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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

8aef38 No.13 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 775 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8aef38 No.2987

File: 3f3016f3d0c5abe⋯.png (335.93 KB,1002x435,334:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 528cda92a690b03⋯.png (353.36 KB,481x511,481:511,Clipboard.png)

File: bba28913485edb0⋯.png (479.05 KB,580x473,580:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18103927 (081631ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Europe/Med:Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudadeparted Krakow

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Planefag Europe/Med:Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudadeparted Krakow and on ground back at Warsaw Int'l after a stop of about 2h30m, Pakistan AF PFF2 G4 SE from Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan and departed from Lahore yesterday, Cyprus AF CAF001 Embraer 135FM Ioannis Kasoulideslooks like it's heading to Berlin, French AF CTM2053 A400m north outta Algeria-went south yesterday and trace dropped at same point it picked up today

>>2920 pb PF: France running an operation through Poland

They (French AF) run A400ms into Rzsezow quite frequently from Bourges or Orleans and dropping off clean undies for Zelensky-it returned to Orleans (green dot) after a load out at Rzsesow Airport

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8aef38 No.2988

File: eb1de76f485bb90⋯.png (398.52 KB,856x795,856:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18103930 (081631ZJAN23) Notable: Tristan Thompson's Mother, Andrea, Dies After Sudden Heart Attack

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Tristan Thompson's Mother, Andrea, Dies After Sudden Heart Attack

Tomas Kassahun

Sat, January 7, 2023 at 3:36 PM CST·1 min read

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8aef38 No.2989

File: 0608272e87c9272⋯.jpeg (456.63 KB,1292x1173,76:69,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: deff21b8cfb519d⋯.jpeg (503.25 KB,1253x1027,1253:1027,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: edf592b1e4d7931⋯.jpeg (714.27 KB,1335x1492,1335:1492,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18103931 (081631ZJAN23) Notable: Rapist barber jailed for 12 years after sending thousands of pounds from COVID grants to ISIS

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UK barber jailed after sending Islamic State thousand of pounds from Covid grants

Tarek Namouz, 43, sentenced to 12 years in prison after being found guilty of funding terrorism



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8aef38 No.2990

File: 60ea1639b5260ef⋯.png (620.51 KB,643x663,643:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18103936 (081632ZJAN23) Notable: Nursery worker, 26, dies suddenly after ‘sadness of three miscarriages became too much to bear’

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JEMMA'S HEARTBREAK Nursery worker, 26, dies suddenly after ‘sadness of three miscarriages became too much to bear’

Holly Christodoulou

Published: 9:15, 8 Jan 2023Updated: 9:25, 8 Jan 2023

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8aef38 No.2991

File: 4c9cc68df5d89da⋯.png (387.67 KB,736x446,368:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18103945 (081634ZJAN23) Notable: Three Massachusetts police officers died suddenly within four days in the early days of 2023, according to officials.

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Three Massachusetts police officers died suddenly within four days in the early days of 2023, according to officials.

“This week has been a difficult one in the Massachusetts Law Enforcement community,” the Massachusetts State Police posted on Facebook on January 4.

“Three active-duty Law Enforcement Officers, all from south shore communities, passed away suddenly within the last seven days.”


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8aef38 No.2992

File: 8ebb3226643314b⋯.png (1.06 MB,1040x1280,13:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18103990 (081642ZJAN23) Notable: Multiple Sources Claiming China just launched a massive sea and air combat exercise around Taiwan island

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BREAKING: China just launched a massive sea and air combat exercise around Taiwan island

They say their goal is to counter external forces colluding with ‘Taiwan secessionists’


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8aef38 No.2993

File: 4ca56f636499b00⋯.png (749.52 KB,1035x1280,207:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104035 (081653ZJAN23) Notable: Multiple Sources Claiming China just launched a massive sea and air combat exercise around Taiwan island

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8aef38 No.2994

File: 000a6d12468b1f7⋯.jpeg (960.38 KB,932x1171,932:1171,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 11834e31bb78769⋯.jpeg (826.53 KB,1350x1355,270:271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104062 (081657ZJAN23) Notable: After Harry’s revelation that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan… Now hate preacher who inspired Lee Rigby killers tells jihadis to target British troops

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EXCLUSIVE: After Harry’s revelation that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan… Now hate preacher who inspired Lee Rigby killers tells jihadis to target British troops

Extremist Anjem Choudary claimed Duke of Sussex has shown ‘his true colours’

Infamous preacher accused Royals of a ‘dark history of occupying Muslim lands’

Politicians have warned of a raised threat to the Royal Family and Armed Forces


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8aef38 No.2995

File: 3c66a93c784f6ff⋯.png (112.15 KB,725x430,145:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 5574fff2159d56a⋯.gif (1.81 MB,500x345,100:69,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104103 (081704ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Japanese PM Kishida departed Tokyo for week long trip to Italy, France, UK and U.S.

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PF: Japanese PM Kishida departed Tokyo for week long trip to Italy, France, UK and U.S.

JAF001 and JF002 777s departed Tokyo Haneda AirportPM Kishidaheading to France, Italy, the U.K., Canada and the U.S. (meeting with Potato this coming Friday at WH)

Kishida highlights security concerns on trip to Europe, US

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida begins a weeklong trip to strengthen military ties with Europe and Britain and bring into focus the Japan-U.S. alliance at a summit in Washington


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8aef38 No.2996

File: 144c43ae3e0fd08⋯.png (369.98 KB,598x652,299:326,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ea1480d512b160⋯.png (1.16 KB,170x33,170:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 45a8f00dadeabb4⋯.png (1.21 KB,63x43,63:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104167 (081717ZJAN23) Notable: SIPA welcomes Secretary Hillary Clinton to the International Affairs Building to discuss her new role as professor of practice

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WTF is a conspiracy theory?


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8aef38 No.2997

File: 00834ab152531e3⋯.gif (3.19 MB,511x250,511:250,Clipboard.gif)

File: 1d7908ef17039c0⋯.jpg (196.67 KB,620x775,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 21a4efd5c114685⋯.jpg (11.62 MB,4650x3562,2325:1781,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 375d1a8bc2b6a8f⋯.jpg (184.33 KB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 33008f105ef1455⋯.jpg (179.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104190 (081721ZJAN23) Notable: SIPA welcomes Secretary Hillary Clinton to the International Affairs Building to discuss her new role as professor of practice

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>practice… what exactly?


at the end of the day they seemingly just want to 'practice' spirit cooking

the rape and abuse of children and peoples, a terrible for aristocracy and kleptocracy that went left unchecked

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8aef38 No.2998

File: 831c0ebf56b4170⋯.png (442.82 KB,1386x592,693:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104213 (081725ZJAN23) Notable: Weekly Data from New South Wales shows 86% of Deaths and 80% of Hospitalizations were Vaccinated, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: nsw_covid_data.???, Screenshot_2023_01_08_at_11.???

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Weekly Data from New South Wales Proves that Vaccine is Ineffective Against COVID – 86% of Deaths and 80% of Hospitalizations were Vaccinated

We were told the experimental COVID vaccines were going to “stop the spread” and “prevent death and hospitalization.”

The New South Wales government website released its daily Covid update. Based on its daily report, most of the people who died with COVID-19 were vaccinated.

Australia is famous for its totalitarian COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. The Deputy Premier of NSW boldly declared that even businesses that accept unvaccinated people would be subject to exceptionally heavy fines back in 2021.

Earlier this year, The Gateway Pundit reported that most of the people who died with COVID-19 in January 2022 were at least double vaccinated.

According to New South Wales‘ epidemiological weeks 51 and 52, ending December 31, 2022, 86% of the deaths and 80% of hospitalizations were vaccinated.

Only 6% of the death rate is unvaccinated, and zero hospitalization.

A total of 1,415 Covid vaccine recipients and 364 individuals whose status was unknown required hospitalization.

A total of 105 Covid vaccine recipients and 35 individuals with unknown status were admitted to the ICU.

A total of 82 Covid vaccine recipients died from Covid, and 7 with unknown status.

This is just the latest evidence that experimental vaccines don’t stop the spread and save someone from death and the public health bureaucracy fully knew it and the dangers of these experimental vaccines but pushed them out to the world anyways.


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8aef38 No.2999

File: 8b259f82803c75b⋯.png (610.29 KB,886x449,886:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104214 (081725ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Europe/Med:Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudadeparted Krakow

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PF: Cyprus AF CAF001 went to Berlin, Pakis heading to Geneva for moar munee from the U.N.

Berlin it is for Cyprus AF CAF001 Embraer 135-see below, Pakiland AF PFF2Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharifcontinues SW and should begin descent to Geneva shortly, French AF CTM2053 is on it's descent for Bourges

Kasoulides and Baerbock to discuss Cyprob and Ukraine issue in Berlin talks

Kasoulides is traveling to Berlin on Sunday, following an invitation by his counterpart. The meeting with Baerbock takes place on Monday.


Pakistan seeks help with $16 billion flood rebuilding at UN conference

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will also be visiting Geneva to co-host the International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan – along with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres – on January 9.

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif and Senior Vice-President Maryam Nawaz Wednesday left London for a week-long trip to Switzerland’s Geneva



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8aef38 No.3000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104264 (081733ZJAN23) Notable: #22191 POSTED IN #22192

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>>2927 The Elitists’ Communications Counterrevolution American Greatness, by Thaddeus G. McCotte

>>2928 Ex-GOP Lawmaker Says House Investigations of FBI, CIA Will 'Shred the Integrity of the Federal Govt'

>>2929 Fauci: ‘We Don’t Even Use the Word Gain-of-Function’ — It’s So ‘Nebulous’ - Breitbart

>>2930 Interesting Timing – Obama Administration Lifted Block on “Gain of Function Research” Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017

>>2931 RFK Jr Explains Why Fauci Had Such a Problem With Early Treatment

>>2932 And just like that, Rumble is #2 in the Google Play store for video once again, ahead of YouTube (who's #8)

>>2933 Democrats Sounding Alarm On Looming Elections Case

>>2934 "Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test." - Guy who just died suddenly

>>2935 Potato is 'ALL IN' and readying to launch 2024 re-election campaign after making decision to run again during family's St. Croix vacation: He would be 86 by end of the second term

>>2936 Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst believe using humans as part of the antenna system offers the most efficient way to harvest waste energy

>>2937 MMA phenom Victoria Lee dies suddenly at 18

>>2938 'It's the most rewarding work we've ever done': Canadian doctor who's euthanized 400 people proudly shares

>>2939, >>2952, >>2940 Roger Stone at it again with the shitty disinfo ops

>>2941 J6 Political Prisoner Derrick Evans Announces Congressional Run

>>2942 174 HZ is suppose to help heal physical pain, anon shares testimony

>>2943 Scottish primary school faces backlash after asking children under 12 if they identify as gay or transgender in bizarre questionnaire

>>2944 Felix Ismael Rodriguez: The Former CIA Officer Who Chased Down Marxist Che Guevara

>>2945, >>2949, >>2953 President Trump’s Statement On The Arrest Of Ashli Babbit’s Mother

>>2946 More than 30,700 mail-in ballots in Illinois for November election were rejected | Just The News

>>2947 Titus says the Fed is in a dangerous situation where the slightest wrong move in any direction could cause a financial system meltdown worse than 2008

>>2948 What Is Ukraine Hiding in the Bakhmut Salt Mines?

>>2950 Where's Kanye?

>>2951 Meet the biology professor who named the surging 'Kraken' COVID variant

>>2954 Poultry Farm Says Millions of Chickens Could Starve From Rail Delays

>>2955 NASA satellite sent into space by Sally Ride in the 80s will come crashing down this weekend. But the odds of being hit are 1-in-9,400

>>2956 China suspends social media accounts of COVID policy critics - AP

>>2957 Bank of America Chief Economist: It Will Take ‘Two Years, If Not Three’ to Get Inflation to Target

>>2958 On Friday Fifth Circuit Court Now Admits A Bump Stock Is Not a ‘Machine Gun’

>>2959 Modeste M’Bami, former Cameroon and PSG star, dies at 40 after heart attack

>>2960, >>2965, >>2973 New Dan Scavino, lofi hip hop Penguins MP4, 15 seconds

>>2961, >>2962 State Department announces $1.5M in funding to ‘empower’ LGBTQI movements and communities | Just The News

>>2963 @GenFlynn Everyone should follow @KanekoaTheGreat

>>2964 2 years ago today, Twitter banned President Trump

>>2966, >>2967, >>2968, >>2969, >>2971, >>2970 Here is evidence of cabal using crisis actors to hype up vax injury

>>2972 Is this the Capital on J6? No, its the 3 day BLM/Antifa insurrection at the WH where the POTUS had to be evacuated to the bunker

>>2974 Complete List of the Key Concessions McCarthy Reportedly Gave to Conservatives in the House to Win the Speakership

>>2975 M 7.0 Earthquake - 23 km WNW of Port-Olry, Vanuatu

>>2976 BREAKING! Half of Sacramento county in the dark.

>>>/qresearch/18103821 #22191

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8aef38 No.3001

File: c2ed9667cf5b17c⋯.png (187.31 KB,890x1098,445:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104276 (081734ZJAN23) Notable: WHO WOULD ORDER A SHIPMENT OF FROZEN PENGUIN PINEAL GLANDS IN 1973?

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Date:1973 August 1, 19:47 (Wednesday)	Canonical ID:1973BUENOS05632_b

Original Classification:UNCLASSIFIED	Current Classification:UNCLASSIFIED

Handling Restrictions N/A or Blank

Character Count:752

Executive Order: N/A or Blank 	Locator:TEXT ONLINE

TAGS:AR - Argentina | TBIO - Technology and ScienceBiological and Medical Science	Concepts: N/A or Blank –

Enclosure: N/A or Blank 	Type:TE - Telegram (cable)

Office Origin: N/A or Blank

Office Action:ACTION ST	Archive Status:Electronic Telegrams

From:Argentina Buenos Aires	Markings:Declassified/Released US Department of State EO Systematic Review 30 JUN 2005

To:Department of State | Secretary of State | US Despatch Agent New York	

ContentRaw contentMetadataRaw sourcePrintShare

Show Headers



BOSTON AUGUST 4 AT 1330 P.M. AWB NO. 02651794035. FREIGHT







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8aef38 No.3002

File: a2e6465ebd1b633⋯.png (1.43 MB,1516x1074,758:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 593dc0ef1ce9417⋯.png (486.23 KB,1492x930,746:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104293 (081737ZJAN23) Notable: WHO WOULD ORDER A SHIPMENT OF FROZEN PENGUIN PINEAL GLANDS IN 1973?

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The morphology of the pineal gland of the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus Forster, 1781)

Jul 2015

Introduction: The Magellanic Penguin migrates on the ocean currents from its reproduction colonies in Patagonia to seek abundant food on the Brazilian continental shelf. The pineal gland, an endocrine gland, whose secretions are affected by the light-darkness photoperiod, has a basic function in the biological processes of migrating animals.


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8aef38 No.3003

File: 157edadf6b8f3df⋯.png (133.04 KB,992x856,124:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104297 (081738ZJAN23) Notable: WHO WOULD ORDER A SHIPMENT OF FROZEN PENGUIN PINEAL GLANDS IN 1973?

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Serotonin content in the pineal gland of the antarctic penguin (Pygoscelis papua)

https://doi.org/10.1016/0016-6480(73)90106-8Get rights and content


Pineal serotonin content of the penguin Pygoscelis papua, a migratory antarctic bird, was studied during January, 1972.

Serotonin was assayed at 12 am and at 12 pm in animals with eyes exposed to light and in animals in which illumination had been prevented.

In those with exposed eyes, the serotonin content was maximal at 12 pm; those in which illumination was prevented showed similar values for 12 am and 12 pm.


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8aef38 No.3004

File: eb3e4b94677448f⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104302 (081739ZJAN23) Notable: NO FEAR!

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You are just doing what Society taught you to do.

Its time to think about what society taught you.

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8aef38 No.3005

File: d689bca0c2cc9a9⋯.png (184.57 KB,644x522,322:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104354 (081748ZJAN23) Notable: Beattie stuns Glenn Beck in barnburner Jan 6 interview… “if his identity is revealed, it will be the biggest scandal in the country”…

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Beattie interview on Glenn Beck

discussing J6 and the 'scaffold commander'.



PREMIERE: Beattie stuns Glenn Beck in barnburner Jan 6 interview… “if his identity is revealed, it will be the biggest scandal in the country”…

January 7, 2023 (1d ago)

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8aef38 No.3006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104393 (081754ZJAN23) Notable: #22192

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Notables are not Endorsements



>>2977, >>2982 Second Fatality This Week for Suddenly Collapsing, Las Vegas High Schoolers

>>2978 'Eight is Enough' star Adam Rich dead at 54

>>2979 FBI Agent Robert Cessario Who Destroyed Computer Evidence Against Trump-Supporting Lawmaker Gets 3 Years Probation – While GOP Lawmaker gets 18 Years

>>2980 Q14 + Q473 RE: Rep Mike Rogers drunk on Orthodox Christmas

>>2981 PF: Potato left for El Paso, TX for a photo op, then to north of Mexico City

>>2983 Maddie De Garay and her mum Stephanie De Garay are CRISIS ACTORS

>>2984 RE: What Is Ukraine Hiding in the Bakhmut Salt Mines?

>>2985, >>2986 Fauci Comes Out of Retirement to Control the Damar Hamlin Narrative, giving a lecture Tuesday at NIH

>>2987, >>2999 Planefag Europe/Med:Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudadeparted Krakow

>>2988 Tristan Thompson's Mother, Andrea, Dies After Sudden Heart Attack

>>2989 Rapist barber jailed for 12 years after sending thousands of pounds from COVID grants to ISIS

>>2990 Nursery worker, 26, dies suddenly after ‘sadness of three miscarriages became too much to bear’

>>2991 Three Massachusetts police officers died suddenly within four days in the early days of 2023, according to officials.

>>2992, >>2993 Multiple Sources Claiming China just launched a massive sea and air combat exercise around Taiwan island

>>2994 After Harry’s revelation that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan… Now hate preacher who inspired Lee Rigby killers tells jihadis to target British troops

>>2995 PF: Japanese PM Kishida departed Tokyo for week long trip to Italy, France, UK and U.S.

>>2996, >>2997 SIPA welcomes Secretary Hillary Clinton to the International Affairs Building to discuss her new role as professor of practice

>>2998 Weekly Data from New South Wales shows 86% of Deaths and 80% of Hospitalizations were Vaccinated


>>3005 Beattie stuns Glenn Beck in barnburner Jan 6 interview… “if his identity is revealed, it will be the biggest scandal in the country”…

>>3004 NO FEAR!

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8aef38 No.3007

File: 54b5e03fe320df2⋯.png (126.18 KB,1557x741,519:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b3448c90433cf5⋯.png (219.15 KB,1929x1314,643:438,Clipboard.png)

File: 3697f2401ace963⋯.png (146.28 KB,266x354,133:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104476 (081806ZJAN23) Notable: Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

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>Another day

Not quite.

Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

Congrats to all anons for hanging in there and staying the course.

You absolutely ROCK!!!

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8aef38 No.3008

File: b9710174893e8d4⋯.jpeg (15.62 KB,255x254,255:254,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104481 (081807ZJAN23) Notable: Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

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8aef38 No.3009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104483 (081808ZJAN23) Notable: Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

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TYBO/BVs. What a ride.

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8aef38 No.3010

File: ce89a42210b2bfe⋯.jpg (87.85 KB,499x749,499:749,Clipboard.jpg)

File: df806828da9a635⋯.jpg (152.47 KB,1241x972,1241:972,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d54d1b4c87da20e⋯.jpg (39.24 KB,640x425,128:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104491 (081809ZJAN23) Notable: Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

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God bless Anons


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8aef38 No.3011

File: cf9895845d7990e⋯.png (1.03 MB,962x787,962:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104493 (081809ZJAN23) Notable: Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

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>what a ride

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8aef38 No.3012

File: 2cedc71b3af8930⋯.jpg (69.8 KB,276x320,69:80,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 766cc5c54f40854⋯.png (3.6 MB,3212x2945,3212:2945,Clipboard.png)

File: a8d66dab4d9479e⋯.png (252.12 KB,1113x1167,371:389,Clipboard.png)

File: ecacd7b47a8b6c8⋯.png (721.34 KB,1390x1037,1390:1037,Clipboard.png)

File: fc324f652eb2558⋯.png (59.15 KB,314x353,314:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104535 (081816ZJAN23) Notable: Clockfag

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8aef38 No.3013

File: 70c8dc79fda34a3⋯.png (354.99 KB,680x634,340:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104545 (081817ZJAN23) Notable: Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

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8aef38 No.3014

File: b014849397e2e70⋯.png (354.62 KB,598x654,299:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104553 (081819ZJAN23) Notable: Bolsonaro meets Valdivia, a former Chilean national team player.

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🇧🇷🤝🇨🇱 — Bolsonaro meets Valdivia, a former Chilean national team player.



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8aef38 No.3015

File: 791d51d592df37b⋯.png (6.29 MB,5523x3038,789:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 17af36781955d4d⋯.png (6.27 MB,5523x3038,789:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104557 (081820ZJAN23) Notable: Clockfag

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8aef38 No.3016

File: 3c2a02c451c870a⋯.pdf (199.34 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104558 (081821ZJAN23) Notable: POST-VACCINE TREATMENT PROTOCOL

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8aef38 No.3017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104562 (081821ZJAN23) Notable: Darren Beattie on Glenn Beck: What Are the Feds HIDING in Jan. 6 'Investigation'?

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>Beattie interview on Glenn Beck


What Are the Feds HIDING in Jan. 6 'Investigation'?

Glenn talks with Darren Beattie, who has devoted himself to uncovering the full story of the Capitol riot with his website, Revolver News.

He has come to a disturbing conclusion: Without the feds, January 6 couldn’t have happened. He walks Glenn through the evidence and all the so-called coincidences: the unknown “scaffold commander,” the strange actions of Kamala Harris, the specifics of the pipe bomb, the aloofness of the Secret Service.

The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 169

Premiered 22 hours ago (1-hour 17-minutes)


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8aef38 No.3018

File: c10a3d5d5e1c0f7⋯.png (589.13 KB,1240x631,1240:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 67aa764ca879d09⋯.png (1.03 MB,1242x634,621:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c8554bfdedd962⋯.png (788.53 KB,1239x634,1239:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 815f1cbebc7abc4⋯.png (605.06 KB,1238x634,619:317,Clipboard.png)

File: de0801477a40d9f⋯.png (234.01 KB,488x366,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104573 (081823ZJAN23) Notable: Planefagging

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Quite a Flight Route.

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8aef38 No.3019

File: cd64e7545cc73ac⋯.jpg (106.8 KB,954x423,106:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9a9820a7796c6aa⋯.jpg (121.1 KB,949x726,949:726,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104574 (081823ZJAN23) Notable: Damar Hamlin shares the FIRST image of himself from his hospital bed

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Damar Hamlin shares the FIRST image of himself from his hospital bed in Cincinnati as he watches his Bills teammates play alongside his family… and his 'OMFG!!!!' reaction sums up incredible first play as Bills score 96-YARD kickoff return touchdown

-It is the first time the Bills have taken to the field since Damar Hamlin's collapse

-The 24-year-old suffered cardiac arrest on the field against the Bengals Monday

-He posted a photo of himself from his hospital bed in Cincinnati at kickoff

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8aef38 No.3020

File: 0a2d40e3aae7728⋯.jpeg (156.23 KB,750x848,375:424,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104584 (081825ZJAN23) Notable: Iceberg in Antarctica filmed by Ukrainian Antarctice Program vessel

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8aef38 No.3021

File: e0d1424bc9a09e9⋯.jpg (92.55 KB,703x704,703:704,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104586 (081825ZJAN23) Notable: Damar Hamlin shares the FIRST image of himself from his hospital bed

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8aef38 No.3022

File: 1c290ad25bfda65⋯.png (1.89 MB,1200x1775,48:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104611 (081829ZJAN23) Notable: How the FBI Hacked Twitter: The answer begins with Russiagate

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Long article, but a well done summary of events imo.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. o7

How the FBI Hacked Twitter

The answer begins with Russiagate


JANUARY 05, 2023

"… “CISA is a sub-agency at DHS that was set up to protect real physical infrastructure, like servers, malware and hacking threats,” said former State Department official Mike Benz, now the executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online. “But they expanded ‘infrastructure’ to mean us, the U.S. electorate. So ‘disinformation’ threatened infrastructure and that’s how cybersecurity became cyber-censorship. CISA’s mandate went from stopping threats of Russian malware to stopping tweets from accounts that questioned the integrity of mail-in voting.”…"



"A whole-of-society industry designed to shape elections and censor, propagandize, and spy on Americans was never simply a weapon to harm Donald Trump. It was designed to replace the republic."

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8aef38 No.3023

File: e750076574ac5a8⋯.jpg (162 KB,918x734,459:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104614 (081829ZJAN23) Notable: CCP morale at its lowest since Mao's ruling

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CCP morale at its lowest since Mao's ruling. Military completely demoralized with current leadership and depleted economy. Sources close to CCP officials confirm outlook of Chinese economy is not good and latest military tech dysfunctional due to lack of advancements in production quality. Confusion and disparity looms, even amongst CCP shills, notice their energy is low lately and ineffective?


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8aef38 No.3024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104619 (081830ZJAN23) Notable: Damar Hamlin shares the FIRST image of himself from his hospital bed

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>>3019 (me)

forgot sauce:


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8aef38 No.3025

File: e750076574ac5a8⋯.jpg (162 KB,918x734,459:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104625 (081831ZJAN23) Notable: CCP morale at its lowest since Mao's ruling

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CCP morale at its lowest since Mao's ruling. Military completely demoralized with current leadership and depleted economy. Sources close to CCP officials confirm outlook of Chinese economy is not good and latest military tech dysfunctional due to lack of advancements in production quality. Confusion and disparity looms, even amongst CCP shills, notice their energy is low lately and ineffective?


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8aef38 No.3026

File: 1aa13c5886f7484⋯.jpg (86.55 KB,500x733,500:733,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104630 (081832ZJAN23) Notable: Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

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Never ever forgetCODEMONKEYhe was there for Q and us original anons and we could not have made it through 2018 without him, we were blazing back then.

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8aef38 No.3027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104632 (081833ZJAN23) Notable: Millions Spent to Scare You About the Climate?! VIDEO

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>>3004 lb


JP Sears demonstrates well here how FEAR is used to Control:

Millions Spent to Scare You About the Climate?!

JP Reacts

uploaded Jan 7, 2023


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8aef38 No.3028

File: f062f15fcae662c⋯.png (979.33 KB,994x1200,497:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104642 (081835ZJAN23) Notable: Mexico Arrests FBI Fugitive Behind Alleged Cartel Execution in Dallas Area

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Mexico Arrests FBI Fugitive Behind Alleged Cartel Execution in Dallas Area

Mexican authorities arrested a drug lord who is listed as one of the FBI’s Most Wanted Fugitives for his alleged role in ordering the murder of a government informant in a Dallas suburb. On Saturday afternoon Mexican authorities arrested Jose Rodolfo “El Gato” Villarreal, in Mexico City, information released by Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office (FGR) revealed.

FGR agents, Mexican Marines, and detectives with the Nuevo Leon State Investigations Agency (AEI), a state entity whose intelligence work and years of investigation into El Gato led to his capture, carried out the operation. The drug lord will face an extradition process as he is one of the FBI’s Most Wanted Fugitives.

Detectives with the AEI had been hunting El Gato for years after the elusive drug lord had been linked to numerous high-profile crimes in the Monterrey metropolitan area. Using aliases and a network of hideouts in Nuevo Leon and in Central Mexico, El Gato spent years on the run prior to his capture and pending extradition.

El Gato was a former Mexican federal cop turned regional boss with the Beltran Leyva Cartel.He later broke away and established his own criminal empire in San Pedro, a wealthy suburb of the Monterrey metropolitan area in the border state of Nuevo Leon. El Gato’s organization quietly established a large-scale extortion operation known as “La Oficina,” or the office, focusing on targeting construction builders, Breitbart Texas reported exclusively. Additionally, La Oficina also reportedly managed a large-scale money laundering operation in San Pedro, which is one of the richest cities in Mexico. In Nuevo Leon, El Gato and his men are reportedly linked to numerous kidnappings, extortion, and murders.

The FBI placed El Gato on their most wanted list in 2020 for ordering a cartel assassination in Southlake, a suburb of Dallas, Breitbart Texas reported. In 2013, gunmen working for El Gato shot and killed Jesus Guerrero Chapa, a Gulf Cartel attorney turned informant, as he was leaving a shopping center in Southlake with his wife. Prior to the murder, El Gato’s men spent 6 months tailing Guerrero Chapa and even used GPS trackers and surveillance cameras.


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8aef38 No.3029

File: c9eb0b9d511d724⋯.jpg (93.97 KB,606x634,303:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104645 (081835ZJAN23) Notable: #Vaccine induced skin cancer?

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#Vaccine induced skin cancer. The 36yr old American took all three doses of the #Pfizervaccine as recommended by medical professionals, #CDC and US media. Now the man has aggressive skin cancer. took only three weeks for the cancer to spread throughout his body


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8aef38 No.3030

File: 54356565d02d80e⋯.png (253.08 KB,558x534,93:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104646 (081835ZJAN23) Notable: Tweet from Malik Obama

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Tweet from Malik Obama, posted 8:28 am Jan 8, 2023 (pacific time)

Man it was cold! that night


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8aef38 No.3031

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104649 (081837ZJAN23) Notable: Darren Beattie on Glenn Beck: What Are the Feds HIDING in Jan. 6 'Investigation'?

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Well How Many took the fifth?







And many others! We want the truth not a cover up!

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8aef38 No.3032

File: 7c0c25d2927e7fd⋯.png (888.52 KB,998x1196,499:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104661 (081840ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter fires more censors

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Twitter fires more censors – media

The new layoffs reportedly hit “misinformation” monitors and other content moderators

Twitter has fired at least a dozen employees responsible for handling “misinformation policy, global appeals and state media” at its Dublin and Singapore offices, Bloomberg reported on Saturday, citing people familiar with the matter. It's the latest in a series of radical reforms conducted by the social media platform's new CEO, Elon Musk.

Twitter’s head of Trust and Safety, Ella Irwin, told the publication that in order to “consolidate teams,” the company eliminated duplicate positions and jobs with insufficient workload to justify their existence. Friday's cuts reportedly affected the head of site integrity for Twitter’s Asia-Pacific region, Nur Azhar Bin Ayob, and senior director of revenue policy, Analuisa Dominguez, while others asked not to be identified.

In a separate statement to Reuters, Irwin admitted some fresh cuts in her department, but said the company still has “thousands of people” responsible for content moderation and has “not made cuts to the teams that do that work daily.”

After finalizing his purchase of Twitter for $44 billion in October, Musk acknowledged that bankruptcy was a possibility for the social media giant if it does not start generating more cash. In an attempt to cut costs, he fired half of the company’s staff, including most of the top executives, and ordered the remaining employees to stop working from home. In total, an estimated two thirds of the company’s employees and contractors globally were laid off, fired or quit.

As the platform's new owner, Musk also pushed to scale back content restrictions, vowing to make Twitter a 'bastion' of free speech, while ushering in a range of policy changes which triggered a backlash from the media establishment. He reactivated the accounts of dozens of its more controversial users and began sharing internal company communications hinting at a massive political conspiracy between the US administration, intelligence agencies and the Big Tech platforms to censor politically inconvenient stories, opinions and people.

The billionaire appeared to acknowledge that not everyone supported his recent political diversions this week, polling his followers as to whether he should “stay out of politics” or “keep shooting his feet.” He later joked, that “if I dig my grave deep enough, maybe it comes out the other side of Earth.”


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8aef38 No.3033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104665 (081841ZJAN23) Notable: Brazilian Journalist Who Exposed Child Sex Abuse in Schools Describes His Persecution

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Brazilian Journalist Who Exposed Child Sex Abuse in Schools Targeted by Communist Lula Regime Describes His Persecution: “Over 800 Arrest Warrants Filed by Chief Justice Moraes”

The Communist crackdown in Brazil continues: Journalist Wellington Macedo has fled the capital Brasilia for an undisclosed location, as he writes exclusively for The Gateway Pundit:

I am investigative journalist, Wellington Macedo, 47 years old. I’m a conservative evangelical Christian. I have three children, I was studying the seventh semester of law school.

After I rejected being corrupted and won all the lawsuits, I started to receive death threats, and that’s when I decided to leave my home and move to Brasília in January 2019.

I was invited to work with children at the Ministry of Human Rights, where I stayed from February to October 2019. Upon leaving the government, I went back to work as an independent journalist, covering the demonstrations for news agencies where I am a correspondent, and publishing on my social networks.

From April 2021, my social networks grew explosively in two weeks, and it was from then on that I became the target of Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes of the Supreme Court of Brazil.

In March 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, I coordinated the Christian movement called Marcha da Família Cristã pela Liberdade (Christian Family Freedom March), against the left’s plan to lock down churches.

On August 13, 2021, I published an interview with popular singer Sérgio Reis, who called on Brazilians to take to the streets in protest against parliamentarians and members of the Supreme Court, who together promoted anti-democratic and unconstitutional acts.


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8aef38 No.3034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104673 (081842ZJAN23) Notable: More than 600 Ukrainian troops killed in ‘retaliation operation’ – Moscow

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More than 600 Ukrainian troops killed in ‘retaliation operation’ – Moscow

The strike in Kramatorsk was a response to the Ukrainian shelling of Makeyevka on New Year’s night, the Defense Ministry says

More than 600 of Kiev’s troops have been eliminated in a Russian missile strike in the Ukrainian-held city of Kramatorsk in the Donbass, Russia’s Defense Ministry has claimed.

The bombardment on Sunday was a “retaliation operation” carried out in response to “a criminal attack” by Ukraine on a temporary housing area accommodating Russian servicemen in the city of Makeyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) on New Year’s night, the ministry said in a statement.

Over the past 24 hours, the Russian military has managed to uncover and confirm the location of Ukrainian troops in Kramatorsk in the DPR, the statement read. This data revealed that dormitory No.28 in the city was hosting more than 700 Kiev soldiers, with 600 more staying in dormitory No.47.

“As a result of a massive missile attack on these temporary housing areas of the Ukrainian military’s units, more than 600 Ukrainian servicemen were killed,” the ministry said.

The Ukrainian military, however, has denied sustaining heavy casualties as a result of the strikes. A spokesman for the Eastern Grouping of Ukrainian Armed Forces, Sergey Cherevaty, dismissed Moscow’s statement as a “psy-op” intended to distract from Russia’s own heavy losses of equipment and personnel.


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8aef38 No.3035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104675 (081843ZJAN23) Notable: Patriots heading to the National Congress now in Brasilia!

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Patriots heading to the National Congress now in Brasilia!


Patriotas em direção ao Congresso Nacional agora em Brasília!

POLÍTICA SEM CURVA! Genival Fagundes


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8aef38 No.3036

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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