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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

22c240 No.17316 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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2c33e4 No.23329

File: dfa846924b6291e⋯.png (308.78 KB,590x557,590:557,Clipboard.png)

File: adfc34a6ff958a0⋯.mp4 (195.05 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475349 (092006ZMAR23) Notable: Mr Potato: absurdly claims "MAGA Repubs are calling for defunding the police "

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Biden — leader of the Democrat "Defund the Police" Party — absurdly claims "MAGA Republicans are calling for defunding the police departments"


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2c33e4 No.23330

File: bb2aa4bf05952b7⋯.png (81.16 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475352 (092007ZMAR23) Notable: Air raid alert broadcast in Moscow by hackers

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9 Mar, 2023 18:12

Air raid alert broadcast in Moscow by hackers – officials

Emergency services have revealed intruders hijacked TV and radio stations to transmit the false alarm

Hackers broke into the servers of radio stations and TV channels and dispatched a false air raid alarm in Moscow, Russian emergency services announced on Thursday. The incident happened following a string of similar events in other parts of the country.

According to media reports, TV programming was interrupted by a warning that urged people to “immediately seek shelter.” A similar message was broadcast in Sverdlovsk Region in the Urals, local officials said.

Last month, a false alarm about the “threat of a missile strike” was aired by radio stations in several Russian regions. The broadcast was reportedly heard in cities in the western part of the country and in the Urals. Officials said at the time that the incident was caused by a cyber attack.

In January, intruders briefly hijacked TV signals in Crimea and Belgorod Region, which shares a border with Ukraine, broadcasting an excerpt from a speech by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

In February, the broadcasts on two radio stations in Crimea were briefly interrupted by a speech by Kirill Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence. In a statement, radio Sputnik in Crimea described the hacking as an act of “informational sabotage.”


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2c33e4 No.23331

File: 24a758a6d0c1bfc⋯.png (93.64 KB,555x408,185:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475356 (092009ZMAR23) Notable: Mitch M suffered a concussion

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Mitch McConnell Suffered Concussion in Fall at Former Trump Hotel, Will Remain Hospitalized for Observation and Treatment: Spokesman

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) suffered a concussion after he fell Wednesday night and will remain in the hospital for several days for observation and treatment according to spokesman David Popp in a statement released Thursday afternoon.

McConnell fell while he was attending a fundraising dinner for the Senate Leadership Fund super PAC at the Waldorf Astoria DC, located at the former Trump Hotel at the Old Post Office Building on Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

“Leader McConnell tripped at a dinner event Wednesday evening and has been admitted to the hospital and is being treated for a concussion. He is expected to remain in the hospital for a few days of observation and treatment. The Leader is grateful to the medical professionals for their care and to his colleagues for their warm wishes.”

Gray News reporter Stetson Miller posted Popp’s statement:

CBS News reporter Alan He reported Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) commented on McConnell’s condition, “Barrasso re: McConnell after leaving the GOP lunch “He’s going to be fine. He’s going to be observed you know concussion protocol, I expect a full recovery.” Q. Is he talking to people? “Yeah, he’s awake talking to people.””

McConnell’s staff had not been forthcoming in an initial statement released late Wednesday night about McConnell’s fall, ““This evening, Leader McConnell tripped at a local hotel during a private dinner. He has been admitted to the hospital where he is receiving treatment.”


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2c33e4 No.23332

File: 68e4ba34566bb9a⋯.png (367.42 KB,1151x2122,1151:2122,Clipboard.png)

File: c8ef2e77f9af901⋯.png (704.68 KB,1063x1281,1063:1281,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b13158a62d01e6⋯.png (125.91 KB,1105x402,1105:402,Clipboard.png)

File: b6ff38d1f55f772⋯.png (342.91 KB,648x474,108:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475360 (092010ZMAR23) Notable: DIG on Dana Hyde who just died from "turbulence" in small plane

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>"aspen digital hack and dump working group"

>that former Clinton employee who wasturbulenced to death in the back of the head



they tried to shoah Dana Hyde's page at Aspen.

Too bad for them though.




Dana J. Hyde

Co-chair, The Aspen Partnership for an Inclusive Economy

Dana Hyde was nominated by President Obama to serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in September 2013, and unanimously confirmed by the Senate in May 2014. As CEO of MCC, Ms. Hyde oversaw a portfolio of roughly $4 billion in economic assistance programs aimed at reducing poverty, spurring growth, and advancing America’s interests around the globe.

Prior to joining MCC, Ms. Hyde served as Associate Director at the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), leading a team that managed more than $150 billion in budgetary resources across six cabinet agencies. At the U.S. State Department, Ms. Hyde helped establish the Office of Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources as Senior Advisor to then-Deputy Secretary Jack Lew. Ms. Hyde focused on efforts to modernize and innovate U.S. diplomacy and development, including strengthening the lifesaving work of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Earlier in her career, Ms. Hyde served as counsel to the 9/11 Commission, investigating the immediate response of the White House, the Defense Department and the Federal Aviation Administration to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. She also worked in the Clinton White House, where she coordinated policy and outreach initiatives for federal agencies handling national security and trade policy as Special Assistant to the President for Cabinet Affairs.

As an attorney, Ms. Hyde practiced in London as a member of WilmerHale’s international arbitration group and in Washington, D.C. as a litigation associate at Zuckerman Spaeder.A graduate of Georgetown Law School with a bachelor’s degree in political science from UCLA, Ms. Hyde is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She resides outside Washington, D.C. with her husband and two teenage boys.


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2c33e4 No.23333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475368 (092012ZMAR23) Notable: Dems try to force Matt Taibbi to reveal sources for Twitter Files—he refuses

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Democrats try to force Matt Taibbi to reveal sources for Twitter Files—he refuses

"This is a question of sourcing and I'm a journalist. I don't give up my sources."

Twitter Files journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger appeared before the newly formed Weaponization of Government Committee on Thursday, and during congressional questioning, Democrats on the committee demanded that Taibbi reveal his sources for the Twitter Files. He refused.

During questioning, Delegate to the US House from the Virgin Islands and ranking committee member Stacey Plaskett questioned Taibbi about who gave him access to the documents that he would later use as the basis for his reporting on the inner workings of Twitter, which became the Twitter Files. Taibbi had said that a source contacted him and asked him if he'd be interested in seeing those documents, and it was about a week later that he first released his reporting on the topic.

Plaskett asked, "Did Mr. Musk contact you Mr. Taibbi?"

"The attribution for my story is sources at Twitter," Taibbi replied. Plaskett asked Shellenberger the same question.


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2c33e4 No.23334

File: 3de30e3dc07af59⋯.png (13.14 KB,973x241,973:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475370 (092012ZMAR23) Notable: What's going on in Fresno Kevin?

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What's going on in Fresno Kevin?


CRIME DA Drops Attempted Extortion Charges Against Fresno Council President Esparza Published 3 months ago on December 5, 2022By David Taub, Senior Reporter Nelson Esparza (middle) speaks after his attempted extortion case is dismissed. Attorneys Margarita Martinez-Baly and Mark Coleman flank him. The Fresno County District Attorney’s office dropped charges against Fresno City Council President Nelson Esparza during a pre-trial hearing on Monday morning. The unexpected move clears Esparza of two misdemeanor counts that he attempted to extort then-city attorney Douglas Sloan last April. Esparza was accused of threatening Sloan’s job during an April 22 meeting. Esparza allegedly said that if Sloan did not “work for the council majority” he would lose his job. Sloan had since moved on to the city attorney position in Santa Monica. During preliminary hearing testimony, Sloan said his negative interaction with Esparza prompted his move. The District Attorney’s Office initially charged Esparza with a felony account of attempted extortion and a misdemeanor count of violating the city charter. If convicted, he could have faced up to a year in jail, and possible dismissal from the city council.

Esparza read a statement in the record at the start of Monday’s hearing in front of Judge Geoffrey Wilson. He said he and Sloan had a “candid conversation with him regarding his job” and a recent resolution not to “weaponize” the City Attorney’s Office on April 22.

“We spoke specifically about the new resolution and about my perception and anger with the fact that the City Attorney’s Office was being used to circumvent the will of the council majority after the majority had voted. I did, in fact, imply to Mr. Sloan that if this happens and that the new resolution was not followed, that I would vote to terminate him. I never directed him not to comply with his legal and ethical obligations. I wish that he would have come to me to clarify before these allegations became public. This entire situation could have been avoided.

District Attorney Lisa Smittcamp, speaking on KMJ radio, said Esparza’s statement helped inform the decision to drop the charges. After the hearing, Esparza offered a more conciliatory tone toward the District Attorney’s office. He has publicly said before that his prosecution was politically motivated.

Esparza thanked his friends and family, and attorneys. The public is funding Esparza’s legal defense. Coleman did not have an estimate on how much time he has spent on the case or what his final bill will be. The city will pay Coleman $350 an hour; other attorneys working on Esparza’s behalf will receive $250 an hour.

“I know this issue has weighed heavily on Council President Esparza and his family,” Dyer said in a statement. “Now that charges have been dismissed, it is my hope that we will be able to move forward as we continue to serve our community.”

Speaking Monday morning on KMJ radio, Smittcamp criticized Esparza for not coming forth sooner. “Who are we electing? Are we electing mature, professional people or are we electing people who are self-centered and self-serving who then only participate in the process, you know, when the heat comes down? And I think that’s really what we have here today,” Smittcamp said.

Additionally, she clapped back at criticism that her office prosecutes based on political party or race.

“We make decisions in the District Attorney’s Office based on two things — facts and law. That’s it. And the only facts we can use are the facts that we know. And despite what many people specifically in the Fresno City Council have said about me publicly, which are complete lies, that we do things because of race or political party or affiliation. … I mean, it’s just complete hogwash,” Smittcamp said.

She also praised the hiring of Andrew Janz as city attorney. Janz worked under Smittcamp as a criminal prosecutor.


Andrew Janz is mentoring Jonathan Burrows, Dem challenging Kevin McCarthy in 2024. GOP is about to lose the biggest GOP stronghold in CA - Fresno. Kevin better wake up. A Dem crook tried to extort a GOP Mayor and beat the charges.

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2c33e4 No.23335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475381 (092015ZMAR23) Notable: Biden admin plans to reduce milk allowance for families in WIC program, substitute soy-based products

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Biden admin plans to reduce milk allowance for families in WIC program, substitute soy-based products

The Biden administration recently proposed a rule for the United States Department of Agriculture that could reduce the amount of milk available to families participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. To supplement the reduction to the milk allowance, the administration proposed including more soy-based products.

According to the USDA, “more than6 millionmoms, babies and young children” are currently participating in the WIC program.

In November 2022, the Department of Agriculture announced that it plans to “reduce the amount of milk provided in all child, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding participant food packages” and add “soy-based” or other lactose-free beverages, yogurt, and cheese alternatives.

The USDA reported that the proposed updates to the WIC program are “science-based” revisions from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine that “best meet [participants’] nutritional needs and foster healthy growth and development.”

“USDA is committed to advancing maternal and child health through WIC, helping mothers, babies and young kids thrive,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack stated in November. “These proposed changes will strengthen WIC – already an incredibly powerful program – by ensuring it provides foods that reflect the latest nutrition science to support healthy eating and bright futures.”

On Wednesday, 28 congressional representatives, including New York Republican Representative Elise Stefanik, pushed back on the proposal and argued that the plan would “exacerbate the crisis families are already facing with skyrocketing prices at the grocery store.”

In a bipartisan joint letter to the Department of Agriculture Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack, the representatives explained that the proposed monthly milk allowance reduction was “substantial” and cause for “deep concerns.”

Currently, children 12 to 23 months old enrolled in the WIC program are allowed 16 quarts of milk per month. Under the new proposed rule, those children would be reduced to 12 quarts monthly.

Children ages 2 to 4 would be reduced from 16 quarts to 14 quarts monthly, while pregnant and partially breastfeeding mothers would be reduced from 22 quarts to 16 quarts monthly.

“We are greatly concerned that reducing dairy in WIC food packages will negatively impact the nutritional intakes and health of program participants, as it will decrease their access to dairy’s nutrients at life stages key for health and development,” the members of congress stated.

They further argued that the proposed reductions would make the WIC program “less attractive to eligible families” and likely result in fewer participants.

“We strongly urge you to not reduce the amount of milk available to WIC families and instead maintain the current WIC dairy allotments in the final rule,” the congressional representatives concluded.


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2c33e4 No.23336

File: 437f2517d1d5abd⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,655x661,655:661,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475384 (092016ZMAR23) Notable: House Republicans will launch investigation of Jan. 6 committee and security failures around "riot"

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House Republicans will launch investigation of Jan. 6 committee and security failures around riot


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2c33e4 No.23337

File: 99ed75476815a84⋯.mp4 (6.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475387 (092016ZMAR23) Notable: Dems trying to force sources out of Taibbi

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>Stacey Plaskett questioned Taibbi about who gave him access to the documents

>Did Mr. Musk contact you Mr. Taibbi?"

>"The attribution for my story is sources at Twitter," Taibbi replied.

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2c33e4 No.23338

File: 57d61b37250608c⋯.png (181.07 KB,980x629,980:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 65931aae7d2fd78⋯.png (194.43 KB,970x645,194:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475400 (092021ZMAR23) Notable: Former Goldman Sachs Managing Director Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for His Role in Massive Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

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Former Goldman Sachs Managing Director Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for His Role in Massive Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme


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2c33e4 No.23339

File: 1910061e3992754⋯.png (259.21 KB,608x640,19:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475421 (092024ZMAR23) Notable: CDC funds possibly used to "payoff" Maricopa county?!

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CDC funds possibly used to "payoff" Maricopa county?!

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2c33e4 No.23340

File: 294d16e29219e8c⋯.png (336.76 KB,807x739,807:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 151bc6ec5d7ff8f⋯.png (96.7 KB,355x739,355:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475426 (092026ZMAR23) Notable: CDC funds possibly used to "payoff" Maricopa county?!

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2c33e4 No.23341

File: e392d88203c8d41⋯.png (55.45 KB,1044x430,522:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475427 (092026ZMAR23) Notable: Dana Hyde DIG, con't.

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>Dana Hyde was nominated by President Obama to serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)

>Ms. Hyde oversaw a portfolio of roughly $4 billionin economic assistance programs aimed at reducing poverty, spurring growth, and advancing America’s interests around the globe.

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)is a bilateral United States foreign aid agency established by the U.S. Congress in 2004. It is an independent agency separate from the State Department and USAID. It provides grants to countries that have been determined to have good economic policies and potential for economic growth. The country qualification process is objective, involving scores provided by third parties in 20 different areas. An eligible country must apply for a grant with a specific project in mind.

Agency overview

Formed	January 2004

Headquarters	Washington, D.C.

Employees	~300 (2011)

Annual budget	$800 million (FY 2018)[1]

Agency executive	

Alice P. Albright[2], Chief Executive Officer

Website	www.mcc.gov

> Ms. Hyde focused on efforts to modernize and innovate U.S. diplomacy and development, including strengthening the lifesaving work of thePresident’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).


Dec 04, 2017 10:38:51 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: eda158 No. 34250



Hussein AIDS Video.

Hidden message?





Expand your thinking.

News unlocks meaning.



Dec 04, 2017 10:50:10 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: eda158 No. 34323

Re-review RED_RED stringer.

Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.

Cross reference.

Date of stringer vs video?

Learn to decider.

News unlocks message.

Find the keystone.


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2c33e4 No.23342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475428 (092026ZMAR23) Notable: 2017 Donald Trump: 'No computer is safe,' use a courier instead

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2017 Donald Trump: 'No computer is safe,' so use a courier instead

Commentary: Ringing in the New Year, the president-elect says that computers aren't to be trusted and that he'll reveal new details about Russian hacking.

"You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I'll tell you what: No computer is safe," he said.

Sadly, that last assertion does seem to be the case, although as yet no Russian hacker seems to have made incursions into Trump Organization computers in order to reveal The Donald's tax returns. Perhaps there's been little incentive.

Trump isn't very pro-computer. Some believe that a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) in July was the first time he used this modern technology.

"I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what's going on," Trump said Wednesday, according to Reuters.

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2c33e4 No.23343

File: 511f55187655866⋯.mp4 (919.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475459 (092033ZMAR23) Notable: Mr Potato: "I was running for office at the time, but you all may remember it that I had a big fight with the former president and maybe future president"

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BIDEN: "I was running for office at the time, but you all may remember it that I had a big fight with the former president and maybefuture president"


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2c33e4 No.23344

File: ff6405caa2cd4ae⋯.png (181.33 KB,472x515,472:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475480 (092038ZMAR23) Notable: "Made in Beijing: The Plan for Global Market Domination,” a short film

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This week last year,


released "Made in Beijing: The Plan for Global Market Domination,” a short film designed to help the private sector understand industrial espionage threats from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).



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2c33e4 No.23345

File: bd74ba329e30361⋯.png (993.75 KB,1920x5561,1920:5561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475498 (092043ZMAR23) Notable: British journalist shows how the CIA played a ‘direct’ role in the creation of Google

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Podcast: https://rokfin.com/post/121828

British journalist shows how the CIA played a ‘direct’ role in the creation of Google

'The CIA actually directly midwifed Google into existence.'

Google “fundamentally started as a CIA project,”according to journalist and author of Propaganda in the Information Age, Alan MacLeod, who has warned that tech giants’ ties with intelligence agencies pose big problems for freedom of information as well as freedom of speech.

MacLeod, who has extensively researched the ties between the national security state and Big Tech, explained to journalist Whitney Webb on the Unlimited Hangout podcast how a prior investigation by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed found that the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) were “bankrolling” research by Sergey Brin at Stanford University, which “produced Google.”

“Not only that … but his supervisor there was a CIA person. So the CIA actually directly midwifed Google into existence. In fact, until 2005, the CIA actually held shares in Google and eventually sold them,” MacLeod told Webb.

Listen to the full, astonishing podcast here.

Ahmed explained that Brin and his Google co-founder, Larry Page, developed “the core component of what eventually became Google’s search service” “with funding from the Digital Library Initiative (DLI),” a program of the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA, and DARPA.

In addition, the intelligence community’s Massive Digital Data Systems (MDDS) initiative, a project sponsored by the NSA, CIA, and the Director of Central Intelligence, “essentially provided Brin seed-funding, which was supplemented by many other sources.”

Brin and Page “regularly” reported to Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham and Dr. Rick Steinheiser, who were “representatives of a sensitive US intelligence community research programme on information security and data-mining,” Ahmed shared.

Ahmed has argued that the involvement of intelligence agencies in the birth of Google, for example, is deeply purposeful: that they have “nurtur[ed] the web platforms we know today for the precise purpose of utilizing the technology … to fight [a] global ‘information war’ — a war to legitimize the power of the few over the rest of us.”

Google staffed by ‘dozens and dozens’ of ex-CIA agents

In his own research, MacLeod has found that the CIA’s ties with Google continue today, as “there are dozens and dozens of examples” of former CIA agents who now work at Google, “who had just been parachuted into these positions of extreme importance.”

That is, these former CIA employees often cluster in “trust and safety” roles, which are hugely influential in their management of so-called “misinformation” and “hate speech.” Examples include Jacqueline Lopour, Ryan Fugit, and Nick Rossman.

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2c33e4 No.23346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475513 (092045ZMAR23) Notable: Kathy Chung will sit for an interview with the House Oversight Committee re president's handling of classified documents

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WASHINGTON (AP) — A former executive assistant to Joe Biden has agreed to sit for an interview with the House Oversight Committee as Republicans expand their probe into the president's handling of classified documents.

Kathy Chung — one of the staffers who packed Biden’s belongings at the end of his term as vice president — is set to talk to the committee on April 4, the committee said. Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., chairman of the Oversight committee, requested the interview last month.

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2c33e4 No.23347

File: 2a0d01267f13508⋯.png (292.8 KB,530x548,265:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475594 (092104ZMAR23) Notable: The question people are asking, rightly, is: why are the allegations about Jes Staley dribbling out only now, years later?

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The question people are asking, rightly, is: why are the allegations about Jes Staley dribbling out only now, years later? Thanks to an AG in the Virgin Islands who was subsequently fired? How many people covered-up?


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2c33e4 No.23348

File: 0088951b76404c7⋯.png (437.89 KB,598x572,23:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475634 (092109ZMAR23) Notable: Julia Fox's father and brother arrested after raid

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Daily Mail Online


Julia Fox's father and brother arrested after raid


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2c33e4 No.23349

File: 34d197df2fe8ede⋯.png (297.8 KB,635x624,635:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475643 (092111ZMAR23) Notable: Santa Clara County deployed a variety of surveillance techniques on congregants of a church that met during COVID-19

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Santa Clara County deployed a variety of surveillance techniques on congregants of a local church that met during COVID-19, including tracking phone location data and parking a car in a nearby lot to observe behavior, court documents reported by independent journalist David Zweig reveal.

Inspectors from the county’s COVID-19 Business Compliance Unit spent a total of 51 hours conducting stakeouts near Calvary Chapel San Jose between November 25, 2020 and January 3, 2021, observing everything from Sunday services to baptisms and prayer groups, Zweig reported. Enforcement officers, who were paid $219 an hour, wrote in great detail about church activities, noting each violation of the mask mandate, social distancing policy and state-wide ban on singing.

Using cellular mobility data from a company called SafeGraph, which aggregates location data from 47 million devices nationwide to show movement patterns, the county also set up a geofence around the church building to track how many people visited each day, documents obtained by Zweig show. The county paid Stanford Law Professor Daniel Ho $800 an hour to analyze the data, determining there was a daily peak of 1,700 people visiting in early 2021.

County Counsel James Williams told Mercury News that the data is anonymized and not used to track the cellphones of individuals.

“It is unconscionable how much time and money this county has spent surveilling and targeting this church when they should be focused on rebuilding the community,” Mariah Gondeiro, an attorney for Calvary Chapel, told Mercury News.

A complaint filed by the church in 2021 says that several congregants “expressed to Pastor McClure they felt intimidated by the County enforcement officers’ persistent surveillance of church services” and “believed the County was going to order the police to arrest them for attending church.”

Calvary Chapel re-opened its church on May 24, 2020 after two months of being closed, defying the county’s mandates. It sued the county for violating its constitutional rights, which the county followed with its own lawsuit against the church in October 2020, arguing the church violated public health orders and failed to pay fines. The county is currently seeking $2.87 million in public health fines from Calvary Chapel in the ongoing lawsuit.

In August 2021, Grace Community Church, which also opened in defiance of the COVID-19 lockdown, secured a $800,000 settlement from the state of California and Los Angeles County after the Supreme Court ruled against California’s indoor worship ban.

Santa Clara County and County Counsel James R. Williams did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


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2c33e4 No.23350

File: e9d2d0df8d09c1d⋯.jpeg (86.45 KB,960x959,960:959,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475648 (092111ZMAR23) Notable: Kathy Chung will sit for an interview with the House Oversight Committee re president's handling of classified documents

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Kathy Chung (Tough find, I remember researching her months back) hunter got her the job.

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2c33e4 No.23351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475650 (092112ZMAR23) Notable: New Officials Sworn-in at the Department of Defense

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New Officials Sworn-in at the Department of Defense

May 11, 2021 |

The following individuals have been sworn-in virtually or in-person from March 30, 2021, through May 10, 2021.

Elsa Alvarado, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs for Strategic Communications

Warren Bass, Director of Speechwriting, Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Samuel Brannen, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Plans and Posture

Chidi Blyden, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs

Kathy Chung, Deputy Director of Protocol, Office of the Secretary of Defense

from hunter to j biden to lloyd austin at pentagon

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2c33e4 No.23352

File: a59d70342f49dee⋯.png (46.61 KB,586x481,586:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fd2f45a63d7b9b⋯.png (26.48 KB,590x298,295:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475679 (092116ZMAR23) Notable: @BennieGThompson, former chair of the J6, said lawmakers were never given that type of access to the footage last Congress [ya sure]

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, former chair of the Jan. 6 committee, said lawmakers were never given that type of access to the footage last Congress. “It’s strictly a new policy that the new speaker has put in place," he told CNN.

4:21 PM · Mar 8, 2023




Thompson said he doesn’t think any of the Jan. 6 members themselves ever had access to the footage — they let only staff view it. "I'm actually not aware of any member of the committee who had access. We had a team of employees who kind of went through the video."


So the producer of the January 6th "movie" had access to the "evidence" but not the January 6th Committee 🤔

How the hell do you form a Committee and present "evidence" when you haven't even seen it?

That means there had to be a "script" WRITTEN for the January 6th Committee 🤔

9:50 PM · Mar 8, 2023





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2c33e4 No.23353

File: 2682d781c9105d7⋯.png (333.31 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475690 (092118ZMAR23) Notable: Biden hired Rosemont Seneca employee to his private VP office staff

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Biden hired Rosemont Seneca employee to his private VP office staff

By Jon Levine

May 29, 2021

Joe Biden as vice president hired one of his son Hunter’s investment-firm staffers as a personal assistant, emails from his son’s discarded laptop show.

Anne Marie Person, 34, left Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners in 2014 to join the veep’s staff — and stayed in close contact with her former bosses, keeping them apprised of visiting dignitaries and official events they might have interest in, according to the emails.

Rosemont Seneca and its affiliates have come under scrutiny, as the US Department of Justice investigates Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings as part of a possible tax-fraud probe. Hunter Biden secured meetings with top state-linked Chinese companies while repping Rosemont during trips to Beijing while his dad was veep, and one Rosemont affiliate allegedly received a mysterious $3.5 million payment from the wife of a Russian mayor, according to a Senate report.

The revelation of Person’s hiring, and close ties to Hunter Biden and Rosemont Seneca, come from emails contained in the hard drive of a laptop Hunter abandoned at a Delaware repair shop, the existence of which was first revealed by The Post. Previously reported emails from the laptop have shed light on Hunter Biden’s shady dealings in China and the Ukraine.

“I am very excited to have Anne Marie Person working here with me in the West Wing!! I think all of you know her from her work with Rosemont Seneca,” wrote then-Vice President Biden’s assistant, Kathy Chung, in a May 27, 2014 email to Beau, Hunter and Jim Biden and other members of the Biden clan.

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2c33e4 No.23354

File: a93cbae0094d4ab⋯.png (311.23 KB,593x481,593:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 180d6100f2dbd90⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475696 (092119ZMAR23) Notable: WATCH: FBI Director Chris Wray refuses to answer whether he believes the Hunter Biden laptop story is disinformation

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WATCH: FBI Director Chris Wray refuses to answer whether he believes the Hunter Biden laptop story is disinformation.


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2c33e4 No.23355

File: a44c1eaf9f199e9⋯.jpg (139.09 KB,1080x1167,360:389,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475722 (092124ZMAR23) Notable: Scavino vid: The Main in the Arena

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475732 (092125ZMAR23) Notable: #22655-A

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#22655 >>23296

>>23297 Expanding the Abraham Accords

>>23298 Why (?) WE STAND! || (Ft. Kash Patel, Richard Pryor,& TRUTH)

>>23299, >>23312 Gardasil DIG

>>23301 Subcmte on Govt Ops & the Federal Workforce Hearing on Waste, Fraud, Abuse

>>23302, >>23311 Undercover FBI assets posing as violent and racist conservatives.

>>23303 LA Times: White drivers are polluting the air breathed by LA's people of color [new heights of insanity]

>>23304, >>23313 "Retracted" [but likely true] study on lower probability of pregnancy as the result of papilloma virus jab

>>23305, >>23332, >>23341 DIG on Dana Hyde who just died from "turbulence" in small plane

>>23306, >>23309 US State dept briefing

>>23309, >>23307, >>23300, >>23323 Claim: CPAC is funded by Soros, Zuckerberg, Koch Bros ANONS DIG

>>23308, >>23316, >>23320, >>23331 Mitch M suffered a concussion

>>23310 Tummy Tuck Four kidnapping & killings - cartel issues APOLOGY letter

>>23314 Nearly 6,000 US public schools hide child's gender status from parents

>>23315 DeSantis: "Run a boat from the Bahamas" to allow unvaxxed tennis player into the US

>>23317 FAuci's darkest day so far

>>23318 Beijing warns that AUKUS submarine deal poses a threat to the Asia-Pacific region

>>23319 Federal MP accuses Hillsong of money laundering and tax evasion

>>23321 Mr Potato: Everybody knows what a supply chain is now

>>23322 Trans activist boasts about illegally supplying cross-sex hormones to youth

>>23324 Oscars reportedly say no to Zelensky again

>>23325, >>23341 Tens of thousands of people gathered outside the Georgian parliament

>>23326 Hearing: Accountability at VA: Leadership Decisions Impacting its Employees and Veterans

>>23327 Hundreds of Sexual Deepfakes Of Celebrities Like Scarlett Johansson and Emma Watson on FB

>>23329 Mr Potato: absurdly claims "MAGA Repubs are calling for defunding the police "

>>23330 Air raid alert broadcast in Moscow by hackers

>>23333 Dems try to force Matt Taibbi to reveal sources for Twitter Files—he refuses

notes so far, chasing….

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2c33e4 No.23357

File: f04b018327cddbd⋯.png (587.84 KB,736x531,736:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475754 (092130ZMAR23) Notable: Deliberate Destabilization Continues Full Steam Ahead To 2030

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Deliberate Destabilization Continues Full Steam Ahead To 2030



Seems like a pattern… let’s not forget all the food processing plants destroyed as well.


If they investigate train derailments like they do plane crashes and shut them down until causes are found by grounding that particular type, then maybe railroad conglomerates would be more apt to ongoing maintenance that is supposed to be performed. Too fast of speed by onboard conductors or maintenance of track systems are the cause. These conglomerates are trying to save a buck by not maintaining the wheel assemblies, braking systems and or tracks. They don’t need to have hearings for this. Just like every other transport business there are regulatory agencies local and federal that are supposed to be conducting records checks and maintenance inspections. Who is not ensuring the rail systems are safe? Trains, no matter their cargo are literally bombs moving at speeds in excess of 80 mph through towns and cities.


Good observations. And good question. But the answer is: because they WANT us to have a decrepit, third-world rail system, which means no rail system. That way we are all dependent on trucks and trucks alone. Ooh! Wait! They don’t like diesel fuel, which trucks run on! It’s a classic pincer attack.


Dernon sums it up. Deliberate destabilization, which I have been reporting since Obama came into office! The WEF'ers SAID IT OPENLY AND PUBLICLY, it's well documented, "you will own nothing" (by 2030, their bench-marked year for their "Great Reset"). Well how do you get people to own nothing when they have an economy to purchase things and own things!? You must destroy the economy! You also have to destroy the infrastructure too, making it harder for people to recover and barter goods at the local level, which they DO NOT want us doing either!

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2c33e4 No.23358

File: 0a515251fbcc91f⋯.jpg (304.71 KB,1080x1750,108:175,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475756 (092130ZMAR23) Notable: Newsom positive for covid again

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2c33e4 No.23359

File: 2f6232a31e1ad00⋯.png (13.12 KB,589x171,31:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475781 (092135ZMAR23) Notable: BREAKING: Mass shooting in Hamburg, Germany, initial reports say 6 dead

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BREAKING: Mass shooting in Hamburg, Germany, initial reports say 6 dead


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2c33e4 No.23360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475787 (092135ZMAR23) Notable: "White Supremacist Propaganda Soared Last Year, Report Finds"

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White Supremacist Propaganda Soared Last Year, Report Finds

The report, by the Anti-Defamation League, said three far-right groups were responsible for the large majority of the hateful fliers, banners and graffiti.

March 9, 2023

Updated 1:56 p.m. ET

Antisemitic leaflets dropped at private homes in Southern California. Fliers saying, “Stand Up White Man,” left in driveways in suburban Indiana. A laser projector casting hateful messages outside a football stadium in Florida.

Propaganda efforts by white supremacist groups soared in 2022 as such incidents reached a five-year high across the country, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism.

In the report, released on Thursday morning, researchers for the A.D.L. say they have identified more than 6,750 separate occasions last year on which white supremacist organizations distributed racist, antisemitic or otherwise hateful fliers, stickers, banners, images, posters or graffiti. That is a nearly 40 percent rise in similar incidents compared with 2021 and a more than fivefold increase since 2018, according to the report.



White Supremacist Propaganda Soars to All-Time High in 2022

Published: 03.08.2023



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2c33e4 No.23361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475821 (092140ZMAR23) Notable: #22655-BREMAINDER to be collected

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#22655-B >>23296

>>23334 What's going on in Fresno Kevin?

>>23335 Biden admin plans to reduce milk allowance for families in WIC program, substitute soy-based products

>>23336 House Republicans will launch investigation of Jan. 6 committee and security failures around "riot"

>>23337 Dems trying to force sources out of Taibbi


>>23338 Former Goldman Sachs Managing Director Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for His Role in Massive Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>23339, >>23340 CDC funds possibly used to "payoff" Maricopa county?!

>>23341 Dana Hyde DIG, con't.

>>23342 2017 Donald Trump: 'No computer is safe,' use a courier instead

>>23343 Mr Potato: "I was running for office at the time, but you all may remember it that I had a big fight with the former president and maybefuture president"

so far

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2c33e4 No.23362

File: d83fdb5453a8cea⋯.png (923.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c6d45c2028e361⋯.png (680.44 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ccaa32a98ab2605⋯.png (57.97 KB,740x428,185:107,Clipboard.png)

File: c9daca0531a1eff⋯.png (203.44 KB,574x472,287:236,Clipboard.png)

File: 72ab9e7cd40959f⋯.png (81.86 KB,725x542,725:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475822 (092140ZMAR23) Notable: A man who appeared to be a sovereign citizen and refused to co-operate with police was shot by officers who thought he had a gun.

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A man who appeared to be a sovereign citizen and refused to co-operate with police was shot by officers who thought he had a gun.

A suspected “sovereign citizen” who refused to comply with police after a traffic stop was shot dead after officers saw a gun.

Several officers fired into the car with Mr Allan’s family describing his death as a “brutal murder”.

Police have admitted it’s not clear from bodycam footage if Mr Allan was reaching for a gun when he was shot.

During an exchange where he was repeatedly asked to and refused to exit the vehicle Chase Allan, 25, told police they had no “jurisdiction” over him and used other known sovereign citizen phrases.

While it hasn’t been explicitly stated that Mr Allan was a sovereign citizen, it has emerged his mother is in a legal dispute with the local police department which also followed a traffic stop where she also used sovereign citizen tropes.

Mr Allan himself had to be forcibly ejected from court a number of times in recent months for interfering with cases during which he used phrases common in sovereign citizen circles.

Sovereign citizens, also known as “cookers” in Australia, typically believe they are exempt from the law and do not have to pay taxes, fines or carry driver’s licences.

It featured no numbers but did have some US symbols and a series of vertical red stripes where the numbers would normally have been.

A flag often used by sovereign citizens in the US features a variation of the American flag with the stripes going vertically rather than horizontally.

Text on the plate said “Utah, American state citizen” and “Notice, Private Automobile Not for Hire”. In Australia some fake licence plates used by sovereign citizens have also stated vehicles are “private”.

Bodycam footage from police captured the entire encounter.

An officer approached the vehicle and asked Mr Allan, who had a gun holster in the car, about his license plate and to see his ID.


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2c33e4 No.23363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475847 (092144ZMAR23) Notable: Former speaker of Ohio House convicted in public corruption trial

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Former speaker of Ohio House convicted in public corruption trial

Larry Householder and a colleague face up to 20 years in prison and will be sentenced in the coming months.

The two each face up to 20 years in prison and will be sentenced in the coming months. Appeals could also be filed.

“As presented by the trial team, Larry Householder illegally sold the statehouse, and thus he ultimately betrayed the great people of Ohio he was elected to serve,” U.S. Attorney Kenneth L. Parker said in a statement. “Matt Borges was a willing co-conspirator, who paid bribe money for insider information to assist Householder. Through its verdict today, the jury reaffirmed that the illegal acts committed by both men will not be tolerated and that they should be held accountable.”

The two men were convicted in the bribery and racketeering scheme that surrounded $61 million in bribes regarding House Bill 6, the state’s billion-dollar FirstEnergy nuclear power plant bailout.

Householder lost his speakership and was expelled from the House in June 2021.

As previously reported by The Center Square, FirstEnergy agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors in their investigation, admitting it conspired with public officials, others and entities to pay millions of dollars to public officials in exchange for specific official action to help FirstEnergy.

Householder, along with four co-conspirators, were charged in 2020. Also charged were Borges, lobbyist Neil Clark, the Oxley Group co-founder Juan Cespedes and strategist John Longstreth.

HB6 created a new Ohio Clean Air Program to support nuclear energy plants and some solar power facilities. Electricity consumers were to fund the program with the surcharge that ran through 2027.

The fee, which was scheduled to begin Jan. 1, 2021, was stopped by the Ohio Supreme Court in late December 2020. Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost also reached a deal with FirstEnergy to stop what would have been a $120 million windfall for the company this year based on another part of HB6.

Ohio House Minority Leader Allison Russo, D-Upper Arlington, said justice was served by the verdict.

“Justice was served today, and it now closes this chapter on Ohio’s largest corruption scandal in history," Russo said. "However, the issue of unlimited dark money and pay-to-play bribes being funneled through our political systems undoubtedly remains. We owe it to all Ohioans to rip these roots out permanently so taxpayers are never on the hook like this again, and so the government can regain the trust of the people.”



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2c33e4 No.23364

File: 52dc6be2c53a489⋯.png (102.46 KB,1019x405,1019:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475845 (092144ZMAR23) Notable: #22656

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baker going back for notables from PB

could use NOTETAKER for current bread til i get back


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2c33e4 No.23365

File: 514d051b84b5beb⋯.png (366.36 KB,1918x928,959:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475880 (092151ZMAR23) Notable: PF Eyez on the skyz

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I've noticed a few flights of military cargo planes heading in the direction of Hawaii the past week or so. You think they are building up for something?

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2c33e4 No.23366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475925 (092204ZMAR23) Notable: #22655-B in #22656

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#22655-B >>23296

>>23334 What's going on in Fresno Kevin?

>>23335 Biden admin plans to reduce milk allowance for families in WIC program, substitute soy-based products

>>23336 House Republicans will launch investigation of Jan. 6 committee and security failures around "riot"

>>23337 Dems trying to force sources out of Taibbi

>>23338 Former Goldman Sachs Managing Director Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for His Role in Massive Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>23339, >>23340 CDC funds possibly used to "payoff" Maricopa county?!

>>23341 Dana Hyde DIG, con't.

>>23342 2017 Donald Trump: 'No computer is safe,' use a courier instead

>>23343 Mr Potato: "I was running for office at the time, but you all may remember it that I had a big fight with the former president and maybe future president"

>>23344 "Made in Beijing: The Plan for Global Market Domination,” a short film

>>23345 British journalist shows how the CIA played a ‘direct’ role in the creation of Google

>>23346, >>23350 Kathy Chung will sit for an interview with the House Oversight Committee re president's handling of classified documents

>>23347 The question people are asking, rightly, is: why are the allegations about Jes Staley dribbling out only now, years later?

>>23348 Julia Fox's father and brother arrested after raid

>>23349 Santa Clara County deployed a variety of surveillance techniques on congregants of a church that met during COVID-19

>>23351 New Officials Sworn-in at the Department of Defense

>>23352 @BennieGThompson, former chair of the J6, said lawmakers were never given that type of access to the footage last Congress [ya sure]

>>23353 Biden hired Rosemont Seneca employee to his private VP office staff

>>23354 WATCH: FBI Director Chris Wray refuses to answer whether he believes the Hunter Biden laptop story is disinformation

>>23355 Scavino vid: The Main in the Arena

>>23357 Deliberate Destabilization Continues Full Steam Ahead To 2030

>>23358 Newsom positive for covid again

>>23359 BREAKING: Mass shooting in Hamburg, Germany, initial reports say 6 dead

>>23360 "White Supremacist Propaganda Soared Last Year, Report Finds"

>>23362 A man who appeared to be a sovereign citizen and refused to co-operate with police was shot by officers who thought he had a gun.

>>23363 Former speaker of Ohio House convicted in public corruption trial

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2c33e4 No.23367

File: b97b92d23723019⋯.png (170.07 KB,465x438,155:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475939 (092207ZMAR23) Notable: Dana Hyde DIG, con't.

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Maybe add to the Clinton count?

- grew up in Oregon

- 2-years as AIPAC legislative assistant

- worked on Bill Clinton’s first presidential campaign

- worked in Bill Clinton's White House

- Law degree from Georgetown,

Counsel to Congressional 9/11 Commission.

- Private practice and

- Government, including as Senate confirmed position of: CEO of the Millennium Challenge Corporation

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew attend funeral. Hyde will be buried in Israel today.

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2c33e4 No.23368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475960 (092212ZMAR23) Notable: Interest Payments on The National Debt Are Going Vertical

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Interest Payments on The National Debt Are Going Vertical

For non-financially oriented anons

Summary:the amount of short term debt (Treasury Bills) has skyrocketed since the last financial 'crisis' (2008-09..it started in earnest well before but the cracks appeared in public starting in 2007) and the inverted Yield Curve (the interest paid on shorter term debt vs. longer term) has massively increased the amount of dollars the system needs to pay off all the debt that has been issued. There is about 4-5X the amount of shorter term debt (bills) vs longer term (notes-longer than 1 year term) since the 2008 financial crisis and the debt that was issued after that BS was all at much lower rates so when you hear "No..it's really different this time" it is not a throw away line or observation. In the past that has been the "line" that most FIN Media throws out to cover something that should not be happening (usually trying to paint a much rosier picture than what you really see and observe)…however in the current economic climate it is very true.

Each time yield (% paid to the holders) increases in our Gov't issued debt that is moar dollars that need to be printed/issued to service said debt. In addition (which is not covered in this video-but the creator of this video has ones that do address this) add in the fact that the Bank of Japan has sold a record amount of our US Treasury Notes (what they call Foreign Currency Reserves) defending the Yield (trying to keep it at .50%) on it's 10 year Notes (JGBs with it's Yield Control Cap Policy) that it issues-which makes our Yield go up even higher and also devalues it's own currency (yen) in the process

And Monday there was a record amount of 6 month bills taken by the non-competitive classification aka as Retail (you , me…anyone that buys these that are 'mom and pop') the attraction of basically free munee has it's temptations cause it's well above the 10y Yield (5.235% for 6 months vs 3.911% for 10 years)



That is also covered in the video but linky here

Retail Investors Buy Record Amounts Of Six-Month Bills In Monday's Auction



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2c33e4 No.23369

File: 13f634023b7b77c⋯.png (176.18 KB,752x527,752:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475966 (092214ZMAR23) Notable: Hearing on Compliance with Committee Oversight 3-9-2023

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Hearing on Compliance with Committee Oversight 3-9-2023

Mr Cline: https://files.catbox.moe/u5bh3b.mp4

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2c33e4 No.23370

File: 3aa0d283bea0e9e⋯.jpg (203.53 KB,1080x1335,72:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475969 (092214ZMAR23) Notable: Dan Scavino w/CAP: fall video

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Dan vid

Eyes on pls

Cement shoes

Somebody bout to take a fall


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2c33e4 No.23371

File: 3b655bc6a3d7463⋯.png (13.97 KB,455x121,455:121,Clipboard.png)

File: df8d93b2ad134a3⋯.png (173.63 KB,530x421,530:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475988 (092218ZMAR23) Notable: elon musk w/CAP: I’m not his source, but, yeah, obviously asking journalists to reveal sources is not cool

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Elon Musk




Replying to


I’m not his source, but, yeah, obviously asking journalists to reveal sources is not cool

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2c33e4 No.23372

File: 845ce303c300c17⋯.png (331.55 KB,598x618,299:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18475997 (092220ZMAR23) Notable: Russians told to rush to bomb shelters as TV servers are hacked

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Daily Mail Online


Russians told to rush to bomb shelters as TV servers are hacked


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2c33e4 No.23373

File: d7fc240b862cd3d⋯.png (56.58 KB,663x440,663:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476050 (092235ZMAR23) Notable: Jonathan Turley ~ [D]s questions today would of made Joe McCarthy blush

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Jonathan Turley ~ [D]s questions today would of made Joe McCarthy blush


I have to run to a speech, but I never thought I would come to see this day when Democrats trash journalists for seeking to disclose government censorship work and pressing them for their sources and confidential information…

…They have accused these two journalists as threatening the safety of others by disclosing government censorship efforts. It would all make Joe McCarthy blush.

11:55 AM · Mar 9, 2023


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2c33e4 No.23374

File: c6465009aa5168e⋯.png (10.13 KB,588x167,588:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476172 (092257ZMAR23) Notable: Disclose.tv w/CAP: JUST IN - Manhattan prosecutors signal to Trump that he could face criminal charges — NYT

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2c33e4 No.23375

File: 26b59ce70297951⋯.png (338.69 KB,758x857,758:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476182 (092259ZMAR23) Notable: Dana Hyde DIG, con't.

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>Dana Hyde DIG, con't.


>CEO of the Millennium Challenge Corporation

Dana J. Hyde

Chief Executive Officer

Dana J. Hyde, a former State Department and White House official, brings to MCC more than 20 years of experience in law and public policy, with expertise in economic growth and resource management in the United States and around the globe. As Associate Director at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Ms. Hyde led a team that managed more than $150 billion in budgetary resources across six cabinet agencies and helped make difficult choices at a time of increasingly limited resources.

Ms. Hyde came to OMB from the State Department, where she led the establishment of the Office of Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources and went on to serve as Senior Advisor to Deputy Secretary Jack Lew. At State, Ms. Hyde helped bring reform and innovation to U.S. diplomacy and development efforts around the globe, including developing country-owned, country-led initiatives to improve health in the developing world, contributing to the first Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review and strengthening the lifesaving work of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Earlier in her career, Ms. Hyde served as counsel to the 9/11 Commission, investigating the immediate response of the White House, the Defense Department and the Federal Aviation Administration to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Ms. Hyde also worked in the White House, where she coordinated policy and outreach initiatives for federal agencies handling national security and trade policy as Special Assistant to the President for Cabinet Affairs.

As an attorney, Ms. Hyde practiced in London as a member of WilmerHale’s international arbitration group and in Washington, D.C. as a litigation associate at Zuckerman Spaeder. Ms. Hyde also worked at the Justice Department, serving as special assistant to two deputy attorneys general.

Ms. Hyde is a graduate of Georgetown Law School and holds a B.A. in political science from the University of California, Los Angeles. She is married and the mother of two young boys.


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2c33e4 No.23376

File: 87584350f31210e⋯.png (53.66 KB,629x435,629:435,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e193734a1d5c67⋯.png (128.16 KB,608x632,76:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476220 (092307ZMAR23) Notable: Dana Hyde DIG, con't.

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Announcement of Obama's MCC appointment

Sep 26, 2013

President Obama said, “I am grateful that these impressive individuals have chosen to dedicate their talents to serving the American people at this important time for our country. I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”

Dana J. Hyde, Nominee for Chief Executive Officer, Millennium Challenge Corporation

Dana J. Hyde is the Associate Director for General Government Programs in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a position she has held since 2011. Previously, Ms. Hyde served as Senior Advisor in the Office of the Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources at the Department of State from 2009 to 2011. Ms. Hyde was Counsel on the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) from 2003 to 2004. She practiced law as part of the international arbitration group at WilmerHale from 2001 to 2002, and was also an attorney in the Washington office of Zuckerman, Spaeder, LLP from 1998 to 2000. From 1997 to 1998, Ms. Hyde was Special Assistant to the Deputy Attorney General at the Department of Justice. From 1993 to 1995, Ms. Hyde served as a Special Assistant to the President in the Office of Cabinet Affairs at The White House. From 1989 to 1991, Ms. Hyde was a Legislative Assistant at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Ms. Hyde received a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles and a J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center.


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2c33e4 No.23377

File: 8f79065e36be7cf⋯.png (249.42 KB,471x499,471:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476232 (092310ZMAR23) Notable: DeptofDefense w/CAP: Ready for the runway.

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Ready for the runway.



perform during a photoshoot on the runway at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz., as the Navy’s


“Fat Albert” C-130J Super Hercules flies above them.


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2c33e4 No.23378

File: 0bae993c5746d45⋯.png (795.09 KB,1007x612,1007:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476249 (092314ZMAR23) Notable: House Republicans Launch Investigation Into January 6 Committee

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What Goes around comes around

House Republicans Launch Investigation Into January 6 Committee

House Republicans launched an investigation into the January 6 Committee.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday night released never-before-seen January 6 footage showing police escorting peaceful protestors through the Capitol.

The newly released videos destroyed the sham January 6 Committee’s narrative.

Congressman Barry Loudermilk, Chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight is spearheading the investigation into the January 6 panel.

Barry Loudermilk was a victim of the January 6 panel’s lies.

Recall, members of the J6 panel falsely claimed Rep. Loudermilk gave Trump supporters a ‘reconnaissance tour’ on January 5.

Capitol Hill Police later released a letter exonerating Rep. Barry Loudermilk from accusations that he led a tour of the Capitol the day before a mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the building.

Barry Loudermilk received death threats because of Bennie Thompson’s lies.


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2c33e4 No.23379

File: eee92de79831af3⋯.png (45.41 KB,648x340,162:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476261 (092317ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Taibbi w/CAP: Thank you chairman @Jim_Jordan for inviting @ShellenbergerMD and me to speak today. It was an honor, and as Michael and I…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Matt Taibbi tweets a "Thank you!"

Thank you chairman @Jim_Jordan for inviting @ShellenbergerMD and me to speak today. It was an honor, and as Michael and I both worried this frightening issue would be ignored, we are very grateful you and your committee took the time to explore it.


“You cannot have a state-sponsored system targeting ‘disinformation’ without striking at the essence of the right to free speech.” -@mtaibbi

6:10 PM · Mar 9, 2023


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2c33e4 No.23380

File: 513eb66cecce43b⋯.png (701.42 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476271 (092319ZMAR23) Notable: NOT MAKING HEADLINES – FAUCI’S DARKEST DAY – CAUGHT IN BRIBERY SCHEME TO SAVE HIS SKIN

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Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield confirmed during testimony that he was excluded and kept out of the loop by Dr. Tony Fauci in early February 2020 after he suggested the COVID-19 virus was leaked from a laboratory and did not act like a naturally occurring SARS coronavirus.

Dr. Redfield believed COVID came from a lab so Fauci excluded him from phone calls early on as he persuaded other doctors to side with him by handing out millions of dollars in research grants.

The only thing that changed was the BRIBES and NOT THE SCIENCE!

Chairman Jim Jordan was ON FIRE – questioning Dr. Redfield about the origins of the COVID19 virus during the House Coronavirus Committee.


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2c33e4 No.23381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476285 (092321ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok hires Biden-connected consulting firm as the Chinese-owned app faces a potential nationwide ban

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TikTok hires Biden-connected consulting firm as the Chinese-owned app faces a potential nationwide ban


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2c33e4 No.23382

File: f1635363da8a636⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,684x418,18:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476300 (092323ZMAR23) Notable: FreedomWorks lays off 40 percent of staff

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FreedomWorks lays off 40 percent of staff


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2c33e4 No.23383

File: 0c0f91a31179367⋯.png (139.53 KB,438x364,219:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476315 (092325ZMAR23) Notable: McCarthy vows to release full January 6 footage to the public “This is all about transparency, and it won’t just be to Tucker.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Post Millennial (https://thepostmillennial.com/mccarthy-vows-to-release-full-january-6-footage-to-the-public)

McCarthy vows to release full January 6 footage to the public

“This is all about transparency, and it won’t just be to Tucker.”

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2c33e4 No.23384

File: a90ec645d21a6cf⋯.png (112.44 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476324 (092326ZMAR23) Notable: Mother Sues Doctor Who Allegedly Administered COVID-19 Vaccines To Children Without Consent. Dr. Janine Rethy at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

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Mother Sues Doctor Who Allegedly Administered COVID-19 Vaccines To Children Without Consent

A doctor violated the law by administering COVID-19 vaccines to children without consent, according to a new lawsuit.

Dr. Janine Rethy, chief of community pediatrics at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, is being accused of holding two children in a room until she convinced them to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

The minors are both children of NaTonya McNeil, a Washington resident who brought the suit in D.C. Superior Court.

“Ms. McNeil’s two minor children were held in a room by Defendant until she overcame their will and forcibly vaccinated them while physically preventing them from consulting with their mother, who was right outside the room,” the 9-page suit states.

The children were also allegedly provided with “false and fraudulent information” in order to get their purported consent to administer the vaccines.

Rethy told the kids that they had to get a COVID-19 vaccine to attend school and that they could not legally decline vaccination, according to the filing.

The kids gave in when given the false information.


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2c33e4 No.23385

File: 262290bd919cf55⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,673x869,673:869,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476353 (092331ZMAR23) Notable: House Votes to Overturn Flawed, Overreaching Biden WOTUS Rule - H.J. Res. 27, votes 227 to 198

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House Votes to Overturn Flawed, Overreaching Biden WOTUS Rule

Today, H.J. Res. 27, a resolution to overturn the Biden Administration’s flawed, burdensome “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule, was approved by the House of Representatives by a vote of 227 to 198. The Biden rule would lead to sweeping changes to the federal government’s authority to regulate what is considered a navigable water, with enormous impacts on small businesses, manufacturers, farmers, home and infrastructure builders, local communities, water districts, and private property owners.


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2c33e4 No.23386

File: 2d141a93c723f0a⋯.png (648.14 KB,1113x1048,1113:1048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476355 (092331ZMAR23) Notable: The Right Way to Cover Hacks and Leaks Before the Election

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>>23281 So this came up in a search for "aspen digital hack and dump working group"


10.07.2020 02:02 PM

The Right Way to Cover Hacks and Leaks Before the Election

The media knows it screwed up in 2016 with John Podesta. Here’s how it should do better in the final weeks of the 2020 race.

John Podesta speaking to reporters

The media continues to struggle to contextualize the release of stolen documents, without doing the bidding of the thief.​Photograph: Drew Angerer/Getty Images


It seems clear, with four years of hindsight, that the American news media owes John Podesta an apology. The political media did almost everything wrong in covering the theft-and-leak of his private emails amid the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign, four years ago today—and yet it’s not at all clear that if confronted by an operation similar to what Russian intelligence executed in targeting the Democratic National Committee via Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, that we’d get it any more right now.

In fact, so-called “hack-and-leaks” remain one of the most difficult stories to confront appropriately. As we enter the final weeks of the 2020 presidential campaign, when each day seems primed for an October surprise, it’s worth thinking deeply about what makes these incidents so pernicious—and how we as a news media and a society might respond more maturely and rationally than in 2016.

From dozens of conversations this year with numerous reporters, editors, researchers, and executives—as well as a tabletop exercise I ran at the Aspen Institute this summer along with Vivian Schiller, the former CEO of National Public Radio, who now directs Aspen’s media and technology program—it’s clear there’s a shared unease about how the news media handled the 2016 Russian attack on the DNC and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. The unease stems not from any partisan preference for or against Hillary Clinton; it has to do with the sense that the US media allowed itself to be the delivery mechanism for a Russian attack on our democracy.

The basic details of the Podesta leak have come into focus thanks to the work of US intelligence and Robert Mueller’s investigation as special counsel: On October 7, 2016, just hours after US intelligence first warned publicly of Russia’s unfolding attack on the presidential election and just 30 minutes after the damaging Access Hollywood tape was released, Wikileaks began publishing thousands of emails stolen earlier that year by Russia intelligence from Podesta’s personal email account.

Ever since the dust settled in November following Trump’s surprise victory, there’s been an uncomfortable sense that the media’s tendency toward horse-race coverage aided and abetted a surprise attack by America’s foremost foreign adversary. The Podesta theft and subsequent leak destabilized the campaign and muddled the line between two controversies—confusing many voters between the leak of the Podesta emails and the questions around Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email at the State Department.

A “hack and leak” is among the most likely attacks the US might face in the closing weeks of the presidential race, and it is also one of the hardest to respond to adequately and effectively. The path forward requires understanding both the lessons of previous attacks and why Donald Trump’s words and actions have made the current landscape particularly vulnerable.

How We Got to Now

The first major hack-and-leak was met with more amusement than alarm. To this day, North Korea’s 2014 attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment remains misunderstood—a bizarre incident by a bizarre regime, more embarrassing than harmful, protesting a mediocre stoner movie with Seth Rogen and James Franco.

Yet it was actually a deeply destructive landmark attack, as it turns out, for reasons we didn’t realize at the time. Beyond the actual financial and physical damage, the Sony hack burned itself into America’s mind because the hackers hit the softest part of the company’s IT system—emails—and weaponized that information through the use of social media. North Korea got the mainstream media to pick up on those leaks and do the hackers’ bidding, causing reputational and financial damage to the company as Sony’s innermost secrets were spread across the internet for all to read. A stolen spreadsheet of a company’s executive salaries proved irresistible to reporters, who published it quickly; ditto for reporting on executives’ candid comments on colleagues, actors, directors, and other Hollywood luminaries. Particularly in the sped-up news cycles of the digital age, the media had decided that the “newsworthiness” of purloined internal secrets outweighed any ethical dilemmas raised by how that material was obtained. In Sony’s case, there was no sense or allegation of wrongdoing—just hot gossip.

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2c33e4 No.23387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476365 (092332ZMAR23) Notable: The Right Way to Cover Hacks and Leaks Before the Election

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>The Right Way to Cover Hacks and Leaks Before the Election

Unfortunately, that part of Sony’s legacy—so obvious now in hindsight—didn’t sink in with the government and the private sector. America learned the wrong lesson and focused on deterring destructive attackers and hardening network IT systems. Russia, meanwhile, watched the Sony hack and learned the power of stolen information to influence public opinion and undermine confidence in an organization. Russia also saw how American society had been quick to blame and isolate the victim—Sony—rather than unite against the perpetrator of the hack. Russia saw that media organizations—some reputable, some not—would rush to cover such leaks, amplifying the thefts with little self-reflection.

In the years since, we’ve seen similar operations targeting public figures from French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron to Paul Manafort’s daughter, all carried out by foreign adversaries who see such thefts as advancing their own strategic agendas. Yet the media continues to struggle to contextualize the release of stolen documents, without doing the bidding of the thief.

Hack-and-leaks are a particularly difficult and challenging threat to address precisely because they exploit the seams of democracy, as well as long-held norms and instincts of the news media and news organizations themselves. We’ve seen reporting stray from the newsworthy to the salacious, like the Amazon order history of Sony executive Amy Pascal, or the silly, like John Podesta’s risotto recipe. But stolen, leaked documents often contain legitimate news and insights into key decisions or relationships—news which editors and reporters rightfully feel they can’t ignore, regardless of the source.

Even the nearly unthinkable idea of a complete US media boycott and blackout on leak revelations would prove unlikely to stop such revelations from penetrating the US political landscape. Less reliable fringe or partisan websites can publish material that forces more mainstream and reliable organizations to confront stories they’d normally argue don’t rise to their standards. As we’ve seen from QAnon’s Pizzagate to the president’s own Twitter feed to the rumored-and-never-spotted giant antifa bus during the protests in recent weeks, news organizations often now have to wrestle with fringe provocateurs and conspiratorial ideas in a way that they didn’t have to before.

Couple that with the press corps’ normal bias toward competitive scoops, speed, and horse-race-style coverage and you had a recipe for trouble. Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who was at the center of much of the 2016 mess as it unfolded, had a stark warning as part of his recent book tour. “The press hasn’t solved any of this,” he told me. “If the [Russian intelligence service] GRU dumped the Biden campaign’s binder of opposition research on Kamala Harris right now, every news organization and publishing house would race to publish it. I think if you reset the players and the facts of 2016, I’m willing to bet it plays out exactly the same way.”

The biggest challenge, though, is that we rarely know the origins and motivations behind such leaks in real time. Intelligence agencies and news organizations are left to speculate about the provenance of the documents and the motives and desired outcomes from the attack, leaving a critical void as to the goals of the perpetrators. We now know how concerted, extensive, and coordinated the Kremlin’s attack on the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign truly was, but none of that detail came out until years after the fact.

Put another way, as one tech platform executive told me, the challenge of an “information influence operation” is that at the start only the adversary knows it’s an operation—a coordinated series of actions that has been thought out and planned in advance. A game of chess has begun, but it might take several moves for the news media or a campaign to notice. By then it may be too late.

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2c33e4 No.23388

File: bbd8e792e48022a⋯.png (540.38 KB,1086x4426,543:2213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476399 (092342ZMAR23) Notable: Dana Hyde DIG, con't.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Searched on Millenium Challenge Corporation in Qresear.ch

15 results – CAP.

Millenium Challenge Corporation – from Qresear.ch

'MCC is part of the State Dept:. The MCC Board is made up of representatives. These include the MCC's CEO, the U.S. Secretary of State who is the chair, the Secretary of Treasury who is the vice chair, the administrator of USAID, the U.S. Trade Representative and other private-sector or development-related officials.

- MMC is a government corporation to assist developing nations, part of USAID program of the State Department.

- in Executive Branch under POTUS' authority

- all of MCC measurement indicators come from Europe and "progressive" Nazi-Commie-Marxist institutions

- MCC is part of USAID

- USAID provided Ukraine almost $3 Billion for FY 2009 thru FY 2017

- designed to promote "control of corruption" [KEK]

- $45mil budget 07-08 – even more later: in 2016 alone, MCC Millenium Challenge got $756M

DANA HYDE was appt'd as head of MCC in 2014

- before then, served as a special assistant to the president for cabinet affairs and a special assistant to the deputy U.S. attorney general during President Bill Clinton's administration

- served as the CEO of the MCC 2014-2017.

stinks to high heaven

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2c33e4 No.23389

File: 9e0cdff4a3b732d⋯.jpg (81.92 KB,718x665,718:665,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ffc530dc7f3ac3b⋯.jpg (71.17 KB,550x550,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476448 (092350ZMAR23) Notable: Musk: Slightly Flattishly round

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Slightly Flattishly round

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2c33e4 No.23390

File: 8cac5e77e29a903⋯.png (401.95 KB,790x747,790:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476531 (100007ZMAR23) Notable: Wray is running cover for Durham…and in a good way (I think).

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Wray is running cover for Durham…and in a good way (I think).


WATCH: FBI Director Wray falters when asked if he or AG Garland signed off on the illegal raid of President Trump's home.


0:00 / 0:47

12:25 PM · Mar 9, 2023

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2c33e4 No.23391

File: 180d6100f2dbd90⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e5abeeeb1965e5f⋯.png (401.22 KB,778x723,778:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476562 (100016ZMAR23) Notable: Wray is running cover for Durham…and in a good way (I think).

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>Wray is running cover for Durham…and in a good way (I think).

here is correct link

WATCH: FBI Director Chris Wray refuses to answer whether he believes the Hunter Biden laptop story is disinformation.

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2c33e4 No.23392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476598 (100026ZMAR23) Notable: #22656

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#22656 >>23364

>>23365 PF Eyez on the skyz

>>23368 Interest Payments on The National Debt Are Going Vertical

>>23367, >>23375, >>23376, >>23388 Dana Hyde DIG, con't.

>>23369 Hearing on Compliance with Committee Oversight 3-9-2023

>>23370 Dan Scavino w/CAP: fall video

>>23371 elon musk w/CAP: I’m not his source, but, yeah, obviously asking journalists to reveal sources is not cool

>>23372 Russians told to rush to bomb shelters as TV servers are hacked

>>23373 Jonathan Turley ~ [D]s questions today would of made Joe McCarthy blush

>>23374 Disclose.tv w/CAP: JUST IN - Manhattan prosecutors signal to Trump that he could face criminal charges — NYT

>>23377 DeptofDefense w/CAP: Ready for the runway.

>>23378 House Republicans Launch Investigation Into January 6 Committee

>>23379 Matt Taibbi w/CAP: Thank you chairman @Jim_Jordan for inviting @ShellenbergerMD and me to speak today. It was an honor, and as Michael and I…


>>23381 TikTok hires Biden-connected consulting firm as the Chinese-owned app faces a potential nationwide ban

>>23382 FreedomWorks lays off 40 percent of staff

>>23383 McCarthy vows to release full January 6 footage to the public “This is all about transparency, and it won’t just be to Tucker.”

>>23384 Mother Sues Doctor Who Allegedly Administered COVID-19 Vaccines To Children Without Consent. Dr. Janine Rethy at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

>>23385 House Votes to Overturn Flawed, Overreaching Biden WOTUS Rule - H.J. Res. 27, votes 227 to 198

>>23386, >>23387 The Right Way to Cover Hacks and Leaks Before the Election

>>23389 Musk: Slightly Flattishly round

>>23391, >>23390 Wray is running cover for Durham…and in a good way (I think).


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2c33e4 No.23393

File: fa9afce8c56e058⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d52513759611362⋯.png (138.65 KB,561x502,561:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476609 (100029ZMAR23) Notable: #22657

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2c33e4 No.23394

File: 19a560e518e019b⋯.jpeg (925.54 KB,1818x4968,101:276,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476684 (100043ZMAR23) Notable: Hunters become the Hunted, How do you introduce evidence legally?

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this drop is fucking amazing.

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2c33e4 No.23395

File: 4382ecf40deceee⋯.jpeg (93.92 KB,500x551,500:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476716 (100048ZMAR23) Notable: Hunters become the Hunted, How do you introduce evidence legally?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23396

File: dccb4e27613697f⋯.jpeg (96.06 KB,500x551,500:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476723 (100049ZMAR23) Notable: Hunters become the Hunted, How do you introduce evidence legally?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23397

File: 23b8a5708471b73⋯.jpeg (604.35 KB,1640x1418,820:709,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476725 (100050ZMAR23) Notable: At least seven dead, 'dozens injured' in Hamburg bloodbath

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At least seven dead, 'dozens injured' in Hamburg bloodbath: Gunman opens fire at Jehovah's Witness church sparking 'mass casualty incident' in Germany's second-biggest city - shooter 'believed to be dead inside the building'

At least seven dead and several wounded after a shooting in Hamburg

Armed police are hunting for gunmen in Germany's second-biggest city

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2c33e4 No.23398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476727 (100050ZMAR23) Notable: At least seven dead, 'dozens injured' in Hamburg bloodbath

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2c33e4 No.23399

File: 9f23508b64dab6b⋯.png (223.87 KB,573x558,191:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476729 (100051ZMAR23) Notable: Bitch been played by her party

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"There is something going on between Elon Musk and House Republicans. They are going out of their way to promote and protect him and praise him for his work." -RM @StaceyPlaskett

11:55 AM · Mar 9, 2023

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2c33e4 No.23400

File: 3c6e7bb46cb5b18⋯.mp4 (12.83 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476736 (100052ZMAR23) Notable: At least seven dead, 'dozens injured' in Hamburg bloodbath

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Hamburg shooting video 1

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2c33e4 No.23401

File: e3c3b1f1ef4f6a8⋯.jpeg (85.98 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476740 (100052ZMAR23) Notable: Hunters become the Hunted, How do you introduce evidence legally?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23402

File: 1a6d3d6cde3c116⋯.gif (7.1 MB,259x255,259:255,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476745 (100053ZMAR23) Notable: Hunters become the Hunted, How do you introduce evidence legally?

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Kek. Muh Health.

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2c33e4 No.23403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476761 (100055ZMAR23) Notable: Hunters become the Hunted, How do you introduce evidence legally?

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Impeachment opened up Ukraine?

via Manafort and the rest of those krazy kids and that fuzzy headed ambassador?

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2c33e4 No.23404

File: b9025107e1a0c98⋯.jpeg (89.7 KB,676x500,169:125,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476777 (100057ZMAR23) Notable: Hunters become the Hunted, How do you introduce evidence legally?

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2c33e4 No.23405

File: 7b943f47e187cb1⋯.png (209.48 KB,922x829,922:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 5756b4f32ff4adf⋯.png (281.77 KB,876x895,876:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dafdbaac3e938d⋯.png (259.47 KB,1057x1020,1057:1020,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476794 (100100ZMAR23) Notable: Moar Dana Hyde

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Re: Dana Hyde boxes of 9-11 information. What does contains withdrawal notice only mean?

Starts at page 18


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2c33e4 No.23406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476830 (100106ZMAR23) Notable: Britain may well repeat its lockdown blunders sooner than anyone thinks

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Britain may well repeat its lockdown blunders sooner than anyone thinks

From Sweden and the WhatsApp leaks, it’s clear what needs to be changed. But will anyone do it?


lmost exactly three years ago, Chris Whitty explained the trouble with lockdowns. Pandemics, he would say, kill people in two ways: directly – and indirectly, via panic and disruption. It’s hard to measure the latter but you can count the total number of deaths, from all causes. Such figures are coming in now. The country with the smallest rise isn’t Australia or New Zealand, who closed their borders. Nor is it Italy or Canada, who had some of the toughest lockdowns. The winner, with the smallest rise in “excess” deaths since the pandemic began, is Sweden. For those who had accused the lockdown-rejecting Swedes of pursuing a “let it rip” policy that left people to die, this is all rather baffling. And it raises some interesting questions. Australia had hardly any Covid: just lockdowns. So how did it end up with “excess deaths” – at 7 per cent – more than twice the level of the Swedes? If choosing lockdown was to “choose life” (as Matt Hancock put it) then where, in the world’s data, is the correlation between lockdown severity and lives saved?

The Lockdown Files give three main insights into what went wrong. First, we have firm examples of “the science” being invoked to impose various measures that turn out to be politically motivated. Then we see the slapdash method in which major decisions were made: how WhatsApp replaces normal government. And finally, the tone. How after taking emergency powers, this group of men go from being thoughtful and open-minded to being flippant and gung-ho. Once again, we see how power corrupts – and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There is one fascinating exchange where Ben Wallace, who as Defence Secretary has seen his share of emergencies, is roped into one of the WhatsApp decision-making groups. He seems appalled and explains that, if they don’t mind, he will leave them to it and keep operating through normal government methods. If others had reacted the same way, things could have been very different. By showing us the psychology of a group in a crisis, the Lockdown Files explain why previous pandemic planning failed: it didn’t factor in human nature. The public panic was so deep that there was huge pressure to impose restrictions, whether they worked or not. This created a gravitational pull that sucked in the government, opposition and much of the media – crushing the normal safeguards (cost-benefit analyses, etc). No one wanted to go against it. Even academics found a huge pressure to be quiet if they had doubts. Oxford’s Carl Heneghan calls this the “silence of science”. Sweden had the unflappable Anders Tegnell as chief epidemiologist, who went all-out to argue against what he saw as populism: lockdowns that were not backed by science and could cause more harm than good. He never stopped arguing, giving television interviews while waiting on train platforms and publishing study after study. He won people over. Sweden ended up with middling Covid but among Europe’s least economic damage and lowest increase in deaths. In an interview last week, Tegnell offered advice for his successor: “Have ice in your stomach.”

It could all be needed sooner than we think. Some 130 million birds now are understood to have died from the latest variant of bird flu, which has already jumped to mammals with a human fatality in Cambodia. We can imagine what could very well happen next: Public Health England starts to do some “scenario” planning for it becoming a human pandemic, with a bias towards the worst case. Sage is exhumed. Professor Neil Ferguson comes up with some doom graphs. The whole merry-go-round could easily start again. But will politicians be taken seriously next time they say “trust the science”? Polls in the US show that trust in public health bodies has taken a major hit since Covid. While no similar studies have been done here, we do see worrying signs in falling rates of childhood vaccination. Overstating the scientific case during Covid – where the science was genuinely mixed – risks reducing confidence in other areas where the science really is clear. And the brutal truth? The science on Covid still isn’t clear. On masks, on social distancing, even school closures – it’s hard to say what difference they make to the spread of a virus. The UK hasn’t commissioned a single high-quality study into what works and what doesn’t. Even the excess deaths count is complicated – but Sweden is at or near the bottom, whichever way you cut it. But even now, no one seems very interested in the actual science, or learning lessons any time soon.

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2c33e4 No.23407

File: 24e073665cff70d⋯.png (33.98 KB,705x304,705:304,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d18451d37bfc74⋯.png (49.94 KB,670x479,670:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 0feb29c735df97f⋯.png (62.85 KB,669x505,669:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 409a5f88ab807a4⋯.png (43.95 KB,663x439,663:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d70f4fcb743244⋯.png (45.88 KB,655x405,131:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476849 (100111ZMAR23) Notable: Aussie: Rupert Murdoch’s ‘stupid emails’ have exposed the inner workings of his empire

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Rupert Murdoch’s ‘stupid emails’ have exposed the inner workings of his empire

In late 2020, Rupert Murdoch was holed up in the English countryside with his now ex-wife, far from Fox News headquarters in Midtown Manhattan. The pandemic seclusion left him “bored,” he recently said in a deposition, with little to do “but write stupid emails.”

Those “stupid emails” now make up an extraordinary paper trail that has exposed the inner workings of Murdoch’s Fox media empire, revealing how he shapes coverage at his newspapers and cable networks and interacts with some of the most powerful figures in the Republican Party.

People who have worked with Murdoch said he never did much of his most important business over email. He preferred, whenever possible, to convey his wishes in person. But the pandemic changed that, leaving a trove of emails that lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems have used to build their $US1.6 billion ($2.4 billion) defamation case against Fox News.

Fox Corp declined to comment for this article.

‘I’m a journalist at heart’

During his deposition in the case, Murdoch said the journalist in him liked “to be involved” in news stories. He meant it. In the days after the 2020 presidential election, Murdoch’s emails show, he was especially interested in using the news organisations he owns — The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post and Fox News — to pressure President Donald Trump to stop talking about voter fraud. As Murdoch testified, he thought Trump looked like “a bad loser.”

On November 7, 2020, just before Fox News and the other networks declared Joe Biden the president-elect, Murdoch posed a question over email to the editor of the Post, Col Allan.

“Should we say something Donald might see?” he asked in his typically terse style of emailing.


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2c33e4 No.23408

File: da0140afd648e2c⋯.png (320.46 KB,787x629,787:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476856 (100113ZMAR23) Notable: PF B-52 drew a great big dot near Brandon, Manitoba again.

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B-52 drew a great big dot near Brandon, Manitoba again.

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2c33e4 No.23409

File: 41d4ecbf32d2e3d⋯.jpeg (134.43 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476874 (100116ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine: More and more citizens want their government to sit down at the negotiating table with Moscow

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9 Mar, 2023 22:13

Kiev’s security chief names ‘dangerous tendency’ among Ukrainians

More and more citizens want their government to sit down at the negotiating table with Moscow, Aleksey Danilov has admitted

A growing number of Ukrainians would like to see Kiev launch peace talks with Moscow, the head of the National Security and Defense Council, Aleksey Danilov, admitted on Thursday.The top security official blasted the development as a “very dangerous tendency”when he was live on the Ukrainian talk show ‘Greater Lviv speaks’.

“[One should] bear in mind that those [people advocating talks with Russia] are growing in numbers.It is a very dangerous tendency when even people in western Ukraine are starting to talk about such things,”Danilov said, as cited by RIA news agency. He also pointed out a local politician in the western Lviv region that allegedly called on Kiev to sit down at the negotiating table with Moscow.

Russia has previously repeatedly indicated that it was open to communicating with Ukraine if its leaders accepted Moscow’s conditions and recognized what the Kremlin calls the “reality on the ground.” In autumn 2022, four former Ukrainian regions, including the two Donbass republics, officially joined Russia following referendums. Kiev blasted the vote as a “sham” and insisted all four territories remained part of Ukraine, along with Crimea, which joined Russia back in 2014 following another referendum in the wake of the Maidan coup.

Kiev has refused to enter into any negotiations with Moscow since spring 2022, when initial attempts to resolve the conflict through diplomatic means failed. At the time, Ukraine withdrew from talks with Russia following several rounds of negotiations in Belarus and Türkiye.

In early October 2022, Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky ruled out negotiations with his Russian counterpart. Kiev is insisting on a military victory over Moscow. During a G20 summit in November 2022, Zelensky ruled out a potential new ‘Minsk-3’ agreement, referring to previous accords designed to resolve the conflict between Kiev and the two Donbass republics.

The Minsk protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014. Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the agreements, which were designed to give Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state.

Former Ukrainian president Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the agreement to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.” The idea was confirmed by then-chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and then-president of France Francois Hollande.

(So its not even Americans and other countries or losing faith that Kiev knows what they are doing. He shouldn’t have threatened that Americans would have to fight the war in Ukraine.)


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2c33e4 No.23410

File: 6fe754fb47c8438⋯.jpeg (53.02 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476890 (100119ZMAR23) Notable: At least seven dead, 'dozens injured' in Hamburg bloodbath

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9 Mar, 2023 22:09

Mass shooting leaves 6 dead in Hamburg – media

Multiple suspects have reportedly fled the scene after opening fire at a Jehovah’s Witness religious center

Six people were left dead and at least seven seriously injured after gunfire broke out at a Jehovah’s Witness hall in Hamburg’s Alsterdorf district, according to multiple German media reports. Police were called to the scene around 9pm local time.

Police officers have ordered anyone in the area to “seek shelter in a building immediately”and local residents to stay home as they hunt for the perpetrators.

Emergency services are treating victims at the scene. A “larger police operation” is underway in Alsterdorf as of Thursday night, Hamburg Police tweeted.

The number of suspects has not been made public yet.


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2c33e4 No.23411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476924 (100126ZMAR23) Notable: Hysteria and the Strange History of Vibrators For the keks!

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'''"Hysteria" and the Strange History of Vibrators

The invention of the vibrator had nothing to do with women's pleasure.'''

… ironically, women's sexual pleasure was the furthest thing from the minds of the male doctors who invented vibrators almost two centuries ago. They were interested in a labor-saving device to spare their hands the fatigue they developed giving handjobs to a steady stream of 19th-century ladies who suffered from “hysteria,” a vaguely defined ailment easily recognizable today as sexual frustration. Therein hangs a strange tale that provides quirky insights into both the history of sex toys and cultural notions about women’s sexuality.


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2c33e4 No.23412

File: bcd7f32c2b550b8⋯.png (124.25 KB,506x566,253:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476934 (100129ZMAR23) Notable: 2016 Never Trump Ring Leader Ken Cuccinelli Launches Pro-DeSantis PAC for 2024

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2016 Never Trump Ring Leader Ken Cuccinelli Launches Pro-DeSantis PAC for 2024

Ken Cuccinelli led a last-ditch effort by the Cruz campaign to block the will of the American People and stop then-candidate Trump from getting the 2016 GOP nomination that he won at the polls.

Ken Cuccinelli, a ring leader of 2016’s Never Trump movement, is launching a pro-Ron DeSantis PAC ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election, becoming just the latest from the Never Trump movement of old to hop aboard the DeSantis bandwagon.

Former Attorney General of Virginia Ken Cuccinelli announced the launching of his Never Back Down PAC to support Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the 2024 GOP Presidential Primary against 45th President Donald J. Trump. Cuccinelli was a ringleader of 2016’s Never Trump movement and was among those Cruz supporters who made last-ditch efforts on the Republican convention floor to block the will of the voters and Trump’s official nomination for President.

Cuccinelli helped lead those efforts on behalf of the Ted Cruz campaign and Team Trump described his tactics as “Gestapo” like.

Despite his staunch opposition to Trump’s nomination for President, Cuccinelli went on to work in the Trump Administration, along with many other Never Trumpers whose objections to Trump’s candidacy seemed to evaporate when financial opportunities were presented to them.

“Today I’m launching Never Back Down PAC to encourage @GovRonDesantis to run for President in 2024,” Cuccinelli wrote in a tweet, including a video announcement of the new DeSantis PAC.

“The energy is real,” Cuccinelli’s tweet went on to say. “Grassroots conservatives see that Governor DeSantis is a proven leader who can win in 2024.”


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2c33e4 No.23413

File: 6506017c2561cb1⋯.png (48.48 KB,772x453,772:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476946 (100131ZMAR23) Notable: The Pentagon is funding experiments on animals to recreate ‘Havana Syndrome’

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Dr. Lynn Fynn-derella🐭


They love to spend tax dollars to resurrect what nature ends….

Quote Tweet





The Pentagon is funding experiments on animals to recreate ‘Havana Syndrome’

This news of the ongoing animal testing, which has not previously been reported, comes after the Office of the Director of National Intelligence determined last week that there


… Show more

5:55 PM · Mar 9, 2023



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2c33e4 No.23414

File: 071a8b3cc7eb571⋯.png (714.44 KB,927x426,309:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 562d86e519e25e4⋯.png (323.05 KB,1003x521,1003:521,Clipboard.png)

File: ac87da877a8c777⋯.png (336.5 KB,815x409,815:409,Clipboard.png)

File: ea669e900515964⋯.png (530.34 KB,637x413,91:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476950 (100132ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag Update: SAM335 C-40BWH NSOwent to Ramstein and German AF GAF630 returned to Berlin from a Rome overnight earlier

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PlaneFag Update: SAM335 C-40BWH NSOwent to Ramstein and German AF GAF630 returned to Berlin from a Rome overnight earlier

>>23223 lb


Hungarian AF HUAF545 Falcon 7x departed from Cape Coral, FL after arriving from Ft. Lauderdale Int'l and was at Tallahassee, FL yesterday

SAM255 G5 east from Peterson SFB back to JBA with SAM475 G5 looks like it was at Brownsville or McAllen TX (trace drops just entering Guly earlier aboyt 6hours ago (C101 US Coast Guard G5 arrived back from Mexico City depart yesterday and went to Teterboro Airport and is now back at Reagan National from that overnight

Mexi AF FAM5210 Super King Air tree-fiddy (B350) arrived at Juarez with FAM3527 737 back at Santa Lucia AB from a Ccncun Int'l stop of 1h

VM101 US Navy G5 went to Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri earlier today

PAT911C560 arrived at Ft. Worth JRTB from Glacier Park Int'l Airport Whitefish, MT

12-3050 USAFSOC 'SPecial Ops C-146 Wolfhound arrived at Barbados from Homestead ARB, FL

CYBER11 C-26 Metro arrived back at Augusta Regional Airport from Stennis int'l Airport stop of 90m and earlier a fly over NE of Nashville

PAT537 RC-26B Metro-Drug ISR went to Cape Cod Coast Guard AS

ABIDE99 E-4B Nightwatch out of Offutt SE

Potato in 82-8000 went back to JBA from Philly Int'l >>>/qresearch/18474391 pb

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2c33e4 No.23415

File: 78ceed5df6875c5⋯.png (336.14 KB,598x345,26:15,Clipboard.png)

File: c659f06e8ab31a5⋯.png (439.32 KB,861x360,287:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18476971 (100135ZMAR23) Notable: Argentina swaps $21.7 billion in domestic debt, dimming default risk

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Argentina swaps $21.7 billion in domestic debt, dimming default risk

Argentina has swapped 4.34 trillion pesos ($21.66 billion) in domestic debt, amounting to around 64% of loans due to mature through June and helping to ease near-term fears of a debt default as the economy falters under pressure from a devastating drought. The swap exchanges old debt for new bonds maturing in 2024 and 2025, according to an economy ministry statement Thursday. "In this way, the uncertainty about the debt maturities of the coming months is cleared up, helping to preserve the sustainability of the Treasury debt," the ministry said. Argentina had initially hoped to swap around half of its total debt due, an official source told Reuters on the condition of anonymity earlier this week. "Between banks, insurers and companies, the (swap) volume would be between 3 and 3.5 trillion pesos (around $17 billion)," they said, adding that swapping "anything above 50% will already be a great achievement."

The swap, first announced Monday, prompted global rating agency S&P to slash Argentina's local currency rating to 'SD/SD' (selective default) from 'CCC-/C' Thursday. It also downgraded Argentina's national rating to 'SD' from 'raCCC+'. Argentine stocks and bonds also fell Thursday as investment funds flocked for the exit following news of the debt swap, which aims to ease market uncertainty in an election year and amid a stalling economy. Though the debt swap is technically voluntary rather than a forced restructuring, the agency - and indeed the markets - still appear to view it as a distressed event.

This is Argentina's third bond swap since August 2022.


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2c33e4 No.23416

File: 0b54a0ff35c73f5⋯.png (1.08 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477010 (100141ZMAR23) Notable: Shellenberger on Tucker: Censorship Industria Complex run by science and tech elite

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23417

File: be329416dad8fb0⋯.jpg (39.91 KB,525x680,105:136,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477033 (100147ZMAR23) Notable: Bitch been played by her party

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If Elon is saying he's not the source that commie bitch was busting Taibbi's ass for today, I'm doubling down on what I suggested months ago…the Military seized Twatter and is curating and disseminating what him, Weiss, and the others can report. They all allude to "lawyers" clearing things in the various drops. So…none of the House assholes would gaf if regular old corporate lawyers are assisting as "sources," would they? Or regular employees? No, they must think it's someone/something moar threatening than even Elon. Baker, Roth, or whoever probably gave the evil fucks a heads-up kek.

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2c33e4 No.23418

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477035 (100147ZMAR23) Notable: Shellenberger on Tucker: Censorship Industria Complex run by science and tech elite

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Tucker Asks How Jacob Chansley Is Still In Prison

After Video Footage Proves He Committed No Felony

"We know that this was a travesty, The people responsible for it should be punished. Liz Cheney should lose her job today as a professor at the University of Virginia. She knew this. She destroyed a man's life.



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2c33e4 No.23419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477163 (100212ZMAR23) Notable: LONG TRUMP THREAD

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I did absolutely nothing wrong, I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels, nor would I have wanted to have an affair with Stormy Daniels.

This is a political Witch-Hunt, trying to take down the leading candidate, by far, in the Republican Party while at the same time also leading all Democrats in the polls, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Congress and numerous Democrat District Attorneys, Attorneys General, and the…

…Department of Injustice itself, which has unprecedentedly placed top DOJ prosecutors into the Manhattan District Attorney’s office in order to “get Trump”, have found that I did nothing wrong. Now, they fall back on the old, and rebuked case which has been rejected by every prosecutor’s office that has looked at this Stormy “Horseface” Daniels matter, where I relied on counsel in order to resolve this Extortion of me, which took place a long time ago. Since then, I have won lawsuits…

…for hundreds of thousands of dollars against Stormy Daniels, and every prosecutors’ office which has looked at it, which are numerous, including the FEC, have turned this fake case down. This is not a state case, it is a federal case, and they have all passed on it.

Even the previous Manhattan DA, Cyrus Vance, did not bring charges because I am guilty of nothing except for the fact that I am beating all Republicans and Democrats badly in the Presidential race…

…It is Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, the no-collusion Mueller hoax, and other targeted, false attacks against me all over again. It is a weaponization of our judicial system, and I am shocked that this Soros backed radical left prosecutor, who has allowed violent crime to reach new…

…heights in New York without any retribution, would consider bringing such a charge against the undisputed front runner of one of the two major political parties in our Nation.

Additionally, the statute of limitations has long since ended and, in fact, Radical Left media, one and a half years ago, did a “countdown” on the statute of limitations, which was allowed to expire. The countdown ended and until now nobody had any idea that it was allowed to continue in this one lowball office…

…It is appalling that the Democrats would play this card and only means that they are certain that they cannot win at the voter booth, so they have to go to a tool that has never been used in such a way in our country, weaponized law enforcement.

I, and hundreds of millions of the American People who are backing me, because they want to see our nation be great again, are the victims of this corrupt, depraved, and…

…weaponized justice system where Hunter Biden and his father can commit horrendous crimes, all accurately documented on his laptop, and nothing happens, but with me, after looking at 11 million pages worth of documents, they go after a hoax that every other prosecutor’s office which reviewed it, and even the U.S. Congress, has long ago dropped. I will not be deterred, I will always continue to be your voice, and I will keep fighting for our great Country.


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2c33e4 No.23420

File: 4882d8212d546e7⋯.png (470.42 KB,561x1011,187:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477182 (100215ZMAR23) Notable: LONG TRUMP THREAD

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2c33e4 No.23421

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477379 (100248ZMAR23) Notable: #22657

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#22657 >>23393

>>23394, >>23395, >>23396, >>23401, >>23402, >>23404, >>23403 Hunters become the Hunted, How do you introduce evidence legally?

>>23397, >>23398, >>23400, >>23410 At least seven dead, 'dozens injured' in Hamburg bloodbath

>>23399, >>23417 Bitch been played by her party

>>23405 Moar Dana Hyde

>>23406 Britain may well repeat its lockdown blunders sooner than anyone thinks

>>23407 Aussie: Rupert Murdoch’s ‘stupid emails’ have exposed the inner workings of his empire

>>23408 PF B-52 drew a great big dot near Brandon, Manitoba again.

>>23409 Ukraine: More and more citizens want their government to sit down at the negotiating table with Moscow

>>23411 Hysteria and the Strange History of Vibrators For the keks!

>>23412 2016 Never Trump Ring Leader Ken Cuccinelli Launches Pro-DeSantis PAC for 2024

>>23413 The Pentagon is funding experiments on animals to recreate ‘Havana Syndrome’

>>23414 PlaneFag Update: SAM335 C-40BWH NSOwent to Ramstein and German AF GAF630 returned to Berlin from a Rome overnight earlier

>>23415 Argentina swaps $21.7 billion in domestic debt, dimming default risk

>>23416, >>23418 Shellenberger on Tucker: Censorship Industria Complex run by science and tech elite

>>23420, >>23419 LONG TRUMP THREAD


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2c33e4 No.23422

File: 0618dd335db1356⋯.jpg (22.99 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f23508b64dab6b⋯.png (223.87 KB,573x558,191:186,Clipboard.png)

File: 926bf6bdcb669d2⋯.jpg (94.06 KB,625x428,625:428,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51e64dfb539af38⋯.jpg (237.3 KB,793x1092,61:84,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477391 (100250ZMAR23)

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Baker needs handoff, will tap @20

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2c33e4 No.23423

File: 18a86acb2d7f561⋯.png (76.83 KB,626x466,313:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477418 (100254ZMAR23) Notable: Canadian media exposed classified briefings re: Chinese interference & Trudeau is panicking

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Interesting. Possible election interference in Canada.

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2c33e4 No.23424

File: e50e1c000f25b5c⋯.mp4 (7.28 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477427 (100255ZMAR23) Notable: Kathy Griffin asks for Qanon's to be exposed by Danesh(Cap 0:30)

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2c33e4 No.23425

File: 34bb994fbdb1647⋯.png (51.48 KB,489x278,489:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477438 (100257ZMAR23) Notable: Tom Fitton: Election Interference: NYC Democrat Politician, Concocting Unprecedented Criminal Charge Against @realdonaldtrump

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Tom Fitton · now

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: NYTIMES reports NYC Democrat politician, in an obvious abuse of power, concocting unprecedented criminal charge against @realDonaldTrump based on "untested," "novel," and "risky" legal "theory."

Mar 09, 2023, 9:55 PM


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2c33e4 No.23426

File: 70987794fe0f74c⋯.png (287.46 KB,936x928,117:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477479 (100304ZMAR23) Notable: Jonathan Turley: Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing?

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Jonathan Turley

Fox News is reporting sources as saying that these videotapes were handed over to the FBI soon after Jan. 6th. If true, the Justice Department did have the evidence and failed to turn it over to the defense as constitutionally required.

Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing?

New Footage Raises Questions Over the Chansley Case

If there is one image from Jan. 6th that will remain indelible with the day, it is the “QAnon Shaman.” Bare chested and wearing an animal headdress, horns and red-white-and-blue face paint, Jake Angeli Chansley is to the Capitol riot what Rosie the Riveter was to World War II. Howling and “chanting an unintelligible mantra” on the Senate floor, he is the embodiment of the unhinged rage that led to one of the most disgraceful attacks on our constitutional process in history.

However, the newly released Fox footage from that day raises serious questions over the prosecution and punishment of Chansley. The videotapes aired on Tucker Carlson this week show Chansley being escorted by officers through the Capitol. Two officers appear to not only guide him to the floor but actually appear to be trying to open locked doors for him. At one point, Chansley is shown walking unimpeded through a large number of armed officers with his four-foot flag-draped spear and horned Viking helmet on his way to the Senate floor.

It is otherworldly footage. While I admit that I approach these stories from the perspective of a long-standing criminal defense attorney, I would be outraged if I was unable to see such evidence before a plea or sentencing. At no point in the videotapes does Chansley appear violent or threatening. Indeed, he appears to thank the officers for their guidance and assistance. On the Senate floor, Chansley actually gave a prayer to thank the officers agreed “to allow us into the building.”

Before addressing the legal implications of this footage, one thing should be clear. The public should have been given access to this footage long ago and the Jan. 6th Committee withheld important evidence on what occurred inside the Capitol on that day.

(lots moar at link)


8:16 PM · Mar 9, 2023


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2c33e4 No.23427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477501 (100308ZMAR23) Notable: Kathy Griffin asks for Qanon's to be exposed by Danesh(Cap 0:30)

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2c33e4 No.23428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477504 (100309ZMAR23) Notable: Have not done any research on the J6 prisoners but I'm starting to wonder if the J6 prisoners really undercover military troops?

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Have not done any research on the J6 prisoners but I'm starting to wonder if the J6 prisoners really undercover military troops?

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2c33e4 No.23429

File: 9aba3ce92945fcd⋯.png (327.56 KB,578x875,578:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477505 (100309ZMAR23) Notable: Malaysia ex-PM Muhyiddin charged with corruption, laundering

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Malaysia ex-PM Muhyiddin charged with corruption, laundering

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was charged Friday with corruption and money laundering, making him Malaysia’s second ex-leader to be indicted after leaving office.

Muhyiddin, 75, pleaded innocent to four charges of abusing his power to obtain 232.5 million ringgit ($51.4 million) bribes for his party and two charges of money laundering involving 195 million ringgit ($43 million). He has been released on bail.

Muhyiddin was arrested Thursday by the anti-graft agency, which questioned him over government stimulus projects to ethnic Malay contractors during the COVID-19 pandemic. He then slammed the charges against him as political persecution to crush his opposition alliance ahead of state elections. Outside the court building Friday, some supporters carried banners which read “malicious intent.”

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim rejected accusations that the charges were politically motivated and noted the investigations were carried out independently by the anti-graft agency. After taking power in November, Anwar ordered a review of government projects approved by past administrations including Muhyiddin, who led Malaysia from March 2020 until August 2021.


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2c33e4 No.23430

File: 10747b37e982ffa⋯.png (7.36 KB,397x122,397:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477511 (100310ZMAR23) Notable: Jonathan Turley: Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing?

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CLOWN CLOWNS CLOWNS. There is no spoon. its all fucking satanic spooks

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2c33e4 No.23431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477522 (100313ZMAR23) Notable: Full - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government 2:46:45

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Full - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

House Committee on the Judiciary

Streamed live 11 hours ago



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2c33e4 No.23432

File: 97d4c66bda1aa60⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1766x1214,883:607,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 25eb7ae8db45062⋯.png (3.32 MB,1212x1212,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5488838e9868153⋯.jpeg (66.99 KB,527x578,31:34,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477531 (100315ZMAR23) Notable: Hear they always go in 3s…

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Hear they always go in 3s…

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2c33e4 No.23433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477581 (100326ZMAR23) Notable: 'As Bad As It Is Now, It Could Get Worse': Hillary Clinton promotes Abortion Rights

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'As Bad As It Is Now, It Could Get Worse': Hillary Clinton Issues Dire Warning On Abortion Rights

>996 views | Mar 9, 2023

At the Forbes 3050 Summit in Abu Dhabi, Hillary Clinton spoke to ForbesWomen editor Maggie McGrath about reproductive rights.



14 minutes ago

Calling Hillary Clinton uncorrupt is like saying Bill Clinton never visited Epstein's island.





15 minutes ago

The fact this woman is not in prison is truly incomprehensible.



3 replies

irma dennington

irma dennington

18 minutes ago

Why can’t this woman get lost?



3 replies

Streetglide🏍💨 Special1

Streetglide🏍💨 Special1

16 minutes ago

this body double clone is one of the best ones I've seen in awhile …



Teddy Sapp

Teddy Sapp

14 minutes ago

“We came, we saw, he died.”



1 reply

valia kloeppel

valia kloeppel

6 minutes ago

I thought that at age 35, a mandatory test was given to see if fetus was abnormal? That's not reproductive health care, that's imperative.



gaelan white

gaelan white

12 minutes ago

'As Bad As It Is Now, It Could Get Worse'

Agreed, we could have had her as president. So clearly for as bad as things get, at least she never became president.



1 reply

Steve Ladner

Steve Ladner

15 minutes ago

That woman should be locked up….





15 minutes ago

My god! When will this women go away?!



Nonya Business

Nonya Business

15 minutes ago

Lol this lady can't take a hint



Michael Tice

Michael Tice

12 minutes ago

Her pantsuits must be at the cleaners.



1 reply



7 minutes ago

Is her email still angelfire? Or has she gone on to hotmail?



Shotgun Willie

Shotgun Willie

6 minutes ago

To think sucking a healthy soon-to-be baby through a vacuum is okay blows my mind.



Tammy Dykes

Tammy Dykes

16 minutes ago

Lmao !!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The mosquito that never dies sucks the blood of every American



1 reply

Joe Casey

Joe Casey

15 minutes ago

Lock this criminal up. High ranking associate in the Kosher Nostra



samson edwards

samson edwards

2 minutes ago

Anyone believe they story about her Dad ?. This is a great script lol. Body doubles unite




7 minutes ago

Efffff hrc she needs to be in jail




10 minutes ago

O my fing god…..



Howard Thompson

Howard Thompson

6 minutes ago

I saw the thing and barfed.


Clara Grace Kohlman kohlman

Clara Grace Kohlman kohlman

16 minutes ago

It’s a baby just like you and Hubble’s kid





2 minutes ago

She literally has 666 across her chest


Niki Perez

Niki Perez

3 minutes ago (edited)

Speaking of bodies? No.. not that…What happened to her pant suit? 😮


Virginia Hunt

Virginia Hunt

3 minutes ago

Who make those tablecloths ?




3 minutes ago

Walgreens decided to comply with the state laws where their stores operate. They legally cannot provide abortifacients in states where those are prohibited by law. Hillary and Gavin Newsom both think Walgreens should be operating outside of the law.


HI - Q

HI - Q

1 minute ago

Good god she is malevolent 🙁


Edmund Cowan

Edmund Cowan

12 minutes ago

She is pregnant again. 🥴



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2c33e4 No.23434

File: 09e99d9a3e94c3e⋯.jpeg (58.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 701953c45661c45⋯.jpeg (281.11 KB,1105x1372,1105:1372,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477591 (100330ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter Files expose ‘censorship-industrial complex’ – journalist

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9 Mar, 2023 21:00

Twitter Files expose ‘censorship-industrial complex’ – journalist

Matt Taibbi presented the US Congress with evidence of corporate, NGO and government collusion

Social media platforms colluded with non-governmental organizations and the US government to suppress information they did not like in the name of fighting “disinformation,”journalist Matt Taibbi testified at a congressional hearing on Thursday.

Taibbi appeared alongside Michael Shellenberger, another journalist who has covered the “Twitter Files” for the past several months, before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, led by Congressman Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio.

Taibbi described what he called the “censorship-industrial complex,” calling it “a bureaucracy willing to sacrifice factual truth in service of broader narrative objectives,” and the exact opposite of a free press envisioned in the US Constitution.

Right before his testimony, Taibbi also published a lengthy thread on Twitter, laying out the evidence he entered into the congressional record.

According to Taibbi, Twitter acted “more like a partner” to the government, censoring based on requests it received from federal agencies as well as taxpayer-backed NGOs. Intelligence agencies, dubious “disinformation researchers” and corporate executives effectively worked as a team, he argued.

Taibbi’s thread described an “incestuous self-appointed truth squad moving from law enforcement/intelligence to the private sector and back,” with the same agencies inviting the same “experts” funded by the same foundations and covered by the same reporters to every panel and every conference.

He identified the key players in the censorship-industrial complex as the National Endowment for Democracy, the Atlantic Council’s DFR Lab, and the Alliance for Securing Democracy, authors of the infamous Hamilton 68 dashboard. Many of the NGOs involved received funding from the US government, while legacy media outlets acted as their proxies, demanding censorship.

Taibbi described the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) and its “Election Integrity Partnership” – renamed the Virality Project after the 2020 election – as “perhaps the ultimate example of the absolute fusion of state, corporate, and civil society organizations.” By its own admission, it labeled 22 million tweets during the 2020 election campaign, and was then given access to Twitter’s JIRA ticketing system, which is able to tackle 50 million tweets a day.

SIO is run by Renee DiResta, who helped design Hamilton68 and worked at New Knowledge – a group caught creating fake “Russian bots” to help Democrats in the 2017 Alabama special election for the US Senate. That did not stop them from advising the Senate Intelligence Committee on “Russian interference” in US elections, and the US legacy media from not questioning any of their conclusions.

“Packaged as a bulwark against lies and falsehood, [the CIC] is itself often a major source of disinformation, with American taxpayers funding their own estrangement from reality,” Taibbi wrote. “Without real oversight mechanisms, there is nothing to prevent these super-empowered information vanguards from bending the truth for their own ends.”

During the hearing, multiple Democrats tried to pressure Taibbi into revealing his sources, insinuating Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, was behind the disclosures.

“I’m not his source, but, yeah, obviously asking journalists to reveal sources is not cool,” Musk tweeted on Thursday afternoon, in response to the hearing.

(It’s seriously hysterical the sheer panic of democrats because they know they have violated the law with social media and helped fund the NGOs, they actually want the rat that betrayed them. It will never happen and their house of cards will come down upon them. Wait to the full details come out on the extra judicial lengths they went to defeat Trump)


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2c33e4 No.23435

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

File: 7f19844567c5ef5⋯.gif (3.93 MB,561x352,51:32,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477616 (100336ZMAR23) Notable: Full - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government 2:46:45

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watching the jim jordan chaired hearing and testimony of taibbi and shellenberger.

Dems reclaiming my time has returned with a force, a tactic to shut down and intimidate the witness



Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government


Total run time 2.46.45

start time 13.20 by jim jordan with the pledge of alligienc

1) Jim Jordan Statement opening laying out the twitter files and fbi including october surprise.

the fbi knew that in october there would be a leak on the hunter laptop a year ahead of time

warning twitter ceo's to expect the october surprise.

2) Ranking member Ms Plaskett

Stating new info released by twitter half hour before hearing. point of order, not shared with the dems.

something going on between elon musk and congressial republicans.

Questioning about where musk got funding to buy twitter.

musk largest funding from the middle east etc.ect.

jim Jordan : I am responding to your ridiculas opening statements

Witness swearing in Mr Taibbi, Mr Shellenberger

3) Mr Shellenberger: Amercian are funding the Industrial censoring complex by the ngo's, intelligience

agencies and media assets to censor and silience american citizens and attack them. creating blacklist of

people including banking services and employment.

4) Mr Taibbi: recieved a anonymous note, are you interested in doing a deep dive into

government interference and to turn the internet and twitter into a censoring and monitoring

asset of dissendents, findings uncovered a lot including trump supporters and yellow jackets, from left to right

anyone who goes against the narrative of governments by the all apparatus and agencies

in the intelligiences. including restriction of financial services.

5) Mr Johnon (L.A): They attack your charactor and destroy and expose info to target, this is what

the deep state does. Twitter was basically a subsidary of the FBI and other agencies of the deep state.

Q - Where does this rank of stories covered in your career.

A - The most frightening and serious investigation ever (stated by both witness's)

Starts at DHS and involves every intelligience agency to

6) Mr Lynch: do you believe that the russians interfered in the 2016 trump run to get him elected

A: All countries did,

7) Mr Issa: free speech falls under the 1st amendment online as well.

Still watching and taking notes

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2c33e4 No.23436

File: 8344abffca0137c⋯.png (289.32 KB,500x450,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477636 (100342ZMAR23) Notable: Cartel apologizes and delivers their own hitmen

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Dude lol. Even the fucking cartel has more humanity than the Mexican government

Cartel apologizes and delivers their own hitmen

According to the message, these individuals are allegedly responsible for shooting and kidnapping the four Americans, killing two of them and a Mexican woman in Matamoros. They excuse themselves by saying that their five “sicarios” did it without orders from the cartel. On the contrary, they acted under their indiscipline and responsibility for attacking citizens without knowing who they were and without orders from their commanders.


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2c33e4 No.23437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477641 (100344ZMAR23) Notable: Full - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government 2:46:45

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thing that stuck out this afternoon and evening is the Dims wanting to know who ordered the twat investigation, which the bread title is about, the second thing that seemed to stick was "how do you introduce evidence legally" which this hearing would do

the censoring is well known to all who have had an acct and understand what they did, the thing to come out today was more of the "who" of it

also reiterated by Shellenberger and Taibbi is hate speech is covered under 1A as are telling truths and lies, which gives all absolution, except for the gov't and journos who directed the censors and the staff who did it


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2c33e4 No.23438

File: 049e8e9709c0aeb⋯.png (82.16 KB,735x699,245:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477746 (100410ZMAR23) Notable: Hear they always go in 3s…

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2c33e4 No.23439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477777 (100419ZMAR23) Notable: You were chosen for a reason. It's not about you. Selfless.

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You were chosen for a reason.

Learn to play the game.

This is not a game.

It's not about you.


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2c33e4 No.23440

File: e0c1f3734d9271e⋯.png (299.19 KB,610x664,305:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477783 (100419ZMAR23) Notable: A “horrible nuclear war” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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The Jerusalem Post


A “horrible nuclear war” will break out if the world does not stop Tehran from obtaining atomic weapons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his first-ever address to the Iranian people on Thursday night.


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2c33e4 No.23441

File: 8bfe23367bc21e8⋯.png (295.04 KB,491x585,491:585,Clipboard.png)

File: 38285c9ea537145⋯.png (65.43 KB,484x559,484:559,Clipboard.png)

File: 96c9f02c9657925⋯.png (18.87 KB,473x197,473:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477797 (100421ZMAR23) Notable: Pfizer admitted to not doing proper clinical practices and shooting into people whatever the hell they wanted at high contamination

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Christie Laura Grace


1/ This is scary. "Pfizer argues that the normal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and related good clinical practice (GcP) standards do not apply based on overarching government contracts negotiated and memorialized as part of the U.S. government’s

Christie Laura Grace




Replying to


2/ "declared national Public Health Emergency. Pfizer is literally arguing that all the rules, processes, and best practices required of all drug and vaccine producers do not apply as their agreement with the government as part of the emergency supersedes such basic practices"

Christie Laura Grace




3/Pfizer is admitting that they did not do quality control checks right in those statements. Kevin McKernan has already had these vials tested via Illumina which is one of the largest companies known for sequencing and good practices finding major contamination in these vials.

Christie Laura Grace




4/ Not minor contamination. Major contamination. And no podcaster is acknowledging this and I question all of you people reading this who are podcasters why the hell you are not.

Kevin has also found other issues and again he has had these vials tested with major companies.

Christie Laura Grace




5/ by Pfizer's own negligent statements they have already admitted they never engaged in good clinical practices and they refused to even test the lipid nanoparticles listing it as an inactive ingredient. This is beyond nightmarish.

Biological chemicals with high contamination

Christie Laura Grace




6/have been pumped into over 5 billion people including children and babies and you should be crapping your pants at this is thought.

I reiterate: Pfizer admitted to not doing proper clinical practices and shooting into people whatever the hell they wanted at high contamination.

The current situation is the work of the UG Gov't/US Mil and its parters in the BIS/FED shitstem, and the entire member roster of the UN.

Blaming just pfizer is like blaming just the hitman and NOT also the payee. think bigger. think RICO niggas, RICO.

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2c33e4 No.23442

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477822 (100425ZMAR23) Notable: Have not done any research on the J6 prisoners but I'm starting to wonder if the J6 prisoners really undercover military troops?

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Go to 13-minute mark here. J6 prisoner telling MG Paul E. Vallely about the "infiltration" evidence he has seen on the tapes.


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2c33e4 No.23443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477833 (100427ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. High School Defends Taking Money from Chinese Military-Linked Groups, Building Chinese STEM Program

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U.S. High School Defends Taking Money from Chinese Military-Linked Groups, Building Chinese STEM Program

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is defending the nation’s top-ranked public high school for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Chinese military-linked organization to build a STEM program in China.

As Breitbart News reported, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ), since 2014, has received over $250,000 from Tsinghua University High School (TUHS) in Beijing — a school closely tied to Tsinghua University, which the Pentagon considers to be a Chinese military university.

TJ is what is known as a “Governor’s School” in Virginia, which are elite, require an admissions process, and specialize in specific areas of learning.

It has received over $1 million from Chinese interests in exchange for help developing advanced science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and lab research programs for high school students in China.

“Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology is a world-renowned academic institution known for its innovative STEM education programming,” FCPS media relations manager Julie Moult told the Washington Examiner. “It is not unusual for elite public schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S. to benefit from donations and grants from various sources, including international sources.”

Parents Defending Education (PDE), which discovered the funding, sent letters Wednesday to Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) and Attorney General Jason Miyares (R) calling for an investigation into the Chinese government funding of TJ.

TJ is already under investigation by Miyares’s office for implementing a racialized admissions system.

“Virginia taxpayers deserve answers about what has taken place at this Governor’s School, and how it threatens our national security,” PDE founder and president Nicole Neily said in a press release. “We hope Attorney General Miyares and Gov. Youngkin take decisive action to get to the bottom of this scandal.”

The Chinese funds go through the Thomas Jefferson Partnership Fund (PF), which purports to be independent of the high school.

Despite that, the PF is operated out of the high school’s campus in Fairfax exists to support the high school for renovations and other expenditures and has a board including the school’s principal, assistant principal, faculty, and the head of the school’s parent-teacher association.


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2c33e4 No.23444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477859 (100433ZMAR23) Notable: Communist AI: China’s Baidu Scrambles to Build System Like ChatGPT

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Here Comes the Communist AI: China’s Baidu Scrambles to Build System Like ChatGPT

Chinese internet giant Baidu is scrambling to ready the communist regime’s first AI ChatGPT equivalent, with hundreds of employees working around the clock to get the AI-powered chatbot launched by March 16.

Baidu, China’s biggest search-engine operator, is racing to meet its deadline, with the AI tool, dubbed Ernie Bot, still struggling to perform a few basic functions, according to people familiar with the project who spoke to the Wall Street Journal.

Other teams have reportedly been pulled to help with Ernie Bot’s development, and asked to lend staff their computer chips, as Chinese companies can no longer buy chips due to U.S. sanctions.

While the development team has been working nonstop — even through China’s Lunar New Year holiday at the end of January — some employees are worried that Ernie Bot might not meet user or market expectations, sources told WSJ. Some employees have even sold their Baidu stock ahead of the launch.

Ernie Bot was initially supposed to be bilingual, communicating in both English and Chinese, but the project has since been scaled back to being an AI-powered chatbot only writing Chinese, the sources added.

Baidu is hurrying to roll out the ChatGPT rival to reportedly get ahead of other Chinese companies that have recently announced similar plans.

Moreover, Baidu has fallen out of investor favor in recent years, so the company hopes that a successful launch of an AI-powered chatbot might be the catalyst for it to once again become one of China’s most prominent technology companies.

The search-engine operator is planning to roll out Ernie Bot in stages. First, the company will open the AI chatbot for testing to a restricted pool of users before opening it up to the public. Baidu hopes Ernie Bot will improve its performance by gaining experience running under different scenarios.

The company has also received encouragement on its plans to build the chatbot from government officials in Beijing, where Baidu is based, WSJ reported.


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2c33e4 No.23445

File: 97f8c0a2460f584⋯.png (716.75 KB,998x1046,499:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477862 (100434ZMAR23) Notable: Cartel apologizes and delivers their own hitmen

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Drug cartel apologizes for kidnapping Americans, turns in alleged participants

The cartel statement follows a lethal incident in Matamoros last week that saw a group of four Americans kidnapped by armed individuals amid a shootout between cartel factions in the city.

By Ben Whedon

Updated: March 9, 2023 - 10:34pm

The Mexican Gulf cartel on Thursday apologized for a recent kidnapping incident that saw two Americans perish and has opted to hand over alleged participants to law enforcement.

"The Gulf Cartel Grupo Escorpiones strongly condemns the events of Friday, March 3 in which unfortunately an innocent working mother died and four American citizens were kidnapped, of which two died," read a letter the Associated Press obtained from local law enforcement that was purportedly from the Scorpions faction of the cartel.

"For this reason, we have decided to hand over those involved and directly responsible for the events who at all times acted under their own determination and indiscipline and against the rules in which the CDG has always operated," it further read. NBC News indicated that American authorities believe the letter to be genuine.

The cartel statement follows a lethal incident in Matamoros last week that saw a group of four Americans kidnapped by armed individuals amid a shootout between cartel factions in the city. Two of the travelers have been confirmed dead while the survivors are now recovering in Texas.

The bodies of the dead were returned to the United States on Thursday, Fox News reported.

The city of Matamoros plays host to several competing drug cartel factions due to its status as a vital staging ground for trafficking operations into the United States.



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2c33e4 No.23446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477878 (100439ZMAR23) Notable: Have not done any research on the J6 prisoners but I'm starting to wonder if the J6 prisoners really undercover military troops?

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2c33e4 No.23447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477880 (100440ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter Files expose ‘censorship-industrial complex’ – journalist

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Twitter Files expose ‘censorship-industrial complex’ – journalist

Matt Taibbi presented the US Congress with evidence of corporate, NGO and government collusion

Social media platforms colluded with non-governmental organizations and the US government to suppress information they did not like in the name of fighting “disinformation,” journalist Matt Taibbi testified at a congressional hearing on Thursday.

Taibbi appeared alongside Michael Shellenberger, another journalist who has covered the “Twitter Files” for the past several months, before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, led by Congressman Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio.

Taibbi described what he called the “censorship-industrial complex,” calling it “a bureaucracy willing to sacrifice factual truth in service of broader narrative objectives,” and the exact opposite of a free press envisioned in the US Constitution.

Right before his testimony, Taibbi also published a lengthy thread on Twitter, laying out the evidence he entered into the congressional record.

According to Taibbi, Twitter acted “more like a partner” to the government, censoring based on requests it received from federal agencies as well as taxpayer-backed NGOs. Intelligence agencies, dubious “disinformation researchers” and corporate executives effectively worked as a team, he argued.

Taibbi’s thread described an “incestuous self-appointed truth squad moving from law enforcement/intelligence to the private sector and back,” with the same agencies inviting the same “experts” funded by the same foundations and covered by the same reporters to every panel and every conference.

He identified the key players in the censorship-industrial complex as the National Endowment for Democracy, the Atlantic Council’s DFR Lab, and the Alliance for Securing Democracy, authors of the infamous Hamilton 68 dashboard. Many of the NGOs involved received funding from the US government, while legacy media outlets acted as their proxies, demanding censorship.

Taibbi described the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) and its “Election Integrity Partnership” – renamed the Virality Project after the 2020 election – as “perhaps the ultimate example of the absolute fusion of state, corporate, and civil society organizations.” By its own admission, it labeled 22 million tweets during the 2020 election campaign, and was then given access to Twitter’s JIRA ticketing system, which is able to tackle 50 million tweets a day.

SIO is run by Renee DiResta, who helped design Hamilton68 and worked at New Knowledge – a group caught creating fake “Russian bots” to help Democrats in the 2017 Alabama special election for the US Senate. That did not stop them from advising the Senate Intelligence Committee on “Russian interference” in US elections, and the US legacy media from not questioning any of their conclusions.

“Packaged as a bulwark against lies and falsehood, [the CIC] is itself often a major source of disinformation, with American taxpayers funding their own estrangement from reality,” Taibbi wrote. “Without real oversight mechanisms, there is nothing to prevent these super-empowered information vanguards from bending the truth for their own ends.”

During the hearing, multiple Democrats tried to pressure Taibbi into revealing his sources, insinuating Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, was behind the disclosures.

“I’m not his source, but, yeah, obviously asking journalists to reveal sources is not cool,” Musk tweeted on Thursday afternoon, in response to the hearing.


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2c33e4 No.23448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477947 (100459ZMAR23) Notable: US sanctions Chinese firms over ‘Iranian’ drones

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US sanctions Chinese firms over ‘Iranian’ drones

Five companies and one individual allegedly supplied UAV parts to Tehran

The US Treasury Department has placed one Chinese national and five companies on the Iran-related sanctions blacklist, claiming on Thursday that they were part of a “procurement network” Tehran supposedly used to obtain parts for drones it allegedly exported to Russia.

According to the US government, the companies “facilitated” the transactions of aerospace components to the Iranian company HESA, which produces Shahed-136. Washington and Kiev have accused Tehran of supplying these UAVs to Moscow, which the Iranian government has denied.

“Iran is directly implicated in the Ukrainian civilian casualties that result from Russia’s use of Iranian UAVs in Ukraine,” said Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson.

Treasury claims that Hangzhou Fuyang Koto Machinery used the Hong Kong-based Raven International Trade Limited as a “front company” to sell aircraft engines for Shaheds to HESA.

Guilin Alpha Rubber & Plastics Technology allegedly “facilitated the sale and shipment of thousands of aerospace components worth over a million dollars” to Iran. Shenzhen Caspro Technology and S&C Trade PTY were also accused of facilitating the sale and delivery of “thousands of aerospace components worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for fixed-wing, rotorcraft, and UAV applications.” S&C employee Yuan Yunxia was sanctioned as an individual.

The sanctions mean American residents are banned from doing business with the designated companies and all their property within US jurisdiction is frozen until further notice. The sanctioned entities and individuals have no legal recourse against the measure.

Ukraine has accused Iran of supplying Russia with kamikaze drones used to strike strategic targets. Kiev officials have even called for US strikes on Iranian targets, though they denied all responsibility when a military factory in Isfahan was damaged in late January.

Tehran has denied the accusations, insisting that – unlike the West – Iran is not arming either party to the conflict. A sample selection of drones was provided to Moscow months before the current conflict escalated, the Iranian foreign minister said in early November.

The Russian Defense Ministry insists that its Geran-2 drones are produced at home, just like all the other hardware used in the military operation against Kiev.


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2c33e4 No.23449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477979 (100512ZMAR23) Notable: Cartel apologizes and delivers their own hitmen

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Ildefonso Ortiz on ‘Milenio’: U.S. Media Ignore Mexican Cartel Violence Until Victims Are Americans

Legacy news outlets in the U.S. generally ignored daily cartel violence in Mexican border cities until the FBI confirmed that four recent victims were Americans, said Breitbart Texas’ Ildefonso Ortiz in an interview on Milenio Noon Newscast with Carlos Zuniga.

“Shootouts in Mexican border cities like Matamoros, Reynosa, and Nuevo Laredo are relatively common,” Ortiz said. “And it is something that in the U.S. rarely gets any news coverage. It wasn’t until the FBI confirmed that there were four U.S. citizens missing that the case got stirred up.”

Ortiz went on one of Mexico’s most-watched news programs to talk about how the Gulf Cartel kidnapped four Americans in Matamoros last Friday and killed an innocent bystander in the process. Initially, the case only garnered minimal local attention with outlets only reporting a short official statement confirming the death of the bystander. Two days later, the FBI announced a reward for the missing Americans.

“That is a taste of the power that the Gulf Cartel has in Matamoros to silence local news outlets where they could hide this story until it became national news,” Ortiz explained.

Zuniga pointed out that a video recorded by a citizen helped further expose the kidnapping.

Once national and international news outlets began reporting on the abductions, the case garnered immense pressure on Mexico’s government.

“One thing is without a doubt, the response from Mexico’s government was unusual,” Ortiz said. “[It’s a] response you don’t see when the victims are Mexicans.”

Ortiz further claimed that the widespread violence in Mexico, particularly in Tamaulipas, is common where gunmen routinely stop tourists to extort them. Since most of the victims are not U.S. citizens, there is little response from authorities.

“Tamaulipas is a state where the number of forced disappearances reaches thousands,” Ortiz said. “There are clandestine grave sites everywhere. It is terrible what is happening in Tamaulipas. But in this case, there was massive deployment of military and police forces until they were able to reach [the kidnapping victims].”


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2c33e4 No.23450

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18477980 (100513ZMAR23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy Vows Full Public Release of Capitol’s January 6 Surveillance Tapes 42,000 hours 4:18 mins

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Speaker McCarthy Vows Full Public Releaseof Capitol’s January 6 Surveillance Tapes, Matt Boyle from Breitbart

It’s not 14,000 but 42,000 hours, everyone should see it not just Tucker Carlson


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2c33e4 No.23451

File: 0d2e67f692efdbf⋯.png (210.07 KB,481x898,481:898,Clipboard.png)

File: 10de34c9af87425⋯.png (135.92 KB,488x567,488:567,Clipboard.png)

File: f13ee0d13288693⋯.png (80.33 KB,555x533,555:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478016 (100525ZMAR23) Notable: Tom Fitton: Election Interference: NYC Democrat Politician, Concocting Unprecedented Criminal Charge Against @realdonaldtrump

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Boss is posting

including re-Truth of Fitton



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2c33e4 No.23452

File: 8386c1b1ebbacb1⋯.jpeg (395.15 KB,1218x1677,406:559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478100 (100546ZMAR23) Notable: Alberta’s import of children’s drugs costs taxpayers $80 million

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just announced, but the PEASANTS STILL have to pay $90 to visit the KANANASKIS park the


NO PROBLEM BLOWING $80,000,000.00 on pain meds from PIG PHARMA, nope.






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2c33e4 No.23453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478102 (100547ZMAR23) Notable: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

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Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

dough below for notes below



9th March 2023.


Total run time 2.46.45

start time 13.20 by jim jordan with the pledge of alligienc

1) Jim Jordan Statement opening laying out the twitter files and fbi including october surprise.

the fbi knew that in october there would be a leak on the hunter laptop a year ahead of time

warning twitter ceo's to expect the october surprise.

2) Ranking member Ms Plaskett

Stating new info released by twitter half hour before hearing. point of order, not shared with the dems.

something going on between elon musk and congressial republicans.

Questioning about where musk got funding to buy twitter.

musk largest funding from the middle east etc.ect.

jim Jordan : I am responding to your ridiculas opening statements

Witness swearing in Mr Taibbi, Mr Shellenberger

3) Mr Shellenberger: Amercian are funding the Industrial censoring complex by the ngo's, intelligience

agencies and media assets to censor and silience american citizens and attack them. creating blacklist of

people including banking services and employment.

4) Mr Taibbi: recieved a anonymous note, are you interested in doing a deep dive into

government interference and to turn the internet and twitter into a censoring and monitoring

asset of dissendents, findings uncovered a lot including trump supporters and yellow jackets, from left to right

anyone who goes against the narrative of governments by the all apparatus and agencies

in the intelligiences. including restriction of financial services.

5) Mr Johnon (L.A): They attack your charactor and destroy and expose info to target, this is what

the deep state does. Twitter was basically a subsidary of the FBI and other agencies of the deep state.

Q - Where does this rank of stories covered in your career.

A - The most frightening and serious investigation ever (stated by both witness's)

Starts at DHS and involves every intelligience centre to

6) Mr Lynch: do you believe that the russians interfered in the 2016 trump run to get him elected

A: All countries did, The Global Engagement Agency came up by shellenberger.

7) Mr Issa: free speech falls under the 1st amendment online as well.

8) ms wasserman schultz: Asks about journalists ethics (kek)

The 3.4 million fbi was reimbursed funds by twitter as work done for the fbi.

9) Mr Bishop: Mentions hamilton 68. J.M berger was the creater of hamilton 68. a member of the

Global engagement centre. Audio played of richard stingle.

A - hamilton 68 are involved. Stingle was the head of the global engagement center and

associated with hamilton 68.

10) Mr Connolly: brings up chrissy teigan and take down of convo. kek

11) taibbi : We were looking at intelligience agency who were taking down both left and right.

12) jordan chairman : interjects with statement. FTC comes out as a agency that no one had heard

of which wants to identify all journalists are talking to twitter. lena khan is the head of the ftc.


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2c33e4 No.23454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478103 (100547ZMAR23) Notable: pb ms hageman: Twitter part 9 focus. unlawful requests concerning misinformation, disinformation 4:18 mins

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13) ms plaskett: how many emails did musk give you access to .

14) jordan : ms plaskett asked for journalist details and your sources.

15) ms hageman: Twitter part 9 focus. unlawful requests concerning misinformation, disinformation

and malinformation.

A-all requests from fbi and other agencies included violating twitters terms of conditions

16) Mr Garamendl - envokes Qanon and Q is real statements. attacks fox news and promoting

right wing talking accounts.

17) Mr Stewart: social media have the right to ban, censor or shadowban who they want.

but when the fbi comes in and control by proxy to censor accounts.

A - what we have seen is fed gov demanding to take down accurate info in order to promote

a narrative. shellenberger.

A - ceo of twitter targeted right wing by a factor of 10 - 1 they tried to mute conservative


18) Mr Garcia: Fishing for sources and cronology.

A - you are asking me to reveal sources.

jordan and plaskett go off into one. , jordan, we will give you that 10 seconds.

A-Shellenberger, i was invited by barrie weiss.

jordan - The shield act, to protect the sources of journalist.

can you explain the timeline of the hunter timeline. how did the fbi predict the time of the

hunter biden leak, the time and the subject.

A - jim baker was the loudest person stating that the hunter story was disinfo.

There was a organised influence operation to quash the hunter laptop story.

17) Mr Alred: Brings up Ye and the star of david with the nazi combo. should that have been

taken down

A - free speech is the right to be wrong. Taibbi

18) Mr massie: The weaponization of the CDC. (Notable need video clip) 2.06.00 example

todd oboyle, the cdc is a partner with twitter. with slides, cdc tracks every congressmans tweets

including me. (boards behind showing tweets). they disabled all the comments of my people.

A - Taibbi, the validity project censored, ordinary people cannot handle difficult truths.

A - Shellenberger, what they are doing is not only censoring you but discrediting you.

this is very disturbing, it is a form of mind reading off the charts.

19) mr sanchaz yeilds time to mr goldman: Attack rudy guiliani colluding with russians for the

hunter laptop. are you aware laptop is different to a hard drive which can by tampered with.

A - the laptop was authentic.

20) Mr Gaetz - The FBI Had the laptop in 2019, even though rudy was running around to get evidence.

FTC government action that your names be submitted. What is newsguard? (video clip needed) 2.19.00

A - it is chilling to know that this would happen in the usa - shellenberger.

newsguard is way to drive info to favoured media assets for propaganda.

A - Was in russia when a lot of reporters were killed by putin. very disturbing and a sign of

things to come. taibbi

21) Mr Goldman: brings up mueler indicments russia russia russia. says flagging something is a direction

A - shellengberger - yes, they asked that that they said these accounts violated the terms.

A - Taibbi - indicitments are alligations not proof .

jordan : Email to enter the record. wanted to flag the below tweet, to having it removed asap.

from the white house by RFK JR.

22) ms stefanik mr johnson (la): aspen hacking group.

A - Shellenberger - Stanford policy center report in mencing terms to censor journalist.

a kind of programming to not follow a leak, a kind of brain washing of journalists.

malinformation is truth that should not be revealed as they do not want people to know.

A - Taibbi - Tech exes have no idea about free speech laws in the usa.

FTC is very concerning as it targets journalists personal details.

Ms Plaskett: Enter a letter into record.

23) ms cammack: A letter from francis collins. a blacklist created to take down barrington declartion

article. shadowbanning. cdc shut down valid scicence and the biden admin.

A- Yes these were secret blacklist like east germany. Taibbi

truth stories of vaccine harms were surppressed and they was banned.

Jordan: Thank you for coming here, you are both brave and especially knowing that the

ftc is coming after you. we want to stop this especially on our side.



thing that stuck out this afternoon and evening is the Dims wanting to know who ordered the twat investigation, which the bread title is about, the second thing that seemed to stick was "how do you introduce evidence legally" which this hearing would do

the censoring is well known to all who have had an acct and understand what they did, the thing to come out today was more of the "who" of it

also reiterated by Shellenberger and Taibbi is hate speech is covered under 1A as are telling truths and lies, which gives all absolution, except for the gov't and journos who directed the censors and the staff who did it

just hitting on a few things that stuck

GEA/Aspen/Couric/Krebs from CISA

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2c33e4 No.23455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478157 (100559ZMAR23) Notable: #22658

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>>23423 Canadian media exposed classified briefings re: Chinese interference & Trudeau is panicking

>>23424, >>23427 Kathy Griffin asks for Qanon's to be exposed by Danesh(Cap 0:30)

>>23425 Tom Fitton: Election Interference: NYC Democrat Politician, Concocting Unprecedented Criminal Charge Against @realdonaldtrump


Will continue to collect notes nb

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2c33e4 No.23456

File: 2efe91a523513c5⋯.jpg (724.51 KB,3000x1815,200:121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478173 (100602ZMAR23) Notable: -TBC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q Research General #22659: Concocting Unprecedented Criminal Charge Against President Trump Edition '

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2c33e4 No.23457

File: 6e55810ca0e7abd⋯.png (237.66 KB,593x425,593:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478187 (100604ZMAR23) Notable: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize Full-Spectrum Propaganda: Dr Naomi Wolf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23458

File: f04d4fe5a17c4a3⋯.mp4 (480.44 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478190 (100605ZMAR23) Notable: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize Full-Spectrum Propaganda: Dr Naomi Wolf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23459

File: 5905598d4d3e118⋯.png (179.73 KB,816x632,102:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478192 (100605ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: 17m ago 0:32

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Mar 10, 2023, 12:46 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23460

File: 0f289a542a29140⋯.mp4 (731.87 KB,550x550,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478193 (100605ZMAR23) Notable: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize Full-Spectrum Propaganda: Dr Naomi Wolf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I forgot this one too

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2c33e4 No.23461

File: 21428f9521ddd9a⋯.png (57.22 KB,867x266,867:266,Clipboard.png)

File: e0171f711a72b78⋯.png (1.46 MB,1046x981,1046:981,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f382318a523113⋯.jpeg (46.66 KB,500x887,500:887,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478197 (100607ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Remember FARMERS, I got China to pay you 28 Billion Dollars as an adjustment for how unfairly they treated you… Tell that to Ron DeSanctimonious when he shows up to your door, hat in hand. Tell him to go home!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



Remember FARMERS, I got China to pay you 28 Billion Dollars as an adjustment for how unfairly they treated you. This was part of the great Trade Deal I made for you with China (Biden is not properly enforcing it!). No other President could have done this. No other President was as PRO FARMER as me. Tell that to Ron DeSanctimonious when he shows up to your door, hat in hand. Tell him to go home!

Mar 10, 2023, 12:26 AM


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2c33e4 No.23462

File: 72f39c8536b9638⋯.png (65.53 KB,872x269,872:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478201 (100610ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Soros backed Alvin Bragg, is relying on the testimony of a convicted felon…He only cares about “getting Trump.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Donald J. Trump



Racist, George Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, is relying on the testimony of a convicted felon, disbarred lawyer, with zero credibility, who was turned down numerous times by me when he asked for pardons on crimes he committed having nothing to do with “Trump.” But the D.A. doesn’t care about that, and he doesn’t care about the violent and vicious crimes being committed in Manhattan, which are now at a RECORD LEVEL. He only cares about “getting Trump.”

Mar 03, 2023, 11:33 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23463

File: ecfd354641d7041⋯.jpg (186.61 KB,720x1223,720:1223,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e78bb1ff4571b09⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478204 (100611ZMAR23) Notable: Idiots Inc, engineer straight jacket pose #EmbraceEquity pose for International Women’s Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Equality is no longer enough. Today, on International Women’s Day, we need to take it a step further and embrace equity.

This means not just giving women the same opportunities but exactly what they need to succeed. We support #IWD by striking the #EmbraceEquity pose.

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2c33e4 No.23464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478213 (100614ZMAR23) Notable: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize Full-Spectrum Propaganda: Dr Naomi Wolf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478215 (100616ZMAR23) Notable: Idiots Inc, engineer straight jacket pose #EmbraceEquity pose for International Women’s Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


looks like a straight jacket pose

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2c33e4 No.23466

File: 34571e669af74e8⋯.mp4 (15.44 MB,462x260,231:130,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478216 (100616ZMAR23) Notable: pb ms hageman: Twitter part 9 focus. unlawful requests concerning misinformation, disinformation 4:18 mins

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


15) ms hageman: Twitter part 9 focus. unlawful requests concerning misinformation, disinformation


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2c33e4 No.23467

File: 307f183c9cc60e7⋯.gif (4.79 MB,480x432,10:9,Clipboard.gif)

File: c2bfb452f6c4ad1⋯.gif (4.04 MB,480x272,30:17,Clipboard.gif)

File: 7f19844567c5ef5⋯.gif (3.93 MB,561x352,51:32,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478217 (100616ZMAR23) Notable: Archiving Jim Jordan: Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



hope anons make use of the notes collected by anon last bread.

below is the pastebin if you do not want to download the whole file.

Follow the crumbs, especially the cdc, ftc and the stanford policy centre weaponized as well as the fbi and other agencies.

Basically it was a free for all with willing particpiants from the twitter exes who made sure that truth was surppressed.

this cost lives of those who took the vaccines and shut down people who were just sharing their stories of injures from the vaccines.

For those who do not fully understand what was dones.

shills, faggots and short attention span lurkers here.

This was democide. They want to take the usa down as it is the last standing nation on earth with the right to bear arms.

the rest of the world they already have, what make the usa special is due to the federal reserve and the most of the board members of the B.I.S are from the usa and england.

Will post video next post of catherine austin fitts explaining the functions and board members of the b.i.s and 61 board members.





Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government



evidence given by taibbi and shellenberger.


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2c33e4 No.23468

File: 9fadf96de1a8981⋯.jpg (55.32 KB,878x620,439:310,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8733989bae53b35⋯.jpg (44.72 KB,785x667,785:667,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2fb489ee1bceec1⋯.jpg (35.76 KB,793x548,793:548,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 841fd958df23f35⋯.jpg (39.75 KB,792x643,792:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478218 (100617ZMAR23) Notable: Moar about NewsGuard

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Moar about NewsGuard

Re: PB

>>23257 This is the group being mentioned at the hearing today by Shellenberger: Newsguard

News Guard - Advisory Board


Don Baer

John Battelle

Yves Clarisse

Michel Cormier

Arne Duncan

Alina Fichter

Bob Friedman

Giampiero Gramaglia

Edward Greenspon

(Ret.) General Michael Hayden- One of the Intel Officers who said Hunter's laptop locks like Russian, Russia, Russia.

Leo Hindery, Jr.

Elise Jordan

Jessica Lessin

Florian Meissner

Israel Mirsky

Kate O’Sullivan

Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Tom Ridge

Gianni Riotta

Richard Sambrook

Richard Stengel

Brigitte Trafford

Ed Vaizey

Jimmy Wales

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23469

File: 09e9b6ca7085c8d⋯.jpg (34.77 KB,614x551,614:551,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8d24f9bb3dd86f6⋯.jpg (41.4 KB,847x634,847:634,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478222 (100618ZMAR23) Notable: Moar about NewsGuard

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Moar about NewsGuard

News Guard - Michael Hayden


News Guard Tech - Tom Ridge


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2c33e4 No.23470

File: b4d722f6febd0e4⋯.png (145.8 KB,355x600,71:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478223 (100618ZMAR23) Notable: Idiots Inc, engineer straight jacket pose #EmbraceEquity pose for International Women’s Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23471

File: b8d6a3e142c951e⋯.jpg (39.95 KB,738x592,369:296,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478226 (100619ZMAR23) Notable: Moar about NewsGuard

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Moar about NewsGuard

News Guard Tech - Board of Directors



Steven Brill

Gordon Crovitz

Elise Jordan

Steve King

Nicholas Penniman, IV

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2c33e4 No.23472

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478229 (100619ZMAR23) Notable: Catherine Austin Fitts Explains The B.I.S And Its Functions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Note: The woman interviewing him is the same one who stabbed Reiner Fuellmich in the back and tried to discredit him and accused him of fraud. leaving that aside, the presentation by catherine is definitely notable and worth listening to, to get a 40k view of the situation at hand.



First published at 09:32 UTC on March 7th, 2023.



Catherine Austin Fitts - Former Managing Director & member of the Board of Directors of a major Wall Street investment bank.

About: the real-life equivalent of the "Iron Bank of Braavos" (Game of Thrones), the Bank for International Settlement, headquartered in Switzerland, whose Board of Directors enjoys broad, legally vested immunities and plays a central role in the introduction of CBDCs in the "West" and the global upheaval we are witnessing.

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2c33e4 No.23473

File: f8cf3b84f823194⋯.jpg (65.28 KB,583x621,583:621,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478231 (100620ZMAR23) Notable: Moar about NewsGuard

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Moar about NewsGuard

News Guard - Investors



#1 Eijk van Otterloo

#2 Nicholas Penniman V

#3 Publicis Groupe

#4 Frank Richardson

#5 Nicholas Penniman IV

#6 Cox Investment Holdings, Inc.

#7 Jules Kroll

#8 John S. & James L. Knight Foundation, Inc.

#9 John McCarter

#10 Impact Assets

#11 Ron Gruner

#12 Michael Hill

#13 Alex Michel

#14 E. Garret Bewkes III

#15 Fitz Gate Ventures

#16 Diatoms, Inc.

#17 Richard Cohen

#18 Leslie Hill, Charlotte Hill

#19 John F. Levy

#20 Thomas Glocer

#21 Tom Crotty

#22 Whitney Hatch

#23 Bruce Mehlman

#24 Pharus

#25 Leo Hindery

#26Thomas Ridge

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23474

File: 41553049a2b151a⋯.png (185.78 KB,385x667,385:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478232 (100620ZMAR23) Notable: Idiots Inc, engineer straight jacket pose #EmbraceEquity pose for International Women’s Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23475

File: a0d563fef9aa09f⋯.png (249.91 KB,850x530,85:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 99712934838734b⋯.png (348.78 KB,1152x919,1152:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478245 (100628ZMAR23) Notable: Dan Scavino: Now they’re targeting you. Help us reach 100,000 signatures Anons know what to do

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



They targeted former President Trump. Now they’re targeting you.

Help us reach 100,000 signatures!

Sign Today!


They targeted former President Trump. Now they’re targeting you. | American Center for Law and Justice

Not one of us is safe. President Biden is taking action to weed out anyone who doesn’t agree with his ultra-liberal agenda by weaponizing the IRS and the FBI against conservative citizens: The FBI, under…

Mar 10, 2023, 12:56 AM


They targeted former President Trump. Now they’re targeting you.

Not one of us is safe. President Biden is taking action to weed out anyone who doesn’t agree with his ultra-liberal agenda by weaponizing the IRS and the FBI against conservative citizens:

The FBI, under the authority of President Biden’s DOJ, showed up at the home of pro-life Americans with weapons drawn.

Democrats in Congress authorized 87,000 new IRS agents, creating an “IRS army” to fund their socialist Green New Deal.

Biden’s Attorney General labeled concerned American parents as domestic terrorists for demanding accountability when “wokeness” invaded our children’s schools.

The American Center for Law and Justice is fighting back and demanding oversight and intervention by Congress. The weaponization of Deep State agencies like the DOJ, FBI, and IRS must cease NOW.

Join us to demand Congress hold these Deep State agencies accountable.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23476

File: 1263818ff7312b6⋯.png (139.36 KB,718x531,718:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478269 (100642ZMAR23) Notable: Archiving Jim Jordan: Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>16) 16) Mr Garamendl - envokes Qanon and Q is real statements. attacks fox news and promoting right wing talking accounts.


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2c33e4 No.23477

File: 1291a0169ad966e⋯.png (425.18 KB,952x686,68:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 6069f1e9837e175⋯.png (184.93 KB,1020x546,170:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478287 (100704ZMAR23) Notable: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize Full-Spectrum Propaganda: Dr Naomi Wolf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



just read the substack.

it is pretty good.

the woman still had doubts but it seems the video by tucker has made her reflect that retardation can happen to anyone who is unwilling to use critical thinking and discernment.


P.s if you want to watch her interview with mark steyn, clink link below.



Mark is still recuperating from his heart attacks and having to build up his strength to get back to full output. Having done three great shows with some of his most popular guests this week, he's retreating back to his iron lung for a long weekend. However, he will be here on Friday in audio only for another Clubland Q&A taking questions live around the planet at 3pm North American Eastern/8pm GMT.

As you know, this week Steyn was found guilty by the UK media regulator Ofcom for breaking its "rules" last April. GB News has decided not to appeal Ofcom's decision, but Mark is most certainly going to, in order to get the censorship arm of the British state before a real court. There remains one outstanding Ofcom investigation, of a show from late last year in which Steyn conducted a short interview with a ferocious dissenter from the Covid propaganda, bestselling author Naomi Wolf. Miss Wolf is also disinclined to take Ofcom's partisan media censorship lying down.

So we have something special to round out the week, something that in the present censorship climate could not be seen on GB News or any other UK TV channel: Steyn and Miss Wolf in an in-depth interview about how the war on Covid turned into a war on freedom.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478294 (100708ZMAR23) Notable: DeSantis indicates privately he intends to run in 2024 as allies prepare

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



DeSantis indicates privately he intends to run in 2024 as allies prepare

—4 hours ago —— DAVENPORT, Iowa — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has indicated privately that he intends to run for president, according to two people …


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2c33e4 No.23479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478302 (100711ZMAR23) Notable: #22658

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>>23450 Speaker McCarthy Vows Full Public Release of Capitol’s January 6 Surveillance Tapes 42,000 hours 4:18 mins

>>23423 Canadian media exposed classified briefings re: Chinese interference & Trudeau is panicking

>>23424, >>23427 Kathy Griffin asks for Qanon's to be exposed by Danesh(Cap 0:30)

>>23425, >>23451 Tom Fitton: Election Interference: NYC Democrat Politician, Concocting Unprecedented Criminal Charge Against @realdonaldtrump

>>23426, >>23430 Jonathan Turley: Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing?

>>23429 Malaysia ex-PM Muhyiddin charged with corruption, laundering

>>23431, >>23435, >>23437 Full - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government 2:46:45

>>23433 'As Bad As It Is Now, It Could Get Worse': Hillary Clinton promotes Abortion Rights

>>23434, >>23447 Twitter Files expose ‘censorship-industrial complex’ – journalist

>>23436, >>23445, >>23449 Cartel apologizes and delivers their own hitmen

>>23432, >>23438 Hear they always go in 3s…

>>23439 You were chosen for a reason. It's not about you. Selfless.

>>23440 A “horrible nuclear war” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

>>23441 Pfizer admitted to not doing proper clinical practices and shooting into people whatever the hell they wanted at high contamination

>>23428, >>23442, >>23446 Have not done any research on the J6 prisoners but I'm starting to wonder if the J6 prisoners really undercover military troops?

>>23443 U.S. High School Defends Taking Money from Chinese Military-Linked Groups, Building Chinese STEM Program

>>23444 Communist AI: China’s Baidu Scrambles to Build System Like ChatGPT

>>23448 US sanctions Chinese firms over ‘Iranian’ drones

>>23452 Alberta’s import of children’s drugs costs taxpayers $80 million

>>23453, >>23454 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478313 (100716ZMAR23) Notable: Nepal elects Ram Chandra Poudel as new President

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nepal elects Ram Chandra Poudel as new President



Poudel was born in September 1944 into a higher class farmer's family in the remote village of Satiswara

He has published the following books

Democratic Socialism – A study (1990)

Socialism – In New Context (2012)

Agricultural Revolution and Socialism (2013)


After exposing Chinese occupation of Rui village, journalist Balram Baniya found dead under mysterious circumstances in Nepal

As per reports, Baniya was out of touch with his family since Monday. His last communication with his office was regarding a news article on Ram Chandra Poudel, a Nepali Congress leader





The cases against Prime Minister and CPN (Maoist Center) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal will be heard at the Supreme Court today.

PM Dahal, while speaking at a public function in Kathmandu on January 15, 2020, had said that he would take the responsibility for the 5,000 people who were killed by CPN (Maoist) during the conflict.



The Maoist Centre, headed by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, decided to support Poudel, from the main opposition the Nepali Congress.

Poudel’s easy passage to the President’s post was preceded by political turmoil — the Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) and the Maoist Centre, the two big Communist parties of Nepal that had come together just two months ago to form a coalition government, parted ways over the choice of presidential candidates.

The Maoist Centre, headed by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, decided to support Poudel, from the main opposition the Nepali Congress. The UML candidate was Nembang.



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2c33e4 No.23481

File: 1b0cfd1a939343f⋯.png (159.74 KB,1196x653,1196:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478400 (100810ZMAR23) Notable: DOJ thought they'd get away with this indefinitely?

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I have no idea how the DOJ thought they'd get away with this indefinitely, but apparently they did think they would.

Well, not any more.

Now the question becomes if the government will not live to its own laws, what remains?


Maybe stay in the basement two more weeks.

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2c33e4 No.23482

File: 287995c35423109⋯.jpeg (446.72 KB,1242x1106,621:553,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 492d13c59309fb1⋯.jpeg (354.84 KB,1242x1643,1242:1643,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478402 (100810ZMAR23) Notable: The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on March 9, 2023, has chatter about other banks possibly faltering as a ripple effect

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on March 9, 2023, has chatter about other banks possibly faltering as a ripple effect. Keep in mind this comes one day after the collapse of Silvergate Bank, and traditionally, silver is money.

This news comes on the 68th day of the year, and it connects to the market having a second terrible day in a row.

SVB Financial, which owns Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest bank in the US with $210 billion in assets, came out with some fascinating announcements late yesterday and early today about shoring up its balance sheet and liquidity.

After having already plunged 65% in a series of breath-taking dives, and dead-cat bounces from their startup-and-crypto consensual-hallucination peak in November 2021, shares of SVB Financial [SIVB] kathoomphed so far today another 55%, to around $119 at the moment, the lowest since 2016, and are now down 84% from the November 2021 high,


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2c33e4 No.23483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478456 (100838ZMAR23) Notable: Belarus passes law to execute officials convicted of treason

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Belarus passes law to execute officials convicted of treason

Belarus' authoritarian president on Thursday signed a bill introducing capital punishment for state officials and military personnel convicted of high treason.

The amendments to the country's criminal code endorsed by President Alexander Lukashenko envisage death sentences for officials and servicemen who caused “irreparable damage” to Belarus' national security through acts of treason.

The endorsement of the new repressive legislation follows an attack on a Russian warplane at an air base outside the Belarusian capital on Feb. 26, which was claimed by Belarusian guerrillas.



Anti-Russia guerrillas in Belarus take on 'two-headed enemy'

After Russia invaded Ukraine, guerrillas from Belarus began carrying out acts of sabotage on their country's railways, including blowing up track equipment to paralyze the rails that Russian forces used to get troops and weapons into Ukraine.

In the most recent sabotage to make international headlines, they attacked a Russian warplane parked just outside the Belarusian capital.



Zelensky is 'just scum' - Belarusian president

7 Mar, 2023



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2c33e4 No.23484

File: 3637ec422e544ee⋯.jpg (261.17 KB,720x1193,720:1193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 95cea4c3a312bc5⋯.jpg (656.97 KB,1499x1177,1499:1177,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478515 (100917ZMAR23) Notable: Colorado has been struck by a M4.3 earthquake along the craton edge directly next to hundreds of oil + gas drill points

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Colorado has been struck by a M4.3 earthquake along the craton edge directly next to hundreds of oil + gas drill points.

This follows the other same sized earthquakes (M4.3's) which come down from the Pacific Northwest over the past 2 days (seen marked in pink on this screenshot)

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2c33e4 No.23485

File: 5c367ed7e164752⋯.jpg (2.35 MB,3000x2625,8:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478597 (101013ZMAR23) Notable: U1 Graphic

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2c33e4 No.23486

File: 53bff70b2043ba5⋯.png (287.4 KB,791x1214,791:1214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478598 (101013ZMAR23) Notable: A New US Census Is Being Weaponized To Impose Social Credit Scores In The USSA

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ALERT! A New US Census Is Being Weaponized To Impose Social Credit Scores In The USSA


The American Community Survey (ACS), sent to about 3.5 million homes every year, is the byproduct of a government that believes it has the right to know all of your personal business.

If you haven’t already received an ACS, it’s just a matter of time.

A far cry from the traditional census, which is limited to ascertaining the number of persons living in each dwelling, their ages and ethnicities, the ownership of the dwelling and telephone numbers, the ACS contains some of the most detailed and intrusive questions ever put forth in a census questionnaire.

At 28 pages (with an additional 16-page instruction packet), these questions concern matters that the government simply has no business knowing, including questions relating to respondents’ bathing habits, home utility costs, fertility, marital history, work commute, mortgage, and health insurance, among other highly personal and private matters.

For instance, the ACS asks how many persons live in your home, along with their names and detailed information about them such as their relationship to you, marital status, race and their physical, mental and emotional problems, etc. The survey also asks how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have in your house, along with the fuel used to heat your home, the cost of electricity, what type of mortgage you have and monthly mortgage payments, property taxes and so on.

The survey demands to know how many days you were sick last year, how many automobiles you own and the number of miles driven, whether you have trouble getting up the stairs, and what time you leave for work every morning, along with highly detailed inquiries about your financial affairs. And the survey demands that you violate the privacy of others by supplying the names and addresses of your friends, relatives and employer.

The questionnaire also demands that you give other information on the people in your home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed, what languages they speak and when they last worked at a job, among other things.


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2c33e4 No.23487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478599 (101014ZMAR23) Notable: A New US Census Is Being Weaponized To Impose Social Credit Scores In The USSA

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Individuals who receive the ACS must complete it or be subject to monetary penalties.

Although no reports have surfaced of individuals actually being penalized for refusing to answer the survey, the potential fines that can be levied for refusing to participate in the ACS are staggering. For every question not answered, there is a $100 fine. And for every intentionally false response to a question, the fine is $500.

The real danger is in not knowing why the information is needed, how it will be used by the government or with whom it will be shared. YOU CAN BET THE GOVERNMENT WILL NOT SAFEGAURD YOUR PRIVATE INFORMATION!

As such, the ACS qualifies as a government program whose purpose, while sold to the public as routine and benign, raises significant constitutional concerns.

The Rutherford Institute has received hundreds of inquiries from individuals who have received the ACS and are not comfortable sharing such private, intimate details with the government or are unsettled by the aggressive tactics utilized by Census Bureau agents seeking to compel responses to ACS questions: https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/legal_features/constitutional_qa_american_community_survey

The US Supreme Court has ruled that citizens have no obligation to answer questions posed by the government and are free to refuse to do so. This same principle should apply to questions posed by ACS brown shirts. However, because the government has not brought a prosecution for a refusal to respond to the ACS, the question of a person’s right to refuse has not yet been decided by a court.

MY COMMENT: If this comes to me I'll file a restraining order against this brown shirt agency trying to violate my 4th and 5th Amendment rights, and for any harassment!



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2c33e4 No.23488

File: ddcd07cccaa7083⋯.jpg (270.7 KB,1420x1236,355:309,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478649 (101033ZMAR23) Notable: DeSantis funding for 24 run

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From Taibbi's Twitter #18 Drop.

These are the people funding DeSantis. Is he infiltrating? Is he just taking their money?

They are the same groups that originally backed PDJT.

No way he is the nominee without Trump's permission, already falling further behind.

He would be solid in the 2nd administration if he decides to stay in the light. Off to the dustbin of history if he sides with dark forces.

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2c33e4 No.23489

File: 8ba117834a5c5e3⋯.png (323.17 KB,557x782,557:782,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478721 (101056ZMAR23) Notable: Musk Epic troll of Schumer

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Musk’s response to Schumer’s tweet

about January 6 footage is EPIC mic drop!

BizPac Review, by Chris Donaldson

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 3/10/2023 1:51:35 AM

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s authoritarian reaction to the airing of previously unseen footage from the January 6, 2021 chaos at the U.S. Capitol when he called for Fox News to stomp on host Tucker Carlson has drawn much criticism as well as an epic bit of trolling from billionaire Twitter owner Elon Musk. The New York Democrat denounced the conservative network for allowing Carlson to air the bombshell footage that undercut the official establishment narrative of the so-called “insurrection” with the public getting its first chance to see how the day’s events were misleadingly portrayed to justify a federal government crackdown on supporters of former President Donald J. Trump

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2c33e4 No.23490

File: c0999586d0ca132⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,618x393,206:131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478727 (101058ZMAR23) Notable: DOJ thought they'd get away with this indefinitely?

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Make the prosecutors who pull this shit serve the jail time instead of the defendant whose life they crush out.

There are no real penalties for prosecutorial misconduct.

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2c33e4 No.23491

File: d5442d9a6c5e3e2⋯.png (857.85 KB,682x667,682:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478728 (101059ZMAR23) Notable: Federal Court Reinstates Law Allowing Florida to Defund Planned Parenthood

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Federal Court Reinstates Law Allowing

Florida to Defund Planned Parenthood

Breitbart, by Katherine Hamilton

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/10/2023 12:49:43 AM

Florida will be allowed to defund Planned Parenthood on June 1, after a federal judge ended a permanent injunction on Tuesday blocking part of a 2016 law. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle, of the United States District Court Northern District of Florida, reversed the permanent injunction on part of House Bill 1411, which prohibits state and local dollars from going to institutions that provide abortions. Hinkle stated in his order that the “essential basis of the ruling [in 2016] was the right to an abortion under Roe v. Wade.” But with Roe overturned in the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision last summer, the previous order no longer had legal standing.

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2c33e4 No.23492

File: 0eea6731ff7e62b⋯.png (45.91 KB,662x318,331:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478738 (101104ZMAR23) Notable: The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on March 9, 2023, has chatter about other banks possibly faltering as a ripple effect

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Turmoil at Silicon Valley Bank triggers

market panic: Four biggest US banks lose

staggering $52 BILLION in valuation and

Dow drops 540 points

Daily Mail (UK) & Reuters, by Keith Griffith & Staff

Posted By: Imright, 3/9/2023 8:45:43 PM

Sharp losses in banking stocks led Wall Street's main indexes lower on Thursday, as turmoil at Silicon Valley Bank's parent company triggered investor fears about the stability of the financial sector. The S&P 500 bank index tumbled more than 6% in its biggest one-day drop in over two years, after SVB Financial Group announced a massive equity raise to cover a $1.8 billion loss on the sale of investments. The four largest US banks JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup saw their share prices plunge between 4% and 6%, wiping $52.3 billion from their collective market capitalizations for the day.

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2c33e4 No.23493

File: 9466191eb8e1416⋯.png (423.09 KB,603x573,201:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478741 (101106ZMAR23) Notable: ECW: The Australian government has hired a dozen retired U.S. Navy officers as high-dollar consultants while it negotiates a nuclear sub deal with Washington

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Ezra A. Cohen


Former top U.S. admiral cashes in on nuclear sub deal with Australia


Former top U.S. admiral cashes in on nuclear sub deal with Australia

The Australian government has hired a dozen retired U.S. Navy officers as high-dollar consultants while it negotiates a nuclear sub deal with Washington

3:12 AM · Mar 8, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23494

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478742 (101106ZMAR23) Notable: MACCARTHY ANSWERS REPORTERS QUESTIONS ON THE RELEASE OF JAN 6TH VIDEOS

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Note: Apparantly nancy pelosi daughter did a documentary on the jan 6th attack and revealed the location where the congress and senate leaders were taken to,Eric Swalwell also release that lociation and footage.

mccarthy states the defendants who are locked up for jan 6th have the right to request that footage.


Kevin McCarthy Unloads On CNN Reporter For Their J6 Coverage


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2c33e4 No.23495

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478763 (101117ZMAR23) Notable: JAKE CHANSLEY TURNED OUT TO BE A PATROIT AND READ OUT DJT TWEET. TOLD THE CROWD TO GO HOME

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Note: Gotta admit, even this anon thought that Qanon shaman was a plant, turns out he was just someone who was more flamboyant then the other protesters. The media used him as a example. The only thing that anon saw of this guy was a picture of him with austin steinbart and that was enough for anon to mistrust him. hope he gets let out for being framed.!!!


Jake Chansley (aka "Shaman") Reads DJT's Tweet to Stay Peaceful, Go Home


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2c33e4 No.23496

File: d1b970df2c35266⋯.png (219.26 KB,423x698,423:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478781 (101132ZMAR23) Notable: The Shocking Truth About How Doctors and Scientists Were Silenced on Twitter

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EXPOSED: The Shocking Truth About How Doctors and Scientists Were Silenced on Twitter

Kat Cammack: "So this blacklist that was created that was used to de-platform and reduce visibility against doctors and scientists who produced information that was contrary to what the CDC was putting out, despite the fact that we now know that what they were publishing had a scientific basis and in fact was valid."

Michael Shellenberger: "Absolutely, these were secret blacklists, so Prof. Bhattacharya had no idea he was on it."

As a scientist myself, I was banned from Twitter for 18 months simply because I made scientifically accurate statements about Vitamin D and masks. It's a terrible feeling to be cancelled and silenced, and the reckoning of the government's and Big Tech's criminal actions finally brings a smile back to my face. I truly believe that the truth will prevail, and I hope that one day I will be able to find a job at a university or research institution once again.


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2c33e4 No.23497

File: 8c290e51ed0d9c6⋯.jpg (124.92 KB,720x879,240:293,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478813 (101157ZMAR23) Notable: Arizona’s Democrat governor vetoes law banning CRT in public schools

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Arizona’s Democrat governor vetoes law banning CRT in public schools | Just The News

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2c33e4 No.23498

File: 30d1200c5ffe8c8⋯.png (139.17 KB,1522x2042,761:1021,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478888 (101240ZMAR23) Notable: 0 Delta

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:50 timestamp

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2c33e4 No.23499

File: b98d588707950a1⋯.png (102.59 KB,438x339,146:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478891 (101241ZMAR23) Notable: There are "over one thousand hidden Excel rows of messages" the FBI - and the DOJ prosecutors - did not produce to the defendants.

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FBI agent in the Nordean January 6 case caught selectively editing her communications so they wouldn't be produced to the defense:

There are "over one thousand hidden Excel rows of messages" the FBI - and the DOJ prosecutors - did not produce to the defendants.

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2c33e4 No.23500

File: b501860172c0701⋯.png (54.93 KB,454x248,227:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478892 (101242ZMAR23) Notable: There are "over one thousand hidden Excel rows of messages" the FBI - and the DOJ prosecutors - did not produce to the defendants.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


FBI internal communications regarding the destruction of January 6 evidence:

The agent's FBI "boss assigned [her] 338 items of evidence I have to destroy."

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2c33e4 No.23501

File: e2d99d786ee4bb3⋯.png (1.07 MB,812x645,812:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478949 (101259ZMAR23) Notable: #22660

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2c33e4 No.23502

File: 50ad0130778347e⋯.png (237.64 KB,423x399,141:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18478991 (101306ZMAR23) Notable: The books found in Florida K-12 libraries & schools by @ GovRonDeSantis are appalling.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The books found in Florida K-12 libraries & schools by @ GovRonDeSantis are appalling. You will not believe what was found in ELEMENTARY schools. The images (which we could not show) are worse. via @ OutnumberedFNC ⬇️


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2c33e4 No.23503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479020 (101316ZMAR23) Notable: Live Q&A with Ben Davidson from Suspicious Observers

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Live Q&A with Ben Davidson from Suspicious Observers

Bear Independent

last night

58 min

Bear is owner of Refuge Medical and Refuge raining a top tier supplier of Trauma First Aid resources, IFAKs, and training to DOD and civilian market. All made and packed in USA. And anons should all know who Ben Davidson is. IMHO he is a geo science, plasma science, earth science, galactic science, solar science, religion, and mythology news aggregator and dot collector, who for 10+ years has been teaching the world for free on the clearly evident mosaic painted by all of this data, explaining our current location in time and a grand cycle. Aka an anon, a digger and mosaicist

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2c33e4 No.23504

File: ca6c54309bf268c⋯.jpeg (26.45 KB,712x179,712:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a10834f6e8417bd⋯.jpg (181.42 KB,602x862,301:431,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479025 (101317ZMAR23) Notable: think timing

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>>>/qresearch/18478770 lb


>Think timing.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 622a94 No.1497716📁

May 21 2018 18:04:49 (EST)

Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.



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2c33e4 No.23505

File: e777f434ee03d52⋯.png (1.31 MB,1440x810,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479027 (101318ZMAR23) Notable: Democrats repeatedly attack leftist journalists and smear their character

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Democrats repeatedly attack leftist journalists and smear their character

Tell me the Democrat Communists want to attack anyone who opposes them, without tell me Democrat Communists want to attack anyone who oppose them.


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2c33e4 No.23506

File: 903c08137ea2343⋯.png (339.35 KB,732x617,732:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479046 (101324ZMAR23) Notable: Biden’s Budget Is Tax-And-Spend On Steroids

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Biden’s Budget Is Tax-And-Spend On Steroids

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board

Posted By: RockyTCB, 3/10/2023 6:39:36 AM

The headline the White House wants everyone to write would say that President Joe Biden’s budget plan will cut projected deficits by $2.9 trillion. That number isn’t impressive at all, given the context. Worse is the way he gets there. Start with the fact that the $2.9 trillion amounts to just a haircut in the projected $20 trillion deficits over the next decade, deficits that Biden and his fellow Democrats vastly inflated with their two-year spending spree. The chart below shows how little difference Biden’s budget would make. Next is the fact that Biden’s budget would increase spending by $1.8 trillion

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2c33e4 No.23507

File: 642b68fd220a6c7⋯.png (16.46 KB,590x179,590:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479087 (101336ZMAR23) Notable: DC Fire & EMS are responding to a call of a fire in the EEOB, next to the White House, personnel asked to evacuate

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BREAKING 🚨 DC Fire & EMS are responding to a call of a fire in the EEOB, next door to the White House, personnel reportedly asked to evacuate


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2c33e4 No.23508

File: 0f0adad27f9d29a⋯.png (462.69 KB,587x532,587:532,Clipboard.png)

File: b4578facc4bca5d⋯.mp4 (562.69 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479095 (101338ZMAR23) Notable: DC Fire & EMS are responding to a call of a fire in the EEOB, next to the White House, personnel asked to evacuate

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is responding to call of a fire in the EEOB, just next door to the White House. “Personnel who were in the building have been asked to leave while DC Fire responds,” per USSS. DC Fire is investigating a possible defective fan in the building’s basement.==


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2c33e4 No.23509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479137 (101351ZMAR23) Notable: DePaul Students Seek to Ban Student Religious Group As “Non-Affirming” of LGBTQ Rights

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March 9, 2023

—DePaul Students Seek to Ban Student Religious Group As “Non-Affirming” of LGBTQ Rights__

We have often discussed DePaul University as a school with a long record ofspeech suppression, including cancel campaigns targeting journalists. Now the students are pushing to ban a new student group because it does not support LGBTQ rights. The group is “non-affirming” of LGBTQ rights and apparently must be made a non-entity by the university.

AChange.org petition demands the banning of a group called Vesselbecause it favors sexual restraint and calls itself “non-affirming” of the LGBTQ agenda.Hundreds have signed the petition, which declares:

“DePaul has a wide variety of religious groups on campus, but one in particular called Vessel is outwardly promoting that they are ‘non-affirming’ to the LGBTQIA+ community because of religious beliefs and claiming that it’s a ‘sinful’ lifestyle.”

It is anironic moment for the Catholic universitygiven the church’s religious position on homosexual sexual activity as a sin.

On an Instagram page that was later removed, Vessel posted a Q&A exchange, including a query of whether the group was “affirming of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle.” Vessel responded “We are non-affirming. This means that we do not agree the LGBTQIA+ lifestyle is supported by biblical text.”

I can understand why many students are offended by the position, but this is part of a diverse academic environment. There are many groups espousing support for such rights and lifestyle choices. That is the very essence of higher education in allowing a diversity of viewpoints and passionate but civil discourse.

Vessel told The DePaulia that they have tried to have such a dialogue:

We have reached out to those who have raised issues with our group (none of these people have attended or attempted to attend a meeting) in order to promote conversation and understanding, but none have followed up on this.

DePaul needs to reaffirm a commitment to free speech and a diversity of viewpoints. There is no need to endorse the views on either side. This is another effort to silence rather than debate those who hold opposing views.

Polls show that bothfaculty and studentsare now fearful in sharing their views in class or on campus due to this environment of intolerance.Faculty and administratorstoday are destroying higher education with their crackdowns on speech and viewpoints.

A recent survey of students at the University of Wisconsin found thatalmost sixty percent of students are afraidto share their opinions in class due to the intolerance on campuses today. It is only the latest such poll on how the orthodoxy and intolerance of higher education is having a chilling effect on student speech and class discussions. Notably, this is almost identical to earlier polling at other schools.

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) has released a new survey of nearly 1,500 faculty members at four-year colleges in the US. Ideologically the survey of college faculty is consistent with other polls and surveys in showingthat over half of the faculty nationwide is afraid to speak freelyin the current atmosphere of intolerance and orthodoxy.

What is most striking about this and other surveys is that the number of conservatives on faculties is comparably very small. Yet,even liberal faculty now fear backlashfor speaking freely in classes or on campus.


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2c33e4 No.23510

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479144 (101352ZMAR23) Notable: Qpost review from yesterday

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Qpost review from yesterday

>boom the mic edition

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2c33e4 No.23511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479148 (101353ZMAR23) Notable: 2022 Midterms Look Back Series: Successes in the 2022 Midterm Elections Committee on House Administration

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9:00 AM EDT

2022 Midterms Look Back Series: Successes in the 2022 Midterm Elections

Committee on House Administration



The Honorable Kyle Ardoin - Louisiana Secretary of State


The Honorable Chris Anderson - Supervisor of Elections, Seminole County, Florida


The Honorable Frank LaRose - Ohio Secretary of State


Damon Hewitt - President and Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee







State and Election Officials Testify on the 2022 Midterm Elections

State and election officials and voting rights advocates testify on the 2022 midterm elections before the House Administration Committee.


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2c33e4 No.23512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479154 (101354ZMAR23) Notable: President Biden's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request with Treasury Secretary Yellen Part 1 House Ways and Means Committee

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9:00 AM EDT

President Biden's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request with Treasury Secretary Yellen Part 1

House Ways and Means Committee



Janet L. Yellen

United States Secretary of the Treasury







Treasury Secretary Yellen Testifies on President's 2024 Budget Request, Part 1

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen testifies on President Biden’s fiscal year 2024 budget request before the House Ways and Means Committee.


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2c33e4 No.23513

File: 19f3c2f96f0b55c⋯.png (378.06 KB,839x427,839:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479156 (101354ZMAR23) Notable: TRADING IN SILICON VALLEY BANK HALTED: PENDING NEWS AFTER CRASHING 60%

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2c33e4 No.23514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479157 (101355ZMAR23) Notable: Hearing Entitled: How Do We Encourage Greater Flood Insurance Coverage in America? House Financial Services Committee

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9:00 AM EDT

Hearing Entitled: How Do We Encourage Greater Flood Insurance Coverage in America?

House Financial Services Committee


H.R. ___, the "National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2023" (Rep. Davidson)



H.R. ___, the "NFIP Participation Study Act of 2023"



H.R. ___, the "Consumer Options for Flood Insurance Act of 2023"



H.R. 900, a bill to amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 to allow for the consideration of private flood insurance for the purposes of applying continuous coverage requirements, and for other purposes (Rep. Castor)








Hearing on Flood Insurance Coverage Proposals

A House subcommittee holds a hearing to discuss ways to encourage more flood insurance coverage and proposed legislation.


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2c33e4 No.23515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479160 (101355ZMAR23) Notable: Defending America's Wireless Leadership House Energy and Commerce Committee

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9:00 AM EDT

Defending America's Wireless Leadership

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Brad Gillen, Executive Vice President, CTIA—The Wireless Association


James Assey, Executive Vice President, NCTA—The Internet and Television Association


Monisha Ghosh, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame






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2c33e4 No.23516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479166 (101357ZMAR23) Notable: Reining in the Administrative State: Reclaiming Congress's Legislative Power House Judiciary Committee

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9:00 AM EDT

Reining in the Administrative State: Reclaiming Congress's Legislative Power

House Judiciary Committee



Allyson N. Ho, Partner and Co-Chair of Appellate and Constitutional Law, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP


Jonathan Wolfson, Chief Legal Officer and Policy Director, Cicero Institute; formerly Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Regulatory Reform Officer, DOL


Ryan Cleckner, Co-Founder, Gun University LLC and Owner, Law Office of Ryan M. Cleckner; formerly Vice President Compliance, Remington Outdoor Company, Manager Government Relations, National Shooting Sports Foundation, and Army Ranger






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2c33e4 No.23517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479167 (101358ZMAR23) Notable: President Biden's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request with Treasury Secretary Yellen Part 1 House Ways and Means Committee

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9:30 AM EDT

President Biden's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request with Treasury Secretary Yellen Part 2

House Ways and Means Committee



Janet L. Yellen

United States Secretary of the Treasury







Treasury Secretary Yellen Testifies on President's 2024 Budget Request, Part 2

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen testifies on President Biden’s fiscal year 2024 budget request before the House Ways and Means Committee.


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2c33e4 No.23518

File: bd7973f0822773f⋯.png (206.48 KB,1522x2042,761:1021,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479171 (101359ZMAR23) Notable: 0 Delta

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2c33e4 No.23519

File: a725f0af720b6ec⋯.png (949.31 KB,745x1024,745:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479179 (101401ZMAR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Orion and the Running Man

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Mar 10 2023

Orion and the Running Man

Few cosmic vistas excite the imagination like The Great Nebula in Orion. Visible as a faint celestial smudge to the naked-eye, the nearest large star-forming region sprawls across this sharp telescopic image, recorded on a cold January night in dark skies from West Virginia, planet Earth. Also known as M42, the Orion Nebula's glowing gas surrounds hot, young stars. About 40 light-years across, it lies at the edge of an immense interstellar molecular cloud only 1,500 light-years away within the same spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy as the Sun. Along with dusty bluish reflection nebula NGC 1977 and friends near the top of the frame, the eye-catching nebulae represent only a small fraction of our galactic neighborhood's wealth of star-forming material. Within the well-studied stellar nursery, astronomers have also identified what appear to be numerous infant solar systems.


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2c33e4 No.23520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479188 (101403ZMAR23) Notable: #22569

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>>23464, >>23457, >>23458, >>23460, >>23477 Dear Conservatives, I Apologize Full-Spectrum Propaganda: Dr Naomi Wolf

>>23459 Donald J. Trump: 17m ago 0:32

>>23461 Donald J. Trump: Remember FARMERS, I got China to pay you 28 Billion Dollars as an adjustment for how unfairly they treated you… Tell that to Ron DeSanctimonious when he shows up to your door, hat in hand. Tell him to go home!

>>23462 Donald J. Trump: Soros backed Alvin Bragg, is relying on the testimony of a convicted felon…He only cares about “getting Trump.”

>>23463, >>23465, >>23470, >>23474 Idiots Inc, engineer straight jacket pose #EmbraceEquity pose for International Women’s Day

>>23467, >>23476 Archiving Jim Jordan: Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government

>>23468, >>23469, >>23471, >>23473 Moar about NewsGuard

>>23472 Catherine Austin Fitts Explains The B.I.S And Its Functions

>>23466, >>23454 pb ms hageman: Twitter part 9 focus. unlawful requests concerning misinformation, disinformation 4:18 mins

>>23475 Dan Scavino: Now they’re targeting you. Help us reach 100,000 signatures Anons know what to do

>>23478 DeSantis indicates privately he intends to run in 2024 as allies prepare

>>23480 Nepal elects Ram Chandra Poudel as new President

>>23481, >>23490 DOJ thought they'd get away with this indefinitely?

>>23482, >>23492 The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on March 9, 2023, has chatter about other banks possibly faltering as a ripple effect

>>23483 Belarus passes law to execute officials convicted of treason

>>23484 Colorado has been struck by a M4.3 earthquake along the craton edge directly next to hundreds of oil + gas drill points

>>23485 U1 Graphic

>>23486, >>23487 A New US Census Is Being Weaponized To Impose Social Credit Scores In The USSA

>>23488 DeSantis funding for 24 run

>>23489 Musk Epic troll of Schumer

>>23491 Federal Court Reinstates Law Allowing Florida to Defund Planned Parenthood

>>23493 ECW: The Australian government has hired a dozen retired U.S. Navy officers as high-dollar consultants while it negotiates a nuclear sub deal with Washington



>>23496 The Shocking Truth About How Doctors and Scientists Were Silenced on Twitter

>>23497 Arizona’s Democrat governor vetoes law banning CRT in public schools

>>23498 0 Delta

>>23499, >>23500 There are "over one thousand hidden Excel rows of messages" the FBI - and the DOJ prosecutors - did not produce to the defendants.


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2c33e4 No.23521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479191 (101404ZMAR23) Notable: TRADING IN SILICON VALLEY BANK HALTED: PENDING NEWS AFTER CRASHING 60%

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2c33e4 No.23522

File: 9abf101d3d3842f⋯.png (317.94 KB,519x626,519:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479203 (101407ZMAR23) Notable: Dowd on Cramer

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Edward Dowd


I never forget his call at the top of the vaccine hysteria in December 2021. He wanted the unvaccinated rounded up by the military & sequestered against their will. A few weeks later he got Covid as did all his co-workers.This guy is not only amoral but a perfect contra indicator


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2c33e4 No.23523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479221 (101412ZMAR23) Notable: TRADING IN SILICON VALLEY BANK HALTED: PENDING NEWS AFTER CRASHING 60%

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BREAKING: SVB Financial in talks to sell itself after attempts to raise capital have failed

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2c33e4 No.23524

File: a05c7cabc188b09⋯.png (445.74 KB,1024x693,1024:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479223 (101412ZMAR23) Notable: Robert Blake, ‘In Cold Blood’ actor once accused of murdering wife, dead at 89

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Robert Blake, ‘In Cold Blood’ actor once accused of murdering wife, dead at 89

Robert Blake, a controversial actor best known for his roles in the television series “Baretta” and the film “In Cold Blood,” is dead at 89.

The actor’s son, Noah Blake, confirmed his death Thursday to The Post. Blake’s family said he died of heart disease at home in LA.

Born Michael Gubitosi on Sept. 18, 1933, Blake’s six-decade Hollywood career was marred by accusations he killed his second wife, Bonny Lee Bakley.

On May 4, 2001, the 44-year-old Bakley was shot and killed while sitting in Blake’s car outside of a Studio City restaurant where the couple had just dined.

Blake, who maintained his innocence, was acquitted of Bakley’s murder in 2005.

After the trial, Blake told the Associated Press he hoped for a career resurgence.

“I’d like to give my best performance,” he said in 2006. “I’d like to leave a legacy for [daughter] Rosie about who I am. I’m not ready for a dog and fishing pole yet. I’d like to go to bed each night desperate to wake up each morning and create some magic.”

Blake rose to fame as a child actor, appearing in the “Our Gang” short film series.

His most notable role was in the 1967 adaptation of Truman Capote’s true-crime book “In Cold Blood.”

He also starred in “Treasure of the Sierra Madre” (1948), “Electra Glide in Blue” (1973) and “Lost Highway” (1997), his final film.

Blake scored a Primetime Emmy Award in 1975 for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series for “Baretta,” in which he played the titular character, Det. Tony Baretta, for four seasons.

His hard-nosed cop character — whose faithful companion was a talkative pet cockatoo Fred — had several oft-repeated catchphrases, including “That’s the name of that tune,” “You can take that to the bank” and “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

Blake also received three other Emmy nominations.

Out of his three nominations for a Golden Globe, he only received one in 1976 for Best Actor in a Television Series (Drama), again for his rugged role in “Baretta.”

But his Hollywood journey was rocked with controversy when the actor was arrested in connection to Bakley’s murder.

Prosecutors claimed he tried to hire hitmen to kill Bakley, whom he married in 2000 because she had become pregnant with his baby. The jury was unconvinced.

Eight months after his acquittal, in November 2005, a civil jury found Blake liable for Bakley’s death and ordered him to pay her family $30 million — which left him bankrupt.

“If you want to know how to go through $10 million in five years, ask me how,” he told the media after the verdict, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “I was a rich man. I’m broke now.”

His acting career, however, remained stagnant, with his final performance in the 1997 film “Lost Highway,” co-starring Bill Pullman and Patricia Arquette, according to his IMDb page.

In 2019, Rose Lenore, the daughter of Blake and Bakley, told People that she was following in her actor father’s footsteps, saying she loved “getting to be someone else” when performing.

Rose described her childhood as “complicated” – she wasn’t even a year old when her mother died.

Until the time of the People interview, she hadn’t seen Blake since she was a small child, raised by her half-sister Delinah.

“When Rosie was 2 weeks old, I held her in my hands, and I asked God to take care of her ’cause I’m an old man and tomorrow is guaranteed to nobody,” Blake told CBS News in 2003. “I said, ‘God, if you please take care of Rosie, I will never, ever ask you anything again for the rest of my life.'”

In 2019, Blake suggested his own upbringing was chaotic, telling “20/20” that his father was a “lunatic” and that Blake’s success brought out animosity in him.

“The more success I got, the more he wanted to kill me,” he claimed, according to USA Today.

“I was always at least 50% self-destructive, but when I wasn’t working, I couldn’t stand the way I felt,” he also told the program of his own inner issues.

“Bipolar? I was tri-polar. I was quad-polar. Who the hell knows what kind of polar I was? I had 35 different feelings in five minutes. I was nuts when I was away from the camera.”

Blake is survived by his three children: Rose, Delinah and Noah.


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2c33e4 No.23525

File: 254b8bb8b0dd607⋯.jpg (10.47 KB,255x166,255:166,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479227 (101413ZMAR23) Notable: TRADING IN SILICON VALLEY BANK HALTED: PENDING NEWS AFTER CRASHING 60%

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>sell itself


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2c33e4 No.23526

File: 7c1cff53fe8c97d⋯.jpeg (27.48 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479246 (101417ZMAR23) Notable: Turley: “Teaching is a Political Act”

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March 7, 2023

Teaching is a Political Act”: UNT Course Raises Questions Over Political Agendas in Public Education

There is a new controversy over political agendas in education after the release of course materials from the University of North Texas (UNT) for future K-12 educators. It is important to keep in mind that this isjust one school. However, the controversy raises, again, the question of whether universities are pushing a more activist model for education.

We saw a similar activist movement emerge out of journalism schools that is now taking hold in mainstream media. The concern over the UNT controversy is whether it is indicative of a wider effort that is causing manyfamilies to leave public education.

The material is derived from a course and syllabus on “Teaching as Advocacy for Equity.” The course focuses on “structures of social and educational inequality, as they relate to race, class, and gender” and how teaching can be “a form of intervention” to change society through “cultural reproduction.”

Conservative sites have flagged the material because of the highly political content. The course states that “while teaching has always been a relational and intellectual endeavor, we acknowledge that teaching is also both an ethical and a political act.”

It also includes a list of “core commitments” for future teachers that states “[w]e are activists working against injustice for young people, teachers, and communities rooted in racism and other forms of discrimination.”

The material relies on the work of the highly controversial Ibram Kendi. I have previously criticized Professor Kendi for his inflammatory rhetoric and attacks. Kendi, the director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, previously attacked Justice Amy Coney Barrett over her adoption of two Haitian children and suggested that it raised the image of a “white colonizer.” He suggested that the children were little more than props for their mother.

In fairness to UNT, there has always been a role in education to reinforce core values in society. For most of us, that includes civic values and our commitment to principles of equality and due process. That is why we have long taught lessons on the desegregation movement, the teachings of Dr. King, and other defining aspects of our history and Constitution. However, we have seen a more political agenda emerge in recent years. That includes emphasizing that teachers are first and foremost “activists” as opposed to educators.

For many, the UNT material appears to promote teaching as a vehicle for political activism. That is precisely what parents are rebelling against in teachers treating them and their children as captives to some social agenda.

I previously wrote how some teachers and administrators arerapidly killing public education.

Many of us have advocated for public education for decades. I sent my children to public schools, and I still hope we can turn this around without wholesale voucher systems. Yet teachers and boards are killing the institution of public education by treating children and parents more like captives than consumers. They are force-feeding social and political priorities, including passes for engaging in approved protests.

As public schools continue to produce abysmal scores, particularly for minority students, board and union officials have called for lowering or suspending proficiency standards or declared meritocracy to be a form of “white supremacy.” Gifted and talented programs are being eliminated in the name of “equity.”

Once parents have a choice, these teachers lose a virtual monopoly over many families, and these districts could lose billions in states like Florida.

This is precisely why school systems like the Seattle public schools are facing budget shortfalls as families vote with their feet. These families want a return to the educational mission that once defined our schools.

Of course, this material maintains that political agendas are the educational mission. However, they may find fewer and fewer families are willing tosupply their childrenfor such political indoctrination.


(The Trilateral Commissions goal was to infiltrate Unions, Education and government, to get the US into their Cabal of one world government. Their main complaint was our constitution and bill of rights, blocked their rapid progress)

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2c33e4 No.23527

File: 75b71bc10632509⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,554x316,277:158,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479277 (101423ZMAR23) Notable: 2022 Midterms Look Back Series: Successes in the 2022 Midterm Elections Committee on House Administration

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Part of Sewell's opening statement.

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2c33e4 No.23528

File: 8089dd1a08d36dd⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,501x514,501:514,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 446d04000d1979b⋯.png (192.56 KB,648x298,324:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479282 (101423ZMAR23) Notable: Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organizations are scientifically invalid

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Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organizations are scientifically invalid, and will lead to worldwide impoverishment and starvation if implemented, according to a paper published by the CO2 Coalition.

The 46-page paper details how the objectives of Net Zero to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and the emissions of greenhouse gases are "based on analytical methods that violate fundamental tenets of the scientific method which originated more than 300 years ago."


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2c33e4 No.23529

File: fa5fce1902c3c48⋯.jpg (74.96 KB,951x762,317:254,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479308 (101428ZMAR23) Notable: Leaked WhatsApp messages from former British health minister Matt Hancock show that corona was no more deadly than other cold and flu viruses

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Lockdown Files!

Leaked WhatsApp messages from former British health minister Matt Hancock show that corona was no more deadly than other cold and flu viruses.

Hancock had a discussion with then Prime Minister Boris Johnson via WhatsApp about the low mortality rate from corona. This was a problem, because it would prevent the vaccination targets from being met.

The corona measures were mainly intended to frighten the population. Pushing through the vaccines and introducing the corresponding digital corona certificate was the underlying goal.

Gates involvement

No means were shunned. Unvaccinated people were not only portrayed as irresponsible, but also as antisocial, dangerous, anti-state subjects. Threats of imprisonment and forced vaccination. Unvaccinated people were fired.

The British Lockdown Files show that the unvaccinated and critical doctors were right and that government policy was completely wrong, says MEP Marcel de Graaff (FVD) .

What also emerges from the apps is the involvement of billionaire Bill Gates. Hancock literally texts about Gates: 'he owes me one'. In other words, Gates owes me.


Hancock had millions of his vaccines injected. This so-called philanthropist bought shares in Big Pharma for $ 50 million and sold those same shares for $ 500 million after the corona hype was over, according to De Graaff.

Meanwhile, the contracts that governments concluded with pharmaceutical giants are still not public. Correspondence between Pfizer and EU boss Von der Leyen is also still secret. The messages between Hugo de Jonge and Mark Rutte about corona have supposedly been deleted.

“As a member of the European Parliament, I demand that the European Commission is accountable to parliament for this. That is why I urge the President of the European Parliament to put a debate on the Lockdown Files with Von der Leyen on the agenda as a matter of urgency.”

"We'll see if the European Parliament wants to take up its role of scrutiny or if it is complicit in the biggest scandal of the century."




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2c33e4 No.23530

File: c5fd8ce68e85d8c⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,648x353,648:353,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9e27dd121a7159c⋯.jpg (58.57 KB,649x510,649:510,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479320 (101430ZMAR23) Notable: TRADING IN SILICON VALLEY BANK HALTED: PENDING NEWS AFTER CRASHING 60%

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Silicon Valley Bank halts trading pending an announcement after Peter Thiel's venture capital fund warns startups to PULL money from the troubled bank


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2c33e4 No.23531

File: db778781a7419ec⋯.jpeg (61.29 KB,675x433,675:433,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479327 (101431ZMAR23) Notable: Trilateral Commission: The Secret Circle That Controls Governments

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Trilateral Commission: The Secret Circle That Controls Governments

One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It hasexisted since 1973.

It’s called the Trilateral Commission (TC).

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

In 1969, four years before birthing the TC with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “[The]nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Goodbye, separate nations.

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003): “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizingmy family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only87 members of the Trilateral Commissionwho live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.

For example:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;

James Jones, National Security Advisor;

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.

Here is a stunning piece of forgotten history, a 1978 conversation between a US reporter and two members of the Trilateral Commission. (Source: Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management; ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980, South End Press, Pages 192-3).

The conversation was public knowledge at the time.

Anyone who was anyone in Washington politics, in media, in think-tanks, had access to it. Understood its meaning.

But no one shouted from the rooftops. No one used the conversation to force a scandal. No one protested loudly.

The conversation revealed that theentire basis of the US Constitution had been torpedoed, that the people who were running US national policy (which includes trade treaties) were agents of an elite shadow group. No question about it.

And yet:official silence. Media silence. The Dept. of Justice made no moves, Congressundertook no serious inquiries, and the President, Jimmy Carter, issued no statements.

Carter was himself an agent of the Trilateral Commission in the White House. He had been plucked from obscurity by David Rockefeller, and through elite TC press connections, vaulted into the spotlight as a pre-eminent choice for the Presidency.

The following 1978 conversation featured reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took up the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

(Anons if you haven’t studied and researched the Trilateral Commission, they created the basis of social causes destroying countries and every other danger to the US today. They had to destroy our nation so they had to destroy the Constitution and bill of rights. In the 60s early 70s, when the youth were protesting Viet Nam, Zibiniew Brezinski said “the youth in America have too much free speech, we got to stop this”. Is there any question why education has been seized by radicals?)


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2c33e4 No.23532

File: bec77df79e4abbd⋯.png (361.44 KB,472x585,472:585,Clipboard.png)

File: 6eb428b3239d106⋯.png (15.56 KB,470x160,47:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479340 (101436ZMAR23) Notable: @2BCT_FALCONS Stay Focused. The weekend is in sight. LET’S GO!

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Stay Focused. The weekend is in sight.


#FeatureFriday #GunsandLeaderstotheFront #DevelopTomorrowsLeaders #FighttoTrainatEveryOpportunity #FalconBrigade #BeReady #AATW






📸 by Maj. Mackenzie Deal



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2c33e4 No.23533

File: 6c22e33f6801c37⋯.png (480.59 KB,816x466,408:233,Clipboard.png)

File: e009232ee61e75b⋯.png (506.83 KB,818x466,409:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 34361521cfa987e⋯.jpg (101.73 KB,667x960,667:960,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479344 (101437ZMAR23) Notable: New Social Media Platform Walkaway Social Launches

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New Social Media Platform Walkaway Social Launches

OAN Newsroom

6:11 AM PT – Friday, March 9, 2023

Walkaway founder Brandon Straka announces the newest step for his organization Walkway Social. He sat down with One America’s Chanel Rion for more.



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2c33e4 No.23534

File: a215bcb0857183e⋯.png (13.96 KB,585x181,585:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479350 (101438ZMAR23) Notable: *FIRST REPUBLIC BANK PLUNGES BY A RECORD 28% AT OPEN

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2c33e4 No.23535

File: f5abf4f3294ade7⋯.jpg (120.81 KB,1272x859,1272:859,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479360 (101442ZMAR23) Notable: Sasha Latypova - COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm

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Sasha Latypova - COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm

Original FOIA documents reveal: While the response to Covid was sold to the public as a health event, it was actually organized as if it were an act of war.

The U.S. government, with the Department of Defense as the lead agency were not just in charge of logistics, they run the whole thing. They even hire the contractors and negotiate with Congress on their behalf.

Defense contractors did all these tasks that pharmaceutical companies normally do.

Pharmaceutical companies acted only as front organizations and were given "demonstration contracts."


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2c33e4 No.23536

File: 8558dcb192ad92e⋯.jpg (58.57 KB,394x243,394:243,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 072b8f199c692f3⋯.jpg (107.07 KB,1001x433,1001:433,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479368 (101444ZMAR23) Notable: FINVIZ If Banks are about to fall, they'll show here.

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I pulled up FINVIZ

If Banks are about to fall, they'll show here.


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2c33e4 No.23537

File: 28f3e499d1f4373⋯.png (200.48 KB,676x380,169:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479372 (101445ZMAR23) Notable: Steve Forbes assaulted by protesters at conservative book launch party

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March 10, 2023 8:07am EST

Steve Forbes assaulted by protesters at conservative book launch party

Protesters yelled at attendees leaving the event calling them fascists and shouting homophobic slurs

"I was talking to co-author Bethany Mandel near the counter where the books were on display. Suddenly a woman seemingly out of nowhere was angrily yelling almost incoherently about matters that weren't related to the subject of the book," Forbes recounted to Fox News Digital exclusively.

"The books themselves were pushed off the counter loudly landing on the floor while simultaneously she tossed a drink our way," he said, noting the drink covered him and Mandel.


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2c33e4 No.23538

File: 0fe65bc4edcc866⋯.jpeg (897.44 KB,892x7264,223:1816,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479381 (101447ZMAR23) Notable: Mexico’s president slams calls for US military to target cartels

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Mexico’s president slams calls for US military to target cartels


Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has rejected calls for the United States military to intervene to stem drug cartel violence in Mexico, saying such a move would violate the country’s sovereignty.

During a news conference on Thursday, Lopez Obrador said his government was “not going to permit any foreign government to intervene in our territory, much less that a government’s armed forces intervene”.

“In addition to being irresponsible, it is an offence to the people of Mexico,” he said, adding that Mexico “does not take orders from anyone”.

On Wednesday, Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw released a message in Spanish asking Lopez Obrador why he opposed a proposal the congressman introduced in January, authorising US military force to target drug cartels in Mexico.

“The cartels are war with us — poisoning more than 80,000 Americans with fentanyl every year, creating a crisis at our border, and turning Mexico into a failed narco-state,” Crenshaw said in a statement on January 12 about the proposed legislation.

“It’s time we directly target them. My legislation will put us at war with the cartels by authorizing the use of military force against the cartels. We cannot allow heavily armed and deadly cartels to destabilize Mexico and import people and drugs into the United States.”

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham on Monday also said in a Fox News interview that it was time to “put Mexico on notice”. He advocated introducing legislation to classify some Mexican drug cartels as “foreign terrorist groups”.

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Drug cartel violence in Mexico has come under renewed scrutiny in the US after four Americans were kidnapped by armed men last Friday.

The four Americans were hauled off in a pick-up truck after “unidentified gunmen fired upon” their vehicle, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said in a statement at the weekend.

“All four Americans were placed in a vehicle and taken from the scene by armed men.”

A Mexican citizen was killed in the incident, which took place as drug cartel factions tore through the streets, Tamaulipas Governor Americo Villarreal said.

The US citizens had crossed into the northeastern Mexican city of Matamoros, across the border from Brownsville, Texas, for a medical procedure. The city, however, has been beset by violence linked to drug trafficking and other organised crime.

Mexican authorities frantically searched as the cartel moved the four Americans around, even taking them to a medical clinic, “to create confusion and avoid efforts to rescue them”, the region’s governor said.

Bodies and survivors were ultimately found on Tuesday in a wooden shack in a rural area east of Matamoros, guarded by a man who was arrested, according to the state’s chief prosecutor, Irving Barrios.

Two of the abducted individuals had been killed while the other two were discovered alive, one with a gunshot wound to the leg.

Soldiers stand guard as they repatriate the bodies of Americans killed in a kidnapping in northern Mexico

Soldiers stand guard outside a morgue before the transfer of the bodies of two of four Americans kidnapped by gunmen in Matamoros, Mexico, March 9, 2023 [Daniel Becerril/Reuters]

The survivors were whisked back to US soil on Tuesday in a convoy of ambulances and SUVs, escorted by Mexican military Humvees and National Guard trucks with mounted machine guns.

On Thursday, someone claiming to be from the Mexican drug cartel that was allegedly involved in the kidnapping condemned the violence and said the group had turned the perpetrators over to authorities.


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2c33e4 No.23539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479383 (101447ZMAR23) Notable: Mexico’s president slams calls for US military to target cartels

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In a letter obtained by The Associated Press news agency through a Tamaulipas state law enforcement source, the Scorpions faction of the Gulf cartel apologised to the residents of Matamoros, the Mexican woman who died in the shooting, and the four Americans and their families.

Drug cartels have been known to issue communiques to intimidate rivals and authorities but also, at times, to smooth over situations that could affect their business.

“We have decided to turn over those who were directly involved and responsible in the events, who at all times acted under their own decision-making and lack of discipline,” the letter reads.

It added that the individuals involved had gone against the cartel’s rules, which include “respecting the life and wellbeing of the innocent”.

Still, the fatal kidnappings and backlash could complicate delicate efforts to foster closer collaboration between the US and Mexico on immigration and the trafficking of drugs, among other issues.

Lopez Obrador said on Thursday that he would begin a public information campaign aimed at Mexicans in the United States about the Republican-led proposal for US military intervention.

If Republican lawmakers try to “use Mexico for their propagandist, electoral and political purposes, we will make a call to not vote for that party”, the Mexican president said.

2 of 2

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2c33e4 No.23540

File: 39893f4548bf5f8⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,583x799,583:799,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479385 (101448ZMAR23) Notable: How about the VAX safety & effectiveness clinical trials were faked?

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What's the biggest hidden story in perhaps the entire world right now?

How about the VAX safety & effectiveness clinical trials were faked?


is in court fighting tooth & nail to prevent disclosures.

This would help explain our recent results.


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2c33e4 No.23541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479387 (101448ZMAR23) Notable: Mexico’s president slams calls for US military to target cartels

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Mexico is gonna shit bricks when we roll heavy in there.

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2c33e4 No.23542

File: 5c1722b06c137db⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,856x8060,214:2015,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479404 (101451ZMAR23) Notable: GM offers buyouts to ‘majority’ of U.S. salaried workers

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GM offers buyouts to ‘majority’ of U.S. salaried workers

General Motors will offer voluntary buyouts to a “majority” of its U.S. white-collar employees, according to a letter sent to workers Thursday from CEO Mary Barra.

GM expects to take a pretax charge of up to $1.5 billion related to the buyouts, according to a public filing Thursday by the company.

It comes after the Detroit automaker said last week it would terminate about 500 salaried positions globally.

DETROIT – ==General Motors

will offer voluntary buyouts to a “majority” of its 58,000 U.S. white-collar employees==, as it aims to cut $2 billion in structural costs over the next two years, according to a letter sent to workers Thursday from CEO Mary Barra.

The “Voluntary Separation Program,” or VSP, will be offered to all U.S. salaried employees who have spent five or more years at the company as of June 30. Outside of the U.S., the automaker will offer buyouts to executives with at least two years of time at the company.

GM expects to take a pretax charge of up to $1.5 billion related to the buyouts, according to a public filing Thursday. The majority of the charges are expected to be all-cash and occur during the first half of the year, the company said.

Barra, in the letter Thursday, said the program is “designed to accelerate attrition in the U.S.,” assisting the company in potentially avoiding “involuntary actions” in the future. The buyout offer comes after the Detroit automaker said last week it would terminate about 500 salaried positions globally.

The last time GM offered such a large buyout program was for roughly 18,000 North American salaried employees in 2018-2019.

“Employees are strongly encouraged to consider the program,” GM said in an emailed statement to CNBC Thursday. “By permanently bringing down structured costs, we can improve vehicle profitability and remain nimble in an increasingly competitive market.”

GM announced the $2 billion cost-cutting program in January, saying between 30% and 50% of the savings were expected during 2023. At the time, executives said they were planning head count reductions through attrition rather than layoffs.

U.S. employees who are approved for the buyout will be granted one-month pay for every year they worked up to 12 months, as well as COBRA health coverage. They also will receive prorated team performance bonuses and outplacement services. Global employees will receive base salary, incentives, COBRA and outplacement services.

Eligible employees interested in the program must sign up by March 24. Those who elect to take a voluntary package and are approved will depart by June 30.

A company spokeswoman declined to disclose how many employees the company is targeting to accept the buyout packages. At the end of last year, GM employed about 81,000 salaried employees worldwide, according to public filings.

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2c33e4 No.23543

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479411 (101452ZMAR23) Notable: Lara Trump & Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna

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Lara Trump & Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna

Join Lara Trump & Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna as they discuss her first few months in Congress, fighting social media censorship, going up against the FAKE NEWS, her goals in office, AND MORE! #TheRightView



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2c33e4 No.23544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479414 (101453ZMAR23) Notable: Trilateral Commission: The Secret Circle That Controls Governments

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2nd half of the article

Trilateral commission

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of theUS and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EECis coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many peoplestill live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy]. (Hence the creation of EU, imo)

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guessit’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vancehave constantly alluded to this in their speeches. [a lie]

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

This interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was buried. US (and other nations’) economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission—the Commission created in 1973 by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

When Carter won the presidential election (1976), his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser,“We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.” Lost—because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commissionand their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Now considerthe vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force. A central engine of that force is the Trilateral Commission.

How does a shadowy group like the TC accomplish its goal? One basic strategy is:destabilize nations; ruin their economies; send millions and millions of manufacturing jobsoff to places where virtual slave labor does the work; adding insult to injury, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs and further undercut domestic manufacturers, forcing them to close their doors and fire still more employees.

And then solve that economic chaos by bringing order.

What kind of order?

Eventually, one planet, with national borders erased, under one management system, with a planned global economy, “to restore stability,” “for the good of all, for lasting harmony.”

The top Trilateral players, in 2008, had their man in the White House, another formerly obscure individual like Jimmy Carter: Barack Obama. They had new trade treaties on the planning table After Obama was inaugurated for his first term, he shocked and astonished his own advisors, who expected him, as the first order of business, to address the unemployment issue in America. decided to opt for his disastrous national health insurance policy—Obamacare. Obama never had any intention of trying to dig America out of the crash of 2008=.

So that, one day, a student would ask his teacher, “What happened to the United States?

And the teacher would say, “It was a criminal enterprise based on individual freedom. Fortunately, our leaders rescued the people and taught them the superior nature of HARMONY AND COOPERATION.”

—The rough, uneven, and challenged nationalism surfacing in a number of countries is evidence that many people are waking up from the Trilateral-induced trance…


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2c33e4 No.23545

File: 3c865646c17b0f3⋯.jpg (402.87 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 67c91471f20b27c⋯.jpg (359.52 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479457 (101501ZMAR23) Notable: I VETOED HB 1193. This bill adopts a definition of ‘money’ to specifically exclude crypto like Bitcoin. And it opens the door to the risk that the federal government could adopt a Central Bank Digital Currency.

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I VETOED HB 1193. This bill adopts a definition of ‘money’ to specifically exclude crypto like Bitcoin. And it opens the door to the risk that the federal government could adopt a Central Bank Digital Currency.

South Dakota will always stand for Economic Freedom.


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2c33e4 No.23546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479501 (101513ZMAR23) Notable: 15-Minute Cities Are Technates In Disguise

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15-Minute Cities Are Technates In Disguise

The Guardian’s Oliver Wainwright recently discussed a new “international socialist conspiracy” that has taken the world by storm. “Fringe forces of the far left,” he noted, “are plotting to take away our freedom to be stuck in traffic jams, to crawl along clogged ring roads and trawl the streets in search of a parking spot.” The name of this “chilling global movement?” he asked, sarcastically and somewhat contemptuously: The “15-minute city.” Wainwright believes these cities are simply part of a “mundane planning theory.” He’s wrong.

A few days after Wainwright’s piece was published,three academics called 15-minute cities (FMCs) “the hottest conspiracy theory of 2023.” In a truly elitist manner, they poked fun at those who dared to question the motive behind FMCs.

One needn’t be a card-carrying QAnon member to have fears over these Trojan-like creations. Before going any further, it’s important to get our definitions in order. As the political scientist Kelly M. Greenhill has noted,not all conspiracy theories are wacky, and not all conspiracy theories are wrong.Take the Watergate conspiracy theory, for instance, or the fact that Edith Wilson made most of the executive decisions after her husband, President Woodrow Wilson, suffered a stroke. Quite often conspiracy theories turn out to be accurate.

Also known as smart cities, FMCs are places where everything imaginable, from your place of work to your favorite pizzeria, is accessible either by foot or bike (not by car, though; they will be verboten) in 15 minutes or less. What’s so bad about this?

On first inspection, very little. We are, after all, creatures of comfort. We live in a world where the mantra “Too Long, Didn’t Read (TL;DR)” now reigns supreme. We crave convenience; we crave expediency. However, expediency isn’t always a good thing; sometimes it’s downright dangerous. This is especially true when people, either consciously or otherwise, trade their freedom for ease of access to certain services. FMCs may make it easier for citizens to get from A to B, but these creations will also make it easier for those in power to spy on us, to harvest our data, and enable Big Brother to become Bigger Brother.

As I write this, FMCs are being actively championed by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the group behind the “Great Reset” and the idea of owning nothing, having absolutely no privacy, and being very happy. This fact alone should concern all readers.

Want to discuss the WEF?

To many, I’m sure FMCs sound incredibly cool. But don’t be fooled by the name.FMCs are actually “smart cities.”

As I have noted elsewhere, the word “smart” is really just a synonym for surveillance. These ultra-modern, tech-saturated monstrosities use hundreds of thousands of sensors to vacuum up copious amounts of personal data.

FMC policies are currently being rolled out in cities such as Barcelona, Bogotá, Melbourne, Paris, and the dystopian wasteland known as Portland. What do these cities have in common? Surveillance technology. Between now and 2040, cities right across the United States (and beyond) are predicted to spend trillions of dollars on the installation of additional cameras and biometric sensors. Sure, surveillance is bad now. But, as Randy Bachman famously hollered, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

By 2050, more than two-thirds of the world’s population will live in closely surveilled urban centers, like glorified rats in cramped cages. Contrary to popular belief, we no longer live in a panoptic society. When Jeremy Bentham, the English philosopher and social theorist, put forward the idea of this prison system, there was no internet. In truth, there weren’t even cars. We now live in a post-panoptic world—a digital panopticon, if you will—with huge social media platforms collecting personal user data before selling it to the highest bidder.

The companiesrunning these platforms often work closely with government officials, identifying supposed sinners and punishing them in the swiftest of manners. As the writer Kylie Lynch has noted, _these companies know absolutely everything about you; they have instant access to your browser history, your activity online, and now, rather worryingly, even your biometrics.__Not surprisingly, these Big Tech companies will have a big impact on the FMCs of the future, by providing the underlying digital infrastructure needed to monitor us and ensure mass compliance.

FMC are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don’t believe the countless stories telling you otherwise. It has become common for elitist, mainstream outlets to poke fun at those who dare to question the “we have your best interests at heart” narratives. We have been burned too many times before…


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2c33e4 No.23547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479509 (101516ZMAR23) Notable: 15-Minute Cities Are Technates In Disguise

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Is PDJTs policy goal of “Freedom Cities” in response to the diabolical goal of “Fifteen Minute Cities”?

I think so!

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2c33e4 No.23548

File: eb71410ace4b523⋯.png (292.82 KB,469x492,469:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479531 (101522ZMAR23) Notable: @USNationalGuard Airmen tested their readiness in a near-peer conflict during Operation Lucky Strike 2023

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Airmen tested their readiness in a near-peer conflict during Operation Lucky Strike 2023, operating during simulated cyberattacks, power outages, hazardous material accidents, force protection events, and severe weather.


Because you know… tank traps are great for stopping cyber attacks.

It's going to hit closer to home then many think.

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2c33e4 No.23549

File: 9c10f6b71b346a5⋯.png (294.04 KB,473x427,473:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479543 (101524ZMAR23) Notable: It is U.S. government policy that both old- and new-design Federal Reserve notes remain legal tender and maintain their face value, regardless of when they were issued.

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It is U.S. government policy that both old- and new-design Federal Reserve notes remain legal tender and maintain their face value, regardless of when they were issued. Read more: https://go.uscurrency.gov/2qh. #UScurrency


Can't wait for "law" to make this so with American currency.

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2c33e4 No.23550

File: ed1f92cd3c2d6fa⋯.jpeg (48.35 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479565 (101531ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine conflict being fueled by empires – Pope Francis

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10 Mar, 2023 11:32

Ukraine conflict being fueled by empires – PopeFrancis

The interests of several countries, not just Russia, are driving the hostilities, the pontiff said

Russia is not the only “empire” whose interests are driving the conflict in Ukraine, Pope Francis said in an interview with Swiss television RSI, set to be released on Sunday. Excerpts from the interview were published on Friday by several Italian outlets.

Asked about the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev, the Pope noted that it hadgrown into a “world war” where “the great powers are all entangled.”

“The battlefield is Ukraine. Everyone is fighting there. This makes industry think of weapons,”the Pontiff commented.

He mentioned that on the second day after Russia launched its military offensive against Ukraine, he went to the Russian embassy and offered to travel to Moscow to personally negotiate with President Vladimir Putin. However, he said he was told by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that it was “not the time.”

The pontiff stated that Putin knows that the option to negotiate peace is always available, but acknowledged that there are “imperial interests” at play in the Ukrainian conflict, and “not only of the Russian empire, but of empires elsewhere.”

“It is the empire’s business to put nations second,”proclaimed the Pope. (oh like the Vatican?)

Francis has repeatedly called for a peaceful end to the hostilities that have gripped Ukraine over the past year. However, after suggesting that the conflict was “perhaps somehow either provoked or not-prevented” and thatthere is an “interest in testing and selling weapons” at play, the Pope did point out that he is not a supporter of Putin.

“It would be simplistic and erroneous to say such a thing,” insisted the Pontiff in an interview in June, adding “I am simply against turning a complex situation into a distinctionbetween good guys and bad guys, without considering the roots and self-interests, which are very complex.”

The Pope made similar remarks in an interview with Spanish paper ABC in December, where he also suggested that “war is being waged when an empire begins to weaken. And when there are weapons to be used, tested and sold.The stakes are high.”

Moscow, meanwhile, has repeatedly described the conflict in Ukraine as a “proxy war” being waged against it by the US and its allies. Putin has pointed out that the West is now seeking a global conflict, with some NATO officials openly calling for the “strategic defeat of Russia.”

He has also pinned the blame for the Ukraine conflict on Kiev and its Western backers who started the war against the people of Donbass in 2014. He noted, however, that althoughRussia “did not start the military activities,” it is now trying to end them.


Amazingly clear assessment!

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2c33e4 No.23551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479572 (101534ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine conflict being fueled by empires – Pope Francis

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>Russia “did not start the military activities,” it is now trying to end them.

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2c33e4 No.23552

File: 53366fcec7a13d3⋯.mp4 (9.89 MB,554x316,277:158,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479573 (101534ZMAR23) Notable: 2022 Midterms Look Back Series: Successes in the 2022 Midterm Elections Committee on House Administration

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Mr Loudermilk HB458

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2c33e4 No.23553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479583 (101536ZMAR23) Notable: Tater up soon

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'Tater up soon

Link already HOT



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2c33e4 No.23554

File: fc7d70d6c646769⋯.jpeg (46.13 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479586 (101537ZMAR23) Notable: Baltic state PM compares Russian strikes in Ukraine to Red Army in WWII

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10 Mar, 2023 14:05

Baltic state PM compares Russian strikes in Ukraine to Red Army in WWII

Kaja Kallas has accused Moscow of using the same tactics the Soviet Union used fighting Nazis in her native Estonia

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has compared Russian strikes in Ukraine to the 1944 bombing of Tallinn by the Red Army during the liberation of her country from the Nazis in World War II.

“79 years ago Soviet planes bombed Tallinn and destroyed almost a quarter of the city,”Kallas wrote on Twitter on Thursday. Kallas, whose Reform Party won the parliamentary election on Sunday, accused Russia of using “the same terror tactics” in Ukraine. Some Twitter users quickly pointed out in the comments that her post failed to mention the historical context.

In October 1939, a month after war broke out in Europe with the German invasion of Poland, Estonia agreed to let Soviet troops be stationed in the country. The parliamentary election held the following summer brought a pro-Moscow left-wing party to power, which in 1940 declared the Baltic country a Soviet republic and approved its accession to the Soviet Union the same year.

In June 1941, Adolf Hitler’s forces attacked the Soviet Union and occupied Estonia. The Red Army returned in 1944, pushing the Nazis out and re-establishing control.

Since regaining independence during the breakup of the Soviet Union, Estonian authorities have portrayed the 1940 events as an “annexation” — a description which Moscow has repeatedly rejected.

“We don’t accept the very concept of the ‘Soviet occupation’, which is being used in attempts to interpret the liberation of European nations from the fascist enslavement,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in 2019.

Russia has condemned instances of glorification of former Nazi collaborators in Estonia, including the annual gatherings of veterans of the Estonian Legion and 20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS.

Moscow launched a military offensive in Ukraine a year ago, citing the need to protect the people of Donbass and Kiev’s failure to implement the 2014-2015 Minsk peace accords. President Vladimir Putin said one of the objectives of the offensive was the “denazification” of Ukraine.

Russia stepped up strikes on Ukrainian territory in response to the bombing of the strategic Crimean Bridge in October. The Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday that it had conducted a “retaliation strike” on military sites and energy facilities in response to last week’s raid into Russia’s Bryansk border region. Officials in Moscow have stated that the Russian Armed Forces only hit military-linked targets.

(Three countries in EU taken over by dodgy elections with women winning are Estonia, Moldova and Georgia, all anti Russia. Wouldn’t surprise me if they are all acolytes of HRC, funded by Soros orgs)


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2c33e4 No.23555

File: 97dd00333e7903e⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,599x192,599:192,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479621 (101544ZMAR23) Notable: In a vote of 419-0, the House has passed a bill to require Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19.

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BREAKING: In a vote of 419-0, the House has passed a bill to require Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19.


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2c33e4 No.23556

File: dc9674a7a5d961c⋯.png (98.2 KB,1025x831,1025:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479637 (101549ZMAR23) Notable: FINVIZ If Banks are about to fall, they'll show here.

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18th largest bank in America

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2c33e4 No.23557

File: 9a89ec7e7f7865d⋯.jpeg (39.98 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479661 (101553ZMAR23) Notable: EU has almost exhausted options to punish Russia – Borrell

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10 Mar, 2023 13:30

EU has almost exhausted options to punish Russia – Borrell

The bloc needs to shift its attention to financial and military support for Ukraine, its top diplomat said

The EU haslimited options remaining for new sanctionsit can impose on Russia, the bloc’s foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, admitted in an interview with Euractiv on Friday. He argued that the EU should instead seek other ways to support Ukraine.

“There is not much more to do from the point of view of sanctions, but we can continue to increase financial and military support,” Borrell told the outlet following a meeting of EU defense ministers.

He claimed that one year after Russia launched its military campaign in Ukraine, it would be “strange” if the EU still had significant options left. “We have been using our step-by-step process, and we have been incremental – maybe sometimes too incremental,” Borrell stated.

The EU has unveiled 10 sanctions packages against Moscow since it launched its offensive against Ukraine in late February last year. Borrell acknowledged that the bloc was “getting to the end of the ladder,” and instead suggested focusing on support for Kiev.

“Ukraine needs a lot of money just to keep the machinery working, a state at war has a lot of financial needs – this will require a lot of effort from our side – so sanctions and military support are not everything,” Borrell insisted, also claiming that it was Europe’s responsibility to support Kiev by providing arms and ammunition.

In the same interview, Borrell proposed converting the bloc’s financial capacity into military capabilities, in a bid to affect the front line and boost training for Ukrainian soldiers. He has previously suggested reimbursing €1 billion ($1.06 billion) to EU member states for providing Kiev with ammunition.

Borrell’s comments come after EU defense ministers agreed on Wednesday to speed up the supply of 155-millimeter ammunition to Ukraine. Asked if the initiative could extend to heavy weaponry, the diplomat said the EU “could be equally fast for other needs.”

(The EU must not read Russian news, Russia built up their armament production two months ago and extended it to three shifts, seven days a week. And announced they have recruited up to 5 million soldiers, many on standby. Giving Ukraine more arms will be expended and ruined because they are amped up on amphetamines and other toxic drugs, plus the majority of their competent soldiers are dead, and they are recruiting old men and young boys now. EU will never learn their lesson. But it’s worse every EU country has given all arms and none of them can protect themselves if war erupts with another country)


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2c33e4 No.23558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479700 (101602ZMAR23) Notable: #22660

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#22660 >>23501

>>23502 The books found in Florida K-12 libraries & schools by @ GovRonDeSantis are appalling.

>>23503 Live Q&A with Ben Davidson from Suspicious Observers

>>23504 think timing

>>23505 Democrats repeatedly attack leftist journalists and smear their character

>>23506 Biden’s Budget Is Tax-And-Spend On Steroids

>>23507, >>23508 DC Fire & EMS are responding to a call of a fire in the EEOB, next to the White House, personnel asked to evacuate

>>23509 DePaul Students Seek to Ban Student Religious Group As “Non-Affirming” of LGBTQ Rights

>>23510 Qpost review from yesterday

>>23511, >>23527, >>23552 2022 Midterms Look Back Series: Successes in the 2022 Midterm Elections Committee on House Administration

>>23512, >>23517 President Biden's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request with Treasury Secretary Yellen Part 1 House Ways and Means Committee

>>23513, >>23521, >>23523, >>23525, >>23530 TRADING IN SILICON VALLEY BANK HALTED: PENDING NEWS AFTER CRASHING 60%

>>23514 Hearing Entitled: How Do We Encourage Greater Flood Insurance Coverage in America? House Financial Services Committee

>>23515 Defending America's Wireless Leadership House Energy and Commerce Committee

>>23516 Reining in the Administrative State: Reclaiming Congress's Legislative Power House Judiciary Committee

>>23518 0 Delta

>>23519 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Orion and the Running Man

>>23522 Dowd on Cramer

>>23524 Robert Blake, ‘In Cold Blood’ actor once accused of murdering wife, dead at 89

>>23526 Turley: “Teaching is a Political Act”

>>23528 Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organizations are scientifically invalid

>>23529 Leaked WhatsApp messages from former British health minister Matt Hancock show that corona was no more deadly than other cold and flu viruses

>>23531, >>23544 Trilateral Commission: The Secret Circle That Controls Governments

>>23532 @2BCT_FALCONS Stay Focused. The weekend is in sight. LET’S GO!

>>23533 New Social Media Platform Walkaway Social Launches


>>23535 Sasha Latypova - COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm

>>23536, >>23556 FINVIZ If Banks are about to fall, they'll show here.

>>23537 Steve Forbes assaulted by protesters at conservative book launch party

>>23538, >>23539, >>23541 Mexico’s president slams calls for US military to target cartels

>>23540 How about the VAX safety & effectiveness clinical trials were faked?

>>23542 GM offers buyouts to ‘majority’ of U.S. salaried workers

>>23543 Lara Trump & Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna

>>23545 I VETOED HB 1193. This bill adopts a definition of ‘money’ to specifically exclude crypto like Bitcoin. And it opens the door to the risk that the federal government could adopt a Central Bank Digital Currency.

>>23546, >>23547 15-Minute Cities Are Technates In Disguise

>>23548 @USNationalGuard Airmen tested their readiness in a near-peer conflict during Operation Lucky Strike 2023

>>23549 It is U.S. government policy that both old- and new-design Federal Reserve notes remain legal tender and maintain their face value, regardless of when they were issued.

>>23550, >>23551 Ukraine conflict being fueled by empires – Pope Francis

>>23553 Tater up soon

>>23554 Baltic state PM compares Russian strikes in Ukraine to Red Army in WWII

>>23555 In a vote of 419-0, the House has passed a bill to require Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19.

>>23557 EU has almost exhausted options to punish Russia – Borrell


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2c33e4 No.23559

File: 5778b18a0e259f4⋯.png (1.24 MB,1163x1123,1163:1123,Clipboard.png)

File: 1217b702e642ee8⋯.jpg (186.26 KB,1050x694,525:347,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 65eb04622c843ea⋯.png (127.69 KB,437x437,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479721 (101609ZMAR23) Notable: #22661

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Baker can continue or defer, call it if so inclined

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2c33e4 No.23560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479726 (101610ZMAR23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Deals Blow To Obama, Knocks Barack Out Of First Place With New Book Sales

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Ron DeSantis Deals Blow To Obama, Knocks Barack Out Of First Place With New Book Sales

Ron DeSantis dealt a huge blow to former President Barack Obama’s ego with the release of his new book. Ron’s book knocked Barack out of first place in pre-presidential book sales selling more copies of his new memoir in the first week than those released by Barack Obama and Donald Trump before their bids for office.

According to BookScan, DeSantis sold 94,284 copies of The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival in the seven days after its publishing on February 28. Obama had the record with his 2006 book The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream which had 66,766 purchases in the first week of sales.

The third highest first-week sales of pre-presidential run books is from Ben Carson, whose book, A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties sold 37,924 copies.


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2c33e4 No.23561

File: d08547669f482dc⋯.png (129.91 KB,471x408,157:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479729 (101611ZMAR23) Notable: @redleg6_kob FIREPOWER FRIDAY– FIRE MISSION!

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🔥50 # 19– Great units master the basics

#KingofBattle #beallyoucanbe #fridayvibes


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2c33e4 No.23562

File: e39635adf3ca03e⋯.mp4 (14.75 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479737 (101613ZMAR23) Notable: Terminator/Matrix author speaks on plots

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2c33e4 No.23563

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479750 (101616ZMAR23) Notable: Chlorine Dioxide Solution Demonstration And Interview With EPA Whistleblower

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Chlorine Dioxide Solution Demonstration And Interview With EPA Whistleblower

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2c33e4 No.23564

File: ea7996c42bd5bf0⋯.png (176.05 KB,250x394,125:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479756 (101617ZMAR23) Notable: Terminator/Matrix author speaks on plots

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2c33e4 No.23565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479758 (101617ZMAR23) Notable: Mr. Biden: The biggest threat to our recovery is the reckless talk my MAGA friends, republicans in the United States Congress, what they want to do in regard to the debt limit.

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Mr. Biden: The biggest threat to our recovery is the reckless talk my MAGA friends, republicans in the United States Congress, what they want to do in regard to the debt limit.

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2c33e4 No.23566

File: aba50b1fbecbc56⋯.jpg (106.01 KB,596x616,149:154,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479770 (101618ZMAR23) Notable: Anti-Trump? They only managed to get 187 of 3000 to respond (that’s 6%) and then called it “statistically useful”

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POLITICO teamed up with a liberal professor to gauge GOP party chair support for candidates.

They only managed to get 187 of 3000 to respond (that’s 6%) and then called it “statistically useful” and raved about how the self selecting crowd are anti Trump.



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2c33e4 No.23567

File: e1af7e90ca7a332⋯.png (156.27 KB,1278x691,1278:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479812 (101629ZMAR23) Notable: 300 Billion Reasons Why SVB Contagion Is Spreading To The Broader Banking System

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ebil HAS to queue the econ collapse. loss of narrative exposes everything [they] do.

time to start bring'n it down with 'contagion'

300 Billion Reasons Why SVB Contagion Is Spreading To The Broader Banking System


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2c33e4 No.23568

File: 6203834e7814f2b⋯.png (333.58 KB,531x534,177:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479826 (101632ZMAR23) Notable: will Biden sign declassification on covid origin?

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Real Mac Report


🚨Breaking: House votes 419-0 on a bill proposed by Sen. Hawley that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID. The bill now heads to Biden's desk.


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2c33e4 No.23569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479829 (101632ZMAR23) Notable: Darren Beattie in War room meme maker case

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Darren Beattie in War room meme maker casediscussing a frightening new twist the government prosecutors is trying to use to put the Meme kid from 2016, doing memes on HRC in jail for 10 years. They are trying to use the KKK act used for intimidating blacks, which is ridiculous. They are trying to dictate disinformation as a crime and codify it in law and put people in jail for it.

A friend of the guy was a fed, and the government won’t let the defense interrogate him. They are hiding a cooperating witness. If this precedent is set, the media and people are done. It’s a freaking meme making.Beattie says it the most important first amendment case bar none.

The term stochastic terrorism, stochastic means random. So anything you say or do can be considered terrorism.

Bannon says you cant punish people for memes on HRC because she is so memeable! Kek

Donate to him if you can


Biden DOJ Crusade to Jail Young Man for Anti-Hillary Memes Just Got Much Uglier

March 9, 2023 (18h ago)


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2c33e4 No.23570

File: 046bdb9e5798c69⋯.png (298.55 KB,609x543,203:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479842 (101635ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Teacher of the Year’ Jacqueline Ma, 34, arrested for alleged sexual abuse of former student

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MARCH 10, 2023


Type to Search








‘Teacher of the Year’ Jacqueline Ma, 34, arrested for alleged sexual abuse of former student


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2c33e4 No.23571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479849 (101637ZMAR23) Notable: Saudi Arabia, Iran Restore Relations in Deal Brokered by China

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Saudi Arabia, Iran Restore Relations in Deal Brokered by China


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2c33e4 No.23572

File: 6a226a7df743eb0⋯.png (116.18 KB,523x680,523:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479850 (101637ZMAR23) Notable: will Biden sign declassification on covid origin?

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2c33e4 No.23573

File: 2dbb42c5149424b⋯.png (57.39 KB,1018x880,509:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c6fdf910be3333⋯.png (56.13 KB,1019x911,1019:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 3afd46f1c3c3cbf⋯.png (52.71 KB,1013x885,1013:885,Clipboard.png)

File: cb903b6a1cf52c5⋯.png (57.21 KB,1013x836,1013:836,Clipboard.png)

File: 57fb8fee51e118a⋯.png (23.76 KB,1011x412,1011:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479880 (101645ZMAR23) Notable: Ballot Collection Laws

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Ballot Collection Laws

After this anon reviewed them, it's clear these laws are mainly designed to regulate only the absentee ballots that are returned to the County Election Office. There is little to no regulation of mail in ballots that are put in the mail. In almost all 50 states individuals can collect as many ballots as they want to put in drop boxes or the US Mail. 3rd Party Ballot Collection is WIDE OPEN across the US. If MAGA does ballot harvesting correctly with a strategy, it's hard to see how the Dems can even cheat and win.


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2c33e4 No.23574

File: 772db6dc5124c8d⋯.png (230.79 KB,470x490,47:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479890 (101647ZMAR23) Notable: @3d_Marine_Div | Closing the Kill Web |

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| Closing the Kill Web |

“There’s a kill chain that gets closed by a young Marine at about two o’clock in the morning, and it exists between the butt of his rifle and the face of our enemy.”

-Col Erick Clark

4th Marine Regiment

Commanding Officer


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2c33e4 No.23575

File: fdf915ce8afae7b⋯.jpg (20.49 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479894 (101647ZMAR23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Deals Blow To Obama, Knocks Barack Out Of First Place With New Book Sales

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Laundering moar money than barack bc he's running for President. I wonder what Trump's book deal is all about? They prolly all launder, I guess, but I feel like it's a trap to expose them all, like anyone mentioned in that book deserves a closer look and something is going to backfire for them. I know, "ThanQ Captain Obvious!"

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2c33e4 No.23576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479895 (101648ZMAR23) Notable: California Bank Regulators just closed SVA (Silicone Valley Bank) FDIC is moving in.

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California Bank Regulators just closed SVA (Silicone Valley Bank) FDIC is moving in.

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2c33e4 No.23577

File: 4b5f57522a957df⋯.jpg (206.11 KB,672x652,168:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479901 (101650ZMAR23) Notable: California Bank Regulators just closed SVA (Silicone Valley Bank) FDIC is moving in.

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Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits


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2c33e4 No.23578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479902 (101650ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC Creates a Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara to Protect Insured Depositors of Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California

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FDIC Creates a Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara to Protect Insured Depositors of Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California

Friday, March 10, 2023

WASHINGTON – Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California, was closed today by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver. To protect insured depositors, the FDIC created the Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara (DINB). At the time of closing, the FDIC as receiver immediately transferred to the DINB all insured deposits of Silicon Valley Bank.

All insured depositors will have full access to their insured deposits no later than Monday morning, March 13, 2023. The FDIC will pay uninsured depositors an advance dividend within the next week. Uninsured depositors will receive a receivership certificate for the remaining amount of their uninsured funds. As the FDIC sells the assets of Silicon Valley Bank, future dividend payments may be made to uninsured depositors.

Silicon Valley Bank had 17 branches in California and Massachusetts. The main office and all branches of Silicon Valley Bank will reopen on Monday, March 13, 2023. The DINB will maintain Silicon Valley Bank’s normal business hours. Banking activities will resume no later than Monday, March 13, including on-line banking and other services. Silicon Valley Bank’s official checks will continue to clear. Under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, the FDIC may create a DINB to ensure that customers have continued access to their insured funds.

As of December 31, 2022, Silicon Valley Bank had approximately $209.0 billion in total assets and about $175.4 billion in total deposits. At the time of closing, the amount of deposits in excess of the insurance limits was undetermined. The amount of uninsured deposits will be determined once the FDIC obtains additional information from the bank and customers.

Customers with accounts in excess of $250,000 should contact the FDIC toll-free at 1-866-799-0959.

The FDIC as receiver will retain all the assets from Silicon Valley Bank for later disposition. Loan customers should continue to make their payments as usual.

Silicon Valley Bank is the first FDIC-insured institution to fail this year. The last FDIC-insured institution to close was Almena State Bank, Almena, Kansas, on October 23, 2020.


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2c33e4 No.23579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479938 (101657ZMAR23) Notable: The Soros, Zuckerberg, and Koch Money at CPAC

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Speaking of Soros, what's up with this shit?

The Soros, Zuckerberg, and Koch Money at CPAC

Records show that the American Conservative Union, which runs the Conservative Political Action Conference, has received significant funding from groups connected to billionaires George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.

Matt Schlapp, the union’s chairman, has attempted to reinvent the conservative conference as a hub of right-wing populism. But the billionaire dollars swirling around it related to advocacy for criminal justice reform tell a different story.

The Open Society Foundations database shows that the Soros-run grantmaking network has given millions of dollars to the New Venture Fund over the years. According to its tax filings, the Venture Fund awarded a grant of $183,250 to the American Conservative Union in 2020 for “civil rights, social action, advocacy.” Searching “New Venture Fund” in the database returns results for 95 grants from the Open Society Foundations dating back to 2016.

Matt Schlapp has tried to reinvent the conservative conference as a hub of right-wing populism. But the billionaire dollars swirling around it tell a different story.



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2c33e4 No.23580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479940 (101657ZMAR23) Notable: Darren Beattie in War room meme maker case

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Biden DOJ Crusade to Jail Young Man for Anti-Hillary Memes Just Got Much Uglier==1/3

Last month, Revolver profiled the Biden Administration’s persecution of former Twitter anon Doug Mackey, who was a famous pro-Trump voice back in 2016 under the moniker of Ricky Vaughn.

For those whose memory is foggy, a quick review: In the late stages of the 2016 race, Mackey posted several memes, designed to resemble Hillary Clinton campaign images, claiming that supporters could vote by simply texting a phone number.

The memes were a Twitter-generation version of the common joke about telling one’s political opponents to turn out for the election next Wednesday. But, in an unprecedented move, the Biden Administration says Mackey violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by systematically acting to strip Americans of their civil rights. The KKK Act was passed to prevent literal assaults and terrorism that prevented black Americans from voting, but now the DOJ’s prosecutors say it applies to satirical online speech — they say Mackey broke the law, even though they can’t produce a single person who failed to vote due to Mackey’s stunt.

(By the way, you can donate to Mackey’s legal defense here or here or here).

All of that is bad enough, but newly-unsealed documents released on Wednesday reveal new, sinister depths to the DOJ’s agenda.

Last fall, we warned about a new tool in the arsenal of weapons used by the regime to justify censorship and rolling back the basic rights of Americans. With this new tool, corrupt journalists like Taylor Lorenz can dox, harass, and lie about anyone they want and enjoy total immunity from criticism. Why? Well, if you dare to criticize a journalist like Lorenz, someone, somewhere,might become outraged and decide to commit an act of violence. With this remarkable censorship tool, the media’s attack dog journalists are magically absolved from any criticism because some nut job, somewhere, maybe, at sometime, might act violently upon this criticism.

The tool goes by the name “stochastic terrorism.”

Basically, “stochastic terrorism” is the idea that, when somebody on the right criticizes somebody, they aren’t really just making a political argument. Instead, they are trying to “stoke hatred” in the expectation that some random third party will be “radicalized” and then commit political violence on their behalf.

[T]he concept perfectly flows from being a personal attack to being a legal one. The implicit claim behind every complaint about stochastic terror is that dissident speech isn’t really speech, and therefore it doesn’t really deserve protection, because conservatives, or anyone liberals don’t like, harbor a hidden inner desire to inspire violent attacks. Any complaint about the liberals or, more importantly, the Regime, in any venue, can now be dressed up as “violent” speech deserving no constitutional protection.

Back in October, “stochastic terrorism” was just a concept for the media, the blogosphere, and the Twitterati, and it was only a weapon for curbing speech.

But everything moves faster in the digital age. Just five months later, the Biden Department of Justice is using the logic of “stochastic terrorism” to justifystripping core constitutional due process rightsfrom dissident American voices…


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2c33e4 No.23581

File: 44bcbf0c9b3853d⋯.png (560.35 KB,1030x615,206:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479946 (101658ZMAR23) Notable: Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns

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Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns


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2c33e4 No.23582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479949 (101658ZMAR23) Notable: Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

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Kek. Word up.


SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash. The Alliance just shut down the piggy bank. (Yes, crypto was a big part of it.)

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2c33e4 No.23583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479963 (101701ZMAR23) Notable: Darren Beattie in War room meme maker case

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Yet incredibly, the court accepted this reasoning. In a recent order, the court held that:

[T]he Government is correct in its assertion that “to claim that intense online attacks do not endanger a person’s physical safety is to ignore the reality of our current world,” as “many acts of politically motivated violence in current society arise from campaigns of online harassment.” (Reply at 3.) For this reason, the court finds that the Government had made an adequate showing that there is real, non-speculative, concern that revealing the CWs identity could lead to online or physical harassment or danger.

In other words,if a witness’s testimony might aggravate right-wing people on the Internet, it justifies providing that witness special treatment that is denied even to witnesses against MS-13 or the Sinaloa Cartel.

If the DOJ’s argument is allowed to carry the day all the way to Mackey’s conviction and incarceration, then this playbook will beavailable for prosecuting an unlimited number of dissidents. They can be slapped with anonymous allegations of criminal plots, and denied the full chance to defend themselves, on the flimsy grounds that anybody who irritates the dissident right will face “harassment.”

Last month, we explained why the Mackey case was so ominous for the entire pro-America movement, and not just Mackey himself:

This case is a drastic escalation in the use of “disinformation” asan excuse to target dissenting political voices. A regime that previously relied on deplatforming or doxing … now makes use of outright felony prosecutions with the threat of decade-long prison sentences.

Revolver’s Darren Beattie explained why this is the most important First Amendment case in the country

These latest developments up the stakes by an order of magnitude, and show that “disinformation” isn’t the only scam that the left is trying to quickly, and quietly, jam into America’s criminal law. The Biden Department of Justice hopes to take the “stochastic terrorism” and “online harassment” scams, previously the domain of Taylor Lorenz-esque hysterics, andcodify them into federal law as tools to take down dissidents.

Over the past year, the Mackey case has become about far more than whether one man goes to prison for illegal memes. It is, quite literally, the first great battle about whether true dissent will be allowed on the American Internet, or whether, in the name ofstopping “harassment” and “disinformation,” it will have a government boot stamping on it, forever.


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2c33e4 No.23584

File: f5877e314030f41⋯.png (1.73 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d113589d8706796⋯.png (193.97 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a7bc53dda871fc⋯.jpg (5.34 KB,290x174,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 707e65325e0bcea⋯.webp (151.38 KB,1284x1899,428:633,Clipboard.webp)

File: 68c3b0aab03e97d⋯.jpg (7.63 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479966 (101701ZMAR23) Notable: Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

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2c33e4 No.23585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18479996 (101710ZMAR23) Notable: From the Archives: SVB/Alfa Bank Russia possibly related to the Trump campaign, "how do you introduce evidence legally?''

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EXCLUSIVE: FBI 'Granted FISA Warrant' Covering Trump Camp's Ties To Russia

By Louise Mensch | 10:18 pm, November 7, 2016

The first request, which, sources say, named Trump, was denied back in June, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was presented of a server, possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to two banks;

SVB Bank

and Russia’s Alfa Bank.




is this the same SVB bank that failed?

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2c33e4 No.23586

File: dab76d5472820cd⋯.png (99.88 KB,680x797,680:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 640209f92e53478⋯.png (363.96 KB,705x658,15:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480009 (101715ZMAR23) Notable: Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

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found this article also did a search for SVB and foreign but kept getting the Silicon Valley one. Might be the same. Interesting if it is.

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2c33e4 No.23587

File: 85560b65f214f82⋯.png (1.13 MB,1768x859,1768:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b7494039799a7e⋯.png (164.08 KB,1799x874,1799:874,Clipboard.png)

File: d21a3aac760f295⋯.png (2.08 MB,1793x635,1793:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480020 (101719ZMAR23) Notable: Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

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go woke go broke

(as this anon was digging on svb site, it went down. Strange things are afoot.


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2c33e4 No.23588

File: ca8a344b10c6be1⋯.png (100.07 KB,625x750,5:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480021 (101719ZMAR23) Notable: The Deadly Incompetence of our Leadership

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The Deadly Incompetence of our Leadership

American Thinker, by Mike Conrad

Posted By: Imright, 3/10/2023 12:14:58 PM

We are at a crisis point in history the likes of which has not been seen for over century. The leadership of the West has been so incompetent that we may have passed the point of no return, In 1908, the already by-then decrepit and corrupt Austro-Hungarian Empire officially annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia was furious. There were a lot of Serbs living in the contested area, and the Serbians considered the area to be a natural part of Greater Serbia. Russia was upset. She viewed herself as the protector of Slavs everywhere. In reaction, the Serbian government supported a group called the Black Hand. And in 1914,

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2c33e4 No.23589

File: d7114704284f4fd⋯.png (340.84 KB,683x570,683:570,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480029 (101721ZMAR23) Notable: Watch: Democrats Defend Censorship, Attack Journalists in Fiery Hearing

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Watch: Democrats Defend Censorship, Attack

Journalists in Fiery Hearing

Breitbart Politics, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Imright, 3/10/2023 11:20:07 AM

House Democrats attempted to defend social media censorship at a hearing of the new U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Thursday on the Twitter files. Led by Ranking Member Stacey Plaskett (D-VI), Democrats assailed journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, both Democrats, accusing them of ulterior motives and even asking them to reveal their sources.Using the “reclaiming my time” tactic they pioneered when questioning then-Attorney General William Barr in 2020, Demcorats prevented the witnesses from responding to their personal attacks and grandstanding.

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2c33e4 No.23590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480034 (101723ZMAR23) Notable: Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

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SVB Releases 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report

SANTA CLARA, Calif. August 18, 2022 – SVB, the financial partner of the innovation economy and parent of Silicon Valley Bank, today released its 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. The report details the company’s commitments and strategies to help create a more just, equitable and sustainable world and reports on its programs and progress made throughout 2021.

"As the financial partner of the innovation economy, we support visionary companies and investors boldly addressing the biggest challenges of our time," said Greg Becker, president and CEO of SVB. "Our long history of serving this sector has enabled us to seize opportunities to build a better world, and this report highlights our efforts, progress and commitment to transparency and accountability."

SVB’s ESG program centers on the positive impact its innovative clients make and is built around six strategic initiatives designed to support long-term sustainability for the company:

Engaging and empowering employees,

Building a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion at SVB,

Championing inclusion in the innovation economy,

Supporting its communities,

Advancing the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon world, and

Practicing responsible corporate governance.

Among the many ESG initiatives included in the report, highlights from 2021 are included below:

$11.2 Billion Community Benefits Plan: SVB announced its $11.2 billion Community Benefits Plan that builds on the company’s long-standing commitment to support small businesses, finance affordable housing, reinvest in low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities in Massachusetts and California, and support charitable causes via philanthropy and volunteering. The plan will be executed over a five-year period from January 2022 through December 2026, and includes several commitments:

$5.0 billion in small business loans of $1 million or less

$4.8 billion in Community Reinvestment Act community development loans and investments

$75 million in charitable contributions in CRA coverage areas

$1.3 billion in residential mortgages to LMI borrowers and in LMI census tracts

$5 Billion Sustainable Finance Commitment: SVB announced its commitment to provide at least $5 billion by 2027 in loans, investments and other financing to support clients’ sustainability businesses; and the company has set a goal to achieve carbon-neutral operations by 2025. SVB’s Sustainable Finance Commitment aims to support companies that are working to decarbonize the energy and infrastructure industries and hasten the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon, net-zero emissions economy.

Building an Inclusive Workplace: SVB continued to build a workplace where all employees are connected, celebrated and supported. Among its major advancements, the company implemented a diverse candidate slate mandate for U.S. senior leadership roles to ensure hiring managers are interviewing and selecting from a diverse range of candidates; SVB launched an Inclusion Index survey to understand employees’ experience to further strengthen its culture of inclusion; and the company introduced its first six Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) representing Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, LGBTQ+, veteran and military, and women employees.

SVB introduced measurable diversity goals for its senior leadership positions to strengthen hiring and talent development initiatives meant to create paths to professional advancement, especially for women, Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx individuals. In 2022, SVB completed an employee assessment conducted by a third-party to advance its DEI mission, framework and strategy. SVB also publicly disclosed its 2020 EEO-1 and 2021 EEO-1 workforce demographics to promote transparency.

Expanding Access to Innovation: Access to Innovation is SVB’s signature program designed to advance inclusion and opportunity in the innovation economy, particularly for women, Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx individuals. In 2021, SVB continued to expand the program, harnessing its resources, experience and connections to address key barriers that prevent underrepresented groups from succeeding in the innovation sector. SVB aims to reach 10,000 individuals annually with access to information, education and career opportunities.

CRA Outstanding Rating: SVB earned an “Outstanding” rating from the Federal Reserve Bank for its 2018-2020 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) strategic plan.

To learn more about SVB’s ESG work, visit svb.com/about-us/living-our-values.


Lucy Muscarella, Corporate Communication



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2c33e4 No.23591

File: 1d8863bb23e95e2⋯.png (8.15 KB,470x126,235:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480036 (101723ZMAR23) Notable: Alert levels at Tanaga and Takawangha volcanos raised — Alaska Volcano Observatory

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JUST IN - Alert levels at Tanaga and Takawangha volcanos raised — Alaska Volcano Observatory


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2c33e4 No.23592

File: f15f893bfe1cfcc⋯.png (3.09 MB,6839x4546,6839:4546,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480038 (101723ZMAR23) Notable: Xi Jinping Secures Third Term As President

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Xi Jinping Secures Third Term As President

Friday, March 10, 2023

Chinese leader Xi Jinping was confirmed for a third term as the nation’s president on Friday, placing him on track to remain in power for life.

The vote for Xi to remain as leader was 2,952 to 0 by the National People’s Congress. Member of the NPC are appointed by the ruling party, in this case by Xi himself.


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2c33e4 No.23593

File: bd8123fc05dc4ca⋯.png (81.83 KB,793x850,793:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480045 (101725ZMAR23) Notable: Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

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svb seems to have had problems with the government previously over a decade ago. Still trying to see what other ties it might have everything is the current new story.

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2c33e4 No.23594

File: 46fa85657514f66⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480055 (101728ZMAR23) Notable: A Coincidental List of Dead Microbiologists (1994-2006)

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A Coincidental List of Dead Microbiologists (1994-2006)


Anthony Stephen Fauci OMRI (/ˈfaʊtʃi/ FOW-chee; born December 24, 1940) is an American physician-scientist and immunologist who served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022

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2c33e4 No.23595

File: f62a8a1b7da0656⋯.jpg (232.06 KB,1191x896,1191:896,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480066 (101731ZMAR23) Notable: Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

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Startups Advise Obama: Focus on Taxes and Talent as Second Term Begins

SANTA CLARA, CA — January 18, 2013 — With the second inauguration of President Obama pending, Silicon Valley Bank, financial partner to innovation companies worldwide, asked startup companies across America: "What piece of advice would you give to President Obama with regards to supporting the innovation economy?" Simplifying taxes and focusing on building a strong talent pool made up nearly half of all responses, which came from 600 comments by CEOs and executives of startup companies across the US. The question was part of Silicon Valley Bank's fourth annual survey of startup companies nationwide.


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2c33e4 No.23596

File: af254fb314f909a⋯.jpg (57.31 KB,658x549,658:549,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480070 (101732ZMAR23) Notable: Silvergate Bank, which had been a cornerstone in the crypto world, announced it’s closing and returning deposits

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Silvergate Bank, which had been a cornerstone in the crypto world, announced it’s closing and returning deposits. In a press release, the bank’s holding company, Silvergate Capital Corporation, said it made the decision to shut down “in light of recent industry and regulatory developments.”

It’s been clear for a while that the company was struggling along with some of its most high-profile clients like FTX and Genesis. In January, its earnings report revealed that it lost a billion dollars in one quarter after its customers withdrew $8.1 billion. Then, on March 1st, it filed a document saying its financials were even worse than the quarterly report had shown.


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2c33e4 No.23597

File: 31da902c627c5f4⋯.png (139.55 KB,605x1086,605:1086,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480072 (101733ZMAR23) Notable: Florida is about to make all hemp products illegal. Here how you and others can get involved.

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Bay Smokes


🍃 Florida is about to make all hemp products illegal. Here how you and others can get involved.

Everyone needs to be calling their local Representatives and Senators to tell them that House Bill HB 1475 and Senate Bill SB 1676 will hurt their well being.




10:33 PM · Mar 8, 2023



Florida Bill HB 1475 https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=_h1475__.docx&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=1475&Session=2023&_hsmi=249694270

Florida Bill SB 1676


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2c33e4 No.23598

File: 31da902c627c5f4⋯.png (139.55 KB,605x1086,605:1086,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480072 (101733ZMAR23) Notable: Florida is about to make all hemp products illegal. Here how you and others can get involved.

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Bay Smokes


🍃 Florida is about to make all hemp products illegal. Here how you and others can get involved.

Everyone needs to be calling their local Representatives and Senators to tell them that House Bill HB 1475 and Senate Bill SB 1676 will hurt their well being.




10:33 PM · Mar 8, 2023



Florida Bill HB 1475 https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=_h1475__.docx&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=1475&Session=2023&_hsmi=249694270

Florida Bill SB 1676


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2c33e4 No.23599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480075 (101735ZMAR23) Notable: Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

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SVB and BLM - go woke go broke

BLM movement adds pressure on start-ups to diversify

Nov 8, 2020


Just as the killing of George Floyd and other Black Americans at the hands of police officers has pushed large, established companies to take diversity and inclusion more seriously, start-ups are also feeling the pressure for change. Although the flexible nature of start-ups allows them to prioritise racial and ethnic diversity from day one — setting the tone for the life of the business — the day-to-day struggle to survive can distract from hiring a diverse workforce. “Every start-up wants to be large one day, and you have to start with the right values, the right teams, because it is very hard to change as you get bigger,” says Elizabeth Gore, co-founder and president of Hello Alice, a business accelerator. “Every data point shows that diverse leadership and teams make the most profitable companies, so why not start small?” However, the push to prioritise diversity and inclusion at the top of start-ups has its limitations. While Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) recently found that 43 per cent of the 1,100 start-up founders and executives that it surveyed operate programmes to increase diversity, that number drops to 26 per cent for those that are attempting to add minorities to leadership roles.

Furthermore, the pandemic appears to have hampered the drive to improve gender diversity, as the Covid-19 crisis piled pressure on balance sheets. Venture capital funding for companies founded or co-founded by women in the US dropped 48 per cent in the third quarter of 2020 compared with the second quarter, to its lowest quarterly total in three years, according to data from PitchBook. Funding overall decreased 16 per cent over those same two quarters, the figures show. “People are kind of going back to what’s safe and tapping into their existing networks,” says Alejandro Guerrero, a start-up founder and principal at Act One Ventures, a venture capital firm based in Los Angeles. “We can’t assume that life is always going to be peachy. When [problems] do arise . . . we can’t revert to old ways of doing business, because the world is demanding something more.”

Ms Gore says the “innate pressure for speed” in start-ups poses one of the biggest challengers to diversity efforts. Most start-ups and small businesses, she says, are pushed by investors early on to move fast or by the threat of dwindling funding. Hiring diverse talent takes time, she says, which means investors have to see the value in patience. Another challenge is in the nature of start-ups, according to Juney Ham, co-founder and chief executive of Beacon Talent, a recruitment agency. Start-up co-founders often come together through shared experiences and circumstances, he says, which may not be a diversity-driven process. Still, there is reason for cautious optimism, even if progress is slow. One tangible effort to improve diversity in the start-up community was announced this year. As of mid-October, more than 20 venture capital firms with upwards of $1.5bn assets under management agreed to include diversity riders in term sheets submitted to start-ups, Mr Guerrero says. “A lot of folks are realising that there’s a lot of work to be done [with respect to diversity]. And there are probably a lot of firms that are facing the reality that they have way more work to do than they had originally thought,” he says. “So the rider was really about creating a moment of opportunity for people that are coming from diverse backgrounds to get more access.” Ashraf Hebela, head of start-up banking at Silicon Valley Bank, says systemic change depends on collective efforts from more than entrepreneurs. The diversity rider — which SVB Capital, the venture capital arm of SVB’s holding company, agreed to include — is an example. Mr Hebela cited a New York investor that recently indicated that they were unlikely to invest in a start-up if it lacked diversity in the leadership team.

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2c33e4 No.23600

File: 87c011d9ef8d629⋯.png (303.89 KB,471x460,471:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480083 (101737ZMAR23) Notable: JP Morgan is a fortress/I'd jump ship while you can. For the KEKs

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One month ago, Jim Cramer urged investors to buy Silicon Valley Bank stock $SIVB.

Today, the bank was closed by California regulators, making it the 2nd largest banking failure in US history.


Clowns giving investing tips.

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2c33e4 No.23601

File: 00bcd2708280ef9⋯.png (7.84 KB,239x112,239:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480087 (101738ZMAR23) Notable: JP Morgan is a fortress/I'd jump ship while you can. For the KEKs

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JP Morgan is a fortress


I'd jump ship while you can.

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2c33e4 No.23602

File: 801879b3a95991c⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,738x343,738:343,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480094 (101740ZMAR23) Notable: Many Wells Fargo customers reportedly say their direct deposits and scheduled paychecks were missing from their online accounts this morning

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WF missing money?

Missing a direct deposit in your Wells Fargo account? Here's what we know.


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2c33e4 No.23603

File: 8c5b4eb1c728211⋯.png (517.5 KB,741x755,741:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480097 (101740ZMAR23) Notable: JP Morgan is a fortress/I'd jump ship while you can. For the KEKs

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2c33e4 No.23604

File: 6d2b5c28c524629⋯.png (16.68 KB,594x188,297:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480103 (101741ZMAR23) Notable: Many Wells Fargo customers reportedly say their direct deposits and scheduled paychecks were missing from their online accounts this morning

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BREAKING: Many Wells Fargo customers reportedly say their direct deposits and scheduled paychecks were missing from their online accounts this morning


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2c33e4 No.23605

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480129 (101746ZMAR23) Notable: Internal FBI Communications Reveal the FBI Demanded the Removal of Agent Participation & Were DESTROYING EVIDENCE!

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11 minutes ago

January 6 Bombshell!

Internal FBI Communications Reveal the FBI Demanded the Removal of Agent Participation & Were DESTROYING EVIDENCE!

3-minute video


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2c33e4 No.23606

File: d11995f7157f99b⋯.png (221.15 KB,729x889,729:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480133 (101747ZMAR23) Notable: Internal FBI Communications Reveal the FBI Demanded the Removal of Agent Participation & Were DESTROYING EVIDENCE!

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MJTruth ✅


January 6 Bombshell! Internal FBI Communications Reveal the FBI Demanded the Removal of Agent Participation & Were Found to be DESTROYING EVIDENCE!


@realDonaldTrump @TrueGenFlynn @DanScavino @annvandersteel @Kash

Mar 10, 2023, 12:40 PM


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2c33e4 No.23607

File: 465759614a8f52e⋯.png (221.04 KB,473x438,473:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480134 (101748ZMAR23) Notable: @NellisAFB NOISE AVISORY

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Close to 100 aircraft are scheduled to depart Nellis twice a day and may remain in the air for up to five hours during this large-scale exercise. Also, expect aircraft noise during nighttime and weekend launches.


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2c33e4 No.23608

File: 52915ed546d4356⋯.png (315.84 KB,598x640,299:320,Clipboard.png)

File: b583bbe19c87ec5⋯.png (355.62 KB,598x582,299:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480153 (101752ZMAR23) Notable: Xi Jinping Secures Third Term As President

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Hassan Mafi ‏


Xi Jinping has been re-elected as the President of China for a historic third five-year term.

Xi Jinping definitely has my respect. He is truly one of the greatest leaders that the world has ever seen.

Congratulations to the great people of China.



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2c33e4 No.23609

File: 3ecf96334b245c0⋯.png (484.55 KB,591x482,591:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 68050e118aa5e93⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480154 (101752ZMAR23) Notable: When asked for a solution to new pro-life laws around the country Jane Fonda suggested to murder pro-life politicians

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When asked for a solution to new pro-life laws around the country Jane Fonda suggested to murder pro-life politicians.


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2c33e4 No.23610

File: 1148291dc3da818⋯.png (307.86 KB,1223x603,1223:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480166 (101754ZMAR23) Notable: Dan Scavino: Now they’re targeting you. Help us reach 100,000 signatures Anons know what to do pb notable

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>>23475 pb notes

Dan Scavino: Now they’re targeting you. Help us reach 100,000 signatures Anons know what to do

Was at 64.5.


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2c33e4 No.23611

File: 4467959b59f05ba⋯.png (299.3 KB,474x471,158:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480279 (101815ZMAR23) Notable: @US_TRANSCOM Fits like a jigsaw puzzle piece! 🧩 🛳️

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Fits like a jigsaw puzzle piece! 🧩 🛳️

In a historic transfer,


Marines load an MV-22 Osprey onto the


's USNS Green Ridge for sea transport back to the U.S.

#TogetherWeDeliver |







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2c33e4 No.23612

File: 08f9a3fb1098a0f⋯.png (135.43 KB,468x495,52:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480315 (101822ZMAR23) Notable: @DeptofDefense Fly Girls

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Fly Girls

More than 100 middle & high school students attended the annual ‘Fly Girls’ aviation event hosted by the


36th Airlift Squadron as part of International Women’s Day to teach students about the contributions women have made & continue to make in aviation.


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2c33e4 No.23613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480347 (101827ZMAR23) Notable: Vice President Harris and Secretary Walsh Convene a Worker Taskforce Employers' Roundtable

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The White House: Vice President Harris and Secretary Walsh Convene a Worker Taskforce Employers' Roundtable


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2c33e4 No.23614

File: bf412e397b4f501⋯.png (410.51 KB,1176x1528,147:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480353 (101828ZMAR23) Notable: @HawleyMO China has been so worked up about this COVID origins bill, Communist officials wrote to my office earlier this week and demanded I drop it, he's not kek

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Josh Hawley


China has been so worked up about this COVID origins bill, Communist officials wrote to my office earlier this week and demanded I drop it. I thought I’d update President Xi on today’s passage 👇

11:26 AM · Mar 10, 2023·211.7K Views


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2c33e4 No.23615

File: 18c8488d90c08eb⋯.png (67.3 KB,808x524,202:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480357 (101829ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC Creates a Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara to Protect Insured Depositors of Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California

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Game Over: FDIC Shutters Silicon Valley Bank, Appoints Receiver

Update (1135ET): Game over for Silicon Valley bank.







As we noted before, while the FDIC noted that SVIB had $175BN in deposits as of Dec 31, note that some $151.5BN of these are uninsured, which means they get exactly zero although a sizable number of them likely pulled their deposits in the past few days.

And just like that SVB is no more: a historic collapse which in many ways was faster than Lehman, and which has seen SIVB stock plunge from $763 to 0 in 16 months.

Full FDIC statement below:

Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California, was closed today by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver. To protect insured depositors, the FDIC created the Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara (DINB). At the time of closing, the FDIC as receiver immediately transferred to the DINB all insured deposits of Silicon Valley Bank.

All insured depositors will have full access to their insured deposits no later than Monday morning, March 13, 2023. The FDIC will pay uninsured depositors an advance dividend within the next week. Uninsured depositors will receive a receivership certificate for the remaining amount of their uninsured funds. As the FDIC sells the assets of Silicon Valley Bank, future dividend payments may be made to uninsured depositors.

Silicon Valley Bank had 17 branches in California and Massachusetts. The main office and all branches of Silicon Valley Bank will reopen on Monday, March 13, 2023. The DINB will maintain Silicon Valley Bank’s normal business hours. Banking activities will resume no later than Monday, March 13, including on-line banking and other services. Silicon Valley Bank’s official checks will continue to clear. Under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, the FDIC may create a DINB to ensure that customers have continued access to their insured funds.


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2c33e4 No.23616

File: d21705259dbd357⋯.png (228.17 KB,559x659,559:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480362 (101831ZMAR23) Notable: The Financial Times Demanded Twitter Remove RFK, Jr, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and Others for Challenging COVID-19 Vaccines

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The Financial Times Demanded Twitter Remove RFK, Jr, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and Others for Challenging COVID-19 Vaccines

The Democrats are livid that Elon Musk allowed journalists to come into Twitter after he purchased the company and release damning information that the government, corrupt politicians (like Adam Schiff), corrupt NGOs, Big Media and Big Tech colluded to censor, shadow-ban, and purge conservative content.

On Thursday, before the House Judiciary subcommittee, the Democrats expressed their disgust with Elon Musk and two journalists who are uncovering the actions at Twitter that prevented average Americans from partaking in free speech.

The Democrats were raging at Elon Musk for revealing that the Democrats and their corrupt allies committed multiple crimes to censor the free speech in America.

One tweet that was released by Taibbi before his House interview related to a Big Media outlet demanding Twitter remove some COVID-19 vax offenders.

The Financial Times demanded that Twitter remove Bobby Kennedy, Jr., Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and more. The reason for the request was that they were not parroting that the narrative that the COVID-19 vax was necessary or even safe.


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2c33e4 No.23617

File: e10a1ebdd903408⋯.png (274.41 KB,472x466,236:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480365 (101831ZMAR23) Notable: @INDOPACOM Japan Maritime Self-Defense force

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2c33e4 No.23618

File: fcfb583a67c2409⋯.png (52.72 KB,537x315,179:105,Clipboard.png)

File: f6dba1f0b457319⋯.png (26.56 KB,539x163,539:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 83058fbf877fe4e⋯.png (52.56 KB,537x312,179:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480370 (101833ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok, the wildly popular Chinese-owned social media app, has hired top Biden-connected consulting firm SKDK as it faces increasing scrutiny in Washington

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Chinese Communist Party-Owned App TikTok Hires Biden Connected Firm as it Comes Under Scrutiny in Washington

The video sharing app TikTok is coming under increased scrutiny because it is owned by the Chinese Communist party and people believe it’s basically a spy app.

State governments and colleges all over the country are banning the use of it on official phones.

And now, TikTok has hired SKDK, a firm with ties to Joe Biden, to help it navigate the politics of DC.

Isn’t that just perfect?

TikTok, the wildly popular Chinese-owned social media app, has hired top Biden-connected consulting firm SKDK as it faces increasing scrutiny in Washington, according to two people, including one with direct knowledge of the hire.

The public affairs and political consulting firm is providing communications support to the company, which has come under government scrutiny, with senators recently introducing a bipartisan bill empowering Biden to restrict or potentially ban the service.

The hiring came in the last few months, according to the person with direct knowledge of the hire. A spokesperson for SKDK declined to comment while a spokesperson for TikTok who also declined to comment.

The fire TikTok has faced in D.C. has been building for a number of years after the Trump administration tried to ban the app. It has continued with the Biden administration’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. conducting a national security review of TikTok.

SKDK is seen as the most well-connected Democratic firm in Washington with former top employees in senior and mid-level roles in the Biden administration. Anita Dunn, a founding partner, returned to the White House last May where she is senior adviser after a stint in the early part of the Biden administration and work on the 2020 campaign. Other former SKDK employees in the Biden administration include deputy White House communications directors Kate Berner and Herbie Ziskend, deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh and Interior Department press secretary Tyler Cherry.

This is a huge development.

If Biden and Democrats want to downplay the notion that they’re in the pocket of the Chinese Communist party, this is not the way to do it.


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2c33e4 No.23619

File: 8493106942d1f53⋯.png (216.19 KB,937x618,937:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480384 (101836ZMAR23) Notable: CITIZENS OUTRAGED Over Impending Decision By Unelected Bureaucrat to Takeover 162,000 PRISTINE ACRES of Northern Michigan Land For National Guard…

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CITIZENS OUTRAGED Over Impending Decision By Unelected Bureaucrat to Takeover 162,000 PRISTINE ACRES of Northern Michigan Land For National Guard…Plan Will Double Size of Already Largest Training Facility in U.S.==

100 Percent Fed Up exclusive-The Michigan National Guard wants to DOUBLE the size of its training facility at Camp Grayling. As the largest National Guard training facility in the United States by far, Camp Grayling currently spans 148,000 acres or almost 240 square miles in northern Michigan. If approved, this proposal will more than double the amount of state-occupied land to almost 500 square miles.

Opposition to the proposed 162,000-acre addition is overwhelming and, in today’s polarized society, is shockingly nonpartisan. Local residents, over 40 township/county governments, state reps and senators, our district congressman, veteran Jack Bergman, and literally every conservation group are emphatically against the land grab, which is proposed as a 20-year, no-cost lease from the DNR. Conservation concerns include potential chemical warfare pollutants, experimental weapons testing, and environmental changes affecting the region’s plentiful wildlife and abundant vegetation.

And why, at every turn, does Director Lott appear determined, even eager, to accommodate ONE general’s request while ignoring the pleas and sound arguments of thousands of Michigan residents who continue to steadfastly oppose this massive land grab?

One of the more vocal opponents is a combat veteran and retired Lt. Colonel in the National Guard–Mike McNamara, who recently said, “As a retired Lieutenant Colonel and former Deputy Post Commander, if I thought for one minute this would save just one soldier’s life, I’d be 100% behind this expansion. But this expansion proposal is NOT about that.”

Surprisingly, there has been little in the way of a detailed explanation for why they need the significant additional land mass. They say it is required to properly train for expected new warfare, which includes low-impact cyber, electromagnetic warfare, and unmanned aircraft that necessitate long distances. Yet, many argue that the Camp’s current acreage is underutilized. Camp Grayling in Northern Michigan is already tens of thousands of acres larger than other states’ National Guard Training Areas. In other words, National Guard units in ALL other states achieve the same degree of combat preparedness, and they ALL do so on a fraction of the amount of land currently accessible to Michigan’s National Guard at Camp Grayling.



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2c33e4 No.23620

File: 7ab86f7e619cea0⋯.png (290.07 KB,474x488,237:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480386 (101836ZMAR23) Notable: @USPacificFleet Great Live Fire Friday shot!

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Great Live Fire Friday shot!


Quote Tweet

Japan Maritim


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2c33e4 No.23621

File: 6dbff58c59d9330⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,590x682,295:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf8f2f4feee1240⋯.png (104.48 KB,1209x891,403:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480410 (101841ZMAR23) Notable: How much of $USDC's cash is now stuck in banks FDIC closed down?

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ALRIGHT next question: How much of $USDC's cash is now stuck in banks FDIC closed down? Because they're 2 for 2 on $SI and $SIVB, with $SBNY just around the corner. Can't all be insured deposits.

They had $8.6B last attestation.


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2c33e4 No.23622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480430 (101847ZMAR23) Notable: Russia issues latest report on US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

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Russia issues latest report on US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

The facilities continue to operate with dangerous pathogens, the defense ministry in Moscow claims

US-funded biological research laboratories are continuing to operate in Ukraine in spite of official statements indicating that they had been “deactivated,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a Friday report on Washington’s international pathogen research programs.

According to the commander of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Moscow has obtained documents that suggest Kiev has continued to coordinate with the Pentagon in the military biological field, including the transfer of pathogenic biomaterials.

Kirillov pointed to an official appeal from ‘ch2m-hill’ – a key Pentagon contractor – to Ukrainian companies participating in a “program to counter particularly dangerous pathogens in Ukraine.”

The document reports on the continuation of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) biological program in Ukraine and outlines future tasks, such as consolidating collections of dangerous pathogens and deploying systems for managing bio risks and monitoring the epidemiological situation.

Kirillov also stated that, in January 2023, the government of Ukraine published a new set of requirements for the “accounting, storage, transportation and destruction” of various pathogens, which included instructions for the international transportation by air of substances with the highest hazard class. He noted that the transport document templates provided in the guidelines only featured examples of US labs as recipients or senders of the hazardous biomaterials.

The lieutenant general warned that Kiev and Washington could potentially use their research to carry out “provocations with dangerous pathogens,” which they would later blame on Russia.

In his report, Kirillov reiterated Russia’s concerns with the potential risks associated with the “dual-use” programs that the US implements on its own territory and abroad.

He pointed out that the work of US biolabs on dangerous pathogens “seems to be the height of recklessness” against the backdrop of viral outbreaks such as anthrax and cholera in various parts of the world and the rise in animal diseases such as African swine fever, avian influenza, and foot and mouth disease.

The commander also drew attention to the US pharmaceutical industry’s attempts to secure “unlimited profits” by conducting “directed evolution” research on the Covid-19 virus, in order to “proactively develop new vaccines,” which Pfizer R&D director Jordan Walker admitted to in a Project Veritas expose.

Kirillov also reiterated Russia’s position that the main goal of US bio programs across the world was to “establish global biological control” by degrading the national health systems of other countries and subverting the provisions of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) with its own rules, which were developed to serve the interests of Washington and its allies.


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2c33e4 No.23623

File: 97dcb708af61bc6⋯.jpg (249.78 KB,674x183,674:183,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c14a337f8a2970⋯.jpg (56.16 KB,1170x1124,585:562,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480432 (101848ZMAR23) Notable: SVB Bank vs Bear Sterns crash of 2008

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SVB Bank vs Bear Sterns crash of 2008

Other investors in the fund included Jeffrey E. Epstein's Financial Trust Company.[21]


If this is correct.


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2c33e4 No.23624

File: 676b15e3b57b813⋯.png (292.5 KB,607x859,607:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480508 (101905ZMAR23) Notable: Are we witnessing a banking crisis?

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whalechart 🐳


🚨 Are we witnessing a banking crisis?

• Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB) -60%

• First Republic Bank (FRC) -60%

And more….

Banks across the board have been selling off.


6:01 AM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480520 (101908ZMAR23) Notable: #22661

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Final @700

#22661 >>23559

>>23560, >>23575 Ron DeSantis Deals Blow To Obama, Knocks Barack Out Of First Place With New Book Sales

>>23561 @redleg6_kob FIREPOWER FRIDAY– FIRE MISSION!

>>23562, >>23564 Terminator/Matrix author speaks on plots

>>23563 Chlorine Dioxide Solution Demonstration And Interview With EPA Whistleblower

>>23565 Mr. Biden: The biggest threat to our recovery is the reckless talk my MAGA friends, republicans in the United States Congress, what they want to do in regard to the debt limit.

>>23566 Anti-Trump? They only managed to get 187 of 3000 to respond (that’s 6%) and then called it “statistically useful”

>>23567 300 Billion Reasons Why SVB Contagion Is Spreading To The Broader Banking System

>>23569, >>23580, >>23583 Darren Beattie in War room meme maker case

>>23570 ‘Teacher of the Year’ Jacqueline Ma, 34, arrested for alleged sexual abuse of former student

>>23571 Saudi Arabia, Iran Restore Relations in Deal Brokered by China

>>23572, >>23568 will Biden sign declassification on covid origin?

>>23573 Ballot Collection Laws

>>23574 @3d_Marine_Div | Closing the Kill Web |

>>23576, >>23577, >>23577 California Bank Regulators just closed SVA (Silicone Valley Bank) FDIC is moving in.

>>23578, >>23615 FDIC Creates a Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara to Protect Insured Depositors of Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California

>>23579 The Soros, Zuckerberg, and Koch Money at CPAC

>>23581 Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns

>>23582, >>23584, >>23586, >>23587, >>23590, >>23593, >>23595, >>23599 Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

>>23585 From the Archives: SVB/Alfa Bank Russia possibly related to the Trump campaign, "how do you introduce evidence legally?''

>>23588 The Deadly Incompetence of our Leadership

>>23589 Watch: Democrats Defend Censorship, Attack Journalists in Fiery Hearing

>>23591 Alert levels at Tanaga and Takawangha volcanos raised — Alaska Volcano Observatory

>>23592, >>23608 Xi Jinping Secures Third Term As President

>>23594 A Coincidental List of Dead Microbiologists (1994-2006)

>>23596 Silvergate Bank, which had been a cornerstone in the crypto world, announced it’s closing and returning deposits

>>23598 Florida is about to make all hemp products illegal. Here how you and others can get involved.

>>23601, >>23600, >>23603 JP Morgan is a fortress/I'd jump ship while you can. For the KEKs

>>23604, >>23602 Many Wells Fargo customers reportedly say their direct deposits and scheduled paychecks were missing from their online accounts this morning

>>23605, >>23606 Internal FBI Communications Reveal the FBI Demanded the Removal of Agent Participation & Were DESTROYING EVIDENCE!

>>23607 @NellisAFB NOISE AVISORY

>>23609 When asked for a solution to new pro-life laws around the country Jane Fonda suggested to murder pro-life politicians

>>23610 Dan Scavino: Now they’re targeting you. Help us reach 100,000 signatures Anons know what to do pb notable

>>23611 @US_TRANSCOM Fits like a jigsaw puzzle piece! 🧩 🛳️

>>23612 @DeptofDefense Fly Girls

>>23613 Vice President Harris and Secretary Walsh Convene a Worker Taskforce Employers' Roundtable

>>23614 @HawleyMO China has been so worked up about this COVID origins bill, Communist officials wrote to my office earlier this week and demanded I drop it, he's not kek

>>23616 The Financial Times Demanded Twitter Remove RFK, Jr, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and Others for Challenging COVID-19 Vaccines

>>23617 @INDOPACOM Japan Maritime Self-Defense force

>>23618 TikTok, the wildly popular Chinese-owned social media app, has hired top Biden-connected consulting firm SKDK as it faces increasing scrutiny in Washington

>>23619 CITIZENS OUTRAGED Over Impending Decision By Unelected Bureaucrat to Takeover 162,000 PRISTINE ACRES of Northern Michigan Land For National Guard…

>>23620 @USPacificFleet Great Live Fire Friday shot!

>>23621 How much of $USDC's cash is now stuck in banks FDIC closed down?

>>23622 Russia issues latest report on US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

>>23623 SVB Bank vs Bear Sterns crash of 2008

>>23624 Are we witnessing a banking crisis?


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2c33e4 No.23626

File: 483e2d5e233eed4⋯.webp (25.52 KB,600x391,600:391,Clipboard.webp)

File: db1fb03f380073e⋯.jpg (78.99 KB,749x499,749:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480529 (101910ZMAR23) Notable: #22662

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Baker will tap @20

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2c33e4 No.23627

File: e3bd8fdf5134b80⋯.png (808.67 KB,827x737,827:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480561 (101916ZMAR23) Notable: House Passes Bill to Declassify Covid-Origins Intel in Unanimous Vote

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House Passes Bill to Declassify Covid-Origins

Intel in Unanimous Vote

National Review, by Ari Blaff

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/10/2023 2:10:52 PM

The House voted unanimously Friday to pass a bill requiring Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to declassify existing intelligence on Covid’s origins, sending the bill to President Biden’s desk. The bill, which was previously approved by the Senate, passed the House 419-0 and would require that Haines declassify any intelligence related to links between the pandemic and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the bat coronavirus research lab that was operating under unsafe conditions in the very city where the first cases of Covid emerged. The bill’s sponsor, Senator Josh Hawley (R., Mo.), hailed the vote as a step towards greater transparency.

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2c33e4 No.23628

File: c8927449b081756⋯.png (399.98 KB,598x600,299:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480565 (101917ZMAR23) Notable: Roseanne signs $40 Million Deal - new show to take on the View

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Citizen Free Press


Roseanne signs $40 Million Deal

She will create a new show to take on the View.


Fox Entertainment Signs Roseanne Barr to a Morning Show Opposite ABC’s “The View”

The critics have spoken, and Roseanne Barr is absolutely hilarious. “The funniest show I’ve seen in years,” said DKT Entertainment Editor Joe Barron, ” Roseanne is a breath of fresh air.” Fox agrees….

7:08 AM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23629

File: 3985d3b67c35147⋯.png (751.11 KB,937x1280,937:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480573 (101918ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine building wind farm in the middle of a war

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Imagine this is on the US tax payer.


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2c33e4 No.23630

File: de69de4f0ba3a69⋯.png (377.45 KB,591x850,591:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480575 (101919ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits

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Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators,

FDIC to protect insured deposits

CNBC, by Jesse Pound

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/10/2023 12:32:08 PM

Financial regulators have closed Silicon Valley Bank and taken control of its deposits, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. announced Friday, leaving companies and wealthy individuals largely tied to the tech sector unsure of what will happen to their money. According to press releases from regulators, the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation closed SVB and named the FDIC as the receiver. The FDIC in turn has created the Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara, which now holds the insured deposits from SVB. The FDIC said in the announcement that insured depositors will have access to their deposits no later than Monday morning. SVB's branch offices will also reopen

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2c33e4 No.23631

File: 4ab5ade46d26b67⋯.jpg (112.06 KB,1053x701,1053:701,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480598 (101923ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits

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ALERT 🚨 Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is the second largest bank failure in American history


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2c33e4 No.23632

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480603 (101923ZMAR23) Notable: Iran-Saudi deal brokered by China will normalize ties, threatening U.S. sovereignty – and MORE

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Kash Patel: The CCP-Brokered Saudi-Iran Deal Occurred Purely Because Of Joe Biden, Threatening U.S. Sovereignty


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2c33e4 No.23633

File: b41661e25bb5a7b⋯.png (353.41 KB,881x841,881:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480618 (101926ZMAR23) Notable: Josh Hawley letter to Pres. Xi on CCP's response to COVID origins

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>>23614 lb (notable)

>Josh Hawley

pretty strong words here form a US Senator to [CCP]:

Time is up. Come clean about your roll in spreading COVID to the world.


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2c33e4 No.23634

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480620 (101926ZMAR23) Notable: Iran-Saudi deal brokered by China will normalize ties, threatening U.S. sovereignty – and MORE

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Kash Patel On America’s Enemies Allying Due To Biden’s Weakness

When President Trump Calls, World Leaders Answer | Kash Patel On America’s Enemies Allying Due To Biden’s Weakness

2:35 minutes


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2c33e4 No.23635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480636 (101930ZMAR23) Notable: The White House: Press Briefing

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2:30 PM EDT

The White House: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Shalanda Young, and Cecilia Rouse

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young, and Council of Economic Advisers Chair Cecilia Rouse.



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2c33e4 No.23636

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480639 (101930ZMAR23) Notable: “Justice For All” Music Video Released | Performed By The J6 Choir And President Donald J. Trump - short video

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“Justice For All” Music Video Released | Performed By The J6 Choir And President Donald J. Trump

Totally cool, PDJT speaks the Pledge of Allegiance through it,released exclusively on war room, all proceeds go to J6 political prisoners

6:38 minutes


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2c33e4 No.23637

File: cc4fd9d92b0bb8c⋯.png (265.37 KB,422x520,211:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480641 (101930ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits

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JUST IN - U.S. bank regulators seize Silicon Valley Bank in largest bank failure since the Great Recession — AP



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2c33e4 No.23638

File: 9b7acf79bf7c83c⋯.png (171.14 KB,425x557,425:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480650 (101932ZMAR23) Notable: Elon’s doing his part in getting eyes on the new J6 footage. Look at all those views 👀

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Elon’s doing his part in getting eyes on the new J6 footage. Look at all those views 👀

He also calls out the BBC for ignoring the story - “Your credibility is at stake.” 🔥

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2c33e4 No.23639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480665 (101935ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits

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Fintech startup Brex received billions of dollars in deposits from Silicon Valley Bank customers on Thursday, CNBC has learned.

The company, itself a high-flying startup, has benefited after venture capital firms advised their portfolio companies to withdraw funds from Silicon Valley Bank this week.

Brex opened thousands of new accounts totaling billions of dollars in inflows on Thursday, said a person with direct knowledge of the situation. By midday Friday, regulators shut down SVB and took control of its deposits, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Other companies including JPMorgan Chase , Morgan Stanley and First Republic have also seen heightened inflows Thursday, as SVB’s stock tanked amid VC-fueled concerns of a bank run. The dramatic decline in SVB shares sparked a sector-wide sell-off that reminded some startup founders of what happened during the 2008 financial crisis. Earlier this week, crypto-focused bank Silvergate said it was winding down operations.


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2c33e4 No.23640

File: 60d04bb1b0078dc⋯.png (144.13 KB,1178x630,589:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480667 (101935ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits

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If you had more than $250,000 in Silicon Valley Bank, you can't get your money. But you can call 1.866.799.0959. A trained FDIC help center therapist will be glad to speak with you. Good Luck.


not sure if he's being snarky or serious about the therapist part or not

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2c33e4 No.23641

File: acdcb2c7351f290⋯.png (245.55 KB,588x507,196:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 14a248f6532a015⋯.mp4 (266.14 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480672 (101936ZMAR23) Notable: NEW - U.S. Energy Secretary: "It's an existential threat. Do you care about climate change?"

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NEW - U.S. Energy Secretary: "It's an existential threat. Do you care about climate change?"


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2c33e4 No.23642

File: f5f1aadbede4712⋯.png (99.77 KB,1530x486,85:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480685 (101938ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits

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NYPD called to Silicon Valley Bank branch as depositors attempt to pull cash: report


Building managers at Silicon Valley Bank’s Manhattan branch reportedly called the police Friday morning after a group of tech founders showed up and attempted to pull out their cash.

Police responded after a group of “about a dozen founders” went to SVB’s Manhattan location on Park Avenue, journalist Eric Newcomer said in a Substack post. One of the founders was former Lyft executive Dor Levi, who provided Newcomer with text updates from the scene.

The incident was the latest indication of growing panic among investors linked to the tech lender, which warned of a cash crunch this week that sparked a run on the bank.

SVB blocked Levi and others who gathered from entering the building. By around 9:20 a.m. ET, building officials “called the police” and a pair of NYPD vehicles had arrived.

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2c33e4 No.23643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480692 (101939ZMAR23) Notable: “Justice For All” Music Video Released | Performed By The J6 Choir And President Donald J. Trump - short video

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“Justice For All” – Trump Collaborates With “J6 Prison Choir” Defendants In New Song

by ProTrumpNews Staff Mar. 4, 2023 3:05 pm171 Comments

Donald Trump is not done supporting the Jan 6th prisoners.

He was featured in a new song titled, “Justice for All,” by the J6 Prison Choir.

The Daily Mail reported:

Is a Grammy award in former President Donald Trump’s future?

The former president collaborated on a song with the J6 Prison Choir – members of the MAGA mob who remain imprisoned for their role in the January 6 Capitol attack.

The song, entitled ‘Justice for All,’ uses Trump’s spoken word recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance over the Star-Spangled banner, with the prisoners chanting ‘USA’ at the end.

It was released on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music and other platforms on Friday.

The recording was done at Mar-A-Lago and Ed Henry and former Trump White House official Kash Patel are reportedly involved with the project.

According to the report, the money is going to a group run by Henry and then to the families of Jan 6th prisoners.

Newsmax reported:

One source told Forbes that money raised from the song, which is on sale for $1.29 on iTunes, will go to the families of imprisoned Jan. 6 defendants.

The tune was recorded several weeks ago at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in South Florida, the source further claimed, with the Jan. 6 defendant portion reportedly recorded through a jailhouse phone.

Conservative commentator Ed Henry and Trump-era White House official Kash Patel are reportedly involved in the project. The funds are slated to go into a group run by Henry.

Here is the song:


Whats funny is Huffpost and others releasing hit pieces on the song. Fuck them all

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2c33e4 No.23644

File: ff73a00678ccd47⋯.png (232.83 KB,561x532,561:532,Clipboard.png)

File: d5216e1561a90bf⋯.png (286.92 KB,553x541,553:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480701 (101941ZMAR23) Notable: Some U.S. Weapons Sent to Ukraine Ended up in Iranian Hands

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Report: Some U.S. Weapons Sent to Ukraine Ended up in Iranian Hands

Some of the billions of dollars of weapons the United States sent to Ukraine has fallen into Iranian hands, a report Friday details.

As Republican lawmakers have stepped up their oversight on U.S. aid to Ukraine, four anonymous sources revealed to CNN some of the weapons provided to Ukraine have been captured by Russian forces and sent to Iran for reverse-engineering.

Those weapons include the Javelin anti-tank and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles that Ukraine has begged the U.S. to send more of. The weapons were likely picked up on the battlefield, the sources told CNN.

According to the report:

In many of those cases, Russia has then flown the equipment to Iran to dismantle and analyze, likely so the Iranian military can attempt to make their own version of the weapons, sources said. Russia believes that continuing to provide captured Western weapons to Iran will incentivize Tehran to maintain its support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, the sources said.

Earlier this month, Republican lawmakers had pressed Department of Defense officials on whether any U.S. weapons have fallen into the wrong hands.

The Pentagon’s top policy official, Colin Kahl, repeatedly insisted that the DOD was not seeing “any evidence of significant diversion” of weapons sent to Ukraine, as previously reported by Breitbart News.

However, he admitted, “I think our assessment is if some of these systems have been diverted, it’s by Russians who have captured things on the battlefield which always happens. But there’s no evidence that the Ukrainians are diverting it to the black market or some other things.”

He also argued that the Ukrainians were asking for more weapons because “they are using everything that we have provided them.”

Officials claimed to CNN that the Ukrainian military “has made it a habit since the beginning of the war to report to the Pentagon any losses of US-provided equipment to Russian forces.”

The U.S. has committed more than $113 billion in aid to Ukraine in less than a year, with more than $32 billion of it in weapons, much of it taken from the U.S. military’s own stocks.


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2c33e4 No.23645

File: e2344866ca0ef3a⋯.png (502.2 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480709 (101942ZMAR23) Notable: Jane Fonda Suggests On ‘The View’ That People Should Protest by Murdering Pro-Lifers

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Jane Fonda Suggests On ‘The View’ That People Should ‘Murder’ Pro-Lifers

Actress Jane Fonda appeared to suggest on “The View” Friday that people “murder” pro-lifers.

Fonda declared that society “will not go back” to a pre-Roe v. Wade world after the Supreme Court overturned the ruling in the case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. She then appeared to suggest “murder” in response to co-host Joy Behar’s question about other methods besides protesting, however it’s unclear if it the comment was intended as a joke.

“Besides marching and protesting, what else do you suggest?” Behar asked.

“Well, I think murder,” Fonda replied.

“What did you say?” fellow “Grace and Frankie” Lily Tomlin asked.

“Murder,” Fonda repeated.


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2c33e4 No.23646

File: b01206c68dfaf0c⋯.png (46.88 KB,591x378,197:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480712 (101943ZMAR23) Notable: Iran-Saudi deal brokered by China will normalize ties, threatening U.S. sovereignty – and MORE

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Iran, Saudi Arabia Will Normalize Ties Under Agreement Brokered by China

Tehran and Riyadh committed to reopening embassies after nearly a decade-long break in ties between the Mid East powers.

Iranian and Saudi state media announced a new agreement that Tehran and Riyadh normalize relations under an agreement brokered by China. The deal between the Middle East rivals comes after American interference in talks.

"After several days of intensive negotiations between [Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali] Shamkhani and Saudi Arabia’s national security adviser Musaid Al Aiban in Beijing, an agreement was reached on Friday aimed at resuming relations between the two countries," Iranian state media, IRNA, wrote.

Saudi state media affirmed the IRNA report with a press release. Beijing, Tehran and Riyadh "announce that an agreement has been reached between [Saudi] and the [Iran], that includes an agreement to resume diplomatic relations between them and re-open their embassies and missions within a period not exceeding two months." It continued, "they also agreed that the ministers of foreign affairs of both countries shall meet to implement this, arrange for the return of their ambassadors, and discuss means of enhancing bilateral relations."

The deal also includes a commitment by Iran, Saudi Arabia and China to "make every effort to strengthen regional and international peace and security."

The agreement calls for Tehran and Riyadh to respect other nations’ sovereignty. Additionally, Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to implement accords that were signed in 1998 and 2001. The talks between Tehran and Riyadh occurred in Beijing this week and the deal was inked during a ceremony on Friday.

China’s most senior foreign policy official, Wang Yi, celebrated the signing as a "victory." "This is a victory for the dialogue, a victory for peace, and is major positive news for the world which is currently so turbulent and restive, and it sends a clear signal," he said.

Tehran and Riyadh cut ties in 2016 after Saudi Arabia carried out the execution of a prominent Shia cleric. This resulted in protesters storming the Saudi embassy in Iran, provoking the end of ties between the two nations.

Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia have been inflamed by other conflicts in the Middle East. In Syria and Iraq, Saudi Arabia backed extremist forces and Iran backed the armies of Damascus and Baghdad. In Yemen, Riyadh has fought a war against the Houthis for nearly a decade. Saudi Arabia claims the Houthis are a proxy force of Iran. However, Riyadh, and its supporters in Washington, have failed to present credible evidence that Tehran provides any significant support to the Houthis.


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2c33e4 No.23647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480715 (101944ZMAR23) Notable: Pfizer admits conducting research for increase in profits — Russian defense ministry

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Pfizer admits conducting research for increase in profits — Russian defense ministry

Igor Kirillov drew attention to the remarks by Pfizer’s former employee Karen Kingston, who said that the products of the US pharmaceutical company "by definition, are biological weapons"

Employees of the US pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer admit the fact of conducting ‘directional evolution’ research for gaining competitive advantages and boosting profits, Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force Igor Kirillov told a briefing devoted to Washington’s military-biological activities on Friday.

He noted the US Senate’s request to the Department of Health on ‘directional evolution’ research conducted by Pfizer. It attempted to estimate the credibility of information received by the American non-profit organization Project Veritas from Pfizer Director of Research and Planning Jordan Walker. Among other things, he said that the company used the possibility of conducting ‘directional evolution’ research for improving the efficiency of its vaccines. Commenting on approaches to the creation of new vaccines, Walker said: <…> why don’t we change the virus ourselves so that we could pre-emptively develop new vaccines.

"Consequently, Pfizer’s employee admits the fact of conducting ‘directional evolution’ research aimed at gaining competitive advantages and boosting profits," Kirillov concluded.

He also drew attention to the remarks by Pfizer’s former employee Karen Kingston, who said that the products of the US pharmaceutical company "by definition, are biological weapons." Kingston cited US legislation that defines biological weapons as any biological agent, toxin or delivery vehicle, including vaccines with mRNA technology (messenger ribonucleic acid - TASS).

Kirillov said that according to information at hand, the development of vaccines of this type had been bankrolled by the US budget since 2017 and by the time commercially available drugs appeared, it had been clear that they could cause the development of secondary diseases and serious complications such as meningitis, anaphylactic shock, acute myocardial infarction and stroke.

According to Kirillov, the side effects after the vaccination were supposed to be treated with medicines manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna, which have already received billions-worth government contacts. "Such an approach makes it possible for American pharmaceutical companies to fully use new pathogens in their interests and receive huge profits," he stressed.


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2c33e4 No.23648

File: 1507d1c850d8cb4⋯.png (217.27 KB,420x475,84:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480716 (101944ZMAR23) Notable: Discussion on the future of Q

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Grant Stinchfield and I discuss the future of Q and the Great Awakening.


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2c33e4 No.23649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480724 (101945ZMAR23) Notable: In Rome, Netanyahu says ties with Italy about to expand dramatically

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In Rome, Netanyahu says ties with Italy about to expand dramatically

After meeting Italian premier Giorgia Meloni, PM doesn’t mention Iran threat, though sources say it dominated the discussion

In Rome, Netanyahu says ties with Italy about to expand dramatically

After meeting Italian premier Giorgia Meloni, PM doesn’t mention Iran threat, though sources say it dominated the discussion

His meeting with Meloni came just after Iran and Saudi Arabia announced a resumption of diplomatic ties, a development that Netanyahu was widely criticized in Israel for failing to prevent.

Netanyahu has been touting the possibility of Israel signing a normalization deal with Riyadh.

Opposition figures accused Netanyahu of prioritizing pushing through his contentious judicial overhaul at the expense of focusing on Iran.


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2c33e4 No.23650

File: 825a7945bb6a842⋯.png (1.7 MB,1262x845,1262:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480731 (101946ZMAR23) Notable: Discussion on the future of Q

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Q and the Qanon movement is once again gaining steam.

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2c33e4 No.23651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480732 (101946ZMAR23) Notable: Mexico president: US responsible for Fentanyl crisis

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Mexico president: US responsible for Fentanyl crisis, denies synthetic opioid made in his country

There were over 70,601 overdose deaths in 2021 in the U.S. related to synthetic opioids other than methadone, the U.S. government says.

Mexico’s president is rejecting the argument his country is in part responsible for the United States' fentanyl overdose epidemic, despite what appears to be overwhelming evidence otherwise.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Thursday that his country does not produce or consume fentanyl.

He made the comment during a visit to Mexico by Liz Sherwood-Randall, the United States' homeland security adviser, to discuss the fentanyl crisis.

The Mexico president also said the United States should use family values to combat drug addiction.

In the past, the Mexican government acknowledged the synthetic opioid fentanyl was produced in its labs, using materials from China. There is also widespread concern about fentanyl being smuggled into the U.S. across the country's border with Mexico.

"Here, we do not produce fentanyl, and we do not have consumption of fentanyl," López Obrador said. "Why don’t they (the United States) take care of their problem of social decay?"

There were over 70,601 overdose deaths in 2021 in the U.S. related to synthetic opioids other than methadone, according to the National Institutes of Health.

U.S. and Mexican officials largely agree that almost all the fentanyl consumed in the U.S. is produced and processed in Mexico, according to the Associated Press.

The Mexican army, in fact, announced last month that it had seized over a half-million fentanyl pills in what it called the largest synthetic drug lab found to date. The lab was discovered in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state, the wire service also reports.

López Obrador cited a list of the type of American whom he thought would turn to fentanyl, including single-parent families, parents who kick their children out of their homes, and people who rarely visit their relatives in old age homes.


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2c33e4 No.23652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480736 (101947ZMAR23) Notable: Robert Kennedy Reveals that COVID Vaccines Are a Pentagon Project!

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Robert Kennedy Reveals that COVID Vaccines Are a Pentagon Project!

'Operation Warp Speed' under former President Trump was an interagency partnership between the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the military Department of Defense (DOD).


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2c33e4 No.23653

File: 0778e5e85ceeb6d⋯.jpg (40.32 KB,300x345,20:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480741 (101948ZMAR23) Notable: Biological Epilepsy Cure Using Microbial Substances

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Biological Epilepsy Cure Using Microbial Substances

I figured I would post my findings here as I've done from time to time. I have epilepsy and have had some success treating it with regular consumption of ginger, turmeric, probiotics. The only known case of cured epilepsy has come from a fecal microbiota transplant. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5442093/)

This led me down the rabbithole of microbiota in epilepsy. Turns out the main suspect bacteria is Streptococcus Pyogenes. It can form a biofilm in the sinuses and gut, and consumes Arginine, which is fundamental in GABA production (GABA is the opposite so to speak of Glutamate, the excitation neurotransmitter). This is significant because all "rescue medications" in epilepsy are benzodiazepine based, meaning they function by drastically and artificially increasing GABA.

Streptococcus Pyogenes consumes the precursor to GABA, creates low GABA, and causes seizures. By treating the underlying biofilm in the gut, epilepsy may be cured. Ginger is known to kill S. Pyogenes, along with Turmeric as well. Probiotics can help to reform the gut bacteria.

With fecal microbiota transplant, what is likely happening is that the recipient did not have the antibodies/immune system wiring to kill off the biofilm that S. Pyogenes creates, and on this basis, the transplant is able to kills this off.

I hope this research is able to help some like myself.

God Bless you all and wlil answer questions as I can.

InB4 "spam" or condescension shilling, we are researchers seeking CURES.

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2c33e4 No.23654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480756 (101951ZMAR23) Notable: The White House: Press Briefing

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Jean-Pierre: I want to take a moment to note the historic nature of the moment that you see in front of you right now. All three of us are historic firsts in our roles. The first black woman to serve as CEA Chair, OMB Director, White House Press Secretary…that did not happen by accident.

[it happened through discrimination]

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2c33e4 No.23655

File: b0763e2ea204061⋯.png (467.6 KB,601x633,601:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480759 (101951ZMAR23) Notable: Kim Iversen says House Dems advocate censoring the American people

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Kim Iversen says House Democrats advocate for the censorship of the American people and demonize the journalists who expose that:

"This is about the government going in and pressuring social media companies to behave in the way the government has sanctioned. They want state-sanctioned narratives only online."


7:50 AM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23656

File: 9a38d9ce5ad15e6⋯.jpg (112.06 KB,1055x304,1055:304,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b658ab46e137403⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,1047x382,1047:382,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480767 (101952ZMAR23) Notable: Mexican president threatens to meddle in US elections with 'information campaign' against Republicans

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Hmm, Before/After?

Mexican president threatens to meddle in US elections with 'information campaign' against Republicans


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2c33e4 No.23657

File: a066c60431ff0bc⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,717x251,717:251,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480789 (101956ZMAR23) Notable: Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default

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Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default


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2c33e4 No.23658

File: 4388db3867bc7b9⋯.png (13.86 KB,587x158,587:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480809 (102001ZMAR23) Notable: JUST IN 🚨 Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default - Reuters

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JUST IN 🚨 Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default - Reuters


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2c33e4 No.23659

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480813 (102002ZMAR23) Notable: EPA Abdicated Their Duties To Avoid Any Blame re Norfolk Southern Disaster

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=EPA Abdicated Their Duties To Avoid Any Blame | Jeffrey Clark Unfolds The Norfolk Southern Disaster.

EPA ducking their responsibility and blame the Fire Marshall and Fire Chief, Bannon and Clark are pissed

Short video 8:30 minutes


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2c33e4 No.23660

File: 99ad1d6383ea281⋯.png (220.75 KB,1206x1442,603:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480814 (102002ZMAR23) Notable: House Passes Bill to Declassify Covid-Origins Intel in Unanimous Vote

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Can you imagine the shit storm that happens when Biden refuses to declass the COVID origins of a 419 yea to 0 nay vote and 16 not voting ? This could be the potential red flag acting job for NSA/CSS/CYBERCOM or whomever to have to override and "Declass" EVERYTHING because of STUBBORN EXECUTIVE POWERS! Oh and some shit about USACE WATER definition being revised voted on too. Watch the Water?

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2c33e4 No.23661

File: c7e1822ad2ad05a⋯.jpeg (84.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480827 (102005ZMAR23) Notable: EU aiming to ramp up naval patrols after Nord Stream blasts

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10 Mar, 2023 09:00

EU aiming to ramp up naval patrols after Nord Stream blasts – FT

A new maritime strategy will reportedly urge increased NATO activity

EU officials believe that the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines warrants increased naval patrols to defend assets against Russia, according to the Financial Times. European investigators have reportedly found no evidence linking Moscow to the incident, which rendered multibillion-dollar projects inoperable.

“After what happened with Nord Stream, [we need] increased monitoring and protecting [of] critical maritime infrastructure and ships from physical and cyber threats,” Virginijus Sinkevicius, the EU’s environment and oceans commissioner, told the British newspaper.

A plan to ramp up joint NATO patrols and naval military exercises will be outlined in an update of the EU’s maritime strategy, which will be published on Friday, the newspaper said. Lithuanian politician Sinkevicius claimed that the bloc “cannot exclude anything” under the current circumstances.

The Nord Stream pipelines connected Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea. Last September, powerful explosions ruptured three of the four pipes, making it impossible to deliver natural gas through them.

Initially, there was widespread speculation in the Western media that Moscow had supposedly blown up its own infrastructure to put pressure on the EU amid the conflict in Ukraine. After months of investigations, no evidence has reportedly been found to back up that theory.

Moscow was denied access to the probes by EU nations and is seeking an impartial, UN-mandated investigation. If the sabotage goes unpunished, it would create a dangerous precedent in international relations, senior Russian diplomats have argued.

“It is the right of not only Russia, but of everybody to understand what has happened,”the deputy head of the Russian mission to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, insisted. “If we are approaching an age when [nations] can attack infrastructure projects of [other nations] – I don’t know what the limits would be of this terrible time.”

Last month, US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported that the Nord Stream sabotage was a clandestine US-Norwegian operation, ordered by American President Joe Biden. He said it was meant to ensure German support for the confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, as well as compliance with the EU’s decision to stop buying Russian energy.

This week, a series of publications in US and German media outlets claimed that a “pro-Ukrainian group” funded by a Ukrainian businessman may have been behind the sabotage. Western nations previously insisted that only a state actor would have the capability and expertise to pull off such a complex operation.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said it is “shameful” for journalists to attempt to pin the attack “on some Ukrainian oligarch.” The Kremlin mocked the latest claims surrounding the sabotage, suggesting that they implied that fictional villain ‘Dr. Evil’ was somehow the mastermind.


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2c33e4 No.23662

File: 013f0993ee20982⋯.jpg (182.78 KB,750x1182,125:197,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cebe2cb97ddb857⋯.jpg (113.05 KB,750x568,375:284,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: d1eb4da7df0d544⋯.jpg (131.43 KB,846x984,141:164,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bccf1d81c253f9b⋯.jpg (150.02 KB,826x1248,413:624,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480857 (102013ZMAR23) Notable: Newsguard's CEO Gordon Crovitz refuted that the purported disinformation tracker is "U.S. government funded"

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NEW: In a lengthy email to


on Friday morning, Newsguard's CEO Gordon Crovitz refuted that the purported disinformation tracker is "U.S. government funded."

In 2021, the Department of Defense awarded $749,387 to Newsguard.

Separately in the email, Newsguard's CEO noted that it is transparent with its risk ratings for outlets &ndash; whereas the Global Disinformation Index does not publish its blacklist and is more secretive.

Notably, Crovitz wrote an op-ed in the Examiner in February that slammed the Global Disinformation Index for being "biased against conservative sites."



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2c33e4 No.23663

File: 0d39900fc4cc4dd⋯.png (27.84 KB,592x204,148:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480866 (102015ZMAR23) Notable: DJT: Very small crowds for Ron DeSanctimonious in Iowa

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14:48 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Very small crowds for Ron DeSanctimonious in Iowa. He’s against Farmers, Social Security, and Medicare, so why would people show up - other than Fake stories from the Fake News!

Mar 10, 2023, 2:48 PM


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2c33e4 No.23664

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480880 (102017ZMAR23) Notable: Michael Shellenberger Outlines Deep State Psychological Operations Being Conducted Against Americans – Sundance

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Michael Shellenberger Outlines Deep State Psychological Operations Being Conducted Against Americans

March 10, 2023 | Sundance |

After his review of the Twitter Files, Michael Shellenberger is beginning to take a big picture approach to each of the discoveries. {Direct Rumble Link}

Shellenberger, appears on Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss how in the big picture the U.S. government is conducting psychological warfare against domestic citizens through the auspices of Twitter and likely other social media platforms. He’s not wrong, we’ve been calling it out in real time. WATCH: 4:59 minutes

Michael Shellenberger: The Deep State's Using Psychological Operations Used Abroad Against Americans

Semi-related. You might remember for several months CTH has been outlining the state of the issues between the United States and Mexico regarding energy policy. Within the dynamic I have said repeatedly to “watch Mexico” through the prism of: what would the USIC, specifically in this instance the CIA, do to turn American sentiment against Mexico?

Remember me repeatedly saying that? Within those questions, and from that baseline, you will discover why I have not been writing about a Mexican cartel kidnapping four American hostages, killing two.

CCTV video drives home the point of danger in Mexico.

Yes, Mexico is dangerous. Yes, drug cartels run a great deal of Mexico including significant control of the Mexican government, military and police. Yes, the cartels are bad people, and they commit horrible atrocities.

Yes, this well-known history of violence also provides a convenient cover for a U.S. intel operation…. if the U.S. government (CIA) was so inclined.

Unfortunately, in the current state of U.S. politics,one cannot rule out completelythe latest story of Mexican kidnapping as a possible U.S. intelligence operation.

Would the U.S. government do, participate in, or stimulate to an outcome, something that horrific just because they were positioning an anti-Mexico narrative as a baseline for U.S. policy toward the Mexican government?

The well publicized CCTV video of the event certainly helped drive a point home.Can you rule out the CIA involvement?

Making tinfoil matters worse, I previously emphasized, “The U.S. and Canada are going to push every possible political pressure point in orderto force Mexico to change energy policy. The stakes are high. It is going to be remarkable to watch what happens as this battle takes place. Watch Mexico in 2023.” {LINK} A few weeks later, with more data assembled, I added, “I’m not talking about little threats, or ordinary economic pressure points; watch closely how the U.S threats are established. The ideologues around Joe Biden will seek to destroy AMLO if he does not go along with the energy change effort. {LINK}

Within these psychological operations, one must always assess exactly where our feeling of outrage is coming from.


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2c33e4 No.23665

File: f0061d91670cea6⋯.png (156.58 KB,424x505,424:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480888 (102019ZMAR23) Notable: Sidney Powell: Why did Nancy Pelosi REALLY have a film crew in her office at the Capitol on Jan 6th?

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4) Why did Nancy Pelosi REALLY have a film crew in her office at the Capitol on Jan 6th?

Pelosi: "I've been waiting for this… for trespassing on Capitol grounds"

Oh, I'm SURE that she was waiting for this. A rare moment of honesty… incriminating honesty, that is.



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2c33e4 No.23666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480900 (102022ZMAR23) Notable: Greenwald on Twitter files

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New #TwitterFiles Expose Far-Reaching "Censorship-Industrial Complex"

>679 views | Mar 10, 2023 | Glenn Greenwald

Google Pigs

14 minutes ago (edited)

What an insidious pack of lying

vicious turds these "liberals" are.

&ndash; from a real liberal

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2c33e4 No.23667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480908 (102024ZMAR23) Notable: A Familiar Brand of BS from Former DOJ Lawyer, Turned New York Rep, Dan Goldman

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A Familiar Brand of BS from Former DOJ Lawyer, Turned New York Rep, Dan Goldman

March 9, 2023 | Sundance |

I find myself needing to draw attention to a particular brand of familiar bullsh*t from former DOJ Lawyer and current New York Freshman Representative Daniel Goldman.

In the exchange below, prompted to 10:55, notice how weasel Goldman posits the Mueller/Weissmann Special Counsel Russian indictments as some form of evidence that Russia (a) interfered in the election, and that Russia (b) hacked and dumped the DNC emails in 2016; neither of which is factually accurate….. but he blathers on.

Unfortunately, Taibbi and Shellenberger were not deep enough in the weeds back in 2018 to appropriately skewer Dan Goldman with the verbal takedown he deserved. What Goldman is saying is ridiculous, and he counts on people not knowing the details of the Mueller/Weissmann schemes.

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein held two big press conferences announcing indictments of Russian actors in 2018. One in February and one in July, both at critical moments for the fraudulent cover operation being done by Mueller. [Citation Here – And HERE – And Here]

These are the “indictments” Goldman cites. However, the indictments were sealed within the DOJ-National Security Division, specifically so that no one could deconstruct them. Goldman is asking Taibbi to read indictments that are not even possible to see. They never were. The only thing the public saw were Weissmann and team’s descriptions of the claims within the indictments we were never permitted to review…. because, well, national security. WATCH:

Insert the familiar and hilarious case of the Russian Concord Catering Company that was indicted. Yes, Mueller/Weissmann actually indicted a place that makes ham sandwiches. The correct “Concord” company eventually took the DOJ case to court and made fun of the stupid Amerikans so much the DOJ ended up dropping the case while claiming they would have to put national security at risk (sources and methods) if they took the case to trial.

In February 2018, they needed a big presser to get away from the Senator Warner texts with Adam Waldman (Oleg Deripaska, Dan Jones, Chris Steele et al), while simultaneously trying to run an operation to deflect attention from the FBI discovery of SSCI Security Director James Wolfe and his leaking of the FISA application. The February Russian indictments were intended to: (a) suck oxygen, (b) deflect from a collapsing Trump-Russia narrative (Nunes Memo), and (c) prop up the Mueller probe.

The July 2018 indictments of Russian Intelligence Officials, was even worse. This set [READ HERE] evaporated immediately following the press conference. The media ran with the narrative, yet there was nothing public that would ever support the indictments… because, national security. Seeing a pattern?

This is in the same July 2018 when the Mueller team publicly released the Carter Page FISA application, again another distraction and first ever release of a Top Secret Compartmented FISA warrant {eyeroll here}… that was already in the media hands from the soon to be made public James Wolfe indictment. This is the exact same time when the Mueller team told the FISA court that the predicate for the FISA warrant was structurally sound. It wasn’t.

Both the February and July 2018 Russian indictments were indictments (accusations) in name only. None of it was pursued except by the Russian Concord group who wanted to go to court to embarrass the Mueller probe… which was the real motive for the DOJ dropping it. Daniel Goldman knows all of this.

The great pretending continues….I hate them all.

Last point. See what I mean about congress and their staffs being clueless about the details of events. Any of those Congress people could have mopped the floor with Goldman and made an epic moment for television sunlight… except they don’t know the background. They are genuinely clueless. Principals and Staff, totally clueless. Even on this House subcommittee.


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2c33e4 No.23668

File: fa3e95df1cd06fc⋯.png (289.04 KB,598x600,299:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480923 (102028ZMAR23) Notable: Pope Francis points to 'imperial interests' of vario

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Russia state-affiliated media

Pope Francis points to 'imperial interests' of various countries in Ukraine conflict. The pope confirmed his readiness to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin


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2c33e4 No.23669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480963 (102034ZMAR23) Notable: Michael Shellenberger Outlines Deep State Psychological Operations Being Conducted Against Americans – Sundance

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link -


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2c33e4 No.23670

File: bf1c38cef35d3b7⋯.png (318.6 KB,598x528,299:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480978 (102036ZMAR23) Notable: Eisenhower's office on fire near the White House

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🔥Eisenhower's office on fire near the White House🔥



> that's been pre-bunked ;)


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2c33e4 No.23671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18480999 (102040ZMAR23) Notable: THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX twitter files tread.

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1. TWITTER FILES: ==1/4 or 5=

Statement to Congress



When #TwitterFiles reporters were given access to Twitter internal documents last year, we first focused on the company, which at times acted like a power above government.

3. But Twitter was more like a partner to government.

With other tech firms it held a regular “industry meeting” with FBI and DHS, and developed a formal system for receiving thousands of content reports from every corner of government: HHS, Treasury, NSA, even local police:

4. Emails from the FBI, DHS and other agencies often came with spreadsheets of hundreds or thousands of account names for review. Often, these would be deleted soon after. Image.png

5. Many were obvious “misinformation,” like accounts urging people to vote the day after an election.

But other official "disinfo" reports had shakier reasoning. The highlighted Twitter analysis here disagrees with the FBI about accounts deemed a “proxy of Russian actors":

6. Then we saw "disinfo" lists where evidence was even less clear. This list of 378 “Iranian State Linked Accounts” includes an Iraq vet once arrested for blogging about the war, a former Chicago Sun-Times reporter and Truthout, a site that publishes Noam Chomsky.

7. In some cases, state reports didn’t even assert misinformation. Here, a list of YouTube videos is flagged for “anti-Ukraine narratives”:

8. But the bulk of censorship requests didn’t come from government directly.

9. Asked if Twitter’s marketing department could say the company detects “misinfo” with help of “outside experts,” a Twitter executive replied:

10. We came to think of this grouping – state agencies like DHS, FBI, or the Global Engagement Center (GEC), along with “NGOs that aren’t academic” and an unexpectedly aggressive partner, commercial news media – as the Censorship-Industrial Complex.

11. Who’s in the Censorship-Industrial Complex? Twitter in 2020 helpfully compiled a list for a working group set up in 2020.

The National Endowment for Democracy, the Atlantic Council’s DFRLab, and Hamilton 68’s creator, the Alliance for Securing Democracy, are key:

12. Twitter execs weren’t sure about Clemson’s Media Forensics Lab (“too chummy with HPSCI”), and weren’t keen on the Rand Corporation (“too close to USDOD”), but others were deemed just right.

13. NGOs ideally serve as a check on corporations and the government. Not long ago, most of these institutions viewed themselves that way. Now, intel officials, “researchers,” and executives at firms like Twitter are effectively one team - or Signal group, as it were:

14. The Woodstock of the Censorship-Industrial Complex came when the Aspen Institute - which receives millions a year from both the State Department and USAID - held a star-studded confab in Aspen in August 2021 to release its final report on “Information Disorder.”

15. The report was co-authored by Katie Couric and Chris Krebs, the founder of the DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Yoel Roth of Twitter and Nathaniel Gleicher of Facebook were technical advisors. Prince Harry joined Couric as a Commissioner.

16. Their taxpayer-backed conclusions: the state should have total access to data to make searching speech easier, speech offenders should be put in a “holding area," and government should probably restrict disinformation, “even if it means losing some freedom.”

17. Note Aspen recommended the power to mandate data disclosure be given to the FTC, which this committee just caught in a clear abuse of office, demanding information from Twitter about communications with (and identities of) #TwitterFiles reporters.


18. Naturally Twitter’s main concern regarding the Aspen report was making sure Facebook got hit harder by any resulting regulatory changes:

19. The same agencies (FBI, DHS/CISA, GEC) invite the same “experts” (Thomas Rid, Alex Stamos), funded by the same foundations (Newmark, Omidyar, Knight) trailed by the same reporters (Margaret Sullivan, Molly McKew, Brandy Zadrozny) seemingly to every conference, every panel.

20. The #TwitterFiles show the principals of this incestuous self-appointed truth squad moving from law enforcement/intelligence to the private sector and back, claiming a special right to do what they say is bad practice for everyone else: be fact-checked only by themselves.


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2c33e4 No.23672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481020 (102044ZMAR23) Notable: THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX twitter files tread.

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TWITTER FILES Mar. 9, 2023

2/3 or 4

21.While Twitter sometimes pushed back on technical analyses from NGOs about who is and isn't a “bot,” on subject matter questions like vaccines or elections they instantly defer to sites like Politifact, funded by the same names that fund the NGOs: Koch, Newmark, Knight.

22. #TwitterFiles repeatedly show media acting as proxy for NGOs, with Twitter bracing for bad headlines if they don't nix accounts. Here, the Financial Times gives Twitter until end of day to provide a “steer” on whether RFK, Jr. and other vax offenders will be zapped.

23. Well, you say, so what? Why shouldn’t civil society organizations and reporters work together to boycott “misinformation”? Isn’t that not just an exercise of free speech, but a particularly enlightened form of it?

24. The difference is, these campaigns are taxpayer-funded. Though the state is supposed to stay out domestic propaganda, the Aspen Institute, Graphika, the Atlantic Council’s DFRLab, New America, and other “anti-disinformation” labs are receiving huge public awards.

25. Some NGOs, like the GEC-funded Global Disinformation Index or the DOD-funded Newsguard, not only seek content moderation but apply subjective “risk” or “reliability” scores to media outlets, which can result in reduction in revenue. Do we want government in this role?

26. Perhaps the ultimate example of the absolute fusion of state, corporate, and civil society organizations is the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), whose “Election Integrity Partnership” is among the most voluminous “flaggers” in the #TwitterFiles:

27. After public uproar “paused” the Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board” of the DHS in early 2020, Stanford created the EIP to “fill the gaps” legally, as director Alex Stamos explains here (h/t Foundation for Freedom Online).

28. EIP research manager Renee DiResta boasted that while filling “gaps," the EIP succeeded in getting “tech partners” Google, TikTok, Facebook and Twitter to take action on “35% of the URLS flagged” under “remove, reduce, or inform” policies.

29. According to the EIP’s own data, it succeeded in getting nearly 22 million tweets labeled in the runup to the 2020 vote.

30. It’s crucial to reiterate: EIP was partnered with state entities like CISA and GEC while seeking elimination of millions of tweets. In the #TwitterFiles, Twitter execs did not distinguish between organizations, using phrases like “According to CIS[A], escalated via EIP.”

31. After the 2020 election, when EIP was renamed the Virality Project, the Stanford lab was on-boarded to Twitter’s JIRA ticketing system, absorbing this government proxy into Twitter infrastructure – with a capability of taking in an incredible 50 million tweets a day.

32. In one remarkable email, the Virality Project recommends that multiple platforms take action even against “stories of true vaccine side effects” and “true posts which could fuel hesitancy.”

None of the leaders of this effort to police Covid speech had health expertise.

33. This is the Censorship-Industrial Complex at its essence: a bureaucracy willing to sacrifice factual truth in service of broader narrative objectives. It’s the opposite of what a free press does.

34. Profiles portray DiResta as a warrior against Russian bots and misinformation, but reporters never inquire about work with DARPA, GEC, and other agencies. In the video below from @MikeBenzCyber, Stamos introduces her as having "worked for the CIA":

35. DiResta has become the public face of the Censorship-Industrial Complex, a name promoted everywhere as an unquestioned authority on truth, fact, and Internet hygiene, even though her former firm, New Knowledge, has been embroiled in two major disinformation scandals.

36. This, ultimately, is the most serious problem with the Censorship-Industrial Complex.

Packaged as a bulwark against lies and falsehood, it is itself often a major source of disinformation, with American taxpayers funding their own estrangement from reality.


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2c33e4 No.23673

File: 3f97a93356ada7b⋯.png (353.16 KB,589x688,589:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481022 (102044ZMAR23) Notable: Eisenhower's office on fire near the White House

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DC Fire and EMS


DC Fire and EMS has determined there was a defective cooling motor in the basement level and all units are being released with the exception of 1. No injuries associated with this response. #DCsBravest.

8:01 AM · Mar 10, 2023


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2c33e4 No.23674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481042 (102047ZMAR23) Notable: THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX twitter files tread.

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37. DiResta’s New Knowledge helped design the Hamilton 68 project exposed in the #TwitterFiles.

Although it claimed to track “Russian influence,” Hamilton really followed Americans like “Ultra Maga Dog Mom,” “Right2Liberty,” even a British rugby player named Rod Bishop:

38. Told he was put on the Hamilton list of suspected “Russian influence” accounts, Bishop was puzzled.

“Nonsense. I’m supporting Ukraine,” he said.

39. As a result of Hamilton’s efforts, all sorts of people were falsely tied in press stories to “Russian bots”: former House Intel chief Devin Nunes, #WalkAway founder @BrandonStraka, supporters of the #FireMcMaster hashtag, even people who used the term “deep state”:

40. Hamilton 68 was funded by the Alliance for Securing Democracy, which in turn was funded by the German Marshall Fund, which in turn is funded in part by – the Department of State.

41. The far worse scandal was “Project Birmingham,” in which thousands of fake Russian Twitter accounts were created to follow Alabama Republican Roy Moore in his 2017 race for US Senate.

Newspapers reported Russia seemed to take an interest in the race, favoring Moore.

42. Though at least one reporter for a major American paper was at a meeting in September, 2018 when New Knowledge planned the bizarre bot-and-smear campaign, the story didn’t break until December, two days after DiResta gave a report on Russian interference to the Senate.

43. Internally, Twitter correctly assessed the Moore story as far back as fall of 2017, saying it had no way if knowing if the Moore campaign purchased the bots, or if “an adversary purchased them… in an attempt to discredit them.”

44. Twitter told this to reporters who asked about the story contemporaneously. Moreover, after the story broke, Twitter's Roth wrote:

“There have been other instances in which domestic actors created fake accounts… some are fairly prominent in progressive circles.”

45. Roth added, “We shouldn’t comment.” Repeatedly in the #TwitterFiles, when Twitter learned the truth about scandals like Project Birmingham, they said nothing, like banks that were silent about mortgage fraud.

Reporters also kept quiet, protecting fellow “stakeholders.”

46. Twitter stayed silent out of political caution. DiResta, who ludicrously claimed she thought Project Birmingham was just an experiment to “investigate to what extent they could grow audiences… using sensational news,” hinted at a broader reason.

47. “I know there were people who believed the Democrats needed to fight fire with fire,” she told the New York Times.

“It was absolutely chatter going around the party.”

48. The incident underscored the extreme danger of the Censorship-Industrial Complex. Without real oversight mechanisms, there is nothing to prevent these super-empowered information vanguards from bending the truth for their own ends.

49. By way of proof, no major press organization has re-examined the bold claims DiResta/New Knowledge made to the Senate – e.g. that Russian ads “reached 126 million people” in 2016 – while covering up the Hamilton and Alabama frauds. If the CIC deems it, lies stay hidden.

50. In the digital age, this sprawling new information-control bureaucracy is an eerie sequel to the dangers Dwight Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address, when he said:

“The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists.”

51. Thanks to @ShellenbergerMD and reporters/researchers @Techno_Fog, @neffects, @bergerbell, @SchmidtSue1, @tw6384, and others for help in preparing this testimony. The Twitter Files searches are performed by a third party, so material may have been left out.


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2c33e4 No.23675

File: 63abc04f19c22f8⋯.png (477.49 KB,525x642,175:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481083 (102056ZMAR23) Notable: Structural mechanic 3'd class service the main rotor head on a Sea Hawk aboard Nimitz a job beyond any 100 silicon valley cubicle stuffers.

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6️ 8️ ❗


Aviation Structural Mechanic 3rd Class Austin Whitehead services the main rotor head on an MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68), March 10.

📸 by MC3 Joseph Calabrese


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2c33e4 No.23676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481131 (102105ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: antifa terrorists in Sacramento, California

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LIVE: antifa terrorists in Sacramento, California

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2c33e4 No.23677

File: 6201dfb96ab1222⋯.png (1.14 MB,1474x1633,1474:1633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481141 (102106ZMAR23) Notable: You witnessed a strength test tonight. 5 Year Delta

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You witnessed a strength test tonight.

5 Year Delta

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2c33e4 No.23678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481217 (102118ZMAR23) Notable: red heifers!

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FDIC closed a bank and today is "Sabbath of the red heifer"

FDIC closes Silicon Valley Bank after bank fails to raise new capital

They created the NYSE board on Sabbath of the red heifer on 3/8/1817… It's 126 years old today on the Hebrew calendar.

"Sabbath of the red heifer" = 185 (Ordinal)

"Stock market crash" = 185 (Ordinal)

"US dollar collapse" = 185 (Ordinal)

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2c33e4 No.23679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481298 (102131ZMAR23) Notable: #22662

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Notables(Not endorsements)

#22662 >>23626

>>23627, >>23660 House Passes Bill to Declassify Covid-Origins Intel in Unanimous Vote

>>23628 Roseanne signs $40 Million Deal - new show to take on the View

>>23629 Ukraine building wind farm in the middle of a war

>>23630, >>23631, >>23637, >>23639, >>23640, >>23646, >>23642 Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits

>>23632, >>23634, >>23646 Iran-Saudi deal brokered by China will normalize ties, threatening U.S. sovereignty – and MORE

>>23633 Josh Hawley letter to Pres. Xi on CCP's response to COVID origins

>>23635, >>23654 The White House: Press Briefing

>>23636 , >>23643 “Justice For All” Music Video Released | Performed By The J6 Choir And President Donald J. Trump - short video

>>23638 Elon’s doing his part in getting eyes on the new J6 footage. Look at all those views 👀

>>23641 NEW - U.S. Energy Secretary: "It's an existential threat. Do you care about climate change?"

>>23644 Some U.S. Weapons Sent to Ukraine Ended up in Iranian Hands

>>23645 Jane Fonda Suggests On ‘The View’ That People Should Protest by Murdering Pro-Lifers

>>23647 Pfizer admits conducting research for increase in profits — Russian defense ministry

>>23648, >>23650 Discussion on the future of Q

>>23649 In Rome, Netanyahu says ties with Italy about to expand dramatically

>>23651 Mexico president: US responsible for Fentanyl crisis

>>23652 Robert Kennedy Reveals that COVID Vaccines Are a Pentagon Project!

>>23653 Biological Epilepsy Cure Using Microbial Substances

>>23655 Kim Iversen says House Dems advocate censoring the American people

>>23656 Mexican president threatens to meddle in US elections with 'information campaign' against Republicans

>>23657 Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default

>>23658 JUST IN 🚨 Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default - Reuters

>>23659 EPA Abdicated Their Duties To Avoid Any Blame re Norfolk Southern Disaster

>>23661 EU aiming to ramp up naval patrols after Nord Stream blasts

>>23662 Newsguard's CEO Gordon Crovitz refuted that the purported disinformation tracker is "U.S. government funded"

>>23663 DJT: Very small crowds for Ron DeSanctimonious in Iowa

>>23664, >>23669 Michael Shellenberger Outlines Deep State Psychological Operations Being Conducted Against Americans – Sundance

>>23665 Sidney Powell: Why did Nancy Pelosi REALLY have a film crew in her office at the Capitol on Jan 6th?

>>23666 Greenwald on Twitter files

>>23667 A Familiar Brand of BS from Former DOJ Lawyer, Turned New York Rep, Dan Goldman

>>23668 Pope Francis points to 'imperial interests' of vario

>>23670, >>23673 Eisenhower's office on fire near the White House

>>23671, >>23672, >>23674 THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX twitter files tread.

>>23675 Structural mechanic 3'd class service the main rotor head on a Sea Hawk aboard Nimitz a job beyond any 100 silicon valley cubicle stuffers.

>>23676 LIVE: antifa terrorists in Sacramento, California

>>23677 You witnessed a strength test tonight. 5 Year Delta

>>23678 red heifers!

last call

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2c33e4 No.23680

File: 721a9a9fa203973⋯.png (905.65 KB,1080x717,360:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481324 (102137ZMAR23) Notable: #22663

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>Can continue or defer

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2c33e4 No.23681

File: ac1c7e685c2198a⋯.jpg (411.03 KB,1080x1198,540:599,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481379 (102144ZMAR23) Notable: Covid-19: High court finds vaccine mandate extension to care and support workers invalid

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2c33e4 No.23682

File: a98c7dbbabe6cdf⋯.png (200.99 KB,426x554,213:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481395 (102146ZMAR23) Notable: Georgia State Law School scared of the Covid Litigation Conference?!? Suddenly announces rival event

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Georgia State Law School scared of the Covid Litigation Conference?!?

Suddenly announces rival event…..

Read Steve Kirsch's substack on this curious development⬇️


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2c33e4 No.23683

File: 41d5bae9be85a0a⋯.jpg (65.34 KB,614x430,307:215,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481398 (102147ZMAR23) Notable: You could have sold

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Stocks tumble as Silicon Valley Bank collapse fuels "Contagion fears"


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2c33e4 No.23684

File: ccf26ac373495e7⋯.jpg (374.64 KB,1076x1213,1076:1213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481402 (102148ZMAR23) Notable: /NavalInstitute/status Rig for red?

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Rig for red?


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2c33e4 No.23685

File: b1c5073a039b589⋯.png (113.02 KB,378x282,63:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481409 (102149ZMAR23) Notable: A Paris judge has thrown out Brigitte Macron’s case against two women who claimed in a YouTube show that France’s first lady is actually her own transgender brother

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France's first lady fails in transgender lawsuit

>Attempt by France’s first lady to quash “fake news” failed on procedural grounds



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2c33e4 No.23686

File: 86a79226f106cdc⋯.png (126.75 KB,219x307,219:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481533 (102208ZMAR23) Notable: is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

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Karl Roves Grandfather was a Nazi who helped run the Nazi party and build the Birkenau Death Camp.

Siege Heil: The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus and the Destabilization of California

October 6, 2003

"…According to Wilson, and to Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Al Martin (www.almartinraw.com), Rove's grandfather was Karl Heinz Roverer, the Gauleiter of Oldenburg. Roverer was Reich-Statthalter-Nazi State Party Chairman-for his region. He was also a partner and senior engineer in the Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurburo A. G. engineering firm, which built the Birkenau death camp, at which tens of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, dissidents and other were slaughtered en masse. "


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2c33e4 No.23687

File: f13f84d3542dd75⋯.png (48.7 KB,739x429,739:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481550 (102210ZMAR23) Notable: is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

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Flashback: Rove was the leaker in 2003 that got 70 CIA agents murdered.

The Ambassador Wilson Affair: The End of Karl Rove - And George Bush?

By Al Martin 9-29-3

This is the hottest and most explosive story behind the scenes in Washington in terms of how it could affect the Bush administration.

Ambassador Joseph Wilson has been turning up the heat in this situation. He revealed on Friday August 29 in a symposium in Washington the person in the Bush administration, who had leaked it out to the Washington Post that Wilson's wife is a CIA agent of 26 years. As a consequence of this leak, her entire team of overseas assets were liquidated.

The leaker, it turns out, was none other than the notorious Karl H. Rove, Bushís so-called White House advisor.

According to reliable sources, as well as our own Al Martin Raw.com investigation,Karl Rove is, in fact, the grandson of Karl Heinz Rover, the Gauleiter of Oldenburg (incorrectly reported previously as Mecklenberg).

Rove's grandfather Rover was evidently not only the Gauleiter, but the Reich-Statthalter (or governor, comparable to the Nazi State Party Chairman for the city-region), who was also a partner and senior engineer of a company which built Birkenau, the concentration camp in Nazi Germany.

So Karl Rove has been identified as the leaker responsible for the deaths of more than 70 CIA assets overseas (See previous story "Will the Real Chemical Ali Please Stand Up? The Curious Case of Ambassador Joseph Wilson)

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2c33e4 No.23688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481560 (102212ZMAR23) Notable: is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

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sorry for all the red

missing link

The Ambassador Wilson Affair: The End of Karl Rove - And George Bush?


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2c33e4 No.23689

File: d38427df7c909fb⋯.jpeg (109.96 KB,509x680,509:680,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2119d26082ca6df⋯.jpeg (155.55 KB,981x507,327:169,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481565 (102212ZMAR23) Notable: DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

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DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

March 10, 2023 | Sundance1/2

The question of Ron DeSantis entering the race for the 2024 GOP nomination is an issue of ‘when’ not ‘if’. Anyone who is still holding the opinion that nothing is certain until everything is certain are simply being obtuse in the extreme.

Before getting to the current status of the Florida governor appearing in Iowa, the context for the appearance needs some background.

With former Cruz Crew leader Ken Cuccinelli coordinating the latest Political Action Committee (PAC) “Never Back Down”, the motives clarify when you consider the need to transfer the excess DeSantis 2022 campaign money into a federal race. The best mechanism to accomplish the transfer legally, is through a PAC that is prepositioned to defer initial campaign expenses and launch the effort.

The campaign doesn’t need to coordinate closely with the PAC because the larger goals are unified. This is where Cuccinelli’s disposition as a political grifter makes him the perfectly corrupt insider vessel to use the opportunity. Transferring approximately $100 million from the governor state account into the PAC is a lucrative incentive for a character like Cuccinelli.

The second PAC, a SuperPAC called “Ready for Ron,” has been positioned as a data mining operation, registering names, phone numbers, etc. in a pre-position status for the 2024 launch. A nonprofit called “And to the Republic,” run by Republican operative Tori Sachs, has been picking up the expenses for DeSantis cross country tour under the auspices of a Ruper Murdoch funded book launch (Harper Collins). All of this activity is being managed by the same team that launched after the 5 days in the bunker in early August 2022.

At this point, anyone claiming the 2024 Ron DeSantis campaign has not been a long-time carefully planned operation, really needs to be laughed out of the conversation.

The footprints of the groundwork for this campaign are visible going back to thelate fall of 2021. Yes, this means the 2022 reelection campaign was a complete fraud, and Ron DeSantis never intended to fulfill a four-year term as Florida governor.

The fraud behind him, not necessarily DeSantis himself, has been my biggest issue with his political leadership since the summer of last year.

By my back of the envelope math, Desantis Inc has secure financing ofaround $500 million currently. Based on the known assembly of constructs that have been positioned in the past four to six months, I would say there’seasily another $500 millionthat will be directly inbound to the campaign within the first week of the official launch itself, like to happen in May.

This is the timeframe, immediately after the legislative session, when Florida will be abandoned by the DeSantis management team and Ron DeSantis himself.

$500 million in current secured financing, and $500 million in immediate launch financing, explains the intoxicating alure of the grift currently being used to entice the “influencer” crowd.Lots of conservatives will make moneyfrom this DeSantis national launch.


I really hope Massie is not involved.

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2c33e4 No.23690

File: 5de989e8d142654⋯.webp (43.42 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481575 (102214ZMAR23) Notable: nuggets to be found for NOW? whirlpool transcripts

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nuggets to be found for NOW?

whirlpool transcripts

Donald Trump: (03:36)

For decades, you watched as politicians let foreign nations steal our jobs, loot our factories, and plunder the crown jewels of the US economy. And the word plunder is capitalized. Washington stood idly by as other countries engaged in unfair trade practices such as massive subsidies, currency manipulation, and in the case of your industry and your company, the wholesale dumping of foreign made product sold below cost for the sole purpose of driving you out of business so they could give us product at double, triple, and quadruple the price. But we didn’t let that happen, did we?

Donald Trump: (04:25)

For eight years, Whirlpool begged the Obama-Biden administration who did nothing to protect American workers from the flagrant dumping of foreign washers, dryers into America. But your cries for help fell on deaf ears. You didn’t see any action. They didn’t act, they didn’t care, and they never will.

Donald Trump: (04:48)

For eight long years under Obama-Biden administration, American factory workers received nothing but broken promises and brazen sellouts and lost jobs. The last administration tied America up in one globalist debacle after another, they catered to the special interests while allowing foreign nations to siphon off our wealth, our dignity, our dreams, our money. The suffering of our workers was met with nothing but cruel betrayal and callous indifference.

Donald Trump: (05:26)

In 2013, the US International Trade Commission found your competitors from Korea and other countries guilty of dumping washers into the US market and ordered them to pay anti-dumping duties as high as 79%. But rather than pay these very high tariffs, LG and Samsung relocated production to another country, a country called China. Have you ever heard of it? And the last administration did nothing as they kept on dumping washers into the US market with impunity.

read entire speech for nuggets here:


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2c33e4 No.23691

File: 46c03472bce409c⋯.png (403.43 KB,1349x714,1349:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481577 (102214ZMAR23) Notable: is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

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Somewhat relevant

Tea party group pictures Rove as Nazi



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2c33e4 No.23692

File: 425ba6e2c140650⋯.jpeg (171.2 KB,700x450,14:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2119d26082ca6df⋯.jpeg (155.55 KB,981x507,327:169,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481594 (102216ZMAR23) Notable: DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

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Use this scale of financial context to explain how The Daily Wire business model can afford to offer podcasters $50 to $100 million for four-year contracts.A thousand million on the table buys a lot of influencers, who feed like a frenzied swarm as fed by the Cuccinelli types.

Last year, based on the visible assembly, I saw DeSantis entry into the 2024 contest as the last entrant. Meaning all other enlisted GOPe foot soldiers would precede DeSantis entry. This looks to still be the plan; however, fewer political operatives are now projected to be in the DeSantis strategy. Everyone in the race, sans Trump, is only in the race to advance Ron DeSantis. This is just how the professional GOPe, Sea Island assembly, and professional donor class roll.

In Republican politics everything is an illusion. Everything is preordainedand the entirely of their effort is about creating the illusion of choice or outcome. Remember, Republicans care about money, Democrats care about ideology. Republicans use power to get money, democrats use money to get power. This is why the ideology of the Democrats continues forward, they have no ideological opposition. As long as Republicans are getting paid, “we good” is the mantra.

The billionaire class paying both wings of the UniParty doesn’t care if the presidency is held by Gavin Newsom or Ron DeSantis, as long as the system that affords them the influence and affluence is maintained. The only thing the billionaire class are against is any entitythat would disrupt the system; ergo, Donald Trump is horrible.

In the biggest of big pictures, Ron DeSantis is in the race (paid to play the role) to ensure Donald Trump doesn’t get the nomination and present as the alternative to the UniParty outcome. It is Trump’s America-First economic policies that must be avoided by the insurance policy that DeSantis represents.

From this baseline of globalist thought, if DeSantis wins – great. If DeSantis doesn’t win the primary, then all the money backing him will support the Democrat.It is the MAGA agenda that must be eliminated. It doesn’t really matter who eliminates it. This is the core dynamic in the background of the 2024 election.

(Via Washington Post) -DAVENPORT, Iowa — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has indicated privately that he intends to run for president, according to two people familiar with his comments.

A political committee that seeks to draft DeSantis into the race launched Thursday and is likely to serve as an approved outside spending vehicle for his campaign, three people familiar with the planning said.

And DeSantis will visit the early nominating states of Iowa on Friday and Nevada on Saturday as he tours the country promoting his memoir.

The public and private movements underline how far along DeSantis and his allies are in their preparation for the 2024 campaign, even as the Florida governor has not said publicly that he will enter the race.

Allies do not expect him to announce a run until after the Florida state legislative session ends in May. But in recent conversations, DeSantis has described his presidential plans without any caveats that would suggest he’s still deciding, according to the two people familiar with his comments who, like others interviewed for this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity to share private remarks. (read more)


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2c33e4 No.23693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481616 (102221ZMAR23) Notable: 'Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest' Evidence for Lukianoff’s reverse CBT hypothesis

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Notable IMO. This will open a few nornie eyes, most especially the victims of this shit! Long but great article about how they used social media to manipulate the minds of high school and college kids back in the early 2010's to destroy their self confidence and self worth leading to the need for safe spaces and all that bullshit.


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2c33e4 No.23694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481756 (102243ZMAR23) Notable: Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase')

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>>4408 (pb)

>>4409 (pb)


This is perhaps the best evidence I have seen that there are about to intentionally, knowingly, collapse the US Financial system and currency.

This was the last FDIC meeting of 2022, from November. They are strategizing their messaging and timing of the activation of incoming, wholesale bank bail ins (from all creditors, aka bank depositors) in the United States, and how to message the public for when they initiate the actions of Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase').

"The message will go out on a Friday Night" - FDIC risk attorney


<25 min

Full FDIC Video

>3 hours: http://fdic.windrosemedia.com/index.php?category=Systemic+Resolution+Advisory+Committee

FDIC: Selections from the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act


FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams announced her resignation on Friday after warning that Democrats had launched a “hostile takeover” of the agency.

McWilliams resigned in an open letter addressed to President Biden.

McWilliams was appointed to the position in 2018 by President Donald Trump.

“When I immigrated to this country 30 years ago, I did so with a firm belief in the American system of government. During my tenure at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the United States Senate, and the FDIC, I have developed a deep appreciation for these venerable institutions and their traditions. It has been a tremendous honor to serve this nation, and I did not take a single day for granted. Throughout my public service, I have been constantly reminded how blessed we are to live in the United States of America,” the letter stated.

In December, McWilliams published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled, “A Hostile Takeover of the FDIC.”

“Of the 20 chairmen who preceded me at the FDIC, nine faced a majority of the board members from the opposing party, including Mr. Gruenberg as chairman under President Trump until I replaced him as chairman in 2018,” McWilliams wrote. “Never before has a majority of the board attempted to circumvent the chairman to pursue their own agenda.”

“This conflict isn’t about bank mergers. If it were, board members would have been willing to work with me and the FDIC staff rather than attempt a hostile takeover of the FDIC internal processes, staff and board agenda.”

McWilliams’ resignation will go into effect on February 4.


FDIC Chair Resigns, Warns Democrats Launching 'Hostile Takeover' (thegatewaypundit.com)

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2c33e4 No.23695

File: cee7c73ac05ffa9⋯.jpg (67.35 KB,895x323,895:323,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481773 (102246ZMAR23) Notable: Tech CEO with millions in Silicon Valley Bank: 'Innovation in the startup world is bleeding today'

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Tech CEO with millions in Silicon Valley Bank: 'Innovation in the startup world is bleeding today'


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2c33e4 No.23696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481966 (102321ZMAR23) Notable: How PR and the fog of corporate disinformation has governments paying to burn the planet

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How PR and the fog of corporate disinformation has governments paying to burn the planet

Public relations is at the core of coal and gas industry influence which has governments actually incentivising the burning of the planet.

Fossil fuel corporations receive more than $10 billion in subsidies from Australian taxpayers every year. In contrast, the Government announced $2 billion in climate finance for 2020-2025 at the COP26 conference in Edinburgh; professing to take action to stop global warming, while incentivising the burning of our planet.

The International Monetary Fund figures paint a more dramatic picture. The IMF estimates that Australia will subsidise fossil fuels to the tune of $62 billion in 2023. The numbers include not just direct subsidies to consumers and producers, but also take into account implicit subsidies which an IMF paper defines as the persistent under-pricing of fossil fuels, that is, not taking environmental impacts into account.

“Underpricing leads to overconsumption of fossil fuels, which accelerates global warming and exacerbates domestic environmental problems, including losses to human life from local air pollution and excessive and road congestion and accidents.”

Fossil fuel and other polluting industries have undertaken a long term and concerted effort to influence political debates, to disguise the fact not only that global warming is happening, but that our governments are actively encouraging it through a multitude of financial incentives.

This disinformation campaign has been successful in placating us, to the point that not only do we not organise and act, but we don’t even realise we are subsidising the problem at hand.

At the core of this campaign is a sophisticated PR playbook which is rarely discussed. Here’s how it plays out in Australia.

Deny, deny, deny

When it comes to global warming, denialism is the devious frame that gets the most press. But Australian fossil fuel interests deny not only that global warming is happening, but also reject that fossil fuels are subsidised. In doing so, they draw from a range of PR talking points used by industries around the world to deny the obvious. And fossil fuel friendly politicians like Matt Canavan are more than happy to get in on the act.

The IMF tabulates worldwide fossil fuel subsidies at an astounding $9 trillion a year. But whether or not you agree with the IMF’s calculations or definition of “subsidy,” it’s impossible to argue with the fact that governments are incentivising the burning of fossil fuels, and that given the enormity of the challenge of global warming, any amount is too much.

But denialism is just the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the playbook gets much less press, despite its much larger impact.


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2c33e4 No.23697

File: 345560e8b2793bc⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1064,135:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f67384833bf0cc⋯.png (158.09 KB,1101x245,1101:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 518ed10b3bcc780⋯.jpg (152.26 KB,1024x830,512:415,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f15598bccecb17a⋯.png (2.29 MB,1137x1280,1137:1280,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b8912c7d53e6a6⋯.png (759.03 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481971 (102322ZMAR23) Notable: British news paper The Guardian sets a terrorist target on Belarus

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◾️British news paper The Guardian sets a terrorist target on Belarus:

- Our anti-war partisans had flown two drones over the former Soviet airbase and dropped bombs on an A-50U surveillance aircraft, a £275m Russian spy plane used to pinpoint targets inside Ukraine.

◾️Western press encourages their governments to support terrorist actions against third counties.




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2c33e4 No.23698

File: 6619c693de3c425⋯.png (909.14 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481978 (102324ZMAR23) Notable: "The successful talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing are a victory for dialogue and peace"

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Saudi shake hands with Iran…

Mind blown~


"The successful talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing are a victory for dialogue and peace, China's top diplomat Wang Yi said on Friday, following the major diplomatic coup for China in Middle East geopolitics.

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on Friday to re-establish relations after seven years of hostility which had threatened stability and security in the Gulf and helped fuel conflicts in the Middle East from Yemen to Syria.

"This is a victory for dialogue, a victory for peace, offering major good news at a time of much turbulence in the world," the Chinese foreign ministry cited Wang as saying at the close of the dialogue."



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2c33e4 No.23699

File: 15ced1574ecfa84⋯.jpg (255.02 KB,590x531,10:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481982 (102325ZMAR23) Notable: Elon Musk says “Free Jacob Chansley” after new Jan 6 video reportedly shows him reading Trump’s tweet and asking everyone to remain peaceful

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JUST IN 🚨 Elon Musk says “Free Jacob Chansley” after new Jan 6 video reportedly shows him reading Trump’s tweet and asking everyone to remain peaceful


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2c33e4 No.23700

File: ed61a28cd48216f⋯.png (20.81 KB,171x187,171:187,Clipboard.png)

File: d4c318df096d8cc⋯.png (46.11 KB,276x216,23:18,Clipboard.png)

File: 538483b0cd1684c⋯.png (49.84 KB,224x271,224:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ac118e202452ae⋯.png (20.3 KB,149x153,149:153,Clipboard.png)

File: e368aded7969048⋯.jpg (3.67 MB,2475x3300,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18481992 (102326ZMAR23) Notable: Nothing to see here, please disperse OLD SLIDE

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2c33e4 No.23701

File: 0da564a0569db78⋯.jpg (255.02 KB,945x214,945:214,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482028 (102333ZMAR23) Notable: Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns

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Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns


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2c33e4 No.23702

File: fb44ae5fefc7838⋯.png (201.08 KB,639x347,639:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482040 (102336ZMAR23) Notable: You could have sold

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2c33e4 No.23703

File: 5eddce2330ecdc6⋯.png (449.17 KB,585x648,65:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482042 (102336ZMAR23) Notable: Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour! Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.

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Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour!?

Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.


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2c33e4 No.23704

File: bb5c33af69f0310⋯.png (274.57 KB,720x753,240:251,Clipboard.png)

File: 905bd5ec0b8a6db⋯.png (305 KB,720x780,12:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e3ba839f797303⋯.png (2 MB,1170x1170,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c4d1505e65de57⋯.png (323.32 KB,1064x573,1064:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 9708c6d6dc7dc27⋯.png (173.88 KB,379x273,379:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482059 (102338ZMAR23) Notable: You could have sold

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Silicon Valley Bank Tanked, Dragging Down 500 Israeli Startups



Weeks ago we warned that the true # of monthly deaths in 🇺🇸 from 💉 vaxx bioweapon is 2.5 million (30M a year)

Former Blackrock exec Ed Dowd said this would cause a stock market & banking crash. Today one of the largest banks in USA opened trading in free fall, with share prices down 66.6% 👹

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has now been seized by the feds for insolvency, making it the largest bank crash since the Great Depression.

Only $4.347B of $161B in deposits was insured by FDIC. That means all of SVG’s clients, including major zog elite owned conglomerates, just got debanked. They can’t pay bills, they can’t receive money. They are out of business.

Literally what they used to persecute Christians like Nick Fuentes & Lauren Witzke, has now been TURNED ON THEM from evil investments into anti-Christ tech

GOOD NEWS: local banks that don’t engage in industrial level usury are not impacted. Bank local, do business with friends, live ethically, according to the Kingdom of God, and you will be fine!


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2c33e4 No.23705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482087 (102343ZMAR23) Notable: Nothing to see here, please disperse OLD SLIDE

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NOT notable

Shoooo.. Shooo… Shooo… this is OLD SLIDE

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2c33e4 No.23706

File: f99ebff308104ba⋯.jpeg (54.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482088 (102343ZMAR23) Notable: Lavrov likens protests in ex-Soviet state to 2014 Kiev coup

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10 Mar, 2023 20:13

Lavrov likens protests in ex-Soviet state to 2014 Kiev coup

The mass demonstrations in Georgia have been “orchestrated” from abroad, the Russian foreign minister believes

The massive protests Georgia has been facing over the past week closely resemble the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday. Backed by external powers, these protests are just another plot attempt, he told the ‘Great Game’ show on Russia’s Channel 1.

Over the last week, thousands of people have gathered by the Georgian parliament in Tbilisi in order to protest a bill that would have required individuals and organizations with foreign funding to register as “agents of foreign influence.”

The demonstrators hit the streets after the bill, which was introduced by the ‘Georgian Dream’ party, passed its first reading. The protests quickly spiraled out into clashes with the police in which several officers were injured and dozens of demonstrators were detained.

“[That] closely resembles Kiev’s ‘Maidan’ [coup],” Lavrov said, adding that, “There is no doubt that … the bill was nothing but a pretext for essentially launching a coup attempt.”According to the minister, the bill introduced by the Georgian lawmakers “pales” in comparison to how noncommercial organizations are regulated in the US, France, or Israel.

The protests in Georgia have been “orchestrated” from abroad, the Russian minister believes, adding that their real goal is tocreate another “irritating” situation on Russia’s borders. In pursuing its goals, the West is attempting to sacrifice Georgia’s national interests and close economic ties with Russia, he added.

Lavrov also blasted the EU over what he called a “hypocritical” stance on the issue. “Awhole range of European nations have much more strict regulations in this field,” the minister insisted, adding that EU top diplomat Josep Borrell still claimed “without batting an eye” that the Georgian bill “contradicts European values” and deprives Georgia of the prospect of joining the bloc.

“The hypocrisy is obvious,” the minister added. Earlier this week, Borrell’s office issued a statement that blasted the bill as “incompatible with EU values and standards” and going “against Georgia’s stated objective of joining the European Union.” The statement also warned of “serious repercussions” for relations between Tbilisi and Brussels if the bill was passed.

The Russian minister also pointed outthe striking differences in how the EU and the US treated the protests in Georgiaand Moldova. While backing demonstrations in Tbilisi, Washington and its allies still condemned similar actions in Moldova, which saw months of protests over a surge in cost of living and energy prices, Lavrov said.

His words came as Georgian MPs have rejected the controversial bill during the second reading, despite it being previously withdrawn by its authors. The procedure was necessary for it to be officially squashed. The nation’s authorities have also announced they would be releasing all of the people who had been detained during the protests. (WTF don’t release them, they are trying a color revolution)


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2c33e4 No.23707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482100 (102345ZMAR23) Notable: #22663

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FINAL Not endorsements

#22663 >>23680

>>23681 Covid-19: High court finds vaccine mandate extension to care and support workers invalid

>>23682 Georgia State Law School scared of the Covid Litigation Conference?!? Suddenly announces rival event

>>23683, >>23702, >>23704 You could have sold

>>23684 /NavalInstitute/status Rig for red?

>>23685 A Paris judge has thrown out Brigitte Macron’s case against two women who claimed in a YouTube show that France’s first lady is actually her own transgender brother

>>23686, >>23687, >>23688, >>23691 is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

>>23689, >>23692 DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

>>23690 nuggets to be found for NOW? whirlpool transcripts

>>23693 'Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest' Evidence for Lukianoff’s reverse CBT hypothesis

>>23695 Tech CEO with millions in Silicon Valley Bank: 'Innovation in the startup world is bleeding today'

>>23694, >>23694 Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase')

>>23697 British news paper The Guardian sets a terrorist target on Belarus

>>23696 How PR and the fog of corporate disinformation has governments paying to burn the planet

>>23698 "The successful talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing are a victory for dialogue and peace"

>>23699, >>23703 Elon Musk says “Free Jacob Chansley” after new Jan 6 video reportedly shows him reading Trump’s tweet and asking everyone to remain peaceful

>>23703 Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour! Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.

>>23700, >>23705 Nothing to see here, please disperse OLD SLIDE

>>23701 Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns

>>23706 Lavrov likens protests in ex-Soviet state to 2014 Kiev coup

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2c33e4 No.23708

File: bc4bd268c7ed33c⋯.png (56.94 KB,224x225,224:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482130 (102349ZMAR23) Notable: #22664

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>can continue or defer

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2c33e4 No.23709

File: 44419f4411f7a7f⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482161 (102354ZMAR23) Notable: FREE THE QANON SHAMAN!!!1

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2c33e4 No.23710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482170 (102355ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker is Linking FTX to SVB

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>>>/qresearch/18482095 pb

FTX, and apparently SVB, were and are an operation to (1) enrich scumbags; (2) fund traitors; and (3) take down crypto.

build a big ponzi, knowing it will fail, and profit from both sides of it.

oldest trick in the book.

so, to any patriotic congressmen out there: remember, FTX and SVB made poor choices, and can answer to their creditors and shareholders for fraud and embezzlement. that does not require a complete takeover of crypto.

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2c33e4 No.23711

File: 4b469917dfe7863⋯.png (234.28 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482173 (102356ZMAR23) Notable: FREE THE QANON SHAMAN!!!1

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2c33e4 No.23712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482177 (102356ZMAR23) Notable: FREE THE QANON SHAMAN!!!1

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All LB



I think he had no clue what they had planned for him.




All LB


The perfect patsy, better than AS.


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2c33e4 No.23713

File: b50d4d7523b3033⋯.png (336.03 KB,530x376,265:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482202 (110000ZMAR23) Notable: FREE THE QANON SHAMAN!!!1

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the bulletholes sign is the clearest that it's a paid & coordinated psyop

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2c33e4 No.23714

File: 6b58e9c09c68cac⋯.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482210 (110002ZMAR23) Notable: The House unanimously passes a bill to force President Biden's DNI Director Avril Haines to declassify information about the origin of C-19

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The House unanimously passes a bill to force President Biden's DNI Director Avril Haines to declassify information about the origin of COVID-19.

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2c33e4 No.23715

File: 7199e3775187bac⋯.jpg (113.54 KB,676x668,169:167,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482237 (110006ZMAR23) Notable: The House unanimously passes a bill to force President Biden's DNI Director Avril Haines to declassify information about the origin of C-19

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you know why there's no "nays"?

because everyone would ask "why"

and they know

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2c33e4 No.23716

File: b61a667fd93d091⋯.png (251.38 KB,775x275,31:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bd4c18a012d8cd⋯.png (177.35 KB,421x570,421:570,Clipboard.png)

File: 3852a0ddce034d2⋯.jpg (116.5 KB,960x734,480:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482239 (110007ZMAR23) Notable: The House unanimously passes a bill to force President Biden's DNI Director Avril Haines to declassify information about the origin of C-19

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No opposition


You Vill Get Redacted Bullshit And You Vill Eat It

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2c33e4 No.23717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482267 (110012ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Details What The FBI Told Twitter To Get Posts Taken Down

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Matt Taibbi Details What The FBI Told Twitter To Get Posts Taken Down

At yesterday's House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee hearing, Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) spoke to Matt Taibbi about the FBI's relationship with Twitter.



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2c33e4 No.23718

File: 3057c7ebc24ca6d⋯.png (346.5 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482371 (110025ZMAR23) Notable: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I have just notified Capitol Police of Jane Fonda’s call to murder pro-life politicians.

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Rep. Anna Paulina Luna

I have just notified Capitol Police of Jane Fonda’s call to murder pro-life politicians. '

I expect both @Janefonda and @TheView to issue public retractions for giving such repugnant behavior a platform.

2:25 PM · Mar 10, 2023·365.2K Views


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2c33e4 No.23719

File: 546b139fe4b0bc1⋯.jpg (162.39 KB,720x1168,45:73,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8e80a2bb508bb7b⋯.mp4 (916.72 KB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482401 (110028ZMAR23) Notable: customers queuing up outside Silicon Valley Bank in Menlo Park, California amid SVB collapse

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WATCH 🚨 Video footage reportedly show customers queuing up outside Silicon Valley Bank in Menlo Park, California amid SVB collapse


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2c33e4 No.23720

File: f68861c77dea51c⋯.png (1.66 MB,2880x1800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482404 (110028ZMAR23) Notable: ‘No foul play’: Missing Georgia man found dead, wrapped in carpet

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‘No foul play’: Missing Georgia man found dead, wrapped in carpet


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2c33e4 No.23721

File: 513f66a5b58012b⋯.jpeg (112.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482408 (110029ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine moves to seize historic monastery

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10 Mar, 2023 20:12

Ukraine moves to seize historic monastery

The government wants to evict the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the Pechersk Lavra in Kiev

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) was informed on Friday that its monks and clergy had until March 29 to vacate the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, after a government commission decided they were violating the terms of their lease from the state. The church has refused, saying there are no legal grounds for the eviction.

Founded in 1051, the Pechersk Lavra (‘monastery of the caves’) is considered the most prominent Orthodox Christian site in Ukraine. Legally it is the property of the state, as a national historic preserve, and administered by the UOC under a 2013 agreement with the government.

According to a memo from the Ministry of Culture, published by multiple Ukrainian outlets, a commission established by President Vladimir Zelensky’s decree in December had determined that the UOC is in violation of the deal, and therefore must turn the monastery over by the end of March.

The UOC does not intend to leave, however. Its head, Metropolitan Kliment, told the outlet Liga that the document “does not mean anything” and amounts to “opinions of the director of the preserve, not supported by legal arguments.”

"How can we leave?” said the metropolitan. “We are responsible for this heritage that we have guarded for decades. And now we must leave it to its destroyers?”

Although it has declared independence and condemned Russia – as required by Zelensky’s edicts – the UOC remains in canonical communion with the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. The current Ukrainian government has repeatedly accused its clergy of being “Russian sympathizers” and in December moved to re-evaluate the status of the Lavra.

Kiev is currently favoring the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” (OCU) – a non-canonical organization established by the government of President Pyotr Poroshenko after the US-backed coup in 2014. In January 2023, the government evicted the UOC from the Dormition Cathedral and the Refectory Church, adjacent to the Lavra, and immediately gave permission to the OCU to hold a Christmas service there.

Zelensky has also sanctioned more than a dozen UOC clerics and even stripped several of Ukrainian citizenship. The move to freeze their assets was mostly symbolic, as the Orthodox hierarchy consists mainly of monks.

Moscow has repeatedly condemned Zelensky’s crackdown as persecution of Orthodox Christianity. Reacting to the announced eviction of the Lavra, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wondered on Friday whether the US would get involved.

“Has the State Department heard about this?” she said. “This time they won’t manage to ‘not see’ the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.”

The State Department’s “religious freedom” office has not commented on Kiev’s repression of the UOC. Its report on Ukraine in 2021 noted that US embassy officials had met with the OCU leadership, and reserved most of the criticism for Kiev’s treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses.


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2c33e4 No.23722

File: 5badee40969dd9f⋯.png (77.62 KB,1166x340,583:170,Clipboard.png)

File: 5adf3fab43ba74a⋯.png (490.82 KB,956x545,956:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482466 (110041ZMAR23) Notable: ISIS psyop BTFO

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ISIS psyop BTFO.

Longstanding neocon plan to play shiites against sunnis and get greater israel BTFO

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2c33e4 No.23723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482486 (110045ZMAR23) Notable: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) speaks about visiting Selma, Alabama, and the push for voting rights.

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At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) speaks about visiting Selma, Alabama, and the push for voting rights.

Mar 10, 2023



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2c33e4 No.23724

File: 173a0b8413ebb2a⋯.jpg (24.39 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482496 (110047ZMAR23) Notable: Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible - militarytimes

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Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible

There is a possibility that extraterrestrial motherships and smaller probes may be visiting planets in our solar system, the head of the Pentagon’s unidentified aerial phenomena research office noted in a report draft shared Tuesday.

“[A]n artificial interstellar object could potentially be a parent craft that releases many small probes during its close passage to Earth, an operational construct not too dissimilar from NASA missions,” Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, wrote in a research report co-authored by Abraham Loeb, chairman of Harvard University’s astronomy department.

Kirkpatrick, who was appointed as director of the AARO when it was founded in July 2022, previously served as the chief scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center. The AARO was established to investigate unidentified “objects of interest” around military installations, according to a Pentagon press release.

Loeb, on the other hand, gained notoriety when he proposed our solar system had been traversed by its first extrasolar visitor in October 2017. At that time, the PanSTARRS telescope in Hawaii detected an object moving at a speed that caused some scientists to suggest that it originated outside our system. The object’s orbit also hinted at other forces besides the sun’s gravitational pull influencing its movement.

Scientists dubbed the object “Oumuamua,” the Hawaiian term for “scout,” which Kirkpatrick and Loeb offer in their research paper as an example of a possible mothership with probe capabilities.

SAUCE: https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2023/03/09/pentagon-ufo-chief-says-alien-mothership-in-our-solar-system-possible/

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2c33e4 No.23725

File: 990330aa158669a⋯.jpg (145.37 KB,680x1090,68:109,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482537 (110054ZMAR23) Notable: 1st Cav weighs in on Hanoi Jane

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1st Cav weighs in on Hanoi Jane


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2c33e4 No.23726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482548 (110055ZMAR23) Notable: Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible - militarytimes

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>Blue Beam initiated?


>Congressman Tim Burchett says US recovered alien bodies & craft, & these are being reverse engineered. By running this story Newsweek shows how UFOs is now a hot mainstream topic. "Congressman says alien UFO tech is being "reverse engineered" in secret


>Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible

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2c33e4 No.23727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482614 (110106ZMAR23) Notable: FREE THE QANON SHAMAN!!!1

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Here are the 2 full videos. I dont think many have seen… Originals deleted.

Shaman 'pretends' not to recognize Austin Steinbart…

Live from the Courthouse Pt 3 - Austin Steinbart 6_26_20


At the Courthouse - Austin Steinbart meets Starseed Academy - FUN TIMES - 62620


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2c33e4 No.23728

File: 4c18e049952e461⋯.png (71.01 KB,837x383,837:383,Clipboard.png)

File: fdba0289b0da439⋯.png (119.44 KB,848x467,848:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e2f9adf88f0ede⋯.png (56.91 KB,877x404,877:404,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fadf321858d16d⋯.png (758.77 KB,1172x931,1172:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482619 (110106ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Sperry twats

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Paul Sperry


NEW:Biden administration transfers al-Qaeda bomb maker from Gitmo to Saudi Arabia

Part of Biden's ongoing efforts to close the prison facility


6:52 PM · Mar 9, 2023

Paul Sperry


DOD IG: "At least 78 aircraft worth $923.3 mil, 9,524 air-to-ground munitions valued at $6.54 mil, over 40,000 vehicles, more than 300,000 weapons, and nearly all night vision, surveillance, communications, and biometric equipment were left behind" for the Taliban by Biden admin.

12:04 PM · Mar 9, 2023


Paul Sperry Retweeted

Paul Sperry


BREAKING: Biden made US troops in Afghanistan coordinate w/ his envoy Khalilzad on how & when they could engage with the Taliban enemy. Troops were not allowed to engage even when checkpoints attacked. In Doha, Khalilzad brokered withdrawal w/ the Taliban 5 Obama freed from Gitmo

12:41 PM · Mar 1, 2023


Al-Qaida Suspect Transferred from Gitmo to Saudi Arabia

WASHINGTON — U.S. military officials said Wednesday they had returned a suspected al-Qaida operative long held at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to his home country, Saudi Arabia.

Ghassan al Sharbi's transfer was the latest aimed at emptying the Guantanamo military prison of those detainees who are no longer facing possible prosecution or who have finished their sentences following the U.S. military's global roundup of extremist suspects after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

U.S. officials over the years depicted al Sharbi as a loyal al-Qaida supporter and collaborator. Al Sharbi featured in a now famous memo by a Phoenix FBI agent — little heeded at the time — who correctly warned months before the 9/11 attacks that Middle Eastern students appeared to be taking flying lessons for the purpose of attacks involving civil aviation.

The U.S. says al Sharbi fled to Pakistan after the Sept. 11 attacks for training in bomb-making. He was arrested there the next year, allegedly tortured in custody, and sent to Guantanamo.

U.S. military efforts to convict al Sharbi were frustrated as court rulings and congressional directives evolved in the face of challenges to the military tribunal's legal authority to try the Guantanamo detainees.

A review board last year found that al Sharbi was no longer enough of a threat to the U.S. to be held in military detention. It recommended he be transferred out of Guantanamo subject to “a comprehensive set of security measures including monitoring, travel restrictions and continued information sharing.”

Saudi Arabia — the country from which most of the 9/11 hijackers came — long has had facilities for detaining and rehabilitating extremists.

Al Sharbi becomes at least the fourth Guantanamo detainee released and sent to another country so far this year. Guantanamo held about 600 prisoners at its peak in 2003. With al Sharbi's transfer, it holds 31, including 17 others considered eligible for transfer if a stable country can be found to accept them.


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2c33e4 No.23729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482662 (110112ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker is Linking FTX to SVB

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Linking FTX to SVB

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2c33e4 No.23730

File: 7e81a6265e89394⋯.jpeg (969.15 KB,892x8467,892:8467,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482711 (110122ZMAR23) Notable: Maryland Democrat Files Bill To Stop Charging Anyone Under 25 With Felony Murder

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Maryland Democrat Files Bill To Stop Charging Anyone Under 25 With Felony Murder


A Maryland House of Delegates member introduced on Feb. 10 legislation to raise the minimum age prosecutors are allowed to charge a suspect accused of felony murder.

Democrat Maryland Delegate Charlotte Cruchfield introduced HB 1180, or the Youth Accountability and Safety Act that would prevent anyone under 25 from being charged with felony murder, according to the bill.

“Providing that a person who was under the age of 25 years at the time of the offense may not be found to have committed murder in the first degree if the charge is based on a murder committed in the perpetration or attempt to perpetrate a certain felony,” the bill states.

HB 1180 blocks anyone under 25 from being charged with murder in the first degree under Maryland law, automatically lowering their count to second-degree murder, and removing the possibility of a life sentence. The maximum penalty for second-degree murder is 40 years in prison.

First-degree felony murder under Maryland law includes:

a deliberate, premeditated, and willful killing; committed by lying in wait; committed by poison;

committed in the perpetration of or an attempt to perpetrate: arson in the first degree;

burglary in the first, second, or third degree;

carjacking or armed carjacking;

Escape in the first degree from a state correctional facility or a local correctional facility;





sexual offense in the first or second degree

The Maryland General Assembly‘s “racial equity impact note” on HB 1180 claims it will positively impact the number of black residents in Maryland facing charges for first-degree felony murder.

“The bill’s provisions prohibiting individuals under the age of 25 from being convicted of first-degree murder in specified circumstances would have a potentially meaningful impact on Black or African American individuals in this age bracket who face arrest for murder, in general, at a disproportionately high rate,” the note stated.

Of the 269 arrests for any degree of murder in 2020, black individuals were arrested as suspects in 111 of those cases, the note reported.

Republican Maryland Delegate Susan McComas told ABC 7 on Wednesday that Democrats are picking and choosing when the age of reason applies to the state’s residents depending on their stance on progressive issues like criminal justice and transgender procedures for minors.

“Proponents of the bill say that the human brain is not fully formed in the frontal lobes until age 25. But yet, we’re doing other things in the general assembly, letting children vote earlier and earlier, letting them get hormone-inducing drugs to change their sex,” she said.

McComas warned the outlet that the bill’s lowered penalties for murder would encourage criminal organizations to use anyone under 25 to commit these violent acts.

“If this bill passes, you’re going to have kingpins, you’re going to have gangs use juveniles to do their dirty work,” said McComas.

The bill would go into effect on Oct. 1, 2023.

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2c33e4 No.23731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482713 (110122ZMAR23) Notable: Timcast IRL - Reps Matt Gaetz And Dan Bishop Join To EXPOSE J6 Breaking news w/Steve Bannon

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Timcast IRL - Reps Matt Gaetz And Dan Bishop Join To EXPOSE J6 Breaking news w/Steve Bannon


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2c33e4 No.23732

File: 107db3cd49e530f⋯.mp4 (830.26 KB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482771 (110132ZMAR23) Notable: customers queuing up outside Silicon Valley Bank in Menlo Park, California amid SVB collapse

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🔗 GURGAVIN (@gurgavin)

It begins…


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2c33e4 No.23733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482858 (110147ZMAR23) Notable: #22664

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Notables(Not endorsements)

#22663 >>23708

>>23709, >>23711, >>23712, >>23713, >>23727 FREE THE QANON SHAMAN!!!1

>>23714, >>23715, >>23716 The House unanimously passes a bill to force President Biden's DNI Director Avril Haines to declassify information about the origin of C-19

>>23717 Matt Taibbi Details What The FBI Told Twitter To Get Posts Taken Down

>>23718 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I have just notified Capitol Police of Jane Fonda’s call to murder pro-life politicians.

>>23719, >>23732 customers queuing up outside Silicon Valley Bank in Menlo Park, California amid SVB collapse

>>23720 ‘No foul play’: Missing Georgia man found dead, wrapped in carpet

>>23721 Ukraine moves to seize historic monastery

>>23722 ISIS psyop BTFO

>>23723 Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) speaks about visiting Selma, Alabama, and the push for voting rights.

>>23724, >>23726 Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible - militarytimes

>>23725 1st Cav weighs in on Hanoi Jane

>>23728 Paul Sperry twats

>>23729, >>23710 Tucker is Linking FTX to SVB

>>23730 Maryland Democrat Files Bill To Stop Charging Anyone Under 25 With Felony Murder

>>23731 Timcast IRL - Reps Matt Gaetz And Dan Bishop Join To EXPOSE J6 Breaking news w/Steve Bannon


handoff sought after next bread.

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2c33e4 No.23734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482900 (110154ZMAR23) Notable: posted in #22664''''

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Notables(Not endorsements)

#22664 >>23708

>>23709, >>23711, >>23712, >>23713, >>23727 FREE THE QANON SHAMAN!!!1

>>23714, >>23715, >>23716 The House unanimously passes a bill to force President Biden's DNI Director Avril Haines to declassify information about the origin of C-19

>>23717 Matt Taibbi Details What The FBI Told Twitter To Get Posts Taken Down

>>23718 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I have just notified Capitol Police of Jane Fonda’s call to murder pro-life politicians.

>>23719, >>23732 customers queuing up outside Silicon Valley Bank in Menlo Park, California amid SVB collapse

>>23720 ‘No foul play’: Missing Georgia man found dead, wrapped in carpet

>>23721 Ukraine moves to seize historic monastery

>>23722 ISIS psyop BTFO

>>23723 Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) speaks about visiting Selma, Alabama, and the push for voting rights.

>>23724, >>23726 Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible - militarytimes

>>23725 1st Cav weighs in on Hanoi Jane

>>23728 Paul Sperry twats

>>23729, >>23710 Tucker is Linking FTX to SVB

>>23730 Maryland Democrat Files Bill To Stop Charging Anyone Under 25 With Felony Murder

>>23731 Timcast IRL - Reps Matt Gaetz And Dan Bishop Join To EXPOSE J6 Breaking news w/Steve Bannon

dough number fixt

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2c33e4 No.23735

File: b87d514b80cde5c⋯.png (51.45 KB,1267x877,1267:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482909 (110155ZMAR23) Notable: #22665

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2c33e4 No.23736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482921 (110158ZMAR23) Notable: Alex Stein IS SUING AOC For Blocking him On Twitter For Calling her A BIG BOOTY LATINA

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Alex Stein IS SUING AOC For Blocking him On Twitter For Calling her A BIG BOOTY LATINA

Kekking, he’s making the same case as the person that sued PJDT and won


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2c33e4 No.23737

File: 328e9ae8e057b06⋯.png (50.55 KB,216x148,54:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482970 (110207ZMAR23) Notable: Daylight saving time/Date (2023) Sun, Mar 12, 2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daylight saving time/Date (2023)

Sun, Mar 12, 2023 2:00 AM - Sun, Nov 5, 2023 2:00 AM


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2c33e4 No.23738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18482978 (110209ZMAR23) Notable: How can I increase the amount of FDIC insurance beyond $250,000?

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How can I increase the amount of FDIC insurance beyond $250,000?


If your combined ZB, N.A. account balances exceed $250,000, there are several quick and easy ways to increase or maximize your insurance coverage.

Deposits maintained in different categories of legal ownership and meeting the FDIC's requirements are separately insured. So you can have more than $250,000 insurance coverage at ZB, N.A. through a combination of different categories of ownership. The most common categories of ownership are single accounts, joint accounts, and revocable trust accounts.

In addition to the FDIC insurance on your other deposits, each depositor is separately insured up to $250,000 for funds held in certain retirement accounts.

For example, FDIC deposit insurance could increase to $500,000 for funds in joint accounts for two depositors. Each of those depositors could also have up to $250,000 of deposit insurance for funds in each of their single accounts, and another $250,000 of deposit insurance for funds in each of their IRAs.

You can't increase FDIC insurance by dividing funds in the same ownership category among different accounts. The type of account—whether checking, savings, CD, or outstanding cashier's check or other form of deposit—has no bearing on the amount of insurance coverage. So, having $250,000 in both a single ownership savings account and a single ownership CD, doesn't result in more than $250,000 total insurance coverage.

The examples provided below are for demonstration purposes only and should not be relied upon as they may not directly apply to every account holder. Account holders should speak with a California Bank & Trust representative for additional information and may need to contact the FDIC (as the provider of the insurance) depending on the specific situation.


$2,000,000 FDIC-Insured Deposits for a Family or Group of Two

Customer 1's single account


Customer 2's single account


Joint account


Customer 1's IRA


Customer 2's IRA


Customer 1's payable on death to Customer 2


Customer 2's payable on death to Customer 1


$3,500,000 FDIC-Insured Deposits for a Family or Group of Four

Customer 1's single account


Customer 2's single account


Joint account


Customer 3's aggregate joint account funds


Customer 4's aggregate joint account funds


Customer 1's IRA


Customer 2's IRA


Customer 1's payable on death to Customer 2


Customer 2's payable on death to Customer 1


Customer 1's payable on death to Customer 3


Customer 1's payable on death to Customer 4


Customer 2's payable on death to Customer 3


Customer 2's payable on death to Customer 4


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2c33e4 No.23739

File: 5ccda715bb1caa6⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: aac0bd8ab901436⋯.png (367.83 KB,739x704,739:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483060 (110223ZMAR23) Notable: This is real effort to rein in power government and empower people back to their Constitutional rights.Kat Cammack

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Good news clip with back-and-forth

This is real effort to rein in power government and empower people back to their Constitutional rights. ~ Kat Cammack 10MAR23

Yesterday's @Weaponization hearing on the #TwitterFiles was eye-opening.

While our Democratic colleagues tried to get our witnesses to reveal their sources or questioned their credibility, they only reinforced the importance of this committee. I joined @AmericaNewsroom below. ⬇️

Mar 10, 2023



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2c33e4 No.23740

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483073 (110225ZMAR23) Notable: Alex Stein IS SUING AOC For Blocking him On Twitter For Calling her A BIG BOOTY LATINA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alex Stein IS SUING AOC For Blocking him On Twitter For Calling her A BIG BOOTY LATINA



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2c33e4 No.23741

File: 172cb280daf456e⋯.png (279.16 KB,915x884,915:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483115 (110232ZMAR23) Notable: This is real effort to rein in power government and empower people back to their Constitutional rights.Kat Cammack

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She was in the arena; and, boy did she set-up to the opening.

‘Homeless To House Of Representatives’: Kat Cammack On Being The Youngest GOP Woman In Congress


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2c33e4 No.23742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483159 (110239ZMAR23) Notable: DJT on Human Trafficking

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DJT on Human Trafficking

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2c33e4 No.23743

File: 9c853403ab12385⋯.png (194.43 KB,495x931,495:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483202 (110248ZMAR23) Notable: The New York hush-money probe of Donald Trump explained

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The New York hush-money probe of Donald Trump explained

NEW YORK (AP) — In the final weeks of the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump’s lawyer tried to buy the silence of a porn actress who said she had a sexual encounter with the Republican during his days as a reality TV star.

More than six years later, New York prosecutors appear to be close to deciding whether Trump should face charges in connection with that payoff, in what could become the first criminal case ever brought against a former president.

Thursday’s news that the Manhattan district attorney invited Trump to testify before a grand jury next week suggested prosecutors were serious about bringing charges in a probe that looked like yesterday’s news just a few months ago.

Trump’s former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen, now a key prosecution witness, is scheduled to testify before the grand jury on Monday, according to two people familiar with the matter. The people were not authorized to speak publicly about grand jury proceedings and did so on condition of anonymity.

Trump has denied wrongdoing and that he had any extramarital affairs, and he blasted the probe in a Truth Social post as a “political Witch-Hunt, trying to take down the leading candidate, by far, in the Republican Party”

(lots moar bullshit at link)


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2c33e4 No.23744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483221 (110254ZMAR23) Notable: 12 days ago CEO, CFO and CMO all sold shares in SVB

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2c33e4 No.23745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483226 (110255ZMAR23) Notable: The New York hush-money probe of Donald Trump explained

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2c33e4 No.23746

File: b0a6c73b4d1c1f1⋯.png (284.23 KB,600x703,600:703,Clipboard.png)

File: fdf7609b729a0dd⋯.png (368.47 KB,906x234,151:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483238 (110259ZMAR23) Notable: 12 days ago CEO, CFO and CMO all sold shares in SVB

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There seems to be some fukkery afoot!


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2c33e4 No.23747

File: bda886f93398edc⋯.png (73.08 KB,1166x625,1166:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483244 (110301ZMAR23) Notable: Everything lately goes back to Vanguard and Blackrock. It looks like they are "cleaning up". They are burning things down.

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Everything lately goes back to Vanguard and Blackrock. It looks like they are "cleaning up". They are burning things down.


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2c33e4 No.23748

File: aea315b3527f6e9⋯.png (193.19 KB,520x804,130:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483478 (110354ZMAR23) Notable: In a $7.5 trillion budget… the President is allocating just $40 million to combat fentanyl—the leading killer of young adults in America.

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Devin Nunes ReTruthed

Rep. August Pfluger · 45m

In a $7.5 trillion budget… the President is allocating just $40 million to combat fentanyl—the leading killer of young adults in America.

40M/110k fentanyl deaths = $363.63/death.

Is that all these people are worth to President Biden?

Mar 10, 2023, 10:03 PM


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2c33e4 No.23749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483491 (110357ZMAR23) Notable: Only in Massachusetts, Opt for an account with both FDIC and DIF insurance

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Friendanon just told me in Massachusetts has banks that will insre at whatwver your full amount is. One of few if only state that does above and beyond 250k fdic.

8. Opt for an account with both FDIC and DIF insurance

The Depositors Insurance Fund, or DIF, is a private insurance fund that insures deposit amounts at member banks beyond what the FDIC covers — without a limit. About 80 banks offer DIF coverage, and all are based in Massachusetts.


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2c33e4 No.23750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483523 (110407ZMAR23) Notable: Only in Massachusetts, Opt for an account with both FDIC and DIF insurance

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DIF. Accounts


Only in




What are we learning


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2c33e4 No.23751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483539 (110411ZMAR23) Notable: Only in Massachusetts, Opt for an account with both FDIC and DIF insurance

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Welcome to the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF).

The DIF is a private, industry-sponsored insurance fund that insures all deposits above Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) limits at our member banks. The DIF has been insuring deposits since 1934.

All DIF member banks are also members of the FDIC. Each depositor is insured by the FDIC to at least $250,000. All deposits above the FDIC insurance amount are insured by the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF).

The combination of FDIC and DIF insurance provides customers of our member banks with full deposit insurance on all their deposit accounts. No depositor has ever lost a penny in a bank insured by both the FDIC and the DIF.

DIF insurance coverage requires no applications or special forms. Depositors automatically receive this added insurance benefit at no cost whenever they make a deposit to a new or existing account at a DIF member bank.

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2c33e4 No.23752

File: aefbe56c651f38c⋯.jpeg (760.29 KB,892x4049,892:4049,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483555 (110417ZMAR23) Notable: An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll ancient law

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we know. So?


&#09;An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is a valid Form of Deed Poll and therefore Deed and Contract whereby a True Person first expresses, affirms and conveys certain rights to another party who are then lawfully bound upon proof of receipt in accordance with the Canons defined under Article 133 of Canonun De Ius Positivum. The word "Poll" comes from the Latin pollex meaning 'thumb'. An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is permitted to be issued when an inferior Roman Person rejects the rule of law and seeks to assert an untenable and illogical position of superior rights over Divine Law.&#09;

&#09; &#09;

&#09;A World of Slavery&#09;

&#09;You are "legally" a slave, just as your parents, your grandparents and great grandparents were slaves. You may be lucky enough to live in a pleasant plantation with other slaves, managed by overseer slaves such as police, judges, doctors and politicians where few examples of slave cruelty occur. Or you may be witnessing changes in the community plantation, which is part of a state slave plantation and national slave plantation where there is more crime, more misery and death. The fact that you are a slave is unquestionable. The only unknown is whether you will permit your children and their children to also grow up as slaves.&#09;

&#09;You are a slave because since 1933, upon a new child being borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate willingly and knowingly convey the beneficial entitlements of the child as Beneficiary into the 1st Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the child any rights as an owner of Real Property.&#09;

&#09;You are a slave because since 1933, when a child is borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate knowingly and willingly claim the baby as chattel to the Estate. The slave baby contract is then created by honoring the ancient tradition of either having the ink impression of the feet of the baby onto the live birth record, or a drop of its blood as well as tricking the parents to signing the baby away through the deceitful legal meanings on the live birth record. This live birth record as a promissory note is converted into a slave bond sold to the private reserve bank of the estate and then conveyed into a 2nd and separate Cestui Que (Vie) Trust per child owned by the bank. Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to “seize” the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to “salvage” the lost property and itself monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust.&#09;

&#09;You are a slave because since 1540 and the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Act, deriving its power from the Papal Bull of Roman Cult leader Pope Paul III of the same year, whenever a child is baptized and a Baptismal Certificate is issued by the state at birth or church, the parents have knowingly or unknowingly gifted, granted and conveyed the soul of the baby to a “3rd” Cestui Que Vie Trust owner by Roman Cult, who has held this valuable property in its vaults ever since, managed by the Temple Bar since 1540 and subsequent Bar Associations from the 19th Century representing the reconstituted “Galla” responsible as Grim Reapers for reaping the souls, or salvage also known as "salvation of souls".&#09;

&#09;Therefore under the UCC Slave Laws which most slave plantations of the world operate you can never own a house, even though they trick into believing you do; you never really own a car, or boat or any other object, only have the benefit of use. Indeed, you do not even own your own body, which is claimed to have been lawfully gifted by your parents at your birth in the traditions of old slave contracts in which the slave baby had its feet or hands dipped in ink, or a drop of blood spilt on the commercial transaction document we know as the live birth record, against which a CUSIP number is issued and sold the the central bank. Yes, the banks claim your flesh, the banks are indeed the modern slave owners, hiding these indisputable facts upon which their money system is built from the people.&#09;



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2c33e4 No.23753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483556 (110417ZMAR23) Notable: An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll ancient law

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You may not realize you are a slave under the slave laws of Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC), but may still erroneously believe you are slave with “more rights” as used to be afforded under “Common Law” until it was largely abolished back in 1933 without properly telling you. The word “common” comes from 14th Century Latin communis meaning "to entrust, commit to a burden, public duty, service or obligation". The word was created from the combination of two ancient pre-Vatican Latin words com/comitto = "to entrust, commit" and munis = "burden, public duty, service or obligation". In other words, the real meaning of common as first formed because of the creation of the Roman Trust over the planet is the concept of “voluntary servitude” or simply “voluntary enslavement".&#09;

&#09;Common Law is nothing more than the laws of “voluntary servitude” and the laws of “voluntary slavery” to the Roman Cult and the Venetian Slavemasters. It is the job of the overseer slaves to convince you that you are not slaves, the common law still exists and has not been largely abolished and replaced with commercial law, to confuse you, to give you false hope. In return, they are rewarded as loyal slaves with bigger homes to use and more privileges than other slaves.&#09;

&#09;The reason why the overseer slaves such as judges, politicians, bankers, actors and media personalities are forced to lie and deny we are all slaves is because the slave system of voluntary servitude or “common law” was not the first global slave system, but merely its evolution. Before the emergence of Common Law, we were all subject to being considered mere animals or things under Canon Law of the Roman Cult, also known as the Law of the See, or Admiralty Law.&#09;

&#09;Under Admiralty Law, you are either a slave of the ship of state, or merely cargo for lawful salvage. Thus in 1302 through Unam Sanctam, the Roman Cult unlawfully claimed through trust the ownership of all the planet and all living "things" as either slaves, or less than slaves with things administered through the Court of Rota. This court, claimed as the Supreme Court of all Courts on the planet was initially abolished in the 16th Century only to be returned in 1908 under Pope Pius X as a purely spiritual ecclesiastical court of 12 "apostolic prothonotary" spirits, implying the twelve apostles. Since then, this new purely spiritual court has remained in constant "session", with the local courts using these powers to administer Divine Immortal Spirits expressed in Trust into Flesh Vessels as mere dead things .&#09;

&#09;Yet this is not the only form of slave law still in force today. Instead, the oldest, the most evil and based on false history are the slave laws of the Menasheh, also known as the Rabbi through the unholy document of hate first formed in 333 known as the Talmud of the Menasheh- the false Israelites. Through the Talmud of the false Israelites, the whole planet is enslaved with the servants of the “chosen people” known as Caananites or K-nights (Knights) also known as the Scythians and then the rest as the goy/gyu and goyim – namely meaning the cattle, the dead lifeless corpses.&#09;

&#09;Ultimately, you are a slave because you remain profoundly influenced by your education and community at large and because many choose to continue to think and act like a slave, waiting for someone to help them, tell them what to do and be happy accepting bread crumbs of benefits when the system has reaped millions of dollars - yes millions of dollars - of your energy.&#09;

&#09; p2

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2c33e4 No.23754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483558 (110418ZMAR23) Notable: An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll ancient law

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A prison designed with no way out&#09;

&#09;Before this time, the system of global slavery and the treatment of the world as one large slave plantation was designed so there is no way out – as evidenced through the courts of the priests of Ba’al known as the judges of most legal systems in the world.&#09;

&#09;Even the most educated of men and women may remain tricked into believing that upon self representation they may claim their “common law rights” as a means of defense, only to find the judge lawfully rejects any and all claims. As the first law of the courts is the Uniform Commercial Codes of slavery as introduced in 1933, the defendant is an employee of a corporation and therefore automatically assumes the liability of any injury. Unless they can pay, they may be sent to prison.&#09;

&#09;If such a trickster as the judge is challenged, they are permitted to escape to their chambers and call upon even greater power to return and magically establish a new court, without telling the defendant they have now entered Admiralty Court, or the laws of the See in accordance with Canon Law of the Roman Cult issued in 1983. Now the judge can impose grave penalties upon such an unresponsive defendant including contempt of court and other punitive prison sentences, with the defendant having no rights unless they know Canon Law concerning juridic persons and establishing standing above being called a “thing”.&#09;

&#09;Sadly, few people actually know the original meaning of "thing" as a judicial meeting, or assembly; a matter brought before a court of law; a legal process; a charge brought; or a suit or cause pleaded before a court. This meaning is then used with devastating effect through the heretical concept of Pius X from 1908 to claim the dead apostles sit in permanent and open session as the "twelve prothonotaries" of the Sacred Rota - as the highest Supreme Court on the planet. So when a man or woman receives a blue or yellow notice from a court issued through this unholy knowledge of Canon law, by the time they come to court, they are automatically a thing. When a man or woman seeks to defend themselves by seeking to speak before the judge, they automatically "consent" to being a thing. Thus a judge with knowledge of such trickery can silence any man or woman by "lawfully" threatening contempt of court if the "thing" does not stop making noise.&#09;

&#09;Indeed, it is the Roman Cult Canon Law of 1983 that establishes all courts are oratories, with judges holding ecclesiastical powers as “ordinaries” and their chambers as “chapels”. Thus the Bar Associations around the world have assisted judges in learning of their new powers in order to counteract those men and women who continue to wake up to their status as slaves, but demonstrating how to remain “in honor” with such perverse law and ensure such “terrorists” are sent to prison for long sentences as a warning to others.&#09;

&#09;If a judge so inclined to ensure an educated defendant is lawfully sent to prison or worse, he or she may run away for a third and final time to their chamber and invoke their most powerful standing as rabbi of a Talmud Court under the Talmudic Laws of the false Israelites of the House of the twelve tribes of Menasheh. Now, even a judge in a nation that is against the death penalty may choose to impose a “lawful” sentence against any goy/gyu or goyim who dares injure an Israelite – which is normally death. However, while judges in the United States and other nations have started to be trained in the re-imposition of Talmudic Law, it is at the hands of the false Menasheh, also known as the elite anti-semitic parasites also known as the Black Khazars and Venetian noble families.


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2c33e4 No.23755

File: 9dc936e08bbdc35⋯.png (112.55 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d6228ab9c272e9⋯.jpg (85.57 KB,1000x1439,1000:1439,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a73c9c057d23744⋯.png (83.85 KB,215x182,215:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 32187c79f8e500d⋯.jpg (38.66 KB,500x335,100:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483564 (110420ZMAR23) Notable: An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll ancient law

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Ultimately, it is enough for judges, clerks and members of the Bar to know that they hold our property in their Cestui Que Vie Trusts and that we are completely without effective rights, until we challenge their fraud.&#09;

&#09;Yet, even when you challenge their fraud, many deny and outright lie on the records- yes judges absolutely commiting perjury on the record to deny they hold trustee and executor powers with the case being a constructive trust and executor of the Cestui que Vie Trust from which powers are being drawn for the form of the court.&#09;

&#09;So how might a man or woman defend themselves against a private and secret society that has kidnapped the law, that refuses to tell the truth, that lies to its own members and refuses to provide fair remedy. This is the purpose of the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll.&#09;

&#09; &#09;

&#09;Ecclesiastical Deed Poll&#09;

&#09;An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is a supremely sacred private form. In other words, while the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll complies in all aspects to the foundations and principles of law the Roman Cult upon which all western nations and courts are based, it is not an instrument recognized "officially" by the policies (statutes) of the corporate governments - therefore it is private.&#09;

&#09;An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is permitted to be issued when an inferior Roman Person rejects the rule of law and seeks to assert an untenable and illogical position of superior rights over Divine Law.&#09;

&#09;Only a True Person may issue an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll. By definition an inferior Roman Person has no authority to issue an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll.&#09;

&#09;An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll must always be on standard sized robin-egg blue paper, printed in serif font, in recognition and respect of its status as a Divine Notice with the full authority of One Heaven, in particular the Sacred Rota and twelve Apostolic Prothonotaries as well as Apostolic Prothorabban of the Divine Sanhedrin.&#09;

&#09;When an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is issued, it is under the Supreme Court of One Heaven with the full authority of the Divine Creator and all inferior courts including the Sacred Rota. Hence the term Per Curiam Divina is always included to make clear to the inferior Roman person the absolute authority of the instrument.&#09;

&#09;While a True Person issues an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll, it is ultimately a Divine Notice of Protest and Dishonor from the Divine Creator. Therefore, the dishonor of an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is the most grievous injury of the law and blasphemy to all believed to be Divine.&#09;

&#09;When a Roman slave under inferior Roman law repudiates a valid Ecclesiastical Deed Poll then by definition all acts undertaken with the assumed authority of Sacred Rota by any clerk, protonotary, prothonotary, plenipotentiary or minister are null and void, including and not limited to any warrants, summons, orders, decrees.

4 of 4

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2c33e4 No.23756

File: 5ed78f876811ae3⋯.png (212.15 KB,497x624,497:624,Clipboard.png)

File: d61e2514a5785f2⋯.png (1.13 MB,979x1554,979:1554,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cf9c70eed04285⋯.png (973.38 KB,1257x1508,1257:1508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483640 (110443ZMAR23) Notable: Fears Silicon Valley Bank collapse could topple First Republic Bank next, as shares slump 40% in a month and investors voice concerns over losses on its investments

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Fears Silicon Valley Bank collapse could toppleFirst Republic Bank next, as shares slump 40% in a month and investors voice concerns over losses on its investments

Silicon Valley Bank was taken over by the government on Friday morning - the largest bank failure since Washington Mutual's fall in 2008

The bank's demise is a combination of a difficult economic environment and rising interest rates: it remains to be seen whether a savior can be found

Now investors are concerned about First Republic Bank, whose share price plummeted 50 percent on Friday


PUBLISHED: 21:13 EST, 10 March 2023 | UPDATED: 23:32 EST, 10 March 2023

Fears were mounting on Friday for the future of First Republic Bank, after the collapse on Friday of Silicon Valley Bank and the resulting ripple effect.

Silicon Valley Bank, the 14th largest in the United States, specialized in supporting tech businesses and has been hard-hit by both the economic conditions and inflation.

On Friday it was taken into government control, and executives are hoping that another financial institution will step in to keep the bank afloat.

Other banks were rattled by the demise of Silicon Valley Bank - among them First Republic, the 16th largest, whose shares plummeted 50 percent on Friday, before closing 15 percent down.

First Republic issued a statement in the late morning seeking to calm investors, pointing to its 'continued safety and stability and strong capital and liquidity positions.'

The bank, founded in San Francisco in 1985, has 80 branches in 11 states nationwide - mainly on the West and East coasts.

Michael Roffler, the president and CEO of First Republic

Michael Roffler, the president and CEO of First Republic

Analysts expressed alarm when they noted that First Republic, like Silicon Valley Bank, had a large difference between the fair-market value (the estimated value) and balance-sheet value (the actual value) of its assets.

Silicon Valley Bank's difference was in debt securities, while First Republic's was in loans.

Similarly, both First Republic and Silicon Valley Bank rely heavily on customer deposits: in First Republic's, wealthy individuals, and in Silicon Valley Bank's, technology startups and venture-capital investors.

With interest rates rising, First Republic's clients have ample other places to park their cash, and could seek to withdraw.

that's a big hole in some pricey realestate…see 3rd pic, Palm Beach Island

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2c33e4 No.23757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483657 (110451ZMAR23) Notable: #22665

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#22665 >>23735

>>23737 Daylight saving time/Date (2023) Sun, Mar 12, 2023

>>23738 How can I increase the amount of FDIC insurance beyond $250,000?

>>23739, >>23741 This is real effort to rein in power government and empower people back to their Constitutional rights.Kat Cammack

>>23740, >>23736 Alex Stein IS SUING AOC For Blocking him On Twitter For Calling her A BIG BOOTY LATINA

>>23742 DJT on Human Trafficking

>>23743, >>23745 The New York hush-money probe of Donald Trump explained

>>23746, >>23744 12 days ago CEO, CFO and CMO all sold shares in SVB

>>23747 Everything lately goes back to Vanguard and Blackrock. It looks like they are "cleaning up". They are burning things down.

>>23748 In a $7.5 trillion budget… the President is allocating just $40 million to combat fentanyl—the leading killer of young adults in America.

>>23749, >>23750, >>23751 Only in Massachusetts, Opt for an account with both FDIC and DIF insurance

>>23752, >>23753, >>23754, >>23755 An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll ancient law

>>23756 Fears Silicon Valley Bank collapse could topple First Republic Bank next, as shares slump 40% in a month and investors voice concerns over losses on its investments


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2c33e4 No.23758

File: d8141dd9f983699⋯.png (640.68 KB,720x804,60:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 07ea647e2d96e9f⋯.jpeg (80.92 KB,526x779,526:779,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483668 (110457ZMAR23) Notable: #22666

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Baker taps, new baker Self Confirm

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2c33e4 No.23759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483681 (110503ZMAR23) Notable: Q and the Qanon movement is once again gaining steam.

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Q and the Qanon movement is once again gaining steam.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23760

File: c7349a0abaad690⋯.jpg (142.46 KB,720x872,90:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b18a32835c7662f⋯.jpg (156.92 KB,720x1101,240:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483724 (110536ZMAR23) Notable: I’m not part of MAGA, but I do believe in fairness of justice

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Please remember to report this tweet for violating rules by denying a violent event:

I’m not part of MAGA, but I do believe in fairness of justice.

Chansley was falsely portrayed in the media as a violent criminal who tried to overthrow the state and who urged others to commit violence.

But here he is urging people to be peaceful and go home. And the other video shows him calmly walking in the Capitol building, being escorted by officers and then thanking the officers.

Have you considered a career in Comedy?

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2c33e4 No.23761

File: 03216acb649ab4c⋯.jpg (169.19 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483800 (110606ZMAR23) Notable: California wine industry faces financial crisis - with majority of vineyards locked out of their accounts amid SVB collapse

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California wine industry faces financial crisis - with majority of vineyards locked out of their accounts amid SVB collapse

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23762

File: 99d29cb12b4c8e4⋯.jpg (222.19 KB,720x1235,144:247,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b3ddcef9e654d0⋯.jpg (200.93 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483899 (110641ZMAR23) Notable: The pace of AI development right now is insane.

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This AI-generated image is from MidJourney v5 alpha. Huge jump from v4.

The pace of AI development right now is insane.


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2c33e4 No.23763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483978 (110659ZMAR23) Notable: Madera Community Hospital files for bankruptcy as no potential buyers make an offer

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Madera Community Hospital files for bankruptcy as no potential buyers make an offer


Without a potential buyer stepping up, the financially troubled Madera Community Hospital filed for bankruptcy Friday.

The 106-bed hospital closed in late December, laying off more than 700 employees and eliminating a vital medical resource for a region with more than 160,000 people, many of whom are low-income and some who are uninsured.

The hospital also operated rural health clinics in Chowchilla, Madera and Mendota, all that closed on Jan. 10.

Hospital officials blamed several factors for its demise, including a shortfall in government reimbursement fees and health plan fees for the services it provides and the COVID pandemic that strained the hospital’s already anemic financial resources.

Despite efforts to increase revenue, the hospital was losing $2 million to $2.5 million a month during 2022, according to court records.

The hospital’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing shows assets of between $50 million to $100 million and debts between $10 million and $50 million.

Its largest secured creditors are Trinity Health, owner and operator of Saint Agnes Medical Center, that is owed $15.4 million; and New England Sheet Metal and Patterson Drywall, who are owed a combined $1.1 million. The hospital also owes its former employees $2 million.

Karen Paolinelli, the hospital’s chief executive officer, describes in court records how one of its last hopes for staying open fell apart. The hospital was negotiating a possible affiliation with Trinity Health but when the plan was presented to California Attorney General Rob Bonta, he proposed conditions that were unacceptable to Trinity Health.

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2c33e4 No.23764

File: 1b779c9bb32132c⋯.png (502.17 KB,1000x783,1000:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18483997 (110703ZMAR23) Notable: Fake 'nuclear bomb' alert on TV and radio scares Russians

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Yep, lots of patterns.

Like the Media and Gov Freaking out their own people to the point where people are scared shitless.


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2c33e4 No.23765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484381 (110908ZMAR23) Notable: #22666

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sorry, wrong number - updated:


>>23759 Q and the Qanon movement is once again gaining steam.

>>23760 I’m not part of MAGA, but I do believe in fairness of justice

>>23761 California wine industry faces financial crisis - with majority of vineyards locked out of their accounts amid SVB collapse

>>23762 The pace of AI development right now is insane.

>>23763 Madera Community Hospital files for bankruptcy as no potential buyers make an offer

>>23764 Fake 'nuclear bomb' alert on TV and radio scares Russians

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2c33e4 No.23766

File: 85bc7c447a1cf3b⋯.png (937.28 KB,1316x1575,188:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484408 (110914ZMAR23) Notable: #22667

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bread is ghosted

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2c33e4 No.23767

File: 69c1fab63b3efbb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 21c4c564f74e249⋯.png (604.72 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: bec8f53812e5bc8⋯.gif (4.5 MB,320x179,320:179,Clipboard.gif)

File: b37ab7dcd3c12ed⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e4d153599e4de6e⋯.mp4 (669.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484471 (110944ZMAR23) Notable: New Air Force One will stay blue and white, Biden decides

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New Air Force One will stay blue and white, Biden decides

March 12, 2023

resident Joe Biden is sticking with a blue-and-white color scheme for the exterior of the replacement Air Force One aircraft, the first of which is expected to be delivered in four years.

The Air Force said late Friday that the light blue on the new model of the modified 747s that transport the president will be a little bit deeper and more modern in tone than the robin’s egg blue on the versions of the aircraft currently in use.

Boeing is modifying two of its 747-800 aircraft that will use the Air Force One call sign when the president is aboard.

They will replace the existing fleet of two aging Boeing 747-200 aircraft the president currently uses.

The choice of the plane’s exterior colors follows an earlier decision by the administration to scrap a red-white-and-blue design favored by Donald Trump, Biden’s immediate

An Air Force review had suggested the darker colors would increase costs and delay delivery of the new jumbo jets.Boeing bitched

In 2018, Trump directed that the new jets shed the iconic Kennedy-era blue-and-white design for a white-and-navy color scheme.

The top half of the plane would have been white and the bottom, including the belly, would have been dark blue.


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2c33e4 No.23768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484475 (110949ZMAR23) Notable: Dutch farmers are determined to resist the governments radical nitrogen emissions policies

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'''The Dutch farmers and determined to make their voice heard and resist the governments radical nitrogen emissions policies.

Despite the authorities trying to stop today’s event it is going ahead and large numbers are expected.'''

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2c33e4 No.23769

File: 04554e4f2f66d66⋯.png (2.21 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 948cb1bb2bd69b2⋯.png (1.67 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: fc8ac61e184ce65⋯.png (1017.1 KB,1024x1536,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 81beb7a5751bb5d⋯.png (501.93 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: bd77a159bd483d6⋯.png (886.71 KB,1008x621,112:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484483 (110959ZMAR23) Notable: Legendary Chiefs receiver Otis Taylor dead at 80

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Legendary Chiefs receiver Otis Taylor dead at 80

March 11, 2023

Former Chiefs receiver Otis Taylor has died at 80-years-old, his family confirmed to the Associated Press.

Taylor played in Super Bowl I and starred in Kansas City’s first title three years later.

The former wideout spent his entire career with the Chiefs, which selected the Prairie Valley product in the fourth round of the 1965 AFL Draft.

He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and dementia in 1990, per NFL.com and the AP.


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2c33e4 No.23770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484486 (111001ZMAR23) Notable: "Are you not entertained?" -Julius Maximus Beridius

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Dad dresses as Julius Caesar at school board meeting to protest teacher’s gender-fluid attire

(NY Post 3/10/2023)

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2c33e4 No.23771

File: 8ebb865194f6708⋯.png (264 KB,785x714,785:714,Clipboard.png)

File: be08165106017c3⋯.png (175.99 KB,731x543,731:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484502 (111008ZMAR23) Notable: Planefag

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There's a Wolfhound and Super Stallion playing over White Sands Missile Range with a UK Airbus running racetracks above.

Wolfhound was doing circles around the helo, but disappeared from ASDB before anon could screenshot.

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2c33e4 No.23772

File: 0433fc77a464747⋯.png (876.4 KB,888x754,444:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484541 (111033ZMAR23) Notable: The questions surrounding the case of Jacob Chansley — the guy known as the QAnon Shaman

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Turley Raises a Big Question about J6

Chansley Case, Then Elon Drops a Bombshell Video

Red State, by Nick Arama

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 1:31:10 AM

The questions surrounding the case of Jacob Chansley — the guy known as the “QAnon Shaman” — have gotten more traction since Tucker Carlson began raising the issue on his show. Carlson raised questions about the video showing Chansley being led around the Capitol building by multiple police officers. They don’t stop him; they even open doors for him. After they lead him to the Senate chamber, he says a prayer for their help on the Senate floor. Chansley was sentenced to 41 months in prison for pleading guilty to “obstruction of an official proceeding.” He never hurt anyone, that wasn’t even alleged.

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2c33e4 No.23773

File: 8bedcb189bd534d⋯.png (23.92 KB,1715x227,1715:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484550 (111039ZMAR23) Notable: Tax hikes in Biden’s budget would be ‘devastating’ for Americans, says top House tax writer

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Tax hikes in Biden’s budget would be

‘devastating’ for Americans, says

top House tax writer

Fox News, by Elizabeth Elkind

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 1:24:52 AM

EXCLUSIVE: The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee is warning that the tax hikes in President Biden’s proposed budget would have a "devastating" effect on Americans across the country. "It means a working-class (American) is going to have to pay more to put food on the table, clothes on their backs and gasoline in their cars, because this incredible spending will only fuel inflation. These Biden taxes will only reduce the take home pay for all Americans," Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., told Fox News Digital in an interview Friday. "Whether you make less than $400,000 a year or whether you make more than $400,000 a year, the policies

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2c33e4 No.23774

File: af65df6c1042bfc⋯.png (538.77 KB,575x878,575:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484554 (111040ZMAR23) Notable: Donald Trump and the J6 Prison Choir's "Justice For All" has reached #1 on US iTunes

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Kash Patel




We did it @realDonaldTrump n #J6PC

Number freakin 1 baby… Truth


Mar 10, 2023, 6:53 PM

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2c33e4 No.23775

File: 037528ff2b15316⋯.png (613.7 KB,843x713,843:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484559 (111041ZMAR23) Notable: Just the second largest bank failure in U.S. history today

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Oh, nothing - just the second largest

bank failure in U.S. history today

Hot Air, by Beege Welborn

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 1:12:44 AM

“What, me worry?” Think of the Kevin Bacon gif from Animal House – you know, where the panicked crowd is rushing past him after the parade, as he tries to keep everyone calm. A little Zen breathing might be in order, considering we have the brainless trust that’s in charge. The sudden collapse of a little-known, California-based tech lender fueled market chaos on Friday and sparked fears of a wider contagion that some experts worry could upend the US banking sector. Silicon Valley Bank — a 40-year-old lender to startups and venture capitalists — became the second-biggest bank casualty in US history as it was abruptly shut down.

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2c33e4 No.23776

File: 62dc469def4cf62⋯.png (1.81 MB,1261x876,1261:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484563 (111043ZMAR23) Notable: 'Bidenflation' most-likely cause of SVB closure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Conservatives Point to 'Bidenflation'

as Cause of Silicon Valley Bank Closure

Breitbart, by Nick Gilbertson

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 12:57:03 AM

Prominent conservatives throughout politics and media reacted to the sudden closure of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on Friday. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is already standing firm against bailouts for the bank, and many are pointing to “Bidenflation” as a driver of the implosion. Gaetz appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room where Bannon asserted that the closure was “100 percent because of Biden’s policies.” He predicted the federal government would be pressured for a bailout next week and asked Gaetz how he would respond

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2c33e4 No.23777

File: 837cbf1b73d91c8⋯.png (44.28 KB,1078x497,154:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484565 (111044ZMAR23) Notable: 'Bidenflation' most-likely cause of SVB closure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Companies scramble to meet payroll, pay

bills after SVB's swift failure

CNBC, by Ari Levy

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 12:43:48 AM

The sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has thousands of tech startups wondering what happens now to their millions of dollars in deposits, money market investments and outstanding loans. Most importantly, they're trying to figure how to pay their employees. "The number one question is, 'How do you make payroll in the next couple days,'" said Ryan Gilbert, founder of venture firm Launchpad Capital. "No one has the answer." SVB, a 40-year-old bank that's known for handling deposits and loans for thousands of tech startups in Silicon Valley and beyond, fell apart this week and was shut down by regulators in the largest bank failure since the financial crisis.

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2c33e4 No.23778

File: a9cbb63218a912c⋯.png (103.93 KB,571x596,571:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484570 (111048ZMAR23) Notable: All anyone has to ever read is Agent William Barnett's 302 to understand the levels of evil corruption

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Michael T. Flynn 🙏🏼 🇺🇸




I believe I’ll pin this one right here!




Barbara Redgate



Aug 20, 2022

Review-All anyone has to ever read is Agent William Barnett’s 302 to understand the level of evil corruption our Country is dealing with! Thanks to Techno Fog for dissecting it.


Techno Fog on Twitter

“🚨Flynn update - Interview 302 from FBI Agent William Barnett "BARNETT believed the prosecution of FLYNN by SCO (Team Mueller) was used as a means to 'get Trump'" Thread.”


Mar 10, 2023, 1:06 AM

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2c33e4 No.23779

File: 52d42617a68e4da⋯.png (133.79 KB,1153x507,1153:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484572 (111049ZMAR23) Notable: Harry and Meghan, Oprah, Roku, stand to lose millions in collapse of SVB

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Roku says 26% of its cash reserves are

stuck in Silicon Valley Bank

CNBC, by Rohan Goswami

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 12:39:02 AM

Roku has $487 million of cash and cash equivalents in uninsured deposits at failed Silicon Valley Bank, the streaming media company said in an filing on Friday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. About 26% of Roku's $1.9 billion in cash was deposited with SVB, which was placed into receivership by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. midday Friday. Roku shares fell over 4% in extended trading on the news. "At this time, the Company does not know to what extent the Company will be able to recover its cash on deposit at SVB," Roku said in a press release. Nonetheless, Roku said it believed it would be

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2c33e4 No.23780

File: c4f0d77c7997a63⋯.png (27.76 KB,921x257,921:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484577 (111052ZMAR23) Notable: State Department misses deadline to provide info on conservative blacklists

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Disinformation Inc: State Department misses

deadline to provide info on conservative blacklists

Washington Examiner, by Gabe Kaminsky

Posted By: Imright, 3/10/2023 7:11:36 PM

EXCLUSIVE — The State Department has missed a deadline set by Rep. James Comer (R-KY) to provide documents related to the agency's funding of the Global Disinformation Index, a group blacklisting conservative media outlets. Comer, chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, demanded on Feb. 23 that the department turn over records by March 9 related to GDI, which received $665,000 combined between 2020 and 2021 from the State Department-backed Global Engagement Center and National Endowment for Democracy, a nonprofit group. However, the State Department missed the deadline and has been in touch with Comer, according to the committee.

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2c33e4 No.23781

File: 4bafa5f8fb9a0b7⋯.png (250.46 KB,1042x1183,1042:1183,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f0ee53925f88ce⋯.png (441.65 KB,999x840,333:280,Clipboard.png)

File: f62a8a1b7da0656⋯.jpg (232.06 KB,1191x896,1191:896,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fd982affa35a74e⋯.png (354.71 KB,1009x1146,1009:1146,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b7494039799a7e⋯.png (164.08 KB,1799x874,1799:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484587 (111056ZMAR23) Notable: Just the second largest bank failure in U.S. history today

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They'd better scramble and soon it's every banker, CEO and executive for himself. Nows the time they don't play nice with each other and the knives come out.

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2c33e4 No.23782

File: 98cdda6c13e2c9a⋯.png (24.78 KB,829x179,829:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484588 (111056ZMAR23) Notable: DoJ gets hit with huge legal motion after Merrick Garland falsely claimed 5 officers were killed on J6

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Breaking: DOJ Gets Hit With Huge Legal

Motion After Merrick Garland Falsely Claims

5 Officers Were Killed On J6

Trending Politics, by Kyle Becker

Posted By: Imright, 3/10/2023 6:47:04 PM

In the aftermath of explosive new January 6 footage revealed by Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson, there have been false claims made by Biden officials that police officers were killed by protesters during the Capitol riots. Attorney General Merrick Garland in particular misrepresented the incident and implied that five police officers died due to the January 6 incident.“I think all Americans saw what happened on January 6th, and most of it saw, most of us saw it,,, as it was happening,” Garland said. “It was a violent attack on a fundamental tenant of American democracy.

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2c33e4 No.23783

File: 6d9e118ffebe6ad⋯.png (101.61 KB,446x547,446:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484590 (111059ZMAR23) Notable: Texas creates new structure for managing voter rolls, signaling that departure from Soros-funded ERIC is imminent

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BREAKING: Texas Secretary of State's office creates new structure for managing voters rolls, signaling that departure from Soros-funded ERIC is imminent

If so, Texas would join Florida, Alabama, Missouri, West Virginia, & Louisiana in leaving ERIC 👏👏

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2c33e4 No.23784

File: 148bd8cc44a45f9⋯.png (522.82 KB,418x597,418:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484598 (111102ZMAR23) Notable: July 8 2021, Biden kneeling in the Oval Office before the President of Israel

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Lara Logan


What is he doing?

Quote Tweet

Retro Coast




President Biden kneels in the Oval Office before the President of Israel. Is this appropriate?


4:35 PM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23785

File: fab87e071d28f35⋯.png (323.79 KB,611x597,611:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484603 (111104ZMAR23) Notable: Janet Yellen: 90% of the new IRS audits, by the 87k agents you hired, will be for “families and small businesses”

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Janet Yellen: United States Secretary of the Treasury just admitted (on video) that 90% of the new #IRS audits, by the 87k agents you hired, will be for “families and small businesses”. Not so much the billionaires and foreign money.


12:08 PM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23786

File: db8fb1cb978aa97⋯.png (92.23 KB,421x619,421:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484609 (111107ZMAR23) Notable: The Virality Project

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The Virality Project: the deep censorship network packaged as "academic research" is actually a huge network of illegal activities paid for by US government grants

The USG is absolutely prohibited from censoring Americans due to the First Amendment. But Rs & Ds built a massive censorship network-one REQUIRED to convince Americans to voluntarily poison themselves


📌Follow and Share👇🏻

🔬🧬 @RWMaloneMD

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2c33e4 No.23787

File: a4b083389d7828a⋯.png (196.46 KB,449x506,449:506,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484616 (111110ZMAR23) Notable: News Media became arm of state sponsored thought policing

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“We learned Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies developed a formal system for taking in moderation ‘requests’ from every corner of government: the FBI, DHS, HHS, DOD, the Global Engagement Center at State, even the CIA.”

Should not ALL Americans be concerned that our ‘News’ is filtered by the CIA and twenty quasi-private entities? WTF!


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2c33e4 No.23788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484637 (111114ZMAR23) Notable: Jane Fonda suggests Liberals murder Pro-Lifers

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Jane Fonda Likes the Baby Meats so much that she advocating for murder

Just let that sink in

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2c33e4 No.23789

File: a365c6ea27c512d⋯.png (247.63 KB,444x536,111:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484650 (111116ZMAR23) Notable: The House GOP is "building the case" to issue criminal referrals against Dr. Anthony Fauci

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The House GOP is "building the case" to issue criminal referrals against Dr. Anthony Fauci.


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2c33e4 No.23790

File: 028c27a69e8679e⋯.png (1.01 MB,1061x2652,1061:2652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484657 (111119ZMAR23) Notable: July 8 2021, Biden kneeling in the Oval Office before the President of Israel

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>President Biden kneels in the Oval Office before the President of Israel. Is this appropriate?

Democrat President Joe Biden raised eyebrows this week after photographs revealed that he knelt before

the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and his chief-of-staff, “ultra-Orthodox” Rabbi Rebecca Ravitz.

According to Israeli media, Biden then offered his “unquestionable commitment to Israel’s self-defense,”

and promised that his commitment to Israel is “known and engraved in the rock.”

Michpacha’s Yossi Elituv posted photographs of the incident to Twitter, accompanied by the heartfelt caption,

“Finally, something that truly meets the definition of the sanctification of God.

President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz,

who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children,

and the head of the outgoing staff at the President’s House.

Ravitz will continue to sail far. @YediotAhronot”

https://needtoknow.news/2021/07/biden-kneels-before-israeli-president-in-white-house-pledges-unquestionable-commitment-to-israel/ { G. Edward Griffin }

July 8, 2021 National File



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2c33e4 No.23791

File: bfebfff5d5c9770⋯.png (235.74 KB,448x412,112:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484658 (111119ZMAR23) Notable: Queer School Board Member demands tolerance after terminating contract with Christian teachers

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Watch: Queer School Board Member Demands Tolerance After Terminating Contract with Christian Teachers

READ: https://letsgobrandon.plus/Z9BWLu

→ @LetsGoBrandon

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2c33e4 No.23792

File: f379d78cf616676⋯.png (257.41 KB,424x493,424:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484672 (111125ZMAR23) Notable: Jane Fonda suggests Liberals murder Pro-Lifers

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WATCH: Anna Paulina Luna Puts Jane Fonda on Notice Following Gruesome Comment About Pro-Life Americans

DETAILS HERE: https://dcenquirer.com/watch-anna-paulina-luna-puts-jane-fonda-on-notice-following-gruesome-comment-about-pro-life-americans/?utm_source=telegram

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2c33e4 No.23793

File: 3814c41bc3201e0⋯.png (470.51 KB,571x555,571:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484682 (111129ZMAR23) Notable: Jane Fonda suggests Liberals murder Pro-Lifers

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Kari Lake for AZ Governor




Hanoi Jane has gone from cheering on the Vietcong to rooting for the genocide of pro-life politicians.

This woman hates our great country & everything it stands for.

We should have just left her in Vietnam.

Mar 10, 2023, 12:14 PM

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2c33e4 No.23794

File: e5cffef07317b26⋯.png (251.53 KB,420x640,21:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484691 (111134ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Gaetz says FBI whistleblowers being targeted for exposing agency's persecution of Jan 6th protestors

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Matt Gaetz says Congressional Democrats are targeting FBI whistleblowers who are exposing the agency's politicized persecution of Jan 6th protestors:

"As these FBI whistleblowers came in, the Democrats would release out-of-context portions of their depositions and then do opposition research on the whistleblowers and then blast that out to try to discredit the work before we even begin it… Think about the deterrent effect if every time a whistleblower comes forward to share evidence of FBI misconduct, their family gets smeared, their spouse gets fired, their targeted, their financial situation degrades…"



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2c33e4 No.23795

File: 539db2cda8cb1d7⋯.png (301.56 KB,366x758,183:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484705 (111138ZMAR23) Notable: Dutch farmers are determined to resist the governments radical nitrogen emissions policies

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[ Album ]

The Netherlands 🇳🇱 Our farmers were already on their way last night.

This is going to be big today! Here the tractors passing through Rotterdam to The Hague. Like from every region from the Netherlands on their way to The Hague.

▶︎ from 12 pm, in the #Zuiderpark in The Hague! Biggest Demonstration ever



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2c33e4 No.23796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484706 (111138ZMAR23) Notable: Jane Fonda suggests Liberals murder Pro-Lifers

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Hanoi Jane.

What did you expect?


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2c33e4 No.23797

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484720 (111141ZMAR23) Notable: The House GOP is "building the case" to issue criminal referrals against Dr. Anthony Fauci

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>The House GOP is "building the case" to issue criminal referrals against Dr. Anthony Fauci.


>The HOUSE has no power to prosecute.


>that's the dirty secret retared Q followers don't get.

there is "Indictment and JAIL Time !"

Inherent-Contempt-of-CONGRESS !- Kash Patel:

start at 0:50 min.

Speaker of the { GOP } House can have the "Sergeant-at-ARMS, arrest and jail !"

- in violation of a Congressional Supeona


The Charlie Kirk Show

2 months ago

Kash Patel Drops a Bombshell: What Congress Can Do if Dems Defy a Subpoena



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2c33e4 No.23798

File: dbcd65972e82888⋯.jpg (165.24 KB,720x1110,24:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3a710b26ff196da⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,720x1024,45:64,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484750 (111151ZMAR23) Notable: China pummeled by ‘rain of worms’ as residents asked to carry umbrellas

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China pummeled by ‘rain of worms’ as residents asked to carry umbrellas


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2c33e4 No.23799

File: de4e819cf34e905⋯.png (242.73 KB,448x524,112:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484762 (111154ZMAR23) Notable: CIA and MOSSAD-linked surveillance system quietly being installed throughout the US

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CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US


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2c33e4 No.23800

File: 610cbd6bbca3e40⋯.png (24.91 KB,608x315,608:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484815 (111208ZMAR23) Notable: The questions surrounding the case of Jacob Chansley — the guy known as the QAnon Shaman

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LTG (R) Mike Flynn


Speaking as someone the US DOJ intentionally and criminally withheld a ton of exculpatory evidence from, I wholeheartedly agree with you @elonmusk


Quote Tweet

Elon Musk




Free Jacob Chansley twitter.com/chuckcallesto/…

Last edited

11:42 PM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23801

File: 93c7fcaf507e81e⋯.png (207.52 KB,595x905,119:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484822 (111210ZMAR23) Notable: Just the second largest bank failure in U.S. history today

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See new Tweets


Wall Street Silver


The banking sector is feeling the pain. 4 largest banks lost a collective $47 Billion in valuation.



6:55 PM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23802

File: adda3e3f2ebc80e⋯.png (16.48 KB,607x167,607:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484827 (111211ZMAR23) Notable: Maricopa County reportedly received a $38 million payout from the CDC just 3 weeks after the 2020 election

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Leading Report


BREAKING: Maricopa County reportedly received a $38 million payout from the CDC just 3 weeks after the 2020 election.

Last edited

4:38 AM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23803

File: d5be05bef5e283c⋯.png (167.87 KB,447x572,447:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484832 (111212ZMAR23) Notable: How does Child Protective Services “lose” children?

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Please listen to this. “We have forgotten how much power we have over the government.” This is a tragedy of epic proportions directed against our children.

How does Child Protective Services “lose” children.


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2c33e4 No.23804

File: 391dedeeaacb63a⋯.png (364.01 KB,602x657,602:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484845 (111214ZMAR23) Notable: "Turbo Cancers" following genetic therapy vaccines

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Dr Naomi Wolf


Horrendous Report: “Turbo Cancers” Following Genetic Therapy “Vaccines”

Dr. Ute Krüger, a breast cancer specialist, noticed he's seeing more young people in his practice. Tumors are getting larger. And tumors are growing more aggressively and faster.


Report 61: Ute Krüger, MD, Breast Cancer Specialist, Reveals Increase in Cancers and Occurrences of…

Ute Krüger, MD, Breast Cancer Specialist, Reveals Increases in Cancers and Occurrences of "Turbo Cancers" Following Genetic Therapies Being

10:15 AM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23805

File: 5b02d29101f6d1d⋯.jpeg (123.87 KB,432x785,432:785,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d59f2df4ebc120b⋯.jpeg (537.02 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484855 (111218ZMAR23) Notable: 'Bidenflation' most-likely cause of SVB closure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

on 11/11, day of FTX bankruptcy filing, Q posts this

17 weeks later to the day, Silicon Valley Bank collapses and is seized by regulators

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2c33e4 No.23806

File: 6ef427f7926b84a⋯.png (822.44 KB,1091x904,1091:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484906 (111230ZMAR23) Notable: How does Child Protective Services “lose” children?

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>How does Child Protective Services “lose” children


{ live stream = will not embed - https://youtube.com/live/BqOtdEvfj6o }


CPS & Wayfair Child Trafficking COVER-UP!2 Strong

2 Strong

8,552 views Streamed live 11 hours ago #CPS #Wayfair #childtrafficking

Wayfair is a company that sells household goods, but social theorists believe that their website is used for child trafficking.

Wayfair is trafficking children on its website under the guise of selling home goods such as cabinets,

throw pillows and shower curtains.

When someone buys a product listed for thousands of dollars,

theorists seem to believe that the person somehow indicates a desire to purchase a child whose name is also the product name.

One thing is certain:

Wayfair has been involved in something sinister.

Media coverage of the company has dissipated since it was revealed that they were selling items at a super high price

but this was really for child trafficking.

Let's dig deep and find out if there is a connection with CPS and Wayfair.


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2c33e4 No.23807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484918 (111232ZMAR23) Notable: How does Child Protective Services “lose” children?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>CPS treason with the children

Diamond & Silk Chit Chat With Diego Rodriguez 4/5/22


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2c33e4 No.23808

File: 8cf9598e256d2df⋯.jpg (184.52 KB,800x615,160:123,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484924 (111234ZMAR23) Notable: How does Child Protective Services “lose” children?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It has been dug before, so start here:


#10011700 at 2020-07-19 19:50:49 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #12812: It's Time for People to Go to Jail Edition

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2c33e4 No.23809

File: ff8723c9231d422⋯.jpeg (541.38 KB,1328x1692,332:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 46c63589a043b8b⋯.jpeg (233.15 KB,1342x1407,1342:1407,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5fc088409396703⋯.jpeg (585.31 KB,1268x1080,317:270,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 84ef4e993d31261⋯.jpeg (66.07 KB,1290x330,43:11,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 502ad3b2b4b8808⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1317x1402,1317:1402,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484929 (111236ZMAR23) Notable: Harry and Meghan, Oprah, Roku, stand to lose millions in collapse of SVB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Silicon Valley Bank Collapse


"This is a major blow," said our source, "They had all of Harry's money there."



"All her biggest accounts were with the bank." said a source familiar with her finances, "Like other tech savvy investors she banked with SVB and now it's all gone."

Twitter Thread - https://twitter.com/isource_news/status/1634413085787316225?s=61&t=Jjudoybq3dEkzASWJZvDPA

Sources tell iSN the couple set up accounts following the advice of friends in Silicon Valley.

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2c33e4 No.23810

File: ca52c218362886d⋯.jpeg (141.66 KB,1088x1300,272:325,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484931 (111236ZMAR23) Notable: Just the second largest bank failure in U.S. history today

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.23811

File: d6db4c7935bff5f⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484938 (111238ZMAR23) Notable: 'Bidenflation' most-likely cause of SVB closure

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Tucker Carlson on the Silicon Valley Bank collapse:

"When customers showed up at SVB's branch in Manhattan today to get their deposits back, managers called the police. What we have here is a 1929-style bank run. And that's not a good sign for anyone."



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2c33e4 No.23812

File: 1bab0ae73f66e38⋯.png (576.71 KB,604x552,151:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484951 (111239ZMAR23) Notable: GOP Councilwoman Vickie Paladino booted from NYC Council panel after criticizing Drag Queen Story Hour

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New York Post


GOP Councilwoman Vickie Paladino booted from NYC Council panel after criticizing Drag Queen Story Hour https://trib.al/7kDOntH


1:37 AM · Mar 11, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23813

File: 086b86a9a186eca⋯.webp (14.4 KB,1240x744,5:3,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484958 (111241ZMAR23) Notable: Just the second largest bank failure in U.S. history today

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Silicon Valley Bank fails in largest bank collapse since 2008 crisis

US regulators seize SVB’s assets after a run on the bank, as global institutions monitor situation closely


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2c33e4 No.23814

File: 69e8f55c2db2411⋯.mp4 (7.1 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18484989 (111249ZMAR23) Notable: memes bun

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2c33e4 No.23815

File: 6a119711c0cfcf5⋯.jpg (73.96 KB,540x566,270:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485033 (111259ZMAR23) Notable: memes bun

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Shitpost Saturday!!!

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2c33e4 No.23816

File: 54602b97409ff0b⋯.png (529.43 KB,614x604,307:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485041 (111301ZMAR23) Notable: @WallStreetSilv: “It’s starting” - The Big Squeeze… again

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Wall Street Silver


“It’s starting” - The Big Squeeze

… again 😢


5:18 PM · Mar 10, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23817

File: 3e1654526e7d192⋯.png (231.1 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 97e4381249893e1⋯.png (376.51 KB,896x504,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485098 (111311ZMAR23) Notable: memes bun

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2c33e4 No.23818

File: fe27013efbfabf4⋯.png (406.74 KB,860x960,43:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485111 (111314ZMAR23) Notable: memes bun

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>they aren't sending their best

Just wait till they send it the heckin aleims!

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2c33e4 No.23819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485181 (111327ZMAR23) Notable: Mil tweets / decodes

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Mil tweets / decodes

>>>/qresearch/18484495, >>>/qresearch/18484513 Noticing lots of 'HICK'

>>>/qresearch/18484646 [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED

>>>/qresearch/18484676 …at the [fore]front…

>>>/qresearch/18484736 Q on the red folder

>>>/qresearch/18484776 Exit signs

>>>/qresearch/18485018 …[Blue]print

>>>/qresearch/18485174 …highlight…for a fire mission!

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2c33e4 No.23820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485184 (111327ZMAR23) Notable: #22667

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#22667 >>23766

>>23767 New Air Force One will stay blue and white, Biden decides

>>23768, >>23795 Dutch farmers are determined to resist the governments radical nitrogen emissions policies

>>23769 Legendary Chiefs receiver Otis Taylor dead at 80

>>23770 "Are you not entertained?" -Julius Maximus Beridius

>>23771 Planefag

>>23772, >>23800 The questions surrounding the case of Jacob Chansley — the guy known as the QAnon Shaman

>>23773 Tax hikes in Biden’s budget would be ‘devastating’ for Americans, says top House tax writer

>>23774 Donald Trump and the J6 Prison Choir's "Justice For All" has reached #1 on US iTunes

>>23775, >>23810, >>23801, >>23781, >>23813 Just the second largest bank failure in U.S. history today

>>23776, >>23811, >>23777, >>23805 'Bidenflation' most-likely cause of SVB closure

>>23809, >>23779 Harry and Meghan, Oprah, Roku, stand to lose millions in collapse of SVB

>>23778 All anyone has to ever read is Agent William Barnett's 302 to understand the levels of evil corruption

>>23780 State Department misses deadline to provide info on conservative blacklists

>>23782 DoJ gets hit with huge legal motion after Merrick Garland falsely claimed 5 officers were killed on J6

>>23783 Texas creates new structure for managing voter rolls, signaling that departure from Soros-funded ERIC is imminent

>>23784, >>23790 July 8 2021, Biden kneeling in the Oval Office before the President of Israel

>>23785 Janet Yellen: 90% of the new IRS audits, by the 87k agents you hired, will be for “families and small businesses”

>>23786 The Virality Project

>>23787 News Media became arm of state sponsored thought policing

>>23789, >>23797 The House GOP is "building the case" to issue criminal referrals against Dr. Anthony Fauci

>>23791 Queer School Board Member demands tolerance after terminating contract with Christian teachers

>>23792, >>23793, >>23788, >>23796 Jane Fonda suggests Liberals murder Pro-Lifers

>>23794 Matt Gaetz says FBI whistleblowers being targeted for exposing agency's persecution of Jan 6th protestors

>>23798 China pummeled by ‘rain of worms’ as residents asked to carry umbrellas

>>23799 CIA and MOSSAD-linked surveillance system quietly being installed throughout the US

>>23802 Maricopa County reportedly received a $38 million payout from the CDC just 3 weeks after the 2020 election

>>23803, >>23806, >>23807, >>23808 How does Child Protective Services “lose” children?

>>23804 "Turbo Cancers" following genetic therapy vaccines

>>23812 GOP Councilwoman Vickie Paladino booted from NYC Council panel after criticizing Drag Queen Story Hour

>>23816 @WallStreetSilv: “It’s starting” - The Big Squeeze… again

>>23819 Mil tweets / decodes

>>23814, >>23815, >>23817, >>23818 Shitpost Saturday memes


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2c33e4 No.23821

File: 69c1fab63b3efbb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485203 (111330ZMAR23) Notable: #22668

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baker seeks handoff

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2c33e4 No.23822

File: 48f5e691d9d609f⋯.png (133.63 KB,1455x1166,1455:1166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485213 (111332ZMAR23) Notable: USDC depegged as a result of SVB bank failing, Marker?

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USDC depegged as a result of SVB bank failing.

This is huge.

Many, MANY trading Bitcoin, would use "BTC/USDC" to trade with, so that they didn't "swap to dollars and trigger a taxation event" for those who still believe they have to pay taxes.

Picrel is from coinmarketcap:


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2c33e4 No.23823

File: 0963d6139b4f4e6⋯.jpeg (615.83 KB,1925x2138,1925:2138,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485233 (111334ZMAR23) Notable: Flynn agrees with Musk RE: Chansley

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2c33e4 No.23824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485290 (111346ZMAR23) Notable: Flynn agrees with Musk RE: Chansley

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Free Jacob Chansley!

Chuck Schumer put him in solitary for a guided tour!

even if he is an asset of some kind he should be freed because this is not just

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2c33e4 No.23825

File: d59f2df4ebc120b⋯.jpeg (537.02 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485303 (111348ZMAR23) Notable: 119=911 17 weeks… FTX/SVB

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(from lb Notables, #22667)

> >>23776 (pb), >>23811 (pb), >>23777 (pb), >>23805 (pb) 'Bidenflation' most-likely cause of SVB closure

Note that picrel from the last of the above, included here, shows not only 17 weeks; it's also,119 days; a 9-11 reference?

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2c33e4 No.23826

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485353 (111359ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

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>>>/qresearch/18485219 LB

Is Q Team a LARPer? There is no definitive proof either way. Q Team would have to have operatives in the field to pull this off while anons are sitting comfy behind their keyboards, no?

>>>/qresearch/18485015 LB

That “Y head” you speak of sure seems to speak out against communism, black magic, freemasonry, and the like. While simultaneously educating on spiritual warfare, hidden technologies, and positive solutions to the challenges we are up against. Anons should spend some time looking through the material on his rumble channel before judging solely on the symbolism they think they see.

Spiritual Warfare: Communism and Black Magic


YellowstonWolfAZ Channel:


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2c33e4 No.23827

File: 27ad0da5677b258⋯.png (93.12 KB,674x525,674:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b8f54173f53184⋯.png (86.95 KB,663x444,221:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485448 (111417ZMAR23) Notable: Feud between Disneyland superfans sparks a lawsuit [Disneyland gangs]

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anon's curiousity got piqued this morning by this article

Disneyland banned Rebel Wilson over 'secret bathroom' selfie

In it she talks about Disneyland gangs without talking about Disneyland gangs. and the article makes allusion to it being the extra-exclusive, ultra expensive club 33. The part that made my capillaries rise is when she said one of the gangs was called 'white rabbits'.

Src: https://www.ktvu.com/news/disneyland-rebel-wilson-ban-bathroom-selfie

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2c33e4 No.23828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485467 (111423ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

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In his videos on his rumble channel he refers to himself as Admiral Angeli and states that he is a marine.


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2c33e4 No.23829

File: de4e819cf34e905⋯.png (242.73 KB,448x524,112:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e9e8cc8d447db7⋯.png (14.22 KB,107x113,107:113,Clipboard.png)

File: a5934e90c9470a8⋯.png (699.85 KB,1293x757,1293:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485491 (111429ZMAR23) Notable: RE: CIA and MOSSAD-linked surveillance system quietly being installed throughout the US "G" logo for Gabriel, looks like pedo swirl

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(from lb Notables, #22667)

> >>23799 (pb) CIA and MOSSAD-linked surveillance system quietly being installed throughout the US

"G" logo for Gabriel, looks like pedo swirl?

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2c33e4 No.23830

File: fffa42cae269ddb⋯.png (71.38 KB,616x491,616:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 1057de08608a71e⋯.png (75.72 KB,617x713,617:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485496 (111431ZMAR23) Notable: Banon vs Elon drama so hot right now

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@SteveBannon 1h

Smart enough to turn you down to your face every time you came to the WH for a taxpayer bailout; evil enough to call u out as a running dog for your paymasters in Beijing



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2c33e4 No.23831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485499 (111431ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

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Question. Have you based any of your judgements on Angeli/Chansley by sifting through the information he shares on his channel? Or is it solely based on your views on symbolism, memes, or other peoples’ judgements you have read here or elsewhere?

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2c33e4 No.23832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485501 (111432ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


MkUltra reveal perhaps? Chansley apparently had some mental health issues, just not violent tendencies. HIs gait through the capital looked to me a bit like Charlie Chaplin. "You are watching a movie".

Perhaps the cops needed some identifying symbology to let them know who to have "breach" the chambers so that the challenge to the election could not be presented. Pelosi could change the rules due to the "emergency".

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2c33e4 No.23833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485525 (111439ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Went back and watched his first video.

Whether controlled or uncontrolled, the dude was Protesting the Government, and sounded like he was hoping to be part of a restoration of "civil" governance.

Probably a victim of the "Q" Operation in one way or another.

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2c33e4 No.23834

File: 544ac853c6b3a85⋯.png (171.7 KB,420x428,105:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485526 (111439ZMAR23) Notable: Biden Admin Cutting Dairy Allowance for Women, Infant and Children Program in Favor of Soy and Other 'Alternatives'

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Biden Admin Cutting Dairy Allowance for Women, Infant and Children Program in Favor of Soy and Other 'Alternatives'

READ: http://w-j.co/s/5eda4

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2c33e4 No.23835

File: 22f4d65ef91cae9⋯.png (548.54 KB,1215x1428,405:476,Clipboard.png)

File: c7f94e4afbe0ed8⋯.png (273.96 KB,474x320,237:160,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f957ec23c22848⋯.png (242.6 KB,474x492,79:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 728a6eedbd39aaf⋯.png (242.57 KB,474x248,237:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 43352beb516d0d5⋯.png (577.63 KB,474x642,79:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485534 (111441ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>a LARPer?

>>>/qresearch/18485409 >In 2021 they were calling him Jake Angeli.

Jake Angeli (born Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley; 1988),

also known as the QAnon Shaman, Q Shaman, and Yellowstone Wolf




what was he hypo'd with to be runnin' about dressed as it twas??

~ while all others are dressed like its CHILLY WILLY d5 coming?

=CHECK: == TATTOOs, Left_Y Shoulder !!! { therapy ?!? candidate ?1? s_Y_M_baals! }

{ locked up for "safe"_keeping, prevent whisteblower

{ recent notable on "incarcerated prisoner has no client-attorney privledges"

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2c33e4 No.23836

File: 0d25f90ff6be8eb⋯.jpg (128.67 KB,720x661,720:661,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3237fbc454f1402⋯.jpg (293.55 KB,720x930,24:31,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d83e4a57db4b5e⋯.jpg (138.44 KB,699x824,699:824,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485555 (111446ZMAR23) Notable: TEXAS - SJC district judge gives triple armed robbery suspect 10 years deferred sentence

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…and the dope-smokin', guitar-playin' "judge" displays his true nature once again. Anon is comfy, but beginning to think that norms are complete idiots and cannot be trusted with even a voting right. This Judge has a well-documented history, yet norms put him right back into office.

After the first term, if a judge shows himself to be a danger to society by way of his/her decisions, the voters who ignore that danger and put that person back into office, should be charged as accessories to any further crimes of the criminals that Judge let out of jail.

TEXAS - SJC district judge gives triple armed robbery suspect 10 years deferred sentence

A suspect in a string of armed robberies in 2018 that ended in a shootout with law enforcement in San Jacinto County is free after receiving 10 years deferred adjudication from 258th State District Judge Travis Kitchens on Wednesday, March 8. Tevinos Dontez Cook, 31, pleaded guilty to three counts of armed robbery prior to the sentencing from Judge Kitchens.


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2c33e4 No.23837

File: 0f837e4bcf12fb2⋯.png (307.87 KB,593x562,593:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485574 (111450ZMAR23) Notable: Wells Fargo Glitch Causes Customers’ Money to Disappear, Leaving Negative Balances thegatewaypundit.com

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The Gateway Pundit


Wells Fargo Glitch Causes Customers’ Money to Disappear, Leaving Negative Balances


Wells Fargo Glitch Causes Customers' Money to Disappear, Leaving Negative Balances

3:49 AM · Mar 11, 2023

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2c33e4 No.23838

File: 0d6ccbdc82be8ad⋯.jpeg (141.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485589 (111453ZMAR23) Notable: Pentagon seeks billions to replace depleted munitions – Bloomberg

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11 Mar, 2023 10:46

Pentagon seeks billions to replace depleted munitions – Bloomberg

The Department of Defense will reportedly emphasize replenishing stocks of arms sent to Ukraine

The US Department of Defense plans to request more than $300 billion for weapons procurement and research and development efforts in the upcoming fiscal year, Bloomberg reported on Saturday, citing confidential papers. The spending will reportedly focus on replacing the munitions sent to Kiev and enhancing the US’ ability to fight China.

According to an internal budget document seen by the news outlet, the Pentagon is seeking atotal of $170 billion for new arms. Of this sum, $76.8 billion is being requested for the Navy and Marines, $61 billion for the Air and Space Force, and $15.7 billion for the Army, the report says.

In particular, the Department of Defense requested $400 million to acquire a new version of the Stinger air defense system, $199 million to purchase 541 Javelin anti-armor missiles, and $179 million to procure 28 additional High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), Bloomberg reported. The US has provided all of these types of armaments to Kiev to aid it in its fight against Russia.

The Pentagon also wants to boost its stock of long-range missiles, which would be critical in the event of a direct military confrontation with China, the report says.

In addition, the Pentagon also reportedly requested $145 billion for research and development projects. This includes $46 billion that would be earmarked for the Air Force, $27 billion for the Navy, and $15.7 billion for the Army.

The documents are scheduled for release on Monday, according to Bloomberg. The new fiscal year starts on October 1.

The Pentagon’s reported requests come after the administration of US President Joe Biden published a budget proposal on Thursday that would entail defense spending increasing by 3.2% to a total of $842 billion in 2024, with $6 billion pledged to Ukraine.

In recent months, there have been numerous media reports claiming that US arms stockpiles are being depleted due to the country’s support for Ukraine. Since the start of the conflict, the Pentagon has committed some $32.2 billion in military aid to Kiev, including tens of thousands of artillery rounds and thousands of anti-air and anti-armor systems.

Russia has repeatedly warned both the US and its NATO allies that supplying Kiev with arms would only prolong the conflict while making the bloc a direct participant in the hostilities.

(Fuck this shit!)


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2c33e4 No.23839

File: 42312c5490c04b4⋯.png (28.21 KB,866x203,866:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485597 (111457ZMAR23) Notable: ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Mexican President Threatens to Meddle in US Election Against Republicans

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ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Mexican President Threatens to Meddle in US Election Against Republicans

March 10, 2023


On Thursday, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador issued a warning to Republicans, stating that he may initiate an “information campaign” in the U.S. urging Mexicans and Hispanics not to vote for them unless U.S. lawmakers alter their approach towards Mexico. This threat, seemingly an act of election interference by the country’s leader, was made in response to U.S. demands for action against cartels that are smuggling fentanyl across the border.

He said, “Starting today we are going to start an information campaign for Mexicans who live and work in the United States and for all Hispanics to inform them of what we are doing in Mexico and how this initiative by the Republicans, in addition to being irresponsible, is an offense against the people of Mexico, a lack of respect for our independence, our sovereignty.”

“And if they do not change their attitude and think that they are going to use Mexico for their propaganda, electoral, and political purposes, we are going to call for them not to vote for that party, because it is interventionist, inhumane, hypocritical, and corrupt.”

In response to Republican lawmakers’ calls for action against the ongoing smuggling of fentanyl into the U.S., including suggestions of military intervention, Lopez Obrador issued a statement. On Wednesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina urged for the United States to unleash its “fury and might” against Mexican drug cartels.

In statements made on Thursday, Lopez Obrador denied Mexico’s production of fentanyl and attempted to shift responsibility onto the United States.

According to him, “Fentanyl is not produced here, and it is not consumed here. Why don’t they [the United States] address their problem of social decay?”

Fox News reported:

“We’re going to unleash the fury and might of the United States against these cartels,” Graham said. “We’re going to destroy their business model and their lifestyle because our national security and the security of the United States as a whole depends on us taking decisive action.”

Graham said that he intends to introduce legislation that would designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) and authorize the U.S. to use military force to go into Mexico and destroy the drug networks.

“Not to invade Mexico, not to shoot Mexican airplanes down, but to destroy drug labs that are poisoning Americans,” he said.

“We’d like to help you, but we’re not going to sit on the sidelines anymore as a nation and watch our neighbor become a narco-state that kills more Americans in a single year than we lost in Vietnam,” he said.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is the current President of Mexico, having taken office on December 1, 2018. He is a left-wing politician who has previously served as the Mayor of Mexico City from 2000 to 2005. He ran for president unsuccessfully in both 2006 and 2012 before winning the presidency in 2018. His presidency has been marked by efforts to combat corruption, reduce violence, and promote social welfare programs.

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2c33e4 No.23840

File: bfe8bf9ef01a480⋯.jpeg (809.58 KB,1270x774,635:387,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485613 (111500ZMAR23) Notable: Feud between Disneyland superfans sparks a lawsuit [Disneyland gangs]

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This is dig worthy, there are a lot of stories out there..

Feud between Disneyland superfans sparks a lawsuit

The case centres around two fan groups who regularly meet at Disneyland — the White Rabbits and the Main Street Fire Station 55 Social Club, the Los Angeles Times reports. And it reads straight out of a bizarre Hollywood mob movie.

The head of Main Street Fire Station 55, John Sarno

The head of the White Rabbits, Jakob Fite


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2c33e4 No.23841

File: 730aa926185f5d0⋯.png (9.48 KB,245x300,49:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485623 (111502ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

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Ayy Tone,

How come everyone who claimed to be an “insider” turned out to be a phony fuck, except dis guy?

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2c33e4 No.23842

File: 9f14cdd1889de61⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x1132,300:283,Clipboard.png)

File: b3a50320fe66f74⋯.png (241.32 KB,1105x1545,221:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c32d641c39d86a⋯.png (591.15 KB,702x787,702:787,Clipboard.png)

File: aabd3b87a9f377d⋯.jpg (827.58 KB,828x3032,207:758,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ea824bf224c5c87⋯.png (57.73 KB,725x250,29:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485631 (111504ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

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>actor, or operator?



I think he's literally an actor. A Good Actor

Musk @ tweets Juanita

"Let him out"

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2c33e4 No.23843

File: 8bd8171a90cf611⋯.jpeg (107.4 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485635 (111506ZMAR23) Notable: US spy agency names frontrunner in hypersonic weapons race

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11 Mar, 2023 13:35

US spy agency names frontrunner in hypersonic weapons race

Both Russia and China have conducted successful tests, but Beijing has an edge in the number of systems, a senior US official has claimed

China is outpacing Russia in terms of developing its hypersonic missile capabilities and may already have the means to strike Washington’s forces in the Pacific, a senior defense official told US lawmakers on Friday. As things currently stand, theUS does not have its own fully operational hypersonic missile.

In testimony before the House of Representatives’ Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Paul Freisthler, the chief scientist for science and technology with the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), compared the hypersonic capabilities of Washington’s two main competitors.

Freisthler stated that “while both China and Russia have conducted numerous successful tests of hypersonic weapons and have likely fielded operational systems,China is leading Russia in both supporting infrastructure and numbers of systems.”

Over the past two decades, he continued, Beijing “has dramatically advanced” its development of hypersonic missile technologies through “intense and focused”investment, development, testing and deployment efforts. This applies to both conventional and nuclear missiles, he added.

China has conducted a number of hypersonic tests, including one involving the DF-17 medium-range ballistic missile, Freisthler noted. This projectile, he said, has ahypersonic glide vehicle payload and an estimated range of at least 1,000 miles(1,600km), “enabling it to reach US military forces in Western Pacific.”

The DF-17 may have been fielded as early as in 2020, the official suggested.

As for Russia, Freisthler noted that it has deployed three hypersonic systems – the Kinzhal nuclear-capable air-launched missile, the Avangard strategic range glide vehicle, and the Zircon anti-ship cruise missile.

Hypersonic missiles travel at a high speed and boast high maneuverability, which makes themincredibly difficult to intercept.

While in recent years both Russia and China have been making strides in developing hypersonic technologies, the US is widely believed to be lagging behind the two as it has yet to field a fully operational weapon of this type.

Moreover, Russia has already deployed itshypersonic capabilities in actual combat. On Thursday, the Russian Defense Ministry stated that the recent massive missile strike on Ukrainian military and energy infrastructure in response to Kiev’s deadly terrorist incursion across the border in Bryansk Region used the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system.

The same day, Colonel Yury Ignat, the spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, admitted that the country’s air defenses did not possess the capability of shooting down hypersonic missiles.


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2c33e4 No.23844

File: 7f976fc46c1c6cc⋯.png (214.02 KB,983x785,983:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485647 (111509ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

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NGL that video was pretty lit

Might fuck around and share it


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2c33e4 No.23845

File: a23b5da8b5d86b6⋯.png (153.08 KB,424x460,106:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485659 (111512ZMAR23) Notable: GOP Senators Accuse Pentagon Official of Leaking Classified Information on Chinese Spy Balloons

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🔴 GOP Senators Accuse Pentagon Official of Leaking Classified Information on Chinese Spy Balloons


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2c33e4 No.23846

File: dc4d7c35206abbe⋯.png (278.09 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485662 (111513ZMAR23) Notable: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

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Lawmaker Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

March 8, 2023

A Pennsylvania lawmaker embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal resigned his seat Wednesday after previously announcing he would retain it while he sought inpatient treatment for an unspecified illness.

In a letter provided to Democratic Speaker Joanna McClinton, Democratic state Rep. Mike Zabel offered up his resignation effective March 16, allowing time for the vacancy to be filled in a May primary, The Associated Press (AP) reported.

“The toll is just too great on my family, and was too detrimental to my well-being. I need to focus on what matters,” Zabel told the outlet.

“Allegations of this nature are impossible to litigate in a public forum. It was always my intention to go through the Ethics Committee process and defend myself there. At this point, though, I am unwilling to put my loved ones through any more of this,” he continued.

Zabel previously announced that he would not be resigning his post amid allegations that he sexually harassed union lobbyist Andi Perez outside of the Pennsylvania State Capitol building in 2019.

Perez reported the incident at the time, but was unable to file an official complaint due to House rules that sexual harassment claims could only be filed by House members and employees. In January, Perez fought to change that rule by testifying before the legislature about the alleged incident, though she did not explicitly name Zabel at that time.

Republican state Rep. Abby Major brought forth new allegations of inappropriate behavior by Zabel during a news conference dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8. Major alleged that in November she was approached by an intoxicated Zabel, who complimented her appearance and put his arm around her.


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2c33e4 No.23847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485670 (111514ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

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Based on the information contained, I don’t see how sharing his vids could do anything but support efforts to educate gen pop. He’s articulate. Palatable for normies. And basically just offers a rundown of the research offered here over the years. Normies gotta get that information somehow.

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2c33e4 No.23848

File: 695d78778422dcd⋯.jpeg (116.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485672 (111515ZMAR23) Notable: Canada to ban Russian steel, aluminum imports

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11 Mar, 2023 10:01

US ally to ban Russian steel, aluminum imports

Canada’s announcement coincides with the implementation of Washington’s previously announced 200% tariff on Russian aluminum

Canada will restrict imports of aluminum and steel products from Russia in what Ottawa calls an effort to undermine Moscow’s ability to fund its ongoing military operation in Ukraine, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced on Friday.

The ban includes unwrought and sheet aluminum and finished aluminum products, like containers and other household items according to the statement. It also covers iron and non-alloy steel, and semi-finished and finished steel products such as tubes and pipes. Freeland did not specify when the new ban is to take effect.

“We continue to do everything we can to cut off or limit the revenue used to fund Putin's illegal and barbaric invasion of Ukraine… Canada, and our partners, have already sanctioned the Russian Central Bank and capped the price of Russian oil and gas. And now, we are ensuring Putin cannot pay for his war by selling aluminum and steel in Canada, in coordination with action taken by the United States today,” Freeland declared.

Canada made the announcement on the same day that a new 200% US customs duty on Russian aluminum and related products came into effect. The measureeffectively bans US purchases of the metal from Russia.

According to official data, Canada imported 45 million Canadian dollars ($32.5 million) worth of aluminum and 213 million Canadian dollars ($153.7 million) worth of steel products from Russia in 2021. While Russian metals were not directly targeted by Ukraine-related Western sanctions last year, many buyers nevertheless shunned imports from Moscow. According to S&P Global and Canadian trade statistics data, Canada’s imports of Russian aluminum dropped to about 2,500 metric tons in 2022, from over 9,000 metric tons in both 2020 and 2021. Steel imports plunged to about 36,000 metric tons from over 113,000 metric tons in 2021.

Russia is the world’s second-biggest producer of aluminum after China, with a global market share of nearly 6%. Russian authorities have vowed to respond to sanctions by redirecting metal exports from Western countries to alternative markets, such as China, Türkiye and South East Asia.

(Another Bidan and Trudeau plan to give more trade for China. Bidan is wholly owned by China.)


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2c33e4 No.23849

File: f3361c750e1c073⋯.jpeg (901.37 KB,800x1536,25:48,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485680 (111517ZMAR23) Notable: MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

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He is an actor Anon. He may very well have been hired to be a high profile patsy. Think Oswald.

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2c33e4 No.23850

File: a3f6bbae96283eb⋯.png (408.65 KB,605x530,121:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485682 (111518ZMAR23) Notable: Dutch farmer protests continue with Tens of thousands

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Tens of thousands of people turned up for the Dutch farmers protest.

Stand for freedom.

3:18 AM · Mar 11, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485698 (111523ZMAR23) Notable: (Angeli Chansley Dig continued)

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Yesterday, some anon posted a video that the “Qanon Shaman” had put out (“Yellowstone Wolf”).

MORE THAN TWO YEARS AFTER the J6 “insurrection”.

Anyway, he STATED that the US Military had released info to the public concerning THREE new inventions.


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2c33e4 No.23852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485744 (111533ZMAR23) Notable: (Angeli Chansley Dig continued)

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Might have been me anon. I’ve been attempting to generate discussion around Angeli and his channel for a couple days, but this bread is the first to make any headway. So thanks to all anons for participating in the discussion! To be clear, I lean toward a white hat op but leave room that he may be a deep state player.

As to your question, those vids on his channel were posted around the time J6 happened right around time of J6 erection. And, I dug into those patents he mentioned at that time. They are all there and can be found. I’ve fried muh laptop since and don’t have the info handy anymoar. But, it’s def worth a renewed dig IMHO.

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2c33e4 No.23853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485771 (111542ZMAR23) Notable: (Angeli Chansley Dig continued)

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Good copy, anon!

> And, I dug into those patents he mentioned at that time. They are all there and can be found. I’ve fried muh laptop since and don’t have the info handy anymoar. But, it’s def worth a renewed dig IMHO.

Can you re-post the vid links?

This needs a dig.

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2c33e4 No.23854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485786 (111545ZMAR23) Notable: Billionaire William Lauder has bought Rush Limbaugh's $155 million estate

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REVEALED: Billionaire Estee Lauder heir William Lauder is the mystery buyer of Rush Limbaugh's lavish $155 million waterfront Palm Beach estate after settling lawsuit with ex-mistress over $7m Bel Air mansion

Billionaire William Lauder has bought Rush Limbaugh's $155 million estate

Kathryn Adams Limbaugh, 46, quietly listed the waterfront property last year

Rush who died of lung cancer in 2021 bought the property in 1998 for$3.9million


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2c33e4 No.23855

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485801 (111550ZMAR23) Notable: (Angeli Chansley Dig continued)

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Admiral Angeli/Jacob Chansley vid links? Here’s his rumble channel:



And here’s a title list of vids on his channel:

1. The New Heaven On Earth

2. Spiritual Warfare: Parasites

3. Exposing The Cabal

4. Sex Slaves, Pornography & Mind Control

5. Spiritual Warfare: Communism & Black Magick

6. History: From Dark To Light

7. The New Woke Order

8. Globalism, Elections & Fraud

9. The Big Picture: Socio-Economic Slavery

10. Aliens Walking Among Us

11. The Election & Information Warfare

12. U.S. Space Force: Technologies & History

13. Victories On The Spiritual Battlefield

14. Spiritual Warfare Advanced Levels

15. Hillary, The CCP, Treason & Globalism

16. The CCP's Election & Vaccine Fraud

17. The Controversial Truth: Sep-11th

18. Here's The Pan

19. How Patriots Hold The Line

Embed Link:

The Pan (Plan* misspellings matter?)


And finally, here’s a link to an article that may be relevant to navy patent dig:


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2c33e4 No.23856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485828 (111557ZMAR23) Notable: (Angeli Chansley Dig continued)

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Start here:


IIRC these were the basic topics/patents Angeli wanted eyes on.

TR3B anti-gravity craft

Zero Point Free Energy

Room Temp Super Conductor

These are the three patents he specifically mentions and ties to Space Force.

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2c33e4 No.23857

File: 337c0c972d05b27⋯.png (108.1 KB,438x266,219:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485847 (111602ZMAR23) Notable: Any CHEMISTS/PHYSICISTS or otherwise qualified anons want to dig on this Element 115?

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14:50 this nigga just said element 115??


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2c33e4 No.23858

File: d6fc4d4cd805512⋯.png (2.71 KB,254x38,127:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485858 (111605ZMAR23) Notable: Billionaire William Lauder has bought Rush Limbaugh's $155 million estate

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2c33e4 No.23859

File: 3fa7e4dd923be9b⋯.png (34.74 KB,440x528,5:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485872 (111611ZMAR23) Notable: Any CHEMISTS/PHYSICISTS or otherwise qualified anons want to dig on this Element 115?

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2c33e4 No.23860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485888 (111616ZMAR23) Notable: Anon Just wondering what happens to all the genitalia removed during "trans" surgeries

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Organ harvesting and trafficking could be going on in the US via transgender surgeries. When a surgery happens that results in some sort of tissue being removed, what happens to it? If a child it mutilated and healthy parts removed where do they end up? Does money get exchanged?

Been thinking about this. Some years ago anon encountered a story about what happens to the tissue removed from an infant boy during circumcision. Apparently there are stem cells in the tissue that can be very valuable. Also, one of the uses for aborted fetal cells is in vaccine and other biological research.

Just wondering what happens to all the genitalia removed during "trans" surgeries. Could some of these tissues be used in evil rituals? Biological weapons research? Creation of human clones in genetic experiments?

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2c33e4 No.23861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485921 (111625ZMAR23) Notable: Any CHEMISTS/PHYSICISTS or otherwise qualified anons want to dig on this Element 115?

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>>23857, >>23859, >>>/qresearch/18485910

>Any CHEMISTS/PHYSICISTS or otherwise qualified anons want to dig on this?


Moscovium is a synthetic element with the symbol Mc and atomic number 115. It was first synthesized in 2003 by a joint team of Russian and American scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia. In December 2015, it was recognized as one of four new elements by the Joint Working Party of international scientific bodies IUPAC and IUPAP. On 28 November 2016, it was officially named after the Moscow Oblast, in which the JINR is situated.[8][9][10]

Moscovium is an extremely radioactive element: its most stable known isotope, moscovium-290, has a half-life of only 0.65 seconds.[7] In the periodic table, it is a p-block transactinide element. It is a member of the 7th period and is placed in group 15 as the heaviest pnictogen, although it has not been confirmed to behave as a heavier homologue of the pnictogen bismuth. Moscovium is calculated to have some properties similar to its lighter homologues, nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth, and to be a post-transition metal, although it should also show several major differences from them. In particular, moscovium should also have significant similarities to thallium, as both have one rather loosely bound electron outside a quasi-closed shell. Over a hundred atoms of moscovium have been observed to date, all of which have been shown to have mass numbers from 286 to 290.

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2c33e4 No.23862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485931 (111629ZMAR23) Notable: Who is Salvatore Cezar Pais?

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Who is Salvatore Cezar Pais?

“Salvatore Cezar Pais is an American aerospace engineer and inventor, currently working for the United States Space Force. He formerly worked at the Naval Air Station Patuxent River. His patent applications on behalf of his employers have attracted international attention for their potential military and energy-producing applications, but also doubt about their feasibility, and speculation that they may be misinformationintended to mislead the United States' adversaries or a scam.”


What Is Behind The U.S. Navy’s ‘UFO’ Fusion Energy Patent?

“When Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an aerospace engineer at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD), filed a patent for a “Plasma Compression Fusion Device” in 2019, it was either a giant breakthrough – or mad science. According to the patent application, the miniature device could contain and sustain fusion reactions capable of generating power in the gigawatt (1 billion watts) to terawatt (1 trillion watts) range or more.”

“Dr. Pais’ fusion device is among a handful of outlandish technologies dubbed “The UFO patents” that have, in some shape or form, been pursued by the U.S. Navy.”


Navy “UFO Patent” Documents Talk Of “Spacetime Modification Weapon,” Detail Experimental Testing

“In our continuing investigation into the bizarre inventions of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an enigmatic aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy, The War Zone has just obtained a wide range of documents detailing experiments that the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted to test the core concepts and technologies underlying his seemingly out of this world "UFO patents." These same patents were vouched for by the head of the Navy's aerospace research enterprise who cited Chinese advances in similar technologies as one of the reasons why the Navy was filing them.”


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2c33e4 No.23863

File: 32f07e5e57c1828⋯.png (381.04 KB,631x703,631:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485942 (111632ZMAR23) Notable: You know who else was working on an Ocean Treaty Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT

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You know who else was working on an Ocean Treaty….


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2c33e4 No.23864

File: 1f5b0f6bcebb9a8⋯.jpg (146.35 KB,1400x1166,700:583,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485949 (111633ZMAR23) Notable: You know who else was working on an Ocean Treaty Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT

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2c33e4 No.23865

File: 3c8ccfcf0d6e74c⋯.jpg (17.55 KB,360x240,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485955 (111634ZMAR23) Notable: You know who else was working on an Ocean Treaty Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT

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how was the island, Jane?

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2c33e4 No.23866

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485958 (111634ZMAR23) Notable: You know who else was working on an Ocean Treaty Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT

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Elite Human Trafficking [Vol. 1] - Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT


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2c33e4 No.23867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485964 (111636ZMAR23) Notable: #22668

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#22668 >>23821

>>23822 USDC depegged as a result of SVB bank failing, Marker?

>>23823, >>23824 Flynn agrees with Musk RE: Chansley

>>23826, >>23828, >>23831, >>23833, >>23835, >>23832, >>23841, >>23842, >>23844, >>23847, >>23849 MUH QANON SHAMAN DIG: (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley)

>>23851, >>23851, >>23852, >>23853, >>23855, >>23856, (Angeli Chansley Dig continued)

>>23857, >>23859, >>23859, >>23861 Any CHEMISTS/PHYSICISTS or otherwise qualified anons want to dig on this Element 115?

>>23825 119=911 17 weeks… FTX/SVB

>>23827, >>23840 Feud between Disneyland superfans sparks a lawsuit [Disneyland gangs]

>>23829 RE: CIA and MOSSAD-linked surveillance system quietly being installed throughout the US "G" logo for Gabriel, looks like pedo swirl

>>23830 Banon vs Elon drama so hot right now

>>23834 Biden Admin Cutting Dairy Allowance for Women, Infant and Children Program in Favor of Soy and Other 'Alternatives'

>>23836 TEXAS - SJC district judge gives triple armed robbery suspect 10 years deferred sentence

>>23837 Wells Fargo Glitch Causes Customers’ Money to Disappear, Leaving Negative Balances thegatewaypundit.com

>>23838 Pentagon seeks billions to replace depleted munitions – Bloomberg

>>23839 ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Mexican President Threatens to Meddle in US Election Against Republicans

>>23843 US spy agency names frontrunner in hypersonic weapons race

>>23845 GOP Senators Accuse Pentagon Official of Leaking Classified Information on Chinese Spy Balloons

>>23846 Pennsylvania Lawmaker Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

>>23848 Canada to ban Russian steel, aluminum imports

>>23850 Dutch farmer protests continue with Tens of thousands

>>23854, >>23858 Billionaire William Lauder has bought Rush Limbaugh's $155 million estate

>>23860 Anon Just wondering what happens to all the genitalia removed during "trans" surgeries

>>23862 Who is Salvatore Cezar Pais?

>>23863, >>23864, >>23865, >>23866 You know who else was working on an Ocean Treaty Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT


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2c33e4 No.23868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485969 (111636ZMAR23) Notable: #22669

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2c33e4 No.23869

File: dbd3817af42d750⋯.pdf (902.26 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: c0306fe130ca666⋯.png (2.05 MB,1680x1050,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 3770529222c5195⋯.png (346.1 KB,1647x1217,1647:1217,Clipboard.png)


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TY Baker!

>>23862 (pb)

Here's the patent.

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2c33e4 No.23870

File: ab6b38814584f51⋯.png (197.47 KB,1045x972,1045:972,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18485995 (111644ZMAR23) Notable: RE: Man made element with atomic number 115 (E115) Can it power the 8kun party bus?

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tanks bakes

/pb >>23859

Lets put some frosting on that bread, bakes…

element with atomic number 115 (E115)


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2c33e4 No.23871

File: 22ed3db5d8ba4eb⋯.jpeg (705.38 KB,1170x1684,585:842,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486014 (111652ZMAR23) Notable: The narrative on le Qanon Shaman is changing.

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The Deep State fucked with the WRONG bull.


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2c33e4 No.23872

File: 1cb700d994e08a2⋯.mp4 (851.58 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486025 (111656ZMAR23) Notable: The narrative on le Qanon Shaman is changing.

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Notable bakes

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2c33e4 No.23873

File: a4843ea280d1601⋯.png (63.92 KB,1511x312,1511:312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486037 (111659ZMAR23) Notable: The narrative on le Qanon Shaman is changing.

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>>23871 Very intelligent statement from Jacob Chansley. Watch.

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2c33e4 No.23874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486059 (111704ZMAR23) Notable: The narrative on le Qanon Shaman is changing.

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I am surprised at how intelligent he sounds. His lawyer even stated that, that he was a very intelligent man.

[They] fucked up if this guy was not [Their] controlled patsy.

I would be scared for his life at the moment.

The narrative on the Shaman is changing.

I don't understand it.

I thought he was a FBI actor?

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2c33e4 No.23875

File: 434c23ee02cdd76⋯.png (995.67 KB,1036x567,148:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f9735c4fd7673e⋯.png (611.8 KB,1333x488,1333:488,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b0386a390a32fe⋯.png (297.73 KB,436x398,218:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486060 (111704ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag Europe and CONUS: NOBLE61 B-52 over Baltic Sea (right around Nordtream and prolly another one there just can't see it) and about to get a fill up from 57-1483/58-0118 KC-135 Stratotankers

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PlaneFag Europe and CONUS: NOBLE61 B-52 over Baltic Sea (right around Nordtream and prolly another one there just can't see it) and about to get a fill up from 57-1483/58-0118 KC-135 Stratotankers

French are active in/out of Rzsesow Airport just after sunset CTM2077 C-130 Hercules west from d/o and CTM2007 A 400m also west from same d/o with CTM1076 A330 arrived about 45m ago

CONUS: TEFLN21 KC-135 tanker over Potato 'at Delaware' position and done for the day already-left for Deleware yesterday afternoon, SPAR485 Learjet 35 arrived at Nellis from Scott AFB and now leaving and have a P-8 setting up off of SoCal from Dallas-Love Field depart

GREY18 and 99 Guardrails (flying antenna farm) north from Ft. Bliss, TX

C102 US Coast Guard G5 departed from New Orleans-Lakefront Airport after arriving from Beaumont, TX Jack Brooks Airport on 0309 from Reragan National depart later on 0308-this one went into service in July of last year

VALOR29 G5 west from JBA and SHADY13 Beech Super King Air west from Savannah ,GA-Hunter Army Airfield for the 13 repblitards who voted against McCarty during that process

00000000 B-52 doin' ropundies out of Barksdale AFB just west of Hot Sprinfs Arkansas

Potato Out-of-Town Pool Call Time at 12:00pn EST


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2c33e4 No.23876

File: 283e4ca6b72291d⋯.mp4 (5.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486085 (111710ZMAR23)

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Trump - we caught them all -going to be a fraud like youve never seen(upped Sep 29, 2020 by CNBC)

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2c33e4 No.23877

File: 009a735f43e9e8c⋯.jpg (179.71 KB,720x850,72:85,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8569c76f8cbc772⋯.jpg (67.4 KB,604x449,604:449,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486093 (111712ZMAR23) Notable: Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their poster

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Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their poster

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2c33e4 No.23878

File: 435cb85f8281721⋯.mp4 (696.4 KB,810x424,405:212,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486104 (111715ZMAR23)

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2c33e4 No.23879

File: d368645ba07a98a⋯.gif (5.51 MB,250x208,125:104,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486118 (111717ZMAR23)

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I love this gif


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2c33e4 No.23880

File: 1b79a935877aee4⋯.mp4 (6.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486126 (111718ZMAR23)

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2c33e4 No.23881

File: 3e37ad28d2bdf88⋯.png (31.72 KB,610x296,305:148,Clipboard.png)

File: a9c3e74df701d22⋯.png (275.96 KB,596x394,298:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486128 (111719ZMAR23) Notable: Silcon Valley Bank (SIVB) was #33 on the overall list as of the last data point-Released last December for Q3 '22 $27.682B in OTC Derivatives

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US Banks Ranked by Derivatives

Silcon Valley Bank has/had $27.682B in OTC Derivatives

SIVB was #33on the overall list as of the last data point-Released last December for Q3 '22..there will be a new one released in about 10-15 days right towards the end of the 1st Q for 4thQ '22

After Bank of Mellon NY @ #8 it drops from trillions to billions


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2c33e4 No.23882

File: e25635cd35f18cb⋯.png (433.04 KB,886x757,886:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486150 (111727ZMAR23) Notable: Dem. Rep. Dan Goldman Has an Added Interest in Sinking Oversight Investigations Into Biden

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Dem. Rep. Dan Goldman Has an Added Interest

in Sinking Oversight Investigations Into Biden

Red State, by Susie Moore

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 11:33:16 AM

For those who watched Thursday’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing regarding the Twitter Files, the arrogant, dismissive, (and hilariously ignorant) attitude on display by the subcommittee’s Democrat members was hard to stomach. While most hearings are dog and pony shows to some degree, the Dems’ seek-and-destroy mission aimed at undermining the credibility of witnesses Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger and muddying the waters was blatant. As a former Democrat (of the “classical liberal” variety) the disdain for journalistic ethics and best practices and utter indifference to the gross governmental overreach

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2c33e4 No.23883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486153 (111728ZMAR23) Notable: What industries did SVB mainly deal with in venture capital and ESG conformity?

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TY Baker

Here's one that will make anons kek: What industries did SVB mainly deal with in venture capital and ESG conformity?

Big Tech (censorship)

Health Care (vaccine bioweapon)

You can't make this shit up.

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2c33e4 No.23884

File: 466cf4bce36dff7⋯.png (499.85 KB,812x720,203:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486155 (111728ZMAR23) Notable: HODL!

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Stablecoin USDC breaks dollar peg after

revealing $3.3 billion Silicon Valley

Bank exposure

Reuters, by Elizabeth Howcroft & Rishabh Jaiswal

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 10:56:49 AM

Stablecoin USD Coin (USDC) lost its dollar peg and slumped to an all-time low on Saturday after Circle, the U.S. firm behind the coin, revealed that some of the reserves backing it were held at Silicon Valley Bank. Circle has $3.3 billion of its $40 billion of USDC reserves at collapsed lender Silicon Valley Bank, the company said in a tweet on Friday. The coin broke its 1:1 dollar peg and fell as low as $0.88 shortly after 0800 GMT on Saturday according to market tracker CoinGecko. It recovered slightly to trade around $0.90 by 1120 GMT. Silicon Valley Bank collapsed on Friday

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2c33e4 No.23885

File: d96f3741a5b55e7⋯.png (583.52 KB,1185x917,1185:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486158 (111730ZMAR23) Notable: swarm of earthquakes occurring over the past few weeks has intensified at a remote Alaska volcano dormant for over a century, a possible indication of an impending eruption

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ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A swarm of earthquakes occurring over the past few weeks has intensified at a remote Alaska volcano dormant for over a century, a possible indication of an impending eruption.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory raised the alert level to advisory status for Tanaga Volcano late Tuesday after the quakes became very vigorous.

“We started seeing a whole lot of earthquakes occurring, one after the other, several per minute,” said John Power, a research geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey stationed in Anchorage at the Alaska Volcano Observatory.

There have been hundreds of small earthquakes, none larger than magnitude 2.75, but they are concentrated beneath the summit of the volcano, he said.

“That indicates that we’re seeing significant unrest at the volcano,” Power said.

“Whether or not this will lead to an eruption is something we can’t say at this point in time,” he said. “But we are concerned about it enough that we have gone and elevated the warning level.”

While the increase causes concern, he said many times earthquake activity will drop off with no eruption.

“It’s anybody’s guess as to where this particular round of earthquake activity may end up,” he said.

The volcano is on an uninhabited island in the western Aleutians, about 1,250 miles (2,012 kilometers) southwest of Anchorage. There are no communities or structures there, but Adak, a city of about 170 residents on another island, is about 65 miles (105 kilometers) away and could see ashfall.

If the volcano were to erupt, the biggest threat would be to aircraft. The Aleutians are below the routes that jets fly between North America and Asia. Volcanic ash is angular and sharp and can cause an airplane engine to shut down. Previous eruptions had both ash clouds and viscous lava that moves very slowly away from the mountain, much like what happened at Mount St. Helens in Washington state in 1980.

“It’s very different than what you would see, for example, in Hawaii, Kilauea or Mauna Loa, where you see these beautiful red rivers of lava flowing down the side of the volcano,” Power said.

Tanaga is actually part of a three-volcano complex on the island. It’s the tallest of the three at 5,925 feet (1,806 meters). It sits in the middle, with Sajaka, a 4,443-foot volcano to its west. Sajaka had an older cone that collapsed into the North Pacific Ocean with a new cone that has emerged.

To the east of Tanaga is Takawangha, a 4,754 -foot (1,449-meter) volcano that is mostly ice-covered except for four craters, the Alaska Volcano Observatory says.

The last known eruption for Tanaga was in 1914. It erupted twice in the late 1700s and again in 1829.

The observatory in a release said there are no known eruptions of Takawangha or Sajaka. However, field work has indicated that eruptions may have occurred from those volcanos and were attributed to Tanaga.


This story has been updated to correct the height of Takawangha volcano. It is 4,754 feet tall, not 4,75 feet.


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2c33e4 No.23886

File: 2881cd213d43416⋯.png (118.7 KB,421x623,421:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486192 (111739ZMAR23) Notable: Australia didn’t have a lot of COVID deaths until after they rolled out the COVID vaccines, How are they ever going to explain?

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How are they ever going to explain the excess mortality data in Australia?

Australia didn’t have a lot of COVID deaths until after they rolled out the COVID vaccines. Now excess deaths are out of control. — @stkirsch


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2c33e4 No.23887

File: 5532495349c0e6e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1554x1577,1554:1577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486196 (111740ZMAR23) Notable: The narrative on le Qanon Shaman is changing.

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Martha Chansley to Newsmax: Son Victim of Jan. 6 'Injustice'

AT&T DirecTV Censorship of Newsmax Continues, See More Here

Home | Newsmax TV

Tags: jacob chansley | jan. 6 | qanon shaman | police | footage | capitol

Martha Chansley to Newsmax: Son Victim of Jan. 6 'Injustice'

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Wednesday, 08 March 2023 09:10 AM EST

Martha Chansley, the mother of so-called "QAnon Shaman" Jacob Chansley, told Newsmax that she's "happy that the truth" of Jan. 6 "is being revealed" through a video showing two U.S. Capitol Police officers escorting her son past other police officers and to the door of the U.S. Senate the day of the protests, as his conviction was an "injustice."


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2c33e4 No.23888

File: 8fda17e14e1886b⋯.jpg (317.79 KB,791x1813,113:259,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486216 (111746ZMAR23) Notable: printer_go_brrrrrrrrrrrrrr….jpg

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2c33e4 No.23889

File: 40f47536346df2d⋯.jpeg (690.61 KB,1170x1637,1170:1637,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486229 (111749ZMAR23) Notable: The Superior Court of the DC dismissed a libel suit Friday against the news publication The Daily Caller over claims made against several congressional IT staffers in articles published 2017-2019.

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Just found this:

The Superior Court of the District of Columbia dismissed a libel suit Friday against the news publication The Daily Caller over claims made against several congressional IT staffers in articles published 2017-2019.

The case against the Daily Caller and the Daily Caller News Foundation was dismissed because it was originally filed Jan. 28, 2020, past the one-year statute of limitations for statute of limitations cases, Judge Fern Flanagan Saddler said.


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2c33e4 No.23890

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486238 (111751ZMAR23) Notable: Bank of England to place Silicon Valley Bank UK into insolvency procedure.

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JUST IN: 🇬🇧 Bank of England to place Silicon Valley Bank UK into insolvency procedure.


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2c33e4 No.23891

File: bbbf1dc064b2363⋯.png (6.17 MB,3190x2801,3190:2801,Clipboard.png)

File: 9875d7756d6ae10⋯.jpg (839.64 KB,1171x1113,1171:1113,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be0f89d853cfe40⋯.png (315.14 KB,1045x542,1045:542,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e65efe23fd69f3⋯.png (33.17 KB,378x600,63:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486250 (111756ZMAR23) Notable: Awan recap Nate Cain interview 4 year delta Whistleblower

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>Did we get fucking hoodwinked???


the FBI/DOJ either cut a deal with him or let him walk.

Story was real though


>They filed suit just for the sake of saying it?

They filed suit for the same reason that Dominion filed lawsuits. He knew the media would back him and run cover for him.

Their fucking car dealership was named Clowns In America.

Potus recently.

April Fools

April 1

A One

A Wan

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2c33e4 No.23892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486288 (111808ZMAR23) Notable: Why Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are curing Stage UV Cancer patients

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Why Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are curing Stage UV Cancer patients

Video Proof: Cancer Is Caused By Parasites

Why has this been "missed"?: Cancer "micro-parasites" can only be seen using EXPENSIVE Electron Microscopes.


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2c33e4 No.23893

File: dd9772bb426f874⋯.png (362.95 KB,650x682,325:341,Clipboard.png)

File: d79ede31aa45498⋯.png (194.02 KB,635x1272,635:1272,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e85201c799779d⋯.png (220.18 KB,749x672,107:96,Clipboard.png)

File: 223a0d3f23ae792⋯.png (452.8 KB,717x342,239:114,Clipboard.png)

File: dbc8c6ef0740a00⋯.png (214.14 KB,670x484,335:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486290 (111808ZMAR23) Notable: Podcaster and husband allegedly killed by stalker in Washington state

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Podcaster and husband allegedly killed by stalker in Washington state

Zohreh Sadeghi, 33, and Mohammed Naseri, 35, found dead along with Texas trucker Ramin Khodakaramrezaei who died by suicide


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2c33e4 No.23894

File: 90094299b3096dd⋯.png (23.03 KB,1186x393,1186:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486308 (111813ZMAR23) Notable: Soccer player dies after collapsing during practice in South Africa

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Soccer player dies after collapsing during practice in South Africa

By Emily Mae Czachor

March 8, 2023 / 3:02 PM / CBS News

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2c33e4 No.23895

File: 6de9ac79c04ee13⋯.png (664.78 KB,839x680,839:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486331 (111819ZMAR23) Notable: Trump & J6 Prison Choir Top Chart with #1 Song 'Justice for All'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump & J6 Prison Choir Top Chart with #1 Song 'Justice for All' - Listen Here

By Jack Davis March 11, 2023 at 9:32am

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2c33e4 No.23896

File: 4bf73190e77813d⋯.png (630.71 KB,834x763,834:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 674ac814634f6fb⋯.png (25.39 KB,364x367,364:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486353 (111823ZMAR23) Notable: Awan recap Nate Cain interview 4 year delta Whistleblower

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Speaking of Democrats funding terrorists and selling state secrets to our enemies,

Conservative Daily Podcastinterviewed Nate Cain yesterday

10 minutes and it's very interdasting.

Anons should watch.

And whadya know

a delta

> https://conservative-daily.com/cd-livestream/conservative-daily-10-march-2023-pm-show-nate-cain-u1-whistleblower

Conservative Daily 10 March 2023 PM Show - Nate Cain: U1 Whistleblower


Conservative Daily 10 March 2023 PM Show - Nate Cain: U1 Whistleblower


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Mar 11,2019 8:49:45 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a71319 No. 5631851



Remain in open comms w/ Sen Graham & Grassley re: Whistleblower Protection Act.

They will take your phone calls.


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2c33e4 No.23897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486354 (111824ZMAR23) Notable: Why Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are curing Stage UV Cancer patients

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Dr. Christine Siepe

President & CEO Lyra Nara Inc

Published Feb 7, 2018

Cancer Genetic dogma, virus dogma, cancer is a metabolic disease, cancer is a fungus, cancer is a lactic acidosis, etc.

Over the last two centuries many theories were developed about cancer and trillions of dollars were spent and still are, to find the right answers; which is the therapy that reproducibly works in treating cancer? Today cancer is exponentially spreading; why and how does cancer spread and why surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, preventive biopsies and tests do not prolong your life, even worse it helps spread the cancer?

Maybe we did not understand how cancer works, which are the cancer real causes and how to stop the epidemic development of cancer and in general of all chronic degenerative conditions? Who are the “major actors” in this lethal play?

Well, in the 1960 – 1980 many renowned microbiologists and doctors, among whom the German doctor Dr. Alfons Weber was a leading figure, developed and studied over 40 years his cancer theory; CANCER IS CAUSED BY MICROPARASITES known also as PROTOZOA! Dr. Weber’s theory was in detail scientifically proven and it was filmed how tumors emerge from microparasites infection and epidemically spreads through food, air, water, insects’ bits, globalized economy and food chain supply, to many surgical interventions followed by infected blood transfusions, toxic lifestyle, stress, psycho-emotional conflicts.

How a microparasites infection can convert into a cancer? These microparasites penetrate the red blood cells (erythrocytes) where they proliferate and multiply; they practically break and dissolve the capillary blood vessels walls using their lysosomes enzymes. At this stage the parasites invasively migrate extravascular into the connective tissue (matrix) and organs’ parenchyma where tissue is destroyed creating what we know today as degenerative chronic diseases.

Final stage of this protozoa infection is marked by the invasion of stem cells; first defence mechanism of stem cells is Vacuolisation (enclosure of parasites in small blisters). When there are to many vacuoles in stem cells, the stem cell starts dividing to minimize the number of vacuoles staffed with parasites. This is known as MYTOSIS and leads to hyperplasia. Once the nutrients for parasites kept enclosed in vacuoles dried up, the stem cells start stem cells go into apoptosis (cell death) due to own toxicity and starvation; at this stage the microparasites are freed again. Depending on the organs invaded and general patient’s health state, first symptoms appear in form of skin rashes, skin eczema, joints and lymphatic system inflammation and edemas, dysfunction up to total shut-down of organ’s functionality. Cancer development stages are very similar to Malaria and Toxoplasmosis infection caused by similar protozoa of plasmodial class…..continued


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2c33e4 No.23898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486364 (111826ZMAR23) Notable: Why Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are curing Stage UV Cancer patients

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Consequences of microparasites infection – pre-cancerous and cancerous symptoms

Blood quality changes: viscosity increases, erythrocytes are clumping and loose their biconcave shape, cells’ superficial tension decreases due to changes in electrical charge, oxygen transport is severely hampered, cells go into apoptosis (death)

Blood circulation is significantly impaired: infected erythrocytes lose hemoglobin (anemic state), glucose, plasma protein serum, cholesterol; all these substances are now missing in the host’s metabolism. Therefore, cancer patients have diabetes 2, anemia or even leukemia, high cholesterol and globulin values, they are cyanotic, undernourished, tired and fatigued, toxic

Hyperplasia appears to enhance stem cells division and proliferation, followed soon by Hypoplasia; Leukemia is one of the consequences of a blood hypoplasia

Erythrocytes and lymphocytes counts are diminishing, dead cells and cellular debris are swimming in the blood stream

Capillary permeability is reduced, and general capillary circulation is impaired more and more, gases cannot be purged out of the body, oxygen cannot permeate the capillaries and blood is under-oxygenated; cellular debris is not excreted (toxic state)

Infected blood plasma is leaking out into the connective tissue (extravascular) and in organs; protozoa are now infecting the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, endocrine glands, cartilages, organs; this is stage II/III or extravascular compensated

Blood vessels are either too dilated or too constricted or obstructed, some are completely blocked, aneurysm may appear to support blood circulation; other side effects of plasmodial infections are: microinfarction, necrosis, obturation, chronic heart insufficiency, heart arrhythmia, valve insufficiency, may go also to heart attack or stroke

Microparasites invasion in the lymphatic system leads to swollen, painful lymph nodes (lymphadenitis)….continued


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2c33e4 No.23899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486369 (111828ZMAR23) Notable: Why Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are curing Stage UV Cancer patients

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Mutated cells are the result of microparasites invasion of stem cells; to get rid of the parasites stem cells start to over-proliferate; when foreign parasitic DNA material is interfering with human own DNA, the proliferation and cellular division is potentiated at the aim to save own DNA and discard the invader’s DNA. Dr. Weber demonstrated that disturbances of mitosis in cancer are not endogenic (own genetic origin), but exogenic because of parasitic DNA disturbing own genetic material and cells mitosis.

First cancer manifestations after protozoa infection appear on the skin: exanthema, rash, eczema and/or on skin dependent organs such as mucosa membrane, epithelial inlayer hair, nails. Acne, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Scleroderma, syphilis skin rash. At the stage II/III of parasitic infection appear fever and night sweats, whereby the sweats are outside and inside the body affecting dramatically different organs which are now being damaged.

A successful cancer therapy must follow some general principles and have several targets:

Support infected cells to selectively heal and get rid of microparasites w/o destroying the healthy cells; best recommended natural anti-parasitic remedy is our Vivid Artemisinin which contains 40% ultrapure DMSO.

Detoxification in depth of the body, especially of connective tissue, digestive tract, liver, kidney; best recommended is Med Matrix

Purge out the microparasites die-offs by cleansing colon, liver, kidney; recommended are Homozone, Hydrocolonics, Ozone insufflation or ozonated oils

Boost immune system using specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes and a healthy nutrition; recommended are Magnesium, Vit. C, Vit. D3+K2, Vit B12, Vit. B complex

Repair cellular tissue and re-establish a correct functionality of affected organs (milieu therapy); optimize your pH, redox potential, membrane potential; recommended galvanic therapy and blood electrification with Vegetbalance

Energize the body, boost mitochondrial activity to gain energy; recommended exercising, walking, usage of supplements such as L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, L-Arginine, Quercetin, OPC, Nattokinase (antioxidant, blood thinner). Also recommended Aquatone Advancedand Galvanic therapy with Vegetbalance

Meditate, relax, relieve stress, clean active psycho-emotional conflicts and a negative state of mind, just Forgive & Forget

Avoid or diminish electrosmog burdens; recommended Triomed CGIand Vita Chip

Adjust body biochemistry and repolarize sick cells; best achievable with Geno62 and Vegetbalance galvanic therapy

Check out regularly the quality of the medication and therapies received and correct these if the results do not show expected improvements, ANS balanced activity, organs and body fluids better quality: use ANS Analysis for ANS activity live monitoring to see if the medication and therapy applied are suitable for your condition; check over 250 parameters of your body with Bioscan, check 17 organs state with

Follow us on our blog (lyranara.me), subscribe, share and like our weekly videos on YouTube, check our websites and learn more about real causes of cancer and all chronic conditions and how to efficiently help yourselves and your patients.


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2c33e4 No.23900

File: ede870d9fd1747f⋯.png (275.15 KB,605x540,121:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486393 (111833ZMAR23) Notable: SVB CEO Sold $3.6 Million in Stock Days Before Bank’s Failure

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Silicon Valley Bank top bosses sold $4.5

million worth of shares before the collapse

CNBCTV18.com, by Staff

Posted By: Harlowe, 3/11/2023 12:32:50 PM

SVB CEO and President Gregory Becker sold over 12,000 shares for $3,578,652.31 on February 26, while CFO Beck sold $575,180 in stocks in a separate transaction on the same day. Ahead of the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), many of the company’s top executives sold their shares worth $4.5 million in the company. The bank’s Chief Executive Officer Gregory Becker, Chief Financial Officer Daniel Beck, and Chief Marketing Officer Michelle Draper sold their shares of the bank’s parent company SVB Financial Group.

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2c33e4 No.23901

File: 077d1291c2fa6e2⋯.png (298.41 KB,1200x979,1200:979,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486400 (111835ZMAR23) Notable: How did Ukraine laundered US Aid end up in SVB Bank?

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We should be looking towards these individuals now.

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2c33e4 No.23902

File: 33cf1259c7fbbba⋯.png (115.43 KB,1335x776,1335:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486420 (111840ZMAR23) Notable: SVB CEO Sold $3.6 Million in Stock Days Before Bank’s Failure

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SVB CEO Sold $3.6 Million in Stock Days Before Bank’s Failure

Greg Becker

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2c33e4 No.23903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486448 (111845ZMAR23) Notable: How did Ukraine laundered US Aid end up in SVB Bank?

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Asking anons for a digg - How did Ukraine laundered US Aid end up in SVB Bank?

Happy hunting.

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2c33e4 No.23904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486450 (111845ZMAR23) Notable: How did Ukraine laundered US Aid end up in SVB Bank?

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PS - FTX is involved and it's ALL open source.

>Ukraine US Aid to SVB

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2c33e4 No.23905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486528 (111906ZMAR23) Notable: GENERAL FLYNN ON ALEX JONES RIGHT NOW! CALLS ON US TO READ: EO 14067

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2c33e4 No.23906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486531 (111907ZMAR23) Notable: How Biden and the Fed Caused Silicon Valley Bank to Tank

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How Biden and the Fed Caused Silicon Valley Bank to Tank

Regulators took control of Silicon Valley Bank, the Santa Clara-based commercial lending giant that until earlier this week was the US’ 16th biggest bank, after a bank run. The calamity may have been startling, but wasn’t unpredictable, given the Fed’s aggressive policy on interest rates, says author and banking expert David Tawil.

“Let’s talk about the important story here, which is the fact that Silicon Valley Bank came under pressure because of something very elementary, and frankly not so much their fault,” Tawil told Sputnik on Friday.

SVB fell victim to the Federal Reserve’s policy of raising interest rates too high, too fast, according to the observer.

“What banks usually do is they take in deposits and they make loans. Most of the capital is usually held in some very safe instruments, like United States Treasury debt,” Tawil explained. Consequently, SVB bought as many of these very low yielding Treasuries as they could with the depositary funds they had on hand to at least slow if not stop the inflationary depreciation of the cash they had on hand.

“As we know, the Federal Reserve has hiked rates a lot and people are getting very concerned about interest rates going even higher. Therefore, those bonds, because they had such low yield to them, became worth less and less over time. Now, if a bank holds securities and the capital they have on hand because of those securities is worth less, the bank needs to come up with more money because they have constant testing and monitoring by the banking regulators of how much money, or how much cash and liquid securities they have on hand versus the deposits that they owe to depositors," the expert said.

"And unfortunately, they got to a point where the draw down on the value of those Treasury securities they held was so great that they needed to put up more and more money, which meant they needed to go ahead and sell those Treasuries at a loss, because interest rates are going higher."

This resulted in a spiraling crisis in which whatever cash SVB could get from Treasuries would be handed over to depositors, and the bank would need to sell off even more of the lower valued bonds to come up with the cash.

“At some point it got out, in this age of social media and easy communication that we live in, that things were getting somewhat fragile over at the bank, and all of a sudden, we have this big run on the bank where lots of depositors are scared to keep their money there because they don’t know how long the bank is going to be around for,” Tawil explained.

The observer reiterated that based off publicly available information, SVB’s failure wasn’t the result of it being poorly run, any sort of financial impropriety, or fraud.

Depositors simply “got the sense that the bank was on shaky grounds…and ran to withdraw their money, and the overwhelming demand for deposits put the bank under strain to the point where the bank regulator in California needed to go ahead and step in to take over the bank.”

Fed’s Wrecking Ball

SVB’s collapse is indicative of a couple things, Tawil says.

“First off with respect to Silicon Valley, it’s indicative of the slowdown there. I think in the wake of a low interest rate environment being over, easy money not being so easy anymore and these startups not getting capital so easily anymore, it means that there aren’t increasing deposits into Silicon Valley Bank. In other words, if there was more money coming in, they wouldn’t have had this problem. Unfortunately these venture capital-funded companies had to take money out. They’re firing employees, they’re shrinking, they’re obviously not doing as well as they were before, their investors aren’t investing as much money. Therefore there is a general slowdown going on in Silicon Valley, and frankly it’s going on all across the country,” he said.

“But on top of that there is another broader point to be made, which is thatthe Fed’s interest rate hikes are hurting investors that have invested previously in government securities that were yielding a lot less. That puts a strain on every bank. Every bank owns Treasuries; instead of having the money sitting in cash they want it to earn some form of return, butunfortunately it’s not earning as much of a return as if you’d put the money in to work today. Therefore, the Treasuries you bought six months ago or 12 months ago are worth less today. You’ve lost as a bank on that investment."


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2c33e4 No.23907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486560 (111918ZMAR23) Notable: GENERAL FLYNN ON ALEX JONES RIGHT NOW! CALLS ON US TO READ: EO 14067

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2c33e4 No.23908

File: a08ef9583cb523e⋯.png (563.11 KB,1206x1096,603:548,Clipboard.png)

File: fb1d7bf78ec3cc2⋯.mp4 (5.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486594 (111927ZMAR23) Notable: James O'Keefe This is what @Project_Veritas didn't want you to see when they ousted me. #January6th was a setup. A frame job. #QAnonShaman

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James O'Keefe Exposes Government Conspiracy to Frame Citizens at January 6th Protest.

This is what


didn't want you to see when they ousted me. #January6th was a setup. A frame job. #QAnonShaman #whistleblower #FirstAmendment

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2c33e4 No.23909

File: 6f00019f33db4ce⋯.png (191.09 KB,895x588,895:588,Clipboard.png)

File: 55a2b337955b9d1⋯.png (47.91 KB,893x291,893:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486595 (111927ZMAR23) Notable: Georgia (EU) has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

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Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

What lies behind this week's scenes in Tbilisi and why was Russia again used as a scapegoat?

Tbilisi’s main street, Rustaveli Avenue, was blocked for several days this week as thousands of people chanted anti-government slogans in front of the parliament building and sang the Georgian national anthem. Even more protesters gathered at the square in the evenings. By nightfall, the enraged crowd was throwing firecrackers, stones, and Molotov cocktails at the police, attempting to take down an iron fence and storm the parliament. The police used water cannons to promptly put out the fires and showered the crowds with water, at the same time spraying tear gas to disperse those present.

What led to this violent confrontation is perhaps difficult to understand from the perspective of a Western reader. It wasn’t a “civil society” uprising in the sense you might find, for example, in a country like France. Instead, it was organized by people whose livelihoods were threatened by the proposed legislation.

In a poor country like Georgia, foreign-funded roles pay multiple times better than local gigs. By taking on the NGO industry, the government went up against a powerful, and relatively well-heeled lobby.

Inside the crisis

The protests were initially triggered by a bill ‘On the Transparency of Foreign Influence’, which was adopted by the Georgian parliament on its first reading. On Tuesday, 76 deputies voted in favor of adopting the bill and 13 deputies opposed it.

During the discussion stage, MPs from opposition parties said they would not allow the so-called “Russian law” to be considered in parliament. This resulted in a fight between opponents and supporters of the legislation. Deputies from the National Movement and Strategy Aghmashenebeli opposition parties were expelled from the chamber. Triggered by the situation, the latter’s leader Giorgi Vashadze called on all opponents of the bill to join the rally.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Georgian Interior Ministry reported that 50 law enforcement officers had been injured in clashes with protesters. Calls from the police to “stay within the bounds of the law” did not work.


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2c33e4 No.23910

File: 492d529c92758dc⋯.png (528.08 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486597 (111927ZMAR23) Notable: GOP rep unveils bill to install weapons lockers so House employees can take guns to workin 'crime-ridden DC'

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March 11, 2023 2:17pm EST

GOP rep unveils bill to install weapons lockers so House employees can take guns to workin 'crime-ridden DC'

Controversial D.C. crime law easing certain penalties has drawn bipartisan criticism on Capitol Hill

Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., on Friday introduced legislation that would allow congressional employees to carry legally possessed weapons in self-defense to and from Capitol Hill and safely store them while at work.

The Safe Storage Lockers for House Office Buildings Act would require Capitol Police to install and operate lockers at the entrances of House office buildings where workers could store their weapons.


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2c33e4 No.23911

File: ff7c19ffea6a3e2⋯.png (49.5 KB,406x621,406:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486618 (111932ZMAR23) Notable: CHINA IS TRYING TO FORCE A RUN ON US BANKS

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Terror Alarm


🚨🇨🇳 China orders to sell its US Treasuries at its fastest pace.

Meanwhile, the People's Bank of China has added over 102 tons of gold in 4 months in an attempt to limit counterparty risk in a conflict with the US over #Taiwan.

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2c33e4 No.23912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486624 (111933ZMAR23) Notable: Follow up on DNA contamination of COVID-19 injectable products It's worse than originally thought based on new results…

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==Follow up on DNA contamination of COVID-19 injectable products

It's worse than originally thought based on new results…==

My friend Kevin McKernan has done an incredible amount of work that has allowed the discovery of contamination in the form of dsDNA in both the Pfizer and Moderna products. You can read about that here and here. But it turns out following further and more in-depth inquiries, that it’s worse than originally thought. Please refer to Anandamide’s most recent Substack piece entitled: “Pfizer and Moderna bivalent vaccines contain 20-35% expression vector and are transformation competent in E.coli”.

Take Home Message: The left-over expression vectors used to manufacture the mRNAs are at contamination levels 100-fold higher than originally proposed and imply trillions of DNA molecules per dose. This has implications for integration into our genome.

Implications for integration into our genome?

Wait now. Didn’t they pinky-finger promise that that was impossible with a side of ‘you’re a moron?’ and/or ‘you’re fired’?

Do I hear the Precautionary Principle riding in on its white steed? Nope. Just the Pfizer/Moderna/FDA/CDC/ETC trains railroading the truth.

Model Railroading 101 - Get Started with Model Trains


Kevin’s team originally used a technique called RNA-seq to investigate whether or not there was contamination in the Pfizer and Moderna products and found high levels of kanamycin/neomycin/spike-containing expression plasmids - ‘levels that exceeded the EMA specified dsDNA limits for these COVID-19 injectable products in the case of the Pfizer products’. Concerning. Very concerning. But listen to this. As part of the RNA-seq process, an additive called called actinomycin D (like Furious D) is used, and it can function to suppress DNA amplification by suppressing DNA dependent RNA polymerase activity.


Hmm. So doesn’t that mean that there might be even more DNA than originally thought?


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2c33e4 No.23913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486625 (111934ZMAR23) Notable: Follow up on DNA contamination of COVID-19 injectable products It's worse than originally thought based on new results…

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To check this, and to get around the potential problem of actinomycin D activities associated with RNA-seq, they decided use quantitative PCR (qPCR) and gel visualization (eletrophoresis) to get a better idea of just how much DNA contamination they were dealing with. They got rid of the mRNA from the Pfizer and Moderna samples altogether, purified the existing DNA, and used it in follow-up assays. Doing this allowed them to answer questions relating to whether or not the DNA contaminating the samples were circular or linear: ie - replication competent or not, and to assess the ratio of circular to linear DNA contaminants.

The initial sequencing of the mRNA vaccines did not sequence deeply enough to ascertain the completeness of the linearization reaction.

This was a very important issue to address since the knee-jerk reaction to their original findings was that the DNA was linear(ized) and thus not replication competent. So, no problem! But, even if we are looking at linear plasmids (as opposed to circular), and even though the former might not be replication competent (or less than their circular mates), Kevin’s team’s previous estimate of billions of potentially contaminating DNA molecules is still super concerning. Why? Because the linearization reactions are likely not 100% efficient. For example, if the reactions are 99% efficient, there would still potentially be millions of replication competent plasmids present. Can you see the problem?

So the brilliant labbies got some Pfizer and Moderna samples, got rid of the modified mRNA, took out the DNA (which shouldn’t be there in the first place), and then tried to transform E. coli bacteria using this DNA. We talked about this here but here’s a refresher video:

The thing about this is that they shouldn’t be finding any colonies growing at all. The fact that these plasmids are replication-competent (whatever form they take) - even in lab E. coli - in the first place, is concerning.

Then they did qPCR assays using specially-designed primers to amplify the spike, kan or mRNA in the plasmids, in order to estimate the plasmid to mRNA ratio.

qPCR primers were designed using IDTs Primer Quest software targeting the Kanamycin gene in the plasmid (HEX) and the Spike protein in the plasmid and the mRNA (FAM).


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2c33e4 No.23914

File: 4625d92de5d775b⋯.png (1.36 MB,960x1200,4:5,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486630 (111935ZMAR23) Notable: Soccer player dies after collapsing during practice in South Africa

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2c33e4 No.23915

File: 1d4206ddb5e969e⋯.png (571.01 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486686 (111941ZMAR23) Notable: Elon Musk Says He’s Open to the Idea on Buying Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank

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Bank Musk…..

Elon Musk Says He’s Open to the Idea on Buying Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank

Silicon Valley Bank was shut down by California regulators on Friday and seized all its assets. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was named as the receiver.

“Silicon Valley Bank has been closed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has been appointed receiver, becoming the first FDIC-backed institution to fail this year,” Market Watch reported.

“The news comes amid a crisis at parent SVB Financial Group SIVB, which lost a record 60% of its value on Thursday, after it disclosed large losses from securities sales and announced a dilutive stock offering along with a profit warning. The FDIC said all insured depositors will have full access to their accounts no later than Monday morning. Uninsured depositors will get a receivership certificate and may be entitled to dividends once the FDIC sells the bank’s assets,” the outlet added.

The bank reportedly holds $173 billion in deposits. The collapse could cause a recession.


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2c33e4 No.23916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486727 (111946ZMAR23) Notable: #22669

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Notables(Not endorsements)

#22669 >>23868



>>23908 James O'Keefe This is what @Project_Veritas didn't want you to see when they ousted me. #January6th was a setup. A frame job. #QAnonShaman


>>23870 RE: Man made element with atomic number 115 (E115) Can it power the 8kun party bus?

>>23872, >>23871, >>23873, >>23874, >>23887 The narrative on le Qanon Shaman is changing.

>>23875 PlaneFag Europe and CONUS: NOBLE61 B-52 over Baltic Sea (right around Nordtream and prolly another one there just can't see it) and about to get a fill up from 57-1483/58-0118 KC-135 Stratotankers

>>23877 Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their poster

>>23876, >>23878, >>23879, >>23880

>>23881 Silcon Valley Bank (SIVB) was #33 on the overall list as of the last data point-Released last December for Q3 '22 $27.682B in OTC Derivatives

>>23882 Dem. Rep. Dan Goldman Has an Added Interest in Sinking Oversight Investigations Into Biden

>>23883 What industries did SVB mainly deal with in venture capital and ESG conformity?

>>23884 HODL!

>>23885 swarm of earthquakes occurring over the past few weeks has intensified at a remote Alaska volcano dormant for over a century, a possible indication of an impending eruption

>>23886 Australia didn’t have a lot of COVID deaths until after they rolled out the COVID vaccines, How are they ever going to explain?

>>23888 printer_go_brrrrrrrrrrrrrr….jpg

>>23889 The Superior Court of the DC dismissed a libel suit Friday against the news publication The Daily Caller over claims made against several congressional IT staffers in articles published 2017-2019.

>>23890 Bank of England to place Silicon Valley Bank UK into insolvency procedure.

>>23891, >>23896 Awan recap Nate Cain interview 4 year delta Whistleblower

>>23892, >>23897, >>23898, >>23899 Why Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are curing Stage UV Cancer patients

>>23893 Podcaster and husband allegedly killed by stalker in Washington state

>>23895 Trump & J6 Prison Choir Top Chart with #1 Song 'Justice for All'

>>23894, >>23914 Soccer player dies after collapsing during practice in South Africa

>>23900, >>23902 SVB CEO Sold $3.6 Million in Stock Days Before Bank’s Failure

>>23903, >>23901, >>23904 How did Ukraine laundered US Aid end up in SVB Bank?

>>23906 How Biden and the Fed Caused Silicon Valley Bank to Tank

>>23909 Georgia (EU) has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

>>23910 GOP rep unveils bill to install weapons lockers so House employees can take guns to workin 'crime-ridden DC'

>>23912, >>23913 Follow up on DNA contamination of COVID-19 injectable products It's worse than originally thought based on new results…

>>23915 Elon Musk Says He’s Open to the Idea on Buying Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank


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2c33e4 No.23917

File: 654ebdec55db4ca⋯.png (287.87 KB,500x327,500:327,Clipboard.png)

File: 44a7b5164239b41⋯.png (65.1 KB,500x210,50:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486773 (111955ZMAR23) Notable: USDC 'Stablecoin' Breaks Peg As Circle Admits Billions Stuck With SVB

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USDC 'Stablecoin' Breaks Peg As Circle Admits Billions Stuck With SVB

Yesterday afternoon, after the equity market close, USD Coin (USDC) issuer Circle revealed that $3.3 billion of its $40 billion reserves were tied up in now-failed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB).

Specifically, on March 9, Circle initiated a wire transfer to remove its funds from SVB as the FDIC-insured bank was about to shut operations. However, two days later, on March 11, Circle confirmed that the wire transfers were not wholly processed, with $3.3 billion of USDC reserves still with SVB.

Almost immediately, leading crypto exchanges Binance and Coinbase both said that they would temporarily suspend USDC conversions as the contagion from the collapse of SVB plays out.

Citing "current market conditions" without naming Silicon Valley Bank, Binance said it has temporarily suspended auto-conversion of USDC to BUSD.


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2c33e4 No.23918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486776 (111955ZMAR23) Notable: Timcast IRL -GOP REJECTS New J6 Footage From Tucker, DEFENDS Democrats w/Kash Patel

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Timcast IRL -GOP REJECTS New J6 Footage From Tucker, DEFENDS Democrats w/Kash Patel

Pretty interesting show with Kash


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2c33e4 No.23919

File: febd52f90b497fc⋯.png (228.43 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486790 (111957ZMAR23) Notable: What Comes After The Great Liquidation?

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What Comes After The Great Liquidation?

When 2023 started, there was a general sense that the stock and bond markets had turned over a new leaf. A repeat of 2022 was out of the question.

The primary assumption was that inflation would relent. After that, everything else would neatly fall in line. Specifically, interest rates would decline, and the next great stock market boom would bubble up just in time to bailout the meager retirement savings of aging baby boomers.

That was the general outlook when 2023 commenced. But instead, the opposite is now happening. Inflation is persisting. Interest rates are rising. And stock and real estate prices are headed down, down, down.

This week, for example, Fed Chair Jerome Powell, in his semi-annual Congressional testimony, clarified that interest rates would go “higher than previously anticipated.” He also noted that, if needed, he’s “prepared to increase the pace of rate hikes.”

In other words, the much-anticipated Powell pivot has gone on indefinite hiatus. You can fight the Fed and buy stocks if you must. But you won’t likely be very happy with the results.

Moreover, Fed rate hikes are only part of the story. To be clear, the Fed’s rate hikes are to the federal funds rate. However, they do, in fact, influence Treasury rates.

Since March 2022, the Fed has hiked the federal funds rate from a target range of 0 to 0.25 percent to a range of 4.50 to 4.75 percent. As a result, and over this duration, the 2-year Treasury yield has jumped from 1.75 to over 5 percent.

What to make of it…


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2c33e4 No.23920

File: 1dfc93c3049bcb0⋯.png (581.03 KB,392x802,196:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 04ed1ee439e341f⋯.jpg (189.77 KB,741x1200,247:400,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e3763ead6104af7⋯.png (582.65 KB,389x821,389:821,Clipboard.png)

File: d401163eed3274a⋯.jpg (93.99 KB,488x900,122:225,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486792 (111958ZMAR23) Notable: PF - B-52H Stratofortress of the US Air Force went to the position of launching missiles in St. Petersburg

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⚡️The strategic bomber B-52H Stratofortress of the US Air Force, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, about 2 hours ago, went to the position of launching missiles in St. Petersburg near the island of Gotland, which is located at a distance of about 200 km from the northern capital.

After that, the American bomber made a sharp turn, left in the direction of Estonia and entered Lithuanian airspace.


The American strategic bomber B-52N of the US Air Force is currently flying past the Kaliningrad region, before making a circle through the Baltic.


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2c33e4 No.23921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486794 (111958ZMAR23) Notable: Military Budget For 2024 To Close In On $1 Trillion Mark

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Military Budget For 2024 To Close In On $1 Trillion Mark

The White House is asking Congress for a whopping $886.4 billion military budget for the fiscal year 2024, with $842 billion of it going to the Pentagon. The rest would go toward other federal agencies’ military spending, including the Energy Department’s nuclear weapons program.

The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act will likely be much higher than the White House request as Congress added tens of billions to the previous two military budgets. For 2023, President Biden requested $813 billion, but Congress added $45 billion, bringing the finalized NDAA to $858 billion.

Congress could easily bring the 2024 NDAA to over $900 billion, closing in on the $1 trillion mark. The NDAAs don’t include the funds authorized for the Ukraine war, which could add another $100 billion if the US keeps spending on the conflict at the same pace.

In a statement on the request, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the funds were needed to confront China, which the Pentagon has identified as its top priority.

"The President’s budget request provides the resources necessary to address the pacing challenge from the People’s Republic of China, address advanced and persistent threats, accelerate innovation and modernization, and ensure operational resiliency amidst our changing climate," Austin, a former Raytheon board member, said in a statement.

According to Responsible Statecraft, more than half of the budget will likely go to defense contractors, with Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon getting the biggest chunk.

The budget includes $170 billion for weapons procurement and $145 billion for the research and development of new arms. "We may be looking at $1 trillion in defense spending for the first time ever—this is madness," Responsible Statecraft writes.


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2c33e4 No.23922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486804 (112000ZMAR23) Notable: Saudis Want "Civilian Nuclear Program" In Exchange For Normalization With Israel

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Saudis Want "Civilian Nuclear Program" In Exchange For Normalization With Israel

Saudi Arabia has asked the US for help with developing a "civilian nuclear program" and for fewer restrictions on arms purchases in exchange for normalizing ties with Israel, the New York Times reports.

Normalization between Tel Aviv and Riyadh would fulfill several goals of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, chief among them "downgrading the relative importance of the Palestinian issue," analysts told the NYT. "I certainly believe that the peace agreement between us and the Saudis will lead to an agreement with the Palestinians," Netanyahu told Italian daily La Repubblica on 9 March.

Such a deal would also be the most significant step yet towards fulfilling Netanyahu’s promise to expand on the Trump-era Abraham Accords signed between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.

While Saudi Arabia has yet to sign the normalization agreement officially – citing its ‘concern’ for the mistreatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories – the country has already opened its airspace to Israeli flights and has hosted Israeli business people and officials over the past few years.

Nonetheless, questions remain about the viability of the kingdom’s latest demands due to the frosty relationship between Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) and US President Joe Biden. US officials are reportedly also wary of Riyadh’s nuclear aspirations, as this could be the first step towards developing nuclear weapons.

Moreover, even if a backroom deal is reached, the NYT claims Biden is likely to face pushback from congress, as over the past year, several lawmakers have pressed the White House to downgrade relations with Saudi Arabia. "Our relationship with Saudi Arabia has to be a direct bilateral relationship… It should not run through Israel," Senator Christopher S. Murphy told the NYT.

"The Saudis have been consistently behaving badly, over and over," he added before saying that selling more weapons to the kingdom should come "in exchange for better behavior toward the United States, not just better behavior toward Israel."

The decades-long relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia took a dramatic plunge last year following the start of the war in Ukraine, as the kingdom, alongside a large majority of countries worldwide, refused to cut ties with Russia.


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2c33e4 No.23923

File: 30a0a70a54a6c12⋯.png (362.05 KB,598x562,299:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486812 (112001ZMAR23) Notable: Pope Francis: ‘Gender ideology’ is one of ‘most dangerous ideological colonizations’

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New York Post


Pope Francis: ‘Gender ideology’ is one of ‘most dangerous ideological colonizations’



repent sinner. your colon is probably infected with extraterrestrial parasites.

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2c33e4 No.23924

File: 49547f0556d0d16⋯.png (123.16 KB,796x618,398:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 501abeebba3481b⋯.png (129.82 KB,815x650,163:130,Clipboard.png)

File: a823e8615acfaa4⋯.png (122.88 KB,799x513,799:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486866 (112008ZMAR23) Notable: SEC Staff Consulted With Green Financial Firm Accused Of Selling ‘Fictitious’ Carbon Credits

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SEC Staff Consulted With Green Financial Firm Accused Of Selling ‘Fictitious’ Carbon Credits

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officials met with representatives of a Swiss climate firm now under fire for allegedly selling “fictitious” carbon credits to discuss climate regulations, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

Millions of dollars worth of carbon credits issued by the Swiss firm South Pole could not be reliably tied back to actual greenhouse gas reductions, according to a report by Dutch investigative journalism outlet Follow the Money.

SEC officials met with a representative of South Pole in January 2022 and the company was cited multiple times in proposed rulemaking issued by the agency in March 2022, according to publicly available documents.

Officials at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) met with representatives of a Swiss climate consultancy firm now under fire for allegedly selling “fictitious” carbon credits, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

SEC officials met with a representative of South Pole in January 2022 to discuss how the SEC might estimate the costs companies would face if they were made to include data related to their greenhouse gas emissions in their regular financial disclosures, according to a publicly available SEC memorandum. The company, an international powerhouse whose clients include Gucci and Volkswagen, may have sold millions of dollars worth of carbon credits on the promise of environmental protection efforts that never actually occured, according to a report by Dutch investigative journalism outlet Follow the Money.

South Pole manages the “world’s largest portfolio of carbon projects” and allows companies to offset their greenhouse gas emissions by investing in projects that reduce carbon emissions elsewhere, allowing them to meet carbon emissions targets without radically altering their business model, according to its website. However, the firm appears to have sold credits based on its signature Kariba Forest Protection project in Zimbabwe, despite being aware that the project may have only generated one-third of the greenhouse gas offsets the company publicly claimed, Follow the Money reported.


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2c33e4 No.23925

File: 095bde90dae66ed⋯.png (839.01 KB,892x680,223:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486876 (112009ZMAR23) Notable: Jan. 6 Videos Show Antifa Disguising Selves as Trump Supporters

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Jan. 6 Videos Show Antifa Disguising Selves

as Trump Supporters, Trumpers Stopping Vandals

PJ Media, by Catherine Salgado

Posted By: Hazymac, 3/11/2023 2:45:21 PM

Previously censored videos of Jan. 6, 2021, are now circulating online and sparking controversy and shock. The videos show people who appear to be Antifa disguising themselves as Trump supporters, and Trump supporters stopping Antifa vandalism. Another video shows a man who said he witnessed Antifa disguising themselves and saying they wanted to make Trump supporters look bad. The eyewitness further insisted the Jan. 6 protesters committing vandalism were not Trump supporters. Actor and director Kevin Sorbo tweeted the video below with the comment, “Now do you believe me?” [Tweet] Cartoonist Scott Adams quote-tweeted a video of Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman” who was

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2c33e4 No.23926

File: 93bca83cc697f15⋯.png (330.95 KB,881x804,881:804,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486888 (112011ZMAR23) Notable: Footage Shows "QAon Shaman" Jacob Chansley Telling January 6th Protesters To Go Home

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Footage Shows "QAon Shaman" Jacob Chansley

Telling January 6th Protesters To Go Home

Real Clear Politics, by Ian Schwartz

Posted By: EQKimball, 3/11/2023 2:44:11 PM

Footage from January 6th shows Jacob Chansley, or the "QAnon Shaman," on a speaker reading then-President Donald Trump's tweet telling protesters to go home. "Donald Trump has asked us to go home," Chansley said to the gathered crowd. "We made our point and Donald Trump has asked for everybody to go home. So what are we going to do? We are going to obey our president, we're going to do what he asked. "Respect the Capitol," a man in the crowd shouted. "We are not Antifa," Chansley repeated.


If authentic, this short video should arm Chansley's lawyers with the basis to move the Court to vacate the plea and sentence on the grounds that by DOJ hiding this evidence, he was denied fundamental fairness required by Constitutional due process.

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2c33e4 No.23927

File: 2e7052dc8c15edf⋯.png (206.32 KB,827x939,827:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486897 (112013ZMAR23) Notable: All Q Drops – Part 133: Targeted Whistleblowers. Russian Plane Crash Kills 71. Las Vegas Arrests 13 Infraud Organization Criminals.

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All Q Drops – Part 133: Targeted Whistleblowers. Russian Plane Crash Kills 71. Las Vegas Arrests 13 Infraud Organization Criminals.

Patriots In Progress

1 hr ago

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Please subscribe, like, and share with others! Hitting the re-TRUTH button on TRUTH Social is the best way you can make an impact and help get this message out! Let’s build a community of Patriots and make progress together. You can find me @PatriotsInProgress. Thank you!

How this Works

For each publication, I will review at least one Q drop and discuss at a high level. There is a vast amount of data out there that I cannot not hope to capture in these publications. Therefore, I encourage each of you to independently research the data and come to your own conclusions.

Drops #715 through #719 (https://qalerts.app/):

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2c33e4 No.23928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486957 (112025ZMAR23) Notable: NYC spends over $10M each day for illegals

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Absurd: NYC spends over $10M each day for illegals

New York City’s Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol told a City Council panel meeting that the Department of Homeless Services and Health & Hospital are spending an average of $363 per day for a single illegal migrant’s shelter and food.

That translates to over $10 million per day as more than 30,000 illegal migrants currently are housed in the city’s taxpayer-funded facilities, according to reports.

City Hall puts the minimum daily cost of taking care of illegal immigrants at $4,622,800, telling the media that there are 12,700 households currently in its care.

Iscol warned the City Council’s Committee on Contracts that “the city is at the end of its resources, and the situation is not sustainable.”

According to Iscol, the temporary Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers set up by the city to deal with the influx of illegal immigrants are not viable solutions.

He added that the city has reached out for help from both state and federal governments. However, the city is not getting enough support from President Joe Biden and New York State Governor Kathy Hochul.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) only provided the city with $8 million in December. City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli and Rep. Nicole Malliotakis expressed frustration, with Borelli stating that the Biden administration should take responsibility for the situation and provide financial aid to the city.

Hochul has promised $1 billion in aid to the city for the crisis in her state budget, though the city will have to pay a third of the amount. The Biden administration, on the other hand, has yet to commit to funding any amount of aid.

NYC taxpayers’ money going to waste – literally

Meanwhile, the New York Post reported earlier this year that nearly a ton of taxpayer-provided food gets tossed in the trash every day at a Manhattan hotel being used to house migrants.

Disturbing photos show garbage bags full of sandwiches and bagels awaiting disposal at the four-star Row NYC hotel near Times Square, where the city pays a daily rate as high as $500 per room, hotel employee Felipe Rodriguez told the Post.

“It’s a crime to be throwing out so much food,” he said.

According to Rodriguez, at least 40 percent of the food supplied to migrants at the Row gets thrown out. He estimated the amount wasted at “almost a ton” a day.

“How do I know that? Because the sanitation guys go floor by floor every day, picking up the trash,” he said.

“Before, it used to be something like six, seven bags in the back landing of each floor. Now they’re picking up 15, 20 bags. Anything [the migrants] don’t consume is in those bags, and they’re heavy. I weighed one of the bags full of sandwiches one time and it weighed 60 pounds.”

The expanding roster of hotels in New York City is being used to house about 26,100 of the 38,700 migrants who’ve flooded into the Big Apple since the spring, according to City Hall.

Officials initially planned to have migrants undergo processing in those hotels for just 72 hours, but they abandoned the plan after getting overwhelmed by the influx that led New York City Mayor Eric Adams to declare a state of emergency in October.


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2c33e4 No.23929

File: fc6d1b032d8eb1a⋯.png (318.7 KB,789x418,789:418,Clipboard.png)

File: 1427949df4e3dcc⋯.png (120.78 KB,495x430,99:86,Clipboard.png)

File: e25f1e007b7f4c6⋯.png (119.69 KB,402x207,134:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486976 (112027ZMAR23) Notable: Gen. Flynn on Infowars LIVE - some highlights

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>>23905 pb


Gen. Flynn on Infowars LIVE

some highights, missed first 10 mins






Gen Flynn is alerting people to WEC/Biden effort to promote Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). SO: Don't go a bank run! Plays right into their hands.

Instead, raise your voices!

'Don't let the FDIC pay anything to SVB acct holders with $ over $250,000 in CBDC!

on GLOBALISTS: Schwab, WEC, WHO, CHIcom:

want to take over everything.

Putin has made a conscious idea not to be part of the WEC.

Recent Bali Summit: WHO wants global vax card - the attendees signed off on it. What does that mean?

"Don't get that damn vaccine - don't do it!" - Flynn. "I'm against that murder weapon….it's undeniable."

Globalist elite fear what they cannot control.

China has 100 year plan

Right now, we're in a crisis period

China wants to divide Western alliances thru belt and road, Ukraine war energizes it.

China then allies with ex-allies.

There is a new economic alliance between Saudi Arabia and China. [cites other alliances]

Done slowly over time.

we are smack dab in the middle of World War 3 right now

Within the USA, there's a CANCER of socialist/communism, sponsored by the CCP. They have infiltrated every single institution since the mid 1990s, espec. thru the education system, starting top down.

Why aren't these wealthy people with power already satisfied?

They want MORE POWER.

"I'm being brutally honest today."

On LOCAL action:

Flynn attended Sarasota Memorial Hospital hearing….Alex interrupts, doesn't let him finish.

Flynn wants people getting involved in LOCAL efforts. "We are in a moment of historic peril."

Let them know "we've had enough." Create pressure on them to act.

J6 - opposition wanted to put the fear of God into every citizen so we don't organize.

Most of the Repub gov's aren't doing enough.

On Ukraine:

Russians are NOT losing,"we are supporting a fascist regime in Ukraine"

$100,000 billion dollars

Americans are NOT behind this war.

Alex asks, should we impeach Biden? Flynn: YES.

Exposure of globalist elite and their efforts to take over the world - this is what matters.

On Importance of CHARACTER:

"No country that ever lost its character kept its country."


"We know how to fight back."

Have to get off our knees and stand up. Then we're GOING TO WIN.

We have not lost our character as a nation - YET. They're trying to destroy the fabric of our character. We have to take a stand.

How to overcome CHIcom/Globalist alliance:

1. Don't let anybody to call you a conspiracy theorist.

2. Xi and Globalists/Harrari/Schwab are allied - be AWARE. They are psychopaths.

3. China is our adversary not our friend (Biden admin lies).

Too much griping and not enough action.

Create alternative ideas, paths, economy.

Hold the opposition accountable - "EXPOSE THESE BASTARDS" - like Fauci.

What would Flynn say to Elon Musk?

He's doing a service for the world by exposing the deep state, showing how the Feds have weaponized every aspect of the govt to go against the people.

On 5th generation warfare:

It's a war involving INFORMATION.


"God Wins"


Alex is extremely annoying, keeps cutting off Flynn, trying to one-up him. Still worth watching.

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2c33e4 No.23930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18486979 (112028ZMAR23) Notable: Iran and Saudi Arabia Agree To Normalize Ties

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Iran and Saudi Arabia Agree To Normalize Ties


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2c33e4 No.23931

File: 37ebdec2fd3c45a⋯.png (1.44 MB,1428x1428,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487013 (112035ZMAR23) Notable: Iran Undertakes to Stop Attacks Against Saudi Arabia

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Iran International English @IranIntl_En

ICYMI: As part of the Chinese-brokered deal with Saudi Arabia, Iran's regime has pledged to halt attacks against its Arab archrival, including from Houthi rebels it backs in the Yemen civil war, Saudi, Iranian and US officials told @WSJ.

10:55 AM · Mar 11, 2023


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2c33e4 No.23932

File: e57b4bdf554d61a⋯.png (558.47 KB,806x598,31:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487015 (112035ZMAR23) Notable: Former Congressman Convicted of Insider Trading

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Former Congressman Convicted of Insider Trading

Tony Gray&#09;by Tony Gray&#09;

March 11, 2023

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2c33e4 No.23933

File: f846ee7b430703a⋯.png (61.59 KB,754x592,377:296,Clipboard.png)

File: 822e2acfb2365c7⋯.png (50.7 KB,755x562,755:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487017 (112036ZMAR23) Notable: DOJ Gets Hit With Huge Legal Motion After Merrick Garland Falsely Claims 5 Officers Were Killed On J6

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DOJ Gets Hit With Huge Legal Motion After Merrick Garland Falsely Claims 5 Officers Were Killed On J6

In the aftermath of explosive new January 6 footage revealed by Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson, there have been false claims made by Biden officials that police officers were killed by protesters during the Capitol riots.

Attorney General Merrick Garland in particular misrepresented the incident and implied that five police officers died due to the January 6 incident.

“I think all Americans saw what happened on January 6th, and most of it saw, most of us saw it,,, as it was happening,” Garland said. “It was a violent attack on a fundamental tenant of American democracy. That power is peacefully transferred from one administration to another. Over a hundred officers were assaulted on that day. Five officers died. We have charged more than a thousand people with their crimes on that day. And more than 500 have already been convicted. I think it’s very clear what happened on January 6th.”

Attorney General Garland fundamentally misrepresented the January 6 incident in his statement. No police officers died due to attacks by January 6 protesters.

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died a day after the attack, but his death was determined afterward to be of natural causes: two strokes at the base of his brain stem caused by an artery clot.

In the aftermath of the Capitol riots, four Capitol Police and Washington Metropolitan Police officers died by suicide. The Capitol Police officer’s union said about 140 officers were injured during the protests.

In March 2022, President Joe Biden knowingly and intentionally spread myths about the January 6 riot.

“Again, we’re not perfect — we’re not even close — but we never have walked away,” he said. “And Vladimir Putin was counting on being able to split up the United States.”

“Look, how would you feel if you saw crowds storm and break down the doors of the British Parliament, kill five cops, injure 145 — or the German Bundestag, or the Italian Parliament?” he added. “I think you’d wonder. Well, that’s what the rest of the world saw. It’s not who we are. And now, we’re proving, under pressure, that we are not that country. We’re united.”

Such misleading statements made by top Biden officials and U.S. attorneys have the potential to taint jury pools in January 6 cases, particularly on the D.C. Circuit.


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2c33e4 No.23934

File: 707089676c7859a⋯.png (171.08 KB,449x537,449:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487031 (112037ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump says that Truth Social is his version of Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’

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President Trump says that Truth Social is his version of Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’:

“Well I have a ‘Ministry of Truth’… it’s called Truth Social… We have a strong Christian influence there. You know what it is? Me.”

He also provided his thoughts on Elon Musk:

“I like him. I helped him when he had difficulty. I think he’s a very good guy… I think he’s a really good guy. He paid a lot of money for that and I hope it works out.”

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2c33e4 No.23935

File: 362cc76d7db9bb3⋯.png (743.58 KB,1178x440,589:220,Clipboard.png)

File: e4c73243eb57a09⋯.png (910.35 KB,1024x640,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487072 (112043ZMAR23) Notable: Organizers say some 500,000 attended anti-overhaul protests nationwide - Israel

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Organizers say some 500,000 attended anti-overhaul protests nationwide

‘I was wrong,’ police chief says about since-blocked decision to remove Tel Aviv district commander, whose handling of anti-overhaul protests has been criticized by Ben Gvir

Organizers of the anti-overhaul protests claim some 500,000 people took part in nationwide rallies this evening, including nearly 250,000 at the main demonstration in Tel Aviv.


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2c33e4 No.23936

File: 2484d59387de1d6⋯.mp4 (12.48 MB,848x448,53:28,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487096 (112046ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump says that Truth Social is his version of Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’

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>‘Ministry of Truth’… it’s called Truth Social


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2c33e4 No.23937

File: 1744bff33d815b2⋯.png (272.81 KB,423x578,423:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487099 (112047ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. McCullough: The Most Promising Substance Against Spike Proteins Is an Enzyme Called Nattokinase

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Dr. McCullough: The Most Promising Substance Against Spike Proteins Is an Enzyme Called Nattokinase

Nattokinase is a natural proteolytic enzyme – extracted from a Japanese food called nattō – that has been shown in a preclinical study to degrade the spike protein.

Nattokinase is featured in our jam-packed formula that provides immune and healing support for people concerned about the prolonged effects of spike proteins.

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2c33e4 No.23938

File: 5963ccd259d3c85⋯.png (188.78 KB,416x576,13:18,Clipboard.png)

File: b278900c817d5a3⋯.mp4 (8.56 MB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487108 (112048ZMAR23) Notable: South Dakota's Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Paved the Way for Central Bank Digital Currency

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


South Dakota's Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Paved the Way for Central Bank Digital Currency

Kristi Noem: "We saw the section of the bill that changed the definition of currency. And essentially, what it did was paved the way for a government-led CBDC. And it also banned any other form of cryptocurrency or Bitcoin or digital currency that existed."


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2c33e4 No.23939

File: c56ec8465c1f09b⋯.png (84.16 KB,666x908,333:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487123 (112049ZMAR23) Notable: EFFORT TO STOP NONCITIZEN VOTING IN VERMONT

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Thursday, March 9, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC – RITE is supporting two concerned citizens in Winooski, Vermont, in a constitutional challenge to a local law that allows noncitizens to vote in local elections that have financial implications for taxpayers statewide, including those for school board and for approval of state-funded education budgets.

“The Vermont Constitution draws a clear line that noncitizens are ineligible to vote in elections with statewide implications, which include questions about state-funded programs like public school education,” said Derek Lyons, the CEO and President of Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections. “Protecting the rule of law is at the core of RITE’s mission, and that includes ensuring the franchise is not unlawfully extended to noncitizens. Americans broadly understand that noncitizen voting is a threat to our democracy. This principle is enshrined in Vermont’s constitution, which prohibits noncitizen voting in local elections from imposing burdens on citizens living in the rest of the state.”

In 2021, the Vermont legislature approved local charters adopted by Montpelier and Winooski that allowed for noncitizens to vote in local elections. On Tuesday, March 7, Burlington voters approved a measure that would allow noncitizen voting in the city’s elections. That measure must still be approved by the Vermont legislature before taking effect.

RITE was co-founded in 2022 by National Finance Chairman Steve Wynn, Senior Advisor Karl Rove. It is a 501(c)(4)

Lawsuit linked at site:


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2c33e4 No.23940

File: 820149493b683a6⋯.png (28.77 KB,316x506,158:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487138 (112052ZMAR23) Notable: Will it take market crash for Congress to raise debt limit?

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AP Asks a Question

Will it take market crash for Congress to raise debt limit?

WASHINGTON (AP) — There’s one way to force President Joe Biden and Congress to solve the looming crisis over the debt limit: a financial market crash.

That’s a view held by several economists and a former White House official, mindful that Congress rarely acts unless an emergency forces lawmakers to.

“For that drama not ending in tragedy, key actors have to play their roles,” said Daleep Singh, who was Biden’s national security adviser for international economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council. “Market participants have a lead role of playing the victim. They have to produce pain. They have to produce a sea of red on their Bloomberg screens because politicians need to look at those screens.”

Republicans and Democrats have been dancing around each other about the need to raise the government’s legal borrowing authority. Biden tried to edge closer on Thursday by releasing his budget plan that cuts deficits by $2.9 trillion over 10 years, an offer that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif, quickly dismissed as woefully insufficient. Republicans in the House Freedom Caucus on Friday proposed their own demands, which the White House quickly rejected.

This fandango could persist for several more months until the last possible moment, when the federal government would hit a currently unknown “X-date” — possibly as early as June — and be unable to pay its bills, possibly setting off a default that would suddenly wash away millions of jobs.


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2c33e4 No.23941

File: ac2fbc248f8ec18⋯.png (490.36 KB,613x675,613:675,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f1558d7871d046⋯.png (1.27 MB,611x785,611:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487185 (112059ZMAR23) Notable: The J6 Committee is now admitting they had never seen the footage shared by Tucker Carlson.

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Collin Rugg


The J6 Committee is now admitting they had never seen the footage shared by Tucker Carlson.

Imagine sending people to prison based on selectively edited footage.

Scum of the Earth.


J6 Committee Admits They Had Never Seen The Bombshell Footage Released By Tucker Carlson

The January 6 committee has effectively admitted that it failed to give the American people a fair and accurate assessment of the Capitol riots.

8:31 AM · Mar 11, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487197 (112100ZMAR23) Notable: Millions of Chinese-made toys recalled across the US after they resulted in deaths of children

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Millions of Chinese-made toys recalled across the US after they resulted in deaths of children

These toys were formerly sold by Amazon and Walmart and were recalled earlier this week.

Chinese-manufactured Calico Critters toys resulted in the deaths of an infant and a toddler, resulting in 3.2 million of the objects being recalled in the United States.

These toys were formerly sold on Amazon and Walmart and were recalled earlier this week.

According to a recent notice published by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, these Calico Critters are a choking hazard to children.

"The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Epoch Everlasting Play LLC, of Pine Brook, New Jersey, are announcing the recall of all Calico Critters flocked animal figures and sets that were sold with bottle and pacifier accessories, which totals more than 3.2 million units," the notice reads. "The bottle and pacifier accessories pose a choking hazard to children."

Epoch Everlasting Play is a company based in New Jersey that imports the products, according to the CPSC.

The CPSC stated that these toys were sold in a set with a pacifier and baby bottle and advised parents to keep them away from their small children as they are a choking hazard.

"Epoch Everlasting Play LLC is aware of three incidents involving the pacifier accessory, including two deaths," the notice states. "One fatal incident involved a 2-year-old child in 2018 in New Mexico, and the other fatal incident involved a 9-month-old child in 2015 in Japan (with a pacifier accessory distributed by Epoch Japan).

"Take the recalled bottle and pacifier accessories away from children immediately and contact Epoch Everlasting Play LLC for instructions on how to submit a photo of the recalled bottle and/or pacifier accessory along with contact information and confirmation of destruction to receive a free replacement accessory."


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2c33e4 No.23943

File: a9312b1bb636e8b⋯.png (302.52 KB,754x831,754:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487208 (112102ZMAR23) Notable: NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE of Jake Angeli (Q Shaman) on the phone w/ FBI after January 6th protests!

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(Q Shaman) on the phone w/ FBI after January 6th protests!🚨

[PART 1]

"I'm a bold man. I believe in the truth.

I believe in my faith in God & country."





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2c33e4 No.23944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487248 (112109ZMAR23) Notable: Sudden Circle Depeg ‘Panic’ Could Be About To Crash The Price Of Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, XRP, Cardano, Dogecoin, Polygon And Solana

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(pb) >>23822 USDC depegged as a result of SVB bank failing, Marker?

Like a domino.

$43 Billion Nightmare: Sudden Circle Depeg ‘Panic’ Could Be About To Crash The Price Of Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, XRP, Cardano, Dogecoin, Polygon And Solana

BitcoinBTC 0.0%, ethereum and other major cryptocurrencies are braced for extreme volatility after Circle's $43 billion USDCUSDC 0.0% stablecoin lost its U.S. dollar peg—topping off a wild week for crypto.


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2c33e4 No.23945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487277 (112114ZMAR23) Notable: New GOP Congress Gains Access to Jan 6 Committee Files – One File is Missing – Why and Where Is It?

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New GOP Congress Gains Access to Jan 6 Committee Files – One File is Missing – Why and Where Is It? (VIDEO)

As the House has looked into the documents, they are finding phone number requests from Big Tele (major US phone companies) and Matt Gaetz shared this:

I wonder if some of these phone numbers are going to match up to members of Congress and some of their staffs?

Charlie Kirk




Rep. Gaetz details how he now has access to the J6 Committee files, outlining how the committee targeted me and my organization, and is indeed still targeting us. Mysteriously, the files on Steve Bannon are empty.


Takeaway : J6 Committee was being fed phone#s and bank record #s to investigate. These guys concluded big telecom was feeding them this info. I say crooked IC was feeding the J6 Committee what to look at.

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2c33e4 No.23946

File: faac3598316068d⋯.png (82.06 KB,753x865,753:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487293 (112118ZMAR23) Notable: NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE of Jake Angeli (Q Shaman) on the phone w/ FBI after January 6th protests!

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(Q Shaman) on the phone w/ FBI after January 6th protests!🚨

[PART 2]

"I'm not the type that runs.

I'm not the type that hides.

I'm the type that confronts things head on!"





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2c33e4 No.23947

File: ade35d4dfb796f6⋯.png (35.53 KB,1107x249,369:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487318 (112122ZMAR23) Notable: Boston BLM leader and her husband indicted on more than 20 fraud charges

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American News Mar 11, 2023

Boston BLM leader and her husband indicted on more than 20 fraud charges

It was 2022 when the activist pair were indicted on 18 counts in connection to alleged schemes to scam Violence in Boston, its donors, the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance, and a Chicago mortgage lending business

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2c33e4 No.23948

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487328 (112124ZMAR23) Notable: Elon Musk Is A ‘Tributary State’ Of The Chinese Communist Party.

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Elon Musk Is A ‘Tributary State’ Of The Chinese Communist Party.

Bannon adds info from Natalie Winters info. Billions from China to Elon Musk


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2c33e4 No.23949

File: ea7c20fd3ff9060⋯.png (39.59 KB,606x550,303:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487339 (112126ZMAR23) Notable: Mike Flynn -Totally outrageous. The Capitol Police chief needs to be brought in for questioning as well as these officers.

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LTG (R) Mike Flynn


Totally outrageous. The Capitol Police chief needs to be brought in for questioning as well as these officers.

Did Nancy’s daughter and Son-in-Law get this footage for their documentary? I’m so sick of the the BS & lying.

We’re in big trouble if we allow this double standard of justice to remain. AG Garland do your job or resign!

Quote Tweet

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




This is sickening.

"This is the woman you killed! This is on you!"

Rosanne Boyland dragged thru tunnel like an animal&ndash;police try for 15 minutes to revive the woman who died as a result of police brutality on Jan 6.

Must watch footage by @EpochJoe64


10:09 AM · Mar 11, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23950

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487347 (112127ZMAR23) Notable: Elon Musk Is A ‘Tributary State’ Of The Chinese Communist Party.

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>>23948. Proof of Elon and China, makes you wonder why Twitter? Natalie says Infiltration instead of Invasion (multiple times and various videos)

Winters Blasts Elon Musk’s Billion-Dollar Ties To Communist Influence Groups, Chinese Military


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2c33e4 No.23951

File: c248dce5e4dfb16⋯.png (584.67 KB,669x697,669:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487355 (112129ZMAR23) Notable: Poll: One-Third of Democrats Believe Joe Biden Has ‘Conflict of Interest’ with China

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Poll: One-Third of Democrats Believe Joe

Biden Has ‘Conflict of Interest’ with China

Breitbart Politics, by Hanna Bleau

Posted By: Imright, 3/11/2023 3:40:22 PM

One-third of Democrats believe President Biden has a “conflict of interest” with China potentially affecting his administration’s response to China’s “aggressive actions against the U.S.,” a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released this week found. The survey asked respondents, “Due to the Biden family’s business relationships with China, do you believe President Biden has a conflict of interest when responding to China’s aggressive actions against the U.S.?”Across the board, 57.2 percent said “yes,” Biden has a conflict of interest. 33.5 percent do not believe he does, and 9.3 percent said they are not sure.

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2c33e4 No.23952

File: 398a3a4e73d3fa8⋯.jpeg (456.98 KB,892x3147,892:3147,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9dc936e08bbdc35⋯.png (112.55 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d6228ab9c272e9⋯.jpg (85.57 KB,1000x1439,1000:1439,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487380 (112133ZMAR23) Notable: Natural Law, Common Law and Admiralty Law

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Natural Law, Common Law and Admiralty Law

Introduction to Natural Law

Natural Law is everything to do with the principles and tendencies of natural-nature. This includes the balancing (karmic) forces, causes and effects of the cycles and seasons within absolute-nature. By absolute-nature we mean all-beings, all-places and all-things – also, all-space, all-matter and all-time. There are natural laws, natural natures and natural purposes to every living being, place and thing in existence. Nothing escapes natural law. The natural laws of nature are about governing the commercial interactions and Inherent Sovereignty of living entities and all elements of natural life in universal existence: plant life, animals, birds, fishes, etc. Not forgetting that natural law also governs the celestial bodies, universe orbs and luminaries (galaxies, star formations, suns and moons). Nothing escapes law!


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2c33e4 No.23953

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487382 (112133ZMAR23) Notable: Natural Law, Common Law and Admiralty Law

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Every man and woman individually speaking has a natural law-nature-purpose about their being. Your natural law is equal to your natural nature which is equal to your natural purpose. Thus: law=nature=purpose. The same principle applies for all plant life, animals, birds, fishes etc. You do not have to teach a tree how to be a tree. Correct? You do not send a tree to tree school to learn how to produce fruit. The tree is already in tune with its own Inherent Sovereignty, so it does what it does instinctively, automatically and naturally and in accordance with the repetitive cycles and seasons within its natural habitat. The same principle applies to all animals, birds, fishes and so forth. Similarly, you do not send a lion to lion school to learn how to be a lion. The lion is already in tune with its own Inherent Sovereignty, so it does what it does instinctively, automatically and naturally and in accordance with the repetitive cycles and seasons within its natural habitat. Taking the simplicity and explanation of the tree and the lion above, we can see that human beings ought to be no different.

The latter is important to comprehend, because, your Inherent Sovereignty is your ordained birthright (to life-liberty-happiness), your ordained nobility (regarding your law-nature-purpose) and your ordained culture (your being’s form-function-design).

Introduction to Common Law

The basis of the common law is actually commercial. Not necessarily in the conventional sense, but more so in the spiritual sense of what commerce is about. Commerce is about movement and communication. By movement and communication, we mean interactions or energy exchange between two points. A simple conversation between two sovereign individuals, for instance, is commercial in the event that there are exchanges in dialogue taking place.

To put common law into a more relative context, let us consider its merits from the basis of village life. In your personal hut you may have laws or rules about how you conduct your life within your personal space. And the other individuals within the village are considered to be doing the same within their own huts. But when everyone steps out into the communal areas, there has to be some common consensus as to what everyone agrees to be codes of conduct, morality and so on. This is done to avoid conflict of interests since everyone is generally entitled to their own self-determination in accordance with their natural law-nature-purpose. This common consensus is the basis of the common law.

This understanding can be expanded as follows. So, the village has its common law intact. But the neighbouring village 5 miles away has a slightly different culture and common law. In fact, all the neighbouring villages have their own mentality, customs and traditions. Therefore, in-between these villages must be a next level consensus and set of common laws. Makes sense? The consensus of these common laws would include guidelines for commerce and trade between the several villages too. It is not difficult therefore, to see how a Common Law doctrine would be developed for an entire country, that would be documented as Laws of the Land.

Introduction to Admiralty Law

Following on from the above expounding of the Common Law, Admiralty Law (originally) has to do with the governing of vessels upon the seas. i.e., commerce and trade between continents, nations across the seas and oceans, also known as maritime law. Whilst each nation has its own internal laws by virtue of their own state sovereignty, admiralty law allows for fairness of movement and communication across the seas.

But in modern commercial vernacular Admiralty Law is about: Localised Statutes, Legislations, Acts of Parliament, Corporate Policies and so on – and governing the communications and interactions of documentary legal entities, legal persons and corporations within specific jurisdictions.The common/admiralty law of today is known as the Uniform Commercial code (UCC), published in 1952.


2 of 2

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2c33e4 No.23954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487401 (112136ZMAR23) Notable: The Citizens Commission to Restore America - Operation Jericho 2023

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Alerting All Americans, Our Elected Senators, and Congressmen

The Citizens Commission to Restore America and MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret), have launched “Operation Jericho 2023” to bring justice to all incarcerated victims of the January 6, 2021, US Capitol protest.

Please view the attached 30-minute video and spread it throughout America. Every American citizen needs to see the miscarriage of Justice carried out by a select House of Representatives Committee to investigate the January 6 Protests. MG Paul E Vallely had the opportunity to speak directly to the detainees about the conditions under which they are being held. Hear from the detainees as they explain the conditions to MG Vallely and their plea to be heard by Congress under oath. They have asked MG Vallely to appeal to Congress to initiate hearings of the detainees in pursuit of their 6th amendment rights. https://rumble.com/v2bizs8-operation-jericho-2023.html?mref=1s6bem&mc=624nh is the link to the full video. Please share and bring attention to the plight of these Americans, being held illegally and in direct contradiction with their Constitutional rights.

Help get our American prisoners heard by Congress. They are being held in unsafe and unsanitary conditions and denied primary medical care; it is well past time to do something about it. Even if you believe they are all guilty, as an American, you should support their rights to a trial, safe conditions while incarcerated, as well as medical care, food, and clean water. This time it is the defendants on January 6th. Next time it could be someone you love and care for. Next time it could be your family dealing with the consequences of an out-of-control judiciary driven by a tyrannical government hell-bent on subjugating your rights in pursuit of their defined greater good.

To support the detainees directly to help cover their legal costs and provide some basic financial support, please give to Operation Jericho GiveSendGo


At least one detainee had their account wiped by the judge at sentencing to further punish the individual. Stand Up America US Foundation can provide a buffer against the unlawful stripping of future charitable giving on their behalf and donate to where the detainees feel it would be most beneficial.

Published by Stand Up America US Foundation

Press Inquiries and interview requests – Public Relations, Laura Perry lauraperrymt@protonmail.com or standupamericaus@protonmail.com


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2c33e4 No.23955

File: dc7d622b5ac3111⋯.mp4 (14.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487425 (112140ZMAR23) Notable: NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE of Jake Angeli (Q Shaman) on the phone w/ FBI after January 6th protests!

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2c33e4 No.23956

File: 09b624190bcf716⋯.png (143.54 KB,455x707,65:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 861ff6aa1e52c07⋯.pdf (2.17 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487437 (112143ZMAR23) Notable: Natural Law, Common Law and Admiralty Law

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2c33e4 No.23957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487447 (112147ZMAR23) Notable: ‘I used to think Bannon was smart & evil’: Musk fires back at ‘War Room’ host who called him a ‘complete phony’

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‘I used to think Bannon was smart & evil’: Musk fires back at ‘War Room’ host who called him a ‘complete phony’



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2c33e4 No.23958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487453 (112148ZMAR23) Notable: #22670

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Notables - FINAL


>>23917 USDC 'Stablecoin' Breaks Peg As Circle Admits Billions Stuck With SVB

>>23918 Timcast IRL -GOP REJECTS New J6 Footage From Tucker, DEFENDS Democrats w/Kash Patel

>>23919 What Comes After The Great Liquidation?

>>23920 PF - B-52H Stratofortress of the US Air Force went to the position of launching missiles in St. Petersburg

>>23921 Military Budget For 2024 To Close In On $1 Trillion Mark

>>23922 Saudis Want "Civilian Nuclear Program" In Exchange For Normalization With Israel

>>23923 Pope Francis: ‘Gender ideology’ is one of ‘most dangerous ideological colonizations’

>>23924 SEC Staff Consulted With Green Financial Firm Accused Of Selling ‘Fictitious’ Carbon Credits

>>23925 Jan. 6 Videos Show Antifa Disguising Selves as Trump Supporters

>>23926 Footage Shows "QAon Shaman" Jacob Chansley Telling January 6th Protesters To Go Home

>>23927 All Q Drops – Part 133: Targeted Whistleblowers. Russian Plane Crash Kills 71. Las Vegas Arrests 13 Infraud Organization Criminals.

>>23928 NYC spends over $10M each day for illegals

>>23929 Gen. Flynn on Infowars LIVE - some highlights

>>23930 Iran and Saudi Arabia Agree To Normalize Ties

>>23931 Iran Undertakes to Stop Attacks Against Saudi Arabia

>>23932 Former Congressman Convicted of Insider Trading

>>23933 DOJ Gets Hit With Huge Legal Motion After Merrick Garland Falsely Claims 5 Officers Were Killed On J6

>>23934, >>23936 President Trump says that Truth Social is his version of Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’

>>23935 Organizers say some 500,000 attended anti-overhaul protests nationwide - Israel

>>23937 Dr. McCullough: The Most Promising Substance Against Spike Proteins Is an Enzyme Called Nattokinase

>>23938 South Dakota's Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Paved the Way for Central Bank Digital Currency


>>23940 Will it take market crash for Congress to raise debt limit?

>>23941 The J6 Committee is now admitting they had never seen the footage shared by Tucker Carlson.

>>23942 Millions of Chinese-made toys recalled across the US after they resulted in deaths of children

>>23943, >>23946, >>23955 NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE of Jake Angeli (Q Shaman) on the phone w/ FBI after January 6th protests!

>>23944 Sudden Circle Depeg ‘Panic’ Could Be About To Crash The Price Of Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, XRP, Cardano, Dogecoin, Polygon And Solana

>>23945 New GOP Congress Gains Access to Jan 6 Committee Files – One File is Missing – Why and Where Is It?

>>23947 Boston BLM leader and her husband indicted on more than 20 fraud charges

>>23948, >>23950 Elon Musk Is A ‘Tributary State’ Of The Chinese Communist Party.

>>23949 Mike Flynn -Totally outrageous. The Capitol Police chief needs to be brought in for questioning as well as these officers.

>>23951 Poll: One-Third of Democrats Believe Joe Biden Has ‘Conflict of Interest’ with China

>>23952, >>23953, >>23956 Natural Law, Common Law and Admiralty Law

>>23954 The Citizens Commission to Restore America - Operation Jericho 2023

>>23957 ‘I used to think Bannon was smart & evil’: Musk fires back at ‘War Room’ host who called him a ‘complete phony’


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2c33e4 No.23959

File: 6782279828095e0⋯.png (902.96 KB,1014x1239,338:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487521 (112159ZMAR23) Notable: Here's Why the Oscars Red Carpet Won't Be Red This Year

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#Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel joked that "no blood will be shed" at the ceremony as he joined workers in Hollywood for the ceremonial rolling out of this year's Champagne-colored carpet


Here's Why the Oscars Red Carpet Won't Be Red This Year — Breaking a Decades-Old Tradition

The Academy unveiled a brand-new champagne-colored carpet for Sunday's Oscars ceremony

By Tommy McArdle Published on March 10, 2023 02:32 PM

On Wednesday, host Jimmy Kimmel — who returns to the awards show this year for his third hosting gig — stood outside Los Angeles' Dolby Theater as the Academy rolled out its brand-new champagne-colored carpet, breaking a tradition of red-colored carpets that dates all the way back to the 33rd annual ceremony in 1961, according to the Associated Press.

"People have been asking, 'Is there going to be any trouble this year? Is there going to be any violence this year?' And we certainly hope not," Kimmel said in a clip of the carpet's unveiling shared on social media by the AP. "But if there is, I think the decision to go with a champagne carpet rather than a red carpet shows how confident we are that

no blood will be shed."


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2c33e4 No.23960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487524 (112159ZMAR23) Notable: Texas trooper issues stark travel warning to Americans after three women vanished crossing the border to visit a flea market

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Texas trooper issues stark travel warning to Americans after three women vanished crossing the border to visit a flea market - as it's revealed more than 550 U.S. citizens are now missing in Mexico

Lieutenant Chris Olivarez is urging anyone traveling to Mexico, especially spring breakers, to think twice about certain areas because it is 'too dangerous'

Maritza Trinidad Perez Rios, 47, Marina Perez Rios, 48, both of Peñitas, and their friend, Dora Alicia Cervantes Saenz, 53, vanished in Mexico on February 24

They are among 550 Americans missing in the country, with loved ones now pleading for a fraction of the attention given to the recent kidnapping case


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2c33e4 No.23961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487540 (112201ZMAR23) Notable: Ex-Clinton Advisor Apologizes to Conservatives over Jan 6 after Reviewing Real Footage

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Ex-Clinton Advisor Apologizes to Conservatives over Jan 6 after Reviewing Real Footage

Liberal feminist author and former Bill Clinton advisor Naomi Wolf has issued an apology to conservatives after reviewing the newly released footage from Jan. 6.

Wolf, who served as a political advisor to the presidential campaigns of Democrats Bill Clinton and Al Gore, offered a formal apology to conservatives who “put America first” on January 6, 2021.

In a lengthy post on Substack, Wolf responded to the explosive footage that has emerged from the Capitol that proves the Democrats’ anti-Trump “violent insurrection” narrative was a lie.

“Peaceful Republicans and conservatives as a whole have been demonized by the story told by Democrats in leadership of what happened that day,” Wolf said Thursday.

“Republicans, conservatives, I am sorry.


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2c33e4 No.23962

File: d2c091dc8c1505f⋯.jpeg (140.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487567 (112204ZMAR23) Notable: Over $250 billion swindled from US pandemic fund

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11 Mar, 2023 18:28

Over $250 billion swindled from US pandemic fund – report

Three government agencies told Congress that the stated sum is actually conservative andthe true figure could be much greater

More than $250 billion in Covid-19 relief funds were lost to “fraud” and “waste,” the directors of three US government agencies testified before the House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee on Thursday.

Compounding what Deputy Inspector General Sheldon Shoemaker of the Small Business Administration (SBA) called “the biggest fraud in a generation,” the officials stressed that the figures they gave represented an extremely conservative estimate of the total amount lost as they did not include the amount defrauded from the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program.

According to a statement submitted by Shoemaker ahead of the hearing, the SBA has already uncovered $190.7 billion in potential fraud across relief programs under its jurisdiction. Specifically, it expects to find upwards of $100 billion within the scandal-plagued Paycheck Protection Program. Acting Treasury Inspector General Richard Delmar admitted to just $2.6 billion in dubious charges confirmed at his agency, pleading that ongoing audits precluded making an estimate of the full cost.

Larry Turner, inspector general of the Department of Labor, blamed the massive losses on a lack of preparation, insufficient oversight, and even the government’s generosity, making a “highly conservative” estimate of $76 billion in fraudulent spending. Withno functioning system in place to verify applicants’ qualifying details in a reasonable time frame, the “unprecedented infusion of federal funds” into the program made it irresistible to fraudsters, he told the subcommittee.

Rep. Keith Mfume (D-Maryland) expressed shock that no one had predicted that requiring only “self-certification” to access such a prodigious cash hoard would lead to “a lot of hanky-panky,” while Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Florida) pointed out that the agencies did not even use existing checks and balances to vet applicants, and Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Florida) highlighted that state unemployment systems were hopelessly outdated even before the pandemic placed them under unprecedented stress. Of $45.6 billion in potential fraud lent out in association with one Labor Department program, Turner acknowledged upon questioning that$267 million had gone to dead people.

Asked about the possibility of recovering the money, Turner said thathunting down the perpetrators was financially unrewarding, as “once money goes out the door, it is hard to get it back.” Even in cases where the government has been able to track down Covid-19 benefit fraudsters and claw back some of the funds, the inspectors general were unable to tell subcommittee members what had become of some of the money.

More than $5 trillion in pandemic relief funds have been distributed since 2020. By some estimates, as muchas $400 billion was stolen from the unemployment relief program alone.


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2c33e4 No.23963

File: a75a309637dbf72⋯.png (97.43 KB,634x346,317:173,Clipboard.png)

File: c6037f3b7192edf⋯.png (198.83 KB,634x429,634:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d745df1bcb5dbd⋯.png (256.09 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487584 (112206ZMAR23) Notable: Woke head of 'risk assessment' at Silicon Valley Bank 'prioritized' LGBT initiatives before bank lost BILLIONS and collapsed

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Woke head of 'risk assessment' at Silicon Valley Bank 'prioritized' LGBT initiatives - including organizing a month-long Pride campaign - before bank lost BILLIONS and collapsed

Jay Ersapah was head of risk assessment for Silicon Valley Bank's EMEA region

She launched a host of woke initiatives including 'safe space catch-ups' for staff

In one video she said she 'could not be prouder' to work for the bank which collapsed spectacularly on Friday

16:28 EST, 11 March 2023


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2c33e4 No.23964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487621 (112210ZMAR23) Notable: Woke head of 'risk assessment' at Silicon Valley Bank 'prioritized' LGBT initiatives before bank lost BILLIONS and collapsed

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Ok. Now it's all becoming clear. 'risk assessment' at a bank is THE most important position. There now you see how priorities work in the real world.

Woke head of 'risk assessment' at Silicon Valley Bank 'prioritized' LGBT initiatives - including organizing a month-long Pride campaign - before bank lost BILLIONS and collapsed.

Jay Ersapah was head of risk assessment for Silicon Valley Bank's EMEA region

She launched a host of woke initiatives including 'safe space catch-ups' for staff

In one video she said she 'could not be prouder' to work for the bank which collapsed spectacularly on Friday

A head of risk assessment at the beleaguered Silicon Valley Bank has been accused of prioritizing pro-diversity initiatives over her actual role after the firm imploded on Friday.

Jay Ersapah - who describes herself as a 'queer person of color from a working-class background' - organized a host of LGBTQ initiatives including a month-long Pride campaign and implemented 'safe space' catch-ups for staff.


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2c33e4 No.23965

File: 2a02d4e062b9598⋯.jpeg (314.18 KB,750x924,125:154,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487649 (112215ZMAR23) Notable: ‘I used to think Bannon was smart & evil’: Musk fires back at ‘War Room’ host who called him a ‘complete phony’

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The article that had those tweets is here:


What I found interesting was the (pic related) Tweet and this context:

“He’s owned by the Chinese Communist Party,” Bannon stated. “What are you talking about?”

“Tesla,” he explained, “the only thing of real value is Tesla. He uses it for margin loans. He sells the stock. The Shanghai joint venture is a hundred percent controlled by the CCP. This is why he never goes after the CCP. This is why he always backs off. This is when they had the protest, they had the protest about the lockdowns of Covid. He will not do it.”

“Elon Musk is a total and complete phony,” Bannon insisted. “He is in bed and his business partner–he’s done some good stuff… It’s fine. But,he is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Chinese Communist Party, and he acts like it.”


As BizPac Review reported,the CCP-run newspaper Global Times recently checked Musk for pushing the theory that COVID-19 escaped from a Wuhan lab.

“Elon Musk, are you breaking the pot of China?” the outlet asked, essentially warning the billionaire against“biting the hand that feeds”him.

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2c33e4 No.23966

File: dd4e58c72d53f8b⋯.jpeg (123.39 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487655 (112216ZMAR23) Notable: Corsicans vow to resist Paris’ restriction on language

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How does the Cabal Divide the World?

11 Mar, 2023 21:55

Corsicans vow to resist Paris’ restriction on language

A court in Bastia ruled only French could legally be spoken in the island’s political offices

Corsicans have come out in force to denounce Thursday’s verdict banning the use of theCorsican language (known as Corsu) in parliament and other political officesafter a court in the city of Bastia cited the French constitution in its decision arguing French is the only language permitted in official communications - and declaring the Assembly’s longstanding tradition of holding debates in Corsu illegal.

A local rule affirming “the existence of a Corsican people” was also declared unconstitutionalby the Bastia court, further igniting the rage of politicians fighting for autonomy for the French “territorial collectivity.” The pro-independence party Core in Fronte denounced the verdict as “shameful” in a tweet written in Corsican on Friday, while Party of the Corsican Nation head Jean-Christophe Angelini described it as “an injustice and a disgrace.”

Executive council president Gilles Simeoni and Assembly president Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis pledged to appeal the verdict “stripping Corsican parliament members of the right to speak their language during debates.” To save the Corsican language, the island must elevate it to official status alongside French, they said in a joint statement on Friday.

The verdict is the result of a lawsuit filed by Corsican prefect Amaury de Saint-Quentini, the highest-ranking official on the island, appointed by Paris. Saint-Quentini has long sided with the government against those on the island, who called the French state an “assassin” last year amid violent protests that followed the brutal attack by another prisoner on incarcerated Corsican independence hero Yvan Colonna. Colonna later died of his injuries, and the perceived need to soothe the island's rage is credited with potentially bringing French President Emmanuel Macron to the negotiating table.

While France has long opposed granting independence to a région it insists is an integral part of France, Macron recently appeared to soften toward the idea of greater autonomy for the island. He reportedly told the Corsican parliament last month that he had no set demands for the coming constitutional reforms even as his opposition to Corsica seceding from France remained steadfast. Classified as “definitely endangered” by UNESCO, Corsu, which resembles the Italian dialect used in Tuscany, counts just 150,000 speakers between its eponymous island and the neighboring Italian island of Sardinia.


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2c33e4 No.23967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487880 (112245ZMAR23) Notable: Peter Thiel's Founders Fund got its cash out of Silicon Valley Bank before it was shut down

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What aboutPeter Thiel?

Peter Thiel's Founders Fund got its cash out of Silicon Valley Bank before it was shut down, report says

Peter Thiel's Founders Fund withdrew all its funds from Silicon Valley Bank, Bloomberg reported.

His VC fund took action after encountering problems with transfers, per the report.

The fund had —no cash in with SVB—by Thursday morning, Bloomberg reported.


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2c33e4 No.23968

File: 37629c436d136fd⋯.jpeg (118.05 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b26e0afb1fc259d⋯.jpeg (867.9 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487887 (112247ZMAR23) Notable: Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

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11 Mar, 2023 18:26

Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?==1/5

What lies behind this week's scenes in Tbilisi and why was Russia again used as a scapegoat?

Tbilisi’s main street, Rustaveli Avenue, was blocked for several days this week as thousands of people chanted anti-government slogans in front of the parliament building and sang the Georgian national anthem. Even more protesters gathered at the square in the evenings. By nightfall, the enraged crowd was throwing firecrackers, stones, and Molotov cocktails at the police, attempting to take down an iron fence and storm the parliament. The police used water cannons to promptly put out the fires and showered the crowds with water, at the same time spraying tear gas to disperse those present.

What led to this violent confrontation is perhaps difficult to understand from the perspective of a Western reader. It wasn’t a “civil society” uprising in the sense you might find, for example, in a country like France. Instead, it was organized by people whose livelihoods were threatened by the proposed legislation.

In a poor country like Georgia, foreign-funded roles pay multiple times better than local gigs. By taking on the NGO industry, the government went up against a powerful, and relatively well-heeled lobby.

Inside the crisis

The protests were initially triggered by a bill ‘On the Transparency of Foreign Influence’, which was adopted by the Georgian parliament on its first reading. On Tuesday, 76 deputies voted in favor of adopting the bill and 13 deputies opposed it.

During the discussion stage, MPs from opposition parties said they would not allow the so-called “Russian law” to be considered in parliament. This resulted in a fight between opponents and supporters of the legislation. Deputies from the National Movement and Strategy Aghmashenebeli opposition parties were expelled from the chamber. Triggered by the situation, the latter’s leader Giorgi Vashadze called on all opponents of the bill to join the rally.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Georgian Interior Ministry reported that 50 law enforcement officers had been injured in clashes with protesters. Calls from the police to “stay within the bounds of the law” did not work.

On Tuesday, rallies against the “foreign agents” bill lasted more than ten hours. What began with anti-government speeches ended with violence involving the police. Protesters hurled Molotov cocktails, while cops responded with tear gas in an effort to disperse the crowds. Clashes lasted late into the night, until the protesters finally headed home. The next day, things were much the same – only this time, the crowd was significantly larger. People gathered with posters reading “#NORUSSIANLAW” and waved the flags of Georgia, Ukraine, and the EU. They were more organized, and some protesters, having learned from their previous experience with the police, came equipped with ski goggles and protective masks.

Just like on Tuesday, the rally started peacefully: people chanted slogans and sang the national anthem. But as night approached, trouble intensified. Finally, Strategy Aghmashenebeli leader Vashadze presented an ultimatum to parliament: reject the “foreign agents” bill and release everyone who was detained on March 7. According to Georgia’s Formula TV Channel, he gave the authorities one hour to do so.

Yet even before that time was up, protesters began to surround the parliament building, which led to violent clashes with the police. The crowd threw stones and firecrackers at the building, resulting in broken glass and police injuries. Officers responded decisively and severely. Using water cannons, smoke grenades, and pepper spray, the police and special forces were finally able to drive the protesters away. Just like the previous day, it was to be 4am until the crowd finally dispersed.

By Thursday morning, pressured by the protesters, the ruling Georgian Dream party and its ally the People’s Power party issued a joint statement announcing their decision to withdraw the bill that had provoked public discontent. Despite this, the protests finally died down only by Friday afternoon.

But why did the document cause such vehement protests?


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2c33e4 No.23969

File: 21bbc3e8a444ee1⋯.jpeg (876.78 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487899 (112248ZMAR23) Notable: Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

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Country of foreign agents

Talk of such legislation first emerged last summer. Back then, several influential Western-funded NGOs immediately understood the existential nature of the possible measure. They announced the formation of a “temporary technical government” and presented the authorities with an ultimatum, threatening them with a “peaceful revolution” if they refused.

The strong reaction to the initiative does not seem surprising considering how many foreign NGOs are active in Georgia. In a review of the Georgian civil sector published in 2020, the Asian Development Bank indicated that there is no special legislation on non-profit or non-governmental organizations in the country, although they are listed in the general register of companies, which as of the beginning of 2019 consisted of 12,800 organizations. At the same time, the vast majority of such organizations rely on foreign funding, according to the Georgian national statistics service Sakstat. As of spring 2022, there were 7,972 companies with foreign founders operating in the country. With a total population of 3.7 million, there are around 460 people per foreign NPO in Georgia. For comparison, as of November 2022, there were over 500 active “foreign agents” registered in the US, under FARA.

NGOs and people associated with them played an active role not only in the ‘Rose Revolution’ of 2003, when ex-President Mikhail Saakashvili came to power, but also in 2012, when the now ruling Georgian Dream party first took office, according to the bank’s study.

A number of Georgian politicians who have assumed senior positions, both during the reign of Saakashvili and after the Georgian Dream coalition came to power, began their careers in NGOs.

Since gaining independence in 1991, Georgia has become a major recipient of US aid. In the 1990s, the country received an average of $96 million a year, in the 2000s, before the brief 2008 war, $135 million a year, and after the military conflict, the amount of assistance was increased. In the 2008-2009 fiscal years, Georgia received US assistance in various areas to the amount of $1.04 billion.

From 2010 to 2016, Georgia received up to $77 million annually, since 2017 – up to $123 million on average. For 2020, it was planned to provide Tbilisi with $120 million through the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The annual budgets of the most influential Georgian NGOs are comparable to the turnover of medium-sized commercial companies. According to calculations by political scientist Beka Chedia, the Soros Foundation alone invested more than $10 million in the Georgian third sector in four years (from 2003 to 2006). The CIA-linked National Endowment for Democracy, according to its own reports, distributed $1.2 million in grants in 2013 among three-dozen projects of Georgian NGOs. The main areas of their work were civic education programs, media support, including investigative journalism, election monitoring, and civil control over the activities of the executive legislative branch, among others.

At the same time, the economic situation for Georgians outside the NGO bubble isn’t great: according to data for 2021, the country’s GDP per capita was just $5,000.

A Russian trace…

The Georgian bill proposed a national register of “foreign influence agents.” The register would have listed all non-profit legal entities and media organizations which receive 20% or more of their funding from abroad.

The opposition described the law as “Russian,” referring to the determination to resist the attempts of the Georgian Dream party to “drag the republic back into dark Russia.” However, there are numerous differences between the Russian law and the Georgian bill.

Firstly, unlike the Russian law, the Georgian bill does not oblige foreign agents to accompany each text and audio message with a statement disclosing their foreign agent status. Secondly, to avoid the connotations used by Moscow and Washington, Georgian authorities replaced the term “foreign agent” with “foreign influence agent.” The former, according to representatives of the People’s Power party, “carries the risk of stigmatization.”..


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2c33e4 No.23970

File: 31963a377b78097⋯.jpeg (360.03 KB,1240x826,620:413,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487905 (112249ZMAR23) Notable: Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

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Nevertheless, the bill caused concern among representatives of NGOs, the media, and the opposition, who believed that the Georgian Dream and People’s Power parties are trying to copy Russia in “fighting ‘foreign agents’.”Instead, they advocated that people fight for “freedom of speech in the country.”

Russia’s experience prompted the protesters in Tbilisi to see the supposed influence of Moscow behind the Georgian authorities’ decision. Indeed, the opposition and the protesters contrasted their nation’s “European integration path” with the alleged “pro-Russian course” of the ruling party. This position was shared both by local protesters and Russians who have emigrated to Georgia for political reasons.

“This was taken from the Russian law. It’s a copy of it. We don’t need that. This law threatens many people and will not let us join the EU,” a Tbilisi local named Nino told RT.

Many young people adopted these sentiments. “My friends and I all went [to the protest]. This is our fight for the way to Europe,” said a man named Guram when talking about the March 8 rally.

…in a US law

Incidentally, the bill was not initiated by the ruling party, but by the People’s Power movement. This group was formed by former Georgian Dream deputies who left the party following the protests of March 2022. For bureaucratic reasons, the EU postponed Tbilisi’s application to join the bloc. Protests broke out, and the demonstrators blamed the Georgian authorities.

A member of the People’s Power movement stated that the purpose of the proposed “foreign agents” bill was to “inform,” not restrict, the activities of NGOs and media. The party offered assurances that the law would ensure the “transparency of foreign influence,”adding that they had relied on US experience when developing the bill, while adapting it to the realities of Georgia.

On February 21, the Bureau of the Parliament of Georgia registered the so-called “Georgian” version of the bill, and on February 27 – the “US” version, and submitted both to the legal committee for consideration. It was specifically the first bill that was passed and then withdrawn. According to People’s Power, this version, in contrast to the second “US” one, “proposed a minimum standard of transparency and only obliged foreign influence agents to submit an annual financial declaration.” Moreover, the Georgian bill stated that only a legal entity could be declared a “foreign influence agent,” and there was no criminal liability in case of violation, unlike in US law and in the second version of the bill.

On February 28, despite disagreements from the opposition, the leader of the Georgian Dream party, Irakli Kobakhidze, confirmed his wish to adopt one of the versions of the law.

“We ask [the Venice Commission to conduct] an accelerated procedure, after which the version of the bill that will receive the most positive assessment will be finalized,”Kobakhidze said.

Along with Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze and Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili, Kobakhidze consistently refuted statements made by the opposition that the law was a copy of the Russian one. He insisted that deputies developed the first version independently, while the second version was copied from the US analogue, FARA.

On March 6, it became known that the Legal Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia backed both bills – the “Georgian” and “US” versions – in the first reading.


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2c33e4 No.23971

File: 444648618bc05a4⋯.jpeg (832.21 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487909 (112250ZMAR23) Notable: Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

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Finally, on Tuesday, after a meeting of the Bureau of Legal Affairs, Mamuka Mdinaradze, a member of the ruling Georgian Dream party, offered to discuss the laws during the same session, and not on Thursday as was originally planned. That same evening, when almost none of the representatives of the opposition were present, parliament adopted the bill ‘On the Transparency of Foreign Influence’ in the first reading.

Who fueled the protests?

Throughout the discussions, the opposition and media accused Georgian Dream of pro-Russian views, branding the bill “Russian” and “Putin’s” law. The former leader of the ruling party, Bidzina Ivanishvili, who retired from politics in 2021 but is still considered the informal ruler of Georgia, didn’t escape criticism either.

“In my opinion, the Georgian Dream party has always been about self-power. In other words, its main goal was to stay in power. On the other hand, Ivanishvili is truly pro-Russian in the sense that he sympathizes more with Russia, his mentality is Russian, he understands Russia better. For him, the West, Western values, and Western thinking are all alien and incomprehensible. In this respect, he is not just pro-Russian – he is a Russian person,” political analyst Ghia Nodia said in an interview with local media.

Some protesters agree with these views. Ani, a local realtor, believes that the nation’s current leaders are “authoritarian” and are pursuing a “harmful pro-Russian course.”

Sixty-three Georgian mass media organizations and NGOs formed a coalition with the opposition and called the new bill “anti-democratic and unconstitutional.”According to pro-Western social movements and parties, merely discussing the bill “harms Georgia’s European perspective” since it prevents Georgia from implementing two recommendations of the European Commission that are needed to achieve the status of an EU candidate country. According to Paragraph 7, Georgia must undertake “more active efforts to ensure a free, professional, pluralistic, and independent media environment.” Additionally, Paragraph 10 implies that the Georgian government must ensure “the involvement of civil society in decision-making processes at all levels.”

In fact, the US and the EU warned Georgian authorities that the successful adoption of the law would deprive the country of the chance to acquire EU candidate status and join NATO.

One of the highest-ranking supporters of the protesters was Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili. “I am addressing everyone who is on Rustaveli street tonight, where I often used to stand myself. Today I’m in New York, and the Statue of Liberty is right behind me. This is a symbol of what Georgia has always fought for, what we have come for so far. I am with you because today you represent free Georgia,” she said in an address on Tuesday.

President Zurabishvili expressed confidence that “no one needs this law” and it is “written at the dictation of Moscow.” “This law is invalid, I will veto it,” she added.

Russia denies any involvement in the events. Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that the trigger of the public unrest in Georgia “has nothing to do with the Russian Federation.”

“At the same time, we see someone’s hand in this matter, and it’s far from ‘invisible’. We can see where the president of Georgia is addressing her people from, she is not addressing Georgians from Georgia, she is addressing them from the United States. And someone’s visible hand is earnestly trying to inject anti-Russian elements there,” he said.

Peace or rebellion?

On Thursday, after preliminary information emerged that the bill would be withdrawn, Georgian Dream chairman Mdinaradze hastened to clarify the situation at an emergency briefing. He spoke about the procedure of withdrawing the draft laws. According to Mdinaradze, the bill ‘On the Transparency of Foreign Influence’ which was adopted in the first reading would be rejected in the second reading. As to the second version of the law ‘On the Registration of Foreign Agents’, on which no vote has been held so far, it was already withdrawn from parliament. It was also noted that a letter was sent to the Venice Commission regarding the withdrawal of both bills.


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2c33e4 No.23972

File: 49bd1fb635c5528⋯.jpeg (582.98 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 444648618bc05a4⋯.jpeg (832.21 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487933 (112254ZMAR23) Notable: Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

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By Thursday evening, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had released 132 of the 133 detainees and issued a conciliatory statement.

“We see that the adopted bill has caused disagreements in society. By the means of lies, the bill was presented in a negative light and misled a part of the population. The bill was falsely labeled a ‘Russian law’ and its adoption in the first reading was publicly presented as a departure from the European course,” the Georgian Dream and People’s Power parties said in a joint statement.

The statement also noted the parties’ ongoing commitment to “the advancement of Georgia on the course of European integration.”

The decisions by the authorities had an effect – by Friday afternoon, the protests had completely subsided, and the barricades had been dismantled in the center of Tbilisi. However, that was not before the capital had seenanother night of protests dominated by overtly anti-Russian sentiment.

The protests continued on Thursday, and the opposition made even more radical demands.A group of Georgian army veteransunexpectedly called for the resignation of the government and early parliamentary elections.

“These authorities are unable to lead Georgia toward Europe, these authorities only beat up peaceful people. This government should resign, and early parliamentary elections should be held,” proclaimed a man dressed in camouflage, who called himself an army veteran.

During the protests on Thursday, the Russian flag was burned and some protesters were heard chanting slogans demanding aresolution to the “Abkhazian issue.” Chanting “Sukhumi” – the Georgian name of the capital of the partially recognized Republic of Abkhazia, where Russian peacekeeping forces are located – the crowd demanded the issue be solved with the “unconquered” region.

It’s worth noting thatnot all locals share the protesters’ views. Some Georgians, especially those who earn a living from the tourism sector and Russian migrants, are a lot less enthusiastic.

“There is a difference between this rally and normal life. Last year, things were good. The Georgian lari was growing against the dollar. A lot of currency circulated. This was largely because of the Russians and Ukrainians who arrived. In the summer, there was a record number of tourists as well. Housing was in large demand. People even rented places they didn’t want before. We had a lot of money. And now what? With this law, all these protests and rallies, things look quite bad.

Apparently, someone doesn’t want things to go well. Who needed this law right now? Salome is in America. I don’t know what’s going on with this law, but the market is on the decline. The market on Airbnb fell by 20%. People are scared and they leave. Who needs all this?”complained Irakly, a local resident.

Special report from Tbilisi by George Trenin, а Russian journalist and political scientist


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2c33e4 No.23973

File: a296d872084b6c9⋯.png (205.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18487996 (112303ZMAR23) Notable: NASA warns of possible Valentine’s Day asteroid strike

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11 Mar, 2023 15:45

NASA warns of possible Valentine’s Day asteroid strike

A 50-meter space rock could hit Earth in2046, but the chances are “very small,” the US space agency said

NASA is tracking a newly discovered asteroid the size of an Olympic swimming pool that could crash into Earth on Valentine’s Day in 23 years’ time, the space agency revealed this week. However, astronomers estimate the risk of collision is minimal.

In a tweet on Wednesday, NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office said that the asteroid – dubbed 2023 DW – “has a very small chance of impacting Earth,” adding that orbit analysts would continue to monitor the object and update their predictions as more information becomes available.

The space agency’s data suggests that the closest the 49-meter space rock will come to Earth is 1.8 million kilometers, which would happen on February 14, 2046.

NASA estimated the odds of impact as 1 in 560, while the European Space Agency put them at 1 in 625. Both space agencies ranked the asteroid 1 out of 10 on the Torino Impact Hazard Scale, a tool to measure the threat from potential impact events.

Level one means that “the chance of collision is extremely unlikely with no cause for public attention or public concern,” according to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Referring to level one, it also states that “new telescopic observations very likely will lead to re-assignment to Level 0,” meaning that the likelihood of a collision with the space object is effectively zero.

However, even a level one threat is extremely unusual as all other listed asteroids have zero ratings.

NASA’s discovery comes after it successfully changed the trajectory of an asteroid in October last year by intentionally crashing a rocket into it. The mission, dubbed Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), was hailed as a major breakthrough for planetary defense.


(Why is this important23 years from nowNASA is filled with weirdos and satanists. Fear Porn)

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2c33e4 No.23974

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488041 (112311ZMAR23) Notable: “Competent Corruption” | Stern Explains The Key Concerns Apart Of Biden’s Newly Proposed Tax Plan From Heritage Foundation

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“Competent Corruption” | Stern Explains The Key Concerns Apart Of Biden’s Newly Proposed Tax Plan From Heritage Foundation

Bidan Admin puts forth $7 Trillion Budget, they are insane!

For anons interested in balanced budget and policy on economics- 12:34 minutes


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2c33e4 No.23975

File: ba8debcdac31c65⋯.png (632.16 KB,1385x482,1385:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 442130267a503c6⋯.png (187.14 KB,486x273,162:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488059 (112314ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update - SPAR65 G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aqulino

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>>23875 pb

PlaneFag CONUS update:

SPAR65 G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aqulinodeparted St. Louis Int'l and heading to Nellis after arriving to Denver Int'l on 0308 then down to Brownsville, TX and then EN to Maxwell AFB on 0309

Depart to St. Louis Int' on 0310 and then west today

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

TEFLN22 replaced TEFLN21 KC-135 for potato 'at Delaware'

VALOR29 G5 went to Las Vegas Int'l

SPAR485 Learjet 35 departed Nellis after a quick ground stop then went to Nashville Int'l for about 1h15m and now to Spooktown in VA-Langley AFB

P-8 that was off SoCal went to Pt. Mugu for an hour and now east and C102 USCG G5 returned to Reagan National

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2c33e4 No.23976

File: b4dcba493eaf390⋯.png (209.13 KB,424x554,212:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488102 (112320ZMAR23) Notable: Moderna loses bid to shift liability in COVID-19 vaccine patent case

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Despite the backing of the U.S. government, #Moderna Inc on Friday failed to persuade a federal judge it should not have to face a patent lawsuit over its COVID-19 vaccine and that the United States should have been sued instead.


📌Follow and Share👇🏻

🔬🧬 @RWMaloneMD

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2c33e4 No.23977

File: 7607068a093ce1a⋯.png (235.1 KB,423x520,423:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488128 (112322ZMAR23) Notable: The Dark Secrets of the Childhood Immunization Schedule and the Vaccine Approval Process

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The Dark Secrets of the Childhood Immunization Schedule and the Vaccine Approval Process

I'll be pulling clips from this Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interview tonight. Consider pinning this channel (@VigilantFox) to your top 5 to make sure you don't miss them.

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2c33e4 No.23978

File: 626854c9888b056⋯.png (692.03 KB,846x616,423:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488208 (112334ZMAR23) Notable: ‘We Were Wrong’: Pioneer In Child Gender Dysphoria Treatment Says Trans Medical Industry Is Harming Kids

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‘We Were Wrong’: Pioneer In Child

Gender Dysphoria Treatment Says Trans

Medical Industry Is Harming Kids

Daily Caller, by Laurel Duggan

Posted By: Imright, 3/11/2023 6:27:48 PM

Dr. Susan Bradley, a Canadian psychiatrist and pioneer in child gender dysphoria treatment, came out against the popular model of affirming children’s transgender identities and putting them on puberty blockers — a practice she was once involved in — in an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation. Bradley started a pediatric gender clinic in 1975 aimed at treating children with gender dysphoria — a deep sense of discomfort with one’s body and biological sex — in which she offered a therapy-focused approach; most patients outgrew their feelings of being transgender over time, she told the DCNF. Around 2005, the clinic began prescribing puberty blockers to gender-dysphoric children as a way

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2c33e4 No.23979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488220 (112335ZMAR23) Notable: #22671

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Notables - FINAL


>>23959 Here's Why the Oscars Red Carpet Won't Be Red This Year

>>23960 Texas trooper issues stark travel warning to Americans after three women vanished crossing the border to visit a flea market

>>23961 Ex-Clinton Advisor Apologizes to Conservatives over Jan 6 after Reviewing Real Footage

>>23962 Over $250 billion swindled from US pandemic fund

>>23963, >>23964 Woke head of 'risk assessment' at Silicon Valley Bank 'prioritized' LGBT initiatives before bank lost BILLIONS and collapsed

>>23965 ‘I used to think Bannon was smart & evil’: Musk fires back at ‘War Room’ host who called him a ‘complete phony’

>>23966 Corsicans vow to resist Paris’ restriction on language

>>23967 Peter Thiel's Founders Fund got its cash out of Silicon Valley Bank before it was shut down

>>23968, >>23969, >>23970, >>23971, >>23972 Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

>>23973 NASA warns of possible Valentine’s Day asteroid strike

>>23974 “Competent Corruption” | Stern Explains The Key Concerns Apart Of Biden’s Newly Proposed Tax Plan From Heritage Foundation

>>23975 PlaneFag CONUS update - SPAR65 G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aqulino

>>23976 Moderna loses bid to shift liability in COVID-19 vaccine patent case

>>23977 The Dark Secrets of the Childhood Immunization Schedule and the Vaccine Approval Process

>>23978 ‘We Were Wrong’: Pioneer In Child Gender Dysphoria Treatment Says Trans Medical Industry Is Harming Kids


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2c33e4 No.23980

File: ecc5c6fbf8b7321⋯.png (476.4 KB,856x706,428:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488264 (112341ZMAR23) Notable: Judge Seals Dozens of Warrants For Over 60 Companies in Bryan Kohberger Quadruple Murder Case

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Anons seen this yet? Warrants for dozens of companies. On J6 a certain huge bank used geofencing to identify bank customers that had made purchases in the vicinity of the capital and turned the info over to the feds. It seems a huge effort is being made to pretend these evil uses of surveillance didn't happen.

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2c33e4 No.23981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488290 (112345ZMAR23) Notable: Judge Seals Dozens of Warrants For Over 60 Companies in Bryan Kohberger Quadruple Murder Case

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Anons seen this yet? Warrants for dozens of companies. On J6 a certain huge bank used geofencing to identify bank customers that had made purchases in the vicinity of the capital and turned the info over to the feds. It seems a huge effort is being made to pretend these evil uses of surveillance didn't happen.

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2c33e4 No.23982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488302 (112346ZMAR23) Notable: Fed to hold emergency meeting on Monday amid SVB's swift collapse

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Fed to hold emergency meeting on Monday amid SVB's swift collapse

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors announced that it will hold an emergency closed-door meeting under expedited procedures at 11:30 a.m. on March 13, 2023.

Matters to be considered at the emergency meeting will be: "Review and determination by the Board of Governors of the advance and discount rates to be charged by the Federal Reserve Banks."

It is likely that the sudden collapse and FDIC seizure of SVB Financial Group (SIVB) on Friday is driving the expedited Fed meeting.

SVB was the largest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis. Its collapse has sent shockwaves throughout the banking system. The status of billions of dollars of uninsured deposits is unknown heading into Monday.


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2c33e4 No.23983

File: 086ce30eee892e2⋯.png (15.32 KB,597x192,199:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488304 (112346ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank on Friday paid out annual bonuses to some eligible U.S. employees, just hours before the bank was seized by the U.S. government

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Insider Paper


JUST IN - Silicon Valley Bank on Friday paid out annual bonuses to some eligible U.S. employees, just hours before the bank was seized by the U.S. government - Axios

12:01 PM · Mar 11, 2023




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2c33e4 No.23984

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488333 (112351ZMAR23) Notable: Richard Stern On Republicans’ Weakness On Government Spending

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Richard Stern On Republicans’ Weakness On Government Spending

Conservatives Need To Understand What’s At Stake | Richard Stern On Republicans’ Weakness On Government Spending

Sterns says Bidan has confidence to go out there and LIE through his teeth


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2c33e4 No.23985

File: c91b711ff814127⋯.png (156.04 KB,756x641,756:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d51ced4b264a12⋯.png (118.95 KB,775x567,775:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 38df41c1cd0cdbc⋯.png (116.21 KB,757x523,757:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488449 (120005ZMAR23) Notable: "Dear Conservatives, I Apologize…My Team" was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda"

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"Dear Conservatives, I Apologize…My Team" was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda"

There is no way to avoid this moment. The formal letter of apology. From me. To Conservatives and to those who “put America first” everywhere.

It’s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility under the rug — to “move on” without ever acknowledging that I was duped, and that as a result I made mistakes in judgement, and that these mistakes, multiplied by the tens of thousands and millions on the part of people just like me, hurt millions of other people like you all, in existential ways.

But that erasure of personal and public history would be wrong.

I owe you a full-throated apology.

I believed a farrago of lies. And, as a result of these lies, and my credulity — and the credulity of people similarly situated to me - many conservatives’ reputations are being tarnished, on false bases.

The proximate cause of this letter of apology is the airing, two nights ago, of excepts from tens of thousands of hours of security camera footage from the United States Capitol taken on Jan 6, 2021. The footage was released by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson [https://www.axios.com/2023/03/08/mccarthy-defends-jan-6-footage-tucker-carlson-fox-news].

While “fact-checkers” state that it is “misinformation” to claim that Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol Police on that day [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/07/27/fact-check-nancy-pelosi-isnt-in-charge-capitol-police/8082088002/], the fact is that the USCP is under the oversight of Congress, according to — the United States Capitol Police: [https://www.uscp.gov/the-department/oversight].

This would be the same Congress that convened the January 6 Committee subsequently, and that used millions of dollars in taxpayer money to turn that horrible day, and that tragic event, into a message point that would be used to tar a former President as a would-be terrorist, and to smear all Republicans, by association, as “insurrectionists,” or as insurrectionists’ sympathizers and fellow-travelers.


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2c33e4 No.23986

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488457 (120006ZMAR23) Notable: Col, Derek Harvey: Silicon Valley Oligarchs Like Musk Are Responsible For China’s Success In Economic & Cyber Warfare

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Col, Derek Harvey: Silicon Valley Oligarchs Like Musk Are Responsible For China’s Success In Economic & Cyber Warfare

Col. Harvey worked for Nunes and Kash Patel on Russiagate to expose the lies

This is scary to listen to this video


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2c33e4 No.23987

File: 07d98bfd22336a8⋯.webp (30.2 KB,1170x780,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488491 (120010ZMAR23) Notable: Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default

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And just like that the 'Strong Biden Economy" is ready to collapse.

WASHINGTON, March 10 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urged members of the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday to raise the federal debt ceiling without conditions, warning that a default on U.S. debt would cause "economic and financial collapse."


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2c33e4 No.23988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488513 (120014ZMAR23) Notable: Former Biden Aide and GOP Witness at House Oversight Hearing into Covid Origins Claims COVID Likely Came from a Lab but then Defends the WHO suggesting Gain of Function Research and Global Surveillance are Essential

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Former Biden Aide and GOP Witness at House Oversight Hearing into Covid Origins Claims COVID Likely Came from a Lab but then Defends the WHO suggesting Gain of Function Research and Global Surveillance are Essential

This week, congressional Republicans got to thump their chest with an oversight hearing, supposedly attempting to gather facts pertaining to the Origins of Covid-19.

It remains to be seen, however, if this was a real fact-finding mission or more of a narrative framing session, banging the war drums against China and declaring the need to further erode America’s constitutional freedoms.

Republican witnesses on the panel included, Former Director of the CDC, Dr. Redfield, M.D., Nicolas Wade, Former Editor, New York Times, Science, and Nature, and Dr. Jamie Metzl, Ph.D., Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council. Paul G. Auwaeter, MD, MBA from Johns Hopkins University was the minority witness.

Several moments of the hearing stand out as newsworthy, once you get past the opening injection of race and KKK baiting by the Democrats on the panel, who smeared Mr. Wade as such due to an alleged comment that David Duke once praised one of his books. I fear David Duke may also like ice cream…. making one of my favorite desserts a grand-wizard special I should permanently abstain from.

Metzl, however, was certainly the most interesting choice for the majority Republicans and played a significant role in the hearing, criticizing China while at the same time defending the World Health Organization and Dr. Tedros and Anthony Fauci.

It is worth noting, the Republican witness, Metzl, was also a member of the Clinton Administration, Senator Joe Biden’s Administration and maintains a whole host of other far left-wing affiliations including the Council on Foreign Relations.

It begs the question, why would they invite him on the panel?

In the hearing, Metzl declared, “Our robust public infrastructure and global coordination are essential for surveillance to identify, track, and contain potential threats, pathogens respect no borders.”



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2c33e4 No.23989

File: 1ea565924e359fa⋯.jpeg (974.88 KB,1170x2324,585:1162,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2635d80ea8e85d4⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1170x2286,65:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 10aefa0a5b2615c⋯.jpeg (984.04 KB,1170x2298,195:383,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488543 (120017ZMAR23) Notable: The National Economic Security and Reformation Act / N.E.S.A.R.A.

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Here’s you scam pdf lies of Nesara/gesara democrats plan.


The National Economic Security and Reformation Act / N.E.S.A.R.A.

Presented by Tara and Rama at http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ This is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that

accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Table of Contents

1. Provisions of N.E.S.A.R.A. 2. Creation of the Bill

3. Factions and People

4. Galactic History

5. The Missing 13th Amendment

6. The Columbia Organic Act of 1871 7. The Mysterious Rosicrucian

8. Website Links and Resources

1. Provisions of N.E.S.A.R.A.

1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a jubilee or a forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes the income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential-new-items-only sales tax revenue for the government. Food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment. This clause reads:

―No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.‖

―If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.‖

Page 1 of 33

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2c33e4 No.23990

File: 7ee51d408d81121⋯.png (192.78 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f73f1e2f94fa19c⋯.png (177.1 KB,500x233,500:233,Clipboard.png)

File: ab3188a9d85bb6c⋯.png (171.54 KB,500x233,500:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 19e270c2f955106⋯.png (386.63 KB,1030x480,103:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488608 (120024ZMAR23) Notable: What Did These 3 SVB Execs Know?

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Ah Oh!!!!

What Did These 3 SVB Execs Know?

As lines (real and virtual) full of anxious depositors grew last week outside of Silicon Valley Bank branches around the world, and reassurances of "liquidity" were gushed from the C-Suite, three individuals within the firm were perhaps less troubled than those seeking their hard-earned cash back from the soon-to-be-failed bank.

12 days ago (on Feb 27th), Gregory Becker, the CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, sold $3.6 million worth (11%) of his shares..

Notice that none of them had sold anything sizable for a year or so before this most recent (pre-collapse) sale (so it is a stretch to call this a pre-planned sale).

Additionally, Silicon Valley Bank on Friday paid out annual bonuses to eligible U.S. employees, just hours before the bank was seized by the U.S. government, Axios has learned from multiple sources.

But hey, we are sure it's probably nothing to worry about, right?


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2c33e4 No.23991

File: e530880cb7eb050⋯.png (1.03 MB,895x686,895:686,Clipboard.png)

File: 61840223b2bed5f⋯.png (355.07 KB,583x468,583:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488623 (120025ZMAR23) Notable: Cable News Is Riddled With War Profiteers

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Cable News Is Riddled With War Profiteers

PJ Media, by Ben Bartee

Posted By: Imright, 3/11/2023 5:51:28 PM

The problem with cable news is that — outside of perhaps Tucker Carlson, who seems genuinely committed to exposing truths and has paid the price for it in the form of the Majority Leader calling for his censorship from the Senate floor — it’s not news. It’s state propaganda, by and for the special interests that have purchased the state. These special interests include big agriculture, big pharma, and, of course, the private weapons manufacturers that comprise the military-industrial complex. Lever News explains: Since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, cable news networks have routinely called on defense officials-turned-consultants to offer analysis and help the American public make sense

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2c33e4 No.23992

File: a312787930c626e⋯.png (18.04 KB,849x160,849:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488641 (120027ZMAR23) Notable: THANKS BIDEN: U.S. Weapons Sent To Ukraine Are Now Being Found in Iran

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THANKS BIDEN: U.S. Weapons Sent To Ukraine

Are Now Being Found in Iran

Trending Politics, by Kyle Becker

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 3/11/2023 5:01:50 PM

Military aid provided by the United States and its NATO allies to Ukraine is being found in the hands of Iranians, according to a new CNN report. “Russia has been capturing some of the US and NATO-provided weapons and equipment left on the battlefield in Ukraine and sending them to Iran, where the US believes Tehran will try to reverse-engineer the systems,” four sources familiar with the matter told CNN. “Over the last year, US, NATO and other Western officials have seen several instances of Russian forces seizing smaller, shoulder-fired weapons equipment including Javelin anti-tank and Stinger anti-aircraft systems

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2c33e4 No.23993

File: d52d6f0c105a2ee⋯.png (438.38 KB,701x934,701:934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488681 (120031ZMAR23) Notable: John Ratcliffe ~ China-brokered Saudi and Iran - ‘troubling' development

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John Ratcliffe ~ China-brokered Saudi and Iran - ‘troubling' development

China-brokered talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran a ‘troubling' development, former DNI warns | Fox News

After Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to end years of hostilities Friday, one former Director of National Intelligence is sounding the alarm on the "troubling" development in the Middle East.

"The end result is China is stronger, Iran is stronger. The United States and Israel are weaker and the Middle East is more vulnerable. This is a terrible development," former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said on "Cavuto Live" Saturday.

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed Friday to end years of hostility and re-engage in diplomatic relations following previously undisclosed talks in Beijing between top security officials from the rival powers.

The two nations announced the deal following four days of meetings, saying they would "resume diplomatic relations between them and re-open their embassies and missions within a period not exceeding two months."


6:53 PM · Mar 11, 2023


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2c33e4 No.23994

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488696 (120033ZMAR23) Notable: Joe Allen: Elon Musk Is Building a Cyborg Future, But Says Bannon Is "Evil"

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Bannon is going to keep on Musk for a while:

Joe Allen: Elon Musk Is Building a Cyborg Future, But Says Bannon Is "Evil"


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2c33e4 No.23995

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488846 (120051ZMAR23) Notable: Roku Has 26% Of Cash With SVB Financial, Deposit Recovery Uncertain — 27 Other Companies With Ties To Collapsed Bank

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Roku Has 26% Of Cash With SVB Financial, Deposit Recovery Uncertain — 27 Other Companies With Ties To Collapsed Bank

Other Companies Impacted: Benzinga reported on other companies that have ties to Silicon Valley Bank on Friday.

Shares of Sunrun Inc (NASDAQ:RUN) fell on Friday on news the company had Silicon Valley Bank as one of its lenders.

Biotech company Chimerix Inc (NASDAQ:CMRX) said its cash held at Silicon Valley Bank was near the FDIC insured limit.

Benzinga Pro, a source for top stock market news and headlines, shared a list of all the companies that had put out filings and statements regarding their relationships with Silicon Valley Bank.

Many more could issue statements in the coming days.

Here are companies with exposure to Silicon Valley Bank:

Generation Bio (NASDAQ:GBIO): mid-single digit millions of dollars

Clearwater Analytics (NYSE:CWAN): $13 million share offering had SVB Securities as an underwriter

IGM Biosciences (NASDAQ:IGMS): Under $5 million in deposits at SVB

Novanta (NASDAQ:NOVT): 10% of $695 million credit agreement held by SVB

X4 Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:XFOR): 2.5% of cash held with SVB

aTYR Pharma (NASDAQ:LIFE): Under 2% of cash held with SVB

Oncorus (NASDAQ:ONCR): has $10 million, or around 23% of its cash, held with SVB

COHU (NASDAQ:COHU): $12.3 million, or 3.8% of cash held with SVB

Compugen (NASDAQ:CGEN): 1.3% of cash held with SVB

Sangamo Therapeutics (NASDAQ:SGMO): $34.4 million in deposits held with SVB of $307.5 million in total company cash

Rocket Lab (NASDAQ:RKLB): Has $38 million, or around 7.9% of cash, held with SVB

Eiger Biopharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:EIGR): Has $8.3 million, or around 6.9% of cash, held with SVB

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE:DNA): Has $74 million, or 6% of their cash, held with SVB

Iteos Therapecutics (NASDAQ:ITOS): Has around 1% of total cash held with SVB

iRhythym Technologies (NASDAQ:IRTC): Has $54.5 million in operating accounts at SVB, company had cash equivalents of $213.1 million as of Dec. 31, 2022.

Shattuck Labs (NASDAQ:STTK): Has $2.3 million in cash held with SVB

QuantumScape (NYSE:QS): Company said it has “low single digit exposure” to SVB

Juniper Networks (NYSE:JNPR): Company has less than 1% of cash held with SVB

Landos Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:LABP): Company has “low single digit millions” in cash held with SVB

Payoneer Global (NASDAQ:PAYO): Company has less than $20 million of cash held with SVB

Praxis Precision Medicines (NASDAQ:PRAX): Company has less than 20% of cash held with SVB

Ambarella (NASDAQ:AMBA): Company has around $17 million held with SVB

Neuronetics (NASDAQ:STIM): Company has less than $1 billion in cash with SVB

Mirum Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:MIRM): Company has less than 1% of cash held with SVB

Kymera Therapeutics (NASDAQ:KYMR): Company has around $2.2 million in cash held with SVB


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2c33e4 No.23996

File: 6ea89e8ec698837⋯.png (70.33 KB,1178x318,589:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488858 (120053ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC and Federal Reserve discuss fund to backstop deposits if more banks fail following Silicon Valley Bank's collapse

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JUST IN - FDIC and Federal Reserve discuss fund to backstop deposits if more banks fail following Silicon Valley Bank's collapse — Bloomberg


shitstorm brewin

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2c33e4 No.23997

File: d230f0919589568⋯.png (229.62 KB,598x728,23:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 4870f70324fa25f⋯.mp4 (11.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488920 (120059ZMAR23) Notable: Ivermectin: The Truth – From Legendary Filmmaker Mikki Willis

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Ivermectin: The Truth – From Legendary Filmmaker Mikki Willis (@Plandemic3Movie


"There's a little-known federal law that says, 'You cannot give an emergency use authorization to a vaccine if there is any medication approved for any purpose that is shown effective against the target disease.' So if Tony Fauci or anybody had admitted that hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin are effective against COVID, it would have been illegal for them to give the emergency use authorization to the vaccines, and they could have never gotten them approved."

— @RobertKennedyJr


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2c33e4 No.23998

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488939 (120101ZMAR23) Notable: Crypto Exchange CIRCLE Admits It had a $3.3 Billion Exposure at Silicon Valley Bank

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Long weekend for some people.

Crypto Exchange CIRCLE Admits It had a $3.3 Billion Exposure at Silicon Valley Bank

U.S. cryptocurrency firm Circle has $3.3 billion of its $40 billion of USD Coin reserves at the collapsed lender Silicon Valley Bank, the company said in a tweet on Friday.

The stablecoin company’s announcement comes after startup-focused SVB collapsed on Friday in the largest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis, roiling global markets and stranding billions of dollars belonging to companies and investors.


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2c33e4 No.23999

File: 6d4d6f4bf268ef4⋯.jpeg (229.61 KB,1242x946,621:473,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18488995 (120111ZMAR23) Notable: You know when Samantha Power is involved its a color revolution.

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You know when Samantha Power is involved its a color revolution.

Thats where our USAID money goes, must people don’t knowwe create revolutions and vassal statesaround the world on our tax money.


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2c33e4 No.24000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489070 (120122ZMAR23) Notable: #22672

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Notables - FINAL


>>23980, >>23981 Judge Seals Dozens of Warrants For Over 60 Companies in Bryan Kohberger Quadruple Murder Case

>>23982 Fed to hold emergency meeting on Monday amid SVB's swift collapse

>>23983 Silicon Valley Bank on Friday paid out annual bonuses to some eligible U.S. employees, just hours before the bank was seized by the U.S. government

>>23984 Richard Stern On Republicans’ Weakness On Government Spending

>>23985 "Dear Conservatives, I Apologize…My Team" was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda"

>>23986 Col, Derek Harvey: Silicon Valley Oligarchs Like Musk Are Responsible For China’s Success In Economic & Cyber Warfare

>>23987 Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default

>>23988 Former Biden Aide and GOP Witness at House Oversight Hearing into Covid Origins Claims COVID Likely Came from a Lab but then Defends the WHO suggesting Gain of Function Research and Global Surveillance are Essential

>>23989 The National Economic Security and Reformation Act / N.E.S.A.R.A.

>>23990 What Did These 3 SVB Execs Know?

>>23991 Cable News Is Riddled With War Profiteers

>>23992 THANKS BIDEN: U.S. Weapons Sent To Ukraine Are Now Being Found in Iran

>>23993 John Ratcliffe ~ China-brokered Saudi and Iran - ‘troubling' development

>>23994 Joe Allen: Elon Musk Is Building a Cyborg Future, But Says Bannon Is "Evil"

>>23995 Roku Has 26% Of Cash With SVB Financial, Deposit Recovery Uncertain — 27 Other Companies With Ties To Collapsed Bank

>>23996 FDIC and Federal Reserve discuss fund to backstop deposits if more banks fail following Silicon Valley Bank's collapse

>>23997 Ivermectin: The Truth – From Legendary Filmmaker Mikki Willis

>>23998 Crypto Exchange CIRCLE Admits It had a $3.3 Billion Exposure at Silicon Valley Bank

>>23999 You know when Samantha Power is involved its a color revolution.


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2c33e4 No.24001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489141 (120131ZMAR23) Notable: Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

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Anon requested this for Globals, can you or NEXT BAKER please add?


Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes


will attach updated Globals section.

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2c33e4 No.24002

File: 146f2545951cb58⋯.png (217.6 KB,542x561,542:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489194 (120140ZMAR23) Notable: James O'Keefe - With Tucker’s revelations about J6th…

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ames O'Keefe






Remember me? 🤗

With Tucker’s revelations about J6th, and your statements as a NYT reporter last year that “There were a ton of FBI informants who attacked the Capitol…” and “The lefts overreaction in some places were so over the top”….“They [media] were making too big a deal [of Jan6]. They were making this an organized thing that it wasn’t.”

… maybe you’ll reconsider speaking on the record to me about this now? OKeefeTips@protonmail.com


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2c33e4 No.24003

File: bf0c666cf2789b0⋯.png (2.5 MB,1919x1013,1919:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 77611ed032300c0⋯.png (348.5 KB,671x377,671:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489308 (120151ZMAR23) Notable: FDC 3/5671 ZMA FL..AIRSPACE TAMPA, FL..TEMPORARY FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS

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2c33e4 No.24004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489327 (120153ZMAR23) Notable: For any Anons who missed Tucker showing some Jan.. 6th film and discussing it.

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For any Anons who missed Tucker showing some Jan.. 6th film and discussing it.

Here it is. 19 minutes at least.

When is paul ryan going to let us see all of it faux news?

Great move kev. That sure got the news out didn't it


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2c33e4 No.24005

File: 3b4ce58b882ec22⋯.png (321.88 KB,483x363,161:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ea566766ab04ae⋯.png (415.78 KB,644x426,322:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 8036718cdc1258e⋯.png (282.64 KB,393x433,393:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489371 (120200ZMAR23) Notable: Elon Musk is ‘open to the idea’ of buying Silicon Valley Bank

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Elon Musk is ‘open to the idea’ of buying Silicon Valley Bank as he lays Twitter payments groundwork

Elon Musk is ‘open to the idea’ of buying Silicon Valley Bank as he lays Twitter payments groundwork. The billionaire responded Friday night to a suggestion that “Twitter should buy SVB and become a digital bank,” from Min-Liang Tan, CEO of Razer, which sells gaming computers.

Musk replied, “I’m open to the idea.”

Others also indicated their support. “I think Twitter could use a financial leg,” Mikael Pawlo, head of branding at Swedish fintech firm Bokio, tweeted Friday. “Would make total sense for the entire Musk ecosystem to buy the ruins of SVB and could also create a viable business model going forward for Twitter.”

“What an opportunity,” tweeted Kevin Paffrath, CEO of HouseHack, a real-estate and A.I. startup. “2-3 years to get a banking charter otherwise. Just make sure you go through those toxic assets with a fine-tooth comb.”

Musk, who helped launch PayPal, took over Twitter for $44 billion in late October. He aims to add payments to the platform, which an acquisition of SVB would presumably help with.

“Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app,” he tweeted earlier that month. China’s WeChat offers an example of such an app, featuring payments in addition to messaging, streaming, and video chats, among much else.

Twitter has been applying for regulatory licenses and creating software to introduce payments on the platform, the Financial Times reported in late January.

Fortune reached out to Twitter for comment but did not receive an immediate reply.


>>23995 Roku Has 26% Of Cash With SVB Financial, Deposit Recovery Uncertain — 27 Other Companies With Ties To Collapsed Bank

Okra gonna go on TeeVee and tell everyone how 'unsafe' munee is so we have to go to a CBDC

>>23983 lb Silicon Valley Bank on Friday paid out annual bonuses to some eligible U.S. employees, just hours before the bank was seized by the U.S. government

>>23996 pb FDIC and Federal Reserve discuss fund to backstop deposits if more banks fail following Silicon Valley Bank's collapse

>>23995 pb Roku Has 26% Of Cash With SVB Financial, Deposit Recovery Uncertain — 27 Other Companies With Ties To Collapsed Bank

This (SIVB) will continue to branch out (contagion) andwe'll also see who is not on the list of reported munee losers here since Wednesday is pay day on the 2 week cycle so whoever doesn't get paid etc

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2c33e4 No.24006

File: c3e828d89d03ecb⋯.png (500.04 KB,610x494,305:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489549 (120218ZMAR23) Notable: Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL)

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Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL)



#Paris police charge and attack protestors with batons 🤬

4:31 AM · Mar 11, 2023




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2c33e4 No.24007

File: e5f270ee66014c5⋯.png (203.93 KB,849x428,849:428,Clipboard.png)

File: e2caffdb08534e9⋯.png (249.31 KB,385x397,385:397,Clipboard.png)

File: ce577b4694fe59b⋯.gif (1.66 MB,318x202,159:101,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489554 (120219ZMAR23) Notable: PF - SPAR65 G5Aquilinodeparted Nellis AFB after a stop and Australian AF ASY316 A300 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) Aussie PM Albanesearrived at San Diego

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>>23975 pb

SPAR65 G5Aquilinodeparted Nellis AFB after a stop and Australian AF ASY316 A300 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) Aussie PM Albanesearrived at San Diego Int'l for Monday sub announcement that Potato will fly out to either tomorrow later on or early Monday morning.. UK PM Sunak will also be in attendance

Albanese set to arrive arrived (FIFY) in San Diego as pathway to submarines to become clearer


Biden, Sunak, Albanese expected to announce landmark nuclear submarine deal


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2c33e4 No.24008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489571 (120220ZMAR23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Asked Point Blank About Tucker Carlson January 6 Reporting

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Kevin McCarthy Asked Point Blank About Tucker Carlson January 6 Reporting

"My whole role to January 6th is just to bring Transparency."

~ Speaker McCarthy

Mar 8, 2023 (1-min)


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2c33e4 No.24009

File: 693421ad6c9736b⋯.png (1.2 MB,1257x826,1257:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489584 (120222ZMAR23) Notable: Etsy warns sellers of delay in processing payments due to Silicon Valley Bank collapse

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Etsy warns sellers of delay in processing

payments due to Silicon Valley Bank collapse

NBC News, by Rob Wile

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 9:14:54 PM

Etsy is warning sellers that the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on Friday is causing delays in processing payments, according to an email from the company shared with NBC News. The online do-it-yourself goods mega shop said it used SVB to facilitate disbursement to some sellers, and that it was working with other payment partners to issue deposits. "We wanted to let you know that there is a delay with your deposit that was scheduled for today," the email from Etsy said. "We know that you count on us to help run your business and we understand how important it is for you to receive your funds when you need them,"

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2c33e4 No.24010

File: da0712426cf4120⋯.png (744.29 KB,892x804,223:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489612 (120224ZMAR23) Notable: Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

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January 6 Prison Choir’s ‘Justice

for All’ Single, Featuring Donald Trump,

Reaches No. 1 on iTunes

Yahoo, by Charna Flam

Posted By: Imright, 3/11/2023 6:46:33 PM

A new single, “Justice for All,” featuring former President Donald Trump, from the J6 Prison Choir, reached No. 1 on iTunes’ top songs on March 11. The J6 Prison Choir is comprised of a group of men who were convicted after their participation in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The song includes the choir singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” from jail before it climaxes with the prisoners chanting “USA! USA!” The “Justice for All” track has the performance of the national anthem interrupted by clips of President Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

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2c33e4 No.24011

File: 70b776a2a55bbb8⋯.png (13.39 KB,610x181,610:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489684 (120232ZMAR23) Notable: Federal Reserve considering creating a fund to backstop deposits if more banks fail.

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Business profile picture



JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Federal Reserve considering creating a fund to backstop deposits if more banks fail.

1:36 PM · Mar 11, 2023




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2c33e4 No.24012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489781 (120246ZMAR23) Notable: Some actually newsworthy footage that was just released in connection with a Jan. 6 trial of Ed Badalian

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Ryan J. Reilly


NEW: Some actually newsworthy footage that was just released in connection with a Jan. 6 trial of Ed Badalian, the InfoWars superfan whose buddy drove a stun gun into Mike Fanone's neck during the Capitol siege.

From inside a trashed suite of Senate hideaway offices:


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2c33e4 No.24013

File: def92a792a29b29⋯.png (482.32 KB,598x567,598:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489808 (120250ZMAR23) Notable: Gen Z, Millennials think women’s rights have gone too far, according to new survey

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New York Post


Gen Z, Millennials think women’s rights have gone too far, according to new survey


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2c33e4 No.24014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489838 (120257ZMAR23) Notable: The Intelligence Briefing / The Red Hand of Communism - John B Wells LIVE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Live at the top of the hour

The Intelligence Briefing / The Red Hand of Communism - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

141K subscribers

458 watching now Started streaming 55 minutes ago DALLAS

Tonight on #ArkMidnight

Topic: The Intelligence Briefing / The Red Hand of Communism

9pm-12am CST


• Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF Ret.)

• Paul E. Vallely, Major General, US Army (Ret.)

Website: StandUpAmericaUS.org

• Mary Fanning & Alan Jones

Website: https://theamericanreport.org

Twitter: @realMaryFanning & @AlanJonesAmRpt

Telegram: https://t.me/TheAmericanReport

• Terry D. Turchie

Former Deputy Assistant Director of FBI Counterterrorism Division

Website: https://www.tkassociatesllc.com/

Twitter: @TTurchie


AM/FM Radio




Speak Free Radio






iVlog TV










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2c33e4 No.24015

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489844 (120258ZMAR23) Notable: John Ratcliffe on reasons Biden wouldn't sign COVID "transparency" Bill

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John Ratcliffe on reasons Biden wouldn't sign COVID "transparency" Bill

FOX News interview - 6-mins

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2c33e4 No.24016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489878 (120305ZMAR23) Notable: #22673

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Notables - FINAL


>>24001, >>24010 Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

>>24002 James O'Keefe - With Tucker’s revelations about J6th…

>>24004 For any Anons who missed Tucker showing some Jan.. 6th film and discussing it.


>>24005 Elon Musk is ‘open to the idea’ of buying Silicon Valley Bank

>>24006 Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL)

>>24007 PF - SPAR65 G5Aquilinodeparted Nellis AFB after a stop and Australian AF ASY316 A300 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) Aussie PM Albanesearrived at San Diego

>>24008 Kevin McCarthy Asked Point Blank About Tucker Carlson January 6 Reporting

>>24009 Etsy warns sellers of delay in processing payments due to Silicon Valley Bank collapse

>>24011 Federal Reserve considering creating a fund to backstop deposits if more banks fail.

>>24012 Some actually newsworthy footage that was just released in connection with a Jan. 6 trial of Ed Badalian

>>24013 Gen Z, Millennials think women’s rights have gone too far, according to new survey

>>24014 The Intelligence Briefing / The Red Hand of Communism - John B Wells LIVE

>>24015 John Ratcliffe on reasons Biden wouldn't sign COVID "transparency" Bill


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2c33e4 No.24017

File: 097acc280abee3d⋯.gif (3.27 MB,700x697,700:697,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489889 (120307ZMAR23) Notable: #22674

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Next Baker Please Self Confirm Hand Off

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2c33e4 No.24018

File: ea3e77060140bec⋯.png (16.75 KB,397x300,397:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 946dad58f9ad669⋯.png (330.54 KB,551x681,551:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dcf9349c0748cf⋯.png (611.05 KB,590x687,590:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489916 (120311ZMAR23) Notable: SVB executives sell off before collapse

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2c33e4 No.24019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489957 (120319ZMAR23) Notable: Justice For All

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PLEASE. Would a skilled anon bring this 2 min. recording to the board? It will bring tears to many eyes.

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2c33e4 No.24020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489963 (120320ZMAR23) Notable: Justice For All

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2c33e4 No.24021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18489976 (120323ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson: This is the largest bank failure since 2008

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Tucker Carlson: This is the largest bank failure since 2008

Fox News host Tucker Carlson breaks down the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and explains the larger ramifications for the U.S. on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'



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2c33e4 No.24022

File: 6b2da2fd666fc12⋯.mp4 (14.23 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490021 (120332ZMAR23) Notable: Justice For All

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J6 prayer and National Anthem also

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2c33e4 No.24023

File: 8280a9517db80da⋯.png (897.62 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490081 (120342ZMAR23) Notable: SVB executives sell off before collapse

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5-year Delta?

Q897 and Q896 with Silicon Valley Bank stock plunge

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2c33e4 No.24024

File: f4f05f8377a93f6⋯.png (252.33 KB,768x434,384:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 5899c5c9dae7859⋯.png (1.81 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 425cb44af2bab4d⋯.png (1.27 MB,886x1200,443:600,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b7285b99b4204e⋯.png (315.06 KB,600x411,200:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490086 (120343ZMAR23) Notable: California storm leaves at least two dead, Pajaro River levee breaks, forcing 1,700 to evacuate near Santa Cruz

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California Storm Leaves At Least Two Dead, Pajaro River levee breaks, forcing 1,700 to evacuate near Santa Cruz

March 11, 2023

Another powerful storm pummeled California overnight into Saturday, forcing thousands to evacuate and resulting in at least two deaths, while causing a levee to give way in coastal Monterey County.

"We were hoping to avoid and prevent this situation, but the worst case scenario has arrived with the Pajaro River overtopping and levee breaching at about midnight," Luis Alejo, a Monterey County supervisor, said Saturday on Twitter.

On Friday, state emergency services director Nancy Ward announced that the storm had already claimed at least two lives.

Images posted on Twitter by the state's National Guard account showed guardsmen rescuing residents trapped in their cars by high water.

At least one road was washed away in Santa Cruz County, just north of Monterey.

Residents in several towns, mostly in the north, have been ordered to evacuate.

An unusually intense and seemingly endless series of storms has battered California for weeks.

The latest storm was expected to dump as much as nine inches (23 centimeters) of rain on already saturated grounds.


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2c33e4 No.24025

File: 426e4d2081c4181⋯.png (195.57 KB,360x377,360:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490088 (120343ZMAR23) Notable: Justice For All

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INSPECTION further confirms horrific conditions and abuse in DC jail housing January 6 prisoners. "Punitive denial of food and water"

About 400 D.C. jail inmates will be transferred to a federal penitentiary in Pennsylvania because…

An inspection found unsanitary living conditions and the punitive denial of food and water, officials said

5:31 PM · Nov 2, 2021·

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2c33e4 No.24026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490113 (120346ZMAR23) Notable: Instances of significant GPS interference have been reported worldwide in the maritime domain

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U.S. Maritime Advisories | MARAD - Transportation

2023-005-Various-GPS Interference & AIS Spoofing


This advisory cancels and updates U.S. Maritime Advisory 2022-010

1. Reference: None.

2. Issue: Instances of significant GPS interference have been reported worldwide in the maritime domain. This interference can result in lost or inaccurate GPS signals affecting bridge navigation, GPS-based timing, and communications equipment (including satellite communications equipment). Over the last six months, an area in which multiple instances were reported was the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) webpage, https://navcen.uscg.gov/gps-problem-report-status, contains a chronological list of recently reported GPS problems.

Additionally, Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) are open, unencrypted, and unprotected radio systems intended to operate on non-secure VHF-FM channels. As such, AIS signals can be spoofed, resulting in incorrect or missing AIS data.


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2c33e4 No.24027

File: 55b10af05e8f773⋯.png (1.12 MB,936x1555,936:1555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490154 (120354ZMAR23) Notable: Operation Jericho

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>until the Jan. 6th prisoners of war are freed.

MG Paul E. Vallely (RET) [FB] post on Operation Jericho

These detainees need to be subpoenaed and questioned by scheduled Congressional hearings to truly seek the facts of what happened that day. Congress needs to know. Americans need to know. The detainees need to tell their stories!


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2c33e4 No.24028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490208 (120404ZMAR23) Notable: Recent Potatodential Actions

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Potatodential Actions

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves California Emergency Declaration

MARCH 10, 2023



Letters to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Iran

MARCH 10, 2023



Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Iran

MARCH 10, 2023



President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Disaster Declaration for the Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria

MARCH 08, 2023



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2c33e4 No.24029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490228 (120408ZMAR23) Notable: Janet Yellen faces GOP-led House Ways and Means Committee after Biden releases $6.8 trillion budget

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Treasury Secretary

Janet Yellen before House Ways and Means

Mar 10, 2023



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2c33e4 No.24030

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490247 (120411ZMAR23) Notable: Operation Jericho

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9 days ago

Operation Jericho 2023

Our Constitutional rights are under attack. The 6th Amendment has stood as a bulwark against judicial and governmental tyranny since the founding of this country, preventing government overreach in protection of our right to freedom. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you. Every American knows they will hear their Miranda Rights read to them when arrested and has at least a cursory understanding of what to expect…until now.

January 6th defendants have had their fundamental 6th Amendment rights violated. They have NOT been offered speedy trials and many are still sitting in the DC Gulag awaiting trial or sentencing. They have NOT been offered impartial juries in their federal court cases, with all jury members being federal employees in DC whose direct supervisors and peers know and understand why they are not doing their job and instead are attending 'trials' for these prisoners. The entire process is a complete sham as evidenced by the testimony provided in the video.

Where is the right to be innocent until proven guilty? These fine Americans were guilty before they walked into the Capitol that day. The government knew what would happen and simply needed names to fill in the subpoenas as they honed in on those they determined to make an example of in the public eye.

The purpose of this exposure is to get the prisoners convicted and those awaiting trial or sentencing to testify under oath in Congress. They have had their rights stripped, their donations and support misappropriated, their homes and valuables taken, yet not one has had a trial by a jury of their peers. Testimony in front of Congress will give air to truth and provide sunlight where only shadows currently reside in the minds of Americans. It will make it more difficult to hide the truth of what is happening.

Without this simple act of disclosure, is this even America anymore?

Help get our American prisoners heard by Congress. They are being held in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, being denied basic medical care, and it is well past time to do something about it. Even if you believe they are all guilty, as an American you should support their rights to a trial, safe conditions while incarcerated, as well as medical care, food and clean water. This time it is the defendants on January 6th. Next time it could be someone you love and care for. Next time it could be your family dealing with the consequences of an out of control judiciary driven by tyrannical government hell bent on subjugating your rights in pursuit of their defined greater good.



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2c33e4 No.24031

File: 86ed4a639015a25⋯.png (305.89 KB,612x766,306:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490321 (120424ZMAR23) Notable: Daylight Savings begins tonight at 2am - don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour

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Trump Washington DC


Daylight Savings begins tonight at 2am - don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour!This means more daylight for golfing season at @TrumpGolfDC


#DaylightSavingTime #daylightsavings

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2c33e4 No.24032

File: 5edcc33fc665101⋯.png (220.88 KB,598x610,299:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 56aacbbd545be7d⋯.jpg (48.51 KB,463x593,463:593,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490341 (120429ZMAR23) Notable: Greta Thunberg deleted tweet

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2c33e4 No.24033

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490343 (120429ZMAR23) Notable: Peter Navarro interviewed on X22

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Peter Navarro - interviewed on X22

Fauci Used Backchannels To Go Around The Boss, Treason At The Highest Level

~ So great to see your audiance is growing at the same rate the Biden Admin is making mistakes.

~ It grieves me that Trump's not back in the White House. My mission is to help him get there in 2025.



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2c33e4 No.24034

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490356 (120432ZMAR23) Notable: Peter Navarro interviewed on X22

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Peter Navarro | Taking Back Trump's America

Illegal Immigration is Stealing Jobs and Crashing Wages

Straight From the Jobs Report

12 hours ago 16-minutes


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2c33e4 No.24035

File: 347388ce0d7e870⋯.png (1.01 MB,1247x935,1247:935,Clipboard.png)

File: 52608c9df171799⋯.png (284.65 KB,766x652,383:326,Clipboard.png)

File: baafe0c506ede9d⋯.png (395.36 KB,745x673,745:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490424 (120445ZMAR23) Notable: Planefag: HOIST81 did some interesting patterns off Cape Canaveral, and is headed back to McGuire AFB

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HOIST81 did some interesting patterns off Cape Canaveral, and is headed back to JBA.

Rocket launch tonight?

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2c33e4 No.24036

File: 5bd51951f820e72⋯.mp4 (725.89 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6cb939b0d2cbd46⋯.png (202.95 KB,750x822,125:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490434 (120447ZMAR23) Notable: MH370: The Plane That Disappeared is now on Netflix

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This isn't something I researched; but, interesting take here:

♥️ Joy Reborn ♥️ @RedRising11

I’d bet my next 10 years salary USA shot this plane down and covered it up. I felt it at the time, and this only convinced me more. Release the classified investigation. Prove me wrong. #MH370

Netflix @netflix · Mar 8

Nine years ago today, flight MH370 disappeared just 38 minutes after it took off. But how does a flight with 239 passengers just disappear?

MH370: The Plane That Disappeared is now on Netflix

9:50 PM · Mar 11, 2023


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2c33e4 No.24037

File: 696aa894d0e07cb⋯.png (408.7 KB,604x999,604:999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490500 (120500ZMAR23) Notable: General Li Shangfu has been appointed Chinese Defense Minister

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Donbass Devushka


🇨🇳 General Li Shangfu, who has been under US sanctions since 2018 for military cooperation with Russia, has been appointed Chinese Defense Minister.


Anime´s culture is Japanese, right?

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2c33e4 No.24038

File: 2572413de392092⋯.png (456.14 KB,603x1097,603:1097,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f2745899eed0da⋯.png (16.41 KB,598x140,299:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490543 (120508ZMAR23) Notable: In-Q-Tel / Blackrock / Vanguard / SVB

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Just a conspiracy theory.


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2c33e4 No.24039

File: 074f472009f5078⋯.jpg (145.24 KB,1080x1251,120:139,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cace20c80b186c3⋯.png (28.37 KB,598x272,299:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490565 (120512ZMAR23) Notable: In-Q-Tel / Blackrock / Vanguard / SVB

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2c33e4 No.24040

File: 78b062a1d2f1ba4⋯.png (168.91 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490646 (120534ZMAR23) Notable: #22675

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2c33e4 No.24041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490669 (120544ZMAR23) Notable: #Winning

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by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

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2c33e4 No.24042

File: 939d935a8cd0d70⋯.png (407.39 KB,658x882,47:63,Clipboard.png)

File: c4186652fd4da4f⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490683 (120549ZMAR23) Notable: Fauci's mental gymnastics, now says a lab leak could still be considered as 'coming from natural origins'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN – Fauci Now Says A Lab Leak Could Still Be Considered As Coming From Natural Origins

"A lab leak could be that someone was out in the wild maybe looking for different types of viruses in bats, got infected, went into a lab, and was being studied in a lab, and then came out of the lab. But if that's the definition of lab leak, then that's still a natural occurrence.

The other possibility is someone takes a virus from the environment that doesn't actually spread very well in humans, and manipulates it a bit, and accidentally it escapes or accidentally infects someone and then you get an outbreak."


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2c33e4 No.24043

File: 3fb4e4c4f23a317⋯.png (948.71 KB,884x822,442:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490717 (120605ZMAR23) Notable: #Winning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5a3dba No.10953488 📁

Oct 6 2020 18:54:03 (EST)


He gave up everything.

He knew his life, and the lives of his family, would forever change.

He knew [knows] the consequences.

A man who had everything.

Why do it?


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2c33e4 No.24044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490731 (120610ZMAR23) Notable: Tennessee election integrity forum to discuss irregularities in voting procedure and possible remedies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Streamed on: Mar 11, 10:00 am EST


Elected Tennessee Officials, Candidates, and the Public are coming together to discuss irregularities in Tennessee voting procedure and possible remedies.

Citizens and political candidates seeking free, fair and secure elections are hosting a series of election integrity forums and ad hoc hearings across the country to allow citizens and subject matter experts the opportunity to voice their concerns and provide evidence with regard to irregularities in our recent elections. The forums will also provide an opportunity for elected officials and candidates to offer solutions to secure elections in the future, including discussing new legislation that may be necessary to address vulnerabilities in current election law.

The America Project



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2c33e4 No.24045

File: acf46001c9d3abe⋯.png (743.14 KB,1164x1372,291:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 8391970ad091f22⋯.png (809.32 KB,1166x1364,53:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490757 (120623ZMAR23) Notable: The FDIC is already on site at First Republic Bank trying to determine the best path forward to protect depositors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mike Alfred


BREAKING: The FDIC is already on site at First Republic Bank trying to determine the best path forward to protect depositors. Things are moving way faster than expected given the accelerating bank run that has already reached a tipping point.

9:09 PM · Mar 11, 2023

Mike Alfred




Replying to


Confirmed just now that First Republic started throttling outbound wires today.

Mike Alfred



Also by the end of the day today (Saturday) they stopped processing wires altogether.

Mike Alfred




The previous wording when trying to wire out of First Republic on Saturday is "wire will be sent first thing Monday". Now the wording changed to "thank you for your transaction we'll get back to you"


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2c33e4 No.24046

File: 854423b50a1af78⋯.png (35.84 KB,417x344,417:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490775 (120630ZMAR23) Notable: Total Adderall prescriptions in the US

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

World of Statistics


Total Adderall prescriptions in the US:

2017: 32.2m

2018: 33.8m

2019: 35.8m

2020: 37.5m

2021: 41.4m

1:04 AM · Mar 12, 2023·27.8K Views


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2c33e4 No.24047

File: f14bf14d3bdf26c⋯.png (480.3 KB,922x1022,461:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490869 (120717ZMAR23) Notable: Mil tweets / decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



23 words

17 timestamp


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2c33e4 No.24048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490928 (120747ZMAR23) Notable: March 8th 2023, House holds hearing on U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


note: previous link looks like it has been clipped at 3.44.10 run time, below total runtime is 5.07.31 run time. going to make sure anon covers everything in case edits has been done. foward through the recess breaks and take notes so hopefully those who lurk can get their headlines.

This has got hardly any exposure here.


House Foreign Affairs Committee Holds A Hearing On The Withdrawal From Afghanistan


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2c33e4 No.24049

File: 0a96f31a2dfc3e5⋯.png (733.69 KB,922x934,461:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 685e2ef567ae01d⋯.png (76.73 KB,840x766,420:383,Clipboard.png)

File: ba428c5af7af050⋯.png (202.06 KB,840x1536,35:64,Clipboard.png)

File: c5ed60cb26f84f8⋯.png (11.77 KB,84x692,21:173,Clipboard.png)

File: df1be4e7bf13604⋯.png (28.81 KB,578x368,289:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18490975 (120759ZMAR23) Notable: Mil tweets / decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Link ends [33]

O(ff)u(tt) -> 66 2020 -> Jun 6 2020 -> Delta Q44[33]:


(O)ff(u)tt -> 1521 -> Q1521 = 17 timestamp -> Qalerts 1521 = 8 posts -> Q [33]64:


Linked article:

Descending alphabet after A-"T pattern -> AIOT = 1 9 15 20 = 45

55th mentioned 5 times -> 555 -> Qalerts 555 = 88 posts -> Q555:

We are WITH YOU.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.24050

File: 77992b6946515bc⋯.png (43.54 KB,426x364,213:182,Clipboard.png)

File: d909f87278897f6⋯.png (111 KB,840x1202,420:601,Clipboard.png)

File: b3b06f4e0f053f4⋯.png (156.17 KB,1762x972,881:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491048 (120832ZMAR23) Notable: Mil tweets / decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>moar from the linked article:

731 on the bus -> Q731: Timestamps … [L]earn = [12]

[I]ndo-[P]acific [p]ost-[a]ttack -> IP PA = 916 161

Qalets 9{16} -> 98 (=17) posts -> Q1{49};

Qalets {16}1 -> 80 posts -> Q{49}50 ->

>Nov [12] timestamps

>Flags Out

>Freedom, God Bless America


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.24051

File: 2ab779f3737d29d⋯.png (483.87 KB,805x571,805:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491057 (120840ZMAR23) Notable: Planefag: HOIST81 did some interesting patterns off Cape Canaveral, and is headed back to McGuire AFB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Correction to >>24035

HOIST81 origin/return was McGuire AFB, not JBA

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2c33e4 No.24052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491059 (120843ZMAR23) Notable: #22674 collected in #22675''''

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

notables for #22674

#22674 >>24017

>>24018, >>24023 SVB executives sell off before collapse

>>24021 Tucker Carlson: This is the largest bank failure since 2008

>>24019, >>24020, >>24022, >>24025 Justice For All

>>24024 California storm leaves at least two dead, Pajaro River levee breaks, forcing 1,700 to evacuate near Santa Cruz

>>24026 Instances of significant GPS interference have been reported worldwide in the maritime domain

>>24027, >>24030 Operation Jericho

>>24028 Recent Potatodential Actions

>>24029 Janet Yellen faces GOP-led House Ways and Means Committee after Biden releases $6.8 trillion budget

>>24031 Daylight Savings begins tonight at 2am - don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour

>>24032 Greta Thunberg deleted tweet

>>24033, >>24034 Peter Navarro interviewed on X22

>>24035, >>24051 Planefag: HOIST81 did some interesting patterns off Cape Canaveral, and is headed back to McGuire AFB

>>24036 MH370: The Plane That Disappeared is now on Netflix

>>24037 General Li Shangfu has been appointed Chinese Defense Minister

>>24038, >>24039 In-Q-Tel / Blackrock / Vanguard / SVB

#22674 collected in #22675

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2c33e4 No.24053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491085 (120914ZMAR23) Notable: Anons discuss recent J6 video footage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How do anons reconcile Tucker's generally being a limited hangout faggot ("There's no evidence of election fraud") and the fact that he's now spearheading the drops of J6 footage and related analysis?

Has he changed? Do we trust him now? If not, why is he the anointed J6 sage? Is he only giving us half the story? Is this just more evidence of uniparty and nothing will come of it? Interested in anon's POV on this.

God bless


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2c33e4 No.24054

File: c87ea769ea31405⋯.jpg (197.1 KB,1256x890,628:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491102 (120925ZMAR23) Notable: Anons discuss recent J6 video footage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The material wasn't released by Tucker. It was released by the new Republican House of Representatives.

House of Rep fell to Trump partisan

control becasue of DJT hard work and massive popularity.

Even with the slim margins, those were only obtained despite the massive Dem and Rhino cheating because of the popularity and unending work of DJT

Instead of releasing the footage to the public, where for instance anon could sift through it FOR REAL, they did a control demolition - and passed it off to Tucker.

The material was going to surface. it was turned over to the Re[thug]lican House.

Remeber the truth got it's foot in the door of the Congress because of only 20 stubborn "Amreica First" representatives.


Nothing to do with Tucker.

The was a best-case scenario for the crooks. Couldn't do any better.

Truth was surfacing regardless.

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2c33e4 No.24055

File: 26940f0b6fa639e⋯.png (672.58 KB,1707x960,569:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491110 (120937ZMAR23) Notable: Anons discuss recent J6 video footage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


anon thinks tuckers release of less the 5 minutes of the jan6 was excellent.

he blew their narrative with specifically targeted talking points.

The most iconic poster child, the death of sicknick and ray epps.

Quite the feat,

Even though he was stopped, he can trade off that from the reactions and so can the anons.

pretty impressive anon thought, they spent over 2 years building that narrative with millions of dollars and every asset deployed on thei version of the big lie.

So no matter what side he is on, this anon can thank him for his work and watch the perfectly timed fallout,

Same time as the distraction over the water with the covid files and Matt hancock.

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2c33e4 No.24056

File: df9d31a1c63c5a0⋯.jpeg (677.82 KB,1355x1045,271:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 89362b42fc0cd55⋯.jpeg (89.14 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bed3cec817ef0ca⋯.jpeg (37.13 KB,634x368,317:184,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491121 (120945ZMAR23) Notable: SVB digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


British tech firms left on the brink after Silicon Valley Bank collapses in biggest failure since 2008 crash: Jeremy Hunt warns of 'serious risk' to UK businesses but promises help (and won't rule out bailout) after crisis talks with PM and Bank of England

Silicon Valley Bank's UK arm became insolvent on Sunday night after US failure

There are fears over largest failure of a US bank since the 2008 financial crisis

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt admits to a 'serious risk' to top British tech firms

But he promises help after late-night crisis talks with PM and Bank of England


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.24057

File: 17980c132e6c802⋯.mp4 (444.53 KB,760x720,19:18,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491125 (120947ZMAR23) Notable: Anons discuss recent J6 video footage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


should write "America First" has only influence, not control of the House;

they made a deal with McCarthy; that is all.

So the release and everything else is still compromised.

Remember the movie "Law -abiding Citizen" "gonna be biblical" quote?

The dude standing up for the rule of law was one small person against a massive corrupt system. That's us?

Trump supporters are all pervasive, massive - but the other guys have control of the system; including Tucker and Fox.

Truth is way stronger, but you gotta accept the context. It's David and Goliath, per the workings of the system as it stands.

Giving it to Tucker was a compromise. Controlled release.

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2c33e4 No.24058

File: 37847a83337356a⋯.jpeg (374.94 KB,1323x698,1323:698,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f89ac4a1dc97b04⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491127 (120948ZMAR23) Notable: SVB digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chancellor in crisis talks on tech bank meltdown: Ministers and officials scramble to find a buyer as Silicon Valley Bank's UK arm is shut down

Collapse of SVB's US parent largest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis

British arm set for insolvency unless there are significant new developments

Officials at BoE scrambling to find buyer in order to minimise disruption


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2c33e4 No.24059

File: f9ded38be04c683⋯.jpg (135.74 KB,1000x1177,1000:1177,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6e86e77a1628075⋯.jpg (500.76 KB,1018x1037,1018:1037,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491140 (120957ZMAR23) Notable: Anons discuss recent J6 video footage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


David vs Goliath story in Bible was likely a metaphorical representation for a real historical event?

This is pointed to be original Goliath ? which the story was based upon? according to Anatoly Fomenko historical research via mathematics, statistics, pattern recognition teams.

According to the result of Fomenko's work the events of the Bible all took place during the Middle Ages.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.24060

File: 5cff97a84cc496e⋯.jpeg (458.2 KB,1298x768,649:384,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 61a97118dd65c5c⋯.jpeg (183.17 KB,634x391,634:391,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491148 (121003ZMAR23) Notable: SVB digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


California wine industry faces financial crisis - with majority of vineyards locked out of their accounts amid SVB collapse

California wine industry faces crisis following the closure of Silicon Valley Bank the primary

financial institution for wineries in the region for nearly 30 years

A new bank, the National Bank of Santa Clara, has been created but it will only insure accounts up to $250,000

Impacts on wineries are significant, including the inability to make payroll, pay bills, process credit card payments, and continue with development projects


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2c33e4 No.24061

File: c664935784f0937⋯.jpeg (618.44 KB,1319x1010,1319:1010,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a329db5a5cadf3b⋯.jpeg (72.14 KB,634x446,317:223,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 111aec4a2de9f4a⋯.jpeg (559.88 KB,634x1353,634:1353,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ea73814a0910481⋯.jpeg (80.73 KB,634x276,317:138,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491154 (121006ZMAR23) Notable: SVB digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'The government has 48 HOURS to fix a-soon-to-be-irreversible mistake': Billionaire investor Bill Ackman warns more banks will collapse and tens of thousands of jobs will be lost if SVB isn't bailed out - as CEO moans about feds taking control

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is predicting an economic meltdown following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank

Ackman is urging the US government to take action to protect all of the bank's depositors fearing there could be a ripple effect across other smaller banks

Greg Becker, the CEO of SVB Financial Group, sent a video message to the bank's employees, acknowledging the bank's 'incredibly difficult' last 48 hours


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2c33e4 No.24062

File: 3c03446239f6951⋯.jpeg (396.47 KB,1341x697,1341:697,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 957e8553f483c7a⋯.jpeg (130.01 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3e5140a02ae328d⋯.jpeg (105.18 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 054d723e8580f15⋯.jpeg (115.33 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491156 (121009ZMAR23) Notable: The FDIC is already on site at First Republic Bank trying to determine the best path forward to protect depositors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Contagion spreads: Desperate customers line up outside First Republic Bank to take their money out - after SVB bank collapsed and sent shockwaves through market

First Republic Bank customers lined up to withdraw their money Saturday

This comes a day after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on Friday

Both banks are associated with California's wine and tech industries


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2c33e4 No.24063

File: 5528bfbbdd557b8⋯.png (390.8 KB,597x699,199:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491163 (121011ZMAR23) Notable: The government created a lie to rob our farmers of their land #DutchFarmers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



See new Tweets


Eva Vlaardingerbroek




🇳🇱Our farmers are fighting against the worst kind of injustice: a government that has turned on its own people.

The government created a lie to rob our farmers of their land. But we won’t let it happen. Our #DutchFarmers are an example to the world.

My speech with 🇬🇧 subtitles.


0:51 / 5:31

Elon Musk


Replying to


What rules do you want the government to change?

5:01 PM · Mar 11, 2023




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2c33e4 No.24064

File: 23d9b6b2c52c2b0⋯.png (1.75 MB,1755x815,351:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491175 (121018ZMAR23) Notable: Bank failure stirs concern for Israeli startups

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘If the Crisis Isn’t Sorted in Days,

There Will Be Chaos': Bank Failure Stirs

Concern for Israeli Startups

Haaretz [Israel], by Staff

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/11/2023 9:26:18 PM

Silicon Valley Bank, which was closed by U.S. regulators Friday after massive withdrawals and the collapse of its share price, was the bank of choice for the Israeli high-tech sector. The California-based bank, which in 2008 opened an Israeli branch on Tel Aviv’s Ha’arba’a Street, held billions of dollars in deposits of Israeli high-tech companies, invested in many local startups and – no less important – extended credit to dozens of Israeli technology companies. The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation seized $175 million of the bank’s deposits, making this the biggest bank failure since the global financial crisis in 2008.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.24065

File: dc4fe539ade0439⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,642x360,107:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491184 (121023ZMAR23) Notable: What peaceful protesting akshually looks like

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.24066

File: 552af357420e963⋯.mp4 (10 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491188 (121025ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Pelosi has a vineyard.

and this juice box

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2c33e4 No.24067

File: ecfd39904b45fc2⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1624x1640,203:205,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491190 (121025ZMAR23) Notable: Etsy sellers hit by Silicon Valley Bank collapse, payments delayed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Etsy sellers hit by Silicon Valley Bank collapse, payments delayed

The Silicon Valley Bank collapse is hitting moms and other small business owners who sell online on Etsy.

The Brooklyn-based commerce site notified shop owners that the deposits they were expecting Friday would be delayed “because of the recent developments regarding Silicon Valley Bank, who Etsy uses to facilitate disbursements to some sellers.”

The news led some shop owners to “freak out” and others to contemplate putting their storefronts on pause.

“They’re saying they’re going to try to pay us on Monday, but they’re not sure. So they’re just holding our funds and not paying us and that’s a little scary. Like I’m freaking out,” one Etsy seller vented on TikTok.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.24068

File: 511a4381634a539⋯.png (202.19 KB,506x642,253:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491191 (121026ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. judge on Thursday ordered JPMorgan Chase to hand over more documents concerning Chief Executive to the U.S. Virgin Islands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A U.S. judge on Thursday ordered JPMorgan Chase & Co to hand over more documents concerning Chief Executive Jamie Dimon to the U.S. Virgin Islands for the territory's lawsuit accusing the bank of aiding in Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c33e4 No.24069

File: e178ded785b7a54⋯.png (368.31 KB,1048x564,262:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491194 (121028ZMAR23) Notable: DoD paid far-left Newsguard $750k to continue to censor The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Confirmed: Department of Defense Paid Far-Left Newsguard $749,387 to Continue to Censor The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Media

by Jim Hoft Mar. 9, 2023 6:12 pm

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2c33e4 No.24070

File: 0dfdea722155ebe⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1647x1500,549:500,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7ecfc811c49e598⋯.jpeg (21.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491199 (121029ZMAR23) Notable: Roku warns it has $487M held in deposits with Silicon Valley Bank

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Roku warns it has $487M held in deposits with Silicon Valley Bank

Streaming devices maker Roku said Friday it had about $487 million, or 26% of its cash and cash equivalents, held in deposits with SVB Financial Group, which has been closed down by California banking regulators.

Roku in a regulatory filing also said its deposits with SVB were largely uninsured, sending its shares down 10% in extended trading.

SVB was shuttered by banking regulators on Friday in a bid to protect depositors following a dive in the value of its investment holdings and a rush of withdrawal requests starting just two days ago.

Regulators appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. as receiver, which said that insured depositors will regain access to their deposits no later than Monday.


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2c33e4 No.24071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491200 (121030ZMAR23) Notable: SBF's incredible shrinking ‘$250 Million Bond’

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Bankman-Fried's Incredible Shrinking ‘$250 Million Bond’

The FTX founder signs another remarkable deal.

Sam Bankman-Fried walked out of federal court on Thursday essentially a free man.

News outlets all around the globe reported that Bankman-Fried got out of jail by posting a gargantuan, unprecedented “$250 million bond.” In court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicholas Roos described it as the “largest ever” pretrial bond.

But, as it turns out, there is less than meets the eye in this “$250 million bond.” In fact, a lot less.

In the typical federal case, a bail bondsman would charge between 10%-15% of the amount in cash to issue a surety bond or “bail bond.” In the case of Bankman-Fried’s astronomical bond, 15% of $250 million would be $37.5 million. But Bankman-Fried did not pay $37.5 million for his bond. No, Bankman-Fried actually paid no cash at all for his “$250 million bond.” Nothing. Zero.

There is a second way to acquire a bail bond. A defendant, or someone on their behalf, may pledge collateral in the full amount of the bond. Then, if the defendant fails to appear in court, the pledged collateral is forfeit to the court. So, in Bankman-Fried’s case, that would mean he would need a benefactor to step up and pledge property worth $250 million to get the bond. But that did not happen either.

Instead, Bankman-Fried’s parents promised to pledge as collateral their Palo Alto, California, home, where he'll also be staying under house arrest. The Palo Alto home is rumored to be worth $4 million. And that is the full extent of the collateral pledged to guarantee the $250 million bond. No other collateral was posted or promised.

So where did that $250 million figure come from? Great question.

In this case, Bankman-Fried was not required to post a conventional bail bond. Instead, Bankman-Fried was simply released from custody on something called a personal recognizance bond. The personal recognizance bond contains Bankman-Fried’s solemn promise (and his parents’ promise) to pay the court $250 million if he fails to show up for trial at the appointed time.

Yes, you read that right. Bankman-Fried walked out of court essentially a free man by signing a piece of paper where he promised to pay the court $250 million if he decides to flee to another country with no extradition. This, of course, is totally absurd.

The attempt by the prosecutor’s office to sell this as some extraordinarily onerous bail condition would be laughable. Except the millions of customers who Bankman-Fried defrauded aren’t laughing.

Who could have imagined that the Bahamas would have stricter bail laws for financial fraud than the United States?

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2c33e4 No.24072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491201 (121030ZMAR23) Notable: Where were the regulators as SVB crashed?

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Where Were the Regulators as SVB Crashed?

Silicon Valley Bank grew too fast using borrowed money—and the risks were lurking in plain sight

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2c33e4 No.24073

File: e4fd8218918c91c⋯.png (608.53 KB,1201x720,1201:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491214 (121035ZMAR23) Notable: Getting crypto firms to do their work within the bounds of the law

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In this Op-ed, Chairman Gensler congratulates himself on "recently bringing fraud charges against the CEO and other executives of FTX."


Getting crypto firms to do their work within the bounds of the law

When I taught a course on blockchain and money at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I asked my students every semester who they thought Satoshi Nakamoto was.

To this day, no one knows. Nakamoto’s anonymous identity is part of the creation myth of finance without trusted third parties — a new way to move value on the internet, with the goal that there would be no government oversight or central intermediaries like banks.

Since antiquity, however, the financial world has been built on trust and the rule of law. Further, finance has tended toward centralization, concentration, and interconnectedness, from banks to stock exchanges.

The crypto market is no exception. It has many “trusted” — though non-compliant — intermediaries. Today, crypto is dominated by a handful of trading, lending, staking, and other financial intermediaries. The investing public is trusting these entities to be responsible with investors’ assets. According to some data, the three largest crypto trading platforms purportedly account for almost three quarters of all trading volume.

Crypto entrepreneurs might claim, in their own marketing materials, that they’re transparent and regulated. But make no mistake: Very few, if any, are actually registered with the SEC and fully compliant with the federal securities laws.

The lack of compliance puts investors’ hard-earned assets at risk. Investors lack fundamental disclosures about the crypto assets themselves and the firms who execute their trades and custody their assets: What are firms doing with customer assets? How are they funding their promised returns? Are they putting their hands in investors’ pockets? When you buy or sell a token, are you trading against the house? What are the rules to protect against manipulation and fraud? Without disclosure and other investor protections, we simply don’t know.

In essence, these firms are saying, “trust us.” What’s more, when firms go bankrupt (as many have of late), they turn to bankruptcy courts to sort out their mess. Given Nakamoto’s initial vision — in essence, that code is law — that’s somewhat ironic.

As chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, I have one goal with regard to the crypto markets: to ensure that investors and the markets receive all the protections that they would in any other securities market. How?

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2c33e4 No.24074

File: 02e120ffd3dd14c⋯.png (231.68 KB,419x569,419:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491222 (121038ZMAR23) Notable: The government created a lie to rob our farmers of their land #DutchFarmers

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Thousands of Dutch farmers are protesting against environmental plans to reduce nitrate emissions, while climate activists protest against state support for the fossil fuel industry just a few kilometres away.



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2c33e4 No.24075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491226 (121039ZMAR23) Notable: Scaramucci: The Fed needs to announce by 6pm tomorrow night a buyer of the assets for the Silicon Valley bank

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The Fed needs to announce by 6pm tomorrow night a buyer of the assets for the Silicon Valley bank. A failure to do that will unleash a domino effect that will cascade through the markets and the nation’s banking system. People have lost confidence in their competence. Need to act immediately.

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2c33e4 No.24076

File: 41a9286367d4ecf⋯.png (465.84 KB,1857x910,1857:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491244 (121044ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

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>>24066 @0:34 - "World Sports Alliance"

reminder: "As we reported: PELOSI JR. DOES BUSINESS IN UKRAINE WITH ACCUSED FRAUDSTER: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, National File has learned from overseas that Pelosi Jr. was in Ukraine representing his business efforts with Asa Saint Clair, a close Pelosi friend and self-identified business associate who has been charged by the Department of Justice for wire fraud. Asa Saint Clair is under house arrest facing twenty years in prison.

Video evidence proves that Pelosi Jr. was in Ukraine representing his Corporate Governance Initiative (CGI) and promoting his endorsement from the World Sports Alliance, which shared leadership staff with Pelosi Jr.’s company CGI.

The World Sports Alliance was Asa Saint Clair’s front group that is accused of running a criminal cryptocurrency scam known as “IGObit” as well as international mining operations including in the diamond-rich, wartorn Central African Republic.


Paul Pelosi Jr. travelled to Kiev, Ukraine in July 2017 in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, a position that he accepted months earlier in February 2017. Pelosi Jr. said that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership with the government, then led by former Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko."



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2c33e4 No.24077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491268 (121049ZMAR23) Notable: President of fake UN affiliate convicted of fraud in Crypto scam

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President of Fake UN Affiliate Convicted of Fraud in Crypto Scam

A jury found Asa Saint Clair guilty of wire fraud for devising an investment scheme that swindled hundreds of thousands of dollars from more than 60 victims.

Mar 18, 2022


President Of Sham United Nations Affiliate Convicted Of Cryptocurrency Scheme

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced the conviction today of ASA SAINT CLAIR, a/k/a “Asa Williams,” a/k/a “Asa Sinclair,” following a one-week trial before the Honorable P. Kevin Castel. SAINT CLAIR devised an investment scheme in which he defrauded more than 60 victims into providing loans to his organization, the World Sports Alliance, tied to a purported digital coin offering called IGObit. SAINT CLAIR falsely represented to investors that the World Sports Alliance was a close affiliate of the United Nations and that they would receive guaranteed returns on their investment, but instead diverted the investors’ funds for his personal expenses and benefit.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As a jury has now found, Asa Saint Clair used lies to defraud everyday people out of their hard-earned money by promising them guaranteed returns if they invested in a IGObit, a digital currency he claimed the World Sports Alliance was developing. Saint Clair touted the WSA as working closely with the UN to promote the values of sports and peace for a better world, while in reality promoting only the balance of his bank accounts.”

The defendant was charged and convicted in one count with committing wire fraud, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343, from in or around November 2017, through in or around September 2019. SAINT CLAIR solicited investors for the launch of IGObit through promised investment returns, representations that the World Sports Alliance, a purported intergovernmental organization, was a close affiliate and partner with the United Nations, and representations about the World Sport Alliance’s development projects around the world. World Sports Alliance did not in fact have any relationship with the United Nations and did not, and had not, participated in any international development projects.

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2c33e4 No.24078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491278 (121052ZMAR23) Notable: President of fake UN affiliate convicted of fraud in Crypto scam

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November 6, 2019

President Of Purported Intergovernmental Organization Indicted For Cryptocurrency Scheme

Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Peter C. Fitzhugh, Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), today announced charges against ASA SAINT CLAIR for his participation in an investment scheme tied to a purported digital coin offering called IGOBIT. SAINT CLAIR allegedly participated in a scheme to defraud victims into providing loans tied to the launch of IGOBIT by World Sports Alliance, a purported intergovernmental organization focused on promoting international development through sports, and falsely promised investors guaranteed returns and an ownership interest in IGOBIT.

The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge P. Kevin Castel.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said: “As alleged, Asa Saint Clair used World Sports Alliance, a sham affiliate of the United Nations, as a vehicle to defraud lenders. Saint Clair allegedly defrauded investors in IGOBIT, a digital currency he claimed WSA was developing, but which turned out to be the fraudulent bait with which to lure victim investors. What’s real is the felony charge Saint Clair now faces.”

Special Agent-in-Charge Fitzhugh said: “Saint Claire allegedly touted his company as promoting the values of sports and peace for a better world, yet defrauded all those who invested in his sham company. As alleged, Saint Claire used the money he earned through deceit to fund a lavish lifestyle for him and his family. Through the HSI New York El Dorado Task Force and its strong partnerships, Saint Claire will face time for his actions, and it won’t be in the luxury or comfort he has grown accustomed to.”

According to the allegations in the Indictment unsealed late yesterday in Manhattan federal court[1]and the previously filed Complaint:

From 2017 through September 2019, SAINT CLAIR solicited investors for the launch of IGOBIT through promised investment returns and representations about World Sports Alliance’s development projects around the world. World Sports Alliance did not in fact participate in any international development projects and SAINT CLAIR did not dedicate investor funds to IGOBIT. Instead, SAINT CLAIR diverted those funds to other entities controlled by him and members of his family, as well as to pay his personal expenses, including dinners at Manhattan restaurants, airline tickets, and online shopping.

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2c33e4 No.24122

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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