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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

8e5ba3 No.17317 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 788 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0b991b No.24804

File: 5d216323ed349d5⋯.mp4 (7.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506479 (141711ZMAR23) Notable: Former acting AG Matthew Whitaker [@MattWhitaker46] addresses claims that former President Donald Trump is now the Republican establishment.

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They asses need to get cleaned out too. ALL the cancer must be removed.

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0b991b No.24805

File: 6b1f47674f21529⋯.png (968.21 KB,1106x1300,553:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506480 (141712ZMAR23) Notable: Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

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0b991b No.24806

File: b9983fd4a38ed70⋯.png (290.55 KB,416x455,32:35,Clipboard.png)

File: c5eac8a75d5a55f⋯.png (572.58 KB,595x708,595:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506483 (141713ZMAR23) Notable: BlackRock Eyes Deal to Buy Into Biggest Africa Wind Power Farm in Kenya

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BlackRock Eyes Deal to Buy Into Biggest Africa Wind Power Farm in Kenya

A public-private partnership backed by BlackRock Alternatives plans to buy a 31.25% stake in Lake Turkana Wind Power, Africa’s largest wind farm located in northern Kenya.

The Climate Finance Partnership, conceived by BlackRock and the governments of France, Germany and Japan as well as US impact organizations, will acquire the equity stakes of Finnfund, Vestas, and the Investment Fund for Developing countries, BlackRock said in an emailed statement. It didn’t disclose the value of the deal. The CFP, which secured $673 million in commitments, is focused on investing in climate infrastructure across emerging markets in order to help fast-track the global transition to a net zero economy. BlackRock Alternatives said the transaction in the 310-megawatt project is its first private-market investment into Africa. The CFP’s climate mission bodes well for Kenya’s target to make its grid’s energy sources fully renewable by 2030 from about 92% currently. Kenya is pushing various initiatives from adding renewable energy capacity to planting forests in a bid to achieve net zero status by 2050. “Developing economies are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,” David Giordano, the head of climate infrastructure at BlackRock Alternatives, said. “CFP’s unique blended model brings together the public and private sectors to accelerate institutional investment into clean energy in emerging markets.” Vestas, which holds a 12.5% stake in the Lake Turkana project, said the planned sale follows its “strategy to develop wind parks but not being a long-term owner,” spokesman Kristian Holmelund Jakobsen said in an emailed response to questions.


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0b991b No.24807

File: b9a61bbdf14be3c⋯.png (410.6 KB,900x1152,25:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506488 (141714ZMAR23) Notable: Graphic - The SES Scheme to remove trump

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0b991b No.24808

File: 185ce7e714e9b85⋯.png (5.49 MB,781x6076,781:6076,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506522 (141720ZMAR23) Notable: Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

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Breitbart Exclusive —

Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that his forthcoming book will show readers that he has had a “very fascinating life” and that many of the powerful people who attack him now used to adore him before he ran for president.

The book, titled Letters to Trump, is the former president’s second book release since leaving office in January 2021. The first one, Our Journey Together, was a collection of historic photos from Trump’s time in office. This book collects letters that Trump sent and received from interesting, famous, powerful, and influential people over the years, both during his time as president and for the decades leading up to his historic White House run in 2016.

Letters to Trump is being published by Winning Team Publishing, which has the book available for pre-order ahead of its April 25 release now on its website.


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0b991b No.24809

File: f1956c5336b2cf1⋯.jpeg (200.92 KB,1098x658,549:329,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506556 (141727ZMAR23) Notable: List of States Where “Money” is Being Redefined and Non Govt Issued Cryptocurrency is Being Banned

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Action Alert – List of States Where “Money” is Being Redefined and Non Govt Issued Cryptocurrency is Being Banned

March 14, 2023 | Sundance |

Last week South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem broadcast a warning on the Tucker Carlson show about a bill that passed her State House and Senate that she was forced to veto because it changed the definition of money and banned non-govt-issued cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. {Broadcast Warning Here}

The bill stems from the generally innocuous Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which Daniel Horowitz describes as, “a set of standards to facilitate interstate sales and commercial transactions such that all definitions pertaining to such commerce are uniform and clearly understood.” It looks like Horowitz was the first to transmit the public warning, as identified by two members of the South Dakota House Freedom Caucus, and then Kristi Noem became aware – thus the veto.

Governor Noem warned that the bill was already passing through several states, and if you look at the UCC Amendment tracking page [DATA HERE], she is correct. The states in green on the map below are states where the UCC revision bill has already been introduced.

As Daniel Horowitz notes in his initial warning dated March 2, 2023:

The revisions to Article I are very clear now that Bitcoin will not be money, because even though the definition provides for electronic money … it says that an asset that is adopted by a government as its medium of exchange will not qualify as money … if the electronic asset, such as Bitcoin, existed before it was adopted by the government. So Bitcoin, of course, exists today; it existed before El Salvador adopted it as its currency … so it will never be money for UCC purposes. The same for other kinds of crypto currencies.” So there you have it. Officials clearly mean to pave the way for CBDC while explicitly barring all competition. (more)

This is obviously alarming.

Additionally, with the timing of this national revision taking place very quietly; and with the failure of SVB and Signature Bank following a few weeks later; and with specific impacts to the cyptocurrency market; one is left wondering if the current bank “failure” and Biden team intervention was not an intentional crisiswith a motive to push government controlled central bank digital currencies into the mainstream.

In essence, was the SVB banking collapse, a designed crisis?And as a result, was the federal government response predetermined and just waiting to be triggered?

When asked last week why her legislature would do this, Noem responded the state politicians likely did not read the bill as it was constructed by lobbyists. Noem is exactly correct and hits on a subject we have discussed here frequently {GO DEEP}. However, one of the more alarming aspects to Noem’s discussion of the issue is thataround 20 other states are considering similar legislation. WATCH:




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0b991b No.24810

File: 20aba0d26e96d28⋯.png (450.48 KB,782x427,782:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 54e24aa612643b2⋯.png (407.51 KB,878x434,439:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506577 (141731ZMAR23) Notable: German AF GAF630 GL5T on ground at Chisinau, Moldova

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>>24756 lb

German AF GAF630 GL5T on ground at Chisinau, Moldova from Koln/Bonn Airport (Luftwaffe homes base)

Arrived at the next targeted NATO member

from yesterday

Thousands in Chisinau protest against Moldova's pro-Western government


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0b991b No.24811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506581 (141732ZMAR23) Notable: YT Podcast - Tennessee library staff outrages Christian patrons (Citizen's alert)

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Speak Up for the Kids!

March 14, 2023 | Menagerie |

I stumbled across this podcast this morning. Missy Robertson, Kirk Cameron, and Riley Gaines (representing Bethany Hamilton, the surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack) had an appearance at the Hendersonville, Tennessee public library last week. They were to read children’s books they’d written for Brave Books, stories based on faith-based principles.

The staff did everything they could to disrupt the event, and according to Missy, kept the parents and kids in line outside in the freezing rain when they could have formed the lines inside the library.

As Missy says, for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, we must make sure our voices are louder than theirs. I’m quite sure Drag Queens would have been given the red carpet treatment.

At the very least, the must be taught that we will not give up our Constitutional rights and that they, government employees, have no right or ability to restrict them.

Please share, and contact the Hendersonville Library, and the Library Board and commissioners. If you are nearby, perhaps you could even attend, and film. It would be great to hear from some Treepers.


What these cowardly library staff did to the Brave Books authors, and parents and children, is shocking. There isn’t enough vilification to go around. Tennesse people, speak out. They even kept parents and children out in the rain rather than allow them to wait inside.

Right To Read Sumner


Our Hendersonville Public Library staff are being unjustly vilified beyond belief & NEED our support!!




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0b991b No.24812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506595 (141737ZMAR23) Notable: Meta to Lay Off 10,000 More Workers

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Meta to Lay Off 10,000 More Workers

Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday announced Meta will lay off 10,000 more workers as the company seeks to cut “middle management.”

This is in addition to the 11,000 employees laid off in November.

“Here’s the timeline you should expect: over the next couple of months, org leaders will announce restructuring plans focused on flattening our orgs, canceling lower priority projects, and reducing our hiring rates,” Zuckerberg said.

CNBC reported:

Meta will lay off 10,000 more workers and incur restructuring costs ranging from $3 billion to $5 billion, the company announced Tuesday, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg warning economic instability could continue for “many years.”

He added that the Facebook parent plans to close 5,000 additional open roles that it hasn’t yet filled. In a nod to continued economic uncertainty, Zuckerberg noted that the company should prepare for “the possibility that this new economic reality will continue for many years.”

In a SEC filing announcing the cuts, Meta also said it anticipated lowered total expenses in 2023, ranging from $86 billion to $92 billion.

The new round of layoffs follows a previous round of cuts, announced in November, that affected more than 11,000 workers, which equated to roughly 13% of Meta’s overall staff.

Zuckerberg has pitched 2023 as the company’s “year of efficiency,” in which the firm aims to become “a stronger and more nimble organization.”

“We are a technology company, and our ultimate output is what we build for people,” Zuckerberg said. As part of the restructuring, the company will also increase the number of direct reports each manager has.


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0b991b No.24813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506610 (141739ZMAR23) Notable: Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

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'Reckless' Intercept By Russian Jets Caused US Drone Crash In Black Sea: Pentagon

Update(1328ET): The US military statement of events, blaming a pair of Russian fighter jets for "reckless" maneuvers which resulted in the MQ-9 drone being struck and crashing in international waters at a "complete loss":

Two Russian Su-27 aircraft conducted an unsafe and unprofessional intercept with a U.S. Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance unmanned MQ-9 aircraft that was operating within international airspace over the Black Sea today.

At approximately 7:03 AM (CET), one of the Russian Su-27 aircraft struck the propeller of the MQ-9, causing U.S. forces to have to bring the MQ-9 down in international waters. Several times before the collision, the Su-27s dumped fuel on and flew in front of the MQ-9 in a reckless, environmentally unsound and unprofessional manner. This incident demonstrates a lack of competence in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional.

“Our MQ-9 aircraft was conducting routine operations in international airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft, resulting in a crash and complete loss of the MQ-9,” said U.S. Air Force Gen. James B. Hecker, commander, U.S. Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa. “In fact, this unsafe and unprofessional act by the Russians nearly caused both aircraft to crash.”

“U.S. and Allied aircraft will continue to operate in international airspace and we call on the Russians to conduct themselves professionally and safely,” Hecker added.

This incident follows a pattern of dangerous actions by Russian pilots while interacting with U.S. and Allied aircraft over international airspace, including over the Black Sea. These aggressive actions by Russian aircrew are dangerous and could lead to miscalculation and unintended escalation.

NSC spokesman John Kirby followed up by saying the US aircraft posed no threat to anyone, and that it was operating in international airspace. He additionally confirmed it was brought down in international waters. Presumably there may be a recovery operation underway.


US accuses Russia of drone downing

European Command says a Reaper drone was damaged in encounter with two Su-27s


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0b991b No.24814

File: d958a507472227e⋯.png (109.01 KB,1077x766,1077:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506616 (141742ZMAR23) Notable: Maricopa County Files Bogus Response In Kari Lake’s Historic Arizona Supreme Court Election Challenge

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Maricopa County Files Bogus Response In Kari Lake’s Historic Arizona Supreme Court Election Challenge – Internal Conference Scheduled for MARCH 21 – FILING INCLUDED

Maricopa County filed a response to Kari Lake’s Petition for Review in the Arizona Supreme Court yesterday.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Kari Lake’s stolen election and lawsuit challenging the fraud. On March 1, 2023, after the Maricopa County Superior Court and the Arizona Appeals Court dismissed the case, Lake filed a ‘Petition for Review’ and a Motion to Expedite Review’ for her election contest in the Arizona Supreme Court.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, on March 2, the Arizona Supreme Court agreed to expedite Lake’s lawsuit and scheduled March 21 to consider whether or not they will accept Lake’s new Petition. “At the conference, the Court will decide whether to accept review and schedule an oral argument,” states the order.

Responses from Defendants were ordered to be submitted by yesterday, March 13.

Maricopa County submitted a bogus response, falsely claiming that Kari Lake “presents—for the first time—a misleading factual theory about chain-of-custody documents” and “does not present any argument illustrating a need for this Court to review the court of appeals’ Opinion.”

They don’t even want the Supreme Court to consider this case because they are terrified.

“The only aspect of the Petition that differs from Lake’s briefing below is the inclusion of a newly-fabricated characterization of chain-of-custody documents presented for the first time in the Petition. But a petition for review is not the place for Lake to argue that the trial court’s findings of fact were incorrect, nor that the court of appeals improperly accepted the facts that the trial court found,” argue the dishonest attorneys for Maricopa County.

This is untrue, as The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the alleged discrepancies corroborated by whistleblower testimony, including missing chain of custody documentation for hundreds of thousands of ballots and the injection of likely phony ballots into the election. Lake also challenges the burden of proof used in the Maricopa County Superior Court and the opinion that Kari Lake did not provide “clear and convincing evidence” of voter fraud.

Lake’s attorneys argue that according to Findley v. Sorenson (1929), even if not intentional, election errors can nullify an election if “they affect the result, or at least render it uncertain.” This is further confirmed by the opinion in Hunt v. Campbell (1917), which states, “wherever such practices or influences are shown to have prevailed, not slightly and in individual cases, but generally, so as to render the result uncertain, the entire vote so affected must be rejected.”

Lake was required to prove, with clear and convincing evidence, that the errors were intentional beyond a reasonable doubt and that the outcome was affected by election fraud, which does not conform to the legal standard set forth above.


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0b991b No.24815

File: 1e323960f83389e⋯.png (142.15 KB,1014x857,1014:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 61369b11207e7a5⋯.png (275.11 KB,594x816,99:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506628 (141745ZMAR23) Notable: Pfizer Buys Cancer Biotech SeaGen for $43B

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Pfizer Buys Cancer Biotech SeaGen for $43B – Increases Access into New Cancer Treatments

Pfizer Inc. is investing around $43 billion in expanding into innovative cancer treatments.

“Pfizer Inc. and Seagen Inc. today announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which Pfizer will acquire Seagen, a global biotechnology company that discovers, develops and commercializes transformative cancer medicines, for $229 in cash per Seagen share for a total enterprise value of $43 billion,” Pfizer said in a statement.

“Pfizer is deploying its financial resources to advance the battle against cancer, a leading cause of death worldwide with a significant impact on public health,” said Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

“Together, Pfizer and Seagen seek to accelerate the next generation of cancer breakthroughs and bring new solutions to patients by combining the power of Seagen’s antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) technology with the scale and strength of Pfizer’s capabilities and expertise. Oncology continues to be the largest growth driver in global medicine, and this acquisition will enhance Pfizer’s position in this important space and contribute meaningfully to the achievement of Pfizer’s near- and long-term financial goals,” Bourla said.

According to Pfizer’s projections, Seagen will bring in roughly $2.2 billion in revenue in 2023 from its four in-line medicines, royalties, collaboration and license agreements, and other sources, indicating a year-over-year increase of 12%.

Pfizer estimates that Seagen could add more than $10 billion in risk-adjusted revenues in 2030, with potential significant growth beyond 2030.

More from the release:

Seagen is a pioneer in ADC technology, with four of the twelve total FDA-approved and marketed ADCs using its technology industry-wide. ADCs are a transformative modality that is emerging as a powerful tool across a broad range of cancers designed to preferentially kill cancer cells and limit off-target toxicities. Seagen has developed a leadership position in ADC technologies since its founding 25 years ago, with groundbreaking and proprietary technology that is positioned for significant growth in 2023 and beyond. Seagen’s portfolio includes four approved medicines that are first- or best-in-class in their respective indications across solid tumors and hematologic malignancies, including three ADCs: ADCETRIS® (brentuximab vedotin), PADCEV® (enfortumab vedotin), and TIVDAK® (tisotumab vedotin). The company also commercializes TUKYSA® (tucatinib). Clinical development programs are ongoing for each of these medicines for potential new tumor types or expanded indications in earlier lines of therapy, with catalysts expected annually through 2027.


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0b991b No.24816

File: 1d4478c30878c60⋯.png (96.01 KB,495x559,495:559,Clipboard.png)

File: c88df0410a8e0b0⋯.png (20.93 KB,460x391,20:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 45b9afd07daa6c2⋯.png (35.68 KB,470x361,470:361,Clipboard.png)

File: a8a5d2b91d515ef⋯.png (21.74 KB,483x235,483:235,Clipboard.png)

File: a74d4f2fc694ca6⋯.png (19.31 KB,523x244,523:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506629 (141745ZMAR23) Notable: Anon Digs the Keystone

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>>>/qresearch/18505981 pb

>>>/qresearch/18505998 pb

>>>/qresearch/18506159 pb


keystone mentioned 8 times in Q Coms.

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0b991b No.24817

File: 41ce2753bd797b1⋯.png (687.83 KB,1069x710,1069:710,Clipboard.png)

File: d797fff805f70a0⋯.png (110.84 KB,684x648,19:18,Clipboard.png)

File: b0b96c8cffc6731⋯.png (259.66 KB,551x408,551:408,Clipboard.png)

File: adfea6e7465c9cb⋯.png (180.63 KB,650x1052,325:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506632 (141747ZMAR23) Notable: All ears: here’s why Bill Nighy’s Oscars date was a small stained bunny

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All ears: here’s why Bill Nighy’s Oscars date was a small stained bunny


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0b991b No.24818

File: 10215dd793dfc2e⋯.png (103.38 KB,876x826,438:413,Clipboard.png)

File: e9005cc1e02e534⋯.png (43.17 KB,858x341,78:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506647 (141750ZMAR23) Notable: Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

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Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

Over the weekend, amid populist howls of outrage that a bailout of SVB would promote moral hazard (in the end depositors did get bailed out with a full recovery, but other unsecured creditors oddly enough would get nothing, while the common stock is a doughnut), we said that while technically true, the events that toppled SVB and now SBNY as well, are really a subsidy for the big banks.

Today, one day after many small banks nearly failed amid a surge in deposit outflows, we read that "after the back-to-back collapse of three smaller banks, their biggest US counterparts are seeing a rush of depositors fearful the crisis will spread."

According to Bloomberg, JPMorgan - or as we now call it JPMega - the largest US bank and about to become much, much bigger, alone received billions of dollars in recent days, and Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo & Co. are also seeing higher-than-usual volume.

“The top six banks in the US are and have been too big to fail, the financial crisis over 10 years ago demonstrated that,” Michael Imerman, an assistant professor at the University of California Irvine’s business school, told Bloomberg. “So it’s safer to go with a name with higher degree of certainty.”

Other banks are seeing increased deposit inflows as well. Citizens Financial Group Inc. announced Monday that it “has seen higher than normal interest from prospective new customers over the past few days,” and that it would temporarily extend branch hours to accommodate.

Confirming BBG reporting, the FT writes that "Large US banks are inundated with new depositors as smaller lenders face turmoil", which of course means that small bank deposits are getting drained.



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0b991b No.24819

File: bd1c217f08d6489⋯.png (38.82 KB,496x229,496:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506660 (141753ZMAR23) Notable: Senator Warren Calls For Powell's Recusal From Fed's Bank Failure Investigation

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Senator Warren Calls For Powell's Recusal From Fed's Bank Failure Investigation

Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted Tuesday morning that Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell "must recuse himself" from the Fed's investigation into the demise of Silicon Valley Bank.

"Fed Chair Powell's actions directly contributed to these bank failures. For the Fed's inquiry to have credibility, Powell must recuse himself from this internal review."

On Monday, the Fed said it was launching an internal review of its supervision and regulation of Silicon Valley Bank.

The review would be led by Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr. A report would be issued as early as May 1. The collapse of SVB, which the San Francisco Fed supervised, was the largest bank failure since the GFC.

"The events surrounding Silicon Valley Bank demand a thorough, transparent, and swift review by the Federal Reserve," Fed Chair Jerome Powell said in a statement.

Warren said: "It's appropriate for Vice Chair for Supervision Barr to have the independence necessary to do his job"

Meanwhile, many folks on Twitter responded negatively to the senator's tweet, indicating blame resides on lawmakers.

"Fed was reacting to the inflation you guys help cause, but ok," one person said.

Another person said, "Warren should resign. She tried to bring down the crypto banks' $SI & $SBNY networks SEN & Signet, triggering regional bank runs as a residual effect. She's intellectually incapable of handling her responsibilities."

"It happened on your watch," someone else said.

… and, of course, the blame game begins.


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0b991b No.24820

File: 59c3e5da9cb6a6f⋯.png (116.33 KB,664x233,664:233,Clipboard.png)

File: e231ace4ca972b6⋯.png (310.93 KB,735x837,245:279,Clipboard.png)

File: be2bbb00c3a3ece⋯.png (110.67 KB,710x554,355:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506676 (141757ZMAR23) Notable: Lawmakers Plotted to Censor Social Media to Prevent Run on Banks

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Lawmakers Plotted to Censor Social Media to Prevent Run on Banks

During a Zoom meeting with The Federal Reserve, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

On Sunday, while discussing the Silicon Valley Bank collapse in an emergency conference call led by Senate President Chuck Schumer, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) reportedly inquired about the possibility of censoring social media posts to avoid a bank run.

This information was reported by Republican House members who were also present on the call and heard by representatives of the Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, and the Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

“Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate,” Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie tweeted. “A Democrat Senator essentially asked whether there was a program in place to censor information on social media that could lead to a run on the banks.”


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0b991b No.24821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506680 (141758ZMAR23) Notable: Tyson Foods to Shut 2 US Chicken Plants With Nearly 1,700 Workers

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Tyson Foods to Shut 2 US Chicken Plants With Nearly 1,700 Workers

CHICAGO—Tyson Foods Inc. will close two U.S. chicken plants with almost 1,700 employees on May 12, the company said on Tuesday.

The closures show that the biggest U.S. meat company by sales is still trying to figure out how to improve its chicken segment that has struggled for years.

Tyson Foods will shut a plant in Glen Allen, Virginia, with 692 employees, and a plant in Van Buren, Arkansas, with 969 employees, according to a statement.

“The current scale and inability to economically improve operations has led to the difficult decision to close the facilities,” the company said.

Arkansas-based Tyson wrongly predicted last year that it would see strong demand for chicken at supermarkets in November and December, Chief Executive Donnie King said on a quarterly earnings call last month. In January, the company replaced the president of its poultry business.

The company said in its statement that it will shift chicken demand to other facilities from the plants that it is closing as part of a strategy to utilize the full available capacity at each facility.

The United Food and Commercial Workers union, which represents employees at Tyson’s plant in Virginia, slammed the decision to close the facility.

“These men and women risked their lives and the safety of their families to keep this plant operational during the pandemic, and this is the thanks they get?” the union said in a statement.

Shares of the stock rose 1 percent on the news.

Tyson’s sales missed analyst estimates for the quarter ending December 31. The company at the time said the current quarter would be weaker than the end of 2022.


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0b991b No.24822

File: 4c23e282da1db90⋯.jpeg (400.1 KB,1170x905,234:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506685 (141759ZMAR23) Notable: Obama official, Hillary donors, improv actor: Meet SVB’s board of directors

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heads up


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0b991b No.24823

File: 7b8c7723c9f4692⋯.png (58.02 KB,598x744,299:372,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ca85bb79aee399⋯.png (58.61 KB,598x710,299:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506688 (141800ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter Trends

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51% of Americans 5,204 Tweets

Executive Order 13.5K Tweets

Pete Buttigieg 25.7K Tweets

Vladimir Putin 13.4K Tweets

Incompetence 28.1K Tweets

Lindsay Lohan 11.3K Tweets

White Day 552K Tweets

President Carter 13K Tweets

Liz Cheney 7,133 Tweets

#RepublicansAreTheProblem 2,793 Tweets

Ivermectin 26K Tweets

Drew Barrymore Trending with Dylan

#BidenIsDestroyingAmerica 2,001 Tweets


#NationalShutdown 26.6K Tweets

Jared 33.6K Tweets

Meta 172K Tweets

MQ-9 Trending with Su-27

Trump and DeSantis 26.8K Tweets

President Obama 14.5K Tweets

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0b991b No.24824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506692 (141801ZMAR23) Notable: Israeli Bankers Pulled $1 Billion from SVB Immediately Before Its Collapse

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Israeli Bankers Pulled $1 Billion from SVB Immediately Before Its Collapse

Silicon Valley Bank has been described as a major lender to Big Tech firms based both in the United States and in Israel.

Israeli bankers and tech firms pulled a whopping $1 billion from the failed Silicon Valley Bank in the days immediately leading up to its collapse, marking America’s biggest financial meltdown since 2008 and the second-biggest bank collapse in American history.

The Silicon Valley Bank, an openly left-wing financial operation that promoted “woke capital” ESG programs and worked closely with politicians and tech oligarchs alike, is not only linked to powerful Americans, but to powerful Israelis as well. According to the Times of Israel, in the days immediately preceding the bank’s collapse, Israeli bankers, working on behalf of themselves and the nation’s own tech oligarchs, pulled a whopping $1 billion out of SVB.

The Times of Israel reported that Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, the two biggest banks in Israel, set up a “situation room” and worked “around the clock” to help Israeli firms pull their money out of SVB “before it was seized” by American authorities.

“Israel’s two largest banks, Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, set up a situation room that has been operating around the clock to help firms transfer their money from SVB — before it was seized — to accounts in Israel. Over the past few days, teams at LeumiTech, the high-tech banking arm of Bank Leumi, have been able to help their Israeli clients transfer about $1 billion to Israel, the bank said.”

Silicon Valley Bank has been described by the Times of Israel as the “go-to lender of technology startups in Israel,” despite it being based in California. Israel’s technology sector is massive and is responsible for employing as much as 10% of the nation’s total workforce.

The same Times of Israel report also fretted over the possibility that Israeli cash that wasn’t pulled out in time could have been lost forever in SVB’s collapse.

“The US bank served many Israeli startups and technology companies, sending fears into the industry that some firms may find it difficult to make payroll payments at some point in the next month if they cannot access the funds they hold at SVB, although the amounts are not yet known.”

At the current time, it’s unclear if the United States federal government is going to be footing the bill for lost foreign cash, but the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says they are working to determine “whether or not actions are necessary to assist Israeli companies in distress, mainly with cash-flow, due to the collapse of SVB.”

While a swath of Republican legislators have already declared that they won’t be supporting any 2008-style bank bailouts, the Biden Administration is considering a number of options, most of which have been compared to bailouts being presented under a different name.


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0b991b No.24825

File: 83dad8bcd766c17⋯.png (705.41 KB,748x666,374:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506695 (141802ZMAR23) Notable: Obama official, Hillary donors, improv actor: Meet SVB’s board of directors

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Obama official, Hillary donors, improv actor: Meet SVB’s board of directors

One is a Hillary Clinton mega-donor who went to a Shinto shrine to pray after Donald Trump won the White House. Another worked for President Barack Obama before her own political career spectacularly failed. A third is a prolific contributor to Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi — who owns a Napa Valley vineyard just 15 minutes from the former House speaker’s.

There’s even an improv performer.

The 12 directors who were supposed to oversee fallen Silicon Valley Bank — and prevent the catastrophic errors that threw the entire banking system into jeopardy on Friday — might not be household names.

But they are facing a series of investigations into their collective role in its collapse.

A Post examination of the board reveals it did not jibe with Silicon Valley’s young image: Only one independent director is under 60, while the oldest is 78.

SVB touted its diversity, though, noting in its 2022 proxy statement that 45% of its board are women, in addition to “other diversity” like “one black” member, “one LGQBT+” and “two veterans.”

SVB Financial Group, the bank’s parent company, appointed Tom King, former CEO of investment banking at Barclays, to its board in September as it touted $214 billion in assets and more than 7,700 employees worldwide. The group is now composed of seven men and five women, or 41% female.

The group’s lack of banking expertise is likely to be a focus for investigators. Just one current member — King — has had a career at the top of the investment banking world.

What is clear is that the bank, and much of the board, burnished their Democratic credentials as part of their strategy.

They donated to Obama, Clinton and President Biden, and to local Democratic congressional reps including Pelosi — as well as political action committees for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), a longtime member of the powerful Senate Banking Committee.


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0b991b No.24826

File: c303fd2ab7cc3e4⋯.png (290.67 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506702 (141804ZMAR23) Notable: Credit Suisse shares hit record low

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Credit Suisse shares hit record low as banking giant admits to ‘material weaknesses’

Credit Suisse shares hung near all-time lows in early Tuesday trading after the Swiss banking giant admitted to discovering “material weaknesses” in its financial reporting over the last two years.

The Zurich-based firm said the weaknesses amounted to a “failure to design and maintain an effective risk assessment process to identify and analyze the risk of material misstatements.”

Credit Suisse said its full-year results were not impacted by the issue and that its financial statements still “fairly present, in all material respects, the Group’s consolidated financial condition.”

Last month, the bank had disclosed a whopping full-year net loss of 7.3 billion francs – the equivalent of approximately $8 billion.

The Swiss bank’s stock fell as much as 5% in Tuesday trading to $2.54, giving it a market capitalization of just $10.25 billion. On Monday the stock hit an all-time low of $2.44.

Shares plunged despite a rally in US markets as embattled regional banks rebounded from a Monday selloff.

The troubling disclosure raised concerns about lingering turmoil in the banking sector after the rapid collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in New York – with some speculating that Credit Suisse could be next to fall.

The issues emerged even as Credit Suisse’s top brass pursue a complicated restructuring following a series of scandals that have hammered the firm in recent years – including ties to the 2021 implosion of Archegos Capital Management.

Last week, Credit Suisse was forced to postpone the publication of its annual report for 2022 after receiving a last-minute call from SEC regulators.

Credit Suisse said the outreach from SEC officials was linked to a “technical assessment of previously disclosed revisions to the consolidated cash flow statements in the years ended December 31, 2020, and 2019, as well as related controls.”

Rich Dad Company co-founder Robert Kiyosaki – an investor who correctly predicted the downfall of Lehman Brothers in 2008 – was among the market experts who raised concerns about Credit Suisse’s stability.

“The problem is the bond market, and my prediction, I called Lehman Brothers years ago, and I think the next bank to go is Credit Suisse,” Kiyosaki said during a Monday appearance on Fox Business Network.

Kiyosaki stated Credit Suisse was in trouble because “the bond market is crashing.”

On Sunday, the Treasury, Federal Reserve and FDIC said they would guarantee all deposits held at the doomed Silicon Valley Bank and another shuttered firm, Signature Bank in New York.

The feds insist that US taxpayers won’t face any costs from the bailout move – though experts told The Post that Americans will pay more through higher bank fees and degraded services.



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0b991b No.24827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506709 (141806ZMAR23) Notable: Xi Jinping: China Will Be ‘Active’ in Reforming ‘Global Governance’

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Xi Jinping: China Will Be ‘Active’ in Reforming ‘Global Governance’

Genocidal Chinese dictator Xi Jinping vowed in a speech at the conclusion of China’s annual legislative sessions on Monday that the Communist Party would seek a more prominent role on the world stage pursuing the “reform and construction of the global governance system.”

China under his third tenure as president – to which he was unanimously “elected” by the National People’s Congress (NPC), the federal-level legislature, last week – Xi said, would work to “create a favorable international environment for our country’s development.”

Xi was speaking at the conclusion of the “two sessions” of the NPC and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which meet annually to draft new laws for the country. The Communist Party completely dominates both bodies and blocks any diversity of opinion; the Party typically prepares a slate or policy topics to address prior to the meeting.

The “two sessions” are also used to choose new members of Xi’s cabinet and, in theory, select a president. In practice, Xi has eliminated any Communist Party members that may pose a threat to his supremacy or present as potential successors, leaving him surrounded by elderly leaders and no viable alternatives to lead the country.

Xi used his concluding speech to the NPC on Monday to celebrate China’s expanding global influence and promise that he would dedicate his efforts in the next year to reshaping the world to look more like China. Xi did not spend significant time on the problems facing Chinese people at home, according to reports in both Chinese state propaganda and international media, such as the collapse of the nation’s birthrate, its stalling economy, crippling shortages of basic medicines, and international corporations moving business to neighboring countries such as Vietnam and India.

“We will be dedicated to peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit, stand firmly on the right side of history, practice true multilateralism, and uphold the shared values of humanity,” the Chinese state-run Global Times newspaper quoted Xi as saying on Monday.

“The Chinese president said that China will play an active part in the reform and development of the global governance system,” the Global Times shared, “contribute its share to building an open world economy, advance the implementation of the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, add more stability and positive energy to the peaceful development of the world.”

The “Global Development Initiative” and “Global Security Initiative” are vague proposals spearheaded by Xi in which China pressures other countries to abandon the “excessive pursuit of self-interest” and instead pool their resources to allegedly promote world peace and eradication of poverty. The “Global Security Initiative” is of particular concern to free countries as it does not appear to contain any concrete demands for action outside of failing to oppose the Chinese Communist Party’s interests. In debuting the initiative in April 2022, Xi said partners in the project must “stay committed to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously, uphold the principle of indivisible security, build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture,” as well as “oppose the pursuit of one’s own security at the cost of others’ security.”

The Chinese government has not at press time elaborated beyond the lofty goals of the initiative initially proposed by Xi.


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0b991b No.24828

File: 244dcb7de95ca1b⋯.png (224.35 KB,600x781,600:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506710 (141806ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter Blue Promo Cap

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0b991b No.24829

File: 5ad0c5c95096f09⋯.png (118.05 KB,574x642,287:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506714 (141807ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

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Treasury Department To Hand Over Hunter Biden’s Banking Records

The Treasury Department will allow members of the House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee to review Suspicious Activities Reports (SARs) detailing Hunter Biden’s bank records, committee chairman James Comer of Kentucky said Tuesday.

The Oversight Committee initially requested in January that Treasury officials provide Biden’s SARs, which are taken by banks in accordance with federal law when deposits or withdrawals exceed $10,000 or may indicate criminal activity. Assistant Treasury Secretary for Legislative Affairs Jonathan Davidson responded that the Oversight Committee did not identify a purpose for the request. Comer believes that Treasury holds more than 150 reports on Biden.

“After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions. It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request,” Comer said in a statement.

The Treasury Department changed a rule to limit the ability of minority party members to request SARs, Comer asserted in July 2022. He argued that the department made the change to limit Republican investigations into Hunter Biden.

“We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat. If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance,” Comer added.

The Lion Hall Group, a company controlled by Hunter’s uncle James Biden, paid Hunter Biden a $100,000 monthly retainer. Those payments were reportedly flagged, as was a $100,000 payment from Chinese billionaire Ye Jianming to Owasco, Hunter Biden’s law firm.

Large payments to “politically-exposed people” like Hunter Biden can be part of “malign foreign influence campaigns,” Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray testified in August 2022.

“It starts to shade into a blend of what we call malign foreign influence with potential public corruption. And it’s something we take seriously,” he told Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.


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0b991b No.24830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506723 (141809ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

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James Comer: Treasury Reports Show Biden Family Made Millions from Chinese Company After 2016

The Biden family business received a $3 million wire transfer from a Chinese energy company and subsequent payments after President Joe Biden left the vice presidency in 2017, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) announced upon receiving suspicious activity reports from the Treasury this week.

U.S. banks have flagged over 150 SARs from Hunter and James Biden that included “large” amounts of money flagged for further review. According to a 2020 Senate report, SARs “often contain evidence of potential criminal activities, such as money laundering and fraud.”

“According to bank documents we’ve already obtained, we know one company owned by a Biden associate received a $3 million dollar wire from a Chinese energy company two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency,” Comer said in a statement. “Soon after, hundreds of thousands of dollars in payouts went to members of the Biden family.”

The Biden family had previously negotiated a deal with CEFC from which Joe Biden (Big Guy) would receive a ten percent equity stake in the joint venture with Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski. In 2017, Hunter earned a $1 million legal retainer from the company’s chairman, Ye Jianming. Hunter also received a large diamond from Ye worth an estimated $80,000 in February 2017.

The SARs also likely show money paid to Hunter and James Biden for their work with a Ukrainian energy company. In April 2014, Hunter joined the board of Burisma, just two years before Joe Biden stated he forced the firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin investigating Burisma. Despite Hunter’s lack of experience in Ukraine or the energy sector, he was paid $83,000 per month by the energy company or $1 million per year — just weeks after his father was announced “point person” on U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine.

“We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat,” Comer explained.

The Treasury’s compliance to disclose the SARs is a massive development in the probe into the Biden family business. Comer is investigating the Biden family business for nine violations, including wire fraud and money laundering.

The Treasury had previously refused to disclose the banking documents to the committee and even backed out from attending a committee hearing on Friday. “After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions,” Comer said.

“It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request,” Comer added. “For over 20 years, Congress had access to these reports but the Biden Administration changed the rules out of the blue to restrict our ability to conduct oversight.”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a ten percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.


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0b991b No.24831

File: 0388f8cd7c1725c⋯.png (394.75 KB,470x566,235:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 8358f365302b530⋯.png (130.2 KB,471x397,471:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506724 (141809ZMAR23) Notable: Plumes of yellow smoke have leaked out of a chemical plant #Indiana

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🚨#BREAKING: Plumes of yellow smoke have leaked out of a chemical plant

📌#NewAlbany | #Indiana

Authorities are currently investigating after a significant chemical release at the Blue Grass Chemical Specialties plant in New Albany, Indiana. The incident prompted police to issue a temporary shelter-in-place. Officials at the plant have confirmed that the yellow haze observed was due to the release of nitrogen oxide.


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0b991b No.24832

File: 2c4e318d845bc1f⋯.jpg (68.2 KB,621x720,69:80,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506726 (141810ZMAR23) Notable: EO 13603 The Federal Govt may take over…

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0b991b No.24833

File: f036dcfd77fcd69⋯.png (8.28 MB,2000x3863,2000:3863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506734 (141811ZMAR23) Notable: Anon Maps out Ketron Island

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0b991b No.24834

File: d6f9ab6b7e18061⋯.png (52.67 KB,866x452,433:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506737 (141812ZMAR23) Notable: State Department Miss Deadline To Produce COVID Origin Information To House Panel

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FBI, State Department Miss Deadline To Produce COVID Origin Information To House Panel

The FBI and U.S. Department of State have not yet provided documents in response to a congressional request for information on the origin of the COVID-19 virus, which is due March 13, but the agencies are expected to comply, according to the House panel seeking the information.

The information was requested on Feb. 27 by Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and by Rep. Brad R. Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

“We have not received documents at this time, but we are in communication with the agencies about the chairman’s request, and we expect compliance,” a spokesperson for the subcommittee told The Epoch Times on March 13.

A spokesperson for the State Department told The Epoch Times, “President Biden has directed every element of our intelligence community to put the effort and resources behind getting to the bottom of the origins of COVID-19. We will continue to use every tool to figure out what happened here. And if we gain further insight, the President has directed the Administration to share that with Congress and the American people.”

The FBI declined to comment.

The select subcommittee is investigating “the origins of COVID-19 and the CCP’s efforts to cover it up,” according to Feb. 27 letters sent to FBI Director Christopher Wray (pdf) and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (pdf).

The subcommittee held an initial hearing on the origin of the virus on March 8, where witnesses offered mixed opinions on whether the origin of the virus can be definitively traced to a leak from a research laboratory in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the global pandemic.

Wenstrup pledged “to leave no stone unturned to try to find the truth” about the origin of the virus in his opening statement to the subcommittee.


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0b991b No.24835

File: f53b844c0652142⋯.png (1.23 MB,534x5712,89:952,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506743 (141813ZMAR23) Notable: Here's the story of Doug Mackey,

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Here's the story of Doug Mackey, the twitter poster who helped Trump win the election in 2016, and is now being persecuted by the Biden DOJ for posting memes. He goes to trial today, and facesten years in prison. This is the situation, and what it means for you

Ricky rose to fame as a brilliant twitter personality. At his peak, he was more influential than NBC, CNN and the Colbert Report. He reached and energized millions.

He had a talent for making Hillary Clinton look foolish and for eviscerating journalists. President Trump was elected in part bc of the groundswell he helped mobilize. They never forgot this.

In 2018 he was doxxed and afterwards went to go live a quiet life in Florida away from the spotlight. But the incestuous trifecta of academics, journalists, and government officials that make up the Deep State hadn't forgotten him.

In 2021, mere days after Biden took office, Doug was charged with election interference and arrested by the FBI. They'd been sitting on the case and finally saw their chance to strike…..

He's accused of committing a crime for posting on Twitter. Specifically, the DOJ alleges thathe engaged in conspiracy to defraud people of their voting rights by posting a satirical meme.

see thread.

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0b991b No.24836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506745 (141814ZMAR23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

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‘A New Name Has Emerged’: Rep. Comer Says Another Biden Member Tied Up In Hunter Scheme

Kentucky Republican Rep. James Comer said Tuesday on Fox News that “a new name has emerged” in the Hunter Biden scandal.

Comer joined “America’s Newsroom” to discuss an ongoing House investigation into Hunter Biden after Comer issued a subpoena Sunday for bank records from alleged business associates of Hunter Biden. One alleged associate is John “Rob” Walker. Host Bill Hemmer noted the recent revelations surrounding Walker.

Comer explained a $3 million wire was discovered “two months after Joe Biden left office and then the very next day, from that account, that Walker account that appears to be a pastoral account, then they started wiring money to Biden family members, plural, and there were three different Biden family members that received a cut from the $3 million, including new Biden family members never before included in any of these investigations.”

Comer then questioned what these individuals did to warrant that money and what the purpose of the wire was, before saying this was an investigation about the president and not just his son.

“There are more family members involved than just the president’s son,” Comer added.

“Another name popped up, whose name is that?” Hemmer asked. “Are they a relative tied to the family?”

“They are a Biden,” Comer said. “I’m not going to disclose that new name, that really changes things because what we assumed was this was just about the president’s son and two brothers, but now there is a new name that’s emerged. They are a Biden.”

“We have got a problem here with respect to trying to determine what exactly this family was doing to receive these transactions from China. I think every American should be concerned, this is an issue of national security.”

Comer then added it appears all the transfers, which came from alleged business associates with ties to China, were put into personal accounts. Further, Comer said the Biden family doesn’t manufacture or sell anything nor do they own real estate.


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0b991b No.24837

File: 9e40dcf1f8095c8⋯.png (41.7 KB,553x283,553:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506774 (141821ZMAR23) Notable: Biden to sign executive order for background checks on gun sales

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Biden to sign executive order for background checks on gun sales

President Joe Biden is set to announce a new executive order that would move the United States “as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation.”

The president will be visiting Monterey Park, California on Tuesday where a gunman had killed 11 people in January. Biden is expected to sign his new executive order during his visit where he will also meet with the families that were impacted by the shooting.

According to the White House some of the changes that the executive order will make include expanding background checks by expanding the statutory definition of a firearms dealer. It will also require Attorney General Merrick Garland to prevent former federally licensed dealers, who have had their licenses revoked or surrendered, from engaging in the business of firearms.

The attorney general will also be required to release the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) records from inspections of dealers that were in violation of firearms laws.

The order will require the secretary of transportation to work with the Department of Justice to “reduce the loss or theft of firearms during shipment” by engaging with carriers and shippers.

The White House said that the gun industry will be held “accountable” by providing “more information regarding federally licensed firearms dealers who are violating the law.”

The order will require law enforcement agencies to issue “rigorous requirements regarding NIBIN data submission and use of this tool.” The National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) allows law enforcement to match fired casings to the guns from which they were fired. This makes it easier for law enforcement officials to connect multiple crimes and catch shooters.

Under the new order, the president will also intensify the implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act which increases federal support for gun violence survivors, victims and survivors’ families, first responders and communities affected by gun violence. He will also advance efforts to prevent the distribution of firearms undetectable by metal detectors.

The new measure will also enhance background checks for buyers under 21, add penalties for gun criminals and provides funding for health and mental health-related programs. The order will also close the “boyfriend loophole” which had allowed spousal domestic abusers to have their gun rights taken away but not unmarried ones.

Biden is also directing his cabinet to encourage “the effective use” of the new orders by partnering with law enforcement, health care providers, educators, and other community leaders.

Biden has repeatedly pledged to ban “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines. In June 2022, he had signed into law the most expansive gun control bill in nearly 30 years.

A senior administration official celebrated Biden’s executive actions throughout his presidency so far in relations to gun violence.

“The president is going to continue to fight for common sense gun safety legislation, and there are all sorts of pieces of legislation we need,” the official said. “But in the meantime, [the president] wants the federal government to be doing all we can with existing authority to reduce gun violence. And that is what this executive order does.”



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0b991b No.24838

File: 8d8d1d3d17508f5⋯.png (502.39 KB,598x599,598:599,Clipboard.png)

File: b9e1f770f9871dc⋯.png (18.44 KB,982x153,982:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506809 (141828ZMAR23) Notable: The goals of the special military operation in the current situation can only be achieved by military means Qmapped

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Russia state-affiliated media

The goals of the special military operation in the current situation can only be achieved by military means, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media:


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0b991b No.24839

File: 7b7e15d915f919c⋯.png (263.05 KB,747x484,747:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506818 (141832ZMAR23) Notable: PDJT - Oprah not wanting VP now. Donald "Neither am I! "

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·2m

Neither am I!

Oprah on letter she wrote praising Trump: 'I'm not thinking it today'

Decades ago, billionaire celebrity Oprah Winfrey casually wrote to Donald Trump that the two would make a great ticket for president – a letter Trump is planning to publish in a coffee table book being…


Mar 14, 2023, 2:25 PM


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0b991b No.24840

File: 66d983164279c98⋯.png (278.95 KB,499x937,499:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506825 (141834ZMAR23) Notable: PDJT - Oprah not wanting VP now. Donald "Neither am I! "

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Oprah on letter she wrote praising Trump: 'I'm not thinking it today'

Decades ago, billionaire celebrity Oprah Winfrey casually wrote to Donald Trump that the two would make a great ticket for president – a letter Trump is planning to publish in a coffee table book being published later this year.

But Oprah's mind has most certainly been changed, she told CBS News on Tuesday.

"Letters to Trump," a book full of private correspondences written to the former president by various politicians and celebrities including former presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, Princess Diana and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, is expected to hit the stores priced at $99.

"She wrote at the time, 'Too bad we're not running for office,' according to Axios. 'What a TEAM!'"

But on "CBS Mornings," Winfrey said, "'I think he'd written a book and said that he wanted me to be his running mate … if he decided to run, and when I heard that this letter is now going to be a part of a book, I thought, 'Oh, wasn't that nice of me to write a note.'

"That's what I thought, because I'm always like, 'Oh, I should write a note. The person did this, or I should write a note,'' she said. 'So I'm really happy that I wrote a note.'"

But her sentiment that they could work together has vanished, Winfrey added to CBS host Gayle King. "I might have thought it back then. I might have thought it 23 years ago," she said. "I'm not thinking it today."

Winfrey's letter was written in 2000, just after Trump's first ill-fated campaign for president under the Reform Party in 1999. Running alongside former wrestler turned Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, Trump campaigned on a platform that included eliminating the national debt, adopting universal health care, and trade reform. He ended the campaign amid dysfunction and infighting within the Reform Party.

Ironically, Winfrey herself later became the focus of rumors she would challenge Trump for the presidency in 2020, although she never mounted a campaign and publicly stated she had no interest in entering politics.


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0b991b No.24841

File: dca6a2ddf704927⋯.png (972.77 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506841 (141838ZMAR23) Notable: Cap on Creating the Perfect Tweet

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0b991b No.24842

File: e99a35012e7bd55⋯.png (390.68 KB,665x1224,665:1224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506878 (141847ZMAR23) Notable: Eleanor Williams jailed for eight and a half years after rape and trafficking lies

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Eleanor Williams jailed for eight and a half years after rape and trafficking lies

Twenty-two-year-old from Barrow posted photos on Facebook falsely claiming she had been abused


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0b991b No.24843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506888 (141850ZMAR23) Notable: USGO Today we learned inflation is down nearly 35% from this summer

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President Biden


United States government official

Today we learned inflation is down nearly 35% from this summer while the unemployment rate remains near a 50-year low.

I'll stand up to House Republicans whose proposals would cut taxes for the wealthy and cut programs that millions count on.

12:22 PM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506889 (141850ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. Attorney’s Office Charges 9 Defendants with Child Exploitation

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U.S. Attorney’s Office Charges 9 Defendants with Child Exploitation Offenses in Ongoing Program to Prevent Victimization of Children

LOS ANGELES – Federal authorities today announced a series of child sexual exploitation cases alleging the victimization of minors – sometimes by convicted sex offenders – and charging a range of crimes that include sex trafficking, enticing a minor to engage in criminal sexual activity and producing child pornography.

United States Attorney Martin Estrada, FBI Assistant Director in Charge Donald Alway, and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Acting Special Agent in Charge Eddy Wang made the announcement.

In eight new cases filed in recent weeks – five resulting from FBI-led investigations, and three from investigations led by Homeland Security Investigations – nine defendants are accused of exploiting children in person and on the internet. There have been significant recent developments in other child exploitation cases being prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office, including a life sentence imposed on an offender who filmed his sexual assaults of disabled children.

The cases announced today are part of Project Safe Childhood, which is the Justice Department’s longstanding initiative to combat the ongoing epidemic of child exploitation crimes.

“Protecting our children from sexual exploitation is some of the most important work my office does,” said United States Attorney Estrada. “For years, we have vigorously prosecuted child sexual predators, and we have only increased those efforts in recent times. To those who would seek to victimize our youth, let me be clear: We will use every tool in our arsenal to bring you to justice and thereby stop you from causing further irreparable harm to others.”

“The various cases being announced today are a reminder of the constant threat of sexual extortion minors face, as well as the persistent demand for child pornography,” said FBI Assistant Director Alway, who runs the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office. “Whether an offender sexually abuses a child in person or online, or continues to exploit children by producing or sharing images of sexual abuse, the FBI and our partners will continue to seek justice for innocent victims by holding offenders accountable.”

“HSI Los Angeles is committed to removing sexual predators from our streets and working aggressively to hold them accountable for their heinous actions,” said HSI Acting Special Agent in Charge Wang.


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0b991b No.24845

File: 70ec9b0c165ea8d⋯.png (36.3 KB,547x396,547:396,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506919 (141856ZMAR23) Notable: USGO Like I've said, we can and will lead the world in manufacturing.

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2:15 = 17

President Biden


United States government official

Like I've said, we can and will lead the world in manufacturing.

Two of the largest Boeing deals in the company’s history took place in just the last month, supporting over 1 million American jobs in the aerospace supply chain across 44 states.

Great news for American workers.

Quote Tweet

Secretary Gina Raimondo




Today’s deal between Boeing and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the largest commercial agreements in the history of the U.S.-Saudi partnership. It’ll deliver world-class passenger aircraft and power economic growth and job creation in both countries. https://commerce.gov/news/press-releases/2023/03/secretary-raimondo-statement-saudi-arabias-purchase-boeing-aircraft

2:15 PM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24846

File: 97c0b52c89b7ccd⋯.png (406.93 KB,547x909,547:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506930 (141858ZMAR23) Notable: USGO Women lose thousands of dollars each year, and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime, because of gender and racial wage gaps.

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President Biden


United States government official

Charlotte, I couldn’t agree more.

Women lose thousands of dollars each year, and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime, because of gender and racial wage gaps.

I’m committed to building an economy where my daughters have the same rights and opportunities as my sons.

2:45 PM · Mar 14, 2023


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0b991b No.24847

File: 09c44e0e228f2b6⋯.png (292.13 KB,598x524,299:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506960 (141903ZMAR23) Notable: Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

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Russia state-affiliated media

Russian MoD on #US #Drone Incident: UAV Was Flying With Transponders Turned Off Towards Russian Border


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0b991b No.24848

File: 307435a4ea84017⋯.png (99.28 KB,218x265,218:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506961 (141903ZMAR23) Notable: Manhunt Underway For Ex-Chief of Staff of Former Governor Larry Hogan

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Manhunt Underway For Ex-Chief of Staff of Former Governor Larry Hogan


A manhunt is underway for Roy McGrath, the onetime chief of staff for former Maryland Go. Larry Hogan, after McGrath failed to appear for his federal fraud trial in Baltimore that was scheduled to begin March 13 at 9 a.m. and an arrest warrant was issued.

McGrath lives in Florida and law enforcement agents in Collier County, Fl. conducted a welfare check at the McGrath home just before 10:30 a.m. but he was not there. Baltimore and Washington, D.C. agents with the U.S. Marshals Service are assisting in executing an arrest warrant.

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0b991b No.24849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506967 (141905ZMAR23) Notable: GOP Rep Warns Jane Fonda She Will ‘Answer for Her Comments’ "murdering pro-life politicians"

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GOP Rep Warns Jane Fonda She Will ‘Answer for Her Comments’: ‘Capitol Police Will Be Investigating’

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) warned Jane Fonda that the Capitol Police will be paying her a visit shortly over her recent controversial comments about murdering pro-life politicians on “The View.”

As Slay News reported, Fonda caused outrage with the comments when she suggested that “murder” was a solution to opposition to the Democrats’ pro-abortion agenda.

Luna said: “Unfortunately, for Ms. Fonda, Capitol Police takes this issue very seriously, as do I and many of my pro-life Republican colleagues so I’m sure the Capitol Police will be investigating and she will be having to answer for her comments.”

Speaking during an appearance on Fox News’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” the congresswoman revealed that she has already received threats.

“The individual that made this comment actually posted it under her video of ‘The View,’ saying that the only good conservative and Trump supporter was a dead one,” she said about one threat.

Speaking about “The View,” Luna said: “They are supposed to pride themselves on being a show that promotes women’s viewpoints, right?

“Yeah, if you are pro-life, they want to essentially promote someone that’s calling for your murder.

“For people to go on national news outlets and make these calls of violence simply because they don’t like the fact that we are taking stands to protect life, these people are unhinged.”


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0b991b No.24850

File: 849013b9810486c⋯.png (52.98 KB,908x592,227:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18506999 (141913ZMAR23) Notable: Anon answers Q posts #43, #44

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Remember this day…Q said on Jan 19, 2018

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0b991b No.24851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18507021 (141920ZMAR23) Notable: #22695

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>>24781 DOUGH

>>24794, >>24799, >>24829, >>24830, >>24836 House Oversight Committee Subpoenas 14 years of HUNTER BIDEN'S banking records..

>>24802, >>24805, >>24813, >>24847 Russian fighter jet struck a USAF MQ-9 reaper drone over the Black Sea.

>>24782, >>24784 Thailand searches for missing radioactive cylinder

>>24783 Q+ truths Hannity video calling out Biden's lies re: Bank collapses

>>24785 Investigators score big win as Treasury turns over secret bank records flagging Hunter Biden deals

>>24786 ALL PB Bun the possibilities of what x5 means? #Qdecode

>>24787 @NSAGov Celebrate #PiDay by solving this puzzle!

>>24788 Sanders signs Arkansas trans care malpractice bill into law

>>24789 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>24790 Congressman Byron Donalds The ONLY WAY for America to grow is for DC to shrink.

>>24791 Russian economic sovereignty has increased exponentially – Putin

>>24792 Massive refugee camp blaze was ‘planned sabotage’

>>24793 Citadel's Griffin Slams SVB Bailout: American Capitalism Is "Breaking Down Before Our Eyes"

>>24795, >>24808 Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

>>24796 Anons Graphic - What is Pi really?

>>24797, >>24798, >>24804 Former acting AG Matthew Whitaker [@MattWhitaker46] addresses claims that former President Donald Trump is now the Republican establishment.

>>24800 1:00 PM EST NPC Headliners Luncheon: Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Berger

>>24801 Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002?

>>24803 Anons Obama linked map

>>24806 BlackRock Eyes Deal to Buy Into Biggest Africa Wind Power Farm in Kenya

>>24807 Graphic - The SES Scheme to remove trump

>>24809 List of States Where “Money” is Being Redefined and Non Govt Issued Cryptocurrency is Being Banned

>>24810 German AF GAF630 GL5T on ground at Chisinau, Moldova

>>24811 YT Podcast - Tennessee library staff outrages Christian patrons (Citizen's alert)

>>24812 Meta to Lay Off 10,000 More Workers

>>24814 Maricopa County Files Bogus Response In Kari Lake’s Historic Arizona Supreme Court Election Challenge

>>24815 Pfizer Buys Cancer Biotech SeaGen for $43B

>>24816 Anon Digs the Keystone

>>24818 Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

>>24819 Senator Warren Calls For Powell's Recusal From Fed's Bank Failure Investigation

>>24820 Lawmakers Plotted to Censor Social Media to Prevent Run on Banks

>>24821 Tyson Foods to Shut 2 US Chicken Plants With Nearly 1,700 Workers

>>24823 Twitter Trends

>>24824 Israeli Bankers Pulled $1 Billion from SVB Immediately Before Its Collapse

>>24825, >>24822 Obama official, Hillary donors, improv actor: Meet SVB’s board of directors

>>24826 Credit Suisse shares hit record low

>>24827 Xi Jinping: China Will Be ‘Active’ in Reforming ‘Global Governance’

>>24828 Twitter Blue Promo Cap

>>24831 Plumes of yellow smoke have leaked out of a chemical plant #Indiana

>>24832 EO 13603 The Federal Govt may take over…

>>24833 Anon Maps out Ketron Island

>>24834 State Department Miss Deadline To Produce COVID Origin Information To House Panel

>>24835 Here's the story of Doug Mackey,

>>24837 Biden to sign executive order for background checks on gun sales

>>24838 The goals of the special military operation in the current situation can only be achieved by military means Qmapped

>>24839, >>24840 PDJT - Oprah not wanting VP now. Donald "Neither am I! "

>>24841 Cap on Creating the Perfect Tweet

>>24843 USGO Today we learned inflation is down nearly 35% from this summer

>>24844 U.S. Attorney’s Office Charges 9 Defendants with Child Exploitation

>>24845 USGO Like I've said, we can and will lead the world in manufacturing.

>>24846 USGO Women lose thousands of dollars each year, and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime, because of gender and racial wage gaps.

>>24848 Manhunt Underway For Ex-Chief of Staff of Former Governor Larry Hogan

>>24849 GOP Rep Warns Jane Fonda She Will ‘Answer for Her Comments’ "murdering pro-life politicians"

>>24817 All ears: here’s why Bill Nighy’s Oscars date was a small stained bunny

>>24842 Eleanor Williams jailed for eight and a half years after rape and trafficking lies

>>24850 Anon answers Q posts #43, #44


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0b991b No.24852

File: 1788c7ced384a26⋯.jpeg (254.14 KB,1170x1878,195:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4220802930731d5⋯.jpeg (418.84 KB,1170x1394,585:697,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 79b177e806e4ddc⋯.jpeg (395.24 KB,1170x1762,585:881,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8d92ac3f0d9420c⋯.jpeg (626.35 KB,1170x2319,390:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9b4849844980ae6⋯.jpeg (694 KB,1170x2312,585:1156,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18507054 (141925ZMAR23) Notable: META LAYOFFS ANOTHER 10000

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0b991b No.24853

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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