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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

8e5ba3 No.17317 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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0b991b No.24079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491282 (121054ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

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As a jury has now found, Asa Saint Clair used lies to defraud everyday people out of their hard-earned money by promising them guaranteed returns if they invested in a IGObit, a digital currency he claimed the World Sports Alliance was developing. Saint Clair touted the WSA as working closely with the UN to promote the values of sports and peace for a better world, while in reality promoting only the balance of his bank accounts.


CEO of the VO2 Group Asa St. Clair officially endorses the Corporate Governance Initiative calling for collaboration from the World Sports IGO and its 33 member nation

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0b991b No.24080

File: a44e557ba1f1ec1⋯.png (214.41 KB,1498x1135,1498:1135,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c6b4a2b9327220⋯.png (199.67 KB,1033x1143,1033:1143,Clipboard.png)

File: 59bfff2351159c9⋯.png (169.65 KB,1062x1060,531:530,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fb3b806bfe9ff0⋯.png (80.52 KB,1507x241,1507:241,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cb471ca911a15d⋯.png (1.41 MB,754x1038,377:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491285 (121055ZMAR23) Notable: Vox, Roblox, Unity, Roku and more American Corps affected by SVB collapse

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Vox, Roblox, Unity, Roku and More American Corps Affected by SVB Bank Collapse

March 11, 2023

Besides Etsy sellers affected by the sudden shut down of Silicon Valley Bank(SVB), many more American companies and businesses have revealed recently that they were affected by the collapse of SVB. Amongst those banking with SVB, the most notable are Vox Media, Roblox, Roku and Circle.



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0b991b No.24081

File: bb767df6c3213b7⋯.png (606.49 KB,1500x500,3:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491290 (121056ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

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>IGObit, a digital currency World Sports Alliance was developing



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0b991b No.24082

File: 29628119c1c0a6d⋯.png (538.65 KB,619x568,619:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491294 (121058ZMAR23) Notable: ICYMI: Elon Musk calls for release of QAnon Shaman from prison over Capitol riot actions

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New York Post


Elon Musk calls for release of QAnon Shaman from prison over Capitol riot actions https://trib.al/NuGYNVc

10:01 PM · Mar 11, 2023


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0b991b No.24083

File: 4dbf4c7f361559b⋯.png (380.45 KB,610x556,305:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491297 (121058ZMAR23) Notable: While Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, top executive pushed ‘woke’ programs

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New York Post


While Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, top executive pushed ‘woke’ programs https://trib.al/ZR1laLj


2:25 PM · Mar 11, 2023




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0b991b No.24084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491300 (121059ZMAR23) Notable: ICYMI: Elon Musk calls for release of QAnon Shaman from prison over Capitol riot actions

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Chuck Callesto


JUST IN: Censored video re-emerges of Jacob Chansley reading Trump’s tweet, telling protestors to GO HOME and remain peaceful..


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0b991b No.24085

File: 6a74a62e42d05ed⋯.png (67.11 KB,300x265,60:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491303 (121100ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

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>IGOBIT by World Sports Alliance


About World Sports Alliance:

Sports and Development for Peace Platform​

īGObit is the official digital token offering of World Sports Alliance, a Nonprofit Corporation , where īGObit is being fiscally sponsored by World Sports Alliance Intergovernmental Organization (WSAIGO). As an Intergovernmental Organization (IGO), WSAIGO is considered a legal person under international law and has diplomatic status in its 33 member-states which consists of over 530+ Million citizens. While the USA is NOT a member state of the IGO, World Sports Alliance, is a Nonprofit Corporation that was formed in the spring of 2017 and is recognized as an IRC 501(c)(3) entity with a near mirror image of WSAIGO.

World Sports Alliance IGO has a substantial net worth from its contractual entitlement to verifiable in ground assets (gold, diamonds and nickel amongst others) worth over USD $120 billion. The daily turnover of volume for the token shall be substantial, as īGObit shall act as the official medium of trade and store-of-vale for proposed banks, commodities exchanges and property rights registries in IGO Member States, to be owned by WSAIGO through its holding company, VO2 Global, and managed by its designated manager Commtrade International.

WSAIGO was formed as a result of a public-private partnership within the United Nations (UN-DESA) and now operates independently and in furtherance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG’s). WSAIGO was formed as a socio-economic mobility tool and executes its mission under the Sport for Development & Peace (SDP) platform. Many WSAIGO Member States are asset-rich with natural resources, but have been locked out of traditional banking and liquidity pools. This paradigm leads to widespread financial inequality, as well as other negative consequences of civil-society that are addressed by the UNSDG’s. IGObit is designed to create equality through sustainable development in order to finance youth sports and education programs; all in the name of developing the world’s most precious commodity, our children!

īGObit is a digital token that will be available with a full suite of FX and payment options, allowing WSAIGO Member States, its citizens and affiliates the means to participate in the world economy. īGObit will be freely traded in an open buy/sell manner and will allow for opportunities for miners to freely participate. WSAIGO’s underlying assets, as well as WSAIGO’s sponsorship of īGObit gives it true credibility as compared to other similar offerings. īGObit will be utilized as a store of value and means of trade finance, as well as traditional and micro payments globally within WSAIGO member-states, and shall seek to address economic inequality in furtherance of the UNSDG’s.

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0b991b No.24086

File: 52d8a5dd55a5633⋯.png (878.53 KB,1059x844,1059:844,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d93261f0399a7b⋯.png (562.03 KB,1089x1996,1089:1996,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491309 (121102ZMAR23) Notable: Anons discuss recent J6 video footage

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looking up Matt Hancock;

His Wife's grandfather was a signator of NATO North Atlantic Treaty with Truman

waht a coincidence



Frederick Millar, 1st Baron Inchyra

66~ years ago he Succeeded as Ambassafor to W. German by Chistopher Steel . funny. must be a common name?

Frederick Millar, 1st Baron Inchyra

Sir Christopher Steel

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0b991b No.24087

File: 1a82fc5886325d3⋯.png (330.14 KB,1140x408,95:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491322 (121105ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

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Corporate Governance Initiative

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0b991b No.24088

File: cda207364ce2827⋯.png (147.83 KB,292x509,292:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e062c4697843a1⋯.png (149.88 KB,292x509,292:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 111a4d5efbc1b7c⋯.png (105.72 KB,292x509,292:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491327 (121108ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

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Meet the executive team of the Corporate Governance Initiative. Our staff takes pride in its community by providing quality service and stewardship and partnerships to our clients and the corporate community at large.

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0b991b No.24089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491330 (121109ZMAR23) Notable: Deltas

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Tucker: This could very easily get worse


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0b991b No.24090

File: cd7a8785629773c⋯.png (55.4 KB,200x174,100:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491331 (121109ZMAR23) Notable: Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

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Brave New World For Corporate Governance - Paul Pelosi Jr

The Corporate Governance Initiative (CGI) combines free market capitalism practices and transparency as a sweet formula to improve value, to narrow the gap of income inequality for corporations served and to respect the laws and local customs in the countries in which we do business. As the CGI Executive Director, I encourage equitable and inclusive practices that balance the interests of all stakeholders.

My experience confirms that implementing well-defined governance strategy for corporations is good business. Well-defined governance means having an active Board of Directors enforcing self-governance practices while simultaneously focusing on fair dealings to maximize mutually beneficial transactions, increase transparency, and embrace tolerance of constructive criticism.

These observations regarding good governance seem logical and universally accepted; however, in practice, given human nature, those empowered with decision-making authority may depart from 'common sense' and act illogically. Illogical acts become more likely when the information used to make a decision is based exclusively on senior management's lens of experience and human tendency to act out of intuition, comfort, and emotion. Recent news present examples of the often illogical nature of corporate decision-making process and the disastrous consequences thereof. See Michael Bernoff of the Human Communications Institute: Common sense isn’t common practice.

In today's warp-speed world, there is an ever-narrowing margin of error in corporate governance as word of company missteps circulates like wildfire. Advances in automation loom, threatening worker security, coupled with a growing gap in employee compensation, the sense that governments, corporations, and the business elite ignore public concern has snowballed, and many people feel left behind by this technological change. We see this evidenced today by populist movements taking place worldwide demanding change. In response to this growing anti-corporate sentiment, it is imperative that corporations adopt specific practices and strategies protecting their organizations from easily avoided missteps thus ensuring their respective ability to maintain the value and address current challenges.

Rather than relying solely upon laws and regulations with the hope of eliciting good corporate behavior, CGI proposes voluntary practices that balance equities to satisfy concerns. Some leaders realize the pitfalls of current business trends and are implementing practices designed to restore confidence in capital markets and Main Street. For example, business leaders including Warren Buffett, Jamie Dimon, Jeff Immelt, and others, wrote an open letter in July 2016 entitled, “Common Sense Corporate Governance Principles.” Their letter emphasized that better a financial future for owners is dependent upon restoring public trust in corporations.

Specifically, the letter highlighted the importance of having a Board of Directors committed to the importance of long-term strategies over short-term quarterly concerns. This letter also stressed the vital importance of truly independent and diverse board members, a common accounting standard, and constructive engagement between companies and owners.

While CGI finds the letter and its recommendations as a first step toward promoting healthier relationships with company insiders and higher stock prices, for corporations to maintain the value and a good reputation on Main Street will require more; Meaning organizations need to take responsibility for improving transparency and actively cooperate with all stakeholders, not just shareholders. Moreover, the CGI path to prosperity begins when leaders voluntary restore balance among all employees, tolerate and incorporate opposing views, and follow laws and local customs.

Thank you for your consideration.

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0b991b No.24091

File: 66d4f230bd167ee⋯.png (359.42 KB,603x565,603:565,Clipboard.png)

File: efcfecb57ce2dda⋯.png (214.97 KB,297x560,297:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491337 (121111ZMAR23) Notable: Deltas

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No Bailouts Poso 🚫💰


Russian banks switch from Visa to Chinese card system Unionpay

UnionPay, a Chinese credit card company, displays on the exhibit hall floor during the Money 20/20 conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. on October 24, 2017. REUTERS/Steve Marcus


Russian banks rush to switch to Chinese card system

Several Russian banks said on Sunday they would soon start issuing cards using the Chinese UnionPay card operator's system coupled with Russia's own Mir network, after Visa and MasterCard said they…

1:46 AM · Mar 6, 2022


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0b991b No.24092

File: 63a9a8173cd03b2⋯.png (10.7 KB,626x146,313:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c7a5233aa26a8a⋯.png (361.83 KB,732x467,732:467,Clipboard.png)

File: efcfecb57ce2dda⋯.png (214.97 KB,297x560,297:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491343 (121112ZMAR23) Notable: Deltas

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PM Breaking News


Breaking: Visa announces it is suspending all operations in Russia.

11:12 AM · Mar 5, 2022


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0b991b No.24093

File: 8417c8565d7713c⋯.png (21.66 KB,886x284,443:142,Clipboard.png)

File: efcfecb57ce2dda⋯.png (214.97 KB,297x560,297:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491348 (121114ZMAR23) Notable: Deltas

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Hedge Fund CIO: The Golden Era For Central Banking Is Ending And A Global "Great Famine" Is Coming

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Sunday, Mar 13, 2022 - 08:50 AM


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0b991b No.24094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491352 (121115ZMAR23) Notable: Deltas

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WEF/Globalist governments around the world sure do like seizing private property and freezing bank accounts lately don't they?

2:46 PM · Mar 3, 2022


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0b991b No.24095

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491361 (121119ZMAR23) Notable: Global accounting system is being deployed in April for the year 2023

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just for your info.

global accounting system is being deployed in april for the year 2023.

control of all assets by the B.I.S


CBDC | "The Controller of the Currency Nominee In the 1st Year of the Biden Administration Proposed That the Beautiful Thing About Having CBDCs Is That If You Are Worried About Inflation You Just Freeze Everybody's Bank Accounts." - Catheri


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0b991b No.24096

File: 9219a6cce2226cc⋯.jpg (98.4 KB,682x799,682:799,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491384 (121127ZMAR23) Notable: James O'Keefe exposes Government conspiracy to frame citizens at January 6th protest

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James O'Keefe Exposes Government Conspiracy to Frame Citizens at January 6th Protest.

This is what @Project_Veritas

didn't want you to see when they ousted me. #January6th was a setup. A frame job. #QAnonShaman #whistleblower #FirstAmendment


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0b991b No.24097

File: 8197cb5cf8d0761⋯.png (14.61 KB,905x131,905:131,Clipboard.png)

File: efcfecb57ce2dda⋯.png (214.97 KB,297x560,297:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491385 (121127ZMAR23) Notable: Joe Biden is the human trafficking president

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Joe Biden is the human trafficking president

by Eddie Scarry, Commentary Writer |

March 11, 2021 04:33 PM

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0b991b No.24098

File: f6ed932e17b7e12⋯.png (437.53 KB,610x686,305:343,Clipboard.png)

File: efcfecb57ce2dda⋯.png (214.97 KB,297x560,297:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491398 (121134ZMAR23) Notable: Deltas

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Adam Schiff



stepped up, and took swift action to protect Californians during the pandemic and get them help quickly.

Now Republicans are wasting time and taxpayers $$ trying to recall him. We need to fight back.

Help us stop the Republican recall ➡


Contribute to help Governor Gavin Newsom defeat the Republican Recall attempt in California

I just made a donation to help Gavin Newsom defeat the Republican recall attempt happing in California. He needs your help. Chip in today if you can.

9:04 AM · Mar 15, 2021


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0b991b No.24099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491403 (121136ZMAR23) Notable: #22675

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#22675 >>24040

>>24041, >>24043 #Winning

>>24042 Fauci's mental gymnastics, now says a lab leak could still be considered as 'coming from natural origins'

>>24044 Tennessee election integrity forum to discuss irregularities in voting procedure and possible remedies

>>24047, >>24049, >>24050 Mil tweets / decodes

>>24045, >>24062 The FDIC is already on site at First Republic Bank trying to determine the best path forward to protect depositors

>>24072 Where were the regulators as SVB crashed?

>>24056, >>24058, >>24060, >>24061 SVB digs

>>24064 Bank failure stirs concern for Israeli startups

>>24067 Etsy sellers hit by Silicon Valley Bank collapse, payments delayed

>>24070 Roku warns it has $487M held in deposits with Silicon Valley Bank

>>24080 Vox, Roblox, Unity, Roku and more American Corps affected by SVB collapse

>>24083 While Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, top executive pushed ‘woke’ programs

>>24046 Total Adderall prescriptions in the US

>>24048 March 8th 2023, House holds hearing on U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan

>>24053, >>24054, >>24057, >>24059, >>24055, >>24086 Anons discuss recent J6 video footage

>>24063, >>24074 The government created a lie to rob our farmers of their land #DutchFarmers

>>24068 U.S. judge on Thursday ordered JPMorgan Chase to hand over more documents concerning Chief Executive to the U.S. Virgin Islands

>>24065 What peaceful protesting akshually looks like

>>24066, >>24081, >>24085, >>24076, >>24079, >>24087, >>24088, >>24090 Paul Pelosi / Ukraine Youth Program

>>24069 DoD paid far-left Newsguard $750k to continue to censor The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Media

>>24071 SBF's incredible shrinking ‘$250 Million Bond’

>>24077, >>24078 President of fake UN affiliate convicted of fraud in Crypto scam

>>24073 Getting crypto firms to do their work within the bounds of the law

>>24075 Scaramucci: The Fed needs to announce by 6pm tomorrow night a buyer of the assets for the Silicon Valley bank

>>24082, >>24084 ICYMI: Elon Musk calls for release of QAnon Shaman from prison over Capitol riot actions

>>24095 Global accounting system is being deployed in April for the year 2023

>>24096 James O'Keefe exposes Government conspiracy to frame citizens at January 6th protest

>>24097 Joe Biden is the human trafficking president

>>24089, >>24091, >>24093, >>24092, >>24093, >>24094, >>24098 Deltas


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0b991b No.24100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491413 (121138ZMAR23) Notable: #22676

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baker seeking handoff

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0b991b No.24101

File: 1ea9cb9f50daba6⋯.png (266.35 KB,636x393,212:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491424 (121142ZMAR23) Notable: UK will test frightening 'Armageddon alarm' within weeks which will see thousands of people's phones flash and set off alarms

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UK will test frightening 'Armageddon alarm' within weeks which will see thousands of people's phones flash and set off alarms

Millions will see their phone vibrate and sound an alarm as a warning of danger.

The system is designed to warn people if there is a 'danger to life' nearby.


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0b991b No.24102

File: 897f2bee690c306⋯.png (1012.37 KB,610x829,610:829,Clipboard.png)

File: efcfecb57ce2dda⋯.png (214.97 KB,297x560,297:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491426 (121143ZMAR23) Notable: DELTA Dan Scavino twitter

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



1:49 AM · Mar 12, 2021

from The Mar-a-lago Club



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0b991b No.24103

File: fb177291534c930⋯.png (229.19 KB,596x725,596:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491453 (121150ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump THE UNITED STATES LOVES ITALY!

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Donald J. Trump



6:31 AM · Mar 14, 2020

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0b991b No.24104

File: bd3bf524a72ebef⋯.png (327.51 KB,657x657,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491458 (121152ZMAR23) Notable: If you don't talk that Eye-talian lingo: Italy is a country we love. We are working with them. It's tough, but I think they will see very good results.

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Ambasciata U.S.A.


Stati Uniti - Organizzazione governativa


Trump: L'Italia è un paese che amiamo. Stiamo lavorando con loro. E' dura, ma penso che vedranno risultati molto buoni. 🇺🇸❤️🇮🇹 #covid_19italia

Translate Tweet

12:50 AM · Mar 14, 2020

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0b991b No.24105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491474 (121202ZMAR23) Notable: If you don't talk that Eye-talian lingo: Italy is a country we love. We are working with them. It's tough, but I think they will see very good results.

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If you don't talk that Eye-talian lingo:

Italy is a country we love. We are working with them. It's tough, but I think they will see very good results.

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0b991b No.24106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491484 (121205ZMAR23) Notable: Time change got me (shout out to those without auto-updating clocks! We time-shifted today.)

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Time change got me

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0b991b No.24107

File: 8069fe965c4b547⋯.png (43.66 KB,598x345,26:15,Clipboard.png)

File: f8217fece8c7929⋯.png (102.57 KB,586x280,293:140,Clipboard.png)

File: 53d1965a6cab401⋯.jpeg (82.95 KB,636x900,53:75,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3ca71fd8892ea62⋯.jpeg (110.89 KB,500x900,5:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491487 (121207ZMAR23) Notable: A96-page detailed intelligence and response prepdocument created by DC metropolitan police related to January 6.

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




When it rains it pours—

A96-page detailed intelligence and response prepdocument created by DC metropolitan police related to January 6.

I’ve never seen this before.

Quote Tweet

Joseph D. McBride, Esq.



Mar 10


> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H3mHiUZCz9jyfDFTTpYw7VuYCgMtuLWW/view?usp=share_link

Show this thread

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




They even reference Trump’s Dec 2020 “will be wild” tweet.

> https://twitter.com/julie_kelly2/status/1634653801847111686

Sam Simeon Says


Replying to


What other markers were the undercover units using? Green tape? Orange armbands? Trump 45 hats?

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0b991b No.24108

File: 959beb247b73f1a⋯.png (478.83 KB,602x825,602:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 7edf017964882b6⋯.png (362.02 KB,579x288,193:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491490 (121207ZMAR23) Notable: IS THAT A PLEDGE PIN? ON YOUR UNIFORM??!? Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members.

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U.S. Marines


Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members. We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect.

#PrideMonth #USMC


2:41 AM · Jun 1, 2022

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0b991b No.24109

File: f367ce664a136b9⋯.png (95.53 KB,422x394,211:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491503 (121214ZMAR23) Notable: Russian Defense Ministry names Ukrainians involved in US military biological programs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Russian Defense Ministry names Ukrainians involved in US military biological programs. https://tass.com/defense/1587153

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0b991b No.24110

File: e71c04b3b14e16f⋯.png (495.05 KB,822x640,411:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491509 (121217ZMAR23) Notable: How to Make a Monster? Isolate Your Child

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


How to Make a Monster? Isolate Your Child


John Mac Ghlionn

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0b991b No.24111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491512 (121218ZMAR23) Notable: DELTA Dan Scavino twitter

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Thank you Dan Scavino Jr, such a small thing can mean so much. Godspeed Patriot.

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0b991b No.24112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491513 (121218ZMAR23) Notable: Anon opines: won't be long now, The real wake up call, Ukraine Draft, People are going to lost their shit, Nobody is going to fight for a bunch of nazis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

won't be long now

The real wake up call

Ukraine Draft

People are going to lost their shit

Nobody is going to fight for a bunch of nazis

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0b991b No.24113

File: 75a316aa378afac⋯.png (964.36 KB,800x683,800:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 8934dd9e83ae340⋯.png (198.07 KB,596x633,596:633,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e997f2478516de⋯.png (262.24 KB,672x637,96:91,Clipboard.png)

File: d108ec67f2aed22⋯.png (248.88 KB,1024x571,1024:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ab819b75ce9369⋯.png (254.71 KB,946x653,946:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491515 (121219ZMAR23) Notable: A96-page detailed intelligence and response prepdocument created by DC metropolitan police related to January 6.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>A96-page detailed intelligence and response prepdocument created by DC metropolitan police related to January 6.

File too big to upload

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0b991b No.24114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491524 (121222ZMAR23) Notable: Anon opines: won't be long now, The real wake up call, Ukraine Draft, People are going to lost their shit, Nobody is going to fight for a bunch of nazis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Precipice will be the Draft

I kid you not

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0b991b No.24115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491526 (121223ZMAR23) Notable: Anon opines: won't be long now, The real wake up call, Ukraine Draft, People are going to lost their shit, Nobody is going to fight for a bunch of nazis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A Precipice is not an unsafe or dangerous place.

it's a drop off.

it's there.

it's part of the landscape.

the only danger is when people don't stay away from the edges.

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0b991b No.24116

File: 144d0fd922ef0a2⋯.jpg (93.59 KB,828x996,69:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491530 (121224ZMAR23) Notable: Anon opines: won't be long now, The real wake up call, Ukraine Draft, People are going to lost their shit, Nobody is going to fight for a bunch of nazis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24117

File: 5916055839ce7be⋯.png (85.65 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: ec5e3d0e4a478ce⋯.png (450.36 KB,323x356,323:356,Clipboard.png)

File: e867ae49cc99adc⋯.jpg (13.28 KB,248x206,124:103,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491536 (121226ZMAR23) Notable: If you don't talk that Eye-talian lingo: Italy is a country we love. We are working with them. It's tough, but I think they will see very good results.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Love Biggie.


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0b991b No.24118

File: 424fb346e7679a8⋯.jpg (792.7 KB,731x674,731:674,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491542 (121229ZMAR23) Notable: If you don't talk that Eye-talian lingo: Italy is a country we love. We are working with them. It's tough, but I think they will see very good results.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24119

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491570 (121236ZMAR23) Notable: Thank you Swordy! God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24120

File: 20365581fe4f451⋯.png (861.87 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491583 (121239ZMAR23) Notable: A96-page detailed intelligence and response prepdocument created by DC metropolitan police related to January 6.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Didn't see this one:

US against racism.

It was the AntiFa/BLM guys the feds wanted us to fight in the streets.

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0b991b No.24121

File: 8848f4e3cf4753b⋯.png (185.12 KB,582x506,291:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491587 (121240ZMAR23) Notable: BIOTECH SPENDING SPREE; Yeah George Journalism is dead until Smith Mundt Modernization Act is nullified and illegal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

mū hōlapu pale ʻea pau - Human Immunodefficiency Virus (AIDS) fauci's gp 120

Yeah George Journalism is dead until Smith Mundt Modernization Act is nullified and illegal.


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0b991b No.24123

File: edf09536f8fd5ac⋯.png (168 KB,634x488,317:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491592 (121241ZMAR23) Notable: A96-page detailed intelligence and response prepdocument created by DC metropolitan police related to January 6.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Electronic Surveillance Unit (ESU)

ESU will have members assigned to this detail to respond to any First Amendment

demonstration. ESU will document the actions of the demonstrators and MPD's response to any

civil disobedience or criminal activity. As a reminder,''' ESU plainclothes members will wear the

below listed bracelet on their left wrist identifying them as MPD personnel.'''

Intelligence Division (Intel)

Intel will have members assigned to this detail and will monitor for any new information in

reference to First Amendment activity

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0b991b No.24124

File: 94c61104826838d⋯.png (1012.07 KB,889x731,889:731,Clipboard.png)

File: a70d7c0dc162301⋯.png (994.02 KB,854x819,122:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491618 (121250ZMAR23) Notable: Some Joke: Insufferable Jane Fonda Really

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Some Joke: Insufferable Jane Fonda Really

Did Call for the Murder of Pro-Lifers

American Thinker, by Robert Spencer

Posted By: Hazymac, 3/12/2023 8:45:37 AM

It was all a joke, she says. After igniting a firestorm by calling for the murder of pro-lifers on The View Friday, Hanoi Jane Fonda issued a statement: “While women’s reproductive rights are a very serious issue and extremely important to me, my comment on The View was obviously made in jest. My body language and tone made it clear to those in the room – and to anyone watching – that I was using hyperbole to make a point.” Except that it obviously wasn’t clear to anyone present. Fonda was speaking seriously; her declaration only became a joke when it became clear to her that she had crossed

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0b991b No.24125

File: 2a88ff9b7bc2862⋯.png (38.46 KB,571x236,571:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491626 (121254ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: With what is happening to our economy, and with the proposals being made on the LARGEST AND DUMBEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA, TIMES FIVE

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Donald J. Trump





Mar 12, 2023, 1:36 AM

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0b991b No.24126

File: 05161d5e51cdbb6⋯.png (397.34 KB,663x715,51:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 4781e6cadbe4836⋯.png (537.4 KB,800x900,8:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491642 (121258ZMAR23) Notable: THE BANKS ARE ALREADY STARTING TO COLLAPSE!!! anon has looking forward to this part of the plan

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anon has looking forward to this part of the plan. hopefully they will seize the banks, all the assets bought up by blackrock, vanguard and state street. forgive everyones mortgages and give the money back


now that is hopium.

never gonna happen but we want reparations.

not paying any moar taxes btw until this shit is sorted out and everything else.

>Mar 12, 2023, 1:36 AM

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0b991b No.24127

File: 66aa346241c67c2⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491643 (121258ZMAR23) Notable: wut iz dis? Jan 6th 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491646 (121300ZMAR23) Notable: wut iz dis? Jan 6th 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


wut iz dis?

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0b991b No.24129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491647 (121300ZMAR23) Notable: Some Joke: Insufferable Jane Fonda Really

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hanoi Jane 1972 - "It was all just a joke visiting Vietnam and sitting on a gun that killed American Soldiers"

Hanoi Jane 2023 - "It was all a joke saying that I wanted to murder American Citizens"

At what point is it no longer a joke?

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0b991b No.24130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491652 (121302ZMAR23) Notable: wut iz dis? Jan 6th 2021

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Jan 6th 2021

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0b991b No.24131

File: 66eb612be5bf865⋯.png (515.19 KB,870x905,174:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491656 (121303ZMAR23) Notable: PAT407, PAT410, PAT409, PAT411, Flight of 4, Out of Ft Knox, KY, Descending through FL170, Squawking 6605, 6636, 4035, 7126

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Flight of 4, Out of Ft Knox, KY, Descending through FL170

Squawking 6605, 6636, 4035, 7126





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0b991b No.24132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491773 (121344ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson: The truth needs to come out 41:00 mins

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tucker Carlson: The truth needs to come out

41:00 mins


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0b991b No.24133

File: 57ab5f87304e1df⋯.png (253.72 KB,582x506,291:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 5824756db91c64d⋯.png (196.37 KB,525x350,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491796 (121348ZMAR23) Notable: Was WOKE SVB funding the planned pandemic/solution? Ties to Ukraine? Health related start ups/NGO's to launder the $$$?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Think Gain of Function ( bio-weapons )

Could this be part of the plan? Seize all the cabal's assets

Was SVB funding the planned pandemic/solution?

Ties to Ukraine? Health related start ups/NGO's to launder the $$$?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24134

File: a8967ae00486f97⋯.png (13.32 KB,478x132,239:66,Clipboard.png)

File: a8967ae00486f97⋯.png (13.32 KB,478x132,239:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491859 (121400ZMAR23) Notable: “TRUMP’S BEEN RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



Mar 12, 2023, 8:43 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24135

File: e6dac19cca7c938⋯.png (25.39 KB,478x187,478:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491868 (121402ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Nobody, in history, did more for the FARMERS of our Country than I did. Even got them 28 Billion Dollars from China based on how unfairly they were treated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Nobody, in history, did more for the FARMERS of our Country than I did. Even got them 28 Billion Dollars from China based on how unfairly they were treated, before me, by the Chinese Government. People couldn’t believe it. Nobody’s going to win with the Farmers but “Donald J. Trump.” Will be in Iowa on Monday. Big crowd!

Mar 12, 2023, 9:24 AM


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0b991b No.24136

File: 66460a59befca34⋯.png (52.38 KB,377x463,377:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491886 (121405ZMAR23) Notable: “TRUMP’S BEEN RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Q+ delta

Posted This Video Will Get Donald Trump Electedx12

I Noticed something this time though

Check the stock ticker at 14 seconds

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0b991b No.24137

File: 85d6fc474515e83⋯.png (12.75 KB,623x180,623:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491904 (121409ZMAR23) Notable: US Treasury Secretary rules out a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank $SIVB.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




JUST IN: 🇺🇸 US Treasury Secretary rules out a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank $SIVB.

3:00 AM · Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24138

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491967 (121424ZMAR23) Notable: lot more J6 videos here, call to dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


anons tons for clips from J6, follow this rumble site

1 month ago

Woman pushed down lower West Plaza stairs by police inflaming crowd 2:26 p.m.


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0b991b No.24139

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18491983 (121427ZMAR23) Notable: lot more J6 videos here, call to dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Met police video intentionally breaking down the fencesbefore crowds get there. Skip forward

Officer Damien Chapman


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0b991b No.24140

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492003 (121430ZMAR23) Notable: lot more J6 videos here, call to dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


They fucking bragging hurting and hitting people with a flagpole

Officer Downing on use of flag poles


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0b991b No.24141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492027 (121434ZMAR23) Notable: lot more J6 videos here, call to dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A lot more J6 videos here, call to dig


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0b991b No.24142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492031 (121435ZMAR23) Notable: discovery that faulty metabolism is at the root of many brain diseases

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is new. The brain has its own mitochondria?

New Scientist


The discovery that faulty metabolism is at the root of many brain diseases suggests a surprising way to protect our brains from the ravages of ageing



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0b991b No.24143

File: f68772393f3d218⋯.jpg (8.25 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492048 (121438ZMAR23) Notable: lot more J6 videos here, call to dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Most Honorable Anons:

There is 40,000 hours of January 6th video.

For a person to view the entire footage of J6th, the following realistic approach would apply:

If someone watched a reasonable 2 hours a day, it would take 20,000 days to view all videos.

If they work 5 days a week, that would be a total of 10 hours a week.

They could completed the task in 4,000 weeks

4,000 weeks is 76 years and 47/52 weeks or close to 77 years to view the entire footage.

That 77 years is close to the current age of Biden and Trump.

How do we do "Due Diligence" on such a vast amount of video data?

Will we have to wait 2 more weeks over and over again for 3998 weeks till Trump returns?

Will the innocent be incarcerated till then?

Is there a solution that can resolve this anytime soon?

This is not a game!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24144

File: 9cdf1fdfaa56aa4⋯.png (241.28 KB,650x754,25:29,Clipboard.png)

File: a6eb61e25ca5773⋯.png (25 KB,616x234,308:117,Clipboard.png)

File: a8407a3a5a61cb8⋯.png (177.48 KB,477x476,477:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492065 (121441ZMAR23) Notable: “TRUMP’S BEEN RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!”

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>Mar 12, 2023, 8:43 AM


Donald J. Trump





Mar 12, 2023, 8:43 AM


Mar 12, 2019 5:48:00 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5293d4 No. 5645633


Promises made?

Promises (soon-to-be) kept?

Has POTUS made a statement/assertion that didn't end up being proven correct?

Change We Can Believe In.

When They Go Low, We Go High.

Let Freedom Ring!


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0b991b No.24145

File: 8a87ecf1a32699f⋯.png (169.81 KB,418x428,209:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492099 (121449ZMAR23) Notable: 21-Year-Old Mixed Martial Artist Drops During a Fight - Sudden Cardiac Event Expected to Leave Him Brain Damaged

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21-Year-Old Mixed Martial Artist Drops During a Fight - Sudden Cardiac Event Expected to Leave Him Brain Damaged

READ: http://w-j.co/s/1cffd

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0b991b No.24146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492170 (121508ZMAR23) Notable: #22676

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WTF it didnt post

Notables(Not endorsements)

#22676 >>24100

>>24101 UK will test frightening 'Armageddon alarm' within weeks which will see thousands of people's phones flash and set off alarms

>>24102, >>24111 DELTA Dan Scavino twitter

>>24103 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump THE UNITED STATES LOVES ITALY!

>>24105, >>24104, >>24117, >>24118 If you don't talk that Eye-talian lingo: Italy is a country we love. We are working with them. It's tough, but I think they will see very good results.

>>24106 Time change got me (shout out to those without auto-updating clocks! We time-shifted today.)

>>24107, >>24113, >>24120, >>24123 A96-page detailed intelligence and response prepdocument created by DC metropolitan police related to January 6.

>>24108 IS THAT A PLEDGE PIN? ON YOUR UNIFORM??!? Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members.

>>24109 Russian Defense Ministry names Ukrainians involved in US military biological programs

>>24110 How to Make a Monster? Isolate Your Child

>>24112, >>24114, >>24115, >>24116 Anon opines: won't be long now, The real wake up call, Ukraine Draft, People are going to lost their shit, Nobody is going to fight for a bunch of nazis

>>24119 Thank you Swordy! God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>24121 BIOTECH SPENDING SPREE; Yeah George Journalism is dead until Smith Mundt Modernization Act is nullified and illegal.

>>24124, >>24129 Some Joke: Insufferable Jane Fonda Really

>>24125 President Trump: With what is happening to our economy, and with the proposals being made on the LARGEST AND DUMBEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA, TIMES FIVE

>>24126 THE BANKS ARE ALREADY STARTING TO COLLAPSE!!! anon has looking forward to this part of the plan

>>24128, >>24130, >>24127 wut iz dis? Jan 6th 2021

>>24131 PAT407, PAT410, PAT409, PAT411, Flight of 4, Out of Ft Knox, KY, Descending through FL170, Squawking 6605, 6636, 4035, 7126

>>24133 Was WOKE SVB funding the planned pandemic/solution? Ties to Ukraine? Health related start ups/NGO's to launder the $$$?

>>24132 Tucker Carlson: The truth needs to come out 41:00 mins

>>24134, >>24136, >>24144 “TRUMP’S BEEN RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!”

>>24135 @realDonaldTrump Nobody, in history, did more for the FARMERS of our Country than I did. Even got them 28 Billion Dollars from China based on how unfairly they were treated

>>24137 US Treasury Secretary rules out a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank $SIVB.

>>24141, >>24143, >>24138, >>24139, >>24140 lot more J6 videos here, call to dig

>>24142 discovery that faulty metabolism is at the root of many brain diseases

>>24145 21-Year-Old Mixed Martial Artist Drops During a Fight - Sudden Cardiac Event Expected to Leave Him Brain Damaged


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0b991b No.24147

File: 8a136b61c5b1261⋯.png (848.74 KB,750x507,250:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492177 (121510ZMAR23) Notable: #22677

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>baker is open to handoff proposals

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0b991b No.24148

File: b93940e41ede3cd⋯.png (2.83 KB,348x82,174:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492180 (121510ZMAR23) Notable: Rothschild trending after Trump Truth typo

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24149

File: c184ee158251825⋯.jpg (87.56 KB,749x749,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492198 (121514ZMAR23) Notable: Rothschild trending after Trump Truth typo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24150

File: 11902f3600138f6⋯.png (309.74 KB,869x905,869:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492213 (121516ZMAR23) Notable: TURTL4 out of Reno West bound, approaching ELY Level 350 Squawking 1774

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TURTL4 out of Reno

West bound, approaching ELY

Level 350

Squawking 1774



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0b991b No.24151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492217 (121518ZMAR23) Notable: Yellen: working to address SVB collapse, but not looking at bailout

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March 13, 2023

Yellen: working to address SVB collapse, but not looking at bailout


U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Sunday said she was working closely with banking regulators to respond to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB.O) and protect depositors, but a major bailout was not being considered. Yellen told the CBS News "Face the Nation" show that she had been working with regulators to "design appropriate policies to address the situation," the largest bank collapse since the 2008 financial crisis, but declined to give further details. "Let me be clear that during the financial crisis, there were investors and owners of systemic large banks that were bailed out…and the reforms that have been put in place means we are not going to do that again," Yellen told CBS. "But we are concerned about depositors and are focused on trying to meet their needs," Yellen said. California banking regulators on Friday closed SVB, appointing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver to protect depositors at the startup-focused lender. The collapse of the startup-focused bank has raised concerns about runs on regional banks, and the ability of small businesses that banked with SVB to pay their employees. Yellen met on Friday with officials from the FDIC and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to address the bank's collapse, and she and White House officials expressed confidence in the ability of banking regulators to respond. On Sunday, she sought to reassure Americans that the U.S. banking system was safe, better capitalized and more resilient than during the 2008 global financial crisis, given new controls and capital requirements put in place after 2008 and tests during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Americans can have confidence in the safety and soundness of our bank system," Yellen said, adding that regulators wanted to ensure that the crisis did not spread to other banks. "We want to make sure that the troubles that exist at one bank don't create contagion to others that are sound," she said. Asked if the U.S. government would consider the acquisition of SVB by a foreign bank, Yellen said: "So this is really a decision for the FDIC, as it decides on what the best course is to resolve this firm. And I'm sure they're considering a wide range of available options. That would include acquisitions. The FDIC stepped in Friday to protect the deposits of up to $250,000, but deposits over that amount - which accounted for 85% of SVB accounts - are at risk. Asked if depositors should be paid back in full, Yellen declined to comment on the details. "We're very aware of the problems that depositors will have. Many of them are small businesses, that employ people across the country. Of course this is a significant concern." More than 3,500 CEOs and founders representing some 220,000 workers have signed a petition appealing directly to Yellen and others to backstop depositors and warning that more than 100,000 jobs could be at risk. Venture investors have advised startups to seek alternatives to gain short-term liquidity.

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0b991b No.24152

File: 0e988d430f90137⋯.png (730.84 KB,1006x1280,503:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492222 (121519ZMAR23) Notable: Pepe Live Matter: Beware the black pill in disguise. Guard your mind. Put on the spiritual armor of God.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24153

File: 393b898ed9bdc10⋯.png (647.45 KB,1080x1172,270:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492228 (121520ZMAR23) Notable: Pepe Live Matter: Beware the black pill in disguise. Guard your mind. Put on the spiritual armor of God.

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A word to anons:

Beware the black pill in disguise.

Guard your mind.

Put on the spiritual armor of God.


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0b991b No.24154

File: 788967f24e9f7e4⋯.png (570.91 KB,640x361,640:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492239 (121522ZMAR23) Notable: Pepe Live Matter: Beware the black pill in disguise. Guard your mind. Put on the spiritual armor of God.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You can view the anon journey as a long distance race that we've all been actively engaged in for many years now, some longer than others. We've been throwing all the red pills we can possibly muster and shouting from the rooftops, exerting great amounts of energy and passionately researching and digging for ourselves.

My encouragement to every patriot is to finish this race well. As weary as the precipice can be at times, you're going to want to look back at your time at this incredibly powerful moment in history with pride at how you stood your ground and kept your faith protected despite any circumstance.

Even if you have to limp or crawl, dear anon, cross the finish line with your head held high.

Black pill be damned.


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0b991b No.24155

File: ddee68b4c14ddbb⋯.jpg (18.65 KB,589x411,589:411,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492245 (121524ZMAR23) Notable: 1/3 of US deposits are in small banks and ~50% are uninsured.

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1/3 of US deposits are in small banks and ~50% are uninsured.

We are likely to see balances above the $250,000 FDIC limit be withdrawn and moved to larger banks.

If your company has $500k to $1 million in cash, would you leave it in one bank after this?


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0b991b No.24156

File: 7ca79f2df1d13a6⋯.png (878.97 KB,2003x997,2003:997,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492248 (121524ZMAR23) Notable: Rothschild trending after Trump Truth typo

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0b991b No.24157

File: 24a04a5a8af6c38⋯.png (406.35 KB,798x1125,266:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492331 (121544ZMAR23) Notable: (Strongly worded) Thread by Bobby Piton: Trillions not billions were stolen by the CCP, Crown, Iran and Traitors

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(Strongly worded) Thread by Bobby Piton · 1h

Trillions not billions were stolen by the CCP, Crown, Iran and Traitors

The Commodity Index (CRB) prices are down about 29% from recent peaks of each component in the past 5 years. The overall index is down 17% y-y when looking at the spot prices.

Money Supply of US is falling NOT rising. It's hard to collapse a currency when you are shrinking the

number of dollars available. The Federal Reserve Balance sheet had pulled in $500 Billion in the past year.

When rates were at zero it allowed criminals to issue mountains of bogus debt as no one was paying interest. Rates returning to normal is forcing sunlight on all of this

Fraud. Time for those 87,000 accountants to see who was involved in the Heist.

If you can't prove how you earned the money to buy 10's of Trillions of bonds, we don't have to pay it back. Period. Trillions not billions were stolen by the CCP, Crown, Iran and Traitors. Time to

get our money back and Great Reset these dynastic crime families.It's time. MIND control weapons were deployed worldwide trying to get the people that were robbed to Self Suicide.Think of those jabs. Prayer and reconnecting to GOD turns off these Mind Control Weapons

10:17 AM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24158

File: d398ca09d9f1eb8⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492335 (121545ZMAR23) Notable: Factory explosion in Russia. Sabotage

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Factory explosion in Russia. Sabotage


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0b991b No.24159

File: 193f43f9b1f2f32⋯.jpg (9.77 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492348 (121549ZMAR23) Notable: Give anons the J6 footage.

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Let me know when your tired of all the bullshit?

Think about this game right here anons, can you spot it?

There are 40,000 hours of January 6th video.

For a person to view the entire footage of J6th:

If someone watched a reasonable 2 hours a day, it would take 20,000 days to view all videos.

If they work 5 days a week, that would be a total of 10 hours a week.

They could completed the task in 4,000 weeks

4,000 weeks is 76 years and 47/52 weeks or close to 77 years to view the entire footage.

That 77 years is close to the current age of Biden and Trump.

How do we do "Due Diligence" on such a vast amount of video data?

Will we have to wait 2 more weeks over and over again for 3998 weeks till Trump returns?

Will the innocent be incarcerated till then?

Is there a solution that can resolve this anytime soon?

This is not a game! Can you figure out what the real game is? Not just bottle necked to Tucker, there is more, why is this task so impossible?

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0b991b No.24160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492396 (121558ZMAR23) Notable: Who is giving SES and DARPA its marching orders?

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Woodrow at least had an "advisor", Colonel House…? not a colonel though.

who's Biden got?

0bama in his sweatsuit/tracksuit?

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0b991b No.24161

File: 222aa29d330ce44⋯.jpg (162.58 KB,720x1027,720:1027,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492399 (121559ZMAR23) Notable: Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank

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Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

On top of that it's member @javirett is currently being questioned in the near killing of Trump's CDC Director's son!

What's going on?!

It's time to reign in Big Tech.

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0b991b No.24162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492419 (121602ZMAR23) Notable: Who is giving SES and DARPA its marching orders?

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Biden is surrounded by advisors. SES is Biden's Col. House. Now we just have to figure out who is giving SES its marching orders.

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0b991b No.24163

File: 1f45491a1e8fb36⋯.png (803.58 KB,960x1135,192:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 67868f4b0717ec1⋯.png (562.44 KB,960x1014,160:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492424 (121603ZMAR23) Notable: Couple of interesting tweets this morning from UK Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen RE: DoD >> Covid

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Couple of interesting tweets this morning from UK Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen 👀



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0b991b No.24164

File: e536b129de11728⋯.png (7.15 KB,469x112,67:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492427 (121604ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC Auction for SVB Said to Be Underway, Final Bids Due Sunday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - FDIC auction of Silicon Valley Bank underway — Bloomberg


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0b991b No.24165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492446 (121606ZMAR23) Notable: Who is giving SES and DARPA its marching orders?

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This grant is part of a DARPA program called ADEPT: PROTECT (Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics: Prophylactic Options to Environmental and Contagious).


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0b991b No.24166

File: a9d14afc7e5a0d3⋯.png (216.52 KB,671x580,671:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492454 (121608ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC Auction for SVB Said to Be Underway, Final Bids Due Sunday

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0b991b No.24167

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492459 (121609ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC Auction for SVB Said to Be Underway, Final Bids Due Sunday

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Auction is a loose term for… "we're giving it away to a friend for a great price."

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0b991b No.24168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492474 (121611ZMAR23) Notable: Carnac says JPMorgan going to get the goods?

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Carnac says JPMorgan going to get the goods.

Maybe slightly more than 1.8B this time could be less though

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0b991b No.24169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492484 (121613ZMAR23) Notable: Who is giving SES and DARPA its marching orders?

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ADEPT? Now we know who is the cook stirring the pot of DARPA.

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0b991b No.24170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492502 (121617ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC Auction for SVB Said to Be Underway, Final Bids Due Sunday

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12pm EST

March 12, 2023


FDIC Auction for SVB Said to Be Underway, Final Bids Due Sunday


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. kicked off an auction process late Saturday night for Silicon Valley Bank, with final bids due by Sunday afternoon, according to people familiar with the matter.

The FDIC is aiming for a swift deal but a winner may not be known until late Sunday, according to one person, who asked to not be identified because the matter isn’t public. No final decision has been made and it’s possible that no deal may be reached, said the people.

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0b991b No.24171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492525 (121621ZMAR23) Notable: "JPM is a Fortress" is what Jim Kramer said, no issues with the Virgin Islands?

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Fortress is what JIm Kramer said. Maybe everyone is being told to invest in that to keep the market from totally falling apart, still going to happen though.

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0b991b No.24172

File: 5921cf59445407d⋯.png (18.2 KB,598x249,598:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492546 (121625ZMAR23) Notable: "JPM is a Fortress" is what Jim Kramer said, no issues with the Virgin Islands?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He is telling people to invest in here its to sure up shit like Gamestock kinda. Its all a false wall but they are hiding shit within JPM now. Trying to cover it up Kramer was telling people where to funnel their funds, now it is just a matter of Him also being wrong like always as well. JPM will fall.

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0b991b No.24173

File: 563a723ac327bfc⋯.png (97.41 KB,325x212,325:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492554 (121627ZMAR23) Notable: "JPM is a Fortress" is what Jim Kramer said, no issues with the Virgin Islands?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>they are hiding shit within JPM now

That's what i meant by the Castle reference.

After lunch, i'll look back thru the drops.

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0b991b No.24174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492557 (121628ZMAR23) Notable: McCarthy DESTROYS CNN Reporter for Network's DISGRACEFUL Coverage of Jan. 6th

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McCarthy DESTROYS CNN Reporter for Network's DISGRACEFUL Coverage of Jan. 6th


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0b991b No.24175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492603 (121635ZMAR23) Notable: "JPM is a Fortress" is what Jim Kramer said, no issues with the Virgin Islands?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


oh shit forgot about that and JPM had some issues with the Virgin Islands also, and that Stacey Plaskett cunt. The EO from Trump about seizing all your shit if you are involved in trafficking and the like does make the hopium rise. It is interesting if it is indeed JPM that is to buy out SVB how Kramer knew. Anons know but the normie world needs to be asking that question. What is the deal with the insider trading.

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0b991b No.24176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492664 (121646ZMAR23) Notable: Give anons the J6 footage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



(from this bread's Notables, #22677)

> >>24159 It would take only 77 anons 1 year to view all of the J6 footage

Which means: it'd take 77 * 365 = 28,105 anons to do it in a day.

Also, Tucker explained there's a lot of "empty filming" like in closets and areas where people normally aren't, or at least, aren't often (e.g., server rooms etc).

Give anons the footage.

We'll figure out how to strip out the extra stuff.

I think Tucker said 41,000 hours of it is "the extra stuff."

So, 44,000 - 41,000 = 3,000 hours.

Even if we have to witness ALL of that, 28k anons (from above) would do it in a couple hours.

Or, those original 77 anons would have it done in about 40 days.

Also we need to use facial recognition software, of which tons exists; here are some open source ones: https://github.com/topics/face-recognition

Most popular, Python command-line-driven:


Anon testing it out now, TYB!

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0b991b No.24177

File: fa4cf7154f287f0⋯.png (138.13 KB,1713x905,1713:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492700 (121654ZMAR23) Notable: Modern vs Modrrn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Modern vs Modrrn

He mentioned #1929 in the tweet and Q drop 1929 has "RR" in it

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0b991b No.24178

File: 0ea195599b608c4⋯.jpg (204.58 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492718 (121657ZMAR23) Notable: Modern vs Modrrn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24179

File: 0cbeaa7f8b8b18e⋯.png (806.24 KB,1346x634,673:317,Clipboard.png)

File: be7d86574415044⋯.png (304.44 KB,828x648,23:18,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dca7b6ce75249c⋯.png (260.51 KB,525x309,175:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 47f22b96b7b45e0⋯.png (189.71 KB,780x435,52:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492774 (121708ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity:SAM315 C-40B and this one is usually used by J.C.O.S. Milley over western Nevada at 38K ft from it's JBA depart earlier today and looks like it's heading to Travis AFB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS Activity:SAM315 C-40B and this one is usually used by J.C.O.S. Milley over western Nevada at 38K ft from it's JBA depart earlier today and looks like it's heading to Travis AFB

Heading to San Diego Int'l is RCH4149 C-17 with Potato equipment for the meeting with Aussie PM Albanese and UK PN Sunak scheduled for tomorrow…Albanese arrived last night >>24007 pb

PAT409,10,11 US Army Beech C-12 C Hurons west from Bragg after a ground stop of about 97m and departed Ft. Knox, KY earlier today >>24131 lb

KECK31 KC-46 Pegasus west from McGuire AFB depart

RAF RRR4502 A400m west from Dulles Int'l after a litle less than 1h on ground (this is likely equipment for PM Sunak heading to San Diego and it arrived after an overnight at Ottawa Int'l from a Keflavik AB, Iceland depart and overnight. On 310 it made a trip to Rzsesow Airport, Poland and back to RAF Northolt where it left for Keflavik AB, for it's overnight on 0310

SPAR414 Learjet 35 left Scott AFB stopped at Wright-Patterson AFB for 1h15m then a 40m stop at Tyson-McGhee Airport, SW of Knoxville, KY and now back to Scott

2 tankers off Space Coast on the Refueling track HOIST81 KC-46 Pegasus and 57-1502 KC-135 Stratotanker with one P-8 coming in and one leaving back to NAS JAX (home base) >>24035, >>24051 pb

STINGRAYs 05,17,46. 85 Beech 90s from NAS Key West and over western Louisiana a BUFF (B-52) doin' roundies from Barksdale AFB

South America'

German AF GAF949 A340 arrived at Sao Paulo last night and this call sign is usally used for FM BAERbock and she was in Iraq last week under the same call sign and AC-cap#4

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0b991b No.24180

File: 09b65159bf014f2⋯.png (791.88 KB,948x1211,948:1211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492819 (121716ZMAR23) Notable: Raland Brunson's May 8th update on DOCKET

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>that is why Rayland Brunson's case was brought.

Raland Brunson's May 8th update on DOCKET #22-380


In a few days our 3rd Petition to the US Supreme Court will be considered to be added to the docket of the Supreme Court and there they will determine if they will accept it for another conference.


We are bringing more details of the events of January 6, 2021 that we have not previous done. This petition is much more bold in pointing out that on that day, both parties were accusing each other of attempting to interfere with the election process. Interfering with the election process is considered an act of war on the United States of America because it accomplishes the same results. It puts into power it's victor. Democrats were accusing Republicans Ted Cruz and Paul Gosar of treason for their attempt to hold off on the certification until their claimed evidence could be investigated. Kelly Townsend, the chairwoman of the Arizona House Elections Committee was also being accused by the democrats for attempting to interfere with the election process, which if proven true, would be an act of treason. These accusations made by the democrats were very serious, yet the defendants of this case voted to thwart the investigation into these accusations, cheating out the democrats. Many democrats were accusing Trump with attempting to interfere with the election and to this day they are still making those claims, all because there was no investigation.

Is this case a "Put Trump back into office" case? No. Do not assume for a second I voted for Trump and this case is all about putting him back in. For all you know I wrote in my neighbor. This case has nothing to do with Trump. So you people who are about to make comments on this post about anti Trump stuff you might as well be talking about a way to lose weight, because it does not relate. But go ahead, be my guest and post whatever you want. Oh, and one last thing. The Supreme Court absolutely has the full power to remove a sitting president. It goes like this: the Supreme Court judges all laws. All of them. Every law. They have the final and ultimate say on how the Constitution of the US is to be interpreted, and there are only two powers on this earth that can stop them. 1. Congress getting together and voting them out. 2. The military generals.

Oh, and the US Supreme Court can, if they want, give me full standing in this case, because why? Because if they want, they have the power to say so, that's why. Oh, and here's a note to all of those who are accusing us of grifting: We absolutely appreciate your donations and your letters to the Supreme Court. We're actually starting to get noticed. Thank you again.


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0b991b No.24181

File: 61b1b9fe0028efe⋯.jpg (142.17 KB,852x221,852:221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492873 (121722ZMAR23) Notable: The death of a climate bank: With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US banks sitting on unrealized losses of $620 billion

But SVB isn’t the only institution with that issue. US banks were sitting on $620 billion in unrealized losses (assets that have decreased in price but haven’t been sold yet) at the end of 2022, according to the FDIC.


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0b991b No.24182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492882 (121724ZMAR23) Notable: House Republicans showed the world this week that Tony Fauci and the US government funded the creation of COVID-19 at the Wuhan lab.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House Republicans showed the world this week that Tony Fauci and the US government funded the creation of COVID-19 at the Wuhan lab.

House Democrats showed the world this week that they fully support the DHS, FBI, and the US government censoring American citizens.

Your choice, America.



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0b991b No.24183

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492883 (121724ZMAR23) Notable: DNA = Do Not Ask (decode)

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DNA = Do Not Ask

What is coded in your Do Not Ask? => Propaganda

Who put it there? MSM

Why? To control you

Mankind is repressed. Correct

We will be repressed no more. Correct

Information is knowledge. Correct

Knowledge is power. Correct

Information is power. Correct

How do you protect your Do Not Ask? By not asking the right questions that gets you information thus knowledge

There is a war for your Do Not Ask. Story tellers attack you for your money. Doctors, Lawyers, Cops, etc…

Protect your Do Not Ask. Because God knows what you need before you even ask.

Ascension. Knowledge about God.


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0b991b No.24184

File: b0470264ae0f9a1⋯.png (45.12 KB,415x470,83:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492970 (121738ZMAR23) Notable: The death of a climate bank: With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





NEW - The death of a climate bank: With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

In addition, more than 60 percent of community solar financing in the US involved the bank.


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0b991b No.24185

File: 4866e30f0351f29⋯.png (582.07 KB,720x544,45:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f987748f17297c⋯.png (807.07 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492971 (121738ZMAR23) Notable: re: Python facial recognition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


got the face_recognition package working, cloned via:

"pip install git+https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition_models"

Running is fairly simple, it found the face in "McKek!":


[xyzzy@archlinux &#126;]$ face&#95;detection Downloads/McKek!.jpg 

Then tried picrel2 of 24 faces:

[xyzzy@archlinux &#126;]$ face&#95;detection Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp 
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,45,419,131,333
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,342,273,446,169
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,45,573,131,486
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,496,266,582,179
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,192,423,296,319
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,198,870,285,784
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,198,266,285,179
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,45,266,131,179
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,496,112,582,26
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,480,883,584,780
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,45,112,131,26
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,342,734,446,630
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,496,573,582,486
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,496,419,582,333
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,198,112,285,26
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,496,717,582,630
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,31,734,135,630
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,198,573,285,486
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,342,112,429,26
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,352,870,438,784
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,35,870,121,784
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,342,573,429,486
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,352,419,438,333
Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp,189,717,275,630

[xyzzy@archlinux &#126;]$ face&#95;detection Downloads/faces created by AI2.webp |wc
24 96 1238

Note that in the above, the second command is "wc" to show # of lines of output, which was 24. There are options to tweak it but this is a great "first look" - this works, and can be used.

The 24 faces image is from this article:




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0b991b No.24186

File: a00a7e000d6a455⋯.png (490.99 KB,785x960,157:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492975 (121740ZMAR23) Notable: The death of a climate bank: With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The death of a climate bank

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0b991b No.24187

File: a3db184812e5c37⋯.jpg (142.17 KB,845x892,845:892,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492976 (121740ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank Ties to California First Partner Jennifer Newsom

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Got a late one, Baker.

Silicon Valley Bank Ties to California First Partner Jennifer Newsom


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0b991b No.24188

File: 2ba1480f8efda8a⋯.png (17.2 KB,420x320,21:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492986 (121742ZMAR23) Notable: House Republicans showed the world this week that Tony Fauci and the US government funded the creation of COVID-19 at the Wuhan lab.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


House Republicans showed the world this week that Tony Fauci and the US government funded the creation of COVID-19 at the Wuhan lab.

House Democrats showed the world this week that they fully support the DHS, FBI, and the US government censoring American citizens.

Your choice, America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492995 (121745ZMAR23) Notable: #22677

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables(Not endorsements)

#22677 >>24147

>>24159, >>24176 Give anons the J6 footage.

>>24150 TURTL4 out of Reno West bound, approaching ELY Level 350 Squawking 1774

>>24151 Yellen: working to address SVB collapse, but not looking at bailout

>>24152, >>24153, >>24154 Pepe Live Matter: Beware the black pill in disguise. Guard your mind. Put on the spiritual armor of God.

>>24155 1/3 of US deposits are in small banks and ~50% are uninsured.

>>24156, >>24149, >>24148 Rothschild trending after Trump Truth typo

>>24157 (Strongly worded) Thread by Bobby Piton: Trillions not billions were stolen by the CCP, Crown, Iran and Traitors

>>24158 Factory explosion in Russia. Sabotage

>>24160, >>24162, >>24165, >>24169 Who is giving SES and DARPA its marching orders?

>>24161 Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank

>>24163 Couple of interesting tweets this morning from UK Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen RE: DoD >> Covid

>>24164, >>24166, >>24168, >>24167, >>24170 FDIC Auction for SVB Said to Be Underway, Final Bids Due Sunday

>>24168 Carnac says JPMorgan going to get the goods?

>>24174 McCarthy DESTROYS CNN Reporter for Network's DISGRACEFUL Coverage of Jan. 6th

>>24171, >>24172, >>24173, >>24175 "JPM is a Fortress" is what Jim Kramer said, no issues with the Virgin Islands?

>>24177, >>24178 Modern vs Modrrn

>>24179 PlaneFag CONUS Activity:SAM315 C-40B and this one is usually used by J.C.O.S. Milley over western Nevada at 38K ft from it's JBA depart earlier today and looks like it's heading to Travis AFB

>>24180 Raland Brunson's May 8th update on DOCKET

>>24181, >>24184, >>24186 The death of a climate bank: With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

>>24182, >>24188 House Republicans showed the world this week that Tony Fauci and the US government funded the creation of COVID-19 at the Wuhan lab.

>>24183 DNA = Do Not Ask (decode)

>>24185 re: Python facial recognition

>>24187 Silicon Valley Bank Ties to California First Partner Jennifer Newsom

le final

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0b991b No.24190

File: f0bd8cb054742c7⋯.png (26.77 KB,598x309,598:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493045 (121754ZMAR23) Notable: More than 3,500 CEOs and founders representing some 220,000 workers signed a petition started by Y Combinator

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

More than 3,500 CEOs and founders representing some 220,000 workers signed a petition started by Y Combinator appealing directly to Yellen and others to backstop depositors, warning that more than 100,000 jobs could be at risk: RTRS


They better not buckle. LET IT BURN

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0b991b No.24191

File: 9d826249ce072fe⋯.png (1.87 MB,1904x1310,952:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493048 (121755ZMAR23) Notable: Peter Thiel's Founders Fund had no cash left in Silicon Valley Bank by Thursday as it began to unravel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Peter Thiel's Founders Fund had no cash left in Silicon Valley Bank by Thursday as it began to unravel, Bloomberg reported.

A source told Bloomberg the PayPal cofounder's fund had moved to close its exposure to the failing bank after running into problems using SVB's services.

The venture capital group had been engaging in a "capital call" — where it asked investment partners to send funds to invest in a company — by transferring funds to its Silicon Valley Bank account. However, the funds didn't immediately go through as expected.

Following the withdrawals, the fund no longer had any exposure to SVB as of Thursday morning, the unnamed source told Bloomberg. It wasn't clear whether the transfers happened on that day, or earlier.

SVB's share price collapsed after it revealed a $1.8 billion loss Thursday following a $21 billion fire sale of its fixed-income portfolio.

An attempt to raise $2.3 billion to cover those losses failed and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shut it down and took control of customer deposits Friday.

Rising interest rates initiated by the Fed had weighed on the bank's bond offerings, with its 10-year bond spread widening above 1,000 basis points Friday in a sign of distress.

The rising cost of borrowing also made it harder for SVB's core customer base of startups to pick up fresh funding, accelerating outflows.

Thiel's Founders Fund is thought to have propped up several startups that banked with SVB, which provided banking for nearly half of all US venture-backed startups, per its website. The fund had also called for its startups to withdraw their funds from the bank as well.

Bloomberg reported that VC funds Coatue Management, Union Square Ventures, and Founder Collective had all told their portfolio companies to pull their funds from SVB.

Founders Fund and SVB didn't immediately respond to requests for comment from Insider, made outside normal working hours.

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0b991b No.24192

File: 34840e64ac92bb4⋯.jpg (142.17 KB,909x380,909:380,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493052 (121756ZMAR23) Notable: Governor Newsome Issues Statement on Silicon Valley Bank

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Over the last 48 hours, I have been in touch with the highest levels of leadership at the White House and Treasury. Everyone is working with FDIC to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible, to protect jobs, people’s livelihoods, and the entire innovation ecosystem that has served as a tent pole for our economy.”


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0b991b No.24193

File: ff80194045d0a51⋯.png (239.86 KB,420x527,420:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493058 (121758ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Calls Out Double Standards in Government Treatment of Journalists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Matt Taibbi Calls Out Double Standards in Government Treatment of Journalists

“They would never treat a New York Times reporter like that, or a Washington Post reporter like that, and suggest that it was somehow wrong for a reporter to make money, which was totally outrageous.”



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0b991b No.24194

File: 241f39e0c3c0047⋯.jpeg (409.25 KB,892x1372,223:343,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493073 (121801ZMAR23) Notable: Messenger RNA Technology Could Be Used to Develop Infectious Disease Therapeutics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DARPA & USAMRIID in lockstep.


Messenger RNA Technology Could Be Used to Develop Infectious Disease Therapeutics

Digitally colored electron micrograph shows monkeypox virus infection in marmoset liver cell from previously published study. Viral particles are shown in red, mitochondria in green, lipid in yellow, nuclei in teal, and cell cytoplasm in blue. Dashed inset of viral particles (upper right) enlarged to show detail (lower right). (Image: Janice Williams, Ph.D)

Army scientists and industry partners were among the first to demonstrate that messenger RNA (mRNA)–the technology recently used in COVID-19 vaccines and others–could also be used to develop treatments for infectious diseases. Their work appears in the June 2022 issue of the journal Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids, published by Cell Press.

Investigators at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) collaborated on the study with scientists from CureVac, a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing a new class of drugs based on mRNA. Their central principle is to use mRNA as a data carrier for information that the body can use to produce its own therapeutic, effectively warding off disease.

The team set out to examine the capabilities of nucleic acid technology apart from vaccine development. To demonstrate proof of concept, they used several mRNAs carrying the "blueprint" for three separate monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)–proteins that help to produce an immune response. According to the lead author, Eric Mucker, Ph.D., when the mRNAs were administered to the same rabbit, all three mAbs were shown to be circulating in the blood within just one day.

"We are pleased that with this project we were able to show, for the first time, significant systemic levels of functional antibody transcribed from an mRNA upon intramuscular injection," said Patrick Baumhof, Senior Vice President for Technology at CureVac. "The possibility of simultaneous expression of three distinct antibodies within the same animal shows the potential of mRNA antibody technology."

The work was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's ADEPT: PROTECT program, which is aimed at early detection and rapid response to disease outbreaks.

"This study and similar projects conducted under theADEPT: PROTECTprogram were truly innovative," said Mucker, adding that they effectively laid the groundwork for mRNA vaccines years before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Notably, the three mAbs tested in the study also had previously demonstrated some potential activity against poxviruses–making the publication of this work especially timely in light of the simultaneous monkeypox outbreaks occurring around the world.

"USAMRIID has an extensive track record for developing models, tools, and countermeasures to combat smallpox and monkeypox diseases," commented USAMRIID senior author Jay Hooper, Ph.D. "While this study is primarily technology based, it specifically contributes to future-generation countermeasures to prevent and treat diseases caused by pathogenic poxviruses."


About the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases:

Since 1969, USAMRIID has provided leading edge medical capabilities to deter and defend against current and emerging biological threat agents. The Institute is the only laboratory in the Department of Defense equipped to safely study highly hazardous viruses requiring maximum containment at Biosafety Level 4. Research conducted at USAMRIID leads to vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and training programs that protect both Warfighters and civilians. The Institute's unique science and technology base serves not only to address current threats to our Armed Forces, but is an essential element in the medical response to any future biological threats that may confront our nation. USAMRIID is a subordinate laboratory of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command. For more information, visit www.usamriid.army.mil.


Lipid nanoparticle delivery of unmodified mRNAs encoding multiple monoclonal antibodies targeting poxviruses in rabbits. Eric M Mucker, Carolin Thiele-Suess, Patrick Baumhof, and Jay W Hooper. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids: 2022 May 10;28:847-858. DOI: 10.1016/j.omtn.2022.05.025

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0b991b No.24195

File: 1c67370e876f640⋯.jpeg (147.62 KB,892x1092,223:273,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493080 (121803ZMAR23) Notable: Ichor Awarded DARPA ADEPT: PROTECT Contract

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ichor Awarded DARPA ADEPT: PROTECT Contract


Ichor Medical Systems of San Diego has been awarded a contract through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and supported by the U.S. Army Research Office for up to $20.2 million of funding over five years, including a base period award of $8.6M.

The award is part of a DARPA program called Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics: Prophylactic Options to Environmental and Contagious Threats (ADEPT: PROTECT) aimed at developing new platform technologies that could be safely and rapidly deployed to the U.S. population and military personnel to provide immediate protection in the event of an infectious outbreak or biological weapons attack.

The program will fund the development and clinical assessment of Ichor’s TriGrid electroporation system as a DNA-based antibody delivery platform to produce protective antibodies for passive immunoprophylaxis.

While active immunization with traditional vaccines is effective at stimulating the immune system to generate protective antibodies, such responses are not immediate and may require multiple doses of the vaccine.

In contrast, the TriGrid technology could be used to bypass the immune system to directly deliver DNA sequences encoding protective antibodies into an infected or exposed individual. This approach would result in rapid production of antibodies by the individual providing immediate protection against the pathogen.

“We are excited for this new opportunity with the Department of Defense to apply the TriGrid technology to another area of high priority for national security,” said Bob Bernard, Ichor CEO. “Whether to address unknown bioterrorist threats or pandemic disease, success of this approach would revamp traditional vaccine processes and position the TriGrid favorably for use in other broad spectrum biodefense and pandemic applications.”

Source: Ichor press release, adapted. TriGrid is a trademarked, protected term by Ichor Medical Systems

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0b991b No.24196

File: b582e0e5fd1f03d⋯.png (1.03 MB,605x1067,55:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493082 (121803ZMAR23) Notable: US Army Fort Sill - Embrace the suck.

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Embrace the suck. 😜


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0b991b No.24197

File: f2f33aefa237ff6⋯.png (451.14 KB,603x596,603:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493088 (121806ZMAR23) Notable: Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party”

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The Gateway Pundit


BOOM! Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party”


BOOM! Oversight Chair James Comer: "IT'S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT - We Have In Hand Documents That Show…

4:24 AM · Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24198

File: 41f4da78f4f35e2⋯.png (217.48 KB,650x487,650:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493090 (121806ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC auction for failed SVB underway, final bids due Sunday

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FDIC auction for failed SVB underway, final bids due Sunday

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. kicked off an auction process late Saturday for Silicon Valley Bank, with final bids due by Sunday afternoon, according to people familiar with the matter.

Read more at:


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0b991b No.24199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493091 (121806ZMAR23) Notable: A Brief Introduction to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

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A Brief Introduction to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank


Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as “SPD Bank”), approved of establishment by the People’s Bank of China on August 28, 1992, opened business on January 9, 1993. As a nationwide joint-stock commercial bank based in Shanghai, it was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1999 (Stock Code: 600000). Registered capital of the Bank stands at RMB 29.352 billion. With its outstanding performance record and reputed integrity, SPD Bank has become a highly regarded listed company in the securities market of China.

  Being committed to its core value of “holding to integrity and striving for excellence”, SPD Bank has made relentless efforts in expanding its capital base and strengthening its business through financial innovation. As of the end of September 2022, the Bank’s total assets reached RMB 8.43 trillion. It has established 42 tier-one branches with more than1,700 outlets, including domestic branches covering all provincial regions of Chinese mainland, and overseas branches in Hong Kong SAR, Singapore and London. The number of staff has exceeded 60,000. So far, SPD Bank has developed an operation and service pattern that fits its positioning as a national and international commercial bank. In recent years, it has steadily advanced its group-based development and built an integrated operation pattern covering such business areas as trust, wealth management, asset management, financial leasing, overseas investment banking, rural banks, and money brokerage. The Bank established SPDB Foundation in 2022, in an effort to better implement corporate social responsibilities.

  In February 2022, the Bank ranked 19th on The Banker’s list of Top 500 Banking Brands, with a brand value of USD 14,313 million, being 8th among the Chinese banks on the list. In May 2022, the Bank ranked 108th on the Forbes’ Global 2000 list, being 20th among Chinese companies and 9th among Chinese banks. In July 2022, according to The Banker’s Top 1000 World Banks, SPD Bank was ranked 18th in terms of tier 1 capital and 9th among Chinese banks. In August 2022, the Bank ranked 226 th on the Fortune’s Global 500 list, being 8th among Chinese banks, demonstrating its sound competitiveness. Furthermore, it is one of a few domestic joint-stock commercial banks rated above investment grade by each of the three renowned credit rating agencies. Specifically, Fitch Ratings upgraded SPD Bank’s long-term issuer default rating to BBB. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services affirmed its issuer credit ratings of BBB (long-term) and A-2 (short-term). Moody's Investors Service assigned deposit ratings of Baa2 (long-term) and Prime-2 (short-term) to the Bank. The Bank’s outlook rated by all these rating agencies is stable. These ratings reflect the Bank's consistent execution of its business strategy and solid financial performance over the years.

  As a dedicated financial service provider, SPD Bank is also committed to fulfilling its social responsibility to be an outstanding corporate citizen. In 2019, SPD Bank received “Best Contribution Award for Targeted Poverty Alleviation” and “Best Outlet Award for Special CSR Contribution” granted by the China Banking Association. In 2018 and 2020, it was given “Best Green Finance Award” and “Best Green Finance Achievement Award” by the China Banking Association.

  In the new round of development, SPD Bank will fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the requirements of regulatory authorities. Following the overall arrangements in the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Shanghai, SPD Bank will develop itself into a first-class joint-stock commercial bank with international competitiveness in all respects and make itself a pacesetter and pioneer of the high-quality financial development in the new era. It will continuously enhance its business capacity and quality, in a bid to better serve the national strategy, the real economy and the major tasks of Shanghai, and to meet the people’s expectation for a better life.

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0b991b No.24200

File: de2b6a5d3f52818⋯.png (40.77 KB,1389x306,463:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493120 (121811ZMAR23) Notable: Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

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Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated

And Informed Public

Townhall, by Derek Hunter

Posted By: Imright, 3/12/2023 12:04:12 PM

It’s a strange time in the United States, where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant. Ignorant not of one particular event, study, or story, but of so many topics that reality itself” is what they’re ultimately attempting to obscure. It’s evil, honestly, and it begs the question "What are Democrats so afraid of?” The only answer is simple: an informed public.Communists in the old Soviet Union were terrified that their citizens would discover how well people in the free west were living. There were no bread lines,

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0b991b No.24201

File: a877e75d0158de9⋯.png (21.21 KB,864x195,288:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493130 (121813ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter Files Hearing Was A "Soviet Show Trial," Democrats Used It To Attack Free Speech And A Free Press

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Turley: Twitter Files Hearing Was A "Soviet

Show Trial," Democrats Used It To Attack

Free Speech And A Free Press

Real Clear Politics, by Ian Schwartz

Posted By: Moritz55, 3/12/2023 11:58:28 AM

George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley on Saturday appeared on FOX News to react to the Twitter Files hearing in the House. Turley said the hearing was like a Soviet show trial because Democrats were outraged when Republicans allowed witnesses to respond to allegations made by the Democrats. "You had Democrats who accused former members of Congress of being Putin lovers and conspiracy theorists," Turley said. "All they were doing was raising free-speech concerns but what really was shocking in the last hearing is the Democrats have now severed their connection to the free press and the values underlying the free press."

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0b991b No.24202

File: b0b1069cc1d483b⋯.jpg (142.17 KB,850x405,170:81,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493142 (121814ZMAR23) Notable: Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank rocks China’s tech start-ups, venture capital industry

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Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank rocks China’s tech start-ups, venture capital industry

As of Sunday afternoon, topics related to the collapse of the bank, including “SVB bankruptcy has spread to multiple countries” and “SVB bankruptcy affects Chinese entrepreneurs”, were trending on Chinese microblogging site Weibo, with posts receiving hundreds of millions of views.

“Is the 2008 Financial Crisis happening again?” said a Weibo user with the handle MaxC.


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0b991b No.24203

File: aad9ef3bf346189⋯.jpg (142.17 KB,1229x210,1229:210,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493173 (121818ZMAR23) Notable: Former House Speaker Hopes Silicon Valley Bank Will Be Bought By Rival Bank

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Nancy Pelosi At SXSW: Former House Speaker Hopes Silicon Valley Bank Will Be Bought By Rival Bank; Talks About “Cult” & “Thug” Republican Party

“I don’t think there’s an appetite in the country for bailing out a bank. But we have to honor the depositers,” said Pelosi at the LINE Hotel ballroom today.

“Many of the small businesses have accounts at that bank, they have money there, so that they can pay the payroll,” explained Pelosi, “So, if this bank fails, we’re concerned about the payroll of the workers in these companies.”

“If they can’t pay the payroll or utility bill, this all literally goes down the drain. There are lots of reasons we should be selectively approaching this. We do not want contagion,” said Pelosi, meaning a domino effect where other banks in the U.S. start going under.

“We don’t want this to be systemic, because that would be harmful to the economy and the rest,” said the House Rep from California’s 11th congressional district.


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0b991b No.24204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493178 (121818ZMAR23) Notable: Auction process is reportedly underway to find a buyer for Silicon Valley Bank

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Auction process is reportedly underway to find a buyer for Silicon Valley Bank


- Silicon Valley Bank was taken over by regulators on Friday after massive withdrawals a day earlier created a bank run.

- The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation took control of the bank on Friday, and started an auction process on Saturday night, according to a report from Bloomberg News.

- It is still possible that no deal is reached, the report said.

Federal regulators are conducting an auction for Silicon Valley Bank, with final bids due Sunday, according to a report from Bloomberg News. The bank was closed by regulators on Friday after massive withdrawals a day earlier created a bank run. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation took control of the bank on Friday, and started an auction process on Saturday night, according to the report. It is still possible that no deal is reached, the report said.

The collapse of SVB, which was a key player in the technology start-up world, is the largest U.S. bank failure since Washington Mutual in 2008. That bank was then purchased by JPMorgan Chase in a deal that restored the uninsured deposits.

A total or partial acquisition by another bank is one of the options regulators are exploring this weekend. Many investors on Wall Street and Silicon Valley expect an announcement at some point on Sunday to detail the next steps in the SVB crisis.

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0b991b No.24205

File: b9259e09ec108ff⋯.png (401.96 KB,733x678,733:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493217 (121822ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank Tanked, Dragging Down 500 Israeli Startups

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Silicon Valley Bank Tanked, Dragging Down 500 Israeli Startups


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0b991b No.24206

File: 44bc4ffd58967c3⋯.png (761.21 KB,651x531,217:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493300 (121831ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank, FDIC, Federal Reserve Stress Tests and Hold to Maturity for TBTFs and others

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>>24181 lb US banks sitting on unrealized losses of $620 billion

>>24190 More than 3,500 CEOs and founders representing some 220,000 workers signed a petition started by Y Combinator appealing directly to Yellen

Silicon Valley Bank, FDIC, Federal Reserve Stress Tests (a joke and always have been) and Hold to Maturity (HTM) for TBTFs and others

This is for non-financial oriented anons and provides an explanation of what these losses are and how they are allowed to accrue and it's relations to the FRB Stress Tests. Only a handful of banks (the TBTF ones) go through this but since they all share counter-party risk across the entire system it is important to know what they do and don't look at in these places-a total of 23 will go through this next one

from 020923

Federal Reserve Board releases hypothetical scenarios for its 2023 bank stress tests


Over the next week you'll see the Fed (and the talking heads in Fin Media) saying "well these big banks passed the stress tests that the FED does so no reason to worry" Well that isn't entirely accurate since most of all banks are sitting on the same problem…"Le dreaded" 'unrealized losses' in Treasury notes/bills. I completely get that they are trying to trigger overall bank runs on purpose with SIVB so hear me out on this angle and set that part of it aside for a moment.

When the FED does it's annual Stress Tests (and rubber stamps them-it's awfully hard to not pass this for the following reason). All of these banks can place assets into what is called 'Hold-to-Maturity' accounting bucket-not just the TBTFs. This is where a lot of US Treasuries go and in SIVB's case where they sold them from to 'realize' that $1.8B loss. You can't put equities in here by the definition of HTM but I'm sure there is massive abuses here becasue the FED does not look here so how would they really know if something wasn't supposed to be here…it's a trust/CONfidence game. And BTW Robert Reich can GFH as he certainly knows that all financial institutions are largely SROs (Self-Regulatory Organizations) as all exchanges are and you can read moar about that below but blaming 45 for SIVB being 'deregulated' is quite 'precious"-fuckin midget.

The ones who have the power to regulate don't….S.E.C. (and FINRA falls under them) basically settles everything and accepts pay-offs to do so…you should ask yourself where does that money go? It's a business model that all these places thrive on..if you can settle the malfeasance for pennies on the dollar (compared to what you gained by it) and then not have to admit ANY wrong-doing then of course you'd do that.


Here is the 'book' definition of HTM

Held-to-Maturity (HTM) Securities: How They Work and Examples

Held-to-maturity (HTM) securities are purchased to be owned until maturity. For example, a company's management might invest in a bond that they plan to hold to maturity. There are different accounting treatments for HTM securities compared to securities that are liquidated in the short term. Bonds and other debt vehicles—such as certificates of deposit (CDs)—are the most common form of HTM investments. Bonds and other debt vehicles have determined (or fixed) payment schedules, a fixed maturity date, and they are purchased to be held until they mature. Since stocks do not have a maturity date, they do not qualify as held-to-maturity securities. For accounting purposes, corporations use different categories to classify their investments in debt and equity securities. In addition to HTM securities, other classifications include "held-for-trading" and "available for sale." On a company's financial statements, these different categories are treated differently in terms of their investment value, as well as related gains and losses.

moar here


So this relates to the Federal Reserve Stress Tests since once these assets are placed into that accounting bucket (HTM) the Stress Test does NOT look at them so they are exempt from any examination during that process against what they are also looking at on it's books: so you never have a full picture of what any institution's balance sheet really looks like in comparison to what they hold in short term debt/assets etc. Since the Yeilds have risen so much on US Bills andNotes (inverted curve) all the ones that have been purchased over the years have lost value and Yields have gone up but they are still only paying the much lower coupon rate (Yield) when they were purchased. So to sum it up: All these regional banks are sitting on a lot of these unrealized losses in that area that the Federal Reserve 'Stress Tests' do not look at in the TBTF banks-but as mentioned above they all share counter-party risk. So unless (you) do it-look at what each one has in the HTM bucket-you are not getting a complete picture of what any of them who go through those "tests" (and as mentioned passed with flying colors ftmp-they used to "fail" them when it first started but now they just pass them as say "do this" ..they "do that" and then continue on bidness as usual) have total'''

And that "Emergency Meeting" scheduled for tomorrow was already on the books as the FED does do closed-door meetings from time-to-time so that is not unique…they changed the title to reflect the current habbeings is what habbened with that one.

Closed Board Meeting on March 13, 2023

Advanced Notice of a Meeting under Expedited Procedures.

It is anticipated that the closed meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, March 13, 2023, will be held under expedited procedures, as set forth in section 261b.7 of the Board's Rules Regarding Public Observation of Meetings, at the Board’s offices at 20th and C Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. and by audio/video conference call. The following items of official Board business are tentatively scheduled to be considered at that meeting. Review and determination by the Board of Governors of the advance and discount rates to be charged by the Federal Reserve Banks.


You can see the other occurrences of those same type of meetings here


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0b991b No.24207

File: e460dee24638e19⋯.mp4 (452.46 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 438de6fb3743150⋯.png (375.79 KB,748x877,748:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493323 (121837ZMAR23) Notable: Swalwell pushing to stop FOX News being broadcast to our troops

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Swalwell pushing to stop FOX News being broadcast to our troops

Yikes. The Left wants to crush dissent.

Shame on @KatiePhang for helping this Beijing mouthpiece continue his campaign to distract people with phony issues.

RNC Research·Mar 11

"Nothing makes [our troops] feel more like home than their access to American television programming, and a popular channel is Fox News," says Democrat Eric Swalwell.

"We need to take a look at how [Fox News] is being broadcast to our troops."

2:02 PM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24208

File: 0e050130b3872ff⋯.jpg (142.17 KB,585x619,585:619,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493336 (121840ZMAR23) Notable: Federal authorities are seriously considering safeguarding all uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank

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Breaking news: Federal authorities are seriously considering safeguarding all uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank, according to three people with knowledge of the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private deliberations.


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0b991b No.24209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493380 (121849ZMAR23) Notable: The IDF said that for the first time, seven Israeli F-35 two Ram (the Boeing 707) aircraft will participate in the exercise flying over US airspace.

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Take shelter anons.

The Jerusalem Post


The IDF said that for the first time, seven Israeli F-35 two Ram (the Boeing 707) aircraft will participate in the exercise flying over US airspace.


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0b991b No.24210

File: 71e756a05e4caca⋯.png (312.68 KB,592x579,592:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fba1fc7e7e1ae4⋯.png (56.57 KB,688x471,688:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 6135fd2454d85f4⋯.jpg (182.75 KB,881x549,881:549,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493415 (121855ZMAR23) Notable: Pediatricians are paid a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2.

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🚨Pediatricians are paid a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2.

HOWEVER: They lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. even though it has never been studied in very young children.

And for those who don’t know, when kids get the flu all they do is sleep for one day and then they’re completely fine. In order to avoid this people will inject mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate-80, swine parts, aborted fetal cells and who knows what else into their tiny, developing bodies. It’s unreal.

ARTICLE (https://wellnessandequality.com/2016/06/20/how-much-money-do-pediatricians-really-make-from-vaccines/)



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0b991b No.24211

File: 80257a9e8d85a98⋯.png (320.43 KB,740x416,185:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493452 (121902ZMAR23) Notable: At least four Biden family members, including Joe Biden, implicated in racketeering operation

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RICO: At least four Biden family members, including Joe Biden, implicated in racketeering operation.


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0b991b No.24212

File: f8073231d2ce62b⋯.png (41.61 KB,780x236,195:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493463 (121904ZMAR23) Notable: Whistleblower: FBI Agents Colluded To Illegally Intercept Proud Boy Defendant’s Communications With HIS OWN Attorney

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0b991b No.24213

File: 981c5386152b5c4⋯.png (49.19 KB,461x487,461:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493474 (121906ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Taibbi continues to expose [D] party con [projection].

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Matt Taibbi continues to expose [D] party con [projection].

No wonder @danielsgoldman didn’t approve of the #TwitterFiles…

Daniel Goldman @danielsgoldman·Oct 21, 2020

12) The laptop is therefore part and parcel of Russia’s disinformation campaign designed to illegally interfere in the 2020 election in support of Trump.


2:36 PM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493504 (121912ZMAR23) Notable: Short Senator Kennedy Fox News Sunday Interview

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Short Senator Kennedy Fox News Sunday Interview

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La. discuss concerns surrounding Biden's budget proposal, growing calls for the U.S. to designate cartels as terrorist organizations, efforts to cut social security, and much moar.

Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24215

File: c7b76bb05d64f7b⋯.jpeg (77.65 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493535 (121917ZMAR23) Notable: US-Ukraine relationship ‘cracking’

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12 Mar, 2023 16:54

US-Ukraine relationship ‘cracking’ – Politico

Vladimir Zelensky is ungrateful for Washington’s support and his war aims are unrealistic, officials have told the news outlet

The US and Ukraine are increasingly at odds over how Kiev intends the conflict with Moscow to continue, and eventually end, Politico reported on Sunday. President Joe Biden’s insistence that Ukraine will decide when to seek peace might not remain “tenable” for much longer, US officials reportedly believe.

Ukraine’s refusal to abandon the encircled city of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) has caused some Biden administration officials to worry that it is “expending so much manpower and ammunition” that it could be unable to mount a counteroffensive against Russian forces elsewhere, Politico claimed.

Although the Pentagon has suggested that holding the city is not strategically important for Ukraine, “Kiev has, for now, ignored Washington’s input,” the report stated.

The dispute over Bakhmut’s value has been reported by US media already, but it is just one area of disagreement highlighted by Politico. President Vladimir Zelensky’s attitude towards military support from the US is another. While the=US has given Ukraine tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons out of a $113 billion fund, Zelensky has repeatedly demanded more.

“There have been grumblings about the constant requests and, at times, Zelensky not showing appropriate gratitude,” Politico wrote, citing two anonymous White House officials.

Biden has repeatedly stated that the US will keep American weapons flowing into Ukraine “for as long as it takes,” and that Kiev alone will decide when to sit down to peace talks with Russia. However, officials reportedly worry thatZelensky’s promise to capture Crimea – which voted to join Russia in 2014 – will only “extend the war,” and could trigger “a dramatic escalation from Moscow.”

Politico’s report is not the first indication that Washington doesn’t back Zelensky’s plans for Crimea. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley warned in January that attacking the Russian peninsula would be “very, very difficult,” while the Pentagon has reportedly been telling Congress that Ukraine lacks the capability to launch such an operation in the first place.

“Biden continues to stick to his refrain that the United States will leave all decisions about war and peace to Zelensky,” Politico wrote. “But whispers have begun across Washington as to how tenable that will be as the war grinds on.”

Ukraine’s decision-making has also been called into question by US intelligence agents, who told the New York Times last week that a “pro-Ukrainian group” was behind the September 2022 attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Although the spies stressed that Zelensky’s government was not involved, Politico claimed that the Biden administration has signaled to Kiev that “violence outside of Ukraine’s borders will not be tolerated.”

The New York Times article contradicted earlier reporting by journalist Seymour Hersh, which blamed the explosions on the Biden administration and CIA. Moscow described its publication as a “coordinated hoax” aimed at shifting blame away from the US and toward Ukraine.


(Bidan Admin got the delay they wanted, time for Zelensky to move along. Politico is mouthpiece for DS and the marching orders of DS Admin)

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0b991b No.24216

File: 914cb9ef424a48e⋯.jpeg (65.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493576 (121924ZMAR23) Notable: German minister lied to advance career

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12 Mar, 2023 18:23

German minister lied to advance career – media

Karl Lauterbach falsely claimed to be a government-funded researcher while applying for a job in the 1990s, Die Welt has reported

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach claimed to have led a government-funded breast cancer research project when he applied for a professorship at the University of Tubingen in 1995, Die Welt reported on Sunday.However, the study never existed, according to the outlet.

Lauterbach was 32 years old at the time, and had just received a Doctor of Science degree from the Harvard School of Public Health. Back in Germany, he applied for the position in Tubingen, claiming that he was the head of a research project into breast cancer diagnostics and therapy at an oncology department in Aachen.

Lauterbach said that the project had received two million Deutschmarks (around $1.38 million at the time) from the German government, a portion of which he reportedly promised to transfer to the cash-strapped university if hired.

However, the government and the Aachen oncology center told Die Welt that the project – as described by Lauterbach – never existed. A similar cancer study did take place at Aachen, the paper noted, but Lauterbach was not listed as an author.

Lauterbach also claimed to have raised funding for a study at Princeton University in the US, which staff at the university deny, and to have received 20,000 Deutschmarks for a book project, which ultimately was never paid as he never finished the book.

The minister was offered the position at Tubingen, but turned it down in favor of a placement in Cologne. Questioned by Germany’s Merkur news outlet on Sunday, Lauterbach said that he “can no longer recall the specific case.”

According to Die Welt reporter Tim Rohn, Lauterbach turned down an invitation to speak to the newspaper.


Kek health minister with no experience! There’s no way they didn’t know this at the time, they just need to get rid if him because of Covid restrictions! Blame it on that guy!

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0b991b No.24217

File: 8781d21dfaa6fc7⋯.jpeg (95.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493601 (121928ZMAR23) Notable: Kiev’s top diplomat slams German pacifists

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12 Mar, 2023 16:55

Kiev’s top diplomat slams German pacifists

Dmitry Kuleba has accused demonstrators of effectively calling for Ukraine’s downfall

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has claimed that German protesters who oppose weapons deliveries to Kiev are essentially calling for the destruction of his country. The diplomat also argued that Ukrainian servicemen are more peace-loving than pacifist demonstrators in Berlin.

In an interview with Bild published on Sunday, Kuleba suggested that German protesters “must be honest and rewrite their slogans.”Instead of placards reading “Stop the war! No weapons deliveries,” the diplomat stated that demonstrators should “write what they really mean: Let the Russians kill, torture and rape Ukrainians.” Kuleba insisted that this is “precisely what will happen if we don’t have weapons to defend ourselves.”

“Every single Ukrainian, even the soldier in the trench… wants peace more than the most pacifist demonstrator at the Brandenburg Gate [in Berlin],” the minister added.

When asked if he thought Germany was doing enough in terms of military support for Kiev, Kuleba replied that Berlin “could really help more with artillery ammunition.” He also accused the German government of dragging its feet on signing contracts when arms manufacturers are supposedly ready to meet Kiev’s needs.

In late February, tens of thousands of Germans gathered in central Berlin to demand peace talks in Ukraine and an end to further weapons shipments for Kiev, at an event organized by prominent Die Linke (Left Party) politician Sahra Wagenknecht and author Alice Schwarzer.

Wagenknecht urged Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government to make Russia “an offer” so that Moscow and Kiev could sit down at the negotiating table.

A similar protest was held around the same time outside the Ramstein US Airbase in southwest Germany, where Western officials have regularly convened over the past year to coordinate aid to Ukraine.

A petition launched by Wagenknecht and Schwarzer last month, titled ‘Manifest for Peace’, has to date been signed by nearly 750,000 people.

Scholz, in turn, has repeatedly argued that peace talks are unlikely at this point as Moscow is supposedly unwilling to negotiate in good faith.

However, Russia has made it clear on multiple occasions that in principle it is open to talks with Ukraine, on condition that the authorities in Kiev recognize the “reality on the ground.”

(When the US pulls out, Ukraine will get a firey response from Germany. Ukraine has gone too far and they will be left without any allies soon.)


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0b991b No.24218

File: 35368a1fee061ca⋯.jpeg (93.56 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493646 (121937ZMAR23) Notable: Elon Musk’s plans for SpaceX ‘utopia’ revealed

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12 Mar, 2023 16:54

Elon Musk’s plans for SpaceX ‘utopia’ revealed – WSJ

The billionaire has reportedly bought as much as 6,000 acres in Texas, where he hopes to build a refuge from regulation

Elon Musk has been accused of sacrificing transparency for speed in his attempts to build a “Texas utopia along the Colorado River,” the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. The billionaire has been snapping up thousands of acres of land in Bastrop County, Texas, a development that has drawn the ire of many locals.

The modern-day company town is growing with minimal input from locals, and Musk wants even less, according to the report, which cites land records and other paperwork associated with the project this week.

Called Snailbrook and located 35 miles (56km) outside the capital city of Austin, Musk’s privatized paradise will sit next to the Texas facilities currently under construction for his space exploration company SpaceX and his tunneling concern Boring Co., housing employees from both companies. The plot is also intended to house workers from Tesla, whose Texas Gigafactory is also nearby.

Boring Co. executives want to incorporate Snailbrook in order to clear any regulatory hurdles, which would allow Musk to construct new homes and rent them at a fraction of the market rate exclusively to tenants working for any of his Austin-area companies, insider sources told the WSJ. Employees who leave or are fired will have 30 days to move out and will have to then contend with average rates in the area, which are nearly three times higher.

While Snailbrook currently boasts a group of modular homes, a gym, outdoor sports area, and pool, a Musk-controlled holding company has already filed paperwork to build 110 more houses. Boring Co. management is allegedly thinking much bigger, along the lines of an entire city, which would require electing a mayor, text messages seen by the WSJ confirm.

However, Bastrop County hasn’t even received an application for incorporation from Musk or his companies, a county spokeswoman told the WSJ. A town needs at least 201 residents to incorporate.

While local land records seen by the WSJ showed that Musk and his proxies have snapped up more than 3,500 acres near Austin in the last three years, some officials claimed the real number is as high as 6,000 acres. The billionaire reportedly plans to build a separate private compound at some distance from employee housing for his personal use.

The speed of the transformation – the once-sleepy county sprouting giant tunnels and huge warehouses seemingly overnight – has spooked some locals and triggered calls for increased transparency, something Musk left California to avoid.

The Tesla tycoon moved the electric car firm’s headquarters to Texas in late 2021, leaving behind the “overregulation, overlitigation, and overtaxation” of California.

(Musk bought this land in late 2021 early 2022, why is WSJ reporting it now?Twitter files threat?)


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0b991b No.24219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493701 (121949ZMAR23) Notable: The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

March 12, 2023 | Sundance

"What follows below is a brilliant analysis of the federal government motive to create a J6 crisis that permitted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to trigger an emergency session and avoid the 2020 election certification challenges.

Those congressional floor challenges, known and anticipated well in advance of the morning of January 6, 2021, would have formed a legal and constitutional basis for ‘standing’ in judicial challenges that would have eventually reached the Supreme Court. The certification during “emergency session” eliminated the problem for Washington DC."

"Regitiger explains below, only edited by me for clarity and context:

I think most, not all, but a large number of people, are totally missing what happened; and why this happened on Jan 6th. I am going to try my best to outline the events that day, blast past the commonly held assumptions and get right down to the core corruption.

I will present this as a series of questions and answers.

♦ Q1: How do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?

A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.

FACTS: Remember carefully, focus please. Just moments, literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification, the House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that key people: Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Mcconnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process."



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0b991b No.24220

File: 3bced042ef56366⋯.png (86.4 KB,1011x682,1011:682,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c4d8d28de1650e⋯.png (79.71 KB,1010x650,101:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493732 (121956ZMAR23) Notable: World Bank is one of the 17 Specialized Agencies of the UN, as is the WHO, IMF, etc..

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World Bank is one of the 17 Specialized Agencies of the UN, as is the WHO, IMF, etc…



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0b991b No.24221

File: 1b0bad90342a667⋯.png (1.07 MB,1918x939,1918:939,Clipboard.png)

File: c37988e71f3fef6⋯.png (19.03 KB,565x265,113:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493734 (121956ZMAR23) Notable: PF - SAM 463 up and about headed West out of JBA.

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SAM 463 up and about headed West out of JBA.

Mapping to Q 463

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0b991b No.24222

File: 2ca8f0bc381c272⋯.jpeg (72.78 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493773 (122003ZMAR23) Notable: US ‘sitting still’ amid growing China-Russia influence

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12 Mar, 2023 19:36

US ‘sitting still’ amid growing China-Russia influence – Bolton

The former US security adviser has lamented that Washington isn’t doing enough as its enemies strengthen ties with each other

President Joe Biden’s administration is doing nothing to counteract steps by China, Russia, and their allies to work more closely together, jeopardizing US interests and undermining its global influence, former White House National Security Adviser John Bolton has claimed.

“We’re sitting still, and the Chinese, the Russians, Iran, North Korea and several others are moving to shore up their relations and threaten us in a lot of different places,”Bolton said on Sunday in a WABC 770 radio interview. He added that while Beijing follows a clear strategy, “we kind of wander around from day to day.”

Bolton, a longtime war hawk who has called for regime changes in Moscow and Tehran, made his comments in the wake of Friday’s announcement that Saudi Arabia and Iran had agreed to re-establish diplomatic ties under a deal brokered by China. He lamented that the agreement reflected diminishing US influence around the world.

“It’s an indication that the Saudis and others are trying to hedge their bets with China and Russia, because they don’t think the United States has the resolve and the fortitude necessary to do what they need to do to protect the world against Iran and its intentions,” Bolton said.

The 74-year-old Bolton has worked in the administrations of former Presidents Donald Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Chinese officials have bristled at Washington’s threat claims, arguing that the US and its NATO allies behave as if they’re still fighting the Cold War. Beijing has maintained neutrality on the Ukraine crisis, resisting US pressure to condemn Russia over the conflict, and proposed a 12-point blueprint to end the fighting late last month. Biden dismissed the peace plan, saying it would benefit only Russia.

(Bolton complains about the current admin after he supported them and hates Trump. Too bad, so sad)


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0b991b No.24223

File: e8313674b51a7b6⋯.png (110.2 KB,664x418,332:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493789 (122005ZMAR23) Notable: With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

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'$green$ energy' = (((fraud)))

NEW - The death of a climate bank: With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

In addition, more than 60 percent of community solar financing in the US involved the bank.




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0b991b No.24224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493796 (122006ZMAR23) Notable: #22678

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Notables - FINAL


>>24190 More than 3,500 CEOs and founders representing some 220,000 workers signed a petition started by Y Combinator

>>24191 Peter Thiel's Founders Fund had no cash left in Silicon Valley Bank by Thursday as it began to unravel

>>24192 Governor Newsome Issues Statement on Silicon Valley Bank

>>24193 Matt Taibbi Calls Out Double Standards in Government Treatment of Journalists

>>24194 Messenger RNA Technology Could Be Used to Develop Infectious Disease Therapeutics

>>24195 Ichor Awarded DARPA ADEPT: PROTECT Contract

>>24196 US Army Fort Sill - Embrace the suck.

>>24197 Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party”

>>24198 FDIC auction for failed SVB underway, final bids due Sunday

>>24199 A Brief Introduction to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

>>24200 Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

>>24201 Twitter Files Hearing Was A "Soviet Show Trial," Democrats Used It To Attack Free Speech And A Free Press

>>24202 Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank rocks China’s tech start-ups, venture capital industry

>>24203 Former House Speaker Hopes Silicon Valley Bank Will Be Bought By Rival Bank

>>24204 Auction process is reportedly underway to find a buyer for Silicon Valley Bank

>>24205 Silicon Valley Bank Tanked, Dragging Down 500 Israeli Startups

>>24206 Silicon Valley Bank, FDIC, Federal Reserve Stress Tests and Hold to Maturity for TBTFs and others

>>24207 Swalwell pushing to stop FOX News being broadcast to our troops

>>24208 Federal authorities are seriously considering safeguarding all uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank

>>24209 The IDF said that for the first time, seven Israeli F-35 two Ram (the Boeing 707) aircraft will participate in the exercise flying over US airspace.

>>24210 Pediatricians are paid a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2.

>>24211 At least four Biden family members, including Joe Biden, implicated in racketeering operation

>>24212 Whistleblower: FBI Agents Colluded To Illegally Intercept Proud Boy Defendant’s Communications With HIS OWN Attorney

>>24213 Matt Taibbi continues to expose [D] party con [projection].

>>24214 Short Senator Kennedy Fox News Sunday Interview

>>24215 US-Ukraine relationship ‘cracking’

>>24216 German minister lied to advance career

>>24217 Kiev’s top diplomat slams German pacifists

>>24218 Elon Musk’s plans for SpaceX ‘utopia’ revealed

>>24219 The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

>>24220 World Bank is one of the 17 Specialized Agencies of the UN, as is the WHO, IMF, etc..

>>24221 PF - SAM 463 up and about headed West out of JBA.

>>24222 US ‘sitting still’ amid growing China-Russia influence

>>24223 With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.


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0b991b No.24225

File: 3281cc53ee472d0⋯.png (449.18 KB,856x1191,856:1191,Clipboard.png)

File: b7fd5f637557bfd⋯.png (215.06 KB,1485x1025,297:205,Clipboard.png)

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File: 69f869905d7a4fe⋯.png (187.73 KB,968x759,88:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493917 (122026ZMAR23) Notable: Ginkgo Bioworks

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One of the entities at risk because of SVB fail

Making biology easier to engineer




>Protect your DNA - Q


List of vulnerable - Ginko = 5th on list

other picrel = from Ginko site

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0b991b No.24226

File: 6420a5bdead9d27⋯.png (133.99 KB,1278x748,639:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493936 (122031ZMAR23) Notable: The economic consequences of SVB are going to make FTX look like child’s play, says RSE Ventures’ Higgins

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some good video here


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0b991b No.24227

File: 31ea20ddb9865ff⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1761x1668,587:556,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493943 (122032ZMAR23) Notable: Great place to get Breaking SVB News

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Great place to get Breaking SVB News

Breaking Market News


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0b991b No.24228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493961 (122036ZMAR23) Notable: 20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB

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20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB

Silicon Valley Bank has failed following a run on deposits, after its parent company’s share price crashed a record 60% on Thursday.

Trading of SVB Financial Group’s SIVB stock was halted early Friday, after the shares plunged again in premarket trading. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said SVB was one of a few banks she was “monitoring very carefully.” Reaction poured in from several analysts who discussed the bank’s liquidity risk.

California regulators closed Silicon Valley Bank and handed the wreckage over to the Federal Deposit Insurance Administration later on Friday.

Below is the same list of 10 banks we highlighted on Thursday that showed similar red flags to those shown by SVB Financial through the fourth quarter. This time, we will show how much they reported in unrealized losses on securities — an item that played an important role in SVB’s crisis.

Below that is a screen of U.S. banks with at least $10 billion in total assets, showing those that appeared to have the greatest exposure to unrealized securities losses, as a percentage of total capital, as of Dec. 31.

First, a quick look at SVB

Some media reports have referred to SVB of Santa Clara, Calif., as a small bank, but it had $212 billion in total assets as of Dec. 31, making it the 17th largest bank in the Russell 3000 Index RUA as of Dec. 31. That makes it the largest U.S. bank failure since Washington Mutual in 2008.

One unique aspect of SVB was its decades-long focus on the venture capital industry. The bank’s loan growth had been slowing as interest rates rose. Meanwhile, when announcing its $21 billion dollars in securities sales on Thursday, SVB said it had taken the action not only to lower its interest-rate risk, but because “client cash burn has remained elevated and increased further in February, resulting in lower deposits than forecasted.”

SVB estimated it would book a $1.8 billion loss on the securities sale and said it would raise $2.25 billion in capital through two offerings of new shares and a convertible bond offering. That offering wasn’t completed.

So this appears to be an example of what can go wrong with a bank focused on a particular industry. The combination of a balance sheet heavy with securities and relatively light on loans, in a rising-rate environment in which bond prices have declined and in which depositors specific to that industry are themselves suffering from a decline in cash, led to a liquidity problem.

Unrealized losses on securities

Banks leverage their capital by gathering deposits or borrowing money either to lend the money out or purchase securities. They earn the spread between their average yield on loans and investments and their average cost for funds.

The securities investments are held in two buckets:

Available for sale — these securities (mostly bonds) can be sold at any time, and under accounting rules are required to be marked to market each quarter. This means gains or losses are recorded for the AFS portfolio continually. The accumulated gains are added to, or losses subtracted from, total equity capital.

Held to maturity — these are bonds a bank intends to hold until they are repaid at face value. They are carried at cost and not marked to market each quarter.

In its regulatory Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies—FR Y-9C, filed with the Federal Reserve, SVB Financial, reported a negative $1.911 billion in accumulated other comprehensive income as of Dec. 31. That is line 26.b on Schedule HC of the report, for those keeping score at home. You can look up regulatory reports for any U.S. bank holding company, savings and loan holding company or subsidiary institution at the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council’s National Information Center. Be sure to get the name of the company or institution right — or you may be looking at the wrong entity.


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0b991b No.24229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493981 (122039ZMAR23) Notable: Billionaire Investor Says Financial Meltdown Coming Monday Unless Biden Bails Out Silicon Valley Bank

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Billionaire Investor Says Financial Meltdown Coming Monday Unless Biden Bails Out Silicon Valley Bank

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is forecasting an “economic meltdown” within hours of the banks opening up on Monday morning following the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Ackman is urging Joe Biden to step in and protect all of the bank’s depositors, warning that inaction could lead to a ripple effect across other smaller banks within the industry.

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the 16th largest bank in the United States, collapsed this week. This marks the worst financial institution failure since the Great Recession in 2008. With $209 billion in total assets at the end of 2022, the bank failed after a 60 percent drop in shares due to declining customer deposits, forcing SVB to sell off $1.75 billion in shares.

Ackman’s warning came hours after Greg Becker, the CEO of SVB Financial Group, sent a video message to employees of the bank acknowledging the “incredibly difficult” 48 hours leading up to its collapse on Friday. Becker said he is working with banking regulators to find a partner for the bank, but there is “no guarantee” a deal will be struck.

Ackman predicts bank runs will happen unless the Biden administration bails the bank out:

From a source I trust: @SVB_Financial depositors will get ~50% on Mon/Tues and the balance based on realized value over the next 3-6 months. If this proves true, I expect there will be bank runs beginning Monday am at a large number of non-SIB banks. No company will take even a… https://t.co/2BoqtCDKJt

— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) March 11, 2023

“From a source I trust, SVB depositors will get ~50% on Mon/Tues and the balance based on realized value over the next 3-6 months. If this proves true, I expect there will be bank runs beginning Monday am at a large number of non-SIB banks. No company will take even a tiny chance of losing a dollar of deposits as there is no reward for this risk. Absent a systemwide FDIC, deposit guarantee, more bank runs begin Monday am,” he tweeted.


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0b991b No.24230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493989 (122041ZMAR23) Notable: Three Mexicans charged, 1 million fentanyl pills seized outside LA

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Three Mexicans charged, 1 million fentanyl pills seized outside LA

At a minimum, the carload seized was enough to kill 600,000 people.

If every single pill contained a lethal dose, the amount hidden inside of the body and trunk of a Volkswagen Jetta was enough to kill one million people.

According to a recent U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency analysis, 60% of pills it tests contain a lethal dose. A lethal dose is 2 milligrams, the weight of a mosquito.

At a minimum, the carload seized was enough to kill 600,000 people.

Three Mexican nationals – all single men ages 25, 28, and 29, were in possession of the fentanyl pills. They were arrested and charged in federal court, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California announced.

All three are from Sinaloa, Mexico, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office, the region after which one of the most dangerous cartels is named.

The Sinaloa Cartel controls the drug trade throughout the southern border, covering California, Arizona, New Mexico, and into El Paso, Texas. Other cartels vie for control in Texas, including CJNG, Zeta, and Gulf cartels, law enforcement officials have explained to The Center Square.

The Mexican nationals were apprehended in El Monte, California, roughly 150 miles north of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. While some Democratic politicians have claimed the majority of fentanyl is being seized at ports of entry, law enforcement officers are seizing in single car loads enough fentanyl precursors and/or pills to kill entire populations of towns.

In one recent bust in Arizona, also 150 miles north of the border, enough fentanyl was seized to kill 800,000 people. Cartel and gang operatives traffic people and drugs from Mexico through the southern border to major U.S. cities, where they arrange distribution throughout the U.S., law enforcement officials have explained. Southern California is a major distribution hub, whose criminal network has reached Florida prisons, according to a recent operation.

The Sinaloa cartel’s reach extends to all major U.S. cities and throughout the world, law enforcement officials have also told The Center Square.

According to an affidavit filed with the complaint, the three Mexican nationals met with two buyers at a restaurant in El Segundo, California, about an hour from El Monte, on Tuesday. They initially engaged in a 10,000-fentanyl-pill sample sale followed by a planned 1-million-fentanyl-pill sale.

During the meeting, two of the defendants, Florencio Camacho Allan, 28, and Gerardo Gaixola-Patino, 29, met with the buyers while a third defendant, Alex Valdez Oroz, 25, remained in the car, a white Volkswagen Jetta, according to the affidavit.

After the meeting, Allan and Gaixola-Patino went to the parking lot where they allegedly sold 10,000 fentanyl pills to the buyers for $7,500, according to law enforcement. They then left the restaurant under surveillance of law enforcement.


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0b991b No.24231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18493994 (122042ZMAR23) Notable: Sen. Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Stop Teaching CRT in the Military

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Sen. Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Stop Teaching CRT in the Military

The Combating Racist Training in the Military Act would prohibit DOD from teaching racist CRT ideology in the military, including at the Service Academies.

As we have reported, critical race theory and associated racist ideologies have “Established a Beachhead at the Military Service Academies.”

Additionally, we reported that DOD recently held a “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit” despite various challenges presently confronting the military, such as a spike in recent fentanyl overdose deaths. And, as we reported here, President Biden’s new “equity” Executive Order requires DOD to create an “Agency Equity Team.” Part of this team’s mission will be to “support continued equity training and equity leadership development for staff across all levels of the agency’s workforce.”

But now, in a press release, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) announces that he has introduced a bill—with Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), Steve Daines (R-Montana), and Mike Lee (R-Utah) co-sponsoring—called the “Combating Racist Training in the Military Act,” which would prohibit DOD from teaching racist CRT ideology “in any Department of Defense institution, including service academies.” Congressman Dan Bishop (R-North Carolina-08) has introduced companion legislation in the House.


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0b991b No.24232

File: ecb881d9627ad0c⋯.png (87.43 KB,297x338,297:338,Clipboard.png)

File: d1e5eadf71a53bb⋯.png (123.42 KB,323x294,323:294,Clipboard.png)

File: dbed17c9138cbfe⋯.mp4 (4.22 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ab37a4a1c94b24a⋯.mp4 (9.02 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494002 (122043ZMAR23) Notable: Video from French Protests - The people vs Mad Macron’s thugs.

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🇫🇷 The people vs Mad Macron’s thugs.

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0b991b No.24233

File: d896b285e2f90b2⋯.png (495.98 KB,1039x910,1039:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494070 (122057ZMAR23) Notable: PF - PAT572, West bound out of Phoenix-Mesa, Descending through FL200, Squawking 3111

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West bound out of Phoenix-Mesa

Descending through FL200

Squawking 3111

warned ya, Jack


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0b991b No.24234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494115 (122103ZMAR23) Notable: Jane Fonda Scrambles To Walk Back Suggestion That She’d ‘Murder’ Pro-Lifers

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‘Obviously Made In Jest’: Jane Fonda Scrambles To Walk Back Suggestion That She’d ‘Murder’ Pro-Lifers

Actress and activist Jane Fonda scrambled to walk back comments she made on Friday’s broadcast of “The View” — when she suggested “murder” as the appropriate response to legislation restricting access to abortion on demand.

As her words quickly sparked backlash, Fonda claimed — in a statement released later that same day — that the comments she’d made on the ABC midday talk show had been “in jest.” She then pivoted to accuse her critics of focusing more on jokes than on “the actual problem at hand.”

“While women’s reproductive rights are a very serious issue and extremely important to me, my comment on The View was obviously made in jest. My body language and tone made it clear to those in the room — and to anyone watching — that I was using hyperbole to make a point,” Fonda said in a public statement.

“Women across the country are facing real threats when it comes to our bodies, and people lose faith in our mission to protect women when others choose to focus on tangential issues and passing jokes instead of the actual problem at hand,” she added.

Friday’s conversation began with Fonda’s claim that, after decades of women in America having access to abortion on demand, she didn’t care what laws were passed or what rulings were overturned: “We’re not going back, I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back.”

Co-host Sunny Hostin, who has often claimed to be pro-life herself, dismissed Fonda’s comment as proof that she was an activist at heart. “That’s the activist speaking, and she probably will get a Nobel Prize.”

“The View” host Joy Behar pressed Fonda on that point, asking what she thought could be done in addition to simply staging protests on the issue.

“Well, I’ve thought of murder,” Fonda replied.

But despite Fonda’s later claim that it was “clear to those in the room” that her suggestion had not been serious, Behar immediately stepped in to inform the audience that it was a joke — a move which prompted a glare from Fonda and laughter from everyone else at the table.

But her critics were not so sure that it was a joke.


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0b991b No.24235

File: 31a7669c6f7eef0⋯.png (37.03 KB,598x453,598:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494134 (122107ZMAR23) Notable: Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

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Chuck Callesto Retweeted



Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

On top of that it's member @javirett

is currently being questioned in the near killing of Trump's CDC Director's son!

What's going on?!

It's time to reign in Big Tech.


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0b991b No.24236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494142 (122110ZMAR23) Notable: A Virginia judge ruled last month that frozen embryos can be considered property

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Virginia Judge Rules Embryos Are Property, ‘Chattel’ Using Slavery Law

A Virginia judge ruled last month that frozen embryos can be considered property, a decision based in-part on a 19th century slavery law, according to a new report.

The ruling was part of a dispute between a divorced couple who both hope to gain control over two frozen embryos, which were created by Honeyhline Heidemann and Jason Heidemann during their marriage, the Associated Press reported this week.

“Upon independent research, this court was unable to find any Virginia law prohibiting the purchase or sale of human embryo, nor has either party cited a federal law prohibiting the activity,” Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge Richard Gardiner wrote in a ruling related to the battle over the embryos. “As there is no prohibition on the sale of human embryos, they may [be] valued and sold, and thus may be considered ‘goods or chattels’ within the meaning of Code § 8.01-93.”

Since the couple split, Honeyhline has hoped to move forward with using the embryos, but Jason has sought to block her saying that implanting the embryos “would force Mr. Heidemann to procreate against his wishes and therefore violate his constitutional right to procreational autonomy.”

According to a 2015 contract that the couple had drawn up, they “own any stored embryos jointly.”

While Gardiner has not made a decision on Jason’s procreational autonomy claim, he did rule that the embryos could be viewed as property. His ruling in part relied on a Virginia law from the 1800s that regulated “goods and chattel,” which included slaves at the time the law was written.

“I would like to think that the bench and the bar would be seeking more modern precedent,” said Solomon Ashby, president of the Old Dominion Bar Association.

A human embryo is typically frozen very soon after fertilization before the unborn child has been able to develop much.

In recent months, some conservatives have considered or voiced support for increasing protection for embryos and prohibiting the disposal of embryos as pro-life organizations have often raised concerns about what happens to embryos that do not end up being implanted.

Gardiner’s ruling to treat embryos as property could draw the attention of pro-lifers, who have often compared slavery and abortion over their callous treatment of human life.



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0b991b No.24237

File: 3d78211f38a51f2⋯.png (727.39 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494157 (122114ZMAR23) Notable: Rapper Costa Titch Dies at 28 After Collapsing Onstage During Performance

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South African rapper Costa Titch dies on stage while performing at Ultra music festival

South African rapper Costa Titch, 28, died suddenly on stage while performing, police said on Sunday.

Key points:

Costa Titch collapsed while performing at Ultra Festival

Videos show him getting up and continuing to sing before dying

The death comes a month after the killing of fellow South African rapper AKA

The artist, whose real name is Costa Tsobanoglou, "collapsed while he was performing" on Saturday evening at the Ultra South Africa concert in the Johannesburg suburb of Nasrec, police told AFP.

They said a post-mortem would establish the cause of death.

Costa Titch scored a major hit with Big Flexa, which has more than 45 million YouTube views, showcasing the amapiano local subgenre of house music blending house, jazz and lounge music.

Videos on social media of his concert show him performing with his microphone in hand when he appears to fall.

He continues singing but collapses again, prompting other artists to come to his aid.


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0b991b No.24238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494179 (122117ZMAR23) Notable: Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker To Senator Blackburn: Biden’s DOJ ‘A Two-Tiered System Of Justice’

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Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker To Senator Blackburn: Biden’s DOJ ‘A Two-Tiered System Of Justice’

Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker explained to Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) this week how President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is a “two-tiered system of justice” in which conservatives often get the short end of the stick.

Whitaker made the remarks during an appearance on Blackburn’s podcast “Unmuted” while the two discussed Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent congressional hearing.

“Why hasn’t the Attorney General moved forward with these prosecutions of people that have committed domestic terrorism, have committed these fire bombings, are breaking federal law protesting outside of Justice’s homes?” Blackburn asked.

“It boils down to one priorities and second just prosecutorial will,” Whitaker said. “If they want to, they can prosecute anyone and everyone for crimes. But in these cases, you know, crisis pregnancy centers and the justice’s houses, you know, clear violations of federal law, this Justice department is just ignoring it. They’re not doing the will of the people. And, you know, to your point at the beginning, I think this is a two-tiered system of justice.”

“And one of the things I saw Attorney General Garland really not seem to comprehend is that what is happening, which is the, the people on the right, conservatives, Republicans seem to be singled out, uh, for extra prosecutorial attention,” he added. “And while folks on the left, uh, you know, get away with clear violations of federal law and there doesn’t seem to be any desire to bring them in and hold them accountable to the rule of law.”


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0b991b No.24239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494222 (122125ZMAR23) Notable: Israel to weigh action after Silicon Valley Bank collapse

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Israel to weigh action after Silicon Valley Bank collapse

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that the government will assess the Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse and determine whether or not to assist Israeli companies

ByThe Associated Press

March 12, 2023, 10:17 AM


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0b991b No.24240

File: bd35a4750566c3c⋯.jpeg (45.47 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494226 (122126ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine won’t get Western jets ‘anytime soon’ – FM

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12 Mar, 2023 15:58

Ukraine won’t get Western jets ‘anytime soon’ – FM

The training of pilots, however, “should start now,” Dmitry Kuleba says

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba admitted during an interview with the German tabloid Bild published late on Saturday, that Kiev will not get Western-made fighter jets “anytime soon.”

The potential delivery of fighter jets to Kiev to prop it up in its ongoing conflict with Moscow is hindered by assorted technical and logistical issues, Kuleba said. However, he urged that Ukrainian pilots, who are only familiar with Soviet-made aircraft, begin training on the Western planes as soon as possible.

“I don’t expect the delivery of fighter jets to happen anytime soon because it’s a very difficult task logistically and technically. Therefore, we advise that the training of Ukrainian pilots on Western jets should start now, so that when the decision to provide aircraft is made, we do not waste time or many months on training,” he said. (WTF, Ukraine is never getting jets!)

The diplomat also urged Berlin to ramp up deliveries of ammunition to Ukraine, namely artillery shells, claiming that while German industry had already expressed a readiness to provide them, the issue lies with the country's government.

“We sat down with Ukrainian representatives and the German armaments industry … and German industry, in my presence, asked the German government for one thing: signed contracts,” he stated.

Over the course of the conflict, Ukraine has increasingly demanded more and more sophisticated weapon systems from its Western backers. Kiev has intensified calls for NATO to supply it with fighter jets – namely the US-made F-16 – in recent months after securing a pledge for dozens of Leopard 2 and Leopard 1, M1 Abrams, and Challenger 2 main battle tanks from multiple EU countries, the US, and UK, respectively.

So far, however, the West has been reluctant to provide Ukraine with modern aircraft. Late in February, US President Joe Biden said he was“ruling it out for now.” His Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky “doesn’t need F-16s now. There is no basis upon which there is a rationale, according to our military, now, to provide F-16s,” Biden told ABC at the time.

Still, American media reported that the Pentagon has already invited Ukrainian pilots to a military base in Arizona to determine how long it would take to train them to fly the F-16. Last week, unnamed officials told NBC that two Ukrainian airmen had already arrived on American soil and more were likely to follow.

Russia has repeatedly warned the West against “pumping” Ukraine with assorted weaponry, maintaining it would only prolong the hostilities rather than change the ultimate outcome.


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0b991b No.24241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494244 (122129ZMAR23) Notable: North Korea Launches Missiles From Submarine, South Korea Says

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BREAKING: North Korea Launches Missiles From Submarine, South Korea Says

By B911 - March 12, 2023

"Seoul’s military reported that North Korea launched at least two missiles from a submarine over the weekend.

The incident occurred amid an upcoming South Korea-U.S. joint military exercise scheduled for this week.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) disclosed that the missile was fired from the eastern coastal city of Sinpo on Sunday morning, but did not provide additional information at the time.

“While strengthening its monitoring and vigilance, our military is maintaining a full readiness posture in close cooperation with the United States,” the JCS said in a statement, according to Yonhap.

This is a breaking news update."


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0b991b No.24242

File: aaea4d0ebfb02e5⋯.png (636.01 KB,1714x736,857:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494273 (122135ZMAR23) Notable: In a Global Domino Effect, SVB Fallout Spreads Around World

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In a Global Domino Effect, SVB Fallout Spreads Around World









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0b991b No.24243

File: 06093fc723d2386⋯.jpeg (121.44 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494322 (122142ZMAR23) Notable: Rapper Costa Titch Dies at 28 After Collapsing Onstage During Performance

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Rapper Costa Titch Dies at 28 After Collapsing Onstage During Performance

Alana Mastrangelo12 Mar 2023

South African rapper Costa Titch, whose real name was Constantinos Tsobanoglou, has died at the age of 28 after collapsing onstage while performing at a Johannesburg music festival on Saturday. No cause of death was announced.

“Death has tragically knocked at our door. Robbing us of our beloved son, brother, and grandson. Constantinos Tsobanoglou (28), who South Africa had come to love and idolize under his stage name ‘Costa Titch,'” the rapper’s family wrote on his Instagram page.

“It is with deep pain that we find ourselves having to acknowledge his passing at this time,” they added. “We are thankful for the emergency responders and all those present in his last hours on this earth.”

The family went on to ask the public for “time and space” as they “try to make sense of what has befallen us.”

“As a family we are faced with a difficult time as we try to make sense of what has befallen us and ask that we be afforded the time and space to gather ourselves,” they wrote.

“The Tsobanoglou family thanks you for the love and support you have given to our son and may you continue to uplift him even in spirit. Please keep us in your prayers and uplifted in the Lord,” the rapper’s family concluded.

Costa Titch was reportedly performing at the Nasrec Expo Centre in Johannesburg South, South Africa, when he collapsed onstage. After that, someone was seeing rushing to help the rapper, who briefly regained his footing before falling again.


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0b991b No.24244

File: 1470c522b76ff1a⋯.png (517.26 KB,1722x1636,861:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494324 (122143ZMAR23) Notable: SVB Latest Developments Live Blog: Fed Weighs "Easing Access" To Discount Window To Avoid Bank Panic

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SVB Latest Developments Live Blog: Fed Weighs "Easing Access" To Discount Window To Avoid Bank Panic


latest update

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0b991b No.24245

File: 3ed171a8fa444f4⋯.jpeg (63.16 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494347 (122147ZMAR23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m Against Taxpayer Funded Bailout for ESG ‘Evangelist’ Silicon Valley Bank

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Exclusive – Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m Against Taxpayer Funded Bailout for ESG ‘Evangelist’ Silicon Valley Bank

Nick Gilbertson11 Mar 2023

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy appeared on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday and declared he is firmly against a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which he called “one of the biggest evangelists of DEI and ESG.”

Ramaswamy, who told Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle that the 2008 financial crisis informed much of his economic policy, rejected the idea of a taxpayer-funded bailout after customers withdrew $42 billion in a massive run this week.

“I want to be early because you’re gonna hear the calls for bailouts coming real soon here. I’m against a government bailout,” said the 37-year-old entrepreneur who has founded multiple biotech start-up companies worth multi-billion dollars. “And you know what, we don’t learn the lessons we should have learned, then you keep making the same mistakes all over again.”

“The Federal Reserve, for 15 years, has been raining money from on high like manna from heaven,” Ramaswamy told Boyle while speaking via phone before a live audience in southwest Ohio. “We’ve been skiing on artificial snow. Now the snow machine turns off, and within less than a year, you’re seeing the banks fail because they don’t know how to ski on anything other than artificial snow. I’m talking about money being pumped into the system.”

“Capitalism, [Joseph] Schumpeter said it well, it’s based on creative destruction,” he continued. “So you know what, someone’s got to have the things to pay for the sins. That’s great. That’s part of how capitalism works. We can’t interfere… with this short-termism of bailing out this bank. It’s a mistake. And by the way, Republicans made this mistake in 2008. It’s crony capitalism. Hank Paulson, under George Bush – I think it was a mistake – bailed out Goldman Sachs and others like them… It’s crony capitalism because Hank Paulson was most recently the CEO of Goldman Sachs before bailing them out. But I think that we should resist the siren song with the Silicon Valley Bank catastrophe.”


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0b991b No.24246

File: c5d1b8a277f51a1⋯.png (39.21 KB,1170x352,585:176,Clipboard.png)

File: 0598bf92f639c52⋯.png (73.68 KB,1221x456,407:152,Clipboard.png)

File: 97c8c82eed44974⋯.png (189.99 KB,1102x662,551:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b9c301699f7fd3⋯.png (70.51 KB,1005x418,1005:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494367 (122150ZMAR23) Notable: Fed and FDIC discussing backstop to make SVB depositors whole and stem contagion fears

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>so the FDIC is bailing out SVB, but they just aren't calling it a bailout!




Fed and FDIC discussing backstop to make SVB depositors whole and stem contagion fears: Source

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0b991b No.24247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494395 (122155ZMAR23) Notable: Dutch Farmer Rebellion rises again to protest radical government emissions policies

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Canada #41 >>>/qresearch/18492409

Dutch Farmer Rebellion rises again to protest radical government emissions policies

The Dutch Farmers in the Netherlands converged on Zuiderpark in The Hague on Saturday to protest against the Dutch government's nitrogen emissions policies. Thousands attended the event and several high-profile politicians and commentators spoke on stage to express support for the farmers.

By Callum Smiles March 12, 2023

The Dutch Farmers in the Netherlands converged on Zuiderpark in The Hague on Saturday to protest against the Dutch government's nitrogen emissions policies. Thousands attended the event, and several high-profile politicians and commentators spoke on stage to express support for the farmers.

There was a high police presence at the event. The Dutch authorities had also mobilised the military, fearing an escalation and potential violent clashes. Jan van Zanen, the mayor of The Hague, had put out a statement last week stating that only 25,000 were allowed to attend the event. Throughout the day, police attempted to stop tractors and busloads of protesters from travelling to The Hague from around the country.

The Dutch government is pushing ahead with radical nitrogen emissions policies, which Dutch farmer say will damage their industry. Despite widespread protests last year and several months of back and forth between the farmers and the Dutch government, a mutual agreement on tackling nitrogen emissions hasn’t been reached. The government has refused to backdown on nitrogen emissions targets and enforcement of new policies, which has prompted the farmers to resume protests.

It is estimated that the proposed policies would force more than 11,000 farms to close and force 17,000 farmer to dramatically reduce their livestock farming.

Critics of the Dutch government fear that these policies could irreversibly damage the Dutch farming industry, and have negative indirect effects on the global food supply chains.


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0b991b No.24248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494398 (122156ZMAR23) Notable: The 10 Rules Of Propaganda

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Canada #41 >>>/qresearch/18492660

The 10 Rules Of Propaganda

Lord Arthur Ponsonby was a British diplomat and politician, dates 1871–1946.

This keen and cagey fellow pinpointed 10 rules of propaganda.

They are these:

1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves.

2. The other guy is solely responsible for this war.

3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil.

4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest.

5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes.

6. The enemy is using unlawful weapons.

7. We have very little losses, the enemy is losing big.

8. Intellectuals and artists support our cause.

9. Our cause is sacred.

10. Those who doubt our propaganda are traitors.

Just Look at the News

A daily scan of the newswires calls to mind three or more of these propaganda rules. On some days, six or seven. On others still, all 10.

We refer specifically to the conflict presently arage in the eastern European nation of Ukraine.

Let us now consider these rules. We will not take up each of them since some rules relate closely to others. We will instead weld these together (continued at sauce)


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0b991b No.24249

File: b7388997fbc77c5⋯.png (117.26 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494428 (122201ZMAR23) Notable: Fed and FDIC discussing backstop to make SVB depositors whole and stem contagion fears

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FDIC Deposit Insurance

Since 1933, the FDIC seal has symbolized the safety and security of our nation's financial institutions. FDIC deposit insurance enables consumers to confidently place their money at thousands of FDIC insured banks across the country, and is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.

FDIC deposit insurance coverage depends on two things: (1) whether your chosen financial product is a deposit product; and (2) whether your bank is FDIC-insured.

The FDIC covers

Checking accounts

Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) accounts

Savings accounts

Money Market Deposit Accounts (MMDAs)

Time deposits such as certificates of deposit (CDs)

Cashier's checks, money orders, and other official items issued by a bank

The FDIC does not cover

Stock investments

Bond investments

Mutual funds

Crypto Assets

Life insurance policies


Municipal securities

Safe deposit boxes or their contents

U.S. Treasury bills, bonds or notes*

*These investments are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Depositors do not need to apply for FDIC insurance. Coverage is automatic whenever a deposit account is opened at an FDIC-insured bank or financial institution. If you are interested in FDIC deposit insurance coverage, simply make sure you are placing your funds in a deposit product at the bank.


The standard insurance amount is $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category.

The FDIC provides separate coverage for deposits held in different account ownership categories. Depositors may qualify for coverage over $250,000 if they have funds in different ownership categories and all FDIC requirements are met.

All deposits that an accountholder has in the same ownership category at the same bank are added together and insured up to the standard insurance amount.


A bank failure is the closing of a bank by a federal or state banking regulatory agency, generally resulting from a bank's inability to meet its obligations to depositors and others. In the unlikely event of a bank failure, the FDIC acts quickly to ensure depositors get prompt access to their insured deposits.

FDIC deposit insurance covers the balance of each depositor's account, dollar-for-dollar, up to the insurance limit, including principal and any accrued interest through the date of the insured bank's closing.

The FDIC acts in two capacities following a bank failure:

As the "Insurer" of the bank's deposits, the FDIC pays deposit insurance to the depositors up to the insurance limit.

As the "Receiver" of the failed bank, the FDIC assumes the task of collecting and selling the assets of the failed bank and settling its debts, including claims for deposits in excess of the insured limit.


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0b991b No.24250

File: 2bf843c547f3165⋯.mp4 (4.12 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494465 (122206ZMAR23) Notable: Massive group of at least 1,000+ migrants has just attempted to rush a port of entry in El Paso

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🚨#BREAKING:Massive group of at least 1,000+ migrants has just attempted to rush a port of entry in El Paso

📌#ElPaso | #Texas

Currently, Chaos is erupting as a massive group of at least 1,000+ migrants have just attempted to rush a port of entry in El Paso Texas in an effort to get into the United States pushing past the Mexican side of Paso Del Norte Mexico

4:38 PM · Mar 12, 2023



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0b991b No.24251

File: 31fdec467ff24fc⋯.png (994.49 KB,1166x946,53:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494512 (122215ZMAR23) Notable: SILICON VALLEY BANK - OFFER MADE FOR UK ARM OF FAILED US LENDER

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An offer has been made for the UK arm of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) after it collapsed into administration, putting customer deposits at risk.

A consortium of investors led by The Bank of London, a UK clearing bank, has submitted a formal bid to the Treasury.

The government has been working "at pace" on a plan to support UK tech firms affected by the collapse of SVB.

There have been warnings some could struggle to pay their staff from Monday without intervention

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0b991b No.24252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494528 (122220ZMAR23) Notable: Joint Statement by Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC Department of the Treasury

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Joint Statement by Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC

Department of the Treasury

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

For release at 6:15 p.m. EDT

Washington, DC &ndash; The following statement was released by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell, and FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg:

"Today we are taking decisive actions to protect the U.S. economy by strengthening public confidence in our banking system. This step will ensure that the U.S. banking system continues to perform its vital roles of protecting deposits and providing access to credit to households and businesses in a manner that promotes strong and sustainable economic growth.

After receiving a recommendation from the boards of the FDIC and the Federal Reserve, and consulting with the President, Secretary Yellen approved actions enabling the FDIC to complete its resolution of Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California, in a manner that fully protects all depositors. Depositors will have access to all of their money starting Monday, March 13. No losses associated with the resolution of Silicon Valley Bank will be borne by the taxpayer."


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0b991b No.24253

File: 0c34b19fafe1823⋯.png (257.35 KB,540x516,45:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494554 (122225ZMAR23) Notable: Massive group of at least 1,000+ migrants has just attempted to rush a port of entry in El Paso

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We are being invaded.


Bill Melugin


BREAKING: Our contact in Juarez, MX tells us a massive group of at least 1,000 migrants just attempted to rush a port of entry in El Paso in an effort to get into the United States. Video shows them pushing past the Mexican side of Paso Del Norte bridge. Awaiting CBP comment.

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0b991b No.24254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494570 (122228ZMAR23) Notable: #22680

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Notables - FINAL


>>24225 Ginkgo Bioworks

>>24226 The economic consequences of SVB are going to make FTX look like child’s play, says RSE Ventures’ Higgins

>>24227 Great place to get Breaking SVB News

>>24228 20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB

>>24229 Billionaire Investor Says Financial Meltdown Coming Monday Unless Biden Bails Out Silicon Valley Bank

>>24230 Three Mexicans charged, 1 million fentanyl pills seized outside LA

>>24231 Sen. Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Stop Teaching CRT in the Military

>>24232 Video from French Protests - The people vs Mad Macron’s thugs.

>>24233 PF - PAT572, West bound out of Phoenix-Mesa, Descending through FL200, Squawking 3111

>>24234 Jane Fonda Scrambles To Walk Back Suggestion That She’d ‘Murder’ Pro-Lifers

>>24235 Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

>>24236 A Virginia judge ruled last month that frozen embryos can be considered property

>>24237, >>24243 Rapper Costa Titch Dies at 28 After Collapsing Onstage During Performance

>>24238 Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker To Senator Blackburn: Biden’s DOJ ‘A Two-Tiered System Of Justice’

>>24239 Israel to weigh action after Silicon Valley Bank collapse

>>24240 Ukraine won’t get Western jets ‘anytime soon’ – FM

>>24241 North Korea Launches Missiles From Submarine, South Korea Says

>>24242 In a Global Domino Effect, SVB Fallout Spreads Around World

>>24244 SVB Latest Developments Live Blog: Fed Weighs "Easing Access" To Discount Window To Avoid Bank Panic

>>24245 Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m Against Taxpayer Funded Bailout for ESG ‘Evangelist’ Silicon Valley Bank

>>24246, >>24249 Fed and FDIC discussing backstop to make SVB depositors whole and stem contagion fears

>>24247 Dutch Farmer Rebellion rises again to protest radical government emissions policies

>>24248 The 10 Rules Of Propaganda

>>24250, >>24253 Massive group of at least 1,000+ migrants has just attempted to rush a port of entry in El Paso


>>24252 Joint Statement by Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC Department of the Treasury


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0b991b No.24255

File: 45519558391d724⋯.png (128.67 KB,787x873,787:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494606 (122233ZMAR23) Notable: Joint Statement by the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC

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>>>/qresearch/18494557 lb/pb

Signature bank closing.


they are also saying all customers will have their money and they are pulling from some fund so they are ignoring the FDIC insurance caps it sounds like if they say all depositors.

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0b991b No.24256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494635 (122236ZMAR23) Notable: Joint Statement by the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC

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Joint Press Release

March 12, 2023

Joint Statement by Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC

Department of the Treasury

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

For release at 6:15 p.m. EDT


Washington, DC &ndash; The following statement was released by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell, and FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg:


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0b991b No.24257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494637 (122236ZMAR23) Notable: Signature Bank was the first FDIC-insured bank to launch a blockchain-based digital payments platform

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>>>/qresearch/18494584 (lb)

Signature Bank was the first FDIC-insured bank to launch a blockchain-based digital payments platform. Signet™ allows commercial clients to make real-time payments in U.S. dollars, 24/7/365 and was also the first blockchain-based solution to be approved for use by the NYS Department of Financial Services.

Since commencing operations in May 2001, Signature Bank reported $110.36 billion in assets and $88.59 billion in deposits as of December 31, 2022. Signature Bank placed 19th on S&P Global’s list of the largest banks in the U.S., based on deposits as of year-end 2021.


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0b991b No.24258

File: dd04a3dfb6ad359⋯.jpg (142.17 KB,794x625,794:625,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494660 (122239ZMAR23) Notable: Regulators close New York’s Signature Bank, citing systemic risk

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Regulators close New York’s Signature Bank, citing systemic risk


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0b991b No.24259

File: bdc4986ba9178b0⋯.png (243.28 KB,677x520,677:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494676 (122241ZMAR23) Notable: Regulators Roll Out Measures to Prevent Banking Crisis / Latest Fed Press release 6:15pE

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Regulators Roll Out Measures to Prevent Banking Crisis

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0b991b No.24260

File: ef26f0653f43cdb⋯.jpg (272.79 KB,1179x1716,393:572,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494686 (122242ZMAR23) Notable: Did FDIC insurance for depositors just become unlimited?

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Did FDIC insurance for depositors just become unlimited ???


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0b991b No.24261

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494728 (122249ZMAR23) Notable: SUNDAY SPECIAL: JANUARY 6TH RETROSPECTIVE WITH DARREN BEATTIE

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On this week’s Sunday Special edition of Human Events Daily Jack Posobiec is joined by Darren Beattie of Revolver News in a can’t miss conversation about January 6th. If you want the truth then you have to listen to this dialogue, whether it’s about Ray Epps or Brian Sicknick, Poso and Beattie cut through all the lies! On the heals of the massive video release of footage, Jack dissects one of the most controversial days in American history on this Sunday’s episode of Human Events Daily!


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0b991b No.24262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494734 (122251ZMAR23) Notable: Regulators Roll Out Measures to Prevent Banking Crisis / Latest Fed Press release 6:15pE

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Latest Fed Press release 6:15pE


To support American businesses and households, the Federal Reserve Board on Sunday announced it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors. This action will bolster the capacity of the banking system to safeguard deposits and ensure the ongoing provision of money and credit to the economy.

The Federal Reserve is prepared to address any liquidity pressures that may arise.

The financing will be made available through the creation of a new Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), offering loans of up to one year in length to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and other eligible depository institutions pledging U.S. Treasuries, agency debt and mortgage-backed securities, and other qualifying assets as collateral. These assets will be valued at par. The BTFP will be an additional source of liquidity against high-quality securities, eliminating an institution’s need to quickly sell those securities in times of stress.

With approval of the Treasury Secretary, the Department of the Treasury will make available up to $25 billion from the Exchange Stabilization Fund as a backstop for the BTFP. The Federal Reserve does not anticipate that it will be necessary to draw on these backstop funds.

After receiving a recommendation from the boards of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve, Treasury Secretary Yellen, after consultation with the President, approved actions to enable the FDIC to complete its resolution of Silicon Valley Bank in a manner that fully protects all depositors, both insured and uninsured. These actions will reduce stress across the financial system, support financial stability and minimize any impact on businesses, households, taxpayers, and the broader economy.

The Board is carefully monitoring developments in financial markets. The capital and liquidity positions of the U.S. banking system are strong and the U.S. financial system is resilient.

Depository institutions may obtain liquidity against a wide range of collateral through the discount window, which remains open and available. In addition, the discount window will apply the same margins used for the securities eligible for the BTFP, further increasing lendable value at the window.

The Board is closely monitoring conditions across the financial system and is prepared to use its full range of tools to support households and businesses, and will take additional steps as appropriate.

For media inquiries, please email media@frb.gov or call 202-452-2955

Term Sheet: Bank Term Funding Program (PDF)

Last Update: March 12, 2023

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0b991b No.24263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494759 (122256ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Spill’ of classified info derails Proud Boys trial

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FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller accidentally leaked to the defense team of FBI informant and former Proud Boys Head Enrique Tarrio Message such as “destroy 338 items of evidence.” or “You need to go into that CHS report you just put and edit out that I was present.”

The already 3 months trial has been paused because the FBI is seething about the mistake their low QI special agent did and want the material to be withdrew from the evidence.

It used to take decades for official narratives to collapse, now they are destroyed in a matter of months, what are the political implications of CIA and FBI becoming lazy stupid and useless ?


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0b991b No.24264

File: bd9c83b14171398⋯.jpg (272.79 KB,1240x620,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494781 (122258ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC Board Approves 2023 Operating Budget

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I got an eye on a big one. (What happens when the FDIC can't pay claims?)


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0b991b No.24265

File: e58a15c01643d2e⋯.jpg (132.42 KB,720x510,24:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494782 (122259ZMAR23) Notable: Will CCP benefit from bailout?

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0b991b No.24266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494804 (122303ZMAR23) Notable: Will CCP benefit from bailout?

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sounds like part of the RICO trap.

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0b991b No.24267

File: 47161ad0f7099c2⋯.png (106.08 KB,1628x631,1628:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 5632c8af14ba52d⋯.png (106.5 KB,840x866,420:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494823 (122306ZMAR23) Notable: Will CCP benefit from bailout?

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>CCP and SVB since 2012



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0b991b No.24268

File: d46385936ad113c⋯.png (559.54 KB,945x1087,945:1087,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494842 (122310ZMAR23) Notable: Regulators close New York’s Signature Bank, citing systemic risk

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1 minute readMarch 12, 20235:43 PM CDTLast Updated 2 min ago

Regulators close Signature bank, plan to make depositors whole

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0b991b No.24269

File: 9f35681ac45d805⋯.jpg (299.5 KB,1280x744,160:93,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494850 (122311ZMAR23) Notable: Israel Protest | ‘Biggest in Israeli History': Organizers Claim Half a Million Protesters Against Netanyahu's Constitutional Coup

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I don't know…this kinda seems like a something.

Israel Protest | ‘Biggest in Israeli History': Organizers Claim Half a Million Protesters Against Netanyahu's Constitutional Coup

As a record 50,000 Israelis rallied in Haifa, and hundreds of thousands more across Israel, opposition leader Yair Lapid slams the Netanyahu government's sole focus on 'crushing Israeli democracy'


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0b991b No.24270

File: 8f19f040a5f7046⋯.jpg (122.53 KB,720x835,144:167,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494857 (122311ZMAR23) Notable: Navy Purges Non-PC, Confederate Name from Yet Another Ship as Military Gets Even Woker

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Navy Purges Non-PC, Confederate Name from Yet Another Ship as Military Gets Even Woker

In the spirit of reconciliation between north and south, the military used to have ships, bases, tanks, and other equipment or resources named after Confederates and Yankees.

The veterans of the War between the States were fine with such naming conventions that let Americans get along again.

But for the modern, puritanical leftists in charge, nothing that doesn’t conform exactly to the present demands of wokeness can be allowed. And so a ship named after a man who, in his later years, was tied to the Confederacy has been renamed to appease the woke mob in charge of America.

That ship was named after oceanographic pioneer Matthew Fontaine Maury, known as the “pioneer of the seas.” He explored the world with the Navy before an arm injury forced him to settle down and chart the oceans for the Navy instead of sailing. He then sided with the Confederacy when war broke out because he was a native of Virginia and was more loyal to his state than to a union that wanted to eradicate his way of life.

And such views are now unacceptable to military that wants to purge everything Confederate from it, including the Confederate graves at Arlington, the home of Robert E. Lee, and so the USNS Maury will be renamed after a woman, Marie Tharp. Tharp was an oceanographer, cartographer, and geologist.


Anon thinks the renaming is Qteams work. Do it under Biden so he gets the blame, but it also takes away some of the Communists' leverage to influence the brainwashed masses.

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0b991b No.24271

File: 78216fb80b3e221⋯.png (308.32 KB,1579x1395,1579:1395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494883 (122315ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank is the first FDIC–insured institution to fail this year.

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Silicon Valley Bank is the first FDIC–insured institution to fail this year.

For Immediate Release

Last updated: March 12, 2023

WASHINGTON – Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California, was closed today by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver. To protect insured depositors, the FDIC created the Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara (DINB). At the time of closing, the FDIC as receiver immediately transferred to the DINB all insured deposits of Silicon Valley Bank.

All insured depositors will have full access to their insured deposits no later than Monday morning, March 13, 2023. The FDIC will pay uninsured depositors an advance dividend within the next week. Uninsured depositors will receive a receivership certificate for the remaining amount of their uninsured funds. As the FDIC sells the assets of Silicon Valley Bank, future dividend payments may be made to uninsured depositors.

Silicon Valley Bank had 17 branchesin California and Massachusetts. The main office and all branches of Silicon Valley Bank will reopen on Monday, March 13, 2023. The DINB will maintain Silicon Valley Bank’s normal business hours. Banking activities will resume no later than Monday, March 13, including on-line banking and other services. Silicon Valley Bank’s official checks will continue to clear. Under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, the FDIC may create a DINB to ensure that customers have continued access to their insured funds.

As of December 31, 2022, Silicon Valley Bank had approximately $209.0 billion in total assets and about $175.4 billion in total deposits. At the time of closing, the amount of deposits in excess of the insurance limits was undetermined. The amount of uninsured deposits will be determined once the FDIC obtains additional information from the bank and customers.

Customers with accounts in excess of $250,000 should contact the FDIC toll–free at 1-866-799-0959.

The FDIC as receiver will retain all the assets from Silicon Valley Bank for later disposition. Loan customers should continue to make their payments as usual.

Silicon Valley Bank is the first FDIC–insured institution to fail this year. The last FDIC–insured institution to close was Almena State Bank, Almena, Kansas, on October 23, 2020.

FDIC: PR-16-2023

Additional Resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

Failed Bank Information for Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, CA

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0b991b No.24272

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494921 (122321ZMAR23) Notable: Peter Navarro: Who the hell does Tucker Carlson think he is?

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Peter Navarro

Who the hell does Tucker Carlson think he is?

Find out in this podcast.

4:45 PM · Mar 12, 2023



Hi. I’m Peter Navarro, it is March 12, 2023, and here is some breaking news: Fox News show host Tucker Carlson has purportedly sent out a questionnaire on America’s Ukraine policy to a set of Republican presidential candidates.

My immediate thought upon hearing this news was, to speak in the salty vernacular of one of my old Chiefs of Staff at the Trump White House, John Kelly, “Who the hell does Tucker think he is?”

Before I try and answer to that question, settle down all you fan boys and fan girls of Tucker. I like Tucker, and Tucker has been good to me – at least he was up until the point where the Fox brass canceled me from his show. I’ll get to that in a minute; but first, this:

What Tucker is doing seems to be the height of arrogance. In effect, Tucker thinks his ratings are so big that he can set himself up as a powerbroker in the 2024 presidential race as if he were the actual Fox network itself – such questionnaires the sponsorship of debates are typically the province of the network itself, across the cable news diaspora.

To put this another way, Tucker is sending out questionnaires to presidential candidates and in the apparent belief that because the show is so popular and highly rated, these candidates must kiss Tucker’s ring and fill out those questionnaires – or risk retribution if a candidate fails to answer the questionnaire.

Truth be told, I’d like to know the answers to a lot of the questions Tucker is asking. But where does this end? Is Hannity going to start sending out questionnaires? How about Laura or Jesse or Brian Kilmeade?

And if Tucker at Fox can do it, why not Ari Melber at MSNBC or Joy Reed at CNN?

The answer is that of course none of these other talk show hosts are going to go down that road, at least not without permission from their network, yet Tucker thinks he can do it because the show was so popular.

Here is my real concern about giving Tucker so much power to influence the 2024 election.

Numero Uno is that Tucker Carlson isnota Donald Trump fan. That is certainly no secret in the recent spate of emails and other correspondence that have leaked out from a lawsuit confirm this statement.

Second, is on air personality aside, Tucker appears to care more about ratings than policy. Put simply, is not a MAGA true believer but simply a pragmatist to, like a jeweler with precision that the resentments of his audience. This too is revealed in the email correspondence recently leaked.

Third, and most worrisome, Tucker ultimately gets his paycheck from Rupert Murdoch and the Fox News Corporation. Yes, Tucker is now walking an interesting tight rope taking on issues that run counter to the globalism and corporatism of Rupert, and he is getting away with it because of the popularity of the show.



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0b991b No.24273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495008 (122329ZMAR23) Notable: Ron Paul's 2012 Hearing on Fractional Reserve Banking and High-Powered Money

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Ron Paul's 2012 Hearing on Fractional Reserve Banking and High-Powered Money

This hearing of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee examined fractional reserve banking, its relationship to monetary policy, and its effect on the economy.

The hearing was held on Thursday, June 28, 2012, at 2 p.m. in Room 2128 of the Rayburn House Office Building and was titled, "Fractional Reserve Banking and the Federal Reserve: The Economic Consequences of High-Powered Money."


§ Dr. John Cochran, Emeritus Professor of Economics and Emeritus Dean, School of Business, Metropolitan State College of Denver

§ Dr. Joseph Salerno, Professor of Economics, Lubin School of Business, Pace University

§ Dr. Lawrence H. White, Professor of Economics, George Mason University

"Fractional reserve banking underpins the entire banking system, yet its effects on society are completely ignored. Our financial system consists of vast amounts of credit pyramided on top of very small amounts of real savings–all backstopped by explicit and implicit government guarantees. This poses significant risks to the stability of the economy and monetary system, which ought to give pause to any serious observer of financial markets. Hopefully this hearing will create a greater understanding among the American people about the nature of the banking system, and begin the movement towards serious systematic reform. The American people deserve a financial system that is stable and efficient; one that operates without taxpayer subsidies and bailouts." - Congressman Ron Paul

1-hour 12- minutes


maybe worth a refresher to watch?

>>24256, >>>/qresearch/18494687, >>>/qresearch/18494837, >>>/qresearch/18494983, >>>/qresearch/18494871

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0b991b No.24274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495021 (122332ZMAR23) Notable: Did FDIC insurance for depositors just become unlimited?

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U.S. Scrambles to Prepare Financial Backstop to Stave Off Banking Panic

The U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve are jointly preparing to launch a program to backstop deposits in excess of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. $250,000, according to people familiar with the matter.

Did FDIC insurance for depositors just become unlimited ??? 🤨


saving nancy pelosi, oprah megan and Harry , Mr. wonderful

and Hollywood

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0b991b No.24275

File: 3b0cd3c846616bf⋯.jpg (272.79 KB,766x329,766:329,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb3fdc36a85e225⋯.jpg (249.36 KB,807x735,269:245,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495057 (122337ZMAR23) Notable: Federal Reserve Board announces it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors

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Federal Reserve Board announces it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors

For release at 6:15 p.m. EDT


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0b991b No.24276

File: f3f8918c7eda814⋯.png (532.46 KB,701x614,701:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495063 (122337ZMAR23) Notable: PF - AF1 up on a test flight?

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AF1 up on a test flight?

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0b991b No.24277

File: e6b86216e3bb50f⋯.png (69.88 KB,840x305,168:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495104 (122344ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Ron DeSanctimonious totally caved in his public relations inspired battle with Disney.

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Donald J. Trump



Ron DeSanctimonious totally caved in his public relations inspired battle with Disney. That’s the only reason he went after them in the first place, to show Mr. Tough Guy. Disney maintained complete exemption from property & sales tax, tax-free bonds, and their incredible fast track permitting. They also gave big political contributions to DeSanctus. The whole thing is a Hoax - They probably worked together to make him look like a fighter. Read Rick Foglesong, preeminent authority on Disney.

Mar 12, 2023, 7:41 PM


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0b991b No.24278

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495113 (122345ZMAR23) Notable: Kash Patel: Cartels, CCP, Fentanyl, Iran, Saudis… None of its good with Biden

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Kash Patel: This administration has options, they could take to fight fentanyl, but they’re not.

5:42 mins



Kash Patel



Cartels, CCP, Fentanyl, Iran, Saudis… None of its good with Biden:


Mar 12, 2023, 7:16 PM


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0b991b No.24279

File: ba673dc4b1161e2⋯.png (348.82 KB,591x605,591:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495141 (122348ZMAR23) Notable: Regulators close New York’s Signature Bank, citing systemic risk

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Regulators close New York's Signature

Bank, citing systemic risk

CNBC, by Yun Li

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/12/2023 6:54:20 PM

U.S. regulators said Sunday it shut down New York-based Signature Bank, a second financial institution they shuttered after Silicon Valley Bank's collapse. "We are also announcing a similar systemic risk exception for Signature Bank, New York, New York, which was closed today by its state chartering authority," Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC said in a joint statement Sunday evening. The banking regulators said depositors at Signature Bank will have full access to their deposits. "All depositors of this institution will be made whole. As with the resolution of Silicon Valley Bank, no losses will be borne by the taxpayer," the regulators said. Signature is one of the main banks to the cryptocurrency industry.

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0b991b No.24280

File: 44ae2ecb2f296ab⋯.png (89.57 KB,842x449,842:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495177 (122353ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump will speak in IOWA tomorrow! / in Davenport on the topic of: America First Education Policy

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President Trump will speak in IOWA tomorrow! Watch live on RSBN starting at 3pm ET 🚨🚨🚨


WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

Monday, March 13, 2023: Join the RSBN broadcast team LIVE from Davenport, IA as President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks on his America First Education Policy. President Donald J. Trump, 45th President…

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)

Mar 12, 2023, 7:50 PM


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0b991b No.24281

File: 1e9c807226039f4⋯.png (240.71 KB,531x512,531:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ae7b0108fefdc7⋯.mp4 (820.87 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495190 (122354ZMAR23) Notable: Jim Cramer suggests Signature Bank in 2022: Fails in 2023…Ho does he do it?

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2022: Jim Cramer recommends Signature Bank.

2023: Signature Bank shuts down.

How does he do it?

6:41 PM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24282

File: f534a168c2dd4ef⋯.png (97.74 KB,564x631,564:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495196 (122354ZMAR23) Notable: Joint Statement by the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC

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Joint Statement by the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC

March 12, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC &ndash; The following statement was released by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell, and FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg:

Today we are taking decisive actions to protect the U.S. economy by strengthening public confidence in our banking system. This step will ensure that the U.S. banking system continues to perform its vital roles of protecting deposits and providing access to credit to households and businesses in a manner that promotes strong and sustainable economic growth.



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0b991b No.24283

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495236 (122358ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Warned Everyone, The Economic Crisis Is Approaching, Biden Is Finished

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Trump Warned Everyone, The Economic Crisis Is Approaching, Biden Is Finished

Ep. 3018a

27:32 mins



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0b991b No.24284

File: ba4ebee56ff3f06⋯.png (97.67 KB,640x884,160:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495237 (122359ZMAR23) Notable: Dow futures up 250. / Dead cat bounce incoming.

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Dow futures up 250.

Dead cat bounce incoming.

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0b991b No.24285

File: 26b609d090b8dc2⋯.png (671.22 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495255 (130001ZMAR23) Notable: Over The South China Sea, Dispute Simmers Via Radios And Rhetoric

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Over The South China Sea, Dispute Simmers Via Radios And Rhetoric

Reuters March 11, 2023

By Eloisa Lopez

South China Sea, March 10 (Reuters) – As a Philippine coast guard aircraft flew over the disputed Spratly islands in the South China Sea on Thursday, a message came in over the radio telling it to immediately leave “Chinese territory.”

Such warnings, from a Chinese coast guard ship, have become an almost daily ritual around one of the world’s most contested archipelagos, where China is one of five countries claiming the strategic islands – or at least some of them – as their own.

“Calling China coast guard vessel. You are transiting inside Philippine territorial sea,” the Philippine pilot radios back.

“Request identify yourself and state your intention to prevent misunderstanding,” he said.

China claims sovereignty over almost the entire South China Sea and has for years permanently deployed hundreds of coast guard and fishing vessels in disputed areas like the Spratlys, where it has dredged sand to build islands on reefs, and equipped them with missiles and runways.

Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and Taiwan also have claims in the Spratlys. The Philippines occupies nine features there, and has accused China of aggression and “swarming” by fishing vessels that it says are militia, including near the tiny Thitu island occupied by Manila since the 1970s.

A Reuters journalist joined the Philippine flight on Thursday and observed some of those Chinese boats dotted in the waters around Thitu, an island of 400 people. The Philippines last week accused the vessels, including a navy ship, of “slowly loitering“.

China said on Friday it has sovereignty over the Spratly Islands, known in China as the Nansha Islands, and its adjacent waters.

“Therefore, it is reasonable and legal for Chinese ships to carry out normal activities in waters under China’s jurisdiction,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told a regular briefing.

The fly-by came amid repeated complaints by the government of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr against China’s actions, including its use of a laser that Manila said temporarily blinded crew members of a coast guard vessel last month.

The Philippines under Marcos has stepped up its rhetoric to challenge China and is seeking closer ties with former colonial power and defense ally the United States, including plans to hold joint sea patrols.

The plane flew over another hot spot for China-Philippines tensions – the Second Thomas Shoal – where the military grade laser was last month used to target a coast guard crew supporting a military resupply mission.

The Philippines has long maintained a small contingent of military aboard a rusty former U.S. navy ship that it ran aground on a reef there to preserve Manila’s territorial claim.

China’s coast guard challenged the plane again as it flew over the shoal, located inside the Philippines 200-mile exclusive economic zone.

“This is the Philippine Coast Guard,” the pilot responded.

“We are conducting a routine maritime patrol within our national airspace, and monitoring the safety of our fishermen,” it said.


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0b991b No.24286

File: d49e1f1622efe4b⋯.png (698.03 KB,902x681,902:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495274 (130003ZMAR23) Notable: Anon summarizes this weekend.

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Anons, to summarize findings this weekend.

1. SVB Bank foreshadows massive banking collapse. Markets panicking and about to tank Monday.

2. Biden, Fetterman, Feinstein in hospital not seen in several days.

3. Sen. Comer announces he has documentary evidence of BIden crime family's treason with the CCP.

4. Draino says an announcement Monday will rock the world….

5. MSM Reporting pentagon statement that alien mothership has entered our Solar System….

Oh and Loretta Tyranime and her jerkoff buddies are overbearing and dominating the bake…… wow what a coinkidink!

I do declare! It's habbening!

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0b991b No.24287

File: 74c39222f080a13⋯.png (122.25 KB,722x498,361:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495289 (130005ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump will speak in IOWA tomorrow! / in Davenport on the topic of: America First Education Policy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>President Trump will speak in IOWA tomorrow!

in Davenport on the topic of:

America First Education Policy


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0b991b No.24288

File: 15d91280c62c492⋯.png (295.04 KB,904x944,113:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495320 (130009ZMAR23) Notable: America First Education Policy - According to the America First website

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>America First Education Policy

According to the America First website, “Instead of dividing our country by teaching an alternative version of our country’s story, our Nation’s schools should affirm and celebrate America.”

The American Founders worked to establish our system of public education for a singular end: to prepare Americans for the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Today, we have a responsibility to empower families with quality education options that nurture our communities and strengthen our Nation.

We also have a responsibility to educate our next generation about the ideals and values that make our country great. America’s Founding Fathers recognized that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” Sadly, liberal academics and demagogues are challenging this self-evident proposition by embracing identity politics, division, and submission. Instead of dividing our country by teaching an alternative version of our country’s story, our Nation’s schools should affirm and celebrate America.

To accomplish these goals, we must fight for the advancement of educational opportunity for all American families. This means putting parents and students – not bureaucrats, unions, or politicians – in charge of educating our Nation’s next generation. We also must challenge progressive policies by standing against curriculum that includes patently dishonest and activist-driven information about the U.S. and our founding.

Additionally, we must give every parent the right to see all curriculum materials, and encourage schools to teach basic skills that prepare students for life as adults.

By focusing on these areas, we can help restore our public education system so it provides more choice, prepares students for lives as productive citizens, and instills our next generation with a full understanding of America’s values and heritage.



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0b991b No.24289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495333 (130010ZMAR23) Notable: #22680

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>>24255, >>24256, >>24282 Joint Statement by the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC

>>24257 Signature Bank was the first FDIC-insured bank to launch a blockchain-based digital payments platform

>>24258, >>24268, >>24279 Regulators close New York’s Signature Bank, citing systemic risk

>>24259, >>24262 Regulators Roll Out Measures to Prevent Banking Crisis / Latest Fed Press release 6:15pE

>>24260, >>24274 Did FDIC insurance for depositors just become unlimited?


>>24263 ‘Spill’ of classified info derails Proud Boys trial

>>24264 FDIC Board Approves 2023 Operating Budget

>>24265, >>24266, >>24267 Will CCP benefit from bailout?

>>24269 Israel Protest | ‘Biggest in Israeli History': Organizers Claim Half a Million Protesters Against Netanyahu's Constitutional Coup

>>24270 Navy Purges Non-PC, Confederate Name from Yet Another Ship as Military Gets Even Woker

>>24271 Silicon Valley Bank is the first FDIC–insured institution to fail this year.

>>24272 Peter Navarro: Who the hell does Tucker Carlson think he is?

>>24273 Ron Paul's 2012 Hearing on Fractional Reserve Banking and High-Powered Money

>>24275 Federal Reserve Board announces it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors

>>24276 PF - AF1 up on a test flight?

>>24277 DJT - Ron DeSanctimonious totally caved in his public relations inspired battle with Disney.

>>24278 Kash Patel: Cartels, CCP, Fentanyl, Iran, Saudis… None of its good with Biden

>>24280, >>24287 President Trump will speak in IOWA tomorrow! / in Davenport on the topic of: America First Education Policy

>>24281 Jim Cramer suggests Signature Bank in 2022: Fails in 2023…Ho does he do it?

>>24283 Trump Warned Everyone, The Economic Crisis Is Approaching, Biden Is Finished

>>24284 Dow futures up 250. / Dead cat bounce incoming.

>>24285 Over The South China Sea, Dispute Simmers Via Radios And Rhetoric

>>24286 Anon summarizes this weekend.

>>24288 America First Education Policy - According to the America First website

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24290

File: 63d275f43272a8d⋯.jpg (74.64 KB,588x263,588:263,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495410 (130017ZMAR23) Notable: On a briefing with Biden Under Secretary of the Treasury Nellie Liang regarding the SVB BAILOUT…

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On a briefing with Biden Under Secretary of the Treasury Nellie Liang regarding the SVB BAILOUT they are working towards and a member asked if the they were reaching out to Facebook and Twitter to monitor misinformation and “bad actors.”

And this administration AGAIN just committed the federal government to interfere with free speech. Unacceptable!


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0b991b No.24291

File: e3dbb5b7d508c5e⋯.png (44.1 KB,737x271,737:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495423 (130019ZMAR23) Notable: Will CCP agents, who may have used SVB to effectuate forced technology theft from tech startups, benefit from the federal bailout?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Will CCP agents, who may have used SVB to effectuate forced technology theft from tech startups, benefit from the federal bailout?

Need immediate oversight from @committeeonccp.

6:58 PM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24292

File: aa7b32fe71cf2cd⋯.png (810.7 KB,1406x688,703:344,Clipboard.png)

File: a9a2cd2830638f8⋯.png (392.72 KB,648x667,648:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 467ec53b968865f⋯.png (516.24 KB,791x430,791:430,Clipboard.png)

File: 5be68cab605aff4⋯.png (125.55 KB,290x390,29:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495428 (130020ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Update: Have SAM463 and VV101 US Navy brass G5s arrived at San Diego Int'l…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>24179 pb

PlaneFag CONUS Update:

Have SAM463 and VV101 US Navy brass G5s arrived at San Diego Int'l with the already arrived (last night) Ausie PM Albanese on ASY316 A330 MRTT-Potato, Sunak and Albanese all doing sub shit tomorrow-KECK31 KC-46 A Pegasus arrived at SoCal Logistics Airport, Victorville-CA and a P-8 off SoCal cap #2

SAM315 C-40B departed Travis AFBJCOS Milleyafter a ground stop and heading to Hickam AFB,Oahu where Indo-Pac Cmdr Aquilino departed from Nellis for last night and VALOR29 G5 arrived at MacDill AFB from Nellis AFB earlier

SAM390 G5 SE from JBA

PAT409,10,11 Beech C-12 V Hurons went to Laredo from a stop at Jonesboro AR

Mexi AF FAM3528 737 back to Santa Lucia AB from stops at Cancun and Merida and a brief stop at Ciudad del Carmen on the Gulf coast

RCH4149 C-17 Globey done dropping equipment at SD Int'l and back to Savannah, GA

RAF RRR4502 A400m arrived at San Antonio Int'l Airport from a stop at Midland , TX (so not for Sunak SD trip)

SPAR414 Learjet 35 back to Scott AFB from Tyson-McGhee stop earlier


09-0016 C-32A departed New Castle Cty Airport-Potato back to WH and had 09-0018 C-32Aup as the 'escort' for that-Potato goes to San Diego tomorrow

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24293

File: 9ecc07114ad9697⋯.png (227.23 KB,601x677,601:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495450 (130023ZMAR23) Notable: MTG confirms briefing.

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MTG confirms briefing.


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0b991b No.24294

File: b3c3e219ce2aaab⋯.png (21.93 KB,448x181,448:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495469 (130028ZMAR23) Notable: Thomas Massie - Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

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Thomas Massie


Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

A Democrat Senator essentially asked whether there was a program in place to censor information on social media that could lead to a run on the banks.

8:24 PM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495489 (130031ZMAR23) Notable: Britain battles to limit SVB damage as would-be buyer for UK arm steps in

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Britain battles to limit SVB damage as would-be buyer for UK arm steps in


A would-be buyer for the UK arm of failed U.S. lender Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) stepped forward on Sunday as British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said his government was working to limit any fallout for companies from the bank's demise.

Bank of London said it had submitted a formal proposal to the UK arm of SVB, as well as sending it to authorities, including the Treasury and the Bank of England.

Friday's dramatic failure of SVB Financial Group, which focuses on tech startups, was the biggest bank collapse in the U.S. since the 2008 financial crisis.

The collapse could have a significant impact on British technology companies, given the importance of the lender to some customers, finance minister Jeremy Hunt said earlier on Sunday,

Bank of London, a clearing bank, said it was leading a consortium of private equity firms in making the approach.

"Silicon Valley Bank cannot be allowed to fail given the vital community it serves," Bank of London co-founder and CEO Anthony Watson said.

SoftBank-owned lender OakNorth Bank is also weighing a bid to buy SVB UK Ltd, a person with knowledge of the talks told Reuters, confirming an earlier Sky News report. Abu Dhabi state-backed investment vehicle ADQ is also looking, Sky reported.

The BoE has said it is seeking a court order to place the UK arm of SVB into insolvency.

Meanwhile, advisory firm Rothschild & Co was exploring options for the subsidiary, two people familiar with the discussions told Reuters on Saturday.

going back to 2021

Sources inform "Globes" that SoftBank, the world's biggest VC firm, is opening an office in Israel. Managing partner EMEA Yanni Pipilis: We believe massively in the ecosystem that exists in the country.


Exclusive: From head of the Mossad to the biggest venture capital firm in the world: Sources inform "Globes" that Japanese investor Masayoshi Son's SoftBank is appointing former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen as manager of its activity in Israel. SoftBank is considered the world's leading technology fund, with huge investments in companies such as Uber, Alibaba, TikTok, and Didi. This is the second investment giant within three months to open a representative office in Israel, after Blackstone appointed Yifat Oron as a Senior Managing Director and head of its Tel Aviv office.

if that don't beat all

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0b991b No.24296

File: 8da82abbe6c39f4⋯.png (58.77 KB,737x271,737:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495541 (130040ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Rosendale - ust completed a bicameral briefing by @USTreasury, @federalreserve and @FDICgov. I was notified that there are two failed banks, Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


moar on that call:

Matt Rosendale


Just completed a bicameral briefing by @USTreasury, @federalreserve and @FDICgov. I was notified that

there are two failed banks, Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank.

We have been assured all depositors will be made whole. I will provide updates as I receive them.

8:15 PM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495574 (130044ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank collapse: UK tech firms at 'serious risk' from failure, warns Chancellor Jeremy Hunt

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Very interesting discussion re: SVB

‘We can’t make payroll’: scores of London tech firms in cash crisis amid Silicon Valley Bank collapse


Silicon Valley Bank collapse: UK tech firms at 'serious risk' from failure, warns Chancellor Jeremy Hunt


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0b991b No.24298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495589 (130046ZMAR23) Notable: Statement from President Joe Biden on Actions to Strengthen Confidence in the Banking System

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Statement from President Joe Biden on Actions to Strengthen Confidence in the Banking System

MARCH 12, 2023

Over the weekend, and at my direction, the Treasury Secretary and my National Economic Council Director worked diligently with the banking regulators to address problems at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. I am pleased that they reached a prompt solution that protects American workers and small businesses, and keeps our financial system safe. The solution also ensures that taxpayer dollars are not put at risk.

The American people and American businesses can have confidence that their bank deposits will be there when they need them.

I am firmly committed to holding those responsible for this mess fully accountable and to continuing our efforts to strengthen oversight and regulation of larger banks so that we are not in this position again.

Tomorrow morning, I will deliver remarks on how we will maintain a resilient banking system to protect our historic economic recovery.


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0b991b No.24299

File: 7323920d5b8a1d0⋯.png (45.93 KB,576x261,64:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 1702cb6301d04cf⋯.png (544.94 KB,721x827,721:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495658 (130056ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Ron DeSanctimonious totally caved in his public relations inspired battle with Disney.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Donald J. Trump




Ron DeSanctimonious totally caved in his public relations inspired battle with Disney. That’s the only reason he went after them in the first place, to show Mr. Tough Guy. Disney maintained complete exemption from property & sales tax, tax-free bonds, and their incredible fast track permitting. They also gave big political contributions to DeSanctus. The whole thing is a Hoax - They probably worked together to make him look like a fighter. Read Rick Foglesong, preeminent authority on Disney.

Mar 12, 2023, 12:41 PM

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0b991b No.24300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495670 (130058ZMAR23) Notable: Peter Navarro: Who Does Tucker Think He Is?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hi. I’m Peter Navarro, it is March 12, 2023.

And here is some breaking news: Fox News show host Tucker Carlson has purportedly sent out a questionnaire on America’s Ukraine policy to a set of Republican presidential candidates.

My immediate thought upon hearing this news was, to speak in the salty vernacular of one of my old Chiefs of Staff at the Trump White House, John Kelly, “Who the hell does Tucker think he is?”

Before I try and answer to that question, settle down all you fan boys and fan girls of Tucker. I like Tucker, and Tucker has been good to me – at least he was up until the point where the Fox brass canceled me from his show. I’ll get to that in a minute; but first, this:

What Tucker is doing seems to be the height of arrogance. In effect, Tucker thinks his ratings are so big that he can set himself up as a powerbroker in the 2024 presidential race as if he were the actual Fox network itself – such questionnaires the sponsorship of debates are typically the province of the network itself, across the cable news diaspora.

To put this another way, Tucker is sending out questionnaires to presidential candidates in the an apparent belief that because the show is so popular and highly rated, these candidates must kiss Tucker’s ring and fill out those questionnaires – or risk retribution if a candidate fails to answer the questionnaire.

Truth be told, I’d like to know the answers to a lot of the questions Tucker is asking about Ukraine. But where does this end? Is Hannity going to start sending out questionnaires? How

about Laura or Jesse or Brian Kilmeade?

And if Tucker at Fox can do it, why not Ari Melber at MSNBC or Joy Reed at CNN?

The answer is that of course none of these other talk show hosts are going to go down that road, at least not without permission from their network, yet Tucker apparently thinks he can do it because his show is so popular.

Here is my real concern about giving Tucker so much power to influence the 2024 election. Numero Uno is that Tucker Carlson is not a Donald Trump fan. That is certainly no secret as the recent spate of emails and other correspondence that have leaked out from a lawsuit confirm this statement.

Second, his on-air populist, nationalist personality aside, Tucker appears to care more about ratings than policy. Put simply, Tucker is not a MAGA true believer but simply a pragmatist

who, like a jeweler with precision taps at the resentments of his audience. This, too, is revealed in the email correspondence recently leaked.

Third, and most worrisome, Tucker ultimately gets his paycheck from Rupert Murdoch and the Fox News Corporation. Yes, Tucker is now walking an interesting tightrope taking on issues that run counter to the globalism and corporatism of Rupert, and he is getting away with it because of the popularity of the show.

But Memo to Tucker: You are just one misstep away from going the way of Lou Dobbs who likewise was very popular. Yet Lou lost enough advertisers that his highly watched show

stopped making the kind of money Fox wanted despite its high ratings. So Lou Dobbs became the sacrificial lamb for the Dominion lawsuit – it was as quick and as cruel as a guillotine

beheading French royalty.


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0b991b No.24301

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495676 (130058ZMAR23) Notable: Trump ready to remove Russia Hoaxers from gov't in 2025

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Devin Nunes

Trump ready to remove Russia Hoaxers from gov't in 2025

Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes joins 'The Gorka Reality Check' on March 12, 2023.



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0b991b No.24302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495682 (130059ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank collapse: UK tech firms at 'serious risk' from failure, warns Chancellor Jeremy Hunt

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Silicon Valley Bank: Offer made for UK arm of failed US lender

12 March 2023

An offer has been made for the UK arm of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) after it collapsed into administration, putting customer deposits at risk.

A consortium of investors led by The Bank of London, a UK clearing bank, has submitted a formal bid to the Treasury.

The government has been working "at pace" on a plan to support UK tech firms affected by the collapse of SVB.

There have been warnings some could struggle to pay their staff from Monday without intervention.

It comes as US customers have been told their deposits will be fully protected by the US government, putting pressure on the UK government to act.

Earlier, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt told the BBC there was no risk to the UK's financial system as a whole from the collapse of SVB, but "there is a serious risk to some of our most promising companies in technology and life sciences".

Mr Hunt said he had been working with the prime minister and Bank of England governor "through the weekend to come up with a solution", and the government would bring forward a plan in the "next few days".

However, Rachel Reeves, Labour's shadow chancellor, urged the government to do more, warning UK start-ups needed to pay staff and maintain investor confidence.

"We need, tomorrow morning, to hear from the government, how they are going to protect firms," she said.

SVB, which focuses on lending to technology companies, was shut down by US regulators on Friday in what was the largest failure of a US bank since 2008.

The bank's UK subsidiary will be put into insolvency from Sunday evening. This will allow individual depositors to be paid up to £85,000 from the UK's deposit insurance scheme - however many have far more money than this saved with the bank.

The government is looking for a buyer for the UK arm, with other lenders including Barclays and Oaknorth said to be mulling bids.

As a clearing bank, the Bank of London does not lend and holds all of its deposits with the Bank of England. Its boss Anthony Watson said: "Silicon Valley Bank cannot be allowed to fail given the vital community it serves.

"This is a unique opportunity to ensure the UK has a more diversified banking sector, whilst allowing continuity of service to SVB's UK client base."

More than 200 bosses of UK tech companies signed a letter addressed to Mr Hunt on Saturday calling for government intervention.

The letter, from Fintech Founders, said many financial technology firms did all of their banking with SVB "and will therefore go into receivership imminently unless preventative action is taken".

"The firms affected by the collapse of SVB serve millions of people in the UK along with businesses that are critical to our economy," the letter said.

"The cost of inaction here means that these firms could fail in the short-term and your technology growth ambitions will fail in the long-term."

Toby Mather, chief executive and co-founder of Lingumi, an education technology start-up, told the BBC his business was very exposed.

"85% of our cash is held in Silicon Valley Bank.. [So this] is a really existential threat to us because I've got to pay my employees and they've got kids and mortgages and so on."

One source in a tech firm told the BBC the situation could be "pretty terminal" for many UK start-ups.

"This Monday, at least 200 firms employing tens of thousands of people will find they can't pay their staff or suppliers because the bank they had an account with has gone bust," the source said.



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0b991b No.24303

File: 7a05465c69e35d1⋯.png (36.52 KB,615x415,123:83,Clipboard.png)

File: d7aaa4ebe5682f0⋯.png (38.63 KB,615x354,205:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495700 (130102ZMAR23) Notable: Statement from President Joe Biden on Actions to Strengthen Confidence in the Banking System

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President Biden


United States government official

At my direction, @SecYellen and my National Economic Council Director worked with banking regulators to address problems at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank.

I’m pleased they reached a solution that protects workers, small businesses, taxpayers, and our financial system.

Quote Tweet

The New York Times




Breaking News: Federal officials closed a second bank and said it would bail out all depositors in the wake of Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse. https://nyti.ms/3JcMWD3

The American people and American businesses can have confidence that their bank deposits will be there when they need them.

I’m firmly committed to holding those responsible for this mess fully accountable and to continuing our efforts to strengthen oversight and regulation of larger banks so that we are not in this position again.

I’ll have more to say on this tomorrow morning.

8:48 PM · Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24304

File: 1fb3e6aaa71fc79⋯.png (63.34 KB,546x578,273:289,Clipboard.png)

File: cd18b0fe895a0e0⋯.png (137.13 KB,554x552,277:276,Clipboard.png)

File: af0351099911c82⋯.png (93.43 KB,600x413,600:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495702 (130102ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank Deletes Twitter, YouTube Videos, And Scrubs Website

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Silicon Valley Bank Deletes Twitter, YouTube Videos, And Scrubs Website

Silicon Valley Bank’s Twitter account was deleted just shortly after the bank went up for auction.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, SVB went up for auction late Saturday night and final bids for the now insolvent bank are expected to be in by Sunday evening.

Shortly after the auction began, users on Twitter noticed that Silicon Valley Bank’s Twitter account was deleted.


In recent days SVB’s Twitter account was mocked for tweeting a Forbes article which ranked the now collapsed bank as one of the top banks in the United States.

Besides its Twitter account, SVB’s website was also scrubbed and now only has limited features.

SVB’s homepage now has message from the FDIC on it which reads “On Friday, March 10, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, CA was closed by the California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation. Subsequently, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named Receiver. No advance notice is given to the public when a financial institution is closed.”

That’s not all that SVB has deleted.

The disgraced bank even deleted all of their YouTube videos.


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0b991b No.24305

File: c502b2e8986b177⋯.png (21.96 KB,596x340,149:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495709 (130103ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

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Associated Twitter Space

LIVE: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

2:35 PM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24306

File: 52a883bc5bafe7a⋯.png (196.93 KB,422x728,211:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495734 (130107ZMAR23) Notable: David Sacks says unlike the 2008 bailouts, Silicon Valley Bank stockholders, bondholders, and executive stock options should be wiped out…

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David Sacks says unlike the 2008 bailouts, Silicon Valley Bank stockholders, bondholders, and executive stock options should be wiped out, but the people and small businesses who deposited money must be protected so this contagion doesn't spread:

"Blaming the depositors in this situation is like blaming the patient in a medical malpractice situation because they didn't do a good enough job shopping for a doctor…

The only reason people are stubborn about this point is because Silicon Valley Bank has Silicon Valley in the name. If this was Farmers Bank, and it was 40,000 small business farms on the hook, everybody would understand, and the arguments being made would be we can't let 40,000 farms go out of business.

They didn't do anything wrong; they just trusted that when they put their money in a bank that it was safe, they didn't understand themselves to be making an unsecured loan to that bank. Are you kidding? They didn't engage in investment activity — they just wanted a checking account."



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0b991b No.24307

File: df0716497ede706⋯.png (226.76 KB,1366x629,1366:629,Clipboard.png)

File: ee6f734417f844c⋯.png (148.45 KB,452x608,113:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495747 (130109ZMAR23) Notable: The president of Silicon Valley Bank held a fundraiser at his home for Democratic Sen.

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David Sirota


The president of Silicon Valley Bank held a fundraiser at his home for Democratic Sen.


before Warner then voted to deregulate Silicon Valley Bank.



Eight years before the second-largest bank failure in American history occurred this week, the bank’s president personally pressed Congress to reduce scrutiny of his financial institution, citing the “low risk profile of our activities and business model,” according to federal records reviewed by The Lever.

Three years later — after the bank spent more than half a million dollars on federal lobbying — lawmakers obliged.

In 2015, SVB President Greg Becker submitted a statement to a Senate panel pushing legislators to exempt more banks — including his own — from new regulations passed in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Despite warnings from some senators, Becker’s lobbying effort was ultimately successful.

Touting “SVB’s deep understanding of the markets it serves, our strong risk management practices,” Becker argued that his bank would soon reach $50 billion in assets, which under the law would trigger “enhanced prudential standards,” including more stringent regulations, stress tests, and capital requirements for his and other similarly sized banks.

Becker insisted that $250 billion was a more appropriate threshold.

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0b991b No.24308

File: da749c52c295548⋯.png (310.39 KB,600x396,50:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 1be09b52ec011b5⋯.png (223.92 KB,778x600,389:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d09b066fefb34e⋯.png (97.91 KB,797x623,797:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495748 (130109ZMAR23) Notable: Fed Panics: Signature Bank Closed By Regulators; Fed, TSY, FDIC Announce Another Banking System Bailout

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Fed Panics: Signature Bank Closed By Regulators; Fed, TSY, FDIC Announce Another Banking System Bailout

On Friday, we said that the Fed will have to make an announcement before the Monday open, and we didn't have to wait that long: in fact, the Fed waited just 15 minutes after futures opened for trading to announce the new bailout, alongside even more shocking news: the Treasury announced that New York State regulators are shuttering Signature Bank - a major New York bank - adding that all depositors both at Signature Bank, and also the now insolvent Silicon Valley Bank, will have access to their money on Monday.

And as we process the shock of yet another small bank failure (which makes JPMorgan even bigger), the Fed just issued a statement saying that "to support American businesses and households, the Federal Reserve Board on Sunday announced it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors. This action will bolster the capacity of the banking system to safeguard deposits and ensure the ongoing provision of money and credit to the economy."

The Fed also said that it is prepared to address any liquidity pressures that may arise, which in turn has just unveiled the first bailout acronym of the new crisis: the Bank Term Funding Program, or BTFP. Some more details:

The financing will be made available through the creation of a new Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), offering loans of up to one year in length to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and other eligible depository institutions pledging U.S. Treasuries, agency debt and mortgage-backed securities, and other qualifying assets as collateral. These assets will be valued at par. The BTFP will be an additional source of liquidity against high-quality securities, eliminating an institution’s need to quickly sell those securities in times of stress.

The Fed explains that the Department of the Treasury will make available "up to $25 billion from the Exchange Stabilization Fund as a backstop for the BTFP." And while the Federal Reserve - which was completely clueless about this banking crisis until Thursday - does not anticipate that it will be necessary to draw on these backstop funds, we anticipate that the final number of needed backstop liquidity be somewhere north of $2 trillion.

What is more notable is that the BTFP - or Buy The Fucking Pivot - facility, will pledge collateral at par, not at market value, thus giving banks credit for all those hundreds of billions in unrealized net losses, and allowing banks to "unlock liquidity" based on losses which the Fed and TSY now backstop!


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0b991b No.24309

File: d3411a0088b592a⋯.png (202.21 KB,417x563,417:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495754 (130110ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank Ties to California First Partner Jennifer Newsom

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Silicon Valley Bank Ties to California First Partner Jennifer Newsom


📌Follow and Share👇🏻

🔬🧬 @RWMaloneMD

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0b991b No.24310

File: b02b55309e3c793⋯.png (352.46 KB,445x449,445:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495769 (130112ZMAR23) Notable: First Republic Gets Additional Funding From Fed, JPMorgan

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First Republic Gets Additional Funding From Fed, JPMorgan

First Republic Bank FRC -14.84%decrease; red down pointing triangle said it has shored up its finances with additional funding from the Federal Reserve and JPMorgan Chase JPM 2.54%increase; green up pointing triangle

& Co.

The fresh funding gives the bank, which was under pressure following the collapse of SVB Financial Corp. last week, $70 billion in unused liquidity. That doesn’t include money First Republic is eligible to borrow through a new Fed lending facility designed to help banks meet withdrawals.


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0b991b No.24311

File: 9d9f91028977761⋯.png (28.09 KB,613x268,613:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495780 (130114ZMAR23) Notable: Will CCP agents, who may have used SVB to effectuate forced technology theft from tech startups, benefit from the federal bailout?

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See new Tweets


Ezra A. Cohen




Will CCP agents, who may have used SVB to effectuate forced technology theft from tech startups, benefit from the federal bailout?

Ezra A. Cohen


Need immediate oversight from @committeeonccp


11:58 AM · Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24312

File: 7a65675f2f4c6a1⋯.png (809.93 KB,955x917,955:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495800 (130118ZMAR23) Notable: Gen. Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Message To Humanity

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I'm going to keep on refreshing, but you can watch this:

On this must-watch emergency Saturday broadcast, Alex Jones interviews Gen. Michael Flynn on the current state of the world, the war and much more!


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0b991b No.24313

File: 034fd7095927261⋯.png (650.54 KB,1411x2136,1411:2136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495804 (130119ZMAR23) Notable: Below is a list of the individuals on CISA’s Cybersecurity Advisory Committee

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>Anons Cloudflare is tied to SVB bank.

got any sauce?

that's 'dasting - because Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince is also linked to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)’sCybersecurity Advisory Committee- which is a major player in the WORLDWIDE DISINFORMATION NETWORK re #Twitterfiles

Below is a list of the individuals on CISA’s Cybersecurity Advisory Committee:

Ms. Marene Allison, Chief Information Security Officer, Johnson & Johnson

Ms. Lori Beer, Chief Information Officer, JPMorgan Chase

Mr. Ronald Green, Executive Vice President and Chief Security Officer, Mastercard

Mr. Matthew Prince, Chief Executive Officer, Cloudflare & World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer

Ms. Vijaya Gadde, Legal, Public Policy & Trust and Safety Lead, Twitter

Ms. Nuala O’Connor, Senior Vice President & Chief Counsel, Digital Citizenship, Walmart

Ms. Nicole Wong, Principal, NWong Strategies & Former Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer in the Obama Administration

Ms. Nicole Perlroth, New York Times Cybersecurity Journalist

Mr. Chris Young, Executive Vice President of Business Development, Strategy, and Ventures, Microsoft

Mr. Stephen Schmidt, Chief Information Security Officer, Amazon Web Services

Mr. George Stathakopoulos, Vice President of Corporate Information Security, Apple

Mr. Alex Stamos, Partner, Krebs Stamos Group

Ms. Niloofar Razi Howe, Board Member, Tenable

Mr. Steve Adler, Mayor, City of Austin, Texas & Vice President of the National Council of Democratic Mayors

Mr. Robert Chesney, James A. Baker III Chair in the Rule of Law and World Affairs, University of Texas School of Law

Mr. Thomas Fanning, Chairman, President and CEO, Southern Company

Dr. Patrick Gallagher, Chancellor, University of Pittsburg

Mr. Kevin Mandia, Chief Executive Officer, Mandiant

Mr. Jeff Moss, President, DEF CON Communications

Mr. Ted Schlein, General Partner, Kleiner Perkins; and Caufield & Byers

Ms. Suzanne Spaulding, Senior Advisor for Homeland Security, CSIS

Dr. Kate Starbird, Associate Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington

Brigadier General Alicia Tate-Nadeau (ARNG-Ret.), Director, Illinois Emergency Management Agency


CISA's gotten exposed as corrupt by Patel Patriot - i think it's drop #5, i also dug on CISA corruption because it takes its cues a group of Dominion and other major election system reps…..can sauce it if anyone wants to follow up.

cozy huh?

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0b991b No.24314

File: 301532cfa7135c7⋯.png (235.69 KB,1156x651,1156:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495821 (130121ZMAR23) Notable: On this episode, Bryce sits down with Shruti Shah, Entrepreneur in Residence at the Silicon Valley Bank

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>was SVB the wokest bank in America?


About This Episode

On this episode, Bryce sits down with Shruti Shah, Entrepreneur in Residence at theSilicon Valley Bank. Growing up as an adopted Jewish Indian American in Memphis, TN, Shruti has a unique perspective on people and community which is empowering but also exhausting. She discusses how access to opportunity and social capital is intertwined with community, how that has informed her career path, and her thoughts around success and failure, inclusivity and much more.

Shruti is currently working with an early stage practice team on strategic partnerships while also developing an idea for a new type of funding for startups. She was previously the co-founder and COO of Y Combinator backed Move Loot, an online full-service marketplace for buying and selling used furniture, where she led the national expansion and general business operations.

Over the course of three years, she and her co-founding team raised $22 million dollars to scale the business across the United States. Move Loot was featured in numerous publications including Forbes, TechCrunch, Bloomberg Business Week, CNN, TIME, Fortune and more.

Shruti was honored by Forbes as a 2016 30 Under 30 recipient in Retail and E-Commerce and the Aspen Institute as an Aspen Ideas Festival Scholar in reimagining capitalism. Prior to co-founding Move Loot, Shruti worked for the New Schools Venture Seed Fund, a seed fund that invests in early-stage education technology companies, and she was also a public school teacher in Baltimore, through Teach for America, where she taught 2nd, 4th, and 5th grade at Graceland Park O’Donnell Heights Elementary Middle School.

Shruti earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Entrepreneurship from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and she earned her Master of Science in Education with a focus on Urban Education from Johns Hopkins University. Learn how Shruti has let her experiences shape the way she is using innovation to address the lack of access and opportunity in certain communities by listening to this episode of More Than Profit.

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0b991b No.24315

File: 62230b18e7ddcbd⋯.png (128.31 KB,421x628,421:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495826 (130121ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Peter McCullough: "Babies Are Ingesting mRNA in Milk"

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Dr. Peter McCullough: "Babies Are Ingesting mRNA in Milk"

"If it's in breast milk, it's everywhere in the body. Vaccines were supposed to stay on the arm and cause immunity and be broken down … and get out of the body. Never should they be circulatory or in breast milk. Never."

Dr. Peter McCullough (http://t.me/c19expertchannel) is an internist, epidemiologist, cardiologist, and our Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company (http://t.me/thewellnesscompany).

Learn how we can help optimize your health and provide immune and healing support from spike proteins.

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0b991b No.24316

File: 5837aa117a26e19⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495831 (130122ZMAR23) Notable: This is the bilateral show of force that dispersed the huge group of migrants trying to rush a port of entry in El Paso today

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NEW: This is the bilateral show of force that dispersed the huge group of migrants trying to rush a port of entry in El Paso today. Two lines of Mexican military, then on the US side, physical barriers, barbed wire, and a skirmish line of CBP officers in crowd control gear.


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0b991b No.24317

File: 894a30480ed7f8e⋯.png (101.11 KB,420x539,60:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495850 (130125ZMAR23) Notable: Thomas Massie - Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

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Rep Thomas Massie tweets alleging a Democrat Senator in a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House and Senate asked about an effort to censor information on social media that could lead to a run on the banks, as Martin Armstrong warned will occur.

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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0b991b No.24318

File: ff0c96f6f864c53⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495866 (130128ZMAR23) Notable: Declaring victory over Disney, Ron DeSantis next vowed to take on the Democratic Party

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12 Mar, 2023 23:20

Florida governor warns rivals there’s ‘new sheriff in town’

Declaring victory over Disney, Ron DeSantis next vowed to take on the Democratic Party

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis credited his policies for saving the state from financial and moral collapse in an interview with FoxNews’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, hinting thatthose same policies would work just as well to fix the entire country.

“I think we have to recognize the left is trying to impose its agenda through all of our arteries in society, including corporate America,” the Republican said, explaining that protecting Floridians meant ensuring that “the left not able to impose their agenda on them through corporate America, through bureaucracy, through universities.”

Specifically, DeSantis pointed to his accomplishment reining in entertainment behemoth Disney, which had operated Walt Disney World as a self-governing entity for six decades until legislation the governor signed last month put the 44-square-mile theme park under state governance once more. It was, he explained, his responsibility to set Disney straight when the company tried to torpedo his Parental Rights in Education Bill.

“The fight with Disney was really about who governs the state of Florida,” DeSantis argued. “I think they thought for 60 years they called the shots. Well, there's a new sheriff in town, and we call the shots, and we made that very clear.”

In his newly-published book, “The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival,” DeSantis argues he shaped the “Florida miracle” by being “willing to lead”rather than relying on polling and public opinion - and could do the same nationwide.

“A leader’s not a captive by polls, a leader leads and shapes public opinion,” he told Bartiromo, insisting that, “When you lead and people know where you stand and you deliver results, they don’t even have to agree with you all the time, they’ll respect that and they know they can count on you.”

DeSantis’ approach has brought him a margin of victory increased from 30,000 in the 2018 election to 1.5 million last year - the largest for any Republican governor. Similarly, Florida’s population has surged 1.9% between 2021 and 2022, the first time since 1957 that the state outstripped all others in population increase.

While DeSantis has not officially announced his 2024 run for the presidential nomination, his “book tour” made sure to stop twice in Iowa, home to the first presidential primary of the election season and thus one of the most important strategic pressure points of any campaign.

However, a poll conducted last month found DeSantis had fallen behind former president Donald Trump in a hypothetical two-man race for the Republican nomination, with Trump leading his one-time protege by 8 points.

(His arrogance is astounding, has he ever negotiated with a foreign leader? Fighting with Disney in Florida is a lot different then fighting major companies that will willingly crush you. This guy is part pf the political business machine, where they fake contention and state he won.)


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0b991b No.24319

File: a1f4a7cb2790821⋯.mp4 (272.87 KB,490x270,49:27,Clipboard.mp4)

File: dd28793acb7e3b0⋯.png (280.31 KB,745x656,745:656,Clipboard.png)

File: 65d3793761ae42e⋯.mp4 (180.03 KB,490x270,49:27,Clipboard.mp4)

File: fb3832f7f9e9052⋯.png (218.49 KB,735x535,147:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495916 (130135ZMAR23) Notable: Fauci 2020 vs. Fauci 2023

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Fauci 2020 vs. Fauci 2023

Again, Fauci 2020 vs. Fauci 2023


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0b991b No.24320

File: d4bd13bce280dd3⋯.png (269.01 KB,621x491,621:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495923 (130136ZMAR23) Notable: Wow … the Fed and the US Treasury just became the FDIC backing the entire banking system.

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Wall Street Silver


Wow … the Fed and the US Treasury just became the FDIC backing the entire banking system.


1:42 PM · Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24321

File: cca99fdaac10288⋯.png (76.07 KB,615x726,205:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495935 (130138ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank Deletes Twitter, YouTube Videos, And Scrubs Website

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Insider Paper


NEW 🚨 Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has apparently deleted its Twitter account


10:05 AM · Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24322

File: ad459b6def36c59⋯.jpeg (235.43 KB,1159x599,1159:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495939 (130138ZMAR23) Notable: Thomas Massie - Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24323

File: 904f1915a69579b⋯.png (195.82 KB,577x418,577:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495949 (130139ZMAR23) Notable: Audit finds Florida's foster care system didn't properly report missing children

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John Solomon




Audit finds Florida's foster care system didn't properly report missing children | Just The News justthenews.com/nation/states/

Audit finds Florida's foster care system didn't properly report missing children

An audit found that state agencies were failing to properly report missing foster care children in accordance with federal law and some didn’t report them missing at all.


Mar 12, 2023, 1:48 PM

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0b991b No.24324

File: f2b3741c624c51e⋯.png (469.38 KB,774x851,774:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495962 (130140ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles.

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>Entrepreneur in Residence at theSilicon Valley Bank

this sounds like a scam for some reason


Hunter Walk

Hunter Walk

Nov 10, 2021


3 min read



‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles. Now It’s Dead.

Buying Talent Is More Attractive Than Renting In Today’s Competitive Venture Market

Imagine getting paid a solid salary to sit around and think up new startup ideas, distracted only by the free food and opportunities to sit in on discussions of the latest, hottest technologies. Well, if you were an Entrepreneur-In-Residence at one of the large Silicon Valley venture firms during the last few decades, that was your gig. The quid pro quo was that if you settled on an idea that the firm found to be fundable, you’d give them first shot at backing you, although not necessarily exclusively and certainly not contractually. It was more of an unwritten rule. Repeat entrepreneurs and departing big tech company execs would often do pitstops as EIRs, sometimes even simultaneously at two firms (otherwise known as the circa 2008 Jeff Weiner Flex). But now in 2021 you rarely hear about EIRs and they’re certainly not the golden prize of previous years. Why is this?

VCs think WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY? In today’s market, where there’s limitless capital chasing “consensus startups” the risk of waiting to write a termsheet is too great. If you believe enough in a founder to invite them to be an EIR you might as well just give them some money on a note and let them iterate with you already pot-committed. Otherwise someone else will swoop in and offer them an alternative. So a GPs incentive is to take a flyer and let the founders explore their interest areas with that capital, rather than as an EIR. If nothing comes of it the company will just unwind/return capital, or worst case, it’s a writeoff for the fund. But that risk is worth taking these days for the large VCs.

Founders RATHER USE THEIR OWN MONEY OR ANGEL MONEY if they’re not ready to take venture dollars. Before you tell me that the majority of founders don’t have their own capital already and/or a network of friends and family that can write them six figure checks, let me remind you that I’m talking about EIRs specifically, which were already predominantly repeat entrepreneurs and/or Big Tech Co execs. A 10+ year bull market means that the significant majority of these people have the capital to self-fund for a bit and/or more wealthy friends than the did in 2011. The end result is that why entangle yourself in an EIR role if you don’t need the salary, don’t need the introductions (VCs are no longer gatekeepers to funding, talent, etc), don’t need the office (seriously, sometimes people just liked a place to go work) and so on.

Sure some entrepreneurs still align with venture firms for co-development or “EIR-like” relationships but they’re not formal, don’t typically involve salary and importantly, aren’t bragged about publicly by the firms (less everyone else try to elbow into the deal). Farewell EIR….

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0b991b No.24325

File: f0832a0328ae2b7⋯.png (179.27 KB,567x402,189:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495979 (130142ZMAR23) Notable: Kash Patel said Trump's number one iTunes song, “broke the music industry” because it put “America First values back front and center.”

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Breitbart News




Former top Trump administration official Kash Patel said the former president’s number one iTunes song, “Justice For All,” featuring the “January 6 Prison Choir,” “broke the music industry” because they put “America First values back front and center.” breitbart.com/politics/2023/03

Patel: Trump and J6 Prison Choir ‘Broke the Music Industry’

Kash Patel said Trump's number one iTunes song, “broke the music industry” because it put “America First values back front and center.”


Mar 11, 2023, 12:17 PM

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0b991b No.24326

File: d168c7590325423⋯.png (344.59 KB,795x2999,795:2999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495980 (130142ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles.

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Alexander Levy

Entrepreneur In Residence at Silicon Valley Bank

Location: Toronto, Canada

Alex Levy is the Entrepreneur In Residence at Silicon Valley Bank. Prior to this he was the Co-Founder and COO at Atomwise. Alexander is an entrepreneur with experience bringing technology from the lab to the market. As CEO of MyVoice, Alexander took software developed at the University of Toronto for people with speech disabilities into more than 30 countries and was featured by Discovery Channel, Engadget, Fast Company, BNN, CBC, and CTV.

Alexander was named PROFIT Magazine’s Entrepreneur of the Year and the University of Toronto’s Inventor of the Year.

Alexander LevyCareer (4)


Silicon Valley Bank

Entrepreneur In Residence


Assistive Technology Industry Association

Board Member

Jan-2013 to 2018


Co-Founder and COO

Feb-2011 to Jan-2015

MyVoice Inc

Founder and CEO



Healthcare (Industries)

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0b991b No.24327

File: 81e9197ff2aea0a⋯.png (147.54 KB,458x420,229:210,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fc0fc3e5ccfbe5⋯.mp4 (273.54 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18495997 (130145ZMAR23) Notable: This is the bilateral show of force that dispersed the huge group of migrants trying to rush a port of entry in El Paso today

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Bill Melugin


NEW: This is the bilateral show of force that dispersed the huge group of migrants trying to rush a port of entry in El Paso today. Two lines of Mexican military, then on the US side, physical barriers, barbed wire, and a skirmish line of CBP officers in crowd control gear.


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0b991b No.24328

File: fe5775b563c1ae2⋯.png (1.03 MB,915x999,305:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496011 (130146ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles.

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>Entrepreneur In Residence at Silicon Valley Bank


>this sounds like a scam for some reason

money laundering?

Visas for operators?

Global Entrepreneur-in-Residence Program Gets First Corporate Partnership With Silicon Valley Bank

by william.brah | Sep 17, 2015 | 0 comments

GEIR Program Will Add 10 New Entrepreneurs

On Thursday, the Massachusetts Global Entrepreneur-in-Residence (GEIR) program announced a majorgift from Silicon Valley Bank,its first corporate partner. The program, which is based at the University of Massachusetts Boston’s Venture Development Center, will also expand from two to 12 participating entrepreneurs this year.

According to William Brah, founder and Executive Director of the Venture Development Center, partnering with Silicon Valley Bank is a major validation for the GEIR program, an innovative approach to retaining entrepreneurial talent in the state.

SVB’s $30,000 donation will help UMass Boston continue to support these global entrepreneurs, who will have a unique joint appointment at the school — serving as university employees who mentor student startups in addition to running their own companies. Additionally, the GEIR program helps company founders and other early employees navigate the H-1B visa process.

“We believe that a global experience is an important part of our students’ education,” said UMass Boston Chancellor J. Keith Motley. “The donation from Silicon Valley Bank not only boosts job creation here in Massachusetts but prepares our entrepreneurial students for global success.”

The GEIR program was initially conceived by venture capitalist and Harvard Business School professor Jeff Bussgang, immigration lawyer Jeffrey Goldman, and introduced by former governor Deval Patrick in 2014, but had its funding cut due to a budget deficit. However, Governor Charlie Baker, working with members of the innovation community, eventually reinstated $100,000 to support the program as a public-private partnership.

Both Brah and Bussgang said that they hope that the involvement of Silicon Valley Bank will encourage other corporate entities to participate in helping scale the program.

“This is a great partnership between the public and private sectors to help smooth the path to visas for entrepreneurs,” said Bussgang, a general partner at Flybridge Capital Partners. “It completes the vision of Massachusetts as a global innovation magnet. The program participants would not be in Massachusetts today if it wasn’t for the Global EIR program. They would have started their companies elsewhere or not at all.”

“Access to talent is one of the biggest challenges faced by fast-growing, innovative companies,” said Dave Buxton, Managing Director for Silicon Valley Bank in Boston. “We aim to help increase the probability of our clients’ success and remove barriers to innovation and business growth. Through the great work of the Venture Development Center, we believe the GEIR program gives a significant boost to young companies and entrepreneurs, and we’re happy to be a part of it.”

Two program participants have been announced to date. Both Harvard Business School graduates, Bryan O’Connell is the founder and chief executive of online doctor’s office FirstLine, while Vivekdeep Gupta is the founder and chief executive of financial tech startup Covrd. Both of the participant’s companies have raised more than $2 million in funding since joining the GEIR program last year.

The program has also added new entrepreneurs to fill the GEIR role this year. One, Mohit Kansal, a graduate of MIT Sloan School of Management, led his financial tech team to the finals of this year’s MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition. Others include members of startups Perfetch, Potoo, MorphLab, REsurety, Inc., Vetted, and HSTRY.

“We are thrilled with the way the administration has embraced the program, especially given the budget challenges Gov. Baker faces. It shows that they are prioritizing talent and the innovation community as part of a larger economic development strategy,” Bussgang said.

“Public-private partnerships are key drivers for the Commonwealth’s economic success,” said Massachusetts Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “Massachusetts is competing for talent and business development globally, so it’s critical that the Commonwealth be proactive about welcoming, and nurturing, entrepreneurs, wherever they hail from. Programs such as the Global Entrepreneur in Residence provide a strong foundation for creative thinking and the innovative solutions required to grow businesses in Massachusetts.”

For more information about the program or to apply to participate, go to https://vdc.umb.edu/geir/.

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0b991b No.24329

File: 51ff8208b2ce752⋯.png (550.89 KB,1105x989,1105:989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496039 (130150ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles.

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>Visas for operators?



How Does the Massachusetts Global Entrepreneur in Residence Program Work?

by william.brah | Apr 20, 2019 | 3 comments

A solution for entrepreneurs struggling with the uncertainty and limitationsof the U.S. visa system

“The Global Entrepreneur in Residence program seemed too good to be true, and we were skeptical at the beginning. But a couple of months after we engaged, we had the visa we needed. Now we are full of excitement about the prospects of our endeavor…”

MIT Media Lab grad Hasier Larrea – Founder, Ori Systems

Seeking a visa to move to or remain in Massachusetts and work for your newly created company? You might be transitioning from F-1 after graduating from a university; B-1 after participating in a startup accelerator; J-1 after completing an education exchange program; or you might be seeking to transfer your H-1B from another employer to your startup company.

Because there is no startup visa for entrepreneurs in the U.S. immigration system, entrepreneurs usually seek an H-1B visa. The H-1B is popular since it lasts for three years, but can be extended for another three years for a total of six years, more than enough time to establish a growing venture.

However, in seeking one of these magic tickets, entrepreneurs face multiple challenges. The entrepreneur’s startup company may not be sufficiently advanced in terms of financing and governance to even qualify to submit an H-1B petition. Plus, H-1B visas are capped at 85,000 per year, but two to three times as many apply for the visa, necessitating a lottery to determine the lucky 85,000 winners. The company has to wait for the next April 1st to file, hope it wins the H-1B lottery, and then wait until October 1st for the employee to start.

To smooth the path, Massachusetts established the Global Entrepreneur in Residence (GEIR) program. By working part-time at the University of Massachusetts, entrepreneurs can obtain a cap-exempt H-1B visa anytime during the year, since universities are exempt from the annual H-1B quota. The program gives an entrepreneur time to master the company building process, and document their talent and ability, so that they can eventually obtain a visa independent of the University of Massachusetts. GEIR graduates to date in Massachusetts have successfully filed capped H-1B petitions in the national lottery; O-1 (extraordinary ability) petitions; and EB-1 or 2 (green card) applications.

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0b991b No.24330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496043 (130151ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles.

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>How Does the Massachusetts Global Entrepreneur in Residence Program Work?

How rescuing Ori’s rockstar engineer illustrates the program’s benefits

Ori’s case demonstrates how the GEIR program works. While at the MIT Media Lab doing research, Haiser and Ori co-founders Ivan and Chad, engineers, came up with the idea of a robotic furniture company. A floor-to-ceiling unit would incorporate a bed and a closet on one side, and a home office and an entertainment suite on the other, transforming a tiny apartment into one that feels two to three times the size.

The team undertook preliminary activities necessary to start up Ori that are not considered “work” for which a visa is required under U.S. immigration law. As part of their educational program, the team developed the actuators, electronics and software that enable the heavy furniture units to glide and change shape, and then began meeting with and presenting their business idea to potential funders and customers.

Shortly after graduating from MIT, Haiser was able to secure seed investment ($750,000) from an angel investor. Seed investment triggered the formation of a board of directors with power to control the company. Although qualified to sponsor an H-1B visa, Haiser’s company faced another challenge. One of the co-founders, Ivan, needed an H-1B visa right away to keep the founding team intact after graduation. The startup company’s investor funding was received in November, but the H-1B lottery wasn’t until the following April and if his co-founder was selected, the visa would not be issued until October.

Ivan turned to the GEIR program, under which a university can step in any time during the year to facilitate an entrepreneur’s visa until the company can independently seek one. Haiser moved the company to the Venture Development Center. It was a win-win collaboration, as the university was actively seeking highly skilled mentors for a new engineering program. Haiser’s company filed an H-1B visa a petition and it was granted. The Venture Development Center had written a letter describing how the work performed by Ivan furthers the normal, primary, or essential work performed by the University of Massachusetts.

The visa kept the founding team intact and focused on developing the business. The following April, the company filed an H-1B petition in the lottery, and was notified in September that it had been granted. The company then “graduated” and moved from the Venture Development Center, with an H-1B visa independent of the University of Massachusetts. The company was at the Venture Development Center for about one year, during which it completed pilot projects and raised additional $6,000,000 Series A funding to manufacture and distribute more furniture units.

When the Global Entrepreneur in Residence program is right for you

The GEIR program is an ideal solution to the uncertainty and limitations of the visa system, when:

• The timelines of the national H-1B lottery don’t work for you.

• The uncertainty of the national H-1B lottery is intolerable.

• You missed out getting an H-1B in the lottery.

• You need a little more time to raise funding and establish a board so your startup company can qualify to apply for an H-1B, O-1 or EB-2 visa.

The latter case is typical. While on OPT approved by their university, an entrepreneur started building a minimum viable product, and continued to seek feedback from potential investors and customers. U.S. immigration rules are fairly simple–the majority of work (paid or unpaid) they will be doing during OPT must be related to their major field of study.

When the first year of OPT ends, however, the entrepreneur will no longer be able to work for their business unless it is qualified to employ them, and secures an H-1B visa. Qualified means it has raised at least $200,000 to demonstrate it can pay the entrepreneur at least part-time wages. And it has a board of directors which has the ability to control the employment of the entrepreneur. Many promising startups are not far enough along after OPT. In some cases, they need visa certainty to close the investment. So, entrepreneurs must seek an alternative means of work authorization. GEIR gives them more time to raise funding.

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0b991b No.24331

File: 85e8dc47b8fbcec⋯.png (468.06 KB,602x607,602:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496045 (130151ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Taibbi - The Democrats' Disastrous Miscalculation on Civil Liberties

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See new Tweets


Matt Taibbi


The Democrats' attitude toward civil liberties has sunk beneath that of Republicans in the Cheney/War on Terror years, which I would have thought impossible:


The Democrats' Disastrous Miscalculation on Civil Liberties

Americans have been told a dangerous and uncertain world requires stronger managers and less freedom, but the decline of civil liberties is what started this mess

12:48 PM · Mar 12, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496048 (130152ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles.

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What a Global Entrepreneur in Residence does

The Massachusetts law enabling GEIR at the University of Massachusetts states its objective as giving entrepreneurs “with the potential to create a high growth company” the opportunity to move to or remain in the Commonwealth to work on “assignments that further the university’s interests while developing skills required for organizing and establishing successful new business ventures.” These purposes are synergistic, because one of the best ways to develop skills is to practice them and then to teach others at the university how to do them. So, during the GEIR program, entrepreneurs focus on mastering the company building process, and sharing that knowledge and their expertise with university faculty, students and peers. The entrepreneurs give guest lectures in a class; train student interns; sponsor a capstone course project; or provide real-world challenges for problem-based courses. The entrepreneurs also come together every week at the VDC for a lively community lunch and learn and occasionally listen to eminences. They also schedule individual office hours as needed with the VDC staff, which are experienced in company building.

How universities benefit from Global Entrepreneurs in Residence on campus

The GEIR curriculum benefits the entrepreneur and the university. At the University of Massachusetts, the entrepreneurs are involved in ten problem-based courses in the Spring 2019 semester. In one, CS 410, the computer science capstone, professor Marc Pomplun enlisted four entrepreneurs in GEIR to participate. According to Marc: “The VDC entrepreneurs are a huge benefit to our students and to me – I don’t have to try hard to come up with project ideas that will most likely be inferior and less interesting and relevant to the students. And I don’t have to do as much supervision and can focus on other aspects of the course, mainly teaching.”

One of his students, Kristin Laird, agreed: “For many students, it’s their first experience to startup culture and solving real-world tech problems, and the insight and experience the entrepreneurs are lending is invaluable. Their guest lectures have been engaging and interesting, going beyond what we would normally have an opportunity to learn.”

GEIR Thrasyvoulos Karydis, founder of DeepCure, adds: “The students have been exceptional, contributing enough time from their schedule to get substantial work done for the projects — something that initially I had doubted would be the case. From the point of DeepCure, the engagement with the students has been very successful. The projects, while not part of our critical development roadmap, will be very useful to the company and will save us time and effort in developing our main product.”

At most universities, professors need to constantly network in order to find real-world projects and high quality sponsors for their problem-based courses. It is rare to find ones who have the time to guide student projects during the entire semester. By turning to the global entrepreneurs in residence, professors find real-world projects that motivate students by helping them make relevant connections between what they’re learning and their career goals.

A university welcomes entrepreneurs under the “employed by” and “employed at” cap-exemption if as in the case of the Venture Development Center, part of its mission and/or objectives is to create an entrepreneurial environment where students can combine critical thinking with practical experience. By partnering with immigrant entrepreneurs, universities can get access to these entrepreneurs’ experience in the startup world and highly skilled expertise to provide an educational resource for their students.

At the University of Massachusetts, the GEIR program is a public-private partnership. The cost of operating the program, including paying the attorney and filing fees associated with obtaining the H-1B visa, is shouldered by the university and partially underwritten by a state grant from the Mass Tech Collaborative. The cost of the entrepreneur’s part-time employment is also borne by the university and partially supported by sponsorships from third party entities such as investors, banks, law firms and employers, with demonstrable independent interest in the success of the participating entrepreneur and their company. Neither a participating entrepreneur, directly or indirectly, nor their relatives qualify as sponsors.

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0b991b No.24333

File: 71085c2be667e50⋯.png (454.18 KB,595x565,119:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496058 (130153ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson on Q-Anon Shaman

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The Gateway Pundit


Tucker Carlson on Q-Anon Shaman: “Liz Cheney Should Lose Her Job Today. She Destroyed a Man’s Life”


Tucker Carlson on Q-Anon Shaman: "Liz Cheney Should Lose Her Job Today. She Destroyed a Man's Life"

9:09 AM · Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496094 (130158ZMAR23) Notable: #22681

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Notables - FINAL


>>24290 On a briefing with Biden Under Secretary of the Treasury Nellie Liang regarding the SVB BAILOUT…

>>24291, >>24311 Will CCP agents, who may have used SVB to effectuate forced technology theft from tech startups, benefit from the federal bailout?

>>24292 PlaneFag CONUS Update: Have SAM463 and VV101 US Navy brass G5s arrived at San Diego Int'l…

>>24293 MTG confirms briefing.

>>24294, >>24317, >>24322 Thomas Massie - Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

>>24295 Britain battles to limit SVB damage as would-be buyer for UK arm steps in

>>24296 Matt Rosendale - ust completed a bicameral briefing by @USTreasury, @federalreserve and @FDICgov. I was notified that there are two failed banks, Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank.

>>24297, >>24302 Silicon Valley Bank collapse: UK tech firms at 'serious risk' from failure, warns Chancellor Jeremy Hunt

>>24298, >>24303 Statement from President Joe Biden on Actions to Strengthen Confidence in the Banking System

>>24299 DJT - Ron DeSanctimonious totally caved in his public relations inspired battle with Disney.

>>24300 Peter Navarro: Who Does Tucker Think He Is?

>>24301 Trump ready to remove Russia Hoaxers from gov't in 2025

>>24304, >>24321 Silicon Valley Bank Deletes Twitter, YouTube Videos, And Scrubs Website

>>24305 LIVE: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

>>24306 David Sacks says unlike the 2008 bailouts, Silicon Valley Bank stockholders, bondholders, and executive stock options should be wiped out…

>>24307 The president of Silicon Valley Bank held a fundraiser at his home for Democratic Sen.

>>24308 Fed Panics: Signature Bank Closed By Regulators; Fed, TSY, FDIC Announce Another Banking System Bailout

>>24309 Silicon Valley Bank Ties to California First Partner Jennifer Newsom

>>24310 First Republic Gets Additional Funding From Fed, JPMorgan

>>24312 Gen. Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Message To Humanity

>>24313 Below is a list of the individuals on CISA’s Cybersecurity Advisory Committee

>>24314 On this episode, Bryce sits down with Shruti Shah, Entrepreneur in Residence at the Silicon Valley Bank

>>24315 Dr. Peter McCullough: "Babies Are Ingesting mRNA in Milk"

>>24316, >>24327 This is the bilateral show of force that dispersed the huge group of migrants trying to rush a port of entry in El Paso today

>>24318 Declaring victory over Disney, Ron DeSantis next vowed to take on the Democratic Party

>>24319 Fauci 2020 vs. Fauci 2023

>>24320 Wow … the Fed and the US Treasury just became the FDIC backing the entire banking system.

>>24323 Audit finds Florida's foster care system didn't properly report missing children

>>24324, >>24326, >>24328, >>24329, >>24330, >>24332 ‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles.

>>24325 Kash Patel said Trump's number one iTunes song, “broke the music industry” because it put “America First values back front and center.”

>>24331 Matt Taibbi - The Democrats' Disastrous Miscalculation on Civil Liberties

>>24333 Tucker Carlson on Q-Anon Shaman


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0b991b No.24335

File: db56231ce2afd3b⋯.webp (25.82 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496173 (130206ZMAR23) Notable: US government moves to stop potential banking crisis.

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US government moves to stop potential banking crisis.


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0b991b No.24336

File: a85ecf11a1a63a7⋯.webp (31.1 KB,825x492,275:164,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496192 (130209ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Discusses the Truth About the Jan 6 Files with Clayton Morris at Redacted (VIDEO)

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“Ray Epps CLEARLY Was Working for Somebody…The Core Claims About Jan 6 Were a Lie” – Tucker Carlson Discusses the Truth About the Jan 6 Files with Clayton Morris at Redacted (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson met with his former fellow host at FOX News, Clayton Morris, at his online show ‘Redacted.’ In this interview that was released on Saturday, they discussed many things including the Jan 6 tapes and all that transpired before and since that time.

Tucker Carlson at one time hosted FOX and Friends Weekend with Clayton Morris and Abby Huntsman. Tucker eventually went on to do his own cable news show at FOX News that is the top show on cable news. Abby Huntsman left FOX to become a host at The View, a toxic far-left morning show, and Morris started Redacted.

His guest this week was Tucker Carlson.

The two discussed the January 6 protests and media lies from that day.


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0b991b No.24337

File: c7edb7a7a6aa28d⋯.jpg (230.6 KB,720x954,40:53,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 09f5aab42d11cbb⋯.jpg (156.79 KB,410x864,205:432,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 46cb9f5b147885b⋯.jpg (530.38 KB,717x1234,717:1234,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 95b32fa30299a4d⋯.jpg (399.36 KB,717x1015,717:1015,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496194 (130210ZMAR23) Notable: The bank that was just closed, Signature Bank, is the one that Barney Frank joined after retiring from Congress / Barney Frank

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>The bank that was just closed, Signature Bank, is the one that Barney Frank joined after retiring from Congress


Barney Frank


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0b991b No.24338

File: 425656073c8bbec⋯.png (114.85 KB,308x316,77:79,Clipboard.png)

File: c772b3e1288f192⋯.mp4 (6.24 MB,888x450,148:75,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496218 (130213ZMAR23) Notable: AUSTRALIA - Recruitment advert for the Australian Army

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Bernie's Tweets


AUSTRALIA - Recruitment advert for the Australian Army.

The focus has shifted from protecting citizens from foreign enemies, to protecting authorities from its own unarmed protesting citizens.

The people have become the enemy 🔥

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0b991b No.24339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496245 (130216ZMAR23) Notable: SVB Gematria coincidences.

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SVB Gematria coincidences.

>collapse of svb began 3/9 while the bank is 39 yrs old. they stopped trading on its stock at 39$. collapse happened 3/10 which was the exact same day 23yrs earlier when the dotcom bubble burst causing nasdaq to drop 39% in the year 2000. Bank Collapse = 39 in Gematria

@41:50 https://youtu.be/LKzZXLZvXek

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0b991b No.24340

File: e1488aa614a456e⋯.png (103.59 KB,718x684,359:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496256 (130218ZMAR23) Notable: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Associated Twitter Space

LIVE: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

2:35 PM · Mar 12, 2023



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0b991b No.24341

File: e3b7969259a7ad4⋯.png (61.48 KB,735x491,735:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d547afc7b2b703⋯.png (572.8 KB,703x1953,703:1953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496274 (130219ZMAR23) Notable: Richard Grenell - This was real election interference.

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Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell

Less than 2 weeks before the 2020 Presidential election, the Beijing mouthpieces were screaming “look over there at Russia!”

This was real election interference.

Daniel Goldman @danielsgoldman·Oct 21, 2020


10:13 PM · Mar 12, 2023


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0b991b No.24342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496349 (130229ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank won’t get a federal bailout, says Janet Yellen

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Silicon Valley Bank won’t get a federal bailout, says Janet Yellen: ‘We’re not going to do that again’

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that the federal government would not bail out Silicon Valley Bank, but is working to help depositors who are concerned about their money.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures deposits up to $250,000, but many of the companies and wealthy people who used the bank — known for its relationships with technology startups and venture capital — had more than that amount in their account. There are fears that some workers across the country won’t receive their paychecks.

Yellen, in an interview with CBS’ “Face the Nation,” provided few details on the government’s next steps. But she emphasized that the situation was much different from the financial crisis almost 15 years ago, which led to bank bailouts to protect the industry.

“We’re not going to do that again,” she said. “But we are concerned about depositors, and we’re focused on trying to meet their needs.”


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0b991b No.24343

File: 980c89285620be7⋯.png (522.49 KB,611x890,611:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496374 (130233ZMAR23) Notable: CodeMonkeyZ - Whatever you do, don't post pictures on social media of you and your friends line up in front of a bank.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24344

File: 70b3ff697458c4e⋯.jpeg (33.92 KB,634x361,634:361,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496378 (130233ZMAR23) Notable: Elon Musk says he's 'open to the idea' of buying crisis-hit Silicon Valley Bank and turning Twitter into a digital bank

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Saw That…

Now Elon Musk says he's 'open to the idea' of buying crisis-hit Silicon Valley Bank and turning Twitter into a digital bank

Musk said in a tweet that he's open to rescuing the crisis-hit Silicon Valley Bank

The sudden collapse of the bank has sent financial markets into a frenzy

Responded to user asking if 'Twitter should buy SVB and become a digital bank'


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0b991b No.24345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496385 (130234ZMAR23) Notable: The Future Of China | Two Sessions

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🔴LIVE | The Future Of China | Two Sessions | Live Coverage

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0b991b No.24346

File: 5e14c075789c547⋯.png (474.55 KB,2560x1885,512:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496404 (130237ZMAR23) Notable: Federal Reserve Board announces it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions

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Federal Reserve Board announces it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors


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0b991b No.24347

File: 22cef416d7265b9⋯.png (114.96 KB,685x689,685:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496418 (130239ZMAR23) Notable: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Associated Twitter Space

LIVE: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

2:35 PM · Mar 12, 2023


Clip 3


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0b991b No.24348

File: a088a6f0f4ac29b⋯.jpeg (556.41 KB,1284x1335,428:445,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496435 (130242ZMAR23) Notable: Thomas Massie - Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

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0b991b No.24349

File: 15195b01a340dc3⋯.jpeg (465.98 KB,1284x1301,1284:1301,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496440 (130243ZMAR23) Notable: Thomas Massie - Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

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0b991b No.24350

File: 4309f0d0a1677b6⋯.png (532.95 KB,731x855,731:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 80df2d5f3ef7bed⋯.png (633.29 KB,871x2023,871:2023,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496442 (130243ZMAR23) Notable: The SVB Trek: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Silicon Valley

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PB below

>>24324, >>24326, >>24328, >>24329, >>24330, >>24332 ‘Entrepreneur In Residence’ Used To Be One Of Silicon Valley’s Most Prestigious Titles.

Silicon Valley Bank

Silicon Valley Bank

Dec 16, 2016


6 min read


The SVB Trek: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Silicon Valley

Priya Rajan

, Director of Early Stage Banking and Leader of University Engagement Strategy at Silicon Valley Bank

So, what does it take to succeed as an entrepreneur? Two ingredients at the top are connections and guts. With that in mind, three years ago Silicon Valley Bank launched The SVB Trek.

We are inspired daily by the ingenuity and passion of the entrepreneurs and investors we work with at SVB. And by banking half of U.S. venture capital-backed companies and a growing global clientele, we gain killer insights early on. To champion the next generation of innovators, we open our doors each year to connect ambitious, entrepreneurially minded college students with creative minds, world-class investors and industry leaders. During the four-day Trek, we dive headlong into the innovation ecosystem through an immersive learning experience featuring salon-style events, interviews with industry luminaries and hands-on workshops, plus iconic tours throughout San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

Gaining Early Access to a Uniquely Diverse Network

SVB and our partners believe when you’re solving the world’s most difficult problems, access to forward-thinking problem solvers is critical. So The Trek aims to be an opportunity for students from across the world to build a network of peers and advisors, while gaining unique insights to propel them to the next stage of their career development.

Jake Mendel

’s career path was transformed after joining the 2016 Trek class a year ago. An Ohio State MBA student with two startups under his belt, Jake was toying with a career in investment banking. But then he did a gut-check. Today, he and fellow Trek alum Zeenia Kaul have raised enough capital to launch a company focused on nutriceutical supplements for cancer patients in remission. Their partnership took root at The Trek.

Meet the SVB Trek Class of 2017

The Trek selection process is rigorous, and we work side by side with leading universities to find a small group of students each year who reflect diverse backgrounds, academic experiences and career pursuits.

The trailblazers in the Trek Class of 2017 have already achieved impressive feats. They include: the inventor of gloves that translate sign language to English; the co-founder of an app that measures air quality to determine when to stay inside; a developer of an educational program to help autistic students communicate; a developer of an alternative source of protein in the form of crickets, the CEO of a platform to mobilize individuals to invest collaboratively and the developer of a “lawyer” bot that appeals parking tickets for free.

Our “guides” at The Trek are in the trenches and have lived through the ups and downs of startup life. We encourage these technology leaders to candidly recount their startup journey, including their failures.

Some of the guides for this year’s Trek include

Peter Boyce

II, Co-Founder of Rough Draft Ventures and VC at

General Catalyst


Jess Lee

,Partner at Sequoia Capital,

Mike Maples, Jr.

, Partner at Floodgate, and

Clara Shih

, Co-Founder and CEO of

Hearsay Social


Here are the 2017 Trek student participants:

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0b991b No.24351

File: e76d44e4726c8c0⋯.png (354.5 KB,798x1183,114:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 77761c03b5731f7⋯.png (1.16 MB,798x3644,399:1822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496456 (130245ZMAR23) Notable: The SVB Trek: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Silicon Valley

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>Here are the 2017 Trek student participants:

Eric Blondeel

* Co-Founder/CTO ExVivo, a Waterloo-based startup building next generation medical diagnostic tools

* PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo

Alexander Brewster

* Desai Accelerator participant

* BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan

Ben Brook

* Founder, Stealth startup

* BS, Computer Science, Harvard University

Joshua Browder

* Founder, DoNotPay, “the world’s first robot lawyer”

* BS, Computer Science, Stanford University

Morgan Cheatham

* CEO of Lasso Investing, a platform targeted toward Gen-Z and millennial investors by mobilizing individuals to invest collaboratively and share investing strategies with others in their professional and social networks

* BS, Computer Science, Brown University

Jaclyn Daily, Fernanda Delgado Rumayor, Vruti Desai, John Draikiwicz, Kaitlyn Gayvert (left to right)

Jaclyn Daily

* Intern, Innovation Park Notre Dame

* BS, Finance, University of Notre Dame

Fernanda Delgado Rumayor

* Co-Founder, Sustainable Energy Startup

* BS, Sustainable Development Engineering, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Vruti Desai

* Founder, Expression for Autism, educational program to help students with autism improve communication skills, build confidence, and spur creativity

* BS, Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business

John Draikiwicz

* Engineering and Kessler Fellow at Starsky Robotics

* BS, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Cornell University

Kaitlyn Gayvert

* PhD, Computational Medicine, Cornell University

* Named to Forbes’ 2016 30 under 30 List

Peter Gebhard

, Jenny Liu, April Lovelady,

Nathaniel Medina

, Charlie Maynard (left to right)

Peter Gebhard

* Senior Embedded Systems Research Programmer at PRECISE research center

* MS, Embedded Systems, University of Pennsylvania

Jenny Liu

* Finance whiz and startup consultant

* MS, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business

April Lovelady

* Biomedical Engineering Post Doctoral & Entrepreneurial Lead, Texas A&M University

Nathaniel Medina

* Co-Founder, Impulse Labs — “a quick way to find someone to do something with”

* BS, Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley

Charlie Maynard

* Co-Founder, BookMyShow Indonesia, a cinema and event ticketing e-commerce platform

* MBA, Stanford University, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Zuhayeer Musa

, Thomas Pryor, Reem Qawasmi,

Éire Smith

, Kyle Walden (left to right)

Zuhayeer Musa

* Co-Founder, Bash, a simple way to arrange activities with friends

* BS, Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley

Thomas Pryor

* Inventor, Gloves which translate sign language to English (hand gesture interpretation apparatus for translating hand gestures)

* BS, Aerospace Engineering, University of Washington

Reem Qawasmi

* Ibtikar Fund, an investment fund focused on Palestinian startups

* MBA, Texas A&M University, Mays Business School

Éire Smith

* Co-Founder, Small Farms, an alternative source of protein in the form of crickets.

* BS, Business & Economics, Trinity College, Dublin

Kyle Walden

* Co-Founder, KrafftIT/INHALE, an app to allow you to learn about the air around you and help you organize your day based on when it’s best for you to be outside

* BS, Business, University of Southern California

Lynn Wang

, Daniel Wu, Venkata Yelleswarapu, Yidan Zhang,


Zhong (left to right)

Lynn Wang

* Founder, Xbootcamp

* MBA, Harvard University, Harvard Business School

Daniel Wu

* Co-Founder, Welcome Home, a real estate startup

* JD/PhD student, Harvard University, Harvard Law School

Venkata Yelleswarapu

* Fellow at the Penn Center for Innovation (PCI)

* PhD, Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania

Yidan Zhang

* Co-founder, Delivice, Ann Arbor’s next day grocery delivery service

* BS, Computer Science, University of Michigan

Kimberli Zhong

* Student Partner at Rough Draft Ventures, powered by General Catalyst

* KPCB Engineering Fellow

* BS, Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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0b991b No.24352

File: 61a25ea98a9e1be⋯.png (335.96 KB,528x1113,176:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496490 (130249ZMAR23) Notable: Two videos showing police beating two women on J6, one died

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yes, it is.

Two videos showing police beating two women on J6, one died


seems like we've seen these vids or similar but they never made it into the public zeitgeist - will they this time?

trust me, you don't want to view Poso vid, where he "pleads" for justice…..

New Rosanne Borland Video


Lila Morris Beating Video



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24353

File: 78ac51fb20aea2a⋯.png (2.12 MB,1283x2658,1283:2658,Clipboard.png)

File: 95c9e6250a6fb0b⋯.png (2.27 MB,1283x2871,1283:2871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496510 (130252ZMAR23) Notable: The SVB Trek: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Silicon Valley

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The SVB Trek: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Silicon Valley



Tomorrow's Innovators

Inclusion & Diversity

Public Policy Engagement

Community Involvement


Inspiring the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

The Trek aims to be an opportunity for students from across the world to build a network of peers and advisors, while gaining unique insights to propel them to the next stage of their career development.


To champion the next generation of innovators, Silicon Valley Bank opens its doors each year to connect ambitious, entrepreneurially minded college students with creative minds, world-class investors and industry leaders. During the four-day Trek, participants dive headlong into the innovation ecosystem through an immersive learning experience featuring salon-style events, interviews with industry luminaries and hands-on workshops. For general inquiries contact Priya Rajan.

Inclusion and Diversity

Diversity makes a difference

A diverse and inclusive workplace expands possibilities for everyone. Innovation happens when people with varied experiences and backgrounds feel empowered to work to their full potential. Different perspectives and fresh viewpoints drive creative solutions—and give companies a competitive edge. Silicon Valley Bank is working to increase diversity internally and throughout the innovation ecosystem.

Tacking Tech's Lack of Diversity

Listen to SVB's Head of Relationship Banking in Europe Erin Platts and UKTN Editor Yessi Bello Perez discuss practical ways in which technology entrepreneurs can ensure they build diverse workforces, investors back more women and entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds, and the power of leveraging data to make informed decisions.

Leading with Inclusion

In 2014, SVB launched a firm-wide inclusion and diversity survey to understand our employees’ experiences, interests and priorities; the results identified areas of opportunity to raise awareness and understanding, and informed our inclusion and diversity strategy moving forward.

We launched Unconscious Bias workshops in 2015, to understand how we can interrupt biases in our decision-making.

Building upon that foundational program, we began rolling out additional workshops with SVB’s leaders across our global offices in 2016. The goal for these ongoing workshops is to provide managers with practical and actionable tips to mitigate unintentional bias through the language we use to talk about talent and leadership at SVB.We also provide training and resources to enable our employees to be inclusiveleaders and active advocates for leveraging our teams’ diverse experiences to help our clients make an impact on the world.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24354

File: 2e7ddde8d60f3d7⋯.png (3.3 MB,1800x1360,45:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496511 (130252ZMAR23) Notable: Ben Garrison - SILICON VALLEY BANK, JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG

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Cartoon published 03/12/2023


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0b991b No.24355

File: 741c2a9366060a1⋯.png (421.8 KB,608x497,608:497,Clipboard.png)

File: a18504f44fe2791⋯.jpeg (65.84 KB,680x431,680:431,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496582 (130302ZMAR23) Notable: The SVB Trek: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Silicon Valley

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Xfund brings @SVB_Financial

's#SVBTrek to @23andMe



1:51 PM · Jan 9, 2018


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0b991b No.24356

File: 5202c3b173eaa9d⋯.png (932.53 KB,952x1588,238:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496622 (130306ZMAR23) Notable: Canadian regulator takes temporary control of Silicon Valley Bank's Canadian branch

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Canadian regulator takes temporary control of Silicon Valley Bank's Canadian branch


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24357

File: 582bdc820896cea⋯.png (1.71 MB,1854x1118,927:559,Clipboard.png)

File: dd9f8f7010ff86e⋯.png (408.89 KB,722x728,361:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496636 (130309ZMAR23) Notable: Ben Garrison - There's an Andrew Jackson vibe in the air

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Ben Garrison Cartoons


There's an Andrew Jackson vibe in the air..

Throwback Ben Garrison cartoon

Mar 12, 2023, 10:51 PM



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0b991b No.24358

File: 2a40bc2d1c97840⋯.png (489.18 KB,568x955,568:955,Clipboard.png)

File: 776d8ba3b536fa7⋯.png (27.09 KB,1788x185,1788:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496646 (130310ZMAR23) Notable: Signature Bank calls for Trump resignation - 1/12/2021

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stollen from bunker



Signature Bank calls for Trump resignation

For the first time in its 20-year history, prominent real estate lender Signature Bank has issued a comment on the nation’s politics with a call for President Donald Trump to resign.

“We have never before commented on any political matter and hope to never do so again,” said the New York-based bank led by Joseph J. DePaolo. “However, as Americans we are deeply, deeply saddened by the rioting and insurrection which took place in the most sacred of American institutions, our United States Capitol.”

As well as closing Trump’s personal accounts at the bank, Signature has also warned it “will not do business in the future with any members of Congress who voted to disregard the Electoral College.”



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0b991b No.24359

File: fca929432b22195⋯.png (283.62 KB,718x1926,359:963,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c3af6862d5af44⋯.jpg (9.38 KB,231x218,231:218,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bc39febc6dc57c0⋯.png (23.48 KB,630x214,315:107,Clipboard.png)

File: ed0bcf584d21a42⋯.jpg (58.95 KB,838x702,419:351,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496658 (130312ZMAR23) Notable: The bank that was just closed, Signature Bank, is the one that Barney Frank joined after retiring from Congress / Barney Frank

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muh frank dodd

Dodd-Frank Act: What It Does, Major Components, Criticisms

By Adam Hayes

Updated September 08, 2022

Reviewed by Thomas Brock

Fact checked by Katrina Munichiello

Katrina Avila Munichiello

What Is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is legislation that was passed by the U.S. Congress in response to financial industry behavior that led to financial crisis of 2007–2008. It sought to make the U.S. financial system safer for consumers and taxpayers.

Named for sponsors Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), the act contains numerous provisions, spelled out over 848 pages, that were to be implemented over a period of several years.1

Key Takeaways

The Dodd-Frank Act targeted financial system sectors that were believed to have caused the 2007–2008 financial crisis.

Leading up to 2007, lax regulations led to extremely risky lending practices, which caused a housing sector bubble that ultimately burst and drove the global crisis, the need for public bailouts of financial institutions, and recession.

Those institutions seen as responsible included banks, insurance companies, investment banking firms, mortgage lenders, and credit rating agencies.

Critics of the law argue that the regulatory burdens it imposes could make U.S. firms less competitive than their foreign counterparts.2

In 2018, Congress passed a new law that rolled back some of Dodd-Frank’s restrictions.3

Understanding the Dodd-Frank Act

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is a massive piece of financial reform legislation that was passed in 2010, during the Obama administration.

Commonly known as the Dodd-Frank Act, or Dodd-Frank, it established a number of new government agencies tasked with overseeing the various components of the law and, by extension, various aspects of the financial system.

The 2007-2008 financial crisis is perhaps the worst economic catastrophe to befall the country (and world) since the Wall Street crash in 1929. Broadly speaking, it was caused by the greed-driven behavior and lax oversight of financial institutions.

The loosening of financial industry regulations in the decades leading up to 2007 allowed various types of institutions in the U.S. financial services industry to lend money in ways that were riskier than ever before. The housing sector in particular experienced massive growth that couldn't be supported.

The bubble burst, sending the banking industry and global stock markets into a downfall. It created the worst global recession in generations.

Dodd-Frank was created to keep anything similar from ever happening again.

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was intended to prevent another financial crisis like the one in 2007–2008.

Components of the Dodd-Frank Act

Here are some of the law’s key provisions and how they work:

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0b991b No.24360

File: f39449df8994f95⋯.png (401.8 KB,1089x724,1089:724,Clipboard.png)

File: a5658afd2aee26f⋯.jpg (242.54 KB,696x460,174:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496684 (130315ZMAR23) Notable: The bank that was just closed, Signature Bank, is the one that Barney Frank joined after retiring from Congress / Barney Frank

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>muh frank dodd


Mr Brownstone himself

Copied from my Steemit article on the topic: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@rebelskum/what-is-operation-brownstone-a-brownstone-operation-is-it-real-more-than-likely

https://s13.therealdeal.com/trd/up/2015/05/brownstone123.jp g" alt="" />


The existence of"Operation Brownstone" and "Brownstone operations" is not yet officially recognized as operating procedures of the U.S. government. This topic is considered by many to be purely speculation as it is largely based on circumstantial and anecdotal evidence, but there have been many requests to address this particular topic here on this site. Some of the witness testimony from Jeffrey Epstein victim, Virginia Roberts, and the Palm Beach Police Department resembles such an operation. We will discuss what we know based on what few sources exist that seem to support that such operations indeed existed and have taken place.

Operation Brownstone, also known as a "Brownstone operation," is a reference to a theory that intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, engage in utilizing underage individuals for prostitution purposes with high profile targets, for the purposes of being able to blackmail those high profile individuals later. Generally, the incidents are recorded via videotape and the underage victims are debriefed after the encounter.

Origin of the term "Operation Brownstone"

>Brownstone is a brown Triassic-Jurassic sandstone which was once a popular building material. The term is also used in the United States to refer to a townhouse clad in this material.

Source: Wikipedia

In the late 1980's, Representative Barney Frank admitted that his former partner, Stephen Gobie, ran a prostitution ring out of his apartment, in the base of a brownstone in Washington, DC. However, Frank denied all knowledge of Gobie's activities and said he kicked Gobie out when he learned the truth. (source) A brief video summary is available on YouTube.

The speculative element is that Frank knew of the prostitution ring that ran out of his apartment and that the ring involved sex with minors, with recordings of the illicit activities to be used later for blackmail purposes. It is unclear what individual first used the term "Operation Brownstone" - perhaps former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson who spoke frequently on this scandal - but the term referred to these alleged blackmail operations that took place specifically at the brownstone which housed Frank's apartment.

The Barney Frank scandal would be part of two other individual but heavily interconnected scandals: The DC Call Boy Scandal and the Franklin Scandal.

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0b991b No.24361

File: c5ca87728094e49⋯.png (33.16 KB,642x221,642:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496749 (130329ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - “CNN suffers devastating 83% loss in viewership as Trump’s ratings skyrocket.”

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GK..I need your help. Should this be "doing really bad also" or is it good?

Donald J. Trump


“CNN suffers devastating 83% loss in viewership as Trump’s ratings skyrocket.” D.C. Enquirer MSDNC (MSNBC) is doing really badly also. Too bad, Fake News just doesn’t sell any longer!

Mar 12, 2023, 11:01 PM


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0b991b No.24362

File: ae74d626bc9a7a6⋯.jpg (64.76 KB,625x421,625:421,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496820 (130345ZMAR23) Notable: Can MSM appear to report the news yet is actually suppressing certain stories? What is the Silent War?

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Can MSM appear to report the news yet is actually suppressing certain stories?

What is the Silent War?

Report on 300 'predator priests' can go public, court says

Published July 28, 2018 12:59am EDT

By Dom Calicchio , | Fox News

A Pennsylvania grand jury’s landmark report, linking more than 300 “predator priests” to clergy child sexual abuse, will be made public, the state’s Supreme Court said Friday.


Hundreds of priests sexually abused more than a thousand children, Pennsylvania attorney general says

Published August 14, 2018 5:14pm EDT

By Elizabeth Zwirz , | Fox News


Vatican responds to Pennsylvania priest abuse scandal with 'shame and sorrow'

Published August 16, 2018 5:12pm EDT

By Elizabeth Zwirz , | Fox News


Check The Comments > be the first to reply!

Brietbart Same same

Worse even, dig on BB Rome Correspondent ex Priest Thomas Williams…

To man the fort in Rome, Stephen K. Bannon, then Breitbart’s chief executive and now Mr. Trump’s chief White House strategist, turned to Mr. Williams, a telegenic and polyglot theologian who had spoken for the Vatican and defended the leader of his conservative religious order against accusations of child molestation (ultimately proved true). Mr. Williams himself then left the priesthood in disgrace when it emerged that he had broken his vows of celibacy and fathered a son.


Yeah… people are sure to get the truth about the Vatican from this piece of shit.

Anyways, back to the missing comments on articles which surely would have been very active.

Where did they go?

One must wonder if the articles were ever truly "Published"?

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0b991b No.24363

File: 9ff697161835fd9⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1284x2637,428:879,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496821 (130345ZMAR23) Notable: Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality

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World renowned Drs that have been constantly smeared by msm for his stance against Covid vaccines. They have irrefutable proof. How long before the public realizes that they were targeted to be killed and want revenge? Against others doctors, the media, the politicians?


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0b991b No.24364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496846 (130350ZMAR23) Notable: #22682

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Notables - FINAL


>>24335 US government moves to stop potential banking crisis.

>>24336 Tucker Carlson Discusses the Truth About the Jan 6 Files with Clayton Morris at Redacted (VIDEO)

>>24337, >>24359, >>24360 The bank that was just closed, Signature Bank, is the one that Barney Frank joined after retiring from Congress / Barney Frank

>>24338 AUSTRALIA - Recruitment advert for the Australian Army

>>24339 SVB Gematria coincidences.

>>24340, >>24347 Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

>>24341 Richard Grenell - This was real election interference.

>>24342 Silicon Valley Bank won’t get a federal bailout, says Janet Yellen

>>24343 CodeMonkeyZ - Whatever you do, don't post pictures on social media of you and your friends line up in front of a bank.

>>24344 Elon Musk says he's 'open to the idea' of buying crisis-hit Silicon Valley Bank and turning Twitter into a digital bank

>>24345 The Future Of China | Two Sessions

>>24346 Federal Reserve Board announces it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions

>>24348, >>24349 Thomas Massie - Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

>>24350, >>24351, >>24353, >>24355 The SVB Trek: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Silicon Valley

>>24352 Two videos showing police beating two women on J6, one died


>>24356 Canadian regulator takes temporary control of Silicon Valley Bank's Canadian branch

>>24357 Ben Garrison - There's an Andrew Jackson vibe in the air

>>24358 Signature Bank calls for Trump resignation - 1/12/2021

>>24361 DJT - “CNN suffers devastating 83% loss in viewership as Trump’s ratings skyrocket.”

>>24362 Can MSM appear to report the news yet is actually suppressing certain stories? What is the Silent War?

>>24363 Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality


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0b991b No.24365

File: f12b9c377806e60⋯.jpeg (550.68 KB,1845x2000,369:400,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496857 (130351ZMAR23) Notable: #22683

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Welcome to the Digital Battlefield

Information Warfare

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0b991b No.24366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496933 (130514ZMAR23) Notable: Dankest Monday

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Blackest Monday.


Enjoy the show.

Civil asset forfeiture.

Who's really losing their shit?


🍿 And comfy af.

This isn't going to be an FDR fireside chat.

Information spreads like wildfire.


Run on the bank


Run bankers run

Either way the system is getting destroyed.

How many of those banks are tied into criminal ill gotten gains.

Ie. Epstein.

Again tomorrow should be an economic BLOODBATH.



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0b991b No.24367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496935 (130733ZMAR23) Notable: Political Party Godfathers and their Made Men

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Political Party Godfathers and their Made Men

March 10, 2023

Doug Ford’s secrets will be revealed.

In this episode, I share some of the secrets behind Doug Ford’s and John Tory’s leadership races while shedding light on how all political races are rigged.

If you want to help support the show, or just need a holiday or getaway, make sure to reserve a stay at Suttlebutt Lodge, or donate directly by visiting https://nomorelockdowns.ca


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0b991b No.24368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496938 (130735ZMAR23) Notable: The Parliamentary motive behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

March 12, 2023 | Sundance


THREAD (read down from HERE):



March 12, 2023 7:05 pm

Went through the Miranda Devine article on Jan 6 at the NY Post today.


The last 6 seconds show Jacob Chansley in the gallery of the one chambers (Senate?, also, note the clock reads 2:53…have checked other sources that Chansley was in the building as early as 1:30 PM).

What is weird is that a photographer is also in the gallery with him. Massive lens! Just like a photo shoot.

TinEye verifies that many of the press-posted photos I queried about are from Gettys Images filed on January 6, 2023. By guess who…Win MacNamee, the absolute best veteran photographer Gettys has. The files and his gear/clothing/hair style can be cross-referenced.

Now, I know he covers DC, and his father was also in the business. Yet, what business is that…FalseFlagFoto, Inc.?

How was MacNamee in place for an insurrection that was supposed to be organic? Why was he following Jacob Chansley around…IN the US Capitol?

Will wonders never cease?


Will post my screen shots below.



March 12, 2023 7:11 pm

Reply to WSB

Low lighting but nevertheless discernible of Chansley, his flag, horns and MacNamee following him around. Professional photography. How can one actor get so lucky?



March 12, 2023 7:13 pm

Reply to WSB

The actual shot…



March 13, 2023 1:20 am

Reply to WSB




March 13, 2023 2:01 am

Reply to WSB

This is the shot that MacNamee took. His camera is projected exactly at this angle when I took screen shots from the video. He was positioned to take these shots to make the epitome of the ‘insurrection’.

Courtesy: U.S. Dept. of Justice


Point Blank. MacNamee was the photographer of this infamous false flag…IMHO. Nice gig. Looks like National Geographic…no?

Can anyone else look at photos posted in prime newspapers by similar triple A photographers to display false flag events? Las Vegas? Sandy Hook? Others? I am only asking.

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0b991b No.24369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496947 (130738ZMAR23) Notable: Sheriff reveals how Cartels have taken over Rural California

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Sheriff Reveals How Cartels Have Taken Over Rural California | Jeremiah LaRue

>79,788 views | Mar 12, 2023 | #cartels #california #siskiyou

"If you see the pictures, if you see the video, it looks like a third world country. The crime is off the charts. We have people getting murdered at marijuana grows."

My guest today is Jeremiah LaRue, Sheriff of Siskiyou County. In a previous episode, we have covered how cartels taking over land in his county and grow massive illegal marijuana. Today, we will dive deeper to find out what’s happening in Northern California. And why the illegal grows have been out of control.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496948 (130739ZMAR23) Notable: Sheriff reveals how Cartels have taken over Rural California

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At America’s Most Lawless Border (With Arizona Sheriff) 🇺🇸🇲🇽

>318,005 views | Mar 11, 2023 | COCHISE COUNTY

Far from Phoenix in the south of Arizona is beautiful Cochise County. Here the mountains tie together two countries and the most lawless border area in the United States. Here's the place of high-speed chases and 13-year-olds making up to $3000 per migrant as they drive them up to Phoenix. A place of cat and mouse where the cartels are in control. Join me as we venture to another part of the US border to get a better understanding of what's currently happening at the ground level with the local Sheriff.

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0b991b No.24371

File: cda2264c9406273⋯.png (1.61 MB,1906x1156,953:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d14ab16af4ad96⋯.png (1.74 MB,1906x1156,953:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 884b3e410f75c9d⋯.png (1.74 MB,1906x1156,953:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496952 (130740ZMAR23) Notable: The Parliamentary motive behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24372

File: 91c4c42d5030d84⋯.jpeg (225.96 KB,1242x713,54:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496965 (130745ZMAR23) Notable: HSBC buys Silicon Valley Bank UK

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HSBC buys Silicon Valley Bank UK,

protecting deposits


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24373

File: 458d24de9749523⋯.png (1.67 MB,1906x1156,953:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 08607131ef017bc⋯.png (464.8 KB,640x450,64:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496966 (130746ZMAR23) Notable: The Parliamentary motive behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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March 13, 2023 2:01 am

Reply to WSB

This is the shot that MacNamee took. His camera is projected exactly at this angle when I took screen shots from the video. He was positioned to take these shots to make the epitome of the ‘insurrection’.

Courtesy: U.S. Dept. of Justice


Point Blank. MacNamee was the photographer of this infamous false flag…IMHO. Nice gig. Looks like National Geographic…no?

Can anyone else look at photos posted in prime newspapers by similar triple A photographers to display false flag events? Las Vegas? Sandy Hook? Others? I am only asking.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496971 (130749ZMAR23) Notable: Uncovering the missing secrets of Magnetism

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24375

File: 713670ed9ccf990⋯.png (668.66 KB,1898x3431,26:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496979 (130751ZMAR23) Notable: HSBC buys Silicon Valley Bank UK

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Oh yeah? Been known to grease some well-known skids in the past so…kek.

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0b991b No.24376

File: c3ef0e5f99a3e52⋯.png (262.22 KB,1300x1142,650:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18496998 (130758ZMAR23) Notable: HSBC buys Silicon Valley Bank UK

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HSBC 'sorry' for aiding Mexican drugs lords, rogue states and terrorists

This article is more than 10 years old

Executive quits in front of US Senate as bank faces massive fines for 'horrific' lapses that resulted in laundering money for drugs cartels and pariah states

Tue 17 Jul 2012


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0b991b No.24377

File: f1ca84927f4c32c⋯.webp (26.39 KB,810x462,135:77,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497010 (130801ZMAR23) Notable: On the day Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, Trudeau had 2 Commissioners removed

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“On December 13, 2017, on the day Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, Justin Trudeau had both the Lobbying Commissioner and the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner removed, and appointed new ones.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497021 (130806ZMAR23) Notable: On the day Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, Trudeau had 2 Commissioners removed

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> Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered

HCQ and Ivermectin were proven cures that had to be discredited to get Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approved for the mRNA bioweapon. All part of the fraud.

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0b991b No.24379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497032 (130809ZMAR23) Notable: On the day Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, Trudeau had 2 Commissioners removed

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"Barry had been involved in dozens of heated lawsuits, including some against his own relatives. He had also loaned tens of millions of dollars to family and invested in numerous businesses owned by relatives and associates."

Including one involving a breach of the Lobbyist Registration Act, as legislated within the federal Canada Elections Act:

“The Apotex lawsuit posed a serious threat to Justin Trudeau’s political career. If Apotex was successful the lawsuit would have provided compelling evidence that Justin Trudeau had violated the Canada Elections Act.”


477.9 (1) No candidate shall accept any gift or other advantage that might reasonably be seen to have been given to influence them in the performance of their duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if the candidate were to be elected, during the period that

(a) begins on the day on which they are deemed to have become a candidate.

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0b991b No.24380

File: 290630eab98892f⋯.png (90.5 KB,653x848,653:848,Clipboard.png)

File: 18d105141ddddb9⋯.png (107.31 KB,1200x2108,300:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 050eedca4b944b4⋯.png (1020.79 KB,1525x1333,1525:1333,Clipboard.png)

File: c9b4b753b233add⋯.pdf (260.79 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 43253434cc2221d⋯.pdf (271.78 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497038 (130811ZMAR23) Notable: Ichor [Medical Systems of San Diego] Awarded DARPA ADEPT: PROTECT Contract

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>>24195 PB

"Ichor [Medical Systems of San Diego] Awarded DARPA ADEPT: PROTECT Contract"

Anon was total bookworm while growing up, brother too, all sorts of subjects including mythology and biology. Never read "ichor" was the blood of the gods, always understood it was the stuff in insects equivalent to our blood. Now cannot find the bug blood definition, only the gods/pathology definitions. Weird. Blood of the gods v. eating ze bugs? Mandela effect? Online revision of history/public knowledge?


So then I found this tweet about a "secret plasmid DNA project" called Prometheus, one of the Titans who brought fire to humans… which reminds me of Lucifer "light bringer" and then back to ichor, which another definition describes as "In Greek mythology, Ichor is the ethereal golden fluid that is the blood of the gods and/or immortals." Is luciferase dna being put in plasmids to put in humans in some really strange transhumanist/godlike attempt, or maybe as a way to tag "property"?

GMO plasmids: https://twitter.com/Jikkyleaks/status/1634903111147094017

PDF "Federal Circuit Reaffirms Patentability of Isolated DNA Molecules in View of Supreme Court's Mayo v. Prometheus Decision" from https://webstorage.paulhastings.com/Documents/PDFs/2238.pdf

PDF "" from https://njipla.wildapricot.org/Resources/Documents/event_proceedings/2012-12-05-26th-Annual-Pharmaceutical-Chemical/Wexler%20paper%202.pdf

My brain is making strange connections this evening.

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0b991b No.24381

File: 91c4c42d5030d84⋯.jpeg (225.96 KB,1242x713,54:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497040 (130812ZMAR23) Notable: HSBC buys Silicon Valley Bank UK

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HSBC only bought UK assets of SVB.

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0b991b No.24382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497042 (130813ZMAR23) Notable: HSBC buys Silicon Valley Bank UK

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Let' take a little walk down memory lane…

Let’s Not Forget Mueller’s HSBC Money Laundering Scandal

By M Dowling - April 10, 2018

"The Obama Department of Justice allowed HSBC to pay fines to avoid facing federal criminal indictments after HSBC admitted criminal responsibility for helping Mexican drug cartels, Iran, and terrorist organizations launder hundreds of millions of dollars into the U.S. banking system from foreign sources."

"A 2012 Department of Justice press release announced the settlement which allowed HSBC to admit criminal responsibility for money-laundering at least $881 million through the U.S. financial system including money from sanctioned countries including Cuba, Sudan, Iran, Libya, and Burma."

"The HSBC bank officials paid more than a billion dollars in fines. They admitted to committing several felonies."

"The Director of the FBI at that time was Robert Mueller. James Comey was a member of the HSBC board of directors. The case was settled by Loretta Lynch, then-U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. The Attorney General was Eric Holder."


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0b991b No.24383

File: 4194b0f7f7de819⋯.jpeg (153.71 KB,1106x1408,553:704,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: be831f29feb5f87⋯.png (414.6 KB,480x639,160:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 212bf1c44af8721⋯.png (759.29 KB,739x631,739:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497046 (130815ZMAR23) Notable: Meet Colorado's legal power couple on the cutting edge of civil rights and education

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Follow The Wives.

Suzette M. Malveaux

American civil rights lawyer

Meet Colorado’s Legal Power Couple On The Cutting Edge Of Civil Rights And Education


There are two law schools in Colorado and each has just one full professor who is a Black woman. And those two women are a couple. A power couple, you could say.

Professor Suzette Malveaux is a civil rights attorney who teaches at CU Boulder and directs the Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional law. Her name has recently come up as a potential nominee for a federal judgeship.

Professor Catherine Smith teaches at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, where she also used to serve as the Associate Dean for Diversity Equity, and Inclusion.

Smith and Malveaux laugh when they say they “didn’t get the memo” on the historical rivalry between their schools.

“We don't take the comparison or the competition too seriously,” Malveaux said. “We try to support each other and our institutions as much as possible.”

“We both love Colorado and we love the students that come to both law schools,” Smith added. “So we very much see it as a win-win.”

Collectively Malveaux and Smith have broad legal expertise from employment and LGBTQ rights to the constitutional rights of children. They have both testified and written about legislation — from police accountability to hair discrimination.

The experience of being the only Black women who are full professors at their law schools bonds with them, as well.

“When you are the only one, you can feel that acutely. You want to feel like there are folks in the building who understand your journey, and the perspective and experience that you have,” Malveaux said.

Malveaux’s parents grew up in the segregated South.

“My dad was racially profiled when I was really little,” she said. “And you don't forget those kinds of things when you are feeling threatened and scared.”

The encounter happened on one of her family’s annual road trips from Maryland to Louisiana, to visit her grandparents.


Malveaux was born in Lansing, Michigan, into a family of Creole descent,[2] and identifies as African-American.

Her father, the late Floyd J. Malveaux, was the dean of the College of Medicine at Howard University, executive director of the Merck Childhood Asthma Network, and a founder of Howard University's National Human Genome Center.[3]

Her mother, the late Myrna Ruiz Malveaux, was an early childhood educator.[4]

Her twin sister is CNN Correspondent Suzanne Malveaux.[5]

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0b991b No.24384

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497051 (130816ZMAR23) Notable: Jessie Marie Czebotar explains how she eye-witnessed 136k children ritually sacrificed

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still on my tabs open list to witness currently

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0b991b No.24385

File: 189d6d346fe3cb7⋯.png (236.89 KB,895x880,179:176,Clipboard.png)

File: cb00c7ec05ff489⋯.png (247.54 KB,384x586,192:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 815667caf653b02⋯.png (228.65 KB,456x324,38:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497067 (130825ZMAR23) Notable: HSBC buys Silicon Valley Bank UK

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Nothing to see here - move along !!!


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0b991b No.24386

File: 8c2aabbe2795071⋯.png (2.92 MB,1686x2048,843:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497084 (130830ZMAR23) Notable: Meet Colorado's legal power couple on the cutting edge of civil rights and education

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>Jean-Pierre's bitch, oh boy.

Suzanne Malveaux

American journalist

Suzanne Malveaux to leave CNN after 20 years


By Alexandra Steigrad January 6, 2023

Longtime CNN anchor Suzanne Malveaux is leaving the network after a 20-year run.

Malveaux broke the news to staff in a note obtained by The Post, in which she said she approached CNN in the fall of 2022 “about focusing on my family and possibly pursuing some new opportunities,” and that the network “supported me.”

“I’m thrilled one of those projects will be a collaboration with a great-grandson of Nelson Mandela to tell stories and spotlight communities in conflict poised to find peace. Stay tuned,” she continued.

Malveaux, who is the longtime partner of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, first joined CNN in 2003 after previously working as a correspondent for NBC News. They have an 8-year-old daughter together.

“After 20 years of delivering groundbreaking stories for the audiences of CNN, I’ve made the heartfelt decision to put myself and my family first and to pursue my long-desired professional passions: using storytelling to promote wellness, resiliency and social justice,” Malveaux wrote. “I will forever be grateful for the opportunities CNN afforded me.”

“Throughout Suzanne’s 20-year career at CNN, she has brought historic interviews to our audiences, broken news from around the world, and mentored countless journalists across multiple bureaus,” a CNN rep said. “We are excited for her and her next chapter and wish her all the best.”

Malveaux is the latest CNN veteran to depart the network, which is in the process of restructuring after a hefty round of layoffs in early December that left hundreds of staffers jobless.

Cuts included prominent CNN correspondents like Barbara Starr, Alison Kosik, Martin Savidge, Alex Field, Mary Ann Fox, and Chris Cillizza, among others.

A rep told the Washington Post, which first reported the news, that Malveaux’s departure was unrelated to the layoffs.

Malveaux said in her note that she contemplated her future during a recent bout with COVID, her second. “There is nothing like being quarantined in your basement to help one gain some momentum from contemplating to actually exploring what lies ahead,” she wrote.

During her career at CNN, Malveaux spent 10 years covering the White House, as well as anchoring shows and reporting from Ukraine and other global locations. She also reported on her late mother’s battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which she highlighted in her note as an important personal accomplishment.

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0b991b No.24387

File: fdd68a2544373ba⋯.png (385.75 KB,1100x1505,220:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497091 (130832ZMAR23) Notable: Ben Garrison is looking for Meme Artists

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Ben Garrison looking for meme artists

see CAP.

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0b991b No.24388

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497096 (130833ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Stella Immanuel joins Mike Adams to talk jabs, luciferians and the Book of Revelation

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Dr. Stella Immanuel joins Mike Adams to talk jabs, luciferians and the Book of Revelation



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0b991b No.24389

File: 8748530818492f0⋯.png (868.47 KB,1234x597,1234:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497157 (130902ZMAR23) Notable: Censorship: the week democrats finally came out

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Censorship: The Week Democrats Finally

Came Out

American Spectator, by David Catron

Posted By: Garnet, 3/13/2023 1:35:23 AM

It has long been obvious that the Democrats harbor a deep aversion to free expression and that they are perfectly willing to silence voices that fail to parrot the pungent orthodoxies of the left. Historically, however, this authoritarian impulse has been impeded by the First Amendment and the revulsion with which most Americans regard censorship. It is no small irony that the advent of the internet, which was widely expected to make it all but impossible to interfere with the free flow of information, actually rendered it easier to suppress speech by stealth.

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0b991b No.24390

File: 479fc18694407a1⋯.png (322.08 KB,425x700,17:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497169 (130908ZMAR23) Notable: Signature Bank just collapsed

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Signature Bank just collapsed. Yes, the same bank that closed President Trump’s personal bank accounts after J6.

Everything woke turns to shit!

Throwback article:


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0b991b No.24391

File: 0f1fa2064f59bc5⋯.png (424.42 KB,665x595,19:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497184 (130913ZMAR23) Notable: Uncovering the missing secrets of Magnetism

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check out roger penrose's twistors

a light ray in space forms a point in twistor space

light is "timeless"

for a photon travelling the length of the universe

from a to b

the entire journey will take no time at all

emission at a and absorption at b

is one single event for the photon

and is one single point in twistor space

twistor analysis shows a "handedness" to the universe

purely a property of light

this is what the diagram shows

let's twistor again

image from here:


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0b991b No.24392

File: 29b61a98105a770⋯.png (491.85 KB,807x480,269:160,Clipboard.png)

File: ef7ab4cb518e667⋯.png (31.46 KB,714x391,42:23,Clipboard.png)

File: ca5e0371b9b828a⋯.png (429.03 KB,940x868,235:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 5689d05baef699f⋯.png (387.41 KB,580x500,29:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bb34e61afdf151⋯.png (365.93 KB,461x631,461:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497192 (130915ZMAR23) Notable: Domino effect or power grab?

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no - it is a power grab

the banks are too big to fail

they also to big to let fail.

China and the CCP is controlled by the B.I.S and promoted by the W.E.F

All that is happening is threats and the move to global accounting system which is coming into effect as of April 2023 for this coming tax year,

At the same time CBDC are being trialed around the globe.



Klaus and his minions have a plan and it is playing out.!!!



We are in WW3, how far does it go, chek memes!!

Lets thrash this out.

1) Take over the propaganda arms of countries.

2) Destroy The energy (not quite but this will kill a lot of people this dark winter)

3) Restrict food production and seize up supply routes (ships out side ports, unions striking at the same time and destruction of trust in national governments)

4) disenfranchise and demoralize the men, vaccinate the peoples with a deadly silent weapon

5) indoctrinate the children

6) bring in a health social credit system and increase surveillance x1000 cbdc

7) flood the countries with uncontrollable immigration without security

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0b991b No.24393

File: 266cdbff10ff11f⋯.png (195.65 KB,420x741,140:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497302 (130951ZMAR23) Notable: Despite being banned from tech platforms, the Plandemic documentaries were the most viral videos in internet history

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Despite being banned from every major tech platform, the Plandemic documentaries were the most viral videos in internet history because of segments like this one on Bill Gates.

"A 2018 scientific study released in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health concluded that over 490,000 children in India developed paralysis as a result of the Gates-supported oral polio vaccine that was administered between the years of 2000 and 2017. Thanks to the meticulous work of a team of Indian researchers and doctors, the inconvenient truth lives on the nih.gov website."

[Video on Twitter]



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0b991b No.24394

File: e39a2999e3fb230⋯.png (387.77 KB,609x638,21:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497322 (131000ZMAR23) Notable: @WallStreetSilv: Mind tricks incoming … NOT a bailout😨

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Wall Street Silver


Mind tricks incoming … NOT a bailout😨

Ht u/SPCEMember593


8:00 PM · Mar 12, 2023




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0b991b No.24395

File: 1b923afbecd6391⋯.jpeg (63.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497372 (131022ZMAR23) Notable: Former Munich Security Conference chair suggests way to resolve Ukrainian conflict

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13 Mar, 2023 09:29

Former Munich Security Conference chair suggests way to resolve Ukrainian conflict

Wolfgang Ischinger proposed that work to thrash out a peace initiative could be done through a contact group

Wolfgang Ischinger, the former chairman of the Munich Security Conference, has argued that an international contact group should be set up with a view to resolving the Ukraine crisis, with the US, the UK, France and Germany making up its core. Now is the time to start a serious conversation about ways to secure peace, he wrote in an op-ed for Germany’s Der Tagesspiegel newspaper on Sunday.

Ischinger, who presided over the annual security convention from 2008 until 2022, opined that “it is high time that we put in motion a peace process for Ukraine.” He acknowledged that critical voices in the West are posing questions that are not “completely unjustified,” such as how much longer governments are planning to pump the Eastern European country with weapons.

With this in mind, the veteran German diplomat called for the “immediate” creation of a special contact group that would function alongside the existing Ramstein Air Base group, which helps coordinate defense aid to Ukraine.

Such a congregation of world powers, according to Ischinger, should be given a mandate to thrash out multiple settlement scenarios and options, as well as to prepare draft agreements so that, if and when Kiev and Moscow decide to sit down at the negotiating table, there is already some groundwork in place for a peace process.

In addition to the four mentioned Western powers, the contact group envisaged by the German politician would also involve nations like Canada, Spain, Poland, Italy, the Baltic states, as well as the UN, EU, OSCE and NATO. To make it more representative, invitations should also be extended to the likes of Brazil, India and China, Ischinger added. (They are trying a power play on Russia because all their sanctions failed. Russia aligned countries are making too much money, they will not go along with the political pressure gang up)

He said the key issues on the group’s agenda would include the terms of a ceasefire, the issues ofsovereignty over Crimea and parts of Donbass, security guarantees for Ukraine, and its possible NATO membership.(none of these things will happen, its all talk for now, proposing Ukraine in NATO is what created this war along with other points)

Officials in Moscow have on several occasions made it clear that they are open to negotiations with Kiev in principle, provided that Ukraine accepts Russia’s conditions and recognizes what theKremlin calls the “reality on the ground.”

Addressing Russia’s Federal Assembly late last month, President Vladimir Putin claimed that it was Ukraine and its Western backers who had “started the war.” Moscow, according to Putin, “has been using force to stop them.”

In January, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov signaled that Moscow was “ready to respond to all serious proposals” to resolve the conflict. He claimed, however, that the West does not allow Kiev to make decisions on its own.

(Second or third comms insinuating west is done with Ukraine shithole in the last day. Any discussion to benefit Ukraine isn’t going to work.Crimea and Donbass voted to cede from Ukraine.)


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0b991b No.24396

File: 1bca684b9eb78c4⋯.jpeg (67.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497422 (131040ZMAR23) Notable: Moscow admits it doesn’t know who attacked Nord Stream

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13 Mar, 2023 08:54

Moscow admits it ‘doesn’t know’ who attacked Nord Stream

A full investigation, not ludicrous leaks to the press, is needed in the high-profile case, Nikolay Patrushev said

Russia does not know who blew up the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines last year, and wants to see a thorough investigation to get the answer, its most senior security official has said.

Nikolay Patrushev, secretary of Russia's Security Council, also dismissed a claim that Western intelligence services suspect a private “pro-Ukrainian group” of blowing up the pipelines as being meant for people lacking in critical thinking skills.

“The narrative that the US and the UK were not involved in this terrorist attack is apparently pushedin the hope that the readers cannot think logically,” he said.

Patrushev was referring to a series of articles in the Western press, claiming that the undersea energy links, built to directly supply Russian natural gas to Western Europe, may have been sabotaged by a shady group possibly funded by a Ukrainian businessman. Unnamed intelligence officials claimed that the people behind the operation were not linked to either the US or Ukrainian governments. The pipelines were ruptured by powerful explosions in late September.

In an interview with the Russian newspaper Argumenti i Fakti, published on Monday, Patrushev expressed doubt that the group described by the media could even exist, explaining that such acts require special equipment and training, which might be expected from a national black ops team.

“TheUS and Britainhave such units. Other NATO states use combat divers for sabotage operations too, but only if the leading member of the alliance, which dictates its agenda, gives its permission and support,” Patrushev stated.

Only a thorough impartial investigation based on evidence can put an end to the controversy, he added, arguing that “declarations of subjective one-sided versions explain nothing.”

Weeks before the claim was floated, based on anonymous intelligence services, veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh alleged that the Nord Stream sabotage was conducted by a US-Norwegian team on the orders of US President Joe Biden. Both nations have denied the allegations.

Hersh said Washington wanted to lock in German support for its anti-Russian campaign over the Ukraine crisis, and put an end to the purchase of cheap Russian pipeline gas by Western European nations.

Patrushev assessed that no pro-Ukraine actor had any reason to blow up the pipelines, asKiev “goes hat in hand to Berlin hoping for increased military assistance and other aid.”Washington, however, has long expressed opposition to Russian-German energy cooperation, the official noted.

(Jack P did a Human Events daily podcast indicating three days before this bogus story was released Scholz came to WH for private talks with Bidan. Remember Scholz was also at the WH in Jan 2022 when Bidan announced at press briefing, they’ll find a way to stop Nord Stream pipelines. Scholz knew and agreed that day for US and others to get rid of NS. Jack also said the plan to blow up NS he believes MI6 put pressure on the US to do this, says a lot of pressure and bad plans come from them. The meeting last week was becauseScholz is being hammered by German leaders and citizenson the dramatic rise of costs to the public. Industries are closing down due to the cost of fuel, people are hurting, because Germany nows buys LNG from the US at 6x the cost of Russia’s gas. Jack said this stupid story was just to soothe Germany, and no one is expected to believe it, but politicians and the public won’t push back. It was comms for morons to accept.)


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0b991b No.24397

File: 6cfb4ae735201ff⋯.png (440.55 KB,940x716,235:179,Clipboard.png)

File: a085f222ef3ed73⋯.png (253.34 KB,1184x1188,296:297,Clipboard.png)

File: ec49e06ee32962a⋯.png (234.09 KB,1204x1086,602:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497429 (131042ZMAR23) Notable: Biden to speak on Banking Crisis early Monday morning at 8 A.M. EDT

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All institutionsMUSTfall andWILLfall…

Down she goes!

The fed announced over the weekendTHEY WILL NOT BAIL OUT SVC

This will start aRUN ON BANKSthis week…

Like GET YOUR CASH NOW (and you should BTW..)

Biden trying to bail water in a sinking boat with no pail…what could he possible say at 8a?

They are trying like crazy to prevent the catastrophe that is inbound…fed could have headed it off but didn't so DOWN SHE GOES…

"SACRAMENTO — Governor Gavin Newsom today issued the following statement in response to the Biden Administration’s announcement enabling the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to complete its resolution of Silicon Valley Bank in a manner that fully protects all depositors.

“The Biden Administration has acted swiftly and decisively to protect the American economy and strengthen public confidence in our banking system. Their actions this weekend have calmed nerves, and had profoundly positive impacts on California — on our small businesses that can now make payroll, workers who will get their paychecks, on affordable housing projects that can continue construction, and on non-profits that can keep their doors open tomorrow. California is a pillar of the American economy, and federal leaders did the right thing, ensuring our innovation economy can continue to grow and move forward.”"


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0b991b No.24398

File: 6b7b00885c2a4df⋯.png (136.38 KB,594x416,297:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497434 (131043ZMAR23) Notable: Domino effect or power grab?

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Michael Burry has just said:


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0b991b No.24399

File: 666d7b3720f284f⋯.png (358.78 KB,577x650,577:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497442 (131045ZMAR23) Notable: (Sep 2022) Ukrainian “Hit List” publishes names and addresses of alleged “Russian Propagandists”

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~Under Public Law 117-128, the U.S. Congress is funding an organization called Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), whose professed purpose, according to its website, is to “counter Russian disinformation.” But its real purpose may be to create the equivalent of a “fatwah list” of alleged traitors whom patriotic Americans and/or Ukrainians will feel they have a green light to assassinate.

~The profiles of many people targeted under the “hit list” has been posted on a website, Myrotvorets (meaning “peacemaker” in Ukrainian), whose domain name is listed as being in Langley, Virginia, headquarters of the CIA.

~Established in 2014 following the Maidan coup with assistance from a U.S. army intelligence officer, Joel Harding, Myrotvorets aims to out Russian intelligence service (FSB) agents and Wagner mercenaries alongside pro-Russian propagandists and features gruesome photos of dead Russians. Its welcome message advertises itself as a “CIA project.”

~Sadly, many on the Myrotvorets enemies list have already been assassinated. When this occurs, the Ukrainian word ЛИКВИДИРОВАН (“LIQUIDATED”) is stamped across their picture in big red letters—as happened when Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli was murdered.

(pic rel)

~In an indication of its foul character, Myrotvorets has listed the names of more than 300 children, among them 13-year-old Faina Savenkova who has written on social media about the terror meted out by the Ukrainian Army in eastern Ukraine.~


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0b991b No.24400

File: ed0d47420b74fad⋯.png (90.68 KB,670x567,670:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 39f5cb55f7853b6⋯.png (59.22 KB,633x364,633:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497473 (131057ZMAR23) Notable: First Republic Bank plunges 66.6% in pre-market

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@disclosetv · 20m

JUST IN -First Republic Bank plunges 66.6% in pre-market.


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0b991b No.24401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497475 (131057ZMAR23) Notable: Uncovering the missing secrets of Magnetism

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Roger Penrose Says Physics Is Wrong, From String Theory to Quantum Mechanics

Q: So Schrödinger himself never believed that the cat analogy reflected the nature of reality?

A: Oh yes, I think he was pointing this out. I mean, look at three of the biggest figures in quantum mechanics, Schrödinger, Einstein, and Paul Dirac. They were all quantum skeptics in a sense. Dirac is the one whom people find most surprising, because he set up the whole foundation, the general framework of quantum mechanics. People think of him as this hard-liner, but he was very cautious in what he said. When he was asked, “What’s the answer to the measurement problem?” his response was, “Quantum mechanics is a provisional theory. Why should I look for an answer in quantum mechanics?” He didn’t believe that it was true. But he didn’t say this out loud much.


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0b991b No.24402

File: b3ca5017c0a3b18⋯.png (547.03 KB,889x1154,889:1154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497588 (131122ZMAR23) Notable: Live Twitter Spaces with Mario Nawfal: Bank stocks free fall post SVB meltdown

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LIVE COVERAGE: Bank Stocks Free Fall Post SVB Meltdown-The Roundtable


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0b991b No.24403

File: 385f58231d1509e⋯.png (456.42 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 73657a3e25a5678⋯.png (275.63 KB,676x690,338:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497609 (131127ZMAR23) Notable: Etsy warns sellers of delays in wake of SVB collapse

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Etsy Warns Sellers of Delays in Wake of Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

Following the company’s statement, Etsy sellers started urging each other to put their stores on “vacation mode.”


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0b991b No.24404

File: 58ec1cb8c1a92d2⋯.png (26.8 KB,592x196,148:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497629 (131131ZMAR23) Notable: China's Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukraine's Zelensky and is set to meet Putin next week in Moscow

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@disclosetv · 15m

JUST IN -China's Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukraine's Zelensky and is set to meet Putin next week in Moscow— WSJ


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0b991b No.24405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497659 (131140ZMAR23) Notable: Fauci is officially triggered by talk of prison… responds to lab leak bomb

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Fauci is officially triggered by talk of prison… Responds to lab leak bomb…


March 13, 2023

Biden hasn’t decided yet? It was a unaminous vote maybe the only unaminous vote I’ve seen in my life time and dementia Joe hasnt decided yet? That criminal SOB is protecting ccp again.

Lock the hobbit up!

Don’t be-leave anything from See-and-N. The first thing he talks about is the vie-Russ. From everything I’ve learned, there is no vie-Russ. It was most likely a tox – in of some sort.

Fauci is right… Why would they prosecute him? The feds protect their own, always have, always will.

LIke I said yesterday….Fauci is the weak link. Roast him in jail and he will squawk

The man is worse than Mengella ever thought of beign.

What did fauci do?

1) funded gain of function research after it had been banned- MILLIONS DIED

2) lied under oath about it

3) personally enriched himself with the vaccine (and who knows how many other things he funded)

4) lied under oath about it

5) murdered people by lying about the efficacy of Ivermectin- MILLIONS DIED

6) lied under oath about it

7) knew there were safety issues at the lab and let research continue

8) lied under oath about it

9) lied under oath about the vaccine preventing the spread of the disease

10) lied under oath about lockdowns

11) lied under oath about masks

12) lied under oath about the risks of taking the vaccine

He is right about one thing he should NOT be jailed. He should be put on trial for Crimes against Humanity and EXECUTED!

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0b991b No.24406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497666 (131141ZMAR23) Notable: Fauci is officially triggered by talk of prison… responds to lab leak bomb

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0b991b No.24407

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497688 (131145ZMAR23) Notable: #22683

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#22683 >>24365

>>24366 Dankest Monday

>>24368, >>24371, >>24373 The Parliamentary motive behind the J6 Fedsurrection

>>24367 Political Party Godfathers and their Made Men

>>24369, >>24370 Sheriff reveals how Cartels have taken over Rural California

>>24380 Ichor [Medical Systems of San Diego] Awarded DARPA ADEPT: PROTECT Contract

>>24372, >>24381, >>24375, >>24385, >>24376, >>24382 HSBC buys Silicon Valley Bank UK

>>24384 Jessie Marie Czebotar explains how she eye-witnessed 136k children ritually sacrificed

>>24377, >>24378, >>24379 On the day Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, Trudeau had 2 Commissioners removed

>>24387 Ben Garrison is looking for Meme Artists

>>24383, >>24386 Meet Colorado's legal power couple on the cutting edge of civil rights and education

>>24388 Dr. Stella Immanuel joins Mike Adams to talk jabs, luciferians and the Book of Revelation

>>24389 Censorship: the week democrats finally came out

>>24390 Signature Bank just collapsed

>>24392, >>24398 Domino effect or power grab?

>>24394 @WallStreetSilv: Mind tricks incoming … NOT a bailout😨

>>24400 First Republic Bank plunges 66.6% in pre-market

>>24403 Etsy warns sellers of delays in wake of SVB collapse

>>24402 Live Twitter Spaces with Mario Nawfal: Bank stocks free fall post SVB meltdown

>>24397 Biden to speak on Banking Crisis early Monday morning at 8 A.M. EDT

>>24374, >>24391, >>24401 Uncovering the missing secrets of Magnetism

>>24393 Despite being banned from tech platforms, the Plandemic documentaries were the most viral videos in internet history

>>24395 Former Munich Security Conference chair suggests way to resolve Ukrainian conflict

>>24396 Moscow admits it doesn’t know who attacked Nord Stream

>>24399 (Sep 2022) Ukrainian “Hit List” publishes names and addresses of alleged “Russian Propagandists”

>>24404 China's Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukraine's Zelensky and is set to meet Putin next week in Moscow

>>24405, >>24406 Fauci is officially triggered by talk of prison… responds to lab leak bomb


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0b991b No.24408

File: a2afc1ed5df4dd5⋯.png (701.15 KB,1657x1252,1657:1252,Clipboard.png)

File: 087e0a42327b1e1⋯.png (74.89 KB,450x400,9:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497702 (131149ZMAR23) Notable: #22684

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handoff requested

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0b991b No.24409

File: cb0a16ca3b14fe1⋯.jpg (27.78 KB,640x220,32:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d519573769d04d1⋯.jpg (28.34 KB,640x230,64:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497720 (131154ZMAR23) Notable: Morning markets

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Western Alliance Bancorporation (WAL) Pre-Market: (-52.88%); PacWest Bancorp (PACW) Pre-Market: (-37.25%)



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0b991b No.24410

File: 155481ccf6d8821⋯.png (53.57 KB,651x543,217:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497726 (131156ZMAR23) Notable: Morning markets

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JUST IN - First Republic Bank plunges 66.6% in pre-market.

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0b991b No.24411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497761 (131203ZMAR23) Notable: Oversight Chair James Comer: We have in hand, documents that show Biden family was getting money from CCP

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In a nutshell, yes.

>Would Biden handlers tank the economy?

BOOM! Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party”


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0b991b No.24412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497775 (131207ZMAR23) Notable: Who is Joseph Gentile?

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>>>/qresearch/18497714 LB

Who is Joseph Gentile?


Arthur Anderson>

Lehman Brothers>

Silicon Valley Bank>

Where to next?

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0b991b No.24413

File: e67b0d73feb2eb0⋯.png (278.22 KB,816x844,204:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497780 (131208ZMAR23) Notable: Morning markets

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SVB from Frida7 as well.


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0b991b No.24414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497807 (131214ZMAR23) Notable: (0900ET) Biden delivers remarks on the economy

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'Tater Delivers Remarks on the Economy



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0b991b No.24415

File: d04e0e181d67dcf⋯.jpeg (89.66 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 75d1d7edb5840b8⋯.jpeg (139.25 KB,808x1024,101:128,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b23699de86b1ab9⋯.png (154.32 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497840 (131220ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Letters to Trump’ book, "people going to see a very fascinating life"

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Exclusive — Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

Matthew Boyle12 Mar 2023

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that his forthcoming book will show readers that he has had a “very fascinating life” and that many of the powerful people who attack him now used to adore him before he ran for president.

The book, titled Letters to Trump, is the former president’s second book release since leaving office in January 2021. The first one, Our Journey Together, was a collection of historic photos from Trump’s time in office. This book collects letters that Trump sent and received from interesting, famous, powerful, and influential people over the years, both during his time as president and for the decades leading up to his historic White House run in 2016.

Letters to Trump is being published by Winning Team Publishing, which has the book available for pre-order ahead of its April 25 release now on its website.

The book includes correspondence with such wide-ranging figures as royal world leaders like Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana; cultural figures like Clint Eastwood, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jackson; sports stars like Shaquille O’Neal; and former presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. It also has correspondence Trump had with foreign leaders like Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.

One thing that shines through in the correspondence ishow differently a lot of people treated Trump before he came out as a conservative Republicanfirebrand and ran for — and won — the presidency.

“I think they’re going to see a very fascinating life. I knew them all — and every one of them kissed my ass, and now I only have half of them kissing my ass,” Trump joked to Breitbart News when asked during a phone interview what people will see when they read the book.

Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. said that the tone of all of these elites changed when his father ran for office as a Republican.

“My father has lived an amazing life and has been around some of the most interesting people in the world,” Trump Jr. told Breitbart News. “It’s amazing how quickly their adoration of him changed when he ran for office as a Republican. Letters to Trump shows you exactly how they felt about him and how phony their newfound disdain truly is.”

Trump said the book will show a truly fascinating “great life” and that he was “surrounded by great people” and that “it was amazing.”

One such letter in the book, for instance, comes from John F. Kennedy Jr., the son of former President John F. Kennedy, who wrote a personal note to Trump after he visited the offices of George magazine for an interview.

“Dear Donald,” Kennedy Jr. wrote to the future president. “Many thanks for joining us the other day at the George offices to discourse on politics, New York, men and women. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed your remarks and I trust you found the questions thought-provoking. You were most generous to make the time. Thanks again. -John

Kennedy Jr., who captivated the nation with his iconic final salute at age three to his father after his assassination, was a national favorite as a young boy growing up at the White House. Later in life, he founded Georgemagazine and Trump said he was planning to run for the Senate in New York — and probably would have been president of the United States himself — had he not died in a tragic plane crash in the summer of 1999.

“He was a great guy. He was a friend of mine,” Trump said when asked about him and the letter he sent. “Even though we were of a different persuasion, I believe he would have run for the Senate and that hewould have been president someday. He was a handsome guy. He was a fantastic guy. He had the ‘it factor,’ and he would have gone to the top of the world in the Kennedy family.”

Trump told Breitbart News that the collection in Letters to Trump is like a “treasure trove” and thanked two former assistants for helping him categorize and organize all the letters over the last 40 years.

“They saved all my letters and they categorized them,” Trump said.

Sergio Gor, the founder of Winning Team Publishing, said the publishing company pored over thousands of letters spanning decades to compile the collection.

“Long before entering the White House, Donald Trump was already corresponding with countless famous individuals,” Gor told Breitbart News. “We went through thousands of letters and were amazed to see decades of correspondence with Kings, Presidents, Hollywood Stars, athletes, and business titans. No one else has such a collection, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to share it with the world.”


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0b991b No.24416

File: a9e3d03f5a5d5c2⋯.png (193.05 KB,955x392,955:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497859 (131225ZMAR23) Notable: Morning markets

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Build Back Better vs SHUT IT DOWN


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0b991b No.24417

File: f3e91852ee3ab63⋯.png (6.44 KB,1150x47,1150:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497874 (131228ZMAR23) Notable: Morning markets

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nuthin to c here

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0b991b No.24418

File: 7989b0110a19d47⋯.png (549.49 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497896 (131233ZMAR23) Notable: Stanford University apologizes to Judge accosted by Woke students and faculty

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Stanford University Apologizes to Judge Accosted by Students, Faculty

Breccan F. Thies12 Mar 2023

Stanford University president Marc Tessier-Lavigne and law school dean Jenny Martinez apologized to Judge Kyle Duncan after students and faculty accosted him during a Federalist Society event.

In a joint statement to the Fifth Circuit judge, Tessier-Lavigne and Martinez said, “We write to apologize for the disruption of your recent speech at Stanford Law School.”

“As has already been communicated to our community, what happened was inconsistent with our policies on free speech, and we are very sorry about the experience you had while visiting our campus,” the continued.

The apology comes after multiple students and the university’s dean for diversity, equity, and inclusion, Tirien Steinbach, beratedDuncan and would not allow him to speak. Atleast three other members of faculty were presentand allowed the judge to be shouted down.

“Staff members who should have enforced university policies failed to do so, and instead intervened in inappropriate ways that are not aligned with the university’s commitment to free speech,” the letter says. “We are taking steps to ensure that something like this does not happen again.”

The letter falls short of describing disciplinary action for the students or faculty members, both of which Duncan called for in the aftermath of the incident —including the firing of Steinbach who brought a six-minute prepared monologue.

In response to receipt of the letter, Duncan told National Review, “I particularly appreciate the apology’s important acknowledgment that ‘staff members who should have enforced university policies failed to do so, and instead intervened in inappropriate ways that are not aligned with the university’s commitment to free speech.'”

“Particularly given the depth of the invective directed towards me by the protestors, the administrators’ behavior was completely at odds with the law school’s mission of training future members of the bench and bar,” Duncan continued before calling on the school to issue a similar apology to the law students who invited him to speak at Stanford’s Federalist Society chapter.

“The apology promises to take steps to make sure this kind of disruption does not occur again,” the judge concluded. “Given the disturbing nature of what happened, clearly concrete and comprehensive steps are necessary. I look forward to learning what measures Stanford plans to take to restore a culture of intellectual freedom.”


Didn’t a circuit or its under consideration from SC not to have Harvard students staff for them.

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0b991b No.24419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497900 (131234ZMAR23) Notable: Raphael Mechoulam, Israel’s ‘father of cannabis research,’ dies at 92

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Raphael Mechoulam, Israel’s ‘father of cannabis research,’ dies at 92

Esteemed scientist led pioneering research into psychoactive substance, with findings that helped ease its shift out of counterculture and into the mainstream

In the early 1960s, a Bulgarian-born scientist named Raphael Mechoulam was caught carrying five kilograms of, as he called it, “superb, smuggled Lebanese hashish” on a bus from Tel Aviv to Rehovot. But he wasn’t planning on smoking the stuff.

Mechoulam was a fledgling researcher keen on exploring the science behind cannabis, a stigmatized plant whose specific medical properties were not yet known. Over the decades he became a pioneer in cannabis research, whose findings about the psychoactive substance helped ease its entry out of the counterculture and into the mainstream.

Mechoulam died in Israel at age 92; his death was announced Friday by American Friends of the Hebrew University, where Mechoulam helped form The Hebrew University Multidisciplinary Center for Cannabinoid Research in 2017.

“Most of the human and scientific knowledge about cannabis was accumulated thanks to Prof. Mechoulam,” Hebrew University President Asher Cohen said in a statement. “He paved the way for groundbreaking studies and initiated scientific cooperation between researchers around the world. Mechoulam was a sharp-minded and charismatic pioneer.”

As a professor at the Hebrew University School of Pharmacy, Mechoulam and his research team isolated THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, as well as cannabidiol, or CBD, an active ingredient in cannabis with a range of medicinal benefits.

He also pioneered the study of the body’s own cannabinoid system, which produces chemicals similar to THC to help regulate appetite, manage pain and operate the immune system.

As Mechoulam discovered more about cannabis and its efficacy in easing symptoms of cancers, epilepsy and other diseases, he lamented that strict drug laws in the United States and elsewhere suppressed research and kept the derivatives of cannabis off the market.

The industry and science of medicinal cannabis “has to follow medical lines of thought and development and modern medical routes,” he told The New York Times in 2017. “Israel has more [clinical trials] than the United States at the moment, which is ridiculous.”

Mechoulam was a founding member of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines and the International Cannabinoid Research Society. In 1994, he was elected to be a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Mechoulam was born in Bulgaria in 1930 and immigrated in 1949 with his family to Israel, where he later studied chemistry. He received his PhD at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, writing a thesis on the chemistry of steroids. After postdoctoral studies at the Rockefeller Institute in New York, he joined the scientific staff of the Weizmann Institute.

Mechoulam became a full professor at Hebrew University in 1972 and was named the Lionel Jacobson Professor of Medicinal Chemistry in 1975, serving as the university’s rector from 1979-1982.

In 2022, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York City mounted its exhibition on Jewish contributions to the history of cannabis and highlighted the work of Mechoulam. “He’s worked on cannabis his entire life, and in the 1990s he and his colleagues discovered the endocannabinoid system, which regulates homeostasis — a significant discovery on how the human body deals with cannabinoids,” Eddy Portnoy, who curated the exhibit, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency at the time. “I read an interview with him where he says that because he was in a small country, he would have to find a niche that other people weren’t working in.”

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0b991b No.24420

File: 5d01670a8980e51⋯.png (136.81 KB,668x702,334:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497908 (131236ZMAR23) Notable: Morning markets

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>First Republic Bank down 66.6% in pre-market.

"Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?]." Q post #666


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0b991b No.24421

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497915 (131237ZMAR23) Notable: Drag Queen taught 11-year olds about anal sex, parents still not home-schooling their children

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Drag Queen Taught 11-Year-Olds About Anal Sex, Parent Complains

The parent of one child has alleged her 11-year-old was taught about anal and oral sex by a drag queen while attending her local school.

The mother of one 11-year-old has expressed outrage after her 11-year-old daughter was reportedly taught about both oral and anal sex by a drag queen while attending school.

It comes after another boy in the school was allegedly given detention by the same drag queen after he publicly rejected his claim that there are 73 genders.

According to a report by The Mail, the drag queen had come to the Queen Elizabeth II school located in the Crown Dependency of the Isle of Man to teach children sexual education.

Such lessons provided to children however are said to have been extremely graphic, with the educational facility reportedly being forced to suspend their sex education lessons after public outcry over the drag queen’s actions.

“When my daughter told me what had happened, I got onto the school immediately and asked them what on earth they were doing talking in such graphic detail,” one mother, whose young daughter was reportedly taught by the drag queen, reportedly told The Mail.

“My daughter is just 11 years old, she’s five years below the age of consent and is learning about anal sex and oral sex,” she explained. “What were the school thinking of?”

Although parents have expressed particular concern regarding the graphic content of the drag queen’s lessons, controversy has also emerged regarding the ideological nature of the lessons, which reportedly taught various tenets of transgenderism to children as fact.

According to The Telegraph, the guest speaker instructed children that there are 73 genders, and that when one 14-year-old boy challenged them on this, they were reportedly sent out of the room.

“You’ve upset me,” the drag queen reportedly said before ejecting the young teenager, who is said to have subsequently been given detention by the school for “being disruptive”.

Both the boy and his parents have rejected this claim made by the school, however, insisting that he was just “simply expressing his own opinion”.

“As far as I’m concerned you can’t change biology and I was amazed when I called the school to find out why my son had been given a detention,” the mother of the boy said.

“The fact our children are not allowed to have their own view, in other words that there are only two genders is disgusting,” she continued. “The teacher was drumming it into them that there were several genders and he just said as he is entitled to that he didn’t accept it and he was punished for having his own opinion.”

“There is absolutely no need to ram gender and pride down kids’ throats and the more it’s done then the more it just alienates the majority of parents and children,” she went on to say.


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0b991b No.24422

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497920 (131237ZMAR23) Notable: (1200ET) President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on his America First Education Policy in Davenport, Iowa on Monday, March 13, 2023 at 6:15PM CST.



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0b991b No.24423

File: 442e6fd1a5c27d7⋯.png (480.75 KB,823x911,823:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497922 (131238ZMAR23) Notable: Planefag

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EXEC1F out of Andrews

South bound, Level 400

Squawking 7061

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0b991b No.24424

File: bb5e1ef20c8957f⋯.png (1.19 MB,1064x1626,532:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497927 (131239ZMAR23) Notable: Here comes the 💥BOOM❗️💥

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I Corps

Ready or not &ndash;

Here comes the 💥BOOM❗️💥


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0b991b No.24425

File: 4c464627fae04c9⋯.jpeg (96.42 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497934 (131240ZMAR23) Notable: Oversight Chair James Comer: We have in hand, documents that show Biden family was getting money from CCP

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Rep. Comer Says He Has the Goods on Hunter Biden and His Commie $$$

Kevin Downey Jr.

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that people are finally starting to cooperate in the investigation into Hunter Biden’s “business dealings” with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Fast Facts

• Comer claims to have documents proving just how Hunter Biden hoovered mad stacks from his pinko pals in China.

• Comer also claims there were a lot of bank transfers, frequently on the same day. Comer believes the numerous transfers were to help conceal where the money was coming from.

• Comer believes the Biden family — and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen — have tried to stonewall the investigation into Hunter Biden, and he told Bartiromo that these maneuvers actually helped him and the Oversight Committee.

• Hunter’s former assistant, Kathy Chung, is believed to have moved secret documents from Joe Biden’s home — a recommendation from Hunter — to an office in Boston. Chung is scheduled for a deposition in front of the Oversight Committee on April 4, 2023.

Bartiromo asked Comer if there had been any updates since they’d spoken two weeks ago.

“We’ve had a very good two weeks,” Comer responded. “We are finally having people cooperate with us. I think we all know the Biden administration is stone-walling. Janet Yellen is stonewalling, not turning over the bank violations.”

“But fortunately, since we’ve last spoken,” Comer continued, “we actually have bank records in hand. We have individuals who are working with our community.”

FACT-O-RAMA The artist formerly known as “Hunter the Crackhead” has been selling paintings for up to $500,000. He is a “self-taught artist.”

“As Bad as We Thought”

Comer didn’t specify who the cooperating individuals were but claimed they have ties with the Biden family andtheir various “schemes” around the globe. He told Bartiromo:

In the last two weeks, we’ve met with either these individuals personally or with their attorneys. And that would befour individuals who had ties in with the Biden familyon their various schemes around the world. So now we have in hand documents that show just exactly how the Biden family was getting money from the Chinese Communist Party.

And I will tell you,Maria, it’s as bad as we thought.

It’s very concerning. And in a way, I’m kind of glad that the Biden attorney and the Biden administration’s been stonewalling us, because when I requested that information two weeks ago versus today, because of what we have in hand now,we have a lot stronger case in courtfor why we need these documents that the Biden family’s withholding and that the government’s withholding.

Sothey have unintentionally helped our casein our quest to get these documents to where we can give the American people the truth and the transparency that they deserve out of their leaders in Washington.

Is this the moment we’ve been waiting for? Will the Biden crime family and their dealings with our number one enemy, the CCP, come crashing down because Hunter left a laptop in a repair shop?


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0b991b No.24426

File: cedabd8f6bad102⋯.jpeg (79.88 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18497993 (131249ZMAR23) Notable: Even as Jan. 6 narrative implodes, Pence still blames Trump for endangering his life

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Even as Jan. 6 Narrative Implodes, Pence Still Blames Bad Orange Man for Endangering His Life

Robert Spencer

Mike Pence is running hard to be the Mitt Romney of 2024, the controlled opposition establishment Republican nominee who will run for president and lose gracefully. Or if he somehow wins, he will do the Left’s bidding, but in a restrained, ostensibly conservative way. The formerly genuine conservative Pence showed that again Saturday at the Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, an annual event where speakers usually keep things light. The famously stone-faced former veep may have been incapable of cracking jokes, but he sure went all-in on making his remarks as heavy as possible and signaling that he would happily carry water for the Left, repeating his claim that Trump endangered his life on Jan. 6 — even as the Left’s Jan. 6 narrative is in a full state of collapse.

According to a Sunday report in the New York Post, Pence told the Gridiron Club audience, “President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election.And his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day.” Pence has said this before, and it’s a strange thing for an alleged conservative to say, as it is a prime Leftist talking point. Trump criticized Pence for lacking “courage,” and Pence has repeatedly claimed that this put his life in danger. YetTrump did not call for any violence against Pence. The Left has adopted as a consistent strategy the contention that any criticism of Leftists is tantamount to violence and results in their being inundated with death threats from right-wing yahoos.

Of course, this never works in the other direction: Leftist criticism of patriots is neverviolence and never results in threats. For Pence to say that Trump’s criticism endangered him is to parrot a Leftist talking point that is designed to shut down all criticism of the Left.It’s irresponsible and short-sighted for Pence to aid and abet the destruction of the freedom of speech.

Pence even went on to say, “And I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable.​” Did Mike Pence read Das Kapital over the winter and become a true believer? It’s likewise a core Leftist talking point that history is trending in an inevitable and discernible direction, and that they’re on the right side of it. That’s why they call themselves “progressives.” ​

It’s unlikely that Mike Pence has actually become a Leftist, but he is certainly talking like one oftheir useful idiots. This is especially true in light of the fact that he went on to say,

“​But it was there, in that small office just off the Senate chamber, there was a small television set, and we watched what was unfolding outside — the mayhem and the rioting. You could hear it echoing outside and soon thereafter in the hallways​.” This was just feeding the Jan. 6 mythology of a mob of violent, crazed MAGA protestors, stirred into a frenzy by Trump, storming the Capitol.Like the Jan. 6 Committee, Pence ignores the fact that Trump told protestors to proceed “peacefully and patriotically.”

It was also striking that he chose Saturday to say all this, after the nation was treated to startling new evidence, and a week of discussion of that evidence, of how the entire Jan. 6 “insurrection” narrative was a hoax, akin to the Russian Collusion farce. Is Pence going to claim next that he has inside knowledge that Trump was in cahoots with Putin?

His new remarks are jarring and tone-deaf, but Mike Pence actually made his choice long ago. Few recall today, especially Pence himself, what he said on Jan. 4, 2021: “I promise you, come this Wednesday, we’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the objections. We’ll hear the evidence.” Yet just two days later, without explanation, he was singing a very different tune. And now this.

What Pence himself is getting out of all this remains unclear. Maybe he really does think that he can become the Republican establishment’s choice in 2024, and that a Pence/Cheney ticket could sweep him into the White House on Jan. 20, 2025. Given how the 2022 elections went, he could conceivably become the Republican candidate, although he has aroused almost no voter enthusiasm and would have to be imposed upon the electorate rather than chosen by it. If he does become the nominee, however, it’s virtually certain that he would just have been chosen to play the role of the Washington Generals facing the Democrats’ Harlem Globetrotters. From the sound of his recent statements, he would play this role eagerly.

(Pence is now the first person I want to get indicted and sent to Gitmo, but not before him and his wife get exposed and indicted for child trafficking, abuse and killing them!)


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0b991b No.24427

File: ec4e13b6b175ba8⋯.png (200.35 KB,622x518,311:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 128e4bf965fe618⋯.jpeg (170.83 KB,1089x1280,1089:1280,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: ec4e13b6b175ba8⋯.png (200.35 KB,622x518,311:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498001 (131250ZMAR23) Notable: SVB is one of the 10 banks who got Epstein related subpoenas from the AG in the US Virgin Islands

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>The likely banks to fail are thePDEO BANKS




🚨 Silicon Valley Bank isone of the 10 banks who got Epstein related subpoenasfrom the AG in the US Virgin Islands who was trying to find his sources of money.





10:50 AM · Mar 12, 2023





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0b991b No.24428

File: 5acd445eca09f30⋯.png (484.85 KB,1159x924,1159:924,Clipboard.png)

File: bbf0f95d6480f72⋯.png (342.3 KB,709x881,709:881,Clipboard.png)


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>🚨 Silicon Valley Bank isone of the 10 banks who got Epstein related subpoenas



>The likely banks to fail are thePDEO BANKS

A new MIT report on Jeffrey Epstein raises questions about how much to blame billionaires like Bill Gates

How complicit was Silicon Valley?

By Theodore Schleifer@teddyschleifer Jan 10, 2020, 8:40pm EST

For months, tech billionaires have been on the ropes over the ties they maintained with money manager Jeffrey Epstein well after he was indicted and registered as a sex offender in 2008. Many of those connectionscentered around MIT’s Media Lab,an institution popular in Silicon Valley and that had a concealed fundraising relationship with Epstein.

But many of those billionaires — from Bill Gates to Reid Hoffman — weren’t exactly revealing about their ties to Epstein when he was arrested this summer, or were at least quick to defend the Media Lab’s leadership over the Epstein situation.

Many hoped that a months-in-the-making external report from lawyers hired by MIT would finally put those questions to rest. But when the report was released Friday, investigators skirted direct answers and statements of fact, and ultimately failed to settle some of the basic questions about Silicon Valley’s responsibility for nurturing Epstein.

A Gates representative didn’t return a request for comment. A Hoffman representative referred to an apology Hoffman issued earlier this year about his interactions with Epstein.

Let’s start with Gates. The until-recently richest man in the world has consistently downplayed his ties to Epstein, telling one reporter, “I didn’t have any business relationship or friendship with him.” But Gates is among the tech billionaires with the most extensive disclosed ties to Epstein.

Whether Epstein and Gates did have a “business relationship” has been disputed. Gates did make a $2 million donation to the Media Lab in 2014. And Ronan Farrow reported in the New Yorker that Epstein was credited with securing the Gates money, with internal records saying that Epstein had “directed” the gift or that it was made at his instruction.

“Gates is making this gift at the recommendation of a friend of his who wishes to remain anonymous,” the record read.

Gates’s aides denied Epstein’s direction of the gift. But if he did, as Farrow reported he did, it raises the possibility that Gates was somehow complicit in the image rehabilitation of Epstein and part of an unseemly cover-up.

But MIT investigators did little to help establish truth and fiction in the situation.

“In 2014, Epstein claimed to have arranged for Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates to provide an anonymous $2 million donation to the Media Lab,” MIT’s lawyers wrote in the 63-page report. “Representatives of Bill Gates have told us that Gates flatly denies that Epstein had anything to do with Gates’s donation.”

This, suffice it to say, skirts the question of who is telling the truth — and effectively leaves it as an unresolved he said, she said.

When Recode asked the lawyers involved in the report if this sidestep was intentional, they would only say that “we didn’t see any evidence” that Gates or any Gates entity “were donating money from Mr. Epstein or that they were donating money at the behest of Mr. Epstein.” They used similar language — “there is no evidence” — to respond to the notion that Gates acted to “launder” Epstein’s money by donating money that didn’t belong to the Microsoft founder.

In the report, MIT’s investigators do not definitively say it did not happen — just that they didn’t see any evidence of it. And that statement would then have to be reconciled with MIT’s internal records, which offer at least some evidence to the contrary.

While there are many reasons to doubt the credibility of Epstein and of Joi Ito, the ousted head of the MIT Media Lab, there are also reasons why Gates and his denial should be scrutinized.

Despite Gates’s public comments minimizing his ties to Epstein, the New York Times uncovered numerous instances of the two meeting privately, to say nothing of Gates’s underlings. At one point, Gates told colleagues that the lifestyle of Epstein, who at that point was already a convicted sex offender, was “intriguing.” (A spokesperson told the Times the comment had nothing to do with Epstein’s lurid past.)

“Bill Gates regrets ever meeting with Epstein and recognizes it was an error in judgment to do so,” a Gates spokesperson told the paper this fall.

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0b991b No.24429

File: 711d80260da04d4⋯.png (342.76 KB,709x881,709:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 2973d2c933e72a1⋯.png (217.53 KB,464x464,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 77a40cc21ba9a74⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,660x360,11:6,Clipboard.mp4)


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>A new MIT report on Jeffrey Epstein raises questions about how much to blame billionaires like Bill Gates

>How complicit wasSilicon Valley?

That brings us to another Silicon Valley luminary who has apologized over Epstein: Reid Hoffman.The LinkedIn founder and political powerbroker has his own ties to Epstein through the Media Labwhere he sits on the advisory board. Hoffman helped raise money for the Media Lab, which involved fundraising solicitation meetings with the sex offender.

“By agreeing to participate in any fundraising activity where Epstein was present, I helped to repair his reputation and perpetuate injustice.For this, I am deeply regretful,” Hoffman said.

Hoffman has said that he vouched for Epstein because Ito told him Epstein had cleared MIT’s vetting process.He even went so far as to bring Epstein out to Palo Alto in 2015 for a dinner with people like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Peter Thiel.(Reminder: Epstein had been convicted on child prostitution charges for seven years by this point.)

That was the last time that Hoffman saw Epstein. But as recently as last August, Hoffman was standing up strongly for Ito and his handling of the Epstein situation. It took Hoffman until Farrow’s story in September to apologize.

And this new report from MIT makes clear that Hoffman and Epstein had other interactions over the years. In July 2013, Epstein visited the MIT campus to meet with Hoffman and others. And Hoffman continued to be consulted on Epstein matters.

“In July 2016, Ito sought advice from Reid Hoffman about whether to allow Epstein to attend a conference (perhaps the announcement of the Media Lab Directors’ Fellows) with “lots of people” who may “see him and maybe know he’s involved,” the authors write.

What they don’t write is what Hoffman actually advised Ito. That’s one of many things we still need to know to fully account for Silicon Valley’s complicity in the Epstein saga.


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0b991b No.24430

File: 8306464a9a4fa65⋯.jpeg (71.81 KB,730x500,73:50,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498121 (131311ZMAR23) Notable: Antifa Violently Assaults Bystanders at Detransition Awareness Rally

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Antifa Violently Assaults Bystanders at Detransition Awareness Rally

Catherine Salgado on March 11, 2023

While the radical left loves to claim that LGBTQ individuals face horrible oppression and discrimination, the reality is that almost every institution in this country (and others) celebrates LGBTQ ideology and calls those who identify with it “heroes.” The true victimsof discrimination and harsh backlash are the “detransitioners” — transgenders who decide to return to living as their biological sex. These brave individuals not only have the courage to admit they were terribly wrong (some with permanent bodily damage such as double mastectomies), but they must face leftist targeting that paints them as traitors and villains.

A recent example of the insane leftist hatred against detransitioners occurred Friday in Sacramento, Calif., when a mob of Antifa protestors paraded around,screaming their hatred for detransitioners to the skies during a Detransition Awareness Day rally. Oh, and the Antifa protesters also brutally assaulted three bystanders. Because, you know, love is love and leftists want to stop hate.

Frontlines journalist Kalen D’Almeida tweeted a video he shot and a summary of his experience, saying, “Militant anarchists & communistsbrutally assaulted a man with a weapon splitting his head open giving him a concussion.” D’Almeida added that “I was also assaulted. Hit in the face with a long rod leaving me with a cut on my face. My camera man Charlie was also assaulted and his camera was damaged by a strike from a blunt object attack.” That makes at least three victims of Antifa violence.

The video shows the assault victim with blood spurting from a deep cut over his right eye as he staggers toward law enforcement. The police assist the victim after the fact but mostly stand around in riot gear and watch Antifa, including while the man was originally assaulted.

D’Almeida tries to help the injured man, whose face and jeans are spattered with blood.

D’Almeida later told The Post Millennial that, after arriving at the spot, “we discovered that this particular group of militant left-wing radicals wasextremely violent and aggressive and were concealing weapons.”

In a second video of the incident posted by AntifaWatch, Antifa chant, “Go home Nazis,” “F*ck the fascists,” and “F*ck the Police.” The man filming (@OreoExpress) realizes at one point that someone is being assaulted while multiple protesters shield their fellows with umbrellas, apparently trying to hide their violent actions. “There they go, they’re hitting him,” OreoExpress exclaims. Then he pans around toshow the police standing in a group, watching passively. “And there’s the police. Thank you guys, great job!” He continues to make sarcastic comments to the idle police as the bloody man staggers over. “How about any law enforcement presence?” OreoExpress demands. “Support the blue, guys!…Bought and paid for.”Meanwhile, Antifa loudly chant, “We do this every night!”

Ironically, Antifa carried a banner that said, “No more dead transwomen.” They evidently don’t have the same pious aspirations toward detransitioners and perceived opponents.

The Post Millennial quoted D’Almeida speculating that the baby stroller seen in the video in the midst of Antifa was present to discourage police from using tear gas against them. D’Almeida said he didn’t see a baby in the stroller.

D’Almeida described how he himself was assaulted. Not long after his arrival, someone ran up to his cameraman and “pulled out a foot long blunt object and smashed part of the lens on his camera.” The same person subsequently tried to attack D’Almeida, but his “security detail prevented a potentially fatal attack.” D’Almeida‘s security was apparently targeted, too, as the journalist said he saw pepper spray aimed directly at the detail. D’Almeida also said of the man with the bloody head injury, “I tried my best to help guide him to a safer location and directed him to apply pressure to his wound then bandaged [it].”


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0b991b No.24431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498130 (131313ZMAR23) Notable: Mil tweets / decodes

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Mil tweets / decodes

>>>/qresearch/18497215 Gold Shall Destroy The Fed

>>>/qresearch/18497256 Buckle up, here we go

>>>/qresearch/18497459 Mockingbird Media

>>>/qresearch/18497497 MSgt [Delorean]

>>>/qresearch/18497868 JET FUEL + 911

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0b991b No.24432

File: d81cd64f821145b⋯.png (32.35 KB,1140x434,570:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 5373c812560b874⋯.png (63.64 KB,991x461,991:461,Clipboard.png)

File: f66e5e3c4dd3c9e⋯.png (86.12 KB,1015x438,1015:438,Clipboard.png)

File: 37030962ebea527⋯.png (51.76 KB,1111x442,1111:442,Clipboard.png)

File: 41533e781ba90b3⋯.pdf (609.22 KB,Clipboard.pdf)


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>A new MIT report on Jeffrey Epstein raises questions about how much to blame billionaires like Bill Gates

>How complicit was Silicon Valley?



> http://factfindingjan2020.mit.edu/files/MIT-report.pdf

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0b991b No.24433

File: 913f3745eda226b⋯.jpg (503.25 KB,1005x1260,67:84,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 47f450e069f295a⋯.jpg (9.44 MB,5184x4992,27:26,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498181 (131324ZMAR23) Notable: 2020 Trends in Chinese High Tech Investment

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>bet Sun Trust Bank is the 10th

thats a good guess





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0b991b No.24434

File: 5ed858cbba94a10⋯.png (358.26 KB,772x416,193:104,Clipboard.png)

File: de21c9ac6458b13⋯.png (390.79 KB,432x609,144:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498217 (131332ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity:

SAM450 C-40B WH NSO followed by KECK214/TEDDY38 C-17 Globemaster west from JBA to San Diego

PAT099 C-12V Huron south from JBA

Potato leaves in about 30m (from JBA to SD) according to schedule but since he is late with his 'comments' etc


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0b991b No.24435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498221 (131333ZMAR23) Notable: Canadian Catholic High School Student Punished for Insisting God Made Two Genders

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Canadian Catholic High School Student Punished for Insisting God Made Two Genders

Canadian Catholic high school junior Josh Alexander has insisted on his religious right to believe God created two genders, for which he was suspended from school, then arrested when he tried to return.

Appearing on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” this weekend, Alexander said that the ordeal began last year when “female students complained to me that they were concerned because males were using their washrooms.”

“This turned into a debate at the school. I stated my opinion on it, and I used Scripture to back it up,” Alexander said.

“Males do not belong in female washrooms is our message,” Josh said at the time.

“Protect the girls from this evil narrative. Stop depriving our students of a healthy and natural environment. ‘God made them male and female: Mark 10:6,’” he said in a social media post.

Josh has also been accused of calling transgender students by their “dead names” (names they used before transitioning) and of arguing in classroom discussions that there are only two sexes.

Refusing to back down on the essential biblical difference between men and women, Alexander was eventually suspended from school and arrested when he tried to go back.

“They removed me from the building for the remainder of the year and, when I attempted to attend class, I was arrested and charged,” he told Carlson.

Alexander said he pointed to the school’s Christian identity, but school administrators refused to hear him out, arguing instead that his presence would be detrimental to the “physical and mental well-being” of trans students.

On receiving his suspension, Josh filed an appeal with his school board, insisting that the punishment constitutes discrimination against his religious beliefs.

Josh “cannot, due to his sincere religious beliefs, knowingly speak a falsehood, such as acknowledging the fiction that people can change from male to female (or vice-versa),” wrote his lawyer, James S.M. Kitchen, in an email to the school’s principal.

“As a matter of his Christian beliefs, which happen to be consistent with biological truths regarding gender, Mr. Alexander believes all human beings, except in rare circumstances of developmental abnormality, are made by God as either immutably male or female,” Kitchen said.

Liberty Coalition Canada, a Christian conservative organization with which Kitchen is affiliated, posted a statement on its website saying:

Josh not only has a right to express himself during class discussions and through public forums, he also has a right to not be discriminated against by his school for his sincere religious beliefs. Being suspended and excluded from classes is the height of discrimination.

Kitchen appeared with Alexander on Tucker Carlson’s show Friday, where he noted Canada offered “limited” legal recourse for representing Alexander’s free speech rights because of its “much weaker” constitution than that of the United States.

“There seems to be, culturally and legally, much less respect for individual rights and freedoms and much more interest in government having the power to do what it wants,” Kitchen said.

“But there is legal recourse to the Ontario Human Rights Commission in this case … we think there’s been religious discrimination on the basis of Josh’s Christian religious beliefs, so we’re going to file a complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Commission,” he added.


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0b991b No.24436

File: 7f48cfb72bb55b5⋯.png (309.01 KB,1198x590,599:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498263 (131343ZMAR23) Notable: 2020 Trends in Chinese High Tech Investment

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Panel 1 - Trends in Chinese High Tech Investment


USC U.S.-China Institute

Publication date


In April 2014, Asia Society and the Rhodium Group launched a report on Chinese high technology investment in the United States. The study surveys the state of play and is intended to provide common ground for the ongoing debate, often ideological and acrimonious, over U.S-China high tech trade and investment in sectors such as information technology, life sciences, and clean technology.

Key topics include drivers of Chinese high-tech investment, current trends, and risks and opportunities for the U.S. posed by the investment boom. The report also offers a series of recommendations to policymakers and business leaders in both the U.S. and China.

Drawing from the Rhodium Group's proprietary database of Chinese investment in the U.S., the report's scope is national, but given the industry's distribution, it is the most relevant to audiences in California, New York, and other high-tech clusters in the U.S. The report is co-authored by Daniel H. Rosen and Thilo Hanemann of the Rhodium Group.

As Chinese outbound investment shifts from natural resources into more advanced, innovation-intensive industries, a rapidly increasing share is going into U.S. IT, cleantech, biotech, advanced transportation, and more. What are the hottest sectors drawing the most Chinese investment? Which Chinese firms are leading the surge and what is driving them? What are the economic and political factors behind these investments, and what are the most serious challenges they face? What is the impact on U.S. jobs, the tax base, and national security?


Lixin Cheng, Chairman and CEO of ZTE (USA) and President of North American Region

Mark S. Greenfield, Partner, Blank Rome LLP

Mark Horn, Senior Managing Director, Technology Banking, East West Bank

Kenneth Petrilla, Executive Vice President, Head of China Desk, Wells Fargo International Group

Ken Wilcox, Chairman, Silicon Valley Bank


Clayton Dube,Executive Director, USC US-China Institute


This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code).


2020-02-02 18:14:31


USC U.S.-China Institute


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0b991b No.24437

File: ea669e900515964⋯.png (530.34 KB,637x413,91:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498264 (131343ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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usually have a good handle on the political ones (who is on them and where they are going) Aussie PM landing at SD Saturday Night the lastest and about half of the SAMs at any given time. And most of the time articles accompany the posts confirming the passenger(s)-especially in Europe

For example

>>19323 Potato's F&G trip to Kyiv

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0b991b No.24438

File: 6395299183078b1⋯.jpeg (221.15 KB,828x868,207:217,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498268 (131344ZMAR23) Notable: Western Alliance Bankcorp plunges 75%, Trading halted for multiple U.S. bank stocks/volatility

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24439

File: 5e26083754f69ce⋯.jpeg (91.15 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498269 (131344ZMAR23) Notable: “Waters of the United States” — which drops of water can be regulated by the federal government.

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SUZANNE DOWNING: Why Did This Red-State Rep Just Vote For Colonialism?

Suzanne DowningMarch 12, 2023

At the end of December, in a holiday news dump, the Biden Administration suddenly announced it would return to the old Obama-era interpretation of “Waters of the United States” — which drops of water can be regulated by the federal government.

The ruling, published in the Federal Register in January, means the government will have oversight not only of waters on federal lands,but waters that might someday flow into any waters. In other words, if it’s any significant amount of water, the federal government can choose to regulate it under the Clean Water Act. (Anything done for E. Palestine and their waters, what about the Ohio River, oh thats right the EPA approved NS controlled dumping and burn of toxic chemicals and blamed it on locals.)

The ruling means that the less-than 1 percent of privately held land in Alaska, in addition to that private land held by Native corporations, will be subject to EPA permits for something as minor as building a 10×10 hunting cabin or even a fish-drying shack.

Alaskans are mystified that Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola, their only member in the U.S. House, voted to return to colonialism. The EPA rule takes away the rights of Native corporations to use their lands for the betterment of their shareholders — the Natives of Alaska who were deeded these lands under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971, which awarded Alaska Native corporations 45.5 million acres of land to create better economic conditions for Alaska’s indigenous people.

That’s not all the EPA rule does. A small neighborhood containment pond that occasionally slops over into a stormwater drain will come under EPA control, even if it’s on private land. Water that drains from rooftops and makes its way to that pond will be subject to at-whim permit requirements by the EPA. Golf course water hazards, already significantly regulated, would find themselves even further under the command of the Clean Water Act. A farm or ranch pond that occasionally overfills and spills over its swale will be subject to the Obama-era WOTUS interpretation.

It’s not theoretical. At the U.S. Supreme Court, a pending case from Idaho, Sackett vs. EPA, shows how just one American can be prevented from building a home if the federal government decides, as it did in 2008, that the property owner’s half-acre land was once upon a time a wetlands, until a road nearby changed the hydrology of the area. The case was the first to be heard by the court this session and a decision is expected within weeks.

Alaska’s Gov. Mike Dunleavy is not happy about the return to the Obama-era rule, and neither are two members of the Alaska delegation — Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski.

That is because Alaska, with its unique geographic and geologic characteristics, is disproportionately affected by the Obama-era EPA rule.

For Alaskans, this is a taking of the state’s land and the economy by the federal government. If it looks like colonialism, and walks like colonialism, it’s not going to be popular in the 49th state.

For these reasons, if the Biden Administration goes through with its expansion of federal authority over all ponds, streams, wetlands, and more — whether on federal, state, or private land — it will effectively finish off Alaska’s economy.

Alaska has struggled under the thumb of PresidentBiden, who has made at least 45 executive orders shutting downvarious parts of the Alaska economy. The state is now near the bottom of the list for economic recovery from the Covid pandemic policies. The new WOTUS rule is the death blow.

Alaskans are disappointed that Rep. Mary Peltola, their only House member, voted to return to colonialism. Peltola betrayed her state last week, putting partisan allegiance to Biden over the well-being of her fellow Alaskans.

(It’s pretty obvious Bidan Admin are determined to reverse every good thing Trump did and anything he is proud of. This is revenge by them. This law needs to be overruled by the SC. This occurred under Pelosi in December.)


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0b991b No.24440

File: 23b5190f0307b00⋯.png (31.9 KB,816x361,816:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498276 (131345ZMAR23) Notable: Western Alliance Bankcorp plunges 75%, Trading halted for multiple U.S. bank stocks/volatility

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Chief Nerd Retweeted



JUST IN - Trading halted for multiple U.S. bank stocks at market open.

8:36 AM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24441

File: c9a8723854ba3db⋯.jpg (190.49 KB,1138x817,1138:817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498280 (131346ZMAR23) Notable: Western Alliance Bankcorp plunges 75%, Trading halted for multiple U.S. bank stocks/volatility

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here are the most hammered banks so far


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0b991b No.24442

File: fb84d7bd7d86fa0⋯.jpeg (214.77 KB,828x964,207:241,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498308 (131352ZMAR23) Notable: Western Alliance Bankcorp plunges 75%, Trading halted for multiple U.S. bank stocks/volatility

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24443

File: e06ef39959486e8⋯.png (66.44 KB,816x560,51:35,Clipboard.png)

File: b951ffb44a9a63d⋯.png (44.78 KB,816x394,408:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498317 (131356ZMAR23) Notable: ICYMI: ECW rt In other words, the FBI is conducting up to 559 warrantless searches for Americans' phone calls, texts, and emails *every day.*

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702 gotta get gone soon, eh.

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Elizabeth Goitein


In other words, the FBI is conducting up to 559 warrantless searches for Americans' phone calls, texts, and emails *every day.*



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0b991b No.24444

File: 4388701ca64f1f6⋯.png (981.78 KB,960x1200,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498322 (131357ZMAR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rainbow Tree

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Mar 13 2023

Rainbow Tree

What lies at the end of a rainbow? Something different for everyone. For the photographer taking this picture, for example, one end of the rainbow ended at a tree. Others nearby, though, would likely see the rainbow end somewhere else. The reason is because a rainbow's position depends on the observer. The center of a rainbow always appears in the direction opposite the Sun, but that direction lines up differently on the horizon from different locations. This rainbow's arc indicates that its center is about 40 degrees to the left and slightly below the horizon, while the Sun is well behind the camera and just above the horizon. Reflections and refractions of sunlight from raindrops in a distant storm in the direction of the rainbow are what causes the colorful bands of light. This single exposure image was captured in early January near Knight's Ferry, California, USA.


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0b991b No.24445

File: 021a59af146da1f⋯.png (710.82 KB,827x911,827:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498324 (131358ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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VENUS44 out of Andrews

Southwest Bound

Climbing through FL340

Squawking 7050

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0b991b No.24446

File: c1513eb87b10252⋯.png (494.86 KB,677x647,677:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 589d3f79cd2384e⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498345 (131405ZMAR23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge Records reviewed by CBS News indicate the U.S. government may have paid twice for projects at China’s Wuhan labs through the National Institutes of Health and USAID

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New Catherine. follow da money.

Catherine Herridge


Records reviewed by CBS News indicate the U.S. government may have paid twice for projects at China’s Wuhan labs through the National Institutes of Health and USAID. A probe into the funding is raising questions about the use of the money.


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0b991b No.24447

File: 6482ef2c6d4d968⋯.png (376.95 KB,649x459,649:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498347 (131405ZMAR23) Notable: US’ Kamala Harris to visit Africa in latest US outreach

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The 'blackness' will overfloweth and she won't have AF2 either

US’ Kamala Harris to visit Africa in latest US outreach

Kamala Harris will spend a week in Africa at the end of March as the United States deepens its outreach to the continent amid global competition, notably with China. “The trip will strengthen the United States’ partnerships throughout Africa and advance our shared efforts on security and economic prosperity,” said a statement from the vice-president’s spokesperson, Kirsten Allen. Harris’ plans follow visits by first lady Jill Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is going this week, and President Joe Biden is expected to travel to Africa later this year. However, Harris will be closely watched as the first Black vice-president in US history and the first woman to hold the position.

She plans to be in Ghana from March 26-29, then in Tanzania from March 29-31. Her final stop is Zambia, on March 31-April 1. Harris has a personal connection to the third country on her itinerary. Her maternal grandfather worked in Zambia years ago, and she visited him there as a young girl. Allen said the vice-president’s agenda will include promoting democracy, climate adaptation, women’s economic empowerment and food security.

Besides meeting the presidents of each of the three countries she is visiting, Harris plans to talk to “young leaders, business representatives, entrepreneurs, and members of the African diaspora”, Allen said. The White House’s concerted outreach to the continent began with the US-Africa Leaders Summit, which it hosted in December. China has invested heavily in Africa, but Washington is pitching itself as a better partner than Beijing.


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0b991b No.24448

File: a236aa780e9d101⋯.png (356.19 KB,608x1008,38:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498355 (131406ZMAR23) Notable: The #FBI remembers Special Agent Hubert J. Treacy Jr., who died during a gunfight #OTD in 1942

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The #FBI remembers Special Agent Hubert J. Treacy Jr., who died during a gunfight #OTD in 1942. When Treacy and another agent approached two soldiers who had deserted the U.S. Army, the fugitives fired, killing Treacy.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24449

File: 27da4fe133484f2⋯.jpeg (85.45 KB,828x358,414:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498356 (131407ZMAR23) Notable: Western Alliance Bankcorp plunges 75%, Trading halted for multiple U.S. bank stocks/volatility

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24450

File: 43ec0457afe74df⋯.png (28.23 KB,294x374,147:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d4f20458697b91⋯.png (13.04 KB,317x488,317:488,Clipboard.png)

File: 5990589e95ea4af⋯.png (27.65 KB,306x350,153:175,Clipboard.png)

File: a5f6a46d1d27ba9⋯.png (22.35 KB,305x298,305:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498379 (131412ZMAR23) Notable: Market data overview charts 10:11 AM EDT 3/13/23

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As of posting time.

Market data overview charts 10:11 AM EDT 3/13/23


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24451

File: 4a34bd444cf2ee1⋯.png (250.17 KB,688x667,688:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ea694921c01fb7⋯.png (69.12 KB,238x962,119:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498387 (131413ZMAR23) Notable: Defense Agency Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request Briefing

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Defense Agency Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request Briefing

Officials from the Missile Defense Agency speak with reporters on the president’s fiscal year 2024 budget proposal.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24452

File: 68b1e5444e584e0⋯.png (758.53 KB,1095x516,365:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498411 (131420ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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PF: Potato in 82-8000 747 departed JBA for North Island NAS (San Diego) for muh sub shit with Aussie PM Albanese (arrived Sat night local) and UK PM Sunak

4:30 PM EST Potato participates in a trilateral meeting with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom (1:30 PM Local)

then does one on ones with both…leaves to Rancho Sante Fe (Billy has a house in there along with his beach house a few miles away but that is fer Melinda as he bought that a few months before announcing his "divorce")

9:45 PM EST participates in reception for the Democratic National Committee (6:45 PM Local)


EXEC1F G5Flauxtusdeparted JBA earlier >>24423

SPAR452 Learjet 35 departed Wright Patterson AFB SE and SPAR453 Learjet 35 WN from Scott AFB

CYBER10 MC-12S Huron NE from Augusta Regional Airport

PAT857 C-12U Huron SW from Indianapolis Int'l

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24453

File: a8ac2ce5db9d299⋯.png (59.59 KB,727x683,727:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498415 (131420ZMAR23) Notable: Western Alliance Bankcorp plunges 75%, Trading halted for multiple U.S. bank stocks/volatility

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24454

File: 6477ac1609ed69a⋯.png (37.28 KB,642x250,321:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b139f3b060b955⋯.png (13.35 KB,669x233,669:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498420 (131422ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump MSNBC can barely float, it is a ratings disaster. Morning Joe and his sidekick, “Mike,” are getting pummeled. All of these Fake News Cable shows are

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


MSNBC can barely float, it is a ratings disaster. Morning Joe and his sidekick, “Mike,” are getting pummeled. All of these Fake News Cable shows are. My CPAC speech was just announced as #1 on all of Cable. That’s because it was not Fake News!

Mar 13, 2023, 8:44 AM


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0b991b No.24455

File: 9730d521422279b⋯.png (42.65 KB,605x274,605:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498450 (131427ZMAR23) Notable: Does Joe give payouts in Rubles, Gold or Oil? If not, anon is not sure the the woke technocrats are really getting anything.

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Does Joe give payouts in Rubles, Gold or Oil? If not, anon is not sure the the woke technocrats are really getting anything.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24456

File: 49f6a97697f05f0⋯.png (261.58 KB,1024x420,256:105,Clipboard.png)

File: 16239fffc03abdd⋯.png (368.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 77cc202b0b717de⋯.png (341.58 KB,572x575,572:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 6afa02df1479ddb⋯.png (537.98 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 49f6a97697f05f0⋯.png (261.58 KB,1024x420,256:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498460 (131431ZMAR23) Notable: 2020 Trends in Chinese High Tech Investment

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>dis what ECW tellin us last night


>Panel 1 - Trends in Chinese High Tech Investment


> USC U.S.-China Institute

"Preparing Asians and Americans for a Shared Future"

Chinese Direct Investment in California



Publication date



documentcloud, chinafile, 2023-david-barreda


documentcloud; additional_collections


David Barreda (ChinaFile)

To build the case for a robust response to these opportunities and looming risks, this report analyzes Chinese investment in California in depth, mining a unique database for insights about California’s comparative advantages, the Chinese firms most suited to its economy, and the forces motivating this inflection in cross-border investment patterns. The report explains where China is as an outbound investor relative to its past, its future, and other countries and assess California’s position as a destination for Chinese OFDI flows compared to its sister states.

(Unofficial mirror of http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/463182-chinese-direct-investment-in-california.html)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498467 (131432ZMAR23) Notable: #22684

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#22684 >>24408

>>24409, >>24410, >>24413, >>24416, >>24417, >>24420 Morning markets

>>24412 Who is Joseph Gentile?

>>24411, >>24425 Oversight Chair James Comer: We have in hand, documents that show Biden family was getting money from CCP

>>24414 (0900ET) Biden delivers remarks on the economy

>>24415 ‘Letters to Trump’ book, "people going to see a very fascinating life"

>>24418 Stanford University apologizes to Judge accosted by Woke students and faculty

>>24419 Raphael Mechoulam, Israel’s ‘father of cannabis research,’ dies at 92

>>24421 Drag Queen taught 11-year olds about anal sex, parents still not home-schooling their children

>>24422 (1200ET) President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

>>24423 Planefag

>>24424 Here comes the 💥BOOM❗️💥

>>24426 Even as Jan. 6 narrative implodes, Pence still blames Trump for endangering his life

>>24427 SVB is one of the 10 banks who got Epstein related subpoenas from the AG in the US Virgin Islands

>>24431 Mil tweets / decodes

Baker change

>>24430 Antifa Violently Assaults Bystanders at Detransition Awareness Rally


>>24434, >>24437, >>24445, >>24452 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>24435 Canadian Catholic High School Student Punished for Insisting God Made Two Genders

>>24436, >>24433, >>24456 2020 Trends in Chinese High Tech Investment

>>24439 “Waters of the United States” — which drops of water can be regulated by the federal government.

>>24440, >>24438, >>24441, >>24442, >>24449, >>24453 Western Alliance Bankcorp plunges 75%, Trading halted for multiple U.S. bank stocks/volatility

>>24443 ICYMI: ECW rt In other words, the FBI is conducting up to 559 warrantless searches for Americans' phone calls, texts, and emails *every day.*

>>24444 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rainbow Tree

>>24446 @CBS_Herridge Records reviewed by CBS News indicate the U.S. government may have paid twice for projects at China’s Wuhan labs through the National Institutes of Health and USAID

>>24447 US’ Kamala Harris to visit Africa in latest US outreach

>>24448 The #FBI remembers Special Agent Hubert J. Treacy Jr., who died during a gunfight #OTD in 1942

>>24450 Market data overview charts 10:11 AM EDT 3/13/23

>>24451 Defense Agency Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request Briefing

>>24454 @realDonaldTrump MSNBC can barely float, it is a ratings disaster. Morning Joe and his sidekick, “Mike,” are getting pummeled. All of these Fake News Cable shows are

>>24455 Does Joe give payouts in Rubles, Gold or Oil? If not, anon is not sure the the woke technocrats are really getting anything.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24458

File: c4ac013c6764561⋯.gif (179.74 KB,220x165,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

File: cbb88f710923ce4⋯.png (440.06 KB,776x455,776:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 251b16e09b3390e⋯.jpg (231.44 KB,728x574,52:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498478 (131434ZMAR23) Notable: #22685

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24459

File: d5a70bbd652ccb7⋯.png (401.54 KB,600x888,25:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498514 (131442ZMAR23) Notable: @C_A The future of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is bright at #CIA

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The future of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is bright at #CIA. We’re always looking to build strong partnerships with the visionaries of today … and tomorrow.


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0b991b No.24460

File: b115ec9ccb4dc2f⋯.jpg (12.14 KB,275x307,275:307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498516 (131442ZMAR23) Notable: Treasuries: "Risk Free" or "Risk Unlimited"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Treasuries: "Risk Free" or "Risk Unlimited"?

Kind of ad(ish) but worth the read

The high-profile collapse of Silicon Valley Bank last week is a story about bad debt, just not in the way most people think.

Bank executives didn't issue too many loans to poor quality borrowers. They made what they believed to be conservative investments in the safest of all assets. The bad debt turned out to be U.S. Treasuries - an asset class they assumed to be "risk free."

This assumption was reinforced by regulatory requirements which artificially incentivize bankers to hold U.S. Treasuries as a tier one asset and bulletproof collateral.

Today they are questioning the conventional wisdom about the risks of holding U.S. debt. So are investors and finance executives everywhere.

Rising interest rates led to catastrophic losses in SVB's portfolio of Treasury debt and mortgage backed securities. The losses created a capital shortfall and spawned a good old fashioned bank run. Regulators stepped in and closed the bank Friday.

The trouble is that SVB is not alone. Virtually every bank in the western hemisphere is holding the same debt to a greater or lesser degree, for the same reasons. Until this moment, few outside the community of goldbugs really bothered to reassess whether Treasuries are still risk free.

What does the "full faith and credit of the United States" actually mean these days?

Government backing was a powerful guarantee when America was on the ascension. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, Congress began perpetual deficit spending and Federal Reserve bankers went nuts, launching Zero Interest Rate Policy, monetizing Treasury debt and inventing other reckless monetary expansions.

It isn't just banks getting a wakeup call. Insurance companies and pension funds are also stuffed with risky Treasury debt.

So are State reserve accounts, their so-called rainy-day funds. State laws nearly everywhere prevent officials from investing in alternative assets, such as physical bullion. The losses in these funds are now piling up.

For some financial institutions, like SVB, it is already too late to recover. Others still have the chance to adapt, but it will require them to abandon conventional thinking.

Investors must learn to operate in this era of declining confidence. Assets fit loosely into three risk categories when return of capital becomes more important than return on capital.

Some assets are pure paper – backed by nothing but confidence. This list includes U.S. Treasuries and the U.S. dollar.

The collapse of SVB is a byproduct of the artificial bull market in government debt fueled by central bank buying.

In a rising inflation and rising interest rate environment, not only can bonds underperform, they could become worthless if trust is lost.

Treasuries only recently broke downward out of a 40-year bull market, and the full faith and credit of the U.S. isn't worth much these days.]

The next category of assets are derivative instruments which offer some claim against an underlying asset. Stock options in publicly traded companies, ETFs, and futures contracts are examples.

The trouble with many of these paper assets is they also derive much of their value from confidence. Counterparty risk and leverage mean there may be nothing left backing the paper one holds if things go wrong.

Tangible assets owned directly, not in derivative form, carry no counterparty risk. They include real estate, precious metals, and other goods such as diamonds or fine art.

Real estate carries the potential for loss because central bankers have spent decades keeping mortgage rates artificially low, thereby blowing a bubble in prices.

No asset is "risk free." That is a marketing term coined by Wall Street bankers and bureaucrats to peddle debt backed by the "full faith and credit" of our now hopelessly insolvent Uncle Sam.

Today the closest an investor can get to risk free is an investment in tangible assets which offer zero risk of going to zero and no counterparty risk.

Interestingly, one of these assets – physical gold – was designated as a tier one asset alongside US Treasuries several years ago. Unfortunately, bankers and other finance executives took pretty much no action to diversify their balance sheets into gold.

Perhaps those who survive the carnage now begun by SVB's collapse will finally get around to buying some metal.


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0b991b No.24461

File: 3b244e140fd9c1c⋯.png (434.67 KB,1366x704,683:352,Clipboard.png)

File: 7188e7e6dd5278b⋯.png (405.06 KB,563x444,563:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498537 (131446ZMAR23) Notable: PF The Rockwell B-1 Lancer is a supersonic variable-sweep wing, heavy bomber the "Bone"

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The Rockwell B-1 Lancer is a supersonic variable-sweep wing, heavy bomber used by the United States Air Force. It is commonly called the "Bone" (from "B-One").

Don't see this one very often

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0b991b No.24462

File: 046237818b45796⋯.png (336.01 KB,598x708,299:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498563 (131451ZMAR23) Notable: The Interior Department gave the green light to US energy giant ConocoPhillips to drill for oil at three sites, federally-owned National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska’s Arctic

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UPDATES - The Interior Department gave the green light to US energy giant ConocoPhillips to drill for oil at three sites in the federally-owned National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska’s western Arctic


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0b991b No.24463

File: a0cc442ef60e201⋯.png (1.23 MB,1178x1106,589:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498568 (131452ZMAR23) Notable: Toronto-based Black & McDonald has so far refused to publicly comment on the cyberattack, ransomware attack

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OTTAWA - A Canadian engineering giant whose work involves critical military, power and transportation infrastructure across the country has been hit with a ransomware attack.

Toronto-based Black & McDonald has so far refused to publicly comment on the cyberattack, while the Department of National Defence and other clients of the company have downplayed any impact or damage.

"Black & McDonald notified OPG that they had experienced a ransomware attack which was unrelated to OPG operations and information," said Ontario Power Generation spokesman Neal Kelly.



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0b991b No.24464

File: 4dd6b3c6e52e4ca⋯.jpeg (399.71 KB,1242x1484,621:742,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498570 (131452ZMAR23) Notable: DHS and NGOs going after Revolver.news for revealing color revolutions

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DHS and NGOs going after Revolver.news for revealing color revolutions


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0b991b No.24465

File: 187c3ed2858df78⋯.png (582.47 KB,1157x498,1157:498,Clipboard.png)

File: a8e0685bc82a271⋯.png (244.11 KB,652x317,652:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498573 (131453ZMAR23) Notable: PF: ABIDE E-4B Nightwatch departed Offutt AFB,will go to Tucson-Davis Monthan and 09-0016 C-32A also up from JBA

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>>24452 lb

PF: ABIDE99 E-4B Nightwatch departed Offutt AFB and will go to Tucson-Davis Monthan and 09-0016 C-32A also up from JBA-this was used to take potato from Delaware to JBA yesterday unannounced >>24292 pb


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0b991b No.24466

File: 1366cecd76d668a⋯.jpeg (279.07 KB,2732x1487,2732:1487,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498578 (131455ZMAR23) Notable: @WarshipCam Good morning from USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in San Diego

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Good morning from USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in San Diego - March 13, 2023 #ussabrahamlincoln #cvn72


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0b991b No.24467

File: b69b3eb11063fe8⋯.mp4 (10.87 MB,450x360,5:4,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 96d01a36a1a05bd⋯.jpg (358.33 KB,1071x642,357:214,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498583 (131456ZMAR23) Notable: PF: ABIDE E-4B Nightwatch departed Offutt AFB,will go to Tucson-Davis Monthan and 09-0016 C-32A also up from JBA

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0b991b No.24468

File: fc575d7b00ad8da⋯.png (544.61 KB,819x1024,819:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498585 (131457ZMAR23) Notable: Playboy to relaunch magazine as it takes on OnlyFans

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Playboy to relaunch magazine as it takes on OnlyFans

March 13, 2023

Playboy is relaunching its iconic magazine as a digital-first publication — as the racy lifestyle brand takes on OnlyFans, The Post has learned.

The revamped magazine, which shuttered in 2020 and ceased printing, will debut later this year.

The online publication will serve as an entry to Playboy’s “creator platform,” which the brand is selling as an “elevated,” “safe” and “exclusive” alternative to OnlyFans.

Now, instead of Playboy “bunnies,” you’ll have Playboy “creators,” who will post adult content on their pages, give subscribers exclusive access into their lives and grace the magazine’s online covers.

The Post got its hand on Playboy’s first-ever “digital cover,” which features model Amanda Cerny, who has made more than $1 million as a Playboy creator using the beta version of the platform, “Centerfold.”

Playboy first launched “Centerfold” with spokeswoman Cardi B in December 2021 as a place “for creative freedom, artistic expression, and sex positivity.”

Much like OnlyFans, it allows models to cultivate paying subscribers.

Playboy told The Post it is dropping the name “Centerfold” and the platform will instead be integrated into the fabric of Playboy.

“Our Playboy creator platform is the Playboy magazine for the 21st century,” the company’s chief brand officer Rachel Webber said. “We’re putting the power of content creation in the hands of the creative community and giving them the tools to interact with and monetize their fanbases directly.”

The big difference between OnlyFans and Playboy, the brand says, is that while anyone can become an OnlyFans creator, Playboy’s creators have to apply and be accepted by its editorial team.

Still, Playboy’s new platform shares many of OnlyFans’ features: Users can subscribe and pay to view adult content and will be able to message the models — all while getting special “access” to their daily lives.

Playboy CEO Ben Kohn said he hopes its creator platform will disrupt the current creator economy “the same way Playboy magazine shook up the publishing industry nearly 70 years ago.”

Playboy, known for its iconic covers and centerfolds, announced the end of the print magazine in March 2020, citing budget woes, and laid off 25 staffers two months later.

The company said the new digital magazine will feature essays from creators and content about what it’s like to be a part of Playboy.


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0b991b No.24469

File: ba846d132049fc0⋯.png (143.38 KB,936x597,312:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f8d45dbef405b0⋯.png (101.47 KB,931x482,931:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 575af53bbbe2b9b⋯.gif (1.63 MB,500x288,125:72,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498588 (131457ZMAR23) Notable: First Republic and Western Alliance shares paused for trading as regional bank jitters persist despite Fed backstops

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First Republic and Western Alliance shares paused for trading as regional bank jitters persist despite Fed backstops

Trading in shares of First Republic Bank and Western Alliance Bancorp. was paused after steep initial losses on Monday as bank solvency fears persisted Monday following the failure of SVB Financial and Silvergate last week. First Republic Bank’s FRC, -75.60% stock initially dropped 65% in morning trades after big losses late last week.

Western Alliance Bancorp’s WAL, -83.70% stock also fell sharply, dropping 75%. The selloff of the Arizona-based bank’s stock was set to surpass its record one-day drop of 39.4% suffered on Sept. 19, 2008, in the midst of the financial crisis. The KBW Nasdaq Bank Index BKX, -13.03% fell 12% Monday morning.

On Friday, Western Alliance tried to reassure investors by saying “deposits remain strong” and “liquidity remains robust,” with $61.5 billion in deposits as of March 9 and $2.5 billion in cash held on its balance sheet. The stock reaction came after First Republic Bank said Sunday it had received additional liquidity from the Federal Reserve and JPMorgan Chase & Co. JPM, -1.31%. The San Francisco-based bank said the new funding gives it more than $70 billion in unused liquidity. The drops came amid quick developments over the weekend by banking regulators seeking to secure deposits following the failures of SVB Financial Group SIVB, , Silvergate Capital Corp. SI, -2.98% and Signature Bank SBNY, -22.87%. Raymond James analyst David J. Long on Monday cut his rating on First Republic Bank’s stock by two notches to market perform from strong buy on worries about a drain in deposits affecting earnings per share. “Despite the added liquidity sources, we believe deposit balances will remain under pressure in the immediate near-term,” Long said. “While we believe the bank received some deposit inflows on Thursday during the bank run at SVB Financial (SIVB), additional panic among large depositors may have driven deposit balances lower since Thursday.”

Long withdrew his $150 price target for First Republic and said the stock faces “some immediate near-term price risk until the panic surrounding bank deposits settles.” He said the bank may draw a premium valuation in the future given its “impeccable customer service and pristine credit metrics.” (kek!..when a domino falls none of that matters but you keep telling people that)

Meanwhile, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said Monday it has transferred all deposits, both insured and uninsured, of the former Silicon Valley Bank to a newly created full-service FDIC-operated bridge bank in an action that seeks to protect all depositors of the bank. Last week, MarketWatch columnist Philip Van Doorn included First Republic on a list of 10 banks showing contracting margins over the past year, or the smallest expansions of margins. UBS analyst Erika Najarian on Friday said First Republic Bank does not have the same exposures as ailing technology sector lender SVB Financial Group. SIVB, . “We believe [First Republic Bank] is no [SVB],” Najarian said, adding that a recent meeting of UBS and First Republic CEO Mike Roffler suggests that venture-capital and private-equity deposits were just 8% of the bank’s total. By comparison, deposits from funds and early-stage companies made up 52% of Silicon Valley Bank’s balance sheet, Najarian said.

First Republic’s available for sale securities (AFS) portfolio is 1.7% of earning assets, versus 14% for SVB before liquidation. “[First Republic Bank] has historically thrived in periods of disruption, given its well-earned reputation as a ‘quality’ bank,” Najarian said. “While the bank has grown much since, one of [First Republic’s] most banner origination years was during the depths of the Global Financial Crisis.” First Republic’s stock fell 14.8% on Friday. The troubles at the banks have weighed on regional bank stocks, with the KBW Nasdaq Bank Index down 3.9% on Friday. The index had lost about 16% of its value in the past five days of trading, prior to Monday’s action.




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0b991b No.24470

File: d4247fc9892224e⋯.jpeg (162.68 KB,1078x1076,539:538,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498607 (131502ZMAR23) Notable: DHS and NGOs going after Revolver.news for revealing color revolutions

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Really long article, this us the end of it…

Revolver reported on McFaul in our Color Revolution series as follows:

In this vein we ought to note that the term “democratic backsliding,” as seen in the subtitle of Norm Eisen’s book, and its opposite “democratic breakthrough” are also terms of art in the Color Revolution lexicon. We leave the full exploration of how the term “democratic” is used deceptively in the Color Revolution context (and in names of decidedly anti-democratic/populist institutions) as an exercise to the interested reader. Michael McFaul, another Color Revolution expert and key anti-Trump operative somewhatgives the game awayin the following tweet in which the term “democratic breakthrough” makes an appearance as a better sounding alternative to “Color Revolution.” (Note the date 2 mos before 2020 election)

Most likely as a response to Revolver News’ first Color Revolution article on State Department official George Kent, former Ambassador McFaul issued the following tweet as a matter of damage control:

What on earth then might Color Revolution expert and Obama’s former ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, who has been a key player agitating for President Trump’s impeachment, mean by “democratic breakthrough?”

Being a rather simple man from a simple background, McFaul perhaps gave too much of this answer away in the following explanation (now deleted).

With this now-deleted tweet we get a clearer picture of the power bases that must be satisfied for a “democratic breakthrough” to occur—and conveniently enough, not one of them is subject to direct democratic control. McFaul, like Eisen, George Kent, and so many others, perfectly embodies Revolver’s thesis regarding the Color Revolution being the same people running the same playbook. Indeed, like most of the star never-Trump impeachment witnesses, McFaul is or has been an ambassador to an Eastern European country. He has supported operations against Trump, including impeachment. And, like Norm Eisen, he has actually written a book on Color Revolutions (more on that later).

As is now evident, McFaul was no minor subject in Revolver News’ Color Revolution series which argued that key color revolution professionals were taking an active role and using many of the same tactics in the effort to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency. What a remarkable conflict of interest then for Renée DiResta’s Election Integrity Partnership to not even mention in its report, which refuses to address the substance of Revolver’s reporting, that one of its own lead faculty advisors was a main subject of that very reporting!

The main scandal is not even the conflicts of interest surrounding the Election Integrity Partnership, nor their specific attacks on Revolver News for our coverage of color revolutions. First, in Election Integrity Partnership’s detailed tracking of Revolver’s color revolution reporting we see how the sausage is made in terms of the EIP’s concern for “narrative level censorship”–that is, not censorship at the level of words (say, slurs), not censorship at the level of individuals or outlets, but censorship at the level of entire narratives surrounding major issues of public concern.

This existential threat to online freedom, and freedom generally only intensifies in light of developments highlighted by Matt Taibbi’s Twitter Files, according to which the EIP is working in lock-step with the Department of Homeland Security to implement its censorship agenda across the internet.

Unfortunately for the scumbags at the Electoral Integrity Partnership and the DHS—Revolver News isn’t going anywhere, and we will continue to shape and drive narratives that deliver truth and power to the American people and headaches to the corrupt and illegitimate leaderswho have so shamefully run this once great nation into the ground.


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0b991b No.24471

File: 13b42d71a826881⋯.jpeg (276.58 KB,1241x1165,1241:1165,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d36bcb17d763e22⋯.jpeg (87.77 KB,900x528,75:44,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 778afa2ef748b63⋯.jpeg (331.67 KB,1242x1367,1242:1367,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 59d959981c5776e⋯.jpeg (157.51 KB,874x569,874:569,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 76f7d08bdf5dbd0⋯.jpeg (146.85 KB,1241x1047,1241:1047,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498643 (131511ZMAR23) Notable: moar FIB n Proud Boys

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FBI caught and I hope judges know they are doing this on all trials


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0b991b No.24472

File: 1dd897cf66aefcc⋯.png (946.39 KB,756x635,756:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 481a4272ac5bf02⋯.png (73.85 KB,1428x805,204:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498655 (131515ZMAR23) Notable: The Fed needs to stop raising rates now, former FDIC chair says after Silicon Valley Bank failure

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Already have some talking heads calling for a stop in rate raises or some even saying to lower them and 'Hair' Bair (the former FDIC head in charge of all the shotgun weddings in 2007-2009) sez stop

The Fed needs to stop raising rates now, former FDIC chair says after Silicon Valley Bank failure

Sheila Bair, a top banking regulator during the 2008 financial crisis, says the stunning implosion of Silicon Valley Bank is exactly why the Federal Reserve needs to halt its war on inflation.

“The Fed needs to hit pause and assess the full impact of its actions so far before raising short rates further,” Bair, the former chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, told CNN on Sunday in a phone interview.

“If they paused, it would have a settling effect on the markets,” said Bair, who led the FDIC through the 2008 failure of Washington Mutual. Silicon Valley Bank is second only to Washington Mutual in terms of the biggest bank failures in US history. Before Friday, investors were anticipating a major interest rate hike of a half percentage point at the Fed’s March 21-22 meeting. Bair said a hike of that size would not be “well advised” given the Silicon Valley Bank collapse.


Currently the FEDWatch has it skewed at no hike to 25bp when they had it at 50bp last week-so again imporatnt to watch what they do NOT what they say


Now what they may do is raise the FDIC limits after the morning wash out as they've let this 'sink in' prolly to about $tree-fiddy (350K) or moar so that will 'inspire CONfidence' and try to stem the lines that are forming at all these "banks"

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0b991b No.24473

File: 7615c8c19ea0dd9⋯.png (309.21 KB,598x640,299:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498660 (131515ZMAR23) Notable: @NavalInstitute It's #NationalSheepDay

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It's #NationalSheepDay. In 2017, a freighter loaded with 9,000 sheep sank the Russian spy ship Liman in the Black Sea when the two vessels collided in heavy fog. No sheep were harmed in the incident, and all Russian crewmen were rescued.


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0b991b No.24474

File: 6b372392b986262⋯.png (139.84 KB,680x481,680:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d78235b1d733f5⋯.png (71.08 KB,360x287,360:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 77dc03bd45bf893⋯.png (239.36 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498710 (131527ZMAR23) Notable: Yellen jokes?

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7 hours later. kek

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0b991b No.24475

File: ab3490e2e3b379e⋯.png (517.39 KB,594x443,594:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 8871d8508329a16⋯.png (87.88 KB,729x397,729:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 800c1c0c2a9eab4⋯.png (249.91 KB,998x571,998:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 20877a53df5257b⋯.png (539.65 KB,997x570,997:570,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498713 (131527ZMAR23) Notable: Credit Suisse CDS Hits Record High As Silicon Valley Banking Crisis Spreads To Europe

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Credit Suisse CDS Hits Record High As Silicon Valley Banking Crisis Spreads To Europe

Shares of European banks plunged on Monday, as yields on European bonds dropped on the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank could force central banks across the Western world to either slow the pace of interest rate hikes or even pivot if more regional banks fail.

Credit Suisse Group AG is one bank that caught our attention this morning. The shares of this troubled bank, trading in Switzerland, plunged as much as 15%, hitting a new record low. This decline was due to concerns about the bank's ability to recapture client funds, revive its investment banking business, and manage ongoing legal and regulatory investigations.The selling pressure on Credit Suisse shares returned thanks to the collapse of SVB, sparking a crisis of confidence throughout the banking industry in the Western world. As a result, the Zurich-based lender's five-year credit default swaps jumped to a record high of 448 basis points, data compiled by Bloomberg show. And it's not just Credit Suisse, whole financial sector is seeing CDS spreads widen. Credit Suisse's demise and shares falling to a record low come as the bank faces a long list of challenges. Just last week, shares hit a new low after it announced it would postpone the release of its annual report at the request of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Another concern is whether the bank can survive, given the substantial outflows from its wealth management division. So much for aggressive interest rate hikes in Europe.


— zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 13, 2023

As for US regional banks, and to prevent a wave of failures, rate traders have priced out hikes for the rest of the year as some of the first cuts could arrive in the second half of the year. >>24472


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0b991b No.24476

File: fb0c746609d0e6d⋯.png (877.35 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: b1d10e6bd246c50⋯.png (910.41 KB,804x594,134:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498715 (131528ZMAR23) Notable: Strange circular dunes on Mars spotted in these NASA photos

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Strange circular dunes on Mars spotted in these NASA photos

Mar 9, 2023

The sand dunes were imaged as part of a program to see how frost melts on the Red Planet in late winter.

Planetary scientists have captured an image of near-perfectly circular sand dunes on the surface of Mars. While sand dunes across the Red Planet come in a wealth of shapes and sizes, such well-defined circles are unusual.

The slight asymmetry in the sand dunes shows their steep sides are orientated towards the south. The University of Arizona, which operates the High-Resolution Imaging Experiment (HiRise) camera used to take the image, pointed out in a statement(opens in new tab) that this indicates sands are blown southwards, though the Martian winds may be variable.

The image was taken on November 22, 2022, at a latitude of 42.505 degrees and a longitude of 67.076 degrees. It comes as part of a series of pictures taken by the HiRise camera that orbits Mars on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft.

The collection of images is being used to monitor how frost recedes and melts on the Martian surface as the Red Planet reaches the end of its winter season. Illustrating this, while this image appears frost-free a similar image of the same sand dunes previously taken shows what they looked like while still covered in frost.

The sand dune image was taken while the MRO was at an altitude of around 185 miles (300 kilometers) over the Martian surface. Each pixel in the image represents 25 centimeters (9.8 inches).

This is just one of 60 sites on Mars being monitored by HiRise. The high-resolution camera has been orbiting the Red Planet since the MRO reached Mars in 2006 and began conducting the first dedicated survey of the planet's sand dunes.

Collecting repeated observations of sand dunes over the Martian year (lasting 687 Earth days) has allowed planetary scientists to monitor how fast the dunes move. This has revealed that sand dunes from the equator to the poles are advancing at rates of up to 3.3 feet (1 meter) per Martian year.

The camera has recorded a variety of Martian sand dunes with an impressive range of both sizes and shapes, revealing a great deal about weather conditions on the Red Planet. For example, while examining the Lyot Crater in the northern lowlands of Mars in 2010, HiRise imaged dune fields that indicated how local winds are channeled through the topology of this 146-mile-wide (236-kilometer) complex impact crater.

HiRise is also conducting ongoing research that looks at glacier-like formations across Mars and examines the crevasse-type fractures that punctuate their surfaces. By collecting repeated observations over time, the images can help scientists determine the kind of fracture mechanics that occur in so-called "viscous flow features" found at the bases of slopes on Mars. These deposits are believed to have once been rich in ice, but the source of this ice is thus far a mystery, according to NASA.(opens in new tab)

On December 21, 2010, the primary mission of the MRO ended five years and six months after its launch on August 12, 2005. This new image shows that even 12 years after the end of that mission the contribution to science made by the spacecraft and its HiRise camera is far from over.


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0b991b No.24477

File: 370c2d06e9b6271⋯.jpg (37.61 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498731 (131531ZMAR23) Notable: Yellen jokes?

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11:30 AM EST

Closed Board Meeting Under Expedited Procedures

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

>>>/qresearch/18481138 pb


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0b991b No.24478

File: d703a26572edd3a⋯.png (398.94 KB,659x644,659:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498751 (131536ZMAR23) Notable: Yellen jokes?

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It was already scheduled

They do closed door meeting all the time (they just amended it to account for current habbenings)

>>24206 pb

>And that "Emergency Meeting" scheduled for tomorrow was already on the books as the FED does do closed-door meetings from time-to-time so that is not unique…they changed the title to reflect the current habbeings is what habbened with that one.

Closed Board Meeting on March 13, 2023

Advanced Notice of a Meeting under Expedited Procedures.

It is anticipated that the closed meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, March 13, 2023, will be held under expedited procedures, as set forth in section 261b.7 of the Board's Rules Regarding Public Observation of Meetings, at the Board’s offices at 20th and C Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. and by audio/video conference call. The following items of official Board business are tentatively scheduled to be considered at that meeting. Review and determination by the Board of Governors of the advance and discount rates to be charged by the Federal Reserve Banks.


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0b991b No.24479

File: a9ec35e4b0ffe48⋯.png (555.84 KB,784x744,98:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498764 (131538ZMAR23) Notable: All The Usual Suspects

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

All The Usual Suspects


Industry veteran Greg Carmichael will lead the successor to the failed Manhattan-based bank

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0b991b No.24480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498784 (131543ZMAR23) Notable: Yellen jokes?

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Yellen already telegraphed the upcoming spin on CBS Sunday morning.

This isn't a bailout because those are bad.

Instead it's Depositor Protection.

The $ will go to the FDIC for those purposes instead.

They're going to try to say that inserting a "middleman" into the process like that means it's not a bailout.

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0b991b No.24481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498795 (131544ZMAR23) Notable: DEVELOPING: Trading Halted at 30 Banks as Market Opens – NYSE Halts Trading at Charles Schwab

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


DEVELOPING: Trading Halted at 30 Banks as Market Opens – NYSE Halts Trading at Charles Schwab

Trading was halted Monday at numerous banks at market open.

Trading at over 30 banks has been halted.

The trading for over 30 banks has been halted. Is the bank collapse happening in real time? pic.twitter.com/UXZt6caf53

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 13, 2023

Trading was halted at Charles Schwab.

The trading for over 30 banks has been halted. Is the bank collapse happening in real time? pic.twitter.com/UXZt6caf53

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 13, 2023

Banks stocks are collapsing, now trading halted…

This is incredibly bullish scenario for $btc and #defi

You will see narrative shift upcoming days…

Don’t short btc you will get rekt now pic.twitter.com/g9QIaan6C7

— Hatto Hanzō (@HanzoYasunaga) March 13, 2023

Market Watch reported:

To gauge the panic-like activity of bank investors in the wake of the recent failures of SVB Financial Group’s SIVB, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank SBNY, -22.87%, investors can check out the Nasdaq’s “Current Trading Halts” page. Multiple banks have had their stock halted for volatility, some more than once, since the opening bell. Among some of those that have already been halted at least twice, shares of Western Alliance Bancorp WAL, -82.55% plummeted 78.2%, Regions Financial Corp. RF, -7.54% sank 15.6%, First Republic Bank FRC, -77.82% plunged 65.5%, Comerica Inc. CMA, -38.51% tumbled 39.4% and PacWest Bancorp. PACW, -53.44% took a 47.7% dive. The selloffs come as the S&P 500 SPX, -0.11% inched up 0.1%, erasing an earlier drop of as much as 1.4%.

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0b991b No.24482

File: b4d607b1afb6180⋯.png (125.19 KB,472x280,59:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d928e6a44bd62b⋯.png (168.21 KB,264x397,264:397,Clipboard.png)

File: e76e8663b7ea0cf⋯.png (202.32 KB,615x588,205:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498808 (131547ZMAR23) Notable: Soros-Backed NM SOS Caught Lying to Legislature

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Soros-Backed NM SOS Caught Lying to Legislature

– NM Election System Completely Exposed to the Internet

Mar. 13, 2023 10:00 am


Guest post from the Editor of the Estancia News

During a March 10th hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on the controversial election bill titled SB 180, Representative Greg Nibert asked the Secretary of State directly, “Is the election system connected to the internet?”

“No,” responded the SOS.

This representation by the SOS to the legislature is patently false. The truth is that the SOS has gone to great lengths and spent almost $3 million of taxpayer money to get almost the entire election system centralized under her control and exposed to the internet. The clerks and SOS also worked with Dominion Voting Systems to destroy all original electronic election data.


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0b991b No.24483

File: 2e03f32cf136d1b⋯.jpeg (95.7 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498850 (131556ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine ranks third-largest global arms importer, after Qatar and India

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13 Mar, 2023 14:13

Ukraine ranks third-largest global arms importer – study

Weapon transfers to Europe rose sharply in 2022, while arms trade across the world declined, a Stockholm-based think tank has found

The US and EU’s extensive military aid to Kiev amid its ongoing conflict with Moscow made Ukraine thethird largest importer of major arms in 2022, after Qatar and India, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reported on Monday.

Ukraine also ranked as the14th largest weapons importer in the worldfor the five-year period between 2018 and 2022, accounting for some 2% of global arms imports, the think tank found.

While the global level of international arms transfers has fallen by 5.1% in the past five years, SIPRI also reported that imports of arms by European states saw a sharp increase of 47%, while European NATO states increased their weapon imports by 65% amid a perceived threat from Russia.

“Even as arms transfers have declined globally,those to Europe have risen sharplydue to tensions between Russia and most other European states,” noted Pieter D. Wezeman, a senior SIPRI researcher, adding that European states now want to “import more arms, faster.”

He also observed that, while the US and other NATO states have declined Kiev’s requests for combat aircraft and long-range missiles out of fears of an escalation in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, they have nevertheless supplied such arms toother states involvedin the conflict, “particularly in the Middle East and South Asia.”

Russia and the US have remained the biggest weapons exporters in the world, although Moscow’s share of arms sales reportedlyfell from 22% to 16% while Washington’s share saw an increase from 33% to 40%.Also, between 2018 and 2022, US arms sales grew by 14%, while Russia’s sales fell by 31%.

Meanwhile, Asia and Oceania accounted for 41% of arms deliveries in 2018-2022, with countries like India, Australia, China, South Korea, Pakistan and Japan landing in the top ten of global arms importers. Wesman explained that the increased demand is being driven by a perceived growing threat from China and North Korea.

As for theMiddle East, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egyptfound themselves in the top ten of weapons importers for the past five years, with the great majority of weapons being provided by the USA (54%), followed by France, Russia and Italy. The sales included over 260 advanced combat aircraft, over 500 new tanks and 13 frigates, SIPRI reported.


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0b991b No.24484

File: 13ee2561c627d94⋯.jpeg (81.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498866 (131600ZMAR23) Notable: In the absence of conditions for peace, military action is required to achieve Russian goals, Putin’s spokesman has said

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13 Mar, 2023 12:05

Kremlin explains its ‘only option’ in Ukraine

In the absence of conditions for peace, military action is required to achieve Russian goals, Putin’s spokesman has said

There are currently no conditions for a peace settlement in Ukraine, meaningRussia has no other option but to keep fighting, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has argued.

“The absolute priority for us remains and will always remain reaching the goals that we’ve set for ourselves. At this point in time, they can only be achieved through military means,” the official told journalists on Monday.

Peskov was reacting to an article penned by veteran German diplomat Wolfgang Ischinger, who served as chair of the Munich Security Conference for over a decade. In a piece published by Der Tagesspiegel on Sunday, Ischinger urged Western leaders to “start thinking about a peace process now” and create a special political contact group for the Ukraine conflict.

“In addition to arms deliveries and financial support, we have to offer perspectives to the growing chorus of questions by critics,” he argued.

According to Ischinger’s proposal, the contact group would be led by the US, UK, Germany and France, with other nations and international organizations, including NATO, forming an “outer circle” of participants to lend legitimacy to any draft documents.

The group’s task would be to prepare a ceasefire agreement and other paperwork to form the backbone for a post-conflict period. It would work alongside the so-called Ramstein Group, which funnels Western military aid to Ukraine. Ischinger stressed that the new initiative would not put pressure on Ukraine to negotiate.

The veteran German diplomat suggested a list of questions that the group would ask themselves, including: “Should a ceasefire agreement be endorsed by the UN Security Council?”, “Will there be a demilitarized buffer zone?”, and “Should the people in Crimea hold a referendum to decide who they belong to?”.

Kiev has declared the full return of territories it claims as Ukrainian as a precondition for peace talks. Its national security council has also banned talks with Russia for as long as President Vladimir Putin remains in office.

Moscow has argued that the Ukrainian government has effectively made peace talks impossible, and that Kiev has adopted its stance based on orders from the US, which is aiming to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.


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0b991b No.24485

File: 823c86f6fa9e883⋯.png (310.04 KB,879x1164,293:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498905 (131608ZMAR23) Notable: We got Trending Hashtags #

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We got Trending Hashtags #

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0b991b No.24486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498943 (131615ZMAR23) Notable: DEVELOPING: Trading Halted at 30 Banks as Market Opens – NYSE Halts Trading at Charles Schwab

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Charles Schwabb bought USAA in 2020. Just looked this up.


USAA closes deal with Schwab to acquire USAA brokerage and USAA managed portfolio accounts

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0b991b No.24487

File: c0f4a9da61bea26⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: daabcb0c0e0ac6c⋯.jpg (60.14 KB,672x537,224:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498983 (131621ZMAR23) Notable: 🔥 Tucker Carlson Says He Regrets Working for the Media ‘Control Apparatus’

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kek; nice rant from Tucker


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0b991b No.24488

File: e6d4cb3bdc86e9c⋯.jpg (313.99 KB,720x1119,240:373,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498991 (131623ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas Financial Docs for Hunter Biden Business Associates

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House Oversight Committee Subpoenas Financial Docs for Hunter Biden Business Associates


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0b991b No.24489

File: a911477a7b3d1e0⋯.png (203.23 KB,539x567,77:81,Clipboard.png)

File: b4c5db87c4ca868⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18498998 (131625ZMAR23) Notable: 🔥 Tucker Carlson Says He Regrets Working for the Media ‘Control Apparatus’

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Chief Nerd


🔥 Tucker Carlson Says He Regrets Working for the Media ‘Control Apparatus’

“They’re job is not to inform you. They are working for the small group of people who actually run the world.”



10:56 AM · Mar 13, 2023


This was a great podcast.

Brutal honesty from Tucker it seemed.

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0b991b No.24490

File: 62d0c3e61025c19⋯.png (657 KB,750x790,75:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499004 (131625ZMAR23) Notable: @/USNavy #USNavy Photos of the Day

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#USNavy Photos of the Day:

1️ & 2️ Sailors move ordnance and train during COMPTUEX aboard @Warship_78


observes #FLTOPS aboard @TheCVN69

in @USNavyEurope


4️ Line handling aboard #USSMilius during an #UNREP @US7thFleet

👉 https://dvidshub.net/r/uw5gq2

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0b991b No.24491

File: 67ac59476e05cc4⋯.png (113.19 KB,681x689,681:689,Clipboard.png)

File: 699824496d4388a⋯.png (105.43 KB,718x684,359:342,Clipboard.png)

File: c7316d32bddc8d8⋯.png (116.81 KB,685x689,685:689,Clipboard.png)

File: 669271073f3cc91⋯.png (117.45 KB,699x691,699:691,Clipboard.png)

File: b8f616d229b7272⋯.png (124.34 KB,680x690,68:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499012 (131627ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

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Associated Twitter Space

LIVE: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

2:35 PM · Mar 12, 2023


Part 1: https://files.catbox.moe/5sdr7s.mp4

Part 2: https://files.catbox.moe/2769z0.mp4

Part 3: https://files.catbox.moe/5y68st.mp4

Part 4: https://files.catbox.moe/ii4n73.mp4

Part 5: https://files.catbox.moe/taeibn.mp4

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24492

File: 62cfd8d208dbfc4⋯.png (37.57 KB,864x328,108:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 879b69530517863⋯.png (363.14 KB,598x482,299:241,Clipboard.png)

File: a99e25b12a77a07⋯.png (398.44 KB,509x334,509:334,Clipboard.png)

File: a5354cdd54034ba⋯.png (440.55 KB,598x617,598:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499026 (131630ZMAR23) Notable: DEVELOPING: Trading Halted at 30 Banks as Market Opens – NYSE Halts Trading at Charles Schwab

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Trending "Charles Schwab"



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0b991b No.24493

File: b77c361aa735467⋯.png (327.56 KB,598x558,299:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 25a080e4fe5697a⋯.jpg (386.38 KB,1800x1800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f0cf458ab3108f⋯.png (32.14 KB,789x377,789:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499047 (131634ZMAR23) Notable: @CorpsHistory It’s National #K9VeteranDay today!

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Marine Corps History Division


It’s National #K9VeteranDay today!

For over 80 years War #Dogs have worked alongside #Marines in many different roles from detecting mines to being messengers but most of all, they are a trusted companions in the field.


Every dog has its day.

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0b991b No.24494

File: 4e726b287867a0d⋯.png (67.63 KB,835x695,167:139,Clipboard.png)

File: a42313f3b3bf0ed⋯.png (68.91 KB,846x707,846:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499053 (131636ZMAR23) Notable: THE MONEY LAUNDERING CONTINUES - BITCOIN RISING??

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24495

File: ec62801884fedbc⋯.png (37.28 KB,844x328,211:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 52496e6828f6430⋯.png (35.92 KB,840x328,105:41,Clipboard.png)

File: a06ae2b586647fe⋯.png (20.85 KB,512x246,256:123,Clipboard.png)

File: ad9a45e6298452b⋯.png (32.67 KB,735x410,147:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 01cacb936e495c8⋯.png (18.51 KB,572x246,286:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499063 (131638ZMAR23) Notable: We got Trending Hashtags #

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#stockmarketcrash https://twitter.com/search?q=%23stockmarketcrash

#SVBCollapse https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523SVBCollapse

#GoWokeGoBroke https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523GoWokeGoBroke

HSBC https://twitter.com/search?q=HSBC

"The Fed" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22The%20Fed%22

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0b991b No.24496

File: 0342446668c9e6c⋯.png (897.64 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2702503cbb7f76f⋯.png (42.47 KB,853x1027,853:1027,Clipboard.png)

File: b828ca918592e16⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,215x235,43:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499079 (131640ZMAR23) Notable: Crowdstrike banked at SVB

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Crowdstrike banked at SVB

No wonder they are bailing it out.

Bankers plundering the people. YOU are the lender of last resort.

They investigated Hillary/DNC computers, found them safe & clean.

6 Days ago: CrowdStrike Jumps After Beating Revenue Estimates in Down Market


4 days ago: CrowdStrike to Host Investor Briefing




SVB was deeply embedded in the US startup scene, as the only publicly-traded bank focused on Silicon Valley and tech startups. According to its website, it did business with nearly half of all US venture capital-backed startups, and 44% of US venture-backed tech and health-care companies that went public last year.

It lists Pinterest Inc., Shopify Inc. and cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike Holdings Inc. among the bigger household names it has served.

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0b991b No.24497

File: 919bb60acdb60ed⋯.png (27.84 KB,620x410,62:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 919bb60acdb60ed⋯.png (27.84 KB,620x410,62:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 919bb60acdb60ed⋯.png (27.84 KB,620x410,62:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 919bb60acdb60ed⋯.png (27.84 KB,620x410,62:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 919bb60acdb60ed⋯.png (27.84 KB,620x410,62:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499097 (131644ZMAR23) Notable: We got Trending Hashtags #

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0b991b No.24498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499108 (131646ZMAR23) Notable: DEVELOPING: Trading Halted at 30 Banks as Market Opens – NYSE Halts Trading at Charles Schwab

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Schwab has more than enough liquidity - see release below

Our Perspective on Recent Industry Events


March 13, 2023

Today, we released our regularly-scheduled Monthly Activity Report and commentary from our Chief Financial Officer. In that release, you can read about the strength and resilience of the Charles Schwab Corporation. Though we do not normally comment on these monthly releases, given the market environment we find ourselves in, we thought it was appropriate to do so this time.

For over 50 years, Charles Schwab has prided itself on being a safe, secure, and strong financial institution, the result of managing the firm with a “Through Clients’ Eyes” strategy and effective, disciplined risk management practices. We understand, though, with the heightened attention in recent days, people may still have questions. To the extent there are questions about any impact on Schwab, we want to clarify a few important points:

Schwab has a broad base of high-quality customers across multiple lines of business, capital well in excess of regulatory requirements, a high-quality and relatively small loan book, and a conservative investment portfolio that is 80% comprised of securities backed by the U.S. Treasury and various government agencies.

We believe one of the best indicators of the strength and stability of the firm is our client activity. Our February results show that clients entrusted Schwab with more than $41.7 billion in net new assets – our second-strongest February ever following our strongest January ever. Our growth and momentum have continued in March, with daily net new assets of over $2 billion per trading day month-to-date, including Thursday and Friday of last week.

Following the recent events in the banking industry, we are pleased to see the U.S. Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, and FDIC step in with decisive action to support depositors during this critical time. We think the steps announced today provide an additional layer of protection for individuals and will help boost confidence in the American banking system.

Collectively, more than 80% of client cash held at Schwab Bank is insured dollar-for-dollar by the FDIC. According to S&P Global Market Intelligence, that percentage is among the highest of the top 100 U.S. banks. As a comparison, the banks in the news the last few days have between 2% and 20% of their deposits insured.

As a further safeguard, Schwab has access to over $80 billion in borrowing capacity with the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), which is an amount greater than all our uninsured deposits. That helps provide the firm significant access to liquidity, so money is there when clients need it.

Investments at Schwab are held in investors’ names at the Broker Dealer. Those are separate and not comingled with assets at Schwab’s Bank.

Schwab does not have any direct business relationship with Silicon Valley Bank or Signature Bank, so we do not have exposure to any direct credit risk from either.

Schwab’s long-standing reputation as a safe port in a storm remains intact, driven by record-setting business performance, a conservative balance sheet, a strong liquidity position, and a diversified base of 34 million+ accountholders who invest with Schwab every day. As such, we remain confident in our approach and in our ability to help clients through all kinds of economic environments. We stand ready to support our clients with award-winning service and time-tested expertise.

Charles Schwab

Founder and Co-chairman

Walt Bettinger

CEO and Co-chairman

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0b991b No.24499

File: 74fee9f47952dca⋯.jpeg (254.5 KB,1063x692,1063:692,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499144 (131655ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas Financial Docs for Hunter Biden Business Associates

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BREAKING: House Oversight Chair Jim Comer has subpoenaed bank records for three of Hunter Biden’s business associates


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0b991b No.24500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499150 (131656ZMAR23) Notable: Credit Suisse CDS Hits Record High As Silicon Valley Banking Crisis Spreads To Europe

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Insurance to protect against default on their bonds is skyrocketing.

#DebitSuisse $CS #CreditSuisse

Margin Calls

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0b991b No.24501

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499161 (131658ZMAR23) Notable: CBDC | "Do You Think That Legislatures In Your State Understand What This Bill Was Actually Designed to Do?" - Tucker Carlson "I Don't Know If They Read It." - South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem

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Michael T. Flynn 🙏🏼 🇺🇸


Pay attention to your wealth and try to help yourself and your family where you can. This financial shift using CBDC is not not money at all, it’s “software.”

CBDC | "Do You Think That Legislatures In Your State Understand What This Bill Was Actually Designed to Do?" - Tucker Carlson "I Don't Know If They Read It." - South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem

Mar 13, 2023, 8:41 AM



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499223 (131708ZMAR23) Notable: #22685

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#22685 >>24458

>>24459 @C_A The future of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is bright at #CIA

>>24460 Treasuries: "Risk Free" or "Risk Unlimited"?

>>24461 PF The Rockwell B-1 Lancer is a supersonic variable-sweep wing, heavy bomber the "Bone"

>>24462 The Interior Department gave the green light to US energy giant ConocoPhillips to drill for oil at three sites, federally-owned National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska’s Arctic

>>24463 Toronto-based Black & McDonald has so far refused to publicly comment on the cyberattack, ransomware attack

>>24465, >>24467 PF: ABIDE E-4B Nightwatch departed Offutt AFB,will go to Tucson-Davis Monthan and 09-0016 C-32A also up from JBA

>>24466 @WarshipCam Good morning from USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in San Diego

>>24468 Playboy to relaunch magazine as it takes on OnlyFans

>>24469 First Republic and Western Alliance shares paused for trading as regional bank jitters persist despite Fed backstops

>>24470, >>24464 DHS and NGOs going after Revolver.news for revealing color revolutions

>>24471 moar FIB n Proud Boys

>>24472 The Fed needs to stop raising rates now, former FDIC chair says after Silicon Valley Bank failure

>>24473 @NavalInstitute It's #NationalSheepDay

>>24474, >>24477, >>24478, >>24480 Yellen jokes?

>>24475, >>24500 Credit Suisse CDS Hits Record High As Silicon Valley Banking Crisis Spreads To Europe

>>24476 Strange circular dunes on Mars spotted in these NASA photos

>>24479 All The Usual Suspects

>>24481, >>24486, >>24492, >>24498 DEVELOPING: Trading Halted at 30 Banks as Market Opens – NYSE Halts Trading at Charles Schwab

>>24482 Soros-Backed NM SOS Caught Lying to Legislature

>>24483 Ukraine ranks third-largest global arms importer, after Qatar and India

>>24484 In the absence of conditions for peace, military action is required to achieve Russian goals, Putin’s spokesman has said

>>24485, >>24495, >>24497 We got Trending Hashtags #

>>24488, >>24499 House Oversight Committee Subpoenas Financial Docs for Hunter Biden Business Associates

>>24489, >>24487 🔥 Tucker Carlson Says He Regrets Working for the Media ‘Control Apparatus’

>>24490 @/USNavy #USNavy Photos of the Day

>>24491 LIVE: Fed Bailout | Banks Collapse w/ Cong. Massie & Vivek Ramaswamy

>>24493 @CorpsHistory It’s National #K9VeteranDay today!


>>24496 Crowdstrike banked at SVB

>>24501 CBDC | "Do You Think That Legislatures In Your State Understand What This Bill Was Actually Designed to Do?" - Tucker Carlson "I Don't Know If They Read It." - South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem


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0b991b No.24503

File: 5c55502d3f6963a⋯.gif (476.83 KB,500x363,500:363,Clipboard.gif)

File: 6f02872e0c1f165⋯.png (311.94 KB,451x570,451:570,Clipboard.png)

File: 919bb60acdb60ed⋯.png (27.84 KB,620x410,62:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e726b287867a0d⋯.png (67.63 KB,835x695,167:139,Clipboard.png)

File: b828ca918592e16⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,215x235,43:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499239 (131710ZMAR23) Notable: #22686

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Baker can continue or defer

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0b991b No.24505

File: b27a8a7715a5473⋯.png (224.85 KB,854x1806,61:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499263 (131715ZMAR23) Notable: BANKING TRENDS ARE ACTIVE

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>>24503 TYB



"Charles Schwab" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Charles%20Schwab%22

#stockmarketcrash https://twitter.com/search?q=%23stockmarketcrash

#SVBCollapse https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523SVBCollapse

#GoWokeGoBroke https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523GoWokeGoBroke

HSBC https://twitter.com/search?q=HSBC

"The Fed" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22The%20Fed%22

#gold https://twitter.com/search?q=%23gold

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0b991b No.24506

File: 72db947c1002b35⋯.png (345.93 KB,612x917,612:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499285 (131720ZMAR23) Notable: Chinese President Xi Jinping to fly to Moscow. Here’s why, Zelensky after

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The Eurasianist ☦️ Retweeted

S.L. Kanthan


This is huge — Chinese President Xi Jinping to fly to Moscow. Here’s why:

🔹It’s symbolic — supporting Putin at this critical moment during the Ukraine war.

🔹It’s a slap on the US, which has been trying to bully China about arming Russia.

🔹There must be serious and highly sensitive long-term strategy planning sessions. Else, this could have been done over the phone.

🔹Putin-Xi friendship is real. 10 years ago, when Xi became the President, the first foreign trip he took was to Russia.

Truly visionary leaders who will shape the burgeoning multipolar world.



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0b991b No.24508

File: f3cd260641d5b32⋯.png (27.3 KB,598x336,299:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499298 (131724ZMAR23) Notable: De-dollarization

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>Did someone say it was freefall season?


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0b991b No.24510

File: 2823307cb28e5c3⋯.png (59.52 KB,576x301,576:301,Clipboard.png)

File: e98fb6a6a030b28⋯.png (99.73 KB,1180x458,590:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499299 (131724ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump These Four Radical Left investigations of your all time favorite President, ME, is just a continuation of the most disgusting Witch Hunt in the HISTORY…

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These Four Radical Left investigations of your all time favorite President, ME, is just a continuation of the most disgusting Witch Hunt in the HISTORY of our Country. No different than the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA HOAX, the UKRAINE, UKRAINE, UKRAINE IMPEACHMENT SCAM, the SPYING ON MY CAMPAIGN, the “NO COLLUSION” MUELLER REPORT, etc. Whether it’s the MAR-a-LAGO RAID, the UNSELECT COMMITTEE HOAX, the PERFECT GEORGIA PHONE CALL, or the STORMY “HORSEFACE” DANIALS EXTORTION PLOT, ALL SICK, FAKE NEWS!




A -> E = 4

Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.


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0b991b No.24511

File: a80b9fd95661abd⋯.png (82.55 KB,611x585,47:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 9eb089af244d12c⋯.png (283.11 KB,619x877,619:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499311 (131727ZMAR23) Notable: ICYMI: O'Keefe Exposes Government Conspiracy to Frame Citizens at January 6th Protest/altered video

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James O'Keefe Exposes Government Conspiracy to Frame Citizens at January 6th Protest.


This video has been clearly been altered.Examples of unedited footage below.

https://youtu.be/6B8x8ZbFmtc (see 4:47 time stamp)



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0b991b No.24513

File: 6b538dc818fdd12⋯.png (223.29 KB,561x577,561:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 7924da8b1a89ad8⋯.png (81.57 KB,512x596,128:149,Clipboard.png)

File: bd739583f33d08d⋯.png (254.58 KB,536x600,67:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499315 (131728ZMAR23) Notable: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation just announced a $4.7 million grant for a company that sells face masks for cows.

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Critical Sway


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation just announced a $4.7 million grant for a company that sells face masks for cows.

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Critical Sway



Mar 11

In brief…

• Cows belch methane, which the mask purportedly converts to CO2 as it comes out into the atmosphere

• Farmers rent the devices, so that they can label their meat as more environmentally friendly

• Zelp doubles down on the scam by selling carbon offset credits


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0b991b No.24514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499319 (131729ZMAR23) Notable: Buckwheat on AF1

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1:30 PM EST

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to San Diego, CA

Air Force One


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0b991b No.24516

File: ab36ce110629a6a⋯.mp4 (447.12 KB,480x780,8:13,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499331 (131732ZMAR23) Notable: banking bloodbath

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0b991b No.24517

File: a120694711cadf8⋯.png (387.74 KB,437x756,437:756,Clipboard.png)

File: e61a29290169a9c⋯.png (155.92 KB,437x325,437:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499341 (131734ZMAR23) Notable: ICYMI: ECW Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank was in deep with Chinese banks and companies.

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Notable info from last night CCP & Bank Bailouts

NEW - Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank was in deep with Chinese banks and companies. SVB was especially popular among Chinese biotech groups that operated between the US and China, according to the Financial Times.




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0b991b No.24518

File: 403eee8168c70e6⋯.png (44.08 KB,738x450,41:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 96b81a8be7770b8⋯.png (70.55 KB,727x550,727:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499344 (131736ZMAR23) Notable: Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroupnhaving held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

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What the hell?


Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup

having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

On top of that it's member @javirett

is currently being questioned in the near killing of Trump's CDC Director's son!

What's going on?!

It's time to reign in Big Tech.

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0b991b No.24519

File: 5eb8620eedc9734⋯.png (511.65 KB,560x592,35:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499348 (131736ZMAR23) Notable: Ric Grenell: “Every Single Intelligence Agency Signed Off”/Declaring China Responsible for COVID Pandemic – It Was a Cover-Up

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Ric Grenell on the Lou Dobbs Show: “Every Single Intelligence Agency Signed Off” on a Statement in April 2020 Declaring China Responsible for COVID Pandemic – It Was a Cover-Up

Former acting Director of National Intelligence and Ambassador Ric Grenell joined Lou Dobbs podcast recently to discuss the COVID-19 coverup.

Ric told Lou that every single intelligence agency signed off on a statement back on April 30th of 2020 declaring China was responsible for the Covid pandemic. The intel agencies agreed that the virus originated in the Wuhan Virology Lab.

Grenell goes on to say, “There was a cover-up.”

According to Grenell:

“The Sec. of Energy recently came out with a statement that the Covid virus originated in the Wuhan laboratory, but we already knew that. Why make the statement now? The Intelligence Agencies including the Energy Department have known since 2020 but didn’t want it to get out because they had an election to manipulate. The Marxist Dems will continue the weaponization of government unless we fix the media. The sham J6 Select Committee permitted no dissenting voices while the national media pretends to be without bias but are totally partisan and un-American.”

Listen to the entire discussion at The Lou Dobbs podcast.


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0b991b No.24521

File: 2f660dab4aa4f32⋯.png (184.7 KB,547x597,547:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499355 (131738ZMAR23) Notable: Credit Suisse Shares Tumble to a New Record Low After Collapse of SVB and Signature Bank

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Credit Suisse Shares Tumble to a New Record Low After Collapse of SVB and Signature Bank

Credit Suisse shares tumbled to a new record low on Monday after Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank collapsed.

The Swiss bank fell as much as 15% after taking losses for five straight quarters.

Market Watch reported:

Credit Suisse shares on Monday reached a new record low, falling as much as 15% as investors continued to hammer away at the stock of the Swiss banking giant after the collapse of banks in the U.S.

While SVB Financial and Signature Bank collapsed in the wake of the downturn in the technology and crypto sectors as interest rates rise, Credit Suisse’s difficulties have been of its own making.

Credit Suisse CSGN, -8.73% CS, -4.70% has lost money for five straight quarters and says it’s expecting to post a loss before tax this year. It’s undergoing a big transformation after losing billions lending to the Archegos family office and having to freeze $10 billion worth of funds tied to Greensil Capital. Wealthy clients pulled out about $100 billion from Credit Suisse in the fourth quarter.

According to FactSet, Credit Suisse shares trade at 0.2 estimated 2023 tangible book value. Rival UBS UBS, -4.03% trades at 1.2 times estimated 2023 tangible book value.

Credit Suisse was not the only European bank to see its shares slide: Commerzbank CBK, -12.31% and Banco de Sabadell SAB, -11.12% also slumped, as the broader European bank stock index SX7E, -6.05% fell.

Charles Schwab and dozens of other banks halted trading on Monday.


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0b991b No.24522

File: 03f9ce9f6cf7f4d⋯.png (311.74 KB,518x606,259:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499361 (131740ZMAR23) Notable: Israeli Official Blames American "Weakness" For China's Iran-Saudi Deal/Israel for Last kek

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Israeli Official Blames American "Weakness" For China's Iran-Saudi Deal

Israeli officials are expressing dismay at the Iran and Saudi Arabia peace deal which was announced from Beijing last Friday, with an aide to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu telling reporters that it's the result of American "weakness" as well as failings of the prior Israeli government.

"There was a feeling of US and Israeli weakness and this is why the Saudis started looking for new avenues. It was clear that this was going to happen," the unnamed senior official said while traveling in Netanyahu's entourage in Rome, according to Axios.

Axios reported further, "The senior Israeli official who briefed reporters said the Israeli government is not concerned that the new Saudi-Iranian agreement will hamper the efforts to achieve a breakthrough that could lead to the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia."

But the former Israeli leaders hurled the same accusation at Netanyahu, saying the new coalition government is to blame. Former Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid and current opposition head in the Knesset, also lamented that the Saudi-Iran deal signals the "collapse of the regional defense wall that we started building against Iran."

"This is what happens when one deals with legal insanity all day instead of doing one’s job against Iran and strengthening relations with the United States," Lapid said, commenting on the Netanyahu government’s judicial overhaul, and the chaos it has sparked in Israeli politics along with massive street protests.

Israel's number one priority has long been to isolate Tehran as a regional power, especially because of Iranian entrenchment in Syria as well as its longtime support to Lebanese Hezbollah. Closer Israeli relations with Riyadh were toward that end, but now the China-brokered deal puts all of this into question.


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0b991b No.24524

File: ee39fd92b1b499f⋯.png (335.45 KB,857x664,857:664,Clipboard.png)

File: f6243eee286f1bd⋯.png (119.64 KB,887x873,887:873,Clipboard.png)

File: 008ba36d55d2e22⋯.png (54.38 KB,864x408,36:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499373 (131741ZMAR23) Notable: Chinese President Xi Jinping to fly to Moscow. Here’s why, Zelensky after

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China's Xi To Hold Talks With Zelensky After Meeting Putin

Update(10:56ET): Closely on the heels of Reuters reporting that Xi's trip to Moscow is likely to come as soon as next week, The Wall Street Journal writes that the Chinese leader has accepted Zelensky's request to meet, albeit virtually. The talk is expected to happen after Xi first meets with President Putin in Moscow.

"Chinese leader Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time since the start of the Ukraine war, likely after he visits Moscow next week to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to people familiar with the matter," WSJ reports Monday.

"The meetings with Messrs. Putin and Zelensky, the latter of which is expected to take place virtually, reflect Beijing’s effort to play a more active role in mediating an end to the war in Ukraine, some of the people said."

All of this suggests that Beijing's role as an influential mediator, at a moment Washington has remained resistant to seriously pursuing peace in Ukraine, is gaining traction in both Moscow and Kiev.

* * *

The closely watched and controversial plans of Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit President Vladimir Putin in Russia is taking shape quickly, with Reuters reporting Monday it will happen next week, citing unnamed sources.

If accurate, this will be a much earlier timetable than previously expected, following a Dec. 30 video call between Putin and Xi wherein the invitation to visit Moscow was initially made. According to The Moscow Times, "Xi, who secured an unprecedented third term in office last week, had been expected to travel to Moscow in April or early May."


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0b991b No.24526

File: ea4ef40a835ac91⋯.png (299.81 KB,734x672,367:336,Clipboard.png)

File: c75c5ffee5c8977⋯.png (332.12 KB,718x650,359:325,Clipboard.png)

File: 89e8625218e026d⋯.png (248.44 KB,671x576,671:576,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b07e6c88af754a⋯.png (347.64 KB,675x708,225:236,Clipboard.png)

File: 2af7ec32f462f65⋯.png (467.15 KB,873x948,291:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499382 (131742ZMAR23) Notable: Rasmussen Reports

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The TRUTH about January 6th?

Rasmussen Reports

VP Pence - 1/4/21: “We’ve all got our doubts about the last election. I share the concerns of millions of Americans about voting irregularities … Come this Wednesday … we’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the evidence.”


Certification delay requires a crisis

Crisis requires - an emergency

Emergency suspends - the chamber process

Process halt - eliminates motion challenges

Process halt - eliminates SCOTUS appeals

After halt - speaker convenes "new session"

New session, one task - certification


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0b991b No.24527

File: 876a4fa67ec746c⋯.png (470.76 KB,739x715,739:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499394 (131744ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC has only about half the cash needed to cover roughly $264B in deposits at failed banks

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A peek behind the curtain.


FDIC has only about half the cash needed to cover roughly $264B in deposits at failed banks, report | Just The News

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0b991b No.24529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499411 (131747ZMAR23) Notable: On the week and day major US Financial Houses (Banks & Credit Unions) go under we have a Major Cyber Attack ongoing

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On the week and day major US Financial Houses (Banks & Credit Unions) go under we have a Major Cyber Attack ongoing. From Major Server Outages such as Amazon's AWS and other having major issues. Strange isn't it?

Reports & Threat Levels are extremely high at the moment.

Per Reporting Sources below:

🚨 https://downdetector.com/finance/

🚨 https://threatmap.checkpoint.com

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0b991b No.24530

File: eef4c4a8d691fdb⋯.png (179.76 KB,561x477,187:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499439 (131750ZMAR23) Notable: Moderna Fails to Convince Judge that US Government Should Have Been Sued for its COVID-19 Vaccine Patent Not Them

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Moderna Fails to Convince Judge that US Government Should Have Been Sued for its COVID-19 Vaccine Patent Not Them

On Friday, Moderna failed to convince a federal judge that it should not have to face a patent lawsuit over its COVID-19 vaccine and that the US government should have been sued instead.

In 2022, Arbutus Biopharma Corp and Genevant Sciences filed a lawsuit against Moderna in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, accusing the vaccine manufacturer of patent infringement on its COVID-19 vaccine.

The two biotech companies sued Moderna over infringement claims on six patents concerning the manufacture and sale of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine.

More from BioPharmaDive:

Arbutus and Genevant’s lawsuit escalates a yearslong dispute with Moderna that’s already wound its way through a federal patent appeal board and a federal appeals court.

At issue are microscopic fat-like particles that Arbutus scientists developed to shield messenger RNA delivered into the body — inventions awarded several U.S. patents which Arbutus and partner Genevant allege Moderna infringed with its COVID-19 vaccine Spikevax.

In court documents, the two cited several disclosures in scientific publications describing early studies of what would become Spikevax, including one coauthored by National Institutes of Health scientists that was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The papers, Arbutus and Genevant claim, show Moderna’s vaccine uses so-called lipid nanoparticles that are covered by six separate patents they hold.

Arbutus and Genevant are not seeking an injunction on sales of Spikevax, which last year earned Moderna nearly $19 billion.

But they’re hoping to win a judgement that Moderna infringed six of their patents and to secure damages no less than a “reasonable royalty” on Moderna’s sales. Mani Foroohar, an analyst at SVB Leerink who covers Moderna, expects a single-digit royalty could be expected should the court rule against Moderna, which would still equate to a significant sum.

Moderna released a statement to The Hill and denied these allegations of patent infringement.

For the second time, U.S. District Judge Mitchell Goldberg has ruled that Moderna has failed to prove that the government should be the appropriate target of a case brought by Arbutus Biopharma Corp and Genevant Sciences GmbH.

“The U.S. Justice Department said in a court filing last month that it supports Moderna’s position, arguing that the company should not be liable for shots provided under its contract with the government as part of Operation Warp Speed,” AP reported.

“Goldberg ruled Friday that Moderna’s request was still premature and said details were still emerging about the scope of the company’s government agreements,” it added.

Moderna said that the US government was the appropriate target of the claims because the company manufactured its vaccine for the government’s nationwide vaccination effort.

But it contradicts what was said by the company’s CEO, Stephane Bancel, who said that 100,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were manufactured in 2019 before the pandemic began.


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0b991b No.24532

File: 9e7d9492cee721a⋯.png (334 KB,588x528,49:44,Clipboard.png)

File: fe22614f90cfae1⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,488x270,244:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499471 (131755ZMAR23) Notable: EPIC Beatdown on Lockdowns!!!

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EPIC Beatdown on Lockdowns!!!

This woman goes off!! Spitting truth and fact so hard and fast that she left a wake of liberals gasping for air after her speech. Bravo!!


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0b991b No.24534

File: b8ced46d77e62d0⋯.png (708.85 KB,722x1024,361:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 424c2f5d8d4dba7⋯.png (1.03 MB,901x1024,901:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499475 (131755ZMAR23) Notable: Top Silicon Valley Bank execs worked at notoriously troubled Lehman Brothers, Deutsche Bank

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Top Silicon Valley Bank execs worked at notoriously troubled Lehman Brothers, Deutsche Bank

Two executives at doomed Silicon Valley Bank had previously worked at a pair of notoriously troubled financial giants — the now-shuttered Lehman Brothers and the scandal-scarred Deutsche Bank.

The employment records of SVB executives Joseph Gentile and Kim Olson raised eyebrows on social media after the tech lender’s rapid meltdown prompted fears of a systemic economic crisis. The feds were forced to bail out SVB on Sunday to restore public confidence in the banking sector.

Gentile serves as chief administrative officer of SVB Securities, a standalone investment bank wholly owned by parent company SVB Financial. But prior to taking that role in 2007, Gentile had a short stint as the chief financial officer for the fixed income division of Lehman Brothers’ Global Investment Bank.

Lehman Brothers was a Wall Street giant until it collapsed into Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Sept. 15, 2008. The firm’s implosion had a devastating impact on the US economy and was a key factor in the economic turmoil of the Great Recession.

While Gentile left Lehman Brothers well before the investment bank’s collapse, social media users quickly pointed out the connection.

“This is truly unusual,” Unusual Whales tweeted regarding Gentile’s background.

In a statement published on its website, SVB Securities said it was “financially stable and will continue to operate as usual” despite its affiliate SVB’s downfall.

Olson was hired as SVB’s chief risk officer in January. Before joining the tech lender, she had a stint in a senior risk management role at Deutsche Bank during the Great Recession.

In 2017, Deutsche Bank was forced to pay a massive $7.2 billion penalty after admitting it lied to investors about its mortgage-backed securities — the collapse of which was a major factor in the housing market’s implosion during the financial crisis.

Before her stint at Deutsche Bank, Olson was a managing director at Fitch Ratings, the agency that makes determinations on the creditworthiness of investments and institutions.

“SVB has an impressive track record of sound growth and remaining true to its strategy of serving the innovation economy,” Olson said in the company’s January press release announcing her hiring.


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0b991b No.24536

File: e772e109d639c0b⋯.png (70.9 KB,1160x373,1160:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a93f039a572cd6⋯.png (212.22 KB,824x870,412:435,Clipboard.png)

File: 679530f445d4f62⋯.png (198.98 KB,824x890,412:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 45f546feee180c9⋯.png (225.24 KB,874x812,437:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 141cadb0accc355⋯.png (246.41 KB,830x891,830:891,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499495 (131758ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. Embassy Handed Out Sensitive Data Contract to Now BANNED Chinese State-Owned Firm Just Days Before Trump’s Beijing Trip.

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STRANGE: U.S. Embassy Handed Out Sensitive Data Contract to Now BANNED Chinese State-Owned Firm Just Days Before Trump’s Beijing Trip.

The timing of the contracts is certainly… odd.

Federal spending records indicate the U.S. Embassy in Beijing purchased internet service from China Unicom, a state-owned firm banned in the United States for national security reasons, and concerns over espionage.

Records indicate the sensitive White House communications during President Trump’s state visit to China, as well as ongoing State Department communications with the Biden White House may also be compromised, The National Pulse can reveal.

White House Compromised?

On October 26, 2017, a contract for “WHCA data and phone lines” was awarded to China Unicom Beijing Branch. WHCA is the acronym for the White House Communications Agency. The funding agency for this contract is listed as the Defense Information Systems Agency. The description listed on another contract dated the following day reads, “Beijing POTUS WHCA data and voice lines.” That is, “Beijing President of the United States White House Communications Agency (WHCA) Data and Voice Lines.” A third contract for WHCA data and phone lines was awarded November 1, 2017.

These contracts are significant because just days after, on November 8-10, 2017, President Trump visited Beijing on an official state visit. Indeed the contracts appear to be directly linked to Trump’s tenure as President, beginning just after he was inaugurated, and ending soon after he left office, suggesting the man and his communications were the target of Chinese spying, aided by State Department apparatchiks.


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0b991b No.24537

File: 899fb9576c7e34b⋯.png (2.6 MB,1872x1440,13:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499502 (131759ZMAR23) Notable: Gen Flynn is advising against bank runs as it would accelerate the DS plan to move us into a digital currency.

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With tactical bank failure fiat can be herded into specific financial channels of linked entities known as 'chutes' that slide pedovore/cartel assets into a single, ultimately digital vehicle which can be manipulated to produce desired behaviors.

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0b991b No.24539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499523 (131802ZMAR23) Notable: Department of State Daily Press Briefing

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Department of State Daily Press Briefing - March 13, 2023 - 2:00 PM



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0b991b No.24540

File: bf4f680fc4a5094⋯.png (121.54 KB,759x535,759:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499528 (131803ZMAR23) Notable: Early Pfizer Vaccine Study Revealing Alarming Systemic Reactions in Rats

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Pfizer Docs: Early Pfizer Vaccine Study Revealing Alarming Systemic Reactions in Rats

This month, ICAN’s attorneys reviewed a startling 2,237-page report from June 2020 (amended in September 2020) that Pfizer submitted to the FDA concerning its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

This month, ICAN’s attorneys reviewed a startling 2,237-page report from June 2020 (amended in September 2020) that Pfizer submitted to the FDA concerning its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

The study looked at the toxicity of Pfizer’s vaccine using four different doses (including the one eventually authorized for emergency use, BNT162b2) and involved 255 rats (219 received vaccine, 36 received control) for a test period of 10 to 17 days with “3 additional weeks for the animals scheduled for the recovery period.”

One would imagine that, since the vaccine was authorized, approved, and injected into millions, the rats did not experience any negative health effects. Sadly, that is not the case.

While the Pfizer claims in the report that the rats tolerated the vaccines “without evidence of systemic toxicity,” its detailed findings indicate that was anything but the truth, as the following issues in major organs groups were observed:

Enlarged spleens

Enlarged adrenal glands

Enlarged lymph nodes

Kidney and liver congestion

Increased fibrinogen concentration

All of these issues clearly show effects beyond the injection site. Of particular concern is the increased fibrinogen concentration; fibrinogen is made in your liver and helps your blood clot. Increased fibrinogen is associated with blood clotting, heart disease, blood vessel dysfunction, and stroke. These issues were also seen with the dose level that was eventually licensed.


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0b991b No.24542

File: 557fe1a5a54e2c1⋯.png (851.86 KB,596x873,596:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499568 (131810ZMAR23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill Throw away your stress like… 🔥 😆

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Throw away your stress like… 🔥 😆


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0b991b No.24543

File: 3d9e4964c47f8bc⋯.jpg (102.3 KB,569x722,569:722,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499616 (131817ZMAR23) Notable: Barney Frank blames crypto panic for his bank’s collapse. Elizabeth Warren blames Trump.

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Barney Frank blames crypto panic for his bank’s collapse. Elizabeth Warren blames Trump.


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0b991b No.24544

File: 18e315893e0eb4d⋯.png (237.43 KB,557x435,557:435,Clipboard.png)

File: f1c3c076489cfae⋯.png (94.72 KB,551x456,29:24,Clipboard.png)

File: 62d151942c36f85⋯.png (54.94 KB,620x405,124:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499642 (131824ZMAR23) Notable: Trading Halted For Multiple Bank Stocks After Market Open

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Trading Halted For Multiple Bank Stocks After Market Open

Wall Street opened Monday with regulators halting trading on some of the nation’s largest banks as a hangover from this weekend’s calamitous collapse of two banks threatened to bleed into a second week.

Action by the New York Stock Exchange comes on the heels of premarket trading that saw a 67% fall in the price of First Republic Bank, based in San Francisco — ground zero for the recent collapse of tech-focused Silicon Valley Bank.

Other banks affected by the freeze include Western Alliance Bancorporation which saw a spectacular 75% decline in its stock Monday morning:


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0b991b No.24546

File: 8f3b739d546cbb5⋯.jpeg (459.87 KB,1088x1777,1088:1777,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 63d6a4ac6237d95⋯.jpeg (380.43 KB,1058x1849,1058:1849,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 24332f83ed2c69d⋯.jpeg (265.46 KB,1088x1088,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e6302224dff1440⋯.jpeg (309.05 KB,1213x907,1213:907,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499644 (131825ZMAR23) Notable: Trading Halted For Multiple Bank Stocks After Market Open

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0b991b No.24547

File: 055f89c6c52a587⋯.jpg (117.11 KB,720x880,9:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499684 (131832ZMAR23) Notable: British crypto lender Euler suffers $200 million hack

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NEW: British crypto lender Euler suffers $200 million hack

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0b991b No.24548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499694 (131833ZMAR23) Notable: Trudeau announces $5.5 million to fight “disinformation”

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Trudeau announces $5.5 million to fight “disinformation”

Trudeau says it's to fight foreign interference.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that he would appoint an “Independent Special Rapporteur” who will be tasked with a “wide mandate and will make expert recommendations on combating interference and strengthening our democracy.”

Adding to what he meant by that, Trudeau said that $5.5 million would be invested to “build capacity of civil society organizations to combat disinformation,” noting that “disinformation often generated abroad can be a real threat to our elections, and it's a threat that the federal government cannot combat alone.”

The announcement came amid reports that the government ignored warnings from the CSIS about candidates' ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Trudeau said that the government has been protecting the values of “freedom, openness, and dialogue,” noting that not all governments respect those values. He noted that foreign interference had an impact in the 2016 election in the US and in France in 2017.

“Today, all political leaders agree that the election outcomes in 2019 and 2021 were not impacted by foreign interference,” Trudeau said, “but even if it didn't change the results of any of our elections, any interference attempt by any foreign actor is troubling and serious,” he said, adding that attempted interference in elections is “evolving, including with the rise of technology and social media.”

The PM said that “some have argued strongly that a public inquiry is the necessary next step. Some others have pointed out the flaws and challenges of a public inquiry.

“That's why we will ask the independent special rapporteur as one of the first tasks of their mandate to provide the government with the recommendation as to what the appropriate should be, whether it be an inquiry, an investigation, or a judicial review and what the scope of that work may be, and we will abide by their recommendation.”


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0b991b No.24549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499744 (131842ZMAR23) Notable: Gen Flynn is advising against bank runs as it would accelerate the DS plan to move us into a digital currency.

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Agreed. The slide could encompass us all, and thus by playing at "muh evil elites" they push everyone into control, regardless of which side one might find themselves.

I second the notable. Is worth awareness.

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0b991b No.24551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499784 (131849ZMAR23) Notable: Signature Bank Sued for 'Substantially Facilitating' FTX Comingling

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Signature Bank Sued for 'Substantially Facilitating' FTX Comingling

Signature "knew of and permitted the commingling of FTX customer funds within its proprietary, blockchain-based payments network, Signet," according to a court filing.

Crypto-friendly bank Signature Bank (SBNY) faces a putative class-action lawsuit for its involvement in the operations of the now-failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX.

Statistica Capital, an algorithmic trading firm, and Statistica Ltd. claim the bank "had actual knowledge of and substantially facilitated the now-infamous FTX fraud," according to a filing in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York dated Feb. 6. "In particular, Signature knew of and permitted the commingling of FTX customer funds within its proprietary, blockchain-based payments network, Signet."

Statistica says it advised Signature the funds were meant for FTX, but the bank allowed it to be transferred to accounts controlled by Alameda Research, the trading firm owned by FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

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View All Prices

It was the revelation of the blurry lines between FTX and its supposedly separate sister firm Alameda that brought about FTX's swift downfall, having first been exposed by CoinDesk in early November.

FTX was one of the bank’s clients,


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0b991b No.24552

File: bec4d6a08d6fda2⋯.png (29.47 KB,664x297,664:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499790 (131851ZMAR23) Notable: Signature Bank just collapsed too. Guess who is major shareholder? Vanguard. Blackrock this time a bit further down the line but still shareholder. See a pattern there?

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So Signature Bank just collapsed too. Guess who is major shareholder? Vanguard. Blackrock this time a bit further down the line but still shareholder. See a pattern there?

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0b991b No.24553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499862 (131903ZMAR23) Notable: Gen Flynn is advising against bank runs as it would accelerate the DS plan to move us into a digital currency.

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General Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Message to Humanity

What do you make of this? Gen Flynn is advising against bank runs as it would accelerate the DS plan to move us into a digital currency.


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0b991b No.24555

File: 028dbca05aaae9e⋯.png (74.1 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499871 (131905ZMAR23) Notable: EU may introduce its own ‘foreign agents’ law – Politico

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13 Mar, 2023 16:58

EU may introduce its own ‘foreign agents’ law – Politico

NGOs are “spooked” by a new study ordered by Brussels, sources have told the outlet

A survey commissioned by the EU could signal that Brussels is getting ready to introduce its own foreign agents law, Politico reported on Monday.NGOs and consultancies are said to be “spooked” over the potential move, which could mean they would have to report any foreign funding to the European Commission, the outlet said.

Three sources told Politico that a study, performed by a third party on behalf of the Commission and asking non-profit organizations to reveal if they receive any funding from outside the EU, has been circulating in Brussels.

According to the sources, the question made some groups worry that by answering it they were “effectively putting themselves on a future list.”

The study “took a lot of people back,” said Nick Aiossa, the head of policy and advocacy at Transparency International, a German-registered NGO set up with the goal of tackling corruption worldwide. The group is linked to Open Society Foundations – a grantmaking network founded and chaired by controversial investor and sponsor of neoliberal causes George Soros.

Aiossa told Politico that he took part in an oral questionnaire as part of the survey and that the “guiding questions suggested they were evaluating whether Transparency International was a threat to democracy.”

The study was ordered by the office of European Commission Vice President for Values and Transparency Vera Jourova, which is tasked with developing the so-called “defense of democracy” package, the report said.

That legislation, which is aimed atprotecting key EU institutions from influence from foreign actors, had been promised by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen during her State of the Union speech in September. (Soros and his NGOs can get kicked out of EU, but the EU opposes it for Georgia??? Maybe the EU is targeting conservative NGOs)

It’s expected to be finalized by the end of May.

“The timing is awkward” for the EU to be working on such a law, Politico pointed out, recalling recent protests in aspiring EU member Georgia.

Thousands took to the streets in the capital, Tbilisi, for several days earlier in March decrying a draft law on foreign agents. The opposition, which rallied the people, has blamed the government for trying to pass “Russian-style” legislation, requiring any group receiving more than 20% of its funding from abroad to register as a foreign agent.

Brussels fully sided with the demonstrators, with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell describing the now-abandoned law as “a very bad development for Georgia and its people” and warning that “it goes against Georgia’s stated objective of joining the EU.”


This is why they are using democracy and democratic so much:

"In this vein we ought to note that the term “democratic backsliding,” as seen in the subtitle of Norm Eisen’s book, and its opposite “democratic breakthrough” are also terms of art in the Color Revolution lexicon. We leave the full exploration of how the term “democratic” is used deceptively in the Color Revolution context (and in names of decidedly anti-democratic/populist institutions) as an exercise to the interested reader".


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0b991b No.24556

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499877 (131905ZMAR23) Notable: Gen Flynn is advising against bank runs as it would accelerate the DS plan to move us into a digital currency.

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0b991b No.24557

File: 0225ac153aa1345⋯.jpg (63 KB,1084x810,542:405,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499958 (131919ZMAR23) Notable: Didn't Trump say something about 1913???

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Didn't Trump say something about 1913???

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0b991b No.24558

File: 14575a85eeb4ae9⋯.png (26.16 KB,598x309,598:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18499971 (131920ZMAR23) Notable: Mackey goes to trial today, facing TEN YEARS in prison

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Chuck Callesto


BREAKING NOW: Elon Musk EXPRESSES SUPPORT for Doug Mackey who is being targeted by the Biden DOJ for posting memes…

Mackey goes to trial today, facing TEN YEARS in prison…



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0b991b No.24560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500026 (131931ZMAR23) Notable: #22687

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muh bad

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0b991b No.24562

File: 6e54958912ea3a0⋯.png (1.84 MB,1211x848,1211:848,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500027 (131932ZMAR23) Notable: The 'REAL' issues - The J6ers MUST BE RELEASED - Joe Biden took CASH FROM CHINA

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0b991b No.24563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500034 (131933ZMAR23) Notable: The 'REAL' issues - The J6ers MUST BE RELEASED - Joe Biden took CASH FROM CHINA

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TYBaker so much. o7. 'Burnt the dough' - Kekking my ass off. No worries baker. It's a great day to be anon.

To: Anons

The bank crisis is a red herring, a bridge to nowhere, much ado about nothing, false flag for effect, a rebel without a clue, all hat and no cattle.

The 'REAL' issues


- Joe Biden took CASH FROM CHINA

Focus anons. Two woke banks and a President teetering on impeachment? Remember your Q training.

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0b991b No.24564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500074 (131942ZMAR23) Notable: BASED New South Whales man threatens to sue local paper and Surf Lifesaving over a cancelled event they claim was caused by him.

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Conspiracy theorist threatens to sue local paper and Surf Lifesaving NSW

A conspiracist, or “free thinker” according to himself, is threatening to sue his local newspaper and Surf Life Saving NSW.

A conspiracy theorist and self-described “free thinker” is threatening to sue his local newspaper and Surf Life Saving NSW over a cancelled event they claim was caused by him.

A NSW surf lifesaving club took the extraordinary step of cancelling its last nipper program of the season after a video was posted by David Graham, known as “Guru”, calling on his followers “ask them why they’re pushing this woke s***”.

The “woke s***” he was referring to Pride Week flags.

He urged his followers to “hit our surf clubs this weekend” and wait until the “four and five-year-old nippers”.

“Then we go up, and we see these people in the surf lifesaving facilities and ask them why they’re pushing this woke *s**t … why they’ve got their rainbow flags everywhere,” he said in a video seen by news.com.au.

Thirroul Surf Life Saving Club, in Wollongong, eventually cancelled its last program of the year.

Upon hearing he had made front page news for the SLS shutdown, Mr Graham shared legal letters to both Surf Lifesaving NSW and the Illawarra Mercury demanding both entities apologise and retract claims made about him.

In the letter addressed to the top brass at Surf Lifesaving NSW, Mr Graham claimed he was a trolling victim and demanded an apology and proof he was not being inclusive within seven days.

“Further take notice the claim that “SLS Illawarra have received threats which may affect clubs across the Illawarra related to this weekends support of Pride Week and inclusivity and diversity” as published in the Illawarra Mercury … has used my name Davis ‘Guru’ Graham, leading to defamation and possible election interference,” his legal letter read.

“I demand a full apology as I, Mr Graham, called for public members to question the use of the rainbow flag in relation to children, and has (sic) stated that children should not be sexualised,” he continued.

“I have not called for violence at any point of the campaign,” he also wrote.

In his letter to the Illawarra Mercury, Mr Graham also complained he had been defamed and demanded action.

He said in a video online he believed the Illawarra Mercury had been “duped” by trolls and was in cahoots with Surf Lifesaving New South Wales.

Mr Graham responded to the cancellation on his podcast and defended his actions.

“We have just got to stop these guys somehow or other,” he said.

“I’m not a conspiracy theorist and I will be challenging that because everything I have said has come through.”


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0b991b No.24565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500080 (131943ZMAR23) Notable: The 'banking industry' (Banker's Cartel - a part of the Cabal) is 'demonstrating' to Americans and the alliance how much control, down to the banking institution, [they] have on financial markets.

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The 'banking industry' (Banker's Cartel - a part of the Cabal) is 'demonstrating' to Americans and the alliance how much control, down to the banking institution, [they] have on financial markets.

Nothing failed except the rule of law.

Wake up.

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0b991b No.24566

File: 9fe3814c4324e06⋯.png (3.43 MB,4096x2028,1024:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b8ec829e68acb6⋯.png (155.65 KB,2452x843,2452:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500099 (131947ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Force One looks to be en-route to rally

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Trump Force One

looks to be en-route to rally

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0b991b No.24568

File: 101c4e6c351ae61⋯.png (338.83 KB,634x540,317:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500100 (131948ZMAR23) Notable: FHLB of San Francisco Was Quietly Bailing SIVB Out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Silicon Valley Bank Was a Wall Street IPO Pipeline in Drag as a Federally-Insured Bank; FHLB of San Francisco Was Quietly Bailing It Out

>edit for already known information

According to SEC filings by the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, its loan advances to SVB went from zero at the end of 2021 to a whopping $15 billion on December 31, 2022. The SEC filing provides a graph showing that SVB was its largest borrower at year end, with outstanding advances representing 17 percent of all loans made by the FHLB of San Francisco. Notably, another bank which had $14 billion of loans outstanding from the FHLB of San Francisco – First Republic Bank – saw its stock price plummet by 14.8 percent on Friday. In premarket trading this morning, its stock was down another 70 percent, despite the announcement of a new bailout facility last evening by the Fed.

Western Alliance Bancorp, also on the FHLB of San Francisco’s list of its top 10 borrowers, saw its stock close with a loss of 20.88 percent on Friday. It had lost another 29 percent in premarket trading this morning.

Another member of the top 10 borrowers at FHLB of San Francisco, Silvergate Bank, announced last Wednesday that it was closing shop and liquidating. Silvergate’s problem stemmed from the hot money it held in deposits from crypto companies heading for the exits as investigations began into its role in potentially laundering money for Sam Bankman-Fried’s collapsed house of frauds.

Another crypto-related bank, Signature Bank, was shuttered by New York State regulators on Sunday, with the FDIC being named the receiver. All of its depositors, including its uninsured depositors, will also be made whole, according to a statement from the FDIC yesterday. Signature Bank’s filings with federal regulators indicate that more than $79 billion of its $88 billion in deposits were uninsured at the end of the fourth quarter of 2022.

Signature Bank was also quietly tapping into ongoing bailouts from a Federal Home Loan Bank. In this case FHLB of New York. Its borrowings from FHLB of New York exploded in the fourth quarter of last year, rising to $11.3 billion. According to an SEC filing, as of September 30, 2022, it had total borrowing capacity of $23.4 billion from FHLB New York.

We’re starting to see a pattern here. If you want to know which banks are going belly up next, simply look at which ones took the largest loan advances from a Federal Home Loan Bank last year. That appears to mean that they were seeing an exodus of depositor money and needed to plug their liquidity holes.


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0b991b No.24569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500109 (131949ZMAR23) Notable: The 'REAL' issues - The J6ers MUST BE RELEASED - Joe Biden took CASH FROM CHINA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons are witnessing the biggest Financial False Flag (666) in the history of false flags. Bigger than the Depression. Bigger than WWII rationing. Bigger than 70's inflation and Black October.

With the move made on the solvency of 2 Woke Banks, the attempt to collapse the financial markets to stop the great awakening is on..

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0b991b No.24570

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500114 (131951ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Livestream begins: Mar 13, 4:00 pm EDT

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23



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0b991b No.24571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500127 (131954ZMAR23) Notable: The 'REAL' issues - The J6ers MUST BE RELEASED - Joe Biden took CASH FROM CHINA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Single, Global Digital Currency

they've been planning it for decades


59 seconds

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0b991b No.24572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500128 (131954ZMAR23) Notable: Body Language Ghost on the Puppet in Chief's banking remarks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Body Language Ghost on the Puppet in Chief's banking remarks.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500131 (131955ZMAR23) Notable: The 'REAL' issues - The J6ers MUST BE RELEASED - Joe Biden took CASH FROM CHINA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Remember anons - this is how 2008 financial shakedown started.

A couple of banks then a demand to bail everything out or the economy would crash.



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0b991b No.24575

File: 34c5af856fe9ad0⋯.png (756.92 KB,830x870,83:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500132 (131955ZMAR23) Notable: Thomas Massie ~ FED is unelected judge, jury, and executioner of the Economy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thomas Massie ~ FED is unelected judge, jury, and executioner of the Economy


The Federal Reserve “is the unelected judge, jury, and executioner of the economy that can pick winners and losers by manipulating credit and monetary policy to artificially inflate certain investments and investors at the expense of others.”

Horowitz: With the impending bank bailout and stagflation trap, it’s time to clip the wings of the Federal Reserve


3:07 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24576

File: e43bb38649055c4⋯.png (334.63 KB,1087x510,1087:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500144 (131959ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Update Potato in 82-8000 747 landed at North Island NAS along with SAM450 across the street at SD Int'l and ABIDE99 E-4B Nightwatch is on descent for Tucson-Davis Monthan AFB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>24452, >>24465 pb

PlaneFag CONUS Update Potato in 82-8000 747 landed at North Island NAS along with SAM450 across the street at SD Int'l and ABIDE99 E-4B Nightwatch is on descent for Tucson-Davis Monthan AFB

RCH3293 C-17 Globey delivering equipment for Potato's visit and heading to March AFB

KECK31 KC-46 Pegasus did some roundies off SoCal and now heading to SoCal Logitiics Airport in Victorville, CA with 59-1499 KC-135 tanker heading SW to take over the mobile filling station role

09-0016 C-32A went to Vandenberg SFB (off screen and shows still over midwest @ 1025 ft)

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0b991b No.24577

File: 3d277eeef98fc4a⋯.png (79.5 KB,1041x442,1041:442,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f5a06e06fd6d63⋯.png (134.52 KB,1020x705,68:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500146 (131959ZMAR23) Notable: O'Keefe seeks citizen army to buy a cheap hidden camera and start filming

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James O'Keefe


The world needs a citizen army holding institutions accountable. We do that by empowering people to report things that are wrong.

100k fierce truth seekers w/ a camera would be an unstoppable force.

Looking for <$100 hidden camera solutions that could the job done?

Any tips?

8:35 PM · Mar 11, 2023

James O'Keefe


Great. Here’s how to enlist in the army:

1. Go on Amazon and buy a hidden camera. (Couple options here https://amazon (.) com/Mini-Portable-Interchangable-Detection-Monitoring/dp/B07KY81F8T or http://shorturl (.) at/xRW78)

2. Take a selfie of you and your hidden camera and send it to me here: OKeefeTips@protonmail (.) com

3. Let’s get to work.

9:32 PM · Mar 11, 2023

If we take this seriously, it may be one of the most fruitful endeavors in this operation. So much is happening in plain sight that we don't know about simply because its not documented. A simple phone call has the potential expose an entire narrative. Those of us in the industries should consider recording everything.



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0b991b No.24578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500152 (132000ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

Monday, March 13, 2023: Join the RSBN broadcast team LIVE from Davenport, IA as President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks on his America First Education Policy.

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on his America First Education Policy in Davenport, Iowa on Monday, March 13, 2023 at 6:15PM CST.

Date and Time

Monday, March 13, 2023

6:15PM CST


Adler Theater

136 E 3rd Street

Davenport, IA 52801

Timeline of Events

3:00PM – Doors Open

5:30PM – Program Begins

6:15PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks


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0b991b No.24579

File: d9af50d1306cc6c⋯.png (64.48 KB,528x366,88:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500165 (132003ZMAR23) Notable: Vivek G Ramaswamy "We must address the cancer that is the Federal Reserve. I'd layoff 90% of the Federal Reserve and immediately reform the system."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"We must address the cancer that is the Federal Reserve.

I'd layoff 90% of the Federal Reserve and immediately reform the system."

- @VivekGRamaswamy on the Rudy Giuliani Show @77WABCradio

3:55 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24581

File: e38a3b6778f4359⋯.png (313.09 KB,669x798,223:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500211 (132009ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump My new book “LETTERS TO TRUMP” is almost ready to hit stores! Wait until you see what President Nixon, Princess Diana and Michael Jackson wrote me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My new book “LETTERS TO TRUMP” is almost ready to hit stores! Wait until you see what President Nixon, Princess Diana and Michael Jackson wrote me. Preorder your copy today at


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24582

File: ddc3ce7020c05e6⋯.png (61.08 KB,656x591,656:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500235 (132013ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump (Abolish the Deep State) ….Or we will never have free and fair elections — The USA will quickly fade away into OBLIVION!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17 words.

Donald J. Trump


….Or we will never have free and fair elections — The USA will quickly fade away into OBLIVION!



Abolish Ranked Choice Voting

Abolish Mass Mail in Ballots

Abolish Electronic Voting Machines

Abolish Dropboxes

Abolish voting without ID

Abolish print at home ballots

Create standing armies of election police

Prosecute organized election fraud as Treason

Mar 13, 2023, 11:43 AM


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0b991b No.24583

File: 2adfcfc02284006⋯.png (1.31 MB,1032x1200,43:50,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c46868edb4779⋯.mp4 (404.33 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 92dfdf132a692c1⋯.png (385.58 KB,680x655,136:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500378 (132030ZMAR23) Notable: Before the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, executives sold a lot of their shares.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Before the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, executives sold a lot of their shares.

Gregory Becker, CEO, sold 11% on Feb 27, 2023.

Michael Zucker, General Counsel, 19% on Feb 5.

Daniel Beck, CFO, sold 32% on Feb 27.

Michelle Draper, CMO, sold 25% on Feb 1.




Sam Bankman-Fried reacting to the statement: funds were ‘suspiciously transferred’ from FTX after bankruptcy…

In case you didn’t believe demons were real.



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0b991b No.24584

File: a8df5fd3492efcc⋯.png (58.7 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500450 (132040ZMAR23) Notable: Taiwan braces for ‘total blockade’ – media

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13 Mar, 2023 18:59

Taiwan braces for ‘total blockade’ – media

Defense officials have reportedly designed their new budget to prepare for a possible siege by China

Taiwanese military leaders have reportedly warned that Chinese forces are preparing for a “total blockade” of the Taiwan Strait to prevent foreign troops from gaining access to the self-governing island in the event of a war.

Defense spending this year must focus on the blockade threat, earmarking funds to stockpile spare parts for F-16 fighter jets and other weaponry, the

Taiwanese Defense Ministry said on Monday, in a report seeking parliamentary budget approval. Since last year, the ministry has been reviewing its strategic fuel reserves and its capacity to repair equipment, said Reuters, which obtained a copy of the report.

The Taiwanese military will also need to replenish its stores of artillery shells and rockets “to strengthen combat continuity,” the ministry said. China’s military has been conducting joint force operations “with an eye to controlling strategic choke points and denying access to foreign forces.”

“Recently, the communist military’s exercise and training model has been adjusted from a single military type to joint operations of land, sea, air and rocket forces,” the report added.

Tensions over the breakaway republic, which China considers to be part of its territory, have escalated since then-US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Taipei last August. Beijing, which had warned that such a visit would encourage Taiwanese separatists and undermine its sovereignty, responded by ramping up military exercises around Taiwan and cutting off defense and climate ties with Washington.

The Taiwanese Defense Ministry said its budget for this year should prioritize funding for US-made weapons, including Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

Chinese President Xi Jinping called on Monday for building China’s military into a “great wall of steel” to protect Beijing’s interests and provide greater stability and security. He has refused to rule out reunifying with Taiwan by force, if necessary.

China’s defense spending will rise to $230 billion this year, up 7.2% from 2022’s budget. Then-Chinese Premier Li Keqiang vowed earlier this month to “take resolute steps to oppose Taiwan independence.”

A US-China war over Taiwan would result in devastating losses for both sides, according to a recent study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington think tank. A Chinese invasion of

Taiwan would ultimately fail, CSIS said, but US and Japanese forces would lose dozens of warships, hundreds of planes and thousands of troops.

Taiwan would be left in ruins, “without electricity and basic services.”


The Bidan Effect, not the Butterfly effect! War and more war!

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0b991b No.24585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500464 (132043ZMAR23) Notable: Tater is live

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'Tater up

Link HOT



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0b991b No.24586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500476 (132045ZMAR23) Notable: Tater is live

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Joe's live…


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0b991b No.24587

File: e4fe5028cf29af9⋯.png (366.08 KB,474x801,158:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500509 (132049ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

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Vid at link!

Donald J. Trump


On my way to the Great State of Iowa, see you soon! #MAGA

Donald J. Trump




LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Davenport, IA


Mar 13, 2023, 4:44 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24588

File: a6c7639ba6dd235⋯.png (453.03 KB,813x616,813:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500569 (132058ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

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Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸




BREAKING:Iowa is fired up to see President Trump today!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24589

File: 6496e3f5cc983ac⋯.png (380.38 KB,824x908,206:227,Clipboard.png)

File: ed2a5b118b1fc7d⋯.png (246.02 KB,890x784,445:392,Clipboard.png)

File: 35537328ca2ce13⋯.png (370.05 KB,894x741,298:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 06afd92bfd8c33d⋯.png (348.74 KB,775x731,775:731,Clipboard.png)

File: cb50b159d9912d8⋯.png (222.33 KB,510x386,255:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500622 (132106ZMAR23) Notable: Big Trouble In Little Banks - Bailout Sparks Buying Panic In Bonds, Bitcoin, & Bullion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

=Big Trouble In Little Banks - Bailout Sparks Buying Panic In Bonds, Bitcoin, & Bullion

The Fed/TSY/FDIC stepped in and saved the world again last night… but nobody told regional banks, whose shares are down dramatically today…


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24590

File: 14575a85eeb4ae9⋯.png (26.16 KB,598x309,598:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500635 (132108ZMAR23) Notable: 10 YEARS FOR POSTING MEMES

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24591

File: 7bff8f55f179fd1⋯.png (224.36 KB,1017x686,1017:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500671 (132112ZMAR23) Notable: New Hope Man Sentenced for His Role in Multi-Million-Dollar Kickback and Health Care Fraud Cases

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New Hope Man Sentenced for His Role in Multi-Million-Dollar Kickback and Health Care Fraud Cases


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24592

File: a5944e81404419f⋯.png (282.27 KB,970x875,194:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 4980ffdfa2c6776⋯.png (268.93 KB,1018x685,1018:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cc7d2cb4b8efd9⋯.png (117.16 KB,1002x389,1002:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500688 (132114ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. Attorney Announces Federal Charges Against 10 Additional Defendants in $250 Million Feeding Our Future Fraud Scheme

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Attorney Announces Federal Charges Against 10 Additional Defendants in $250 Million Feeding Our Future Fraud Scheme


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500726 (132121ZMAR23) Notable: Biden lands in San Diego with daughter Ashley and granddaughter Natalie to sign nuclear submarine deal with the UK and Australia - while fallout of Silicon Valley Bank collapse sends financial markets into a spiral

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden lands in San Diego with daughter Ashley and granddaughter Natalie to sign nuclear submarine deal with the UK and Australia - while fallout of Silicon Valley Bank collapse sends financial markets into a spiral


Did Biden shower with them both on the plane?

What happens on AF1, stays on AF1, right Hunter?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24594

File: 5c5a9b4669abbcd⋯.png (270.69 KB,789x802,789:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500735 (132122ZMAR23) Notable: 10 YEARS FOR POSTING MEMES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Social Media Influencer Charged with Election Interference Stemming from Voter Disinformation Campaign

Defendant Unlawfully Used Social Media to Deprive Individuals of Their Right to Vote

A Florida man was arrested this morning on charges of conspiring with others in advance of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election to use various social media platforms to disseminate misinformation designed to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote.

Douglass Mackey, aka Ricky Vaughn, 31, of West Palm Beach, was charged by criminal complaint in the Eastern District of New York. He was taken into custody this morning in West Palm Beach and made his initial appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart of the Southern District of Florida.

“According to the allegations in the complaint, the defendant exploited a social media platform to infringe one the of most basic and sacred rights guaranteed by the Constitution: the right to vote,” said Nicholas L. McQuaid, Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “This complaint underscores the department’s commitment to investigating and prosecuting those who would undermine citizens’ voting rights.”

“There is no place in public discourse for lies and misinformation to defraud citizens of their right to vote,” said Seth D. DuCharme, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. “With Mackey’s arrest, we serve notice that those who would subvert the democratic process in this manner cannot rely on the cloak of Internet anonymity to evade responsibility for their crimes. They will be investigated, caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500759 (132126ZMAR23) Notable: #22687

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables(Not endorsements)

#22687 >>24560

>>24570, >>24578, >>24587, >>24588 President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23

>>24562, >>24563, >>24569, >>24573, >>24571 The 'REAL' issues - The J6ers MUST BE RELEASED - Joe Biden took CASH FROM CHINA

>>24564 BASED New South Whales man threatens to sue local paper and Surf Lifesaving over a cancelled event they claim was caused by him.

>>24565 The 'banking industry' (Banker's Cartel - a part of the Cabal) is 'demonstrating' to Americans and the alliance how much control, down to the banking institution, [they] have on financial markets.

>>24566 Trump Force One looks to be en-route to rally

>>24568 FHLB of San Francisco Was Quietly Bailing SIVB Out

>>24572 Body Language Ghost on the Puppet in Chief's banking remarks.

>>24575 Thomas Massie ~ FED is unelected judge, jury, and executioner of the Economy

>>24576 PlaneFag CONUS Update Potato in 82-8000 747 landed at North Island NAS along with SAM450 across the street at SD Int'l and ABIDE99 E-4B Nightwatch is on descent for Tucson-Davis Monthan AFB

>>24577 O'Keefe seeks citizen army to buy a cheap hidden camera and start filming

>>24579 Vivek G Ramaswamy "We must address the cancer that is the Federal Reserve. I'd layoff 90% of the Federal Reserve and immediately reform the system."

>>24581 @realDonaldTrump My new book “LETTERS TO TRUMP” is almost ready to hit stores! Wait until you see what President Nixon, Princess Diana and Michael Jackson wrote me.

>>24582 @realDonaldTrump (Abolish the Deep State) ….Or we will never have free and fair elections — The USA will quickly fade away into OBLIVION!

>>24583 Before the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, executives sold a lot of their shares.

>>24584 Taiwan braces for ‘total blockade’ – media

>>24585, >>24586 Tater is live

>>24589 Big Trouble In Little Banks - Bailout Sparks Buying Panic In Bonds, Bitcoin, & Bullion

>>24590, >>24594 10 YEARS FOR POSTING MEMES

>>24591 New Hope Man Sentenced for His Role in Multi-Million-Dollar Kickback and Health Care Fraud Cases

>>24592 U.S. Attorney Announces Federal Charges Against 10 Additional Defendants in $250 Million Feeding Our Future Fraud Scheme

>>24593 Biden lands in San Diego with daughter Ashley and granddaughter Natalie to sign nuclear submarine deal with the UK and Australia - while fallout of Silicon Valley Bank collapse sends financial markets into a spiral


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500784 (132130ZMAR23) Notable: #22688

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Can continue or defer

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24597

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500796 (132132ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE AT 7:15 EST: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🔴 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA 3/13/23



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24598

File: b4569fa9a66ac04⋯.jpg (61.45 KB,720x377,720:377,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500802 (132134ZMAR23) Notable: Senate Minority Leader McConnell has been discharged from the hospital after being treated for a concussion and rib fracture

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JUST IN 🚨 Senate Minority Leader McConnell has been discharged from the hospital after being treated for a concussion and rib fracture - CNN

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0b991b No.24599

File: fb3b6381ccbd3b2⋯.png (21.82 KB,575x185,115:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ab30b8a883c2c9⋯.png (261.34 KB,537x302,537:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18500804 (132134ZMAR23) Notable: Federal Reserve Announces It Is Conducting Review Into Its Own Regulatory Failure of Silicon Valley Bank

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Federal Reserve Announces It Is Conducting Review Into Its Own Regulatory Failure of Silicon Valley Bank

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced Vice Chair for Supervision Michael S. Barr will lead a review of its regulatory failure of Silicon Valley Bank.

Silicon Valley Bank was in FDIC receivership on Friday after investors withdrew more than $40 billion in a run on the bank.

“The events surrounding Silicon Valley Bank demand a thorough, transparent, and swift review by the Federal Reserve,” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said in a statement.

“The Federal Reserve Board on Monday announced that Vice Chair for Supervision Michael S. Barr is leading a review of the supervision and regulation of Silicon Valley Bank, in light of its failure. The review will be publicly released by May 1.” the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve announced Monday.

“We need to have humility, and conduct a careful and thorough review of how we supervised and regulated this firm, and what we should learn from this experience,” said Vice Chair Barr.


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0b991b No.24600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501013 (132203ZMAR23) Notable: Kevin O’Leary Stuns CNN Panel Telling Them “Biden Just Nationalized U.S. Banking System”…

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Kevin O’Leary Stuns CNN Panel Telling Them “Biden Just Nationalized U.S. Banking System”…

March 13, 2023 | Sundance

The CNN panel was jaw-agape as Kevin O’Leary appeared earlier today to inform them the decision by Joe Biden to guarantee every deposit in U.S. regional banks is akin to “Joe Biden just nationalized the U.S. banking system.”

O’Leary is correct, and anyone who is holding assets like stocks or bonds in U.S. banks now needs to reconsider the disappeared line between government and the bank assets. If the government can assume, control and backstop every single account balance within the bank, the government can assume and control all activity of the bank.


Downstream…. think about the consequences. Remember the frozen bank accounts in Canada as a result of defining truck protest supporting Canadian citizens as domestic extremists?

Now think about the government no longer needing to ask the bank to take action, the govt has a regulatory ability to demand the bank to take action. This takes “debanking” to an entire new level. People are wondering why cryptocurrencies went up in value today. There’s your answer.

Comrade citizens, at the end of this rainbow of bank nudges, we will find ourselves at the footsteps of a government controlled central bank digital currency.



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0b991b No.24601

File: 71c6eb92e44eea3⋯.png (19.85 KB,605x208,605:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501159 (132222ZMAR23) Notable: A massive asteroid the size of almost 69 American alligators is set to pass by the Earth on Tuesday, according to NASA's asteroid tracker. - The Jerusalem Post

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NEW 🚨 A massive asteroid the size of almost 69 American alligators is set to pass by the Earth on Tuesday, according to NASA's asteroid tracker. - The Jerusalem Post


WHO TF makes these measurements

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0b991b No.24602

File: 87f65e11b9c37a0⋯.png (1.05 MB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

File: fe46b7ce7db16f0⋯.png (413.78 KB,550x598,275:299,Clipboard.png)

File: e4dea6410295f06⋯.png (212.78 KB,818x918,409:459,Clipboard.png)

File: 89c8d7e43d4dfe2⋯.png (212.35 KB,817x921,817:921,Clipboard.png)

File: 17bfe39271964cb⋯.png (145.17 KB,788x686,394:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501187 (132226ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Huge Red Flag’: Inside Biden Nominee Eric Garcetti’s Ties To Members Of Alleged Chinese Intel Front Groups

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‘Huge Red Flag’: Inside Biden Nominee Eric Garcetti’s Ties To Members Of Alleged Chinese Intel Front Groups

Eric Garcetti, President Joe Biden’s nominee for ambassador to India and former Los Angeles mayor, met with several members of alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) front groups on multiple occasions, including on U.S. soil, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found. Moreover, the DCNF also found that a mayoral fund set up by Garcetti nearly a decade ago received well over $1 million in donations during Garcetti’s tenure from two wealthy individuals tied to alleged CCP influence and intelligence fronts.

Garcetti’s nomination has been held up in the Senate for over 20 months in the wake of allegations he helped cover up a sexual assault during his time as Los Angeles’ mayor. However, as the Senate is expected to take up Garcetti’s nomination in the coming days, experts on Chinese influence and intelligence operations are raising red flags about the former mayor’s ties to alleged CCP front groups.

Then-Mayor Garcetti met and headlined events with members of multiple alleged front groups serving the United Front Work Department (UFWD), a CCP agency which “coordinates and conducts influence operations,” according to a report from the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC). Furthermore, over the years, the Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles, which Garcetti created in 2014, received multiple donations from the foundation of business magnate Walter Wang and East West Bank, where Dominic Ng serves as president and CEO.

At the time of their donations, Wang, who runs American pipe manufacturer JM Eagle and is on the board of Taiwan’s Formosa Chemicals, and Ng were listed as “executive directors” of two groups China experts have identified as CCP influence and intelligence fronts — the China Overseas Exchange Association (COEA) and the related China Overseas Friendship Association (COFA). The DCNF determined this by matching Wang and Ng’s Chinese names with the alleged front groups’ archived rosters.

Multiple experts, such as former CIA officer Nicholas Eftimiades, recently told the DCNF that COEA and COFA, which merged in 2019, are UFWD front groups.

A 2013 archived version of COEA’s website features several photos of both Wang and Ng meeting in Beijing with COEA’s leadership as well as members of related organizations and the CCP, the DCNF found.

Garcetti, Wang and Ng did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

“Large donations from philanthropists with ties to United Front organizations funding political campaigns are a huge red flag,” Ina Mitchell, a Chinese intelligence expert and the co-author of “The Mosaic Effect: How The Chinese Communist Party Started A War In America’s Backyard,” told the DCNF.


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0b991b No.24603

File: a2e1b50de7bcdff⋯.png (308.3 KB,558x588,93:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501202 (132228ZMAR23) Notable: JANET YELLEN COMPLAINS ABOUT NON-STOP MIGRAINE

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iSource News



Treasury Secretary examined by doctors following massive headache attack lasting days.

"It pretty much incapacitated her," said an unnamed source at Treasury, "Others had to step up and fill the void."

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0b991b No.24604

File: af8d63473eeff5c⋯.png (90.34 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501219 (132230ZMAR23) Notable: Trump warns of new ‘Great Depression’

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13 Mar, 2023 12:00

Trump warns of new ‘Great Depression

The former US president blames bank failures on Joe Biden’s economic policies

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was the fault of US President Joe Biden’s administration, Donald Trump has claimed, warning it could lead to a new Great Depression in the United States.

SVB, a major lender focused on tech and startups, which was the 16th largest US bank with over $200 billion in assets only a few months ago, imploded on Friday after what analysts called “a classic case of bank run.”

Alarmed over the state of the bank, depositors rushed to withdraw funds, which saw SVB’s shares crash and forced the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to shut the lender down.

“With what is happening to our economy, and with the proposals being made on the largest and dumbest tax increase in the history of the USA, times five,Joe Biden will go down as the Herbert Hoover of the modern age,” Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social.

“We will have a Great Depression far bigger and more powerful than that of 1929,” he continued. “As proof, the banks are already starting to collapse!!!”

A Trump spokesman later reiterated the claim, telling Business Insider that “out of control Democrats and the Biden administration have continued to pathetically try to blame President Trump for their failures with desperate lies, such as the CCP spy balloons, the train derailment in East Palestine, and now the collapse of SVB.”

“This is nothing more than a sad attempt to gaslight the public to evade responsibility,” the spokesman noted.

Meanwhile, former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has blamed a Trump-era banking law for the SVB’s breakdown.

“Let's be clear. The failure of Silicon Valley Bank is a direct result of an absurd 2018 bank deregulation bill signed by Donald Trump that I strongly opposed,” Sanders stated on Sunday, referring to the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, signed into law by Trump in 2018. (Sanders it was a bank that was absolutely badly run, that is not the former presidents fault.)

The legislation, which was the most significant change to US banking regulations since the 2010 Dodd–Frank Act, provided tailored regulatory relief. It exempted smaller banks from strict regulations and relaxed rules for big lenders. The asset threshold for ‘systematically important financial institutions’ was raised from $50 billion to $250 billion.

SVB ended 2022 with $209 billion in assets, which means it was no longer classified as a systematically important financial institution.


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0b991b No.24605

File: 1679ab78d80b4dc⋯.png (158.05 KB,625x494,625:494,Clipboard.png)

File: 194aa592bdafce4⋯.png (196.84 KB,574x457,574:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501322 (132243ZMAR23) Notable: Massie on Fed or NOT Fed

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0b991b No.24606

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501335 (132245ZMAR23) Notable: Massie on Fed or NOT Fed

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Well played, Massie, well played.

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0b991b No.24607

File: 7065de69f6c03c2⋯.png (61.65 KB,572x138,286:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501336 (132245ZMAR23) Notable: Massie on Fed or NOT Fed

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Beautiful and "right on the money".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24608

File: ca0f23f7bc05ad1⋯.png (330.07 KB,609x610,609:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501345 (132246ZMAR23) Notable: @mtaibbi criticizes the corporate media for promoting hate and division

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criticizes the corporate media for promoting hate and division:

"This business, for decades now, has been pumping people full of political animosity, agitating them, getting them upset for profit, and we expect that is not going to have blowback and consequences, but of course, it will. Eventually, people are going to actually start hating each other. It's not survivable if the official posture of the major news outlets in the country is that we should hate and dislike each other."

5:42 AM · Mar 13, 2023




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0b991b No.24609

File: be32ee85ce42c59⋯.png (550.48 KB,606x663,202:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501380 (132251ZMAR23) Notable: Where Trump will be speaking shortly. There are lines around the block outside. I am told people have been here for multiple hours

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Henry Rodgers


Where Trump will be speaking shortly. There are lines around the block outside. I am told people have been here for multiple hours:


6:42 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24610

File: b2f4e3195f19c7d⋯.png (51.68 KB,758x323,758:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501400 (132253ZMAR23) Notable: Massie on Fed or NOT Fed

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Massie is funny


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24611

File: 599c11f441970f4⋯.png (223.15 KB,425x490,85:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501401 (132253ZMAR23) Notable: The FDIC Has Named Fmr. Fannie Mae CEO Tim Mayopoulos as the New CEO of Silicon Valley Bank

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BREAKING: The FDIC Has Named Fmr. Fannie Mae CEO Tim Mayopoulos as the New CEO of Silicon Valley Bank




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0b991b No.24612

File: 8187e3e52e8c97d⋯.png (458.11 KB,606x615,202:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501417 (132254ZMAR23) Notable: Law enforcement rescued a missing 13-year-old girl from a locked shed in Lexington, North Carolina, after federal authorities provided a tip about the missing minor.

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ABC News


Law enforcement rescued a missing 13-year-old girl from a locked shed in Lexington, North Carolina, after federal authorities provided a tip about the missing minor.


Missing 13-year-old rescued from locked North Carolina shed

Law enforcement rescued a missing 13-year-old girl from a locked shed in Lexington, North Carolina, after federal authorities provided a tip about the missing minor.

6:36 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24613

File: 213ca72c06247ee⋯.png (466.37 KB,766x697,766:697,Clipboard.png)

File: e35f46d51fb50d3⋯.pdf (877.19 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501429 (132256ZMAR23) Notable: Benz: Report on CISA attached

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Report on CISA attached


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501437 (132256ZMAR23) Notable: Law enforcement rescued a missing 13-year-old girl from a locked shed in Lexington, North Carolina, after federal authorities provided a tip about the missing minor.

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"According to Davidson, North Carolina, records, Camacho was booked at Davidson County Jail on Saturday. He has been charged with multiple offenses, including rape, child abduction, and human trafficking. He is being held on a $1.2 million bond.

"I thank god that we were able to find this young girl; it may not be that case forever," Simmons said, noting that his office had investigated a concerning number of similar cases.

More than 2,100 people were referred to federal authorities for human trafficking offenses in 2020, according to data from the Department of Justice, a 62% increase in referrals since 2011.

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 365,348 children were missing in 2020, with estimates suggesting that 30% were actively trafficked."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24615

File: fa535b411259c9a⋯.png (260.59 KB,474x473,474:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f38e9ea6c7976b⋯.png (36.67 KB,193x75,193:75,Clipboard.png)

File: f62413c8545ea89⋯.png (8.27 KB,404x108,101:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501470 (132300ZMAR23) Notable: @USNavy 🇺🇸 🤝 🇯🇵

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🇺🇸 🤝 🇯🇵



#Marines and service members from the




conduct medical exercises and simulated beach landings during exercise Iron Fist 23.

#NavyPartnerships | #BlueGreenTeam


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0b991b No.24616

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501523 (132308ZMAR23) Notable: #22688

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#22688 >>24596

>>24597 LIVE AT 7:15 EST: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Education in Davenport, IA

>>24598 Senate Minority Leader McConnell has been discharged from the hospital after being treated for a concussion and rib fracture

>>24599 Federal Reserve Announces It Is Conducting Review Into Its Own Regulatory Failure of Silicon Valley Bank

>>24600 Kevin O’Leary Stuns CNN Panel Telling Them “Biden Just Nationalized U.S. Banking System”…

>>24601 A massive asteroid the size of almost 69 American alligators is set to pass by the Earth on Tuesday, according to NASA's asteroid tracker. - The Jerusalem Post

>>24602 ‘Huge Red Flag’: Inside Biden Nominee Eric Garcetti’s Ties To Members Of Alleged Chinese Intel Front Groups


Baker Change

>>24604 Trump warns of new ‘Great Depression’

>>24605, >>24606, >>24607, >>24610 Massie on Fed or NOT Fed

>>24608 @mtaibbi criticizes the corporate media for promoting hate and division

>>24609 Where Trump will be speaking shortly. There are lines around the block outside. I am told people have been here for multiple hours

>>24611 The FDIC Has Named Fmr. Fannie Mae CEO Tim Mayopoulos as the New CEO of Silicon Valley Bank

>>24612, >>24614 Law enforcement rescued a missing 13-year-old girl from a locked shed in Lexington, North Carolina, after federal authorities provided a tip about the missing minor.

>>24613 Benz: Report on CISA attached

>>24615 @USNavy 🇺🇸 🤝 🇯🇵


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24617

File: 71c6eb92e44eea3⋯.png (19.85 KB,605x208,605:208,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a25c91eedb42f2⋯.gif (638.63 KB,220x220,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: ae27134e3ad1fb7⋯.png (1.01 MB,720x706,360:353,Clipboard.png)

File: 9920136689319e8⋯.png (164.63 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 14a4fd03f0af081⋯.png (302.96 KB,515x405,103:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501536 (132310ZMAR23) Notable: #22689

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24618

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501551 (132311ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Davenport, IA

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Trump Live


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0b991b No.24619

File: 944815674a139d7⋯.png (317.16 KB,717x698,717:698,Clipboard.png)

File: 474086cb1a2217e⋯.png (287.89 KB,757x482,757:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 2446ff49c1318c0⋯.png (76.54 KB,737x661,737:661,Clipboard.png)

File: ed3ddbc032e927d⋯.png (193.09 KB,768x475,768:475,Clipboard.png)

File: 68df85464d7a92c⋯.png (451.2 KB,766x697,766:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501556 (132312ZMAR23) Notable: Benz Cyber clips

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Actually thirteen clip thread of CISA, 5, 5 & 3, misnumbered


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0b991b No.24620

File: aadc4b9ba949da3⋯.png (169.6 KB,726x808,363:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501560 (132312ZMAR23) Notable: Turtle is going to rehab, not back to work.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Turtle is going to rehab, not back to work.

>Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), 81, has been incommunicado since falling and injuring himself last Wednesday night at a Senate fundraising dinner held at the former Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. His staff released carefully worded statements Wednesday night and Thursday that played down the seriousness of the fall. A former aide played the media on Friday, saying that McConnell was walking around the hospital and was raring to get back to work.

>No photos or video of McConnell have been released. Nor has it been stated where McConnell was hospitalized or where he was headed for rehab. Curiously, the statement issued Monday mentions an eventual return home but not to work.


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0b991b No.24621

File: b4238d17b39993e⋯.png (190.03 KB,752x531,752:531,Clipboard.png)

File: 52806e7a6c2a8e1⋯.png (370.35 KB,742x672,53:48,Clipboard.png)

File: 901c85a587ce218⋯.png (214.65 KB,766x585,766:585,Clipboard.png)

File: 032f25f7e9dbcc7⋯.png (215.36 KB,752x632,94:79,Clipboard.png)

File: d52746997138042⋯.png (389.05 KB,742x616,53:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501566 (132312ZMAR23) Notable: Benz Cyber clips

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CISA 2nd batch

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24622

File: 1ab8d097dea7adf⋯.png (59.96 KB,737x583,67:53,Clipboard.png)

File: cdef57dc5092fa7⋯.png (339.91 KB,727x698,727:698,Clipboard.png)

File: e0862cc31a0f09b⋯.png (133.8 KB,732x538,366:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501569 (132313ZMAR23) Notable: Benz Cyber clips

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CISA third batch, 3 clips

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0b991b No.24623

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501570 (132313ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Davenport, IA

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Donald J. Trump

5,222 watching now

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Davenport, IA

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on America First Education Policy in Davenport, Iowa on March 13th, 2023 at 7:15PM EDT


VOLUNTEER - www.DonaldJTrump.com/join


Text TRUMP to 88022


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0b991b No.24624

File: b9fd8e1068abe47⋯.png (258.65 KB,421x565,421:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501588 (132316ZMAR23) Notable: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Announces Acquisition of Cancer Treatment Biotech Seagen For $43 Billion

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NEW — Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Announces Acquisition of Cancer Treatment Biotech Seagen For $43 Billion

“1-in-3 people in the world are going to have cancer in their lifetime…This is something like the mRNA for vaccines, [but] this is for cancer.”




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24625

File: 1686f655441be69⋯.png (281.9 KB,997x578,997:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 2df64b350dc582d⋯.png (98.07 KB,1325x378,1325:378,Clipboard.png)

File: 64f46927c180541⋯.png (75.6 KB,655x886,655:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501722 (132333ZMAR23) Notable: Remarks by FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg at the Institute of International Bankers-March 6th, 2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Remarks by FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg at the Institute of International Bankers-March 6th, 2023

One week ago today ^^^^

FDIC Interest Rate Risk

The current interest rate environment has had dramatic effects on the profitability and risk profile of banks’ funding and investment strategies. First, as a result of the higher interest rates, longer term maturity assets acquired by banks when interest rates were lower are now worth less than their face values. The result is that most banks have some amount of unrealized losses on securities.The total of these unrealized losses, including securities that are available for sale or held to maturity, was about $620 billion at yearend 2022. Unrealized losses on securities have meaningfully reduced the reported equity capital of the banking industry.


Conveniently the entire data series from the St. Louis FED was discontinued as of April 8th, 2022 and the only one available to see is the Net Unrealized Gains (Losses)




>>24206 pb Silicon Valley Bank, FDIC, Federal Reserve Stress Tests and Hold to Maturity for TBTFs and others

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0b991b No.24626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501823 (132343ZMAR23) Notable: Anons not liking ethanol

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Fuck this ethanol shit

You can urinate in a tank of regular gas to get the same effect

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0b991b No.24627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501824 (132343ZMAR23) Notable: McConnell missing, Fienstein missing, Fetterman missing who is next?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


McConnell missing

Fienstein missing

Fetterman missing

who is next?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501830 (132344ZMAR23) Notable: This is banking situation Summed up real nice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you have money to worry about

You may want to listen

This is banking situation

Summed up real nice


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24630

File: 176482caf909b45⋯.png (472.85 KB,606x480,101:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501841 (132345ZMAR23) Notable: US sues Rite Aid for missing opioid red flags

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



US sues Rite Aid for missing opioid red flags http://reut.rs/3yFYtWs

7:30 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501850 (132346ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: As President, I will immediately end the invasion of our southern border.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: As President, I will immediately end the invasion of our southern border.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24632

File: 64f0d37ea0d022b⋯.png (327.23 KB,795x464,795:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501854 (132347ZMAR23) Notable: McConnell missing, Fienstein missing, Fetterman missing who is next?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

' Fartstein, Festterman absences leave Democraps with fragile majority=


March 13, 2023

Absences in the Senate are becoming an issue for Democrats, leaving them with a fragile majority.

Senate Democrats have been without Sens. John Fetterman (Pa.) and Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) in recent weeks, creating a 49-49 split in the chamber that has forced members of the conference to only bring up votes that they know have bipartisan support and caused problems at the committee level.

“It’s the reality. When you’re 51-49, every senator every day is decisive,” Sen. Dick Sucker Durbin (Ill.), the No. 2 Senate Democrat, told The Hill. “This is the reality of life in the Senate.”

Fetterman has been out for much of the past month after checking himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for treatment for clinical depression. Though his office has tweeted pictures of him meeting with staff at the hospital and said he is engaged on a number of legislative items, including rail safety and the farm bill, he is not expected back in the Senate this week.

Feinstein, 89, is recovering at home from a case of shingles, having missed the last two weeks of votes. The California Democrat, who is the oldest sitting U.S. senator, tweeted last week that she was continuing to receive treatment and was hoping to return to Washington “as soon as possible.”

That 49-49 split can fluctuate with other short-term absences. But the loss of the two reliable votes for Democratic nominees and issues is already creating headaches on the Senate floor as the chamber takes up privileged resolutions pushed by Republicans via the Congressional Review Act, which do not need Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) blessing to come to the floor and require only a simple majority to pass.

The Senate this week is set to take up a resolution disapproving of the Biden administration’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. Without the Democratic pair, the measure is expected to pass with the support of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and possibly other Senate Democrats, forcing Biden to wield his veto pen.

The pair being sidelined forced Vice President Harris to be present on Feb. 28 for two tiebreaking votes on district court nominees.

And President Biden’s pick for the Federal Communications Commission Gigi Sohn withdrew her name from consideration last week after Manchin said he would not back her, essentially dooming her nomination. Democrats would have needed all members present and voting to overcome Manchin’s “no” vote.

Feinstein’s absence, in particular, has had an outsized impact as the Senate Judiciary Committee, on which she serves, has been forced to punt votes on a number of nominees in each of the past two weeks and has been unable to put them on a path toward votes on the Senate floor.

Among the nominees who’ve been delayed is Charnelle Bjelkengren, who President Biden tapped to serve as a district court judge for the Eastern District of Washington. Bjelkengren has been the target of GOP opposition after she stumbled over some questions during her confirmation hearing.

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0b991b No.24633

File: 6be9d61a18557db⋯.png (856.21 KB,758x725,758:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501875 (132349ZMAR23) Notable: US sues Rite Aid for missing opioid red flags

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Great Job, DOJ!!!

US sues Rite Aid for missing opioid red flags

By Jonathan Stempel


WASHINGTON, March 13 (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Monday sued Rite Aid Corp (RAD.N), accusing the pharmacy chain of missing "red flags" as it illegally filled hundreds of thousands of prescriptions for controlled substances, including opioids.

In a complaint filed in Cleveland federal court, the Department of Justice said Rite Aid repeatedly filled prescriptions from May 2014 to June 2019 that were medically unnecessary, for off-label use, or not issued in the usual course of professional practice.

"The Justice Department is using every tool at our disposal to confront the opioid epidemic that is killing Americans and shattering communities across the country," Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement.

Rite Aid pharmacists were accused of ignoring obvious signs of misuse, including in prescriptions for "trinities," a combination of opioids, benzodiazepine, and muscle relaxants preferred by drug abusers for their increased euphoric effect.

The Justice Department also said Rite Aid intentionally deleted some pharmacists' internal warnings about suspicious prescribers, such as "cash only pill mill???", while admonishing them to "be mindful of everything that is put in writing."

"These practices opened the floodgates for millions of opioid pills and other controlled substances to flow illegally out of Rite Aid's stores," Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said.

Rite Aid is one of the country's largest pharmacy chains, with more than 2,330 stores in 17 U.S. states. It did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The Justice Department accused Rite Aid of violating the federal False Claims Act by submitting false prescription claims to government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

It joined a whistleblower lawsuit filed in 2019 by two pharmacists and a pharmacy technician from Rite Aid stores in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and West Virginia.

The Justice Department occasionally joins whistleblower cases it considers stronger.

It has also sued Walmart Inc (WMT.N) and drug distributor AmerisourceBergen Corp (ABC.N) over their alleged roles in the nation's opioid crisis.

More than 500,000 people died from drug overdoses in the United States from 1999 to 2020, including more than 90,000 in 2020 alone, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The case is U.S. ex rel White et al v Rite Aid Corp et al, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio, No. 21-01239.

Reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York; Additional reporting by Eric Beech in Washington; Editing by Marguerita Choy and Stephen Coates

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0b991b No.24634

File: f609375aed8cad6⋯.png (109.76 KB,1194x1250,597:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501889 (132350ZMAR23) Notable: Effective 20 March 2023, we will no longer support two-factor authentication using text messages for non-Twitter Blue subscribers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Update your Twitter two-factor authentication

What’s happening?

Effective 20 March 2023, we will no longer support two-factor authentication using text messages for non-Twitter Blue subscribers, in favor of authentication apps and security key methods. At that time, if you have text message 2FA still enabled, you will be prompted to disable it before you can continue to use your account. Please note the availability of text message 2FA for Twitter Blue may vary by country and carrier.

What will happen to accounts that don’t switch 2FA methods before March 20?

After 20 March 2023, we will be doing two things:

(1) For users who have seen Twitter’s in-app prompt to change their text message/SMS method of 2FA (pictured), we will disable the text message 2FA method automatically. These users will continue to be able to login; they just won’t have 2FA on their account unless they have switched to using an authentication app or security key.

We are prompting users to consider enabling an alternative form of 2FA before that happens. It’s not mandatory to use 2FA for the majority of accounts, so we are not forcing this. However, most businesses require 2FA as a standard practice.

(2) Users and businesses who have not seen the prompt will be required to actively unenroll themselves from the text message 2FA method. These accounts will still be able to log-in, but they will be immediately prompted to complete the task. This will ensure users and businesses who haven't seen the in-app prompt do not have 2FA disabled without their awareness.

How do I sign-up for two-factor authentication on Twitter?

1) App Authentication (secure): follow this step-by-step guide.

2) Security Key (safest): see our guidance on security keys and an example of how we rolled them out at Twitter.

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0b991b No.24635

File: 3af835bc7f82840⋯.png (18.07 KB,559x165,559:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501895 (132350ZMAR23) Notable: Turtle is going to rehab, not back to work.

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Jaden Jefferson


WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell discharged from hospital after fall, will recover at inpatient facility.

7:26 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501930 (132355ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: They're cleaning out their prisons, they are emptying their prisons. Their prisons are empty. Their mental institutions, their insane asylums…they're dumping them into the United States of America.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They're cleaning out their prisons, they are emptying their prisons. Their prisons are empty. Their mental institutions, their insane asylums…they're dumping them into the United States of America.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24637

File: e9a7721b74cd71e⋯.jpeg (401.35 KB,1242x1651,1242:1651,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: de005a939da77c1⋯.jpeg (573.63 KB,1134x2146,567:1073,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7c63e5fcfb665b1⋯.jpeg (550.95 KB,1132x2112,283:528,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 377d419714a37c5⋯.jpeg (453.85 KB,1140x1951,1140:1951,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8653db8d133789a⋯.jpeg (421.11 KB,1118x1949,1118:1949,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501937 (132356ZMAR23) Notable: DC Draino big expose

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DC Draino big expose

13 clips total (5, 5 & 3)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24638

File: 46456e7c39fbf53⋯.jpeg (450.13 KB,1153x1768,1153:1768,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2d600bc1b77f1f7⋯.jpeg (440.55 KB,1134x2134,567:1067,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6aadcbf22ecb3eb⋯.jpeg (598.07 KB,1126x2135,1126:2135,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a35da9d46e37c19⋯.jpeg (434.77 KB,1093x2133,1093:2133,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5cce797aa335f5c⋯.jpeg (393.69 KB,1090x1691,1090:1691,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501941 (132356ZMAR23) Notable: DC Draino big expose

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24639

File: 74d3c3759d7f059⋯.jpeg (364.43 KB,1066x1698,533:849,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f3a60b7da752937⋯.jpeg (474.54 KB,1100x2075,44:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 34c6de52ce9f1de⋯.jpeg (149.74 KB,1080x621,40:23,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501944 (132357ZMAR23) Notable: DC Draino big expose

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Third and last three


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24640

File: 662fee292370c18⋯.png (368.79 KB,1099x445,1099:445,Clipboard.png)

File: d43d2dd7b04c8bf⋯.png (413.91 KB,645x429,215:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501946 (132357ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS activity

SAM390 G5 NE from Austin Int'l Airport-had an overnight at San Antonio Int'l then NE to Austin for 5h

VV100 US Navy G5 Navy Brass after doing muh sub thing with Potato, Sunak and Albanese-who arrived on Saturday night local

Biden Cements Australia Subs Deal at Summit With Albanese, Sunak


Tanker switch out over Potato 58-1508 for 57-1468 KC-135s

German AF GAF051 A400m NE from Nellis AFB and RCH231 C-17 NE from Dover AFB (moar toys for Zelensky) and haz a BUFF doing roundies out of Minot AFB

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501955 (132358ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: We need to have same-day voting, paper ballots, voter ID, and it's over.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It doesn't bind all? The perspective taken in your speech is as if you are not subjected to the machinations of babylon…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24642

File: 46db033cbaa337a⋯.png (195.55 KB,573x613,573:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501973 (140000ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B1 bomber up over west Texas.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24643

File: ee38043558f58ab⋯.png (838.44 KB,1439x1012,1439:1012,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18501992 (140003ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Same one as earlier. 85-0073 "Dark Knight". Second flight today. Unusual.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24644

File: 2f56ce50323bef5⋯.mp4 (9.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502034 (140009ZMAR23) Notable: Pedophile rocker Gary Glitter back in prison 1 month after release

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



and beware the Ides of March

Pedophile rocker Gary Glitter back in prison 1 month after release

March 13, 2023

Shunned British pop star Gary Glitter reportedly is going back to prison just one month after his initial release, according to a new report.

Glitter, 78, was sentenced to 16 years in prison in 2015 after he was found guilty of sexually abusing three young girls, all of whom were under the age of 13, The Post previously reported.

This time,he allegedly was caught trying to “access the dark web on his phone,” according to the Daily Mail.

Glitter, who was born Paul Francis Gadd, was released in February after only serving half of his sentence.

He was recently spotted in a bail hostel in the United Kingdom, where he was allegedly typing, “how to avoid detection when web browsing” on a cell phone, according to the Daily Mail.

The outlet reported that Glitter will head back to the clinker on Monday because he breached the conditions that were agreed upon when he was initially released just last month.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/03/13/pedophile-rocker-gary-glitter-back-in-prison-1-month-after-release-report/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502049 (140011ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: We have now banks that are closing. Two big banks yesterday closed. That's a bad sign. That could be the beginning.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We have now banks that are closing. Two big banks yesterday closed. That's a bad sign. That could be the beginning.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24646

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502065 (140013ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: I will prevent World War III.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will prevent World War III.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502102 (140017ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: I will totally obliterate the deepstate.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will totally obliterate the deepstate.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502163 (140024ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate, mask mandate. From kindergarten through college

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate, or a mask mandate. From kindergarten through college.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502166 (140025ZMAR23) Notable: TRUMP "NO MORE VACCINE MANDATES"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502215 (140030ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: 2024 is the Final Battle. That's it. If you put me back in the White House, the reign of the corrupt Washington establishment will be over…and America will be a free nation once again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: 2024 is the Final Battle. That's it. If you put me back in the White House, the reign of the corrupt Washington establishment will be over…and America will be a free nation once again.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502279 (140036ZMAR23) Notable: #22689

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#22689 >>24617

>>24619, >>24621, >>24622 Benz Cyber clips

>>24620, >>24635 Turtle is going to rehab, not back to work.

>>24618, >>24623 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Davenport, IA

>>24624 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Announces Acquisition of Cancer Treatment Biotech Seagen For $43 Billion

>>24625 Remarks by FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg at the Institute of International Bankers-March 6th, 2023

>>24626 Anons not liking ethanol

>>24627, >>24632 McConnell missing, Fienstein missing, Fetterman missing who is next?

>>24628 This is banking situation Summed up real nice

>>24630, >>24633 US sues Rite Aid for missing opioid red flags

>>24631 President Trump: As President, I will immediately end the invasion of our southern border.

>>24634 Effective 20 March 2023, we will no longer support two-factor authentication using text messages for non-Twitter Blue subscribers

>>24636 President Trump: They're cleaning out their prisons, they are emptying their prisons. Their prisons are empty. Their mental institutions, their insane asylums…they're dumping them into the United States of America.

>>24637, >>24638, >>24639 DC Draino big expose

>>24640, >>24642, >>24643 PlaneFag CONUS activity

>>24641 President Trump: We need to have same-day voting, paper ballots, voter ID, and it's over.

>>24644 Pedophile rocker Gary Glitter back in prison 1 month after release

>>24645 President Trump: We have now banks that are closing. Two big banks yesterday closed. That's a bad sign. That could be the beginning.

>>24646 President Trump: I will prevent World War III.

>>24647 President Trump: I will totally obliterate the deepstate.

>>24648 President Trump: I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate, mask mandate. From kindergarten through college


>>24650 President Trump: 2024 is the Final Battle. That's it. If you put me back in the White House, the reign of the corrupt Washington establishment will be over…and America will be a free nation once again.

President Trump: Together we will end the era of weaponized government forever. We will end woke. We will crush the deepstate. We will save our economy. We will defend our farmers. We will evict Joe Biden from the White House. And We Will Make America Great Again!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24652

File: 8cc0ceb656e3676⋯.png (1.08 MB,1257x706,1257:706,Clipboard.png)

File: 78ba77230a75c83⋯.png (2.1 MB,1000x1214,500:607,Clipboard.png)

File: ddbd69d9059441c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB,630x421,630:421,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502309 (140038ZMAR23) Notable: #22690

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24653

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502361 (140044ZMAR23) Notable: President Trump: It will be secured on day one [border]. And then we have to make a decision- what do we do with the fifteen million people that have invaded our country? And we will do the right thing. We will start by getting the bad ones out…the sheriffs know every one of them that shouldn't be here. And we'll take care of business.

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President Trump: It will be secured on day one [border]. And then we have to make a decision- what do we do with the fifteen million people that have invaded our country? And we will do the right thing. We will start by getting the bad ones out…the sheriffs know every one of them that shouldn't be here. And we'll take care of business.

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0b991b No.24654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502384 (140046ZMAR23) Notable: anons want to know about freedom cities

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He needs hard questions at some point, ex: Could you please explain how Freedom Cities are different than the concept of 15 minute cities and other soros funded green cities that are currently being proposed. Its not to do gotcha questions but give him an opportunity to answer the questions before they are asked.

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0b991b No.24655

File: 5efa649e488afaf⋯.png (72.12 KB,666x508,333:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502392 (140047ZMAR23) Notable: $100BN wiped off US banking market in SINGLE DAY as former White House adviser calls it 'tip of the iceberg'

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$100BN wiped off US banking market in

SINGLE DAY as former White House adviser

calls it 'tip of the iceberg': Bloodbath

on Wall Street saw regional banks fall

by up to 60% and the Big Four drawn into

SVB's collapse contagion

Daily Mail (UK), by Ross Ibbetson

Original Article

Posted By: Harlowe, 3/13/2023 8:39:52 PM

More than $100 billion was wiped off US banks' value today in a bloodbath on Wall Street sparked by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Trading was intermittently halted on at least 20 regional banks as the velocity of money forced regulators to intervene.(Snip)Former Trump White House adviser Steve Moore warned that SVB 'may just be the tip of the iceberg', exposing a broader weakness brought about by Biden's $4trillion COVID stimulus pack.(Snip)'It's because of the massive inflation and the trillions and trillions of dollars of borrowing that the federal government has done that has put our financial system in great jeopardy and great peril.

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0b991b No.24656

File: 4748758c9696f69⋯.png (478.1 KB,602x624,301:312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502409 (140048ZMAR23) Notable: Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks. Speaking as a frmr political consultant, this is a tested word that will be part of a financial terror scenario to buttress CBDC. (Silicon Valley benefits most from CBDC, get it?) anons want to know about freedom cities

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Dr Naomi Wolf


Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks. Speaking as a frmr political consultant, this is a tested word that will be part of a financial terror scenario to buttress CBDC. (Silicon Valley benefits most from CBDC, get it?)

Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks. Soealing as a frmr political consultant, this is a tested word that will be part of a financial terror scenario to buttress CBDC. (Silicon Valley benefits most from CBDC, get it?)


DrNaomiRWolf on GETTR : Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks. Soealing as a frmr political consul…

Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks. Soealing as a frmr political consultant, this is a tested word that will be part of a financial terror scenario to buttress CBDC. (Silicon Valley benefits most…

6:29 AM · Mar 13, 2023




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0b991b No.24657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502443 (140052ZMAR23) Notable: Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks. Speaking as a frmr political consultant, this is a tested word that will be part of a financial terror scenario to buttress CBDC. (Silicon Valley benefits most from CBDC, get it?) anons want to know about freedom cities

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Exactly give him harder questions to explain why this is better than that. Focused question not so open. Reporters are shit for the most part. Then be able to ask well thought follow up questions.

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0b991b No.24658

File: d05bebbc2473e0e⋯.png (533.56 KB,609x523,609:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 1282cc41f194995⋯.png (2.06 MB,2048x856,256:107,Clipboard.png)

File: d409a10a5ec6f8c⋯.png (2.5 MB,2048x1180,512:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bc2f8bba43179b⋯.png (3.22 MB,2048x1110,1024:555,Clipboard.png)

File: e7726ecf53d00d9⋯.png (4.14 MB,2048x1402,1024:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502458 (140053ZMAR23) Notable: @DanScavino Happening Now—45 speaking at the @Adler_Theatre in Davenport, Iowa!

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Dan still loves the anons.

20:15 = 17

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Happening Now—45 speaking at the @Adler_Theatre in Davenport, Iowa! 🎥https://rumble.com/v2cu47k-live-president-donald-j.-trump-in-davenport-ia.html

8:15 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24659

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502530 (140100ZMAR23) Notable: The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox

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The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox - 03/13/2023


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0b991b No.24660

File: 24f56d236e1a00a⋯.png (90.7 KB,1026x668,513:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502548 (140103ZMAR23) Notable: Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks. Speaking as a frmr political consultant, this is a tested word that will be part of a financial terror scenario to buttress CBDC. (Silicon Valley benefits most from CBDC, get it?) anons want to know about freedom cities

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>Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks




con·​ta·​gion kən-ˈtā-jən

Synonyms of contagion



: a contagious disease


: the transmission of a disease by direct or indirect contact


: a disease-producing agent (such as a virus)





: contagious influence, quality, or nature


: corrupting influence or contact



: rapid communication of an influence (such as a doctrine or emotional state)


: an influence that spreads rapidly

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0b991b No.24661

File: d3bcfc1f736f7d0⋯.png (93.2 KB,601x466,601:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502565 (140104ZMAR23) Notable: Why is #XiJinping going to #Russia next week, much sooner than expected?

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Gordon G. Chang


Why is #XiJinping going to #Russia next week, much sooner than expected? He’s trying to capitalize on his #Iran-#SaudiArabia triumph. He believes #America is in rapid decline and so is showcasing strength. This is remarkable, because #China internally is weak at the moment.

6:09 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502605 (140109ZMAR23) Notable: Collection of recent and important links on Covid lab link and virus creation

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New York Times, MSNBC, CNN slammed for claiming COVID lab leak theory was ‘debunked’ (New York Post, Feb. 28)


The Covid Lab Leak Is a Scandal of Media and Government Censorship… Chinese Virologist Says CCP “Intentionally” Released COVID-19 Into World…Rand Paul Calls for Declassifying Documents… (Investment Blog Watch, Feb. 28)


Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says (Wall Street Journal, Feb. 23, 2023)


The Dam of Lies Surrounding COVID Lab Leak Is Breaking This article provides a detailed timeline of events, including Dr. Fauci's lies to Congress. (The Epoch Times, Mar. 3, 2023)


Credibility crisis: CNN boss ordered staff not to chase down COVID lab leak theory as pandemic unfolded (Fox News, Mar. 6, 2023)


Dr. Fauci "prompted" the drafting of "Proximal Origins" to disprove the COVID lab leak theory, according to new evidence obtained by the Select Subcommittee Article: Fauci 'Prompted' Scientists To Fabricate 'Proximal Origins' Paper Ruling Out Lab-Leak: House GOP (ZeroHedge, Mar. 6, 2023) https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fauci-prompted-scientists-fabricate-proximal-origins-paper-ruling-out-lab-leak-select

Congressional source the news article is based on:


Scientists believed COVID 'lab leak' theory but wanted to keep 'international harmony' (The Post Millenial, Jan. 14, 2022)


Video: Rand Paul Accuses Fauci Of “Elaborate Cover-up” Of COVID Lab Leak (Mar. 8, 2023) https://summit.news/2023/03/08/video-rand-paul-accuses-fauci-of-elaborate-cover-up-of-covid-lab-leak/ Senator Rand Paul asserted Tuesday that Anthony Fauci, along with other scientists working with him at the National Institutes Of Health engaged in an “elaborate cover-up” of the lab origin of the coronavirus pandemic in order to hide their own involvement.

From the scientific literature:

Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2. bioRxiv; 2022. DOI: 10.1101/2022.10.18.512756.


Restriction Site Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Demonstrates the signature of a synthetic virus. Quay, Steven Carl. (2022, October 19). Zenodo.


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0b991b No.24663

File: 6a0ad943797a908⋯.png (157.51 KB,586x632,293:316,Clipboard.png)

File: cbcb4c242f06ecb⋯.jpg (308.94 KB,1366x1788,683:894,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3084e3da20517c9⋯.png (229.5 KB,1374x1788,229:298,Clipboard.png)

File: 12dbdca322c897c⋯.png (168.56 KB,1366x1786,683:893,Clipboard.png)

File: c134db120f9208e⋯.jpg (127.82 KB,1364x1780,341:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502610 (140110ZMAR23) Notable: @RepMarkGreen @RepPfluger and I are investigating DHS's "Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program."

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Rep. Dan Bishop


NEW: @RepMarkGreen @RepPfluger and I are investigating DHS's "Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program."

This shady program violates Americans' fundamental civil liberties and is flatly unacceptable.

Our letter:

4:10 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502639 (140113ZMAR23) Notable: Six More Powerhouse Journalists Leave Project Veritas News Organization

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Six More Powerhouse Journalists Leave Project Veritas News Organization

As reported earlier, James O’Keefe was fired by the board of Project Veritas last month, the media organization he founded 13 years ago. He gave a 45 minute going away speech to staff on his final day. The speech was later leaked to The Gateway Pundit and several news outlets.

Earlier this month The Gateway Pundit reported that Project Veritas fired one of its top undercover journalists following after James was removed from the board.

The newly installed PV brass said it was for “financial reasons.” A second top reporter walked out soon after the firing.

On Monday a source close to The Gateway Pundit with ties to Project Veritas told us that six more powerhouse journalists have since left the company.

Our source compared it to the Titanic where people are falling off the railing and hitting their heads on the way down.

The new leadership is still attempting to stop the bleeding after they ousted Jame O’Keefe. Several donors demanded their donations returned after James O’Keefe was ousted in February.

Project Veritas is struggling to reshape the business without James O’Keefe at the helm.


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0b991b No.24665

File: 8cc2eaa56cbd3fc⋯.png (311.82 KB,556x790,278:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502653 (140115ZMAR23) Notable: Silicon Valley Bank Sued by Shareholders For Securities Fraud

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Silicon Valley Bank Sued by Shareholders For Securities Fraud

Silicon Valley Bank was hit with its first securities lawsuit on Monday.

Silicon Valley Bank was shut down by regulators on Friday in the biggest bank failure since the 2008 liquidity crisis.

SVB reportedly held $173 billion in deposits.

The Fed interest rate is at 4.57% and $117 billion of Silicon Valley Bank’s mortgage-backed securities were yielding only 1.56-1.66% – this caused a run on the bank.

By Friday Silicon Valley Bank was in FDIC receivership.

The Treasury and FDIC announced that all depositors of Silicon Valley Bank will have access to their money.

The shareholders however have just now filed a securities fraud lawsuit.

Shareholders filed a class action lawsuit against SVB on Monday arguing they were never warned about the risks to its business model, Bloomberg reported.

Bloomberg reported:

Silicon Valley Bank was hit with its first of what will likely be many securities-fraud lawsuits by shareholders, accused of failing to warn of risks to its business model.

The securities class action was filed on behalf of Chandra Vanipenta, who bought SVB shares at what he argues were artificially inflated prices due to false statements made by SVB Chief Executive Officer Greg Beckerand Chief Financial Officer Daniel Beck.

SVB Financial Group, the bank’s parent, filed multiple quarterly reports over the last two years that failed to disclose the risk that interest rate hikes posed to the bank, according to the complaint filed Monday in federal court in San Jose, California.

The public statements “understated the risks posed to the company by not disclosing that likely interest rate hikes, as outlined by the Fed, had the potential to cause irrevocable damage to the company,” according to the complaint.


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0b991b No.24666

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502688 (140119ZMAR23) Notable: Bannon: Nancy Pelosi and The Rise of Silicon Valley Oligarch Banks

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Bannon: Nancy Pelosi and The Rise of Silicon Valley Oligarch Banks

Pelosi involved in SVB, rise of Nancy Pelosi was involved in Tech blow up. Pelosi shook down Venture Capitalists in Tech. Bannon explains the whole roll of Tech and Pelosi ballooned and her political power caused by Techshe was gonna be a nobody, the democrats have always gotten money from tech. All venture capitalists and banks are the Democrat ATM. Good to know that we are bailing out the democrats money. 100% bailouts now! Any bank anywhere.

Bannon explains the whole history


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0b991b No.24667

File: d9e59d49c813c38⋯.png (627.73 KB,1217x616,1217:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502823 (140137ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Force One wheels up

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Trump Force One wheels up

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0b991b No.24668

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502851 (140141ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Nicholas Kardaras: The Next Level of Evolution in Transhuamism

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Dr. Nicholas Kardaras: The Next Level of Evolution in Transhuamism

Mental illness quadrupling in young, middle age and old, technology, AI accelerating the world to insanity and death. Suicide huge increase on young people, etc

Short video 7 minutes



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0b991b No.24669

File: a8af41951c686d1⋯.jpg (100.53 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502901 (140152ZMAR23) Notable: Trump vows to break up Department of Education, redistribute its functions to states

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Trump vows to break up Department of Education, redistribute its functions to states

Trump's Monday evening speech in the key primary battleground follows an appearance by Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in the state.

Former President Donald Trump spoke in Davenport, Iowa, on Monday to deliver his platform on education issues as his 2024 presidential campaign kicks into high gear.

During the speech, Trump stated that his administration had extensively studied the possibility of breaking up the Department of Education altogether and reallocating its functions to the states, earning raucous applause.

"We studied it very closely and I was getting ready to do it, pull the trigger," he said. "The long-term goal, but now it's a short-term goal, of breaking up the federal Department of Education and redistributing its functions to the states."


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0b991b No.24670

File: f2722a53bf7c8f2⋯.png (71.92 KB,801x509,801:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a1c2c3715ea99b⋯.png (14.36 MB,4638x3002,2319:1501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502958 (140202ZMAR23) Notable: $100BN wiped off US banking market in SINGLE DAY as former White House adviser calls it 'tip of the iceberg'

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Goldman: "buyback blackout starts on 3/16 through 4/28. By 3/16 we estimate ~40% of the S&P 500 will be in their closed window"


They got the banking shit "solution" in just before the Qrtly window for Corporate buybacks starts closing-those are at record highs. Janey was hitting the ESF button HARD today on the majors today

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0b991b No.24671

File: 83cb5c499f3363c⋯.png (449.11 KB,743x443,743:443,Clipboard.png)

File: fe9228d8a182701⋯.png (170.82 KB,667x374,667:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502964 (140204ZMAR23) Notable: PF N757AF 757 departed Quad Cities Int'l Airport back to Palm Beach Int'l

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N757AF 757 departed Quad Cities Int'l Airport back to Palm Beach Int'l

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0b991b No.24672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502987 (140207ZMAR23) Notable: Biden Backs $8 Billion Alaska Oil Project at Odds with Climate Agenda

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Biden Backs $8 Billion Alaska Oil Project at Odds with Climate Agenda

By Jennifer A. Dlouhy (Bloomberg) — March 13, 2023

President Joe Biden authorized a giant ConocoPhillips oil project in northwest Alaska that environmentalists argue has no place in a warming world, even as he sought to bar future drilling across US Arctic waters and lands.

The approach represents Biden’s bid for a middle ground, as he seeks to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels while bound by the legal decisions of past administrations. ConocoPhillips has held some leases underpinning its roughly 600-million-barrel Willow oil development since 1999, and the project was already approved once under former President Donald Trump.

With the Interior Department’s new authorization, the company will be permitted to drill from three locations across its Willow site in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. ConocoPhillips, which originally sought to drill from five well pads at Willow, had said anything short of three would not be viable. But Biden’s conservation moves mean oil companies also will have far fewer opportunities to find and develop prospects north of the Arctic Circle.

The authorization represents one of the most significant climate decisions yet for Biden, who campaigned on a pledge to block new drilling on public lands and presided over sweeping government investments in clean energy. Yet he’s also implored oil companies to boost output to tame prices and address market disruptions spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Willow project created additional political challenges, as Biden faced intense pressure from unions and some indigenous groups in Alaska who argued the development would provide an economic lifeline to the region.

Environmentalists excoriated the approval of what is set to become one of the largest oil-and-gas-extraction projects on public lands — and vowed to keep fighting it.

“We are too late in the climate crisis to approve massive oil and gas projects,” said Abigail Dillen, head of the advocacy group Earthjustice. “We know President Biden understands the existential threat of climate, but he is approving a project that derails his own climate goals.”

ConocoPhillips and lawmakers from Alaska cast the approval as a victory for the state as well as the nation.

“Willow fits within the Biden administration’s priorities on environmental and social justice, facilitating the energy transition and enhancing our energy security, all while creating good union jobs and providing benefits to Alaska Native communities,” Chief Executive Officer Ryan Lance said in a news release.

ConocoPhillips shares were down 1.5% at 11:19 a.m. in New York trading, trading weaker amid a broader selloff in the wake of Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse.

The $8 billion development is at the forefront of pending US oil projects. The 180,000 daily barrels of crude it’s projected to eventually supply represents roughly 1.6% of current US production. Over 30 years, it could yield some 240 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, the Interior Department said in its record of decision Monday.

Conservationists argued Willow is incompatible with the International Energy Agency’s warnings that the world must forsake developing new oil and gas fields to avert the most catastrophic consequences of global warming and reach net zero emissions by 2050. Some Alaska Natives who oppose Willow said new industrial operations there threaten caribou herds they depend on for subsistence.

The final approval represents a reduction from ConocoPhillips’s initial ambitions to drill across five locations. With fewer wells, roads and surface development, the smaller footprint will yield slightly less oil — approximately 576 million barrels over the project’s 30-year life, the Interior Department said Monday. And the Biden administration won some key concessions to protect Teshekpuk Lake, which provides habitat for caribou that nearby Alaska Native communities subsist on.

For instance, ConocoPhillips agreed to relinquish rights to approximately 68,000 acres of existing leases in the NPR-A, a move the Interior Department said “will create an additional buffer from exploration and development activities near the calving grounds and migratory routes for the Teshekpuk Lake caribou herd.”

However, the agency rejected other steps environmentalists encouraged, including a proposed requirement for ConocoPhillips to offset half of the projected net greenhouse gas emissions associated with the development. Another rejected option would have forced the company to halt crude production at the site after 20 years.

New Drilling Restrictions

Even as Willow got a green light, the Biden administration is moving to limit future oil development across the 23 million-acre (93,000 square-kilometer) NPR-A, which was set aside for energy supply needs roughly a century ago. The Interior Department said it soon will propose a rule that could prevent future oil and gas leasing across more than 13 million acres of the Indiana-sized reserve.

Biden also invoked provisions of a 1953 law to prevent future oil and gas leasing across 2.8 million acres of the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska, expanding on restrictions former President Barack Obama imposed in 2016.



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0b991b No.24673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18502992 (140208ZMAR23) Notable: “If you’re healthy, we want to know why you’re healthy,” said Dr. Tony Nguyen, chief medical officer of NHANES

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more on cdc trailers offering testing…


Orange County participates in national health survey

COSTA MESA, Calif. — Orange County has been selected to participate in a health survey that county officials say will help provide data on preventing illness, not just treating symptoms.

The survey, conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, will be advertised to residents by mail, encouraging people to answer a series of questions online. Eligible respondents will then be scheduled for a telephone screening and in-person evaluation.

If you’re healthy, we want to know why you’re healthy,” said Dr. Tony Nguyen, chief medical officer of NHANES.

NHANES tracks the health and nutrition of populations using data from surveys and physicals. As part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NHANES provides national health statistics that appear in doctor’s offices nationwide.

At more than 60 years old, the program pulls a representative cross-section from about 15 counties nationwide each year. The survey drills down into demographic, socioeconomic and dietary questions.

“This is the quintessential diverse community,” said Vicente Sarmiento, Orange County second district supervisor. “In essence, it is the microcosm of our nation.”

The mobile exam center comprises four trailers that connect to create one large screening station. Each patient receives a bracelet with a barcode and gown for the examination. The examination includes screening for heavy metals, urine and blood tests, a liver test with an ultrasound machine and even a balance test depending on the patient’s age to better understand their risk of falling. The exam will also look at muscle mass and other body composition factors, which can be used to help understand the health of the population.

For children, the exam will cover height and weight, which help establish the growth charts used in doctors’ offices. Patients can expect results by mail about two weeks later.

The goal is to get a better understanding of health markers that may never be assessed during a typical visit to a primary care doctor.

“It really helps us understand things we don’t normally diagnose in a doctor’s office,” saidDr. Regina Chinsio-Kwong, county health officer for the Orange County Health Care Agency.

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0b991b No.24674

File: 2ae45c48a149a70⋯.png (150.34 KB,505x546,505:546,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cd5248e0d73352⋯.mp4 (3 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503007 (140211ZMAR23) Notable: FDIC: "We're screwed, they're screwed, we're all screwed, and if they knew it people would freak the F out."

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Wall Street Silver


Recap of FDIC video:

FDIC: "We're screwed, they're screwed, we're all screwed, and if they knew it people would freak the F out."

“If you have to make a stabilizing statement, you’re in REAL TROUBLE”

he is using the fdic vid anon has been posting for months from their nov mtg,


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0b991b No.24675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503080 (140222ZMAR23) Notable: #22690

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#22690 >>24652

>>24653 President Trump: It will be secured on day one [border]. And then we have to make a decision- what do we do with the fifteen million people that have invaded our country? And we will do the right thing. We will start by getting the bad ones out…the sheriffs know every one of them that shouldn't be here. And we'll take care of business.

>>24654, >>24657 anons want to know about freedom cities

>>24655, >>24670 $100BN wiped off US banking market in SINGLE DAY as former White House adviser calls it 'tip of the iceberg'

>>24656, >>24660 Beware the word ‘Contagion’ re banks. Speaking as a frmr political consultant, this is a tested word that will be part of a financial terror scenario to buttress CBDC. (Silicon Valley benefits most from CBDC, get it?) >>24657 anons want to know about freedom cities

>>24658 @DanScavino Happening Now—45 speaking at the @Adler_Theatre in Davenport, Iowa!

>>24659 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox

>>24661 Why is #XiJinping going to #Russia next week, much sooner than expected?

>>24662 Collection of recent and important links on Covid lab link and virus creation

>>24663 @RepMarkGreen @RepPfluger and I are investigating DHS's "Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program."

>>24664 Six More Powerhouse Journalists Leave Project Veritas News Organization

>>24665 Silicon Valley Bank Sued by Shareholders For Securities Fraud

>>24666 Bannon: Nancy Pelosi and The Rise of Silicon Valley Oligarch Banks

>>24667 Trump Force One wheels up

>>24668 Dr. Nicholas Kardaras: The Next Level of Evolution in Transhuamism

>>24669 Trump vows to break up Department of Education, redistribute its functions to states

>>24671 PF N757AF 757 departed Quad Cities Int'l Airport back to Palm Beach Int'l

>>24672 Biden Backs $8 Billion Alaska Oil Project at Odds with Climate Agenda

>>24673 “If you’re healthy, we want to know why you’re healthy,” said Dr. Tony Nguyen, chief medical officer of NHANES

>>24674 FDIC: "We're screwed, they're screwed, we're all screwed, and if they knew it people would freak the F out."


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0b991b No.24676

File: 79f8db9daeaa7b2⋯.png (720.42 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503133 (140227ZMAR23) Notable: Venezuela to Ship Oil to Cuba on Blacklisted Supertanker

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Venezuela to Ship Oil to Cuba on Blacklisted Supertanker

By Marianna Parraga Reuters March 13, 2023

March 13 (Reuters) – Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA on Monday was loading a supertanker with crude and fuel for Cuba, maritime documents showed, an unusually large volume to help its political ally overcome an energy crisis with repeated blackouts.

Several big electrical outages this year have left many in Cuba concerned about power supplies this summer, when residents crank up air conditioning to stay cool in the Caribbean heat.

Cuban officials have blamed the intermittent power on difficulties processing heavy sour Cuban crude and fuel shortages on the island, which depends heavily on imports from Venezuela, for hobbling power generation.

A large fire last year destroyed a portion of the country’s largest oil terminal, Matanzas, and has created obstacles to discharge fuel imports.

The Panama-flagged supertanker Nolan this week is loading 400,000 barrels of fuel oil for power generation at Venezuela’s Jose terminal. It also will load 1.13 million barrels of Venezuelan heavy oil, bringing the total cargo to 1.53 million barrels, according to internal PDVSA shipping documents. The vessel is due to sail later this month.

Cuba has very limited capacity to receive large tankers, especially since the Matanzas fire. The Nolan is bound for Matanzas, one of the documents showed, where Cuban state companies have been discharging imports by transferring cargoes to smaller vessels through ship-to-ship operations.

Seeking to avoid its own fuel crisis, Venezuela’s oil supplies to Cuba last year fell about 6% to 53,600 barrels per day (bpd), independent data based on tanker movement showed.

Nolan, owned by Nigeria-based Thomarose Global Ventures Ltd, was blacklisted in November by the U.S. Treasury Department under accusations of being part of an international oil smuggling network that facilitated oil trades for Hezbollah and Iran’s Quds Force.

PDVSA, Venezuela’s oil ministry and Cuba’s Center for International Press did not immediately reply to requests for comment. Thomarose Global Ventures could not be reached for comment.

The tanker has not sent a signal from its transponder since mid-December while in Venezuela, according to Refinitiv Eikon vessel monitoring data.


[AIS report 3/07/23 vessel departed Lanshan, China on 4/03/23 destination Luanda, Angola, ETA 3/10/2023. Vicintiy West Africa, but we've seen these spoofed before]

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0b991b No.24677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503162 (140231ZMAR23) Notable: Victims Targeted After Withdrawing Cash at Banks: Cops

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Victims Targeted After Withdrawing Cash at Banks: Cops

Banks go belly up, people get cash out of bank, niggers rob the people.

what a great fucking plan Q

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0b991b No.24678

File: 645430970bbbc3f⋯.png (509.52 KB,802x720,401:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503172 (140232ZMAR23) Notable: Donald Trump's response to Tucker's question - "No. We should support regime change in the United States. That's far more important."

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Donald Trump's response to Tucker's question on if the U.S. should support regime change in Russia?

"No. We should support regime change in the United States. That's far more important."



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0b991b No.24679

File: e9ea42df5ced1d2⋯.png (407.77 KB,768x693,256:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503272 (140246ZMAR23) Notable: Tel Aviv shares drop as SVB failure triggers cash-flow concern for Israeli startups

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Didn't Tel Aviv or the Vatican call him to take his shekels out?

Something about those who scream the loudest…

Tel Aviv shares drop as SVB failure triggers cash-flow concern for Israeli startups

LeumiTech says it helped Israeli startups transfer $1 billion out of SVB accounts; government pledges to help tech firms


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0b991b No.24680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503439 (140307ZMAR23) Notable: Pope Francis calls Nicaragua government ‘gross dictatorship’ amid Catholic church crackdown

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Pope Francis calls Nicaragua government ‘gross dictatorship’ amid Catholic church crackdown

March 14, 2023 by News Desk

NBC News published this video https://youtu.be/EVepc8ztlD4 item, entitled “Pope Francis calls Nicaragua government ‘gross dictatorship’ amid Catholic church crackdown” – below is their description.

In an interview with Argentina media, Pope Francis called Nicaragua’s government a “gross dictatorship” and compared it with Nazi and Communist regimes amid a crackdown on the Catholic Church in the Central American country.



Send in the Clowns! We cannot have indigenous populations retaking control! Even if via Fascist Dictators that we established!

The Global Herald 1 hour ago

Pope Francis calls Nicaragua government ‘gross dictatorship’ amid Catholic church crackdown - The Global

NBC News published this video item, entitled "Pope Francis calls Nicaragua government 'gross dictatorship' amid Catholic church crackdown" - below is their.

NBC News 4 hours ago

Pope Francis calls Nicaragua government ‘gross dictatorship’ amid Catholic church crackdown

In an interview with Argentina media, Pope Francis called Nicaragua's government a "gross dictatorship" and compared it with Nazi and Communist regimes amid…

Catholic World Report 13 hours ago

Report: Nicaragua closes Vatican embassy in Managua, Nicaraguan embassy to Holy See

Rome Newsroom, Mar 13, 2023 / 04:15 am (CNA). The president of Nicaragua,Daniel Ortega, has ordered the closing of the Vatican embassy in Managua and the…

MSN 15 hours ago

Nicaragua threatens to cut ties with Vatican over 'Nazi dictatorship' comments

The comments come amid an ongoing crackdown on the Catholic Church in the Central American country.

Catholic News Agency 16 hours ago

Report: Nicaragua to close Vatican embassy in Managua, Nicaraguan embassy to Holy See

The request to close the two embassies follows just days after Pope Francis likened Nicaragua's Sandinista government to Nazi Germany.

Latin Post 22 hours ago

Nicaragua Cut Ties With the Vatican by Closing Embassies

Nicaragua has delivered another blow to the Vatican after Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega ordered the closure of the Vatican Embassy in Managua and the…

The Public's Radio 1 day ago

Nicaragua proposes suspending Vatican ties after comments

Nicaragua 's government says it has proposed suspending relations with the Vatican days after Pope Francis compared President Daniel Ortega's administration…

Reuters 1 day ago

Nicaragua closes Vatican embassy in Managua, Nicaraguan embassy to Vatican

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has ordered the closure of the Vatican Embassy in Managua and that of the Nicaraguan Embassy to the Vatican in Rome,…

Florida Catholic 2 days ago

Attacks on Nicaragua's Catholic and civil society entities must stop,says Human Rights Watch head

UNITED NATIONS | Nicaragua's assaults on Catholic and other educational institutions, its stripping political opponents of citizenship, and its arrest of…

Detroit Catholic 3 days ago

Nicaraguan president who jailed bishop is 'unbalanced,' pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, who has strongly persecuted the church in the country and jailed a prominent bishop, is "unbalanced…

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0b991b No.24681

File: 12558606abf22e6⋯.png (440.08 KB,612x709,612:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503502 (140314ZMAR23) Notable: President Biden - This is a historic day for the U.S.-U.K. partnership.

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President Biden


United States government official

This is a historic day for the U.S.-U.K. partnership.

Together, we are taking steps to build a more secure future for the Indo-Pacific and the world by developing our close defense cooperation.

We’ll continue to confront shared challenges as friends and partners.



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0b991b No.24682

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503542 (140320ZMAR23) Notable: BBC gets £20 million boost from UK govt

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BBC gets £20 million boost from UK govt

The one-time payment will be used to support English-language broadcasting and “counter disinformation”

The British government has announced a lavish one-off payment to state-funded broadcaster the BBC. The money, which is worth £20 million ($24.13 million), will be allocated to the broadcaster over the next two years, the UK Foreign Office said on Monday.

The package comes within the framework of the so-called Integrated Review, a program document envisioning ‘Global Britain’ and originally adopted under former PM Boris Johnson. The money is set to be funneled to all 42 language services of the BBC World Service and will be used to “support English-language broadcasting,” as well as to “counter disinformation,” the foreign office explained, implying the funds will be specifically used to counter Russia.

“The refreshed Integrated Review concludes that democracies like the UK must go further to out-cooperate and out-compete states that are driving instability. Developments over the past year, particularly the conflict in Ukraine, have shown the importance of being able to counter the hostile use of disinformation and tackle the spread of harmful state narratives,” it said.

UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly praised the decision, hailing the BBC as “the world’s most trusted international broadcaster,” as well as a “vital” tool “in the fight against the spread of disinformation around the world.”

“This funding will ensure people across the globe continue to have access to accurate, high-quality journalism,” Cleverly asserted.

The state-funded broadcaster received a similar lump sum payment back in 2021, with the same proclaimed goal of battling purported fake news. Back then, however, the payment was more than twice as modest as the new one, with ‘only’ £8 million allocated at the time to “tackle harmful disinformation, challenge inaccurate reporting around the world and improve digital engagement.”


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0b991b No.24683

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503549 (140321ZMAR23) Notable: Zelensky backs expulsion of Christian monks

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Zelensky backs expulsion of Christian monks

Ukraine’s leader believes seizing the historic Kiev Pechersk Lavra will strengthen “spiritual independence”

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has endorsed the order to expel monks of the canonical Orthodox church from the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, insinuating they were agents of Russia. Moscow has called on all Christian churches, as well as the UN and other international organizations, to respond to the “outrageous” decision.

“This week there is also a move to strengthen our spiritual independence,” Zelensky said in a weekly address to the nation on Sunday evening. “We will not allow the terrorist state any opportunity to manipulate the spirituality of our people, to destroy our holy sites – our Lavras – or to steal valuables from them.”

He also claimed the steps his government was undertaking were “completely legal” and had the full support of the Ukrainian public.

On Friday, the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture notified the monks they had until March 29 to vacate the monastery, claiming they had violated the 2013 agreement under which the state allowed them to administer the national historic preserve. Founded in 1051, the Pechersk Lavra (‘Monastery of the Caves’) is considered the most prominent Orthodox Christian site in Ukraine.

Kiev has already expelled the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) from two of the cathedrals above the monastery. Within days of that decision, in early January, the government-created Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) was allowed to hold services on the premises.

The UOC monks will “not carry out the order” to leave, the abbot of the monastery said on Monday. The head of the church, Metropolitan Kliment, had called Friday’s note the personal opinion of a Ministry of Culture official, with no legal standing. The UOC remains in communion with the Russian Orthodox Church, but has declared itself independent and condemned the Russian “invasion” to remain in the Ukrainian government’s good graces.

Kiev’s move to expel the monks is “unacceptable” and “absolutely unprecedented,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday. “We believe that the world community should respond accordingly to such an outrageous decision.”

On Saturday, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church compared the eviction to the expulsion of Orthodox clergy under Communism. Such a move would “lead to a violation of the rights of millions of Ukrainian Orthodox faithful,” said Patriarch Kirill, in a letter sent to the UN, the heads of other Orthodox churches, Pope Francis of Rome, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Coptic Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria, and others.


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0b991b No.24684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503566 (140324ZMAR23) Notable: Biden to Reveal Submarine Pact with Australia and Britain to Counter China

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It's about the subs

Biden to Reveal Submarine Pact with Australia and Britain to Counter China

By David Brunnstrom Reuters March 10, 2023

WASHINGTON, March 10 (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden will meet leaders of Australia and Britain in San Diego on Monday to announce a way forward for Australia to receive nuclear-powered submarines in Canberra’s biggest-ever defense project.

The three countries announced the so-called AUKUS plan in 2021 as part of efforts to counter China in the Indo-Pacific region.

However, questions remain over strict U.S. curbs on the extensive technology sharing needed for the project and about the length of time it will take to deliver the submarines.

Australia is expected to buy up to five U.S. Virginia class nuclear-poweredsubmarines in the 2030s as part of the landmark agreement to be revealed in detail by Biden, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, four U.S. officials told Reuters this week.

The agreement would have multiple stages with at least one U.S. submarine visiting Australian ports in the coming years and end in the late 2030s with a new class of submarines built with British designs and American technology, one of the officials said.

Two of the officials said that after the annual port visits, the United States would forward deploy some submarines in Western Australia by around 2027.

In the early 2030s, Australia would buy three Virginia class submarines and have the option to buy two more.

China has condemned the effort by the Western allies, who are seeking to counter its military buildup, pressure on Taiwan and increasingly muscular deployments in the contested South China Sea.


The officials did not elaborate on the planned new class of submarines, including where they would be built, but Australia’s ambassador to Washington said last week there would be a “genuine trilateral solution” and the plan offers the prospect of jobs in all three countries.

Under the initial AUKUS deal announced in 2021, the United States and Britain agreed to provide Australia with the technology and capability to deploy nuclear-powered submarines.

It will be the first time the United States has shared nuclear-propulsion technology since it did so with Britain in the 1950s. Currently no party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty other than the five countries the NPT recognizes as weapons states – the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France – has nuclearsubmarines.

In a second stage of the AUKUS project, the three countries will share advanced technology such as artificial intelligence and hypersonic weapons. British and Australian officials said last week there was still work needed to break down bureaucratic barriers to such technology sharing.

Bill Greenwalt, a former senior Pentagon official for industrial policy, said that since it will be years before the Australia has new submarines, the partners urgently need to move forward with this second stage, which covers capabilities that could be deployed within the next few years and are needed quickly given the growing threat posed by China.

“Undersea drones, swarming drones, ubiquitous surveillance, advanced AI and data analytics are all in this potential wheelhouse but ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) prevents the types of cooperation that is needed,” said Greenwalt, referring to U.S. export rules.

A State Department spokesperson said the United States was working to streamline the defense trade process, adding: “We do not anticipate any challenges in implementing AUKUS due to U.S. export-control regulations.”


The U.S. Congress has been briefed in recent weeks on the AUKUS deal to garner support for the legal changes needed to smooth out technology transfer issues for the highly secret nuclear propulsion and sonar systems that will be aboard Australia’s new submarines, a congressional source said on condition of anonymity.

Over the next five years, Australian workers will come to U.S. submarine shipyards to observe and train, the source said, adding that this could help ease a shortfall of U.S. shipyard workers.

It is unclear how AUKUS might affect the U.S. Navy’s own submarine acquisitions. General Dynamics Corp GD.N, which makes Virginia class submarines, has 17 of them in its current backlog delivering through 2032.

Australia’s Defence Minister Richard Marles said on Thursday the submarines would ensure peace and stability across the Indo-Pacific, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean.

“It is difficult to overstate the step that as a nation we are about to take,” said Marles. “We have never operated a military capability at this level before.”

Justin Burke, a visiting fellow at Australia’s Lowy Institute think tank, said the aim was for a straightforward and cost-effective plan to supply submarines and starting with an existing design like the Virginia Class was “a very plausible way forward.”

“There are always considerable challenges in designing submarines from scratch, especially if you are combining technology from different nations and potentially manufacturing across multiple locations. Acquiring several submarines up front would mitigate those risks considerably,” he said.


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0b991b No.24685

File: 03b394f41318762⋯.png (164.12 KB,787x748,787:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503632 (140335ZMAR23) Notable: Kiev’s Regime Foils Dialogue About Creation Of A Safety Zone In Zaporozhye

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Kiev’s Regime Foils Dialogue About Creation Of A Safety Zone In Zaporozhye

Once again, the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev makes it clear that it is not willing to engage in humanitarian projects to contain the damage generated by the conflict. According to a recent report by local authorities of the reintegrated Zaporozhye oblast, the Ukrainian government maintains its stance of boycotting any possible dialogue for the creation of a safety area around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP).

As a result, there is a constant situation of insecurity, with the possibility of a nuclear disaster in the region at any time. In a recent interview with a top Russian media outlet, Vladimir Rogov, a senior official in Zaporozhye’s regional administration, warned about Ukraine’s policy of thwarting humanitarian projects focused on creating a protected security zone around the local nuclear power plant. According to Rogov, the Ukrainians refuse to give any guarantees that they will actually stop the bombings against the ZNPP, which obviously prevents any agreement from being reached.

Rogov explains that two factors are essential in order to effectively guarantee the security of the ZNPP: 1- banning any type of bombing by Ukrainian armed forces both in Zaporozhye and in the neighboring town of Energodar; 2- recognize Russia’s right to protect the region. Indeed, as it is a liberated territory, already reintegrated into the Russian Federation through a legal referendum, its protection is up to the Russian armed forces.

The Ukrainians, however, use the supposed intention of “protecting” the ZNPP as a political tool and bargaining power: they only accept to stop the bombings if there is a withdrawal on the part of Moscow’s troops. As the popular will to join the Russian Federation is proved, obviously the Russian government cannot allow the Zaporozhye oblast to return to being dominated by the forces of the neo-Nazi regime. Therefore, there is an absolute failure to conclude negotiations.

“The regime of [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky foils any progress in creating a security zone around the ZNPP, refusing to give any guarantees to prevent the shelling of the nuclear power plant and its satellite city Energodar. The plant’s safety is guaranteed by two components: the absence of shelling by the militants of the Ukrainian armed forces and the proper protection provided by the Russian national guard”, Vladimir Rogov said during the interview.

The statement from local authorities in Zaporozhye comes a few days after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denounced the same problem, also reporting a lack of neutrality on the part of UN officials in the attempt to negotiate the agreement. Lavrov pointed out that when he visited Kiev UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres showed support for the unilateral demands made by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, thus disrespecting the neutrality required by the organization’s Charter.


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0b991b No.24686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503633 (140336ZMAR23) Notable: Pope Francis calls Nicaragua government ‘gross dictatorship’ amid Catholic church crackdown

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Is it not odd that the Vatican often uses the Nazi defense when considering the following?


The Reichskonkordat ("Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich"[1]) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. It was signed on 20 July 1933 by Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII, on behalf of Pope Pius XI and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of President Paul von Hindenburg and the German government. It was ratified 10 September 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward. The treaty guarantees the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany.

or maybe


Bernhard Stempfle (17 April 1882 in Munich – 1 July 1934) was a Roman Catholic priest and journalist. He helped Adolf Hitler in the writing of Mein Kampf.[1][2] He was murdered in the Night of the Long Knives.

Amazing Coincidences!

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0b991b No.24687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503666 (140342ZMAR23) Notable: UN Re-Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for FSO Safer Oil Removal Operation

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The UN is crowdfunding now? I wonder where most of the money will go…

UN Re-Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for FSO Safer Oil Removal Operation

Mike Schuler March 10, 2023

With yesterday’s news that the United Nations has secured the purchase of an oil tanker to receive oil from the decaying FSO Safer in the Red Sea, the UN is re-launching a crowdfunding campaign to fill budget gaps to complete the safe removal of oil from the vessel.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Thursday announced an agreement with Belgian tanker company Euronav to purchase a Very Large Crude Carrier as part of the UN-led operation to transfer over a million barrels of oil from the floating storage and offloading vessel.

The replacement vessel is now in drydock for modifications and regular maintenance before setting sail to the FSO Safer, which is moored approximately nine kilometers off Yemen’s Ras Isa peninsula. The operation is scheduled to kick off in early May.

“The purchase of this suitable vessel by UNDP marks the beginning of the operational phase of the UN-coordinated plan to safely remove the oil from the Safer and avoid the risk of an environmental and humanitarian disaster on a massive scale,” said UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner.

Due to the conflict in Yemen, the FSO Safer has not been maintained since 2015 and its condition has deteriorated to the point that there is an imminent risk that it could explode or break apart.

The tanker holds 1.1 million barrels of oil, which is approximately four times the amount spilled by the Exxon Valdez and enough to create the fifth largest oil spill from a tanker in history if the entire amount is released. Such a spill could devastate fishing communities on Yemen’s Red Sea coast and cause highly polluted air that would affect millions of people.

Additionally, shipping through the Bab al-Mandab strait to the Suez Canal could be disrupted, leading to billions of dollars in global trade losses every day, similar to when the Ever Given grounded in the Canal in 2021. The ports of Hodeidah and Saleef, which are essential for bringing food, fuel, and life-saving supplies into Yemen, could also be closed due to the spill, affecting 17 million people in need of food assistance. A spill could also lead to the closure of desalination plants, cutting off a water source for millions of people. Oil from the Safer could reach the African coast, causing severe environmental impact on coral reefs, life-supporting mangroves, and other marine life.

The UNDP, which is implementing the operation as part of the UN-led initiative, has contracted marine salvage company SMIT to safely remove the oil and prepare the Safer for towing to a scrapping yard.

“We must accept that this is a very challenging and complex operation. UNDP is working around the clock with experts from UN sister agencies including IMO, WFP and UNEP among others as well as international consultancies on maritime law, insurance and environmental impact to ensure that we are deploying the best possible expertise to successfully complete this operation,” added Steiner.

Although the project has received significant international support, high demand for suitable vessels to undertake the operation and spiraling costs attributed to the war in Ukraine means more funds are still required to complete the emergency phase of the plan.

To help bridge the gap, the UN is re-launching a crowdfunding campaign to fill the $34 million budget gap so the operation can begin in the first half of this year as planned. As of March 7, 2023, the UN has raised $95 million, of which $75 million has been received, of the total $129 million cost of the emergency phase of the project.

“UNDP’s purchase of the vessel is indeed a major step, made possible by the generosity of donors, the private sector and global citizens. The parties to the conflict continue to endorse the plan. Now we are into the operational phase and hopeful the oil will be removed from the Safer within the next three to four months. But we still urgently need funding to implement the plan and prevent disaster,” said Sana’a, David Gressly, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, who has led on UN system-wide efforts on the Safer since September 2021.


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0b991b No.24688

File: 8cc37552c2027a2⋯.png (423.8 KB,598x569,598:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503692 (140349ZMAR23) Notable: UN Re-Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for FSO Safer Oil Removal Operation

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New York Post


Biden to arm Australia with at least three nuclear-powered submarines


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0b991b No.24689

File: 398d47f5e9ecec6⋯.png (102.28 KB,1126x1308,563:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503721 (140357ZMAR23) Notable: Governments vet crucial UN climate science report

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Governments vet crucial UN climate science report

Diplomats from nearly 200 nations and top climate scientists began a week-long huddle in Switzerland on Monday to distil nearly a decade of published science into a 20-odd-page warning about the existential danger of global warming and what to do about it.


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0b991b No.24690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503736 (140400ZMAR23) Notable: San Diego: Biggest leap in Australia’s defence capability in history at US naval base Point Loma

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San Diego: Biggest leap in Australia’s defence capability in history at US naval base Point Loma

One for the ages: Albanese meets his moment on the world stage

San Diego: The unveiling of the biggest leap in Australia’s defence capability in history required a momentous backdrop and the US naval base at Point Loma provided.

The landing place of the first European expedition to come ashore in modern-day California, it’s now the home of the US Pacific fleet.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese took to the podium alongside US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunakunder cinematically blue skies.

On a podium adorned with their nations’ flags, and with a 115-metre Virginia-class submarine in the background, the leaders of Australia, America and Britain marked a momentous new chapter in their alliance.

Across the water in the distance was the USS Sterett, a missile destroyer where hundreds of impeccably dressed sailors stood attentively, listening to the leaders’ every word.

And next to that was the USS Missouri – a vanguard of US sea power and a model of the Virginia-class submarine Australia plans to buy from the US within the next decade.

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Anthony Albanese said AUKUS marked 'new chapter' in US, UK alliance

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Anthony Albanese said AUKUS marked 'new chapter' in US, UK alliance

Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said AUKUS was 'a commitment to democracy'

Biden, donning a navy-blue suit and his trademark aviator sunglasses, got to lead the event, lauding this “inflection point” and the overriding objective of AUKUS: to enhance stability in the Indo-Pacific.

He stressed nuclear propulsion was “tested and safe” and had been used by the US and Britain for nearly 70 years.

“Combined between the US and the UK, all of our nuclear-powered ships have travelled the entire globe, around the entire globe, more than 150 million miles. That’s going to the moon 350 times. We can’t figure out how to get a sub to the moon but we’ll figure it out,” Biden said.

Albanese held his own on stage as he spoke of Australia’s determination to promote security in the region “by investing in our relationships”.

This particular investment – projected to cost up to $368 billion between now and the mid-2050s – is one for the ages.

“What the United States, Great Britain and Australia hold in common is more fundamental and more universal than our shared histories,” Albanese said, never faltering as he met his moment on the world stage.

“We are bound, above all, by our belief in a world where the sovereignty of every nation is respected – and the inherent dignity of every individual is upheld.”

It was left to Sunak to bell the cat and address why this alliance came to be.

He warned of a “world defined by danger, disorder, and division” in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and he mentioned China by name.

In the crowd of dignitaries and security details, members of congress, including “AUKUS caucus” chairman Joe Courtney, rubbed shoulders with military brass,while US ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy obligingly posed for photos.

Kennedy – whose father John F Kennedy was invoked in the speeches – was quick to agree this opened a new chapter in history.

“It’s historic for Australia because the US is sharing our most sensitive technology for the first time since [it was shared with] the UK, but it’s historic for the United States as well because Australia is just emerging as such a significant ally,” she said.

“I mean, it always has been – but I this is really going to take it to another level.”

Australia’s Ambassador to the US, Arthur Sinodinos, came to the event as one of his last duties before handing over to incoming ambassador Kevin Rudd.

“As I’ve said before, this is a moonshot. It’s a whole-of-nation effort. Failure is not an option.”

At one point, a reporter asked US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin how much of a big deal this was.

He didn’t reply, but White House Indo-Pacific co-ordinator Kurt Campbell, who was walking behind him, summed it up neatly: “It’s an effing big deal!”


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0b991b No.24691

File: e6ed20b3a9857c1⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503793 (140408ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Taibbi criticizes the corporate media for promoting hate and division

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>>24608 lb


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0b991b No.24692

File: 364be71052761d3⋯.png (110.99 KB,1583x979,1583:979,Clipboard.png)

File: 5412b46a0a0745e⋯.png (33.22 KB,1463x262,1463:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503813 (140412ZMAR23) Notable: An SBA-backed loan that helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis.

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Paycheck Protection Program

An SBA-backed loan that helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis.

Notice: The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) ended on May 31, 2021. Existing borrowers may be eligible for PPP loan forgiveness.


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0b991b No.24693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503851 (140419ZMAR23) Notable: #22691

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Notables - FINAL


>>24676 Venezuela to Ship Oil to Cuba on Blacklisted Supertanker

>>24677 Victims Targeted After Withdrawing Cash at Banks: Cops

>>24678 Donald Trump's response to Tucker's question - "No. We should support regime change in the United States. That's far more important."

>>24679 Tel Aviv shares drop as SVB failure triggers cash-flow concern for Israeli startups

>>24680, >>24686 Pope Francis calls Nicaragua government ‘gross dictatorship’ amid Catholic church crackdown

>>24681 President Biden - This is a historic day for the U.S.-U.K. partnership.

>>24682 BBC gets £20 million boost from UK govt

>>24683 Zelensky backs expulsion of Christian monks

>>24684 Biden to Reveal Submarine Pact with Australia and Britain to Counter China

>>24685 Kiev’s Regime Foils Dialogue About Creation Of A Safety Zone In Zaporozhye

>>24687, >>24688 UN Re-Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for FSO Safer Oil Removal Operation

>>24689 Governments vet crucial UN climate science report

>>24690 San Diego: Biggest leap in Australia’s defence capability in history at US naval base Point Loma

>>24691 Matt Taibbi criticizes the corporate media for promoting hate and division

>>24692 An SBA-backed loan that helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis.


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0b991b No.24694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503911 (140427ZMAR23) Notable: Why lecanemab’s success spells the revival of small-molecule Alzheimer’s disease treatments

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Why lecanemab’s success spells the revival of small-molecule Alzheimer’s disease treatments

Unlike bulky biologics, small molecules can make Alzheimer’s treatments cheap, convenient to administer, and widely accessible, experts say

In brief

The clinical success of the Alzheimer’s disease antibody lecanemab paves the way for the revival of small molecules that similarly promise to keep the brain plaque-free. Cheaper to manufacture and administer than biologics, the drugs could make it practical for patients to start their regimen early in the disease progression, which researchers say is the only way to reap the full benefits of an antiamyloid treatment strategy.

In 1999, a woman visited the office of neuroscientist Rudolph Tanzi of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She was in her early 30s, seemingly in good health. But she had learned that her mother carried a genetic mutation that predisposed her to Alzheimer’s disease. By the time the mother had reached 45, the disease had ravaged her brain. Tanzi explained to his visitor that she likely inherited the same genetic marker.

“She said, ‘I have two kids, 5 and 6 years old. You’re telling me that when those two kids are in college, I’m not going to know who they are anymore?’ ” Tanzi recalls. “That hit me pretty hard.”

That night, Tanzi called his friend, the late neurologist Steven Wagner, who had been working on an Alzheimer’s treatment for Bristol Myers Squibb. The treatment candidate had been discontinued because of its side effects. As the friends chatted, Tanzi’s recounting of the woman’s visit renewed Wagner’s determination to try again and spurred Tanzi to join the effort to devise a viable treatment. Tanzi recalls Wagner saying, “We’ve got to do something.”

The pair were well aware of the challenges they faced. Alzheimer’s was incurable. It still is today. But back then, the medical community had no successful drug precedent to go off—no validated disease pathway that guaranteed a druggable target.

Alzheimer’s affects over 6 million people in the US, according to the National Institute on Aging, and more than an estimated 32 million people worldwide (Alzheimer’s Dementia 2022, DOI: 10.1002/alz.12694). To treat the disease, drugmakers need a candidate that is widely accessible and, more importantly, safe. Small molecules, experts say, could check these boxes. In the decades since Tanzi’s meeting, researchers have experimented with several compounds, many of which stumbled in the clinic. But the field has been reenergized by the success of a different sort of compound: the biologic drug lecanemab.


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0b991b No.24695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503925 (140429ZMAR23) Notable: UK Prime Minister Visits US To Unveil Australian Nuclear-Sub Plan With Biden

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UK Prime Minister Visits US To Unveil Australian Nuclear-Sub Plan With Biden

By Kitty Donaldson Bloomberg March 12, 2023

(Bloomberg) –Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is heading to the US on Sunday to meet President Joe Biden and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as the three nations unveil the next phase of the AUKUS nuclear submarine program, a security partnership meant to counter China.

The decision on how to move ahead will be announced Monday when the three leaders meet in San Diego. The plan will take years to produce its first vessel, probably necessitating stopgap measures, according to people familiar with the discussions. The US may base nuclear submarines in Australia or sell the country Virginia-class submarines in the interim.

Australia’s new fleet of nuclear-powered umma will be based on a modified British design with US parts and upgrades, the people said. The new alliance in 2021 ended a French plan to build non-nuclear subs with Australia, angering leaders in Paris.

Read Also: French Shipbuilding Town in Shock Over Loss of Australian Submarine Order

Ahead of the announcement, the UK is planning an update to its 2021 Integrated Review of defense and security to set out its response to increased global volatility. The Integrated Review Refresh will address the grave risks from Vladimir Putin’s Russia alongside increasing aggression from Beijing, according to Sunak’s office.

“In turbulent times, the UK’s global alliances are our greatest source of strength and security,” Sunak said in a statement.

“I am traveling to the United States today to launch the next stage of the AUKUS nuclear submarine program, a project which is binding ties to our closest allies and delivering security, new technology and economic advantage at home,” he said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning criticized the plan on Thursday, telling reporters in Beijing that the three countries should “do more things that are conducive to regional peace and stability.”


[There it is: "The US may base nuclear submarines in Australia or sell the country Virginia-class submarines in the interim." Forward Deployed to Australia while training Aussies on the used subs. Meanwhile, keep the tech hidden, except from those Chinese-Australian shipyard workers]

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0b991b No.24696

File: e0c65ed480151cd⋯.png (568.3 KB,945x1647,35:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18503981 (140438ZMAR23) Notable: Ericsson to pay $200m fine for breaching US deal over Iraq graft

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Ericsson to pay $200m fine for breaching US deal over Iraq graft

Swedish telecom equipment maker Ericsson has said it will pay a $207 million fine for breaching a deal with US authorities by not disclosing an investigation relating to suspected bribes to the Islamic State group in Iraq.

Swedish prosecutors have also opened an inquiry into the alleged IS payments, a case that has forced the company to vow an overhaul of its compliance oversight after the claims emerged last year.

US prosecutors had already imposed $1 billion in penalties in 2019 to close corruption cases in Djibouti, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Kuwait, after Ericsson agreed to a so-called deferred prosecution agreement (DPA).


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0b991b No.24697

File: 8acb7f3eabe763f⋯.png (734.98 KB,862x740,431:370,Clipboard.png)

File: 2149f9ba9e4c619⋯.png (384.89 KB,731x635,731:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504016 (140444ZMAR23) Notable: Jesuits of Canada releases list of 27 members ‘credibly’ accused of child sex abuse

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Jesuits of Canada releases list of 27 members ‘credibly’ accused of child sex abuse

Of the men named, all but three are dead.


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0b991b No.24698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504216 (140532ZMAR23) Notable: Danish Police Investigating Yacht Linked to Nord Stream Blasts

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Danish Police Investigating Yacht Linked to Nord Stream Blasts

By Nikolaj Skydsgaard Reuters March 9, 2023

CHRISTIANSÖ in the Baltic Sea, Denmark March 9 (Reuters) – Danish police have searched for a yacht on a tiny Baltic Sea island near the Nord Stream pipeline blast sites, the local administrator said on Thursday.

German authorities confirmed on Wednesday they had raided a ship in January that may have been used to transport explosives used to blow up the pipelines.

“The police was searching for a specific boat that had moored here in September,” Soren Thiim Andersen, the highest authority on the island of Christiansö, told Reuters.

The Sept. 26 explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines, constructed to supply Russian natural gas to Europe, have become a flashpoint between the West and Russia after last year’s Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Authorities in Sweden, Germany and Denmark, who are currently investigating the blasts, say the explosions were deliberate but have not said who might be responsible.

However, this week media reports in the United States and Germany suggested a pro-Ukrainian group could be responsible.

Germany’s ARD broadcaster and Zeit newspaper reported that German authorities were able to identify a boat used for the sabotage operation.

The operation to place explosives on the seabed was carried out by six people, who sailed from Rostock on Sept. 6 and was later located on the Danish island of Christiansö, according to the reports.

Danish police in January searched for information about boats that had docked on Christiansö on Sept. 16-18, interviewing local residents, collecting footage from the harbor, and collected information from the harbor ticket machine, Andersen said.

Danish police declined to comment.

Christiansö is part of a small archipelago about 18 km northeast of the Baltic Sea island of Bornholm. The archipelago with just 98 inhabitants is a former naval fortress but remains under administration of the Danish defense ministry.


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0b991b No.24699

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504236 (140539ZMAR23) Notable: POLLY TAKES A DEEP DIVE INTO THE SVB CRISIS AND PETER THEIL

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Note: Just like the crypto bait for those who got rich off the frenzy of those who went head first into the c.i.a program. The let them play and then destroyed them, took their assets and learned the lessons from the winners and losers of the crypto markets. The SVB was done on a business level with funding to those who pushed and pulled on making money and finding the kinks. now it too has been recaptured. still watching for anything new. All cash will be controlled by the B.I.S and will be taken by those who run the internet and the banking operation process.



First published at 01:05 UTC on March 14th, 2023.



Silicon Valley Bank is more interesting than you think. I talk tentacles! Epstein, Biden, Thiel, China and more

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0b991b No.24700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504254 (140544ZMAR23) Notable: Former Malaysian PM Muhyiddin Yassin charged with another count of money laundering

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Former Malaysian PM Muhyiddin Yassin charged with another count of money laundering

Former Malaysian prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin was on Monday (Mar 13) charged with an additional count of money laundering. This brings the total number of charges against him to seven thus far.

The Star reported on Monday that the prosecution alleged that Muhyiddin abused his position as Bersatu president to receive bribes of RM5 million from Bukhary Equity Sdn Bhd which were deposited into Bersatu’s bank accounts.

The offences were allegedly committed on Jan 7, 2022.



Muhyiddin, who led the country for 17 months between 2020 and 2021, becomes the second Malaysian leader to be charged with crimes after losing power.

At a Kuala Lumpur sessions court, the prosecution alleged that Muhyiddin abused his position as prime minister to receive bribes of 232.5 million ringgit ($51.44 million) in a bank account belonging to his party, Bersatu.

The former premier faces up to 20 years in jail if found guilty. He would also be subject to a heavy financial penalty.



U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, right, gestures as she speaks beside Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin after a signing ceremony in Putrajaya, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010.


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0b991b No.24701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504307 (140600ZMAR23) Notable: Report: U.S. Govt. Made Duplicate Payments to Wuhan Lab in China, Potentially Losing Tens of Millions of Dollars

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Report: U.S. Govt. Made Duplicate Payments to Wuhan Lab in China, Potentially Losing Tens of Millions of Dollars

The United States government reportedly made duplicate payments to fund projects at the Wuhan, China, laboratory — the proposed origin of the coronavirus pandemic.

Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Wuhan lab in communist-controlled China allegedly received double the funds from research grants, according to a review of records by CBS News.

Diane Cutler, a federal investigator who has investigated white-collar crimes for over 20 years, called the double billing a “potential theft of government funds.”

“What I’ve found so far is evidence that points to double billing, potential theft of government funds. It is concerning, especially since it involves dangerous pathogens and risky research,” said Cutler.

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) hired Cutler to investigate U.S. government grants going to high-risk research in China prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Her findings were then shared with the internal watchdog at USAID. Tens of millions of dollars could have potentially been stolen and sources close to the situation did not refute the report. Per the CBS News:

Cutler said she has viewed over 50,000 documents, and that the U.S. government may have made duplicate payments for possible medical supplies, equipment, travel and salaries.

A spokesperson for USAID declined to comment. A USAID inspector general spokesperson declined to comment “on the existence of a specific open investigation.” The press office for NIH did not respond to CBS News’ questions.

Sources told CBS News the investigation of possible double-billing could take at least six months to conclude.

Sen. Marshall has called for a congressional commission to investigate the grant funds that were sent to the Wuhan lab.

“I think there’s 1.1 million reasons that American taxpayers should care,” he said. “You’ll have a plane crashes. We want to find out why the plane crashes. We go to any lengths to do that. And the hope is we don’t have another plane crash for the same reason.”

Marshall also told the New York Post that “Americans deserve the truth, especially if our government had a hand in funding the creation of the coronavirus.”

“I am demanding transparency and accountability for the misuse of taxpayer funds. This probe is a step in the right direction. We must follow the money,” he said.

While the exact origins of the coronavirus pandemic have not been determined, intelligence officials now say that the lab leak theory does have merit and should not be dismissed.

In late February, FBI Director Christopher Wray indicated that the coronavirus could have originated in the Wuhan lab.

“The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” Wray told Fox News. “Here you are talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab.”

“I will just make the observation that the Chinese government, it seems to me, has been doing its best to try to thwart and obfuscate the work here, the work that we’re doing, the work that our U.S. government and close foreign partners are doing. And that’s unfortunate for everybody,” he added.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) later cited Wray’s statement during the House Select Committee’s hearing about Communist China when he asked former deputy national security adviser Matthew Pottinger if the totalitarian regime created the coronavirus as a bioweapons.

“Mr. Pottinger, less than an hour ago, the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, confirmed that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab. Do you think there is a chance that the Wuhan lab was involved in bioweapons research?” asked Banks.

Pottinger said that intelligence does show that the Chinese government and the Chinese military certainly experimented with coronavirus, stopping short of calling it a bioweapon.

“We know for certain that the Chinese military is involved in research in coronavirus,” he said. “We know that they were experimenting using U.S. technology to work on chimeric viruses. That is ones that had been engineered.”

“We know that the Chinese government and military had been involved in trying to develop vaccines for coronaviruses. I think that this is an area that there is still a great deal of information that has yet to come out that will show that there was an enormous amount of interest,” he added.


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0b991b No.24702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504399 (140627ZMAR23) Notable: One in five VLCCs ‘break bad’

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One in five VLCCs ‘break bad’

Sam Chambers March 13, 2023

TankerTrackers.com, one of the world’s foremost sources covering illicit movements of oil, has worked out that one in five VLCCs trading today are “up to no good”.

The Samir Madani-led platform tracks ships breaking sanctions against Iran, Venezuela and Russia. It has counted 174 VLCCs out of the 900-strong fleet are currently breaking rules put in place by the US and the European Union.

The enormous growth of the so-called dark fleet, combined with China’s renewed appetite for oil, has pushed spot rates for VLCCs into six-digit territory over the past week, while prices for secondhand tonnage have doubled in the year since war in Ukraine began.

TankerTrackers.com tweeted that 19.33% of the global VLCC fleet are breaking sanctions, adding: “That means there’s greater demand for the remaining amount, and demand will remain strong if more ‘break bad’ by entering the oil sanctions trade.”

For suezmaxes, TankerTrackers.com reckons 15.2% of the fleet is breaking rules, and for aframaxes it counts 11.3%.

The bullish sentiment for VLCC spot rates over the past week has spread into the period market. Brokers Braemar report a 2015 VLCC, with scrubber retrofit, has covered a four-year deal at $43,000 per day with a string of one year optional rates at the end of the fixed term at $15,000 increments. A three-year deal has been consummated in the high $40,000s on a three-year old ship, and there are other deals at around $45,000 per day for five years.

“There is faith in this market,” Braemar noted in its most recent weekly tanker report.


(VLCC = Very Large Crude Carrier)

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0b991b No.24703

File: 377d7e07fda9dae⋯.jpeg (137.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504410 (140634ZMAR23) Notable: Washington would raze the high-tech factories rather than let China capture them, a former national security chief has told Semafor

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14 Mar, 2023 00:14

Ex-US official discusses destroying Taiwan chip plants

Washington would raze the high-tech factories rather than let China capture them, a former national security chief has told Semafor

Washington is so determined to prevent China from seizing control of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry that it would destroy the chip factories in the event of an “invasion” by Beijing’s forces,former US National Security Adviser Robert O’Briensaid on Monday.

“The United States and its allies are never going to let those factories fall into Chinese hands,” O’Brien told the online media outlet Semafor. Allowing China to capture the plants would make the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) “like the new OPEC of silicon chips,” enabling it to “control the world economy,” he added.

O’Brien, who served as national security adviser under President Donald Trump from 2019 to January 2021, didn’t specify whether it was official US policy at any point to raze Taiwanese semiconductor factories to deter Beijijng. Asked whether the plants would really be “gone” in such a scenario, he said, “I can’t imagine they’d be intact.”

Taiwan’s TSMC is the world’s dominant maker of advanced computer chips, supplying around 90% of the most cutting-edge semiconductors globally. President Joe Biden’s administration has sought to block China’s efforts to become a bigger player in the chip industry, restricting exports of chips and semiconductor-making equipment. Washington considers China’s technological advancement a threat to US national security.

Chinese officials have argued that the US “weaponization and politicization” of science and technology won’t stop their country’s progress. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has predicted that such tactics will “isolate and backfire” on the US.

A US Army War College paper in 2021 argued that Taiwan should threaten to sabotage its chip plants to deter Beijing.

“Even if China got ahold of the golden hen, it won’t be able to lay golden eggs,” Chin Ming-tong, director-general of Taiwan’s National Security Bureau, said last October, suggesting that Beijing wouldn't be able to operate the factories anyway.

Beijijng considers Taiwan to be part of its sovereign territory and has vowed to peacefully reunify with the island, while reserving the right to use military force if necessary. Tensions in the region have escalated to the point that the Taiwanese Defense Ministry reportedly plans to focus its spending this year on preparing for a “total blockade” of the Taiwan Strait by Chinese forces.

(Anons what is this, comms? Robert O’Obrien saying this is odd.He’s saying this under Bidan, is Bidan not in charge?)


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0b991b No.24704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504423 (140641ZMAR23) Notable: Harvard and New College of Florida Are Divesting Themselves From Disinformation and DEI

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&ndash; Harvard and New College of Florida Are Divesting Themselves From Disinformation and DEI

redstate.com/jenniferoo/2023/03/13/harvard-and-new-college-of-florida-is-divesting-itself-from-disinformation-and-dei-n715908 &ndash;

By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | 11:00 PM on March 13, 2023

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.

The past few weeks have proven that the freedom of speech enshrined under the First Amendment is under assault by our government. Independent Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Schellenberger‘s March 9 testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government revealed just how determined Democrats in Congress are in silencing any speech that they do not agree with and any platform that chooses to disseminate said speech.

Both Taibbi and Schellenberger are progressive Democrats who voted for Joe Biden. Yet, because they hold the First Amendment and truth as a higher standard than political agendas and allegiances, they have been maligned and targeted as disinformation agents.

The latest "free speech absolutist" talking point is that "disinformation expertise doesn't exist." That's nonsense, of course. Disinfo comprises propaganda, manipulation, extremism, conspiracy theories, and political agitation. All of which are legitimate fields of study.

— Mike Rothschild (no relation) (@rothschildmd) March 10, 2023 https://twitter.com/rothschildmd

This is being further proven with the release of the J6 footage to Fox News's Tucker Carlson, and the meltdown that has ensued over information that,

1) should have been released two years ago; and,

2) further cements the government’s complicity in suppressing civil liberties.

But the news of late is signaling a change of direction at the breeding ground for these schools of thought. The dean of the esteemed Harvard University Kennedy School has decided to shutter the doors on a program that supposedly researched and documented disinformation. The Harvard Crimson seems very unhappy about it, as it reports:


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0b991b No.24705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504424 (140642ZMAR23) Notable: Harvard and New College of Florida Are Divesting Themselves From Disinformation and DEI

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Harvard Kennedy School Dean Douglas W. Elmendorf is forcing out online misinformation expert Joan M. Donovan from her role at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy and ending her research project, according to three HKS staff members with knowledge of the situation.

Interesting choice of words. I would say that Donovan was not forced out, but had simply surpassed her usefulness. After all, if you have not researched, defined, and set up parameters for tackling this so-called misinformation over the past eight years, is there any reason to keep directing more money and more research toward that goal?

I guess even Harvard feels it doesn’t have money to burn.

Donovan was told she has until summer 2024 to end the Technology and Social Change project and depart from her role at HKS, according to the staff members. Donovan, who is not a tenure-track professor, has led the project since its inception in 2019 and serves as the Shorenstein Center’s research director. Donovan has also taught at HKS as an adjunct lecturer in public policy.

In addition, Donovan was told her prominence at the school led Elmendorf to end her time at the Shorenstein Center, two HKS staff members said.

According to the Crimson, Dr. Donovan is quite popular as a “misinformation expert” on the campus, and it is her “prominence” that caused Dean Elmendorf to remove her program. Donovan has written a book about how memes are shaping democracy and harmful ideologies, and since being relieved of her director position, she does podcasts and the think tank lecture circuit to continue to discuss the damaging effects of memes and misinformation.

Listen to meeee https://t.co/cwjAsLla0h

— Joan Donovan, PhD (@BostonJoan) March 10, 2023

A spokesperson for the Kennedy School had a different take than the Crimson.

HKS spokesperson James F. Smith confirmed in an emailed statement that the project is ending.

“The Technology and Social Change project is winding down

— through an extended transition

— because it does not have intellectual and academic leadership by a full HKS faculty member, as required of all long-term research and outreach projects at HKS,” Smith wrote.

As part of the School’s decision to end the Technology and Social Change project, Donovan is not allowed to raise new funding, according to the three HKS staff members. The project is also facing a hiring freeze and spending constraints on existing funding, the staff members said.

Not allowed to fundraise?

Yeah, that’s the nail in the coffin on this one. To Donovan’s credit, she refused to comment on the matter.


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0b991b No.24706

File: e29754bd7a25abe⋯.png (355.37 KB,721x447,721:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 658cbf82745d7dc⋯.png (188.47 KB,611x424,611:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 22add77f4cb0d62⋯.png (300.36 KB,699x434,699:434,Clipboard.png)

File: f2fbb849b1e91ed⋯.png (342.53 KB,859x515,859:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504429 (140643ZMAR23) Notable: Amazing Polly - Peter Thiel. the Founder's Fund, Other Banks & SVB

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Amazing Polly notes: TENTACLES video -


Peter Thiel. the Founder's Fund, Other Banks & SVB

PT invests in high tech startups, futuristic WEC-type stuff, Great Reset

SVB is taking down some of these new ventures

What else will the CONTAGION from SVB failure cause?

There's a link to China here too….


Dawson Field on Twitter: Mar 11 2023

writes about SVB failure

5 top investors are involved in ESG shell games, it's woke capital: Vanguard, Blackrocke, State St, etc. -

Peter Thiel connection

Mar 9 2023, Founders Fund (similar to SVB):

Thiel said people might want to withdraw funds from SVB >>> bank run

[Did he cause it? did do it on purpose?]

[Rene Girard is Thiel's mentor - theory of memetics: people in competition with each other will copy each other to succeed[

[PT created a memetic moment with his announcement[


More on Thiel:

must have known that SVB has a 50 50 partnership with Pudong Development in China

He is worried about China stealing money from US….


SVB has been getting away with making crazy loans for years.

Why were they able to?

2000 may 18 article.



Jun 7 2021 on $95mil SVB loan given wo/verification…connection to Jeffrey Epstein?


Possible contagion:

Mar 10 2023: Well Fargo' had tech issue re missing deposits; created mini run

Chas Schwab shares dropped 20% about the same time

was this contagion, coincidence or something else?

page 1 of 2

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0b991b No.24707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504430 (140643ZMAR23) Notable: Harvard and New College of Florida Are Divesting Themselves From Disinformation and DEI

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Not allowed to fundraise?

Yeah, that’s the nail in the coffin on this one. To Donovan’s credit, she refused to comment on the matter.

Here’s the interesting thing. Dean Elmendorf is using an oversight and financial angle as an excuse to close this project and move it out of the Kennedy School budget. In a backward way, they are saying this push targeting average Americans under the guise of rooting out misinformation and disinformation is too hot to handle and affecting the bottom line: Harvard’s coffers and its reputation. Cowardly, but it serves its purpose. Another institution may welcome Donovan and her work, but in the meantime, she’ll no doubt continue to teach her adjunct classes and sing for her supper on the lecture/podcast circuit.

Speaking of singing, former Disinformation Czarina Nina Jankowicz was “extremely disturbed” about this news. If you recall, Jankowicz “resigned” when the Biden administration received pushback on its Disinformation Governance Board and Jankowicz’ nuttery that she pretended was credible policy. Frankly, Donovan should be pissed at Jankowicz, as it is the heat and attention brought to her and her wannabe Broadway disinformation delivery that probably made a project for “Technology and Social Change” appear a losing proposition for Harvard.

Extremely disturbed about this and the treatment of @BostonJoan.

If the government and academic institutions won’t act as a bulwark against the rapid erosion of fact-based discourse in the United States, who will? https://t.co/Q8gXg0Fep9

— Nina Jankowicz (@wiczipedia) February 3, 2023

Meanwhile in Florida, Chris Rufo has led the fight against the divisive agendas of CRT, DEI, and all the acronym mafias seeking to undermine children and the institutions where they learn with critical theory’s Marxist indoctrination. Governor Ron DeSantis appointed Rufo and several others to the board of trustees for the New College of Florida, and part of Rufo’s and his colleagues’ first duty was backing the removal of the college’s “Office of Outreach and Inclusive Excellence.” With no department from which to run a DEI program, college president Richard Corcoran fired its director. There was no song and dance or excuses about oversight and finances. DEI Director Yoleidy Rosario-Hernandez was simply given zir walking papers.

New College of Florida has fired its former DEI director, Yoleidy Rosario-Hernandez ("ze/zir"), after abolishing her department. Rosario-Hernandez lashed out at me in the Washington Post, but I wish her well and hope she uses the opportunity to develop useful skills. pic.twitter.com/qd6fdr7OyV

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 11, 2023

From the WaPo interview:


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0b991b No.24708

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504433 (140644ZMAR23) Notable: Harvard and New College of Florida Are Divesting Themselves From Disinformation and DEI

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From the WaPo interview:

Rosario-Hernandez spoke with The Washington Post about the recent termination and what it may say about the debate over college diversity efforts in Florida and across the nation. The conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Well, this promises to be fun… but not for zir, who feels ze has been discriminated against and targeted because she is a Black, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC) who also happens be transgender.

Make it make sense.

Rosario-Hernandez had this to say about Rufo:

I don’t think he even knows what diversity, equity, and inclusion are. I see it as a community. He sees it as divisiveness. … I see it as being inclusive. I see it as people of color having a seat at the table. I see it as queer people having a seat at the table. I see it as White people having a seat at the table — all of us coming to the table to make a better environment and better community because we all thrive and succeed when there are different ideas at the table. I think he has one idea, and that is white supremacy.

Rufo chose to respond to WaPo regarding Rosario-Hernandez’s inflammatory statement.

Rufo responded to Rosario-Hernandez’s statements in an email to The Post on Friday. Rufo said he had done extensive reporting on DEI and had “an in-depth understanding of how it promotes racial division, scapegoating, and discrimination.” Rosario-Hernandez’s “false and inflammatory comments to The Washington Post,” he wrote, “are further confirmation that President Corcoran made the right decision” in terminating Rosario-Hernandez’s employment. Rufo added that he hoped this “period of unemployment” would give Rosario-Hernandez “the opportunity to develop real work skills, instead of fomenting hysterical racial grievance narratives.”

Ooh. That’s gonna leave a mark.

Rosario-Hernandez says she is investigating legal channels for a potential lawsuit and that she plans to continue her work because it is important. Most have no argument about what work she or Donovan chooses to do. But using taxpayer and educational dollars to fund these programs is no longer a workable concept. Whether the elimination is done quietly as in the case of Harvard, or openly and publicly as in the case of the New College of Florida, other institutions are probably investigating ways of removing them from the halls of their institution. Rufo has laid out the evidence that these types of programs only serve to create division, and rancor, in the recent troubles in the banking industry show, that do more to platform rank incompetence, rather than encourage and advocate excellence and focused merit.


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0b991b No.24709

File: 8870c3ef17d110d⋯.png (252.56 KB,483x557,483:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 63d64c39c08bf2e⋯.png (301.21 KB,871x620,871:620,Clipboard.png)

File: f8cb6c22e499c8c⋯.png (244.03 KB,717x539,717:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dece012ab035ab⋯.png (273.37 KB,718x463,718:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504437 (140645ZMAR23) Notable: Amazing Polly - Peter Thiel. the Founder's Fund, Other Banks & SVB

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JP Morgan: must hand over CEO Dimon's records in Jeffrey Epstein lawsuit

Denise George, prosecutor from Virgin Island, had brought lawsuits 'starting a coupla years ago' against JE estate and Deutche Bank in connection with it

She was interested in role played by the banks in financing HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

other banks were on her radar

Mar 9 2023: judge ruled JP Morgan would have to turn over docs

next day, bank run happened on SVB


Why does it matter?

2020: Virgin Islands prosecutor Denise George added at least 10 banks and 30 other entities that she thought were connected with human trafficking operation

Among those involved: JPMorgan, Schwab, WellsFargo

Are those banks in trouble because of SVB contagion OR because of the JPMorgan court ruling?


Article from Mar 13 2023:

Silicon Valley Bank collapse reverberates in Israel, Gulf


Denise George got FIRED in late Dec 22 just after she filed the lawsuit against JPMorgan for helping JE finance TRAFFICKING.

They still have to turn over the docs….

Who was in the US virgin islands at the same time? JOE BIDEN

In St. Croix



and there's more – see last CAP on Schwab and TD Bank & Epstein ponzi scheme.

She'll do another video.

Page 2 of 2

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0b991b No.24710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504620 (140736ZMAR23) Notable: #22692

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Notables - FINAL


>>24694 Why lecanemab’s success spells the revival of small-molecule Alzheimer’s disease treatments

>>24695 UK Prime Minister Visits US To Unveil Australian Nuclear-Sub Plan With Biden

>>24696 Ericsson to pay $200m fine for breaching US deal over Iraq graft

>>24697 Jesuits of Canada releases list of 27 members ‘credibly’ accused of child sex abuse

>>24698 Danish Police Investigating Yacht Linked to Nord Stream Blasts


>>24700 Former Malaysian PM Muhyiddin Yassin charged with another count of money laundering

>>24701 Report: U.S. Govt. Made Duplicate Payments to Wuhan Lab in China, Potentially Losing Tens of Millions of Dollars

>>24702 One in five VLCCs ‘break bad’

>>24703 Washington would raze the high-tech factories rather than let China capture them, a former national security chief has told Semafor

>>24704, >>24705, >>24707, >>24708 Harvard and New College of Florida Are Divesting Themselves From Disinformation and DEI

>>24706, >>24709 Amazing Polly - Peter Thiel. the Founder's Fund, Other Banks & SVB


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0b991b No.24711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504628 (140737ZMAR23) Notable: #22693

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0b991b No.24712

File: 08ca91256d852ac⋯.png (256.79 KB,636x396,53:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504706 (140758ZMAR23) Notable: Biden's $4 TRILLION COVID stimulus package helped create a tech investment bubble

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Biden's $4TRILLION COVID stimulus package helped create a tech investment bubble – that was punctured by interest rate rises, leaving banks with multibillion dollar shortfalls (but CEO of SVB sold $4M in shares BEFORE the crash)


Q 4962

Who are the Silent Thieves?

Why are they manipulating you?

How are they stealing your wealth?






What is inflation?

Monetary manipulation.

Taxation without representation.




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0b991b No.24713

File: 69c1a225e34e18d⋯.png (891.3 KB,1171x1032,1171:1032,Clipboard.png)

File: e5fd2cd56c7c642⋯.png (3.77 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.png)

File: fa8221fd8ad2d4e⋯.png (766.47 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: d24824bf6f864e2⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504727 (140802ZMAR23) Notable: Biden accidentally reveals Jimmy Carter asked him to deliver his eulogy

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Biden accidentally reveals Jimmy Carter asked him to deliver his eulogy

March 14, 2023

President Biden revealed on Monday that former President Jimmy Carter has asked him to deliver his eulogy when he dies, before recognizing that he “shouldn’t say that.”

Biden, 80, made the apparent gaffe during a Democratic Party fundraiser in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. while speaking about the health of Carter, who entered hospice care on Feb. 19.

“I spent time with Jimmy Carter and it’s finally caught up with him, but they found a way to keep him going for a lot longer than they anticipated because they found a breakthrough,” Biden told the audience of some 40 guests, according to the Hill.

“He asked me to do his eulogy,” Biden said, before catching himself and adding, “Excuse me, I shouldn’t say that.”

Biden’s comments on the 98-year-old former president’s condition came near the end of his speech, as he heralded his cancer moonshot initiative and called for more funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health – which supports the development of high-impact research that may not be commercially viable.

In August 2015, Carter, who served as the 39th president of the US from 1977 to 1981, underwent surgery to remove a mass from his liver. Later that month, he held a news conference to disclose that doctors had found melanoma, “four very small spots,” on his brain.

After several months of treatment, Carter’s doctors said that he was officially cancer-free.

Last month, the Carter Center announced that after a “series of short hospital stays,” the longest-living US president decided against “additional medical intervention” and is receiving in-home hospice care in Plains, Ga.

The center said Carter has “the full support of his family and his medical team.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre noted earlier this month that Biden and Carter have “known each other since 1976,” when Biden became the first elected official outside of the Peach State to endorse Carter for president.

The former commander-in-chief and former first lady Rosalynn Carter endorsed Biden in pre-recorded remarks at the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

“Joe Biden must be our next president,” Jimmy Carter said, adding that Biden is “the right person for this moment in our nation’s history.”

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2023/03/14/biden-accidentally-reveals-jimmy-carter-asked-him-to-deliver-his-eulogy/

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0b991b No.24714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504781 (140832ZMAR23) Notable: Redpill material given current phase of our economy

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I find this to be the simplest explanations for newcomers to understand money and what governments do to destroy it.

Great Redpill material given current phase of our economy. (hope this embeds)

And may I suggest NOTABLE

What Has Government Done to Our Money?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLALopHfWkFlGvgxFXosWmjzSGw95IFa1t" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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0b991b No.24715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504817 (140845ZMAR23) Notable: Redpill material given current phase of our economy

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><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLALopHfWkFlGvgxFXosWmjzSGw95IFa1t" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>


>How do I embed on here?

First of all, learn how to get a clean link.

It should look something like:


&larr; Post it here

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0b991b No.24716

File: 4f6230adf1ff1ed⋯.png (436.48 KB,610x671,10:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504862 (140901ZMAR23) Notable: Robert Kennedy Jr tells Jimmy Dore that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002, and in 2014, three viruses escaped from US labs, so he moved his bioweapons research to the Wuhan lab

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See new Tweets







tells @jimmy_dore

that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002, and in 2014, three viruses escaped from US labs, so he moved his bioweapons research to the Wuhan lab:

"They took the money that Cheney gave them… Show more

Elon Musk


Replying to





Accurate @CommunityNotes


4:41 PM · Mar 13, 2023




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0b991b No.24717

File: 809d78114b73b59⋯.png (625.89 KB,577x678,577:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504866 (140906ZMAR23) Notable: Kari Lake @TS: Why is the Democrat answer to everything always stripping away our rights?

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Kari Lake for AZ Governor




Let me get this straight:

The globalist elites in the banking industry dove head first off the fiscal cliff & Mark Kelly’s solution was to censor people from talking about it?

Why is the Democrat answer to everything always stripping away our rights?

Mar 13, 2023, 3:21 PM

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0b991b No.24718

File: 8e6e331a86dbb04⋯.png (113.6 KB,679x876,679:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504928 (140937ZMAR23) Notable: The Looming Reckoning for COVID Tyrants

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The Looming Reckoning for COVID Tyrants

American Thinker, by William Sullivan

Original Article

Posted By: Magnante, 3/14/2023 5:16:57 AM

Many of the tyrants who promoted the COVID madness have been begging for amnesty for some time, and we should only expect that their numbers will grow as more evidence surfaces. But we should make no mistake &ndash; there needs to be a reckoning in the West when it comes to COVID. I used to wonder as a child how extreme fanaticism, such as Nazism, could gain footing among any educated population. I am now convinced that the internationally coordinated propaganda campaign around COVID that we all recently witnessed for nearly three years makes the Nazis look like amateurs.

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0b991b No.24719

File: dc6960d899b0015⋯.png (166.24 KB,577x382,577:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504943 (140943ZMAR23) Notable: Lara Logan @TS: They should start arresting people beginning with the executives of the SVB

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Lara Logan




They should start arresting people beginning with the executives of the SVB! finance.yahoo.com/news/regulat

Regulators seize Signature Bank in third-largest US bank failure

Signature Bank becomes the second regional bank to failure in two days as regulators seek to restore calm to the banking world before markets open.


Mar 13, 2023, 6:33 AM

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0b991b No.24720

File: 3f694c32519d34f⋯.png (23.79 KB,609x308,87:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504961 (140950ZMAR23) Notable: Potatus: …the biggest threat to our recovery is House Republicans' reckless talk on default

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President Biden


United States government official

We’ve come a long way in two years.

And now, the biggest threat to our recovery is House Republicans' reckless talk on default.

We should be building on our progress – not going backward by defaulting on our debt.

11:30 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24721

File: d3f71c18e8fe245⋯.png (995.47 KB,1321x690,1321:690,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504969 (140953ZMAR23) Notable: 'F*cking angry' Marxist teacher calls for urgent war against capitalism: 'Revolutions involve violence'

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'F*cking angry' Marxist teacher calls

for urgent war against capitalism: 'Revolutions

involve violence'

Fox News, by Hannah Grossman

Original Article

Posted By: Moritz55, 3/13/2023 9:50:54 PM

A Maryland teacher, who described herself as "proud as f*ck to be liberal" and bragged about "indoctrinating" her students, called for an urgent fight against capitalism while adding, "Revolutions involve violence." The teacher, Rebeca F. Rothstein, works at North Bethesda Middle School in the Montgomery County School District and believes educators should use their classrooms to turn kids into anti-racist activists. She was an avid TikTok poster until Fox News Digital reached out about her comment on violent revolutions; her account was no longer active as of Monday.

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0b991b No.24722

File: c7194de3c5592db⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,859x2074,859:2074,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a2a499ec33fe8fc⋯.jpeg (946.44 KB,847x1206,847:1206,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f5f7e069d207916⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,859x2058,859:2058,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fcbd8023ee84234⋯.jpeg (184.18 KB,927x1134,103:126,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 73e15dea2f953eb⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,869x1887,869:1887,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504974 (140955ZMAR23) Notable: RobertKennedyJr: "Fauci funded the study that taught the Chinese military scientists, everything in China is dual-use, that lab is a military lab, and he taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons…

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Twitter Thread -


.@RobertKennedyJr tells @jimmy_dore the CIA, DOD, and Tony Fauci taught Chinese military scientists how to build weapons of mass destruction. Then Bill Gates, a former CIA director, and China's CDC director collaborated on how to censor a lab leak at Event 201 in Oct. 2019:

"Fauci funded the study that taught the Chinese military scientists, everything in China is dual-use, that lab is a military lab, and he taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons of mass destruction. In other words, the study for how to create the clones and how to create a spike protein that could attach to a human lung and transplant it onto a coronavirus.

He also funded through Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina a technique called seamless ligation which is a technique for hiding human tampering on that virus after you've done it. Fauci gave Baric $212 million, and Baric developed a technique for hiding the human tampering; Baric taught that to Shi Zhengli, the Chinese bat lady.

Fauci says we were doing this for vaccine development and countermeasures, but there is no justification in the world for funding somebody to create seamless ligation; in fact, it is the inverse of what you would do if your interest was public health. If your interest was bioweapons creation, and he was the czar of bioweapons since 2002, that's what you would do.

USAID gave ten times what Fauci gave. The DOD was there. Why were they in there teaching Chinese scientists how to build weapons of mass destruction? USAID is a CIA front group. Eco-health Alliance is a CIA front group. The CIA modeled this outbreak in 2019 twice, the second time at Event 201.

Who was at Event 201? Avril Haines co-hosted it with Bill Gates, and the head of the Chinese CDC, George Gao, was there. The virus was already circulating in Wuhan, nobody knew it, but George Gao had to know it; he was the head of the Chinese CDC and their number one expert on coronaviruses.

He comes to New York in October of 2019 and sits downs with Avril Haines, the former director of the CIA, today the Director of National Intelligence, the top spy in the country, and they do a four-part simulation, and the fourth part is George Gao and Avril Haines talking about how do we get social media to censor people if they say this is from a lab leak."

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0b991b No.24723

File: d94f93111db458a⋯.png (98.24 KB,609x435,7:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 3eaef6215d7d8bc⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,802x360,401:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504975 (140955ZMAR23) Notable: Dan Scavino Jr w/CAP: 45🛬Palm Beach International…

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12:23 = 17

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


45🛬Palm Beach International…

12:23 AM · Mar 14, 2023

from Palm Beach International Airport (PBI)·


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0b991b No.24724

File: 3c488c29e0483e8⋯.mp4 (5.67 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504976 (140955ZMAR23) Notable: RobertKennedyJr: "Fauci funded the study that taught the Chinese military scientists, everything in China is dual-use, that lab is a military lab, and he taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons…

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0b991b No.24725

File: e48a263590a7895⋯.png (162.48 KB,426x486,71:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504988 (141000ZMAR23) Notable: SidneyPowell w/CAP: While Announcing Massive Georgia MAGA GOP Convention Win, CDM Experiences Cyber Attack Destroying Computers

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While Announcing Massive Georgia MAGA GOP Convention Win, CDM Experiences Cyber Attack Destroying Computers


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0b991b No.24726

File: 0e1539fa242191e⋯.png (314.72 KB,598x680,299:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 82e3b282ab6ff58⋯.png (412.28 KB,942x799,942:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 271b72e3aac4645⋯.png (426.3 KB,1007x768,1007:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 32a0e676d2c1836⋯.jpg (121.16 KB,1080x1225,216:245,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d097a7c6bff38d⋯.mp4 (5.43 MB,622x348,311:174,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18504994 (141004ZMAR23) Notable: What's really behind the SVB crash n burn and bailout

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Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jxSDqdA2MUB7/

Summary video I made. She does ask some good questions.. Also added botus Trip to pedo land flashback

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0b991b No.24727

File: b2ad1699b5935a5⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505000 (141006ZMAR23) Notable: RobertKennedyJr: "Fauci funded the study that taught the Chinese military scientists, everything in China is dual-use, that lab is a military lab, and he taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons…

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.@RobertKennedyJr tells @jimmy_dore that Bill Gates funds the WHO and supports the Global Virome Project, which collects and weaponizes dangerous viruses in 150 bio labs worldwide, and Joe Biden is granting the Gates-controlled WHO unrestricted power to declare pandemics:

"They've got all of these bio labs now, and Gates and others are involved with this project called the Global Virome Project, where they are trying to collect samples of every virus in the world that can be weaponized. Peter Daszak and USAID were part of it…

And then they are all working in 150 bio labs around the world, forty in Ukraine, in China, all over Africa, they are working on Marburg, Ebola, Zika, Monkey Pox, Polio, all of these different viruses that they are trying to weaponize. And now Biden is giving the WHO power to declare a pandemic emergency with no criteria anytime they want.

So if they wanted to, they can release these viruses; they don't even need to release them, just declare emergencies, and once they declare the emergency, they can force everybody to get all these new vaccines that he is talking about for all the new viruses they are rolling out."


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0b991b No.24728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505001 (141006ZMAR23) Notable: What's really behind the SVB crash n burn and bailout

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Welp, Epstein was doing Bio Agents too. (with the same diplomatic immunity backchannels)

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0b991b No.24729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505004 (141007ZMAR23) Notable: What's really behind the SVB crash n burn and bailout

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The B in SVB is for BIO AGENT startups.

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0b991b No.24730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505026 (141019ZMAR23) Notable: What's really behind the SVB crash n burn and bailout

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~Good evening. This is your Captain

We are about to attempt a crash landing

Please extinguish all cigarettes

Place your tray tables in their

Upright, locked position

Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees

Your Captain says: Put your head in your hands

Captain says: Put your hands on your head

Put your hands on your hips. Heh, heh

This is your Captain – and we are going down

We are all going down, together

And I said: Uh oh. This is gonna be some day

Standby. This is the time

And this is the record of the time

This is the time. And this is the record of the time

Uh – this is your Captain again

You know, I've got a funny feeling I've seen this all before

Why? Cause, I'm a caveman

Why? Cause, I've got eyes in the back of my head

Why? It's the heat. Standby

This is the time. And this is the record of the time

This is the time. And this is the record of the time

Put your hands over your eyes. Jump out of the plane

There is no pilot. You are not alone. Standby

This is the time. And this is the record of the time

This is the time. And this is the record of the time~

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0b991b No.24731

File: 650f47c10515224⋯.png (301.46 KB,609x596,609:596,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a66d74efe305ea⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505034 (141024ZMAR23) Notable: Newly released video footage captured by body-worn police cameras has shown a new perspective of the clearing of the Senate chamber from January 6th.

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D. Scott @eclipsethis2003


Newly released video footage captured by body-worn police cameras has shown a new perspective of the clearing of the Senate chamber from January 6th.

The footage was presented as evidence during Jacob Chansley’s sentencing and was finally made public today.

6:51 PM · Mar 13, 2023


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0b991b No.24732

File: c497316dcee8880⋯.png (16.75 KB,609x187,609:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505040 (141026ZMAR23) Notable: Newly released video footage captured by body-worn police cameras has shown a new perspective of the clearing of the Senate chamber from January 6th.

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Donald J. Trump


Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

2:38 PM · Jan 6, 2021


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0b991b No.24733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505042 (141027ZMAR23) Notable: RobertKennedyJr: "Fauci funded the study that taught the Chinese military scientists, everything in China is dual-use, that lab is a military lab, and he taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons…

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Manufactured viruses. Poison vaxxes. Food shortages. Chemical Spills. Manipulated weather events. Creating wars. Collapsing economies. How many ways can the NWO eliminate people?

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0b991b No.24734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505049 (141030ZMAR23) Notable: Newly released video footage captured by body-worn police cameras has shown a new perspective of the clearing of the Senate chamber from January 6th.

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At :51

"We need pushed out" - Protester

"Alright we'll push em out" -Capitol Police

Planned Movie.

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0b991b No.24735

File: ff573a017807708⋯.png (221.66 KB,409x214,409:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505076 (141042ZMAR23) Notable: Fox's Tucker Carlson in airing surveillance video of J6's 'QAnon Shaman' omitted key parts

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Justice: Fox's Tucker Carlson in airing surveillance video of J6's 'QAnon Shaman' omitted key parts

Prosecutors said the four minutes of footage played by Carlson was disclosed to Pezzola and Chansley by September 2021.

Justice Department prosecutors say Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson omitted key footage of rioter "QAnon Shaman" during the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot when opinion show host aired parts of the incident last week.

"The televised footage lacks the context of what occurred before and after the footage," the prosecutors wrote in a court filing Sunday in response to a motion to dismiss charges based on the footage aired by Carlson.

The filing was in response to a dismissal motion from Proud Boy leader Dominic Pezzola after he asserted that the government withheld some footage of QAnon Shaman, the fur-hatted, spear-carry protester whose name is Jacob Chansley.

Prosecutors said the four minutes of footage played by Carlson was disclosed to Pezzola and Chansley by September 2021, except for about 10 seconds that was produced in January over safety concerns.

Chansley was sentenced in November to 41 months in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 riot, while Pezzola is currently on trial for his actions that day.


Just The News


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0b991b No.24736

File: 0582ba40781188a⋯.png (571.16 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505082 (141044ZMAR23) Notable: What's really behind the SVB crash n burn and bailout

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Silicon Valley Bank closed by regulators.

2nd largest bank failure in US history.

CEO was on the board of the San Fran Federal Reserve Bank now fired.

Funded the #SiliconValleyOligarchs

Major player in venture funding & ESG shell games.



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0b991b No.24737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505086 (141045ZMAR23) Notable: Fox's Tucker Carlson in airing surveillance video of J6's 'QAnon Shaman' omitted key parts

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Jan. 6 defense attorney moves to dismiss case amid allegations FBI altered evidence

"…[T]he FBI is explicitly making a mockery of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment restrictions in order to wrongly convict the defendants," Roots writes.

defense attorney representing an alleged participant in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot demanded on Sunday that the court either dismiss his client's case or appoint a special master to review evidence following allegations that the FBI tampered with materials, which emerged when cross-examining a bureau witness.

Lawyer Roger Roots is representing Dominic Pezzola and has moved for the court to not merely dismiss the case, but to pause all Jan. 6 prosecutions pending evidentiary hearings, the Epoch Times reported.

Fueling Roots' request is an exchange from the testimony of FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller. Attorney Nick Smith, who represents Pezzola co-defendant Ethan Nordean, revealed classified FBI emails that included an order to Miller that she remove an FBI agent from the informant report and destroy 338 pieces of evidence outright.

"The unceremonious and uninhibited nature of Miller’s discussion of committing these serious crimes suggests an FBI culture of corruption and lawlessness that must be immediately stopped, and fully investigated," reads a Sunday filing from Roots.


Dominic Pezzola filing

While the Department of Justice has contended that Miller's messages are "classified," the filing asserts that, should that be the case, Miller and her associates would be guilty of mishandling classified materials, citing their use of personal email accounts.

The DOJ further asserts that much of the evidence in question was unrelated to the case at hand, the Times noted. Pezzola's defense, however, insists the revelations render the trial null.

"Were this trial to go forward it would be a due process violation," Roots argues. "Given that there is evidence the government carefully crafted its prosecution around defense strategy communications unlawfully, intentionally, systematically and deliberately gained from attorney/client privileged communications, no new jury or new trial could cure the violations."

"…[T]he FBI is explicitly making a mockery of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment restrictions in order to wrongly convict the defendants," Roots writes.

Should the judge decline to dismiss the case, however, Roots asserted that defense attorneys have the right to cross-examine Miller regarding these alleged crimes, at the bare minimum. The attorney, however, argues for much more.

"All January 6 prosecutions should be paused for evidentiary hearings and investigations by a Special Master and Special Counsel," he declares in the filing. He further seeks the release of Pezzola from custody.


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0b991b No.24738

File: 613b07a65287395⋯.png (400.73 KB,747x653,747:653,Clipboard.png)

File: e9f867fb2a26573⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB,666x360,37:20,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e0faeabff73dcae⋯.jpg (183.14 KB,1170x1169,1170:1169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b2f3cbbe1819576⋯.jpeg (113.99 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3c290e8269ce17d⋯.jpg (852.04 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505099 (141048ZMAR23) Notable: What's really behind the SVB crash n burn and bailout

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The SVB bail out may be a distraction from this other big bank story. It’s great to see the Virgin Island file a lawsuit against JP Morgan and the bank for aiding Jeffrey Epstein with his sex trafficking ring.

Link: https://twitter.com/TheThe1776/status/1635156273586130944?s=20

Possible connection. just found this clip from watching AndWeKnow. I pray the trafficking funds are drying up and thats the reason. IDK

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0b991b No.24739

File: 223a5a33682a9ed⋯.png (548.41 KB,848x478,424:239,Clipboard.png)

File: d4fed2f95cd259e⋯.png (565.69 KB,570x556,285:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505106 (141050ZMAR23) Notable: What's really behind the SVB crash n burn and bailout

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0b991b No.24740

File: 9bb227ec21395f7⋯.png (123.39 KB,598x755,598:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505216 (141132ZMAR23) Notable: Plandemic3Movie about Bill Gates. An 18 minute video.

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Replying to




It really is. We have gone from being completely banned for imaginary "Covid misinformation" to Twitter allowing amazing videos like this from @Plandemic3Movie

about Bill Gates. An 18 minute video even.

I really am grateful for all @elonmusk

and his team have done over here.


Never forget that the vast majority of humans are good. Also never forget that the bad ones always disguise themselves as compassionate saviors. They often launder their crimes behind the veil of benevolently branded charities and organizations. One of the architects of this deceitful racket is Mr. Bill Gates, whose own wife left him after learning the dark details of his ties with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Together we can expose and stop greedy monopolists like Mr. Gates. Please watch and share the Real Bill far and wide!


-Mikki Willis

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0b991b No.24741

File: 644b79892fc7ed7⋯.jpeg (140.58 KB,634x393,634:393,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 027fae9999ca767⋯.jpeg (88.71 KB,634x381,634:381,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 345e6adc0ff37b5⋯.jpeg (53.32 KB,634x409,634:409,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fcb09196e916d6f⋯.jpeg (94.68 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 75d6d366b21f894⋯.jpeg (787.35 KB,1405x1384,1405:1384,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505294 (141201ZMAR23) Notable: Wall Street expert foretold the Lehman collapse in 2008 predicts Credit Suisse to be next major bank failure. CS shares fall to all-time low -announces it has found 'material weakness'

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Wall Street expert who foretold the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008 predicts Credit Suisse to be next major bank failure and warns of 'serious trouble' for U.S. bond market after SVB collapse

Robert Kiyosaki - author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, infamously called 2008 crisis

Credit Suisse insists it is conservatively positioned against interest rate risks


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0b991b No.24742

File: 7bcb5ece61ed0c9⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1519x1640,1519:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f008201a50bd757⋯.jpeg (147 KB,634x411,634:411,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e3c853a6d4a937f⋯.jpeg (58.35 KB,634x467,634:467,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b8be9289160f3c4⋯.jpeg (68.55 KB,634x358,317:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505302 (141205ZMAR23) Notable: Wall Street expert foretold the Lehman collapse in 2008 predicts Credit Suisse to be next major bank failure. CS shares fall to all-time low -announces it has found 'material weakness'

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Credit Suisse shares fall to all-time low as bank announces it has found 'material weakness' - just hours after Wall Street expert predicted that it would be the next to fall after SVB

Robert Kiyosaki - author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, infamously called the 2008 Lehman Brothers' collapse, which deepened the financial crisis of the time

The bank's CEO Ulrich Koerner tried to quell doubts, saying their Silicon Valley Bank 'credit exposure is not material'


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0b991b No.24743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505305 (141207ZMAR23) Notable: Wall Street expert foretold the Lehman collapse in 2008 predicts Credit Suisse to be next major bank failure. CS shares fall to all-time low -announces it has found 'material weakness'

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The embattled Swiss lender published its annual report, which was scheduled for publication last Thursday, but ultimately delayed by a call from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Following the completion of discussions with the U.S. regulator, Credit Suisse confirmed its 2022 results announced on Feb. 9, which showed a full-year net loss of 7.3 billion Swiss francs ($8 billion).

The bank's shares fell a further 5% to a new all-time low during early trade in Europe on Tuesday.


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0b991b No.24744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505402 (141247ZMAR23) Notable: #22693

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final bun for #22693

hold em till the top

#22693 >>24711

>>24712 Biden's $4 TRILLION COVID stimulus package helped create a tech investment bubble

>>24713 Biden accidentally reveals Jimmy Carter asked him to deliver his eulogy

>>24714, >>24715 Redpill material given current phase of our economy

>>24716 Robert Kennedy Jr tells Jimmy Dore that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002, and in 2014, three viruses escaped from US labs, so he moved his bioweapons research to the Wuhan lab

>>24717 Kari Lake @TS: Why is the Democrat answer to everything always stripping away our rights?

>>24718 The Looming Reckoning for COVID Tyrants

>>24719 Lara Logan @TS: They should start arresting people beginning with the executives of the SVB

>>24720 Potatus: …the biggest threat to our recovery is House Republicans' reckless talk on default

Baker Change

>>24721 'F*cking angry' Marxist teacher calls for urgent war against capitalism: 'Revolutions involve violence'

>>24722, >>24724, >>24727, >>24733 RobertKennedyJr: "Fauci funded the study that taught the Chinese military scientists, everything in China is dual-use, that lab is a military lab, and he taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons…

>>24723 Dan Scavino Jr w/CAP: 45🛬Palm Beach International…

>>24725 SidneyPowell w/CAP: While Announcing Massive Georgia MAGA GOP Convention Win, CDM Experiences Cyber Attack Destroying Computers

>>24731, >>24732, >>24734 Newly released video footage captured by body-worn police cameras has shown a new perspective of the clearing of the Senate chamber from January 6th.

>>24735, >>24737 Fox's Tucker Carlson in airing surveillance video of J6's 'QAnon Shaman' omitted key parts

>>24726, >>24728, >>24729, >>24730, >>24736, >>24738, >>24739 What's really behind the SVB crash n burn and bailout

>>24740 Plandemic3Movie about Bill Gates. An 18 minute video.

>>24741, >>24742, >>24743 Wall Street expert foretold the Lehman collapse in 2008 predicts Credit Suisse to be next major bank failure. CS shares fall to all-time low -announces it has found 'material weakness'

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0b991b No.24745

File: 2c51fa42e740e10⋯.jpg (724.44 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505427 (141256ZMAR23) Notable: #22694

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Baker can continue or defer. lemme know

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0b991b No.24746

File: efc107c7717dd9a⋯.png (19.48 KB,469x313,469:313,Clipboard.png)

File: f84d9504b3ee9f3⋯.png (220.32 KB,475x447,475:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505533 (141331ZMAR23) Notable: Coinbase Officially Suspends Binance USD Stablecoin Trading

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Coinbase Officially Suspends Binance USD Stablecoin Trading





Replying to


holy shit,

Binance are next i think.

Binance hold ~50B usd of their own token… but only hold a total of maybe ~15B worth of $Eth and $Btc.

What happens if #eth and #btc crash?

What is Binance backed against?

Can BNB survive?

Find out on the next eposode..

#bullmarket rly?

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0b991b No.24747

File: 41de1a72b38b038⋯.jpg (156.59 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505599 (141346ZMAR23) Notable: Current nasdaq trading halts: banks, bios, and acquisitions

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Current Trading Halts

Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505675 (141403ZMAR23) Notable: Former US Rep. Pat Schroeder, an outspoken feminist icon over her two decades in Congress, died Monday night. She was 82.

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Former US Rep. Pat Schroeder, a trailblazer for women’s rights, dead at 82

Former US Rep. Pat Schroeder, an outspoken feminist icon over her two decades in Congress, died Monday night. She was 82.

Schroeder, who recently suffered a stroke, died at a Florida hospital, her former press secretary said.


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0b991b No.24749

File: 3921fd73dce69c9⋯.png (493.38 KB,1696x1240,212:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505706 (141413ZMAR23) Notable: 'Counterportation': Quantum breakthrough paves way for world-first experimental wormhole

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'Counterportation': Quantum breakthrough paves way for world-first experimental wormhole

One of the first practical applications of the much-hyped but little-used quantum computing technology is now within reach, thanks to a unique approach that sidesteps the major problem of scaling up such prototypes.

The invention, by a University of Bristol physicist, who gave it the name "counterportation," provides the first-ever practical blueprint for creating in the lab a wormhole that verifiably bridges space, as a probe into the inner workings of the universe.

The need for detectable information carriers traveling through when we communicate has been a deeply ingrained assumption among scientists, for instance a stream of photons crossing an optical fiber, or through the air, allowing people to read this text. Or, indeed, the myriad neural signals bouncing around the brain when doing so.

This holds true even for quantum teleportation, which, "Star Trek" aside, transfers complete information about a small object, allowing it to be reconstituted elsewhere, so it is indistinguishable in any meaningful way from the original, which disintegrates. The latter ensures a fundamental limit preventing perfect copying. Notably, the recent simulation of a wormhole on Google's Sycamore processor is essentially a teleportation experiment.

Hatim said, "Here's the sharp distinction. While counterportation achieves the end goal of teleportation, namely disembodied transport, it remarkably does so without any detectable information carriers traveling across."

Wormholes were popularized by the mega-hit movie "Interstellar," which included physicist and Nobel laureate Kip Thorne among its crew. But they first came to light about a century ago as quirky solutions to Einstein's gravity equation, as shortcuts in the fabric of spacetime. The defining task of a traversable wormhole, however, can be neatly abstracted as making space traversable disjunctly; in other words, in the absence of any journey across observable space outside the wormhole.

The pioneering research, fittingly completed to the spine-tingling "Interstellar" score, sets out a way to carry this task out.

"If counterportation is to be realized, an entirely new type of quantum computer has to be built: an exchange-free one, where communicating parties exchange no particles," Hatim said.

"By contrast to large-scale quantum computers that promise remarkable speed-ups, which no one yet knows how to build, the promise of exchange-free quantum computers of even the smallest scale is to make seemingly impossible tasks—such as counterportation—possible, by incorporating space in a fundamental way alongside time."

Plans are now in progress, in collaboration with leading U.K. quantum experts in Bristol, Oxford and York, to physically build this otherworldly-sounding wormhole in the lab.


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0b991b No.24750

File: b7669f43833da84⋯.png (21.86 KB,598x269,598:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505719 (141417ZMAR23) Notable: BREAKING: Environmental Protection Agency proposes first federal limits on harmful 'forever chemicals' in drinking water.

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BREAKING: Environmental Protection Agency proposes first federal limits on harmful 'forever chemicals' in drinking water. - AP


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0b991b No.24751

File: 24c812acee4bf35⋯.png (357.8 KB,606x595,606:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505747 (141423ZMAR23) Notable: Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

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Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash


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0b991b No.24752

File: 55a9c1d82f8f91a⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x705,72:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505755 (141424ZMAR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day. stars are forming in the Soul of the Queen of Aethopia. More specifically, a large star forming region called the Soul Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Mar 14 2023

W5: The Soul Nebula

Stars are forming in the Soul of the Queen of Aethopia. More specifically, a large star forming region called the Soul Nebula can be found in the direction of the constellation Cassiopeia, whom Greek mythology credits as the vain wife of a King who long ago ruled lands surrounding the upper Nile river. Also known as Westerhout 5 (W5), the Soul Nebula houses several open clusters of stars, ridges and pillars darkened by cosmic dust, and huge evacuated bubbles formed by the winds of young massive stars. Located about 6,500 light years away, the Soul Nebula spans about 100 light years and is usually imaged next to its celestial neighbor the Heart Nebula (IC 1805). The featured image is a composite of exposures made in different colors: red as emitted by hydrogen gas, yellow as emitted by sulfur, and blue as emitted by oxygen.


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0b991b No.24753

File: 3c1deab41af1a44⋯.png (17.24 KB,609x182,87:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505779 (141430ZMAR23) Notable: Chuck Grassley w/CAP: Iowa banks & their customers should NOT have to pay $$ because of bad decisions by CA & NY banks!!

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Chuck Grassley


Iowa banks & their customers should NOT have to pay $$ because of bad decisions by CA & NY banks!!

8:33 AM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24754

File: bd563cc306408c3⋯.png (99.38 KB,666x553,666:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505818 (141440ZMAR23) Notable: Raiders of the lost narc: Police board abandoned narco submarine 'ghost ship' found off Spain - a day after drug criminals' with corpses on board was discovered off Colombia

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Raiders of the lost narc: Police board abandoned narco submarine 'ghost ship' found off Spain - a day after drug criminals' underwater vessel with corpses on board was discovered off Colombia

Police have boarded an abandoned narco submarine 'ghost ship' found off Spain's coast - a day after another underwater vessel was discovered with corpses on board off the coast of Colombia.

The 50ft semi-submersible was spotted sinking in Vilagarcia de Arousa, off the coast of Spain's northern Pontevedra province in the Galicia region, on Monday.

Footage shows only the bow of the craft emerging from the waves and authorities inspecting the vessel, which was in an almost vertical position.

It is unclear if there are still narcotics on board or if it was sunk deliberately after cargo was unloaded.

The Civil Guard said: 'Our colleagues at the GEAS (Special Group of Underwater Activities) are trying to retrieve it.'

Spanish media reported that the authorities were having trouble opening the hatch to the vessel and were working on bringing the sub to the surface despite choppy waters and poor weather conditions.

Underwater images filmed by divers also show the narco sub below the surface.

In footage taken from a helicopter, boats from the authorities can be seen swarming around the submarine.

In a statement, the Galician local government said: 'The sub-delegate of the government in Pontevedra, Maica Larriba, flew this morning to the area where the submarine was located, in Vilaxoan, in the Arousa Ria area.

'It is also following the operations conducted in the port by the Spanish Civil Guard and the National Police. Work by the Maritime Safety and Rescue Society is also ongoing in the area.'

This narc submarine find comes just days after the Colombian Navy seized a 49ft-long submarine with more than 2.6 tons of cocaine and two dead bodies on board in the Pacific Ocean on Sunday.

When searching it, authorities also found two survivors who were given life-saving medical attention on a nearby ship.

Video footage has captured the moment that officers unload the submarine, laying out a substantial amount of cocaine they had seized.

Colombian authorities trying to unravel the mystery believe that the two crew who died may have been killed by toxic gas inhalation.

Spanish media are reporting that the submarine was one of three seized by Colombian officials - with all alleged to have belonged to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).


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0b991b No.24755

File: f3d97966e9a7cdc⋯.png (22.46 KB,529x196,529:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505866 (141452ZMAR23) Notable: The Treasury Department is giving the House Oversight Committee access to suspicious activity reports related to Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s foreign business deals.

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Rep. Jim Jordan


#BREAKING: The Treasury Department is giving the House Oversight Committee access to suspicious activity reports related to Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s foreign business deals.

9:50 AM · Mar 14, 2023



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0b991b No.24756

File: cbd44cbd9d36e3d⋯.png (534.79 KB,1169x632,1169:632,Clipboard.png)

File: 780e9413634e70e⋯.png (510.32 KB,386x688,193:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505879 (141456ZMAR23) Notable: Planefag with eyez on the skyz

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PlaneFag Europe/Med/Gulf Activity:

Canadian AF CFC2916 C-130j Hercules arriving at Rzsesow Airport from Beja AB Spain depart with French AF CTM2012 A400m left heading wesst after a load out-left Orleans-Brciy AB stopped at Chateauroux AB for p/u then to Rzsesow

Saudi AF HZSHA G4 NW from Riyadh with RAF OMEN02 C4 Hercules arriving at Amman, Jordan from Gibraltar Airport (the one that haz a tran go right through the runway so ops stop while that habbens-vids on that you can see)

Swedish AF SVF631 G5 and most likelyFM Tobias Billströmdeparted Brussels back to Stockholm

meanwhile the PM sez this with a NATO flub at his side

Likelihood Finland joins NATO before Sweden has increased, Swedish PM says


Italian AF IAM1496 G5 heading across the Atlantic from Rome-Mario di Bernardi AB (south of Rome)

German AF GAF307 A400m south from Marseille crossing Med and Belgina AF BAF655 A400m left Cotonou, Benin after an overnight

and finally Russian AF 71539 Anotnov AN-148 back to Chkalovsky AB from Rostov-on-Don or mebby Krasnodar but could have had a shorter stop in Crimea

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0b991b No.24757

File: 630bfdf0d1f8fcc⋯.png (237.34 KB,617x612,617:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505884 (141457ZMAR23) Notable: Vigilent Fox w/CAP: Aluminum in vaccines is there for no good reason. Anon suspicion is that aluminum is causing/contributing to Alzheimer's disease and Autism among many other disorders…

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Aluminum in vaccines is there for no good reason. Anon suspicion is that aluminum is causing/contributing to Alzheimer's disease and Autism among many other disorders. Anon recalls some autism advocates saying that the symptoms of autism have changed. Possibly this is due to mercury having been the prior major causative agent and now it is more aluminum.

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0b991b No.24758

File: 73929608445b341⋯.png (268.28 KB,1029x657,343:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505897 (141500ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. Justice Department, SEC investigating Silicon Valley Bank collapse

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U.S. Justice Department, SEC investigating Silicon Valley Bank collapse

The U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission are investigating the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, a subsidiary of the defunct SVB Financial Group (SIVB.O), the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing people familiar with the matter. The investigations are also examining stock sales that SVB Financial's executives made days before the bank failed, the report said, adding that the Justice Department's probe involves the department's fraud prosecutors in Washington and San Francisco. The SEC and a spokesperson for the Justice Department in Washington declined to comment. SVB did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. The Journal report comes a day after SVB Financial Group and two top executives were sued by shareholders, who accused them of concealing how rising interest rates would leave its Silicon Valley Bank unit susceptible to a bank run. read more

The proposed class action lawsuit against SVB, Chief Executive Greg Becker and Chief Financial Officer Daniel Beck was filed in the federal court in San Jose, California.


>>24568 pb FHLB of San Francisco Was Quietly Bailing SIVB Out

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0b991b No.24759

File: d0b7c8f52f5cbd7⋯.jpeg (123.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505901 (141501ZMAR23) Notable: Kiev decides on defense of key Donbass city

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14 Mar, 2023 14:04

Kiev decides on defense of key Donbass city

President Zelensky’s office has announced that Ukrainian troops will not leave Bakhmut

Kiev has decided to keep holding and defending the strategic Donbass city of Artyomovsk, known in Ukraine as Bakhmut, President Vladimir Zelensky’s office announced on Tuesday. The city has seen some of the most brutal fighting amid Russia’s year-long military campaign in Ukraine.

President Zelensky met with his top military officials to hear the reports of the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as battlefield commanders, who explained the situation on the front line.

“After considering the progress of the defensive operation in the Bakhmut direction, all members of the Staff expressed a common position regarding the further holding and defense of the city of Bakhmut,” a statement on the Presidential Office website read.

Kiev officials also discussed the provision of weapons and ammunition to the front lines, as well as the rates and quantities of Western arms shipments, and their distribution to military groups, according to the statement.

The fight for Artyomovsk – amajor foothold and logistics hubfor Kiev’s forces in the Donetsk People’s Republic – has been raging since August. Russian forces have captured several villages in the region, and recently almost surrounded the city, according to Wagner Private Military Company chief Evgeny Prigozhin. While the situation on the battlefield is constantly changing, last week Prigozhin claimed that Russian forces were also in control of the eastern half of the city.

Although no official casualty numbers have yet been released, Ukraine is believed to have suffered significant losses in the defense of Artyomovsk. According to reports from the Washington Post and other media outlets, Washington has been urging Kiev not to “fixate” on defending the city “at all costs” and has suggested relinquishing it in order to look for opportunities to attack elsewhere.

Nevertheless, Zelensky has insisted on holding Artyomovsk. In an interview with CNN last week, he explained that the battle for the city is “tactical” for Ukraine and that if Russia were to take control of the stronghold, it would have an “open road” to more Kiev-held parts of Donbass.

Zelensky has also suggested that if Artyomovsk were to fall to Russian forces, it would help “mobilize their society” and bolster domestic support for the Russian army.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has claimed that Artyomovsk’s importance is more symbolic than operational. However, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has confirmed that taking the city would allow for “further offensive actions” against the Ukrainian forces.


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0b991b No.24760

File: a23b1a46f75b2b2⋯.png (27.66 KB,546x286,21:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505934 (141508ZMAR23) Notable: elon musk w/CAP: Fight for truth, whole truth & nothin but! Sign up to become a Community Notes contributor:

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Fight for truth, whole truth & nothin but!

Sign up to become a Community Notes contributor:



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0b991b No.24761

File: 9e9cdce4300b503⋯.png (292.53 KB,974x607,974:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505937 (141508ZMAR23) Notable: A South Carolina bill is making headlines for seeking to make a person who gets or performs an abortion guilty of homicide.

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A South Carolina bill is making headlines for seeking to make a person who gets or performs an abortion guilty of homicide.

Under the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023, a person involved in an abortion could ultimately face the death penalty.

Rep. Rob Harris introduced the bill and currently has 21 cosponsors.

The legislation would redefine “person” to include a baby from the moment of conception. This would afford a fetus the same protections as a person who has been born, including capital punishment for their deliberate killing.

There is an exception for a pregnant woman who gets an abortion “because she was compelled to do so by the threat of imminent death or great bodily injury” or if it was the absolute only way to save the mother’s life and efforts to save them both have failed.


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0b991b No.24762

File: 81fcb8612926dff⋯.png (222.03 KB,475x504,475:504,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505947 (141510ZMAR23) Notable: US Navy w/CAP: #Sailors aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) conduct operations in the North Sea, March 10.

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Stay frosty out there! 🇺🇸 ⚓ ❄️

#Sailors aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) conduct operations in the North Sea, March 10.

Arleigh Burke is on a scheduled deployment in the


area of operations.



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0b991b No.24763

File: b5d5a102a5ce5e8⋯.jpeg (168.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505958 (141513ZMAR23) Notable: Government bailout signals death of capitalism

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14 Mar, 2023 14:04

Government bailout signals death of capitalism – Ken Griffin

The billionaire has criticized Washington’s plan to help depositors recover their money

The US government’s intervention in the unfolding banking crisis has been slammed by Citadel hedge fund founder Ken Griffin, who told the Financial Times the situation should have served as a good lesson for investors.

According to the report on Monday, Griffin said the strength of the US economy meant the authorities did not have to take such forceful action. “It would have been a great lesson in moral hazard,” he was quoted as saying by the FT. “Losses to depositors would have been immaterial, and it would have driven home the point that risk management is essential.”

The CEO of the $62-billion hedge fund pointed out: “We’re at full employment, credit losses have been minimal, and bank balance sheets are at their strongest ever. We can address the issue of moral hazard from a position of strength.”

Griffin also lashed out at the US Federal Reserve over the banking turmoil, saying the regulator “was the definition of being asleep at the wheel.”

“The US is supposed to be a capitalist economy, and that’s breaking down before our eyes,” he claimed. “There’s been a loss of financial discipline with the government bailing out depositors in full,” Griffin added.

Concerns over the health of the US financial system have grown since the failure of one of the country’s largest tech lenders last week. Silicon Valley Bank, which had over $200 billion in assets only a few months ago, imploded on Friday after what analysts called “a classic case of bank run.”

Alarmed over the state of the bank, depositors rushed to withdraw funds, which saw SVB’s shares crash and forced the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to shut the lender down. SVB became the largest US financial institution to collapse since the 2008 financial crisis.

SVB’s decline followed an announcement last Wednesday from California-based, crypto-focused bank Silvergate about its impending liquidation. On Sunday, New York-based Signature Bank was shut down by regulators, becoming the third failure in the US banking industry in less than a week.

On Tuesday, Moody’s ratings agency placed the First Republic Bank and five other American lenders on review for a downgrade. Global banking stocks have plummeted.


Ken Griffin biggest donor to DeSantis and anyone that hates Trump as much as he does. Not only that he has sunk billions into China, so now he’s worried about capitalism. China bails out every shit company that fail.

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0b991b No.24764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505971 (141518ZMAR23) Notable: SVB Collapsed 1 Day After The Courts Ordered JPMorgan To Submit Evidence Of Jeffrey Epstein Documents. Coincidence? Related opines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SVB Collapsed 1 Day After The Courts Ordered JPMorgan To Submit Evidence Of Jeffrey Epstein Documents. Coincidence?

I have a theory that these 2 events happened as an action/reaction domino effect, & it's all part of the FTX collapse, which involves the ring of Epstein, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Pelosi, Hunter Biden, & China. The usual suspects





China made the big withdrawals/rout? It's their shitty laundrymat. No ticky. No raundly!


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0b991b No.24765

File: 544da5fa9a90b52⋯.png (276.1 KB,1030x589,1030:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505974 (141518ZMAR23) Notable: Real hourly earnings -1.3%, down for a record 23rd consecutive month.

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From Zero Hedge -

“Real hourly earnings -1.3%, down for a record 23rd consecutive month.

This means that just two months of Biden's presidency have seen inflation-adjusted wage growth, and real earnings have been negative during 92% of Biden's tenure, an unprecedented achievement”


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0b991b No.24766

File: b5390990f793490⋯.png (506.47 KB,1073x505,1073:505,Clipboard.png)

File: c4502e761b9eea5⋯.mp4 (606.5 KB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505984 (141520ZMAR23) Notable: Planefag with eyez on the skyz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS Activity: Australian AF ASY316 A300 MRTT departed Los Angeles Int'lAussie PM Albanese

82-8000 747 still at North Island NAS with 09-0016 C-32A at Vandenberg SFB (Potato goes to LAX later on for a few hours and then over to Las Vegas for yet another fundraiser https://factba.se/biden/calendar

2:00pm EST departs San Diego, California en route to Los Angeles, California (11:00 AM Local)


57-1488 KC-135 tanker as the mobile filling station and VV101 G5 and moar Navy Brass leaving after yesterdays AUKUS Sub BS

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0b991b No.24767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506008 (141528ZMAR23) Notable: SVB Collapsed 1 Day After The Courts Ordered JPMorgan To Submit Evidence Of Jeffrey Epstein Documents. Coincidence? Related opines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Who is Zheng Yang of SSVB? He's a very important person of interest. Hopefully he doesn't get suicided by the CCP

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0b991b No.24768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506025 (141533ZMAR23) Notable: ALL PB Bun the possibilities of what x5 means? #Qdecode

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This just seems so out of place. Have we already discussed the possibilities of what x5 means? Or am I stretching?

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0b991b No.24769

File: 21dc319b818772f⋯.png (359.4 KB,1173x773,1173:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506026 (141533ZMAR23) Notable: SVB Collapsed 1 Day After The Courts Ordered JPMorgan To Submit Evidence Of Jeffrey Epstein Documents. Coincidence? Related opines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hory Sheet. The "Craw"!


-Mr. Zheng Yang took office as Chairman of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank in December 2019. Before that, he served as Director-General of Shanghai Municipal Financial Regulatory Bureau and Director-General of Shanghai Municipal Financial Services Office.

-Previously, Mr. Zheng was the Deputy Director-General of the Capital Account Management Department at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), Vice President of the Shanghai Branch of the People’s Bank of China (PBC) while concurrently serving as Deputy Director-General of SAFE’s Shanghai Branch, and Vice President and Director-General of the Foreign Exchange Management Department at PBC’s Shanghai Head Office.

-Mr. Zheng is an adjunct professor, Certified Senior Economist and arbitrator. He has published more than one hundred papers in major newspapers and magazines, and compiled over ten books. He was a visiting scholar in Japan and the United States.

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0b991b No.24770

File: c0882a3217747d5⋯.png (364.61 KB,825x612,275:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506035 (141536ZMAR23) Notable: That was fast: Class action suit filed against Silicon Valley Bank parent

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Class action suit filed against Silicon Valley Bank parent


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24771

File: abfd899b21e338e⋯.png (1.6 MB,2000x2400,5:6,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a562b618757512⋯.jpeg (116.52 KB,862x862,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506050 (141541ZMAR23) Notable: ALL PB Bun the possibilities of what x5 means? #Qdecode

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24772

File: 52da7ff6f84cfb5⋯.png (673.67 KB,820x710,82:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506055 (141543ZMAR23) Notable: REPORT: Many Students Who Finished High School During the Pandemic are Choosing to Skip College

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24773

File: d42f2553baf9933⋯.png (48.28 KB,562x542,281:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506069 (141546ZMAR23) Notable: kanekoa.substack: Highlights on censoring mis- and disinformation from Event 201, a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise held in Oct. 2019 by the Johns Hopkins Center, WEF, Gates Fndn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Highlights on censoring mis- and disinformation from Event 201, a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise held in Oct. 2019 by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


8:35 PM · Mar 13, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24774

File: 583e1a0bbdbc108⋯.jpeg (54.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506075 (141547ZMAR23) Notable: Yacht 'linked' to Nord Stream blasts located. ‘Andromeda’ yacht on the Bug peninsula in the Dranske municipality

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

14 Mar, 2023 11:04

Yacht 'linked' to Nord Stream blasts located – media

Der Spiegel claims ‘Andromeda’ is moored in the open air at a former Navy base in north-east Germany

A vessel allegedly linked to the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines is currently anchored off the north-east coast of Germany in the Baltic Sea, Der Spiegel has reported. The German news website also claimed one of the e-mail addresses used by the alleged bombersmight pointto Ukrainian involvement.

According to Monday's report, Der Spiegel journalists found the ‘Andromeda’ yacht on the Bug peninsula in the Dranske municipality, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region, which used to serve as abase for the German Democratic Republic’s Navy.

Currently, the site is allegedly being used by a charter firm which, as several German media outlets have claimed, rented out the vessel to the suspected saboteurs on September 6. The report alleged that one of the crewmembers, who paid for the yacht in cash, flashed a“Bulgarian or Romanian passport.”The company supposedly has the number of his ID document and boating license details.

In addition, an e-mail address used by one of the individuals “could, according to Der Spiegel’s investigation, point to Ukraine.” However, the outlet cautioned that this does not necessarily mean the Ukrainian government was involved in the alleged operation, noting that it might be a deliberate red herring.

The version of events suggesting that the yacht was used to plant the bombs began circulating in the German media earlier this month. Several outlets claimed a team of six people, including a captain, two divers, two diving assistants, and a female doctor were behind the attack. According to initial reports, the alleged saboteurs presented “professionally forged passports,” meaning that their identities and nationalities were unknown.

Last Tuesday, the New York Times released a report, citing anonymous US intelligence officials, that alleged a “pro-Ukrainian group” was behind the September 2022 attacks, with “no American or British nationals” involved.

The following day, the German Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the vessel had been searched in January, but stopped short of divulging further details.

Commenting on the reports, top Ukrainian officials have denied any involvement.

The Kremlin, for its part, has been skeptical of theories pointing to Kiev, with Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov saying it looked like an attempt to deflect attention from the real culprits.

“As for a pro-Ukrainian ‘Dr. Evil’ who organized this, it’s hardly believable,” he said on Thursday.

Last month, veteran American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh released a bombshell report accusing Washington of destroying the Nord Stream pipelines.

(They are still pushing the fake NYTs phony theory)


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0b991b No.24775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506094 (141550ZMAR23) Notable: ALL PB Bun the possibilities of what x5 means? #Qdecode

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>This just seems so out of place. Have we already discussed the possibilities of what x5 means? Or am I stretching?

no, it's out of place.

with an E (e=5) related typo, I was thinking 5x5 to alert for comms.

Probably moar to it though

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0b991b No.24776

File: af5ed3f13aa8e11⋯.jpeg (73.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506108 (141553ZMAR23) Notable: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he’s confident the virus will cease to be an international concern in 2023

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14 Mar, 2023 11:02

WHO chief predicts end of Covid-19 pandemic (already dead dude)

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he’s confident the virus will cease to be an international concern in 2023

(He meant the WHO will cease to be a concern because it will stripped of its fact powers by the end of 2023)

The Covid-19 pandemic will no longer be considered a global health emergency by the end of this year, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Tuesday.

Speaking at the University of Michigan, where he was awarded the Thomas Francis Jr. medal for his contribution to healthcare, Tedros said he’s “confident that at some point this year we will be able to say that Covid-19 is over as a public health emergency of international concern – and as a pandemic.”

The WHO chief noted that the weekly number of reported deaths is now lower than when the organization first used the word “pandemic” to describe the Covid-19 outbreak three years ago on March 11, 2020.

Tedros stressed that while the pandemic may end this year, it is important to remember that nearly seven million lives lost to the virus and learn lessons from the outbreak. “If we do not, we will repeat the cycle of panic and neglect that has been the hallmark of the global response to epidemics and pandemics for decades,” he said.

The health official outlined three main takeaways from the Covid-19 pandemic. The first was the importance of public health. Tedros called on all countries at all income levels to invest in a robust primary healthcare system, capable of detecting outbreaks at the earliest possible stages.

The second lesson, according to the health chief, was theimportance of science and the dangers of politicizing issues like masks, vaccines and lockdowns, which ultimately “impeded the response to the pandemic and cost lives.”

He also pointed out that the question of how the pandemic started remains unanswered due to a “lack of cooperation from China”which, he said, has refused to be transparent in sharing data and conduct “the necessary investigations and share the results.”

Finally, the director-general said thethird lesson was the importance of cooperation.Tedros stated that one of the defining characteristics of the Covid-19 pandemic was the lack of cooperation and coordination on the part of the international community due to “narrow nationalism.”

To that end, the WHO has proposed a so-called ‘pandemic accord’ – an agreement between nations to work in cooperation with each other to prepare for and respond to future epidemics and pandemics.


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0b991b No.24777

File: 52716369f6937f3⋯.png (157.14 KB,371x1463,53:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506123 (141556ZMAR23) Notable: ALL PB Bun the possibilities of what x5 means? #Qdecode

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Herbert Hoover too

Several double letters





Aug 14, 2018 6:58:27 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No. 2601407

Aug 14, 2018 6:55:00 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No. 2601331

Aug 14, 2018 6:44:57 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 46faed No. 2601052

Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 5.42.33 PM.png



Police from several suburban municipalities are staging in the parking lot of Cedarbrook Plaza. Early reports say there’s an active shooter in a Cheltenham Walmart



Do you believe in coincidences?

CA 'light fires' dropped.

Next: Man [caught] who follows 'Q'

Think previous: BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

What happened?

Random coincidences?


Re_read drops re: SET UP.



Armed manHOOVERDam re: link to Q?

They will not stop.

Nothing to see here.

Ask yourself - WHY?

Q <- -

Q <- -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24778

File: d78b3b2f68487e9⋯.jpeg (156.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506129 (141556ZMAR23) Notable: Russia shares Nord Stream communications with UN – top diplomat. Germany, Denmark and Sweden have allegedly failed to keep Moscow informed about their investigations

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14 Mar, 2023 07:22

Russia shares Nord Stream communications with UN – top diplomat

==Germany, Denmark and Sweden have allegedly failed to keep Moscow informed about their investigations

Russia shares Nord Stream communications with UN – top diplomat==

Russia has released its communications with Denmark, Sweden and Germany regarding the Nord Stream sabotage to members of the UN Security Council, a senior diplomat has said.

“Those documents allow our colleagues at the UN to confirm that the claims by these nations that they were informing us about their investigations are not true,” Dmitry Polyansky, the deputy head of the Russian mission to the UN, explained on Tuesday.

He announced Russia’s intention to share the messages with the Security Council last week, as Moscow pushes for an impartial UN-backed investigation into the incident.

The Nord Stream pipelines, which were built to supply Russian natural gas directly to Germany under the Baltic Sea, were blown up in late September. Germany, as well as Denmark and Sweden, in whose territorial waters the sabotage took place, are conducting separate probes into the incident. Russia’s requests to participate in the investigations have been rejected.

While the Western media were initially quick to accuse Russia of destroying its own infrastructure, European investigators reportedly found no evidence to support this theory. Moscow claimed the US was the party that benefited most from the “terrorist attack.”

Veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported last month that the operation to destroy the Russian-German gas link had been ordered by US President Joe Biden and conducted by a joint US-Norwegian team. Both nations have denied the allegation.

A series of reports in Western media last week suggested an alternative explanation, involving a private “pro-Ukrainian group,” possibly funded by a wealthy Ukrainian individual, planting explosives on the pipeline from a rented yacht. The group was not connected to any government, according to the reports.

Nikolay Patrushev, the secretary of the Russian national security council, argued that this theory could only convince people who “cannot think logically,” considering the specialized equipment and expertise that the sabotage of Nord Stream required.

Polyansky warned that if the international community does not get to the bottom of the incident and hold the culprits accountable, a new dangerous age may dawn, in which nations consider clandestine attacks on their rivals’ critical infrastructure permissible.


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0b991b No.24779

File: faf11edd64291f7⋯.png (251.35 KB,538x359,538:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506145 (141600ZMAR23) Notable: 6 bodies and 154 sets of cremated remains recovered from California warehouse

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6 bodies and 154 sets of cremated remains recovered from California warehouse

March 13, 2023

Oceanview Cremations kept the remains in a warehouse in the San Francisco Bay Area city of Hayward. It was prohibited from storing remains on its premises after its business license was suspended in March 2018.

The discovery this month of six human bodies and dozens of sets of cremated remains stored illegally in a San Francisco Bay Area warehouse has led to a daunting task: to reunite them with their next of kin.

While five of the bodies were identified, the public's help is needed to establish the name of the sixth person and to reunite families with the 154 sets of cremated remains found at the facility, the Alameda County Sheriff's Office said.

Oceanview Cremations was storing the remains in a warehouse in Hayward, officials said. The crematorium's business license was suspended in March 2018 and its funeral establishment license was delinquent for about two months in 2022 before it was renewed. The Alameda County Coroner's Bureau said it learned only last month from the California Cemetery and Funeral Bureau that Oceanview had continued to operate in a new location, but that it was never inspected or approved by the state and was keeping remains in an "unauthorized" facility.

On March 1, the state funeral bureau and a funeral home contracted by Alameda County went to the warehouse, authorities said, leading to the identifications of five of the bodies.

Oceanview funeral director Robert Smith was unable to provide "viable information" to identify the sixth body, which is believed to be from Sonoma County, officials said. Relatives of the deceased told authorities that they initially tried to contact Smith about their loved ones but that when they never heard back, they assumed they had either been cremated or scattered at sea as requested.

All of the deceased were received in 2020 or 2021, while the cremated remains were received from 2013 to 2021 and originated from more than a dozen counties throughout Northern California, authorities said.

The funeral home that took possession of the cremated remains declined to comment Monday.

It was unclear why Oceanview's business license was suspended in 2018, but the California Department of Consumer Affairs and the state funeral bureau said in a filing last fall that it had received "numerous complaints" in 2021 and 2022 mostly from surviving family members who alleged that Oceanview "held the remains of their deceased loved ones for an inordinate amount of time before providing contracted cremation services."

The complaints also alleged that Oceanview failed to return phone calls and emails for weeks at at time and that the business' voice mailbox would be full or the phone number would be disconnected.

The funeral bureau is seeking revocation of Oceanview's funeral establishment license, and the state declined further comment Monday because the disciplinary matter is pending.

Efforts to reach Smith were unsuccessful.


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0b991b No.24780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506156 (141603ZMAR23) Notable: #22694

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final bun for #22694

baker luukn for handoff at the top. got a baker in the bullpen?

#22694 >>24745

>>24756, >>24766 Planefag with eyez on the skyz

>>24746 Coinbase Officially Suspends Binance USD Stablecoin Trading

>>24747 Current nasdaq trading halts: banks, bios, and acquisitions

>>24748 Former US Rep. Pat Schroeder, an outspoken feminist icon over her two decades in Congress, died Monday night. She was 82.

>>24749 'Counterportation': Quantum breakthrough paves way for world-first experimental wormhole

>>24750 BREAKING: Environmental Protection Agency proposes first federal limits on harmful 'forever chemicals' in drinking water.

>>24751 Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

>>24752 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day. stars are forming in the Soul of the Queen of Aethopia. More specifically, a large star forming region called the Soul Nebula

>>24753 Chuck Grassley w/CAP: Iowa banks & their customers should NOT have to pay $$ because of bad decisions by CA & NY banks!!

>>24754 Raiders of the lost narc: Police board abandoned narco submarine 'ghost ship' found off Spain - a day after drug criminals' with corpses on board was discovered off Colombia

>>24755 The Treasury Department is giving the House Oversight Committee access to suspicious activity reports related to Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s foreign business deals.

>>24757 Vigilent Fox w/CAP: Aluminum in vaccines is there for no good reason. Anon suspicion is that aluminum is causing/contributing to Alzheimer's disease and Autism among many other disorders…

>>24758 U.S. Justice Department, SEC investigating Silicon Valley Bank collapse

>>24759 Kiev decides on defense of key Donbass city

>>24760 elon musk w/CAP: Fight for truth, whole truth & nothin but! Sign up to become a Community Notes contributor:

>>24761 A South Carolina bill is making headlines for seeking to make a person who gets or performs an abortion guilty of homicide.

>>24762 US Navy w/CAP: #Sailors aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) conduct operations in the North Sea, March 10.

>>24763 Government bailout signals death of capitalism

>>24764, >>24767, >>24769 SVB Collapsed 1 Day After The Courts Ordered JPMorgan To Submit Evidence Of Jeffrey Epstein Documents. Coincidence? Related opines

>>24765 Real hourly earnings -1.3%, down for a record 23rd consecutive month.

>>24770 That was fast: Class action suit filed against Silicon Valley Bank parent

>>24772 REPORT: Many Students Who Finished High School During the Pandemic are Choosing to Skip College

>>24773 kanekoa.substack: Highlights on censoring mis- and disinformation from Event 201, a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise held in Oct. 2019 by the Johns Hopkins Center, WEF, Gates Fndn

>>24774 Yacht 'linked' to Nord Stream blasts located. ‘Andromeda’ yacht on the Bug peninsula in the Dranske municipality

>>24776 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he’s confident the virus will cease to be an international concern in 2023

>>24778 Russia shares Nord Stream communications with UN – top diplomat. Germany, Denmark and Sweden have allegedly failed to keep Moscow informed about their investigations

>>24779 6 bodies and 154 sets of cremated remains recovered from California warehouse

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0b991b No.24781

File: cde7720b3b28b2c⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,635x437,635:437,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506212 (141615ZMAR23) Notable: DOUGH

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President Trump Promises to “Totally Obliterate the Deep State” and Says “2024 Is the Final Battle” in Iowa Speech

Baker Requesting Handoff

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0b991b No.24782

File: 4f981b5c67aa7a0⋯.png (211.43 KB,602x568,301:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506225 (141617ZMAR23) Notable: Thailand searches for missing radioactive cylinder

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NEW: Thailand searches for missing radioactive cylinder


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0b991b No.24783

File: fda8a5c2ddd3761⋯.png (497.67 KB,986x733,986:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506227 (141617ZMAR23) Notable: Q+ truths Hannity video calling out Biden's lies re: Bank collapses

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Q+ truths Hannity video calling out Biden's lies re: Bank collapses


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0b991b No.24784

File: 8b824cc3d22646f⋯.png (33.56 KB,444x497,444:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506263 (141625ZMAR23) Notable: Thailand searches for missing radioactive cylinder

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506268 (141626ZMAR23) Notable: Investigators score big win as Treasury turns over secret bank records flagging Hunter Biden deals

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Investigators score big win as Treasury turns over secret bank records flagging Hunter Biden deals

By John Solomon

The Biden Treasury Department ended weeks of foot dragging Tuesday by agreeing to provide congressional investigators with access to secret bank records that flagged suspicious overseas financial transactions involving Hunter Biden and the first family.

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer announced the deal to let his investigators access the so-called Suspicious Activity Reports in a secure reading room.

“After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions," Comer said Tuesday morning.

"It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request. For over 20 years, Congress had access to these reports but the Biden Administration changed the rules out of the blue to restrict our ability to conduct oversight," he added.

The deal comes just a few short weeks after Comer secured the cooperation of longtime Hunter Biden business partner Eric Schwerin, a development described as a major breakthrough in the probe to determine if Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings with controversial figures in China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries compromised his father's policy work as vice president and president.

Comer said he expects the bank records to show just how much the Biden family profited from overseas business deals secured in the shadows of Joe Biden's official government work.

“According to bank documents we’ve already obtained, we know one company owned by a Biden associate received a $3 million dollar wire from a Chinese energy company two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency," Comer said.

"Soon after, hundreds of thousands of dollars in payouts went to members of the Biden family. We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat," he added. "If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance.”

Comer demanded back in early January that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen turn over the bank records and last week called on a Treasury Department official to appear for a transcribed interview to explain why the Treasury Department had not provided the requested information. That appearance has been postponed by the deal announced Tuesday.


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0b991b No.24786

File: 63dbe143baaa76f⋯.png (45.07 KB,466x363,466:363,Clipboard.png)

File: e739943444c552c⋯.png (50.45 KB,479x346,479:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506270 (141627ZMAR23) Notable: ALL PB Bun the possibilities of what x5 means? #Qdecode

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>the possibilities of what x5 means?






Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 403375 No.251705 📁

Jan 6 2018 00:36:32 (EST)

Anonymous !UW.yye1fxo ID: 942782 No.251666 📁

Jan 6 2018 00:31:54 (EST)


Q can you confirm the # posts earlier today were you and were from normal IP? if you do , we know board comp'd


Posted 4-5 timestoday.

We anticipated life to be short on each platform given verification and message spreading rapidly.

We can limit outside exposure but cannot protect against internals.

BO please advise IP reading and verify site still safe/auth.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.152 📁

Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST)



[Read very carefully]


"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or sixtimestheir age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…


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0b991b No.24787

File: 961406c80849591⋯.jpg (253.77 KB,2048x1049,2048:1049,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506275 (141629ZMAR23) Notable: @NSAGov Celebrate #PiDay by solving this puzzle!

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Celebrate #PiDay by solving this puzzle!

12:22 PM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24788

File: 22584f8e37e5b77⋯.png (1.67 MB,1442x1835,1442:1835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506295 (141636ZMAR23) Notable: Sanders signs Arkansas trans care malpractice bill into law

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Sanders signs Arkansas trans care malpractice bill into law

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed into law legislation making it easier to sue providers of gender-affirming care for children, a move that could effectively reinstate a blocked ban on such care.

Sanders on Monday signed the new law, which won’t take effect until this summer. It would allow anyone who received gender-affirming care as a minor to file a malpractice lawsuit against their doctor for up to 15 years after they turn 18. Under current Arkansas law, medical malpractice claims must be filed within two years of an injury.

Legal experts have said the change could close access to gender-affirming care for children by making it nearly impossible for providers to get malpractice insurance.

The new law is among a growing number of bills targeting transgender people, who have faced increasingly hostile rhetoric at statehouses. At least 175 bills targeting trans people have been introduced in statehouses so far this year, the most in a single year, according to the Human Rights Campaign.

The bill was signed as a federal judge is considering whether to strike down a 2021 Arkansas law that would prohibit doctors from providing gender-affirming hormone therapy or puberty blockers to anyone under 18 — or referring them to other doctors who can provide that care. No gender-affirming surgery is performed on minors in the state.


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0b991b No.24789

File: c5c02c7ee02676f⋯.png (583.48 KB,1255x554,1255:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506324 (141644ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity

Czech AF CEF05F A319 SW from JBA and arrived on 0312 from Prague depart and Keflavik AB, Iceland stop of 1h15m (the new President went to Slovakia yesterday)

SPAR528 Learjet 35 on ground at Boston-Logan Int'l from Tyson McGhee Airport, KY ground stop of 1h and departed Scott AFB earlier today

VV375 US Navy G5 WS from Teterboro Airport, N.J. and VV101 US Navy G5 continues east from it's SD Int'l depart

00000000 B-52 Stratofortrerss over central FL (Avon Park AF Range) from Barksdale AFB

C101 US Coast Guard G5 wne to Terre Haute, IN for some roundies and on ground now

PAT= Priority Air Transport

PAT008 US Army C560 SW from Davison Army Airfield PAT44 US Army G5 SW from Appleton WI, PAT981 C560 NE from Austin Int'l, PAT389 C-12U Huron NE from Memphis Int'l Airport

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b991b No.24790

File: de07610dc1ae072⋯.mp4 (472.14 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: aa7d2c4a672c981⋯.png (404.67 KB,796x711,796:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506327 (141645ZMAR23) Notable: Congressman Byron Donalds The ONLY WAY for America to grow is for DC to shrink.

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**Great MAGA clip

Congressman Byron Donalds

The ONLY WAY for America to grow is for DC to shrink.

Massive federal overspending causes inflation. It's happened in every country at any time in world history & it's happening here now.

@freedomcaucus has our ideas but to succeed, we all need to work together on a solution!

12:20 PM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24791

File: 4487a4f6826207f⋯.jpeg (47.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506353 (141649ZMAR23) Notable: Russian economic sovereignty has increased exponentially – Putin

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14 Mar, 2023 15:36

Russian economic sovereignty has increased exponentially – Putin

Western sanctions have failed to destroy the country’s economy, the president declared

The Russian economy hasn’t collapsed due to sweeping Western restrictions, on the contrary, its sovereignty has grown many times over, President Vladimir Putin has stated.

Putin, who made the comment while meeting with aircraft factory employees in Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, on Tuesday, noted the country had passed a significant stage in its development, which could be the most important result of 2022.

“We have exponentially increased our economic sovereignty. After all, what did our adversary count on? That we would collapse in two or three weeks or in a month,” the Russian leader said.

“The expectation was that enterprises would cease due to our partners refusing to work with us, the financial system would collapse, tens of thousands of people would be left without work, take to the streets, protest, Russia would be shaken from the inside and collapse. That was their intention, but this did not happen,” Putin declared.

He pointed out that the Russian financial system has survived, growing stronger and becoming more independent, thanks to the actions of the central bank.

Putin also indicated that the unemployment rate in the country was currently at historically low 3.6%, while gross domestic product has fallen by only 1.2%.

According to the Russian president, the fundamental foundations of Russia’s stability are now “much stronger than anyone could previously imagine.”


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0b991b No.24792

File: 2c9ad42f3a6982d⋯.jpeg (105.29 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506375 (141653ZMAR23) Notable: Massive refugee camp blaze was ‘planned sabotage’

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14 Mar, 2023 11:59

Massive refugee camp blaze was ‘planned sabotage’ – investigators

At least 12,000 people were left without shelter following the inferno in Bangladesh

A fire which left thousands of Rohingya people homeless earlier this month at the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh was a “planned act of sabotage” orchestrated by a criminal gang seeking control of the facility, a panel investigating the blaze has said.

An investigation has determined that the fire began at several locations in the camp simultaneously, according to government official Abu Sufian, who is heading a seven-member team probing the incident.

“At least five places caught fire within a short period of time,” Safian told Reuters on Sunday, also detailing that there had been clashes between rival gangs within the camp the previous day. Some refugees were also prevented from attempting to extinguish the blaze, he said.

“We recommend further investigation by the law-enforcement agency to identify the groups behind the incident,” Safian added.

No casualties were reported following the March 5 inferno, which ripped through the camp in Cox's Bazar, a southeastern border district, destroying around 2,800 temporary structures and leaving more than 12,000 refugees without shelter. It also wiped out key infrastructure within the camp, including schools and medical clinics.

It began at 2:30 pm local time and burned for several hours, before being brought under control in the evening. Initial reports from the scene suggested that the blaze was exacerbated by gas cookers inside makeshift kitchens in the camp.

The facility – which is cited as being the largest of its kind in the world – provides shelter to more than a million Rohingya refugees who fled Myanmar, mostly in August 2017, amid claims of systemic discrimination and targeted violence against the Muslim ethnic minority.

Fires are a regular occurrence at the camp, with 222 such incidents recorded between January 2021 and December 2022. In March 2021, 15 people died and around 50,000 were displaced in the aftermath of another blaze at a camp in the same settlement.


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0b991b No.24793

File: f202670ac286623⋯.png (371.86 KB,408x566,204:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506377 (141653ZMAR23) Notable: Citadel's Griffin Slams SVB Bailout: American Capitalism Is "Breaking Down Before Our Eyes"

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In fuck you Mr. open conduit to the FRB and pay for orders asshoe Ken Griffin-he not wrong here with most of this but had it been the east coast elites I'm sure his tune would be different

Citadel's Griffin Slams SVB Bailout: American Capitalism Is "Breaking Down Before Our Eyes"

In contrast to billionaire Bill Ackman's praise for the federal government's bailout of SVB depositors, Citadel founder Bill Griffin is not impressed, telling The FT that this action by US regulators shows American capitalism is “breaking down before our eyes”. As a reminder, the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund normally guarantees up to $250,000 in deposits, which protects small retail customers including mom-and-pop businesses. Banks pay for this guarantee with insurance premiums, but the insurance fund isn’t intended to backstop deposits of bigger customers with more capacity to weather losses if a bank goes under.

Yet, as The Wall Street Journal's Editorial Board remarks, after venture capitalists (Democratic donors) and Silicon Valley politicians howled, the FDIC on Sunday announced it would cover uninsured deposits at SVB and Signature Bank under its “systemic risk” exception. Apparently, Silicon Valley investors and startups are too big to lose money when they take risks. They benefited enormously from the Fed’s pandemic liquidity hose, which caused SVB’s deposits to double between 2020 and 2021. SVB paid interest of up to 5.28% on large deposits, which it used to fund loans to startups. But now the FDIC is guaranteeing a risk-free return for startups and their investors. Uninsured deposits normally take a 10% to 15% hair cut during a bank failure. Some 85% to 90% of SVB's $173 billion in deposits are uninsured. The cost of this guarantee could be $15 billion.

The White House says special assessments will be levied on banks to recoup these losses.

That means bank customers with less than $250,000 in deposits will indirectly pay for this through higher bank fees. In other words, this is an income transfer from average Americans to deep-pocketed investors. Griffin warned a year ago that price pressures will remain stubbornly persistent, forcing policymakers to need to hit the brakes "hard", which will likely cause a recession, which, he warned, will leave the West facing "existential" problems. A year later, he was proved right as The Fed's aggressive rate-hikes "broke something"… “The US is supposed to be a capitalist economy, and that’s breaking down before our eyes,” he said in an interview on Monday. “There’s been a loss of financial discipline with the government bailing out depositors in full,” Griffin added.

This action by regulators raised the risk of increasing moral hazard, as WSJ notes, many banks have hedged their interest-rate risk and diversified their deposits, which comes at a business cost, but some like SVB and Signature didn’t. Now, the Fed is now saying that’s OK - we’ve got your back. This didn't need to be the way as Griffin notes the strength of the US economy meant such a forceful action was not necessary. “It would have been a great lesson in moral hazard,” he said. (not wrong but coming from thisone?…Jelly)

“Losses to depositors would have been immaterial, and it would have driven home the point that risk management is essential.”

“We’re at full employment, credit losses have been minimal, and bank balance sheets are at their strongest ever. We can address the issue of moral hazard from a position of strength.”

Finally, while The White House's first instinct, even in a financial panic, was to spin reality and hunt for political scapegoats, Griffin points the finger directly at the bureaucracy: “The regulator was the definition of being asleep at the wheel." (what part of SRO -Self Regulation Organizations do you NOT get here)

But we are sure, no government employee will ever be held accountable for 'missing' this risk - likely busying themselves with diversity and inclusion 'threats'. We give the last word to Satyajit Das, who summed the sad state of affairs up perfectly: The moral hazards around bailouts are well known. It seems now that tech start-ups like banks, auto businesses and anybody with an effective lobbyists are too big to fail even if they are too difficult to understand or to properly manage.

As Herbert Spencer put it: “The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools.” Over the last decade and a half, the economic system and financial practices have become geared around low rates, abundant liquidity and the authorities underwriting risk taking. Moving away from this state of affairs was never going to easy, that is, if it is possible at all.


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0b991b No.24794

File: 3b9b4f83f43c07c⋯.png (17.13 KB,598x171,598:171,Clipboard.png)

File: da0ab7ad06ea8be⋯.jpg (327.46 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506378 (141653ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

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Chuck Callesto


REPORT: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..


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0b991b No.24795

File: 6c424b9ea13f16c⋯.png (161.66 KB,520x325,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506392 (141655ZMAR23) Notable: Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

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0b991b No.24796

File: 101bebf69539200⋯.png (54.91 KB,1592x756,398:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506401 (141656ZMAR23) Notable: Anons Graphic - What is Pi really?

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What is Pi really?

Hope this helps

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0b991b No.24797

File: d63c5abf880faf6⋯.mp4 (632.18 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 73c2387c1f3195c⋯.png (384.78 KB,738x887,738:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506418 (141700ZMAR23) Notable: Former acting AG Matthew Whitaker [@MattWhitaker46] addresses claims that former President Donald Trump is now the Republican establishment.

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Trump "is the gravitational force inside the Republican Party, he is the north star."

Former acting AG Matthew Whitaker [@MattWhitaker46] addresses claims that former President Donald Trump is now the Republican establishment.

MORE: https://youtu.be/g7XvBHukSRU

9:30 AM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506425 (141702ZMAR23) Notable: Former acting AG Matthew Whitaker [@MattWhitaker46] addresses claims that former President Donald Trump is now the Republican establishment.

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Mar 14, 2023

5-min video

On Tuesday's "Wake Up America," former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker addresses claims that former President Donald Trump is now the Republican establishment.

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0b991b No.24799

File: f1c894ce0a7a39d⋯.png (266.95 KB,598x576,299:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506428 (141702ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

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John Solomon


Investigators score big win as Treasury turns over secret bank records flagging Hunter Biden deals | Just The News


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0b991b No.24800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506429 (141703ZMAR23) Notable: 1:00 PM EST NPC Headliners Luncheon: Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Berger

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1:00 PM EST

NPC Headliners Luncheon: Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Berger

National Press Club (NPC)





U.S. Marine Corps Commandant on Readiness

Gen. David Berger, commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, delivers remarks on branch readiness following the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The National Press Club hosts this event.


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0b991b No.24801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506432 (141703ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002?

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tells @jimmy_dore

that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002, and in 2014, three viruses escaped from US labs, so he moved his bioweapons research to the Wuhan lab:

"They took the money that Cheney gave them [from the Patriot Act], $2.2 billion, and they funneled it through NIH, and it all went through Anthony Fauci. So beginning in 2002, Anthony Fauci got a 68% raise from the Pentagon for doing bioweapons development, and he got a raise of billions of dollars a year, and then he started doing all of this gain-of-function.

In 2014, three of those bugs escaped in high-profile escapes from different labs in the US. Congress held hearings on it. Everybody was angry, and 300 top scientists sent letters to Obama saying you got to shut down Fauci because he is going to create a pandemic.

So, Obama ordered a moratorium, and at that time, Fauci had eighteen different gain-of-function experiments he was doing around the US. He instead moved his stuff offshore to Wuhan, where he could do it out of sight of these 300 scientists and nosy White House officials who were trying to shut him down.

And he continued to do it with the same people he was funding here, Ralph Baric and Peter Dazak, and they moved their operation to the Wuhan lab."

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0b991b No.24802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506436 (141704ZMAR23) Notable: Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

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JUST IN - Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

"Our MQ-9 aircraft was conducting routine operations in int'l airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft, resulting in a crash and complete loss of the MQ-9´," says USAF Gen. James Hecker.

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0b991b No.24803

File: 1791c157d43c40a⋯.png (7.2 MB,7472x4476,1868:1119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506468 (141709ZMAR23) Notable: Anons Obama linked map

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0b991b No.24804

File: 5d216323ed349d5⋯.mp4 (7.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506479 (141711ZMAR23) Notable: Former acting AG Matthew Whitaker [@MattWhitaker46] addresses claims that former President Donald Trump is now the Republican establishment.

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They asses need to get cleaned out too. ALL the cancer must be removed.

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0b991b No.24805

File: 6b1f47674f21529⋯.png (968.21 KB,1106x1300,553:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506480 (141712ZMAR23) Notable: Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

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0b991b No.24806

File: b9983fd4a38ed70⋯.png (290.55 KB,416x455,32:35,Clipboard.png)

File: c5eac8a75d5a55f⋯.png (572.58 KB,595x708,595:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506483 (141713ZMAR23) Notable: BlackRock Eyes Deal to Buy Into Biggest Africa Wind Power Farm in Kenya

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BlackRock Eyes Deal to Buy Into Biggest Africa Wind Power Farm in Kenya

A public-private partnership backed by BlackRock Alternatives plans to buy a 31.25% stake in Lake Turkana Wind Power, Africa’s largest wind farm located in northern Kenya.

The Climate Finance Partnership, conceived by BlackRock and the governments of France, Germany and Japan as well as US impact organizations, will acquire the equity stakes of Finnfund, Vestas, and the Investment Fund for Developing countries, BlackRock said in an emailed statement. It didn’t disclose the value of the deal. The CFP, which secured $673 million in commitments, is focused on investing in climate infrastructure across emerging markets in order to help fast-track the global transition to a net zero economy. BlackRock Alternatives said the transaction in the 310-megawatt project is its first private-market investment into Africa. The CFP’s climate mission bodes well for Kenya’s target to make its grid’s energy sources fully renewable by 2030 from about 92% currently. Kenya is pushing various initiatives from adding renewable energy capacity to planting forests in a bid to achieve net zero status by 2050. “Developing economies are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,” David Giordano, the head of climate infrastructure at BlackRock Alternatives, said. “CFP’s unique blended model brings together the public and private sectors to accelerate institutional investment into clean energy in emerging markets.” Vestas, which holds a 12.5% stake in the Lake Turkana project, said the planned sale follows its “strategy to develop wind parks but not being a long-term owner,” spokesman Kristian Holmelund Jakobsen said in an emailed response to questions.


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0b991b No.24807

File: b9a61bbdf14be3c⋯.png (410.6 KB,900x1152,25:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506488 (141714ZMAR23) Notable: Graphic - The SES Scheme to remove trump

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0b991b No.24808

File: 185ce7e714e9b85⋯.png (5.49 MB,781x6076,781:6076,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506522 (141720ZMAR23) Notable: Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

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Breitbart Exclusive —

Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that his forthcoming book will show readers that he has had a “very fascinating life” and that many of the powerful people who attack him now used to adore him before he ran for president.

The book, titled Letters to Trump, is the former president’s second book release since leaving office in January 2021. The first one, Our Journey Together, was a collection of historic photos from Trump’s time in office. This book collects letters that Trump sent and received from interesting, famous, powerful, and influential people over the years, both during his time as president and for the decades leading up to his historic White House run in 2016.

Letters to Trump is being published by Winning Team Publishing, which has the book available for pre-order ahead of its April 25 release now on its website.


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0b991b No.24809

File: f1956c5336b2cf1⋯.jpeg (200.92 KB,1098x658,549:329,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506556 (141727ZMAR23) Notable: List of States Where “Money” is Being Redefined and Non Govt Issued Cryptocurrency is Being Banned

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Action Alert – List of States Where “Money” is Being Redefined and Non Govt Issued Cryptocurrency is Being Banned

March 14, 2023 | Sundance |

Last week South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem broadcast a warning on the Tucker Carlson show about a bill that passed her State House and Senate that she was forced to veto because it changed the definition of money and banned non-govt-issued cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. {Broadcast Warning Here}

The bill stems from the generally innocuous Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which Daniel Horowitz describes as, “a set of standards to facilitate interstate sales and commercial transactions such that all definitions pertaining to such commerce are uniform and clearly understood.” It looks like Horowitz was the first to transmit the public warning, as identified by two members of the South Dakota House Freedom Caucus, and then Kristi Noem became aware – thus the veto.

Governor Noem warned that the bill was already passing through several states, and if you look at the UCC Amendment tracking page [DATA HERE], she is correct. The states in green on the map below are states where the UCC revision bill has already been introduced.

As Daniel Horowitz notes in his initial warning dated March 2, 2023:

The revisions to Article I are very clear now that Bitcoin will not be money, because even though the definition provides for electronic money … it says that an asset that is adopted by a government as its medium of exchange will not qualify as money … if the electronic asset, such as Bitcoin, existed before it was adopted by the government. So Bitcoin, of course, exists today; it existed before El Salvador adopted it as its currency … so it will never be money for UCC purposes. The same for other kinds of crypto currencies.” So there you have it. Officials clearly mean to pave the way for CBDC while explicitly barring all competition. (more)

This is obviously alarming.

Additionally, with the timing of this national revision taking place very quietly; and with the failure of SVB and Signature Bank following a few weeks later; and with specific impacts to the cyptocurrency market; one is left wondering if the current bank “failure” and Biden team intervention was not an intentional crisiswith a motive to push government controlled central bank digital currencies into the mainstream.

In essence, was the SVB banking collapse, a designed crisis?And as a result, was the federal government response predetermined and just waiting to be triggered?

When asked last week why her legislature would do this, Noem responded the state politicians likely did not read the bill as it was constructed by lobbyists. Noem is exactly correct and hits on a subject we have discussed here frequently {GO DEEP}. However, one of the more alarming aspects to Noem’s discussion of the issue is thataround 20 other states are considering similar legislation. WATCH:




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0b991b No.24810

File: 20aba0d26e96d28⋯.png (450.48 KB,782x427,782:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 54e24aa612643b2⋯.png (407.51 KB,878x434,439:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506577 (141731ZMAR23) Notable: German AF GAF630 GL5T on ground at Chisinau, Moldova

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>>24756 lb

German AF GAF630 GL5T on ground at Chisinau, Moldova from Koln/Bonn Airport (Luftwaffe homes base)

Arrived at the next targeted NATO member

from yesterday

Thousands in Chisinau protest against Moldova's pro-Western government


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0b991b No.24811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506581 (141732ZMAR23) Notable: YT Podcast - Tennessee library staff outrages Christian patrons (Citizen's alert)

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Speak Up for the Kids!

March 14, 2023 | Menagerie |

I stumbled across this podcast this morning. Missy Robertson, Kirk Cameron, and Riley Gaines (representing Bethany Hamilton, the surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack) had an appearance at the Hendersonville, Tennessee public library last week. They were to read children’s books they’d written for Brave Books, stories based on faith-based principles.

The staff did everything they could to disrupt the event, and according to Missy, kept the parents and kids in line outside in the freezing rain when they could have formed the lines inside the library.

As Missy says, for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, we must make sure our voices are louder than theirs. I’m quite sure Drag Queens would have been given the red carpet treatment.

At the very least, the must be taught that we will not give up our Constitutional rights and that they, government employees, have no right or ability to restrict them.

Please share, and contact the Hendersonville Library, and the Library Board and commissioners. If you are nearby, perhaps you could even attend, and film. It would be great to hear from some Treepers.


What these cowardly library staff did to the Brave Books authors, and parents and children, is shocking. There isn’t enough vilification to go around. Tennesse people, speak out. They even kept parents and children out in the rain rather than allow them to wait inside.

Right To Read Sumner


Our Hendersonville Public Library staff are being unjustly vilified beyond belief & NEED our support!!




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0b991b No.24812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506595 (141737ZMAR23) Notable: Meta to Lay Off 10,000 More Workers

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Meta to Lay Off 10,000 More Workers

Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday announced Meta will lay off 10,000 more workers as the company seeks to cut “middle management.”

This is in addition to the 11,000 employees laid off in November.

“Here’s the timeline you should expect: over the next couple of months, org leaders will announce restructuring plans focused on flattening our orgs, canceling lower priority projects, and reducing our hiring rates,” Zuckerberg said.

CNBC reported:

Meta will lay off 10,000 more workers and incur restructuring costs ranging from $3 billion to $5 billion, the company announced Tuesday, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg warning economic instability could continue for “many years.”

He added that the Facebook parent plans to close 5,000 additional open roles that it hasn’t yet filled. In a nod to continued economic uncertainty, Zuckerberg noted that the company should prepare for “the possibility that this new economic reality will continue for many years.”

In a SEC filing announcing the cuts, Meta also said it anticipated lowered total expenses in 2023, ranging from $86 billion to $92 billion.

The new round of layoffs follows a previous round of cuts, announced in November, that affected more than 11,000 workers, which equated to roughly 13% of Meta’s overall staff.

Zuckerberg has pitched 2023 as the company’s “year of efficiency,” in which the firm aims to become “a stronger and more nimble organization.”

“We are a technology company, and our ultimate output is what we build for people,” Zuckerberg said. As part of the restructuring, the company will also increase the number of direct reports each manager has.


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0b991b No.24813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506610 (141739ZMAR23) Notable: Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

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'Reckless' Intercept By Russian Jets Caused US Drone Crash In Black Sea: Pentagon

Update(1328ET): The US military statement of events, blaming a pair of Russian fighter jets for "reckless" maneuvers which resulted in the MQ-9 drone being struck and crashing in international waters at a "complete loss":

Two Russian Su-27 aircraft conducted an unsafe and unprofessional intercept with a U.S. Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance unmanned MQ-9 aircraft that was operating within international airspace over the Black Sea today.

At approximately 7:03 AM (CET), one of the Russian Su-27 aircraft struck the propeller of the MQ-9, causing U.S. forces to have to bring the MQ-9 down in international waters. Several times before the collision, the Su-27s dumped fuel on and flew in front of the MQ-9 in a reckless, environmentally unsound and unprofessional manner. This incident demonstrates a lack of competence in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional.

“Our MQ-9 aircraft was conducting routine operations in international airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft, resulting in a crash and complete loss of the MQ-9,” said U.S. Air Force Gen. James B. Hecker, commander, U.S. Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa. “In fact, this unsafe and unprofessional act by the Russians nearly caused both aircraft to crash.”

“U.S. and Allied aircraft will continue to operate in international airspace and we call on the Russians to conduct themselves professionally and safely,” Hecker added.

This incident follows a pattern of dangerous actions by Russian pilots while interacting with U.S. and Allied aircraft over international airspace, including over the Black Sea. These aggressive actions by Russian aircrew are dangerous and could lead to miscalculation and unintended escalation.

NSC spokesman John Kirby followed up by saying the US aircraft posed no threat to anyone, and that it was operating in international airspace. He additionally confirmed it was brought down in international waters. Presumably there may be a recovery operation underway.


US accuses Russia of drone downing

European Command says a Reaper drone was damaged in encounter with two Su-27s


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0b991b No.24814

File: d958a507472227e⋯.png (109.01 KB,1077x766,1077:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506616 (141742ZMAR23) Notable: Maricopa County Files Bogus Response In Kari Lake’s Historic Arizona Supreme Court Election Challenge

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Maricopa County Files Bogus Response In Kari Lake’s Historic Arizona Supreme Court Election Challenge – Internal Conference Scheduled for MARCH 21 – FILING INCLUDED

Maricopa County filed a response to Kari Lake’s Petition for Review in the Arizona Supreme Court yesterday.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Kari Lake’s stolen election and lawsuit challenging the fraud. On March 1, 2023, after the Maricopa County Superior Court and the Arizona Appeals Court dismissed the case, Lake filed a ‘Petition for Review’ and a Motion to Expedite Review’ for her election contest in the Arizona Supreme Court.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, on March 2, the Arizona Supreme Court agreed to expedite Lake’s lawsuit and scheduled March 21 to consider whether or not they will accept Lake’s new Petition. “At the conference, the Court will decide whether to accept review and schedule an oral argument,” states the order.

Responses from Defendants were ordered to be submitted by yesterday, March 13.

Maricopa County submitted a bogus response, falsely claiming that Kari Lake “presents—for the first time—a misleading factual theory about chain-of-custody documents” and “does not present any argument illustrating a need for this Court to review the court of appeals’ Opinion.”

They don’t even want the Supreme Court to consider this case because they are terrified.

“The only aspect of the Petition that differs from Lake’s briefing below is the inclusion of a newly-fabricated characterization of chain-of-custody documents presented for the first time in the Petition. But a petition for review is not the place for Lake to argue that the trial court’s findings of fact were incorrect, nor that the court of appeals improperly accepted the facts that the trial court found,” argue the dishonest attorneys for Maricopa County.

This is untrue, as The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the alleged discrepancies corroborated by whistleblower testimony, including missing chain of custody documentation for hundreds of thousands of ballots and the injection of likely phony ballots into the election. Lake also challenges the burden of proof used in the Maricopa County Superior Court and the opinion that Kari Lake did not provide “clear and convincing evidence” of voter fraud.

Lake’s attorneys argue that according to Findley v. Sorenson (1929), even if not intentional, election errors can nullify an election if “they affect the result, or at least render it uncertain.” This is further confirmed by the opinion in Hunt v. Campbell (1917), which states, “wherever such practices or influences are shown to have prevailed, not slightly and in individual cases, but generally, so as to render the result uncertain, the entire vote so affected must be rejected.”

Lake was required to prove, with clear and convincing evidence, that the errors were intentional beyond a reasonable doubt and that the outcome was affected by election fraud, which does not conform to the legal standard set forth above.


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0b991b No.24815

File: 1e323960f83389e⋯.png (142.15 KB,1014x857,1014:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 61369b11207e7a5⋯.png (275.11 KB,594x816,99:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506628 (141745ZMAR23) Notable: Pfizer Buys Cancer Biotech SeaGen for $43B

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Pfizer Buys Cancer Biotech SeaGen for $43B – Increases Access into New Cancer Treatments

Pfizer Inc. is investing around $43 billion in expanding into innovative cancer treatments.

“Pfizer Inc. and Seagen Inc. today announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which Pfizer will acquire Seagen, a global biotechnology company that discovers, develops and commercializes transformative cancer medicines, for $229 in cash per Seagen share for a total enterprise value of $43 billion,” Pfizer said in a statement.

“Pfizer is deploying its financial resources to advance the battle against cancer, a leading cause of death worldwide with a significant impact on public health,” said Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

“Together, Pfizer and Seagen seek to accelerate the next generation of cancer breakthroughs and bring new solutions to patients by combining the power of Seagen’s antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) technology with the scale and strength of Pfizer’s capabilities and expertise. Oncology continues to be the largest growth driver in global medicine, and this acquisition will enhance Pfizer’s position in this important space and contribute meaningfully to the achievement of Pfizer’s near- and long-term financial goals,” Bourla said.

According to Pfizer’s projections, Seagen will bring in roughly $2.2 billion in revenue in 2023 from its four in-line medicines, royalties, collaboration and license agreements, and other sources, indicating a year-over-year increase of 12%.

Pfizer estimates that Seagen could add more than $10 billion in risk-adjusted revenues in 2030, with potential significant growth beyond 2030.

More from the release:

Seagen is a pioneer in ADC technology, with four of the twelve total FDA-approved and marketed ADCs using its technology industry-wide. ADCs are a transformative modality that is emerging as a powerful tool across a broad range of cancers designed to preferentially kill cancer cells and limit off-target toxicities. Seagen has developed a leadership position in ADC technologies since its founding 25 years ago, with groundbreaking and proprietary technology that is positioned for significant growth in 2023 and beyond. Seagen’s portfolio includes four approved medicines that are first- or best-in-class in their respective indications across solid tumors and hematologic malignancies, including three ADCs: ADCETRIS® (brentuximab vedotin), PADCEV® (enfortumab vedotin), and TIVDAK® (tisotumab vedotin). The company also commercializes TUKYSA® (tucatinib). Clinical development programs are ongoing for each of these medicines for potential new tumor types or expanded indications in earlier lines of therapy, with catalysts expected annually through 2027.


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0b991b No.24816

File: 1d4478c30878c60⋯.png (96.01 KB,495x559,495:559,Clipboard.png)

File: c88df0410a8e0b0⋯.png (20.93 KB,460x391,20:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 45b9afd07daa6c2⋯.png (35.68 KB,470x361,470:361,Clipboard.png)

File: a8a5d2b91d515ef⋯.png (21.74 KB,483x235,483:235,Clipboard.png)

File: a74d4f2fc694ca6⋯.png (19.31 KB,523x244,523:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506629 (141745ZMAR23) Notable: Anon Digs the Keystone

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>>>/qresearch/18505981 pb

>>>/qresearch/18505998 pb

>>>/qresearch/18506159 pb


keystone mentioned 8 times in Q Coms.

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0b991b No.24817

File: 41ce2753bd797b1⋯.png (687.83 KB,1069x710,1069:710,Clipboard.png)

File: d797fff805f70a0⋯.png (110.84 KB,684x648,19:18,Clipboard.png)

File: b0b96c8cffc6731⋯.png (259.66 KB,551x408,551:408,Clipboard.png)

File: adfea6e7465c9cb⋯.png (180.63 KB,650x1052,325:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506632 (141747ZMAR23) Notable: All ears: here’s why Bill Nighy’s Oscars date was a small stained bunny

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All ears: here’s why Bill Nighy’s Oscars date was a small stained bunny


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0b991b No.24818

File: 10215dd793dfc2e⋯.png (103.38 KB,876x826,438:413,Clipboard.png)

File: e9005cc1e02e534⋯.png (43.17 KB,858x341,78:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506647 (141750ZMAR23) Notable: Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

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Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

Over the weekend, amid populist howls of outrage that a bailout of SVB would promote moral hazard (in the end depositors did get bailed out with a full recovery, but other unsecured creditors oddly enough would get nothing, while the common stock is a doughnut), we said that while technically true, the events that toppled SVB and now SBNY as well, are really a subsidy for the big banks.

Today, one day after many small banks nearly failed amid a surge in deposit outflows, we read that "after the back-to-back collapse of three smaller banks, their biggest US counterparts are seeing a rush of depositors fearful the crisis will spread."

According to Bloomberg, JPMorgan - or as we now call it JPMega - the largest US bank and about to become much, much bigger, alone received billions of dollars in recent days, and Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo & Co. are also seeing higher-than-usual volume.

“The top six banks in the US are and have been too big to fail, the financial crisis over 10 years ago demonstrated that,” Michael Imerman, an assistant professor at the University of California Irvine’s business school, told Bloomberg. “So it’s safer to go with a name with higher degree of certainty.”

Other banks are seeing increased deposit inflows as well. Citizens Financial Group Inc. announced Monday that it “has seen higher than normal interest from prospective new customers over the past few days,” and that it would temporarily extend branch hours to accommodate.

Confirming BBG reporting, the FT writes that "Large US banks are inundated with new depositors as smaller lenders face turmoil", which of course means that small bank deposits are getting drained.



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0b991b No.24819

File: bd1c217f08d6489⋯.png (38.82 KB,496x229,496:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506660 (141753ZMAR23) Notable: Senator Warren Calls For Powell's Recusal From Fed's Bank Failure Investigation

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Senator Warren Calls For Powell's Recusal From Fed's Bank Failure Investigation

Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted Tuesday morning that Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell "must recuse himself" from the Fed's investigation into the demise of Silicon Valley Bank.

"Fed Chair Powell's actions directly contributed to these bank failures. For the Fed's inquiry to have credibility, Powell must recuse himself from this internal review."

On Monday, the Fed said it was launching an internal review of its supervision and regulation of Silicon Valley Bank.

The review would be led by Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr. A report would be issued as early as May 1. The collapse of SVB, which the San Francisco Fed supervised, was the largest bank failure since the GFC.

"The events surrounding Silicon Valley Bank demand a thorough, transparent, and swift review by the Federal Reserve," Fed Chair Jerome Powell said in a statement.

Warren said: "It's appropriate for Vice Chair for Supervision Barr to have the independence necessary to do his job"

Meanwhile, many folks on Twitter responded negatively to the senator's tweet, indicating blame resides on lawmakers.

"Fed was reacting to the inflation you guys help cause, but ok," one person said.

Another person said, "Warren should resign. She tried to bring down the crypto banks' $SI & $SBNY networks SEN & Signet, triggering regional bank runs as a residual effect. She's intellectually incapable of handling her responsibilities."

"It happened on your watch," someone else said.

… and, of course, the blame game begins.


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0b991b No.24820

File: 59c3e5da9cb6a6f⋯.png (116.33 KB,664x233,664:233,Clipboard.png)

File: e231ace4ca972b6⋯.png (310.93 KB,735x837,245:279,Clipboard.png)

File: be2bbb00c3a3ece⋯.png (110.67 KB,710x554,355:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506676 (141757ZMAR23) Notable: Lawmakers Plotted to Censor Social Media to Prevent Run on Banks

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Lawmakers Plotted to Censor Social Media to Prevent Run on Banks

During a Zoom meeting with The Federal Reserve, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

On Sunday, while discussing the Silicon Valley Bank collapse in an emergency conference call led by Senate President Chuck Schumer, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) reportedly inquired about the possibility of censoring social media posts to avoid a bank run.

This information was reported by Republican House members who were also present on the call and heard by representatives of the Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, and the Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

“Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate,” Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie tweeted. “A Democrat Senator essentially asked whether there was a program in place to censor information on social media that could lead to a run on the banks.”


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0b991b No.24821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506680 (141758ZMAR23) Notable: Tyson Foods to Shut 2 US Chicken Plants With Nearly 1,700 Workers

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Tyson Foods to Shut 2 US Chicken Plants With Nearly 1,700 Workers

CHICAGO—Tyson Foods Inc. will close two U.S. chicken plants with almost 1,700 employees on May 12, the company said on Tuesday.

The closures show that the biggest U.S. meat company by sales is still trying to figure out how to improve its chicken segment that has struggled for years.

Tyson Foods will shut a plant in Glen Allen, Virginia, with 692 employees, and a plant in Van Buren, Arkansas, with 969 employees, according to a statement.

“The current scale and inability to economically improve operations has led to the difficult decision to close the facilities,” the company said.

Arkansas-based Tyson wrongly predicted last year that it would see strong demand for chicken at supermarkets in November and December, Chief Executive Donnie King said on a quarterly earnings call last month. In January, the company replaced the president of its poultry business.

The company said in its statement that it will shift chicken demand to other facilities from the plants that it is closing as part of a strategy to utilize the full available capacity at each facility.

The United Food and Commercial Workers union, which represents employees at Tyson’s plant in Virginia, slammed the decision to close the facility.

“These men and women risked their lives and the safety of their families to keep this plant operational during the pandemic, and this is the thanks they get?” the union said in a statement.

Shares of the stock rose 1 percent on the news.

Tyson’s sales missed analyst estimates for the quarter ending December 31. The company at the time said the current quarter would be weaker than the end of 2022.


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0b991b No.24822

File: 4c23e282da1db90⋯.jpeg (400.1 KB,1170x905,234:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506685 (141759ZMAR23) Notable: Obama official, Hillary donors, improv actor: Meet SVB’s board of directors

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heads up


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0b991b No.24823

File: 7b8c7723c9f4692⋯.png (58.02 KB,598x744,299:372,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ca85bb79aee399⋯.png (58.61 KB,598x710,299:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506688 (141800ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter Trends

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51% of Americans 5,204 Tweets

Executive Order 13.5K Tweets

Pete Buttigieg 25.7K Tweets

Vladimir Putin 13.4K Tweets

Incompetence 28.1K Tweets

Lindsay Lohan 11.3K Tweets

White Day 552K Tweets

President Carter 13K Tweets

Liz Cheney 7,133 Tweets

#RepublicansAreTheProblem 2,793 Tweets

Ivermectin 26K Tweets

Drew Barrymore Trending with Dylan

#BidenIsDestroyingAmerica 2,001 Tweets


#NationalShutdown 26.6K Tweets

Jared 33.6K Tweets

Meta 172K Tweets

MQ-9 Trending with Su-27

Trump and DeSantis 26.8K Tweets

President Obama 14.5K Tweets

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0b991b No.24824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506692 (141801ZMAR23) Notable: Israeli Bankers Pulled $1 Billion from SVB Immediately Before Its Collapse

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Israeli Bankers Pulled $1 Billion from SVB Immediately Before Its Collapse

Silicon Valley Bank has been described as a major lender to Big Tech firms based both in the United States and in Israel.

Israeli bankers and tech firms pulled a whopping $1 billion from the failed Silicon Valley Bank in the days immediately leading up to its collapse, marking America’s biggest financial meltdown since 2008 and the second-biggest bank collapse in American history.

The Silicon Valley Bank, an openly left-wing financial operation that promoted “woke capital” ESG programs and worked closely with politicians and tech oligarchs alike, is not only linked to powerful Americans, but to powerful Israelis as well. According to the Times of Israel, in the days immediately preceding the bank’s collapse, Israeli bankers, working on behalf of themselves and the nation’s own tech oligarchs, pulled a whopping $1 billion out of SVB.

The Times of Israel reported that Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, the two biggest banks in Israel, set up a “situation room” and worked “around the clock” to help Israeli firms pull their money out of SVB “before it was seized” by American authorities.

“Israel’s two largest banks, Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, set up a situation room that has been operating around the clock to help firms transfer their money from SVB — before it was seized — to accounts in Israel. Over the past few days, teams at LeumiTech, the high-tech banking arm of Bank Leumi, have been able to help their Israeli clients transfer about $1 billion to Israel, the bank said.”

Silicon Valley Bank has been described by the Times of Israel as the “go-to lender of technology startups in Israel,” despite it being based in California. Israel’s technology sector is massive and is responsible for employing as much as 10% of the nation’s total workforce.

The same Times of Israel report also fretted over the possibility that Israeli cash that wasn’t pulled out in time could have been lost forever in SVB’s collapse.

“The US bank served many Israeli startups and technology companies, sending fears into the industry that some firms may find it difficult to make payroll payments at some point in the next month if they cannot access the funds they hold at SVB, although the amounts are not yet known.”

At the current time, it’s unclear if the United States federal government is going to be footing the bill for lost foreign cash, but the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says they are working to determine “whether or not actions are necessary to assist Israeli companies in distress, mainly with cash-flow, due to the collapse of SVB.”

While a swath of Republican legislators have already declared that they won’t be supporting any 2008-style bank bailouts, the Biden Administration is considering a number of options, most of which have been compared to bailouts being presented under a different name.


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0b991b No.24825

File: 83dad8bcd766c17⋯.png (705.41 KB,748x666,374:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506695 (141802ZMAR23) Notable: Obama official, Hillary donors, improv actor: Meet SVB’s board of directors

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Obama official, Hillary donors, improv actor: Meet SVB’s board of directors

One is a Hillary Clinton mega-donor who went to a Shinto shrine to pray after Donald Trump won the White House. Another worked for President Barack Obama before her own political career spectacularly failed. A third is a prolific contributor to Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi — who owns a Napa Valley vineyard just 15 minutes from the former House speaker’s.

There’s even an improv performer.

The 12 directors who were supposed to oversee fallen Silicon Valley Bank — and prevent the catastrophic errors that threw the entire banking system into jeopardy on Friday — might not be household names.

But they are facing a series of investigations into their collective role in its collapse.

A Post examination of the board reveals it did not jibe with Silicon Valley’s young image: Only one independent director is under 60, while the oldest is 78.

SVB touted its diversity, though, noting in its 2022 proxy statement that 45% of its board are women, in addition to “other diversity” like “one black” member, “one LGQBT+” and “two veterans.”

SVB Financial Group, the bank’s parent company, appointed Tom King, former CEO of investment banking at Barclays, to its board in September as it touted $214 billion in assets and more than 7,700 employees worldwide. The group is now composed of seven men and five women, or 41% female.

The group’s lack of banking expertise is likely to be a focus for investigators. Just one current member — King — has had a career at the top of the investment banking world.

What is clear is that the bank, and much of the board, burnished their Democratic credentials as part of their strategy.

They donated to Obama, Clinton and President Biden, and to local Democratic congressional reps including Pelosi — as well as political action committees for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), a longtime member of the powerful Senate Banking Committee.


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0b991b No.24826

File: c303fd2ab7cc3e4⋯.png (290.67 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506702 (141804ZMAR23) Notable: Credit Suisse shares hit record low

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Credit Suisse shares hit record low as banking giant admits to ‘material weaknesses’

Credit Suisse shares hung near all-time lows in early Tuesday trading after the Swiss banking giant admitted to discovering “material weaknesses” in its financial reporting over the last two years.

The Zurich-based firm said the weaknesses amounted to a “failure to design and maintain an effective risk assessment process to identify and analyze the risk of material misstatements.”

Credit Suisse said its full-year results were not impacted by the issue and that its financial statements still “fairly present, in all material respects, the Group’s consolidated financial condition.”

Last month, the bank had disclosed a whopping full-year net loss of 7.3 billion francs – the equivalent of approximately $8 billion.

The Swiss bank’s stock fell as much as 5% in Tuesday trading to $2.54, giving it a market capitalization of just $10.25 billion. On Monday the stock hit an all-time low of $2.44.

Shares plunged despite a rally in US markets as embattled regional banks rebounded from a Monday selloff.

The troubling disclosure raised concerns about lingering turmoil in the banking sector after the rapid collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in New York – with some speculating that Credit Suisse could be next to fall.

The issues emerged even as Credit Suisse’s top brass pursue a complicated restructuring following a series of scandals that have hammered the firm in recent years – including ties to the 2021 implosion of Archegos Capital Management.

Last week, Credit Suisse was forced to postpone the publication of its annual report for 2022 after receiving a last-minute call from SEC regulators.

Credit Suisse said the outreach from SEC officials was linked to a “technical assessment of previously disclosed revisions to the consolidated cash flow statements in the years ended December 31, 2020, and 2019, as well as related controls.”

Rich Dad Company co-founder Robert Kiyosaki – an investor who correctly predicted the downfall of Lehman Brothers in 2008 – was among the market experts who raised concerns about Credit Suisse’s stability.

“The problem is the bond market, and my prediction, I called Lehman Brothers years ago, and I think the next bank to go is Credit Suisse,” Kiyosaki said during a Monday appearance on Fox Business Network.

Kiyosaki stated Credit Suisse was in trouble because “the bond market is crashing.”

On Sunday, the Treasury, Federal Reserve and FDIC said they would guarantee all deposits held at the doomed Silicon Valley Bank and another shuttered firm, Signature Bank in New York.

The feds insist that US taxpayers won’t face any costs from the bailout move – though experts told The Post that Americans will pay more through higher bank fees and degraded services.



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0b991b No.24827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506709 (141806ZMAR23) Notable: Xi Jinping: China Will Be ‘Active’ in Reforming ‘Global Governance’

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Xi Jinping: China Will Be ‘Active’ in Reforming ‘Global Governance’

Genocidal Chinese dictator Xi Jinping vowed in a speech at the conclusion of China’s annual legislative sessions on Monday that the Communist Party would seek a more prominent role on the world stage pursuing the “reform and construction of the global governance system.”

China under his third tenure as president – to which he was unanimously “elected” by the National People’s Congress (NPC), the federal-level legislature, last week – Xi said, would work to “create a favorable international environment for our country’s development.”

Xi was speaking at the conclusion of the “two sessions” of the NPC and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which meet annually to draft new laws for the country. The Communist Party completely dominates both bodies and blocks any diversity of opinion; the Party typically prepares a slate or policy topics to address prior to the meeting.

The “two sessions” are also used to choose new members of Xi’s cabinet and, in theory, select a president. In practice, Xi has eliminated any Communist Party members that may pose a threat to his supremacy or present as potential successors, leaving him surrounded by elderly leaders and no viable alternatives to lead the country.

Xi used his concluding speech to the NPC on Monday to celebrate China’s expanding global influence and promise that he would dedicate his efforts in the next year to reshaping the world to look more like China. Xi did not spend significant time on the problems facing Chinese people at home, according to reports in both Chinese state propaganda and international media, such as the collapse of the nation’s birthrate, its stalling economy, crippling shortages of basic medicines, and international corporations moving business to neighboring countries such as Vietnam and India.

“We will be dedicated to peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit, stand firmly on the right side of history, practice true multilateralism, and uphold the shared values of humanity,” the Chinese state-run Global Times newspaper quoted Xi as saying on Monday.

“The Chinese president said that China will play an active part in the reform and development of the global governance system,” the Global Times shared, “contribute its share to building an open world economy, advance the implementation of the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, add more stability and positive energy to the peaceful development of the world.”

The “Global Development Initiative” and “Global Security Initiative” are vague proposals spearheaded by Xi in which China pressures other countries to abandon the “excessive pursuit of self-interest” and instead pool their resources to allegedly promote world peace and eradication of poverty. The “Global Security Initiative” is of particular concern to free countries as it does not appear to contain any concrete demands for action outside of failing to oppose the Chinese Communist Party’s interests. In debuting the initiative in April 2022, Xi said partners in the project must “stay committed to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously, uphold the principle of indivisible security, build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture,” as well as “oppose the pursuit of one’s own security at the cost of others’ security.”

The Chinese government has not at press time elaborated beyond the lofty goals of the initiative initially proposed by Xi.


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0b991b No.24828

File: 244dcb7de95ca1b⋯.png (224.35 KB,600x781,600:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506710 (141806ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter Blue Promo Cap

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0b991b No.24829

File: 5ad0c5c95096f09⋯.png (118.05 KB,574x642,287:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506714 (141807ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

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Treasury Department To Hand Over Hunter Biden’s Banking Records

The Treasury Department will allow members of the House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee to review Suspicious Activities Reports (SARs) detailing Hunter Biden’s bank records, committee chairman James Comer of Kentucky said Tuesday.

The Oversight Committee initially requested in January that Treasury officials provide Biden’s SARs, which are taken by banks in accordance with federal law when deposits or withdrawals exceed $10,000 or may indicate criminal activity. Assistant Treasury Secretary for Legislative Affairs Jonathan Davidson responded that the Oversight Committee did not identify a purpose for the request. Comer believes that Treasury holds more than 150 reports on Biden.

“After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions. It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request,” Comer said in a statement.

The Treasury Department changed a rule to limit the ability of minority party members to request SARs, Comer asserted in July 2022. He argued that the department made the change to limit Republican investigations into Hunter Biden.

“We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat. If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance,” Comer added.

The Lion Hall Group, a company controlled by Hunter’s uncle James Biden, paid Hunter Biden a $100,000 monthly retainer. Those payments were reportedly flagged, as was a $100,000 payment from Chinese billionaire Ye Jianming to Owasco, Hunter Biden’s law firm.

Large payments to “politically-exposed people” like Hunter Biden can be part of “malign foreign influence campaigns,” Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray testified in August 2022.

“It starts to shade into a blend of what we call malign foreign influence with potential public corruption. And it’s something we take seriously,” he told Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.


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0b991b No.24830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506723 (141809ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

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James Comer: Treasury Reports Show Biden Family Made Millions from Chinese Company After 2016

The Biden family business received a $3 million wire transfer from a Chinese energy company and subsequent payments after President Joe Biden left the vice presidency in 2017, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) announced upon receiving suspicious activity reports from the Treasury this week.

U.S. banks have flagged over 150 SARs from Hunter and James Biden that included “large” amounts of money flagged for further review. According to a 2020 Senate report, SARs “often contain evidence of potential criminal activities, such as money laundering and fraud.”

“According to bank documents we’ve already obtained, we know one company owned by a Biden associate received a $3 million dollar wire from a Chinese energy company two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency,” Comer said in a statement. “Soon after, hundreds of thousands of dollars in payouts went to members of the Biden family.”

The Biden family had previously negotiated a deal with CEFC from which Joe Biden (Big Guy) would receive a ten percent equity stake in the joint venture with Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski. In 2017, Hunter earned a $1 million legal retainer from the company’s chairman, Ye Jianming. Hunter also received a large diamond from Ye worth an estimated $80,000 in February 2017.

The SARs also likely show money paid to Hunter and James Biden for their work with a Ukrainian energy company. In April 2014, Hunter joined the board of Burisma, just two years before Joe Biden stated he forced the firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin investigating Burisma. Despite Hunter’s lack of experience in Ukraine or the energy sector, he was paid $83,000 per month by the energy company or $1 million per year — just weeks after his father was announced “point person” on U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine.

“We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat,” Comer explained.

The Treasury’s compliance to disclose the SARs is a massive development in the probe into the Biden family business. Comer is investigating the Biden family business for nine violations, including wire fraud and money laundering.

The Treasury had previously refused to disclose the banking documents to the committee and even backed out from attending a committee hearing on Friday. “After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions,” Comer said.

“It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request,” Comer added. “For over 20 years, Congress had access to these reports but the Biden Administration changed the rules out of the blue to restrict our ability to conduct oversight.”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a ten percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.


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0b991b No.24831

File: 0388f8cd7c1725c⋯.png (394.75 KB,470x566,235:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 8358f365302b530⋯.png (130.2 KB,471x397,471:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506724 (141809ZMAR23) Notable: Plumes of yellow smoke have leaked out of a chemical plant #Indiana

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🚨#BREAKING: Plumes of yellow smoke have leaked out of a chemical plant

📌#NewAlbany | #Indiana

Authorities are currently investigating after a significant chemical release at the Blue Grass Chemical Specialties plant in New Albany, Indiana. The incident prompted police to issue a temporary shelter-in-place. Officials at the plant have confirmed that the yellow haze observed was due to the release of nitrogen oxide.


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0b991b No.24832

File: 2c4e318d845bc1f⋯.jpg (68.2 KB,621x720,69:80,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506726 (141810ZMAR23) Notable: EO 13603 The Federal Govt may take over…

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0b991b No.24833

File: f036dcfd77fcd69⋯.png (8.28 MB,2000x3863,2000:3863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506734 (141811ZMAR23) Notable: Anon Maps out Ketron Island

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0b991b No.24834

File: d6f9ab6b7e18061⋯.png (52.67 KB,866x452,433:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506737 (141812ZMAR23) Notable: State Department Miss Deadline To Produce COVID Origin Information To House Panel

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FBI, State Department Miss Deadline To Produce COVID Origin Information To House Panel

The FBI and U.S. Department of State have not yet provided documents in response to a congressional request for information on the origin of the COVID-19 virus, which is due March 13, but the agencies are expected to comply, according to the House panel seeking the information.

The information was requested on Feb. 27 by Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and by Rep. Brad R. Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

“We have not received documents at this time, but we are in communication with the agencies about the chairman’s request, and we expect compliance,” a spokesperson for the subcommittee told The Epoch Times on March 13.

A spokesperson for the State Department told The Epoch Times, “President Biden has directed every element of our intelligence community to put the effort and resources behind getting to the bottom of the origins of COVID-19. We will continue to use every tool to figure out what happened here. And if we gain further insight, the President has directed the Administration to share that with Congress and the American people.”

The FBI declined to comment.

The select subcommittee is investigating “the origins of COVID-19 and the CCP’s efforts to cover it up,” according to Feb. 27 letters sent to FBI Director Christopher Wray (pdf) and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (pdf).

The subcommittee held an initial hearing on the origin of the virus on March 8, where witnesses offered mixed opinions on whether the origin of the virus can be definitively traced to a leak from a research laboratory in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the global pandemic.

Wenstrup pledged “to leave no stone unturned to try to find the truth” about the origin of the virus in his opening statement to the subcommittee.


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0b991b No.24835

File: f53b844c0652142⋯.png (1.23 MB,534x5712,89:952,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506743 (141813ZMAR23) Notable: Here's the story of Doug Mackey,

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Here's the story of Doug Mackey, the twitter poster who helped Trump win the election in 2016, and is now being persecuted by the Biden DOJ for posting memes. He goes to trial today, and facesten years in prison. This is the situation, and what it means for you

Ricky rose to fame as a brilliant twitter personality. At his peak, he was more influential than NBC, CNN and the Colbert Report. He reached and energized millions.

He had a talent for making Hillary Clinton look foolish and for eviscerating journalists. President Trump was elected in part bc of the groundswell he helped mobilize. They never forgot this.

In 2018 he was doxxed and afterwards went to go live a quiet life in Florida away from the spotlight. But the incestuous trifecta of academics, journalists, and government officials that make up the Deep State hadn't forgotten him.

In 2021, mere days after Biden took office, Doug was charged with election interference and arrested by the FBI. They'd been sitting on the case and finally saw their chance to strike…..

He's accused of committing a crime for posting on Twitter. Specifically, the DOJ alleges thathe engaged in conspiracy to defraud people of their voting rights by posting a satirical meme.

see thread.

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0b991b No.24836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506745 (141814ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

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‘A New Name Has Emerged’: Rep. Comer Says Another Biden Member Tied Up In Hunter Scheme

Kentucky Republican Rep. James Comer said Tuesday on Fox News that “a new name has emerged” in the Hunter Biden scandal.

Comer joined “America’s Newsroom” to discuss an ongoing House investigation into Hunter Biden after Comer issued a subpoena Sunday for bank records from alleged business associates of Hunter Biden. One alleged associate is John “Rob” Walker. Host Bill Hemmer noted the recent revelations surrounding Walker.

Comer explained a $3 million wire was discovered “two months after Joe Biden left office and then the very next day, from that account, that Walker account that appears to be a pastoral account, then they started wiring money to Biden family members, plural, and there were three different Biden family members that received a cut from the $3 million, including new Biden family members never before included in any of these investigations.”

Comer then questioned what these individuals did to warrant that money and what the purpose of the wire was, before saying this was an investigation about the president and not just his son.

“There are more family members involved than just the president’s son,” Comer added.

“Another name popped up, whose name is that?” Hemmer asked. “Are they a relative tied to the family?”

“They are a Biden,” Comer said. “I’m not going to disclose that new name, that really changes things because what we assumed was this was just about the president’s son and two brothers, but now there is a new name that’s emerged. They are a Biden.”

“We have got a problem here with respect to trying to determine what exactly this family was doing to receive these transactions from China. I think every American should be concerned, this is an issue of national security.”

Comer then added it appears all the transfers, which came from alleged business associates with ties to China, were put into personal accounts. Further, Comer said the Biden family doesn’t manufacture or sell anything nor do they own real estate.


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0b991b No.24837

File: 9e40dcf1f8095c8⋯.png (41.7 KB,553x283,553:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506774 (141821ZMAR23) Notable: Biden to sign executive order for background checks on gun sales

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Biden to sign executive order for background checks on gun sales

President Joe Biden is set to announce a new executive order that would move the United States “as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation.”

The president will be visiting Monterey Park, California on Tuesday where a gunman had killed 11 people in January. Biden is expected to sign his new executive order during his visit where he will also meet with the families that were impacted by the shooting.

According to the White House some of the changes that the executive order will make include expanding background checks by expanding the statutory definition of a firearms dealer. It will also require Attorney General Merrick Garland to prevent former federally licensed dealers, who have had their licenses revoked or surrendered, from engaging in the business of firearms.

The attorney general will also be required to release the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) records from inspections of dealers that were in violation of firearms laws.

The order will require the secretary of transportation to work with the Department of Justice to “reduce the loss or theft of firearms during shipment” by engaging with carriers and shippers.

The White House said that the gun industry will be held “accountable” by providing “more information regarding federally licensed firearms dealers who are violating the law.”

The order will require law enforcement agencies to issue “rigorous requirements regarding NIBIN data submission and use of this tool.” The National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) allows law enforcement to match fired casings to the guns from which they were fired. This makes it easier for law enforcement officials to connect multiple crimes and catch shooters.

Under the new order, the president will also intensify the implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act which increases federal support for gun violence survivors, victims and survivors’ families, first responders and communities affected by gun violence. He will also advance efforts to prevent the distribution of firearms undetectable by metal detectors.

The new measure will also enhance background checks for buyers under 21, add penalties for gun criminals and provides funding for health and mental health-related programs. The order will also close the “boyfriend loophole” which had allowed spousal domestic abusers to have their gun rights taken away but not unmarried ones.

Biden is also directing his cabinet to encourage “the effective use” of the new orders by partnering with law enforcement, health care providers, educators, and other community leaders.

Biden has repeatedly pledged to ban “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines. In June 2022, he had signed into law the most expansive gun control bill in nearly 30 years.

A senior administration official celebrated Biden’s executive actions throughout his presidency so far in relations to gun violence.

“The president is going to continue to fight for common sense gun safety legislation, and there are all sorts of pieces of legislation we need,” the official said. “But in the meantime, [the president] wants the federal government to be doing all we can with existing authority to reduce gun violence. And that is what this executive order does.”



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0b991b No.24838

File: 8d8d1d3d17508f5⋯.png (502.39 KB,598x599,598:599,Clipboard.png)

File: b9e1f770f9871dc⋯.png (18.44 KB,982x153,982:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506809 (141828ZMAR23) Notable: The goals of the special military operation in the current situation can only be achieved by military means Qmapped

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Russia state-affiliated media

The goals of the special military operation in the current situation can only be achieved by military means, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media:


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0b991b No.24839

File: 7b7e15d915f919c⋯.png (263.05 KB,747x484,747:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506818 (141832ZMAR23) Notable: PDJT - Oprah not wanting VP now. Donald "Neither am I! "

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·2m

Neither am I!

Oprah on letter she wrote praising Trump: 'I'm not thinking it today'

Decades ago, billionaire celebrity Oprah Winfrey casually wrote to Donald Trump that the two would make a great ticket for president – a letter Trump is planning to publish in a coffee table book being…


Mar 14, 2023, 2:25 PM


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0b991b No.24840

File: 66d983164279c98⋯.png (278.95 KB,499x937,499:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506825 (141834ZMAR23) Notable: PDJT - Oprah not wanting VP now. Donald "Neither am I! "

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Oprah on letter she wrote praising Trump: 'I'm not thinking it today'

Decades ago, billionaire celebrity Oprah Winfrey casually wrote to Donald Trump that the two would make a great ticket for president – a letter Trump is planning to publish in a coffee table book being published later this year.

But Oprah's mind has most certainly been changed, she told CBS News on Tuesday.

"Letters to Trump," a book full of private correspondences written to the former president by various politicians and celebrities including former presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, Princess Diana and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, is expected to hit the stores priced at $99.

"She wrote at the time, 'Too bad we're not running for office,' according to Axios. 'What a TEAM!'"

But on "CBS Mornings," Winfrey said, "'I think he'd written a book and said that he wanted me to be his running mate … if he decided to run, and when I heard that this letter is now going to be a part of a book, I thought, 'Oh, wasn't that nice of me to write a note.'

"That's what I thought, because I'm always like, 'Oh, I should write a note. The person did this, or I should write a note,'' she said. 'So I'm really happy that I wrote a note.'"

But her sentiment that they could work together has vanished, Winfrey added to CBS host Gayle King. "I might have thought it back then. I might have thought it 23 years ago," she said. "I'm not thinking it today."

Winfrey's letter was written in 2000, just after Trump's first ill-fated campaign for president under the Reform Party in 1999. Running alongside former wrestler turned Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, Trump campaigned on a platform that included eliminating the national debt, adopting universal health care, and trade reform. He ended the campaign amid dysfunction and infighting within the Reform Party.

Ironically, Winfrey herself later became the focus of rumors she would challenge Trump for the presidency in 2020, although she never mounted a campaign and publicly stated she had no interest in entering politics.


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0b991b No.24841

File: dca6a2ddf704927⋯.png (972.77 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506841 (141838ZMAR23) Notable: Cap on Creating the Perfect Tweet

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0b991b No.24842

File: e99a35012e7bd55⋯.png (390.68 KB,665x1224,665:1224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506878 (141847ZMAR23) Notable: Eleanor Williams jailed for eight and a half years after rape and trafficking lies

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Eleanor Williams jailed for eight and a half years after rape and trafficking lies

Twenty-two-year-old from Barrow posted photos on Facebook falsely claiming she had been abused


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0b991b No.24843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506888 (141850ZMAR23) Notable: USGO Today we learned inflation is down nearly 35% from this summer

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President Biden


United States government official

Today we learned inflation is down nearly 35% from this summer while the unemployment rate remains near a 50-year low.

I'll stand up to House Republicans whose proposals would cut taxes for the wealthy and cut programs that millions count on.

12:22 PM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506889 (141850ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. Attorney’s Office Charges 9 Defendants with Child Exploitation

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U.S. Attorney’s Office Charges 9 Defendants with Child Exploitation Offenses in Ongoing Program to Prevent Victimization of Children

LOS ANGELES – Federal authorities today announced a series of child sexual exploitation cases alleging the victimization of minors – sometimes by convicted sex offenders – and charging a range of crimes that include sex trafficking, enticing a minor to engage in criminal sexual activity and producing child pornography.

United States Attorney Martin Estrada, FBI Assistant Director in Charge Donald Alway, and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Acting Special Agent in Charge Eddy Wang made the announcement.

In eight new cases filed in recent weeks – five resulting from FBI-led investigations, and three from investigations led by Homeland Security Investigations – nine defendants are accused of exploiting children in person and on the internet. There have been significant recent developments in other child exploitation cases being prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office, including a life sentence imposed on an offender who filmed his sexual assaults of disabled children.

The cases announced today are part of Project Safe Childhood, which is the Justice Department’s longstanding initiative to combat the ongoing epidemic of child exploitation crimes.

“Protecting our children from sexual exploitation is some of the most important work my office does,” said United States Attorney Estrada. “For years, we have vigorously prosecuted child sexual predators, and we have only increased those efforts in recent times. To those who would seek to victimize our youth, let me be clear: We will use every tool in our arsenal to bring you to justice and thereby stop you from causing further irreparable harm to others.”

“The various cases being announced today are a reminder of the constant threat of sexual extortion minors face, as well as the persistent demand for child pornography,” said FBI Assistant Director Alway, who runs the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office. “Whether an offender sexually abuses a child in person or online, or continues to exploit children by producing or sharing images of sexual abuse, the FBI and our partners will continue to seek justice for innocent victims by holding offenders accountable.”

“HSI Los Angeles is committed to removing sexual predators from our streets and working aggressively to hold them accountable for their heinous actions,” said HSI Acting Special Agent in Charge Wang.


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0b991b No.24845

File: 70ec9b0c165ea8d⋯.png (36.3 KB,547x396,547:396,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506919 (141856ZMAR23) Notable: USGO Like I've said, we can and will lead the world in manufacturing.

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2:15 = 17

President Biden


United States government official

Like I've said, we can and will lead the world in manufacturing.

Two of the largest Boeing deals in the company’s history took place in just the last month, supporting over 1 million American jobs in the aerospace supply chain across 44 states.

Great news for American workers.

Quote Tweet

Secretary Gina Raimondo




Today’s deal between Boeing and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the largest commercial agreements in the history of the U.S.-Saudi partnership. It’ll deliver world-class passenger aircraft and power economic growth and job creation in both countries. https://commerce.gov/news/press-releases/2023/03/secretary-raimondo-statement-saudi-arabias-purchase-boeing-aircraft

2:15 PM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24846

File: 97c0b52c89b7ccd⋯.png (406.93 KB,547x909,547:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506930 (141858ZMAR23) Notable: USGO Women lose thousands of dollars each year, and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime, because of gender and racial wage gaps.

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President Biden


United States government official

Charlotte, I couldn’t agree more.

Women lose thousands of dollars each year, and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime, because of gender and racial wage gaps.

I’m committed to building an economy where my daughters have the same rights and opportunities as my sons.

2:45 PM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24847

File: 09c44e0e228f2b6⋯.png (292.13 KB,598x524,299:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506960 (141903ZMAR23) Notable: Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

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Russia state-affiliated media

Russian MoD on #US #Drone Incident: UAV Was Flying With Transponders Turned Off Towards Russian Border


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0b991b No.24848

File: 307435a4ea84017⋯.png (99.28 KB,218x265,218:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506961 (141903ZMAR23) Notable: Manhunt Underway For Ex-Chief of Staff of Former Governor Larry Hogan

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Manhunt Underway For Ex-Chief of Staff of Former Governor Larry Hogan


A manhunt is underway for Roy McGrath, the onetime chief of staff for former Maryland Go. Larry Hogan, after McGrath failed to appear for his federal fraud trial in Baltimore that was scheduled to begin March 13 at 9 a.m. and an arrest warrant was issued.

McGrath lives in Florida and law enforcement agents in Collier County, Fl. conducted a welfare check at the McGrath home just before 10:30 a.m. but he was not there. Baltimore and Washington, D.C. agents with the U.S. Marshals Service are assisting in executing an arrest warrant.

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0b991b No.24849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506967 (141905ZMAR23) Notable: GOP Rep Warns Jane Fonda She Will ‘Answer for Her Comments’ "murdering pro-life politicians"

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GOP Rep Warns Jane Fonda She Will ‘Answer for Her Comments’: ‘Capitol Police Will Be Investigating’

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) warned Jane Fonda that the Capitol Police will be paying her a visit shortly over her recent controversial comments about murdering pro-life politicians on “The View.”

As Slay News reported, Fonda caused outrage with the comments when she suggested that “murder” was a solution to opposition to the Democrats’ pro-abortion agenda.

Luna said: “Unfortunately, for Ms. Fonda, Capitol Police takes this issue very seriously, as do I and many of my pro-life Republican colleagues so I’m sure the Capitol Police will be investigating and she will be having to answer for her comments.”

Speaking during an appearance on Fox News’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” the congresswoman revealed that she has already received threats.

“The individual that made this comment actually posted it under her video of ‘The View,’ saying that the only good conservative and Trump supporter was a dead one,” she said about one threat.

Speaking about “The View,” Luna said: “They are supposed to pride themselves on being a show that promotes women’s viewpoints, right?

“Yeah, if you are pro-life, they want to essentially promote someone that’s calling for your murder.

“For people to go on national news outlets and make these calls of violence simply because they don’t like the fact that we are taking stands to protect life, these people are unhinged.”


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0b991b No.24850

File: 849013b9810486c⋯.png (52.98 KB,908x592,227:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506999 (141913ZMAR23) Notable: Anon answers Q posts #43, #44

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Remember this day…Q said on Jan 19, 2018

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0b991b No.24851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18507021 (141920ZMAR23) Notable: #22695

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>>24781 DOUGH

>>24794, >>24799, >>24829, >>24830, >>24836 House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

>>24802, >>24805, >>24813, >>24847 Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

>>24782, >>24784 Thailand searches for missing radioactive cylinder

>>24783 Q+ truths Hannity video calling out Biden's lies re: Bank collapses

>>24785 Investigators score big win as Treasury turns over secret bank records flagging Hunter Biden deals

>>24786 ALL PB Bun the possibilities of what x5 means? #Qdecode

>>24787 @NSAGov Celebrate #PiDay by solving this puzzle!

>>24788 Sanders signs Arkansas trans care malpractice bill into law

>>24789 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>24790 Congressman Byron Donalds The ONLY WAY for America to grow is for DC to shrink.

>>24791 Russian economic sovereignty has increased exponentially – Putin

>>24792 Massive refugee camp blaze was ‘planned sabotage’

>>24793 Citadel's Griffin Slams SVB Bailout: American Capitalism Is "Breaking Down Before Our Eyes"

>>24795, >>24808 Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

>>24796 Anons Graphic - What is Pi really?

>>24797, >>24798, >>24804 Former acting AG Matthew Whitaker [@MattWhitaker46] addresses claims that former President Donald Trump is now the Republican establishment.

>>24800 1:00 PM EST NPC Headliners Luncheon: Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Berger

>>24801 Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002?

>>24803 Anons Obama linked map

>>24806 BlackRock Eyes Deal to Buy Into Biggest Africa Wind Power Farm in Kenya

>>24807 Graphic - The SES Scheme to remove trump

>>24809 List of States Where “Money” is Being Redefined and Non Govt Issued Cryptocurrency is Being Banned

>>24810 German AF GAF630 GL5T on ground at Chisinau, Moldova

>>24811 YT Podcast - Tennessee library staff outrages Christian patrons (Citizen's alert)

>>24812 Meta to Lay Off 10,000 More Workers

>>24814 Maricopa County Files Bogus Response In Kari Lake’s Historic Arizona Supreme Court Election Challenge

>>24815 Pfizer Buys Cancer Biotech SeaGen for $43B

>>24816 Anon Digs the Keystone

>>24818 Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

>>24819 Senator Warren Calls For Powell's Recusal From Fed's Bank Failure Investigation

>>24820 Lawmakers Plotted to Censor Social Media to Prevent Run on Banks

>>24821 Tyson Foods to Shut 2 US Chicken Plants With Nearly 1,700 Workers

>>24823 Twitter Trends

>>24824 Israeli Bankers Pulled $1 Billion from SVB Immediately Before Its Collapse

>>24825, >>24822 Obama official, Hillary donors, improv actor: Meet SVB’s board of directors

>>24826 Credit Suisse shares hit record low

>>24827 Xi Jinping: China Will Be ‘Active’ in Reforming ‘Global Governance’

>>24828 Twitter Blue Promo Cap

>>24831 Plumes of yellow smoke have leaked out of a chemical plant #Indiana

>>24832 EO 13603 The Federal Govt may take over…

>>24833 Anon Maps out Ketron Island

>>24834 State Department Miss Deadline To Produce COVID Origin Information To House Panel

>>24835 Here's the story of Doug Mackey,

>>24837 Biden to sign executive order for background checks on gun sales

>>24838 The goals of the special military operation in the current situation can only be achieved by military means Qmapped

>>24839, >>24840 PDJT - Oprah not wanting VP now. Donald "Neither am I! "

>>24841 Cap on Creating the Perfect Tweet

>>24843 USGO Today we learned inflation is down nearly 35% from this summer

>>24844 U.S. Attorney’s Office Charges 9 Defendants with Child Exploitation

>>24845 USGO Like I've said, we can and will lead the world in manufacturing.

>>24846 USGO Women lose thousands of dollars each year, and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime, because of gender and racial wage gaps.

>>24848 Manhunt Underway For Ex-Chief of Staff of Former Governor Larry Hogan

>>24849 GOP Rep Warns Jane Fonda She Will ‘Answer for Her Comments’ "murdering pro-life politicians"

>>24817 All ears: here’s why Bill Nighy’s Oscars date was a small stained bunny

>>24842 Eleanor Williams jailed for eight and a half years after rape and trafficking lies

>>24850 Anon answers Q posts #43, #44


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0b991b No.24852

File: 1788c7ced384a26⋯.jpeg (254.14 KB,1170x1878,195:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4220802930731d5⋯.jpeg (418.84 KB,1170x1394,585:697,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 79b177e806e4ddc⋯.jpeg (395.24 KB,1170x1762,585:881,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8d92ac3f0d9420c⋯.jpeg (626.35 KB,1170x2319,390:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9b4849844980ae6⋯.jpeg (694 KB,1170x2312,585:1156,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18507054 (141925ZMAR23) Notable: META LAYOFFS ANOTHER 10000

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0b991b No.24853

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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