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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

6c6a0b No.24515 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 722 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9041a2 No.28563

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582221 (260335ZMAR23) Notable: FULL RALLY: President Trump in Waco, TX

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FULL RALLY: President Trump in Waco, TX



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9041a2 No.28564

File: 0c19220f813f1a6⋯.pdf (2.47 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582300 (260354ZMAR23) Notable: New patent on protective antigen from Marburg against Marburg [eyesrolling]

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The invention here relates to recombinant DNA constructs which comprise a Venezuelan equine encephalitis replicon vector and at least one DNA fragment encoding a protective antigen from the Marburg virus. The DNA constructs are useful for inducing an immune response which is protective against infection with Marburg virus in nonhuman primates.


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9041a2 No.28565

File: d329adae1de8cac⋯.png (888.98 KB,619x930,619:930,Clipboard.png)

File: 3073789d0032771⋯.png (1.8 MB,1284x734,642:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f0bc2cd77f9aeb⋯.png (1.71 MB,1283x673,1283:673,Clipboard.png)

File: b8656e313f396b1⋯.png (1.77 MB,1024x665,1024:665,Clipboard.png)

File: f75cd2c5178f3f1⋯.png (866.95 KB,1024x438,512:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582307 (260355ZMAR23) Notable: Scavino's Rally images 11:11 EDT

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



3/25/2023 | @realDonaldTrump rally in Waco, Texas!


Mar 25, 2023, 11:11 PM


Dan, that was Dan, thanks Dan

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9041a2 No.28566

File: ad37811b8bec622⋯.png (1.67 MB,820x5540,41:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582313 (260358ZMAR23) Notable: Disney Flexes by Hosting Major LGBT Rights Summit in Florida After Ron DeSantis Restored Their Tax Breaks

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Disney Flexes by Hosting Major LGBT Rights Summit in Florida After Ron DeSantis Restored Their Tax Breaks


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9041a2 No.28567

File: b64e2a525ab2445⋯.jpeg (98.25 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582422 (260436ZMAR23) Notable: NATO carried out ‘inhumane experiment’ in Balkans – health minister

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25 Mar, 2023 22:13

NATO carried out ‘inhumane experiment’ in Balkans – health minister

The US-led military bloc bombed Serbia with toxic depleted uranium, which Britain now wants to give to Ukraine

NATO’s use of depleted uranium munitions in its air war against Yugoslavia was a “horrible and inhumane experiment” against the entire region, Serbian Health Minister Danica Grujicic has said. Contamination from these munitions led to a surge in cancer, autoimmune disease, and infertility, Grujicic added.

NATO used 10 metric tons of depleted uranium– which is used to make the hardened cores of armor-piercing projectiles – during its 1999 air campaign against Yugoslavia, the bloc admitted in a report a year afterwards. Although the report stated that depleted uranium poses “practically no danger" when ingested or absorbed through wounds, evidence from Serbia suggests otherwise.

“Radiation exists at that moment when the explosion occurs, [and] after that the nanoparticles do the work,” Grujicic told Serbia’s RTS television network on Saturday. These particles “enter your lungs, digestive tract, kidneys, and then you can expect at any moment that one alpha particle, which is 50 times more carcinogenic than any other, will come out of one atom of depleted uranium in your body and turn a normal cell into a malignant one,” she explained.

Grujicic said that Serbian physicians began noticing a surge in leukemia and lymphoma cases seven years after the bombing campaign, and have since recorded increases in oncological diseases, pathological pregnancies, autoimmune diseases, mental disorders in children, and infertility in men.

“It was an ugly and inhumane experiment on the entire region, not only Serbia and Montenegro,” she declared. “I hope that the international scientific community will understand that it should be investigated in a scientific way and that weapons with depleted uranium will be banned.”

Grucijic has long called for an international inquiry into NATO’s use of depleted uranium. “It is essential that the citizens of Serbia know how much and what kind of damage they suffered,” the former neurosurgeon told local media in 2016, pointing out that 5,500 out of every 100,000 Serbs suffer from some kind of carcinoma, a rate nearly three times the global average.

The UK announced earlier this month that it plans to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium shells for use with British-provided Challenger 2 battle tanks. The Russian Defense Ministry warned that these shells would “cause irreparable harm” to soldiers and civilians alike, and Russian President Vladimir Putin responded on Saturday by announcing that Russia would move some of its tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus this summer.


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9041a2 No.28568

File: d7774494e37c13a⋯.png (1.26 MB,887x3934,887:3934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582440 (260441ZMAR23) Notable: Ketchup, mayo and other common staple foods tainted with toxic PFAS chemicals

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Ketchup, mayo and other common staple foods tainted with toxic PFAS chemicals

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9041a2 No.28569

File: 0cd5833845c6ac9⋯.png (590.07 KB,1064x709,1064:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 008d76d8ba539d6⋯.jpg (45.33 KB,736x515,736:515,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7a5c119824f495c⋯.png (1.81 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 564e77c4c60cf87⋯.jpg (285.1 KB,908x1132,227:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582478 (260451ZMAR23) Notable: Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo blasts Alvin Bragg’s probe of Trump - nypost

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Hell officially froze. Cuomo remarks from a disaffected DEM point of view:

Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo blasts Alvin Bragg’s probe of Trump

March 25, 2023

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo offered a stinging rebuke of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s looming indictment of former President Trump over alleged hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels — accusing the woke DA of weaponizing the office.

“You have a cynical public, they don’t believe anyone and when you start to see these prosecutors bring political cases, it just affirms everybody’s cynicism,” Cuomo told John Catsimatidis on Friday on WABC 770’S “The Cats Roundtable.”

“It’s a coincidence that Bragg goes after Trump and Tish James goes after Trump and Georgia goes after Trump. That’s all a coincidence,” Cuomo scoffed, referring to James’ investigation of the Trump Organization and the District Attorney of Fulton County’s probe into Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

“It feeds the cynicism and that’s the cancer in our body politic right now,” he added.

The former governor — who resigned in disgrace after being accused of sexual misconduct by a dozen women — said he expected Trump to be indicted by Bragg’s office next week. Cuomo has consistently denied all the allegations against him.

“You can indict a ham sandwich … I’m sure they’ll get an indictment,” Cuomo said.

In his remarks, Cuomo also offered sharp words for President Biden, blaming him for the current US migrant crisis.

“This was caused by President Biden. He may have had great intents and policy. But he opened the borders without a plan to deal with the number of people who were going to come in. That is now an established fact.

“New York City winds up with tens of thousands of people to handle,” he said.

Cuomo suggested Mayor Eric Adams should seek to send migrants around the rest of the state.

“New York State is a sanctuary state. Where is the state? Where are the legislative leaders? Why is this a New York City problem? Mayor Adams should consider putting people on the bus and sending them to Albany if he doesn’t get the state to respond. This is not his problem. The state has to step up,” Cuomo said.

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2023/03/25/andrew-cuomo-blasts-alvin-bragg-probe-of-trump/

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9041a2 No.28570

File: 098e1942564c453⋯.jpg (43.49 KB,500x581,500:581,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582484 (260452ZMAR23) Notable: Q4821+4822 WHAT HAPPENS IF BIDEN BECAME POTUS?

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9041a2 No.28571

File: 55b955510411c63⋯.jpeg (729.31 KB,2044x774,1022:387,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e9e8b6072b01e6e⋯.png (2.23 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582495 (260456ZMAR23) Notable: PF + @realDonaldTrump Trump Force One o7

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Learn to read our comms?

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9041a2 No.28572

File: 7eadc6e0e3455c5⋯.png (442.21 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582501 (260458ZMAR23) Notable: Who owns these companies?

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Who owns these companies?

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9041a2 No.28573

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582519 (260502ZMAR23) Notable: PF + @realDonaldTrump Trump Force One o7

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Donald J. Trump



Trump Force One

President Donald J. Trump

Departing Waco Texas


Mar 26, 2023, 12:20 AM



>>28356, >>28361 Dan, +++ Please get the callsign TF1 assigned for the return trip!!!

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9041a2 No.28574

File: 8e71b0edf39446e⋯.mp4 (8.77 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1dcdc37480324ab⋯.png (281.73 KB,576x418,288:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582532 (260505ZMAR23) Notable: PF + @realDonaldTrump Trump Force One o7

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Trump Force One

Departing Waco

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9041a2 No.28575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582557 (260515ZMAR23) Notable: Climate Change v War of the Weathers

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Climate Change v War of the Weathers

“From space one could control the earth's weather, cause drought and floods, change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, make temperate climates frigid,” then‐Senator Lyndon B. Johnson told a joint session of Congress in 1957.

Like many other legislators, he accepted Defense Department fantasies that the United States was in race with the Soviet Union to develop environmental weapons.

Can a nation that tampers with natural balances deny responsibility for what follows?


Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025


Address by President John F. Kennedy to the UN General Assembly

[We must [create even as we destroy]–creating worldwide law and law enforcement]

We shall propose further cooperative efforts between all nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control.

September 25, 1961


Summary of the January 18 - 20th 1961 Nor'easter.

This storm is dubbed the "Kennedy Inaugural Snowstorm" since it occurred on the eve of John F Kennedy's Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.


The climate crisis is a water crisis

In the United States alone, we’ve seen climate change fuel disastrous conditions like the ongoing droughts that are draining the Colorado and Mississippi Rivers, the impact of Hurricane Ian in Florida and wildfires in the Southwest. In the Middle East, temperatures are rising so catastrophically fast that the whole region’s water supplies and food production systems are under threat. Heat waves and floods in Europe are exposing numerous countries to water scarcity and life-threatening extreme weather events.

These crises — just a small sample of what’s happening to water supplies around the globe — are not coincidences.



[cause drought and floods]

violent twisters formed amid a severe weather outbreak that unleashed damage from Louisiana to North Carolina. They were fueled by record-setting heat and energized by howling jet stream winds.

The twisters formed from the same destructive storm system that barged into California’s Bay Area on Tuesday and produced deadly flooding in both the Desert Southwest and the nation’s midsection.


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9041a2 No.28576

File: f8872b60164852c⋯.png (295.12 KB,1744x1131,1744:1131,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ddcee36e6eac20⋯.png (115.04 KB,976x1153,976:1153,Clipboard.png)

File: 560e5cb41570ead⋯.png (197.07 KB,1681x1125,1681:1125,Clipboard.png)

File: cbd971d5b8adf12⋯.png (111.84 KB,988x1145,988:1145,Clipboard.png)

File: ed22310a06ef600⋯.png (264.54 KB,1548x1129,1548:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582580 (260523ZMAR23) Notable: Who owns these companies?

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+ Vanguard, State Street

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9041a2 No.28577

File: 55b955510411c63⋯.jpeg (729.31 KB,2044x774,1022:387,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e9e8b6072b01e6e⋯.png (2.23 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582596 (260529ZMAR23) Notable: PF + @realDonaldTrump Trump Force One o7

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Posting again with TS sauce.

Message received?



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9041a2 No.28578

File: da7f011d5562f3f⋯.png (396.17 KB,782x572,391:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582604 (260531ZMAR23) Notable: Russia to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus

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Russia to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus

<Sat 25 Mar 2023 17.15 EDT


“There is nothing unusual here either: firstly, the United States has been doing this for decades,” Putin said. “They have long deployed their tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of their allied countries.”

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9041a2 No.28579

File: 596689cc42fdb5e⋯.png (555.06 KB,860x685,172:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582617 (260535ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump had an incredible evening in Waco, Texas! On behalf of #TeamTrump, THANK YOU

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



@realDonaldTrump had an incredible evening in Waco, Texas! On behalf of #TeamTrump, THANK YOU🇺🇸🦅



Mar 26, 2023, 1:20 AM


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9041a2 No.28580

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582620 (260536ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump had an incredible evening in Waco, Texas! On behalf of #TeamTrump, THANK YOU

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@realDonaldTrump had an incredible evening in Waco, Texas! On behalf of #TeamTrump, THANK YOU



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9041a2 No.28581

File: 8ecad3492c8edd8⋯.png (131.98 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582630 (260542ZMAR23) Notable: America was founded as a constitutional republic to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of a democracy or a dictatorship

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The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a republic is individual liberty.

A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship which promises government guaranteed equality and security but delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules.

America was founded as a constitutional republic to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of a democracy or a dictatorship.

In the 20th century great strides have been made in subverting our republic into a democracy. The form of tactic of the subverters is the form of language by calling America a democracy until people thoughtlessly accept accept and use the term the subverters have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.


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9041a2 No.28582

File: 90ee9da439db56c⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB,454x234,227:117,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582643 (260546ZMAR23) Notable: Exploded Suddenly - Chocolate Factory in Pennsylvania

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Chocolate Factory in Pennsylvania Suddenly Explodes

On Friday evening, a massive explosion took place in a West Reading, Pennsylvania chocolate factory leading to two dead and multiple injured.

The explosion took place at approximately 5 p.m. at the R.M. Palmer Company on Friday.

“It was the loudest thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” said Kristen Wisniewski, a resident who lives three blocks from the factory. “It literally felt like the ground fell out from underneath you. The whole house shook and my dogs froze, they couldn’t move, it was scary.”

Police officials said that they were able to pull one individual from the rubble with Police Chief Wayne Holben saying that the discovery “provides hope that others still may be found.”

As reported by ABC6, officials are currently using dogs and specialty equipment to attempt to find more individuals in the rubble.


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9041a2 No.28583

File: 2a5d6793c07e63f⋯.jpeg (97.61 KB,1200x600,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582654 (260550ZMAR23) Notable: Exploded Suddenly - Chocolate Factory in Pennsylvania

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9041a2 No.28584

File: 12ead705b2c936c⋯.png (223.49 KB,1800x423,200:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582655 (260550ZMAR23) Notable: PF + @realDonaldTrump Trump Force One o7

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So we got this image and Trumps Video out the cockpit window.

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9041a2 No.28585

File: 89c6672401b470c⋯.jpeg (77.96 KB,790x444,395:222,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 71a80e4537e55dd⋯.png (462.64 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: e776468305e7c89⋯.jpeg (664.42 KB,1120x755,224:151,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c0ae8783244d04d⋯.jpg (57.46 KB,371x515,371:515,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6f6b2f30e4625a6⋯.png (1.12 MB,750x767,750:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582657 (260551ZMAR23) Notable: America was founded as a constitutional republic to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of a democracy or a dictatorship

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>The ideal of a democracy is universal equality.

EXACTLY. Exactly why they screech "muh Democracy" and "OUR Democracy"

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9041a2 No.28586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582703 (260605ZMAR23) Notable: Scotland #8 SNP leadership contest is getting into QAnon territory

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Scotland #8 >>>/qresearch/18573117, >>>/qresearch/18573123, >>>/qresearch/18573130

SNP leadership contest is getting into QAnon territory

By Steph Paton 20th March

WHO doesn’t love a good conspiracy? Other than the minority groups who are inevitably blamed for whatever fictional atrocities spark them, of course…

But putting that glaring issue aside, it’s quite entertaining to occasionally jump into the alternative theories of the fringe.

From suspicions that King Charles is a vampire (a parasite, certainly, but a vampire?) to the moon landings being a hoax, there’s any number of broadly innocuous conspiracies that, while wrong, are at least fun to spend 20 minutes diving into on Wikipedia.

Personally, my favourite is the theory that every celebrity and politician is secretly transgender; wherein a group of dedicated “transvestigators” regularly scrutinise the bodies of well-kent public figures to declare their jawlines too “masculine” or hands too “feminine”.

But there is, of course, a deeply dark side to conspiratorial thinking. The Jewish community are regularly accused of being part of a shadowy cabal that runs the world; the “Great Replacement” theory is a catalyst to all manner of racism and bigotry; and then there was Pizzagate, when a man opened fire in a Washington DC restaurant in an attempt to save the trafficked children being held in the basement. But there were no kids. There wasn’t even a basement.

Conspiracy theories have been around forever, but the ease and speed with which misinformation proliferates on social media now is an entirely different beast – one that has created fertile ground for spreading vast, all-consuming tales of subterfuge that have poisoned entire communities.

Pizzagate was in many ways a precursor to America’s QAnon movement; a Frankenstein’s monster mishmash of schemes and plots from across the spectrum of conspiratorial thinking. Driven by the enigmatic informant “Q”, it spun an elaborate fiction of Satanic, cannibalistic sex traffickers at the heart of the US Government, promising always that a storm was coming and mass arrests were just around the corner.

QAnon conspiracists inhabit an imaginary reality where Joe Biden rots in jail, Donald Trump is still secretly president and we’re only ever a week away from everything, finally, at last, being revealed to the world, if you all could just wait a little longer. Frankly, it reads more like wish fulfilment than whistleblowing – so it has been quite unsettling to see the SNP leadership campaign hit with similar claims and language.

Apparently, “The Murrells” – the misogynistic shorthand for Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell that denies the First Minister agency to exist outwith her husband’s surname – are soon for the courts. Secret crimes have been committed. Resignations are coming. The biggest scandal in the history of Scottish politics is just around the corner.

It all sounds a little familiar, doesn’t it? And if the claims of a coming storm and impending arrests in the SNP hierarchy weren’t similar enough to QAnon to raise heads, it’s also mostly coming from an anonymous source on a website’s comments section. And none of that would matter, if not for the fact that some in the Yes movement already appear to believe it.

There’s always been a part of the Yes movement beholden to conspiratorial thinking – the belief that the referendum was rigged and stolen ballots were being dumped by public bins, or that key players in the Yes movement (usually women advocating for inclusion) are covertly bringing down the cause from within.

Heck, I’ve been the subject of some myself. While I am a freelance writer for The National, I haven’t worked for the paper since 2020. Yet accusations of my insidious influence as a trans person in Scotland’s pro-independence newspaper abound.

More recent commentary, however, smacks of a much darker strain of conspiratorial thinking than the boys’ club getting upset yet again because the Yes movement doesn’t belong exclusively to them.

There are accusations of internal vote rigging in the SNP. Tales of collusion between leadership hopeful Humza Yousaf and party HQ, wherein Yousaf has apparently been exclusively fed live data of the vote despite it being handled by an independent, third party.

Yes activist Craig Murray went as far as claiming that Yousaf had already been told by party high heid yins that he’d won, and would be having a secret drinks reception in celebration rather than appearing at a hustings in Inverness. Shockingly, that turned out to be total nonsense. Murray shrugged it off as if it was as inconsequential as forgetting where he parked the car.

The issue, though, the real beating heart of it all, is that leadership candidates Kate Forbes and Ash Regan seem happy to entertain the conspiracy, calling the voting process into question and so a Southampton-based e-voting platform to boot. They’ve taken a fringe conspiracy and brought it wholesale into the leadership campaign with, as far as I can see, zero evidence to suggest any form of interference in the vote.

Which isn’t to say that there aren’t real concerns about the party’s structures. That the SNP apparently lied about membership numbers will not be forgotten anytime soon, nor should it be. But vote fixing? That’s quite a leap, even if Humza Yousaf is clearly the preferred candidate of the party’s establishment.

Forbes and Regan should have a compelling reason for even having brought it into the campaign – and no doubt they’ll be ready to reveal it all soon. Honestly, the truth is coming. Next week, maybe. Or the week after that. Just keep waiting. It’s definitely coming.


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9041a2 No.28587

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582771 (260640ZMAR23) Notable: PF + @realDonaldTrump Trump Force One o7

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Donald J. Trump







Mar 26, 2023, 1:44 AM


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9041a2 No.28588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582805 (260659ZMAR23) Notable: #22793

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NotablesNOT endorsements

#22793 >>28551

>>28573, >>28552, >>28574, >>28571, >>28577, >>28584, >>28587 PF + @realDonaldTrump Trump Force One o7

>>28552, >>28554, >>28559 PF

>>28553 Waco in the News

>>28555 Senator demands Romania review its position on Ukraine

>>28556 Use of depleted uranium munitions to bring down Ukraine’s agro-exports — Russian military

>>28557 They planned the “Shock and Awe”, to persecute patriotic and peaceful Americans!

>>28558 Trump Gets Defended From Alvin Bragg Prosecution by … Andrew Cuomo?

>>28560 House Republicans Respond to Alvin Bragg’s Nasty Reply Letter

>>28561, >>28565 Scavino's Rally images 11:11 EDT

>>28562 ~ 80,000 homes without electricity in western PA for past 12 hours, due to "wind"

>>28563 FULL RALLY: President Trump in Waco, TX

>>28564 New patent on protective antigen from Marburg against Marburg [eyesrolling]

>>28566 Disney Flexes by Hosting Major LGBT Rights Summit in Florida After Ron DeSantis Restored Their Tax Breaks

>>28568 Ketchup, mayo and other common staple foods tainted with toxic PFAS chemicals

>>28567 NATO carried out ‘inhumane experiment’ in Balkans – health minister

>>28569 Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo blasts Alvin Bragg’s probe of Trump - nypost


>>28572, >>28576 Who owns these companies?

>>28575 Climate Change v War of the Weathers

>>28578 Russia to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus

>>28579, >>28580 @realDonaldTrump had an incredible evening in Waco, Texas! On behalf of #TeamTrump, THANK YOU

>>28581, >>28585 America was founded as a constitutional republic to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of a democracy or a dictatorship

>>28582, >>28583 Exploded Suddenly - Chocolate Factory in Pennsylvania

>>28586 Scotland #8 SNP leadership contest is getting into QAnon territory


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9041a2 No.28589

File: e6469a258f545dc⋯.png (2.16 MB,2880x1558,1440:779,Clipboard.png)

File: 40a2708811d53a5⋯.png (2.86 MB,2878x1560,1439:780,Clipboard.png)

File: b206c91f099c7db⋯.png (46.65 KB,565x205,113:41,Clipboard.png)

File: a1af4c8c5960e13⋯.png (858.56 KB,1178x850,589:425,Clipboard.png)

File: dc96589f65489b2⋯.png (3.36 MB,2880x1550,288:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582842 (260718ZMAR23) Notable: [Wheels up] / WHEELS DOWN Q Proof confirmation from POTUS!

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[Wheels up] / WHEELS DOWN Q Proof confirmation from POTUS!

POTUS Truthing "WHEELS DOWN" on a 4 Year Delta Q Proof day confirms that "Only Anons can fully appreciate the continued 'validation(s)/confirmation(s) thru covert' (series of mathematically impossible coincidences) means in order to maintain structural integrity. [Wheels up]". Q post #3414

God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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9041a2 No.28590

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582860 (260729ZMAR23) Notable: CIA's Classified Space & Time Travel System

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sound frequency vibration

The Gateway Process: the CIA's Classified Space & Time Travel System That You Can Learn (Really)

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9041a2 No.28591

File: fa824b138c58008⋯.pdf (2.24 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582866 (260733ZMAR23) Notable: CIA's Classified Space & Time Travel System

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>CIA's Classified Space & Time Travel System

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9041a2 No.28592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582894 (260758ZMAR23) Notable: RESCINDED! Schedule Quickly Set On Kari Lake's Signature Verification Challenge - Back To the Motion To Dismiss Stage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This had an update noted On March 25, 2023:

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

BREAKING UPDATE: Schedule Quickly Set On Kari Lake's Signature Verification Challenge - Back To the Motion To Dismiss Stage (READ Minute Entry)

UPDATE, 3/25: In a surprising turn of events, Thursday's scheduling Order for the Supplements regarding signature verification was RESCINDED in a Saturday Minute Entry. (below)

Lake's attorneys inadvertently set a chain of events into motion Thursday. After the Arizona Supreme Court's Wednesday Order (below) left open the sanctions (at the appellate level), Lake's team asked for clarification on when to file the sanctions responses. Late Friday, the Supreme Court clarified, setting April 5 as the Response deadline (and April 12 for replies).


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9041a2 No.28593

File: d761b37ff60b5d5⋯.png (142.11 KB,750x742,375:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18582908 (260812ZMAR23) Notable: The Taliban have restored the equipment left behind by Brandon.

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Joseph A. Camp




The Taliban have restored the equipment left behind by Brandon.

They are now releasing photos of the equipment snd vehicles mocking the United States.


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9041a2 No.28594

File: 3d11046162da98a⋯.png (245.53 KB,679x680,679:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583042 (260941ZMAR23) Notable: 2023 Dr. David Martin / DoD ran the release of covid and the following covid vaccination program

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2023 Dr. David Martin

Transparently Hiding…Again







Must See…Covers Banking Fraud to Covid (Criminal Conspiracy to Defraud) 3-17-23

David Martin


Chairman of M-CAM

http://davidmartin.world http://fullyliveacademy.com



US C19 vaccine campaign is a militarized national security initiative not a public health response from the very beginning. Explains why FDA or the companies will not stop the program. Explains why products not fully approved or bought or sold. It's a military operation.

.@RobertKennedyJr: The Pentagon and the National Security Agency Ran the Entire Pandemic Response

"Pfizer and Moderna don't really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on them, but it was a Pentagon project."



BREAKING NEWS: Covid-19 was deliberately released on the populations by entities with intent. Anthony Fauci's NIAID was paid 400 million dollars in royalties by Moderna. Covid-19 was engineered in the United States after receiving an infectious clone WIV1-CoV Spike from Wuhan.

Not only did Anthony Fauci knowingly and willfully lie in violation of federal law in Congress about not funding Gain of Function, but Anthony Fauci continued these Gain of Function studies and requested additional studies during the moratorium. Ralph S. Baric created SARS-CoV-2 and lied to the world.

The fact of the matter is. We the people are currently subject to a criminal conspiracy that is ongoing right now, the evidence is right in our face. This was all done so that the world could be injected with the experimental Covid vaccines creating billions of dollars in profits and shaping the global agenda while killing and injuring millions of people around the world.

2009-2023 Lockstep Vaccination Genocidal Pandemic Criminal Co-conspiracy, including and not limited to individually and collectively:

Bill and Melinda Gates individually and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. World Health Organization (WHO) and Officers, Directors, Employees, and Agents Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO Director General, U.S. FDA, CDC Executive Directors and Officers. NIH, NIAID Executive Directors and Officers. Anthony Stephen Fauci. Alex Azar HHS, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak.

World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and Officers, Directors, Employees, and Agents. Michael Bloomberg, David Rockefeller Jr, Rothschilds, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Rockefeller Foundation, Global Business Network (GBN), Peter Schwartz, Chairman GBN.

Convicted Vaccination Genocidal Pandemic and Neural Monitoring Governmental Executive Defendants:

U.S. Department of Defense Executive Command and DARPA. Xi JinPing, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. ….

Convicted Genocidal Vaccination Entities:

Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, The Pirbright Institute.

Above named criminal defendants are ordered by the International Tribunal to be immediately arrested and incarcerated.

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9041a2 No.28595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583051 (260947ZMAR23) Notable: 2023 Dr. David Martin / DoD ran the release of covid and the following covid vaccination program

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More at the link below about International Tribunal

Above named criminal defendants are ordered by the lawful International Tribunal for Public Health and Justice to be immediately arrested and incarcerated for violating article 6 (Genocide) and article 7 (Crimes Against Humanity) of the International Criminal Code.


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9041a2 No.28596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583059 (260951ZMAR23) Notable: 2023 Dr. David Martin / DoD ran the release of covid and the following covid vaccination program

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9041a2 No.28597

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583072 (260958ZMAR23) Notable: They’re Coming For Your Guns And Here’s How They’ll Do It

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They’re Coming For Your Guns And Here’s How They’ll Do It (Ep. 1976) - 03/24/2023



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9041a2 No.28598

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583076 (261000ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan Light Up Dem's "Gun Grab" Hearing

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Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan Light Up Dem's "Gun Grab" Hearing




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9041a2 No.28599

File: e82d465acc9f614⋯.png (804.77 KB,665x717,665:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583181 (261057ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Kicks Off First 2024 Rally by Playing Hit Single Featuring ‘J6 Prison Choir’

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Watch: Trump Kicks Off First 2024 Rally

by Playing Hit Single Featuring ‘J6

Prison Choir’

Breitbart Politics, by Nick Gilbertson

Posted By: Imright, 3/26/2023 5:36:58 AM

Former President Donald Trump opened up the first rally of his 2024 presidential campaign by playing the hit song “Justice For All,” which features the “J6 Prison Choir’s” rendition of the National Anthem while Trump recites the Pledge of Allegiance. The song was played right after Trump took the stage in Waco, Texas, to chants of “U.S.A!” as audience members held signs reading “Witch Hunt” and “Trump 2024.” (Tweet/Video) The choir is comprised of January 6 prisoners, who reportedly sing the Star-Spangled Banner nightly. After their audio was recorded via phone, it was mixed with Trump’s recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, as Breitbart News reported.

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9041a2 No.28600

File: aadd426bd3d142b⋯.png (80.94 KB,626x597,626:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583184 (261059ZMAR23) Notable: Socialism in Our Schools - American Thinker

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Socialism in Our Schools

American Thinker, by Jim Hollingsworth

Posted By: Imright, 3/26/2023 5:19:54 AM

Someone has made the claim that socialism is being taught in our junior college in our town. Some official discounted that possibility and challenged him to "prove it." Now, that would be difficult to do. Socialism is defined in various ways, such as the ownership of the means of production or the control of industry. But one thing they all seem to have in common is that under socialism, the government does many things that individuals would usually do for themselves, or that would be done by private industry. Over the past several decades, we have gotten so used to government in our lives that we do not

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9041a2 No.28601

File: 435e7ba601282dd⋯.png (170.34 KB,617x679,617:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583203 (261106ZMAR23) Notable: David Sacks and Glenn Beck discuss how the Biden administration's proxy war with Russia is pushing us closer to World War III

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See new Tweets







and @glennbeck

discuss how the Biden administration's proxy war with Russia is pushing us closer to World War III:

"We have these crusaders at the State Department who just want to keep expanding NATO, and I don't know why they can't see that is unacceptable to the… Show more


0:42 / 7:14

Elon Musk


Replying to





US foreign policy is bronze tier on a good day!

11:32 PM · Mar 25, 2023




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9041a2 No.28602

File: c14eb9f347a036e⋯.mp4 (8.87 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583217 (261112ZMAR23) Notable: David Sacks and Glenn Beck discuss how the Biden administration's proxy war with Russia is pushing us closer to World War III

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"We have these crusaders at the State Department who just want to keep expanding NATO, and I don't know why they can't see that is unacceptable to the Russians in the same way the Soviet Union trying to put nukes in Cuba was unacceptable to us in 1962…

This was very easily avoidable, and now we are co-belligerents in this conflict. We are not just providing money and weapons; we're providing intelligence; we have commandoes on the ground directing the flow of weapons and intelligence. We've had administration officials brag about painting the targets on Russian generals' backs so they could be killed, bragging about providing the intel to sink the Moskva, which is the Russian flagship…

We're not just giving them weapons; we are providing the kill chain for them. It's a tightly woven web of information services… The HIMARS, for example, aren't valuable unless you also give them the targeting coordinates from our satellites in space. The Ukrainians are pushing the buttons and pulling the triggers, and taking the bullets, but it's the Americans providing the targets, intelligence, and even taking credit for that counter-offensive last fall.

When the obvious downstream effect happens, which is that it drives Russia into China's arms, we react with this outrage and surprise, like this shock that we didn't know this was going to happen. Of course, this is going to make them closer allies… It was in China's national interest to help Russia; this was entirely predictable…

It's like our spokespeople and diplomats are children here. The State Department's job is supposed to be diplomacy, which is to lessen conflict, but their actual objective here is regime change."

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9041a2 No.28603

File: 1e0d2706babd0bd⋯.png (337.74 KB,905x648,905:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583229 (261115ZMAR23) Notable: FAA Nominee Phil Washington Withdraws His Nomination

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Breaking: FAA Nominee Phil Washington

Withdraws His Nomination

Red State, by Jennifer Van Laar

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 3/26/2023 3:24:31 AM

Phil Washington, Joe Biden’s embattled nominee to head the Federal Administration Aviation, has withdrawn his nomination, sources told Reuters Saturday evening. One of the sources, a White House official, told Reuters that “an onslaught of unfounded Republican attacks on Mr Washington’s service and experience irresponsibly delayed this process, threatened unnecessary procedural hurdles on the Senate floor, and ultimately have led him to withdraw his nomination today.” Reuters’ piece went on to describe issues with Washington, a veteran, not having a waiver “from rules requiring civilian leadership to head the FAA” and questions about Washington’s competency and experience as obstacles,

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9041a2 No.28604

File: f71d3e087da8469⋯.png (82.74 KB,418x612,209:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583294 (261137ZMAR23) Notable: CNBC reports Federal Reserve data showed that bank customers collectively pulled $98.4 billion from accounts for the week ended March 15, as Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failed.

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CNBC reports Federal Reserve data showed that bank customers collectively pulled $98.4 billion from accounts for the week ended March 15, as Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failed.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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9041a2 No.28605

File: d870fe1bcb0bbdc⋯.png (220.02 KB,599x567,599:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583347 (261151ZMAR23) Notable: Autism Rates on the Rise: New CDC Data

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Daniel Horowitz


There are conspiracy theories and then there are coincidence theories


Autism Rates on the Rise: New CDC Data

More U.S. children than ever now have autism, according to new data from the U.S. Centers for Disease …

12:37 AM · Mar 26, 2023




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9041a2 No.28606

File: 57d62e23e01ba58⋯.png (32.3 KB,606x377,606:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583365 (261155ZMAR23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Lots of evidence #KarlRove rigged computers in #Ohio in 2004 for #Bush to "win."

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Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽⚖️🚜🇺🇸 Attorney & Author


Lots of evidence #KarlRove rigged computers in #Ohio in 2004 for #Bush to "win."

See documents at http://DefendingTheRepublic.org



Quote Tweet

🌡Mercury Rising




Karl Rove accidentally slipped on Fox last hour, speaking of the DeSantis campaign as "our campaign" and quickly corrected himself. @DoodlesTrks, since you mentioned the Neocons.

Show this thread

2:14 PM · Mar 25, 2023




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9041a2 No.28607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583379 (261159ZMAR23) Notable: call to dig into the American Bar Association

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Our enemies want to put innocent people in jail.

Just stop and think about how dark and depraved that is that for a minute.

They want to be eating their fancy dinners and and living these extravagant lifestyles, while Trump and his supporters (you) are sitting in a jail cell for none crimes committed. They get off thinking about the mental anguish and torture you’d experience while being imprisoned for a crime you didn’t commit.

It literally gives me chills when I think about it.

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9041a2 No.28608

File: 7d850ba191ac374⋯.png (33.54 KB,1191x240,397:80,Clipboard.png)

File: c6d3b223a101ca9⋯.png (360.44 KB,530x527,530:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583421 (261213ZMAR23) Notable: Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reported on the horrible living conditions the January 6th political prisoners are facing after visiting them Friday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reported on the horrible living conditions the January 6th political prisoners are facing after visiting them Friday.

Speaking to RSBN before former President Donald Trump’s Texas rally on Saturday, Greene criticized the DC jail for allegedly violating the prisoners’ right to due process and abusing their human rights.

“I was in the DC jail yesterday…Their due process rights have been violated. They’re being held as political prisoners inside the DC jail. Their hurightsman rights are being abused,” Greene began.

The Georgia Republican went on to explain that one J6 prisoner is being withheld cancer treatment while in jail. Greene also claimed the doctor in charge of the jail lied to her about the prisoner’s treatment.

“I talked to a pre-trial January 6th Defended yesterday who has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma…He does not receive treatment for his cancer in the DC jail but the doctor in charge at that jail lied to all of us saying oh, no, we provide medical treatment.”

Greene said the Jan. 6 prisoners told her “how they were forced to scrub the jail, clean everything, and paint it all before we came in there” in attempts to appease the congresspeople visiting. Rep. Greene called the conditions “inhumane.”

The Jan. 6 defendants told the Republican they have “had threats of being raped” and have been beaten up and that the guards just laugh at them, not protecting them.




Discusses Her Visit To The DC Jail With The


Yesterday And The Horrible Treatment Of The January 6th Political Prisoners

"Their due process right have been violated. They're being held as political prisoners inside the DC Jail. Their human rights are being abused."


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9041a2 No.28609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583474 (261230ZMAR23) Notable: call to dig into the American Bar Association

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Last night's rally seemed to be focused entirely on our broken judicial system and how it has been viciously weaponized against we, the American people. It got me thinking about how long it must have taken to create a system of legal education that would pump out graduates who turn into lawyers who are so incredibly willing to violate the U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of the states in which these crooked, corrupted, and un-American lawyers are practicing.

Got me thinking about how they get licensed. Got me thinking about a post I read here a while back talking about how law schools are accredited by the "American" Bar Association. Meaning the schools live or die based on criteria that the "American" Bar Association sets.

I'm putting "American" in quotes because Anons were discussing how heavily influenced by CHY-NA the "American" Bar Association has become in recent years.

It was being run by a woke General called Rives who announced his "retirement" recently. Anons were talking about that, too. Shit, it's too early for me to search the archives right now so I'll throw it out there.

Any anons willing to digg into the "American" Bar Association and TV General Rives and see if he's enough of a pussy to let CHY-NA take over the law school accreditation processes in our country?

Spouse clicked on a few law school websites a little while ago and the impression is that law school websites look a lot like Benetton catalogs these days, with lots of "diversity-equity-inclusion" bullshit on there, too.

I think it's time to digg into how lawyers who would put innocent people in jail get created. Seems to me if CHY-NA is as involved with the "American" Bar Association that molds the law schools as it appears, that the "American" Bar Association could be where we ought to be digging.

I'll have time to digg later but for now this is an officialcall to digg.

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9041a2 No.28610

File: 7eb5a976244afcb⋯.png (177.14 KB,426x343,426:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583516 (261243ZMAR23) Notable: If Britain sends Ukraine depleted uranium ammunition, as it plans to do - then Russia may use ACTUAL uranium weapons President of Belarus

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NUCLEAR WARNING If Britain sends Ukraine depleted uranium ammunition, as it plans to do - then Russia may use ACTUAL uranium weapons President of Belarus, Lukashenko warns.

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9041a2 No.28611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18583596 (261312ZMAR23) Notable: #22794

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Notables - FINAL


>>28589 [Wheels up] / WHEELS DOWN Q Proof confirmation from POTUS!

>>28590, >>28591 CIA's Classified Space & Time Travel System

>>28592 RESCINDED! Schedule Quickly Set On Kari Lake's Signature Verification Challenge - Back To the Motion To Dismiss Stage

>>28593 The Taliban have restored the equipment left behind by Brandon.

>>28594, >>28595, >>28596 2023 Dr. David Martin / DoD ran the release of covid and the following covid vaccination program

>>28597 They’re Coming For Your Guns And Here’s How They’ll Do It

>>28598 Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan Light Up Dem's "Gun Grab" Hearing

>>28599 Trump Kicks Off First 2024 Rally by Playing Hit Single Featuring ‘J6 Prison Choir’

>>28600 Socialism in Our Schools - American Thinker

>>28601, >>28602 David Sacks and Glenn Beck discuss how the Biden administration's proxy war with Russia is pushing us closer to World War III

>>28603 FAA Nominee Phil Washington Withdraws His Nomination

>>28604 CNBC reports Federal Reserve data showed that bank customers collectively pulled $98.4 billion from accounts for the week ended March 15, as Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failed.

>>28605 Autism Rates on the Rise: New CDC Data

>>28607, >>28609 call to dig into the American Bar Association

>>28606 Sidney Powell - Lots of evidence #KarlRove rigged computers in #Ohio in 2004 for #Bush to "win."

>>28608 Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reported on the horrible living conditions the January 6th political prisoners are facing after visiting them Friday.

>>28610 If Britain sends Ukraine depleted uranium ammunition, as it plans to do - then Russia may use ACTUAL uranium weapons President of Belarus



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9041a2 No.28612

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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