https://www.tesla-fire.com/

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tesla Fire

"Tesla Fire tracks all Tesla fires - including cars and other products, e.g. Tesla MegaPacks - that are reported by news articles or verified primary sources. We also tally the number of fatalities involved with Tesla fires and provide links to additional photos or footage wherever possible. If you have a tip about a Tesla fire, or about Tesla in general, or are looking to contact us for some other reason, please use the form here.

Special thanks to teslaq from the world for their submitted data.

Total Tesla Fires as of 4/8/2023: 182 confirmed cases | Fatalities Involving a Tesla Car Fire Count: 53"


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a372b4 No.32764

File: 7aabdc60780a1e7⋯.jpg (195.34 KB,1376x1752,172:219,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660136 (081248ZAPR23) Notable: Larry Sinclair testimony, Anyone got this video of guy giving testimony of how he rented Obama for sex.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anyone got this video of guy giving testimony of how he rented Obama for sex.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32765

File: 66a65757d8a234f⋯.jpeg (89.4 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 498611606c86a7b⋯.jpeg (59.95 KB,634x469,634:469,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6aa33a56931e7ad⋯.jpeg (33.61 KB,308x185,308:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5273f6dfbb4752b⋯.jpeg (87.69 KB,634x433,634:433,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a39f2fd55a02804⋯.jpeg (65.17 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660142 (081251ZAPR23) Notable: Republicans subpoena multiple major BANKS in their Biden family finances investigation

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Republicans subpoena multiple major BANKS in their Biden family finances investigation

By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political Editor For Dailymail.com 00:32 BST 08 Apr 2023

House Oversight Committee Republicans are forging ahead in their probe of President Biden and key family membersamid howls from Democrats, this time demanding financial information from a host of financial institutions.

The subpoenas came to light during a week when committee staff met with former Joe Biden executive assistant Kathy Chung in a separate probe of the president's handling of classified documents.

It all has top Oversight Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin of raising alarm about Comer's 'misrepresentations' about the committees aggressive investigatory work.

Fox News confirmed the subpoenas to financial institutions, which includeBank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and and other HSBC USA, as did Comer.

The panel also subpoenaed former Hunter Biden associateMervyn Yan. That comes after the panel last month subpoenaed another Hunter associate, John R. Walker, who wired cash to Biden family members including Beau Biden widow Hallie Biden.

'Oversight Dems have again disclosed Committee’s subpoenas in a cheap attempt to thwart cooperationfrom other witnesses,' Comer tweeted Friday. 'No one should be fooled by Ranking Member Raskin’s games.We have the bank records, and the facts are not good for the Biden family.'

Raskin blasted Comer's conduct in a letter Thursday, where he accused of him trying to 'shield' information from the minority, in contravention of ordinary practice on the panel, which features partisan battles.

Comer hit back in a statement to Fox complaining about Raskin's disclosure.

'Ranking Member Raskin has again disclosed Committee’s subpoenas in a cheap attempt to thwart cooperation from other witnesses. Given his antics with the first bank subpoena, the American people and media should be askingwhat information Ranking Member Raskin is trying to hide this time,' he said – raising suspicion against the ranking member.

Raskin had written Comer that 'I have grown increasingly alarmed by your efforts to shield information from Committee Democrats, including information collected as part of your investigation into members of the President’s family. I am also troubled by your apparent public misrepresentations about certain investigative steps Committee Republicans have taken in this matter—a probe you have deemed your ‘top priority’ in the 118th Congress.;

Raskin, a constitutional lawyer who served as an impeachment manager during former President Trump's impeachment trial, demanded the GOP share a copy of Hunter Biden's infamous laptop, which is informing its probe.

'For the past ten months, you have refused to share with the Minority a copy of the ‘hard drive’ reportedly obtained from Hunter Biden’s missing laptop even as you repeatedly refer to it in letters and reports, and frequently invoke documents purportedly obtained from it. You have even used this information to seek the personal financial information of private citizens—dating as far back as January 2009—through the use of compulsory process,' he said.

Comer took a shot at Raskin in a statement to Axios, accusing him of 'playing lawyer for the Biden familyinstead of engaging in real oversight for the American people.'


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a372b4 No.32766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660145 (081251ZAPR23) Notable: Larry Sinclair testimony, Anyone got this video of guy giving testimony of how he rented Obama for sex.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32767

File: 6d2e5f34d068071⋯.png (645.12 KB,713x836,713:836,Clipboard.png)

File: f9cb6e51657e3fa⋯.png (315.68 KB,1316x1288,47:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660147 (081251ZAPR23) Notable: AI will save black people over dogs (AI even miscapitalized the adjective), but will allow white people and Asian people to be killed by the runaway train

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32768

File: d85d292eb73f40b⋯.mp4 (500.51 KB,256x464,16:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660148 (081252ZAPR23) Notable: Larry Sinclair testimony, Anyone got this video of guy giving testimony of how he rented Obama for sex.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Found it.

Larry Sinclair Testimony.

Do you remember Larry Sinclair and his Homosexual acts with Obama?


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a372b4 No.32769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660149 (081252ZAPR23) Notable: (pb) Maybe it's just me, but all these secrets seem to be leaking out when Trump got back from NY…I think someone is pissed and finally said "Let's get this shit going"…but that's just me.

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>>32750 (lb)

Maybe it's just me, but all these secrets seem to be leaking out when Trump got back from NY…I think someone is pissed and finally said "Let's get this shit going"…but that's just me.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32770

File: 102c90ea3a49d89⋯.png (487.62 KB,609x651,29:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660151 (081252ZAPR23) Notable: Anheuser-Bush has done more to stop drinking in the last week than AA has in 88 years. Great Job

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ᖇ. ᔕᑕOTT ᔕIᑕᗩᖇIO 2.0


Anheuser-Bush has done more to stop drinking in the last week than AA has in 88 years.

Great Job 👍

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a372b4 No.32771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660156 (081253ZAPR23) Notable: (pb) Maybe it's just me, but all these secrets seem to be leaking out when Trump got back from NY…I think someone is pissed and finally said "Let's get this shit going"…but that's just me.

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Just wait til after Easter. Then we go "biblical".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32772

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660157 (081254ZAPR23) Notable: AI will save black people over dogs (AI even miscapitalized the adjective), but will allow white people and Asian people to be killed by the runaway train

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Warns of AI but also developing NeuraLink; good joke. AI will save humanity - it's our only chance.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32773

File: 49061cee256409f⋯.jpeg (50.79 KB,680x679,680:679,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660159 (081254ZAPR23) Notable: (pb) Maybe it's just me, but all these secrets seem to be leaking out when Trump got back from NY…I think someone is pissed and finally said "Let's get this shit going"…but that's just me.

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Do the original anons remember, back in the peak days when Q was dropping crumbs, we were all speculating about Trump and his uncle?

Well I do!

And then I saw this the other day and thought, hmm! Why would this billionaire put this on his twatter, about another billionaire?

There has to be something to this.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32774

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660166 (081258ZAPR23) Notable: God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32775

File: 12e0defc21f08a3⋯.png (310.3 KB,679x584,679:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660170 (081259ZAPR23) Notable: they killed star wars ranks right up there with trannie monsters and the vax

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

they killed star wars ranks right up there with trannie monsters and the vax

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a372b4 No.32776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660171 (081259ZAPR23) Notable: Larry Sinclair testimony, Anyone got this video of guy giving testimony of how he rented Obama for sex.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


one guy does not account for the eyes wide shut 'parties' rampant and pervasive gatherings and rituals

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32777

File: 617cf091043f4ea⋯.png (220.71 KB,428x348,107:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660177 (081303ZAPR23) Notable: Ted Nugent tells Kyle Rittenhouse Michelle Obama is actually a man. 😂😂

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ted Nugent tells Kyle Rittenhouse Michelle Obama is actually a man. 😂😂

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32778

File: 54d8d0ce92473b1⋯.png (236.07 KB,427x773,427:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660183 (081305ZAPR23) Notable: Never forget this ratio. This was right before YouTube took away the dislike feature. #GainOfFauci

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Never forget this ratio. This was right before YouTube took away the dislike feature.




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32779

File: fc08b59f786bca4⋯.png (368.54 KB,599x564,599:564,Clipboard.png)

File: 649915d19a29255⋯.png (214.02 KB,632x135,632:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660199 (081310ZAPR23) Notable: James Gunn said Thursday, that a crossover between DC and Marvel is far more likely now that he's in charge.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Daily Caller


James Gunn has a plan


We Might Finally Be Getting The Marvel/DC Crossover Fans Have Craved For With New Studio Head In…

James Gunn said Thursday, that a crossover between DC and Marvel is far more likely now that he's in charge.

2:00 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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a372b4 No.32780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660201 (081311ZAPR23) Notable: Joe Rogan on 4chan Trolling Shia Labeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Rogan on 4chan Trolling Shia Labeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660202 (081311ZAPR23) Notable: George Lucas has said Star Wars was kinda based on Vietnam and the VC vs USA= Evil Empire

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


George Lucas has said Star Wars was kinda based on Vietnam and the VC vs USA= Evil Empire

In this extended segment from James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction, George Lucas chats with James Cameron about the contemporary political influences behind Star Wars.

"It isn't the science, aliens, and all that kind of stuff that I get focused on. It's how people react to all those things," explains Lucas, who shares how he has a background in anthropology.

Watch this Extended Interview With George Lucas

"We're fighting the largest empire in the world, and we're just a bunch of hay seeds in coonskin hats that don't know nothing," he says, referencing the American Revolution against the British Empire, and how he based the heroes of Star Wars on real-life rebellions against powerful empires.

Lucas and Cameron discuss how during the Vietnam War, America became "the Empire."

"The irony is that, in both of those, the little guys won. The highly technical empire the English Empire, the American Empire lost. That was the whole point," Lucas says.

"I think science fiction is so good at these kind of social themes," says Cameron.

Click here to watch George Lucas and James Cameron chat about the major social influences on one of the most enduring franchises of all time.

James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction airs Mondays at 10/9c. Click here to add a reminder to your calendar.

To get more James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction extras like these extended interviews, sign up for the Insiders' Club.


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a372b4 No.32782

File: d5cda31fce44a18⋯.png (113.13 KB,880x776,110:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660203 (081311ZAPR23) Notable: 3 types of logic: Deductive (narrow down), Inductive (generalize), and Abductive (generate new ideas)

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we mostly do abductive around here

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a372b4 No.32783

File: a83e2914eb299ea⋯.png (475.65 KB,1026x762,171:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d57fef2680a414⋯.jpg (168.18 KB,670x300,67:30,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6b8fc8a81aad70d⋯.png (265.55 KB,868x626,434:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d75feaa8c0412b⋯.png (303.1 KB,990x948,165:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660215 (081314ZAPR23) Notable: George Lucas has said Star Wars was kinda based on Vietnam and the VC vs USA= Evil Empire

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>George Lucas has said Star Wars was kinda based on Vietnam and the VC vs USA= Evil Empire

Yeah. Kinda being the operative. I can see how that was formative, and how he would go there in an interview with libs.

It's far deeper than that of course. But for sure Vietnam was a created nightmare, and part of the division psyop that still haunts us today.

So much damage. So hard to undo

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a372b4 No.32784

File: 847970d1d48d87b⋯.png (873.31 KB,1056x695,1056:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660216 (081314ZAPR23) Notable: James Gunn said Thursday, that a crossover between DC and Marvel is far more likely now that he's in charge.

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Guardians of the Galaxy director fired over offensive tweets

The American filmmaker has apologised after a series of recently-emerged old tweets resurfaced in which he made jokes about rape and paedophilia.

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a372b4 No.32785

File: 3aec614b5e7658e⋯.jpg (31.49 KB,640x510,64:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660224 (081315ZAPR23) Notable: beer with too much hops joke, kek

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32786

File: 04b9026b6258528⋯.jpeg (28.18 KB,308x185,308:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660229 (081316ZAPR23) Notable: Biden's former executive assistant Kathy Chung - who Hunter forwarded for the job - is questioned in Congress over her role in President's classified docs scandal

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Biden's former executive assistant- who Hunter forwarded for the job - is questioned in Congress over her role in President's classified docs scandal

By Geoff Earle, 19:22 BST 04 Apr 2023

Joe Biden's former executive assistant visited the Capitol Tuesday for closed door questioning in the House Republican probe of the president's handling of classified documents.

Kathy Chung, who oversaw the packing and shipping of Biden's documents in 2017 as he ended his tenure as vice president, appeared for a transcribed interview with congressional staff.

She came after the House Oversight Committee, chaired by Kentucky Republican James Comer, demanded in a sweeping letter she hand over10 years worthof documents and appear for questioning.

It comes amid a House Republican probe of documents marked classified at Biden's former Penn Biden office in D.C., as well as his Wilmington home and his Rehoboth, Delaware beach house. Special Counsel Robert Hur is also investigating after being tapped by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

'The Committee believes your proximity to Vice President Biden and role ashandlerof his personal matters gave you access not only to classified material he maintained after leaving the White House, but also to the Biden family´s business schemes,' Comer said in a letter to Chung dated Feb 4.

She arrived Tuesday morning, CNN reported, after her interview was scheduled weeks ago.

She has been revealed gotten her job on therecommendationof the president's sonHunter Biden, who refurbished Biden's classic Corvette, which is stored in the same Wilmington garage where documents marked classified were located.

'Hunter Biden recommended it. They had worked together atDepartment of Commerceyears ago,' a source told DailyMail.com in January. Hunter notified her of the opportunity, asked her if she was interested, and found out that she was. (When was Hunter employed at DoC, is that where he got all his ideas for illegal business?)

She works at the Pentagon.

According to a person familiar with the matter, Chung has turned over records related to the movement of documents from the White House to the Penn Biden Center, where Biden kept an office after he left the vice presidency in 2017 until shortly before he launched his 2020 presidential campaign in 2019. The person wasgranted anonymityto discuss the sensitive transfer of documents. (Was the this anonymous whistleblower that released the Nov documents?)

The committee had made a wide-ranging document request, including for Chung'scommunicationswith the Biden family dating back more than 10 years.

A Justice Department special counsel is already investigating how classified documents from Biden´s time as vice president and senator wound up in his home and former office - and whether any mishandling involved criminal intent or was unintentional. Biden´s personal lawyers disclosed in January that a small batch of documents with classified markings had been found weeks earlier in his former Washington office. They have since allowed FBI searches of multiple properties.

The most recent search occurred in mid-February at the University of Delaware, Biden's alma mater. In 2011, Biden gifted the school records from his time in the U.S. Senate, where he served for 36 years.

Neither the university nor the president's attorneys have revealed if any classified documents were found at the school. Under the terms of Biden´s gift, the records are to remainsealed until two years after he retiresfrom public life.

The discoveries that Biden, former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence were in possession of classified documents over the last year have brought new scrutiny to the rules around classified information and laid bare an uncomfortable truth: Policies meant to control the handling of the nation´s secrets arehaphazardlyenforced among top officials and rely almost wholly ongood faith.

It's also become increasingly common for presidents, vice presidents and even members of Congress to retain sensitive documents after leaving office, according to the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. (It may be common but its not legal for VPs and Congress to have them)

'Thearchivisttold us that there were80 membersof Congress’ who turned out to have classified material in their records, Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., told reporters Wednesday about a briefing he received from the National Archives. 'How that happens is beyond me.'

(So why raid Trump, and why weren’t VPs & congress charged with crimes since they don’t have Executive Privilege to declassify anything?)


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a372b4 No.32787

File: 6be8484c41b3501⋯.png (386.01 KB,595x652,595:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660243 (081318ZAPR23) Notable: James Gunn said Thursday, that a crossover between DC and Marvel is far more likely now that he's in charge.

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See new Tweets


Square profile picture

Jim Jefferies Show



Jul 31, 2018

Jim finds the perfect scapegoat for everyone’s Twitter outrage.

Sonia Surija


Replying to




Sorry Jim, I have to agree to disagree regarding James Dunn, yes it was 5 or 6 years ago that he made the pedophile jokes but he was 40+ yrs at the time & it’s not that he made 1 or 2 vile jokes it was bloody 10,000 jokes.

5:19 PM · Jul 31, 2018

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a372b4 No.32788

File: 067ca4b160f6706⋯.jpeg (366 KB,1651x1003,1651:1003,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660250 (081320ZAPR23) Notable: Elon’s response on the Substack issue - This affects Matt Taibbi and further release of the Twitter Files

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Elon’s response on the Substack issue - This affects Matt Taibbi and further release of the Twitter Files

1. Substack links were never blocked. Matt’s statement is false.

2. Substack was trying to download a massive portion of the Twitter database to bootstrap their Twitter clone, so their IP address is obviously untrusted.

3. Turns out Matt is/was an employee of Substack.


This has been much discussed in previous breads.


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a372b4 No.32789

File: 81d176877e3480b⋯.png (712.32 KB,1009x959,1009:959,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ae08815c62e5e9⋯.jpeg (129.82 KB,1200x625,48:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660256 (081321ZAPR23) Notable: few years back there was a push for preventative double mastectomies, now there is a push for trans breast removal, me thinks this is a way to encourage self mutilation, wonder who could be behind this?

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few years back there was a push for preventative double mastectomies

now there is a push for trans breast removal

me thinks this is a way to encourage self mutilation

wonder who could be behind this?

New normal. Angelina Jolie, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and more celebrities underwent mastectomy surgery amid concerns about breast cancer.

The Maleficent star revealed that she had a preventative double mastectomy in February 2013 after discovering that she carried the “fault” breast cancer gene BRCA1. “My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the case of each woman,” she wrote in a May 2013 New York Times essay.


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a372b4 No.32790

File: 5f9d5790a4f0c0d⋯.jpg (81.32 KB,625x489,625:489,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660261 (081322ZAPR23) Notable: Elon’s response on the Substack issue - This affects Matt Taibbi and further release of the Twitter Files

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OK that's a weird development

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a372b4 No.32791

File: 4e6098adbfada21⋯.jpeg (43.85 KB,750x740,75:74,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660266 (081322ZAPR23) Notable: Elon’s response on the Substack issue - This affects Matt Taibbi and further release of the Twitter Files

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Who is telling the truth? So far, Elon has no kept his word to let Anons back on twitter. So Anon is leaning toward Matt.

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a372b4 No.32792

File: a2de9d74b855097⋯.jpg (185.85 KB,1500x500,3:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f129c6eacd17484⋯.png (309.8 KB,500x610,50:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 86aa9404069c44f⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 368de31552a4d98⋯.png (237.41 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660286 (081327ZAPR23) Notable: AI will save black people over dogs (AI even miscapitalized the adjective), but will allow white people and Asian people to be killed by the runaway train

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>Warns of AI but also developing NeuraLink; good joke. AI will save humanity - it's our only chance.


>Ai or collaborative human knowledge?


>Like I said, it's our only chance, which is why this moment in time is ideal to finally defeat communism aka the wife-beaters.


>Whatever chatbot says

>Mus t be true



>Would be more true than anything a human ever said. The Chatbot would already have God's words in its system along with everything else.

>A computer can make correlations just like a human can.


>>AI is an extension of humanity.

>that logic, everything is an extension of humanity. nuclear bombs, child rape. what isn't?


>Humans only eventual destiny is self-destruction due to Hedonism. Everyone has a master… better have an AI Overlord than another Man.


Diff_i_QULT TRUTHS: (((you))) have 'itchy ears' that bend with every direction of 'gossip' or 'TV proGRAMS'

>>>/qresearch/18660257 Please do not choose poorly, these memes apply >>>/qresearch/18660205

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a372b4 No.32793

File: 38526a6f949f077⋯.png (60.57 KB,720x509,720:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660287 (081328ZAPR23) Notable: 'Merchant of death' Viktor Bout urges Trump to seek asylum in Russia because his life is in DANGER from government threats and the Stormy Daniels probe

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Without openly declaring the arrested WSJ reporter (who is fluent in russian and born to russian parents) Evan Gershkovich a CIA asset, I will simply say he attended Bowdoin College where his professor, a woman named Barbara Elias, actively works as a CIA recruiter.

These are sections of actual assignments she gave them where they must operate as CIA officers and work under CIA created guidelines.

Also, she is a Non-Resident Fellow with the Irregular Warfare Initiative, a jointly sponsored program between the Modern War Institute at West Point and the Empirical Studies of Conflict Project at Princeton University, and served as director of the Afghanistan, Pakistan and Taliban project as well as the Nat. Sec. Archives FOIA coordinator.

The more you know…



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a372b4 No.32794

File: f9a84a7d80fd592⋯.png (674.05 KB,608x680,76:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660291 (081328ZAPR23) Notable: It's been 822 since the murder of Ashli Babbit and Michael Byrd is still walking around free.

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Kat #Ultra MAGA 🇺🇸


Daily Reminder

It's been 822 since the murder of Ashli Babbit and Michael Byrd is still walking around free.



9:55 PM · Apr 7, 2023




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a372b4 No.32795

File: aa3cd46dfd2888e⋯.png (632.6 KB,905x664,905:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660301 (081331ZAPR23) Notable: 'Trans Dinosaur Expert' Smuggles Gender Ideology Into Children's Educational Books

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'Trans Dinosaur Expert' Smuggles Gender

Ideology Into Children's Educational Books

PJ Media, by Ben Bartee

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 4/8/2023 7:30:41 AM

Riley Black is a “trans dinosaur expert” not only in the sense of being a dinosaur expert who is also transgender. He is also an expert, or so his credentials say, on trans dinosaurs. Here is an excerpt from Riley’s 2019 treatise on “transgender dinosaurs” in 2019, via Nature (emphases added): Most official forms give you the binary demographic choices of ‘male’ and ‘female’, but I don’t feel comfortable assigning myself to one or the other for my gender. (Snip) This is, of course, pseudoscientific gibberish in the service of advancing radical postmodern gender theory. Paleontologists have many tools for assessing the sex of fossilized dinosaur remains,

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a372b4 No.32796

File: 957e64f140eb0a7⋯.jpeg (41.97 KB,634x460,317:230,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5efce5b92b33bfb⋯.jpeg (263.53 KB,634x842,317:421,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2ee7b0ad7028ff0⋯.jpeg (256.59 KB,634x842,317:421,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f612aa0321602b5⋯.jpeg (210.75 KB,634x845,634:845,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 154376fad197b8f⋯.jpeg (204.5 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660306 (081332ZAPR23) Notable: Crimea's beaches are covered with trenches and tank traps

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Crimea's beaches are covered with trenches and tank traps

By Will Stewart and Milo Pope 12:27 BST 08 Apr 2023

Barricades and trenches have been built on beaches and close to key access routes in Crimea on a massive scale as Vladimir is scared of losing the peninsula he annexed in 2014.

The level of fear is clear from the abundance of defences to stop a sea or land assault.

Dragon's teeth tank trapshave been placed at strategic Ak-Monai beside the Taurida highway by occupying Russians to stop a Ukrainian bid to grab back the peninsula Putin took in 2014.

Putin has accepted he must decimate the region's huge tourism industry this summer to hold it against a possible Ukrainian advance as part of an expected counteroffensive.

The scale of the operation is seen on both satellite images and ground level pictures.

Beaches - one popular with both Russian and Ukrainian tourists as a favourite and glamorous summer playground - have been rendered virtually unusable, wiping out the Summer 2023 season. Many will be totally empty.

The northern coastlines of Crimea are being defended most acutely amid the clearest signs Putin's military commanders see the peninsula as vulnerable.Defensive artillery positionshave been established.

This comes after amissile fired from Ukrainian-held territory was shot down over the Black Sea town of Feodosia, Crimea,this morning.

'A missile launched from Ukraine was shot down over Feodosia,' Sergei Aksyonov said on Telegram, without providing any detail on the kind of projectile in question.

Russia's TASS news agency quoted an adviser to Aksyonov, Oleg Kryuchkov, as saying that debris had fallen in a Crimean town, but no damage or casualties had been reported.

Russian-installed officials in Crimea have previously accused Ukrainian forces of drone attacks, though Kyiv has typically refrained from claiming responsibility.

Russia in late March said it had shot down aU.S.-supplied GLSDB guided smart bombfired by Ukrainian forces for the first time, without disclosing where.

Earlier this week, Ukraine said it might negotiate with Russia on Crimea, but only if it advances to the borders of the peninsula, a massive advance from its current positions.

For Putin the loss would be devastating, perhaps a terminal blow, and is seen as unthinkable in Moscow.

Hardline chairman of Russian parliament's international affairs committee Leonid Slutsky said: 'The status of Crimea is not subject to discussion at all.

'It's an issue that has been decided following the 2014 referendum and has been enshrined in the Russian constitution.The peninsula is forever an inseparable part of Russia.'

He claimed Kyiv had 'neither the strength nor resources' to grab back Crimea. Yan Gagin, an advisor to the annexed authorities in Donetsk People's Republic, dismissed Ukraine's hopes of reaching Crimea as 'empty talk which means absolutely nothing'.

Yet the defences indicate Russia is deeply worried. There are two land routes into Crimea from Ukraine - now both reinforced by new recently-built defences.Some beaches have been mined, according to Ukrainian sources.

The dictator is facing imminent economic carnage in the annexed peninsula's once money-spinning vacation industry as people refuse to heed official calls to make 'patriotic bookings' this summer.

Almost every beach in the occupied territory has now - or will have - giant barricades, with Ukraine claiming that they are also mined by the Russians.

Putin sees holiday jewel Crimea's illegal annexation in 2014 as one of his greatest achievements, yet there is now paranoia that Ukraine could use Western weapons to grab back a territory larger than Wales.

Bookings are now 80 per cent down on last year, which, in turn, was 30 per cent below pre-war levels, with hoteliers demanding state bailouts to compensate them for the cost of Putin's war.

Tourists to the Black Sea have been spooked by the October 2022 bomb attack on Putin's Kerch Strait bridge linking Crimea to Russia, and missile strikes on military airfields.


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a372b4 No.32797

File: 5322784c70f01f9⋯.png (45.64 KB,1125x472,1125:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660321 (081334ZAPR23) Notable: Fascism’s History Offers Lessons about Today’s Attacks on Education

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Fascism’s History Offers Lessons about

Today’s Attacks on Education

Scientific American, by Eden McLean

Posted By: FlyRight, 4/8/2023 6:09:44 AM

Public education has long been a battlefield in the U.S., from the Scopes trial to desegregation to climate change. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s recent demands for greater control over public education—and students’ bodies—in the guise of “parent’s rights” accelerates this conflict, rejecting the importance of learning as a public good in itself in favor of promoting conformity and uncritical thinking. As a historian of fascism and Italian fascist education, I find the moves to exert more power over education disturbingly familiar. Even ignoring the obvious harm DeSantis’s campaign inflicts on Florida’s students—already detailed by numerous experts

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a372b4 No.32798

File: 07b25a985056f67⋯.jpeg (97.55 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d4f19b668600285⋯.jpeg (100.39 KB,977x474,977:474,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660332 (081337ZAPR23) Notable: Ukrainian missile downed over Crimea – governor

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8 Apr, 2023 11:42

Ukrainian missile downed over Crimea – governor

The projectile, which was destroyed over the town of Feodosia, inflicted no casualties or damage, a local official said

Russian air defenses have shot down a Ukrainian missile over Crimea, local authorities said on Saturday, adding that the strike did not result in any casualties or damage to infrastructure.

In a Telegram post, Sergey Aksenov, the head of the Republic of Crimea, said “a missilelaunched from Ukraine’s side” had been destroyed over the coastal town of Feodosia in the southeastern part of the peninsula.

Later, Oleg Kryuchkov, a senior adviser to Aksenov, issued an update on the incident, claiming that “the debris of a Ukrainian missile downed by air defenses fell in one of the Crimean settlements. There are no casualties or destruction.”

Local media released photos showing a large cloud of smoke, which was visible from several kilometers away, rising from the location where the projectile apparently landed. They also published pictures of what looked like debris from the missile.

Amid the ongoing Ukraine conflict, Crimea, whichhosts major Russian naval facilities, has repeatedly become the target of Kiev’s strikes. Last month, local authorities said Russian air defenses had shot down several Ukrainian drones over the town of Dzhankoy, with one person injured during the raid. The aircraft debris also damaged a house and a shop in the area, they added.

The peninsula, which overwhelmingly voted to become part of Russia in 2014 after a Western-backed coup in Kiev, could also become the target of apotential Ukrainian spring counteroffensive, according to Ukrainian officials. Mikhail Podoliak, a senior aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, claimed earlier this week that Kiev could retake Crimea within seven months, adding that it “must eradicate everything Russian” on the peninsula.

Last month, however, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev warned that any attempt by Kiev to seize Crimea could warrant the deployment of “all means of protection,”including Moscow’s nuclear assets.


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a372b4 No.32799

File: 8519de5137fa22e⋯.png (621.4 KB,815x599,815:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e1d96df17b1cad⋯.png (481.09 KB,642x377,642:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660333 (081337ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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Inside the CEI system pushing brands to

endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

New York Post, by Dana Kennedy

Original Article

Posted By: JoElla Bee, 4/8/2023 1:06:24 AM

Executives at companies like Nike, Anheuser-Busch and Kate Spade, whose brand endorsements have turned controversial trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney into today’s woke “It girl,” aren’t just virtue signaling.(Snip)At stake is their Corporate Equality Index — or CEI — score, which is overseen by the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ+ political lobbying group in the world. The HRC, which was formed in 1980 and started the CEI in 2002, is led by Kelley Robinson who was named as president in 2022 and worked as a political organizer for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.

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a372b4 No.32800

File: b3c9afc9ed53d27⋯.jpg (33.15 KB,620x249,620:249,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660335 (081337ZAPR23) Notable: 'Trans Dinosaur Expert' Smuggles Gender Ideology Into Children's Educational Books

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660336 (081337ZAPR23) Notable: AI will save black people over dogs (AI even miscapitalized the adjective), but will allow white people and Asian people to be killed by the runaway train

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He setup OpenAI to tackle this thread, and then it got took over by Bill FUCKFACE Gates…. how is that going to help humanity?

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a372b4 No.32802

File: 5960db8ebb019f1⋯.png (581.9 KB,878x585,878:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660339 (081338ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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Kate Spade Dead at 55: Andy Spade Dons Mouse Mask as He's Spotted for First Time Since Wife's Death

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a372b4 No.32803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660344 (081339ZAPR23) Notable: 'Trans Dinosaur Expert' Smuggles Gender Ideology Into Children's Educational Books

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>'Trans Dinosaur Expert' Smuggles Gender

>Ideology Into Children's Educational Books

>PJ Media, by Ben Bartee

>Original Article

>Posted By: Hazymac, 4/8/2023 7:30:41 AM

>Riley Black is a “trans dinosaur expert” not only in the sense of being a dinosaur expert who is also transgender. He is also an expert, or so his credentials say, on trans dinosaurs. Here is an excerpt from Riley’s 2019 treatise on “transgender dinosaurs” in 2019, via Nature (emphases added): Most official forms give you the binary demographic choices of ‘male’ and ‘female’, but I don’t feel comfortable assigning myself to one or the other for my gender. (Snip) This is, of course, pseudoscientific gibberish in the service of advancing radical postmodern gender theory. Paleontologists have many tools for assessing the sex of fossilized dinosaur remains,

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a372b4 No.32804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660346 (081339ZAPR23) Notable: Crimea's beaches are covered with trenches and tank traps

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If I was going to invade, I would pretend I was invading and get the Russians to prepare the beaches for an invasion from my "invading" troops…and then I would set of a nuke under the ocean and create a tsunami. I'd let a tsunami invade the beaches first…wait a day…and then invade.

And then pretend Mother Nature did it.

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a372b4 No.32805

File: 2b08154b74daf88⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660359 (081341ZAPR23) Notable: 1 min video, man works as distributor and 'thanks' Tranheiser Busch that he may not be able to feed his family soon (learn to code)

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a372b4 No.32806

File: 88b281a57999751⋯.png (166.63 KB,610x643,610:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660360 (081342ZAPR23) Notable: Daniel Perry case – read the affidavit from the lead detective, claiming that the Soros DA directed him "to remove exculpatory information that I had intended to present to the grand jury during my testimony."

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Quote Tweet

Marina Medvin 🇺🇸




Daniel Perry case &ndash; read the affidavit from the lead detective, claiming that the Soros DA directed him "to remove exculpatory information that I had intended to present to the grand jury during my testimony."

This detective believes the Soros DA acted criminally.

Show this thread



2:28 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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a372b4 No.32807

File: 756ad98df0a656e⋯.jpeg (162.69 KB,640x634,320:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b1ed7594211e2ac⋯.jpg (20.08 KB,320x318,160:159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660366 (081343ZAPR23) Notable: Covenant School killer. Was she the molested girl they covered up in 2008? She would have been a young 'tween at the time.

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Covenant School killer.

Was she the molested girl they covered up in 2008?

She would have been a young 'tween at the time.


In furtherance of the concealment of the sexual abuse of a child or children, the defendants permit[ted] the confessed child molester to remain a member of Covenant (having access to the church, its members, and the private school elementary property associated with the church) until 2010.

Austin Davis claims that in 2008 he objected to "the defendants' cult-like abuse of authority over vulnerable children … who were (in cult-like fashion) intentionally, knowingly, and willfully placed in an alleged 'safe house' owned and possessed by the confessed child molester."

Other sites with past articles about it:




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a372b4 No.32808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660367 (081343ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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CEI Corporate Equity Index


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a372b4 No.32809

File: d53ba0bd37601b1⋯.png (1.89 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: bedc345f87c3461⋯.jpg (338.26 KB,1200x1149,400:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660369 (081344ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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a372b4 No.32810

File: cb9b20370c66f9d⋯.png (284.9 KB,418x548,209:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660376 (081345ZAPR23) Notable: NEW - Son of billionaire George Soros has quietly become a de-facto White House "ambassador," making at least 14 visits since Biden took office.

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NEW - Son of billionaire George Soros has quietly become a de-facto White House "ambassador," making at least 14 visits since Biden took office.



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a372b4 No.32811

File: f95a37be77f289e⋯.jpeg (88.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660402 (081350ZAPR23) Notable: Failed Ukrainian nuclear plant attack revealed – The Times

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8 Apr, 2023 08:00

Failed Ukrainian nuclear plant attack revealed – The Times

An elite Ukrainian force tried to seize the Zaporozhye NPP last autumn, the newspaper’s sources said

A “highly dangerous” Ukrainian operation to capture the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant last year ended in failure due to heavy Russian resistance, The Times reported on Friday, citing sources.

According to Kiev’s military personnel interviewed by the British newspaper, the attack involved some600 elite Ukrainian soldierswho tried to cross the Dnieper River on October 19 by boat.

The operation hinged on the presumption that Moscow’s troops would not be able to fire artillery so close to the nuclear power plant, which is the largest in Europe, one officer told The Times.

However, the paper’s sources said the team met unexpected resistance. Moscow’s forces had “mined everything” and “even pulled up tanks and artillery” to fire on Kiev’s forces while they were on the water, the officer added.

The assault was supported by Ukrainian artillery, including US-madeHIMARSsystems, but Russian resistance resulted in only a fraction of the Ukrainian force coming ashore. After athree-hour firefighton the outskirts of Energodar, where the plant is located, the Ukrainian soldiers were forced to retreat, the report says.

Some seniorUkrainian officialsviewed the offensive as controversial, with the president of Ukraine’s nuclear operator Energoatom, Pyotr Kotin, telling The Times: “it is very dangerousto do such things near nuclear material. Any damage will bring radiation to the people and to the whole world.”

The report corroborates a Russian Defense Ministry statement at the time claiming that on October 19 Kiev’s forces attempted – without success – to mount an amphibious operation in the area, involving up to two Ukrainian companies and a total of 37 boats. The military claimed Ukraine lost over 90 soldiers in the operation.

Russia and Ukraine have repeatedly accused each other of shelling the Zaporozhye NPP, which has been under Moscow’s control since last February. Russian officials have on numerous occasions warned that Kiev’s attacks could trigger a nuclear disaster.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has called on both parties to create a safe zone around the facility, but the negotiations on the matter have failed to achieve a breakthrough.

In late March, Rafael Grossi, the nuclear watchdog’s chief, said the idea was no longer being considered. Instead of establishing a safe zone, the IAEA now wants Kiev and Moscow to promise not to target the plant, or use it for staging attacks.

(Finally a mainstream paper in UK reveal what Russia reported last year)


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a372b4 No.32812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660405 (081350ZAPR23) Notable: George Lucas has said Star Wars was kinda based on Vietnam and the VC vs USA= Evil Empire

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>>>/qresearch/18660247 >>32781

Disney's influence really first shows up in the 2nd movie

"Orlando, without any choice" lando

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a372b4 No.32813

File: ed815a67d5e9b00⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660408 (081350ZAPR23) Notable: 15 seconds, guy is given a Bud Light and ends up wearing a dress, "Aw, crap, man"

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a372b4 No.32814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660409 (081351ZAPR23) Notable: beer with too much hops joke, kek

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Freaking IPAs. Way too hoppy.

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a372b4 No.32815

File: 088bbf2344c180a⋯.png (120.03 KB,883x426,883:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660417 (081352ZAPR23) Notable: 'Merchant of death' Viktor Bout urges Trump to seek asylum in Russia because his life is in DANGER from government threats and the Stormy Daniels probe

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>'Merchantof death' Viktor Bout urges Trump to seek asylum in Russi

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a372b4 No.32816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660430 (081353ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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Inside the CEI system pushing brands to

endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

New York Post, by Dana Kennedy

Original Article

Posted By: JoElla Bee, 4/8/2023 1:06:24 AM

Executives at companies like Nike, Anheuser-Busch and Kate Spade, whose brand endorsements have turned controversial trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney into today’s woke “It girl,” aren’t just virtue signaling.(Snip)At stake is their Corporate Equality Index — or CEI — score, which is overseen by the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ+ political lobbying group in the world. The HRC, which was formed in 1980 and started the CEI in 2002, is led by Kelley Robinson who was named as president in 2022 and worked as a political organizer for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.


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a372b4 No.32817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660442 (081355ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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Target aquired.

It's a lobby to ĥelp the groomers.

Almost like Nancy's wrap-up smear.

"Lobby spreads debauchery. Big corp is doing it. Spreads in media. Teachers read media and buy big corp stuff. Push drag shows at school. Debauchery must be ok in childs mind because everywhere they look they see it normalized."

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a372b4 No.32818

File: b3a14ba7d2b230b⋯.jpeg (94.03 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660444 (081356ZAPR23) Notable: Tesla employees shared sensitive images recorded by cars (So Dr. Shiva is right, no privacy no freedom of speech.)

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8 Apr, 2023 07:39

Tesla employees shared sensitive images recorded by cars – Reuters

Some pictures were turned into memes and distributed through internal chats, former workers told the agency

Tesla workers shared “highly invasive” images and videosrecorded by customers’ electric cars, making fun of them on internal chat groups, several former employees of Elon Musk’s company have told Reuters.

The electric-car manufacturer obtains consent from its clients to collect data from vehicles in order to improve its self-driving technology. However, the company assures owners that the whole system is “designed from the ground up to protect your privacy,” the agency pointed out in its report on Thursday.

According to nine former workers who talked to the agency, groups ofemployees shared private footageof customers in Tesla’s internal one-on-onechatsbetween 2019 and 2022.

One of the clips in question captured a man approaching his electric car while he was completely naked, one of the sources said.

Others featured crashes and road-rage incidents. One particular video of a Tesla hitting a child on a bike in a residential area spread around the company’s office in San Mateo, California “like wildfire,” an ex-employee claimed.

“I’m bothered by it because the people who buy the car, I don’t think they know thattheir privacy is, like, not respected… We could see them doing laundry and really intimate things. We could see their kids,” another former worker told the agency.

Seven former employees also told Reuters that the software they used at work allowed them tosee the location where the photo or video was made, despite Tesla assuring its customers that “camera recordings remain anonymous and are not linked to you or your vehicle.”

The agency noted that it could not obtain any of the pictures or clips described by its sources, who said they were all deleted. Some former employees also told the journalists that they had only seen private data being shared for legitimate purposes, such as seeking assistance for colleagues. Tesla did not respond when approached for comment on the issue by Reuters.

(So Dr. Shiva is right, no privacy no freedom of speech.)


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a372b4 No.32819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660463 (081359ZAPR23) Notable: James Gunn said Thursday, that a crossover between DC and Marvel is far more likely now that he's in charge.

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Lollipop Chainsaw cameo?

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a372b4 No.32820

File: b719903356b3a5d⋯.png (3.6 MB,2165x1884,2165:1884,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e35259e5c7b7c7⋯.png (660.89 KB,1213x918,1213:918,Clipboard.png)

File: 566a080b80bc6e0⋯.png (1019.1 KB,1216x905,1216:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660480 (081403ZAPR23) Notable: Navy “UFO Patent” Documents Talk Of “Spacetime Modification Weapon,” Detail Experimental Testing

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>>>/qresearch/18660289,>>>/qresearch/18660164, >>>/qresearch/18660172, >>>/qresearch/18660208, >>>/qresearch/18660289, >>>/qresearch/18660352

>Time travel is fun…

>Know the future?


>Are we alone?


>Wait until you learn who is talking to you here.

>Good to go backwards



Navy “UFO Patent” Documents Talk Of “Spacetime Modification Weapon,” Detail Experimental Testing

The Navy spent three years and considerable sums of money testing the “Pais Effect” and may have transferred the program to another agency.


View Brett Tingley's Articles

In our continuing investigation into the bizarre inventions of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an enigmatic aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy, The War Zone has just obtained a wide range of documents detailing experiments that the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted to test the core concepts and technologies underlying his seemingly out of this world "UFO patents." These same patents were vouched for by the head of the Navy's aerospace research enterprise who cited Chinese advances in similar technologies as one of the reasons why the Navy was filing them.

The War Zone's most recent report on the strange circumstances surrounding these patents underlined that there were indeed some type of physical experiments conducted related to them, even if very limited. Now, new Freedom of Information Act releases provide unprecedented insights not just into how seriously the Navy took Dr. Pais's work, but also exactly how elements of it were actually tested at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars and where the program may have ended up. The materials even include mention of a "Spacetime Modification Weapon (SMW- a weapon that can make the Hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison)."

The releases, which are all related to a Naval Innovative Science and Engineering – Basic & Applied Research Program under the project name “The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG),” contain hundreds of pages containing detailed technical drawings, photographs, and data related to actual tests of the HEEMFG. The system was meant to evaluate the feasibility of Dr. Salvatore Pais’s claimed “Pais Effect.” If you haven’t yet read about the ongoing saga of the enigmatic Dr. Pais and the science-fiction-like inventions he made on behalf of the Navy, be sure to get caught up on our previous reporting linked in order from the first to most recent here, here, here, here and here.Each one of Dr. Pais's inventions is stated to be enabled through what he himself described to The War Zone as "the Pais Effect," a theoretical physics concept that is claimed to be enabled through the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.” This effect, the inventor claims, can lead to incredibly powerful electromagnetic energy fields that can “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” leading to incredible revolutions in power and propulsion, quantum communications, energy production, and even weaponry.

These latest internal documents, which The War Zone obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), show that NAWCAD felt this technology has “National Security importance in leading to the generation of thermonuclear Fusion Ignition Energy with commercial as well as military application potential, in ensuring National Energy Dominance.”

In addition, the documents contain the Basic and Applied Research (BAR) proposal that was submitted to secure funding and resources for the test of Pais’s High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator concept. In all, it appears at least $466,810 was devoted to the project between Fiscal Years 2017 and 2019 — far more than what was previously thought.

Many of the documents also state that the HEEMFG project could be further continued by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), NASA, or even the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). At this time, it is unknown if the HEEMFG transitioned to other DoD agencies, but The War Zone is pursuing FOIA requests related to any possible collaborative transition. Another slide (below) indicates ONR, NRL, and DARPA as likely candidates for transition or collaboration.

article continues

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a372b4 No.32821

File: 57ee319efd205e4⋯.jpeg (268.02 KB,2160x1798,1080:899,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 14288d0138edfc4⋯.jpeg (687.11 KB,1170x1348,585:674,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660505 (081406ZAPR23) Notable: WE GOT ANOTHER VTA BOYS! (Violent Tranny Alert)

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a372b4 No.32822

File: 9b78c6529a9bfe1⋯.png (643.14 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660515 (081408ZAPR23) Notable: NEW - Son of billionaire George Soros has quietly become a de-facto White House "ambassador," making at least 14 visits since Biden took office.

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Son of George Soros scoring easy White House access, records show

April 8, 2023

Alexander Soros, a son of billionaire tycoon George Soros, has quietly become a de-facto White House "ambassador."

A son of billionaire George Soros has quietly become a de-facto White House “ambassador,” making at least 14 visits there on behalf of the far-left kingmaker since President Joe Biden took office, records reviewed by The Post show.

Alexander Soros — a prolific Democratic fundraiser in his own right who likes to boast about his relationships with world leaders on social media — scored at least a dozen meetings with White House officials in 2022, according to recently updated White House visitor logs. Soros, 37, also participated in two other confabs there in late 2021, the records show.

His latest trips include visiting Dec. 1 with then-White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain’s advisor Nina Srivastava, who also worked on Biden’s presidential campaign, the logs show.

Later that evening. the younger Soros was one of 330 people who attended a lavish state dinner on the White House South Lawn hosted by the president and First Lady Jill Biden honoring French President Emmanuel Macron and Macron’s wife, Brigitte.

A day later, Alexander Soros — who chairs the powerful, liberal grant-making network Open Society Foundations founded by his dad — met with both Advisor to the Counselor of President Mariana Adame and Deputy National Security Advisor Jonathan Finer, records show.

His previous White House meetings included earlier sitdowns with Adame on October 14; Srivastava on September 14; Finer on Dec. 15, 2021, and October 6 and September 15 of last year, according to records.

Soros also had meetings with Kimberly Lang, then a National Security Advisor executive assistant, on October 6; and former Klain advisor Madeline Strasser on Oct. 29, 2021, and April 22, 2022.

It’s unclear what was discussed at the meetings, and the White House did not return messages.

Mike Howell, director of the Oversight Project at the Conservative Heritage Foundation, said the younger Soros’ easy White House access is troubling considering the Soros family has already “done tremendous damage to our country.”

moar- https://nypost.com/2023/04/08/george-soros-son-has-easy-access-to-white-house-honchos/

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a372b4 No.32823

File: 57ee319efd205e4⋯.jpeg (268.02 KB,2160x1798,1080:899,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660516 (081409ZAPR23) Notable: WE GOT ANOTHER VTA BOYS! (Violent Tranny Alert)

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a372b4 No.32824

File: 5e41b27e2ce66c3⋯.mp4 (9.79 MB,1232x720,77:45,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b8c1ea15aa3b86c⋯.png (934.45 KB,1232x720,77:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660530 (081412ZAPR23) Notable: WE GOT ANOTHER VTA BOYS! (Violent Tranny Alert)

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The Mullet that runs out to film is EPIC

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a372b4 No.32825

File: fd43ce667f4995a⋯.png (1.44 MB,960x951,320:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660555 (081418ZAPR23) Notable: number-of-man trips confirm, fake and gay painting: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Apr 8 2023

M100: A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy

Majestic on a truly cosmic scale, M100 is appropriately known as a grand design spiral galaxy. It is a large galaxy of over 100 billion stars with well-defined spiral arms that is similar to our own Milky Way Galaxy. One of the brightest members of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, M100 (alias NGC 4321) is 56 million light-years distant toward the constellation of Berenice's Hair (Coma Berenices). This Hubble Space Telescope image of M100 was taken with the Wide Field Camera 3 and accentuates bright blue star clusters and intricate winding dust lanes which are hallmarks of this class of galaxies. Studies of variable stars in M100 have played an important role in determining the size and age of the Universe.


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a372b4 No.32826

File: 6ddda1f023d2282⋯.png (1.51 MB,1180x1270,118:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660557 (081418ZAPR23) Notable: "Nightmare for Five Eyes", naker saw: I=9, so "Five Is" 5 x 9 = 45, Presidential

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a372b4 No.32827

File: 35d4287a52fcc06⋯.jpg (191.74 KB,700x905,140:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660562 (081419ZAPR23) Notable: few years back there was a push for preventative double mastectomies, now there is a push for trans breast removal, me thinks this is a way to encourage self mutilation, wonder who could be behind this?

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Since the BRCA mutation is inherited, your ancestry may play a role in your risk for having a BRCA mutation. People with Ashkenazi Jewish heritage are at an increased risk for BRCA mutations.

Niece from NM found out she was descended from Spanish Jews who had escaped to the new world during the inquisition, through having the BRCA gene.


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a372b4 No.32828

File: 45e9855718959f8⋯.jpeg (3.24 MB,3590x2335,718:467,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660576 (081422ZAPR23) Notable: skip the renaming-after-people and go straight to the end game:Fort Tranny(also Fort Potsy kek)

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Fort Tranny

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a372b4 No.32829

File: cfcb84ce9bec064⋯.png (645.36 KB,888x592,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660577 (081422ZAPR23) Notable: what have they been adding to school milk all these years to create so many gender bender kids?

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what have they been adding to school milk all these years to create so many gender bender kids?

and how has nobody done a study on the cause?

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a372b4 No.32830

File: 349d12002cd29c5⋯.png (276.65 KB,306x426,51:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660591 (081424ZAPR23) Notable: skip the renaming-after-people and go straight to the end game:Fort Tranny(also Fort Potsy kek)

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Call it Fort Tranny and just get it all out of the way right now!


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a372b4 No.32831

File: 13d78db59923775⋯.png (736.12 KB,1872x1200,39:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c064fd48ccf331⋯.png (1.54 MB,1613x3276,1613:3276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660616 (081428ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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a372b4 No.32832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660654 (081434ZAPR23) Notable: 1 min video, man works as distributor and 'thanks' Tranheiser Busch that he may not be able to feed his family soon (learn to code)

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learn to code

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a372b4 No.32833

File: 4b1fd175721f198⋯.jpg (27.61 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660655 (081434ZAPR23) Notable: skip the renaming-after-people and go straight to the end game:Fort Tranny(also Fort Potsy kek)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ft. Potsy

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a372b4 No.32834

File: 6a4ece4ffe42082⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,250x255,50:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660659 (081434ZAPR23) Notable: Anon opines on PLACEHOLDERS, at tops of government, institution, corporation, military, religion, industry and anything else of any significance

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At the top of every government, institution, corporation, military, religion, industry and anything else of any significance sits a PLACEHOLDER. These placeholders are temporary. Serving their master as long as the master sees fit or for as long as they are allowed by laws. Never before in human history has SATAN had more control of these placeholders than now. Infiltration of nearly all key placeholders worldwide. This is where we are at today and what we are up against. The only remedy is to expose this truth to the masses in a way that cannot be denied. We are not there yet but we are getting ever closer each day. This fight to bring down the entire corrupt system will take many more years. Taking out placeholders will not complete this war. Only taking the head of the snake will complete the task. Biblical indeed. The spiritual forces of God will awaken in all of humanity to such a degree that we will then be able to overcome the spiritual forces of the Evil one. Buckle up, stand your ground, and keep waking people up the best you can. Each and every anon has a unique role in this mission whether you know what it is or not. Do not lose faith. God wins in the end.

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a372b4 No.32835

File: ea82c597bba8107⋯.png (280.7 KB,604x678,302:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660670 (081438ZAPR23) Notable: WE GOT ANOTHER VTA BOYS! (Violent Tranny Alert)

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a372b4 No.32836

File: 6ce3f7a38759983⋯.jpeg (34.09 KB,318x480,53:80,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660695 (081442ZAPR23) Notable: skip the renaming-after-people and go straight to the end game:Fort Tranny(also Fort Potsy kek)

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a372b4 No.32837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660702 (081444ZAPR23) Notable: (self-nom kek) Why are copper roofs environmentally friendly? Because they go green.

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Anon woke up with this joke in head:

Why are copper roofs environmentally friendly?

Because they go green.

Those from Quebec know. :)


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a372b4 No.32838

File: 1bd646fc608c81e⋯.png (167.3 KB,965x612,965:612,Clipboard.png)

File: 244e1071b5b30a6⋯.png (38.08 KB,706x670,353:335,Clipboard.png)

File: 24c7c9380ff8231⋯.png (70.09 KB,731x898,731:898,Clipboard.png)

File: 1963032aa81c999⋯.png (45.63 KB,706x670,353:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660724 (081448ZAPR23) Notable: 2 charts show how much the world depends on Taiwan for semiconductors

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2 charts show how much the world depends on Taiwan for semiconductors


Yen Nee Lee



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a372b4 No.32839

File: 0a5a2fa51a5e328⋯.png (1.38 MB,1246x942,623:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660732 (081451ZAPR23) Notable: 2 charts show how much the world depends on Taiwan for semiconductors

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he World Is Dangerously Dependent on Taiwan for Semiconductors

A shortage of auto chips has exposed TSMC’s key role in the supply chain

ByAlan Crawford, Jarrell Dillard, Helene Fouquet and Isabel Reynolds

January 25, 2021 at 4:06 PM EST


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a372b4 No.32840

File: 13ec974bc28b51b⋯.jpeg (127.09 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660735 (081451ZAPR23) Notable: Hidden sanctions on Russian grain could spark global famine – official

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8 Apr, 2023 12:29

Hidden sanctions on Russian grain could spark global famine – official

Western businesses have been forced to reject Russian imports despite the official positions of governments, a grain union says

Russian grain exporters have been hit byindirect sanctions, as Western businesses were unable toprovide services criticalto the industry, the head of the Russian Union of Grain Exporters has said in an interview with RT.

Eduard Zernin explained that even though grain is exempt from anti-Russia sanctions imposed by Western powers, firms located or registered in those countries were systemically refusing to work with Russian suppliers.

“Among them arebanking institutionsof this or that country that have been rejecting payments, orvesselsflying the flag of this or that country that suddenly stopped entering Russian ports despite all the valid licenses,”Zernin said. “We have seen a wave of individual initiatives, the scale of which was massive.”

Russia accounts for more than20% of the world’s grain shipments, the official noted, adding that the latest attempts “to erase or cancel Russian produce from global markets has failed,” as the elimination of such a prodigious amount of supplies would inevitably trigger a global food crisis.

“Direct pressure is impossible, but if we face another upsurge in disguised sanctions targeting shipments of Russian grain, famine may be inevitable,” he warned.

According to Zernin, the hidden sanctions applied to Russian exporters last year sent prices for wheat surging from $300 to $450 per ton.

He added that prices began declining only when those restrictions were eased, after the Russian Union of Grain Exporters raised concerns on the international level, having alerted the United Nations to the issue.

“We have faced and are still facing challenges related to banking operations,” Zerin said. “We managed to resolve nearly all the issues relating to fleets, partly arising from increased freight tariffs.”

According to the head of the union, Russian grain exporters have also beencut off from the legal regulationplatform as part of Western restrictions.

“As a result, we are not able to resolve any legal disputes at specialised arbitration platforms,” he said.

Zernin noted that the Russian Union of Grain Exporters has had to establish direct contacts with major importers of agricultural produce, to reduce the impact of sanctions.

“We have defined our focus markets, such as the Middle East and North African countries, the world’s biggest grain consumers, we have established direct ties with them, and developed new strategies for trading with every nation separately,” he explained.

According to the official, Russian exporters now work either under Russian legislation or follow the requirements of domestic laws of partners, staying out of global legislative framework.


The ultimate cancel culture.

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a372b4 No.32841

File: d07cf7aee1ac744⋯.jpg (129.84 KB,814x496,407:248,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660744 (081453ZAPR23) Notable: Mr. Pig Easter versions

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a372b4 No.32842

File: 4e3cf969a6d5747⋯.jpg (544.57 KB,1080x1501,1080:1501,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660766 (081459ZAPR23) Notable: Cameras for prosecuting the peasants on their commute to work so they can be taxed to pay for their existence.

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Cameras for prosecuting the peasants on their commute to work so they can be taxed to pay for their existence.

New speed cameras will be installed along Washington state highways in order to crack down on speeding drivers in work zones.


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a372b4 No.32843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660770 (081500ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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Kelly Robinson is female black calls herself a queer mother and wife. She was with Planned Parenthood before CEI.I found 1 pic-related but can't copy pasta it from article. No pics of her really..says she's from Iowa which seems weird.

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a372b4 No.32844

File: 069c56e8108abeb⋯.jpg (88.15 KB,729x565,729:565,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660784 (081502ZAPR23) Notable: Mr. Pig Easter versions

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a372b4 No.32845

File: b56ab2ae878e9fe⋯.jpg (670.67 KB,1080x1933,1080:1933,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660800 (081506ZAPR23) Notable: US panel approves salmon fishing ban for much of West Coast

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US panel approves salmon fishing ban for much of West Coast


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a372b4 No.32846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660868 (081520ZAPR23) Notable: #22894

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#22894 https://fullchan.net/?3a664b7ea9f8b549#45oKxii11aCLc1UhRjX8YZGtLxFBZR533UavDBZzDuxz


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a372b4 No.32847

File: b56ab2ae878e9fe⋯.jpg (670.67 KB,1080x1933,1080:1933,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660872 (081522ZAPR23) Notable: US panel approves salmon fishing ban for much of West Coast

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US panel approves salmon fishing ban for much of West Coast


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a372b4 No.32848

File: 1217678efa13b76⋯.png (542.21 KB,639x555,213:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660887 (081528ZAPR23) Notable: Alex Soros held several documented meetings at the Biden White House

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The Gateway Pundit


Confirmed: Alex Soros Held Several Documented Meetings at the Biden White House


Confirmed: Alex Soros Held Several Documented Meetings at the Biden White House

3:46 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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a372b4 No.32849

File: a023b68824b8357⋯.jpeg (72.98 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660920 (081538ZAPR23) Notable: Biden blames ‘extreme MAGA Republicans’ after cooldown of March jobs numbers

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Biden Blames ‘Extreme MAGA Republicans’ After Cooldown Of March Jobs Numbers



April 07, 2023

12:45 PM ET


Employers added 236,000 jobs to the economy in March, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. The number came in below the expected 239,000, marking the first time expectations were not met in 12 months.

The jobs numbers have been gradually cooling in 2023, with March’s jobs report down from February’s 311,000 and January’s net gain of 504,000.

The unemployment fell slightly to a low 3.5%.

Biden touted the low unemployment rate, added jobs and his administration’s agenda in a statement Friday, saying, “This is a good jobs report for hard-working Americans. … My Investing in America agenda is building an economy that benefits hard-working Americans in every community across the country, not just those at the top.”

He then contrasted his economic plans with those of “extreme MAGA Republicans.”

“Extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress, on the other hand, are threatening to wreak havoc on our economy with debt limit brinkmanship. Their extreme agenda would send the unprecedented investments we’ve made here in America – along with the jobs that come with it – overseas. And it’s all to pay for even more giveaways to the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations. Make no mistake, I will stop those efforts to put our economy at risk and take us back to the failed policies of the past,” Biden said.

The Biden administration has consistently cast blame on “MAGA Republicans” for the economy, the border crisis, defunding the police and more, particularly since the president released his budget.

Freedom Caucus Republicans have responded by denying the claims from the Biden administration, saying the rhetoric coming from the White House is “lie” after “smear.”

This cyborg is insane, he’s trying to get people killed


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a372b4 No.32850

File: 569f5a2268a03ac⋯.png (482.62 KB,990x992,495:496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660931 (081541ZAPR23) Notable: Taiwan's military has detected 71 Chinese aircraft and 9 vessels today

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NEW - Taiwan's military has detected71Chinese aircraft and 9 vessels today.45of the PLA aircraft had crossed the northern, central, and southern median lines of the Taiwan Strait and entered their ADIZ.


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a372b4 No.32851

File: 3f65d60a8a67d78⋯.png (615.12 KB,849x758,849:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660942 (081544ZAPR23) Notable: Taiwan's military has detected 71 Chinese aircraft and 9 vessels today

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>What purpose does it have for Biden to announce a submarine with tomahawks is being sent to the Iran region?!

Because China starts 3 days of combat readiness patrol exercises around Taiwan?? Look here not there??

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a372b4 No.32852

File: 2f9a102c9fd12c5⋯.png (742.66 KB,1273x730,1273:730,Clipboard.png)

File: de21c9ac6458b13⋯.png (390.79 KB,432x609,144:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 731a68008fbf419⋯.png (1.16 MB,1566x605,1566:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660970 (081551ZAPR23) Notable: PF reports

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>>32681 pb

PlaneFag CONUS Activity

CANE11 E-4B Nightwatch heading WS from Offut AFB after departing-cap#3 looks like it may do the same thing as GORDO14 did yesterday

GORDO14 E-4B Nightwatch (shows as tail 74-0787) went back to STRATCOM from it's refuel (from KECK69) up the CA coast yesterday and did some werk off shore-see linky above as well >>32643 pb

SPAR14 C-40B west from JBA to Scott AFB after dropping off Undersecratary of State Fernandez after arriving back yesterday from central/south american stops'''

itinerary form it here >>32535 pb

Potato 'at Camp David'

SWATH31 KC-135 tanker in the potato 'at Camp David' position

No updated Saturday schedule posted-still on Friday as 'No Pubilc Events'


RCH4195 C-17 Globemaster arrived at Dover AFB from NB Rota depart

RAF RRR6698 C-17 inbound heading SW from an RAF Brize norton departure earlier today

CNV4561, 4580,4679, 4661 US Navy Clippers (C-40As) departed Key West NAS and arrived from NAS North Island (San Diego) yesterday

15-3086 USAFSOC C-146 A Wolfhound

departed Santo Domingo, DR NE after arriving yesterday from Miami Int'l-heading back to Miami

SPAR642 Learjet 35 west from Scott AFB, IL

PAT705 Beech C-12V Huron NE from Houston-Hobby Airport

PELCN88 US Navy P-8 Poseidon heading to NAS Jax from Elmendorf depart earlier today

Mexican AF WYU Beech Super King Air 350 ISR AC NE from Nuevo Leon..a few flights in out of here lately-this week-by the 737s used by the Mexi AF and the Mexi Po-Po 727 (XCOPF)

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a372b4 No.32853

File: 5fbe7f89882d3c3⋯.png (171.15 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660978 (081552ZAPR23) Notable: Russian energy boss Igor Shkurko found dead

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Clinton's must have long arms


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a372b4 No.32854

File: 2613775e817fc26⋯.jpeg (260.06 KB,1010x1200,101:120,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e2b99c0930990f6⋯.jpeg (575.46 KB,1241x1830,1241:1830,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 978063e8be869f4⋯.jpeg (44.93 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660989 (081554ZAPR23) Notable: Justice Clarence Thomas responds to report alleging he took improper gifts

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Justice Clarence Thomas Responds To Report Alleging He Took Improper Gifts


“Harlan and Kathy Crow are among our dearest friends, and we have been friends for over twenty-five years. As friends do, we have joined them on a number of family trips during the more than quarter century we have known them. Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, andwas advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable,” Thomas said in a statement

ProPublica reported that Thomas and his wife traveled on the Crows’ yacht and on their private jet on numerous occasions over Thomas’ tenure on the Court. The article quoted several ethics experts who alleged that Thomas violated disclosure rules that require judges and justices to disclose large gifts.

Congressional Democrats responded to the article by urging Thomas to resign and reiterating calls to pack the Supreme Court.

“I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with disclosure guidelines. These guidelines are now being changed, as the committee of the Judicial Conference responsible for financial disclosure over the entire federal judiciary justthis past month announced new guidance. And, it is, of course, my intent to follow this guidance in the future,” he continued.


He will be announced as Saint Clarence Thomas, they are trying to crucify like PDJT



JUST IN #SCOTUS Justice Thomas issues statement on Propublica report on disclosures.

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a372b4 No.32855

File: a61878f7a31a380⋯.png (40.77 KB,598x224,299:112,Clipboard.png)

File: f2bfcc360f2e2c1⋯.png (315.55 KB,598x768,299:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 5103b83f926aaeb⋯.png (41.69 KB,598x218,299:109,Clipboard.png)

File: ae224ee9ce5a087⋯.png (26.76 KB,598x118,299:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18660997 (081557ZAPR23) Notable: Twitter on fire atm re: abortion

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Abortion and Abortion Pills seem to be the narration atm

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a372b4 No.32856

File: 4625fb515236f70⋯.jpeg (97.43 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661024 (081604ZAPR23) Notable: Ukraine is going to disappear because its Western backers former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has implied

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He’s Not Wrong

8 Apr, 2023 14:38

Former Russian president believes Ukraine will ‘disappear’

Nobody in the world, even the Ukrainians themselves, really cares about “country 404,” Dmitry Medvedev claims

Ukraine is going to disappear because its Western backers, the rest of the world, and even its own citizens have no need for the troubled country to keep existing, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has implied.

Why would Ukraine disappear? Because nobody needs it,” Medvedev, who now holds the position of deputy head of his country’s Security Council, wrote in a post on the Russian VK social network on Saturday.

The EU doesn’t need Ukraine because supporting the country amid the conflict with Russia “on the order of their American mentor plunged the Europeans into a real financial and political hell,” he insisted. Detrimental anti-Russia sanctions, spiking inflation, high energy prices and the “decay” of businesses have already led to protests in various parts of the continent, the official pointed out.

“The prospect of decisivelyplanting Ukrainian blood-sucking parasiteson the neck of the shriveling EU” is real and, if it happens, it’s going to signal the demise of the bloc, Medvedev warned.

Kiev’s prime backer, the US, doesn’t need Ukraine either, because most ordinary Americans have no idea where it’s located and consider it “some abstract part of Russia,” the post read. They wonder “why the establishment in the US isn’t trying to deal with inflation and [the lack of] jobs or emergencies in their home states, but isinstead occupied with this 404country,” the former president wrote, referring to the ==“404 error”•• protocol in network communications.

Only “political demagogues” in Washington, “who have long conceded their impotence and dementia, are trying to make PR gains from military and sanctions campaigns,” he added.

Africa and Latin America reject Ukraine because the “billions that the US is wasting on senseless battles somewhere in Ukraine would’ve been enough to fund many social-development programs” in those regions, Medvedev wrote.

Asian countries don’t need Ukraine because, through the example of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, “they see how the technologies of ‘color revolutions’ are being developedto eliminate the largest competing powers. They understand what scenario the collective West, led by the US, has prepared for them in case of disobedience,” the official explained. Besides, Russia is much closer to such nations as China and India in a geopolitical sense and has historically proven to be their reliable partner, he added.

Russia doesn’t need Ukraine because the country is “a mistake created by the collapse of the Soviet Union,” Medvedev also claimed.“Millions of our compatriots, who live here, have for many years been subjected to abuse by the Nazi Kiev regime. It’s them that we’re protecting in the course of a special military operation,” his post read.

“Finally, Ukraine, with its Nazi elite at the helm, is not needed by its own citizens. That’s why, out of 45 million, alittle more than 20 million people remainthere now,” he wrote. The Ukrainians don’t want to help President Vladimir Zelensky and his associates put even more stolen Western money in their offshore accounts; instead, they’re eager to move to Poland or elsewhere in the EU, “to become the 52nd state of the US or even join the penguins in Antarctica,” Medvedev concluded.


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a372b4 No.32857

File: def26f4917bd896⋯.jpeg (73.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661073 (081612ZAPR23) Notable: Poll suggests a large concentration of people in Iraq and 12 other Muslim-majority countries are skeptical of the USA’s commitment to democracy-building

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8 Apr, 2023 15:19

Muslim nations wary of US intentions – Gallup

Many also fear Washington won’t allow them to craft their own political futures, a poll has found

A large concentration of people inIraq and 12 other Muslim-majority countriesare skeptical of the United States’ commitment to democracy-building, according to the findings of a Gallup poll.

The survey, which was published by Gallup on Friday, also showed that many such nations have expressed doubt aboutWashington’s commitmentfor them to forge their own political futures without some level of democracy-promotion oversight from the US.

The poll was released shortly after the 20-year anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom; the US-led campaign to topple Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq which began in 2003.

The administration of then-President George W. Bush launched the operation on the false assertion that Saddam was developing weapons of mass destruction, which could potentially be used against the US and its allies. The move is generally considered to be among the worst foreign policy blunders in US history.

And now, two decades later, just over one-quarter of Iraqis believe that the US is committed to its proposal to establish democracy in the country, according to the poll. Conversely, some72% say they disagreethat the US is ‘serious’ about encouraging open and free elections in the country.

Despite holding democratic elections in 2005 while under US and British occupation, Iraqi democracy has been mired in instances of violence, fraud and protests amid disputes between Sunni and Shiite factions.

According to Lily Hamourtziadou, senior researcher for Iraq Body Count (IBC), which tracks civilian deaths following the US invasion in 2003, this has “produced a dystopian economy and a failed state.”

Hamourtziadou also argued in an op-ed published by Open Democracy in 2021 that “the US and its allies could never have produced a Western-style democracy, or the outcomes expected in a developed nation.” (Ours sucks why teach others to do it, we are Republic!)

The Gallup poll also found that Iran –at 81% – is the most distrustingof US intentions in the region.Tunisia, Türkiye, Palestine, as well as Iraq, complete the top five, with each between 78 and 75%. However, just 38% of Moroccans and 42% of Kuwaitis disagreed with the contention that the US is serious about establishing democratic systems of government in Muslim regions.

Gallup also polled citizens in the same nations to ask if they felt that the US was committed to assisting in their economic development. Iran, Türkiye and Tunisia heavily disagreed – between 82 to 74% – though, again, Kuwait and Morocco displayed the least amount of disagreement at 41% and 34% respectively.


What PDJT has been saying forever

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a372b4 No.32858

File: 7f10058ba07dcae⋯.png (141.08 KB,452x513,452:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661094 (081616ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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a372b4 No.32859

File: aad18d0df9abf72⋯.png (60.23 KB,734x583,734:583,Clipboard.png)

File: a6042046cc0ad4e⋯.png (835.97 KB,1570x839,1570:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 4501f038fca29bd⋯.png (236.04 KB,703x1108,703:1108,Clipboard.png)

File: d583d09f7262357⋯.png (76.52 KB,1242x369,138:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661123 (081622ZAPR23) Notable: Clockfag: Marker 9

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>>32850 (me)

Marker 9 hits on the clock in 2 days…(dotted pink line on clock excerpt….(ignore the other lines, i haven't updated yet).


Day after Ascension?

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a372b4 No.32860

File: 6644c2cda697c00⋯.jpeg (150.99 KB,1241x814,1241:814,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661176 (081633ZAPR23) Notable: Charlie Kirk: What happened to white actors in commercials? They've completely disappeared unless they're portraying ridiculous caricatures or incompetence

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An anon here has been saying this a year or more


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a372b4 No.32861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661243 (081647ZAPR23) Notable: #22893-A

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>anon will collect (lb)

>anon's slow

>but working

>need a baker

Here ya go baker! 1/2



>>32756 Twitter blocking SubStack gets more interesting, SubStack was "downloading" Twitter database (unclear if 'public' or if Matt was doing nefarious things within the org!), Matt Taibbi apparently works or worked for SubStack

>>32757 PF

>>32758, >>32793, >>32815 'Merchant of death' Viktor Bout urges Trump to seek asylum in Russia because his life is in DANGER from government threats and the Stormy Daniels probe

>>32759 WHO Admits ‘Staggering’ One in Six People Now Have Fertility Issues.

>>32760 DeSantis joins Trump in threatening to defund the FBI and DOJ

>>32762 ATTN BO / BV, re: note revision request for Globals, Installation Guide: offsite_qagg download

>>32763 Tesla Fire tracker: https://www.tesla-fire.com/

>>32761, >>32764, >>32766, >>32768, >>32776 Larry Sinclair testimony, Anyone got this video of guy giving testimony of how he rented Obama for sex.

>>32765 Republicans subpoena multiple major BANKS in their Biden family finances investigation

>>32767, >>32772, >>32773, >>32792, >>32801 AI will save black people over dogs (AI even miscapitalized the adjective), but will allow white people and Asian people to be killed by the runaway train

>>32769, >>32771, >>32773, >>32750 (pb) Maybe it's just me, but all these secrets seem to be leaking out when Trump got back from NY…I think someone is pissed and finally said "Let's get this shit going"…but that's just me.

>>32770 Anheuser-Bush has done more to stop drinking in the last week than AA has in 88 years. Great Job

>>32774 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>32775 they killed star wars ranks right up there with trannie monsters and the vax

>>32777 Ted Nugent tells Kyle Rittenhouse Michelle Obama is actually a man. 😂😂

>>32778 Never forget this ratio. This was right before YouTube took away the dislike feature. #GainOfFauci

>>32779, >>32784, >>32787, >>32819 James Gunn said Thursday, that a crossover between DC and Marvel is far more likely now that he's in charge.

>>32780 Joe Rogan on 4chan Trolling Shia Labeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us"

>>32781, >>32812, >>32783 George Lucas has said Star Wars was kinda based on Vietnam and the VC vs USA= Evil Empire

>>32782 3 types of logic: Deductive (narrow down), Inductive (generalize), and Abductive (generate new ideas)

>>32785, >>32814 beer with too much hops joke, kek

>>32786 Biden's former executive assistant Kathy Chung - who Hunter forwarded for the job - is questioned in Congress over her role in President's classified docs scandal

>>32788, >>32790, >>32791 Elon’s response on the Substack issue - This affects Matt Taibbi and further release of the Twitter Files

>>32789, >>32827 few years back there was a push for preventative double mastectomies, now there is a push for trans breast removal, me thinks this is a way to encourage self mutilation, wonder who could be behind this?

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a372b4 No.32862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661248 (081648ZAPR23) Notable: #22893-B

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>>anon will collect (lb)

>>anon's slow

>>but working

>>need a baker

Here ya go baker! 2/2



>>32793 Without openly declaring the arrested WSJ reporter (who is fluent in russian and born to russian parents) Evan Gershkovich a CIA asset, I will simply say he attended Bowdoin College where his professor, a woman named Barbara Elias, actively works as a CIA recruiter.

>>32794 It's been 822 since the murder of Ashli Babbit and Michael Byrd is still walking around free.

>>32795, >>32800, >>32803 'Trans Dinosaur Expert' Smuggles Gender Ideology Into Children's Educational Books

>>32796, >>32798, >>32804 Crimea's beaches are covered with trenches and tank traps

>>32797 Fascism’s History Offers Lessons about Today’s Attacks on Education

>>32798 Ukrainian missile downed over Crimea – governor

>>32799, >>32802, >>32808, >>32809, >>32816, >>32817, >>32831, >>32843 Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

>>32805, >>32832 1 min video, man works as distributor and 'thanks' Tranheiser Busch that he may not be able to feed his family soon (learn to code)

>>32806 Daniel Perry case – read the affidavit from the lead detective, claiming that the Soros DA directed him "to remove exculpatory information that I had intended to present to the grand jury during my testimony."

>>32807 Covenant School killer. Was she the molested girl they covered up in 2008? She would have been a young 'tween at the time.

>>32810, >>32822 NEW - Son of billionaire George Soros has quietly become a de-facto White House "ambassador," making at least 14 visits since Biden took office.

>>32811 Failed Ukrainian nuclear plant attack revealed – The Times

>>32813 15 seconds, guy is given a Bud Light and ends up wearing a dress, "Aw, crap, man"

>>32818 Tesla employees shared sensitive images recorded by cars (So Dr. Shiva is right, no privacy no freedom of speech.)

>>32820 Navy “UFO Patent” Documents Talk Of “Spacetime Modification Weapon,” Detail Experimental Testing

>>32821, >>32823, >>32824, >>32835 WE GOT ANOTHER VTA BOYS! (Violent Tranny Alert)

>>32825 number-of-man trips confirm, fake and gay painting: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>32826 "Nightmare for Five Eyes", naker saw: I=9, so "Five Is" 5 x 9 = 45, Presidential

>>32828, >>32830, >>32836, >>32833 skip the renaming-after-people and go straight to the end game:Fort Tranny(also Fort Potsy kek)

>>32829 what have they been adding to school milk all these years to create so many gender bender kids?

>>32834 Anon opines on PLACEHOLDERS, at tops of government, institution, corporation, military, religion, industry and anything else of any significance

>>32837 (self-nom kek) Why are copper roofs environmentally friendly? Because they go green.

>>32838, >>32839 2 charts show how much the world depends on Taiwan for semiconductors

>>32840 Hidden sanctions on Russian grain could spark global famine – official

>>32841, >>32844 Mr. Pig Easter versions

>>32842 Cameras for prosecuting the peasants on their commute to work so they can be taxed to pay for their existence.

>>32845 US panel approves salmon fishing ban for much of West Coast

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a372b4 No.32863

File: 29576aeed5b8609⋯.png (395.91 KB,872x900,218:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661316 (081704ZAPR23) Notable: More classified docs appear online: US secrets 'from Ukraine to Middle East to China'

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Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online:

US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

SATURDAY, APR 08, 2023 - 09:55 AM

A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in the wake of the initial disclosure that memos related to US strategy in the Ukraine war appeared online, including material marked "Top Secret".

This time the leak appears more expansive: "A new batch of classified documents that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday, alarming the Pentagon and adding turmoil to a situation that seemed to have caught the Biden administration off guard," The New York Times reported Friday evening.


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a372b4 No.32864

File: 7bb63b593b2e227⋯.png (536.02 KB,810x1548,45:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661379 (081718ZAPR23) Notable: The CIA director reportedly expressed displeasure at Saudi tilt toward Tehran under infuence of China. If true it is a good sign, but also one of a policy in complete disarray

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Mike @Doranimated·4h

The CIA director reportedly expressed displeasure at Saudi tilt toward Tehran under infuence of China. If true it is a good sign, but also one of a policy in complete disarray.

I couldn’t agree more with this short thread.

88888eight @88888eight1 Replying to @Doranimated

American policy makers appear to be incompetent.They left Saudi Arabia with no choice after allowing Bashar Assad to violate American “red lines” and then allowing the Houthis to bomb Saudi Arabia. Saudi always sought American military intervention when the situation arises 1/

2/ Saudi Arabia must have noticed how Türkiye was left to fend for itself (as a NATO ally) after shooting down a Russian fighter jet. USA told Türkiye that the issue would not involve NATO. To make matters worse, the USA has supported Iranian proxies in Iraq and the PKK in Syria

8:26 AM · Apr 8, 2023


12:53 PM · Apr 8, 2023


1:04 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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a372b4 No.32865

File: b7ae527b5d220e1⋯.jpeg (380.01 KB,1170x1127,1170:1127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661392 (081722ZAPR23) Notable: Alex Soros held several documented meetings at the Biden White House

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a372b4 No.32866

File: 305ca676f4a900a⋯.png (454.31 KB,577x567,577:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661393 (081722ZAPR23) Notable: @NYpost: climate change is linked to more MLB homeruns

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Climate change now blamed for . . . more home runs?

Sounds like a bit of hot air.

Hotter weather from climate change has played a role in the surge of home runs in Major League Baseball, researchers claimed in a study published Friday.

But despite the onslaught of headlines, the effect was small — and could be chalked up to everything from stronger players to “livelier” baseballs. And a critic noted that minor league home runs are actually down in the same period.

Players hit at least 500 more homers between 2010 and 2019 — roughly 50 a year — because balls fly a greater distance in warmer air, the paper by Dartmouth College researchers argues.


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a372b4 No.32867

File: 2601cba2a5d7490⋯.png (221.35 KB,837x883,837:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661394 (081722ZAPR23) Notable: House Judiciary expands investigation into Manhattan DA

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House Judiciary Expands Investigation Into Manhattan DA


Apr 08, 2023, 11:28 AM


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a372b4 No.32868

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661410 (081728ZAPR23) Notable: The people will reject the [CBDC] video of current economic status

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X22 Report Interviews Bill Holter

The People Will Reject The [CBDC]

Gold Backed Currency, Fed Restructuring Coming

April 8, 2023 34:13


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a372b4 No.32869

File: 144ca050b61793a⋯.webp (78.93 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661445 (081736ZAPR23) Notable: US deploys guided-missile submarine amid tensions with Iran

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US deploys guided-missile submarine amid tensions with Iran


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The U.S. Navy has deployed a guided-missile submarine capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk missiles to the Middle East, a spokesman said Saturday, in what appeared to be a show of force toward Iran following recent tensions.

The Navy rarely acknowledges the location or deployment of submarines. Cmdr. Timothy Hawkins, a spokesman for the 5th Fleet based in the Gulf nation of Bahrain, declined to comment on the submarine’s mission or what had prompted the deployment.

He said the nuclear-powered submarine, based out of Kings Bay, Georgia, passed through the Suez Canal on Friday. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to U.S. 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins said.

The 5th Fleet patrols the crucial Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which 20% of all oil transits. Its region includes the Bab el-Mandeb Strait off Yemen and the Red Sea stretching up to the Suez Canal, the Egyptian waterway linking the Mideast to the Mediterranean Sea.

The U.S., the U.K. and Israel have accused Iran of targeting oil tankers and commercial ships in recent years, allegations denied by Tehran. The U.S. Navy has also reported a series of tense encounters at sea with Iranian forces that it said were being recklessly aggressive.


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a372b4 No.32870

File: 23e8432ddcb59f4⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,620x455,124:91,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661613 (081813ZAPR23) Notable: #22895

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Need baker and lb notes

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a372b4 No.32871

File: 8e03994efeb24f0⋯.jpg (140.93 KB,720x1061,720:1061,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7fc03286bb33d1f⋯.jpg (219.56 KB,1527x1527,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661658 (081820ZAPR23) Notable: Grassley working hard to get this farm house ready for the grassley gathering Sunday

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Time to clean house ?


Beth it’s Easter u and I have to work hard to get this farm house ready for the grassley gathering Sunday

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a372b4 No.32872

File: 7fe0a6c4811ab28⋯.png (1.46 MB,1196x1192,299:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661674 (081823ZAPR23) Notable: Drought-ravaged Colorado River gets relief from snow. But long-term water crisis remains

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>Boulder Dam?

huh, 6 hours ago


Drought-ravaged Colorado River gets relief from snow. But long-term water crisis remains

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a372b4 No.32873

File: d35a10adb3a2115⋯.webp (71.14 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661707 (081830ZAPR23) Notable: J6 Political Prisoner William Chrestman Tells Gateway Pundit FBI Is Paying Criminal ‘Confidential Human Sources’ $30k A Month ‘To Set People Up’

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“In the Pits of Hell, Innocent Men are Steadfast in Faith in God” – J6 Political Prisoner William Chrestman Tells Gateway Pundit FBI Is Paying Criminal ‘Confidential Human Sources’ $30k A Month ‘To Set People Up’ – Please Help This Man on Easter Weekend (VIDEO)

Government spy agencies embedded confidential human sources to ignite violence among peaceful protesters on January 6 as some police officers permitted entry into the Capitol building and others murdered demonstrators in cold blood while arbitrating the deep state-conspired “insurrection, warns J6 political prisoner Billy Chrestman.

January 6 was a communist-style “coup d’état of the United States” and the government strategically awarded the police officers who killed Americans that day, Chrestman, a 47-year-old father of six and U.S. Army veteran from Kansas, told The Gateway Pundit during phonecalls from the DC gulag, where he has been detained for over two years.

Officer Lila Morris “got an award for beating a woman to death and continually hitting her lifeless, dead body over and over to provoke the crowd. That’s what she did that day. She got a medal for that,” says Chrestman.

The Kansas Army Veteran continued calling attention to Roseanne Boyland’s murder. “I don’t even know what the medal was for. It’s such a sham. I think it’s ‘heroism’ or something. It was ridiculous.

Read: One Way To Keep Your Family Fed In A Crisis

“The real reason they did that — and the same thing with Fanone, he got a gold medal too — it makes it harder to go and attack a person’s character when they were given a medal by Congress for being a hero. It’s ridiculous. They think that’s going to work, it’s not going to work because it’s all on video. You’re telling on yourselves. That’s the problem, is the public hasn’t been allowed to see these videos.

The government is hellbent on withholding exculpatory evidence, thousands of hours of surveillance footage that exonerates J6 and exposes unbridled public corruption, Chrestman continued.

“The Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to keep anybody from seeing these videos and they are part of our discovery. We have been denied too — we can’t watch them either,” he said. “There is just so much video. Yet, we can’t have the video. And when they give it to us, they expect that we should have the ability to view this 44,000 hours of video that they’ve had for two years,” he said. “They will give it to us right before our trials, no time to look through it.”

Lt. Byrd, who shot Babbitt while she was surrounded by a gaggle of reporters, including CNN cameraman Antifa activist John Sulivan, and former TGP contributor Taylor Hansen, was championed by mainstream media, exonerated of all criminal charges and provided special housing by the federal government.


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a372b4 No.32874

File: f2c8d94480ad257⋯.jpg (38.22 KB,641x240,641:240,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661718 (081832ZAPR23) Notable: Major Distributor has reportedly canceled appearances of Budweiser Clydesdale horses in Missouri after the recent backlash

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Major Distributor has reportedly canceled appearances of Budweiser Clydesdale horses in Missouri after the recent backlash.

Thank you to all Patriots who continue to speak out and let your voices be heard.


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a372b4 No.32875

File: ecb8ec9f6732d72⋯.png (214.58 KB,306x404,153:202,Clipboard.png)

File: c8e06792f4bbe0f⋯.png (153.68 KB,306x404,153:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661754 (081839ZAPR23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: First anti-aging pills to hit shelves in 2028, expert predicts - as Silicon Valley races to conquer death

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EXCLUSIVE: First anti-aging pills to hit shelves in 2028, expert predicts - as Silicone Valley races to conquer death

Pills that can help a person reverse the effects of aging could be on the market in the next five years, according to an expert.

Sam Altman, 37, was revealed to have funded biotech startup Retro BioScience to the tune of $180million last month. He is the latest in a long line of Silicon Valley billionaires to throw their considerable wealth behind the science of aging.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos is reported to have invested $3billion in life-extension startup Altos Labs. PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel invested in the Methuselah Foundation, which has the goal of making '90 the new 50'.


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a372b4 No.32876

File: 194247dac3423a0⋯.png (392.21 KB,560x687,560:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661808 (081852ZAPR23) Notable: Grassley working hard to get this farm house ready for the grassley gathering Sunday

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Chuck Grassley


Beth it’s Easter u and I have to work hard to get this farm house ready for the grassley gathering Sunday

2:14 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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a372b4 No.32877

File: 4cadaf2e430a5a9⋯.png (53.22 KB,526x384,263:192,Clipboard.png)

File: 86f976aed48968a⋯.png (346.05 KB,824x623,824:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661857 (081908ZAPR23) Notable: Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

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Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in the wake of the initial disclosure that memos related to US strategy in the Ukraine war appeared online, including material marked "Top Secret".

This time the leak appears more expansive: "A new batch of classified documents that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday, alarming the Pentagon and adding turmoil to a situation that seemed to have caught the Biden administration off guard," The New York Times reported Friday evening.

"The scale of the leak — analysts say more than 100 documents may have been obtained — along with the sensitivity of the documents themselves, could be hugely damaging, U.S. officials said," the report continues.

One senior intelligence official was quoted in the report as saying the leak is "a nightmare for the Five Eyes" - in reference to the intelligence-sharing nations of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Like the Ukraine war plans earlier reported on by the Times, some of these latest documents appeared on Twitter and other social media platforms, and they include reports labeled with one of the highest classification ratings of "Secret/NoForn" - which means they are sensitive enough to not be shared with even foreign allies.

Interestingly, the NY Times notes that one intelligence slide which is circulating features "an alarming assessment of Ukraine’s faltering air defense capabilities." But these leaks, some of which actually appeared on a Discord server devoted to discussing Minecraft and other unusual places, include more than the initial content on Ukraine war planning:

But the leaked documents appear to go well beyond highly classified material on Ukraine war plans. Security analysts who have reviewed the documents tumbling onto social media sites say the increasing trove also includes sensitive briefing slides on China, the Indo-Pacific military theater, the Middle East and terrorism.

The report quotes one analyst who warns this is likely "the tip of the iceberg" and that more major leaks are coming, or possibly have already happened, in something which could begin to rival the 'Pentagon Papers' of the Vietnam war era.


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a372b4 No.32878

File: a4e17be32440096⋯.png (277.28 KB,573x809,573:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661862 (081910ZAPR23) Notable: China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills

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China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills

China is reportedly responding to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California a few days ago.

It is being reported that China is responding to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California this past week by starting military drills around Taiwan.

Zerohedge reports:

China has begun three days of military drills around Taiwan and in the Taiwan Strait as its direct response to Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California held days ago.

Parts of the drills are expected to extend up to 12 days. WSJ notes that this is what greeted the return of Tsai to her home: “Hours after President Tsai Ing-wen returned to Taiwan on Friday night, Chinese maritime safety authorities said the country’s navy planned to conduct seven live-fire exercises over the course of 12 days off the coast of Fujian province, which faces Taiwan, starting Saturday morning.”

While the Wednesday meeting with McCarthy was presented by the allies as a show of democratic solidarity, Beijing had warned of “resolute measures” while deploying an aircraft carrier strike group off the self-ruled island’s coast.

Early Saturday, China launched live-fire “combat readiness patrols” until April 10, according to a statement from the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) Eastern Theatre Command. The drills are called United Sharp Sword and expand in scope from the north to south of the island, utilizing air and sea, particularly airspace to Taiwan’s east, the statement indicated.

The drills have already involved on Saturday a whopping 71 Chinese military aircraft crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait, Reuters confirms.


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a372b4 No.32879

File: 054fc839120695a⋯.png (80.52 KB,1053x575,1053:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 311773ad070c8b7⋯.png (111.1 KB,1053x837,39:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661868 (081911ZAPR23) Notable: Dems Are Taking in Multi-Millions from Foreigners and No One Seems to Care

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Democrats Are Taking in Multi-Millions from Foreigners and No One Seems to Care

This past week alone, there were multiple articles of top Democrats taking multi-millions from foreigners. This is supposed to be against the law for obvious reasons but no one seems to care.

This past week Breitbart reported that Leonardo DiCaprio testified in an Obama campaign money-laundering trial.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio appeared in Washington Monday to testify in the trial of Fugees rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel who is accused of illegally funneling money from fugitive Malaysian financier Jho Taek Low to the Barack Obama campaign through straw donors.

Michael, a founding member of the 1990s hip-hop group the Fugees, is accused of illegally funneling foreign donations to Obama’s 2012 campaign for president, that was sourced from a Malaysian financier. It is illegal for foreigners to donate money to U.S. political campaigns.

DiCaprio, 48, testified that he was surprised by the amount of money he saw being donated to the Obama campaign.

“It was a significant sum — something to the tune of $20-30 million,” DiCaprio said on the stand, according to the New York Post. “I said, ‘Wow that’s a lot of money!’”

The Hollywood star was called to testify because he had been a close U.S. associate of Low, having taken his donations for charities as well as financing for his award winning 2013 film, The Wolf of Wall Street.

Low was well-known among Hollywood A-Listers for throwing lavish parties, inviting top executives and actors on expensive vacations, doling out flights on his private jet, and attending and donating at numerous charity events. But he is now accused of embezzling his millions and is on the run.

Obama was famous for disregarding the law and doing whatever he wanted. This attitude and practice is the current modus operandi in the US government today.

Breitbart also reported this week on the Democrat’s new George Soros: Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss. This guy is donating huge sums to Democrat causes that are destroying the country.


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a372b4 No.32880

File: 733a800afd2fcc4⋯.png (784.37 KB,679x487,679:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661879 (081914ZAPR23) Notable: Confirmed: Alex Soros Held Several Documented Meetings at the Biden White House

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Confirmed: Alex Soros Held Several Documented Meetings at the Biden White House

According to White House records, Alex Soros has held several meetings at the Biden White House.

Alex is the famous son and heir of George Soros, his cunning and extremely dangerous billionaire father.

Soros has been linked to the open borders movement, anti-Trump movements, anti-DeSantis groups, anti-police District Attorneys, anti-speech movements, etc. It’s as if Soros is behind the collapse of Western cilization. Satan would be pleased.

The New York Post reported:

A son of billionaire George Soros has quietly become a de-facto White House “ambassador,” making at least 14 visits there on behalf of the far-left kingmaker since President Joe Biden took office, records reviewed by The Post show.

Alexander Soros — a prolific Democratic fundraiser in his own right who likes to boast about his relationships with world leaders on social media — scored at least a dozen meetings with White House officials in 2022, according to recently updated White House visitor logs. Soros, 37, also participated in two other confabs there in late 2021, the records show.

His latest trips include visiting Dec. 1 with then-White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain’s advisor Nina Srivastava, who also worked on Biden’s presidential campaign, the logs show.

Later that evening. the younger Soros was one of 330 people who attended a lavish state dinner on the White House South Lawn hosted by the president and First Lady Jill Biden honoring French President Emmanuel Macron and Macron’s wife, Brigitte.

A day later, Alexander Soros — who chairs the powerful, liberal grant-making network Open Society Foundations founded by his dad — met with both Advisor to the Counselor of President Mariana Adame and Deputy National Security Advisor Jonathan Finer, records show.


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a372b4 No.32881

File: f775578d416bb2c⋯.png (221.44 KB,557x449,557:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661898 (081918ZAPR23) Notable: CBDC Will Be Used For "Control", ECB President Admits In Vid Chat With 'Fake Zelensky'

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CBDC Will Be Used For "Control", ECB President Admits In Vid Chat With 'Fake Zelensky'

A widely shared video of European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde admitting that a digital euro will be used in a “limited” way to control the payments that people can make was taken from a three-week-old prank video.

The video was highlighted by the breaking news account Watcher Guru on April 6 and generated a significant amount of social media chatter. In it, Lagarde cited a desire to not be reliant on an “unfriendly countries currency,” or a currency provided by a “private corporate entity like Facebook or like Google.” She said she is “personally convinced that we have to move ahead” with the digital euro.

Cointelegraph traced the original source of the video to a prank video from March 17 in which Lagarde appears to speak more candidly than normal, as she believed she was speaking to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The pranksters have had similar conversations with other public figures, including Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and former United States President George W. Bush.

When “Zelensky" noted that “the problem is they [European protestors] don’t want to be controlled” by a central bank digital currency, Lagarde admitted that “there will be control, you’re right. You’re completely right,” but suggested it would be a “limited amount of control,” adding:

“We are considering whether for very small amounts, anything that is around 300, 400 euros, we could have a mechanism where there is zero control. But that could be dangerous.”

But Lagarde noted that terrorist attacks can, and have been, entirely financed by small, anonymous transactions.


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a372b4 No.32882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661903 (081919ZAPR23) Notable: US Blindsided By Saudi-Iran Normalization: CIA Director

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US Blindsided By Saudi-Iran Normalization: CIA Director

CIA Director William Burns visited Saudi Arabia earlier this week to express frustration over Riyadh’s surprise normalization deal with Tehran that was brokered by Beijing, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

According to the Journal, Burns told Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that the US “has felt blindsided” by Riyadh’s rapprochement with Iran as well as Syria, two nations under crippling US economic sanctions.

Following the deal with Iran, Saudi Arabia is poised to normalize with Syria. Riyadh is expected to invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to an Arab League summit it’s hosting in May. The Biden administration is against regional countries upgrading ties with Syria as it prefers to keep the country isolated as US policy is to prevent reconstruction.

A US official told Reuters that Burns also discussed intelligence cooperation with Riyadh. “The director reinforced our commitment to intelligence cooperation especially in areas of counterterrorism,” the official said.

Also on Thursday, Saudi Arabia and Iran’s foreign ministers met in Beijing, marking the highest-level meeting between the two countries since when they severed diplomatic ties in 2016. At the meeting, they agreed to reopen their embassies and to work toward other forms of cooperation.

At a press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said Beijing was ready to continue mediating between the two sides. “We are ready to keep playing a mediating role, support both sides in building trust, dispelling misgivings and realizing good neighborliness, and contribute China’s wisdom and strength to promoting security, stability, and development in the Middle East,” she said.


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a372b4 No.32883

File: f8c9c8a199037c2⋯.png (413.53 KB,1014x857,1014:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 27ef755432da5f8⋯.png (51.62 KB,996x252,83:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661909 (081921ZAPR23) Notable: Ukrainian missile downed over Crimea – governor (RT)

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Ukrainian missile downed over Crimea – governor

The projectile, which was destroyed over the town of Feodosia, inflicted no casualties or damage, a local official said

Russian air defenses have shot down a Ukrainian missile over Crimea, local authorities said on Saturday, adding that the strike did not result in any casualties or damage to infrastructure.

In a Telegram post, Sergey Aksenov, the head of the Republic of Crimea, said “a missile launched from Ukraine’s side” had been destroyed over the coastal town of Feodosia in the southeastern part of the peninsula.

Later, Oleg Kryuchkov, a senior adviser to Aksenov, issued an update on the incident, claiming that “the debris of a Ukrainian missile downed by air defenses fell in one of the Crimean settlements. There are no casualties or destruction.”

Local media released photos showing a large cloud of smoke, which was visible from several kilometers away, rising from the location where the projectile apparently landed. They also published pictures of what looked like debris from the missile.


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a372b4 No.32884

File: c6e20bd40a71d44⋯.png (223.93 KB,624x645,208:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 186bed5d05064ac⋯.jpg (121.85 KB,1059x1073,1059:1073,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661922 (081923ZAPR23) Notable: 7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT

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a372b4 No.32885

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661933 (081925ZAPR23) Notable: Anon recommended NASA fraud video (30min) – bitchute

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One of the best NASA frauds and fails compilations I have seen in a long time


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a372b4 No.32886

File: 37f6c54bf0e49f9⋯.png (285.08 KB,1056x990,16:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661971 (081933ZAPR23) Notable: ChatGPT Sued for Lying - KEK

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ChatGPT Sued for Lying


>Brian Hood is a whistleblower who was praised for "showing tremendous courage" when he helped expose a worldwide bribery scandal linked to Australia's National Reserve Bank. But if you ask ChatGPT about his role in the scandal, you get the opposite version of events. Rather than heralding Hood's whistleblowing role, ChatGPT falsely states that Hood himself was convicted of paying bribes to foreign officials, had pleaded guilty to bribery and corruption, and been sentenced to prison.

>When Hood found out, he was shocked. Hood, who is now mayor of Hepburn Shire near Melbourne in Australia, said he plans to sue the company behind ChatGPT for telling lies about him, in what could be the first defamation suit of its kind against the artificial intelligence chatbot…. "There's never, ever been a suggestion anywhere that I was ever complicit in anything, so this machine has completely created this thing from scratch," Hood said — confirming his intention to file a defamation suit against ChatGPT. "There needs to be proper control and regulation over so-called artificial intelligence, because people are relying on them…."

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a372b4 No.32887

File: c7a60482db2ecd6⋯.png (463.54 KB,640x481,640:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c73db6220d5b75⋯.png (99.37 KB,668x735,668:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661974 (081933ZAPR23) Notable: Now Both Ukraine and Russia Say ‘Leaked’ U.S. Intelligence Assessments of War Are ‘Photoshop’ Fakes

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Now Both Ukraine and Russia Say ‘Leaked’ U.S. Intelligence Assessments of War Are ‘Photoshop’ Fakes

A rare moment of agreement between Russian and Ukrainian state media organisations emerged over the authenticity of a cache of allegedly leaked U.S. intelligence documents.

Alleged U.S. Joint Staff briefing documents claiming to discuss casualty numbers and logistics including the provision of military materiel to Ukraine were published on Russian social media on Friday, as reported by Breitbart News, representing a major breach of U.S. security by Russian actors if true. Yet the 100-plus documents, which seemed to suggest that Ukraine was fielding fewer troops than thought and had sustained considerably more casualties than Russia, were instantly called into question, and nowhere more stridently than by Ukraine itself.

Russia’s intelligence agents are now so ineffective, said President Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak, they have been reduced to “photoshop & ‘virtual fake leaks’,” which he insisted is what the documents were. These papers were an effort to “disrupt the Ukrainian counteroffensive” but would not be effective, he said. Publishing these papers was a “bluff” because it would be counterproductive for a real intelligence officer to burn a source by making a potentially rich seam of information exposed to discovery by going public.

Making the point explicitly, the Ukrainian state news service Ukrinform explained: “The documents published by Russian sources may have been partially doctored to cover up the real situation of Russia’s losses and exaggerate Ukrainian casualties.”


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a372b4 No.32888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661987 (081937ZAPR23) Notable: IDF: 3 rockets launched from Syria at Golan Heights, one lands in Israeli territory

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IDF: 3 rockets launched from Syria at Golan Heights, one lands in Israeli territory

Military says incoming rocket alert activated near Meitsar; Iron Dome not activated as projectiles not heading for populated areas

The Israel Defense Forces says an incoming rocket alert was activated in an open area near the northern Israeli town of Meitsar in the Golan Heights, close to the border with Syria.

The IDF says the cause is still under review.

Hebrew-language media reports say at least two rockets were fired from Syria.

Local residents say they heard explosions.

There are no immediate reports of injuries or damage.


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a372b4 No.32889

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18661998 (081942ZAPR23) Notable: The People Will Reject The [CBDC]

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>>>/qresearch/18661559 lb

>great layout of economic status


>>32868 lb

The People Will Reject The [CBDC]

Gold Backed Currency and Fed Restructuring Coming

April 8, 2023 34:13


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a372b4 No.32890

File: b3e06f34bd87ea1⋯.png (371.54 KB,1103x930,1103:930,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ddba0b22bdbf12⋯.png (370.55 KB,1093x939,1093:939,Clipboard.png)

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File: 81f5fa76d5aff04⋯.png (1.55 MB,1351x760,1351:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662014 (081947ZAPR23) Notable: 7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT

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LGB are just sexual orientations. Filter them out and see what is left for the T (and all the other letters they keep adding).


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a372b4 No.32891

File: 6ac02a20609e3c8⋯.png (271.92 KB,781x706,781:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662017 (081948ZAPR23) Notable: Syrian Army Launches Operation Around U.S.-Controlled Al-Tanf

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Syrian Army Launches Operation Around U.S.-Controlled Al-Tanf

On April 6, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a combing operation around the southeastern area of al-Tanf, where the United States maintains a large garrison, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

The aim of the operation is reportedly to identify and neutralize sabotage and reconnaissance cells, which were trained by the U.S.-led coalition at al-Tanf.

Around 200 U.S. troops are usually deployed at al-Tanf garrison, side by side with some more than 300 militants from a proxy group known as the Syrian Free Army. The group has been recruiting and training more militants with direct support from the coalition.

The U.S.-led coalition maintains a 55-kilometer no-fly zone around al-Tanf garrison. However, Russian fighter jets fly over the garrison on a regular basis.

Russian fighter jets armed with air-to-air missiles and bombs flew over al-Tanf at least 25 times during March, according to recent remarks by Lieutenant General Alexus Grynkewich, combined forces air component commander for U.S. Central Command.


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a372b4 No.32892

File: 7c3fdce2f3673af⋯.png (161.2 KB,598x495,598:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662020 (081948ZAPR23) Notable: Meteorite falls in Russia's Irkutsk Region

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Russia state-affiliated media

Meteorite falls in Russia's Irkutsk Region


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a372b4 No.32893

File: 2bd8c63e6f19540⋯.png (901.54 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662039 (081952ZAPR23) Notable: Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

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Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

At stake is their Corporate Equality Index — or CEI — score, which is overseen by the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ+ political lobbying group in the world.

HRC, which has received millions from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation among others, issues report cards for America’s biggest corporations via the CEI: awarding or subtracting points for how well companies adhere to what HRC calls its “rating criteria.”

Businesses that attain the maximum 100 total points earn the coveted title “Best Place To Work For LGBTQ Equality.” Fifteen of the top 20 Fortune-ranked companies received 100% ratings last year, according to HRC data.

More than 840 US companies racked up high CEI scores, according to the latest report.


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a372b4 No.32894

File: 6c1020c99189b9a⋯.png (356.63 KB,871x964,871:964,Clipboard.png)

File: d4e9bb4a95cdaa9⋯.png (383.5 KB,1170x1057,1170:1057,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662043 (081953ZAPR23) Notable: MailChimp has suspended a Catholic user’s account after they sent out a "Happy Easter" greeting to their clients.

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JUST IN — MailChimp has suspended a Catholic user’s account after they sent out a "Happy Easter" greeting to their clients.


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a372b4 No.32895

File: f30a3ab669454a4⋯.png (139.13 KB,687x831,229:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f2f8bd28146bb9⋯.png (100.82 KB,687x755,687:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 4368d7d53fbb23e⋯.png (101.19 KB,697x692,697:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662048 (081954ZAPR23) Notable: The Culling of Mankind: Government Reports & Pfizer Documents reveal a Sinister Agenda exists to Depopulate the Planet through COVID Vaccination

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The Culling of Mankind: Government Reports & Pfizer Documents reveal a Sinister Agenda exists to Depopulate the Planet through COVID Vaccination

If an experimental vaccine were to damage the heart and immune system in a significant number of individuals who received it, it is possible that it could lead to a decline in the overall population size.

This could occur for a number of reasons.

First, damage to the heart could lead to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, which are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. This could result in a higher number of deaths among individuals who received the vaccine.

Second, damage to the immune system could leave individuals more susceptible to other infections and diseases, which could also contribute to an increase in mortality.

Last, but by no means least, the negative impacts of the vaccine on fertility and reproductive health could lead to a decline in the number of births, further contributing to a decline in the overall population size.

If such a vaccine were to be developed and distributed, it could potentially lead to depopulation due to increased mortality and decreased fertility.

Unfortunately, the world has found itself in a situation where powerful institutions and Governments have coerced millions of people into getting an experimental Covid-19 vaccine that causes all of the ill-fated things mentioned above.

Official Government reports and confidential Pfizer documents prove it.

Therefore, you are witnessing mass depopulation unfold before your very eyes.

The push for mass Covid-19 vaccination was never about combating a virus. It was about reducing the global population.

This goal aligns with the interests of certain powerful corporations and individuals who stand to benefit from a smaller, more manageable population now that AI is advanced enough to replace hundreds of millions of workers.


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a372b4 No.32896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662061 (081957ZAPR23) Notable: 7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT

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>>>/qresearch/1866922 Statista: 7.2% of US adults identify as LGBT

7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT


Katharina Buchholz,

Feb 28, 2023

A total of 7.2 percent of U.S. adults identified as LGBT in 2022, a new record high. Gen Z, newly added in the Gallup survey's 2020 edition, is the gayest generation in terms of self-identification. Almost 20 percent of those born between 1997 and 2004 identified as LGBT, compared with around 11 percent of Millennials.

While scientists believe that the share of LGBT individuals has not actually changed over time, younger people in the U.S. are more likely to be openly gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Even within the generation of Millennials, defined as those born between 1981 and 1996, self-identification quotas rose in the past years. In 2014, only 6.3 percent of Millennials had said they identified as LGBT.

For older generations, levels of self-identification did not change majorly in the past decade. The Gallup survey question did not ask respondents to identify as other sexes, sexual identities or sexual orientations like intersex, asexual or queer.


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a372b4 No.32897

File: 9b500f69f71fce8⋯.png (59.52 KB,627x459,209:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662064 (081958ZAPR23) Notable: A Sober Look at the State of Our Beloved Country

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A Sober Look at the State of Our Beloved Country

American Thinker, by P.F. Kelly, Jr.

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 4/8/2023 1:18:26 PM

Is our democracy at risk? On our present track, will the U.S. be able to sustain a functioning democracy? A recent article evaluating why the much-anticipated "Red Wave" in the mid-term elections never materialized suggested that Republicans need to offer a program that will appeal to voters — especially young voters — who want the government to do more for them. The author claimed that the old Reaganite slogan that "government is the problem" won't work anymore.(Snip) But rather than a "conservative" program of more government services, what Republicans need to offer — and it's a lot more work — is a re-education in the great American virtues

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a372b4 No.32898

File: 54ddf32a86280e1⋯.png (244.66 KB,585x861,195:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662072 (081959ZAPR23) Notable: Gov. Greg Abbott: I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry.

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Greg Abbott


I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry.


8:06 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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a372b4 No.32899

File: 49f8d7886315848⋯.png (77.68 KB,750x394,375:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662077 (082000ZAPR23) Notable: @45: Polls are looking GREAT!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·2m

Polls are looking GREAT!

New Poll, 61-19 against DeSanctimonious. Also, winning BIG against “Hopeless” Joe Biden - Hence the Democrats are rolling out their Fake Prosecutors. I hope Republican LEADERS are watching this. An eye for an eye?

Apr 08, 2023, 3:53 PM




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a372b4 No.32900

File: f3f1da5e3384905⋯.png (467.24 KB,898x757,898:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662080 (082000ZAPR23) Notable: REVEALED: The Real Reason Why Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney Is Suddenly Everywhere

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REVEALED: The Real Reason Why Fake Woman

Dylan Mulvaney Is Suddenly Everywhere

PJ Media, by Robert Spencer

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 4/8/2023 1:07:19 PM

At last we know why the corporate world has fallen in love with pretend woman Dylan Mulvaney. As I noted Thursday, he seems to be everywhere all at once, and it seems unlikely that corporate giants are suddenly so taken with Dylan’s charm and wit that they are spontaneously all at once falling over themselves to make him their pitchman. But now we know why there is this sudden imperative to make this man America’s sweetheart: corporations are being strong-armed into featuring him, or else. [Tweet] The New York Post reported Friday that “executives at companies like Nike, Anheuser-Busch and Kate Spade, whose brand endorsements have turned controversial trans influencer

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a372b4 No.32901

File: 8d7a82db784385d⋯.png (435.44 KB,594x520,297:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662141 (082012ZAPR23) Notable: Harvey Weinstein moves to New York prison he's compared to 'the Taj Mahal'

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Square profile picture

Daily Mail US


Harvey Weinstein moves to New York prison he's compared to 'the Taj Mahal' https://trib.al/UrtppbW


9:03 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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a372b4 No.32902

File: b3eccf582679027⋯.png (520 KB,768x453,256:151,Clipboard.png)

File: cd69f31d45c3dee⋯.png (295.12 KB,427x614,427:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662151 (082014ZAPR23) Notable: A biologically male cyclist who now identifies as female was barred from competing in a women’s championship race this weekend, following threats of boycott from female competitors

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🔥🔥🔥That’s how it’s done!! Women need to continue to stand up for themselves and say NO MORE!!🔥🔥🔥

A biologically male cyclist who now identifies as female was barred from competing in a women’s championship race this weekend, following threats of boycott from female competitors.



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a372b4 No.32903

File: 172571e82515ba9⋯.png (10.98 MB,5500x4700,55:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662152 (082014ZAPR23) Notable: Grassley working hard to get this farm house ready for the grassley gathering Sunday

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Also here

Below the 6

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a372b4 No.32904

File: 79cb7127f035af3⋯.png (260.91 KB,424x605,424:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662161 (082017ZAPR23) Notable: Switzerland Stops Recommending COVID-19 Vaccination

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Switzerland Stops Recommending COVID-19 Vaccination

People designated high risk are also not recommended to get a COVID-19 vaccine, authorities said.

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a372b4 No.32905

File: 614b55887f2849a⋯.jpg (90.48 KB,716x574,358:287,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662169 (082019ZAPR23) Notable: Rumble: Russian mod announces another ukranian provocation to discredit Russia - RT

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a372b4 No.32906

File: a7de47880d2f3b3⋯.png (16.24 KB,426x511,426:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662173 (082019ZAPR23) Notable: Vandersteel: If you want to know what the elites have planned for us next…just watch Hollywood.

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If you want to know what the elites have planned for us next…just watch Hollywood.

They always let you know what they’re going to do before they do it:

Your silence is the acquiescence to their agenda

This is why it is so powerful to express our free will in writing, using affidavits of truth using the 10 commercial maxims which cover all juris of law.

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a372b4 No.32907

File: d3fdbe1cbe05686⋯.png (412.13 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662175 (082021ZAPR23) Notable: US ready for war with China over Taiwan – congressman [hmmm]

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US ready for war with China – congressman

US Congress would approve troop deployment to Taiwan should China attack the island, Representative Michael McCaul said

US Congress would authorize a direct military confrontation with China if Beijing launched an attack against Taiwan, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul told Fox News on Friday evening. The Texas Republican representative was talking from Taipei during a three-day bipartisan delegation visit to the self-governing island.

American lawmakers would consent to putting boots on the ground if people in the US support the measure, McCaul said, without elaborating on how exactly such support would be measured. “If communist China invaded Taiwan, it would certainly be on the table and something that would be discussed by Congress and with the American people,” he said, adding that “if the American people support this, the Congress will follow.”

However, McCaul insisted that a “conflict is always a last resort” and described the US delegation’s visit as a way to “provide deterrence to China.” US-Chinese relations have previously been strained by the visits of American delegations to Taiwan, which China considers an inalienable part of its sovereign territory.

The representative also maintained that discussions about a potential use of force by America in the Indo-Pacific region serve as a “deterrent for peace” since “you don’t have NATO in the Pacific.” Doing otherwise would mean inviting “aggression and war,” McCaul claimed.

Beijing has repeatedly opposed Taiwan’s contacts with the US. The Chinese Foreign Ministry warned on Wednesday that the Taiwan issue is “the first red line that must not be crossed in China-US relations.” Washington formally adheres to the One China policy, by which Taiwan is considered an integral part of China. At the same time, the US enjoys close informal relations with the self-governing island and supplies it with weapons.

Washington has ramped up military support for Taiwan in recent months. In the Wall Street Journal, it was reported that the US was planning to increase its troop presence on the island from 30 to between 100 and 200 soldiers as it seeks to help Taiwan make the island “harder to assault.” In early March, the US State Department also announced that it was approving arms sales to Taipei, including $619 million worth of munitions for F-16 fighter jets.

On Saturday, the Chinese military announced the launch of three days of exercises in the Taiwan Strait. The drills, held at the same time as McCaul’s visit to Taipei and just a day after Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen returned from the US, was designed as a warning to Taiwan and “external forces,” the Chinese military said.


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a372b4 No.32908

File: 66b67ddb203cb2e⋯.png (220.77 KB,426x454,213:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662230 (082033ZAPR23) Notable: Border Officials Suspect New Drug Trafficking Routes, As Fentanyl Seizures Soar

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Border Officials Suspect New Drug Trafficking Routes, As Fentanyl Seizures Soar


Full Video 👇🏻


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a372b4 No.32909

File: 8ae297a41e09a48⋯.png (386.93 KB,606x481,606:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662246 (082036ZAPR23) Notable: The White House 45 Archived: @WhiteHouse45 Soon…

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The White House 45 Archived



12:25 PM · Sep 20, 2019


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a372b4 No.32910

File: e77b4264e2b59b9⋯.png (374.48 KB,1538x840,769:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662253 (082038ZAPR23) Notable: US life expectancy dropping like a rock

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US Life expectancy dropping like a rock. Covid is cited as a major contributor, but anon seems to recall Covid being a problem in Chynah, but their rates are on the rise. As expected, lots of SJW handwringing and blame being thrown at Republicans, including lack of medicaid funding, abortion laws, etc..

Pretty thinly researched piece, with the writer making lots of assumptions (all lefty leaning), and ZERO mention of the clot shot as a contributor.


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a372b4 No.32911

File: 32761cc695346c7⋯.jpg (63.93 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662254 (082038ZAPR23) Notable: More US classified national security documents appear on social media platforms

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More US classified national security documents appear on social media platforms

A former senior Pentagon official calls the incident "a significant breach in security."


More classified documents in regard to U.S. national security appeared on social media websites such as Twitter and Telegram on Friday, alarming the Pentagon, according to the New York Times.

Analysts told the newspaper that possibly more than 100 documents that hold national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China were obtained.

A senior Ukrainian official said Friday that leaked documents about NATO's plans to help his country thwart Russia's invasion of his country could be "disinformation," the day after the first documents showed up on social media and the Pentagon began investigating the matter. The leaked documents included what the Times called "an alarming assessment of Ukraine's faltering air defense capabilities."

Former senior Pentagon official Mick Mulroy called the incident "a significant breach in security."

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a372b4 No.32912

File: 32761cc695346c7⋯.jpg (63.93 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662258 (082040ZAPR23) Notable: More US classified national security documents appear on social media platforms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

More US classified national security documents appear on social media platforms

A former senior Pentagon official calls the incident "a significant breach in security."


More classified documents in regard to U.S. national security appeared on social media websites such as Twitter and Telegram on Friday, alarming the Pentagon, according to the New York Times.

Analysts told the newspaper that possibly more than 100 documents that hold national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China were obtained.

A senior Ukrainian official said Friday that leaked documents about NATO's plans to help his country thwart Russia's invasion of his country could be "disinformation," the day after the first documents showed up on social media and the Pentagon began investigating the matter. The leaked documents included what the Times called "an alarming assessment of Ukraine's faltering air defense capabilities."

Former senior Pentagon official Mick Mulroy called the incident "a significant breach in security."


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a372b4 No.32913

File: e08c12a3bdcb145⋯.png (103 KB,743x523,743:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662279 (082047ZAPR23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Calls out FakeNews and DC Elite

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>Can we list all the forms of election theft the uniparty does

>Including assassination, the most important

I think he plans to highlight past "assassinations" use:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Calls out FakeNews and DC Elite

Is it a sign of my campaign’s strength that the Elite of DC’s establishment media simultaneously and shamelessly published an orchestrated and baseless lie to smear me, even before I announce my presidential campaign?

CBS News’s Bob Costa, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, Vanity Fair, and Salon are circulating fake news that the American people have come to expect and despise.

Steve Bannon has nothing to do with my presidential campaign. I have never discussed a presidential run with Mr. Bannon.

Journalism should be about “investigate and report” not “invent and report.”

2:22 PM · Apr 8, 2023·477.1K Views


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a372b4 No.32914

File: d3a155301506cc4⋯.webp (45.23 KB,1024x550,512:275,Clipboard.webp)

File: ae30bf8a65ba6c7⋯.webp (46.99 KB,1024x630,512:315,Clipboard.webp)

File: d3a155301506cc4⋯.webp (45.23 KB,1024x550,512:275,Clipboard.webp)

File: be904778ca6334a⋯.webp (29.73 KB,573x431,573:431,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662300 (082055ZAPR23) Notable: Gen. Flynn slams Obama

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“You Should Mind Your Manners Mr. President. We Are Sick and Tired of Your Bullsh!t” – Gen. Mike Flynn SLAMS Former Boss Barack Obama

Democrats shut down Tennessee Assembly last week with bullhorns and screaming high school kids.

The Tennessee State House voted Thursday on whether to expel the three Democrat lawmakers for participating in an insurrection last week.

The three lawmakers who participated were Representatives Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones, and Justin Pearson. The House voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Pearson and Rep. Justin Jones.

The three Democrats stood in the assembly with bullhorns leading a protest with screaming high schoolers in the rafters. The radical Democrats shut down the assembly for an hour during their tirade. Democrats believe this is honorable. Republicans in Tennessee saw it for what it was and voted two of the three radical Commies out of the Senate.

Support Gateway Pundit by using promo code TGP at MyPillow.com &ndash; and get up to 80% off!

Following the vote on Thursday night, Barack Obama jumped into the fray and lied to the American public about the incident. This was quite a whopper even for Obama.


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a372b4 No.32915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662321 (082100ZAPR23) Notable: Brave Dog: K9 Tex's final shift. Shadilay.

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Good boy!



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a372b4 No.32916

File: 2628230dbb44393⋯.png (457.22 KB,600x643,600:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662322 (082100ZAPR23) Notable: Incredibly, Hobbs/Fontes have requested sanctions against Kari Lake

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Dinesh D'Souza Retweeted

Rachel Alexander


Incredibly, Hobbs/Fontes have requested sanctions against Kari for asserting that 35k ballots were inserted at Runbeck without a chain of custody. Here's Kari's response, which makes it brutally clear there was NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY, class 2 misdemeanors.


Kari Lake Files New Motion, Claims Runbeck 'Inserted' Ballots - The Arizona Sun Times

After the Arizona Supreme Court remanded Kari Lake’s election contest back to the trial court to reconsider the signature verification problems and began considering sanctions against her, Lake…

8:54 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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a372b4 No.32917

File: b8a053b87f627dc⋯.webp (6.89 KB,566x353,566:353,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662342 (082106ZAPR23) Notable: China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills

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China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills


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China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills

By Joe Hoft Apr. 8, 2023 1:20 pm195 Comments


China is reportedly responding to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California a few days ago.

It is being reported that China is responding to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California this past week by starting military drills around Taiwan.

Zerohedge reports:

China has begun three days of military drills around Taiwan and in the Taiwan Strait as its direct response to Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California held days ago.

Parts of the drills are expected to extend up to 12 days. WSJ notes that this is what greeted the return of Tsai to her home: “Hours after President Tsai Ing-wen returned to Taiwan on Friday night, Chinese maritime safety authorities said the country’s navy planned to conduct seven live-fire exercises over the course of 12 days off the coast of Fujian province, which faces Taiwan, starting Saturday morning.”

While the Wednesday meeting with McCarthy was presented by the allies as a show of democratic solidarity, Beijing had warned of “resolute measures” while deploying an aircraft carrier strike group off the self-ruled island’s coast.

Early Saturday, China launched live-fire “combat readiness patrols” until April 10, according to a statement from the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) Eastern Theatre Command. The drills are called United Sharp Sword and expand in scope from the north to south of the island, utilizing air and sea, particularly airspace to Taiwan’s east, the statement indicated.

The drills have already involved on Saturday a whopping 71 Chinese military aircraft crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait, Reuters confirms.

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b17720 No.32918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662345 (082107ZAPR23) Notable: China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills

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b17720 No.32919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662350 (082108ZAPR23) Notable: China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills

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Whole Place will go up in Flames.

They won't let China have chip manufacturing.

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b17720 No.32920

File: 2f5b16182e3b72a⋯.webp (61.25 KB,992x558,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662376 (082115ZAPR23) Notable: Here We Go: Lab-Grown Chicken Meat Will Soon Hit Store Shelves and Restaurant Menus

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Here We Go: Lab-Grown Chicken Meat Will Soon Hit Store Shelves and Restaurant Menus

In the last five months, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved two American producers of lab-grown meat, a product grown from animal cells for human consumption for the first time.

In 2022, the FDA announced that laboratory-grown chicken developed by Upside Food, is “safe to eat,” clearing the way for the California-based company that creates cell-cultured chickens to begin selling its products.

To manufacture its meat, Upside Foods harvests cells from live animals, chicken tissue, and uses the cells to grow meat in stainless-steel tanks known as bioreactors.

The agency issued a statement announcing it evaluated Upside Food’s production and cultured cell material and has “no further questions” about the safety of its cultivated chicken filet.

“The world is experiencing a food revolution,” stated FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf. “Advancements in cell culture technology are enabling food developers to use animal cells obtained from livestock poultry, and seafood in the production of food with these products expected to be ready for the US market in the near future.”

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b17720 No.32921

File: c45724eea24b1f0⋯.png (569.5 KB,725x815,145:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 42a8ca8d7f4ea8b⋯.png (790.17 KB,892x653,892:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662378 (082116ZAPR23) Notable: @45: Thank you, Yale PhD!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Thank you, Yale PhD!

Yale PhD | #IStandWithTrump


Replying to @sodapops and @realDonaldTrump

Apr 08, 2023, 5:12 PM


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b17720 No.32922

File: 1cbfb98d9fd7854⋯.png (316.92 KB,441x509,441:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662383 (082117ZAPR23) Notable: @45: Thank you, Yale PhD!

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5:12 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Thank you, Yale PhD!

Yale PhD | #IStandWithTrump


Replying to @sodapops and @realDonaldTrump

Apr 08, 2023, 5:12 PM


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b17720 No.32923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662404 (082120ZAPR23) Notable: #22895

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#22895 >>32870

>>32871, >>32876, >>32903 Grassley working hard to get this farm house ready for the grassley gathering Sunday

>>32872 Drought-ravaged Colorado River gets relief from snow. But long-term water crisis remains

>>32873 J6 Political Prisoner William Chrestman Tells Gateway Pundit FBI Is Paying Criminal ‘Confidential Human Sources’ $30k A Month ‘To Set People Up’

>>32874 Major Distributor has reportedly canceled appearances of Budweiser Clydesdale horses in Missouri after the recent backlash

>>32875 EXCLUSIVE: First anti-aging pills to hit shelves in 2028, expert predicts - as Silicon Valley races to conquer death

>>32877 Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

>>32878 China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills

>>32879 Dems Are Taking in Multi-Millions from Foreigners and No One Seems to Care

>>32880 Confirmed: Alex Soros Held Several Documented Meetings at the Biden White House

>>32881 CBDC Will Be Used For "Control", ECB President Admits In Vid Chat With 'Fake Zelensky'

>>32882 US Blindsided By Saudi-Iran Normalization: CIA Director

>>32883 Ukrainian missile downed over Crimea – governor (RT)

>>32885 Anon recommended NASA fraud video (30min) – bitchute

>>32886 ChatGPT Sued for Lying - KEK

>>32884, >>32890, >>32896 7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT

>>32887 Now Both Ukraine and Russia Say ‘Leaked’ U.S. Intelligence Assessments of War Are ‘Photoshop’ Fakes

>>32888 IDF: 3 rockets launched from Syria at Golan Heights, one lands in Israeli territory

>>32889 The People Will Reject The [CBDC]

>>32891 Syrian Army Launches Operation Around U.S.-Controlled Al-Tanf

>>32892 Meteorite falls in Russia's Irkutsk Region

>>32893 Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney

>>32894 MailChimp has suspended a Catholic user’s account after they sent out a "Happy Easter" greeting to their clients.

>>32895 The Culling of Mankind: Government Reports & Pfizer Documents reveal a Sinister Agenda exists to Depopulate the Planet through COVID Vaccination

>>32897 A Sober Look at the State of Our Beloved Country

>>32898 Gov. Greg Abbott: I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry.

>>32899 @45: Polls are looking GREAT!

>>32900 REVEALED: The Real Reason Why Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney Is Suddenly Everywhere

>>32901 Harvey Weinstein moves to New York prison he's compared to 'the Taj Mahal'

>>32902 A biologically male cyclist who now identifies as female was barred from competing in a women’s championship race this weekend, following threats of boycott from female competitors

>>32904 Switzerland Stops Recommending COVID-19 Vaccination

>>32905 Rumble: Russian mod announces another ukranian provocation to discredit Russia - RT

>>32906 Vandersteel: If you want to know what the elites have planned for us next…just watch Hollywood.

>>32907 US ready for war with China over Taiwan – congressman [hmmm]

>>32908 Border Officials Suspect New Drug Trafficking Routes, As Fentanyl Seizures Soar

>>32909 The White House 45 Archived: @WhiteHouse45 Soon…

>>32910 US life expectancy dropping like a rock

>>32911, >>32912 More US classified national security documents appear on social media platforms

>>32913 Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Calls out FakeNews and DC Elite

>>32914 Gen. Flynn slams Obama

>>32916 Incredibly, Hobbs/Fontes have requested sanctions against Kari Lake

>>32915 Brave Dog: K9 Tex's final shift. Shadilay.

>>32917, >>32918, >>32919 China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills

>>32920 Here We Go: Lab-Grown Chicken Meat Will Soon Hit Store Shelves and Restaurant Menus

>>32921, >>32922 @45: Thank you, Yale PhD!



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b17720 No.32924

File: c88f23106804b61⋯.png (65.87 KB,675x409,675:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662416 (082123ZAPR23) Notable: #22896

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TY anons for your contributions.

baker seeking handoff

#22894 notetaker needed


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b17720 No.32925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662447 (082128ZAPR23) Notable: Delta passengers got so sick plane was diverted; cause unknown

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More than a dozen passengers and crew members became so sick on a Delta flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles, the plane had to be diverted to Oklahoma City. The cause of the mass illness remains a mystery, but the FAA is investigating, according to KOCO. Nine of the 197 passengers on board reported feeling dizzy and having sudden headaches, and one child started vomiting. Four flight attendants were taken off the plane with oxygen masks, according to witnesses, and brought to the hospital.


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b17720 No.32926

File: e2966967cd74b76⋯.png (551.82 KB,1170x1516,585:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662452 (082129ZAPR23) Notable: Greg Abbott: I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry

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Greg Abbott

I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry.

3:06 PM · Apr 8, 2023·2.2M Views


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b17720 No.32927

File: 39abf9dffe41c85⋯.png (555.9 KB,747x786,249:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662475 (082136ZAPR23) Notable: Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Terminates Catholic Pastoral Care Contract During Holy Week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is an unconscionable attack on religious liberty during Holy Week.

This will not stand.


Military Archdiocese @MilArchUSA

@WRBethesda has issued a cease and desist order directing Catholic priests to cease any religious services at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, during Holy Week, the most sacred of days in the Christian faith.

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Terminates Catholic Pastoral Care Contract During Holy Week

Move violates First Amendment Right to Free Exercise of Religion


5:24 PM · Apr 7, 2023


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b17720 No.32928

File: 793db9485e6dd05⋯.png (215.12 KB,422x473,422:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662482 (082137ZAPR23) Notable: Dr. William Makis says COVID vaccine injury reports are being blocked in Canada

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🚩 Dr. William Makis Says COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Are Being Blocked in Canada

"They will actually stop those reports. They will not send them to Health Canada. They will send them back as rejected and then they will focus on the doctor and say 'you might have to have your license examined more closely'."

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b17720 No.32929

File: f5e06ac143c14cb⋯.png (34.97 KB,629x425,37:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662502 (082141ZAPR23) Notable: KariLake: Maricopa County cannot provide a chain of custody for an amount of ballots that is TWICE over the margin of victory in the Gubernatorial race

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Kari Lake War Room


Maricopa County cannot provide a chain of custody for an amount of ballots that is TWICE over the margin of victory in the Gubernatorial race.

They don't have paperwork or receipts.

All they have is their word.

And their word is as good as garbage.

Quote Tweet

Rachel Alexander




Incredibly, Hobbs/Fontes have requested sanctions against Kari for asserting that 35k ballots were inserted at Runbeck without a chain of custody. Here's Kari's response, which makes it brutally clear there was NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY, class 2 misdemeanors. https://arizonasuntimes.com/news/kari-lake-files-motion-claims-runbeck-inserted-ballots/ralexander/2023/04/08/

9:58 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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b17720 No.32930

File: 5ed943bc059673a⋯.png (98.09 KB,630x676,315:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662535 (082147ZAPR23) Notable: The increasingly dangerous transgender movement sweeping America

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The increasingly dangerous transgender

movement sweeping America

American Thinker, by Andrea Widburg

Posted By: Hazymac, 4/8/2023 5:19:28 PM

On his Friday night show, Tucker Carlson called “transgender” activists the most dangerous domestic terrorists in America. He’s correct. They are the equivalent of religious fanatics because they have a manic faith that is belied by observable reality, which means they that constantly have to pitch themselves to a high emotional amplitude to override the real world impinging on their faith. The Democrats, from Biden on down, rather than working to tamp down this madness, are doing their best to amplify this insane frequency, by assuring these already maddened people that they are the victims of a planned Republican “genocide.” The escalating number of violent attacks by this mentally-ill

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b17720 No.32931

File: 950830f041d4197⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 819be113107f902⋯.png (477.85 KB,744x741,248:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662542 (082148ZAPR23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr explains that the Swampy consultants want DeSantis to run, even though they know he will lose, because they will get rich in the process

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Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸

@DonaldJTrumpJr explains that the Swampy consultants want DeSantis to run,

even though they know he will lose, because they will get rich in the process.

Great discussion between Don & the @nelkboys

4:27 PM · Apr 8, 2023 Video 5:29


**Consultant class lives off of taking cuts from donations to losing candidates

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b17720 No.32932

File: 4bf5b0bd692a490⋯.png (161.37 KB,456x620,114:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662574 (082155ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truth: You mean, China loving Club for NO Growth, and RINOS Paul Ryan and Karl Rove - Loser’s ALL!

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Can you find them all, anons?

Donald J. Trump


You mean, China loving Club for NO Growth, and RINOS Paul Ryan and Karl Rove - Loser’s ALL!





Replying to @Lara45, @AbelDelow, and 5 more

Apr 08, 2023, 5:18 PM


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b17720 No.32933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662624 (082213ZAPR23) Notable: Seattle buses and trains to get detectors to study how fentanyl smoke moves, after driver's become ill

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sorry about retarded screwgle link


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b17720 No.32934

File: c330f51b28f2bc9⋯.png (420.08 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 8aae8abbfa5e2f6⋯.png (626.68 KB,842x562,421:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662654 (082221ZAPR23) Notable: PF reports: Callsign TREK777. Squawk:7700 (emergency). Appears returning west coast

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Callsign TREK777. Squawk:7700. Appears returning west coast.

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b17720 No.32935

File: af2f351e56cae48⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662674 (082230ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump special moment with TX Gov. Abbott mp4

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not sure when or what this is from but Trump clearly does a flat "air Q" at the 15 second mark..

❤️🇺🇸❤️ Special moment with TX Governor Abbott❤️🇺🇸❤️


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b17720 No.32936

File: 31faffabb154ead⋯.png (300.52 KB,550x611,550:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662679 (082233ZAPR23) Notable: Angry and bias media coverage of Posobiec, Libs of Tiktok and others reading books to children

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"Hyenas are communists": Right-wing story hour, part 1- the banality of celebrity

Conservative influencer Jack Posobiec read his so-called book to a dozen kids on a weekday morning in D.C. But why?

It was a recent Wednesday morning in Washington. The crowd was small, the headliner was late and none of the expected counter-protesters had materialized.

Jack Posobiec didn't seem concerned. The 38-year-old conservative influencer, a celebrity of sorts in the MAGA world since Pizzagate, was sitting on the floor of the Cleveland Park Public Library.

Posobiec was the first reader in the Freedom Island Story Hour, organized by the Texas publisherBrave Books to promote its series of children's stories commissioned, according to the company's website, "to honor God… and instill a love of truth."

>so called book

their seethe is leeaking


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b17720 No.32937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662692 (082238ZAPR23) Notable: #22894

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#22894 >>32924

>>32847 US panel approves salmon fishing ban for much of West Coast

>>32848, >>32865 Alex Soros held several documented meetings at the Biden White House

>>32849 Biden blames ‘extreme MAGA Republicans’ after cooldown of March jobs numbers

>>32850, >>32851 Taiwan's military has detected 71 Chinese aircraft and 9 vessels today

>>32852 PF reports

>>32853 Russian energy boss Igor Shkurko found dead

>>32854 Justice Clarence Thomas responds to report alleging he took improper gifts

>>32855 Twitter on fire atm re: abortion

>>32856 Ukraine is going to disappear because its Western backers former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has implied

>>32857 Poll suggests a large concentration of people in Iraq and 12 other Muslim-majority countries are skeptical of the USA’s commitment to democracy-building

>>32858 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

>>32859 Clockfag: Marker 9

>>32860 Charlie Kirk: What happened to white actors in commercials? They've completely disappeared unless they're portraying ridiculous caricatures or incompetence

>>32863 More classified docs appear online: US secrets 'from Ukraine to Middle East to China'

>>32864 The CIA director reportedly expressed displeasure at Saudi tilt toward Tehran under infuence of China. If true it is a good sign, but also one of a policy in complete disarray

>>32866 @NYpost: climate change is linked to more MLB homeruns

>>32867 House Judiciary expands investigation into Manhattan DA

>>32868 The people will reject the [CBDC] video of current economic status

>>32869 US deploys guided-missle submarine amid tensions with Iran



pb notables #22894

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b17720 No.32938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662697 (082239ZAPR23) Notable: U.S. Police union director now fired after opioid smuggling arrest

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U.S. Police union director now fired after opioid smuggling arrest

The police association fired her after completing an initial internal investigation, union officials said in a statement. If convicted, she faces up to 20 years in prison.

Her information was found in the phone of another network operative.

these people are stoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid


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b17720 No.32939

File: 0e637bcc94691cc⋯.png (437.84 KB,623x916,623:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662706 (082242ZAPR23) Notable: More stability in the Middle East benefits the United States, even if China made it happen, officials and experts say

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Losing is winning | “Win-win”: Washington is just fine with the China-brokered Saudi-Iran deal

More stability in the Middle East benefits the United States, even if China made it happen, officials and experts say.


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b17720 No.32940

File: 325474a682d16d4⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662723 (082245ZAPR23) Notable: National Security and Foreign Policy expert @Doranimated - 3 minute video re: Finland joining NATO

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3-min video

National Security and Foreign Policy expert @Doranimated

evaluated TRT News.

• With Finland's NATO membership, the northern wing of the alliance was strengthened, a strong message was given to Putin.

• Finland's NATO membership was necessary in order to maintain a balance between the USA and its allies and the alliance of China, Russia and Iran led by China.

• With Finland's membership in NATO, Türkiye refuted the claims of the West.

• If you take steps to address the concerns of the Turks, you will agree with them.

• I hope Sweden will make legal arrangements to take action against terrorist organizations.

• The first concern of the Turks is the support given by the USA to the PKK in Syria. They have the same concern about Sweden, but while saying this to Sweden, they are sending the message to Washington to stop supporting the terrorist organization PKK.

• Washington should part ways with the YPG and strengthen partnership with Ankara. President Biden should go to Ankara and meet with President Erdogan.


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b17720 No.32941

File: cb45e7b324d963f⋯.png (296.89 KB,540x875,108:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662738 (082248ZAPR23) Notable: Texas AG Ken Paxton: I agree with @GregAbbott_TX on this 100%

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>>32898 lb

Attorney General Ken Paxton

I agree with @GregAbbott_TX on this 100%.

4:11 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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b17720 No.32942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662773 (082258ZAPR23) Notable: Angry and bias media coverage of Posobiec, Libs of Tiktok and others reading books to children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


pretty telling how the non grooming section of the library is being framed

this is so triggered and bias it's a 10

Conservative Book Club: A reading of Jack Posobiec's pro-insurrection children's book

In far-right conspiracy crank and white supremacist Jack Posobiec's post-insurrection children's book, a pantsless furry leads a violent insurrection against a "communist" government and becomes a hero for doing it.There. Try getting that image out of your head, now that it's in there.

Let's explain. During the last gasps of March, a gaggle of hard-right provocateurs tried their hand at a children's storybook hour in what would seem to be a conservative response to Drag Queen Story Hours. According to children, Drag Queen Story Hours are fun and hilarious. According to fascist Republicans, those are the cause of society's moral decay. Remember when society's moral decay used to be blamed on rock music? Then it was Dungeons & Dragons? Well, now it’s cross-dressing, of the Bugs Bunny slash Tom Hanks slash Dana Carvey slash Dustin Hoffman slash Bob Hope variety. Of course it is.

The event was semi-documented by internet meanie Amanda Trap House, and it was a ride. Did you know that Posobiec, child actor turned far-right pseudocelebrity Kirk Cameron, internet hate-and-bomb-threat incitement troll Chaya Raichik, and Trump press secretary for some reason Sean Spicer have all "written" children's books? And they're all "written" as part of the same cinematic talking animal universe? Now you do, and there's nothing you can do about it.

This powerhouse quartet took over the Washington, D.C. area Cleveland Park Library reading room in late March in order to out-drag-queen themselves to a crowd of "15 children and one sullen teenager". The real discovery of the day, however, is that children's books aimed at grooming young conservatives are freaky.


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b17720 No.32943

File: f1e65650d96e372⋯.mp4 (12.78 MB,754x480,377:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f36077cdc174713⋯.png (424.46 KB,746x765,746:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662783 (082259ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truth: WoW! retruths mp4 "PRECEDENT any local DA can now indict a former president"

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·49m


ULTRA Bi11 Rooster @bi11·2h


Apr 08, 2023, 6:03 PM


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b17720 No.32944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662786 (082300ZAPR23) Notable: Anon dig: Dylan Mulvaney parents

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Dylan Mulvaney Parents

Dylan Mulvaney was born on December 29, 1996, to James Mulvaney and Donna Mulvaney. At present, no details are available about the couple’s second child, who is Dylan’s sister.

Several websites featured an article on her father’s cookie business. Although James faced addiction, he managed to conquer it by immersing himself in cookie-making.

Who Is James Mulvaney, Dylan Mulvaney’s Father?

When Dylan was born, his father had already quit using drugs and alcohol for good. James turned to bake to cope with his feelings and temptations, allowing him to be a more attentive parent to his infant kid.

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b17720 No.32945

File: 5bcf1151d723a7e⋯.jpg (307.56 KB,720x1225,144:245,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a94ba1f7bc53aa5⋯.jpg (174.07 KB,713x713,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: deae9dead8cdb28⋯.jpg (628.11 KB,1820x2048,455:512,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 07b9652d13ae171⋯.jpg (940.05 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 966ea27fa67616f⋯.jpg (1006.74 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662795 (082302ZAPR23) Notable: Giselle Fetterman comming about casualties?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Giselle Fetterman comming about casualties?


We did have some casualties

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b17720 No.32946

File: 4a5c2f2976a9092⋯.png (920.22 KB,1117x732,1117:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662807 (082303ZAPR23) Notable: Anon dig: Dylan Mulvaney parents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Dylan Mulvaney Wikipedia: - On December 29, 1996, she was born in San Diego, California, USA. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in musical theatre from theUniversity of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music in 2019.Keep reading if you are looking for Dylan Mulvaney parents, husband, wiki, or biography and need to find out more about her personal life, career, and achievements.

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b17720 No.32947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662816 (082306ZAPR23) Notable: Anon dig: Dylan Mulvaney parents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lifestyle & Career: - Mulvaney's first important role after graduating from college was as Elder White in the musical The Book of Mormon. Other ACT San Diego credits include How the Grinch Stole Christmas! at the Old Globe Theatre, 8: The Play at the Birch North Park Theatre, Next to Normal at Arts Off Broadway, Legally Blonde, Spring Awakening, Bye Bye Birdie, and High School Musical. She began submitting videos to TikTok around the time of the COVID-19 epidemic, in 2020, and they often received a few hundred thousand views. Mulvaney came out as transgender while living with her "very conservative family" in her childhood home in San Diego during the epidemic. In March 2022, she began documenting her gender transformation in a daily series of TikTok videos named "Days of Girlhood," and her films quickly gained popularity.

Mulvaney participated on a podcast for the cosmetics firm Ulta Beauty in October 2022, with genderfluid hairdresser David Lopez, and discussed her childhood, coming out as transgender, and transition.Mulvaney announced on Instagram in December 2022 that she had undergone face feminization surgery. She debuted on the red carpet at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards on February 5, 2023, after posting a photograph of her face on Instagram on January 27. She got a Queerties Groundbreaker Award in Hollywood in late February. Mulvaney endorsed the beer company Bud Light in a TikTok video for March Madness, an NCAA collegiate basketball tournament.

Read Also: - Clarence Thomas Net Worth

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b17720 No.32948

File: f9dc53365841b81⋯.png (65.89 KB,1265x682,115:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662846 (082312ZAPR23) Notable: Wikileaks email between Jake Sullivan and HRC - 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch NZ "and on cue…" 02-21-2011

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b17720 No.32949

File: 7d6a93f6378176f⋯.webp (19.55 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662952 (082334ZAPR23) Notable: American mechanic kidnapped in Mexico in January, FBI is now offering $10,000 for information (nickname "Polvos" is powder in English)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

American Mechanic Kidnapped in Mexico

An American mechanic was kidnapped off the street in Mexicali, Mexico in broad daylight in January.

Edgar “Polvos” Perez Chairez, a 35-year-old California native, was taken by suspects shortly before noon on January 4.

The FBI is now offering a $10,000 reward for information on the kidnapping.

Fox News reported:

Read: One Way To Keep Your Family Fed In A Crisis

The FBI is offering a $10,000 reward for information on the January kidnapping of a U.S. citizen off of a street corner in Mexico.

Edgar “Polvos” Perez Chairez, a 35-year-old auto mechanic, was grabbed by unidentified suspects near the corner of Tabasco Avenue and Chilpancingo Street in Mexicali, Mexico, Jan. 4 just before noon, according to authorities.

A white, late-model Ford F-150 is “believed to be involved” in the abduction.

Chairez is described as 5 feet, 5 inches tall with brown eyes and brown hair. He weighs about 187 pounds, according to authorities.

The California native has tattoos on his arms, neck and body, including the names “Angelina” and “Antonio” on his right and left wrists, respectively.


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b17720 No.32950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18662965 (082336ZAPR23) Notable: American mechanic kidnapped in Mexico in January, FBI is now offering $10,000 for information (nickname "Polvos" is powder in English)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"polvos" = powders

looks like he FAFO

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.32951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663002 (082345ZAPR23) Notable: WW1 Army vets gathered at the Capitol in 1932, camping out in central Washington, army intervened mp4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WW2 Army vets had their own Jan 6th in 1932.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.32952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663006 (082345ZAPR23) Notable: Angry and bias media coverage of Posobiec, Libs of Tiktok and others reading books to children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Conservative Book Club Reads to Children @ Cleveland Library

Media coverage so biased and vicious it's hilarious

Kirk Cameron Sean Spicer Libs of TicTok **Jack Posobiec

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b17720 No.32953

File: d289e70788fb2d5⋯.jpeg (170.86 KB,1033x692,1033:692,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663130 (090010ZAPR23) Notable: @RichardGrenell Sunday is coming

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

45, Flynn, Grassley… now Grenell.

Something’s going down this weekend. Comms being fired off like crazy. Anons, keep your heads on a swivel this weekend.


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b17720 No.32954

File: e9c8abcf2cd3487⋯.png (819.19 KB,595x1159,595:1159,Clipboard.png)

File: f19a93f7888f3cb⋯.png (28.71 KB,637x340,637:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663161 (090018ZAPR23) Notable: @USNavy Bang, Bang, Bang! Pacific Ocean live fire drill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Supposed to be booms.


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b17720 No.32955

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663198 (090027ZAPR23) Notable: #22896

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#22896 >>32924

>>32925 Delta passengers got so sick plane was diverted; cause unknown

>>32926 Greg Abbott: I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry

>>32927 Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Terminates Catholic Pastoral Care Contract During Holy Week

>>32928 Dr. William Makis says COVID vaccine injury reports are being blocked in Canada

>>32929 KariLake: Maricopa County cannot provide a chain of custody for an amount of ballots that is TWICE over the margin of victory in the Gubernatorial race

>>32930 The increasingly dangerous transgender movement sweeping America

>>32931 @DonaldJTrumpJr explains that the Swampy consultants want DeSantis to run, even though they know he will lose, because they will get rich in the process

>>32933 Seattle buses and trains to get detectors to study how fentanyl smoke moves, after driver's become ill

>>32934 PF reports: Callsign TREK777. Squawk:7700 (emergency). Appears returning west coast

>>32935 Donald J. Trump special moment with TX Gov. Abbott mp4

>>32938 U.S. Police union director now fired after opioid smuggling arrest

>>32939 More stability in the Middle East benefits the United States, even if China made it happen, officials and experts say

>>32940 National Security and Foreign Policy expert @Doranimated - 3 minute video re: Finland joining NATO

>>32941 Texas AG Ken Paxton: I agree with @GregAbbott_TX on this 100%

>>32932 Donald J. Trump on truth: You mean, China loving Club for NO Growth, and RINOS Paul Ryan and Karl Rove - Loser’s ALL!

>>32943 Donald J. Trump on truth: WoW! retruths mp4 "PRECEDENT any local DA can now indict a former president"

>>32944, >>32946, >>32947, Anon dig: Dylan Mulvaney parents

>>32945 Giselle Fetterman comming about casualties?

>>32948 Wikileaks email between Jake Sullivan and HRC - 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch NZ "and on cue…" 02-21-2011

>>32949, >>32950 American mechanic kidnapped in Mexico in January, FBI is now offering $10,000 for information (nickname "Polvos" is powder in English)

>>32936, >>32942, >>32952 Angry and bias media coverage of Posobiec, Libs of Tiktok and others reading books to children

>>32951 WW1 Army vets gathered at the Capitol in 1932, camping out in central Washington, army intervened mp4

>>32953 @RichardGrenell Sunday is coming

>>32954 @USNavy Bang, Bang, Bang! Pacific Ocean live fire drill



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b17720 No.32956

File: 977c64e37a8b667⋯.png (187.73 KB,488x680,61:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663292 (090045ZAPR23) Notable: Anon opines: Q#2134 - IT'S about to get bumpy!, DJT truth - IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lots of 34 lately - qpost 2134

27 digits

23 in timestamp

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b17720 No.32957

File: b91c57a138b6874⋯.png (40.55 KB,592x364,148:91,Clipboard.png)

File: a885d9aec0fb262⋯.png (396.08 KB,546x396,91:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663323 (090050ZAPR23) Notable: @DevinNunes re: Jan 6 individuals in civil war shirts "Good question… Who are these guys? Seems like someone here on @truthsocial would know them"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Picture from Jan 6 Resurfaces – Three Individuals with “Civil War” Shirts Now Suspected of Being Deep State Plants


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b17720 No.32958

File: 79b4898e60002af⋯.jpg (122.51 KB,874x1175,874:1175,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663344 (090055ZAPR23) Notable: [3] Evergreen trees fell on the Masters 17th hole

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



[3] Evergreen trees fell on the Masters 17th hole.

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b17720 No.32959

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663367 (090057ZAPR23) Notable: Former Deputy Assistant Seb Gorka - Soros wants to take down Donald J. Trump mp4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sebastian Gorka



Soros Wants to Take Down Trump.

Matt Palumbo with Seb Gorka




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b17720 No.32960

File: 8652c0405eeb27b⋯.png (6.64 MB,3000x4500,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: b62b31a998890f5⋯.png (3.4 MB,3000x3000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663371 (090058ZAPR23) Notable: Clockfag reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today is :28

Mirror of :58

Remember Las Vegas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.32961

File: 3cccbc6e0b63c1b⋯.jpg (265.4 KB,1540x460,77:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663399 (090102ZAPR23) Notable: Schumann reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

…Seems comfy.

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b17720 No.32962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663406 (090104ZAPR23) Notable: Massachusetts Democrat Seth Moulton says ‘not entirely fair’ to blame Donald J. Trump for Afghanistan disaster

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Democrat Representative Seth Moulton Says ‘Not Entirely Fair’ To Blame Trump For Afghanistan Disaster

After a report in which the administration of President Joe Biden largely blamed his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, for the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster, one Democrat has raised his voice to take Biden to task.

Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Seth Moulton appeared on the NBC News show MTP Daily,” where he said it was not true that the Biden administration did not have choices because of decisions made by the Trump administration, Breitbart News reported.

“It’s not wrong that Trump did a lot of bad things that sent our Afghanistan policy in a terrible direction. But there are a lot of bad things Trump did that the Biden administration wasted no time undoing,” he said. “So, I’m not sure it’s entirely fair to say that our hands were permanently tied. Were they tied? Yes. But could we have undone them? I think we could have. I saw The New York Times headline that just said that one of the conclusions is that we should have started the evacuation earlier. That’s something I was asking the administration to do for months, both behind the scenes and in public. I hope we learn some lessons from that mistake.”

But reporters were even tougher on the White House.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby answered questions about the report that examined the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

The report blames the unmitigated disaster on the fact that former President Trump promised to have the troops removed from Afghanistan by May of 2021.

“The Afghanistan retreat was a total mess under Biden. And now his Afghanistan exit report mentions Trump more than ISIS. But the White House still insists they did everything right,” Fox News host Jesse Watters said on Twitter.

The Afghanistan retreat was a total mess under Biden. And now his Afghanistan exit report mentions Trump more than ISIS. But the White House still insists they did everything right. pic.twitter.com/0tmrO7htpf

— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) April 6, 2023

“But while it was always the President’s intent to end that war, it is also undeniable that decisions made and the lack of planning done by the previous administration significantly limited options available to him,” Kirby said at the press conference.

“President Biden inherited a force presence in Afghanistan of some 2,500 troops. That was the lowest since 2001. He inherited a Special Immigrant Visa program that had been starved of resources. And he inherited a deal struck between the previous administration and the Taliban that called for the complete removal of all U.S. troops by May of 2021 — or else the Taliban, which had stopped its attacks while the deal was in place, would go back to war against the United States,” he said.

Even reporters at the press conference were stunned with the lack of accountability by the Biden administration and its blame of the former president.

“There’s four pages here of blame on the previous administration or this White House explanation of what the last White House did regarding Afghanistan. Nowhere in here does there appear to be any expression of accountability or mistake by either the President himself or others. Is there any for what happened?” one reporter said.

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b17720 No.32963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663407 (090104ZAPR23) Notable: Massachusetts Democrat Seth Moulton says ‘not entirely fair’ to blame Donald J. Trump for Afghanistan disaster

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“It seems like page after page, this places the blame on the previous administration, starting with page one. “President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdraw from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor,” another reporter said.

“But — but wait — before I answer — but that do- — but you need to remember — and I get the question about, you know, the previous administration — you got to look at when he came into office what he was walking into,” Kirby said to one reporter’s question.

“He didn’t negotiate with the Taliban. He didn’t invite the Taliban to Camp David. He didn’t release 5,000 prisoners. He didn’t reduce force levels in Afghanistan to 2,500. And he didn’t have an arrangement with the Taliban that they wouldn’t attack our troops,” he said.

“He came in with a certain set of circumstances he had no ability to change. He had to deal with it based on what he inherited,” he said.

But that was not a satisfactory answer for other reporters.

“Just to follow up and my colleague’s questioning about the blame assigned to the previous administration. Specifically, how does the — how is the Trump administration responsible for the disorganized and chaotic process of evacuation and determining who gets to board these evacuation flights? I mean, you mentioned that there’s a review in terms of the lessons learned. Can you share some of those lessons learned, just specifically in terms of who gets to board evacuation flights?” another reporter said to which Kirby responded that he would not speak beyond what the report said.

And Fox News reporter Peter Doocy took apart Kirby during the press conference.

“There were children being killed. There were people hanging off of Air Force jets that were leaving. And you’re saying that you guys are proud of the way that this mission was conducted?” he said. “You’re proud of that? “

“Proud of the fact that we got more than 124,000 people safely out of Afghanistan? You bet. Proud of the fact that American troops were able to seize control of a defunct airport and get it operational in 48 hours? You bet,” Kirby said.

“Proud of the fact that we now have about 100,000 Afghans, our former allies and partners, living in this country and working towards citizenship? You bet. But does that mean that everything went perfect in that evacuation? Of course not,” he said.

“I’ve talked about it from a dif- — a different podium. The after-action reviews are now being reviewed by members of Congress, which will lay out things that could have gone better. Nobody is saying that everything was perfect, but there was a lot that went right. And a lot of Afghans are now living better lives in this country and other countries around the world because of the sacrifices and the work of so many American government officials. So, yeah, there’s a lot to be proud of, Peter,” he said.


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b17720 No.32964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663428 (090107ZAPR23) Notable: Bud Light, Budweiser, Belgian company Anheuser-Busch and associated brands boycott compilation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bud Light, Budweiser, Belgian company Anheuser-Busch and associated brands boycott compilation.

Kentucky Restaurant takes Budweiser, Bud Light off menu amid boycott controversy - https://youtu.be/kQM4wWnZFms

Kid Rock Shoots Back at Bud Light - https://youtu.be/vpK0ZVh-PGU

Ted Nugent: This is the epitome of cultural deprivation - https://youtu.be/ipElQEzsWKs

It's Official, Boycott Bud Light - Matt Walsh - https://youtu.be/-WzojicLiT0

Springfield Bar says Budweiser Clydesdales event canceled after threats - KOLR10 & Fox49 - https://youtu.be/rAhdJCFVs5I

Bud Light advertisement involving trans activist ‘widely mocked’ - Sky News Australia - https://youtu.be/SeVXNNBJTRg

Bud Light Trans BACKFIRE Got MUCH Worse! Musicians BAN Bud Light! Travis Tritt, Kid Rock & John Rich - https://youtu.be/lVOzYhf3oRY

Why Bud Light Is Contributing to the Destruction of America - Jason Whitlock - https://youtu.be/IntlzTaEdgM

What I Want to Say to Dylan Mulvaney - Candace Owens - https://youtu.be/j7xTiDMrxOo

Does Bud Light Turn You GAY? - Prime Time with Alex Stein - https://youtu.be/I0au6mw7l40

Dear Bud Light, You're An Idiot. - Turning Point USA - https://youtu.be/GwWBV3xY3rM

"Brew-haha!" A BUD LIGHT BOYCOTT Comedy Short - The Stand Up Dad - https://youtu.be/QxFbrzRcB1E

Tom MacDonald Cheers Everyone - https://youtu.be/qp0coPQ_htg

Budweiser The Queen Of Beers - Adam Calhoun - https://youtu.be/5wF_m5Q-I-E

Kayleigh McEnany: Bud Light is facing a boycott over this! - https://youtu.be/Mf3Pz6nshJ0

Bud Light clearly doesn't know their audience. - https://youtu.be/FOcwrpJJKFM


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b17720 No.32965

File: dfd6181919b199a⋯.png (415.05 KB,1200x940,60:47,Clipboard.png)

File: cb785051a9b3641⋯.png (925.75 KB,923x451,923:451,Clipboard.png)

File: fe62060644e01a8⋯.png (305.53 KB,553x580,553:580,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a89c3f029e0d9d⋯.png (384.23 KB,711x613,711:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 45f2ab07d6a716a⋯.png (677.53 KB,1280x940,64:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663434 (090108ZAPR23) Notable: Bud Light, Budweiser, Belgian company Anheuser-Busch and associated brands boycott compilation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.32966

File: d8c2ce1e585d45d⋯.png (2.69 MB,2062x2062,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 667e57f9d356a53⋯.png (9.06 MB,3700x4000,37:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663443 (090110ZAPR23) Notable: Clockfag reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sorry, back on the clock

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b17720 No.32967

File: 14b6a4b67cc91ca⋯.png (1.51 MB,1692x1692,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 427583538b940f8⋯.png (1.47 MB,1692x1692,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: e394dc137e8c327⋯.jpg (168.99 KB,716x716,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3986be08183f6a7⋯.png (371.31 KB,614x768,307:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663462 (090114ZAPR23) Notable: Clockfag reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Remember Las Vegas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.32968

File: 515b190c9201f38⋯.png (59.09 KB,664x468,166:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663530 (090126ZAPR23) Notable: Son of billionaire George Soros has visited the White House 14 times in just over a year as logs show

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Son of billionaire George Soros has visited

the White House 14 times in just over

a year as logs show 37-year-old Democrat

fundraiser repeatedly meets with top officials

since Biden took office

Daily Mail (UK), by Helena Kelly

Posted By: Imright, 4/8/2023 7:19:26 PM

The son of billionaire philanthropist George Soros made more than a dozen trips to the White House last year as he follows in his father's footsteps as a prolific Democratic networker. Alexander Soros, 37, frequently posts shots of himself with Democratic politicians including Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and Sen. Chuck Schumer - whom he called a 'good friend.' And recently-updated White House logs reveal he has visited at least 14 times since December 2021.

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b17720 No.32969

File: 9d49501a25eb618⋯.png (25.45 KB,732x222,122:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663552 (090128ZAPR23) Notable: Richard Grenell retweeted: BREAKING - Israel launching strikes against sites in Syria

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Richard Grenell Retweeted

AF Post @AFpost

BREAKING - Israel launching strikes against sites in Syriawhere rockets were fired into Israeli-controlled areas.

9:23 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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b17720 No.32970

File: 8dd21aa4a79d8ce⋯.png (467.14 KB,600x582,100:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663555 (090129ZAPR23) Notable: Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism - 5/16/22

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




I wonder if this is the first time the FBI got caught grooming a mentally ill child to become a mass shooter.


Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism

The parents of a severely mentally disabled man have defied mainstream media and bravely spoken their truth about how the FBI recruited and groomed him as a right-wing terrorist, knowing he’s a dia…

10:55 AM · Apr 8, 2023




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b17720 No.32971

File: 43d4b677a1f54be⋯.png (591.32 KB,1068x802,534:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663593 (090134ZAPR23) Notable: Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6 and Then Later Releasing Audio of His Meeting with FBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and

3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work

as an Undercover Operative for FBI on

January 6 and Then Later Releasing Audio

of His Meeting with FBI

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: mc squared, 4/8/2023 7:28:15 PM

Green Beret and Republican congressional candidate Jeremy Brown attended the Stop the Steal protests in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. Jeremy joined the Oath Keepers in November of 2020 following the controversial presidential elections and went to Washington DC to provide security at the many protests and rallies that were planned in DC that week. In March of 2021, Jeremy Brown began speaking out about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him in December 2020 and attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans on January 6th. In December 2020 FBI agents contacted

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.32972

File: 8ebc0e7bc3b625e⋯.png (364.1 KB,890x898,445:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663609 (090138ZAPR23) Notable: Manhattan Judge in Trump Case Donated to Joe Biden and Democrat Causes to Remove Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Awkward, Manhattan Judge in Trump Case

Donated to Joe Biden and Democrat Causes

to Remove Trump

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 4/8/2023 8:20:25 PM

Ehh, this could be problematic for the progressive leftists and the orange-man bad persecution efforts. Sunlight dear friends. Fear not, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Judge Juan Merchan, the judge in charge of President Donald Trump’s criminal case in Manhattan, apparently donated money to Joe Biden and Democrat efforts to remove President Trump from office. (snip) the FEC records show Judge Merchan made the donations through “Act Blue,” the DNC funding mechanism; the same Act Blue organization now shown by James O’Keefe to have laundered money through various unaware Democrat donors. So, there’s a possibility Judge Merchan may not have made the actual donations

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b17720 No.32973

File: fa6bee4ba15ace5⋯.png (418.84 KB,751x746,751:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663627 (090141ZAPR23) Notable: Media Research Center - "What’s started out as grooming children will end up in an even darker place"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Media Research Center @theMRC


What’s started out as grooming children will end up in an even darker place - and if you think it can’t happen, think again.

Listen below with @RealBrittHughes


Pushing Gender Confusion and Drag on Kids Isn’t the Left’s Goal.

The Endgame Is Far Worse [Pedophilia].


8:33 PM · Apr 8, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.32974

File: 84628824cc9f9b4⋯.png (396.07 KB,782x886,391:443,Clipboard.png)

File: e40b283dbf3e1f9⋯.png (407.4 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 388a93229d6cbe8⋯.png (318.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663642 (090144ZAPR23) Notable: Richard Grenell retweeted: BREAKING - Israel launching strikes against sites in Syria

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Strange, Israel firing on Syria

Israeli strikes on Syria intensify, raise tensions with Iran

Israel has intensified its airstrikes in Syria in recent weeks, killing two Iranian military advisers and temporarily putting the country’s two largest international airports out of service


April 5, 2023, 6:03 AM

BEIRUT &ndash; Suspected Israeli airstrikes in Syria in recent weeks have killed two Iranian military advisers, temporarily put the country’s two largest airports out of service, and raised fears of regional escalation.


Location Map of Israel and Syria

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b17720 No.32975

File: 75b94ca501988cd⋯.png (176.86 KB,425x486,425:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663673 (090150ZAPR23) Notable: New Pfizer Lawsuit Could Change Everything in South Africa and Then All Over the World

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‼️New Pfizer Lawsuit Could Change Everything in South Africa and Then All Over the World

Case taken to high court to get ⁦Pfizer off the market—unsafe, ineffective.


🇨🇦PCN | Private Canadian News Ⓡ


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b17720 No.32976

File: b8b453e37c6a0f3⋯.png (195.1 KB,588x486,98:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663685 (090153ZAPR23) Notable: Kash Patel - Did Biden WH not see the scores of Afghans plunging thousands of feet to their deaths from US c130 transport planes

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Kash Patel




Did Biden WH not see the scores of Afghans plunging thousands of feet to their deaths from US c130 transport planes… did they not see the 7 afghan children they drone stuck… did they not see the 13 American soldiers blown up by a terrrorist that Biden let out of Bagram detention center… to them this is not chaos, to me they are LIARs with no regard for human life


‘All This Talk of Chaos, I Just Didn’t See It’: White House Spokesman Says Administration ‘Proud’ of Afghanistan Withdrawal

"For all this talk of chaos, I just didn't see it. Not from my perch," Kirby said.


Apr 07, 2023, 7:32 AM

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b17720 No.32977

File: c30fc874bf39d2b⋯.png (227.43 KB,419x642,419:642,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663691 (090154ZAPR23) Notable: This discovery could indicate a MASSIVE money laundering scheme involving foreign nationals

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A 2019 analysis by “Take Back Action” found that HALF of the money being donated via Act Blue came from “unemployed” donors. In total, roughly 400m was donated by untraceable, unemployed donors. This is shocking considering that only 4% of WinRed donors were listed as unemployed.

This discovery could indicate a MASSIVE money laundering scheme involving foreign nationals. ActBlue does not verify the identity of its donors, and allows the use of untraceable prepaid credit cards.

FOLLOW: @WILFmoseder


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b17720 No.32978

File: bcbe79c9076bebe⋯.png (790.13 KB,1164x745,1164:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663694 (090155ZAPR23) Notable: Taiwan is currently encircled by the Chinese military

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Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal


Taiwan is currently encircled by the Chinese military

This includes 9 Chinese destroyers, an aircraft carrier, 71 fighter jets, and missile launchers.

The only other time China encircled Taiwan was during Pelosi's visit last August.

Taiwan is on high alert while China labels these actions as drills of an “all-round encirclement” of Taiwan.

Code of Vets is in Taiwan and just quoted in our space Taiwanese citizen's current mood: "This is the first time ever I am scared"

Remember Russia's military 'drills' hours before the invasion of Ukraine?

Are we all, including me, just being naively complacent about the risk of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?

9:35 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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b17720 No.32979

File: 8a08c28671c3afd⋯.jpg (157.83 KB,720x1085,144:217,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 682973fbfc49a4e⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663710 (090158ZAPR23) Notable: Dalai Lama is kissing an Indian boy at a Buddhist event / He actually says "suck my tongue"

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So the Dalai Lama is kissing an Indian boy at a Buddhist event and he even tries to touch his tongue.

He actually says "suck my tongue"

Now why would he do that?


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b17720 No.32980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663765 (090207ZAPR23) Notable: China Uncensored - Why Taiwan Matters

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Why Taiwan Matters

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b17720 No.32981

File: 71e23dceea16146⋯.png (47.04 KB,1367x347,1367:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663772 (090209ZAPR23) Notable: More Republicans, Country Stars Join the Fight to Boycott Bud Light After Transgender Deal

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More Republicans, Country Stars Join the

Fight to Boycott Bud Light After Transgender Deal

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 4/8/2023 9:51:45 PM

Conservatives are joining in on the boycott of Bud Light after they named Dylan Mulvaney, the man who made millions becoming a woman, as the spokesperson.The beer company faces harsh criticism for partnering with Mulvaney for a lucrative deal that further pushes the extreme Left's radical agenda. Country music star John Rich and GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy are the latest to fight against the company's woke message. "What beer should my bar @rnrbarnash in Nashville replace #BudLight with?" Rich tweeted

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b17720 No.32982

File: fbd7b20dc246a41⋯.png (117.68 KB,500x274,250:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b0c11241f50eff⋯.png (265.37 KB,841x606,841:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663780 (090210ZAPR23) Notable: Ex-ABC Senior Producer Who Rolling Stone Covered For Indicted On Child Porn Charges

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Ex-ABC Senior Producer Who Rolling Stone Covered For Indicted On Child Porn Charges

Former ABC senior producer James Gordon Meek has been indicted on three counts of child pornography nearly one year after the FBI raided his Arlington, Virginia home.

If convicted, the Emmy-winning producer faces between five and 20 years in prison for transporting images of child pornography.

According to the NY Post, and noted by the Daily Mail, Meek's alleged pedophilia was exposed after Dropbox dropped the dime on him - alerting authorities to child porn stored on his account in March 2021.

Several of Meek's devices allegedly contained images depicting children engaged in sexually explicit conduct, and multiple chat conversations with users engaged in sexually explicit conversations where the participants expressed enthusiasm for the sexual abuse of children, according to the DOJ release.

In two of those conversations, a username allegedly associated with Meek received and distributed child sexual abuse materials through an internet-based messaging platform, as per the DOJ.

Following the raid, the department obtained a search warrant for Meek's iCloud account on November 14. They contained backups of two of his devices and included a screenshot of one of the explicit discussions.

They also uncovered an Apple laptop that contained 'approximately 90 images and videos of child pornography.' -Daily Mail

Meek, a divorced father of two, also allegedly had Snapchat and Instagram accounts that contained conversations and images of unidentified minor females.

Rolling Stone EIC covered for him

As we noted last month, after the FBI conducted a raid on a journalist last April, Rolling Stone framed it as an abuse of power - writing that it was "quite possibly, the first" carried out by the Biden administration on a reporter - in this case, former ABC national security reporter James Gordon Meek, who was previously an investigator for the House Homeland Security Committee



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b17720 No.32983

File: e28926bf1b982d6⋯.png (543.05 KB,1154x1315,1154:1315,Clipboard.png)

File: a74259cf41640af⋯.png (388.68 KB,500x671,500:671,Clipboard.png)

File: e6561c235923ff2⋯.jpg (49.64 KB,510x490,51:49,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663824 (090217ZAPR23) Notable: Kash on the absurdity of the Trump indictment

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@Kash on the absurdity of the Trump indictment:

"What Alvin Bragg is saying in terms of the duration of the criminal enterprise that Donald Trump supposedly committed began back in 2016 and ran all the way through 2017.The problem with a substantial number of the counts is he's alleging that Donald Trump tried to rig the Presidential election of 2016 in year 2017.That's just problematic without the law. That's just logically possible based on facts and, you know, time."

Kek, sounds exactly like a particular shill here.


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b17720 No.32984

File: c1cc486a5ac8070⋯.png (643.11 KB,967x664,967:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663911 (090236ZAPR23) Notable: Kash and Flynn - 'chasing Q'

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As you wish…


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b17720 No.32985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663950 (090246ZAPR23) Notable: #22897

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Notables - FINAL


>>32956 Anon opines: Q#2134 - IT'S about to get bumpy!, DJT truth - IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT!!!

>>32957 @DevinNunes re: Jan 6 individuals in civil war shirts "Good question… Who are these guys? Seems like someone here on @truthsocial would know them"

>>32958 [3] Evergreen trees fell on the Masters 17th hole

>>32959 Former Deputy Assistant Seb Gorka - Soros wants to take down Donald J. Trump mp4

>>32960, >>32966, >>32967 Clockfag reports

>>32961 Schumann reports

>>32962, >>32963 Massachusetts Democrat Seth Moulton says ‘not entirely fair’ to blame Donald J. Trump for Afghanistan disaster

>>32964, >>32965 Bud Light, Budweiser, Belgian company Anheuser-Busch and associated brands boycott compilation

>>32968 Son of billionaire George Soros has visited the White House 14 times in just over a year as logs show

>>32969, >>32974 Richard Grenell retweeted: BREAKING - Israel launching strikes against sites in Syria

>>32970 Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism - 5/16/22

>>32971 Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6 and Then Later Releasing Audio of His Meeting with FBI

>>32972 Manhattan Judge in Trump Case Donated to Joe Biden and Democrat Causes to Remove Trump

>>32973 Media Research Center - "What’s started out as grooming children will end up in an even darker place"

>>32975 New Pfizer Lawsuit Could Change Everything in South Africa and Then All Over the World

>>32976 Kash Patel - Did Biden WH not see the scores of Afghans plunging thousands of feet to their deaths from US c130 transport planes

>>32977 This discovery could indicate a MASSIVE money laundering scheme involving foreign nationals

>>32978 Taiwan is currently encircled by the Chinese military

>>32979 Dalai Lama is kissing an Indian boy at a Buddhist event / He actually says "suck my tongue"

>>32980 China Uncensored - Why Taiwan Matters

>>32981 More Republicans, Country Stars Join the Fight to Boycott Bud Light After Transgender Deal

>>32982 Ex-ABC Senior Producer Who Rolling Stone Covered For Indicted On Child Porn Charges

>>32983 Kash on the absurdity of the Trump indictment

>>32984 Kash and Flynn - 'chasing Q'



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b17720 No.32986

File: 57514dca684799f⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663970 (090249ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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>>>/qresearch/18663952 lb

Guess where the Boss is tonight


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b17720 No.32987

File: e05707ae6cf77e2⋯.png (1.09 MB,783x900,87:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663988 (090252ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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b17720 No.32988

File: 2794dd000227029⋯.png (785.05 KB,898x1144,449:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663992 (090253ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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UFC 287.

2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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b17720 No.32989

File: 1f3af17f25092f7⋯.jpg (171.15 KB,720x1214,360:607,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9e535bc53e373ca⋯.jpg (213.45 KB,720x1041,240:347,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bb7207303e5bba0⋯.jpg (91.47 KB,750x1193,750:1193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 45181d8503dc893⋯.jpg (116.2 KB,750x852,125:142,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18663999 (090255ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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Trump is attending the UFC in Miami tonight in his first public appearance post arraignment

Joined by Kid Rock and Mike Tyson 👀

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b17720 No.32990

File: 65030004ce4677b⋯.png (329.45 KB,654x628,327:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 65030004ce4677b⋯.png (329.45 KB,654x628,327:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664025 (090301ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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MistyG @MistyG17·28m

President Trump walks in UFC 287 to Kid Rock and the crowd goes wild!!


Apr 08, 2023, 10:27 PM


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b17720 No.32991

File: 1804c4c0c0954d8⋯.png (118.97 KB,255x191,255:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 248946350b7f5ce⋯.png (68.81 KB,255x159,85:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664026 (090301ZAPR23) Notable: Man arrested by FBI agents after allegedly planning to bomb building in downtown Oklahoma City - 8/14/17 / Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism

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Man arrested by FBI agents after allegedly planning to bomb building in downtown Oklahoma City

by: KFOR-TV and K. Querry

Posted: Aug 14, 2017 / 10:35 AM CDT

Updated: Aug 14, 2017 / 02:18 PM CDT

OKLAHOMA CITY – Federal officials say that a 23-year-old Oklahoma man has been arrested after allegedly planning to blow up a bomb in downtown Oklahoma City.

According to a criminal complaint, the FBI arrested 23-year-old Jerry Drake Varnell at 1 a.m. on Aug. 12 after he allegedly attempted to detonate what he believed to be an explosives-laden van he had parked in an alley next to BancFirst in downtown Oklahoma City.

The complaint alleges that Varnell initially wanted to blow up the Federal Reserve Building in Washington, D.C. with a device that was similar to the one used in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

Court documents claim that Varnell was upset with the government, and his plans got the attention of law enforcement.

An undercover FBI agent posed as a person who could help him with the bombing.

According to the complaint, Varnell identified BancFirst as the target, helped assemble the device, loaded it into a van and drove it to the alley by the bank.

In fact, officials say that Varnell even dialed a number on a cell phone that he believed would trigger the explosion. Authorities say they also found a statement that he planned to post to social media after the explosion.

However, officials say that the device was actually inert and the public was not in any danger.

“There was never a concern that our community’s safety or security was at risk during this investigation,” said Kathryn Peterson, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oklahoma. “I can assure the public, without hesitation, that we had Varnell’s actions monitored every step of the way.”

Varnell is charged with attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce.

“I commend the devoted work of the FBI and our state law enforcement partners in ensuring that violent plots of this kind never succeed,” said Mark A. Yancey, United States Attorney for the Western District of Oklahoma.

If convicted, he would face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison.

He is expected to make his initial appearance in an Oklahoma City courtroom on Monday around 3 p.m.

BancFirst released the following statement after Varnell’s arrest:

“BancFirst has been working cooperatively with the FBI. At no time were employees, customers or the general public ever in any danger. We believe our BancFirst downtown Oklahoma City building was a random and convenient selection by the suspect. There is no further threat or reason for concern. We take comfort and our company embraces a deep appreciation and admiration for the men and women of the FBI for their diligent and dedicated work in protecting our nation.”

U.S. Sen. James Lankford, who served on the Intelligence Committee and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, issued the following statement:

“I applaud the work of the FBI and local law enforcement for investigating and apprehending a man who sought to commit a terrorist act in Oklahoma City. Our intelligence community and law enforcement work every day to protect our neighborhoods from attacks and terror, and they often do it without the public ever knowing. It is chilling to think that a sympathizer of Timothy McVeigh would want to act on hate, as a tribute to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil before September 11. We’re thankful for the concerned citizens that stepped forward to alert authorities about this man. This is another somber reminder that, as a nation, we must remain vigilant about home-grown extremism and radicalization in our communities.”


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b17720 No.32992

File: bb139dbacf5b845⋯.png (207.58 KB,371x338,371:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664031 (090302ZAPR23) Notable: Detective In Daniel Perry Self-Defense Case Says Soros-Backed Prosecutor Told Him To “Remove Exculpatory Information”

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BOMBSHELL: Detective In Daniel Perry Self-Defense Case Says Soros-Backed Prosecutor Told Him To “Remove Exculpatory Information”


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b17720 No.32993

File: 54fab705e4afeb9⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB,854x474,427:237,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664033 (090303ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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President Trump walks in UFC 287 to Kid Rock and the crowd goes wild!!

mp4 here

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b17720 No.32994

File: 07de9c5857111d5⋯.png (88.89 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f2a5f02bb78c24⋯.png (823.14 KB,1500x500,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 013345393e4c825⋯.png (416.15 KB,553x659,553:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664046 (090306ZAPR23) Notable: McCaul became the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the 118th Congress in 2023

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Representing the 10th District of Texas | Chairman of @HouseForeignGOP | Chairman Emeritus of the @China_TaskForce Texas' 10th Districtmccaul.house.gov Joined March 2009

595 Following 49.2K Followers

Michael Thomas McCaul Sr. is an American attorney and politician serving as the U.S. representative for Texas's 10th congressional district since 2005. A member of the Republican Party, he chaired the House Committee on Homeland Security during the 113th, 114th, and 115th Congresses. Wikipedia

Born: 1962 (age 61 years), Dallas, TX

Education: St. Mary's University School of Law (1987), MORE

Spouse: Linda McCaul

Office: Representative (R-TX 10th District) since 2005

Parents: James Addington McCaul Jr., Frances Jane Lott

Descendants: Caroline McCaul, Jewell McCaul, Michael McCaul, Avery McCaul, Lauren McCaul

Books: Failures of Imagination: The Deadliest Threats to Our Homeland&ndash;and How to Thwart Them

freedom and demockracy freedom and demockracy freedom and demockracy

McCaul became the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the 118th Congress in 2023.

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b17720 No.32995

File: aace630aa932c31⋯.png (242.64 KB,1157x646,1157:646,Clipboard.png)

File: f9299aa88d8d004⋯.png (248.31 KB,1053x565,1053:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664059 (090309ZAPR23) Notable: The US Sending Troops to Taiwan is ‘On the Table’ if China Invades, Congressman Warns

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The US Sending Troops to Taiwan is ‘On the Table’ if China Invades, Congressman Warns


By Kyle BeckerApril 8, 2023

House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Rep. Michael McCaul is warning that the US may have to send troops to Taiwan should China invade the island nation.

“If communist China invaded Taiwan, it would certainly be on the table and something that would be discussed by Congress and with the American people,” the Texas Republican told Fox News.

“Are they prepared to do this? Is Taiwan worth it?” he asked. “I can argue for a lot of reasons why it is.”

The People’s Liberation Army Navy recently sent eight warships and 42 planes into the Strait of Taiwan to intimidate the island country, which China claims as its own territory. China also announced it would be enforcing a stop-and-seize regime within the strait, while Taiwan countered that it would not comply.

“These are intimidation tactics and saber-rattling, in my judgment, only firm up our resolve against the Chinese Communist Party. It has no deterrent effect on us,” McCaul said. “In fact, I think it galvanizes the United States’ support for Taiwan.”

“We talked about a lot of very constructive ways of deterring, including economic,” McCaul added. “We talked about several military scenarios, including a blockade, [and] how they would respond to that.”

“Overall, know deterrence is key,” he continued. “We don’t want war. We want peace and deterrence and peace through strength the accomplishes that.”

McCaul argued that Beijing would likely prefer to interfere with Taiwan’s next presidential election than go to war, saying “it’ll be a lot easier for them to influence an election without a shot fired than it would be to go to war.”

“I would argue freedom and democracy is worth supporting Taiwan over, but if that doesn’t persuade people, 90% of the advanced semiconductor capabilities for the world in manufacturing exist right here in Taiwan,” McCaul said.

“If that is compromised in any way – it’s a strategic asset – a national security asset, [and] if that is taken by invasion or it’s broken, it will send this globe into a world of hurt and a global depression.”

Representative Ami Bera (D-CA), also a member of the Taiwanese meeting delegation in California also warned about the implications of escalating tensions with China.

“I think it’s very difficult to ask countries in Asia to be verbally out there saying, ‘This is what we do’ [in the event of an invasion],” Bera said.

“But if you think about the two countries we visited prior to coming to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, they’ve both experienced economic retaliation in South Korea for the deployment of THAAD batteries in Japan in the past getting their supplies of critical rare earth elements getting cut off,” Bera added.

Rep. French Hill (R-AZ) added that a military confrontation with China would severely impact the global economy.

“You have, for the first time, an Indo-Pacific strategy in Korea, a national security strategy,” Hill said. “They’ve not had that before. They’ve been concerned principally only about North Korea and the North Asia region, but in that Indo-Pacific regional national security strategy, [there’s] willingness to participate.”

“And if you don’t like inflation now, wait until you have a — 60% of global trade passes through the strait between here, but 80 miles between China and Taiwan, it’s not just a military issue,” Hill added. “It’s a way-of-life issue in the United States. And that’s why deterrence is so important.”

One might counter this is the price of overreliance on trade with an aggressive communist nation like China. If the United States relied more on itself, it would improve its national security position in the world.


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b17720 No.32996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664062 (090310ZAPR23) Notable: Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967]

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Indo Aryan Deities And Worship As Contained In The Rig Veda

by Albert Pike


Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967]


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b17720 No.32997

File: db063510f8cfd0b⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,356x480,89:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664095 (090316ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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>but you mind grabbing this one too?

no problem


see top bread >GLOBALS> Anons > How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos

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b17720 No.32998

File: 8dd21aa4a79d8ce⋯.png (467.14 KB,600x582,100:97,Clipboard.png)

File: f2f4df1932828b5⋯.png (140.1 KB,510x530,51:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664112 (090323ZAPR23) Notable: Man arrested by FBI agents after allegedly planning to bomb building in downtown Oklahoma City - 8/14/17 / Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism

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>>32970 (LB)




I wonder if this is the first time the FBI got caught grooming a mentally ill child to become a mass shooter.


Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism

The parents of a severely mentally disabled man have defied mainstream media and bravely spoken their truth about how the FBI recruited and groomed him as a right-wing terrorist, knowing he’s a dia…

10:55 AM · Apr 8, 2023

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b17720 No.32999

File: aad3a463435bc47⋯.png (1.21 MB,786x4606,393:2303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664139 (090331ZAPR23) Notable: Klaus Schwab’s WEF Is Hiring Thousands Of ‘Information Warriors’ To Take Over The Internet And Patrol It For ‘Misinformation’

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Klaus Schwab’s WEF Is Hiring Thousands Of ‘Information Warriors’ To Take Over The Internet And Patrol It For ‘Misinformation’

a day ago&#09;

There is another plandemic that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants to stamp out with more tyranny, and it is known as free speech on the internet.

The WEF made an announcement that it had successfully recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet. These “information warriors” will patrol social media and online forums in search of “misinformation” and “conspiracy content”, which will then be systematically removed.

The World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab describes the spread of false information on the internet as a “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and needs a “cure.” According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the term “misinformation” refers to any content on the internet with which they disagree. This indicates that the hundreds of thousands of information warriors employed by the WEF will be actively engaged in the act of suppressing opposition directed toward the globalist elite.

Last month, Klaus Schwab cautioned us that whomever controls artificial intelligence will rule the future. And those at the top of society at Davos haven’t wasted any time getting the groundwork ready to enslave the rest of us.

The “information warriors” employed by the WEF pose as regular users of the platform, but their real goal is to disrupt proceedings and subtly plant the seeds of support for the ideology espoused by Klaus Schwab’s WEF. The “information warriors” are focusing their attention on conspiracy forums and the comment sections of YouTube videos.

Announcing the news on a WEF podcast, UN communications director Melissa Fleming said “So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels.”


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b17720 No.33000

File: 4991aca5879e4c2⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664157 (090335ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664218 (090350ZAPR23) Notable: IDF: 6 rockets fired from Syria at Golan Heights; military retaliates with strikes

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IDF: 6 rockets fired from Syria at Golan Heights; military retaliates with strikes

Three projectiles cross into Israeli territory in 2 separate barrages, causing no casualties or damage; residents told to open bomb shelters, stay near safe zones


Six rockets were launched from southern Syria at the Golan Heights on Saturday night and early Sunday in two separate barrages hours apart, with three landing in Israeli territory, the military said.

After the second barrage, the Israel Defense Forces said it carried out artillery and drone strikes in southern Syria, targeting the launchers that had been used to fire the rockets. Later, Israeli and Syrian media said Israel carried out additional airstrikes near the capital Damascus.

Earlier, the IDF said Saturday night that three rockets were fired, of which one crossed the border and landed in an open area near the northern Israeli town of Meitsar. An incoming rocket alert was activated in an open area near the town shortly before, the IDF said.


Tension boils after hundreds hole up in Al-Aqsa Mosque, allegedly plan violence

Large police presence around Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, with Jordan accusing Israel of ‘fabricating facts’ on standoff; Jews set to visit site, masses expected at Western Wall

Hundreds of Palestinians have for hours been barricading themselves inside Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque in the flashpoint Temple Mount holy site and are refusing to disperse.

Many Israeli police forces are deployed in the area and are expected at some point to enter the mosque to remove the Palestinians, who are threatening to disrupt morning visits by Jews to the site and to attempt to attack Jewish masses set to attend the annual Priestly Blessing prayers at the Western Wall for Passover.

Jordan’s Waqf authorities have refused to remove the Palestinians, and Amman has claimed Israel is trying to “fabricate the facts” and demanded that Israel stop its “attacks on worshipers.”


IDF says latest airstrikes targeted Syrian army base, radar, artillery post

The Israeli military says the latest Air Force raids in Syria targeted a military compound belonging to the Syrian army’s 4th Division, as well as a radar and artillery posts used by the army.

The strikes were a retaliation to six rockets launched from Syria toward the Golan Heights last night and early this morning, of which three crossed into Israeli territory.

The IDF earlier responded with artillery and drone strikes targeting the rocket launchers used to fire the projectiles.

The IDF adds that it “views the Syrian state as responsible for everything happening in its territory and will not enable attempts to violate Israel’s sovereignty.”

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b17720 No.33002

File: 131d44d0f621641⋯.png (267.59 KB,605x621,605:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 37de7a5fa2881b3⋯.png (232.01 KB,624x553,624:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 7adcfdcfcfc5347⋯.png (27.22 KB,589x271,589:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664240 (090356ZAPR23) Notable: IDF: 6 rockets fired from Syria at Golan Heights; military retaliates with strikes

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b17720 No.33003

File: faaa07c8bd9dd09⋯.png (392.75 KB,660x870,22:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 2aa74cb9149c125⋯.png (695 KB,941x1070,941:1070,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664291 (090408ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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Dan is sure likes posting B&W photos recently.

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 @DanScavino·39m

#UFC287 🇺🇸🦅

Apr 08, 2023, 11:24 PM


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b17720 No.33004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664300 (090410ZAPR23) Notable: Ballot bounties? Wisconsin lawmaker flags payments used to mobilize voters for liberal judge

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Ballot bounties? Wisconsin lawmaker flags payments used to mobilize voters for liberal judge

"Community mobilizers" could make as much as $270 by creating a list of 75 people and making sustained efforts to turn out 60 of them to vote in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election.

The 13-year-old son of former Democratic congressional candidate and former Florida Health Department staffer Rebekah Jones, was charged with a second-degree felony for allegedly threatening online to shoot up his school, according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office.

Jones is also known for being a "COVID whistleblower" in 2020 who claimed she was fired for not manipulating COVID-19 numbers to politically benefit the DeSantis administration.

Last December, Jones pleaded guilty to a felony with a deferred prosecution agreement for accessing a state computer system without authorization. She ended up signing a plea deal and agreed to pay $20,000, plus to see a licensed mental health professional at least once a month.

Prosecutors had alleged that Jones used her access to the state computer system to send a mass text calling for state employees to speak out against Florida's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

She also ran for Congress in 2022 and lost the race to current GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz.

Earlier this week after the probe into her son began, Jones suggested the probe was happening as revenge after she filed a lawsuit to get her job back at the Florida Health State Department.

"If I get a gun I'm gonna shoot up hnms lol,” her son wrote in one online message, according to the Pensacola News Journal.

In another message on social media he wrote, "I'm getting a wrath and natural selection shirt so maybe but I don't think many ppl know what the columbine shooters look like."

Another one said, "Okay so it's been like 3-4 weeks since I got on my new antidepressants and they aren't working but they're suppose to by now so I have no hope in getting better so why not kill the losers at school."

Jones said that her son is autistic and shouldn't be punished for "spreading memes" which didn't warrant an arrest or constitute a legitimate threat. She also said some of the messages were from a separate account that didn't belong to her son.

Jones claimed that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ordered the detainment of her son, calling the governor a "wanna-be fascist king."

Jones' son is currently on home detention and has a court date next month.


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b17720 No.33005

File: 30e50ff51b76a2d⋯.png (431.31 KB,733x914,733:914,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664322 (090417ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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Mike Crispi @MikeCrispiNJ

TRUMP makes his entrance into UFC 287. Could Biden, Kamala or ANY lib “leader” do this? Certainly not!

**invalid image on the video

10:43 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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b17720 No.33006

File: 30e50ff51b76a2d⋯.png (431.31 KB,733x914,733:914,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664330 (090419ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz

The people’s president @realDonaldTrump arriving at UFC 287.

Globalist swamp creatures Joe Biden & Rob DeSantis will never be this loved by the people

**Invalid image on the video

11:51 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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b17720 No.33007

File: b480f47bb76e456⋯.jpg (167.83 KB,720x921,240:307,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c7a6de340a3b69⋯.jpg (326.74 KB,1836x1438,918:719,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664338 (090420ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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After Kevin Holland wins, he jumps right over the cage to greet and thank President Trump👊🏽🇺🇸

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b17720 No.33008

File: c8ce86ca9069306⋯.mp4 (757.97 KB,886x496,443:248,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664344 (090422ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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b17720 No.33009

File: fbfd40197bab9a0⋯.mp4 (455.33 KB,320x488,40:61,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ebbd7c2dff3b44c⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,320x512,5:8,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664357 (090425ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

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Video - TRUMP makes his entrance into UFC 287.


Video - The people’s president @realDonaldTrump arriving at UFC 287

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b17720 No.33010

File: 8197945b5595b21⋯.png (21.6 KB,291x424,291:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664371 (090431ZAPR23) Notable: Did you know that President Obama’s Grandfather named Stanley Dunham was in the CIA…

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


Did you know that President Obama’s Grandfather named Stanley Dunham was in the CIA assigned to Hawaii to spy on Frank Marshall Davis and is also the cousin of George Bush Sr.? This is where The Obama-Bush family connection rumors came from.

FEC Confirmation: https://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/7211/17044430351.pdf

7:50 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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b17720 No.33011

File: d0e76b028655682⋯.png (1.01 MB,844x1869,844:1869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664376 (090433ZAPR23) Notable: Obama and President Bush are 10th cousins, once removed - 3/25/08

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Obama and Bush - cousins?

Barack Obama often makes a joke in his campaign speeches about a genealogical survey last year that found he is a distant cousin of Dick Cheney. Now there is double bad news for Obama: a new survey out today found he is related to George Bush as well.

Researchers at the New England Historic Genealogical Society, founded in 1845, said Obama, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, can call six US presidents his cousins: both Bushes, Ford, Johnson, Truman and James Madison.

The genealogical society, a non-profit organisation, found he is also related to Churchill.

Obama and President Bush are 10th cousins, once removed, linked by Samuel Hinkley of Cape Cod, who died in 1662. Pitt and Obama are ninth cousins, linked by Edwin Hickman, who died in Virginia in 1769. Clinton and Jolie are ninth cousins, twice removed, both related to Jean Cusson who died in Quebec in 1718.

Tue 25 Mar 2008 16.53 EDT


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b17720 No.33012

File: 6611b46f9cb502e⋯.jpg (149.59 KB,720x959,720:959,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23482b42f001cdd⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664385 (090436ZAPR23) Notable: GamebredFighter declares Donald Trump to be the best president in history, Ron DeSantis to be the greatest governor ever, and starts a "let's go Brandon" chant.

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.@GamebredFighter declares Donald Trump to be the best president in history, Ron DeSantis to be the greatest governor ever, and starts a "let's go Brandon" chant.

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b17720 No.33013

File: 8372c5bef51068b⋯.png (693.76 KB,916x560,229:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664440 (090450ZAPR23) Notable: North Korea calls Biden a rabid dog who deserves to be beaten - 11/14/19

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November 15, 2019


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b17720 No.33014

File: b2e6305dcd1a5ab⋯.png (541.6 KB,828x812,207:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664559 (090515ZAPR23) Notable: Texas Governor Greg Abbott To Pardon Sgt. Daniel Perry

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BREAKING: Texas Governor Greg Abbott To Pardon Sgt. Daniel Perry


You think our side is frustrated?

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b17720 No.33015

File: 112d84f7d928585⋯.png (875.33 KB,1027x935,1027:935,Clipboard.png)

File: 39476ca740a5919⋯.png (791.68 KB,591x889,591:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664637 (090544ZAPR23) Notable: Did you know that President Obama’s Grandfather named Stanley Dunham was in the CIA…

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>Did you know that President Obama’s Grandfather named Stanley Dunham was in the CIA assigned to Hawaii to spy on Frank Marshall Davis and is also the cousin of George Bush Sr.?

huh …

Dreams from My Real Father

A Story of Reds and Deception

At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama's family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama "autobiography," offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics.


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b17720 No.33016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664738 (090624ZAPR23) Notable: #22898

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Notables - FINAL


>>32986, >>32987, >>32988, >>32989, >>32990, >>32993, >>32997, >>33000, >>33003, >>33005, >>33006, >>33007, >>33008, >>33009 Donald J Trump at UFC 287 / 2 + 8 + 7 = 17

>>32991, >>32998 Man arrested by FBI agents after allegedly planning to bomb building in downtown Oklahoma City - 8/14/17 / Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism

>>32992 Detective In Daniel Perry Self-Defense Case Says Soros-Backed Prosecutor Told Him To “Remove Exculpatory Information”

>>32994 McCaul became the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the 118th Congress in 2023

>>32995 The US Sending Troops to Taiwan is ‘On the Table’ if China Invades, Congressman Warns

>>32996 Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967]

>>32999 Klaus Schwab’s WEF Is Hiring Thousands Of ‘Information Warriors’ To Take Over The Internet And Patrol It For ‘Misinformation’

>>33001, >>33002 IDF: 6 rockets fired from Syria at Golan Heights; military retaliates with strikes

>>33004 Ballot bounties? Wisconsin lawmaker flags payments used to mobilize voters for liberal judge

>>33010, >>33015 Did you know that President Obama’s Grandfather named Stanley Dunham was in the CIA…

>>33011 Obama and President Bush are 10th cousins, once removed - 3/25/08

>>33012 GamebredFighter declares Donald Trump to be the best president in history, Ron DeSantis to be the greatest governor ever, and starts a "let's go Brandon" chant.

>>33013 North Korea calls Biden a rabid dog who deserves to be beaten - 11/14/19

>>33014 Texas Governor Greg Abbott To Pardon Sgt. Daniel Perry



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b17720 No.33017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664749 (090626ZAPR23) Notable: #22899

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Welcome to the Digital Battlefield

Information Warfare

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b17720 No.33018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664830 (090651ZAPR23) Notable: On Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm, there will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm, there will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service.


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b17720 No.33019

File: 7894c98a8884875⋯.png (407.58 KB,1051x572,1051:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664842 (090659ZAPR23) Notable: From QRJapan: Former Pentagon official Mick Mulroy suggests the recent classified doc leaks are from inside allied forces, not a foreign adversary (Russia Russia Russia)

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Look at this up in the Japanese Research

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b17720 No.33020

File: 859e7f1407e7c1f⋯.jpg (146.5 KB,1280x1100,64:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664872 (090715ZAPR23) Notable: Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


pb and notable

>>32970 Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism - 5/16/22


to not leave men behind

DIG is still due on this to get justice for this set up white man

Really dig on this and expose this before he dies.

Obama administration did this to

Gary Joh Mikulich.

Rotting in prison and no one cares about him.

Forgotton guy. Super intelligent.

His family is passing away and lived thinking it was true.

Sad for all friends and family who have zero idea the government does this shit.

Imagine what a turn of events to show the injustice and make his very small town rejoice if he were made freeand the sinister truth of what the FBI does for decades to people who are ill mentally or ar made to be ill, and all is revealed.


When you really look at the details you can see the setup and the narrative they needed at the time in Michigan to paint the picture of non-Muslim bombers. Really think when you read every random small article and look at the images, knowing what we know today how they set people up to cast narrative for news media to instruct the public how to think.

GARY needs justice.

Would be a real redpill for his entire community and old friends who simply think he went nuts and will not talk about it.


Would wake up the entire sleeping pen of sheep to reveal this scam.


8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (8)

#11945395 at 2020-12-08 04:45:46 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15249: Nigh Shift Dig Meme Pray Edition


remember gary Mikulich digs

and they say he has Schizophrenia

made him look like a white homegrown bomber to get all the "racial profiling" of MuUslims to stop in MICHIGAN

they set up narratives and push it on us the public so we buy shit and they move forward with their agendas

gary Mikulich brilliant guy they set up

and made him crazy

used him to plant seed of white homegrown terrorists


#9328654 at 2020-05-27 06:20:56 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #11939: The WAR Edition



patterns of setup white males

>read all about gary Mikulich in PB's and be sickened:


#9328648 at 2020-05-27 06:19:41 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #11939: The WAR Edition


engineering students are MK targets?

Police said a motive for the attacks is still unclear.

Manfredonia was a senior at the

UConn joint School of Engineering/School (FUSCO CONNECTIONS)

of Business Management and Engineering for Management program, UConn spokeswoman Stephanie Reitz said.


lots of engineer types in college get diagnosed with "schizophrenia" MK type shit.

Just ask gary Mikulich how they do these engineer types

framed for bomb in MICHIGAN during Obama admin to take heat off of Muslim terrorists and made a white guy look like a home grown terrorist and stop profiling

what the fuck do they do to these white males, used for their evil ends and media narraitves

read all about gary Mikulich in PB's and be sickened:



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b17720 No.33021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664874 (090715ZAPR23) Notable: Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

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#6553906 at 2019-05-22 00:01:44 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8380: New Baker - Low Carb Kekosis Editon

RE: Eric Holder PB

and gary Mikulich

The Guard brought the bag into the building, not gary Mikulich

….the entire thing is fishy

But, hey they did get us to stop profiling Muslims in Dearborn.

Private security pays off for their agendas…..great way to get the bomb into the building and link to a "white terrorist" and stop profiling of Muslim terorists by Holder




#6553259 at 2019-05-22 00:28:01 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8379: The More You Attack Us, The More You Validate Us


holder doings, at all costs stop the Muslim profiling and was successful:




PB Notable



#6553218 at 2019-05-22 00:21:38 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8379: The More You Attack Us, The More You Validate Us


he was an engineer and they sought him out?

MK perhaps?

He was lumped in as a white terrorists to derail the real looking at of Muslim terrorists in Dearborn, MI.

Obama and holder used this to stop Muslim profiling.




#6553068 at 2019-05-21 23:59:20 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8379: The More You Attack Us, The More You Validate Us


holder boy should have fried a long time ago for his involvement in okc bombing.

Long time DS faggot criminal.


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b17720 No.33022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664878 (090716ZAPR23) Notable: Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

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#5754473 at 2019-03-18 17:25:28 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7360: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words Edition

PLEASE take a second look: You may be missing the the much bigger point of Noteable >>>/qresearch/5749774. FBI: gary John Mikulich Claimed to Be US President, Allegedly Threatened FBI Agents IS NOT THE POINT that I raised in previous posts someone else just grabbed a piece of and got a noteable. The post was WAS NOT TO BE ABOUT WHAT he said about being the president. (((THEY))) have been perfecting this shit pattern using people to bring about an end result.

I hope one of you gets this and doesn't overlook it. HE was used to stop MUSLIM MOSQUE PROFILING under Obama FBI.

THE POINT you should DIG ON is that he fits a pattern during Obama Clinton admins getting a patsy and or MK victims to fit their agenda narratives. Mikulich was made to a be a White Militia Terrorist type with his quotes and "planting bombs" actions put out in the news, attribute these things to him, then point out that he and others were not profiled, -vs-Muslims, the whole racist agenda.

A bomb being delivered (think CNN packages) to change a narrative and or set something else in motion for their purposes. Mikulich was put into articles to show at the time that whites were not being PROFILED the same as Muslims in MI the same year as all of the Muslim MOSQUES being profiled in MI. Think Dearborn takeover.

He was used to cause the hyper conversation to be stopped or minimized when profiling Muslim Mosques, using white "bombers" not getting the same profiling as the example, as if they were being unfairly examined -vs- Miltia White Bombers. Mikulich was not and never was Militia. He was a brilliant MI state electrical engineer graduate. Super intelligent from elementary school. The kind of kid they may watch and target, especially once in college. Devious electrical ideas perhaps he could come up with for their advantage? He may have rejected them and/or he was targeted as a youth to need "psychiatric" help with "voices", we know it did happen as an adult. It seems they set kids/boys/men up for future use. "Bomb package sat for weeks un-examined" at the Federal Building??? Until needed narrative?

Bringing the Mikulich story to these boards was to cause a dig on how they may have found Mikulich a handy/useful standby for setting him up from his school days at MI state as an electrical engineer, possibly earlier based on his apptitude. He may have been useful to them and he would not play ball? Made him look crazy when he was not interested? He started HEARING VOICES, family fell for the crazy diagnosis and then he becomes a "bomber". HE fell through the the cracks. HE IS AN AMERICAN white man they may have set up and used, knowing what we all know re hearing voices per Q. He was not a militia member, nor was he a bomber until they told him to be, voices in his head. They used him and threw him away like garbage to rot on RX's in prision.

In this case to stop profiling Muslim Mosques IN HEAVILY taken over by Muslims MICHIGAN. Today we know have Radical Muslims in Congress who may be commected to these very Mosques that were being profiled, but made to stop due to all I just stated? THE push was using Mikulich in and the FF bomb package to stop the profiling of Muslim Mosques in MI.

That is the digg. And, his case should be re-examined by Trump Admin, he should get proper medical care, not rot in prison being forced to take RX's to keep him from talking, if all did happen to him BY DESIGN. He is a American families son.

The "headline" was thier agenda, to make us feel like racists for looking into Muslim Mosques, by introducing "look over here shiny example" FF gary Mikulich, among other "white" terrorists.

LOOK again at the narrative pushed:



AGAIN: read this and think what I just told you, there is a pattern of how they spin the articles to get what they what, narritve get things moving or stopped.

Read this and THINK why they contrasted with the Muslim -vs- whites narrative:



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b17720 No.33023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664881 (090717ZAPR23) Notable: Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

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Mikulich was simply a dude with smarts that was useful to fit an agenda and they took his life from him??? How many more have they done this to?

***I hope you guys get the point and dig. THIS could have happened to YOU anon.

When/what age did they start grooming him?

How many more have they done this to?

Who were the Therapists/Psychiatrists?

Did we stop looking deeply into Mosques/profiling in MI due to this narrative push?

>>>/qresearch/5749751 >>>/qresearch/5749756 >>>/qresearch/5749766 >>>/qresearch/5749769 >>>/qresearch/5749771 >>>/qresearch/5749774 >>>/qresearch/5749785 >>>/qresearch/5749786 >>>/qresearch/5749791

#5749786 at 2019-03-18 07:26:41 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7354: We must fight, We have to fight back, Keep fighting Edition


September 12, 2011: A Frontier Airlines flight was diverted because two men of Indian descent and a Saudi-Jewish woman, Shoshana Hebshi, had made a passenger suspicious.

September 23, 2011: A white St. Joseph man, Reed Berry, was arrested for ramming an FBI surveillance car; the agents were investigating him for alleged ties to a Foreign Terrorist Organization. (This was no in DOJ press releases, but since he was accused to foreign terrorist ties, this clearly fits.)

September 26, 2011: A white 64-year old man, John Lechner, arrested for having as much explosives as took down the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal building and talking about mercenaries. (Note, this was not in any FBI or DOJ press releases I could find.)

So while the FBI has been profiling Muslims (including, arguably, the African-American mosque the FBI labels the "Ummah"; while Shoshana Hebshi and the two Indian men were clearly profiled on 9/11, this was not by the FBI), 13 white people in Michigan have been alleged to engage in some kind of terrorism: The 9 members of the Hutaree, Russell Hesch threatening Stupak's life, gary Mikulich making a crazed bomb attack on the Federal building, John Lechner's stash of 4000 pounds of explosives, plus the ties to a foreign terrorist organization the FBI alleges Reed Berry has (his attorney says they were surveilling Berry for protected speech). And that's assuming the still unsolved clinic bomber was not white.

Not only will profiling result in the harassment of people like Hebshi and the extreme over-reaction of the FBI with Luqman.

But in MI, it also risks missing what-setting aside Luqman's mosque-has actually been the majority of terrorists and alleged terrorists in recent years. That's not just dumb. It's dangerous.

Update: Added Lechner-h/t Lakeeffectsnow.

Copyright © 2018 emptywheel. All rights reserved.

There is a big pharma issue as well?? Push for forced medicating???

After a family arranged court hearing, gary was confined to an Upper Peninsula mental hospital. While hospitalized gary on a daily basis would refuse to take the recommended medications.

gary was transferred to another hospital and was finally convinced to take the med's with the promise he would be released and monitored by the mental health clinic in Kingsford.

Shortly after being released gary again refused proper treatment. At that point gary's family, frustrated, took action by going to court and getting a court order to get gary the proper treatment.

The Mikulich family tried many times to make gary realize that he needed to be on his medication to no avail and feels the system has failed him and failed the family.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664884 (090718ZAPR23) Notable: Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

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#5749771 at 2019-03-18 07:24:14 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7354: We must fight, We have to fight back, Keep fighting Edition


ABC news:


He may have been a MK gone bad?? And a useful setup about "crazies and making bombs"……..to scare the public.

granted the government's request to give medicine to gary Mikulich without his consent.

Now forcing him to take medications. Keeps one silent and controlled?


I know froma very reliable source tha gary was SUPER intelligent guy/genius all throghout school. His dad also.

Inventor type intelligence. set up???? or massive intelligence kid "found" in public school? FBI!!! Then taken away as useful?

He was a really good looking kid and very intelligent.

He had an electrical engineering degree from Michigan Tech University.

USEFUL to some need?.

But, he sensed something wrong all along since a kid.

The night before the bag was found……..SHERIFF in Livingston County 450 miles from his home, just happened to run his plates…….but did not stop his car before incident……….see the pattern???? Nice setup.

Some artilce by MSM say he left a metal box, some say a bag? Mikulich, 42, is charged with leaving a metal box containing electrical components outside the McNamara Federal Building in Detroit on Feb. 26. It was taken inside by a guard but sat for 20 days before a bomb squad destroyed it miles away at a city park last week.

A tool bag holding the metal box was discovered outside the building on Feb. 26 and brought inside, authorities said. It sat until a Federal Protective Service officer decided to X-ray it last week, saw electrical components and summoned the Detroit police bomb squad, the FBI said.

this should be dug into and this guy may have been a test subject???

According to the U.S. Attorney's office, Mikulich is an engineering graduate of Michigan Tech University who has "long complained of the FBI generally, and FBI Detroit in particular." Federal prosecutors say Mikulich frequently complains to local law enforcement officers about the FBI's "card system," and he believes this "card system" is responsible for the murder of Mikulich's father and thousands of other people.

Look into his childhood perhaps?

What about his father?


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b17720 No.33025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664886 (090719ZAPR23) Notable: Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

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#5749756 at 2019-03-18 07:22:21 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7354: We must fight, We have to fight back, Keep fighting Edition


As part of a new ACLU project to FOIA and map all the racial profiling the FBI has been doing, it liberated a Detroit FBI document describing its efforts to set up a "Domain Management" assessment (which seems to be a nice euphemism for racial profiling). It describes what it claims is the distinct counterterrorism threats in Michigan.

There are more than forty groups designated as terrorist organizations by the US State Department. Many of these groups originate in the Middle-East and Southeast Asia. Many of these groups also use an extreme and violent interpretation of the Muslim faith as justification for their activities. Because Michigan has large Middle-Eastern and Muslim population, it is prime territory for attempted radicalization and recruitment by these terrorist groups. Additionally, Sunni terrorist groups always pose a threat of attack on U.S. soil since it is the stated purpose of many of these groups. The Detroit Division Domain Team seeks to open a Type IV Domain Assessment for the purpose of collecting information and evaluating the threat posed by international terrorist groups conducting recruitment, radicalization, fund-raising, or even violent terrorist acts within the state of Michigan.

Of course, MI is not just home to a lot of Arab-Americans and Muslims. It's also home to a bunch of right wing militias and all-around nutjobs. So using racial profiling to find terrorists-the FBI admittedly uses State's list of international terrorists, which of course excludes domestic right wing terrorist groups-would miss the white terrorists we have in MI.

To give you an idea of what that would miss, I checked out all the press releases the Detroit FBI Office and US Attorney's Office has put out since this document was written on July 6, 2009 to see what kind of crimes related to or possibly related to terrorism we've had in the state. Here's what it showed.

October 28, 2009: 11 members of "Ummah" arrested, Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah killed. (Ultimately the FBI backed off their claim these folks had any tie to terrorism.)

October 29, 2009: Mujahid Carswell (AKA Mujahid Abdullah) taken into custody by Canada's RCMP for immigration violations.

October 31, 2009: Mohammad Alsahli (aka Muhammad Palestine) and Yassir Ali Khan taken into custody by Canada's RCMP for immigration violations.

December 25, 2009: The Undie-Bomber tried to bring down a plane.

January 22, 2010: Syrian Mohamad Mustapha Ali Masfaka lied to Customs and Border Patrol agents about his ties to Holy Land Foundation; he was later convicted.

March 29, 2010: Nine white members of the Hutaree militia arrested for seditious plot to overthrow the government.

June 7, 2010: A 73-year old white man, Russell Hesch, and his son sent a letter to Bart Stupak threatening to paint the Mackinac Bridge with his blood in retaliation for voting for Obama's health insurance reform.

April 21, 2011: A 42-year old white schizophrenic from the Upper Peninsula, gary John Mikulich, planted a bomb outside the Federal Building.

August 3, 2011: Someone left a Molotov cocktail outside an abortion clinic in Detroit.

September 12, 2011: A Frontier Airlines flight was diverted because two men of Indian descent and a Saudi-Jewish woman, Shoshana Hebshi, had made a passenger suspicious.

September 23, 2011: A white St. Joseph man, Reed Berry, was arrested for ramming an FBI surveillance car; the agents were investigating him for alleged ties to a Foreign Terrorist Organization. (This was no in DOJ press releases, but since he was accused to foreign terrorist ties, this clearly fits.)

September 26, 2011: A white 64-year old man, John Lechner, arrested for having as much explosives as took down the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal building and talking about mercenaries. (Note, this was not in any FBI or DOJ press releases I could find.)

So while the FBI has been profiling Muslims (including, arguably, the African-American mosque the FBI labels the "Ummah"; while Shoshana Hebshi and the two Indian men were clearly profiled on 9/11, this was not by the FBI), 13 white people in Michigan have been alleged to engage in some kind of terrorism: The 9 members of the Hutaree, Russell Hesch threatening Stupak's life, gary Mikulich making a crazed bomb attack on the Federal building, John Lechner's stash of 4000 pounds of explosives, plus the ties to a foreign terrorist organization the FBI alleges Reed Berry has (his attorney says they were surveilling Berry for protected speech). And that's assuming the still unsolved clinic bomber was not white.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33026

File: 859e7f1407e7c1f⋯.jpg (146.5 KB,1280x1100,64:55,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9550e3c18c9e763⋯.jpg (6.24 KB,242x208,121:104,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 859e7f1407e7c1f⋯.jpg (146.5 KB,1280x1100,64:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664898 (090723ZAPR23) Notable: Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

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Q team

President Trump


you shoulod revisit this

and expsoe the setup and get justice for

Gary Joh Mikulich.

every link is very PB









Would wake up the entire sleeping pen of sheep to reveal this FBI scam of entrapping men into false flags.


pb and notable

>>32970 Parents Catch FBI Grooming Mentally Ill Son For Terrorism - 5/16/22


to not leave men behind

>DIG is still due on this to get justice for this set up white man

>Really dig on this and expose this before he dies.

>Obama administration did this to

>Gary Joh Mikulich.

>Rotting in prison and no one cares about him.

>Forgotton guy. Super intelligent.

>His family is passing away and lived thinking it was true.

>Sad for all friends and family who have zero idea the government does this shit.

>Imagine what a turn of events to show the injustice and make his very small town rejoice if he were made freeand the sinister truth of what the FBI does for decades to people who are ill mentally or ar made to be ill, and all is revealed.


<When you really look at the details you can see the setup and the narrative they needed at the time in Michigan to paint the picture of non-Muslim bombers. Really think when you read every random small article and look at the images, knowing what we know today how they set people up to cast narrative for news media to instruct the public how to think.

<GARY needs justice.

>Would be a real redpill for his entire community and old friends who simply think he went nuts and will not talk about it.


Would wake up the entire sleeping pen of sheep to reveal this FBI scam of entrapping men into false flags.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664907 (090726ZAPR23) Notable: Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

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Gary John Mikulich

Q team

President Trump


you should revisit this

and expose the setup and get justice for

Gary John Mikulich.

every link is very PB









Would wake up the entire sleeping pen of sheep to reveal this FBI scam of entrapping men into false flags

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33028

File: 5f32b3721be066e⋯.png (24.39 KB,1110x261,370:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664930 (090735ZAPR23) Notable: 5 year delta: Q#1106 Syira. Hold until CONF.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664954 (090753ZAPR23) Notable: 5 year delta: Q#1106 Syira. Hold until CONF.

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Apr 9 2018 12:25:58 (EST)


Hold until CONF.

MIL assets on the ground locked out of GZ.

ISRAEL strike harmed ability to prove events.

Clown report must be VERIFIED.

Troop unwind to STILL occur.

Have faith.

Trust POTUS.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18664955 (090754ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump to speak at NRA annual meeting, livestream April 14th 1:30 pm EDT

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President Donald J Trump Speaks at the NRA Annual Meeting, LIVE from Indianapolis. 4/14/23

Livestream begins: Apr 14, 1:30 pm EDT

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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b17720 No.33031

File: ba666969999bf02⋯.png (533.66 KB,1038x509,1038:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b0b44d798e3b97⋯.jpg (199.27 KB,1188x1689,396:563,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cffa49becdf00cc⋯.png (220.91 KB,710x708,355:354,Clipboard.png)

File: 1678cfa97665787⋯.png (107.5 KB,768x344,96:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665024 (090917ZAPR23) Notable: Anon compiles studies of mass covid treatment using ivermectin

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Mass treatment with ivermectin: an underutilized public health strategy



A Randomized Trial of Ivermectin-Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin therapy on COVID19 patients



Effectiveness of Ivermectin as add-on Therapy in COVID-19 Management (Pilot Trial)


Journal of Antibiotics:

Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen



A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343305357 _A_Case_Series_of_100_COVID-19_Positive_Patients_Treated_with_Combination_of_Ivermectin_and_Doxycycline

Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons:

A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline


Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons:

Comparison of Viral Clearance between Ivermectin with Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromycin in COVID-19 Patients



ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) study: Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19



Has Ivermectin Virus-Directed Effects against SARS-CoV-2? Rationalizing the Action of a Potential Multitarget Antiviral Agent

https://chemrxiv.org/articles/preprint/12782258 Has_Ivermectin_Virus-Directed_Effects_against_SARS-CoV-2_Rationalizing_the_Action_of_a_Potential_Multitarget_Antiviral_A

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33032

File: 0d0d55eab191f1e⋯.png (699.16 KB,575x833,575:833,Clipboard.png)

File: a9fa05793a16aa3⋯.png (54 KB,626x406,313:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665034 (090926ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump retruth: This is nothing less than the established “swamp” inventing new legal theories while ignoring existing law to crush a political opponent. That foretells the end of the Republic

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Donald J. Trump



DaKine 17




Replying to @DaKine17, @JackieV, and 3 more

“The indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate on such a weak and preposterous theory as this one puts the lie to the idea that the Constitution limits our government. This is nothing less than the established “swamp” inventing new legal theories while ignoring existing law to crush a political opponent. That foretells the end of the Republic.”


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b17720 No.33033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665089 (091000ZAPR23) Notable: Leaked Pentagon docs show US spying on Russia as well as allies, 5 year deltas coming up: Q#1164 Re_read FIVE EYES.

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Leaked Pentagon documents show spies are deeply ingrained in Russian intelligence services and Putin's army is ravaged after a year of fighting - but also reveal US is spying on ALLIES including South Korea, Ukraine and UK


The leak comes amid speculation that a wave of classified document breaches could be being orchestrated by Russia, in what was described by a senior intelligence official as 'a nightmare for the Five Eyes' - a reference to the intelligence sharing agreement between the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Q1164 - DELTA in 7 days.

Apr 16, 2018 12:37:31 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 32a824 No. 1061084

Re_read FIVE EYES.

Avoid US data collection laws.


Public: Dossier FISA.

Not Public: FIVE EYES UK/AUS POTUS targeting using pushed RUS decoy meetings / campaign insertions.

Hussein HRC LL Brennan Clapper NAT SEC WH SIT RM OP UK AUS assist/set up.


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b17720 No.33034

File: 6bffdc6ec57eee4⋯.png (495.11 KB,601x578,601:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665132 (091043ZAPR23) Notable: Infowars Reporter Sentenced For Simply Filming January 6th Protests After FBI Discovered He Was In Possession of Video Showing Murder Of Ashli Babbitt

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Lara Logan


Infowars Reporter Sentenced For Simply Filming January 6th Protests After FBI Discovered He Was In Possession of Video Showing Murder Of Ashli Babbitt | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray


Infowars Reporter Sentenced For Simply Filming January 6th Protests After FBI Discovered He Was In…

7:51 PM · Apr 8, 2023




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b17720 No.33035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665133 (091044ZAPR23) Notable: Iranian authorities will install cameras in public places to identify and “penalize” women who violate the nation’s mandatory hijab law

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Tehran announces new surveillance tech to enforce veiling

The mandatory hijab law was one of the major points of contention behind last year’s protests in Iran

Iranian authorities will install cameras in public places to identify and “penalize” women who violate the nation’s mandatory hijab law, the national police announced on Saturday. The measure is designed to replace the so-called 'morality police', disbanded last year following protests sparked by the death in police custody of a young woman, Mahsa Amini.

An “innovative measure” is designed to “prevent any tension” within Iranian society, the police statement said. Several news media outlets, including Reuters and Anadolu Agency, reported that many Iranian women were still defying the hijab requirements even after the end of the massive protests that rocked the nation last year. Such a situation reportedly sparked a protest among the Iranian clergy.

Those found in violation of the law, which was adopted soon after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, would first receive “warning text messages” from the police on their mobile phones informing them about the legal consequences of a repeated offense.

A police statement published by the Iranian judiciary’s Mizan news agency also accused those violating the law of “carelessly distorting the moral image of society” and called on them to “avoid any kind of action that tarnishes the spiritual image of the nation and causes insecurity.”

On Tuesday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that the hijab was a “religious and legal restriction” and not just something imposed by the government. He also maintained that removing the Islamic head covering was “forbidden.” Similar points were made by the government in a statement this week.

Iran faced massive protests last year, which broke out in September 2022 after Amini, detained by the so-called morality police for wearing an “improper” hijab, reportedly collapsed and died while in custody. A medical examination attributed her death to a preexisting condition, while various anti-government NGOs and US-backed groups claimed she was beaten to death by police.

The protests transformed into weeks of violent unrest that claimed hundreds of lives. Tehran accused external forces, including the US and Israel, of fomenting the unrest and inciting violence. In December, Iran abolished the morality police and last month, Khamenei pardoned tens of thousands of protesters amid a massive amnesty marking the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.


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b17720 No.33036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665138 (091045ZAPR23) Notable: German military to take action after increased drone sightings at bases

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German military to take action after increased drone sightings at bases – media

The Bundeswehr wants to buy more anti-drone systems to curb incursions, Tagesspiegel newspaper reports

The German military is planning to purchase more anti-drone equipment to protect its bases from incursion by unidentified surveillance UAVs, security sources have told Tagesspiegel newspaper.

The Bundeswehr decided to boost its capabilities in the field because of increased sightings of “suspicious” drones over the country’s military facilities in recent months, the article says.

The affected locations include ranges where Ukrainian troops are training to operate German tanks and APCs provided to Kiev by Berlin, the paper reported on Saturday. The origin of the aircraft is unknown, it added.

The outlet didn’t reveal the type or the quantity of the anti-drone systems that the German military is going to acquire.

The Bundeswehr currently operates HP-47 jammers, which allow it to take control of an incoming UAV, forcing it to land, crash or fly back to the operator to reveal their location.

The military reportedly started stocking up on those systems last summer after the first drones were spotted flying over the bases. This process is now going to be “intensified,” according to the sources.

The German military owns some 1,500 properties across the country, including barracks, training ranges and administrative buildings. It is forbidden to fly drones over them under Germany’s aviation regulations.

Germany, which spent €2 billion ($2.2 billion) on military aid for Ukraine in 2022, expects to allocate another €2.2 billion ($2.4 billion) to the cause this year, according to the Bundeswehr.

Over the past few months, Berlin has promised to supply 18 Leopard-2 main battle tanks and 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Kiev. The Ukrainian authorities claim that the hardware is going to be used in a major counteroffensive against the Russian forces sometime in spring.

The first group of Ukrainian troops completed their training course on operating Leopard-2s in the middle of March in the state of Lower Saxony. A number of drones have been spotted at this location, according to Tagesspiegel.

Moscow has long decried deliveries of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine by the US, UK, Germany and other EU nations, arguing that they only serve to escalate and prolong the fighting, while failing to change its ultimate outcome.


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b17720 No.33037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665145 (091048ZAPR23) Notable: Ukraine intelligence docs leak could be worst for U.S. govt since Snowden

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Ukraine Intelligence Docs Leak Could be Worst for U.S. Govt Since Snowden: Report

A group of U.S. intelligence documents dealing with the Ukraine war and other global matters apparently leaked through online gaming forums has been dismissed as fake by some in both Ukraine and Russia, but is apparently being taken seriously elsewhere.

Up to 100 pages of secret U.S. intelligence reports have leaked into the public domain in what one newspaper, citing an intelligence commentator, says could be the “biggest since Edward Snowden”, who leaked thousands of documents in 2013 after he became concerned with the ethical implications of western intelligence activities.

As reported by Breitbart News the authenticity of this new group of leaked documents, which deal predominantly with military assessments of the Ukraine war but also purport to reveal U.S. spying on allies including South Korea and Israel, has previously been disputed. Yet they appear to be taken seriously by observers of Western intelligence, even if the Pentagon and Justice Department in the U.S. have said nothing other than they are aware of claims, are investigating, and have no other comment to make.

Establishment-adjacent news outlets like CNN and papers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times — which was first to report of the emergence of the documents on social media and online gaming forums — note intelligence sources are treating the documents “appear to be legitimate intelligence and operational briefs”, and report frustration in the U.S. government that the documents were being posted online for weeks before anyone noticed.

The original source of the documents is unclear, but open-source intelligence collective Bellingcat traces apparently leaked intelligence documents being posted on Discord, a social platform popular with computer gamers, back to January. Eventually, the documents spread to 4chan — where they were used to settle arguments, which echoes a previous leak used to browbeat users in an online debate about the realism of a tank warfare game — and Russia’s Telegram, where they were noticed.

The seriousness of the leak, which is reported to underline the degree of infiltration of the Russian intelligence and military hierarchies by U.S. intelligence to the extent of being able to warn the Ukrainians of Russian artillery strikes in advance, and of advanced spy satellites deployed to the area, is discussed by Obama-era U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who told CNN: “This appears to be a very serious breach of security, which is potentially very damaging both to the US as well as many friends and allies… I am sure all resources are being tapped to find who is leaking this sensitive information.”

Britain’s Daily Telegraph cites a senior British intelligence officer who called the leak “very significant” and said: “It shows a failure at the very highest levels of classification… If it is genuine, the Americans have a very serious problem. The biggest since Edward Snowden.”

While the leak has serious implications for the integrity of the U.S. intelligence community, it may also impact America’s ability to gather such detailed information about Russia’s war machine in future if Moscow is able to use the documents to identify their own vulnerabilities.


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b17720 No.33038

File: 1b7f56041357981⋯.png (199.91 KB,572x450,286:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665188 (091114ZAPR23) Notable: White House is looking to transform coal communities into hubs for green energy

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John Solomon




Biden administration wants to poach coal workers for a green energy revolution | Just The News justthenews.com/politics-polic

Biden administration wants to poach coal workers for a green energy revolution

As Americans continue to suffer sky high energy costs, the White House is looking to transform coal communities into hubs for green energy.


Apr 09, 2023, 12:05 AM

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b17720 No.33039

File: d04854c067c9612⋯.jpeg (376.72 KB,828x985,828:985,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665195 (091116ZAPR23) Notable: Taiwan reporting Chinese military activity

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b17720 No.33040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665198 (091117ZAPR23) Notable: Western officials have reportedly expressed shock at the level of detail made public about US spying efforts

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Pentagon in ‘panic’ after intel leak – WaPo

Western officials have reportedly expressed shock at the level of detail made public about US spying efforts

A recent leak of classified documents on Washington’s war planning in Ukraine has caused turmoil in the Pentagon, forcing officials to step up security, the Washington Post reported on Saturday, citing sources.

Several Western officials interviewed by the outlet said they were still trying to assess the damage from dozens of leaked national security papers which grabbed the public’s attention in recent days, with many wondering how the breach had gone unnoticed for so long.

While the first media reports on the story emerged only this week, a batch of the documents was shared on the Discord chat platform in late February and early March. The authenticity of the intelligence remains unverified.

Two US officials told the Post that the Pentagon leadership has “restricted the flow of intelligence” in response to the leak. One source described the measures as unusually strict, and a testament to “a high level of panic” among the top brass.

Both US officials and their foreign partners were “stunned” and even “infuriated” by the level of detail provided in the documents, which exposed how the US “spies on friends and foes alike,” the report says, suggesting the files could stir diplomatic unease.

A senior Ukrainian official told the Post that the leak had caused anger in Kiev, as the files provided insight into information it wanted to keep secret from Russia – namely “vulnerabilities related to ammunition shortages and other battlefield data.”

Meanwhile, a European intelligence official reportedly expressed concerns that due to the disclosures, the US could cut back on intelligence sharing with allies. While some of the documents made public were supposed to be shielded from foreign nationals, others had been cleared for transfer to the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, composed of the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

The wide-ranging batch of sensitive documents, which made media headlines this week, provides an assessment on Russian and Ukrainian battle readiness and casualties, timetables for training and equipment deliveries, as well as tactical information on the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.

However, the true scale of the leak remains unclear, as on Friday the New York Times reported that a new trove of secretive American documents had appeared online, this time covering not only the Ukraine conflict, but also China, the Middle East and terrorism.


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b17720 No.33041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665230 (091133ZAPR23) Notable: Fighter jets from China headed toward Taiwan after US meeting with Taiwanese president

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Fighter jets from China headed toward Taiwan after US meeting with Taiwanese president

The People's Liberation Army, the Chinese military force, called this move a "serious warning."

China sent fighter jets toward Taiwan just days after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy met with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, according to the Taiwanese government.

"China's military announced the start of three-day 'combat readiness patrols' as a warning to Taiwan," according to Fox News.

Taiwan's Ministry of Defense reported that China sent eight warships and 42 planes, including 29 of which flew into Taiwan's half of the Strait of Taiwan, which separates it from the mainland.

The People's Liberation Army, a Chinese military force, called this move a "serious warning."

"This is a serious warning against the collusion and provocation between the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces and external forces," the army said in a statement. The "Joint Sword" exercises "defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity."

The Chinese government has also imposed a travel ban and economic sanctions against American groups and individuals who were in some way associated with President Tsai's meeting.

Taiwan and the mainland have trade and investment ties, but they don't have official relations.


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b17720 No.33042

File: fb86ecdf2fe299d⋯.png (208.13 KB,421x586,421:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665253 (091142ZAPR23) Notable: Taiwan reporting Chinese military activity

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About 20 military ships - half from China and half from Taiwan - are involved in a stand-off near the Taiwan Strait's sensitive median line.

Taiwan's defence ministry said it had spotted 70 Chinese aircraft, including Su-30 fighters and H-6 bombers, as well as 11 ships, around Taiwan.


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b17720 No.33043

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665260 (091144ZAPR23) Notable: Whistleblower from the British Army’s “information warfare machine” told us that 77th Brigade was “monitoring the UK population” to gauge the public response to Boris Johnson’s policies

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Note: There is a lot here, mainly centered around twitter, but the tools they possess meant if anyone came up on their radar they could check everything from health, bank records and everything to do with that person plus anyone they knew, 1 degree of separation, similar to the patriot act. anon believes. still watching will write notes later.

There are probably not as effective as anons gathering open source info as researchers.



First published at 09:38 UTC on April 9th, 2023.



In a groundbreaking and exclusive interview with Big Brother Watch, a whistleblower from the British Army’s “information warfare

machine” told us that 77th Brigade was “monitoring the UK population” to gauge the public response to Boris Johnson’s policies, which often included reports on people sharing their fears around the COVID-19 pandemic.


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b17720 No.33044

File: 6a9cbeb97375e54⋯.png (259.3 KB,1818x1156,909:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a53d42fcafe9cf⋯.png (564.37 KB,1354x866,677:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665264 (091146ZAPR23) Notable: Taiwan reporting Chinese military activity

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"About 20 military ships - half from China and half from Taiwan - are involved in a stand-off near the Taiwan Strait's sensitive median line, according to Reuters.

It comes as China says its military has carried out simulated precision strikes on "key targets on the island and the surrounding sea areas" during a second day of drills, and Taiwan reported multiple air force sorties by Beijing.

The mock air and sea attacks were on "foreign military targets" in waters off Taiwan's southwest coast on Sunday, a security source told the news agency.

"Taiwan is not their only target," said the unnamed source who was familiar with the situation. "It's very provocative.

China, which claims democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory, is carrying out the second of three days of exercises around the island. On Saturday, dozens of Chinese military aircraft crossed the median line that serves as an unofficial barrier between the two sides.

Taiwan's defence ministry said it had spotted 70 Chinese aircraft, including Su-30 fighters and H-6 bombers, as well as 11 ships, around the island on Sunday.

China's aircraft carrier Shandong, which Taiwan has been monitoring since last week, is now more than 400 nautical miles off Taiwan's southeast coast and is carrying out drills, the source said.


China began the exercises the day after Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen returned from a controversial visit to the US where she met Republican and Democrat congressional leaders.

Beijing sees any interaction between US and Taiwanese officials as a challenge to its claim to the island.


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b17720 No.33045

File: be151dabd702b5d⋯.png (1.15 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665295 (091154ZAPR23) Notable: PF reports

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Shit stater keeps going dark

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b17720 No.33046

File: 36cd5126bd9a614⋯.png (61.25 KB,673x447,673:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 456fd425c26b09d⋯.png (67.62 KB,1046x450,523:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c77159293038eb⋯.png (50.56 KB,1064x330,532:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e89849643973f8⋯.png (26.81 KB,706x216,353:108,Clipboard.png)

File: e4edb9243c25d5f⋯.png (422.84 KB,1108x1308,277:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665383 (091216ZAPR23) Notable: PB anon request answered: Anyone have a link to the Hussein AIDS video? It was in mentioned in the drops with the RED_RED stringers.

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all pb


>Anyone have a link to the Hussein AIDS video? It was in mentioned in the drops with the RED_RED stringers.





>Thanks fren.

>That is the one I found in a quick Google search before posting here. Are you certain that is the one referred to in the drops?


fairly certain. dug from the archives and from what I remember.

▶Anonymous 12/05/17 (Tue) 04:34:40 ID: e820ef No.34686


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b17720 No.33047

File: 52d0e0a87bc3bbd⋯.jpg (340.24 KB,1080x1408,135:176,Clipboard.jpg)


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b17720 No.33048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665530 (091305ZAPR23) Notable: #22899

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#22899 >>33017

>>33018 On Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm, there will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service

>>33019 From QRJapan: Former Pentagon official Mick Mulroy suggests the recent classified doc leaks are from inside allied forces, not a foreign adversary (Russia Russia Russia)

>>33027 Anon bun related to 'Parents Catch FBI Grooming Son': years old digs with old (pb)s on similar patsy case patterns during Clinton and Obama admins, Gary Mikulich case

>>33028, >>33029 5 year delta: Q#1106 Syira. Hold until CONF.

>>33030 Donald J. Trump to speak at NRA annual meeting, livestream April 14th 1:30 pm EDT

>>33031 Anon compiles studies of mass covid treatment using ivermectin

>>33032 Donald J. Trump retruth: This is nothing less than the established “swamp” inventing new legal theories while ignoring existing law to crush a political opponent. That foretells the end of the Republic

>>33033 Leaked Pentagon docs show US spying on Russia as well as allies, 5 year deltas coming up: Q#1164 Re_read FIVE EYES.

>>33034 Infowars Reporter Sentenced For Simply Filming January 6th Protests After FBI Discovered He Was In Possession of Video Showing Murder Of Ashli Babbitt

>>33035 Iranian authorities will install cameras in public places to identify and “penalize” women who violate the nation’s mandatory hijab law

>>33036 German military to take action after increased drone sightings at bases

>>33037 Ukraine intelligence docs leak could be worst for U.S. govt since Snowden

>>33038 White House is looking to transform coal communities into hubs for green energy

>>33039, >>33042, >>33044 Taiwan reporting Chinese military activity

>>33040 Western officials have reportedly expressed shock at the level of detail made public about US spying efforts

>>33041 Fighter jets from China headed toward Taiwan after US meeting with Taiwanese president

>>33043 Whistleblower from the British Army’s “information warfare machine” told us that 77th Brigade was “monitoring the UK population” to gauge the public response to Boris Johnson’s policies

>>33045 PF reports

>>33046 PB anon request answered: Anyone have a link to the Hussein AIDS video? It was in mentioned in the drops with the RED_RED stringers.




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b17720 No.33049

File: f112a05c29243f6⋯.jpg (98.9 KB,700x875,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665555 (091310ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Almighty, and everlasting God, Who hast appointed Thine only-begotten Son to be the Redeemer of the world, and hast been pleased to be reconciled unto us by His Blood, grant us, we beseech Thee, so to venerate with solemn worship the price of our salvation, that the power thereof may here on earth keep us from all things hurtful, and the fruit of the same may gladden us for ever hereafter in heaven. Through the same Christ our Lord.

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b17720 No.33050

File: 26ee06236db0962⋯.png (225.03 KB,566x394,283:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665538 (091307ZAPR23) Notable: #22900

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baker can continue, prefer defer

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b17720 No.33051

File: 2850a60a75f9fd5⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,643x510,643:510,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665563 (091311ZAPR23) Notable: Donald Trump indictment: What to know about falsifying business records

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Donald Trump indictment: What to know about falsifying business records

(At the bottom)

In the Trump indictment, Bragg didn't specify the underlying law Trump attempted to break when he allegedly falsified business records.

"The indictment doesn't specify it because the law does not so require," Bragg said at a press conference on Tuesday, later mentioning possible secondary crimes that include illegal promotion of a political campaign and an attempt to make false claims on tax forms.


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b17720 No.33052

File: 466c0c1bcaf1650⋯.jpg (324.77 KB,1600x1080,40:27,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665564 (091312ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33053

File: a19e7c8911d069c⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665582 (091315ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33054

File: 91229275c8a636f⋯.jpg (88.08 KB,881x776,881:776,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665583 (091316ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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TY Easter B

Happy Blessed Comfy Easter to Anons

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b17720 No.33055

File: eeb1aca61fe94ff⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665590 (091317ZAPR23) Notable: VP of Bud Light has no clue who their target audience really is MP4

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Holy balls, this is the VP of Bud Light. She doesn't have the slightest clue who their target audience really is


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b17720 No.33056

File: fd11a4bf0c832f1⋯.webp (30.35 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665591 (091319ZAPR23) Notable: FBI caught grooming mentally ill for acts of terrorism. WEBP

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pb >>32970

Here's the proper sauce for this notable.

FBI caught grooming mentally ill for acts of terrorism. Most likely a common practice of the FBI.


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b17720 No.33057

File: 58a2399da0f0320⋯.jpg (339.24 KB,1151x1462,1151:1462,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665601 (091321ZAPR23) Notable: Budweiser #GoWokeGoBroke

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b17720 No.33058

File: fb22628283d25c7⋯.png (607.77 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665619 (091325ZAPR23) Notable: Kek of the thread

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Wont be much longer

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b17720 No.33059

File: a9ecc8e87818f00⋯.png (13.34 KB,255x209,255:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665638 (091330ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Happy Easter Friends!

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b17720 No.33060

File: c19fc470a613323⋯.jpg (47.52 KB,675x479,675:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665642 (091332ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Happy easter.

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b17720 No.33061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665647 (091333ZAPR23) Notable: Kek of the thread

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surprised they haven't made vader white yet

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b17720 No.33062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665656 (091334ZAPR23) Notable: Kek of the thread

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and rename him Dark Hater

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b17720 No.33063

File: 74ece76b36b727a⋯.jpg (566.86 KB,1125x1550,45:62,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665658 (091334ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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The Day evil is flushed.

The Day God takes care of it

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b17720 No.33064

File: aaf503234218543⋯.png (362.51 KB,700x544,175:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665674 (091338ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33065

File: 34b98c88f98c38c⋯.png (130.04 KB,380x253,380:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665675 (091338ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33066

File: 5ba4878776b94be⋯.jpg (102.52 KB,607x683,607:683,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665703 (091345ZAPR23) Notable: Budweiser #GoWokeGoBroke

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Here is an example on how a little bit of fake news does wonders

By trying to debunk the fake news they spread the message that there is a boycott


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b17720 No.33067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665704 (091345ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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John 14:16

I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever;

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b17720 No.33068

File: cb905dfcc2d5901⋯.jpg (232.53 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5412ca95a7e541⋯.jpg (135.19 KB,803x824,803:824,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d4bb72e0491691f⋯.jpg (64.67 KB,839x798,839:798,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665707 (091345ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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humanity united


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b17720 No.33069

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665708 (091346ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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b17720 No.33071

File: a446582d3160764⋯.png (1.37 MB,1140x1476,95:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665724 (091350ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33072

File: 579588987bdd53d⋯.jpeg (89.56 KB,768x632,96:79,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 37806f34af0be99⋯.jpeg (129.34 KB,720x610,72:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665732 (091354ZAPR23) Notable: Elon Musk Calls Matt Taibbi a Liar – Substack CEO Responds, Defending Taibbi

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Elon Musk Calls Matt Taibbi a Liar – Substack CEO Responds, Defending Taibbi

April 8, 2023 | Sundance | 246 Comments

I’m not sure what is going on at the Twitter with Elon Musk, but apparently either his team is misleading their CEO, or Musk is just shooting from the hip.

In a reply to Matt Taibbi’s report about Substack content being blocked by Twitter and Taibbi’s decision to exit the Musk platform, the Twitter CEO fired back, calling Taibbi a liar.

Twitter’s own internal checkers put a community note, citing the claims by Taibbi were essentially correct. Then, Substack CEO Chris Best weighed in on the issue, claiming the assertions by Elon Musk were false and the weird claim about Taibbi being an employee of Substack is completely without merit.

Mediaite – […] Forbes reported Saturday that Best and other figures at Substack are being individually punished on Twitter now, too.

“To top it all off, it appears the Substack crew is being punished on Twitter in other ways. If you try to search co-founder Chris Best on Twitter, his profile doesn’t show up,” writes Matt Novak.

Musk’s claim that Taibbi is a paid employee was an obvious implication that he was shilling for his bosses rather than reporting honestly. An ironic line of attack, considering it’s the same charge leveled at Taibbi and the other Twitter Files journalists by Democrats during a House hearing. (read more)

It’s all weird…. which, I might add, is not unusual for events that take placein/around the intelligence apparatus of the U.S. government.

Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop”… Just sayin’…

(Dr. Shiva backdoor ecosystem that Musk won’t close. Free speech is not Musk and his master’s want. At least 20% CCP owns twitter. Seems like Tik Tok is the scapegoat.)


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b17720 No.33073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665745 (091358ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Why are 99% depictions of Christ fake? He was born in the Middle East, yet in almost every picture they show a White man with long blonde hair.

Happy Easter, Q.

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b17720 No.33074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665783 (091406ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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And Q is a Psyop, so fuck your fearmongering.

Happy Vernal Equinox

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b17720 No.33075

File: ad13b1b8627708b⋯.png (476.51 KB,817x1230,817:1230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665789 (091407ZAPR23) Notable: Kek of the thread

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Three New Star Wars Movies Announced


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b17720 No.33076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665799 (091409ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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[Mat 28:6 KJV] 6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

[1Co 6:14 KJV] 14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.

[Rom 6:4-5 KJV] 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also [in the likeness] of [his] resurrection:

[1Pe 1:3 KJV] 3 Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

[Jhn 6:40 KJV] 40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

[1Th 4:14 KJV] 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

[Rom 8:11 KJV] 11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

[Job 19:25 KJV] 25 For I know [that] my redeemer liveth, and [that] he shall stand at the latter [day] upon the earth:

[Phl 3:10 KJV] 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

[1Co 15:4 KJV] 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

[1Pe 1:3-4 KJV] 3 Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

[Act 4:33 KJV] 33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

[Rom 6:8-11 KJV] 8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: 9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. 10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. 11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

[Rom 1:4 KJV] 4 And declared [to be] the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:

[Rom 8:34 KJV] 34 Who [is] he that condemneth? [It is] Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

[Isa 25:8 KJV] 8 He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken [it].

[1Co 15:21-22 KJV] 21 For since by man [came] death, by man [came] also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

[Rom 6:9 KJV] 9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.

[Rom 4:25 KJV] 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

[Col 2:12 KJV] 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with [him] through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

[Rom 10:9 KJV] 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

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b17720 No.33077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665801 (091409ZAPR23) Notable: Budweiser #GoWokeGoBroke

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Even in the URL! Top Kek!


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b17720 No.33078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665807 (091410ZAPR23) Notable: Anons thoughts on Texas Governor Greg Abbott To Pardon Sgt. Daniel Perry

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PN>>33014 Texas Governor Greg Abbott To Pardon Sgt. Daniel Perry

I hope Abbott & Paxton remove this DA Legally, if they do not then then they allow this and give a pardon Abbott seems to be taking the easy way out. pardoning him instead of prosecuting the DA leaves a record of a murder charge on the record Perry. Clearing his record and exposing the illegal actions of the DA seems like it would be better for him. retrying the case with exculpatory evidence he will not have it on his record.

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b17720 No.33079

File: f83f2e88b3c63fe⋯.jpg (77.05 KB,1142x315,1142:315,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665821 (091413ZAPR23) Notable: Soros-backed prosecutor mired in scandal facing new complaints of negligence, misconduct

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Soros-backed prosecutor mired in scandal facing new complaints of negligence, misconduct

Kimberly Gardner has a history riddled with allegations of misconduct and mishandled cases in her current job, facing admonishment for bungled prosecutions and what critics have deemed soft-on-crime policies.


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b17720 No.33080

File: ab1f2c8e63fbc05⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,544x544,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1492a1bf0da5844⋯.jpeg (220.83 KB,1088x1088,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 061f6d70e3b2ace⋯.jpeg (325.74 KB,1357x1366,1357:1366,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 00b4ea2a0272f58⋯.jpeg (80.87 KB,519x501,173:167,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1d41fe000ed2164⋯.jpeg (305.43 KB,1366x1025,1366:1025,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665823 (091414ZAPR23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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b17720 No.33081

File: 0576d7cd7a33b59⋯.jpg (78.3 KB,593x599,593:599,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665840 (091417ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Lockdowns Don’t Work.

He is Risen.


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b17720 No.33082

File: 4a673e80811d2c1⋯.jpg (435.39 KB,1640x1370,164:137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665841 (091418ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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The earliest depiction of the Ascension is that of Christ marching forth on a mountain, grasping hold of a hand that pierces the earthly frame through the clouds. The hand, undoubtedly, is that of God the Father whom “no man could behold and live” (Exodus 33:20). Here, Christ having completed His earthly mission was welcomed by His Heavenly Father into His glorious kingdom. This depiction can be dated to the 4th century.

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b17720 No.33083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665853 (091420ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Matthew 6:13

King James Version

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

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b17720 No.33084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665866 (091424ZAPR23) Notable: Joe Rogan - What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion?

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Do the Mind Control!

Joe Rogan - What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion?

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b17720 No.33085

File: 17206c68a792856⋯.png (609.81 KB,827x571,827:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665872 (091425ZAPR23) Notable: BUN Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church FF Dig

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The Real Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church FF Dig

>>29393 Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church History of Abuse and cover up

>>29394 Researcher finds connections from Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church to Al Gore, one of the Writer's for Mike Huckabee and others.

>>29395 The Court Case against Covenant Church is quite disturbing.

>>29397, >>29399 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders renew call for gun control in the wake of the Oregon shootings

>>29375, >>29378 Presbyterian Church Immigration - Pro Immigration, Amnesty

>>29382, >>29383 Presbyterian Church reaction to St Floyd

>>29385, >>29386 Presbyterian Church groomers. Directing to track legislation and the Trevor Project

>>29403 Very deep dig by Twatter Right Side of History™️ on Nashville Covenant Church #1 - 10

>>29404 Very deep dig by Twatter Right Side of History™️ on Nashville Covenant Church #11 - 23

>>29422 Koonce > Bush Sr. Zapata connection > C EYE A Clown connection next?

>>29781 Covenant Presbyterian Has An Uncomfortable History With Molestation


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b17720 No.33086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665873 (091425ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Scott Adams Live on Easter morning.


Thank you Jesus!

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b17720 No.33087

File: a8da55f70b8854d⋯.jpg (83.87 KB,1064x644,38:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665889 (091429ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Happy Easter All.

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b17720 No.33088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665899 (091432ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33089

File: dff0fa83e5b7e37⋯.png (434.27 KB,400x509,400:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665903 (091433ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665923 (091437ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Was filmed last night at the United Faggot Center.

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b17720 No.33091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665965 (091448ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Psalms 73:25

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

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b17720 No.33092

File: b7d5cf4d3e1abf9⋯.png (333.76 KB,1134x523,1134:523,Clipboard.png)

File: ec2fd47c112eba1⋯.png (395.27 KB,964x450,482:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 86d64bef7791288⋯.png (507.34 KB,531x519,177:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665971 (091449ZAPR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS Activity

CANE11 E-4B Nightwatch left Peterson SFB after an overnight and heading back to Offutt AFB (STRATCOM)

SWATH41 KC-135 tanker over the 'at Camp David' position and schedule sez a return to DC at 4:30pm EST


SAM572 G5 NW from JBA

BOLEX51 US navy E-6 B Mercury SW from Pax River

Bolex is an OG camera manufacturer


Belgian AF BAF646 A400M departed Halifax SW inbound

MEXI AF 3529 737 departed Santa Lucia AB and heading east and Mexi Po-Po WYU Beech Super King Air 350 ISR AC leaving Ciuada jaurez after an arrival from a Chihuahua depart-it went somewhere in NW Mexico yesterday from Nuevo Leon (it was not visible after it's depart and only available on it'a Chihuahua arrival yesterday

HOOVR44 RC-135 Rivet Joint inbound to Offutt from a Kadena AB, Okinawa departure earlier today

GTMO845 Beech Super King Air departed GTMO and heading to Ft. Lauderdale or NAS Jax

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b17720 No.33093

File: 2fa9129784c4a1a⋯.png (794.04 KB,600x900,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ec18cc16513d46⋯.png (4.73 MB,1171x2643,1171:2643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665978 (091451ZAPR23) Notable: BUN Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church FF Dig

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Can't find my posts but when I intitally dug the Presbyterian Church, I didn't realize the Pres Church referenced in these posts are different than the one Covenant is associated with. Covenant doesn't appear to be the super liberal one.

>>29397 (You), >>29399 (You) Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders renew call for gun control in the wake of the Oregon shootings

>>29375 (You), >>29378 Presbyterian Church Immigration - Pro Immigration, Amnesty

>>29382 (You), >>29383 (You) Presbyterian Church reaction to St Floyd

>>29385 (You), >>29386 (You) Presbyterian Church groomers. Directing to track legislation and the

was a different version from the Covenant Presbyterian church. Still trying to find muh sauce.

Came up when anon asked about the Nashville plane crash with the diet church lady

droppin muh buns to consolidate

Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church Deeper Dig

>>29393 Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church History of Abuse and cover up

>>29394 Researcher finds connections from Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church to Al Gore, one of the Writer's for Mike Huckabee and others. Nothing conclusive but very interesting.

>>29395 The Court Case against Covenant Church is quite disturbing.

>>29397, >>29399, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders renew call for gun control in the wake of the Oregon shootings

>>29375, >>29378 Presbyterian Church Immigration - Pro Immigration, Amnesty

>>29382, >>29383, Presbyterian Church reaction to St Floyd

>>29385, >>29386, Presbyterian Church groomers. Directing to track legislation and the Trevor Project

>>29403 Very deep dig by Twatter on Covenant Church #1 - 10

>>29404 Very deep dig by Twatter on Covenant Church #11 - 23

>>29422 Koonce > Bush Sr. Zapata connection > C EYE A Clown connection next?

>>29423 yes it is

>>29414 nom'ed once

>>29415 nom'ed twice

>>29419 it just get's deeper and deeper

narrative dissolves > hidden frens (shills) outted… again


>>29514, >>29664, >>29661 still trying to get this crap notabled? Still trying to prevent it?Shills don't like this dig

>>29662 Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church Deeper Dig

>>29692 Nashville Shooter MK Ultra Dig

>>29700, >>29701 Pedo Deacon Cover up at the school

>>29711, >>29713, >>29719 Covenant Presbyterian Church's John Perry co-authored books with Huckabee and Roy Moore. Also a Pedophile

>>29714, >>29724, >>29727 Does this connect to a plane crash a while back (maybe 1-1.5 yrs) involving the Nashville-based evangelical cult woman?

>>29726, >>29723 Gwen Shamblin Lara. That’s the one. And CNN just ran a story on it last week.

>>29738, >>29748 this Church has many skeletons

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b17720 No.33094

File: 57eeab1fa776b87⋯.png (263.58 KB,500x760,25:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665985 (091453ZAPR23) Notable: Son of George Soros scoring easy White House access?

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The man behind the curtain.

Son of George Soros scoring easy White House access, records show

A son of billionaire George Soros has quietly become a de-facto White House “ambassador,” making at least 14 visits there on behalf of the far-left kingmaker since President Joe Biden took office, records reviewed by The Post show.

Alexander Soros — a prolific Democratic fundraiser in his own right who likes to boast about his relationships with world leaders on social media — scored at least a dozen meetings with White House officials in 2022, according to recently updated White House visitor logs. Soros, 37, also participated in two other confabs there in late 2021, the records show.

April 8, 2023


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b17720 No.33095

File: 406b2f383b48aa5⋯.png (644.04 KB,452x678,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665990 (091454ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18665999 (091456ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Matthew 8:26

And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

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b17720 No.33097

File: 29e06bf16e26607⋯.jpg (36.89 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666000 (091457ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Happy Easter anons! HE IS RISEN!

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b17720 No.33098

File: 42a7b99b11e1cb9⋯.png (282.92 KB,400x560,5:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666001 (091457ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33099

File: 5217a51a43dea34⋯.png (572.12 KB,490x600,49:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666011 (091500ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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This Easter Please Remember The Jan 6ers and Their Families Who Have Been Severely Abused by Federal Judges in Washington DC

This Easter please remember those who have been persecuted by federal judges in Washington DC, especially those men and women connected to the January 6 protests.

The judges in DC are monsters who align with the corrupt Biden DOJ to persecute and sentence innocent men and women for exaggerated crimes or crimes they did not commit in abusive courts in front of abusive juries.

The innocent victims of Jan 6 have been abused more than any group in recent US history. After suffering under a police barrage of flash bombs and rubber bullets, Jan 6 victims were arrested, with manye sitting in jail to this day two years later without having their case presented in front of a jury of their peers.


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b17720 No.33100

File: f5ccf970f568c03⋯.png (449.59 KB,744x645,248:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666019 (091501ZAPR23) Notable: Jenna Ellis ~ Loomer is just a deep state RINO plant

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Jenna Ellis ~ Loomer is just a deep state RINO plant

I’m definitely convinced Loomer is just a deep state RINO plant trying to tank Trump’s re-election chances!

10:33 PM · Apr 8, 2023


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b17720 No.33101

File: 30263a2a5c74c72⋯.jpg (57.13 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666030 (091504ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Happy Easter

May your suffering availeth much.

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b17720 No.33102

File: fb3e05a2c662106⋯.png (376.29 KB,740x416,185:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666036 (091507ZAPR23) Notable: EPA reportedly planning to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions to boost electric vehicle adoption

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EPA reportedly planning to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions to boost electric vehicle adoption

The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions this week that would require as much as 67% of new vehicles sold in the U.S. by 2032 to be all-electric cars, according to a report by The New York Times Saturday.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan is expected to make the announcement in Detroit on Wednesday. The proposed limits would be the U.S.′ most aggressive climate regulations to date, and they would create a host of challenges for automakers.

Under the proposed limits, electric cars will represent between 54% and 60% of new cars sold in the U.S. by 2030, and between 64% to 67% of new cars by 2032, the Times report said. These figures are ambitious, as just 5.8% of cars sold in 2022 were electric, up from 3.2% in 2021, according to a report by Cox Automotive.

These limits would also surpass President Joe Biden’s previous goal to have all-electric cars make up around 50% of cars sold by 2030.


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b17720 No.33103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666040 (091507ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Today we celebrate the reincarnation of the Spirit of Christ.

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b17720 No.33104

File: 866cda27abd563d⋯.jpg (71.4 KB,530x263,530:263,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666044 (091508ZAPR23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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b17720 No.33105

File: a4361ce1bf2dcde⋯.png (357.27 KB,424x599,424:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666099 (091522ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33106

File: 9dc3a592ce2ea77⋯.png (789.15 KB,900x579,300:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 95484427632cc93⋯.png (3.21 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666101 (091523ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Jesus is God.

When He Returns, the Whole World will know.

And those who doubted, will call on the mountains to fall on them.

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b17720 No.33107

File: 3df5f2b256ebfa9⋯.jpg (31.29 KB,276x220,69:55,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8a630494597d9d1⋯.jpg (179.78 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b1694ddc1ecead3⋯.jpg (159.89 KB,528x408,22:17,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 65f60935944922c⋯.jpg (26.59 KB,307x389,307:389,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 22a7dbf11a8d28b⋯.jpg (86.25 KB,729x912,243:304,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666112 (091526ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666121 (091528ZAPR23) Notable: rosary Livestreams starts at noon

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The rosary is the weapon.

Millions unify praying it every day

Livestreams starts at noon

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b17720 No.33109

File: e1bf2f328bad466⋯.jpg (14.12 KB,299x299,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3c71f3c189c587d⋯.jpg (46.37 KB,283x500,283:500,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ee6b0a962911f04⋯.jpg (50.41 KB,380x482,190:241,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 47966c9580af368⋯.jpg (26.3 KB,382x500,191:250,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7d425fa72ede214⋯.jpg (806.32 KB,1262x914,631:457,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666128 (091530ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33110

File: 4cda88f297758b4⋯.jpg (149.03 KB,990x1377,110:153,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666130 (091531ZAPR23) Notable: Anon is on the Mark - Call to Dig

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Has this mark ever been explained?

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b17720 No.33111

File: 10ff066a9a68bb3⋯.jpg (35.67 KB,450x575,18:23,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3cceb8809af754d⋯.png (273.64 KB,378x508,189:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666131 (091531ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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b17720 No.33112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666132 (091532ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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a certain amount of chaos is required for growth.

soil must be tilled (chaos) for a garden.

in the same way a certain amount of suffering (chaos) is required for human growth.

the so(u)l must be tilled to grow the spirit.

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b17720 No.33113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666152 (091535ZAPR23) Notable: YT - "Water the Great Mystery"

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from the movie "Water the Great Mystery"

(Russian version preferred over English version)

Got a minute and 24 seconds?


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b17720 No.33114

File: 044726dc3dd8d3b⋯.jpg (29.12 KB,307x461,307:461,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed76464e6639db3⋯.jpg (39.21 KB,378x517,378:517,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c72da2d33d9632e⋯.jpg (20.16 KB,309x452,309:452,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 00e0bcdcc877b97⋯.jpg (33.32 KB,299x355,299:355,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1076fe2e316257a⋯.jpg (103.55 KB,600x762,100:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666155 (091536ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33115

File: 962531e8dea6d54⋯.png (325.52 KB,380x380,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666159 (091536ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33116

File: 725781f98e1f851⋯.jpg (108.57 KB,600x681,200:227,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ecf435d93982d27⋯.jpg (37.39 KB,480x575,96:115,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0e883df5d7f4b9a⋯.jpg (14.8 KB,268x350,134:175,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa45aa7788c80aa⋯.jpg (459.09 KB,1034x823,1034:823,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666176 (091540ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33117

File: c0f8884c45c8bbe⋯.png (567.15 KB,1027x1000,1027:1000,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666195 (091545ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33118

File: a7b1da5fb75a040⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,1289x1760,1289:1760,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8998947ccf15d33⋯.jpg (43.33 KB,480x615,32:41,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fabe4680c916eee⋯.jpg (96.81 KB,564x977,564:977,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26f500b04c02198⋯.jpg (19.78 KB,236x384,59:96,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ce51a7214d24299⋯.jpg (127.02 KB,408x528,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666198 (091545ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33119

File: ed760827e7d7ee7⋯.png (5.37 MB,1899x1092,633:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666202 (091546ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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b17720 No.33120

File: cec5b1e1501f572⋯.png (106.41 KB,662x475,662:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666215 (091548ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump HAPPY EASTER TO ALL #WEWILLBEBACK

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·12m


Apr 09, 2023, 11:30 AM


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b17720 No.33121

File: fe00235d62b91a3⋯.png (754.65 KB,551x780,551:780,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666243 (091555ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Now that it's finished Father!

Now the Real work begins

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b17720 No.33122

File: 05ce4872a3157d6⋯.mp4 (3.67 MB,352x624,22:39,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666254 (091557ZAPR23) Notable: Public Service Announcement for those likely in the cross-hairs of the FBI for being honest and a MAGA Trump supporter. MP4 #STFUFridays

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Public Service Announcement for those likely in the cross-hairs of the FBI for being honest and a MAGA Trump supporter.

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b17720 No.33123

File: 0a451ecd8a80556⋯.jpg (719.91 KB,2000x1328,125:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666265 (091600ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b17720 No.33124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666284 (091603ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump HAPPY EASTER TO ALL #WEWILLBEBACK

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The Age of Aquarius is over.

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b17720 No.33125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666285 (091604ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump HAPPY EASTER TO ALL #WEWILLBEBACK

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extra space between "end" and "massive"

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b17720 No.33126

File: 0e6121edf0fd2f9⋯.png (382.94 KB,602x323,602:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666288 (091605ZAPR23) Notable: LB, Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension

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The Christian Fish, also called the Jesus Fish or Ichthys, was a secret symbol of early Christianity.The Ichthys or fish symbol was used by early Christians to identify themselves as followers of Jesus Christ and to express their affinity to Christianity. Ichthys is the Ancient Greek word for "fish." The "Christian fish," or "Jesus fish" symbol consists of two intersecting arcs tracing the outline of a fish (most commonly with the fish "swimming" to the left). It is said to have been used by early persecuted Christians as a secret symbol of identification because it could be quickly sketched in the dirt with the toe of your sandal and just as quickly scraped out again. The Greek word for fish (Ichthus) also forms the acronym "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior."

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b17720 No.33127

File: 340ca5478491edc⋯.png (54.49 KB,659x298,659:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666300 (091607ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed @BradfordTuttle Perverted joe Biden is a treasonous traitor

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Bradford @BradfordTuttle·12h

Replying to @demdestroyer1, @BidenWonTrumpL0ST, and 4 more

Perverted joe Biden is a treasonous traitor

trying to overthrow the United States of America and our constitution.That makes him and democrats public enemy .They will pay for crimes against humanity and treason.

Apr 08, 2023, 11:12 PM


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b17720 No.33128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666308 (091609ZAPR23) Notable: #22900

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#22900 >>33050

>>33120, >>33124 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump HAPPY EASTER TO ALL #WEWILLBEBACK

>>33051 Donald Trump indictment: What to know about falsifying business records

>>33055 VP of Bud Light has no clue who their target audience really is MP4

>>33056 FBI caught grooming mentally ill for acts of terrorism. WEBP

>>33058, >>33061, >>33062, >>33075 Kek of the thread

>>33066, >>33057, >>33077 Budweiser #GoWokeGoBroke

>>33072 Elon Musk Calls Matt Taibbi a Liar – Substack CEO Responds, Defending Taibbi

>>33078 Anons thoughts on Texas Governor Greg Abbott To Pardon Sgt. Daniel Perry

>>33079 Soros-backed prosecutor mired in scandal facing new complaints of negligence, misconduct

>>33080, >>33104 Memes of the Thread

>>33084 Joe Rogan - What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion?

>>33093 BUN Nashville Presbyterian Covenant Church FF Dig

>>33094 Son of George Soros scoring easy White House access?

>>33100 Jenna Ellis ~ Loomer is just a deep state RINO plant

>>33102 EPA reportedly planning to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions to boost electric vehicle adoption

>>33110 Anon is on the Mark - Call to Dig

>>33108 rosary Livestreams starts at noon

>>33113 Movie Clip - "Water the Great Mystery"

>>33092 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>33122 Public Service Announcement for those likely in the cross-hairs of the FBI for being honest and a MAGA Trump supporter. MP4 #STFUFridays

>>33052, >>33049 LB, >>33053, >>33054, >>33059, >>33060, >>33063, >>33064, >>33065, >>33067, >>33068, >>33069, >>33071, >>33073, >>33074, >>33076, >>33081, >>33082, >>33083, >>33086, >>33087, >>33088, >>33089, >>33090, >>33091, >>33095, >>33096, >>33097, >>33098, >>33099, >>33101, >>33103, >>33105, >>33106, >>33107, >>33109, >>33111, >>33112, >>33114, >>33115, >>33116, >>33117, >>33118, >>33119, >>33121, >>33123, >>33126 Jesus Christ Has Risen #Ascension


>Donald J. Trump ReTruthed @BradfordTuttle Perverted joe Biden is a treasonous traitor


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b17720 No.33129

File: 406b2f383b48aa5⋯.png (644.04 KB,452x678,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666319 (091611ZAPR23) Notable: #22901

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b17720 No.33130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666363 (091624ZAPR23) Notable: Anon's Code for multidimensional encryption, quantitatively speaking

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if there are any left here….

here is an example of how I might go about creating a multidimensional encryption with secure mechanisms around it, in the coding language Python, for any interested computer people.


def encrypt(message, key):

n = len(message)

m = len(message[0])

encrypted_message = [['' for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(n)] #initialize the multidimensional array

for i in range(n):

for j in range(m):

encrypted_message[i][j] = chr(ord(message[i][j]) + key[i % len(key)]) #encrypt each character based on the key

return encrypted_message

def decrypt(encrypted_message, key):

n = len(encrypted_message)

m = len(encrypted_message[0])

decrypted_message = [['' for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(n)] #initialize the multidimensional array

for i in range(n):

for j in range(m):

decrypted_message[i][j] = chr(ord(encrypted_message[i][j]) - key[i % len(key)]) #decrypt each character based on the key

return decrypted_message

The encrypt function takes in a two-dimensional message array and a one-dimensional key array. It then loops through each character of the message array and encrypts it based on the corresponding element in the key array. The encrypted characters are then stored in a multidimensional encrypted message array, which is returned as the output.

The decrypt function takes in the encrypted message array and the one-dimensional key array. It then loops through each character of the encrypted message array and decrypts it based on the corresponding element in the key array. The decrypted characters are then stored in a multidimensional decrypted message array, which is returned as the output.

Note that this is just an example of the idea.

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b17720 No.33131

File: e39b0bd46f8d853⋯.png (500.37 KB,587x724,587:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666413 (091639ZAPR23) Notable: @MELANIATRUMP Happy Easter!

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Happy Easter!

12:20 PM · Apr 9, 2023


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b17720 No.33132

File: 751675dd1e3af4c⋯.png (1.48 MB,1099x800,1099:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666506 (091703ZAPR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Apr 9 2023

The Egg Nebula in Polarized Light

Where is the center of the Egg Nebula? Emerging from a cosmic egg, the star in the center of the Egg Nebula is casting away shells of gas and dust as it slowly transforms itself into a white dwarf star. The Egg Nebula is a rapidly evolving pre- planetary nebula spanning about one light year. It lies some 3,000 light-years away toward the northern constellation Cygnus. Thick dust blocks the center star from view, while the dust shells farther out reflect light from this star. Light vibrating in the plane defined by each dust grain, the central star, and the observer is preferentially reflected, causing an effect known as polarization. Measuring the orientation of the polarized light for the Egg Nebula gives clues to location of the hidden source. Taken by Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys in 2002, this image is rendered in artifical "Easter-Egg" colors coded to highlight the orientation of polarization.


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b17720 No.33133

File: 1b8aba71a0bbcd1⋯.jpeg (560.72 KB,828x1449,4:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666521 (091707ZAPR23) Notable: In Elons Defense, Substack was hackening

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Thanks baker. Here’s a message to elon.

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b17720 No.33134

File: b31dbfc7cc70cd6⋯.jpg (148.16 KB,720x1137,240:379,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c0b4ccbd382b7af⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,480x872,60:109,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666546 (091713ZAPR23) Notable: How many millions of children is CRT going to completely ruin? MP4

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This is really sad ,poor kid. At least his mom is telling him the truth. how many millions of children is CRT going to completely ruin?


Indoctrinated at school.

I do agree he was a good man!

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b17720 No.33135

File: 15f1a98e9cf89b8⋯.png (44.23 KB,1213x647,1213:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666596 (091720ZAPR23) Notable: Google shows no Love for #Easter

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happy easter from google


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b17720 No.33136

File: 34e97adf89f6bc9⋯.jpg (503.09 KB,1080x2165,216:433,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666602 (091720ZAPR23) Notable: The first communion of Jesus

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The first communion took place during the Passover Feast as Jesus ate with his disciples. The act of communion uses bread to symbolize the body of Jesus and wine to represent His blood. As we take communion, the purpose is to remember his sacrifice on the cross, examine ourselves and confess our sins, and proclaim Him as Lord and Savior.

Below you will find Scriptures that detail the first Lord's Supper as well as guidelines for taking communion. We also want to provide this prayer to use while partaking of communion:

As I take the bread representing Your life that was broken for me, I remember and celebrate Your faithfulness to me and to all who will receive You. I can't begin to fathom the agonizing suffering of Your crucifixion. Yet You took that pain for me. You died for me! Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for Your extravagant love and unmerited favor. Thank You that Your death gave me life—abundant life now, and eternal life forever. As You instructed Your disciples, I, too, receive this bread in remembrance of You.

And in the same way, as I take this cup representing Your blood poured out from a splintered cross, I realize that You were the supreme sacrifice for all my sin: past, present, and future. Because of Your blood shed for me, and Your body broken for me, I can be free from the power and penalty of sin. Thank You for Your victory over death. You took the death that I deserved. You took my punishment. Your pain was indeed my gain. And today I remember and celebrate the precious gift of life You gave me through the blood that You spilled.

Sauce for the Lord's Supper, kek you really should learn the Scriptures.


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b17720 No.33137

File: dcbbf72ecb95676⋯.jpg (52.25 KB,850x400,17:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666666 (091730ZAPR23) Notable: Sextuplets of EBIL CHQ'd

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sextuplets of EBIL approach….


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b17720 No.33138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666681 (091732ZAPR23) Notable: Google shows no Love for #Easter

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Carbon neutral since 2007?

What, they have no human employees pumping out that deadly, climate changing CO2?

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b17720 No.33139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666760 (091749ZAPR23) Notable: Docs Proven that Graphene Oxide makes its way into the Covid-19 injections through the manufacturing process?

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BREAKING: Secret Documents published by order of the U.S. Federal Court prove Pfizer, the FDA & Fact Checkers lied when they said Toxic Graphene Oxide was not inside the Covid-19 Vaccines

Graphene Oxide is a fairly new substance not yet well understood. But what we do know is that studies have proven it can be toxic to cells and tissues in the body. And further studies have shown Graphene Oxide to have toxic effects on blood cells, inducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

This is why it’s concerning to find Graphene Oxide (GO) has been in and out of the news for the past two years in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

Several independent studies conducted by doctors and scientists have confirmed that Graphene Oxide is in fact present in these vaccines. But the manufacturers, medicine regulators and so called Fact-Checkers have refuted these claims, most likely due to the known toxic effects it has on the body.

For instance, Reuters, which essentially supplies the news to the entire Western world without most people realising it, stated in a fact-check article published July 23rd 2021, that it is impossible for the Covid vaccines to contain Graphene Oxide because they would be either dark brown or black in colour, instead of the clear/yellowish colour they are.

But what Reuter’s Fact Checkers failed to mention is that when Graphene Oxide is combined with other ingredients, such as Sucrose, a listed ingredient of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, it’s perfectly possible to produce a clear or yellowish liquid.

But at the time of writing, Reuters did not have access to a document published in February 2023 by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) by order of the U.S. Federal Court.

A document that was submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to gain Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).



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b17720 No.33140

File: a4bc58e5b75dadb⋯.png (14.81 KB,560x158,280:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666761 (091749ZAPR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump WORLD WAR lll

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Apr 09, 2023, 6:32 PM


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b17720 No.33141

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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b17720 No.33644

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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