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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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537929 No.24512 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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29e3f6 No.27107

File: 035491e7f618f3b⋯.jpeg (381.32 KB,1179x1578,393:526,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 28a2f698c4eead2⋯.jpeg (91.2 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553774 (212029ZMAR23) Notable: Team Desimp BTFO by Conservative Treehouse Twat Thread

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> https://twitter.com/ TheLastRefuge2/status/1638198490961436674



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29e3f6 No.27108

File: 600bb2d8e9142b6⋯.webp (10.64 KB,480x280,12:7,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553833 (212038ZMAR23) Notable: Weaponization of legal system reaches new level

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Weaponization of legal system reaches new level

Democrats are more focused on targeting political opponents than protecting its citizens

By Mike Davis

If we are to believe the news, the district attorneys in Fulton County, Georgia, and Manhattan will soon announce indictments of Donald Trump.

The New York indictment looks especially imminent. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is hellbent on charging Mr. Trump. In fact, the New York County District Attorney’s Office has been searching for any way to charge the former president since 2017. The investigation has poured over former President Trump’s personal and business life. They’ve reportedly settled on charging Mr. Trump with the non-crime of his attorney Michael Cohen paying Stormy Daniels settlement money.

Even The New York Times admits the case is a stretch: “The case against the former president hinges on an untested and therefore risky legal theory involving a complex interplay of laws.”

It doesn’t matter. Mr. Trump is uniquely evil to the liberal prosecutors in New York. Mark Pomerantz, who investigated Mr. Trump for the Manhattan district attorney’s office, reveals in his book that he was asked in 2017 to join the DA’s office for the sole purpose of going after Mr. Trump.Mr. Pomerantz wrote that, unlike prosecuting “killers,” the prospect of prosecuting Mr. Trump made him emotional, as Mr. Trump “disgusted” him.

The now-former prosecutor wrote that he “would have paid the District Attorney’s Office for the opportunity to prosecute President Trump.”

This zeal to go after the political opponents of the Democrat party while ignoring real criminals starts with the leadership in the Manhattan DA’s office. The New York Post found that “soft-on-crime Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has downgraded more than half his felony cases to misdemeanors — while also managing to lose half of the felony cases that do reach court.”

Mr. Bragg can’t find the time to prosecute felonies in his district and protect the citizens that pay his salary, but he has all the time in the world to pursue a partisan agenda against Mr. Trump. This is an attempt to undermine a presidential candidate in order to curry favor with Democratic officials while ignoring New Yorkers’ concern with rising crime in New York City.

The partisan legal antics don’t stop in New York. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis convened a special grand jury in Atlanta to try to secure charges against Mr. Trump. The foreperson of the special grand jury went on a national media tour, where she gleefully fantasized about taking down Mr. Trump.

Ms. Willis appears to be targeting Mr. Trumpfor actions that are protected by the First Amendment. It’s only illegal to challenge election results in Third World Marxist hellholes. It’s not a crime to lobby other politicians. If political arm-twisting were illegal, then every politician in America would be in prison.

These two prosecutions are intended to kneecap Mr. Trump with the 2024 presidential election on the horizon. Mr. Trump remains the Republican front-runner, and he is ahead of President Biden in recent polls.

These district attorneys are attempting to force Mr. Trump out of the race with bogus legal theories — Mr. Bragg has been essentially dismissed by even the liberal New York Times — because they are terrified of a fair election.

Why wouldn’t they be afraid? Amid record inflation and a looming financial crisis, most Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country.

Mr. Trump brought us peace and prosperity; Mr. Biden brought us war and despair.

Fortunately, these politicized legal shenanigans tend to blow up in Democrats’ faces. Just look at how Mr. Trump’s poll numbers improved after the FBI’s baseless and illegal raid on Mar-a-Lago.

The one thing that has united conservatives in the Trump era is disdain for the Democrats’ weaponization of the legal system.

But while the use of our courts to score political points might not succeed as planned for Democrats,it will succeed in causing permanent damage to our nation. For all the Democrats’ talk of “protecting democracy,” weaponized prosecution is a blatant attempt to steal control from voters.

Every time a prosecutor’s office becomes more focused on targeting political opponents than protecting its citizens, we become more like the countries we used to liberate.


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29e3f6 No.27109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553847 (212040ZMAR23) Notable: New PDJT 10-step plan out

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PDJT Unveils Plan To 'Dismantle The Deep State' As Possible Indictment Looms


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29e3f6 No.27110

File: a7b3a4eed7d5c29⋯.jpeg (105.14 KB,1241x524,1241:524,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553867 (212044ZMAR23) Notable: Best way to stop the next pandemic: ARREST the people who started the first one.

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That’s the problem they allow people like Fauci in government regardless of how he fucked up every thing he handled.I’d say hang them the first time they kill people with drugs or disease, it won’t happen again.


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29e3f6 No.27111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553872 (212045ZMAR23) Notable: Uganda passes anti-gay legislation

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Uganda passes anti-gay legislation, new penalties for same-sex relationships

A country notorious for its intolerance to homosexuality has just passed draconian new laws cracking down on same-sex relationships.

Uganda’s parliament on Tuesday passed sweeping anti-gay legislation which proposes tough new penalties for same-sex relationships following a highly charged and chaotic session.

“The ayes have it,” parliamentary speaker Annet Anita Among said after a final vote, adding that the “bill passed in record time”.

Legislators amended significant portions of the original proposed law with all but one speaking against the bill.

Homosexuality is already illegal in the conservative East African nation and it was not immediately clear what new penalties had been agreed upon.

“This House will not shy to restrict any right to the extent the House recognises, protects and safeguards the sovereignty of this country and the morals of this country,” Among said.

The bill will next go to President Yoweri Museveni, who can choose to veto or sign it into law.

The legislation enjoys broad public support in Uganda and reaction from civil society has been muted following years of erosion of civic space under Museveni’s increasingly authoritarian rule.

In recent months, unfounded conspiracy theories accusing shadowy international forces of promoting homosexuality have gained traction on social media in Uganda.

Last week, police said they had arrested six men for “practising homosexuality” in the southern lakeside town of Jinja.

Another six men were arrested on the same charge on Sunday, according to police.

Uganda is notorious for intolerance of homosexuality – which is criminalised under colonial-era laws.

But since independence from Britain in 1962 there has never been a conviction for consensual same-sex activity.


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29e3f6 No.27112

File: d7831e1204c129c⋯.png (200.17 KB,340x518,170:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553895 (212048ZMAR23) Notable: Xi and Putin Sign Official Documents re the use of Chinese yuan for int'l deals

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Idk where Karli pulls the vids from but just saw this from Steve Bannon. Looks like China & Russia are killing the petro dollar, so goes the US dollar.


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29e3f6 No.27113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553962 (212057ZMAR23) Notable: Paris Protests continue for a sixth consecutive night

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Protesters opposing pension reforms gather in Paris for a sixth consecutive night


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29e3f6 No.27114

File: 3150ae0b643583d⋯.png (293.96 KB,582x765,194:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553971 (212058ZMAR23) Notable: "QAnon has gone local, with strange repercussions in California's Shasta County and beyond"

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PART 1 of 2

QAnon has gone local, with strange repercussions in California's Shasta County and beyond

The Shasta County, California, Board of Supervisors has “upended the county’s election process,” the Los Angeles Times reported last week, “canceling its contract with Dominion Voting Systems.” The county could opt to hand-count ballots instead, which would likely delay results and promote more suspicion of elections. One supervisor said he had explored seeking the services of Mike Lindell, the pillow purveyor and prominent conspiracy theorist.

Shasta, a deep-red county in California’s far north, has proven vulnerable to causes that are on the national fringe but being pushed by the forces that supported Donald Trump’s false election fraud allegations. Militia members and other hard-right activists led a recall of a member of the all-Republican county board last year and have since attained a majority, leading to last week’s official endorsement of baseless suspicions about Dominion.

The current state of QAnon and related conspiracy theories is no exception to the old axiom that all politics is local. Since President Joe Biden’s inauguration put an end to efforts to keep Trump in office, these theories have trickled down from national to local politics, influencing local officials responsible for crucial policymaking on voting, education and more.

The wide-ranging, baseless set of beliefs known as QAnon portrays Trump as a messianic figure fighting an evil cabal of Democratic elites and Hollywood celebrities who rule the world and molest and murder children. In 2020, adherents coalesced around “stop the steal” allegations that machines manufactured by Dominion had somehow changed the results in key states. The allegations surfaced in a few states in which Dominion machines were never even used.

A focus on Dominion’s nefarious ballot alterations and the company’s supposed origins in Venezuela — it’s actually Canadian — became a mainstay of Trump’s refusal to accept the election results. More than two years later, such conspiracies continue to pervade right-wing politics below the national level. At last weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), for example, featured speaker and Arizona gubernatorial race loser Kari Lake continued to argue that the 2022 election was stolen from her.

Such conspiracy beliefs have been promoted by far-right figures such as Lindell and Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and amplified by right-wing media. Research I conducted found 97 QAnon-supporting candidates in the 2020 primaries, with California, Florida, Texas and Arizona leading the country.

The campaigns and their supporters have been shockingly successful at promoting the belief at the grassroots level. Polls by the Public Religion Research Institute and NPR/Ipsos have found that as many as one in three Americans believes key tenets of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Far-right media echo chambers played a crucial role in achieving this level of acceptance of fringe beliefs. We know more about that thanks to Dominion’s $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News.

After Jan. 6, 2021, QAnon influencers pivoted to propaganda on local wedge issues such as the content of K-12 education (especially “critical race theory”) and trans rights, implying that studying race caused homosexuality and sexual dysmorphia, as I and Sophia Moskalenko describe in our recent book on QAnon. Much of this propaganda appeals to a Republican base comprising groups in which QAnon theories have been enthusiastically embraced, including evangelicals.

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29e3f6 No.27115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553976 (212059ZMAR23) Notable: "QAnon has gone local, with strange repercussions in California's Shasta County and beyond"

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PART 2 of 2

Devotees were encouraged to act locally for greatest impact. In particular, they were encouraged to run for local offices, including city and county positions and especially school boards, which entice conspiracy theorists with the promise of extending their influence to future generations. From Michigan to California, dozens of elected local officials have promoted QAnon conspiracy theories like the one surrounding Dominion. Another California county, Kern, kept its Dominion machines last week only after much deliberation.

School boards all over the country are now occupied by people whose social media feeds are packed with calls to “patriots” and “digital soldiers” to join the movement and prophecies that nothing can “stop what is coming.” Time magazine investigated school boards in Michigan and Nevada and found, as one student put it, “far-right conspiracists or radicals to be infiltrating the most basic unit of American government.” Beyond their impact at the local level, these offices often serve as springboards for state and national candidacies.

And beyond hurting children’s education and the rights of trans people and other minorities, these theories undermine our democratic institutions. It should come as no surprise that since its beginnings in 2017, QAnon was amplified by U.S. adversaries such as Russia and China. Conspiracy theories about Dominion, stolen elections and an evil cabal spread at the local level are mirrored by Russian disinformation campaigns at home and abroad. The theories have much the same effect as some of Russia’s tactics during the 2016 presidential campaign, when its agents created fake Facebook accounts to pit neighbor against neighbor, encourage protests and violence on both sides of controversies, and weaken public trust.

QAnon’s infiltration of local politics furthers the global goals of malign foreign actors over the long term. It’s only by recognizing the hidden motivations and roots of these conspiracy theories that we may begin to inoculate ourselves against them.



Mia Bloom is a professor of communication and Middle East studies at Georgia State University, a fellow with New America’s International Security Program and a coauthor of “Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon.”

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29e3f6 No.27116

File: 981c471c5bbf3b6⋯.png (435.48 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 143e9427c2d2b16⋯.png (53.03 KB,545x346,545:346,Clipboard.png)

File: 863e643ca3a059c⋯.png (154.59 KB,758x641,758:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553985 (212101ZMAR23) Notable: Rolling Stone Editor-in-chief spiked reporting on friend getting arrested for CP

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BUSTED: Rolling Stone Editor-in-chief spiked reporting on friend getting arrested for child porn

Shachtman considered Meek "a peer with whom he was friendly."

A new report has revealed that the man who edited Rolling Stone’s initial story on the FBI raid of ABC producer James Gordon Meek, who was later revealed to have been charged with possessing child pornography, removed all references to the charge from the report, and was an associate of the accused producer.

On October 18, former Rolling Stone journalist Tatiana Siegel broke the news that the FBI had raided Meek’s home in April and that the Emmy award-winning ABC producer had disappeared from the public eye.

According to a new report from NPR, Rolling Stone Editor-in-Chief Noah Shachtman had removed from her piece key information from Siegel’s sources that Meek had been raided by the FBI as part of a child pornography federal investigation.

Shachtman, the outlet reported, considered Meek "a peer with whom he was friendly," a concern that Siegel had brought up to corporate officials. Shachtman reportedly told colleagues that the two travel in the same professional circles. A 2021 tweet, from before Shachtman taking the helm at Rolling Stone, Meek was seen on Twitter suggesting a Niger band for Shachtman to listen to.

At a staff meeting late in September, Siegel reminded Shachtman that she was working on the story, and the following week, Shachtman stepped in to edit, a move that was "rare," NPR said.

Siegel was reportedly warned by Shachtman against including the words "child pornography" in the story.

"According to what Siegel told others, Shachtman and she agreed that the article would reflect that the FBI's interest stemmed from concerns of possible criminal behavior outside the scope of Meek's work — that is, it had nothing to do with national security or journalism," NPR reported, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Shachtman reportedly later told others that he did not believe Siegel had adequately nailed down her sourcing.

In a statement to NPR, Penske Media, the parent company of Rolling Stone, said that the authority to decide Rolling Stone’s coverage choices lies with Shachtman, and that "That was true in this case, as reflected in the final edits to the story. Some material was added late in the process, other material was dropped."

Shachtman was seen in Rolling Stone’s Slack channel asking photo staffers to come up with a generic photograph, requesting that a photo of Meek not be used.

"let's not use a picture of the guy in question, james gordon meek," Shachtman requested, in a post stamped "NEEDS PHOTO." "something FBI-y, please." The photo ended up being one of federal agents in their windbreakers at a crime scene.

Siegel was pulled away from finalizing the piece to take care of her ailing mother, who later passed away. Shachtman reportedly told Siegel that the story would land safely while she was caring for her family.

Penske Media said the two "were in contact up until the final moments before publishing."


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29e3f6 No.27117

File: 57a7c457a22689d⋯.png (584.52 KB,960x411,320:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554027 (212107ZMAR23) Notable: Rand Paul: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Should Be In Jail

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Rand Paul Says Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Should Be In Jail

March 21, 2023

Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Tuesday that the Manhattan district attorney behind former President Donald Trump’s potential indictment should be arrested.

Trump announced Saturday he would likely be arrested on Tuesday over a case before District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The investigation relates to alleged payouts to porn star Stormy Daniels. Authorities allege that Trump falsified business records to reimburse his former lawyer Michael Cohen for allegedly paying Daniels hush money.

Paul took aim at Bragg in a tweet.

“A Trump indictment would be a disgusting abuse of power. The DA should be put in jail,” Paul tweeted.

Meanwhile senior House Republicans have called on Bragg to provide all documents and communications involving his investigation into Trump and testify.

“You are reportedly about to engage in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority: the indictment of a former President of the United States and current declared candidate for that office,” Republicans wrote.

Bragg’s office said Tuesday it “will not be intimidated by attempts to undermine the justice process” or “let baseless accusations deter us from fairly applying the law.”

“In every prosecution, we follow the law without fear or favor to uncover the truth. Our skilled, honest and dedicated lawyers remain hard at work,” according to Fox News.


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29e3f6 No.27118

File: 630706836d94a17⋯.png (192.47 KB,745x794,745:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554028 (212108ZMAR23) Notable: Banks Ranked by Derivatives

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>I told you guys last week.

>It's been celebrated since forever and written about in the Bible.

This picture says you'll get your Jubilee. From here to there is walking a minefield blindfolded. Boom.

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29e3f6 No.27119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554030 (212108ZMAR23) Notable: Paris Protests continue for a sixth consecutive night

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Another stream with dual camera views.

Police recently deploying tear gas.


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29e3f6 No.27120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554056 (212112ZMAR23) Notable: Paris Protests continue for a sixth consecutive night

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Another live stream, amongst the protestors.


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29e3f6 No.27121

File: a7a59d708aeae1b⋯.png (890.23 KB,1429x428,1429:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554066 (212114ZMAR23) Notable: Paris Protests continue for a sixth consecutive night

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29e3f6 No.27122

File: 2e4f1b7638bcef1⋯.mp4 (4.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554077 (212116ZMAR23) Notable: Robert Costello Speaks Out on Potential Trump Indictment - video

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Daily Caller

Former Legal Advisor to Michael Cohen Speaks Out on Potential Trump IndictmentROBERT COSTELLO: "If they want to go after Donald Trump, and they have solid evidence, so be it. But Michael Cohen is FAR from solid evidence." https://t.co/1UjrSri9kQ

Best video I’ve seen in a long time

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29e3f6 No.27123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554088 (212117ZMAR23) Notable: Xi and Putin Sign Official Documents re the use of Chinese yuan for int'l deals

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BREAKING: President Xi and Putin Sign Official Documents Forging Relationship

March 21, 2023

Monday marked the beginning of Chinese President Xi’s trip to Moscow to meet with Vladimir Putin. Many watched closely as two of the most powerful men sat down together to discuss a peace proposal between the two nations.

On Tuesday, negotiations were appeared to be successful as the two leaders inked a set of documents on “strategic cooperation,” underscoring the fact that China has become Russia’s preeminent economic ally and strengthening the “unrestricted” partnership between the two countries.

This is not a good look for the United States and the Biden administration.


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29e3f6 No.27124

File: 97a0b1bcc0f6c0a⋯.jpeg (616.06 KB,1170x1421,1170:1421,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b4f3a7ebded6b1c⋯.jpeg (404.87 KB,1440x1750,144:175,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c299fdeb8fd6950⋯.png (164.11 KB,1442x1488,721:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554097 (212120ZMAR23) Notable: Comer demands KJP correct the record on China payments to Biden

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@POTUS told reporters it's "not true" that his family received over $1 million in payments from a Chinese energy company.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭.

@GOPoversight has the bank records.

@PressSec needs to issue a correction to the President's statement.


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29e3f6 No.27125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554125 (212125ZMAR23) Notable: Banks Ranked by Derivatives

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29e3f6 No.27126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554126 (212125ZMAR23) Notable: Banks Ranked by Derivatives

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>Can you briefly sum up for finance tard anon what the fuck a derivative is and why the fuck there are like 500 trillion dollars worth of them

THE BIG SHORT - Selena Gomez & Richard H. Thaler Explaining Synthetic CDO through BLACKJACK

A CDO is a particular type of derivative because, as its name implies, its value is derived from another underlying asset. These assets become the collateral if the loan defaults.

A synthetic collateralized debt obligation, or synthetic CDO, is a transaction that transfers the credit risk on a reference portfolio of assets. The reference portfolio in a synthetic CDO is made up of credit default swaps. Thus, a synthetic CDO is classified as a credit derivative.

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29e3f6 No.27127

File: 6a1a1353e136fb4⋯.jpeg (75.45 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554130 (212125ZMAR23) Notable: Putin warns UK against supplying depleted uranium to Ukraine

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21 Mar, 2023 19:25

Putin warns UK against supplying depleted uranium to Ukraine

Moscow will treat the munitions as weapons with a “nuclear component,” the Russian president has said

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned London against the planned delivery ofdepleted uranium (DU) armor-piercing tank rounds to Ukraine, saying the weapons will be treated by Moscow as containing “nuclear components.”

Putin commented on British plans to include DU munitions in a forthcoming delivery ofChallenger 2 main battle tanksas he spoke alongside Chinese President Xi Jinping following talks in Moscow on Tuesday.

“I would like to note that if this happens, then Russia will be forced to react accordingly, bearing in mind that thecollective West has already started to use weapons with a nuclear component,” he stated.

A similar warning was issued by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu on the sidelines of the Russia-China talks, who said the move would bring the world yet another step closer to a nuclear disaster.

“Another step has been taken, and there are fewer and fewer left,” Shoigu told reporters.

The looming delivery was announced on Monday by Annabel Goldie, the UK minister of state at the Ministry of Defence, as she responded to a written inquiry on the matter. She confirmed the plans to deliver DU rounds to Kiev, lauding them as a highly effective weapon.

“Alongside our granting of a squadron of Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, we will be providing ammunition including armor-piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium. Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armored vehicles,” Goldie said.

The DU munitions have long been the subject of international controversy, with critics of their usehighlighting the toxicity and radioactivity of the material. Depleted uranium is used to make the hardened cores of armor-piercing rounds, excelling in this role due its high density. The round’s core evaporates on impact, turning into aerosol andcontaminating the environmentwith uranium. (Where’s UK green agenda? It’s ok in Ukraine and Russians I guess)

TheUN has already expressed alarmover the UK plans. Farhan Haq, a spokesman for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, told a media briefing that the international body had long voiced concerns about the consequences of DU use, as well as about those who supply such weaponry.

These munitions were actively used by NATO during the First Gulf War, as well as during the bloc’s aggression against former Yugoslavia, both in the form of tank and aircraft artillery shells. The use of the munitions was acknowledged by NATO in a 2000 report, with the US-led bloc revealing that it had used some10 metric tons of the material in Yugoslavia – and 300 metric tons in Iraq.(So is that why US troops have accelerated case of aggressive cancer?)

The report acknowledged that the material poses a threat due to itstoxicity in an “aerosol form,” but insisted the DU was not “particularly highly radioactive.”


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29e3f6 No.27128

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554153 (212129ZMAR23) Notable: Scott Bennet re Michael Cohen - video

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Scott Bennet says the shitshow started when he contacted Cohen to give Trump his shell game affidavit.

Can't find sause bc it looks like video deleted but I have it downloaded n can clip that part if needed.

Here's the affidavit:


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29e3f6 No.27129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554162 (212130ZMAR23) Notable: #22756

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#22756 >>27082

>>27083 DOJ taking over the corruption investigation into Texas AG Ken Paxton

>>27084 Mark Zuckerberg demanded Facebook employee ‘please resign’ over media leak

>>27085 Former Pak PM Imran Khan today was brought in the Lahore High Court room amid "tight security"

>>27086 Robert Kennedy JR Explains Why JFK's Assassination Has Not Been Declassified

>>27087 Mike Davis: The NY-Soros DA Created NEW Legal Theory To Justify Targeting President Trump

>>27088 FYI: FED reduced the reserve requirements for Banks to ZERO on March 15, 2020 [same time as "two weeks to flatten the curve"]

>>27089, >>27094, >>27098 An UNNAMED SOURCE says Trump to be indicted tomorrow. We'll see.

>>27098, >>27103, >>27104 Rumor that Trump is expected to be indicted tomorrow — Daily Mail - 322 – and Qproof 1415

>>27090, >>27092, >>27107 Team Desimp BTFO by Conservative Treehouse Twat Thread

>>27091, >>27109 New PDJT 10-step plan out

>>27092 Sundance: DeSantis IS THE ENEMY, because he knows exactly what they are paying him for

>>27093 Trump Attorney: Trump Was An Extortion Victim Of Stormy Daniels

>>27095 Sweden's Biggest Pension Fund Loses Billions On Busted US Banks

>>27096 After Giving Them Billions, The US Government Wants To Bail Out Moderna

>>27097 Matt Gaetz, House Repubs To Introduce Legislation Rejecting New FBI Headquarters

>>27099 Theresa Tam: Canada's answer to Faux Fauci

>>27100 General "Mustafa Nawaz Burki" dead after ambush

>>27101 Robt Malone: Top Universities Are Tools of the WEF

>>27102 Georgia legislature BANS child sex changes

>>27105 Biden's designation of national monument may create a "terminal disruption" in the mining of rare earth minerals in NV

>>27108 Weaponization of legal system reaches new level

>>27110 Best way to stop the next pandemic: ARREST the people who started the first one.

>>27111 Uganda passes anti-gay legislation

>>27112, >>27123 Xi and Putin Sign Official Documents re the use of Chinese yuan for int'l deals

>>27113, >>27119, >>27120, >>27121 Paris Protests continue for a sixth consecutive night

>>27114, >>27115 "QAnon has gone local, with strange repercussions in California's Shasta County and beyond"

>>27116 Rolling Stone Editor-in-chief spiked reporting on friend getting arrested for CP

>>27117 Rand Paul: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Should Be In Jail

>>27122 Robert Costello Speaks Out on Potential Trump Indictment - video

>>27124 Comer demands KJP correct the record on China payments to Biden

>>27118, >>27125, >>27126 Banks Ranked by Derivatives

>>27127 Putin warns UK against supplying depleted uranium to Ukraine

>>27128 Scott Bennet re Michael Cohen - video



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29e3f6 No.27130

File: 7fad6f3af8ba726⋯.png (63.61 KB,666x457,666:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554207 (212136ZMAR23) Notable: PDJT is expected to be indicted tomorrow and Secret Service will make plans for his surrender and appearance in New York court NEXT WEEK

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Exclusive: 'Trump will NOT be arraigned

this week.' Former president is expected

to be indicted tomorrow and Secret Service

will make plans for his surrender and

appearance in New York court NEXT WEEK

Daily Mail (UK), by Shawn Cohen

Posted By: earlybird, 3/21/2023 5:19:24 PM

Donald Trump will likely be indicted on Wednesday but won't appear before a judge in New York until next week, DailyMail.com has learned. 'There will be no arraignment this week,' a source familiar with the proceedings told DailyMail.com exclusively on Tuesday. The former president, who is currently in Florida, is expected to be formally charged tomorrow, after which the Manhattan District Attorney's office will reach out to Trump and his Secret Service detail to make arrangements for his surrender, according to the insider.

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29e3f6 No.27131

File: b5633e52cd70dd0⋯.png (961.48 KB,900x738,50:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554219 (212138ZMAR23) Notable: PDJT is expected to be indicted tomorrow and Secret Service will make plans for his surrender and appearance in New York court NEXT WEEK

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New: Trump Indictment Reportedly Has a

New Day, and Details on When He Will Surrender

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/21/2023 5:01:30 PM

As Tuesday winds down, it’s becoming clear that the arrest of Donald Trump isn’t going to happen as originally proclaimed on the former president’s Truth Social feed. A new exclusive from The Daily Mail is providing fresh details. According to the report, Trump is expected to be indicted on Wednesday after a final witness appears before the grand jury. The Daily Mail makes it sound definitive in its headline, but the fact that there’s still outstanding testimony to present gives me pause. Donald Trump will likely be indicted on Wednesday but won’t appear before a judge in New York until next week, DailyMail.com has learned.

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29e3f6 No.27132

File: 12c634639b47ddb⋯.png (442.6 KB,834x685,834:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554299 (212145ZMAR23) Notable: K-Pop Star Apologizes for Wearing Shirts With QAnon and Nazi Symbols

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The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast

K-Pop Star Apologizes for Wearing Shirts With QAnon and Nazi Symbols

Story by Madeline Roth • 3h ago

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29e3f6 No.27133

File: a8f864cd3dd503c⋯.png (342.6 KB,278x397,278:397,Clipboard.png)

File: f5e004a1c5cd999⋯.png (41.47 KB,676x324,169:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554337 (212149ZMAR23) Notable: K-Pop Star Apologizes for Wearing Shirts With QAnon and Nazi Symbols

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K-Pop star Chaeyoung apologizes after wearing shirts with a Nazi swastika and a logo for far-right QAnon conspiracy theory

Chaeyoung, 23, quickly deleted a photo of herself in a T-shirt with a swastika

The design included an image of Sex Pistols rocker Sid Vicious with the symbol

QAnon is a pro-Trump conspiracy theory about Satanic pedophile politicians

By Brian Marks For Dailymail.com

Published: 16:20 EDT, 21 March 2023 | Updated: 16:39 EDT, 21 March 2023

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29e3f6 No.27134

File: 985c38a0e58151e⋯.png (390.96 KB,600x315,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554349 (212150ZMAR23) Notable: Soros Owned DA Kim Gardner Found GUILTY On 141 Counts!

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Soros Owned DA Kim Gardner Found GUILTY On 141 Counts!

2 days ago

ICYMI| St Louis DA Kim Gardner is in a world of hurt after she lost her appeal for refusing to turn over her communications with operatives of George Soros and others in her prosecution of former Gov Eric Greitens. A court has already found that she committed 62 acts of misconduct and 79 cases of misrepresentation in convicting Greitens of crimes he did not commit. He was later cleared and the extremely popular Greitens is now running for the US Senate from Missouri.

Gardner has been a disaster for St Louis. Last year there more murders in St Louis than at any time in the last 50 years. Gardner has refused to prosecute so many murderers that the Missouri legislature had to pass a law limiting the time she had to file murder charges to 90 days. After that, the state Attorney General takes over the case.


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29e3f6 No.27135

File: 16e0fd040c437ab⋯.png (223.12 KB,425x686,425:686,Clipboard.png)

File: b125ce99f9a77b2⋯.png (802.55 KB,527x937,527:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554385 (212155ZMAR23) Notable: Gen Flynn - If you read nothing else today, read this analysis of the World Economic Forum and its leader, Herr Klaus Schwab.

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If you read nothing else today, read this analysis of the World Economic Forum and its leader, Herr Klaus Schwab.

If you want to know what true dangers to democracy exist around the world, this article lays them out.


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29e3f6 No.27136

File: cd76c2451d0742a⋯.png (144.34 KB,423x439,423:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554393 (212156ZMAR23) Notable: UK Government confirms 1 in every 310 people died within 48 days of receiving the first COVID Vaccine Booster

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UK Government confirms 1 in every 310 people died within 48 days of receiving the first COVID Vaccine Booster

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29e3f6 No.27137

File: de1f516be371bb4⋯.png (1.26 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554398 (212157ZMAR23) Notable: Wyoming has joined 18 other U.S. states to ban biological male students from competing on girls’ or women’s sports teams

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“Wyoming has joined 18 other U.S. states to ban biological male students from competing on girls’ or women’s sports teams”.


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29e3f6 No.27138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554430 (212200ZMAR23) Notable: PDJT is expected to be indicted tomorrow and Secret Service will make plans for his surrender and appearance in New York court NEXT WEEK

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Confirmed — As CFP reported hours ago, Trump will be arraigned next week…

EXCLUSIVE: 'Trump will NOT be arraigned this week.' Former president is expected to be indicted tomorrow and Secret Service will make plans for his surrender and appearance in New York court NEXT WEEK


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29e3f6 No.27139

File: dc3e01d765eafd1⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554461 (212203ZMAR23) Notable: Israeli Lawmakers introduced a new bill aimed at PERSECUTING Christians.

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Israeli Lawmakers introduced a new bill aimed at PERSECUTING Christians.

The bill would PUNISH Believers with automatic JAIL TIME for sharing the GOSPEL OF JESUS.

We should IMMEDIATELY cut ALL foreign aid to Israel and remove all elected officials with dual U.S./Israeli citizenship.

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29e3f6 No.27140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554514 (212211ZMAR23) Notable: Arcturus Therapeutics - Focus on mRNA medicines.

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In and out lately. Complicated business.

Have anons dug on this company yet?


Arcturus Therapeutics

Focus on mRNA medicines.

I need to stop eating popcorn, I’m getting too big for rabbit holes.

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29e3f6 No.27141

File: ed725c5b54a5bb4⋯.png (291.29 KB,473x499,473:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 347274a1e1fe845⋯.png (337.37 KB,523x548,523:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554541 (212218ZMAR23) Notable: Signature Bank Threw a Fundraiser for the Congressman Now Probing How It Failed

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"Ten days before Signature Bank collapsed, the House Republican overseeing an inquiry into the bank's failure was inside its boardroom on New York's Fifth Avenue. Patrick McHenry was there to raise thousands of dollars from bank executives."


Rep. Patrick McHenry returning donations from a Signature Bank fundraiser is the right move, but what this really demonstrates is how broken our campaign finance system is. Legislators should not be fundraising from those they regulate, period.


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29e3f6 No.27142

File: 4bb66c9e98de83b⋯.png (707.39 KB,870x622,435:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 6595b54e8642698⋯.png (889.22 KB,617x640,617:640,Clipboard.png)

File: c153648e1da8167⋯.png (1.05 MB,617x632,617:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554582 (212224ZMAR23) Notable: Warning: every dollar you donate to the Red Cross is bringing America to her knees…

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Recently, The Daily Caller published a bombshell story involving The Red Cross that should’ve gotten a lot more attention than it did.

That’s why it was great to see respected filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza discussing the scandal on his podcast recently.

So, it turns out that The Red Cross is actually helping illegals make their way into the United States.

The Daily Caller piece claims The Red Cross is passing out “pamphlets” to migrants in Mexico, who are making their way over illegally.

The Daily Caller also reported the pamphlets include maps showing illegals the routes they can take to get to hotels and into US cities. In addition, they offer “how to” tips on surviving the illegal journey and even include birth control.

The Daily Caller

The American Red Cross has maps and guides for migrants to make the dangerous journeys to the U.S.-Mexico border, according to documents exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The map, which is part of a packet stamped with the International Committee of the Red Cross and American Red Cross logos, shows a list of resources, including hotels, clinics and shelters where migrants can get support in Mexico and Central America. The maps include clearly defined lines leading to cities along the U.S. border. The organization also has a guide to “self care” along the journey, which includes tips on how to survive the desert and disease, how to safely jump on trains, and how to obtain contraceptives.

Many are probably reading this and wondering why on earth would The Red. Cross do such a thing? Well, that answer may be found in all the government contracts and projects The Red Cross is involved with on behalf of illegals.

It appears that illegal immigration is a very lucrative business for The Red Cross.

The U.S. government tasks the American Red Cross, whose logo is on the guide for migrants south of the border, with allocating millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to support illegal migrants released into the country.

If we didn’t have a flood of illegals at the border and folks pouring into the US, The Red Cross would seemingly lose a lot of power and a great deal of money.

The American Red Cross sits on the board of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Food and Shelter Program and is tasked with allocating funding to nongovernmental groups supporting the illegal migrants. The FEMA program received $350 million from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in February; the American Red Cross is tasked, along with other NGOs, with allocating some of those funds to support migrants after they’ve crossed the southern border and are processed with a court date.

The organization is not only facilitating help for illegal migrants in the U.S., but appears to be helping migrants make their journeys far south of the border. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has recorded a record surge in illegal migration at the southern border, where federal authorities encountered more than 2.3 million migrants in fiscal year 2022 and more than 870,000 between October and January.


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29e3f6 No.27143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554585 (212224ZMAR23) Notable: Arcturus Therapeutics - Focus on mRNA medicines.

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Videos explaining Lunar proprietary delivery system and Starr platform. Protect your DNA, heh?


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29e3f6 No.27144

File: 410cb4d31312b82⋯.png (191.85 KB,421x493,421:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554594 (212227ZMAR23) Notable: Christine la Garde admits that the #CBDC is part of a new totalitarian financial system

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The word is out:

Christine la Garde admits that the #CBDC is part of a new totalitarian financial system to be created in which the state rules your spending on behalf of the European central bank.

The witch also pretends that the Netherlands is jumping for a digital Euro


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29e3f6 No.27145

File: d2e2908971b9be0⋯.png (222.75 KB,423x614,423:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554640 (212231ZMAR23) Notable: The Biden family received $1 million from convicted Chinese spy Patrick Ho.

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The Biden family received $1 million from convicted Chinese spy Patrick Ho. Hunter called him "the spy chief of China," and President Joe Biden was caught on a voicemail talking to Hunter about their business.

The Bidens failed to register with the Foreign Agent Registration Act, which means that any money they earned and exchanged among themselves was illegally obtained.

If the Trump family committed these FARA violations and money laundering crimes, they would face decades in prison. Instead, the Biden family's crimes are ignored by the corporate media and concealed by the Department of Justice.


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29e3f6 No.27146

File: 72ef24169c852e6⋯.jpeg (606.86 KB,828x1281,276:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554677 (212235ZMAR23) Notable: Gen Flynn Gives Precipice Update

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https://truthsocial. com/users/TrueGenFlynn/statuses/110063624449788697

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29e3f6 No.27147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554838 (212258ZMAR23) Notable: “With the Blink of a Silicon Valley Casino Eye, the FED Completely Reverses Policy Without Telling People” – Dr. Peter Navarro

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“With the Blink of a Silicon Valley Casino Eye, the FED Completely Reverses Policy Without Telling People” – Dr. Peter Navarro

The Biden Administration doesn’t appear to have a clue what it’s doing according to Dr. Peter Navarro.

The Biden gang crushed the economy with massive spending that led to inflation that led to interest rate hikes that have ignited a banking crisis.

Now the Biden gang is allowing banks whose assets are 30 cents on the dollar to exchange these government bonds for FED cash (a deal that the banks would never do themselves) and taking on more debt which will cause more inflation and the circle goes round and round. What a mess.

Dr. Navarro shared the following at his substack channel.

Fed Chair Powell is keeping Joe Biden’s bailout promise in two ways: one by opening the Fed’s discount window and two through something called the Bank Term Funding Program. Distressed banks can take out 90 day loans from the Fed through the discount window and up to a year through the new program. And here is the kicker:

In the past, the Fed’s discount window has fulfilled the Fed’s function as “lender of last resort,” but in the past if a bank needed to borrow money, it had to provide collateral, typically in the form of government bonds. But, to ensure that it would get paid back, the Fed would discount how much it would actually give back in the same way that a pawnshop will take a valuable item from you and give you cash but not enough cash to cover the full value of the item in case you don’t come back for it.

In this case, however, the Fed is providing not just the full value of the bonds but the face value of the bonds. Remember here that the banking system is in crisis because in a period of rising interest rates and therefore falling bond prices, their bond holdings have lost value. Therefore they have what’s called “unrealized losses.” If they can hold the bonds to maturity, they do not have to accept the loss; but with depositors leaving their banks in droves, many had been forced to liquidate and that is the cause the ensuing credit crunch and crisis.

So, what the Fed is offering again is not just the value of the bond at this point in time with its unrealized losses but rather the full face value of the bond; and any bank in this country no matter how minor or severe the crisis would be a fool not to go to the discount window and get rid of any bonds they need to. That’s right, that’s exactly what is happening. They are not going there for loans. They’re going there simply to dump the bonds off, default on the bonds, and leave the Fed holding that bag on its balance sheet.

Just last week, America’s banks collectively sucked $164.8 billion out of the Fed’s discount window, which blew past the record of $111 billion established in the heat of the 2007-2008 crash. Yes, this is how serious this one is.

Dr. Navarro also shared with Steve Bannon on the War Room, the following money quote –

With the blink of a Silicon Valley Casino eye, the FED completely reverses policy without telling people.

The Biden gang is lost. They don’t know if they are up or down.


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29e3f6 No.27148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554897 (212305ZMAR23) Notable: DOJ-Employed Attorney Secretly Met with Chinese Ambassador

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DOJ-Employed Attorney Secretly Met with Chinese Ambassador

A mostly glossed-over scandal shows how Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence is wielded through the justice system in America, in order to peddle America Last economic interests as well as destroy the free speech rights of dissidents.

The CCP-driven conspiracy centers around former Department of Justice attorney George Higginbotham.

He worked as a Senior Congressional Affairs Specialist for the Department of Justice from 2016 to 2018 before being forced out after being implicated in a foreign embezzlement scheme for the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

1MDB was being used as a vessel by CCP-affiliated interests in order to fuel a diabolical lobbying campaign targeted at Miles Guo, the fiercely outspoken opponent of the CCP whose anti-communist stances have amassed a great deal of publicity in recent years.

The aim is to put Guo behind bars so he can no longer effectively agitate against communist totalitarianism.

One major detail in this story is how Higginbotham met with the Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai, acting not as an official doing the business of the United States but rather as a well-paid pawn of a CCP-led conspiracy to expel a legitimate refugee whose core freedoms are under attack and life is being threatened by an authoritarian regime.

The meeting between Higginbotham and Cui, the details of which have not been disclosed to the public, (or not widely known), was such a success in the eyes of the CCP infiltrators that “tens of millions of dollars” were moved from a Chinese company to bank accounts controlled by their U.S. pawns.

It was a total of $3 billion that went into this scheme, and it reached the highest levels of the federal apparatus.

According to the plea document signed by Higginbotham, he received “approximately $41 million” in his escrow account that “would be released in the event the lobbying campaign was successful” in having Guo booted from the United States and sent to China to be tortured by CCP apparatchiks in a modern Gulag.

Higginbotham was ultimately cast as one of the fall guys as the scheme unraveled.

Higginbotham would be prosecuted for his actions and plead guilty to conspiracy to deceive banks about millions of dollars in foreign lobbying funds.

The feds and their media partners cast Higginbotham as a rogue agent who worked with shady Malaysian businessman Jho Low, rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, disreputable Republican fundraiser Elliott Brody, Hawaiian businesswoman Nickie Mali Lum Davis, and others, focusing on the greed and the peculiar aspects of the entire plot.


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29e3f6 No.27149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554922 (212308ZMAR23) Notable: #22757

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Notables - FINAL


>>27130, >>27131, >>27138 PDJT is expected to be indicted tomorrow and Secret Service will make plans for his surrender and appearance in New York court NEXT WEEK

>>27132, >>27133 K-Pop Star Apologizes for Wearing Shirts With QAnon and Nazi Symbols

>>27134 Soros Owned DA Kim Gardner Found GUILTY On 141 Counts!

>>27135 Gen Flynn - If you read nothing else today, read this analysis of the World Economic Forum and its leader, Herr Klaus Schwab.

>>27136 UK Government confirms 1 in every 310 people died within 48 days of receiving the first COVID Vaccine Booster

>>27137 Wyoming has joined 18 other U.S. states to ban biological male students from competing on girls’ or women’s sports teams

>>27139 Israeli Lawmakers introduced a new bill aimed at PERSECUTING Christians.

>>27140, >>27143 Arcturus Therapeutics - Focus on mRNA medicines.

>>27141 Signature Bank Threw a Fundraiser for the Congressman Now Probing How It Failed

>>27142 Warning: every dollar you donate to the Red Cross is bringing America to her knees…

>>27144 Christine la Garde admits that the #CBDC is part of a new totalitarian financial system

>>27145 The Biden family received $1 million from convicted Chinese spy Patrick Ho.

>>27146 Gen Flynn Gives Precipice Update

>>27147 “With the Blink of a Silicon Valley Casino Eye, the FED Completely Reverses Policy Without Telling People” – Dr. Peter Navarro

>>27148 DOJ-Employed Attorney Secretly Met with Chinese Ambassador



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29e3f6 No.27150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554970 (212313ZMAR23) Notable: House Administration Chair Bryan Steil: Alvin Bragg Has ‘Until Thursday to Come Forward’ to Congress

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House Administration Chair Bryan Steil: Alvin Bragg Has ‘Until Thursday to Come Forward’ to Congress

ORLANDO, Florida — Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg faces a Thursday deadline to come forward to appear before three congressional panels for a transcribed interview, the chairman of one of those committees told Breitbart News exclusively here at the House GOP retreat.

“We gave him until Thursday to come forward,” House Administration Committee chairman Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI) told Breitbart News of the push to bring Bragg in. “We look forward to his response.”

Steil chairs one of the three congressional committees—the others being the House Judiciary Committee chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and the House Oversight Committee chaired by Rep. James Comer (R-KY)—that demanded Bragg appear for a transcribed interview with congressional investigators to explain his rationale in the looming indictment of former President Donald Trump. Steil was at the House GOP retreat here this week, and sat for an exclusive interview with Breitbart News to lay out the contours of the blossoming investigation into Bragg.


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29e3f6 No.27151

File: d8ea9b27c66af68⋯.png (260.34 KB,498x450,83:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18554975 (212314ZMAR23) Notable: US Secretary Of State Rebuffs China - No Diplomatic Solution Without Total Russian Pullback

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US Secretary Of State Rebuffs China - No Diplomatic Solution Without Total Russian Pullback

Is the Ukraine war meant to go on forever? For NATO officials and the Biden Administration, it seems as if this is the intention. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made statements directed specifically to China during a press conference on the 2022 Human Rights Report, citing President Xi's recent four hour meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow and China's calls for diplomacy. Blinken, not surprisingly, rebuffed China's proposal because it does not include a total retreat of Russian forces from the Donbas regions of Ukraine. He went on to accuse China of giving "diplomatic cover" to Putin.

Four areas making up Eastern Ukraine passed referendums to join Russia in September of last year, though NATO claims the votes were "rigged" in favor of the Kremlin. Donbas citizens have been engaged in a rebellion against the Ukrainian government ever since the 2014 Maidan Revolution.

NATO leadership continues to argue that peace talks with Russia would only be a stalling tactic and that Russia cannot be allowed to keep hold of Eastern Ukraine because of the "domino effect" - The belief that Russia intends to invade other nations if it succeeds in Ukraine. There is no evidence so far to support this theory.

With a Russian pullback highly unlikely and Ukraine with limited means to take back the Donbas, Blinken's comments merely reaffirm what everyone already knew: NATO intends for the war to continue perpetually. Take note that Blinken, like other Biden Administration officials, acts as if NATO is the arbiter of when and how diplomatic solutions might be pursued. He does not suggest asking the Ukrainian people if they are open to China's proposal. This is because NATO, according to the evidence available, is in fact running the war. Ukraine might be the ground on which the battles are fought, but the conflict is actually between the US, Europe and Russia.

Given this reality, one has to wonder what will happen if Ukraine fails to generate any forward momentum, or if Russia engages in another offensive? How long before the situation escalates?


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29e3f6 No.27152

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555011 (212319ZMAR23) Notable: Liz Harrington: "You don't push Russia and China together, and that's what Joe Biden has done."

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Liz Harrington: "You don't push Russia and China together, and that's what Joe Biden has done."

I don’t believe Russia is laughing, they know the danger of working with China. Joe Bidan sold our country to China and they continue to do this! When is fucking leadership going to wake up. Communists and Chinese Communists kill the “useful idiots” when they are done with them. Joe and Hunter will be first.


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29e3f6 No.27153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555067 (212327ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Unveils Plan To Dismantle The Deep State As Possible Indictment Looms - with Transcription

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Trump Unveils Plan To Dismantle The Deep State As Possible Indictment Looms - with Transcription


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29e3f6 No.27154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555087 (212330ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Unveils Plan To Dismantle The Deep State As Possible Indictment Looms - with Transcription

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“Here's my plan to dismantle the Deep State and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all and corruption it is. First, I will immediately reissue my 2020 Executive Order restoring the President's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats and I will wield that power very aggressively. Second, we will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus; and, there are plenty of them. The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies, which they're doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible. Third, we will totally reform FISA courts, which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they are lied to in warrant applications. So many judges have seen so many applications that they know were wrong, or at least they must have known. They do nothing about it; they're lied to. Fourth, to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart, we will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on Deep State spying, censorship and corruption, and there are plenty of them. Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy. When possible, we will press criminal charges. Sixth, we will make every Inspector General's Office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the Deep State. Seventh, I will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people, or that they are not spying on someone's campaign like they spied on my campaign. Eighth, we will continue the effort launched by the Trump Administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp, just as I moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado. As many as 100,000 government positions could be moved out, and I mean immediately, of Washington to places filled with Patriots who love America, and they really do love America. Ninth, I will work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate. So, they deal with these companies and they regulate these companies and then they want to take jobs from these companies. Doesn't work that way. Such a public display cannot go on and it's taking place all the time like with big pharma. Finally, I will push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. This is how I will shatter the Deep State and restore government that is controlled by the people and for the people. Thank you very much."

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29e3f6 No.27155

File: e9ac8520ec227ba⋯.jpeg (93.35 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 975e40391bd11c7⋯.png (308.21 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 61f30799c3d4d72⋯.jpg (79.89 KB,615x588,205:196,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555145 (212341ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Unveils Plan To Dismantle The Deep State As Possible Indictment Looms - with Transcription

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Here's my plan to dismantle the Deep State and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all and the corruption it is.

First, I will immediately reissue my 2020 Executive Order restoring the President's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats and I will wield that power very aggressively.

Second, we will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus; and, there are plenty of them.

The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies, which they're doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible.

Third, we will totally reform FISA courts, which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they are lied to in warrant applications.

So many judges have seen so many applications that they know were wrong, or at least they must have known. They do nothing about it; they're lied to.

Fourth, to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power tearing our country apart, we will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and corruption, and there are plenty of them.

Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and subvert our government and our democracy.

When possible, we will press criminal charges.

Sixth, we will make every Inspector General's Office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the Deep State.

Seventh, I will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people, or that they are not spying on someone's campaign as they spied on my campaign.

Eighth, we will continue the effort launched by the Trump Administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp, just as I moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado.

As many as 100,000 government positions could be moved out, and I mean immediately, of Washington to places filled with Patriots who love America, and they really do love America.

Ninth, I will work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate.

So, they deal with these companies, regulate them, and then want to take jobs from them. Doesn't work that way. Such a public display cannot go on and it's taking place all the time like with big pharma.

Finally, I will push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. This is how I will shatter the Deep State and restore a government that is controlled by the people and for the people.

Thank you very much."

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29e3f6 No.27156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555258 (212358ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: Pro-Trump Flag Wave in Orange County, California

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LIVE: Pro-Trump Flag Wave in Orange County, California

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29e3f6 No.27157

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555674 (220047ZMAR23) Notable: Terry Schilling breaks down the Missouri Senate vote on Transgender care for minors. Protecting Child in all ways

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Terry Schilling breaks down the Missouri Senate vote on Transgender care for minors. Protecting Child in all ways


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29e3f6 No.27158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555697 (220050ZMAR23) Notable: #22758

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Notables - FINAL


>>27150 House Administration Chair Bryan Steil: Alvin Bragg Has ‘Until Thursday to Come Forward’ to Congress

>>27151 US Secretary Of State Rebuffs China - No Diplomatic Solution Without Total Russian Pullback

>>27152 Liz Harrington: "You don't push Russia and China together, and that's what Joe Biden has done."

>>27153, >>27154, >>27155 Trump Unveils Plan To Dismantle The Deep State As Possible Indictment Looms - with Transcription

>>27156 LIVE: Pro-Trump Flag Wave in Orange County, California

>>27157 Terry Schilling breaks down the Missouri Senate vote on Transgender care for minors. Protecting Child in all ways



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29e3f6 No.27159

File: 01dbff2310a7a8f⋯.png (237.66 KB,647x691,647:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555778 (220100ZMAR23) Notable: John Solomon sues DOJ, National Archives

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John Solomon sues DOJ, National Archives

over access to declassified Trump-Russia probe memos | Just The News

The suit, brought with help of America First Legal, alleges DOJ is violating the Presidential Records Act by keeping the declassified records from the Archives.

"This is a case about two government agencies apparently colluding to evade the Presidential Records Act," the lawsuit said, asking the court to "recover the records wrongfully withheld and to force the defendants to comply with the law."

The suit included contemporaneous emails from a top Archives official last August acknowledging that the declassified records should be returned by DOJ "as quickly as possible, so that we can all have a fully releasable set of records."

You can read the full lawsuit here.



8:07 PM · Mar 21, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27160

File: d45e39d846c99ad⋯.png (151.82 KB,598x511,598:511,Clipboard.png)

File: f1763f8b00b263d⋯.png (382.27 KB,828x1053,92:117,Clipboard.png)

File: 04f22ac519f1b56⋯.png (468.51 KB,828x1055,828:1055,Clipboard.png)

File: a8c071e84700ac1⋯.png (443.46 KB,828x1066,414:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 6df2cd90ca080e5⋯.png (277.3 KB,828x1055,828:1055,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555787 (220102ZMAR23) Notable: House Admin Chairman @RepBryanSteil, Judiciary Chairman @Jim_Jordan , and House Oversight Chairman @RepJamesComer sent a letter to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg demanding communications, documents & testimony relating to Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority.

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>>27150 lb

Rep. Jim Jordan Retweeted

House Admin. Committee GOP @HouseAdmin Mar 20


House Admin Chairman @RepBryanSteil, Judiciary Chairman @Jim_Jordan , and House Oversight Chairman @RepJamesComer

sent a letter to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg demanding communications, documents & testimony relating to Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority.


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29e3f6 No.27161

File: 999a364218ee468⋯.png (696.84 KB,828x465,276:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555804 (220105ZMAR23) Notable: K-pop star wore a cropped shirt with a Q-shaped cutout of the American flag and an excerpt of the slogan “Where we go one, we go all.”

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During TWICE’s performance on MBC’s Show! Music Core over the weekend, Chaeyoung wore a cropped shirt with a Q-shaped cutout of the American flag and an excerpt of the slogan “Where we go one, we go all.”

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29e3f6 No.27162

File: a7a4f9ce795a9dd⋯.jpg (87.28 KB,683x657,683:657,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555807 (220106ZMAR23) Notable: Bush China Foundation - Fang Fang

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Bush China Foundation - Fang Fang


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29e3f6 No.27163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18555885 (220117ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Fauci gets an earful when he goes door to door in DC…=

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Dr. Fauci gets an earful when he goes door to door in DC…


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29e3f6 No.27164

File: 10ecbaa6b50e195⋯.png (75.91 KB,1067x458,1067:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556141 (220147ZMAR23) Notable: DeSantis doubles down on Trump criticism in rare Piers Morgan interview

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DeSantis doubles down on Trump criticism in rare Piers Morgan interview

Story by Zachary Basu • 1h ago

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29e3f6 No.27165

File: e67cfa04fb7bf6c⋯.jpeg (275.46 KB,640x1025,128:205,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556219 (220156ZMAR23) Notable: NPR report accuses Rolling Stone of covering up child porn charges in article on FBI raid of star journalist's home

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27166

File: 5c71dd9dd75b1b6⋯.jpeg (174.02 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556265 (220202ZMAR23) Notable: US does not let Ukraine even consider negotiating – Moscow

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21 Mar, 2023 21:59

US does not let Ukraine even consider negotiating – Moscow

With the “masks off,” the collective West is now eagerly showing its “bestial grin,” Dmitry Peskov says

Ukraine’s Western backers – and the US in particular – are doing their best to prevent Kiev from entering into any negotiations with Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. The official made the remarks on the sidelines of the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, in Moscow on Tuesday.

Peskov was asked to comment on recent statements by senior Western officials, who said any peace initiative for Ukraine, should it arise from the Russia-China talks,would be “unacceptable.” US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, for example, claimed any ceasefire in the current situation would only “ratify Russia’s conquest to date” rather than contribute to peace.

“Washington, European capitals, but first of all, Washington is filled with the desire not to let, under any pretext, [Kiev] enter into peace negotiations. They simply do not let Kiev even think about it,” Peskov said.Asked whether it was now ‘normal’ to incite war rather than call for peace, the spokesman responded affirmatively.

Now, when the masks are off, everyone shows off their bestial grin. Except for us and China.

During the talks, Russian and Chinese leaders discussed the 12-point roadmap for peace in Ukraine that was recently proposed by China. Putin has lauded the initiative, expressing his readiness to discuss and build upon it, while also reiterating Moscow’s desire to seek a diplomatic solution to the hostilities, which have been dragging on for over a year.

“We believe that many of the provisions of the peace plan put forward by China are consonant with the Russian stance andcan be taken as a foundation for a peaceful settlementwhen they are ready for it in the West and in Kiev. However, so far we have not observed such readiness on their part,” Putin said after the meeting.

The Chinese president has insisted that Beijing continues to maintain its position on the conflict and has urged both sides to stick to diplomacy and engage in dialogue. “We’re always for peace and dialogue, and we firmly stand on the right side of history,” Xi stated. (This is not good!)


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29e3f6 No.27167

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556279 (220204ZMAR23) Notable: Dutch Farmers Rebel, Win Enough Senate Seats To Block Globalist Technocrats

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>Dutch Farmers Rebel, Win Enough Senate Seats To Block Globalist Technocrats


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29e3f6 No.27168

File: d8a946572783ebf⋯.png (884.16 KB,931x902,931:902,Clipboard.png)

File: 25ebca3eb3572b4⋯.png (818.53 KB,1014x626,507:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 14a7a0983e13560⋯.png (373.85 KB,1055x643,1055:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 5257777723c6a4b⋯.png (876.83 KB,1074x826,537:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 492e4831a50611d⋯.png (380.77 KB,1084x632,271:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556318 (220208ZMAR23) Notable: Big pharma takeover of medical cannabis - 2019

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Big pharma takeover of medical cannabis - 2019


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29e3f6 No.27169

File: ff36b4c3755a62c⋯.png (276.34 KB,575x604,575:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556374 (220213ZMAR23) Notable: Xi Jinping Tells Vladimir Putin at Moscow Meetings: “Change Is Coming That Hasn’t Happened in 100 Years”

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Xi Jinping Tells Vladimir Putin at Moscow Meetings: “Change Is Coming That Hasn’t Happened in 100 Years”


The Biden Administration has obliterated:

** Our borders

** Our banking system

** The US oil reserves

** Our energy sector

** Our Justice System

** Elections

** US Foreign Policy

** Consumer prices through inflation

** American tradition – Leave no man behind!

** Women’s Sports

** US standing in the world

** US swagger on the global stage

** US leadership

This was all the plan. This was purposeful. It’s as if George Soros and his minions are running the government and purposely running it into the ground.

This week China and Russian leaders are meeting in Moscow despite protests from the Biden regime.

Xi Jinping has refused to take a call from Joe Biden. Why would he?

On Tuesday at the end of the meetings in Moscow, Xi Jinping told Vladimir Putin:

Xi Jinping: Change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years. And we are driving this change together.

Vladimir Putin: I agree.

Xi Jinping: Please, take care, dear friend.

Vladimir Putin: Have a safe journey!


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29e3f6 No.27170

File: ec7ded0dda0386b⋯.jpeg (45.3 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556381 (220214ZMAR23) Notable: DeSantis declares 'I can win the Presidency'

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BREAKING: DeSantis declares 'I can win the Presidency'

"I can beat Biden."

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has finally broken his silence on his much anticipated potential 2024 presidential run, giving an interview from the governor's mansion in which he said that he has what it takes to be president and "I can beat Biden."

DeSantis sat down with Piers Morgan in a wide-ranging interview, saying "stay tuned" when asked about the potential 2024 bid for the GOP nomination. Former President Donald Trump is currently the front-runner for that spot, as he endeavors to earn his second term.

"It was clear that the governor has had enough of Trump’s constant baiting and felt ready to take him on in what could end up being a ferocious battle for the White House," Morgan said, writing about the interview for the New York Post.

"DeSantis slammed Trump over his character failings," Morgan continued, "chaotic leadership style, and for his handling of the COVID pandemic — especially in keeping controversial health chief Dr. Anthony Fauci in his post helping to run the White House Coronavirus Taskforce."

Morgan asked DeSantis how the two most popular Republicans in the country are different, and DeSantis said "Well I think there’s a few things. The approach to COVID was different. I would have fired somebody like Fauci. I think he got way too big for his britches, and I think he did a lot of damage."

DeSantis shut down Florida early on in the pandemic before opening up and giving the state the label "the free state of Florida."

"I also think just in terms of my approach to leadership," DeSantis said, slamming the former president and the man to whom he owes much of his political start, "I get personnel in the Government who have the agenda of the people and share our agenda. You bring your own agenda in you’re gone. We’re just not gonna have that. So, the way we run the Government I think is no daily drama, focus on the big picture and put points on the board and I think that’s something that’s very important."

Morgan asked about the mudslinging that has already started as rumors of a DeSantis run swirl. "I don’t know how to spell the sanctimonious one. I don’t really know what it means, but I kinda like it, it’s long, it's got a lot of vowels. We’ll go with that, that’s fine. I mean you can call me whatever you want, just as long as you also call me a winner because that’s what we’ve been able to do in Florida, is put a lot of points on the board and really take this State to the next level," he said.

Trump endorsed DeSantis when he first ran for governor, helping him beat out Andrew Gillum. "Ron DeSantis is a brilliant young leader. Yale and then Harvard who would make a great Governor of Florida. He loves our country. He’s a true fighter," Trump had said at the time.

"Things have changed a little bit, I guess. It is what it is," DeSantis said.


Desanits gives Piers Morgan (not even American) an interview about beating POTUS.

Good fukkin luck with that. He will be BTFO.

He thinks he can go up against POTUS in 2024 and all will be forgiven in 2028 when he runs again. No chance. Sundance is right…he is the enemy!!!

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29e3f6 No.27171

File: b553b0e13c50f29⋯.png (295.81 KB,1091x637,1091:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556396 (220215ZMAR23) Notable: Mitch McConnell’s Hospitalization Sparks Fear In D.C. Senate Minority Leader Will Retire Before 2027

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Where is Mitch?


Mitch McConnell’s Hospitalization Sparks Fear In D.C. Senate Minority Leader Will Retire Before 2027: Sources

Story by Aaron Johnson • 6h ago

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29e3f6 No.27172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556430 (220221ZMAR23) Notable: SCOTUS Overturns Appeals Court Upholding Abortion Without Parental Consent

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SCOTUS Overturns Appeals Court Upholding Abortion Without Parental Consent

The Supreme Court threw out a federal appeals court decision on March 20 that upheld the right of a minor to go to court for permission to pursue an abortion without notifying her parents.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was the sole member of the Supreme Court to file a dissenting opinion in the case, Chapman v. Doe, court file 22-312.

In the case, the court vacated the ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit and remanded the case to that court with instructions to dismiss the proceeding as moot. Jackson objected to the specific manner in which this was done because it erased any precedential value the circuit court ruling may have had.

In the case, a pregnant minor, Jane Doe, visited her local courthouse to apply for a dispensation allowing her to bypass parental consent for the planned abortion. The office of the petitioner, Michelle Chapman, circuit clerk for Randolph County, Missouri, told her she couldn’t file a bypass petition without notifying a parent.

Doe got an abortion in Illinois after a court there authorized it, absent parental notification.

Doe filed a civil rights lawsuit in federal district court for damages, claiming that Chapman violated her 14th Amendment rights. Chapman took the position that she was immune to lawsuits because she followed a Missouri statute and a judge’s directions.

Chapman also claimed that Doe’s right to a bypass hearing wasn’t clearly established and that she therefore couldn’t have violated Doe’s rights.

In what was perceived as a victory for the pro-abortion movement, the district court ruled against Chapman, finding that the statute didn’t require prehearing notification of the minor’s parents to obtain judicial authorization for an abortion.

The 8th Circuit later determined that Doe’s claim must be allowed to proceed, finding that the right to bypass the parents was clearly established under the 14th Amendment.

But in September 2022, Chapman asked the Supreme Court to review the case after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, finding there was no right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution and returning the regulation of abortion to the states.

In its June 24, 2022, ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the high court also reversed a related 1992 precedent, Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, which affirmed Roe and declared that a woman had a right to obtain an abortion before fetal viability without undue interference from the state.

“Doe’s claims rely on the proposition” that requiring parental notification of a judicial bypass proceeding must satisfy the undue burden test announced in Casey, Chapman said.


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29e3f6 No.27173

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556434 (220221ZMAR23) Notable: Former President Donald Trump will be indicted on Wednesday and asked to surrender for arraignment in New York next week, according to a new report.

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Former President Donald Trump will be indicted on Wednesday and asked to surrender for arraignment in New York next week, according to a new report.

After being flown to New York, he will be fingerprinted, arrested, anda mug shot will be taken.

this is what they want


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29e3f6 No.27174

File: c9a75011f67b547⋯.png (226.92 KB,490x517,490:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556449 (220223ZMAR23) Notable: Zelensky Invites China To Discuss Peace After 'No Breakthrough' In Xi-Putin Meeting

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Zelensky Invites China To Discuss Peace After 'No Breakthrough' In Xi-Putin Meeting

Ukraine appears willing to engage China in mediation efforts to end the war, at a moment China's Xi Jinping is in Moscow discussing Beijing's own 12-point peace plan. With the main part of talks with Putin having been concluded as of Tuesday night, there's been no breakthrough among the "friends" to come of it thus far.

"We believe that many of the provisions of the peace plan put forward by China are consonant with Russian approaches and can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when they are ready for that in the West and in Kyiv. However, so far we see no such readiness from their side," Putin said, laying blame on the Ukrainians.

But Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday his government has reached out to Beijing. Zelensky said he has invited China to engage in talks on implementation of Kyiv's own peace formula, and that he's waiting for an answer.

"We offered China to become a partner in the implementation of the peace formula. We passed over our formula across all channels. We invite you to dialogue. We are waiting for your answer," Zelensky announced at a Tuesday a press conference. He added: "We are receiving some signals, but there are no specifics yet".

This comes after last month Zelensky issued an unexpectedly positive response to Xi's offering China's 12-point peace plan, in an effort to jumpstart negotiations. "I think the fact that China started talking about Ukraine is not bad. But the question is what follows the words," Zelensky said at the time. "I think some of the Chinese proposals respect international law, and I think we can work on it with China. Why not? Our goal is to gather many around us to isolate one [Russia]," he had added.


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29e3f6 No.27175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556462 (220225ZMAR23) Notable: #22759

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Notables - FINAL


>>27159 John Solomon sues DOJ, National Archives

>>27160 House Admin Chairman @RepBryanSteil, Judiciary Chairman @Jim_Jordan , and House Oversight Chairman @RepJamesComer sent a letter to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg demanding communications, documents & testimony relating to Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority.

>>27161 K-pop star wore a cropped shirt with a Q-shaped cutout of the American flag and an excerpt of the slogan “Where we go one, we go all.”

>>27162 Bush China Foundation - Fang Fang

>>27163 Dr. Fauci gets an earful when he goes door to door in DC…=

>>27164 DeSantis doubles down on Trump criticism in rare Piers Morgan interview

>>27165 NPR report accuses Rolling Stone of covering up child porn charges in article on FBI raid of star journalist's home

>>27166 US does not let Ukraine even consider negotiating – Moscow

>>27167 Dutch Farmers Rebel, Win Enough Senate Seats To Block Globalist Technocrats

>>27168 Big pharma takeover of medical cannabis - 2019

>>27169 Xi Jinping Tells Vladimir Putin at Moscow Meetings: “Change Is Coming That Hasn’t Happened in 100 Years”

>>27170 DeSantis declares 'I can win the Presidency'

>>27171 Mitch McConnell’s Hospitalization Sparks Fear In D.C. Senate Minority Leader Will Retire Before 2027

>>27172 SCOTUS Overturns Appeals Court Upholding Abortion Without Parental Consent

>>27173 Former President Donald Trump will be indicted on Wednesday and asked to surrender for arraignment in New York next week, according to a new report.

>>27174 Zelensky Invites China To Discuss Peace After 'No Breakthrough' In Xi-Putin Meeting



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29e3f6 No.27176

File: e6011cb33486b7e⋯.jpg (39.93 KB,1024x846,512:423,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556480 (220226ZMAR23) Notable: #22760

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Welcome to the Digital Battlefield

Information Warfare

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29e3f6 No.27177

File: 47e3fb3ca8b4f79⋯.png (108.39 KB,786x810,131:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556503 (220229ZMAR23) Notable: @RichardGrenell: If you aren’t watching this AG election lawsuit in Arizona you may be missing huge news….coming soon.

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Richard Grenell


If you aren’t watching this AG election lawsuit in Arizona you may be missing huge news….coming soon.

Hundreds of people voted and their vote wasn’t counted - some in the AZ media have turned and see what happened.

Kris Mayes may soon become “Acting Attorney General”.

9:34 AM · Mar 21, 2023

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29e3f6 No.27178

File: f692b94ff633ce7⋯.png (570.88 KB,812x868,29:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 78a83e546316a73⋯.png (187.13 KB,790x895,158:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556525 (220232ZMAR23) Notable: Boulder County’s Lawsuit Suing Suncor Energy and Exxon Mobil For ‘Climate Change’ Teed Up For Supreme Court

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County’s Lawsuit Suing Energy Companies For ‘Climate Change’ Teed Up For Supreme Court

The Supreme Court may be getting ready to take up a county’s lawsuit alleging oil companies are responsible for environmental damages caused by climate change, the latest development in a campaign by local left-wing officials to influence national climate policy.

The case, brought by Boulder County, Colorado against Suncor Energy and Exxon Mobil, seeks monetary relief for the companies’ decision to burn fossil fuels and allegedly “conceal” the associated dangers, which the county argues “caused, accelerated, an[d] exacerbated the impacts of climate change.” While the companies have appealed the case to the Supreme Court, it still has to decide on the question of jurisdiction, and whether or not the case should be heard in state or federal court.

Boulder isn’t the only local government suing oil companies: local-level climate lawsuits have been occurring for years, and there are similar pending cases in cities across the country, from California to Rhode Island.

These climate lawsuits often cite public nuisance laws — which have historically been used for small-scale land issues, like blocking a public road — as their justification. But, as the Second Circuit recognized when it dismissed New York City’s climate damages lawsuit against Chevron in 2021, the global issue of climate change presents a “uniquely international problem” that is “not well-suited to the application of state law.”

“The goal of a lot of these cases is to actually fundamentally change what companies are doing to accomplish left-wing priorities without passing any laws,” O.H. Skinner, Executive Director of Alliance For Consumers, a nonprofit that defends consumer interests, told the DCNF. With big enough penalties, cities can force companies to capitulate and simply “stop selling gas in certain states, stop pumping oil, stop selling products,” he said.

At the invitation of the Supreme Court, the Biden administration weighed in on the jurisdiction question last week, advising the Court to leave the matter in state courts.

Energy companies prefer the matter be resolved in federal court, in part because of the luck they’ve had there in previous rulings, Skinner told the DCNF. Cities and the Biden administration, however, prefer the matter to play out in state courts, where judges appointed by Democratic governors are friendlier to their cause.

“Cities and trial lawyers have read the room,” Skinner told the DCNF, seeking out states where judges will “want to solve those problems in the courtroom.” Trial lawyers, he noted, are also some of the biggest donors to judicial election campaigns in left-wing states.

One pending climate case was brought by Honolulu, Hawaii. There, hearing the case at the state level would mean putting it before a Hawaii Supreme Court that ruled just last week that its citizens have a right to a “life-sustaining” climate.


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29e3f6 No.27179

File: cdf75c2e1e41a51⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,1224x720,17:10,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556536 (220233ZMAR23) Notable: Xi and Putin "change is coming" mp4

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>>27169 lb


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29e3f6 No.27180

File: 0961676765324ac⋯.png (252.12 KB,620x524,155:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 520aac73d7393a9⋯.png (387.84 KB,696x393,232:131,Clipboard.png)

File: c47c4d8dcc45118⋯.png (376.01 KB,553x508,553:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556550 (220235ZMAR23) Notable: Amtrak Train Derails Near Port Costa, California; none of the 55 passengers or crew members on board were injured

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JUST IN: Amtrak Train With Dozens Of Passengers Derails Near Port Costa, California; Crews Responding

PORT COSTA, Calif. – Fire officials reported that an Amtrak train derailed on Tuesday afternoon near Martinez after colliding with a fallen tree. The incident occurred about half a mile east of Port Costa, and emergency crews were dispatched to the scene around 3 p.m.

Amtrak authorities confirmed that none of the 55 passengers or crew members on board were injured in the accident, and that the train remained in an upright position with all systems functioning properly, ABC 7 reported.

Officials also stated that an alternate track is available, and service will be temporarily limited to a single track through the affected area.


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29e3f6 No.27181

File: b1a97c98e87879f⋯.png (343.87 KB,598x533,46:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556622 (220247ZMAR23) Notable: @NASA Where will you be during the eclipses in 2023 and 2024? Oct 14 2023 and April 8 2024

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Where will you be during the eclipses in 2023 and 2024?

This map shows the path of the Moon’s shadow as it crosses the contiguous U.S. during the eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023 and total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Will you get a chance to see them?


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29e3f6 No.27182

File: dac43e5f5bfa66d⋯.jpeg (1.61 MB,1489x1940,1489:1940,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556663 (220253ZMAR23) Notable: @General Flynn: "We stand on the precipice"

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Truth Social

Michael T. Flynn

This is where the United States stands at this historic moment.We stand on the precipiceof a “stepping stone” and depending on how we step off, we will either reach the next “stone” or we could fall into the abyss of time. Today’s geo-strategic and geo-political tectonic shifts will determine whether this administration takes us to the next stone. God help us!


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29e3f6 No.27183

File: 447562368aa0d4c⋯.png (299.67 KB,586x445,586:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556710 (220258ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s list of 25,000 personal sex photos and videos - from twitter, careful digging anons

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29e3f6 No.27184

File: a4260952bd120cc⋯.png (304.07 KB,815x631,815:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556721 (220259ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Some of the GREAT NCAA Wrestling Champions. Brains and brawn, it takes both!

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Donald J. Trump



Some of the GREAT NCAA Wrestling Champions. Brains and brawn, it takes both!

Mar 21, 2023, 10:40 PM


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29e3f6 No.27185

File: 007c50bde78a3c1⋯.png (152.71 KB,844x382,422:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556731 (220301ZMAR23) Notable: DC Reporters Mourn “Sudden Passing” of Veteran NBC Newsman Vaughn Ververs at Age 54

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DC Reporters Mourn Gateway Pundit



DC Reporters Mourn “Sudden Passing” of Veteran NBC Newsman Vaughn Ververs at Age 54“Sudden Passing” of Veteran NBC Newsman Vaughn Ververs at Age 54


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29e3f6 No.27186

File: 8768ded504f65f2⋯.jpeg (94.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556747 (220303ZMAR23) Notable: Belarus finds weapons meant for ‘terrorist attacks’ two days after killing a terrorism suspect near the country’s border with Poland

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21 Mar, 2023 21:04

Belarus finds weapons meant for ‘terrorist attacks’

Security forces have discovered an arsenal two days after killing a terrorism suspect near the country’s border with Poland

Belarusian security forces have found a cache of weapons that were allegedly set aside for terrorists, potentially preventing attacks on the countryjust two days after killing a foreign terrorism suspectnear the Polish border.

“The special services have worked brilliantly,”President Alexander Lukashenko said on Tuesday at a government conference in Minsk. “An entire arsenal of weapons and explosives was seized. These weapons were intended for high-profile terrorist attacks against individuals and government officials.”

Lukashenko also praised security forces for their success on Sunday in killing a suspected terrorist in Grodno without suffering any casualties, even though the man allegedly used grenades and automatic weapons. “As I often say, people who risk their lives should always be acknowledged and supported.”

Sunday’s shootout involved a man who was suspected of planning a terrorist attack, the Belarusian KGB security agency said. A Belarusian television report on Tuesday said a forged passport in the name of a Russian citizen had been found on the body.

The chief suspect in the plane attack is Nikolay Shvets, a man with Russian and Ukrainian citizenship who was allegedly acting on Kiev’s behalf. Lukashenko said Shvets had admitted to working for Ukraine’s SBU security service and used advanced technology, including software developed by America’s CIA, in the attack.

Bypol, an anti-government group formed by former law enforcement officers, claimed responsibility for damaging the Russian plane. The group had nothing to do with the events in Grodno, Bypol chief Alexander Azarau told Associated Press on Tuesday. He suggested that the Belarusian government may have staged the incidents to create the appearance of a threat from NATO or Poland.

“We should not lower our guard,” Lukashenko said. He added: “This is another signal to us. We have to be prepared for any events.”


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29e3f6 No.27187

File: a50d78660249455⋯.png (4.51 MB,1675x1556,1675:1556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556772 (220306ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s list of 25,000 personal sex photos and videos - from twitter, careful digging anons

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>Hunter Biden’s list of 25,000 personal sex photos and videos including pedophile content, Lady Gaga smoking crack cocaine , Malia Obama ( minor at the time ) having sex with Hunter Biden as well Hunter engaging in sexual activites with Caroline Biden (his cousin) and Natalie Biden (his niece) and even Ashley Biden (his sister).


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29e3f6 No.27188

File: 847d8c5cd6b2d08⋯.jpeg (63.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556790 (220308ZMAR23) Notable: Four Republican congressmen have entreated US President Joe Biden to send cluster munitions to Ukraine

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21 Mar, 2023 20:04

Republicans demand banned weapons for Ukraine

Aside from an attack on Yemen in 2009, the US has not used cluster munitions since the Iraq invasion 20 years ago

Four Republican congressmen have entreated US President Joe Biden to send cluster munitions, a controversial weapon banned in 110 countries, to Ukraine, dismissing concerns about escalating the conflict as misplaced in a letter to the White House on Tuesday.

The Biden administration shouldn’t hesitate to send cluster munitions – specifically dual purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM) – because of “vague concerns about the reaction of allies and partners and unfounded fears of ‘escalation’,”Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho), Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi), Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Alabama)wrote in their letter. After all, they said, other countries have already sent such weapons without triggering Russian retaliation.

Acknowledging the weapons’ horrific effects, the signatories argued that while Ukrainian leaders are “aware of the risks to non-combatants,” the “existential threat posed by Russia’s invasion and daily acts of barbarity” is more important. Additionally, they claimed, “d,” US DPICM are equipped with “technologically advanced measures” that limit collateral damage.

A 2008 UN treaty banned cluster munitions in 110 countries, including three-quarters of NATO member nations. It has been signed by another 13 countries, though neither Russia, Ukraine, nor the US are on that list. Ukraine is the only country where the deadly devices are currently in use, and both sides have been accused of deploying them in the conflict.

Aside from one attack in Yemen in 2009, the US has not used cluster munitions since it invaded Iraq in 2003 and has not produced any since 2016. Central Command has admitted the hundreds of smaller bombs they contain are often left unexploded across the strike area, posing risks similar to landmines to anyone – especially children – who encounter the odd-looking little “petal mines.”

While the White House initially balked at Kiev’s request for DPICMs in December, it stopped short of a hard “no,” and the issue is reportedly still under consideration if the US runs out of available ammunition to ship overseas.

In April, 27 members of Congress denounced Russia’s alleged use of cluster munitions, calling them “barbaric and indiscriminate weapons” and urging Biden to join the UN convention. The current policy, they said, was “wholly unacceptable given what we know about the immediate and long-term damage done to societies on which they are deployed.”

While the Republican Party’s 2022 campaign platform stressed curtailing the Biden administration’s blank check to Kiev, the Pentagon announced another $350 million in weapons just this week, to be drawn from the US’ own stockpiles.

(How many people in Congress and Senate have laundered money in Ukraine. Jeez they are insane, in cover up mode!)


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29e3f6 No.27189

File: 7f44eff52fb0261⋯.jpeg (878.59 KB,1427x1273,1427:1273,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556791 (220308ZMAR23) Notable: @HRC: some climate change scientists say act now to save the planet

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HRC via Twatter

If we want to keep the planethabitable for our kids and grandkids, the world's leading climate scientists say, ==we need to act now. Later will be too late.


Anon thinks climate change is their code phrase for losing control.

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29e3f6 No.27190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556813 (220311ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson calls out Democrats for going after former President Trump and January 6 protesters

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Tucker: This is malicious

Tucker Carlson calls out Democrats for going after former President Trump

and January 6 protesters

2 hours ago




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29e3f6 No.27191

File: 884831ab18b04c0⋯.png (152.75 KB,1089x599,1089:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556832 (220313ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: How can a highly controversial, Soros backed DA, Alvin Bragg bring charges against the 45th, and quite possibly the 47th, President of the United States

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Donald J. Trump



How can a highly controversial, George Soros backed District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who presides over one of the most crime ridden, violent, and dangerous Cities in the U.S., with no retribution toward these heinous criminals, bring charges against the 45th, and quite possibly the 47th, President of the United States, who received more votes than any sitting President in history, over 75,000,000, and who is currently leading all candidates, by a lot, when there is NO CRIME OF ANY KIND???

Mar 21, 2023, 7:18 PM


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29e3f6 No.27192

File: 6cc270cd6fccb5a⋯.png (167.25 KB,1086x601,1086:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556854 (220317ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: why is the D.A. searching for yet another “witness?” TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!

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Donald J. Trump




So, after getting CRUSHED yesterday by Cohen’s highly respected attorney, with the case against me FULLY DISPROVEN, why is the D.A. searching for yet another “witness?” TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!

Mar 21, 2023,5:05PM


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29e3f6 No.27193

File: fcfea6615e24892⋯.png (144.1 KB,375x492,125:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556877 (220320ZMAR23) Notable: Day POTUS was to be indicted is 1776 days after Q#1332

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29e3f6 No.27194

File: f3fb1e8dfc18735⋯.png (161.36 KB,837x398,837:398,Clipboard.png)

File: f6bed58c6ee89be⋯.png (290.51 KB,795x746,795:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556889 (220321ZMAR23) Notable: Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)

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Gateway Pundit



BREAKING:Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)


Mar 21, 2023,11:10PM


Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)

Robert Costello, the former legal adviser to Michael Cohen, spoke to Tucker Carlson on Monday night after he testified to Manhattan Grand Jury investigating President Donald Trump.

Costello told the FOX News audience that he testified for two hours in front of Alvin Bragg’s Manhattan Grand Jury.

Robert Costello told Tucker Carlson, “I spoke to the jury for two hours… It was clear to me the Manhattan Grand Jury did not want to get to the truth.”

And it now is being reported that New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg was HIDING exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury!

According to FOX News legal mind Gregg Jarrett, DA Alvin Bragg HID nearly 600 pages of exculpatory evidence to the New York Grand Jury.

Gregg Jarrett: I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that Grand Jury room and told them, “Wait a minute. You don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?” You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable. And the conduct of Alvin Bragg and his henchman Mark Pomeranz, who specifically says in his book, “We’re targeting zombies because we don’t like his beliefs,” those guys should face disbarment proceedings.

Once again the REAL crooks reveal themselves. And Jarrett is right. If there was a real justice system in the country, they should be disbarred.


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29e3f6 No.27195

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556894 (220322ZMAR23) Notable: Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)

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Alvin Bragg Hid Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from Grand Jury



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29e3f6 No.27196

File: b249162c26fcb2c⋯.png (1.18 MB,860x5820,43:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556912 (220324ZMAR23) Notable: NY AG Letitia James is appealing a 2022 court ruling throwing out a state regulation Section 2.13 "Isolation and Quarantine Procedures"

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New York AG appealing ruling that prevented Democratic governor from throwing Americans in quarantine camps for indefinite periods without review

March 20, 2023


Democratic New York Attorney General Letitia James is appealing a 2022 court ruling throwing out a state regulation over its glaring illegality. If successful, James' appeal will restore the power to Gov. Kathy Hochul's administration to arbitrarily detain American citizens for indefinite periods and force them into quarantine camps.'''


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29e3f6 No.27197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556921 (220324ZMAR23) Notable: DC Reporters Mourn “Sudden Passing” of Veteran NBC Newsman Vaughn Ververs at Age 54

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>>27185, >>>/qresearch/18556751, >>>/qresearch/18556744, >>>/qresearch/18556745 DC Reporters Mourn “Sudden Passing” of Veteran NBC Newsman Vaughn Ververs at Age 54“Sudden Passing” of Veteran NBC Newsman Vaughn Ververs at Age 54

For notables

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29e3f6 No.27198

File: 6dfadadd586ebb7⋯.png (593.51 KB,994x933,994:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556944 (220328ZMAR23) Notable: Secretary Yellen: “Our intervention was necessary to protect the broader U.S. banking system”

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In case you weren't sure:Treasury Secretary Yellen warns more bank bailouts could be coming

“Our intervention was necessary to protect the broader U.S. banking system,” she said.

By The Center Square Staff

By Casey Harper

Updated: March 21, 2023 - 11:09pm

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Tuesday that more bank bailouts could be coming.

Yellen made the comments as part of her prepared remarks at the American Bankers Association meeting in Washington, D.C. Her comments come after the federal government stepped in to shore up collapsing regional banks in recent days, raising concerns about the economy and the federal government’s role in aiding hurting financial institutions.

Yellen referenced the “swift response” to help those banks with federal funds. She said, though, that the efforts “were not focused on aiding specific banks or classes of banks.”

“Our intervention was necessary to protect the broader U.S. banking system,” she said.

Yellen raised eyebrows with her next statement.

“And similar actions could be warranted if smaller institutions suffer deposit runs that pose the risk of contagion,” Yellen said, reportedly signaling that similar action for other banks could be coming.

Yellen also tried to restore confidence in the economy.

"The situation is stabilizing, and the U.S. banking system remains sound," she said.

President Joe Biden has repeatedly emphasized that taxpayers will not be on the hook for bank bailouts.

Critics, though, have cast doubt on those comments.

“The deposit insurance fund doesn’t have anywhere near enough liquidity to cover depositors,” E.J. Antoni, an economist at the Heritage Foundation, told The Center Square. “If it did, the Federal Reserve would not have had to announce an emergency lending fund to meet the demand for liquidity.

There is also dispute over the term “bailout.”

“There is no way around the reality that taxpayers are on the hook here,” Antoni added, as The Center Square previously reported. “When the FDIC runs out of cash, it simply goes to the Treasury for more, as we saw in 2009. There’s three ways to pay for that. First, the FDIC can increase its insurance premiums charged to banks. But those fees that finance the FDIC are passed entirely on to customers. The second option is for the Treasury to just give the money to FDIC instead of loaning it, in which case the taxpayer is directly responsible for it. Lastly, the Fed can finance the expense by just printing the money, which causes inflation, which is a hidden tax.”



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29e3f6 No.27199

File: db041e03bd97901⋯.png (710.66 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fdc599f89b115c⋯.png (837 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18556954 (220331ZMAR23) Notable: Bruce Springsteen, Julia Louis-Dreyfus among those honoured as Joe Biden presents arts, humanities medals

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Bruce Springsteen, Julia Louis-Dreyfus among those honoured as Joe Biden presents arts, humanities medals

US President Joe Biden has welcomed a collection of singers, authors, artists and humanitarians to the White House to present them with medals — before stealing the show with a quip about seeking re-election.

Key points:

US President Joe Biden honoured 22 people and organisations

The medal recipients' work includes dance, art, design, history as well as music, writing and philanthropy

The awards were the president's first batch for arts and humanities

Rocker Bruce Springsteen, Actor Julia Louis-Dreyfus, comedian Mindy Kaling and singer-songwriter Gladys Knight were among the 22 people and organisations honoured.

When author Colson Whitehead's award was announced, Mr Biden noted that the author of The Underground Railroad and The Nickel Boys had already won back-to-back Pulitzer Prizes, and made a quip about seeking re-election.

"Pretty good, man," he told Whitehead. "I'm kind of looking for a back to back myself."

It was a feel-good event in the East Room, as the medal recipients stepped forward to accept their awards one by one.

Louis-Dreyfus, who channelled Mr Biden's resume when she starred in Veep, jokingly sagged under the weight when the president placed the medal for the arts around her neck. "Wow!" she said.

Springsteen was lauded for "his extraordinary contributions to the American songbook, and for being The Boss".

Knight, known as the "empress of soul", gave the president a giant hug when he put the medal around her neck.

Jaclyn Sallee, who received the medal on behalf of Native America Calling, a podcast and radio show, beamed with pride.

So did social historian Earl Lewis, who, according to the president, chronicles African American history and "explores how diversity strengthens our nation".

Mr Biden joked that he opened his closet to find one recipient, designer Vera Wang, inside — her clothes, anyway — then said: "Your dresses always look beautiful on my wife."


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29e3f6 No.27200

File: 3d1ce7abd025873⋯.png (279.25 KB,598x553,598:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557021 (220340ZMAR23) Notable: Syrian state television: Israel attacks international airport in Aleppo

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Just a coincidence for sure…



Syrian state television: Israel attacks international airport in Aleppo


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29e3f6 No.27201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557033 (220342ZMAR23) Notable: Mark Zuckerberg, Meta turned blind eye to sex trafficking evidence, suit says

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Mark Zuckerberg, Meta turned blind eye to sex trafficking evidence, suit says

A new lawsuit accuses Mark Zuckerberg and other Meta Platforms executives and directors of failing to do enough to stop sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation on Facebook and Instagram.

The complaint made public late Monday by several pension and investment funds that own Meta stock said Meta’s leadership and board have failed to protect the company’s and shareholders’ interests by turning a blind eye to “systemic evidence” of criminal activity.

Given the board’s failure to explain how it tries to root out the problem, “the only logical inference is that the board has consciously decided to permit Meta’s platforms to promote and facilitate sex/human trafficking,” the complaint said.

Meta rejected the basis for the lawsuit, which was filed in Delaware Chancery Court.

“We prohibit human exploitation and child sexual exploitation in no uncertain terms,” it said in a statement on Tuesday. “The claims in this lawsuit mischaracterize our efforts to combat this type of activity. Our goal is to prevent people who seek to exploit others from using our platform.”

Zuckerberg, Meta’s billionaire co-founder and chief executive, told Congress in 2019 that child exploitation was “one of the most serious threats that we focus on.”

Meta, based in Menlo Park, Calif., has long faced accusations that its platforms are a haven for sexual misconduct.

In June 2021, the Texas Supreme Court allowed three people who became entangled with their abusers through Facebook to sue, saying Facebook was not a “lawless no-man’s-land” immune from liability for human trafficking.

Meta separately faces hundreds of lawsuits from families of teenagers and younger children who claimed to suffer mental health problems by becoming addicted to Facebook and Instagram. Some school districts have also filed lawsuits over the problem.

Monday’s lawsuit is a derivative case, where shareholders sue officers and directors who allegedly breached their duties.

Damages are paid to the company, often by the officers’ and directors’ insurers, instead of to shareholders.

The case is Employees’ Retirement System of the State of Rhode Island et al v Zuckerberg et al, Delaware Chancery Court, No. 2023-0304.


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29e3f6 No.27202

File: dfc286c2adcc930⋯.png (74.46 KB,593x315,593:315,Clipboard.png)

File: d415d9bf3b65eca⋯.png (40.74 KB,977x490,977:490,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557134 (220358ZMAR23) Notable: Day POTUS was to be indicted is 1776 days after Q#1332

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Result: Tuesday, March 21, 2023

This was the day he was supposed to be indicted.

Per POTUS, *Will Be"

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29e3f6 No.27203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557241 (220416ZMAR23) Notable: #22760

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#22760 >>27176

>>27177 @RichardGrenell: If you aren’t watching this AG election lawsuit in Arizona you may be missing huge news….coming soon.

>>27178 Boulder County’s Lawsuit Suing Suncor Energy and Exxon Mobil For ‘Climate Change’ Teed Up For Supreme Court

>>27179 Xi and Putin "change is coming" mp4

>>27180 Amtrak Train Derails Near Port Costa, California; none of the 55 passengers or crew members on board were injured

>>27181 @NASA Where will you be during the eclipses in 2023 and 2024? Oct 14 2023 and April 8 2024

>>27182 @General Flynn: "We stand on the precipice"

>>27184 Donald J. Trump: Some of the GREAT NCAA Wrestling Champions. Brains and brawn, it takes both!

>>27191 Donald J. Trump: How can a highly controversial, Soros backed DA, Alvin Bragg bring charges against the 45th, and quite possibly the 47th, President of the United States

>>27192 Donald J. Trump: why is the D.A. searching for yet another “witness?” TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!

>>27185, >>27197 DC Reporters Mourn “Sudden Passing” of Veteran NBC Newsman Vaughn Ververs at Age 54

>>27186 Belarus finds weapons meant for ‘terrorist attacks’ two days after killing a terrorism suspect near the country’s border with Poland

>>27183, >>27187 Hunter Biden’s list of 25,000 personal sex photos and videos - from twitter, careful digging anons

>>27188 Four Republican congressmen have entreated US President Joe Biden to send cluster munitions to Ukraine

>>27189 @HRC: some climate change scientists say act now to save the planet

>>27190 Tucker Carlson calls out Democrats for going after former President Trump and January 6 protesters

>>27194, >>27195 Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)

>>27196 NY AG Letitia James is appealing a 2022 court ruling throwing out a state regulation Section 2.13 "Isolation and Quarantine Procedures"

>>27198 Secretary Yellen: “Our intervention was necessary to protect the broader U.S. banking system”

>>27199 Bruce Springsteen, Julia Louis-Dreyfus among those honoured as Joe Biden presents arts, humanities medals

>>27200 Syrian state television: Israel attacks international airport in Aleppo

>>27201 Mark Zuckerberg, Meta turned blind eye to sex trafficking evidence, suit says

>>27193, >>27202 Day POTUS was to be indicted is 1776 days after Q#1332



baker lagging standby

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29e3f6 No.27204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557257 (220418ZMAR23) Notable: #22761

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baker seeking handoff

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29e3f6 No.27205

File: 1426551063ab147⋯.png (208.34 KB,500x261,500:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557307 (220427ZMAR23) Notable: SEE YOU ON SATURDAY, TEXAS! 🇺🇸🦅 – Dan

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– Dan

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29e3f6 No.27206

File: 951404ba07e379b⋯.png (625.06 KB,1165x914,1165:914,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557325 (220433ZMAR23) Notable: "Trump has not been notified whether Manhattan DA plans to (even) bring charges" - Fox

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Trump has not been notified whether Manhattan DA plans to bring charges: sources

Sources said there remains chance Bragg does not choose to indict former president

Former President Donald Trump has not been formally notified about whether Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg plans to bring charges against him, sources familiar told Fox News Digital, amid speculation of a possible imminent indictment.

Sources told Fox News, though, that there remains a real chance that Bragg does not choose to indict the former president.

Multiple sources told Fox News that at least one more witness is expected to appear before the grand jury when it convenes Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Manhattan. It is unclear at this point who the witness or witnesses are.

Grand jury deliberations and votes are secret proceedings, and an indictment typically remains under seal until an arraignment.

If an indictment is brought, Trump’s attorneys would immediately be notified. If indicted and notified, Trump's attorneys would be able to begin negotiating the terms of a court appearance with the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

An indictment, if brought, could come as early as Wednesday, a source told Fox News, adding that the earliest Trump could appear in court if charged would be next week. If indicted, the U.S. Secret Service and the New York Police Department would discuss how the former president would surrender.

The possible charges stem from the $130,000 hush-money payment that then-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen made to adult film star Stormy Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election in exchange for her silence about an alleged sexual encounter with Trump in 2006.

Federal prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York opted out of charging Trump related to the Stormy Daniels payment in 2019, even as Cohen implicated him as part of his plea deal. The Federal Election Commission also tossed its investigation into the matter in 2021.

Cohen has said Trump directed the payments. Cohen paid Daniels $130,000 through his own company and was later reimbursed by Trump's company, which logged the payments as "legal expenses." Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model who allegedly had a relationship with Trump, received a $150,000 payment through the publisher of the supermarket tabloid National Enquirer.

The Trump Organization "grossed up" Cohen’s reimbursement for Daniels' payment for "tax purposes," according to federal prosecutors who filed the 2018 criminal charges against Cohen for the payments.

Trump has repeatedly denied wrongdoing with regard to the payments made to Daniels, and he has repeatedly said the payments were "not a campaign violation" but rather a "simple private transaction."

Robert Costello, a former legal adviser to Cohen, appeared before the grand jury Monday and testified that Cohen is a "serial liar."

Costello testified before the grand jury for more than two hours Monday. Costello said he testified that Trump did not know about the payments made by Cohen to Stormy Daniels.

The Manhattan DA’s investigation into Trump began in 2019 by then-District Attorney Cyrus Vance. The probe was focused on possible bank, insurance and tax fraud. The case initially involved financial dealings of Trump’s Manhattan properties, including his flagship Fifth Avenue building, Trump Tower, and the valuation of his 213-acre estate Seven Springs in Westchester.

The investigation last year led to tax fraud charges against the Trump Organization and its finance chief, Allen Weisselberg.


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29e3f6 No.27207

File: 69aa021a7320ac0⋯.png (323.05 KB,1392x819,464:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557333 (220436ZMAR23) Notable: A license to print money

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>>>/qresearch/18557261 LB


It is easy to understand how money gets destroyed in a traditional bank run. Picture the men in top hats yelling at clerks in “Mary Poppins”. The crowds want their cash and bank tellers are trying to provide it. But when customers flee, staff cannot satisfy all comers before the institution topples. The remaining debts (which, for banks, include deposits) are wiped out.

This is not what happens in the digital age. The depositors fleeing Silicon Valley Bank (svb) did not ask for notes and coins. They wanted their balances wired elsewhere. Nor were deposits written off when the bank went under. Instead, regulators promised to make svb’s clients whole. Although the failure of the institution was bad news for shareholders, it should not have reduced the aggregate amount of deposits in the banking system.

The odd thing is that deposits in American banks are nevertheless falling. Over the past year those in commercial banks have sunk by half a trillion dollars, a fall of nearly 3%. This makes the financial system more fragile, since banks must shrink to repay their deposits. Where is the money going?

The answer begins with money-market funds, low-risk investment vehicles that park money in short-term government and corporate debt. Such funds, which yield only slightly more than a bank account, saw inflows of $121bn last week as svb failed. According to the Investment Company Institute, an industry outfit, in March they had $5.3trn of assets, up from $5.1trn a year before.

But money does not actually flow into these funds, for they are unable to take deposits. Instead, cash leaving a bank for a money-market fund is credited to the fund’s bank account, from which it is used to purchase the commercial paper or short-term debt in which the fund wants to invest. When the fund uses the cash in this way, it then flows into the bank account of whichever institution sells the asset. Inflows to money-market funds should thus shuffle deposits around the banking system, not force them out.

And that is what used to happen. Yet there is one new way in which money-market funds may suck deposits from the banking system: the Federal Reserve’s reverse-repo facility, which was introduced in 2013. The scheme was a seemingly innocuous change to the financial system’s plumbing that may, just under a decade later, be having a profoundly destabilising impact on banks.


For the anon who asked for the article

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29e3f6 No.27208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557337 (220437ZMAR23) Notable: A license to print money

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In a usual repo transaction a bank borrows from competitors or the central bank and deposits collateral in exchange. A reverse repo does the opposite. A shadow bank, such as a money-market fund, instructs its custodian bank to deposit reserves at the Fed in return for securities. The scheme was meant to aid the Fed’s exit from ultra-low rates by putting a floor on the cost of borrowing in the interbank market. After all, why would a bank or shadow bank ever lend to its peers at a lower rate than is available from the Fed?

But use of the facility has jumped in recent years, owing to vast quantitative easing (qe) during covid-19 and regulatory tweaks which left banks laden with cash. qe creates deposits: when the Fed buys a bond from an investment fund, a bank must intermediate the transaction. The fund’s bank account swells; so does the bank’s reserve account at the Fed. From the start of qe in 2020 to its end two years later, deposits in commercial banks rose by $4.5trn, roughly equal to the growth in the Fed’s own balance-sheet.

For a while the banks could cope with the inflows because the Fed eased a rule known as the “Supplementary Leverage Ratio” (slr) at the start of covid. This stopped the growth in commercial banks’ balance-sheets from forcing them to raise more capital, allowing them to safely use the inflow of deposits to increase holdings of Treasury bonds and cash. Banks duly did so, buying $1.5trn of Treasury and agency bonds. Then in March 2021 the Fed let the exemption from the slr lapse. Banks found themselves swimming in unwanted cash. They shrank by cutting their borrowing from money-market funds, which instead parked cash at the Fed. By 2022 the funds had $1.7trn deposited overnight in the Fed’s reverse-repo facility, compared with a few billion a year earlier.

After svb’s fall, America’s smaller banks fear deposit losses. Monetary tightening has made them even more likely. Use of money-market funds rises along with rates, as Gara Afonso and colleagues at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York find, since returns adjust faster than bank deposits. Indeed, the Fed has raised the rate on overnight-reverse-repo transactions from 0.05% in February 2022 to 4.55%, making it far more alluring than the going rate on bank deposits of 0.4%. The amount money-market funds parked at the Fed in the reverse-repo facility—and thus outside the banks—jumped by half a trillion dollars in the same period.

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29e3f6 No.27209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557338 (220437ZMAR23) Notable: A license to print money

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A licence to print money

For those lacking a banking licence, leaving money at the repo facility is a better bet than leaving it in a bank. Not only is the yield higher, but there is no reason to worry about the Fed going bust. Money-market funds could in effect become “narrow banks”: institutions that back consumer deposits with central-bank reserves, rather than higher-return but riskier assets. A narrow bank cannot make loans to firms or write mortgages. Nor can it go bust.

The Fed has long been sceptical of such institutions, fretting that they would undermine banks. In 2019 officials denied tnb usa, a startup aiming to create a narrow bank, a licence. A similar concern has been raised about opening the Fed’s balance-sheet to money-market funds. When the reverse-repo facility was set up, Bill Dudley, president of the New York Fed at the time, worried it could lead to the “disintermediation of the financial system”. During a financial crisis it could exacerbate instability with funds running out of riskier assets and onto the Fed’s balance-sheet.

There is no sign yet of a dramatic rush. For now, the banking system is dealing with a slow bleed. But deposits are growing scarcer as the system is squeezed—and America’s small and mid-sized banks could pay the price.


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29e3f6 No.27210

File: 93128e0ecb3744f⋯.pdf (1.15 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557368 (220446ZMAR23) Notable: How the Federal Reserve drained the financial system of deposits

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Looks like it got the whole article besides the Image.

Here is a Pdf

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29e3f6 No.27211

File: 7afab5fecf1d0a2⋯.png (331.15 KB,847x916,847:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557481 (220528ZMAR23) Notable: Ron Desantis Member of St. Elmo Secret Society, Knights of Malta

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St. Elmo (secret society) includes Ron DeSantis


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29e3f6 No.27212

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557502 (220536ZMAR23) Notable: Ron Desantis Member of St. Elmo Secret Society, Knights of Malta

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DeSantis says he’s ‘glad’ violent Trump protesters are being arrested


He said he hasn’t seen “anything specific” regarding FBI warnings about armed mobs marching on state capitols.


Lawrence MowerTimes staff

Published Jan. 12, 2021|Updated Jan. 12, 2021

TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday he was happy to see the arrests of violent supporters of President Donald Trump who invaded the nation’s Capitol last week.

“I actually am glad to see some of these people being arrested from the DC thing, because I think the prosecutions will really make a difference,” he said during a news event to tout Florida’s vaccine rollout in The Villages on Tuesday. “I think it was a really unfortunate thing.”

But DeSantis appeared to brush off warnings from the FBI about armed Trump protesters marching on state capitol buildings across the country. Florida law enforcement officials said Monday they were weren’t aware of any credible threats directed toward Tallahassee or elsewhere in the state.

“I don’t know that I’ve got anything specific for it,” DeSantis said when asked about the FBI warning.

“If anything is disorderly, we’re going to act very quickly,” he said. “If there’s any type of disorder, we’ll have the reinforcements there.”

DeSantis, who owes his 2018 win in Florida’s GOP primary for governor to Trump’s endorsement, has danced around the issue of the president’s loss in the November election. For his base, he’s undermined the election’s legitimacy by urging Trump to “fight on,” pushing lawmakers in other states to overturn the voting results and generally avoiding any acknowledgment of former Vice President Joe Biden’s victory.

DeSantis and Bondi disappear as Trump’s election challenges grow desperate and chaotic

He said Tuesday that most of the people who attended the president’s rally the day Congress was certifying the Electoral College vote were peaceful.

“Those folks who took it to the violent level, they need to be held accountable,” he said. “It was really, really a sad thing to see.”

DeSantis used the incident to tout legislation that would create harsher penalties for people involved in “riots.” The legislation was proposed last year in the wake of protests of police after George Floyd was killed during an arrest.

“I don’t care why you’re doing it. You’re not doing it here,” DeSantis said. “If you riot, you’re going to jail, and you’re going to have to spend time in jail.”

DeSantis also praised the restraint displayed by Capitol Police officers who tried to hold back the mob last week.

“I can tell you those Capitol Police, on the ground, that was a very difficult situation,” he said. “And they could have done it in a way that you would have had huge number of people die as a result of that.”

He added, “I think those guys deserve a lot of credit in a situation like that, to be able to steer a huge mob of people away from doing a lot of other people harm, so good on them.”

DeSantis, who served six years in Congress before becoming governor, noted that those officers saved the life of then-Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise when a gunman opened fire during a Congressional baseball practice in 2017. DeSantis left the practice just before the shooting.

“They saved Steve’s life, and they saved a lot of other lives, so they have my gratitude for that.”

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29e3f6 No.27213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557505 (220538ZMAR23) Notable: Ron Desantis Member of St. Elmo Secret Society, Knights of Malta

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Source came from Truth Social


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29e3f6 No.27214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557525 (220547ZMAR23) Notable: How many banks is CIA venture capital firm 'QIntel' in?

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https://ir.svb.com › news-and-research › news › news-details › 2022 › Palitronica-Awarded-Most-Innovative-Security-Focused-Company-of-2022-at-In-Q-Tel–Silicon-Valley-Bank-Discovery-Event › default.aspx

SVB Financial Group - Palitronica Awarded Most Innovative Security …

Jul 19, 2022SAN FRANCISCO – July 19, 2022 — In-Q-Tel, Inc. (IQT) and Silicon Valley Bank awarded Palitronica as the Most Innovative Security-Focused Company of 2022 at the 10th annual In-Q-Tel & SVB Discovery Event, hosted recently at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco, California.

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29e3f6 No.27215

File: 52078c24dfd16bf⋯.png (107.32 KB,233x320,233:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557530 (220549ZMAR23) Notable: Ron Desantis Member of St. Elmo Secret Society, Knights of Malta

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29e3f6 No.27216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557569 (220608ZMAR23) Notable: How many banks is CIA venture capital firm 'QIntel' in?

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How many banks is CIA venture capital firm 'QIntel' in?

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29e3f6 No.27217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557577 (220611ZMAR23) Notable: 2 Prosecutors Leading N.Y. Trump Inquiry Resign, Clouding Case’s Future

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2 Prosecutors Leading N.Y. Trump Inquiry Resign, Clouding Case’s Future


February 23, 2022

The two prosecutors leading the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into former President Donald J. Trump and his business practices abruptly resigned on Wednesday amid a monthlong pause in their presentation of evidence to a grand jury, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

The unexpected development came not long after the high-stakes inquiry appeared to be gaining momentum and now throws its future into serious doubt.

The prosecutors, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, submitted their resignations because the new Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, indicated to them that he had doubts about moving forward with a case against Mr. Trump, the people said.

Mr. Pomerantz confirmed in a brief interview that he had resigned but declined to elaborate. Mr. Dunne declined to comment.

Without Mr. Bragg’s commitment to move forward, the prosecutors late last month postponed a plan to question at least one witness before the grand jury, one of the people said. They have not questioned any witnesses in front of the grand jury for more than a month, essentially pausing their investigation into whether Mr. Trump inflated the value of his assets to obtain favorable loan terms from banks.

The precise reasons for Mr. Bragg’s pullback are unknown, and he has made few public statements about the status of the inquiry since taking office, but the prosecutors had encountered a number of challenges in pursuing Mr. Trump. Notably, they had thus far been unable to persuade any Trump Organization executives to cooperate and turn on Mr. Trump.

In a statement responding to the resignations of the prosecutors, a spokeswoman for Mr. Bragg said that he was “grateful for their service” and that the investigation was ongoing.

Time is running out for this grand jury, whose term is scheduled to expire in April. Prosecutors can ask jurors to vote to extend their term but generally avoid doing so. They also are often reluctant to impanel a new grand jury after an earlier one has heard testimony, because witnesses could make conflicting statements if asked to testify again.

And without Mr. Dunne, a high-ranking veteran of the office who has been closely involved with the inquiry for years, and Mr. Pomerantz, a leading figure in New York legal circles who was enlisted to work on it, the yearslong investigation could peter out.

The resignations mark a reversal after the investigation had recently intensified. Cyrus R. Vance Jr., Mr. Bragg’s predecessor, convened the grand jury in the fall, and prosecutors began questioning witnesses before his term concluded at the end of the year. (Mr. Vance did not seek re-election.)


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29e3f6 No.27218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557578 (220611ZMAR23) Notable: "Trump has not been notified whether Manhattan DA plans to (even) bring charges" - Fox

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Stormy Daniels is the keystone case. Avenatti leads to many.

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29e3f6 No.27219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557581 (220612ZMAR23) Notable: 2 Prosecutors Leading N.Y. Trump Inquiry Resign, Clouding Case’s Future

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In mid-January, reporters for The New York Times observed significant activity related to the investigation at the Lower Manhattan courthouse where the grand jury meets, with at least two witnesses visiting the building and staying inside for hours.

The witnesses were Mr. Trump’s longtime accountant and an expert in the real estate industry, according to people familiar with the appearances, which have not been previously reported. Mr. Dunne and Mr. Pomerantz also made regular appearances at the courthouse.

An Unprecedented Event: If Donald Trump is indicted by a Manhattan grand jury, this week will be unlike any other in American political history. Here’s what to know.

Preparing for an Arrest: Ahead of the likely indictment, New York officials are making security plans as some of Trump’s supporters signal that they intend to protest.

G.O.P. Braces: Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida broke his silence about Trump’s expected indictment, as Republicans weighed whether to heed the former president’s call to protest and Trump’s allies on Capitol Hill rallied around him.

2024 Campaign: Trump strengthened his political position in recent weeks, but an impetuous response to his potential indictment could alienate voters he will need to win back the White House.

The burst of activity offered a sign that Mr. Bragg was forging ahead with the grand jury phase of the investigation, a final step before seeking charges.

But in recent weeks, that activity has ceased, and Mr. Dunne and Mr. Pomerantz have been seen only rarely.

The pause coincides with an escalation in the activity of a parallel civil inquiry by the New York state attorney general, Letitia James, whose office is examining some of the same conduct by Mr. Trump and is also participating in the criminal inquiry.

In a statement, a spokeswoman for Ms. James’s office said of the criminal inquiry, “The investigation is ongoing, and there is a robust team working on it.”

Ms. James, who last week received approval from a judge to question Mr. Trump and two of his adult children under oath, has filed court documents describing a number of ways in which the Trump Organization appeared to have misrepresented the value of its properties.

She concluded that the company had engaged in “fraudulent or misleading” practices, and although she lacks the authority to criminally charge Mr. Trump, she could sue him.

Mr. Bragg’s office must meet a higher bar to bring a criminal case. And for his part, Mr. Trump has disputed the notion that he inflated his property values or defrauded his lenders and has accused Mr. Bragg and Ms. James, both Democrats who are Black, of being politically motivated and “racists.”

“I’ve been representing Donald Trump for over a year in this case, and I haven’t found any evidence that could lead to a prosecution against him, or any crimes,” said a lawyer for Mr. Trump, Ronald P. Fischetti. “I hope Mr. Bragg will now look again at all the evidence in the case and make a statement that he is discontinuing all investigation of Donald Trump.”


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29e3f6 No.27220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557583 (220612ZMAR23) Notable: 2 Prosecutors Leading N.Y. Trump Inquiry Resign, Clouding Case’s Future

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As Mr. Bragg’s grand jury presentation has come to a halt, another serious criminal inquiry into the former president has been gaining steam. In recent weeks, a judge has approved the convening of a grand jury for an investigation into Mr. Trump’s attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in Georgia.

Another criminal investigation, in New York’s Westchester County, is examining Mr. Trump’s financial dealings at one of his company’s golf courses.

The Manhattan investigation, which proceeded in fits and starts for years, was the most developed of the three criminal inquiries into Mr. Trump. It resulted in the indictments last summer of the Trump Organization and its long-serving chief financial officer, Allen H. Weisselberg, on separate tax-related charges.

After announcing those charges, the prosecutors zeroed in on a subject that has spurred much debate over the years: Mr. Trump’s net worth.

They have questioned whether Mr. Trump defrauded his lenders — sophisticated financial institutions like Deutsche Bank — by routinely inflating the value of his assets, The Times has previously reported.

In particular, the prosecutors have focused on annual financial statements Mr. Trump provided to the lenders, scrutinizing whether he overvalued his various hotels, golf clubs and other properties to score the best possible loan terms.

Mr. Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars USA, compiled the statements based on information provided by the Trump Organization, leading the prosecutors to question whether the company had given its accountants bogus data.

Early this month, Mazars notified the Trump Organization that it would no longer serve as its accountant and that it could no longer stand behind a decade of Mr. Trump’s financial statements.

Mazars said it had not, “as a whole,” found material discrepancies between the information the Trump Organization provided and the true value of Mr. Trump’s assets.

But given what it called “the totality of circumstances” — including its internal investigation and Ms. James’s court papers — Mazars instructed the company to notify anyone who had received the statements that they “should not be relied upon.”

Even with the retraction from Mazars, a criminal case would likely be difficult to prove. The documents, known as statements of financial condition, contain a number of disclaimers, including acknowledgments that Mr. Trump’s accountants had neither audited nor authenticated his claims.

And the prosecutors would have to show that Mr. Trump’s penchant for hyperbole crossed the line into criminality, a tall order when it comes to something as subjective as property values. A case like this might hinge on the testimony of a Trump insider, but the prosecutors have not persuaded Mr. Weisselberg to cooperate with the investigation, depriving them of the type of insider witness whose testimony can be crucial to complicated white-collar criminal trials.

Another challenge is that Mr. Trump’s lenders might not appear to a jury to be sympathetic victims. The lenders, which made millions of dollars in interest from Mr. Trump, conducted their own assessments of his assets.

Still, the prosecutors had been moving forward.

In the fall, Mr. Vance convened what is known as a special grand jury, a panel of 23 Manhattan residents, chosen at random, to hear complex cases like the one involving Mr. Trump. Over the course of months, the jurors were expected to meet to hear testimony from witnesses and examine other evidence put forward by the prosecutors.

Special grand juries last six months, and at the end of these presentations, prosecutors typically direct the jurors to vote on whether there is “reasonable cause” to believe that the person could be guilty. While it is not a foregone conclusion that a grand jury will indict the target of an investigation, such panels routinely vote to bring the charges that prosecutors seek.

Late last year, the grand jury heard testimony from Mr. Trump’s accountant at Mazars about Mr. Trump’s annual financial statements, The Times previously reported. Soon after, the prosecutors questioned two editors for Forbes Magazine, which has estimated Mr. Trump’s net worth over the years for its billionaires list.

The accountant testified again last month, people with knowledge of the appearance said.

A day later, the prosecutors questioned a real estate expert who specializes in property valuation, according to people with knowledge of that appearance. The witness works for the consulting firm FTI, which the district attorney’s office hired in 2020 to help analyze Mr. Trump’s financial documents.


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29e3f6 No.27221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557585 (220613ZMAR23) Notable: 2 Prosecutors Leading N.Y. Trump Inquiry Resign, Clouding Case’s Future

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In the days after this testimony, the prosecutors lined up at least one other witness to appear before the grand jury. But late last month, they postponed the testimony, according to one of the people with knowledge of the matter.

If Mr. Bragg ultimately closes the investigation, he could face political fallout in Manhattan, where Mr. Trump is generally loathed. And the district attorney has already had a rocky start to his tenure, after a memo he released outlining policies for the office was met with furious pushback from local officials, small businesses and the public.

Mr. Bragg — who was sworn in on Jan. 1 — is a former federal prosecutor and veteran of the New York State attorney general’s office, where he oversaw civil litigation against Mr. Trump and his administration under Ms. James’s predecessor.

He cited those cases often while running for district attorney in part to indicate his experience with high-profile litigation, saying that he had sued Mr. Trump more than 100 times.

The district attorney’s criminal investigation into Mr. Trump began in the summer of 2018 under Mr. Vance, who initially looked into the Trump Organization’s role in paying hush money to a pornographic actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The inquiry grew out of a federal case against Mr. Trump’s former fixer, Michael D. Cohen, who pleaded guilty to arranging the hush money and said he did so at the direction of Mr. Trump.

The focus of the investigation shifted after Mr. Vance, in 2019, subpoenaed Mazars for copies of Mr. Trump’s tax returns. Mr. Trump sued to block the subpoena, sparking a bitter 18-month legal battle that saw the former president take the case to the United States Supreme Court, where he lost twice.

Mr. Dunne, who served as Mr. Vance’s general counsel and stayed on to help Mr. Bragg with the Trump investigation, argued the case before the Supreme Court. And around the time that the prosecutors received Mr. Trump’s tax documents, Mr. Vance recruited Mr. Pomerantz, a prominent former prosecutor and defense lawyer, to help lead the investigation.

The prosecutors turned their attention to Mr. Weisselberg, pressuring him to cooperate. But he refused, and in July, they announced an indictment against him and the Trump Organization.

The indictment accused Mr. Weisselberg and the company of a 15-year scheme to pay for luxury perks for certain executives, like free apartments and leased Mercedes-Benzes, off the books.

Mr. Weisselberg pleaded not guilty, and his lawyers filed court papers this week seeking to dismiss the charges. A judge has tentatively scheduled a trial for late summer.

Susan C. Beachy contributed research.


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29e3f6 No.27222

File: c38b23082747ff7⋯.png (1017.93 KB,1362x766,681:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557591 (220616ZMAR23) Notable: DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti.

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Avenatti Targeted in Person by QAnon, the Crazy Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory


July 30, 2018



Police are investigating a man photographed outside the office of Stormy Daniels’s attorney after ‘Q,’ the theory’s leader, sent followers there.

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti is the latest target for supporters of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon, with police investigating a man’s appearance near Avenatti’s office after the building was mentioned in QAnon posts.

QAnon believers claim that a series of cryptic clues posted to internet forums 4Chan and 8Chan are coming from a high-level Trump administration insider, describing a world where Trump has teamed up with the military to take on a global cabal of powerful elites, celebrities, and pedophiles.

“Q,” the online poster whose messages make up the basis of the QAnon theory, targeted Avenatti on Sunday by posting a link to Avenatti’s website and pictures of his Newport Beach, California, office building.

“Buckle up!” the post, made on 8Chan, read.

About 45 minutes later, Q posted a picture of a man standing in the street near Avenatti’s office. The man, who has his back to the camera, is holding what appears to be a cellphone in one hand and a long, thin object in the other.

We are trying to identify the man in this picture, which was taken outside my office yesterday (Sun) afternoon. Please contact @NewportBeachPD if you have any details or observed him. We will NOT be intimidated into stopping or changing our course. #Basta pic.twitter.com/YIKS6D0Grq

— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) July 30, 2018

Avenatti said that the man in the picture might be holding a shank.

“That’s not a set of keys,” Avenatti told The Daily Beast. “It also looks like he’s wearing a toupee of some sort. And not a very good one, I might add.”

A few minutes after posting the picture of the man, Q posted again, saying the man’s appearance at Avenatti’s office meant that a “message” had been sent.

A spokesperson for the Newport Beach Police Department said police are investigating the man’s appearance near Avenatti’s office: “We’re just looking into what is categorized as suspicious circumstances.”

Avenatti, who shot to prominence in the media after he started representing Daniels in her lawsuit against Trump, told The Daily Beast that the number of threats against him has quadrupled since he was mentioned in the QAnon posts on Sunday.

“I consider my new prominence among these conspiracy theorists to be a badge of honor, because it shows that many consider me to be a threat to this president, as they should,” Avenatti said.

If the man outside Avenatti’s office is linked to QAnon, it won’t be the first time one of the conspiracy theory’s believers have taken action in the real world. In June, an armed QAnon adherent allegedly blocked a bridge near the Hoover Dam with an improvised armored truck. Now facing a terrorism charge, the man has attempted to send Trump and other politicians letters filled with QAnon slogans from jail.

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29e3f6 No.27223

File: c4953c6f7493b4d⋯.png (431.26 KB,1666x582,833:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557645 (220637ZMAR23) Notable: DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti.

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Is Meg Reiss Avenatti's handler? That would make total sense.


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29e3f6 No.27224

File: fbe8434b6f82041⋯.png (318.6 KB,1629x858,543:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557648 (220640ZMAR23) Notable: DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti.

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Notable alumni of Manhattan DA office


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29e3f6 No.27225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557667 (220646ZMAR23) Notable: Ron Desantis Member of St. Elmo Secret Society, Knights of Malta

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WRF is a Knight of Malta ( Ron DeSoros knows )

Ron DeSantis Is A ‘Knight of Malta’

Who Are the Knights of Malta — and What Do They Want? They’re a secretive religious order with a long and bloody history and unique status under international law, but that doesn’t mean they run the world.


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29e3f6 No.27226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557676 (220650ZMAR23) Notable: DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti.

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this org keeps popping up everywhere this anon diggs in SDNY and Manhattan DA


Laundering front for wrapup smears like Avenatti / Stormy?

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29e3f6 No.27227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557699 (220702ZMAR23) Notable: DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti.

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KEEP DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti. THERE IS A CONNECTION

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29e3f6 No.27228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557730 (220713ZMAR23) Notable: DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti.

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Stormy Daniels' lawyer met with Cohen — and thinks he'll flip on Trump



Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, dropped some major hints about his recent chance meeting with former Trump fixer Michael Cohen — including a bold assertion that Cohen "is going to cooperate" in the "search for the truth" about Trump. This past Monday, Avenatti ran into Cohen at a restaurant in New York City — a chance encounter that, according to Avenatti, turned into a "productive," even "critical" exchange, at which Trump "would have blown a gasket" if he'd been present. On Sunday morning's edition of "This Week," Avenatti strongly suggested that during that meeting, Cohen indicated his willingness to testify against Trump. Avenatti said without qualification that he thinks Cohen "is going to cooperate with us as it relates to our search for the truth." Avenatti began by saying said he knows "for a fact" that there is "more than one" tape of conversations between Cohen and Trump — and that those recordings will be bad for Trump if they are released. On Friday, news broke that the FBI has a recording secretly made by Cohen, which reportedly features Trump discussing with Cohen how to buy the silence of Playboy model Karen McDougal, with whom Trump allegedly had an affair.

In a tense exchange, Trump defender Alan Dershowitz tried to accuse Avenatti of having "improper" access to the information about additional Cohen tapes. "Alan, do you know what Michael Cohen has shared with me?" Avenatti asked Dershowitz. "I don't," Dershowitz admitted. "I want to follow up on this just a little bit, you know there are tapes, do you know what's on the tapes?" host George Stephanopoulos asked Avenatti. "I know the substance of some of the tapes, yes," Avenatti said.

"And what you have also mentioned, saying that your relationship with Michael Cohen is 'evolving,' what did you mean by that?" Stephanopoulos asked. Avenatti replied that his chance conversation with Cohen was "very fruitful," and that the two have "continued to have a dialogue." Then Avenatti dropped this bombshell: "And I think that ultimately, George, Michael Cohen is going to assist us in our search for the truth and disclosure of what happened here. I think you've seen an evolution by Michael Cohen over the last month or so … I think he is ready to tell the truth. And ultimately I think he is going to cooperate with us as it relates to our search for the truth." Without revealing what Cohen actually said to him, Avenatti strongly hinted that Cohen disclosed more detail about what's on the recordings that were seized by the FBI, and that Cohen is prepared to cooperate with efforts to learn the truth about Trump's misconduct. Speculation about Cohen flipping on Trump has been at a fever pitch ever since the raid on Cohen's office. If what Avenatti is hinting at is true, then there's a lot more bad news coming for Trump. But for those who care about the truth, Cohen's "evolution" is nothing but good news.

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29e3f6 No.27229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557740 (220716ZMAR23) Notable: Ron Desantis Member of St. Elmo Secret Society, Knights of Malta

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The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. They are not the oldest but are one of the oldest branches of the Order of the Quest in existence. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.Bill Cooper / <cite>Behold A Pale Horse</cite>

It should also be noted that Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. is a Knight of


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29e3f6 No.27230

File: 8dbfac9cb007d41⋯.pdf (576.71 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: fd77a37bd6747ef⋯.png (246.15 KB,846x1070,423:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557796 (220735ZMAR23) Notable: PROSECUTORS, DEMOCRACY, AND JUSTICE: HOLDING PROSECUTORS ACCOUNTABLE

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29e3f6 No.27231

File: 0444b7ee44cf5a1⋯.jpg (423.14 KB,1900x688,475:172,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557808 (220741ZMAR23) Notable: SEE YOU ON SATURDAY, TEXAS! 🇺🇸🦅 – Dan

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Former President Trump coming to Waco for rally on Saturday


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29e3f6 No.27232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557813 (220745ZMAR23) Notable: DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti.

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Summary of some names and websites:

Search terms Michael Cohen Avenatti Meg Reiss Alvin Bragg SDNY Manhattan DA + Stormy Daniels in different combinations


https://www.innovatingjustice.org/ (keeps coming up on linkdln w/ involved people




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29e3f6 No.27233

File: c3609698adefc95⋯.png (1.61 MB,1174x1642,587:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557821 (220754ZMAR23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy National Ag Day

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Speaker McCarthy

National Ag Day



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29e3f6 No.27234

File: cd7739eb8299df8⋯.png (105.99 KB,1197x605,1197:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557843 (220803ZMAR23) Notable: Why was Adam Schiff asking Google and Facebook to censor "anti-vaccine" misinformation in early 2019? Planned Democide

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Why was Adam Schiff asking Google and Facebook to censor "anti-vaccine" misinformation in early 2019? Planned Democide via lethal vaccine injection planned already?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27235

File: e415957e1a7ffbb⋯.png (255.08 KB,1422x1105,1422:1105,Clipboard.png)

File: 212e0f89970062c⋯.png (230.14 KB,1372x1021,1372:1021,Clipboard.png)

File: badbe38b4c6c055⋯.png (253.38 KB,1341x1095,447:365,Clipboard.png)

File: ccdf37fec943e33⋯.png (224.75 KB,1308x990,218:165,Clipboard.png)

File: c0672a5af2c89dc⋯.png (465.06 KB,1566x1194,261:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557884 (220817ZMAR23) Notable: Why was Adam Schiff asking Google and Facebook to censor "anti-vaccine" misinformation in early 2019? Planned Democide

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>Why was Adam Schiff asking Google and Facebook to censor "anti-vaccine" misinformation in early 2019?

Sauce SUGGESTS this was a plan since 2015 (Schiff broadcast that much)

The attachment to Schitt's letter:

How Facebook and YouTube help spread anti-vaxxer propaganda

Feb 1, 2019


The fake news cycle, pump fake news, amplify fake news, spend some billions, divert some millions. How is Adam Schiff not in prison, for the criminally insane?

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29e3f6 No.27236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18557997 (220856ZMAR23) Notable: #22761

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NotablesNOT endorsements

#22761 >>27204

>>27205, >>27231 SEE YOU ON SATURDAY, TEXAS! 🇺🇸🦅 – Dan

>>27217, >>27219, >>27220, >>27221 2 Prosecutors Leading N.Y. Trump Inquiry Resign, Clouding Case’s Future

>>27206, >>27218 "Trump has not been notified whether Manhattan DA plans to (even) bring charges" - Fox

>>27207, >>27208, >>27209 A license to print money

>>27210 How the Federal Reserve drained the financial system of deposits

>>27211, >>27212, >>27213, >>27215, >>27225, >>27229 Ron Desantis Member of St. Elmo Secret Society, Knights of Malta

>>27214, >>27216 How many banks is CIA venture capital firm 'QIntel' in?

>>27222, >>27223, >>27226, >>27224, >>27227, >>27228, >>27232 DIGGING on Alvin Bragg and Meg Reiss and Michael Avenatti.


>>27233 Speaker McCarthy National Ag Day

>>27234, >>27235 Why was Adam Schiff asking Google and Facebook to censor "anti-vaccine" misinformation in early 2019? Planned Democide


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29e3f6 No.27237

File: 0dd7189caefb4a2⋯.png (782.93 KB,897x661,897:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558151 (221012ZMAR23) Notable: DEA Warns of Deadly, Flesh-Eating 'Zombie' Drug

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DEA Warns of Deadly, Flesh-Eating 'Zombie' Drug

Red State, by Susie Moore

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/22/2023 12:08:41 AM

You’ve likely seen the videos by now: People — husks of people, really — slumped over, in a stupor, looking for all the world like zombies. Scenes like those shown in this video from WPIX in New York: We’ve seen the stories of massive amounts of fentanyl seized at our porous southern border… and the alarming uptick in overdose rates. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) held a press conference with Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) in early March to announce his intention to introduce legislation that would designate Mexican drug cartels as “Foreign Terrorist Organizations,” setting the stage for the use of U.S. military force to combat them, noting:

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29e3f6 No.27238

File: 6256e938bb1c218⋯.png (49.6 KB,665x357,95:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 55bfaf24d937e64⋯.png (446.37 KB,513x555,171:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558155 (221014ZMAR23) Notable: KEKs: Transgender lawmaker from Minnesota wins USA Today's 'Women of the Year' award alongside Michelle Obama

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Transgender lawmaker from Minnesota wins

USA Today's 'Women of the Year' award

alongside Michelle Obama - as critics

question: 'What will ever be left for

biological females?'

Daily Mail (UK), by Stephen M. Lepore

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 3/21/2023 11:37:50 PM

A transgender legislator from Minnesota who was only elected three months ago has been named the state's 'Woman of the Year' honoree by USA Today. Leigh Finke, a former academic, journalist and author, was voted into her heavily left-leaning district in the Twin Cities metro area last November with 81 percent of the ballot. She was honored alongside several others - transgender assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine was one last year - including former First Lady Michelle Obama and the United States women's soccer team

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29e3f6 No.27239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558160 (221018ZMAR23) Notable: DEA Warns of Deadly, Flesh-Eating 'Zombie' Drug

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Flesh eating because they are injecting it…withdrawal starts in 4 hours and Narcan is useless…

Sounds like the homeless/addiction problem is solving itself…

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29e3f6 No.27240

File: c1ba978179c7aa1⋯.png (400.99 KB,602x563,602:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558164 (221018ZMAR23) Notable: The Vigilant Fox w/CAP: We Would Be F**ked Right Now If It Weren't for Independent Journalists

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊



: We Would Be F**ked Right Now If It Weren't for Independent Journalists

"The internet today allows people like that to thrive because these mainstream media corporations are so corrupt. They're so obviously indebted to the companies that pay for their advertising."

2:10 PM · Mar 21, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27241

File: f0e666733ce69d2⋯.png (569.06 KB,671x720,671:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558195 (221027ZMAR23) Notable: Donald Trump and J6 Prison Choir Reach Number One on Billboard Chart with ‘Justice For All’

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Donald Trump and J6 Prison Choir Reach

Number One on Billboard Chart with ‘Justice

For All’

Breitbart Politics, by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 3/21/2023 11:21:49 PM

Former President Donald Trump reached number one on Billboard’s digital song sales chart with his debut single, “Justice For All,” featuring the J6 Prison Choir. Released this month, “Justice For All” is a tribute to the January 6 prisoners that features the “J6 Prison Choir,” an ensemble of prisoners who can be heard singing the national anthem while Trump recites the Pledge of Allegiance. These prisoners reportedly sing the anthem each night before going to bed. Their audio was recorded over the phone and then mixed with Trump’s vocals by an audio engineer.

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29e3f6 No.27242

File: add2c59285df86d⋯.png (17.33 KB,554x202,277:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558199 (221028ZMAR23) Notable: Stephen Miller w/CAP: Presidents have absolute and unreviewable declassification authority. Unelected bureaucrats have no lawful power whatsoever to question or second guess these judgements. None.

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Stephen Miller


Reminder: Presidents have absolute and unreviewable declassification authority. Unelected bureaucrats have no lawful power whatsoever to question or second guess these judgements. None.

8:53 PM · Mar 21, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27243

File: 3e4599f443f727e⋯.png (198.47 KB,423x351,47:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558233 (221039ZMAR23) Notable: HORROR Surgeon strokes out in the middle of performing surgery

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HORROR Surgeon strokes out in the middle of performing surgery 💉

Remember: medical workers were forced to take the death shots in order to continue practicing their professions.

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29e3f6 No.27244

File: 40d7448e1bb645e⋯.png (178.84 KB,425x482,425:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558242 (221042ZMAR23) Notable: Vladimir Putin says Russia supports the use of the Chinese yuan for conducting transactions between Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

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Vladimir Putin says Russia supports the use of the Chinese yuan for conducting transactions between Asia, Africa, and Latin America. This stance aligns with the ongoing trend of de-dollarization and the shift towards a multi-polar global order.



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29e3f6 No.27245

File: 9396d257f327b79⋯.png (73.35 KB,815x406,815:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ef6a939f80fa1e⋯.png (69.77 KB,814x448,407:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558313 (221107ZMAR23) Notable: NEVER FORGET: In 2018, Stormy Daniels said she never had an affair with Trump. In fact, she said it was all made up to get money.

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Benny Johnson


NEVER FORGET: In 2018, Stormy Daniels said she never had an affair with Trump. In fact, she said it was all made up to get money.

Stormy lost her lawsuit against Trump and was ordered to pay him $300k for legal fees, and her creepy porn lawyer was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

1:43 PM · Mar 21, 2023




Benny Johnson


Federal prosecutors in the US attorneys office in the southern district of NY opted out of charging Trump for the Stormy Daniels hush money scandal in 2019.

The FEC also tossed the investigation in 2021.

The case against Trump has no legal precedent, it’s a WITCH HUNT!

5:01 PM · Mar 21, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27246

File: 41d5d4d7650ffaa⋯.png (1.22 MB,1181x658,1181:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558347 (221120ZMAR23) Notable: Top Biden Official, Carmine Sabia Leaves As Russia And Ukraine War Continues

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Top Biden Official Leaves As Russia And Ukraine War Continues

Photo of Carmine Sabia Carmine SabiaMarch 21, 2023

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29e3f6 No.27247

File: 784d97a986b81a3⋯.png (26.04 KB,612x282,102:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558355 (221124ZMAR23) Notable: kanekoa substack: The legacy media is calling me a "qanon influencer."

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The legacy media is calling me a "qanon influencer."

I've written 60+ articles, shared thousands of social media posts, and received over one billion online impressions during the last two years, and I've literally never talked about qanon.

It's the dumbest smear ever, and they even use a fake image, but I don't care because no one reads this garbage anymore.

10:00 AM · Mar 21, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27248

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558460 (221200ZMAR23) Notable: Robert Costello Describes His Grand jury Testimony Today, and it Might Just Change the Direction of Alvin Bragg

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Robert Costello Describes His Grand jury Testimony Today, and it Might Just Change the Direction of Alvin Bragg

March 20, 2023 | Sundance | 244 Comments

This is what news and information is supposed to be all about. Excellent segment on Tucker Carlson {Direct Rumble Link Here}.

In this interview, former Michael Cohen lawyer, Robert Costello, deconstructs the entire premise of the key witness Alvin Bragg is using to target President Trump. Costello states in the interview that he just delivered two hours of grand jury testimony in Manhattan specifically against the interests of the prosecution Alvin Bragg is attempting to construct.

Michael Cohen previously waived attorney-client privilege with Robert Costello, during his effort to get out of legal trouble during his federal case. This waiver permits Robert Costello to discuss the entire background of his former representation with Michael Cohen.This is epic television. WATCH:

Excellent, this interview puts Bragg in a spot, Costello is very clear, somber and has turned over mounds of evidence to the DA. Remember Costello initiated this. He felt it wrong not to say anything knowing Cohen is a serial liar. Costello may have saved PSJT because the jury would never had heard his testimony. I’m sure Bragg is not looking for witnesses that would help Trump.

A Knight of the Round Table, Costello is an honorable man!



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29e3f6 No.27249

File: a5045a53bd06200⋯.png (186.7 KB,370x370,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f90a66518f3ef59⋯.png (251.53 KB,1268x758,634:379,Clipboard.png)

File: f501f73bbcbbfd4⋯.mp4 (1022.66 KB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558516 (221218ZMAR23) Notable: Mark Steyn Interviews Andrew Bridgen On His Latest Speech In The House Of Commons

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Note: 27 minutes timestamp for Andrew bridgen section, Andrew names Will Quince the minister for vaccines who towed the party line of safe and effective. Also they NHS has now changed the [safe and effective to safe and important] tagline to the vaccines. He also names a organisation called JVCR, will do research on Will Quince and JVCR to dig further into who he is and what they are and do!!!

Linked : mark steyn episode, dig into will quince and the m.ps leaving as andrew bridgen speech.


Gradually, Then Suddenly

The Mark Steyn Show

March 21, 2023



~Welcome to the Tuesday edition of The Mark Steyn Show! Do make sure you stay tuned to the end as Mark has an update re Ofcom: As you may recall, the UK's Ministry of Truth recently convicted him of breaking their "rules" re what you can and can't say on the ever more constrained British airwaves.

Ahead of that, Tuesday's show is devoted to two substantive conversations that try to pierce through the blizzard of lies on matters monetary and medical. First, Peter Schiff returns to the Steyn Show to ponder the larger meaning of recent bank failures from Silicon Valley to Switzerland, and what it means for the US dollar.

Next, Andrew Bridgen, MP is back to talk about his recent "adjournment debate" on victims of the vaccines. We are staying on this subject because, alas, no UK TV station wants to address it. (See Ofcom above.)





Will Quince was appointed Minister of State at Department of Health and Social Care on 7 September 2022.

He was previously Minister of State (Minister for School Standards) at the Department for Education between 7 July 2022 and 7 September 2022.

He was previously Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Education between 16 September 2021 and 7 July 2022 and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Work and Pensions from 4 April 2019 to 16 September 2021.

Will was elected as Conservative MP for Colchester on 7 May 2015.

Minister of State (Minister for Health and Secondary Care)

The Minister of State for Health and Secondary Care is responsible for:

NHS secondary care:

urgent and emergency care


elective care recovery


special measures regime

hospital reconfigurations

secondary care workforce:

50,000 nurses

supply, education and training


pay and pensions

overall lead for industrial relations

winter planning

NHS Long Term Plan

NHS England mandate and business plan


genomics, genetics, regenerative medicine

NHS test beds

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)

life sciences

medicines and medicines regulation:

pharmaceutical price regulation scheme

uptake of new drugs

medical technology

medicines supply

medicinal cannabis

antivirals and therapeutics

international, devolved administrations, crown dependencies and overseas territories

sponsorship of:

NHS Business Services Authority

Health Education England (HEE)

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

Health Research Authority (HRA)

More about this role

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29e3f6 No.27250

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558583 (221235ZMAR23) Notable: Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)=

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Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)=

Attorney Robert Costello, the former legal adviser to Michael Cohen, spoke to Tucker Carlson on Monday night after he testified to the Manhattan Grand Jury investigating President Donald Trump.

Costello told the FOX News audience that he testified for two hours in front of Alvin Bragg’s Manhattan Grand Jury.

Robert Costello told Tucker Carlson, “I spoke to the jury for two hours… It was clear to me the Manhattan Grand Jury did not want to get to the truth.”

And it now is being reported that New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg was HIDING exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury!

MyPillow's New Mattress Topper 2.0 - "Saved Me From Having To Buy A Whole New Mattress"

According to FOX News legal mind Gregg Jarrett, Soros-funded DA Alvin Bragg HID nearly 600 pages of exculpatory evidence to the New York Grand Jury investigating President Trump.

Gregg Jarrett: I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that Grand Jury room and told them, “Wait a minute. You don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?” You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable. And the conduct of Alvin Bragg and his henchman Mark Pomeranz, who specifically says in his book, “We’re targeting zombies because we don’t like his beliefs,” those guys should face disbarment proceedings.

Once again the REAL crooks reveal themselves.

And Jarrett is right. If there was a real justice system in the country, they should be disbarred.

Via Hannity:




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29e3f6 No.27251

File: aaacabab1796c19⋯.png (453.42 KB,1268x1636,317:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558605 (221241ZMAR23) Notable: Was there a 'tactical nuke' dropped in the lap of the Soros DA?

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Mar 8

Trump Truth Decode, Mar 07.

Trump praising Tucker on Jan 06 -

'…the 2 year…case has fallen apart'.

'[Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed]

Carpet bombs are ok.

Tactical nukes are better.'

'DISCREDITED' - 1 Drop only.

'RUN!' completes.


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29e3f6 No.27252

File: bcf8ead06527259⋯.png (540.27 KB,2222x933,2222:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558607 (221242ZMAR23) Notable: Was there a 'tactical nuke' dropped in the lap of the Soros DA?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27253

File: 9b2883da616498c⋯.png (219.22 KB,807x567,269:189,Clipboard.png)

File: 53552d4ed72c13c⋯.png (427.55 KB,958x681,958:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558621 (221245ZMAR23) Notable: Kash Patel: Memos from 2018-19 shake up Trump case: Cohen denied having incriminating evidence on hush money

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Kash Patel



The truth buries federal convicted felon Michael Cohen n exonerates Trump- read the damn receipts the fake news mafia ignores- thanks @jsolomonreports


Mar 22, 2023, 7:24 AM


Memos from 2018-19 shake up Trump case: Cohen denied having incriminating evidence on hush money

A lawyer who formerly advised Michael Cohen alleges that in 2018 the ex-Trump adviser claimed to know nothing about the former president committing wrongdoing, including on hush money to wome

An attorney who advised disgraced Trump organization lawyer Michael Cohen provided Manhattan prosecutors with voluminous documentation, including contemporaneous emails and memos, purporting to show that in 2018 Cohen wanted Donald Trump to help cover his legal bills and repeatedly claimed he had no evidence incriminating the former president in a hush money deal with porn actress Stormy Daniels.

"Cohen said he had no information against Trump," one memo summarizing attorney Robert Costello's interactions with Cohen stated. That memo, dated April 2019, recounted Costello's interview with federal prosecutors about conversations he and colleagues had with Cohen a year earlier.

Costello, a former federal prosecutor who has represented famous clients like George Steinbrenner, Leona Hemsley, Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon, told Just the News on Tuesday he provided Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office with more than 300 pages of emails, memos and texts chronicling his dealings with Cohen.

He said his documents showed Cohen took out a bank loan known as a HELOC — on his own — during the 2016 presidential election to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 under a nondisclosure agreement so she would remain quiet about her alleged relationship with Trump. Cohen bragged he kept the situation quiet so that Melania Trump and Cohen's own wife wouldn't learn about it, Costello said in an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast, recounting what he said Cohen told him back in 2018.

"He said," Costello recalled, "'I didn't believe the information, but I knew that this was a situation that would cause embarrassment. So I negotiated with this lawyer, and we worked out a an NDA … for the payment of $130,000.'

"And I said, 'Did you get that money from Donald Trump?' 'No.' 'Did you get it from any Trump Organization?' 'No.'

"I said, 'Did you take that money out of your own savings or checking?' 'No.'

"I said, 'Well, how'd you get the money?' He said, 'I took out a HELOC loan.' 'Why would you take out a HELOC loan to cover something like this?' He said 'because I wanted to keep it secret. If I took money from my account, my wife would know about it. I didn't want my wife to know about it. I didn't want Melania Trump to know about it.' He said, 'That's why I did it that way.'"

"Now, if you're gonna do it that way, that means you're keeping it from Donald Trump and Melania Trump," Costello added, summarizing the story he offered grand jurors and Manhattan prosecutors.

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29e3f6 No.27254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558622 (221246ZMAR23) Notable: Kash Patel: Memos from 2018-19 shake up Trump case: Cohen denied having incriminating evidence on hush money

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In a 2019 summary of Costello's interview with the U.S. attorney's office in the Southern District of New York (SDNY), Costello alleged that in 2018 Cohen wanted to talk to Giuliani, then a lawyer for the 45th president, about getting Trump or his insurance company to pay Cohen's legal bills.

"Yes, during the long conversation on June 23, 2018, Cohen asked me to talk to Giuliani and ultimately to Trump about Cohen applying to Aeon Insurance, under the D&O policy, to pay the legal fees, and Cohen did not want 'the big guy' to oppose Cohen's request," Costello said, according to the summary of the interview with federal prosecutors.

Costello also provided a contemporaneous email with a colleague from June 2018 in which he recounted his conversations with Cohen about Giuliani and payment of legal bills.

"He asked me to communicate with Rudy and have him tell the President that all of these stories about cooperating are bullshit," Costello wrote. "To tell him that he is not talking to reporters. He is not talking and friends (cq). These stories from sources are fiction."

"I believe the issue for Cohen is money," Costello explained in the email. "Who is going to pay for these lawyers."

Cohen did not respond to requests by email or text from Just the News for comment. His lawyer Lanny Davis declined to answer questions, instead offering an attack on one of the reporters in this story.

"I decline to comment to Mr. Solomon who, sadly, in my opinion since I was once a great admirer of his, no longer practices fact-based journalism," Davis said.

In interviews with MSNBC, Cohen acknowledged having contacts with Costello, but suggested the former federal prosecutor was "'making up stories" to the grand jury and carrying out "a typical Trump play."

In those interviews, Cohen also claimed he did not believe he had waived his attorney-client privilege from his conversations with Costello. "I don't recall waiving anything," he said. "But, again this is, I don't know what he's talking about."

But one of the documents that Costello provided to Just the News shows that Cohen signed a declaration in 2019 for federal prosecutors waiving any claim of privilege from his interactions with Costello.

"Although I do not believe that any of my communications with Costello or other lawyers at DHC are subject to attorney-client privilege, I hereby waive whatever attorney-client or other privilege that might be argued have attached to such communications," the February 2019 declaration from Cohen stated.

You can read that document here:


CopitrakScan_99999.001 (6).PDF

The back and forth between Costello and Cohen is just one of many signs, experts said, that Bragg's office will face challenges if it brings an indictment on state charges against Trump based on the testimony of his former lawyer, who pled guilty to making false statements to Congress and other crimes and served time in prison.

"Using Cohen as a witness would be the greatest gift to Trump," Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Just the News. "If they're smart, they will try to work around Cohen, try to pick some of the other witnesses, maybe some tapes … I don't think they're gonna put Cohen on the witness stand."

Costello testified Monday to a grand jury in Manhattan helping Bragg's office investigate a hush money payment to Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign. Costello said he volunteered to testify to the grand jury because he believed he had information that would impeach the story Cohen has given on television about what he told the grand jury.

"He's making some of this stuff up," Costello told the John Solomon Reports podcast on Tuesday. "He's embellishing."

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29e3f6 No.27255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558625 (221246ZMAR23) Notable: Kash Patel: Memos from 2018-19 shake up Trump case: Cohen denied having incriminating evidence on hush money

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Michael Cohen’s lawyer: Client said repeatedly, ‘I don’t have anything on Donald Trump,’ then changed tune after jailMichael Cohen’s lawyer: Client said repeatedly, ‘I don’t have anything on Donald Trump,’ then changed tune after jail

Costello said he told grand jurors that Cohen appeared distraught when they first met in spring 2018 in a hotel, and that he even talked of committing suicide. He said he repeatedly asked Cohen if he had incriminating evidence on Trump that could be used to get Cohen a plea deal and that Cohen repeatedly said he did not.

"Even a serial liar tells the truth, once in a while," Costello said. "And when a person like Michael Cohen is in extremis, he's ready to kill himself, that's the one time that he's going to give up Donald Trump if he had something at that point in time. But he didn't."

Costello's account in the interview Tuesday matches what he told Congress during the Russia collusion investigation against Trump, according to a summary of that interview he turned over to prosecutors.

In that 2019 testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, Costello said he had asked Cohen if he had any useful information to offer up to prosecutors regarding Trump, but Cohen replied that he had none.

"We said, let's talk about your options, do you have any info on Trump, a get out of jail free card, but he said he didn't have anything on him, nothing," Costello testified.

After mentioning potential financial wrongdoing within the Trump Inaugural Committee, Cohen admitted once again "he didn't have — or at least would not admit — that he had anything of value to trade," Costello told the congressional investigators.

In a separate memo summarizing his interview with federal prosectors, Costello said Cohen never mentioned any conversations about Trump directing a payment to Stormy Daniels and that the payment he arranged was simply viewed as "a cost of doing business."

"First I don't t think Cohen believed it (the unprotected sex with a porn actress), or that Trump did it," Costello is quoted in the memo as telling the federal prosecutors back in 2019.

The contemporaneous emails also show that Cohen discussed the idea of getting a pardon but that Costello dismissed those as "premature" in 2018 since no charges had been filed yet and other options like a grant of immunity from prosecutors were also possible.

"I think I have come up with a possible solution to Mike Cohen's fear of a state or locaI prosecution should he receive a pardon," Costello wrote in an April 2018 email to a colleague after they met Cohen at a hotel. "First immunity would put him technically in the same position. It is immunity from federal prosecution and it does not cover state prosecutions."

The emails and memos also showed how Costello tried to convey that Trump held no animus for Cohen and was not worried what his former lawyer might tell prosecutors while trying to avoid the appearance of tampering with a potential prosecution witness.

"Our issue is to get Cohen on the right page without giving him the appearance that we are following instructions from Giuliani or the President," Costello wrote in a May 2018 email to a colleague. "In my opinion this is the clear, correct strategy."

Costello's testimony and media interviews were part of a larger offensive by Trump defenders against Cohen as Manhattan prosecutors near the end of their grand jury probe in Manhattan and decide whether to charge the former president.

On Monday, the GOP-led U.S. House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Bragg, demanding he testify about Trump's potential indictment.

The letter was sent by Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who was joined by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil.

"The only potential speculated crime that could be alleged here would be a violation of campaign finance law, according to one scholar, a charge that the Justice Department has already declined to bring," Jordan wrote.

The Ohio Republican added that the statute of limitations for any alleged crimes related to the former president is set to expire, which would explain Bragg's "rush" to push for this unprecedented indictment.


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29e3f6 No.27256

File: 5ebe65920bc59da⋯.png (211.71 KB,657x663,219:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558637 (221248ZMAR23) Notable: NEVER FORGET: In 2018, Stormy Daniels said she never had an affair with Trump. In fact, she said it was all made up to get money.

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Perhaps why she lost in Texas. Upheld by 9th Circuit.


PASADENA, Calif. (CN) — A Ninth Circuit panel on Friday upheld a decision to toss porn actress Stormy Daniels’ defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump, finding he was merely expressing his opinion when he questioned Daniels’ story of being threatened to keep quiet about an alleged affair between them.

Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, claimed a man threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011 to keep quiet about an intimate relationship she allegedly had with Trump beginning five years before.

After Daniels and her then-attorney Michael Avenatti released an artist’s sketch of the man who she claimed threatened her, a Twitter user posted a comparison between Daniels’ ex-husband and the alleged attacker.

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29e3f6 No.27257

File: 6804b599737df84⋯.png (270.87 KB,424x514,212:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558653 (221252ZMAR23) Notable: The U.S. Government Is Building A Vast Surveillance And Speech Suppression Web Around Every American

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ICYMI 🚨 The U.S. Government Is Building A Vast Surveillance And Speech Suppression Web Around Every American


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29e3f6 No.27258

File: ede9158694a2ea6⋯.png (99.54 KB,363x704,33:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558663 (221255ZMAR23) Notable: The House Weaponization Subcommittee has released a damning report on Merrick Garland’s memo targeting school boards referring to it as a "manufactured issue"

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[ Album ]

BREAKING: The House Weaponization Subcommittee has released a damning report on Merrick Garland’s memo targeting school boards referring to it as a "manufactured issue" with "misapplied priorities" and no "legitimate basis for the AG's anti-parent memo"

Full Report: https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/2023-03-21-school-board-documents-interim-report.pdf

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29e3f6 No.27259

File: 6f8af197cebf79b⋯.png (69.64 KB,866x352,433:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558689 (221300ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J.Trump: Every article I read, every show I watch, even the so-called Haters say that “” As Biden would say, “No, I mean it, I’m not kidding.” The Crime would be if I get charged!!!

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"Every article I read, every show I watch, even the so-called Haters say that “President Trump did nothing wrong, there IS NO CRIME HERE!” As Biden would say, “No, I mean it, I’m not kidding.” The Crime would be if I get charged!!!"

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29e3f6 No.27260

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558690 (221300ZMAR23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 03/22/2023

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Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 03/22/2023


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29e3f6 No.27261

File: f190aebf9b9d3c1⋯.png (20.03 KB,679x214,679:214,Clipboard.png)

File: 293d3f46eb269cb⋯.png (152.15 KB,671x444,671:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558722 (221307ZMAR23) Notable: Was there a 'tactical nuke' dropped in the lap of the Soros DA?

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844 & 3244 ("add 24 hrs")

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29e3f6 No.27262

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558729 (221309ZMAR23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 03/22/2023

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Mighty things happening today on the Ahoy! It's a Ship Show


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29e3f6 No.27263

File: 2aea18807723db7⋯.png (135.1 KB,703x547,703:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558736 (221311ZMAR23) Notable: Was there a 'tactical nuke' dropped in the lap of the Soros DA?

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>No way,it's timeto stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt.

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29e3f6 No.27264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558781 (221323ZMAR23) Notable: Was there a 'tactical nuke' dropped in the lap of the Soros DA?

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Anon messed up the math (fix is even better, kek)

March 1, 2019


That's March 22, 21, 20, 19 2023 delta, which lines up better as these were the days Q+ was truthing about a 'possible indictment'.


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29e3f6 No.27265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558784 (221324ZMAR23) Notable: #22762

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>>27259 Donald J.Trump: Every article I read, every show I watch, even the so-called Haters say that “” As Biden would say, “No, I mean it, I’m not kidding.” The Crime would be if I get charged!!!

>>27250 Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)=

>>27237, >>27239 DEA Warns of Deadly, Flesh-Eating 'Zombie' Drug

>>27238 KEKs: Transgender lawmaker from Minnesota wins USA Today's 'Women of the Year' award alongside Michelle Obama

>>27240 The Vigilant Fox w/CAP: We Would Be F**ked Right Now If It Weren't for Independent Journalists

>>27241 Donald Trump and J6 Prison Choir Reach Number One on Billboard Chart with ‘Justice For All’

>>27242 Stephen Miller w/CAP: Presidents have absolute and unreviewable declassification authority. Unelected bureaucrats have no lawful power whatsoever to question or second guess these judgements. None.

>>27243 HORROR Surgeon strokes out in the middle of performing surgery

>>27244 Vladimir Putin says Russia supports the use of the Chinese yuan for conducting transactions between Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

>>27245 Benny Johnson w/CAP: NEVER FORGET: In 2018, Stormy Daniels said she never had an affair with Trump… The case against Trump has no legal precedent, it’s a WITCH HUNT!

>>27246 Top Biden Official, Carmine Sabia Leaves As Russia And Ukraine War Continues

>>27247 kanekoa substack: The legacy media is calling me a "qanon influencer."

>>27248 Robert Costello Describes His Grand jury Testimony Today, and it Might Just Change the Direction of Alvin Bragg

>>27249 Mark Steyn Interviews Andrew Bridgen On His Latest Speech In The House Of Commons

>>27264, >>27261, >>27251, >>27252, >>27263 Was there a 'tactical nuke' dropped in the lap of the Soros DA?

>>27253, >>27254, >>27255 Kash Patel: Memos from 2018-19 shake up Trump case: Cohen denied having incriminating evidence on hush money

>>27245, >>27256 NEVER FORGET: In 2018, Stormy Daniels said she never had an affair with Trump. In fact, she said it was all made up to get money.

>>27257 The U.S. Government Is Building A Vast Surveillance And Speech Suppression Web Around Every American

>>27258 The House Weaponization Subcommittee has released a damning report on Merrick Garland’s memo targeting school boards referring to it as a "manufactured issue"

>>27260, >>27262 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 03/22/2023

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29e3f6 No.27266

File: 8cf2a24f3dadccb⋯.jpeg (94.52 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558803 (221327ZMAR23) Notable: #22763

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Q Research General #22763: Haters say “President Trump did nothing wrong, there IS NO CRIME HERE!'' Edition

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29e3f6 No.27267

File: bf39921ee910147⋯.jpeg (469.29 KB,1241x1844,1241:1844,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 503ae983e7a2368⋯.jpeg (195.29 KB,1241x703,1241:703,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fa2bf37fcce5df5⋯.jpeg (358.47 KB,1242x1751,1242:1751,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e20a39197e97fec⋯.jpeg (186.49 KB,1241x683,1241:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558867 (221341ZMAR23) Notable: NYTs just gave PDJT credit for not allowing DS to kill more people.

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NYTs just gave PDJT credit for not allowing DS to kill more people.

• This article will be proof the President defended the people against “their” extensive plan.

• What other things were they trying to implement?

•Is this why Trump says “he saved 100s of millions of lives World Wide?”

• Interesting, this article may be used in trials to come!


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29e3f6 No.27268

File: f74fb84b8240b64⋯.png (299.83 KB,1170x1016,585:508,Clipboard.png)

File: 69dba32bc113fd4⋯.png (1.11 MB,1170x2444,45:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558906 (221350ZMAR23) Notable: Irina Yarovaya: The U.S. actually uses every country as a testing ground for military and biological tests

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Irina Yarovaya: The U.S. actually uses every country as a testing ground for military and biological tests

Irina Yarovaya, co-chair of the Parliamentary Commission to Investigate the Activities of U.S. Biolaboratories in Ukraine, commented on the joint statement following Russian-Chinese negotiations regarding concerns over U.S. military and biological activities

21.03.2023, 20:51

"The parliamentary investigation has fully confirmed the fact that the U.S. is creating a global military-biological network, in fact using every country as a testing ground for military-biological tests," said the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.



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29e3f6 No.27269

File: ac0627593514297⋯.png (150.01 KB,1182x612,197:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559004 (221404ZMAR23) Notable: GJT TS w/CAP: …attempting to build a case that has NEVER BEEN BROUGHT BEFORE AND ACTUALLY, CAN’T BE BROUGHT.

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Donald J. Trump



The Rogue prosecutor, who is having a hard time with the Grand Jury, especially after the powerful testimony against him by Felon Cohen’s highly respected former lawyer, is attempting to build a case that has NEVER BEEN BROUGHT BEFORE AND ACTUALLY, CAN’T BE BROUGHT. If he spent this time, effort, and money on fighting VIOLENT CRIME, which is destroying NYC, our once beautiful and safe Manhattan, which has become an absolute HELLHOLE, would be a much better place to live!

Mar 22, 2023, 9:30 AM


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29e3f6 No.27270

File: 0e5f54a447ae7ef⋯.png (427.78 KB,596x628,149:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559056 (221412ZMAR23) Notable: Guardsmen from eight National Guard Civil Support Teams trained with the Louisville Metro Police Department and the @FBI to respond to an incident at Churchill Downs Racetrack…

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Guardsmen from eight National Guard Civil Support Teams trained with the Louisville Metro Police Department and the @FBI to respond to an incident at Churchill Downs Racetrack, in preparation for the Kentucky Derby.


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29e3f6 No.27271

File: 8b7d17b475e8216⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,2010x1483,2010:1483,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559087 (221418ZMAR23) Notable: NATO's warning to Putin: US B-52 bombers are flanked by NATO allies in the skies over Europe in show of strength

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NATO's warning to Putin: US B-52 bombers are flanked by NATO allies in the skies over Europe in show of strength

The two US bombers were joined by warplanes from Italy, Spain and Romania

Came after the B-52s were intercepted by a Russian fighter jet on Monday


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29e3f6 No.27272

File: d4cd45a216d124d⋯.png (34.86 KB,1113x366,371:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559123 (221423ZMAR23) Notable: Drug shortages upend hospitals care, cancer treatments

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Mar 21, 2023

Drug shortages upend hospitals care, cancer treatments

Driving the news: Drug shortages are the worst they've been in a decade, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists — a sign of how much we rely on low-margin manufacturers with limited capacity for basics like the inhalation drug albuterol and some common cancer treatments.

What they're saying: Quality control issues, selected plant closures and other manufacturing woes have added up, Michael Ganio, senior director of pharmacy, practice and quality at ASHP told Axios.

Between the lines: Oncology drugs have been hit particularly hard in recent months, putting experts on high alert.

Those in short supply include methotrexate, an injectable chemotherapy drug, and one of several generics produced by Illinois-based Akorn Pharmaceuticals, which shuttered operations last month due to bankruptcy.

Manufacturing delays and increased demand have also led to shortages of the cancer treatments cisplatin, and fluorouracil, per ASHP.

Pluvicto — used to extend survival among patients with metastatic prostate cancer — will take months to be made available to patients again, the Wall Street Journal reports.

"People will die from this shortage, for sure," Jonathan McConathy, director of the division of molecular imaging and therapeutics at the University of Alabama, told WSJ.

A survey of health systems conducted by the group End Drug Shortages Alliance found the injectable Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), used for treating bladder cancer, was being rationed or was not available for use at all.

"This is a terrible crisis. We should be doing everything we can to give every single one of these patients the best chance of survival," Laura Bray, a board member of the alliance, told CNN.

Between the lines: Manufacturing delays and quality problems are blamed for the shortages. But that's often because there aren't many alternative sites to pick up the slack in the system due to the challenging economics of the market, experts say.

"These are really low-margin businesses. These companies, particularly the ones that are making some of these sterile products relied upon so heavily by hospitals, really have little play in the supply they are able to offer," Hilary Marston, the FDA's chief medical officer told Axios.

The agency works with manufacturers as much as it can, such as quickly approving acceptable workarounds, she said. "But the underlying reality of this market remains what it is," Marston said.

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29e3f6 No.27273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559228 (221441ZMAR23) Notable: they skeered: Jim Carrey Threatens Lawsuit Over Claims He Went To Sex Perv Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island

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Jim Carrey Threatens Lawsuit Over Claims He Went To Sex Perv Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island

Jim Carrey is threatening to file a lawsuit against a popular YouTuber over claims the rubber-faced comic went to sex perv Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, RadarOnline.com can exclusively reveal.

The funnyman’s high-powered Los Angeles lawyers fired off a no-nonsense cease and desist letter on Tuesday,giving YouTuber Vincent Briatore 48 hours to take down the video– which already viewed 2.8 million times —or else.

The legal letter insisted the Ace Ventura star never met the convicted predator, traveled on his private jet known as the “Lolita Express," or stepped foot on the billionaire's notorious Caribbean Island, Little St. James, which earned the notorious nickname “Pedophile Island.”

Your false statements and false impression cause substantial damage to Mr. Carrey’s personal reputation in that they intentionally mislead the public to believe Mr. Carrey had a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and knowledge of his well-documented crimes and exploits…thus exposing Mr. Carrey to public hatred and contempt,” states the fire-breathing letter signed by attorney Julianne Heitzer.

Briatore posted the controversial clip on his talk-show-style YouTube channel on January 16. He was seen listening to an unidentified video that spouted off the names of about two dozen high-profile celebrities and politicians who allegedly took rides on Epstein’s private jet.

The roughly five-minute clip titled Jeffrey Epstein’s Island Flight Logs Finally Released: What does this Mean? goes on to show photographs of the named celebs – including Carrey – without any evidence to support the unsubstantiated allegation.

In an interview with RadarOnline.com, Briatore freely admitted that he "decided to cover the story" after he found the questionable program on the web.

“So I made a video featuring the list, his name was in it, and I also made comments about the list,” he told RadarOnline.com.

When asked if he checked the integrity of the video he used for his post, Briatore said “no” and that it had to be “investigated” further in another follow-up show. He also didn’t know if Carrey’s lawyers sent a cease-and-desist letter to the program he used as the basis for his post.

“This may be an effort to scrub the presence of this video from anywhere on the internet,” he said. “It was surprising also that out of all the people named on that list – there was about 25 of them – Jim Carrey, of all people, is the one to really get upset and follow through with it, you know, it’s strange to me.”

“I haven’t really consulted attorneys yet, but I don’t really think I should take it down – I’m going to hang in there for as long as I can,” he continued. “I have absolutely no intention of being bullied.”

As a precaution, Briatore included a line in his video post reading, “FULL DISCLOSURE: Jim Carrey’s attorneys have contacted me to inform me that Jim Carry [sic] has never met Jeffrey Epstein.”


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29e3f6 No.27274

File: a0bc6787df8233c⋯.png (4.67 MB,1228x9782,614:4891,Clipboard.png)

File: 47dba2e9f2256b0⋯.jpg (137.77 KB,1254x705,418:235,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559235 (221442ZMAR23) Notable: The final report of the U.S. Parliamentary Commission on Biolaboratories will be considered on April 12

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The final report of the U.S. Parliamentary Commission on Biolaboratories will be considered on April 12

According to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, Irina Yarovaya, at the meeting the Commission approved the final report, which has been sent to both chambers of the Federal Assembly for review

22.03.2023, 12:51

On Wednesday, March 22, there was a final meeting of the Parliamentary Commission of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to investigate the circumstances surrounding the establishment of biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine by American specialists.

At the end of the meeting, co-chair of the Commission, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya said that the Commission approved the final report, which was sent to both chambers of the Federal Assembly.

"After consideration by the State Duma and the Federation Council on April 12, the report will be published and submitted to the President and the Government," Irina Yarovaya specified.

According to her, the parliamentary investigation is a unique precedent of how extensively the facts and evidence have been investigated and witnesses have been interviewed.

Thanks to the work of the Commission, the whole world has a chance to coordinate and propose measures to protect against the military-biological threat of the United States, convinced Irina Yarovaya.

The Parliamentary Commission of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to investigate the circumstances related to the establishment of biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine by American specialists was organized at the initiative of the State Duma. The need to investigate the activities of the United States biological laboratories was repeatedly stressed by the Chairman of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin.

The Parliamentary Commission consists of 14 deputies and 14 senators. It is co-chaired by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya and Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev.



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29e3f6 No.27275

File: 6a3d92ad65a9d5b⋯.png (205.53 KB,534x516,89:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559269 (221449ZMAR23) Notable: Oblamma w/CAP: @MichelleObama, and I created The Voyager Scholarship to support the next generation of leaders looking to pursue careers in public service.

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, and I created The Voyager Scholarship to support the next generation of leaders looking to pursue careers in public service.

If you're a rising college junior in the United States, I hope you'll apply by this Wednesday, 3/22: http://voyager-scholarship.obama.org

what dis for .

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29e3f6 No.27276

File: 262c9360a946349⋯.png (448.18 KB,681x663,227:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559288 (221451ZMAR23) Notable: Update: Mitch McConnell Under Care at Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

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Mitch must have really been busted up, eh?

Just taking precautions, I'm sure


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29e3f6 No.27277

File: 9c278fe94685458⋯.png (360.79 KB,499x624,499:624,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ea09f523dc4ad4⋯.png (133.45 KB,482x625,482:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559334 (221502ZMAR23) Notable: pedo adam schiff w/CAP: Caring for students is one of the most meaningful careers.

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im seeing a pattern

hillary shiff bama all talking about kids/schools/acting now before its too late

may be school shooting season

Caring for students is one of the most meaningful careers.

I stand with the bus drivers, custodians, teachers aides and others of



No one can live on $25,000. We must invest in schools and pay fair wages.

It’s time to support those who support our kids.

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29e3f6 No.27278

File: e6ba6ddb3229dd9⋯.jpeg (55.42 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559339 (221502ZMAR23) Notable: China gives US advice on Ukraine: US should stop “fanning the flames” of the conflict in Ukraine…

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22 Mar, 2023 14:21

China gives US advice on Ukraine

It’s time for Washington to reconsider its stance on the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, Beijing says

The US should stop “fanning the flames” of the conflict in Ukraineinstead of making accusations against Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin has said.

During a briefing on Wednesday, Wang responded to a statement by US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, who said the previous day that he didn’t think “you can reasonably look at China as impartial in any way” when it comes to the fighting between Moscow and Kiev.

Beijing has failed to condemn Russia’s military operation, while continuing to buy energy from the country, he stated. Chinese President Xi Jinping “saw fit to fly all the way to Moscow”this week, but has never even talked on the phone to his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky, Kirby added.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman rejected Kirby’s claims, stating that the US was itself too deeply involved in the conflict in Ukraine to accuse Beijing of being biased.

“The US side claims that China's stance isn’t impartial. But is it impartial to continuously supply weapons to the battlefield? Is it impartial to constantly escalate the conflict? Is it impartial to allow the effects of the crisis to spill over globally?” Wang said, referring to the Biden administration’s policies.

“We advise the American side to rethink its own stance on the Ukraine issue, turn away from the erroneous path of adding fuel to the fire, and stop shifting the blame to China,” he said.

Beijing has “no selfish motives on the Ukraine issue, has not stood idly by… or sought profit for itself,” the spokesman insisted. “What China has done boils down to one thing, that is, to promote peace talks.”

As for Xi’s trip to the Russian capital, which took place between Monday and Wednesday, Wang pointed out that this was “a journey of friendship, cooperation and peace, which has aroused positive responses in the international community.”

The Ukrainian crisis was among the top issues discussed between Vladimir Putin and Xi in Moscow, with the Russian president stressing that many provisions of the Chinese peace proposal were “consonant with the Russian stance and can be taken as a foundation for a peaceful settlement when they are ready for it in the West and in Kiev.” However, Putin pointed out that Moscow currently didn’t detect readiness from either the US, its allies or the Ukrainian government.

(Great exactly what Bidan wanted, elevate China as his advisor. This was all planned. Look at the picture RT used.)


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29e3f6 No.27279

File: 5f01d2e3b4d3c93⋯.jpeg (764.18 KB,1289x1279,1289:1279,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3bbe63822050ba8⋯.jpeg (972.29 KB,1665x1604,1665:1604,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559347 (221504ZMAR23) Notable: BREAKING: Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)

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BREAKING: Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)


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29e3f6 No.27280

File: 6d6a3fe6fafa63f⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1601x1640,1601:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559355 (221506ZMAR23) Notable: BREAKING: Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)

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Tucker Carlson Catches NY’s ‘Star Witness’ Against Trump in Lie, Goes Public


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29e3f6 No.27281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559412 (221519ZMAR23) Notable: Moderna CEO Testifies on COVID-19 Vaccine Price Increase

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Moderna CEO Testifies on COVID-19 Vaccine Price Increase

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel testified on the increase in price for the company’s COVID-19 vaccine before the Senate Health Committee.

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29e3f6 No.27282

File: 66e39db72cbd1fb⋯.png (248.8 KB,583x605,53:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559424 (221522ZMAR23) Notable: MFA Russia w/CAP: London must know that it will bear full responsibility for violating the fundamental norms of international law…

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MFA Russia 🇷🇺


⚡️ London must know that it will bear full responsibility for violating the fundamental norms of international law.

We will respond to such actions accordingly.

Read in full:


11:10 AM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27283

File: 7bfb23cd2bccef7⋯.jpg (145.13 KB,720x906,120:151,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559428 (221522ZMAR23) Notable: Female country star tells Tennessee to ‘f&ndash; arrest’ her after introducing her toddler to drag queens

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Female country star tells Tennessee to ‘f-- arrest’ her after introducing her toddler to drag queens

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29e3f6 No.27284

File: b2a1c7410c07f6b⋯.png (46.61 KB,596x346,298:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559452 (221529ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: “A New York Times review and interviews with election law experts strongly suggest that New York state prosecutors have never before filed an election law case…

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Donald J. Trump


The New York Times: “A New York Times review and interviews with election law experts strongly suggest that New York state prosecutors have never before filed an election law case involving a federal campaign. Bringing an untested case against anyone, let alone a former president of the United States, carries the risk that a court could throw out or narrow the case.”

Mar 22, 2023, 10:13 AM


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29e3f6 No.27285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559495 (221537ZMAR23) Notable: Amateur radio hobbyists catch Russians talking about recovering downed US drone

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Amateur radio hobbyists catch Russians talking about recovering downed US drone

Amateur radio hobbyists appear to have obtained audio recordings of the Russian military trying to retrieve a US spy drone.

They were monitoring publicly accessible airwaves after the MQ-9 Reaper drone was downed following an encouter with two Russian warplanes last Tuesday, the New York Times reports.

The radio intercept started about eight hours after the collision in the Black Sea – in what was the first recorded physical clash between Russia and the US since the Ukraine invasion began.

The clips reveal conversations between multiple Russian ships and aircraft over a four-hour period, discussing attempts to recover the drone’s engine casing, nose, wing and gas tank.

‘At this moment, we have brought up three parts of the frame,’ one unit code-named Apelsin (Orange) was heard saying. ‘Now I am proceeding toward the helicopter to search for more.’

There is a series of transmissions about the vessels’ declining fuel reserves and concerns about whether they will have enough to make it back to shore.

They then return to the Port of Sevastopol and one crew member indicates he passed an area called Striletska Bay.

This provides an insight into the units operating near the crash site, and indicates Russia’s continued use of open, unencrypted radio channels for operational communications in Ukraine.

A source close to the Russian defense ministry claimed Kremlin forces had found the downed drone at a depth of up to 2,953ft in the Black Sea.

While there is no indication sensitive US information was recovered, the intercepts contain special military words which are difficult to understand.

Pentagon officials said any sensitive information was wiped from the drone’s software.

‘Whatever is left of that floating will probably be flight control surfaces, that kind of thing — probably nothing of real intrinsic value to them in terms of re-engineering or anything like that,’ National Security Council spokesman John F. Kirby told CNN.

‘We’re not overly concerned about whatever they might get their hands on,’ he added.

This provides an insight into the units operating near the crash site, and indicates Russia’s continued use of open, unencrypted radio channels for operational communications in Ukraine.

A source close to the Russian defense ministry claimed Kremlin forces had found the downed drone at a depth of up to 2,953ft in the Black Sea.

While there is no indication sensitive US information was recovered, the intercepts contain special military words which are difficult to understand.

Pentagon officials said any sensitive information was wiped from the drone’s software.

‘Whatever is left of that floating will probably be flight control surfaces, that kind of thing — probably nothing of real intrinsic value to them in terms of re-engineering or anything like that,’ National Security Council spokesman John F. Kirby told CNN.

‘We’re not overly concerned about whatever they might get their hands on,’ he added.

Moscow did not officially acknowledge a salvage operation, but Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the military would decide whether to attempt a recovery.

‘This is the prerogative of the military. If they deem it necessary to do that in the Black Sea for our interests and for our security, they will deal with that,’ Pescov said at a news briefing in Moscow last week.

The US has since resumed surveillance drone flights over the Black Sea region, officials said.


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29e3f6 No.27286

File: 4b944c140159b9d⋯.png (647.78 KB,891x775,891:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559522 (221542ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Simply A Bad Idea’: Ted Cruz Introduces Bill To Stop Creation Of A ‘Central Bank Digital Currency’

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‘Simply A Bad Idea’: Ted Cruz Introduces

Bill To Stop Creation Of A ‘Central

Bank Digital Currency’

Daily Wire, by Ben Zeisloft

Posted By: Imright, 3/22/2023 11:26:58 AM

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill on Tuesday that would prevent the Federal Reserve and the Biden administration from establishing a central bank digital currency. Opponents of a potential central bank digital currency observe that the asset, which would be managed by the Federal Reserve and tethered to the value of the dollar, may increase government surveillance and control of private citizens. The legislation submitted by Cruz, as well as Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), would ban monetary policymakers from implementing the technology.

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29e3f6 No.27287

File: c9be33723117565⋯.png (238.37 KB,562x590,281:295,Clipboard.png)

File: c069446ec9fc2e7⋯.png (569.76 KB,601x563,601:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559589 (221554ZMAR23) Notable: Delta's

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Department of State


United States government organization

On #WorldWaterDay, we are reminded water is essential to meet human, industrial, and ecosystem needs. The United States will continue to work to find solutions that give people across the globe access to clean, safe water to be healthy, prosperous, and resilient.


2:12 AM · Mar 22, 2020


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29e3f6 No.27288

File: be636b3a9d19ac3⋯.gif (1.66 MB,333x281,333:281,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559591 (221554ZMAR23) Notable: #22764

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29e3f6 No.27289

File: 3f2d0c1429cf12c⋯.png (303.32 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559594 (221555ZMAR23) Notable: Russian TV channel unveils AI presenter

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22 Mar, 2023 15:09

Russian TV channel unveils AI presenter

Several neural networks have reportedly been used to create the virtual weatherwoman

A local TV broadcaster in Russia’s southern Stavropol Region has unveiled an artificial weather presenter, which has been created with the help of several neural networks.

Svoye TV premiered its new program, dubbed ‘Future Forecast’, on Tuesday. The channel said it was controlled by neural networks, with “one responsible for the virtual presenter, another for preparing the text, and the third for generating graphic content.”

The program is set to go on airfive times a dayand is hosted by an AI presenter named Snezhana Tumanova (a wordplay on ‘snow’ and ‘fog’ in Russian).

She is ambitious and seeks to completely replace human competitors. At the same time, the management of the TV channel does not intend to abandon the classic version of the forecast with a living person yet,” the channel noted.

Artificial TV presenters have been in use for several years already, with China launching an ‘English AI Anchor’ at the state-run Xinhua News Agency back in 2018. Multiple outlets have since followed suit. Last week, China’s leading newspaper, the People’s Daily, unveiled an AI presenter named ‘Ren Xiaorong’ that is set to broadcast the news 24 hours a day.

(They thought it would take blue collar jobs!)


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29e3f6 No.27290

File: b18d15ad39d6f0d⋯.png (589.88 KB,1018x620,509:310,Clipboard.png)

File: cdc3b95ef1efcf4⋯.png (228.12 KB,562x590,281:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559610 (221558ZMAR23) Notable: Delta's

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Nearly 5,500 National Guard Troops Deployed in 32 States Over Coronavirus Outbreak

by Cassandra MacDonald Mar. 21, 2020 2:07 pm


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29e3f6 No.27291

File: ddac62c363e3506⋯.png (351.27 KB,597x913,597:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 236ba4f4feaeca9⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559637 (221603ZMAR23) Notable: @RNCResearch Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra is completely clueless as to the 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children LOST by the Biden administration

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RNC Research


Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra is completely clueless as to the 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children LOST by the Biden administration

RNC Research


NEW YORK TIMES (2/25/23):


11:38 AM · Mar 22, 2023


Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S.



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29e3f6 No.27292

File: 1fc5389d915516d⋯.png (102.27 KB,1034x624,517:312,Clipboard.png)

File: 743af895263511d⋯.png (318.65 KB,548x638,274:319,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c22bf0474bc5b⋯.png (73.14 KB,871x549,871:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 55a22f86485a333⋯.png (63.51 KB,1143x356,1143:356,Clipboard.png)

File: c7a4d36040f0c9b⋯.webp (34.19 KB,736x588,184:147,Clipboard.webp)

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29e3f6 No.27293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559646 (221605ZMAR23) Notable: Douglas Macgregor: "UKRAINE WILL BE DESTROYED" in Exclusive Interview

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Premiered Mar 19, 2023 #douglasmacgregor #interview

March 19, 2023 - Douglas Macgregor: "UKRAINE WILL BE DESTROYED" in Exclusive Interview

Douglas Macgregor is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. Macgregor gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty numbers and the horrifying nature of the battle over Bakhmut. Macgregor then gives some predictions for the next stages of the war. They talk about the rising tension with China. They agree there is no need to go to war with China but discuss what may explain the sudden attention shift towards Beijing. Lastly, they talk about the effects of cronyism in the weapons industry and the probability of a nuclear war.


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29e3f6 No.27294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559654 (221606ZMAR23) Notable: Happiest of birthdays to Andrew Lloyd Webber!🎉

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Happiest of birthdays to Andrew Lloyd Webber!🎉

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29e3f6 No.27295

File: 1d28d1eee9252a6⋯.mp4 (581.15 KB,476x270,238:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559656 (221607ZMAR23) Notable: WEF admits they're "working on" tech that can read minds.

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29e3f6 No.27296

File: ba3be5232cc985b⋯.png (23.68 KB,590x234,295:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559660 (221608ZMAR23) Notable: Grand jury investigating Trump cancels today's meeting, delaying possible indictment/Bragg bout to go down

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BNO News Live @BNODesk

BREAKING: Grand jury investigating Trump cancels today's meeting, delaying possible indictment - Insider

11:39 AM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27297

File: 1fbb5fc8a28edd4⋯.png (458.52 KB,996x871,996:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 48bd13467dfe5de⋯.png (371.44 KB,786x1432,393:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559668 (221609ZMAR23) Notable: Xi- Putin Change is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years and we are driving that change together

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29e3f6 No.27298

File: 02e71b388653056⋯.png (623.82 KB,597x793,597:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559675 (221611ZMAR23) Notable: Happiest of birthdays to Andrew Lloyd Webber!🎉

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Andrew Lloyd Webber


What an incredible number of responses we have received to All I Ask Of You! As requested by many of you, including @KChenoweth

, here's Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, as well as a bit of insight into a hidden secret on Phantom - #TeamALW #MusicInIsolation

7:15 AM · Mar 20, 2020

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29e3f6 No.27299

File: 12a570320030537⋯.jpeg (76.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559678 (221611ZMAR23) Notable: Nord Stream 2

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22 Mar, 2023 15:29

Danish Navy present near Nord Stream 2 – media

A ship used by military divers was spotted near the sabotaged pipeline after discovery of mystery object, national daily reports

The Royal Danish Navy is believed to be conducting a diving operation to the east of the island of Bornholm, not far from the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline damaged by a blast. Newspaper Berlingske reported on Tuesday that a Flyvefisken-class patrol vessel used by military divers had been seenthere along with two other military ships. The Danish military confirmed its presence east of Bornholm but would not comment on the ships’ mission, Berlingske said.

Last week, Denmark's Foreign Minister Lars Rasmussen announced that his government could corroborate a report by the Russian gas giant Gazprom, the operator of the undersea pipeline, abouta strange object found near Nord Stream 2.

The company sent pictures of the item to Danish authorities, while the Russian government made a formal inquiry through its embassy, the minister said. Copenhagen treats the discovery seriously and will investigate further, Rasmussen pledged at the time.

The object was mentioned last week by Russian President Vladimir Putin in a TV interview. He said it was found during a Gazprom survey about 30 kilometers away from where the pipeline was breached. Thedevice may be an antennaused in remotely detonating a charge, the president suggested, citing experts.

Moscow asked for permission to explore further, Putin added, necessary because the object is located in Denmark's exclusive zone. Russia could organize a mission “on its own, jointly with [the Danes], or, better yet, with an international group of experts in explosives who are trained to work at such depth.”

Rasmussen said such permission would not be granted, triggering a rebuke from the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The sabotage of the two Nord Stream pipelines, which mostly run next to each other but divert a bit near Bornholm, involvedexplosions in two different general locations, one in Danish waters, the other in the Swedish zone. Three of the four strings comprising the key energy links were ruptured.

According to a report by veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, the operation was ordered by US President Joe Biden, with the militaries of the US and Norway planting the charges. Both nations have denied any responsibility.


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29e3f6 No.27300

File: 326e279690114da⋯.png (156.88 KB,316x530,158:265,Clipboard.png)

File: cdc3b95ef1efcf4⋯.png (228.12 KB,562x590,281:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559683 (221613ZMAR23) Notable: Delta's

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29e3f6 No.27301

File: 7f468989c738f08⋯.jpeg (56.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559701 (221617ZMAR23) Notable: Nord Stream 2

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22 Mar, 2023 15:10

US trying to ‘cover up’ Nord Stream sabotage role – Seymour Hersh

The CIA has been told to provide the media with an alternative story for the pipeline’s destruction, the veteran journalist claims

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh claims theUS intentionally provided false storiesto the media to cover up Washington’s involvement in the destruction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

In a post on his Substack blog, the veteran reporter claims theCIA was tasked with preparing a cover storyin collaboration with German intelligence to provide the American and German press with an “alternative version” of the Nord Stream 2 explosions.

“In the words of the intelligence community, theagency was ‘to pulse the system’ in an effort to discount the claim that Biden had ordered the pipeline’s destruction,” Hersh wrote, citing an anonymous source with access to diplomatic intelligence.

He noted that the CIA had completed its task and, with the help of Germany, planted stories in the New York Times and German weekly Die Zeit. These referred to a supposed “ad hoc ‘off the books’ operation” carried out by a “pro-Ukrainian group,” which allegedly used a luxury sailing yacht to plant explosives on the Nord Stream pipelines.

It was a total fabricationby American intelligence that was passed along to the Germans, and aimed at discrediting your story,” asourcewithin the American intelligence community reportedly told Hersh.

“The disinformation professionals inside the CIA understand that a propaganda gambit can only work if those on receiving are desperate for a story that can diminish or displace an unwanted truth. And the truth in question isthat President Joe Biden authorizedthe destruction of the pipelines,” he added.

In February, Hersh published a bombshell report on last September’s Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipeline blasts, accusing Washington of orchestrating the attack. The White House denied responsibility. Last week, several Western media outlets claimed the culprits may have been linked to Ukraine. Moscow dismissed the reports as “a coordinated media hoax campaign.”


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29e3f6 No.27302

File: 73b0fbf4eed4674⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,472x270,236:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b79b6319cd98022⋯.png (186.31 KB,603x633,201:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559710 (221618ZMAR23) Notable: Watch this brief video, then tell me whether you want to send more “dots” to Ukraine.

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Mike Lee @BasedMikeLee

Watch this brief video, then tell me whether you want to send more “dots” to Ukraine.

Quote Tweet

Chief Nerd @TheChiefNerd·Jan 12

Each Dot = $100,000 U.S. Taxpayer Dollars

12:04 AM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27303

File: 9ce814960a5b436⋯.jpeg (181.3 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559730 (221621ZMAR23) Notable: EU ‘delusional’ in its push to ‘decouple’ from Russia – bloc member's FM

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22 Mar, 2023 15:27

EU ‘delusional’ in its push to ‘decouple’ from Russia – bloc member's FM

Austria's Alexander Schallenberg defended Raiffeisen Bank over its business in the sanctioned country, Reuters reports

Russia will always remain important for Europe, Austria’s foreign minister told Reuters on Wednesday as he defended Raiffeisen Bank’s continued operations in the sanctioned country.

Alexander Schallenberg made his comments after the US sanctions authority launched a probe into the Austrian lender over its business related to Russia last month.

“Let’s get real,” he said.“91% of Western companies are still in Russiaand doing what is sensible: waiting, containment, ring fencing.”

Raiffeisen Bank International is Austria’s second-largest lender and, despite sanctions, still plays a critical role in the Russian economy. It’s one of only two foreign banks on the Russian central bank’s list of 13 systemically important credit institutions. The other is UniCredit, a pan-European commercial bank.

“To think that there won’t be Russia anymore and we can decouple in all areas is delusional,” Schallenberg told Reuters, adding that while Austria would loosen ties, this “can’t happen overnight.”

Schallenberg alsodiscouraged Europefrom introducing further sanctions against Russia.

“It is a very blunt weapon,” he said. “We’ve had massive sanctions packages. Give them time to work.”


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29e3f6 No.27304

File: 8d5adc00ce210a3⋯.png (78.17 KB,162x239,162:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 13fd8b2611bdefc⋯.png (574.32 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 065b92cc7a2d0a3⋯.png (900.19 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: d945895a976cdf1⋯.png (224.58 KB,636x642,106:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559737 (221622ZMAR23) Notable: anti DeSantis diggz

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>The DeSantis/ Knights Malta sauce from last bread was Notable AF. I knew he named his sonMASONfor a reason.


>>>/qresearch/18559256 Santilli's Desantis dig is very interdasting.

>>>/qresearch/18559276 Much More on Christina DeSantis:

>>>/qresearch/18559295 Ron Desantis Was A Member of St. Elmo Society

>>>/qresearch/18559320, >>>/qresearch/18559335, >>>/qresearch/18559350 Who Are the Knights of Malta

>>>/qresearch/18559360 Christina Pushaw. George Soros, McCain & Bush Connections

all pb

Meatball Ron Desanctimonious Dig

>>15682 Ron DeSantis Black Pill

>>>/qresearch/18338533, >>>/qresearch/18338567, >>>/qresearch/18338632 look into Surfside. was memory holed with a quickness.

>>>/qresearch/18338546, >>>/qresearch/18338452, >>>/qresearch/18338493, >>>/qresearch/18338507 Check Ron's supporters. and Anon's connected him to Fauci somehow

>>>/qresearch/18338880, >>>/qresearch/18339071, >>15720 Desantis, Bush, Clown Frat Bros. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Dekes

>>15720 Desantis JAG Gitmo 2006. Also 2006, Bush admin Gitmo Torturing prisoners.

>>>/qresearch/18339181 Desanctimonious. Wonder if this is what Potus is referring to.

>>>/qresearch/18339216, >>>/qresearch/18339238 Desanctimonious shills love torture. Just like the Bush/Cheneys and neocons.

>>>/qresearch/18339295, >>>/qresearch/18339341 Why they torture.

>>>/qresearch/18339351 Jeb Bush Fundraising for Ron

>>15824, >>>/qresearch/18340579, >>>/qresearch/18340499 Meatball shills pushing fake and gay polls. Top Kek

>>>/qresearch/18340579 Sauce for Meatball polls had Killary winning in 2016

>>15825, >>15826, >>15827 Ron DeSantis's Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes

>>>/qresearch/18340709, >>>/qresearch/18340785 Corroborating sauce docs for detainee's Desantis torture story

>>15829, >>>/qresearch/18340833, >>>/qresearch/18340865 debooooonked

>>>/qresearch/18340814, >>>/qresearch/18340815, >>>/qresearch/18340832 Fauci Desantis Diamond Dig

>>15886 Meatball's sister CHRISTINA DESANTIS OBITUARY. Family info

>>15889 Desantis Geographical origins near Palestine Ohio

>>15900 DeSantis's family roots run deep in Valley. The Governor's mother grew up in Youngstown

>>15907 His eight great-grandparents were all born in Italy and of Italian descent

>>>/qresearch/18341971, >>>/qresearch/18342019, >>>/qresearch/18342000 Sister Christina Desantis died primarily from pulmonary thromboembolism

>>26946 Ron DeSantis Cut Lenient Plea Deals to Shorten Prison Sentences for Child Porn Crimes

>>>/qresearch/18551584 Meatball Ron tried Child Pron cases like KBJ judged them

>>26963 David Desimp Rubin

>>>/qresearch/18551608, >>>/qresearch/18551650 Desimp Tomi Lahren

>>>/qresearch/18551660 Oh look. Desanctus wears high heels just like Deniro, who is also a pedo

>>>/qresearch/18552044, >>>/qresearch/18552111, >>>/qresearch/18551979, >>>/qresearch/18552035, >>>/qresearch/18552141 So now DeSantis is the enemy? That's correct

>>27054 Trump Gains Again In Polling Against Potential Rival Desantis

>>27090, >>27092, >>27107, Team Desimp BTFO by Conservative Treehouse Twat Thread

>>27092, Sundance:DeSantis IS THE ENEMY, because he knows exactly what they are paying him for

>>>/qresearch/18554007 Rubin was really shocked when Meghan Kelly said DeSantis would never win. Trump will win. She would know.

>>>/qresearch/18553628 I feel a little bit bad for the team of shills Pushaw has assembled.

>>>/qresearch/18554054, >>>/qresearch/18554078, >>>/qresearch/18554112 Look how pathetic Ronnie sounds with this swipe.

>>>/qresearch/18554732, >>>/qresearch/18554794 He's lucky PDJT is going easy on him.

>>>/qresearch/18554806 There was a lot of copy pasta I saw through multiple breads. It is a consensus crack.

>>>/qresearch/18554832, >>>/qresearch/18554866, >>>/qresearch/18554892, >>>/qresearch/18554910, >>>/qresearch/18554829 Lesson for newfags. Anons opine on Desanctimonious Shills


>>27164 DeSantis doubles down on Trump criticism

>>27170 He thinks he can go up against POTUS in 2024 and all will be forgiven in 2028 when he runs again. No chance. Sundance is right

>>27211, >>27212, >>27213, >>27215, >>27225, >>27229 Ron Desantis Member of St. Elmo Secret Society, Knights of Malta

>>>/qresearch/18559166 @realDonaldTrump: Steve Bannon calls Rob DeSantis a 'weasel' and Mike Lindell brands him 'disgusting'

>>>/qresearch/18559149 Desanctimonious Twitter accounts

>>>/qresearch/18559112 Trump surges to biggest 2024 lead yet, two times over DeSantis

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27305

File: 8ba8e8313909133⋯.png (104.98 KB,585x374,585:374,Clipboard.png)

File: 495e4989949cfd3⋯.mp4 (10.12 MB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559749 (221625ZMAR23) Notable: Biden will have 'a hard time running from' GOP's possible subpoenas: Rep. Tim Burchett

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Biden will have 'a hard time running from' GOP's possible subpoenas: Rep. Tim Burchett





Mar. 22, 2023 - 9:44 - Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., argues the Biden administration is 'completely compromised' by China.


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29e3f6 No.27306

File: aacb4641e610054⋯.png (174.67 KB,572x438,286:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559762 (221627ZMAR23) Notable: John Solomon sues DOJ, National Archives over access to declassified Trump-Russia probe memos

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Devin Nunes




justthenews.com/government/cou #RussiaHoax @jsolomonreports

John Solomon sues DOJ, National Archives over access to declassified Trump-Russia probe memos

Suit brought with help of America First Legal alleges DOJ is violating the Presidential Records Act by keeping the declassified records from the Archives.


Mar 22, 2023, 2:14 AM

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29e3f6 No.27307

File: b3cf2401a4eced1⋯.png (355.65 KB,498x922,249:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559770 (221628ZMAR23) Notable: The Problematic Rise of Media Literacy Education

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The Problematic Rise of Media Literacy Education

March 22, 2023

How Public Schools Are Teaching Kids to Be Woke Fact-Checkers Under Guise of 'Media Literacy'

New Jersey is enlisting public-school teachers and librarians to show children how to combat what it calls the grave threat of disinformation.

“Our democracy remains under sustained attack through the proliferation of disinformation,” Gov. Phil Murphy said in signing the nation’s first law mandating “information literacy” instruction for all K-12 students. The law, which aims to provide students with the “critical thinking” skills necessary to differentiate between “facts, points of view, and opinions” will, Murphy proclaimed, ensure “that our kids … possess the skills needed to discern fact from fiction.”

At a time when the nation’s political and thought leaders are wrestling over the meaning of facts and truth, and distinctions between disinformation, misinformation and plain old information, the New Jersey bill is part of a growing effort to have teachers tell students how to settle these questions.

Since 2016, ten states controlled by Democratic legislators, and three run by Republicans, have passed “media literacy” laws.

Demand for media literacy education has seemingly grown in the “fake news” age, buoying bills like New Jersey’s, which had languished for years, only to pass with overwhelming bipartisan support.

Media literacy advocates such as Erin McNeill, President of Media Literacy Now, say the goal is to teach students “how to consume information, not what information to consume.”

But other educational experts see information and media literacy as inherently political, or minimally ripe for politicization.

The “guise of ‘media literacy,’” writes John Sailer, a senior fellow at the National Association of Scholars, “often functions as a trojan horse, casting certain political views” – conservative ones, say critics – “as prima facie wrong and biased.”

The progressive politics of those backing information and media literacy bills in some states give skeptics further pause – concerns heightened by rhetoric like that of Gov. Murphy, who framed New Jersey’s bill as responsive to the “violent insurrection” of Jan. 6, 2021.


h/t: Paul Sperry


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29e3f6 No.27308

File: e903d1a0f6e8cc1⋯.jpeg (72.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559775 (221629ZMAR23) Notable: Nord Stream 2

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22 Mar, 2023 12:46

US must respond to Nord Stream accusations – Mexican president

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has called on Washington to answer claims about the pipeline sabotage

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has argued that the US should respond to allegations that it sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines. The remarks came as the Mexican leader hit out at Washington following criticism of his country.

“If we are talking about acts of violence, how is it that an award-winning journalist in the United States claims that the US government sabotaged the gas pipeline from Russia to Europe?” Lopez Obrador asked during a press conference on Tuesday.

The Mexican president was referring to claims by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh that the Biden administration blew up the Nord Stream pipelines linking Russia and Germany last year.

Lopez Obrador’s remarks came as part of a rebuttal to accusations of “violence” by Mexican authorities, made in an annual human rights report issued by the US State Department this week. The report alleged “significant human rights issues” in Mexico and cited “credible reports” of unlawful or arbitrary killings by the police, as well as torture and forced disappearances.

Lopez Obrador rejected the findings as “lies,”and noted Washington’s own list of alleged wrongdoings. According to the Mexican president, thatincludes the US extradition demands against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who remains in detention in the UK.

In addition, Lopez Obrador pointed to failed American efforts to halt the opioid crisis plaguing the country, which caused over 71,000 deaths in 2022 alone from fentanyl-linked overdoses and drug poisonings.

The Mexican leader went on to arguethat“lying” and “politicking” is in Washington’s nature, and asserted that the US “do[es] not want to change, so they believe they are the government of the world, and they only see the speck in someone else’s eye and not the beam in their own.”

State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel responded to Lopez Obrador’s remarks by insisting that the US has “never been ones to indicate that we are the government of the world or some kind of edict like that.”(kek weak response!)

Patel suggested that the Mexican police, military, and other government structures were responsible for serious acts of corruption and unlawful killings, which is why these issues were highlighted in the State Department report.

Lopez Obrador, however, has repeatedly insisted that there is an “anti-Mexico”conservative element within the US government that is trying to inflame tensions between the two countries. “Mexico is safer than the United States,” the leader stated earlier this month.

(Great Bidan ruins relationship with Mexico that Trump created good relations with.)


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29e3f6 No.27309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559776 (221629ZMAR23) Notable: Sen. Ted Cruz To Introduce Constitutional Amendment To Lock Supreme Court At Nine Justices

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EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Ted Cruz To Introduce Constitutional Amendment To Lock Supreme Court At Nine Justices

March 22, 2023

10:55 AM ET

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz will reintroduce a constitutional amendment Wednesday to ensure only nine justices can serve on the U.S. Supreme Court at a time.

The Daily Caller first obtained the resolution which would go to the states for ratification once it is approved by Congress. Cruz originally introduced the amendment in 2021. Senate Democrats have mostly stayed quiet about whether or not they are in favor of packing the court or adding more seats to the Supreme Court, something Senate Republicans say will happen if Democrats take full control.



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29e3f6 No.27310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559797 (221632ZMAR23) Notable: WATCH LIVE: Norfolk Southern CEO testifies on East Palestine derailment at Senate hearing

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WATCH LIVE: Norfolk Southern CEO testifies on East Palestine derailment at Senate hearing

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29e3f6 No.27311

File: f0a56015f73aed7⋯.png (413.37 KB,806x871,62:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b584a822a281f0⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559855 (221641ZMAR23) Notable: Sen. Rand Paul Calls Out Moderna's CEO For His Misinformation on Myocarditis Risk Post-Vaccination

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🔥 Sen. Rand Paul Calls Out Moderna's CEO For His Misinformation on Myocarditis Risk Post-Vaccination

"That is not true and I'd like to enter into the record six peer-reviewed papers…that say the complete opposite of what you say. I also spoke with your President just last week and he readily acknowledged in private that yes there is an increased risk of myocarditis. The fact that you can't say it in public is quite disturbing."



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29e3f6 No.27312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559867 (221644ZMAR23) Notable: @SpaceForceDoD Commercial Space Assets - Offensive Capabilities and Defensive Strategies

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United States Space Force @SpaceForceDoD

Recently, Maj. Gen John Olson, the Mobilization Assistant to the Chief of Space Operations spoke on the America's Future Series - Offensive Space Capabilities / Defensive Strategies. #ReadyForces

America's Future Series

Commercial Space Assets - Offensive Capabilities and Defensive Strategies

with Ken Peterman, Maj Gen John M. Olson

Mar 15, 2023


12:06 PM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27313

File: 09195e82aa60b97⋯.png (603.15 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d1ed33539794ea⋯.png (867.2 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bb40fbc0728f58⋯.png (860.83 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c213947f82ac6e⋯.png (400.59 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559868 (221644ZMAR23) Notable: PF After an f22 come screamin past

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After an f22 come screamin past

Started watching a few

Besides the 844 to jacksonville

We have tree top flyer in there too

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29e3f6 No.27314

File: b49f813d2f3e9a5⋯.jpeg (94.98 KB,1034x303,1034:303,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6877f01acb28577⋯.jpeg (656.1 KB,1277x1008,1277:1008,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7f445cdbfa89ad2⋯.jpeg (938.49 KB,1649x1640,1649:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559873 (221644ZMAR23) Notable: Bragg indicted, Trump cleared?

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29e3f6 No.27315

File: 676e46bd69d1b41⋯.png (186.47 KB,597x664,597:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559880 (221645ZMAR23) Notable: @ShellenbergerMD Progressives say they care more than others about people with developmental and psychiatric disorders. But…..

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Michael Shellenberger


Progressives say they care more than others about people with developmental and psychiatric disorders. But it’s increasingly clear that progressive medical providers have mistreated many people with autism by misdiagnosing them as trans.


12:15 PM · Mar 22, 2023


Why This Detransitioner Is Suing The Canadian Government

"I thought that if I changed how I was perceived socially and how I was treated socially, then that was going to improve everything else in my life."


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29e3f6 No.27316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559888 (221646ZMAR23) Notable: A Citizen Voter Roll Cleanup Expert in Fulton County, Georgia

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Jason Frazier:

A Citizen Voter Roll Cleanup Expert in Fulton County, Georgia

Describing the Mess He’s Trying to Clean Up… Try 12,000 Duplicates in the Fulton County Voter Rolls!

Who's Counting With Cleta Mitchell

Mar 22, 2023



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29e3f6 No.27317

File: 0cfde1365eb90fc⋯.png (516.94 KB,964x424,241:106,Clipboard.png)

File: 46daf8dea60b55e⋯.png (4.93 MB,1330x2302,665:1151,Clipboard.png)

File: 53b6da0288a524c⋯.jpg (162.28 KB,1018x827,1018:827,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e8c877f70883b3d⋯.png (641.58 KB,751x500,751:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559906 (221648ZMAR23) Notable: Grand jury investigating Trump cancels today's meeting, delaying possible indictment/Bragg bout to go down

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Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report DA Bragg Withheld Evidence




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29e3f6 No.27318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559916 (221651ZMAR23) Notable: 'Tranq' Zombies Xylazine - non-opioid veterinary tranquilizer

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'Tranq' Zombies

Xylazine - non-opioid veterinary tranquilizer

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29e3f6 No.27319

File: 9ae5963daccd242⋯.png (4.3 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 3005380b3ae4b41⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559924 (221652ZMAR23) Notable: Macron Pension Reform Protest Port of Le Hauvre, France.

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Macron Pension Reform Protest

Port of Le Hauvre, France.


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29e3f6 No.27320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559938 (221653ZMAR23) Notable: Douglas Macgregor: "UKRAINE WILL BE DESTROYED" in Exclusive Interview

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Mar 21, 2023

Colonel Douglas Macgregor & Professor Glenn Diesen 21.03.2023

The Gathering Storm: Limited US Resources & the Collapse of Ukraine - with Colonel Douglas Macgregor


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29e3f6 No.27321

File: ae960237ecc277a⋯.png (296.78 KB,487x926,487:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559949 (221655ZMAR23) Notable: Bipartisan trio introduces bill to ban lawmakers from owning and trading stocks

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Bipartisan trio introduces bill to ban lawmakers from owning and trading stocks

in renewed push

Members of Congress who violate the ban on trading individual stocks would be fined $50,000

A bipartisan trio of lawmakers introduced a bill on Tuesday that would ban members of Congress and their spouses from investing in individual stocks, a move that the authors say is necessary to restore public trust in the institution.

The Bipartisan Ban on Congressional Stock Ownership Act was introduced by Democratic Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the Chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, along with Reps. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., and Ken Buck, R-Colo., who are both members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

The bill would ban members of Congress from owning and trading individual stocks, bonds, futures, and other securities, with a $50,000 fine for each violation of the law. Members of Congress would still be able to own diversified investments such as mutual funds and ETFs.

"Members of Congress are elected to serve the people, not our own financial interests," Jayapal said in a statement on Tuesday. "As long as members and their spouses are allowed to trade individual stocks – the door to corruption remains open."


All too often career politicians abuse their office to enrich themselves.

I am proud to lead this bipartisan effort and take this critically important step toward restoring public confidence in our institutions.


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29e3f6 No.27322

File: 1870b1553947793⋯.png (241.32 KB,531x601,531:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559966 (221658ZMAR23) Notable: It's National West Virginia Day! Here is USS West Virginia in NY in 1934.

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It's National West Virginia Day! Here is USS West Virginia in NY in 1934. The "WeeVee" was sunk on December 7, 1941, but refloated and rebuilt. When she returned to the firing line at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944, she flew the same colors that she had flown at Pearl Harbor.


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29e3f6 No.27323

File: 33e066681fbc678⋯.png (530.31 KB,838x695,838:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559971 (221658ZMAR23) Notable: @ShellenbergerMD Progressives say they care more than others about people with developmental and psychiatric disorders. But…..

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Autistic people are more likely than neurotypical people to be gender diverse, several studies show, and gender-diverse people are more likely to have autism than are cisgender people

People who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth are three to six times as likely to be autistic as cisgender people are, according to the largest study yet to examine the connection1. Gender-diverse people are also more likely to report autism traits and to suspect they have undiagnosed autism.

Researchers often use ‘gender diverse’ as an umbrella term to describe people whose gender identities — such as transgender, nonbinary or gender-queer — differ from the sex they were assigned at birth. Cisgender, or cis, refers to people whose gender identity and assigned sex match.

The results come from an analysis of five unrelated databases that all include information about autism, mental health and gender.

“All these findings across different datasets tend to tell a similar story,” says study investigator Varun Warrier, research associate at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.


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29e3f6 No.27324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559976 (221659ZMAR23) Notable: @ShellenbergerMD Progressives say they care more than others about people with developmental and psychiatric disorders. But…..

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29e3f6 No.27325

File: 1d79b835de00f72⋯.jpg (31.39 KB,306x370,153:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559980 (221700ZMAR23) Notable: Has Antifa infiltrated Trump protests?

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Has Antifa infiltrated Trump protests?

Demonstrator with ANARCHIST tattoo on his neck is spotted whipping Trump supporters into a frenzy in Manhattan

An Antifa infiltrator was spotted confronting protestors in New York as they gathered in anticipation of Donald Trump's potential arrest

Despite siding with Trump supporters, the protestor was caught with ananarchist tattoo on his neck in images from earlier in the day


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29e3f6 No.27326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18559981 (221700ZMAR23) Notable: @ShellenbergerMD Progressives say they care more than others about people with developmental and psychiatric disorders. But…..

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And there you have it. 3.2.1.

Anons halt claiming to be autistic.


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29e3f6 No.27327

File: 919e83eab761202⋯.jpeg (620.78 KB,1305x1553,1305:1553,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bacdd181a304746⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3518e4d5684e45f⋯.jpeg (279.38 KB,1328x2040,166:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560004 (221703ZMAR23) Notable: Barricaded suspect, threatening to jump from high-rise building

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🚨#BREAKING: Barricaded suspect, threatening to jump from high-rise building

📌#Manhattan | #NewYork

Multiple emergency response teams, including the FBI, are presently on-site, tending to a barricaded suspect on the 31st floor, who is currently threatening to engage in…


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29e3f6 No.27328

File: 41ace34027f90c2⋯.jpeg (113.01 KB,900x754,450:377,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560011 (221704ZMAR23) Notable: Barricaded suspect, threatening to jump from high-rise building

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29e3f6 No.27329

File: 41c1ee340d03c4a⋯.jpeg (69.92 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560042 (221709ZMAR23) Notable: Crimean naval base attacked by drones – governor

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22 Mar, 2023 07:19

Crimean naval base attacked by drones – governor

A sea incursion targeting Sevastopol was repelled by the city's defense systems, Mikhail Razvozhaev has claimed

At least three naval drones were involved in an early morningattack on Russian warshipsstationed at the port of Sevastopol, local Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev has reported. The city hosts Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and is occasionally targeted by Ukrainian forces.

The Russian Navy’s assets were not damaged in Wednesday’s raid, but the windows of several buildings near the coast were shattered byblast waves from the destroyed drones, the senior official wrote on social media. Russian air defenses were used to engage an aerial target during the incident, he added.

Despite sporadic attacks by Ukraine on the city of Sevastopol, located on the Crimean Peninsula, the use of naval drones, which cancarry more explosives than their airborne equivalents, is a rare event.

The last major incident involving such weapons was reported by the Russian military in late October last year, when Kiev deployed seven unmanned watercraft and nine unmanned aircraft against ships in Sevastopol harbor. Ukrainian forces managed to damage a Natya-class minesweeper, the Defense Ministry said at the time.

The Russian military claimed the Ukrainian operation was conductedwith the help of British advisersand targeted vessels that were providing safe passage for ships under a UN-mediated Black Sea grain deal. The Defense Ministry briefly suspended participation in the scheme as a result.

The grain deal, which allows Ukraine to export agricultural produce by sea, was extended for a second time last week. Moscow warned that the UN had 60 more days to deliver on the promise to have Western nations lift the restrictions hampering Russian grain and fertilizer trade, which it gave when the original agreement was signed.


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29e3f6 No.27330

File: f6f7b89d17d2aa3⋯.png (580.54 KB,1257x909,419:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560049 (221710ZMAR23) Notable: PF CAMINO01

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Aye, I am the way!

I am ONE!

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29e3f6 No.27331

File: 7af758380897091⋯.png (449.3 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560072 (221714ZMAR23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces “FBI Washington Field Office House Arrest Act” in Response “Cancer at the Washington Field Office”

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sumpin go'n on

Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces “FBI Washington Field Office House Arrest Act” in Response “Cancer at the Washington Field Office”


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29e3f6 No.27332

File: d3c7b3d59131a12⋯.png (382.43 KB,526x541,526:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560075 (221715ZMAR23) Notable: @USMC A #MarineCorps MV-22B Osprey, assigned to the @Official13thMEU, lands aboard the @USNavy's USS America while sailing in the East China Sea, March 16.

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A #MarineCorps MV-22B Osprey, assigned to the


, lands aboard the


's USS America while sailing in the East China Sea, March 16.

America and the #13thMEU are operating in the


area of operations, ensuring a continued #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.


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29e3f6 No.27333

File: 2fa94d267aa9edb⋯.jpeg (1004.98 KB,2099x1470,2099:1470,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560089 (221718ZMAR23) Notable: Grand jury investigating Trump cancels today's meeting, delaying possible indictment/Bragg bout to go down

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‘Game-Changer’ Costello Testimony May Have Sunk Manhattan DA’s Case Against Trump, Dershowitz Says


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29e3f6 No.27334

File: 3726a562024680d⋯.png (326.51 KB,527x651,17:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560095 (221719ZMAR23) Notable: Multiple Hazmat crews are on scene of a hazardous chemical cloud prompting a shelter in place 📌#Westlake | #Louisiana

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🚨#BREAKING: Multiple Hazmat crews are on scene of a hazardous chemical cloud prompting a shelter in place

📌#Westlake | #Louisiana

Currently Numerous hazmat response teams and other emergency units are undertaking measures to address a hazardous chemical cloud emanating from the BioLab chemical plant. A Shelter-in-Place directive has been implemented for a 1-mile radius from the west side base of the I-10 bridge, as a result of a chemical discharge.


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29e3f6 No.27335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560154 (221731ZMAR23) Notable: DoD Releases Biomanufacturing Strategy

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DoD Releases Biomanufacturing Strategy

March 22, 2023

The Department of Defense today released its Biomanufacturing Strategy, a document that will guide research efforts, industry partnerships, and relationships with allies in a rapidly developing technology field with significant implications for national security and economic competitiveness.

"The National Defense Strategy directs us to seed opportunities in biotechnology as part of our broader responsibility to ensure our enduring technological advantage, and the Department of Defense Biomanufacturing Strategy will help guide our efforts in this critical technology field," said Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense for Science and Engineering. "The strategy's principles will define the path we must take to not just develop advanced technologies, but turn them into advanced capabilities that meet national security needs."



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29e3f6 No.27336

File: 9b3935288aeb826⋯.png (190.21 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: ae6b17036a0f9d4⋯.png (201.4 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f937ab2f5a1e01⋯.png (141.9 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: a62ef7a0628ede9⋯.png (192.9 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 21cf8e1e1227f5a⋯.png (201.91 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560156 (221732ZMAR23) Notable: DoD Releases Biomanufacturing Strategy

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U.S. Department of Defense

Biomanufacturing Strategy



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29e3f6 No.27337

File: 0bc0a87d83285e5⋯.png (193.62 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: ad3b77687357532⋯.png (175.94 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: aa0cbf6ed732018⋯.png (194.26 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 14ad250362ec28d⋯.png (55.41 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ce50a693ca91dd⋯.png (59.73 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560159 (221733ZMAR23) Notable: DoD Releases Biomanufacturing Strategy

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U.S. Department of Defense

Biomanufacturing Strategy



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29e3f6 No.27338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560204 (221742ZMAR23) Notable: 'Tranq' Zombies Xylazine - non-opioid veterinary tranquilizer

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>>27239 pb


Xylazine is a pharmaceutical drug used for sedation, anesthesia, muscle relaxation, and analgesia in animals such as horses, cattle, and other non-human mammals.[1] Veterinarians also use xylazine as an emetic, especially in cats.[2] It is an analog of clonidine and an agonist at the α2 class of adrenergic receptor.[3] In veterinary anesthesia, xylazine is often used in combination with ketamine. Xylazine has become a drug of abuse in the United States, where it is known by the street name "tranq", and particularly in Puerto Rico.[8] The drug is being diverted from stocks used by equine veterinarians and used as a cutting agent for heroin, causing skin sores and infections at injection sites, as well as other health issues.[9]

Medical uses

Xylazine is often used as a sedative, muscle relaxant, and analgesic.[3] It is frequently used in the treatment of tetanus.[3] Xylazine is very similar to drugs such as phenothiazine, tricyclic antidepressants, and clonidine.[4] As an anesthetic, it is typically used in conjunction with ketamine.[10] Xylazine appears to reduce sensitivity to insulin and glucose uptake in humans.[10] Yohimbine, an α2 adrenergic receptor antagonist, has been used to decrease glucose levels to a healthy level.[10] In clinical settings, yohimbine can reverse the adverse effects of xylazine if administered intravenously shortly after xylazine administration.[citation needed]

Side effects

Xylazine overdose is usually fatal in humans.[3] Because it is used as a drug adulterant, the symptoms caused by the drugs accompanying xylazine administration vary between individuals.[9] The most common side effects in humans associated with xylazine administration include bradycardia, respiratory depression, hypotension, transient hypertension secondary to alpha-1 stimulation, and other central and hemodynamic changes.[3][9] Xylazine significantly decreases heart rate in animals that are not premedicated with medications that have anticholinergic effects.[3] Xylazine administration can lead to diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia.[10] Other possible side effects that can occur are areflexia, asthenia, ataxia, blurred vision, disorientation, dizziness, drowsiness, dysarthria, dysmetria, fainting, hyporeflexia, slurred speech, somnolence, staggering, coma, apnea, shallow breathing, sleepiness, premature ventricular contraction, tachycardia, miosis, and dry mouth.[4] Rarely, hypotonia, dry mouth, urinary incontinence and nonspecific electrocardiographic ST segment changes occur.[4] It has been reported that the duration of symptoms after human overdose is 8–72 hours.[4] Further research is necessary to categorize the side effects that occur when xylazine is used in conjunction with heroin and cocaine.[3] Chronic use is reported to be associated with physical deterioration, dependence, abscesses, and skin ulceration, which can be physically debilitating and painful.[4][10] Hypertension followed by hypotension, bradycardia, and respiratory depression lower tissue oxygenation in the skin.[9] Thus, chronic use of xylazine can progress the skin oxygenation deficit, leading to severe skin ulceration.[9] Lower skin oxygenation is associated with impaired healing of wounds and a higher chance of infection.[9] The ulcers may ooze pus and have a characteristic odor.[8] In severe cases, amputations must be performed on the affected extremities.[8]


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29e3f6 No.27339

File: 6e3e2e1b5b931f6⋯.png (809.73 KB,608x998,304:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560270 (221754ZMAR23) Notable: Ukrainian channels are complaining that the head of the Ukrainian national bank bought himself a new rolls Royce. Sponsored by your tax money

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zerohedge Retweeted



Ukrainian channels are complaining that the head of the Ukrainian national bank bought himself a new rolls Royce.

Sponsored by your tax money 😽


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29e3f6 No.27340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560330 (221805ZMAR23) Notable: #22764

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#22764 >>27288

>>27287, >>27290, >>27300 Delta's

>>27289 Russian TV channel unveils AI presenter

>>27291 @RNCResearch Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra is completely clueless as to the 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children LOST by the Biden administration

>>27292, >>27295 WEF admits they're "working on" tech that can read minds.

>>27293, >>27320 Douglas Macgregor: "UKRAINE WILL BE DESTROYED" in Exclusive Interview

>>27296, >>27317, >>27333 Grand jury investigating Trump cancels today's meeting, delaying possible indictment/Bragg bout to go down

>>27297 Xi- Putin Change is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years and we are driving that change together

>>27298, >>27294 Happiest of birthdays to Andrew Lloyd Webber!🎉

>>27299, >>27301, >>27308 Nord Stream 2

>>27302 Watch this brief video, then tell me whether you want to send more “dots” to Ukraine.

>>27303 EU ‘delusional’ in its push to ‘decouple’ from Russia – bloc member's FM

>>27304 anti DeSantis diggz

>>27305 Biden will have 'a hard time running from' GOP's possible subpoenas: Rep. Tim Burchett

>>27306 John Solomon sues DOJ, National Archives over access to declassified Trump-Russia probe memos

>>27307 The Problematic Rise of Media Literacy Education

>>27309 Sen. Ted Cruz To Introduce Constitutional Amendment To Lock Supreme Court At Nine Justices

>>27310 WATCH LIVE: Norfolk Southern CEO testifies on East Palestine derailment at Senate hearing

>>27311 Sen. Rand Paul Calls Out Moderna's CEO For His Misinformation on Myocarditis Risk Post-Vaccination

>>27312 @SpaceForceDoD Commercial Space Assets - Offensive Capabilities and Defensive Strategies

>>27313 PF After an f22 come screamin past

>>27314 Bragg indicted, Trump cleared?

>>27315, >>27323, >>27324, >>27326 @ShellenbergerMD Progressives say they care more than others about people with developmental and psychiatric disorders. But…..

>>27316 A Citizen Voter Roll Cleanup Expert in Fulton County, Georgia

>>27318, >>27338 'Tranq' Zombies Xylazine - non-opioid veterinary tranquilizer

>>27319 Macron Pension Reform Protest Port of Le Hauvre, France.

>>27321 Bipartisan trio introduces bill to ban lawmakers from owning and trading stocks

>>27322 It's National West Virginia Day! Here is USS West Virginia in NY in 1934.

>>27325 Has Antifa infiltrated Trump protests?

>>27327, >>27328 Barricaded suspect, threatening to jump from high-rise building

>>27329 Crimean naval base attacked by drones – governor

>>27330 PF CAMINO01

>>27331 Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces “FBI Washington Field Office House Arrest Act” in Response “Cancer at the Washington Field Office”

>>27332 @USMC A #MarineCorps MV-22B Osprey, assigned to the @Official13thMEU, lands aboard the @USNavy's USS America while sailing in the East China Sea, March 16.

>>27334 Multiple Hazmat crews are on scene of a hazardous chemical cloud prompting a shelter in place 📌#Westlake | #Louisiana

>>27335, >>27336, >>27337 DoD Releases Biomanufacturing Strategy

>>27339 Ukrainian channels are complaining that the head of the Ukrainian national bank bought himself a new rolls Royce. Sponsored by your tax money


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29e3f6 No.27341

File: 9baeb7e504f738e⋯.jpeg (60.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560382 (221812ZMAR23) Notable: Nordic country targets Telegram over ‘Russian origins’

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22 Mar, 2023 10:58

Nordic country targets Telegram over ‘Russian origins’

The messaging app, along with the Chinese TikTok, are now banned from devices used by Norwegian government officials for work purposes

The Norwegian Justice Ministry has instructed government officials not to install TikTok or Telegram on their work devices, after a security agency labeled the apps as risks. Many Western nations have cracked down in a similar way on TikTok, a Chinese-owned video sharing service, but Norway is the first to include Telegram, a popular messenger, in its restrictions.

The decision, which the ministry announced on Tuesday, is based on a review conducted by Oslo’s National Security Authority (NSM) earlier this month. It branded Telegramsuspicious due to its “Russian origins,” the ministerial statement said.

Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl said she supported the recommendations provided by the NSM and told officials not to use the two apps. If required for work purposes, they should be installed on a separate device, she added.

Mehl, who is 29 and is the youngest member of the Norwegian cabinet, earlier drew criticism for running TikTok on her work phone. She said she wanted to reach out to younger audiences, among whom the app is highly popular, and removed it after about a month of use.

The NSM expressed broader concerns over apps that collect user information,including Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. But the ministry singled out TikTok and Telegram, citing a report released in February by the national armed forces, which described China and Russia as the biggest threats to the Nordic country’s security.

TikTok has also been targeted in the US, UK, Canada, and by EU authorities in recent weeks. The Norwegian parliament is set to ban its use by lawmakers, according to local media.

Telegram’s “Russian origins” are an apparent reference to its creator, Pavel Durov, who was born in what is now St. Petersburg and obtained his degree in linguistics in Russia.He left the country in 2013, and has since become a citizen of the United Arab Emirates and France.

Telegram’sparent company operates from Dubaiand is registered in the British Virgin Islands. In 2018, a court in Moscow banned the app at the request of media regulator RKN, which complained about the company’s failure to provide encryption keys to security services. Telegram claimed it was impossible due to the way the platform operates. Attempts to enforce the prohibition were unsuccessful, and it was lifted two years later.


(Meanwhile the US and EU think FB, Google, snapcat, twitter spying on the world is fine)

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29e3f6 No.27342

File: 01bf7ee3cc3b945⋯.png (393.46 KB,527x499,527:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560392 (221813ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. Marines with Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 223 prepare for flight.

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U.S. Marines with Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 223 prepare for flight. U.S. Marines with 2nd MAW conducted distributed aviation operations outside of their home duty station and local area to validate logistics, sustainment, and communications requirements for command elements.


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29e3f6 No.27343

File: 379030702cc3b5d⋯.png (326.03 KB,605x660,11:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560396 (221814ZMAR23) Notable: HRC goes to Columbia

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Hillary Clinton


Looking forward to meeting you, @columbia students!


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29e3f6 No.27344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560399 (221814ZMAR23) Notable: MARCH 22, 2023 Senate Republican Agenda

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2:11 PM E

MARCH 22, 2023

Senate Republican Agenda

Following their weekly caucus luncheon, Senate Republican leaders speak with reporters.


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29e3f6 No.27345

File: d4c789cf310e78a⋯.png (152.19 KB,740x299,740:299,Clipboard.png)

File: ff4ad9ccbd020a8⋯.png (117.81 KB,740x286,370:143,Clipboard.png)

File: b234d52015f3416⋯.png (241.97 KB,740x384,185:96,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b6fc11500c004c⋯.png (134.22 KB,1046x790,523:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560434 (221820ZMAR23) Notable: Emails Show ERIC Was SHARING Voter Information With Third-Party Group Tied To Zuckerberg In 2020 Election

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Emails Show ERIC Was SHARING Voter Information With Third-Party Group Tied To Zuckerberg In 2020 Election

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Newly acquired public records reveal that there’s much more to the exact relationship between the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) than meets the eye.

Emails obtained by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (and archived here) show Rhode Island Elections Director Rob Rock “working with CEIR” “to facilitate the secure transfer of . . . ERIC member data” to this private, third-party organization run by ERIC founder and ex-board member David Becker.

On January 12, 2021, Rock sought clarification from ERIC executive director Shane Hamlin on sharing data with CEIR in an email titled “EBU Follow-Up Data Request.” (“EBU” refers to eligible-but-unregistered individuals or residents who lawfully may but have not yet registered to vote.)

Later that day, Hamlin replied: “Yes, you’re good to continue working with CEIR. CEIR signed an NDA [non-disclosure agreement] with ERIC for the purpose of assisting ERIC and ERIC members with independent research ERIC’s effectiveness.” (It’s unclear when this agreement was signed, and whether ERIC has similar agreements with other third parties.)

“This should be the same process you used to provide the EBU list to CEIR,” Hamlin added. From Rock’s reply, it’s likely that transfers of EBU data follow the usual 60-day data transfer requirements outlined in the group’s bylaws, in which states send all of their voter list information to the data warehouse.

These revelations, while shocking, establish a pattern with documents retrieved from Georgia. A September 2020 email obtained via public records request by Verity Vote reveals a complex process wherein Georgia elections officials transmit data through ERIC to CEIR, generates a list of eligible-but-unregistered individuals to target with registration mailers (paid for by states). That list is then transmitted from CEIR back to ERIC, and finally on to the states.

Questions Upon Questions

Eligible-but-unregistered individuals are the key to ERIC’s value as a data aggregator for the activist Left.

As I’ve documented, Democratic strategists have pinned their hopes for future majorities on mass voter registration in swing states, spending hundreds of millions to transform America’s electorate by registering likely Democratic voters—minorities, Millennials, single women, etc.

ERIC is their best bet to discover where these hard-to-reach individuals live. Unlike traditional data vendors or campaigns, ERIC has access to personal information protected by federal privacy laws—information that has been transmitted to the partisan CEIR since at least 2020 (and probably much longer).

That’s probably why CEIR reports “limited direct lobbying of state government officials to encourage passage of legislation to permit membership in ERIC” in its latest IRS Form 990 disclosure.

Which other organizations does ERIC send this information to? Which organizations does CEIR pass it along to?

True Deniers

Journalists and election integrity researchers have sought this crucial information for years, yet many in “progressive” media seem totally uninterested in asking these important questions.

Worse, major liberal news outlets spread election disinformation by asserting that ERIC and CEIR have no connection whatsoever.

It’s no secret that both organizations were founded and run by David Becker, a partisan elections lawyer whose loathing of conservatives and so-called “election deniers” is known far and wide. Becker created ERIC in 2012 ostensibly to help states clean their voter rolls; in 2016, he left to found CEIR to promote election “reforms,” including vote-by-mail and early voting, yet remained a non-voting member of ERIC’s board until March 2023.

That a known Democratic operative with a partisan agenda created a politically neutral group, ERIC, was always hard to believe. Our groundbreaking report, The Best Data Money Can’t Buy, reveals the truth: ERIC was formed to funnel election-winning voter data to leftist groups, helping to turn red states (like Georgia) purple.


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29e3f6 No.27346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560441 (221822ZMAR23) Notable: Atty Mike David: They Ignore the Biden Family Being Clearly on the Chinese Payroll

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“It’s Constant, Constant Bogus Investigations. They Ignore the Biden Family Being Clearly on the Chinese Payroll…These are Marxists. They hate America.” – Attorney Mike Davis Unwinds the Current Bogus Investigations

Attorney Mike Davis is on top of the bogus charges against President Trump.

Attorney Mike Davis worked under Justice Gorsuch and Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley at different times in his career. He knows the law.

Attorney Davis has been all over the unlawful, unnecessary, and unprecedented raid of President Trump’s iconic home, Mar-a-Lago, by the corrupt Biden DOJ.

Davis shared the truth behind the illegal raid in August 2022, shortly after it occurred. President Trump has the Presidential Records Act that he complied with and did nothing wrong with the documents he brought from the White House with him to Mar-a-Lago.

(This however is not true about the top secret classified documents that Senator and VP Joe Biden had in his possession in various locations that were stolen from the government when he didn’t have the Presidential Records Act in his back pocket.)

This past week Davis discussed the bogus cases the DOJ is using to go after President Trump.

He first discussed the bogus NY Soros-backed corrupt DA Alvin Bragg non-crime. It’s a total joke and at best would be a bookkeeping error that is never prosecuted that is outside the two-year statute of limitations.

Davis said the bogus NY investigation is going to be detrimental to the bogus investigation in Georgia and the bogus Mar-a-Lago investigation by Jack Smith.

All three of these investigations are bogus but this Alvin Bragg investigation is the most bogus. His own office the Manhattan DA’s office and declined to prosecute this, so did the Manhattan US Attorney’s office.

Bannon said “there is something deeply sick about it” (these efforts to get President Trump). They are after him like “a pack of jackals”. Davis responded:

We’ve seen this since before he was elected, Russia, Russia, Russia. They’ve impeached him twice. It’s constant, canstant bogus investigations. They ignore the Biden family being clearly on the Chinese payroll. That’s indesputable now that there were payments to the CCP to the Biden family, over a million dollars…

This is not our parents or grandparents Democrat party. These are not liberals who love America and just disagree with conservatives on the best way to get there. These are leftists. These are Marxists. They hate America. They hate due process… They hate equality, they believe in equity. They hate free speech, they believe in censorship.


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29e3f6 No.27347

File: 3f3ee8a612abda6⋯.jpg (99.39 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560448 (221824ZMAR23) Notable: Judge Says Special Counsel Has Evidence Trump ‘Committed Criminal Violations’ in Mar-a-Lago Classified Documents Case

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by Cristina Laila Mar. 22, 2023

BREAKING LEAK: Judge Says Special Counsel Has Evidence Trump ‘Committed Criminal Violations’ in Mar-a-Lago Classified Documents Case


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29e3f6 No.27348

File: cff0c5b79a6cb23⋯.png (312.78 KB,472x704,59:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560450 (221824ZMAR23) Notable: #Pasadena | #Texas Massive explosion at the Ineos Phenol chemicals plant

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🚨#BREAKING: Massive explosion at the Ineos Phenol chemicals plant

📌#Pasadena | #Texas

Currently Numerous hazmat response teams and other emergency personnels are responding to a extremely massive explosion and fire at a Ineos Phenol chemicals plant in Pasadena Texas one person has transported to a hospital. The plant makes multiple different types of chemicals and oils this is still developing


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29e3f6 No.27349

File: ee0b0f8c72e753a⋯.png (339.4 KB,533x466,533:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560452 (221824ZMAR23) Notable: Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report DA Bragg Withheld Evidence

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Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report DA Bragg Withheld Evidence

The grand jury investigating President Trump over alleged 2016 hush money payments to two women who accused him of having affairs with them has cancelled its scheduled Wednesday session and may not meet again this week, according to a report by Business Insider. Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been trying find a away to indict Trump over alleged indirect payments in 2016 to quiet claims of affairs made against him by stripper Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal.

Business Insider excerpt:

The Manhattan ‘hush-money’ grand jury has been told not to come in on Wednesday, a cancellation that comes on the brink of a possible historic indictment vote of former President Donald Trump, according to two law enforcement officers.

And while nothing beyond Wednesday is set in stone, it is unlikely that the grand jury will meet at all this week, said one of the law enforcement sources, who spoke to Insider on condition of anonymity.

The pause comes after unexpected testimony Monday by Robert Costello, who was allowed to address the grand jurors at the defense’s request.

Costello, who previously served as Cohen’s legal advisor, said at a press conference Monday that he attacked his former client’s credibility during his testimony. Cohen had just spent two days of testimony walking grand jurors through the chronology of Trump’s involvement in the payment.

MSNBC confirmed the scoop by Business Insider:

The pause comes after a bombshell report Costello that he told the grand jury that District Attorney Alvin Bragg had withheld several hundred pages of documents from them.

TGP excerpt: “Gregg Jarrett: I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that Grand Jury room and told them, “Wait a minute. You don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?” You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable. And the conduct of Alvin Bragg and his henchman Mark Pomeranz, who specifically says in his book, “We’re targeting zombies because we don’t like his beliefs,” those guys should face disbarment proceedings.”

Robert Costello is a former Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division for the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York, who has represented many prominent New Yorkers in private practice.

Trump posted earlier on Wednesday on Truth Social, “The Rogue prosecutor, who is having a hard time with the Grand Jury, especially after the powerful testimony against him by Felon Cohen’s highly respected former lawyer, is attempting to build a case that has NEVER BEEN BROUGHT BEFORE AND ACTUALLY, CAN’T BE BROUGHT. If he spent this time, effort, and money on fighting VIOLENT CRIME, which is destroying NYC, our once beautiful and safe Manhattan, which has become an absolute HELLHOLE, would be a much better place to live!”


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29e3f6 No.27350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560453 (221825ZMAR23) Notable: Minnesota Democrats reject GOP amendments to prevent fraud in state programs.

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Minnesota Democrats reject GOP amendments to prevent fraud in state


“The Democrats voted against my amendment to prevent people associated with any type of fraud, especially welfare fraud, from becoming vendors in this expanded program. Whenever you have a giant government program that requires a lot of different vendors, you will have fraud. Whenever government provides things for ‘free,’ there is tremendous waste. This program is likely to result in both,” Drazkowski said in a newsletter.

Drazkowski explained that he wanted to prevent a repeat of the Feeding Our Future scandal, which involved at least 60 Minnesotans defrauding the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child Nutrition Programs of at least $250 million. The National School Lunch Program is also part of the Child Nutrition Programs. The two programs targeted by fraudsters were the Child and Adult Care Food Program and the Summer Food Service Program.

Sauce: https://alphanews.org/democrats-reject-amendments-to-prevent-fraud-in-state-programs/

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29e3f6 No.27351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560462 (221826ZMAR23) Notable: Excess deaths, vax correlation study

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Excess deaths, correlation study

Is there a Link between the 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Europe and 2022 Excess All-Cause Mortality?


(Western Norway University of Applied Sciences).

Dr. John Campbell

Mar 21, 2023



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29e3f6 No.27352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560467 (221827ZMAR23) Notable: Look at all these hearings and meetings today. Is this what they want to distract from with Trump BS?

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2:30 PM EDT

Federal Reserve Chair Holds News Conference

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell discusses the board’s decision on interest rates, inflation and other monetary policy actions during a news conference.



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29e3f6 No.27353

File: a3406122567bb32⋯.png (357.7 KB,534x300,89:50,Clipboard.png)

File: a9f8490e7a40c2f⋯.png (342.72 KB,534x300,89:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560474 (221829ZMAR23) Notable: Three teens shot by North Carolina middle school; 2 bodies found hours after first victim rushed to ER

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FOX News

Three teens shot by North Carolina middle school; 2 bodies found hours after first victim rushed to ER

Story by Danielle Wallace • 1h ago

The shooting of a North Carolina 16-year-old Tuesday night prompted an overnight drone search for two other victims whose bodies were found behind a middle school by morning.

The investigation began shortly after 10:30 p.m. Tuesday when officers responded to the 1200 block of Leon Street in Durham, where it was reported that a juvenile male had been shot.

The 16-year-old boy's parents transported him to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries, police said.

The teen said there may have been two additional victims who had been shot, prompting an extensive overnight search. The Durham Fire Department deployed a drone for several hours and the Durham County Sheriff’s Office sent out their cadaver dog, the Durham Police Department said in a statement to Fox News Digital on Wednesday morning.

The bodies of two additional 16-year-old boys were found shortly before 8 a.m. Wednesday near the intersection of Hudson Avenue and North Buchanan Boulevard, which is behind Brogden Middle School. Emergency Medical Services responded and pronounced both juvenile victims deceased on the scene. The teens have yet to be identified.

"Based on our preliminary investigation, the shooting does not appear to be random," police said. "This is an active investigation and no further details are available at this time."

The middle school was temporarily placed on secure status Wednesday morning as police were investigating. It's no longer on secure status.

The surviving 16-year-old male is in stable condition, police said.

durham durham durham

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29e3f6 No.27354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560478 (221830ZMAR23) Notable: Look at all these hearings and meetings today. Is this what they want to distract from with Trump BS?

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2:30 PM EDT

Review of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request for the U.S. Department of State

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



The Honorable Antony J. Blinken


U.S. Department of State





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29e3f6 No.27355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560486 (221832ZMAR23) Notable: Look at all these hearings and meetings today. Is this what they want to distract from with Trump BS?

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2:30 PM EDT

Hearings to examine Department of Defense small business tools for enhancing the industrial base

Senate Armed Services Committee



Mr. Farooq Mitha

Director, Office of Small Business Programs Department of Defense

Ms. Kimberly Buehler

Director, Army Office of Small Business Programs Office of the Secretary of the Army


Mr. Jimmy Smith

Director, Office of Small Business Programs Department of the Navy


Mr. Scott Kiser

Director, Air Force Small Business Programs Department of the Air Force






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29e3f6 No.27356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560493 (221833ZMAR23) Notable: Look at all these hearings and meetings today. Is this what they want to distract from with Trump BS?

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2:30 PM EDT

Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2024 for the Department of the Treasury

Senate Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Janet Yellen


U.S. Department of Treasury





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29e3f6 No.27357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560500 (221835ZMAR23) Notable: Look at all these hearings and meetings today. Is this what they want to distract from with Trump BS?

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2:30 PM EDT

Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2024 for the Department of Health and Human Services

Senate Appropriations Committee



2:30 PM EDT

Roundtable Discussion titled "Native Priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill Reauthorization"

Senate Indian Affairs Committee



2:30 PM EDT

Hearings to examine the need to bolster the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

Senate Judiciary Committee



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29e3f6 No.27358

File: 178b11ae9e681eb⋯.png (356.11 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: b7109cdcad9267a⋯.png (177.42 KB,696x906,116:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560506 (221836ZMAR23) Notable: National Archives Sued for Shielding Documents Declassified by Trump

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National Archives Sued for Shielding Documents Declassified by Trump

The National Archives and Records Administration is illegally withholding documents that were declassified by former President Donald Trump, according to a new lawsuit.

The archives, or NARA, has repeatedly refused to provide the documents Trump declassified just before leaving office on Jan. 19, 2021.

The documents relate to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, a counterintelligence probe that examined purported links between Trump and Russian actors.

John Solomon, a journalist, and Kash Patel, a former Trump administration official, asked NARA for the documents in 2022 after being named Trump’s representatives to NARA.

Gary Stern, a NARA official, said that the declassified records had been sent to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) per a memorandum from then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who directed on Jan. 20, 2021,the DOJ to review the materials and release them with redactions.

“I have asked DOJ to complete its review as quickly as possible, so that we can all have a fully releasable set of records,” Stern said in one message on Aug. 17, 2022.

NARA did find a box with about 2,700 pages but could not ascertain the box’s classification status and is thus treating it as top-secret, Stern said in another email.

NARA is violating the Presidential Records Act, which states that presidential records of a former president “shall be available to such former President or the former President’s designated representative,” the new suit states.

The government defendants “have wrongfully taken or are wrongfully in possession of and/or detaining the subject records,” it states.

Solomon filed the suit in federal court in Washington.

He is asking the court to order the DOJ to immediately return the records to NARA and to order NARA to turn the records over once received.

“President Trump declassified these records so the American public could see for itself the abuses and failures of the FBI during the Russia collusion case. But at every step of the process, the public has been thwarted,” Solomon said in a statement. “These declassified records are clear records of the Trump presidency, have clear historical value, and have been wrongly kept from the Archives and its employer, the American people, by the DOJ for more than two years.”

The DOJ did not respond to a request for comment.

“We don’t comment on litigation matters,” a NARA spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email.

Emails Reveal Details

Emails attached to the complaint showed NARA repeatedly resisting efforts by Solomon and Patel, who is an EpochTV host, to access the declassified documents.

Trump designated the pair as his NARA representatives on June 19, 2022. Three days later, Solomon asked for the declassified binder of documents.

Trump had said in his order, “I hereby declassify the remaining materials in the binder.” He said he accepted the FBI’s proposed redactions and directed the attorney general to implement the redactions and return the redacted copies to the White House.

Meadows, in a memo (pdf) to the attorney general the next day, said he was sending the bulk of the binder to the DOJ with instructions to “expeditiously conduct a Privacy Act review under the standards that the Department of Justice would normally apply, redact material appropriately, and release the remaining material with redactions applied.”

The documents were still with the DOJ, Stern, with NARA, said on June 23, 2022.


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29e3f6 No.27359

File: 41bf0fb547e38f2⋯.png (300.55 KB,627x698,627:698,Clipboard.png)

File: 8905405e144a8c2⋯.png (984.71 KB,1105x610,221:122,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560508 (221836ZMAR23) Notable: 33 hurt and 21 rushed to hospital after billionaire Microsoft founder Paul Allen's ship blows over

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Bringing over from bunker

Nord Stream 2

Paul Allen ship blown over

33 hurt and 21 rushed to hospital after billionaire Microsoft founder's ship blows over

The fire service and ambulances have arrived at Leith Docks in Edinburgh, Scotland.

A rescue operation has been launched at the Imperial Dock area in Leith.

The ship, a research vessel named RV Petrel, is owned by the estate of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

RV Petrel is operated by the US Navy and is used as a deep submergence research vessel.

RV Petrel, or R/V Petrel (IMO: 9268629, MMSI: 235102789),[2] is a 76.45 m (250.8 ft) research vessel owned by the United States Navy and once owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. The ship is named after the petrel, a type of sea bird. In 2016, Allen purchased the offshore service vessel formerly named Seven Petrel from Subsea 7, a subsea engineering, construction, and services company. In 2017, the ship completed an extensive retrofitting to become a deep-submergence research vessel. It was then the only privately owned vessel in the world equipped to explore 6,000 m (19,685 ft) depths. It also served as a testing bed for new deep-sea equipment that has never been deployed on any other ship.



>It also served as a testing bed for new deep-sea equipment that has never been deployed on any other ship.

Wonder if that would include explosive devices used to blow up a pipe line.

A specialized deep water dive vessel would've been needed to attack the Nord Stream pipes.

Knowing US involvement is the prime suspect then this vessel fits the bill nicely.

It has all the right capabilities and can masquerade as a civilian vessel to allow a degree of plausible deniability to the navy.

Baltic to Edinburgh Scotland is only a day's sailing ~800-1000 miles.

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29e3f6 No.27360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560529 (221839ZMAR23) Notable: NATO Chief Takes Stock of Challenging Year, Vows More Progress

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NATO Chief Takes Stock of Challenging Year, Vows More Progress

March 21, 2023

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was pivotal during what was a tumultuous year in NATO history, but the countries of the alliance rose to the challenges of Russia's brutal aggression, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said today, as he unveiled his annual report for 2022 during a news conference in Brussels.


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29e3f6 No.27361

File: bf169f39ab046ff⋯.png (457.14 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: ea15d1ad749261b⋯.png (46.17 KB,675x331,675:331,Clipboard.png)

File: d7dfcf99d37c6aa⋯.png (50.24 KB,657x387,73:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560532 (221840ZMAR23) Notable: Biden White House Urges Xi Jinping to Call Zelensky, Play ‘Constructive Role’ in Ukraine

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Biden White House Urges Xi Jinping to Call Zelensky, Play ‘Constructive Role’ in Ukraine

National Security Council (NSC) Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby told reporters in White House briefings on Monday and Tuesday that China could play a “constructive role” in the Russian invasion of Ukraine by reaching out to the latter nation’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, and “press[ing] Russia to pull its troops out of Ukraine.”

Kirby emphasized that if Zelensky “can get behind” a path to peace, even one promoted by China, “he’ll find no better friend in that effort than the United States.”

The Chinese Communist Party began mounting a full-scale publicity effort in February to insert itself in the Ukraine invasion. Beijing is one of Russia’s closest allies but maintains friendly relations with Ukraine, as well. Ukraine is a member of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), an infrastructure plan in which China ensnares impoverished countries with predatory loans used to pay China to build roads, ports, and railways China later seizes when the countries default on their debts. Zelensky has repeatedly made public appeals to hold a conversation with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, to no avail, and for China to encourage Russia to end its invasion.

Xi Jinping departed Moscow on Wednesday after a two-day visit featuring hours of talks with Putin. Both sides revealed that they discussed the Russian invasion in Ukraine, but did not indicate that Xi and Russian leader Vladimir Putin came to any definitive plans of action together on the matter.

Upon arriving in Russia on Monday, Xi proclaimed that China would “stand guard over the world order.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry and its state media arms have aggressively promoted China as the best potential mediator to stop the conflict. China debuted a “peace plan” for Ukraine in February, on the anniversary of Putin’s “special operation” to oust Zelensky, that consisted of ending sanctions on Russia, opposing the use of nuclear weapons, and all parties moving to “calm down as soon as possible.”

“If there is a country able to play a role in mediating the Ukraine crisis, it has to be a country with a true neutral stance and a position of justice, and the US has already lost this position,” the Chinese state-run newspaper Global Times asserted on Monday, “so in the next stage, China will keep making efforts for mediation, and during Xi’s visit to Russia, the world will hold high expectations of what progress China will make with Russia.”

Speaking to reporters in the White House briefing room on Tuesday, Kirby repeatedly rejected the idea that China was an “impartial” actor given its close relationship with Russia and rejection of Western sanctions on Russia’s top industries. Kirby did not, however, entirely reject Chinese meddling in eastern Europe and suggested that China could take steps to developing impartiality.

“So, now, if China wants to play a constructive role here in this conflict, then they ought to press Russia to pull its troops out of Ukraine and Ukrainian sovereign territory,” Kirby said. “They should urge President Putin to cease bombing cities, hospitals, and schools; to stop the war crimes and the atrocities; and end the war today. It could happen right now.”

Kirby dismissed the description of China as “impartial” due to a lack of communication with Ukraine.


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29e3f6 No.27362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560538 (221841ZMAR23) Notable: Nolte: Democrat-Run City Bans New Gas Stations 'to Fight Climate Change'

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Nolte: Democrat-Run City Bans New Gas Stations to Fight Climate Change

The lunatics in charge of Louisville, Colorado, have decided to ban any new gas stations from moving into their city.

Currently, Louisville has a population of 21,000 people and only six gas stations.

“We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being, and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville,” councilwoman Maxine Most told Fox News.

Additionally, any new “gas stations and service stations will also be required to have at least two charging stations for electric vehicles and be 1,000 feet from existing stations unless they are part of a large retail center, according to the ordinance.”

How does banning the number of gas stations help fight Climate Change (which is a hoax)?

Even though it is a hoax, let’s pretend Climate Change is real…. So how does banning gas stations decrease carbon emissions?

Like this lunatic city council, I’m no scientist, but it seems to me that if you limit the number of gas stations, two things will happen: 1) people waiting in line to get gas will idle their cars longer than they normally would, and 2) people will have to drive further to get gas. In both cases, you get cars running longer than they would otherwise, which puts more carbon in the air.

I guess this all makes sense when you realize this is more about religion than science. I mean, there’s a reason high school dropout Greta “Damien” Thunberg was granted an honorary degree in … theology. Louisville city council must think that if they “sacrifice” gas stations to Mother Earth, Gaia will reward them with good weather.

Here’s the kicker…

According to the Daily Mail, the Louisville city council knows this ban will not do the climate any good:

Speaking before the vote, councilwoman Most admitted that the move wouldn’t stop climate change, but said the small community should continue with the plan anyway.

‘We should be taking whatever incremental steps to not create additional fossil fuel infrastructure,’ said the councilmember, who also serves on the city’s Economic Vitality Committee.

There you have it. This city council is inconveniencing its constituents for purely symbolic reasons.

It gets worse… The city council has decided “the entire city’s municipal electricity needs” must come from “carbon-free sources by 2025.”

That’s less than two years from now.


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29e3f6 No.27363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560552 (221843ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Have You Vaccinated Your Children?’: Rand Paul Grills Moderna CEO Over Adverse Vaccine Reactions

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‘Have You Vaccinated Your Children?’: Rand Paul Grills Moderna CEO Over Adverse Vaccine Reactions

Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul grilled Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel on Wednesday over whether the shot is safe for teen boys, citing an increased risk of myocarditis.

Bancel testified before the Senate on raising the cost of COVID-19 vaccines.

“Is there a higher incidence of myocarditis among adolescent males ages 16-24 after taking your vaccine?” Paul asked.

“We care deeply about safety and we’re working closely with the CDC to –”

“Pretty much a yes or no,” Paul interjected. “Is there a higher incidence of myocarditis among boys 16-24 after they take your vaccine?”

“The data … has shown there’s less [risk] for people who get the vaccine versus people who get the COVID infection.”

“You’re saying that for ages 16-24 among males who take the covid vaccine, their risk of myocarditis is less than people who get the disease?”

“That is my understanding.”

“That is not true,” Paul shot back, adding six reviewed papers to the record that have shown an increased risk and claiming that Moderna’s president recently acknowledged the increased risk in myocarditis.

“The fact that you can’t say it in public is quite disturbing. Do you think it’s scientifically sound to mandate three vaccines for adolescent boys?”

Bancel tried to avoid answering the question before Paul pushed back and noted Bancel “has been advocating for it.”

Paul then noted that that myocarditis is likely to appear after the second dosage of the vaccine and questioned why there is no conversation happening around reducing the recommendation down to one dose. Currently the CDC recommends getting three doses of Moderna for those between the ages of 6 – 17, calling vaccines “safe and effective.”

“I’ll ask you this question: your 16-year-old had COVID, your 16-year-old gets better and now has recovered from COVID. You vaccinate them and they get myocarditis, are you gonna give them two more vaccines? Your child, give them two more vaccines?”

“I’m not a physician , I would have to discuss –” Bancel said.

“You have children!” Paul said. “Have you vaccinated your children?”

“I have.”



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29e3f6 No.27364

File: 0e3b818cf07656c⋯.png (551.07 KB,1255x779,1255:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560557 (221843ZMAR23) Notable: Fed raises interest rates a quarter point despite recent banking turmoil

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Fed raises interest rates a quarter point

despite recent banking turmoil

Fox News, by Megan Henney

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/22/2023 2:19:17 PM

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised its benchmark interest rate by a quarter of a point, forging ahead with its fight against stubborn inflation despite a spate of bank failures and a growing crisis within the financial sector. The move puts the key benchmark federal funds rate at a range of 4.75% to 5%, the highest since 2007, from near zero just one year ago. It marks the ninth consecutive rate increase, following a half-point hike in December and four jumbo-sized 75-basis-point hikes before that. Fed officials are in the midst of the most aggressive tightening campaign since the 1980s as they try to crush inflation that is still running

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29e3f6 No.27365

File: fea84bb398276f1⋯.png (170.66 KB,633x468,211:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560562 (221845ZMAR23) Notable: Remember that time when CBS tried to make Trump look like Hitler?

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Remember that time when the Jews at CBS tried to make Trump look like Hilter?

Wasn't that awesome?

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29e3f6 No.27366

File: 9d4706cc20c5b22⋯.jpeg (932.47 KB,2400x2304,25:24,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: 9aa5bf917631fb8⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1170x1657,1170:1657,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560583 (221847ZMAR23) Notable: Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report DA Bragg Withheld Evidence

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You know whatHappenswhen a Lawyer Knowingly withholds exculpatory evidence from an indictment proceeding against a normal citizen? Much Less The President of the United States?

Disbarred? Arrested? Moar?


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29e3f6 No.27367

File: aee5257e0c0973d⋯.png (526.01 KB,825x654,275:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560585 (221848ZMAR23) Notable: Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report DA Bragg Withheld Evidence

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Trump Grand Jury Won’t Meet Wednesday,

Delaying Potential Indictment

National Review, by Brittany Bernstein

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/22/2023 12:56:06 PM

The Manhattan grand jury that is considering a potential indictment of former president Donald Trump over his alleged involvement with a hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels will not meet on Wednesday, according to several reports, delaying any potential indictment until Thursday at the earliest. Trump claimed over the weekend that he would be arrested Tuesday in connection with a $130,000 payment allegedly made to the porn actress on his behalf. “THE FAR & AWAY LEADING REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE & FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES

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29e3f6 No.27368

File: 863ac32f518b0a3⋯.png (29.1 KB,631x309,631:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 102dc63032e6806⋯.png (568.07 KB,960x711,320:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560589 (221848ZMAR23) Notable: Remember that time when CBS tried to make Trump look like Hitler?

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Funny how the Jews try to paint Trump as Hitler, but it's not the Jews?


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29e3f6 No.27369

File: 62b9b7ff9191610⋯.png (1.95 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560605 (221850ZMAR23) Notable: Lebanon Forces fire tear gas to disperse protesters amid anger over economic conditions

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Lebanon Forces fire tear gas to disperse protesters amid anger over economic conditions

Lebanese security forces fired tear gas, on Wednesday, to disperse hundreds of retired soldiers in the capital, Beirut, amid protests against deteriorating economic conditions, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Hundreds of retired soldiers gathered outside the government headquarters in central Beirut to demand better pay, according to an Anadolu reporter.

Protesters waved banners calling for improving living conditions amid a collapse of the local currency.

Lebanon's currency registered 110,000 against the US dollar on Tuesday.

Security forces fired tear gas to disperse the protesters as they attempted to break through the fence leading to the government headquarters.

Injuries were reported among protesters.

Since 2019, Lebanon has been facing a crippling economic crisis that, according to the World Bank, is one of the worst the world has seen in modern times.


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29e3f6 No.27370

File: d602c4031430e3f⋯.png (215.11 KB,425x467,425:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560613 (221851ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Have You Vaccinated Your Children?’: Rand Paul Grills Moderna CEO Over Adverse Vaccine Reactions

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BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul grills Moderna CEO on the increased risk of myocarditis for young boys after receiving mRNA shots. CEO says his kids have had 3 or 4 doses of mRNA.



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29e3f6 No.27371

File: 031af2eadb0426c⋯.png (144.39 KB,421x535,421:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560623 (221852ZMAR23) Notable: UCSF Orders Their Doctors to Ignore COVID Vaccine Injuries "They don’t file VAERS reports either. That’s a violation of federal law."

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UCSF Orders Their Doctors to Ignore COVID Vaccine Injuries

"They don’t file VAERS reports either. That’s a violation of federal law."


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29e3f6 No.27372

File: 69e9465e2085a30⋯.png (277.85 KB,422x675,422:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560629 (221853ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Have You Vaccinated Your Children?’: Rand Paul Grills Moderna CEO Over Adverse Vaccine Reactions

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NEW: Sen. Rand Paul Confronts Moderna CEO About the Risk of Myocarditis in Young Males

Paul: "You're saying that for ages 16 to 24, among males who take the COVID vaccine, their risk of myocarditis is less than people who get the disease?"

Bancel: "That is my understanding —"

Paul: "That is not true. And I'd like to enter into the record six peer-reviewed papers … that say the complete opposite of what you say. I also spoke with your president just last week, and he readily acknowledged in private that, yes, there is an increased risk of myocarditis. The fact that you can't say in public is quite disturbing."

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29e3f6 No.27373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560638 (221854ZMAR23) Notable: McCarthy says Iraq military authorizations will first go to House committee

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McCarthy says Iraq military authorizations will first go to House committee

Ahead of expected Senate passage of a measure that would repeal two decades-old Iraq-related military authorizations, Speaker Kevin McCarthy said Tuesday he sees a strong chance the Republican-controlled House will pass a similar bill.

McCarthy, R-Calif., speaking to reporters at a Republican retreat in Florida, offered his most supportive remarks to date of the bipartisan Senate effort to repeal the 1991 Gulf War authorization for use of military force and the 2002 Iraq AUMF. But he indicated the House Foreign Affairs Committee would hold its own markup before it gets to the floor.

“It’ll have to go through committee. … I think it has a good chance of one getting through the committee and getting to the floor,” McCarthy said. He also indicated he would support repeal of the two Iraq AUMFs as long as a third one, a 2001 AUMF focused on terrorism, remains in place.

Last weekend marked the 20th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. The attack toppled the regime of dictator Saddam Hussein but failed in other strategic objectives, including finding the weapons of mass destruction cited by the George W. Bush administration to justify the invasion to Congress and the United Nations. Such weapons were not found.

The U.S. military occupation also largely failed to bring stability to the Iraqis, instead creating a political vacuum that Iran exploited to expand its influence over its smaller Arab neighbor, using armed proxy militias operating in Iraq. The instability in Iraq also offered terrorist groups — notably the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS — a base to plot and carry out attacks on Iraqis and in the broader region.

McCarthy said it would be “very healthy” for lawmakers to debate repealing the Iraq-related authorizations.

“I support in keeping the worldwide (AUMF) so there’s action that can be taken if there’s a terrorist (attack) anywhere in the world. But Iraq and 20 years into it, I don’t have a problem repealing,” McCarthy said.

The Senate on Tuesday agreed by a vote of 67-28 to a motion to proceed to the AUMFs repeal legislation from Sens. Tim Kaine, D-Va., and Todd Young, R-Ind.

“I hope Republicans will work with us to keep the bill moving forward, because AUMF repeal in the Senate is now a matter of when, not of if,” Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., said in floor remarks. “It’s my hope that we’ll finish our work on the AUMF as soon as possible. We will have an amendment process. There is no reason to drag this out.”

The Senate leader previously said he would permit votes on a limited number of amendments he deemed reasonable. The Senate could take final action on the bill as early as this week, but the timing remains uncertain.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on Tuesday introduced an amendment to the Kaine-Young legislation that would repeal the 2001 counterterrorism AUMF six months after enactment of the underlying legislation.

Paul offered a similar amendment at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee markup of the bill earlier this month. It was rejected in a 1-20 vote. Several Democrats voting against it said they supported repeal of the 2001 authorization but that they viewed the amendment as harmful to the bipartisan effort to sunset the Iraq-focused AUMFs.

“A driving force behind the AUMF was Saddam’s supposed possession of weapons of mass destruction — allegations that were later revealed to be untrue,” wrote Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., and Bridget Moix, general secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a Quaker lobby organization, in a weekend op-ed on CNN.com.

The two said leaving the 2002 AUMF on the books offered an opportunity for a future U.S. administration to use it in a way Congress did not initially envision when lawmakers first approved it.


Don't forget who told congress!



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29e3f6 No.27374

File: b6d5ee49e77b9ee⋯.png (124.01 KB,1129x786,1129:786,Clipboard.png)

File: c3e584322eedcdc⋯.pdf (455.07 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 42766edfc90200f⋯.png (1.38 MB,2000x1125,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560648 (221856ZMAR23) Notable: Excess deaths, vax correlation study

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29e3f6 No.27375

File: aea6ea9272871f8⋯.png (54.05 KB,425x270,85:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560652 (221857ZMAR23) Notable: Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report DA Bragg Withheld Evidence

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Local NYC ABC affiliate:

The Manhattan grand jury will not be meeting today, delaying any potential indictment of President Donald Trump until tomorrow at the earliest.

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29e3f6 No.27376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560674 (221902ZMAR23) Notable: The Biden Justice Department Stands Accused of Hiding This Evidence of Biden-China Corruption

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The Biden Justice Department Stands Accused of Hiding This Evidence of Biden-China Corruption

March 22, 2023

The Justice Department is not disclosing to the public or Congress links between President Biden’s son Hunter and brother James and a corrupt Chinese government agent who doled out millions of dollars in bribes. It has scrubbed the connections from court documents and is suggesting it doesn’t have evidence clearly in its possession.

In addition, the department appears to be trying to silence another disreputable partner from coming forward to tell what he knows about the Bidens’ Chinese connection.



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29e3f6 No.27377

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560683 (221904ZMAR23) Notable: Fmr. CDC Director Dr. Redfield: "This Pandemic Was Caused by Science"

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Fmr. CDC Director Dr. Redfield: "This Pandemic Was Caused by Science"


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29e3f6 No.27378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560703 (221908ZMAR23) Notable: Missouri AG says probe uncovered 'shadowy' network of clinics helping minors change gender

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Missouri AG says probe uncovered 'shadowy' network of clinics helping minors change gender

Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey suggested the probe started with a whistleblower complaint.

Missouri GOP Attorney General Andrew Bailey said Wednesday an investigation by his office has uncovered a network of clinics that are helping minors transition from one gender to another.

"There's a shadowy, clandestine network of these clinics across the state of Missouri that are encouraging kids to come in," Bailey said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "They're encouraging them to believe they have mental health problems and then are jumping the gun to administer puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and recommending – ultimately –surgery that's damaging and irreversible."

Last month, Bailey's office started an investigation into the Pediatric Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital after a whistleblower made allegations of child transitioning going too far.

"This is a whistleblower that voluntarily worked at a pediatric transgender clinic because she believes in transgender rights," Bailey explained. "She is self described as a progressive. And so when she says these procedures go too far and that there aren't adequate safety guards in place and the children are being harmed, we've got to take it seriously."

The focus of the ongoing investigation, Bailey says, is whether such clinics are using experimental drugs on children without parental consent, which is illegal.

"This is a woke left-wing ideology that's masquerading as medicine and it's harming children," he said. "I mean European nations that are far to the left of America like Sweden, Norway, England and France-they've abandoned these kinds of treatments.

"And when I say treatments, I'm talking about just experimental medication and puberty blockers and cross sex hormones that are not approved by the FDA for this kind of procedure."


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29e3f6 No.27379

File: e49bb6932b164e4⋯.jpeg (91.61 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560706 (221908ZMAR23) Notable: Biden White House Urges Xi Jinping to Call Zelensky, Play ‘Constructive Role’ in Ukraine

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21 Mar, 2023 12:41

Ukraine issues update on mooted Xi-Zelensky talks

Kiev is still waiting for Beijing to confirm top-level virtual discussions, the country’s Deputy Prime Minister says

Ukraine’s President Vladimir Zelensky and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have a lot to discuss, but it’s currently unclear if their conversation will actually take place, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk has said.

A phone call being considered between the two heads of state “would be an important move.They have things to say to each other,”Vereshchuk told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera on Tuesday. (Ukraine obviously doesn’t know the etiquette for speaking with a world leader. Threats don’t work!)

But when asked if this conversation will happen “for sure,” she replied: “I don't know. We're waiting for confirmation.”

Xi hasn’t spoken with Zelensky since the conflict between Moscow and Kiev began more than a year ago. Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported, citingunnamed sourcesfamiliar with the matter, that the leaders of China and Ukraine may hold a“virtual meeting” after Xi returns from his visit to Russia.

The Chinese leader landed in Moscow on Monday and held five-hour-long, one-to-one talks with Russian president Vladimir Putin. He met with Russia’s Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on Tuesday, with high-level delegations from the two countries, headed by Putin and Xi, to continue negotiations later in the day.

Beijing’s views on the conflict in Ukraine were summarized by Xi in an article he wrote that was published in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper ahead of his visit. China maintains “an objective and impartial position” regarding the crisis, while making “active efforts to promote reconciliation and peaceful negotiations,” he wrote.

The Chinese leader pointed out that the settlement of the conflict should be based on the principles laid out in the UN Charter, which“respect the reasonable concern of all states in the field of security” and ensure the stability of global production and supply chains.

However, Vereshchuk said thatKiev expected Beijing to standwith the side seeking what she called “truth and justice” by supporting Zelensky’s ten-point “peace plan,” which, among other things, calls for the withdrawal of Russian forces to borders claimed by Ukraine, for the payment of reparations and for submission to war-crime tribunals. “Bejing should understandthat the idea of a ceasefire is impossible if it’s not preceded by a Russian pullout from the territory of Ukraine,”she explained.

(Even I know you don’t start off insinuating China, saying they don’t understand something. The barbarians will not do well with China, guilt and shame never works like it does on the weak leaders of US and EU)

Russia instantly rejected Zelensky’s proposal as “unacceptable,” insisting that it actually proved Kiev’s unwillingness to look for a diplomatic solution.


(Kekkity, Zelensky is being ghosted…not long now anons)

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29e3f6 No.27380

File: 2d7a93722145d80⋯.png (216.75 KB,728x812,26:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560714 (221909ZMAR23) Notable: Think Tank Executive Provided ‘Explosive’ Info to FBI About Hunter Biden’s Chinese Deals, Lawyer Claims

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Think Tank Executive Provided ‘Explosive’ Info to FBI About Hunter Biden’s Chinese Deals, Lawyer Claims

An Israeli think tank executive claims he told the FBI in 2019 that members of the Biden family warned a Chinese energy executive about a coming federal investigation, allowing him to flee the country before being placed under arrest.

Gal Luft, the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank, provided the "explosive" details to the FBI and Justice Department in March 2019, according to his lawyer. Sources close to Luft told the Jewish News Service members of the Biden family "tipped…off" their Chinese partner, China Energy Fund Committee chairman Ye Jianming, that he was the target of an FBI probe.

The details emerge as House Republicans have homed in on the Biden family’s dealings with CEFC China, and amid an ongoing Justice Department probe of the troubled first son. Republicans released a report last week that a close friend of the Biden family, Rob Walker, wired millions of dollars from a CEFC-linked company in 2017 to Hunter Biden, his uncle Jim Biden, and his sister-in-law, Hallie Biden.

The timing of Luft’s incendiary claims are certain to draw scrutiny. He came forward with allegations about the Bidens last month after the Justice Department sought his extradition from Cyprus on charges of illegal arms trafficking. Luft denies the charges and alleges that the "DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim & Hunter Biden."

While Luft’s specific allegations have yet to be verified, there is evidence that he has direct insight into CEFC’s affairs. There is also reason to believe that he met with the FBI and Justice Department as he claims. His lawyer, former U.S. assistant attorney Robert Henoch, said in filings to the Justice Department under penalty of perjury that he accompanied Luft during his 2019 meeting with FBI and Justice Department officials. Henoch has called Luft a "whistleblower" and said he planned to submit letters to Congress with details of Luft’s case and his meeting with investigators.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Luft served as an adviser to CEFC China Energy during the same time span that the energy conglomerate paid millions of dollars to the Biden family for business consulting and legal services. CEFC, which is widely suspected to be a front for the Chinese Communist Party, paid Luft’s think tank $350,000 to collaborate on events to promote China’s Belt and Road infrastructure project. Ye, the chairman of CEFC, served on the board of trustees for the institute, which included former high-level intelligence officials like ex-CIA director James Woolsey and Robert McFarlane, a national security adviser for former president Ronald Reagan.

Luft and Biden worked closely with Patrick Ho, the head of CEFC’s think tank, the China Energy Fund Committee. A former employee of that think tank, David Riccardi-Zhu, told the Free Beacon that he frequently saw Ho with Luft and Woolsey, who served under former president Bill Clinton. Ho organized several events for Luft and his think tank to promote the Belt and Road Initiative and various clean energy initiatives.

CEFC China hired Hunter Biden in November 2017 to represent Ho after his arrest on charges that he tried to bribe African officials on behalf of CEFC. Biden, who received $1 million for the legal work, appeared to suspect that Ho worked for Chinese intelligence. In May 2018, Biden referred to Ho as the "fucking spy chief of China" in a voice recording. Emails from Biden’s laptop show that he spoke to FBI agents about Ho after his arrest in November 2017.


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29e3f6 No.27381

File: c548c6042db5f59⋯.png (122.59 KB,1320x912,55:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560719 (221910ZMAR23) Notable: Excess deaths, vax correlation study

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see figure B

2021 Europe C19 Vaccine Uptake correlates to 2022 All-Cause Mortality by 0.105% (Robust!)

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29e3f6 No.27382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560728 (221912ZMAR23) Notable: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it has reached an agreement with Ukraine on funding worth $15.6bn (£12.8bn).

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it has reached an agreement with Ukraine on funding worth $15.6bn (£12.8bn).

The organisation's first loan to a country at war is expected to be approved in the coming weeks.

It would also be one of the largest financing packages Ukraine has received since Russia's invasion.

The IMF recently changed a rule to allow loans to countries facing "exceptionally high uncertainty".

"Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to have a devastating impact on the economy: activity contracted by 30 percent in 2022, a large share of the capital stock has been destroyed, and poverty levels have climbed," IMF official Gavin Gray said in a statement.

"The programme has been designed in line with the new fund's policy on lending under exceptionally high uncertainty, and strong financing assurances are expected from donors, including the G7 and EU."

Mr Gray also said the agreement would "mobilise large-scale concessional financing" for Ukraine from international donors and partners, without giving further details. The funding still needs to be approved by the IMF's executive board.

The IMF expects Ukraine's economy to record a slight contraction or growth this year.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said the funding would help the country "finance all critical expenditure and ensure macroeconomic stability and strengthen our interaction with other international partners".

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who made a surprise visit to Ukraine last month, said: "An ambitious and appropriately conditioned IMF programme is critical to underpin Ukraine's reform efforts."

The US is the IMF's largest shareholder and the biggest contributor to Ukraine in terms of money spent.

Earlier this year, President Joe Biden announced nearly half a billion more dollars of US military aid to Ukraine. This was on top of the $112bn spent by Congress in 2022 alone.

Military aid, which accounts for more than half of US spending on Ukraine, pays for drones, tanks, missiles and other munitions systems as well as training, logistics and intelligence support.

Money has continued to pour into the conflict from all over the world since Russia's invasion of Ukraine last February.

Last week, the IMF said its executive board had approved a rule change to allow funding for countries facing "exceptionally high uncertainty".

Without mentioning Ukraine, it said the measure applied to countries experiencing "exogenous shocks that are beyond the control of country authorities and the reach of their economic policies".


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29e3f6 No.27383

File: 3008019c920c993⋯.jpeg (348.45 KB,1241x1487,1241:1487,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560747 (221915ZMAR23) Notable: Missouri AG says probe uncovered 'shadowy' network of clinics helping minors change gender

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I was 11 when I was told about the birds and bees, and even then I didn’t believe it. What are they doing to children now? Its hideous!


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29e3f6 No.27384

File: b77590bbeb68ba9⋯.png (204.04 KB,594x342,33:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560751 (221915ZMAR23) Notable: Israeli Strikes Place Syria’s Aleppo’s Airport Out Of Service For Second Time In Weeks

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Israeli Strikes Place Syria’s Aleppo’s Airport Out Of Service For Second Time In Weeks

Early on March 22, a series of Israeli strikes hit Aleppo International Airport in northern Syria, placing it out of service for the second time in recent weeks.

The Syrian Arab News Agency, citing a military source, said that the Israeli fighter jets launched several missiles at the airport from over the Mediterranean sea, causing some material losses. The state-run agency didn’t report any casualties, however.

According to a notice sent by Syrian aviation authorities, known as a NOTAM, the runway at the airport was closed after the attack.

In a statement, the Syrian Ministry of Transport said that the airport’s runway and navigation equipment were damaged as a result of the Israeli strikes. All flights scheduled for Aleppo were redirected to the country’s two other international airports in Damascus and Latakia.

Two regional intelligence sources speaking to the Reuters news agency said that the strikes also targeted an underground depot at the adjacent Nairab military airport. The sources said the depot was used to store missile systems which had been delivered by Iranian cargo flights.

The airport is regularly used for Iranian weapons deliveries and the movement of troops, the two unnamed sources claimed.

This was the second confirmed Israeli attack on Aleppo International Airport in recent weeks. On March 7, a series of strikes hit the airport, placing it out of service for three days.

The airport has been a major channel for the flow of humanitarian aid into Aleppo since the devastating February 6 Turkish-Syrian earthquake that claimed the lives of more than 50,000 people, including more than 6,000 in Syria.

Israel carried out hundreds of strikes against alleged Iranian weapons storage and personnel deployment positions in Syria over the past decade as a part of a covert military campaign known as “the war between the wars.” Israeli officials have rarely acknowledged responsibility.


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29e3f6 No.27385

File: d3961f075681ae9⋯.png (396.1 KB,768x278,384:139,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560768 (221918ZMAR23) Notable: Midazolam Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps where the Elderly & Vulnerable were given Lethal Injections to create the illusion of a COVID Pandemic

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FACT: Midazolam Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps where the Elderly & Vulnerable were given Lethal Injections to create the illusion of a COVID Pandemic

Matt Hancock, the former UK Health Secretary who oversaw the pandemic response, should be in prison.

Because while you stayed at home to “protect the NHS, and (allegedly) save lives”, Matt Hancock orchestrated the mass murder of the elderly and vulnerable in care homes using a drug known as Midazolam and then told you that they had all died of Covid-19; and we can prove it…

You gave up over two years of your life due to a lie.

A lie that involved prematurely ending the lives of thousands upon thousands of people, who you were told died of Covid-19.

A lie that has involved committing one of the greatest crimes against humanity in living memory.

A lie that has required three things – fear, your compliance, and a drug known as Midazolam.

We’re told that serious illness in Covid-19 presents pneumonia and accompanying respiratory insufficiency. Therefore typical symptoms include breathlessness, cough, weakness and fever.

We’re also told that people who suffer deteriorating respiratory failure and who do not receive intensive care, develop acute respiratory distress syndrome with severe breathlessness.

Meanwhile, Midazolam is a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA. It can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing which may lead to permanent brain injury or death.

Knowing that, would you use Midazolam to treat “patients” suffering Covid-19?

Because that’s precisely what the then Health Secretary, Matt Hancock decided to do.

Data taken from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows us that during April 2020 there were 26,541 deaths in care homes, an increase of 17,850 on the five-year average. This is half the amount of alleged Covid-19 deaths during the same period.

Why were these people in care homes and not in hospitals?

They were in care homes because Matt Hancock gave the order to put them there…


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29e3f6 No.27386

File: 1520fdda922535a⋯.png (297.68 KB,555x430,111:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b30412d0aeeb9f⋯.png (620.01 KB,699x855,233:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560797 (221922ZMAR23) Notable: 'LGBTQ+ Rights Are A Core Part of Our Foreign Policy,' National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby Says

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'LGBTQ+ Rights Are A Core Part of Our Foreign Policy,' National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby Says

Advancing "LGBTQ+ rights" is a "core part" of America's foreign policy, National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby announced during a press conference at the White House on Tuesday.

From CNS News:

At the White House on Tuesday, a reporter told Kirby that Uganda's parliament had passed an "anti-homosexual bill" and that Ugandan officials planned to attend an African summit to discuss and promote the passage of similar laws in other African states.

He also said that Russia was potentially backing such laws as a "wedge" against the U.S. and because the Biden administration "is currently engaging with Africa on other issues, is this a concern for the U.S.?"

Kirby replied, "President Biden has been nothing but consistent about his foundational belief in human rights, and LGBTQ+ rights are human rights."

"We're never going to be shy or bashful in speaking up about those rights for individuals to live as they deem fit, as they want to live," added Kirby.

"And that's something that's a core part of our foreign policy and it will remain so," he said.

Kirby wasn't exaggerating.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last year that he brings up gay sex in "every conversation" with the Saudis.


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29e3f6 No.27387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560817 (221927ZMAR23) Notable: Operation Blue Lotus stops more than 900 pounds of fentanyl from entering US in first week

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Operation Blue Lotus stops more than 900 pounds of fentanyl from entering US in first week

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that Operation Blue Lotus, a new and coordinated surge operation targeting fentanyl smuggling, has stopped more than 900 pounds of the drug from entering the United States during its first week.

Led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) with coordinated efforts between federal, state, tribal and local partners, DHS is investing additional personnel, technology and other resources along the Southwest border to detect and seize this dangerous drug at and between ports of entry.

“This is one of many efforts HSI is taking alongside partners as part of an overarching strategy to combat illegal drugs like fentanyl,” said ICE’s Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director Tae D. Johnson. “We continue to seize record quantities of narcotics and will continue to use dynamic approaches to stem the flow of deadly substances within our borders.”

Since its launch on March 13, 2023, Operation Blue Lotus has led to 18 seizures, 16 federal arrests and two state arrests. Those seizures prevented over 900 pounds of fentanyl, over 700 pounds of methamphetamines and over 100 pounds of cocaine from entering the United States through March 19.

“This Administration has a multi-pronged strategy to combat the scourge of fentanyl that is devastating communities across the United States, and the Department of Homeland Security works every day to prevent it from coming across our border. In the past two years, DHS has seized more fentanyl than the previous five years combined. But we must do more,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “Operation Blue Lotus is a DHS-led, coordinated surge effort to curtail the flow of illicit fentanyl smuggled into the United States from Mexico and bring to justice the dangerous criminal organizations profiting from the illegal production, distribution and sale of this dangerous substance.”

The operation includes increases in targeted inspections conducted by HSI agents and CBP officers, canine units, and advanced technology along the border. Intelligence gained through Operation Blue Lotus will enhance the targeting of drug traffickers at the border. The operation is designed to help build criminal cases against the transnational criminal organizations behind the networks and facilitators dealing in this deadly substance.

Operation Blue Lotus leverages advanced analytics and intelligence capabilities at HSI and CBP. It includes the deployment of HSI personnel with CBP officers at ports of entry so they can immediately pursue investigations as contraband is discovered to expose the networks. CBP’s Forward Operating Labs at ports of entry conduct real-time analyses of unknown substances, enabling DHS to target, identify and examine unknown powders, pills, crystalline substances and organic materials for hard narcotics, precursor chemicals and components associated with the manufacturing or processing of synthetic drugs. In turn, investigations can proceed faster.

“CBP is on the front line of stopping fentanyl and other illegal narcotics that are primarily trafficked through ports of entry,” said CBP acting Commissioner Troy Miller. “Our dedicated personnel are already seizing record amounts of fentanyl, and we continue to make the interdiction of cross border smuggling one of our top priorities.”

Operation Blue Lotus builds on a tremendous amount of work already ongoing, such as the following:

DHS has initiated major investigative and enforcement operations targeting fentanyl, its chemical precursors and the supply chain.

HSI and CBP previously established Border Enforcement Security Taskforce units at CBP’s international mail facilities, express consignment hubs, land border ports of entry and international airports.

DHS investment in nonintrusive inspection technology, including the deployment of Multi-Energy Portal systems in cargo environments, is significantly expanding the agency’s ability to screen traffic through ports of entry.

Drug cartels have been trafficking in fentanyl for years, and DHS is bringing unprecedented force to its fight against them. In the past two years, DHS has seized more fentanyl than it did in the previous five years combined; in that time, it also arrested more people for crimes related to fentanyl and precursors chemicals than it did in the previous five years combined.


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29e3f6 No.27388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560824 (221928ZMAR23) Notable: Warning: every dollar you donate to the Red Cross is bringing America to her knees

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Warning: every dollar you donate to the Red Cross is bringing America to her knees…

Handing out detailed guides to illegals. Why?

Many are probably reading this annd wondering why on earth would The Red. Cross do such a thing? Well, that answer may be found in all the government contracts and projects The Red Cross is involved with on behalf of illegals.

It appears that illegal immigration is a very lucrative business for The Red Cross.


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29e3f6 No.27389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560848 (221933ZMAR23) Notable: Excess deaths, vax correlation study

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Approximately 15% of Americans who took a COVID-19 vaccine have some new medical illness and regret the shot. Many are looking to nattokinase in formulations of Spike protein support supplements asking is it safe, and what is the track record for this Asian discovery?

Chen et al reviewed human studies before the pandemic on the use of nattokinase with this introduction: “Natto, a cheese-like food made of soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis, has been consumed as a traditional food in Asian countries for more than 2000 years. Natto consumption is believed to be a significant contributor to the longevity of the Japanese population. Recent studies demonstrated that a high natto intake was associated with decreased risk of total CVD mortality and, in particular, a decreased risk of mortality from ischaemic heart diseases. Before the 1980s, very little was known about the mechanism by which natto consumption led to overall cardiovascular health. In 1987, Sumi et al discovered that natto contained a potent fibrinolytic enzyme called nattokinase (NK). Since then, a considerable amount of NK research has been performed on NK in Japan, Korea, China, and the United States, and these studies confirmed that NK, an alkaline protease of 275 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of approximately 28 kDa, is the most active ingredient of natto and is responsible for many favourable effects on cardiovascular health. First, NK has potent fibrinolytic/antithrombotic activity. In addition, in both animal and human studies, NK also has an antihypertensive, anti-atherosclerotic, lipid-lowering, antiplatelet/anticoagulant, and neuroprotective actions…The most unique feature of NK is that, as a single compound, it possesses multiple CVD preventative and alleviating pharmacologic effects (namely, antithrombotic, antihypertensive, anticoagulant, anti-atherosclerotic, and neuroprotective effects). There are no other drugs or drug candidates with multiple pharmacologic properties similar to NK. In addition, NK is a natural product that can be administered orally, has a proven safety profile, is economical to use, and provides distinct advantages over other pharmaceutical products.”

In drug development, the most important early observations are on safety. There are two units used in nattokinase dosing, e.g. 100 mg=2000 fibrinolytic units (FU). In the table, Lampe et al in 2016 tested nattokinase up to 10 mg/kg/day (~160,000 FU for an 80 kg person). That means in doses of 100 mg or 2000 FU twice a day are well within a safety range to avoid significant toxicities.


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29e3f6 No.27390

File: dadba26864ecba3⋯.png (207.38 KB,838x846,419:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 697a68cd235fc92⋯.png (72.92 KB,825x330,5:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560860 (221934ZMAR23) Notable: Biden Nominates Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption

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Biden Nominates Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption

A health-care executive who claims Jim Biden defrauded him was interviewed multiple times by the lawyer Joe Biden just nominated to serve as U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania. According to two sources, while the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office is aware of the allegations, that office is not investigating the potential fraud, leaving the matter solely in the hands of the conflicted-future U.S. attorney.

On Monday, President Biden named Eric Olshan, currently an assistant U.S. attorney in the Pittsburgh office, to fill the vacancy left open when former U.S. Attorney Cindy Chung was confirmed to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

As I previously reported, Chung, whom President Biden had nominated to the federal appellate court, had been overseeing the criminal investigation into the bankrupt health-care business Americore—a business Jim Biden allegedly siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars from to finance repairs for his beach house. Jim Biden is the current U.S. president’s brother.

Now, President Biden seeks to replace Chung with Olshan, raising serious concerns about a potential conflict of interest given Olshan’s involvement in the investigation of the Jim Biden-connected business, Americore.

Olshan had previously served as the lead investigator in the criminal case against Daniel Hurt. Hurt pleaded guilty to soliciting and obtaining kickbacks from the rural Pennsylvania hospital Ellwood City Medical Center, or “ECMC,” which Americore owned. ECMC had allegedly received some $25 million in fraudulent Medicare reimbursements.

According to an affidavit signed under oath by ECMC’s former CEO, Grant White, the president’s brother directed White to loan him (Jim Biden) approximately $400,000 to repay a past-due personal loan secured by Jim Biden’s Florida beach house. Jim Biden allegedly later pulled additional funds from ECMC, totaling about $250,000, but he would only repay about $25,000 to the medical center. ECMC would later go bankrupt and close, prompting a federal investigation.

To date, no charges have been filed related to Jim Biden’s alleged misappropriation of funds from Americore. Nor has anything come from the additional accusations made by Michael Frey, the president and CEO of the Tennessee-based Diverse Medical Management, against Jim Biden and his business partners.

Frey claims Jim Biden represented himself as a “principal” for Americore—even providing him a business card—and then entered into a scheme to defraud him. According to Frey, Jim Biden and his business partners promised to provide capital to implement Frey’s business model for rejuvenating failing rural hospitals.

But after Frey worked with various medical groups to put the plan in action, Jim Biden and his partners reneged on their agreement, he says. That left Frey holding the bag, forcing him to cover costs of about $1 million until he could unwind the various deals that had been put into motion.

The Tennessee business executive sued Jim Biden and the others allegedly involved in the scheme, before entering into a confidential settlement agreement with the defendants. The defendants breached the deal, however, according to Frey.

Frey plans to enforce the settlement agreement, but told The Federalist he first intends to retrieve copies of the thousands of text and email messages exchanged by the parties, hoping those documents will assist in his efforts. Frey says the text and email messages will confirm his allegations against Jim Biden and the others involved in the deal.

Frey’s accusations against Jim Biden are particularly concerning because Frey discussed his allegations and evidence with an FBI agent from the Pittsburgh field office, as well as with Olshan.


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29e3f6 No.27391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560884 (221938ZMAR23) Notable: Fed raises interest rates a quarter point despite recent banking turmoil

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Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates 25 Basis Points Amid Banking Crisis

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised interest rates 25 basis points – or 0.25% – amid the banking crisis.

Two US banks recently failed after they were unable to produce enough cash for depositors.

The banking crisis stems from the Federal Reserve’s decision to hike interest rates seven times in 2022.

Jerome Powell raised interest rates 450 basis points in 2022 to hedge inflation.

The rate hikes are crushing regional banks but the Fed raised rates again.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) indicated rate hikes are nearing an end.

“The Committee will closely monitor incoming information and assess the implications for monetary policy,” the FOMC’s post-meeting statement said, according to CNBC. “The Committee anticipates that some additional policy firming may be appropriate in order to attain a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to 2 percent over time.“

CNBC reported:

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday enacted a quarter percentage point interest rate increase, expressing caution about the recent banking crisis and indicating that hikes are nearing an end.

Along with its ninth hike since March 2022, the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee noted that future increases are not assured and will depend largely on incoming data.

“The U.S. banking system is sound and resilient,” the committee said. “Recent developments are likely to result in tighter credit conditions for households and businesses and to weigh on economic activity, hiring, and inflation. The extent of these effects is uncertain. The Committee remains highly attentive to inflation risks.“

The increase takes the benchmark federal funds rate to a target range between 4.75%-5%. The rate sets what banks charge each other for overnight lending but feeds through to a multitude of consumer debt like mortgages, auto loans and credit cards.

Watch Chairman Powell speak live after the Federal Reserve hiked rates 25 bps:


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29e3f6 No.27392

File: 19625ffbf378322⋯.png (9.37 KB,425x132,425:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560888 (221939ZMAR23) Notable: #Pasadena | #Texas Massive explosion at the Ineos Phenol chemicals plant

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Crews Responding To Explosion, Fire At Chemical Plant In Pasadena, Texas


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29e3f6 No.27393

File: f960a403aafc533⋯.png (239.14 KB,997x813,997:813,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560893 (221940ZMAR23) Notable: Former Mayor of Les Irois, Haiti Arrested for Visa Fraud

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Former Mayor of Les Irois, Haiti Arrested for Visa Fraud


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29e3f6 No.27394

File: dc65c2a27663378⋯.png (46.06 KB,748x386,374:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560901 (221942ZMAR23) Notable: Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report DA Bragg Withheld Evidence

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Catherine Herridge


Two law enforcement sources have confirmed that today’s expected session of the Manhattan grand jury has been postponed. The grand jury typically meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is unclear if it will convene tomorrow via @GrahamKates


1:33 PM · Mar 22, 2023



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29e3f6 No.27395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560937 (221949ZMAR23) Notable: Look at all these hearings and meetings today. Is this what they want to distract from with Trump BS?

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4:00 PM EDT

The Ortega-Murillo Regime's War Against the Catholic Church and Civil Society in Nicaragua: Bishop Alvarez, Political Prisoners, and Prisoners of Conscience

House Foreign Affairs Committee



Mr. Felix Maradiaga

President and Founder, Fundación para la Libertad de Nicaragua


Dr. Juan Chamorro

Executive Director, Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy

Witness Truth in Testimony



Ms. Deborah Ullmer

Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean Programs, National Democratic Institute


Ms. Bianca Jagger

Founder, President, and Chief Executive, Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation





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29e3f6 No.27396

File: 9eda6ac1234a29b⋯.png (401.15 KB,607x591,607:591,Clipboard.png)

File: 61840223b2bed5f⋯.png (355.07 KB,583x468,583:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18560949 (221953ZMAR23) Notable: Biden Nominates Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption

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Benny Johnson


Biden’s Judicial Nominees have no clue what a Brady motion is….

“It’s not coming to mind… I believe that the Brady case involved something regarding the Second Amendment.”



Conservative War Machine

7:43 AM · Mar 22, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27397

File: 5afd33d45c4d36c⋯.png (195.76 KB,424x351,424:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561003 (222004ZMAR23) Notable: Fed raises interest rates a quarter point despite recent banking turmoil

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FED CHAIR POWELL: "My colleagues & I are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher cost of essentials like food, housing & transportation."

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29e3f6 No.27398

File: e791c41d73e8d60⋯.png (495.38 KB,603x839,603:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b6e2c13e97540e⋯.png (220.36 KB,481x360,481:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561018 (222007ZMAR23) Notable: "Hunter Biden had an FBI mole named “One-Eye” who tipped off his Chinese business partners that they were under investigation

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Gain of Fauci


This is massive…

"Hunter Biden had an FBI mole named “One-Eye” who tipped off his Chinese business partners that they were under investigation, according to an Israeli energy expert arrested in Cyprus last month on gunrunning charges.

The House Oversight Committee is investigating the explosive claims by Dr. Gal Luft, a former Israel Defense Forces lieutenant colonel with deep intelligence ties in Washington and Beijing, who says he was arrested to stop him from revealing what he knows about the Biden family and FBI corruption — details he told the Department of Justice in 2019, which he says it ignored."



Hunter Biden used FBI mole named 'One-Eye' to tip him off to China…

Hunter Biden had an FBI mole named “One-Eye” who tipped off his Chinese business partners that they were under investigation, according to an Israeli energy expert arrested in Cyprus last month…

9:00 AM · Mar 22, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561019 (222008ZMAR23) Notable: Fmr. CDC Director Dr. Redfield: "This Pandemic Was Caused by Science"

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German Health Minister: Covid Shots Cause ‘Permanent Severe Disabilities’

German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbachhas issued an apology to the public and admitted that theCovid shots he once promoted are causing “severe disabilities” that will likely be “permanent.”

Lauterbach previously encouraged the people of Germany to get vaccinated by claiming that mRNA shots are safe and free of side effects.

However, he has just gone on record to admit that he was wrong.

On August 14, 2021, Lauterbach said on Twitter that the Covid shots had “no side effects.”

He made the statement while further questioning why some Germans were refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

But after being confronted with soaring sudden death rates and record numbers of injury reports in Germany, Lauterbach has now changed his tune.

During an interview with German channel ZDF’s “Heute Journal,” Lauterbach was asked by anchor Christian Sievers about the claim he made in the summer of 2021.

Sievers confronted the top health official over his previous tweet that stated the shots are virtually free of side effects.

Lauterbach responded that the tweet was “misguided” and an “exaggeration” he made at the time.

Alarmingly, Lauterbach admitted that his statements promoting the vaccines “did not represent my true position.”

“I’ve always been aware of the numbers and they’ve remained relatively stable … one in 10,000 [are injured],” Lauterbach said.

“Some say that it’s a lot, and some say it’s not so many.”

Lauterbach’s remark on vaccine adverse events came after the German network played a segment of several Germans who’ve been seriously injured after getting the shot.

The clip included a 17-year-old gymnast who previously competed in the German Artistic Gymnastics Championships before she was hospitalized for more than one year shortly after receiving the second dose of the BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

“What do you say to those who have been affected [by vaccine injuries]?” Sievers asked Lauterbach.

“What’s happened to these people is absolutely dismaying, and every single case is one too many,” Lauterbach responded.

“I honestly feel very sorry for these people.

“There are severe disabilities, and some of them will be permanent.”

Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), did not agree with Lauterbach.

However, Kirsch did commend the health official for making “progress” by admitting his mistakes.

“The true rate of serious adverse events is approximately 100 times greater than the figures Lauterbach cited— ‘closer to 1 in 100 doses’ and ‘For death, it is ~1 in 1,000 doses,’” Kirsch said on Twitter.

By October 31, 2022, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut received a total of 333,492 individual case reports on suspected COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions or vaccine side effects in Germany.

The figures were revealed in official data (pdf) released in December 2022 by the medical regulatory body that researches vaccines and biomedicines.

“The number of individual case reports per month peaked in December 2021 and declined continuously during the summer months of 2022,” the federal health agency, which is subordinate to the German health ministry, stated in the report.

Despite these findings, the country’s health ministry website states that “modern vaccines are safe and adverse effects only occur in sporadic cases.”

As the subject of post-vaccine deaths and injuries has started to be more widely covered by some German media outlets, lawsuits have begun to roll out against Big Pharma companies.

However, vaccine manufacturers such as Pfizer and Moderna have immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines, putting them in a very strong legal position.

“It’s true that within the framework of these EU contracts, the companies were largely exempted from liability and that the liability, therefore, lies with the German state, so to speak … with the federal states,” Lauterbach said.

Yet, in spite of this, Lauterbach noted that it would “definitely” be a good idea if pharmaceutical companies took some responsibility for the issue.

The health official said Big Pharma firms should “show a willingness to help” those affected by vaccine adverse events, especially due to their profits being “exorbitant.”

“So, that wouldn’t just be a good gesture, we should expect it,” he said.

Lauterbach said the priority now is to facilitate the care of those suffering from post-vaccination syndrome.


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29e3f6 No.27400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561030 (222011ZMAR23) Notable: "Hunter Biden had an FBI mole named “One-Eye” who tipped off his Chinese business partners that they were under investigation

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Hunter Biden used FBI mole named ‘One-Eye’ to tip him off to China probes: tipster

Hunter Biden had an FBI mole named “One-Eye” who tipped off his Chinese business partners that they were under investigation, according to an Israeli energy expert arrested in Cyprus last month on gunrunning charges.

The House Oversight Committee is investigating the explosive claims by Dr. Gal Luft, a former Israel Defense Forces lieutenant colonel with deep intelligence ties in Washington and Beijing, who says he was arrested to stop him from revealing what he knows about the Biden family and FBI corruption — details he told the Department of Justice in 2019, which he says it ignored.

Luft, 56, first made the claims on Feb. 18 on Twitter, after being detained at a Cyprus airport as he prepared to board a plane to Israel.

“I’ve been arrested in Cyprus on a politically motivated extradition request by the U.S. The U.S., claiming I’m an arms dealer. It would be funny if it weren’t tragic. I’ve never been an arms dealer.

“DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden. Luft remains in jail awaiting extradition to the US over what he says are trumped-up charges of arms trafficking to China and Libya, and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Through his American lawyer, Robert Henoch, Luft said he tried four years ago to inform the DOJ that Chinese state-controlled energy company CEFC had paid $100,000 a month to President Biden’s son Hunter and $65,000 to Joe’s brother Jim, in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world.

Luft learned about the scheme through his own relationship with Hunter’s Chinese business partners, Patrick Ho and Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC. From 2015 to 2018, Luft organized international energy conferences in partnership with Ho’s think tank, the nonprofit China Energy Fund Committee (CEFC-USA), a front organization for Ye’s CEFC.

Ye confided to Luft that Hunter had an informant in the FBI “or formerly of the bureau, extremely well placed, who they paid lots of money to [provide] sealed law enforcement information,” says Henoch.

The FBI mole was called “One-Eye.”

“One-Eye” told Ye that the Southern District of New York was investigating him and/or Ho in late 2017, and that “an Asian, an African, and a Jewish guy” were named on a sealed indictment, says Henoch.

Soon after that tipoff, Ye offered Hunter $1 million to be his “private counsel” and flew to China, leaving his wife, daughter, son, mother, and nanny in his $50 million penthouse at 15 Central Park West.

He was detained in Shanghai three months later and disappeared.

Dr. Gal Luft.

“DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden,” Luft said.


Before he left New York, Ye told Ho that the coast was clear for him to come back to the US.

On Nov. 18, 2017, Ho flew into JFK Airport, where he was arrested by FBI agents on bribery and money laundering charges.

“Ho was the patsy … the fall guy,” says Henoch.

Ho was convicted in December 2018, without calling a single witness, served three years in jail, and was deported. Prosecutors placed the spotlight in his case on China’s use of foreign bribery to win contracts for its Belt and Road Initiative.

Hunter was paid $1 million by CEFC to represent Ho, which entailed contacting his FBI sources on Ho’s behalf and engaging another attorney to do the legal work, according to emails on his laptop.

CEFC paid a further $4.9 million to Hunter and Jim Biden in monthly installments for 14 months from August 2017, government records show.

The House Oversight Committee released bank statements last week, showing an additional $1,065,000 was funneled from a Chinese company affiliated with CEFC to Hunter, Jim, and Hallie Biden, Hunter’s former lover, and widow of his late brother, Beau. The payments were made in increments over three months through Biden associate Rob Walker, whose wife, Betsy, had been personal assistant to then-second lady Jill Biden.


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29e3f6 No.27401

File: e542da68536c506⋯.png (145.04 KB,418x559,418:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561039 (222013ZMAR23) Notable: MIT Professor Calls for HALT of the mRNA Vaccine Program Due to Serious Adverse Events and Death

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MIT Professor Calls for HALT of the mRNA Vaccine Program Due to Serious Adverse Events and Death


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29e3f6 No.27402

File: fc1dc7d084b82f0⋯.png (58.12 KB,560x440,14:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561127 (222029ZMAR23) Notable: @45: CHINA IS LAUGHING AT US. THEY ARE VERY HAPPY!!!

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Mar 22, 2023, 8:23 PM

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29e3f6 No.27403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561135 (222030ZMAR23) Notable: Chip Roy Issues Clear Message To Biden On Debt Limit

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Chip Roy Issues Clear Message To Biden On Debt Limit

At a House Freedom Caucus hearing, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) spoke about the debt limit battle with President Biden.


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29e3f6 No.27404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561140 (222032ZMAR23) Notable: @45: CHINA IS LAUGHING AT US. THEY ARE VERY HAPPY!!!

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Trump is laying it out right there. Without Trump's knowledge, Michael Cohen paid Stormy off, then was in the midst of setting Trump up for blackmail based on ONE PICTURE taken with a person Trump didn't even know (Stormy).

Anons are exposing the blackmail playbook that the Cartels tried to set up on Trump.

IT NEVER HAPPENED. Trump caught wind of it.

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29e3f6 No.27405

File: 4dd5b88bfc4c829⋯.png (42.51 KB,1219x272,1219:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561148 (222032ZMAR23) Notable: New Report Shows Extensive Biden Admin Collusion to Classify Parents as Terrorists

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New Report Shows Extensive Biden Admin

Collusion to Classify Parents as Terrorists

Townhall, by Katie Pavlich

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/22/2023 3:51:55 PM

A new report published by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government and House Judiciary Committee shows extensive collusion between the Biden administration and the National School Board Association. The partnership came as the group drafted a letter calling on the Department of Justice to classify parents as domestic terrorists. The letter also asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to use the Patriot Act, implemented after 9/11, to go after parents expressing criticism over school lockdowns, critical race theory and inappropriate sexual content in the classroom.

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29e3f6 No.27406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561169 (222036ZMAR23) Notable: Sen. Rand Paul Catches Moderna CEO Lying to Senate re Myocarditis in Young Vaxxed Males

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“THAT IS NOT TRUE!” – BOOM! Sen. Rand Paul Catches Moderna CEO Lying to Senate Committee on Myocarditis in Young Vaxxed Males – Calls Him Out and Enters into Record His Public Deceit

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled Moderna CEO Stephanie Bancel today during the US Senate Health Committee.

Senator and Doctor Rand Paul questioned Bancel about the higher incidence of myocarditis in boys 16 to 24 after taking the COVID19 vaccines. This was not a difficult question. Several informed and honest publications have reported on this horrific statistic. The Gateway Pundit has reported on this development for over a year now.

Only the mainstream media and Dr. Fauci are still hiding this from the American public.

Senator Paul caught Bancel openly lying to the committee.

Senator Rand Paul: Is there a higher interest or a higher incidence of myocarditis among adolescent males 16 to 24 after taking your vaccine?

Stephanie Bancel: So thank you for the questions. First, let me say we care deeply about safety and we are working closely with the CDC and the FDA to.

Sen. Paul: That’s pretty much a yes or no. Is there a higher incidence of myocarditis among boys 16 to 24 after they take your vaccine?

Bancel: The data I’ve seen sorry, from the CDC actually shown that there’s less myocarditis, for people who get the vaccine versus those who get COVID infection.

Sen. Paul: You’re saying that for ages 16 to 24 among males who take the COVID vaccine, their risk of myocarditis is less than people who get the disease?

Bancel: That is my understanding.

Sen. Paul: That is not true. And I’d like to enter into the record six peer-reviewed papers from the Journal of Vaccine, the Annals of Medicine that say the complete opposite of what you said. I also spoke with your president just last week and he readily acknowledged in private that, yes, there is an increased risk of myocarditis. The fact that you can’t say it in public is quite disturbing. Do you think it’s scientifically sound to mandate three vaccines for adolescent boys?

Bancel: This is for the public health leaders to decide.


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29e3f6 No.27407

File: da2219fb3cdf06b⋯.png (222.7 KB,415x423,415:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561181 (222038ZMAR23) Notable: #Died Suddenly

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NBC News Mourns the Sudden Death of Top Editor, Leaves Behind Wife and 3 Kids

READ: http://w-j.co/s/cf891

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29e3f6 No.27408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561186 (222039ZMAR23) Notable: Dad THRASHES School Board For Teacher’s Sexually Explicit Assignment. Crowd Goes Wild

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Dad THRASHES School Board For Teacher’s Sexually Explicit Assignment. Crowd Goes Wild


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29e3f6 No.27409

File: 5d6f8011fe07a8d⋯.png (221.88 KB,420x428,105:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561187 (222039ZMAR23) Notable: CNN's Free Fall Gets Even Worse as Network Hits Ratings Rock Bottom Not Seen in Decades

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CNN's Free Fall Gets Even Worse as Network Hits Ratings Rock Bottom Not Seen in Decades

READ: http://w-j.co/s/889f9

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29e3f6 No.27410

File: 3079ee841dec0ad⋯.jpg (156.15 KB,720x1073,720:1073,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2f9cb8445ae6099⋯.jpg (80.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561199 (222041ZMAR23) Notable: Chilling deepfakes claiming to show Trump’s arrest spread across Twitter

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Chilling deepfakes claiming to show Trump’s arrest spread across Twitter

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29e3f6 No.27411

File: 1ca0a0994ee2984⋯.png (99.75 KB,422x426,211:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561202 (222042ZMAR23) Notable: ESPN Executive Who Spearheaded Woke Initiatives Fired Over Troubling Accusations

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ESPN Executive Who Spearheaded Woke Initiatives Fired Over Troubling Accusations: Report

READ: http://w-j.co/s/15685

ESPN has burnished its reputation for being woke by focusing its coverage on decrying racism in a case of trash-talking at a Major League Baseball game; canceling reporter Rachel Nichols over comments that offended its sensibilities; and running a woke column that attacked America on July 4 last year.

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29e3f6 No.27412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561205 (222042ZMAR23) Notable: Pastor DESTROYS Equity And CRT Narrative At School Board Meeting

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Pastor DESTROYS Equity And CRT Narrative At School Board Meeting

Pastor John Amanchukwu, “Going WOKE, wont bring daddy home.”

North Carolina


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29e3f6 No.27413

File: aa7882cd8f7867b⋯.png (196.81 KB,422x429,422:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561211 (222043ZMAR23) Notable: #Died Suddenly

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Boxing Champion Dies Suddenly at 19, Parents Left with 'No Answers' on Death

READ: http://w-j.co/s/530bb

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29e3f6 No.27414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561215 (222044ZMAR23) Notable: Dad THUMPS On Woke School Board Member For Pushing Her Own Political Agenda

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Dad THUMPS On Woke School Board Member For Pushing Her Own Political Agenda



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29e3f6 No.27415

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561216 (222044ZMAR23) Notable: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

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March 23, 2023

3:00 AM EDT

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a briefing on current foreign policy issues

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation



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29e3f6 No.27416

File: c58466044d583f5⋯.mp4 (7.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9d90e0a7c930ea0⋯.mp4 (657.87 KB,882x720,49:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561227 (222045ZMAR23) Notable: Runway announces Gen-2, a multimodal AI system that can generate realistic videos from text.

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Runway announces Gen-2, a multimodal AI system that can generate realistic videos from text.

Gen2 let's you go from:

text → video

image → video

text +image → video



Adobe's new AI image creator:

- text-to-image

- AI 3D modelling

- AI Video editing

More: https://twitter.com/sudu_cb/status/1638206330585358339


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29e3f6 No.27417

File: 5542da900c2bf0f⋯.png (246.58 KB,419x491,419:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561242 (222048ZMAR23) Notable: Football Coach Who Was Fired for Praying on Field Rehired, Gets $1.8 Million Settlement

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High School Football Coach Who Was Fired for Praying on Field Rehired, Gets $1.8 Million Settlement

DETAILS HERE: https://dcenquirer.com/high-school-football-coach-who-was-fired-for-praying-on-field-rehired-gets-1-8-million-settlement/?utm_source=telegram

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29e3f6 No.27418

File: d1c9f92cabcd68e⋯.jpg (107.76 KB,710x830,71:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561256 (222052ZMAR23) Notable: @45: Have you gotten your copy of LETTERS TO TRUMP yet?

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Donald J. Trump


Have you gotten your copy of LETTERS TO TRUMP yet? My new book will be out very soon. From thousands of letters, I handpicked over 150 letters to share with you. Princess Diana, Ronald Reagan, Nixon andeven Alec Baldwinall wrote me. You don’t want to miss this book!

Preorder today, 45books.com/.

Haha Trump trolls alec baldwin

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29e3f6 No.27419

File: 13f92345c329259⋯.png (679.79 KB,790x1007,790:1007,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ee3b91f844bde5⋯.png (749.11 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0755378b42a6e9a⋯.png (535.12 KB,793x496,793:496,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e11e64663adba1⋯.png (636.46 KB,792x495,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 81b1ffa2d880d8c⋯.png (290.22 KB,597x617,597:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561269 (222054ZMAR23) Notable: Chilling deepfakes claiming to show Trump’s arrest spread across Twitter

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‘Killing Me!’ Trump Haters Can’t Contain Themselves Over AI-Generated Photos of Cops Nailing and Jailing Trump

Fans of former President Donald Trump’s impending arrest and imprisonment are having a field day sharing photo-realistic images of Trump being chased down, arrested, and jailed — all generated by artificial intelligence software.

Seeing Trump in an orange jumpsuit has long been a dream of Trump resistors, but Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s investigation over hush money payments to Stormy Daniels — the stage name of Stephanie Clifford — and reports Trump’s indictment and arrest could be imminent have pushed that anticipation to almost tantric levels.

Trump himself brought the prospect to vivid life over the weekend with a pair of all-caps social media post urging supporters to ‘TAKE OUR NATION BACK!’ and “PROTEST” because he “WILL BE ARRESTED ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK.”

Tuesday has come and gone with no arrest, but the hopeful have been brought closer to fulfillment by sharing AI-generated photo-fakes of Trump that went viral, and even inspired an Associated Press Fact-Check. and a Snopes-ing.

The photos vary in quality and subject matter, and according to KnowYourMeme originated Saturday with a now-deleted thread by a user named @TheInfiniteDude that included a Trump mug shot:

But as numerous fact-checking buzzkills have pointed out to fans of these images, Trump has not been arrested, and there is no evidence he is holed up at Mar-a-Lago Tony Montana-style.




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29e3f6 No.27420

File: 9b584a822a281f0⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561273 (222055ZMAR23) Notable: Sen. Rand Paul Catches Moderna CEO Lying to Senate re Myocarditis in Young Vaxxed Males

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29e3f6 No.27421

File: ee2c575fea05888⋯.png (250.05 KB,844x734,422:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561281 (222056ZMAR23) Notable: Panera tests Amazon's palm-scanning tech in St Louis

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Do customers know that their biometrics are being used?

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29e3f6 No.27422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561317 (222101ZMAR23) Notable: DIG CALL for links between Cohen, Avenatti & Daniels

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They Michael Cohen / Michael Avenatti / Stormy Daniels case is the KEYSTONE - one tug at certain threads reveals it ALL


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29e3f6 No.27423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561363 (222108ZMAR23) Notable: Australian Defence officials have hosted a Chinese military delegation for significant talks in Canberra

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Australian Defence officials host Chinese military delegation

Australian Defence officials have hosted a Chinese military delegation for significant talks in Canberra, 9News can reveal.

A Defence spokesperson has confirmed the half-day meeting occurred, saying in a statement "the dialogue was conducted in a professional atmosphere, with both sides exchanging views on regional security issues".

It's the first formal meeting between Australian and Chinese Defence officials since 2019, and comes one week after China responded angrily to the AUKUS nuclear submarines deal, accusing Australia, the United States and United Kingdom of embarking on a "path of error and danger".

The Canberra meeting is the Australian government's latest step towards trying to stabilise the relationship with Beijing, amid concerns over China's growing military presence in the region.

In November, Defence Minister Richard Marles met his Chinese counterpart, General Wei Feng, on the sidelines of the ASEAN Defence Ministers' summit in Cambodia, expressing a desire to maintain the lines of communication between the two nations' militaries.


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29e3f6 No.27424

File: 1f519fb26d7704e⋯.png (214.85 KB,510x411,170:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561370 (222110ZMAR23) Notable: Dershowitz Becomes Combative When Asked About Jeffrey Epstein

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Alan Dershowitz Becomes Combative When Asked About Jeffrey Epstein And Mossad

"It's the last time you'll have me on your show"

The late accused human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer Alan Dershowitz became combative in a recent interview with Rumble talk show host Kim Iversen, who questioned Dershowitz about his relationship with Epstein and about the widespread theory that Epstein and his companion Ghislaine Maxwell worked for the nation state of Israel.

Dershowitz said that Iversen was “sandbagging” him, but Iversen held her ground and continued to grill the attorney. Dershowitz vowed never to return to Iversen’s show. Nevertheless, Iversen proved her bona fides by daring to question Dershowitz to his face about the Epstein matter, and for daring to mention the “Mossad,” the intelligence agency of Israel.

“No. What happened is my wife got a massage, uh, at his house, and then I had a neck and shoulder massage from a woman named Olga, who was like 45 years old. Virtually everybody who went to any of Jeffrey Epstein’s houses got therapeutic massages. They were offered to everybody. But I’ve never had a sexual massage or anything improper. I’ve never been touched by an underage person, so no that’s not true at all,” Dershowitz said in the interview.

“What else? You have anything else you want to throw at me?,” Dershowitz jeered.

Dershowitz denied the theory that Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were operating on behalf of Israel or the Mossad, though Dershowitz admitted that Epstein visited him in Israel and Dershowitz claimed that “I’ve been working for the state of Israel since before you were born.”

“He didn’t work for the Mossad. The Mossad wouldn’t hire him,” Dershowitz said.

“I hope he had videotapes of everybody, because they would show that I never did anything improper,” Dershowitz said, referring to Epstein.

“No, of course not,’ Dershowitz initially said when asked if he thought that Epstein killed himself, but then Dershowitz clarified his answer to state that “he did kill himself, but he killed himself with the help of guards.”

“I’m used to more ethical journalism,” Dershowitz said to Iversen. He later stated, “Well, it’s the last time. It’s the last time you’ll have me on your show so take advantage of it.”

The Maxwell family is integrally involved in geopolitics. As NATIONAL FILE reported, at least two of Ghislaine Maxwell’s nephews worked for the Obama-Biden administration including a nephew at Hillary Clinton’s State Department and a nephew in the Obama-Biden White House. Ghislaine Maxwell’s associate, accused human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, broke into the globalist establishment in the 1970’s managing money at Bear Stearns for Edgar Bronfman, the father of heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman, who oversaw the NXIVM human trafficking cult. Sara Bronfman almost became the First Lady of Libya after Hillary Clinton’s overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, while Ghislaine Maxwell’s nephew worked on the Libya issue for Hillary Clinton in her Benghazi-tainted term at the State Department.


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29e3f6 No.27425

File: ea66dbeca15e441⋯.png (343.13 KB,598x637,46:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561374 (222110ZMAR23) Notable: Report - An IDF drone crashed inside Syrian territory

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The Jerusalem Post


An IDF drone crashed inside Syrian territory on Wednesday evening, according to a statement from the IDF Spokesperson's Unit.


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29e3f6 No.27426

File: 61c92d98337037c⋯.jpeg (173.64 KB,1610x742,115:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561533 (222136ZMAR23)

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PF Report

There's a large gaggle of Civil Air Patrol aircraft up northwest of Dallas. Can't tell if it's a search and rescue mission yet. Multilple wings (States) involved.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27427

File: 510c6c2232799d4⋯.png (81.72 KB,1327x636,1327:636,Clipboard.png)

File: 96619010669076d⋯.jpg (252.15 KB,934x1238,467:619,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561539 (222137ZMAR23) Notable: Is there a relationship between Covid-19 & solar activity?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561540 (222138ZMAR23) Notable: Georgia Rep. Todd Jones' conflict of interest re sponsored bill

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Georgia Lawmaker is Lead-Sponsor on Bill That Could Greatly Benefit His Own Personal Patents and Company

A recent publication by an independent researcher has shed light on a potential conflict of interest involving a bill set to be voted on in the Georgia legislature. The bill in question is HB520, which would “establish a grant program” that would help reduce recidivism by “pairing individualds wiht community resources to assist them in becoming self-sufficient.”

According to Hank Sullivan’s substack:

“…in HB520 Jones has not only created several classes among the mentally ill who could be forced to use his product and services to remain out of a state or local facilities, but once contracted with the state, Jones’ legislation also authorizes the taxpayers of Georgia to fund the product’s purchase for statewide programs, and authorizes a grant program for local users to purchase contracted monitoring equipment and services. Furthermore, in HB520 Jones has given monitoring entities blanket civil and criminal immunity.”

Rep. Jones is one of three patent holders on the products that would likely be used for any monitoring that ensued from the passage of Georgia’s HB520, which would give immunity from “liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed, for the performance of any functions or duties under the contract if performed in accordance with the terms of such contract.”

In addition to being one of the patent holders of the product and technology, Rep. Jones introduced himself as the “Chairman” and “one of the co-founders” of Talitrix, the company that is selling the wrist-watch style monitoring device, among other monitoring products, as an alternative to the clunky ankle monitors, during testimony to the Tennessee legislature in 2022. The pair below mention the effectiveness of their product in comparison to the outdated ankle monitors that often, inconveniently, require up to 45 minutes worth of charging sometimes twice a day.

Disturbingly, The Georgia Record has pointed out that one the devices utilized by Talitrix claims the device can be used for “pandemic control,” a scary concept given what US citizens had to fight against after the 2020/2021 lockdowns.

Sullivan notes that the contracted company through HB520 would stand to make millions each year, benefiting the company Jones founded via the legislation he was the lead-sponsor on. The contracted company would seemingly be Talitrix, given that, in addition to Jones’s personal stake in the company, they have also recently merged with one of the other “largest monitoring companies in Georgia to create an unparalleled partnership.”

According to Sullivan, there doesn’t appear to be any violation of the law, however, it is a glaring conflict of interest, which would be a violation of ethical conduct by an elected official.


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29e3f6 No.27429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561549 (222139ZMAR23) Notable: #22763

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here ya go yo. #22763


#22763 >>27266

>>27267 NYTs just gave PDJT credit for not allowing DS to kill more people.

>>27268 Irina Yarovaya: The U.S. actually uses every country as a testing ground for military and biological tests

>>27269 GJT TS w/CAP: …attempting to build a case that has NEVER BEEN BROUGHT BEFORE AND ACTUALLY, CAN’T BE BROUGHT.

>>27270 Guardsmen from eight National Guard Civil Support Teams trained with the Louisville Metro Police Department and the @FBI to respond to an incident at Churchill Downs Racetrack…

>>27271 NATO's warning to Putin: US B-52 bombers are flanked by NATO allies in the skies over Europe in show of strength

>>27272 Drug shortages upend hospitals care, cancer treatments

>>27273 they skeered: Jim Carrey Threatens Lawsuit Over Claims He Went To Sex Perv Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island

>>27274 The final report of the U.S. Parliamentary Commission on Biolaboratories will be considered on April 12

>>27275 Oblamma w/CAP: @MichelleObama, and I created The Voyager Scholarship to support the next generation of leaders looking to pursue careers in public service.

>>27276 Update: Mitch McConnell Under Care at Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

>>27278 China gives US advice on Ukraine: US should stop “fanning the flames” of the conflict in Ukraine…

>>27279, >>27280 BREAKING: Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)

>>27277 pedo adam schiff w/CAP: Caring for students is one of the most meaningful careers.

>>27281 Moderna CEO Testifies on COVID-19 Vaccine Price Increase

>>27282 MFA Russia w/CAP: London must know that it will bear full responsibility for violating the fundamental norms of international law…

>>27283 Female country star tells Tennessee to ‘f&ndash; arrest’ her after introducing her toddler to drag queens

>>27284 DJT TS w/CAP: “A New York Times review and interviews with election law experts strongly suggest that New York state prosecutors have never before filed an election law case…

>>27285 Amateur radio hobbyists catch Russians talking about recovering downed US drone

>>27286 ‘Simply A Bad Idea’: Ted Cruz Introduces Bill To Stop Creation Of A ‘Central Bank Digital Currency’

>> #22763

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29e3f6 No.27430

File: c02683cb7e88be0⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561552 (222139ZMAR23) Notable: Circuit Court judge nominees are shockingly dumb - example: Kato Crews

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These are the people that Bidan is nominating for the Circuit court.They are shockingly dumb

Washington Free Beacon

Sen. Kennedy: “Do you know what a Brady motion is?” Biden judicial nominee Kato Crews: “It’s not coming to mind at the moment … I believe that the Brady case involved something regarding the Second Amendment.”


Its having to turn over exculpatory evidence to the defendant and I don’t have a law degree


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29e3f6 No.27432

File: 3669ec6c6fd24a6⋯.jpg (369.53 KB,1200x896,75:56,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561562 (222141ZMAR23) Notable: @45 on Ron DeSantis fighting back (thus admitting he's in the race)

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Now that Ron DeSanctimonious is finally admitting he’s in the Race by beginning to fight back, and now that his Polls have crashed so he has no other choice, let me explain the facts. He is, for a Republican, an average Governor, he got 1.2 million less Votes in Florida than me, he fought for massive cuts in Social Security and Medicare, and wanted Social Security minimum age to be raised to 70-years-old, or more. He is a disciple of Paul Ryan, and did whatever Ryan told him to do…

…Florida has been successful for many years, long before I put Ron there—It’s amazing what Ocean & Sunshine will do! Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total # of Cases, at 7,516,906. Other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this “freedom,” never closed their States…

…Remember, I left that decision up to the Governors! For COVID Death Rates Per State, Ron, as Governor of Florida, did worse than New York. In Education, Florida ranks among the worst in the Country and on crime statistics, Florida ranked Third Worst in Murder, Third Worst in Rape, and Third Worst in Aggravated Assault. For 2022, Jacksonville was ranked as one of the Top 25 Major Crime Cities in the Country, with Tampa and Orlando not doing much better…

…On Education, Florida ranks #39 in Health & Safety in the Country, #50 in Affordability, and #30 in Education & Childcare, HARDLY GREATNESS THERE! The fact is, Ron is an average Governor, but the best by far in the Country in one category, Public Relations, where he easily ranks Number One—But it is all a Mirage, just look at the facts and figures, they don’t lie—And we don’t want Ron as our President!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27433

File: 046bcd5542659a0⋯.png (325.89 KB,598x625,598:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561563 (222141ZMAR23) Notable: Russia’s commission investigating the work of American biological labs in Ukraine has completed its work

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Russia state-affiliated media

Russia’s parliamentary commission investigating the work of American biological laboratories in Ukraine considers its mission completed, Deputy Speaker of Russia's Federation Council (upper house) Konstantin Kosachev said:




Enjoy the show.

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29e3f6 No.27434

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561587 (222146ZMAR23) Notable: Circuit Court judge nominees are shockingly dumb - example: Kato Crews

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March 22, 2023, 4:12 PM

Biden Judicial Nominee Stumbles Over Brady Motion Definition (1)

Tiana Headley

A second Biden federal trial court nominee was tripped up over Republican confirmation hearing questions, this time involving a senator’s inquiry about a criminal law tenet.

Kato Crews, a magistrate judge in Denver who’s been selected for a district court seat there, couldn’t define a Brady motion and how to analyze it at his confirmation hearing on Wednesday.

The motion, enshrined in the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Brady v. Maryland, is a request by a defendant to compel prosecutors in a criminal case to turn over potentially favorable evidence.

“I believe that the Brady case involved something regarding the Second Amendment,” Crews said. “I have not had an occasion to address that.”

The question was posed by Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), who’s known for quizzing judicial nominees from both parties about the law and courtroom procedure.

Serving as a federal magistrate judge since 2018, Crews has presided over six cases that have gone to verdict or judgment, none of which have been criminal cases, according to his Senate Judiciary Questionnaire.

Crews noted in his questionnaire answers the limited role magistrate judges play in criminal cases, which he said includes considering petitions for issuance of search warrants, conducting preliminary proceedings, and presiding over the trial and final disposition of misdemeanor cases.

He was previously a founding partner of a small practice, where he focused on civil litigation and labor and employment law.

“It’s certainly possible that he never saw a Brady question,” said Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond. “It may be asking too much to expect him to be intimately familiar with that.”

Crews is the second Biden nominee since January to stumble during Kennedy’s questioning.

Charnelle Bjelkengren, selected for a seat in the Eastern District of Washington, failed to answer inquiries at her confirmation hearing about the scope of Articles V and II and a legal theory about statutory interpretation. Article V deals with amendments and Article II is about the executive branch.


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29e3f6 No.27435

File: 8c56c3b52796dc0⋯.jpeg (232.16 KB,1610x731,1610:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561588 (222146ZMAR23)

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Definitly looks like they are searching for someone or something. The two most likely things would be a downed aircraft or a missing child search. Checking local Dallas/Fort Worth news sites now.

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29e3f6 No.27436

File: 65e9d75108776df⋯.png (2.59 MB,1280x964,320:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561601 (222148ZMAR23) Notable: Latest Garrison cartoon: RING, RING!!! (wakey, wakey)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27437

File: e5720f0a2e4974a⋯.png (144.19 KB,907x579,907:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ec1fe471642c6f⋯.png (163.36 KB,322x733,322:733,Clipboard.png)

File: ea0a88765d4dd3d⋯.png (661.29 KB,838x1224,419:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561609 (222149ZMAR23) Notable: lb A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, Cohen admits that he did it himself

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Donald J. Trump



Wow, look what was just found—A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, and must end the Manhattan District Attorney’s Witch Hunt, immediately. Cohen admits that he did it himself. The D.A. should get on with prosecuting violent criminals, so people can walk down the sidewalks of New York without being murdered!

Mar 22, 2023, 5:45 PM


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29e3f6 No.27438

File: 4f6d7d69a36bfd7⋯.png (580.77 KB,838x1224,419:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561614 (222150ZMAR23) Notable: @45: Wow look what was just found - TOTALLY EXCULPATORY Cohen letter to FEC

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Wow, look what was just found—A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, and must end the Manhattan District Attorney’s Witch Hunt, immediately. Cohen admits that he did it himself. The D.A. should get on with prosecuting violent criminals, so people can walk down the sidewalks of New York without being murdered!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27439

File: ba216fb05398faa⋯.png (187.4 KB,783x833,783:833,Clipboard.png)

File: f67e38399d92e6e⋯.png (159.51 KB,794x781,794:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b43399bbb9a95a⋯.png (176.68 KB,790x798,395:399,Clipboard.png)

File: 46f1370582e643f⋯.png (173.2 KB,775x839,775:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b5cddc2bf1c0b2⋯.png (179.59 KB,785x812,785:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561620 (222151ZMAR23) Notable: 'I am the “US-based Kremlin intermediary” that tried to help Tucker Carlson book an interview with Putin'

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I am the “US-based Kremlin intermediary” that tried to help Tucker Carlson book an interview with Putin

Tucker Carlson accused the NSA of spying on his personal communications when he tried to schedule an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. I can corroborate his story.

On March 10, Fox News host Tucker Carlson told the Full Send podcast that the US government “broke into [his] text messages” in the summer of 2021, just months before the launch of Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Carlson claimed the spying occurred as he was planning a trip to Russia, where he hoped to record a conversation with the country’s president. According to Carlson, he learned of the surveillance after a US government source arranged to meet him in Washington and proceeded to share information with him that only someone with access to his private, personal text messages could have known.

“This person’s like… ‘Are you planning a trip to go see Putin?’ This was the summer before the war started. And I was like, ‘how would you know that? I haven’t told anybody,'” Carlson recalled.

“I was intimidated,” he added. “I’m embarrassed to admit, but I was completely freaked out by it.”

Carlson’s interview with Full Send did not represent the first time he spoke publicly about the NSA’s surveillance of his private communications. On June 28, 2021, Carlson opened his primetime Fox News show with a monologue accusing the Biden Administration of spying on his team, disclosing that an NSA whistleblower had contacted him and “repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on that could have only come directly from my texts and emails.” At the time, he did not disclose specific details about the story in question.

“The NSA captured that information without our knowledge, and did it for political reasons,” the Tucker Carlson Tonight host declared, asserting his source informed him that the Biden Administration planned to “leak” his private texts “in an attempt to take this show off the air.”

Carlson’s colleagues at Fox proceeded to studiously ignore his allegations, while other mainstream news outlets appeared to mock the host for going public with the information. When anonymous NSA officials announced that an internal agency review found “no evidence” to support Carlson’s claims the following month, the corporate press took them at their word.

Amidst the NSA’s denials, however, a report surfaced that seemed to directly support Carlson’s narrative. On July 7, an Axios “scoop” cited unnamed US officials accusing the Fox host of “talking to U.S.-based Kremlin intermediaries about setting up an interview with Vladimir Putin shortly before [he] accused the National Security Agency of spying on him.”

Though the government officials who planted that story remain anonymous, I can confirm the identity of at least one of the “US-based Kremlin intermediaries” in question.

It was me. They lied.


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29e3f6 No.27440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561647 (222155ZMAR23) Notable: SEC Hits Lindsay Lohan, Jake Paul, Soulja Boy And Others With Crypto Fraud Charges

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SEC Hits Lindsay Lohan, Jake Paul, Soulja Boy And Others With Crypto Fraud Charges

The Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday unveiled fraud and unregistered securities charges against Tronix crypto founder and Grenadian diplomat Justin Sun, as well as separate charges against celebrity backers of his TRON and BitTorrent crypto assets - which included Soulja Boy, Lindsay Lohan and Jake Paul.

SEC Chair Gary Gensler said that Sun convinced investors to buy TRX and BTT by "orchestrating a promotional campaign in which he and his celebrity promoters hid the fact that the celebrities were paid for their tweet."

According to the charges, Sun engaged in fraud by manipulating the trading of both tokens, which created the appearance of legitimate trading volume when it did not exist. Meanwhile, the unregistered 'offer and sale' charges are similar to those filed against Genesis, Gemini and Do Kwon's Terraform Labs, CNBC reports.

"This case demonstrates again the high risk investors face when crypto asset securities are offered and sold without proper disclosure," Gensler continued.

The celebrity backers promoted TRX and BTT on social media, and recruited others to join Tron-affiliated Discord and Telegram channels in what SEC enforcement chief Gurbir Grewal called part of an "age-old playbook to mislead and harm investors."

"At the same time, Sun paid celebrities with millions of social media followers to tout the unregistered offerings, while specifically directing that they not disclose their compensation. This is the very conduct that the federal securities laws were designed to protect against regardless of the labels Sun and others used," Grewal continued.

The eight celebrities and influencers were (via CNBC)

actress Lindsay Lohan

social-media personality Jake Paul

musician DeAndre Cortez Way, also known as Soulja Boy

musician Austin Mahone

adult actress Michele Mason, known as Kendra Lust

musician Miles Parks McCollum, known as Lil Yachty

musician Shaffer Smith, also known as Ne-Yo

musician Aliaune Thiam, also known as Akon

Everyone with the exception of Soulja Boy and Mahone agreed to a collective $400,000 payment in disgorgement, interest and penalties to settle the charges, which, were not an admittance or denial of guilt.


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29e3f6 No.27441

File: e26cd575f5f0b9e⋯.png (180.46 KB,603x609,201:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561655 (222157ZMAR23) Notable: #22765

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Last bread Notables are NOT endorsements


>>27349, >>27366, >>27367, >>27375, >>27394 Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report DA Bragg Withheld Evidence

>>27352, >>27354, >>27355, >>27356, >>27357, >>27395 Look at all these hearings and meetings today. Is this what they want to distract from with Trump BS?

>>27364, >>27391, >>27397 Fed raises interest rates a quarter point despite recent banking turmoil

>>27341 Nordic country targets Telegram over ‘Russian origins’

>>27342 U.S. Marines with Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 223 prepare for flight.

>>27343 HRC goes to Columbia

>>27344 MARCH 22, 2023 Senate Republican Agenda

>>27345 Emails Show ERIC Was SHARING Voter Information With Third-Party Group Tied To Zuckerberg In 2020 Election

>>27346 Atty Mike David: They Ignore the Biden Family Being Clearly on the Chinese Payroll

>>27347 Judge Says Special Counsel Has Evidence Trump ‘Committed Criminal Violations’ in Mar-a-Lago Classified Documents Case

>>27348, >>27392 #Pasadena | #Texas Massive explosion at the Ineos Phenol chemicals plant

>>27350 Minnesota Democrats reject GOP amendments to prevent fraud in state programs.

>>27353 Three teens shot by North Carolina middle school; 2 bodies found hours after first victim rushed to ER

>>27358 National Archives Sued for Shielding Documents Declassified by Trump

>>27359 33 hurt and 21 rushed to hospital after billionaire Microsoft founder Paul Allen's ship blows over

>>27360 NATO Chief Takes Stock of Challenging Year, Vows More Progress

>>27361, >>27379 Biden White House Urges Xi Jinping to Call Zelensky, Play ‘Constructive Role’ in Ukraine

>>27382 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it has reached an agreement with Ukraine on funding worth $15.6bn (£12.8bn).

>>27362 Nolte: Democrat-Run City Bans New Gas Stations 'to Fight Climate Change'

>>27365, >>27368 Remember that time when CBS tried to make Trump look like Hitler?

>>27369 Lebanon Forces fire tear gas to disperse protesters amid anger over economic conditions

>>27373 McCarthy says Iraq military authorizations will first go to House committee

>>27376 The Biden Justice Department Stands Accused of Hiding This Evidence of Biden-China Corruption

>>27398, >>27400 "Hunter Biden had an FBI mole named “One-Eye” who tipped off his Chinese business partners that they were under investigation

>>27390, >>27396 Biden Nominates Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption

>>27378, >>27383 Missouri AG says probe uncovered 'shadowy' network of clinics helping minors change gender

>>27386 'LGBTQ+ Rights Are A Core Part of Our Foreign Policy,' National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby Says

>>27380 Think Tank Executive Provided ‘Explosive’ Info to FBI About Hunter Biden’s Chinese Deals, Lawyer Claims

>>27384 Israeli Strikes Place Syria’s Aleppo’s Airport Out Of Service For Second Time In Weeks

>>27387 Operation Blue Lotus stops more than 900 pounds of fentanyl from entering US in first week

>>27388 Warning: every dollar you donate to the Red Cross is bringing America to her knees

>>27393 Former Mayor of Les Irois, Haiti Arrested for Visa Fraud

>>27363, >>27370, >>27372 ‘Have You Vaccinated Your Children?’: Rand Paul Grills Moderna CEO Over Adverse Vaccine Reactions

>>27371 UCSF Orders Their Doctors to Ignore COVID Vaccine Injuries "They don’t file VAERS reports either. That’s a violation of federal law."

>>27351, >>27374, >>27381, >>27389 Excess deaths, vax correlation study

>>27377, >>27399 Fmr. CDC Director Dr. Redfield: "This Pandemic Was Caused by Science"

>>27385 Midazolam Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps where the Elderly & Vulnerable were given Lethal Injections to create the illusion of a COVID Pandemic

>>27401 MIT Professor Calls for HALT of the mRNA Vaccine Program Due to Serious Adverse Events and Death



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29e3f6 No.27442

File: 52e111a895c6c68⋯.jpeg (191.29 KB,1610x729,1610:729,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561665 (222159ZMAR23)

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This is looking like a missing child search. Big activity over Boy Scout Ranch.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27443

File: 944b86bdcb2de97⋯.png (102.01 KB,894x376,447:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561674 (222200ZMAR23) Notable: @45: Moar TRUTHS

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Donald J. Trump



…Florida has been successful for many years, long before I put Ron there—It’s amazing what Ocean & Sunshine will do! Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total # of Cases, at 7,516,906. Other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this “freedom,” never closed their States…

Mar 22, 2023, 5:32 PM


Donald J. Trump



…Remember, I left that decision up to the Governors! For COVID Death Rates Per State, Ron, as Governor of Florida, did worse than New York. In Education, Florida ranks among the worst in the Country and on crime statistics, Florida ranked Third Worst in Murder, Third Worst in Rape, and Third Worst in Aggravated Assault. For 2022, Jacksonville was ranked as one of the Top 25 Major Crime Cities in the Country, with Tampa and Orlando not doing much better…

Mar 22, 2023, 5:31 PM


Donald J. Trump



…On Education, Florida ranks #39 in Health & Safety in the Country, #50 in Affordability, and #30 in Education & Childcare, HARDLY GREATNESS THERE! The fact is, Ron is an average Governor, but the best by far in the Country in one category, Public Relations, where he easily ranks Number One—But it is all a Mirage, just look at the facts and figures, they don’t lie—And we don’t want Ron as our President!

Mar 22, 2023, 5:31 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561678 (222200ZMAR23)

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Info on the Scout Ranch


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29e3f6 No.27445

File: 9b105f07995495b⋯.png (481.83 KB,1151x893,1151:893,Clipboard.png)

File: b0d11cf718c3d4c⋯.png (274.49 KB,868x795,868:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561689 (222202ZMAR23) Notable: @45: Moar TRUTHS

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Donald J. Trump



Mar 22, 2023,5:05 PM


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29e3f6 No.27446

File: ea3a1fd559c1cad⋯.png (245.25 KB,534x557,534:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ada0fdd85a030f⋯.mp4 (10.49 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561694 (222202ZMAR23) Notable: Why are so many in the gov screaming about the dangers of TikTok?

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Why are so many in the government screaming about the dangers of TikTok?

Turns out, TikTok is the FBI.

Eric Spracklen🇺🇸




Employee Reveals Application’s Algorithm Is Beneficial to China; Says DC Team ‘Work[s] Directly With The FBI’ To Find ‘Locations’ in Effort to Take Down ‘Wanted Criminals’ Like ‘Andrew Tate




Project Veritas

4:31 PM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27447

File: b87a34563daa528⋯.png (265.47 KB,883x794,883:794,Clipboard.png)

File: d3ed67f2698cfdf⋯.png (464.76 KB,1153x890,1153:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561699 (222203ZMAR23) Notable: @45: Moar TRUTHS

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Donald J. Trump



Mar 22, 2023,5:05 PM


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29e3f6 No.27448

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561705 (222204ZMAR23) Notable: Dr Henry Ealy on “Turbo Cancer” After mRNA Injection

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“Turbo Cancer” After mRNA Injection: Dr. Henry Ealy Reveals What He Thinks Is Causing It

March 22, 2023

“These are definitive bioweapons,” attests doctor in naturopathic medicine Henry Ealy. “There is a zero percent chance Kevin McKernan’s [research] is wrong on that.”

And why are we seeing the emergence of “turbo cancers”? Dr. Ealy believes the answer lies in pseudouridine, a molecule the body makes under stress. “So if the body’s producing a lot of it, what it leads to is neurodegeneration that leads to tumor neogenesis [growth].”

Dr. Ealy vouches that this pseudouridine in the mRNA sequences allows the contents of the mRNA injections to evade immune detection, and “it is damn near impossible for the cell to break down the mRNA sequence.”

Much more is revealed in this eye-opening interview as Dr. Ealy breaks down the cancer-inducing process.

video -


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29e3f6 No.27449

File: 29cc481a95cd3eb⋯.png (310.7 KB,883x816,883:816,Clipboard.png)

File: 00f308f41818516⋯.png (520.78 KB,1125x912,375:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561708 (222204ZMAR23) Notable: @45: Moar TRUTHS

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Donald J. Trump



Mar 22, 2023,5:06PM


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29e3f6 No.27450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561716 (222207ZMAR23) Notable: PF on Civil Air Patrol aircraft NW of Dallas

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Sid Richardson Scout Ranch is a Texas-size camp with 16 miles of rugged shoreline on 10,000-acre Lake Bridgeport. It has lots of history and 2,500 acres of scenic cliffs, prairies and heavy forests.

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29e3f6 No.27451

File: aa63f2c80b2f4eb⋯.png (182.18 KB,444x583,444:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f5e027ec9d9894⋯.png (226.72 KB,613x680,613:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 8defa7e9fa225d7⋯.png (276.25 KB,680x635,136:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561722 (222207ZMAR23) Notable: FBI HAD AN UNDERCOVER INFORMANT EMBEDDED WITH J6 DEFENSE TEAM

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DC US Attorney Matthew Graves' office notified defense team TODAY that a defense witnesses has been an FBI informant since the BEGINNING of the case thru start of trial.

"The CHS participated in prayer meetings with…the defendants' families."

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29e3f6 No.27452

File: 4656d6a8e515700⋯.png (21.82 KB,551x198,551:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561726 (222208ZMAR23) Notable: Grassley on DHHS hearing

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16:19 = 17 and a big ole' Q in there!

Chuck Grassley


Part of my duty as ur Senator is oversight of Dept of Health & Human Services 2day I Questioned HHS Scty Becerra b4 Finance Committee Pressed him on commitment 2 investigate UNOS/organ procurement whistleblower retaliation & supporting rural hospital programs

4:19 PM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561759 (222213ZMAR23) Notable: Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, NYC's “Taxi King,” pleaded guilty last week to criminal tax fraud

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New York state authorities sweetened a plea offer made to a taxi operator who partnered with President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen after federal authorities raided Cohen’s home, office and hotel room, according to court transcripts.

Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, known as New York’s “Taxi King,” pleaded guilty last week to criminal tax fraud for failing to pay $5 million in taxes in a deal that would allow him to avoid prison time.

The no-prison deal was a significant enhancement from an offer Freidman rejected on April 4 – just a few days before the FBI raid on Cohen – that would have included a minimum of two years and as much as six years in prison and a $1 million fine, according to transcripts of the March court proceeding. The offer included a sliding scale; if Freidman paid less than $1 million he would face more jail time. Friedman had faced as much as 25 years in prison when he was charged last year.

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29e3f6 No.27454

File: 75fcda09b8d4398⋯.png (364.5 KB,1001x215,1001:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561774 (222216ZMAR23) Notable: TechnoFog: The DC Court of Appeals has upheld the piercing of Trump's attorney-client privilege with his lawyer, Evan Corcoran

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The DC Court of Appeals has upheld the piercing of Trump's attorney-client privilege with his lawyer, Evan Corcoran.

Trump's lawyer is required to produce documents and records to the DOJ. (He'll also likely have to testify before a grand jury.)

This relates to the Special Counsel's investigation into Trump's handling of "classified" documents.


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29e3f6 No.27455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561855 (222229ZMAR23) Notable: #22766

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#22766 >>>/qresearch/18561110


>>27403 Chip Roy Issues Clear Message To Biden On Debt Limit

>>27405 New Report Shows Extensive Biden Admin Collusion to Classify Parents as Terrorists

>>27406, >>27420 Sen. Rand Paul Catches Moderna CEO Lying to Senate re Myocarditis in Young Vaxxed Males

>>27407, >>27413 #Died Suddenly

>>27408 Dad THRASHES School Board For Teacher’s Sexually Explicit Assignment. Crowd Goes Wild

>>27409 CNN's Free Fall Gets Even Worse as Network Hits Ratings Rock Bottom Not Seen in Decades

>>27410, >>27419 Chilling deepfakes claiming to show Trump’s arrest spread across Twitter

>>27411 ESPN Executive Who Spearheaded Woke Initiatives Fired Over Troubling Accusations

>>27412 Pastor DESTROYS Equity And CRT Narrative At School Board Meeting

>>27414 Dad THUMPS On Woke School Board Member For Pushing Her Own Political Agenda

>>27415 Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

>>27416 Runway announces Gen-2, a multimodal AI system that can generate realistic videos from text.

>>27417 Football Coach Who Was Fired for Praying on Field Rehired, Gets $1.8 Million Settlement

>>27418 @45: Have you gotten your copy of LETTERS TO TRUMP yet?

>>27421 Panera tests Amazon's palm-scanning tech in St Louis

>>27422 DIG CALL for links between Cohen, Avenatti & Daniels

>>27423 Australian Defence officials have hosted a Chinese military delegation for significant talks in Canberra

>>27424 Dershowitz Becomes Combative When Asked About Jeffrey Epstein

>>27425 Report - An IDF drone crashed inside Syrian territory

>>27426, >>27435, >>27442, >>27444,

>>27450 PF on Civil Air Patrol aircraft NW of Dallas

>>27427 Is there a relationship between Covid-19 & solar activity?

>>27428 Georgia Rep. Todd Jones' conflict of interest re sponsored bill

>>27430, >>27434 Circuit Court judge nominees are shockingly dumb - example: Kato Crews

>>27432 @45 on Ron DeSantis fighting back (thus admitting he's in the race)

>>27433 Russia’s commission investigating the work of American biological labs in Ukraine has completed its work

>>27436 Latest Garrison cartoon: RING, RING!!! (wakey, wakey)

>>27437, >>27438 @45: Wow look what was just found - TOTALLY EXCULPATORY Cohen letter to FEC

>>27439 'I am the “US-based Kremlin intermediary” that tried to help Tucker Carlson book an interview with Putin'

>>27440 SEC Hits Lindsay Lohan, Jake Paul, Soulja Boy And Others With Crypto Fraud Charges

>>27443, >>27445, >>27447, >>27449 @45: Moar TRUTHS

>>27446 Why are so many in the gov screaming about the dangers of TikTok?

>>27448 Dr Henry Ealy on “Turbo Cancer” After mRNA Injection


>>27452 Grassley on DHHS hearing

>>27453 Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, NYC's “Taxi King,” pleaded guilty last week to criminal tax fraud

>>27454 TechnoFog: The DC Court of Appeals has upheld the piercing of Trump's attorney-client privilege with his lawyer, Evan Corcoran


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29e3f6 No.27456

File: 54da36505b29fb3⋯.png (148.97 KB,1045x305,209:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 6de4b655ac7b831⋯.png (115.84 KB,377x273,29:21,Clipboard.png)

File: cd6baa6c2e02533⋯.png (125.56 KB,374x243,374:243,Clipboard.png)

File: d627e4b34ee0fc6⋯.png (209.66 KB,379x285,379:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561868 (222231ZMAR23)

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baker seeking handoff

Ty anons for your contributions!

Ty notetakers for catching us up

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29e3f6 No.27457

File: 6d42dbc7ec3d438⋯.png (30.56 KB,551x161,551:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561881 (222232ZMAR23) Notable: SEC sends Coinbase Wells Notification, warning of possible federal securities law violations

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29e3f6 No.27458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561907 (222235ZMAR23) Notable: Lawfag: Question – does the prosecutor have to present exculpatory evidence to a grand jury?

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Lawfag here

Question – does the prosecutor have to present exculpatory evidence to a grand jury?

Short answer is yes and no

Some states require it

NY does not BUT it appears to be an ethical obligation when requested by the defendant and can be a basis to throw out the case later

Also if the grand jury actually requests such information it more or less must be presented

One would assume trumps lawyers would pursue this but I have seen his attorneys fail over and over – this lawfag would have done much better and for free

So called white hats s imply fail at lawfare its pathetic




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29e3f6 No.27459

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561909 (222235ZMAR23) Notable: Biden accidentally admits truth about Trump becoming 47 (0:14 seconds)

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Biden has brief moment of sanity, accidentally admits truth about Trump becoming 47





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29e3f6 No.27460

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561923 (222238ZMAR23) Notable: Bongino: I Am Extremely Concerned About Trump's Safety - SS has the right to protect President Trump

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I Am EXTREMELY Concerned About Trump's Safety




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29e3f6 No.27461

File: ec8f76c0d655832⋯.png (69.53 KB,586x194,293:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 71269a0166a6d8a⋯.png (249.14 KB,725x691,725:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561925 (222238ZMAR23) Notable: Australia: 'Dirty' tap water in Narrandera is causing diarrhoea and rashes, residents say

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'Dirty' tap water in Narrandera is causing diarrhoea and rashes, residents say

Residents of a southern NSW town say they are living off bottled water because the town supply is leaving them with irritated bowels and skin rashes.

Key points:

Resident of Narrandera in southern NSW say the town water is making them sick

Some residents say they experience an allergic reaction to the water

The council says a solution is still three years away

Karin Olsen moved to Narrandera from Sydney six months ago and said within three days she was suffering from stomach cramps and diarrhoea.

She said when she mentioned her symptoms to a local retailer in town, their response was disturbing.

"They said, 'For God's sake don't drink the tap water'," Ms Olsen said.

She said that since switching to bottled water, at a cost of $100 per fortnight, her symptoms had gone but the tap water still regularly smelt and looked "putrid".

Ms Olsen found it incredible that in 21st-century Australia there was still water that was undrinkable.

Longstanding issue

The issue of water cleanliness has plagued Narrandera for years.

In 2022 one local mum told the ABC the dirty water cost her thousands in damage to clothes put through the laundry, and 12 months later another mum, Ariel Tonkies, said she was experiencing physical reactions to the water.


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29e3f6 No.27462

File: f00a0a03e8bf15d⋯.png (527.04 KB,887x837,887:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561956 (222246ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump heads to the LONE STAR STATE on Saturday for his first 2024 campaign rally

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🔴 President Trump heads to the LONE STAR STATE on Saturday for his first 2024 campaign rally 🇺🇸

Watch ALL-DAY, LIVE coverage right here on RSBN ‼️



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29e3f6 No.27463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561971 (222250ZMAR23) Notable: Bongino: I Am Extremely Concerned About Trump's Safety - SS has the right to protect President Trump

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A secret service detail would provide security in prison……dasting

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29e3f6 No.27464

File: 5bdb34423cb6acf⋯.png (425.5 KB,813x701,813:701,Clipboard.png)

File: f77a9eeb8c9adcf⋯.png (243.45 KB,924x535,924:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561977 (222251ZMAR23) Notable: Kash Patel: Sues Politico over impeachment lies watch out Schiff, Swallwel, Fiona, Vindman, Ciaramella… im coming for the Truth

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Kash Patel



Hitting em right between the eyes with an absolute hammer: watch out Politico, Schiff, Swallwel, Fiona, Vindman, Ciaramella… im coming for the Truth- thank you

Mar 22, 2023, 4:04 PM


Ex-House ‘Russiagate’ investigator Kash Patel sues Politico over impeachment lies

Watch out, Adam Schiff, Alexander Vinman, Fiona Hill and assorted other Russia/Ukraine hoaxers. Kash Patel is coming for you in a courtroom in Virginia.

The former Russiagate investigator for the House Intelligence Committee has filed a $23 million defamation action against Politico for falsely claiming he misrepresented himself as a Ukraine expert and fed lies to Donald Trump about Ukraine — which ultimately led to the then-president’s impeachment.

Patel’s suit contends that Politico knew that Schiff, then chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was “a wholly unreliable source,” a “congenital liar and inveterate leaker [and] a demagogue with an axe to grind against President Trump [and] Kash.”

Hill and Vindman, former NSC officials-turned-star impeachment witnesses, helped push Schiff’s lie that Patel was Trump’s “Ukraine whisperer,” the suit alleges.

Also in Patel’s crosshairs are Schiff’s staff, his Democratic colleague Eric Swalwell, his “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella, Hill’s boss, former national security adviser John Bolton, and the author of the Politico article, Natasha Bertrand, who also laundered the CIA’s Big Lie in October 2020 that the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation.

The lawsuit in Henrico Circuit Court will soon net juicy discovery from some of the prime culprits in the sabotage of Trump’s presidency.

“Victory here is not the end result,” says Patel. “It is to expose the fraudulent reporting by so many in the mainstream media and the only way to do that is expose their corrupt sources and that is what the judge has granted us permission to do.”


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29e3f6 No.27465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561981 (222251ZMAR23) Notable: ANONS! We got them! msnbc is so triggered and afraid opine

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BREAKING! Anon has TV news station access again. Spent the last 3.5 hours monitoring msnbc. Reminds oldanon of the WAR fought from Late Oct. 2017 through mid Dec. 2020 on what at the time was TRUE Qresearch. Can remember when all anon could do was lurk because anon didn't have anything to contribute. Then, 6 months later anon took his mission: scouting the enemy media and learning the enemy better than it knows itself. It was this oldwarrioranon's finest action.

This afternoon (still have msnbc in the background) brings back fond memories . ANONS! We got them! msnbc is so triggered and afraid that they have the most deranged, psychotic and corrupt attorney that has ever walked the earth, Andrew Weissman, on all 3 shows so far. Cohen's attorney, Larry something, has pulled him from showing his face or speaking a word on any platform. The action from Trump being perp walked in NYC has moved to the Mar-a-Lago and what's the crime: Per Weissman: Obstruction. YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP. Enemy Media is saying Trump is blaming the Democrats when EVERY SINGLE VIEWER can clearly see it's not the democrats, it's the FREAKING MEDIA!

You know, Donald J. Trump has to be running the Media, telling them what to do. No way could anyone else have them condemn themselves like this.

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29e3f6 No.27466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561984 (222251ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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29e3f6 No.27467

File: 9100abcbfbd5837⋯.jpg (149.04 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561990 (222252ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18561993 (222253ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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The might arrest him for theatrics, but they won't be able to hold him or put him in jail. They'll only make him stronger. Why exactly should anons be worried?

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29e3f6 No.27469

File: 09d3dfdf1df6609⋯.png (993.2 KB,933x789,311:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562000 (222254ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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29e3f6 No.27470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562005 (222254ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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29e3f6 No.27471

File: ac1a97ce138fbd9⋯.png (45.95 KB,552x400,69:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562008 (222255ZMAR23) Notable: Kash Patel: Sues Politico over impeachment lies watch out Schiff, Swallwel, Fiona, Vindman, Ciaramella… im coming for the Truth

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562013 (222256ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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>I can't believe

You have failed to understand anons and OG anons are on a whole different level.

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29e3f6 No.27473

File: b3a33e21428e8f2⋯.jpg (186.85 KB,1131x650,87:50,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562015 (222256ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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You say that like you've never heard of an innocent person being railroaded.

The Justice System is massively corrupt.

Some have known this for a long long time. At this point, Trump going to jail would ONLY work towards more exposure of the corruption.

And I bet Trump would OWN the Yard.

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29e3f6 No.27474

File: 2d06d0fd3c4fa1e⋯.jpg (19.71 KB,255x253,255:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562020 (222257ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562028 (222258ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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when you have been here as long as anons, you get used to things not happening

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29e3f6 No.27476

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562030 (222259ZMAR23) Notable: Mark Finchem [DS] Election Rigging Coverup Is Being Exposed

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Mark Finchem - [DS] Election Rigging Coverup Is Being Exposed,

It’s Time To Take It To The Next Level


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29e3f6 No.27477

File: c517876ee666b9d⋯.png (399.56 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

File: fb419b3dac54912⋯.png (748.08 KB,1468x1493,1468:1493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562034 (222259ZMAR23) Notable: USSF announces University Consortium Research Opportunity – “xGEO Operations and SDA”

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USSF announces University Consortium Research Opportunity – “xGEO Operations and SDA”

March 22, 2023

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs &ndash; In partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory and Universities Space Research Association, the United States Space Force announced the establishment of a new University Consortium Research Opportunity addressing space science and technology challenges today.

The research focus areas for this UCRO will include Beyond Geostationary Earth Orbit (xGEO) Operations and Space Domain Awareness (SDA); and will facilitate applied research to develop transformational space domain technology. This ground-breaking initiative advances capabilities that can be transitioned and integrated into current and future USSF space systems.

The xGEO Operations and SDA team will be comprised of at least three research institutions, including a lead university. The teams of universities selected are encouraged to collaborate and partner with other universities, AFRL, DARPA and industry to address space research, development, and demonstration needs.

The lead research institution will also be able to manage the research of any xGEO Operations and SDA subtopics. Additionally, the teams will also support future technology vectors and horizon scanning on emerging and forward-leaning technologies through a systematic assessment of potential future threats and technology surprises.

The xGEO Operations and SDA UCRO will focus on technologies needed to ensure continued and enhanced capability across all space areas (including moons and planets) for the U.S. military and civil operation. While many of these technologies are applicable to other orbital regimes or even other domains, this opportunity will focus on specifically addressing challenges related to space object tracking and beyond geostationary orbit operations.



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29e3f6 No.27478

File: 87a836d8b9f4dd6⋯.png (423.1 KB,551x557,551:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562046 (222301ZMAR23) Notable: Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a bill barring transgender people from using school restrooms that do not align with the sex listed on their birth certificate

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Do it, Girl!!!



Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday signed a bill into law that bars transgender people from using school restrooms that do not align with the sex listed on their birth certificate


Arkansas governor signs bill that restricts transgender bathroom use in schools | CNN Politics

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday signed a bill into law that bars transgender students from using restrooms that do not align with the sex listed on their birth certificate, the latest…

4:11 PM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27479

File: 8c61e79c742fd15⋯.jpg (22.41 KB,473x266,473:266,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562061 (222302ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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I could explain it to you in very simple terms, but…

you simply wouldn't understand.

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29e3f6 No.27480

File: d48405a377f61db⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562078 (222305ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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the memes alone would give us too much power :)


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29e3f6 No.27481

File: 99722bfd0675ad7⋯.png (447.42 KB,1080x1084,270:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562086 (222307ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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29e3f6 No.27482

File: 8ded7fdb80fe033⋯.jpeg (288.82 KB,935x935,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562099 (222309ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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digits gonfirm

ids almoast like we been here befores.

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29e3f6 No.27483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562103 (222310ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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Surprised not to see this one:

Lurk Moar!

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29e3f6 No.27484

File: ce8ae3ad17bd79b⋯.png (56.04 KB,832x267,832:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562134 (222315ZMAR23) Notable: CDC wants us to believe 92% of adults took at least 1 COVID jab, truth is probably that its about 75%.

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CDC wants us to believe 92% of adults took at least 1 COVID jab. The truth is probably that its about 75%.

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29e3f6 No.27485

File: 135e8ddc1dd90d6⋯.png (59.3 KB,1048x402,524:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562159 (222319ZMAR23) Notable: Exculpatory Evidence: Is Miles Guo Being Denied Due Process?

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Exculpatory Evidence: Is Miles Guo Being Denied Due Process?

The “fox hunt” for prominent Chinese dissident, Mr. Miles Guo reads like a Cold War-era spy novel. Indeed, the U.S. is in a high-stakes cold war against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the tendrils of their malign influence pervading our legal system like a cancer. That infiltration raises the question as to whether or not some defendants are being denied due process or have instead become victims of the CCP’s “lawfare” strategy.

U.S. law operates on a presumption of innocence until proven guilty—at least, it is supposed to—and Brady v. Maryland 373 U.S. 83, 87-88 (1963) obligates the government to provide any evidence that may be exculpatory or reasonably lead to the discovery of exculpatory evidence. The importance of these two principles cannot be overstated, and they are essential for protecting human rights and upholding due diligence to avoid false or unjust verdicts.

Why, in light of these foundational legal principles, is prominent anti-CCP dissident Mr. Miles Guo being held in custody without bail and without due process? Has the CCP exercised undue influence and pressure on the DOJ? Are there conflicts of interest and bias in the prosecution of Guo?

Compelling evidence suggests dereliction of due process by the DOJ. Corey R. Amundson, Public Integrity Section Chief for the Criminal Division of the DOJ, in a court document dated March 18, 2023, begins by admitting, “In 2017, the government of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) worked for months through multiple channels to convince the United States to deport Guo Wengui, a Chinese national and vocal critic of the PRC government seeking refuge in the United States.” The document is a DOJ response against Prakazrel Michel who faces charges of acting on behalf of the CCP as an unregistered foreign agent. Amundson continues, “What matters is whether the defendant (Michel) agreed to operate subject to the control of the PRC government…”

What is most troubling is that FBI agent Andrew Zitman met with Michel “multiple times in June 2017,” and that Michel went back to the CCP to gather tape recordings “at Zitman’s request” (Case 1:19-cr-00148-CKK, Doc. 230, filed 03/19/23). Yet it was ostensibly Zitman who was behind the March 15, 2023 arrest of Guo, based on “a twelve-count indictment unsealed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York charging Guo…”

A Minute Order signed by Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly on March 20, 2023 regarding the Prakazerl Michel matter indicates the Court’s concern in this matter:

“The Court has completed its initial review of Defendant’s [Michel’s] Reply to Government’s Response in Opposition to Motion for Trial Continuance. As Defendant rightly notes, Brady requires the prosecution to ‘learn of any favorable evidence known to [all] others acting on the government’s behalf in the case, including the police [and federal law enforcement].’ See Kyles v. Whitley, 514 U.S. 419, 437 (1995). It appears from Defendant’s reply that the Government may not have taken as broad a view of its duty of discovery as is required, and that at least one FBI agent, Andrew Zitman, may have worked on both the New York Guo Case and this matter. As such, in advance of the hearing set for tomorrow, March 20, 2023, the Government shall determine whether Agent Zitman worked on the investigation leading to the New York Guo Case in addition to this case. Additionally, the Government shall determine whether any of the other case or investigatory agents who worked on this case also worked on the investigation leading to the New York Guo Case. The Government shall be prepared to discuss with specificity the steps it took to inquire of those agents as to exculpatory material related to Defendant and Guo.”


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29e3f6 No.27486

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562173 (222321ZMAR23) Notable: Rasmussen Poll: Mark Mitchell discusses Americans trust in the American Banking system (3:45 mins)

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Rasmussen Poll: Mark Mitchell discusses Americans trust in the American Banking system

They asked how likely is it that we will enter a 1930’s type depression?

49% somewhat likely

19% very likely

13% not at all likely

What is your confidence in the US banking system?

Somewhat Confident 58%

Not at all confident 36%

Confident 6%

How likely is there to be a major bank failure?

Somewhat likely. 44%

Very likely 11%

Get thisRepublicans and Independents are rapidly losing confidence for the economy and banking system,while Democrat confidence is soaring high up to 73%. This is how you know democrats do not know math, money, how the economy functions or what marxist bailouts do to a country; and these people are lazy & crazy

Short video


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29e3f6 No.27487

File: a36a9df2d46c30a⋯.png (220.24 KB,601x655,601:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562197 (222325ZMAR23) Notable: lb A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, Cohen admits that he did it himself

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Liz Harrington@realLizUSA·9m

“Wow, look what was just found—A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, and must end the Manhattan District Attorney’s Witch Hunt, immediately. Cohen admits that he did it himself…

“…The D.A. should get on with prosecuting violent criminals, so people can walk down the sidewalks of New York without being murdered!” - President Donald J. Trump

7:12 PM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27488

File: 48a63876752d7a1⋯.png (1.62 MB,1750x944,875:472,Clipboard.png)

File: ba1b51da7484b5c⋯.png (25.91 KB,402x338,201:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562204 (222326ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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Newfag detected

I've witnessed scores of 1000's of confirmations.

Yesterday, Q 2357


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29e3f6 No.27489

File: 51d3d9ac185c7ad⋯.png (585.15 KB,1080x805,216:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562222 (222329ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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29e3f6 No.27490

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562244 (222333ZMAR23) Notable: read between the lines

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Mike Davis: "Trump is being legally attacked by Democrats on 3 coordinated fronts."


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29e3f6 No.27491

File: c4f3a1ad56cf52f⋯.png (179.03 KB,490x506,245:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562255 (222335ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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29e3f6 No.27492

File: 290ba36ef45a3fa⋯.png (233.62 KB,575x710,115:142,Clipboard.png)


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7:19 PM · Mar 22, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27493

File: b08e6988a6d79bb⋯.png (1 MB,900x1199,900:1199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562273 (222339ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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We keep our eyes on God, not really on the strom.

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29e3f6 No.27494

File: 4db5464306b20d4⋯.png (945.94 KB,1163x602,1163:602,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d2db2a1ac72403⋯.png (156.18 KB,565x399,565:399,Clipboard.png)

File: f86099e584d4ca5⋯.png (153.06 KB,690x351,230:117,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f7f29baa671752⋯.png (243.01 KB,759x293,759:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 632624f12b5f945⋯.png (803.85 KB,765x827,765:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562283 (222340ZMAR23) Notable: STOLEN VALOR: Top Ukraine 'volunteer' soldier revealed to be fraud, heavily promoted by Adam Kinzinger, Malcolm Nance

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STOLEN VALOR: Top Ukraine 'volunteer' soldier revealed to be fraud, heavily promoted by Adam Kinzinger, Malcolm Nance

The story of Vasquez joining the Ukrainian Army turned out to be fake.

In 2022, Newsweek ran a glowing story about an American man who claimed to be a volunteer fighting with the Ukrainian Army. Vasquez claimed in March 2022. that he'd "taken out 7 Russian tanks."

Former Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger advocated for Vasquez, urging Twitter to verify his account, and posed in pictures with him.

Only the story of Vasquez joining the Ukrainian Army turned out to be fake. "Kinzinger’s favorite Ukraine hero just deleted his account after it came out he is a fraud," Jack Posobiec said.

Malcolm Nance, also a supporter of Vasquez, responded to the allegations against Vasquez, as revealed by a current member of the Ukrainian armed forces, saying that he and others had advised Vasquez to "get off Twitter, get his life in order & come back to support [Ukraine] in a legal construct. He took that advice.

"James was NOT fake," Nance continued, "he was troubled. He did a lot for Ukraine but has challenges to face. Respect what he did do."

Kinzinger said a year ago regarding Vasquez "he's legit and too many folks are tying to create fake acts with him. I have a bill in congress to deal with this… Since this was happening to me for so long."

Vasquez works with Ripley's Heroes, which claims to "provide critically needed non-lethal and humanitarian resources to qualified and experienced heroes who have interrupted their own lives, and put themselves in harm’s way, to help save others."

Ripley's Heroes is not a not-for-profit, though they are collecting donations. Instead, they have applied for 501(c)3 status with the IRS, but that application has not yet been approved, meaning that donations made are not currently tax-deductible.


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29e3f6 No.27495

File: 208e8c2ba3cbf54⋯.jpg (162.21 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562289 (222341ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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29e3f6 No.27496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562342 (222349ZMAR23) Notable: read between the lines

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29e3f6 No.27497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562370 (222354ZMAR23) Notable: Former Bardstown Chief Financial Officer Tracy L. Hudson Sentenced to 35 Months in Federal Prison for Embezzling City Funds

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Former Bardstown Chief Financial Officer Sentenced to 35 Months in Federal Prison for Embezzling City Funds

Louisville, KY – A former city official was sentenced yesterday to 35 months in prison and ordered to pay restitution for embezzling over three-quarters of a million dollars from the City of Bardstown, Kentucky, during her years working with the city.

United States Attorney Michael A. Bennett of the Western District of Kentucky, Special Agent in Charge Jodi Cohen of the FBI’s Louisville Field Office, and Commissioner Phillip Burnett, Jr. of the Kentucky State Police made the announcement.

According to court documents and statements made in court, Tracy L. Hudson, 42, of Bloomfield, Kentucky, embezzled funds from the City of Bardstown, Kentucky, while employed first as the City’s Occupational Tax Administrator and then as its Chief Financial Officer. Between 2013 and September 2019, Hudson stole funds from the City of Bardstown by various means, including by taking cash from the City’s funds for her own personal use, paying herself for false expense reimbursements, diverting additional payments into her 401k pension plan in excess of the amount withheld from her wages, purchasing personal items on a City credit card without authorization, and crediting payments to her personal accounts with the City despite no actual payment having been made. The primary method by which Hudson stole from the City of Bardstown was by stealing cash, most often from cash payments made when individuals were paying for City services. Hudson also engaged in various activities which generated interstate wire communications to steal certain of the funds and to conceal her thefts from the City.

In addition to the 35-month prison sentence, Hudson was sentenced to a 3-year term of supervised release and ordered to pay $629,972.39 in restitution to the City of Bardstown and its insurance company.

The FBI and the Kentucky State Police investigated the case.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephanie M. Zimdahl prosecuted the case.


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29e3f6 No.27498

File: 1c84347cc168737⋯.jpeg (54.2 KB,500x499,500:499,Clipboard.jpeg)


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29e3f6 No.27499

File: c7172699af38d63⋯.png (36.52 KB,625x369,625:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562403 (222358ZMAR23) Notable: read between the lines

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29e3f6 No.27500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562416 (230000ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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We have clam ramen and cigarette care pkgs all boxed up and ready to mail.

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29e3f6 No.27501

File: a8fcece35fcf103⋯.png (33.56 KB,741x384,247:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562423 (230001ZMAR23) Notable: read between the lines

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4 year Delta

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29e3f6 No.27502

File: f7cc00e945dbcc9⋯.png (718.95 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562427 (230001ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden used FBI mole named ‘One-Eye’ to tip him off to China probes

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Hunter Biden used FBI mole named ‘One-Eye’ to tip him off to China probes

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29e3f6 No.27503

File: 65bb21ab7091b5a⋯.png (12.18 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562433 (230002ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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you want I should thrash around in mortal agony?

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29e3f6 No.27504

File: 579d87bcd4c247a⋯.png (152.06 KB,347x320,347:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562444 (230003ZMAR23) Notable: I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

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29e3f6 No.27505

File: 158ba50cb5735ef⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562497 (230012ZMAR23) Notable: Biden accidentally admits truth about Trump becoming 47 (0:14 seconds)

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>Biden has brief moment of sanity, accidentally admits truth about Trump

It happens

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29e3f6 No.27506


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Bragg should change his last name“Bagged”by the Trump Curse Every Time

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29e3f6 No.27507

File: 2297ba9b5b593ad⋯.png (182.3 KB,618x605,618:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562568 (230027ZMAR23) Notable: Putin and Xi aim to defeat the “Unipolar world”. Which is another term for “Globalism” or “Deep State”

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The thread is interesting. US deep state seems to be an international bully. Not only abusing Americans but the governments of other countries, too.

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29e3f6 No.27508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562572 (230028ZMAR23) Notable: US President Donald Trump not Former President Donald

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Forty years after

So when referring to Donald Trump all the assholes call him Former President Donald Trum…

when speaking of any other its titled

Ronald Reagan

I am using the title US President Donald Trump from now on

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29e3f6 No.27509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562629 (230034ZMAR23) Notable: #22767

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>>27457 SEC sends Coinbase Wells Notification, warning of possible federal securities law violations

>>27458 Lawfag: Question – does the prosecutor have to present exculpatory evidence to a grand jury?

>>27461 Australia: 'Dirty' tap water in Narrandera is causing diarrhoea and rashes, residents say

Baker Change

>>27460, >>27463 Bongino: I Am Extremely Concerned About Trump's Safety - SS has the right to protect President Trump

>>27462 President Trump heads to the LONE STAR STATE on Saturday for his first 2024 campaign rally

>>27459, >>27505 Biden accidentally admits truth about Trump becoming 47 (0:14 seconds)

>>27464, >>27471 Kash Patel: Sues Politico over impeachment lies watch out Schiff, Swallwel, Fiona, Vindman, Ciaramella… im coming for the Truth

>>27465 ANONS! We got them! msnbc is so triggered and afraid opine

>>27466, >>27488, >>27467, >>27468, >>27469, >>27470, >>27472, >>27473, >>27474, >>27475, >>27479, >>27480, >>27481, >>27482, >>27483, >>27489, >>27491, >>27493, >>27495, >>27500, >>27503, >>27504 I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

>>27477 USSF announces University Consortium Research Opportunity – “xGEO Operations and SDA”

>>27478 Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a bill barring transgender people from using school restrooms that do not align with the sex listed on their birth certificate

>>27476 Mark Finchem [DS] Election Rigging Coverup Is Being Exposed

>>27484 CDC wants us to believe 92% of adults took at least 1 COVID jab, truth is probably that its about 75%.

>>27485 Exculpatory Evidence: Is Miles Guo Being Denied Due Process?

>>27486 Rasmussen Poll: Mark Mitchell discusses Americans trust in the American Banking system (3:45 mins)

>>27487, >>27437 lb A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, Cohen admits that he did it himself

>>27490 Mike Davis: "Trump is being legally attacked by Democrats on 3 coordinated fronts." (11:47)

>>27490, >>27496, >>27499, >>27501 read between the lines


>>27494 STOLEN VALOR: Top Ukraine 'volunteer' soldier revealed to be fraud, heavily promoted by Adam Kinzinger, Malcolm Nance

>>27497 Former Bardstown Chief Financial Officer Tracy L. Hudson Sentenced to 35 Months in Federal Prison for Embezzling City Funds

>>27502 Hunter Biden used FBI mole named ‘One-Eye’ to tip him off to China probes

>>27507 Putin and Xi aim to defeat the “Unipolar world”. Which is another term for “Globalism” or “Deep State”

>>27508 US President Donald Trump not Former President Donald

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29e3f6 No.27510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562705 (230044ZMAR23) Notable: GOP House Chairman Says Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Facing Deadline for Congressional Testimony

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GOP House Chairman Says Manhattan DA Facing Deadline for Congressional Testimony

House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) said a New York district attorney leading the investigation to potentially arrest former President Donald Trump is facing a deadline to answer questions before three congressional panels.

“We gave him until Thursday to come forward,” Steil told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview about the push to demand answers from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. “We look forward to his response.”

Bragg is reportedly planning to arrest Trump over an alleged “hush money” payment during the 2016 election. The former president is accused of furnishing money to adult entertainment actress Stormy Daniels to hide allegations of an affair between the two, which Trump denies.

Steil is one of three Republican committee chairs in the House of Representatives demanding information in a joint letter (pdf) about Bragg’s rationale in the looming indictment. He was joined in formulating the letter by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.).

“I think the question that needs to be answered is: Is this a political move? When you look at the fact that previous prosecutors have reviewed this and ultimately made a decision not to prosecute, and he made a previous decision he wasn’t going to move forward and now he is moving forward, what changed? The only thing that changed is President Trump has announced he is running for reelection,” Steil said.

“I think that broadly for the American people we are concerned about the politicization of our judicial system, and as you look at this case there are clear questions that I think need to be answered about whether there is a misuse of federal funds that are intended to actually do things like reduce crime that are actually being repurposed for political purposes.”

Bragg has not yet agreed to appear before the congressional panel for a transcribed interview, and Steil said that if the district attorney refuses to cooperate with the investigation, he will consult with other members of the committee on whether to subpoena Bragg to compel his appearance.

“We’ll make decisions and consultations with Jim Jordan and Jamie Comer if he doesn’t respond,” Steil said, adding that he’s hopeful that Bragg will respond to the request.

‘Politically Motivated Prosecution’

During his time as a district attorney, Republicans argue that Bragg has regularly reduced felony charges, including violent felonies, to misdemeanors, a track record that Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said was seen as “a matter of pride” by Bragg.

“Your decision to pursue such a politically motivated prosecution—while adopting progressive criminal justice policies that allow career ‘criminals [to] run the streets’ of Manhattan—requires congressional scrutiny about how public safety funds appropriated by Congress are implemented by local law enforcement agencies,” Jordan wrote in the joint letter.


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29e3f6 No.27511

File: da8ec6c9b96cc92⋯.jpg (166.03 KB,720x853,720:853,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562773 (230055ZMAR23) Notable: Southwest Pilot Becomes Incapacitated Mid-Air, Airline Confirms

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NEW: Southwest Pilot Becomes Incapacitated Mid-Air, Airline Confirms


Mid-air suddenlys

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29e3f6 No.27512

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562832 (230101ZMAR23) Notable: The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox 'Game Night'-03/22/2023

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The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox 'Game Night'-03/22/2023


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29e3f6 No.27513

File: 79a3a98a96410e3⋯.png (30.77 KB,1029x168,49:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562843 (230101ZMAR23) Notable: Fake “Trump Supporters” at Manhattan Protest Are Identified As an Actor

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Fake “Trump Supporters” at Manhattan

Protest Are Identified As an Actor And

an Anarchist (Possible Antifa Member)

By Independent Journalist [Video]

Gateway Pundit, by Patty McMurray

Posted By: Imright, 3/22/2023 5:32:29 PM

100 Percent Fed Up reports- In a post on his “Truth” social media platform over the weekend, President Trump asked his supporters to “Protest!” in advance of his alleged arrest by the radical Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg. Many Trump supporters believed it was a mistake for President Trump to call on his supporters to protest, as they feared many would be set up by fake Trump supporters who were really undercover FBI agents or informants or even members of Antifa. The radical Anarchist group Antifa has been known to create violence at protests, making it appear as though the group who organized the event were actually responsible.

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29e3f6 No.27514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562862 (230103ZMAR23) Notable: Crew protecting Donald Trump WILL NOT be the Secret Service but will be THE MARINES?

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Great Bake BAKER. Thank you. Best break this anon has seen since mid-Dec. 2020.

From last bread: Anon said the crew protecting Donald Trump WILL NOT be the Secret Service but will be THE MARINES. Agree that sauce is needed for that statement. First, if that change was made wouldn't it be kept secret? (I remember from my active duty service that it was important to not give the game away, to keep secrets). Does anyone not remember the last 8 years? The ENEMY always gives the game away. They said he will be arrested, indicted and WILL BE PUT IN PRISON WITHOUT BAIL because he is a some kind of RISK.

Does anyone believe that the Secret Service which worked on Jan. 6 can do the job? Better question: how many Americans are believing the propaganda being force fed to them from all platforms? Can any anon forget that Q said: Military is the only way?

No. The Enemy eagerly jumped into the trap they set themselves. The first to fall is the Media and they are DOING IT AS WE SPEAK.

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29e3f6 No.27515

File: 52bf8ceb11bf422⋯.png (907.37 KB,1074x847,1074:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562870 (230104ZMAR23) Notable: Joe Biden’s Groping, Grooming and Dangerous Predatory Behavior

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Shocking New Video Reveals Joe Biden’s

Groping, Grooming and Dangerous Predatory

Behavior with Children, Women and Young Boys

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 3/22/2023 5:03:54 PM

For years The Gateway Pundit has reported on the dozens of times Joe Biden has been caught on camera in public grabbing, groping, sniffing, and rubbing women children and little boys. (Photo) Joe Biden is widely known to grope, caress and sniff women and children — IN PUBLIC. He even groped a little boy on camera not that long ago. On Wednesday, Catturd2 linked to a recent video of child abuse expert Anthony Zenkus describing the behaviors of a child predator. His talk is interspersed with clips

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29e3f6 No.27516

File: 13c69349a81fbee⋯.png (256.03 KB,600x222,100:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 29c9bce03d198b2⋯.png (639.58 KB,740x493,740:493,Clipboard.png)

File: a9d9bdce355372e⋯.png (163.7 KB,740x821,740:821,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b57538d92175da⋯.png (299.37 KB,740x853,740:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562877 (230104ZMAR23) Notable: DOJ Embedded an FBI Informant Inside the DEFENSE TEAM of Non-Violent Jan 6 Prisoner and Former US Marine Zachary Rehl

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DOJ Embedded an FBI Informant Inside the DEFENSE TEAM of Non-Violent Jan 6 Prisoner and Former US Marine Zachary Rehl

The government’s fabricated case against the Proud Boys was suspended a week ago after the defense attorneys were accidentally given information from DOJ lawyers that shows the US government was deleting evidence, hiding documents and spying on the prisoners while they were speaking with their attorneys.

Of course, all of those actions are illegal.

But the latest development today tops all of the previous lawless actions of the FBI and Department of Justice.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – The amazing investigative reporter Julie Kelly of American Greatness, who has done more to expose the corruption behind the January 6th convictions and treatment of January 6th prisoners than almost anyone, has just dropped a massive bombshell that should shake every American to their core.

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On "The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification"

According to Kelly, the DOJ has embedded an FBI agent in the defense team of the non-violent Jan. 6th prisoner, former US Marine Zachary Rehl. Rehl has been imprisoned since January 6. His real crime is that he’s a member of the “Proud Boys.”

In her first of a series of four tweets, Kelly reported that a new motion has just been filed by the defense in the Proud Boys trial accusing the DOJ of using an FBI informant to spy on and infiltrate the defense team of Zachary Rehl.

Kelly wrote: “Just when you think DOJ can’t get any dirtier–“

Kelly shared an UPDATE to her first tweet, saying: Judge Kelly just ordered DC US Attorney Matthew Graves’ office to respond to this motion by 9 am tomorrow.

In her second tweet, the true investigative reporter wrote that Judge Kelly was asked by the January 6th defendant’s attorney to reconsider the nonviolent Rehl’s incarceration “since he has a daughter he’s never held since she was born after he was arrested.” Instead of honoring his lawyer’s request, Judge Kelly denied his bail for two years.

The allegations about the existence of yet one more previously undisclosed CHS after various other alleged full and complete disclosures of all the CHS’s involved in the case demonstrate that there are reasons to doubt the veracity of the government’s explanation and justification for withholding information about the CHSs who have been involved in the case. Moreover, the government disclosed this information for the first time on the day before the witness was scheduled to appear.

Rehl’s lawyer, Carmen Hernandez, asked for “an immediate emergency hearing and adjournment of the Court proceedings until the issues have been considered and resolved.”

Accordingly, Mr. Rehl and the other defendants in the instant case respectfully request that the Court compel the government to disclose all information, recordings, and reports set forth above so that the defense team (and the Court) can have a complete picture of what happened, and why. The defendants request an immediate emergency hearing and adjournment of the Court proceedings until these issues have been considered and resolved.

In her third tweet, Kelly revealed that DC US Attorney Matthew Graves’ office “continues to mislead court and defendants about the actual number of FBI informants (CHS).”

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29e3f6 No.27517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18562883 (230105ZMAR23) Notable: DOJ Embedded an FBI Informant Inside the DEFENSE TEAM of Non-Violent Jan 6 Prisoner and Former US Marine Zachary Rehl

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A CHS is a “Confidential Human Source.”

Motion filed by public defender for Zachary Rehl. Rehl is the nonviolent defendant denied bail for 2 years by Judge Tim Kelly.

Hernandez today asked Kelly to reconsider Rehl's incarceration since he has a daughter he's never held since she was born after he was arrested. pic.twitter.com/YyoIFBptrz

— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) March 22, 2023

According to Kelley, the FBI agent actually participated in prayer meetings with a member of Rehl’s family!

“Holy sh*t, this is beyond dirty.”

“DC US Attorney Matthew Graves’ office notified the defense team TODAY that a defense witness has been an FBI informant since the BEGINNING of the case thru the start of the trial.”

“The CHS participated in prayer meetings with…the defendants’ families.” Kelly wrote.

Here is a screenshot of the court doc. Kelly included in her tweet that outlines how the FBI’s CHS (Confidential Human Source) has been in touch with the defendant’s counsel via telephone, text messaging, and other electronic means with one or more members of Rehl’s defense counsel members.

In her final tweet, Kelly writes: So prosecutors knew back in December that defense planned to call this person as a witness. For 3 months, not only did Graves’ office refuse to disclose the witness was an FBI informant, the individual continued to work as an informant, spying on defense, during trial prep.

Kelly’s entire article about how the FBI was caught “red-handed” spying on Reh’s communications with his then-attorney can be found in the tweet below. In her American Greatness article, Kelly explains how, incredibly, the DOJ is arguing that the communications of the Jan 6 prisoner with his attorney are not privileged because he is behind bars!

So prosecutors knew back in December that defense planned to call this person as a witness. For 3 months, not only did Graves' office refuse to disclose the witness was an FBI informant, the individual continued to work as an informant, spying on defense, during trial prep.

— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) March 22, 2023

Conservative “amuse” has also shared his outrage, which truly sums up how most Americans will feel when they see the stunning documents shared by Julie Kelly.

He tweeted:

SHOCK: The FBI is paying J6 defense witnesses to provide the defense’s trial strategy to Biden’s DOJ. The government has paid informants inside the trial, feeding information to the FBI and DOJ. This is beyond outrageous. There is no justice in America today. I am speechless.

SHOCK: The FBI is paying J6 defense witnesses to provide the defense's trial strategy to Biden's DOJ. The government has paid informants inside the trial feeding information to the FBI and DOJ. This is beyond outrageous. There is no justice in America today. @Jim_Jordan h/t… pic.twitter.com/9JuDygwDQr

— @amuse (@amuse) March 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27518

File: ce667215c6fc7fd⋯.jpg (119.92 KB,719x906,719:906,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bfd3a10b7fa5952⋯.mp4 (9.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563014 (230118ZMAR23) Notable: Meme Vid of the Day. Catchy little tune about the insane woke left

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"Outtayerdaminde" by Five Times August


Catchy little tune about the insane woke left

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29e3f6 No.27519

File: d76faa5b3da509c⋯.png (382.14 KB,577x698,577:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563037 (230121ZMAR23) Notable: Police Encounter Abandoned Young Boy at the Border

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Next Video

Police Encounter Abandoned Young Boy at the Border, Then They Find Disturbing Note Left in His Backpack

By Peter Partoll March 22, 2023 at 1:37pm

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29e3f6 No.27520

File: 9ae9c8f4222af26⋯.jpeg (625.1 KB,980x1112,245:278,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563043 (230122ZMAR23) Notable: Cohen attorney letter to FEC appears to undercut DA Bragg's Trump case

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They Got Nothing… Receipts Here

Cohen attorney letter to FEC appears to undercut DA Bragg's Trump case

A letter from an attorney representing former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen attests that the disgraced ex-lawyer acted alone in making a payment to Stormy Daniels in 2016, potentially undercutting a key component of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's case against the former president.

In the 2018 letter, Cohen attorney Stephen Ryan writes to the Federal Election Commission asserting that Trump was not involved in making the hush payment to Daniels and that the then-presidential candidate did not reimburse Cohen. Just the News has reached out to Ryan to confirm the authenticity of the email.

"In a private transaction in 2016, before the U.S. presidential election, Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford [Stormy Daniels]," the letter reads. "Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment directly or indirectly."

Former President Donald Trump shared the letter on Truth Social, declaring it to be "totally exculpatory."

"Wow, look what was just found—A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission," he wrote. "This is totally exculpatory, and must end the Manhattan District Attorney’s Witch Hunt, immediately."

"Cohen admits that he did it himself. The D.A. should get on with prosecuting violent criminals, so people can walk down the sidewalks of New York without being murdered!" he continued.

If authentic, the document could indeed be exculpatory for Trump. A potential charge legal experts have floated hinges on Trump falsifying his business records to hide a potential campaign finance violation.

Trump's alleged falsification stems from his listing of a payment to Cohen as a legal fee, which some have suggested was a reimbursement for Cohen's payment to Daniels. Trump's lawyer, Joe Tacopina, denies the record's inaccuracy and has contended that "[t]he payments were made to a lawyer, not to Stormy Daniels. The payments were made to Donald Trump's lawyer, which would be considered legal fees."


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29e3f6 No.27521

File: d2b8a3ce66853f0⋯.png (84.62 KB,425x599,425:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563054 (230123ZMAR23) Notable: Michael Cohen claiming Donald Trump did NOT reimburse him flys in the face of the star witness's grand jury testimony

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Letter from Michael Cohen claiming Donald Trump did NOT reimburse him for hush money paid to Stormy Daniels appears to fly in the face of the star witness's grand jury testimony!


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29e3f6 No.27522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563110 (230133ZMAR23) Notable: Bongino said if Trump is in jail, Secret Service are in jail with him. They have the authority to dictate the setting, the size and the circumstances

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Bongino said if Trump is in jail, Secret Service are in jail with him. They have the authority to dictate the setting, the size and the circumstances


Former Presidents Act

The Former Presidents Act (known also as FPA; 3 U.S.C. § 102 note (P.L. 85-745))[1]is a 1958 U.S. federal law that provides several lifetime benefits to former presidents of the United States who have not been removed from officesolely pursuant to Article Twoof the United States Constitution.[2]

Before 1958, the U.S. federal governmentprovided no pension or other retirement benefits to former United States presidents. Andrew Carnegie offered to endow a US$25,000 (equal to $701,983 today) annual pension for former chief executives in 1912, but congressmen questioned the propriety of such a private pension. That prompted legislation to provide benefits to former presidents.[2]

The original act provided for lifetime Secret Service protection for former presidents. In 1994, protection was reduced to ten years for presidents first taking office after 1996. This protection limitation was reversed in early 2013 by the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012.[3]

All living former presidents and their spouses after Dwight D. Eisenhower are now entitled to receive lifetime Secret Service protection. Their children are entitled to protection "until they become 16 years of age".[4]


By law, former presidents are entitled to a pension, staff, office expenses, medical care, health insurance, and Secret Service protection.


The Secretary of the Treasury pays a taxable pension to the president. Former presidents receive a pension equal to the salary of a Cabinet secretary (Executive Level I); as of 2020, it was $219,200 per year[5] and since January 2022, $226,300. The pension begins immediately after a president's departure from office.[6] A formerpresident's spousemay also be paid a lifetime annual pension of $20,000 if they relinquish any other statutory pension.[2]


Transition funding for the expenses of leaving office is available for seven months. It covers office space, staff compensation, communications services, and printing and postage associated with the transition.[2]

Staff and office

Private office staff and related funding is provided by the administrator of the General Services Administration. People employed under this subsection are selected by and responsible only to the former president for the performance of their duties. Each former president fixes basic rates of compensation for persons employed for them, not exceeding an annualized total of $150,000 for the first 30 months and $96,000 thereafter.[2][7]

Secret Service protection

From 1965 to 1996, former presidents were entitled to lifetime Secret Serviceprotection, for themselves, spouses, and children under 16. A 1994 statute, Pub. L. 103–329, limited post-presidential protection toten yearsfor presidents inaugurated after January 1, 1997.[8] Under this statute, Bill Clinton would still be entitled to lifetime protection, andall subsequent presidents would have been entitled to ten years of protection. [9] On January 10, 2013, President Barack Obama signed the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012, reinstating lifetime Secret Service protection forhis predecessor George W. Bush, himself, and all subsequent presidents.[10]

Richard Nixon relinquished his Secret Service protection in 1985, the only president to do so.[11]

Article 2 of the Constitution

Section 2 of Article Two lays out the powers of the presidency, establishing that the president servesas the commander-in-chief of the military, among many other roles. This section gives the president the power to grant pardons.

Section 2 also requires the "principal officer" of any executive department to tender advice. Though not required by Article Two, President George Washingtonorganized the principal officers of the executive departments into the Cabinet, a practice that subsequent presidents have followed. The Treaty Clause grants the president the power to enter into treaties with the approval of two-thirds of the Senate. The Appointments Clause grants the president the power to appoint judges and public officials subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, which in practice has meant that presidential appointees must be confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate. The Appointments Clause also establishes that Congress can, by law, allow the president, the courts, or the heads of departments to appoint "inferior officers" without requiring the advice and consent of the Senate. The final clause of Section 2 grants the president the power to make recess appointments to fill vacancies that occur when the Senate is in recess.


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29e3f6 No.27523

File: 9154d66a620b428⋯.png (453.38 KB,780x818,390:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563113 (230134ZMAR23) Notable: Clandestine: Now its looking like Trump might not even be indicted or arrested

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We have already gained the psychological advantages of having the Left and MSM cheering for Trump’s arrest. They already created a martyr, overplayed their hand, and now its looking like Trump might not even be indicted or arrested.

Prepare for 2016 levels of liberal meltdown


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29e3f6 No.27524

File: fb60572c7cd3e31⋯.png (517.46 KB,1029x845,1029:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563130 (230137ZMAR23) Notable: Rep. Jordan: DA Bragg didn’t care to investigate until Trump announced presidential run

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Rep. Jordan: DA Bragg didn’t care to investigate until Trump announced presidential run


Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) says Michael Cohen has lied six times under oath. Cohen being the star witness for the Trump “hush-money” investigation, the Department of Justice, the Federal District of New York, and current district attorney Alvin Bragg would not touch this case. Rep. Jordan says Bragg changed his mind about pursing an indictment when the polls showed Trump as the leading candidate.


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29e3f6 No.27525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563133 (230138ZMAR23) Notable: Pelosi attacker appears in federal court, trial date set

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Pelosi attacker appears in federal court, trial date set

David DePape, accused of attacking former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, appeared in federal court on Wednesday, where a judge set a trial date for October 23. DePape has plead not guilty to all federal and state charges.


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29e3f6 No.27526

File: 39c6017b32c6d21⋯.png (398.28 KB,595x620,119:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563135 (230138ZMAR23) Notable: Sen. Rand Paul & Moderna CEO exchange on COVID vaccine and myocarditis.

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Daniel Horowitz


And myocarditis is the tip of the iceberg

Quote Tweet

Real Mac Report




Sen. Rand Paul & Moderna CEO exchange on COVID vaccine and myocarditis.

Sen. Rand Paul: "I spoke with your president just last week and he readily acknowledged, in private, that yes there is an increased risk of myocarditis. The fact that you can't say it in public is quite… Show more

2:11 PM · Mar 22, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27527

File: 04664d03901e3a1⋯.png (709.87 KB,1057x1387,1057:1387,Clipboard.png)

File: 5edf30ddb63d05d⋯.png (889.13 KB,1005x1367,1005:1367,Clipboard.png)

File: 16417dc72f1aa4f⋯.png (861.16 KB,1031x1388,1031:1388,Clipboard.png)

File: 498b827fb926d9e⋯.png (353.33 KB,1002x1356,167:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563136 (230139ZMAR23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority amid the reported impending indictment of President Trump TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House Judiciary GOP @JudiciaryGOP


@Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority amid the reported impending indictment of President Trump.

9:35 PM · Mar 22, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27528

File: 51231518d0a1015⋯.png (857.65 KB,1441x1006,1441:1006,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c4385d6f93948⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563149 (230140ZMAR23) Notable: PF Reports Callsign BALM31.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Callsign BALM31. USN Boeing E-6B Mercury 164409. Amazing. Entire flight ADS-B coverage. Including several hundred miles offshore. Had to be using satellite ADS. E6s never do this. They only disappear offshore for an hour or two and then reappear. Thereby keeping the business end of their flight unobserved.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27529

File: fb2502f5b78dc43⋯.png (293.06 KB,1230x1542,205:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563160 (230141ZMAR23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority amid the reported impending indictment of President Trump TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law.

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29e3f6 No.27530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563192 (230146ZMAR23) Notable: Michael Cohen lied under oath. That’s perjury. Back to jail you go….

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michael Cohen lied under oath.

That’s perjury.

Back to jail you go….

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27531

File: 46ceb751ef5718b⋯.png (170.21 KB,609x495,203:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 29f770197bdd618⋯.png (839.8 KB,790x507,790:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563206 (230148ZMAR23) Notable: Kinzinger’s favorite Ukraine hero just deleted his account after it came out he is a fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸


Kinzinger’s favorite Ukraine hero just deleted his account after it came out he is a fraud





3:55 AM · Mar 22, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27532

File: 9402f0e20487817⋯.jpg (24.02 KB,554x554,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563228 (230152ZMAR23) Notable: If anon would like a Jew research bread say aye

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Got any new material?

>Or just more of this stale shit.

I wish we could have a Jew resurch bread without it getting spammed to shit with worn out muh joo

OSS kind of ruined it last time…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27533

File: d8b70d5b66ed225⋯.jpeg (114.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563251 (230156ZMAR23) Notable: The estimated cost of rebuilding and restoring Ukraine has surpassed the $400 billion mark

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

22 Mar, 2023 21:30

Cost of Ukraine reconstruction revealed(OTW known as Ukraine Shakedown)

The estimated cost of rebuilding and restoring Ukraine has surpassed the $400 billion mark, a fresh report suggests

Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery bill has grown to $411 billion, according to a new assessment conducted jointly by the country’s government, the World Bank, the European Commission, and the UN.

According to the evaluation, Kiev would require$14 billion this year alonefor the most critical and prioritized reconstruction investments. The estimated costs mean the country’s government will need $11 billion in external financingover the sum already allocated for these tasksin the annual budget, according to the assessment.

“Energy infrastructure, housing, critical infrastructure, the economy, and humanitarian demining are our five priorities for this year,”Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said in a statement.

The new evaluationrepresented a $60 billion increasecompared to the previous assessment, which was released by the group last September. Back then, the estimated costs of recovery and repair amounted to $349. The figures apparently indicate that most of the damage to the country was inflicted over the first six months of the ongoing conflict with Russia, which began late in February 2022.

The figures “should be consideredas minimumsas needs will continue to rise as long as the war continues,” the report noted. According to the World Bank’s vice president for Europe and Central Asia, Anna Bjerde, the reconstruction of Ukraine will “take several years,” with the official providing no estimates as to when it might actually begin. Bjerde also said that public investments in Ukraine should be “complemented by significant private investment to increase the available financing for reconstruction.” It was not immediately clear who exactly was expected to foot the bill.

According to Shmygal, “the amount of damage and recovery needs currentlydoes not include data on the loss of infrastructure, housing, and businesses in the occupied territories.” The PM was apparently referring to the formerly Ukrainian territories that were incorporated into Russia last year following referendums – Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions alongside the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics – as well as Crimea, which broke away from Ukraine and reunified with Russia back in 2014 following the Maidan coup in Kiev.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563263 (230157ZMAR23) Notable: Uganda to jail people who identify as LGBTQ in one of world's most anti-gay laws

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


But where's the outrage?

Canada #41 >>>/qresearch/18561574

Uganda to jail people who identify as LGBTQ in one of world's most anti-gay laws

By Emmanuel Akinwotu March 22, 2023

LAGOS, Nigeria — Uganda's parliament has passed some of the most sweeping anti-LGBTQ legislation in the world. Same-sex acts were already unlawful in Uganda, but on Tuesday night, lawmakers voted to ban identifying as LGBTQ, or the so-called promotion of gay identity.

In a packed chamber, lawmakers overwhelmingly voted in favor of the new anti-homosexuality bill, with only two of the nearly 400 representatives voting against it.

"Congratulations," said Speaker Anita Among. "Whatever we are doing, we are doing it for the people of Uganda."

Same-sex acts have been criminal in Uganda under British colonial-era laws, but this new legislation goes much further. It punishes anyone identifying as gay or queer, and potentially people or rights groups seen as promoting LGBTQ+ identity, and same-sex relations could be punishable with up to life imprisonment. Homosexuality is criminalized in more than 30 of Africa's 54 countries.

International condemnation has been swift.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken tweeted that the bill "would undermine fundamental human rights of all Ugandans." He added, "We urge the Ugandan Government to strongly reconsider the implementation of this legislation."

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said Washington is "watching this real closely," and did not rule out possible economic "repercussions" if the legislation is implemented.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk called it a "deeply troubling development."

"If signed into law by the president, it will render lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Uganda criminals simply for existing, for being who they are," he said. "It could provide carte blanche for the systematic violation of nearly all of their human rights and serve to incite people against each other."

Uganda passed a previous anti-homosexuality law in 2014 but the courts struck it down on procedural grounds, following outrage in Uganda and from international donors.

Human Rights Watch called the new legislation a "more egregious version."

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, who has spoken in support of the legislation, is expected to sign it into law.


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29e3f6 No.27535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563265 (230157ZMAR23) Notable: Did D.C. Judge Confirm Ashley Biden Diary Was Real Indicating She Was A Victim Of Joe Biden Sexual Abuse?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

worth a watch anons

help me dig


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29e3f6 No.27536

File: 750e7a3acc54ea3⋯.png (61.96 KB,784x305,784:305,Clipboard.png)

File: a7052fef70d115a⋯.png (640.89 KB,710x666,355:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563279 (230159ZMAR23) Notable: @Kash Withholding exculpatory evidence- right out of the democratic playbooks of Russia Gate, Jan 6, Ukraine Impeachment fiascos, and every other corrupt criminal enterprise they conjured up to try n take out 45 has found its way to Alvin Braggs bogus grand jury. Like all the rest, they got caught, and the fake news mafia wont hold them to account, so we will.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel



Withholding exculpatory evidence- right out of the democratic playbooks of Russia Gate, Jan 6, Ukraine Impeachment fiascos, and every other corrupt criminal enterprise they conjured up to try n take out 45 has found its way to Alvin Braggs bogus grand jury. Like all the rest, they got caught, and the fake news mafia wont hold them to account, so we will.

Mar 22, 2023, 9:51 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27537

File: 548f89ad52ad656⋯.jpg (133.41 KB,1280x1042,640:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563284 (230159ZMAR23) Notable: POTUS freed 2018 Q PROOF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Panic in DC.

Leverage depleted - POTUS freed.

EXTREME chatter.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563291 (230201ZMAR23) Notable: UBS Likely to Shrink Credit Suisse’s $10 Billion Shipping Portfolio -Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UBS Likely to Shrink Credit Suisse’s $10 Billion Shipping Portfolio -Report

Reuters March 22, 2023

March 22 (Reuters) – UBS Group AG will likely shrink Credit Suisse Group’s $10 billion shipping portfolio that it inherited as part of its emergency takeover on Sunday, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

UBS could also try to sell the portfolio, but doing so could prompt owners to move their accounts elsewhere, the WSJ reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

About half of the shipping portfolio involves Greek ship owners that use their deposits in the bank’s wealth management arm as collateral to finance new ships, the report added.

“Our wealth management business in Greece is an integral part of our strategy in the Europe region and one we are looking to grow, having recently announced a new market head to support those ambitions,” UBS said in an emailed statement to Reuters.

Credit Suisse did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Swiss authorities announced last week that UBS had agreed to buy its rival Credit Suisse in a merger aimed at containing a crisis of confidence that was spreading through global banking.


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29e3f6 No.27539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563295 (230201ZMAR23) Notable: Union Worker Strike Closes Germany’s Hamburg Port to Large Ships

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Union Worker Strike Closes Germany’s Hamburg Port to Large Ships

Reuters March 22, 2023

BERLIN, March 22 (Reuters) – The Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) has closed the port to large ships because of a strike announced by the Verdi union over wages, it said on Wednesday.

“Due to the massive restrictions to be expected from the announced warning strikes, the administration has decided to block the Elbe for ships requiring pilotage from around 10 a.m. today until further notice,” a spokesperson for HPA said.

From 5.30 p.m. (1630 GMT) onwards, such ships will no longer be able to leave the port because the crews of boats that bring pilots on board container ships are taking part in the protests, the spokesperson added.

Around 18 ships bound for Hamburg will be affected by the move. The number of ships not able to leave the port is more difficult to quantify for logistical reasons.

Verdi plans to continue the protest until Friday at 6 a.m. It has also called on workers at Hamburg airport to walk out as part of the public sector wage dispute. The protests, scheduled to last 24 hours, are to begin with the night shift on March 22.


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29e3f6 No.27540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563319 (230204ZMAR23) Notable: Never heard these terms associated with weather in California … before recent years.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Never heard these terms associated with weather in California … before recent years.

- Hurricane

- Tornado

- Monsoons

- Atmospheric Rivers

- Bomb Cyclones

Now they roll off weather reporters' tongues as if viewers are stupid.

No questions asked and certainly nothing explained.


Sept 2022

Hurricane (!) in ocean off San Diego (supposedly) in Sept 2022.

"Heat wave may have helped pull hurricane north toward San Diego)"

"The monsoonal weather pattern that brought humidity to San Diego during the heat wave is helping bring the storm’s fringe into the region."


When the last - and only - hurricane that ever made landfall on the West Coast, Abraham Lincoln was on the ballet for U.S. Senator in Illinois.




"5 killed, train derailed as bomb cyclone hits California"

"Five people were killed when trees fell on their cars in the Bay Area."

ByBill Hutchinson

March 22, 2023



Today -

"California's string of wet weather continued as a 12th atmospheric river hit the Golden State on Tuesday, bringing more heavy rain, snowfall and high-powered winds."



Also today, a "rare tornado " … in California!


And hurricane-like storms circling around an "eye" -

"Can't say I've seen two meso-lows Fujiwara off the California coast like this before."


"The low-pressure centers — some containing hurricane-like eyes — exhibited what’s known as the Fujiwhara effect, in which storms cycle around each another before sometimes merging or going separate ways. In this case, the low-pressure zones consolidated as they made landfall near San Francisco."



Nothing to see here.

Blamed on "climate change" yet the same sentence in the title of the article states mega floods happen every 200 years in California.

So is it a 200-year cycle or catastrophic, world-ending "climate change"?


And why doesn't the news explain this?

==Just fear fear fear.

Send more money.

Restrict more rights.==

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27541

File: 56af01f4eee6aab⋯.png (59.32 KB,562x566,281:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 431f5076696ed49⋯.png (461.17 KB,1422x906,237:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563343 (230208ZMAR23) Notable: PF: SAM551 up. DWS - poodle in the news yet?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM551 up.

DWS - poodle in the news yet?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563421 (230219ZMAR23) Notable: #22768

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NotablesNOT endorsements


>>27537 POTUS freed 2018 Q PROOF

>>27510 GOP House Chairman Says Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Facing Deadline for Congressional Testimony

>>27520 Cohen attorney letter to FEC appears to undercut DA Bragg's Trump case

>>27521 Michael Cohen claiming Donald Trump did NOT reimburse him flys in the face of the star witness's grand jury testimony

>>27522 Bongino said if Trump is in jail, Secret Service are in jail with him. They have the authority to dictate the setting, the size and the circumstances

>>27523 Clandestine: Now its looking like Trump might not even be indicted or arrested

>>27524 Rep. Jordan: DA Bragg didn’t care to investigate until Trump announced presidential run

>>27527, >>27529 @Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority amid the reported impending indictment of President Trump TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law.

>>27536 @Kash Withholding exculpatory evidence- right out of the democratic playbooks of Russia Gate, Jan 6, Ukraine Impeachment fiascos, and every other corrupt criminal enterprise they conjured up to try n take out 45 has found its way to Alvin Braggs bogus grand jury. Like all the rest, they got caught, and the fake news mafia wont hold them to account, so we will.

>>27511 Southwest Pilot Becomes Incapacitated Mid-Air, Airline Confirms

>>27512 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox 'Game Night'-03/22/2023

>>27514 Crew protecting Donald Trump WILL NOT be the Secret Service but will be THE MARINES?

>>27516, >>27517 DOJ Embedded an FBI Informant Inside the DEFENSE TEAM of Non-Violent Jan 6 Prisoner and Former US Marine Zachary Rehl

>>27519 Police Encounter Abandoned Young Boy at the Border

>>27513 Fake “Trump Supporters” at Manhattan Protest Are Identified As an Actor

>>27515 Joe Biden’s Groping, Grooming and Dangerous Predatory Behavior

>>27525 Pelosi attacker appears in federal court, trial date set

>>27526 Sen. Rand Paul & Moderna CEO exchange on COVID vaccine and myocarditis.

>>27528 PF Reports Callsign BALM31.

>>27530 Michael Cohen lied under oath. That’s perjury. Back to jail you go….

>>27531 Kinzinger’s favorite Ukraine hero just deleted his account after it came out he is a fraud

>>27532 If anon would like a Jew research bread say aye

>>27533 The estimated cost of rebuilding and restoring Ukraine has surpassed the $400 billion mark

>>27534 Uganda to jail people who identify as LGBTQ in one of world's most anti-gay laws

>>27535 Did D.C. Judge Confirm Ashley Biden Diary Was Real Indicating She Was A Victim Of Joe Biden Sexual Abuse?

>>27538 UBS Likely to Shrink Credit Suisse’s $10 Billion Shipping Portfolio -Report

>>27539 Union Worker Strike Closes Germany’s Hamburg Port to Large Ships

>>27518 Meme Vid of the Day. Catchy little tune about the insane woke left

>>27540 Never heard these terms associated with weather in California … before recent years.

>>27541 PF: SAM551 up. DWS - poodle in the news yet?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27543

File: 6f61b54d725faa1⋯.png (232.34 KB,1795x1347,1795:1347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563434 (230220ZMAR23) Notable: #22769

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27544

File: 548f89ad52ad656⋯.jpg (133.41 KB,1280x1042,640:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563487 (230229ZMAR23) Notable: 2/8/18 Panic in DC. Leverage depleted - POTUS freed. EXTREME chatter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>>/qresearch/18563403 lb

>>>/qresearch/18563420 lb

>>27537 lb


>Panic in DC.

>Leverage depleted - POTUS freed.

>EXTREME chatter.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27545

File: 2634a25c2e6cf86⋯.jpg (181.16 KB,938x1394,469:697,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 69af2595f2f704d⋯.jpg (110.21 KB,957x1072,957:1072,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563490 (230230ZMAR23) Notable: See who owns Huggies: Kimberly-Clark, who's main shareholders are… Vanguard and BlackRock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So the other night, I posted this tweet about the Huggies and pedo symbols on them…was a notable. Well I just did a slightly deeper dig to see who owns Huggies

Kimberly-Clark, who's main shareholders are…

Vanguard and BlackRock

"these people are sick"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563504 (230232ZMAR23) Notable: UN-AMERICAN: NY Democratic Politicians Aim to Make Trump a Political Prisoner!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UN-AMERICAN: NY Democratic Politicians Aim to Make Trump a Political Prisoner!

Judicial Watch President @TomFitton appears on "Washington Journal” on C-SPAN, to discuss the reported pending indictment of President Trump and more!

Judicial Watch

5 hours ago



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29e3f6 No.27547

File: 073743459e66b4e⋯.png (351.32 KB,727x690,727:690,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563530 (230235ZMAR23) Notable: @TomFitton·Crushed it in defense of the rule of lawand against the abuse of @realDonaldTrump on @CSPAN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tom Fitton @TomFitton·37m

Crushed it in defense of the rule of lawand against the abuse of @realDonaldTrump on @CSPAN. Leftist callers forced to retreat to sputtering unhinged attacks on me and @JudicialWatch. youtu.be/ed9VOPNbO3I

Mar 22, 2023, 9:52 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563535 (230236ZMAR23) Notable: See who owns Huggies: Kimberly-Clark, who's main shareholders are… Vanguard and BlackRock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not one single motherfucker called NOTABLE on this…. must be the amateur crew tonight

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563541 (230236ZMAR23) Notable: See who owns Huggies: Kimberly-Clark, who's main shareholders are… Vanguard and BlackRock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


pick any large company and see who owns the most stock

vanguard, blackrock and state street

maybe that is where the trillions of 0% interest money printed since 2008 ended up?

and they bought the world

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563547 (230237ZMAR23) Notable: See who owns Huggies: Kimberly-Clark, who's main shareholders are… Vanguard and BlackRock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Huggies and pedo symbols

holy shit that is literally s/poopy

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29e3f6 No.27551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563560 (230239ZMAR23) Notable: RE: Metabiota chief executive officer and founder Nathan Wolfe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18563237 lb

Nathan Wolfe?

AP Investigation: American company bungled Ebola response


WHO outbreak expert Dr. Eric Bertherat wrote to colleagues in a July 17, 2014, email about misdiagnoses and “total confusion” at the Sierra Leone government lab Metabiota shared with Tulane University in the city of Kenema. He said there was “no tracking of the samples” and “absolutely no control on what is being done.”

“This is a situation that WHO can no longer endorse,” he wrote.

Metabiota chief executive officer and founder Nathan Wolfe said there was no evidence his company was responsible for the lab blunders, that the reported squabbles were overblown and that any predictions made by his employees didn’t reflect the company’s position. He said Metabiota doesn’t specialize in outbreak response and that his employees stepped in to help and performed admirably amid the carnage of the world’s biggest-ever Ebola outbreak.

“Metabiota’s team worked tirelessly, skillfully and at substantial potential danger to themselves to assist when most of the world was still ignoring the problem,” he said in an email. “We are proud of our team efforts which went above and beyond the call of duty.”

Wolfe said some of the problems flagged were misunderstandings — and that others were planted by commercial rivals.



Definitive Contract HDTRA114C0104 is a Fixed Price Level of Effort Federal Contract Award. It was awarded to Metabiota, Inc. on Feb 10, 2014. The definitive contract is funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DOD). The potential value of the award is $23,866,388.00. The NAICS Category for the award is 541712 - Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology). The PSC Category is AM11 - International Affairs R&D Services; International Affairs; Basic Research

the same metabiota Hunter Biden was sinking fiat into?

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29e3f6 No.27552

File: 8a70426c07b66e7⋯.png (235.21 KB,481x920,481:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563615 (230246ZMAR23) Notable: KARI LAKE WINS, though AZ Supreme Court declines most of appeal over gov’s race

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APrizona court declines most of Lake’s appeal over gov’s race

11 minutes ago

PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Supreme Court has declined to hear most of Republican Kari Lake’s appeal in a challenge of her defeat in the governor’s race, but revived a claim that was dismissed by a trial court.

In an order Wednesday, the state’s highest court said a lower-court had erroneously dismissed Lake’s claim challenging the application of signature verification procedures on early ballots in Maricopa County. The court sent the claim back to a trial court to consider.

Lake, who lost to Democrat Katie Hobbs by just over 17,000 votes, was among the most vocal 2022 Republican candidates promoting former President Donald Trump’s election lies, which she made the centerpiece of her campaign. While most other election deniers around the country conceded after losing their races in November, Lake did not.

In her challenge, the former TV anchor focused on problems with ballot printers at some polling places in Maricopa County, home to more than 60% of the state’s voters.

The defective printers produced ballots that were too light to be read by the on-site tabulators at polling places. Lines backed up in some areas amid the confusion. Lake alleged ballot printer problems were the result of intentional misconduct.

County officials say everyone had a chance to vote and all ballots were counted because those affected by the printers were taken to more sophisticated counters at election headquarters.

In mid-February, the Arizona Court of Appeal rejected Lake’s assertions, concluding she presented no evidence that voters whose ballots were unreadable by tabulators at polling places were not able to vote.

The appeals court noted that even a witness called to testify on Lake’s behalf confirmed ballots that couldn’t initially be read at polling places may ultimately have been counted. And while a pollster testified that the polling place problems disenfranchised enough voters to change the election’s outcome, the appeals court said his conclusion was baseless.

Lake’s attorneys also said the chain of custody for ballots was broken at an off-site facility where a contractor scans mail-in ballots to prepare them for processing. The lawyers asserted that workers put their own mail-in ballots into the pile rather than returning them through normal channels, and that paperwork documenting ballot transfers was missing. The county disputes the claims.

Hobbs’ attorneys have said Lake was trying to sow distrust in Arizona’s election results and offered no proof to back up her allegations.

Lake faced extremely long odds in her challenge, which required proving misconduct specifically intended to deny her victory and that it resulted in the wrong woman being declared the winner.

Hobbs took office as governor on Jan. 2.


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29e3f6 No.27553

File: a2e4efb872f582b⋯.png (4.69 MB,1400x2018,700:1009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563657 (230251ZMAR23) Notable: Britain supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine… FAFO

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Britain supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine

Exclusive: British tanks gifted to Ukraine will come equipped with controversial depleted uranium rounds, it has emerged.

The UK will send “armour piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium” to Ukraine, for use with the tank squadron donated by the British army.

Defence minister Baroness Goldie made the admission yesterday in response to a written parliamentary question from crossbench peer Lord Hylton.

Goldie said: “Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armoured vehicles.”

Russia has previously warned it would regard the use of depleted uranium in Ukraine as a ‘dirty bomb’.

Kremlin official Konstantin Gavrilov said in January: “If Kyiv is supplied with such shells for NATO heavy military equipment, we will consider this as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia with all the ensuing consequences.”

Depleted uranium rounds have been linked to cancer and birth defects. They were fired extensively by allied forces in Iraq.

The rounds are radioactive and scientists believe their toxic effects on human health can continue to be felt long after conflicts have ended.

A White House spokesperson refused to confirm whether the US was supplying such rounds to Ukraine when asked by a reporter in January.

Britain is sending 14 Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine.


Since Declassified first reported this story today, Russian president Vladimir Putin has threatened he “will have to respond accordingly” while his defence minister Sergei Shoigu said it put the world “fewer and fewer” steps away from “nuclear collision”.

The UN Secretary General’s deputy spokesman, Farhan Haq, told a press conference of “the concerns we’ve expressed over the years about any use of depleted uranium, given the consequences of such usage, and those would apply to anyone who provides such armaments.”

Haq added: “We have made clear including through our Office of Disarmament Affairs concerns about any use of depleted uranium anywhere.”

Doug Weir, research and policy director at the Conflict and Environment Observatory, told Declassified: “The UK’s decision adds to existing concerns about Russia’s use of depleted uranium in the invasion.

“Since 2007, huge majorities have backed UN resolutions highlighting the health, environmental and technical concerns associated with the use of the weapons. The UK has been one of only four countries to consistently vote against them.”

Weir also expressed doubts about the reliability of the British shells, which are known as CHARM3. He warned: “Alongside the problems depleted uranium contamination will create for Ukraine’s management of damaged military vehicles, the UK’s ageing CHARM3 ammunition is past its service life, and it is unclear if it will function as intended.”

Kate Hudson, General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) said: “Like in Iraq, the addition of depleted uranium ammunition into this conflict will only increase the long-term suffering of the civilians caught up in this conflict. Depleted uranium shells have already been implicated in thousands of unnecessary deaths from cancer and other serious illnesses.

“CND has repeatedly called for the UK government to place an immediate moratorium on the use of depleted uranium weapons and to fund long-term studies into their health and environmental impacts. Sending them into yet another war zone will not help the people of Ukraine.”


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29e3f6 No.27554

File: a2e4efb872f582b⋯.png (4.69 MB,1400x2018,700:1009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563671 (230253ZMAR23) Notable: Britain supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine… FAFO

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Putin: Russia Will be Forced to React if West Starts Using Weapons With Nuclear Components

UK Minister of State for Defense Annabel Goldie said on Tuesday that London would provide Ukraine with armor piercing shells for the Challenger 2 main battle tanks it has decided to send to Kiev, including depleted uranium ammunition.

“Today it became known that the United Kingdom, through its deputy head of the ministry of defense, announced not only the supply of tanks to Ukraine, but also shells with depleted uranium," Russian President Vladimir Putin said, adding that "it seems that the West really decided to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, not in words, but in deed."

"I would like to note in this regard that if all this happens, then Russia will be forced to react accordingly - I mean that the Collective West is already starting to use weapons with a nuclear component," Putin added.

His comments came after meetings with a delegation of high-level Chinese officials, including Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Later in the day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned the United Kingdom that there would be few red lines left uncrossed if it delivered on its promise to give Ukraine depleted uranium weapons.

"I can only say this: We are running out of red lines … Another line has been crossed and there are fewer and fewer of them left," he told reporters in Moscow.


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29e3f6 No.27555

File: b831a4b3c96ac77⋯.png (476.99 KB,1430x858,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: d369ea2174136e5⋯.png (313.03 KB,780x774,130:129,Clipboard.png)

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File: 66783e09350e166⋯.png (94.8 KB,785x903,785:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563695 (230256ZMAR23) Notable: How Fauci's Wife Used NIH Position To Backstop Her Husband’s Pandemic Health Directives

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How Fauci's Wife Used NIH Position To Backstop Her Husband’s Pandemic Health Directives

It's the Washington, D.C. power couple that cost taxpayers nearly $1 million per year.

While Dr. Anthony Fauci gave the nation its pandemic public policy prescriptions, his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, the Chief Bioethicist at Fauci’s employer, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provided the moral framework.

The Faucis are important to the center-left, because they represent the pinnacle moment of the administrative state – top-down public policy run by an elite group of government scientists.

Conversely, to the center-right, the Faucis represent “the fatal conceit of the elites.” As Noble Laureate economist Friedrich Hayek theorized, the elites are no match for billions of free people acting in their own best interests.


While Tony Fauci was the top paid federal bureaucrat and out-earned the U.S. President at $480,654 per year, Christine Grady, as the chief bioethicist at NIH out-earned the U.S. Vice President ($243,749). When adding 35-percent in benefits, the couple cost taxpayers an estimated nearly $1 million per year.

CHART: Tracking the Fauci household net worth which increased from $7.6 million to $12.6 million between the start of 2020 and the end of 2021. Source: OpenTheBooks.com lawsuit production from NIH on Fauci’s financial disclosures.

It’s difficult to know where Anthony Fauci ends and Christine Grady begins. Here’s how Tony Fauci described Grady’s influence on his public policy decisions:

“I've benefited greatly from this partnership of overlapping interest and common interest. So, a lot of the things that I do with regard to the development of vaccines, the development of therapies, being involved with outbreaks and pandemics, have ethical overtones to them. I can say that I am very blessed to be living with someone who is very likely, most people think, one of the most outstanding ethicists in the world. To have her in the house &ndash; you know, as a consultant on ethical issues—is pretty advantageous.”

So, the Faucis lived a conflict of interest at the breakfast table, the office, and back home around the dinner table. However, NIH has never acknowledged this.

In fact, NIH forced our organization to file two federal lawsuits with the public-interest law firm Judicial Watch as our lawyers to finally bring transparency to the Fauci/Grady job descriptions, conflict of interest documents, financial and ethics disclosures, contracts, and other documents.

Then, NIH slow-walked thousands of pages of production. Yet, no nepotism waivers were produced, no acknowledgement of conflicting interests, and no records documenting violations of federal ethics policy.


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29e3f6 No.27556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563736 (230301ZMAR23) Notable: Disney Preparing to Lay Off Thousands of Workers

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Disney Preparing to Lay Off Thousands of Workers

With Disney’s April 3 shareholder meeting — a virtual affair this year — less than two weeks away, some clarity is emerging about the company’s plans to reduce staff and cut costs.

Insiders tell Deadline that multiple rounds of cuts are being prepared. The first one is being targeted for late March, likely next week, we hear. (March 30 or March 31 have been floated as possible dates, but that has not been confirmed.) According to sources, there will be a big wave in late April, described as “the big one” or a “bloodbath,” when a large portion of the cuts are expected to come.

Information varies on a potential third round of layoffs. Some say it might come between the one in late March and the one in late April, while others note that it could follow the one in late April if it’s deemed necessary. Disney declined to comment.

Senior Disney executives have been hashing out specifics of the reductions in recent weeks. We hear that most managers already have submitted their layoff target reports, the step corporations take before a major workforce culling.

CEO Bob Iger revealed the scope of the cuts during the company’s February 8 quarterly earnings call with Wall Street analysts. Plans to let go of 7,000 staffers, roughly 3% of the company’s global workforce, are “not being taken lightly,” Iger said. The paring down of employee rolls is a cornerstone of the effort to reach $5.5 billion in overall cost savings.

Following his promise to investors, Iger is determined to make a “statement” in the coming weeks, one insider says.

The cuts are expected to be spread across the company’s three divisions — Entertainment; ESPN; and Parks, Experiences and Products — with marketing and distribution including at the disbanded Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution unit among the business areas ripe for consolidation. Virtually every part of the sprawling Entertainment division is expected to be impacted in a meaningful way. There have been rumors about potential significant cuts at Hulu as well as sister studios ABC Signature and 20th Television both on the business and content side. Despite rampant speculation about the two major TV studios potentially merging operations in some form, that still does not appear to be imminent.

ESPN, which is now its own distinct corporate division, also is being scrutinized. While it has thinned its ranks in recent years as pay-TV distribution has fallen from a peak of 100 million households in 2011 to about 74 million, the sports power at the same time is confronting a steady rise in rights fees. Stephen A. Smith, one of ESPN’s top personalities, recently noted that the network is “going to have cuts coming.” He addressed the topic on a recent episode of his podcast Know Mercy, which is produced outside of Disney by Audacy’s Cadence13. “Hell, for all I know, I might be one of them,” mused Smith, who reportedly makes more than $13 million a year for hosting First Take, among many other roles. “Now, I doubt that. But it’s possible. No one knows.”


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29e3f6 No.27557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563744 (230302ZMAR23) Notable: Doctors at the Pentagon Claim 7 Year-Olds Can Make Decisions About Taking Puberty Blockers and Hormones

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Military is the only way :

-either disinfo

-or nefarious plan to use corrupted US.mil against Americans

WHAT? Doctors at the Pentagon Claim 7 Year-Olds Can Make Decisions About Taking Puberty Blockers and Hormones


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29e3f6 No.27558

File: 9a064d37e8dd079⋯.png (95.89 KB,737x709,737:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563747 (230302ZMAR23) Notable: Doctors at the Pentagon Claim 7 Year-Olds Can Make Decisions About Taking Puberty Blockers and Hormones

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Pentagon doctors claim 7-year-olds can make decisions to be injected with hormones, puberty suppressants

The DoD doctors claimed 7-year-olds are capable of 'medical decision-making'

Health providers at U.S. military bases, some of whom are involved in treating military-connected minors, blasted the idea of waiting before injecting kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria with puberty blockers and hormones.

The DoD providers said in the March edition of the American Journal of Public Health that the only pathway for children of military members who present with gender dysphoria symptoms is to immediately move towards "gender-affirming health care, such as puberty suppression and affirming hormones."

The doctors said that on the basis of "human rights," "youths… have an inherent ability and right to consent to gender-affirming therapy."

They went so far as to claim 7-year-olds can make their own medical decisions.

The authors – David A. Klein, Thomas Baxter, Noelle S. Larson as well as clinical psychologist, Natasha A. Schvey, PhD – demanded the military train all of its providers on their ideas on gender medical interventions for minors, despite acknowledging that 53% of military-affiliated physicians in the Department of Defense health system indicated they would refuse to prescribe hormones regardless of any training.

Klein, Schvey and Baxter work at Travis Air Force Base in California, and Larson — a pediatric endocrinologist – works at the Department of Pediatrics at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Some of the authors work at Uniformed Services University – a military institution. The article recommended this institution take the lead in pushing forward trainings on "gender-affirming care" within the Pentagon health system.


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29e3f6 No.27559

File: 0484c7288d8b767⋯.png (969.21 KB,982x920,491:460,Clipboard.png)

File: 6421f761d019d5c⋯.png (347 KB,980x960,49:48,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7b0f0381f1c40d6⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563763 (230305ZMAR23) Notable: Disney Preparing to Lay Off Thousands of Workers

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29e3f6 No.27560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563774 (230306ZMAR23) Notable: Desanctimonious bun

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Returning to Neocon Roots – DeSantis Backtracks on His Tucker Carlson Ukraine Position as Territorial Dispute, Now Says “I think it’s been mischaracterized,” and “Putin is a war criminal”


March 23, 2023

After attempting to navigate through the politics in order to curry favor with the base republican voters on a Ukraine position, when confronted by Piers Morgan who is a pro-NATO war voice, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis now says his former position on Ukraine has been “mischaracterized” and Vladimir Putin “is a war criminal.”

The walk back highlights once again that Ron DeSantis is an empty vessel using poll testing to formulate his policy stances.

The reversing comments on Vladimir Putin and Ukraine come from the interview DeSantis gave to Piers Morgan as noted in a recent New York Post article:

(Piers Morgan, NY Post) – Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis has branded Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” and demanded he be “held accountable” for his barbaric invasion of Ukraine.

Taking a tougher tone from his statement last week appearing to dismiss the year-long war as a “territorial dispute,” DeSantis now says Russia was WRONG to invade Ukraine and was WRONG to invade and take over Crimea in 2014, and won’t win the war. And he’s made his strongest attack yet on Russia’s dictator, calling him a loser who is “basically a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons.”

His assertion, in a statement to Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, that it is not in America’s “vital national interests” to become “further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia” was strongly criticized by numerous senior Republicans

— including Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Marco Rubio.

When I asked him specifically if he regretted using the phrase “territorial dispute,” DeSantis replied, “Well, I think it’s been mischaracterized. Obviously, Russia invaded (last year)

— that was wrong. They invaded Crimea and took that in 2014 — That was wrong.

[…] “There is a move now to hold [Vladimir Putin] accountable for war crimes,” I told DeSantis, “bombing maternity hospitals and genocidal activity in parts of Ukraine wiping out whole cities like Mariupol. Would you support that?”

“I think he is a war criminal,” he replied. “This ICC … we have not done that in the US because we’re concerned about our soldiers or people being brought under it. So, I don’t know about that route, but I do think that he should be held accountable.” DeSantis is convinced Ukraine will eventually prevail in the war. (read more)


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29e3f6 No.27561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563777 (230307ZMAR23) Notable: KARI LAKE WINS, though AZ Supreme Court declines most of appeal over gov’s race

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lawfag here

so kari lake actually notched a WIN in the AZ supreme court

they over turned the dismissal of her claims that maricopa failed to follow AZ code on comparing and counting votes with signature issues

the case is sent BAK to trial court to take evidence on this issue

if lake proves county failed to comply in sufficient numbers to affect election she wins

here is opinion and AZ code at issue



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29e3f6 No.27562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563779 (230307ZMAR23) Notable: Desanctimonious bun

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The DeSantis team has also hired the notorious dirtbag, Jeff Roe.

You might remember Roe as the former 2016 campaign manager for Ted Cruz who falsely told the people of Iowa on the night before the primary caucus that Dr. Ben Carson dropped out of the race. The Cruz Crew amplified this false message and duped Carson caucus supporters subsequently switching candidates on election day to support Ted Cruz. Jeff Roe created the lie, then tried to deny it.

(Via Politico) – […] Jeff Roe, who previously ran Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign, has signed on to be an adviser to the super PAC, Never Back Down, according to an operative with direct knowledge of the move.

Never Back Down is being spearheaded by executive director Chris Jankowski, another seasoned Republican operative. Ken Cuccinelli, a former top Homeland Security official to Donald Trump, is serving as chair of the super PAC. Over the last several weeks, Cuccinelli has visited four key early GOP primary states. (read more)

A DeSantis political group that would hire Jeff Roe highlights, yet again, how the DeSantis 2024 campaign is a mirror of Ted Cruz's campaign in 2016.

Factually, almost all of the 2016 never-Trump Cruz Crew are now members of the 2024 never-Trump Desantis Crew. To assist this overall ‘never-Trump’ endeavor, in 2024 Vivek Ramaswamy is now playing the former role of Evan McMullin in 2016.

The professional political class of the GOPe, the DeceptiCons, are never as vicious against Democrats as they are against candidates who do not conform to the Republican UniParty orthodoxy. If you want to see the republicans fight dirty, just become a republican political candidate that does not comply with them… Then, and only then, will you see a side of the republican wing that doesn’t surface against democrats.

Threaten their GOPe Wall Street multinational corporate interests, ie. ‘their money, and the DeceptiCons get vicious.

If the professional republicans are NOT targeting a republican politician, you can be assured that the republican politician is a member of the GOPe club operation.

Yes, it really is that simple, and Ron DeSantis is a member of that club.


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29e3f6 No.27563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563782 (230308ZMAR23) Notable: Britain supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine… FAFO

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BBC carrying story as well

Ukraine war: UK defends sending depleted uranium shells after Putin warning

By Laura Gozzi BBC News 21 March 2023

President Vladimir Putin has said Russia would be "forced to react" if the UK sent shells made with depleted uranium to Ukraine.

He accused the West of deploying weapons with a "nuclear component".

The UK confirmed it would provide Kyiv the armour-piercing rounds alongside Challenger 2 tanks - but insisted they have a low risk of radiation.

Depleted uranium "is a standard component and has nothing to do with nuclear weapons", the MoD said.

"The British Army has used depleted uranium in its armour piercing shells for decades," the statement added.

"Russia knows this, but is deliberately trying to disinform. Independent research by scientists from groups such as the Royal Society has assessed that any impact to personal health and the environment from the use of depleted uranium munitions is likely to be low."

Former British Army tank commander - and chemical weapons expert - Col Hamish de Breton-Gordon, said Mr Putin's comments were "classic disinformation".

He said depleted uranium rounds used by Challenger 2 tanks contained only trace elements of depleted uranium.

He added it was "laughable" to suggest depleted uranium rounds were in any way linked to nuclear weapons, which uses enriched uranium.

Depleted uranium is what is left over after natural uranium has been enriched, either for weapons-making or for reactor fuel.

It is mildly radioactive in its solid form. But it is a very heavy substance, 1.7 times denser than lead, and it is used to harden rounds so that they can penetrate armour and steel.

When a weapon made with a depleted uranium tip or core strikes a solid object, like the side of a tank, it goes straight through it and then erupts in a burning cloud of vapour.

The vapour settles as dust, which is poisonous and also weakly radioactive.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said sending depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine would mean the UK was "ready to violate international humanitarian law as in 1999 in Yugoslavia".

"There is no doubt this will end badly for London," Mr Lavrov added.

On Tuesday evening, a spokesman for the Pentagon said the US would not be sending any munitions with depleted uranium to Ukraine.

Shells with depleted uranium were used in Iraq and the Balkans, where some claim it was linked to birth defects.

A 2022 UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report said depleted uranium was an environmental concern in Ukraine.

"Depleted uranium and toxic substances in common explosives can cause skin irritation, kidney failure and increase the risks of cancer," it said.

"The chemical toxicity of depleted uranium is considered a more significant issue than the possible impacts of its radioactivity," it added.


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29e3f6 No.27564

File: 75b8c7074f0ae56⋯.png (498.88 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563794 (230309ZMAR23) Notable: Desanctimonious bun

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29e3f6 No.27565

File: 5c63b84b3c0a3a3⋯.png (190.08 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: efa9fbc821cd52e⋯.png (231.13 KB,768x473,768:473,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563875 (230324ZMAR23) Notable: CANNIBALISM WITNESS TALKS ABOUT THE NAME “CLARA ODELIA ACKER CHURCH”

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Clara Odelia Acker Church


by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on August 20, 2022 – USA

The following was posted on the Truth Social account of Timothy Charles Holmseth, today.


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29e3f6 No.27566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18563932 (230337ZMAR23) Notable: KARI LAKE WINS, though AZ Supreme Court declines most of appeal over gov’s race

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Kari Lake


HUGE: AZ Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Kari Lake, Forces Lower Court to Look at Signature Verification Issues


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29e3f6 No.27567

File: fbb3ff35fd48484⋯.png (1.4 MB,1150x766,575:383,Clipboard.png)

File: bfda6a32920c538⋯.png (301.53 KB,428x842,214:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564038 (230354ZMAR23) Notable: Confirmed tornado in LA county damages multiple buildings

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Confirmed tornado in LA county damages multiple buildings


Damage to a building is seen on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, in Montebello, Calif., after a tornado.

March 22, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564039 (230355ZMAR23) Notable: Britain supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine… FAFO

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Yup explode 'em in the wheat fields they will.

Buh bye food.

>Moscow will treat the munitions as weapons with a “nuclear component,” the Russian president has said.

First use.


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29e3f6 No.27569

File: d6fa6e853219009⋯.jpg (100.67 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564061 (230358ZMAR23) Notable: Britain supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine… FAFO

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29e3f6 No.27570

File: 306e2b0bcfe29fb⋯.png (77.03 KB,620x600,31:30,Clipboard.png)

File: ae326653af399b5⋯.png (273.8 KB,617x778,617:778,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564118 (230407ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Gaetz Announces Alleged Joe Biden Sexual Assault Victim Will Testify Before Congress

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Matt Gaetz Announces Alleged Joe Biden Sexual Assault Victim Will Testify Before Congress

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida announced Wednesday that former Joe Biden U.S. Senate staffer Tara Reade has been invited to Capitol Hill to be interviewed about Biden’s alleged sexual assault of her.

Reade tweeted Sunday, “So I am not a former porn star nor did I receive ‘hush money.’ I was a Senate staffer for Joe Biden when he sexually assaulted me in 1993. To date no investigation, only media attacks and trolls aimed at me. I ask again to @mtgreenee and @mattgaetz when will Joe Biden be investigated? Thanks.”

“I think we need to have the conversation, instead of me being erased, and other women that were erased that tried to come forward,” Reade told The Daily Caller.

According to Reade, then-Sen.Biden pinned her against the wall in a Senate corridor, reached under her clothing and sexually violated her.

March 22, 2023 at 6:26pm


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29e3f6 No.27571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564170 (230417ZMAR23) Notable: #22769

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NotablesNOT endorsements

#22769 >>27543

>>27544 2/8/18 Panic in DC. Leverage depleted - POTUS freed. EXTREME chatter.

>>27545, >>27548 , >>27549, >>27550 See who owns Huggies: Kimberly-Clark, who's main shareholders are… Vanguard and BlackRock

>>27546 UN-AMERICAN: NY Democratic Politicians Aim to Make Trump a Political Prisoner!

>>27547 @TomFitton·Crushed it in defense of the rule of lawand against the abuse of @realDonaldTrump on @CSPAN

>>27551 RE: Metabiota chief executive officer and founder Nathan Wolfe

>>27552, >>27561, >>27566 KARI LAKE WINS, though AZ Supreme Court declines most of appeal over gov’s race

>>27553, >>27554, >>27563, >>27568, >>27569 Britain supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine… FAFO

>>27555 How Fauci's Wife Used NIH Position To Backstop Her Husband’s Pandemic Health Directives

>>27556, >>27559 Disney Preparing to Lay Off Thousands of Workers

>>27557, >>27558 Doctors at the Pentagon Claim 7 Year-Olds Can Make Decisions About Taking Puberty Blockers and Hormones

>>27560, >>27562 Desanctimonious bun


>>27567 Confirmed tornado in LA county damages multiple buildings

>>27570 Matt Gaetz Announces Alleged Joe Biden Sexual Assault Victim Will Testify Before Congress


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29e3f6 No.27572

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,744x744,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564227 (230430ZMAR23) Notable: #22770

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29e3f6 No.27573

File: fc510a0e25097db⋯.png (220.44 KB,582x931,582:931,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c1a202467dba80⋯.png (76.6 KB,669x259,669:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cf153d1b6429ce⋯.png (80.53 KB,534x259,534:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bc5e945449bb4f⋯.png (108.1 KB,465x347,465:347,Clipboard.png)

File: f7fbe54206935a4⋯.png (73.11 KB,465x272,465:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564234 (230432ZMAR23) Notable: @KariLake TruthSocial: They want to ARREST me for exposing fraud in the 2022 Election

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>>27572 tyb

They want to ARREST me for exposing fraud in the 2022 Election.

Now, the AZ Supreme Court has ruled that the very fraud I highlighted has to be looked at. This is big, folks.

Hit me with your best shot.

I will never, ever back down.

Try me.

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29e3f6 No.27574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564240 (230433ZMAR23) Notable: @KariLake TruthSocial: They want to ARREST me for exposing fraud in the 2022 Election

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29e3f6 No.27575

File: 7af6ac651b243d5⋯.png (397.01 KB,1067x388,11:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564301 (230449ZMAR23) Notable: @SecVetAffairs Announces changes to Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

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Biden’s VA Axes Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

The old motto referenced both male and female veterans and featured a direct quote from President Abraham Lincoln:

To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise "to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan" by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans.

The new mission statement reads as follows:

To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.


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29e3f6 No.27576

File: 1d79ab2d54e0bc5⋯.png (125.09 KB,1152x561,384:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564305 (230451ZMAR23) Notable: Q#3165 4 year delta: [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q

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[They] not only wasted an enormous supply of ammo, they've just prepared the world for criminal indictments of former Presidents.

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29e3f6 No.27577

File: ac334c0789766b8⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 49a703424246cab⋯.mp4 (295.06 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564341 (230506ZMAR23) Notable: Old Obama mp4s "teaching kindergartener's sex ed is the right thing to do" and "3rd term arrangement if I could deliver the lines"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564413 (230529ZMAR23) Notable: Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities, CEMEX involved in takeover, Blackrock and Vanguard are largest Vulcan investors

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Not sure if I posted this before, apologies if I duplicate, kinda long day for me

==Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities

GCaptain March 20, 2023

U.S. construction materials company Vulcan Materials has alleged that Mexican security forces have illegally taken control of its port terminal in southern Mexico, near Playa del Carmen.

Vulcan said workers from Mexican multinational cement firmCemex,one of the world’s largest producers of cement, ready-mix concrete, and aggregates, were also involved in the “unlawful takeover” of the terminal.

Vulcan has been embroiled in a legal dispute with the Mexican government for five years over concessions, even drawing criticism from Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

“We are shocked in Cemex and in the Mexican government entities that supported this reckless and reprehensible armed seizure of our private property,” Vulcan said in the statement reported by Reuters.

Alabama-based Vulcan has been unable to produce and transport construction materials since May 2022, when the Mexican government shut down operations due to environmental concerns over its underwater limestone mining operations.

Fox News showed video of security forces arriving at the terminal on March 14 which was shared U.S. Senator Katie Boyd Britt of Alabama to Facebook. Senator Boyd Britt, calling the incident a “militarized seizure,” said a Mexican federal district court on March 16 ordered the government forces to vacate the terminal within 24 hours, but the facility remained occupied as of March 19.

“This forcible seizure of private property is unlawful and unacceptable. It is shameful that this Mexican presidential administration would rather confiscate American assets than the fentanyl killing hundreds of Americans per day,” she said. “Mexico should be more focused on going after the cartels than law-abiding businesses and hardworking people.”

The Sac Tun quarry is a large limestone quarry located on southern Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, near Playa del Carmen with access to the Caribbean Sea.


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29e3f6 No.27579

File: 4a9fb1813c1f671⋯.png (172.79 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: be3e0a8ebb6d73a⋯.png (227.96 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564419 (230532ZMAR23) Notable: Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities, CEMEX involved in takeover, Blackrock and Vanguard are largest Vulcan investors

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27580

File: 89ef68fab5d3a82⋯.png (1.1 MB,1053x667,1053:667,Clipboard.png)

File: bde7e4ca74a818e⋯.png (40.15 KB,634x331,634:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564428 (230536ZMAR23) Notable: Q 3898 3 year delta: March 23rd 2020 The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. Q

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27581

File: 24fdef678d0c483⋯.png (677.2 KB,895x1168,895:1168,Clipboard.png)

File: c53884d2912ebe4⋯.png (146.68 KB,911x868,911:868,Clipboard.png)

File: 3466f61e92f4011⋯.jpg (788 KB,1390x1200,139:120,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eaedfc0105397c1⋯.png (88.3 KB,227x255,227:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 438a43b86f3dbc0⋯.jpg (38.33 KB,605x489,605:489,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564470 (230548ZMAR23) Notable: repost from (pb): Kash Patel sues Politico over impeachment lies, popcorn time

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>>27464 lb /pb

>>27471 lb /pb

>Kash Patel: Sues Politico over impeachment lies watch out Schiff, Swallwel, Fiona, Vindman, Ciaramella… im coming for the Truth

(prev no table)

last line in the article:POPCORN TIME

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29e3f6 No.27582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564522 (230608ZMAR23) Notable: What are the odds? March 22nd: Spygate + key, Russiagate investigator, national Donald day

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>>27580 (spygate + key)

and this

>>27581 (Russiagate investigator)

and this


>March 22nd

what are the odds?

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29e3f6 No.27583

File: ea7d000ebe194af⋯.mp4 (4.6 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 298145c05a64488⋯.png (164.09 KB,956x798,478:399,Clipboard.png)

File: 94fc4131be456b6⋯.png (94.65 KB,1501x622,1501:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 870cf4a1018a007⋯.png (211.17 KB,1312x1096,164:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 298145c05a64488⋯.png (164.09 KB,956x798,478:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564544 (230621ZMAR23) Notable: Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities, CEMEX involved in takeover, Blackrock and Vanguard are largest Vulcan investors

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>Vulcan seizure


Largest investors in Cemex: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/CX/holders/

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29e3f6 No.27584

File: acab3f893eaf1e3⋯.png (119.03 KB,1525x724,1525:724,Clipboard.png)

File: d3613115a8d2613⋯.png (178.01 KB,1078x1078,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564546 (230623ZMAR23) Notable: Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities, CEMEX involved in takeover, Blackrock and Vanguard are largest Vulcan investors

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Vulcan investors

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29e3f6 No.27585

File: 12c705892d2670e⋯.png (1.06 MB,1551x888,517:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564587 (230641ZMAR23) Notable: CEMEX is partnered with the UN

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Cemex is partnered with the UN


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29e3f6 No.27586

File: e83e8f537cdc456⋯.png (28.6 KB,1039x505,1039:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564597 (230646ZMAR23) Notable: 2019 CEMEX bread cap, sauce on partnership with HRC backed UN Alliance (2013)

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Here is pretty old stuff from 2019

Back when whole breads used to get deleted.

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29e3f6 No.27587

File: e83e8f537cdc456⋯.png (28.6 KB,1039x505,1039:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564597 (230646ZMAR23) Notable: 2019 CEMEX bread cap, sauce on partnership with HRC backed UN Alliance (2013)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here is pretty old stuff from 2019

Back when whole breads used to get deleted.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27588

File: aefbf48237a253d⋯.png (37.84 KB,852x903,284:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564601 (230648ZMAR23) Notable: 2019 CEMEX bread cap, sauce on partnership with HRC backed UN Alliance (2013)

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Source: Cemex S.A.B. de C.V., Monterrey, Mexico

Amid General Assembly of the United Nations meetings in New York City, Cemex officials signed an agreement to join the UN Foundation Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. The public-private partnership seeks to protect the environment and improve local communities’ quality of life by creating a global market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions.

“By joining the Alliance, [we] will foster the adoption of cookstoves in Latin America and Asia, strengthening our ongoing corporate social responsibility efforts in these regions and contributing to the well-being of their communities,” said Cemex Chairman Lorenzo Zambrano. The company has worked in the field the past three years, he added, providing sustainable cookstove solutions in tandem with government agencies, social entrepreneurs, academia and nongovernment organizations. The Alliance partnership enables Cemex participation in steering committee and advisory group activities, plus high-level meetings with sister UN organizations and the Clinton Global Initiative.

Launched in 2010 by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Alliance eyes adoption of clean cookstoves and fuels in 100 million households globally by 2020. It advocates for alternatives to open air stoves, whose pollution levels jeopardize individual and community health. The group is “building bridges between the public and private sectors to make the basic but essential act of cooking safe and healthy worldwide,” notes Alliance Executive Director Radha Muthiah.


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29e3f6 No.27589

File: ce4523c974b3c70⋯.png (27.4 KB,583x236,583:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564728 (230757ZMAR23) Notable: Meeting between Putin and Xi caused concern in the White House that the world community, tired of war, could support the Chinese "peace plan" for Ukraine

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🇺🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺🇨🇳The meeting between Putin and Xi caused concern in the White House that the world community, tired of war, could support the Chinese "peace plan" for Ukraine, Bloomberg writes, citing sources.

3:41 AM · Mar 23, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27590

File: 47dd7c0748cea25⋯.mp4 (323.61 KB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 608d4a544a9787e⋯.png (15.56 KB,179x49,179:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 198360e37db505a⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0e8b07c49a08a0b⋯.png (1.52 MB,654x1279,654:1279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564759 (230823ZMAR23) Notable: March 21st The Biden-Harris administration released its Ocean Climate Action Plan, the first-ever government-wide strategy to maximize the power of the ocean to combat climate change

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serving the con

BIDEN: "Today, we're releasing the first ever United States Ocean Climate Action Plan to harness the tremendous power of the ocean to help in our fight against the climate crisis."


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29e3f6 No.27591

File: 5dd2680fae70573⋯.png (77.03 KB,904x400,113:50,Clipboard.png)

File: b508d450a661060⋯.png (60.23 KB,854x301,122:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564846 (230941ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Sperry: Alvin Bragg's wife Jamila Ponton @jpontonbragg has locked her Twitter page railed against Trump & retweeted posts calling him racist and advocating for his arrest CALL TO DIGG

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Paul Sperry


BREAKING: Anti-Trump D.A. Alvin Bragg's wife Jamila Ponton @jpontonbragg has locked her Twitter page, changing her account status from open to "protected." For several years, @jpontonbragg has railed against Trump & retweeted posts calling him racist and advocating for his arrest

1:18 PM · Mar 22, 2023


Paul Sperry


BREAKING: Federal records show Alvin Bragg's family, including wife and late father, have given exclusively to not only Democrats but only black candidates donating several thousand dollars to Obama, Warnock, Demings, McBath, among others

1:22 PM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27592

File: 2b302c95412a1c7⋯.png (236.22 KB,518x680,259:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e08559c6fa919f⋯.png (870.33 KB,1005x1367,1005:1367,Clipboard.png)

File: b674b0ef66e2d3e⋯.png (854.11 KB,1031x1388,1031:1388,Clipboard.png)

File: 4918edefc1d3e97⋯.png (370.08 KB,1002x1356,167:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564853 (230947ZMAR23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority of President Trump

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House Judiciary GOP



#BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority amid the reported impending indictment of President Trump.


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29e3f6 No.27593

File: 085fa761846a191⋯.png (337.84 KB,1101x883,1101:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564855 (230948ZMAR23) Notable: Prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz resigned after New York DA said he wasn’t prepared to move forward with indictment of Trump March 6, 2022

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Prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz resigned after New York DA said he wasn’t prepared to move forward with indictment of Trump

March 6, 2022

Two top prosecutors leading the criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump and his business resigned after the Manhattan district attorney said he was not prepared to authorize an indictment against the former President, a person familiar with the investigation said.

Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz, two senior prosecutors on the team, resigned last month – one day after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg informed them that he wasn’t prepared to move forward with criminal charges. The resignations followed weeks of internal debate and discussion over the strength of the evidence against Trump and whether it could pass the hurdle of proving a crime.

Prosecutors have been investigating Trump and the Trump Organization and whether they misled lenders, insurers, and others by providing them false or misleading financial statements about the value of properties.

The abrupt resignations last month of the top prosecutors has cast the future of the investigation into doubt as a special grand jury convened last year is set to expire at the end of April.

Bragg’s office has reiterated that the investigation, which was started by Bragg’s predecessor, Cy Vance Jr., is ongoing. Susan Hoffinger, an experienced attorney, has been appointed to lead the investigative team.

The New York Times first reported that the resignations followed a decision by Bragg to stop presenting evidence to the grand jury.

The strength of the evidence against Trump has been debated by attorneys in the office for months, CNN has reported. Some prosecutors, including Dunne and Pomerantz, believed there was sufficient evidence to charge, while others, including some career prosecutors, were skeptical that they could win a conviction at trial, in part because of the difficulty in proving criminal intent, people familiar with the matter said. On the one hand, some prosecutors believed Trump spoke with a lot of hyperbole, but it wasn’t clear whether they could show he acted with intent to defraud.

Prosecutors also didn’t have a victim who lost money from Trump’s misstatements, people familiar said, a matter that might give a jury pause. Still some attorneys believed strongly that Trump should be held accountable and that the case was worth bringing even if they might lose, the people said.

Multiple factors were at play, including the lack of a key Trump Organization insider cooperating with the investigation who, at trial, could walk the jury through the evidence, these people said. The possible value of using Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney who in testimony before Congress alleged Trump inflated and devalued the worth of assets for his advantage, was also discussed with Bragg’s team, the people said. Cohen pleaded guilty to nine criminal charges, including lying to Congress. While he was once close to Trump, his conviction and public statements critical of Trump would give the defense ammunition to aim to discredit him. The Times first reported that Cohen’s potential role as a witness factored into Bragg’s decision.

In recent weeks, Bragg was advised that the attorneys on the investigative team believed they gathered enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump committed crimes, a person familiar with the matter said.

But by February 22, Bragg informed the prosecution team that he was not prepared to authorize charges against the former President, the person said. The following day, Pomerantz and Dunne resigned. Bragg’s office has maintained that the investigation is ongoing. They have added attorneys to the team.


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29e3f6 No.27594

File: 85f0f9fbc5b2a4b⋯.png (771.03 KB,1076x1393,1076:1393,Clipboard.png)

File: dc49fb91ea4c8b8⋯.png (894.58 KB,1026x1381,1026:1381,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fef30713e9be51⋯.png (820.4 KB,994x1371,994:1371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564859 (230950ZMAR23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority of President Trump

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House Judiciary GOP


9:35 PM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27595

File: 4f9ebdeea9c198c⋯.png (537.85 KB,828x805,36:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 363c6c8c437268f⋯.png (194.13 KB,695x859,695:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ae4f18f88dd802⋯.png (276.15 KB,668x534,334:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 313fc1bba88fa56⋯.png (343 KB,696x662,348:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 734e5887b346c25⋯.png (402.27 KB,666x887,666:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564870 (230955ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Sperry: Alvin Bragg claimed he was raised in 'dangerous' Harlem 'hood, but actually grew up in $2 million brownstone and attended elite private school

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Paul Sperry


REVEALED:Anti-Trump D.A. Alvin Bragg claimed he was raised in 'dangerous' Harlem 'hood, but actually grew up in $2 million brownstone and attended elite private school


EXCLUSIVE: 'He's trying to score cool points in the hood, but he's no Tupac': Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg tells tales of growing up in 'dangerous' Harlem to justify police reforms - despite being raised in $2m brownstone and attending elite private school

11 January 2022

Manhattan's new District Attorney Alvin Bragg regularly gives speeches about the hardships of growing up in Harlem, recalling cops pointing guns at him

DailyMail.com has learned that he grew up in an upper middle-class enclave of brownstones and attended an elite school on the Upper West Side

Bragg, a Harvard graduate, sparked outrage last week when he announced his office will stop prosecuting many low-level crimes

Those familiar with his upbringing say he should stop distorting his past to justify reforms that would keep all but the most serious felons out of jail

'He's made his biography his moral compass, making it seem like there's something magic about his life story that gives him the wisdom to establish policies,' one critic tells DailyMail.com

Bragg is a long term liar


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29e3f6 No.27596

File: 2ac2ab365612763⋯.png (419.9 KB,655x927,655:927,Clipboard.png)

File: 332a0e07f70a5ba⋯.png (465.32 KB,640x320,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564894 (231007ZMAR23) Notable: Revisiting the Soros DAs and Alvin Bragg

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Revisiting the Soros DAs

Not only are they turning cities into crime-ridden hellholes, but they’re turning the country into a banana republic.

With the recent hoopla surrounding the potential indictment of Donald Trump, one of the standout comments came from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. While castigating this threat of arrest of a former president and political rival of the current president, DeSantis also made a very pertinent point:

I do know this: The Manhattan district attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor. And so he, like other Soros-funded prosecutors — they weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of law and public safety. He has downgraded over 50% of the felonies to misdemeanors. He says he doesn’t want to even have jail time for the vast, vast majority of crimes. And what we’ve seen in Manhattan is we’ve seen the crime rate go up, and we’ve seen citizens become less safe.

The Washington Post was quick to point out that “Soros-backed,” or in this case “Soros-funded,” could mean many things. “One of the useful characteristics of the term, certainly, is its vagueness,” the Post’s analyst huffed. “That suffix ‘-backed’ can mean all sorts of things. It can mean, for example, that Soros gave money to a group that then backed a candidate who then won — as it does in the case of [Alvin] Bragg.”

This ridiculous attempt to smear conservatives and acquit leftists will not do. Why would George Soros give money to a DA he didn’t think would back his “reform-minded” criminal justice agenda?

Alvin Bragg — the Manhattan DA in question — is, in fact, a perfect archetype of a Soros-backed DA. Soros is one of the billionaire class with socialist leanings. He has used his power, wealth, and influence to put law enforcers in office who are more intent on pursuing political narratives and social agendas than upholding the Rule of Law and meting out justice.

Soros himself has publicly explained his philosophy on criminal justice, which to put succinctly is to focus on reform rather than punishment of the criminal. What does that entail, exactly? Well, in his worldview, institutions are set up to target people of color or of lower income (i.e., critical theory). Putting district attorneys in positions of power can help intervene in this injustice by, for example, eliminating bail, shortening sentences, and in general castigating society for making these criminals criminals.

As this writer has stated before, this perspective is a gross misunderstanding of the human heart and human condition. The Judeo-Christian worldview — that all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and that it is by God’s grace that we do any good at all — is the actual truth. This can be seen by the fact that people who are rich and/or in the racial majority are just as likely to break the law and create injustice as those who are poor and/or in the racial minority. There is already a balancing of scales in the injustice department. All humans are able to commit crime.

The true injustice is that those who have committed crimes are not stopped, that victims of their depravity are given no reprieve, and that more victims are created. Under the tender mercies of DA Bragg, New York City has seen a rise in crime. If criminals know they can get away with their acts of injustice, they will continue to do wrong. We have seen this in California under George Gasćon and Chesa Boudin, in Chicago under Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, and in so many other cities around the country.

Alvin Bragg is simply fulfilling the other aspect of this agenda. He is, as DeSantis stated, weaponizing the justice system to mete out a political agenda. This is as banana republic as Russia and Communist China.

A fair system of justice is a cornerstone of what makes America great. If this indictment goes through, that standard goes out the window. Is this really the vision of America that George Soros has in mind? If so, that is all we need to know about him and his supporters.


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29e3f6 No.27597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564898 (231009ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Sperry: Alvin Bragg's wife Jamila Ponton @jpontonbragg has locked her Twitter page railed against Trump & retweeted posts calling him racist and advocating for his arrest CALL TO DIGG

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Jamila Ponton @jpontonbragg

Call to DIGG

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29e3f6 No.27598

File: 828b0b8333043ba⋯.png (568.22 KB,1154x895,1154:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 54bfc9e3a1bab18⋯.png (1.21 MB,1536x829,1536:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564908 (231014ZMAR23) Notable: McConnell Facing Early Retirement After Severe Concussion From Fall

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McConnell Facing Early Retirement After Severe Concussion From Fall

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell may be on the verge of early retirement following a fall this month that left him with a severe concussion and potential serious brain damage, according to a Tuesday report.

“The Republican bigshot, 81, banged his brain in a terrible March 9 tumble at Washington D.C.’s Waldorf Astoria hotel — nearly four years after another serious fall forced him to have shoulder surgery,” RadarOnline reported.

After the recent fall, McConnell was admitted to the hospital where he spent six days receiving treatment. Following his discharge, he was transferred to an inpatient rehabilitation facility to receive care for a brain injury. One medical expert told the outlet that can cause “loss of consciousness, convulsions, seizures, loss of coordination, slurred speech, agitation, and confusion.”

Sources reportedly told the outlet that McConnell has experienced other medical emergencies in the past, to go along with his childhood encounter with polio. That includes a triple bypass operation in 2003.

In a public appearance three years ago, he displayed bruised and bandaged hands but declined to provide an explanation for his injury, the outlet noted further.

“McConnell’s falls could be the result of a coordination problem that signifies the presence of a more serious progressive cognitive condition,” one expert, Dr. Gabe Mirkin — who has not treated McConnell — told RadarOnline.

A D.C. insider told the outlet: “Mitch has been a lion of the Senate so long that it’s hard to imagine him not being there. But he’s 81 years old, and this isn’t the first time that he’s fallen. The talk is he may consider stepping down long before his current six-year term expires in 2027!”

It should be noted that if McConnell has to step down, his replacement will be named by Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, who is a Democrat, and that person will serve until 2026, when McConnell would have been up for reelection.

Read further


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29e3f6 No.27599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564919 (231019ZMAR23) Notable: Biden Nominates Eric Olshan Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption

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Biden Nominates Eric Olshan Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption

Ahealth-care executive who claims Jim Biden defrauded him was interviewed multiple times by the lawyer Joe Biden just nominated to serve as U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania. According to two sources, while the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office is aware of the allegations, that office is not investigating the potential fraud, leaving the matter solely in the hands of the conflicted-future U.S. attorney.

On Monday, President Biden named Eric Olshan, currently an assistant U.S. attorney in the Pittsburgh office, to fill the vacancy left open when former U.S. Attorney Cindy Chung was confirmed to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

As I previously reported, Chung, whom President Biden had nominated to the federal appellate court, had been overseeing the criminal investigation into the bankrupt health-care business Americore—a business Jim Biden allegedly siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars from to finance repairs for his beach house. Jim Biden is the current U.S. president’s brother.

Now, President Biden seeks to replace Chung with Olshan, raising serious concerns about a potential conflict of interest given Olshan’s involvement in the investigation of the Jim Biden-connected business, Americore.

Olshan had previously served as the lead investigator in the criminal case against Daniel Hurt. Hurt pleaded guilty to soliciting and obtaining kickbacks from the rural Pennsylvania hospital Ellwood City Medical Center, or “ECMC,” which Americore owned. ECMC had allegedly received some $25 million in fraudulent Medicare reimbursements.

According to an affidavit signed under oath by ECMC’s former CEO, Grant White, the president’s brother directed White to loan him (Jim Biden) approximately $400,000 to repay a past-due personal loan secured by Jim Biden’s Florida beach house. Jim Biden allegedly later pulled additional funds from ECMC, totaling about $250,000, but he would only repay about $25,000 to the medical center. ECMC would later go bankrupt and close, prompting a federal investigation.

To date, no charges have been filed related to Jim Biden’s alleged misappropriation of funds from Americore. Nor has anything come from the additional accusations made by Michael Frey, the president and CEO of the Tennessee-based Diverse Medical Management, against Jim Biden and his business partners.

Frey claims Jim Biden represented himself as a “principal” for Americore—even providing him a business card—and then entered into a scheme to defraud him. According to Frey, Jim Biden and his business partners promised to provide capital to implement Frey’s business model for rejuvenating failing rural hospitals.

But after Frey worked with various medical groups to put the plan in action, Jim Biden and his partners reneged on their agreement, he says. That left Frey holding the bag, forcing him to cover costs of about $1 million until he could unwind the various deals that had been put into motion.

The Tennessee business executive sued Jim Biden and the others allegedly involved in the scheme, before entering into a confidential settlement agreement with the defendants. The defendants breached the deal, however, according to Frey.

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29e3f6 No.27600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564921 (231019ZMAR23) Notable: Biden Nominates Eric Olshan Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption

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Frey plans to enforce the settlement agreement, but told The Federalist he first intends to retrieve copies of the thousands of text and email messages exchanged by the parties, hoping those documents will assist in his efforts. Frey says the text and email messages will confirm his allegations against Jim Biden and the others involved in the deal.

Frey’s accusations against Jim Biden are particularly concerning because Frey discussed his allegations and evidence with an FBI agent from the Pittsburgh field office, as well as with Olshan.

“I spoke with Olshan both before and after Joe Biden became president,” Frey told The Federalist. They last spoke about six to eight months ago, Frey noted, adding that Olshan stated his office would reach back out to Frey. To date, however, he has heard nothing more.

Frey also told The Federalist he has never spoken with anyone from the Delaware or Baltimore offices. This proves significant because the U.S. attorney for Delaware, David C. Weiss, is handling the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings, and the documents recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop implicate Jim Biden in some of those deals.

Further, Weiss’s status as a holdover from the Trump administration has given Attorney General Merrick Garland the only cover he has from claims that a conflict of interest necessitates the appointment of a special counsel. But according to Frey, he has never spoken with anyone from the Delaware office. Nor has anyone from the Baltimore FBI field office—the FBI office covering Delaware-related investigations—contacted Frey, he says.

A person familiar with the Delaware investigation confirmed for The Federalist that while the U.S. attorney’s office there is familiar with Jim Biden and his wife Sara’s connections to the Americore case, the Delaware office is not investigating the matter. Rather, the investigation into Frey’s accusations was being handled out of the Western District of Pennsylvania.

Frey also told The Federalist that members of the House Oversight Committee have asked him to testify before Congress and he is open to doing so. “Somebody has to stop them from ruining people’s lives,” Frey said, referring to Jim Biden and his partners. “What they did to the $12-an-hour employees at these hospitals is a travesty.”

Whether Jim Biden and his partners hold any criminal responsibility related to Americore’s raiding of rural hospitals is unclear. What is clear, however, is that with Joe Biden appointing Olshan to serve as the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, the entire Americore investigative record should be turned over to the Delaware U.S. attorney, stat.

The Federalist asked Olshan whether he would recuse from the investigation and refer the matter to the Delaware office now that Joe Biden has nominated him to serve as the next U.S. attorney for Western Pennsylvania. Olshan did not respond to the inquiry.

There’s a serious potential conflict of interest given the nominee’s involvement in investigating a business run by the president’s brother.


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29e3f6 No.27601

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564922 (231020ZMAR23) Notable: Eric Olshan: Another unqualified Biden nominee HUMILIATES himself DOES NOT know what a Brady Motion is

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Eric Olshan: Another unqualified Biden nominee HUMILIATES himself DOES NOT know what a Brady Motion is



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29e3f6 No.27602

File: 32834b6c3c94310⋯.png (316.01 KB,405x848,405:848,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564964 (231038ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Maybe we will auction off her painting?

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Donald J. Trump



Vanessa will be with us in Texas on Saturday, on stage before I speak. She is amazing! Maybe we will auction off her painting? Rally will be BIG!

Mar 23, 2023, 6:15 AM


Event Details

Sat, March 25, 2023

05:00 pm (US/Central)

Doors Open: 12:00 pm

Waco Regional Airport

7909 Karl May Dr

Waco, TX 76708


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29e3f6 No.27603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564974 (231043ZMAR23) Notable: #22770

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#22770 >>27572

>>27573, >>27574 @KariLake TruthSocial: They want to ARREST me for exposing fraud in the 2022 Election

>>27575 @SecVetAffairs Announces changes to Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

>>27576 Q#3165 4 year delta: [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q

>>27577 Old Obama mp4s "teaching kindergartener's sex ed is the right thing to do" and "3rd term arrangement if I could deliver the lines"

>>27580 Q 3898 3 year delta: March 23rd 2020 The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. Q

>>27581 repost from (pb): Kash Patel sues Politico over impeachment lies, popcorn time

>>27582 What are the odds? March 22nd: Spygate + key, Russiagate investigator, national Donald day

>>27578, >>27579, >>27583, >>27584 Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities, CEMEX involved in takeover, Blackrock and Vanguard are largest Vulcan investors

>>27585 CEMEX is partnered with the UN

>>27587, >>27588 2019 CEMEX bread cap, sauce on partnership with HRC backed UN Alliance (2013)

>>27589 Meeting between Putin and Xi caused concern in the White House that the world community, tired of war, could support the Chinese "peace plan" for Ukraine

>>27590 March 21st The Biden-Harris administration released its Ocean Climate Action Plan, the first-ever government-wide strategy to maximize the power of the ocean to combat climate change

>>27591, >>27597 Paul Sperry: Alvin Bragg's wife Jamila Ponton @jpontonbragg has locked her Twitter page railed against Trump & retweeted posts calling him racist and advocating for his arrest CALL TO DIGG

>>27593 Prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz resigned after New York DA said he wasn’t prepared to move forward with indictment of Trump March 6, 2022

>>27592, >>27594 @Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority of President Trump

>>27595 Paul Sperry: Alvin Bragg claimed he was raised in 'dangerous' Harlem 'hood, but actually grew up in $2 million brownstone and attended elite private school

>>27596 Revisiting the Soros DAs and Alvin Bragg

>>27598 McConnell Facing Early Retirement After Severe Concussion From Fall

>>27599, >>27600 Biden Nominates Eric Olshan Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption

>>27601 Eric Olshan: Another unqualified Biden nominee HUMILIATES himself DOES NOT know what a Brady Motion is

>>27602 Donald J. Trump: Maybe we will auction off her painting?

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29e3f6 No.27604

File: a7052fef70d115a⋯.png (640.89 KB,710x666,355:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18564983 (231046ZMAR23) Notable: #22771

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Q Research General #22771: Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz Clock Alvin Bragg's Stupid Schemes Edition

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29e3f6 No.27605

File: 3cc813051779546⋯.png (1.41 MB,1105x1275,13:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565024 (231102ZMAR23) Notable: Oklahoma court OKs abortion to preserve mother’s life, nothing about preserving the innocent's life

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This seems encroachment. Why does a court get to decide whose life is more valuable, mother or child?

"Please let me murder my little Johnny, the doctor's note says my life won't be so good if I can't!"


Oklahoma court OKs abortion to preserve mother’s life

5-4 ruling

"preserve" and "save" mother's life

nothing about preserving or saving child's life

they're just playing word games!

“Absolute certainty,” by the physician that the mother’s life could be endangered, “is not required, however, mere possibility or speculation is insufficient” to determine that an abortion is needed to preserve the woman’s life, according to the ruling.

Sickening, these monsters that want our children dead. Mostly, "for money."

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29e3f6 No.27606

File: 6d6e4e4c15a92ca⋯.png (883.25 KB,814x603,814:603,Clipboard.png)

File: bda801faf7da7dd⋯.png (171.68 KB,435x562,435:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565054 (231116ZMAR23) Notable: Doug Mackey attorney accuses DOJ of withholding exculpatory info… demands MISTRIAL in critical 1A “meme trial”…

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In a remarkable new development in the Doug Mackey “meme trial,” Mackey’s lawyers are calling for a mistrial on the basis of the government failing to disclose potentially exculpatory information to Mackey, as they are required by law under Brady v Maryland.

Mackey’s attorney wrote a letter that suggests the exculpatory information pertains to DOJ interviews with Hillary campaign staffers that were made available to Mackey’s defense mid trial.

Under so-called “Brady disclosure” the government is legally required to disclose evidence or information that would help prove the innocence of the defendant or call into question the credibility of a government witness. Ironically, this concept came up in another context in which a Biden judicial nominee came up clueless when asked by a republican senator if he knew what a Brady motion was.

Whether or not Biden’s DOJ knows about the existence of the Brady rule, they sure act like they don’t. Stay tuned for more important developments in Doug Mackey’s “meme trial.”



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29e3f6 No.27607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565078 (231130ZMAR23) Notable: Doug Mackey attorney accuses DOJ of withholding exculpatory info… demands MISTRIAL in critical 1A “meme trial”…

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the judicial system is so broken its not even worth saving at this point. Just a bunch of crooks and retards and the entire system is corrupted and rotten. These faggot criminals do not care if they break the law only if they can entrap you in it. LE is just an extension of these faggot policies as well. They are all retards from the cops on the street to the homos in the FBI. They are all nigger tier garbage.

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29e3f6 No.27608

File: fb5808b5c570267⋯.png (279.66 KB,1090x806,545:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565081 (231132ZMAR23) Notable: A crappy situation: Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' Found in Toilet Paper Around the World

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Remember the toilet paper shortages from beginning of the lockdown?

Now, the toilet paper is toxic and dangerous (worse than being not there?).


Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' Found in Toilet Paper Around the World

FTA: "All toilet paper from across the globe checked for toxic PFAS "forever chemicals" contained the compounds, and the waste flushed down toilets and sent to sewage treatment plants probably creates a significant source of water pollution, new research has found."

Putting dots together:

Article says wastewater is spread on crops. That's how the crops that end up in the toilet paper get toxified, thus the toilet paper is too.

Anyone think they're ONLY spreading that filth on the crops that go solely to toilet paper?

Anon surmises from this article and logic, that it's in all paper products. And, that we're thus eating those PFAS chemicals as well.

The filth they spread is everywhere: air, food, water, airwaves, lessons, entertainment.

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29e3f6 No.27609

File: 17f517e82ffbecd⋯.jpg (106.37 KB,709x770,709:770,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565107 (231139ZMAR23) Notable: 4 to 6% update: This woman is the Editor-in-Chief of Scientific American

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This woman is the Editor-in-Chief of Scientific American:


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29e3f6 No.27610

File: 1b2119356f7a74f⋯.jpg (237.22 KB,720x1168,45:73,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f8b63259e671fd7⋯.jpg (280.42 KB,915x1024,915:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565128 (231146ZMAR23) Notable: Today's NY Post cover: Chaos at court as Trump grand jury hearing canceled, Bragg concerned about indictment

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Today's cover: Chaos at court as Trump grand jury hearing canceled, Bragg concerned about indictment


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29e3f6 No.27611

File: 25f3f6c8f7d672e⋯.png (155.92 KB,1732x804,433:201,Clipboard.png)

File: ccf0780211515c7⋯.png (1.1 MB,1088x746,544:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565129 (231146ZMAR23) Notable: Fyodor Lukyanov: Here's the real reason why Russia and China want to replace the US-led international order

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"Russia and China don’t fit into the international system built under Western auspices after the Cold War. They are therefore in favor of replacing it. And it is easier to change it together.

“We hope the world will become a better place, and we have reason to believe it will. At the same time, we are well aware that the future is bright, but the road there is winding.”

This statement by Xi Jinping, which echoes a similar argument made by Mao Zedong in the 1940s, is exactly ten years old. The recently elected President of China was paying his first official visit to Moscow, during which he gave a lecture at MGIMO University."…

"After his talks with Putin, Xi said: "Sino-Russian relations have gone beyond bilateral relations and are of vital importance to the modern world order and the destiny of mankind.”

In other words, he sees them as ties that constitute a holistic phenomenon and, as such, serve as a factor in world order. This is the closest the Chinese leader has come to describing alliance-type relations. A qualitative shift."

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29e3f6 No.27612

File: 3e265581e12eeb3⋯.png (235.63 KB,534x537,178:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565153 (231153ZMAR23) Notable: Suspected Denver high school gunman Austin Lyle found dead of apparent suicide: report

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New York Post

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Suspected Denver high school gunman Austin Lyle found dead of apparent suicide: report

Story by Katherine Donlevy • Yesterday 11:42 PM

The 17-year-old boy suspected of shooting two Denver high school administrators during a routine weapon check Wednesday was found dead of an apparent suicide, according to local reports.

Police found Austin Lyle’s body near his car around 9 p.m., law enforcement sources told 9NEWS Denver.

The 2005 Red Volvo XC90 was found in a remote mountain area roughly 50 miles southwest of Denver.

Cops told neighbors that shelter-in-place orders had been lifted.

“They should be relieved that we came up here and solved the problem,” Park County Sheriff Tom McGraw said.

“Be comfortable and know that everything is closed up now.”

Police found Austin Lyle’s body near his car around 9 p.m.Denver Post via Getty Images

Lyle allegedly shot two school administrators just before 10 a.m. when they searched him for weapons, a daily requirement because of the boy’s behavioral issues.

The teenager was transferred to the high school last year after he was removed from a nearby Aurora school for unspecified violations of school policies.

One of the victims was released from the hospital several hours after the shooting, but the second administrator remains in serious condition.

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29e3f6 No.27613

File: 4fd8d28d2fa16e7⋯.jpg (483.07 KB,1080x1684,270:421,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565161 (231156ZMAR23) Notable: Trump’s intensifying legal drama could drag America closer to historic PRECIPICE

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Trump’s intensifying legal drama could drag America closer to historic PRECIPICE

Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN

Published 12:02 AM EDT, Thu March 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565164 (231157ZMAR23) Notable: Sen Rand Paul: The American people need to know what the State Department is funding. Today I questioned Sec. Blinken on their involvement in COVID research…

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Senator Rand Paul


The American people need to know what the State Department is funding. Today I questioned Sec. Blinken on their involvement in COVID research. What is the State Department hiding? Why won't they give these records to the American people?

3:28 PM · Mar 22, 2023


Senator Rand Paul slides a reference to the Manhattan Project into his questioning of Secretary Blinken about the GOF research in Wuhan. (8 minute video)

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29e3f6 No.27615

File: f91b3763d47d9f8⋯.jpg (168.3 KB,1214x2048,607:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565173 (231200ZMAR23) Notable: The awakening: People snapping out of the dream

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People snapping out of the dream

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29e3f6 No.27616

File: f3953142d11c749⋯.png (236.7 KB,1082x749,1082:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565184 (231203ZMAR23) Notable: Minority report: FCC Proposes Satellite-to-Phone Rules To Eliminate 'No Signal' Once and For All

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If the satellites are up as high as [they] say… How does the itty-bitty transmitter in my phone reach that high?

FCC Proposes Satellite-to-Phone Rules To Eliminate 'No Signal' Once and For All


It'd be one thing for Qualcomm and Iridium to be working on "future tech", but the article says Apple already had "a dramatic rescue."

One thing about Hollywood drama, it tends to be unrealistic: bullets going around curves; the "enhance" for images plot point; six million dollars buying strength and super vision; and other "computer magic."

Anon knows computers, and signals, and strengths.

"Satellites" - remember Project Loon? Balloons.

Beams of blue. "Two by two, hands of blue."

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29e3f6 No.27617

File: b82d130cfd14e1f⋯.jpg (202.98 KB,720x1169,720:1169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98c50108e528de7⋯.jpg (158.66 KB,953x1280,953:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565221 (231213ZMAR23) Notable: Durbin not even being original - covid fear mongering slogs on as Dick Durbin repeats the same twat post YoY

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Brainwash, rinse, repeat

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29e3f6 No.27618

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565295 (231231ZMAR23) Notable: Video claiming Putin is using body doubles goes viral on Russian social media as bizarre theory gains momentum in the country

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Video claiming Putin is using body doubles goes viral on Russian social media as bizarre theory gains momentum in the country

The video seizes on speculation that a doppelgänger visited Mariupol

It points out that a ledge on Putin's earlobe constantly changes

A video is going viral on Russian social media claiming Vladimir Putin is conning his people by using multiple body doubles for trips he doesn't want to make.

It seizes on speculation that the Kremlin president's only trip so far to newly-invaded territory in Mariupol was performed by a doppelgänger, and asks: 'Who is ruling Russia?'

It is unclear who made the footage but it appears to be aimed at reaching Russians who rely on uber-loyalist state media for their news.

'A ledge on Putin's earlobe constantly changes.

'As does a small mole on his face.

'One of the Putins has straight wrinkles on his face, the other has small and interrupted [wrinkles].

'This is impossible even if he had botox injections.'

Putin is widely believed to have had regular plastic surgery as he has aged since first becoming acting president on the last day of 1999.

Rumours are rife that Putin 'understudies' - who have undergone plastic surgery to resemble him - are deployed increasingly as his health worsens amid rumours of cancer and early stage Parkinson's.

'Evidently the weakest double was sent to Mariupol,' states the video in Russian.

'They forgot to put in his jaw.'

It questions if this 'double' has false teeth.

It concludes by asking: 'After all, how many Putins do we have?

'Who is ruling Russia?'

Earlier Ukraine mocked Putin for allegedly 'sending a lookalike to war-ravaged Mariupol' in a high security visit.

Kyiv official Anton Gerashchenko posted three images of Putin's chin and questioned whether they belonged to the same man.

He taunted: 'What's up with your chin, Putin?'

The Interior Minister advisor posted: 'Looks like lately his make-up artists (i.e. for the recent trips of the bunker man to the occupied Crimea and Mariupol) had to work with quite a low-quality copy, not even a double but its copy.

'I wonder which one of them was real?'

One picture showed Putin, 70, one month ago in an address to the Federal Assembly in Moscow.

Another was Putin's reported visit to naval port Sevastopol in Crimea on 18 March.

And the third was from footage released the following day evidently showing the dictator in war-blitzed Mariupol.


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29e3f6 No.27619

File: 11a046fbc0982ae⋯.jpeg (448.02 KB,2048x1505,2048:1505,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b13205fb3a4538⋯.jpeg (127.78 KB,626x420,313:210,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 85044ebc9e9ae27⋯.png (392.67 KB,548x462,274:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565301 (231233ZMAR23) Notable: Video claiming Putin is using body doubles goes viral on Russian social media as bizarre theory gains momentum in the country

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29e3f6 No.27620

File: e95f5bf9758971f⋯.jpg (35.95 KB,700x525,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565343 (231247ZMAR23) Notable: (LIVE) 10:00 ET - TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms House Energy and Commerce Committee

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TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms

House Energy and Commerce Committee


Shou Chew, CEO, TikTok Inc.




TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies on the social media company’s consumer privacy and data security practices and its relationship with the Chinese government at a House Energy & Commerce Committee hearing.



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29e3f6 No.27621

File: 0b560c55d4a9fa7⋯.png (173.31 KB,970x723,970:723,Clipboard.png)

File: f6c1870b8c8740d⋯.png (525.32 KB,847x499,847:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565357 (231253ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: WHY WON'T BRAGG DROP THIS CASE? EVERYBODY SAYS THERE IS NO CRIME HERE…

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29e3f6 No.27622

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565394 (231303ZMAR23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 03/23/2023

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Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 03/23/2023


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29e3f6 No.27623

File: 7e4a982c8eded98⋯.png (319.66 KB,899x909,899:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565400 (231305ZMAR23) Notable: PF Reporting

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JEDI55, Westbound out of Pensacola NAS


Squawking 3257

love you too.


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29e3f6 No.27624

File: 68ea6626d1af5f5⋯.png (926.95 KB,2529x1477,2529:1477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565402 (231305ZMAR23) Notable: 'US Fears' a War-Weary World May Embrace China’s Ukraine Peace Bid

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Reuters: Biden Admin 'fears peace'.

Oh, and those stonks.

This article perfectly captures what's wrong with the radical left.

War, Economic destruction, and fake news carrying their water.


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29e3f6 No.27625

File: c4dab5834cb5f36⋯.png (249.49 KB,2181x955,2181:955,Clipboard.png)

File: 6db7aad21a6e6d1⋯.png (8.32 MB,3000x1687,3000:1687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565440 (231313ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: EVERYONE KNOWS I AM 100% INNOCENT, INCLUDING BRAGG, BUT HE DOESN'T CARE…

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While they themselves fund, incite and defend riots, looting, and violence!

These people are sick and evil.


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29e3f6 No.27626

File: 9c8047e288c1859⋯.png (72.69 KB,813x373,813:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565447 (231314ZMAR23) Notable: ELECTION SYSTEM (SERVIS) DISCOVERED – Used in MULTIPLE States – Internet Connected, Uncertified, and Accessible to Numerous Govt Agencies and Outside Entities

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With all the databases controlled by the Uniparty, there have to be dossiers on everyone down to which library books you read.

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29e3f6 No.27627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565495 (231324ZMAR23) Notable: March 23 AM EDT OPEN/CLOSED Hearings

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9:30 AM EDT

OPEN/CLOSED: Hearings to examine the posture of United States Northern Command and United States Southern Command in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2024 and the Future Years Defense Program; to be immediately followed by a closed session in SVC-217

Senate Armed Services Committee



General Glen D. VanHerck, USAF

Commander, United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command


General Laura J. Richardson, USA

Commander, United States Southern Command







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29e3f6 No.27628

File: c4d39c96347d0e8⋯.png (64.61 KB,748x506,34:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565496 (231324ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Lynn Fynn-derell retwat w/CAP: I’m being notified by passengers on a Southwest flight departing Las Vegas that the captain became incapacitated soon after takeoff this morning…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Lynn Fynn-derella🐭 Retweeted

Josh Yoder


I’m being notified by passengers on a Southwest flight departing Las Vegas that the captain became incapacitated soon after takeoff this morning. He was removed from the flight deck and replaced by a non Southwest pilot who was commuting on that flight. This is now the fifth pilot incapacitation that I’m aware of in the past two weeks. I will post more details as they become available. @SouthwestAir





12:55 PM · Mar 22, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565511 (231327ZMAR23) Notable: March 23 AM EDT OPEN/CLOSED Hearings

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9:30 AM EDT

Budget Hearing - Fiscal Year 2024 Request for the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General

House Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Michael E. Horowitz

Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice





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29e3f6 No.27630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565513 (231328ZMAR23) Notable: March 23 AM EDT OPEN/CLOSED Hearings

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9:30 AM EDT

Budget Hearing – Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request for the United States Forest Service

House Appropriations Committee




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29e3f6 No.27631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565515 (231329ZMAR23) Notable: March 23 AM EDT OPEN/CLOSED Hearings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9:30 AM EDT

Budget Hearing – Fiscal Year 2024 Request for the Government Accountability Office Budget Hearing

House Appropriations Committee




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29e3f6 No.27632

File: 15c439f070400de⋯.jpg (94.23 KB,841x489,841:489,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565555 (231336ZMAR23) Notable: Diggies don't lie: DARPA knew that Ivermectin was the cure for SARS, since they did the post-SARS-CoV-1 research…

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DARPA knew that Ivermectin was the cure for SARS, since they did the post-SARS-CoV-1 research. (they probably created it too…so they could do the research, ya know?) DARPA told the CDC about it and HCQ both being curative. The CDC squelched it.

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29e3f6 No.27633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565589 (231340ZMAR23) Notable: Diggies don't lie: DARPA knew that Ivermectin was the cure for SARS, since they did the post-SARS-CoV-1 research…

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still available here

for now


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29e3f6 No.27634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565654 (231351ZMAR23) Notable: Top Republicans have sent a letter to acting National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Lawrence Tabak regarding the agency's handling of sexual harassment complaints.

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Top Republicans have sent a letter to acting National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Lawrence Tabak regarding the agency's handling of sexual harassment complaints.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) want a response to their August 2022 inquiry, which has gone unanswered. ..

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29e3f6 No.27635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565666 (231353ZMAR23) Notable: March 23 AM EDT OPEN/CLOSED Hearings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

The State of American Diplomacy in 2023: Growing Conflicts, Budget Challenges, and Great Power Competition

House Foreign Affairs Committee



The Honorable Antony Blinken

Secretary of State

U.S. Department of State





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29e3f6 No.27636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565667 (231353ZMAR23) Notable: (LIVE) 10:00 ET - TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms House Energy and Commerce Committee

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Live: TikTok CEO testifies before House Energy & Commerce Committee


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29e3f6 No.27637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565671 (231353ZMAR23) Notable: March 23 AM EDT OPEN/CLOSED Hearings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

Full Committee Hearing to Examine Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities to the United State's Energy Infrastructure

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee


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29e3f6 No.27638

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565741 (231403ZMAR23) Notable: #22771

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final bun o' fun for #22771

bu baker in the bullpen? requesting handoff at the top. wurkfagg'n…

hold yer laties tight. we are on final

#22771 >>27604

>>27623 PF Reporting

>>27605 Oklahoma court OKs abortion to preserve mother’s life, nothing about preserving the innocent's life

>>27606, >>27607 Doug Mackey attorney accuses DOJ of withholding exculpatory info… demands MISTRIAL in critical 1A “meme trial”…

>>27608 A crappy situation: Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' Found in Toilet Paper Around the World

>>27609 4 to 6% update: This woman is the Editor-in-Chief of Scientific American

>>27610 Today's NY Post cover: Chaos at court as Trump grand jury hearing canceled, Bragg concerned about indictment

>>27611 Fyodor Lukyanov: Here's the real reason why Russia and China want to replace the US-led international order

>>27612 Suspected Denver high school gunman Austin Lyle found dead of apparent suicide: report

>>27613 Trump’s intensifying legal drama could drag America closer to historic PRECIPICE

>>27614 Sen Rand Paul: The American people need to know what the State Department is funding. Today I questioned Sec. Blinken on their involvement in COVID research…

>>27615 The awakening: People snapping out of the dream

>>27616 Minority report: FCC Proposes Satellite-to-Phone Rules To Eliminate 'No Signal' Once and For All

>>27617 Durbin not even being original - covid fear mongering slogs on as Dick Durbin repeats the same twat post YoY

>>27618, >>27619, Video claiming Putin is using body doubles goes viral on Russian social media as bizarre theory gains momentum in the country

>>27620, >>27636 (LIVE) 10:00 ET - TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms House Energy and Commerce Committee


>>27622 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 03/23/2023

>>27624 'US Fears' a War-Weary World May Embrace China’s Ukraine Peace Bid


>>27626 ELECTION SYSTEM (SERVIS) DISCOVERED – Used in MULTIPLE States – Internet Connected, Uncertified, and Accessible to Numerous Govt Agencies and Outside Entities

>>27627, >>27629, >>27630, >>27631, >>27635, >>27637 March 23 AM EDT OPEN/CLOSED Hearings

>>27628 Dr. Lynn Fynn-derell retwat w/CAP: I’m being notified by passengers on a Southwest flight departing Las Vegas that the captain became incapacitated soon after takeoff this morning…

>>27632, >>27633 Diggies don't lie: DARPA knew that Ivermectin was the cure for SARS, since they did the post-SARS-CoV-1 research…

>>27634 Top Republicans have sent a letter to acting National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Lawrence Tabak regarding the agency's handling of sexual harassment complaints.

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29e3f6 No.27639

File: c3018a49e94ee09⋯.png (232.07 KB,612x459,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: f173c02b806a733⋯.png (421.86 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565779 (231408ZMAR23) Notable: #22772

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TY anon for trump train submission. you iz infamous now

Baker Requesting Handoff

can tend till @100

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29e3f6 No.27640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565797 (231412ZMAR23) Notable: Follow the Money: The CCP's Business Model

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

Follow the Money: The CCP's Business Model Fueling the Fentanyl Crisis

House Financial Services Committee



Jonathan Cassara, Special Agent, U.S. Treasury (Retired), Author, CCP Inc. Transnational Crime and Money Laundering


Donald Im, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Cyber Section DEA Special Operations Division (Retired)


Celina B. Realuyo, Adjunct Professor, The George Washington University


Jason Grellner, Vice President -Healthcare, Evolv Technology


Gretchen Peters, Executive Director, Alliance to Counter Crime Online






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29e3f6 No.27641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565802 (231412ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Link HOT

"TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms"


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29e3f6 No.27642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565803 (231412ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Shou Chew, CEO, TikTok Inc.






TikTok CEO Testifies at House Commerce Committee

TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies on the social media company’s consumer privacy and data security practices and its relationship with the Chinese government at a House Energy & Commerce Committee hearing.


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29e3f6 No.27643

File: 019a5f66b12d0bc⋯.png (262.15 KB,659x1018,659:1018,Clipboard.png)

File: 52ef0c373eb373c⋯.png (330.26 KB,662x734,331:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a84c0918aa33dc⋯.png (128.62 KB,670x506,335:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565810 (231413ZMAR23) Notable: Julie Kelly w/CAP: …For 2nd time this month, Judge Kelly has suspended the jury trial amid evidence of FBI misconduct.

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

As everyone fixates on possible Trump indictment, a massive scandal is rocking the Proud Boys seditious conspiracy trial.

For 2nd time this month, Judge Kelly has suspended the jury trial amid evidence of FBI misconduct.


must reply by 1pm to this explosive filing:



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29e3f6 No.27644

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565833 (231415ZMAR23) Notable: ICYMI: THEY PAID DOCTORS AND NURSES TO MURDER INNOCENT PATIENTS

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always infamous.

but anonymous



Repost, still think this is notabe




First published at 11:56 UTC on March 23rd, 2023.



GOVERNMENT CRIMES: They paid doctors and nurses to murder innocent patients. They faked Covid cases and deaths to instill fear in the population. They denied safe early treatments murdering millions of innocent people. They forced ineffective toxic Covid vaccines on the world.

They Censored anyone sharing life saving early treatment information and anyone who warned about the dangers of the Covd vaccines. The Governments willfully committed crimes against humanity.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565874 (231422ZMAR23) Notable: Trudeau Government Still Advertising on China’s Tik Tok Despite Ban

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>>27639 tyb o7

Trudeau Government Still Advertising on China’s Tik Tok Despite Ban

The Canadian federal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is still using the Chinese-owned app Tik Tok for advertising despite banning it on all government employee devices.

The Canadian government banned employees from using the controversial social media app last month amid what it termed an “unacceptable level of risk to privacy and security,” but reports note that the government continues to engage with Tik Tok for advertising.

Brett Caraway, an associate professor at the University of Toronto told broadcaster CBC that the policy seemed contradictory saying, “It seems a little bit like a double standard to me to say, ‘Well, it’s it’s too dangerous for any of our employees to have, but it’s okay for reaching teenagers.”

Vass Bednar, who serves as executive director of McMaster University’s Master of Public Policy in Digital Society Program was also critical saying, “I don’t think it’s the right use of tax dollars if we are in fact so newly serious and cautious about this one app.”

According to CBC, the federal government advertises for recruitment in the Canadian armed forces and promotes other initiatives on Tik Tok, including those regarding online disinformation and public safety.

Canada’s ban on Tik Tok for federal employees was announced by the country’s chief information officer, who stated the app’s “data collection methods provide considerable access to the contents of the phone.”

Canada is not the only country to ban Tik Tok in recent weeks yet keep using it to spread government messaging to young people, as the United Kingdom also announced a ban on the use of the app earlier this month.

Government spokesman Oliver Dowden commented on the ban saying there was a “specific risk” to government devices and that the government would “going to ban the use of TikTok on government devices. We will do so with immediate effect… Overall this approach aligns with action taken by allies including the United States, Canada, and the EU.”

Yet despite the ban, the UK government said there would be specific exclusions from the rule to allow some government devices to keep it installed “where it is required for operational reasons”.


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29e3f6 No.27646

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565917 (231430ZMAR23) Notable: Nordic country targets Telegram over ‘Russian origins’

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Nordic country targets Telegram over ‘Russian origins’

The messaging app, along with the Chinese TikTok, are now banned from devices used by Norwegian government officials for work purposes

The Norwegian Justice Ministry has instructed government officials not to install TikTok or Telegram on their work devices, after a security agency labeled the apps as risks. Many Western nations have cracked down in a similar way on TikTok, a Chinese-owned video sharing service, but Norway is the first to include Telegram, a popular messenger, in its restrictions.

The decision, which the ministry announced on Tuesday, is based on a review conducted by Oslo’s National Security Authority (NSM) earlier this month. It branded Telegram suspicious due to its “Russian origins,” the ministerial statement said.

Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl said she supported the recommendations provided by the NSM and told officials not to use the two apps. If required for work purposes, they should be installed on a separate device, she added.

Mehl, who is 29 and is the youngest member of the Norwegian cabinet, earlier drew criticism for running TikTok on her work phone. She said she wanted to reach out to younger audiences, among whom the app is highly popular, and removed it after about a month of use.

The NSM expressed broader concerns over apps that collect user information, including Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. But the ministry singled out TikTok and Telegram, citing a report released in February by the national armed forces, which described China and Russia as the biggest threats to the Nordic country’s security.

TikTok has also been targeted in the US, UK, Canada, and by EU authorities in recent weeks. The Norwegian parliament is set to ban its use by lawmakers, according to local media.

Telegram’s “Russian origins” are an apparent reference to its creator, Pavel Durov, who was born in what is now St. Petersburg and obtained his degree in linguistics in Russia. He left the country in 2013, and has since become a citizen of the United Arab Emirates and France.

Telegram’s parent company operates from Dubai and is registered in the British Virgin Islands. In 2018, a court in Moscow banned the app at the request of media regulator RKN, which complained about the company’s failure to provide encryption keys to security services. Telegram claimed it was impossible due to the way the platform operates. Attempts to enforce the prohibition were unsuccessful, and it was lifted two years later.


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29e3f6 No.27647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565939 (231434ZMAR23) Notable: Saudi Arabia and Iran— Sunni & Shiite Muslim— are sworn enemies, yet China just brokered a peace deal between them.

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See new Tweets


TheLastRefuge Retweeted

The Redheaded libertarian


Probably the most important story happening right now has gotten virtually no attention. So let’s give it attention.

Saudi Arabia and Iran— Sunni & Shiite Muslim— are sworn enemies, yet China just brokered a peace deal between them. China.

But wait there’s more

Saudi Arabia is talking about settling their oil trades in the Yuan, replacing the dollar. This is in spite of being allied with the US.

But I’m not done yet.

There is also discussion of Saudi Arabia and Iran joining the BRICS alliance.





-South Africa

“But Josie what are the consequences of that?”

That would mean all of the major oil producing countries in the world would be part of the same alliance. These countries also make up half of the global population. And I imagine there would be a level of protection safeguarding Iran from American invasion.

Most apparent, there is no need or room for the US in this new boys club. There is no seat at the table of this super alliance.

For those who cannot see the catastrophe The Deep State has made of our country, our values, and our global status, who take our Bill of Rights for granted, spend all the time and resources prosecuting political dissenters, and victimize themselves over sins they never experienced because they have it so damn good they have to sit there and make up ways to self exploit — I just don’t think there is any saving these people.


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29e3f6 No.27648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565951 (231436ZMAR23) Notable: Dutch Officials Ordered to Delete all Iranian, Russian and Chinese Phone Apps

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Dutch Officials Ordered to Delete all Iranian, Russian and Chinese Phone Apps

Officials in the Netherlands have been told to delete all Iranian, Russian and Chinese apps from their work phones.

Dutch officials have been told by their government that they must delete all mobile phone apps owned by the likes of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea from their work phones.

The nation had already told its officials to keep the Chinese Communist Party-linked app TikTok off of their work devices, with the country citing serious security concerns for the guidance.

According to a report by De Telegraaf, such an order has now been seriously expanded, with the Dutch cabinet telling officials on Tuesday that they need to delete all apps from countries which have an “offensive cyber program against the Netherlands” in place.

The cabinet reportedly justified the decision by saying that apps from such hostile states pose “an increased risk of espionage”.

“Examples of countries with such an offensive cyber program are Russia, China, Iran and North Korea,” Minister of Digitization Alexandra van Huffelen allegedly wrote in a letter to civil servants, arguing that these countries have “the intent and capacity” to spy on the Netherlands.

Cabinet officials reportedly aim to eventually expand such a cyber-security policy even further by banning all apps from government phones not explicitly given the green light by the government’s IT section.

Speaking in response to the decision to ban apps from various hostile foreign countries, TikTok claimed that it was not “Chinese-owned” nor “controlled by any state or government”.

Such a claim does not appear to be believed by many Western government officials, with a slew of nations across Europe and America making the decision to ban the social media platform’s app from government devices.

One of the most recent nations to impose such a restriction is the UK, with Westminster citing the platform as posing a “specific risk” to the country.

The European Union has also ordered staff to delete the app not only from government devices, but also from personal devices that have work-related material on them in order to lower the risk of digital espionage.

Meanwhile, the United States has launched an investigation into TikTok’s owner, ByteDance, over claims a number of now former employees used data gathered by the platform to track the location of two journalists in the United States.

A spokesman for the company has since claimed that it “strongly condemned” the actions of the former employees, before insisting that it would be willing to assist any official government investigations into the incident.


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29e3f6 No.27649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565992 (231444ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok Under Review: How To Protect Our Privacy & Children From The Chinese Communist Party

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LIVE: TikTok Under Review: How To Protect Our Privacy & Children From The Chinese Communist Party

right side

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29e3f6 No.27650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18565997 (231445ZMAR23) Notable: Disney World Florida to host world's largest LGBT+ conference

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Disney World Florida to host world's largest LGBT+ conference

The Walt Disney Company is listed as a top partner on the organization's website.

Walt Disney World in Florida will host an LGBT+ conference this fall that organizers are calling the world's largest – as the resort and state GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis continue to spar over sexual-orientation and gender-identity issues.

Out & Equal, an activist group that promotes equality for LGBT+ people in the workplace, is hosting its 2023 Workplace Summit for three days in September, according to the organization's website. The group says the summit "is the largest LGBTQ+ conference in the world, with more than 5,000 attendees every year."

DeSantis last month signed a law ending Disney's special self-governing status over its resort and the surrounding area. The legislation came largely in response to Disney's protests against Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill, dubbed by critics as the "Don't say gay bill."

Out & Equal's website also features a photo of Mickey Mouse and states the summit will be held in Orlando, but it does not specify that it will be at the resort itself. However, Chief Marketing Officer Michael Chamberlain confirmed Wednesday to The Tampa Bay Times the conference will be held at the Disney resort.

The Walt Disney Company is listed as a top partner on the organization's website. Other top partners include Dell Technologies, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Apple and Uber. The group also has government partners, including the CIA, the Food and Drug Administration, the State Department and the Agriculture Department.


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29e3f6 No.27651

File: 7404d4bc18a175b⋯.png (305.92 KB,597x725,597:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566080 (231500ZMAR23) Notable: Q CELLS’ announcement to expand solar manufacturing in Georgia

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Q CELLS’ announcement to expand solar manufacturing in Georgia will create good-paying jobs here at home while tackling the climate crisis — and it’s the direct result of my economic plan.

Let’s keep investing in America.


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29e3f6 No.27652

File: df08fcb6c355936⋯.png (1.03 MB,976x498,488:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566083 (231501ZMAR23) Notable: NSA tracks bitcoin btw

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Bitcoin Users Being Spied On? NSA Report Leaked by Snowden Reveals ‘Extensive’ Tracking Operation


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29e3f6 No.27653

File: cd9a76c8277a69a⋯.png (144.22 KB,497x843,497:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566111 (231505ZMAR23) Notable: Waco Rally gonna be on fire

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Nice way to describe a rally in Waco, kek.


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29e3f6 No.27654

File: a01e5c07ccaf330⋯.png (409.15 KB,598x649,598:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fa7c49afa13707⋯.png (115 KB,982x699,982:699,Clipboard.png)

File: 7550fab077f9a63⋯.png (368.34 KB,935x737,85:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e14d894370664b⋯.png (420.37 KB,671x826,671:826,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fa1d6c4f55efe9⋯.png (270.33 KB,700x809,700:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566121 (231507ZMAR23) Notable: It turns out, based on newly released FOIA documents from the CDC, that our government knew about and even anticipated massive reports of injuries from these shots from day one

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Steve Kirsch Retweeted

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation


Replying to




BREAKING:"It turns out, based on newly released FOIA documents from the CDC, that our government knew about and even anticipated massive reports of injuries from these shots from day one." -Horowitz


We will keep up the fight!




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29e3f6 No.27655

File: a3573f5bf9df786⋯.jpeg (379.75 KB,1241x1847,1241:1847,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fc213596a152705⋯.jpeg (330.8 KB,1241x1836,73:108,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566128 (231508ZMAR23) Notable: Houston we’ve got a real problem with the Senate, How much are they being paid to continue unlimited wars?

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Houston we’ve got a real problem with the Senate

How much are they being paid to continue unlimited wars?


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29e3f6 No.27656

File: 4ee703271af18f6⋯.jpg (181.73 KB,1241x995,1241:995,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566141 (231511ZMAR23) Notable: Houston we’ve got a real problem with the Senate, How much are they being paid to continue unlimited wars?

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My response to that.

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29e3f6 No.27657

File: 43640042dce637b⋯.png (251.66 KB,669x778,669:778,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566162 (231516ZMAR23) Notable: ICYMI: THEY PAID DOCTORS AND NURSES TO MURDER INNOCENT PATIENTS

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this looks like a clip of a longer video.

Anon will see if anon can find the full video.

it does look old but maybe we missed it.

not see it before.

does any anon remember where this was clipped from?

originally came from this twat below.



Deplorable4trump2024 @PTRUMPFORTX2020

GOVERNMENT CRIMES: They paid doctors and nurses to murder innocent patients. They faked Covid cases and deaths to instill fear in the population. They denied safe early treatments murdering millions of innocent people. They forced ineffective toxic Covid vaccines on the world.

They Censored anyone sharing life saving early treatment information and anyone who warned about the dangers of the Covd vaccines. The Governments willfully committed crimes against humanity.


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29e3f6 No.27658

File: bbd48e73e55ea27⋯.jpeg (505.41 KB,1241x1882,1241:1882,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6df57d76f0378a4⋯.jpeg (113.96 KB,1241x664,1241:664,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2274d8ffb053ee6⋯.jpeg (450.79 KB,1241x1460,17:20,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566165 (231517ZMAR23) Notable: Block shares plunge 19% after short seller Hindenburg says Jack Dorsey’s company facilitates fraud

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Mnuchin is an absolute idiot and part of Cabal, this COVID relief was set up for people like this

He recommended Jerome Powell to Trump, Mnuchin sabotaged our nation for years to come!


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29e3f6 No.27659

File: 65bf6d847649988⋯.png (291.95 KB,604x615,604:615,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e59f006e6fca61⋯.png (50.7 KB,240x136,30:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566168 (231517ZMAR23) Notable: Moderna wants taxpayers on the hook for patent infringements

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Trigger warning for anons. Might want to be prayed up before watching this one. Such ridiculously over the top evil behavior by "Big Pharma" and their willing accomplices it might be some new kind of record.

Just a few of the evil shenanigans that appear to be going on:

1. Get taxpayers to pay for funding of bioweapons to be used on them.

2. Make your evil friends scandalously rich.

3. When caught or facing challenges, use the taxpayer as your continual revenue source.

Btw, does Bancel look a bit like Bourla? Anon capped the picture of Bancel from the Tucker clip. Pic related.

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29e3f6 No.27660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566178 (231520ZMAR23) Notable: Block shares plunge 19% after short seller Hindenburg says Jack Dorsey’s company facilitates fraud

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Uh-Oh!Goodbye @ Jack?

Block shares plunge 19% after short seller Hindenburg says Jack Dorsey’s company facilitates fraud

Block shares plungedafter noted short sellerHindenburg Researchsaid the company’s flagshipCash App facilitates crimeand lacks strong compliance controls.

Hindenburg has targeted other companies before, including Indian conglomerate Adani Group.

Shares of Jack Dorsey’s Block plunged 19% after short seller Hindenburg Research announced Thursday that the payment company was its latest short position, alleging thatBlock allowed criminal activity to operate with lax controls and “highly” inflates Cash App’s transacting user base, a key metric of performance.

Hindenburg described Block’s internal systems as a ”‘Wild West’ approach to compliance.”

“Our 2-year investigation has concluded that Block has systematically taken advantage of the demographics it claims to be helping,” Hindenburg said in its report. The research firm said Block’s Cash App thrived on serving “unbanked” customers.

The report alleges those unbanked customers were involved in criminal or illicit activity. Hindenburg also alleged that Cash App’s compliance programs were deficient.

As part of its two-year investigation, Hindenburg spoke with multiple former employees who described how internal concerns were suppressed and user concerns were ignored, even as alleged “criminal activity and fraud ran rampant on its platform.”

The firm’s extensive report includes screenshots of internal systems and employee messages. It also highlighted alleged financial misreporting.

Up to 35% of Cash App’s revenue is derived from interchange fees, Hindenburg alleged. That’s around $892 million in revenue that the short seller said should be capped by law.

ButBlock, formerly known as Square, avoids that regulatory cap imposed on large financial institutions by routing the revenue through a small bank, Hindenburg alleged.

The small-bank routing method is one employed by Block rival PayPal, Hindenburg claimed, and which prompted a Securities and Exchange Commission probe.


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29e3f6 No.27661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566195 (231525ZMAR23) Notable: Block shares plunge 19% after short seller Hindenburg says Jack Dorsey’s company facilitates fraud

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Massive report, continued

Block: How Inflated User Metrics and “Frictionless” Fraud Facilitation Enabled Insiders To Cash Out Over $1 Billion

Published on March 23, 2023

Block Inc., formerly known as Square Inc., is a $44 billion market cap company that claims to have developed a “frictionless” and “magical” financial technology with a mission to empower the “unbanked” and the “underbanked”.

Our 2-year investigation has concluded that Block has systematically taken advantage of the demographics it claims to be helping. The “magic” behind Block’s business has not been disruptive innovation, but rather the company’s willingness to facilitate fraud against consumers and the government, avoid regulation, dress up predatory loans and fees as revolutionary technology, and mislead investors with inflated metrics.

Our research involved dozens of interviews with former employees, partners, and industry experts, extensive review of regulatory and litigation records, and FOIA and public records requests.

Most analysts are excited about the post-pandemic surge of Block’s Cash App platform, with expectations that its 51 million monthly transacting active users and low customer acquisition costs will drive high margin growth and serve as a future platform to offer new products.

Our research indicates, however, that Block has wildly overstated its genuine user counts and has understated its customer acquisition costs. Former employees estimated that 40%-75% of accounts they reviewed were fake, involved in fraud, or were additional accounts tied to a single individual.

Core to the issue is that Block has embraced one traditionally very “underbanked” segment of the population: criminals. The company’s “Wild West” approach to compliance made it easy for bad actors to mass-create accounts for identity fraud and other scams, then extract stolen funds quickly.

Even when users were caught engaging in fraud or other prohibited activity, Block blacklisted the account without banning the user. A former customer service rep shared screenshots showing how blacklisted accounts were regularly associated with dozens or hundreds of other active accounts suspected of fraud. This phenomenon of allowing blacklisted users was so common that rappers bragged about it in hip hop songs.

Block obfuscates how many individuals are on the Cash App platform by reporting misleading “transacting active” metrics filled with fake and duplicate accounts. Block can and should clarify to investors an estimate on how many unique people actually use Cash App.

CEO Jack Dorsey has publicly touted how Cash App is mentioned in hundreds of hip hop songs as evidence of its mainstream appeal. A review of those songs show that the artists are not generally rapping about Cash App’s smooth user interface—many describe using it to scam, traffic drugs or even pay for murder. [See our compilation video on this here]

“I paid them hitters through Cash App”— Block paid to promote a video for a song called “Cash App” which described paying contract killers through the app. The song’s artist was later arrested for attempted murder.

Cash App was also cited “by far” as the top app used in reported U.S. sex trafficking, according to a leading non-profit organization. Multiple Department of Justice complaints outline how Cash App has been used to facilitate sex trafficking, including sex trafficking of minors.

There is even a gang named after Cash App: In 2021, Baltimore authorities charged members of the “Cash App” gang with distribution of fentanyl in a West Baltimore neighborhood, according to news reports and criminal records.

Beyond facilitating payments for criminal activity, the platform has been overrun with scam accounts and fake users, according to numerous interviews with former employees.

Examples of obvious distortions abound: “Jack Dorsey” has multiple fake accounts, including some that appear aimed at scamming Cash App users. “Elon Musk” and “Donald Trump” have dozens….


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29e3f6 No.27662

File: 2af809d4b575e89⋯.png (2.51 MB,1992x1748,498:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566215 (231531ZMAR23) Notable: Stage_5:5[y] Delta today Start

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>Setting the stage


Mar 23, 2018 1:14:06 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 000000 No. 461

Clock activated.





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29e3f6 No.27663

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566233 (231535ZMAR23) Notable: UBS is reportedly engaged in meetings right now, SEEKING TO TERMINATE ITS DEAL TO ACQUIRE CREDIT SUISSE!

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UBS Seeking to TERMINATE Credit Suisse Deal

BREAKING NEWS &ndash; UBS is reportedly engaged in meetings right now, SEEKING TO TERMINATE ITS DEAL TO ACQUIRE CREDIT SUISSE!

If UBS Backs out, then Credit Swiss will fail, enter Bankruptcy, and that will mean a Bulge-Bracket-Bank (a.k.a. "too big to fail") has gone under.

The effects on the Global Financial System are, right now, incalculable. A Credit Suisse Default would trigger Credit Default Swaps, and would put the bank in DEFAULT on all its Derivative Contracts.

This could be a "Black Swan Event" that sets in motion a Domino effect, taking out BIG banks all over the world.

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29e3f6 No.27664

File: 560b10e6e4b76f1⋯.png (49.19 KB,1132x676,283:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 84e9c9f01125c5d⋯.png (58.91 KB,1132x442,566:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 3040790832b39e6⋯.png (46.89 KB,1136x472,142:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566245 (231537ZMAR23) Notable: QResearch trend

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29e3f6 No.27665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566256 (231540ZMAR23) Notable: QResearch trend

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March 25, 2018 was about when ROSEANNE expressed positive interest in Q.

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29e3f6 No.27666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566295 (231548ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms"


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29e3f6 No.27667

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566298 (231549ZMAR23) Notable: Off-duty pilot flying as passenger takes over plane after captain becomes incapacitated mid flight

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Off-duty pilot flying as passenger takes over plane after captain becomes incapacitated mid flight

An off-duty pilot travelling as a passenger stepped in to provide assistance after the airline captain suffered a mid-air medical emergency.

The Southwest Airlines flight 6013 from Las Vegas to Columbus in Ohio on Wednesday returned to the departing city two hours after takeoff when one of the pilots became incapacitated and required “medical attention”.

A pilot from a different airline who was on the flight reportedly provided assistance with radio communication while the other Southwest pilot took control of the aircraft.

The aircraft flew over Utah north of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument before eventually returning to Las Vegas.

“The flight landed safely, and an alternate flight crew is operating the flight to CMH (Columbus),” Southwest said in a statement.

“We commend the crew for their professionalism and appreciate our customers’ patience and understanding regarding the situation.”

The FAA on Wednesday issued safety alerts to airlines, pilots and others about the “need for continued vigilance and attention to mitigation of safety risks” after a series of high-profile near collisions.

“While the overall numbers do not reflect an increase in incidents and occurrences, the potential severity of these events is concerning,” the FAA said.

The agency convened a safety summit last week following six serious runway incursions that have taken place since January.

“Operators should evaluate information collected through their safety management processes, identify hazards, increase and improve safety communications with employees and enact mitigations,” the alert said.

The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating a series of serious close calls, including a near collision in February between FedEx and Southwest Airlines planes in Austin, Texas, where the jets came within 100ft of each other, and a runway incursion at New York’s John F Kennedy Airport involving an American Airlines aircraft.

According to reports, a Southwest Airlines jet came within feet of slamming into an ambulance crossing the runway as it took off at Baltimore’s airport in yet another incident.

The Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) vehicle crossed Runway 15R at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport without authorisation, DC News Now reported on Tuesday.

The Southwest Boeing 737 aircraft was cleared for takeoff from the same runway and missed the ambulance by “less than half the length of a football field”.

“The closest estimated horizontal separation occurred at a distance of 173 feet,” the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said in its analysis.


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29e3f6 No.27668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566315 (231553ZMAR23) Notable: Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest, Republicans interfered/pussies all

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Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest, Republicans interfered

By Karen Freifeld and Luc Cohen

NEW YORK (Reuters) -New York City prosecutors on Thursday said Donald Trump created a false expectation of his arrest and led fellow Republicans in Congress to interfere with a probe of his hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

On Saturday, the former president forecast he would be arrested on Tuesday in the probe by the Manhattan District Attorney's office.

On Monday, three Republican committee chairmen in the U.S. House of Representatives from went on the offensive against District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a Democrat, accusing him of abusing prosecutorial authority.

As of Wednesday, a grand jury hearing evidence in the Stormy Daniels case had yet to issue an indictment, and on Thursday Bragg's office sent the committee chairmen a letter seen by Reuters.

The letter said the chairmen's accusations "only came after Donald Trump created a false expectation that he would be arrested the next day and his lawyers reportedly urged you to intervene."

It confirmed that Bragg's office was "investigating allegations that Donald Trump engaged in violations of New York State penal law."

If indicted, Trump would be the first U.S. president to face criminal charges in a court. He served as president from 2017-2021 and has mounted a third campaign for the White House while facing legal woes on several fronts.

The grand jury, made up of U.S. citizens residing in Manhattan, convened in January. A former fixer for Trump said he made the payment to Daniels days before the 2016 presidential election at Trump's direction.

Daniels, a well-known adult film actress and director whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has said she received the money in exchange for keeping silent about a sexual encounter she had with Trump in 2006.

Trump has denied he ever had an affair with Daniels, maintained his innocence and said the investigation was politically motivated.

The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

Trump also faces federal investigations stemming from his handling of government documents after leaving the White House and his attempts to overturn his 2020 election defeat, as well as a state-level probe in Georgia into whether he unlawfully sought to reverse the 2020 election results in that state.



Apr 04, 2018 3:52:00 PM EDT

It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is NOT UNDER criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


Massive intel sweep.

Manafort was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Who was arrested?

Non US.

Trace background.

Open source.

Carter Page was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

Flynn is safe.

Define 'witness'.

Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

Russia Russia Russia?

Real or fake?



Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?

MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'

No investigation into WL receipt of information?

No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?

No pull down of NSA metadata period?

Nothing transferred across web?

Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?

No 'direct' investigation into CS?

FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?

HUSSEIN block?

HUSSEIN control?


Awan attached?


Cheatin' Obama.

Trust the plan.



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29e3f6 No.27669

File: 02d515ce6c92866⋯.png (297.46 KB,598x580,299:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566322 (231555ZMAR23) Notable: Giant 3D-Printed Rocket Fails To Reach Orbit

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Giant 3D-Printed Rocket Fails To Reach Orbit


Ayy Lmao

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29e3f6 No.27670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566330 (231556ZMAR23) Notable: UBS is reportedly engaged in meetings right now, SEEKING TO TERMINATE ITS DEAL TO ACQUIRE CREDIT SUISSE!

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UBS set for talks with Michael Klein to terminate Credit Suisse investment bank deal - FT


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29e3f6 No.27671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566353 (231601ZMAR23) Notable: SEC Charges Eight Celebrities due to undisclosed TRX, Tron paid advertising

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SEC Charges Eight Celebrities due to undisclosed TRX, Tron paid advertising


The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed charges against Justin Sun, the founder of cryptocurrency Tron, and eight celebrity backers of the project, including Lindsay Lohan, Jake Paul, and Soulja Boy. Sun is accused of manipulating the trading of Tronix and BitTorrent tokens, creating the appearance of active trading when it did not exist, and of inducing investors to purchase the tokens by orchestrating a promotional campaign in which he and his celebrity promoters hid the fact that they were paid to tweet. All except for Soulja Boy and musician Austin Mahone agreed to pay a collective $400,000 to settle the charges.

The full list of celebrities are:

* actress Lindsay Lohan

social-media personality Jake Paul

musician DeAndre Cortez Way, also known as Soulja Boy

musician Austin Mahone

adult actress Michele Mason, known as Kendra Lust

musician Miles Parks McCollum, known as Lil Yachty

musician Shaffer Smith, also known as Ne-Yo

musician Aliaune Thiam, also known as Akon


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29e3f6 No.27672

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566383 (231605ZMAR23) Notable: Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Court Case Result Is Best Victory For Election Integrity Since 2020.

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Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Court Case Result Is Best Victory For Election Integrity Since 2020.

Hobbs rejected 130,000 ballots on signature. And probably Hobbs processed a lot more fake signatures for herself. Remember all the people reporting their ballots were rejected due to signature that voted for Kari.

Kari is off less than 17,000 votes

Hamedeh is off by only 300 votes

They will find a lot more. AZ Mafia is mad. Signature verification is big deal


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29e3f6 No.27673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566410 (231613ZMAR23) Notable: Subcommittee Hearing on ATF forced to recess for five minutes due to radical-left people disrupting the process.

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Subcommittee Hearing on ATF forced to recess for five minutes due to radical-left people disrupting the process. Apparently the Capitol Police are being slow to remove them.

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29e3f6 No.27674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566418 (231615ZMAR23) Notable: Subcommittee Hearing on ATF forced to recess for five minutes due to radical-left people disrupting the process.

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Joint Subcommittee Hearing


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29e3f6 No.27675

File: 1daf855af3be6e2⋯.webp (18.67 KB,485x330,97:66,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566419 (231616ZMAR23) Notable: Bragg Lashes Out at House Republicans, Blames Trump For Arrest Rumors as His Case Falters

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DEVELOPING:Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Lashes Out at House Republicans, Blames Trump For Arrest Rumors as His Case Falters

by Cristina Laila Mar. 23, 2023 10:59 am0 Comments

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg lashed out at House Republicans and blamed Trump for starting rumors about his imminent arrest.

President Trump earlier this week said he would be arrested on Tuesday in a pair of Truth Social posts.

Trump said he would be arrested on Tuesday and called for protests.


House Republicans immediately launched an investigation into DA Alvin Bragg, accusing him of abusing his power.

Trump has been accused of paying Daniels ‘hush payments’ through his then-attorney Michael Cohen in a scheme to silence her and stop the story about their alleged affair from being published in the National Enquirer.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg elevated the Stormy ‘hush payment’ case from a misdemeanor to a felony earlier this year in a effort to ‘get Trump.’

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and House Administration Committee Chair Bryan Steil on Monday sent Bragg a letter demanding testimony and documents related to his investigation into the ‘hush payment’ after Trump said his arrest was imminent.

Alvin Bragg hit back at House Republicans andblamed Trump for the arrest rumorsas his case falters.

The Manhattan grand jury was told to stay home on Wednesday and their session was abruptly canceled on Thursday after ‘surprise’ witness Robert Costello testified on Monday.

Your letter … is an unprecedent inquiry into a pending local prosecution. The letter only came after Donald Trump created a false expectation that he would be arrested the next day and his lawyers reportedly urged you to intervene,” District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office wrote in the letter House Republicans Jordan, Comer and Steil.

Bragg, who is trying to prosecute a federal matter out of the state of New York, had=the gall to claim the House GOP probe is an overreach into local matters.

The letter’s requests are an unlawful incursion into New York’s sovereignty,” Bragg’s office said.


Cool strategy by Trump, Braggs freakin out. Trump pre-empted the headlines

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29e3f6 No.27676

File: 843435dcec60c35⋯.png (474.8 KB,1207x525,1207:525,Clipboard.png)

File: d55c98f78267a54⋯.png (626.69 KB,1280x570,128:57,Clipboard.png)

File: a224bf9c43d9169⋯.png (1017.02 KB,1330x970,133:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bcb43fc930cb02⋯.png (51.24 KB,868x358,434:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 1612eb29809b4ea⋯.gif (127.15 KB,1325x711,1325:711,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566424 (231617ZMAR23) Notable: Remote control animals, they use them to speak through and to watch (you), same goes for humans now.

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Remote control animals, they use them to speak through and to watch (you), same goes for humans now.

Animal spies.

Wish I was joking….

















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29e3f6 No.27677

File: 89255e5f601d64d⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1640x1810,164:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566432 (231619ZMAR23) Notable: Bragg Lashes Out at House Republicans, Blames Trump For Arrest Rumors as His Case Falters

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Breaking: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Gets Accused Of Concealing Crucial Evidence And Could Face Charges Himself


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29e3f6 No.27678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566448 (231627ZMAR23) Notable: Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School” – New Mexico Attorney In Training Session to Teachers(VIDEO)

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Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School” – New Mexico Attorney In Training Session to Teachers(VIDEO)

by Joe Hoft Mar. 23, 2023 9:30 am

New Mexico officialclaims parents of public-school children have no parental rights.

In a shocking undercover video released Tuesday, New Mexicans learned why attempts to get education officials to listen to concerns about critical race theory, transgender indoctrination, masking children, and school lockdowns have been such an uphill battle: New Mexico state officials have trained teachers and school boards that parents have no rights when it comes to their kids.

“Parental rights end when you decide to send your kids to public school,” claimed attorney, Andrew Sanchez (below), who conducted a recent training session for New Mexico teachers and school board members in Bernalillo County.

In his shocking diatribe, Sanchez also attacked religious freedom and the founding fathers and mocked parents. He claimed that the radical ideologytaught in schools is “simply civic and patriotic values common to all Americans of equity, justice, and equal treatments. You’re supposed to be making Americans who at some point, later on, can decide what political affiliation they want.”

Sanchez then went on to imply that the ultimate reason schools must replace values children might be learning at home isthey want them to vote appropriately when it comes time:

What you teach this generation that will soon be voting are going to be instrumental to the future of us as a democracy and as society goes forward.

It’s no wonder that New Mexico public education is ranked dead last in the nation. Watch the entire undercover video:



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29e3f6 No.27679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566471 (231633ZMAR23) Notable: Giant 3D-Printed Rocket Fails To Reach Orbit

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Alas, No Cigar: 3D-Printed US Rocket Lifts Off But Fails to Reach Orbit

Alas, No Cigar: 3D-Printed US Rocket Lifts Off But Fails to Reach Orbit

The company has announced that some 85 percent of the rocket, including the engines, were 3D-printed metal parts. Relativity Space also suggested that larger versions of this rocket are going to be reusable and will be featuring an even greater share of 3D-printed parts.


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29e3f6 No.27680

File: f0ffcf79021126f⋯.jpeg (218.07 KB,1610x731,1610:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: baf7d17b4eaa170⋯.jpeg (106.22 KB,1155x993,385:331,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566482 (231637ZMAR23) Notable: PF Report (Update From Last Night) Civil Air Patrol Activity - DFW/Denton Area

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PF Report (Update From Last Night)

Civil Air Patrol Activity - DFW/Denton Area

They are back up this morning, doing what looks like low level searches around the western side of the Dallas metro area. Texas Wing Civil Air Patrol website calendar shows no flight training activity scheduled for today. Still looking for news out of Dallas area for a plane crash or missing person(s).

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29e3f6 No.27681

File: cf0caf78a4f79b4⋯.png (50.56 KB,741x488,741:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566521 (231648ZMAR23) Notable: Stage_5:5[y] Delta today Start

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3 year Delta

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29e3f6 No.27682

File: cfd2706962f0a28⋯.jpeg (45.12 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566530 (231649ZMAR23) Notable: Pentagon begins redeployment to deter Russia and China

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23 Mar, 2023 14:39

Pentagon begins redeployment to deter Russia and China – WSJ

The US Defense Department will move newer attack aircraft to Europe and the Pacific, the newspaper reports

TheUS will send decades-old A-10 attack planesto the Middle East, replacing more advanced aircraft currently stationed in the region, which it instead intends to deploy in Europe and the Pacific, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

The redeployment, which is expected in April, will mean that the US will reserve more sophisticated aircraft to counter perceived threats from Russia and China. The older A-10 planes are considered by the Pentagon as sufficient to protect US interests in the Middle East.

“The imperative is to get the most suitable aircraft to the Pacific for the higher threat challenges,” the WSJ quoted retired US Air Force major general Larry Stutzriem as saying. The US and some of its allies have expressed concern at possible Chinese military expansionism in the Pacific region.

Washington views China as its “pacing threat,”per National Defense Review documents released by the Pentagon last year – effectively meaning that the US sees the Asian nation as a rival to its “interests and values,”according to US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Russia was described in the same document as an “acute threat.” US and Russian jet fighter aircraft regularly fly over Syria – with the Wall Street Journal citing US officials calling the Russian units “increasingly aggressive.”

The redeployment scheme is part of a larger US plan to retain a small but significant presence of naval andground forces in the Middle East, despite its military withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. American troops have maintained links with some Iraqi and Syrian partners in the region as it fends off challenges from Islamic State militants – killing around 700 last year alone, according to US military data.

A-10 attack planes, which are some40 years old, are not considered to be sufficientto deal with China’s advanced military technology, but retain utility against ground forces or militia groups in the Middle East, the Wall Street Journal reported.


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29e3f6 No.27683

File: ac47b29b83b2bda⋯.png (155.28 KB,1845x897,615:299,Clipboard.png)

File: a67c342ba84eb3a⋯.png (206.34 KB,1872x910,72:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 37591818d4676dd⋯.png (324.22 KB,1872x910,72:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566536 (231651ZMAR23) Notable: Advanced search in USAspending.gov database using 'Covid' as search term and Department of State as the agency…

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>>27614 (PB) Sen Rand Paul: The American people need to know what the State Department is funding. (PB)

Here ya go. Advanced search in USAspending.gov database using 'Covid' as search term and Department of State as the agency…

Big bucks. In the 'other' category, biggest let is >$45 Million dollars to UNICEF for pandemic response. SMDH


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29e3f6 No.27684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566575 (231658ZMAR23) Notable: #22772

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#22772 >>27639

>>27640 Follow the Money: The CCP's Business Model

>>27641, >>27642, >>27666 TikTok: How Congress Can Safeguard American Data Privacy and Protect Children from Online Harms

>>27643 Julie Kelly w/CAP: …For 2nd time this month, Judge Kelly has suspended the jury trial amid evidence of FBI misconduct.


>>27645 Trudeau Government Still Advertising on China’s Tik Tok Despite Ban

>>27646 Nordic country targets Telegram over ‘Russian origins’

>>27647 Saudi Arabia and Iran— Sunni & Shiite Muslim— are sworn enemies, yet China just brokered a peace deal between them.

>>27648 Dutch Officials Ordered to Delete all Iranian, Russian and Chinese Phone Apps

>>27649 TikTok Under Review: How To Protect Our Privacy & Children From The Chinese Communist Party

>>27650 Disney World Florida to host world's largest LGBT+ conference

>>27651 Q CELLS’ announcement to expand solar manufacturing in Georgia

>>27652 NSA tracks bitcoin btw

>>27653 Waco Rally gonna be on fire

>>27654 It turns out, based on newly released FOIA documents from the CDC, that our government knew about and even anticipated massive reports of injuries from these shots from day one

>>27655, >>27656 Houston we’ve got a real problem with the Senate, How much are they being paid to continue unlimited wars?

>>27659 Moderna wants taxpayers on the hook for patent infringements

>>27660, >>27658, >>27661 Block shares plunge 19% after short seller Hindenburg says Jack Dorsey’s company facilitates fraud

>>27662, >>27681 Stage_5:5[y] Delta today Start

>>27663, >>27670 UBS is reportedly engaged in meetings right now, SEEKING TO TERMINATE ITS DEAL TO ACQUIRE CREDIT SUISSE!

>>27664, >>27665 QResearch trend

>>27667 Off-duty pilot flying as passenger takes over plane after captain becomes incapacitated mid flight

>>27668 Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest, Republicans interfered/pussies all

>>27669, >>27679 Giant 3D-Printed Rocket Fails To Reach Orbit

>>27671 SEC Charges Eight Celebrities due to undisclosed TRX, Tron paid advertising

>>27672 Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Court Case Result Is Best Victory For Election Integrity Since 2020.

>>27674, >>27673 Subcommittee Hearing on ATF forced to recess for five minutes due to radical-left people disrupting the process.

>>27675, >>27677 Bragg Lashes Out at House Republicans, Blames Trump For Arrest Rumors as His Case Falters

>>27676 Remote control animals, they use them to speak through and to watch (you), same goes for humans now.

>>27678 Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School” – New Mexico Attorney In Training Session to Teachers(VIDEO)

>>27680 PF Report (Update From Last Night) Civil Air Patrol Activity - DFW/Denton Area

>>27682 Pentagon begins redeployment to deter Russia and China

>>27683 Advanced search in USAspending.gov database using 'Covid' as search term and Department of State as the agency…


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29e3f6 No.27685

File: dadcd49ea21dd3e⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,2048x1008,128:63,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 77f797cde4594e0⋯.jpeg (90.97 KB,882x441,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7584197ae04f65d⋯.jpg (476.52 KB,1223x793,1223:793,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb8f73b3e69ae15⋯.jpg (121.46 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 378df525aefcd19⋯.jpeg (180.68 KB,828x1080,23:30,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566607 (231701ZMAR23) Notable: #22773

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Baker needs handoff, will ride 6 for a bit

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29e3f6 No.27686

File: fe7728a2b2de6d3⋯.png (375.19 KB,550x667,550:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566616 (231705ZMAR23) Notable: #QDeltas on the board

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TY Baker

Some interesting 4 year delta's today

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566656 (231710ZMAR23) Notable: BLUR IMAGE CODE During Image attacks. Insert into Options.Theme.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>27685 TYB!


For Globals, considering the attacks

.post&#45;image {
opacity: .5; /&#42; Can be between .01 &#45; 1 &#42;/
filter: blur(3px); /&#42; Can be between 0 &#45; 10+ &#42;/
transition: all 233ms;
.post&#45;image:hover {
opacity: 1; /&#42; Can be between .01 &#45; 1 &#42;/
filter: blur(1.5px); /&#42; Can be between 0 &#45; 10+ &#42;/
transition: all 89ms;
.thread&#45;image {
opacity: .5; /&#42; Can be between .01 &#45; 1 &#42;/
filter: blur(3px); /&#42; Can be between 0 &#45; 10+ &#42;/
transition: all 233ms;
.thread&#45;image:hover {
opacity: 1; /&#42; Can be between .01 &#45; 1 &#42;/
filter: blur(1.5px); /&#42; Can be between 0 &#45; 10+ &#42;/
transition: all 89ms;

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29e3f6 No.27688

File: 0ac933459a0f68c⋯.png (962.34 KB,752x1556,188:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566666 (231711ZMAR23) Notable: D' Ebil quints chek't

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29e3f6 No.27689

File: 147a3218c77776d⋯.png (56.95 KB,939x585,313:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566692 (231713ZMAR23) Notable: #QDeltas on the board

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4 year Delta

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29e3f6 No.27690

File: 8ee7fb2603c40b1⋯.png (33.5 KB,670x510,67:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566730 (231718ZMAR23) Notable: #QDeltas on the board

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5 year Delta

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29e3f6 No.27691

File: 63e2f182f5a44b1⋯.jpeg (183.75 KB,1172x900,293:225,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566735 (231719ZMAR23) Notable: NEW HRC MEME TEMPLATE JUST DROPPED!

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It’s called “Professor Hillary”.

What is she teaching today?

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29e3f6 No.27692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566769 (231725ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: Protests continue in Paris after Macron doubles down on pensions

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LIVE: Protests continue in Paris after Macron doubles down on pensions

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29e3f6 No.27693

File: dbe216862e5120c⋯.png (566.17 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566870 (231743ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: Protests continue in Paris after Macron doubles down on pensions

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France rocked by nationwide strikes over pension reform

Protests over the government plan to raise the minimum retirement age to 64 from 62 show no sign of receding

French unions staged more strikes on Thursday to protest against an increase in the retirement age that was pushed through parliament without a vote.

According to media reports, transport networks, oil refineries and schools were all hit by widespread disruption. Demonstrators blocked access to an airport terminal, sat on train tracks, and clashed with police across the country.

In central Paris, police reportedly used tear gas after protesters threw projectiles and set bins ablaze. Tear gas was also fired at protesters in several other cities, including Nantes and Bordeaux. In Rennes, police officers used water cannons.

“There is a lot of anger, an explosive situation,” the leader of the CGT union, Philippe Martinez, was quoted as saying by Reuters.

Meanwhile, Minister for Energy Transition Agnes Pannier-Runacher stated that the government would intervene “in a targeted manner to unblock oil storage tanks that are blocked by demonstrators.”

“If the strike is a fundamental constitutional right, blockading is not one… The police are mobilized in difficult conditions and have my full support,” she said.

While protests have been ongoing for two months since the government unveiled the pension proposal in January, Thursday marked the first day of coordinated action. It followed Macron breaking weeks of silence on the new policy to say he would not back down and the law would come into force by the end of the year.

Macron and his government have defended the retirement reform as necessary to keep the pension system funded, claiming it would otherwise eventually go bankrupt.


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29e3f6 No.27694

File: 142d46851854219⋯.png (52.7 KB,589x381,589:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566891 (231746ZMAR23) Notable: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Case is Faltering

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DEVELOPING: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Lashes Out at House Republicans, Blames Trump For Arrest Rumors as His Case Falters

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg lashed out at House Republicans and blamed Trump for starting rumors about his imminent arrest.

President Trump earlier this week said he would be arrested on Tuesday in a pair of Truth Social posts.

Trump said he would be arrested on Tuesday and called for protests.


House Republicans immediately launched an investigation into DA Alvin Bragg, accusing him of abusing his power.

Trump has been accused of paying Daniels ‘hush payments’ through his then-attorney Michael Cohen in a scheme to silence her and stop the story about their alleged affair from being published in the National Enquirer.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg elevated the Stormy ‘hush payment’ case from a misdemeanor to a felony earlier this year in a effort to ‘get Trump.’

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and House Administration Committee Chair Bryan Steil on Monday sent Bragg a letter demanding testimony and documents related to his investigation into the ‘hush payment’ after Trump said his arrest was imminent.

Alvin Bragg hit back at House Republicans and blamed Trump for the arrest rumors as his case falters.

The Manhattan grand jury was told to stay home on Wednesday and their session was abruptly canceled on Thursday after ‘surprise’ witness Robert Costello testified on Monday.

“Your letter … is an unprecedent inquiry into a pending local prosecution. The letter only came after Donald Trump created a false expectation that he would be arrested the next day and his lawyers reportedly urged you to intervene,” District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office wrote in the letter House Republicans Jordan, Comer and Steil.

Bragg, who is trying to prosecute a federal matter out of the state of New York, had the gall to claim the House GOP probe is an overreach into local matters.

“The letter’s requests are an unlawful incursion into New York’s sovereignty,” Bragg’s office said.


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29e3f6 No.27695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566903 (231749ZMAR23) Notable: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Case is Faltering

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Thursday NYC Trump Grand Jury Session Abruptly Canceled

The New York City grand Jury investigating alleged 2016 indirect hush money payments by President Trump had their second session in a row canceled on Thursday. The investigation by Soros backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has apparently been thrown into chaos following the bombshell testimony of former federal prosecutor Robert Costello to the grand jury on Monday that undercut Bragg and star witness Michael Cohen.


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29e3f6 No.27696

File: 319a16ff12314bf⋯.png (97.87 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 19e47eb42873ea8⋯.png (112.46 KB,853x861,853:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566937 (231756ZMAR23) Notable: Swiss Defend $17BN AT1 Bond Wipeout In Credit Suisse Deal

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Swiss Defend $17BN AT1 Bond Wipeout In Credit Suisse Deal As Furious Creditors Including David Tepper Vow To Sue Switzerland

Amid the justifiably shocked outcry from Credit Suisse junior debtors, who saw their entire AT1 debt tranche wiped out before the equity was fully impaired, violating every conventional liquidation waterfall, on Thursday Swiss financial regulator Finma has defended its decision to wipe out a huge swath of risky subordinated bonds as part of the Credit Suisse rescue deal even as an army of bondholders is preparing to sue the Swiss government.

Sunday's shocking bail-in, which rendered $17BN of investments worthless, has become one of the most controversial elements of the shotgun marriage between Credit Suisse and its larger rival, UBS, brokered by Swiss authorities. Just hours after the deal was announced, other large market regulators began to distance themselves from the decision, fearful that it would endanger banks’ ability to raise capital in the future.

Meanwhile, enraged bondholders have pledged to sue the Swiss government and Finma over the matter the FT reported.

In its first statement on the deal since the weekend, Finma said on Thursday that all the contractual and legal obligations had been met for it to act unilaterally given the urgency of the situation.

“On Sunday, a solution was found to protect clients, the financial centre and the markets,” said Finma’s chief executive Urban Angehrn. “In this context, it is important that Credit Suisse’s banking business continues to function smoothly and without interruption.”

Speaking to the press on Thursday, Swiss National Bank chair Thomas Jordan argued that the purchase by UBS had been the only option for Credit Suisse, saying that a takeover of the bank by the government and stabilization of it in a process known as resolution would have risked a systemic crisis.

“Resolution in theory is possible under normal circumstances, but we were in an extremely fragile environment with enormous nervousness in financial markets in general,” said Jordan. “Resolution in those circumstances would have triggered a bigger financial crisis, not just in Switzerland but globally.”

“[It] would not have worked to stabilize the situation but, on the contrary, created enormous uncertainty . . . It was clear that we should avoid it if there was any other possibility.”


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29e3f6 No.27697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566942 (231757ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok CEO Testifies Before Congress; China Opposes Forced Sale

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TikTok CEO Testifies Before Congress; China Opposes Forced Sale

As TikTok mulls a demand from the Biden administration that the video-app divest itself from Beijing-based parent ByteDance (a move strongly opposed by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce), CEO Shou Chew is preparing to testify before Congress for the first time on Thursday, where US lawmakers will grill him over how the app handles sensitive US user data, as well as the risks it may pose to teens and children.

The hearing will commence at 10 a.m. before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

TikTok - one of China's first global internet success stories which has 150 million users, has become a battleground in a technical cold war of sorts between Washington and Beijing - as the US has repeatedly demanded that it be blocked from various platforms out of security concerns. (Of course, some Congressional Democrats are having closed-door debates over whether the ban would be a 'slap in the face' to young Democratic voters).


In order to keep operating in the US under ByteDance's ownership, TikTok has sought approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or CFIUS, for a plan called Project Texas - which would prevent the Chinese government from accessing US user data or manipulating content recommendations. Oversight would be provided by government-approved officials and third-party auditors.

Both ByteDance and US officials struck a preliminary agreement last year which stipulated that TikTok data on US users would be hosted by Oracle Corp. TikTok, meanwhile, said it will delete the private data of US users from its own data centers in Virginia and Singapore as it transitions to fully store data with Oracle. The company has also said that access to US data by anyone outside of a newly established division to govern US data security would be limited by, and subject to, its protocols - which would be overseen by Oracle.

Last week, news emerged that the Biden administration wants ByteDance to sell the app or face a possible ban - a move which China said on Thursday that it would "firmly oppose," according to a commerce ministry spokeswoman, who added that it would "seriously undermine the confidence of investors from various countries, including China, to invest in the United States."

More than two dozen US states, various colleges, and Congress, have announced bans on TikTok in recent months, with the Biden administration recently backing a bipartisan Senate bill that would give the US government more power to deal with TikTok - which would include a potential ban. Scrutiny of the app includes a lawsuit from the state of Indiana, a ban in South Dakota, calls to ban TikTok 'everywhere,' and a major snag in negotiations with the Biden administration over national security concerns.

"TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, is required by Chinese law to make the app’s data available to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)," read a December statement from Sen. Marco Rubio's office. "From the FBI Director to FCC Commissioners to cybersecurity experts, everyone has made clear the risk of TikTok being used to spy on Americans. "

Rubio - who introduced the Averting the National Threat of Internet Surveillance, Oppressive Censorship and Influence, and Algorithmic Learning by the Chinese Communist Party Act (ANTI-SOCIAL CCP Act) - was joined by Reps. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), who introduced companion legislation in the US House of Representatives.

"TikTok is digital fentanyl that’s addicting Americans, collecting troves of their data, and censoring their news," said Gallagher. "It’s also an increasingly powerful media company that’s owned by ByteDance, which ultimately reports to the Chinese Communist Party – America’s foremost adversary."


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29e3f6 No.27698

File: 0ea287e483f1552⋯.png (510.6 KB,1170x1728,65:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566944 (231757ZMAR23) Notable: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Case is Faltering

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Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

1:54 PM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566962 (231801ZMAR23) Notable: Homosexuals Sue Christian Activist for Criticizing Test Tube Baby Trafficking

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Homosexuals Sue Christian Activist for Criticizing Test Tube Baby Trafficking

Two gay men are suing Lauren Witzke for daring to criticize disturbing footage they posted online.

A pair of homosexuals are suing Christian activist Lauren Witzke after she took to Twitter to criticize the depravity of disturbing footage they posted online after a female surrogate gave birth to two premature test tube babies on their behalf.

Eric Vaughn and Tony Trainor, two “husbands” from Houston, Texas, are suing Christian activist, Stew Peters Network host, and 2020 Delaware US Senate candidate Lauren Witzke for defamation after she criticized video footage the men posted online, on one of Vaughn’s “influencer” channels. In the footage, Eric Vaughn, a gay social media “influencer” who sports feminine hair and a beard is seen imitating the skin-to-skin bonding that takes place between a mother and her newborn child and centers around the female biological ability to breastfeed.

Witzke pointed out the disturbing nature of seeing a grown man with feminine hair and a beard wearing women’s leggings and mimicking the behavior of a mother and her newborn and likened the gay adoption and surrogacy industry to a form of pedophilic trafficking. Her original tweet is no longer available, having been censored by the platform, prompting a 12-hour suspension for Witzke.

The criticism of the publicly-available video footage, portions of which are viewable in the Fox 26 news segment below, was apparently too much for Trainor and Vaughn to handle, and they’ve filed a lawsuit against Witzke for defamation, claiming that her criticism amounts to an “attack” on their “family.” The lawsuit comes after Vaughn posted response videos online proclaiming his victimhood at the hands of Witzke’s tweets.

“This public figure posted this for the world to see for one reason: attention,” Witzke wrote in a Tweet responding to Vaughn’s response video. “Now he wants more. Imagine how the babies feel now that they have been ripped from the arms of a nurturing mother.”

In an interview with Fox 26, which is also viewable in the video below, Witzke stood her ground and refused to back down in the face of pro-LGBT media pressure.

“My tweet is a representation of my beliefs and I truly believe what I say,” Witzke told Fox 26. “I have a right, as a Christian, to my opinion.”

“They posted [the video] publicly on their social media. When you post your depravity, you’re gonna get reprimanded. Welcome to the internet.”


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29e3f6 No.27700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566968 (231802ZMAR23) Notable: Swamp Schedule Bun

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Swamp Schedule

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29e3f6 No.27701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566983 (231805ZMAR23) Notable: Overtime: Sen. Bernie Sanders, Russell Brand, John Heilemann | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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Overtime: Sen. Bernie Sanders, Russell Brand, John Heilemann | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

"Daylight saving time (DST)?"


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29e3f6 No.27702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566995 (231807ZMAR23) Notable: ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?

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ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?


*Recess atm

Room 2154 = 45 12?

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29e3f6 No.27703

File: 7e2b113779bb437⋯.png (193.05 KB,655x652,655:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18566997 (231807ZMAR23) Notable: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Case is Faltering

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Hostile Subject: Alvin Bragg Formally Refuses to Cooperate with Congressional Investigation

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg formally refused to cooperate with the House Republicans’ congressional investigation into “unprecedented abuse” of authority against former President Donald Trump upon the expectation the former president would be arrested this week in connection with Bragg’s investigation, Breitbart News learned Thursday.

Bragg denied providing testimony and documenters to top House Republican leadership due to “an unprecedent inquiry into a pending local prosecution,” he replied to Republicans.

On Monday, Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY), and Administration Committee chairman Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI) demanded Bragg comply with the committee’s request for documents and testimony in anticipation of the possible indictment.

The anticipation was generated after Trump announced Saturday that he expected to be arrested in the coming days based on “illegal leaks” from the Manhattan district attorney’s office, which is investigating Trump’s alleged role in hush money paid to Stormy Daniels.

“The Letter only came after Donald Trump created a false expectation that he would be arrested the next day and his lawyers reportedly urged you to intervene,” Bragg’s replied to Republicans. “Neither fact is a legitimate basis for congressional inquiry.”

“[T]he District Attorney is obliged by the federal and state constitutions to protect the independence of state law enforcement functions from federal interference,” he added.

Bragg’s response comes as Republicans have raised concerning questions about Bragg’s investigation.

“Was the Manhattan DA’s office in communication with DOJ about their investigation of President Trump?” Jordan asked. “Was the Manhattan DA’s office using federal funds to investigate President Trump?”

“I think we should hear Alvin Bragg testify before Congress, under oath, about his vision and the fact that this is wildly political and the fact that this was not pursued by federal courts and the fact that the Department of Justice passed on this,” House Republican conference chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) told Breitbart News on Monday.

Many legal experts believe Bragg’s potential case against Trump is shaky and may not hold up in court.

“The case is legally pathetic,” Jonathan Turley, the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, said. “It is extremely difficult to show that paying money to cover up an embarrassing affair was done for election purposes as opposed to an array of obvious other reasons, from protecting a celebrity’s reputation to preserving a marriage.”


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29e3f6 No.27704

File: f4fa0c91ac2b956⋯.png (23.56 KB,540x181,540:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567026 (231812ZMAR23) Notable: Disney World in Orlando to Host Conference on Gay and Transgender Rights in the Workplace

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Report: Disney World in Orlando to Host Conference on Gay and Transgender Rights in the Workplace

Walt Disney World in Orlando will reportedly host a conference on gay and transgender rights in the workplace, with thousands of people expected to attend the three-day summit in September.

Disney will play host to the annual Out & Equal Workplace Summit scheduled to take place September 12 to 14, according to a Miami Herald report. The conference will draw a large range of corporate executives, including HR professionals and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) administrators from companies across the country.

The conference boasts several corporate sponsors, including Apple, Amazon, Uber, Walmart, and even Cracker Barrel. Disney has reportedly committed to hosting next year’s conference as well. Last year’s summit took place in Las Vegas.

Out & Equal is an advocacy group whose stated mission is to promote workplace equality for LGBTQ+ individuals. The organization has publicly condemned President Donald Trump, saying in 2019 that he is “unfit to serve” and “should be removed from office.”

The group ignored the fact that Trump appointed the country’s first openly gay cabinet member — Richard Grenell, who served as acting Director of National Intelligence.

Disney continues to pursue a radical LGBTQ+ agenda despite negative business repercussions.

Last year, Disney vowed to prioritize radical gay and transgender activism after a small group of employees demanded the company take a stand against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education legislation, which prohibits the teaching of transgenderism and sexuality to kids in kindergarten through third grade.

Disney’s failed political attacks on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) resulted in the company losing its highly coveted self-governing status in the Orlando area — a valuable perk Disney had enjoyed for five decades.

For the year, Disney saw $123 billion of its market value evaporate as its stock dropped 44 percent amid profitability concerns, marking the once-invincible company’s worst year in more than four decades. Former CEO Bob Chapek was fired and replaced by a returning Bob Iger.


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29e3f6 No.27705

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567037 (231814ZMAR23) Notable: Levin: Americans Are Losing Faith In The Law Because Of The Democrat Party

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Levin: Americans Are Losing Faith In The Law Because Of The Democrat Party

Mark Levin: “The people are losing faith in the law because the Democrat Party, Democrat prosecutors in Manhattan, a Soros prosecutor wants them to lose faith in the law. Their whole goal is to destroy the civil society and the morality that undergirds it. That is the mission of the Democrat Party. How many times have they gone after this man, Donald Trump? What exactly has he done to deserve this?”

Mark Levin Show

3 days ago



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29e3f6 No.27706

File: 326a2ea7f00c869⋯.png (342.02 KB,483x907,483:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567052 (231817ZMAR23) Notable: South Carolina’s top accountant to resign after $3.5B error

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South Carolina’s top accountant to resign after $3.5B error

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Embattled South Carolina Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom will resign next month after a $3.5 billion accounting error in the year-end financial report he oversaw.

The state’s top accountant will leave the elected post he has held for 20 years on April 30, according to a copy of the resignation letter obtained by The Associated Press.

“I have never taken service to the state I love or the jobs to which I have been elected lightly, endeavoring to work with my colleagues, from constitutional officers to members of the General Assembly, to be a strong defender of the taxpayer and a good steward of their hard-earned tax dollars,” Eckstrom wrote in the March 23 letter to South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster. “They deserve nothing less.”

The blunder’s revelation last month brought mounting scrutiny. House lawmakers called for an impeachment inquiry. The Senate panel investigating the error issued a damning report last week that suggested Eckstrom resign or face removal “for willful neglect of duty.” As recently as last Wednesday, Eckstrom had said he would not quit.

Senators’ report rested responsibility for the mapping error — which grew during the state’s transition to a new internal information system from 2011 to 2017 — solely with Eckstrom. State officials testified that Eckstrom ignored auditors’ yearslong warnings of a “material weakness” in his office and flawed cash reporting.


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29e3f6 No.27707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567080 (231822ZMAR23) Notable: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Case is Faltering

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Trump calls for removal of every top official investigating him

President Trump on Thursday called for the removal of every law enforcement official currently leading investigations into him.

A busy morning on social media for Trump was capped with a post suggesting the leads of four different investigations into his conduct be removed from their post.

Trump’s comments follow significant advances in each investigation.

“District Attorney Bragg is a danger to our Country, and should be removed immediately, along with Radical Lunatic Bombthrower Jack Smith, who is harassing and intimidating innocent people at levels not seen before, ‘Get Trump’ Letitia James, the worst Attorney General in the United States, and Atlanta D.A. Fani Willis, who is trying to make PERFECT phone calls into a plot to destroy America, but reigns over the most violent Crime Scene in America, and does nothing about it!” Trump wrote in a post on his social media site.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) is set to meet Monday with a grand jury assembled to hear evidence in a case reviewing whether Trump broke the law in organizing and concealing a $130,000 hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

Trump last weekend predicted he would be arrested Tuesday in connection with the probe — a date that has come and gone as the grand jury continues their closed-door meetings.

Special counsel Jack Smith, who is overseeing an investigation into the mishandling of records at Mar-a-Lago as well as the effort to stop the transition of power after the 2020 election, also just scored a major court victory. An appeals court backed a lower court ruling ordering Trump’s attorney in the Mar-a-Lago probe, Evan Corcoran, to turn over documents and transcripts of calls to prosecutors.

The ruling pierces the attorney-client privilege between Corcoran and Trump, with the lower court judge determining the communications are not privileged since they may have occurred in furtherance of a crime.

New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) has brought a civil fraud suit against Trump. Efforts by Trump’s team to delay the case for six months do not appear likely to succeed.

Court documents filed earlier this month indicate that Judge Arthur Engoron, who is overseeing the case, told the parties during a recent proceeding that the trial would start as scheduled on Oct. 2 “come hell or high water.”


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29e3f6 No.27708

File: ca83aa5f58b057a⋯.png (444.77 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

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File: dacd5b6462ba013⋯.png (539.85 KB,672x760,84:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567099 (231824ZMAR23) Notable: Mounted police, water cannons disperse protesters in Tel Aviv, Haifa; dozens arrested

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Mounted police, water cannons disperse protesters in Tel Aviv, Haifa; dozens arrested

‘Day of Paralysis’ rallies rage nationwide against judicial overhaul; Ayalon Highway blocked for hours; in lead-up to controversial Bnei Brak rally, president urges restraint

Dozens of demonstrators were arrested Thursday as police used water cannons and mounted officers to disperse protesters in Tel Aviv and Haifa, amid rallies throughout the country on what was billed as a “national day of paralysis” against the government’s moves to radically weaken and politicize the judiciary.

Water cannons were deployed in two cities as police attempted to clear protesters who were blocking roads.

While the controversial crowd-control measure has been used previously during the protests against the judicial overhaul, it was the first time it was used in Haifa.

Mounted police and a water cannon were utilized to try to push protesters blocking the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv back up the off-ramp.

After more than two hours, police managed to largely clear the demonstrators, but after five minutes they returned to block the southbound lanes. Police were seen dragging protesters off the road. The northbound lanes remained open.

In addition, dozens of people were detained for alleged public disturbances at a number of locations including in Haifa, Tel Aviv and Ra’anana. A woman was arrested after she was filmed hitting Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter on the head with a flag. He was unhurt and continued walking to his car. It was not clear that the woman hit him intentionally.

A leader of the protest movement, Shikma Bressler, was detained and later released after demonstrating at a rally attended by hundreds of workers at the Rafael defense firm on Route 4 in the north of the country.


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29e3f6 No.27709

File: d037372616b2ba4⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,352x640,11:20,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567110 (231827ZMAR23) Notable: We got Fireball, Rusky style MP4

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Ruskies hit an Ukrainsky fuel storage in Novomoskovsk, quite a fireball


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29e3f6 No.27710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567129 (231830ZMAR23) Notable: ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?

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29e3f6 No.27711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567162 (231836ZMAR23) Notable: MP4 Kat Cammack Tears Into TikTok's CEO Over Violent Content And Data Security

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Kat Cammack Tears Into TikTok's CEO Over Violent Content And Data Security

At March 23rd House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing about TikTok's data security and other threats, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) tore into TikTok's CEO Shou Chew.



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29e3f6 No.27712

File: 2b25eafdc2f2776⋯.mp4 (14.44 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567172 (231838ZMAR23) Notable: MP4 Kat Cammack Tears Into TikTok's CEO Over Violent Content And Data Security

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567180 (231840ZMAR23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY WACO TRENDING

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27714

File: 014700029bbd493⋯.jpg (65.69 KB,641x427,641:427,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 784e9c76a126273⋯.jpg (22.96 KB,320x235,64:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567185 (231841ZMAR23) Notable: Anons Non Relevant Decode Bun, Seems relevant

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(34) posts

(zero) relevance

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29e3f6 No.27715

File: c715130f3462c77⋯.png (826.41 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567187 (231841ZMAR23) Notable: Anon #Qmapping Qmap Countdown @ 7

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29e3f6 No.27716

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567194 (231843ZMAR23) Notable: Anons Non Relevant Decode Bun, Seems relevant

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ok… just for [you]

>>>/qresearch/17904751, >>>/qresearch/17904786 "Our Father - Who Financed 9-11?" DECODE Vatican/Pope>C eye A>SA>OBL/UBL = 9-11 Drops #154, 306, 307 + 3565 Final Map

>>>/qresearch/17874860 Where does Soros fit in? Godfather III, Soros takes orders from P, Q Links to Popes tweet on Human Trafficking> Godfather III> It's Going to be Biblical Drops #94, 274, 416 and #3565

>>>/qresearch/17904677, >>>/qresearch/17904721 Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P), When [GS] calls, D's always answer, Do you think [GS] is spending his own money?, Who really controls the [D] party?, When [GS] calls who races to answer? Drops #189, 299, 3590, 3623, 3749 & #3869

>>>/qresearch/17904855 Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there. Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. Who are we taught to trust? If you are religious, PRAY. PRAY. PREY. Notice the similarity? Drop #586 & #587

>>>/qresearch/17904909 Q Threat to Clowns. Mess with the best, die like the rest. [2] highly classified clown ops exposed. [44] remaining. Wizards & Warlocks.Save the best for last. [P] Drop #714

>>>/qresearch/17908493 CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape. Learn. Drop #851

>>>/qresearch/17908521 The Nazi Order - Image of Catholic Priests and Nazi Officers saluting 'heil hitler'. Drops #935 and #936

>>>/qresearch/17908530 Pope will have a Terrible May. P = pope? [Pope] will be having a terrible May. Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT> Dark to LIGHT. TRUTH. Drop #997

>>>/qresearch/17908548 The "Chair" serves the Master. Who is the Master? P = C. Drop #998 and #999

>>>/qresearch/17913343 The BITE that has no CURE. Symbolism will be their downfall MONEY. POWER. INFLUENCE. The BITE that has no CURE - NSA. Image of Vatican Greeting Hall>Serpent symbolism. Drop #191 & #1002

>>>/qresearch/17923879 List the estimated wealth of religious organizations. Billions. Vatican bank. $229B. Board of Superintendence. Supervisory Commission of Cardinals. Clown connection. 1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See Drop #1021

>>>/qresearch/17924104 Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo Who named the Owl Image File? Did Q name the Owl Image file "Guardian_P"? In a drop about the "Guardians of the Pope" ? P = Payseur? Reconcile… Drop #1413 & #1970

>>>/qresearch/17924118 Sex Abuse in the Church Those you are taught to TRUST the most…. Dark to LIGHT. Drop #1763

>>>/qresearch/17924146 POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event Listen very carefully. TRUTH. Surrounded by EVIL. NEVER STOP PRAYING. WWG1WGA!!!!!! Drop #1831

>>>/qresearch/17924302 100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children House of GOD? Only the beginning. Those who you are taught to trust the most….Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world. Drop #1879

>>>/qresearch/17903264 Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism Man of God? See something. Say something. PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions. Drop #1916

>>>/qresearch/17926703 Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church Wealth? Power? Sanctuary against criminal prosecution? Recipe for ……. Drop #1950


>>>/qresearch/17926721 Nazi pin tag with communist symbol. Image Name: Pope-Francis.png Symbolism will be their downfall. Drop #1954

>>>/qresearch/17926725 Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan Drop #2152

>>>/qresearch/17926740 Australian [Cardinal George Pell] Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse. Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican. [ANIMALS] Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Child Sex Charges. Drops #2590, 2594 and #2894

>>>/qresearch/17924146, >>>/qresearch/17926779 Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark Secrets Catholic Charity Event > Symbolism will be their downfall. YT LINK: https://youtu.be/JOUFsCS7xYE Drop #2918

>>>/qresearch/17926793 Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1156165039545606144 Godfather III It's going to be BIBLICAL. Drop #3565

>>>/qresearch/17926797 Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation Allegations Dark > Light. Those you are taught to trust most…. Drop #3709

>>>/qresearch/17926804 CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations Logical thinking. CIA coming back into the news [soon]? Drop #4303

>>>/qresearch/17926807 We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice vs. the ancien régime(the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church) Drop #4408

>>>/qresearch/17926826 Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics When does a Church become a playground? a business? political? corrupt? willfully blind? controlled? Drop #4799

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27717

File: ca56bf751911f67⋯.png (326.79 KB,610x679,610:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567222 (231848ZMAR23) Notable: ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?

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29e3f6 No.27718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567231 (231850ZMAR23) Notable: Swamp Schedule Bun

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3:00 PM EDT

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Impacts to the Department of Defense and the Armed Services

House Armed Services Committee



The Honorable Gilbert R. Cisneros Jr.

Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

Department of Defense


The Honorable Agnes Schaefer

Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

Department of the Army


The Honorable Franklin R. Parker

Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

Department of the Navy


The Honorable Alex Wagner

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

Department of the Air Force







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29e3f6 No.27719

File: a0949e82f061f46⋯.png (127.26 KB,744x912,31:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567232 (231850ZMAR23) Notable: Former Puerto Rico Mayor Convicted of Accepting Bribes

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Former Puerto Rico Mayor Convicted of Accepting Bribes


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29e3f6 No.27720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567233 (231850ZMAR23) Notable: Swamp Schedule Bun

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3:00 PM EDT

Budget and Oversight Hearing – President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request and Economic Outlook

House Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Cecilia Rouse

Chair, Council of Economic Advisers


The Honorable Janet Yellen

Secretary, Department of the Treasury


The Honorable Shalanda Young

Director, Office of Management and Budge






Treasury Secretary Testifies on President Biden's 2024 Budget

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, White House Budget Director Shalanda Young, and White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Cecilia Rouse testify at a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on President Biden’s 2024 budget request.


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29e3f6 No.27721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567234 (231851ZMAR23) Notable: Swamp Schedule Bun

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3:00 PM EDT

Looking Ahead Series: Office of the Attending Physician

Committee on House Administration



Dr. Brian Monahan

Attending Physician





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29e3f6 No.27722

File: 4b424c29bb70b3c⋯.png (308.04 KB,808x842,404:421,Clipboard.png)

File: a9ebb1cb6c6d6b2⋯.png (99.17 KB,792x857,792:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567236 (231851ZMAR23) Notable: The World Economic Forum is now calling for millions of cats and dogs worldwide to be killed

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The World Economic Forum is now calling for millions of cats and dogs worldwide to be killed in an attempt to reduce the "carbon footprint" that they produce as a result of eating meat.

They wants to introduce an international policy that would require most pet owners to euthanize their animals and instead of dogs and cats, they recommend keeping turtles, snakes and reptiles. Emma Thompson even suggests that owners eat their pets!

Every time the elite thought they were smart, they destroyed dogs and cats, only for that "smartness" to return to them like a boomerang in the form of mice and rats, which spread the PLAGUE.

I wonder whether the elites will guard our house and hunt mice and rats? I doubt it.

Join Area 51 Exposed Q

Readers added context they thought people might want to know

This claim originated in December 2022 on NewsPunch- a site with a long history of posting false information.

No other news source has reported on it and none of the claims made are supported by evidence.






Context is written by people who use Twitter, and appears when rated helpful by others. Find out more.

9:30 AM · Mar 21, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567243 (231851ZMAR23) Notable: Swamp Schedule Bun

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3:30 PM EDT

Science, Technology, and Innovation at the Department of Defense

House Armed Services Committee



The Honorable Heidi Shyu

Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering

Department of Defense


The Honorable William LaPlante

Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment

Department of Defense








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29e3f6 No.27724

File: b81c92a01468cbd⋯.png (295.39 KB,603x405,67:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567263 (231856ZMAR23) Notable: BIDEN: “I like babies better than people.”

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POTUS: “I like babies better than people.”


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29e3f6 No.27725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567284 (231902ZMAR23) Notable: The Protocols of Zion Full Documentary

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The Protocols of Zion Full Documentary

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29e3f6 No.27726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567320 (231910ZMAR23) Notable: PDJT Asks For Donations But Has A Message For Those 'Who Do Not Have The Funds'

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PDJT Asks For Donations But Has A Message For Those 'Who Do Not Have The Funds'


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29e3f6 No.27727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567337 (231916ZMAR23) Notable: #22773

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>>27687 BLUR IMAGE CODE During Image attacks. Insert into Options.Theme. NEW

#22773 >>27685

>>27702, >>27710, >>27717 ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?

>>27694, >>27695, >>27698, >>27703, >>27707 Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Case is Faltering



>>27686 , >>27689, >>27690 #QDeltas on the board

>>27688 D' Ebil quints chek't


>>27692, >>27693 LIVE: Protests continue in Paris after Macron doubles down on pensions

>>27696 Swiss Defend $17BN AT1 Bond Wipeout In Credit Suisse Deal

>>27697 TikTok CEO Testifies Before Congress; China Opposes Forced Sale

>>27699 Homosexuals Sue Christian Activist for Criticizing Test Tube Baby Trafficking

>>27701 Overtime: Sen. Bernie Sanders, Russell Brand, John Heilemann | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

>>27704 Disney World in Orlando to Host Conference on Gay and Transgender Rights in the Workplace

>>27705 Levin: Americans Are Losing Faith In The Law Because Of The Democrat Party

>>27706 South Carolina’s top accountant to resign after $3.5B error

>>27708 Mounted police, water cannons disperse protesters in Tel Aviv, Haifa; dozens arrested

>>27709 We got Fireball, Rusky style MP4

>>27711, >>27712 MP4 Kat Cammack Tears Into TikTok's CEO Over Violent Content And Data Security

>>27715 Anon #Qmapping Qmap Countdown @ 7

>>27716 Anons Non Relevant Decode Bun, Seems relevant

>>27722 The World Economic Forum is now calling for millions of cats and dogs worldwide to be killed

>>27724 BIDEN: “I like babies better than people.”

>>27719 Former Puerto Rico Mayor Convicted of Accepting Bribes

>>27725 The Protocols of Zion Full Documentary

>>27700, >>27718, >>27720, >>27721, >>27723 Swamp Schedule Bun

>>27726 PDJT Asks For Donations But Has A Message For Those 'Who Do Not Have The Funds'



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29e3f6 No.27728

File: ecf0ac823679d20⋯.png (1.14 MB,996x1216,249:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567355 (231919ZMAR23) Notable: #22774

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#22774 https://fullchan.net/?7fe42eb76ce5f6cc#4mHWvatZGhEdxfsYJPiXS8bAf1bwZc7wjsoKiSVSr5jf



EYES ON: 20230323 MLP Hearing: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Impacts to the DoD and the Armed Services


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29e3f6 No.27729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567356 (231920ZMAR23) Notable: MLP Hearing: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Impacts to the DoD and the Armed Services

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20230323 MLP Hearing: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Impacts to the DoD and the Armed Services


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29e3f6 No.27730

File: 682d2f9f24c7e33⋯.png (760.66 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567372 (231924ZMAR23) Notable: Thousands gather at Illinois March for Life amid Democrat ‘intimidation’ of pregnancy centers

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Thousands gather at Illinois March for Life amid Democrat ‘intimidation’ of pregnancy centers

Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield called on Illinois politicians 'to find compassion for the lives of the most vulnerable among us, the sacred human lives of unborn babies.'

Thousands of pro-life advocates gathered at the Illinois State Capitol building on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, for the Illinois March for Life. Civic and religious leaders spoke to crowd at the Lincoln Statue, several echoing the words of the Great Emancipator as they appealed to Illinois legislators to protect the women and children being preyed upon by the abortion industry.

Immediately following the March, pro-life advocates met with state representatives and state senators to share how pregnancy resource centers offer tangible support to women through pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, cribs, car seats, parenting classes, and diapers.

The Most Reverend Thomas J. Paprocki, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, echoed Abraham Lincoln as he spoke about abortion in the same words that Lincoln used to address slavery in 1868 Springfield.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand,” asserted Paprocki, “I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half pro-abortion and half pro-life. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.”

Paprocki then called for “the members of Illinois’ executive, legislative and judicial of branches of our Illinois state government …to find compassion for the lives of the most vulnerable among us, the sacred human lives of unborn babies.”

One of those Illinois legislators, the Honorable Dr. William E. Hauter, M.D., Illinois State Representative, District 87 (R-Morton), spoke emphatically about choice. He shared how many in the Illinois state house are seeking to “silence and intimidate” pregnancy resource centers, the only places in Illinois where women are offered “true choices,” along with material, emotional, and medical support. Hauter emphasized that this help is offered free of charge without spending one cent of taxpayer dollars and contrasted these care centers with abortion facilities that only present women with the choice to abort their child.

Hauter lamented that Illinois’ goal seems to be making abortion, “Common, celebrated, and less safe than ever before.” Denouncing the proposed Illinois Senate Bill 1909 that would force pro-life pregnancy resource centers to provide abortion referrals, he noted, “They don’t care that this bill is unconstitutional, irrational, and unpopular … We must persevere. We are right on every level of this argument, and that makes us mighty indeed.”

Hauter left the podium, backed by more than a dozen pro-life legislators, one of whom led the audience in an impromptu chant, “Give me an L, give me an I, give me an F, give me an E,” to the delight of the crowd.


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29e3f6 No.27731

File: 0ca54c893645340⋯.png (118.34 KB,703x583,703:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567377 (231924ZMAR23) Notable: Former Australian embassy employee sentenced to jail for hidden cameras in women's bathrooms in Bangkok mission

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Former Australian embassy employee sentenced to jail for hidden cameras in women's bathrooms in Bangkok mission

A former IT worker at the Australian embassy in Bangkok has been sentenced to two years' jail for installing tiny hidden cameras in women's bathrooms inside the secure government building.

Key points:

A former worker at the Australian embassy in Bangkok has pleaded guilty to hiding tiny cameras in women's bathrooms

Nayot "Bank" Thamsongsana, 39, has received a sentence of two years' jail

The judge said Nayot's actions were "a serious threat to society"

Nayot "Bank" Thamsongsana, 39, was convicted in the Bangkok South Criminal Court after pleading guilty to two counts of committing an indecent act to persons over 15 years of age by threatening with any means.

During the investigation into the matter, 60 women who used the two embassy bathrooms where the cameras were installed gave statements to Royal Thai Police.

Two were filmed by the cameras, and their complaints formed the basis of the prosecution's case.

In sentencing Nayot, the judge said his actions were "a serious threat to society and had caused psychological damage".

The judge said she considered every document the Australian Embassy sent to the court, Nayot's guilty plea, and the fact that he had no criminal record before handing down the sentence.

She told the court the sentence was four years, but would be reduced to two years on account of his guilty plea.

Nayot began to cry and was comforted by his wife before being led away from the courtroom in handcuffs by Department of Corrections officers.

He has one month to appeal.

Three senior Australian officials — including the deputy head of the Bangkok mission, Julia Feeney — were in court to hear the outcome.


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29e3f6 No.27732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567387 (231926ZMAR23) Notable: Australia Banks are Now “Debanking” Independent Journalists Exercising Their Free Speech Rights

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Australia Banks are Now “Debanking” Independent Journalists Exercising Their Free Speech Rights

Maria shared that for approximately one month she noticed that her bank card was not working at most ATM’s. She recently rang ING Bank to see whether there was anything wrong with her card, or her account, or any flags on their end that would be restricting her card access, they advised there was nothing showing on their end.

Then on March 3, 2023, ING emailed Zeee saying her accounts would be closed and access stopped within one week.

Zeee next called ING on the same day and they confirmed the email was from them. She shared that she spoke to their “Specialist Team” member who she was told could give her more information. The team asked Zeee to read the email to them, advising that although it was from them they did not have a copy of the email. In response, they repeated the same information that Zeee had to read to them as to why her account was shut, but still, no reason was specified.

Zeee shared that she has a legitimate, registered business and she pays her taxes. The bank then confirmed that there was nothing showing on their end to indicate she had done anything “wrong” in financial terms or my financial conduct.

So Zeee asked:

Do you shut down people’s accounts due to their political views by any chance?” I was met with a long silence, followed by being placed on hold. The representative came back to me repeating the same, generic information. I asked the question several times, and the representative refused to answer.

Knowing ING has done this to people before as reported in the MSM based not on what they’ve done but who they are, I both called and emailed their PR Manager, asking the following:

1. What is the reason ING is still doing this?

2. What are some likely reasons ING would close an account?

3. Why are the Complaints Resolutions Team, touted as specialists, unable to provide a reason as to why this is occurring when customers call them for an explanation?

4. Does ING close people’s accounts for their political views?

ING responded a week later with:

Thank you for reaching out. We’re unable to discuss any account closures due to customer confidentiality.

Zeee notes that ING Group is listed as a partner on the WEF website. Its leadership has attended the WEF in Davos.

Zeee says that Zeee Media reports extensively on the WEF, exposing their true agenda and Australian politicians linked to the WEF. ING’s refusal to answer our questions led us to believe that this may be politically motivated. This timing coincides with a hit piece run by 60 minutes on the Wieambilla tragedy, where I am featured warning about Australian soldiers training to turn against Australian people, and Channel 9 is indirectly lumping me in with domestic terrorists:



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29e3f6 No.27733

File: 9da848d472993b5⋯.png (18.74 KB,586x269,586:269,Clipboard.png)

File: a9a0ceb2237ad8f⋯.png (367.18 KB,611x755,611:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567395 (231928ZMAR23) Notable: Barack Obama w/CAP: Thirteen years ago today, I signed the Affordable Care Act into law.

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13:31 = 17

Barack Obama


Thirteen years ago today, I signed the Affordable Care Act into law.

The night the ACA passed was incredibly meaningful, because we knew the law would have a profound impact on the lives of millions of people.

And it has.

Since 2010, the ACA has provided more than 40 million Americans access to health care, expanded Medicaid to 40 states to cover millions of low-income adults under 65, and protected more than 100 million people with preexisting conditions from losing their health insurance.

I know so many of you have a story of how access to health care changed your life, in big ways or small.

At the @ObamaFoundation, we’re collecting stories that demonstrate the very real impact of the ACA. I’d love to hear yours.

1:31 PM · Mar 23, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27734

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567402 (231930ZMAR23) Notable: Australia Banks are Now “Debanking” Independent Journalists Exercising Their Free Speech Rights

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Tyranny down under because of team Satan members in govt and banking. Team Satan hates freedom and they hate the truth.


Social credit

Banking that sides with the WEF

Even talk of Australian armed forces being the enforcer for the compromised Australian govt

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29e3f6 No.27735

File: fbb14d4de160338⋯.jpeg (412.22 KB,1619x1546,1619:1546,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567425 (231934ZMAR23) Notable: Cringe Alert: Joe Biden: “I Like Babies Better Than People” (VIDEO)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29e3f6 No.27736

File: 5056f0c83595744⋯.png (429.8 KB,611x691,611:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567463 (231944ZMAR23) Notable: Barack Obama w/CAP: Thirteen years ago today, I signed the Affordable Care Act into law.

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13 years and 40 million = 17

President Biden


United States government official

Today, 13 years after it was signed, the Affordable Care Act hasn’t just survived – it’s stronger than ever.

40 million people have the peace of mind that comes with health coverage.

I'll never stop fighting like hell to protect and strengthen it.

11:09 AM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27737

File: 598eeb1951990aa⋯.png (1.17 MB,1920x3995,384:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567469 (231945ZMAR23) Notable: Hackers drain bitcoin ATMs of $1.5 million by exploiting 0-day bug

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Hackers drain bitcoin ATMs of $1.5 million by exploiting 0-day bug

Hackers drained millions of dollars in digital coins from cryptocurrency ATMs by exploiting a zero-day vulnerability, leaving customers on the hook for losses that can’t be reversed, the kiosk manufacturer has revealed.

The heist targeted ATMs sold by General Bytes, a company with multiple locations throughout the world. These BATMs, short for bitcoin ATMs, can be set up in convenience stores and other businesses to allow people to exchange bitcoin for other currencies and vice versa. Customers connect the BATMs to a crypto application server (CAS) that they can manage or, until now, that General Bytes could manage for them. For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, the BATMs offer an option that allows customers to upload videos from the terminal to the CAS using a mechanism known as the master server interface.

Going, going, gone

Over the weekend, General Bytes revealed that more than $1.5 million worth of bitcoin had been drained from CASes operated by the company and by customers. To pull off the heist, an unknown threat actor exploited a previously unknown vulnerability that allowed it to use this interface to upload and execute a malicious Java application. The actor then drained various hot wallets of about 56 BTC, worth roughly $1.5 million. General Bytes patched the vulnerability 15 hours after learning of it, but due to the way cryptocurrencies work, the losses were unrecoverable.

General Bytes officials wrote:

The night of 17-18 March was the most challenging time for us and some of our clients. The entire team has been working around the clock to collect all data regarding the security breach and is continuously working to resolve all cases to help clients back online and continue to operate their ATMs as soon as possible. We apologize for what happened and will review all our security procedures and are currently doing everything we can to keep our affected customers afloat.

The post said the flow of the attack was:

1. The attacker identified a security vulnerability in the master service interface the BATMs use to upload videos to the CAS.

2. The attacker scanned the IP address space managed by cloud host DigitalOcean Ocean to identify running CAS services on ports 7741, including the General Bytes Cloud service and other BATM operators running their servers on Digital Ocean.

3. Exploiting the vulnerability, the attacker uploaded the Java application directly to the application server used by the admin interface. The application server was, by default, configured to start applications in its deployment folder.

Once the malicious application executed on a server, the threat actor was able to (1) access the database, (2) read and decrypt encoded API keys needed to access funds in hot wallets and exchanges, (3) transfer funds from hot wallets to a wallet controlled by the threat actor, (4) download user names and password hashes and turn off 2FA, and (5) access terminal event logs and scan for instances where customers scanned private keys at the ATM. The sensitive data in step 5 had been logged by older versions of ATM software.

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29e3f6 No.27738

File: 5d0077b2f875b48⋯.png (419.88 KB,611x583,611:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567482 (231949ZMAR23) Notable: Mike Pompeo This toxic wokeness has no business in our military.

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Mike Pompeo


This toxic wokeness has no business in our military.


Pentagon doctors claim 7-year-olds can make decisions to be injected with hormones, puberty…

Department of Defense doctors demanded the military aid in dodging bans on gender-changing medical interventions on minors and claimed 7-year-olds can make their own medical decisions.

9:54 AM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27739

File: 7884088a13e8d2c⋯.png (284.42 KB,598x647,598:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567516 (231954ZMAR23) Notable: John Solomon w/CAP: Trump says wants to be handcuffed if indicted in Stormy Daniels case

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John Solomon


Trump says wants to be handcuffed if indicted in Stormy Daniels case: report | Just The News


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29e3f6 No.27740

File: d9020c37e929129⋯.png (42.31 KB,482x318,241:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567550 (232002ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Isn’t it terrible that D.A. Bragg refuses to do the right thing and “call it a day?” He would rather indict an innocent man and create years of hatred, chaos…

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Donald J. Trump


Isn’t it terrible that D.A. Bragg refuses to do the right thing and “call it a day?” He would rather indict an innocent man and create years of hatred, chaos, and turmoil, than give him his well deserved “freedom.” The whole Country sees what is going on, and they’re not going to take it anymore. They’ve had enough! There was no Error made, No Misdemeanor, No Crime and, above all, NO CASE. They spied on my campaign, Rigged the Election, falsely Impeached, cheated and lied. They are HUMAN SCUM!

Mar 23, 2023, 3:12 PM


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29e3f6 No.27741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567601 (232010ZMAR23) Notable: Mike Pompeo This toxic wokeness has no business in our military.

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>Pentagon doctors claim 7-year-olds can make decisions to be injected with hormones,

Mike Pompeo:

The Pentagon nor any of it's agents should not be involved with anything medical, that is not their "Charter", period. Remember what I said, we have to stop "Redefining" norms; that is what has brought our entire "Republic" down.

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29e3f6 No.27742

File: 651ac01f1550030⋯.png (87.45 KB,1242x400,621:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567603 (232010ZMAR23) Notable: Dom Lucre w/CAP: I have it but I WILL NEVER POST THE “F Drip” ever. I will never do this so no need to request. I have limits. This is one.

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Dom Lucre says on Twitter he has a copy of Frazzledrip.


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29e3f6 No.27743

File: 70feef66c804800⋯.png (178.42 KB,921x737,921:737,Clipboard.png)

File: fba3f2eacef12de⋯.png (169.02 KB,657x661,657:661,Clipboard.png)


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Name - Nathan Mackenzie Brown (@NathanMackBrown)


BREAKING: Donald Trump is holding a rally in Waco, TX on Sat, March 25, 2023.

As a native born Texan I think it would would be an awful shame if we all signed up for free tickets to fill 50,000 spots with blank seats.

Here are the details: GUARANTEED ENTRY! You may only register up to (2) tickets per mobile number per event. All tickets are subject to first come first serve basis. Grab yours now before their gone below!


Link to Archived Twat - https://archive.ph/jGXHY

Link to Nathan Mackenzie Brown's archived Twatter profile page - https://archive.ph/KYzHF

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29e3f6 No.27744

File: 2e0afeee7651af0⋯.png (104.86 KB,598x551,598:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567657 (232022ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. Naval Institute w/CAP: Today is National Near Miss Day. In 2016, an arresting cable broke as an E-2C Hawkeye attempted to land on USS Eisenhower…

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U.S. Naval Institute


Today is National Near Miss Day. In 2016, an arresting cable broke as an E-2C Hawkeye attempted to land on USS Eisenhower. The Haweye plunged off the end of the deck but the pilots managed to recover and were later awarded the Air Medal for their skillful actions.


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29e3f6 No.27745

File: ed5381b5491fe5c⋯.mp4 (549.38 KB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 45de8a7127db0b4⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e511d884da30dbb⋯.png (90.5 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c4d8440ba7c88d⋯.png (7.38 MB,5104x1388,1276:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 7aeaa50b18673db⋯.png (710.85 KB,2049x881,2049:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567706 (232033ZMAR23) Notable: Tik Tok hearing - Cathy McMorris: "TikTok surveils us all. The Chinese Communist Party is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America."

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tiktok and the a.i.

a.i. is set to create the worst outcome based on 'biometrics' of all users i.e. normalization of child rape as what the always as evil as possible jews i.e. what (((inbreeders))) are doing as inbreeding = child rape

tiktok not allowed in mainland China

p 'hidden' in tiktok symbol

-> rapid increase of victims of child sexual abuse (lgbtq) in youngest generation Americans

a.i. = anti-Christ = lgbtq = ((((unrestricted warefare)))

Cathy McMorris: "TikTok surveils us all. The Chinese Communist Party is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America."



Shou Zi Chew TikTok CEO: "Let me start by addressing some misconceptions about ByteDance, of which [TikTok] are a subsidiary. ByteDance is not owned or controlled by the Chinese."



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29e3f6 No.27746

File: c339482271af701⋯.png (589.47 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567739 (232040ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Gaetz: Dems will move on guns by declaring firearm violence a public health emergency

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Matt Gaetz: Dems will move on guns by declaring firearm violence a public health emergency

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., warned Thursday that Democrat would soon try to restrict guns by declaring a public health emergency related to gun violence.


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29e3f6 No.27747

File: ad47e3346fada71⋯.mp4 (6.12 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567749 (232041ZMAR23) Notable: GOP Rep. Tom Tiffany asks ATF if lying on a federal background check is illegal, Democrat hack panics and interrupts

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GOP Rep. Tom Tiffany asks ATF if lying on a federal background check is illegal, Democrat hack panics and interrupts

ATF: Yes 15 years in prison if you do that

Rep. Tiffany: So why hasn’t Hunter Biden been prosecuted for the crime he committed?

*Democrat interrupts*

Rep. Tom Tiffany: I understand why you don’t want him to answer the question, it’s because there’s a dual system of Justice in America, that’s what’s going on!


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29e3f6 No.27748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567753 (232042ZMAR23) Notable: SEC Charges Crypto Entrepreneur Justin Sun and his Companies for Fraud and Other Securities Law Violations

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‘SEC Charges Crypto Entrepreneur Justin Sun and his Companies for Fraud and Other Securities Law Violations

Eight celebrities also charged for illegal touting of Sun’s crypto asset securities

The SEC simultaneously charged the following eight celebrities for illegally touting TRX and/or BTT without disclosing that they were compensated for doing so and the amount of their compensation.

• Lindsay Lohan

• Jake Paul

• DeAndre Cortez Way (Soulja Boy)

• Austin Mahone

• Michele Mason (Kendra Lust)

• Miles Parks McCollum (Lil Yachty)

• Shaffer Smith (Ne-Yo)

• Aliaune Thiam (Akon)

The SEC’s complaint, filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, alleges that Sun and his companies offered and sold TRX and BTT as investments through multiple unregistered “bounty programs,” which directed interested parties to promote the tokens on social media, join and recruit others to Tron-affiliated Telegram and Discord channels, and create BitTorrent accounts in exchange for TRX and BTT distributions.

The complaint further alleges that Sun, BitTorrent Foundation, and Rainberry offered and sold BTT in unregistered monthly airdrops to investors, including in the United States, who purchased and held TRX in Tron wallets or on participating crypto asset trading platforms. According to the complaint, each of these unregistered offers and sales violated Section 5 of the Securities Act.’



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29e3f6 No.27749

File: 31c08cec1c07aeb⋯.png (326.55 KB,565x549,565:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567793 (232048ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok CEO: ‘Spying’ Not Right Word for Surveillance of Americans on Behalf of Chinese Communists

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TikTok CEO: ‘Spying’ Not Right Word for Surveillance of Americans on Behalf of Chinese Communists

TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew said during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on Thursday that “spying” is not the right word for alleged Chinese surveillance of Americans using his company’s social media platform.

Rep. Neal Dunn (R-FL) asked Chew if TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, has spied on American citizens.

“I don’t think that ‘spying’ is the right way to describe it,” Chew said.

Dunn asked about a report that the FBI and Justice Department are investigating ByteDance after the company acknowledged firing four employees for using the controversial app to track the location of two journalists in the United States.

Breitbart News’s Lucas Nolan reported last week:

After ByteDance admitted that its employees had improperly accessed the data of U.S. users, congressional critics began to express concerns about TikTok’s surveillance practices. Forbes reports that the DOJ has served subpoenas to ByteDance. However, it’s still unclear how far the investigation into the incident has gone. The FBI has also interviewed people in connection with the matter, though it is not yet clear if these interviews are a part of the same investigation.

In a statement, a ByteDance spokesperson addressed the issue, stating, “We have strongly condemned the actions of the individuals found to have been involved, and they are no longer employed at ByteDance.” The spokesperson also confirmed that the company’s internal investigation is ongoing, and ByteDance is committed to cooperating with any official investigations when brought to them.

Concerns over the national security and privacy implications of TikTok have reached a fever pitch in Washington, DC as lawmakers have continued to consider if the legislative branch needs to pursue an outright ban of TikTok or privacy legislation to address the concerns surrounding the popular yet controversial app. Others have called for separating TikTok from ByteDance.

During the hearing, Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) also slammed TikTok for hosting dangerous trends that have killed American teens and children:

Dunn asked about a report that the FBI and Justice Department are investigating ByteDance after the company acknowledged firing four employees for using the controversial app to track the location of two journalists in the United States.

Breitbart News’s Lucas Nolan reported last week:



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29e3f6 No.27750

File: a36743f6826e089⋯.png (294.59 KB,550x511,550:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567816 (232052ZMAR23) Notable: Mexican President Says Trump Arrest is About Keeping Him Off the Ballot

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Mexican President Says Trump Arrest is About Keeping Him Off the Ballot

Slams Biden administration for hypocrisy over Julian Assange and attack on Nord Stream pipelines.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador slammed the Biden administration for accusing him of corruption while abusing the justice system in America to engage in a political witch hunt against Donald Trump “so that he doesn’t appear on the ballot”.

AMLO made the comments in response to a U.S. government report that accused his an administration of “human rights violations,” a charge which he asserts is a tissue of “lies”.

Over the weekend, Trump said he expects to be arrested in connection with a potential indictment for ‘hush money’ payments made to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.

“Right now, former President Trump is declaring that they are going to arrest him,” said AMLO, adding, “If that were the case…it would be so that his name doesn’t appear on the ballot.”

Obrador said he sympathized with Trump because he too had been targeted with “the fabrication of a crime, when they didn’t want me to run.”

“And this is completely anti-democratic… Why not allow the people to decide?” said AMLO.

The president also shot down claims that he was responsible for the mistreatment of journalists by pointing to America’s treatment of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, adding that the report criticizing his administration, “should not be taken seriously.”

“Let’s see, human rights? Why don’t you release Assange?” he asked. “If you are talking about journalism and freedom, why are you holding Assange?”

Obrador also said the U.S. had no right to browbeat him about violence given their alleged role in blowing up the Nord Stream oil pipelines.

“If you talk about acts of violence, how is it that an award-winning United States journalist tells us that the United States government sabotaged the Russian-European gas pipeline?” the president stated.

“Why is a cartel, or several cartels, allowed to operate in the United States, freely distributing the fentanyl that does so much harm to young people in that country?” he asked.

AMLO said the U.S. should stop trying to “be the government of the world” when their own behavior is rife with inconsistencies.

Last night, a letter written by Michael Cohen’s attorney said that Cohen acted alone when paying off Stormy Daniels in 2016, with the case against Trump looking increasingly flimsy and more likely to collapse altogether.


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29e3f6 No.27751

File: 0fb4918ceb3b6db⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,848x416,53:26,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6128a49e6849836⋯.png (51.18 KB,800x500,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567831 (232054ZMAR23) Notable: 2 MILLIONFRENCH FROGS… The revolution will not be televised. Americucks too busy with TikTok

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The revolution will not be televised.

Americucks too busy with TikTok

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29e3f6 No.27752


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Donald J. Trump just posted


Donald J. Trump






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29e3f6 No.27753

File: 136787ca76e2252⋯.png (47.05 KB,593x455,593:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567852 (232057ZMAR23) Notable: James O'keefe w/CAP: The real question is how many do we have on the inside? Stay tuned

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O'Keefe hints he's got insiders in NYC's DA Office

The real question is how many do we have on the inside? Stay tuned


Subscribe —> http://OKeefeMediaGroup.com

NY DA Bragg likely hid exculpatory evidence from the Trump Grand Jury as their meetings have been postponed.

The real question is has @JamesOKeefeIII got to someone on the inside?

Is the house of cards going to fall on Bragg?

4:48 PM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27754

File: 0e716ef337df665⋯.png (581.83 KB,1103x794,1103:794,Clipboard.png)

File: b7dbf7fb03b402d⋯.png (627.65 KB,868x572,217:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567892 (232103ZMAR23) Notable: Stormy Daniels written confirmation of no affair with DJT

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Donald J. Trump




Mar 23, 2023, 1:02 PM


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29e3f6 No.27755

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567934 (232109ZMAR23) Notable: Mike Tyson speaks about Donald Trump

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Mike Tyson speaks about Donald Trump


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29e3f6 No.27756

File: 35944f5e2a8cc7e⋯.png (544.24 KB,765x554,765:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567969 (232116ZMAR23) Notable: Massachusetts train derails, no hazardous cargo reported

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>intentionally burn toxins releasing more toxins into the atmosphere.


Massachusetts train derails, no hazardous cargo reported

Officials say five freight train cars have derailed in Massachusetts

ByThe Associated Press

March 23, 2023, 12:59 PM

AYER, Mass. &ndash; Five freight train cars derailed in Massachusetts on Thursday, but no hazardous materials were being hauled and there were no reports of injuries, according to authorities.

The freight cars that toppled over at about 11:30 a.m. were carrying sealed containers of trash and recycling material, the Ayer Fire Department said in a social media post. Each car was carrying double stacked containers for a total of 10 containers, according to the state emergency management agency.

A woman walking in the area first noticed the toppled railcars and called authorities, Fire Chief Tim Johnston said at the scene.

“For an unknown cause the two double-stacked containers on one of the trains toppled over and it seems to have ended up pulling four others over," he said.

The fire department called railway operator CSX and utility National Grid to the scene and officials took precautions to protect a nearby waterway.

The train was not moving at the time of the derailment, assistant town manager Carly Antonellis said.

“There were no reported injuries to the crew, no hazardous materials involved, no leaks or spills of any freight and no impacts to the environment," CSX said in a statement. “CSX personnel are responding as the incident occurred on a line jointly owned with Norfolk Southern."

Broadcast video appeared to show Norfolk Southern engines hauling the railcars, but Norfolk Southern in a statement said the train was not theirs and it is common in the industry for one railroad’s equipment to be operated over the network by the crews of another carrier.

Norfolk Southern is the operator at the center of a fiery derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, in early February in which abut 50 cars derailed, spilling hazardous materials and forcing evacuations of residents.

The cause of Thursday's derailment remains under investigation, the CSX statement said.

The fire department advised people to avoid the area.

Ayer is about 30 miles (48 kilometers) northwest of Boston.

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29e3f6 No.27757

File: 13209c04cc7eb7d⋯.png (440.03 KB,623x588,89:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18567996 (232121ZMAR23) Notable: DJT Jr. w/CAP: Going live with at 6 pm est with @RaheemKassamdiscussing Brexit, the rise of populism and A unique take from someone who is part of a movement before it was a movement…

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"A" unique take

Donald Trump Jr.


Going live with at 6 pm est with @RaheemKassamdiscussing Brexit, the rise of populism and A unique take from someone who is part of a movement before it was a movement in the US. Why Trump is the Only Choice for 2024 | TRIGGERED Ep.18

Watch it here! https://rumble.com/v2eftig-raheem-kassam-why-donald-trump-is-the-only-choice-for-2024-triggered-ep.18.html

5:08 PM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568001 (232122ZMAR23) Notable: 5:45 PM EDT Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Ottawa, Canada.

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5:45 PM EDT

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Ottawa, Canada.

Air Force One


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29e3f6 No.27759

File: cd1cecd17245c62⋯.png (91.4 KB,1076x387,1076:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568025 (232128ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: New Poll: Only 31% Approve of Biden’s handling of the Economy, 68% Disapprove. AP-NORC. Wow, those are really bad numbers…

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Donald J. Trump



New Poll: Only 31% Approve of Biden’s handling of the Economy, 68% Disapprove. AP-NORC. Wow, those are really bad numbers. No wonder the Radical Left Democrats are coming after me!

Mar 23, 2023,5:00PM


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29e3f6 No.27760

File: fe0b2d97d2a4150⋯.png (937.27 KB,992x692,248:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568034 (232131ZMAR23) Notable: World Athletics makes bombshell transgender move. No moiar trannies in certain womens sports

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World Athletics makes bombshell transgender move

News.com.AU, by Staff

Posted By: AltaD, 3/23/2023 3:37:40 PM

Transgender women will no longer be allowed to compete in female track and field events regardless of their levels of testosterone, World Athletics president Sebastian Coe said Friday. Speaking after a meeting of the global track and field federation’s decision-making body, Coe sad: “The Council has agreed to exclude male or female transgender athletes who have been through male puberty from female world ranking competitions from March the 31st this year.” Coe said World Athletics had consulted with stakeholders including the International Olympic Committee and national federations about the issue of transgender athletes. “The majority of those consulted stated that transgender athletes should not be competing in the female category,” he said.

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29e3f6 No.27761

File: f291525836f2dac⋯.mp4 (148.19 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568039 (232131ZMAR23) Notable: Tik Tok hearing - Cathy McMorris: "TikTok surveils us all. The Chinese Communist Party is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America."

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CCP is engaged in psychological warfare through TikTok to deliberately influence U.S. children - Rep. Buddy Carter

Join @ResistorNewswire against censorship


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29e3f6 No.27762

File: b233a25ba771789⋯.png (561.74 KB,713x566,713:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568072 (232139ZMAR23) Notable: Auditing Biden’s ‘Victory’ - A Professional Auditor Reviews the 2020 Election in each of the six swing states that were awarded to our current dotard-in-chief

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Auditing Biden’s ‘Victory’

FrontPage Magazine, by Bruce Bawer

Original Article

Posted By: mean Gene, 3/23/2023 12:52:38 PM

I’ve never heard of Joseph Fried before, and it was only a few days ago that I became aware of his four-month-old book Debunked: A Professional Auditor Reviews the 2020 Election. (snip) Having “professionally conducted and reviewed hundreds of audits,” he brings his decades of experience in that field to bear on the administration of the 2020 presidential election in each of the six swing states that were awarded to our current dotard-in-chief, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

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29e3f6 No.27763

File: 9b39817c38c6d81⋯.png (235.87 KB,426x787,426:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568085 (232142ZMAR23) Notable: "Credit Suisse Group AG and UBS Group AG are among the banks under scrutiny in a US Justice Department probe…"

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"Credit Suisse Group AG and UBS Group AG are among the banks under scrutiny in a US Justice Department probe into whether financial professionals helped Russian oligarchs evade sanctions, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Swiss banks were included in a recent wave of subpoenas sent out by the US government…

The information requests were sent before the crisis that engulfed Credit Suisse and resulted in UBS’s proposed takeover of its rival.

Subpoenas also went to employees of some major US banks, two people with knowledge of the inquiries, said.

The Justice Department inquiries are focused on identifying which bank employees dealt with sanctioned clients and how those clients were vetted over the past several years, according to one of the people. Those bankers and advisers may then be subject to further investigation to determine if they broke any laws."


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29e3f6 No.27764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568149 (232153ZMAR23) Notable: #22774

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final bun for #22773

hold yer laties till the top. bu baker in the bullpen?

#22773 >>27728

>>27729 MLP Hearing: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Impacts to the DoD and the Armed Services

>>27730 Thousands gather at Illinois March for Life amid Democrat ‘intimidation’ of pregnancy centers

>>27731 Former Australian embassy employee sentenced to jail for hidden cameras in women's bathrooms in Bangkok mission

>>27732, >>27734 Australia Banks are Now “Debanking” Independent Journalists Exercising Their Free Speech Rights

>>27733, >>27736 Barack Obama w/CAP: Thirteen years ago today, I signed the Affordable Care Act into law.

>>27735 Cringe Alert: Joe Biden: “I Like Babies Better Than People” (VIDEO)

>>27737 Hackers drain bitcoin ATMs of $1.5 million by exploiting 0-day bug

>>27739 John Solomon w/CAP: Trump says wants to be handcuffed if indicted in Stormy Daniels case

>>27738, >>27741 Mike Pompeo This toxic wokeness has no business in our military.

>>27740 DJT TS w/CAP: Isn’t it terrible that D.A. Bragg refuses to do the right thing and “call it a day?” He would rather indict an innocent man and create years of hatred, chaos…

>>27742 Dom Lucre w/CAP: I have it but I WILL NEVER POST THE “F Drip” ever. I will never do this so no need to request. I have limits. This is one.


>>27744 U.S. Naval Institute w/CAP: Today is National Near Miss Day. In 2016, an arresting cable broke as an E-2C Hawkeye attempted to land on USS Eisenhower…

>>27745, >>27761 Tik Tok hearing - Cathy McMorris: "TikTok surveils us all. The Chinese Communist Party is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America."

>>27746 Matt Gaetz: Dems will move on guns by declaring firearm violence a public health emergency

>>27747 GOP Rep. Tom Tiffany asks ATF if lying on a federal background check is illegal, Democrat hack panics and interrupts

>>27748 SEC Charges Crypto Entrepreneur Justin Sun and his Companies for Fraud and Other Securities Law Violations

>>27749 TikTok CEO: ‘Spying’ Not Right Word for Surveillance of Americans on Behalf of Chinese Communists

>>27750 Mexican President Says Trump Arrest is About Keeping Him Off the Ballot

>>27751 2 MILLIONFRENCH FROGS… The revolution will not be televised. Americucks too busy with TikTok


>>27753 James O'keefe w/CAP: The real question is how many do we have on the inside? Stay tuned

>>27754 Sotrmy Daniels written confirmation of no affair with DJT

>>27755 Mike Tyson speaks about Donald Trump

>>27756 Massachusetts train derails, no hazardous cargo reported

>>27757 DJT Jr. w/CAP: Going live with at 6 pm est with @RaheemKassamdiscussing Brexit, the rise of populism and A unique take from someone who is part of a movement before it was a movement…

>>27758 5:45 PM EDT Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Ottawa, Canada.

>>27759 DJT TS w/CAP: New Poll: Only 31% Approve of Biden’s handling of the Economy, 68% Disapprove. AP-NORC. Wow, those are really bad numbers…

>>27760 World Athletics makes bombshell transgender move. No moiar trannies in certain womens sports

>>27762 Auditing Biden’s ‘Victory’ - A Professional Auditor Reviews the 2020 Election in each of the six swing states that were awarded to our current dotard-in-chief

>>27763 "Credit Suisse Group AG and UBS Group AG are among the banks under scrutiny in a US Justice Department probe…"

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29e3f6 No.27765

File: db04376f7f17bff⋯.png (822.86 KB,1147x917,1147:917,Clipboard.png)

File: d9042d7be6ae5c1⋯.png (357.09 KB,868x572,217:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568230 (232208ZMAR23) Notable: Donald Trump Shares Letter From Stormy Daniels in 2018 Denying Affair

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Donald Trump Shares Letter From Stormy Daniels in 2018 Denying Affair

March 23, 2023

US President Donald Trump just rocked the case against him in a Manhattan court with a letter that was penned by porn star Stormy Daniels.

In the letter from 2018, shared by Trump on his TruthSocial account on Thursday, Daniels denies any affair ever happened between the two.

“Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago,” Daniels said.

“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence on 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened,” she said.

“I will have no further comment on this matter,” she said.

It is starting to appear as though former President Trump may never be indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

After not meeting on Wednesday the grand jury did not meet again in the Trump case on Thursday and it now appears an indictment is not coming this week.

A report from The Wall Street Journal details “chaos and last-minute shuffling within the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office,” adding that District Attorney Alvin Bragg is “scrambling” to indict Trump. The grand jurors who will eventually hear the Trump case did convene on Thursday, but discussed “another matter unrelated” to Trump.

“It is common for grand juries in New York to hear multiple cases at a time,” the Journal’s Corinne Ramey wrote. “Grand jury schedules can be unpredictable because panels juggle cases with competing demands and deadlines, former prosecutors said.”

The case involves Trump’s alleged role in hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election, allegedly to keep Daniels quiet about an affair the two of them had in 2006.

Bragg responded on Thursday to a potential indictment and arrest of Trump and issued a vague statement that did not actually provide any information about what might happen next.

Bragg sent a letter to members of the House Judiciary Committee after they sent their own letter “demanding communications, documents, and testimony relating to Bragg’s unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority and the potential indictment of former President Donald Trump.”

In his letter, the Manhattan DA said his office will “publicly state the conclusion of our investigation—whether we conduct our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

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29e3f6 No.27766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568231 (232208ZMAR23) Notable: Donald Trump Shares Letter From Stormy Daniels in 2018 Denying Affair

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Bragg also addressed the letter the House Judiciary Committee previously sent to his office and said, “Your letter dated March 20, 2023, (the ‘Letter’), in contrast, is an unprecedented inquiry into a pending local prosecution. The letter only came after Donald Trump created a false expectation that he would be arrested the next day and his lawyers reportedly urged you to intervene. Neither fact is a legitimate basis for a congressional inquiry.”

The former president posted an all-caps message to his TruthSocial account tearing into the DA and saying that there is no case.


It comes after a 2018 letter from Michael Cohen’s attorney surfaced where Cohen took full responsibility for the payoff to porn star Stormy Danials.

“In a private transaction in 2016, before the U.S. presidential election, Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment directly or indirectly,” it said.

That came as reports that Bragg’s office is having issues convincing the grand jury to indict Trump.

‘They are having trouble convincing the jury to swallow the case. It’s a weak case and has caused divisions in the DA’s office,” a source said to The Daily Mail.

And the former president is not the only person who thinks that the case is weak.

“This reminds me of the nor’easters that never come. You know, you board up the windows, you buy a case of Poland Spring, and then it doesn’t show up. I mean, here’s a possibility: Did Trump just prank these morons? Because this really looks like Christmas for morons. You know, he’s the guy who kicked this off, right? The press fell in line. They lapped it up. They had one collective orgasm. They…you could even tell Joe Scarborough, the morning Beavis, he even could tell how stupid he sounded. And I like this case because it did separate the idiots from the intellects. It’s not down party lines at all. It’s like on the right and the left, the people with working brains unclouded by ego or ratings saw it for what it is,” Fox News host Greg Gutfeld said.

“And they’re going, come on, this is like A) the case is flimsier than a $5 umbrella. You do this, you’re going to break new ground. You got crime out of control in New York. There’s something else going on here. So all the smart people knew what was going on. But the other people like Scarborough and Sunny Hostin and Adam Schiff, you can’t really blame them because they are, by science’s definition, idiots. But I think you have to question Bragg’s underlying… What’s his mission?” he said.

“You know, when you cut prosecutions by 25%, while murders rise 51% and shootings rise 100%, but he chooses to upgrade a misdemeanor to a felony for the president while downgrading felonies to misdemeanors for violent criminals. I mean, this dude gets fan mail from Rikers. He’s got more blood on his hands than the Wuhan market. So I think that he’s deliberately trying to turn the system inside out. You know, he’s reinventing it as a prosecution arm for the hard left, which it should be pretty chilling to everybody because no one is safe if he could do this,” he said.


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29e3f6 No.27767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568252 (232211ZMAR23) Notable: McLaughlin Poll: Biden-Radicals' Tries to Get Trump Will Backfire

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McLaughlin Poll: Biden-Radicals' Tries to Get Trump Will Backfire

The Biden-Bragg Backfire

According to our new poll, the only real crime Donald Trump has committed is being the frontrunner to beat President Biden, and the voters know it.

As we went into the field last Friday the national news media, and social media were dominated by reports that former President Trump would be indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

This national poll of 1,000 likely voters was conducted between March 17 to March 21.

These new national poll results show that frontrunner President Trump is getting even stronger.

—Although the 2024 general election is 20 months away, President Trump maintains a decisive lead over Joe Biden 48% to 43%.

Having polled for President Trump in 2016 and 2020, although we had a close race in the battleground states, we were losing the national popular vote.

This is not the case today.

Since Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan, for over a year, President Trump has maintained a decisive lead over Joe Biden. In the battleground states, Trump now leads 51% to 41%. Trump would beat Biden in a landslide.

—Among Republican primary voters 61% want to see Donald Trump run for President again in 2024. That’s up from 57% last month.

—In a field of 13 declared and potential opponents, President Trump leads the pack with 46% of the vote and leads by 23 points over his next closest opponent Ron DeSantis at 23%. Mike Pence gets 8% and all others less. Since January, in this crowded field Trump’s lead has increased by +11%.

—In a one-on-one race Trump vs. DeSantis, Trump now leads by 30 points - 61% to 31%. Since January this is a net +19 point increase for Trump.

This sudden action to indict President Trump is the classic political diversion.

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29e3f6 No.27768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568262 (232211ZMAR23) Notable: Jury Acquits Oath Keepers Member On 3 Felony Counts, Mistrial Declared On Last One In Jan 6th Case

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Jury Acquits Oath Keepers Member On 3 Felony Counts, Mistrial Declared On Last One In Jan 6th Case

By ProTrumpNews Staff Mar. 23, 2023 11:45 am


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29e3f6 No.27769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568266 (232212ZMAR23) Notable: McLaughlin Poll: Biden-Radicals' Tries to Get Trump Will Backfire

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Just as the House Republicans have begun publicly disclosing the banking records that the Biden family, and possibly President Biden, were paid millions of dollars by Communist China, the button was pushed by radical left, Soros funded, Biden political allies to indict Donald Trump on very specious charges.

Here's some of the reasons for the Biden Bragg political diversion:

—85% of all voters say that they have been negatively impacted by inflation, including 42% that say they have been impacted so severely that they are struggling to keep up and afford basic necessities.

—Two-thirds, 66%, of all voters say that the economy is getting worse. Only 27% say that the economy is getting better.

—The direction of the country remains sharply negative. 65% say the US is headed on the wrong track, and only 26% say right direction.

—Most voters disapprove of Biden’s job as president 54%, and only 44% approve. Only 16% strongly approve of Biden, while 39% strongly disapprove. So the voter disapproval is more intense against Biden.

—53% of all voters say that the economy is in recession.

—The generic ballot for Congress favors the Republicans 46% to 42%.

—Among Democratic primary voters for President Biden, the incumbent Democrat, gets only 23% of the primary votes.

Michelle Obama receives 16%, Kamala Harris 8%, Bernie Sanders 7%, Pete Buttigieg 6%, Hillary Clinton 5% and all others get less.

Biden’s future primary success depends upon getting no opponents.

Most Democratic primary voters do not want to vote for him yet.

This is very bad for any incumbent.

Apart from the diversion, it’s clear the Biden forces are looking for confrontation to justify censorship. With the recent decision by President Trump to post on Facebook again, our polling says he will be reaching 69% of all voters who tell us they regularly use Facebook.

Also, when YouTube announced they will allow President Trump back on their social media that allows him to communicate with the 65% of all voters who regularly use YouTube.

It's clear that as the left wing media gives biased and unfair coverage, or censors President Trump, the remedy is for the Trump campaign to reach tens of millions of more voters on social media.

The Iowa Caucus is over 300 days away, but the radical left, Biden Democrats seem desperate to derail by any means Donald J. Trump from becoming president again.

They tried impeachment twice, the Jan. 6 kangaroo court committee, a raid on Mar-a-Lago and now a weak, phony indictment from a Soros funded, radical district attorney.

In the process the Biden radicals are weakening and corrupting our justice system. However, their efforts have all backfired and President Trump is coming back stronger than ever.


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29e3f6 No.27770

File: 08b79813ff153a0⋯.png (49.76 KB,470x307,470:307,Clipboard.png)


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President Trump on Tuesday released a 10-point plan to gut Deep State corruption from every level of the U.S. government in a new Agenda47 policy pitch.

In an official campaign email, Trump vowed to “fire rogue bureaucrats and career politicians” and “target government corruption” that has brought harm and oppression to American citizens.

“Here’s my plan to dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all, and corruption it is,” he explained in the video.

“First,” Trump vowed, “I will immediately re-issue my 2020 Executive Order restoring the President’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. And I will wield that power very aggressively.”

“Second,” he added, “we will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them. The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies, which they’re doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible.”

NEW: President Trump unveils his plan to DISMANTLE the Deep State, FIRE the rogue bureaucrats and career politicians in Washington, and return our government to the AMERICAN PEOPLE.


— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) March 21, 2023

Trump’s campaign reiterated the corruption of federal agencies like the FBI, the DHS, and the FISA Court processes that were “corrupted by the Obama-Biden administration.”

“The Biden administration has weaponized the FBI and DOJ to target conservatives, Christians, and their political enemies,” the Trump campaign statement read.

In early March, Trump promised Americans that he would terminate the Deep State in a speech delivered in Washington, D.C., at the 2023 CPAC.

“If you put me back in the White House, their reign is over – and they know it,” he pledged. “…I will totally obliterate the Deep State. I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponized our justice system like it has never been weaponized before.”

His 10-point plan doubles down on his dedication to draining the Washington swamp:

1. “On Day One, re-issue 2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to fire rogue bureaucrats.

2. Overhaul federal departments and agencies, firing all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.

3. Fundamentally reform the FISA courts, ensuring that corruption is rooted out.

4. Establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and abuses of power.

5. Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the media to create false narratives, pressing criminal charges when appropriate.

6. Make every Inspector General’s Office independent from the departments they oversee, so that they do not become protectors of the deep state.

7. Establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure that they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people.

8. Continue Trump administration effort to move parts of the federal bureaucracy outside of the Washington Swamp, just like President Trump moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado. Up to 100,000 government positions could be moved out of Washington.

9. Ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and regulate, such as Big Pharma.

10. Push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.”


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29e3f6 No.27771

File: 5b985972d9f50db⋯.png (3.43 MB,724x6077,724:6077,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568285 (232214ZMAR23) Notable: Ho Wan Kwok, A/K/A “Miles Guo,” Arrested For Orchestrating Over $1 Billion Dollar Fraud Conspiracy

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Full CAP

Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Southern District of New York


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Ho Wan Kwok, A/K/A “Miles Guo,” Arrested For Orchestrating Over $1 Billion Dollar Fraud Conspiracy

Over $630 Million of Alleged Fraud Proceeds Seized by U.S. Government


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29e3f6 No.27772

File: 51be949037d98b5⋯.png (31.63 KB,578x379,578:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 748708850cc001d⋯.png (33.68 KB,786x356,393:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568339 (232220ZMAR23) Notable: Epps' new lawyer, Michael Teter, is apparently an alum of Perkins Coie and now works for disgraced Dem operative David Brock

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BREAKING: Epps' new lawyer, Michael Teter, is apparently an alum of Perkins Coie and now works for disgraced Dem operative David Brock

You just can't make this stuff up!

New: A lawyer for Ray Epps has demanded a retraction and a formal on-air apology from Tucker Carlson for his "false and defamatory statements" about Epps on Fox News.


Show this thread

3:37 PM · Mar 23, 2023







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29e3f6 No.27773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568343 (232222ZMAR23) Notable: Gretchen Whitmer gives $700 Million to Chinese-owned battery plant in Michigan…

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Gretchen Whitmer gives $700 Million to Chinese-owned battery plant in Michigan…

Citizen Free Press




Tucker Carlson calls out Gretchen Whitmer:

“Whitmer just gave more than $700 million in taxpayer money to fund a massive Chinese battery plant in Big Rapids, Michigan."


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29e3f6 No.27774

File: 03f0f032c2de355⋯.jpg (45.38 KB,935x508,935:508,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d19f27a6f126294⋯.jpg (35.95 KB,788x444,197:111,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568353 (232222ZMAR23) Notable: Election System Discovered – Used In Multiple States – Internet Connected, Uncertified, And Accessible To Numerous Govt Agencies And Outside Entities

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EXCLUSIVE: ELECTION SYSTEM DISCOVERED – Used in MULTIPLE States – Internet Connected, Uncertified, and Accessible to Numerous Govt Agencies and Outside Entities

A team of election experts in New Mexico uncovered an election system that is being used in that state and multiple other states that do not comply with election laws.

Election experts in New Mexico established that the post-election canvass reports in all 33 New Mexico Counties are being illegally prepared. Complete election records are being uploaded to an uncertified, centralized software under the control of the Secretary of State (SOS)called SERVIS, which is then used to create the official election results.

Use of any uncertified software for this part of the election process is a violation of federal and state law. And according to state law, the SOS is not to have access to the complete election record from any county until the election has been certified.

According to the experts, when the illegal canvass process is complete the SOS is having countiesdownload election data from internet-connected SERVIS onto their “secure” election computers. At the same time, in New Mexico, Dominion voting systems have deleted the original election data from their system. This is a blatant violation of state and federal law that requires all election records to be kept for 22 months after any election with a federal candidate on the ballot. Also, without paper ballots, the original results for the election are eliminated.


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29e3f6 No.27775

File: bf192ed9e61ccee⋯.png (254.92 KB,469x926,469:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568375 (232226ZMAR23) Notable: World Athletics bans trans biolgogical male athletes from women's sports

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Mar 23, 2023 - The Post Millennial


World Athletics bans trans biolgogical male athletes from women's sports

World Athletics has banned trans-identified male athletes from competing in female categories in international events.

World Athletics has banned trans-identified male athletes from competing in female categories in international events.

The international governing body’s president, Lord Sebastian Coe, said that no athlete who had gone through male puberty would be permitted to compete in female world ranking competitions as of March 31, reports the BBC.


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29e3f6 No.27776

File: e900ee4d22a03c8⋯.png (115.91 KB,496x930,8:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568376 (232226ZMAR23) Notable: China Brokers Diplomacy Between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Implications for the US Role in the Middle East

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Thursday, March 23, 2023 - Hoover Institute

China Brokers Diplomacy Between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Implications for the US Role in the Middle East

For over a decade, American officials have been touting the wisdom of a strategic “pivot” away from the Middle East in order to face the threat of a rising China. During that same period, Beijing has identified the Middle East as a primary arena for great power competition with the United States.

For over a decade, American officials have been touting the wisdom of a strategic “pivot” away from the Middle East in order to face the threat of a rising China. During that same period, Beijing has identified the Middle East as a primary arena for great power competition with the United States. The strategic dissonance between these two great power approaches to the region came to a head with the surprise announcement that Beijing had successfully brokered a rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The game of regional power politics continues, even when America decides not to play.

Perhaps the outstanding irony of the Chinese-brokered deal, as underlined by an unnamed US National Security Council official who commented on the deal to Al Arabiya, was that the strategic goal of Saudi-Iranian rapprochement was born in Washington, not in Beijing. The fact that one of the chief goals of US Middle East policy is being implemented by China is a sign that while Chinese regional goals are well-aligned with America’s own goals, the result of this convergence has been to increase China’s clout, while America looks for the exit.

The surprise Saudi-Iranian deal therefore has less to do with any warming of bilateral relations between the two countries than it does with China’s ambition to fill the power vacuum left by America’s departure.


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29e3f6 No.27777

File: a53fa079f0ea127⋯.png (283.99 KB,519x576,173:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568391 (232229ZMAR23) Notable: President Obrador of Mexico just announced that he is BANNING AMERICAN GMO CORN from his country 2020

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Chuck won't like dis.

Rob Schneider


You won’t hear about this in the captured American ‘news’ media but…

President Obrador of Mexico just announced that he is BANNING AMERICAN GMO CORN from his country. He asked for proof that GMO Corn was safe to eat. They didn’t and couldn’t provide proof!

Muchos Muchos Gracias

12:23 AM · Mar 23, 2023



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29e3f6 No.27778

File: 62a51bbc34a4a0a⋯.png (87.54 KB,495x908,495:908,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568399 (232230ZMAR23) Notable: Jim Jordan: Americans Are So Tired Of The Left’s Never-Ending Attempts To Get Trump

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Mar 23, 2023 Rep. Jim Jordan:

Americans Are So Tired Of The Left’s Never-Ending Attempts To Get Trump

Ohio Republican Congressman and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why he believes it is clear Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s probe into former President Trump is politically motivated.

“The federal government wouldn’t take the case. The federal district in New York wouldn’t take the case. The previous D.A., Mr. Vance, wouldn’t take the case. And most importantly, this D.A. wasn’t going to take the case until his two assistants left, threw a fit, wrote a book, got the Left all fired up, and President Trump announced he’s running. And suddenly there’s a change of heart. And Mr. Bragg is going to bring the case, if you can believe what the mainstream press has been saying for the last several days. So, you know, we’ll see. That’s why we wrote him the letter. We want to know what the heck is going on here because no one should be bringing this kind of case.”

Rep. Jordan and Jimmy also talk about how the Democrats have tried and failed to bring Trump down many times over the past seven years. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!


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29e3f6 No.27779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568418 (232234ZMAR23) Notable: Educate yourself on PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVES.

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Wall Of Text. Read CAREFULLY.

Anons aren’t creating POTENTIAL timelines. It’s the weapon we were taught to utilize—foresight via educated intuition.

To see the possible outcomes means to see the future, and as events progress and actions are reacted to, we can deduce from our collection of potential timelines down to ones that we, as a collective thinking group that also honors (and highly encourages) individual free thinking, can safely and accurately proclaim as the future itself.

Q mentions this as “future proves past,” meaning only the upmost current (and classified) events can be described by witnessing the future. Spoken this way, it seems very apropos. In layman’s terms: what we don’t know now we will learn of in the future by seeing its results.

This applies directly to Bragg’s efforts to indict POTUS. Had DJT and others not highlighted the likes of Soros, Epstein, Clinton, etc…, the reaction from those educated on the subject would not have been strong enough to fight this peculiar form of tyranny. In this way, the future does indeed explain the past.

This brings us to the eventual indictment of POTUS. We anons are fully aware that the indictment is neither lawful nor in any way honorable under God, but will otherwise happen.

It’s the Precipice everyone speaks of; the moment in which we, as a collective, see the direction of the country and have the will to make meaningful actions and change to our current status quo.

His indictment will unlock the required markers needed to fully understand the plan. With him indicted and under arrest (not imprisoned, very important distinction), actions carried out by THEM will be under the proper scrutiny required to finally turn the entire game against them.

Q once stated that the “stage must be set” before the plan in fulfilled. The stage requires Trump be fully incapacitated as a figurehead, which removes him from the events that will unfold militarily. It’s Optics.

If anyone would like to add to this post, I would highly encourage educating yourself on PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVES. PD’s are a Presidents’ way of writing an unalienable order or direction (task) for if/when they are not in office or otherwise not in a position to execute the order post-written.

DJT wrote a PD, it’s contents have been alluded to but have otherwise been under their own classification not public. It outlines what is required to happen in the event certain actions are made.

Actions such as:

His arrest.

Political Persecutions (Jan6)

Ukrainian Treason/Sedition

For his directive to ‘activate’, these must occur. The military are the curators of the directive and will act when all of the ‘markers’ are set on the stage.

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29e3f6 No.27780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568422 (232235ZMAR23) Notable: President Obrador of Mexico just announced that he is BANNING AMERICAN GMO CORN from his country 2020

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29e3f6 No.27781

File: e4bc11e79a3d262⋯.png (69.37 KB,896x699,896:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568455 (232238ZMAR23) Notable: Patent US-2020279585-A1 Inventor ROTHSCHILD RICHARD A

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United States




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29e3f6 No.27782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568456 (232238ZMAR23) Notable: President Obrador of Mexico just announced that he is BANNING AMERICAN GMO CORN from his country 2020

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Stale news from 2020

The 2020 decree by Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador aims to phase out GM corn and the herbicide glyphosate by 2024. Supporters say GM seeds can contaminate Mexico's age-old native varieties, and point to research showing adverse effects of glyphosate.

EXCLUSIVE Mexico to proceed with GMO corn ban, seeks intern…



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29e3f6 No.27783

File: 550328b2f11e26e⋯.png (271.65 KB,496x920,62:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568458 (232238ZMAR23) Notable: Gretchen Whitmer gives $700 Million to Chinese-owned battery plant in Michigan…

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>Whitmer gives $700 Million to Chinese-owned battery plant in Michigan


>needs moar sauce

Published March 23, 2023 7:00am EDT

Outrage brewing over plans for China-linked battery company in Michigan:

'Don’t want CCP in our small town'

Gotion High tech-Co. is based in Hefei, China

Former Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon blasted Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Wednesday for moving forward with plans to allow $715 million dollars of taxpayer money to fund a Chinese Communist Party-linked business in the state.

Gotion High tech-Co., a battery company based in Hefei, China, announced its plans last year for a roughly $2.4 billion electric vehicle battery plant in Big Rapids, Mich. that would bring an estimated 2,350 jobs to the state, according to a press release from Whitmer’s office.

Dixon, however, said a CCP-linked business shouldn’t be allowed to operate in the state and called out Whitmer for allowing the company to come to Michigan.


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29e3f6 No.27784

File: ce02ea12dfcf199⋯.png (262.96 KB,855x885,57:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568460 (232239ZMAR23) Notable: Mexico’s Leftwing President AMLO Slams Trump Charges as ‘Fabrication’

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Mexico’s Leftwing President AMLO Slams Trump Charges as ‘Fabrication’

Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday went on a rant against the United States, condemning the Biden administration for lecturing his government on human rights abuses when its own track record has been abysmal.

The leftwing president also slammed the Biden administration for targeting former U.S. President Donald Trump in a political prosecution that he called a “fabrication.”

“Right now, former President Trump is declaring that they are going to arrest him,” López Obrador, also known by his initials AMLO, said during a press conference. “If that were the case…it would be so that his name doesn’t appear on the ballot.”

“I say this because I too have suffered from the fabrication of a crime, when they didn’t want me to run,” López Obrador added. “And this is completely anti-democratic…. Why not allow the people to decide?”

AMLO also dismissed a report on Mexico’s corruption and human rights abuses by saying, “they’re lying,” and added the U.S. “believes it’s the government of the world.”

“It’s not worth getting angry about, that’s just how they are,” Lopez Obrador commented before meeting with former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Mexico later on Tuesday. He added the report “is not true, they’re liars.”

Kerry later on in the day praised Lopez Obrador’s leadership.

KERRY: "I want to express my appreciation to President López Obrador. I see a wisdom in his leadership that wants to undo some of the wrongs of the past & help to promote the interests of the people"

—Today AMLO lent credibility to a story saying that Biden sabotaged Nord Stream pic.twitter.com/Z5LrNY3dmZ

— José Díaz Briseño (@diazbriseno) March 21, 2023

“I want to express my appreciation to President López Obrador,” Kerry said. “I see a wisdom in his leadership that wants to undo some of the wrongs of the past & help to promote the interests of the people.”

The president rattled off a list of complaints about the Biden administration’s human rights track record.

“Mexico’s President AMLO says the United States cannot talk about human rights with Julian Assange detained, cartel violence with President Joe Biden bombing the Nord Stream pipeline, or democracy while arresting the leading presidential candidate Donald Trump,” noted Kanekoa on Twitter.

Lopez Obrador also acknowledged the challenges that Mexico has to face to fight corruption and uphold the rule of law.

“As it relates to Mexico, the reported involvement of members of Mexican police, military and other government institutions in serious acts of corruption and unlawful arbitrary killings remain a serious challenge for Mexico and that’s why they were highlighted in our report,” he said.

Mexico’s government may be corrupt. But at least it isn’t arresting former presidents on trumped-up charges.



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29e3f6 No.27785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568473 (232240ZMAR23) Notable: Patent US-2020279585-A1 Inventor ROTHSCHILD RICHARD A

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29e3f6 No.27786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568478 (232240ZMAR23) Notable: Patent US-2020279585-A1 Inventor ROTHSCHILD RICHARD A

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Why do you cut off what comes after?


NOTE: The priority date for patent application US-2020279585-A1 (and the corresponding grant US-11024339-B2) that Google has supplied is based on a series of separate-but-related patent applications dating back to 2015. Of those various applications, only US-2020279585-A1 mentions COVID-19, and it was filed on May 17, 2020.Please see the knowledgebase article on the topic: https://support.nlm.nih.gov/knowledgebase/article/KA-05327/en-us

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29e3f6 No.27787

File: a1aba9aea7c876b⋯.png (272.92 KB,600x577,600:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568480 (232241ZMAR23) Notable: Musk Fuckery Says Some Next-Gen Starlink Satellites Will Be "Deorbited" Due To Glitch

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Musk Says Some Next-Gen Starlink Satellites Will Be "Deorbited" Due To Glitch


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29e3f6 No.27788

File: 55e03dd4739287f⋯.png (434.98 KB,604x511,604:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568486 (232241ZMAR23) Notable: NYPD officer Jason Rivera was murdered in the streets of Harlem his widow blasted DA Alvin Bragg

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End Wokeness


NYPD officer Jason Rivera was murdered in the streets of Harlem

At his funeral, his widow called out DA Alvin Bragg and blasted him

10:50 AM · Mar 23, 2023




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29e3f6 No.27789

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568505 (232245ZMAR23) Notable: The French Won't Back Down Paris Burns, Cops Walk Off, Firemen stand with the people (2:36)

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29e3f6 No.27790

File: 7b4ce37a7c81bca⋯.png (100.15 KB,352x735,352:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568522 (232247ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson and Fox News Hit with Cease & Desist Letter from Ray and Robyn Epps

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[ Album ]


Tucker Carlson and Fox News Hit with Cease & Desist Letter. The legal team representing 𝐑𝐚𝐲 and 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐲𝐧 𝐄𝐩𝐩𝐬 today sent a cease-and-desist letter to Tucker Carlson and Fox News, demanding that they stop making up lies about Ray Epps and that they offer an on-air retraction.

𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 & 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭:


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29e3f6 No.27791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568537 (232249ZMAR23) Notable: Obama signed ACA on the 23rd of March Satanic Calendar dates

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PN>>27733, >>27736 Barack Obama w/CAP: Thirteen years ago today, I signed the Affordable Care Act into law.

Occultists believe the 23rd of each month is a dark energy day, along with all tge other explanations below.So it makes sense Obama signed ACA on the 23rd of March and 13 is a Satanic number so he’s having his celebration today of the evil he released.

Plus according to the Satanic schedule March 19th starts the 40 days on Sacrificie that ends on May 1st. Beltane the 1st is the most powerful day of their rituals. Interestingly the month of May is devoted to the Mary the mother of Jesus.

Now scientists think that even this extravagant census of the universe might be as out-of-date as the five-planet cosmos that Galileo inherited from the ancients. Astronomers have compiled evidence that what we’ve always thought of as the actual universe—me, you, this magazine, planets, stars, galaxies, all the matter in space—represents a mere 4 percent of what’s actually out there. The rest they call, for want of a better word, dark:23 percent is something they call dark matter, and 73 percent is something even more mysterious, which they call dark energy. (73 the reverse of 23)

Is 23 The Devils Number?

Lets take a look -

Everything can be traced back to 23 - Even your name.

666 divided by 28.956522 = 23 !

Time is another good example .. Everything is 23.

As we have repeatedly stated, the Satanist believes that numbers contain inherent power. Thus, they literally order their lives by occult numerology – such numerology also is a key component in astrology, another system of divining that Satanists observe very closely. The occult calendar is divided into four (4) segments of 13 weeks each.

[bctt tweet=”=The most venerated occult numbers are: 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, and multiples thereof.Read more”]

The Occult & The Number #13

Article Source

The number, “13” is considered divine by the occultist for a couple of reasons:

1. The Bible assigns ’13’ the meaning of “rebellion against constituted authority”, plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel against God.

2. The occultist assigns ‘6’ to represent the number of man, and the number ‘7’ to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs that “Jacob’s Ladder” toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number ’13’ represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13).

Thus, the occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks each. We list these periods for you, below.

L1. Winter Solstice – 13 weeks – Minor sabbath

a. December 21 – Yule

b. December 21-22 – Winter Solstice/Yule. One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

c. February 1 and 2 – Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a. Groundhog’s Day. One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

d. February 14 – Valentine’s Day

2. Spring Equinox – 13 weeks – Minor sabbath but does require human sacrifice

a. March 21-22 – Goddess Ostara – Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara. March 21 is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

b. April 1 – All Fool’s Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year’s Day!

c. April 19 – May 1 – Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

d. April 30 – May 1 – Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar. May 1 is the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required

3. Summer Solstice – 13 weeks – When the sun reaches its northernmost point in its journey across the sky

a. June 21 – 22 – Summer Solstice

b. June 21 – Litha is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

c. July 4, America’s Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30

d. July 19 – 13 days before Lughnasa

e. July 31 – August 1 – Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August – One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox – 13 weeks – Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice

a. September 21 – Mabon – one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

b. September 21 -22 – Autumnal Equinox

c. October 31 – Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. This date is the Illuminati’s highest day of human sacrifice

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29e3f6 No.27792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568554 (232252ZMAR23) Notable: Looks like the French Police are now joining the protests (Cap 1:04)

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I hope Macron has an exit plan.

David Vance


Looks like the French Police are now joining the protests… pic.twitter.com/h5MHHS634M


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29e3f6 No.27793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568569 (232255ZMAR23) Notable: Joe Biden: “I Like Babies Better Than People”

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Joe Biden: “I Like Babies Better Than People”



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29e3f6 No.27794

File: 4091744f5621bdd⋯.mp4 (10.07 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568602 (232300ZMAR23) Notable: Looks like the French Police are now joining the protests (Cap 1:04)

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>Looks like the French Police are now joining the protests…


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29e3f6 No.27795

File: 0a7495a9f8e5adf⋯.png (359.05 KB,1056x851,1056:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568605 (232300ZMAR23) Notable: Weaponization Committee HEARING ADVISORY Missouri vs Biden 30th March 9:00am EST

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Weaponization Committee 🚨 HEARING ADVISORY 🚨

6:54 PM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27796

File: 91b0053b63234d1⋯.png (487.93 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: cf97286f27a1c08⋯.png (321.67 KB,541x453,541:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 13464bbb3b9b7e5⋯.png (260.14 KB,567x458,567:458,Clipboard.png)

File: 7033f2664cb70cd⋯.png (222.03 KB,986x481,986:481,Clipboard.png)

File: e1d85876a9f744e⋯.png (469.99 KB,1011x849,337:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568668 (232313ZMAR23) Notable: The French Won't Back Down Paris Burns, Cops Walk Off, Firemen stand with the people (2:36)

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France protests said to be ‘out of control’

Police clashed with over a million demonstrators opposed to President Macron’s pension reform

French authorities struggled on Thursday to suppress the protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform. Over a million demonstrators took to the streets across the country in what some security sources described as an “insurrection” against the government in Paris.

Tens of thousands of workers went on strike and protesters blocked public transportation, schools and oil refineries. Attempting to break up the protests, police used tear gas, water cannons, flash-bangs and batons. Videos making rounds on social media showed heavily armored officers clubbing unarmed demonstrators.

Other videos showed barricades burning in the streets of Paris. The entrance to the city hall in Bordeaux, the regional capital of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, was set ablaze at one point.

At least one unit of firefighters switched sides and joined the protesters. Multiple eyewitnesses described the situation as “out of control.”

“It’s war in Paris, no time to post, take care of yourself,” tweeted one independent media outlet.

Almost 150 police officers and gendarmes have been injured, Interior Minister Garald Darmanin said on Thursday evening, calling this “absolutely unacceptable” and demanding harsh punishment for the attackers.

Darmanin also told reporters that 172 people were detained for questioning about the “looting and arson” in Paris, and that 190 fires had been set in the French capital, 50 of which were still burning as of 10 pm local time.

The interior minister blamed the “extreme left” and “black bloc” anarchists for the worst of the violence.

While there is a constitutionally protected right to protest, Macron said, if the malcontents use violence, “then that is no longer democracy.”

Though heavily criticized due to the harsh coronavirus lockdowns and mandates, Macron easily won re-election in 2022, eventually defeating Marine Le Pen by a 17-point margin. The runoff election saw the lowest turnout since 1969.


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29e3f6 No.27797

File: 131643cfc7bc0dd⋯.png (306.48 KB,490x868,35:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568728 (232322ZMAR23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy: Why does CDC refuse to investigate the cause of exploding Autism epidemic

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr·11m

Why does CDC refuse to investigate the cause of exploding Autism epidemic

far more devastating than COVID?

One in 36 (2.8%) 8-year-old children — 4% of boys and 1% of girls — have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), based on an analysis of data from 2020, published today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



7:03 PM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568763 (232328ZMAR23) Notable: Are COVID-19 vaccines killing the bifidobacteria in your gut? (Cap 7:30)

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Jan Jekielek


"We followed them for 90 days…Their bifidobacteria dropped to like zero—from like a million to like zero."

Are COVID-19 vaccines killing the bifidobacteria in your gut?

Bifidobacteria are key to a healthy microbiome, says @SabinehazanMD @Progenabiome

🔴PREMIERE 7:30pm ET👇


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29e3f6 No.27799

File: a6250da6682df71⋯.png (255.77 KB,823x917,823:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568767 (232328ZMAR23) Notable: PF Report SILVER22 (K35R) Out of Nelis AFB Holding Pattern

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Out of Nelis AFB

Holding Pattern


been tracking multiple SILVER flights last 48 hours.

Same Location:

Vicinity Parsnip Peak Wilderness and White Rock Range Wilderness


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29e3f6 No.27800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568776 (232330ZMAR23) Notable: The French Won't Back Down Paris Burns, Cops Walk Off, Firemen stand with the people (2:36)

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Donbass Devushka


When a government building is burning and firefighters join the protests instead of putting the fire out, you know shit has just gotten serious.

Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom

Government buildings in France are burning. Soon everywhere 🔥 pic.twitter.com/EGT16jf912


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29e3f6 No.27801

File: 024d9fcc457a6ea⋯.png (377.08 KB,888x602,444:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568833 (232339ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Analyzing Bragg's next move (Cap 0:14)

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Donald J. Trump



Mar 23, 2023, 7:27 PM



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29e3f6 No.27802

File: f95fc0194dd2044⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568844 (232341ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Analyzing Bragg's next move (Cap 0:14)

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29e3f6 No.27803

File: d2928f060e3d44a⋯.png (546.74 KB,843x620,843:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568850 (232342ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Ric Grenell (1:40)

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Donald J. Trump



Mar 23, 2023, 7:30 PM



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29e3f6 No.27804

File: e6080796a17b279⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568852 (232342ZMAR23) Notable: Are COVID-19 vaccines killing the bifidobacteria in your gut? (Cap 7:30)

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29e3f6 No.27805

File: 8dd3db60360ec9c⋯.jpg (113.12 KB,720x846,40:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0506246c74c2686⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568884 (232347ZMAR23) Notable: DA Alvin Bragg's precreated speech from next week dropping all charges on Donald J. Trump has been released (Cap 1:05) for keks

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BREAKING: DA Alvin Bragg's precreated speech from next week dropping all charges on Donald J. Trump has been released


Oh Shit!

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29e3f6 No.27806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568936 (232353ZMAR23) Notable: #22775

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>>27805 DA Alvin Bragg's precreated speech from next week dropping all charges on Donald J. Trump has been released (Cap 1:05) for keks

>>27765, >>27766 Donald Trump Shares Letter From Stormy Daniels in 2018 Denying Affair

>>27767, >>27769 McLaughlin Poll: Biden-Radicals' Tries to Get Trump Will Backfire

>>27802, >>27801 Donald J. Trump: Analyzing Bragg's next move (Cap 0:14)

>>27803 Donald J. Trump: Ric Grenell (1:40)

>>27768 Jury Acquits Oath Keepers Member On 3 Felony Counts, Mistrial Declared On Last One In Jan 6th Case


>>27772 Epps' new lawyer, Michael Teter, is apparently an alum of Perkins Coie and now works for disgraced Dem operative David Brock

>>27771 Ho Wan Kwok, A/K/A “Miles Guo,” Arrested For Orchestrating Over $1 Billion Dollar Fraud Conspiracy

>>27774 Election System Discovered – Used In Multiple States – Internet Connected, Uncertified, And Accessible To Numerous Govt Agencies And Outside Entities

>>27775 World Athletics bans trans biolgogical male athletes from women's sports

>>27776 China Brokers Diplomacy Between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Implications for the US Role in the Middle East

>>27777, >>27780, >>27782 President Obrador of Mexico just announced that he is BANNING AMERICAN GMO CORN from his country 2020

>>27784 Mexico’s Leftwing President AMLO Slams Trump Charges as ‘Fabrication’

>>27778 Jim Jordan: Americans Are So Tired Of The Left’s Never-Ending Attempts To Get Trump

>>27779 Educate yourself on PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVES.

>>27781, >>27786, >>27785 Patent US-2020279585-A1 Inventor ROTHSCHILD RICHARD A

>>27783, >>27773 Gretchen Whitmer gives $700 Million to Chinese-owned battery plant in Michigan…

>>27787 Musk Fuckery Says Some Next-Gen Starlink Satellites Will Be "Deorbited" Due To Glitch

>>27788 NYPD officer Jason Rivera was murdered in the streets of Harlem his widow blasted DA Alvin Bragg

>>27789, >>27796, >>27800 The French Won't Back Down Paris Burns, Cops Walk Off, Firemen stand with the people (2:36)

>>27794, >>27792 Looks like the French Police are now joining the protests (Cap 1:04)

>>27790 Tucker Carlson and Fox News Hit with Cease & Desist Letter from Ray and Robyn Epps

>>27791 Obama signed ACA on the 23rd of March Satanic Calendar dates

>>27793 Joe Biden: “I Like Babies Better Than People”

>>27795 Weaponization Committee HEARING ADVISORY Missouri vs Biden 30th March 9:00am EST

>>27797 Robert F. Kennedy: Why does CDC refuse to investigate the cause of exploding Autism epidemic

>>27799 PF Report SILVER22 (K35R) Out of Nelis AFB Holding Pattern

>>27798, >>27804 Are COVID-19 vaccines killing the bifidobacteria in your gut? (Cap 7:30)

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29e3f6 No.27807

File: b99a0c547c608af⋯.png (100.3 KB,675x469,675:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b05027b1c73ae9⋯.png (785.99 KB,832x572,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18568958 (232356ZMAR23) Notable: #22776

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Q Research General #22776: Trump Presents 10-Point Plan To ‘Dismantle The Deep State’ Edition

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29e3f6 No.27808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569003 (240003ZMAR23) Notable: HUMAN TRAFFICKING FROM UKRAINE, SEX SLAVES AND BODY PARTS

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The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), that according to the United States Congressional document “The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Everything That's Wrong With Liberalism” is both notorious and corrupt, ignited this furor when it placed on its hate map the Most Holy Family Monastery, based in Fillmore-New York, whose about page states: “This website is dedicated to defending and spreading the Catholic Faith, as taught and defined by the authoritative teachings of the popes throughout history…It is also dedicated to exposing in great detail the post-Vatican II pseudo-“Church” and the New Mass…These purport to be Catholic, but are not…As our material proves in detail, the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church…This situation was predicted, and it is not incompatible with Christ's promises to the Church”.

As to why the SPLC specifically targeted the Most Holy Family Monastery is because, on 29 December 2022, this religious order published the article “Russian Soldier Claims He Saw An Active Child Organ Harvesting Factory In Ukraine - 1 Minute Video”, wherein this video shows an unidentified junior grade Russian Naval Infantry officer (whose branch of service and rank are identifiable by his uniform) describing the discovery of a truly satanic facility in Ukraine where children were raised to be carved up for their organs then disposed of—after which beyond horrifying articles began appearing like “Ukraine Is Farming Children in Factories for Elite Pedophiles, Russia Is Saving The Children”, “Revealed: Elite Pedophiles Paying $150K For Ukrainian Children At 'Sweet Shop' On Border”, “Ukrainian Red Cross Accused Of Involvement In Harvesting Children’s Organs” and “Sex Traffickers Are Targeting Ukrainian Women And Children At Polish Refugee Camps, Charities Warn”.









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29e3f6 No.27809

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569008 (240004ZMAR23) Notable: James and Jim go Dynamite!

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James and Jim go Dynamite!


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29e3f6 No.27810

File: c992e1b5033e38f⋯.png (130.58 KB,845x411,845:411,Clipboard.png)

File: 067f510bf71308f⋯.png (316 KB,799x762,799:762,Clipboard.png)

File: 36139e5cb44942f⋯.png (86.28 KB,847x380,847:380,Clipboard.png)

File: 29b5a1fcec0581a⋯.png (57.94 KB,856x267,856:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569076 (240012ZMAR23) Notable: TRUMP: ‘The Whole Country Sees What is Going On, and They’re Not Going to Take it Anymore’

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Gateway Pundit



TRUMP: ‘The Whole Country Sees What is Going On, and They’re Not Going to Take it Anymore’

Mar 23, 2023, 7:52 PM


Donald Trump continues to blast the George Soros-funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for his attempt to indict the former president and leading Republican contender for the 2024 presidential election.

In a post to Truth Social on Thursday afternoon, Trump asserted that “the whole Country sees what is going on, and they’re not going to take it anymore.”

“Isn’t it terrible that D.A. Bragg refuses to do the right thing and ‘call it a day?'” Trump asked. “He would rather indict an innocent man and create years of hatred, chaos, and turmoil, than give him his well deserved ‘freedom.'”

Trump continued, “the whole Country sees what is going on, and they’re not going to take it anymore. They’ve had enough! There was no Error made, No Misdemeanor, No Crime and, above all, NO CASE. They spied on my campaign, Rigged the Election, falsely Impeached, cheated and lied. They are HUMAN SCUM!”

Massive Closeout Sale On MyPillow All Season Slippers And Moccasions - Was $149.98, Now Only $25.00!

In a post about an hour earlier, Trump wrote that there is “total disarray in the Manhattan D.A.’s Office. Tremendous dissension and chaos because they have NO CASE, and many of the honest people in the Office know it, and want to do the right thing. They think back to the Late, Great, Bob Morgenthau, the best ever, and know what he would have done. JUSTICE FOR ALL!”

The Grand Jury was previously rumored to be wrapping up this week, but was told not to come in on Wednesday and Thursday.

Bragg is reportedly gearing up to indict former President Donald Trump over a $130,000 “hush money” payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016 over an alleged sexual encounter that the two had in 2006.

Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to charges over the payment in 2018 and was sentenced to three years in prison.

In July 2019, federal prosecutors determined that no additional people would be charged alongside Cohen.

The move to revive the case to bring charges against the former president has been branded an “unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority” by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan.

In a letter to Bragg sent on Monday, Jordan ordered Bragg to testify before Congress.

“Dear Mr. Bragg,” the letter began. “You are about to engage in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority: the indictment of a former President of the United States and current declared candidate for that office. This indictment comes after years of your office searching for a basis — any basis — on which to bring charges, ultimately settling on a novel legal theory untested anywhere in the country and one that federal authorities declined to pursue. If these reports are accurate, your actions will erode confidence in the evenhanded application of justice and unalterably interfere in the court of the 2024 presidential election.”

The letter continued, “in light of the serious consequences of your actions, we expect that you will testify about what plainly appears to be a politically motivated prosecutorial decision.”

Trump has called for demonstrations if he is arrested, posting to Truth Social that we need to “protest! Take our nation back!”

If Trump is charged, he will be the first former president in US history to ever be arrested after leaving office. He is also the current leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.


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29e3f6 No.27811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569151 (240020ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Is the Only America First Candidate on

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Trump Is the Only America First Candidate on

Russia-Ukraine War

The former president’s statement leaves no question as to where he stands or how he would lead our country should he return to the White House

Tucker Carlson recently surveyed prospective Republican presidential candidates about their views on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Respondents included declared and undeclared candidates such as Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Vivek Ramaswamy, and a few others. Their answers covered the gamut of possible foreign policy outlooks, ranging from noninterventionism and a kind of modern-day pragmatism to complete revanchist, Bushite neoconservatism.

The diversity of responses is what one might expect from a deeply fractured party with a bustling populist wing—the latter’s tenacity being testimony to MAGA’s enduring prominence within the GOP.

Underscoring MAGA’s prominence are the responses from Trump and DeSantis, who are the leading contenders going into the 2024 presidential primaries. Each man submitted a response that appeared to buck the Washington consensus, which has been overwhelmingly supportive of providing crucial military hardware and virtually unlimited financial support to Ukraine, even to the point of deepening our already pervasive economic woes and crippling the international supply chain.

In short, Washington’s uniparty consensus has internalized the precept that the Ukrainian war is a war of apocalyptic significance, and therefore, the end goal—ousting Vladimir Putin and wholesale regime change in Russia—is apparently justified by any means whatsoever.

So, it’s no surprise that many Republicans submitted run-of-the-mill talking points, echoing the received wisdom of the so-called military industrial complex or “Washington blob.” These statements were replete with Cold War-era buzzwords like “the Reagan doctrine” and countless comparisons of modern Russia with old the Soviet Union.

There was, of course, no shortage of moralistic lecturing on behalf of preserving the “rules-based global order,” an order that allows “no room for Putin apologists in the Republican Party,” as Mike Pence intoned with the indignation of a 1980s televangelist. Though Pence’s statement went the furthest in denouncing Putin, other candidates, from Chris Christie and Kristi Noem to Vivek Ramaswamy, similarly inveighed to varying degrees against “Russia’s aggression” and Putin’s “tyranny,” signaling a frame of reference still rooted in the Cold War.

In contrast, Trump and DeSantis both made efforts to distance themselves from the Washington blob. Rather than pantomime Raytheon and Lockheed Martin catchphrases, they instead either eschewed or outright denounced the suggestion that opposing Russia in the Ukraine was a “vital American national strategic interest.”

Trump denied this in the most emphatic of terms of all, arguing that our commitment in the region was simply not in America’s strategic interest.

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29e3f6 No.27812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569161 (240020ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Is the Only America First Candidate on

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Retaining his transactional view of diplomacy, Trump spoke like a dealmaker by asserting that it is Europe’s responsibility to pay “far more than [the United States].” He also promised that, as president, he would end the war “in 24 hours.” Given Trump’s foreign policy achievements while president—ranging from North Korea, where he got Kim Jong Un to agree to a nuclear ceasefire, to Afghanistan, where he set into motion the end of a nearly two decades-long conflict, to Ukraine itself, where Russia ceased aggressive maneuvers in the region while he was in office—there is reason to take his claim as something more than bombast.

For his part, DeSantis offered his best Trump impersonation on foreign policy. The Florida governor’s insistence that the United States should not become “further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia” at least seemed to incite the ire of David Frum, Bill Kristol, and Jonah Goldberg. At any rate, DeSantis’ supporters have pointed to these reactions as proof that their favored candidate has fully adopted MAGA noninterventionism, a claim ardently contested by Trump supporters who argue the Florida governor’s unexceptional record, which pretty much toed the establishment line on foreign policy, as well as the questionable personal ties some of DeSantis’ closest acolytes have to Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Given that nothing in DeSantis’ background, prior to becoming governor, screams populist or nationalist bonafides on foreign policy, it is important to read DeSantis’ statement carefully. Criticisms from neoconservative pundits aside, many of those mobilizing behind DeSantis’ presidential campaign, including Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, the Murdoch family, and Jeb Bush, might be called neoconservatives or neocon-adjacent. With that consideration in mind, DeSantis’ statements seem far less radical. For instance, his argument that the United Should not become “further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia” could well be read to mean that the current situation, in which well over $100 billion of U.S. taxpayer dollars has already been expended, is acceptable under a would-be DeSantis doctrine. Not too long ago, Biden himself said he would be interested in meeting with Putin to find “a way to end the war”—suggesting an approach not unlike that advocated by DeSantis.

Beyond that, DeSantis also said that “[t]he U.S. should not provide assistance that could require the deployment of American troops or enable Ukraine to engage in offensive operations beyond its borders.” That statement may appear revolutionary at first glance, but it is totally in keeping with statements made by Joe Biden (“Our forces are not and will not be engaged in the conflict”) and Mitch McConnell (“There will be no American troops on the ground in Ukraine. No one is suggesting that. And that is not something I would advocate either.”).

DeSantis’ declamations against “regime change” in Russia may rally a certain breed of populist pundit, who will try to convince readers that this position represents a radical departure from the uniparty consensus. But that argument quickly loses steam when placed alongside Biden’s repeated denunciations of regime change, to say nothing of similar statements issued by NATO and the international community.

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29e3f6 No.27813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569165 (240021ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Is the Only America First Candidate on

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Finally, the telltale sign that DeSantis may not be serious about spearheading a fundamental shift from the uniparty consensus was his usage of the term “blank check.” The phrase, used in the context of critiquing the Biden Administration’s wasteful management of the conflict to date (“The Biden administration’s virtual ‘blank check,’ funding of this conflict for ‘as long as it takes’ . . . distracts from our country’s most pressing challenges”), has repeatedly been offered by other leading Republican establishment figures, from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and former Vice President Pence to Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.). The “blank check” language sounds like a talking point out of the playbook of establishment candidates. For that reason, it is a red flag and in turn signals DeSantis’ propensity to rely on the same interest groups and lobbyists that most other presidential candidates, manicured by the D.C. establishment might use.

In sharp contrast, the “blank check” language is totally absent from Trump’s statement, or from any public statement the 45th president has issued so far about the Ukrainian conflict. Instead, what we see are statements written in his recognizable cadence. Unlike DeSantis’ somewhat ambiguous language, Trump’s statements exhibit his trademark authenticity, and are to the point: totally unequivocal about where he stands on the conflict. That level of precision is ultimately missing from any other candidates’ statement—including the Florida governor’s.

Though it is undeniably good that DeSantis finds it necessary to pay lip service to noninterventionist strategies in order to win over the base, there is still cause to question whether his allegiances are truly aligned with the MAGA base or with the war lobby that remains hellbent trying to involve us deeper in yet another winless war in Eastern Europe.

The world is on the precipice of war. Accordingly, this conflict demands clarity even more than ever, and it is for this reason why Donald Trump towers above the rest. Trump’s statement is one that leaves no question as to where he stands or how he would lead our country should he become president again. The same cannot yet be said about Ron DeSantis.


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29e3f6 No.27814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569181 (240022ZMAR23) Notable: Nolte: CNN Primetime Demo Ratings Crash to 30-Year Low

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Nolte: CNN Primetime Demo Ratings Crash to 30-Year Low

CNN’s primetime 25-54 age demo ratings have hit a 30-year low of just 84,000… And that’s the good news for this far-left propaganda outlet that traffics in conspiracy theories and political violence.

During the week of March 13, only 383,000 total viewers tuned into CNN’s primetime hours.

How bad is that?

It’s so bad that CNN’s total day average of total viewers is higher than its primetime average: a pathetic 395,000 compared to that even more pathetic 383,000.

Yes, CNN’s primetime line-up is so off-putting more people are tuning into CNN during the day.

CNN’s total day demo viewership also hit a 30-year low with just 80,000.

Compared to this same week last year, CNN lost 62 percent of its primetime viewers, 70 percent of its primetime demo viewers, 49 percent of total day viewers, and 57 percent of total day demo viewers.

Yes, the American people have had enough of CNN:

CNN had a poor ratings week. In fact, the network averaged its smallest Adults 25-54 audience in primetime in roughly three decades (84,000 viewers).

The network dropped four spots to No. 17 in total primetime viewers, drawing a 383,000 total viewer average. The network also dropped to No. 5 in total day viewing with a 395,000 viewer average. It’s rare for a cable news network to average more viewers in total day than in primetime, but that’s what happened this past week. CNN remained No. 33 in primetime Adults 25-54, posting the aforementioned 84,000 viewer average in the daypart. That’s tied with Paramount Network. The network fell three spots to No. 18 in the total day demo, averaging 80,000 viewers from the measurement this past week.

Here are the numbers for all three cable news outlets…

Total Primetime Viewers / Demo Viewers

Fox: 985 million – 219,000

MSNBC: 105 million – 100,000

CNNLOL: 383,000 – 84,000

Total Total Day Viewers / Demo Viewers

Fox: 286 million – 150,000

MSNBC: 695,000 – 76,000

CNNLOL: 395,000 – 80,000

As I said last week, the bottom falling out of CNN is the only thing stopping far-left MSNBC’s dwindling ratings from becoming a weekly headline.

Fox News is attracting more than five times as many total primetime viewers as CNN. Five times! That is unprecedented.

An early preview of this week’s CNN ratings shows that the explosion of speculation around the arrest of former President Trump has done nothing to increase CNN’s dire ratings problems. CNN has been on a jihad against Trump for seven years now. You would think that the possibility of a conclusion to this narrative would draw tons of viewers. It has not.

On Monday, Anderson Cooper only drew 682,000 total viewers. Jake Tapper earned only 590,000. Don Lemon’s floundering CNN This Morning drew only 418,000.

The fake news chickens have finally come home to roost at CNNLOL.


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29e3f6 No.27815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569185 (240023ZMAR23) Notable: Poll: Most Voters See a Trump-Biden Rematch on the Horizon

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Poll: Most Voters See a Trump-Biden Rematch on the Horizon

Most likely voters expect to see a rematch between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden in 2024, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday found.

The survey found 64 percent of likely voters expressing the belief that it is at least “somewhat” likely that Biden will be the Democrat nominee in 2024. Most Democrats, 83 percent, as well as 54 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of independents, also believe it is likely that Biden, currently 80, will be the nominee.

Similarly, 64 percent of likely voters across the board also believe Trump will be the GOP nominee in 2024. In other words, most likely voters anticipate a Trump-Biden rematch in the upcoming presidential election.

Once again, there is bipartisan consensus, as 80 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of Democrats, and 54 percent of independents believe Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024.

Further, the survey found that Democrats are more likely to say they will vote for the Democrat nominee no matter who it is (57 percent) than Republicans are to vote for the GOP nominee no matter who it is. Fifty-three percent of Republicans said they would vote for the GOP nominee no matter who that individual may be.

More per Rasmussen Reports:

The electorate is evenly divided looking forward to the 2024 presidential election. Twenty-seven percent (27%) of Likely Voters say they’ll vote for the Democratic candidate in 2024, no matter who it is, and 27% will vote for the Republican candidate, no matter who it is. Forty-two percent (42%) say they will vote for the candidate they like best, no matter which party they belong to.

Democrats appear to have an edge over Republicans in terms of party loyalty. Fifty-seven (57%) percent of Democrats say they’ll vote for their party’s nominee in 2024 no matter who it is, compared to 53% of Republicans who say they’ll vote for the GOP nominee no matter who it is. More Republicans (38%) than Democrats (31%) say they’ll vote for the candidate they like best, no matter which party they belong to.

The survey was taken March 14-16, 2023, among 972 likely voters and has a +/- 3 percent to margin of error.

It comes as Trump, who made waves over the weekend after announcing that he expects to be arrested this week as part of the ongoing probe in Democrat Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg’s office, continues to dominate in 2024 GOP primary polls. Tuesday’s Morning Consult survey, for instance, showed Trump gaining support over the last week, jumping from 52 percent support to 54 percent:

2024 Republican primary polling trends by Morning Consult

Jan 2:

• Trump — 45% (+11)

• DeSantis — 34%

Feb 25:

• Trump — 48% (+18)

• DeSantis — 30%

March 14:

• Trump — 52% (+24)

• DeSantis — 28%


• Trump — 54% (+28)

• DeSantis — 26% pic.twitter.com/wh35GXRYII

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) March 21, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27816

File: f902784307ae41d⋯.png (347.63 KB,813x706,813:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569223 (240028ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Trump was RIGHT on TikTok

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Donald J. Trump



Trump was RIGHT on TikTok





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29e3f6 No.27817

File: 43e444d5c2bd89c⋯.png (428.16 KB,799x740,799:740,Clipboard.png)

File: eacbd9c69346d45⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,1254x720,209:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569226 (240028ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Trump was RIGHT on TikTok

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29e3f6 No.27818

File: ea21ae46b20babb⋯.png (212.75 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569350 (240045ZMAR23) Notable: Ukrainian special forces getting military targets from CIA satellite

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Ukrainian special forces getting military targets from CIA satellite– Times

The data is used to launch drone attacks against Russian servicemen, a unit commander told the outlet

Ukrainian special forces getting military targets from CIA satellite – Times

FILE PHOTO. Ukrainian soldiers awaiting orders to fire British-made Howitzers on Russian trenches on March 04, 2023

Soldiers of Ukraine’s ‘Thor’ special operations group are using satellite data provided by the CIA to choose targets when conducting drone strikes against Russian forces, the unit’s commander told The Times.

23 Mar, 2023 17:07


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29e3f6 No.27819

File: 76e01c31e85fa0f⋯.png (172 KB,463x630,463:630,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569485 (240103ZMAR23) Notable: Saudi MBC TV comedy program made a skit on Joe Biden

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Saudi MBC TV comedy program made a skit on Joe Biden.


6:16 PM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569512 (240108ZMAR23) Notable: Saudi MBC TV comedy program made a skit on Joe Biden

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Well , here is part one from last year 😂😂😂😂


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29e3f6 No.27821

File: c9347f1d63dfd38⋯.mp4 (11.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569532 (240112ZMAR23) Notable: Hillary Clinton promo for Columbia foreign policy course mercilessly mocked

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Hillary Clinton promo for Columbia foreign policy course mercilessly mocked

March 23, 2023

Hillary Clinton’s video gag about her new teaching gig at Columbia University bombed online, where critics slammed the school, mocked the former secretary of state’s enthusiasm and called her a warmonger.

In the video promoting the foreign policy course, students and Clinton’s co-teacher, Dean Keren Yarhi-Milo, gush about the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate “running again.”

Clinton runs with the lame pun.

“Well, I sure am, Keren, I just got here early for the new class we’re teaching together on foreign policy decision-making,” she says in the skit.

“Classes don’t start until September,” Yarhi-Milo responds — to which Clinton counters she just wants to be prepared.

“Prepared? I think you’re more prepared than anyone to teach this course,” Yarhi-Milo adds.

The “Inside the Situation Room” course will have students “examine decision-making in a variety of historical and contemporary contexts, from the search for Osama bin Laden, to the ‘red line’ in Syria, to negotiating with Iran,” according to a press release from Columbia.

The video sent Twitter into a tizzy.

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald blasted Clintonfor urging “more wars than anyone” in the last three decades.

“The US official who has urged more wars than anyone over the last 3 decades with the possible exception of John Bolton – including Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Ukraine – is teaching Columbia students a class called ‘Foreign-Policy Decision-Making,’” Greenwald wrote. “And boy they’re excited!”

The US official who has urged more wars than anyone over the last 3 decades with the possible exception of John Bolton – including Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Ukraine – is teaching Columbia students a class called "Foreign-Policy Decision-Making." And boy they're excited! 💣💣💣 https://t.co/oKHT18iccJ

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 22, 2023

In a second tweet, Greenwald shared a video of Clinton remarking, “We came. We saw. He died,” after Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was murdered.

more: https://nypost.com/2023/03/23/hillary-clinton-promo-for-columbia-univ-foreign-policy-course-scorned-online/

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29e3f6 No.27822

File: c70858f37bc0581⋯.png (363.75 KB,542x634,271:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569619 (240126ZMAR23) Notable: Flags out Saturday!

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Flags out Saturday!

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29e3f6 No.27823

File: c034b3a57dfc4cb⋯.png (181.17 KB,640x479,640:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 65048d020f9697e⋯.png (328.31 KB,623x723,623:723,Clipboard.png)

File: b2a7d134de2f01a⋯.png (254.16 KB,619x623,619:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569636 (240130ZMAR23) Notable: Just Seven of 30 Members Met NATO Minimum Military Spending Levels in 2022

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Just Seven of 30 Members Met NATO Minimum Military Spending Levels in 2022

Only seven of the thirty members of the NATO military alliance met the 2 per cent of GDP military spending minimum of the alliance in 2022 according to official figures.

NATO head Jens Stoltenberg commented on the annual report, calling for NATO members to increase their military spending to the agreed-upon targets as fewer countries met the pending goals in 2022 than in 2021.

23 Mar 2023


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29e3f6 No.27824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569722 (240148ZMAR23) Notable: Tensions boiling on the streets of Western Sydney as staunch Lebanese Christian men clash with counter protestors promoting the grooming of children

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Tensions boiling on the streets of Western Sydney as staunch Lebanese Christian men clash with counter protestors promoting the grooming of children.

The Christians chanted "Leave our kids alone" and defended their church from Riot Police weilding batons and pepper spray.

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29e3f6 No.27825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569742 (240154ZMAR23) Notable: #22776

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#22776 >>27807


>>27809 James and Jim go Dynamite!

>>27810 TRUMP: ‘The Whole Country Sees What is Going On, and They’re Not Going to Take it Anymore’

>>27811, >>27812, >>27813 Trump Is the Only America First Candidate on

>>27814 Nolte: CNN Primetime Demo Ratings Crash to 30-Year Low

>>27815 Poll: Most Voters See a Trump-Biden Rematch on the Horizon

>>27816, >>27817 @realDonaldTrump Trump was RIGHT on TikTok

>>27818 Ukrainian special forces getting military targets from CIA satellite

>>27819, >>27820 Saudi MBC TV comedy program made a skit on Joe Biden

>>27821 Hillary Clinton promo for Columbia foreign policy course mercilessly mocked

>>27822 Flags out Saturday!

>>27823 Just Seven of 30 Members Met NATO Minimum Military Spending Levels in 2022

>>27824 Tensions boiling on the streets of Western Sydney as staunch Lebanese Christian men clash with counter protestors promoting the grooming of children


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29e3f6 No.27826

File: 448f7b79cba545b⋯.png (1.38 MB,1172x900,293:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 63e2f182f5a44b1⋯.jpeg (183.75 KB,1172x900,293:225,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 06ec85db4a352de⋯.jpeg (211.63 KB,1172x900,293:225,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cf16426fdd6dd85⋯.png (1.9 MB,1273x946,1273:946,Clipboard.png)

File: f58bf99c6164326⋯.png (573.75 KB,625x480,125:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569760 (240157ZMAR23) Notable: #22777

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Baker needs handoff, will tap @20

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29e3f6 No.27827

File: 608216d5baf1191⋯.png (204.09 KB,503x930,503:930,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569770 (240200ZMAR23) Notable: Richard Grenell: 250 people without security clearances worked on Air Force One?

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>>>/qresearch/18569749 lb

>Richard Grenell: 250 people without security clearances worked on Air Force One? Why is @maggieNYT and @jonkarl ignoring this latest scandal?

Richard Grenell

250 people without security clearances worked on Air Force One?

Why is @maggieNYT and @jonkarl ignoring this latest scandal?

Reuters @Reuters·2h

Pentagon probes lapse in Boeing security credentials for Air Force One


7:29 PM · Mar 23, 2023



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29e3f6 No.27828

File: 078e7fcc2611a7b⋯.png (592.83 KB,1064x709,1064:709,Clipboard.png)

File: a06190ae311856e⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,706x720,353:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569808 (240209ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Woke’ DOD official Kelisa Wing reassigned after GOP highlights anti-white tweets

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>>>/qresearch/17633652 pb

>Kelisa Wing, the self-described “woke” chief of diversity, equity and Inclusion at the DoD’s school system, had sent tweets kvetching about white people since at least 2020.

‘Woke’ DOD official Kelisa Wing reassigned after GOP highlights anti-white tweets

(coulda been sooner…)

March 23, 2023

WASHINGTON – Self-described “woke” Defense Department schools official Kelisa Wing, whose anti-white social media comments garnered national attention last fall, has been reassigned to an unrelated role, The Post has learned.

The Defense Dept. in October launched a 30-day review of Wing – the now-former Education Activity chief diversity equity and inclusion officer – after her Twitter posts with disparaging comments about white people resurfaced.

“I’m so exhausted at these white folx in these [professional development] sessions this lady actually had the CAUdacity to say black people can be racist too,” she wrote in one post from June 2020, using a portmanteau for “Caucasian audacity.”

While Wing’s job change came after the DoD completed its review, Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Gilbert Cisneros Jr. said it took placenot as a “disciplinary action,”but instead “as part of a headquarters restructuring.”

But at a House Military Personnel Subcommittee hearing on the impacts of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” in the DoD and military, ==Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said she was skeptical that the job change was made purely for reorganizational reasons.

“I have a feeling that has to do with the fact that we [Republicans] have shined light on this,” she said.==

While she and other lawmakers had requested updates on Wing’s review months earlier, Stefanik said she received a letter just three hours before the hearing where the matter would be discussed.

“I wrote a letter to the department in September of last year and did not receive a response. It was only when I wrote a follow-up letter in November of last year [that] we did finally get a response in December stating the department was conducting an inquiry into this matter,” she said.

“Today – six months after that initial inquiry – you responded three hours prior to this hearing, which is a trend for Biden administration officials at the last minute scrambling before these hearings,” she added.

The Pentagon also repeatedly ignored The Post’s requests for updates on the review since early this year.

A congressional source close to the matter called the delayed reply “an attempt to subvert full Congressional oversight of DoDEA’s politicized activities that inhibit the ability of service member parents

It’s a matter close to Stefanik’s heart as she continues her push for a “service member parents bill of rights” bill that would ensure guardians of children attending DoD schools “have the right to be involved in their children’s education, while increasing transparency and accountability in DoDEA schools,” according to her office.

The update also comes about two weeks after The Post reported that DoDEA schools saw a 1250% increase in the number of Wing’s left-leaning children’s books in their school libraries since her scandal broke six months ago.

In the six months since her racially charged tweets drew GOP criticism, the number of her far-left children’s books lining the shelves of the DOD elementary, middle and high schools under her authority increased tenfold.

In October, about 45 copies of books Wing coauthored – including titles such as “What is White Privilege?” and “What Does it Mean to Defund the Police?” – were available in 11 DOD school libraries, according to a Substack report by OpenTheBooks, a right-leaning nonprofit that tracks government spending.

As of this month, that number had grown to more than 600 books in 49 DOD schools from Quantico, Va., to Yokosuka, Japan, according to online library databases and the report.


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29e3f6 No.27829

File: d3aa2163f76cb0a⋯.png (122.06 KB,491x889,491:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569809 (240209ZMAR23) Notable: Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest, Republicans interfered

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March 23, 2023 4:04 PM EDT

Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest,

Republicans interfered

NEW YORK, March 23 (Reuters) - Manhattan prosecutors on Thursday said Donald Trump misled people to expect he would be arrested this week and prompted fellow Republicans in Congress to interfere with a probe under way into his hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.


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29e3f6 No.27830

File: 0ae979a34dccb64⋯.png (176.51 KB,811x1081,811:1081,Clipboard.png)

File: 55638d26d0f7c60⋯.png (192.96 KB,1777x369,1777:369,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dc13325c2290c3⋯.png (680.03 KB,1840x649,1840:649,Clipboard.png)

File: e5341c91badb51c⋯.png (213.98 KB,829x1086,829:1086,Clipboard.png)

File: 84b1e5c6280d614⋯.png (207.02 KB,1261x804,1261:804,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569831 (240213ZMAR23) Notable: Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest, Republicans interfered

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>Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest,

'The letter only came after Donald Trump created a false expectation that he would be arrested the next day and his lawyers reportedly urged you to intervene,' Leslie Dubeck wrote in the letter. 'Neither fact is a legitimate basis for congressional inquiry.'


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29e3f6 No.27831

File: c3dc54e1ab33943⋯.png (1.61 MB,1920x1025,384:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569922 (240230ZMAR23) Notable: PF reports

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C-130H Hercules

Squawk: 0504

Pattern flown out of Wilmington, DE approx 2 hrs ago

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29e3f6 No.27832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18569962 (240235ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker: They care more about pronouns than human life

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Tucker: They care more about pronouns than human life

Fox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on gun control legislation on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

14-minutes March 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27833

File: 18a37cda9da13ab⋯.png (274.38 KB,480x909,160:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570042 (240246ZMAR23) Notable: Utah social media law means kids need approval from parents

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Utah social media law means kids need approval from parents

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Children and teenagers in Utah would lose access to social media apps such as TikTok if they don’t have parental consent and would face other restrictions under a first-in-the-nation law designed to shield young people from the addictive apps.

The two bills Cox signed into law also prohibit kids under 18 from using social media between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m., require age verification for anyone who wants to use social media in the state and seek to prevent tech companies from luring kids to their apps using addictive features.

The laws passed through Utah’s Republican-supermajority Legislature are the latest reflection of how politicians’ perceptions of technology companies are changing — and that includes pro-business Republicans.

Tech giants like Facebook and Google have enjoyed unbridled growth for over a decade, but amid concerns over user privacy, hate speech, misinformation and harmful effects on teens’ mental health, lawmakers have begun trying to rein them in. Utah’s law was signed on the same day TikTok’s CEO testified before Congress about, among other things, TikTok’s effects on teenagers’ mental health.


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29e3f6 No.27834

File: e2b62d375e63b6a⋯.jpg (181.75 KB,720x1174,360:587,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76d885663df3fd5⋯.jpg (42.83 KB,483x579,161:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570124 (240300ZMAR23) Notable: Taliban PR calling out HRC on twitter - for the keks

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Taliban talking shit to Killery on Twatter


The taliban absolutely demolishing hillary clinton like bruh what time line is this

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29e3f6 No.27835

File: 2d35d1f903e9a14⋯.png (83.44 KB,807x1099,807:1099,Clipboard.png)

File: 46362a3c02f9ade⋯.png (190.32 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 91fd1d3c205353d⋯.png (147.41 KB,853x1215,853:1215,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b1aee2cafffa43⋯.png (229.1 KB,919x1111,919:1111,Clipboard.png)

File: e14f8db8eb13861⋯.png (736.71 KB,800x1100,8:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570134 (240303ZMAR23) Notable: Anon answers (pb) call for info on mask wearing

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>>>/qresearch/18566554 PB PB PB

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29e3f6 No.27836

File: 3bec720b975af47⋯.jpg (198.01 KB,720x1089,80:121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570141 (240304ZMAR23) Notable: Taliban PR calling out HRC on twitter - for the keks

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The Taliban likes rubbing it in

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29e3f6 No.27837

File: a1230b07b3cd33a⋯.png (713.71 KB,1439x1014,1439:1014,Clipboard.png)

File: b6e2d3da6485500⋯.png (1.05 MB,1465x788,1465:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570149 (240306ZMAR23) Notable: PF reports

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Callsign WRIST34.

It's all in the wrist.

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29e3f6 No.27838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570197 (240314ZMAR23) Notable: Kellyanne Conway Testified Twice before Bragg's Grand-Jury

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KAC Testified Twice before Bragg's Grand-Jury

Kellyanne Conway: Even never-Trumpers know there's no case here

Former Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway joins 'The Brian Kilmeade Show' to discuss Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's attempt to indict the former president and provide analysis of the possible pool of Republican 2024 candidates.

The Brian Kilmeade Show

Mar 23, 2023

13:25 - minutes 93,722 views


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29e3f6 No.27839

File: b6384dea8c70566⋯.png (394.92 KB,559x839,559:839,Clipboard.png)

File: fff213c212e2e95⋯.mp4 (14.82 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570291 (240331ZMAR23) Notable: Firefighters and riot police join citizen protests in Paris

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The sum of all fearsfor globalist technocrats is happening RIGHT NOW in France.

The French firefighters and riot police have now JOINED the protesters to stand against tyrant World Economic Forum muppet Emanuel Macron.

Globalists on life support.

Coming to your city soon…

8:13 PM · Mar 23, 2023


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29e3f6 No.27840

File: ed16a6b19507f8b⋯.png (399.44 KB,1050x1136,525:568,Clipboard.png)

File: ca979f18b78104a⋯.jpeg (86.96 KB,612x792,17:22,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570367 (240344ZMAR23) Notable: US Central Command statement on attack in Syria that killed an American contractor and wounded others

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U.S. Central Command


Below is a statement from the CENTCOM Commander on the precision strikes in response to American casualties in Syria.


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29e3f6 No.27841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570372 (240345ZMAR23) Notable: FDA Clears Lab-Grown Chicken As Safe To Eat

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FDA Clears Lab-Grown Chicken As Safe To Eat

The Food and Drug Administration on Monday cleared cultured "cultured chicken cell material" made by GOOD Meat as safe for use as human food. While the FDA said the lab-grown chicken was safe to eat, GOOD Meat still needs approval from the Agriculture Department before i can sell the product in the U.S. If approved, acclaimed chef Jose Andres plans to serve GOOD Meat's chicken to customers at his Washington, D.C. restaurant. He's on GOOD Meat's board of directors.

Thursday March 23, 2023 @11:30PM


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29e3f6 No.27842

File: f69b9229f9b12b9⋯.png (619.4 KB,1000x1027,1000:1027,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570389 (240348ZMAR23) Notable: Tech consulting giant Accenture will cut 19,000 jobs (~2.5%) of its workforce over the next year and a half

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Watch: Accenture to cut 19,000 jobs worldwide

Tech consulting giant Accenture will cut 19,000 jobs, about 2.5% of its workforce, over the next year and a half.

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29e3f6 No.27843

File: 82eab813c820013⋯.png (353.69 KB,598x587,598:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570398 (240349ZMAR23) Notable: Israeli occupation troops attack Palestinians while gathering in Bab Al-Amoud area in occupied Jerusalem for Ramadan

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Israeli occupation troops attack Palestinians while gathering in Bab Al-Amoud area in occupied Jerusalem to celebrate the fasting holy month of Ramadan.


>c5343a (1)


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29e3f6 No.27844

File: 9bd25c91ead07b3⋯.png (682.69 KB,1317x730,1317:730,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570411 (240351ZMAR23) Notable: Tech consulting giant Accenture will cut 19,000 jobs (~2.5%) of its workforce over the next year and a half

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29e3f6 No.27845

File: acd924e6276271a⋯.png (442.52 KB,602x750,301:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570421 (240352ZMAR23) Notable: @chrisandrews64: "Russia will be held to account but Israel can kill and kill….enough is enough."

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Irish Sinn Féin politician @chrisandrews64 : "Russia will be held to account but Israel can kill and kill….enough is enough."


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29e3f6 No.27846

File: 1d91dbe9706c64a⋯.png (146.94 KB,1331x711,1331:711,Clipboard.png)

File: 461a7a18cf9e520⋯.png (293.32 KB,1345x718,1345:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570427 (240352ZMAR23) Notable: Tech consulting giant Accenture will cut 19,000 jobs (~2.5%) of its workforce over the next year and a half

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20 k people let go at accenture you say?

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29e3f6 No.27847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570522 (240411ZMAR23) Notable: #22777

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#22777 >>27826

>>27827 Richard Grenell: 250 people without security clearances worked on Air Force One?

>>27828 ‘Woke’ DOD official Kelisa Wing reassigned after GOP highlights anti-white tweets

>>27829, >>27830 Manhattan DA: Trump created false expectation of arrest, Republicans interfered

>>27831, >>27837 PF reports

>>27832 Tucker: They care more about pronouns than human life

>>27833 Utah social media law means kids need approval from parents

>>27834, >>27836 Taliban PR calling out HRC on twitter - for the keks

>>27835 Anon answers (pb) call for info on mask wearing

>>27838 Kellyanne Conway Testified Twice before Bragg's Grand-Jury

>>27839 Firefighters and riot police join citizen protests in Paris

>>27840 US Central Command statement on attack in Syria that killed an American contractor and wounded others

>>27841 FDA Clears Lab-Grown Chicken As Safe To Eat

>>27842, >>27844, >>27846, >>>/qresearch/18570452 Tech consulting giant Accenture will cut 19,000 jobs (~2.5%) of its workforce over the next year and a half

>>27843 Israeli occupation troops attack Palestinians while gathering in Bab Al-Amoud area in occupied Jerusalem for Ramadan

>>27845 @chrisandrews64: "Russia will be held to account but Israel can kill and kill….enough is enough."



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29e3f6 No.27848

File: 1c07a0d6dc124e4⋯.mp4 (11.54 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d2ff83ef8232927⋯.png (174.06 KB,445x448,445:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570570 (240420ZMAR23) Notable: Eyes on Friday false flag event?

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eyes on friday false flag event

something is up.

Anon would say watch the banksters.

credit suisse is a dead bank that no wants to touch, it was the go to bank for the elites to launder money in offshore accounts by the criminals.

Anon posted the link to the dei speagle files recently.

hopefully this has reminded those banksters who think that all their crimes are memory holed.

they are not, we have it all.


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29e3f6 No.27849

File: 175dca4baedcb7f⋯.png (161.9 KB,1145x748,1145:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570606 (240427ZMAR23) Notable: Accenture.com INTIENT Unify Cell & Gene: Accelerating and streamlining Cell & Gene Therapy enrollment and coordination across the entire patient journey

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29e3f6 No.27850

File: ec534309256ecbf⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 83c647328be0755⋯.png (242.04 KB,598x685,598:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570648 (240435ZMAR23) Notable: In France Riot-Police joined the protesters. Soon everywhere

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In France Riot-Police joined the protesters. Soon everywhere.


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29e3f6 No.27851

File: a431ffb6acaab57⋯.png (178.74 KB,478x456,239:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570795 (240513ZMAR23) Notable: Main brand polyester products manufactured in China are giving you cancer, Surprise!

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Dammit! I likes hot chicks in yoga pants! On the upside, only intelligent conservative chicks will boycott yoga pants so it will make it easier for conservative guys to spot and avoid the libtards.


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29e3f6 No.27852

File: 95bcbc6d9462425⋯.png (259.45 KB,465x565,93:113,Clipboard.png)

File: b5345812c8991f4⋯.png (122.48 KB,515x568,515:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570804 (240516ZMAR23) Notable: NOAA Space Weather has issued a G4 out of a G5 which is the highest level and everyone north of the green line could see the auroras on the horizon

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Can anyone see it?

Lots of cool pics on twitter.


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29e3f6 No.27853

File: 34e511f07b6c4b7⋯.png (68.45 KB,1200x590,120:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570813 (240517ZMAR23) Notable: NOAA Space Weather has issued a G4 out of a G5 which is the highest level and everyone north of the green line could see the auroras on the horizon

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…Seems comfy. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/alerts-watches-and-warnings

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29e3f6 No.27854

File: 4f55402bac3cdc3⋯.jpg (172.45 KB,720x1190,72:119,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4916445883d48ac⋯.jpg (108.92 KB,768x1024,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bd1c7d450f266e7⋯.jpg (125.14 KB,720x1011,240:337,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f10512c00d3b696⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,816x480,17:10,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 95ca6565b999ae8⋯.jpg (427.7 KB,3000x2248,375:281,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570846 (240527ZMAR23) Notable: THE BLACKLIST Raymond Redington tells the CABALS intention, played by JFK JR friend James Spader, explains the power and evil influence of the Deep State (Cap 2:20)

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The Blacklist: Exposing the same

International crime syndicate that the world know as "The Cabal" that

infiltrated every aspect of life that is

responsible for the death of John F

Kennedy Sr. Is it a coincidence that

these two were friends? By now we know there's no such thing.



Scene from the show THE BLACKLIST where the character Raymond Redington, played by JFK JR friend James Spader, explains the power and evil influence of the Deep State…👀

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29e3f6 No.27855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570916 (240543ZMAR23) Notable: ‘More Banks Are Going to Go out of Business’ They’re ‘Stuffed’ with Bonds

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‘More Banks Are Going to Go out of Business’ — They’re ‘Stuffed’ with Bonds

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN International’s “One World,” CNN host, International Business Correspondent, and CNN Business Editor-at-Large Richard Quest stated that the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike will make things “worse” for banks because “all the banks are stuffed to the gills with these government bonds” that will be devalued by the rate hikes. And predicted that there will be more banks going out of business, particularly state and regional banks.

Quest said, “Now, if inflation was your goal and your number one target, then you’d have gone 50 [basis points]. But, obviously, the overriding concern today is the banking sector. And remember, Zain, the problem with the banking sector is that all the banks are stuffed to the gills with these government bonds. Raise the interest rate, and the bond becomes less valuable. So, even today’s action at 0.25% makes things that little bit worse for the banks.”

Later, he added, “More banks are going to go out of business. More state and regional banks in the United States will need to be resolved — to use the technical phrase — they’ll be taken over, they’ll be wound up, they’ll be taken into ownership, all sorts of things.”

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29e3f6 No.27856

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18570998 (240615ZMAR23) Notable: Kash Patel: Hunters Have Become The Prey,Timing Is Everything,In The End The [DS] Will Cease To Exist

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>special guest Kash


X22 Report


16 hours ago

Kash Patel-Hunters Have Become The Prey,Timing Is Everything,In The End The [DS] Will Cease To Exist

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29e3f6 No.27857

File: 0a848ea45c40655⋯.jpg (227.76 KB,720x1073,720:1073,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6279fae00ebbd19⋯.jpg (346.18 KB,2028x1312,507:328,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18571038 (240630ZMAR23) Notable: NOAA Space Weather has issued a G4 out of a G5 which is the highest level and everyone north of the green line could see the auroras on the horizon

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🚨#BREAKING: Much of the United States is currently Witnessing the northern lights

📌#UnitedStates | #USA

Currently, a severe strong geomagnetic storm is taking place hitting the united states. The NOAA Space Weather has issued a G4 out of a G5 which is the highest level and everyone north of the green line could see the auroras on the horizon

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29e3f6 No.27858

File: bdf039f29fc907b⋯.png (391.56 KB,1479x668,1479:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18571063 (240638ZMAR23) Notable: NOAA Space Weather has issued a G4 out of a G5 which is the highest level and everyone north of the green line could see the auroras on the horizon

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