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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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95e82e No.14 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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95e82e No.3037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104701 (081849ZJAN23) Notable: Sperry Responds After ‘Twitter Files’ Documents Reveal Adam Schiff Violated Constitution to Have Him Removed from Twitter

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Investigative Reporter Paul Sperry Responds After ‘Twitter Files’ Documents Reveal Adam Schiff Violated Constitution to Have Him Removed from Twitter

Sperry was the first reporter to identify Eric Ciaramella as the CIA “whistleblower” behind the first junk impeachment trial of President Trump.

Paul Sperry also reported on Ciaramella’s plot to remove President Trump from office.

Paul Sperry: There were no warnings. No rules were broken They just don’t like my content because of their politics. They’re trying to claim I’m a “robot” when of course they know better. Tyrants. This is the second time I’ve been harassed since Trump was banned. They are trying to push me off their platform and silence my voice through harassment. If they can harass and silence a professional journalist, they can silence anybody.

That was almost two years ago.

Fast forward to January 3rd. Elon Musk and Twitter dropped “Twitter Files” documents that included evidence that Democrat lawmaker Adam Schiff sought a ban on journalist Paul Sperry.

28.“WE DON’T DO THIS” Even Twitter declined to honor Schiff’s request at the time. Sperry was later suspended, however. pic.twitter.com/9PX2Zw5Nzj

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 3, 2023

Twitter later suspended Paul Sperry’s account in February 2021.

On Saturday Paul Sperry responded on Twitter to the evidence that Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff had requested Twitter to silence him because he did not like Sperry’s politics.

Sperry pointed out that Adam Schiff violated US law when he targeted him.

This is the oath @AdamSchiff violated:

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution [incl the First Amendment]; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion”

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 8, 2023

Of course, the liberal mainstream media ignored this criminal First Amendment violation.

DEVELOPING: DC press corps, including WaPo & POLITICO, have failed to cover congressional leader Adam Schiff strong-arming Twitter to ban a journalist, abridging press freedom & free speech,despite the smoking-gun email released from #TwitterFiles. Protecting a prominent Democrat

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 8, 2023



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95e82e No.3038

File: bc616293a1433ca⋯.png (805.25 KB,994x1218,71:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104704 (081850ZJAN23) Notable: Germany: Iranian held in suspected poison plot after US tip

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Germany: Iranian held in suspected poison plot after US tip

BERLIN (AP) — A 32-year-old Iranian man has been detained in Germany following a tip from U.S. security officials that he could be planning an attack with deadly chemicals, officials said Sunday.

Police and prosecutors said the man and another person were detained overnight in the town of Castrop-Rauxel, northwest of Dortmund.

The authorities said in a joint statement that the man is suspected to have planned a serious attack motivated by Islamic extremism, for which he had allegedly sought to obtain the potent toxins cyanide and ricin.

Specialists wearing anti-contamination suits were seen carrying evidence out of the man’s home.

Duesseldorf prosecutors later said an initial search of the premises turned up no toxic substances.

It wasn’t immediately clear how far advanced the plans for an attack were and whether the suspect had picked a specific target.

German news agency dpa quoted the top security official for North Rhine-Westphalia state, Herbert Reul, as saying authorities had received “a serious tip that led police to intervene the same night.”

Tabloid newspaper Bild reported that the tip about the alleged plot came from an allied intelligence agency. Duesseldorf prosecutors confirmed that the information came from authorities in the United States, but declined to elaborate.


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95e82e No.3039

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104732 (081854ZJAN23) Notable: Is The New World Order On The Precipice?

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Is The New World Order On The Precipice?

The New World Order nobility may be receiving more roadblocks for their plans than they had anticipated.

The entire scam is based on the ignorance and complacence of the great mass of people in the western based economies.

Control of the West is essential for world domination.

We are the source of wealth and innovation which makes it imperative.

The new platform has begun to get rickety with energy problems, war and civil strife bubbling to the surface.

China is believed to be a huge source of economic and political power but actually without the West being a customer, China is a backwater without technology, markets, energy and foodstuffs. The government is unstable as shown in the past few weeks with the new attempted lockdowns. Their food shortages of the past two years are not mentioned by the simpletons of the media but contribute to general instability. The Chinese are a huge unknown to our “intellectual elite” whether they realize it or not. Control of the sluggish population of Chinese is an easy task compared to Europe and North American farmers but all are now stirring.

This does not even consider India and Russia. By adding these cards to the deck the game plan of the WEF attempted coup appears poorly designed with a small chance of successful domination. That leaves two options regarding their plans, either they are rather sophomoric or there is a plan simmering as yet unknown. I vote for sophomoric. All international schemes have revolved around the US for 100 years because of our ability to fund any type of debauchery. The current unknown is how do they expect the US consumer to drive the economies that they expect to dominate if we are poor, hungry and cold. Europe has been used as test bed for the new system as they are used to being dominated by a system of their betters.

The clock is ticking as we speak for a major crash that will test the controls set up by the Reich in Europe. The citizens are getting chilly and unappreciative in the support for the new order. The power bills have skyrocketed while farmers’ land is being confiscated. France has been using a colonial type franc to fund its ex-territories in Africa while sucking them dry causing huge migration. Italy and France have begun a war of words about illegal immigrants. Hungary has said it will veto additional sanctions on Russia. The Reich has used the Euro to tap money from the Mediterranean countries so they are running on empty. Britain is in their own mess financially as well. Where will the funding for this extension of socialism originate?


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95e82e No.3040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104751 (081858ZJAN23) Notable: Will McCarthy do the right thing with the rules package?

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Tomorrow at 5pm

Will McCarthy do the right thing with the rules package?

Changes he does or doesn't is 50/50.

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95e82e No.3041

File: 1999dbd8e346e9c⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104759 (081859ZJAN23) Notable: When Nuns become based, the crap is hitting the fan.

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When Nuns become based, the crap is hitting the fan.


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95e82e No.3042

File: 70e51d53dc1471b⋯.png (609.87 KB,1312x619,1312:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 891c2b148cd3941⋯.png (254.7 KB,612x437,612:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104764 (081900ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag CONUS Activity: Potato starts descent to El Paso, SAM activity, Mexi AF in/out at Juarez and also a second trip to Merida in 24h with FAM3528 737 AC

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>>2981 lb

Planefag CONUS Activity: Potato starts descent to El Paso, SAM activity, Mexi AF in/out at Juarez and also a second trip to Merida in 24h with FAM3528 737 AC involved in 'El Neto' ded'd on Thursday

'''82-8000 747 began it's descent for El Paso Int'l with 09-0016 heading to Holloman or Roswell-coverage not the best in that immediate area, SCOUT03 Sentry AWACS outta Tinker doin' roundies in front of the airspace potato had entered and back to Tinker, FLIT43 US Navy E-6 B Mercury out of Travis doin' roundies over Tucson and CANO36 E-6B returning from Gulf back to Tinker, SAM936 G5 WS from Langley AFB and SAM972 C-40B WS from JBA depart and in at Scott AFB, Mexican AF PF511 CN-235 Persuader (red dot) in at Juarez from Hermosillo overnight-and now out and SE, Mexican AF FAM3528 with another trip to Merida-one yesterday too, SAM966 C-32A SW from JBA

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95e82e No.3043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104768 (081900ZJAN23) Notable: Transsexual admits to burning down 118-year-old Christian church in Portland

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Transsexual admits to burning down 118-year-old Christian church in Portland: Report

A 27-year-old transsexual has reportedly admitted to burning down a historic Korean church in Portland, Oregon, underscoring how he wanted to "take credit" for this act of apparent anti-Christian hatred.

What are the details?

The 118-year-old, 3,000-square-foot Portland Korean Church at Southwest 10th and Southwest Clay Street, formerly the First German Evangelical Church, was set ablaze around 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 3.

In response to multiple reports indicating that the structure was fast becoming an inferno, 12 fire engines, six ladder trucks, four battalion chiefs, and 75 Portland Fire and Rescue Personnel arrived on the scene.

Portland Fire and Rescue indicated that the church was not occupied when the three-alarm fire broke out.


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95e82e No.3044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104770 (081900ZJAN23) Notable: Will McCarthy do the right thing with the rules package?

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H. Res. ___ - Adopting the Rules of the House of Representatives for the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, and for other purposes.



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95e82e No.3045

File: 4be168f20743207⋯.png (237.19 KB,631x721,631:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104778 (081902ZJAN23) Notable: When Nuns become based, the crap is hitting the fan.

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When Nuns become based, the crap is hitting the fan.

Nun gives a grave warning of what’s to come from the #covid19 #globalist #GreatReset and the #vaccine

She names names, including #Pope Francis and George #Soros.

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95e82e No.3046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104791 (081905ZJAN23) Notable: BREAKING: Bolsonaro supporters BREAK INTO Brazil Congress building

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Insider Paper




BREAKING: Bolsonaro supporters break into Brazil Congress building

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95e82e No.3047

File: b3de932cb177d19⋯.pdf (40.76 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 72262f3cd36c023⋯.pdf (160.02 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104794 (081906ZJAN23) Notable: Will McCarthy do the right thing with the rules package?

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Great it's on paper.

The voting hasn't happened.

The concession are not solid.

Beware of the snake.

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95e82e No.3048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104796 (081906ZJAN23) Notable: BREAKING: Bolsonaro supporters BREAK INTO Brazil Congress building

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Insider Paper




BREAKING VIDEO 🚨Former President Jair Bolsonaro’s supporters have stormed the National Congress in #Brazil

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95e82e No.3049

File: fab2d26aa89d492⋯.png (6.81 KB,509x143,509:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d1d70cc176d4fc⋯.png (277.09 KB,595x620,119:124,Clipboard.png)

File: eff4ad20ed745c7⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104820 (081910ZJAN23) Notable: BREAKING: Bolsonaro supporters BREAK INTO Brazil Congress building

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Not how it's done.

Insider Paper


BREAKING: Bolsonaro supporters storm the Supreme Court building in Brazil


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95e82e No.3050

File: 28b75c50d87c054⋯.png (43.2 KB,258x646,129:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104826 (081911ZJAN23) Notable: Iceberg in Antarctica filmed by Ukrainian Antarctice Program vessel

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Noosefera is owned/operated by National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine

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95e82e No.3051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104849 (081916ZJAN23) Notable: When Nuns become based, the crap is hitting the fan.

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Mother Miriam Live


Mother Miriam Live

10AM Weekdays


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95e82e No.3052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104859 (081917ZJAN23) Notable: ‘Transmaxxing’: Online Community That's Encouraging Gender Transitions For Sexually Frustrated Men

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‘Transmaxxing’: Meet The Online Community Encouraging Gender Transitions For Sexually Frustrated Men

A large, online group of men who consider themselves involuntarily celibate, or “incels,” believe they can build better, more successful lives by transitioning to female.

These so-called “transmaxxers” believe society is rigged against men, particularly those who aren’t conventionally attractive, but argue that men can and should adopt female identities — even if they have never experienced gender dysphoria — in order to improve their lives and their sexual prospects.

“If you do not currently feel like living as a female you might have to work on fixing that,” a prominent transmaxxing advocate wrote. “Identifying as male or being emotionally attached to a male body is bad for you if being male results in you living a bad life.”

A community of men who consider themselves involuntarily celibate, or “incels,” are transitioning to the opposite sex to escape sexual rejection and improve their lives, according to numerous posts on Discord servers and other social media platforms reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

While many transgender advocates argue that one’s sense of gender is innate, unchangeable and largely unrelated to one’s biological sex, members of the online “transmaxxer” community encourage one another to transition for personal gain, often regardless of whether they have gender identity issues. By undergoing cross-sex hormones and identifying as female, transmaxxers argue men can improve their sex lives, access a new dating pool and escape the perceived hardships of being a man.

For instance, one Reddit user who said he was 17 asked the transmaxxing community for advice about whether he should medically transition to female, citing perceived failure as a man.

“I was seven years old when I started ‘praying’ to God to let me become a girl … I tried looksmaxxing when I realized that there is not much you could change just by working out and ‘getting a haircut bro.’ Got hit with this dilemma of wanting to be female, couldn’t, so I did my best to be a man, failed, and now I’m back to the start,” he wrote. “I’m lost and I don’t see the finish line anywhere near, I just don’t want my future to be as hopeless as it is now.”

“You’re trans,” the top comment read. “Leave this incel stuff behind and transition. You aren’t cis, can’t force yourself to be. You need to be yourself to be happy.”

The transmaxxing phenomenon, reported by Sanjana Friedman for Pirate Wires, has made inroads on other corners of the internet, including Reddit. Men who are curious about or actively pursuing gender transition commiserate on these websites about the ways they believe being a man makes their lives worse, such as being denied affirmative action opportunities, women supposedly having the upper hand in romantic relationships and a lack of empathy from others.


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95e82e No.3053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104865 (081919ZJAN23) Notable: Great Reset Redux: WEF Prepares Robust Globalist Agenda for Davos

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Great Reset Redux: WEF Prepares Robust Globalist Agenda for Davos 2023

Banking, finance, cryptocurrencies, climate, racism, artificial intelligence, workplace robotics, global governance, and cybercrime. Are there any issues the unelected, private club that is the World Economic Forum (WEF) can’t tackle on behalf of the serfs?

Clearly not.

When the preening elites fly in to Davos, Switzerland, a week tomorrow expect to see – and hear – about all those topics and more as the WEF seeks to “address the state of the world and discuss priorities for the year ahead.”

Following its foundation in 1971 by German engineer and academic Klaus Schwab, the WEF has met annually to tackle what it sees as the issues of the day and deliver guidance to invited members and guests, and through them influence the world at large.

John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate of the United States of America (@ClimateEnvoy), will join the @wef’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. https://t.co/pmGTXzEOU5 #wef23 pic.twitter.com/V0NcmXcoDW

— World Economic Forum (@wef) January 4, 2023

In 1973, the annual meeting endorsed the Davos Manifesto, a “code of ethics for business leaders” which was updated in 2020 to set out the purpose of business in the Fourth Industrial Revolution – itself a concept coined by Schwab in his 2016 book.

This year’s meeting will be no different. It is headlined “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” and will follow on from the Great Reset as declared at the Davos summit of 2021.


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95e82e No.3054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104889 (081923ZJAN23) Notable: UK: Alleged Satanic Child Sex Ring Accused of Rape, Attempted Murder, Blood Sacrifices

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UK: Alleged Satanic Child Sex Ring Accused of Rape, Attempted Murder, Blood Sacrifices

An alleged Satanic child sex ring has been accused of attempted murder and the rape of children in Scotland in a trial for offences stretching over a decade.

On Friday, 11 people appeared before the High Court in Glasgow, accused of operating a Satanic cult which abused two young girls and a boy, who were allegedly forced to engage in witchcraft rituals and subjected to sexual and violent abuse by members of the group.

The defendants, Iain Owens, 44, Elaine Lannery, 38, Lesley Williams, 41, Paul Brannan, 40, Marianne Gallagher, 38, Scott Forbes, 49, Barry Watson, 46, Mark Carr, 49, Richard Gachagan, 45, Leona Laing, 50, and John Clark, 46, have all denied the charges levied against them, The National newspaper reports.

A 14-page indictment was brought before the court, accusing the group of crimes ranging from attempted murder and rape between January 2010 and March 2020.

The court heard that the two young girls and the young boy had been forced to kill animals and use a ouija board, or something similar, “to call on spirits and demons” in witchcraft ceremonies. The children were also allegedly forced into performing Satanic “seances” including the drinking of blood and the eating of a heart.

One of the alleged girl victims of the group was reported to have been locked in a fridge, freezer, microwave, and an oven in an attempt to kill her.

The indictment also claimed that the group filmed the children being sexually abused while the adults “did clap, cheer and verbally encourage” the rapes.

The court documents also alleged the involvement of Douglas Gachagan, James McLean, Maureen Goudie, Robert Brown, and Steven McHendrie in the alleged Satanic ring, but the court noted that they have all since died.

On Friday, Lord Beckett at the Glasgow High Court said that he believed that a seven-week trial will be needed for the case, but warned “[t]here are so many people in the case there could be an unusual level of disruption.”

A full trial hearing will be conducted in September.


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95e82e No.3055

File: 5724b6e98f60178⋯.png (442.84 KB,1239x619,1239:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a6a367560f0fd0⋯.png (38.68 KB,351x521,351:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104897 (081925ZJAN23) Notable: Planefagging

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Any other planefags have eyes on 82-8000 past ROSWELL?

I wasn't watching, came back to find it locked at this location and showing altitude much different than plane avatar suggests.

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95e82e No.3056

File: dd16832cbe8f5f8⋯.png (273.66 KB,550x508,275:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104904 (081927ZJAN23) Notable: Islamist Hate Cleric Calls for Attacks on British Soldiers over Prince Harry’s Kill Claims

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Islamist Hate Cleric Calls for Attacks on British Soldiers over Prince Harry’s Kill Claims: Report

A notorious Islamist hate preacher reportedly called for Muslims to target British troops in response to Prince Harry’s claims that he killed 25 people during the Afghanistan War.

Anjem Choudary, an infamous convicted hate cleric in the United Kingdom, previously imprisoned for supporting the Islamic State, has allegedly called upon the Muslims of the world to enact revenge upon the British military in response to claims from Prince Harry that he killed 25 people in Afghanistan.

The Duke of Sussex said he saw the slain as “chess pieces” he had taken off the board rather than real human beings as he served in Afghanistan as an Apache pilot.

According to a report from the Mail on Sunday, the hate preacher wrote: “The latest revelations from Harry that he murdered 25 Muslims in Afghanistan followed by his comment that he has no remorse and that he just saw these human beings as ‘chess pieces’ tells us everything we need to know about the Royal Family and their thinking about Islam and Muslims. In reality, the British Royal Family has a long and dark history of supporting the occupation of Muslim lands, the usurpation of its resources and the oppression of Muslims.”

The hate preacher, who had his court-ordered ban on public speaking lifted in 2021, continued: “The world now knows of the wickedness that the US, UK and others engaged in, including repeatedly murdering innocent unarmed Muslims… Nevertheless, Harry still saw fit to plunge his knife further into the hearts of Muslims with his callous boastful comments.”

Choudary allegedly concluded by calling for Muslims to attack members of the British military overseas in “Syria, Iraq and North Africa where many British soldiers are deployed.”

In response to the comments, former Conservative (Tory) Party leader and Cabinet minsiter Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP called for the cleric to be jailed once again, saying: “This is an absolute example of not just hate speech, but direct and indirect threat to our constitutional head of state, our monarchy, and for that matter our Government and all public servants. The police and security services now need to move on this man, and he should no longer be free to act accordingly in the UK.

“Whatever your views on Harry’s comments, the real danger is right there with this hate preacher, trying to whip people up to violent actions. These people have no place in a peaceful democracy.”


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95e82e No.3057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104917 (081929ZJAN23) Notable: #22193

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#22193 @450

>>3007, >>3008, >>3010, >>3009, >>3011, >>3013, >>3026 Today is the FIVE YEAR DELTA for the Q Research Board.

>>3012, >>3015 Clockfag

>>3014 Bolsonaro meets Valdivia, a former Chilean national team player.


>>3017, >>3031 Darren Beattie on Glenn Beck: What Are the Feds HIDING in Jan. 6 'Investigation'?

>>3018, >>3055 Planefagging

>>3042 Planefag CONUS Activity: Potato starts descent to El Paso, SAM activity, Mexi AF in/out at Juarez and also a second trip to Merida in 24h with FAM3528 737 AC

>>3019, >>3021, >>3024 Damar Hamlin shares the FIRST image of himself from his hospital bed

>>3020, >>3050 Iceberg in Antarctica filmed by Ukrainian Antarctice Program vessel

>>3022 How the FBI Hacked Twitter: The answer begins with Russiagate

>>3023, >>3025 CCP morale at its lowest since Mao's ruling

>>3027 Millions Spent to Scare You About the Climate?! VIDEO

>>3028 Mexico Arrests FBI Fugitive Behind Alleged Cartel Execution in Dallas Area

>>3029 #Vaccine induced skin cancer?

>>3030 Tweet from Malik Obama

>>3032 Twitter fires more censors

>>3033 Brazilian Journalist Who Exposed Child Sex Abuse in Schools Describes His Persecution

>>3034 More than 600 Ukrainian troops killed in ‘retaliation operation’ – Moscow

>>3035 Patriots heading to the National Congress now in Brasilia!

>>3037 Sperry Responds After ‘Twitter Files’ Documents Reveal Adam Schiff Violated Constitution to Have Him Removed from Twitter

>>3038 Germany: Iranian held in suspected poison plot after US tip

>>3039 Is The New World Order On The Precipice?

>>3040, >>3044, >>3047 Will McCarthy do the right thing with the rules package?

>>3041, >>3045, >>3051 When Nuns become based, the crap is hitting the fan.

involved in 'El Neto' ded'd on Thursday

>>3043 Transsexual admits to burning down 118-year-old Christian church in Portland

>>3046, >>3048, >>3049 BREAKING: Bolsonaro supporters BREAK INTO Brazil Congress building

>>3052 ‘Transmaxxing’: Online Community That's Encouraging Gender Transitions For Sexually Frustrated Men

>>3053 Great Reset Redux: WEF Prepares Robust Globalist Agenda for Davos

>>3054 UK: Alleged Satanic Child Sex Ring Accused of Rape, Attempted Murder, Blood Sacrifices

>>3056 Islamist Hate Cleric Calls for Attacks on British Soldiers over Prince Harry’s Kill Claims



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95e82e No.3058

File: 1f93042b36c3691⋯.png (698.17 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104939 (081932ZJAN23) Notable: - Dough

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baker seeking handoff


anons, please step up

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95e82e No.3059

File: 58690fe2faaa673⋯.jpg (148.15 KB,1021x621,1021:621,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18104967 (081939ZJAN23) Notable: graphic: National Popcorn Day in 10 Days

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95e82e No.3060

File: 4b3448c90433cf5⋯.png (219.15 KB,1929x1314,643:438,Clipboard.png)

File: 54b5e03fe320df2⋯.png (126.18 KB,1557x741,519:247,Clipboard.png)

File: eff6af9b9d9a3c4⋯.png (98.33 KB,1720x507,1720:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105013 (081946ZJAN23) Notable: 5 Years of Qresearch

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What a great time to be alive.

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95e82e No.3061

File: d00920765eb24a2⋯.png (583.77 KB,1169x649,1169:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105032 (081949ZJAN23) Notable: Democrat Connecticut State Legislator Killed in Car Crash Hours After He Was Sworn in For Third Term

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Democrat Connecticut State Legislator Killed in Car Crash Hours After He Was Sworn in For Third Term

A Connecticut state legislator was killed in a car crash just hours after he was sworn into office on Wednesday.

Quentin Williams, 39, a Democrat, was killed after a car driving the wrong way collided with his vehicle


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95e82e No.3062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105058 (081953ZJAN23) Notable: Pathologist has taken a vaccine into the lab to demonstrate exactly what's causing 'the mystery of the rubbery clots.'

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Finally, an unbiased pathologist has taken a vaccine into the lab to demonstrate exactly what's causing 'the mystery of the rubbery clots.'

A recent laboratory investigation by The Highwire reveals the only consistent thing about the COVID shots are their inconsistency. There is no quality control. Some appear clear like saline, while others are loaded with contaminants.


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95e82e No.3063

File: 9718d716256d287⋯.png (732.75 KB,1169x599,1169:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105068 (081955ZJAN23) Notable: Mars Unveils Limited-Edition All-Female M&M’s Bag Featuring Lesbians and ‘Fat Positive’ Candies to Celebrate Women

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Mars Unveils Limited-Edition All-Female M&M’s Bag Featuring Lesbians and ‘Fat Positive’ Candies to Celebrate Women


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95e82e No.3064

File: f598d98ab1700b0⋯.png (165.14 KB,424x395,424:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105069 (081956ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office

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BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office. @tupireport

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95e82e No.3065

File: 244fda1a75ca211⋯.png (211.49 KB,428x362,214:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105073 (081957ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office

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Bolsonaro supporters storm the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil.


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95e82e No.3066

File: dcacebde4535714⋯.png (417.13 KB,426x673,426:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105092 (082000ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office

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🚨Breaking: Bolsonaro supporters break into the National Congress in Brazil.

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95e82e No.3067

File: d856d5fc7cb96c7⋯.png (589.8 KB,1225x764,1225:764,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105110 (082004ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag reports activity over Oklahoma

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Seems to be a lot of training activity over Oklahoma today.

Many Beechcraft, some T38s, and even a 762.

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95e82e No.3068

File: ed01f4884b01122⋯.png (1007.43 KB,998x1440,499:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105137 (082008ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office

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BREAKING: Millions of Brazilians Descend on Brasilia, Storm Congress – SHOTS FIRED (VIDEO)

Millions of Brazilians have descended on the capital of Brasilia to protest the stolen elections and are currently storming the National Congress. Police are using tear gas, Gunfire has been reported.

Reports put the number of protestors in the capital in the millions.

Protestors have broken through the barriers around the National Congress and are storming the building:

Gunfire or explosions can be heard on some. It was not clear if it was live ammo being fired, or tear gas and rubber bullets.


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95e82e No.3069

File: 4101818f3105b33⋯.jpeg (270.05 KB,368x2647,368:2647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105233 (082022ZJAN23) Notable: Changes of ECG parameters after BNT162b2 vaccine in the senior high school students

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Changes of ECG parameters after BNT162b2 vaccine in the senior high school students



The purpose of this study is to determine the ECG parameter change and the efficacy of ECG screening for cardiac adverse effect after the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccine in young population. In December 2021, in cooperation with the school vaccination system of Taipei City government, we performed a ECG screening study during the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccines. Serial comparisons of ECGs and questionnaire survey were performed before and after vaccine in four male-predominant senior high schools. Among 7934 eligible students, 4928 (62.1%) were included in the study. The male/female ratio was 4576/352. In total, 763 students (17.1%) had at least one cardiac symptom after the second vaccine dose, mostly chest pain and palpitations. The depolarization and repolarization parameters (QRS duration and QT interval) decreased significantly after the vaccine with increasing heart rate. Abnormal ECGs were obtained in 51 (1.0%) of the students, of which 1 was diagnosed with mild myocarditis and another 4 were judged to have significant arrhythmia. None of the patients needed to be admitted to hospital and all of these symptoms improved spontaneously. Using these five students as a positive outcome, the sensitivity and specificity of this screening method were 100% and 99.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Cardiac symptoms are common after the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccine, but the incidences of significant arrhythmias and myocarditis are only 0.1%. The serial ECG screening method has high sensitivity and specificity for significant cardiac adverse effect but cost effect needs further discussed. What is Known: • The incidence of cardiac adverse effects was reported to be as high as 1.5 per 10 000 persons after the second dose BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine in the young male population based on the reporting system. What is New: • Through this mass ECG screening study after the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccine we found: (1) The depolarization and repolarization parameters (QRS duration and QT interval) decreased significantly after the vaccine with increasing heart rate; (2) the incidence of post-vaccine myocarditis and significant arrhythmia are 0.02% and 0.08%; (3) The serial ECG screening method has high sensitivity and specificity for significant cardiac adverse effect.

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95e82e No.3070

File: 6a846e01049b531⋯.png (449.57 KB,598x673,598:673,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105235 (082022ZJAN23) Notable: Liz Crokin: A group is asking Malawi President Chakwera to look into Madonna’s charity for child sex trafficking

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LIZ ThesePeopleRSick


A group is asking Malawi President Chakwera to look into Madonna’s charity, Raising Malawi, and to restrict her and her associates access to children until an investigation is done into child sex trafficking & other areas.


Ethiopian World Federation asks President Chakwera to institute investigations on integrity of…

Ethiopian World Federation, an organisation established in the United States in 1937 to promote love and good-will among Ethiopians at home and abroad, has made surprising stance on world celebrated…

9:08 AM · Jan 8, 2023

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95e82e No.3071

File: 5f5059e6b9b390b⋯.jpeg (266.72 KB,368x2794,184:1397,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105244 (082023ZJAN23) Notable: Effects of the second dose of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases with hybrid immunity

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Effects of the second dose of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases with hybrid immunity



Patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases with a previous infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus have exaggerated responses to a single dose of COVID-19 vaccination as compared to fully vaccinated infection naive patients. The second dose is currently recommended at an extended gap after the infection, but the information available regarding response to the second dose in this subgroup is limited. Patients with AIRDs previously infected with COVID-19, who have received at least one dose of AZD1222/ChAdOx1 (n = 200) were included and stratified based on vaccine doses (V), and infection (I) into I + V, I + V + V, V + I, V + V + I. Anti-RBD (receptor binding domain) antibodies were compared across the four groups. In 49 patients of the I + V + V group (AZD12222), paired sera were compared for antibody levels and neutralization after each vaccine dose. Thirty patients with hybrid immunity after BBV152 and 25 with complete vaccination without infection were included as controls. The highest anti-RBD antibody levels were observed in the V + V + I group (18,219 ± 7702 IU/ml) with statistically similar titers in the I + V + V (10,392 ± 8514 IU/ml) and the I + V (8801 ± 8122 IU/ml). This was confirmed in the 49 paired samples that paradoxically showed a lowering of antibody titers after the second dose [9626 (IQR: 4575-18,785)-5781 (2484-11,906); p < 0.001]. Neutralization of the Delta variant was unaffected but Omicron neutralization was significantly reduced after the second dose [45.7 (5.3-86.53)-35% (7.3-70.9); p = 0.028]. Ancillary analyses showed that only the hybrid immune sera could neutralize the Omicron variant and AZD1222 hybrids performed better than BBV152 hybrids. The second dose of AZD1222 did not boost antibody titers in patients with RD who had COVID-19 previously. In the analysis of paired sera, the second dose led to a statistically significant reduction in antibody titers and also reduced neutralization of the Omicron variant.

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95e82e No.3072

File: 8b826f769a6e501⋯.jpeg (418.64 KB,368x4599,368:4599,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105264 (082026ZJAN23) Notable: TROPISM: Why The Spike Protein Can Turn Every Major Organ Into A Graft: Spike Entry Via ACE2 Should Have Struck Terror From The Start

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TROPISM: Why The Spike Protein Can Turn Every Major Organ Into A Graft: Spike Entry Via ACE2 Should Have Struck Terror From The Start

A World Where No Organ Is Safe: We Must Keep The Spike Out Of Cells, This Is The Solution


Autopsies are a gold standard for information. The dead do tell us stories, and those stories can save our lives. Before we look at the story of an autopsy, let’s look at another story. The story of viruses and the cells they infect.

You may not know this, but there are many, many more viruses on this planet than there are stars in the universe. Yet, very, very few actually do us harm. Why? Because they DO NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO INVADE OUR CELLS. In other words, they do not have a key to get in. To give you an idea:

An estimated 10 nonillion (10 to the 31st power) individual viruses exist on our planet—enough to assign one to every star in the universe 100 million times over.

These pathogens are extraordinarily picky about the cells they infect, and only an infinitesimally small fraction of the viruses that surround us actually pose any threat to humans.

There are more viruses than stars in the universe. Why do only some infect us?


So, HIV infects cells with CD4. CD4 is found on the surface of immune cells such as T helper cells, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. Herpes infects the following cells:

But the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 infects cells with ACE2. This very simple observation is actually (at least to me) quite terrifying, yet everyone glossed it over, never a peep about this. Ever. Look at the TROPISM (cells that the Spike Protein can infect) compared to the viruses we just discussed.

Now. Why is this so disturbing? Because our cells have something called a Major Histocompatibility Complex on them. This presents parts of proteins that are ground up and then served up for the immune system to surveil. Think of it as Quality Control. The MHC molecule dishes up a few peptides from what’s inside the cell and the immune cells inspect it. If all the peptides displayed from the cell are YOU, all is quiet and the immune cells move on. If the peptides are NOT YOU, well, then that cell is, frankly, f*cked. It gets destroyed.

So, if we have Spike Protein entering VIRTUALLY EVERY CELL IN EVERY ORGAN, what do you suppose happens? You body views the cells as foreign. They are invaders, they must be destroyed. This is what happens in organ transplants. You need a good match, our immune systems are virtuosi. The best. If it sees something is not you, It will take it out.

This brings us to the story of our autopsy. A post vaccination autopsy was performed – and it found spike EVERYWHERE. Just as would be predicted.

First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2


So, I ask you. What do you think the immune system will do when it sees all these cells presenting foreign peptides? In every organ?


We have journeyed long and far together. Now we contemplate what we were initially told, and understand its significance. Clearly, the only way to protect ourselves, is to prevent the Spike Protein from entering our cells. If it cannot enter our cells, it cannot harm us. Just as the other nonillion viruses on the planet do not. Oh yeah, the stats. What are the odds that something naturally evolved to infect virtually every cell in our body? Interesting question, no?

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95e82e No.3073

File: 101cbcf69e20154⋯.png (468.7 KB,621x635,621:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105266 (082026ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office

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The Gateway Pundit


MORE FROM BRAZIL – “Protesters” Have Entered in the Facilities Where Brazil’s Congress and Supreme Court Meet


MORE FROM BRAZIL - "Protesters" Have Entered in the Facilities Where Brazil's Congress and Supreme…

There are now more pictures coming out of Brazil. The people of Brazil do not want to see their country become a communist nation. Sadly the pictures coming out remind Americans of Jan 6 where…

9:19 AM · Jan 8, 2023

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95e82e No.3074

File: 15714f92a4f7bf3⋯.png (100.4 KB,422x569,422:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105278 (082028ZJAN23) Notable: Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH: Data suggests myocarditis increases not due to SARS CoV-2 but rather the C19 injections specifically

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™


More ecological data suggesting SARS-CoV-2 infection did not increase rates of myocarditis. Agrees with Tuvali et al. Big surge we are seeing now is attributable to the C19 vaccines as warned by FDA. #courageousdiscourse


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95e82e No.3075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105285 (082028ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office

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anons can watch video at



video at


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95e82e No.3076

File: 2aa086a750ad447⋯.png (1.06 MB,936x1168,117:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105316 (082032ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office

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Bolsonaro supporters storm the National Congress in Brasilia, Brazil, 08 January 2023.

Supporters of Brazilian far-right ex-President Jair Bolsonaro have stormed Congress and the Supreme Court and surrounded the presidential palace.

The dramatic scenes come a week after left-wing veteran Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's inauguration.

Supporters of Mr Bolsonaro - who refuse to accept that he lost the election - broke through police barriers in the capital, Brasília.

Police used tear gas but failed to repel the demonstrators.

Protesters have smashed windows, while others reached the Senate chamber, where they jumped on to seats and used benches as slides.

It is unclear if they are still in the building.

Many are drawing comparisons with the storming of the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 by supporters of Donald Trump, an ally of Mr Bolsonaro.

Mr Bolsonaro's supporters are calling for military intervention and the resignation of Mr da Silva - better known as Lula - who defeated his far-right rival in October's election.

Many of them created camps in cities across Brazil, some of them outside the military barracks. That's because his most ardent supporters want the military to intervene and make good elections that they say were stolen.

It looked like their movement had been curbed by Lula's inauguration - the camps in Brasilia had been dismantled and there was no disruption on the day he was sworn in.

But Sunday's scenes show that those predictions were premature.

Lula is currently on an official trip in São Paulo state.

In his inauguration speech, he vowed to rebuild a country in "terrible ruins".

He decried the policies of his predecessor, who went to the US to avoid the handover ceremony.


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95e82e No.3077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105477 (082052ZJAN23) Notable: Tennis ace probed for alleged fake Covid certificate

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Tennis ace probed for alleged fake Covid certificate – media

Camila Giorgi is under investigation for allegedly submitting a falsified vaccination document certificate ahead of the Australian Open

Italian tennis player Camila Giorgi is being investigated by her country’s police over claims that she submitted a fake Covid-19 vaccination certificate to play at tournaments throughout 2022, including the Australian Open.

According to a report by Italian publication La Repubblica, Giorgi’s physician Daniela Grillone has alleged that the tennis player was not vaccinated, and that she sought a fake Covid-19 certificate from the doctor.

Grillone was charged by Italian police in February for ‘vaccinating’ well over 100 people with a fake serum and supplying documents which stated that the subject was vaccine compliant. She has co-operated with investigators, telling them that her surgery was inundated with requests for fake vaccinations by members of the public.

“The Giorgi family has been under treatment with me for a long time,” Grillone said in an interview with daily newspaper the Corriere del Veneto.

“Camila Giorgi suffered from the so-called tennis elbow. Shortly before the beginning of summer, she had come asking for the possibility of obtaining false attestations of all the mandatory vaccines, as well as the Covid vaccine.

“I can confirm with absolute certainty that none of the vaccines against the Giorgi family have actually been administered. I have not received any payment in that case.

“I am deeply upset and sorry for my action.”

Should the allegations be true, it would mean that Giorgi would have been non-compliant with the vaccine regulations ahead of last year’s Australian Open, where she was eliminated in the third round by eventual winner Ash Barty.

She also played three tournaments in the United States last year, including the US Open, despite vaccinations being mandatory to enter the country.

Giorgi is currently in Australia, where she is scheduled to compete in the Australian Open, which begins in Melbourne on January 16.

Top-ranked male tennis player Novak Djokovic was infamously deported from Australia last year after falling foul of the country’s vaccination rules – but since November, Covid-19 vaccination is no longer required to enter Australia.

However, according to Australia’s Department of Home Affairs, if a person is found to have falsified official documents they remain eligible for deportation.

The WTA, meanwhile, says that it is aware of the investigation being undertaken by Italian police.

“We are aware of the allegations and are currently monitoring the situation and any investigations that may be brought forward,” they said in a statement.


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95e82e No.3078

File: da8cbc306d1cb8f⋯.png (395.46 KB,598x578,299:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105534 (082101ZJAN23) Notable: Eight Is Enough star Adam Rich is dead at 54

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Daily Mail Online


Eight Is Enough star Adam Rich is dead at 54



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95e82e No.3079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105730 (082146ZJAN23) Notable: #22195 TBC - Dough

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Dough unchanged


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95e82e No.3080

File: 23f7e90f05d53a7⋯.png (754.63 KB,1080x540,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105856 (082210ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Where Your Elements Came From

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Jan 8 2023

Where Your Elements Came From

The hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang. There are no other appreciable sources of hydrogen in the universe. The carbon in your body was made by nuclear fusion in the interior of stars, as was the oxygen. Much of the iron in your body was made during supernovas of stars that occurred long ago and far away. The gold in your jewelry was likely made from neutron stars during collisions that may have been visible as short-duration gamma-ray bursts or gravitational wave events. Elements like phosphorus and copper are present in our bodies in only small amounts but are essential to the functioning of all known life. The featured periodic table is color coded to indicate humanity's best guess as to the nuclear origin of all known elements. The sites of nuclear creation of some elements, such as copper, are not really well known and are continuing topics of observational and computational research.


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95e82e No.3081

File: 9e239b6695d346d⋯.png (11.91 MB,5000x5000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105865 (082211ZJAN23) Notable: Elon Clock update, another hat tip to anons with yet another "8" tweeted

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Elon tweeted an 8 the other day.

Shout out to here?

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95e82e No.3082

File: 9e3a8ca2fdf0470⋯.jpg (71.08 KB,1000x575,40:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105897 (082220ZJAN23) Notable: 1652 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1147 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

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1652 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1147 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

Complete list with available details.

Currently reviewing 4 new reports. Jan 7th 2023 (4 from this week 2023). Building a new chart now.

New Note: The number of new cancers appear to be increasing. In other places, we have seen doctors reporting that there are 5 times more cancers and many of those go straight to stage 4. We draw no conclusions from this, but the small list we are working on contains several newly-discovered cancer deaths.

For the skeptics who believe this is normal, feel free to repeat the following 18 words, after reading each name in this list.

Repeat This After Reading Each Line

“The COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine. The COVID vaccine is safe. These injuries and deaths are normal.”

December 2022 – (Day/Month/Year)

30/12/2022 Indiana, USA Dead

Uche Nwaneri (38), former Jacksonville Jaguars American Football player was found unresponsive after a cardiac arrest. He was pro-vaccination, and often spoke about jailing anti-vaxxers. “OK so lets get these vaccine mandates and Vaccine passports up and running ASAP. We seeing children DIE from the unvaccinated selfishness. Pregnant women at risk too. PROTECT LIFE. MANDATE THE VACCINE. Jail anyone who refuses, to protect LIFE.” News Story News Story2 News Story3

28/12/2022 Germany Dead

Unnamed male (24), amateur footballer collapsed 8 minutes into a match after being substituted during a tournament in Lingen, Germany. Despite attempts to resuscitate him, he died. News Story News Story2 News Story3

26/12/2022 Kentucky, USA Dead

Max Sorenson (17), high school basketball player suffered a “medical event at his home” and died. News Story News Story2 News Story3



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95e82e No.3083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105990 (082237ZJAN23) Notable: Lawsuit: Restaurants Allege Beef Price Fixing Major Restaurant Chains Allege Packers Conspired to Fix Beef Prices

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Restaurants Allege Beef Price Fixing

Major Restaurant Chains Allege Packers Conspired to Fix Beef Prices

12/30/2022 | 5:04 PM CST

LINCOLN, Neb. (DTN) &ndash; The nation's largest beef packers are facing a growing number of antitrust lawsuits alleging a conspiracy to fix prices, as five more complaints were filed in a federal court in Florida by several popular fast-food chains last week.

At the end of November 2022, a federal court in Minnesota combined claims brought by several major retailers and wholesalers against packers, along with similar complaints filed by livestock and agricultural groups.

The U.S. District Court for Minnesota combined a number of cases filed by R-CALF USA and the National Farmers Union and others against Cargill Inc., JBS S.A., Marfrig Global Foods (National Beef) and Tyson Foods Inc. in 2019, alleging the big-four packers violated multiple antitrust laws starting in early 2015 over fed cattle markets and prices.

On Dec. 20, 2022, parent companies and supply chain management companies for Arby's, Carl's Jr., Hardee's, Green Burrito and Red Burrito brands, Burger King, Sonic and Whataburger, filed separate but identical antitrust lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

Those restaurants allege a conspiracy to control cattle volumes and prices starting in at least 2015. Packers named in the lawsuits include Cargill Inc., Cargill Protein-North America, JBS S.A., JBS USA Food Company, Swift Beef Company, JBS Packerland Inc., National Beef Packing Company, Tyson Foods Inc. and Tyson Fresh Meats Inc.

Those companies sold about 80% of more than 25 billion pounds of fresh and frozen beef to the U.S. market in 2018.

The restaurant companies asked for a jury trial, alleging the actions violated the Sherman Act. The chains asked for a court to enter a judgment against the packers for three times the damages sustained.

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95e82e No.3084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18105993 (082238ZJAN23) Notable: Lawsuit: Restaurants Allege Beef Price Fixing Major Restaurant Chains Allege Packers Conspired to Fix Beef Prices

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Since at least Jan. 1, 2015, until the present, defendants have exploited their market power in this highly concentrated market by conspiring to limit the supply and fix the prices of beef sold to (plaintiffs) in the U.S. wholesale market," the lawsuits allege.

"The principal, but not exclusive, means defendants have used to effectuate their conspiracy is a scheme to artificially constrain the supply of beef entering the domestic supply chain."

In June 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice and USDA launched investigations into price-fixing allegations.

The lawsuits cite information provided by a "confidential witness" who previously worked at a Swift slaughter plant in Cactus, Texas, that "confirmed the existence of a conspiracy" among the companies.

"The witness has confirmed that all of the defendants agreed to reduce their cattle purchases and slaughter volumes for the purpose and effect of increasing their margins," the lawsuits said.

"Defendants' transactional data and slaughter volumes records, information published by the USDA, and defendants' public calls for industry-wide slaughter capacity reductions corroborate witness one's account."

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95e82e No.3085

File: f8c5212e8b6fe69⋯.png (864.64 KB,903x757,903:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106004 (082239ZJAN23) Notable: Shocking Chicago Public Schools Report Reveals Over 600 Cases Of Staff Grooming and Sexually Assaulting Students

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Shocking Chicago Public Schools Report

Reveals Over 600 Cases Of Staff Grooming

and Sexually Assaulting Students

Red State, by Kira Davis

Posted By: Imright, 1/8/2023 5:23:14 PM

A shocking report from the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has revealed hundreds of cases of teachers sexually grooming and assaulting CPS students in 2022 and earlier. The report, released last week, details disturbing encounters between staff and students, including one CPS teacher who “groomed and sexually assaulted” a 17-year-old girl on multiple occasions. In a move that will feel familiar to parents already sounding the alarm about school officials encouraging students to be open about sexual issues with teachers while hiding it from parents, the girl told investigators “she began to think of him as her friend and therapist.”

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95e82e No.3086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106010 (082240ZJAN23) Notable: Lawsuit: Restaurants Allege Beef Price Fixing Major Restaurant Chains Allege Packers Conspired to Fix Beef Prices

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The lawsuits claim the companies' practices created surpluses in the cattle market and shortages in the wholesale beef market.

"These artificial conditions, in turn, drove down the prices operating defendants paid for cattle and boosted the prices operating defendants commanded for beef," the lawsuits said.

"By the end of 2020, the two largest defendants, Tyson Foods and JBS USA, were reporting record margins in their beef businesses. Tyson Foods reported that its beef business' operating margin was nearly 10.7% &ndash; significantly eclipsing its 2014 beef business' operating margin of 2.1%. JBS USA reported a higher average beef business EBITDA margin of 11.5% for the first three quarters of 2020."

The companies named in the lawsuits did not respond to DTN's request for comment.

Read more on DTN:


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95e82e No.3087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106026 (082242ZJAN23) Notable: Lawsuit: Restaurants Allege Beef Price Fixing Major Restaurant Chains Allege Packers Conspired to Fix Beef Prices

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Cargill Tyson Lawsuit

Claims They Are Involved With Beef Price Fixing Violated AntiTrust Laws




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95e82e No.3088

File: 2d36e76d77c7912⋯.png (293.5 KB,1225x650,49:26,Clipboard.png)

File: ff32158b9797816⋯.png (331.85 KB,1174x717,1174:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106104 (082303ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag: UK airbus headed into Salt Lake, and a couple of Japanese 777s taking great circle route though Canuckistan & POTATO info.

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UK airbus headed into Salt Lake, and a couple of Japanese 777s taking great circle route though Canuckistan.

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95e82e No.3089

File: 2a923ae3b0300e4⋯.png (422.18 KB,722x946,361:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106118 (082305ZJAN23) Notable: Former Russian president calls for warships with hypersonic missiles to be stationed near Washington, DC

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Former Russian president calls for warships with hypersonic missiles to be stationed near Washington, DC

Russia's former president lashed out at the US on Thursday in a statement calling for the country's warships, armed with hypersonic missiles, to be stationed close to Washington, DC.

Dmitry Medvedev, who serves as the deputy chair of Russia's security council, made the remarks in a vitriolic Telegram post in reaction to an appeal to ordinary Russians from the US Embassy.

On Wednesday, the embassy had tweeted a Russian-language video that said President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine is "not worthy" of Russians, per Reuters' translation.


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95e82e No.3090

File: b02c4981e90472c⋯.png (339.81 KB,607x803,607:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106205 (082320ZJAN23) Notable: Schiff claims Republican Oversight Chair is making false claims against him

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95e82e No.3091

File: 15477dc57da0d87⋯.png (482.35 KB,598x637,46:49,Clipboard.png)

File: ec8148ba75c01d5⋯.png (148.08 KB,292x229,292:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106246 (082327ZJAN23) Notable: Schumer: It was such an honor to be in Ulster County to celebrate the swearing-in of my friend Senator Michelle Hinchey, our amazing state Senator for NY’s 41st District!

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Chuck Schumer


It was such an honor to be in Ulster County to celebrate the swearing-in of my friend Senator Michelle Hinchey, our amazing state Senator for NY’s 41st District!



Raw vid incoming

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95e82e No.3092

File: 00b5cb4755d584f⋯.png (550.84 KB,1179x668,1179:668,Clipboard.png)

File: 587ff07d1ce56e2⋯.png (239.91 KB,573x354,191:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106307 (082336ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag: UK airbus headed into Salt Lake, and a couple of Japanese 777s taking great circle route though Canuckistan & POTATO info.

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>>2981, >>3042

PF: Potato left El Paso for Mexico City (north of) and will be landing at Santa Lucia AB-where Mexi AF 3538 737 arrived at from Campeche stop and Merida depart and overnight-SAM updated activity: SAM501 C-40B (State Dept AC) heading to Mexico from JBA, Trudope will be joining them tomorrow

82-8000 747 departed El Paso Int'l and heding to Felipe Ángeles International Airport-Santa Lucia AB and not Mexcio City Int'l, 09-0016 C-32A departed from Ft. Bliss it appears-SAM966 C-32A landed at Mexico City Int'l while Mexi AF 3528 737 landed at Santa Lucia AB from Merida depart and a stop at Campeche for 30m-Santa Lucia AB is exactly where Potato is heading (Felipe Ángeles International Airport), SAM936 G5 had a stop at Barskdale (Air Force Global Strike Command-2d Bomb Wing BUFFS) AFB and nw while SAM972 C-40C departed it's stop at Scott AFB and is now at MacDill (CENTCOM), SAM501 C-40B (State Dept AC) heading to Mexico City, and finally SPAR937 Learjet 35 departed from Scott AFB-stopped at Topeka, KS and west again

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95e82e No.3093

File: 719d19840d7a772⋯.png (309.72 KB,609x637,87:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106355 (082345ZJAN23) Notable: Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted Department of Defense: Delbert D. Black operates in the Persian Gulf

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Department of Defense 🇺🇸


United States government organization

Sailing under the stars.

The USS Delbert D. Black operates in the Persian Gulf. #OperationsAtSea


10:00 AM · Jan 8, 2023

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95e82e No.3094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106367 (082347ZJAN23) Notable: #22194 - posted in #22195

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>>3058 - Dough

>>3059 graphic: National Popcorn Day in 10 Days

>>3060 5 Years of Qresearch

>>3061 Democrat Connecticut State Legislator Killed in Car Crash Hours After He Was Sworn in For Third Term

>>3062 Pathologist has taken a vaccine into the lab to demonstrate exactly what's causing 'the mystery of the rubbery clots.'

>>3063 Mars Unveils Limited-Edition All-Female M&M’s Bag Featuring Lesbians and ‘Fat Positive’ Candies to Celebrate Women

>>3064, >>3065, >>3066, >>3068, >>3073, >>3075, >>3076 BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Pro-Bolsonaro protesters have invaded the Planalto Palace in Brasília, the official Presidential office

>>3067 Planefag reports activity over Oklahoma

>>3069 Changes of ECG parameters after BNT162b2 vaccine in the senior high school students

>>3070 Liz Crokin: A group is asking Malawi President Chakwera to look into Madonna’s charity for child sex trafficking

>>3071 Effects of the second dose of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases with hybrid immunity

>>3072 TROPISM: Why The Spike Protein Can Turn Every Major Organ Into A Graft: Spike Entry Via ACE2 Should Have Struck Terror From The Start

>>3074 Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH: Data suggests myocarditis increases not due to SARS CoV-2 but rather the C19 injections specifically

>>3077 Tennis ace probed for alleged fake Covid certificate

>>3078 Eight Is Enough star Adam Rich is dead at 54

#22194 - posted in #22195

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3095

File: 680664642789c54⋯.jpg (258.81 KB,2501x1667,2501:1667,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106478 (090005ZJAN23) Notable: Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted Department of Defense: Delbert D. Black operates in the Persian Gulf

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CENTCOM posted one for the nightshiftfags.


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95e82e No.3096

File: 54813fa731ceae6⋯.png (8.16 MB,5523x3038,789:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106502 (090008ZJAN23) Notable: QClock January 07, 2023 - Could You Sleep?

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QClock January 07, 2023 - Could You Sleep?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3097

File: eedccabbfa8cf8a⋯.png (308.92 KB,542x537,542:537,Clipboard.png)

File: b72ce1cc50e21f7⋯.png (131.37 KB,333x433,333:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 8508c1e72761772⋯.png (84.79 KB,538x243,538:243,Clipboard.png)

File: 10e29c06f5adfb6⋯.png (14.49 KB,269x133,269:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106514 (090011ZJAN23) Notable: KEKS from da Bee

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Keks from the Bee

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3098

File: 0bcc3bcf1a1166e⋯.png (482.27 KB,598x632,299:316,Clipboard.png)

File: f23ab4898bfa0fe⋯.png (236.93 KB,372x293,372:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ad9a0e35b36e4d⋯.png (122.92 KB,598x817,598:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 801b4c2b9e8a311⋯.png (40.13 KB,416x418,208:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106521 (090013ZJAN23) Notable: Schumer on swearing in of Sen. Michelle Hinchey

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chuck Schumer


It was such an honor to be in Ulster County to celebrate the swearing-in of my friend Senator Michelle Hinchey, our amazing state Senator for NY’s 41st District!




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95e82e No.3099

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106553 (090019ZJAN23) Notable: Derek Johnson Decodes It All! - White Hat Operations In History!

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Derek Johnson Decodes It All! - White Hat Operations In History!

4 hours of proof Trump is running the military operation. Known as the pause

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95e82e No.3100

File: fb3c47dce8d016a⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB,892x11637,892:11637,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106557 (090022ZJAN23) Notable: Dying With Dignity Canada associates Ellen Wiebe and Stefanie Green have reportedly euthanized more than 700 people between them

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Dying With Dignity Canada associates Ellen Wiebe and Stefanie Green have reportedly euthanized more than 700 people between them

'It's the most rewarding work we've ever done': Canadian doctor who's euthanized 400 people proudly shares how she helped kill man deemed incapable of choosing assisted suicide - as another physician says she's helped 300 die

Dying With Dignity Canada associates Ellen Wiebe and Stefanie Green have reportedly euthanized more than 700 people between them

Wiebe touted that she once helped a patient die after he was initially rejected because he lacked the ability to make his own health care decisions

Green, an obstetrician, describes her work as making 'deliveries' while insisting that people aren't getting Medical Assistance In Dying due to poverty

One woman said the mental anguish from loneliness and poverty outweighed her physical pain from chronic leukemia in her decision to want to die

While another man is just one signature away from being approved despite listing a fear of homelessness as his key reason for wanting to die


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95e82e No.3101

File: 7da3794113fa5ea⋯.jpeg (240.92 KB,892x1766,446:883,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106568 (090024ZJAN23) Notable: Public School Districts Begin Closing Schools After Losing Nearly 2 Million Students During The Pandemic

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Public School Districts Begin Closing Schools After Losing Nearly 2 Million Students During The Pandemic


Americans are pulling their kids out of public schools.

Between 2020 and 2021, almost 2 million students stop attending public schools.

Advertisement - story continues below

Charter school enrollment rose during this time.

Almost 2 million students stopped attending public schools between 2020 and 2021, enrollment data shows.

In a recent poll from Education Next, district-operated schools lost 4 percent of their students during those two years, with those children enrolling in other types of schooling.

Advertisement - story continues below

In the spring of 2020, 81 percent of schoolchildren in the United States were enrolled in district schools, according to parental response to the poll.

By November of that year, enrollment in district schools had plummeted to 72 percent, according to Education Next numbers.

This has caused some school districts to shut down some of their schools.

Public schools in the U.S. have lost more than a million students since the start of the pandemic, prompting some districts across the country to close buildings because they don’t have enough pupils or funding to keep them open.

The school board in Jefferson County, Colo., outside Denver, voted in November to close 16 schools. St. Paul, Minn., last summer closed five schools. The Oakland, Calif., school board last February voted to close seven schools after years of declining enrollment and financial strife.

Declining birthrates, a rise in home schooling and growing competition from private and charter schools are contributing to the decline in traditional public school enrollment, according to school officials.

Districts in cities including Denver and Indianapolis have developed plans to shut down underused schools, and superintendents say more closures are inevitable unless enrollment drops are reversed.

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95e82e No.3102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106572 (090024ZJAN23) Notable: The ‘MAGA’ group in Congress has been preparing for this moment

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The ‘MAGA’ group in Congress has been preparing for this moment

>12,767 views | Jan 8, 2023

National political correspondent for TIME Magazine Molly Ball joined MSNBC’s Richard Lui. They discuss the “MAGA squad” inside the 118th Congress and how they will work with Kevin McCarthy after blocking him from becoming speaker of the House.

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95e82e No.3103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106581 (090026ZJAN23) Notable: Body Language: Gaetz V. McCarthy, Congressional Conflict & Restrained Speech

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Body Language: Gaetz V. McCarthy, Congressional Conflict & Restrained Speech

January 8, 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3104

File: bc8f631f752f8dd⋯.png (849.38 KB,700x859,700:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106597 (090030ZJAN23) Notable: #22195

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>>>/qresearch/18106448 - DOUGH



>>3079 - Dough

>>3096 QClock January 07, 2023 - Could You Sleep?

>>3080 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Where Your Elements Came From

>>3081 Elon Clock update, another hat tip to anons with yet another "8" tweeted

>>3082 1652 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1147 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

>>3083, >>3084, >>3086, >>3087 Lawsuit: Restaurants Allege Beef Price Fixing Major Restaurant Chains Allege Packers Conspired to Fix Beef Prices

>>3085 Shocking Chicago Public Schools Report Reveals Over 600 Cases Of Staff Grooming and Sexually Assaulting Students

>>3088, >>3092 Planefag: UK airbus headed into Salt Lake, and a couple of Japanese 777s taking great circle route though Canuckistan & POTATO info.

>>3089 Former Russian president calls for warships with hypersonic missiles to be stationed near Washington, DC

>>3090 Schiff claims Republican Oversight Chair is making false claims against him

>>3091 Schumer: It was such an honor to be in Ulster County to celebrate the swearing-in of my friend Senator Michelle Hinchey, our amazing state Senator for NY’s 41st District!

>>3093, >>3095 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted Department of Defense: Delbert D. Black operates in the Persian Gulf

#22195 Posted in #22196

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95e82e No.3105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106624 (090036ZJAN23) Notable: 18106676Reminder re Cloudflare dumping 8chan

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The Cloudflare Blog

Terminating Service for 8Chan


Matthew Prince

Matthew Prince

The mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio are horrific tragedies. In the case of the El Paso shooting, the suspected terrorist gunman appears to have been inspired by the forum website known as 8chan. Based on evidence we've seen, it appears that he posted a screed to the site immediately before beginning his terrifying attack on the El Paso Walmart killing 20 people.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Nearly the same thing happened on 8chan before the terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. The El Paso shooter specifically referenced the Christchurch incident and appears to have been inspired by the largely unmoderated discussions on 8chan which glorified the previous massacre. In a separate tragedy, the suspected killer in the Poway, California synagogue shooting also posted a hate-filled “open letter” on 8chan. 8chan has repeatedly proven itself to be a cesspool of hate.

8chan is among the more than 19 million Internet properties that use Cloudflare's service. We just sent notice that we are terminating 8chan as a customer effective at midnight tonight Pacific Time. The rationale is simple: they have proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths. Even if 8chan may not have violated the letter of the law in refusing to moderate their hate-filled community, they have created an environment that revels in violating its spirit.

We do not take this decision lightly. Cloudflare is a network provider. In pursuit of our goal of helping build a better internet, we’ve considered it important to provide our security services broadly to make sure as many users as possible are secure, and thereby making cyberattacks less attractive — regardless of the content of those websites. Many of our customers run platforms of their own on top of our network. If our policies are more conservative than theirs it effectively undercuts their ability to run their services and set their own policies. We reluctantly tolerate content that we find reprehensible, but we draw the line at platforms that have demonstrated they directly inspire tragic events and are lawless by design. 8chan has crossed that line. It will therefore no longer be allowed to use our services.

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95e82e No.3106

File: 14da6a2839906b7⋯.png (133.32 KB,768x218,384:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106640 (090039ZJAN23) Notable: GOP announces impeachment charges of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

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>GOP announces impeachment charges of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

notable baker

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95e82e No.3107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106642 (090039ZJAN23) Notable: GOP announces impeachment charges of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

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20 House Republicans call for Homeland Security chief Mayorkas to be impeached over border crisis

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95e82e No.3108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106664 (090043ZJAN23) Notable: 🔗🇧🇷⚡️ — Bolsonaro does not support invasions of public buildings

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🔗🇧🇷⚡️ — Former President of the Republic, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, makes a note regarding the demonstrations that took place today in Brasília:

"Peaceful demonstrations, in the form of the law, are part of democracy. However, depredations and invasions of public buildings as occurred today, as well as those practiced by the left in 2013 and 2017, escape the rule.

Throughout my mandate, I have always been within the four lines of the Constitution, respecting and defending the laws, democracy, transparency and our sacred freedom.

Furthermore, I repudiate the accusations, without evidence, attributed to me by the current chief executive of Brazil."

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95e82e No.3109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106672 (090044ZJAN23) Notable: 18106676Reminder re Cloudflare dumping 8chan

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What Will Happen Next

Unfortunately, we have seen this situation before and so we have a good sense of what will play out. Almost exactly two years ago we made the determination to kick another disgusting site off Cloudflare's network: the Daily Stormer. That caused a brief interruption in the site's operations but they quickly came back online using a Cloudflare competitor. That competitor at the time promoted as a feature the fact that they didn't respond to legal process. Today, the Daily Stormer is still available and still disgusting. They have bragged that they have more readers than ever. They are no longer Cloudflare's problem, but they remain the Internet's problem.

I have little doubt we'll see the same happen with 8chan. While removing 8chan from our network takes heat off of us, it does nothing to address why hateful sites fester online. It does nothing to address why mass shootings occur. It does nothing to address why portions of the population feel so disenchanted they turn to hate. In taking this action we've solved our own problem, but we haven't solved the Internet's.

In the two years since the Daily Stormer what we have done to try and solve the Internet’s deeper problem is engage with law enforcement and civil society organizations to try and find solutions. Among other things, that resulted in us cooperating around monitoring potential hate sites on our network and notifying law enforcement when there was content that contained an indication of potential violence. We will continue to work within the legal process to share information when we can to hopefully prevent horrific acts of violence. We believe this is our responsibility and, given Cloudflare's scale and reach, we are hopeful we will continue to make progress toward solving the deeper problem.

Rule of Law

We continue to feel incredibly uncomfortable about playing the role of content arbiter and do not plan to exercise it often. Some have wrongly speculated this is due to some conception of the United States' First Amendment. That is incorrect. First, we are a private company and not bound by the First Amendment. Second, the vast majority of our customers, and more than 50% of our revenue, comes from outside the United States where the First Amendment and similarly libertarian freedom of speech protections do not apply. The only relevance of the First Amendment in this case and others is that it allows us to choose who we do and do not do business with; it does not obligate us to do business with everyone.

Instead our concern has centered around another much more universal idea: the Rule of Law. The Rule of Law requires policies be transparent and consistent. While it has been articulated as a framework for how governments ensure their legitimacy, we have used it as a touchstone when we think about our own policies.


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95e82e No.3110

File: 0bdb1ec00f4882a⋯.jpg (71.85 KB,592x603,592:603,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106691 (090047ZJAN23) Notable: The U.S. Keeps Offering China Its COVID Vaccines. China Keeps Saying No

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The U.S. Keeps Offering China Its COVID Vaccines. China Keeps Saying No


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95e82e No.3111

File: be7840f6a7dd2df⋯.jpeg (96.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106729 (090053ZJAN23) Notable: Lula orders ‘federal intervention’ against rioters

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8 Jan, 2023 21:37

Lula orders ‘federal intervention’ against rioters

The newly-inaugurated Brazilian president has declared a state of emergency after former leader's supporters overran government buildings

Supporters of Brazil's former President Jair Bolsonaro clash with police as they storm the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, Brazil, January 8, 2023 © AP / Eraldo Peres

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has declared a state of emergency in the Federal District of Brasilia after thousands of supporters of his right-wing predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, overran Congress, the Presidential Palace, the Supreme Court, and the Planalto Palace.

The leftist leader, inaugurated just last week, gave the order on Sunday, appointing justice minister Ricardo Garcia Capelli to lead the ‘federal intervention’. Lula’s order gives Capelli the power to ask both civil and military bodies for “the necessary means to achieve the object of the intervention.”

The scope of the order, which expires at the end of the month, is limited to Brasilia’s Federal District, and its stated aim is to “end the serious compromising of public order in the State in the Federal District, marked by acts of violence and invasion of public buildings.”

Decreto assinado por Lula para intervenção federal no Distrito Federal.


— Lula (@LulaOficial) January 8, 2023

To achieve that goal, Capelli may call upon “the financial, technological, structural, and human resources of the Federal District” – including, but not limited to, the military and police – as needed.READ MORE: Bolsonaro supporters swarm Brazilian Congress

Promising to make those responsible for the chaos “pay with the force of the law” in a speech broadcast to his social networks, Lula pledged to get to the bottom of “who are the financiers” of the swarm of protesters – most outfitted in matching attire with the colors of the Brazilian flag – who rushed through a barricade and into the government buildings.

He denounced the demonstrators as “vandals and fascists,” blaming Bolsonaro for filling their heads with extremism. The former leader’s supporters have been staging chaotic demonstrations since he lost a close election to his leftist rival in October, blocking roads, setting vehicles on fire, and at one point even surrounding a military facility to try to convince the soldiers inside to rise up and restore Bolsonaro.

Bolsonaro left Brazil several days before the traditional handoff ceremony installing Lula in the presidency rather than appear to legitimize the leftist’s win by showing up, maintaining that his defeat had been unfair even as he condemned the violent protests that had resulted. Lula blamed what he described as the day’s “unprecedented” violence on his nemesis, declaring “this is also the responsibilities of him and of the parties that belong to him.”


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95e82e No.3112

File: 29c103a08bf3432⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106765 (090058ZJAN23) Notable: Scavino football run tweet

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95e82e No.3113

File: cf6dbea2b384630⋯.jpeg (68.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106769 (090058ZJAN23) Notable: Bolsonaro supporters swarm Brazilian Congress

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8 Jan, 2023 19:24

Bolsonaro supporters swarm Brazilian Congress

Newly-inaugurated President Lula da Silva has reportedly been evacuated to a secure location

Social media footage allegedly showing the moment Bolsonaro supporters breached barricades at the National Congress in Brazil

Supporters of right-wing former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro have swarmed the country's Congress building, climbing its roof and breaking windows on Sunday, following weeks of unrest.

Video posted to social media shows the rioters attacking the Supreme Court building as well. Water can be seen pouring out of a broken window and makeshift lettering pasted on another window as demonstrators, many clutching or wearing Brazilian flags, survey the damage. The court had slapped Bolsonaro with a hefty fine in November over his efforts to challenge the results of the presidential race, accusing him of acting in bad faith.

Video posted to social media appeared to confirm reports that protesters had also broken into both the Presidential Palace and the Planalto Palace. While local media reports placed the crowd size at around 3,000 people, reports by police in the Federal District of Brasilia cited on social media suggested they were concerned they might be outnumbered by the demonstrators.

Bolsonaro’s successor Lula da Silva, inaugurated last week, has reportedly been evacuated to a secure location in Sao Paulo, according to news outlet Folha. Bolsonaro made a point of avoiding the ceremonial transition of power to his left-wing rival, opting to fly to Florida ahead of the date. The former leader left behind a tearful farewell message to supporters in which he reiterated that his electoral defeat had been unfair, while condemning the violent protests that followed.

The minister of justice has also been evacuated and the military reportedly ordered to deploy.

Since Lula’s narrow electoral victory in October, supporters of the former president have blocked roads, set vehicles on fire, and even surrounded military buildings, in an effort to try to convince soldiers inside to overthrow the new government.

Many observers pointed out similarities between the events in the Federal District and the riot at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. In both cases, supporters of a right-wing leader ousted in a hotly-contested election swarmed government buildings that had been left largely unguarded, meeting with little if any resistance from authorities. Like their American counterparts, the Bolsonaro supporters came outfitted with their nation’s flags and messaging for the crowd - “We want the source code,” one banner dropped from the roof of the Congress read, presumably referring to the voting machines whose integrity Bolsonaro had questioned.


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95e82e No.3114

File: f7ead5cd66b3479⋯.jpeg (77.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106795 (090103ZJAN23) Notable: Belgrade is the new Casablanca – Vucic

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8 Jan, 2023 20:14

Belgrade is the new Casablanca – Vucic

Serbian capital has been swarming with numerous spies, the country’s president has claimed

A still from the 1942 movie Casablanca. © Global Look Press /

Serbia has seen a record influx of foreign spies, with the country’s capital city Belgrade swarming with them amid the New Year's Eve celebrations, President Aleksandar Vucic has said, likening the city to Casablanca during World War II.

"This New Year's Eve, Belgrade has become the new Casablanca. We regularly receive these reports, there were no spies who would not check in our hotels,there have never been so many spies," Vucic told TV Pink on Sunday.

The Moroccan city of Casablanca during WWII has long been portrayed in popular culture as a city swarming with assorted Nazis, war refugees, and spies from all over the globe, primarily thanks to the 1942 namesake Hollywood classic. This image of the Moroccan city, a French colonial territory at the time, has been repeatedly reprinted in many spy movies since then.

The influx of spies to Belgrade came amid ongoing tensions between Serbia and its breakaway region of Kosovo, the Serbian president said, stating that the city has never seen such intelligence activity since, at least, the WWII era. The intelligence agents have been "doing their job" and "obviously preparing various things," Vucic added. The president did not elaborate from which countries the purported spies came from.

Serbia and Kosovo have been at odds throughout most of 2022 over Pristina’s plans to ban Belgrade-issued license plates in its jurisdiction. Heavily armed ethnic Albanian police had been deployed in Serbian-populated areas, with locals staging protests and erecting barricades in response.

Tensions were reignited earlier this week when two Serbian youths were wounded in a drive-by shooting near the town of Strpce, as they were walking with oak branches in celebration of Orthodox Christmas.

The alleged attacker, who has been detained, turned out to be an ethnic Albanian. The incidents like the Strpce shooting are a direct result of hostile policies pursued by the Pristina authorities, Vucic has said, warning that a "difficult period" still lies ahead.


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95e82e No.3115

File: f891e993d546e02⋯.png (348.35 KB,598x572,23:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106797 (090103ZJAN23) Notable: Scavino football run tweet

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅





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95e82e No.3116

File: 83076977f881d5f⋯.png (152.8 KB,598x675,598:675,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b3fd3d61cf10c5⋯.mp4 (672.32 KB,526x490,263:245,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106814 (090105ZJAN23) Notable: Scavino penguin tweet

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95e82e No.3117

File: 15d7a8a8d9aebd5⋯.png (24.92 KB,598x285,598:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106831 (090109ZJAN23) Notable: Musk: I hope that the people of Brazil are able to resolve matters peacefully

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Elon Musk


I hope that the people of Brazil are able to resolve matters peacefully


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95e82e No.3118

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106835 (090110ZJAN23) Notable: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory NRL Conducts Successful Terrestrial Microwave Power Beaming Demonstration

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U.S. Naval Research Laboratory NRL Conducts Successful Terrestrial Microwave Power Beaming Demonstration

20 April 2022

WASHINGTON - A team of researchers from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory recently demonstrated the feasibility of terrestrial microwave power beaming by transmitting 1.6 kilowatts of power over 1 kilometer (km) at the U.S. Army Research Field in Blossom Point, Md., the most significant power beaming demonstration in nearly 50 years.


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95e82e No.3119

File: 997d6a713681ca9⋯.png (248.96 KB,852x445,852:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 2451f34405ae1c5⋯.png (74.33 KB,447x331,447:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106845 (090111ZJAN23) Notable: Planefagging

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>>3092 lb

SAM966 C-32A departed Mexico City Int'l after a ground stop of about 3hand dropped of Flauxtuswith SAM501 C-40B (State Dept) and Blinken on that making it's final approach turn for same-looks like Potato and the escort has been shut off

Potato in 82-8000 has not updated-still shows as ascending from El Paso however the escort 09-0016 has and should start it's descent soon

Secretary Blinken’s Travel to Mexico City, Mexico for the North American Leaders’ Summit



Jill Biden arrived at the International Airport of Mexico City


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95e82e No.3120

File: 8ff34fb40b4121e⋯.jpeg (123.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6d1361d170e4ec5⋯.jpeg (20.1 KB,255x253,255:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106855 (090112ZJAN23) Notable: Biden accused of ‘stage-managed’ border tour

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8 Jan, 2023 23:03

Biden accused of ‘stage-managed’ border tour

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has blasted the president for getting only a “sanitized” view of America’s immigration crisis

(PDJT is watching him. Kek)

President Joe Biden walks with US Border Patrol agents along a stretch of the US-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, January 8, 2023 ©

Texas Governor Greg Abbott welcomed Joe Biden for the president’s long-awaited visit to the southern US border by hand-delivering a letter demanding that the federal government address the “worst illegal immigration” crisis in the nation’s history by enforcing current laws.

“Your visit to our southern border with Mexico today is $20 billion too little and two years too late,” Abbott said in the letter, which he handed to the president after Biden disembarked Air Force One on Sunday in El Paso. He added that Biden’s visit was being carefully crafted to avoid seeing the havoc and damage caused by his open-borders policies.

“Even the city you visit has been sanitized of the migrant camps which had overrun downtown El Paso because your administration wants to shield you from the chaos that Texans experience on a daily basis,” Abbott said. “This chaos is the direct result of your failure to enforce the immigration laws that Congress enacted.”

Illegal border crossings into the US have surged fivefold since Biden took office in January 2021 and reached a record high of 2.76 million in the government fiscal year that ended on September 30. Biden hadn’t been to the border since 2008, when was campaigning in New Mexico. He announced a new border plan on Thursday, including new limits on migration from Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti.

However, Abbott said the new policies are primarily about helping illegal migrants, rather than blocking them from entering the US. “All of this is happening because you have violated your constitutional obligation to defend the states against invasion through faithful execution of federal laws.”

The governor launched Operation Lone Star in March 2021 to help secure the border. The operation has netted 23,000 criminal arrests and seizures of over 354 million doses of fentanyl. The state also has bussed 16,000 migrants to so-called “sanctuary cities” that support open borders, including Washington and New York.

US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas criticized Abbott on Sunday for failing to work through the federal government to address border concerns. “We cannot have unilateral governor action,” Mayorkas said in an ABC News interview.


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95e82e No.3121

File: eb596f8e6bc0315⋯.jpeg (83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106890 (090119ZJAN23) Notable: New US House chief makes pledge on Ukraine aid

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8 Jan, 2023 19:47

New US House chief makes pledge on Ukraine aid – media

Kevin McCarthy has reportedly agreed to cap aid to Kiev to win support from colleagues who were blocking his election as speaker

Newly elected US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reportedly won over the final few votes needed to secure the gavel by promising conservative lawmakers that he will help pass legislation that would limit future economic and military aid to Ukraine.

The Kiev compromise was one of the key concessions that McCarthy, a California Republican, accepted to win over recalcitrant colleagues who had opposed his election as speaker, the UK’s Telegraph newspaper reported on Saturday. Republicans won back control of Congress in November’s midterm elections, but it took five days and 15 rounds of voting for speaker – the most since 1860 – to reach enough consensus on who will shepherd the party’s legislative agenda.

Since Russia began its military offensive against Ukraine last February, Congress has approved $100 billion in US aid to Ukraine – much to the chagrin of ‘Freedom Caucus’lawmakers, such as Republicans Matt Gaetz (Florida) and Lauren Boebert (Colorado). Gaetz led a group of about 20 representatives in opposing McCarthy’s election, at one point nominating former President Donald Trump for the job.

After McCarthy failed to win enough support from fellow Republicans in the first three rounds of voting on Tuesday, Gaetz said, “Today the House didn’t organize. Biggest loser: [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky. Biggest winner: US Taxpayers.” He had opposed previous aid requests for Kiev, including a $45-billion package approved last month, saying, “Hemorrhaging billions in taxpayer dollars for Ukraine while our country is in crisis is the definition of America last.”

McCarthy, who occasionally wears a Ukrainian flag pin on his lapel, also agreed to congressional rule changes, limits on defense spending and the creation of a committee to investigate “weaponization” of the federal government. In addition, conservatives won a pledge to allow votes on several of their top issues, including border security, congressional term limits and a balanced budget amendment. The new speaker agreed to give Freedom Caucus members key seats on House committees.

Among those panels is the House Rules Committee. As the Telegraph noted, giving Freedom Caucus members leadership roles on the Rules Committee could create “immense hurdles” to passage of additional aid packages for Ukraine.


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95e82e No.3122

File: 2ae9c5af4b57a4d⋯.png (211.53 KB,612x890,306:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106900 (090120ZJAN23) Notable: Kayleigh: new book

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Kayleigh McEnany


I’m excited to reveal the cover of my upcoming book “Serenity in the Storm: Living through Chaos by Leaning on Christ”!

Pre-order here (available wherever books are sold!):


Go d bless you and your family.


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95e82e No.3123

File: 0e6955edc47a2e2⋯.jpg (44.81 KB,595x279,595:279,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106915 (090121ZJAN23) Notable: Potato on Brazil situation

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I condemn the assault on democracy and on the peaceful transfer of power in Brazil. Brazil’s democratic institutions have our full support and the will of the Brazilian people must not be undermined. I look forward to continuing to work with


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95e82e No.3124

File: b8256bfe312ca0f⋯.png (31.48 KB,1156x296,289:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106986 (090131ZJAN23) Notable: Chicago COVID relief fraud probe includes over 50 employees in Cook County Clerk of Court

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COVID relief fraud probe includes over

50 employees in Cook County Clerk of Court

Iris Martinez’s office

Chicago Sun-Times, by Frank Main

Posted By: AltaD, 1/8/2023 6:50:57 PM

More than 50 employees of Cook County Clerk of Court Iris Martinez are suspected of defrauding a federal program intended to help small businesses struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic, a spokesman said Friday. The clerk’s inspector general is working with Cook County’s inspector general’s office, which is conducting a separate investigation of employees who work for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle (Snip) Most of the court clerk’s employees who are under investigation had gotten PPP loans of about $20,000 by saying they had made at least $100,000 from an outside business in the year before they filed their applications, Murphy-Aguilú said. Some employees received about $40,000 in loans, he said.

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95e82e No.3125

File: 380068a509362e9⋯.jpg (100.59 KB,557x405,557:405,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106989 (090131ZJAN23) Notable: New Study proves Covid Vaccines are Ineffective & Dangerous

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New Study proves Covid Vaccines are Ineffective & Dangerous: Triple-Vaccinated Australians are 35x more likely to be Hospitalised


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95e82e No.3126

File: e2117c021f77d98⋯.png (350.97 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 982fa9c7bbf449e⋯.jpeg (547.05 KB,1094x1389,1094:1389,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4fdbc6718277c5a⋯.jpeg (521.34 KB,1081x1378,1081:1378,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106991 (090132ZJAN23) Notable: Rising MMA star dead at 18

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8 Jan, 2023 15:39

Rising MMA star dead at 18

Victoria Lee was considered to be one of the sport’s most promising fighters

Rising MMA star dead at 18

Teenage MMA star Victoria Lee who died on December 26, 2022 © Instagram / Instagram / victorialee.mma

MMA sensation Victoria Lee has died at the age of 18, according to her sister and ONE Championship atomweight titleholder Angela Lee.

Writing on Instagram, Angela Lee said her younger sister died on December 26, and that she and her entire family, which also includes another ONE Championship standout Christian Lee, are devastated at the loss.

No explanation was given for her passing.

Nicknamed ‘The Prodigy’, Victoria Lee very much lived up to her moniker by racing to a 3-0 start in her professional MMA career, despite being the youngest fighter on the ONE Championship roster.

She made her debut for the Singaporean organization in February 2021, fighting two more times that year – finishing all three of her fights before the end of the second round – but hadn't competed since a September 2021 TKO victory against Victoria Souza.

“She has gone too soon and our family has been completely devastated since then,” Angela Lee wrote online.

“We miss her. More than anything in this world. Our family will never be the same. Life will never be the same.

“Victoria was the most beautiful soul who ever lived. She was the best little sister in the world. The best daughter, the best granddaughter and the best godma / aunty to Ava and Alia.

“We miss you so much sis. More than you could ever realize. We’re all broken. Because a piece of you was in each of us and when you left, those pieces were ripped out of us.

“We will never be the same.”

Angela Lee had previously stated that she believed her younger sister to be the most talented fighter in their family, and that she would quickly surpass her own accomplishments in the sport – and even those of Christian Lee, who is the organization’s lightweight and welterweight champion.

“I am heartbroken by Victoria Lee’s passing,” wrote ONE Championship CEO Chatri Sityodtong online.

“I first met Victoria when she was 11 years old. I watched her blossom over the years as a martial artist and a human being. I always remember thinking how wise, thoughtful, and selfless she was beyond her years.

“Of course, she was an extraordinary martial arts prodigy even back then, but I could see that she was so much more than that.”


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95e82e No.3127

File: de737bc7ec2b629⋯.png (55.65 KB,658x367,658:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18106994 (090132ZJAN23) Notable: Mollie Hemingway calls out crimes of Marc E. Elias

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Mollie Hemingway calls out crimes of Marc E. Elias


Marc Elias, who ran the Russia collusion hoax, and who also ran the operation to destabilize the 2020 election, says he will sue over Ohio law to improve election security in that state.

@marceelias · Jan 6

Ohio will be sued. Stand by.

@darreldrowland · Jan 6

BREAKING: Ohioans will now need photo ID to vote under bill Gov Mike DeWine just signed, and military voters et al have fewer days to get their ballots mailed back AND mandated oil and gas drilling OK'd for state parks, other lands - DeWine says it doesn't much change current law

6:38 PM · Jan 8, 2023


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95e82e No.3128

File: d6db5c3ad5e4f4d⋯.png (11.99 MB,5000x5000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107000 (090133ZJAN23) Notable: Clockfag

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18106035 LB


Didn't add any 11.3 stuff

Real Anons know

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95e82e No.3129

File: a38fd5138a5802c⋯.png (25.44 KB,650x203,650:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107006 (090135ZJAN23) Notable: Elizabeth Warren demands "Code of Ethics" for SCOTUS

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Of all people,

Elizabeth Warren demands "Code of Ethics" for SCOTUS


The Supreme Court should be bound by a basic code of ethics.

10:34 AM · Jan 8, 2023


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95e82e No.3130

File: 43c5626572ab2ac⋯.png (136.46 KB,426x512,213:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107021 (090137ZJAN23) Notable: From Pepe: People around the world now know for a fact that elections are rigged

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From Pepe

People around the world now know for a fact that elections are rigged and our politicians are selected. Trump and his allies have exposed this on a massive scale.

It's called the Great Awakening.

And we aren't finished yet. 💪


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95e82e No.3131

File: 35e1dfd2577e3f1⋯.png (174.22 KB,420x535,84:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107028 (090138ZJAN23) Notable: Chechen Commander Calls $3 Billion in US Military Aid “Money Laundering Scheme – No More that 15% Will Reach the Trenches”

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Chechen Commander Calls $3 Billion in US Military Aid “Money Laundering Scheme – No More that 15% Will Reach the Trenches”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3132

File: 2223f0c1aaa2b6a⋯.jpeg (98.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107034 (090139ZJAN23) Notable: Authorities point to cause of Donbass pipeline explosion (RT)

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8 Jan, 2023 09:43

Authorities point to cause of Donbass pipeline explosion

The incident in Lugansk Region left more than 13,000 people without gas, according to emergency services

The explosion that rocked a gas pipeline in Lugansk Region on Saturday was most likely an act of sabotage, the local emergency services have said.

According to preliminary data, the incident near the town of Lugutino was a result of a “deliberate detonation,” rescuers told the media on Sunday.

The explosion has left more than 13,300 people without gas, they added.

Local authorities said that repairs on the pipeline have been completed, with the supply of gas to customers currently being restored.

In recent months, Russia’s security services announced having foiled several attempted terrorist and sabotage attacks in the country, thought to have been planned on behalf of Kiev.

Earlier this week, the Federal Security Service (FSB) said that three men had been caught red-handed trying to disable a railway facility in Chelyabinsk Region, in the Urals.

In December, a group of four Ukrainian would-be saboteurs were killed as they tried crossing into Russia with weapons and explosives on them, according to the FSB.

Moscow blames Kiev for having orchestrated an explosion that damaged the Crimean Bridge in early October. The attack prompted Russia to ramp up its missile campaign against Ukraine’s military facilities and energy infrastructure.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said earlier that Ukrainian saboteurs had tried targeting power lines that connect a Russian nuclear power plant to the national grid, and also a natural-gas pipeline to Türkiye. Kiev has been denying involvement in these and other plots.

The People’s Republic of Lugansk, together with three other former Ukrainian territories – the People’s Republic of Donetsk, and Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions – joined the Russian state in autumn after their populations overwhelmingly supported the move in referendums.


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95e82e No.3133

File: ef01859f4f7a00e⋯.png (259.64 KB,422x580,211:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107059 (090143ZJAN23) Notable: Rep Gosar: ‘We Will Conduct An Investigation Into Attempted Coup By Traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi’

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Rep Gosar: ‘We Will Conduct An Investigation Into Attempted Coup By Traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi’


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95e82e No.3134

File: 7b69ba1a43e5072⋯.png (436.24 KB,609x874,609:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fdd24dda62f905⋯.png (25.73 KB,803x186,803:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107066 (090144ZJAN23) Notable: French MSM are pretending this didn’t happen today….Gilets Jaunes WERE there

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French MSM are pretending this didn’t happen today, as per usual they stand firmly with Mad Macron & his govt - NOT the people. But the Gilets Jaunes *were* there, whether it’s reported or not.

I salute them.




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95e82e No.3135

File: f62a46908db6485⋯.jpeg (85.03 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107071 (090144ZJAN23) Notable: Bayraktar hints at kill switch in combat drones

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8 Jan, 2023 02:31

Bayraktar hints at kill switch in combat drones

Turkish drone maker Baykar “dominates” the software running its tech, the company’s CTO said

Turkish defence company Baykar has brushed off concerns that, as its exports grow, its attack drones could be turned against Ankara someday.

The company’s top executive has suggested thatall necessary precautionshave been taken against the military technology falling into the hands of a potential foe.

Speaking in an interview with TV100 earlier this week, Baykar chairman and chief technology officer, Selcuk Bayraktar, explained that first and foremost the company sells combat drones only to countries that have “close relations” or a “strategic alliance” with Türkiye, and thus does not “expect” a stab in the back.

“You also know that these are high-tech devices, and you equip high-tech devices with software. Only those who develop that technology dominate the software,” he added, without elaborating.

Baykar has also taken steps to prevent hackers from taking over and causing harm with its UAVs, the CTO explained. “Of course, we have special measures regarding information security,” Bayraktar told host Candas Tolga Isik. “Now you know that in this era, states are also hacked. We are taking special measures against all these, and this is also a race.”

The drone maker was propelled into the global spotlight after Azerbaijan deployed its Bayraktar TB2s against Armenia to great effect in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The flagship UAV is already being sold to over a dozen countries, with Baykar’s exports jumping 78% last year to $1.18 billion. At the same time the company makes sure that Türkiye’s military gets UAVs at one third the prices it charges in foreign countries, Bayraktar said.

Ukraine also purchased dozens of TB2 strike drones even before the conflict with Russia began last February, with officials in Kiev claiming the weapons would give them an edge on the battlefield against the Donbass regions. Kiev has reportedly received an unspecified number of additional drones during the past year, despite Türkiye’s official neutrality over the conflict.

Since Russia began its military operation,most of Ukraine’s fleet of TB2s has been destroyed, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. Responding to a prank caller in October, one Ukrainian official described themas “first and foremost a PR project” and said “they were all shot down within a week.”


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95e82e No.3136

File: 6793cff9c872cec⋯.jpeg (45.32 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107097 (090148ZJAN23) Notable: World’s ‘most wanted’ human trafficker caught – Interpol

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8 Jan, 2023 08:27

World’s ‘most wanted’ human trafficker caught – Interpol

Kidane Zekarias Habtemariamwas previously sentenced to life in jail in absentia for extorting money from African migrants

A notorious human trafficker convicted of smuggling thousands of people during the European migrant crisis has been arrested in an international operation led by the UAE in coordination with Interpol.

Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam, an Eritrean national who had been on Interpol’s radar since 2019, was arrested in Sudan on January 1. According to the UAE Interior Ministry, he led an organization that “kidnapped, mistreated and extorted East African migrants to smuggle them into Europe.”

Habtemariam was initially arrested in Ethiopia in 2020, but escaped from a court building in Addis Ababa the following year. An Ethiopian court sentenced him to life in prison in absentia for human trafficking in 2021. Habtemariam was charged with holding refugees and migrants in warehouses in Libya, and extorting thousands of dollars from them and their families, Reuters reported at the time, citing legal documents.

He was also wanted in the Netherlands, with the Dutch government describing him as “one of the world’s most notorious and cruelest people smugglers.” According to the Dutch authorities, Habtemariam ran a migrant camp in Libya, where residents were held by force, beaten and raped.

Officials said Habtemariam exploited the plight of people who desperately tried to escape to Europe, which saw a large influx of migrants since 2014. Many of them were forced to languish in camps in Libya and embark on a dangerous journey across the Mediterranean Sea on overcrowded and unsafe boats.

“It is estimated that since 2014, Kidane is responsible for having trafficked hundreds of victims. His arrest will neutralize a major people smuggling route towards Europe and protect thousands who would have been at risk of exploitation,” the UAE Interior Ministry said on Thursday in a statement on its website.

Brigadier Saeed Abdullah al Suwaidi, a top Emirati anti-narcotics official, said the suspect’s arrest had allowed the route to be shut down, through which migrants were moved from Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia to Libya. From there, they had attempted to cross the Mediterranean Sea and land on European shores.


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95e82e No.3137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107126 (090152ZJAN23) Notable: Nancy Mace Declares She Is a Purple Republican

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Sunday Talks, Nancy Mace Declares She Is a Purple RepublicanWho Is “On The Fence Right Now” About Supporting House Rule Changes

January 8, 2023 | Sundance |

The true enemy of a constitutional republic are the Mitch McConnell’s and Nancy Mace’s of the professional political class who build systems to undermine the will of the people under the pretense of representing them. These are the abusers, the professional abusers, the psychologically Machiavellian and inherently evil people within the system of power who operate on false pretense. They are smiley-faced fascists and liars, period.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.

A murderer is less to fear.” ~ Taylor Caldwell


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95e82e No.3138

File: 1544dfc785f9c54⋯.png (363.43 KB,571x461,571:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107137 (090153ZJAN23) Notable: Brazil: This is Revolution.

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@Q anon76⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️®️




Brazil… this is absolutely epic, this is a revolution 🐸

Jan 08, 2023, 2:52 PM

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95e82e No.3139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107158 (090157ZJAN23) Notable: Sunday Talks, Shannon Bream -vs- Jim Jordan

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Marc E. Elias

Marc E. Lies

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95e82e No.3140

File: a751f9fa1d51ef0⋯.png (29.06 KB,649x168,649:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107163 (090158ZJAN23) Notable: Elizabeth Warren ~ Brazil is eerily reminiscent of the J6 insurrection (for DANK KEKS)

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That tweet was 10 hours old.

This one is only 2 hours old.

Elizabeth Warren ~ Brazil is eerily reminiscent of the J6 insurrection


The violent attack on democracy in Brazil is eerily reminiscent of the insurrection on January 6th. The people of Brazil voted in a free and fair election and deserve a peaceful transfer of power. I condemn this violence and stand in solidarity in defense of democracy.

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95e82e No.3141

File: 7020b13761750f9⋯.png (275.16 KB,490x487,490:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107185 (090202ZJAN23) Notable: Out of 44,000 clinical trial participants, Pfizer only used data from 170 participants to claim 95% efficacy

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anon's math not so gud but……dang.



1. Out of 44,000 clinical trial participants, Pfizer only used data from 170 participants to claim 95% efficacy.


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95e82e No.3142

File: e9ffdc0924993fe⋯.png (256.97 KB,612x756,17:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107186 (090202ZJAN23) Notable: Poso: Conversation Adam Kinzinger

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Adam Kinzinger #fella




Really one of the more nonsensical takes on war. Tanks are essential for counteroffensives and a game changer for Ukraine.


Tom Nichols




Replying to


You know, Adam, if you had Musk's extensive military experience, we might take you more seriously





Replying to




I have more ground combat experience than Adam, and I am here to confirm that Musk is absolutely correct.

Mostly Peaceful Memes




Replying to



and 2 others

I have more ground combat experience than Adam and can also confirm Elon is correct

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸




Replying to



and 2 others

I have exactly the same amount of ground combat experience as Adam, coincidentally, and can also confirm Elon is correct





Replying to



and 2 others

Elon also has exactly the same amount of ground combat experience as Adam and can also confirm that his original tweet is correct.

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸


Replying to



and 2 others

3:00 PM · Jan 8, 2023

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95e82e No.3143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107217 (090206ZJAN23) Notable: #22196

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>>3097 KEKS from da Bee

>>3098 Schumer on swearing in of Sen. Michelle Hinchey

>>3099 Derek Johnson Decodes It All! - White Hat Operations In History!

>>3100 Dying With Dignity Canada associates Ellen Wiebe and Stefanie Green have reportedly euthanized more than 700 people between them

>>3101 Public School Districts Begin Closing Schools After Losing Nearly 2 Million Students During The Pandemic

>>3102 The ‘MAGA’ group in Congress has been preparing for this moment

>>3103 Body Language: Gaetz V. McCarthy, Congressional Conflict & Restrained Speech

>>3105, >>3109, 18106676Reminder re Cloudflare dumping 8chan

>>3106, >>3107 GOP announces impeachment charges of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

>>3108 🔗🇧🇷⚡️ — Bolsonaro does not support invasions of public buildings

>>3110 The U.S. Keeps Offering China Its COVID Vaccines. China Keeps Saying No

>>3111 Lula orders ‘federal intervention’ against rioters

>>3112, >>3115 Scavino football run tweet

>>3113 Bolsonaro supporters swarm Brazilian Congress

>>3114 Belgrade is the new Casablanca – Vucic

>>3116 Scavino penguin tweet

>>3117 Musk: I hope that the people of Brazil are able to resolve matters peacefully

>>3118 U.S. Naval Research Laboratory NRL Conducts Successful Terrestrial Microwave Power Beaming Demonstration

>>3119 Planefagging

>>3120 Biden accused of ‘stage-managed’ border tour

>>3121 New US House chief makes pledge on Ukraine aid

>>3122 Kayleigh: new book

>>3123 Potato on Brazil situation

>>3124 Chicago COVID relief fraud probe includes over 50 employees in Cook County Clerk of Court

>>3125 New Study proves Covid Vaccines are Ineffective & Dangerous

>>3126 Rising MMA star dead at 18

>>3127 Mollie Hemingway calls out crimes of Marc E. Elias

>>3128 Clockfag

>>3129 Elizabeth Warren demands "Code of Ethics" for SCOTUS

>>3130 From Pepe: People around the world now know for a fact that elections are rigged

>>3131 Chechen Commander Calls $3 Billion in US Military Aid “Money Laundering Scheme – No More that 15% Will Reach the Trenches”

>>3132 Authorities point to cause of Donbass pipeline explosion (RT)

>>3133 Rep Gosar: ‘We Will Conduct An Investigation Into Attempted Coup By Traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi’

>>3134 French MSM are pretending this didn’t happen today….Gilets Jaunes WERE there

>>3135 Bayraktar hints at kill switch in combat drones

>>3136 World’s ‘most wanted’ human trafficker caught – Interpol

>>3137 Nancy Mace Declares She Is a Purple Republican

>>3138 Brazil: This is Revolution.

>>3139 Sunday Talks, Shannon Bream -vs- Jim Jordan

>>3140 Elizabeth Warren ~ Brazil is eerily reminiscent of the J6 insurrection (for DANK KEKS)

>>3141 Out of 44,000 clinical trial participants, Pfizer only used data from 170 participants to claim 95% efficacy

>>3142 Poso: Conversation Adam Kinzinger



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95e82e No.3144

File: 701f2e6d8b9acd7⋯.png (2.09 MB,2501x1667,2501:1667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107276 (090214ZJAN23) Notable: @DeptofDefense: #OperationsAtSea

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United States government organization

Sailing under the stars.

The USS Delbert D. Black operates in the Persian Gulf. #OperationsAtSea

4:00 PM · Jan 8, 2023


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95e82e No.3145

File: 85db9387255d252⋯.jpg (115.75 KB,557x699,557:699,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 97cb920d449d625⋯.jpg (106.44 KB,882x928,441:464,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107281 (090215ZJAN23) Notable: BREAKING :New Bombshell Australian Public Health Data Finds All COVID Related Hospitalizations And ICU Admissions Were Vaccinated— None Unvaccinated— And Only 7.3% Of COVID Deaths Were Unvaccinated

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BREAKING — New Bombshell Australian Public Health Data Finds All COVID Related Hospitalizations And ICU Admissions Were Vaccinated — None Unvaccinated— And Only 7.3% Of COVID Deaths Were Unvaccinated — 2 Week Report



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95e82e No.3146

File: 52faffe0903e16e⋯.png (944.36 KB,1536x873,512:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107304 (090219ZJAN23) Notable: their sauce is their own sauce

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Iraq’s High Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Trump Over Killing of Iranian Commander

January 8, 2023

Iraq’s Supreme Court has issued an arrest warrant for former President Donald Trump over the death of Iran’s Quds Force commander, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, on Iraqi soil, according to a state-run media outlet based in Baghdad.

Iraqi News noted that “President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, announced on Thursday the issuance of an arrest warrant for former U.S. President Donald Trump.” The warrant is also for the killing of the then-Iraqi militia leader, chief of staff of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq.

The killing of the Quds Force and militia commanders led to a counterstrike from Iran against the Aia Al-Assad U.S. base in Iraq.

moar: https://conservativebrief.com/iraqs-69762/

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95e82e No.3147

File: ef4868056d812c5⋯.png (639.84 KB,768x469,768:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107314 (090220ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dem Joaquin Castro wants Bolsonaro "extradited" to Brazil, even though he is not facing any criminal charges.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TX Dem Joaquin Castro wants Bolsonaro "extradited" to Brazil, even though he is not facing any criminal charges. Dems are FASCISTS, no question about it.

Texas Democrat calls for US authorities to extradite Bolsonaro back to Brazil

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) called on the Biden administration and local authorities in Florida on Sunday to send back to Brazil its former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, whose supporters st…


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95e82e No.3148

File: e71c91b769332b8⋯.png (294.35 KB,652x681,652:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107321 (090222ZJAN23) Notable: Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted:@IrregWarfare Irregular Warfare Initiative - Proxy Wars - Part 1!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


that and this:

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Irregular Warfare Initiative - Proxy Wars - Part 1!

IWI discusses the objectives of proxy & partner warfare, the tools available to influence local agents, and whether the US should increase or decrease its military and diplomatic footprint across Africa in GPC.


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95e82e No.3149

File: 723c5dfa3647a79⋯.png (779.23 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107331 (090223ZJAN23) Notable: 'Did Someone Seize Control of the United States?'Victor Davis

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'Did Someone Seize Control of the United States?' Victor Davis

Hanson Asks Uncomfortable Questions About Biden's America

Biden and the Democrats continue their efforts to destroy America as we know it.

While Hanson’s questions are rhetorical, they should provoke serious thought in the sane among us who are concerned about the direction of the country after just two disastrous years of the Biden presidency.


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95e82e No.3150

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107341 (090224ZJAN23) Notable: Russ Vought Explains the Benefits Gained by 20 House Republicans Who Battled Over 400 UniParty Members(rumble vid)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Russ Vought Explains the Benefits Gained by 20 House Republicans Who Battled Over 400 UniParty Members

January 8, 2023 | Sundance |

Former OMB Director Russ Vought appeared (via phone) with Steve Bannon to outline the substance of the House rule changes won by the 20 Republicans who stood together against the 410 House UniParty members. {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:



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95e82e No.3151

File: 4202aedeb6704a2⋯.png (1.45 MB,1010x1624,505:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107345 (090225ZJAN23) Notable: Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted:@IrregWarfare Irregular Warfare Initiative - Proxy Wars - Part 1!

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links to a July 2020 podcast and write-up:


Kyle Atwell and Shawna Sinnott | 07.31.20

In this episode of the Irregular Warfare Podcast, Kyle Atwell and Shawna Sinnott discuss proxy and partner warfare in Africa with retired Maj. Gen. Marcus Hicks and Dr. Eli Berman. This is the first installment of a two-part discussion on fighting irregular warfare through proxy forces.

Eli and Mark discuss the objectives of proxy and partner warfare, the tools available to influence local agents, and whether the United States should increase or decrease its military and diplomatic footprint across Africa in an era of renewed great-power competition. The episode provides insights on the opportunities and challenges of working with local partners from the perspectives of a senior practitioner and an acclaimed academic.

Retired Maj. Gen. Marcus Hicks served as the commander of Special Operations Command Africa from 2017 to 2019, where he was responsible for all special operations forces across the continent. Before that he was the chief of staff and director of operations at US Special Operations Command headquarters and a career AC-130 pilot.

Dr. Eli Berman is a professor at the University of California, San Diego. He is the co-editor of the book Proxy Wars: Suppressing Violence Through Local Agents and co-author of the book Small Wars, Big Data: The Information Revolution in Modern Conflict, which was the topic of Episode 1 of the Irregular Warfare Podcast. Before entering academia, Eli was a member of the Israel Defense Forces, where he participated in the 1982 Lebanon War.

The Irregular Warfare Podcast is a collaboration between the Modern War Institute and Princeton University’s Empirical Studies of Conflict Project. You can listen to the full episode below, and you can find it and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, TuneIn, or your favorite podcast app. And be sure to follow the podcast on Twitter!


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95e82e No.3152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107349 (090225ZJAN23) Notable: their sauce is their own sauce

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Also who the fuck is this website, their sauce is their own sauce

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95e82e No.3153

File: eb92d91ca527240⋯.jpg (80.41 KB,589x703,31:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107352 (090226ZJAN23) Notable: @GenFlynn: These tragic events must stop.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I don’t want to hear anymore about “conspiracy theories.”

These tragic events must stop.

Release the #FauciFiles

Thank you once again


for being over the top transparent with what many believed was happening between the USG & these private social media/tech companies.


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95e82e No.3154

File: a94baaca932b4af⋯.png (173.53 KB,536x534,268:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107359 (090227ZJAN23) Notable: Andrew Tate Fires Off Cryptic Tweet After Reports He Was Taken to Hospital From Romanian Jail

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Andrew Tate Fires Off Cryptic Tweet After Reports He Was Taken to Hospital From Romanian Jail

Social media influencer Andrew Tate was reportedly taken to a hospital for a health incident on Sunday.

Tate was taken to the hospital from a Romanian prison where he has been detained for the last couple weeks.

“The Matrix has attacked me. But they misunderstand, you cannot kill an idea. Hard to kill,” Tate said in a cryptic tweet.

The Daily Mail reported:

Andrew Tate has tweeted a link to a Romanian article that states one of the influencer brothers has been taken to hospital – adding that the ‘Matrix has attacked me’.

Tate today shared a link to Romanian news website Spy News, which is reporting that one of the brothers was taken to hospital following a routine medical check in custody.

One of the brothers is said to have informed a medic of a pre-existing health issue, resulting in a consultation at a hospital in Bucharest.

They are now back in a detention centre, the website reports.

It comes after four more luxury vehicles were seized as part of the investigation into social media personality earlier this week.

Prosecutors investigating the case seized the additional vehicles on top of 11 others seized in raids last week, Ramona Bolla, a spokesperson for Romanian anti-organised crime agency DIICOTs said.

A couple weeks ago Andrew Tate and his brother were apprehended by law enforcement officials in Romania on Thursday and face charges related to sex-trafficking allegations of at least six women.

According to Libertatea, a Romanian news outlet, police surrounded the villa where Tate and his brother Tristan were staying and arrested them on charges of kidnapping, international human trafficking, and rape.

“Four people who are reasonably suspected of being involved in criminal activity were taken for questioning. Following the hearings, the prosecutors of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) – Central Structure ordered the four persons to be detained for a period of 24 hours,” DIICOT said in a statement.


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95e82e No.3155

File: 94f345ae96b6f0b⋯.png (235.03 KB,1613x799,1613:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107368 (090229ZJAN23) Notable: their sauce is their own sauce

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so easy a caveman could do it

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95e82e No.3156

File: d57e63f9a64b8be⋯.png (1.79 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107380 (090230ZJAN23) Notable: Chris Miller's book "Soldier Secretary" drops Feb 8, 2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chris Miller's book "Soldier Secretary" drops Feb 8, 2023

Warnings from the Battlefield & the Pentagon about America’s Most Dangerous Enemies


My book drops a month from today.

I hope it helps close the divide between our military and the citizens they serve.

https: // bit. ly / soldiersecretary

9:52 AM · Jan 7, 2023


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95e82e No.3157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107381 (090231ZJAN23) Notable: Good layout of the situation facing the 118th Congress

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Good layout of the situation facing the 118th Congress


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95e82e No.3158

File: 54ce60cdd57c77d⋯.png (345 KB,859x429,859:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 91dbd09842fc376⋯.png (260.85 KB,479x351,479:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107386 (090231ZJAN23) Notable: PF report

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>>2716, >>2826 pb

SPAR65 G5 departed JB Elmendorf heading SE over Nevada at 45k ft after an overnightIndo-Pac Cmdr. Aquilinodeparted Hickam AFB yesterday

>>3092 pb

SAM936 G5 went to Nellis AFB along with SPAR937 from Topeka ground stop and Scott AFB depart and SPAR981 from Amarillo-Learjet 35s

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95e82e No.3159

File: a6e582a62b2efd4⋯.png (1.71 MB,1280x1274,640:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d0cc9c28730415⋯.png (1.33 MB,1281x720,427:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107398 (090233ZJAN23) Notable: The Brazilian Shaman:Can You Spot the Difference?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Behold! The Brazilian Shaman 🇧🇷✨

5:03 PM · Jan 8, 2023


Can You Spot the Difference?

6:23 PM · Jan 8, 2023


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95e82e No.3160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107410 (090235ZJAN23) Notable: Election deniers seize control of McCarthy’s GOP(YouTube vid)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Election deniers seize control of McCarthy’s GOP

>84 views | Jan 8, 2023

Democratic Rep. Sara Jacobs of California, who previously tracked extremism at the State Department, says Speaker McCarthy’s deal with the Freedom Caucus is part of a slow-motion insurrection. “The far-right election deniers are starting to use the institutions themselves, and that becomes harder and harder to stand up against,” Rep. Jacobs tells MSNBC’sJulián Castro


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95e82e No.3161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107440 (090240ZJAN23) Notable: Media Matters president Angelo Carusone joined guest host Julián Castro on American Voices to breakdown the vaccine disinformation playbook and why it continues to take hold online.(YouTube vid)

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Damar Hamlin’s collapse sparks disinformation about COVID-19 vaccines

>3,332 views | Jan 8, 2023

Buffalo Bills’ Safety Damar Hamlin is recovering after having a heart attack on the football field last week. COVID-19 had nothing to do with what happened to him. Yet, people have been using his injury as an opportunity to spread disinformation online, claiming that the vaccine is to blame for his injury.Media Matterspresident Angelo Carusone joined guest host Julián Castro  on American Voices to breakdown the vaccine disinformation playbook and why it continues to take hold online. 

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95e82e No.3162

File: 852375784e76315⋯.jpeg (243.47 KB,1101x930,367:310,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107457 (090242ZJAN23) Notable: Russ Vought Explains the Benefits Gained by 20 House Republicans Who Battled Over 400 UniParty Members(rumble vid)

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This is “the 20“, not the top five, that got this done!

We need to support them. And never forget their sacrifice and power. We need to support them forever. They overcame the cartel.


They defeated the Cartel, It was a real Victory!

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95e82e No.3163

File: 3d4156a7be9d6f5⋯.jpg (108.71 KB,561x542,561:542,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107503 (090248ZJAN23) Notable: Same script as USA Jan 6

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There we go. Same script as USA Jan 6

There is a peaceful protest

Government opens the doors

People go in

Antifa and clowns dressed as patriots make it a shitshow

Federal police/army gets orded

Arrests made.

Patriots hunted and jailed for ages


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95e82e No.3164

File: 2642412c91f1f1c⋯.mp4 (280.12 KB,480x312,20:13,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107519 (090250ZJAN23) Notable: Economic Schedule for Week of January 8, 2023

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Economic Schedule for Week of January 8, 2023

The key reports this week is December CPI. Plus serial economic lightweight and Atlanta Fed Chair Bostic updates his farcical GDPNOW forecast-currently at 3.8% on Tuesday, January 10 and it was lowered by 1/10th of a % to 3.8% from 3.9% on 0105

- Monday, January 9th -

No major economic releases scheduled.

- Tuesday, January 10th -

6:00 AM: NFIB Small Business Optimism Index for December.

9:00 AM: Discussion, Fed Chair Jerome Powell, Central Bank Independence, At the Sveriges Riksbank International Symposium on Central Bank Independence, Stockholm, Sweden (moar opportunity for BIG talk about rates and not much else-probably use it as a pump for the indices too "hurr durr we're serious about inflation" as the various FED heads say contradictory things so they they can always "be right" and never accountable for being so wrong all the time)

- Wednesday, January 11th -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index.

- Thursday, January 12th -

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released. The consensus is for 220 thousand initial claims, up from 204 thousand last week.

8:30 AM: The Consumer Price Index for December from the BLS. The consensus is for 0,1% increase in CPI, and a 0.3% increase in core CPI. The consensus is for CPI to be up 6.5% year-over-year and core CPI to be up 5.7% YoY.

(this is whatever they want it to be-the overall drops in rent will not show up yet as OER (Owners Equivalent Rent) is backward looking by 5 months-plus gas has gone up too-Still only gonna do 25bp at next FOMC meeting regardless of what this fake shit sez-but will probably be moved around all week based on the "talk" from Jerry and his sycophants)

- Friday, January 13th -

10:00 AM: University of Michigan's Consumer sentiment index (Preliminary for January).



CME FEDWatch currently at 25bp raise on Feb 1


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95e82e No.3165

File: bc5ddf047cda642⋯.png (252.4 KB,902x423,902:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107548 (090255ZJAN23) Notable: PF report

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SPAR65 G5 heading to Nellis and SPAR937 Learjet 35 departed

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95e82e No.3166

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107555 (090256ZJAN23) Notable: White Hat Operations In History!(rumble vid)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump won

Derek Johnson Decodes It All! - White Hat Operations In History!


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95e82e No.3167

File: 5ce393d5250d1b3⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107559 (090258ZJAN23) Notable: reporter, Jessica Robb(mp4)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So this just happened a few minutes ago.


reporter, Jessica Robb.


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95e82e No.3168

File: cb910926c31c62a⋯.jpeg (22.4 KB,474x263,474:263,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a72b6a2565feca8⋯.jpeg (24.58 KB,474x248,237:124,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ce31c07a3537000⋯.jpeg (27.45 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3b90935c5b0dcb6⋯.jpeg (27.56 KB,474x227,474:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d8b2c1759882384⋯.jpeg (24.41 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107577 (090301ZJAN23) Notable: their sauce is their own sauce

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Iraq asked US to kill Soleimani, Pompeo and Bolton worked with Israel to kill Soleimani.

Trump wasn't told about this because Pompeo and Bolton are treasoness SOB’s.

So Trump has to go out and take credit for a “austere scholar” or some bullshit being eliminated.

Now bidan pays Iraq money to release an arrest warrant on Trump forOver killing Solimeini, not just killing him, but overkilling him.

All the while it was Israel, Pompeo and Bolton that planned this behind his back

Trump and Bibi, when PDJT had had enough

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95e82e No.3169

File: bfaea64083580ac⋯.png (403.44 KB,598x579,598:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107619 (090308ZJAN23) Notable: @RadioGenova:The Western media's Covid narrative sucks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



On December 30, Wuhan wins the Chinese Super League. Stadium with 60,000 spectators, no dramatic situations, no deaths from Covid. The Western media's Covid narrative sucks.


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95e82e No.3170

File: bd3c0fd5e4e165b⋯.png (654.44 KB,669x694,669:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107636 (090311ZJAN23) Notable: Russ Vought Explains the Benefits Gained by 20 House Republicans Who Battled Over 400 UniParty Members(rumble vid)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>We need to support them. And never forget their sacrifice and power. We need to support them forever. They overcame the cartel.

Montana is showing strong support for Matt Rosendale

This photo isn't even in his district.

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95e82e No.3171

File: 598b9dc07ef5078⋯.png (385.33 KB,598x612,299:306,Clipboard.png)

File: 75c965e31ddbcae⋯.png (389.78 KB,598x649,598:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107650 (090312ZJAN23) Notable: @haaretzcom:Ilan Shor (aka Șor) is a 35-year-old oligarch-turned-politician who fled to Israel in 2019 after being convicted of fraud in connection with the alleged theft of $1 billion from local banks

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Ilan Shor (aka Șor) is a 35-year-old oligarch-turned-politician who fled to Israel in 2019 after being convicted of fraud in connection with the alleged theft of $1 billion from local banks



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95e82e No.3172

File: 3ef8bedb2fb8b9a⋯.jpg (241.68 KB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a14372d3b8a2c3⋯.jpg (67.38 KB,572x729,572:729,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 71bdc511965f391⋯.jpg (45.44 KB,386x512,193:256,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107670 (090315ZJAN23) Notable: First lady Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for treasures looted from rich Jewish families'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3173

File: 1433ac8ec62f659⋯.png (513.87 KB,620x837,20:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107673 (090316ZJAN23) Notable: @RadioGenova:The Western media's Covid narrative sucks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Corrupt European journalists: "Dramatic situation in China due to Covid. Thousands of deaths a day, millions infected and people locked up at home for fear of dying." Meanwhile in Wuhan…



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95e82e No.3174

File: 77e89d82d7f184c⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107681 (090316ZJAN23) Notable: Kayleigh McEnany reveals cover of my upcoming book:“Serenity in the Storm:Living through Chaos by Leaning on Christ”!(mp4)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


on the topic of "new books"

Kayleigh McEnany reveals cover of my upcoming book

“Serenity in the Storm:

Living through Chaos by Leaning on Christ”!

Pre-order here (available wherever books are sold!):

**https : //www .amazon. com/exec / obidos /ASIN / 1637587295

video 6:24 PM · Jan 8, 2023


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95e82e No.3175

File: 0bc66c94d58f204⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107707 (090321ZJAN23) Notable: their sauce is their own sauce

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95e82e No.3176

File: 7e91df79543b65f⋯.jpeg (822.26 KB,1290x1486,645:743,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107716 (090322ZJAN23) Notable: First lady Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for treasures looted from rich Jewish families'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


First lady Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for treasures looted from rich Jewish families'


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95e82e No.3177

File: 65aebf3373191a1⋯.jpg (256.75 KB,1315x1122,1315:1122,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 075d52861a666af⋯.png (745.5 KB,815x556,815:556,Clipboard.png)

File: a17c798a4ada51e⋯.png (217.2 KB,887x820,887:820,Clipboard.png)

File: 692132b5a358c2a⋯.png (121.4 KB,889x492,889:492,Clipboard.png)

File: acdb7f0a0c0b65b⋯.png (163.83 KB,551x696,19:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107722 (090323ZJAN23) Notable: Who does BrazAnon work for?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Who does BrazAnon work for? USAID? State? CIA? Lula? Lula-State joint venture?

To justify military assistance to the dictatorship, the United States said that torture was an exception

April 7, 2013


(choice for English version)

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Audit of Operations in Brazil (AR2007-151-02),

18 Oct 2007


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95e82e No.3178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107746 (090328ZJAN23) Notable: The Brazilian Shaman:Can You Spot the Difference?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

All Hell Seemingly Breaking Loose In Brazil

by Christine DolanJanuary 8, 2023

“ Tens of thousands of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s supporters stormed Brazil’s National Congress, Supreme Federal Court and the Planalto Palace, and a U.S. politician is comparing it to the Jan. 6 in the US.”

“Democracies of the world must act fast to make clear there will be no support for right-wing insurrectionists storming the Brazilian Congress. These fascists modeling themselves after Trump’s Jan. 6 rioters must end up in the same place: prison,” tweeted Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), former House Jan. 6 committee member”


Jamie Raskin, Conniving Jew

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95e82e No.3179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107750 (090328ZJAN23) Notable: First lady Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for treasures looted from rich Jewish families'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3180

File: dcf3f5328201112⋯.png (637.13 KB,994x720,497:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 15aeabc330131db⋯.mp4 (611.32 KB,224x400,14:25,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5d58da9b327f17f⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1af22f22cabe0c4⋯.png (1.29 MB,1242x1078,621:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107783 (090334ZJAN23) Notable: their sauce is their own sauce

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Pompeo and Bolton that planned this behind his back

Bolton trotted over to get the financing

Pompeo bragged about lying/cheating/stealing

"Trust Kansas" to F u every single time. Revenge of the NeoCons

BrazilShaman is likely one of theirs.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3181

File: 2a27b22e2760d02⋯.png (1.05 MB,1303x551,1303:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 6de1b0741353947⋯.png (346.17 KB,770x420,11:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107794 (090335ZJAN23) Notable: First lady Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for treasures looted from rich Jewish families'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Soros history

Assault on America.

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence?

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic?


Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?

Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?


Background of Soros?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107837 (090342ZJAN23) Notable: First lady Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for treasures looted from rich Jewish families'

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>First lady Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for treasures

Secret German Village In Argentina:

La Cumbrecita is a small hamlet 1,450 metres (4,757 ft) above sea level in the Calamuchita Valley in the Grand Sierras of Córdoba, Argentina. A 30 kilometres (19 mi) paved road through the Sierra Grandes connects to it from the main road to the provincial capital.

Tourism started in 1937, and around 1940 the first private homes were built in La Cumbrecita

Populated by central European immigrants, the town is focused on eco-tourism and is designed completely for pedestrians. This town offers a range of hotels, lodges, and cabins that are decorated in an alpine style. There is a museum in the town that is dedicated to minerals that have been found in the area.

The communal authorities declared the zone a protected environment and as of 1996 a "Pedestrian Town". Visitors must park their cars in the parking lot before entering the town.

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95e82e No.3183

File: d8543e2d4cfdc9e⋯.png (30.17 KB,568x343,568:343,Clipboard.png)

File: fa24a934bf23ad5⋯.png (318.56 KB,934x571,934:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107841 (090343ZJAN23) Notable: PF report

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SAM501 leaving Mexico Shitty.

Mapping Q501. Dasting….

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95e82e No.3184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107850 (090344ZJAN23) Notable: Hedge Fund CIO: "To Maintain Control, Government Must Instill Fear While Delivering Economic Growth"

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Hedge Fund CIO: "To Maintain Control, Government Must Instill Fear While Delivering Economic Growth"

“Since the outbreak of the epidemic, we have always put people first and life first, adhered to scientific and precise prevention and control, optimized and adjusted prevention and control measures according to the time and situation, and maximized the protection of people’s lives and health,” said Xi Jinping, in a New Year’s address to his restive subjects, who had finally had enough and took to the streets, risking revolution.

“After arduous efforts, we have overcome unprecedented difficulties and challenges,” added Xi, surely awed by the power of one man atop a vast security apparatus to hold a nation of 1.4bln under lockdown, a testament to the overwhelming power of a modern surveillance state. In the history of humanity, no such thing had ever been attempted.

But it occurred in China of course, a nation where every so often a remarkable social/economic experiment takes place on a scale that is incomprehensible to the western mind. Its Great Leap Forward from 1958-62 led to many unexpected outcomes, one of which was the starvation of 40-50mm Chinese. The one-child policy from 1980-2015 was history’s greatest social experiment. No more brothers, no sisters, no aunts, no uncles. A generation of “missing women” has left today’s China with 723mm boys and just 689mm girls.

“While it is still a struggle, everyone is working hard with perseverance, and the dawn is ahead,” said President Xi to his nation of lonely, mostly only-children, emerging from the psychological torture of lockdown.

How such things manifest is anyone’s guess, the outcome of each grand experiment interweaving, compounding, echoing through generations.

Of course, it’s not all for the worse. No nation in history has lifted so many from extreme poverty, even if was in part self-inflicted. And through it all, amongst the key lessons learned, one is that to maintain control, the government must instill fear while delivering economic growth.

So having just discovered the limit of its ability to lockdown its people, the time has come to give them economic growth. “Let’s work harder, persistence means victory, and unity means victory,” said Xi Jinping, to his nation, humanity’s remarkable experiment.


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95e82e No.3185

File: c47763aeae3dfff⋯.png (255.29 KB,568x442,284:221,Clipboard.png)

File: ababc893fb1f169⋯.png (400.21 KB,568x692,142:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107867 (090347ZJAN23) Notable: Brazil’s Communist President Lula Condemns Protesters Today as Stalinists… Then Quickly Corrects Himself, “No, Not Stalinists, Fascists!”

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Brazil’s Communist President Lula Condemns Protesters Today as Stalinists… Then Quickly Corrects Himself, “No, Not Stalinists, Fascists!”

Earlier today a massive crowd of thousands stormed the capital of Brasilia to protest the stolen presidential elections. The protesters stormed the National Congress.

Police were using tear gas – Gunfire was reported.

Brazil’s communist President Lula da Silva later condemned today’s protests.

Lula da Silva began his speech by denouncing the “fascists,” “vandals,” “nazis, Stalinists… No, not Stalinists, the fascists!”

He criticized the security shortcomings. And Lula promised everyone involved,will be tracked down and arrested.

And this communist is serious! This gives the regime everything it needs to go after opposing voices in Brazil.

Isn’t it amazing how much this is already shaping up to look like the protests on January 6th.

The protests even had infiltrators carrying bombs and destroying property. Just like the FedEpps (Ray Epps) here at home!


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95e82e No.3186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18107887 (090351ZJAN23) Notable: their sauce is their own sauce

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iraq issues arrest warrant for trump

this is a strange story

almost the exact same article ran on ap , cnn , cbs on jan 8 2021

not sure why these smaller outlets are running it again

the facts are true but the story is old

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95e82e No.3187

File: 2867e62660c01a4⋯.png (814.17 KB,892x1142,446:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108050 (090420ZJAN23) Notable: Hillary Clinton joins Columbia University faculty

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Hillary Clinton joins Columbia University faculty

By Tre'Vaughn Howard

January 6, 2023 / 9:48 PM / CBS News

Former secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will be joining the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs as a "professor of practice" next month, the university announced Thursday.



Established in 1754 as King's College on the grounds of Trinity Church in Manhattan, Columbia is the oldest institution of higher education in New York and the fifth-oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. It is one of nine colonial colleges founded prior to the Declaration of Independence, and a member of the Ivy League.

male to female trans..


is there nothing straight in the land?

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95e82e No.3188

File: 5d43a23e8458337⋯.png (345.94 KB,640x412,160:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108097 (090431ZJAN23) Notable: Hitler Escaped To Argentina & Died Old: FBI Documents, DNA Analysis Of Skull And More

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All lb

Hitler Escaped To Argentina & Died Old: FBI Documents, DNA Analysis Of Skull And More


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95e82e No.3189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108108 (090434ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy has reportedly agreed to cap Ukraine aid to win support from colleagues who were blocking his election as speaker

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New US House chief makes pledge on Ukraine aid – media

Kevin McCarthy has reportedly agreed to cap aid to Kiev to win support from colleagues who were blocking his election as speaker

Newly elected US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reportedly won over the final few votes needed to secure the gavel by promising conservative lawmakers that he will help pass legislation that would limit future economic and military aid to Ukraine.

The Kiev compromise was one of the key concessions that McCarthy, a California Republican, accepted to win over recalcitrant colleagues who had opposed his election as speaker, the UK’s Telegraph newspaper reported on Saturday. Republicans won back control of Congress in November’s midterm elections, but it took five days and 15 rounds of voting for speaker – the most since 1860 – to reach enough consensus on who will shepherd the party’s legislative agenda.

Since Russia began its military offensive against Ukraine last February, Congress has approved $100 billion in US aid to Ukraine – much to the chagrin of ‘Freedom Caucus’ lawmakers, such as Republicans Matt Gaetz (Florida) and Lauren Boebert (Colorado). Gaetz led a group of about 20 representatives in opposing McCarthy’s election, at one point nominating former President Donald Trump for the job.

After McCarthy failed to win enough support from fellow Republicans in the first three rounds of voting on Tuesday, Gaetz said, “Today the House didn’t organize. Biggest loser: [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky. Biggest winner: US Taxpayers.” He had opposed previous aid requests for Kiev, including a $45-billion package approved last month, saying, “Hemorrhaging billions in taxpayer dollars for Ukraine while our country is in crisis is the definition of America last.”

McCarthy, who occasionally wears a Ukrainian flag pin on his lapel, also agreed to congressional rule changes, limits on defense spending and the creation of a committee to investigate “weaponization” of the federal government. In addition, conservatives won a pledge to allow votes on several of their top issues, including border security, congressional term limits and a balanced budget amendment. The new speaker agreed to give Freedom Caucus members key seats on House committees.


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95e82e No.3190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108122 (090437ZJAN23) Notable: House Republicans Preparing Broad Inquiry Into F.B.I. and Security Agencies FAKE NEWS dubbing it "Jordan's Church Committee"

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>>>/qresearch/18107957 (pb)

Anons wanting details on the concessions McCarthy was forced to make and how the sh*tlibs are reacting to them can read them here (no paywall either). BTW, they are calling Jim Jordan's Judiciary Committee's subcommittee concession "Jordan's Church Committee" because of the wide range of high-profile investigations he has lined up. This is what Bannon's guest was referencing when he spoke of the "Church Committee" concession that the GOP20 had wrung from McCarthy:

"House Republicans Preparing Broad Inquiry Into F.B.I. and Security Agencies

"Republicans plan to create a special subcommittee, led by a Trump ally, with a mandate to scrutinize open criminal investigations and classified intelligence."


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95e82e No.3191

File: 93f42d8627ba8ac⋯.jpeg (81.25 KB,965x1210,193:242,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108131 (090440ZJAN23) Notable: House Republicans Preparing Broad Inquiry Into F.B.I. and Security Agencies FAKE NEWS dubbing it "Jordan's Church Committee"

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95e82e No.3192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108132 (090440ZJAN23) Notable: Watch the water, current live map

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Watch the water.

Crazy waves / energy all over the World right now.


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95e82e No.3193

File: 4a37aa735c55421⋯.png (47.46 KB,901x263,901:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108154 (090445ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL Supreme Federal Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes has removed the Governor of the Federal District

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The Real Toria Brooke @therealtoriabrooke · 1h

BRAZIL Supreme Federal Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes has removed the Governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha, for 90 days, without an approval from Congress or the Senate. (Tupi Report)


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95e82e No.3194

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108185 (090452ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy has reportedly agreed to cap Ukraine aid to win support from colleagues who were blocking his election as speaker

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>McCarthy reportedly won over the final few votes needed to secure the gavel by promising conservative lawmakers that he will help pass legislation that would limit future economic and military aid to Ukraine.

WTFukk?? Gaetz, MTG, Jordan, Roy should have demanded that a commission be immediately formed to address WHY WE ARE ENGAGED IN A PROXY WAR WITH RUSSIA BY SUPPORTING UKRAINIAN NAZIs!!!

…while demanding a FULL FLOOR vote to CUT OFF ALL money and other supports pending an immediate Armed Services Committee Hearing on justification for supporting Ukraine, expanding Nato, the 20-40 U.S. Biolabs and Metabiota Hunter connection, etc., etc.,…..

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95e82e No.3195

File: 1edcac246cc191c⋯.png (264.74 KB,840x953,840:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108196 (090455ZJAN23) Notable: Blinken in a panic

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95e82e No.3196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108198 (090455ZJAN23) Notable: Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers: A Documentary By Laurent Guyénot

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Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers: A Documentary By Laurent Guyénot


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95e82e No.3197

File: c3fa877faca9420⋯.png (62.56 KB,653x492,653:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108245 (090509ZJAN23) Notable: This chart graphically depicts Biden’s culpability.

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Senator Ron Johnson

Instead of Biden’s shameless border photo op, Americans need to see the magnitude of the crisis Biden’s open border policies have created.

This chart graphically depicts Biden’s culpability.

9:57 PM · Jan 8, 2023


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95e82e No.3198

File: 6e8183957de3c8b⋯.png (1.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108256 (090511ZJAN23) Notable: The area that Biden felt comfortable enough to visit was where there was a huge wall protecting him

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The area that Biden felt comfortable enough to visit was where there was a huge wall protecting him

Ironic, isn’t it?

7:33 PM · Jan 8, 2023


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95e82e No.3199

File: 122a2e83528b3ae⋯.png (178.97 KB,534x356,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: d184e975990729c⋯.png (78.98 KB,474x111,158:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108340 (090536ZJAN23) Notable: FAKE NEWS pushing ‘Kraken’Covid Variant XBB.1.5

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I guess that's what the kids are callin' it these days.

What We Know About the ‘Kraken’Covid Variant XBB.1.5 and Why It’s Causing Concern


What is the new variant?

XBB.1.5 is a descendant of the omicron XBB subvariant — which is itself a cross between two earlier strains: BA.2.75 and BA.2.10.1.

The original XBB variant has already caused waves of infection in countries including Singapore and India since the WHO first raised concern about it last October.


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95e82e No.3200

File: 897f9b935a8a357⋯.png (78 KB,865x673,865:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108343 (090537ZJAN23) Notable: Ben Sasse officially resigns from Senate to become University of Florida president

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Ben Sasse officially resigns from Senate to become University of Florida president


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95e82e No.3201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108345 (090539ZJAN23) Notable: FAKE NEWS pushing ‘Kraken’Covid Variant XBB.1.5

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Don't Vareuses Get weaker as the Mutate?

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95e82e No.3202

File: 3513bd87f2266e0⋯.png (353.96 KB,407x861,407:861,Clipboard.png)

File: 0768ed7c6a83ff1⋯.png (494.45 KB,600x762,100:127,Clipboard.png)

File: b421e8fbd016fb4⋯.png (808.98 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 308cad707ab2224⋯.png (777.63 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b164a443cf2fde⋯.png (722.75 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108364 (090544ZJAN23) Notable: Brazilian Army soldiers close access to the HQ and stop the arrests of Bolsonarist Protesters by Federal District Police officers

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OK, OK. Situation is in flux - Judiciary has suspended Brasilia Governor's mandate. Crooked Justice Moraes gave 24 hours for Military to disband the protesters camps in front of the barracks, BUT, when the police showed up in Brasília to dismantle said camp, the military mobilized troops and did NOT authorize police entry.


Brazilian Army soldiers close access to the HQ and stop the arrests of Bolsonarist Protesters by Federal District Police officers.

Armored vehicles transporting troops arrives at the scene


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95e82e No.3203

File: 98b54938edcfc1b⋯.jpg (133.46 KB,720x917,720:917,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6e3621c44cbf0b0⋯.jpg (45.26 KB,1152x409,1152:409,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ce393d5250d1b3⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108419 (090556ZJAN23) Notable: CTV News field reporter air fainting / died suddenly , they won't be able to contain the undeniable truth

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Moar on air fainting / died suddenly , they won't be able to contain the undeniable truth


BREAKING: CTV News field reporter has some sort of medical emergency on camera. Unrelated: Bell owns CTV.

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95e82e No.3204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108438 (090601ZJAN23) Notable: FAKE NEWS pushing ‘Kraken’Covid Variant XBB.1.5

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That was the old virus theory. New theory is be afraid, very afraid.

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95e82e No.3205

File: e17422c9b942d2b⋯.mp4 (725.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 94949fdfb209c87⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108446 (090603ZJAN23) Notable: FAKE NEWS pushing ‘Kraken’Covid Variant XBB.1.5

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Damn right!

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95e82e No.3206

File: e4abab556084b64⋯.png (981.37 KB,1240x544,155:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108456 (090609ZJAN23) Notable: Ben Sasse officially resigns from Senate to become University of Florida president

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>Ben Sasse officially resigns from Senate to become University of Florida president

Bye bitch

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95e82e No.3207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108475 (090616ZJAN23) Notable: #22197

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Dear incoming baker

I am a practicing note taker.

If you have something we can use, please use it. If you find something strange, please feel free to edit and use it.

>>>/qresearch/18107205 Q Research General #22197: Anons Carrying The Ball Down the Field! Edition

>>>/qresearch/18107238 dough

notetaker note


>>3144 @DeptofDefense: #OperationsAtSea

>>3145 BREAKING :New Bombshell Australian Public Health Data Finds All COVID Related Hospitalizations And ICU Admissions Were Vaccinated— None Unvaccinated— And Only 7.3% Of COVID Deaths Were Unvaccinated

>>3146, >>3152, >>3155, >>3168, >>3175, >>3180, >>3186 their sauce is their own sauce

>>3147 TX Dem Joaquin Castro wants Bolsonaro "extradited" to Brazil, even though he is not facing any criminal charges.

>>3148, >>3151 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted:@IrregWarfare Irregular Warfare Initiative - Proxy Wars - Part 1!

>>3149 'Did Someone Seize Control of the United States?'Victor Davis

>>3150, >>3162, >>3170 Russ Vought Explains the Benefits Gained by 20 House Republicans Who Battled Over 400 UniParty Members(rumble vid)

>>3153 @GenFlynn: These tragic events must stop.

>>3154 Andrew Tate Fires Off Cryptic Tweet After Reports He Was Taken to Hospital From Romanian Jail

>>3156 Chris Miller's book "Soldier Secretary" drops Feb 8, 2023

>>3157 Good layout of the situation facing the 118th Congress

>>3158, >>3165, >>3183 PF report

>>3159, >>3178 The Brazilian Shaman:Can You Spot the Difference?

>>3160 Election deniers seize control of McCarthy’s GOP(YouTube vid)

>>3161 Media Matters president Angelo Carusone joined guest host Julián Castro on American Voices to breakdown the vaccine disinformation playbook and why it continues to take hold online.(YouTube vid)

>>3163 Same script as USA Jan 6

>>3164 Economic Schedule for Week of January 8, 2023

>>3166 White Hat Operations In History!(rumble vid)

>>3167 reporter, Jessica Robb(mp4)

>>3169, >>3173 @RadioGenova:The Western media's Covid narrative sucks.

>>3171 @haaretzcom:Ilan Shor (aka Șor) is a 35-year-old oligarch-turned-politician who fled to Israel in 2019 after being convicted of fraud in connection with the alleged theft of $1 billion from local banks

>>3174 Kayleigh McEnany reveals cover of my upcoming book:“Serenity in the Storm:Living through Chaos by Leaning on Christ”!(mp4)

>>3172, >>3179, >>3176, >>3181, >>3182 First lady Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for treasures looted from rich Jewish families'

>>3177 Who does BrazAnon work for?

>>3184 Hedge Fund CIO: "To Maintain Control, Government Must Instill Fear While Delivering Economic Growth"

>>3185 Brazil’s Communist President Lula Condemns Protesters Today as Stalinists… Then Quickly Corrects Himself, “No, Not Stalinists, Fascists!”




notetaker out


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95e82e No.3208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108637 (090735ZJAN23) Notable: Bulker M/V Glory ran aground in Suez Canal carrying grain from 'Ukraine'

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Bulker runs aground in Suez Canal while joining southbound convoy - shipping agency


DUBAI, Jan 9 (Reuters) - The M/V Glory has run aground while joining the Southbound convoy near El-Qantarah, a north-Eastern Egyptian city along the Suez Canal, and tug boats are trying to refloat the vessel, shipping agency Leth Agencies said in a tweet on Monday. Data from trackers VesselFinder and MarineTraffic showed the ship was a Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier.


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95e82e No.3209

File: 4c6e2b724282aae⋯.png (457.12 KB,756x942,126:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108684 (090801ZJAN23) Notable: Bulker M/V Glory ran aground in Suez Canal carrying grain from 'Ukraine'

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Efforts under way to refloat ship stuck in Suez Canal, authority says


An aerial view of the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal are pictured through the window of an airplane

An aerial view of the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal are pictured through the window of an airplane on a flight between Cairo and Doha, Egypt, November 27, 2021. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh

DUBAI, Jan 9 (Reuters) - Efforts are under way to refloat a cargo vessel carrying grain from Ukraine that has run aground in the Suez Canal, the chairman of the Suez Canal Authority told Al-Arabiya TV on Monday.

The M/V Glory ran aground while joining the southbound convoy transiting through the canal and tug boats are trying to refloat the vessel, Osama Rabie told Al-Arabiya.

The ship is a Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier, data from trackers VesselFinder and MarineTraffic showed.


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95e82e No.3210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108691 (090807ZJAN23) Notable: Bulker M/V Glory ran aground in Suez Canal carrying grain from 'Ukraine'

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Anyone else wondering what the real cargo from Ukraine is.

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95e82e No.3211

File: de4c9b6029a5ff2⋯.png (1.26 MB,2076x1072,519:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108696 (090811ZJAN23) Notable: Bulker M/V Glory ran aground in Suez Canal carrying grain from 'Ukraine'

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95e82e No.3212

File: 55b1d8c4762cc5f⋯.png (23.93 KB,851x163,851:163,Clipboard.png)

File: d94283d3ae2dee1⋯.jpg (99.58 KB,749x500,749:500,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108717 (090826ZJAN23) Notable: Kash Patel: #NightShift for all my #FWK Warriors- the work for 2023 now begins

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Kash Patel


#NightShift for all my #FWK Warriors- the work for 2023 now begins

Jan 09, 2023, 2:17 AM


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95e82e No.3213

File: 55b1d8c4762cc5f⋯.png (23.93 KB,851x163,851:163,Clipboard.png)

File: aa4f6aaabb738db⋯.png (1.06 MB,1516x1029,1516:1029,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108725 (090829ZJAN23) Notable: news is fake insurgency is real

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Q 4540

news is fake insurgency is real


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95e82e No.3214

File: 3de61c98ddf667a⋯.png (895.97 KB,1921x1079,1921:1079,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108731 (090832ZJAN23) Notable: Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country PROOF 5 year delta

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Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country PROOF 5 year delta

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95e82e No.3215

File: f20316cd41c5845⋯.png (367.94 KB,500x1194,250:597,Clipboard.png)

File: 22b171f1111b651⋯.png (178.94 KB,500x861,500:861,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b1ab62afe5e363⋯.png (540.69 KB,426x1024,213:512,Clipboard.png)

File: e44a16b2d5b57e2⋯.png (290 KB,548x396,137:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108746 (090839ZJAN23) Notable: Anons thoughts: Wray front and center of all clown agencies investigations

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Think the house and its members get sworn in today.

Anon thinks he is highlighting this fact and wants wray front and centre of all clown agencies investigations.

We know, get multiple people ready for some public scrutiny and set up the questioning so house members can cross examine the likes of Wray and Fauci !!!

We will do the rest - meme the info

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95e82e No.3216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108783 (090900ZJAN23) Notable: #22198

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>>3202 Brazilian Army soldiers close access to the HQ and stop the arrests of Bolsonarist Protesters by Federal District Police officers

>>3208, >>3209, >>3211, >>3210 Bulker M/V Glory ran aground in Suez Canal carrying grain from 'Ukraine'

>>3187 Hillary Clinton joins Columbia University faculty

>>3188 Hitler Escaped To Argentina & Died Old: FBI Documents, DNA Analysis Of Skull And More

>>3189, >>3194 Kevin McCarthy has reportedly agreed to cap Ukraine aid to win support from colleagues who were blocking his election as speaker

>>3190, >>3191 House Republicans Preparing Broad Inquiry Into F.B.I. and Security Agencies FAKE NEWS dubbing it "Jordan's Church Committee"

>>3192 Watch the water, current live map

>>3193 BRAZIL Supreme Federal Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes has removed the Governor of the Federal District

>>3195 Blinken in a panic

>>3196 Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers: A Documentary By Laurent Guyénot

>>3197 This chart graphically depicts Biden’s culpability.

>>3198 The area that Biden felt comfortable enough to visit was where there was a huge wall protecting him

>>3199, >>3201, >>3204, >>3205 FAKE NEWS pushing ‘Kraken’Covid Variant XBB.1.5

>>3200, >>3206 Ben Sasse officially resigns from Senate to become University of Florida president

>>3203 CTV News field reporter air fainting / died suddenly , they won't be able to contain the undeniable truth

>>3208, >>3209, >>3211, >>3210 Bulker M/V Glory ran aground in Suez Canal carrying grain from 'Ukraine'

>>3212 Kash Patel: #NightShift for all my #FWK Warriors- the work for 2023 now begins

>>3213 news is fake insurgency is real

>>3214 Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country PROOF 5 year delta

>>3215 Anons thoughts: Wray front and center of all clown agencies investigations

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95e82e No.3217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108796 (090905ZJAN23) Notable: DOUGH

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95e82e No.3218

File: 99c267ef9f24fbe⋯.png (62.95 KB,833x318,833:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108860 (090940ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Remember when the lightweight andperennially wrongFailing New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman predicted

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Donald J. Trump


Remember when the lightweight andperennially wrongFailing New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman predicted that the Stock Markets and U.S. Economy would CRASH while I was in office. Well, he was 100% wrong, again. But it did later crash, as Inflation lifted it’s ugly head, after I was out - Self inflicted wounds all! If you sold the day I left, you would have made a “fortune!” Next time, when I leave, SELL…And don’t listen to dopey Paul Krugman.

Jan 08, 2023, 10:01 PM



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95e82e No.3219

File: bc4bb70bc7ef788⋯.png (519.73 KB,764x542,382:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18108929 (091020ZJAN23) Notable: Biden’s New Border Strategy: Blame Republicans First

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Biden’s New Border Strategy: Blame Republicans First

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board

Posted By: RockyTCB, 1/9/2023 4:38:54 AM

At a briefing last week, a daring reporter asked President Joe Biden why he decided to visit the border now, after Republicans have been calling for him to do so for nearly two years – during which time an unprecedented 4.4 million people crossed the border illegally. Biden’s answer: “Because the Republicans haven’t been serious about this at all. Come on. They haven’t been serious about this at all.” That answer makes no sense. If Republicans haven’t been serious – which is a bald-faced lie – then wouldn’t that be more of an incentive for Biden to take the reins? But nothing Biden is saying lately about the border makes sense.

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95e82e No.3220

File: 97eb9bec35f9f6a⋯.png (617.79 KB,707x563,707:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109068 (091214ZJAN23) Notable: bill passed before Christmas shows that the U.S. Senate knows Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach

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A little-noticed bill passed before Christmas shows that the U.S. Senate knows Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day. Indeed, Nancy Pelosi could be crowned Queen of the Mob, since her actions led to the crashing of the perimeter fences, general dysfunction, and deaths of Trump supporters that day.

Even after the one-sided January 6 Committee left Pelosi’s role on the cutting room floor, there’s one inescapable conclusion: If she’d done her job, there would have been no riot, no deaths of Trump supporters, no show trials, and no political prisoners sitting in solitary confinement in a D.C. gulag for two years awaiting trial. And there would have been no need for federal agents to “orchestrate” a riot.

Pelosi was more responsible for the marauding mob at the Capitol that day than anything President Trump did to “incite” his huge crowd of supporters — which he probably did not.

And here’s how we know this.

On Monday night, December 12, senators unanimously passed a measure to remove authority for calling out the National Guard from politicians like Nancy Pelosi and gave it over to the Capitol Police.

Despite heightened threat assessments by federal authorities showing problems ahead of January 6, 2021, and the Trump Administration offering National Guard help, the people who were supposed call out the Guard, the speaker and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, wanted no Guard on scene due to optics. Bowser had battled with Trump over National Guard presence during the BLM/Antifa riots in the past and didn’t want the militarized look in D.C. If she needed them at all for January 6, she decided the Guard would be unarmed and relegated to traffic control.

Pelosi’s office “was heavily involved in planning and decision-making before and during the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and micromanaged the Sergeant at Arms,” according to texts and other communications that came to light after January 6.

From early December 2020, Pelosi aides attended regular meetings with Irving and Sund to discuss the security plan. So hands-on was Pelosi’s chief of staff Terri McCullough that, at one point, she was editing details of parking, event timing and “language regarding official business visitors” for the Joint Session.

The Pelosi team’s messages and posts were exposed in an investigative report by the same House Republicans Pelosi removed from the J6 Committee. The messages show how Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund begged Pelosi and the Sergeant at Arms to plus-up security. His request for help was only satisfied after the riot fizzled out.

The New York Post reported that the GOP investigation showed that “House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, who answered to Pelosi as one of three voting members of the Capitol Police Board, ‘succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership,’ was compromised by politics and did not adequately prepare for violence at the Capitol.”

The House and Senate sergeant at arms and Capitol Police Chief Sund resigned their jobs after the disaster, which could have been prevented.

But in a move the same week, the Democrat-run Senate tacitly affirmed that Nancy Pelosi royally screwed up by failing to take Trump up on his offer of using the Guard and preventing what the J6 Cassandras said was worse than the Civil War or the 9/11 attacks. How incredibly insulting.

Of course, after the unrest, neither woman was held accountable for failing to act. And the aftermath of the breach was more politicized than anything we’ve seen since the FBI and Hillary Clinton worked with actual Russian spies to create a fiction that Trump was a Russian secret agent.

Efforts to smear the outspoken Trump lived on in the outrageously one-sided January 6 Committee proceedings and continue to this day.

After kicking off Republicans from the January 6 Committee, unprecedented in the history of our country, Pelosi also struck a deal with her hand-selected gaslighters to not be a subject of the probe. Her fingerprints were to be wiped from the proceedings.


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95e82e No.3221

File: a1e6b22271c2635⋯.png (130.74 KB,443x561,443:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109072 (091218ZJAN23) Notable: Lead author of peer reviewed research re-analysing Pfizer & Moderna trials on mRNA vaccine

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Lead author of peer reviewed research re-analysing Pfizer & Moderna trials on mRNA vaccine


calls for immediate suspension of jab due to serious harms.

‘We have conclusive evidence that the vaccines are inducing sudden cardiac death’

This is huge


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95e82e No.3222

File: d0fcac40c42e819⋯.png (561.37 KB,1851x1013,1851:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: bdcaeb5329e18d6⋯.png (158.91 KB,1856x976,116:61,Clipboard.png)

File: d5d28d65f8a47e6⋯.png (1.89 MB,1542x6510,257:1085,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109098 (091228ZJAN23) Notable: (PB) Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for looted treasures

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>>3176 (PB) Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for looted treasures

led to this comment:

>>>/qresearch/18107916 )PB) Another: San Carlos de Bariloche

led to this video and Wiki:

>>>/qresearch/18107949 (PB), >>>/qresearch/18107950 (PB)

This anon decided to see what was in the DoS FOIA reading room using 'Bariloche' as a search term. 53 results including one document from 1979 describing the Bariloche Atomic Energy Center. The Center include(d) a linear accelerator and a University. Noted in that paragraph is the fact that two professors had been recruited - one from Germany and one from Switzerland and that those individuals' salaries and housing would be paid for by the IAEA. Also from 1979, in a document called "The Disappeared" (document 19 of 20 on page 2 of 3), 4 people from Bariloche were arrested in a terrorist ring break up.

And from From 1985:


















For shits and giggles, checked out USAspending.gov using Bariloche as search term. Found a grant to Boston University let in 2017 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to the Trustees of Boston University for $29 Million - currently $10 Million dollars over its intended grant allocation. The grant is scheduled to expire this year.

"Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US and a leading cause worldwide, but current medicine cannot regenerate and or repair diseased human heart tissue. Today, there is no cure for a heart attack. The vision of Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision (CELL-MET) Nanosystems Engineering Research Center is to change this. CELL-MET will develop tissue-engineering principles to create scalable, low-cost technologies for growing clinically significant cardiac tissues from cell-level building blocks. The research approach is to adapt and advance novel nanomanufacturing techniques to integrate a variety of functional biological structures and elements into flexible polymer scaffolds that support and guide heart cells. The goal of this project is to create cardiac patches that will someday allow for the repair of hearts damaged by a heart attack or other diseases. In addition to their potential for repairing damaged hearts, artificial cardiac tissues will be used to test the effects of heart drugs or other drugs more realistically and efficiently than is currently possible. Broader impacts will include kindergarten to post-doctoral education and training programs that will produce a diverse, well-trained, world aware workforce to support the new billion dollar industries enabled by CELL-MET research. Industrial partners will work with CELL-MET to create these new industries, developing the business opportunities generated by the research breakthroughs.

…CELL-MET brings together a diverse, world-class team from Boston University, the University of Michigan, Florida International University, Harvard, Columbia, Argonne National Lab, EPFL (Switzerland), and Centro Atomico-Bariloche (Argentina). The team has expertice in semiconductors, photonics, nanotechnology, optical systems, organic molecules, cardiac biology, and cellular assembly."

Meanwhile, Cell-Met shows up in USAspending in grant monies of over >$33 Million (all FYs)

Wonder how much of this 'cardiac' research is being used to create fake meat, heart tissue being a muscle and all…..





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95e82e No.3223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109164 (091251ZJAN23) Notable: non wants to know - WHEN DO THE ARRESTS, PROSECUTIONS & EXECUTION BEGIN!?!

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Add Lindsey Graham…


-Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

-Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna

-Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca

-Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson

-Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation

-Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum

-Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO

-Anthony Fauci

-Peter Daszak

-Francis Collins

-Bill Gates

-George Soros

-Barack Obama

-Hillary Clinton

-Bill Clinton

-Joe Biden

-John Podesta

-John Brennan

-James Comey

-Adam Schiff

-Peter Strzok

-Mark Zuckerberg

-Melinda Gates

-Nancy Pelosi

And about 20 other treasonous bastards in politics, 6 Dem. Governors, Judges, Federal Agencies, FDA, CDC, WHO, Liberal Main Stream Media, Reuters, Politifact, etc., big tech, Pedowood/Pedoland

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95e82e No.3224

File: 356b8ebfe06917a⋯.png (897.95 KB,953x948,953:948,Clipboard.png)

File: 923f7cec1db8ad7⋯.png (1.01 MB,1211x1433,1211:1433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109194 (091305ZJAN23) Notable: What military contractor doth thou retired General work(ed) for after thine retirement?

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>What military contractor doth thou retired General work(ed) for after thine retirement?

Interdasting question. Twas my next avenue of digs after the Citadel


> https://today.citadel.edu/statement-of-solidarity-from-the-citadels-truth-racial-healing-and-transformation-center/

Statement of Solidarity from The Citadel’s Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Center

June 3, 2020 Faculty & Staff Featured News Releases&#09;

“It has long been a matter of serious moment that for decades we have studied the various peoples of the world and those who live as our neighbors as objects of missionary endeavor and enterprise without being at all willing to treat them either as brothers or as human beings.”

― Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited

In 1949, Howard Thurman, a leading theologian, intellectual, and civil rights activist, penned these words. Seventy-one years later, these words are sadly just as applicable.

The Citadel’s Truth, Racial, Healing and Transformation Center team comprised of representatives from The Citadel faculty and staff, the YWCA Greater Charleston, the Charleston County School District, the Charleston Trident Urban League, Greater Christ Church Cathedral, and the Charleston Police Department,wishes to express its individual and collective anguish, distress, and anger at the recent, callous and inhumane murders of three of our brothers and sisters: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. They join an inconceivably long line of black and brown American victims who have lost their lives to racism, implicit bias, and hatred. In this decade alone, that line includes, but is not limited to, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and members of our own beloved Charleston community: Walter Scott and the nine beloved Charleston community members gunned down at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Rev. and South Carolina Senator Clementa C. Pinckney, Cynthia Marie Graham, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lee Lance, Depayne Middleton-Doctor, Tywanza Sanders, Daniel L. Simmons, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, and Myra Thompson).

Brutality against people of African descent in America is not new. It is as old as the slave ships that brought African men, women, and children to these shores against their will: chained, unable to speak the language of their oppressors, with little recourse to their unwanted condition. Their oppressors subjected them to inhumane treatment aboard slave ships– often forcing them to lie in their own excrement for days on end, “exercising” them in chains which rubbed the skin off their ankles, and whipping or executing them if they raised their voices in dissent or attempted insurrection. If they managed to survive the Middle Passage and reach our shores, their oppressors continued to mistreat them by selling them, physically assaulting them, sexually assaulting them, abusing them psychologically, and torturing them. Although slavery ended in 1865, violence against Black bodies continued in 19th-century America with terrorist attacks by white supremacist groups, lynchings, and the beginning of mass incarceration via the convict lease system. In the 20th and 21st centuries, we have heard police officers and self-deputized citizens justify their use of lethal force against African Americans by saying they felt “threatened.” But, in reality, the threat they perceive is not real, but is the result of implicit biases and racist ideologies that fuel the misconception that brown skin is a threat in and of itself. This must stop.

The Citadel’s Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Center is unequivocally committed to equipping“the next generation of strategic leaders and thinkers to break down racial hierarchies and dismantle the belief in the hierarchy of human value.” Specifically, we stand against racism and hatred based upon any form of identity group membership.

In 2017, theWK Kellogg and Newman’s Own Foundations, working through the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) awarded The Citadel and nine other campuses the first higher education grants to establish campus Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Centers. In 2019, the Papa Johns Foundation renewed that funding. Since then The Citadel’s TRHT Center has supported efforts to truthfully share and transcend The Citadel’s history, facilitated interracial and interfaith dialogue to help diverse individuals humanize each other through the sharing of stories, co-sponsored and sponsored impactful keynote speakers, exhibits, and panels that discussed the history and dynamics of race in the U.S., supported and partnered with local interfaith organizations, and helped strengthen mutually generative connections between The Citadel and the Charleston community.

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95e82e No.3225

File: e1ab06dae35c676⋯.png (544.28 KB,1009x646,1009:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109231 (091321ZJAN23) Notable: American Airlines: 96% of Employees Vaccinated, Seeking Accomodation

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American Airlines: 96% of Employees Vaccinated, Seeking Accomodation


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American Airlines said Friday that more than 96% of its employees have submitted proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a request for an accommodation from the requirements.

In November, the largest U.S. airline delayed the rollout of a mandate requiring its U.S.-based employees to be vaccinated against the coronavirus or to receive a religious or medical exemption until Jan. 4.

American said Friday "anyone who isn't vaccinated, including those with an approved accommodation, will be required to complete a weekly self-health declaration, practice social distancing when possible and wear a mask at all times, except when outside and social distancing can be maintained."

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95e82e No.3226

File: 7d2c9b01267e581⋯.png (121.63 KB,407x389,407:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ce393d5250d1b3⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109247 (091328ZJAN23) Notable: So this just happened a few minutes ago. #DIEDSUDDENLY

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White Wabbit Warrior 🐇⚔️


So this just happened a few minutes ago.


reporter, Jessica Robb.

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95e82e No.3227

File: d361c183fdd8768⋯.png (57.42 KB,671x333,671:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109250 (091329ZJAN23) Notable: Anon curious about the Ukrainian salt mines

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I am curious about the Ukrainian salt mines, but in general I am wondering if the movement of dollars and US military hardware to be wasted in Ukraine (after the obvious weapons drop in Afghanistan by the Biden regime) is preparing the continental US for attack. Better watch that southern US border. I doubt those invading care one whit about their "allies" in the regime.

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95e82e No.3228

File: 1cd6d861e43e068⋯.jpg (302.19 KB,970x1588,485:794,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 086fd41fa360c53⋯.jpg (392.56 KB,1027x1494,1027:1494,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109274 (091336ZJAN23) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH Missing "s" Qmapped

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Missing "s"


Timestamp 8:23


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95e82e No.3229

File: 9a8c22c46172f69⋯.jpeg (61.4 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 861960770ad989b⋯.jpeg (305.83 KB,1175x1359,1175:1359,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109305 (091346ZJAN23) Notable: 5th Circuit Delivers Big Ruling on Deposing Jen Psaki in Biden Social Media Collusion Case

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5th Circuit Delivers Big Ruling on Deposing Jen Psaki in Biden Social Media Collusion Case

Nick Arama8:30 PM on January 08, 2023

I reported earlier on some of the bombshells that the Missouri AG Andrew Bailey announced they’d discovered in the lawsuit against the Biden administration. The lawsuit, filed by the Missouri and Lousiana Attorneys General alleged the Biden administration had been colluding with Big Tech and social media to “suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content” on their platforms with “dis-information,” “mis-information” and “mal-information” labels.

The Biden administration’s effort to squash speech extended to some pretty well-known names, including Tucker Carlson, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, and Tomi Lahren. But it was clear that members of the Executive Office of the President were regularly badgering Big Tech and social media like Google, Facebook, and Twitter to comply with shutting down anything the Biden team thought went against the narrative, including on things like COVID.

The Republican attorneys general pursuing the social media case had also been trying to depose former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to find out what she knows. But the 5th Circuit just blocked their attempts to depose her, overturning the lower court’s ruling that would have allowed the deposition. The Circuit Court said that her testimony “did not merit the “extraordinary circumstances” needed to proceed with depositions of current or former high-ranking government officials.”

The Court said, “As Press Secretary, Psaki’s role was to inform the media of the administration’s priorities, not to develop or execute policy.” The Court said there wasn’t enough in the record to “demonstrate that Psaki has unique first-hand knowledge that would justify the extraordinary measure of deposing a high-ranking executive official.” The Court rejected the argument that because she was involved in the making comments about telling social media companies to remove their “COVID misinformation” that involved her in the scheme.

That didn’t discourage Louisiana AG Jeff Landry, “We have no problem with the court’s request. We look forward to obtaining more discovery.”

I think given the significant involvement of the Executive Office of the President that I wrote about earlier, the Court should have allowed it. It shows multiple EOP officials were involved and that there’s a lot to uncover there. But while the attorneys general may not be able to depose Psaki, it’s not going to stop them from getting more documents and evidence. So if the Biden team thought they were going to wiggle out of this, that’s not happening.

Legal discovery is a beautiful thing


Dec 17 2019


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ab6b95 No.7537296 📁

Dec 17 2019 15:55:01 (EST)




Aug 11 2018


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.139 📁

Aug 11 2018 12:12:31 (EST)

These people are stupid!


"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."



Do you believe in coincidences?

We have the source.


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95e82e No.3230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109350 (091359ZJAN23) Notable: George Stephanopoulos Asks Rep Scott Perry to Recuse Himself

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There it is –George Stephanopoulos Asks Rep Scott Perry to Recuse Himselffrom House Investigation of Weaponized Fed, if Same Fed Is Investigating Him

January 8, 2023 | Sundance

I friggin’ knew this would surface{Prediction Here}, and it makes sense that deep state George Stephanopoulos would be the one to take the lead. Here we go…

During an appearance on ABC This Week, Pennsylvania Republican Scott Perry was asked by Stephanopoulos about the Jack Smith special counsel investigating him as a transfer of the J6 investigation to the DOJ. In essence the special counsel is now presumed to be investigating Scott Perry for insurrection.

Stephanopoulos then takes the accusatory questioning one step further and asks Perry if he is going to recuse himself from the House subcommittee investigation on weaponization of the federal government. Representative Perry doesn’t back down. WATCH

The overarching Lawfare framework has been transparently created by President Obama’sformer White House Legal Counsel and current U.S. Asst Attorney General Lisa Monaco. To wit, on November 18, 2022, following the outcome of the midterm election, Joe Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, announced the appointment of DOJ Attorney Jack Smith as Special Counsel to investigate two specific areas:

♦ First, to investigate current Republican members of congress (House and Senate), former President and current candidate Donald J Trump, former Trump administration officials, former White House staff, and other individuals, groups and organizations for their role in supporting an insurrection on January 6, 2021, against the incoming administration of President-Elect Joe Biden. In essence, the J6 investigation – with an emphasis on Congress – transfers to Special Counsel Jack Smith:

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the ongoing investigation into whether any person or entity violated the law in connection with efforts to interfere with the lawful transfer of power following the 2020 presidential election or the certification of the Electoral College vote held on or about January 6, 2021, as well as any matters that arose or might arise directly from this investigation or that are within the scope of [Special Counsel Regulations 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)]. (pdf)

This is an extension of the January 6th Committee special investigation that transfers the committee’s investigative findings, ie phone records, text messages, transcripts, emails, prior testimony and all evidentiary records, into the newly appointed Special Counsel.

However, all prior and current DOJ prosecutions against citizen individuals will remain within the control and direction of Main Justice. This structure frees up Jack Smith to target the new Republican controlled congressional members, their staff, families and/or communication network. Main Justice keeps focus on the citizen insurrectionists, Jack Smith now appointed to go after the public officials.

♦ Second – and this is ancillary to the first priority – DAG Lisa Monaco has written, and AG Garland has appointed, Jack Smith to target Donald Trump with the same Special Counsel process previously used by Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann.

The Special Counsel is further authorized to conduct the ongoing investigation referenced and described in the United States’ Response to Motion for Judicial Oversight and Additional Relief, Donald J Trump v. United States, No. 9:22-CV-81294-AMC (S.D. Fla. Aug. 30, 2022)….

The Trump Mar-a-Lago document investigation (the proverbial nothingburger – just like Trump/Russia) transfers to the Special Counsel office, along with an intended angle to look for an obstruction of justice charge (just like Mueller). This is Robert Mueller 2.0 using Special Counsel Jack Smith.

The Trump-centric part of the Special Counsel appointment, the part that everyone is focusing on, is ancillary to the real purpose of the appointment. However, that said, all investigative resources from Main Justice and the FBI will transfer to Jack Smith as they did when Crossfire Hurricane transferred to Robert Mueller. The investigative people will transfer along with the investigative evidence.

As you can see from the simple (non-pretending) explanation of what is being done, the Lawfare process become clear. Everything Congress now begins to question falls under the protective blanket of an “ongoing investigation,” exactly as we predicted. Plus, you get the additional Lawfare elements of congressional leadership under investigation which provides an entirely new ‘conflict of interest dynamic’ to the political equation.


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95e82e No.3231

File: 875e0a244e45612⋯.png (719.29 KB,1001x1036,143:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109363 (091403ZJAN23) Notable: Satanic child abuse ring shut victims in oven and filmed themselves gang raping them

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Part 1 of 3 (maybe 4)

Satanic child abuse ring shut victims in oven and filmed themselves gang raping them, court hears | Daily Mail Online


A total of 11 people have been accused of being members of a paedophile ring

The group is alleged to have abused children in Glasgow over course of 10 years

It is claimed members of the group raped and abused three young children

Glasgow High Court heard the children were forced to take part in witchcraft too


PUBLISHED: 14:30 EST, 6 January 2023 | UPDATED: 14:30 EST, 6 January 2023

A satanic child abuse ring tortured children by putting them in an oven, forcing them to kill animals and gang raping them, a court has heard.

Seven men and four women are accused of abusing three young children over the course of 10 years in Glasgow which saw them attempt to 'call on spirits and demons'.

Two girls - one of whom was allegedly shut in a microwave, fridge, oven and freezer in an attempted to kill her - and one boy were forced to kill animals as well as being sexually abused by the group, it is claimed.

Members of the group have been charged with 43 offences with among the most serious being attempted murder and rape of young children.

Iain Owens, 44, Elaine Lannery, 38, Lesley Williams, 41, Paul Brannan, 40, Marianne Gallagher, 38, Scott Forbes, 49, Barry Watson, 46, Mark Carr, 49, Richard Gachagan, 45, Leona Laing, 50, and John Clark, 46, all deny the offences.

Four other people alleged to have been involved in the ring - Maureen Goudie, Steven McHendrie, Robert Brown, James McLean and Douglas Gachagan - have since died, according to court papers.

The High Court in Glasgow was told on Friday that the offences took place between January 2010 and March 2020 at a number of addresses in the city.

The group are alleged to have run a wheelchair over the legs of one of the girls, as well as putting a plastic bag over her head.

It's claimed she was made to eat cat food, as well as take drugs and alcohol, with the other girl also made to eat pet food.

The second girl was allegedly chased by an adult wearing a devil mask and hung by her jumper from a nail on the wall.

This culminated with her being pushed into and trapped inside a microwave, an oven, a fridge freezer and various cupboards, the court heard.

It is claimed one of the girls was threatened with being sent to Turkey with a male stranger, while the boy was put in a bath which they said was filled with blood.

The boy and older girl are alleged to have been made to take part in 'seances (and) use a Ouija board…to call on spirits and demons'.

The children were also involved in 'witchcraft' leading them to believe that they themselves had 'metamorphosed into animals'.

The 11 are further said to have worn cloaks and devil horns as well making the young boy stab a budgie to death.

The group are also accused of killing a number of dogs including getting the children to attack the animals.

It is claimed that all three children were raped and sexually assaulted by members of the ring, with some cheering and clapping while recording the offences.

Prosecutors allege that some members of the group paid for 'sexual services' from three of the children.

The court heard that when the older girl called the police she was threatened by members of the group and had her call disconnected.

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95e82e No.3232

File: 1efd5afade524a9⋯.png (32.65 KB,607x234,607:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109418 (091420ZJAN23) Notable: Supreme Court Dockets Brunson v. Adams Case That Challenges the Failure of Congress to Investigate Disputed Electoral College Votes

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Does this mean the SC voted to hear the case??

Supreme Court Dockets Brunson v. Adams Case That Challenges the Failure of Congress to Investigate Disputed Electoral College Votes ~ January 6, 2023


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95e82e No.3233

File: 10deb7078025d49⋯.png (1.81 MB,960x1409,960:1409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109472 (091433ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Jan 9 2023

Tails of Comet ZTF

Comet ZTF may become visible to the unaided eye. Discovered early last year, this massive snowball has been brightening as it approaches the Sun and the Earth. C/2022 E3 (ZTF) will be closest to the Sun later this week, at which time it may become visible even without binoculars to northern observers with a clear and dark sky. As they near the Sun, comet brightnesses are notoriously hard to predict, though. In the featured image taken last week in front of a picturesque star field, three blue ion tails extend to the upper right, likely the result of a variable solar wind on ions ejected by the icy comet nucleus. The comet's white dust tail is visible to the upper left and much shorter. The green glow is the comet's coma, caused by glowing carbon gas. Comet ZTF is expected to pass nearest the Earth in early February, after which it should dim dramatically.


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95e82e No.3234

File: 21b7df5064b4105⋯.jpeg (65.83 KB,574x559,574:559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109536 (091447ZJAN23) Notable: BRUNSON DENIED CERTIORARI.

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95e82e No.3235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109615 (091502ZJAN23) Notable: #22199

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>>3217 DOUGH

>>3218 @realDonaldTrump Remember when the lightweight andperennially wrongFailing New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman predicted

>>3219 Biden’s New Border Strategy: Blame Republicans First

>>3220 bill passed before Christmas shows that the U.S. Senate knows Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach

>>3221 Lead author of peer reviewed research re-analysing Pfizer & Moderna trials on mRNA vaccine

>>3222 (PB) Eva Peron 'allowed Nazis to hide out in Argentina in exchange for looted treasures


>>3225 American Airlines: 96% of Employees Vaccinated, Seeking Accomodation

>>3224 What military contractor doth thou retired General work(ed) for after thine retirement?

>>3226 So this just happened a few minutes ago. #DIEDSUDDENLY

>>3227 Anon curious about the Ukrainian salt mines

>>3228 TRUMP TRUTH Missing "s" Qmapped

>>3229 5th Circuit Delivers Big Ruling on Deposing Jen Psaki in Biden Social Media Collusion Case

>>3230 George Stephanopoulos Asks Rep Scott Perry to Recuse Himself

>>3231 Satanic child abuse ring shut victims in oven and filmed themselves gang raping them

>>3232 Supreme Court Dockets Brunson v. Adams Case That Challenges the Failure of Congress to Investigate Disputed Electoral College Votes

>>3233 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day



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95e82e No.3236

File: b5a5136c8e164ee⋯.png (383.69 KB,689x387,689:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109633 (091504ZJAN23) Notable: DOUGH

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#22200 https://fullchan.net/?417010e8b267d98b#7s8NYsRgpoh8CmVRdfTnxgm2DibPiBAyjaCjL1XiAK3t

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95e82e No.3237

File: ef51b432e2853a3⋯.png (19.94 KB,598x188,299:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109665 (091512ZJAN23) Notable: REP. MIKE ROGERS TO STEP DOWN FROM HOUSE GOP

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95e82e No.3238

File: 0c7868bcdff462b⋯.png (1.2 MB,994x1464,497:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109695 (091518ZJAN23) Notable: Covid-related tech was exploited for mass surveillance, just as we were warned

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Covid-related tech was exploited for mass surveillance, just as we were warned

Various governments across the world have co-opted digital tracing for use by police and intelligence services

New revelations show that the Covid pandemic has allowed for governments and Big Tech to expand the surveillance-industrial complex that tightens the state’s grip on thought and movement.

A recent batch of Twitter internal documents released by Elon Musk via journalist David Zweig on the platform itself reveals that one of the first meetings that the Biden Administration requested with Twitter executives was on the topic of Covid vaccines and specific high-profile accounts that deviated from the official narrative. “Twitter did suppress views – many from doctors and scientific experts – that conflicted with the official positions of the White House. As a result, legitimate findings and questions that would have expanded the public debate went missing,” Zweig wrote. He added that “with Covid, this bias bent heavily toward establishment dogmas,” and cited examples of various experts, including prominent epidemiologists, whose views were censored as a result of being qualified by the non-scientists at Twitter as Covid “misinformation.”

We’ve also learned from previous Twitter file releases under Musk of the cozy relationship between government officials – including those working for the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI – and big US social media outlets like Twitter, which routinely cooperated on various government priorities and agendas ranging from framing of foreign wars to promoting certain narratives about geopolitical competitors (like Russia) under the guise of fighting “disinformation.” All of this in an ostensibly democratic country that’s supposed to value free speech and debate.

It’s only now, when most Westerners are jabbed, that taboos on scientific information about the true efficacy of the vaccines (particularly on new variants), associated side-effects and risks (like myocarditis), and the high protective value of post-infection immunity, are being loosened and no longer routinely suppressed or vilified as dangerous fake news.

Just like they do with war propaganda, the US government and its Western allies went out of their way to manufacture consent, and they used the very same Big Tech platforms that were once the great hope of those seeking to break free from more controlled corporate media. And the gatekeepers of those platforms, like those at Twitter, were far too keen to abide. Under the guise of combating disinformation, citizens ended up applauding censorship and descending in lynch mobs on those designated as the current threat to virtuous Western societal norms – be they “Russians” or “anti-vaxxers.”

From Covid tracking to mass surveillance

And that’s not all that the pandemic has in common with other crises shamelessly exploited by governments. A new report by the Associated Press has found that the pandemic permitted the expansion of global surveillance, with police in multiple countries using “technologies and data to halt travel for activists and ordinary people, harass marginalized communities and link people’s health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools. In some cases, data was shared with spy agencies.”

According to the AP’s investigation, Israel’s domestic security agency, Shin Bet, has used contact tracing technology to track people located near a zone of unrest, sending them threatening messages even if they weren’t involved.

China’s health QR code system, managed by three separate levels of government, has required that Covid passes flash green to take a plane or train, but those en route to protests have inexplicably and routinely found their passes turning red.

Authorities in India reportedly used the Covid mask mandate as a pretext to scan faces with hand-held devices using facial recognition software, which can be added or compared to a preexisting database of criminals.

The watchdogs for Australia’s intelligence services disclosed in November 2020 that the country’s Covid contact tracing app was used by the spies to collect data on citizens – “incidentally” – even though it was deemed to be virtually useless in uncovering unidentified Covid cases. But Aussie police have since used the Covid app’s check-in data as an investigative tool, according to the AP.

The US government has used CIA-linked data company, Palantir Technologies, to “power the digital operating system for the U.S. public health response to the pandemic,” according to a February 2022 press release from the company, which has been awarded multiple contracts worth tens of millions of dollars amid the crisis.


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95e82e No.3239

File: b3381c98de8bbb3⋯.png (402.02 KB,598x575,26:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109716 (091523ZJAN23) Notable: Prince Harry: Royal family is a 'death cult' — Windsor Castle is a 'tomb'

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New York Post


Prince Harry: Royal family is a 'death cult' — Windsor Castle is a 'tomb'



Archive offline and repost if baker nuke this.

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95e82e No.3240

File: 3fd58b80d2ea3df⋯.png (431.79 KB,528x559,528:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109718 (091523ZJAN23) Notable: Marines announced they would be recalling @RedSox great Ted Williams to active duty

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#OTD in 1952, the Marines announced they would be recalling


great Ted Williams to active duty. Williams had served as a pilot during WWII and would fly another 39 combat missions in Korea, often as future astronaut John Glenn's wingman. He returned to play 8 more seasons


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95e82e No.3241

File: 349c858bce51f5e⋯.png (510.96 KB,1221x634,1221:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ee4499380b93c8⋯.png (483.23 KB,595x686,85:98,Clipboard.png)

File: 90220987e04c994⋯.png (346.66 KB,585x514,585:514,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d6c92c9324c9cc⋯.png (10.07 MB,1958x5287,1958:5287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109721 (091524ZJAN23) Notable: [59] today on the clock

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[59] today on the clock

[57] grandson holding deck of playing cards.

[54] when Joe Biden landed almost on top of US Playing Card Company in metro Cincinnati/Kentucky.

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95e82e No.3242

File: 768d0b78ed30a0c⋯.png (18.85 KB,509x248,509:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109737 (091528ZJAN23) Notable: SWISS NATIONAL BANK POSTED AN ANNUAL LOSS OF $142.67 BILLION IN 2022

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What a time to be alive.


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95e82e No.3243

File: 4e0ac17131faa0c⋯.png (207.54 KB,612x522,34:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109758 (091531ZJAN23) Notable: MTG - They cant stop what is coming

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95e82e No.3244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109788 (091538ZJAN23) Notable: Anon calls for 'Flood the zone' - Brunson case

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Basically, anons in every federal district should copy the Brunson complaint and file in their districts. Flood the zone.

All it would take would be for one Federal Court of Appeals to agree that Congress has a duty to investigate election fraud, and that would force the SC to hear the case.

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95e82e No.3245

File: affb8712b11a8f1⋯.png (171.82 KB,532x585,532:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109819 (091544ZJAN23) Notable: USCG You never know what you'll see out on patrol!

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Whale hello there 🐋👋

You never know what you'll see out on patrol! Interested in a #career like this?! Chat with a recruiter today to learn more about #career opportunities (and bonuses 💰) available in the Coast Guard: http://gocoastguard.com/chat-now #SemperParatus #militarycareer


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95e82e No.3246

File: 62ac4d849299123⋯.png (752.55 KB,998x1300,499:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109822 (091545ZJAN23) Notable: United Arab Emirates Says It Will Teach Holocaust in Schools

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United Arab Emirates Says It Will Teach Holocaust in Schools

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The United Arab Emirates will begin teaching about the Holocaust in history classes in primary and secondary schools across the country, the country’s embassy in the U.S. says.

The embassy provided no details on the curriculum and education authorities in the Emirates, a federation of seven sheikhdoms, did not immediately acknowledge the announcement on Monday.

However, the announcement comes after the UAE normalized relations with Israel in 2020 as part of a deal brokered by the administration of President Donald Trump.

“In the wake of the historic (hashtag) AbrahamAccords, (the UAE) will now include the Holocaust in the curriculum for primary and secondary schools,” the embassy said in a tweet, referring to the normalization deal that also saw Bahrain and ultimately Morocco also recognize Israel.

Ambassador Deborah E. Lipstadt, the U.S. special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, praised the announcement in her own tweet.

“Holocaust education is an imperative for humanity and too many countries, for too long, continue to downplay the Shoah for political reasons,” Lipstadt wrote, using a Hebrew word for the Holocaust. “I commend the UAE for this step and expect others to follow suit soon.”

The announcement comes ahead of a planned meeting of the Negev Forum Working Groups in Abu Dhabi this week, which grew out of the normalization. The meeting will see officials from Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, the UAE and the U.S. attend. Egypt has diplomatically recognized Israel for decades.

The Holocaust saw Nazi Germany systematically kill 6 million European Jews during World War II. Israel, founded in 1948 as a haven for Jews in the wake of the Holocaust, grants automatic citizenship to anyone of Jewish descent.

Other Arab nations have refused to diplomatically recognize Israel over its decades-long occupation of land Palestinians want for a future state.

The announcement by the UAE also comes after it and other Arab nations condemned an ultranationalist Israeli Cabinet minister for visiting a flashpoint Jerusalem holy site for the first time since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new far-right government took office.

The site, known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, is the holiest site in Judaism, home to the ancient biblical Temples. Today, it houses the Al Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam. Since Israel captured the site in 1967, Jews have been allowed to visit but not pray there.


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95e82e No.3247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109825 (091546ZJAN23) Notable: Prince Harry: Royal family is a 'death cult' — Windsor Castle is a 'tomb'

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“I saw that even our finest moments, and my best memories, somehow involved death,” the Invictus Games founder penned.

“Our lives were built on death, our brightest days shadowed by it. Looking back, I didn’t see spots of time, but dances with death . . . maybe we were a death cult.”

Harry also scribed how Windsor Castle — one of the Firm’s royal residences in England — is a “tomb, the walls filled with ancestors.”

The Tower of London, Harry explained, is “held together with the blood of animals.”

The dedication page has also been revealed from the leaked book, with William, 40, nor his father, King Charles, 74, making the list.



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95e82e No.3248

File: 7ae69cfdc717007⋯.png (697.78 KB,996x1294,498:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109838 (091548ZJAN23) Notable: Fauci responds to Musk's Twitter-data leak threat

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Fauci responds to Musk's Twitter-data leak threat

The former White House medical adviser says he’s not worried if “files” about him are released

Former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci has dismissed criticism from Twitter owner Elon Musk as 'disinformation' and 'conspiracy theories'. His remarks came after Musk hinted that documents related to Fauci could soon be released.

Last month, the billionaire tweeted “my pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci.” On January 1, Musk responded to a tweet that read “Waiting for… Fauci Files” by replying “later this week.”

“I have no idea what he’s talking about. I mean, there’s a lot of misinformation, conspiracy theories and disinformation going on,” Fauci said on Friday while appearing on CBS News’ podcast ‘The Takeout’. He added that he was not “concerned” about Musk’s tweets.

Asked about the ‘prosecute’ tweet, Fauci reiterated that he did not “have a clue” what Musk meant. “I have nothing to say to him. I don’t understand what he’s doing. It’s just unfortunate,” he added.

Musk, who bought Twitter last year and promised more transparency on how the platform operated, has published a series of internal documents that shed light on how the company had worked with law enforcement agencies and political operatives in order to suppress narratives considered to be disinformation.

Fauci, who stepped down as the head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) on December 31, had been the public face of the White House’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Republicans vowed to investigate Fauci for “unnecessarily” strict lockdown recommendations and suspicions that he lied about the origins of Covid. Fauci was also criticized for a research grant the US National Institute of Health (NIH) had given to a virology laboratory in Wuhan, the Chinese city where Covid was first detected.

Fauci defended the grant on CBS News, saying “collaborative research… has been something extremely beneficial to society in general.”

“A very small grant of about $120,000 a year was given to the Chinese, which has, in the matter of fact, resulted in research that was able to definitively prove that the original SARS-CoV-1 went from a bat to a civet cat to a human,” Fauci said, referring to an outbreak in the early 2000s.


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95e82e No.3249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109861 (091552ZJAN23) Notable: OCC Issues Annual Report for 2022

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OCC Issues Annual Report for 2022

January 5, 2023

WASHINGTON—The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today published its 2022 Annual Report. The OCC Annual Report provides Congress with an overview of the condition of the federal banking system, discusses the OCC's strategic priorities and initiatives, and shares the agency’s financial management and condition.



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95e82e No.3250

File: 7a5244ae2d0489a⋯.png (771.96 KB,994x1318,497:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109871 (091554ZJAN23) Notable: New Zealand to immunize people with non-approved mpox vaccine

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New Zealand to immunize people with non-approved mpox vaccine

As monkeypox returns to New Zealand, the government seeks to immunize people despite the vaccine remaining non-approved.

Authorities in New Zealand are reportedly preparing to immunize the populace against mpox, also known as monkeypox, using a vaccine that hasn't yet received approval, local media reported on Monday.

The New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority, or Medsafe, has requested the appropriate documentation from the producer, preventing the authorities from releasing the vaccine as fast as they would want, according to the 1News TV channel in New Zealand.

According to the media, there won't be much of a marketing effort and the vaccine's proprietary name won't be utilized because it is illegal to sell unapproved medications.

Associate Health Minister Ayesha Verrall reaffirmed with "that’s right, we can’t [promote or advertise unapproved medicines]. But we are making sure that everyone has the opportunity for a funded visit with their medical practitioner to discuss whether the vaccine is right for them."

Imminent threat of renewed Monkeypox outbreak remains, experts warn

Although the monkeypox outbreak has been receding globally in recent months, experts warned in October that the virus may resurge, as some African countries are still faced with this burden as it has long been endemic.

The World Health Organization said this week that since the month of May, more than 73,000 cases and 29 deaths have been recorded in over 100 countries.

The virus peaked in July, followed by a consistent fall in total cases, especially in the European and North American continents which were the hardest hit areas in the early stages of the global outbreak.


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95e82e No.3251

File: 2748a28f71bb6ba⋯.png (24.75 KB,520x211,520:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 29ff296124390c3⋯.png (14.12 KB,413x302,413:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109877 (091554ZJAN23) Notable: @HillaryClinton The people of Brazil voted in a free and fair election. Their choices must be respected. (#Panic)

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The people of Brazil voted in a free and fair election. Their choices must be respected. I stand with them and condemn yesterday's attacks on the peaceful transition of power and the rule of law.


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95e82e No.3252

File: 5cb023463b68cf3⋯.png (1.23 MB,1178x1286,589:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109919 (091604ZJAN23) Notable: Planefagging over Brazil

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-#Brazil Air Force Embraer VC-99B FAB2580

-Brazil Air Force Embraer C-99A FAB2522

-Brazil Air Force Embraer P-95BM Banderulha FAB7106

-Brazil Air Force Embraer IU-50 FAB3603

-Brazil Air Force CASA SC-105 Persuader FAB6550

-Brazil Air Force Embraer KC-390 FAB2857


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95e82e No.3253

File: 21b24c181e5a797⋯.png (227.6 KB,769x424,769:424,Clipboard.png)

File: f06a8a4807915d3⋯.png (470.5 KB,740x414,370:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109934 (091605ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Housekeeping:

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Planefag Housekeeping: SAM501 C-40B left Mexico City after dropping off Blinken >>3119 pb and is at San Antonio Int'l., >>2995 pb JASDF JF001 and 002 777s went to Paris on it's first stop of a week long trip byPM Kishida

Japan PM in Paris to discuss Ukraine, climate, food security


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95e82e No.3254

File: cb05fed31f61223⋯.png (204.49 KB,717x416,717:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18109985 (091616ZJAN23) Notable: Planefagging over Brazil

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Add in ZEUS56 (FAB2856 Embraer 390) at Anápolis Air Force Base switched on and sitting at the end of taxi way-departed gating area about 30m ago and on 'hold' also PRFDG heading towards São Paulo at 3100ft

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95e82e No.3255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110006 (091619ZJAN23) Notable: State Sovereign Immunity, Federalism, and Preemption

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State Sovereign Immunity, Federalism, and Preemption

Primary tabs

The Court decided a number of important cases addressing the relationship between states and the Federal government under the Constitution.

In Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy v. Stewart (09-529), the Court held that principles of state sovereign immunity did not prevent Virginia's Office for Protection and Advocacy ("VOPA") from suing the State of Virginia in Federal court to enforce Federal law. Federal legislation had offered states money for implementing assistance programs for people with disabilities. Virginia had created VOPA as an independent agency pursuant to this legislation, and VOPA was seeking injunctive relief to compel the State to disclose documents pursuant to the Federal law. The majority held this to be permissible under Eleventh Amendment sovereign immunity principles. Chief Justice Roberts, joined by Justice Alito, dissented strongly, arguing that the majority's holding represents a dangerous intrusion into state sovereign immunity and will lead more state agencies to sue state officers in Federal court.

In Bond v. U.S. (09-1227), the Court held that a person indicted under a Federal statute has standing to challenge the statute on the Tenth Amendment grounds that, in enacting the statute, the Federal government invaded state powers under the Constitution. The question was whether individuals can assert states' rights under the Tenth Amendment, or whether this is something that is left to states. The Court held that an individual's right not to be jailed for an allegedly unconsitutional law does not belong to the states. "Federalism secures the freedom of the individual," and thus creates individual rights alongside state rights, according to the Court.

In three cases involving significant Federal legislation, conflicting state law and state law claims were held to be preempted. In AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion (09-893), a divided Court held that the Federal Arbitration Act preempts a California law that rendered arbitration agreements unenforceable if they involved waiver of class-wide arbitration. In Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC (09-152), the Court held that the Federal National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 preempts design defect claims brought under state law against vaccine manufacturers. And Pliva, Inc. v. Mensing (09-993, 09-1039, 09-1501) held that Federal drug regulations applicable to generic drug manufacturers preempt state tort law claims based on an alleged failure to provide adequate warning labels. Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg dissented in all three of these cases; Justices Breyer and Kagan joined the dissents in the Concepcion and Mensing cases.

In Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting (09-115) a divided Court held that Arizona's controversial law penalizing the employment of illegal immigrants is not preempted by Federal immigration law. The majority reasoned that the Arizona statute doesn't conflict with Federal immigration law; dissenting Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, and Sotomayor disagreed


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95e82e No.3256

File: 27c796abe9ba145⋯.png (342.55 KB,766x423,766:423,Clipboard.png)

File: ad636ce330b784e⋯.png (303.44 KB,297x549,33:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110029 (091623ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Trudope/wife in CFC01 CC-150 Polaris departed Ottawa Int'l and heading for Santa Lucia AB-where Potato is parked at

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PF: Trudope/wife in CFC01 CC-150 Polaris departed Ottawa Int'l and heading for Santa Lucia AB-where Potato is parked at

The Prime Minister and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau will depart Canada for Mexico City where he will attend the North American Leaders’ Summit.


>>2819 pb Big week for US-Mexico ties going into North American summit

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95e82e No.3257

File: f44b8ce977816a4⋯.png (10.32 KB,408x163,408:163,Clipboard.png)

File: d8ba1a7fbd24ac8⋯.png (45.65 KB,531x376,531:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110058 (091627ZJAN23) Notable: Thousands line up for a sniff of the world's STINKIEST flower

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Thousands line up for a sniff of the world's STINKIEST flower - which reeks of rotting flesh, off cheese AND dead fish


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95e82e No.3258

File: eada4d0f8f8e4f2⋯.png (178.97 KB,548x780,137:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110064 (091629ZJAN23) Notable: STOP THE NONSENSE Kari Lake calling out Katie Hobbs #WickedWokeness

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Kari Lake calling out Katie Hobbs Wicked Wokeness

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95e82e No.3259

File: b62d4576a477c29⋯.png (13.44 KB,497x157,497:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110068 (091630ZJAN23) Notable: Cargo ship "MV Glory" with grain from Ukraine runs aground in the Suez Canal.

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Cargo ship "MV Glory" with grain from Ukraine runs aground in the Suez Canal.


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95e82e No.3260

File: 5c1288b2429e18c⋯.png (20.49 KB,509x208,509:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110108 (091635ZJAN23) Notable: pb Qmapping China's 57 Warplanes and 4 Ships - 13Day Delta

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At least 57 warplanes and four ships belonging to the Chinese People's Liberation Army were detected near Taiwan in the past 24 hours, the Taiwanese Defense Ministry said


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95e82e No.3261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110121 (091637ZJAN23) Notable: Elon Musk Calls out Sussmann, Perkins Coie for ‘Attempt to Corrupt a Presidential Election’

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Elon Musk Calls out Sussmann, Perkins Coie for ‘Attempt to Corrupt a Presidential Election’

by Joel B. Pollak 8 Dec 2022745


Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk called out Democrat-aligned law firm Perkins Coie LLP for its alleged “attempt to corrupt a presidential election” through its role in the “Russia collusion” hoax during the 2016 race.

Twitter isn’t using Perkins Coie. No company should use them until they make amends for Sussman’s attempt to corrupt a Presidential election.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 9, 2022

In 2017, the Washington Post exposed that election attorney Marc E. Elias, who was then at Perkins Coie, hired the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, using money from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton on losing the election

CBS Sunday Morning


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95e82e No.3262

File: 1db8f5a920a0c59⋯.png (397.3 KB,752x781,752:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ab41c44a2154c7⋯.png (281.46 KB,560x704,35:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 6857867d953bfd6⋯.png (1.96 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110122 (091638ZJAN23) Notable: Johnny Depp attorney Camille Vasquez lands NBC News gig

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Johnny Depp attorney Camille Vasquez lands NBC News gig

January 9, 2023 10:20am Updated

Camille Vasquez, the attorney who became a media sensation while representing actor Johnny Depp in his defamation case against ex-wife Amber Heard, has landed a gig at NBC News.

Vasquez made her initial appearance on the network in an official capacity on Monday morning, when “Today” host Hoda Kotb introduced the attorney as an “NBC News legal analyst.”

The network confirmed Vasquez’s hiring in a tweet.

The Post has reached out to NBC News and Vasquez for comment.

Media outlets reportedly engaged in a fierce competition to land Vasquez’s services, with “at least three national news divisions” attempting to hire her as an analyst or contributor, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Vasquez became a household name and viral sensation last year during the highly-scrutinized Depp trial, where she served as lead attorney alongside Benjamin Chew. She frequently sparred with Heard during the trial’s cross-examination phase.

The case culminated in a win for Depp and more than $10 million in damages.

In her first appearance on NBC, Vasquez provided analysis on the legal fallout from the arrest of Brian Kohberger, the suspect currently in custody for the murders of four college students in Moscow, Idaho last year.

The attorney said prosecutors had an “extremely strong” case against Kohberger.

“The police and the investigators are not in the business of telling us everything they have,” Vasquez said. “They want to put enough to get probable cause to get a judge to sign that search warrant.”

Vasquez is a partner at Brown Rudnick, where she serves as co-chair of the law firm’s brand & reputation management group.

“Camille is adept at formulating offensive and defensive litigation strategies for private clients,” her bio on the law firm’s website says. “She also has extensive experience handling parallel reputation management and crisis communications issues arising from these engagements.”


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95e82e No.3263

File: 8d5ff7c56f23860⋯.jpeg (86.76 KB,600x720,5:6,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d26342a76e35efd⋯.jpg (109.41 KB,1280x750,128:75,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 188116cfee1c91e⋯.jpg (73.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110123 (091638ZJAN23) Notable: Which Mike Rogers do NPCs admire most

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Which Mike Rogers do NPCs admire most based on social media evidence?

1) Cheese eating Mike Rogers

2) Admiral Michael Rogers

3) Roger, 'Bama Mike

4) NPCs never heard of any Mike Roger kthx

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95e82e No.3264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110141 (091640ZJAN23) Notable: The court’s latest dive into state sovereign immunity pits military veterans against state agencies

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The court’s latest dive into state sovereign immunity pits military veterans against state agencies

Suzanna Sherry

on Mar 28, 2022 at 11:53 am

1 of 3

In Torres v. Texas Department of Public Safety, to be argued on Tuesday, the Supreme Court will decide whether a private individual can sue his state-agency employer for violating the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994.

Among other provisions, USERRA requires both state and private employers to rehire former employees back into the same position after they have completed military service. If the employee incurs a disability during military service that renders him or her unable to perform the duties of the prior position, the employer must instead place that person in a position “that provides a similar status and pay” to the original position. USERRA allows individuals to sue non-compliant employers in either state or federal court.

Le Roy Torres served as both a Texas state trooper and a U.S. Army reservist. In November 2007, he was called to active duty and deployed to Iraq. While deployed, he suffered lung damage from burn pits – the infamous waste disposal method used by the U.S. military that produced toxic fumes and long-term health damage for many veterans – and was honorably discharged. Because his lung damage prevented him from performing all of his duties as a state trooper, Torres requested that the Texas Department of Public Safety reemploy him in a different position. The department ultimately refused to do so, and Torres sued in Texas state court under USERRA.

The department responded by arguing that, as a state agency, it was immune from suit. Although the state trial court rejected that argument, a divided Texas court of appeals reversed, holding that the department was protected from suit by the federal constitutional doctrine of state sovereign immunity. The Texas supreme court declined to hear the case.

State sovereign immunity has a checkered history. The original Constitution says nothing about whether states are immune from suit, but it does confer jurisdiction on the federal courts to hear suits “between a State and Citizens of another State.” In 1793, in Chisholm v. Georgia, the Supreme Court relied on this language to allow a suit against Georgia by an out-of-state creditor. (The Georgia House responded by passing a bill providing that anyone seeking to enforce Chisholm would be “guilty of a felony and shall suffer death, without benefit of clergy, by being hanged.”)

Chisholm was, not surprisingly, unpopular with the states. In 1795, they ratified the 11th Amendment, which provides that “[t]he Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State.”

Despite the apparently narrow language of the amendment – limited to suits in federal court brought by non-citizens of the state – the court held in 1890 in Hans v. Louisiana that it precluded all suits against a state (or its agencies) in federal court, including suits brought by state citizens to enforce federal constitutional provisions. More than a hundred years later, in Alden v. Maine in 1999, the court extended sovereign immunity to suits brought in state court. The Alden court also explained that state sovereign immunity is not derived solely from the text of the 11th Amendment, but rather from “fundamental postulates” and “the Founders’ understanding” of constitutional structure.

The court has erected a complex and elaborate jurisprudential structure governing Congress’ authority to remove, or abrogate, states’ immunity from suit. In 1976, it held that Congress could abrogate immunity by acting under Section 5 of the 14th Amendment, which gives Congress power to enforce that amendment. But in 1996, it held that Congress could not abrogate immunity using its Article I power to regulate interstate commerce. In both Alden and the 1996 case, Seminole Tribe of Florida v. Florida, the court suggested – in what many regard as dicta –that Congress could not use any of its Article I powers to abrogate state sovereign immunity


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95e82e No.3265

File: 50b97666db698cc⋯.png (1.16 MB,968x1293,968:1293,Clipboard.png)

File: f19b5eda820bf02⋯.png (8.52 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: f4a69c1bb41cd6f⋯.png (3.91 MB,1793x1179,1793:1179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110142 (091640ZJAN23) Notable: @POTUS Our problems at the border didn’t arise overnight. And they won’t be solved overnight.

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Our problems at the border didn’t arise overnight. And they won’t be solved overnight.

But, we can come together to fix this broken system.

We can secure the border and fix the immigration process to be orderly, fair, safe, and humane.

9:34 PM · Jan 8, 2023

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95e82e No.3266

File: b9a3abff1e316b0⋯.jpeg (225.91 KB,1600x3000,8:15,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110147 (091640ZJAN23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMonday

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Happy #MelaniaMonday

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95e82e No.3267

File: 8f60f9fa0c635a3⋯.png (122.35 KB,1204x584,301:146,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f32537dafb05c6⋯.png (572.7 KB,698x503,698:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110214 (091651ZJAN23) Notable: Wholesale Used Car Prices Down 14.9%

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Wholesale Used Car Prices Down 14.9% Year-over-year; Largest Annual Decline on Record

Wholesale used-vehicle prices (on a mix, mileage, and seasonally adjusted basis) increased 0.8% in December from November. The Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index (MUVVI) rose to 219.3, down 14.9% from a year ago. This was the largest annualized decline in the series’ history. December’s increase was driven by the seasonal adjustment. The non-adjusted price change in December was a decline of 1.9% compared to November, moving the unadjusted average price down 13.1% year over year. This index from Manheim Consulting is based on all completed sales transactions at Manheim’s U.S. auctions.

The Manheim index suggests used car prices increased slightly in December (seasonally adjusted) and were down 14.9% year-over-year (YoY). It is likely this index will be down further YoY in early 2023.


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95e82e No.3268

File: a25ae6cc14bf2e6⋯.png (586.47 KB,879x802,879:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110264 (091700ZJAN23) Notable: Bolsonaro admitted to Hospital

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>Bolsonaro admitted to Hospital


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95e82e No.3269

File: 62e65edd5a2d770⋯.png (21.84 KB,528x236,132:59,Clipboard.png)

File: e919b5ece9d9252⋯.png (37.66 KB,527x520,527:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110300 (091707ZJAN23) Notable: @gospaceforce Does the idea of a sea-launched ballistic missile keep you up at night?

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Does the idea of a sea-launched ballistic missile keep you up at night? Just us?

Don’t worry, you can sleep soundly thanks to the hard work of our Space Systems Operators.


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95e82e No.3270

File: 4ad66fa2f57710c⋯.jpg (57.56 KB,483x538,483:538,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110314 (091709ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAndyBiggsAZ Today is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

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Rep Andy Biggs


Today is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

I am eternally grateful for the courageous men and women who protect our American communities at the expense of their own lives.

I will always Back the Blue.

10:54 AM · Jan 9, 2023


Andy Biggs supports the two-tiered JustUs System.

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95e82e No.3271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110368 (091716ZJAN23) Notable: #22200

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>>3236 DOUGH


>>3238 Covid-related tech was exploited for mass surveillance, just as we were warned

>>3239, >>3247 Prince Harry: Royal family is a 'death cult' — Windsor Castle is a 'tomb'

>>3240 Marines announced they would be recalling @RedSox great Ted Williams to active duty

>>3241 [59] today on the clock


>>3243 MTG - They cant stop what is coming

>>3244 Anon calls for 'Flood the zone' - Brunson case

>>3245 USCG You never know what you'll see out on patrol!

>>3246 United Arab Emirates Says It Will Teach Holocaust in Schools

>>3248 Fauci responds to Musk's Twitter-data leak threat

>>3249 OCC Issues Annual Report for 2022

>>3250 New Zealand to immunize people with non-approved mpox vaccine

>>3251 @HillaryClinton The people of Brazil voted in a free and fair election. Their choices must be respected. (#Panic)

>>3252, >>3254 Planefagging over Brazil

>>3253 Planefag Housekeeping:

>>3255 State Sovereign Immunity, Federalism, and Preemption

>>3257 Thousands line up for a sniff of the world's STINKIEST flower

>>3258 STOP THE NONSENSE Kari Lake calling out Katie Hobbs #WickedWokeness

>>3259 Cargo ship "MV Glory" with grain from Ukraine runs aground in the Suez Canal.

>>3260 At least 57 warplanes and four ships belonging to the Chinese People's Liberation Army were detected near Taiwan in the past 24 hours,

>>3261 Elon Musk Calls out Sussmann, Perkins Coie for ‘Attempt to Corrupt a Presidential Election’

>>3262 Johnny Depp attorney Camille Vasquez lands NBC News gig

>>3263 Which Mike Rogers do NPCs admire most

>>3264 The court’s latest dive into state sovereign immunity pits military veterans against state agencies

>>3265 @POTUS Our problems at the border didn’t arise overnight. And they won’t be solved overnight.

>>3266 Happy #MelaniaMonday

>>3267 Wholesale Used Car Prices Down 14.9%

>>3268 Bolsonaro admitted to Hospital

>>3256 PF: Trudope/wife in CFC01 CC-150 Polaris departed Ottawa Int'l and heading for Santa Lucia AB-where Potato is parked at

>>3269 @gospaceforce Does the idea of a sea-launched ballistic missile keep you up at night?

>>3270 @RepAndyBiggsAZ Today is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.


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95e82e No.3272

File: 5c1288b2429e18c⋯.png (20.49 KB,509x208,509:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110385 (091719ZJAN23) Notable: DOUGH

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#22201 https://fullchan.net/?802efa192223c9b8#5xBU4hfGF7jCc5ZkKqptgib2bvTs8ixepQbftSu86B1U


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95e82e No.3273

File: 366170006b08856⋯.png (286.44 KB,1206x500,603:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 686a2737483bf5d⋯.png (577.36 KB,1230x824,615:412,Clipboard.png)

File: 94910d42e0cdb56⋯.png (384.93 KB,1208x606,604:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110401 (091721ZJAN23) Notable: 'They' are Panicking - Brazil

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Looks like they're telling all the usual WEF/DS/NWO shills and criminals to get out there and protect their fake election.

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95e82e No.3274

File: a45d2727bfe1269⋯.png (325.03 KB,527x554,527:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110416 (091724ZJAN23) Notable: Richard Nixon was born on this date in 1913

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. PRESIDENT! Richard Nixon was born on this date in 1913 and we are celebrating today with FREE admission to the museum! For his 60th birthday #OTD in 1973, President Nixon wrote notes reflecting on his life. These pages are in our archive holdings.


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95e82e No.3275

File: aecbab9a3547dae⋯.png (428.08 KB,795x644,795:644,Clipboard.png)

File: 3386c074fdb49c3⋯.png (70.31 KB,573x623,573:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 02ea12ae9a55d46⋯.png (83.37 KB,475x639,475:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f3cc41f81a341b⋯.png (116.94 KB,445x655,89:131,Clipboard.png)

File: b833bcd5f47aa19⋯.png (98.24 KB,434x646,217:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110425 (091725ZJAN23) Notable: What Spygate Tells Us About The Google, Facebook, And Twitter Files

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95e82e No.3276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110433 (091726ZJAN23) Notable: Daily Beast “Journalist” Who Smeared Matt Gaetz and Herschel Walker Used to Work For a SANCTIONED CHINESE MILITARY COMPANY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily Beast “Journalist” Who Smeared Matt Gaetz and Herschel Walker Used to Work For a SANCTIONED CHINESE MILITARY COMPANY

This story takes the phrase “enemy of the people” to uncharted levels. The War Room revealed today that The Daily Beast’s Roger Sollenberger, who has become known for his smears of prominent conservatives, used to work for a sanctioned military company closely linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Before entering the corporate “journalism” world, Sollenberger worked as an employee for the CCP-linked drone company DJI. This company has ties to the China’s military and has been sanctioned by the U.S. Government since 2017 for “selectively targeting government and privately owned entities within these sectors to expand its ability to collect and exploit sensitive U.S. data.”


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95e82e No.3277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110436 (091727ZJAN23) Notable: Why are the latest Q post not active? ( BO ) new

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why are Q's posts being erased?

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95e82e No.3278

File: 4c45d52d7e189ac⋯.png (242.73 KB,646x558,323:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110437 (091727ZJAN23) Notable: pb Qmapping China's 57 Warplanes and 4 Ships - 13Day Delta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

57 warplanes and 4 ships

Q574 21-Jan-2018

13 day delta?

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95e82e No.3279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110441 (091727ZJAN23) Notable: All pb lb re: sequence of Melania Comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

All pb lb

re: sequence of Melania Comms

>>3266 Red Wave Coming

>>>/qresearch/18110177 Buckle Up!

>>>/qresearch/18110213 McCleod

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95e82e No.3280

File: 4e4a941c7b98c3b⋯.png (24.8 KB,685x264,685:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110442 (091727ZJAN23) Notable: Why are the latest Q post not active? ( BO ) new

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why are Q;s posts being ERASED?

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95e82e No.3281

File: cabba4b6e00bb9b⋯.png (263.66 KB,910x474,455:237,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ac82222b13b882⋯.png (526.92 KB,867x428,867:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e7b21af207dccc⋯.png (710.92 KB,846x548,423:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110486 (091734ZJAN23) Notable: pb Qmapping China's 57 Warplanes and 4 Ships - 13Day Delta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>3260 pb At least 57 warplanes and four ships belonging to the Chinese People's Liberation Army were detected near Taiwan in the past 24 hours

64-14846 Rivet Joint was running a hard pattern just off China (Ningbo delta south to Taiwan straight) and returned to Kadena AB Okinawa about 5 hours ago and another one SNOOP44arrived at Yokota AB about 9h ago

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95e82e No.3282

File: bba9cf47d556415⋯.png (404.33 KB,762x841,762:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 0791ffe6144183c⋯.png (282.7 KB,736x735,736:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110510 (091738ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder MTG went on Foxnews trashing Qanon (Anonymous Baker Approves)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MTG went on Foxnews trashing Q(anon)

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95e82e No.3283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110547 (091743ZJAN23) Notable: If you missed notables, Brazil's Bolsonaro hospitalized in the U.S. with abdominal pain - report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 minute readJanuary 9, 202312:11 PM ESTLast Updated 27 min ago

Brazil's Bolsonaro hospitalized in the U.S. with abdominal pain - report


SAO PAULO, Jan 9 (Reuters) - Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was admitted to a hospital in Orlando, Florida, with "abdominal pain," newspaper O Globo reported on Monday, a day after some of his hardcore supporters stormed the capital city of Brasilia.


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95e82e No.3284

File: 07c4a9b20caa25e⋯.png (25.64 KB,469x177,469:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c91455f46a127d⋯.png (21.16 KB,468x149,468:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110563 (091745ZJAN23) Notable: PDJT - Wow, those TRUMP Hating Late Night Network “Shows” are doing really badly… (badly?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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95e82e No.3285

File: 867ac2e7dbc307d⋯.jpg (151.09 KB,1076x1434,538:717,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110575 (091747ZJAN23) Notable: German Gov't claims investigating Covid vaccines would be 'dangerous for democracy'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Govts everywhere are petrified of the truth emerging

German Gov't claims investigating Covid vaccines would be 'dangerous for democracy'


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95e82e No.3286

File: b88178eaf410b42⋯.jpg (156.14 KB,720x879,240:293,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de0303ac80ad983⋯.jpg (2.56 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110594 (091750ZJAN23) Notable: Mrs. Biden - Began my trip to Mexico City with a visit to the beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Began my trip to Mexico City with a visit to the beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


An odd picture

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95e82e No.3287

File: 491ddf819efac59⋯.png (94.68 KB,1257x740,1257:740,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110606 (091752ZJAN23) Notable: In case you missed notables, Swiss central bank posts biggest loss in its 116-year history

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Swiss central bank posts biggest loss in its 116-year history


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95e82e No.3288

File: 88fe58a771d4b26⋯.png (1 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110607 (091752ZJAN23) Notable: Jim Jordan to chair 'Weaponization of Government' Select Committee (#WeaponizedCongress)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Jordan to chair 'Weaponization of Government' Select Committee

Jan 9, 2023

This investigative panel will demand emails and correspondence between the Biden administration and big tech companies, and follows the massive revelations that came to light through the recent release of the Twitter Files.

The 118th House of Representatives will see the formation of a new select committee, headed by Jim Jordan, to dig into the abuse of power and the Weaponization of Government. This investigative panel will demand emails and correspondence between the Biden administration and big tech companies, and follows the massive revelations that came to light through the recent release of the Twitter Files.

Newly minted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was elected to Speaker after a hard-fought, contentious battle on the House floor last week as power and priority struggles played out in his own party, was asked to form the committee as part of the negotiations that brought him to power, Axios reports. Jordan was one of the 15 members of Congress who nominated McCarthy for Speaker last week, just as many in his party nominated and voted for him.

"The probe into communications between tech giants and President Biden's aides will look for government pressure that could have resulted in censorship or harassment of conservatives — or squelching of debate on polarizing policies, including the CDC on COVID," Axios reports.

If government personnel and agencies do not comply, subpoenas are likely to be issued, per a GOP source. The GOP is committed to digging into "the politicization of the FBI," which not only includes the work done to discredit accurate reporting from the New York Post in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, but the allegations of Russian election interference in the lead-up to the 2016 election.

The use of Biden's Department of Justice to go after parents who spoke out angrily at school board meetings will be investigated as well. Ohio's Jordan was instrumental in the discovery that the letter requesting a DOJ investigation into these parents, issued by the National School Boards Association, was actually requested to be written by Merrick Garland's DOJ in the first place. The head of the NSBA was then given a plum post in the administration.

Biden's Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci will also be a focus of this new GOP investigation. The Twitter Files revealed that social media companies were pressured to toe the Democratic Party line on Covid and Covid treatments.

The concerns over parents speaking out began when a man attended a school board meeting in Loudon County, Virginia, to speak against the school board and school administrators that had covered up the rape of his daughter by another student in the school bathroom. That man was arrested, and his outburst used by the Biden administration to target parents who opposed mandatory masking in schools, pornographic and explicit content, as well as critical race and gender theory.

The Twitter Files showed unequivocally that the Biden administration, as well as those within the campaign leading up to the 2020 election and pro-Biden personnel in federal government, worked to suppress information that would have been detrimental to Biden. This suppression was undertaken by telling Twitter, and other tech companies, that so-called misinformation would be emerging that targeted Biden's youngest and only living son Hunter Biden.

Tech companies believed the federal employees in the FBI and law enforcement, and when the New York Post reported on allegations of influence peddling on the Biden name and shady business dealings benefiting the Biden family, Twitter censored it outright, as did Facebook.

While the GOP controls the House but not the Senate or the White House, they will be able to launch investigations to get to the bottom of just how much the Biden administration manipulated and lied to the American public, but will be unlikely to be able to make or pass laws, since they would not have the votes in the Senate.


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95e82e No.3289

File: 54f4d40bb06c373⋯.png (341.96 KB,656x443,656:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110613 (091753ZJAN23) Notable: Never Forget, Federal Reserve Act Signed into Law December 23, 1913'''

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Federal Reserve Act signed on Dec 23 and announced to public on Christmas Eve-the start of Noel season

'''Federal Reserve Act Signed into Law

December 23, 1913'''

President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in December 1913, culminating three years of discussion and debate over the development of a central bank.


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95e82e No.3290

File: 675d7d7d22c154c⋯.png (78.98 KB,898x493,898:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a1f863cf721ee4⋯.png (148.17 KB,913x943,913:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110621 (091754ZJAN23) Notable: Anon Calls for @SuddenlyDied List - Someone should start a List and document these sudden deaths?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Polnigger is keeping track

Death List Anon (ID: 2wkxouev) 01/09/23(Mon)08:06:23 No.411503022▶

File: Dr Wilson Chin.png (429 KB, 659x728)

429 KB

>>>/qresearch/411502144 (OP)



Someone should start a List and document these sudden deaths?

Oh wait I have

"We will show them………………………………..

*2023 Death (List)*


*2022 Death (List)*


*2021 Death (List) Part A*


*2021 Death (List) Part B*


………………………………….. We will show them all"


- Ashari Hughes, 16, American Desert Oasis High School Student has collapsed and died while playing Flag Football

(January 5th, 2023, Deceased, Vaccinated Status Unknown, Suspected Cardiac Arrest)

Hughes' family noted that Ashari suffered from ongoing Heart-related issues but was cleared by Her Doctor to play


- Briana Kromer, 21, American US Army Service Member at Ft. Sill Oklahoma has died suddenly on Christmas Day

(December 25th, 2022, Deceased, Vaccinated Status Unknown, Suspected Heart Attack)

*Note All US Army Service Members are required tobe vaccinated by December 15th, 2021



- Greta Dyrmishi, 24, Albanian Flight Attendant has collapsed and died suddenly from Heart Attack shortly after landing in London

(December 21st, 2022, Deceased, Vaccinated Status Unknown, Heart Attack)



*P.s I won't stop shilling the Death Lists till I get my 3 shots too the back of the head Hilldawg style *that's my preferred suicide method*

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95e82e No.3291

File: 7a6bdc744161b9e⋯.jpeg (283.78 KB,750x741,250:247,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110638 (091758ZJAN23) Notable: Trudeau in route to Mexico City to meet with Biden (USMCA?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What are they doing there?


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95e82e No.3292

File: 0390b6bdffb3c19⋯.jpeg (268.25 KB,1241x1036,1241:1036,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1f7ce9c9793a223⋯.jpeg (488.86 KB,1242x1765,1242:1765,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 81f1e135c8ef4bd⋯.jpeg (158.44 KB,1241x820,1241:820,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110706 (091806ZJAN23) Notable: @KariLakeWarRoom Cindy McCain is sponsoring @katiehobbs's inauguration and working for Joe Biden.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

All the right DS for Hobbs


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95e82e No.3293

File: 75b9e689080f254⋯.png (1023.37 KB,3304x1651,3304:1651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110744 (091810ZJAN23) Notable: Anon Qmaps TS Trump Post - MSM on Notice (Extra T)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



MSM on Notice

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95e82e No.3294

File: 36084a1ba96dd8b⋯.png (348.18 KB,530x582,265:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110748 (091810ZJAN23) Notable: @SpecialTactics_ WHEELS UP, 'CHUTES DOWN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



#SpecialTactics airmen from the 24th Special Operations Wing participated in a Mission Generation exercise with C-17 Globemaster IIIs from the


last week. Stay tuned for more from the exercise this week showcasing operators in action.


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95e82e No.3295

File: c909dbf3c7ab571⋯.jpeg (75.46 KB,1075x928,1075:928,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110771 (091812ZJAN23) Notable: Cher not looking too good these days?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cher’s looking well

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95e82e No.3296

File: 9cd79704bbe8c16⋯.jpeg (145.36 KB,1241x1232,1241:1232,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110775 (091813ZJAN23) Notable: Election Fraud Infrastructure: Your Government At Work!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

January 9, 2023

Election Fraud Infrastructure: Your Government At Work!

By Jay Valentine.1 of 2

There is nothing so unnerving as government-initiated election fraud, perpetrated by both political parties, hiding in plain sight. This is the world we live in — the one Republicans are about to encounter.

The most basic ingredient for industrial-scale voter fraud is the voter roll, fat with phantom names and addresses. Someone may be able to transport 250,000 paper ballots from New York to Pennsylvania, leave the truck in the parking lot, and find it gone when he returns.

Those ballots are useless paper if not tied to an identity at a real address.

The hard part is creating people and addresses — it is an industrial-scale operation.

Just think how hard it would be for you and your pals to create 250,000 fake names and tie each to a real address.

You need to create those voters — the way the pros do — which leaves out the Republicans. Make it government work.

Here's how it's done.

Arizona, a state with a Republican governor and Republican legislature at the time, has a nice little law to help out. Go look this baby up. Basically, it says, hey, all you "non-partisan" NGOs (non-governmental agencies), want to register voters? Heres a portal to do it. Just log on, enter at least 1,000 new voters, and you are good to go.

What could go wrong? Kari Lake, maybe?

RINOs are easily swayed about getting everyone to vote — you can see the League of Women Voter types making such an argument.

Let's not pick on Arizona. In Wisconsin, those boys and girls created an app. That's really hip.

Our Fractal friends in Wisconsin discovered a downloadable phone app, on the App Store, tied to the Wisconsin Election Commission, to register new voters.

Our Fractal analysts have eyewitness accounts of people standing at gas stations registering Wisconsin voters as they filled up their cars.

Do you think Ronna McDaniel's team was at those gas stations, or maybe Mark Elias's friends and fans? C'mon, want to bet on who used that app?

As clueless Republicans rally to their new charter — "let's start tracking those ballots, like the Democrats do," they run headlong into "sovereign voter fraud," which means the government, at every level, is in on it.

State governments like Arizona and Wisconsin, quite different in so many ways, agree they should enable voter rolls to be fattened by anyone who wants to take the time to do it.

Our live data, in both states, show voter rolls with 10% to 18% anomalous records — meaning there is something to check out. We get into exactly what at our website, www.Omega4America.com.

Both states agree that there should be no serious voter roll clean-up. …



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95e82e No.3297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110777 (091814ZJAN23) Notable: Ben Sasse Officially Leaves U.S. Senate, Takes Parting Jab at Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ben Sasse Officially Leaves U.S. Senate, Takes Parting Jab at Trump

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) has officially resigned after announcing that he would do so in a statement last year. The former Nebraska Senator took one last parting jab at former President Trump while heading out the door for his new position at the University of Florida.

Sasse — who served as the president of Midland University in his home state before running for Senate — submitted is resignation last month and said he would be leaving office on January 8.

In his farewell remarks, Sasse was critical of the U.S. Senate’s ability to function. “Each of us knows we should be taking a look in the mirror and acknowledging that lives lived in a politicized echo chamber are unworthy of a place that calls itself a deliberative body, let alone the world’s greatest deliberative body,” Sasse said.

“When we’re being honest with each other, which usually means when on one of the very rare occasions where cameras aren’t present, we all know that a big chunk of the performative yelling that happens here and in every hearing room is just about being booked for even more performative yelling at night on TV,” he continued.

Prior to leaving, Sasse took one final parting shot at former president Trump. “I’m just sad for him as a human because obviously there’s a lot of complicated stuff going on in that soul,” Sasse told the Omaha World-Herald of Trump. “Just at a human level, I’m sad for him to be that needy and desperate.”

Sasse was one of seven Senate Republicans who voted to impeach then President Trump following the January 6 Capitol protests. He accused Trump of inciting violence and “threatening” election officials, among other things. “Those lies had consequences, endangering the life of the vice president and bringing us dangerously close to a bloody constitutional crisis,” Sasse said of Trump’s voter fraud claims.

“Each of these actions are violations of a president’s oath of office.”

The Nebraska Senator frequently criticized Trump throughout his tenure despite the former president’s popularity in his home state.

When Trump announced his re-election bid prior to 2020, Sasse said that he “kisses dictators’ butts,” “flirted with white supremacists,” disparages women, “mocks evangelicals behind closed doors” and “treats the presidency like a business opportunity.”

The seat will now be filled through an appointment by Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen, a Republican. The state’s previous governor, Pete Ricketts, said that he would seek the position.


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95e82e No.3298

File: d61b6a6c1c0bab9⋯.png (654.82 KB,748x740,187:185,Clipboard.png)

File: d915a4b49028996⋯.png (587.08 KB,768x741,256:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110809 (091818ZJAN23) Notable: Former FTX US boss Brett Harrison vows to spill dirt on crypto disaster

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Former FTX US boss Brett Harrison vows to spill dirt on crypto disaster

Former FTX US boss Brett Harrison pledged on Sunday night to spill more details about the doomed crypto exchange’s inner workings – and hinted he may already be cooperating with the feds.

Harrison has kept a low profile in recent weeks as disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested and other top executives began talking to investigators about alleged illicit activity at the company.

“What did you know about @FTX_Official US and when did you know it?” a Twitter user asked Harrison on Sunday night.

“I’ll share in time,” Harrison replied.

When another asked why Harrison wasn’t already “in prison,” the former FTX executive replied that they should “use powers of inference.”

The Post has reached out to Harrison for further comment.

Harrison served as president of FTX’s US operation until he abruptly stepped down from the high-ranking post last September after less than 18 months on the job. At the time, Bloomberg described Harrison’s departure as a “surprise exit” that raised eyebrows within the cryptocurrency sector.

Two months after Harrison left, FTX was forced into bankruptcy after Bankman-Fried allegedly engaged in what the feds have described as “one of the biggest financial frauds” in history.


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95e82e No.3299

File: 88254e2ab2b6356⋯.gif (857.17 KB,442x200,221:100,Clipboard.gif)

File: 573f7d29d6b9dc4⋯.png (16.88 KB,611x148,611:148,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d7a165874bbbd7⋯.png (26.56 KB,597x205,597:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110827 (091820ZJAN23) Notable: @SpecialTactics_ WHEELS UP, 'CHUTES DOWN

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3300

File: 486365d3e1491e1⋯.png (403.48 KB,576x604,144:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 037036a632f49d0⋯.png (403.53 KB,618x760,309:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110844 (091824ZJAN23) Notable: Teletubbies and Crocs are sponsoring underage fashion show at RuPaul's drag convention

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Teletubbies and Crocs are sponsoring underage fashion show at RuPaul's drag convention

RuPaul Charles' DragCon is returning to Britain this weekend. The first iteration of this exhibition of transvestite culture took place in Los Angeles in 2015, touted as the debut convention celebrating "the art of drag, queer culture and self-expression for all."

This year's DragCon counts the perforated shoe company Crocs and the children's' television show "Teletubbies" among its sponsors. Both the convention and the after-hours shows are all ages, despite some performers set to walk about with fake sex organs exposed.

The event website states, "DragCon is an all-ages, family friendly event and all are welcome at RuPaul’s DragCon UK. Kids 8 and under are free when accompanied by an adult with a ticket."

In addition to permitting children into a convention where men impersonate women, often exaggerating female sexuality and physical attributes, children will also be performing in drag for adults — paid for by Crocs.

One posting announcing the underage fashion show was captioned, "Hit them with your catwalk, kids."

Children will not be alone on the stage, however.

According to the Gay Times, adults dressed up as WildBrain's Teletubbies will in attendance and participating in the convention's "Kids Fashion Show."

Unlike other contestants and performers hyped on the event's Instagram page, majoritively dressed in highly sexualized costumes, it would appear the Teletubbies will not be wearing BDSM garb or chest binders.


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95e82e No.3301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110851 (091826ZJAN23) Notable: In 2022, The IRS Went After The Very Poorest Taxpayers

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In 2022, The IRS Went After The Very Poorest Taxpayers

Despite $80 billion in new funding, the agency is living up to its reputation of hassling low-income taxpayers over rich people…

On Wednesday, Syracuse University's Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) released data provided to it by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on audits performed by the agency in fiscal year 2022. Despite the infusion of new funding earmarked for the IRS via last year's Inflation Reduction Act, the agency continued historic trends of hassling primarily low-income taxpayers, with relatively few millionaires and billionaires getting caught up in the audit sweep.

"The taxpayer class with unbelievably high audit rates—five and a half times virtually everyone else—were low-income wage-earners taking the earned income tax credit," reported TRAC, noting that the poorest taxpayers are "easy marks in an era when IRS increasingly relies upon correspondence audits yet doesn't have the resources to assist taxpayers or answer their questions."

In fact, "if one ignores the fiction of auditing a millionaire through simply sending a letter through the mail, the odds that millionaires received a regular audit by a revenue agent (1.1%) was actually less than the audit rate of the targeted lowest income wage-earners whose audit rate was 1.27 percent!"

The Inflation Reduction Act, passed in August 2022, directed $80 billion worth of new funding over the next decade to the IRS so it could hire 87,000 new workers, purportedly to better target millionaire and billionaire scofflaws. The Biden administration and credulous journalists claimed that this would in no way increase audits for those making under $400,000 annually—suspect assurances not provided within the text of the actual bill. This increased capacity meant only those at the top would be targeted, supporters insisted. But this ignores how the IRS's incentives work and how agencywide reform might be too heavy of a lift.

Correspondence audits—which are conducted via mail, and are the type frequently used when interacting with the poorest of taxpayers—are much easier and cheaper to conduct than other types of audits. Plus, the earned income tax credit is easy to get wrong. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that new hires with experience in the field will take almost three years of ramp-up time, with more junior new hires taking longer. The lag time between 2022's infusion of funding, and legitimately increased capacity, will be enormous—if the agency can even snag the best in the industry when TurboTax and H&R Block will surely be swelling their own ranks. It makes sense that, given a dearth of experienced auditors not likely to be fixed soon, the agency would rely on the easiest and least time-consuming types of audits.

But be suspicious of the idea that an infusion of cash will solve longstanding problems within the IRS. This is, after all, the agency that sent $1.1 billion in child welfare payments to the wrong people over the course of merely five months during the pandemic. It's the agency that was hacked back in 2015, resulting in the personal information of more than 700,000 taxpayers being compromised. It's the agency that has been foolishly going after Americans who hold $10,000 or more in a foreign bank since 2010, never mind the fact that many of them are middle-class expats, not folks with yachts in the Mediterranean. And it's the (leaky) agency that enabled the richest Americans' intimate financial information to be thumbed through by ProPublica readers. It will take more than a little cash to fix all this, and, as the IRS's competence and tenacity increase, so too will the tenacity of the vast infrastructure of accountants and lawyers hired by the rich to creatively minimize their tax burdens.

Though some libertarians may argue such an agency ought not to exist in the first place and cheer its relative ineptitude at going after the well-to-do, it's decidedly absurd that the agency taxpayers just fed $80 billion to has, for another year, continued its assault on the poor.


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95e82e No.3302

File: b677726ff6dce42⋯.png (334.06 KB,590x809,590:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110868 (091829ZJAN23) Notable: In case you missed Notables, A YOUNG REPORTER STROKES OUT ON LIVE TV

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iChristian News



Must Watch 👀

Young CTV News reporter Jessica Robb starts slurring her words, appears to go into medical #distress, and looks like she’s about to #collapse live on air during the 6pm show tonight. #RT

#COVID19 #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeath #CoverUp

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95e82e No.3303

File: 2f299c60525e3ab⋯.png (492.07 KB,828x910,414:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dcd56c8c220abb⋯.png (1.13 MB,917x1018,917:1018,Clipboard.png)

File: 320ece2140eca84⋯.webm (88.61 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.webm)

File: 684ae0a0288c359⋯.webm (2.9 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110878 (091831ZJAN23) Notable: Vatican Conservatives Reportedly Have “Secret Plan” to Remove Commie Pope Franci

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Vatican Conservatives Reportedly Have “Secret Plan” to Remove Commie Pope Francis


Conservative Catholics still mourning the tragic passing of Pope Benedict XVI may receive some good news in the near future. A group of Vatican conservatives apparently want to remove his woke, anti-capitalist successor Pope Francis in hopes of replacing Francis with one of their own.

The Daily Telegraph reported Sunday that Francis’s conservative adversaries in the Vatican have a “secret plan” to force him to resign. This scheme moved into motion “days” after Benedict XVI’s death.

Vatican conservatives have long been critical of Francis’s support for open borders, communion for remarried divorcees, and more moderate views on abortion and homosexuality. The Telegraph notes they will need time to both gather consensus and to “weaken” Francis.

Here’s the story from The Telegraph:

“Vatican conservatives are waging a “secret plan” to put Pope Francis under such stress that he resigns, it has been claimed.”

“The campaign against the Argentinian pontiff began just days after the death of his predecessor, Benedict XVI.”

“Despite previously stating he will resign if his health deteriorates, it was thought highly unlikely that Francis would decide to step down while Benedict was still alive to avoid there being three Popes living in the Vatican – a situation without precedent that would have embarrassed the Catholic Church.”

“But with Benedict’s death on December 31, resignation is now a real prospect. That has opened the way for conservatives, who oppose his stance on issues ranging from homosexuality, abortion, communion for remarried divorcees and celibacy for priests, to start moving against him.”

“They have long seen him as being too critical of capitalism and too liberal on illegal immigration, with some going so far as to deride him as a “communist.”

“The secret plan will be formulated on various axes and phases, but it will have one objective – to place the pontificate under such stress that Francis will have to resign,” an Italian cardinal told La Stampa newspaper on Sunday.”

“The campaign would depend on “the progressive weakening of the Holy Father as well as his doctrinal choices, which will create a great deal of discontent which can be used against him.”

“The opponents of Francis know that right now they are in a minority, that they will need time both to win consensus and to weaken Bergoglio,” said the cardinal, referring to Francis’s name before he became pontiff a decade ago.”

“Some of his enemies will operate “in the shadows’, while others will be more open in their criticism, the cardinal said.”

Let’s hope the plan these Catholic conservatives are embarking on succeeds. The Vatican needs a Pope more focused on preserving the Church rather than appeasing globalist politicians.

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95e82e No.3304

File: 1777d4cdf1202fa⋯.png (235.82 KB,832x455,64:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110880 (091832ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag - Miami / Orlando in action: NIPPY45Rivet Joint tracking EW north of Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba and VZ-SAM914 G5

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PF: NIPPY45Rivet Joint tracking EW north of Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba and VZ-SAM914 G5 landed at Miami Int'l from JBA

PAT617 C-12V Huron north from Orlando Int'l, VM714 C-560 in at Key West with RCH602 C-17 north from Panama Pacifico Airport

PAT= Priority Air Transport

CFC01 continues to Santa Lucia AB

Mexi AF PF511 CN-235 Persuader in at Mex. City from Guadalajara (and same one that was in and out at Juarez shortly before Potato arrived at El Paso)

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95e82e No.3305

File: 08ff807aa755e8b⋯.png (144.38 KB,608x488,76:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110897 (091834ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder @GavinNewsom just signed a measure that removes the requirement of being either a US citizen or a Green Card holder in order to become a law enforcement

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California Governor @GavinNewsom

just signed a measure that removes the requirement of being either a US citizen or a Green Card holder in order to become a law enforcement officer in the state. All one needs is a work permit.


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95e82e No.3306

File: f629f6eb599a9e5⋯.png (213.88 KB,524x552,131:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110922 (091838ZJAN23) Notable: Yesterday, Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

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Yesterday, Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison. To learn about the damage she did to national security — and how she got caught — tune in to the #DIAConnections podcast: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3GJbcBV5Zmg #espionage #FBI


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95e82e No.3307

File: 3575e24612099bb⋯.png (823.29 KB,1024x640,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110938 (091842ZJAN23) Notable: Ben Gvir: Police must arrest protesters who block roads at rallies

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Ben Gvir: Police must arrest protesters who block roads at rallies

National security minister says ‘freedom of expression is not freedom of incitement,’ says he will instruct Israel Police to act the same toward left-wing and right-wing protests

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir says that he supports public protests — up to a point.

“I’m in favor of protests, freedom of expression is allowed,” Ben Gvir says at an Otzma Yehudit faction meeting in the Knesset.

“But we also saw great harm to democracy, incitement against Minister Yariv Levin, blocking roads,” says Ben Gvir about the anti-government protest in Tel Aviv on Saturday night. “I’m in favor of protests, but anyone who blocks roads and who gets wild needs to be arrested.”

Ben Gvir adds that the “rules of a protest in Tel Aviv must be the same as the rules of a protest in Jerusalem — the rules for the left, the same as the rules for the right.”

The national security minister, who oversees the police, says these are the demands he will make over how the Israel Police must act at protests.

“Freedom of expression is not freedom of incitement,” he says.


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95e82e No.3308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110951 (091845ZJAN23) Notable: Anons Notables

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Noties @550ish

>>3272 - Dough


>>3273 Looks like they're (Clinton's & Others) telling all the usual WEF/DS/NWO shills and criminals to get out there and protect their fake election.

>>3274 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. PRESIDENT! (Richard Nixon) born on OTD in 1913

>>>/qresearch/18110421 Seattle police chief blasts city officials, says leaving precinct ‘not my decision’

>>3275 What Spygate tells us about the google, facebook & twitter files

>>3276 Daily Beast “Journalist” Who Smeared Matt Gaetz and Herschel Walker Used to Work For a SANCTIONED CHINESE MILITARY COMPANY

>>3280 Why are Q;s posts being ERASED?

>>>/qresearch/18110443, >>3288 HUGE: Conservative Hero Jim Jordan Will Chair “Weaponization of Government” Select Committee

>>3278, >>3281, >>3260 pb At least 57 warplanes and four ships belonging to the Chinese People's Liberation Army were detected near Taiwan in the past 24 hours

>>3286 Jill Biden: Began my trip to Mexico City with a visit to the beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

>>3287 Swiss central bank posts biggest loss in its 116-year history

>>3291 Trudeau meeting with Biden & President of Mexico (will the Cartels be invited?)

>>>/qresearch/18110658 Brunson Brothers Case Denied by Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/18110708 'We Are Facing The Entire NATO In Ukraine': Kremlin Says, As UK Mulls Battle Tanks

>>3293 Trump Truths an Extra "T": MSM on Notice

>>3294, >>3299 WHEELS UP, 'CHUTES DOWN

>>3296, >>>/qresearch/18110782 Election Fraud Infrastructure: Your Government At Work!

>>3297 Ben Sasse Officially Leaves U.S. Senate, Takes Parting Jab at Trump

>>3298 Former FTX US boss Brett Harrison vows to spill dirt on crypto disaster

>>3300 Teletubbies and Crocs are sponsoring underage fashion show at RuPaul's drag convention

>>3301 In 2022, The IRS Went After The Very Poorest Taxpayers


>>3304 Planefag - Miami / Orlando in action

>>3306 Yesterday, Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

Is there a baker??

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95e82e No.3309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110954 (091846ZJAN23) Notable: Ukraine Under The Control Of Blackrock. $750 Billion For Post-War Reconstruction

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Ukraine Under The Control Of Blackrock. $750 Billion For Post-War Reconstruction

Is there a borderline between finance and terrorism? It probably doesn’t exist anymore. War has become the best business of a dying capitalist world. And when a business is truly succulent, BlackRock, the most important global investment fund, is never missing. Even Ukraine will be their thing, even Ukraine is destined to end up in the customer portfolio of the company led by Larry Fink. There’s not much to be surprised at. The rule is simple: destroy or have a nation destroyed, unleash a conflict and then dress up as angels of peace and go and rebuild. It happened in the past: has anyone forgotten the tens of billions of dollars entrusted to the Texan company Hallyburton for the reconstruction of post-Saddam Iraq?

With the Russian-Ukrainian conflict still ongoing, and probably one step away from yet another military escalation, we are already thinking about the reconstruction of the nation bent by months of Russian bombing of infrastructure. International diplomacy shows its limits when it comes to talking about peace. But it is very efficient when it comes to switching to cash. Thus, with the war underway, there is already talk of the reconstruction of Ukraine. And they entrust the projects.

The plan for the reconstruction of Ukraine was discussed in Lugano in the first days of July last year. 41 countries and 19 international organizations participated in the Swiss convention. In the end it was decided to invest a gigantic jackpot: an amount equal to 750 billion dollars. But in this world of snakes and speculators nobody gives anything away. Loans only: and loans to be obtained at rather stringent conditions for the country. First condition: the privatization of most of the public companies. European and American sharks are ready to tear apart the remains of Ukraine’s corpse. It is not enough that Kiev is used as a battering ram in an anti-Russian function: now Ukraine, or what remains of that country, is considered as a gigantic cake to be divided up.

The biggest slice of that pie will end up in BlackRock’s hands. The courtship between Kiev and the company led by Fink has been going on for months. After the Swiss session and a rendez-vous in September, already last November the prestigious US firm had signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy.

Then Zelensky rushed to Washington. Always in rotten green military camouflage. He didn’t just meet Joe Biden. In his American meetings Zelenskyy met Larry Fink. At the end of the meeting, the president and the most powerful manager in the world gave their gentleman agreement in a press release. They agreed to “focus in the near term on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of our country, channeling investments into the most relevant and impactful sectors of the Ukrainian economy”. A pouring rain of public and private funding is expected for Ukraine. BlackRock, one of the world’s largest investment managers, has provided “advisory support for the design of an investment framework, with the aim of creating opportunities for public and private investors to participate in the future reconstruction and recovery of the Ukrainian economy .”


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95e82e No.3310

File: 870d261255bfebd⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110957 (091847ZJAN23) Notable: Dr. Peter McCullough "The FDA wanted to block the release of this[death] data for 55 years."

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Dr. Peter McCullough

"The FDA wanted to block the release of this[death] data for 55 years."


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95e82e No.3311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110980 (091853ZJAN23) Notable: YT - Kristi Noem Dances At Inaugural Ball

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Kristi Noem Dances At Inaugural Ball

>868 views | Jan 9, 2023 | Forbes

Over the weekend, Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) enjoyed her second inaugural ball.



17 minutes ago

She is so disgusting.


26 minutes ago

Kristi Noem has my vote if she runs for president, but I give her dancing skills a thumbs-down.


33 minutes ago

Future President


47 minutes ago

She is so disgusting


1 hour ago

Great to see them celebrate as a couple. Wish it would have been Louis Armstrong's version. Miss "Satchmo".


1 hour ago

SD is in good hands…again.


1 hour ago

One would have thought she would have chosen “Black Hills of Dakota” sung by Doris Day for the inaugural dance. 🤔


1 hour ago

Go Kristi 👍🇺🇸

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95e82e No.3312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18110985 (091853ZJAN23) Notable: European Ministers Say Musk Agreed to Censorship Demands for Twitter

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European Ministers Say Musk Agreed to Censorship Demands for Twitter

If two European ministers are to be believed, Elon Musk has agreed to censorship restrictions on free speech for Twitter in Europe.

Just after Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s promotion of a Chinese executive to head of Tesla operations in the United States raised eyebrows, Musk again seems to be appeasing anti-freedom governments. While Germany and France are certainly not Communist China, their planned censorship laws are still concerning. And Elon Musk apparently agreed to restrict Twitter content based on European Union (EU) demands.

Of course, Twitter has to abide by the laws in the countries where it operates (though the European laws aren’t in effect yet). But when Musk gives in immediately whenever a censorship law is passed, that’s a sobering precedent to Twitter users in the states — our free speech on Twitter apparently depends on the government. Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s recent attempt at forming a Disinformation Governance Board and revelations of government censorship pressure in the Twitter Files indicate just how protected free speech is from that quarter.

French Minister for Digital Transition and Telecommunications Jean-Noël Barrot tweeted on Jan. 7 (Twitter’s translation), “At Twitter headquarters, @elonmusk confirmed to me its intention to comply with European rules, and its commitments on content moderation, the fight against disinformation and child protection. In line with its exchange with [French President] @EmmanuelMacron.” Barrot included a picture of him talking with Elon Musk.

The German Federal Minister for Digital and Transport Volker Wissing claimed on Jan. 4 in a tweet with a selfie of him and Musk (Twitter’s translation), “Thank you @elonmusk for a constructive conversation in San Francisco. My stance is clear: the platforms’ commitment to #D[i]sinformation must be strictly adhered to until #DSA comes into force. Elon Musk agreed with me.”

The DSA (Digital Services Act) is set to increase content moderation online. Unfortunately, the past few years and the Twitter Files taught us that “content moderation” too often means “censorship of narratives leftists don’t like.”

The EU website says, “The Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act [DMA] aim to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of users are protected and to establish a level playing field for businesses.” Very idealistic words, but don’t be fooled.

As Breitbart noted back in April 2022, the DSA’s targeting of “illegal content” includes “hate speech” and “disinformation,” favorite leftist catchphrases to justify censoring whatever they dislike. After all, in the United States, insisting a woman cannot be a man has been considered hate speech. Both the DMA and DSA are potentially dangerous to free speech, according to the Media Research Center.

Elon Musk’s own views on the EU laws are unclear, since he does not seem to have issued any statements himself. This could mean anything from unhappy agreement to cheerful acquiescence, of course. Considering his often–expressed views on the importance of free speech and the release of the Twitter Files under his leadership, Musk presumably sees content moderation as a potentially dangerous vehicle of censorship.


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95e82e No.3313

File: f2e5126ebc3d385⋯.png (83.9 KB,666x349,666:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111018 (091901ZJAN23) Notable: M 7.6 Earthquake - Pulau Pulau Tanimbar, Indonesia

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M 7.6 Earthquake - Pulau Pulau Tanimbar, Indonesia

2023-01-09 17:47:34 (UTC)7.085°S 130.039°E95.2 km depth


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95e82e No.3314

File: 5c26c8e14e334b5⋯.png (1.02 MB,995x1497,995:1497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111028 (091904ZJAN23) Notable: Military Hinting Green Light *Soon?

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Those last few seconds before the 🟢 light, go…

The #FalconBrigade is ready to jump into a new week! 🪂


#MastersoftheAirborneJFE #BeReady #MondayMotivation #AATW






📸 by Maj. Mackenzie Deal

11:16 AM · Jan 9, 2023

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95e82e No.3315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111034 (091905ZJAN23) Notable: Why are the latest Q post not active? ( BO ) new

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Good morning, baker.

>>>3277, >>3280 Why are Q's posts being erased?

not notable

I have posted on this in previous breads - it's a temporary catalog problem. Catalog still being worked on, 8kun admins are informed.

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95e82e No.3316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111084 (091913ZJAN23) Notable: Why are the latest Q post not active? ( BO ) new

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take a look at the catalog, you'll see it's a little wonky. The most recent Q post should still be in the catalog, once they get it fixed.


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95e82e No.3317

File: 91c1511bbf66c27⋯.png (230.96 KB,849x524,849:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111090 (091914ZJAN23) Notable: US Supreme Court Also Decides NOT to Look at Mail-In Ballot (Bonner) Case

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US Supreme Court Also Decides NOT to Look at Mail-In Ballot (Bonner) Case

The US Supreme Court not only decided not to look at the Brunson brothers’ case, but also decided not to take up the Bonner case challenging the legality of mail-in ballots.

Such a shame. The US Supreme Court is absolutely frightened to take up strong cases that challenge corrupt elections or corrupt practices. Yet this is the biggest issue facing our country right now and the biggest threat to our Constitution.

Corrupt elections breed corrupt politicians which bread corrupt government officials which breed corrupt media and social media companies and so on…

In 2020, 18 state AGs joined the Texas case that argued against the corrupt election results that were certified in the swing states that stole the election for Joe Biden. It was a solid case. This corruption affected us all and still does to this day. We all were impacted. But the three Trump judges decided not to hear the case along with the corrupt Obama, far-left and insane judges on the court. INSANITY.

The Supreme Court also refused to hear the cases from the Trump campaign against the states where material amounts of corruption existed.

This morning we heard that the Brunson brothers’ case was not going to move forward in the Supreme Court.



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95e82e No.3318

File: 4dbebad0acc792e⋯.png (260.25 KB,607x589,607:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111105 (091917ZJAN23) Notable: Biden admin asked Twitter to silence Robert F. Kennedy Jr

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Issue: January 9, 2023

Biden admin asked Twitter to silence Robert F. Kennedy Jr

A direct request for content to be removed.

By Tom Parker

Posted 11:46 am


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95e82e No.3319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111109 (091919ZJAN23) Notable: #22201

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>>3277, >>3280 Why are the latest Q post not active? ( BO >>3315, >>3316 ) new


>>3272 DOUGH

>>3273 'They' are Panicking - Brazil

>>3274 Richard Nixon was born on this date in 1913

>>3275 What Spygate Tells Us About The Google, Facebook, And Twitter Files

>>3278, >>3281, >>3260 pb Qmapping China's 57 Warplanes and 4 Ships - 13Day Delta

>>3279 All pb lb re: sequence of Melania Comms

>>3282 Reminder MTG went on Foxnews trashing Qanon (Anonymous Baker Approves)

>>3276 Daily Beast “Journalist” Who Smeared Matt Gaetz and Herschel Walker Used to Work For a SANCTIONED CHINESE MILITARY COMPANY

>>3284 PDJT - Wow, those TRUMP Hating Late Night Network “Shows” are doing really badly… (badly?)

>>3285 German Gov't claims investigating Covid vaccines would be 'dangerous for democracy'

>>3283 If you missed notables, Brazil's Bolsonaro hospitalized in the U.S. with abdominal pain - report

>>3286 Mrs. Biden - Began my trip to Mexico City with a visit to the beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

>>3287 In case you missed notables, Swiss central bank posts biggest loss in its 116-year history

>>3288 Jim Jordan to chair 'Weaponization of Government' Select Committee (#WeaponizedCongress)

>>3289 Never Forget, Federal Reserve Act Signed into Law December 23, 1913'''

>>3290 Anon Calls for @SuddenlyDied List - Someone should start a List and document these sudden deaths?

>>3291 Trudeau in route to Mexico City to meet with Biden (USMCA?)

>>3292 @KariLakeWarRoom Cindy McCain is sponsoring @katiehobbs's inauguration and working for Joe Biden.

>>3293 Anon Qmaps TS Trump Post - MSM on Notice (Extra T)

>>3294, >>3299 @SpecialTactics_ WHEELS UP, 'CHUTES DOWN

>>3295 Cher not looking too good these days?

>>3296 Election Fraud Infrastructure: Your Government At Work!

>>3297 Ben Sasse Officially Leaves U.S. Senate, Takes Parting Jab at Trump

>>3298 Former FTX US boss Brett Harrison vows to spill dirt on crypto disaster

>>3301 In 2022, The IRS Went After The Very Poorest Taxpayers

>>3303 Vatican Conservatives Reportedly Have “Secret Plan” to Remove Commie Pope Franci

>>3304 Planefag - Miami / Orlando in action: NIPPY45Rivet Joint tracking EW north of Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba and VZ-SAM914 G5

>>3305 Reminder @GavinNewsom just signed a measure that removes the requirement of being either a US citizen or a Green Card holder in order to become a law enforcement

>>3307 Ben Gvir: Police must arrest protesters who block roads at rallies

>>3308 Anons Notables

>>3300 Teletubbies and Crocs are sponsoring underage fashion show at RuPaul's drag convention

>>3302 In case you missed Notables, A YOUNG REPORTER STROKES OUT ON LIVE TV

>>3306 Yesterday, Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

>>3309 Ukraine Under The Control Of Blackrock. $750 Billion For Post-War Reconstruction

>>3310 Dr. Peter McCullough "The FDA wanted to block the release of this[death] data for 55 years."

>>3311 YT - Kristi Noem Dances At Inaugural Ball

>>3312 European Ministers Say Musk Agreed to Censorship Demands for Twitter

>>3313 M 7.6 Earthquake - Pulau Pulau Tanimbar, Indonesia

>>3314 Military Hinting Green Light *Soon?

>>3317 US Supreme Court Also Decides NOT to Look at Mail-In Ballot (Bonner) Case

>>3318 Biden admin asked Twitter to silence Robert F. Kennedy Jr


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95e82e No.3320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111173 (091927ZJAN23) Notable: TikTok Creator Noah Brady Has Passed Away At 21 Years Old

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TikTok Creator Noah Brady Has Passed Away At 21 Years Old

Just because someone looks happy on social media doesn't mean they aren't struggling behind the scenes.

As of late, we are sad to report that popular TikTok influencer Noah Brady (@pworddestroyer69) has died via suicide. He was 21 years old.

Noah's mother, Rena Smith Brady, took to Facebook on Jan. 7 to confirm the devastating news. "Sometimes you never know the pain behind someone’s smile," she wrote, sharing that Noah had checked into a hotel room leading up to his death. "The front desk clerk at the hotel apologized and said 'I’m sorry, when he checked in about midnight I would have never guessed this outcome. He checked in smiling.'"

The doting mother continued to commemorate Noah in the post. "He had the biggest and most contagious smile of anyone I know. He was kind. He was the life of the party. He was a friend to all and one of the least judgmental people I know," she wrote.

She also capitalized on the importance of mental health, revealing that her son had struggled with depression since the ninth grade. "His heart was huge but the pain he carried was more than he could take," she wrote.

Rena explained " trying to talk him out of this" after he checked into the hotel, but she couldn't get through to him. The last text she received from Noah was at 5:18 a.m.

If you're not familiar with Noah's work, we've got all the deets on him below.


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95e82e No.3321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111188 (091929ZJAN23) Notable: Meta board finds 'death to Khamenei' doesn't violate rules as Trump ban remains

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Meta board finds 'death to Khamenei' doesn't violate rules as Trump ban remains

Similar statements used during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are not comparable, the Oversight Board ruled.

Updated: January 9, 2023 - 2:04pm

Meta's Oversight Board decided Monday that posts containing "marg bar… Khamenei," a phrase calling for the death of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, should be allowed on Facebook. (Famous last word of the Meta Oversight Board!!! kek)

The board overturned Meta's decision to remove a Facebook post containing the slogan, which directly translates to "death to Khamenei."

The board said its recommendations will "better protect political speech in critical situations, such as that in Iran, where historic, widespread, protests are being violently suppressed."

Before the ruling Monday, Meta had determined the post violated its Violence and Incitement Community Standard, but "applied a newsworthiness allowance and restored the post," the board said.

The oversight group wrote that the post did not violate the violence standard at all and applying the newsworthiness allowance was "unnecessary" because the phrase should be viewed as a "rhetorical, political slogan, not a credible threat" amid the ongoing anti-government protests.

Similar statements used during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are not comparable, "as politicians were clearly at risk and 'death to' statements are not generally used as political rhetoric in English, as they are in other languages," the board wrote.

Former President Trump remains banned by Meta, which has barred him from accessing his Facebook and Instagram accounts since the aftermath of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. The Oversight Board found two of Trump's posts that day violated its rules.

"'We love you. You're very special' in the first post and 'great patriots' and 'remember this day forever' in the second post violated Facebook's rules prohibiting praise or support of people engaged in violence," the board said.

Meta is considering allowing Trump back on the platform as he runs for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. The company should reach a decision in the next several weeks, a spokesperson told CNN last week.


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95e82e No.3322

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111191 (091929ZJAN23) Notable: WEEKEND NEWS ROUND UP FROM AND WE KNOW

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anon does not like to turn up empty handed, so see below for busy anons.




Note: Pretty good round up so anons can research themselves, all source provided below

Good move, anons like to confirm with sources, AWK is very religious, nothing wrong with that but anons work on logic and proof and then lets Gods will be done !!!



First published at 15:03 UTC on January 9th, 2023.



Dem Whip Katherine Clark gets caught in a lie by Jake Tapper. Is hell freezing over?


Eyepatch McCain apologizes? 🤣 https://t.me/realKarliBonne/144558

Bolton planned coups https://t.me/realKarliBonne/144551

McCarthy on Der committee assignments https://t.me/realKarliBonne/144549

New: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tells reporters about his interaction with President Biden upon arrival in El Paso. Governor says he gave Biden a letter and that he believes this visit is two years to late. https://t.me/realKarliBonne/144535

Kari Lake going to Supreme Court https://t.me/realKarliBonne/144479

Byron Donalds discusses upcoming investigations, which will include: https://t.me/PepeMatter/13887

Matt Taibbi Says Twitter E-Mails Show the DNC Was “Super Enthusiastic” About Censorship https://t.me/PepeMatter/13889

Elon Musk Gives Alex Berenson Access to Internal Documents for Next Release of Twitter Files https://t.me/Absolute1776/21237

Dr. Richard M Fleming shows the effects of the vaccines on human blood. https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/29605

About HAARP in case you have not yet gone down the climate engineering rabbit hole… https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/29586

All natural disasters can be engineered and they have been for decades. It’s how wars have been fought among countries. No need for soldiers and tanks, countries can be devastated through floods, hurricanes, earthquakes… https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/29587


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95e82e No.3323

File: 8dafaeafcb54a4f⋯.png (985.92 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

File: ffa81d3248542d6⋯.png (22.24 KB,494x362,247:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111194 (091931ZJAN23) Notable: An Insider Tell-All Is About to Rip Pope Francis a New One

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An Insider Tell-All Is About to Rip Pope Francis a New One

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had been dead for just two days when it was revealed that his personal secretary, a striking and influential cleric nicknamed “Gorgeous Georg” by the international press, was publishing a tell-all book that promised to avenge his former boss—and lambast the current pope.

The news came as a shock in the world of Vatican observers. In part, that was because it arrived as the faithful were still, literally, mourning the pontiff at the center of it all. Also because the author, German Archbishop Georg Gänswein, has worked as a high-ranking employee for both Francis and Benedict and is situated in a particularly sensitive position in the church.

“This is unprecedented,” Massimo Faggioli, a theologian and church historian at Villanova University, told me over the phone. “The shocking part is it’s the secretary of the former pope who’s raising very serious accusations against the current pope, who’s been very patient with him. At the very minimum, it’s very bad taste.”

Gänswein’s book, Nothing but the Truth: My Life Beside Pope Benedict XVI, will be published later this month by an imprint of Italian publishing house Mondadori. According to the AP, the book promises to set right misunderstandings about Benedict’s pontificate and the workings of the Vatican. “Today, after the death of the pope emeritus, the time has come for the current prefect of the papal household to tell his own truth about the blatant calumnies and dark maneuvers that have tried in vain to cast shadows on the German pontiff’s magisterium and actions,” a press release for the book read.

"People are often interested in these figures, because they know where all the bodies are buried."

This is highly dramatic and entirely unprecedented. But still, it isn’t entirely surprising.

More at: https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/01/pope-benedict-funeral-georg-ganswein-book.html

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95e82e No.3324

File: 279a904db98807a⋯.jpg (186.13 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111196 (091931ZJAN23) Notable: The Satanic Temple dedicating 'largest satanic gathering in history' to Boston mayor, will require masks

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The Satanic Temple dedicating 'largest satanic gathering in history' to Boston mayor, will require masks

The Satanic Temple is dedicating the "largest satanic gathering in history" to Democratic Boston Mayor Michelle Wu after the group wasn't allowed to deliver a satanic invocation at Boston City Hall.

SatanCon 2023 will take place in downtown Boston April 28-30. Registered guests are required to wear masks and show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, according to the organization.

"Attendees must wear an N-95, KN-95, or disposable surgical mask," the temple said on its site. "Gaiters, bandanas, and cloth masks will not be allowed."

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95e82e No.3325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111197 (091931ZJAN23) Notable: Department of State Daily Press Briefing

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Department of State Daily Press Briefing - January 9, 2023



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95e82e No.3326

File: b3c7bb44a729408⋯.png (206.28 KB,489x616,489:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111203 (091933ZJAN23) Notable: Covid Kraken symptoms….ultra transmissable….best fear pron yet

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Covid Kraken symptoms to watch out for as the variant becomes the 'most transmissible' yet

The latest reports share Covid cases continue to increase across the whole country.


08:20, Mon, Jan 9, 2023 | UPDATED: 08:21, Mon, Jan 9, 2023

Dubbed “The Kraken”, new Covid XBB.1.5 variant has been recorded in the UK. This Omicron sub-variant has been driving up cases in the US, with experts saying it’s the one to watch. The Kraken is currently thought to trigger symptoms similar to previous Omicron strains; here’s what to look for.

While it’s too early to confirm the exact symptoms the new variant causes, the tell-tale signs are currently thought to be similar to previous Omicron strains.

Health experts and scientists are now monitoring the new sub-variant in order to determine whether it gives dominance to certain symptoms.

But Martin Michaelis, professor of molecular medicine at the University of Kent, told FactCheck “there is no indication” that the symptoms of XBB.1.5 are different from those caused by other Omicron sub-variants.

This means that less traditional symptoms - think sore throat and runny nose - could be rife as Kraken is sweeping through the UK.

When Omicron first appeared back in 2021, it cemented itself as a Covid variant that triggers less typical symptoms, leaving cough and loss of smell less prevalent.

The Zoe Covid Study App, which tracks dominant Covid symptoms through their app users, keeps monitoring the most common symptoms in the UK.

According to their latest data from the 30 days leading up to December 5, the “top” symptoms included:

Sore throat

Runny nose

Blocked nose


Cough without phlegm


Cough with phlegm

Hoarse voice

Muscle aches and pains

Altered sense of smell.


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95e82e No.3327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111226 (091937ZJAN23) Notable: Seattle schools sue social media platforms re "toxic use" of social media

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Seattle schools sue social media platforms, alleging engagement leads to youth mental health crisis

(I'm sure this is they are not happy with free speech, not the children)

The school district's goal is to have the court order social media companies to pay for prevention education and treatment for toxic use of social media.

Updated: January 9, 2023 - 1:20pm

The Seattle Public School District has filed a lawsuit against the owners of such social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, alleging they are contributing to the mental health crisis among young people.

The 91-page-lawsuit, filed Friday in a U.S. District Court, argues the platforms have "created a public nuisance by targeting their products to children," NPR reports.

The novel case also argues the platforms contribute to cyberbullying and self-harm and have negatively affected students' overall performance in school.

"Defendants have successfully exploited the vulnerable brains of youth, hooking tens of millions of students across the country into positive feedback loops of excessive use and abuse of Defendants' social media platforms," the lawsuit reads. "Worse, the content Defendants curate and direct to youth is too often harmful and exploitive." 

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act shields online companies from liability for what third-party users post, but the lawsuit argues that this provision doesn't apply in this circumstance. 

"Plaintiff is not alleging Defendants are liable for what third-parties have said on Defendants' platforms but, rather, for Defendants' own conduct," the lawsuit continues. "Defendants affirmatively recommend and promote harmful content to youth, such as pro-anorexia and eating disorder content."

The school district's goal is to have the court order social media companies to pay for prevention education and treatment for toxic use of social media. 


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95e82e No.3328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111238 (091940ZJAN23) Notable: Kristi Noem demands answers after government publishes her and her family's ss numbers

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Kristi Noem demands answers after government publishes her and her family's social security numbers

The social security numbers of Noem, her husband, her two daughters, her son and her son-in-law were originally written on visitor logs for the White House.

Updated: January 8, 2023 - 5:05pm


Dig In

South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem is demanding answers after her and her family's social security numbers were published online as part of the House Jan. 6 committee's records. 

Noem's attorney sent a letter Friday to the White House, the Government Publishing Office, the National Archives and Jan. 6 committee chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), asking who was responsible for the leak and what remedies will be taken to protect the governor and her family. 

The social security numbers of Noem, her husband, her two daughters, her son and her son-in-law were originally written on visitor logs for the White House, which the governor said she visited in her official capacity.

The National Archives gave the visitor logs to the Jan. 6 committee as part of the investigation into the riot at the U.S. Capitol. Although the law requires personal information to be redacted before the logs could be published as exhibits, this did not happen. The Government Publishing Office shared the exhibits, with Noem and her family's social security numbers, for several days before taking the information down. 

The Washington Post reported Friday that nearly 2,000 Social Security numbers associated with White House visitors in December 2020, including that of at least three cabinet members and several GOP governors, were published and removed Wednesday.

"Governor Noem and her family are now at a very high risk of identity theft and being personally compromised due to the failure to redact the social security numbers," Noem's attorney James Moore said in a letter to those involved in obtaining and publishing the White House visitor logs.

"This wrongful public dissemination of Governor Noem and her family's social security numbers is a direct violation of federal law," Moore said. "Furthermore, we expect a detailed response addressing how the breach of privacy occurred, who was responsible, what steps each of you has taken to remedy the breach, and what specific measures and remedies will be taken to protect Governor Noem and her family in light of the public dissemination of their private information and the heightened risk for identity theft and other future privacy violations."

A former Jan. 6 committee aide told the Post that the "records released publicly underwent a review process to redact personal details and other sensitive information" and "any release of such information was inadvertent." (yeah we believe you)

Other high-profile figures with social security numbers published in the visitor logs include Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas), Gov. Henry McMaster (R-S.C.) and former Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar. 


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95e82e No.3329

File: 64c8e361e149f97⋯.png (221.02 KB,673x395,673:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111243 (091941ZJAN23) Notable: PF's

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>>3158, >>3165 pbs

SPAR65 G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aquilinoand SAM936 G5 departed Nellis AFB after an overnight

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

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95e82e No.3330

File: 5954fe00e2a052b⋯.png (398.25 KB,579x499,579:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111258 (091943ZJAN23) Notable: Comcast CEO Brian Roberts used MSNBC's hate machine to divide and slander America

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MSNBC ushered in Thanksgiving to its viewers by claiming that the holiday and the nation were built on genocide.

“We are a country founded on violence. Our birth was violent,” MSNBC star Joy Reid declared.

It was another hateful lie about our country from a 24/7 hate network built on lies.

America was not founded on violence, but on a revolutionary proclamation that all men are created equal and have a God-given right to liberty. By contrast, NBC’s takeover by Comcast was lubricated by a corrupt deal with hatemonger Al Sharpton who has described fellow racist Joy Reid as his “little sister.”

Faced with stiff political opposition to his plan to take control of NBC, Comcast owner Brian L. Roberts met with Sharpton to pitch him on garnering political support for the cable company’s bid. Once a pariah for his role in inciting anti-Semitic riots that lynched two innocent people, and the torching of Freddie’s Fashion Mart, a Harlem store owned by a Jew whom Sharpton referred to as a “white interloper” in which 7 people were burned to death, all of them “of color,” Sharpton was resurrected by Barack Obama as his “civil rights” adviser and accepted into the Democrat fold as the party’s kingmaker.

In his new role, Sharpton delivered the political support to ensure that Roberts didn’t encounter antitrust issues in his controversial takeover bid to acquire NBC. In return Roberts gave Sharpton his own MSNBC show, ‘PoliticsNation with Al Sharpton’, while also making Sharpton’s existing employers at black-owned Radio One – and himself – extremely rich.

In short, without the support of Sharpton and his racist admirers, Comcast would not have been able to gain control of NBC. Since Comcast’s massive power was founded on violence and corruption, it’s hardly surprising that it streams the worst lies and hate by the worst bigots as a payback for the series of dirty deals that made Roberts so rich and powerful.

During Sharpton’s lobbying for the Comcast deal, MSNBC denied that there was an offer to give the notorious racial arsonist his own show, only to debut it a few months later. Comcast not only gave Sharpton a show, but included the head of his racist National Action Network in its “diversity council.” Sharpton in turn gave MSNBC boss Phil Griffin an award after previously handing it to Jeff Zucker, who ran NBC at the time, before going off to run CNN.

Alongside Reid and Sharpton, MSNBC regularly features the unhinged Elie Mystal, who said that the United States “Constitution is trash” and bragged, “you come out as a Republican, I’m prejudiced against you”, Tiffany Cross, who argued that the media focusing on the economic concerns of midwesterners was pandering to “racist white people”, Melissa Harris-Perry, who claimed that the term “hard work” is racist, and a seemingly bottomless list of bigots.

MSNBC doesn’t just employ vile racists like Reid and Sharpton who smear our country and promote hate, but also foreign enemy propagandists like Ayman Mohyeldin, formerly of Qatar’s Al Jazeera, who defended the Islamic terrorist state during the World Cup by attacking America.

Mohyeldin is one of a number of former employees of the Qatari propaganda network who have been given a platform to attack America, Europe and Israel by MSNBC. While Mohyeldin has ‘Ayman’, his own weekend show, Mehdi Hasan, also formerly of Al Jazeera, hosts ‘The Mehdi Hasan Show’. Al Velshi, a veteran of Al Jazeera America, which faced lawsuits accusing its executives of antisemitism and discriminating against women, hosts ‘Velshi’.


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95e82e No.3331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111262 (091943ZJAN23) Notable: Biden's FCC nominee shared post calling Trump a 'raggedy white supremacist'

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Biden's FCC nominee shared post calling Trump a 'raggedy white supremacist'

(All’s fair in love and war, Fuck Joe Biden!)

The president previously nominated Sohn to replace Pai in October 2021, but concerns about her previous social media activity stopped the Senate from voting to confirm her.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: January 8, 2023 - 4:56pm

President Joe Biden's nominee for the Federal Communications Commission previously shared a tweet calling former President Donald Trump a "raggedy white supremacist."

Gigi Sohn, a commissioner nominee, retweeted a post in June 2020 from actress Issa Rae stating, "Your raggedy white supremacist president and his cowardly enablers would rather kill everybody than stop killing black people," Fox News reported Sunday.

Biden nominated Sohn last week to replace the vacancy left by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.

The president previously nominated Sohn to replace Pai in October 2021, but concerns about her previous social media activity stopped the Senate from voting to confirm her.

"The number of Biden nominees who come out here and have tweeted about Republicans being white supremacists and racists, it seems like that's how you get nominated in this administration," Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) said in February 2022. "People are just tired of it."

If confirmed, Sohn would be one of five commissioners overseeing communications by radio, television, satellite and cable in all 50 states and U.S. territories.


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95e82e No.3332

File: ca7580041167904⋯.png (72.94 KB,800x422,400:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111264 (091943ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb pressed Twitter to suppress tweets criticizing jabs

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This is bad, I think. What Scott Gottlieb did goes beyond even vaccine trial fraud. Outright censorship. I'd think people whose children are having HEART ATTACKS because of this malfeasance should have ample opportunity to sue.

The whole mess is 100% unconstitutional: Mandating/coercing a liability free product, and fascist (government/private partnership) censorship.

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95e82e No.3333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111275 (091945ZJAN23) Notable: Comcast CEO Brian Roberts used MSNBC's hate machine to divide and slander America

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part 2

MSNBC’s decision to turn itself into Al Jazeera by stocking it with the Jihadist network’s leftovers has led to constant incitement and antisemitic propaganda at its 24/7 hate network.

Even in the midst of China’s takeover of Hong Kong and the Ukraine war, Velshi ranted that Israel was the “leading occupying force in the world.” Velshi claimed that “Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan during the Six-Day War in 1967” while neglecting to mention that it was Jordan that as part of the unprovoked Arab Muslim attack on the infant state had captured half the city in 1948 launching the Arabs’ 75-year campaign “to push the Jews into the sea.” In other words Jerusalem was liberated by Israel from Jordanian occupation in 1967.

Velshi has smeared Israel as an “apartheid state” despite working as a propagandist for Qatar where 88% of the population consists of migrant workers with no rights, thousands of whom die laboring on the skyscrapers of the Islamist apartheid state. Israel by contrast is the only state in the Middle East that is actually not an apartheid state. Velshi’s comments are just the crudest form of Jew hating propaganda spawned by the apartheid regimes in Gaza and the West Bank.

On his hate-filled show, Mehdi Hasan invited Rep. Ro Khanna, a Bernie Sanders ally, to make the bizarre claim that Israel was “burning down Palestinian villages”. Hasan, who has falsely referred to Israel as having its capital in Tel Aviv, regularly hosts anti-Israel bigots like Peter Beinart. Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Tlaib used her MSNBC platform to lie that Israel is “an apartheid government that is targeting a whole people based on their ethnicity and some even based on their faith.” That would be news to the Arab Israelis who have more rights as citizens of Israel than they would in any Arab Muslim state.

But it’s not just the cable network MSNBC that Roberts polluted. After the recent Colorado Springs shooting at a gay club, NBC senior reporter Brandy Zadrozny falsely blamed the attack on critics of the sexualization of children.

“If there is a pipeline it starts from some smaller accounts online like Libs of TikTok, it moves to the right-wing blogosphere, and then it ends up on Tucker Carlson or it ends up out of a right-wing politician’s mouth,” she argued.

We have since learned that the shooter, who comes from a deeply dysfunctional household, identifies as “non-binary.” A normal TV network in normal times would fire a reporter for spewing such a hateful lie. But these are not normal times, and Brian Roberts’ network is a big reason why.

These lies, smears and slurs, like many others, come down to one company, Comcast, and one man, Brian L. Roberts. Comcast is a family business and Brian was born into it. “I think we have known that Brian would take over the company since he was about eight years old,” its co-founder admitted. At 30, he did just that and took the company from cable to content.

Unlike his father, Brian was not satisfied just providing cable access and was obsessed with taking control of programming. After a failed bid to take over Disney, he bought NBC.

MSNBC had begun purging its conservative personalities in a leftist makeover even before the Comcast takeover, but the process accelerated rapidly as talks began. And Comcast bought support for the takeover by handing out money to racists and their hate groups.

That was how Al Sharpton ended up with an MSNBC show.

During the Black Lives Matter race riots, Roberts promised that Comcast would donate $100 million in response to “the far too familiar and frequent acts of violence against the black community, and to acknowledge the structural racism that fuels these injustices” to a consortium of groups including Sharpton’s National Action Network. At the same time, Roberts’ protégé was busy pouring oil on the flames in a eulogy for George Floyd by condemning America for having its “knee on the neck” of black people for over 400 years. In point of fact, black slavery in America lasted 20 years in the north and 76 years in the south. Moreover, black slaves in America had been enslaved by black Africans and sold at slave auctions in Ghana and Benin. Black slaves were liberated at the cost of 360,000 mainly white lives in America’s bloodiest war. When Sharpton poured his racist poison onto America’s television screens 80% of blacks were living above the poverty line and “systemic racism” had been outlawed for over 60 years.

During the George Floyd race riots, MSNBC personnel and guests repeatedly expressed support for the rioters and their violence. In one of the hate network’s more infamous moments, Al Velshi tried to argue that “this is mostly a peaceful protest, it is not generally speaking unruly” while standing in front of a building in flames.


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95e82e No.3334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111288 (091947ZJAN23) Notable: Comcast CEO Brian Roberts used MSNBC's hate machine to divide and slander America

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part 3

When challenged about Velshi’s lies at a shareholder meeting and asked to condemn Antifa, Roberts retorted that, “racism, injustice, violence have no place and cannot be tolerated.”

But the racism was coming from his personal hate network.

Roberts is not a brilliant businessman, he’s a savvy political donor. Comcast got as big and powerful as it did because it adopted the right politics and paid off the right people.

In 2020, Roberts’ wife provided $152,800 to fund the Biden campaign. But that was small change compared to the millions raised by Comcast’s chief lobbyist for Obama whom Biden has appointed as the ambassador to Canada. Roberts took to golfing with Obama and hosting him on Martha’s Vineyard. And even that money was dwarfed by the subsidies from the tax-free Comcast Foundation.

The Comcast Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that the powerful company has used to build its political connections while dodging taxes. As was noted during the NBC takeover, the Comcast Foundation, dominated by its top lobbyist, handed out “more than $3 billion since 2001” mostly to minority groups and “many of the groups to whom the Comcast Foundation has donated now support the proposed merger”. A number of the Comcast Foundation’s donations conveniently also went to organizations which had ties to Democrat politicians.

Comcast wasn’t just bribing its way to power, taxpayers were subsidizing the bribes.

This is another example of what Internal Radical Service, a report by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, delved into. Published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the report documented the abuse of the tax code by leftist foundations and nonprofits which are being used to finance the left’s agendas while the IRS watchdogs turn a blind eye to the violations.

Comcast is a corrupt company that pushes hate for profit. And Brian L. Roberts, who got the job because of his daddy, has used it to tear apart this country and reward the worst and most divisive bigots.

Despite the Jewish origins of the Roberts family, Brian Roberts has overseen a company that spreads the worst lies emanating from the terrorist propaganda machines of Hamas and the PLO. The anti-Semitic chorus at MSNBC, posing as journalists, promotes the worst smears against Israel and Jews in America.

The story of Comcast, like the tragic tale of so many other major and increasingly international companies, is that of powerful corporations turning on their own roots, on the country and the people that made them possible. Torn away from their values and roots, they become a virus that destroys everything around them. And that is what NBC and MSNBC have become as platforms for the Jew-hating, white-hating and America-hating Left.


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95e82e No.3335

File: 4cd6b268c288416⋯.png (54.55 KB,988x401,988:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111317 (091952ZJAN23) Notable: Brazil's Bolsonaro has been admitted to hospital in Florida, US with abdominal pain

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BREAKING: Brazil's Bolsonaro has been admitted to hospital in Florida, US with abdominal pain

11:54 AM · Jan 9,

oh shit…it's real…

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95e82e No.3336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111319 (091952ZJAN23) Notable: Nancy Drew-Video 1(11:00am)-WH Visitor Center 2 Year Update

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1/9/23 Nancy Drew-Video 1(11:00am)-WH Visitor Center 2 Year Update- Still No Sleepy & No End for T!

Truth and Freedom Videos


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95e82e No.3337

File: 5b1718bb0c90d61⋯.png (668.4 KB,725x694,725:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111324 (091952ZJAN23) Notable: Santos aide impersonated McCarthy's chief of staff in calls to GOP donors

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Santos aide reportedly impersonated McCarthy's chief of staff in calls to GOP donors: 'We were duped'

Story by Travis Gettys • 2h ago


An individual paid by George Santos' campaign called wealthy donors pretending to be Kevin McCarthy's chief of staff, according to a new report.

The newly elected New York Republican fabricated major portions of his backstory presented to voters, and CNBC reported that his congressional campaign raised nearly $3 million by falsely claiming high-level ties to McCarthy, who was GOP majority leader at the time and was elected last week as House speaker.

"We were duped," said a GOP political strategist close to the leadership of the Republican Jewish Coalition, which banned Santos from its events after the revelation that he had falsely claimed to be Jewish.

Santos staffer Sam Miele was calling and sending emails to wealthy donors impersonating McCarthy's top staffer Dan Meyer in a scheme cooked up by a member of the GOP candidate's political team, and the now-House speaker's team first learned of the deception in August.

Miele called donors pretending to be Meyer and then send follow-up emails from a phony address, according to the Washington Times, which first reported the deception last month but had not confirmed the name of the Santos staffer involved in the scheme.

“A person who misrepresented themselves as speaking on behalf of a candidate in order to raise money may have committed a criminal violation, and any other person who knowingly and willfully participated in the plan could also face criminal charges,” said Brendan Fischer, a deputy executive director of the watchdog Documented.

No one has been charged with a crime in connection with the scheme, and Santos' lawyer would not say whether the lawmaker was aware that Miele impersonated McCarthy's chief of staff, and a spokesman for McCarthy did not respond to requests for comment.

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95e82e No.3338

File: e43cacaaac5e037⋯.png (360.29 KB,660x529,660:529,Clipboard.png)

File: f79851884c1a062⋯.png (32.32 KB,531x206,531:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111332 (091953ZJAN23) Notable: Pro-gun activists half NY dems' gun control law

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BELLEVUE, WA – -(AmmoLand.com)- A federal judge in New Jersey has granted a temporary restraining order in a case brought by the Second Amendment Foundation and several co-plaintiffs in a challenge of that state’s new gun control law which criminalizes carry in a vastly expanded set of “sensitive areas.”

U.S. District Judge Renee Marie Bumb in Camden noted, “Plaintiffs have demonstrated a probability of success on the merits of their Second Amendment challenge to the relevant provisions” of the new law.

SAF is joined by the Firearms Policy Coalition, the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, and three private citizens. They are represented by attorney David Jensen of Beacon, NY.

Also in her opinion, Judge Bumb observed, “The State may regulate conduct squarely protected by the Second Amendment only if supported by a historical tradition of firearm regulation. Here, Plaintiffs have shown that Defendants will not be able to demonstrate a history of firearm regulation to support any of the challenged provisions. The deprivation of Plaintiffs’ Second Amendment rights, as the holders of valid permits from the State to conceal carry handguns, constitutes irreparable injury, and neither the State nor the public has an interest in enforcing unconstitutional laws.”

“This is another example of the important precedent found in language in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling last June,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb.

“Clearly, New Jersey lawmakers have gone too far in crafting a law to get around the high court’s decision.”

“We are pleased that Judge Bumb recognizes the plaintiffs’ probability of success in challenging a law restricting the right to bear arms in public that has no basis in this country’s history or tradition.,” SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut concurred.


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95e82e No.3339

File: 6de8a92a7bb563e⋯.png (215.84 KB,532x430,266:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111361 (091959ZJAN23) Notable: U.S. Life Insurance Companies Say Deaths Have an Unexplainable Increased by 40% in 18-49 Year Olds.

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BREAKING🚨U.S. Life Insurance Companies Say Deaths Have an Unexplainable Increased by 40% in 18-49 Year Olds.



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95e82e No.3340

File: 839119f63efbc47⋯.jpg (65.4 KB,875x655,175:131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111365 (091959ZJAN23) Notable: Battle against masculinity will LOSE

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Too Little, Too Stupid, Too Late

The Prometheans have belatedly realizing that they’re going to lose, and lose very badly, due to their decades-long war on masculinity in general and white men in particular. From the chans:

&ndash;l’m a staffer for a major news network in Australia. We’ve been instructed by the government to begin a long term military recruitment campaign. We’re about 2-3 years away from a massive war. This campaign will be long and gradual.

Phase 0 was the never ending coverage of Ukraine.

Phase 1 will be a gradual increase in news of the weaponry our country has.

A lot of the intermediate phases seem mundane, but the whole process is to get as many men as possible comfortable and desensitized to war. The last phases will involve teaching women to be ashamed of and to shame non-military men. There will soon be ninja-warrior type of shows but in the military training theme. They’re going to try to make military sexy.

Basically, manipulate women to desire it, which pushes men to go into it.

Someone brought up the issue of “sites like 4chan”. Some old boomer said there will be teams dedicated for those kinds of websites.&ndash;

Massive war = China takes Australia. If I was living in Australia, I would start studying Chinese.

Don’t fight for Clown World, no matter how Globohomo suddenly hides its rainbow flags and begins loudly proclaiming its love and patriotism for the very nations it has feverishly sought to destroy. The enemy within the West is far more pernicious, far more evil, and far more to be opposed than the purported enemy without.

And inoculate your sons against the lies they will be relentlessly told. Because the Empire of Lies is coming for them. Let Clown World’s sacred diversity defend it, if they can.

&ndash;Second- or third-generation foreign immigrants may appear outwardly to be entirely assimilated, but they often constitute a weakness in two directions. First, their basic human nature often differs from that of the original imperial stock. If the earlier imperial race was stubborn and slow-moving, the immigrants might come from more emotional races, thereby introducing cracks and schisms into the national policies, even if all were equally loyal. Second, while the nation is still affluent, all the diverse races may appear equally loyal. But in an acute emergency, the immigrants will often be less willing to sacrifice their lives and their property than will be the original descendants of the founder race.

Fate of Empires, Sir John Glubb&ndash;

The irony is that it is only the vaccinated young men who will be stupid and gullible enough to fall for the coming campaign.


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95e82e No.3341

File: 70127faacd6985e⋯.png (41.02 KB,598x334,299:167,Clipboard.png)

File: bf02ce3da86c3f0⋯.png (33.61 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

File: f2c8785027e0344⋯.png (30.66 KB,598x324,299:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111369 (092000ZJAN23) Notable: EmeraldRobinson: will ask Hannity why he wanted Trump to pardon Hunter Biden

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any anons listen to this?

Emerald Robinson ✝️


Yes I will be calling into Hannity’s radio show to find out why he wanted President Trump to pardon Hunter Biden. It’s time to hold the failed GOP pundit class accountable!


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95e82e No.3342

File: 0fd51924b79a477⋯.jpeg (563.11 KB,1266x920,633:460,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111377 (092001ZJAN23) Notable: Vatican Conservatives Reportedly Have “Secret Plan” to Remove Commie Pope Francis

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95e82e No.3343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111386 (092002ZJAN23) Notable: New Arkansas Gov Huckabee Sanders picks Florida chancellor to lead state's education dept

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New Arkansas Gov Huckabee Sanders picks Florida chancellor to lead state's education department

Oliva has been Florida's senior chancellor since 2017, a tenure that includes the 2018 Parkland school shooting.

Updated: December 30, 2022 - 8:48am

Incoming Arkansas GOP Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has picked one of Florida's top education officials to lead her state's education department.

Governor-elect Sanders on Thursday nominated Florida Senior Chancellor Jacob Oliva who in recent years played a vital role in carrying out Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis' public schools eduction agenda, according to Politico.

DeSantis' agenda attracted national attention for its fights against local schools board over the implementation of COVID-19 restrictions and carrying out legislation that restricts lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity, Politico also reports.

Oliva has been Florida's senior chancellor since 2017, a tenure that also includes the 2018 Parkland school shooting, in which a former Stoneman Douglas High School student opened fire on ex-classmates and -staffers, killing 17.

Arkansas lawmakers have endorsed Sanders' nomination of Oliva, whose career in education includes classroom teaching.

Oliva appears headed to Arkansas, considering the Florida Education Department has already publicly thanked him for his service, also according to Politico.


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95e82e No.3344

File: 434b8b17f1505f2⋯.png (276.95 KB,786x471,262:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111394 (092003ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag

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Busy day.

~300 military birds in the air over CONUS.

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95e82e No.3345

File: 7d13a1587b8da83⋯.png (124.34 KB,441x708,147:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111397 (092004ZJAN23) Notable: Federal deputy Erika Hilton has officially submitted a request to the Foreign Ministry to initiate the extradition of Jair Bolsonaro from the US

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BREAKING #BRASIL : Federal deputy Erika Hilton has officially submitted a request to the Foreign Ministry to initiate the extradition of Jair Bolsonaro from the United States.


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95e82e No.3346

File: 861defd41263846⋯.png (262.42 KB,571x619,571:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111422 (092007ZJAN23) Notable: Vatican Conservatives Reportedly Have “Secret Plan” to Remove Commie Pope Francis

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Vatican Conservatives Reportedly Have “Secret Plan” to Remove Commie Pope Francis

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95e82e No.3347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111445 (092011ZJAN23) Notable: More than 30,700 mail-in ballots in Illinois for November election were rejected

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More than 30,700 mail-in ballots in Illinois for November election were rejected

More than 2.2 million mail-ballots were requested across the state for November's election.

By The Center Square Staff

By Greg Bishop

Updated: January 8, 2023 - 7:26am

About 30,700 mail-in ballots in Illinois were rejected statewide in last year’s November election, according to preliminary data from the Illinois State Board of Elections.

Data shows a total of more than 2.2 million mail-ballots were requested across the state for November's election. More than 657,000 were returned with around 626,300 counted. That’s a difference of about 30,700.

Illinois lawmakers expanded mail-in ballots during the pandemic to go beyond absentee requests, allowing anyone to request a ballot. The Democratic-controlled state legislature further expanded mail-in balloting to allow for the universal option to be a standing request for voters who apply with their local elections official.

In DuPage County this past election, an election official was comparing mail-in ballot applications to verify signatures on the ballots, not the original voter signature on file with the county’s elections office. A lawsuit over the issue is pending.

On Friday, the Illinois legislature further modified the mail-in balloting law.

A Senate amendment to House Bill 45 makes changes to correct a drafting error in state law and make clarifications in various judicial circuits.

The measure also strikes out of state elections law the requirement an election authority compares the signature of a mail-in ballot with the official voter file held by the county clerk.

State Rep. Curtis Tarver, D-Chicago, said the measure is needed because of updated technology.

“Our thought in the language is that it would allow for both the digitized as well as the original placard for voter registration,” Tarver said during floor debate Friday. “We’re clarifying it now to check the voter registration or the signature on the application as it relates to the ballot for vote-by-mail.”

State Rep. Amy Elik, R-Alton, said that’s not clear in the bill, and the approved language is a problem.

“If that ballot comes back and all that they’re comparing it to is the application, that’s not a comparison at all,” Elik said. “So, I want to make that clear that this is causing the opportunity for more voter fraud.”


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95e82e No.3348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111463 (092012ZJAN23) Notable: Audit finds widespread fraud, abuse of 'extra pay' in Chicago Public Schools

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Audit finds widespread fraud, abuse of 'extra pay' in Chicago Public Schools

Audit also found widespread fraud by "deliberately miscoding" truant students as transfers.

Updated: January 8, 2023 - 7:31am

Chicago Public Schools spent 77% of the $1.49 billion in federal COVID-19 relief money on employees' salaries and benefits and the district has seen "extra pay" skyrocket during the pandemic, according to a 2023 report from the district's Office of Inspector General.

The report provides many critical conclusions, including a concern over abuse of extra pay for employees in the form of overtime or stipends for taking on extra duties.The cost of extra pay for district employees increased from $42.5 million in 2017 to $73.9 million in 2021.

There was also widespread fraud by "deliberately miscoding" truant students as transfers in an effort to "mask chronic absenteeism" that the Office of the Inspector General said called into question the district's reported attendance and graduation rates.

The report gave examples of a practice called "buddy punching," where one school district employee clocks in an absent colleague as working.

"At one school, colleagues punched in a teacher’s ID number on days when the teacher stayed home from summer school," the report stated.

In another example, one schooldistrict employee received nearly $150,000 in extra pay and other forms of supplemental pay over four yearswhile clocked in at his school while casino records indicate he was visiting a casino. That same employee was paid for working two different types of supplemental pay jobs simultaneously.

A clerk paid herself more than $15,000 in unauthorized overtime and other extra pay over 13 months by using the principal’s password to enter and approve her own extra compensation.

"Paper timesheets that are supposed to be maintained by schools to document Extra Pay mysteriously disappeared during OIG fraud investigations," the report stated.

School district officials say they have not had the staffing to check if the corrective action policies were actually implemented due to a lack of staffing, according to the Office of Inspector General.

The Office of Inspector General stated that on June 28, 2022, the OIG outlined 10 findings and 10 recommendations on how to address abuse of the Extra Pay Rules and requested a corrective action plan from Chicago Public Schools by August 9. On that date, Chicago Public Schools sent a memo "promising various actions, most of which it said would be explained in a November 30 Integrity Memo. However, the OIG later found that the November 30 Integrity Memo left several areas of concern unaddressed."

The district responded to the report.

“Chicago Public Schools greatly values our partnership with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and we support the work to investigate all issues of misconduct among our 40,000 team members," Chicago Public Schools' spokeswoman Mary Fergus told The Center Square in an email. "As a District, we take seriously our responsibility to serve our families with integrity and to address individuals who breach CPS policies and the public’s trust and hold them accountable. CPS will continue to ensure our District policies and procedures support the highest ethical standards to ensure our valued team members act in the best interest of our students.”

The district stated the Office of Inspector General report "also notes that the District has committed to making several policy improvements to help prevent future misconduct. CPS has informed the OIG that it is creating a team within the Office of Student Support and Engagement that will address the improper use of leave codes and the documentation of transfers and dropouts."


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95e82e No.3349

File: 7297f4638599f40⋯.png (224.89 KB,700x388,175:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111480 (092015ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag

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PF: Trudope in CFC01 on final at Santa Lucia AB with Mexi Navy Airbus H225M at about 300 ft (altitude is relative to sea level-not actual) heading NE

>>3256 pb PF: Trudope/wife in CFC01 CC-150 Polaris departed Ottawa Int'l and heading for Santa Lucia AB-where Potato is parked at

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95e82e No.3350

File: 7327e36ac1210c5⋯.jpg (125.92 KB,720x1062,40:59,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5288d722214e248⋯.jpg (76.92 KB,852x797,852:797,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111482 (092016ZJAN23) Notable: More deaths among vaxxed Americans not a reason to avoid vaxxes - experts

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3351

File: aeaa20665080175⋯.png (631.34 KB,638x1307,638:1307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111512 (092020ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb pressed Twitter to suppress tweets criticizing jabs

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Alex Berenson

Shills all up in Mario twitter space

Kvetching that Alex Berenson dropping files


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3352

File: 81a9bb2a3dc79d7⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111530 (092023ZJAN23) Notable: "Why Qanon has gained traction in Trump's America" - BIG KEKS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3353

File: 6338856e1795185⋯.png (37.35 KB,647x459,647:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111568 (092028ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb pressed Twitter to suppress tweets criticizing jabs

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it's pretty funny to watch the fake news deepstate shills try and control the narrative in real time.

Alex has entered the chat


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3354

File: 12413f3d6da471d⋯.png (311.29 KB,823x1035,823:1035,Clipboard.png)

File: 152cc11b99e3b2e⋯.jpg (82.18 KB,640x340,32:17,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ce770492194b5db⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,640x848,40:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1fba1fc7e7e1ae4⋯.png (56.57 KB,688x471,688:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111579 (092029ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb pressed Twitter to suppress tweets criticizing jabs

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'it's safe to trust us again'


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3355

File: 3a4ec70d791b5dd⋯.gif (1.08 MB,498x270,83:45,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111596 (092032ZJAN23) Notable: Moving to end gas cooking (and likely heating) in USA

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moving to end gas cooking (and likely heating) in USA

Natural gas stoves, which are used in about 40% of US homes, emit pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission says a ban on gas stoves is on the table amid rising concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances. (iStockphoto)

By Ari Natter

A federal agency says a ban on gas stoves is on the table amid rising concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission plans to take action to address the pollution, which can cause health and respiratory problems.

“This is a hidden hazard,” Richard Trumka Jr., an agency commissioner, said in an interview. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

RELATED: California moves to become first in nation to ban natural gas furnaces and heaters by 2030

Natural gas stoves, which are used in about 40% of homes in the US, emit air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter at levels the EPA and World Health Organization have said are unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other health conditions, according to reports by groups such as the Institute for Policy Integrity and the American Chemical Society.

RELATED: Your natural gas bills to jump ‘shockingly high’ across region, SoCalGas warns

Consumer Reports, in October, urged consumers planning to buy a new range to consider going electric after tests conducted by the group found high levels of nitrogen oxide gases from gas stoves.

RELATED: Hundreds of deserted oil and gas wells in Southern California could soon get plugged

New peer-reviewed research published last month in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that more than 12% of current childhood asthma cases in the US can be attributed to gas stove use.

“There is about 50 years of health studies showing that gas stoves are bad for our health, and the strongest evidence is on children and children’s asthma,” said Brady Seals, a manager in the carbon-free buildings program at the nonprofit clean energy group RMI and a co-author of the study. “By having a gas connection, we are polluting the insides of our homes.”

The Bethesda, Maryland-based Consumer Product Safety Commission, which has a staff of roughly 500, plans to open public comment on hazards posed by gas stoves later this winter. Besides barring the manufacture or import of gas stoves, options include setting standards on emissions from the appliances, Trumka said.

RELATED: Study: Cancer-causing gas leaking from California stoves, pipes

Lawmakers have weighed in, asking the commission to consider requiring warning labels, range hoods and performance standards. In a letter to the agency in December, lawmakers including Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey and Representative Don Beyer of Virginia, both Democrats, urged action and called gas-stove emissions a “cumulative burden” on Black, Latino and low-income households that disproportionately experience air pollution.

Parallel efforts by state and local policymakers are targeting the use of natural gas in buildings more broadly, in a push to reduce climate-warming emissions (such as from methane) that exacerbate climate change. Nearly 100 cities and counties have adopted policies that require or encourage a move away from fossil fuel powered buildings. The New York City Council voted in 2021 to ban natural gas hookups in new buildings smaller than seven stories by the end of this year. The California Air Resources Board unanimously voted in September to ban the sale of natural gas-fired furnaces and water heaters by 2030.

RELATED: California cows are leaving the state and that won’t help global warming

Consumers who want to switch from gas to electric ranges could get some help from the massive climate spending bill signed into law in August. The Inflation Reduction Act includes rebates of up to $840 for the purchase of new electric ranges as part of some $4.5 billion in funding to help low- and moderate-income households electrify their homes.



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95e82e No.3356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111598 (092033ZJAN23) Notable: Moving to end gas cooking (and likely heating) in USA

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The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, which represents gas range manufacturers such as Whirlpool Corp., says that cooking produces emissions and harmful byproducts no matter what kind of stove is used.

“Ventilation is really where this discussion should be, rather than banning one particular type of technology,” said Jill Notini, a vice president with the Washington-based trade group. “Banning one type of a cooking appliance is not going to address the concerns about overall indoor air quality. We may need some behavior change, we may need [people] to turn on their hoods when cooking.”

RELATED: Natural gas soars 700%, becoming driving force in the new cold war

Natural gas distributors, whose business is threatened by the growing push to electrify homes, argue that a ban on natural gas stoves would drive up costs for homeowners and restaurants with little environmental gain. The American Gas Association, which represents utilities such as Dominion Energy Inc. and DTE Energy Co., said in a statement that regulatory and advisory agencies responsible for protecting residential consumer health and safety have presented no documented risks from gas stoves.

“The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and EPA do not present gas ranges as a significant contributor to adverse air quality or health hazard in their technical or public information literature, guidance, or requirements,” said Karen Harbert, the group’s president. “The most practical, realistic way to achieve a sustainable future where energy is clean, as well as safe, reliable and affordable, is to ensure it includes natural gas and the infrastructure that transports it.”

RELATED: Earth’s ozone layer recovering as damaging chemicals phase out

Republicans, meanwhile, criticized the potential move as government overreach.

“If the CPSC really wanted to do something about public health, it would ban cigarettes, or automobiles, long before it moved on to address stoves,” said Mike McKenna, a GOP energy lobbyist. “It’s transparently political.”

Trumka, who before joining the commission worked for a House committee in a role that included work on toxic heavy metals in baby food and the health hazards of e-cigarettes, said the commission could issue its proposal as soon as this year, though he conceded that would be “on the quick side.”

“There is this misconception that if you want to do fine-dining kind of cooking it has to be done on gas,” Trumka said. “It’s a carefully manicured myth.”

2 of 2

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95e82e No.3357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111620 (092035ZJAN23) Notable: #22202

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>>3320 TikTok Creator Noah Brady Has Passed Away At 21 Years Old

>>3321 Meta board finds 'death to Khamenei' doesn't violate rules as Trump ban remains


>>3323 An Insider Tell-All Is About to Rip Pope Francis a New One

>>3324 The Satanic Temple dedicating 'largest satanic gathering in history' to Boston mayor, will require masks

>>3325 Department of State Daily Press Briefing

>>3326 Covid Kraken symptoms….ultra transmissable….best fear pron yet

>>3327 Seattle schools sue social media platforms re "toxic use" of social media

>>3328 Kristi Noem demands answers after government publishes her and her family's ss numbers

>>3329 PF's

>>3330, >>3333, >>3334 Comcast CEO Brian Roberts used MSNBC's hate machine to divide and slander America

>>3331 Biden's FCC nominee shared post calling Trump a 'raggedy white supremacist'

>>3332, >>3351, >>3353, >>3354 Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb pressed Twitter to suppress tweets criticizing jabs

>>3335 Brazil's Bolsonaro has been admitted to hospital in Florida, US with abdominal pain

>>3336 Nancy Drew-Video 1(11:00am)-WH Visitor Center 2 Year Update

>>3337 Santos aide impersonated McCarthy's chief of staff in calls to GOP donors

>>3338 Pro-gun activists half NY dems' gun control law

>>3339 U.S. Life Insurance Companies Say Deaths Have an Unexplainable Increased by 40% in 18-49 Year Olds.

>>3340 Battle against masculinity will LOSE

>>3341 EmeraldRobinson: will ask Hannity why he wanted Trump to pardon Hunter Biden

>>3342, >>3346 Vatican Conservatives Reportedly Have “Secret Plan” to Remove Commie Pope Francis

>>3343 New Arkansas Gov Huckabee Sanders picks Florida chancellor to lead state's education dept

>>3344, >>3349 Planefag

>>3345 Federal deputy Erika Hilton has officially submitted a request to the Foreign Ministry to initiate the extradition of Jair Bolsonaro from the US

>>3347 More than 30,700 mail-in ballots in Illinois for November election were rejected

>>3348 Audit finds widespread fraud, abuse of 'extra pay' in Chicago Public Schools

>>3350 More deaths among vaxxed Americans not a reason to avoid vaxxes - experts

>>3352 "Why Qanon has gained traction in Trump's America" - BIG KEKS

>>3355, >>3356 Moving to end gas cooking (and likely heating) in USA



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95e82e No.3358

File: c1ec6262ce6a7ee⋯.png (1.21 MB,1144x1280,143:160,Clipboard.png)

File: e378bfa6eef7fd6⋯.png (717.47 KB,1028x1280,257:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111653 (092043ZJAN23) Notable: New York-based LinusBio has created a test that analyzes a single strand of hair for levels of lead and aluminum, all of which are higher in autistic children

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New York-based LinusBio has created a test that analyzes a single strand of hair for levels of lead and aluminum, all of which are higher in autistic children.—NYPost






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95e82e No.3359

File: 2e27ad652d57d2a⋯.png (1.15 MB,1295x1502,1295:1502,Clipboard.png)

File: 447f03d81521c99⋯.png (147.53 KB,864x394,432:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111659 (092046ZJAN23) Notable: 1200 arrested Brazilians face up to 30 years incarceration if they are convicted of terrorism and "crimes against democracy."

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From the bred butt.

>>>/qresearch/18111649 lb


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95e82e No.3360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111660 (092047ZJAN23) Notable: Trump Calls For Mitch McConnell To Be Primaried

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Trump Calls For Mitch McConnell To Be Primaried

Former President Donald Trump called for Republicans to challenge Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and others with his voting record in primary races.

Trump made the call in his latest attack against McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao, with accusations McConnell caters to his Democratic colleagues.

“We must now stop Mitch McConnell and his China flagrant boss, Coco Chow [Chao],” he wrote in a Truth Social post Monday. “It’s as though he just doesn’t care anymore, he pushes through anything the Democrats want. The $1.7 TRILLION quickly approved Bill of the week before was HORRIBLE. Zero for USA Border Security. If he waited just ten days, the now ‘United Republican Congress’ could have made it MUCH BETTER, or KILLED IT. Something is wrong with McConnell, and those Republican Senators that Vote with him.

Tension between McConnell and the former president arose after the Senate minority leader refused to go along with claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Trump immediately turned against McConnell, and publicly regretted endorsing the latter’s 2020 reelection campaign. (RELATED: McConnell Criticizes Trump Over Senate Losses, Says His ‘Political Clout Has Diminished’)

The former president criticized McConnell for being one of 18 Republicans to vote in favor of the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill, which includes $45 billion in aid to Ukraine and $2 million to renovate a Planned Parenthood clinic.

Other Republican lawmakers who voted in favor of the legislation included Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia and John Cornyn of Texas.

McConnell won his seventh term in Congress after defeating Democratic challenger Amy McGrath in Kentucky’s 2020 senate race. He would not run for reelection until 2026, and he has yet to announce any intentions to do so.


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95e82e No.3361

File: ca530e2395d5695⋯.mp4 (11.92 MB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111678 (092051ZJAN23) Notable: Why hasn't any leader got the suddenly?

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Why hasn't any leader got the suddenly. Actors love to fake it to get you to take it.

The ignorant slaves are so fucked.

If they got boosted in April or May

The bell tolls 8-10 months later.

Happy new year!

Many who beat cancer have been inundated with a wildfire of cancer rebirth. FEMALES beware of serious problems. You cannot stop demonized aunt flow. Seek medical help.

The calamari worms are going to explode this month. Their incubation time is ready to activate. The brain worms will take control and many clips of zombie like humans are coming.

Nobody who took the death darts will be safe.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111686 (092054ZJAN23) Notable: Afroman’s house gets raided on charges of drugs/kidnapping, posts music video of it

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Afroman’s house gets raided, posts music video of it

Raided on charges of drugs/kidnapping

Catches cops on security camera stealing his money

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3363

File: 0903c2f9e4cbbef⋯.png (42.89 KB,518x293,518:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 91c5707a24af8cb⋯.png (310.09 KB,853x910,853:910,Clipboard.png)

File: c6e105adbd254c8⋯.png (43.51 KB,528x309,176:103,Clipboard.png)

File: cd05198d3b6fc0a⋯.png (113.2 KB,880x911,880:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111702 (092100ZJAN23) Notable: Controvery Swirls Over Mystery '3-Page Addendum' To House Rules Package

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Controvery Swirls Over Mystery '3-Page Addendum' To House Rules Package

Update (1445ET): There's word of a 'much-fabled 3-page House rules addendum' circulating throughout certain GOP offices in which McCarthy reportedly agrees on everything from the 20-holdout demands on everything from strategy on the debt ceiling, to committee assignments.

Via Axios' Andrew Solender:

According to Punchbowl News,

there’s also a secret three-page addendum that McCarthy and his allies hashed out during several days of grueling negotiations with the House Freedom Caucus. This pact includes the most controversial concessions McCarthy made in order to become speaker – three seats on the Rules Committee for conservatives, freezing spending at FY2022 levels, a debt-ceiling strategy, coveted committee assignments and more.

* * *

How that Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has been elected Speaker of the House, his first order of business is presiding over the Republican rules package for the 118th Congress.


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95e82e No.3364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111706 (092101ZJAN23) Notable: EU state to reintroduce conscription

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EU state to reintroduce conscription

Sweden’s move comes as it aims to boost its defense capabilities amid the conflict in Ukraine

The Swedish government plans to reintroduce civil conscription service in the country, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson announced during a press conference on Monday, adding that the Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) will be ordered to prepare the measure later this week.

According to Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin, the first step will be to send people with the appropriate skills to municipal rescue services to perform civil service there. He noted that as many as 3,000 recruits could become part of this first wave, but stressed during a MSB meeting last week that the details have yet to be ironed out.

“We do not know exactly how many may be covered by the duty. We see that the municipal rescue service today is not designed for the demands of a high alert and ultimately an armed attack,” Bohlin explained.

“The experience from Ukraine is clear – when it comes to protecting the civilian population, emergency services are put under very heavy pressure,” he added.

Compulsory civil service was originally abandoned in Sweden in 2008. The MSB will have until March 1 to prepare the activation of civil duty, the minister said.

He added that the Swedish government hopes to recreate it on a much larger scale than before and stated that those called up for service will undergo additional training on conducting rescue operations in military conditions.

Civil service is the civilian equivalent of conscription, where citizens are called up to carry out missions that are crucial to a country’s defense capabilities. This includes filling positions in healthcare, child care, fire protection and other essential services.

Sweden revived its military conscription in 2017, citing Russian military activity as one of the reasons. The policy requires people to serve between nine and 12 months.


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95e82e No.3365

File: f2c22d7b471da43⋯.png (551.51 KB,1070x629,1070:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111710 (092102ZJAN23) Notable: PF: P-8 Poseidon (sub hunter) flew from Indianapolis to Colorado Springs, and cruising at 500 knots just north of Tulsa.

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P-8 Poseidon (sub hunter) flew from Indianapolis to Colorado Springs, and cruising at 500 knots just north of Tulsa.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3366

File: 4e2a690fbd6f0b2⋯.png (202.08 KB,1292x666,646:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111725 (092105ZJAN23) Notable: [Sam Kelly] DipPFS, EFA, BA (Hons) has sat on dozens of expert panels…

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>Sam 🕊


This SamTwat must be major long in big pharma

Sam Kelly DipPFS, EFA, BA (Hons)



Sam Kelly is a UK and European qualified financial adviser. Having been introduced to the world of finance by his grandmother, a successful property and stocks investor, Sam made his first investment in his teens. Trading prolifically throughout his 20s, whilst studying both fundamental and technical trading, Sam’s financial expertise and experience spans over 20 years in the markets.

Sam has sat on dozens of expert panels, including with the British Consulate, and major financial institutions and has become a recognised and respected adviser, columnist and speaker in the world of European finance.

Sam has contributed content to leading publications, including The Financial Times, International Adviser, The Euro Weekly News, The Olive Press and on radio and financial conferences across Europe.

Sam is a current member of the Chartered Insurance Institute, The Personal Finance Society and the European Financial Planning Association. Sam holds the UK Level 4 Qualification ‘Diploma In Regulated Financial Planning’ and is a certified European Financial Advisor.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111729 (092107ZJAN23) Notable: ‘Severe Abdominal Pain’ Former Brazil President Bolsonaro hospitalized in Florida Democrats urge Potato to extradite

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Democrats urge Biden to extradite Bolsonaro from Florida after Brazil riot

(How absolutely evil do you have to be to try to send Bolsonaro back to Brazil to be murdered? That's what they want in the US, send anyone to jail that questions anything, EVIL people, they should be sent to Brazil. This has nothing to do with "democracy" (a greatly overused word), they are spouting the SeeEyeAye Communist, Marxists line, trying to have a beloved World Leader get killed because they have to dissuade anyone from challenging a rigged election. They should all go to prison.)

U.S. lawmakers are comparing Sunday's events in Brazil to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: January 9, 2023 - 2:38pm

Democrats lawmakers are urging fellow party member President Biden to extradite ex-Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro from Florida after his supporters Sunday sacked a complex of government buildings his home country.

Bolsonaro lost reelection in October 2022, and the Democratic lawmakers requests for his extradition are similar to those Jan. 6 Capitol riot that was preceded by then-President Trump losing his reelection.

"Nearly 2 years to the day the US Capitol was attacked by fascists, we see fascist movements abroad attempt to do the same in Brazil," New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Sunday. "The US must cease granting refuge to Bolsonaro in Florida."

Hundreds of people have arrested following the protest Sunday, which included act of vandalism in the largely empty complex that Bolsonaro has since condemned.

In a tweet similar to the one by Ocasio-Cortez, fellow progressive Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., said: "Two years ago our Capitol was attacked by fanatics, now we are watching it happen in Brazil. … Bolsonaro should not be given refuge in Florida."

Texas Democrat Rep. Joaquin Castro tweeted: "Domestic terrorists and fascists cannot be allowed to use Trump’s playbook to undermine democracy," "Bolsonaro must not be given refuge in Florida, where he’s been hiding from accountability for his crimes."

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Monday that the U.S. government had not received any official requests from Brazil regarding Bolsonaro's status in Florida, Reuters reported.

"Of course, if we did receive such requests, we'd treat them the way we always do, we'd treat them seriously," Sullivan said.

Also on Monday, Bolsonaro was reportedly admitted to a hospital in Orlando, Florida, for severe abdominal pain. He has been admitted several times for such issues since being stabbed in 2018 at a campaign rally.


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95e82e No.3368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111739 (092109ZJAN23) Notable: Why hasn't any leader got the suddenly?

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https://patents.google.com/patent/US9732337B2/en?q=rna self-assembly&oq=rna self-assembly

RNA nanoparticles and nanotubes


The instant invention provides polyvalent RNA nanoparticles comprising RNA motifs as building blocks that can form RNA nanotubes. The polyvalent RNA nanoparticles are suitable for therapeutic or diagnostic use in a number of diseases or disorders.




Here you go anons, months of research here presented:

Cure for most epilepsies: probiotics

source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30198325/

Cure for cancer: probiotics

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7793079/

Cure for schizophrenia: probiotics

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6791081/

Cure for bipolar disorder: probiotics

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7193240/

Cure for depression: probiotics

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5319175/

Cure for most autoimmune disorders: probiotics

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6213508/

Cure for covid: probiotics

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8781206/

Cure for diabetes: probiotics

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6949658/

If you have ANY health issue, you should research more for yourself, as this is as rich a thread to mine as any there have ever been. I personally have had a miraculous turn around in a serious medical condition by simply eating yogurt twice a day, but it is something worth doing as much research on by yourself as possible. There are differences between TYPES of probiotics, but its worthy to note that most of our preserved (shelf stable) food is acidified so it doesn't degrade. Our food is DEAD. I pray to God that this may help some of you, and that you screenshot and pass this info along, for now and forever.

Pattern Recognition Anon wishes you a Merry Christmas!


On different strains of gut flora, it's worthy to note that it's best to consume life cultured foods rather than probiotic pills. Generally speaking the most populous strains in the gut are lactobacillus, found in yogurts, sauerkraut, and things like that. KEFIR is especially good. Beer is fermented with the same kind of yeast that bread is made from (not endorsing drinking, I don't drink at all and neither does Trump). Yeast is technically a fungus, but it does constitute a part of the gut microbiome.

Interestingly, babies born thru C section struggle with their health more because they don't have the opportunity to have their gut colonized with the vaginal biome during a normal birth (gross but relevant here).

The reason that the keto diet works to treat DRUG RESISTANT EPILEPSY, meaning, the hardest kind to treat, is because the gut biome is not metabolizing GABA, the neurotransmitter responsible for actively slowing neurons down.

The gut-brain axis is a bigger deal than popular culture recognizes, and I truly hope that any of you with health issues sees this. I will hang around and answer any and all questions.



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95e82e No.3369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111740 (092109ZJAN23) Notable: WEF Creep Yuval Noah Harari: Humans May Need to ‘Relearn How to See and Walk’ in ‘Virtual Reality’ Future

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WEF Creep Yuval Noah Harari: Humans May Need to ‘Relearn How to See and Walk’ in ‘Virtual Reality’ Future

Historian, futurist, and noted WEF creep Yuval Noah Harari speculated that human beings may need to “relearn how to see and walk” in a virtual reality future divorcing people from the “physical and biological” world during a discussion with podcaster Tom Bilyeu published on Tuesday.

Harari, an author and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser, emphasized humanity’s capacity for change and abstract thinking in his contemplation of a technologically-driven paradigm shift in the human condition with the framework of virtual reality.

Humanity may need to “let go” of timeless and ubiquitous components of the human experience, including sight and the ability to walk, he considered.

He remarked:

Maybe the most important quality to survive and flourish in 21st century is to have mental flexibility — not just to keep learning and changing again and again — [but] also to keep letting go.

Part of what makes it difficult to learn new things [is] that we hold on. … I’ll give an example of how deep it goes: it’s not just what you learned in college or what you learned in kindergarten; it’s even what you learned as a baby, as a toddler, like learning how to see, or learning how to walk.

But what does it mean that I have to relearn how to see and walk? As virtual reality improves — and with all the talk of the metaverse and so forth, which we will discuss later on — increasingly, it’s likely that [there] will be many more activities shifting from the physical biological world that we know into a new reality — a virtual reality — which has different physical and biological laws.

Harari asked, “Can we as humans just shift to the immaterial realm of the Metaverse and leave our biological bodies behind? Or is it impossible or even dangerous to try and separate our kind of mental existence from our bodily and physical existence?”

Bilyeu alluded to the centrality of physicality to the human condition while considering a technologically-driven attempt of divorcing humanity from physical existence.

“I am very grounded in biology,” he stated. “Will it be interesting for an entirely virtual species to inhabit [virtual reality]? Maybe that could be cool, but that doesn’t help us. So even people thinking about uploading their consciousness — I’ve thought through that one a lot — it would be a copy of me, but it wouldn’t be me.”

He continued, “So all of this sadness of death that I would be hoping to avoid by doing that doesn’t help. Maybe it kind of gives the same sense of having a kid, but it wouldn’t by any means save me from having to deal with death.”


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95e82e No.3370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111779 (092117ZJAN23) Notable: Seattle Public Schools Sues TikTok, Facebook, Google, and Snapchat over Youth ‘Mental Health Crisis’

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Seattle Public Schools Sues TikTok, Facebook, Google, and Snapchat over Youth ‘Mental Health Crisis’

Seattle Public Schools is suing China-owned TikTok, Facebook (now known as Meta), Google’s YouTube, and Snapchat, accusing the social media giants of creating a “mental health crisis among America’s Youth.”

The lawsuit claims that tech giants are exploiting the addictive nature of social media, leading to higher anxiety, depression, and thoughts of self-harm amongst young people, according to a report by Engadget.

“Defendants’ growth is a product of choices they made to design and operate their platforms in ways that exploit the psychology and neurophysiology of their users into spending more and more time on their platforms,” reads the lawsuit, filed in a U.S. district court.

“[They] have successfully exploited the vulnerable brains of youth, hooking tens of millions of students across the country into positive feedback loops of excessive use and abuse of Defendants’ social media platforms,” the complaint adds.

Behavior such as self-harm and extreme dieting have resulted from social media usage, the complaint alleges, adding that this has led to a 30 percent increase in students between 2009 and 2019 who say they feel “so sad or hopeless,” to the point where they “stopped doing some usual activities” for “two weeks or more in a row.”

“Defendants’ misconduct has been a substantial factor in causing a youth mental health crisis, which has been marked by higher and higher proportions of youth struggling with anxiety, depression, thoughts of self-harm, and suicidal ideation,” the suit reads.

The complaint goes on to say that “the rates at which children have struggled with mental health issues have climbed steadily since 2010 and by 2018 made suicide the second leading cause of death for youths.”

As a result, these students have been “less likely to attend school, more likely to engage in substance use, and to act out, all of which directly affects Seattle Public Schools’ ability to fulfill its educational mission,” the lawsuit states.

The complaint adds that while Section 230 of the U.S. Communications Decency Act protects social media platforms from being responsible for content posted by third parties, the clause does not protect these companies for recommending, distributing, and promoting content “in a way that causes harm.”

Google, which owns YouTube, responded to the lawsuit, telling Axios, “We have invested heavily in creating safe experiences for children across our platforms and have introduced strong protections and dedicated features to prioritize their wellbeing. For example, through Family Link, we provide parents with the ability to set reminders, limit screen time and block specific types of content on supervised devices.”

A Facebook spokesperson offered a similar response, stating, “We’ve developed more than 30 tools to support teens and families, including supervision tools that let parents limit the amount of time their teens spend on Instagram, and age verification technology that helps teens have age-appropriate experiences.”

The social media giants being sued by the Seattle schools are known for being toxic to young people.

Lawmakers have also urged Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to drop his plans for an “Instagram for Kids” app after internal research by Instagram was released, showing that the platform has had a terrible effect on the mental health of its teenage users, especially girls.

TikTok, an app owned by a hostile foreign country, is also a huge offender. The China-owned app is known for being a danger to youth. Not only does TikTok’s algorithm make it easier for teenagers to go viral and gain internet fame when they post sexualized videos, the app has also gotten kids to participate in trends that are dangerous and even life-threatening.


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95e82e No.3371

File: 6f9107f7766150e⋯.png (985.02 KB,932x3679,932:3679,Clipboard.png)

File: e974a12cedcb352⋯.png (356.37 KB,1010x1579,1010:1579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111780 (092117ZJAN23) Notable: [Sam Kelly] DipPFS, EFA, BA (Hons) has sat on dozens of expert panels…

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Sam is an ass. IRL shill. agitating people attempting to control the narrative.

Sam Kelly DipPFS, EFA, BA(Hons)

Managing Partner at Chorus Financial

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55% pension tax trap to be extended, Final Salary Pensions at risk

By Sam Kelly DipPFS, EFA, BA(Hons)

Oct 19, 2015

UK pension triple lock costs extra £6bn a year, says report

By Sam Kelly DipPFS, EFA, BA(Hons)

Oct 14, 2015

Update on reforms to the taxation of non-doms

By Sam Kelly DipPFS, EFA, BA(Hons)

Oct 12, 2015


Nick Flaherty of eeNews Europe interviewed our new Chairman, Dr Graham Hine, about our first of many patent filings and the start of our Series A…

Nick Flaherty of eeNews Europe interviewed our new Chairman, Dr Graham Hine, about our first of many patent filings and the start of our Series A…

Shared by Sam Kelly DipPFS, EFA, BA(Hons)

Nick Flaherty of eeNews Europe interviewed our new Chairman, Dr Graham Hine, about our first of many patent filings and the start of our Series A…

Nick Flaherty of eeNews Europe interviewed our new Chairman, Dr Graham Hine, about our first of many patent filings and the start of our Series A…

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He was born from our #GiftEverGrow contest. The real-life adventures of @evergrowman_egc… #EverGrowCoin presents a new type of superhero for the…

He was born from our #GiftEverGrow contest. The real-life adventures of @evergrowman_egc… #EverGrowCoin presents a new type of superhero for the…

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95e82e No.3372

File: 95a884567bfdb91⋯.png (352.35 KB,904x578,452:289,Clipboard.png)

File: cb23394bd3f7851⋯.png (26.1 KB,613x539,613:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111793 (092120ZJAN23) Notable: Dr. Dre Gets Marjorie Taylor Greene Busted For Copyright Infringement

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Dr. Dre Gets Marjorie Taylor Greene Busted For Copyright Infringement


Dr. Dre told TMZ when he found out about the video, “I don’t license my music to politicians, especially someone as divisive and hateful as this one.” So, yeah … he ain’t a fan of her collab here in the slightest.”

Dre apparently did do something, because this is what Greene’s video looked like on Twitter:

Greene didn’t license the music, so her video was pulled down for copyright infringement.

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95e82e No.3373

File: 30ff1fa98948b0e⋯.png (199.62 KB,442x247,34:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 362520e9e98b751⋯.png (59.03 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111795 (092121ZJAN23) Notable: The Salem-based Satanic Temple has announced its2023 convention in nearby Boston

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9 Jan, 2023 18:07

US to host largest-ever Satanic gathering

The Salem-based Satanic Temple has announced its2023 convention in nearby Boston

The Satanic Temple group has announced on social media that SatanCon 2023 will take place at the end of April in Boston, Massachusetts. Dubbed the “largest Satanic gathering in history,” this year’s convention will celebrate the Temple’s tenth anniversary.

Those who show up to the ‘Hexennacht in Boston’ on April 28, will have to wear “an N-95, KN-95, or disposable surgical mask,” according to the convention website. Other details, such as the exact venue in the “historic downtown,” the schedule of events, or names of speakers, have yet to be provided.

After holding the first-ever SatanCon last year in Arizona, The Satanic Temple (TST) is moving the event closer to its international headquarters in nearby Salem, known for its “witch trials” in the late 1600s. The Temple claims it has around 2,500 members in the Boston area.

The group insists it doesn’t actually believe in the devil, and its official mission is to “to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits.”

They have also declared abortion a fundamental religious right, and argued that any state laws restricting the practice are unfairly discriminating against their members. After coming into the national spotlight due to that advocacy in 2020, the actual Church of Satan denounced TST as “a political activist group who uses scandalous language to get press attention.”

The Temple is best known for filing lawsuits against local and state authorities, claiming infringement of religious freedoms when their demands to deliver satanic invocations or display satanic statues on public property are rejected. In July 2021, it petitioned Boston to fly a flag outside the city hall for “Satan Appreciation Week,” but was turned down. The city went on to change its flag policy in October that year.

Boston and the Massachusetts colony were originally founded by the Puritans, an austere Protestantsect that believed the Church of England was too similar to the Roman Catholic Church it had separated from.


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95e82e No.3374

File: e1e419092299e91⋯.png (406.07 KB,786x1041,262:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b56e77a1a0a4a5⋯.png (674.9 KB,591x1280,591:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111801 (092123ZJAN23) Notable: 12 state police ‘dishonorably discharged’ for failing to get COVID vaccine

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I don’t know about you all, but I’m ready for some people to go to prison.


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95e82e No.3375

File: 7e29c8e82817209⋯.png (183.07 KB,382x275,382:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111821 (092126ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer Gives $1 Million to Kentucky GOP to Expand Its Headquarters – The “Mitch McConnell Building”

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Pfizer Gives $1 Million to Kentucky GOP to Expand Its Headquarters – The “Mitch McConnell Building”

Pfizer donated $1 million to the Kentucky Republican Party in 2021 in what is being called the highest donation to a political party in state history.

The donation will be used to expand the Frankfort Mitch McConnell Building in the state capital.

The donation seems like a perfect fit.

Mitch McConnell has been a staunch supporter of the COVID vaccine and COVID legislation.

Via The Kentucky Lantern:

In what may be the largest political contribution ever given to a political party in Kentucky, the drug maker Pfizer Inc. gave $1 million last month to the building fund of the Republican Party of Kentucky.

A report filed by Republican Party of Kentucky Building Fund last week with the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance listed the $1 million from Pfizer along with five other big corporation contributions in the final quarter of 2022 totalling $1.65 million.

That is an extraordinarily large haul for the fund which had raised only $6,000 during the first three quarters of 2022.

The other large corporate donors to the fund in late 2022 were:

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York, $300,000;

Altria Client Services LLC, of Richmond, VA., $100,000;

Comcast Corp., of Philadelphia; $100,000;

AT&T, of St. Louis; $100,000;

Delta Air Lines, of Atlanta, $50,000.

State and federal campaign finance laws set limits on how much a person or political action committee can give to the executive committee of either political party. (A person can give no more than $15,000 per year.) And corporation contributions to a party’s executive committee are prohibited…

… The $1.65 million added to the GOP building fund would be plenty to pay for a major expansion and upgrade for the party headquarters. The Franklin County Property Valuation Administrator’s website currently lists the taxable value of the current headquarters property at $485,000. The Franklin PVA lists the taxable value of the adjacent vacant lot owned by the Republican Party at $150,000.

A sign identifies the party headquarters as the Mitch McConnell Building, in honor of U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.


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95e82e No.3376

File: 4e00a8b7e5cc7ff⋯.png (1.59 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111830 (092127ZJAN23) Notable: Riots in Brazil: What we know so far

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A Military Police officer falls from his horse during clashes with supporters of Brazilian former President Jair Bolsonaro © AFP / Sergio Lima

9 Jan, 2023 12:401of 2

Riots in Brazil: What we know so far

Angry crowds who still back ex-president Bolsonaro stormed three power branches in Brasilia as police need hours to restore order

Thousands of supporters of Brazil’s rightist former president Jair Bolsonaro stormed government buildings in the country’s capital Brasilia on Sunday. Several hundred people were arrested and dozens wounded amid clashes between the rioters and security forces.

What happened?

Thousands of Bolsonaro’s supporters, who refuse to accept his defeat –in a close election–to left-wing rival Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, gathered in the capital Brasilia on Sunday.

The protesters, many of whom carried national flags and were dressed in the jerseys of the country’s national football team, moved towards the Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential Planalto Palace. They swiftly overwhelmed the police cordons, climbing on the roofs of government buildings, smashing windows and causing havoc inside. Some in the crowd reportedly called for the military to intervene and restore Bolsonaro to power.

It took security forces several hours to restore order in the center of the capital, with some 300 rioters being arrested amid violent clashes. At least 46 people were wounded, including six left in serious condition, local media have reported, based on the data from the hospitals.

How did the authorities respond?

President Lula, who was inaugurated just a week ago, declared a state of emergency in the Federal District of Brasilia and called for a “federal intervention” to quell in the unrest. He slammed the demonstrators as “fascist fanatics,” insisting that they and those who masterminded the riots should be punished for what they’ve done.According to Lula, it was “genocidist” Bolsonaro who was to blame, for having encouraged his supporters.(Marxist Bullshit)

The country’s Justice Minister Flavio Dino described the events in the capital as an attempted “coup” and promised more arrests in connection with the unrest.

Brazil’s Supreme Court suspended the governor of Brasilia Ibaneis Rocha for 90 days over failing to prevent the violence, despite the plans of Bolsonaro’s supporters to hold a major gathering having been well-known and widely reported in the media.

Justice Alexandre de Moraes argued that riots of such a scale “could only occur with the approval and even effective participation of the competent authorities.”

Ibaneis had earlier apologized for the events in Brasilia, branding the protesters “real vandals” and “terrorists,” and claiming that the city’s administration simply hadn’t expected the protests to reach such a scale…


(SeeEyeAye recreating the coup in Ukraine)

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95e82e No.3377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111851 (092132ZJAN23) Notable: Riots in Brazil: What we know so far

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2 of 2

What did Bolsonaro say?

Bolsonaro, who had earlier left Brazil for Miami, Florida instead of going to inauguration of his rival, has turned down Lula’s accusations of having instigated the riots, which, according to him, weren't backed by any evidence.

“Peaceful demonstrations… are part of democracy. However, depredations and invasions of public buildings as occurred today… escape the rule,” he wrote on Twitter.

The ex-president also pointed out that left-wing protesters in Brazil were responsible for similar actions in 2013 and 2017.

Bolsonaro never publicly conceded defeat and claimed without providing evidence that Brazil’s electronic voting system was vulnerable to tampering.

How did the world react?

US President Joe Biden told reporters that the Brazilian riots were “outrageous,” while Democratic members of Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Joaquin Castro went even further and called for Bolsonaro’s extradition from the US.

Other leaders in the region have also condemned the events in Brasilia, with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro blaming the violence on “Bolsonaro’s neo-fascist groups.” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that there was an “anti-democratic coup attempt” orchestrated by the “leaders of oligarchic power” in the country.

The president of Brazil’s neighbor Argentina, Alberto Fernandez, declared that his nation stood “together with the Brazilian people to defend democracy and never again allow the return of the coup ghosts promoted by the right.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry described as “unacceptable” the attempts to violate constitutional order by the “radical-minded representatives of the Brazilian opposition.” It was vital to maintain internal political stability in Brazil, which is “our strategic partner,” the ministry pointed out.

Comparisons to US Capitol riot

The riots in the Brazilian capital drew parallels with the January 6, 2021 storming of the US Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump. Bolsonaro, who is sometimes referred to as ‘Trump Of South America,’ also doubted the reliability of the electronic voting system and questioned the outcome of the election despite it being recognized by various politicians in the country, including some of his own allies, as well as by dozens of foreign governments. One of the differences between the events in Washington and Brasilia was that in the latter case the unrest took place on the weekend and the government buildings were mostly empty.

Trump has repeatedly denied encouraging violence on the day of the protest. While the demonstrators successfully pushed their way into the Capitol, in some cases allegedly with the help of local police, they accomplished little beyond vandalism to the building. A number of rioters lost their lives amid the chaos, including one woman fatally shot by police and multiple others who suffered medical episodes, while nearly 1,000 individuals later faced a harsh crackdown from local and federal law enforcement agencies.


(Russia foreign ministry, you probably should have stayed out of this, the comments are disappointing)

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95e82e No.3378

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111854 (092133ZJAN23) Notable: Finally found the interview, MarkZ claims his sources have revealed the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to take the Brunson case

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Finally found the interview, MarkZ claims his sources have revealed the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to take the Brunson case

@19:30 in this video

2 days ago



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95e82e No.3379

File: f73f0b1073aa7bb⋯.png (237.35 KB,566x317,566:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111870 (092137ZJAN23) Notable: UK mulls unprecedented arms supplies to Ukraine – Sky News

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9 Jan, 2023 16:24

UK mulls unprecedented arms supplies to Ukraine – Sky News

London is reportedly considering sending tanks to Kiev

Britain may soon announce a delivery of ten Challenger II tanks to Kiev, Sky News has reported, citing both Ukrainian and UK sources. While symbolic, the first-ever delivery of Western-made battle tanks is meant to encourage the US and Germany to do the same, the outlet added.

PM Rishi Sunak’s government has been discussing the possibility for “a few weeks,” according to the outlet, which suggested some kind of official announcement might be made on January 20, when the US-led ‘Contact Group’ for arming Ukraine is scheduled to meet.

One source said the UK “might offer around ten” tanks, described as “enough to equip a squadron.” While nowhere near enough to turn the tide of the conflict, the move could push other Western countries over the line they have been unwilling to cross up to now. France, the US and Germany have pledged increasingly heavier weaponry to Ukraine, but drew the line at sending main battle tanks, which Kiev is desperate for.

“It will be a good precedent to demonstrate [to] others – to Germany first of all, with their Leopards… and Abrams from the United States,” a Ukrainian source told Sky.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov laid out this very tactic to the US outlet Politico last October. Last week, Reznikov told Ukrainian TV that his country is “carrying out NATO’s mission” by shedding blood, so it is the West’s responsibility to provide the weapons.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said in December thatMoscow wasn’t fighting the Ukrainian military so much as the entire West, noting that Kiev had received around $97 billion in military aid in 2022. Russia has repeatedly warned the West that this is only prolonging the conflict and may escalate into direct confrontation. The US and its allies have insisted they are not involved, but continued ramping up weapons shipments to Ukraine.

Last month,Ukraine’s top general told The Economist that his army needed at least 300 tanks and 700 infantry fighting vehicles. As of August 2020 – when it was rumored the entire armored corps might be scrapped as “obsolete” – the British Army had around 220 Challengers and 388 Warrior IFVs.

The BBC reported in mid-December that Sunak was looking for an audit of all the aid the UK had sent to Ukraine, citing anonymous sources inside Whitehall who were working with Kiev.

The British defense ministry would neither confirm nor deny the Sky News report about the tanks, only confirming that they have provided “over 200” armored vehicles to Ukraine so far. However, reports of pending weapons shipments are routinely leaked to the media. US outlets talked about the dispatch of Bradley IFVs a week before President Joe Biden confirmed it in a passing comment. The official announcement came just a day later.


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95e82e No.3380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111872 (092138ZJAN23) Notable: The House now debating and voting on the rules for the 118th Congress as well as legislation to rescind certain funding for the IRS.

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5:00 PM EST

U.S. House of Representatives

The House will debate and vote on the rules for the 118th Congress as well as legislation to rescind certain funding for the IRS.




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95e82e No.3381

File: bd2d3d878234629⋯.png (1.03 MB,1334x548,667:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111886 (092141ZJAN23) Notable: Schumann (Resonance) is Boomin

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Planetary orgasm occurring.

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95e82e No.3382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111916 (092147ZJAN23) Notable: Why Don't We Just switch the 87,000 3 letter "IRS" to "ICE"?

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Just switch the 3 letters to "ICE" and USE THEM TO OUR BENEFIT!!!

Hire homeless Vets and Vets who were forced out by the BOGUS VAX Mandates!

Can you imagine what we could do with 87,000 "ICE" agents???

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95e82e No.3383

File: 45e9f8441aa9c0d⋯.png (330.97 KB,598x671,598:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111930 (092149ZJAN23) Notable: "Science-filled" @SpaceX #Dragon cargo craft currently undocking from the station

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International Space Station


The science-filled @SpaceX #Dragon cargo craft will undock from the station at 5:05pm ET today. Meanwhile, the Exp 68 crew collected blood and saliva samples for analysis.


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95e82e No.3384

File: ee2d83e618a2c7b⋯.jpg (64.63 KB,493x479,493:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111932 (092149ZJAN23) Notable: Super Callous Fascist Risky Experimental Doses!

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95e82e No.3385

File: d4a3b68071a71ef⋯.png (315.92 KB,598x638,299:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111938 (092150ZJAN23) Notable: "Science-filled" @SpaceX #Dragon cargo craft currently undocking from the station

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All cargo is loaded, the hatch is closed, and Dragon is ready for an on-time departure from the @space_station at 5:05 p.m. ET. Watch live →



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95e82e No.3386

File: 5b0d68aeed72e13⋯.jpg (154.57 KB,1169x1268,1169:1268,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3db9f6449fea77e⋯.jpg (90.16 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111941 (092150ZJAN23) Notable: 2 year old Elizabeth Rose Ragonese #diedsuddenly after receiving both the Covid 19 and the Flu shot

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Died Suddenly



2 year old Elizabeth Rose Ragonese #diedsuddenly after receiving both the Covid 19 and the Flu shot 💉💉

They are killing the most innocent and precious among us.

2:54 PM • 9 JAN 23


Crimes against children.

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95e82e No.3387

File: 06e30757111b4d8⋯.png (124.48 KB,346x194,173:97,Clipboard.png)

File: c1b2c84613dd0cf⋯.png (342.95 KB,720x476,180:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111968 (092154ZJAN23) Notable: Why didn't Russia and Ukraine sort out their border issues when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991?

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US President Bill Clinton's official visit to Russia, January 12-15, 1994. From left: US President Bill Clinton, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk. © Sputnik / Alexander Makarov

9 Jan, 2023 12:271 of 4

The ghost of Lenin: Why didn't Russia and Ukraine sort out their border issues when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991?

How the USSR's leadership could have resolved the issue of Crimea and southeast Ukraine, and what prevented them

The search of the historical roots of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which culminated in Moscow’s attack last February, usually focuses on historic events. The Russian leadership has repeatedly emphasized that Ukraine expanded into historically Russian regions due to decisions taken by Soviet leaders, often contrary to the wishes of local residents.Vladimir Lenin handed over the Donbass and Nikita Khrushchev did the same with Crimea.

In light of these discussions, it’s often forgotten how red flags were apparent to many politicians even before the collapse of the USSR.

So why wasn’t the Russia-Ukraine border issue settled 30 years ago?

A policy against borders

The decision to transfer the Crimean region to the Ukraine in 1954 was not subject to debate for several decades. The situation changed only during the years of perestroika, when the so-called “glasnost” (openness) policy made it possible to publicly discuss problems of the Soviet Union, including national identities.

The summer of 1987 was marked by the protests of the Crimean Tatars, demanding the right to return to their homeland from Central Asia, where many were forcibly deported in 1944.

Unrest was growing. In July, 120 activists held a demonstration on Red Square near the Lenin Mausoleum. Activists held up posters: “Return our people to their homeland,” “Restore the rights of the Crimean Tatars,”

“Democracy, glasnost for the Crimean Tatars.” KGB officers in civilian clothes took away their posters and tried to disperse the crowd, but they sat down on the ground and refused to leave, shouting slogans. The acts of defiance continued, brewing agitation.

Under pressure from the protesters, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU was eventually forced to resolve the issue of the Crimean Tatars and their return to the peninsula – and as it turned out, the bigger issue of the status of the land itself.

In July and August of that year, the Politburo met twice to discuss the issue. At one of the meetings, Mikhail Gorbachev, who had already held the post of Secretary General for two years, told a narrow circle:

From a historical and political point of view, it would probably be right to return Crimea to Russia. But Ukraine will rise against it.”

At a meeting in August, the secretary general outlined the political course for resolving the controversial issue as follows: “Regarding the situation in the Crimea, a new reality has developed there after Stalin's crimes. Some propose to withdraw it [the peninsula] from Ukraine and form a ‘federal district’. The idea deserves attention. But everything can’t be done right away. We need to gradually meet the demands of the people… In a word, realism and concrete actions are the most important things right now.” With his usual caution, he added that it would not be possible to escape the problem, but it should be solved gradually.

While the deportation of the Crimean Tatars was rightly recognized by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as illegal and criminal in November 1989, no action was taken by the central government regarding the peninsula’s status.

Nevertheless, the resolution stated: “The restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people cannot be carried out without the restoration of the autonomy of the Crimea through the formation of the Crimean ASSR as part of the Ukrainian SSR. This would correspond to the interests of both the Crimean Tatars and representatives of other nationalities living in the Crimea today.”


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95e82e No.3388

File: 80d4d985996353b⋯.jpg (66.45 KB,500x481,500:481,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111984 (092157ZJAN23) Notable: Super Callous Fascist Risky Experimental Doses!

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95e82e No.3389

File: 3c6f19d14556373⋯.png (531.35 KB,653x426,653:426,Clipboard.png)

File: ffedf60c10659e8⋯.png (293.22 KB,662x441,662:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18111993 (092158ZJAN23) Notable: Why didn't Russia and Ukraine sort out their border issues when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991?

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2 of 4

One referendum after another

The sovereignization process of the Ukrainian SSR and the return of the Crimean Tatars served as an impetus for holding a referendum on the status of the peninsula – one of the first plebiscites of this kind in the history of the Soviet Union.

It is noteworthy that at a session of the Crimean Regional Council of People's Deputies in November 1990, when the voting decision was made, Leonid Kravchuk, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, was present. He tried to convince the deputies to resolve the issue without holding a referendum.

Nevertheless, the vote took place. Over 93 percent of Crimeans (against 5 percent, with a turnout of 81 percent) spoke in favor of making the region autonomous, from Kiev. Less than a month later, on February 12, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR adopted the law “On the Restoration of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic”. Its first article stated that autonomy was being restored “within the territory of the Crimean region as part of the Ukrainian SSR”.

However, after the failed coup by the State Committee on the State of Emergency [GKChP] in August 1991, disintegration processes in the USSR abruptly accelerated.

In the short period from August 20-31, many Soviet republics, including the Ukrainian SSR, adopted acts of independence. When, during the coup, the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin declared himself the “deputy” of USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev and behaved like the de facto state leader, attempting to build a “strong Russia,” the Ukrainian SSR realized that it was time to act.

Events developed rapidly. On August 24, at an emergency meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, the Act of Declaration of Independence was adopted.

Nevertheless, a large part of Ukraine’s population, especially the Russian-speaking southeastern regions, had no wish to destroy the country and break ties with the RSFSR.

For example, in the All-Union Referendum in March 1991, residents of the Ukrainian SSR overwhelmingly (70.2%) voted for the preservation of the Soviet Union. For this reason, the republic’s elites, headed by Leonid Kravchuk, decided to hold a referendum on the independence of Ukraine, to enlist the support of the population and deprive the All-Union vote of legitimacy.

The pen stroke

On October 8, 1991, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev received a report from his assistant Georgy Shakhnazarov. “[We must] not only publicly repeat but also officially state Russia's position regarding Crimea, Donbass, and the south of Ukraine. It is necessary to clearly and directly state that these areas are a historical part of Russia, and the country does not intend to abandon them,” the document stated.

Georgy Shakhnazarov warned: “There are less than two months left before the presidential elections and the referendum ‘on the independence of Ukraine’. Nationalist forces are increasing their activity, almost without opposition… The most alarming thing is the utter apathy of those circles of Ukrainian society that, it would seem, should have launched a powerful campaign for Ukraine to continue to be part of the [Soviet] Union.

“The [August] coup left the Communist Party paralyzed, and there is simply no other force capable of taking over the organization of countering Galician [Galicia is a historical region in western Ukraine — RT] nationalists and their accomplices… The part of the Ukrainian population that could resist the separatists thinks that Russia is renouncing it and that the case is obviously lost. Even if the

defeatist views are revised, it may be too late.

Literally every day is a lost opportunity to convince the broad masses that they are being pushed onto a destructive path.”

Shakhnazarov advised the president to take urgent measures – for example, to intensify work in Crimea with the help of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Crimean ASSR, Nikolai Bagrov. “The entire population of the republic should know that if Ukraine announces its withdrawal from the [Soviet] Union, Crimea will secede from Ukraine and become a part of Russia on the same day,” the assistant wrote. In addition, he recommended deploying systematic information through the USSR State Television and Radio, showing the inextricable economic and cultural link between Ukraine and Russia and warning against the “colossal sacrifices, suffering, and perhaps bloodshed” that the separation of the Ukrainian SSR from the USSR may bring both for the Russian and Ukrainian people.


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95e82e No.3390

File: 69bd5b96a5d38b5⋯.png (300.43 KB,843x537,281:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 94b9d2f07913535⋯.png (374.69 KB,494x357,494:357,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a6add4dc147f4f⋯.png (118.9 KB,368x250,184:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112000 (092201ZJAN23) Notable: Trump Calls For Mitch McConnell To Be Primaried

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Pfizer donated $1 million to the Kentucky Republican Party in 2021 in what is being called the highest donation to a political party in state history.

The donation will be used to expand the Frankfort Mitch McConnell Building in the state capital.

Via The Kentucky Lantern:

In what may be the largest political contribution ever given to a political party in Kentucky, the drug maker Pfizer Inc. gave $1 million last month to the building fund of the Republican Party of Kentucky.

A report filed by Republican Party of Kentucky Building Fund last week with the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance listed the $1 million from Pfizer along with five other big corporation contributions in the final quarter of 2022 totalling $1.65 million.

That is an extraordinarily large haul for the fund which had raised only $6,000 during the first three quarters of 2022.

The other large corporate donors to the fund in late 2022 were:

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York, $300,000;

Altria Client Services LLC, of Richmond, VA., $100,000;

Comcast Corp., of Philadelphia; $100,000;

AT&T, of St. Louis; $100,000;

Delta Air Lines, of Atlanta, $50,000.


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95e82e No.3391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112016 (092203ZJAN23) Notable: House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Mark Green has won the race to be chair of the Homeland Security Committee defeating Rep. Dan Crenshaw

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BREAKING: House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Mark Green has won the race to be chair of the Homeland Security Committee defeating Rep. Dan Crenshaw

Also, Rep. Mike Rogers, who lunged at Rep. Matt Gaetz, has announced he’s stepping down from the House Steering Cmte

Big, big wins!


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95e82e No.3392

File: 91c7f06ba40fd79⋯.png (174.41 KB,739x446,739:446,Clipboard.png)

File: dd99e27ea3bc02c⋯.png (465.96 KB,775x464,775:464,Clipboard.png)

File: 28ff490631ffa22⋯.png (159.8 KB,527x367,527:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112023 (092204ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Virgin Orbit launch N744VG 747 departed Cornwall Newquay Airport RAF St. Mawgan

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N744VG 747 departed Cornwall Newquay Airport RAF St. Mawgan

Cornwall space launch: Inside Cosmic Girl which will launch rocket into space from Newquay Airport

Cornwall will be the scene of the UK's first rocket launch tonight as Cosmic Girl sends LauncherOne into space. The Virgin Orbit plane is set to take off from Spaceport Cornwall, at Cornwall Newquay Airport, near St Mawgan, from 10.16pm. It is all part of the operation called Start Me Up - the first launch of Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne rocket outside the USA. Cosmic Girl is a former Virgin Atlantic Boeing jumbo jet which has been transformed especially for the project. It will be carrying a rocket called LauncherOne under its wing. After the launch from Cornwall tonight (Monday, December 9), the rocket will send nine micro satellites into space.


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95e82e No.3393

File: 58d41ec4eac2b45⋯.png (262.67 KB,470x299,470:299,Clipboard.png)

File: c1b2c84613dd0cf⋯.png (342.95 KB,720x476,180:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112029 (092205ZJAN23) Notable: Why didn't Russia and Ukraine sort out their border issues when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991?

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>>33893 of 4

By that time, the Supreme Council of the Crimean ASSR had already adopted a declaration on state sovereignty of the autonomous region. It ensured the right of the Crimeans to the land, subsoil, airspace, water, and other natural resources of the peninsula.

According to the declaration, only the Crimean parliament could represent the interests of the Crimeans. In addition, local authorities established the right to pursue their own domestic and economic policies. According to the text of the declaration, Sevastopol, which had the status of a city of republican subordination, being under the direct supervision of central government, in the USSR, would maintain the status quo.

Yet despite such a serious claim to independence – the declaration was supposed to serve as a legal basis for drawing up the republic’s Constitution – the document stated that the autonomous region was declared a “legal democratic state within Ukraine”.

As a matter of fact, the peninsula was almost simultaneously claimed by three sides – in June 1991, a declaration of national sovereignty was also adopted by the protesting Crimean Tatars. But it was still part of the unified Soviet Union. Crimea’s fate was to be decided through negotiations.

The full stop

Vladislav Zubok, history professor at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, believes that even at the end of August 1991, the USSR still had a chance. In his book “Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union”, he writes that if Gorbachev and Yeltsin had made joint efforts, they might have managed to divert the Ukrainian SSR from secession. After all, the republic did not have a unifying idea at the time, and for industrial regions such as Donbass, Kiev was not the center of attraction. Those who lived in the southeast associated themselves mainly with Moscow, Russian history and culture. “For millions of people in these regions — people of mixed ethnic origin and a common identity — the idea of Ukrainian “sovereignty” was something vague. Something that could still imply a common statehood with the Russian Federation.”

This thesis is confirmed, among other things, by the way Leonid Kravchuk's team campaigned for the independence of the Ukrainian SSR. For example, one of the propaganda leaflets, which was actively distributed on December 1, 1991, the eve of the referendum on the independence of the country, stated: “Only an independent Ukraine will be able to join any interstate community with its neighbors as an equal partner, and first of all with Russia that is closest to us… We are obliged to make the republic a good mother for all its citizens. The Declaration of the Rights of Nationalities, adopted by the Supreme Council of Ukraine, unanimously opens wide opportunities for the development of languages and cultures of all nations in Ukraine. It does not matter what language Ukrainian citizens speak as long as they speak about an independent Ukraine and its legal rights.”

The plan of the republic’s authorities was successful. The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian SSR residents (90 percent) said “Yes” to an independent path, separate from the RSFSR. The results spoke for themselves: 83.9% voted positively in the Donetsk region; 83.9% in the Luhansk region; 86.3% in the Kharkov region; 85.4% in the Odessa region.

Only Crimea stood out, although even there, 54.2% of voters supported independence.

There were many reasons for such a large-scale and uncontested vote. The population was guaranteed not just the preservation of unhindered ties with Russia, but also measures to protect and develop the Russian language and culture, as evidenced by campaign materials. Many sincerely hoped that nothing would drastically change, and that independence would lead to Ukraine’s prosperity. Economic development indicators comparable to Germany and France were cited. Indeed, before the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine occupied the first place in Europe in steelmaking, coal and iron ore mining, and sugar production. In addition, because of the parade of sovereignties and the August coup, people were completely disoriented. From the point of view of the Soviet layman, the vote that took place on the same day as the presidential election, which Leonid Kravchuk won, was a vote in favor of the authorities.

However the events are viewed, with the referendum Ukraine bid goodbye to the Soviet Union. Russian politicians decided not to raise the issue of Crimea and other southeastern regions of the Ukrainian SSR. On November 19, 1991, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin and his Ukrainian counterpart Leonid Kravchuk signed a document formalized as an agreement between two independent countries, although legally they remained republics within the USSR.


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95e82e No.3394

File: d88149f3e7b04e6⋯.png (1.75 MB,1240x789,1240:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112044 (092208ZJAN23) Notable: Why didn't Russia and Ukraine sort out their border issues when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991?

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4 of 4

At the same time, the sixth article stated:"The High Contracting Parties recognize and respect the territorial integrity of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic within the borders currently existing in the USSR."

An unsolved problem

As a result, the party hierarchy, including Kravchuk, suddenly saw themselves as nationalists, and quickly pursued their own interests. Although after the announcement of the referendum results, Yeltsin privately met with Gorbachev to discuss the prospects of preserving the USSR. On the same day, during his inauguration, Kravchuk said that Ukraine would not join any political unions but would build relations with the former USSR republics only on a bilateral basis. He promised the country an independent foreign policy, its own army, and its own currency.

Sergei Filatov, former chairman of the presidential administration of Russia, commenting on the visits of delegations from Donetsk, Lugansk, Simferopol and Sevastopol to the RSFSR Supreme Soviet in the fall of 1991 with the request not to leave them as part of Ukraine, said: “this was originally our land, they just gave it away”. The delegations asked “not to leave them under Kiev’s authority” on the eve of the signing of the Belovezhskaya Agreements. However, according to Filatov, the Russian leadership decided not to interfere in the fate of the regions. “We didn't have the time. We were thinking how Russia could survive in general,” he said.

The final famous démarche was uttered by the press secretary of the President of the RSFSR, Pavel Voshchanov, at the end of August 1991: “I am authorized by the President of the RSFSR to make the following statement. The Russian Federation does not question the constitutional right of every state and people to self-determination. However, there is a problem of borders, the unsettled nature of which is permissible only in case of allied relations fixed by a relevant treaty. In the event of their termination, the RSFSR reserves the right to raise the issue of revising the borders.”

Voshchanov insisted that Yeltsin really “authorized” him to speak these words and he was not acting of his own accord. However, the Yeltsin team officially upheld the version that the president's press secretary spoke in an unsanctioned manner. The cumulative effect of all the government’s actions and statements was unequivocally negative. As Georgy Shakhnazarov noted in his memorandum: “The situation is complicated by the fact that, having made reasonable statements on the territorial issue, the Russians, frightened by the sharp reaction of the nationalists, and to a considerable extent of some of the Democrats, immediately pulled the plug.”

Speaking on August 26, 1991, at one of the last sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a call not to destroy the unified union state, then mayor of Leningrad (after 1991, St. Petersburg) Anatoly Sobchak, said: "Today the danger of hasty, emotional, ill-considered decisions is ten times higher than yesterday. Today we are deciding the future of the country and, to a certain extent, the future of humanity. Therefore, it is crucial not to allow any hasty, superficial decisions from the point of view of a national, independent position.” Unfortunately, no one heeded his words.

By Alexander Nepogodin, an Odessa-born political journalist, expert on Russia and the former Soviet Union.

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95e82e No.3395

File: 41d9dbb095725b7⋯.png (556.64 KB,1790x1159,1790:1159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112055 (092209ZJAN23) Notable: Trump Truths Decode, Jan 7. 2 of trump's consecutive truths hit on very relevant subjects.

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Trump Truths Decode, Jan 7.

2 of trump's consecutive truths hit on very relevant subjects.

Timestamp connects + 'HISTORIC' & 'the hammer'>The GAVEL + 3 Jan 7 Deltas.


'Team is working late'

'Several days? …always the plan?'

[15]th round of voting.

(Maybe this is more of a collection of Jan 7 'Comms' than a Decode - Trump Truths AND Deltas, though the subject of the Speaker race connects all of these Drops.)


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95e82e No.3396

File: a24f8b5022ee98a⋯.jpg (65.07 KB,500x481,500:481,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112064 (092210ZJAN23) Notable: Super Callous Fascist Risky Experimental Doses!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3397

File: 19c391ed97249d7⋯.png (601.66 KB,1219x1450,1219:1450,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dd0b8f2d7ae18e⋯.png (385.15 KB,1178x1276,589:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112069 (092210ZJAN23) Notable: Dr. Dre Gets Marjorie Taylor Greene Busted For Copyright Infringement

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95e82e No.3398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112072 (092211ZJAN23) Notable: 12 state police ‘dishonorably discharged’ for failing to get COVID vaccine

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95e82e No.3399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112074 (092211ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Virgin Orbit launch N744VG 747 departed Cornwall Newquay Airport RAF St. Mawgan

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Vid live launch

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ntvatnuekzm >>3392

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95e82e No.3400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112079 (092212ZJAN23) Notable: Virgin Orbit - Start Me Up Livestream

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Virgin Orbit - Start Me Up Livestream

Jan 9 2023

Virgin Orbit’s Start Me Up mission will be a mission of many firsts: the first orbital launch from the United Kingdom; the first international launch for Virgin Orbit; and the first commercial launch from western Europe; launching the first Omani satellite; the first satellite built in Wales; and more. These firsts are exciting in and of themselves, but each of them is also the first of what we hope and expect to be many.

Start Me Up

Enabled by funding from the UK Space Agency, the mission will meet a key ambition of the UK Government’s National Space Strategy, the first ever orbital launch from the UK. Virgin Orbit has worked closely with a number of partners to prepare for this historic launch including the United States Department of Defense, United Kingdom’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the United States’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

To prepare for this mission, our LauncherOne rocket journeyed across the pond, courtesy of a C-17 Globemaster cargo aircraft operated by the Royal Air Force. After arriving at Spaceport Cornwall, it underwent another round of wet dress rehearsals to confirm all systems are a go for launch. It was then mated with Virgin Orbit’s Cosmic Girl, after the customized 747 aircraft that serves as the flying fully-reusable launch pad and mission control center made its own newsworthy flight from the U.S. to the U.K.

This history-making mission is made possible by Virgin Orbit’s mobile, highly-flexible LauncherOne system, which will take off from Spaceport Cornwall in the far west of Great Britain. Virgin Orbit’s unique air-launch platform transforms a runway into a spaceport, eliminating the need to rely on traditional spaceports that support vertical launches. Building on a track record of 100% mission success in its four operational launches to date, Virgin Orbit is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the most responsive launch methods in the world.



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95e82e No.3401

File: efe7f11962d4e9b⋯.png (293.65 KB,897x431,897:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112099 (092215ZJAN23) Notable: PF: SPAR65 G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aquilinolanded at Augusta Regional Airport, GA with GLOBE49 US Navy E-6 B off-shore from it's Key West depart earlier

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>>3329 lb

SPAR65 G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aquilinolanded at Augusta Regional Airport, GA with GLOBE49 US Navy E-6 B off-shore from it's Key West depart earlier

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95e82e No.3402

File: 81a2c9a000f9077⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112107 (092216ZJAN23) Notable: Potato Tells El Paso Salvation Army Worker He “Spent Some Time with Secret Service in Poland”

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He’s Shot: Joe Biden Tells El Paso Salvation Army Worker He “Spent Some Time with Secret Service in Poland” (VIDEO)

Biden visited a migrant services center and chatted with some of the Salvation Army workers.

Joe Biden walked up to a Salvation Army worker and mumbled something about spending time with the Secret Service in Ukraine.

“I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and in Ukraine,” Biden said to the Salvation Army worker.

The look on the man’s face says it all.

“Excuse me, Secret Service – Salvation Army,” Biden said to the confused worker.


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95e82e No.3403

File: bef65f010f412d7⋯.png (1.11 MB,1022x808,511:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112119 (092217ZJAN23) Notable: ‘Severe Abdominal Pain’ Former Brazil President Bolsonaro hospitalized in Florida Democrats urge Potato to extradite

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News • World

Former Brazil President Bolsonaro hospitalized in Florida

Brendan Taylor

January 9, 2023 1:15 pm

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95e82e No.3404

File: 27d12ec014dd251⋯.png (57.55 KB,664x434,332:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112141 (092221ZJAN23) Notable: House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Mark Green has won the race to be chair of the Homeland Security Committee defeating Rep. Dan Crenshaw

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First blood for the McCarthy rebels? Republican

Freedom Caucus member Mark Green BEATS

Dan Crenshaw to become chair of the coveted

Homeland Security Committee - and promises

to keep a permanent staff at the border

Daily Mail (UK), by Elizabeth Elkind

Posted By: Imright, 1/9/2023 5:05:37 PM

In what could be a sign of conservatives' newly-expanded influence over the House GOP, House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Mark Green won the top spot on the Homeland Security Committee over Republican star Rep. Dan Crenshaw. Green was chosen by the House Republican Steering Committee to chair the panel, which has oversight capabilities over the Homeland Security Department including the southwestern border. Both he and Crenshaw - each a supporter of new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy - had signaled they would take a hardline approach to the migrant crisis at the U.S. border with Mexico.

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95e82e No.3405

File: 52923de828cc36d⋯.png (89.8 KB,628x656,157:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112156 (092224ZJAN23) Notable: Chicago public school grooming gang crisis, hundreds and hundreds of sexual incidents by Chicago public school teachers commiting crimes against students

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Heard about the Chicago public schools

grooming gangs?

American Thinker, by Monica Showalter

Posted By: PageTurner, 1/9/2023 4:24:58 PM

t was a story that came and went a few days ago. The Chicago Board of Education's Inspector General's office came up with an annual report noting hundreds and hundreds of sexual incidents by Chicago public school teachers commiting crimes against students in their "care" &ndash; groomings, rapes, "love" affairs, and inappropriate sexual touching and encounters. The figure was described in the report as "an extraordinary high case volume." Kira Davis at RedState has descriptions of some of the most revolting activities. According to the Daily Caller: The OIG’s Sexual Allegations Unit (SAU) opened 447 cases investigating teachers for allegedly grooming, sexually assaulting,

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95e82e No.3406

File: b15c749605f5620⋯.png (674.57 KB,671x667,671:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112169 (092225ZJAN23) Notable: ‘Severe Abdominal Pain’ Former Brazil President Bolsonaro hospitalized in Florida Democrats urge Potato to extradite

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Report: Jair Bolsonaro Hospitalized in

Florida with ‘Severe Abdominal Pain’

Breitbart Latin-America, by Frances Martel

Posted By: Imright, 1/9/2023 2:17:27 PM

The Brazilian newspaper O Globo reported on Monday, without citing any sources, that former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was hospitalized on Monday with “severe abdominal pain.” Bolsonaro is believed to have been staying in the greater Orlando, Florida, area since the last week of 2022. Reporters and others in the area have published photos allegedly showing the former conservative president eating at a local KFC and meandering in a Publix supermarket. (Tweet/Video) Bolsonaro has endured years of painful health complications since a failed assassination attempt in 2018.

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95e82e No.3407

File: dfae48783379fce⋯.png (767.18 KB,896x1280,7:10,Clipboard.png)

File: 846d75fcfd5cae6⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,1152x720,8:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112183 (092227ZJAN23) Notable: Potato: "Everyone 6 MONTHS and up should get their updated COVID vaccine"

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'using booster to kill children, which is not right'

They Want You Dead

"Everyone 6 MONTHS and up should get their updated COVID vaccine" biden



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95e82e No.3408

File: 5be7dba2a43b557⋯.png (396.53 KB,618x425,618:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bba341760fff86⋯.png (45.92 KB,568x321,568:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112197 (092229ZJAN23) Notable: Mike Rogers Steps Down from House Steering Committee After Lunging at Matt Gaetz, then changes his mind?

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Mike Rogers Steps Down from House Steering Committee After Lunging at Matt Gaetz – Dan Crenshaw Loses Race for Homeland Security Chair

Rep. Mike Rogers (right) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (left)

It was a rough week for Congressmen Dan Crenshaw and Mike Rogers.

Mike Rogers was last seen on early Saturday morning screaming, threatening, and lunging at Rep. Matt Gaetz in the US House of Representatives.

And Dan Crenshaw repeatedly threatened holdout Republicans and labeled them “terrorists” for not supporting Kevin McCarthy for Speaker.

Dan was pictured bloodied by the end of the week.

Their antics from last week did not play out well in Monday’s voting.

Freedom Caucus member Rep. Mark Green defeated Dan Crenshaw for House Homeland Security Committee chair after he called his fellow Republicans “terrorists.”

And Mike Rogers, after his public display, bowed out of the House Steering Committee.

It was a good day for American patriots.


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95e82e No.3409

File: 851297ea95ddfe5⋯.png (780.83 KB,787x724,787:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112204 (092230ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy ‘Very First Bill’ As House Speaker is a Direct Attack on Big Government

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McCarthy ‘Very First Bill’ As House

Speaker is a Direct Attack on Big Government

Trending Politics, by Kyle Becker

Posted By: Imright, 1/9/2023 1:13:07 PM

Newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said the first bill he wants to get passed is to cut back funding for 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents. “I know the night is late, but when we come back our very first bill will repeal the funding for 87,000 new IRS agents,” McCarthy said. He did not say when the bill would be introduced on the House floor, but added that Republicans “believe government should be to help you, not go after you.” House Majority Leader Steve Scalise said in a recent letter there is “ready-to-go” legislation

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95e82e No.3410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112217 (092231ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Selects Experimental Space Technology Concepts for Initial Study

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NASA Selects Experimental Space Technology Concepts for Initial Study

Imagine a future in space where pellet-beam propulsion systems speed up travel to other worlds, pipelines on the Moon transport oxygen between settlements, and Martian bricks grow on their own before being assembled into homes. Researchers will delve into these ideas and more using NASA grant funding.

The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program fosters innovation by funding early-stage studies to evaluate technologies that could support future missions. The latest round of awards will provide $175,000 grants to 14 visionaries from nine states. Ten of the selected researchers are first-time NIAC recipients.

“NASA dares to make the impossible possible. That’s only achievable because of the innovators, thinkers, and doers who are helping us imagine and prepare for the future of space exploration,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “The NIAC program helps give these forward-thinking scientists and engineers the tools and support they need to spur technology that will enable future NASA missions.”

The new Phase I projects include innovative sensors and instruments, manufacturing techniques, power systems, and more.

A concept envisioned by Quinn Morley of Planet Enterprises in Gig Harbor, Washington, could investigate the chemistry of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. Flying on Titan would be relatively easy thanks to its low gravity and thick atmosphere. Morley conceived a flying, heavily instrumented boat that would seamlessly transition between soaring through Titan’s atmosphere and sailing its lakes, much like a seaplane on Earth.

Mary Knapp from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge proposed a new kind of space observatory comprised of thousands of identical small satellites. Precisely positioned in deep space, they could work together to detect radio emissions at low frequencies from the earliest epochs of the universe and measure magnetic fields of terrestrial exoplanets, helping identify planets outside the solar system that are rocky like Earth and Mars.

Since 2011, NIAC has nurtured ideas like these that sound like science fiction, but – if successful – just might be possible. The program sits within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) and explores technically credible, early-stage aerospace concepts. NIAC researchers, called fellows, form an advanced, collaborative research community. Under their NIAC awards, the fellows investigate the physics of their concepts, roadmap necessary technology development, identify potential limitations, and look for transition opportunities to bring these concepts to reality.

“These initial Phase I NIAC studies help NASA determine whether these futuristic ideas could set the stage for future space exploration capabilities and enable amazing new missions,” said Michael LaPointe, program executive for NIAC at NASA Headquarters.


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95e82e No.3411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112220 (092232ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Selects Experimental Space Technology Concepts for Initial Study

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All NIAC studies are in the very early stages of conceptual development and are not considered official NASA missions.

The researchers selected to receive NIAC Phase I grants in 2023, their institutions, and the titles of their proposals are:

Edward Balaban, NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley: Fluidic Telescope: Enabling the Next Generation of Large Space Observatories

Igor Bargatin, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia: Photophoretic Propulsion Enabling Mesosphere Exploration

Theresa Benyo, NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland: Accessing Icy World Oceans Using Lattice Confinement Fusion Fast Fission

Zachary Cordero, MIT: Bend-Forming of Large Electrostatically Actuated Space Structures

Peter Curreri, Lunar Resources, Inc. in Houston: Lunar South Pole Oxygen Pipeline

Artur Davoyan, University of California, Los Angeles: Pellet-Beam Propulsion for Breakthrough Space Exploration

Ryan Gosse, University of Florida, Gainesville: New Class of Bimodal Nuclear Thermal/Electric Propulsion with a Wave Rotor Topping Cycle Enabling Fast Transit to Mars

Congrui Jin, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Biomineralization-Enabled Self-Growing Building Blocks for Habitat Outfitting on Mars

Mary Knapp, MIT: Great Observatory for Long Wavelengths

Quinn Morley, Planet Enterprises in Gig Harbor, Washington: TitanAir: Leading-Edge Liquid Collection to Enable Cutting-Edge Science

Christopher Morrison, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation – Space, in Seattle: EmberCore Flashlight: Long Distance Lunar Characterization with Intense Passive X- and Gamma ray Source

Heidi Newberg, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York: Diffractive Interfero Coronagraph Exoplanet Resolver: Detecting and Characterizing all Earth-like Exoplanets Orbiting Sun-like Stars within 10 Parsecs

Stephen Polly, Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York: Radioisotope Thermoradiative Cell Power Generator

Ryan Weed, Positron Dynamics in Seattle: Aerogel Core Fission Fragment Rocket Engine





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95e82e No.3412

File: 7d9aae54f1d87d7⋯.png (993.14 KB,985x1231,985:1231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112245 (092235ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Names New Agency-Wide Chief Technologist: A.C. Charania

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NASA Names New Agency-Wide Chief Technologist

Jan 9, 2023

A.C. Charania is NASA’s new chief technologist, serving as principal advisor to Administrator Bill Nelson on technology policy and programs at the agency’s Headquarters in Washington. He will lead technology innovation.

The chief technologist aligns NASA’s agencywide technology investments with mission needs across six mission directorates and oversees technology collaboration with other federal agencies, the private sector, and external stakeholders. The position works within NASA’s Office for Technology, Policy, and Strategy.

“Technology plays a vital role in every NASA mission. Making sure that we’re pursuing the best policy objectives allows this agency to continue to serve as a global leader in innovation,” said Bhavya Lal, NASA associate administrator for technology, policy, and strategy. “A.C. is an experienced leader in managing large, rapidly shifting technology portfolios. I am eager for him to apply his knowledge and enthusiasm at NASA.”

Lal served as acting chief technologist prior to the appointment of Charania, whose first day working at NASA Headquarters was Jan. 3.

“The rate of advancement we seek in the 21st century is dependent upon selecting and maturing a portfolio of technologies into systems to execute our missions,” said Charania. “With this in mind, there are incredible opportunities in partnerships within and outside of NASA. I now look forward to the opportunity to work with the entire community to increase the rate of space and aviation progress.”

Before joining NASA, Charania served as vice president of product strategy at Reliable Robotics, a firm that is working to bring certified autonomous vehicles to commercial aviation. His previous experience also includes working at Blue Origin to mature its lunar permanence strategy, Blue Moon lunar lander program, and multiple technology initiatives with NASA.

He previously worked in strategy and business development for the Virgin Galactic (now Virgin Orbit) LauncherOne small satellite launch vehicle program. He also served in multiple management and technology roles at SpaceWorks Enterprises, including helping to incubate two startups, Generation Orbit and Terminal Velocity Aerospace.

Charania led the formation of the FastForward industry group focused on high-speed point-to-point transportation, was a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts fellow, and served on the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Commercial Advisory Board. He received a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, and a bachelor’s in economics from Emory University.



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95e82e No.3413

File: fffa8b18835d9e6⋯.png (56.33 KB,609x581,87:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112248 (092235ZJAN23) Notable: Mike Rogers Steps Down from House Steering Committee After Lunging at Matt Gaetz, then changes his mind?

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Olivia Beavers


ANNNND…ROGERS has changed his mind, plans to stay. He tells me:

"I have been surprised that an overwhelming number of members, both rank & file and leadership, have urged me to stay on Steering.

Consequently, I plan to remain on Steering for the balance of this Congress."

3:27 PM · Jan 9, 2023


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95e82e No.3414

File: 9ee3664f5d4cff3⋯.png (673.13 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112252 (092235ZJAN23) Notable: Former SC visiting priest charged with sexual abuse of 11-year-old

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Former SC visiting priest charged with sexual abuse of 11-year-old

(Charleston, South Carolina)

A former visiting priest with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston has been charged with sexual abuse of a minor, according to federal court documents.

Father Jamie Gonzalez-Farias is due for an arraignment Monday afternoon at federal court in Columbia. Magistrate Judge Paige Gossett is presiding.

Gonzalez-Farias was transferred to the district of South Carolina in 2015. The alleged crimes happened in the fall of 2020, court documents say.

He was arrested in Miami, Florida last November and transferred to South Carolina for court.

Court documents say Gonzalez-Farias was charged with aggravated sexual abuse of children, coercion of a minor and transportation of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity.

The priest was not on the list of "credibly accused" released by the diocese in 2019, but has since been added.

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95e82e No.3415

File: 6555c419885d16c⋯.png (266.32 KB,1080x1078,540:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112298 (092241ZJAN23) Notable: The Pacific Ring of Fire is acting up again.

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The Pacific Ring of Fire is acting up again.


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95e82e No.3416

File: 318c1810426d2db⋯.png (200.3 KB,612x815,612:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112305 (092242ZJAN23) Notable: Ochakov, Nikolaev oblast ammunition depot of the AFU navy bombed, in addition to the warehouse, the radar and the air defense of the port also destroyed

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In Ochakov, Nikolaev oblast, the ammunition depot of the AFU navy was bombed, in addition to the warehouse, the radar and the air defense of the port were also destroyed.





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95e82e No.3417

File: fbb3f7796767bf7⋯.png (681.91 KB,660x668,165:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112348 (092247ZJAN23) Notable: SoCal Gas Warns Consumers: Massive Gas Bill Increases Coming

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SoCal Gas Warns Consumers: Massive Gas

Bill Increases Coming

Breitbart Economy, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Imright, 1/9/2023 12:55:49 PM

SoCal Gas, which supplies natural gas throughout Southern California, warned consumers this weekend that their next bills will be unusually large, blaming what it calls unusually cold winter weather across the nation. In an email to consumers, the company wrote: There’s no easy way to put this: January bills are likely to be higher than usual. An unprecedented cold snap across the nation in part has caused natural gas market prices in the West to more than double between December and January – much higher than expected. As a result, SoCalGas residential customers can expect the typical January bill likely to be more than double

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95e82e No.3418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112361 (092248ZJAN23) Notable: #22203

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Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>3358 New York-based LinusBio has created a test that analyzes a single strand of hair for levels of lead and aluminum, all of which are higher in autistic children

>>3359 1200 arrested Brazilians face up to 30 years incarceration if they are convicted of terrorism and "crimes against democracy."

>>3360, >>3390 Trump Calls For Mitch McConnell To Be Primaried

>>3361, >>3368, >>3368 Why hasn't any leader got the suddenly?

>>3362 Afroman’s house gets raided on charges of drugs/kidnapping, posts music video of it

>>3363 Controvery Swirls Over Mystery '3-Page Addendum' To House Rules Package

>>3364 EU state to reintroduce conscription

>>3365 PF: P-8 Poseidon (sub hunter) flew from Indianapolis to Colorado Springs, and cruising at 500 knots just north of Tulsa.

>>3366, >>3371 [Sam Kelly] DipPFS, EFA, BA (Hons) has sat on dozens of expert panels…

>>3367, >>3403, >>3406 ‘Severe Abdominal Pain’ Former Brazil President Bolsonaro hospitalized in Florida Democrats urge Potato to extradite

>>3372, >>3397 Dr. Dre Gets Marjorie Taylor Greene Busted For Copyright Infringement

>>3369 WEF Creep Yuval Noah Harari: Humans May Need to ‘Relearn How to See and Walk’ in ‘Virtual Reality’ Future

>>3370 Seattle Public Schools Sues TikTok, Facebook, Google, and Snapchat over Youth ‘Mental Health Crisis’

>>3373 The Salem-based Satanic Temple has announced its2023 convention in nearby Boston

>>3374, >>3398 12 state police ‘dishonorably discharged’ for failing to get COVID vaccine

>>3375 Pfizer Gives $1 Million to Kentucky GOP to Expand Its Headquarters – The “Mitch McConnell Building”

>>3376, >>3377 Riots in Brazil: What we know so far

>>3378 Finally found the interview, MarkZ claims his sources have revealed the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to take the Brunson case

>>3379 UK mulls unprecedented arms supplies to Ukraine – Sky News

>>3380 The House now debating and voting on the rules for the 118th Congress as well as legislation to rescind certain funding for the IRS.

>>3381 Schumann (Resonance) is Boomin

>>3382 Why Don't We Just switch the 87,000 3 letter "IRS" to "ICE"?

>>3383, >>3385 "Science-filled" @SpaceX #Dragon cargo craft currently undocking from the station

>>3384, >>3396, >>3388 Super Callous Fascist Risky Experimental Doses!

>>3386 2 year old Elizabeth Rose Ragonese #diedsuddenly after receiving both the Covid 19 and the Flu shot

>>3387, >>3389, >>3393, >>3394 Why didn't Russia and Ukraine sort out their border issues when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991?

>>3391, >>3404 House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Mark Green has won the race to be chair of the Homeland Security Committee defeating Rep. Dan Crenshaw

>>3392, >>3399 PF: Virgin Orbit launch N744VG 747 departed Cornwall Newquay Airport RAF St. Mawgan

>>3395 Trump Truths Decode, Jan 7. 2 of trump's consecutive truths hit on very relevant subjects.

>>3400 Virgin Orbit - Start Me Up Livestream

>>3401 PF: SPAR65 G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aquilinolanded at Augusta Regional Airport, GA with GLOBE49 US Navy E-6 B off-shore from it's Key West depart earlier

>>3402 Potato Tells El Paso Salvation Army Worker He “Spent Some Time with Secret Service in Poland”

>>3405 Chicago public school grooming gang crisis, hundreds and hundreds of sexual incidents by Chicago public school teachers commiting crimes against students

>>3407 Potato: "Everyone 6 MONTHS and up should get their updated COVID vaccine"

>>3408, >>3413 Mike Rogers Steps Down from House Steering Committee After Lunging at Matt Gaetz, then changes his mind?

>>3409 McCarthy ‘Very First Bill’ As House Speaker is a Direct Attack on Big Government

>>3410, >>3411 NASA Selects Experimental Space Technology Concepts for Initial Study

>>3412 NASA Names New Agency-Wide Chief Technologist: A.C. Charania

>>3414 Former SC visiting priest charged with sexual abuse of 11-year-old

>>3415 The Pacific Ring of Fire is acting up again.

>>3416 Ochakov, Nikolaev oblast ammunition depot of the AFU navy bombed, in addition to the warehouse, the radar and the air defense of the port also destroyed

>>3417 SoCal Gas Warns Consumers: Massive Gas Bill Increases Coming


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95e82e No.3419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112406 (092254ZJAN23) Notable: Chip Roy is speaking. And Dems are reeeing.

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Chip Roy speaking.

Dems constantly reeeing.

Enjoy this

It's a hoot.

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95e82e No.3420

File: 6c5c3e215ba029e⋯.png (321.51 KB,500x431,500:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112428 (092257ZJAN23) Notable: le dank meme bun

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3421

File: 759fcac5fe0670b⋯.jpg (159.16 KB,1391x1392,1391:1392,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112429 (092257ZJAN23) Notable: le dank meme bun

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95e82e No.3422

File: eb6206ee3908393⋯.png (496.16 KB,598x740,299:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112430 (092258ZJAN23) Notable: Belarus has legalized piracy. Aleksander Lukashenko approved a law legalizing downloading digital copyrighted content from "unfriendly countries" (pretty much the entire NATO and EU)

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Belarus has legalized piracy. Aleksander Lukashenko approved a law legalizing downloading digital copyrighted content from "unfriendly countries" (pretty much the entire NATO and EU). Also, the lower house approved confiscation of property of foreigners for unfriendly actions.



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95e82e No.3423

File: 644611e95831ce2⋯.png (1.55 MB,1125x994,1125:994,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112431 (092258ZJAN23) Notable: le dank meme bun

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112435 (092259ZJAN23) Notable: New docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris

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BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris

A BOMBSHELL new report claims shows that the Department of Defense - meaning the Pentagon - controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning. If true, it means that everything we were told was political theater, right down to the FDA vaccine approval process. Our guest today is the former executive of a pharmaceutical contract research organization Sasha Latypova and she shows what she has found due to her searches based on instinct that the Covid vaccine was not exactly on the up and up.


Further research:

Dying Fast and Slow - Part 1

Post-injection mortality patterns in US VAERS data - significant unexplained variability over time and across the US states and territories.

Sasha Latypova

Jan 8


Dying Fast and Slow - Part 2

Unexplained Patterns of Immediate and Delayed Mortality after Covid-19 Injections Across the United States.

Sasha Latypova

Jan 8


Sasha Latypova main substack: https://substack.com/profile/50868935-sasha-latypova

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95e82e No.3425

File: 2da3d270d076b11⋯.png (38.54 KB,584x280,73:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112450 (092300ZJAN23) Notable: Prosecutors are telling lawyers connected to @SBF_FTX fraud investigation the case is so sprawling that it could exhaust resources

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Prosecutors are telling lawyers connected to


fraud investigation the case is so sprawling that it could exhaust resources of the southern district since it includes potential bribery, campaign contribution violations, market manipulation on top of theft & fraud

9:00 AM · Jan 9, 2023


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95e82e No.3426

File: 7e335020a7abf7c⋯.png (79.95 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 70bebb9cd5d17c9⋯.png (95.06 KB,850x475,34:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d6f9781b8613a6⋯.png (949.44 KB,1565x1013,1565:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112464 (092304ZJAN23) Notable: Sun Fires Off Another X Flare

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Sun Fires Off Another X Flare

Fresh hot Chile. X2 flare xrayed western So. America about 4 hours ago. This is a bad place to take a strong xray flare this time of year. Large xray and proton fluxes are very highly correlated with large earthquakes a couple to a few days later. Of the largest earthquakes known, several of the biggest have been in the Chile region. Pray this doesn't bring another.

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95e82e No.3427

File: 5f5e5ecc29b2b3d⋯.png (66.92 KB,598x580,299:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112482 (092306ZJAN23) Notable: The heart of this entire scam is right here in Broward County. Barbara Miller, her brother Joe Bankman, SBF’s Uncle Jimmy.

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The heart of this entire scam is right here in Broward County. Barbara Miller, her brother Joe Bankman, SBF’s Uncle Jimmy. They are at the center of this whole scheme. I’d look into Barbara’s lobbying partner Neil Sterling as well.

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95e82e No.3428

File: 93012954f95ea4f⋯.png (301.91 KB,469x505,469:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112489 (092306ZJAN23) Notable: The Congressional Tranny is Very Concerned about the Children

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This one is Very Concerned about the Children

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95e82e No.3429

File: b2f6c5ede128896⋯.png (515.61 KB,853x425,853:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112491 (092307ZJAN23) Notable: The Congressional Tranny is Very Concerned about the Children

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wtf is this shit

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95e82e No.3430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112502 (092308ZJAN23) Notable: Bitchute version IVERMECTIN: THE UNTOLD STORY OF A ‘MIRACLE DRUG’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18111867 (LB)

Bitchute version



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95e82e No.3431

File: 8d380f3cd6c157f⋯.png (377.71 KB,529x632,529:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112509 (092309ZJAN23) Notable: Let's take off into this week! #MondayMotivation #USSNimitz (CVN 68) conducts flight operations in the Philippine Sea.

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Let's take off into this week! 🛫


#USSNimitz (CVN 68) conducts flight operations in the Philippine Sea.

Nimitz is in


conducting routine operations.


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95e82e No.3432

File: 731040c3e4dc106⋯.png (287.83 KB,1170x452,585:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112516 (092311ZJAN23) Notable: Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Several classified documents from Joe Biden’s time as vice president were discovered last fall in a private office, CNN reports. DOJ is reportedly reviewing potentially classified docs


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95e82e No.3433

File: 3a9d8fcc87f6723⋯.png (373.28 KB,611x750,611:750,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112526 (092312ZJAN23) Notable: @HillaryClinton Simply love this @GMA story following @aliceminsoochun as she brings light to children in Ukraine coping with rolling blackouts because of Putin's war.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Clinton


Simply love this @GMA story following @aliceminsoochun as she brings light to children in Ukraine coping with rolling blackouts because of Putin's war.

Chelsea and I loved learning about her work on @solightdesign as part of @appletvplus's #Gutsy.


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95e82e No.3434

File: bce7a30e702289f⋯.jpg (250.65 KB,1132x906,566:453,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 728a659dc61c7ea⋯.png (99.73 KB,634x409,634:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bc5c911538bcae⋯.jpg (284.04 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112527 (092312ZJAN23) Notable: Attention PureBloods- congrats! 4/100 = $$$$$$$

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Attention PureBloods- congrats! 4/100 = $$$$$$$


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95e82e No.3435

File: 7bcde49299abcee⋯.png (792.5 KB,825x660,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112531 (092312ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Regime Considers Banning Gas Stoves over "Health Concerns"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden Administration Considers Banning

Gas Stoves over Health Concerns

National Review, by Brittany Bernstein

Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/9/2023 12:55:19 PM

A federal agency may look to ban gas stoves over concern about the release of pollutants that can cause health and respiratory problems, according to a new report. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is set to open public comment on the dangers of gas stoves sometime this winter. The commission could set standards on emissions from the gas stoves, or even look to ban the manufacture or import of the appliances, commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. told Bloomberg News. “This is a hidden hazard,” Trumka told the outlet. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

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95e82e No.3436

File: 5262cb7a998f4e6⋯.png (655.1 KB,674x713,674:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112537 (092313ZJAN23) Notable: Jim Jordan to Chair Subcommittee Probing into Politicization of FBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Report: Jim Jordan to Chair Subcommittee

Probing into Politicization of FBI

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 1/9/2023 12:53:32 PM

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) will reportedly chair a select subcommittee in the new Congress to investigate the politicization of the FBI revealed by the “Twitter Files.” The subcommittee will be called the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. It will give Jordan, the incoming chair of the Judiciary Committee, the means to launch investigations into the White House, big tech, and weaponized law enforcement agencies, according to Axios. Republicans are touting Jordan’s subcommittee as a “Church Committee,” a reference to a 1970s investigation by Senator Frank Church that uncovered intelligence wrongdoing by both parties.

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95e82e No.3437

File: 1ddb76518bd0b63⋯.png (372.19 KB,616x346,308:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e7188087e43b12⋯.png (121.77 KB,202x298,101:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cb597c1181aaba⋯.png (402.83 KB,569x380,569:380,Clipboard.png)

File: 82f703bbb8c02df⋯.png (465.85 KB,509x379,509:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112543 (092315ZJAN23) Notable: Jim Jordan to Chair Subcommittee Probing into Politicization of FBI

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America is with you, jim

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95e82e No.3438

File: 15b27626573f9df⋯.png (245.39 KB,905x443,905:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 24ece8ce3bf1b1f⋯.png (249.29 KB,858x477,286:159,Clipboard.png)

File: abebfaaa23259e3⋯.png (162.01 KB,530x356,265:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112555 (092316ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Launcher One has separation from the 747 and rocket fired (red part of trace at peak altitude-drop occurred)…747 returning to Cornwall

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>3392, >>3399 PF: Virgin Orbit launch N744VG 747 departed Cornwall Newquay Airport RAF St. Mawgan

Launcher One has separation from the 747 and rocket fired (red part of trace at peak altitude-drop occurred)…747 returning to Cornwall

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95e82e No.3439

File: 8bf05cce6a99173⋯.png (803.63 KB,897x595,897:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112558 (092317ZJAN23) Notable: More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More

Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump

PJ Media, by Victoria Taft

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 1/9/2023 11:48:18 AM

A little-noticed bill passed before Christmas shows that the U.S. Senate knows Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day. Indeed, Nancy Pelosi could be crowned Queen of the Mob, since her actions led to the crashing of the perimeter fences, general dysfunction, and deaths of Trump supporters that day. Even after the one-sided January 6 Committee left Pelosi’s role on the cutting room floor, there’s one inescapable conclusion: If she’d done her job, there would have been no riot, no deaths of Trump supporters, no show trials,

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95e82e No.3440

File: d99e0ca82b6e328⋯.png (66.04 KB,294x561,98:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112562 (092317ZJAN23) Notable: Now more than ever SOF needs the strong civilian control and oversight of @ASD_SOLIC, who by law is the civilian service secretary.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now more than ever SOF needs the strong civilian control and oversight of


, who by law is the civilian service secretary. The “advocate” relationship pejoratively put forward by Bryan


isn’t working and it’s contrary to the law.





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95e82e No.3441

File: e750076574ac5a8⋯.jpg (162 KB,918x734,459:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112565 (092318ZJAN23) Notable: CCP morale at its lowest in history, with Chinese citizens protesting throughout China in regard to human rights violations.

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CCP morale at its lowest in history, with Chinese citizens protesting throughout China in regard to human rights violations. Military completely demoralized with current leadership and depleted economy. Sources close to CCP officials confirm outlook of Chinese economy is not good and latest military tech dysfunctional due to lack of advancements in production quality. Confusion and disparity is causing turmoil amongst CCP ranks as betrayals and drama are occurring on a daily basis. "The Chinese have no combat experience over the past 300+ years aside from self-genocide, our soldiers are too soft to defend China." -CCP Military Officer Xiang Zhou


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95e82e No.3442

File: 31206a1a047eec1⋯.png (126.65 KB,598x653,598:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112568 (092318ZJAN23) Notable: Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald Trump Jr.


Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

Stop spending your hard earned dollars with corporations that hate our police.

Download https://publicsq.mobi/DJTJr today to shop with companies that #BackTheBlue.


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95e82e No.3443

File: 7d2f59e15bfa1c6⋯.png (71.4 KB,592x170,296:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112572 (092319ZJAN23) Notable: US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan levelled the charge against Iran on Monday, local time, as he spoke to reporters accompanying President Joe Biden on a trip to Mexico.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan levelled the charge against Iran on Monday, local time, as he spoke to reporters accompanying President Joe Biden on a trip to Mexico.


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95e82e No.3444

File: 714776600a0fe00⋯.jpg (294 KB,1024x1315,1024:1315,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2c014cd34587158⋯.png (192.76 KB,899x487,899:487,Clipboard.png)

File: e2c3f216fdf6480⋯.jpg (732.28 KB,1438x2166,719:1083,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 02a7dbefb2d3c34⋯.jpg (535.11 KB,1436x1976,359:494,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112574 (092319ZJAN23) Notable: Let's take off into this week! #MondayMotivation #USSNimitz (CVN 68) conducts flight operations in the Philippine Sea.

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95e82e No.3445

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112581 (092320ZJAN23) Notable: Burzynski Cancer Cure Documentary Pls send to your Congressional Representatives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Burzynski Cancer Cure Documentary

Pls send to your Congressional Representatives

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95e82e No.3446

File: 426db9461cdcbc7⋯.png (141.3 KB,532x599,532:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112599 (092323ZJAN23) Notable: Details are few but Army CID definitely rolled up a dozen-plus Special Forces soldiers last week in connection with a major narcotics investigation at Fort Bragg

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Details are few but Army CID definitely rolled up a dozen-plus Special Forces soldiers last week in connection with a major narcotics investigation at Fort Bragg

Here are official statements from SOCOM and USASOC


Deep cleaning

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95e82e No.3447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112603 (092324ZJAN23) Notable: 7.6 EQ in Indonesia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ben Davidson just did a video on the X flare/EQ in the Solomons. Since he did this, and just today, another 7.6 EQ nearby (and in the same blot echo)

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95e82e No.3448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112606 (092324ZJAN23) Notable: Break down of events by Joshua Philipp which happened during speaker vote

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Excelent break down of events by Joshua Philipp which happened during speaker vote.

>or death of uniparty

Check this out anons

Video is under paywall, but 30mins on youtube worth listening



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95e82e No.3449

File: 1cb1ca151f16b71⋯.png (250.51 KB,598x519,598:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112608 (092324ZJAN23) Notable: Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!

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95e82e No.3450

File: 52f88fdf62467c5⋯.png (847.94 KB,1075x608,1075:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112610 (092325ZJAN23) Notable: 7.6 EQ in Indonesia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Another whopper in the area today. 7.6 in Indonesia.

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95e82e No.3451

File: 23ccf706b809393⋯.png (770.22 KB,606x891,202:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112611 (092325ZJAN23) Notable: Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



10:19 AM · Jan 9, 2022

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95e82e No.3452

File: ea10b5c101c3851⋯.jpg (160.31 KB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112616 (092326ZJAN23) Notable: MTG Drama bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said 'like a lot of people' she had 'easily gotten sucked into some things I had seen on the internet' regarding QAnon conspiracy theories

Kelsey Vlamis Jan 8, 2023, 10:48 PM

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95e82e No.3453

File: a633d08fc8a7b26⋯.png (276.46 KB,609x731,609:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112620 (092326ZJAN23) Notable: Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




9:27 AM · Jan 9, 2022

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95e82e No.3454

File: b515799a20127de⋯.png (825.83 KB,853x1280,853:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112632 (092328ZJAN23) Notable: New Jersey Middle School Teacher Overdoses on Fentanyl in Front of Students

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Damage that can't be undone. Youth.

New Jersey Middle School Teacher Overdoses on Fentanyl in Front of Students

Frank Thompson, 57, an art teacher at Roosevelt Intermediate School, was found unconscious and unresponsive by a school resource in a second-floor classroom after 9:00 a.m. on November 29, according to the Westfield Police Department.

Before the officer arrived, students noticed Thompson was in distress, and a school nurse was treating him.

The officer noticed signs that Thompson was experiencing a drug overdose and administered naloxone hydrochloride, also known as Narcan, which he carries on him. The teacher then started showing signs of improvement.

Following the incident, investigators found fentanyl and other items of drug paraphernalia in the classroom closet.

Authorities charged Thompson on Thursday with possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and endangering the welfare of children, according to police.



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95e82e No.3455

File: 3de4357d0defaf8⋯.png (348 KB,1182x1000,591:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112633 (092328ZJAN23) Notable: 7.6 EQ in Indonesia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Prolly the CCP testing their latest submarine deployable delayed fuse mini nuke earthquake/tsunami bombs. You know. Like the one they used on Fukishima.

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95e82e No.3456

File: 57c4dc5615c5091⋯.mp4 (791.52 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b014f103514c87f⋯.mp4 (915.67 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112646 (092331ZJAN23) Notable: @HillaryClinton Simply love this @GMA story following @aliceminsoochun as she brings light to children in Ukraine coping with rolling blackouts because of Putin's war.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>@aliceminsoochun as she brings light to children in Ukraine coping with rolling blackouts because of Putin's war.

Fact check:


Looking at YOU Nuland & Chalupa etal

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95e82e No.3457

File: 3a46134d63a7165⋯.png (61.69 KB,603x452,603:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112647 (092331ZJAN23) Notable: Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



2:57 PM · Apr 23, 2021

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95e82e No.3458

File: 9042f0de34b0930⋯.png (39.78 KB,598x459,598:459,Clipboard.png)

File: 04dd6f71f7aaf8b⋯.png (23.82 KB,598x206,299:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 499499194310db4⋯.png (154.13 KB,598x491,598:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 52d26598f7b32b6⋯.png (35.49 KB,598x344,299:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 69b84a8df601a92⋯.png (21.36 KB,598x158,299:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112656 (092332ZJAN23) Notable: The WWE era of 2016 politics is over, The House of Representatives votes on a rules package after last week's contentious speaker election

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The WWE era of 2016 politics is over. Elections are serious matters won by narrow margins with expert tacticians who can work a map and be prepared for Election Day shenanigans.

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95e82e No.3459

File: 29002f88c9776f5⋯.png (80.46 KB,601x409,601:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112659 (092333ZJAN23) Notable: The WWE era of 2016 politics is over, The House of Representatives votes on a rules package after last week's contentious speaker election

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Washington Examiner


LIVE NOW: The House of Representatives votes on a rules package after last week's contentious speaker election



House debates and votes on rules package after contentious speaker…

0 views, 2 likes, 1 loves, 1 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Washington Examiner: The House of Representatives debates and votes on a rules package after last week's contentious…

12:31 PM · Jan 9, 2023



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95e82e No.3460

File: db73283799b1b35⋯.png (24.31 KB,627x244,627:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112661 (092333ZJAN23) Notable: The WWE era of 2016 politics is over, The House of Representatives votes on a rules package after last week's contentious speaker election

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I will be voting for the rules package that includes ending proxy voting. Many Democrats feel entitled to remain in the comforts of their homes instead of upholding their constitutional obligation and tradition to work from our nation's capital. Americans deserve better.


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95e82e No.3461

File: 163650ef0c9a2cd⋯.png (181.11 KB,424x363,424:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112667 (092334ZJAN23) Notable: Young Canadian reporter Jessica Robb slurs her words and appears to have a stroke on live television

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[ Album ]

Young Canadian reporter Jessica Robb slurs her words and appears to have a stroke on live television tonight.

She has since tweeted that she is fine and previously shared in April 2022 that she was "feeling very lucky to be vaxxed x3."


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95e82e No.3462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112673 (092334ZJAN23) Notable: Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!

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Back the Blue by Forgiato Blow & Bryson Gray

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95e82e No.3463

File: cc36eb80b052a10⋯.png (519.87 KB,444x714,74:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 341ff2f3b4dc114⋯.png (23.89 KB,438x234,73:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112699 (092338ZJAN23) Notable: According to royal and medical sources, Princess Bajrakitiyabha is developing acute kidney injury after nearly a month of being kept artificially alive on an ECMO machine

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⚠️ UPDATE — According to royal and medical sources, Princess Bajrakitiyabha is developing acute kidney injury after nearly a month of being kept artificially alive on an ECMO machine.

She has been brain dead since December 14 but her body was kept alive. 1/3


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95e82e No.3464

File: 83ddc39dd56a98a⋯.png (620.7 KB,837x695,837:695,Clipboard.png)

File: a6cd6cfa2148328⋯.mp4 (405.62 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112706 (092340ZJAN23) Notable: MTG Drama bun

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'I shouldn't be your punching bag': Marjorie Taylor Greene throws Trump under bus over McCarthy

Story by David Edwards • 4h ago


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) complained on Monday that she is receiving hate from the MAGA movement because she supported Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for House Speaker.

During an interview with right-wing host Charlie Kirk on the MAGA-oriented Real America's Voice network, Greene responded to an angry viewer who wanted to know why she had not opposed McCarthy like other staunch conservatives in the Freedom Caucus.

"I just also need to remind everyone, while people are mad at me, President Trump endorsed and supported Kevin McCarthy," Greene said. "Jim Jordan endorsed, supported, voted for and nominated Kevin McCarthy."

"So, people that are overly mad at me, I shouldn't be your punching bag," she added. "Be very clear-eyed about what this is and I'll continue to prove exactly who I am through my actions and not my words and emails, social media posts and interviews on television."

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95e82e No.3465

File: e03c67f841cc91c⋯.jpg (69.51 KB,851x537,851:537,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112733 (092343ZJAN23) Notable: le dank meme bun

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95e82e No.3466

File: 78c81a99b0a0dd7⋯.png (276.12 KB,528x531,176:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112740 (092346ZJAN23) Notable: Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office

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National Archives asked DOJ to investigate classified documents Biden left at private office | Just The News


The FBI gonna raid Jill's closet now too?

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95e82e No.3467

File: d8d2ee161bf9090⋯.png (25.56 KB,599x367,599:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112762 (092349ZJAN23) Notable: #TwitterFiles Covid LIVE COVERAGE (Breaking: Biden Classified Files)

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Mario Nawfal

#TwitterFiles Covid LIVE COVERAGE (Breaking: Biden Classified Files)

10.6K in this Space

11:50 AM · Jan 9, 2023



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95e82e No.3468

File: 0b7b4e60795dc03⋯.png (1.41 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

File: a754bb850bb4444⋯.png (491.35 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

File: f26e15bfa1943e1⋯.png (349.19 KB,754x566,377:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112770 (092350ZJAN23) Notable: MTG Drama bun

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Hot Lips MTG: Tells Reporter Biden Is The Legitimate President

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95e82e No.3469

File: 07556bb739db02e⋯.png (364.09 KB,1182x502,591:251,Clipboard.png)

File: e40e1657b292a42⋯.png (642.43 KB,796x448,199:112,Clipboard.png)

File: efd06d982d80054⋯.png (329.33 KB,505x376,505:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112771 (092350ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag CONUS update: FORGE78 US Army G5 back at JBA after a ground stop at Leavenworth for about

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Planefag CONUS update: FORGE78 US Army G5 back at JBA after a ground stop at Leavenworth for about 5h15m, SAM023G5 also back to JBA from Scott AFB after turn and burn of 25m, SPAR965 Learjet 35 to JBA from Wright-Pat. AFB stop of 30m, PAT617 C-12V Huron that left Orlando earlier went to McGuire AFB, N,J., GLOBE49 E-6B Mercury north to Pax River after trackin' over S.C. coast, SAM994 G5 went to Peterson AFB and SAM980 is heading to same NIPPY45Rivet joint heading back to Offutt from north of VZ, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao trackin'

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95e82e No.3470

File: be8db5ea0179312⋯.png (1.29 MB,930x600,31:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112810 (092354ZJAN23) Notable: Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office

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Biden busted for possession of 'classified' docs.

U.S. Attorney Reviewing Classified Documents from Biden’s Vice Presidency Found at Think Tank

“Classified” documents from Joe Biden’s vice presidency have been discovered at a think tank affiliated with the current president. It is the same alleged ‘crime’ that triggered that FBI’s Mar-a-Lago on former President Donald Trump.

As reported by CBS News, the documents have prompted a “review” from a U.S. attorney’s office.

“Attorney General Merrick Garland has assigned the U.S. attorney in Chicago to review classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington,” CBS News reported, based on confidential sources. “The roughly 10 documents are from President Biden’s vice-presidential office at the center, the sources said. CBS News has learned the FBI is also involved in the U.S. attorney’s inquiry.”

“The classified material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, just before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed,” the report added.

The documents were discovered when Biden’s personal attorneys “were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.,” Sauber said in a statement to CBS News.


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95e82e No.3471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112811 (092354ZJAN23) Notable: MTG Drama bun

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Greene said Sunday her QAnon support was in the past and that she got sucked into things online.sucks Rinocock.

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95e82e No.3472

File: d648845ad1678b9⋯.jpg (67.92 KB,614x469,614:469,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112840 (092358ZJAN23) Notable: Good ol' anonymous sleuth work

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My pleasure fren :)


Anyone confirm Gerry McCann next to Podesta?

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95e82e No.3473

File: e42998b1971948d⋯.png (698.87 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112856 (100000ZJAN23) Notable: le dank meme bun

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95e82e No.3474

File: b5cfeb343b23f7c⋯.png (95.76 KB,764x848,191:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e4e2309de3c461⋯.png (97.02 KB,769x845,769:845,Clipboard.png)

File: c99e4d0f17b0a15⋯.png (1.34 MB,1433x625,1433:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112870 (100001ZJAN23) Notable: 7.6 EQ in Indonesia

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Multiple data bouys in event mode from Indonesia EQ. USGS reporting at 7.6, others at 7.9. Always be suspicious of .9 EQ…usually means someone rounded down to keep a higher magnitude off the books.

Basically an 8-pointer. Monster quake.

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95e82e No.3475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112873 (100002ZJAN23) Notable: Body Language: Carnal Knowledge In Congress

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Body Language: Carnal Knowledge In Congress


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95e82e No.3476

File: b52412c3cb7df53⋯.png (269.77 KB,425x625,17:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112902 (100006ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer got tired of paying billions in criminal fines, so they bought the FDA Commissioner.

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On the left is current Pfizer board member @ScottGottliebMD.

On the right is the former FDA Commissioner in charge of regulating Pfizer.

Pfizer got tired of paying billions in criminal fines, so they bought the FDA Commissioner.

Why not, right❓



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95e82e No.3477

File: 768a7e48e21d69e⋯.png (213.05 KB,425x573,425:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112908 (100007ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer got tired of paying billions in criminal fines, so they bought the FDA Commissioner.

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2/ As a Pfizer board member, it is Scott Gottlieb's fiduciary duty to maximize Pfizer's profits.

Scott Gottlieb is also a paid CNBC "medical expert."

Despite the scientific literature, Scott Gottlieb told CNBC viewers that his product is better than natural immunity.

Get it❓



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95e82e No.3478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112916 (100009ZJAN23) Notable: MTG Drama bun

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I'd speculate that MTG was the intelligence operator that had to get left holding the bag to make this leg of operations work -because somebody had to do it

…and the photo of DT on her phone is the high sign to confirm that.

So for me …I'm going to continue to watch them all work without condemening anyone in my mind and creating a prejudice against what they may do next that could cloud my vision.

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95e82e No.3479

File: 49855dae838b95b⋯.png (703.88 KB,612x1332,17:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112919 (100009ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAdamSchiff There goes Don Jr. Again. Making up more stuff.

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Adam Schiff


There goes Don Jr. Again.


Making up more stuff. He knows this is false.


But he and his father will go after anyone who stands up to them.


The anti-truth president has a son to match.


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95e82e No.3480

File: 2e94035147d8caa⋯.png (397.06 KB,592x644,148:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d6b411773e5972⋯.png (23.25 KB,577x209,577:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112922 (100009ZJAN23) Notable: Don’t Burn Your Hands #Our Marines with Battalion Landing Team 1/4, @31stMeu, conduct fast rope training off of a MV-22B Osprey at Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan

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Don’t Burn Your Hands

#Our Marines with Battalion Landing Team 1/4,


, conduct fast rope training off of a MV-22B Osprey at Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 29.

#31stMEU #IIIMEF #VMM262 #ReadyNow


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95e82e No.3481

File: 8b23aeac8219bde⋯.png (330.29 KB,1325x597,1325:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112944 (100012ZJAN23) Notable: Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office

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>Classified doc from Biden's time as VP found in private office.


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95e82e No.3482

File: 72557361bc7525d⋯.jpg (396.38 KB,996x1458,166:243,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112945 (100012ZJAN23) Notable: Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office


Several classified documents from President Joe Biden’s time as vice president were discovered last fall in a private office, Biden’s attorneys acknowledged Monday.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has asked the US attorney in Chicago to investigate the matter, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN, and congressional Republicans are also taking notice.

Biden’s lawyers say they found the government materials in November while closing out a Washington, DC-based office – the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement – that Biden used as part of his relationship with the University of Pennsylvania, where he was an honorary professor from 2017 to 2019.

Fewer than a dozen classified documents were found at Biden’s office, another source told CNN. It is unclear what the documents pertain to or why they were taken to Biden’s private office. Federal officeholders are required by law to relinquish official documents and classified records when their government service ends.


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95e82e No.3483

File: c15ec81a17f68f8⋯.png (229.18 KB,1166x392,583:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112946 (100012ZJAN23) Notable: House adopts GOP rules pkg for 118th Congress. The vote: 220-213. 1 GOPer voted nay. Flip 4 votes and the measure fails

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House adopts GOP rules pkg for 118th Congress. The vote: 220-213. 1 GOPer voted nay. Flip 4 votes and the measure fails


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95e82e No.3484

File: f9eded0e41d78ba⋯.png (665.98 KB,1050x699,350:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112951 (100014ZJAN23) Notable: Keurig K-Cup settlement: Today’s the final day to join the $10 million class-action suit

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Keurig K-Cup settlement: Today’s the final day to join the $10 million class-action suit

January 9, 2022

If you have been making your morning cup of coffee using the popular Keurig KDP, -0.63% pods, aka K-Cups, then you may be entitled to some money.

The beverage giant recently agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit over claims the company made that its K-Cups were recyclable. As part of the settlement, Keurig has agreed to pay $10 million to purchasers.

As of 2020, K-Cups are made using a recyclable plastic called polypropylene, which is recyclable according to the company, but the plastic pods are too small for most municipal recycling facilities, and there is little market for the materials that can be recycled from them, the lawsuit alleges.

The cups “usually still end up in landfills,” according to the 2018 lawsuit, despite Keurig’s marketing that people can “have your cup and recycle it too.”

According to a CNET breakdown, if you bought K-Cups labeled as recyclable between June 8, 2016, and Aug. 8, 2022, you can request $3.50 per 100 pods purchased, for a minimum of $6 and a maximum of $36 as long as you have proof of purchase. Without proof of purchase, purchasers can claim a maximum of $5 per household.

Interested parties can join the class-action lawsuit and submit a claim on the settlement website, or print out the form and mail it to the address below.

Smith v. Keurig Green Mountain

c/o Kroll Settlement Administration LLC

P.O. Box 225391

New York, NY 10150-5391

The deadline to join the lawsuit is Monday, Jan. 9, 2023, unless you received an email regarding the settlement in mid-December, in which case the deadline is January 30, the settlement website states.

Sauce: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/keurig-k-cup-settlement-todays-the-final-day-join-the-10-million-class-action-suit-11673289975?mod=home-page

Settlement website: https://www.kcupsrecyclingsettlement.com/

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95e82e No.3485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112955 (100014ZJAN23) Notable: Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office

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>Classified doc from Biden's time as VP found in private office.

Several classified documents from President Joe Biden’s time as vice president were discovered last fall in a private office, Biden’s attorneys acknowledged Monday.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has asked the US attorney in Chicago to investigate the matter, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN, and congressional Republicans are also taking notice.

Biden’s lawyers say they found the government materials in November while closing out a Washington, DC-based office – the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement – that Biden used as part of his relationship with the University of Pennsylvania, where he was an honorary professor from 2017 to 2019.

Fewer than a dozen classified documents were found at Biden’s office, another source told CNN. It is unclear what the documents pertain to or why they were taken to Biden’s private office. Federal officeholders are required by law to relinquish official documents and classified records when their government service ends.

“The White House is cooperating with the National Archives and the Department of Justice regarding the discovery of what appear to be Obama-Biden Administration records, including a small number of documents with classified markings,” Richard Sauber, special counsel to President Biden, said in a statement. “The documents were discovered when the President’s personal attorneys were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C. The President periodically used this space from mid-2017 until the start of the 2020 campaign. On the day of this discovery, November 2, 2022, the White House Counsel’s Office notified the National Archives. The Archives took possession of the materials the following morning.”

“The discovery of these documents was made by the President’s attorneys,” Sauber added. “The documents were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by the Archives. Since that discovery, the President’s personal attorneys have cooperated with the Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives.”

CBS News first reported on the documents.

The classified materials included some top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, also known as SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources.

After the discovery, Biden’s lawyers immediately contacted the National Archives and Records Administration, which started looking into the matter, the source said. Biden’s team cooperated with NARA, which later came to view the situation as a mistake due to lack of safeguards for documents, the source said.

In November, NARA sent a referral to the Justice Department to look into the matter, a source with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

The US attorney in Chicago, John Lausch Jr., is investigating. Lausch was one of the rare Trump-era holdovers who wasn’t asked to resign after Biden’s inauguration. He was appointed by Trump in 2017 and unanimously confirmed by the Senate. Illinois’ two Democratic senators said in 2021 that they wanted Lausch to remain at his top post “to conclude sensitive investigations,” though they didn’t reveal

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95e82e No.3486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18112962 (100015ZJAN23) Notable: Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office

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Political fallout

The discovery of the materials come as special counsel Jack Smith is investigating former President Donald Trump for potentially mishandling classified records at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Federal investigators have recovered at least 325 classified documents from Trump as part of their inquiry.

Republicans are already asking questions.

“President Biden has been very critical of President Trump mistakenly taking classified documents to the residence or wherever and now it seems he may have done the same,” said GOP Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, who is set to become the House Oversight Chairman. “How ironic.”

Comer pointed out that the National Archives falls under his committee’s jurisdiction for oversight but said when they, while in the minority, sent NARA questions related to former Trump, NARA referred Republicans to the Justice Department.

“Maybe they’ll answer our questions now because it pertains to two presidents,” Comer said, adding he plans to ask the archives for more information later this week.

Ever since the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago in August – a search that uncovered dozens of additional classified files – Trump has promoted wild and unfounded allegations about his predecessors’ supposed mishandling of government records. The news about classified records turning up at Biden’s private office is sure to provide new fodder to Trump, who has already announced his 2024 presidential bid.

Biden was critical of Trump when he saw the photograph taken by the FBI that showed an array of documents found on Trump’s property last summer.

“How that could possibly happen? How one – anyone could be that irresponsible?” Biden said. “And I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods? By that I mean names of people who helped or, et cetera. … totally irresponsible.”

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95e82e No.3487

File: 422f4925de65d50⋯.png (209.52 KB,475x523,475:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f9cd0645fd7fbd⋯.png (1.27 MB,790x1200,79:120,Clipboard.png)

File: fdc236288b48ef0⋯.png (1.42 MB,790x1200,79:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113006 (100022ZJAN23) Notable: @NixonLibrary Richard Nixon was born on this date in 1913 and we are celebrating today with FREE admission to the museum!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. PRESIDENT! Richard Nixon was born on this date in 1913 and we are celebrating today with FREE admission to the museum! For his 60th birthday #OTD in 1973, President Nixon wrote notes reflecting on his life. These pages are in our archive holdings.

11:14 AM · Jan 9, 2023


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95e82e No.3488

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113032 (100026ZJAN23) Notable: Good ol' anonymous sleuth work

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Young Matt Damon to left, second row..and oh btw..the tall guy is the guy Q was asking about back in the day who was in pic crossing street in China.

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95e82e No.3489

File: 4be88288820832f⋯.png (46 KB,598x408,299:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113043 (100027ZJAN23) Notable: @HamlinIsland Headed home to Buffalo today with a lot of love on my heart.

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𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐧


Headed home to Buffalo today with a lot of love on my heart. 🫶🏾

Watching the world come together around me on Sunday was truly an amazing feeling.

The same love you all have shown me is the same love that I plan to put back into the world n more.

Bigger than football! 🫶🏾


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95e82e No.3490

File: 2719bcb81e977be⋯.png (819.72 KB,1050x750,7:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 8229e2e5a63d084⋯.jpg (138.02 KB,1405x1144,1405:1144,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113050 (100030ZJAN23) Notable: Cost of IRS funding repeal? More than $100 billion, says this watchdog

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BS Headline of the Day

Cost of IRS funding repeal? More than $100 billion, says this watchdog

January 9, 2023

House Republicans’ plans to repeal billions of dollars of funding for the Internal Revenue Service would boost the U.S.’s red ink by more than $100 billion over the next decade, a budget watchdog estimated Monday, as the GOP was gearing up to vote on the measure.

A vote could come as early as Monday night on a measure that takes aim at $80 billion in extra funding for the IRS that was included in Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act — their big climate, healthcare and tax package. The vote could follow action on a package of rules for the new session of Congress — to which which some Republicans have voiced opposition.

The aim of the extra money for the IRS is to expand support for the agency’s operations, modernize its systems, improve customer service, and strengthen tax enforcement, as the Committee for a Responsible Budget summarized in a new analysis Monday.

Denying the agency the funding, says the CRFB, would increase deficits by well over $100 billion over a decade, including $30 billion in 2031 alone.

The IRS measure is one of a few items that House Republicans are prioritizing as they get down to business in the new Congress. Because Democrats control the Senate, however, it won’t pass that chamber, so the bill is largely symbolic.

Still, campaigning against the IRS featured heavily in Republicans’ midterm election pitches, with candidates warning that Democrats’ legislation will empower about 87,000 new agents to target middle-income Americans. That figure has been dubbed misleading, however, by fact-checkers including the Associated Press, which noted many hires will be used to replace some 50,000 IRS employee retirements in coming years. Others will become customer service representatives answering taxpayer phone calls.

Sauce: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/cost-of-irs-funding-repeal-more-than-100-billion-says-this-watchdog-11673298104?mod=home-page

The CFRB is full of sheet

Committee For a Responsible Government


CFRB Board members:

Board Members


Mitch Daniels

Leon Panetta

Timothy Penny

Maya MacGuineas

Barry Anderson


Erskine Bowles

Kent Conrad

Dan Crippen

Bill Gradison, Jr.

Jane Harman

William Hoagland

James Jones

Lou Kerr

Marjorie Margolies

Dave McCurdy

David Minge

Michael Nutter

June O'Neill

Marne Obernauer, Jr.

Rudolph Penner

Robert Reischauer

Charles Robb

Isabel Sawhill

Alan K. Simpson

John Spratt

Eugene Steuerle

David Stockman

James T. McIntyre, Jr.

John Tanner

Tom Tauke

Carol Cox Wait


Like, 51 Intel liars, a bunch of politicos still sucking on the public teat. "Full" bios at link

Staff members, another Rogue's gallery: https://www.crfb.org/staff-members

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95e82e No.3491

File: 7380218d6ecca77⋯.png (2.04 MB,1204x1618,602:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113060 (100032ZJAN23) Notable: Good ol' anonymous sleuth work

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3492

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113065 (100033ZJAN23) Notable: Good ol' anonymous sleuth work

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That's the photo anon! TY!

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95e82e No.3493

File: 08ff091aff18496⋯.mp4 (13.91 MB,848x416,53:26,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113069 (100034ZJAN23) Notable: Biden’s Buddies in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Threaten to Kill Trump in Horrific Murder Video

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Biden’s Buddies in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Threaten to Kill Trump in Horrific Murder Video



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113078 (100036ZJAN23) Notable: “Brazil…Live[s] Under Judicial Tyranny…Who Judges the Judges?” – Mathew Tyrmand Lists the Massive Issues Found in Brazil’s Presidential Election

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“Brazil…Live[s] Under Judicial Tyranny…Who Judges the Judges?” – Mathew Tyrmand Lists the Massive Issues Found in Brazil’s Presidential Election

The MSM is finally noticing Brazil after 80 days of censorship. Now that they can use yesterday’s protests to their “globalist integrative narrative” they finally report on the stolen election in South America’s greatest country.

Mathew Tyrmand was on the War Room this morning where he shared the following:

Brazil has it with their courts. They live under a judicial tyranny. An autocracy of judges who were not elected but were appointed by politicians. And obviously the greatest example is Lula appointed many of them and they let him out of prison.

Tyrmand then went on to describe how the corrupt Supreme Court in Brazil released Lula from prison and absolved him of all his crimes so he could run for President once again. They then expunged his record so that he could run for office getting rid of the felony that prevented Lula from qualifying to run for office.

Tyrmand says, “Lula admires Stalin. This was not a mistake by Lula. It slipped out. It’s ridiculous who these people are.”

Tyrmand then went in to discuss the down-ballot differences with President Bolsonaro’s performance where his party crushed it but he somehow lost the Presidential election.

Then he discussed the anomalies in the election data.

The second there were questions about the credibility of this and allegations of fraud, they took the data down two days after from the public site so you couldn’t scrub it.”

The people of Brazil had the right to audit the machines, the code, and the tabulation data and the courts wouldn’t let them. The military report confirmed this.

Who judges the judges?”

Millions and millions of people have peacefully protested this stolen election and the US mainstream media has ignored it. The MSM is on the same team as election thieves and communists. Think about that.

Tyrmand says:

The revolution would not be televised unless they could use it for their globalist integrative narrative.


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95e82e No.3495

File: 719b0f78c31fb6d⋯.png (544.02 KB,1502x868,751:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113095 (100037ZJAN23) Notable: 7.6 EQ in Indonesia

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These are seismographs in New England USA registering the 7.6 (USGS mag) quake in Indonesia. Whopper.

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95e82e No.3496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113096 (100037ZJAN23) Notable: 7.6 EQ in Indonesia

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I found another revelation given through Julie Green ( I cannot find the one that specifically mentions an 8.0 earthquake, or more than) but this one is chilling:


Date Word Received: October 8, 2022

"War, Armageddon, apocalyptic, civil unrest, anarchy, economic disaster, viruses, shortages, inflation, uncertain times, and a dark winter." Oh, yes, My children, you will hear your enemies scream these words in "their news" over and over again. They want to paralyze the world right now, to shut it down, and stop their demise. They know someone has it all and can use it at any time. Many leaders know their secrets now, and they are forming the ultimate plan to be played out. But it will fail! It will boomerang back on them. The days of Haman, I say again, are here. Judgment is here because I am here, and I am changing it all, saith the Lord of Hosts.

A large earthquake is about to be in your news- the biggest one recorded in a long time. Pay attention to this location, because many more things will continue to happen there. Truth will no longer be suppressed. Your enemies are causing many earthquakes that you didn't realize, to cause distractions and damage so devastating that you wouldn't notice what they are doing or hiding. But I am exposing everything they have been doing against you, My children, and against this world. It's the time of their end, saith the Lord of Hosts.


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95e82e No.3497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113099 (100039ZJAN23) Notable: Good ol' anonymous sleuth work

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Address : Shop 2, 1/F Park One, 1 Nam Cheong Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

Tel : (852) 2367 6144

Fax : (852) 2311 4681

E-mail : wpkjjc@biznetvigator.com

Website : http://wpk.edu.hk/

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95e82e No.3498

File: d614824e8ad111e⋯.png (347.06 KB,792x644,198:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113107 (100040ZJAN23) Notable: Good ol' anonymous sleuth work

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Excellent anon!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113143 (100045ZJAN23) Notable: #22204

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Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>3432, >>3466, >>3470, >>3481, >>3482, >>3485, >>3486 Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office

>>3419 Chip Roy is speaking. And Dems are reeeing.

>>3420, >>3421, >>3423, >>3465, >>3473 le dank meme bun

>>3422 Belarus has legalized piracy. Aleksander Lukashenko approved a law legalizing downloading digital copyrighted content from "unfriendly countries" (pretty much the entire NATO and EU)

>>3424 New docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris

>>3425 Prosecutors are telling lawyers connected to @SBF_FTX fraud investigation the case is so sprawling that it could exhaust resources

>>3426 Sun Fires Off Another X Flare

>>3427 The heart of this entire scam is right here in Broward County. Barbara Miller, her brother Joe Bankman, SBF’s Uncle Jimmy.

>>3428, >>3429 The Congressional Tranny is Very Concerned about the Children


>>3431, >>3444 Let's take off into this week! #MondayMotivation #USSNimitz (CVN 68) conducts flight operations in the Philippine Sea.

>>3433, >>3456 @HillaryClinton Simply love this @GMA story following @aliceminsoochun as she brings light to children in Ukraine coping with rolling blackouts because of Putin's war.

>>3434 Attention PureBloods- congrats! 4/100 = $$$$$$$

>>3435 Biden Regime Considers Banning Gas Stoves over "Health Concerns"

>>3436, >>3437 Jim Jordan to Chair Subcommittee Probing into Politicization of FBI

>>3438 PF: Launcher One has separation from the 747 and rocket fired (red part of trace at peak altitude-drop occurred)…747 returning to Cornwall

>>3439 More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump

>>3440 Now more than ever SOF needs the strong civilian control and oversight of @ASD_SOLIC, who by law is the civilian service secretary.

>>3441 CCP morale at its lowest in history, with Chinese citizens protesting throughout China in regard to human rights violations.

>>3442, >>3449, >>3451, >>3453, >>3457, >>3462 Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!

>>3443 US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan levelled the charge against Iran on Monday, local time, as he spoke to reporters accompanying President Joe Biden on a trip to Mexico.

>>3445 Burzynski Cancer Cure Documentary Pls send to your Congressional Representatives

>>3446 Details are few but Army CID definitely rolled up a dozen-plus Special Forces soldiers last week in connection with a major narcotics investigation at Fort Bragg

>>3447, >>3450, >>3455, >>3474, >>3495, >>3496 7.6 EQ in Indonesia

>>3448 Break down of events by Joshua Philipp which happened during speaker vote

>>3452, >>3464, >>3468, >>3471, >>3478 MTG Drama bun

>>3454 New Jersey Middle School Teacher Overdoses on Fentanyl in Front of Students

>>3460, >>3459, >>3458 The WWE era of 2016 politics is over, The House of Representatives votes on a rules package after last week's contentious speaker election

>>3461 Young Canadian reporter Jessica Robb slurs her words and appears to have a stroke on live television

>>3463 According to royal and medical sources, Princess Bajrakitiyabha is developing acute kidney injury after nearly a month of being kept artificially alive on an ECMO machine

>>3467 #TwitterFiles Covid LIVE COVERAGE (Breaking: Biden Classified Files)

>>3469 Planefag CONUS update: FORGE78 US Army G5 back at JBA after a ground stop at Leavenworth for about

>>3472, >>3488, >>3491, >>3492, >>3497, >>3498 Good ol' anonymous sleuth work

>>3475 Body Language: Carnal Knowledge In Congress

>>3476, >>3477 Pfizer got tired of paying billions in criminal fines, so they bought the FDA Commissioner.

>>3479 @RepAdamSchiff There goes Don Jr. Again. Making up more stuff.

>>3480 Don’t Burn Your Hands #Our Marines with Battalion Landing Team 1/4, @31stMeu, conduct fast rope training off of a MV-22B Osprey at Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan

>>3483 House adopts GOP rules pkg for 118th Congress. The vote: 220-213. 1 GOPer voted nay. Flip 4 votes and the measure fails

>>3484 Keurig K-Cup settlement: Today’s the final day to join the $10 million class-action suit

>>3487 @NixonLibrary Richard Nixon was born on this date in 1913 and we are celebrating today with FREE admission to the museum!

>>3489 @HamlinIsland Headed home to Buffalo today with a lot of love on my heart.

>>3490 Cost of IRS funding repeal? More than $100 billion, says this watchdog

>>3493 Biden’s Buddies in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Threaten to Kill Trump in Horrific Murder Video

>>3494 “Brazil…Live[s] Under Judicial Tyranny…Who Judges the Judges?” – Mathew Tyrmand Lists the Massive Issues Found in Brazil’s Presidential Election

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95e82e No.3500

File: e2d3ff5120eb9e2⋯.jpg (249.86 KB,837x1200,279:400,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c0119cec2a5f418⋯.jpg (118.13 KB,1141x1194,1141:1194,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7de5b2693d3a6a9⋯.jpg (88.3 KB,1200x916,300:229,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 25d0ae5049dbe2c⋯.jpg (168.75 KB,1048x1188,262:297,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8505e600ff9b89b⋯.jpg (74.14 KB,960x487,960:487,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113222 (100058ZJAN23) Notable: Andrew Kauders - revolving door profile (works for govt, private sector, as a lobbyist); Robt Menendez

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Anthony Kauders




thread: https://archive.ph/jy7EZ

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95e82e No.3501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113243 (100102ZJAN23) Notable: Media Blackout Over Terror Incident At Vegas Power Plant: 106 Sabotage Cases of Grids in 2022

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Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Media Blackout Over Terror Incident At Vegas Power Plant: 106 Sabotage Cases of Grids in 2022

Jan 9 2023

Premiere in progress


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95e82e No.3502

File: db8c5f2e48879cd⋯.png (642.24 KB,750x364,375:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113244 (100102ZJAN23) Notable: GOP Rep. Nancy Mace Trashes Conservatives, Backs Pelosi Rules, Abortion

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GOP Rep. Nancy Mace Trashes Conservatives on Left-Wing TV, Backs Pelosi Rules, Abortion

January 9, 2023

GOP Rep. Nancy Mace joined CBS over the weekend, to discuss her opposition to the new House rules package, which she admits is the most 'conservative package we've had in 30 years.'

GOP Rep. Nancy Mace (SC-1) joined the left-wing press to trash-talk conservatives over the weekend, after establishment leader Kevin McCarthy was elected speaker by making major concessions to conservative members of Congress, including a promise to ditch Nancy Pelosi’s House rules – a set of rules that Mace has repeatedly supported.

During her interview with Face the Nation on CBS, GOP’er Nancy Mace admitted that the rules package negotiated by the Freedom Caucus Reps. who blocked McCarthy’s speakership through 14 rounds of voting is “the most open, fair, and fiscally conservative package we’ve had in 30 years,” before saying that she might vote against it anyways, seemingly, for personal reasons.

“I am considering that as an option right now,” Mace told CBS anchor Margaret Brennan, when asked if she’d “withhold” her vote on the conservative rules package when it comes up for a vote on Monday, January 9th.

The new House rules upend those installed by ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which consolidated power in the hands of the Speaker of the House and associated party bosses while tossing out more than two centuries of American parliamentary procedures.

Perhaps most importantly, the new rules package brings about the return of the motion to vacate the chair, a Jeffersonian aspect of America’s Congress that allows a member to file for a vote of no confidence in a lousy speaker, and begin the removal process.

The new rules package also allows for a select committee to investigate COVID-19 and its bioweapon origins.


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95e82e No.3503

File: e81864089dff629⋯.png (471.96 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 679ab2f60ef1c83⋯.png (425.11 KB,751x549,751:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 31f3b580a1a9982⋯.png (859.73 KB,1080x860,54:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113269 (100105ZJAN23) Notable: #MSM blaming 45 for Brazil LMFAO

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#MSM blaming 45 for Brazil LMFAO

War on Christianity simply put. #WakeUp



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95e82e No.3504

File: 17c8748de61e4a0⋯.png (71.42 KB,598x426,299:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113273 (100106ZJAN23) Notable: Andrew Kauders - revolving door profile (works for govt, private sector, as a lobbyist); Robt Menendez

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Revolving door? Bob Menendez


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95e82e No.3505

File: ce0b12446c32c17⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1270,108:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113284 (100107ZJAN23) Notable: Moderna will price Covid shot at $130 to match Pfizer

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Moderna will price Covid shot at $130 to match Pfizer, CEO reveals



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95e82e No.3506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113312 (100113ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

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Keep your eyes on Rogers (AL) Crenshaw (TX). Why was Rogers so angry? Why was Crenshaw so angry? Were McCarthy, MTG, Gaetz and the Freedom Caucus stripping RINOS of power? Did team McCarthy start calling plays the RINOs didn't understand? McCarthy now on Trump playbook? Team Trump was running the pro-McCarthy / anti-McCarthy plays at the same time?

Pay attention to the House anons. Team Trump in control.

NC’s Hudson pulls Alabama congressman away from Gaetz confrontation on House floor


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95e82e No.3507

File: bde8fd7636fa1b9⋯.png (459.37 KB,1170x1147,1170:1147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113314 (100113ZJAN23) Notable: Missouri Rep. Jason Smith elected Chair of Ways & Means

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3508

File: c23a18450604a28⋯.jpg (199.57 KB,1093x1192,1093:1192,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e1f953ab60b5bb0⋯.jpg (177.67 KB,1069x832,1069:832,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0ed857eab5dc967⋯.jpg (121.63 KB,1048x1144,131:143,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf800824381f370⋯.jpg (148.76 KB,1140x1207,1140:1207,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be8c35daffa3627⋯.jpg (138.38 KB,1134x1198,567:599,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113341 (100117ZJAN23) Notable: Andrew Kauders - revolving door profile (works for govt, private sector, as a lobbyist); Robt Menendez

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>Anthony Kauders

Red Shoe Club "dog" & Clintonista, Menendez enthusiast


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95e82e No.3509

File: af7d7c9ce9edc77⋯.png (965.19 KB,1374x708,229:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113356 (100121ZJAN23) Notable: Repub Legislators Turn Backs On Katie Hobbs, Walk Out On Radical State Of The State Address; AZ Freedom Causus condems democratic fascism

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INCREDIBLE! Republican Legislators Turn Backs On Katie Hobbs, Walk Out On Radical State Of The State Address – Arizona Freedom Caucus Releases Statement Condemning “New Breed Of Democratic Fascism”

January 9, 2023

Members of the Arizona Legislature and the Arizona Freedom Caucus turned their backs on Katie Hobbs, walked out of her yearly State of the State address Monday, and slammed her in a new statement for the “election riddled with violations” and her embrace of “the left’s extreme, woke agenda.”

They also criticized her “preference to illegally legislate via executive order” and her “willingness to exploit the levers of power in our state.” State Senator Jake Hoffman said that Katie Hobbs’ far-left, woke agenda “elevates her actions to tyrannical.”

Hobbs was nowhere to be found after her speech, likely hiding from the media.

moar: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/incredible-republican-legislators-turn-backs-katie-hobbs-walk-radical-state-state-address-arizona-freedom-caucus-releases-statement-condemning-new-breed-democratic-fascism/

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95e82e No.3510

File: b51a0da63af1353⋯.png (1.07 MB,750x988,375:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113363 (100122ZJAN23) Notable: Moderna will price Covid shot at $130 to match Pfizer

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They're not even hiding it anymore.


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95e82e No.3511

File: 2ad23bb53ed9625⋯.png (65.25 KB,740x298,370:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113364 (100122ZJAN23) Notable: HRC: Brazil elections were free & fair (NOT the Bee)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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95e82e No.3512

File: ad3c377bc8c7d3e⋯.mp4 (6.92 MB,1280x592,80:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113368 (100123ZJAN23) Notable: Dr. Kelly Victory, disaster expert: all cause deaths are up – sites Sen. Ron Johnson's experts

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>>>3339 pb

>Good Morning San Diego - US Life Insurance Say Deaths Increased by 40% in 18-49 Year Olds

video attached

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95e82e No.3513

File: 7752055b08e5e7c⋯.png (675.95 KB,598x724,299:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113370 (100123ZJAN23) Notable: Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 Retweeted: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 Retweeted

National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)



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95e82e No.3514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113402 (100129ZJAN23) Notable: Missouri Rep. Jason Smith elected Chair of Ways & Means

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baker on duty

#22206 @200

>>3500, >>3508, >>3504 Andrew Kauders - revolving door profile (works for govt, private sector, as a lobbyist)

>>3501 Media Blackout Over Terror Incident At Vegas Power Plant: 106 Sabotage Cases of Grids in 2022

>>3502 GOP Rep. Nancy Mace Trashes Conservatives, Backs Pelosi Rules, Abortion

>>3503 #MSM blaming 45 for Brazil LMFAO

>>3505, >>3510 Moderna will price Covid shot at $130 to match Pfizer

>>3506 Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

>>3507 Missouri Rep. Jason Smith elected Chair of Ways & Means

>>3509 Repub Legislators Turn Backs On Katie Hobbs, Walk Out On Radical State Of The State Address; AZ Freedom Causus condems democratic fascism

>>3511 HRC: Brazil elections were free & fair (NOT the Bee)

>>3512 Dr. Kelly Victory, disaster expert: all cause deaths are up – sites Sen. Ron Johnson's experts

>>3513 Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 Retweeted: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Anything to add or subtract?

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95e82e No.3515

File: e5dfa6066455ba5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: 169762fa5101a3f⋯.png (1.17 MB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: 54d6be232bcbe93⋯.png (231.32 KB,614x383,614:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e78ac59933264b⋯.png (317.57 KB,675x415,135:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 74a5725363b47ca⋯.png (886.55 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113411 (100131ZJAN23) Notable: Andrew Kauders - revolving door profile (works for govt, private sector, as a lobbyist); Robt Menendez

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>Anthony Kauders


Robert Menendez "something young…younger"

Sen. Robert Menendez may have had sex with underage hookers in Dominican Republic: prosecutors

August 25, 2015


The Bob Menendez Scandal Has Gotten So Weird

May 13, 2013

The scandal surrounding New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez has evolved from a sex scandal to a donor scandal to a weird mystery about who set him up, with the FBI talking to sugar baron brothers and an ex-CIA operative. Last fall, the Daily Caller showed videos of women who said Menendez had paid them for sex in the Dominican Republic while partying with a wealthy Florida eye doctor, Salomon Melgen. The women later said they were paid to make the claims. Then Menendez came under scrutiny for intervening with the Dominican government to help Melgen's port-security firm and intervening with the U.S. government to help Melgen's Florida clinic when it was charged with overbilling. Now the FBI is trying to figure out who plotted to bring down Menendez with the fake sex story in the first place.


Everything you need to know about Sen. Robert Menendez’s corruption saga

(says WAPOO)

April 26, 2018

April 1, 2015: Menendez is indicted on federal corruption charges. It is the first time in a generation that a sitting U.S. senator is indicted by the administration of his own party.

April 2015: Menendez temporarily steps down from his position as the top-ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee as he fights the charges.

June 2016: The Supreme Court unanimously overturns a public corruption conviction of former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell (R). McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, were convicted in 2014 of accepting luxury gifts and cash from a businessman in exchange for McDonnell using his office to help the businessman.

The justices took issue with what constitutes an “official act,” arguing that in McDonnell's case, it was overly broad.

April 2017: In a separate criminal case, a Florida jury finds Melgen guilty of stealing up to $105 million from Medicare by falsely reporting the cost of treating patients in his Palm Beach County practice. It is one of the largest Medicare health-care-fraud schemes in history. He is sentenced to 17 years in prison.

September 2017: The dual trial for Menendez and Melgen begins in New Jersey. It's the first federal bribery trial of a sitting U.S. senator in more than three decades.

November 2017: After more than two months, the jury tells the judge that it is deadlocked. The trial ends as a mistrial. Menendez is jubilant. “Today is Resurrection Day,” he says.

January 2018: Prosecutors debate whether to start a second trial but end up deciding not to. A judge dismisses all charges against Menendez.

Also January 2018: The Senate Ethics Committee restarts its investigation into Menendez. It had put it on hold for five years while the criminal investigation was going on.

January to present: Menendez resumes his job as the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and starts to advocate for causes — and campaign for reelection — like any other senator.

April 2018: The Senate Ethics Committee finishes its investigation and basically says it thinks Menendez was guilty of accepting bribes: “[W]hile accepting these gifts, you used your position as a Member of the Senate to advance Dr. Melgen's personal and business interests.”

November 2018: Menendez is up for reelection for a third term. Before this letter was released, he appeared to have broad support against a relatively unknown Republican challenger. As The Post's Mike DeBonis reports:


Sen. Bob Menendez under federal investigation – again

October 26, 2022

The feds are taking a second look at Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez five years after an initial corruption investigation ended in a mistrial.

Michael Soliman, an adviser to the powerful chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told The Post Wednesday that Menendez (D-NJ) “is aware of an investigation,” but “does not know the scope.”


Your 2014 Guide to the Scandals Surrounding Senator Bob Menendez

January 14, 2014


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95e82e No.3516

File: 2ddddb9ed1da8db⋯.png (236.14 KB,568x363,568:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113423 (100133ZJAN23) Notable: Hunter Biden Child Support Case Could Reveal ART BUYERS

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95e82e No.3517

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113446 (100138ZJAN23) Notable: Harnwell: “There is likely a sinister Vatican plot afoot — but it’s not to force Francis to resign”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bannons War Room


8 hours ago

Harnwell: “There is likely a sinister Vatican plot afoot — but it’s not to force Francis to resign”

I don’t remotely believe the Daily Mail’s article today suggesting that unnamed “conservative cardinals” are plotting to force #NotMyPope to resign.

Far more likely is that the source is actually an ALLY of Francis, and they are working TOGETHER to create a false-flag pretext to PURGE ideological opponents from the Sacred College.

Cardinals Burke and Müller — watch out!


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95e82e No.3518

File: e5dddd26ffb5032⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113448 (100138ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert: First bill this congress - 2 pages long, will help stop 87000 agents from being HIRED

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Just getting started.

Adios armed irs agents.

Cry Moar.

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95e82e No.3519

File: d3ae4f3575a0f80⋯.png (44.25 KB,652x310,326:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 164f2570a82e956⋯.png (436.53 KB,850x427,850:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e9308935229772⋯.png (457.1 KB,853x427,853:427,Clipboard.png)

File: c129426f466ed05⋯.png (440.43 KB,849x425,849:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b38bc0edd9085e⋯.png (310.2 KB,567x321,189:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113451 (100139ZJAN23) Notable: @JamesBradleyCA If Ukraine is at war, why is Zelensky coming to the Golden Globes?

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James Bradley


If Ukraine is at war, how and why is Zelensky coming to the Golden Globes tomorrow?

2:08 PM · Jan 9, 2023






Quote Tweets




best Performance

best Live Action Role Play

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95e82e No.3520

File: 7863fd1edb3d59d⋯.png (98.07 KB,843x573,281:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113454 (100139ZJAN23) Notable: FEC Commissioner Trainor Sent Three Emails Regarding Millions in Dem Election Crimes and Still No Response

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FEC Commissioner Trainor Sent Three Emails Regarding Millions in Dem Election Crimes and Still No Response

The corrupt and criminal Democrat machine committed millions of dollars in fraudulent campaign finance activities that have been identified and provided to the Head of the FEC. To date, these communications have been ignored.

Support for this article from Chris Gleason

It turns out that millions in donations in the 2022 election were sent to candidates like Raphael Warnock from “money mules” around the country. Warnock was the top beneficiary of all 2022 Democrat candidates identified in this money distribution scheme.

In April 2022, engineer Chris Gleason began working on his first data project involving elections. The project was tied to the 2022 midterm election. This was unique for Chris because he had been involved in tech and data for the majority of his adult career although he never used his expertise on a political project.

What he and a small group of others identified were money mules.

These “Money Mules” were not wealthy individuals. They also were not employed. These mules donated millions and millions of dollars to national and statewide races.

We documented these findings in the article below. To date, this has fallen on deaf ears.

Next, Chris Gleason next looked at “campaign finance mules” in Missouri after The Gateway Pundit spoke with Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft who asked us about the number of campaign mules in Missouri.

Chris was taken aback by what he discovered. Chris uncovered the most prolific campaign finance mule he has yet exposed.

According to Chris, “Steven in Missouri” made 14,111 political donations totaling over $180,000 in the last two years.

And Steven is UNEMPLOYED. Steven from Missouri donated on average 19 times a day to various campaigns.


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95e82e No.3521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113457 (100139ZJAN23) Notable: Changing demographics discussion on Rogan - who is the speaker?

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not a rogan fan really, not a hater either.. don't know anything about this guy, but about to watch the whole episode based on this bit here.. interesting perspective on changing demographics, china and others..

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95e82e No.3522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113473 (100142ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert: First bill this congress - 2 pages long, will help stop 87000 agents from being HIRED

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Q- if they pass the Bill, does it go to the Senate to die?

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95e82e No.3523

File: 172571e82515ba9⋯.png (10.98 MB,5500x4700,55:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113487 (100143ZJAN23) Notable: Q Clock: Tomorrow - Another RED CARPET Event with Zelensky at the Golden Globes?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tomorrow is :00

Another RED CARPET Event with Zelensky at the Golden Globes?

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95e82e No.3524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113496 (100145ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert: First bill this congress - 2 pages long, will help stop 87000 agents from being HIRED

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IRS is a privately owned Puerto Rican trust.

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95e82e No.3525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113513 (100147ZJAN23) Notable: FITTON: Big Tech Censorship is ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

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95e82e No.3526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113519 (100147ZJAN23) Notable: 18113509, More on Menendez

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>Gwendolyn Beck

looks like a worm-infested alien to me

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95e82e No.3527

File: 47d1feac468b572⋯.jpg (68.18 KB,1345x289,1345:289,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d6c8a7d7483f53e⋯.jpg (883.35 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 599ff77884b8272⋯.jpg (227.04 KB,987x1117,987:1117,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113520 (100148ZJAN23) Notable: 18113509, More on Menendez

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Bob Menendez


FTX cash for pedos

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95e82e No.3528

File: deaba7d1778eac2⋯.png (1.02 MB,1837x754,1837:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113523 (100148ZJAN23) Notable: Some Invasions Don’t Require Armies

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Some Invasions Don’t Require Armies

American Greatness, by Brian Lonegan

Posted By: earlybird, 1/9/2023 8:37:59 PM

Amid the growing fears of many Americans that their country is slowly disintegrating, a debate about whether or not the United States is being invaded is bubbling to the surface. At stake is something far more than semantics: the future of the country as we know it may hang in the balance. Ducey v. Moore, currently being litigated in an Arizona federal district court, is a case that is testing states’ rights to defend themselves from invasion by Mexican drug- and human-smuggling cartels. (snip) the goal of an invasion? If it is to penetrate, demoralize, and destabilize a nation, then the current flow into the United States fits the

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95e82e No.3529

File: 3028140da9761a7⋯.jpg (237.99 KB,1056x711,352:237,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6a6e0c2daeaab55⋯.jpg (326.66 KB,1008x1191,336:397,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 902adb441611088⋯.jpg (262.89 KB,1006x1138,503:569,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b31b00155e7bb00⋯.jpg (251.17 KB,958x1075,958:1075,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2b3f8135bb71612⋯.jpg (301.12 KB,997x1150,997:1150,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113526 (100149ZJAN23) Notable: 18113509, More on Menendez

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Bob Menendez


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95e82e No.3530

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113532 (100150ZJAN23) Notable: Steve Bannon Calls For A Complete Investigation Of The Brazilian Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Steve Bannon Calls For A Complete Investigation Of The Brazilian Election

Steve Bannon Calls For A Complete Investigation Of The Brazilian Election

Hilarious thisWallace insinuated Steve Bannon is involved in the revolt in Brazil, like he’s got people there to have them protest Lula

He calls the 800+ pages of J6 investigation was a Bombathon, bombathon!he’s freaking funny


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95e82e No.3531

File: a20942b32ca384b⋯.png (492.81 KB,878x690,439:345,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a6157bad167401⋯.png (115.88 KB,812x981,812:981,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113539 (100151ZJAN23) Notable: House approves Rules Package 220-213 w/PDF

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New House Rules just passed! 💥

Read the House Rules here:



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95e82e No.3532

File: 6fbac202de960e7⋯.png (754.63 KB,788x717,788:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113540 (100151ZJAN23) Notable: HIT PIECE: How QAnon World Is Reacting to Brazil Protests PLUS extra hit pce on Q Shaman

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



How QAnon World Is Reacting to Brazil Protests

Story by Anders Anglesey • 8h ago

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95e82e No.3533

File: b24345e36242be8⋯.png (24.08 KB,731x230,731:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113551 (100152ZJAN23) Notable: HIT PIECE: How QAnon World Is Reacting to Brazil Protests PLUS extra hit pce on Q Shaman

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Fact Check: Was 'QAnon Shaman' Spotted at Brazil Congress Invasion?

Story by Yevgeny Kuklychev • 10h ago

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95e82e No.3534

File: 14b0ff4669788b8⋯.png (13.33 MB,5000x5500,10:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c5b5880d4366be⋯.png (2.03 MB,1664x1664,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113556 (100153ZJAN23) Notable: Q Clock: Tomorrow - Another RED CARPET Event with Zelensky at the Golden Globes?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Original RED carpet event plus a more recent one (same marker). Tomorrow is not the same marker.

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95e82e No.3535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113563 (100154ZJAN23) Notable: Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 09.01.2023

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Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 09.01.2023

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95e82e No.3536

File: 4d354ae452deb74⋯.jpg (179.74 KB,964x797,964:797,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113583 (100156ZJAN23) Notable: OH NO - there's also an Italian Q shaman

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95e82e No.3537

File: a0e20c04f6c2ca3⋯.png (149.5 KB,615x874,615:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113585 (100156ZJAN23) Notable: @bennyjohnson The University of Pennsylvania took over $100M in "donations" from China

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Benny Johnson


The University of Pennsylvania took over $100M in "donations" from China

Thats 389% more than the average American University takes in foreign donations

Odd. Why?

UPenn houses The Biden Center

Did Chinese agents PAY to get access to classified documents there?

Good Question


2:49 PM · Jan 9, 2023



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95e82e No.3538

File: d02f4e112fa8bd9⋯.png (76.8 KB,1694x372,847:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113593 (100157ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's just beginning to dawn on the Cabal that Trump ran a 'last minute' op on the House Power Structure and gained major control over the lawmaking 'making sausage' processes. Contrary to what you've heard about the House and the Senate, the House can indeed drive the Senate and put bills on the President's desk. We, the People have established a beachhead (much like Omaha Beach) in the GOP House. Ask Rogers and Crenshaw. It's not a very cheery outlook in RINO / Uniparty circles today. Trump totally bamboozled these clowns. [They] are fools and yes, they are stupid [Crenshaw Rogers Flake] and easy pray/prey for Patriots.

Future - plot change - Planned Parenthood - Question - What would unite a majority of Americans? House Planned Parenthood Investigation. Anons handle with care. You are the news now.

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95e82e No.3539

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113595 (100157ZJAN23) Notable: Mike Lindell: Brazil's Stolen Election Perfectly Mirrors America's Own 2020 Election Theft

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 hour ago

Mike Lindell: Brazil's Stolen Election Perfectly Mirrors America's Own 2020 Election Theft

Mike Lindell: Brazil's Stolen Election Perfectly Mirrors America's Own 2020 Election Theft

Bannon keeps on calling out morning Mika with her dim bulb Joe!

Little Jamie Raskin is freaking out, bless him because he’s got the cancer! Kek


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95e82e No.3540

File: b4092c634ed58e5⋯.png (491.99 KB,597x488,597:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113603 (100159ZJAN23) Notable: House approves Rules Package 220-213 w/PDF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Citizen Free Press


House approves Rules Package 220-213…


1:20 PM · Jan 9, 2023



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3541

File: 8c7b1fde7ef1834⋯.png (578.79 KB,676x510,338:255,Clipboard.png)

File: f8af85142a30054⋯.jpg (410.83 KB,2193x1213,2193:1213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 742b4b26aa9c754⋯.jpg (158.33 KB,1374x1158,229:193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 753acf2bd1de7f3⋯.jpg (117.42 KB,1251x1189,1251:1189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5f86f5e8025ff0⋯.jpg (213.73 KB,1602x1180,801:590,Clipboard.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3542

File: e46d5df222a39eb⋯.png (153.53 KB,1035x443,1035:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113634 (100204ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>which R voted against?

>Tony Gonzales, TX

Traitor in their midst?

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95e82e No.3543

File: 51c02760da7a297⋯.png (27.56 KB,533x701,533:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113639 (100205ZJAN23) Notable: How much did taxpayers pay Fallon?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



How much did taxpayers pay Fallon?

Donsurber.com, by Don Surber

Posted By: earlybird, 1/9/2023 8:28:36 PM

A year ago, as Americans returned from the Christmas holidays last week, NPR reported, "Late-night hosts Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers test positive for COVID-19." That's interesting. They both work for Comcast's NBC. These late-might hosts keep taking all these precautions against covid. These late-night hosts keep mocking those who don't get vaccinated. And these late-night hosts keep getting covid. Meyers tweeted at the time, "The bad news is, I tested positive for COVID (thanks, 2022!) the good news is, I feel fine (thanks vaccines and booster!)

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95e82e No.3544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113641 (100205ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nothing new for him. He’s a cocksucker

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95e82e No.3545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113643 (100205ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last Floor Action (8:43:23 PM): POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Kildee motion to recommit, the Chair put the question on the motion and by voice vote, announced that the nays had prevailed. Mr. Neal demanded the yeas and nays and the Chair postponed further proceedings until a time to be announced.


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95e82e No.3546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113651 (100206ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Stick to the mission,:

Planned Parenthood - Selling baby parts

3rd trimester abortions - incubate viable transplant parts

get the PPP recordings, Northram from Virginia , just make the baby comfortable until the decision is made what to do, ask normies WTF they think is done with the babies, beyond meat (soylent green)

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95e82e No.3547

File: 7ed8f7be86d9adb⋯.png (309.17 KB,584x459,584:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113656 (100207ZJAN23) Notable: President Biden declines to comment when asked, "Any response to the discovery of classified documents at your office?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Biden declines to comment when asked, "Any response to the discovery of classified documents at your office?"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3548

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113657 (100207ZJAN23) Notable: Lindell: Every Other RNC Candidate Is 2 Years Behind Me On The Election Integrity Issue

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bannons War Room

1 hour ago

Mike Lindell: Every Other RNC Candidate Is 2 Years Behind Me On The Election Integrity Issue

S. Dakota GOP is trying to take votes away from Precinct leaders they voted in June 2022, because they can vote out the crappy GOp. The precinct people would lose all their power! DS


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95e82e No.3549

File: 3deff631a236797⋯.png (628.88 KB,678x753,226:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113660 (100208ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter Files: Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb Pressured Company to Censor Trump’s FDA Commissioner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Twitter Files: Pfizer Board Member Dr.

Scott Gottlieb Pressured Company to Censor

Donald Trump’s FDA Commissioner

Breitbart Tech, by Allum Bokhari

Posted By: Imright, 1/9/2023 8:04:26 PM

New internal emails released via the Twitter Files reveal that Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a member of the board of directors of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and former FDA commissioner, colluded with a top White House lobbyist to pressure Twitter to suppress a tweet from Dr. Brett Giroir, acting commissioner of the FDA under Donald Trump. The emails were released through journalist and coronavirus policy skeptic Alex Berenson, who posted the findings on his newsletter, Unreported Truths. (Tweet) The tweet from Dr. Giroir, who briefly headed the FDA after Gottlieb left, called on the White House to exempt people with natural immunity from taking the coronavirus jab.

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95e82e No.3550

File: 11f832e998a6c45⋯.png (68.17 KB,663x500,663:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113666 (100209ZJAN23) Notable: President Biden declines to comment when asked, "Any response to the discovery of classified documents at your office?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Classified documents from when Biden was

VP are found in HIS think tank's Washington

office: Ten files were found day BEFORE

midterms - but Department of Justice investigation

has only just been made public

Daily Mail (UK), by Wills Robinson

Posted By: Imright, 1/9/2023 7:19:55 PM

The Department of Justice has launched an investigation into classified documents from Joe Biden's Vice Presidency found in a Washington D.C. office for his think tank. Attorney General Merrick Garland has asked the U.S. attorney in Chicago to review 10 files discovered by Biden's personal attorneys at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement the day before the midterms in November, CBS News reported. It is unclear what the classified documents contain, but follows the raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort last year and comes as Republicans begin their investigations into the Biden family.

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95e82e No.3551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113677 (100211ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

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I'm going here to find these bills.


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95e82e No.3552

File: 5ccf2393a3f336f⋯.png (460.99 KB,595x881,595:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113678 (100211ZJAN23) Notable: ER Doctor Sounds the Alarm on the Hospital System

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Vigilant Fox 🦊


'Our Facilities Are Figuratively on Fire': ER Doctor Sounds the Alarm on the Hospital System

"The businessmen that have taken over our hospitals keep lining their pockets. … They won't stop unless we call them out and make them stop."

Source: https://tiktok.com/@drfedupaf/video/7186655613806447914?_r=1&_t=8YtlX22snIU&is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7186655613806447914

2:47 PM · Jan 9, 2023



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95e82e No.3553

File: 1116096aab81398⋯.png (113.33 KB,303x503,303:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113687 (100213ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>I don't know how this is going to play out.

Senate will reject, then senate will want something house will reject.

Give and take

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95e82e No.3554

File: a5c8c165e2a61a5⋯.png (806.58 KB,1166x1131,1166:1131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113698 (100214ZJAN23) Notable: PDJT: Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RIP - Diamond, from Diamond & Silk.



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95e82e No.3555

File: 8e53a7678396e5f⋯.png (37.52 KB,911x281,911:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113701 (100215ZJAN23) Notable: House approves Rules Package 220-213 w/PDF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Dirty Truth


House Rules package negotiated by the Patriot 20 has PASSED!

This is now the People’s House for the first time in decades



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95e82e No.3556

File: 09af0e3e1b6c3a4⋯.png (973.87 KB,750x1624,375:812,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f7478115592897⋯.jpeg (234.83 KB,689x1491,689:1491,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 549f707731587fd⋯.jpeg (196.25 KB,750x646,375:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c19da87c9acb18d⋯.jpeg (493.47 KB,750x1503,250:501,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 42c4050e4f3ea14⋯.jpeg (168.75 KB,689x1491,689:1491,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113714 (100217ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Launched War on Planned Parenthood

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95e82e No.3557

File: be9e74d8aeb4e98⋯.png (232.74 KB,883x769,883:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113725 (100219ZJAN23) Notable: Feds Pay Journalism Group $5M To Create Software To Turn People Into Anti-‘Misinformation’ Bots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




— Investigation —

Feds Pay Journalism Group $5M To Create Software To Turn People Into Anti-‘Misinformation’ Bots

By Luke Rosiak

Dec 1, 2022 DailyWire.com

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95e82e No.3558

File: 9a9619fa03fa2bb⋯.jpg (893.05 KB,1600x2560,5:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113727 (100219ZJAN23) Notable: Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


All PDFs

Timestamps in the pdfs are dasting.

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95e82e No.3559

File: 62615e100e94415⋯.png (43.25 KB,577x258,577:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113740 (100220ZJAN23) Notable: PDJT: Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Donald J. Trump




Really bad news for Republicans and frankly, ALL Americans. Our beautiful Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away at her home in the State she loved so much, North Carolina. Silk was with her all the way, and at her passing. There was no better TEAM anywhere, or at any time! Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her big and precious HEART just plain gave out. Rest In Peace our Magnificent Diamond, you will be greatly missed!

Jan 09, 2023, 3:07 PM

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95e82e No.3560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113751 (100222ZJAN23) Notable: Lindell's battle with addiction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

With Mark Levin, I never heard this before, 40 years as a functioning drug addict. God had to have a plan for him.

MyPillow's Mike Lindell opens up on his battle with addiction

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95e82e No.3561

File: e322eedd76cff7b⋯.png (59.16 KB,881x232,881:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 35219f210f62e34⋯.png (781.29 KB,725x711,725:711,Clipboard.png)

File: aa8a835ca408e26⋯.png (925.16 KB,689x1491,689:1491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113773 (100225ZJAN23) Notable: More Diamond & Silk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



Really bad news for Republicans and frankly, ALL Americans. Our beautiful Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away at her home in the State she loved so much, North Carolina. Silk was with her all the way, and at her passing. There was no better TEAM anywhere, or at any time! Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her big and precious HEART just plain gave out. Rest In Peace our Magnificent Diamond, you will be greatly missed!

Jan 09, 2023, 9:07 PM


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95e82e No.3562

File: 604e4600f4c774a⋯.png (140.08 KB,423x431,423:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113792 (100228ZJAN23) Notable: While Twitter was censoring medical experts that defied the Covid consensus, it was allowing fake lockdown and mask mandate supporting accounts to flourish.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


While Twitter was censoring medical experts that defied the Covid consensus, it was allowing fake lockdown and mask mandate supporting accounts to flourish.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3563

File: 393003c0a56bb4c⋯.png (283.88 KB,592x708,148:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113805 (100229ZJAN23) Notable: More Diamond & Silk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Diamond and Silk®


The World just lost a True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love, and Humanity! Please respect the privacy of Diamond’s family! Memorial Ceremony TBA.

Contributions towards Preserving Diamond’s Legacy are only being accepted at the following link:


Click here to Give now to Diamond (Lynette Hardaway) Memorial by Diamond and Silk

The World just lost a True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love, and Humanity! Diamond blazed a trail, founded on her passion and love for the entire race of humanity. The memory of her…

3:23 PM · Jan 9, 2023



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95e82e No.3564

File: 31ab55d336bd322⋯.png (141.14 KB,417x745,417:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113840 (100235ZJAN23) Notable: Taibbi is calling for the MSM to give up their Pulitzers on Russiagate and everything else they have lied about

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[ Album ]

Matt Taibbi is calling for the MSM to give up their Pulitzers on Russiagate and everything else they have lied about.

Elon agrees. 🔥🔥🔥

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95e82e No.3565

File: 1d4f10ff44ccf4f⋯.png (606.04 KB,900x425,36:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 407d72a375ac136⋯.png (568.42 KB,768x487,768:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 00517f2bfc7209e⋯.png (599.29 KB,745x477,745:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cd795e7f87cb3d⋯.png (62.39 KB,791x551,791:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113848 (100236ZJAN23) Notable: More Diamond & Silk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘Diamond & Silk’ Fans Worried After Silk ‘Asks For Prayers’ For Diamond In Saturday Tweet

Nov 27, 2022

Diamond and Silk sick, Diamond and Silk twitter, Is Diamond and Silk sick

As of Sunday morning, the ladies have not provided an update concerning the worrying tweet.

Ineitha Lynnette Hardaway and Herneitha Rochelle Hardaway Richardson, known as Diamond and Silk, are live-stream video bloggers, political activists, and Newsmax and FrankSpeech.com hosts, whose commentary typically supports the Republican party, according to Wikipedia.


MAGA Supporter Diamond, Of Diamond And Silk, Has Been Hospitalized Due To COVID

Story by Aria Bell • Nov 30, 2022

Lynnette Hardaway, one-half of Diamond and Silk, was hospitalized with COVID during the Thanksgiving holiday.


Rochelle Richardson (Silk) Denies Claim Lynette Hardaway (Diamond) Has COVID

Sandra Rose December 1, 2022

Rochelle Richardson, one-half of Diamond & Silk, is threatening to sue media outlets that reported her sister has COVID.


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95e82e No.3566

File: 73e447355415a98⋯.png (310.76 KB,422x489,422:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113860 (100238ZJAN23) Notable: 16-Year-Old Collapses And Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨BREAKING: 16-Year-Old Collapses And Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances…


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95e82e No.3567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113886 (100241ZJAN23) Notable: #22205-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>3500, >>3508, >>3515, >>3504 Andrew Kauders - revolving door profile (works for govt, private sector, as a lobbyist); Robt Menendez

18113509, >>3526, >>3527, >>3529 More on Menendez

>>3501 Media Blackout Over Terror Incident At Vegas Power Plant: 106 Sabotage Cases of Grids in 2022

>>3502 GOP Rep. Nancy Mace Trashes Conservatives, Backs Pelosi Rules, Abortion

>>3503 #MSM blaming 45 for Brazil LMFAO

>>3505, >>3510 Moderna will price Covid shot at $130 to match Pfizer

>>3506, >>3538, >>3545, >>3542, >>3544, >>3546, >>3551, >>3553, >>3553, >>3556, >>3558 Anons discuss the House - what to focus on, trends

>>3507, >>3514, >>3541 Missouri Rep. Jason Smith elected Chair of Ways & Means

>>3509 Repub Legislators Turn Backs On Katie Hobbs, Walk Out On Radical State Of The State Address; AZ Freedom Causus condems democratic fascism

>>3511 HRC: Brazil elections were free & fair (NOT the Bee)

>>3512 Dr. Kelly Victory, disaster expert: all cause deaths are up – sites Sen. Ron Johnson's experts

>>3513 Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 Retweeted: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

>>3516 Hunter Biden Child Support Case Could Reveal ART BUYERS

>>3517 Harnwell: “There is likely a sinister Vatican plot afoot — but it’s not to force Francis to resign”

>>3518, >>3518, >>3522, >>3524 Boebert: First bill this congress - 2 pages long, will help stop 87000 agents from being HIRED

>>3519 @JamesBradleyCA If Ukraine is at war, why is Zelensky coming to the Golden Globes?

>>3520 FEC Commissioner Trainor Sent Three Emails Regarding Millions in Dem Election Crimes and Still No Response

>>3521 Changing demographics discussion on Rogan - who is the speaker?

>>3523, >>3534 Q Clock: Tomorrow - Another RED CARPET Event with Zelensky at the Golden Globes?

>>3525 FITTON: Big Tech Censorship is ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

>>3528 Some Invasions Don’t Require Armies

>>3530 Steve Bannon Calls For A Complete Investigation Of The Brazilian Election

>>>/qresearch/18113785 #22205-A

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95e82e No.3568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113888 (100242ZJAN23) Notable: Lindell's battle with addiction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Second half of Levin interview with Mike Lindell starts at 12:18

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95e82e No.3569

File: ebaf603f41c4bea⋯.png (182.03 KB,425x472,425:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113893 (100243ZJAN23) Notable: The Bee: Experts Say They Don't Know What Thing Is Causing Everyone To Suddenly Collapse, But It's Definitely Not That One Thing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


​ (https://media.babylonbee.com/articles/63bc89ce684de63bc89ce684df.jpg)Experts Say They Don't Know What Thing Is Causing Everyone To Suddenly Collapse, But It's Definitely Not That One Thing

READ: https://babylonbee.com/news/experts-say-they-dont-know-what-thing-is-causing-everyone-to-suddenly-collapse-but-its-definitely-not-that-one-thing/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=telegram

@TheBabylonBee | Download Our App (http://onelink.to/duaby6)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113918 (100246ZJAN23) Notable: #22205-B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>3531, >>3540, >>3555 House approves Rules Package 220-213 w/PDF

>>3532, >>3533 HIT PIECE: How QAnon World Is Reacting to Brazil Protests PLUS extra hit pce on Q Shaman

>>3535 Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 09.01.2023

>>3536 OH NO - there's also an Italian Q shaman

>>3537 @bennyjohnson The University of Pennsylvania took over $100M in "donations" from China

>>3539 Mike Lindell: Brazil's Stolen Election Perfectly Mirrors America's Own 2020 Election Theft

>>3543 How much did taxpayers pay Fallon?

>>3550, >>3547 President Biden declines to comment when asked, "Any response to the discovery of classified documents at your office?"

>>3548 Lindell: Every Other RNC Candidate Is 2 Years Behind Me On The Election Integrity Issue

>>3549 Twitter Files: Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb Pressured Company to Censor Trump’s FDA Commissioner

>>3552 ER Doctor Sounds the Alarm on the Hospital System

>>3554, >>3559 PDJT: Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away

>>3557 Feds Pay Journalism Group $5M To Create Software To Turn People Into Anti-‘Misinformation’ Bots

>>3562 While Twitter was censoring medical experts that defied the Covid consensus, it was allowing fake lockdown and mask mandate supporting accounts to flourish.

>>3561, >>3563, >>3565 More Diamond & Silk

>>3564 Taibbi is calling for the MSM to give up their Pulitzers on Russiagate and everything else they have lied about

>>3566 16-Year-Old Collapses And Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances…

>>3560, >>3568 Lindell's battle with addiction

>>3569 The Bee: Experts Say They Don't Know What Thing Is Causing Everyone To Suddenly Collapse, But It's Definitely Not That One Thing



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95e82e No.3571

File: 77aeb8e45bd0018⋯.png (340.23 KB,607x625,607:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113956 (100251ZJAN23) Notable: @DiamondandSilk Quote Tweet:Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough (@P_McCulloughMD) says the NFL owes us an explanation regarding Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin's vaccination status since the league took tax payer's money.

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Diamond and Silk®


It's time to have the conversation.

Quote Tweet

The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson



Jan 5

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough (@P_McCulloughMD) says the NFL owes us an explanation regarding Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin's vaccination status since the league took tax payer's money.


10:18 AM · Jan 5, 2023



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95e82e No.3572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113965 (100252ZJAN23) Notable: SAFEBLOOD DONATION

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Although some people are working on solutions now, individuals cannot request blood from an unvaccinated donor in most cases. Some people in the United States may be able to try to do this, but hospitals may not always honour this. Furthermore, this may be possible in some African countries but much more difficult in other parts of the world, like Europe. Nothing is guaranteed in any country or hospital; it is sometimes impossible to receive an answer from hospitals if you inquire beforehand. Some cases in the news have shown that hospitals have refused to accommodate these requests during urgent cases where someone needed blood immediately. Private sector solutions may emerge if hospitals or clinics are unwilling to step up.

SafeBlood Donation was founded by a Swiss naturopath with the objective of helping people to have access to blood from people who have not received a Covid vaccination. The company began targeting 16 countries but has since expanded its aim due to soaring demand. The company is now targeting over 40 countries in South America, North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. SafeBlood encourages hospitals to allow directed donations in cases where a blood transfusion is medically necessary. At the moment, you cannot specifically request blood from an unvaccinated donor, even though this blood could pose health risks.


anons… register, and be listed in a database of donors, recipients, or both.

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95e82e No.3573

File: 111ce8945348658⋯.png (323.58 KB,852x2544,71:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113968 (100253ZJAN23) Notable: The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide

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The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide

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95e82e No.3574

File: d4fad041f7b43bd⋯.jpg (147.26 KB,720x886,360:443,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c20baaae77b2e32⋯.jpg (513.7 KB,717x900,239:300,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f32f5ca471b551b⋯.jpg (752.88 KB,626x900,313:450,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 813d88b765d7158⋯.jpg (64.29 KB,607x1199,607:1199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113980 (100255ZJAN23) Notable: Pop stars and celebrities are so deep in the cult that they will change their gender in order to brainwash the masses of mush brain people

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Pop stars and celebrities are so deep in the cult that they will change their gender in order to brainwash the masses of mush brain people

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95e82e No.3575

File: c45437bbe5cf665⋯.png (549.22 KB,864x2100,72:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18113996 (100258ZJAN23) Notable: Americans Extremely Pessimistic About US Prospects in 2023: Gallup

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Americans Extremely Pessimistic About US Prospects in 2023: Gallup

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95e82e No.3576

File: 3d6594a3b84648a⋯.png (776.6 KB,845x2505,169:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114017 (100300ZJAN23) Notable: Graham, Calls For US Tanks On The Ground In Ukraine For War Against Russia

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Graham, Calls For US Tanks On The Ground In Ukraine For War Against Russia

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95e82e No.3577

File: 687682438d0a84f⋯.png (463.29 KB,684x424,171:106,Clipboard.png)

File: 33c49c9cda3646f⋯.png (565.54 KB,637x421,637:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114023 (100302ZJAN23) Notable: Biden-Tied Lobbyist Bought Island Property from Biden’s Brother, Gave Him Mortgage Loan(2020.1.28)

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Biden-Tied Lobbyist Bought Island Property from Biden’s Brother, Gave Him Mortgage Loan

Tobias Hoonhout

January 28, 2020·2 min read

Financial records reviewed by Politico show that Joe Biden’s brother James sold one of his three parcels of land in the U.S. Virgin Islands at a substantial profit to a well-connected lobbyist who then extended a mortgage to James on the remaining two parcels.

In May 2005, James Biden purchased an acre of land on Water Island for $150,000. He then applied for and received an easement to divide the property into three plots, one of which he sold to lobbyist Scott Green — a decade-long Senate staffer for Joe Biden in the 1980s — for $150,000. James had initially purchased all three parcels for $150,000, meaning that he made his money back and was able to keep the majority of the one acre plot for himself.

Green’s lobbying firm, Lafayette Group — which features a photo of Green with Biden on its website and quotes Biden endorsing Green — earned two government contracts from the Federal Emergency Management Agency worth a total of $5.8 million on April 11, 2010.

Three days later, Green extended a $133,300 mortgage to James Biden for his remaining Water Island property. Property records reviewed by Politico show that Green had “received full payment and full satisfaction” and released the mortgage in September 2013.

Joe Biden and his family traveled to Water Island several times during his vice presidency, but did not stay on his brother’s or Green’s land, which remains undeveloped.

Lafayette Group earned tens of millions of dollars in government contracts during the course of Biden’s time as vice president. During his time in the Senate, Biden also advocated for a number of areas in which Green’s lobbying intersected, including a broadband network for first responders and the non-profit Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program.



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95e82e No.3578

File: ac4b57a9cd78f9f⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5065d5979637fb0⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114038 (100303ZJAN23) Notable: Lynnette Hardaway, Diamond of “Diamond and Silk,” has passed away.

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Lynnette Hardaway, Diamond of “Diamond and Silk,” has passed away. The official Diamond and Silk Twitter page said:

“The World just lost a True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love, and Humanity! Please respect the privacy of Diamond’s family! Memorial Ceremony TBA. Contributions towards Preserving Diamond’s Legacy are only being accepted at the following link:”

Former President Donald Trump said: “Really bad news for Republicans and frankly, ALL Americans. Our beautiful Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away at her home in the State she loved so much, North Carolina.

“Silk was with her all the way, and at her passing.

“There was no better TEAM anywhere, or at any time!

“Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her big and precious HEART just plain gave out.

“Rest In Peace our Magnificent Diamond, you will be greatly missed!”

“Anyone who believes in the power of prayer please pray for Diamond,” Diamond’s sister Silk (Rochelle Richardson) said.

“Prayers for Diamond’s speedy recovery and for you, Silk, prayers for the strength to help see your sister through this health crisis while the Good Lord does his healing work. There is much work still to be done in his name. Blessings to you both,” one Twitter user commented under the post.


RIP beautiful soul, Godspeed and loves to your family and frens, especially Silk at this most difficult time.

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95e82e No.3579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114048 (100305ZJAN23) Notable: The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide

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Cancer and the vax?

2019 is the latest year for which incidence data are available.


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95e82e No.3580

File: 0e92db4fb4251c2⋯.png (20.88 KB,559x256,559:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114064 (100308ZJAN23) Notable: Lynnette Hardaway, Diamond of “Diamond and Silk,” has passed away.

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From November 26th….

Diamond and Silk®


Anyone who believes in the power of prayer please pray for Diamond

12:03 PM · Nov 26, 2022


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95e82e No.3581

File: c4b9004c2346459⋯.png (52.67 KB,887x263,887:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114065 (100308ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump:The Biden Think Tank is funded by CHINA!!!

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Donald J. Trump



Wow! The Biden Think Tank is funded by CHINA!!! Also, a V.P. cannot Declassify documents, which are covered by the Federal Records Act, which is Criminal and MUCH TOUGHER than the Presidential Records Act, which is NOT Criminal. A President, me, can Declassify. How much more information has China been given?

Jan 09, 2023, 10:05 PM


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95e82e No.3582

File: 18e234cda4a1c5d⋯.png (343.01 KB,598x685,598:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114068 (100309ZJAN23) Notable: @AFP:An attempt to launch the first rocket into orbit from UK soil has ended in failure, with scientists reporting an "anomaly" as it neared its goal.

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Business profile picture

AFP News Agency


#UPDATE An attempt to launch the first rocket into orbit from UK soil has ended in failure, with scientists reporting an "anomaly" as it neared its goal.

A rocket carrying nine satellites detached from the Virgin Orbit Boeing 747 over the Atlantic Ocean but failed to reach orbit


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95e82e No.3583

File: 81bba35cb75a91c⋯.png (52.67 KB,901x349,901:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114131 (100318ZJAN23) Notable: @RepMTG:Joe Biden took classified documents from the White House when he was Vice President.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


Joe Biden took classified documents from the White House when he was Vice President.

The VP does NOT have the power to declassify, only POTUS.

Joe Biden stole classified documents.

This is a very serious crime.

DOJ & NARA can’t sweep this under the rug AND persecute Trump.

Jan 09, 2023, 8:14 PM

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95e82e No.3584

File: f7cfa837ab1d890⋯.png (39.44 KB,868x242,434:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114141 (100318ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump:The amount was 54 Million Dollars that the Biden Think Tank received from China. That’s a lot of money.

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Donald J. Trump


The amount was 54 Million Dollars that the Biden Think Tank received from China. That’s a lot of money. They saw the Classified Documents!

Jan 09, 2023, 10:14 PM


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95e82e No.3585

File: 257936231882065⋯.png (76.24 KB,867x399,289:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114170 (100321ZJAN23) Notable: @RonnyJacksonTX:Did Biden try to conceal these documents before the midterms?

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Ronny Jackson


Donald J. Trump


Did Biden try to conceal these documents before the midterms? How long did the federal government KNOW these documents were hidden? WHY are we just hearing about this now? These questions need to be answered!!

Donald J. Trump


Biden knew for YEARS that he’s been storing HIGHLY CLASSIFIED documents in his personal office. He KNEW it when FBI agents were raiding Mar-a-Lago, and he KNEW it when he appointed a partisan special counsel. HE KNEW THE WHOLE TIME BUT STILL HAD HIS DOJ GOONS PERSECUTE TRUMP!!


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95e82e No.3586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114172 (100322ZJAN23) Notable: Lynnette Hardaway, one-half of Diamond and Silk, was hospitalized with COVID during the Thanksgiving holiday.

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hospitalized- what are the odds they pumped her full of Remdesivir like they did to FrenAnon's mom?

Lynnette Hardaway, one-half of Diamond and Silk, was hospitalized with COVID during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Hardaway, better known as Diamond, is a republican widely known for being one of Donald Trump’s “most loyal supporters” during his campaign and presidency. On Saturday, her sister Rochelle Richardson, aka Silk, logged into Twitter to request prayers for her sister who is fighting the good fight against COVID.

“Anyone who believes in the power of prayer please pray for Diamond,” Richardson wrote on her sister’s Twitter page to update fans.

In April 2020, Twitter temporarily locked the viral duo’s accounts after they were encouraging followers to go outside to help their immune system fight against COVID. This was a violation of the social media platform at the time because it was misinformation about the deadly disease.

“The only way we can become immune to the environment; we must be out in the environment. Quarantining people inside of their houses for extended periods will make people sick,” eurweb.com reports they tweeted at the time from their joint account.

Before Twitter suspended Hardaway and Richardson, they were let go as hosts on Fox News due to misleading statements about COVID.

I skipped the crappy trolling bit, Dems are ebil petty tyrants.


Video description

Mar 6, 2017

YouTube stars and Trump supporters Diamond and Silk (Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson) talk to Evan Davis about why they support Trump, whether he'd ever lose their support, fake news and why African Americans voted for Donald J Trump as US president

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95e82e No.3587

File: 257936231882065⋯.png (76.24 KB,867x399,289:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114178 (100323ZJAN23) Notable: @repandybiggsaz:Biden stole classified documents and stored them at his think tank while he was VP.

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Rep. Andy Biggs


Donald J. Trump


Biden stole classified documents and stored them at his think tank while he was VP.

The VP does not have any authority to declassify classified documents.

And this “think tank” received $54 million in funding from the CCP.

The Biden family highly concerns me.

Joe, Hunter, and even “Dr.” Jill.

They are compromised and must be investigated.


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95e82e No.3588

File: 3e4ebe48f6facb9⋯.png (252.16 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114184 (100324ZJAN23) Notable: @AFP:An attempt to launch the first rocket into orbit from UK soil has ended in failure, with scientists reporting an "anomaly" as it neared its goal.

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Virgin Orbit’s attempt to make history by launching the first set of satellites from British soil Monday night did not go as planned, resulting in the loss of all nine satellites on board.

Cosmic Girl, a modified 747, taxied toward history as it took off at 5:02 p.m. EST from Spaceport Cornwall in Newquay, England, hoping to successfully christen a new spaceport. Once it reached 35,000 feet in the air, the aircraft deployed a rocket, called LauncherOne, which would then launch its paylods into space.

Tucked inside LauncherOne’s payload fairing were nine small satellites, representing seven different customers. The two-stage rocket is specially designed to horizontally launch small satellites into orbit. Rather than a traditional rocket, which lifts off vertically from a launch pad, the LauncherOne is engineered to be strapped to a plane and ignited at a certain altitude before depositing its payloads into their designated orbits.

The rocket’s first stage and second stages separated as planned, with the rocket’s upper stage completing a nearly five-minute burn before transitioning into a long coast ahead of payload deployment. After ignition, it soon became clear that something wasn’t right.

“It appears that LauncherOne has suffered an anomaly, which will prevent us from making orbit on this mission,” Virgin Orbit’s Chris Relf, director of systems engineering and verification, said during a webcast of the mission. Details were not immediately available, but company officials did share that the anomaly resulted in the loss of all nine payloads on board the rocket.

LauncherOne carried nine small satellites inside its payload fairing, including payloads for the British Ministry of Defense, the British government, a Polish Cubesat, a satellite for the Sultanate of Oman, and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.


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95e82e No.3589

File: 5591a5c2f0b3912⋯.png (37.68 KB,886x213,886:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114211 (100327ZJAN23) Notable: @RepTroyNehls:When will the FBI raid his home?

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Rep. Troy Nehls


BREAKING:Classified documents from Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential days found at his private office.

When will the FBI raid his home?

Jan 09, 2023, 6:46 PM


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95e82e No.3590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114235 (100330ZJAN23) Notable: Bill Gates Tells Al Jazeera How To Prepare For The ‘Next Pandemic’ that he and his fellow jews have in the works, And ‘To Moderate Some Of The Insanity’ Online

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Bill Gates Tells Al Jazeera How To Prepare For The ‘Next Pandemic’ that he and his fellow jews have in the works, And ‘To Moderate Some Of The Insanity’ Online

Boomers will obey, as usual!

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95e82e No.3591

File: a0f9d5c15a336bb⋯.png (430.42 KB,792x704,9:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114241 (100331ZJAN23) Notable: $54M in Chinese gifts donated to UPenn, home of Biden Center

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$54M in Chinese gifts donated to UPenn, home of Biden Center

A government watchdog is demanding the US attorney probing Hunter Biden in Delaware investigate tens of millions in anonymous donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania, where an academic center is named for his father, President Biden.

The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.

Most of the anonymous donations came after the university announced in February 2017 that it would create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Joe Biden, whose term as vice president had just ended, was to lead the center and was also named a professor at the university.

The center, which is located in Washington, DC, opened its doors in February 2018. Antony Blinken, whom Biden named as secretary of state, briefly served as its managing director.

The Ivy League university received $15.8 million in anonymous Chinese gifts that year, including one eye-popping $14.5 million donation in May 2018, records show.

The flurry of donations may be related to first son Hunter Biden’s business interests in China, the National Legal and Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog, alleged in complaints sent in May and October 2020 to the Departments of Education and Justice.

Last week, the group asked US Attorney David Weiss to step in and investigate the Chinese largesse to the school as part of his federal tax probe of Hunter Biden.

“We’ve asked … Weiss to pursue the larger network of individuals and institutions who benefited from millions doled out by foreign interests connected to Hunter Biden’s work in China and Ukraine,” said Tom Anderson, director of the NLPC’s Government Integrity Project.

In its 12-page complaint, the watchdog cited a 2017 text found on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop that CEFC China Energy Co, one of the firms that Hunter Biden had a financial stake in, wanted to lobby politicians in the US but did not want to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, as required for all foreign lobbyists.

“We don’t want to have to register as foreign agents under the FCPA [sic] which … is much more expansive than people who should know choose not to know,” reads the May 1, 2017, text sent from Hunter Biden to his former business partner Tony Bobulinski.

A University of Pennsylvania spokesman denied any anonymous Chinese money had gone to the center.

“The Penn Biden Center has never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity. In fact, the University has never solicited any gifts for the Center,” Stephen MacCarthy said.

Although the center’s mission statement says it does not accept contributions, MacCarthy contended that it had received a combined $1,100 in three unsolicited gifts from two donors since 2017, but said both donors are Americans.

He would not disclose the identity of the donors or say how the massive, anonymous Chinese funds were used at the school.

After Joe Biden was elected president in 2020, the center said it would operate “completely independent of the Biden administration.”

Other Ivy League colleges have raked in Chinese money, including Harvard, which got $75 million during the 2014-2019 period, and Yale, which received $43.5 million, records show.

The Education Department opened investigations in 2020 into whether Harvard and Yale were meeting reporting requirements for foreign cash.


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95e82e No.3592

File: d366ba6e9df64d6⋯.png (178.99 KB,907x703,907:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 66488fb9a8ad039⋯.jpg (64.59 KB,1351x573,1351:573,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 100ddfa4e90a571⋯.jpg (86.19 KB,881x755,881:755,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 84d694abbb2fce7⋯.mp4 (4 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 736bcf0ca0a36f7⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114243 (100331ZJAN23) Notable: There is no pathogen called sars cov 2 floating in the air.

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[They] say it's real but it's all a lie. There is no pathogen called sars cov 2 floating in the air. All they did was create a chimeric gene sequence on a computer, based on SARS COV 1, which they also created. It was all a lie in order to get people to take the gain of function bioweapon injection while the flu miraculously dissapeared. Did the flu come back this year? I haven't been sick in decades, prolly bc I am a pot taker and the only reason people EVER (yes, you) get sick is because of stress.

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95e82e No.3593

File: e8d01976a7972ed⋯.png (525.4 KB,1038x914,519:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114244 (100331ZJAN23) Notable: Biden’s Classified Docs ‘Looks Terrible,’ ‘Political Gift to Trump’

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Biden’s Classified Docs ‘Looks Terrible,’ ‘Political Gift to Trump’

CNN reporter Jamie Gangel said Monday on “The Situation Room” that reports that President Joe Biden had classified documents from his time as vice president in his personal office was a political gift to former president Donald Trump.

Anchor Wolf Blitzer said, “In that ’60 Minutes’ interview Biden did on September 18, 2022 about a month or two before these classified documents were found in his private office here in Washington, he said, ‘How could this possibly happen? How anyone could be that irresponsible? That’s what he said then, and then they discovered these SCI, these very sensitive classified documents at his private office in Washington.”

Gangel said, “Look, I’m sure that he meant that. And it also looks terrible in hindsight because here you go, there were classified documents. Here’s what we don’t know. We don’t know how they got there. We don’t know who packed them up. Those are things we’re going to have to find out. We need to know what’s in these classified documents. Yes, they’re Top Secret, but how sensitive is it? Are there sources and methods? Is it contemporaneous information that could be dangerous or sensitive right now? So those are the things we have to find out. Those are the things the Justice Department is looking at.”

She added, “There’s a big political side to this. This is, let’s assume for the moment, that it was accidental, a mistake. This is the kind of political unforced error that I can’t believe Donald Trump hasn’t posted about yet. He will be shortly. It is the definition of a political gift to Trump and the House Republicans.”


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95e82e No.3594

File: 686d4c3ff0cc471⋯.png (478.9 KB,998x989,998:989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114249 (100332ZJAN23) Notable: U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank

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U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank

Attorney General Merrick Garland has assigned the U.S. attorney in Chicago to review documents marked classified that were found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, two sources with knowledge of the inquiry told CBS News. The roughly 10 documents are from President Biden's vice-presidential office at the center, the sources said. CBS News has learned the FBI is also involved in the U.S. attorney's inquiry.

The material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, just before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed. The documents were discovered when Mr. Biden's personal attorneys "were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.," Sauber said in a statement to CBS News. The documents were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers, the sources said. The sources revealed neither what the documents contain nor their level of classification. A source familiar told CBS News the documents did not contain nuclear secrets.

Sauber also said that on the same day the material was discovered, Nov. 2, the White House counsel's office notified the National Archives, which took possession of the materials the following morning.

"The discovery of these documents was made by the President's attorneys," Sauber said. "The documents were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by the Archives. Since that discovery, the President's personal attorneys have cooperated with the Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives."


FILE: Penn Biden Center, Washington, D.C.


A source familiar with the matter said representatives from the National Archives then notified the Justice Department.

Garland assigned U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch to find out how the material marked classified ended up at the Penn Biden Center. The review is considered a preliminary step, and the attorney general will determine whether further investigation is necessary, including potentially appointing a special counsel.

Lausch was nominated to be U.S. attorney by former President Donald Trump, and he is one of only two current Trump-era U.S. attorneys still serving. The other is Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who is leading an investigation into the president's son, Hunter Biden.

Lausch recently briefed the attorney general and will eventually submit a final report to Garland. The review is expected to conclude soon.

The Penn Biden Center is a think tank about a mile from the White House, in Washington, D.C., that is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania and named for the sitting president.

The Presidential Records Act requires all presidential and vice-presidential documents be turned over to the National Archives. There are special protocols to keep classified information secure.

President Biden learned about the presence of the documents when his lawyer reported them to the White House counsel's office in November. A source familiar said the president is unaware of their contents. The documents are believed to be currently held in a secure location in Washington.

Lauch's review will examine, in part, how the documents got from Mr. Biden's vice-presidential office to the Penn Biden Center.

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95e82e No.3595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114255 (100333ZJAN23) Notable: U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank

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The Penn Biden Center and the University of Pennsylvania did not respond to a request for comment. The National Archives declined to comment. Attorneys assigned to oversee Biden's vice presidential records, Robert Lenhard, James Garland and Dana Remus, did not reply to voice messages and an email seeking comment. The Justice Department and FBI declined to comment.

A source familiar said the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is aware of the Justice Department inquiry. The ODNI also declined to comment.

GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called the recovery of classified documents from Mr. Biden's time as vice president "very concerning." He added, "He's had these classified [documents], and what has he said about the other president with classified documents?" Asked if this instance is different because attorneys found them and "immediately" handed the material over, McCarthy replied, "Oh, really? They just now found them after all those years."

The Penn Biden Center case has parallels to the Justice Department's pursuit of Donald Trump's presidential records — but the scope and scale are materially different. In August, the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago that yielded hundreds of documents marked classified.

That unprecedented search followed more than a year of tussling between Trump's representatives, the National Archives, and the Justice Department. The search warrant was sought and executed in August after multiple failed attempts by the federal government to retrieve what it considered to be sensitive documents at the former president's personal residence that should have been turned over to Archives under law.

The trove at Mar-a-Lago contained, among other material, secrets about nuclear capabilities and correspondence between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. An initial batch of 15 boxes was returned in January 2022, but Archives officials believed some records were still unaccounted for, prompting the agency to refer the matter to the Justice Department in February 2022.

The Trump investigation is now under the control of recently appointed special counsel Jack Smith.

In September, President Biden appeared on "60 Minutes" and was asked for his reaction to a photo showing the documents recovered at Mar-a-Lago. "How that could possibly happen? How anyone could be that irresponsible," the president said. "And it just — totally irresponsible."

In all, federal officials have recovered more than 300 classified documents that were once in Trump's possession.

Retaining classified information after leaving government service does not necessarily result in criminal charges. The FBI determined that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had classified material on her private email server for several years after she left the State Department in 2013. FBI investigators concluded that sloppiness, not ill intent, was to blame.

"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," FBI Director James Comey said at the time.

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95e82e No.3596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114257 (100333ZJAN23) Notable: U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank

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The Penn Biden Center gives the Philadelphia-based University of Pennsylvania a foothold in the nation's capital. The think tank, which opened in 2018, hosts academic programming and events focusing on foreign policy.

Mr. Biden used the office space from mid-2017 until the spring of 2019, when he declared his candidacy for the presidency.

The center's sixth-floor offices sit at the foot of Capitol Hill and floor-to-ceiling windows provide a panoramic view of the Capitol. The center's staff largely comprises former Obama administration officials, many of whom have left the center to serve in the Biden administration.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, for example, was the center's managing director in 2018. Steve Richetti, who now serves as a top White House aide to Mr. Biden, was managing director of the center in 2019.

The university named Mr. Biden a Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor in 2017 and has paid him $917,643 for speeches and for heading his eponymous center between 2017 and 2019, according to the president's financial disclosures. He is currently on leave from the university.

Mr. Biden's connections to the University of Pennsylvania run deep. His late son Beau and granddaughter Naomi have undergraduate degrees from the university. Biden's daughter Ashley got her master's degree at Penn, and his granddaughter Natalie is currently an undergraduate there. Then-Vice President Biden launched the Obama administration's "cancer moonshot" at Penn in 2016.

The president discussed how he manages classified information at home in a Q-and-A session with reporters last August. "I have, in my home, a cabined-off space that is completely secure. I'm taking home with me today today's [Presidential Daily Briefing]. It's locked. I have a person with me — military with me. I read it, I lock it back up, and give it to the military."

Asked whether it was ever appropriate for a president to bring home classified material, Mr. Biden said, "It depends on the document, and it depends on how secure the room is."


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95e82e No.3597

File: d1a1a3dd12dac5f⋯.png (2.2 MB,930x5080,93:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114258 (100333ZJAN23) Notable: Houston: Man Shoots Armed Robber at Taco Joint, Returns Victims' Cash, Leaves

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Houston: Man Shoots Armed Robber at Taco Joint, Returns Victims' Cash, Leaves

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95e82e No.3598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114276 (100337ZJAN23) Notable: reminder:The taking of a public record or document is prohibited by 18 U.S.C. § 641

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The taking of a public record or document is prohibited by 18 U.S.C. § 641

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95e82e No.3599

File: 5c17e47d964a441⋯.png (547.1 KB,872x1304,109:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114278 (100337ZJAN23) Notable: Old Dominion Basketball Player Clutches Chest And Collapses Mid-Game

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Old Dominion Basketball Player Clutches Chest And Collapses Mid-Game

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95e82e No.3600

File: 9e1195de94ce826⋯.png (268.5 KB,883x885,883:885,Clipboard.png)

File: fdaff3da2bf8d87⋯.png (301.96 KB,965x854,965:854,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114285 (100338ZJAN23) Notable: Trump Truth 10:05 PM EST CHINA in all capitals.(Q2351)

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Trump Truth 10:05 PM EST

CHINA in all capitals.

💧2351 - 10/05 - [CHINA]



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95e82e No.3601

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114286 (100338ZJAN23) Notable: reminder:The taking of a public record or document is prohibited by 18 U.S.C. § 641

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>18 U.S.C. § 641

Whoever receives, conceals, or retains the same with intent to convert it to his use or gain, knowing it to have been embezzled, stolen, purloined or converted—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; but if the value of such property in the aggregate, combining amounts from all the counts for which the defendant is convicted in a single case, does not exceed the sum of $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.


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95e82e No.3602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114302 (100340ZJAN23) Notable: House Republicans Vote Unanimously to Repeal Funding For Army of 87,000 IRS Agents

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House Republicans Vote Unanimously to Repeal Funding For Army of 87,000 IRS Agents

The House of Representatives on Monday evening voted 221-210 to repeal funding for 87,000 IRS agents.

The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ gave $79.6 billion to the IRS over the next 10 years.

The Wall Street Journal said the new army of IRS agents will target the middle and upper-middle class.

According to new analysis, the IRS audits the poor at 5 times the rate of everyone else.

The IRS also has a history of targeting conservative groups.

The House approved its first bill on Monday night rescinding funding for the 87,000 IRS agents.

“Promises made,” Speaker McCarthy said as he dropped the gavel.


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95e82e No.3603

File: f6326c22745a332⋯.png (67.78 KB,892x328,223:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114303 (100340ZJAN23) Notable: @grenell:Joe Biden received a salary of more than $900k from Penn

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Richard Grenell



Joe Biden received a salary of more than $900k from Penn. And then he appointed the Penn President to be the US Ambassador to Germany.


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95e82e No.3604

File: a6141dd2f11b682⋯.png (304.19 KB,325x2786,325:2786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114310 (100341ZJAN23) Notable: Bill Gates Tells Al Jazeera How To Prepare For The ‘Next Pandemic’

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Bill Gates Tells Al Jazeera How To Prepare For The ‘Next Pandemic’

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95e82e No.3605

File: 204a2c4ef46c788⋯.png (546.75 KB,773x1943,773:1943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114315 (100342ZJAN23) Notable: Okla. Will Ban Mutilation of People, 26 and Under

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Okla. Will Ban Mutilation of People, 26 and Under

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95e82e No.3606

File: 2eb334d9b1d0881⋯.png (55.75 KB,878x253,878:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114351 (100348ZJAN23) Notable: @DineshDSouza:Now begins the big media tap dance to explain why Biden’s retention of classified documents is perfectly fine while Trump’s doing the same constitutes a horrific criminal offense that should permanently bar him from ever holding public office!

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Now begins the big media tap dance to explain why Biden’s retention of classified documents is perfectly fine while Trump’s doing the same constitutes a horrific criminal offense that should permanently bar him from ever holding public office!

Jan 09, 2023, 10:00 PM


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95e82e No.3607

File: 2754bdb423d11fd⋯.png (1.22 MB,720x3246,120:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114355 (100348ZJAN23) Notable: After Hours’ RuPaul Drag Race Show Offers Free Tickets to Children Under Eight

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whoops, gotta watch those Gary headline edits….


After Hours’ RuPaul Drag Race Show Offers Free Tickets to Children Under Eight

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95e82e No.3608

File: db781c0ea364b83⋯.png (432.25 KB,853x480,853:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114407 (100356ZJAN23) Notable: Blackstone’s Spasov Departs, Joining Slew of Hedge Fund Exits

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>>>/qresearch/18112882 pb Morgan Stanley COO to retire at month’s end

Blackstone’s Spasov Departs, Joining Slew of Hedge Fund Exits

Blackstone Inc. managing director Vlado Spasov has left the alternative asset manager, the latest in a slew of departures from its hedge fund arm. The London-based executive was part of the New York-based firm’s hedge fund solutions group, focusing on special situations including through its Blackstone Strategic Opportunity Fund, according to his biography on the firm’s website, which has since been removed. An email response from his Blackstone account showed he’s no longer with the firm, and in recent weeks, he resigned from the board of Peridot Global Holdings Ltd., a working capital provider that’s backed by Blackstone, according to a Companies House filing. A Blackstone spokesperson didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Spasov’s departure was reported earlier by HFM. Before joining Blackstone, Spasov held roles at Ares Management Corp., Fortress Investment Group and Citigroup Inc. His exit follows those of executives including Steve Logan, who left the Blackstone unit run by Joe Dowling for a role at Moore Capital Management; Kristerfor Mastronardi, who left for King Street Capital Management; Michael Pierog, who has joined Millennium Partners; and Rakesh Kumar, who recently started at Citadel’s Surveyor Capital.


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95e82e No.3609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114408 (100356ZJAN23) Notable: Fire and Rescue NSW investigators determining cause of masonic centre blaze - VIDEO - Ambarvale

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Fire and Rescue NSW investigators determining cause of masonic centre blaze - VIDEO - Ambarvale

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) investigators are examining the scene of a large overnight fire that has destroyed a masonic centre at Ambarvale in Sydney's south-west.

The blaze engulfed the Wickfield Circuit hall around 12.44am, causing its roof to collapse.

Nine fire trucks, including an aerial appliance, battled the fire from all sides of the 40 x 30m single-level building but it could not be saved.

The FRNSW Fire Investigation and Research Unit (FIRU) has been called in to determine how and where the fire started.

Media Note: footage of the fire can be obtained here: https://vimeo.com/787426911/24522f615a [external link]


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95e82e No.3610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114420 (100359ZJAN23) Notable: Border Patrol Council head: Nonprofits must be held accountable for contributing to border crisis

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Border Patrol Council head: Nonprofits must be held accountable for contributing to border crisis

"It's a very corrupt system all the way around," Brandon Judd said.

Border Patrol Council head Brandon Judd says that nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations contributing to the border crisis need to be held accountable.

"When you look at pandering to nongovernmental organizations and you're looking at funneling money to those organizations for profit — even though they might be a nonprofit organization, they pay salaries," Judd said on Monday's edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "Well, these salaries come out of the money that is being funneled to them by the federal government."

The new GOP-controlled house has been asked to address the nonprofits collecting federal money from the government which they use to help get illegal aliens into the country.

"It's a very corrupt system all the way around," Judd stated.

"Until we take the corruption out of the government, we're going to continue to see all of the problems that we have on the border," he continued. "We've got to remove the corruption. We've got to remove the nongovernmental organizations. Until we do that, corruption is going to ensue."

GOP Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde acknowledged on Monday's edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show that the new Congress is going to look into the border crisis.

"We certainly have plans to address the border crisis," Rep. Clyde said. "Part of that is the Texas border plan which is going to come up for a vote. That is in our rules — it's one of the requirements."


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95e82e No.3611

File: 7f05753df5f071d⋯.png (420.13 KB,406x806,203:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114466 (100406ZJAN23) Notable: Republican members of #azleg turning their backs on Hobbs and some walked out

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₿ased male™ 🇺🇸 for KARI LAKE #LakeVHobbs


Republican members of #azleg turning their backs on Hobbs and some walked out

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95e82e No.3612

File: 951e0d3db77f770⋯.png (340.1 KB,853x822,853:822,Clipboard.png)

File: d04fe7fb3513468⋯.png (149.98 KB,870x791,870:791,Clipboard.png)

File: 8403691ccc31a54⋯.png (142.98 KB,843x744,281:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114524 (100417ZJAN23) Notable: Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events

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Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events

During a COVID-19 EU hearing last October, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

During the hearing, when asked by Dutch politician Ross if the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market, Janine Small responded while smiling,

“Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No. We have to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”

This statement was confirmed by an unredacted Pfizer agreement from a FOIA request with the Slovenian government.

“The Participating Member State acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to the Participating Member States under the APA,” according to the documents.

“The Participating Member State further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects from the Vaccine that are not currently known.”


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95e82e No.3613

File: d9801d0cef3a2d9⋯.png (206.48 KB,598x539,598:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114641 (100439ZJAN23) Notable: @SputnikInt:UN Report Reveals Ozone is Healing Itself, Should Be ‘Normal’ by 2066

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Russia state-affiliated media

UN Report Reveals Ozone is Healing Itself, Should Be ‘Normal’ by 2066


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95e82e No.3614

File: ea2b1a5b2e08a0c⋯.png (943.14 KB,1055x756,1055:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114660 (100448ZJAN23) Notable: 909 Earthquakes In the Last 72 Hours

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Updated Earthquake incident Map

909 Earthquakes In the Last 72 Hours

Looks busy.


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95e82e No.3615

File: 89b2f04ecbd7e8d⋯.jpg (468.74 KB,1080x1982,540:991,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114665 (100449ZJAN23) Notable: Trump Wrote That Diamond’s Death ‘Was Totally Unexpected’Trump confirmed that Hardaway had died suddenly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In Regards to

Diamond of Diamond & Silk. My Condolences…




Trump Wrote That Diamond’s Death ‘Was Totally Unexpected’Trump confirmed that Hardaway had died suddenly.

“Really bad news for Republicans and frankly, ALL Americans,” Trump wrote.

“Our beautiful Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away at her home in the State she loved so much, North Carolina. Silk was with her all the way, and at her passing,” the president’s post read.

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95e82e No.3616

File: d904488453e4cd7⋯.png (22.32 KB,598x257,598:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114740 (100504ZJAN23) Notable: Dan Scavino: RIP DIAMOND

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




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95e82e No.3617

File: f5226adeeb3d72b⋯.png (11.64 MB,5523x3038,789:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114771 (100509ZJAN23) Notable: QClock January 09, 2023- AMERICA IS BACK

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QClock January 09, 2023- AMERICA IS BACK

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95e82e No.3618

File: 571863e09293e9c⋯.png (307.63 KB,598x640,299:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114772 (100510ZJAN23) Notable: @DefenseIntel Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

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Yesterday, Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison. To learn about the damage she did to national security — and how she got caught — tune in to the #DIAConnections podcast




DIA Mon?

Cuba before DIA?

I hope diamond is in a safe place, enjoying the show.

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95e82e No.3619

File: c5e21186ffff9c9⋯.png (6.97 MB,5523x3038,789:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114777 (100510ZJAN23) Notable: QClock January 09, 2023- The Clock Is Ticking Nobody Is Safe

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QClock January 09, 2023- The Clock Is Ticking Nobody Is Safe

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95e82e No.3620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114800 (100516ZJAN23) Notable: @DefenseIntel Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

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> spying for Cuba

arrested 10 days after 9/11

didn't have time to string out the observation phase any longer

too much other stuff to do

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95e82e No.3621

File: b8bf19137894cd3⋯.png (44.15 KB,598x328,299:164,Clipboard.png)

File: b3eb88f89e0b2fc⋯.jpg (129.91 KB,423x585,47:65,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114802 (100517ZJAN23) Notable: @DefenseIntel Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

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NSA is taking control of the operations of other intelligence agencies?

Montes was not released yesterday (as originally scheduled), but rather last Friday. Also, this video does not explain how she got caught; rather, it obfuscates it.(As revealed by @JimPopkin, NSA cracked the code used by Cuban "spy radio" to communicate with agents in the U.S.)


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95e82e No.3622

File: 89b2f04ecbd7e8d⋯.jpg (468.74 KB,1080x1982,540:991,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114804 (100518ZJAN23) Notable: In Remembrance of Ineitha Lynnette Hardaway Diamond

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Agreed, still, if the Lord didn't want it to happen it alow it. It wouldn't have happened.

He is in control completely.

'ALL THINGS" are meant for good for those in Christ.

Romans 8:28

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Night fren

God still has big plans for Silk here, I believe.

In Remembrance of

Ineitha Lynnette Hardaway Diamond


Trump confirmed that Hardaway had died suddenly.

“Really bad news for Republicans and frankly, ALL Americans,” Trump wrote.

“Our beautiful Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away at her home in the State she loved so much, North Carolina. Silk was with her all the way, and at her passing,” the president’s post read.



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95e82e No.3623

File: c8d66cc9fcc8dea⋯.png (372.58 KB,598x665,598:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114835 (100526ZJAN23) Notable: @DefenseIntel Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

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17 years

arrested 9/21/2001


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95e82e No.3624

File: b8f4585f5e7c73d⋯.png (255.58 KB,409x616,409:616,Clipboard.png)

File: 7066e1bf55c5613⋯.jpg (53.9 KB,437x715,437:715,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114855 (100530ZJAN23) Notable: Johnson River Pediatrics Covington, VA WARNING all vaxxed student athletes of their risk for cardiac death

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Johnson River Pediatrics

Covington, VA

WARNING all vaxxed student athletes of their risk for cardiac death

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95e82e No.3625

File: 4141203faa75e50⋯.png (25.08 KB,856x200,107:25,Clipboard.png)

File: ec5f6d269d4e5ec⋯.png (7.04 KB,816x103,816:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 60e76232c0645f2⋯.png (55.57 KB,598x458,299:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114880 (100534ZJAN23) Notable: @DefenseIntel Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

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Doug Wise, former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, teaches at University of New Mexico: Didn’t respond.


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95e82e No.3626

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114943 (100549ZJAN23) Notable: Elon Musk allegedly fired the Brazil team, and Bolsonaro support has exploded, so they want a censorship campaign against Musk

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Bannons War Room: excellent analysis by Natalie Winters. Listen to this, its amazing research

3 hours ago

Natalie Winters talks about the Carter Center supposedly a non partisan group. They were observing Brazil on elections but also in US. They came out on social media there wasNo fraud in Brazil and Az

Elon Musk allegedly fired the Brazil team, and Bolsonaro support has exploded, so they want a censorship campaign against Musk

Globalists Exploit Brazil To Push Social Media Censorship Election Secrecy In USA With China’s Help

Globalists Are Exploiting Brazil To Push More Social Media Censorship And Election Secrecy In America With China’s Help.

CCP involved with US non profits to support no election fraud


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95e82e No.3627

File: 0aa3099fe5bbe96⋯.jpeg (404.81 KB,1290x1343,1290:1343,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114957 (100552ZJAN23) Notable: REVEALED: Daily Beast Reporter Used To Work For Sanctioned “Chinese Military Company.”

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REVEALED: Daily Beast Reporter Used To Work For Sanctioned “Chinese Military Company.”


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95e82e No.3628

File: 6e1c16394f5ea41⋯.mp4 (330.63 KB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114967 (100554ZJAN23) Notable: “We need to go into the Capital” Spotted amongst the Brazilian Protestors

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“We need to go into the Capital”

Spotted amongst the Brazilian Protestors

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95e82e No.3629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18114972 (100555ZJAN23) Notable: VIDEO: Brazilians in South Florida React To Protests "Voting is done electronically, and when a ballot is cast, it turns into a code." Brazilian Pedro Curry says, "We have to release the codes."

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VIDEO: Brazilians in South Florida React To Protests

"Voting is done electronically, and when a ballot is cast, it turns into a code."

Brazilian Pedro Curry says, "We have to release the codes."

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95e82e No.3630

File: 0f9b74f711753e9⋯.jpeg (27.35 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 384016dbe37486d⋯.jpeg (22.13 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115002 (100601ZJAN23) Notable: Bolsonaro responds to Brazil riot charges The former president said “peaceful demonstrations” are “part of democracy

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9 Jan, 2023 02:04

Bolsonaro responds to Brazil riot charges

The former president said “peaceful demonstrations” are “part of democracy

Former Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro has denied any responsibility for the unrest that unfolded in the capital Brasilia on Sunday, after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva accused his right-wing predecessor of filling the heads of his supporters with extremism.

“Peaceful demonstrations, in the form of the law, are part of democracy. However, depredations and invasions of public buildings as occurred today, as well as those practiced by the left in 2013 and 2017, escape the rule,”Bolsonaro tweeted on Sunday evening, after authorities regained control of the government buildings seized by rioters earlier in the day.

“I repudiate the accusations, without evidence, attributed to me by the current head of the executive of Brazil,” Bolsonaro added, without mentioning Lula by name. The former leader left Brazil several days before the traditional swearing-in ceremony on January 1 rather than legitimize the leftist’s win by attending.

“This genocidist… is encouraging this via social media from Miami,” Lula claimed in a televised address earlier on Sunday, blaming what he described as the day’s “unprecedented” violence on his predecessor. He vowed to make those responsible for the chaos “pay with the force of the law,” while pledging to get to the bottom of “who are the financiers” of the riot.

On Sunday, a massive crowd of Bolsonaro's supporters marched through the capital in yet another protest, reiterating claims that Brazil’s electronic voting system was open to fraudand other allegations of voting irregularities. After reaching the Three Powers Plaza, where all three branches of the government are located, swarms of protesters rushed through barricades and overran the Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential Planalto Palace.

As the crowds wreaked havoc inside, authorities struggled to contain the unrest. The president, who was in Sao Paulo at the time, was forced to declare a state of emergency in the Federal District of Brasilia, appointing justice minister Ricardo Garcia Capelli to lead the “federal intervention.”

By Sunday evening, after hours of clashes and hundreds of arrests, riot police managed to regain control of the government buildings using tear-gas and water cannons. Police announced that at least 300 people were detained, as the Justice Minister warned that the arrests would continue throughout the night, as authorities are trying to identify everyone involved in what he dubbed an act of “terrorism” and an attempted “coup.”


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95e82e No.3631

File: 8380b979f449ad7⋯.jpeg (46.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115021 (100605ZJAN23) Notable: ‘Queen of Cuba’ spy released from US jail Ana Montes has served more than 20 years for espionage on behalf of Havana

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8 Jan, 2023 15:34

‘Queen of Cuba’ spy released from US jail

Ana Montes has served more than 20 years for espionage on behalf of Havana

Ana Montes, described as “one of the most damaging spies” in US history, has been released from federal prison in Texas. The double agent for Cuba was freed on Friday after more than 20 years in custody, data on the Federal Bureau of Prisons website shows.

Montes, now 65, made a solid career with the US government, initially working for the US Department of Justice before joining the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) back in 1985. She ultimately became a senior intelligence analyst for Cuba –even scoring a nickname the ‘Queen of Cuba’– and worked in this role until her arrest in 2001, days after the 9/11 attacks.

It turned out that Montes had been spying for Cuba throughout her whole government career, as she had been recruited by that country’s intelligence when she was a student at Johns Hopkins University. Officials at the time said it was believed that the Cuban Intelligence Service (CIS) had pushed her to pursue the DIA career in the first place.

As a double agent, Montes is believed to have funneled highly-sensitive information to the CIS for nearly two decades. According to federal charging documents, Montes was very careful, never taking classified information from her work computer but memorizing it instead, as well as using water-soluble, easy to destroy paper to deliver the data to her Cuban handlers.

According to the Bush-era US Counterintelligence head Michelle Van Cleave, Montes has become “one of the most damaging spies the United States has ever found,” who has compromised “virtually everything” Washington knew about Cuba.

In 2002, Montes pleaded guilty to espionage charges which could have carried the death penalty for her, yet was ultimately sentenced to 25 years in prison under a plea deal. According to her lawyers, Montes was primarily motivated for spying by a belief that “the Cubans were treated unfairly by the US government.”

Commenting on the release of Montes, Republican hardliner Senator Marco Rubio urged Americans to remember the double agent “for who she really is,” suggesting that she should not be forgiven, even after serving her sentence.

“Montes betrayed our nation, but not for money. In fact, she never received payment for any of her actions – astonishingly, she was motivated purely by hatred for America,” Rubio wrote in an op-ed penned for Americano Media.

On her release, Montes is set to remain under supervision for five years, according to her sentence. She will be banned from working for government or contacting ‘foreign agents’ without special permission, while internet access will be closely monitored by the authorities.


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95e82e No.3632

File: 4fa95600e9a3796⋯.png (77.43 KB,1143x326,1143:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115057 (100615ZJAN23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Charles BlowHard, of The Failing New York Times, is one of the dumbest of political “columnists,” 233 wins out of 256 Races, and this dope says I did poorly in the Midterms, etc. Fake News!

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Donald J. Trump


Charles BlowHard, of The Failing New York Times, is one of the dumbest of political “columnists,” hoping against hope that by a very unsophisticated use of political disinformation, his wildest dreams will come to pass. I believe BlowHard is a racist in reverse, who says whatever happens to come to his dull mind, as long as it is negative to “Trump.” Morons like this are bad for our Country. I was 233 wins out of 256 Races, and this dope says I did poorly in the Midterms, etc. Fake News!

Jan 09, 2023, 11:43 PM


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95e82e No.3633

File: 4fa95600e9a3796⋯.png (77.43 KB,1143x326,1143:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115061 (100616ZJAN23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Biden giving China Highly Classified Documents would be a bridge too far. I certainly wouldn’t do that. Not a good situation for our Country to be in!

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Donald J. Trump


Biden giving China Highly Classified Documents would be a bridge too far. I certainly wouldn’t do that. Not a good situation for our Country to be in!

Jan 09, 2023, 11:52 PM


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95e82e No.3634

File: edc943727e4227e⋯.png (1.69 MB,1306x1438,653:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115076 (100624ZJAN23) Notable: “When is the FBI Going to Raid the Many Homes of Joe Biden?” Trump Responds to Reports of Classified Documents Found at Penn Biden Center

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“When is the FBI Going to Raid the Many Homes of Joe Biden?” Trump Responds to Reports of Classified Documents Found at Penn Biden Center

President Trump on Tuesday responded to reports Joe Biden illegally stored top-secret classified documents at Penn Biden Center.

The Justice Department is looking into classified documents from Joe Biden’s time as Vice President discovered at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in DC.

According to CNN, Joe Biden’s attorneys discovered the classified documents in the private office which included top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” (SCIF) designation LAST FALL just days before the midterm elections.

According to CBS News, Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch (a Trump appointee) to review the documents.

“When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House? These documents were definitely not declassified.” Trump said.

The FBI raided Trump’s Florida residence over the summer.

Machine-gun toting agents posted up at Mar-a-Lago while the FBI rummaged through Trump’s home looking for classified documents.

The Washington Post recently reported (after the midterms) that the DOJ believes Trump took his White House records to Mar-a-Lago as ‘mementos.’

WaPo reported that Trump never intended to sell or use the documents as leverage.

Of course we have known this the entire time and WaPo is finally admitting the FBI raid was all a political ploy.


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95e82e No.3635

File: 49f09e96849fe92⋯.jpg (302.13 KB,1000x1207,1000:1207,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 864642bfc31c7ca⋯.jpg (335.39 KB,1000x1203,1000:1203,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0f0ea26738c708c⋯.jpg (380.53 KB,987x1207,987:1207,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de1a82ee938f933⋯.jpg (360.99 KB,954x1212,159:202,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 77bca222001787a⋯.jpg (362.42 KB,957x1209,319:403,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115082 (100626ZJAN23) Notable: The Legend of Bonhomme Richard and the Hotheaded Captain John Paul Jones

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What a shame they didn't have carpet bombs back in the day, might've cured the problem centuries ago…or figured out Greek Fire.

Jones received command of Bonhomme Richard from Monsieur Gabriel de Sartine, the French Minister of Marine, in the spring of 1779, but it took several months before she was ready to sail. Besides refitting the merchant vessel as a man-of-war, Jones had to supply her armament, select his officers, and recruit a crew. After having suffered from a rather toxic relationship with his subordinates on his last voyage in the sloop Ranger, Jones was careful to select reliable officers for this command. Although his explosive temper and sparing praise at times grated on his subordinates, for the most part Bonhomme Richard’s officers respected his leadership and remained loyal to him.

Bonhomme Richard’s crew, on the other hand, was an altogether different matter. The sailors represented a variety of nationalities and languages, hailing from the American colonies, France, Scotland, Ireland, England, Italy, Norway, and even India. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they often quarreled among themselves, even coming to blows on occasion. Jones faced a scare early on when a group of Englishmen who had signed on to escape from French prisons plotted to kill the captain and seize control of the ship. When Jones learned of the plot, he dismissed over 100 English sailors and hauled the plot’s ringleader before a court-martial. The mutineer suffered 250 lashes with a cat-o-nine-tails. Although this was the most severe flogging meted out aboard Bonhomme Richard, it was not the only one. Later, when Jones returned from business on shore, he found the crew of his barge had abandoned him to get drunk in town. After suffering the indignity of begging local fishermen to row him to his ship, Jones had no mercy on the offending sailors. All 12 men felt the sting of the lash for their dereliction of duty, and this round of floggings seems to have convinced the rest of the crew that Jones intended to run a taut ship.

The Battle against HMS Serapis

On June 19, 1779, Jones sailed BONHOMME RICHARD from L’ Orient, France accompanied by ALLIANCE, PALLAS, VEGEANCE, and CERF. Their mission was to escort troop transports and merchant vessels under the convoy to Bordeaux, France, and cruise against the British in the Bay of Biscay. Forced to return to port for repairs, Jones’ squadron sailed again on August 14, 1779. Going northwest around the British Isles into the Northern Sea and down the eastern seaboard of Great Britain, the squadron swiftly took 16 merchant vessels as prizes. On the evening of September 23, 1779, they encountered the Baltic Fleet of 41 near the English shore of Flamborough Head. Sailing for England, the Fleet was under the fleet of the newly built frigate, HMS SERAPIS (50 guns)and the small sloop of COUNTESS OF SCARBOROUGH (20 GUNS).

To offset the SERAPIS’ speed, Jones lashed his flagship alongside and continued the fight long after his subordinates regarded the situation as hopeless.

Burning, sinking, and scattered with the dead and wounded, BONHOMME RICHARD lit up the darkness with a constant barrage. Jones struggled to keep his vessel afloat and, in one instance, an overwhelming number of prisoners in hold threatened to rush the deck to save from drowning. Jones defied all odds and continued the fight against Captain Pearson’s SERAPIS.

In the final hour, BONHOMME RICHARD’S mast was hit above the top-sail. Along with her Colors, a large section of the mast came crashing to the deck near Jones’s feet. In response to the downfallen colors, SERAPIS called out, “Have you struck your Colors?” Resoundingly, John Paul Jones exclaimed, “Struck Sir? I have not yet begun to fight!”With newfound will, his crew delivered decisive blows from all sides and aloft. Jones’ sent 40 Marines and Sailors into the rigging with grenades and muskets.

Decimated, SERAPIS could not avoid defeat and at 2230 she struck her Colors. Victorious, John Paul Jones commandeered SERAPIS and sailed her to Holland for repairs. Sadly, on September 24, 1779 at 1100, BONHOMME RICHARD sank never to rise from her watery grave.

This epic battle was the American Navy’s first-ever defeat of an English ship in English waters! Rallying colonial hope for freedom, Jones’ victory established him to many as “The Father of the American Navy.”


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95e82e No.3636

File: 452d6dc7e52e75b⋯.png (265.48 KB,447x881,447:881,Clipboard.png)

File: a2394a6a8ebf0aa⋯.png (575.85 KB,831x1236,277:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115096 (100630ZJAN23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Musk EXACTLY

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Donald J. Trump





ts spacing sucks shit

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95e82e No.3637

File: b6330282cdb668a⋯.jpg (760.07 KB,1080x1936,135:242,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115098 (100630ZJAN23) Notable: Biden declares emergency for US state of California

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Would be a really bad time for California to get hit with an earthquake.

Biden declares emergency for US state https://www.rt.com/news/569626-biden-disaster-california-storms/

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95e82e No.3638

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115111 (100636ZJAN23) Notable: Matthew Tyrmand: Brazil No to Communism Rule and Election Fraud

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Bannons War Room


3 hours ago

Matthew Tyrmand: Brazil No to Communism Rule and Election Fraud


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95e82e No.3639

File: 2269300d76013aa⋯.png (759.88 KB,1310x1456,655:728,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115123 (100639ZJAN23) Notable: TikTok is at least as much an American tool as it is a Chinese influence op

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TikTok is at least as much an American tool as it is a Chinese influence operation

Revelations of a Beijing-based spying campaign on the video sharing service have served to obfuscate Washington’s own insidious efforts

It’s been revealed that TikTok spied on multiple journalists at Forbes magazine who were investigating the company, in order to uncover which staffers were leaking insider material. The exposure has been framed as evidence of shady Chinese activity – but TikTok’s secret status as a wing of US propaganda power points to a very different story than the mainstream media is telling.

The existence of the covert surveillance campaign at TikTok was confirmed following an internal investigation by ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, which found employees had improperly gained access to IP addresses and user data in an attempt to identify whether journalists had been in the same locales as ByteDance employees.

“The misconduct of certain individuals… was an egregious misuse of their authority to obtain access to user data,” a TikTok spokesperson said, commenting on the investigation’s findings. “This misbehavior is unacceptable, and not in line with our efforts across TikTok to earn the trust of our users.”

Known as Project Raven, the surveillance campaign was launched this summer after BuzzFeed published a story revealing ByteDance employees in China had repeatedly accessed US user data. Based on over 80 hours of leaked audio recordings of internal TikTok meetings, the story speculated on how the Chinese government could gain access to American users’ personal data and influence their “commercial, cultural, or political behavior” through TikTok’s algorithms.

Project Raven was overseen by ByteDance’s Beijing-based Internal Audit and Risk Control department, which is primarily responsible for investigating potential misconduct by current and former ByteDance employees. Employees in that unit vacuumed up data on former BuzzFeed and Financial Times journalists, as well as a “small number of people connected to the reporters” through their TikTok accounts, ByteDance admits.

The internal investigation of Project Raven led to the firing of ByteDance’s chief internal auditor, who led the spying effort, while the China-based executive to whom he reported resigned. Two employees in China and the US involved in Project Raven were also fired.

“None of the individuals found to have directly participated in or overseen the misguided plan remain employed at ByteDance,” the company claimed in internal emails. “Individuals misused their authority to obtain access to TikTok user data.”

Condemnation of the spying operation has been widespread and aggressive. A Forbes spokesperson claimed the effort was “a direct assault on the idea of a free press and its critical role in a functioning democracy.” A Federal Communications Commission representative told Forbes, “this should be the final nail in the coffin for the idea that US officials can trust TikTok.” Meanwhile, House Intelligence Committee Chair Mark Warner, a noted anti-China hawk, had even more fiery words for the social network:

“This new development reinforces serious concerns the social media platform has permitted engineers and executives in [China] to repeatedly access private data of US users despite repeated claims to lawmakers and users this data was protected. The DoJ has also been promising for over a year they are looking into ways to protect US user data from Bytedance and the CCP – it’s time to come forward with that solution or Congress could soon be forced to step in.”

A shocking ploy the spying certainly was, but the righteous anger of Forbes, the FCC, and Warner is misplaced, likely by deliberate design. While TikTok is an international outgrowth of China’s popular Douyin video-sharing platform, and ByteDance is a Chinese-owned tech giant, the social network in its Western form is a US-dominated entity in every regard.

MintPress News has documented how there is a “pipeline” between NATO and US government agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security and State Department, and TikTok. Military and intelligence professionals move directly from the former to security and other roles with the social network. In at least one case, a military intelligence officer appears to be employed by the US Army and TikTok simultaneously.

What’s more, TikTok is openly weaponized and exploited by Washington for information warfare purposes at home and abroad. Such interest is understandable – in 2021, it became the most-visited website in the entire world, and it has at least 70 million active users in the US alone.


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95e82e No.3640

File: 95547be601a2c9f⋯.jpg (185.74 KB,1096x1051,1096:1051,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115199 (100706ZJAN23) Notable: House rules changes breeze through the chamber following a bitter speaker fight

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>QClock January 09, 2023- AMERICA IS BACK

House rules changes breeze through the chamber following a bitter speaker fight

January 9, 2023

Updated January 9, 2023 at 7:33 PM ET

The House of Representatives has approved the rules package for the 118th Congress in a near party-line vote, in what marked the first legislative test of newly elected Speaker Kevin McCarthy's narrow GOP majority.

Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas joined all Democrats in voting against the package.

Negotiations on the rules package were central to McCarthy's dramatic and prolonged bid for House Speaker. McCarthy was able to secure the gavel by brokering a deal to win over a block of holdouts in the far-right faction of his conference.

Perhaps most notable among McCarthy's concessions was allowing just one lawmaker to force a vote on ousting the speaker.

Gonzales, the lone GOP dissenter, had expressed concerns about cuts to defense spending, and said the one-member threshold on a motion to vacate the chair could lead to "nightmare after nightmare"for House Republicans.

Georgia Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde, a McCarthy holdout who eventually flipped his vote for speaker last week, praised the motion to vacate during debate on the House floor Monday night.

"By restoring this historic rule, every solitary member has the authority to hold the speaker accountable for following all of the rules," he said.

Part of the brokering surrounding the speaker's elections also included commitments to cut government spending, according to lawmakers involved in negotiations.

The full written agreement has not been made public. But it's clear that key provisions could empower the conservative wing of the party and ultimately weaken the office of the speaker.

Among the key rules changes conservatives won are:

Just one member to sponsor a motion to remove the speaker, instead of requiring a majority of either party. McCarthy had resisted this change, instead seeking a compromise that would require five members to advance the motion. But conservatives noted the threshold had historically been one member, until Democrats voted to change it under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019.

The establishment of a "Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government." The subcommittee is expected to investigate what conservatives see as the politicization of the FBI and DOJ.

72-hours notice before voting on a bill.

The deal also makes a path for massive spending cuts

Rep. French Hill, a McCarthy ally who was involved in negotiations, told reporters the framework sets an "aspirational goal for domestic discretionary at fiscal year 2022 levels," but does not include specific budget caps. The FY22 budget was approximately $1.5 trillion.

Fiscal conservatives have long been pushing for spending restraint. But the agreement has raised concerns about cuts to the defense budget.

Rep. Chip Roy, one of the initial McCarthy holdouts who negotiated the agreement, said it would set a "top level spending mark."

"What we're doing is setting top-level spending marks – $1.471 trillion — now go figure out how to spend your money," Roy told reporters Friday. "That's how you operate at home. Why do it any differently? The American people are tired of writing endless blank checks."

In order to curb spending, House Republicans will seek to advance 12 individual government funding bills each year rather than one large omnibus package. Raising the federal debt limit will need to be accompanied by measures to cut spending, according to the framework.

"We don't want to agree to a debt limit, you know, without some sort of a control mechanism, budget reform, spending reforms," Hill said.

The government is supposed to hit the debtceiling by this summer.

And it makes room for more conservative representation on committees

Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus are expected to gain seats on key committees like Rules and Appropriations thanks to the deal.

"The agreement centers on making sure that all the standing committees of Congress are reflective of all of the viewpoints inside our conference," Hill told reporters.

Roy said on The Mark Levin Show on Sunday that McCarthy agreed to appoint conservatives to the powerful Rules Committee. "We're now going to have conservative representation on that committee," Roy said. "Now we can help control that we get good bills to the floor and advance conservative bills for the American people."


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95e82e No.3641

File: 1552f87f07c4eb9⋯.jpg (430.46 KB,1678x1209,1678:1209,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115278 (100728ZJAN23) Notable: Fisher-Price finally admits its defective sleeper has killed 100 BABIES

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'Babies continue to die': Fisher-Price finally admits its defective sleeper has killed 100 BABIES after executives ignored safety warnings for a DECADE and only recalled it after 30 died

January 9, 2023

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced that Fisher-Price's recalled Rock 'n Play Sleepers have now been connected to the deaths of 100 infants. The product was first recalled in April 2019 after reports of infants rolling from their back to their stomach or side while unrestrained in the sleeper. Approximately 4.7 million units were affected by the recall but since 2019, an additional 70 fatalities have been reported. A government probe in 2021 found the company ignored studies saying the product was unsafe before it was released in 2009. It then ignored repeated warnings until the product was finally recalled in 2019. Just some of the babies who died are seen here, clockwise from top left , Savannah Lynn Savage, James R. Weigand III, Emma Richter, Alexander Thompson and Ezra Overton.

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11617373/At-100-deaths-linked-recalled-Fisher-Price-sleeper.html

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95e82e No.3642

File: 922af63f05e8bca⋯.jpg (318.69 KB,1098x981,122:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0d470674925b424⋯.jpg (277.25 KB,916x1216,229:304,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: 305f79e36aa43c8⋯.jpg (214.84 KB,922x1204,461:602,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115314 (100738ZJAN23) Notable: Why didn't AG appoint special counsel for Biden when he appointed one for Trump?

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Why didn't AG appoint special counsel for Biden when he appointed one for Trump? Merrick Garland kept revelation that classified docs had been found quiet before midterms - and afterwards appointed 'hitman' to go after Trump

January 10, 2023

Classified documents were found at the offices of Joe Biden's think tank in Washington DC on November 2, and Biden's attorneys alerted the DoJ

On November 18, the Justice Department announced that Jack Smith had been appointed as a special counsel to investigate Trump's classified storage

The National Archives and Records Administration in May 2021 first contacted Trump's team to request the return of the presidential papers

The first tranche of documents were removed from Mar-a-Lago in January 2022, and officials later learned some were classified - and alerted the DoJ

Now some are calling for Biden to be investigated by a special counsel, and asking why one was not appointed for Biden at the same time as Trump

Joe Biden's handling of classified information should be investigated by a special counsel, a former advisor to Donald Trump has said, after it emerged that Biden, like Trump, was found to have kept classified documents after leaving office.

Biden's documents, 10 files with the contents unknown, were found on November 2 inside the Washington DC office of his think tank. The president said he was unaware of their existence until the Justice Department on Monday announced the files had been handed over, and an investigation launched.

Trump's documents, which included some 300 pages deemed classified, were found in January 2022 at his Mar-a-Lago home. Officials from the Justice Department and National Archives and Records Administration were in talks with Trump's team for months to agree a hand-over, but the discussions ground to a halt and in August the DoJ took the extraordinary step of launching a raid on Mar-a-Lago to seize the files.

On November 18, special counsel Jack Smith was appointed to investigate the saga of the Mar-a-Lago classified documents - and Trump allies are now demanding Biden be subjected to the same scrutiny.

'Special Counsel. Now,' tweeted Stephen Miller, special advisor to Trump.

Jenna Ellis, who was part of Trump's legal team trying to overturn the 2020 election, tweeted: 'Biden's DOJ is reviewing Biden's classified docs? Maybe should *checks notes* consider a special master.'

Podcaster Steve Hilton, who served as an advisor to British former prime minister David Cameron, said that Biden's actions were worse than Trump's.

He did not say why, but vice presidents, unlike presidents, are not able to declassify documents.

'Joe Biden's theft of classified documents is clearly worse than anything Trump has been accused of,' he said.

'If Merrick Garland doesn't pursue Biden with at least as much ferocity as he's pursuing Trump, we'll know that Equal Justice Under Law is dead: killed by hyper-partisan Democrats.'

Yet others insisted that Trump's storage of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago was a more serious crime than Biden's.

Dan Pfeiffer, a former senior advisor to Barack Obama, tweeted: 'Team Biden found the documents, immediately contacted the archives, and returned them.

'Trump and his lawyers repeatedly deceived authorities and did everything possible to avoid returning them.

'These are not the same thing.'

Joyce Vance, a former federal prosecutor, agreed.

'Big differences between this & Trump's Mar-a-Lago situation: they were found in an office setting, not in Biden's home,' she said.

'Biden's team immediately volunteered news of the discovery to the Archives & turned them over immediately. It's apples to oranges.'

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11617771/Why-didnt-AG-appoint-special-counsel-Biden-appointed-one-Trump.html

anon opines

"not the same" "apples and oranges'

Correct, not the same. The VP had zero authority and using that lame 4ayem talking point won't make this go away. Not anymore. Also. POTUS docs were in a SCIF, still not apples and oranges.

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95e82e No.3643

File: 66e31d5bb1f475c⋯.png (217.46 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115338 (100745ZJAN23) Notable: Senator George Mitchell Had Nothing To Do with Epstein, Human Sacrifice, Cannibal Rituals.

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Senator George Mitchell Had Nothing To Do with Epstein, Human Sacrifice, Cannibal Rituals and the Rape and Dismemberment of Children

"Flatly Denies"


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95e82e No.3644

File: 3111ab0a0de585d⋯.jpg (90.3 KB,1102x342,29:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff16103c0092c68⋯.jpg (204.55 KB,970x1141,970:1141,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115381 (100759ZJAN23) Notable: Senator George Mitchell Had Nothing To Do with Epstein, Human Sacrifice, Cannibal Rituals.

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That's a rather broad denial

"Daily Beast reported that Virginia Giuffre, claimed in depositions in 2016 that Maxwell directed her to have sex with former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Britain’s Prince Andrew (whom she has accused before), wealthy financier Glenn Dubin, former senator George Mitchell, now-deceased MIT scientist Marvin Minsky, and modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, as well as “another prince,” a "foreign president," a well-known prime minister" and the owner of a “large hotel chain” in France."

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95e82e No.3645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115432 (100817ZJAN23) Notable: #22207

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>>3616 Dan Scavino: RIP DIAMOND

>>3618, >>3620 , >>3621, >>3623, >>3625 @DefenseIntel Ana Montes, a former DIA analyst convicted of spying for Cuba, was released from prison

>>3617 QClock January 09, 2023- AMERICA IS BACK

>>3619 QClock January 09, 2023- The Clock Is Ticking Nobody Is Safe

>>3622 In Remembrance of Ineitha Lynnette Hardaway Diamond

>>3624 Johnson River Pediatrics Covington, VA WARNING all vaxxed student athletes of their risk for cardiac death

>>3626 Elon Musk allegedly fired the Brazil team, and Bolsonaro support has exploded, so they want a censorship campaign against Musk

>>3627 REVEALED: Daily Beast Reporter Used To Work For Sanctioned “Chinese Military Company.”

>>3628 “We need to go into the Capital” Spotted amongst the Brazilian Protestors

>>3629 VIDEO: Brazilians in South Florida React To Protests "Voting is done electronically, and when a ballot is cast, it turns into a code." Brazilian Pedro Curry says, "We have to release the codes."

>>3630 Bolsonaro responds to Brazil riot charges The former president said “peaceful demonstrations” are “part of democracy

>>3631 ‘Queen of Cuba’ spy released from US jail Ana Montes has served more than 20 years for espionage on behalf of Havana

>>3632 Donald J. Trump: Charles BlowHard, of The Failing New York Times, is one of the dumbest of political “columnists,” 233 wins out of 256 Races, and this dope says I did poorly in the Midterms, etc. Fake News!

>>3633 Donald J. Trump: Biden giving China Highly Classified Documents would be a bridge too far. I certainly wouldn’t do that. Not a good situation for our Country to be in!

>>3634 “When is the FBI Going to Raid the Many Homes of Joe Biden?” Trump Responds to Reports of Classified Documents Found at Penn Biden Center

>>3635 The Legend of Bonhomme Richard and the Hotheaded Captain John Paul Jones

>>3636 Donald J. Trump: Musk EXACTLY

>>3637 Biden declares emergency for US state of California

>>3638 Matthew Tyrmand: Brazil No to Communism Rule and Election Fraud

>>3639 TikTok is at least as much an American tool as it is a Chinese influence op

>>3640 House rules changes breeze through the chamber following a bitter speaker fight

>>3641 Fisher-Price finally admits its defective sleeper has killed 100 BABIES

>>3642 Why didn't AG appoint special counsel for Biden when he appointed one for Trump?

>>3643, >>3644 Senator George Mitchell Had Nothing To Do with Epstein, Human Sacrifice, Cannibal Rituals.


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95e82e No.3646

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115439 (100823ZJAN23) Notable: #22206

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>>3571 @DiamondandSilk Quote Tweet:Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough (@P_McCulloughMD) says the NFL owes us an explanation regarding Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin's vaccination status since the league took tax payer's money.


>>3573 , >>3579 The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide

>>3574 Pop stars and celebrities are so deep in the cult that they will change their gender in order to brainwash the masses of mush brain people

>>3575 Americans Extremely Pessimistic About US Prospects in 2023: Gallup

>>3576 Graham, Calls For US Tanks On The Ground In Ukraine For War Against Russia

>>3577 Biden-Tied Lobbyist Bought Island Property from Biden’s Brother, Gave Him Mortgage Loan(2020.1.28)

>>3578, >>3580 Lynnette Hardaway, Diamond of “Diamond and Silk,” has passed away.

>>3581 @realDonaldTrump:The Biden Think Tank is funded by CHINA!!!

>>3582, >>3588 @AFP:An attempt to launch the first rocket into orbit from UK soil has ended in failure, with scientists reporting an "anomaly" as it neared its goal.

>>3583 @RepMTG:Joe Biden took classified documents from the White House when he was Vice President.

>>3584 @realDonaldTrump:The amount was 54 Million Dollars that the Biden Think Tank received from China. That’s a lot of money.

>>3585 @RonnyJacksonTX:Did Biden try to conceal these documents before the midterms?

>>3586 Lynnette Hardaway, one-half of Diamond and Silk, was hospitalized with COVID during the Thanksgiving holiday.

>>3587 @repandybiggsaz:Biden stole classified documents and stored them at his think tank while he was VP.

>>3589 @RepTroyNehls:When will the FBI raid his home?

>>3590 Bill Gates Tells Al Jazeera How To Prepare For The ‘Next Pandemic’ that he and his fellow jews have in the works, And ‘To Moderate Some Of The Insanity’ Online

>>3591 $54M in Chinese gifts donated to UPenn, home of Biden Center

>>3592 There is no pathogen called sars cov 2 floating in the air.

>>3593 Biden’s Classified Docs ‘Looks Terrible,’ ‘Political Gift to Trump’

>>3594, >>3595, >>3596 U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank

>>3597 Houston: Man Shoots Armed Robber at Taco Joint, Returns Victims' Cash, Leaves

>>3599 Old Dominion Basketball Player Clutches Chest And Collapses Mid-Game

>>3600 Trump Truth 10:05 PM EST CHINA in all capitals.(Q2351)

>>3598, >>3601 reminder:The taking of a public record or document is prohibited by 18 U.S.C. § 641

>>3602 House Republicans Vote Unanimously to Repeal Funding For Army of 87,000 IRS Agents

>>3603 @grenell:Joe Biden received a salary of more than $900k from Penn

>>3604 Bill Gates Tells Al Jazeera How To Prepare For The ‘Next Pandemic’

>>3605 Okla. Will Ban Mutilation of People, 26 and Under

>>3606 @DineshDSouza:Now begins the big media tap dance to explain why Biden’s retention of classified documents is perfectly fine while Trump’s doing the same constitutes a horrific criminal offense that should permanently bar him from ever holding public office!

>>3608 Blackstone’s Spasov Departs, Joining Slew of Hedge Fund Exits

>>3609 Fire and Rescue NSW investigators determining cause of masonic centre blaze - VIDEO - Ambarvale

>>3610 Border Patrol Council head: Nonprofits must be held accountable for contributing to border crisis

>>3611 Republican members of #azleg turning their backs on Hobbs and some walked out

>>3612 Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events

>>3613 @SputnikInt:UN Report Reveals Ozone is Healing Itself, Should Be ‘Normal’ by 2066

>>3614 909 Earthquakes In the Last 72 Hours

>>3615 Trump Wrote That Diamond’s Death ‘Was Totally Unexpected’Trump confirmed that Hardaway had died suddenly.

>>3607 After Hours’ RuPaul Drag Race Show Offers Free Tickets to Children Under Eight

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115625 (100935ZJAN23) Notable: Under certain conditions, Georgia law allows Judges to overrule a unanimous jury verdict

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A judge in GA can overturn a unanimous jury verdict by acting as 13th juror.

Kinda disturbing when you think of real justice being done.


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95e82e No.3648

File: f1ba4ac58d9f437⋯.png (826.8 KB,863x776,863:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115665 (101002ZJAN23) Notable: US Farmers win the right to repair John Deere equipment

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US farmers win right to repair John Deere equipment

BBC News, by Monica Miller

Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/10/2023 12:51:18 AM

Tractor maker John Deere has agreed to give its US customers the right to fix their own equipment. Previously, farmers were only allowed to use authorised parts and service facilities rather than cheaper independent repair options. Deere and Co. is one of the world's largest makers farming equipment. Consumer groups have for years been calling on companies to allow their customers to be able to fix everything from smartphones to tractors. The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) and Deere & Co. signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Sunday. "It addresses a long-running issue for farmers and ranchers when it comes to accessing tools, information and resources, while protecting John Deere's intellectual property rights

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95e82e No.3649

File: 12a4896b0a6ac17⋯.png (827 KB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e69df8d14f11d9⋯.png (831.63 KB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: c9877d1df9af289⋯.png (1.31 MB,1197x1535,1197:1535,Clipboard.png)

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File: db541fd99afc8fa⋯.png (1.45 MB,1400x1536,175:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115667 (101004ZJAN23) Notable: Tennessee cops, including married female officer, fired after repeated wild sex romps

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Tennessee cops, including married female officer, fired after repeated wild sex romps

January 10, 2023

A small Tennessee police station has been rocked by allegations of wild sexual misconduct, after a married female officer allegedly had steamy romps with six male officers, including illicit on-duty liaisons, according to reports.

Officer Maegan Hall and her fellow law officers allegedly engaged in a wild sexcapades that included sending dirty pictures, taking her top off at a “Girls Gone Wild” hot tub party, and even having oral sex with two officers at the La Vergne, Tenn., police station, WTVF TV reported.

The steamy shenanigans — in which Hall allegedly bragged about the size of one partner’s genitals and claimed to be in a “open marriage” — not only led Hall to be canned, but led to the firings of Sergeant Lewis Powell, Officer Juan Lugo, Sergeant Ty McGowan and Detective Seneca Shields, according to a December internal investigation.

Two other officers who allegedly had romps with Hall— Patrick Magliocco and Larry Holladay — kept their jobs but wound up suspended, according to the reports.

Sauce/more keks: https://nypost.com/2023/01/09/tennessee-cops-married-female-officer-fired-after-repeated-wild-sex-romps/

better headline: Tennessee Nympho works as Cop

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95e82e No.3650

File: 1d7c72cc6c340ee⋯.png (827.54 KB,1116x743,1116:743,Clipboard.png)

File: ed117f78adbf9dc⋯.png (1.24 MB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: d8b036056902346⋯.png (866.02 KB,1080x1504,135:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 35f4f1db4d32956⋯.png (917.54 KB,942x1250,471:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115674 (101009ZJAN23) Notable: Pelosi calls the defunding of 87k new IRS agents "Shameful but not surprising"

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House passes bill nixing $72 billion in funding for 87,000 new IRS agents

January 9, 2023

In one of the new Republican House majority’s first legislative moves on Monday, the body passed a bill rescinding $72 billion in spending on 87,000 new IRS agents.

House Resolution 23, or the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act, passed the lower chamber in a221 to 210vote along party lines.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced during his first address as speaker early Saturday morning that the funding for new Internal Revenue Service agents provided under the Inflation Reduction Act enacted last year would be one of the first bills the new Congress takes up.

“This was our very first act of the new Congress, because government should work for you, not against you,” McCarthy wrote on Twitter. “Promises made. Promises kept.”

The legislation was sponsored by Rep. Adrian Smith (R-Neb.) and Rep. Michelle Steel (R-Calif.). It now heads to the Democratic-controlled Senate, where it does not appear to have the votes to pass.

The bill specifies that the IRS only spend new money on customer service and IT improvements, rather than hiring agents, auditors, and other staff members— whom Republicans claim will target low- and middle-class Americans rather than wealthy individuals and corporations.

Rep.Nancy Pelosi (D-Cali.), speaker emeritus of the House, called the vote on Monday “shameful, but not surprising.”

“It is shameful, but not surprising, that House Republicans’ first order of business in this Congress is to protect corporate America and ultra-wealthy individuals who are illegally avoiding taxes,” a statement issued by Pelosi after the vote read.

“Last summer, Democrats proudly enacted the Inflation Reduction Act: a strong step toward tax fairness that improved taxpayer services for families and bolstered resources to ensure the wealthiest few and greediest corporations will pay what they owe. Now, Republicans want to rip away these resources, which will drive up the deficit and let wealthy tax cheats off the hook,” she added, deriding the new House majority as the “MAGA Majority in the House.”

Vice President Kamala Harris also ripped the GOP legislation in a statement on Monday, saying that “House Republicans are rushing to undo that progress and allow too many millionaires, billionaires, and corporations to cheat the system.”

The Biden administration argues that the bill would increase the deficit by nearly $115 billion over 10 years per an estimate by the Congressional Budget Office, citing an increase in tax fraud and avoidance.

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2023/01/09/house-passes-bill-nixing-funding-for-87000-new-irs-agents/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3651

File: ab4aa1e74e30e84⋯.png (1.47 MB,1536x1023,512:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b313c15d24783c⋯.png (163.33 KB,474x296,237:148,Clipboard.png)

File: b5105dac0842f1d⋯.png (1.83 MB,1907x1146,1907:1146,Clipboard.png)

File: d478df7292e3999⋯.png (739.03 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 28311578181b54b⋯.png (334.01 KB,700x368,175:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115695 (101024ZJAN23) Notable: Rep. Dan Crenshaw denied the chairmanship of the chamber’s Homeland Security Committee

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Rep. Dan Crenshaw loses key gavel after calling anti-McCarthy GOPers ‘terrorists’

January 9, 2023

WASHINGTON – Rep. Dan Crenshaw, one of the House GOP’s most prominent figures, was denied the chairmanship of the chamber’s Homeland Security Committee Monday in favor of a member of the right-wing House Freedom Caucus — days after Crenshaw called opponents of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy “terrorists.”

Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.), will instead lead the panel that provides oversight over the Department of Homeland Security – and handles issues related to illegal immigration and terrorism.

Crenshaw raised the ire of his colleagues during the prolonged floor fight for speaker last week when he raged against a group of around 20 Freedom Caucus members who withheld their votes from McCarthy until they could extract concessions on the way the 118th Congress was run.

“They are enemies now,” Crenshaw told CNN of the holdouts following a heated closed-door GOP conference meeting Tuesday. “They have made it clear that they prefer a Democrat agenda than a Republican one.”

The same day, Crenshaw told Fox News Radio host Guy Benson of the rebels: “We cannot let the terrorists win.”

“They demand more places on committees,” Crenshaw told Benson. “So McCarthy says, ‘OK, give me a list of names.’ And then they refuse. And then they say, ‘Oh, you’re trying to trick us.’ You know? I mean, it’s like playing with children. I mean, it’s very difficult to understand what it is they want.”

Crenshaw, 38, walked back his comments in an interview with CNN Sunday, saying he was “a little taken aback” by the backlash.

“Obviously, to people who took offense by that, it’s pretty obvious that it’s meant as a turn of phrase,” the lawmaker told “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper. “To the extent that I have colleagues that were offended by it, I sincerely apologize to them. I don’t want them to think I actually believe they’re terrorists. It’s clearly a turn of phrase that you use in what is an intransigent negotiation.”KEK

Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost his right eye in Afghanistan in 2012, has been a familiar face on cable news. He rose to fame while campaigning for his seat in 2018 when comedian Pete Davidson mocked him as looking like “a hitman in a porno movie” on “Saturday Night Live.”

The Texan made his case to lead the Homeland Security Committee before the House Republican steering committee, which decides panel leadership. One prominent Freedom Caucus member, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), secured his place on the committee during the grueling negotiations with McCarthy last week.

Green, 58, is expected to push for tough measures to combat the migration crisis. He promised to have the committee hire at least one staff member permanently stationed at the southern border to work with US Customs and Border Protection and related agencies.

Noting that Crenshaw “ran a spirited race,” Green tweeted Monday that he looked “forward to working with [Crenshaw], a fellow veteran who understands our national security challenges, to secure our homeland.”

“For the sake of our national security and homeland security, ending the border crisis President Biden created is our top priority,” Green said. “I’m grateful to @SpeakerMcCarthy and the House Republican Steering Committee for entrusting me with this task; it’s time to get to work and fulfill our Commitment to America!”

Meanwhile, another McCarthy loyalist, Mike Rogers of Alabama, pledged Monday morning to step down from the steering committee after having to be physically restrained on the House floor Friday night during a rowdy exchange with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), one of the leaders of the so-called “Never Kevins.”

However, Rogers reversed course Monday afternoon, telling Politico that he would remain on the committee at the behest of “an overwhelming number of members, both rank & file and leadership.”

Gaetz made nice with Rogers, tweeting Sunday that the two men “have a six-year productive, working relationship. We’re going to work together wonderfully going forward. I don’t think there should be any punishment or reprisal just because he had an animated moment. He has my forgiveness.”

“.@RepMattGaetz and I have a long and productive working relationship, that I am sure will continue,” Rogers responded. “I regret that I briefly lost my temper on the House Floor Friday evening and appreciate Matt’s kind understanding.”

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2023/01/09/rep-dan-crenshaw-loses-key-gavel-after-calling-anti-mccarthy-gopers-terrorists/

anon is sure it's been in no tables earlier but the Crenshaw statements were new (to anon) and the keks, oh the keks

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95e82e No.3652

File: 022e80e00e71475⋯.png (105.41 KB,879x652,879:652,Clipboard.png)

File: b1949434c13896d⋯.jpg (69.09 KB,1005x543,335:181,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de61f7a0474e953⋯.jpg (128.94 KB,1280x1148,320:287,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 02d74f7a703938a⋯.png (120.72 KB,856x629,856:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 5753939244956d7⋯.png (106.23 KB,876x707,876:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115714 (101039ZJAN23) Notable: Pelosi calls the defunding of 87k new IRS agents "Shameful but not surprising"

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one for one so far

deCENTRALize FEDS constitution lesson LONG Version

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95e82e No.3653

File: 1c959f090ed1ebb⋯.png (1.08 MB,1082x1448,541:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115722 (101044ZJAN23) Notable: How Pfizer Board Member Used Twitter Lobbyist at White House to Suppress Debate on Covid Vaccines

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JUST IN: Another Twitter Files Drop: How Pfizer Board Member Scott Gottlieb Used Twitter Lobbyist at White House to Suppress Debate on Covid Vaccines

Journalist Alex Berenson released another ‘Twitter Files’ drop: How Scott Gottlieb – a top Pfizer board member – used the same Twitter lobbyist as the White House to suppress debate on Covid vaccines.

Including help from fellow head of the USDA!

Dr. Scott Gottlieb – former FDA Commissioner-turned-member-of-board-of-directors of Pfizer, pressured Twitter to censor former NY Times reporter and author Alex Berenson for questioning the mRNA vaccines.

Pfizer made billions of dollars off of its mRNA Covid vaccines.

2. In August 2021, Gottlieb told Todd O’Boyle – a senior manager in Twitter’s public policy department – that a tweet from Dr. Brett Giroir claiming CORRECTLY that natural immunity was superior to vaccine immunity was “corrosive” and might “go viral.”

3. Twitter put a misleading tag on the tweet, preventing it from being shared. Gottlieb then went after a tweet about Covid’s low risk to kids from Justin Hart. Pfizer would soon win the okay for its mRNA shots for children, so keeping parents scared was crucial…

4. In October 2022, Scott Gottlieb claimed on Twitter and CNBC that he was not trying to suppress debate on mRNA jabs. These files prove that Gottlieb – board member at a company that has made $70 billion on the shots – did just that.

On August 27, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb – a Pfizer director with over 550,000 Twitter followers – saw a tweet he didn’t like, a tweet that might hurt sales of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines.

The tweet explained correctly that natural immunity after Covid infection was superior to vaccine protection. It called on the White House to “follow the science” and exempt people with natural immunity from upcoming vaccine mandates.

It came not from an “anti-vaxxer” like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but from Dr. Brett Giroir, a physician who had briefly followed Gottlieb as the head of the Food & Drug Administration. Further, the tweet actually encouraged people who did not have natural immunity to “Get vaccinated!”

No matter.

By suggesting some people might not need Covid vaccinations, the tweet could raise questions about the shots. Besides being former FDA commissioner, a CNBC contributor, and a prominent voice on Covid public policy, Gottlieb was a senior board member at Pfizer, which depended on mRNA jabs for almost half its $81 billion in sales in 2021. Pfizer paid Gottlieb $365,000 for his work that year.

Gottlieb stepped in, emailing Todd O’Boyle, a top lobbyist in Twitter’s Washington office who was also Twitter’s point of contact with the White House.

The post was “corrosive,” Gottlieb wrote. He worried it would “end up going viral and driving news coverage.”


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95e82e No.3654

File: 0c359ed3b0e1fb3⋯.png (1017.79 KB,1084x1328,271:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115734 (101051ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer Gives $1 Million to Kentucky GOP to Expand Headquarters – The “Mitch McConnell Building”

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Pfizer Gives $1 Million to Kentucky GOP to Expand Its Headquarters – The “Mitch McConnell Building”

Pfizer donated $1 million to the Kentucky Republican Party in 2021 in what is being called the highest donation to a political party in state history.

The donation will be used to expand the Frankfort Mitch McConnell Building in the state capital.

The donation seems like a perfect fit.

Mitch McConnell has been a staunch supporter of the COVID vaccine and COVID legislation.

Via The Kentucky Lantern:

In what may be the largest political contribution ever given to a political party in Kentucky, the drug maker Pfizer Inc. gave $1 million last month to the building fund of the Republican Party of Kentucky.

A report filed by Republican Party of Kentucky Building Fund last week with the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance listed the $1 million from Pfizer along with five other big corporation contributions in the final quarter of 2022 totalling $1.65 million.

That is an extraordinarily large haul for the fund which had raised only $6,000 during the first three quarters of 2022.

The other large corporate donors to the fund in late 2022 were:

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York, $300,000;

Altria Client Services LLC, of Richmond, VA., $100,000;

Comcast Corp., of Philadelphia; $100,000;

AT&T, of St. Louis; $100,000;

Delta Air Lines, of Atlanta, $50,000.

State and federal campaign finance laws set limits on how much a person or political action committee can give to the executive committee of either political party. (A person can give no more than $15,000 per year.) And corporation contributions to a party’s executive committee are prohibited…

… The $1.65 million added to the GOP building fund would be plenty to pay for a major expansion and upgrade for the party headquarters. The Franklin County Property Valuation Administrator’s website currently lists the taxable value of the current headquarters property at $485,000. The Franklin PVA lists the taxable value of the adjacent vacant lot owned by the Republican Party at $150,000.

A sign identifies the party headquarters as the Mitch McConnell Building, in honor of U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.


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95e82e No.3655

File: c5901416c20f903⋯.png (471.2 KB,603x601,603:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115742 (101056ZJAN23) Notable: Interest in CPR training spikes after Damar Hamlin on-field cardiac arrest

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Business profile picture

Washington Examiner


Interest in CPR training spikes after Damar Hamlin on-field cardiac arrest

Bills Bengals Football


Interest in CPR training spikes after Damar Hamlin on-field cardiac arrest

Public interest in learning lifesaving CPR techniques has spiked after Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest during Monday night's game against the Cincinnati Bengals.

11:47 PM · Jan 9, 2023


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95e82e No.3656

File: 11ee3ab827c10de⋯.png (338.13 KB,658x688,329:344,Clipboard.png)

File: dbb6d769cf88426⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB,810x452,405:226,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 954c2bf09248136⋯.png (435.01 KB,658x682,329:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 779b217f1120961⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB,658x630,47:45,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5ef6c694f545e1a⋯.png (232.72 KB,598x797,598:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115754 (101103ZJAN23) Notable: Anon nom - Disinfo is real and necessary

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quality of life issues flynn needs a break

SO DO I but its war ALSO Flynn talking about the

scumbags that larp the movement. Brunson larp example.. bunch of crazies kept pushing

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95e82e No.3657

File: faf4e805108f7f3⋯.png (98.02 KB,919x695,919:695,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f7d3616e65c3d9⋯.png (57.49 KB,591x689,591:689,Clipboard.png)

File: fbc92a693aee69d⋯.jpg (169.73 KB,1104x1159,1104:1159,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 173ccbf65cd0106⋯.png (242.29 KB,535x571,535:571,Clipboard.png)

File: fba52638ace5a99⋯.png (445.85 KB,1160x1429,1160:1429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115773 (101118ZJAN23) Notable: Anon nom - Disinfo is real and necessary

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comment on vidoe #1&2 (my thoughts) Gen Flynn WHITE HAT & not white hate..

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95e82e No.3658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115774 (101119ZJAN23) Notable: Anon nom - Disinfo is real and necessary

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How do you collect the othe half of the spectrum?

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95e82e No.3659

File: 15f36d777211ce2⋯.jpg (62.5 KB,500x743,500:743,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115783 (101129ZJAN23) Notable: Anon nom - Disinfo is real and necessary

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kek.Well it looks like another day at the office. Disinfo is necessary, and this shitshow will continue through 2024.

Anon is in a weird place; things are happening but the drive to redpill ain't what it used to be. I think it's because most loved ones might have that ticking time bomb of a vax in them.

Hoping it's a temporary slump.

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95e82e No.3660

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115787 (101131ZJAN23) Notable: Channel 7 report: Melbourne’s fluctuating temperatures causing “Gene Changes” / illnesses

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Channel 7 report on Melbourne’s fluctuating temperatures causing “Gene Changes” and illnesses


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95e82e No.3661

File: 48373fc988b77c9⋯.png (306.19 KB,497x415,497:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 882a0b3ea9ee59f⋯.png (357.64 KB,664x434,332:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115789 (101132ZJAN23) Notable: Channel 7 report: Melbourne’s fluctuating temperatures causing “Gene Changes” / illnesses

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"only tested women so far"

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95e82e No.3662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115790 (101132ZJAN23) Notable: Loy Brunson Supreme Court Case: Discussing the Petition Denied ruling and next steps

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Loy Brunson Supreme Court Case 22-380 Part 7

Red, Right, and Blue

Discussing the Petition Denied ruling from yesterday, and what the next steps will be.


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95e82e No.3663

File: e23e5e11c52fde0⋯.png (208.33 KB,487x289,487:289,Clipboard.png)

File: a879585bf3b849d⋯.png (86.43 KB,955x665,191:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a7dfa9e24355a8⋯.pdf (1.89 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115794 (101135ZJAN23) Notable: Channel 7 report: Melbourne’s fluctuating temperatures causing “Gene Changes” / illnesses

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source study:


Epigenome-wide association study of short-term temperature fluctuations based on within-sibship analyses in Australian females


This is the first study to assess the epigenetic impact of short-term temperature fluctuations.

Significant changes in methylation levels in 14 cytosine-guanine dinucleotides were associated with temperature fluctuations.

We identified 70 differentially methylated regions significantly associated with temperature fluctuation.

Differentially methylated signals were mapped to 68 genes that were linked to human diseases (e.g., cancer and mental disorders).



Temperature fluctuations can affect human health independent of the effect of mean temperature. However, no study has evaluated whether short-term temperature fluctuations could affect DNA methylation.


Short-term temperature fluctuations were associated with differentially methylated signals across the human genome, which provides evidence on the potential biological mechanisms underlying the health impact of temperature fluctuations. Future studies are needed to further clarify the roles of DNA methylation in diseases associated with temperature fluctuations.

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95e82e No.3664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115804 (101141ZJAN23) Notable: Potato confuses Salvation Army for Secret Service

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Biden confuses Salvation Army for Secret Servicewhile in El Paso, TX

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95e82e No.3665

File: a02971b62ff5c89⋯.pdf (795.54 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 93547251afd3eea⋯.png (69.45 KB,956x720,239:180,Clipboard.png)

File: 9af66d44a0233f8⋯.jpg (99.66 KB,654x1024,327:512,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 46ea2871f449903⋯.jpg (139.11 KB,953x636,953:636,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 004869542dba7e7⋯.jpg (149.45 KB,1024x950,512:475,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115819 (101151ZJAN23) Notable: WHO playbook aka Vaccine Crisis Communication Manual

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WHO playbookaka



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95e82e No.3666

File: cd839a648507db2⋯.jpg (130.17 KB,1358x652,679:326,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b80c8929c62ff2c⋯.jpg (85.47 KB,608x1024,19:32,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b3182eb8866d98⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,750x527,750:527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115826 (101152ZJAN23) Notable: WHO playbook aka Vaccine Crisis Communication Manual

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95e82e No.3667

File: 39f7dbebd1bc45d⋯.png (192.52 KB,1857x910,1857:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115829 (101153ZJAN23) Notable: Salvation Army in Ukraine - World Food Bank/UN connection?

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>>3664 Hmmm. while speaking with the Salvation Army peoples, Biden paraphrase: "I spent some time with the secret service in Ukraine." Got anon thinking - is the Salvation Army in Ukraine?

Yes. Yes it is.

The work of The Salvation Army began in Ukraine in 1993 two years after the recommencement of the Army’s work in Eastern Europe. Initially overseen by the Army’s Norway, Iceland and The Faeroes Territory, today Ukraine is part of the Eastern Europe Territory, which includes Georgia, Moldova, Romania and the Russian Federation.


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95e82e No.3668

File: c6ebdaeb23d265b⋯.png (96.78 KB,417x537,139:179,Clipboard.png)

File: fa5046dafc390db⋯.jpg (128.29 KB,1125x1750,9:14,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c972d45b7f02075⋯.jpg (174.8 KB,1125x1977,375:659,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115846 (101203ZJAN23) Notable: Honeypot Job Fair @ WEF - 18-26 year old Blondes

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WEF hiring young blond ladies from 18 to 26y for 150 euros per day


Eva Vlaardingerbroek


This would have been the perfect opportunity for me to infiltrate the lion's den and pull a stunt, but apparently the girls have to be 170 cm tall. I'm too short, guys. Sorry.

Quote Tweet

Russian Market



Jan 4


Fucking unbelievable but WEF is looking explicitly for young blond girls (age between 18-26 years old) to work at WEF in Davos. For €150 per day.

So much for women’s rights and #metoo


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95e82e No.3669

File: 25a859f52120a9c⋯.jpg (120.77 KB,1324x1198,662:599,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2347f3a8526c56e⋯.jpg (275.84 KB,1167x1183,1167:1183,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b53a931e22cb6a0⋯.pdf (6.28 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115852 (101206ZJAN23) Notable: Salvation Army in Ukraine - World Food Bank/UN connection?

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Salvation Army would work hand in hand with the World Food Program


WFP, Biden Family answer to the Clinton Foundation/etal entities: This big guy gets 10% off the top. Hold muh beer. It's all about the chidlens after all…

Click/don't click, pdf linkage: https://www.wfpusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/WFP-USA-2014-Annual-Report.pdf

Biden's WFP scam article: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/04/hunter-bidens-ties-to-united-nations-world-food-program-echoes-clinton-foundation-corruption-video/

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95e82e No.3670

File: 18e70fe6f448b7b⋯.png (46.58 KB,928x571,928:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115858 (101211ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Vax and Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis, Multiple Sclerosis correlation

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COVID-19 Vaccination and Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis: A New Case Report and Review of the Literature



Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a rare autoimmune disease that is potentially threatening for patient life. Auto-antibodies targeting structures of the neuromuscular junction, particularly the acetylcholine receptor (AchR), are often found in the serum of MG patients. New-onset MG after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination has rarely been reported since the introduction of vaccination. Infections and COVID-19 infection have also been reported as possible triggers for a myasthenic crisis. We report a case of new-onset MG after receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. The patient was a 73-year-old male initially presenting with ocular symptoms and a rapid generalization. We also performed a literature revision of 26 described cases of MG after SARS-CoV-2 immunization. The patients were a majority of males with generalized late-onset MG occurring after the first dose of vaccine, similar to our patient. Only our patient showed a thymoma. Thymic mass and the positivity of AchR antibodies suggest that vaccination might have triggered a subclinical pre-existing MG with symptoms flaring. Clinicians should be aware of possible new-onset MG after COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in at-risk patients. Even though COVID-19 vaccination should be recommended in MG patients, particularly in well-compensated patients. However, more studies need to be performed in the future.

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95e82e No.3671

File: 49cfca57c6dce48⋯.png (80.85 KB,414x463,414:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115863 (101212ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Vax and Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis, Multiple Sclerosis correlation

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Dr John B.


The planned inclusion of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein in future COVID-19 vaccines & boosters: a bad idea. A new study shows thatthe N protein share homology with proteins associated with multiple sclerosis(MS)!


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95e82e No.3672

File: c79d15f2b968507⋯.png (124.46 KB,402x600,67:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115868 (101215ZJAN23) Notable: Reminders (2018, 2020) Texas man arrested with weapons was working for a government agency dealing with a virus, Researcher shot to death

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William Craddick



Mar 27, 2018

Texas man arrested with weapons told police he was working for a government agency dealing with a virus


William Craddick



Mar 28, 2018

Update: it so far does not appear that Francho "Frank" Bradley is lying about working with an organization on a virus - he has a long history of affiliation with health organizations (civilian/military) that dealt with viruses


Ensyma Engineering & Francho Bradley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Francho Bradley has been a mystery since he was found with a weapons at a hotel. WikiLeaks lists his company, Ensyma, as having worked with the government.

William Craddick


The tickets police found in Bradley's car were issued near the intersection of Athenaeum Street and Second Street, that is right next to Sanofi Genzyme Bioventures, a French owned conglomerate that produces vaccines for various pathogens


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95e82e No.3673

File: 2aa2d1ddf65d271⋯.png (179.68 KB,428x590,214:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 217cbda6a2f4040⋯.png (101.26 KB,419x394,419:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115882 (101220ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Vax and Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis, Multiple Sclerosis correlation

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John Paul


Two rabbit holes intrigue me to this day. This one, and the Chinese guy who as suddenly killed by another Chinese, and was doing novel research on SARS-CoV-2 and inching close to a breakthrough.

SARS-CoV-2 and biotech are riffled with Intel/spies beyond my dreams.

Rosie's Brazilian Bikini Vaxxx



Jan 9

🧵MEMORY HOLED from 2018: Texas Army Vet Frank Bradley was arrested in Massachusetts in 2018 with a massive weapons cache.

He said he was working for a government agency that is "dealing with a virus."

As far back as 2009, he dealt with the FDA on RNA & rapid PCR testing.


Show this thread

John Paul




Replying to


This one.

All the signs and telltale of a hit job. Or burn notice, depends from where you are looking from.

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95e82e No.3674

File: daa118bd6dc28b0⋯.png (169.21 KB,768x497,768:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115901 (101225ZJAN23) Notable: A 'QAnon' influencer who has accused prominent Democrats of pedophilia was himself convicted of pedophilia

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QAnon activist who says top Democrats are child abusers convicted of abusing 8-year-old boy

Story by LGBTQNation • Yesterday 12:01 PM

AQAnon influencer who has accused prominent Democrats of pedophilia was himself convicted of pedophilia. He was confronted with his past in a new HBO documentary.

David Todeschini, 70, appears in journalist and YouTuber Andrew Callaghan’s directorial debut, This Place Rules. The film, which premiered on HBO on December 30, “explores the undercurrents that led to the January 6 Capitol Riot,” and features interviews from 2020 with people deeply enmeshed in far-right conspiracy theories.

In a clip from the doc that has made its way onto social media, Todeschini, who posts on social media under the name “David Trent” and reportedly attended the rally prior to the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, asserts with no evidence that Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, and President Joe Biden are all pedophiles. The QAnon conspiracy theory states that there is a secret, international cabal of satanic child molesters controlling the world that is run by top Democrats and Hollywood personalities.

Callaghan then confronts Todeschini with his own 1999 conviction of one count each of sexual abuse in the first degree and sodomy in the second degree for coercing an eight-year-old boy in New Jersey into sexual activity in 1996.

Right Wing Watch, a project of People For the American Way that monitors and exposes the activities of radical right political organizations, first reported on Todeschini’s conviction in 2021. Todeschini reportedly served five years in state prison and is considered a level three threat, according to New York sex offender registry. He is considered a “sexually violent offender” and is at “high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety.”

Following the RWW report, Todeschini told Vice News in 2021 that his conviction was a deep state plot and that he “did what General [Michael] Flynn did.”

“He pled guilty to a crime that he didn’t commit,” Todeschini said of the former national security adviser.

Todeschini repeats the Flynn comparison in This Place Rules, insisting that he is “not projecting” his own crimes onto others.

they are trying to demonize anons more

my boss called me a qanon crazie over the weekend

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95e82e No.3675

File: 9e39064e772972b⋯.jpg (459.79 KB,874x2151,874:2151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f96dfbb06ec431a⋯.jpg (595.39 KB,1105x1317,1105:1317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6b53480c1226ed2⋯.png (22.12 KB,657x149,657:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 43ffae56531a855⋯.jpg (2.88 MB,3904x3232,122:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115908 (101227ZJAN23) Notable: Clockwork

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>Waiting for Joe’s “think tank” to be raided by the FBI


like clockwork

09 JAN 2023&#09;[59]&#09;[51][29][11]

10 JAN 2023&#09;[00]&#09;[50][30][10]

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95e82e No.3676

File: cabc39ab1c5a642⋯.png (114.35 KB,268x497,268:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 422ae66a40aea38⋯.png (62.17 KB,1171x393,1171:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 043129868f6208e⋯.png (223.87 KB,616x372,154:93,Clipboard.png)

File: b056d9df52c2170⋯.png (427.36 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 36d86ac5b3e37d8⋯.png (844.99 KB,1000x829,1000:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115931 (101236ZJAN23) Notable: A lawyer representing hundreds of laid-off Twitter staff accuses Elon Musk of trying to 'fleece' workers over severance pay

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Business Insider

A lawyer representing hundreds of laid-off Twitter staff has accused Elon Musk of trying to 'fleece' workers over severance pay

Story by gdean@insider.com (Grace Dean) • 1h ago

A lawyer representing former Twitter employees has accused owner Elon Musk of trying to "fleece" the company's former workers with his offers of severance pay.

Just a week after Musk took control, the social-media giant laid off thousands of workers on November 4. Hundreds of these workers finally got their separation contracts on Saturday, but were disappointed with the one month in severance pay they were offered in exchange for agreeing not to participate in lawsuits against Twitter or speak publicly about the company.

See More

The arrival of the contracts, two months after many of these employees were laid off, left them with a choice: Sign the agreement or join the litigation against Musk.

Lawyer Shannon Liss-Riordan said on Monday that she had heard from "hundreds" of ex-employees who weren't happy with the severance pay on offer. Liss-Riordan said she had filed 100 more demands for arbitration on Monday morning. In total, Liss-Riordan says she has now filed around 300 demands for arbitration relating to Twitter layoffs.


she sued a pizza place then bought it

In 2010, Liss-Riordan sued Upper Crust, a Boston-area pizza chain, for demanding that its Brazilian workers repay sums that their employer was ordered to pay them following an overtime investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor.[43] That case led to the certification of a class action[44] and ultimately the company filed for bankruptcy.[45] Liss-Riordan then purchased the Harvard Square location of Upper Crust at the bankruptcy auction with her husband.[46] They renamed the shop "The Just Crust," which they ran as a worker-friendly pizza shop for several years.[47] Senator Elizabeth Warren attended the grand opening.[48]

do i have to say it

about his pictures

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95e82e No.3677

File: 22f9ebcb3566388⋯.png (847.3 KB,1166x974,583:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115945 (101243ZJAN23) Notable: FBI director, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, as well as Gates Foundation officials to attend WEF Conference

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FBI director, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, as well as Gates Foundation officials to reportedly attend Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum summit in Davos next week.



link to pdf


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95e82e No.3678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18115995 (101302ZJAN23) Notable: Seattle Public Schools Sues TikTok, Facebook, Google, and Snapchat over Youth ‘Mental Health Crisis’

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Seattle Public Schools Sues TikTok, Facebook, Google, and Snapchat over Youth ‘Mental Health Crisis’

Seattle Public Schools is suing China-owned TikTok, Facebook (now known as Meta), Google’s YouTube, and Snapchat, accusing the social media giants of creating a “mental health crisis among America’s Youth.”

The lawsuit claims that tech giants are exploiting the addictive nature of social media, leading to higher anxiety, depression, and thoughts of self-harm amongst young people, according to a report by Engadget.

“Defendants’ growth is a product of choices they made to design and operate their platforms in ways that exploit the psychology and neurophysiology of their users into spending more and more time on their platforms,” reads the lawsuit, filed in a U.S. district court.

“[They] have successfully exploited the vulnerable brains of youth, hooking tens of millions of students across the country into positive feedback loops of excessive use and abuse of Defendants’ social media platforms,” the complaint adds.

Behavior such as self-harm and extreme dieting have resulted from social media usage, the complaint alleges, adding that this has led to a 30 percent increase in students between 2009 and 2019 who say they feel “so sad or hopeless,” to the point where they “stopped doing some usual activities” for “two weeks or more in a row.”

“Defendants’ misconduct has been a substantial factor in causing a youth mental health crisis, which has been marked by higher and higher proportions of youth struggling with anxiety, depression, thoughts of self-harm, and suicidal ideation,” the suit reads.

The complaint goes on to say that “the rates at which children have struggled with mental health issues have climbed steadily since 2010 and by 2018 made suicide the second leading cause of death for youths.”

As a result, these students have been “less likely to attend school, more likely to engage in substance use, and to act out, all of which directly affects Seattle Public Schools’ ability to fulfill its educational mission,” the lawsuit states.

The complaint adds that while Section 230 of the U.S. Communications Decency Act protects social media platforms from being responsible for content posted by third parties, the clause does not protect these companies for recommending, distributing, and promoting content “in a way that causes harm.”

Google, which owns YouTube, responded to the lawsuit, telling Axios, “We have invested heavily in creating safe experiences for children across our platforms and have introduced strong protections and dedicated features to prioritize their wellbeing. For example, through Family Link, we provide parents with the ability to set reminders, limit screen time and block specific types of content on supervised devices.”

A Facebook spokesperson offered a similar response, stating, “We’ve developed more than 30 tools to support teens and families, including supervision tools that let parents limit the amount of time their teens spend on Instagram, and age verification technology that helps teens have age-appropriate experiences.”

The social media giants being sued by the Seattle schools are known for being toxic to young people.

Lawmakers have also urged Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to drop his plans for an “Instagram for Kids” app after internal research by Instagram was released, showing that the platform has had a terrible effect on the mental health of its teenage users, especially girls.

TikTok, an app owned by a hostile foreign country, is also a huge offender. The China-owned app is known for being a danger to youth. Not only does TikTok’s algorithm make it easier for teenagers to go viral and gain internet fame when they post sexualized videos, the app has also gotten kids to participate in trends that are dangerous and even life-threatening.


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95e82e No.3679

File: 25293afef2a7067⋯.png (138.16 KB,294x479,294:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116004 (101306ZJAN23) Notable: WestExec, co-founded by Tony Blinken, had been helping US universities receive Chinese donations without losing US DOD grants.

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Meet the consulting firm that's staffing the Biden administration -

WestExec, co-founded by Tony Blinken, had been helping US universities receive Chinese donations without losing US DOD grants.

At least 15 of its ex consultants r working for Biden admin



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95e82e No.3680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116024 (101317ZJAN23) Notable: Diamond of Diamond & Silk passes away…

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Diamond of Diamond & Silk passes away…


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95e82e No.3681

File: 46f568f7c5a3e1d⋯.png (362.54 KB,818x643,818:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116037 (101320ZJAN23) Notable: Attleboro's acting mayor says photo taken at 2020 rally 'happenstance,' doesn't support QAnon

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Attleboro's acting mayor says photo taken at 2020 rally 'happenstance,' doesn't support QAnon

ATTLEBORO — The city’s acting mayor says a photo of him at a rally in August 2020 that touted the conspiratorial views of QAnon were pure “happenstance” and he does not support the far right group.

“The timing during the campaign is interesting,” Jay DiLisio, president of the city council and a candidate for mayor, said of the fact that the photo has resurfaced now.

The photo, along with two others that show the rally but that he does not appear in, were sent anonymously to The Sun Chronicle.

“I definitely do not support QAnon,” DiLisio said Monday in a phone interview. “It could not be further from the truth. It’s because of the campaign, definitely.”

He added, “It’s a non-story.”

DiLisio did not speculate on who would have released the photos.

Supporters of the online QAnon group, starting in 2020, flooded social media with false information about COVID-19, the Black Lives Matter protests and the presidential election. They also falsely claimed prominent politicians, including Hillary Clinton, were involved in child sex trafficking and child abductions with their home base being a small pizza shop in Washington, D.C. The incident became known as PizzaGate.

Delisio says he came upon a group of people gathered with signs at Capron Park after attending the Attleboro Farmers Market with Republican state senate candidate Matt Kelly of Franklin, who was campaigning in the area that day.

He said he saw people holding signs denouncing human and child sex trafficking and, “I thought that was something people need to be aware of.”

In the caption that appeared on the photo originally posted to his Instagram account, jaydilisiocouncilatlarge, he wrote, “Glad to see people taking action to end the child sex slave trade. It’s scary how widespread this is.” He wrote that he spoke to some of the “activists” and added, “This is a real danger to our children.”

In one of the photos, DiLisio, in a T-shirt and shorts and wearing a surgical mask because of the coronavirus, stands between two men behind signs planted in the ground. One sign reads, “If pedophilia is just sexuality then burying them all is just gardening!!!!” The other says, “Media Silence is DEAFENING.”

Another photo of the same event taken by former Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel — in town to report on the congressional campaign of Jake Auchincloss — shows a scattering of people with signs saying “Support the police” and another shows a woman holding a sign reading “Kids don’t just disappear.” At least one sign, with a drawing of a slice of pizza and the words PizzaGate, was also at the protest.

DiLisio said he’s still not sure that the event was an actual QAnon rally but added he took the photos down after a day or so after people pointed out it looked like it could be.

He said it’s “unfortunate” the photos have resurfaced during the mayoral campaign, adding “I have nothing to hide. I know who I am and what I believe in.”

DiLisio is a candidate to replace Paul Heroux as mayor of Attleboro. Heroux officially left office last week to become sheriff of Bristol County.


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95e82e No.3682

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116068 (101332ZJAN23) Notable: Panic grips Special Forces community amid investigation into drugs, human trafficking

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Panic grips Special Forces community amid investigation into drugs, human trafficking

Panic and fear spread throughout the special operations community at Fort Bragg and Fayetteville, North Carolina as CID and FBI agents investigated members of 3rd Special Forces Group and Delta Force who allegedly were involved in drug and in one instance human trafficking, according to nearly a dozen current and former military sources.

The arrests began Thursday, Jan. 5 and culminated with a 100% recall and accountability formation for 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group yesterday.

It is unknown when the investigation into drug and human trafficking in the Fort Bragg area began, but it is known that the FBI became involved in investigating the deaths of Timothy Dumas and Delta Force operator Billy Lavigne in 2020 when both were found shot to death at a training site on Bragg.

Last week's arrests began with investigators receiving more evidence after an undercover law enforcement officer posing as an underage girl helped arrest a member of 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group back in December. That individual was known to moonlight as a bouncer at a bar in Southern Pines frequented by the Special Forces community, a military source close to the situation explained to Connecting Vets. The Green Beret is alleged to have been pimping underaged girls to the Special Forces community at drug-fueled parties in Southern Pines.

"This is what happens when there is no war, no direction, and an 18-month red cycle with no mission," a Special Forces soldier said. "So dudes are fucking around with young kids and the craziest drugs. All these lives ruined because people are just bored."

Whether the individual rolled on his accomplices or law enforcement ripped the data from his cell phone, it quickly led to the arrest of another Green Beret involved in drug trafficking in 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group.

With the information of additional suspects in hand, CID and military police set up shop at one of the main bottlenecks to entering or exiting Fort Bragg: the Longstreet gate between the post and Southern Pines.

"It was a trail of tears and douche bag cars," said a Special Forces member who witnessed the scene late last week while each soldier stopped for questioning had their vehicle parked along the street.

One of those stopped at the gate was a member of the Army's elite counter-terrorism unit called Delta Force who had recently been picked up by the unit after serving in 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group. The Physician's Assistant at 3rd Special Forces Group was also questioned, according to the source.

The dragnet led to the questioning of 15 service members in total regarding drug related allegations, spread across various special operations commands on Fort Bragg.

The drugs allegedly distributed amongst the special operations community include cocaine, ecstasy, fentanyl, fentanyl lollipops, and the "date rape drug" Rohypnol often known as roofies.

"The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is aware of the allegations of drug involvement from Soldiers assigned to USASOC units on Fort Bragg," USASOC Public Affairs Officer Lt. Col. Mike Burns said in a statement to Connecting Vets.


Mil is the only way

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95e82e No.3683

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116082 (101334ZJAN23) Notable: Missing CDC worker Timothy Cunningham drowned, no sign of foul play, police say

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Then there was the CDC worker who drowned.

No sign of foul play, of course

Missing CDC worker Timothy Cunningham drowned, no sign of foul play, police say

Updated on: April 5, 2018 / 3:10 PM / CBS/AP

ATLANTA &ndash; A body found in the Chattahoochee River has been identified as missing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) employee Timothy Cunningham, authorities announced Thursday. Fulton County Chief medical examiner Jan Gorniak determined Cunningham drowned in the river. She says there were no signs of foul play.

Atlanta fire-rescue department spokesman Sgt. Cortez Stafford said at a news conference Thursday that a fisherman found the body of the 35-year-old on Tuesday and called authorities.

Stafford says the body was partially submerged in water and mud on the west bank of the river. He says the body was found in an area that authorities had already searched in February without finding anything.

Cunningham, who worked as an epidemiologist in the CDC's chronic disease unit, had been missing since Feb. 12 in Georgia. He left work early that day saying he wasn't feeling well, and wasn't seen again.

Police said Cunningham had been disappointed about being passed over for a promotion in February. But the CDC disputed that, saying that Cunningham been promoted to commander effective July 1 "in recognition of his exemplary performance in the U.S. Public Health Service."

According to Cunningham's next-door neighbor, Viviana Tory, Cunningham said something odd to her husband the day he went missing.

"He told my husband to tell his wife me to erase his cellphone number from my cellphone," Tory said.

Cunningham's parents reported him missing on Feb. 16 after they went to his home and found his belongings and vehicle there.

> https://www.cbsnews.com/news/timothy-cunningham-chattahoochee-river-georgia-missing-cdc-worker-body-found/

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95e82e No.3684

File: cea9b38e88a293b⋯.png (601.15 KB,728x709,728:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116094 (101337ZJAN23) Notable: George Santos campaign paid staffer nearly $100k to pretend to be Kevin McCarthy's chief of staff and get money from donors

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George Santos campaign paid staffer nearly $100k to pretend to be Kevin McCarthy's chief of staff and get money from donors

Story by jzitser@businessinsider.com (Joshua Zitser) • 1h ago


A fundraiser for George Santos allegedly posed as Kevin McCarthy's chief of staff, per CNBC.

He is accused of impersonating the House speaker's top aide in calls and emails to wealthy donors.

According to FEC filings, the fundraiser was paid almost $100k by Santos' campaign.

A fundraiser for Rep. George Santos allegedly posed as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's chief of staff in a bid to fundraise money from wealthy donors, according to CNBC.

Sam Miele, who worked for Santos' campaign, is said to have impersonated Dan Meyer, who has served as McCarthy's chief of staff since 2019, in phone calls to donors during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, people familiar with the matter said, per CNBC.

The Washington Times was the first to report the claim of impersonation last month, when it said that the fundraiser allegedly posing as Meyer also used a fake email address to send follow-up emails to donors.

A source, a New York GOP operative who did not disclose their name, told The Washington Times that McCarthy's aides first became aware of the allegations after a GOP donor flagged contact from the supposed McCarthy aide as "unusual" in August 2021.

According to CNBC, Santos' campaign paid Miele almost $50,000 for fundraising during the embattled lawmaker's failed 2020 run for Congress. Miele was also paid over $42,000 during the 2022 cycle, Federal Election Commission data shows, per CNBC.

Meyer, McCarthy's office, and Santos' campaign did not immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment.

Brendan Fischer, a deputy executive director of the watchdog Documented, and Robert Maguire, a research director at the watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, both told CNBC that the actions could be seen as criminal conduct.

"A person who misrepresented themselves as speaking on behalf of a candidate in order to raise money may have committed a criminal violation, and any other person who knowingly and willfully participated in the plan could also face criminal charges," Fischer said in an email, per CNBC.

The allegation comes as Santos, who is under fire for embellishing much of his resume, is increasingly the subject of complaints about campaign finance violations.

Insider reported that End Citizens United, a left-leaning advocacy group, filed complaints on Monday with the Office of Congressional Ethics, the Department of Justice, and the FEC. That same day, American Bridge also filed a complaint with the OCE, arguing that Santos had falsified his financial disclosures.

The non-partisan watchdog Campaign Legal Center (CLC) also filed a complaint with the FEC on Monday, alleging that Santos and his 2022 campaign violated campaign-finance laws by engaging in a "straw donor scheme."

Santos was recently revealed to have fabricated key details about his education, employment, and religious background.

Local, state, federal, and international authorities are now investigating the controversial Republican lawmaker.

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95e82e No.3685

File: 7d99b71c438ee4a⋯.jpg (69.81 KB,1067x305,1067:305,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116106 (101342ZJAN23) Notable: DOJ taps Trump-appointed attorney to investigate classified documents found at Biden think tank

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DOJ taps Trump-appointed attorney to investigate classified documents found at Biden think tank

Attorney General Merrick Garland has tapped a Trump-appointed U.S. attorney to investigate the discovery of classified documents at a pro-Biden think tank Monday.

John Lausch, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, was appointed by former President Donald Trump in November 2017. Lausch will investigate the discovery of a batch of documents found at the offices of the Penn Biden Center, some of which were marked classified, a source with knowledge of the matter told Fox News Digital.

Lawyers for Biden said they immediately notified the National Archives about the documents, dated from Biden's time as vice president, once they were discovered. The group returned the documents to the Archives in November.

"The documents were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by the Archives," Richard Sauber, special counsel to the White House, said in a Monday statement. "Since that discovery, the President's personal attorneys have cooperated with he Archives and the Department of Justice in process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives."


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95e82e No.3686

File: a886bb0eb6fc5d8⋯.png (241.38 KB,1845x1461,615:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116108 (101342ZJAN23) Notable: Pro-Lockdown & Mask Mandate "CoVid Doctors" on Twitter turn out to be fake

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95e82e No.3687

File: 4ee5a4a3251560f⋯.png (439.35 KB,1018x1097,1018:1097,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116112 (101344ZJAN23) Notable: Wisconsin’s Democrat Gov. Tony Evers puts kibosh on flat tax, school choice | Just The News

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Wisconsin’s Democrat Gov. Tony Evers puts kibosh on flat tax, school choice | Just The News

ov. Tony Evers is already taking things off the list of possible compromises at the Wisconsin Capitol.

The governor told WISN TV on UPFRONT that he will not sign a flat tax or universal school choice plan if Republicans send him one.

"A flat tax, if that's part of the budget, that could end it. If it’s universal school choice across the state for education, that could be a killer too. But we'll see. I don’t think any of those things are going to happen, so I’m planning on signing a good budget."

Evers says he assumes that he and Republican leaders can “reach conclusions.”

"I'll consider anything except for a flat tax that essentially provides tax relief to people that frankly don’t need tax relief," Evers said. "If there's some other tweaks that can happen to get a deal, we can take a look at that."

The governor said during his inauguration speech that he wants more money for local governments, more money for Wisconsin’s public schools, and more access to abortion. Evers has said he also wants to legalize marijuana.

Republican leaders seem open to some compromise.

The Senate Majority Leader last week opened the door to more money for local governments, and there is growing support among Republicans for a medical marijuana program. Some Republicans have also suggested a new abortion law that allows for exemptions in cases of rape or incest.

Evers seemed open to compromising on medical pot, saying on UPFRONT that it all comes down to who can get a medical pot prescription.

"I don't know as it relates to how restrictive it would be," Evers said. "It seems to me it should be pretty straightforward, so we’ll see what it looks like. But I'm confident they will come up with a law, a bill that I can sign."

The governor has long been an opponent of school choice, and has said in the past that he doesn’t want to see any new laws that take money away from traditional public schools.

It remains to be seen just how much cooperation and compromise there will be about Wisconsin’s state budget.

The governor is due to deliver his plan in February. Lawmakers on the powerful Joint Finance Committee will then start their work of crafting a new two-year state spending plan after that.


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95e82e No.3688

File: 2fea8c6978a3b0d⋯.png (269.5 KB,670x966,335:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 96d4bb170b2cfcf⋯.png (417.78 KB,406x911,406:911,Clipboard.png)

File: c5dd80dcf40e6fd⋯.png (400.96 KB,691x949,691:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116113 (101344ZJAN23) Notable: Pro-Lockdown & Mask Mandate "CoVid Doctors" on Twitter turn out to be fake

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These Doctors Pushed Masking, Covid Lockdowns on Twitter. Turns Out, They Don’t Exist

Written by Matthew KupferPublished Dec. 13, 2022 • 2:23pm

Last month, Dr. Robert Honeyman lost their sister to Covid. They wrote about it on Twitter and received dozens of condolences, over 4,000 retweets and 43,000 likes.

Exactly one month later, on Dec. 12, Honeyman wrote that another tragedy had befallen their family.

“Sad to announce that my husband has entered a coma after being in hospital with Covid. The doctor is unsure if he will come out,” they tweeted. “This year has been the toughest of my life losing my sister to this virus. This is the first time in my life I don’t see light at the end of the tunnel.”

Again, the condolences and well-wishes rolled in. But there was a problem: Honeyman wasn’t real. 

The transgender “Doctor of Sociology and Feminist studies” with a “keen interest in poetry” who used they/them pronouns was, in fact, a stock photo described on DepositPhotos, a royalty-free image site, as “Smiling happy, handsome latino man outside—headshot portrait.”

Their supposedly comatose husband, Dr. Patrick C. Honeyman, was also fake. His Twitter photo had been stolen from an insurance professional in Wayne, Indiana.

The two fake doctors, whose accounts urged extreme caution about Covid-19, were part of a network of at least four fake accounts that touted their ties to the LGBTQ+ community, vocally advocated for mask-wearing and social distancing, and dished out criticism to those they felt were not taking the pandemic seriously.

The Honeymans could not be reached for comment, as they do not exist. At publication time, Robert Honeyman’s account was no longer active. 

The fake doctors were uncovered by Joshua Gutterman Tranen, a self-described “gay writer” pursuing a master’s of fine arts at Bennington College. He saw Robert Honeyman’s tweet about their husband being in a coma, noticed people he followed also followed them, and thought that they might be part of the LGBTQ+ academic community.

But after 10 minutes of googling, Gutterman Tranen concluded that Robert Honeyman’s photo was a stock image and their biography stretched boundaries of believability: an academic who left no traces on academic websites and had lost two family members to Covid in late 2022, despite masking and distancing.

The character looked like “liberal Mad Libs,” Gutterman Tranen said. 

“I’m a self-identified leftist, and I understand that people have a lot of different identities, but it felt concocted in the lab about how many identities and horrible experiences can we put on one person,” he said.




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95e82e No.3689

File: 922de4fb0846d9a⋯.jpg (114.46 KB,650x469,650:469,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116127 (101348ZJAN23) Notable: New gas stoves face being banned or regulated as consumer safety commissioner backtracks on threat to outlaw them all

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New gas stoves face being banned or regulated as consumer safety commissioner backtracks on threat to outlaw them all - remains under pressure from Democrats to take action


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95e82e No.3690

File: caf6fe87fd5de3b⋯.png (677.95 KB,674x3110,337:1555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116131 (101350ZJAN23) Notable: Pro-Lockdown & Mask Mandate "CoVid Doctors" on Twitter turn out to be fake

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BUSTED: Those ‘ER doctors’ on Twitter who claimed hordes of patients were dying from COVID every day were FAKE

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95e82e No.3691

File: 26e06553299175e⋯.png (216.69 KB,768x475,768:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116132 (101351ZJAN23) Notable: Christian Walker calls out influential Republican for allegedly groping his dad's male staffer

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Christian Walker calls out influential Republican for allegedly groping his dad's male staffer

Opinion by LGBTQNation • Yesterday 4:01 PM

Christian Walker, the gay son of failed GOP Senate candidate and retired NFL player Herschel Walker, has called on influential Republican Matt Schlapp to resign as the lead organizer for the far-right Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) after Schlapp’s alleged sexual misconduct with a male staffer who worked for Herschel Walker’s campaign.

In a video rant posted to Twitter, Christian Walker said, “Matt Schlapp — head of CPAC, big ‘family values’ conservative guy, married to a woman, they have five children together — Took one of my dad’s campaign staffers out for drinks … and when the staffer was dropping Matt off at his hotel, Matt reached over, inappropriately grabbed the staffer, but here’s the kicker: The staffer is a man married to a woman… and then, when they get to the hotel, Matt Schlapp invites the staffer up to his hotel room.”

Walker notes that the staffer reported Schlapp’s alleged behavior to other officials in Herschel Walker’s campaign.

“Matt pulls a typical predator move,” Walker continues. “Texts the guy back when the guy is not answering his calls. He texts him, ‘If you can find it in your heart to, give me a call,’ because Matt knows he’s been caught now. So when he’s on campaign trips away from his wife and children, he’s trying to hook up with men??!”

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95e82e No.3692

File: a707ebdd8beb2ef⋯.png (450.07 KB,796x415,796:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116138 (101352ZJAN23) Notable: A 'QAnon' influencer who has accused prominent Democrats of pedophilia was himself convicted of pedophilia

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This QAnon Influencer Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles. He Hides His Own Conviction With an Alias

A second-tier QAnon influencer who has baselessly accused high-ranking Democrats of being pedophiles is himself a convicted sex offender, a Right Wing Watch investigation found.

David Todeschini, under the alias of David Trent, operates the Net4Truth BitChute channel with some 21,000 followers, a GoFundMe page for “Christian Ministry and Veteran’s advocacy” featuring QAnon rhetoric, and number of social media pages. Todeschini was also the owner of a YouTube channel that had thousands of followers until that platform purged channels espousing the dangerous QAnon conspiracy theory following the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory that posits that a “deep state” made up of high-ranking Democrats, business leaders, and Hollywood figures are operating a satanic child-sex trafficking cult and that former President Donald Trump has been working to bring down the cult. The conspiracy theory has become a movement whose followers are among Trump’s most ardent supporters. Like many other QAnon followers, Todeschini was among those who attended the rally prior to the insurrection on Jan. 6 to keep Trump in office, though it’s unclear whether he was among the cohort that breached the U.S. Capitol.

In his videos, Todeschini calls for Democratic politicians in D.C. to be “taken out at gunpoint,” alleges children are being trafficked, and claims Hillary Clinton, Bill Barr, and others have been convicted of treason and sentenced to hang. The introduction for his videos displays QAnon slogans and the symbol of the Three Percenters, a paramilitary extremist group.

In one video dated Sept. 9, Todeschini railed against a report that President Joe Biden would require federal government employees to be vaccinated, stating, “Why this country hasn’t risen up and hung these bastards by now is beyond me.” He added, “These treasonous rat bastards need to be taken out of Washington, D.C. I say get all the children out and nuke it for [inaudible].” The title of that video accused Biden of being a “Cho-mo”—prison slang for a pedophile.

In another video dated Aug. 14, Todeschini and fellow conspiracy theorist “Stoney Stone” interviewed “mini” Mike Lindell—a 13-year-old whose hero appears to be election conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell—complimenting him for being “well spoken” and for his passion for politics.

But the 70-year-old Todeschini is a convicted sex offender—a level three threat, according to New York sex offender registry, meaning that he is at “high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists.” That registry categorizes him as a “sexually violent offender.” Todeschini was convicted in 1999 of coercing an 8-year-old boy into sexual acts three years earlier.

RWW was tipped off to Todeschini’s record via Gabe Hoffman, owner and producer of the documentary “An Open Secret.”

Todeschini can easily be identified as his alias with a quick visual comparison of “David Trent” on the “Inglorious Patriots” BitChute program to Todeschini’s 2019 mugshot from the New York sex offender registry and his 2020 mugshot from the North Carolina sex offender registry. Todeschini’s alias is hardly hidden—RWW was able to cross-reference multiple social media accounts to determine they are operated by the same person. Numerous aspects of Todeschini’s LinkedIn page match his Facebook page, which he operates under the Trent alias, including claiming to have worked for IBM and served in the U.S. Air Force, his love for his Jeep Wrangler, and having studied at RCA Institutes. His LinkedIn page also advertises his Net4Truth website. The ’97 Jeep Wrangler description on his LinkedIn page matches the vehicle description provided on the New York sex offender registry, and his BitChute channel also advertises his Facebook page. On numerous social media pages, he touts being a Vietnam war veteran.

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95e82e No.3693

File: 304623ddb9027ac⋯.png (714.98 KB,993x1052,993:1052,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116157 (101357ZJAN23) Notable: ALERT - China warns Australia: ‘Be careful’ of Japan

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ALERT - China warns Australia: ‘Be careful’ of Japan

January 10, 2023 5:12 am

China on Tuesday said Australia should remember Japan’s war crimes during World War II before cosying up to the regional power.

Australia’s centre-left government has been trying to repair its relationship with China, which soured considerably under the former conservative government.

But it has also recently signed a new security pact with China’s regional rival Japan, seen as an attempt to limit Beijing’s muscle in the Pacific region.

China’s ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian said Canberra should be cautious about trusting Japan, given its attacks on Australia during World War II.

“During the Second World War Japan invaded Australia, bombed Darwin, killed Australians and shot Australian (prisoners of war),” he told reporters.

“Be careful about what might happen in the future. When someone threatens you, he might threaten you again.

“China has been your friend.”

Xiao had bristled when asked about Japan’s ambassador to Australia, who told The Australian newspaper that there was a need to remain “vigilant” of China.

China slapped tariffs on key Australian exports such as barley and wine at the height of the dispute in 2020, and unofficially halted imports of Australian coal.

At one point Chinese government ministers even refused to take calls from their Australian counterparts.

Australia’s former government angered China by repeatedly questioning its human rights record, and by pushing for an independent investigation into the origins of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Xiao acknowledged that trade had been “disrupted” in recent years, but said he was hopeful it would “get back to normal”.

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95e82e No.3694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116161 (101401ZJAN23) Notable: Satanic child abuse ring shut victims in oven, forced them to kill animals and filmed themselves gang raping them, court hears

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Satanic child abuse ring shut victims in oven, forced them to kill animals and filmed themselves gang raping them, court hears

A total of 11 people have been accused of being members of a paedophile ring

The group is alleged to have abused children in Glasgow over course of 10 years

It is claimed members of the group raped and abused three young children

Glasgow High Court heard the children were forced to take part in witchcraft too

A satanic child abuse ring tortured children by putting them in an oven, forcing them to kill animals and gang raping them, a court has heard.

Seven men and four women are accused of abusing three young children over the course of 10 years in Glasgow which saw them attempt to 'call on spirits and demons'.

Two girls - one of whom was allegedly shut in a microwave, fridge, oven and freezer in an attempted to kill her - and one boy were forced to kill animals as well as being sexually abused by the group, it is claimed.

Members of the group have been charged with 43 offences with among the most serious being attempted murder and rape of young children.

Four other people alleged to have been involved in the ring - Maureen Goudie, Steven McHendrie, Robert Brown, James McLean and Douglas Gachagan - have since died, according to court papers.

The High Court in Glasgow was told on Friday that the offences took place between January 2010 and March 2020 at a number of addresses in the city.

The group are alleged to have run a wheelchair over the legs of one of the girls, as well as putting a plastic bag over her head.

It's claimed she was made to eat cat food, as well as take drugs and alcohol, with the other girl also made to eat pet food.

The second girl was allegedly chased by an adult wearing a devil mask and hung by her jumper from a nail on the wall.

This culminated with her being pushed into and trapped inside a microwave, an oven, a fridge freezer and various cupboards, the court heard.

It is claimed one of the girls was threatened with being sent to Turkey with a male stranger, while the boy was put in a bath which they said was filled with blood.

The boy and older girl are alleged to have been made to take part in 'seances (and) use a Ouija board…to call on spirits and demons'.

The children were also involved in 'witchcraft' leading them to believe that they themselves had 'metamorphosed into animals'.

The 11 are further said to have worn cloaks and devil horns as well making the young boy stab a budgie to death.

The group are also accused of killing a number of dogs including getting the children to attack the animals.

It is claimed that all three children were raped and sexually assaulted by members of the ring, with some cheering and clapping while recording the offences.

Prosecutors allege that some members of the group paid for 'sexual services' from three of the children.

The court heard that when the older girl called the police she was threatened by members of the group and had her call disconnected.

It is also said attempts were made to 'pressurise' two of the youngsters around the time of police interviews.

Judge Lord Beckett estimated the full trial could take up to seven weeks, with several of the defence lawyers agreeing this was 'realistic'.

The judge told the court: 'There are so many people in the case there could be an unusual level of disruption.'

Advocate depute Kath Harper estimated the Crown case alone would last up to three weeks.

At Friday's hearing - where none of the accused were present - several defence lawyers raised concerns over a video posted on social media in relation to the trial hours before the case was called.

Gary Allan KC described the content as 'accusatory' and having 'derogatory terms' directed towards the accused, and said it was 'potentially prejudicial'.

Brian McConnachie KC told the court: 'We need to speak to this person and tell them to stop what they are doing… There will be some future video uploaded.'

Lord Beckett responded to the lawyers' concerns, saying: 'The Crown has the resources to tackle this and I would encourage the Crown to do so.'

The case was continued to the full trial hearing in September.

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95e82e No.3695

File: 1f636e242635716⋯.png (647 KB,606x882,101:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f42b888e9c8fbb⋯.png (722.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116177 (101406ZJAN23) Notable: Iran's Intelligence Ministry claimed Tuesday that Iranian authorities have arrested six teams working for the #Mossad in the country.

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The Jerusalem Post


Iran's Intelligence Ministry claimed Tuesday that Iranian authorities have arrested six teams working for the #Mossad in the country.



Ordo ab Chao

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95e82e No.3696

File: 2f2b0984f642305⋯.png (240.29 KB,987x1275,329:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ff16917ae123a4⋯.png (50.69 KB,724x600,181:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116186 (101409ZJAN23) Notable: NEW - Excess deaths above the 5-year average at over 20% in England and Wales for the last week of 2022.

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NEW - Excess deaths above the 5-year average at over 20% in England and Wales for the last week of 2022.

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95e82e No.3697

File: e76ebba756cbe34⋯.jpg (114.46 KB,821x214,821:214,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116210 (101420ZJAN23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy Moves to Remove Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and Ilhan Omar from Congressional Committees

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Speaker McCarthy Moves to Remove Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and Ilhan Omar from Congressional Committees


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95e82e No.3698

File: f88e9bd14bf5b38⋯.png (1.33 MB,736x1070,368:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116223 (101424ZJAN23) Notable: #22208

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>>>/qresearch/18115456 - Dough




>>3647 Under certain conditions, Georgia law allows Judges to overrule a unanimous jury verdict

>>3648 US Farmers win the right to repair John Deere equipment

>>3649 Tennessee cops, including married female officer, fired after repeated wild sex romps

>>3650, >>3652 Pelosi calls the defunding of 87k new IRS agents "Shameful but not surprising"

>>3651 Rep. Dan Crenshaw denied the chairmanship of the chamber’s Homeland Security Committee

>>3653 How Pfizer Board Member Used Twitter Lobbyist at White House to Suppress Debate on Covid Vaccines

>>3654 Pfizer Gives $1 Million to Kentucky GOP to Expand Headquarters – The “Mitch McConnell Building”

>>3655 Interest in CPR training spikes after Damar Hamlin on-field cardiac arrest

>>3656, >>3657, >>3658, >>3659 Anon nom - Disinfo is real and necessary

>>3660, >>3661, >>3663 Channel 7 report: Melbourne’s fluctuating temperatures causing “Gene Changes” / illnesses

>>3662 Loy Brunson Supreme Court Case: Discussing the Petition Denied ruling and next steps

>>3664 Potato confuses Salvation Army for Secret Service

>>3665, >>3666 WHO playbook aka Vaccine Crisis Communication Manual

>>3667, >>3669 Salvation Army in Ukraine - World Food Bank/UN connection?

>>3668 Honeypot Job Fair @ WEF - 18-26 year old Blondes

>>3670, >>3671, >>3673 COVID-19 Vax and Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis, Multiple Sclerosis correlation

>>3672 Reminders (2018, 2020) Texas man arrested with weapons was working for a government agency dealing with a virus, Researcher shot to death

Baker Change

>>3674, >>3692 A 'QAnon' influencer who has accused prominent Democrats of pedophilia was himself convicted of pedophilia

>>3676 A lawyer representing hundreds of laid-off Twitter staff accuses Elon Musk of trying to 'fleece' workers over severance pay

>>3677 FBI director, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, as well as Gates Foundation officials to attend WEF Conference

>>3675 Clockwork

>>3678 Seattle Public Schools Sues TikTok, Facebook, Google, and Snapchat over Youth ‘Mental Health Crisis’

>>3679 WestExec, co-founded by Tony Blinken, had been helping US universities receive Chinese donations without losing US DOD grants.

>>3680 Diamond of Diamond & Silk passes away…

>>3681 Attleboro's acting mayor says photo taken at 2020 rally 'happenstance,' doesn't support QAnon

>>3682 Panic grips Special Forces community amid investigation into drugs, human trafficking

>>3683 Missing CDC worker Timothy Cunningham drowned, no sign of foul play, police say

>>3684 George Santos campaign paid staffer nearly $100k to pretend to be Kevin McCarthy's chief of staff and get money from donors

>>3685 DOJ taps Trump-appointed attorney to investigate classified documents found at Biden think tank

>>3686, >>3688, >>3690 Pro-Lockdown & Mask Mandate "CoVid Doctors" on Twitter turn out to be fake

>>3687 Wisconsin’s Democrat Gov. Tony Evers puts kibosh on flat tax, school choice | Just The News

>>3689 New gas stoves face being banned or regulated as consumer safety commissioner backtracks on threat to outlaw them all

>>3691 Christian Walker calls out influential Republican for allegedly groping his dad's male staffer

>>3693 ALERT - China warns Australia: ‘Be careful’ of Japan

>>3694 Satanic child abuse ring shut victims in oven, forced them to kill animals and filmed themselves gang raping them, court hears

>>3695 Iran's Intelligence Ministry claimed Tuesday that Iranian authorities have arrested six teams working for the #Mossad in the country.

>>3696 NEW - Excess deaths above the 5-year average at over 20% in England and Wales for the last week of 2022.

>>3697 Speaker McCarthy Moves to Remove Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and Ilhan Omar from Congressional Committees



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95e82e No.3699

File: 7b90c77fe549bdb⋯.png (259.8 KB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116240 (101429ZJAN23) Notable: DOUGH

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Baker is tappin'

New Baker / Notetaker, please stand up

New Baker / Notetaker, please stand up

New Baker / Notetaker, please stand up

New Baker / Notetaker, please stand up

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95e82e No.3700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116266 (101438ZJAN23) Notable: Multiple women sue Christian organization for alleged abuse, coverup: 'A source of anxiety and depression'

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>the ones you're supposed to trust the most

Multiple women sue Christian organization for alleged abuse, coverup: 'A source of anxiety and depression'


'Rigid demands' from the church were allegedly 'a source of anxiety and depression for many members'

Five women in California have filed a lawsuit alleging that a nondenominational Christian organization covered up instances of child sexual abuse and exerted financial pressure on members to the extent that some took their own lives.

The lawsuit filed late last month names the five plaintiffs as sisters Darleen Diaz, 33, and Bernice Perez, 31. Ashley Ruiz, 31, Salud Gonzelez, 30, and Elena Peltola, 23, are also named.

The women allege that the International Churches of Christ (ICOC) and affiliated organizations — which include Hope Worldwide, Mercy Worldwide, the International Christian Church and the City of Angels International Christian Church — "indoctrinated" them and isolated them while exploiting them sexually and manipulating them through a strict belief system, according to Rolling Stone.

The lawsuit also names leaders Kip McKean, the founder of the church, and the estate of the late Charles "Chuck" Lucas as defendants. The women allege that church leaders established a system of exploitation that extracts whatever it can from members.

The lawsuit further claims that church members were pressured to fund special mission trips twice per year and tithe 10% of their income to the church to the point that some were driven to depression and suicide.

"If the tithing budget was not satisfied, leaders or 'disciplers' were forced to contribute the financial shortfall themselves, or members were required to locate the offending member who failed to tithe and sit on their porch until they arrived home in an attempt to obtain their tithe funds before Sunday evening was over," according to the lawsuit.

"The pressure to comply with the church's rigid demands was a source of anxiety and depression for many members," according to the suit. "So much so that several ex-members committed suicide."


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95e82e No.3701

File: 46d7f8b7e2bcbb5⋯.jpg (114.46 KB,717x759,239:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116270 (101439ZJAN23) Notable: Powell: Fed needs independence to fight inflation, should avoid climate policy

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Powell: Fed needs independence to fight inflation, should avoid climate policy

STOCKHOLM, Jan 10 (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's independence from political influence is central to its ability to battle inflation, but requires it stay out of issues like climate change that are beyond its congressionally-established mandate, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said on Tuesday.

"Restoring price stability when inflation is high can require measures that are not popular in the short term as we raise interest rates to slow the economy. The absence of direct political control over our decisions allows us to take these necessary measures without considering short-term political factors," Powell said in prepared remarks to a forum on central bank independence sponsored by the Swedish central bank.


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95e82e No.3702

File: e96971d215149b5⋯.jpg (114.46 KB,947x136,947:136,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116281 (101441ZJAN23) Notable: Callers keep flooding 988 mental health, suicide helpline

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Callers keep flooding 988 mental health, suicide helpline


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95e82e No.3703

File: 21183735515fb18⋯.png (585.84 KB,977x1065,977:1065,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116295 (101444ZJAN23) Notable: In wargame exercise, China fails to take Taiwan: US think tank

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ALERT - In wargame exercise, China fails to take Taiwan: US think tank

January 10, 2023 5:41 am

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would likely fail if the United States helps defend the island — but at a debilitating cost to the American military itself, according to a US think tank Monday.

Military experts brought together by the Center for Strategic and International Studies to wargame the conflict said every likely direct participant in a war — the United States, China, Taiwan and Japan — would experience “enormous” losses.

Chinese missiles would likely destroy US air bases in Japan and as far as Guam, and sink two US aircraft carriers and between 10 and 20 destroyers and cruisers as the invasion opened.

But the Chinese invading force itself would be heavily destroyed before it ever occupied any significant part of Taiwan.

Ultimately it would be prevented from its goal of capturing the island’s capital Taipei, according to most scenarios tested.

That, as well as damage incurred on mainland targets from Taiwanese counterattacks, could destabilize Chinese Communist Party rule, the report says.

“We reached two conclusions,” said Eric Heginbotham, a security expert at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“First, under most circumstances, China is unlikely to succeed in its operational objectives, or to occupy Taipei,” he said.

“Second, the cost of war would be high for all involved, certainly to include the United States.”

The wargaming tested 24 different scenarios focused on China attempting to seize the island by invasion in 2026.

Crucial was the United States: without America’s help, Taiwan would be conquered by the People’s Liberation Army in three months or less.

The wargame assumed the invasion would begin with an opening bombardment by China that destroys most of Taiwan’s navy and air force in a few hours.

The Chinese navy would encircle Taiwan and begin ferrying a landing force of thousands of PLA soldiers and their equipment across the Taiwan Strait.

In what the wargamers called the most likely scenario, Taiwan’s army would bog the invaders down on the coast.

“Meanwhile US submarines, bombers, and fighter/attack aircraft, often reinforced by Japan Self-Defense Forces, rapidly cripple the Chinese amphibious fleet,” the report said.

“China’s strikes on Japanese bases and US surface ships cannot change the result: Taiwan remains autonomous,” it said.

Pyrrhic victory?

Matthew Cancian of the US Naval War College said there were crucial variables on which that success depends.

First, he said, Taiwan itself must be determined to fight back.

Secondly, Japan must give its permission for the United States to launch counterattacks from its bases on Japanese territory.

Without that, Cancian said, “then the US intervention would not be enough to continue Taiwan’s autonomy.”

In such cases the human losses would be high, some 10,000 in the first weeks of the war.

The wargame raised important unknowns, such as whether the United States would risk nuclear war by attacking China directly.

Secondly, it asked if the US and Japanese public would be prepared to accept the losses that came with defending Taiwan.

It said US losses could damage Washington‘s ability to project global power for a very long time.

“The United States might win a pyrrhic victory, suffering more in the long run than the ‘defeated’ Chinese,” the report said.

The report said both Taiwan and the US military need to build up forces, focusing on the most survivable and effective weapons, to create more deterrence to a Chinese invasion.

“Despite rhetoric about adopting a ‘porcupine strategy,’ Taiwan still spends most of its defense budget on expensive ships and aircraft that China will quickly destroy,” it said.

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95e82e No.3704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116322 (101449ZJAN23) Notable: DOD Aims to Shield Warfighters From Novel Biological Agents

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DOD Aims to Shield Warfighters From Novel Biological Agents

Jan. 10, 2023

The Department of Defense is modernizing its approach for developing medical countermeasures to protect warfighters from novel biological agents.

This is made clear in a new document, "Approach for Research, Development and Acquisition of Medical Countermeasures and Test Products," which was recently published by the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Chemical and Biological Defense. This office oversees the Department of Defense's Chemical and Biological Defense Program. The CBDP's mission is to anticipate future threats and deliver capabilities that enable the Joint Force to fight and win in CB-contested environments.


Chemical and Biological Defense Program

Approach for Research, Development,

and Acquisition of Medical

Countermeasure and Test Products




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95e82e No.3705

File: 09951703d4cb19f⋯.png (292.57 KB,775x415,155:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 016f34eced38bc4⋯.png (481.74 KB,527x415,527:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 07e2cfe5adfcf36⋯.png (667.77 KB,529x541,529:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116365 (101501ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Housekeeping

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18116126 lb >repost

Planefag Housekeeping:JASDF JF001 and 002 777s departed Paris and arrived at Rome-Fiumicino Int'l Airport about 3 hours ago

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida visits Rome


Macron plans to complete restoration of Notre Dame in 2024

The Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral will be opened after restoration in 2024, said French President Emmanuel Macron, who visited the cathedral with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.


>>>/qresearch/18116259 pb "bring it forward"


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95e82e No.3706

File: f3dcb3be9cf16c4⋯.png (1.71 MB,960x1441,960:1441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116373 (101503ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Jan 10 2023

NGC 2264: The Cone Nebula

Stars are forming in the gigantic dust pillar called the Cone Nebula. Cones, pillars, and majestic flowing shapes abound in stellar nurseries where clouds of gas and dust are sculpted by energetic winds from newborn stars. The Cone Nebula, a well-known example, lies within the bright galactic star-forming region NGC 2264. The featured image of the Cone was captured recently combining 24-hours of exposure with a half-meter telescope at the El Sauce Observatory in Chile. Located about 2,500 light-years away toward the constellation of the Unicorn (Monoceros), the Cone Nebula's conical pillar extends about 7 light-years. The massive star NGC 2264 IRS, is the likely source of the wind sculpting the Cone Nebula and lies off the top of the image. The Cone Nebula's reddish veil is produced by glowing hydrogen gas.


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95e82e No.3707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116377 (101505ZJAN23) Notable: The House will consider legislation to establish new select committees on U.S. competition with China

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U.S. House of Representatives

Morning Hour

The House will consider legislation to establish new select committees on U.S. competition with China and oversight of investigations conducted by the federal government.


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95e82e No.3708

File: 133daccf0a1ccb7⋯.jpg (26.72 KB,595x206,595:206,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116387 (101507ZJAN23) Notable: World Bank warns "new shocks" could tip the global economy into a recession, slashing growth forecasts for most countries.

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- World Bank warns "new shocks" could tip the global economy into a recession, slashing growth forecasts for most countries.


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95e82e No.3709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116439 (101524ZJAN23) Notable: Ana Montes: Top spy freed in US after more than 20 years

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Ana Montes: Top spy freed in US after more than 20 years

Ana Montes - among the best-known Cold War spies caught by the US - has been released from prison after more than 20 years in custody.

The 65-year-old spent almost two decades spying for Cuba while employed as an analyst at the Defence Intelligence Agency.

After her arrest in 2001, officials said she had almost entirely exposed US intelligence operations on the island.

One official said she was among "the most damaging spies" caught by the US.

Michelle Van Cleave, who was head of counter-intelligence under President George W Bush, told Congress in 2012 that Montes had "compromised everything - virtually everything - that we knew about Cuba and how we operated in Cuba".

"So the Cubans were well aware of everything that we knew about them and could use that to their advantage. In addition, she was able to influence estimates about Cuba in her conversations with colleagues and she also found an opportunity to provide information that she acquired to other powers."

After her arrest, Montes was accused of supplying the identities of four US spies and oceans of classified material. She was handed a 25-year prison sentence, with the sentencing judge accusing her of putting the "nation as a whole" at risk.

However, unlike other high-profile spies caught during the cold war, Montes was motivated by ideology, not personal gain. She agreed to work for Cuban intelligence in part based on her opposition to the Reagan Administration's activities in Latin America.

In particular, a report from the defence department's inspector general found, she is believed to have been angered by US support for the Nicaragua Contras - a right-wing rebel group suspected of committing war crimes and other atrocities in the country.

She was initially approached by a fellow student at Johns Hopkins University in 1984 after expressing outrage at US actions in Nicaragua. She was later introduced to a Cuban intelligence agent and at a dinner in New York City she "unhesitatingly agreed to work through the Cubans to 'help' Nicaragua", the inspector general's report said.

After travelling to Havana the following year for training, she joined the Defence Intelligence Agency, where she would eventually become the organisation's senior analyst on the island's communist government.

For almost two decades she met with Cuban handlers every few weeks at Washington DC restaurants and sent coded messages containing top secret information to them via pager. She received her orders by transmissions sent over short-wave radio.

She was finally detained in September 2001 after US intelligence officials received a tip that a government employee seemed to be spying for Cuba. One of the FBI agents who arrested her said she had appeared stoic upon her arrest.

Montes will remain under supervision for five years after her release and will have her internet usage monitored. She will also be banned from working for the government or contacting foreign agents without permission.

But Pete Lapp, one of the FBI agents who arrested Montes, told CBS News that he thought it was unlikely that she would try to re-establish contact with Cuban agents.

"That part of her life is over," Mr Lapp said. "She's done what she's done for them. I can't imagine her risking her liberty."

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95e82e No.3710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116447 (101525ZJAN23) Notable: Brazil: Up to 1700 Patriots Held in Lula’s Concentration Camp, 2 Allegedly Dead

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Brazil: Up to 1700 Patriots Held in Lula’s Concentration Camp, 2 Allegedly Dead

Up to 1700 peaceful Brasilian protestors have been taken to a gym and held without charges or lawyers, without toilets, food or water for over 16 hours, including children and old folks. Two people are reported dead.

“They put two thousand people in a warehouse without food or water, ignoring the presumption of innocence or due process. The prisoners have no access to their lawyers. The result is two people dead so far,” writes Rio Deputy Douglas Gomes.

moar & videoclips


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95e82e No.3711

File: b3df3a18199a2ad⋯.png (138.76 KB,655x514,655:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116463 (101529ZJAN23) Notable: RINO Senator Sasse Officially Resigns

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RINO Senator Sasse Officially Resigns — Here’s The Favorite To Replace Him

By ProTrumpNews Staff

Published January 10, 2023 at 9:15am


RINO Senator Ben Sasse is becoming the next president of the University of Florida.

Due to this, he is resigning from the Senate – his replacement will be named by Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen.

UPI reported:

Nebraska Republican Ben Sasse formally resigned from the U.S. Senate over the weekend to take a job as the next president of the University of Florida.

TRENDING: HORRIBLE NEWS: President Trump Reveals Lynette Hardaway of 'Diamond and Silk' Has Died

Sasse departs Capitol Hill two years into his second term after sealing the deal on his new job back in November when the University of Florida Board of Trustees voted unanimously to appoint him president of the school.

Newly-elected Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen will name someone to fill Sasse’s Senate seat for a two-year term before a special election in 2024 to determine the senator for the next six years.

Sasse leaves Congress amid deep divisions in the Republican Party over continued loyalty to former President Donald Trump and whether he should be nominated to lead the GOP in the 2024 election.

One of the favorites to replace Sasse is former Republican Governor Pete Ricketts.

Ricketts said, “for me, it came down to a single question: How can I best serve the people of Nebraska and advance our conservative values? In Congress, we’re in a fight for the future of our nation, and it’s a fight we have to win.”

NBC News reported previously:

…Nebraska Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts will seek the appointment to replace Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, who is resigning early next month.

The governor made his interest in the seat official in a statement Tuesday, where he said he would send an application to incoming GOP Gov. Jim Pillen (who Ricketts endorsed to replace him) as part of the appointment process.

“For me, it came down to a single question: How can I best serve the people of Nebraska and advance our conservative values? In Congress, we’re in a fight for the future of our nation, and it’s a fight we have to win,” he said.

“I want to continue delivering results for our state, fighting to reduce taxes, grow our economy, defend our liberties and run government more like a business. I’ll never stop working to get the job done, and thats why I’m asking for Governor-elect Pillen’s consideration.”

Whoever is chosen will serve until 2024.

Republicans need a strong conservative in Nebraska.


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95e82e No.3712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116465 (101530ZJAN23) Notable: Belated revelation classified documents found in private Biden office turns legal, political tables

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Belated revelation classified documents found in private Biden office turns legal, political tables

Office where documents found was part of a think tank at Ivy League university that got significant Chinese funding.

By John Solomon

When Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Nov. 18 that he had named a special prosecutor to investigate former President Donald Trump's handling of classified documents found at the Mar-a-Lago compound, the government harbored a fresh secret: The current president, Joe Biden, had a similar problem.

Just two weeks earlier, Biden's lawyers disclosed to government lawyers on Nov. 2 — just six days before the midterm elections — that they had found sensitive government documents with classified markings inside an office that Biden used at the Penn Biden Center think tank in Washington after he left office as Barack Obama's vice president.

The public was kept in the dark about the startling discovery until Monday, when the White House confirmed it was cooperating with an investigation launched by the Justice Department at the request of the same National Archives that has tussled with Trump over the last year.

The belated disclosure turned the political tables on Biden, who sharply criticized Trump for his document debacle last fall, while also raising troubling new questions that will be need to be answered by a U.S. Attorney in Illinois and Congress.

Those questions include:

Are there any other documents missing from Biden's government document collection from his time as vice president?

Are there any other locations — insecure or secure — where Biden might have kept sensitive government secrets?

Did the government delay notifying the public for political or other purposes, such as sparing Biden from criticism or to keep voters in the dark before Election Day?

Did any foreign powers have access to the office space where the documents were found?



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95e82e No.3713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116473 (101531ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Charles BlowHard, of The Failing New York Times, is one of the dumbest of political “columnists

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Just Moar bitching and whining. Blah blah blah blah

Donald J. Trump


Charles BlowHard, of The Failing New York Times, is one of the dumbest of political “columnists,” hoping against hope that by a very unsophisticated use of political disinformation, his wildest dreams will come to pass. I believe BlowHard is a racist in reverse, who says whatever happens to come to his dull mind, as long as it is negative to “Trump.” Morons like this are bad for our Country. I was 233 wins out of 256 Races, and this dope says I did poorly in the Midterms, etc. Fake News!

Jan 09, 2023, 11:43 PM


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95e82e No.3714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116480 (101533ZJAN23) Notable: Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events

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Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events (VIDEO)

During a COVID-19 EU hearing last October, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

During the hearing, when asked by Dutch politician Ross if the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market, Janine Small responded while smiling,

“Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No. We have to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”

This statement was confirmed by an unredacted Pfizer agreement from a FOIA request with the Slovenian government.

“The Participating Member State acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to the Participating Member States under the APA,” according to the documents.

“The Participating Member State further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects from the Vaccine that are not currently known.”

moar & video 2:33


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95e82e No.3715

File: 062eee88c9fe777⋯.png (606.06 KB,1408x633,1408:633,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e8d634bacdd3b9⋯.png (496.84 KB,643x533,643:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116482 (101533ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Europe/Med/Gulf/W. Asia activity

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Planefag Europe/Med/Gulf/W. Asia activity:Pakiland AF PFF2 G4PM Shehbaz Sharifleft Geneva after getting moar munee from the U.N.-arrived yesterday

Pakistan PM says ‘deeply moved by compassion’ of donors at Geneva https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/10/pakistan-pm-says-deeply-moved-by-compassion-of-donors-at-geneva

SAM065 G5 (KAF AC of interdast) departed Spangdahlem AB after arriving from Dhabi depart-arrived 0109 and Doha ground stop, NATO01 E-3 AWACS over eastern Romania, Belgian AF BAF86 Falcon 7X departed Pau Airport in the Pyrenees after 90m stop SW and went to Jerez (tthhh) from Brussels Int'l depart earlier, Israeli AF G550 Nachson Eitam ISR AC doin' roundies off Gaza-from Nevatim AB, Kazakhstan AF RK65001&ndash;Embraer 135 north from Tel Aviv-arrived 0108 from Astana, EFF917 Pakiland AF GL5T went to Medina from Riyadh and east back to Lahore-arrived at Riyadh on 0108 and PAA786 G4 departed Dubai back to Lahore, Hungarian AF BRK58 C-17 heading to Jordan and BRK59 left after a ground stop at Muwaffaq Salti Air Base and RCH323C-17 departed from Muwaffaq AB as well with RCH884 C-17 heading on that same pattern SE over the last about 2 weeks -lotsa equipment being run into the eastern Med C-17s from Ramstein

Italian AF IAM3194 Falcon 50 went to Warsaw after departing Stockholm-Central Bank conference where Jerry and the other CB asshoes are flapping yappers

Jerome Powell Says Bringing Down Inflation Could Fuel Political Opposition


That hasn't really affected markets-choppy to start and pretty much gave up the morning pump to sit flat to down at present

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95e82e No.3716

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116498 (101536ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Charles BlowHard, of The Failing New York Times, is one of the dumbest of political “columnists

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45 misspelled "morans"

on the move

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95e82e No.3717

File: 7e401ef62092e1e⋯.png (334.62 KB,634x470,317:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116527 (101542ZJAN23) Notable: City of Klawock’s police chief dies from SUDDENLY

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Imagine living in Rural Alaska and being forced to take the clot shot…


City of Klawock’s police chief dies unexpectedly

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95e82e No.3718

File: 97a1cccde3ccc07⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116552 (101547ZJAN23) Notable: Special Counsel, John "The Punisher" Durham back in action!

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Special Counsel, John "The Punisher" Durham | Get It, Crazy Face

back in action!

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95e82e No.3719

File: 2cc85fe1174e615⋯.jpeg (227.57 KB,1188x1106,594:553,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 232025e089187e6⋯.jpeg (317.83 KB,1186x1690,593:845,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bcf00ac396e94bd⋯.jpeg (158.58 KB,1165x1265,233:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116605 (101557ZJAN23) Notable: Anon Q Dig - Disinfo is real and necessary

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PN>>3656, >>3657, >>3658, >>3659 Anon nom - Disinfo is real and necessary

The interesting thing is that no one asks Flynn about all the info Q released, that was proven true.

So, if so much education, truth and Q proofs came out, that are proven, why are his comments negative? Perhaps it’s because he is always asked about Qanon, not Q! When he says, “what are these people stupid?”, (which sounds so familiar) he’s actually answering the question correctly.

(Q uses “These people are stupid!” Approximately 65 times in his posts…kekkity. Probably the most used phrase in the drops)

He’s being asked about a whole different matter. Qanon is a larp made up by media.

The real question is why did the media use a fake persona?Is it because they know Q is real and they are very very afraid of him or they!.

Why are they afraid by Q revealing politicians, governments, corruption, evil crimes WW, money laundering, philosophical discussions, military tools and some very direct but obtuse info from Q?Has anyone ever asked Flynn about Q!.

And why do seemingly smart people, who have surely read Q drops, are they invested in debunking something that is informational and history drops? They are afraid of something they will never be able to prove or debunk. But they use it as a tool to explain how the evil MAGA movement united and are fighting for America. They think it makes us look crazy, but its not working. That’s why their media and articles are crazier and crazier. They cannot explain that Americans are more patriotic today because of PDJT and Q.

We are a “threat to their democracy”, which is really communism and Marxism!

Their Qanon larp was made up to try to hide their real crimes, lies and prevent the truth. And Because we are a Republic, they really don’t want the public embracing this!

Does anyone really believe Flynn would say, “it’s absolutely true!” He has already suffered greatly over the coup against Trump and him.

Why do they even ask Flynn this question? Q taught us a lot, but we have our own discrimination, and its not idol or hero worship, why would anyone care what Flynn thinks or is denouncing Q?

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95e82e No.3720

File: 19345acc8aeda68⋯.png (75.19 KB,607x431,607:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116627 (101600ZJAN23) Notable: Alex Berenson just released a whole Twitter thread from the information that has already dropped.

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I didn't see much if any new information, but Alex Berenson just released a whole Twitter thread from the information that has already dropped.

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95e82e No.3721

File: b745db6ef8e2cf1⋯.png (114.04 KB,1013x885,1013:885,Clipboard.png)

File: a505f78caf9627a⋯.png (156.8 KB,900x914,450:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116652 (101604ZJAN23) Notable: New Pfizer leak this morning on Twitter. 59 posts in thread.

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New Pfizer leak this morning on Twitter. 59 posts in thread.


Ehden (#PfizerLeak) @TELEGRAM: T.ME/EH_DEN


#TheRats [THREAD]


By Ehden Biber

This image holds the clue to what you are about to discover:


As you saw in the (sanitised) image above, humans seem to have a different expression of something. But of what? and what does it had to do with #Pfizer/#BioNTech experimental gene therapy, known as #BNT162b2/#Comirnaty/#tozinameran?

Let's find out.


#Pfizer/#BioNTech didn't conduct many safety tests on animals prior to them receiving their Emergency Usage Authorization.

Genotoxicity & carcinogenicity studies were not performed, because "The…vaccine formulation…(was) not expected to have genotoxic potential".



#Pfizer/#BionTech DID NOT perform dedicated local tolerance tests, which are CRUCIAL tests that checks whether medicinal products are tolerated at sites in the body that may come into contact with the product as a result of its administration in clinical use.

Continued at site…

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95e82e No.3722

File: 15873769f6293c9⋯.png (155.12 KB,675x406,675:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 869fcac642066ff⋯.png (96.1 KB,259x374,259:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116658 (101604ZJAN23) Notable: SAM501 USAF C-40Bthis might be WH NSO Jake Sullivan's ACto pick him up

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SAM501 USAF C-40Bthis might be WH NSO Jake Sullivan's ACto pick him up (uses #01-0015 in the past) landed at Mexico City Int'l about 30m ago from San Antonio Int'l

He is in Mexico City and is going to Israel soon

Iran on agenda when U.S. national security adviser visits Israel

Iran's nuclear program and threats posed by Tehran will be discussed when U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan travels to Israel to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new government. "I'll be going to Israel and that will be a substantial topic of conversation when I go," he said. Speaking to reporters traveling with President Joe Biden on a trip to Mexico City, Sullivan did not say when his trip would take place. A National Security Council spokesperson said dates were still being worked out.


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95e82e No.3723

File: b008f2894f1d1b5⋯.png (642.76 KB,1317x723,439:241,Clipboard.png)

File: a3c91259e54e117⋯.png (349.75 KB,769x396,769:396,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e13b451cb83ac7⋯.png (183.73 KB,650x501,650:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116783 (101627ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag CONUS activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Planefag CONUS activity:CLUB22 E-4B Nightwatch departing Offutt AFB and SW-prolly heading to Dyess, Mexican AF FAM3528 737 NW from Santa Lucia AB (where Potato's 82-8000 is parked)-this AC was used last week at Juarez to move personnel to ded 'El Neto'-cleaning it all up for La Papa's fake photo op 'at the border', SAM994 G5 west from Peterson AFB onight, FORGE63 US Army G5 departed Kinston Regional Airport NC after a turn and burn of 15m, SPAR695 Learjet 35 west from JBA-was at Wright-Pat AFB yesterday, PAT099 and PAT323 US Army C-12V Hurons SW from Davison Army Airfield, German AF GAF112 A400m inbound to Dulles (usually goes there), BOXER88 C-40C south from JBA and in the bottom right PAT567 C-12U Huron SE from NAS Jax and finally since they are visible the weekly GITMO flights rounding Cuba GTMO842,845

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95e82e No.3724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116801 (101631ZJAN23) Notable: Gen. Flynn Exposes ‘Secret’ US Shadow Government

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Gen. Flynn Exposes ‘Secret’ US Shadow Government: ‘Parallel Supreme Court’ Operates in the Shadows

Warning Americans that their right to live free of being spied upon is in danger, retired Army Gen. Michael Flynn on Monday fired off a five-tweet barrage attacking the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court system.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is the judicial panel that oversees American intelligence agencies in surveillance matters involving American citizens in the U.S. This shadowy body came to the public eye during the investigation of debunked claims against the 2016 campaign of former President Donald Trump.

Through repeated applications to the court, containing falsified information, the FBI was able to conduct surveillance on the Trump campaign that grew into the “Russia collusion” investigation that plagued Trump’s presidency and cost Flynn the national security advisor post he held briefly in the first days of the Trump administration.

In the coming months, among other serious problems (& there are many), we are going to learn the FISC has become a parallel Supreme Court but operates in almost total secrecy,” Flynn wrote.

Flynn referenced former Democratic Sen. Frank Church of Idaho, who in the 1970s sparked reforms of America’s intelligence agencies as chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities — better known as the “Church Committee.” The committee uncovered revelations of the government spying on Americans, as noted by the Levin Center.

“In 1975, Church stated, ‘hiding evil is the trademark of a totalitarian government. There is no more pernicious threat to a free society than a secret police…operating beyond the law…if these abuses had not been uncovered andhad the agencies gone unchecked, we might well have seen a secret police develop in the United States. Once that begins the Constitution itself is in very real danger,’” Flynn wrote.

Flynn wrote that Church and his work resonate in the contemporary United States.

“Church was right then and his words are exponentially more on point in 2023. Advances in technology, growth of a federal bureaucracy & deep-seated corruption across the federal government has only expanded the government’s ability to destroy American’s 4th Amendment rights,” he wrote.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3725

File: 3ff5f83eac2339b⋯.jpg (189.15 KB,720x851,720:851,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 55e007900276371⋯.jpg (127.59 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116827 (101637ZJAN23) Notable: 7-year-old Louisiana girl mauled to death in yard by neighbor's pitbull

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7-year-old Louisiana girl mauled to death in yard by neighbor's pitbull


Kid throwing up devil horns , sacrifice?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116838 (101639ZJAN23) Notable: Pope Francis: A Person’s Life Must Not Be ‘Entrusted to an Algorithm’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pope Francis: A Person’s Life Must Not Be ‘Entrusted to an Algorithm’

ROME — Pope Francis warned Tuesday of the dangers of impersonal algorithms taking control of important aspects of people’s lives.

In an address to participants in a conference on ethics in artificial intelligence (AI), the pontiff noted how AI “is increasingly present in every aspect of daily life, both personal and social” and “affects the way we understand the world and ourselves.”

“Innovation in this field means that these tools are increasingly decisive in human activity and even compelling in human decision-making,” he added.

The pope also called for the presence of representatives of the great world religions along with other men and women of goodwill “so that ‘algor-ethics’ – ethical reflection on the use of algorithms – will be increasingly present not only in public debate, but also in the development of technical solutions.”

Since algorithms have the potential for unjust outcomes we must “be vigilant and work to ensure that the discriminatory use of these instruments does not take root at the expense of the most fragile and excluded,” Francis insisted.

“Let us always remember that the way we treat the last and least of our brothers and sisters speaks of the value we place upon all human life,” he said.

As an example of such potential discrimination, the pope indicated the case of asylum seekers, asserting that “it is not acceptable that the decision about someone’s life and future be entrusted to an algorithm.”

“The scope and acceleration of the transformations of the digital era have in fact raised unforeseen problems and situations that challenge our individual and collective ethos,” he said.

Among those present for the pope’s address were Microsoft President Brad Smith, IBM Global Vice-President Dario Gil, and Maximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist of FAO


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95e82e No.3727

File: 6131e1585019407⋯.png (6.11 MB,3000x3000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a2641d0d508eb2c⋯.png (6.09 MB,3000x3000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116864 (101644ZJAN23) Notable: Qlocked - We are at [00] today.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My suspicions that this image looked Qclocky were only strengthened by overlaying it.

1. auto-centered on clock

2. bumped only to the right to make a clock hand out of the sword.

We are at [00] today.



5:00 (31st letter is E)

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95e82e No.3728

File: b02b55309e3c793⋯.png (352.46 KB,445x449,445:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116870 (101645ZJAN23) Notable: JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon sticks to hiring plans and dials back prediction of economic ‘hurricane’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon sticks to hiring plans and dials back prediction of economic ‘hurricane’

JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon has walked back his forecast of an economic “hurricane” somewhat, saying the megabank continues to hire despite layoffs in the sector.

In an interview Tuesday at the JPMorgan Healthcare Conference, Dimon also unleashed some fresh barbs against cryptocurrencies and criticized the crypto-trading platform FTX, which filed for bankruptcy late last year. The outspoken Dimon had warned against what he termed an economic hurricane in a widely quoted interview in June. Dimon clarified his remarks on Tuesday. “I shouldn’t have ever used the word ‘hurricane,'” Dimon said in the interview with Fox Business. “What I said was there were storm clouds which may mitigate. People said they didn’t think it was a big deal, and I said no, those storm clouds could be a hurricane. And so I’m saying this stuff, I’m talking about … it could be nothing [or] it could be bad, and I think we should understand, I’m not predicting one or the other.”

Dimon said those early storm clouds have already hit, with inflation, quantitative tightening by central banks and the stock market down 20%. He recommended being prepared for uncertain times ahead. While rival megabanks bank Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS, 0.75% , Morgan Stanley MS, 0.14% and Wells Fargo & Co. WFC, -0.07% have been cutting jobs or signaling layoffs, Dimon said JPMorgan JPM, 0.48% continues to hire. “So far we’re still in the hiring mode,” Dimon said. “We have a lot of growth plans. You know, I tend not to stop growing because you have a recession. Even in a recession, we’re opening in new countries we’re talking about. And we think those things are very good for shareholders over the long run.”

Asked about lessons from the blowup of FTX, Dimon said transactions based on the blockchain remain solid but described the busted cryptocurrency brokerage as a “decentralized Ponzi scheme, because people [were] just hyping it and hyping it.” “A lot of people got hurt, you know, and these were these were retirees, grandmothers, you know, lower-income [people. It] was a shame,” Dimon said. “And it should have been immediately putting some kind of regulatory framework so that there’s some investor protection.”

Asked about the market for initial public offerings as well as mergers, Dimon said the environment appears to be stabilizing. “There are hundreds of IPOs ready to go. That may very well open this year,” he said. “And so if I were — folks who want to go public, I would be prepared to do that. Debt markets have been wide open, other than certain types of low-grade, high-yield and the stock market, you know, bouncing around, but it’s still open for people.” He reiterated comments about the strength of U.S. consumer and company balance sheets, which he said remain in good shape. He also said he has no plans to pursue public office.

Dimon’s comments come just days ahead of JPMorgan’s fourth-quarter earnings update amid a choppy economic environment.


Noes the slow down (and pivot) of hikes is guaranteed so now it will be "not as bad"…

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95e82e No.3729

File: 2ba914e30bf24b2⋯.png (13.97 KB,600x179,600:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116902 (101655ZJAN23) Notable: Ron Watkins is back on twitter?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ron is back on twitter.


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95e82e No.3730

File: 36dda86c130ed63⋯.jpg (46.65 KB,1060x252,265:63,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116917 (101658ZJAN23) Notable: House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax


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95e82e No.3731

File: b7f53e548db6021⋯.jpg (60.71 KB,848x435,848:435,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116955 (101708ZJAN23) Notable: Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today introduced H.R. 25, the Fair Tax Act

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today introduced H.R. 25, the Fair Tax Act, to replace the current tax code with a national consumption tax known as the Fair Tax.

Joining Rep. Carter as original cosponsors are Reps. Andrew Clyde (R-GA), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Kat Cammack (R-FL), Scott Perry (R-PA), Bob Good (R-VA), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Ralph Norman (R-SC), Bill Posey (R-FL), Gary Palmer (R-AL), Jim Banks (R-IN), and Barry Loudermilk (R-GA).


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95e82e No.3732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18116993 (101715ZJAN23) Notable: #22209

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>>3699 DOUGH

>>3700 Multiple women sue Christian organization for alleged abuse, coverup: 'A source of anxiety and depression'

>>3701 Powell: Fed needs independence to fight inflation, should avoid climate policy

>>3702 Callers keep flooding 988 mental health, suicide helpline

>>3703 In wargame exercise, China fails to take Taiwan: US think tank

>>3704 DOD Aims to Shield Warfighters From Novel Biological Agents

>>3705 Planefag Housekeeping

>>3706 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>3707 The House will consider legislation to establish new select committees on U.S. competition with China

>>3708 World Bank warns "new shocks" could tip the global economy into a recession, slashing growth forecasts for most countries.

>>3709 Ana Montes: Top spy freed in US after more than 20 years

>>3710 Brazil: Up to 1700 Patriots Held in Lula’s Concentration Camp, 2 Allegedly Dead

>>3711 RINO Senator Sasse Officially Resigns

>>3712 Belated revelation classified documents found in private Biden office turns legal, political tables

>>3713, >>3716 @realDonaldTrump Charles BlowHard, of The Failing New York Times, is one of the dumbest of political “columnists

>>3714 Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events

>>3715 Planefag Europe/Med/Gulf/W. Asia activity

>>3717 City of Klawock’s police chief dies from SUDDENLY

>>3718 Special Counsel, John "The Punisher" Durham back in action!

>>3719 Anon Q Dig - Disinfo is real and necessary

>>3720 Alex Berenson just released a whole Twitter thread from the information that has already dropped.

>>3721 New Pfizer leak this morning on Twitter. 59 posts in thread.

>>3722 SAM501 USAF C-40Bthis might be WH NSO Jake Sullivan's ACto pick him up

>>3723 Planefag CONUS activity

>>3724 Gen. Flynn Exposes ‘Secret’ US Shadow Government

>>3725 7-year-old Louisiana girl mauled to death in yard by neighbor's pitbull

>>3726 Pope Francis: A Person’s Life Must Not Be ‘Entrusted to an Algorithm’

>>3727 Qlocked - We are at [00] today.

>>3729 Ron Watkins is back on twitter?

>>3728 JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon sticks to hiring plans and dials back prediction of economic ‘hurricane’

>>3730 House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax?

>>3731 Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today introduced H.R. 25, the Fair Tax Ac


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95e82e No.3733

File: 32b439aa645c5fd⋯.png (45.96 KB,543x328,543:328,Clipboard.png)

File: b7f53e548db6021⋯.jpg (60.71 KB,848x435,848:435,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117021 (101721ZJAN23) Notable: DOUGH

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#22210 https://fullchan.net/?a02ed305f639ba23#F944kCxqVKeY3A5J2po6v1F6HvTmzg6QgQDiBwhzQaZc

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95e82e No.3734

File: 1985a356934bb8c⋯.jpg (153.53 KB,909x333,101:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117054 (101727ZJAN23) Notable: In case you missed it - Twitter Reinstates Ron Watkins

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twitter Reinstates QAnon Kingpin Ron Watkins

THE TWITTER ACCOUNT of QAnon conspiracy theorist Ron Watkins has been restored to the platform after being banned in 2020 as part of an effort to curb the reach of the conspiracy on the website. Watkins’ return is the latest in a series of account reinstatements for extremists under the administration of Twitter owner Elon Musk.

The son of Jim Watkins, owner and administrator of the extremist message board 8kun (previously known as 8chan), Watkins was an instrumental figure in the proliferation and growth of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Serving as an official administrator to 8Kun from 2016 until a 2020 resignation, Ron Watkins oversaw the message board at the time when the figure of “Q” exploded into the online ecosystem.

Q, an anonymous figure claiming to hold high-level government classification, birthed a conspiracy theory on 4chan that the U.S. government was run by a deep state cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles that could only be defeated by Donald Trump. The covert poster quickly moved to 8kun, where “Q drops,” cryptic messages obsessively decoded by devotees, became the modus operandi.

(Backsliding? Pic related.)


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95e82e No.3735

File: 283a6b216095546⋯.jpg (153.53 KB,981x275,981:275,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117063 (101729ZJAN23) Notable: Pence: Discovery of classified documents from Biden’s time as VP ‘incredibly frustrating’

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Pence: Discovery of classified documents from Biden’s time as VP ‘incredibly frustrating’

Former Vice President Mike Pence said Tuesday that the discovery of classified documents from President Biden’s time as vice president compared to the FBI’s unprecedented search of former President Trump’s private residence proved a “double standard.”

“It’s just incredibly frustrating to me,” Pence said on the Hugh Hewitt Show. “But the original sin here was the massive overreach.”


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95e82e No.3736

File: 942bdac11d900c7⋯.jpg (172.74 KB,700x700,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ddab84c38b3b9b7⋯.jpg (116.09 KB,643x703,643:703,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 67736d68f55797d⋯.jpg (55 KB,720x634,360:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1b92b8b56d30aca⋯.jpg (85.65 KB,628x635,628:635,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117092 (101736ZJAN23) Notable: PF: JASDF JF001 and 002 777s departed Rome

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117100 (101737ZJAN23) Notable: You should be watching this anons.

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Funny how this is the only live stream I could find.

McCarthy was just speaking

While they distract you,

You should be watching this anons.

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95e82e No.3738

File: 2aaffadf521a3d5⋯.jpg (153.53 KB,775x208,775:208,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117110 (101739ZJAN23) Notable: Supreme Court denies ‘immunity’ claim made by Israeli spyware company at the center of Meta, WhatsApp lawsuit

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Supreme Court denies ‘immunity’ claim made by Israeli spyware company at the center of Meta, WhatsApp lawsuit

The Supreme Court denied a request by an Israeli spyware company claiming immunity from a lawsuit filed by Meta, which owns Facebook and WhatsApp, alleging the hacking company unlawfully installed spyware on WhatsApp in 2019.

NSO Group Technologies requested in April 2022 that the Supreme Court grant the company immunity because it was “acting on the state’s behalf,” according to NSO’s petition for writ of certiorari. The petition was denied by the Supreme Court Monday without explanation, according to the Supreme Court’s order list.

A Meta spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation it was “grateful” the Supreme Court denied “NSO’s baseless petition.”

“NSO’s spyware has enabled cyberattacks targeting human rights activists, journalists, and government officials,” the spokesperson said. “We firmly believe that their operations violate U.S. law and they must be held to account for their unlawful operations.”


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95e82e No.3739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117122 (101741ZJAN23) Notable: PROTO Pass information not active

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



PROTO Pass information: >>>/qresearch/17799211, >>>/qresearch/17798916, >>>/qresearch/17806389, >>>/qresearch/17826144


>>>/qresearch/17799211, >>>/qresearch/17798916, >>>/qresearch/17806389, >>>/qresearch/17826144

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95e82e No.3740

File: 52ac481ffaf1013⋯.png (40.85 KB,536x244,134:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 42b1c2b6c0eb8f3⋯.png (54.42 KB,591x360,197:120,Clipboard.png)

File: a167f5915d1a4b4⋯.png (54.4 KB,588x363,196:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 23bf3add5c07e3f⋯.png (109.61 KB,868x563,868:563,Clipboard.png)

File: cfbd0fde94f7107⋯.png (675.17 KB,863x815,863:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117124 (101741ZJAN23) Notable: Gen. Flynn Exposes ‘Secret’ US Shadow Government: ‘Parallel Supreme Court’ Operates in the Shadows

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Gen. Flynn Exposes ‘Secret’ US Shadow Government: ‘Parallel Supreme Court’ Operates in the Shadows

Warning Americans that their right to live free of being spied upon is in danger, retired Army Gen. Michael Flynn on Monday fired off a five-tweet barrage attacking the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court system.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is the judicial panel that oversees American intelligence agencies in surveillance matters involving American citizens in the U.S. This shadowy body came to the public eye during the investigation of debunked claims against the 2016 campaign of former President Donald Trump.

Through repeated applications to the court, containing falsified information, the FBI was able to conduct surveillance on the Trump campaign that grew into the “Russia collusion” investigation that plagued Trump’s presidency and cost Flynn the national security advisor post he held briefly in the first days of the Trump administration.

“In the coming months, among other serious problems (& there are many), we are going to learn the FISC has become a parallel Supreme Court but operates in almost total secrecy,” Flynn wrote.

Flynn referenced former Democratic Sen. Frank Church of Idaho, who in the 1970s sparked reforms of America’s intelligence agencies as chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities — better known as the “Church Committee.” The committee uncovered revelations of the government spying on Americans, as noted by the Levin Center.

“In 1975, Church stated, ‘hiding evil is the trademark of a totalitarian government. There is no more pernicious threat to a free society than a secret police…operating beyond the law…if these abuses had not been uncovered and had the agencies gone unchecked, we might well have seen a secret police develop in the United States. Once that begins the Constitution itself is in very real danger,’” Flynn wrote.

Flynn wrote that Church and his work resonate in the contemporary United States.

“Church was right then and his words are exponentially more on point in 2023. Advances in technology, growth of a federal bureaucracy & deep-seated corruption across the federal government has only expanded the government’s ability to destroy American’s 4th Amendment rights,” he wrote.

Flynn wrote that the time has come to protect Americans from intrusive government.


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95e82e No.3741

File: d997e0f60283079⋯.jpeg (380.25 KB,1170x972,65:54,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117129 (101743ZJAN23) Notable: House Republican files articles of impeachment against DHS Sec. Mayorkas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House Republican files articles of impeachment against DHS Sec. Mayorkas

Texas Republican Rep. Pat Fallon has filed impeachment articles against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, delivering on a promise he made last week before the 118th Congress was officially sworn in.


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95e82e No.3742

File: 79fd427a746f935⋯.png (312.2 KB,848x772,212:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 83b84d025a1e6cf⋯.png (193.2 KB,866x812,433:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 04deebd436c682c⋯.png (151.21 KB,856x772,214:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 800378f77b345c1⋯.png (190.51 KB,848x830,424:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117132 (101744ZJAN23) Notable: Arizona State Senators Call For Investigation Into Katie Hobbs Charging Donors As Much As $250,000

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Arizona State Senators Call For Investigation Into Katie Hobbs Charging Donors As Much As $250,000 Using “Dark Money” Group Headquartered At Democrat Law Firm For Inaugural Events

Democratic Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, whose election is still under question and litigation, is now under fire after it was revealed that Hobbs sold tickets to her inaugural events for as much as $250,000, reportedly using a “dark money” operation.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Hobbs was sworn into power on Monday, January 2, at a private ceremony closed to the public and media. In a bizarre moment of incompetence and unseriousness, Hobbs bursted into laughter after she was told to solemnly swear that she will support the Constitution.

We later reported on Hobbs’ privately funded inauguration ceremony, held on the Arizona Capitol grounds last Thursday. Again, Hobbs hid from reporters, and she was nowhere to be found after her inaugural address.

Days after the ceremony, Hobbs celebrated her inauguration with an unimpressive black-tie gala at Talking Stick Resort Casino on Saturday, January 7.

For these events, Hobbs reportedly asked donors to give $250,000 to the Katie Hobbs Inaugural Fund without disclosing where the money was going. $250,000 bought a “platinum sponsor” status with 25 seats at Thursday’s inauguration ceremony, signed programs, and a “special gift” with no limitation on how much donors can contribute.

According to StopKatieHobbs.com,

On December 10, five days before Hobbs declared victory in the gubernatorial race, Nicole DeMont — the Democrat’s campaign manager — quietly filed articles of incorporation for a 501(c)(4) nonprofit entity called “An Arizona for Everyone.” (This phrase will be the theme of the inauguration, according to obtained documents.) On December 13, still two days before Hobbs declared victory, DeMont then filed articles of incorporation for another 501(c)(4) nonprofit entity called “Katie Hobbs Inaugural Fund,” which presumably speaks for itself.

The “known place of business” listed on both entities’ corporate records is the address of Coppersmith Brockelman PLC, a politically-tied law firm that has represented Hobbs on election cases in her capacity as secretary of state. Roopali Desai, a former partner at the firm, was the judge who administered the Democrat’s oath of office on Monday.

The financial connection between these two dark-money groups and Hobbs’s inaugural events, such as her ceremonial ball, remains to be seen. But their identities may serve as helpful guidance for oversight activities by legislators — whom she already has antagonized — who want to determine whether any public funds have been transferred between the two groups and state government.

After further investigation into the claims that the law office, Coppersmith Brockelman PLC, is listed as the known place of business for these shady nonprofits, The Gateway Pundit can confirm that the listed addresses are the same as Coppersmith Brockelman. This firm represented Defendant Katie Hobbs in Kari Lake’s ongoing lawsuit to overturn the 2022 midterm.

Judge Roopali Desai also worked for the Coppersmith Brockelman since 2007, became a partner, and was named “Lawyer of the Year” by the firm shortly after she was nominated to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by Joe Biden on June 15, 2022, and confirmed on August 4, 2022.

Judge Desai swore Katie Hobbs into office on Monday, and she served as a member of Secretary of State-elect Katie Hobbs’ transition team in 2018. She also reportedly defended Arizona election officials against lawsuits after the 2020 election and represented Katie Hobbs in an election lawsuit by the Arizona GOP.

This is all suspicious.


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95e82e No.3743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117156 (101747ZJAN23) Notable: Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) announces candidacy for Senate in 2024

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Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) announces candidacy for Senate in 2024. This is for the seat currently held by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). But Feinstein hasn't announced her plans yet.


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95e82e No.3744

File: b2ab41dc37343e1⋯.jpg (153.53 KB,974x252,487:126,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117178 (101750ZJAN23) Notable: Biden’s classified-records headache is Garland’s special-counsel nightmare

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden’s classified-records headache is Garland’s special-counsel nightmare

Opinion by Johnathan Turley

The Justice Department reportedly is investigating the discovery of 10 classified documents found in an old private office used by President Biden when he served as vice president. The discovery could not come at a worse time for the Justice Department — or a better time for former President Trump.

While there are significant differences in the number of the documents involved in each case and the reported response of the Biden and Trump teams, the underlying allegation — removing and retaining classified material — is the same. Moreover, there remain questions that are likely to be pursued by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives in the coming weeks. Those questions not only deal with the scope of the alleged violations but the increasingly conflicted and irreconcilable positions of Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the Biden and Trump investigations.


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95e82e No.3745

File: 15a57ac285eed6b⋯.png (40.72 KB,591x375,197:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117186 (101752ZJAN23) Notable: Canadian Demon Doc euthanizes 400, calls it "Most rewarding work."

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'The most rewarding work': Canadian doctor who has euthanized over 400 boasts about assisted suicide in seminar

Wiebe spoke about many of her procedures in a seminar, including a situation where a man was rejected by the Medical Assistance in Dying program, but he found his way to Wiebe, who then cleared him, flew him out, and euthanized him.

The man did not have a serious illness or "the capacity to make informed decisions about his own personal health."

"Most of the MAID is provided by people like me who have become specialists in MAID," Wiebe said in the seminar, adding that "it's the most rewarding work we've ever done."

Wiebe declined to be interviewed regarding her statements in the seminar; however, she responded with a comment saying “it is rare for assessors to have patients who have unmet needs, but it does happen. Usually these unmet needs are around loneliness and poverty."

"As all Canadians have rights to an assisted death, people who are lonely or poor also have those rights," she added.

Stefanie Green, a physician from British Columbia, Canada, who specializes in euthanasia told the New Atlantis that "offering the option of an assisted death is one of the most therapeutic things we do.”

Green has found the job to be easier over time. "Writing scripts and picking up lethal drugs and driving across town" isn't a shocking ordeal to her anymore, she says, remarking that "it’s oddly okay for [her] to be doing that."

Green formerly worked as an obstetrician and compares delivering babies to euthanasia in her book "This Is Assisted Dying," seeing similarities between the two "deliveries."

"At both ‘deliveries,’ as I call them, I am invited into a most intimate moment in people’s lives.”

Green also assured her interviewer that the MAID procedure "is 100% effective."

According to the Daily Mail, in 2021, 486 people used California's assisted suicide program, while in the same year, the MAID program assisted in the deaths of 10,064 Canadians.

When comparing 2021 MAID numbers to 2020, the number of people using the service increased by nearly 2,500. The number of people euthanized in Canada has increased each year since 2016, with over 31,000 deaths in the five-year period.


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95e82e No.3746

File: e50099ce7ba6f83⋯.jpeg (173.17 KB,1170x798,195:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e3a9e2db4b1141e⋯.jpeg (362.8 KB,1170x1531,1170:1531,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e3a9e2db4b1141e⋯.jpeg (362.8 KB,1170x1531,1170:1531,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117214 (101757ZJAN23) Notable: From the Twitter Files: Pfizer

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Berenson Substack 2 parts

From the Twitter Files: Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb secretly pressed Twitter to hide posts challenging his company's massively profitable Covid jabs

1 of 2

To funnel his demands, Gottlieb used the same Twitter lobbyist the White House did - fresh evidence of overlap between the company selling mRNA shots and the government forcing them on the public.

On August 27, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb - a Pfizer director with over 550,000 Twitter followers - saw a tweet he didn’t like, a tweet that might hurt sales of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines.

The tweet explained correctly that natural immunity after Covid infection was superior to vaccine protection. It called on the White House to “follow the science” and exempt people with natural immunity from upcoming vaccine mandates.

It came not from an “anti-vaxxer” like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but from Dr. Brett Giroir, a physician who had briefly followed Gottlieb as the head of the Food & Drug Administration. Further, the tweet actually encouraged people who did not have natural immunity to “Get vaccinated!”

No matter.

By suggesting some people might not need Covid vaccinations, the tweet could raise questions about the shots. Besides being former FDA commissioner, a CNBC contributor, and a prominent voice on Covid public policy, Gottlieb was a senior board member at Pfizer, which depended on mRNA jabs for almost half its $81 billion in sales in 2021. Pfizer paid Gottlieb $365,000 for his work that year.

Gottlieb stepped in, emailing Todd O’Boyle, a top lobbyist in Twitter’s Washington office who was also Twitter’s point of contact with the White House.

The post was “corrosive,” Gottlieb wrote. He worried it would “end up going viral and driving news coverage.”

(SOURCE: Twitter)

I found the email in a search of records I ran at Twitter last week - part of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” effort to raise the veil on censorship decisions Twitter made before Musk bought the company in October.

I went into detail about my involvement at the Twitter Files in a Substack article yesterday. I plan more reporting on the files in the weeks to come

Through Jira, an internal system Twitter used for managing complaints, O’Boyle forwarded Gottlieb’s email to the Twitter “Strategic Response” team. That group was responsible for handling concerns from the company’s most important employees and users.

“Please see this report from the former FDA commissioner,” O’Boyle wrote - failing to mention that Gottlieb was a Pfizer board member with a financial interest in pushing mRNA shots.

A Strategic Response analyst quickly found the tweet did not violate any of the company’s misinformation rules.

Yet Twitter wound up flagging Giroir’s tweet anyway, putting a misleading tag on it and preventing almost anyone from seeing it. It remains tagged even though several large studieshave confirmed the truth of Giroir’s words.


A week later, on Sept. 3, 2021, Gottlieb tried to strike again, complaining to O’Boyle about a tweet from Justin Hart. Hart is a lockdown and Covid vaccine skeptic with more than 100,000 Twitter followers.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but a viral pathogen with a child mortality rate of <>0% has cost our children nearly three years of schooling,” Hart had written…


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95e82e No.3747

File: a787b4e590d6c45⋯.png (239.3 KB,796x393,796:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117220 (101758ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Mexi AF FAM3528 737 heading to Tijuana

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>>3723 lb

PF: Mexi AF FAM3528 737 heading to Tijuana Int'l from Santa Lucia AB (Mex. City 'burbs) depart-also where Potato arrived at on Sunday in 82-8000 747

This, along with 4 other 737s, were involved in the roundup and 'cleaning' ops last week of Chapito at Culiacan-and departed under gunfire and El Neto at Juarez (FAM3528 used for that one and arrived 2 days prior to the op.)

Narcos said, last week, they'd start torching Fed Bldgs. on Monday if Chapito wasn't released..recall they captured him in 2019 only to let him go.

They've been waiting for the staged meetings to end and then they will do eet.

It is also possible that Chapito has already been taken out as the narcos have been awfully quiet since the announced threats.

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95e82e No.3748

File: b6948e9c21958fe⋯.png (512.42 KB,1024x651,1024:651,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ba8096bfa6e1f3⋯.png (449.91 KB,1024x596,256:149,Clipboard.png)

File: d8126f2da6c8cad⋯.png (275.4 KB,832x901,832:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dc1210af62d67c⋯.png (159.32 KB,841x623,841:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117265 (101806ZJAN23) Notable: Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation To Get A License

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Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation To Get A License

Minnesota’s teaching licensure board will soon require all teachers to be card-carrying Marxists. The card will literally say “licensed teacher,” but recently approved revisions redefine state licensure in expressly Marxist terms: Academic knowledge is out, and power struggle among the classes is in. To be licensed in Minnesota starting in 2025, every teacher must not merely teach about, but personally advocate, the core tenets of critical race theory and transgender ideology.

The state’s insistence that every teacher positively affirm homosexual behaviors and transgendered identities understandably aggravates consciences among moral traditionalists, but the issues run deeper than the “culture war.” What is at stake is the nature of knowledge, the future of liberty, and the prospects for a sustainable social order. In a word: civilization.

A perfunctory hearing on Aug. 24, 2022, and the resulting order for implementation with slight revisions by a solitary administrative judge in December cemented the new regime. The revised Standards of Effective Practice require radical changes to teachers’ curriculum selection, classroom management style, and self-understanding of the teaching vocation. The education departments at colleges and universities also must document their fulfillment of the new standards or else have their program certifications rescinded by Minnesota’s Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB).

The new requirements require teachers to positively affirm extremist leftist positions about human nature and sexual practices in order to be allowed to teach in government schools.

Teachers will be required to choose “anti-racist” — i.e. critical race theory — instructional strategies for students. An administrative judge told the state to amend No. 4 here requiring teachers to expose children to sexual identities. It will likely still go into effect, with slightly different language.

The new license requires teachers to affirm transgenderism.

The revisions represent only the latest attack against American heritage in Minnesota’s public schools. In 2013, the state education department successfully removed the four presidents featured on Mount Rushmore from social studies standards.

Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan also got the ax that year, as did the Magna Carta. References to the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were relativized, as students were to be instructed that those documents do not contain universal principles of ordered liberty, but merely the opinion of one powerful group of 18th-century men.


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95e82e No.3749

File: 06ae0d78d50f011⋯.jpg (153.53 KB,1053x219,351:73,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117266 (101806ZJAN23) Notable: Gaetz introduces amendment to bring C-SPAN cameras back to House floor

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Gaetz introduces amendment to bring C-SPAN cameras back to House floor

Gaetz says pool view of Congress is 'antiquated, 'boomer-fied'


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95e82e No.3750

File: f3b2a4ac47d3b78⋯.jpg (153.53 KB,660x710,66:71,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117286 (101809ZJAN23) Notable: World Economic Forum’s Davos Set for ‘Record Participation’ as 52 Heads of State to Attend Globalist Summit

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World Economic Forum’s Davos Set for ‘Record Participation’ as 52 Heads of State to Attend Globalist Summit

The U.S. will be represented by Biden administration officials including presidential climate envoy John Kerry, head of national intelligence Avril Haines and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai as well as several governors and congressional lawmakers.


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95e82e No.3751

File: 6ee70bd2bf163e8⋯.png (700.99 KB,1252x1252,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117288 (101809ZJAN23) Notable: Anon Opine - If anything makes it though the Senate, Is Bidan going to pass it

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Funny. Game it out. Republican House passes this. People get excited and hopeful. Then the Democrat Senate votes it down and the people are even more pissed at the Democrats. "You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the Democrat Party." If it makes it though the Senate, Is Bidan going to pass it or veto it and make the people hate him even more? This movie is awesome.

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95e82e No.3752

File: 332830c340948e2⋯.png (183.01 KB,639x562,639:562,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fc44c5b62d87c6⋯.png (241.6 KB,624x786,104:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 016e248ec1dd560⋯.png (221.18 KB,639x602,639:602,Clipboard.png)

File: 8be752bf8e71098⋯.png (171.96 KB,587x640,587:640,Clipboard.png)

File: 86a5a5fc7d2eb50⋯.png (194.67 KB,634x777,634:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117289 (101809ZJAN23) Notable: @AGAndrewBailey PART TWO: Our office has even more hard evidence that President Biden’s Administration has been working with social media to suppress free speech

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Attorney General Andrew Bailey


PART TWO: Our office has even more hard evidence that President Biden’s Administration has been working with social media to suppress free speech. (1/10)


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95e82e No.3753

File: 601fe45a55246ec⋯.png (254.18 KB,793x666,793:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117354 (101819ZJAN23) Notable: WEF: The Swiss Government Will Deploy 5,000 Troops to Provide Security at the Davos Forum

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WEF: The Swiss Government Will Deploy 5,000 Troops to Provide Security at the Davos Forum

The Swiss army will deploy 5,000 troops ahead of the World Economic Forum’s next meeting in Davos. Authorities indicated the troops were authorized to utilize coercive police measures to fulfill their security mission.

“The Federal Parliament has set a ceiling of 5,000 troops who will serve in support during the WEF, which will run from January 10 to 26. Some of them will be stationed directly in Davos, where the annual meeting will be held from January 16 to 20,” the statement read.

According to the statement, other servicemen will provide logistics and air force operations support throughout Switzerland. Soldiers will be authorized to “use coercive police measures to carry out their respective tasks,” the government said.

There will also be snipers on the roofs of most buildings, and in previous years the Swiss Police have shot drones from the sky.

The WEF predicts that soon everyone will be able to ‘rent’ anything they need under the cover of ‘sustainable development’ (SDGs) and ‘saving the planet’ (Net Zero). There is no doubt that the tiny elites who rolled out the Great Reset will own it all.

The number of participants in the forum is currently unknown. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso, and Colombian President Gustavo Petro will attend the Davos forum personally, according to the latest information. Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves will also be attending.

Zelensky will also speak at the World Economic Forum’s Davos meeting alongside CNN anchors and NATO chiefs.

Only distinguished delegates were allowed to fly in and out of Davos last year due to a no-fly zone.


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95e82e No.3754

File: 99ce99a1ee05b95⋯.jpg (66.2 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117403 (101826ZJAN23) Notable: Call for continuous prayer next week

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Call for continuous prayer next week

Davos summit starts next Monday, Jan 16, 2023

Timezone CET (UTC+1), which is 6 hours ahead of EST.

Would be awesome if people worldwide could keep up continuous prayer to thwart any evil intentions/actions and only allow goodness to result.

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95e82e No.3755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117466 (101834ZJAN23) Notable: [BIG PANIC] McGovern

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McGovern: This committee [Weaponization of Government] is nothing more than a deranged ploy by the MAGA-extremists who have hijacked the republican party, and now want to use taxpayer money to push their far-right conspiracy nonsense…the MAGA-extremist fringe of the republican party will use this committee to push QANON conspiracy theories, and lies from Truth Social.


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95e82e No.3756

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117483 (101836ZJAN23) Notable: Anons top ten red pills?

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what are the top ten red pills right now?

0: The rightwingers tricked the left into exaggerating the covfefe.

1: Seth Rich and Aron Schwartz were killed by Democrat hitmen.

2: Rigged and Fake elections world wide. All organized by "Dominion".

3: USS Liberty, 9/11, Estonia and Titanic were organized by the same people. Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen.

4: There was no moonlanding, all the footage is CGI.

5: There was never a vaccine, the entire vaccination is a trial of 50 different anti-HIV medicines promoted by the elite pedophile groomers.

6: Steve jobs died out of AIDS.

7: Hollywood is a groomer central for pedophiles world wide, instagram is brothel for underage girls and facebook is a military operation.

8: All your garbage is documented by garbage firms and trucks that take random routes.

9: Your child is almost certain to be aborted, turn gay or commit suicide unless you become impotent.

10: You are being watched, documented, registered and fully logged right now. A depersoning-agenda is linked to your profile.

11: Your IQ must decrease, you must pay more tax and your children will become spies for the political party.

12: You will only learn science that lets us enslave you even further. Your school is your first concentration camp.

13: First you will stop eating normal food, then you will eat bugs, and then you will crawl and beg for mercy while we starve you to death.

14: Every single second of your life is under command. "Ads" are being targeted against your friends to make them alienate you.

15: Your entire browser history is for sale at .onion.

16: AlphabetInc/FB/META/PayPal employees get trained on how to delete a person from internet as quickly as possible.

17: Elites make money when you die. Then you pay tax to them for dying using "Death Tax" and the protection-fee known as "Property tax".

18: Everyone you know is actively being programmed to hate you right now.

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95e82e No.3757

File: 3bd78c5be79939f⋯.png (469.96 KB,744x495,248:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c4ac27df5b20f4⋯.png (642.34 KB,787x829,787:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f9941b2d23d829⋯.png (756.34 KB,800x868,200:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117484 (101836ZJAN23) Notable: At least 17 dead in deadliest day of anti-government protests in Peru

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At least 17 dead in deadliest day of anti-government protests in Peru

At least 17 people were killed in clashes with police in southern Peru, the country’s human rights office said on Monday, the deadliest day so far of protests demanding early elections and the release of jailed former president Pedro Castillo.

The clashes occurred in Juliaca, a city near the banks of Lake Titicaca in southern Peru’s Puno region, and left 68 people injured, Henry Rebaza, a Puno health ministry official, told the state-run television channel TV Peru. The dead included at least two teenagers, according to the ministry.

Some of the bodies had bullet wounds, Puno’s regional health director, Ismael Cornejo, told local radio station RPP.

The latest casualties raise the death toll from anti-government clashes with security forces to 39 since the protests began in early December following the removal and arrest of Castillo shortly after he tried to illegally dissolve Congress.

Castillo is serving 18 months of pre-trial detention on charges of rebellion, which he denies.

Rebaza also told Peru TV that 28 injured police officers are unable to be evacuated from Juliaca’s airport. Peruvian Prime Minister Alberto Otarola said thousands of protesters had tried to invade the airport along with a police station.


During the day in Juliaca, a Reuters witness recorded footage of gunshots and smoke on the streets as protesters took cover behind large metal plates and road signs and threw rocks at police using improvised sling-shots.

Other footage showed people administering CPR to a man lying motionless on the ground in a blood-stained sweater, and people with severe injuries in a crowded hospital waiting room.

An unidentified woman told Reuters their relative had been hit with a bullet while taking a walk with a friend who lived nearby.


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95e82e No.3758

File: 749d5c11d91e633⋯.png (13.28 KB,547x173,547:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117541 (101845ZJAN23) Notable: Large exercise with Russia, Belarus mobilizes all air bases.

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Large exercise with Russia, Belarus mobilizes all air bases.


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95e82e No.3759

File: e9c254df6f62220⋯.png (418.35 KB,827x795,827:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117549 (101846ZJAN23) Notable: The CCP’s Conducting One Of The Largest Military Exercises To Date In Preparation For An Invasion Of Taiwan, Jack Posobiec Reports

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The CCP’s Conducting One Of The Largest Military Exercises To Date In Preparation For An Invasion Of Taiwan, Jack Posobiec Reports

3.52 mins


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95e82e No.3760

File: 74cbde4b4d9f404⋯.png (80.26 KB,1121x786,1121:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 1478174ade1f303⋯.png (99.42 KB,1057x704,1057:704,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cc06a73558c73e⋯.png (131.12 KB,1101x767,1101:767,Clipboard.png)

File: 2702ce92d3f3bda⋯.png (128.3 KB,1089x765,121:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117563 (101847ZJAN23) Notable: This is the state's playbook on how to handle anything that erodes trust in the shots.

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This is the state's playbook on how to handle anything that erodes trust in the shots. It even has guides on what to say. Every public statement by a journalist/politician is scripted by the WHO.


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95e82e No.3761

File: 2ed45a457971c28⋯.png (487.17 KB,754x637,58:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117583 (101852ZJAN23) Notable: BOOM! "The Deep State Exists!" Give this man a raise.

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"The Deep State Exists!"

Give this man a raise.


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95e82e No.3762

File: ca04c3f58666067⋯.png (148.96 KB,845x488,845:488,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a349c0e4930649⋯.png (318.89 KB,670x913,670:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117644 (101858ZJAN23) Notable: Kash Patel: Same Russiagate Crew Running FBI Investigation into Mar-a-Lago Documents

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Kash Patel



are the same crooked cops at FBI investigating Bidens classified docs case??? #FWK


Kash Patel: Same Russiagate Crew Running FBI Investigation into Mar-a-Lago Documents

30 Aug 2022

Disgraced former FBI officials who failed to find Trump campaign collusion with Russia have begun smearing Kash Patel — the House Intelligence Committee investigator who exposed Russiagate as a hoax — suggesting that he will be ensnared in the FBI’s investigation of documents seized from Mar-a-Lago and threatening that he should be quiet and get a lawyer.

Andrew Weissman, the lead prosecutor for former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s failed effort to find and charge then-President Donald Trump with Russian collusion, recently suggested in an interview on MSNBC that Patel was “clearly in the crosshairs,” since the Department of Justice chose not to redact his name before releasing the FBI affidavit used to raid Mar-a-Lago. Without explaining why, Weissman asserted, “Kash Patel…needs to really be getting a lawyer.”

Weissmann: Kash Patel.. needs to be really getting a lawyer pic.twitter.com/wYXG4bEkrO

— Acyn (@Acyn) August 26, 2022

Peter Strzok, the former deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division who led the investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016, recently suggested Patel was in trouble. “Never great to see your unredacted name in a search warrant affidavit. To borrow from Eric Hirschmann, ‘I’m going to give you the best free legal advice you’re ever getting in your life. Get a great F’ing criminal defense lawyer — you’re going to need it,” he tweeted.

David Ignatius, Washington Post columnist — who first reported on the leaked classified contents of a call between then-former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn with a Russian diplomat — recently penned a hit piece on Patel, where he also suggested that Patel would be in trouble. “I fear that a sequel is coming, where Kash and King Donald’s other knights will joust with what they claim are government gangsters — and this won’t be a children’s book,” Ignatius warned ominously.

And recently on CNN, former federal prosecutor Jennifer Rodgers claimed Patel is “implicated” in some wrongdoing. In an apparent effort to get him to stop contradicting the establishment media narrative on the raid at Mar-a-Lago, she warned, “If I were him, I would stay quiet.”

Patel, in an interview with Breitbart News on Saturday, responded to Weissman and Strzok’s warnings and threats, saying:

Weissman and Strzok took their best shot at locking up Trump and failed — despite having almost unlimited resources at their command. Now they have been reduced to uttering asinine threats against me on cable TV and social media. They both provide an object example of people so carried away by their hatred of Trump that they set their reputations, their careers, and their souls on fire in the course of their obsessive vendetta against the former president. It’s predictable that they are now trying to take aim at me, the Russia Gate investigator that got Strzok fired and destroyed Weissman’s witch hunt before he ever launched it.

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95e82e No.3763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117649 (101859ZJAN23) Notable: Kash Patel: Same Russiagate Crew Running FBI Investigation into Mar-a-Lago Documents

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He added, “They want to try to get me in an obstruction of justice trap for somehow impeding a federal investigation involving Donald Trump’s mishandling of classified information, but I don’t know how that would be possible, since I’ve never talked to any single fed on it.”

The recently released FBI affidavit cited a May 5, 2022, Breitbart News article of an interview with Patel where he named a February 18, 2022, NBC News report that said the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) found items marked “classified” among 15 boxes of White House records retrieved from Mar-a-Lago in January 2022. Patel told Breitbart News that the report was “misleading” since Trump had already declassified sets of documents, but that the classification markings had not been updated.

Patel said on Saturday he had no idea what documents were at Mar-a-Lago when the FBI raided. However, he said what he does know is that declassified Russiagate documents were among those handed over to NARA back in January 2022, and that those have been given to the DOJ with no word on when they might be given back.

Patel said those Russiagate documents have never been publicly released. After NARA took possession of them in January, they were given to the DOJ to be viewed for any personal identifiable information (PII) and were supposed to be given back to NARA, but have not yet been returned.

“Remember, Devin [Nunes] and I have always said we got out about 60% of the Russiagate stuff we wanted to get out. The rest was in that binder,” he said.

Patel said even though Trump had designated him as his representative to NARA on June 19, 2022, in order to facilitate the release of already declassified Russiagate documents, Patel has not had the opportunity to review any documents NARA possesses from before or after the raid, since NARA has claimed they could not verify his security clearance.

“They’re playing bureaucratic gymnastics where their position is, ‘We can’t verify your security clearance,’ even though I know I have active security clearance that’s been verified by multiple government agencies,” he said. “After asking for an update on the binder of documents and other material, NARA has said, ‘Oh, we sent it to DOJ. We don’t know what’s here anymore.’ You know, it’s the total run around.”

Patel said it is no coincidence that the people who are threatening him and are in charge of the current FBI investigation into the documents are the same people embroiled in the Russiagate scandal, which means they have the most to lose if the documents are released.

“The same Russiagate people who started that investigation are now running DOJ and are the same FBI guys at counterintelligence running this investigation. They all know the information we discovered — Devin and I — during Russiagate. And they all know what didn’t get out as a result of that big binder of stuff not ever being released by Trump,” he said.

“Some of the same counterintelligence guys that John Durham is looking at who worked for Strzok and Priestap are working on the Hunter Biden laptop case, and this case and others — it’s the same crew,” he said.

“The same people that were supposed to have committed Russiagate are now back in charge, and they know that if they go in and raid Trump’s house and say we have an ongoing counterintelligence investigation, that the documents will never be released,” he said. “They’re afraid of more of their corruption being exposed, more of their unlawful conduct. What happens when the rest comes out?”

He said Weissman and Strzok in particular know what those Russiagate documents say. “Now coincidentally, these guys are the ones screaming that I need to get a lawyer,” he said.

Patel, a former federal prosecutor, was the lead investigator for the House Intelligence Committee’s probe into the origins of Russiagate and authored a memo that not only exposed DOJ and FBI malfeasance, but led to the firing of several involved, including Strzok.

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95e82e No.3764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117651 (101859ZJAN23) Notable: Kash Patel: Same Russiagate Crew Running FBI Investigation into Mar-a-Lago Documents

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The probe and subsequent memo exposed that the DOJ and FBI knew Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the creation of the so-called “Steele Dossier” — which was based on foreign disinformation and alleged that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia — but still used the “Dossier” to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s campaign.

The DOJ inspector general later investigated Strzok, and found that he had texted FBI lawyer Lisa Page — with whom he was having an extramarital affair — messages that were “not only indicative of a biased state of mind but imply a willingness to take official action to impact a presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.” The DOJ inspector general added, “This is antithetical to the core values of the FBI and the Department of Justice,” the report said. The inspector general also criticized Strzok for not following up on new Hillary Clinton emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop in the run up to the 2016 election.

Patel said he believed the DOJ purposely left his name unredacted in the affidavit in retaliation.

“I’m the Russiagate investigator who exposed their corruption. We got Strzok fired, we got Comey fired, we got McCabe fired. We got 14 other people at the FBI and DOJ including Bruce Ohr fired or retired early, and Lisa Page. Now their bosses are back in charge and these people know the documents we found. Same with Weissman because when he was Mueller’s guy, they had access to all of those documents… . So it’s not a coincidence that these same people are now banding together to attack the one guy that exposed their corruption,” he said.

Patel said the decision to not redact his name comes immediately after the FBI has been investigating death threats against him for the past 10 months. “They have the emails. They’re nasty. They’re disgusting,” Patel said. However, he said on the same day the FBI decided to end its investigation on the death threats, the DOJ released the affidavit with his name on it.

“They decided to end the investigation regarding my death threats, and so it continues. Hatred and racist threats keep coming in,” he said.

“It’s intentional. They could have just redacted it… . In fact, DOJ/FBI guidelines demand that redaction, especially since everything below my name is redacted. It was done with one purpose: to threaten me and [Breitbart] indirectly for writing that article,” he said. “Now the deep state has come full circle, and America is seeing their corruption once more, without any care for my safety.”


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95e82e No.3765

File: c48e94710fc055a⋯.png (539.36 KB,591x590,591:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117708 (101906ZJAN23) Notable: @USNationalGuard Always Ready, Always There!

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Always Ready, Always There!


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95e82e No.3766

File: 6cc77d9b883e9ee⋯.png (209.43 KB,1206x860,603:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117728 (101908ZJAN23) Notable: RON REINSTATED https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

95e82e No.3767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117761 (101913ZJAN23) Notable: #22210

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>>3733 DOUGH

>>3739 PROTO Pass information not active

>>3734 In case you missed it - Twitter Reinstates Ron Watkins

>>3735 Pence: Discovery of classified documents from Biden’s time as VP ‘incredibly frustrating’

>>3736 PF: JASDF JF001 and 002 777s departed Rome

>>3737 You should be watching this anons.

>>3738 Supreme Court denies ‘immunity’ claim made by Israeli spyware company at the center of Meta, WhatsApp lawsuit

>>3740 Gen. Flynn Exposes ‘Secret’ US Shadow Government: ‘Parallel Supreme Court’ Operates in the Shadows

>>3741 House Republican files articles of impeachment against DHS Sec. Mayorkas

>>3742 Arizona State Senators Call For Investigation Into Katie Hobbs Charging Donors As Much As $250,000

>>3743 Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) announces candidacy for Senate in 2024

>>3744 Biden’s classified-records headache is Garland’s special-counsel nightmare

>>3745 Canadian Demon Doc euthanizes 400, calls it "Most rewarding work."

>>3746 From the Twitter Files: Pfizer

>>3747 PF: Mexi AF FAM3528 737 heading to Tijuana

>>3748 Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation To Get A License

>>3749 Gaetz introduces amendment to bring C-SPAN cameras back to House floor

>>3750 World Economic Forum’s Davos Set for ‘Record Participation’ as 52 Heads of State to Attend Globalist Summit

>>3751 Anon Opine - If anything makes it though the Senate, Is Bidan going to pass it

>>3752 @AGAndrewBailey PART TWO: Our office has even more hard evidence that President Biden’s Administration has been working with social media to suppress free speech

>>3753 WEF: The Swiss Government Will Deploy 5,000 Troops to Provide Security at the Davos Forum

>>3754 Call for continuous prayer next week

>>3755 [BIG PANIC] McGovern

>>3756 Anons top ten red pills?

>>3757 At least 17 dead in deadliest day of anti-government protests in Peru

>>3758 Large exercise with Russia, Belarus mobilizes all air bases.

>>3759 The CCP’s Conducting One Of The Largest Military Exercises To Date In Preparation For An Invasion Of Taiwan, Jack Posobiec Reports

>>3760 This is the state's playbook on how to handle anything that erodes trust in the shots.

>>3761 BOOM! "The Deep State Exists!" Give this man a raise.

>>3762 @Kash are the same crooked cops at FBI investigating Bidens classified docs case??? #FWK

>>3762, >>3763, >>3764 Kash Patel: Same Russiagate Crew Running FBI Investigation into Mar-a-Lago Documents

>>3765 @USNationalGuard Always Ready, Always There!

>>3766 RON REINSTATED https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ


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95e82e No.3768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117821 (101920ZJAN23) Notable: The House LIVE

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118th United States House of Representatives ~ LIVE


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95e82e No.3769

File: d6a18230489cfca⋯.png (192.88 KB,549x917,549:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117838 (101922ZJAN23) Notable: Ron/CMz back on Twitter

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>>>/qresearch/18117028 pb

>which one?


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95e82e No.3770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117841 (101923ZJAN23) Notable: Anons on the House

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95e82e No.3771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117842 (101924ZJAN23) Notable: Anons on the House

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Representative McClintock: As Madison warned, democracy alone is not enough to protect our liberty. For in a pure democracy, fifty-one percent of the people can vote anytime to throw the other forty-nine percent in jail.

[Best Argument For A REPUBLIC, not democracy]

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95e82e No.3772

File: ceca341b0f07085⋯.png (355.72 KB,587x602,587:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117843 (101924ZJAN23) Notable: Anons on the House

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Massie votes 100% for the Consitution. The man is SOLID!

Get a moment.. His Off Grid video will blow your minds. He is everything you want in a public servant.

Off the Grid with Thomas Massie

406K views 4 years ago


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95e82e No.3773

File: 2726009e55f16d2⋯.png (582.75 KB,1115x547,1115:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117849 (101925ZJAN23) Notable: Anons on the House

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Andrew Clyde wants transparency and accountability & says committee will have teeth

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95e82e No.3774

File: 4f839e5b23e6475⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1163x2319,1163:2319,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 431f603fec7003e⋯.jpeg (192.87 KB,717x937,717:937,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cadaf40da01766b⋯.jpeg (324.82 KB,750x938,375:469,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117855 (101925ZJAN23) Notable: Flynn & a Grand Scheme to Build Nuke Plants in Saudi Arabia

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>>3740 lb.

Anons already made this connection before gateway pundit!

Flynn Just Covering his ass. He didn’t even disclose his trip to the Middle East for his genius idea.


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95e82e No.3775

File: 2c7b5bf65860132⋯.png (1.22 MB,1283x722,1283:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117857 (101926ZJAN23) Notable: Anons on the House

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Yes, they are ripping them with facts.

And all they have are cheap shots and "news" articles from MSM.

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95e82e No.3776

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117858 (101926ZJAN23) Notable: Bongino: CNN host sits STUNNED as Byron Donalds exposes Deep State after Biden docs leak

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Dan Bongino


CNN host sits STUNNED as Byron Donalds exposes Deep State after Biden docs leak


CNN host sits STUNNED as Byron Donalds exposes Deep State after Biden docs leak


5.58 mins


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95e82e No.3777

File: fbe6fca383183ba⋯.jpg (78.67 KB,591x791,591:791,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117859 (101926ZJAN23) Notable: Rep Dan Bishop on power abuses including MKU

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Nominating for Based


Among the many shocking abuses of power & civil liberties violations uncovered by the Church Committee.

It’s been 47 years - let’s uncover and fix what’s happened since.


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95e82e No.3778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117868 (101928ZJAN23) Notable: Anons on the House

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Representative Clyde: It's no secret that alphabet agencies have been dangerously weaponized against the American people.

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95e82e No.3779

File: d227cc7f04c315a⋯.png (419.24 KB,687x586,687:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117874 (101928ZJAN23) Notable: Anons on the House

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Professional Liars

How the hell can they sleep at night? They MUST know how wrong they are. Gives me a brain cramp trying to understand how they can be so evil.

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95e82e No.3780

File: f4123129251d7ba⋯.png (731.53 KB,1770x1263,590:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117879 (101929ZJAN23) Notable: The woke left is internally INCONSISTENT.

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"In recent years, the "L.A.M.B" universe, along with some of Stefani’s other projects, has been the subject of many conversations surrounding cultural appropriation."

The woke left is internally INCONSISTENT.

When a man 'identifies' as a woman, the woke narrative outputs that it is not 'appropriation' and should not be criticized or questioned lest you're a bigot.

When a woman identifies as Japanese, all of a sudden it is 'appropriation', and the same sources accusing others of being bigots, are manifesting their own bigotry according to their own definition!


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95e82e No.3781

File: eb81b4d592eb44e⋯.png (57.27 KB,850x425,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ac55c038220a57⋯.png (751.59 KB,861x637,123:91,Clipboard.png)

File: ce1eaea01656aa1⋯.png (1.5 MB,1229x858,1229:858,Clipboard.png)

File: fc8404f42231272⋯.png (132 KB,760x530,76:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117890 (101931ZJAN23) Notable: Project Maven: Amazon, MS; Google's Jigsaw, Israel's Windward

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all pb

>>>/qresearch/18117569 National Security Action Q 1353 drop. Penn Biden Center. Another NSA Penn Biden Center loser. Jeffrey Prescott

>>>/qresearch/18117643 Think Tankers are Flooding Into the Biden Administration

>>>/qresearch/18117802 many of Biden's foreign policy advisers come from four entities: Foreign Policy for America, National Security Action, Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, and WestExec Advisers


>Thursday, July 9, 2020

>How Biden-Aligned Think Tankers Got Rich

>The Prospect recently wrote about how Joe Biden's foreign policy team got rich,

The next day, they were back to reaching out to venture capitalists and corporate leaders. Their whole approach was based on word of mouth and the power of their founders’ reputations. Initially, WestExec’s website, with its cool black-and-white portraits in dark suits, simply listed Blinken by his role in the firm. By April, a boldfaced title had been added under his name: “Former Deputy Secretary of State and Former Deputy National Security Advisor to the President.” It must have appealed to clients.

To look more established, WestExec found partners in a private equity group and a Google affiliate.

The private equity firm Pine Island Capital Partners was incorporated a year earlier by John Thain. Blinken and Flournoy joined a startlingly high-profile roster of former policymakers, including four retired senators and the former chair of the Joint Chiefs. (Pine Island declined to comment.) Thain, an investment banker, had tanked Merrill Lynch, sold it off to Bank of America, and paid himself several bonuses along the way. At the height of the subprime mess, he spent $1.2 million remodeling his office, installing a $35,000 golden toilet. He seemed like a less-than-ideal partner for public servants.

Another partnership was with Google’s in-house think tank, Jigsaw.WestExec’s Robert Work, during his time at the Pentagon, collaborated with the tech company in an artificial-intelligence venture, as first reported by The Intercept. That AI initiative, known asProject Maven,led to an insurrection among Google staff upset about collaborating with the military. (“WestExec has done no work on Project Maven. Period,” said Flournoy.) Though Jigsaw has since been removed from WestExec’s list of partners, the Prospect has learned that Blinken and Flournoy have continued to work quietly and informally with Google engineers and executives,spitballing potential geopolitical threats. Schmidt Futures, Google founder and billionaire Eric Schmidt’s philanthropy, has also hired WestExec.

The founders told executives they would share their “passion” for helping new companies navigate the complex bureaucracy of winning Pentagon contracts. They told giant defense contractors how to explain cutting-edge technologies to visitors from Congress. Their approach worked, and clients began to sign up.

One was an airline, another a global transportation company, a third a company that makes drones that can almost instantly scan an entire building’s interior. WestExec would only divulge that it began working with “Fortune 100 types,” including large U.S. tech; financial services, including global-asset managers; aerospace and defense; emerging U.S. tech; and nonprofits.

The Prospect can confirm that one of those clients is the Israeli artificial-intelligence company Windward. With surveillance software that tracks ships in real time, two former Israeli naval intelligence officers established the company in 2010. Gabi Ashkenazi, former chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces, serves on its board. Windward also claims former CIA director David Petraeus as an investor, as well as a Hong Kong billionaire (most U.S. military-tech companies avoid money from China, experts told me, so they turn to investing in Israel).


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95e82e No.3782

File: 56b0dd5828a0481⋯.png (262.08 KB,536x1633,536:1633,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b4f10c6d850619⋯.png (204.03 KB,1430x540,143:54,Clipboard.png)

File: 14e1011d0d1b2e8⋯.png (53.49 KB,829x372,829:372,Clipboard.png)

File: 33fc1a5902f92d3⋯.png (369.06 KB,648x473,648:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117896 (101933ZJAN23) Notable: Project Maven: Amazon, MS; Google's Jigsaw, Israel's Windward

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>National Security Action Q 1353 drop. Penn Biden Center. Another NSAPenn Biden Centerloser. Jeffrey Prescott

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95e82e No.3783

File: 10808bb57a27cbb⋯.png (399.61 KB,530x631,530:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117905 (101934ZJAN23) Notable: #USNavy units intercepted a fishing vessel smuggling 2,116 AK-47 rifles

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Keeping the waters safe! 👏


#USNavy units in


intercepted a fishing vessel smuggling 2,116 AK-47 rifles while transiting international waters from Iran to Yemen, Jan. 6.

Read the full story here: https://dvidshub.net/r/3223uh


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95e82e No.3784

File: 28ed98c4d6d6548⋯.png (905.39 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

File: fbc68ec75246944⋯.png (1.45 MB,1154x1200,577:600,Clipboard.png)

File: ff7e422454303c2⋯.png (451.92 KB,992x558,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: bb2a676bc49e337⋯.png (88.47 KB,300x225,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117936 (101940ZJAN23) Notable: Germany to lift restrictions on gay blood donors

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Germany to lift restrictions on gay blood donors

AFPJanuary 10, 2023 10:29 am

Germany will amend its guidelines for donating blood so the same rules apply to everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, the country’s health minister said on Tuesday.

Official guidelines will be adapted so that potential donors are no longer assessed differently based on their sexual orientation, Karl Lauterbach told the RND broadcaster.

“Whether someone can become a blood donor is a question of behavioural risk, not sexual orientation,” Lauterbach said.

“There must also be no hidden discrimination on this issue,” he added.

According to current guidelines from the German Medical Association (BAK), men who have sex with men are only allowed to donate blood if they have not had “a new or more than one sexual partner” in the past four months.

Other people are assessed on whether they are “frequently changing partners”.

The rules date back to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, when gay men were thought to carry a higher risk of passing on the virus.

Under the new rules, potential donors will be assessed only on the “basis of the individual behaviour of the person willing to donate”, according to RND.

An amendment to the law will come into force on April 1, after which the BAK will have four months to come up with new guidelines, the report said.

The German Lesbian and Gay Association (LSVD) welcomed the plans, calling them “long overdue”.

Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus, a health expert for the liberal FDP party, said the previous guidelines were “not only out of date, but simply discriminatory”.

“Anyone who wants to donate blood should be able to do so. Because donating blood saves lives,” she said.

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95e82e No.3785

File: c187cd80f1aa16b⋯.png (311.23 KB,598x537,598:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117942 (101941ZJAN23) Notable: #Madonna Accused of #Trafficking & Exploiting African #Children by Charity - Sputnik

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Russia state-affiliated media

#Madonna Accused of #Trafficking & Exploiting African #Children by Charity



Let´s fucking go!

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95e82e No.3786

File: 33205e2dbf38e02⋯.jpeg (372.09 KB,1241x2354,1241:2354,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b6a111dbe38db17⋯.jpeg (681.11 KB,1241x2147,1241:2147,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18117948 (101943ZJAN23) Notable: John Lausch Jr DIG

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PN>>3685 DOJ taps Trump-appointed attorney to investigate classified documents found at Biden think

PN>>3744 Biden’s classified-records headache is Garland’s special-counsel nightmare

This is the guy that Garland appointed to investigate Bidanssecret and top secret docs. It doesn’t look good because he was backed by by Duckworth & Durbin keep his job when 55 others were dismissed under Bidan DOJ


Lausch received his Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, from Harvard University and his Juris Doctor, cum laude, from Northwestern University School of Law. He clerked for Michael Stephen Kanne of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.[1]

United States Attorney

On August 3, 2017, he was nominated to be the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. On October 19, 2017, his nomination was reported out of committee by voice vote.[2] On November 9, 2017, his nomination was approved by the United States Senate by voice vote. He was sworn into office on November 22, 2017.


Both senators from Illinois,Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth released a joint statement that Lausch should remain in officein the new administration to complete sensitive investigations.

On February 8, 2021,unlike 55 other Trump-era attorneys, he was not asked to resign.[3]



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95e82e No.3787

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]