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Anon Curated Notables 2021 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

956510 No.66 [Last50 Posts]

10APR21 to 12APR21


Re-Posts of notables

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956510 No.41577

File: c0aad6a37fab8aa⋯.png (117.86 KB,788x574,394:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 7717c9944089e0f⋯.png (72.38 KB,791x448,113:64,Clipboard.png)

File: 31fd33d68831359⋯.png (759.02 KB,1440x906,240:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396045 (100705ZAPR21) Notable: FEAR PORN Astronomers Find Region of Milky Way Filled With Stars About to Explode

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Astronomers Find Region of Milky Way Filled With Stars About to Explode


Astrophysicists have found a new region of the Milky Way, and it's filled with searingly hot, bright-blue stars that are about to explode.

The researchers were creating the most detailed map yet of the star-flecked spiral arms of our galactic neighborhood with the European Space Agency's (ESA) Gaia telescope when they discovered the region, which they have named the Cepheus spur, they reported in a new study.

Nestled between the Orion Arm — where our solar system is— and the constellation Perseus, the spur is a belt between two spiral arms filled with enormous stars three times the size of the sun and colored blue by their blistering heat.

Additional link: Spanish astrophysicists discover new region of Milky Way - https://english.elpais.com/usa/2021-04-05/spanish-astrophysicists-discover-new-region-of-milky-way.html

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956510 No.41578

File: 205d9e6f8d99010⋯.jpg (180.02 KB,1014x792,169:132,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396047 (100705ZAPR21) Notable: Leave it to the liberal progressives to turn genocide into a for profit business opportunity, funded by the US taxpayer.

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956510 No.41579

File: f07efaba2e22ee2⋯.png (44.98 KB,303x459,101:153,Clipboard.png)

File: 231d070bd904107⋯.png (133.2 KB,501x618,167:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396059 (100710ZAPR21) Notable: Portland aims to fight crime with unarmed park rangers

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Portland aims to fight crime with unarmed park rangers


In exit interviews, The Oregonian reports nearly all of the officers said they were leaving because of a lack of support from political leaders.

The city’s decision to hire unarmed park rangers instead of more police is being widely criticized by those in law enforcement. Several rangers said they are not trained or equipped to intervene during armed conflicts. Jim Ferraris, president of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, served as a longtime officer in Portland and as a chief in a suburban police department. He says the Portland Police Bureau is one of the most understaffed department’s in the country and hiring park rangers won’t reduce gun violence.

“Park rangers aren’t really going to have an impact,” said Ferraris. “That’s not what they’re trained for, that’s not what they’re hired for, that’s not what they signed up for. They don’t even have ballistic vests for protection.”

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956510 No.41580

File: 21a6f58a7a05d10⋯.png (874.43 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396064 (100711ZAPR21) Notable: Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

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Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40% of US Marines are declining Covid-19 vaccinations, according to data provided to CNN on Friday by the service, the first branch to disclose service-wide numbers on acceptance and declination.

As of Thursday, approximately 75,500 Marines have received vaccines, including fully vaccinated and partially vaccinated service men and women. About 48,000 Marines have chosen not to receive vaccines, for a declination rate of 38.9%.

CNN has reached out to the other services for acceptance and declination rates.

The corresponding acceptance rate for vaccinations among Marines 61.1% is not far off the military estimate of two-thirds, or about 66%.

Another 102,000 Marines have not yet been offered the vaccines. The total number of Marines includes active-duty, reserves and Individual Mobilization Augmentee Marines.

The declination rate at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, one of the prominent Marine Corps bases, was far higher, at 57%, according to another set of data provided to CNN. Of 26,400 Marines who have been offered vaccinations, 15,100 have chosen not to receive them, a number that includes both II Marine Expeditionary Force and Marine Corps Installation East – Camp Lejeune. Another 11,500 active-duty Marines are scheduled to be offered the vaccines.

US military says a third of troops opt out of being vaccinated, but the numbers suggest its more

US military says a third of troops opt out of being vaccinated, but the numbers suggest it's more

"We fully understand that widespread acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine provides us with the best means to defeat the pandemic. The key to addressing the pandemic is building vaccine confidence," Marine Corps spokeswoman Col. Kelly Frushour told CNN in a statement.

Frushour said there are a number of potential reasons a Marine may choose not to receive a vaccine, including allowing others to receive it first, waiting until it becomes mandatory, getting it through other channels or being allergic to the vaccine.

"Service members who decline one day can change their mind and become vaccinated when next the opportunity presents itself," she said.

CNN reported last month that the rejection rate for vaccination among service members may be close to 50%, a number notably higher than the 33% figure defense officials have used publicly.

The military cannot make the vaccines mandatory now because they have only emergency use authorizations from the Food and Drug Administration, meaning service members who are required to receive a series of other vaccinations have the option of declining shots to protect against Covid-19.

Officials say most of the vaccine hesitancy stems from concerns about the speed at which the vaccines were developed and fears over long-term effects.

The Defense Department has approximately 2.2 million service members operating around the globe. For every 10 percentage point drop in the acceptance rate, that's 220,000 individuals opting not to receive vaccines, a number potentially large enough to affect force readiness. Last year, the military experienced a handful of high-profile Covid outbreaks, including one aboard an aircraft carrier deployed in the Pacific.

Last month, a group of Democratic lawmakers called on President Joe Biden to issue a "waiver of informed consent" to make getting vaccinated against Covid-19 mandatory for all US military service members, writing in a letter that "disinformation and vaccine skepticism" are influencing service members to opt out of being vaccinated.


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956510 No.41581

File: d15c5d55cd0f46c⋯.jpg (374.97 KB,1574x2274,787:1137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396066 (100712ZAPR21) Notable: Anon opine on false idols and FAKE puppets that distract us and use to take our time and our money. Things are never going back to normal.

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It’s all dead to me. Celebrities. Sports. Concerts. Bars. Travel. None of it matters anymore. During 14 days to stop the spread, which turned into 7 weeks of lockdown, I would have done ANYTHING to go to a concert.

The celebrities I once looked up to I know can’t look at. It’s all gone. 2020 changed me. And I don’t miss any of it. I only wish I had ditched all of these false idols sooner.

But now? I count it as loss. It means nothing to me anymore. The people I once idolized are puppets. The politicians I once applauded are imbedded in their own interests and have sold us out. The companies I once shopped with are colluding against us.

The truth is is that I’d give up any of these things sooner if I had truly understood. But now I do. And it set me free. I’ll walk the narrow road with my eyes fixed on the finish line. None of what is here matters. The earth and everything here is temporary.

There is life after death. So I count this all as loss. 2020 was the year that separated the wheat from the chaff. There are still people straddling the line, soon they will have to choose where they stand too.

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.”

1 Corinthians 9:24

If disagreeing with what is happening causes me to lose my seat at the table and to lose my status in society, I’m willing to sit alone.

Everything here is passing away. There is no going back to normal. This is a hard to swallow pill. The new normal is here. The New World Order is here. But I have hope. My hope isn’t in The United States of America or any president. It’s in God alone.

I see many people worried about what freedoms they’ll lose by not taking the experimental vaccines - they think that this vaccines means things will go back to normal.

Things are never going back to normal.

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956510 No.41582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396068 (100712ZAPR21) Notable: Don't trust anyone who's in the business to make money off you

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>You're so right about the doctors.

Autism tends to be right 99.9% of the time.

Convincing the rest of the world is always the hardest part…

But especially when they arrest, then beat, and torture, then charge you for recognizing the real

>I only trust emergency doctors - for broken bones and such.

You won't after you get the bill!

**That's also wut she said, btw

>If you ever read the pharmaceutical insert, it says something about doctor has prescribed this medicine because the medicine could –benefit outweighs the risk. The risk could be liver failure. The regular doctors never focused on cure. THEY ARE LEGAL DRUG DEALER.

Almost got into the pharmaceutical field.

Could not do so in good conscience when I found out that the drugs I would be making would go on to be tested upon you guinea pigs… I mean Earthlings… I mean hu-man Earthlings.

>What's more alarming is that I went to see the covid info from CDC website, it says the same thing about the vaccine - benefit outweight the risk.

Yeah. No. Don't trust anyone who's in the business to make money off you.

But especially when they want you to risk your life, and waive you Rights in order to do so, just so we all can pretend like the Creator totally didn't design us with cool shit, like an immune system and respiratory system, and all these other neat functions that the "scientists" don't want you to know about, because the "scientists" are too busy trying to get grant money to study whatever "science" will pay them to skew the results.

Between you and me, no homo, this world gets really depressing at times…

Sadly, every last pharmaceutical product is still under-going what's know as "stage 4 testing"…

So, any time you hear something like, "This drug is totally fucking safe*, bro!".., just remember, that little aste[RISK] next to that comforting word, "safe…", means "…"safe" for stage 4 testing".

Remember. They brainwashed the "scientists" at an early age to think all the hu-man Earthlings are really just a bunch of dumb monkeys for them to preform tests upon…

That barely scratches the surface, unfortunately


>They are automatons who follow flowcharts made up by insurance medical boards, deviation from this

>risks lawsuits.

Don't you just love how a bunch of retarded humans get together and ass-rape their ideas down our throats, simply by paying fuck-tons of money to lawyers, who we obviously cannot afford, all to say something is "legal" to murder us with, but if we don't risk our lives, then they will sue us to death?

Me neither…

It is true AF, tho. Doctors are terrified of lawyers!

This comes in VERY handy if a doctor gets out of line and/or tries anything funny.

I've chased doctors down hallways before, simply by mentioning lawsuit or merely for asking for their name, with that intent clearly implied by the conversation.

Funny AF irl

>Oh, really fool? I'm about to call muh lawyer. Is that a "so-and-so" with an 's' and an 'o''?

>Wait! Where are you going???

>But… But, you said this was a "life-saving" treatment… Now, you're running down the hall scared for your life.

>Oh, your gonna push the button for the elevator and wait?

>Why don't I come talk to you for a second to clarify.

>Oh really, foo? Sue me for wut? Not-medical malpractice? Sue me for asking questions?

>Harassment? You mean like when you told me to leave the room, so you could try to convince [redacted] to take psych "meds" they do NOT want to be on, after having been put on them at such a young age?

>After nurse what's-her-name gave [redacted] the wrong medicine, then tried to call the "psych ward" on the patient for calling a bitch-ass out?

>Oh, this is YOUR elevator? Can you please clarify your name, so I can confirm this as fact? Odd that you claim this elevator to be YOURS, yet it appears to be open to the hospital patients and guests. I don't think this is your elevator. I'm not even sure you're a real doctor.

>Moar like a medical fraud…

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956510 No.41583

File: 4a2533e8c6088ed⋯.jpg (45.93 KB,540x322,270:161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396077 (100716ZAPR21) Notable: Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

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not able

Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

and maybe

data suggests that this # may be much higher

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956510 No.41584

File: d75f93d88fbf654⋯.png (318.42 KB,535x628,535:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396078 (100716ZAPR21) Notable: US Navy this week conducted a freedom of navigation patrol in Indian waters without India’s prior consent, declaring that it was intended as a challenge to India’s “excessive maritime claims”.

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In an unexpected move, the US Navy this week conducted a freedom of navigation patrol in Indian waters without India’s prior consent, declaring that it was intended as a challenge to India’s “excessive maritime claims”.


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956510 No.41585

File: e34ce982a9def6e⋯.jpg (94.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396094 (100723ZAPR21) Notable: We're being poisoned in so many different ways..

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We're being poisoned in so many different ways..

Right now our (well, those who believe in the virus and live in fear of it) are being psychologically poisoned through fear which in itself cam create further problems.

Then there's the metaphysical side of this.. Manifestation. One thinks therefore one creates.. The constant barrage of media coverage about covid keeps this in peoples minds so it continues to manifest.

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so that they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed in poison everywhere they turn.

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths. They will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them; in what they drink, eat, breathe, and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good with fun images and musical tones.

Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it is for their help.

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956510 No.41586

File: 4485aff3f670878⋯.png (125.47 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396106 (100727ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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It's not a hypothesis, it's an unsourced anecdote. If you call that research, then you should look into the alliance I overheard Big Foot making with the Pledians behind the 7-11 last night.

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956510 No.41587

File: ba15df02ca432bf⋯.mp4 (4.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396116 (100729ZAPR21) Notable: The Irony after 4 years of calling Trump a Dictator. We actually get a Dictator. (Cap 0:46)

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The Irony after 4 years of calling Trump a Dictator. We actually get a Dictator.

Today Biden signed a EO on Supreme Court “reform”. Aka SC packing because they lost 2016 Election. FDR the most powerful President in American History who was also a Democrat tried to pack the SC and Democrats back then said Fuck No. How is Dementia man more powerful than 4 term FDR? Anyone paying attention already knows the “Commission” answer to the demand.

Biden stops protecting our Southern border. He ended Trumps Wall, placed a gag order on Border Patrol Agents from speaking out. Stopped Senators and Congress people from filming the children in cages. Then demanded them to delete the footage. In his 1st day in office Biden signed a EO demanding ICE not DEPORT ANYONE. Even violent Felons. Thankfully Texas won against that in Court.

Yesterday he declared that No Amendment to the Constitution is “Permanent”. Directly talking about the 2nd Amendment. If no Amendment is permanent then they are just empty promises. And it’s interesting that he specifically mentioned that one because the 2nd is the only thing keeping the Government from going FULL HITLER. Removing the 2nd Amendment means the government can walk into your home unannounced at any time and seize you or your property without a fight. And again Biden’s Regime is fighting in Court to enter your home without A WARRANT.

He’s signed at least 40 EO. Most of them removing what Trump did just because there salty losers. Even if it was good like lower insulin cost it’s bad because Trump signed it.

His “inauguration” had 26,000 National Guard Troops. More troops then we currently have in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s peak paranoia. And placed Washington DC on full lockdown. Erecting Walls all over the Capitol after declaring Walls are ineffective. They keep on moving the goal post to justify having Washington DC occupied.

After using the Filibuster to its fullest extent during 4 years of a Trump Presidency, Democrats are demanding to end the Filibuster. Citing “abuse” after abusing it themselves.

Biden falls up the stairs multiple times. No cries for Impeachment due to him being physically unfit for the job.

Hunter Biden is literally a National Security threat. Fox News showed the World his nudes. And if Fox News has dirt on Hunter Biden what do Foreign Intelligence Agencies have on that guy? Not only that but Hunter lied on a Federal Gun Form and then threw that gun away by a School and is a known Drug Addict. Joe Biden who placed many people in for prison for Drug Addiction has never placed his son in jail. Rules for me but not for thee. Democrats spent years going after the Trumps business and personal lives in a effort to throw them in Jail. They weaponized the Intelligence Agencies against the Commander and Chief.

Big Tech banned the New York Post from Social Media. They censored people from sharing that story. Big Tech sucked and fucked the Biden’s in the same way those Prostitutes were sucking and fucking Hunter.

Big Tech banned President Trump while he was still President. Big Tech also has been targeting Republican Senators and Congressman and women when ever Democrats demand them to.

Bombing Syria after crying you can’t use the military without congressional approval. Pelosi and other top Democrats demanding to take away the Nuclear Codes from Biden. If Biden truly is unfit for the job 25th him already. We don’t have multiple Commander and Chiefs. We only have one Commander and Chiefs.

Hand picked media outlets to ask questions. He literally had a Open Nootbook quiz in front of the whole nation. After 4 years of the media asking “tough questions” the media magically goes silent and doesn’t interrupt him at all. Doesn’t call bull shit when he lies and doesn’t correct him when he trails off.

O and we are currently living through Operation Dark Winter. He’s mentioned Dark Winter enough times that it’s no longer just a theory.


Gas shooting through the roof. By ending the Pipe Line.

Banning Fracking. After saying he wouldn’t.

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956510 No.41588

File: beee2b677bb2fd2⋯.png (4.12 MB,3465x1733,3465:1733,Clipboard.png)

File: d895a7682b091cd⋯.png (3.5 MB,3465x1733,3465:1733,Clipboard.png)

File: 16d6345c9e5fde9⋯.png (292.25 KB,985x542,985:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396124 (100731ZAPR21) Notable: , Posting truth to FB is like fighting behind enemy lines. A delicate balance of what truth you can post before you step on a land mine.

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Posting truth to FB is like fighting behind enemy lines. A delicate balance of what truth you can post before you step on a land mine.

There was nothing about my real name or location on FB.. If that made a difference, and I always used a VPN.

Although, I am sure I posted shit they could esily find me, I honestly did not give a sheet!

I am just shocked they did not nuke me years ago.


i know…

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956510 No.41589

File: 5a85ed1cc3e6373⋯.png (66.58 KB,908x944,227:236,Clipboard.png)

File: 52fcc61f2aedf05⋯.png (232.18 KB,3652x966,1826:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a786f050eeb0a9⋯.jpg (100.1 KB,630x631,630:631,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 841cb40f8173aa5⋯.jpg (180.16 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396131 (100733ZAPR21) Notable: , Posting truth to FB is like fighting behind enemy lines. A delicate balance of what truth you can post before you step on a land mine.

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Anon Knows you Know!


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956510 No.41590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396143 (100737ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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>Big Foot

They have evidence of Big Foot DNA now….

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956510 No.41591

File: 0f66a99f9acfa8b⋯.pdf (751.85 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: cb4eb7de5955f27⋯.jpg (122.79 KB,1071x324,119:36,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0603ff71d6a309b⋯.jpg (297.64 KB,1110x856,555:428,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396144 (100737ZAPR21) Notable: UK: SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing, restrictions – Roadmap Step 2 (31st of March 2021)

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UK: SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing,restrictions – Roadmap Step 2 (31st of March 2021)

32. The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.

56. This shows that most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines.

"safe and effective"

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956510 No.41592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396145 (100737ZAPR21) Notable: Texas physician researchers case series finds reduction in covid 19 hospitalization by 87-6 death 74-9

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some are speaking


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956510 No.41593

File: 5feff9eca6477d5⋯.png (371.69 KB,1535x739,1535:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396183 (100748ZAPR21) Notable: 29 Earthquakes world wide today, 5.5 South Shetland Islands

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956510 No.41594

File: 3854b5242244355⋯.jpeg (551.43 KB,1646x790,823:395,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 186d74a9f4f879c⋯.jpeg (536.78 KB,1668x829,1668:829,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396190 (100751ZAPR21) Notable: “USBee Inc.”

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>>Pb 13393548

Anon never noticed “USBee Inc.” on that honey pot before. Which led to some digging that was prolly done here before.

But it is interdasting that the address in NYC is shared by another company (Worldquant Predictive Technologies) - filed February 18, 2021. Anon likes the Q in “worldQuant”

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956510 No.41595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396196 (100753ZAPR21) Notable: “USBee Inc.”

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956510 No.41596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396202 (100755ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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It been a while but….

It was a group of BF researchers that found hair samples that were legit. Submitted multiple times through a reputable lab. They found it was an documented / genome type species whatever. Never seen before was the end result.

Sauce for source is out there. They were old school big foot searchers. They have been at it for years.

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956510 No.41597

File: d8f86d9d84cecf1⋯.jpeg (417.36 KB,1242x2044,621:1022,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396203 (100755ZAPR21) Notable: Power outages US Border States

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Border States.


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956510 No.41598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396214 (100759ZAPR21) Notable: Supreme Court Rules For Worshippers And Against California COVID Restrictions

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Supreme Court Rules For Worshippers And Against California COVID Restrictions


For the fifth time, the U.S. Supreme Court has sided with religious adherents and against California's COVID-19 restrictions. This time, the court barred the state from enforcing a rule that for now limits both religious and non-religious gatherings in homes to no more than three households.

The court's unsigned order came on a 5-to-4 vote. Chief Justice John Roberts cast his lot with the dissenters, but failed to join their opinion. He noted simply that he would have left the lower court order in tact.

A panel of the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals ruled that because the state treated both secular and non-secular groups alike when it came to home gatherings, the state restriction was constitutional. The appeals court panel declined to temporarily block its own order pending appeal.

But even as home worshippers appealed to the Supreme Court, the state said it was in the process of modifying its rules as part of its ongoing process of easing restrictions by April 15.

None of that satisfied the Supreme Court majority, including Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and President Trump's three appointees, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

Government regulations are not neutral when they "treat any comparable secular activity more favorably than religious exercise," said the majority, noting that "it is no answer that a state treats some comparable…activities as poorly as…the religious exercise at issue."

In dissent, Justice Elena Kagan, joined by Justices Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor noted that California has adopted a blanket regulation limiting all home gatherings to three households, and that just because the state does allow larger gatherings at hair salons and other retail venues does not invalidate the home gathering limit.

"The law does not require that the state equally treat apples and watermelons," Kagan wrote, noting that people remain for longer periods in private homes, tend to gather more closely, and that homes do not typically have air purification systems or other protections that have been adopted by most businesses. The majority "once more commands California to ignore its own experts' scientific findings, thus impairing the state's effort to address a public health emergency," said Kagan.

The court has done an about-face on these issues involving worship in churches, synagogues, mosques and now homes since the arrival of Justice Barrett. Until early 2021, after her arrival, the court, by 5-to-4 votes had generally deferred to the judgments of health departments and scientists when it came to state COVID-19 restrictions. Back then, it was Chief Justice Roberts who cast the fifth and deciding vote. But now it is Barrett, and Roberts is in the minority.

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956510 No.41599

File: 88997229aea719d⋯.png (279.44 KB,598x594,299:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396220 (100800ZAPR21) Notable: , Charles Coolidge, Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, dies at 99

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Charles Coolidge, Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, dies at 99


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956510 No.41600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396222 (100800ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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Here you go this should get you on the right path to the source docs on their findings.

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956510 No.41601

File: 326a6013477942e⋯.png (224.56 KB,1000x979,1000:979,Clipboard.png)

File: 875327a7461c8b4⋯.png (215.06 KB,1000x958,500:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396229 (100804ZAPR21) Notable: Vote fake AF leaders out, senate 2022, who is up for election, who is not?

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be LOUD, and tell others to be LOUD

no violence

no violence

read that fake news and fake leaders

vote fake AF leaders out, senate 2022, who is up for election, who is not?

learn the game work together

call senators, let them know what you think; ty

tell others to call senators and let..

protect the filibuster to guard against nancy's hr1 and other terrible bills; ty

print pictures of illegal immigrants crossing the borders and post them around your Neighborhood and mayb some Notables; ty


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956510 No.41602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396234 (100806ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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NABS was also the group that started the Bigfoot DNA project which was instrumental in the identification of bigfoot/sasquatch as its own species.


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956510 No.41603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396243 (100809ZAPR21) Notable: THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

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for new eyes, recently notabled

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot



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956510 No.41604

File: 739a899d94ec3dd⋯.png (543.97 KB,748x897,748:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396247 (100811ZAPR21) Notable: , How to become a Sovereign state citizen on your passport. Change your passport from US Citizen to State Citizen (42:57)

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956510 No.41605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396248 (100811ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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Finally found it after 3 pages -.-

But the kids fear is what holds my suspension of disbelief

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956510 No.41606

File: b86d4b8b1a65840⋯.png (73.54 KB,300x450,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396252 (100813ZAPR21) Notable: Vote fake AF leaders out, senate 2022, who is up for election, who is not?

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Wise words.

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956510 No.41607

File: 03b56ccf3d874f1⋯.png (55.94 KB,243x195,81:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396257 (100815ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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Self published in his own journal?


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956510 No.41608

File: 7d40944e7308a4b⋯.png (15.19 KB,636x407,636:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396271 (100822ZAPR21) Notable: Magnitude 5.9 quake hits Indonesia, no tsunami – EMSC

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Magnitude 5.9 quake hits Indonesia, no tsunami – EMSC


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956510 No.41609

File: 894e59143e4b3ff⋯.png (1.18 MB,1440x810,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 94f6de8843fc7d9⋯.png (432.73 KB,593x755,593:755,Clipboard.png)

File: a3f7d086d671694⋯.png (138.08 KB,300x202,150:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c4c16dd573f552⋯.png (125.6 KB,353x258,353:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396278 (100825ZAPR21) Notable: Navy Labs To Reopen The Once Taboo Case On Nuclear Cold Fusion

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Navy Labs To Reopen The Once Taboo Case On Nuclear Cold Fusion

Federal labs are reexamining the DOD’s research into cold fusion and low-energy nuclear reactions, potentially leading to revolutionary technologies.


*Interesting note: at the end of 2009 an investigation book was published in Italy that caused a great sensation: the secret of the three bullets (by Maurizio Torrealta, investigative journalist of the Corriere, the most popular Italian newspaper and Emilio Del Giudice, renowned physicist and expert in QED author, together with Giuliano Preparata, of a hypothesis of theoretical explanation of cold nuclear fusion). This book itself has only recently made its way into English, published by TrineDay in Walterville, Oregon.

The fundamental point of the book consists in the following hypothesis: the use of cold fusion with uranium instead of palladium (as was done in the laboratory in the first cold fusion experiments) could allow the initiation of nuclear reactions overcoming the problem of mass critical, that is through any quantity of uranium, even for example that contained in a bullet. So it would be possible to make nuclear-type weapons with enormous destructive power but located in small portions of space. These could be surgical weapons that have been used since the Gulf War, such as bunker busters, weapons capable of penetrating inside bunkers and vaporizing the contents.

The so-called depleted uranium which, as has been said, is added to the bullet to increase its penetrating capacity, could instead be a cover for types of nuclear weapons that use uranium (not depleted but natural or even enriched to increase its power as in the case of Khiyam) which becomes impoverished due to the nuclear reactions that occur during the explosion.

So-called inert metal dense explosive bombs (DIMEs) contain tungsten powder which is a heavy metal used in many hydrogen loading experiments for cold fusion. It is plausible to think that in this type of bomb the tungsten has been loaded with hydrogen and that the compression of the impact, producing nanoparticles, releases the hydrogen in an atomic rather than a molecular form. This highly reactive hydrogen draws oxygen from the organic matter it encounters, and could cause the inexplicable injuries observed in Gaza.

The need to keep military secrecy on these types of weapons may have contributed to the demise of civilian scientific research on cold fusion

In conclusion, the authors mention a 2005 patent for projectiles made of uranium or several other metals, or hydrides of those metals, whose energy release may be increased by adding a pressure containment structure. However, the patent claims that any excess energy release is the result of chemical reactions. They speculate that this projectile patent may be referring to the same technology as discussed in another patent filed by cold fusion researcher Yoshiaki Arata, describing cold fusion in a zirconium matrix.

While the suggestion that cold fusion technology was in use as early as 1991 is fascinating, I would add that the theoretical and experimental studies carried out by Serge Haroche and his colleagues and peers (including Steven Jones and Joseph Jacobson) probably led to the development of a more sophisticated pure fusion weapons technology during the 1990’s, necessary for covert use in false-flag operations such as the WTC in 2001. I would no longer assume that these weapons leave anything other than a very short-lived radioactive signature, caused by the release of gamma radiation during the explosion.

Even more interesting (and disturbing) is the reason for the title of the book: it refers to the three mysterious bullets that would have been fired during the attack on Pope Wojtila




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956510 No.41610

File: d5b51a7d3b4cd27⋯.png (357.35 KB,888x731,888:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a0de142480265e⋯.png (232.15 KB,1006x541,1006:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 529d6176b8d8f7f⋯.jpg (139 KB,861x669,287:223,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d5b7e61129cc370⋯.png (136.47 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 9475c774fcc9e5f⋯.png (65.13 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396282 (100827ZAPR21) Notable: Vote fake AF leaders out, senate 2022, who is up for election, who is not?

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956510 No.41611

File: 3646c2b1372813c⋯.png (208.18 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396290 (100829ZAPR21) Notable: , Excellent red pill video on COVID Do Not Be Afraid Of COVID 19 (11:44)

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Excellent red pill video on COVID Do Not Be Afraid Of COVID 19.

Removed from YouTube in 20 minutes, fact checked by Fakebook,

Rumble, Bitchute and Gab, hugely positive comments.

If someone can embed this video here please do. I tried I am not that smart.

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956510 No.41612

File: 078bdb6039c7ecb⋯.png (765.1 KB,681x877,681:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 30a749c49642ec8⋯.png (516.63 KB,681x872,681:872,Clipboard.png)

File: a265a6588de2ec5⋯.jpg (196.91 KB,738x375,246:125,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 851b8c58371b9e5⋯.png (742.34 KB,678x878,339:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396294 (100831ZAPR21) Notable: Leave it to the liberal progressives to turn genocide into a for profit business opportunity, funded by the US taxpayer.

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956510 No.41613

File: 079a50a606926b1⋯.png (449.39 KB,689x384,689:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396308 (100835ZAPR21) Notable: , Interpol reports to have arrested 195 human trafficker's in global sweep

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956510 No.41614

File: 7f7552e49d53c29⋯.png (417.9 KB,748x639,748:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 34f995a0ff59961⋯.png (95.2 KB,472x466,236:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 732dc946f3a0df8⋯.png (314.4 KB,498x780,83:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396310 (100835ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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It might be fake but I found an article.


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956510 No.41615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396313 (100837ZAPR21) Notable: , Charles Coolidge, Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, dies at 99

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>Charles Coolidge, Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, dies at 99

In His Own Words:

Charles Coolidge, Medal of Honor, WWII


MedalOfHonorBook !o7

In October 1944, Technical Sergeant Charles Coolidge assumed control of his men

(many of whom had never been under fire) and exposed himself to enemy fire

in order to walk up and down the line, rallying his unit to hold its position despite

withering enemy fire near Belmont-sur-Buttant, France.

Coolidge was awarded the Medal of Honor on June 18, 1945.

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956510 No.41616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396315 (100838ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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956510 No.41617

File: 610f3fce1f798dc⋯.png (187.36 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396319 (100839ZAPR21) Notable: , POLITICIANS can't take away our second amendment… That is unconstitutional.

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POLITICIANS can't take away our second amendment… That is unconstitutional.

From the first model offered by Samuel Colt in the 1830s until the early 2000s, the heart of Colt's Manufacturing was the revolver. Colt made its name with its innovative revolving cylinder, first seen in the 1836 Paterson, and revolvers were a principal part of the company's product offerings until 2005, when the last limited-production models rolled out of Colt's factory. Now, Colt is reviving its legendary "Snake Gun" lineup, and the latest re-introduction in 2021 is the Colt Anaconda chambered in .44 Mag.

Built on an enlarged Python receiver, the Colt Anaconda revolver is made from stainless steel and incorporates the same Linear Leaf Spring mechanism as the second-generation Python. This contributes to the smooth trigger pull and crisp break encountered on these newer Colt revolvers, giving revolver fans a better experience than that found even on original Pythons and Anacondas.

Each Colt Anaconda is built with a double-action/single-action operating system and includes many of the characteristic traits first seen in the Python. These include the ventilated sighting rib, full underlug, ramped front sight and characteristic Colt cylinder latch. The guns are outfitted with Hogue rubber grips, which help to absorb recoil from hot .44 Mag. loads. You'll find fully adjustable sights on the Anaconda, as well as a drilled-and-tapped frame for mounting optics. At the muzzle end of the gun is a recessed target crown, which enhances accuracy while protecting the muzzle from damage.

The second-generation Colt Anaconda features a six-round cylinder and can be had with either a 6" or 8" barrel. Depending on barrel length, the overall length of the revolver measures between 13" to 15". The suggested retail price on the Colt Anaconda is $1,499. For more information, visit colt.com.

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956510 No.41618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396320 (100839ZAPR21) Notable: Recommendation Japanese Movie - Genocidal Organ 2007 (Book) Movie 2012

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Note: watched this many years ago and it is future proves past!!!



Genocidal Organ (虐殺器官, Gyakusatsu Kikan) is the debut novel of Japanese science fiction writer Project Itoh. It was first published by Hayakawa Publishing in 2007 and later re-printed in 2010 in paperback form. A poll by the yearly SF magazine SF ga yomitai ranked Genocidal Organ as the number one domestic SF novel of the decade.[1]

The English translation of Genocidal Organ, translated by Edwin Hawkes, was published in August 2012 by Haikasoru



When Sarajevo was destroyed by a homemade nuclear weapon, the leading democracies of the world transformed into surveillance states, where each individual is constantly monitored, watched, and wired. While the developed nations of the world entered this state, the developing countries around the world endured a multitude of genocides. Those developing countries went from harmony to complete destruction in about 6–8 months, with all of the events and evidence leading to one person, an American named John Paul.

Clavis Shepherd, a US Special Forces Officer, along with his team of advanced super-soldiers, are tasked with finding and eliminating John Paul. They want to know how one man can cause so much destruction and death.

Eventually, Clavis manages to track down John Paul, who confirms that he has discovered the existence of a "genocidal organ" naturally present in mankind that can be activated using a sequence of words, called by him as the "genocide grammar", which he has used it to cause massive civil wars in the rest of the world, believing it to be the only way to protect America and the rest of the "first world" to terrorism and resentment from the third world, but Clavis unmoved take him into custody, only to see him dying after an assassination operation carried by his own intelligence unit who were ordered to kill him to prevent the end of the "peace" carried out by the surveillance states.

Consequently, Clavis discovered from Paul's personal effect the truth, that the "organ of genocide" is actually the result of a massive program of subliminal messages, under the name of Operation John Paul (a probable controversial reference to the influence of the Catholic Church in the Western world), originally led by the leaders of the new "first world order", which used the massive media coverage of the destruction of Sarajevo to start their operation, which was most likely also behind the nuclear city destruction. In fact, John Paul was originally the American agent in charge of the program, but unlike their original plan, Paul managed to escape their grasp, disappearing into the chaos of the civil wars that followed, creating a network of Resistance against his own former bosses. Paul's notes also underline that he had found the true intention of the whole ordeal, to use the new world crisis, to impose an "Order of Nations", transforming the world into a one-world government, militarized and controlled by its new "masters", as a last resort Paul had also created a new sequence of words to activate his "genocidal" program in the English-speaking world, which just like the rest of the world population, had received the subliminal message of "genocidal organs".

The revelation causes an immense conflict within Clavis, who despite having seen firsthand the result of the "genocidal organs" ordeal, he is also forced to admit that America and the rest of the first world are the real culprits of World suffering and devastation and that in any case, while America is still standing, they have practically killed the "American dream" and imposed a convenient "first world truth", finally deciding to put Paul's plan forward, planning an information leak to force his summons to a military hearing, watched from afar by the chief of staff and the general public, and Clavis, despite having no illusion about the future or that he is doing the right thing, activates the program, causing a civil war centered on America.

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956510 No.41619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396322 (100840ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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956510 No.41620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396342 (100846ZAPR21) Notable: , POLITICIANS can't take away our second amendment… That is unconstitutional.

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956510 No.41621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396344 (100846ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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Interesting observation….

Notice how we are looking for the truth to come out about the corrupt cabal?

When the truth about so many other things we have been waiting for are starting to emerge.


Big Foot DNA

The Biblical truth of God that is undeniable.

Rodin Coil 369 confirmations

Energy Frequency and Vibration.

Vibration / frequency healing tech.

Consciousness and universal connectivity.

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956510 No.41622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396348 (100847ZAPR21) Notable: Big foot discussions

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Monkey MindPong

Pager, a nine year old Macaque, plays MindPong with his Neuralink.

Planet of the Apes: The Prequel kek

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956510 No.41623

File: 630ce56580915c3⋯.png (19.42 KB,450x361,450:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396387 (100858ZAPR21) Notable: Lin Wood, “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” - Genesis 1:3

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Lin Wood,

[09.04.21 23:31]

I am deeply moved when I hear from you that the Bible verses which I try to leave for you each night are meaningful to you and often comfort you at the end of a long day.

Why do I quote each night from the Bible?

Because what God says is ALL powerful.

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

- Genesis 1:3

Rest well. Tomorrow is the blessing of another day. Keep the faith - ALL will be well in time.

Lin 🙏🇺🇸❤️



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956510 No.41624

File: d01c3b4678954d8⋯.png (365.84 KB,638x816,319:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396392 (100900ZAPR21) Notable: Biden Appoints Construction Worker Donaldio Trumptinez To Finish Border Wall

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Biden Appoints Construction Worker Donaldio Trumptinez To Finish Border Wall

CHULA VISTA, CA—President Biden has been looking for a general contractor to head up the completion of the border wall as the immigration crisis spins out of control. He went through a stack of applications on his desk, and one of them stood out to him: one Donaldio Trumptinez, a construction foreman with years of wall-building experience.

Trumptinez will oversee finishing the border wall left uncompleted when Trump left office.

"I am very happy to work with Mr. Biden," Trumptinez said in broken English. "Sorry, I no speak very good English. Wall will be very big. Very good. Big wall, very big. Best wall in earth, mucho tall and muy strong for Mr. Biden."

"I do good job for America!" he said. "We make America grande again!"

Suspicions about the contractor were raised when he announced plans for a towering hotel and casino along the border wall, but when Biden realized he could keep more migrant children in there, he knew this guy really was "the best contractor money can buy."


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956510 No.41625

File: 248d9d46ad239e4⋯.png (666.42 KB,740x1144,185:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396395 (100900ZAPR21) Notable: , Excellent red pill video on COVID Do Not Be Afraid Of COVID 19 (11:44)

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>Excellent red pill video on COVID Do Not Be Afraid Of COVID 19.

orig sauce:



Press Release: Canadian Doctors Speaking Out

The first principle of medical and health care practice is to do no harm. Furthermore, evidence-based medical information should be the determining factor in all governmental healthcare rules, policies, and procedures. The current government measures regarding COVID are not supported by evidence-based medical research and many of these measures are harmful to individuals, families and society in general.

In partnership with Canadian Health Alliance, based on the lack of medical evidence and harm being caused, we call on all levels of government to immediately stop promoting the following measures:

· Lockdowns and physical distancing

· Promoting the use of masks

· Handwashing and cleaning surfaces with toxic disinfectants

· Quarantines of asymptomatic people and social isolation

· Using RT-PCR testing on people

· Advocating inadequately tested gene-modifying COVID-19 vaccinations (insufficient human and animal trials)

· Unnecessary COVID-19 policies at hospitals and other health care facilities

· Business closures or restrictions

· Restrictions on churches and places of worship

· Closures of public facilities including schools, playgrounds, parks and recreational facilities

· Misrepresentation of the COVID situation in the media

· The use of fear and other psychological coercion techniques

additional NEWS:


Press Release:Protest the Censoring of Nurses | April 14 2021


April 8, 2021

Join Canadian Frontline Nurses Protesting Against the Censoring of Nurses

On Wednesday April 14th 2021, from 11am - 2pm we are protesting the censorship of nurses that was declared by the CNO on December 16th, 2020.

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956510 No.41626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396402 (100902ZAPR21) Notable: #16968

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NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>>/qresearch/13395637 OP

>>>/qresearch/13395660 Dough



>>41624 Biden Appoints Construction Worker Donaldio Trumptinez To Finish Border Wall

>>41551, >>41552, Certificate Of Vaccination ID Delta One Year

>>41554, >>41553, >>41555, >>41556, 99 Coronas of fear on the wall

>>41557, >>41558, >>41562, >>41567, >>41570, >>41604, How to become a Sovereign state citizen on your passport. Change your passport from US Citizen to State Citizen (42:57)

>>41559, >>41561, >>41564, >>41565, Wait till you figure out what that little symbol represents is under the letters of every country names passport… It is the biometric passport symbol. Face, fingerprint, iris recognition.


>>41560 Closing Time at Moloch's (Cap 0:42) for keks

>>41566 UK - Mural of 150,000 hearts representing Covid victims being painted - without permission - near Parliament.

>>41568 Apex Police Captain shows how to handle scammers and trolls (12:14)

>>41569 Johnson and Johnson: Adverse effect after Covid Injection (Cap 0:44)

>>41575, >>41571, >>41576 Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors Lands Topanga Canyon Compound

>>41572 :Federal-Postal-Court: Mortgage: Deed of the Trust: Syntax-Fraud-Trial-Hearing. :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.

>>41573, >>41613, Interpol reports to have arrested 195 human trafficker's in global sweep

>>41574, >>41578, >>41612 Leave it to the liberal progressives to turn genocide into a for profit business opportunity, funded by the US taxpayer.

>>41577 FEAR PORN Astronomers Find Region of Milky Way Filled With Stars About to Explode

>>41579 Portland aims to fight crime with unarmed park rangers

>>41580, >>41583 Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

>>41581 Anon opine on false idols and FAKE puppets that distract us and use to take our time and our money. Things are never going back to normal.

>>41582 Don't trust anyone who's in the business to make money off you

>>41584 US Navy this week conducted a freedom of navigation patrol in Indian waters without India’s prior consent, declaring that it was intended as a challenge to India’s “excessive maritime claims”.

>>41585 We're being poisoned in so many different ways..

>>41587 The Irony after 4 years of calling Trump a Dictator. We actually get a Dictator. (Cap 0:46)

>>41588, >>41589, Posting truth to FB is like fighting behind enemy lines. A delicate balance of what truth you can post before you step on a land mine.

>>41591 UK: SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing, restrictions – Roadmap Step 2 (31st of March 2021)

>>41592 Texas physician researchers case series finds reduction in covid 19 hospitalization by 87-6 death 74-9

>>41593 29 Earthquakes world wide today, 5.5 South Shetland Islands

>>41608 Magnitude 5.9 quake hits Indonesia, no tsunami – EMSC

>>41594, >>41595 “USBee Inc.”

>>41596, >>41586, >>41590, >>41600, >>41602, >>41605, >>41607, >>41607, >>41614, >>41616, >>41619, >>41621, >>41622 Big foot discussions

>>41597 Power outages US Border States

>>41598 Supreme Court Rules For Worshippers And Against California COVID Restrictions

>>41599, >>41615, Charles Coolidge, Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, dies at 99

>>41601, >>41606, >>41610 Vote fake AF leaders out, senate 2022, who is up for election, who is not?

>>41603 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>41609 Navy Labs To Reopen The Once Taboo Case On Nuclear Cold Fusion

>>41611, >>41625, Excellent red pill video on COVID Do Not Be Afraid Of COVID 19 (11:44)

>>41617, >>41620, POLITICIANS can't take away our second amendment… That is unconstitutional.

>>41618 Recommendation Japanese Movie - Genocidal Organ 2007 (Book) Movie 2012

>>41623 Lin Wood, “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” - Genesis 1:3


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956510 No.41627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396464 (100915ZAPR21) Notable: State vs. US Citizen.

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State vs. US Citizen. This theory has been making the rounds, and I must be a prophet or something, because I"ve been saying for months in a way. We need to withdraw our support and endorsement of the captured Federal system, and all its agencies.

No federal tax payments, no filings of any kind, avoid and do not engage them in any way. Instead operate as much as possible thru State entities. I'd say burn your passports if you don't have any plans for them. In my case I'm an expat without a second passport yet, so its more tricky. But essentially this is a call to go Galt against the Federal Government.

The States will need to call for a convention of States in my opinion, to restore a governing system.

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956510 No.41628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396478 (100920ZAPR21) Notable: Quantum vs Super Computing

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One of Us.. One of us…


Our brains are hacked and added to the CLOUD that only a select few can access instantly with their "SUPREME BEING" MASTER CONTROL PROGRAM!

That is not out of the realm of possibilities now with Quantum Computing.



Quantum computing begins right where supercomputers’ capabilities end. Quantum machines don’t follow the standard rules of physics. While traditional computers stick to the “If this, then that” logic, quantum machines can explore endless possibilities with their “If this, then that, or both” logic. It allows them to assess more than one probability at the same time.


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956510 No.41629

File: 0dd5c55d552a8eb⋯.png (1.04 MB,959x583,959:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e9215243c03959⋯.png (443.88 KB,666x611,666:611,Clipboard.png)

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File: 74181aae2657509⋯.png (50.58 KB,677x447,677:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396544 (100940ZAPR21) Notable: Prince Philip dies: Vanuatu tribe who hailed Duke of Edinburgh as a god will mark his death with ritual wailing

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Prince Philip dies: Vanuatu tribe who hailed Duke of Edinburgh as a god will mark his death with ritual wailing


A tribe in the remote island nation of Vanuatu who hailed Prince Philip as a god will mark his death with ritual wailing and ceremonial dancing, an expert has said.

The villagers believed the Duke of Edinburgh to be a reincarnation of an ancient warrior who left the archipelago to fight a war.

The heavily spiritual tribe in Yaohnanen on the island of Tanna, Vanuatu, in the South Pacific Ocean, believed the leader of the fighters would return with a rich, white wife.

Anthropologists believe Philip, who fitted the bill by marrying the Queen, became linked to the legend in the 1960s when Vanuatu was an Anglo-French colony known as the New Hebrides.


Philip had maintained a respectful 50-year relationship with the tribe before his death on Friday.

Kirk Huffman, an authority on what is known as the Prince Philip Movement, told the Daily Telegraph: "I imagine there will be some ritual wailing, some special dances.

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956510 No.41630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396568 (100949ZAPR21) Notable: Microsoft finds underwater datacenters are reliable, practical and use energy sustainably:

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Project Natick


Microsoft finds underwater datacenters are reliable, practical and use energy sustainably:


They'd probably like to have data housed in international waters where laws of the land don't apply (data, legal jurisdiction)

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956510 No.41631

File: 1b6958518a4d031⋯.png (82.09 KB,753x437,753:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396574 (100951ZAPR21) Notable: Saudi Arabia says it executes 3 soldiers for ‘high treason’

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Saudi Arabia says it executes 3 soldiers for ‘high treason’


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Saudi Arabia executed three soldiers Saturday it accused of committing “high treason,” without elaborating on which enemy the kingdom believed the men aided.

The state-run Saudi Press Agency identified the men as soldiers working in the Defense Ministry.

It did not elaborate on how the men aided the kingdom’s enemies. Saudi Arabia is fighting Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. The kingdom also views Iran as a regional archrival.

The kingdom said the three men were convicted in court and a later royal order served as a death warrant.

Saudi Arabia carried out the world’s third most executions in 2019, according to figures from Amnesty International. The kingdom followed China and Iran, respectively. In 2019, the kingdom put to death 184 people.

Additional link: https://english.alarabiya.net/News/gulf/2021/04/10/Saudi-Arabia-sentences-three-soldiers-to-death-for-committing-high-treason-Ministry

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956510 No.41632

File: 43938435f7df232⋯.png (427.12 KB,729x443,729:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396603 (101002ZAPR21) Notable: Yemen: Riyan International Airport reopens after 5 years

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Yemen: Riyan International Airport reopens after 5 years


Yemeni authorities have reopened the country’s third biggest airport after a halt of nearly five years. A domestic flight from the state carrier Yemen Airways (Yemenia) Friday marked the reopening of the Riyan International Airport in the governorate of Hadhramaut.

Dima Abdul Qawi, the air transport official at the Yemeni Transport Ministry, said that the airport reopening and the airline’s launch of domestic flights at the facility marked an important step in developing the country’s transport sector including the upgrade of the Aden International Airport in the provisional Yemeni capital under an agreement between the Yemeni Transport Minister and the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Programme for Yemen.

Devastated by war

Marking the occasion, Governor of Hadhramaut Faraj Salamin expressed appreciation to the UAE and Saudi Arabia for support to the reopening of the Riyan airport.

Yemen has been devastated by a war that erupted after the Iran-aligned Al Houthi militia toppled the legitimate government and seized swathes of the impoverished country including Sana’a in late 2014.

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956510 No.41633

File: 292b366b6d154b2⋯.png (77.87 KB,492x506,246:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 03a0a381a0d042c⋯.jpeg (48.84 KB,474x690,79:115,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396627 (101011ZAPR21) Notable: How MI5 raided a bank to get pictures of Princess Margaret

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How MI5 raided a bank to get pictures of Princess Margaret


Last updated at 07:55 21 May 2007

In the heady days of the 1960s and 70s, the Caribbean island of Mustique was the exotic playground where Princess Margaret held court.

It was on its shores that she was famously pictured with her lover Roddy Llewellyn.

And, it seems, it could also have been the scene of an even more intriguing photographic scandal, kept firmly under wraps.

A film purporting to be based on fact will suggest that sexually compromising photographs of the princess taken on the island were at the centre of a bank robbery in 1971.

It will claim that the £500,000 raid on Lloyds Bank in Baker Street, London, was, in fact, aimed at securing the steamy snaps.

The Bank Job, clips of which were shown at the Cannes Festival last week, has the photographs being placed in the bank for safe-keeping by Michael X, a well-known criminal originally from the Caribbean.

The £500,000 raid - worth £5million in today's money - made the headlines in September 1971.

It became known as the 'walkie-talkie bank job' because of a fluke tip-off from a member of the public who overheard the robbers talking on a two-way radio.

But then mysteriously a government gagging order, a D notice, was imposed to prevent further coverage.

moar: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-456479/How-MI5-raided-bank-pictures-Princess-Margaret.html

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956510 No.41634

File: 9d74382a1cafc19⋯.jpeg (126.58 KB,807x454,807:454,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: f2d8461bc821cd1⋯.jpeg (57.04 KB,602x383,602:383,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396644 (101018ZAPR21) Notable: Quantum vs Super Computing

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About damn time Elon got his neralink monkey.. I remember he was discussing it on Lex Friedman or Joe Rogan … and I was curious how the nuralink will map our brains..

It’s basically just our intelligence (organic) but with quantum computing we get more variables, freedom,, (not only this or that) ( (non organic)

Our phones and computers are pretty advanced tech..

imagine showing this to indigenous tribes thousands of years ago?

You’d be the devil…

Or God..

That’s nothing … organic can be considered minerals like Gold, Quartz, Copper, Iron ect

There are theories (since they can hold a charge negative or positive.. like quartz for instance… one tiny sliver can run a watch an entire lifetime..) that though not intelligent like us, minerals and stones have an almost consciousness,.. an understanding of surroundings , or law of nature

Plants are even more so…

There’s a special plant, that will move (or dance) if there’s vibration around, so play your music and dance up along … it’s neat to see how vibrations can affect so much, yet every time we speak or move , or even think, we send out vibrations

Nothing is ever still ..

So hey, if this can help people with diseases, people with amputations or disorders that affect their ability to walk (like Freddy) neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s/dementia, MS…

That’s the priority…

he’s Not giving it out to everyone to play pong or solitaire in the data stream kek

But going into recreational and fun uses will come later on after it’s been tested, and it’s used to help those that can be helped…

It’s freaky how far tech has come …

which came first though …

Was the tech always there, just needed to be utilized? Or did we create machines and artificial intelligence and data stream floating around us?

I’d say former… we don’t create much tbh … we just pimp out an old idea with new colours and lights and act like we do…

Wouldn’t God be like a Quantum Computer ? All knowing, all seeing, able to calculate a timeline before we could even think it up …

as above so below … As within , so without

Micro and macro …

A galaxy, vs a nucleus within a cell

Roots on a tree/plant… vs human nervous system

Vastly different yet molecularly similar…

I dunno if it’s that bad… I’m sure God willl come along and put a stop to it..

don’t get why believers are so worried about tech ….

If anything … technology will be able to prove the existence of God.. and hell even parts from genesis if people realize spirituality and science can and do work well together..

We need faith, but blind faith in authority without logic or reason isn’t healthy either. Fuck religion, that was their easiest way to control people. laugh in creators face , while making sure the people have a fear of God and repercussions of not following orders…

that’s why in the end, law or universe won’t care if humans get included in the deluge… or kept on a prison planet so we can’t go off destroying space and what else …if we can’t work with other life forms (lower or higher) than ourselves, and barely each other ffs, why should we be blessed , given a free pass while not learning the lesson or meaning behind a certain obstacle or moment in life…

If there’s a hell, this is it…

maybe We’re here on timeout until the individual redeems themselves or understands their past actions and the impact they can have on our surroundings

Imagine a cabal elite, a socio/psychopath that doesn’t understand or care about others nor wants to empathize with other beings… and hurt many in their timeline…

Now imagine that person gets looped in a Prison planet where their soul keeps reincarnating in this realm for thousands of years , (though they probably aren’t aware of the reincarnation) and after so long they start to feel somethings off.. reality isnt as smooth as it was ect ect

Those fuckers might actually start to question what’s going on, is it others affecting them , something in nature, Natural or not .. and maybe one day they might change behaviour without any provocation…

Now that’d be something… bringing redemption and change for any big bad psychotic being ….. that’d be something biblical …

not creating a naughty or nice list like a fucking kid …

And if I’m wayyy off and wrong, may God strike me down where I sit, I’d gladly be shown another version To change perception

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956510 No.41635

File: 155387508b63609⋯.png (1.07 MB,1168x1144,146:143,Clipboard.png)

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File: a35945dc1c5538a⋯.jpg (273.34 KB,1201x800,1201:800,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396647 (101019ZAPR21) Notable: How MI5 raided a bank to get pictures of Princess Margaret

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Vault of Secrets

Was the 1971 Lloyds Bank safety deposit robbery a covert operation to retrieve compromising photos of Royalty?

The Baker Street Robbery Vault of Secrets

theunredacted 26 Feb 2018

With the robbers broadcasting their crime live over the airwaves, it's a mystery why the police never caught the Baker Street gang red-handed.

The safety deposit raid in 1971 is one of the most baffling in British criminal history, and rumours that its true purpose has been covered up by the British establishment persist to this day.

The problem is they should never have gotten away with a penny. In the early hours of Saturday 11th September 1971, as the robbers were tunneling into the safety deposit vault at Lloyds Bank on Baker Street, a nearby amateur radio ham was listening to their every word.

The gang were using walkie-talkies to communicate, and radio hobbyist Robert Rowlands had accidently tuned into their transmissions. Rowlands notified the police, who were slow to believe his claim that he had happened upon a genuine robbery in progress. Eventually persuaded, they set out on a frantic search of hundreds of London's banks in an attempt to thwart the raid.

They didn't succeed. Rowlands had informed the police that the range of the transmissions meant the robbers must be nearby - within about a mile of his Wimple Street flat. For reasons never adequately explained, they decided to spread the net out to a 10-mile radius instead, vastly expanding the number of banks they would have to search. With limited resources and the need to ask the permission of each bank to search it, they failed to stop the gang in time.

The raid at Baker Street branch of Lloyds bank was then Britain's biggest and most ambitious, the thieves crowbarring open 260 boxes and making away with an estimated £30m in today's money. It caused a seismic shockwave across the banking industry and panic amongst the rich and powerful clientele who had their most private, and possibly even illegal, valuables stored in the vaults.

moar: https://theunredacted.com/the-baker-street-robbery-vault-of-secrets/

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956510 No.41636

File: 84e6f00e29576cc⋯.jpg (80.42 KB,809x685,809:685,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396671 (101028ZAPR21) Notable: Tennessee Becomes 20th State To Abolish Permit Requirement For Concealed Carry

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Tennessee Becomes 20th State To Abolish Permit Requirement For Concealed Carry

By Mike LaChance

Published April 10, 2021 at 1:37am

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956510 No.41637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396673 (101029ZAPR21) Notable: Anon Opine, 5 post series on China's "unrestricted war" on the world

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1 of 5

After reading this thread and watching juan o savin's analysis vid, it all makes sense to me right now. My sincerest apologies to the Military.


We are currently in a Abe Lincoln/Jefferson Davis situation. Civilian govt recognizes Biden as POTUS, Military at highest level sees Trump as POTUS

MIL has data and regards Trump as president. This explains why Biden's plane is never called AF1 in callsign, why there are a shit ton of planes and assorted navy around Florida, why the MIL is currently surrounding Russia and China (we KNOW this can't be Biden's wishes).

Mil is in defensive position while they correlate data, while civilians push election fraud data, in order to mitigate risk as much as possible in temp martial law and return of power to civilian leadership. It's a tough spot because civil war + an all out foreign war is too much to take on at once.

Anyway, I'm sure most of us already knew this, but it clarified things for me better, so I thought to share.





It's staaaarrrrttiiiiinnnnnnnnggggg…

"The Liaoning Battle Group Passes Through the Estuary of the Yangtze River in Okinawa"


The text is Chinese language, but don't let that stop you. No, seriously, don't let that stop you. If you're not reading foreign news, you're not getting the full picture of the world.

Highlight the text, copy, and paste into google translate to get an idea of what's going on. I'll post a few key points from the article.

The translation of the article says:

"…Ministry of Defense of Japan on April 4 that six Chinese naval vessels including the Liaoning ship were found traveling south on Okinawa. …"

The ocean is notoriously shallow along the south-eastern coast of China. I told you that the waters surrounding China are only conducive to CCP naval movements twice a year: April-ish and November-ish. Everyone who follows East Asian news, particularly news about the Chinese military knows this.


Continued from the translation of the article:

"…Among the six PLA warships, in addition to the Liaoning ship, the other five warships are the 055 destroyer Nanchang, the 052D destroyer Chengdu and Taiyuan, the 054A frigate Huanggang, and the 901 integrated supply ship Hulunhu."

Japan is watching this development closely. They've basically sent a destroyer (JS Suzutsuki) out to tail the CCP ships.


On Weibo, on the 3rd, a Chinese think tank from Peking U said that the USS Marstin (DDG-89) was near the mouth of the Yangtze, and that it was tracked by the PLA. Weibo, remember, is the highly monitored CCP social media app used by over a billion people.

Why would they bring this up just before their ships slipped through the Miyako Pass?

Optics at home, of course. Just like the Alaska Noodle Incident. The CCP wants the Chinese people to see the USA as uncultured, uncouth aggressors.


Getting back to this article: "About Yang Jiechi’s Instant Noodle Lunch at the US-China"


"Talks in Alaska Chinese state media want to make sure that you know that top diplomat Yang Jiechi had instant noodles for lunch during the top-level US-China talks in Alaska."

The CCP released a 12-second video, which you can see in this tweet:


Read the replies to the tweet. Some of them are illustrative.

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956510 No.41638

File: 96fb180c698ba65⋯.jpg (93.46 KB,811x727,811:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396677 (101030ZAPR21) Notable: Biden Sends Unaccompanied Migrant Children to Former Japanese Internment Camp – Media and Democrat Frauds are Silent

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Biden Sends Unaccompanied Migrant Children to Former Japanese Internment Camp – Media and Democrat Frauds are Silent

By Jim Hoft

Published April 9, 2021 at 9:01pm

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956510 No.41639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396678 (101030ZAPR21) Notable: More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones

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More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones, only to be confronted with threats of carrying out atrocities on such a scale that thousands of lives could have been lost. But in conceding to them it has not stopped the plan that is still taking shape to weaken their power base.

Furthermore the arrests of Illuminati members continues at a fast pace, and there will be no let up until their web of negativity is destroyed to allow peace to descend upon Earth.

The Covid19 lockdown has created an opportunity for the Forces of Light to speed up actions being taken with record results in apprehending Illuminati members. Be assured that the Light continues to be the dominant force and is winning the battle for the freedom of the people of Earth.

Dear Ones, you are on the road to success as the plans of the dark Ones to achieve their objective have failed. In consequence the trillions of dollars spent on making a virus to spread their evil intent to kill millions of people has failed. It is why the virus does not have the potency intended or the ultimate aim for total control of the world’s population.

There is of course a cost to be paid but it is miniscule compared to what it might have been. Your experiences have made you strong and many are ready to take their place in the higher vibrations. It gives them the experience needed to help other souls on their journey, so that those who feel ready to advance to the higher dimensions are given every opportunity to do so. However, no one is left behind without help and those who are still awakening to the truth are being led to give them the experience they need to rise up.

All souls on Earth at this time have been selected for the benefits that the experience will give them. It will speed up their evolution and avoid the necessity for many more lives on Earth. We know how tough it is to experience the negativity that comes with duality, but it is a quick way to face the challenges that will propel you forward.

It is an opportunity too good to miss and we will do our best to help you successfully get through it. Few souls realise how much outside help is given to you on Earth, meaning that you are given as much help that you need to ascend. Those who cannot make it this time around will get another chance with the greater possibility that they will make it with our help. After all, providing you learn from your experiences there is absolutely no reason why you should not be successful.

You have successfully come through the last Solar Cycle which is why this period is one of opportunity to carry on going forwards. It is also why it has attracted so much attention as it is such a special occasion resulting in Ascension on a mass level.

Clearly not every soul is ready for it and the experience at this time is bound to help you expand your level of consciousness. It is the key to your continued evolution and the opportunity to become a Galactic Being. It is your destiny and something to greatly look forward to that will leave the negative energies behind never again to interfere with your evolution such as they have done previously.

Please remember to focus upon all that is positive, so as to avoid giving power to the dark Ones by becoming involved with negative energies that they thrive upon. Can you not see that all of their actions are calculated to cause negativity that feeds their needs, so keep calm in all circumstances and do not be drawn into arguments or disputes that might cause you to lose control of your feelings. We know it is hard if you have been used to letting loose when goaded or pressurised by being taunted and abused. You can do it and it may take practise so do not give up if at first you do not succeed..

The dark Ones gambled on Covid19 as a last major attempt to control the world population, but have failed due to Man’s progress by becoming more of Light Beings. It enabled and allowed the Higher Forces to intervene on your behalf, thus reducing its effects that were intended to wipe out millions of you.

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956510 No.41640

File: 6e295941fc701e7⋯.jpg (49.59 KB,626x211,626:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396681 (101031ZAPR21) Notable: Biden's nominee for ATF head is an anti-gun lobbyist

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REVEALED: Biden's nominee for ATF head is an anti-gun lobbyist who was at the Ruby Ridge standoff and Waco massacre – and lied about cult members shooting down helicopters

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956510 No.41641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396682 (101032ZAPR21) Notable: More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones

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They will never get another opportunity of that magnitude and now face a humiliating defeat. The net is drawing closer to their minions who have no way of escaping justice for their crimes against Humanity. Be assured that their dreams of world control lie in tatters and there is no chance whatsoever of them being able to avoid justice.

Many souls still have one foot in the past and we say the sooner you forget it the quicker the New Age will come about. All of the good things you have been promised are on the horizon and you have much to look forward to that will greatly lift your quality of life. At such times many highly evolved souls enter your world with the task of raising your quality of life to levels that you have yet to experience.

The drudgery and demands upon you in the lower vibrations are slowly being changed so that you are prepared for greater things that will give you enormous satisfaction and joy. Realise that the Light always wins in the end and all souls are all the greater for it. It is a way of preparing you for your future by raising your vibrations. It cannot be fairer as only those who have “qualified” can lift up through their success in achieving a higher level.

After a period of apparent stagnation you will find that matters will advance very quickly and many that have been held back will be released. You have much lost time to make up and changes will come so quickly you will hardly have time to take it all in.

Life will change in such a way that a whole new vista will open up before you, enabling you to expand your consciousness so that you are literally a new person. You have been but a mere shadow of your true self that took on the challenge to experience the lower vibrations, yet so many have come through that [that they] can leave the old ways behind forever. We say well done and you deserve every reward that comes your way.

The most exciting times are coming when you shall meet souls from your background who have known you for eons of time and celebrations will be in order. Old friendships will be renewed and your Galactic family will be present.

It is all coming so forget the unpleasant times and difficulties of the past and leave them there. Start thinking of how it will be in the future and it should bring you much joy and happiness. Keep your spirits high and leave those who dwell in darkness to a life of their own making.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.


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956510 No.41642

File: 8df9aaba617d0c1⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,776x713,776:713,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396685 (101033ZAPR21) Notable: Watch Joe Biden in 2005 and 1987 Destroy Joe Biden Today on Court-Packing

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Watch Joe Biden in 2005 and 1987 Destroy Joe Biden Today on Court-Packing

By Nick Arama | Apr 09, 2021 6:30 PM ET

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956510 No.41643

File: 123aebdc1de4812⋯.jpg (57.69 KB,1027x178,1027:178,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396689 (101035ZAPR21) Notable: High living Hunter Biden blew tens of thousands on prostitutes, drugs and luxury cars

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EXCLUSIVE: High living Hunter Biden blew tens of thousands on prostitutes, drugs and luxury cars, was desperate to avoid jail for $320k in unpaid taxes and threatened to take money from his daughter's college fund

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956510 No.41644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396696 (101038ZAPR21) Notable: This is a must watch video for everyone.

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This is a must watch video for everyone. If you haven't already had a Covid vaccine, and you're still undecided, you certainly will steer clear after watching this. Sadly, f you havealready had the mRNA vaccine, you may want to give this video a miss on the basis of ignorance is bliss. This is the most informative video (by a true expert) that I have watched on the whole Covid19 virus and vaccines debacle. I strongly recommend you watch it as a matter of urgency. Unless you are prepped with the sort of info provided by Richard Fleming in this video, you cannot possibly give informed consent to these experimental vaccines.

and if you like black humour, how about this from the video.

Two rats discussing COVID19. First rat says to second rat: have you had the vaccine yet? Second rat replies: no way, they haven't finished experimenting on humans yet.

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956510 No.41645

File: 3674e6998404e1f⋯.jpg (66.4 KB,856x774,428:387,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396699 (101040ZAPR21) Notable: Biden Builds Back Obama’s Middle East

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Biden Builds Back Obama’s Middle East

Column: And makes a mockery of his democracy agenda

Matthew Continetti • April 9, 2021 5:00 am

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956510 No.41646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396706 (101042ZAPR21) Notable: WAR-CASTLES. For the Love of the Grammar:

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For the Love of the Grammar: QUANTUM-MEDIA-NEWS-NARRATIVES.


4:30'ish min marker–Gordon–speaking on & off through whole meeting. This construct works.

Feb 20, 2021

Yes… >>>/qresearch/13396463 (LB)

Be the Governor of yourself. >>>/qresearch/13228597 (OP)

Or be governed by (them)

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956510 No.41647

File: 51116d632b8c9da⋯.jpg (33.28 KB,965x169,965:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396747 (101102ZAPR21) Notable: White House weighing cash payments to stem southern border migration

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White House weighing cash payments to stem southern border migration

by Katherine Doyle, White House Correspondent |

| April 09, 2021 05:54 PM

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956510 No.41648

File: d9ca13b94999ed0⋯.png (597.62 KB,910x1052,455:526,Clipboard.png)

File: a8c48f1f1cee0bb⋯.png (177.09 KB,853x825,853:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 935df9e1723ff2c⋯.png (387.92 KB,768x399,256:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396749 (101103ZAPR21) Notable: Twitter’s Child Porn Problem Just Got Drastically Worse

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Twitter’s Child Porn Problem Just Got Drastically Worse

Apr 09, 2021 10:30 PM ET

Social media company Twitter just got some more bad news on the child porn front. Another plaintiff has joined the lawsuit accusing the online platform of profiting from sexually explicit material involving minors.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation Law Center (NCOSE) on Thursday announced that another individual came forward with trafficking allegations against the social media company. According to a released statement:

The plaintiff, John Doe #2, joins the federal lawsuit originally filed by John Doe #1, alleging that both boys were trafficked by Twitter. The First Amended Complaint, John Doe #1 and John Doe #2 v. Twitter, Inc. was filed on April 7 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

Both plaintiffs were harmed by Twitter’s distribution of material depicting their sexual abuse and trafficking, and by Twitter’s knowing refusal to remove the images of their sexual abuse (child pornography) when notified by John Doe #1 and his parents.

Peter Gentala, senior legal counsel for the NCOSE said: “Twitter has profited from the knowing distribution of child sexual abuse material depicting these two young men when they were children, and it must be held accountable. Twitter cannot sweep under the rug the fact that it both allowed child sexual abuse material on its site and refused to remove it.”

Both plaintiffs stated they were recruited for sex trafficking when they were minors. They eventually escaped, but video footage showing their exploitation was still distributed on the social media platform.

NCOSE’s statement explains:

When Twitter was first alerted to this fact and the ages of the children, Twitter refused to remove the illegal material and instead continued to promote and profit from the sexual abuse of the children. Twitter even reported back to John Doe #1 that the video in question did not in fact violate any of their policies. This lack of care and proper attention resulted in the child sexual abuse material of John Doe #1 and John Doe #2 accumulating over 167,000 views before direct involvement from a law enforcement officer, who was finally able to have Twitter remove the child pornography material.

The plaintiffs are alleging that Twitter was involved in and profited from their victimization. This would be a violation of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act and other measures.

Lisa Haba, a partner at the Haba Law Firm, which is also a part of the legal action, said: “These two young men have suffered severe anguish and trauma at the hands of Twitter. Twitter had everything it needed to do the right thing and prioritize the safety and privacy of these children before its own profits. Our lawsuit seeks to hold Twitter accountable for knowingly profiting from the sexual abuse and trafficking of children and the re-victimization of these two boys.”

In January, the first plaintiff, John Deo #1, filed a lawsuit against Twitter for its refusal to remove sexually inappropriate material featuring the 17-year-old boy, who was 13 at the time the footage was filmed. Despite numerous requests, the social media giant claimed that the content did not violate its terms and conditions. (See: New Lawsuit: Twitter Refused to Remove Child Porn Because It Doesn’t ‘Violate Policies’)

Twitter continues to come under fire for its inexplicable policy regarding child porn. While removing such material – especially at the behest of the victim – seems like a no-brainer given the fact that the company would lose nothing by purging illicit content from their platform. Moreover, it seems odd that the company’s leadership did not anticipate a lawsuit or negative press when crafting the policy.

Regardless of Twitter’s motivations, the company appears to be in for a tense legal battle. Indeed, these two plaintiffs may not even be the only individuals who come forward. Either way, this story is shaping up to be a significant issue for the company and likely other social media platforms as well.



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956510 No.41649

File: ebe1d3499a5ee21⋯.jpg (115.58 KB,959x756,137:108,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396759 (101108ZAPR21) Notable: Pics show 20,000ft ash cloud spew from St Vincent volcano as thousands flee and flights grounded

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SKY TURNED BLACK La Soufriere eruption – Pics show 20,000ft ash cloud spew from St Vincent volcano as thousands flee and flights grounded

Alice Peacock

Apr 9 2021, 21:41 ETUpdated: Apr 10 2021, 3:45 ET

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956510 No.41650

File: 00f92f9801f299e⋯.jpg (30.32 KB,644x172,161:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396764 (101114ZAPR21) Notable: Multimillionaire London hotel mogul Sir Richard Sutton stabbed to death

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Multimillionaire London hotel mogul Sir Richard Sutton stabbed to death

By Natalie O'Neill

April 9, 2021 | 12:31pm

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956510 No.41651

File: 9df04950e64d9ad⋯.jpg (81.33 KB,786x635,786:635,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396788 (101124ZAPR21) Notable: MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Claims He Has Private Investigators Looking at Fox News

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MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Claims He Has Private Investigators Looking at Fox News

By Josh FeldmanApr 9th, 2021, 4:11 pm

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956510 No.41652

File: 32b4d5cce57857c⋯.jpg (68.53 KB,869x580,869:580,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396806 (101132ZAPR21) Notable: ‘Like The Wild, Wild West’: Texas Mayor Says ‘Southern Border Is Not Under Control. It’s A Mad House’

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‘Like The Wild, Wild West’: Texas Mayor Says ‘Southern Border Is Not Under Control. It’s A Mad House’

David Krayden

Ottawa Bureau Chief

April 09, 2021 10:30 PM ET

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956510 No.41653

File: d6a4af27674dde7⋯.jpg (59.71 KB,624x438,104:73,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396821 (101140ZAPR21) Notable: Arizona gives Democrats a taste of their own sanctuary medicine

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April 10, 2021

Arizona gives Democrats a taste of their own sanctuary medicine

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

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956510 No.41654

File: 512a152ee495840⋯.jpg (61.34 KB,1321x340,1321:340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396824 (101142ZAPR21) Notable: Supreme Court rules against California's limits on in-home religious gatherings

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Supreme Court

Published 5 hours ago

Supreme Court rules against California's limits on in-home religious gatherings

The decision noted it was the fifth time the court has rejected the Ninth Circuit’s analysis of California coronavirus restrictions

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956510 No.41655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396827 (101143ZAPR21) Notable: The White Rabbit Project

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The White Rabbit Project

The White Rabbit Project is a multilaboratory, multicompany and multinational collaboration to develop new technology that provides a versatile solution for control and data acquisition systems. The project was started within an effort to renovate the current CERN control and timing system. Since then, it has expanded beyond this initial application. One of the reasons for such expansion is the open source paradigm used in the project for the development of hardware, gateware and software. Another reason is the compatibility with standards.

The White Rabbit Network is based on existing IEEE standards while extending these standards in a backward-compatible way if needed to meet CERN's requirement. Technically, the White Rabbit Network is a Bridged Local Area Network with VLANs (IEEE 802.1Q) that uses Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) to interconnect switches and nodes, and the Precision Time Protocol (PTP, IEEE 1588-2008) to synchronise them.

The main features of the White Rabbit Network are:

sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds precision of synchronization

connecting thousands of nodes

typical distances of 10 km between network elements

Gigabit rate of data transfer

fully open hardware, firmware and software

commercial availability from many vendors

The high accuracy of synchronization in White Rabbit is achieved by extending the Precision Time Protocol (PTP, IEEE 1588-2008). This extension has been incorporated into the new revision of IEEE 1588 standard by the P1588 Working Group, see the White Rabbit Standardization project for more details.



ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a detector dedicated to heavy-ion physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where a phase of matter called quark-gluon plasma forms.

All ordinary matter in today’s universe is made up of atoms. Each atom contains a nucleus composed of protons and neutrons (except hydrogen, which has no neutrons), surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Protons and neutrons are in turn made of quarks bound together by other particles called gluons. No quark has ever been observed in isolation: the quarks, as well as the gluons, seem to be bound permanently together and confined inside composite particles, such as protons and neutrons. This is known as confinement.

Collisions in the LHC generate temperatures more than 100,000 times hotter than the centre of the Sun. For part of each year the LHC provides collisions between lead ions, recreating in the laboratory conditions similar to those just after the Big Bang. Under these extreme conditions, protons and neutrons "melt", freeing the quarks from their bonds with the gluons. This is quark-gluon plasma. The existence of such a phase and its properties are key issues in the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), for understanding the phenomenon of confinement, and for a physics problem called chiral-symmetry restoration. The ALICE collaboration studies the quark-gluon plasma as it expands and cools, observing how it progressively gives rise to the particles that constitute the matter of our universe today.

The ALICE collaboration uses the 10,000-tonne ALICE detector – 26 m long, 16 m high, and 16 m wide – to study quark-gluon plasma. The detector sits in a vast cavern 56 m below ground close to the village of St Genis-Pouilly in France, receiving beams from the LHC.

The collaboration counts more than 1000 scientists from over 100 physics institutes in 30 countries.


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956510 No.41656

File: 18d4183e22a1dda⋯.jpg (39.61 KB,820x448,205:112,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396854 (101153ZAPR21) Notable: CDC Raises Eyebrows For Using Character Image Almost Identical to NPC Meme

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Hot News

CDC Raises Eyebrows For Using Character Image Almost Identical to NPC Meme

by Paul Joseph Watson

April 9th 2021, 12:01 pm

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956510 No.41657

File: 4ab4ee24278af38⋯.png (780.74 KB,1454x884,727:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396880 (101205ZAPR21) Notable: Interesting that the only two military birds in the air this morning over the entire country are an E4B, SONNY31

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Interesting that the only two military birds in the air this morning over the entire country are an E4B, SONNY31 hauling ass eastbound from NE and some high ranking military intelligence (general) PAT007 up and away from Ft. Belvoir, VA /ourguys/.

The E4 appears to be on the routine NEACP shuffle of the past several weeks…this appears like transit speeds and altitudes vs operational ones. I just like watching where the generals from the Army of Northern Virginia go as a matter of autistic curiousity…you know…cuz Q. They are a busy lot.

For those interested watch, the big nice jets out of Belvoir usually running under PAT100 - 110ish.

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956510 No.41658

File: 9323065e654d92f⋯.jpg (61.59 KB,1258x316,629:158,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396894 (101209ZAPR21) Notable: Grenell group seeks to reshape California politics beyond recall: Californians want 'permanent change'

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CALIFORNIAPublished 1 day ago

Grenell group seeks to reshape California politics beyond recall: Californians want 'permanent change'

Group follows similar model to Stacey Abrams' 'Fair Fight,' Loeffler's 'Greater Georgia'

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956510 No.41659

File: ec6ea38a2400436⋯.jpg (141.57 KB,720x1066,360:533,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5d28eb9ee32332⋯.jpg (217.77 KB,720x1171,720:1171,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c97e5edda6f4c7e⋯.jpg (192.57 KB,720x1149,240:383,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c057b4c51fbfea8⋯.jpg (103.06 KB,720x664,90:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396903 (101212ZAPR21) Notable: USA: Police officers show up at Twitter user’s home for criticising Congresswoman AOC on social media, her spokesperson denies involvement

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USA: Police officers show up at Twitter user’s home for criticising Congresswoman AOC on social media, her spokesperson denies involvement

AOC sends cops after Twitter user

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956510 No.41660

File: 9453a08ea44857e⋯.jpg (81.82 KB,778x760,389:380,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396905 (101212ZAPR21) Notable: Biden Considering Cash Payments to Central Americans To Slow Illegal Entry

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Biden Considering Cash Payments to Central Americans To Slow Illegal Entry

By Nick Arama | Apr 09, 2021 11:00 PM ET

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956510 No.41661

File: 70d441e6985a38a⋯.jpg (35.85 KB,1164x179,1164:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396917 (101216ZAPR21) Notable: 'An existential threat': The Republicans calling for their party to reject QAnon conspiracy theories

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'An existential threat': The Republicans calling for their party to reject QAnon conspiracy theories

CNN Digital Expansion 2018 Clare Foran

By Clare Foran, CNN

Updated 8:02 AM ET, Sat April 10, 2021

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956510 No.41662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396919 (101217ZAPR21) Notable: It's A Royal Knockout, Prince andrew can't stfu and keep in character about what really goes on

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It's A Royal Knockout

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956510 No.41663

File: c4590e219369c88⋯.png (287.42 KB,957x1802,957:1802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396920 (101217ZAPR21) Notable: EARTHQUAKES

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pic sauce:https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/?view=1

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956510 No.41664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396924 (101218ZAPR21) Notable: Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory

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Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory

The Cold War could be coming back with a vengeance, and the U.S.’s top adversaries are dusting off some old-school Soviet tactics.

Russian and Chinese government officials have recently teamed up to publicly accuse the U.S. of creating biological weapons near their borders and suggesting that Americans are responsible for creating COVID-19.

Speaking to the Russian daily newspaper Kommersant on Thursday, Nikolai Patrushev, Russia’s Security Council secretary, said: “I suggest that you pay attention to the fact that biological laboratories under U.S. control are growing by leaps and bounds all over the world. And—by a strange coincidence—mainly near the Russian and Chinese borders.”

Patrushev, who formerly served as director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)—the main successor organization to the Soviet KGB—added that “outbreaks of diseases uncharacteristic of these regions” have been recorded in areas adjacent to these alleged bio-labs. He then openly accused the U.S. of developing biological weapons in those facilities.

Like clockwork, Russian state media echoed and disseminated Patrushev’s accusations against the U.S. But this time, they were accompanied by an official statement from China’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Lijian Zhao, who tweeted: “The US bio-military activities are not transparent, safe or justified. In Ukraine alone, the US has set up 16 bio-labs. Why does the US need so many labs all over the world? What activities are carried out in those labs, including the one in Fort Detrick?”

Zhao voiced the same accusations during an official press briefing, where he identified Russia as his source on the matter. “I noticed that Russia recently asked the US again about their military and biological activities in Fort Detrick and in Ukraine,” said Zhao. “Other countries also expressed similar concerns.”

The unsubstantiated allegations against the U.S. and Ukraine have come at a particularly convenient time for Putin, who has recently intensified Kremlin efforts to absorb the Donbas region. In February of this year, the Russian president ominously promised that “[The Kremlin] will never turn [its] back on Donbas, no matter what."

Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the Kremlin-funded RT and Sputnik, doubled down on promoting Russia’s takeover of Eastern Ukraine, with repeated urges for “Mother Russia” to “take Donbas home.” By presenting Ukraine as a national security threat to Russia, and alleging its involvement in the manufacturing of deadly bio-weapons, the Kremlin is able further justify its increasingly aggressive posture towards its highly coveted neighboring territory

Just as Trump had aided an outbreak of violence against Asian-Americans by calling COVID-19 the “China virus” and spreading unsubstantiated claims that the virus was made in a Wuhan lab, opponents of the U.S. have strived to cultivate that type of hostility against America on a global scale. Both Russia and China stand to benefit from pinning the blame for the pandemic on the U.S., and if Ukraine can be theoretically implicated, too—all the better for the Kremlin.

It’s not the first time Russia claims that the U.S. is creating and disseminating deadly diseases around the world. In 1992, Russia perpetuated a KGB disinformation campaign that falsely alleged that the virus that caused AIDS was the product of biological weapons experiments conducted by the U.S. During the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa, Russian propaganda outlets spread conspiracy theories that the virus had been created by the U.S. in collaboration with Great Britain and South Africa.

There is another common denominator to these disinformation tactics: In addition to accusing the U.S. of engaging in worldwide biological warfare, the Kremlin is simultaneously positioning itself as a lone savior.

“[Russia] saved Africa from Ebola,” Olga Skabeeva of Russia’s state-TV’s 60 Minutes proudly declared last month. While attempting to discredit COVID-19 vaccines created by Western countries, Russian state media outlets have frequently praised “Sputnik V” as the world’s best coronavirus vaccine, even as troubling information about the Russian-made vaccine continues to emerge.

To overcome the suspension of disbelief and promote the idea that the U.S. is capable of the worst kind of abuses against humanity, Russian propagandists are now resorting to an all-too-familiar dehumanization tactic: painting America as a super-villain.

“[Americans] don’t even have the word “soulfulness” in the English language,” RT’s Margarita Simonyan recently proclaimed on Russian television. “We’re soulful. They’re not like us.”


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956510 No.41665

File: 6bd5aefb338c1f5⋯.jpg (69.74 KB,1111x514,1111:514,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396931 (101221ZAPR21) Notable: Oxford man accepts plea deal in ongoing sex trafficking case

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Oxford man accepts plea deal in ongoing sex trafficking case

by KHGIFriday, April 9th 2021

An Oxford man has been convicted of child abuse for his role in an ongoing sex trafficking case in Furnas County.

According to the Furnas County District Court Clerk, Jacob Kramer, 22, accepted a plea deal where he pled no contest to one count of child abuse – a class 3A felony.

In exchange for his plea, a charge of first-degree sexual assault was reduced and a charge of labor/sex trafficking of a minor was dismissed.

Court records said the incident occurred in July 2019.

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956510 No.41666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396933 (101222ZAPR21) Notable: Federal Judge on Dr. Shiva’s First amendment lawsuit ordered, Dr. Shiva add Jack Dorsey & Twitter as a defendant.

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Federal Judge on Dr. Shiva’s First amendment lawsuit ordered, Dr. Shiva add Jack Dorsey & Twitter as a defendant.

Interesting a judge ordering Dr. Shiva to add another defendant to his lawsuit.


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956510 No.41667

File: d8a3be6879ad693⋯.jpg (74.11 KB,1021x623,1021:623,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396934 (101222ZAPR21) Notable: 'OPERATION NOT FORGOTTEN'| U.S. Marshals Rescue 18 Missing Children

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'OPERATION NOT FORGOTTEN'| U.S. Marshals Rescue 18 Missing Children

by Dan Lampariello, Tiffany WatsonFriday, April 9th 2021

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956510 No.41668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396942 (101225ZAPR21) Notable: Gilgamesh according to most mythology is not demonic and most published information is along those lines

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Gilgamesh according to most mythology is not demonic and most published information is along those lines [12] [13] Some also say he is only a living Nephilim, like Enoch or Melchizedek having no end to life.

However Jessie classifies him as a demon General. He oversees the top five skilled black magik individuals. She has directly witnessed him doing black magik and he was part of several rituals in her life that dealt with her position.

He was one of beings present at the ritual where she was given her ritual name – Sunshine. She usually saw him with a hooded robe obscuring his face. He appeared over 10 feet tall with very long extended legs, arms, hand bones and fingers with very long thick curved nails.

Jessie says

He tends to lurk in the catacombs, and dwells among the dead. There is a connection with him currently ruling over many of the deeper underground Systems where the “Black Eyed” or “mole” people live. They are a group of people who have been bred in the tunnels for generations, so they have no colored iris in their eyes, just large pupils. Their skin is albino or translucent.

Under the Rothschild Mansion in the Black Forest there is a colony of these individuals. In that forest there is a old tree called the Grandfather tree, with a cavern just below, and the roots hang down from the ceiling. The black eyed people gather under the roots of that tree during times of ritual and as the hunts are going on above ground. (More than one Grandfather tree exists.)

Sacrifices are brought to the ground around the grandfather tree and blood drips down the roots. These Black Eyed people feast and bathe in it. So from those memories, I can not connect Gilgamesh as being a good being. I only saw him as a demon and saw the evil in his heart.


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956510 No.41669

File: 671f167b152929d⋯.jpg (43.02 KB,981x232,981:232,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396948 (101228ZAPR21) Notable: ADL Leader Says That Tucker Carlson “Must Go” Following Fox News Host’s “Replacement Theory” Remarks

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ADL Leader Says That Tucker Carlson “Must Go” Following Fox News Host’s “Replacement Theory” Remarks

By Ted Johnson	

Ted Johnson

Political Editor


More Stories By Ted

ABC Plans To Name Kim Godwin As Next President Of News Division

Small Business Administration Halts Opening Day Of Covid-19 Grant Applications For Distressed Theaters, Live Venues

Joe Biden Unveils Executive Actions On Guns In Wake Of Latest Mass Shootings: “It’s An International Embarrassment”

View All

April 9, 2021 2:51pm

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956510 No.41670

File: 378a151c7e28746⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396967 (101235ZAPR21) Notable: Pentagon confirms recently leaked footage of UFOs swarming a US Navy destroyer as genuine.

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Fucking Pentagon going "MUH ALIENZ!"

NEW - Pentagon confirms recently leaked footage of UFOs swarming a US Navy destroyer as genuine.


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956510 No.41671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396977 (101238ZAPR21) Notable: Canadian Minister of Defense on "Galactic Federation" of Aliens

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Canadian Minister of Defense on "Galactic Federation" of Aliens

2:00 into the video Canadian Minister of Defense says they have picked out individuals and are communicating with them through meditation channeling.

‘Galactic Federation’ of aliens is working with the U.S. and Israel, a former security chief says


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956510 No.41672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396985 (101241ZAPR21) Notable: Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

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April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews.

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century….


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956510 No.41673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396988 (101241ZAPR21) Notable: The FBI's mission has been and always will be to terrorize the American people,

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The FBI's mission has been and always will be to terrorize the American people, provide cover for Mafia racketeering, and to collect and produce blackmail on prominent figures for the purpose of control. Don't be angry at a snake for acting like a snake. Let the FBI be.

FBI and Mafia-


FBI blackmail -


FBI Facilitating terrorism-


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956510 No.41674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396992 (101241ZAPR21) Notable: Nonprofit involved with 1,400 California schools being investigated by Canadian parliamentary committee

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WE Charity officially launched in California in 2014. Gavin Newsom, who was lieutenant governor at the time, tweeted on March 26 of that year to welcome the charity's first statewide fundraiser "WE Day California" hosted inside the Oakland arena.

16,000 students from hundreds of schools across the state packed inside to watch celebrities like Selena Gomez, Orlando Bloom, and Seth Rogan perform sharing inspirational messages.

"You are changing the world," said Gomez to a crowd. "That's amazing."

In order to attend, students needed to do local and global acts of service. A common one was raising money to build schools for underprivileged kids in Kenya and Ecuador.

On March 12, 2021, the Kielburger brothers testified under oath they paid Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's family nearly a half-million dollars in speaking fees for WE Day events.

I'd like to commit to 100 schools around the world. 100 schools," Oprah Winfrey said in an interview with the Kielburger brothers.

Since the brothers appeared on Oprah in 2000, WE Charity claims 1,500 schools and school rooms have been built across the world with funds. But, the nonprofit has been unable to provide a list of each location to the Parliamentary committee.

Can't tell us where those schools are, who the students are, who the teachers are," said Poilievre. "How can we even prove they exist?


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956510 No.41675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396996 (101241ZAPR21) Notable: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

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Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

Among the findings:

• Modem Chipsets Installed In Voting System Motherboards

• 66,194 unregistered ballots tallied in just 9 counties.

Much more to come…

Here’s the link to Matthew DePerno’s findings.



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956510 No.41676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396997 (101242ZAPR21) Notable: Jennifer Davis, the de facto chief of staff to U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, has stepped aside

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SCOOP: Jennifer Davis, the de facto chief of staff to U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, has stepped aside after her security clearance was revoked following a 3 year leak investigation, two people familiar with the matter told me.


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956510 No.41677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13396998 (101242ZAPR21) Notable: Second minor joins the John Doe case against Twitter, says Twitter repeatedly refused to remove images/videos depicting him being sexually abused

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BREAKING: Second minor joins the John Doe case against Twitter, says Twitter repeatedly refused to remove images/videos depicting him being sexually abused

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956510 No.41678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397002 (101242ZAPR21) Notable: Pentagon confirms recently leaked footage of UFOs swarming a US Navy destroyer as genuine.

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NEW - Pentagon confirms recently leaked footage of UFOs swarming a US Navy destroyer as genuine.


@disclosetv @disclosetv_chat

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956510 No.41679

File: 7ab229300a752f1⋯.jpg (43.93 KB,830x213,830:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397058 (101302ZAPR21) Notable: Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

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EXPLOSIVE: Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

By Jim Hoft

Published April 10, 2021 at 7:30am

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956510 No.41680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397096 (101316ZAPR21) Notable: Sex Trafficking Arrests

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>>>/qresearch/13397078, >>>/qresearch/13397079, >>>/qresearch/13397083, >>>/qresearch/13397086, >>>/qresearch/13397088, >>>/qresearch/13397093

Sex Trafficking Arrests

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956510 No.41681

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397115 (101320ZAPR21) Notable: Sex Trafficking Arrests

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RealNewsAnon report: "it's been habbening"

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956510 No.41682

File: 4037cd7fffff916⋯.jpg (520.49 KB,1077x1676,1077:1676,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397154 (101333ZAPR21) Notable: Cicada invasion: After 17 years underground, billions to emerge this spring

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956510 No.41683

File: 83e844025e7abf8⋯.jpg (146.6 KB,720x886,360:443,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48d48bcc4a278ae⋯.jpg (178.74 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397170 (101340ZAPR21) Notable: Ex-college student who wished 'death to all Americans' ordered to be deported

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Ex-college student who wished 'death to all Americans' ordered to be deported


is this a primer for Barry and the Ak47?

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956510 No.41684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397228 (101400ZAPR21) Notable: #16969

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>>41627 State vs. US Citizen.

>>41629 Prince Philip dies: Vanuatu tribe who hailed Duke of Edinburgh as a god will mark his death with ritual wailing

>>41630 Microsoft finds underwater datacenters are reliable, practical and use energy sustainably:

>>41631 Saudi Arabia says it executes 3 soldiers for ‘high treason’

>>41632 Yemen: Riyan International Airport reopens after 5 years

>>41633, >>41635 How MI5 raided a bank to get pictures of Princess Margaret

>>41628, >>41634 Quantum vs Super Computing

>>41636 Tennessee Becomes 20th State To Abolish Permit Requirement For Concealed Carry

>>41637 Anon Opine, 5 post series on China's "unrestricted war" on the world

>>41638 Biden Sends Unaccompanied Migrant Children to Former Japanese Internment Camp – Media and Democrat Frauds are Silent

>>41639, >>41641 More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones

>>41640 Biden's nominee for ATF head is an anti-gun lobbyist

>>41642 Watch Joe Biden in 2005 and 1987 Destroy Joe Biden Today on Court-Packing

>>41643 High living Hunter Biden blew tens of thousands on prostitutes, drugs and luxury cars

>>41645 Biden Builds Back Obama’s Middle East

>>41646 WAR-CASTLES. For the Love of the Grammar:

>>41647 White House weighing cash payments to stem southern border migration

>>41648 Twitter’s Child Porn Problem Just Got Drastically Worse

>>41649 Pics show 20,000ft ash cloud spew from St Vincent volcano as thousands flee and flights grounded

>>41650 Multimillionaire London hotel mogul Sir Richard Sutton stabbed to death

>>41651 MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Claims He Has Private Investigators Looking at Fox News

>>41652 ‘Like The Wild, Wild West’: Texas Mayor Says ‘Southern Border Is Not Under Control. It’s A Mad House’

>>41653 Arizona gives Democrats a taste of their own sanctuary medicine

>>41654 Supreme Court rules against California's limits on in-home religious gatherings

>>41655 The White Rabbit Project

>>41656 CDC Raises Eyebrows For Using Character Image Almost Identical to NPC Meme

>>41657 Interesting that the only two military birds in the air this morning over the entire country are an E4B, SONNY31

>>41658 Grenell group seeks to reshape California politics beyond recall: Californians want 'permanent change'

>>41659 USA: Police officers show up at Twitter user’s home for criticising Congresswoman AOC on social media, her spokesperson denies involvement

>>41660 Biden Considering Cash Payments to Central Americans To Slow Illegal Entry

>>41661 'An existential threat': The Republicans calling for their party to reject QAnon conspiracy theories


>>41664 Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory

>>41665 Oxford man accepts plea deal in ongoing sex trafficking case

>>41666 Federal Judge on Dr. Shiva’s First amendment lawsuit ordered, Dr. Shiva add Jack Dorsey & Twitter as a defendant.

>>41667 'OPERATION NOT FORGOTTEN'| U.S. Marshals Rescue 18 Missing Children

>>41668 Gilgamesh according to most mythology is not demonic and most published information is along those lines

>>41669 ADL Leader Says That Tucker Carlson “Must Go” Following Fox News Host’s “Replacement Theory” Remarks

>>41662 It's A Royal Knockout, Prince andrew can't stfu and keep in character about what really goes on

>>41670 Pentagon confirms recently leaked footage of UFOs swarming a US Navy destroyer as genuine.

>>41671 Canadian Minister of Defense on "Galactic Federation" of Aliens

>>41672 Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

>>41673 The FBI's mission has been and always will be to terrorize the American people,

>>41674 Nonprofit involved with 1,400 California schools being investigated by Canadian parliamentary committee

>>41675 Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

>>41676 Jennifer Davis, the de facto chief of staff to U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, has stepped aside

>>41677 Second minor joins the John Doe case against Twitter, says Twitter repeatedly refused to remove images/videos depicting him being sexually abused

>>41678 Pentagon confirms recently leaked footage of UFOs swarming a US Navy destroyer as genuine.

>>41679 Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

>>41680, >>41681 Sex Trafficking Arrests

>>41682 Cicada invasion: After 17 years underground, billions to emerge this spring

>>41683 Ex-college student who wished 'death to all Americans' ordered to be deported

>>41644 This is a must watch video for everyone.

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956510 No.41685

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397294 (101419ZAPR21) Notable: The masks are really bad for health

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The masks are really bad for health, I think. On multiple levels. As things progress I am pleasantly reminded that other people share my views. The writer of the above linked article apparently wrote something about the government and Munchausen-by-proxy (now called factitious disorder). I have not yet read that article but I personally believe that many of our medical "authorities" have this issue. This is when an illness is created in a victim or else falsified in some manner such as altering test samples. Mothers are reported to be the abusers in the vast majority of cases. However, I think "public health" authorities as well as some medical personnel are actually projecting their own evil. Vaccines are the top example, imo. If you look at the actual health outcomes of completely unvaccinated people the difference is astounding. Without the vaccines as a gateway to a lifetime of disability and disease most all of our medical industry would be unnecessary. I think that is why, even when asked or told to "look into it" as was done by Congress to CDC/health authorities they NEVER do so, even with the availability of the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD).

With any privilege should go responsibility. Any company with the permission to sell products in the United States of America needs to be 100% liable for any false advertising, fraud or injury resulting from the lawful use of their product. Period.

Same should go for the exercise of "public health" authority. If "We the People" acknowledge (we don't have to!) a role for an elected official to limit business activity or other lawful conduct over legitimate health dangers then that official is 100% responsible to wield that authority impartially without ulterior motive. If they cause harm by issuing "edicts" under color of law they should be personally liable for the resulting harm. I don't think there are any crimes without injuries. Forcing a CHILD into a mask while running or playing outside IS injurious and should be considered a crime. I see the psychological, social and physical damage to our children already. It needs to stop.

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956510 No.41686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397313 (101426ZAPR21) Notable: Russian space programme facing existential crisis as Elon Musk helps US relaunch Nasa ambitions

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Russian space programme facing existential crisis as Elon Musk helps US relaunch Nasa ambitions

It took four international crews and almost a year before anyone onboard the International Space Station could locate the air leak, untraceable by equipment at hand, which had been driving the cosmonauts insane.

One evening last October, Russian cosmonaut Ivan Vagner in a desperate attempt to find that tiny hole sucking up precious air ripped up a tea bag inside one of the station’s segments, sending the tea leaves flying into weightlessness. A day later, he saw the tea leaves cluster around a tiny scratch that had been leaking air all along.

Mr Vagner’s ingenuity won him plaudits back home but the incident at the 22-year-old core segment of the station has laid bare Russia’s withering space dream as the country is nearing the 60th anniversary of the first human space flight. By the end of February, the Russian space agency reported six scratches on the Zvezda module which were leaking air.

Yuri Gagarin took off for his maiden flight 60 years ago on Monday - 12 April, 1961 - in a triumph of Soviet science in its rivalry with the United States. Now Russia’s landmark space programme is facing an existential crisis due to mismanagement and a lack of vision as the United States and China have left Russia far behind in the space race.

Launched in 1998, the International Space Station was supposed to serve for no more than two decades, and, unless extended, the current agreement would see it shut down in 2024, leaving Russia without tangible space presence while the US is busy with a flurry of other projects including a manned mission to the moon.

“What Gagarin started for Russia would be over if Russia were to ditch its ISS programme in 2025 because there will be nowhere for Russian cosmonauts to fly to,” Ivan Moiseyev, who heads the Space Policy Institute in Moscow and used to advise the Russian government, told the Telegraph.

Senior officials in charge of the orbiting lab have been crying for help to save the space programme which no longer delivers any ground-breaking achievements.

Vladimir Solovyev, director general of the state-run RKK Energia corporation which oversees the Russian segment of the ISS, in November warned about “an avalanche of broken equipment” onboard as soon as in 2025.

Veteran cosmonauts like Gennady Padalka have been outspoken about the growing technology gap between the US and China and Russia.

“We’re still flying on the same stuff that we inherited from the Soviet Union,” he lamented in an interview at the end of 2019, adding that his generation “has not created anything new as far as manned space flights go.”

The Soviet space programme was an indisputable achievement of the Communist regime and the ultimate proof of its superiority but Russia’s space industry has struggled to find its purpose since the fall of the Soviet Union.

“Russian government under Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin have been busy exploiting the technological and industrial legacy of the Soviet space programme but now we’re facing the question ‘What’s next?’,” Pavel Luzin, an independent space expert, told the Telegraph, describing the space programme as one of the last remaining “insignia of Russia as a superpower.”



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956510 No.41687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397316 (101428ZAPR21) Notable: THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

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For new eyes :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


The video gives some insight of President Donald Trump travelling the world and communicating with world leaders in 2017, before Q droped intel crumbs on image boards. If you read Donald Trumps books you will understand that he never attended any negotiations without leverage.


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956510 No.41688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397317 (101428ZAPR21) Notable: Biden administration considering Rahm Emanuel for ambassador role, report says

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Biden administration considering Rahm Emanuel for ambassador role, report says

White House told Fox News they have no personnel announcements to make when asked about Emanuel


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956510 No.41689

File: 3a37817a70f393e⋯.mp4 (5.29 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397355 (101444ZAPR21) Notable: The world is changing. Love Wins

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To those questioning; "When's it going to happen?" It is happening, right now the world is changing. Love Wins

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956510 No.41690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397359 (101445ZAPR21) Notable: NEW - Ukrainian moving SS-21 Scarab / OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles near the border with Russia.

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NEW - Ukrainian army is reportedly moving SS-21 Scarab / OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles near the border with Russia.


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956510 No.41691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397363 (101447ZAPR21) Notable: Watch Teslas slowly move through Elon Musk's new Boring Company tunnel under Las Vegas

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Watch Teslas slowly move through Elon Musk's new Boring Company tunnel under Las Vegas

The Boring Company's Las Vegas tunnel system is nearly up and running, and initial videos of the network in action hit the web on Thursday.

Elon Musk's tunneling firm invited members of the media to check out the1.7-mile-long loop that runs beneath the Las Vegas Convention Center ahead of its debut this summer. And clips from the event show that the underground transportation network functions essentially as the billionaire described: "basically just Teslas in tunnels at this point."

Videos shared online show a parade of slow-moving Teslas dipping in and out of tunnels and driving around stations. The system is illuminated up by color-changing lights, making the Las Vegas Convention Center Loop look equal parts transit network and night club.

The LVCC Loop has three stops that span the convention center's sprawling 200-acre campus. The people-mover - serviced by Teslas that customers can hail through an app - cuts a45-minute walk across the convention center to a roughly two-minute ride, according to The Boring Company. The Teslas will travel at up to 35 mph, the Las Vegas Review Journal reports.

Despite Musk's claim that the loop is "way more profound than it sounds," the system may not live up to all the hype.

It is meant to shuttle up to 4,400 passengers per hour, but documents obtained by TechCrunch in October show that the $52.5 million loop may only be able to accommodate 1,200 people due to fire regulations. And although The Boring Company has said it plans to service its tunnels with self-driving, high-capacity Tesla vehicles, the LVCC Loop is starting out with normal Teslas that require drivers.

Detractors say that makes The Boring Company's projects little more than reinvented subways with significantly less passenger capacity. Critics also point out that The Boring Company's noble aim of building congestion-alleviating tunnels under cities worldwide ignores the phenomenon of induced demand, which says that more roadways - even underground ones - will give way to more cars.

The LVCC Loop will be operational by June, according to the authority that runs the convention center. The Boring Company aims to expand the system to other Las Vegas destinations, including the airport and downtown. It is also in talks with Miami officials for a similar project there.


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956510 No.41692

File: 5d5dbb6b1637018⋯.png (327.84 KB,601x613,601:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397368 (101450ZAPR21) Notable: These are the Republicans calling for their party to reject QAnon conspiracy theories

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These are the Republicans calling for their party to reject QAnon conspiracy theories


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956510 No.41693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397374 (101451ZAPR21) Notable: Why Are People Experiencing Unusual Period Symptoms After Getting Vaccinated?

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Why Are People Experiencing Unusual Period Symptoms After Getting Vaccinated?

After receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines, many people feel relief — and many also experience some temporary side effects, including nausea, muscle pain, and headaches. Doctors agree that, unless they last longer than a few days, none of these reactions are cause for concern. But now, people are worrying about a new, previously unreported side effect: heavier, early, or otherwise irregular menstrual periods.

In February, Kate Clancy, PhD, asked her Twitter followers whether any menstruators had noticed anything odd after receiving the vaccine. “A colleague told me she has heard from others that their periods were heavy post-vax,” she wrote. “I’m a week and a half out from dose 1 of Moderna, got my period maybe a day or so early, and am gushing like I’m in my 20s again.”

Dr. Clancy’s replies were inundated with similar stories. Some said they started spotting unexpectedly; several mentioned that they were experiencing period symptoms, including cramping and bleeding, for the first time since getting IUDs or going through menopause. And similar conversations are happening elsewhere on the internet, too: There are numerous threads on Reddit tracking the relationship between menstruation and the vaccines. After her tweet gained traction, Dr. Clancy began collecting information for a scientific research study devoted to the vaccine’s impact on periods.

As of now, there’s no scientific evidence of a direct connection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has been tracking side effects through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), at least 32 people reported changes to their periods — but this isn’t a huge reason to worry, since around 56,000 people were included in the report.

explaining through blah, blah the possible why but it's got nothing to do with the SHOT


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956510 No.41694

File: 86451dff8753593⋯.jpg (53.13 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397441 (101506ZAPR21) Notable: Temple OS predicted the coronavirus?

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Temple OS predicted the coronavirus.

Profound and haunting.


Check muh id:

3d12a9 = cdabai

Anagram.activate -> cibada

Literally one off from cicada

>sooooooooooo close

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956510 No.41695

File: e89c90e88136a6f⋯.png (842.38 KB,1920x939,640:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397451 (101510ZAPR21) Notable: Das Rayciss! Keks in Chyna

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Das Rayciss!

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956510 No.41696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397455 (101511ZAPR21) Notable: An email from current WH Press Sec. Jen Psaki could expose the Deep State

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An email from current WH Press Sec. Jen Psaki could expose the Deep State. Though its contents have been redacted, it pertains to the Obama-Biden Iran dealings. A judge has ordered the Deep State to produce this email to the court for review.


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956510 No.41697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397467 (101512ZAPR21) Notable: EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

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moar, take it from the former VP of Pfizer:

EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’


Also, which I picked up last bread, one of the best vids associated w/major alleged criminality what they've done w/these lab modified virus's, where they take a non contagious virus and make it contagious w/another virus and make it contagious to human to human. Honestly what they've done is horrifying and we will see the monstrous residual effects:

Bases 116 Dr Richard Fleming SARS CoVid2


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956510 No.41698

File: 61ed36e4c2c3e0d⋯.jpg (93.7 KB,587x500,587:500,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397472 (101513ZAPR21) Notable: Possible Causes of George Floyd's Death that have been given by a variety of experts at Chauvin's trial (so far):

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Possible Causes of George Floyd's Death

that have been given by a variety of experts

at Chauvin's trial (so far):

"His body was devoid of oxygen"

odd, since no one at this point is saying that he was choked

"His ailing heart couldn't take the strain of his arrest"

yeah, the cops should have let him lay down after he refused several times over the course of twenty minutes to get in the car for the trip to the station after he was arrested. while he was growing increasingly agitated as he OD'd. oh, wait…

"He was blood choked"

from the guy at the scene who had to be restrained. lying through his MMA teeth. a carotid choke blocks both ateries, and when applied causes unconsciousness in seconds. as long as the "victim" is talking, he is awake and breathing.

"No one gave him CPR"

1. all the courses I have taken say not to initiate if the patient is conscious and talking - it is unnecessary and potentially injurious

2. "Load & Scoot" has entered the lexicon, now that we see MMA fighters taking control of the crime scene

evidently, ingesting 3x the amount of Fentanyl required to kill a human being is only lethal to whites, and to maintain otherwise is rayciss

now add the court of public opinion:

"White Supremacy killed George Floyd"

so the Asian cop, the white cop, the Latino cop and the black cop

were all Nazis?

"America is on trial"

just fuck off with that shit. really. recent conversation with a loved one:

"America is racist" oh really? where do you live? are you part of the problem? is your neighbor? your employees? how do you propose to legislate away wrongthink?

who will be targeted by your rehabilitation campaign? will I still be able to wear red clothing?

"Convicted Racist" is not something that our court system is designed to do. I would say it is discrimination that is not allowed, but as long as there is affirmative action and black history month, I would be lying.

not only is it unConstitutional, it is impractical, and unenforcable. and as I point out every time you call for censorship and abrogating the First Amendment, why do you keep thinking that you will be the arbiter that decides what is allowable thought?

p.s. enforcement is going to require a force multiplier. GLWT.

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956510 No.41699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397481 (101515ZAPR21) Notable: An email from current WH Press Sec. Jen Psaki could expose the Deep State

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Judge in ACLJ FOIA Case Orders Deep State To Produce for Court Review Jen Psaki Email Regarding Secret Obama-Biden Admin Meetings with Iran

At the ACLJ, when we say we are going to get to the bottom of something, we don’t quit, no matter how long it takes.

We just received a new court order concerning our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case about the Obama-Biden Administration’s “Iran lie.” Despite attempts by the Deep State to try and sweep this one under the rug, the court agreed with our arguments and ordered the Biden State Department to hand over a crucial document for in camera review by the judge himself.

As we told you, we filed this FOIA almost FIVE YEARS AGO.

Way back then we explained how the Obama-Biden Administration was involved in censoring an official State Department press briefing video to delete an embarrassing admission that the Administration lied about its Iran deal negotiations.

We received definitive evidence that the Obama-Biden Administration intentionally manipulated the public video record of a press briefing – having deleted an incriminating portion in which it admitted deceiving the American people about the Iran nuclear negotiations.

As we explained in our lawsuit, the Administration originally claimed the deletion was a “glitch”; but after receiving our FOIA request, it admitted the deletion was not a glitch, but was instead “deliberate.”

Through our lawsuit, we have obtained an email sent by Jen Psaki – who is now the Biden White House Press Secretary – with information relevant to our Iran lie FOIA regarding when the Obama-Biden Iran deal negotiations actually began. In typical Deep State fashion, the chain of emails has been so heavily redacted that it is hard to make heads or tails of the conversation, except that the Iran discussion is specifically referenced. And the flurry of email activity began with an inquiry from an Associated Press reporter within days of the deleted press briefing. Now the Biden State Department is refusing to cooperate or provide us with an unredacted copy, due to supposed security concerns, including new concerns it claimed for the first time well into our lawsuit.

SAUCE: https://aclj.org/government-corruption/judge-in-aclj-foia-case-orders-deep-state-to-produce-for-court-review-jen-psaki-email-regarding-secret-obama-biden-admin-meetings-with-iran

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956510 No.41700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397496 (101517ZAPR21) Notable: Biden's niece led The Coca-Cola Company's government relations arm lobbing against a bill banning US companies from importing Chinese goods

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“President Biden's niece led The Coca-Cola Company's government relations arm as the company lobbied against a bill that would have banned US companies from importing a large swath of Chinese goods made with forced labor from Uyghur Muslims.”


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956510 No.41701

File: ab6a5c890e37d2b⋯.jpg (570.02 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397499 (101518ZAPR21) Notable: Over 80 human traffickers netted in international sweep

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956510 No.41702

File: 10cace7ccc58084⋯.jpg (689.45 KB,1080x1850,108:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397501 (101519ZAPR21) Notable: ‘Back to Ground Zero’: Pinal County Had Smugglers Pushed Back. Biden’s Policies Changed That.

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956510 No.41703

File: 14e4bbc050c20cf⋯.jpg (994.83 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397507 (101520ZAPR21) Notable: Hong Kong Police arrest over 10,200 during anti-govt protests in last 20 months

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956510 No.41704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397519 (101522ZAPR21) Notable: Archangel Michael: The Inner Knowing that is Love

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Archangel Michael: The Inner Knowing that is Love

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are happy to be here with you and we look forward, as you think of it, to each opportunity to consciously connect.

When we are consciously connected, the expansion in your life, is an expansion of consciousness. Your consciousness expands.

And when you do this, you transmit internal messages to your DNA, activating and changing, over time with repetition, the physical expression of your own body. Evolving form to hold more expansive consciousness.

Part of this is experiential and part of this has to do more with processes in your life. So some of this expansion is felt as it occurs, and some of it? Changes the way your body works – translating and receiving, perceiving Life Itself in expression.

What we wish to offer you today is the realization that all inner knowing is a manifestation of Love. You receiving it, is you allowing yourself to be loved.

Life Itself so wants you to thrive. And is always providing your with the clarity that will serve you in the present and this clarity? Comes as inner knowing. The deep quiet steady feeling and understanding that is beyond words. The knowing that comes prior to you being able to express something in words.

This knowing, is always love, emanating to you and being translated by your physical form into that which you think of as clarity and gradually altering your body-process, evolving your capacity for Light.

Love, beloveds, is fueling the expansion of the Universe. In a very direct and wonderful way.

Your form evolving, is an expression of the very basis of spirituality in life. The evolution of your embodied presence, is the foundation for understanding the meaning and purpose of your Life and your embodied relationship with Life Itself.

This truth is the great gift of unconditional Love, meets, Oneness.

Can you feel this? The realization of this. That you, are the realization of this? Made possible?

Oh, dear ones. The world is exquisite and magnificently beautiful.

Let all of this sink in and feel who you truly are.

The realization of that, is heaven.

We love you very much.

I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light


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956510 No.41705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397525 (101523ZAPR21) Notable: Brazil building new giant Christ the Protector statue

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JUST IN - Brazil building new giant Christ the Protector statue, taller than Rio's, in the south of the country (AFP)


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956510 No.41706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397561 (101531ZAPR21) Notable: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE LAW OF WAR MANUAL https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/law_war_manual15.pdf

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All any of post 2016 has been about is the Globalist rushing at Warp-Speed to depopulate/sterilize before the Great Awakening hits critical mass. The US MIL is poised to declare Martial Law and remove the Occupying Power in D.C. as soon as the Deep-State/NWO compromises the Supreme Court. A new, Patriot, Supreme Court will be installed prior to the completion of the Martial Law Phase and we will live happily ever after as NON-14th Amendment Citizens, but Sovereign State Citizens.


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956510 No.41707

File: 304d8d9b0b9bf90⋯.jpeg (400.06 KB,995x1744,995:1744,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 263465800efe95e⋯.jpeg (293.75 KB,1241x1401,1241:1401,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397617 (101541ZAPR21) Notable: Interesting decode

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Interesting decode


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956510 No.41708

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397634 (101545ZAPR21) Notable: Fact Check: Biden’s Claims About Background Checks at Gun Shows Are Misleading

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Fact Check: Biden’s Claims About Background Checks at Gun Shows Are Misleading

April 9, 2021, Updated

President Joe Biden’s claims that there are no background checks at firearms sales at gun shows have drawn criticism, with fact-checking websites saying that it is false.

Biden during a White House speech on Thursday asserted that a person could buy “whatever you want” at a gun show without a background check.

“Most people don’t know it, you walk into a store and you buy a gun, you have a background check. But you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want and no background check,” Biden said.

According to federal law, commercial sales of guns have to be performed by an individual with a Federal Firearms License (FFL), who then has to perform a mandatory background check of the buyer and a record of sale, regardless of whether the sale occurs at the seller’s place of business, a gun show, or elsewhere. Gun sales between private individuals are exempt from these requirements, but it only applies to residents of the same state.

The law stipulates that the seller can only make the sale if they do not have reasonable cause to believe the buyer is prohibited from owning a firearm under federal law. Meanwhile, some states have laws that prohibit gun sales between a non-dealer and an individual.

According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) (pdf), a firearms dealer has to get an FFL if they are “a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms.”

“But,” the ATF adds, “such [a] term shall not include a person who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”

For years, some politicians have invoked the so-called “gun show loophole” while pushing for new legislation restricting the sale or ownership of firearms. However, a private seller—who is not a dealer—can sell to another person without conducting a background check at a gun show or anywhere else.

Biden’s comment was declared false by Factcheck.org: “That’s wrong. In fact, federal firearm dealers must run a background check on a potential buyer at a gun show using the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or a similar state system.” It said that the president was likely referring to private sales between a non-dealer and an individual at gun shows.

“Hobbyists who sell weapons in one-off private transactions are not required to be licensed or to run background checks,” the ATF said in a news release last year in announcing the arrests of three Texas men who pleaded guilty to unlicensed gun dealing at gun shows.

Politifact also said the president’s claim was “mostly false.”

Republicans also reacted to Biden’s assertion on Thursday.

“Joe Biden is either lying, never bought a gun at a gun show, or both,” former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows wrote on Twitter.

In his speech, Biden said he is taking executive action on guns, including regulating so-called “ghost guns,” declaring certain firearms using a stabilizing brace as rifles, and more. It comes after two mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, Colorado, that left 18 people dead.



The 3 Biggest Lies Joe Biden Told About Guns Today


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956510 No.41709

File: 9f7469b99fc557f⋯.png (1.06 MB,1445x855,289:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397649 (101549ZAPR21) Notable: NEW - Ukrainian moving SS-21 Scarab / OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles near the border with Russia.

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US high altitude drone up over Ukraine near the Russian border for hours. Squawking, so they want the world to know.

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956510 No.41710

File: 2ac343ba1ace80d⋯.png (397.31 KB,1314x583,1314:583,Clipboard.png)

File: aed5ef9426830fc⋯.png (101.04 KB,1143x566,1143:566,Clipboard.png)

File: 016ee70b0b3910e⋯.png (378.76 KB,817x548,817:548,Clipboard.png)

File: 26ecf587c782aee⋯.png (161.04 KB,1301x522,1301:522,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fda07ee4035fa0⋯.png (55.72 KB,885x435,59:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397654 (101550ZAPR21) Notable: Roots of Admiralty law

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Its time!

Learn the real law of the land and the roots of Admiralty law that they are illegally placing us under! Its ALL based on MONEY - Great video on how it is set up all around us with Admiralty law and the courts - and HOW TO GET OUT OF IT. Watch Jordan Maxwells Video first- MUST SEE Then visit the below links - Lots more finally coming out on this stuff now

>>41627 State vs. US Citizen.


The deceipt of the Admiralty Law construct around us - Jordan Maxwell - The Occult World of Commerce

Jordan Maxwell's video:



There is a webinar EVERY MONDAY At the United States Assembly link below. Learn more and get involved. I think this is the only way








https://www.2ndvote.com/ (This one is for knowing where to put your money and keep it away from far left groups)

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956510 No.41711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397688 (101558ZAPR21) Notable: Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

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EXPLOSIVE: Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards


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956510 No.41712

File: 31d782a0e0f51ff⋯.jpg (59.65 KB,750x562,375:281,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397696 (101600ZAPR21) Notable: Brazil building new giant Christ the Protector statue

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The name of the town is Encantado, which translates as Enchanted.

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956510 No.41713

File: 126896be1933f5d⋯.png (322.43 KB,600x747,200:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397713 (101603ZAPR21) Notable: The timeline of the sinking of USS Thresher

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#OTD in 1963 the U.S. Navy suffered the loss of the nuclear submarine USS Thresher (SSN 593). In the blog below you'll read an account on the timeline of the sinking of USS Thresher which was published in the March 1964 issue of Proceedings magazine


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956510 No.41714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397714 (101603ZAPR21) Notable: EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

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Dr. Flemings website:


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956510 No.41715

File: 4a113e7e57c5bae⋯.png (5.48 KB,77x83,77:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f3c3c61c5c693d⋯.png (11.85 KB,374x268,187:134,Clipboard.png)

File: c6a54e6555c941a⋯.png (71.52 KB,236x265,236:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397747 (101611ZAPR21) Notable: P's funeral is on the [17]th

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P's funeral is on the 17th


post from April 17th


Royal Regent

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956510 No.41716

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397852 (101637ZAPR21) Notable: 'Knocked Up' actress Charlyne Yi calls James Franco a 'sexual predator,' accuses Seth Rogen of enabling him

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Sorry if already covered. From yesterday

'Knocked Up' actress Charlyne Yi calls James Franco a 'sexual predator,' accuses Seth Rogen of enabling him

Charlyne Yi, the actress who appeared alongside Seth Rogen in Knocked Up, is calling him out for "enabling" his friend and frequent co-star James Franco.

Since 2018, multiple women have accused Franco of having acted inappropriately with them. Five of them told the Los Angeles Times in January of that year that Franco had been what the newspaper termed "sexually exploitative" with them, while they were students at his acting school. Two recalled him becoming angry when women wouldn't go topless, and a third said that, during a nude orgy scene, he "removed protective plastic guards covering other actress' vaginas while simulating oral sex on them." Two of the women filed lawsuits against the actor. Franco called the allegations "false and inflammatory," and the claims were settled in February.

Rogen and Franco have been famously close friends since they co-starred in the TV show Freaks and Geeks, which debuted in 1999. They went on to make many movies together, including Pineapple Express in 2008 and, in 2017, the film The Disaster Artist.


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956510 No.41717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397914 (101652ZAPR21) Notable: 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

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an excerpt from very well sourced and well written article for the normies:

18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

Updated: a day ago

So here are the reasons I'm opting out of the covid vaccine.


The only industry in the world that bears no liability for injuries or deaths resulting from their products, are vaccine makers.

First established in 1986 with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and reinforced by the PREP Act, vaccine makers cannot be sued, even if they are shown to be negligent.

The covid-vaccine makers are allowed to create a one-size-fits-all product, with no testing on sub-populations (i.e. people with specific health conditions), and yet they are unwilling to accept any responsibility for any adverse events or deaths their products cause.

If a company is not willing to stand behind their product as safe, especially one they rushed to market and skipped animal trials on, I am not willing to take a chance on their product.

No liability. No trust.

Here's why…


The four major companies who are making these covid vaccines are/have either:

Never brought a vaccine to market before covid (Moderna and Johnson & Johnson).

Are serial felons (Pfizer, and Astra Zeneca).

Are both (Johnson & Johnson).

Moderna had been trying to "Modernize our RNA" (thus the company name)for years, but had never successfully brought ANY product to markethow nice for them to get a major cash infusion from the government to keep trying.

In fact, all major vaccine makers (save Moderna) have paid out tens of billions of dollars in damages for other products they brought to market when then knew those product would cause injuries and death–see Vioxx, Bextra, Celebrex, Thalidomide, and Opioids as a few examples.

If drug companies willfully choose to put harmful products in the market, when they can be sued, why would we trust any product where they have NO liability?

In case it hasn't sunk in, let me reiterated…3 of the 4 covid vaccine makers have been sued for products they brought to market even though they knew injuries and deaths would result.

Johnson & Johnson has lost major lawsuits in 1995, 1996, 2001, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2019 (For what it's worth, J&J's vaccine also contains tissues from aborted fetal cells, perhaps a topic for another discussion)

Pfizer has the distinction of the biggest criminal payout in history. They have lost so many lawsuits it's hard to count. You can check out their rap sheet here. Maybe that's why they are demanding that countries where they don't have liability protection put up collateral to cover vaccine-injury lawsuits.

Astra Zeneca has similarly lost so many lawsuits it's hard to count. Here's one. Here's another…you get the point. And in case you missed it, the company had their covid vaccine suspended in at least 18 countries over concerns of blood clots, and they completely botched their meeting with the FDA with numbers from their study that didn't match.

Oh, and apparently J&J (whose vaccine is approved for "Emergency Use" in the US) and Astrazenca (whose vaccine is not approved for "Emergency Use" in the US), had a little mix up in their ingredients…in 15 million doses. Oops.

Let me reiterate this point:

Given the free pass from liability, and the checkered past of these companies, why would we assume that all their vaccines are safe and made completely above board?

Where else in life would we trust someone with that kind of reputation?

To me that makes as much sense as expecting a remorseless, abusive, unfaithful lover to become a different person because a judge said deep down they are a good person.

No. I don't trust trust them.

No liability. No trust.

Here's another reason why I don't trust them.

continued at:


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956510 No.41718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397919 (101654ZAPR21) Notable: Reminder, Attorneys Are Mandated to Destroy Seth Rich Material by April 28

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>Like slain MS-13 hitters after they did Seth Rich in DC.

Yeah, and we can all can see how that's working out.

EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: Attorneys Are Mandated to Destroy Seth Rich Material by April 28 – Durham’s Office Won’t Mandate the Evidence Be Preserved – The American Public Has Not Seen This Info

April 6, 2021


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956510 No.41719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397930 (101655ZAPR21) Notable: US Issues Guidelines to Deepen Relations With Taiwan

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Biden your POTUS?


US Issues Guidelines to Deepen Relations With Taiwan

BY REUTERS April 10, 2021 Updated: April 10, 2021biggersmaller Print

WASHINGTON—The U.S. State Department on Friday issued new guidelines that will enable U.S. officials to meet more freely with officials from Taiwan, a move that deepens relations with Taipei amid stepped-up Chinese military activity around the island.

“These new guidelines liberalize guidance on contacts with Taiwan, consistent with our unofficial relations,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement.

The aim, he said, was “to encourage U.S. government engagement with Taiwan that reflects our deepening unofficial relationship.”

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced days before the end of former President Donald Trump’s presidency in January that he was lifting restrictions on contacts between U.S. officials and their Taiwanese counterparts.

Price said the new guidelines had followed a congressionally mandated review and would “provide clarity throughout the Executive Branch on effective implementation of our ‘one China’ policy”—a reference to the long-standing U.S. policy under which Washington officially recognizes Beijing rather than Taipei.

Another State Department spokesman said the new guidelines meant, for example, that working-level meetings with Taiwanese officials were now encouraged in federal buildings and could also take place at Taiwan’s representative office.

“Those meetings were prohibited under previous guidance,” he said.

A report on the Financial Times website shortly before the release of Price’s statement said U.S. officials would also be able to attend events at Twin Oaks, an estate in Washington that served as the residence of Taiwan’s ambassador until the United States switched diplomatic recognition to Beijing in 1979.

However, it quoted a U.S. official as saying there would still be some “guard rails,” such as not allowing officials to attend functions at Twin Oaks on major Taiwanese holidays that might complicate the U.S. “One-China” policy.

Taiwan’s representative office in Washington welcomed the move as “substantively reflecting deepening ties between Taiwan and the United States.”

It noted that it came at a time of increasing cooperation in areas such as global health, economics, and regional security and enjoyed bipartisan support in the United States.

The State Department announcement comes at a time of raised tensions over Taiwan, which China claims as its own. Taiwan has complained over the last few months of repeated missions by China’s air force near the island.

The White House on Friday said it was keeping a close watch on increased Chinese military activities in the Taiwan Strait, and called Beijing’s recent actions potentially destabilizing.

Beijing on Thursday blamed the United States for tensions after a U.S. warship sailed close to Taiwan.

Taiwan is China’s most sensitive territorial issue and a major bone of contention with Washington, which is required by U.S. law to provide the island with the means to defend itself.

China believes the United States is colluding with Taiwan to challenge Beijing and giving support to those who want the island to declare formal independence.

By Daphne Psaledakis and David Brunnstrom

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956510 No.41720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397945 (101658ZAPR21) Notable: Update: Kiev estimates there are now 85,000 Russian troops between 6 and 25 miles from its border and in Crimea.

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Update: Kiev estimates there are now 85,000 Russian troops between 6 and 25 miles from its border and in Crimea.


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956510 No.41721

File: 724ed917e4fa665⋯.png (27.62 KB,575x776,575:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13397959 (101700ZAPR21) Notable: Pfizer Biontech Vaccine Factsheet

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956510 No.41722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398007 (101712ZAPR21) Notable: Reminder, Moderna Wins Initial $20M Grant

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He didn't rush it, he exposed it. They were already working on their mRNA crap, just needed an excuse to use it.

Moderna is a super hot private biotech company that has raised $1.9 billion. That includes deals it has made with big companies likeMerck, Alexion and AstraZeneca,and investor cash most recently raised at a valuation of $5 billion. Led by Stéphane Bancel, Moderna is developing a new class of mRNA drugs aiming to turn human bodies into drug factories by directing cells to produce therapeutic proteins.

But getting the mRNA safely into the body’s cells is tricky. Acuitas, which is based in its CEO’s Vanouver home, sublicensed one delivery system to Moderna that wraps the mRNA in balls of fat. That delivery system belongs to Arbutus and last year it terminated Aquitas’ license to the technology. Acuitas turned around and sued Arbutus in Vancouver to preserve its rights to the techonology. Acuitas originally got the license as a result of a separate legal dispute and richly-funded Moderna tapped Acuitas for the delivery system instead of its actual owner, Arbutus.


Moderna Wins Initial $20M Grant from Gates Foundation


Then, in October, the government's Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyDARPA)awarded Moderna $25 million to develop mRNA to combat infectious diseases and biological threats.


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956510 No.41723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398013 (101713ZAPR21) Notable: From Gates Foundation Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny?

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In the archives I was searching for something else and ran across this…

>>>/qresearch/7100392 (pb)

See this anon post from March, >>>/qresearch/6030232 (op)

Anonymous 04/03/19 (Wed) 07:44:05fb043b No.6030232>>>/qresearch/6030459 >>>/qresearch/6030546 (pb)

Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny

Chinese Made Vaccines are "Pre-Approved" by the World Health Organization (WHO). They Completely Bypass Any US Agency Inspections…

Hide Your Children…

The official publication of the World Health Organization (WHO) writes in their Bulletin an article called "China Enters the Global Vaccine Market."

The article points points out that Hillary Clinton, in 2014, played the NUMBER ONE role in allowing Chinese vaccine manufacturers to completely bypass US vaccine testing requirements, and thereby allowing direct from the factory to American children WITH NO QUALITY CONTROL in between.

From the article:

"The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has been working with Chinese suppliers to support their applications for WHO prequalification for several vaccine candidates for the last two years, says Joshua Chu, CHAI's Director, Vaccines Markets."

Yes, you read that right….

Those of you that are surprised, and dismayed, are in for a further rude awakening…

The drug industry, with Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Clinton Foundation "Pay-To-Play" network have arranged FAR MORE than a vaccine deal with China. China has a "Free-Ride" over ALL drugs manufactured for the US market. And they've had that "Free-Ride" for years.

Moar: >https://bolenreport.com/hillary-clinton-personally-arranged-chinese-vaccine-manufacturers-avoid-us-government-scrutiny/



It also comes with a additional response posts… >>>/qresearch/7100580 >>>/qresearch/7100708 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/7100392 (pb)

If I'm reading this correctly, the Clinton FDN isn't involved, it's the Clinton Health Access Initiative- Which is entirely separate. That's what I didn't know before & has me so stunned: Just moar new ways for them to hide & move around their money.

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956510 No.41724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398026 (101716ZAPR21) Notable: #16970, #16971, #16972

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>>41685 The masks are really bad for health

>>41686 Russian space programme facing existential crisis as Elon Musk helps US relaunch Nasa ambitions

>>41687 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>41688 Biden administration considering Rahm Emanuel for ambassador role, report says

>>41689 The world is changing. Love Wins

>>41690, >>41709 NEW - Ukrainian moving SS-21 Scarab / OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles near the border with Russia.

>>41691 Watch Teslas slowly move through Elon Musk's new Boring Company tunnel under Las Vegas

>>41692 These are the Republicans calling for their party to reject QAnon conspiracy theories

>>41693 Why Are People Experiencing Unusual Period Symptoms After Getting Vaccinated?

>>41694 Temple OS predicted the coronavirus?

>>41695 Das Rayciss! Keks in Chyna

>>41696, >>41699 An email from current WH Press Sec. Jen Psaki could expose the Deep State

>>41697, >>41714 EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

>>41698 Possible Causes of George Floyd's Death that have been given by a variety of experts at Chauvin's trial (so far):

>>41700 Biden's niece led The Coca-Cola Company's government relations arm lobbing against a bill banning US companies from importing Chinese goods

>>41701 Over 80 human traffickers netted in international sweep

>>41702 ‘Back to Ground Zero’: Pinal County Had Smugglers Pushed Back. Biden’s Policies Changed That.

>>41703 Hong Kong Police arrest over 10,200 during anti-govt protests in last 20 months

>>41704 Archangel Michael: The Inner Knowing that is Love

>>41705, >>41712 Brazil building new giant Christ the Protector statue

>>41706 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE LAW OF WAR MANUAL https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/law_war_manual15.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13397554 OT: Welcome to the Learn to Bake Thread

>>41707 Interesting decode

>>41708 Fact Check: Biden’s Claims About Background Checks at Gun Shows Are Misleading

>>41710 Roots of Admiralty law

>>41711 Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

>>41713 The timeline of the sinking of USS Thresher

>>41715 P's funeral is on the [17]th

>>41716 'Knocked Up' actress Charlyne Yi calls James Franco a 'sexual predator,' accuses Seth Rogen of enabling him

>>41717 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

>>41718 Reminder, Attorneys Are Mandated to Destroy Seth Rich Material by April 28

>>41719 US Issues Guidelines to Deepen Relations With Taiwan

>>41720 Update: Kiev estimates there are now 85,000 Russian troops between 6 and 25 miles from its border and in Crimea.

>>41721 Pfizer Biontech Vaccine Factsheet

>>41722 Reminder, Moderna Wins Initial $20M Grant

>>41723 From Gates Foundation Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny?

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956510 No.41725

File: c981046009a89bd⋯.png (398.31 KB,719x413,719:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 46fe06599fcc55d⋯.png (221.69 KB,518x702,259:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398052 (101719ZAPR21) Notable: Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

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Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

Friday’s release by Attorney Matthew DePerno on his ongoing election fraud investigation was explosive.

For months the companies behind the computer voting systems claimed their computers did not have internet access.

In his report that was filed in Michigan court, DePerno revealed that the ES&S DS200 voting machines contain a Telit LE910-SV1 Modem Chip installed on its motherboard.

SEE Exhibit 6 in Antrim County Lawsuit

According to Patrick Colbeck at Let’s Fix Stuff the chip utilized a commercial Verizon SIM card with an Access Point Name (APN) configuration specific to the ES&S DS200 provisioning.

According to former Senator Patrick Colbeck

What does the Telit LE910-SV1 Modem Chip do?

Enable communication between voting system equipment and election servers

Designed to operate on a virtual private network

Testing has revealed that the same SIM card could be used in a separate wireless hotspot device. This device could then join the same APN as the ES&S voting machines.

Patrick Colbeck has more on this significant discovery here.


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956510 No.41726

File: 96e4541afb30c34⋯.png (223.11 KB,502x521,502:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 78bedc3c0c38149⋯.png (194.3 KB,534x528,89:88,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c01361dfee80a3⋯.png (262.1 KB,700x616,25:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398085 (101724ZAPR21) Notable: Only COVID Vaccinated People Can Be Evacuated from Volcano Stricken Caribbean Island of St. Vincent

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Only COVID Vaccinated People Can Be Evacuated from Volcano Stricken Caribbean Island of St. Vincent

The La Soufrière volcano erupted Friday morning on the island of St. Vincent in the eastern Caribbean, prompting evacuations–but only for those who can prove they have been vaccinated against the COVID-19 China virus, CBS News and other outlets reported.

Eruption of La Soufrière volcano on St. Vincent, April 9, image via UWI Seismic Research/Twitter.

“Nearly 20,000 people have been forced out of their homes on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent after a volcano erupted there for the first time in more than 40 years. Cruise ships are now evacuating people from the island — but only those vaccinated against COVID-19.”

The New York Times reported the vaccine mandate for evacuations was announced by St. Vincent Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves:

Prime Minister Gonsalves said on Thursday that in order to board the cruise ships sent to evacuate people from the island, evacuees must be vaccinated, while the nearby island nations that are planning to accept refugees will also require vaccinations. He also recommended that those who arrive in shelters on St. Vincent be vaccinated.

Islands that have said they would accept evacuees include Antigua, St. Lucia, Grenada and Barbados.

A poster on Twitter noted the vaccine mandate excludes just about the entire population, given that only about ten thousand have been administered a first dose but not a second out of a total population of about 110,000 for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Meanwhile at the U.S. border with Mexico, Joe Biden is letting in tens of thousands of migrants with no COVID testing and no proof of vaccination.



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956510 No.41727

File: ef7340c6e237d0c⋯.png (389.73 KB,705x580,141:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398086 (101724ZAPR21) Notable: Biden Administration Opening Facilities in Michigan, Pennsylvania to House Illegal Immigrant Children

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whitmer (and nessal) and wolf are now engaging in child sex trafficking

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956510 No.41728

File: 9bdf3f8fc135c24⋯.png (124.88 KB,851x702,851:702,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398100 (101727ZAPR21) Notable: Tensions high ahead of #WhiteLivesMatter rally in California: KKK and BLM expected to show up

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Tensions high ahead of #WhiteLivesMatter rally in California: KKK and BLM expected to show up

Police are gearing up for trouble in Huntington Beach, California, ahead of a ‘White Lives Matter’ rally. Ku Klux Klan fliers have been spotted in the area, and Black Lives Matter activists are planning a counter-protest.

“There will be a large contingent of police officers” deployed in Huntington Beach on Sunday, police Lt. Brian Smith told local media. The ramp-up comes in response to a ‘White Lives Matter’ rally, expected to kick off at Huntington Beach Pier in the afternoon.

The protest was seemingly organized on social media, but only caught the attention of the press when Ku Klux Klan fliers were distributed around the area last weekend. The KKK group, calling themselves Loyal White Knights, are one of the largest of the handful of Klan groups still operating in the US, and its members have taken part in various ‘White Lives Matter’ rallies in recent years, as well as the infamous 2017 ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

With Klansmen expected to show up, ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists have organized a counter-protest, led by a BLM chapter head and member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

A #WhiteLivesMatter rally is scheduled for 1pm at Huntington Beach Pier this Sunday. #KKK literature has been disseminated to residents. We are organizing the counter-protest to shut Klan rally dwn, this Sunday at 11am. Pls RT to help w/ visibility & bring out the numbers needed pic.twitter.com/Ofg6mJOWxJ

— CommunityControlpolice (@CMTYCtrlPolice) April 9, 2021

However, the Orange County NAACP put out a statement on Saturday distancing the organization from the counter-protesters. “While the OC NAACP applauds the efforts of peaceful protest nationwide,” the statement read, “we would never impede on anyone’s right to freedom of speech.” The Black Lives Matter Global Network has also discouraged counter-protesting.

The First Amendment protects free speech and assembly in the US, including Ku Klux Klan rallies. While Huntington Beach Police officers will be out in force on Sunday, they will not be there to shut down the rally, but to respond to any violence or lawbreaking that may take place. Likewise, three local Democratic lawmakers released a statement on Friday condemning the rally, but acknowledging “the rights of all Americans – even the vilest racists out there – to express their opinions.”


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956510 No.41729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398113 (101730ZAPR21) Notable: Nearly 40% of Marines have rejected coronavirus vaccine as Dems call on Biden admin to make shots mandatory for troops

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Nearly 40% of Marines have rejected coronavirus vaccine as Dems call on Biden admin to make shots mandatory for troops – reports

Just shy of 40 percent of Marine Corps service members have refused to take the coronavirus jab, new data provided to the media shows. The revelation comes as Democratic lawmakers push to make the vaccine mandatory for soldiers.

Some 75,500 Marines have agreed to be vaccinated as of Thursday, while around 48,000 have declined the inoculation, CNN reported, citing numbers provided by the branch. That puts the rejection rate at 38.9%, slightly higher than the 33% rate for the whole military given by defense officials.

Marine spokeswoman Colonel Kelly Frushour explained that Marines may be refusing the shot for a number of reasons, including allowing others in more vulnerable groups to take it first, allergies to the vaccine or obtaining it by other, non-military means.

Frushour stressed the need to “build vaccine confidence” among servicemen, adding that reluctant troops can always “change their mind and become vaccinated when next the opportunity presents itself.”

Another 102,000 or so Marines, including active-duty and reserve troops, are still in line for the immunization and have not had a chance to accept or decline.

The rejection rate was much higher at certain bases, such as Camp Lejeune, a major Marine installation in North Carolina, where 57% of service members have refused to take the shot.

While the military is currently barred from mandating any of the coronavirus vaccines rolled out in the US, as each has received only emergency FDA approval rather than full authorization, some in Congress have pressed the Joe Biden administration to change that.

In a letter sent to the White House last month, a group of Democratic lawmakers led by California Rep. Jimmy Panetta argued that unvaccinated soldiers pose a “critical threat to our national security and public health,” calling on the president to issue a waiver overriding the rules – as well as the “informed consent” of the troops.

“Vaccinating every eligible service member will improve readiness and have an immediate and positive impact on the communities in which they serve,” Panetta wrote in the letter, which was co-signed by six House Democrats.

Requiring [the Defense Department] to obtain informed consent prior to vaccination is not only harmful to our national security, but contrary to the best interests of service members, their families, communities and colleagues.

Service members are not permitted to decline other fully approved immunizations.

Other survey data suggests that around 25% Americans at large are not willing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.


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956510 No.41730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398134 (101736ZAPR21) Notable: Explosions in 2 Somalia Cities Kill at Least 5

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Explosions in 2 Somalia Cities Kill at Least 5

MOGADISHU, Somalia—A suicide bomber detonated his explosives outside a cafe in Somalia’s city of Baidoa on Saturday, killing at least four people and wounding more than six others, police said.

The bomber was targeting the Bay region governor, Ali Wardhere, who was outside the Suez Cafeteria, officials reported. The governor escaped the explosion unharmed, according to the official government news agency, SONNA, which reported that at least two of his bodyguards, who were also policemen, were among the wounded.

“The explosion which was heard all around the town of Baidoa has terrorized the people and had created a momentary confusion,” said Amin Maddey, who witnessed the explosion and spoke to The Associated Press by telephone.

The al-Qaida linked group al-Shabab has claimed the responsibility through a report they published on their website and radio Andalus which advocates for their jihadist campaigns.

“The target was a convoy accompanying Mr. Ali Wardhere, the governor of Bay region, which was hit hard,” the al-Shabab statement said, “three of Ali Wardhere’s bodyguards have died in the attack and the target which was Ali Wardhere himself got wounded,” added the statement.

The police have cordoned off the area for investigation as many bystanders gathered around to check whether their family members or friends are among the victims.

Meanwhile, another explosion went off in the Huriwa district of Mogadishu Saturday, killing one government soldier and wounding a bystander, police said.

It is not known whether the two explosions in Baidoa and Mogadishu are related. No one has yet claimed responsibility for the bombing in Mogadishu.

The people of Somalia are seeing major security lapses as leaders remain in deadlock over the political situation after elections were delayed earlier this year.

“The meeting between the federal government and the federal member states has ended in total failure,” said the Minister of Information, Osman Abokor Dubbe, who blamed the two leaders of Puntland and Jubbaland for that failure.

However, both leaders of Puntland and Jubbaland have denied reports of a failed meeting.

There have been fears that the al-Qaida-linked group would be emboldened by Somalia’s current political crisis as President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed is under pressure to step aside.


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956510 No.41731

File: d2e275a043c5e7d⋯.png (72.99 KB,686x529,686:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d9c6f79de6280d⋯.png (5.93 KB,655x132,655:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398141 (101739ZAPR21) Notable: Massive Child Sex Ring Busted at State Youth Facility—Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Raped

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Massive Child Sex Ring Busted at State Youth Facility—Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Raped

Concord, NH — According to a recent investigation by the state of New Hampshire’s attorney general’s office, a state-run youth detention center has been ground zero for an utterly horrifying child torture and sex abuse ring spanning the course of decades. According to officials and a recent lawsuit, hundreds of victims have come forward alleging the abuse by over 100 government employees, and multiple arrests have been made.

The abuse took place at the Sununu Youth Services Center, formerly known as the Youth Development Center. In 2019, the taxpayer funded center became the subject of an investigation after two staffers were arrested. The two former staffers were charged with 82 counts of child rape.

According to investigators, however, those charges were all temporarily dropped in order to expand the investigation. Now, two years later, the original two staffers have been re-arrested as well as six others for their roles in the child rape and torture ring which spanned decades

Though, according to the AP, the attorney general’s office didn’t comment on the possibility of further arrests, they did announce that this was “merely a step forward” and that the investigation will continue — implying that there are many more abusers to go after.

“Today’s arrests make clear that this administration is committed to holding these perpetrators accountable for their detestable actions,” said Gov. Chris Sununu — the facility’s namesake. “This is not over, and we will continue to investigate these horrific allegations.”

According to the Associated Press:

The new arrestees include Lucien Poulette, 65, of Auburn, who is charged with 33 counts — including rape and sexual assault — involving seven victims between 1994 and 2005. Bradley Asbury, 66, of Dunbarton, is charged with being an accomplice to the rape of a former resident between 1997 and 1998. And Frank Davis, 79, of Hopkinton, is charged with one count of rape and five counts of sexual assault involving two victims between 1996 and 1997.

Instead of the dozens of charges they previously faced, Jeffrey Buskey, 54, of Quincy, Massachusetts, is now charged with five counts of rape involving four children between 1996 and 1999, while Stephen Murphy, 51, of Danvers, Massachusetts, is charged with five counts of rape involving three children between 1997 and 1999.

James Woodlock, 56, of Manchester, was charged with three counts of being an accomplice to rape between 1997 and 1998. David Meehan, the lead plaintiff in the civil lawsuit, alleges that Woodlock repeatedly beat him, held him down while Buskey raped him and told him he had “simply misunderstood events” when he spoke up during a group counseling session.

In a worrisome move, after the original investigation was launched, Woodlock left the facility and became a probation officer — for children. However, he was fired this week from his position after his arrest was made public.

On top of the arrests this week, several of the alleged child rapists who were arrested have also been named in a lawsuit in which more than 200 men and women allege they were physically or sexually abused as children by 150 staffers at the Manchester facility from 1963 to 2018.


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956510 No.41732

File: c8a0b2f7153659f⋯.png (49.89 KB,201x147,67:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 8adc607645c53d0⋯.png (36.83 KB,719x808,719:808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398165 (101745ZAPR21) Notable: Kissinger Warns Washington to Accept New Global System or Face a Pre-WWI Geopolitical Situation

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Kissinger Warns Washington to Accept New Global System or Face a Pre-WWI Geopolitical Situation

With the White House continually provoking tensions against Russia and China, the doyen of American foreign policy, Henry Kissinger, dramatically warned Washington last week to either agree to a new international system or continue pushing tensions that are leading to a situation similar to the eve of World War One.

In a Chatham House webinar with former British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt last Thursday, 97-year-old Kissinger called on the U.S. to create a balance with existing global forces, adding

“if you imagine that the world commits itself to an endless competition based on the dominance of whoever is superior at the moment, then a breakdown of the order is inevitable. And the consequences of a breakdown would be catastrophic.”

The veteran diplomat urged the U.S. to understand that not every issue has “final solutions” and warned

“if we don’t get to an understanding with China on that point, then we will be in a pre-World War One-type situation in which there are perennial conflicts that get solved on an immediate basis but one of them gets out of control at some point.”

However, the idea that the U.S. should stop imposing its will on everyone else will not be easily accepted in Washington. This is attested by the sharp rhetoric and personal insults that U.S. President Joe Biden continually levels against his Russian and Chinese counterparts, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

High-ranking Chinese official Yang Jiechi told U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on March 18 in Alaska that “the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.” Then, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi boldly said days later on March 22 during their meeting in Beijing that they “jointly safeguard multilateralism, maintain the international system with the UN at its core and the international order based on international law, while firmly opposing unilateral sanctions as well as interference in other countries’ internal affairs.”


Repost for dayshift

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956510 No.41733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398179 (101749ZAPR21) Notable: Nat’l Guard Association Chair: Up to 50 Migrants a Day Being Released into Communities with Less Than 1,000 People in Them

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Nat’l Guard Association Chair: Up to 50 Migrants a Day Being Released into Communities with Less Than 1,000 People in Them

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” National Guard Association Chairman Michael McGuire said that due to crowding in migrant facilities, Customs and Border Protection are releasing “up to 50 personnel per day” into communities “that have less than a thousand people in them. And that creates a humanitarian and a public health crisis for these very, very rural and under-resourced communities.”

McGuire said, “I believe it’s safe to say that they are looking for loopholes to take advantage of this, and the time is becoming so crowded in the facilities that Customs and Border Protection are releasing, in some of our more rural communities, up to 50 personnel per day that are either adults or family units into the communities that have less than a thousand people in them. And that creates a humanitarian and a public health crisis for these very, very rural and under-resourced communities.”


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956510 No.41734

File: e067cc06becd3ca⋯.png (474.91 KB,781x854,781:854,Clipboard.png)

File: 61efa49c2855583⋯.png (39.79 KB,826x867,826:867,Clipboard.png)

File: 646f5f8139642e4⋯.png (36.36 KB,830x702,415:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398237 (101805ZAPR21) Notable: J&J says it is 'aware' of blood clots in four Americans who got its vaccine but has seen no proof the shot causes clotting

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J&J says it is 'aware' of blood clots in four Americans who got its vaccine but has seen no proof the shot causes clotting as EU regulators investigate the shot ahead of its rollout

Johnson & Johnson acknowledged that it is 'aware' of four cases of people developing blood clots after vaccinations with its COVID-19 shot - but that there is no clear evidence that the injections caused clotting.

EU regulators said on Friday that they are 'investigating' these cases related to J&J's shot, which was approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and is expected to be rolled out later this month.

To-date, there have been four incidents of blood clots after vaccinations since the J&J rollout began in the U.S. One occurred during its clinical trial, and that person ultimately died of a clotting disorder.

That's about 0.00008 percent of all J&J vaccines administered in the US, according to a DailyMail.com analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data.

Meanwhile, there have been 41 blood clots following vaccinations with Pfizer's shot logged into the CDC database, known as VAERS. After vaccination with Moderna's shot, 29 people developed clots.

But far more of each of those vaccines have been given. About 0.00004 percent of people who have received either shot have developed clots.

In other words, the rates are extraordinarily low for all three vaccines, but about twice as high for Johnson & Johnson's. So why are regulators particularly concerned over J&J's shot?

That's part of what the EMA's investigation aims to determine.


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956510 No.41735

File: 530e97be7634df5⋯.png (443.58 KB,613x1052,613:1052,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398251 (101809ZAPR21) Notable: Army Core of Engineers twat possible comms

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#DYK @USACESacramento

has a FREE coloring and activity book to teach kids (and adults) about flood preparedness? It's called "I Am Ready," and you can download yours today! Go to: https://spk.usace.army.mil/Portals/12/documents/civil_works/education/Flood%20Risk%20activity%20book%20FULL.pdf

and learn about flooding today!



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956510 No.41736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398254 (101810ZAPR21) Notable: How did CNN know in advance? 04 Dec 2020 CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine

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How did CNN know in advance? 04 Dec 2020


CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine

“That won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.”


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956510 No.41737

File: d91dc431f0b7f1c⋯.png (102.15 KB,865x778,865:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 418b8737b2c8e0a⋯.png (130.7 KB,858x789,286:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 9973c00c70a44c4⋯.png (89.52 KB,866x794,433:397,Clipboard.png)

File: b2cd22a7fd4dd32⋯.png (42.79 KB,870x770,87:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 25542d471afb200⋯.png (104.18 KB,866x847,866:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398277 (101814ZAPR21) Notable: WEF Warns of Cyber Attack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System

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WEF Warns of Cyber Attack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System

A report published last year by the WEF-Carnegie Cyber Policy Initiative calls for the merging of Wall Street banks, their regulators and intelligence agencies as necessary to confront an allegedly imminent cyber attack that will collapse the existing financial system.

In November 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace co-produced a report that warned that the global financial system was increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. Advisors to the group that produced the report included representatives from the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the International Monetary Fund, Wall Street giants likes JP Morgan Chase and Silicon Valley behemoths like Amazon.

The ominous report was published just months after the World Economic Forum had conducted a simulation of that very event – a cyber attack that brings the global financial system to its knees – in partnership with Russia’s largest bank, which is due to jumpstart that country’s economic “digital transformation” with the launch of its own central bank-backed cryptocurrency.

More recently, last Tuesday, the largest information sharing organization of the financial industry, whose known members include Bank of America, Wells Fargo and CitiGroup, have again warned that nation-state hackers and cybercriminals were poised to work together to attack the global financial system in the short term. The CEO of this organization, known as the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), had previously advised the WEF-Carnegie report that had warned much the same.

Such coordinated simulations and warnings from those who dominate the current, ailing financial system are obvious cause for concern, particularly given that the World Economic Forum is well-known for its Event 201 simulation about a global coronavirus pandemic that took place just months prior to the COVID-19 crisis.

The COVID-19 crisis has since been cited as the main justification for accelerating the “digital transformation” of the financial and other sectors that the Forum and its partners have promoted for years. Their latest prediction of a doomsday event, a cyber attack that stops the current financial system in its tracks and instigates its systemic collapse, would offer the final yet necessary step for the Forum’s desired outcome of this widespread shift to digital currency and increased global governance of the international economy.

Given that experts have been warning since the last global financial crisis that the collapse of the entire system was inevitable due to central bank mismanagement and rampant Wall Street corruption, a cyber attack would also provide the perfect scenario for dismantling the current, failing system as it would absolve central banks and corrupt financial institutions of any responsibility. It would also provide a justification for incredibly troubling policies promoted by the WEF-Carnegie report, such as a greater fusion of intelligence agencies and banks in order to better “protect” critical financial infrastructure.


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956510 No.41738

File: e89cad2bbd69301⋯.jpg (537.95 KB,1079x1532,1079:1532,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398288 (101818ZAPR21) Notable: Driver transporting human bones to fetish priest arrested

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956510 No.41739

File: 4c81fe32a6a362a⋯.jpg (414.2 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398292 (101819ZAPR21) Notable: Former Franciscan University priest indicted on rape, battery charges

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956510 No.41740

File: 19549adcfff3381⋯.png (154.8 KB,344x289,344:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398363 (101836ZAPR21) Notable: Amnesty International: COVID Perpetuated Human Rights Abuses in 2020

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Amnesty International: COVID Perpetuated Human Rights Abuses in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has marked the state of human rights in 2020 and has further perpetuated inequality, discrimination and oppression all over the globe, Amnesty International said in its latest report.

“The pandemic and some of the measures taken to tackle it had a devastating effect on the lives of millions, but also revealed, and sometimes aggravated, existing patterns of abuses and inequalities,” said the international human rights group after publishing their annual report on the state of Human rights around the world.

In 42 out of the 149 nations surveyed, the group found essential workers were intimidated or harassed by governments to continue working, despites shortages of protective equipment even as 1.8 million people died around the world.

Other relief measures had discriminatory impacts on marginalized groups, the group said, especially on women who make up 70% of health and social service workers worldwide.

“In many countries, ethnic minorities and Indigenous peoples had disproportionately high rates of infection and death, due in part to pre-existing inequalities and lack of access to healthcare,” Amnesty said.

“Political and religious figures stigmatized marginalized groups, blaming them for spreading the virus. Muslims in some South Asian countries and LGBTI people in several African and European ones were among the targets.”

All in all the pandemic largely served to only enforce pre existing human rights issues around the world, such as inequality in Latin America, the use of state violence in Africa and clamp downs on freedom of speech in the Asia-pacific region, the group concluded.


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956510 No.41741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398374 (101841ZAPR21) Notable: Family Court Debate: Is 'Parental Alienation' Destroying Kids?

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Family Court Debate: Is 'Parental Alienation' Destroying Kids? Do We Need Shared Parenting Laws?

The divorce industry has a lot of experts. Some of them are convinced there’s an epidemic of “parental alienation syndrome” that they say is akin to child abuse and caused by mentally-ill parents. Others say there’s no such thing and that it’s a bogus diagnosis meant to muddy the waters and allow greedy and corrupt court actors to place children in danger for money.

Meanwhile, father’s rights groups are fighting for shared parenting laws known as “presumed 50/50,” sparking another flaming-hot controversy. Domestic abuse victims say that shared parenting forces abuse victims to continue being abused. Who is right? Can anything be done to bridge the gap and help the children who are suffering from what looks like a breakdown of the entire system set up to help them?

In the last few weeks, I’ve met people on both sides of this issue who are passionate about their viewpoints. They deserve to be heard. I hosted a debate on Friday to let each side battle it out. Arguing for 50/50 laws is Kenneth Rosa of the Father’s Rights Movement. Rosa also says he’s a victim of parental alienation. Arguing against both is investigative journalist Michael Volpe who has been covering domestic abuse, divorce, and custody disputes along with judicial misconduct for many years.

My rules for the debate were simple. Each participant was allowed to ask a victim or expert to accompany them (neither did), and each was allowed to use media clips in lieu of their two-minute time window at any point. I did my best to moderate objectively while also bringing on my own chosen expert, attorney Barry Goldstein, a nationally-recognized domestic violence author, speaker and advocate.

One of the major problems this country has now is the inability to have a civil debate. Too many people do not value the art of intellectual fencing that begins and ends with a handshake and no ill will. None of us have all the answers. Our political landscape is far from civil and if we expect to solve anything or help anyone, we have to start talking to one another. I hope that this debate will bring together moms and dads who are fighting against the same thing: family court corruption—not one another.


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956510 No.41742

File: fedb1b1b7246455⋯.png (223.87 KB,818x522,409:261,Clipboard.png)

File: f1722eaacfd5079⋯.png (14.89 KB,849x313,849:313,Clipboard.png)

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File: 0c40deafc03d3e4⋯.png (63.89 KB,870x755,174:151,Clipboard.png)

File: b8dec2e216feaea⋯.png (64.05 KB,885x756,295:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398396 (101852ZAPR21) Notable: A DoD definition of domestic extremism is on its way

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A DoD definition of domestic extremism is on its way

Now that the active-duty military has completed its mandated stand-downs to discuss domestic extremism, the Pentagon is lining up the next moves.

After meeting with the service secretaries, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is standing up a domestic extremism working group, according to a memo released Friday.

“I don’t want to speak for them, but it was clear to the secretary that they took it seriously, the stand-down,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said of Austin’s meeting, “that they believed their people took it seriously across the force, that the listening sessions that the secretary asked for [were] particularly fruitful and valuable.”

The Countering Extremism Working Group’s first order of business is to come up with an actionable definition of extremism, which will update a current Defense Department instruction that allows for membership in known extremist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan or Proud Boys, as long as one isn’t an “active participant” in a group’s activities.

“One consistent thing that he did hear is that the force wants better guidance,”Kirby added.

Whether that includes a list of groups as a reference, the Pentagon is making sure to emphasize that unaffiliated, lone-wolf types are also on the radar.

“It’s not just about group membership … it’s about the ideology and the conduct that that ideology inspires,” Kirby said. “Some of this radicalization occurs on an individual level.”

Thirty-six percent of troops who responded to a 2020 Military Times poll reported having witnessed racist or white supremacist ideology while serving.

During a March hearing on domestic extremism in the military, Republican members of the House Armed Services Committee expressed concerns that efforts to root out extremism would unfairly target conservative, religious troops.


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956510 No.41743

File: 5c22a725be2d3f1⋯.png (195.3 KB,498x592,249:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398650 (101958ZAPR21) Notable: Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger’s Amicus Brief Attempting to Prevent an Independent Audit in the State’s 2020 Election Results Includes At Least Seven False Accusations

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Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger’s Amicus Brief Attempting to Prevent an Independent Audit in the State’s 2020 Election Results Includes At Least Seven False Accusations

Last week we reported that Georgia’s creepy Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had petitioned the court to request that the state of Georgia not have to provide paper ballots in an audit requested and awarded by the court.

Yesterday, creative destruction media, listed seven instances in Raffensperger’s letter that are just plain false:

1 The brief falsely claims that Petitioners did not articulate legal justification to unseal the ballots while it totally ignores the most important point of relevant law that any court can unseal ballots for any reason under O.C.G.A. 21-2-500. If the controversies surrounding the Nov 3rd 2020 election do not justify reasons to unseal the ballots then what would?

2 The brief falsely portrays the lawsuit as only Open Records Request Act claims when in reality, most are Equal Protection and Due Process claims that justify unsealing of the ballots as part of discovery for evidence to adjudicate the claims;

3 The brief restates the off repeated false claims that there are overwhelming security and privacy issues involving the ballots. The ballots contain no voter identifiable information and will remain in the custody of Fulton Co. during the inspection according to the most recently filed inspection plan;

4 The brief falsely implies that recently signed Act 9 of the Georgia General Assembly, passed as SB202, prevents ballots from being unsealed. No such language exists as any reader can see by reviewing the bill language or our analysis of it in the sixth installment of our Georgia Election Integrity series. A recent Raffensperger press release claimed he “worked with the Georgia legislature to make sure ballot images could be made available to the public for review” when in reality, his Elections Director Chris Harvey and legal counsel Ryan Germany misled county elections directors in Emails by falsely claiming the AG office had issued an opinion that ballot images could not be made public;

5 The brief falsely attempts to use a 2007 Smith V. Dekalb case as precedent for ballot images when that case referenced the old DRE voting system that never produced paper ballot images.

6 The brief falsely states that lawsuit contains “baseless” claims when the claims are actually based on four sworn affidavits from seasoned poll managers stating they handled counterfeit ballots during the November 14th and 15th hand count audit

7 The brief falsely states that there was no unlawful activity at the State Farm Area when mail-in ballots were processed during the night of November 3rd and 4th 2020. The video shows a curved room that impaired monitor visibility, ballots being hidden under skirted tables, the same ballots being scanned more than once and scanning re-initiated after an announcement was made that scanning would stop for the night according to two sworn affidavits. All of these activities and conditions are violations of Georgia laws contrary to voting system implementation manager Gabriel Sterling who claimed it was “normal ballot processing” (O.C.G.A. 21-2-406, 21-2-483(b) 2-2-492, 21-2-493)

What is Raffensperger so scared about that he would intentionally disregard the truth in his letter to the court?


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956510 No.41744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398656 (102000ZAPR21) Notable: Pennsylvania Agrees to Remove 'Dead People' From Voters Lists After Lawsuit

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Pennsylvania Agrees to Remove 'Dead People' From Voters Lists After Lawsuit

Claims about 'dead people' purportedly voting in the 2020 presidential election are part of the voter fraud allegations continuing to be pushed by Donald Trump and his supporters. Attempts to prove these allegations in court failed, although the ex-POTUS has never conceded his defeat.

Pennsylvania's Department of State has agreed to remove deceased people from its voting rolls under conditions of a settlement in a lawsuit filed by The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) – a US legal group that seeks to purge ineligible voters from electoral lists nationwide.

Pennsylvania agreed to run a cross-check between its eligible-voter database and the federal lists of deceased citizens in the state, removing the latter from voter rolls. Thus the state will no longer send mail-in voting ballots to 'dead people', a move that will further limit the possibility of voter fraud in future elections.

"This marks an important victory for the integrity of elections in Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth’s failure to remove deceased registrants created a vast opportunity for voter fraud and abuse. It is important to not have dead voters active on the rolls for 5, 10, or even 20 years. This settlement fixes that", a PILF statement reads.

The agreement also includes a provision under which Pennsylvania will order each county commission to "promptly cancel the registrations" of the deceased, whose names had previously remained in voter lists.

Still on Voter Rolls After Twenty Years of Being Dead

The lawsuit, which PILF filed right after the 2020 election day, demanded Pennsylvania authorities fix a failure "to reasonably maintain voter registration records under federal and state law". According to the legal group, some 21,000 deceased individuals remain on the state voter lists, with 92% of that group dead for over a year. The organisation found at least 197 registrants who have been dead for at least twenty years, but were still "eligible" to vote under Pennsylvania records.

It is not yet known, how many records Pennsylvania State will correct under the conditions of the settlement.

Claims about 'dead voters' who allegedly voted during the 2020 electoral cycle were actively peddled by the Trump campaign as a part of its voter fraud allegations. The ex-POTUS legal team took these accusations to court, but failed to win any of the cases. Trump and some of his allies continue to push the claims that Democratic state authorities rigged the election, stealing the Republican victory in the presidential race.


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956510 No.41745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398690 (102007ZAPR21) Notable: Iran Orders 10-day Shutdown Amid 4th Wave of Coronavirus Pandemic

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Iran Orders 10-day Shutdown Amid 4th Wave of Coronavirus Pandemic

Iran imposed a 10-day lockdown across most of the country on Saturday to curb the spread of a fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic, state media reported.

The lockdown affects 23 of the country’s 31 provinces, health ministry spokesman Alireza Raisi said. Businesses, schools, theatres, and sports facilities have been forced to shut and gatherings are banned during the holy fasting month of Ramadan that begins on Wednesday.

Iran’s coronavirus cases have surpassed 2 million with a new daily average of over 20,000 infections over the past week, according to the health ministry. It has reported more than 64,000 fatalities.

“Unfortunately, today we have entered a fourth wave,” President Hassan Rouhani said in televised remarks. He blamed the surge foremost on the variant that first emerged in the UK which spread to Iran earlier this year from neighboring Iraq.

Other factors included widespread travel, weddings, and celebrations during the Iranian New Year holidays that began on March 20, he said.

The UK variant is now predominant in the country, and 257 cities and towns are on red alert, Raisi said.

Iran has been the epicenter of the pandemic in the Middle East. In February, it closed several crossing points with Iraq in an effort to stem the spread of the UK variant.

The country’s vaccination drive has also been slow going.

Tehran says it has received more than 400,000 of 2 million Sputnik V vaccines on order from Russia, and that it is awaiting delivery of 4.2 million AstraZeneca shots.

It has also received 250,000 doses of China’s Sinopharm vaccine and part of an order of 500,000 doses of India’s COVAXIN.

With a population of 83 million, Iran had hoped to secure over 2 million vaccines by March 20 to vaccinate mainly healthcare workers. It is developing at least four local vaccine candidates, one in cooperation with Cuba, which is expected to reach production in a few months.


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956510 No.41746

File: f3980f0b733eed3⋯.png (144.37 KB,655x601,655:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398707 (102010ZAPR21) Notable: Sexual assault across NYC up 322% from same time last year

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Sexual assault across NYC up 322% from same time last year

The number of rapes reported across the city skyrocketed over the past three weeks — just as nicer weather arrived and capacity was expanded at bars and restaurants.

Sexual assaults surged 322 percent to 38 during the week of March 29-April 4 from the 9 reported the same period last year, NYPD data show.

The week prior, March 22-28, saw 36 sex attacks — 125 percent more than the 16 reported the same week in 2020 as pandemic lockdowns began.

Sexual assaults soared 94 percent to 33 from 17 for the week of March 15-21, NYPD stats show.

“I don’t think this is a coincidence. People are out going to bars and restaurants again at 50 percent capacity,” says Joseph Giacalone, a retired NYPD sergeant who teaches at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “As New Yorkers get vaccinated and start venturing out to the bar and nightclub scene, just beware of your surroundings and who you hang out with. Don’t let your guard down, don’t drink to excess, and never leave a friend behind.”

Of the 174 rapes reported in the Big Apple from Jan. 1 through April 4, the NYPD data show 14 were committed by strangers and 160 via “acquaintances,” which includes individuals who may have just met.

New York City expanded indoor dining capacity to 50 percent on March 19. Watering holes are still not allowed to serve over the bar, but patrons drink via table service when they order food.

The NYPD could not say if the disturbing numbers are linked to the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions.

“We remain in unprecedented times amid the continuing strains of COVID-19. It’s always preferable to view crime statistics over a long period, to determine trends particularly during this ongoing pandemic,” an NYPD spokeswoman said, adding, “Year-to-date, rape complaints have declined by 13 percent.

“However, we acknowledge that rape is an underreported crime and we encourage victims and survivors to always please come forward.”

Of the 107 rapes reported from March 15-April 4 across the Big Apple, 28 occurred in Brooklyn and Manhattan, respectively, followed by 27 in Queens and 24 in the Bronx.

Queens saw 14 rapes in the week of March 29-April 4, a period with no rapes last year.

Midtown South — a precinct that covers many hotels, Times Square, and transit hubs like Penn Station — saw 10 rapes reported the week of March 22-28 — a 400 percent increase from the two reported there last year during the same period.


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956510 No.41747

File: 2144bf0cf67c1b9⋯.png (516.42 KB,849x820,849:820,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398747 (102018ZAPR21) Notable: Back into quarantine? German govt plans new harsh Covid-19 restrictions in draft law – reports

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Back into quarantine? German govt plans new harsh Covid-19 restrictions in draft law – reports

Night-time curfews, sweeping business closures and severe limits on public gatherings are all part of the German government’s new bill aimed at “standardizing” Covid-19 measures to stop the third wave, German media report.

Berlin is currently working on amendments to the national Infection Protection Act that would significantly tighten the lockdown restrictions and greatly reduce the federal states’ ability to defy the government’s orders, German media that obtained the draft document report.

The document that is expected to be discussed and potentially approved by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet on Tuesday includes binding requirements for all federal states where an average seven-day Covid-19 infection rate will rise over 100 per 100,000 people. Such states will no longer be able to find any excuses to avoid imposing the so-called “emergency brake,” the supposed text of the bill, published by Die Welt on Saturday, reads.

All states over this threshold infection rate will be bound to introduce a standard set of measures developed by the federal government, should the legislation come into force. Such measures involve a night-time curfew between 21:00 and 05:00, with exceptions for medical emergencies, professional activities and for looking after people or animals.

Private and public gatherings would once again be limited to the members of one household and one person outside of it, with children under 14 excluded from this rule.

All non-essential stores and services, including cafes, clubs, museums and sports facilities, as well as shops other than grocery stores, pharmacies and petrol stations, would be closed. Employers would also have to let their employees work from home if there are no “compelling reasons” for them to stay in the workplace. Universities would switch to distance education, with in-person classes only being allowed if every person attending them presents a negative Covid-19 test result.

Such restrictions could only be lifted if the average seven-day Covid-19 infection numbers remain below the threshold level for three days in a row. The bill would grant the federal government an ability to issue special statutory ordinances – a right previously reserved for the federal states only – to regulate the restrictions and “guarantee nationwide uniform control” over the Covid-19 measures.


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956510 No.41748

File: 1baf7a278dd269a⋯.jpg (42.27 KB,1022x218,511:109,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398827 (102034ZAPR21) Notable: West Virginia governor signs law eliminating sales tax on guns and giving tax break to gun manufacturers

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West Virginia governor signs law eliminating sales tax on guns and giving tax break to gun manufacturers

by Lawrence Richard, Social Media Producer

| April 10, 2021 03:00 PM

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956510 No.41749

File: ede851d7146c549⋯.jpg (94.55 KB,1024x617,1024:617,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398832 (102035ZAPR21) Notable: Athletic association defies Whitmer's request for two-week pause to youth sports

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Athletic association defies Whitmer's request for two-week pause to youth sports

by Carly Ortiz-Lytle, Social Media Producer |

| April 10, 2021 11:45 AM

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956510 No.41750

File: 11d691e9ebe6cf4⋯.jpg (86 KB,788x701,788:701,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398912 (102053ZAPR21) Notable: House Democrats Schedule Debate and Vote on Reparations for Black Americans

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House Democrats Schedule Debate and Vote on Reparations for Black Americans

By Jim Hoft

Published April 10, 2021 at 3:37pm

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956510 No.41751

File: e03bd9515c536b7⋯.jpg (114.81 KB,805x672,115:96,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398917 (102054ZAPR21) Notable: Antifa-BLM Violently Attack Reporter, Put Him in Chokehold, Bloody His Face During Anti-Eviction March in Detroit

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Antifa-BLM Violently Attack Reporter, Put Him in Chokehold, Bloody His Face During Anti-Eviction March in Detroit (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila

Published April 10, 2021 at 3:50pm

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956510 No.41752

File: fdabef460913fe2⋯.png (353.2 KB,605x812,605:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398920 (102055ZAPR21) Notable: On top of their US govt' funding via the NED, a CIA cutout, Bellingcat is also a partner in UK gov't propaganda operations.

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On top of their US govt' funding via the NED, a CIA cutout, Bellingcat is also a partner in UK gov't propaganda operations.

Leaked UK gov't docs prove this – why is why Twitter will put a "hacking" scare warning on this tweet.


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956510 No.41753

File: 59146d7348160ca⋯.jpg (107.01 KB,781x647,781:647,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398922 (102055ZAPR21) Notable: Breaking Report: Biden Administration Opening Facilities In Two Crucial SWING STATES To House Illegal Immigrants

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Breaking Report: Biden Administration Opening Facilities In Two Crucial SWING STATES To House Illegal Immigrants

April 10, 2021

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956510 No.41754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398925 (102056ZAPR21) Notable: Los Angeles children found stabbed to death, all under five years old; person of interest commits carjacking

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Los Angeles children found stabbed to death, all under five years old; person of interest commits carjacking

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956510 No.41755

File: 768ba969da532b0⋯.jpg (30.08 KB,592x266,296:133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398929 (102057ZAPR21) Notable: The eternal vaccine - now vaccines only good for 6 months?

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NEW: Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines offer protection against COVID-19 for six months; booster shots will likely be needed after six months - ABC 7 Chicago


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956510 No.41756

File: e3b1ef0315d05d5⋯.png (516.88 KB,1420x754,710:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398936 (102059ZAPR21) Notable: PF Report

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E-4B Nightwatch is up with what looks like a Gulfstream tail.

I thought the Doomsday plane stayed within CONUS?

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956510 No.41757

File: 630e77312662912⋯.jpg (118.31 KB,1097x737,1097:737,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398943 (102100ZAPR21) Notable: Congressional Staffer Found Dead, Girlfriend Rescued After Death Valley Camping Trip

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Congressional Staffer Found Dead, Girlfriend Rescued After Death Valley Camping Trip


Alexander Lofgren was described as an experienced camper who traverses remote areas but he did not make it out alive after a weekend trip.

Laura Bradley

Entertainment Reporter

Updated Apr. 10, 2021 3:57PM ET / Published Apr. 10, 2021 11:09AM ET

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956510 No.41758

File: 6a3bec81cc4fa46⋯.png (330.32 KB,634x525,634:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 13b86628b31a2f3⋯.jpg (87.21 KB,1099x538,1099:538,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398958 (102103ZAPR21) Notable: Green Politics Has to Get More Radical, Because Anything Less Is Impractical (Environmental Radicalism takes center stage in Congress)

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U.S. News

Green Politics Has to Get More Radical, Because Anything Less Is Impractical


Where is the vision in environmental radicalism? Only by thinking very big will we save the world.

Jedediah Purdy

Updated Jul. 12, 2017 2:32PM ET / Published Apr. 26, 2014 5:45AM ET

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956510 No.41759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398980 (102106ZAPR21) Notable: #16971

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>>41725 Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

>>41726 Only COVID Vaccinated People Can Be Evacuated from Volcano Stricken Caribbean Island of St. Vincent

>>41727 Biden Administration Opening Facilities in Michigan, Pennsylvania to House Illegal Immigrant Children

>>41728 Tensions high ahead of #WhiteLivesMatter rally in California: KKK and BLM expected to show up

>>41729 Nearly 40% of Marines have rejected coronavirus vaccine as Dems call on Biden admin to make shots mandatory for troops

>>41730 Explosions in 2 Somalia Cities Kill at Least 5

>>41731 Massive Child Sex Ring Busted at State Youth Facility—Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Raped

>>41732 Kissinger Warns Washington to Accept New Global System or Face a Pre-WWI Geopolitical Situation

>>41733 Nat’l Guard Association Chair: Up to 50 Migrants a Day Being Released into Communities with Less Than 1,000 People in Them

>>41734 J&J says it is 'aware' of blood clots in four Americans who got its vaccine but has seen no proof the shot causes clotting

>>41735 Army Core of Engineers twat possible comms

>>41736 How did CNN know in advance? 04 Dec 2020 CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine

>>41737 WEF Warns of Cyber Attack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System

>>41738 Driver transporting human bones to fetish priest arrested

>>41739 Former Franciscan University priest indicted on rape, battery charges

>>41740 Amnesty International: COVID Perpetuated Human Rights Abuses in 2020

>>41741 Family Court Debate: Is 'Parental Alienation' Destroying Kids?

>>41742 A DoD definition of domestic extremism is on its way

>>41743 Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger’s Amicus Brief Attempting to Prevent an Independent Audit in the State’s 2020 Election Results Includes At Least Seven False Accusations

>>41744 Pennsylvania Agrees to Remove 'Dead People' From Voters Lists After Lawsuit

>>41745 Iran Orders 10-day Shutdown Amid 4th Wave of Coronavirus Pandemic

>>41746 Sexual assault across NYC up 322% from same time last year

>>41747 Back into quarantine? German govt plans new harsh Covid-19 restrictions in draft law – reports

>>41748 West Virginia governor signs law eliminating sales tax on guns and giving tax break to gun manufacturers

>>41749 Athletic association defies Whitmer's request for two-week pause to youth sports

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956510 No.41760

File: b1f61e1b42eb442⋯.png (457.75 KB,598x583,598:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398990 (102108ZAPR21) Notable: Saudi executes 3 soldiers for ‘high treason,’ collusion with unnamed enemy

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Saudi executes 3 soldiers for ‘high treason,’ collusion with unnamed enemy



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956510 No.41761

File: 624e6ff26554bb9⋯.jpg (611.07 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399018 (102113ZAPR21) Notable: Ugandan Church Leader arrested for allegations of homosexuality

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956510 No.41762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399027 (102115ZAPR21) Notable: Police Pay A Visit to Twitter User’s Home After Tweet Criticizing AOC (video)

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Police Pay A Visit to Twitter User’s Home After Tweet Criticizing AOC


Apr 10, 2021

Memology 101

380K subscribers

Nice to know you can't actually hold them accountable.

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956510 No.41763

File: 571259089596308⋯.jpg (29.27 KB,352x360,44:45,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a99ceff2625d0fa⋯.jpg (10.78 KB,240x240,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399028 (102115ZAPR21) Notable: US Navy twitter emblem - Eagle with facemask…

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Tim Xeriland


I thought this was fake. Nope, verify here

Rightwards arrow @USNavy


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956510 No.41764

File: c46dae116c6c775⋯.png (467.34 KB,1410x700,141:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399030 (102115ZAPR21) Notable: PF Report

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Thanks again. there seems to be a C7 also in the air-train.

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956510 No.41765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399037 (102117ZAPR21) Notable: Nearly 90 people arrested for human trafficking offences in operation spanning 24 countries, from France to Brazil

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Nearly 90 people arrested for trafficking offences in operation spanning 24 countries, from France to Brazil

Nearly 90 people have been arrested for human trafficking offences following an international police operation that also led to 500 victims being found, including some children, the Interpol global police co-ordination agency said on Friday.

Police in 24 countries including Kenya, Brazil and France took part in Operation Weka, which was carried out between March 28 and April 2, and comes as experts warn that the pandemic has hampered efforts to bring traffickers to justice.

The operation led to 195 arrests in total, including 88 in connection with trafficking crimes. The rest were mainly for migrant smuggling and related offences such as document fraud and theft.

One of the victims was a 15-year old Congolese girl who had been sexually abused on a journey with smugglers to escape a forced marriage, Interpol said in a statement.

Others were construction workers from Lebanon, Syria and Jordan in the Democratic Republic of Congo who had had their passports taken away from them and had not been paid.

Interpol Secretary General Juergen Stock said many victims could not simply walk away from their traffickers.

"We will continue to help countries untangle sensitive and complex cases, which will undoubtedly generate more arrests in the months to come," he said.

Under international law, migrants who are smuggled have given their consent, while trafficking victims are forced or deceived into exploitation, but Interpol has stressed close links between the two - particularly during the pandemic.

Still, some activists have warned that immigration crackdowns can be counterproductive for tackling trafficking because fear of deportation can stop migrant victims from speaking out.

Around the world, 25 million people are estimated to be victims of forced labour, according to the United Nations' International Labour Organization and rights group Walk Free Foundation.

Human traffickers across Europe have used the pandemic to exploit more vulnerable people, while criminal justice and victim support have been disrupted, the Council of Europe (CoE) rights body said on Friday.


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956510 No.41766

File: 9c9ca5064e8d8f2⋯.jpg (102.67 KB,693x667,693:667,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399043 (102118ZAPR21) Notable: Hit piece on Q Research - One freshman Michigan rep calls for GOP rejection of Q Research

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The Republicans calling for their party to reject QAnon

CNN Apr 10, 2021 5:00 PM ET

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956510 No.41767

File: f293ca9df1ff154⋯.jpg (530.85 KB,1080x1689,360:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399045 (102119ZAPR21) Notable: Director of 'Lutz Children's Museum' Robert Eckert in Manchester arrested for distribution of child pornography.

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956510 No.41768

File: 6f8fdae3d785318⋯.jpg (674.14 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399048 (102120ZAPR21) Notable: Police in Livingston, Texas, outside Houston, investigating Human Trafficking Ring, 14 illegal alien men/boys found in home

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956510 No.41769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399052 (102121ZAPR21) Notable: Ukraine President Zelensky makes trade deals with Qatar in visit last week to the Arab Nation

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ukraine prez stirs shitstorm

"“As part of his current Energizer bunny act, Zelensky made an extra eyebrow-raising move…This past Monday, he visited Qatar with a lofty delegation and clinched a raft of deals, not circumscribed to LNG but also including direct Kiev-Doha flights; Doha leasing or buying a Black Sea port; and strong “defense/military ties” – which could be a lovely euphemism for a possible transfer of jihadis from Libya and Syria to fight Russian infidels in Donbass…Right on cue, Zelensly meets Turkey’s Erdogan next Monday…Erdogan’s intel services run the jihadi proxies in Idlib, and dodgy Qatari funds are still part of the picture…Arguably, the Turks are already transferring those “moderate rebels” to Ukraine…Russian intel is meticulously monitoring all this activity”."


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956510 No.41770

File: 8228868d359d0fb⋯.jpg (322.96 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399057 (102121ZAPR21) Notable: Boston man sentenced to Prison for Child Enticement

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956510 No.41771

File: 5c68b7ccef4ca98⋯.png (217.47 KB,987x3160,987:3160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399070 (102125ZAPR21) Notable: Prosecutors hope to preserve a July trial date for Ghislaine Maxwell by defending a late-hour expansion of charges against her

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Prosecutors defend newer charges against Ghislaine Maxwell

By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press 1 hr ago



NEW YORK (AP) — Prosecutors hope to preserve a July trial date for Ghislaine Maxwell by defending a late-hour expansion of charges against her, saying they developed when a woman spoke after Maxwell’s arrest about her abuse at the hands of Jeffrey Epstein in the early 2000s.

The rewritten indictment lodged against the 59-year-old British socialite on March 29 added sex trafficking charges to allegations that Maxwell recruited three teenage girls from 1994 to 1997 for then-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse. New charges stretched the conspiracy to 2004.

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956510 No.41772

File: ba0be87422d18c1⋯.png (328.29 KB,598x621,26:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c4cb02b3762ac7⋯.png (172.76 KB,535x559,535:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399079 (102126ZAPR21) Notable: Los Angeles children found stabbed to death, all under five years old; person of interest commits carjacking

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Three children reportedly found stabbed to death in Los Angeles, manhunt for suspect underway



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956510 No.41773

File: 5d0bb29f777c124⋯.jpg (73.36 KB,656x624,41:39,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5684c3208b2716⋯.jpg (87.47 KB,1088x731,64:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399083 (102127ZAPR21) Notable: Egypt demands huge fee from Ever Given owners after ship blocked Suez Canal

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Egypt demands huge fee from Ever Given owners after ship blocked Suez Canal

By Paula FroelichApril 10, 2021 | 5:13pm

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956510 No.41774

File: 930fc74aa51b50c⋯.jpg (102.58 KB,844x560,211:140,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399091 (102129ZAPR21) Notable: US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says

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US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says

Andrew Kerr

Investigative Reporter

April 04, 2021 8:39 PM ET

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956510 No.41775

File: be52dfd39c1d5a4⋯.jpg (243.31 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399106 (102132ZAPR21) Notable: Vaccine data shows that vaccines should be recalled

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Thought of the day. benefits far outweigh the risks we are told.

Yet a quick search on the yellow card reporting system says not only blood clots but blindness, deafness, miscarriages, strokes amongst many other side effects.

In normal circumstances this would lead to a recall.


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956510 No.41776

File: 54c2f7cdf39a37f⋯.png (561.75 KB,933x500,933:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399128 (102138ZAPR21) Notable: Time to troll the upcoming Oscars

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2021 Oscars calendar: BAFTAs on April 10 and 11, final Academy Awards voting begins April 15

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956510 No.41777

File: 5b9ce88b6a7e5e9⋯.jpg (56.82 KB,770x612,385:306,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399129 (102138ZAPR21) Notable: How Will the Pentagon Define 'Extremism'?

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How Will the Pentagon Define 'Extremism'?

By Rick Moran Apr 10, 2021 10:36 AM ET

“This has absolutely nothing to do with what god you worship or whether you worship at all,” he said. “This is about the kind of extremist ideology that is based on extreme hatred or discrimination on, based on ethnicity and discrimination based on someone’s personal background and not about, not about religion.”

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956510 No.41778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399138 (102140ZAPR21) Notable: Volcano victims in St Vincent won't be evacuated unless they are vaccinated?

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Soooo, the worldwide community is ok with St Vincent authorities sentencing hundreds possibly thousands to death or bodily harm



SICKENING SAUCE (watch the vid till end)…


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956510 No.41779

File: 586c9599f719481⋯.png (522.98 KB,1441x857,1441:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399161 (102147ZAPR21) Notable: PF Report

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This is definitely unusual. We've got an E4B TITAN25 leaving US airspace over the N. Atlantic maritimes with a C17 chase plane.

No idea where they're going or why. Also flying at what Anon considers 'operational altitudes' vs just high and fast, travel flight profiles.

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956510 No.41780

File: 29c51f478c3c851⋯.jpg (677.35 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399209 (102156ZAPR21) Notable: Sex offender arrested in Sandusky, Ohio

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956510 No.41781

File: 6a515af1328759a⋯.jpg (330.67 KB,1080x1328,135:166,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399212 (102157ZAPR21) Notable: Couple arrested in Florida on sex crimes against a child

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956510 No.41782

File: 925905308437e67⋯.jpg (408.06 KB,1080x1788,90:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399219 (102158ZAPR21) Notable: Sex sting in Cook County nets 21 arrests

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956510 No.41783

File: 6872ec1ee14d304⋯.jpg (82.16 KB,849x648,283:216,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399223 (102159ZAPR21) Notable: Multiple NY Times Staff formerly worked for Chinese Communist Party

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Multiple New York Times Staff Previously Worked For CCP-Controlled Media: Report

Tyler Durden's Photo


SATURDAY, APR 10, 2021 - 05:00 PM

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956510 No.41784

File: c19ea22ec00fcd5⋯.jpg (68.13 KB,990x549,110:61,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399251 (102205ZAPR21) Notable: Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

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Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

By Oren Liebermann, Ellie Kaufman and Devan Cole, CNN

Updated 7:30 AM ET, Sat April 10, 2021

warning THIS IS CNN

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956510 No.41785

File: 71a6d38f3862320⋯.jpg (94.98 KB,862x614,431:307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399317 (102220ZAPR21) Notable: DISGUSTING FAKE NEWS: Newsweek Compares Q researchers, Who Never Killed Anyone — To ISIS, Who Murdered Over 18,800 in Iraq Alone

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DISGUSTING FAKE NEWS: Newsweek Compares QAnon, Who Never Killed Anyone — To ISIS, Who Murdered Over 18,800 in Iraq Alone

By Jim Hoft

Published April 9, 2021 at 9:01am

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956510 No.41786

File: 5445e78362750d6⋯.png (53.03 KB,774x381,258:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399348 (102227ZAPR21) Notable: House Dems attempt to force the Military to take vaccines

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Led by California Congressman Jimmy Panetta

Panetta is the son of former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. The other House members who signed onto the letter, all Democrats, were Rep. Marc Veasey of Texas, Rep. Marilyn Strickland of Washington state, Rep. Sara Jacobs of California, Rep. Cindy Axne of Iowa, Rep. Jahana Hayes of Connecticut and Rep. James McGovern of Massachusetts. Panetta, Jacobs and Veasey all serve on the House Armed Services Committee.


Weaken the military. Makes it easier for Chyna.

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956510 No.41787

File: 4885ee53568c7c9⋯.png (297.52 KB,535x564,535:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399374 (102235ZAPR21) Notable: As reports of sexual assaults continue to climb, support grows for removing prosecution decisions from the military chain of command

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As reports of sexual assaults continue to climb, support grows for removing prosecution decisions from the military chain of command


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956510 No.41788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399389 (102240ZAPR21) Notable: “I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away from His Scanning the Ballots Work on 2020 Election Results

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“I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away from His Scanning the Ballots Work on 2020 Election Results

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer was on “The Professor’s Record” with professor David K. Clements from New Mexico State University. During his interview, Pulitzer said he was recently offered $10 million to walk away from his efforts to scan the ballots and determine the number of valid votes in the 2020 election in various states.

Inventor Jovan Pulitzer was on with attorney and professor David K. Clements this past week’s “The Professor’s Record”. The professor described the interview as such:

I am joined by a modern day Benjamin Franklin. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is a world renowned entrepreneur, inventor, and most importantly, a PATRIOT. Jovan holds HUNDREDS of patents on technology used by billions of people around the world. He is also the chief authority on kinematic artifact scanning. He can detect a myriad of different forms of fraud on any piece of paper. This includes ELECTION BALLOTS. Meet the most feared expert in the world that every corrupt politician is trying to stop. Our country’s future hangs in the balance. We address it all on this episode of The Professor’s Record.

You can find me at theprofessorsrecord.com and at https://t.me/theprofessorsrecord.

You can find Jovan Hutton Pulitzer at https://t.me/JovanHuttonPulitzer

and http://www.jovanhuttonpulitzer.org.

At one point during their exchange Pulitzer shared:

Two things. I had, and just so you know how bad this is, and I’m going to give you a nugget that nobody outside of my inner circle knows this. I got offered $10 million dollars to not do this.

I have no price. It can’t be done. This is about America. There isn’t enough money in America to turn us communist and to sell out America. I’ll take a bullet to the head. And, maybe that’s what’s waiting for me.

See the entire interview below (exchange above noted at the beginning):


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956510 No.41789

File: 9dd8b52d173cff9⋯.png (266.27 KB,623x483,89:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399409 (102245ZAPR21) Notable: [D]uke of [E]dinborough D5?

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>[D]uke of [E]dinborough


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956510 No.41790

File: 6106b9078f3ebbc⋯.png (49.2 KB,814x267,814:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399422 (102249ZAPR21) Notable: New study finds 353 US Counties in 29 states with voter registration rates exceeding 100%

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They'll use your vote if you don't. It makes it easier for them if you don't vote as they will "mark" it for you and they wont have to conjure up any dead bodies.

Only because real people voted were the tallies greater than 100% in many counties.


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956510 No.41791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399437 (102253ZAPR21) Notable: Climate Change Radicalist John Kerry to visit China in official capacity for Cabal Puppet Biden

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John Kerry expected to travel to China in first visit by top Biden official

U.S. climate envoy John F. Kerry is expected to travel to China next week in an attempt to carve out climate change as an area of closer collaboration amid deepening tensions between the two countries.

The former secretary of state is expected to travel to Shanghai for meetings with Chinese officials, according to people familiar with the situation. The trip, less than a month after a face-to-face meeting between senior Chinese and U.S. diplomats in Alaska ended in traded diatribes and insults, would be the first official visit to China by a top Biden administration official.

A State Department spokesman said the department does not have any “travel to announce at this time.” China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to questions about the potential visit.

Kerry planned to meet with his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua, China’s special climate envoy, according to one U.S. official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive visit, which could still be called off. Kerry and Xie have already started discussions, according to the State Department.

The trip underlines the Biden administration’s efforts to collaborate with — as well as compete against — China as the two sides clash over human rights, trade practices and security while competing for global influence.


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956510 No.41792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399441 (102253ZAPR21) Notable: Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris talking about SCIF's and Phones?

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Kamala Harris lifts lid on classified security briefings.

Kamaltoe letting people know publicly that phones are not allowed in a SCIF & handwritten notes taken in the SCIF remain locked away.

Is something about to break?

Who was seen in a SCIF with a phone or took a photo inside one?


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956510 No.41793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399458 (102257ZAPR21) Notable: The Chimera Group Information / Compilation

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The Chimera Group Information / Compilation

There is a very secret negative group, codenamed Chimera, within the Negative Military which has come from Orion and has infiltrated militaries of all major nations during and after the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. This group secretly controls the vast majority of military bases around the world, many of those bases belonging to the US military:



This group includes the leaders of the dark forces from the Andromeda galaxy. They came to Earth in humanoid physical bodies 25,000 years ago and quarantined the planet. They have built a scalar electromagnetic fence around the Earth (the Veil), effectively preventing positive ET contact and thus isolating humanity. Then they constructed a vast network of subterranean cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as slaves and controlled the human population on the surface of the planet from there.

The Chimera group has enforced secret agreements upon leaders of all national militaries worldwide to suppress and erase all traces of benevolent extraterrestrial contact:

They are in contact with the main Archon and are heavily linked to the Jesuits and the NSA. They successfully infiltrated their agents in groups such as Corteum and the Labyrinth group.

Through the main Archon, they have limited access to the Archons on the etheric plane. Those etheric Archons enforce soul agreements on the members of the Cabal, forcing them to obey the Chimera group. If a certain member of the Cabal is removed, the etheric Archons simply find another host and enforce binding soul agreement upon him.

In the past, a certain positive group has engaged long range shooters to remove certain members of the Cabal and they were not successful, because those Cabal members simply returned to the physical plane in a new cloned body which was already prepared for them in a military base under surveillance of the Chimera group. After 2004 all those clones have been destroyed by the Resistance and now long range shooters of the aforementioned positive group would be much more successful in eliminating individual members of the Cabal and no amount of Blackwater/Academi bodyguards would be able to protect them.

The Chimera group has put physical strangelet bombs inside most of US military bases and some military bases of other nations and these bombs form the main line of defense against the advance of Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of this planet.

They have also created a planetary network of plasma scalar devices. This network is being operated from the military bases and encompasses the whole planet. Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous and is in fact the connecting link between physical and etheric matter. Plasma scalar devices can thus influence our physical bodies and the Chimera Group uses these devices to attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers by influencing their body functions, disturbing breathing and heart pulse. They also use plasma scalar lasers to project thoughtforms into minds of Lightworkers, plasma infrasound to lower the frequency of auric membrane of Lightworkers and plasma ultrasound devices as ultimate spying and surveillance machine. The Resistance is already removing these plasma scalar devices with full speed.

There is a silent full scale war ongoing between the Positive Military and the Chimera group worldwide.

Current hijacking of the MH 370 flight to Diego Garcia was an act of war of the Chimera group, Diego Garcia military base being one of their main strongholds:


Their main strongholds at that time were under Africa, China and Tibet. They had no direct contact with the surface civilization until the early 20th century. That timeframe has seen interesting occult developments.

First, in 1917 the Light forces have formed the Thule society in Germany. Very soon it was infiltrated by the Archon-controlled Rothschild agent named Adolf Schicklgruber (Hitler) and became an instrument of the dark and it further morphed into the Vril society which was developing secret German space program:

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956510 No.41794

File: 2ebb38ed6b5c838⋯.jpg (92.89 KB,866x693,866:693,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399477 (102300ZAPR21) Notable: “I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away from His Scanning the Ballots Work on 2020 Election Results

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“I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away from His Scanning the Ballots Work on 2020 Election Results

By Joe Hoft

Published April 10, 2021 at 4:30pm

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956510 No.41795

File: 0fbf06f80b0d4c7⋯.jpg (52.2 KB,515x679,515:679,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399492 (102303ZAPR21) Notable: "Hunter Biden (who smoked parmesan cheese looking for crack in the carpet) is the smartest man I know" - Joe Biden

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Tim Xeriland


Hunter Biden "is the smartest man I know." ~Joe Biden

Face with rolling eyes

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956510 No.41796

File: de2ea6e44459458⋯.jpg (98.79 KB,658x710,329:355,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7788578160722ac⋯.jpg (15.11 KB,314x207,314:207,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399493 (102303ZAPR21) Notable: Clint Eastwood’s ‘Gran Torino,’ Now Under Attack from Left-Wing Cancel Mob

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Ng: In Defense of Clint Eastwood’s ‘Gran Torino,’ Now Under Attack from Left-Wing Cancel Mob

David Ng10 Apr 2021

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956510 No.41797

File: a49b6fe866b58ea⋯.jpg (28.42 KB,806x255,806:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399503 (102305ZAPR21) Notable: Biden seeks funding to probe white supremacist beliefs at immigration agencies

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April 9, 20218:11 AMUpdated 20 hours ago

Biden seeks funding to probe white supremacist beliefs at immigration agencies

By Ted Hesson, Mica Rosenberg

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956510 No.41798

File: b0645a5faaf270d⋯.jpg (89 KB,631x726,631:726,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399519 (102308ZAPR21) Notable: 14 Israelis suspected of running child sex trafficking ring in Colombia

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14 Israelis suspected of running child sex trafficking ring in Colombia

Network allegedly marketed trips from Israel for tourists to have sex with minors who were forced into prostitution; 6 Israelis held, arrest warrants issued for other suspects


10 December 2018, 10:30 am

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956510 No.41799

File: 068d5561c8800a2⋯.jpg (118.92 KB,675x628,675:628,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399534 (102312ZAPR21) Notable: Maryland repeals police Bill of Rights, overriding Governor Hogan veto

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Maryland becomes first state to repeal police Bill of Rights, overriding Hogan veto

The state’s now-repealed police Bill of Rights covers due process for officers accused of misconduct.


04/10/2021 06:19 PM EDT

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956510 No.41800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399554 (102317ZAPR21) Notable: #16972

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>>>/qresearch/13399060 Dough

Notables FINAL


>>41750 House Democrats Schedule Debate and Vote on Reparations for Black Americans

>>41751 Antifa-BLM Violently Attack Reporter, Put Him in Chokehold, Bloody His Face During Anti-Eviction March in Detroit

>>41752 On top of their US govt' funding via the NED, a CIA cutout, Bellingcat is also a partner in UK gov't propaganda operations.

>>41753 Breaking Report: Biden Administration Opening Facilities In Two Crucial SWING STATES To House Illegal Immigrants

>>41754 , >>41772 Los Angeles children found stabbed to death, all under five years old; person of interest commits carjacking

>>41755 The eternal vaccine - now vaccines only good for 6 months?

>>41756 , >>41764 , >>41779 PF Report

>>41757 Congressional Staffer Found Dead, Girlfriend Rescued After Death Valley Camping Trip

>>41758 Green Politics Has to Get More Radical, Because Anything Less Is Impractical (Environmental Radicalism takes center stage in Congress)

>>41759 #16971 Notables (TY Anon)

>>41760 Saudi executes 3 soldiers for ‘high treason,’ collusion with unnamed enemy

>>41761 Ugandan Church Leader arrested for allegations of homosexuality

>>41762 Police Pay A Visit to Twitter User’s Home After Tweet Criticizing AOC (video)

>>41763 US Navy twitter emblem - Eagle with facemask…

>>41765 Nearly 90 people arrested for human trafficking offences in operation spanning 24 countries, from France to Brazil

>>41766 Hit piece on Q Research - One freshman Michigan rep calls for GOP rejection of Q Research

>>41767 Director of 'Lutz Children's Museum' Robert Eckert in Manchester arrested for distribution of child pornography.

>>41768 Police in Livingston, Texas, outside Houston, investigating Human Trafficking Ring, 14 illegal alien men/boys found in home

>>41769 Ukraine President Zelensky makes trade deals with Qatar in visit last week to the Arab Nation

>>41770 Boston man sentenced to Prison for Child Enticement

>>41771 Prosecutors hope to preserve a July trial date for Ghislaine Maxwell by defending a late-hour expansion of charges against her

>>41773 Egypt demands huge fee from Ever Given owners after ship blocked Suez Canal

>>41774 US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says

>>41775 Vaccine data shows that vaccines should be recalled

>>41776 Time to troll the upcoming Oscars

>>41777 How Will the Pentagon Define 'Extremism'?

>>41778 Volcano victims in St Vincent won't be evacuated unless they are vaccinated?

>>41780 Sex offender arrested in Sandusky, Ohio

>>41781 Couple arrested in Florida on sex crimes against a child

>>41782 Sex sting in Cook County nets 21 arrests

>>41783 Multiple NY Times Staff formerly worked for Chinese Communist Party

>>41784 Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

>>41785 DISGUSTING FAKE NEWS: Newsweek Compares Q researchers, Who Never Killed Anyone — To ISIS, Who Murdered Over 18,800 in Iraq Alone

>>41786 House Dems attempt to force the Military to take vaccines

>>41787 As reports of sexual assaults continue to climb, support grows for removing prosecution decisions from the military chain of command

>>41788 , >>41794 “I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away from His Scanning the Ballots Work on 2020 Election Results

>>41789 [D]uke of [E]dinborough D5?

>>41790 New study finds 353 US Counties in 29 states with voter registration rates exceeding 100%

>>41791 Climate Change Radicalist John Kerry to visit China in official capacity for Cabal Puppet Biden

>>41792 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris talking about SCIF's and Phones?

>>41793 The Chimera Group Information / Compilation

>>41795 "Hunter Biden (who smoked parmesan cheese looking for crack in the carpet) is the smartest man I know" - Joe Biden

>>41796 Clint Eastwood’s ‘Gran Torino,’ Now Under Attack from Left-Wing Cancel Mob

>>41797 Biden seeks funding to probe white supremacist beliefs at immigration agencies

>>41798 14 Israelis suspected of running child sex trafficking ring in Colombia

>>41799 Maryland repeals police Bill of Rights, overriding Governor Hogan veto


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956510 No.41801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399658 (102332ZAPR21) Notable: Dominion Energy CEO dies at 66, a day after retirement

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I don't recall seeing this in notables, but the story seems to have come out April 8th and it was mentioned in today's WSJ.

He apparently died a day after retiring at 66. A large natural gas project his company had been pursuing had been cancelled last July.

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956510 No.41802

File: bbad01207f2dd1b⋯.jpg (27.86 KB,255x246,85:82,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399737 (102345ZAPR21) Notable: State Dept "issues passports only to U.S. citizens or non-citizen nationals"?

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Anon astonished by overheard conversation to correct passport:



State Dept "issues passports only to U.S. citizens or non-citizen nationals":


Why You Are a "national", "state national", and Constitutional But Not Statutory Citizen:


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956510 No.41803

File: d40ab3e483adb31⋯.png (312.22 KB,777x709,777:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399766 (102352ZAPR21) Notable: Creepy Andrew Weissmann – Still Behind the Scenes Trying to Harass and Indict President Trump on Some New BS Charges

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Creepy Andrew Weissmann – Still Behind the Scenes Trying to Harass and Indict President Trump on Some New BS Charges

By Joe Hoft

Published April 10, 2021 at 5:15pm

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956510 No.41804

File: b5270de533fd9f6⋯.png (241.19 KB,639x459,71:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c7c3f0600d29b4⋯.png (479.96 KB,671x864,671:864,Clipboard.png)

File: a3b51e69ed486fc⋯.png (32.16 KB,661x204,661:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399775 (102354ZAPR21) Notable: pb, , CA podcaster gets visit from police after ‘lightly’ criticizing AOC on Twitter (Cap 2:11)

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CA podcaster gets visit from police after ‘lightly’ criticizing AOC on Twitter

A left-wing, anti-war activist says he was left “shaken” after two police officers came to his apartment in California last week, accusing him of threatening Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter.

Ryan Wentz, who goes by the Twitter handle @queeralamode, said the plainclothes California Highway Patrol officers came to his door Thursday, after he posted video of some vague remarks made by Ocasio-Cortez on Israel and Palestine and criticized her comments as “incredibly underwhelming.”

“I lightly criticized @AOC for a disappointing answer in response to a question about Palestine/Israel,” Wentz tweeted.

As a result, he said, police arrived at his address. At first, the two officers yelling his name sounded like, “my Postmates delivery,” Wentz said in a podcast Friday.

“I felt scared, intimidated, and violated,” he tweeted. “They knew my name and where I live. It was done on behalf of a congresswoman who advocates against police state tactics.”

Wentz said the officers “right off the bat” described his tweet as a “threat to kill a sitting member of Congress.”

But AOC spokeswoman Lauren Hitt told The Post Saturday the congresswoman had not asked police to intervene in any way, and said her office has asked Capitol Police to explain what happened.

AOC was not behind the police visit to Wentz, who is the cohost of the left-wing podcast “Left Bitches,” the Capitol Police said in a statement.

“USCP investigates all threats that are reported by Congressional offices,” the department said. “The Department also monitors open and classified sources to identify and investigate threats. This is standard operating procedure for the Department. As it pertains to this incident, the Congresswomen (sic) did not request that USCP initiate an investigation.”


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956510 No.41805

File: 1fa8631fb174150⋯.png (140.92 KB,718x812,359:406,Clipboard.png)

File: d23b2086ff71c47⋯.png (77.55 KB,694x506,347:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399783 (102355ZAPR21) Notable: More Side Effects With Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine: CDC Study

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More Side Effects With Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine: CDC Study

People who received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine reported more side effects than those who got the Pfizer/BioNTech shot, according to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The study—published online in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on April 5—looked at data collected from over 3 million participants vaccinated from Dec. 14, 2020, through Feb. 28, 2021, in the CDC’s v-safe active surveillance system. However, only 1,920,872 participants reported getting the second vaccine dose.

More than 46 million Americans had gotten at least one dose of the vaccine by Feb. 21.

The participants were asked about their “postvaccination experience,” including occurrences of adverse events within seven days after being vaccinated. The report included only local or systemic reactions and did not include severe side effects like anaphylactic shock, which will be addressed in a later study.

Of those who received one dose of the messenger RNA vaccine, 74 percent of Moderna recipients reported injection site reactions of pain, swelling, redness, and itching, as opposed to 65.4 percent of the Pfizer/BioNTech recipients.

Furthermore, 52 percent of those who received the Moderna vaccine said they had a generalized reaction like fatigue, headache, and body pain, compared to 48 percent of recipients who had the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

Both local and systemic reactions occurred more frequently after the second dose for both vaccines: Moderna recipients reported 82 percent and 74 percent, while Pfizer/BioNTech recipients reported 69 percent and 64.2 percent, respectively.

“For both doses of both vaccines, the percentage of v-safe participants who reported local and systemic reactions was highest on day 1 after vaccination and declined markedly through day 7,” the authors said.

In addition, people aged 65 and older were less likely to experience adverse reactions than those younger than 65, regardless of which vaccine was given.


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956510 No.41806

File: c7d112c14789294⋯.png (162.53 KB,544x452,136:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 84d61f8424ce253⋯.png (171.71 KB,494x444,247:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399787 (102356ZAPR21) Notable: BIDEN’S AMERICA: Asian Man Commits ‘Sexual Battery’ Against Woman As Revenge For Anti-Asian Hate Crimes – Police

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BIDEN’S AMERICA: Asian Man Commits ‘Sexual Battery’ Against Woman As Revenge For Anti-Asian Hate Crimes – Police

Michael Sangbong Rhee was arrested by Irvine Police on Friday night

An Asian man was arrested last night by California police, after abducting a woman who he thought was white so he could rape her in revenge for supposed anti-Asian hate crimes.

Irvine Police arrested Michael Sangbong Rhee, a 37-year-old Asian male, on Friday night for kidnapping with the intent to commit a sexual assault against an Asian woman. In a press release, Irvine PD said that Rhee forced the woman at gunpoint into the back of her car when she was outside her apartment complex on Thursday afternoon. After committing “sexual battery” on the woman, Rhee fled when she alerted a nearby maintenance worker. Rhee was later arrested and is currently being held on $1 million bail. A BB gun similar to the weapon described by the victim was found in his apartment.

However, despite the victim also being Asian, after questioning Rhee, Irvine PD detectives believe that “he targeted the victim because he thought she was white.” The detectives also believe that the attempted rape was committed in “retaliation for hate crimes committed against the Asian community.” Hate crime charges are being added by the detectives to the complaint already in process with the Orange County District Attorney’s office.

In the last couple of months, protests against hate crimes against Asians have been growing across the country, along with their prevalence in the public consciousness. Media reports, and groups including “Stop Asian Hate” have spun a narrative that so-called “white supremacy” is to blame. This is despite the fact that almost all perpetrators of attacks against Asians are non-white. National File reported on a published list of mugshots of suspected victims in anti-Asian hate crimes, none of whom were white. Despite this, the narrative that white people are to blame continues. Activists claim that “white supremacy” in fact “pits [black and Asian] communities against each other.” A BBC report on anti-Asian hate crimes listed a number of hate crimes and attacks, but only mentioned the identity of the perpetrator in one – when a “Trump-supporting tech executive” hurled slurs at a family in a restaurant in Carmel, California.

Jen Psaki, Biden’s press secretary, put the blame squarely on President Donald Trump for the increase in anti-Asian hate crimes. “I think there’s no question that some of the damaging rhetoric that we saw during the prior administration, blaming, you know, calling COVID, you know, uh, the Wuhan Virus, or other things, led to perceptions of the Asian American community that are inaccurate, unfair, that have raised threatening, has elevated threats against Asian Americans,” Psaki said.


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956510 No.41807

File: 57a83c3215f58a3⋯.png (93.02 KB,721x603,721:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399790 (102357ZAPR21) Notable: Nearly 700 Americans’ Data Exposed in Giant Chinese Surveillance Database

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Nearly 700 Americans’ Data Exposed in Giant Chinese Surveillance Database

Nearly 700 Americans were flagged in a secret Chinese security database during their visits to China’s Shanghai, according to a leaked database seen by The Epoch Times.

The list of 697 American citizens, some of them as young as three years old, make up part of a 1.1 million record dataset involving more than 5,000 foreign citizens. The details recorded include their full names, birth data, and passport numbers, captured as the individuals were entering and leaving Shanghai from 2018 to 2020.

Shanghai’s Public Security Bureau, which stored the information on its server, answers to the central government’s top intelligence agency, the Ministry of State Security.

Among the people on the watchlist were also 172 Canadians, 161 Australians, and hundreds of travelers from Asian countries such as Japan and Taiwan. Three of the people tracked also hold diplomatic passports.

While the Shanghai records are far from exhaustive, it is a “small, but highly detailed window into the surveillance state of China,” said Robert Potter and David Robinson of Internet 2.0, an Australia-based cybersecurity firm that analyzed the data.

A subset of the data leak includes a blacklist containing 10,000 people tagged as “suspected terrorists,” composed of 93 percent Uyghurs. Thousands of them got flagged for accessing the internet.

Hundreds of individuals also came on the watchlist for having access to dangerous chemicals, drugs, or materials for making explosives. Nearly a half of them were employees working for foreign firms or joint ventures, among them U.S. manufacturing giant 3M, Kansas-based chemical firm Invista, and Japanese carmaker Mitsubishi.


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956510 No.41808

File: 49af2ec172c23a8⋯.jpg (150.81 KB,1522x686,761:343,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399850 (110011ZAPR21) Notable: Planefag Report

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I didn't know the GLF-5 @(43,000) could go that high…

Can you say, pushing it to the limit???

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956510 No.41809

File: 991dfc9ba9e568d⋯.png (7.98 KB,345x436,345:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399869 (110014ZAPR21) Notable: We stand United for Love and Compassion

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956510 No.41810

File: 69986f6d8ff1b36⋯.png (1.36 MB,2568x1376,321:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13399929 (110023ZAPR21) Notable: New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu intends to sign a bill authorizing the audit of voting machines in a contested Windham County during the November 2020 elections

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Domino effect ..

"New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu intends to sign a bill authorizing the audit of voting machines in a contested Windham County during the November 2020 elections.

At a press conferenceThursday, Sununu, a Republican, said he'll sign the legislature's SB-43, which he called "an audit of … the system in Windham."

The county has been at the center of dispute after a recount last year found that multiple candidates, Democrats and Republicans, had been shorted votes in the 2020 elections."

From John Solomon:


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956510 No.41811

File: 586c9599f719481⋯.png (522.98 KB,1441x857,1441:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400015 (110039ZAPR21) Notable: Planefag report - So Titan25 is SecDef heading across the pond. Interesting.

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So Titan25 is SecDef heading across the pond. Interesting.

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956510 No.41812

File: 1ede93d36caebde⋯.jpg (52.93 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4ca16349bd30b83⋯.png (751.93 KB,901x1024,901:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400031 (110042ZAPR21) Notable: John Kerry get his shot?

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John Kerry get his shot?


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956510 No.41813

File: aa8452af40ae6d3⋯.jpg (107.11 KB,857x704,857:704,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400085 (110048ZAPR21) Notable: Retired Special ICE Agent Victor Avila Films Adult Migrants Exiting Bus At Detention Center…Every One Of Them (Conveniently) Has A Small Kid

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Retired Special ICE Agent Victor Avila Films Adult Migrants Exiting Bus At Detention Center…Every One Of Them (Conveniently) Has A Small Kid

By Patty McMurray

Published April 10, 2021 at 7:04pm

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956510 No.41814

File: 9280309ca0e7a76⋯.png (142.34 KB,900x620,45:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 706dfe9862d63f6⋯.png (77.17 KB,647x598,647:598,Clipboard.png)

File: f4e7d174d61a675⋯.png (66.84 KB,646x566,323:283,Clipboard.png)

File: ccec7b48b7c70c4⋯.png (51.31 KB,635x602,635:602,Clipboard.png)

File: 2823cd3e0f4f137⋯.png (57.75 KB,628x567,628:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400123 (110052ZAPR21) Notable: Dig - Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

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Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

MN AG Office

Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation


"February 25, 2021 (SAINT PAUL) — Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, joined by Governor Tim Walz, Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety John Harrington, and Pohlad Family Foundation Vice President and Executive Director Susan Bass Roberts, announced today that the Pohlad Family Foundation has committed $3 million, through a partnership with the National League of Cities, to fund implementation of the recommendations of the State of Minnesota Working Group on Police-Involved Deadly-Force Encounters."

"…considerable progress … has been made in implementing the working group’s 28 recommendations and 33 action steps, as well as Governor Walz’s latest proposed budget investments for implementing more of the working group’s recommendations and action steps."

“ 'A lot has happened in just one year — and all of it has pointed to the continued need to implement these carefully considered recommendations, and the urgency of doing so,' Attorney General Ellison said. 'I’m pleased with the substantial progress we’ve made in the last year, and there is more to do. The time to implement these recommendations is not when the next deadly-force encounter happens, but before it happens.

I continue to be grateful for all the people who testified, especially the families who are still suffering the loss of a loved one from a deadly-force encounter, and for the dedication and determination of the working group members to see the process through. I’m proud that we in Minnesota set a national model for coming together and staying together through our differences and disagreements to making concrete recommendations. When we implement them, we will reduce deadly-force encounters,' Attorney General Ellison concluded."

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956510 No.41815

File: f68aa2dbfcf4104⋯.png (61.23 KB,643x577,643:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 42670255165a5bc⋯.png (77.15 KB,632x617,632:617,Clipboard.png)

File: d3f4c677bba4197⋯.png (55.68 KB,632x467,632:467,Clipboard.png)

File: baa9fae335780bc⋯.png (70.07 KB,635x623,635:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 28889be78dc16f1⋯.png (71.2 KB,859x572,859:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400135 (110054ZAPR21) Notable: Dig - Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

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Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force continued.

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956510 No.41816

File: 05d5f1fdebb3ef5⋯.png (78.68 KB,916x489,916:489,Clipboard.png)

File: f185d36b571ed2d⋯.png (118.27 KB,864x653,864:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400141 (110055ZAPR21) Notable: Dig - Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

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Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force continued.

Confirmed by Pohlad.

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956510 No.41817

File: 42de109d4c98846⋯.png (304.1 KB,963x654,321:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 678a41d380c16d4⋯.png (87.56 KB,725x632,725:632,Clipboard.png)

File: c198d85b8ea9313⋯.png (70.21 KB,939x646,939:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400149 (110057ZAPR21) Notable: Dig - Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

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Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force continued.

The working group involved in Ellison's and Pohlad's Deadly Force efforts is highlighted here.

v v v



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956510 No.41818

File: 0e113a4cd242d94⋯.png (216.54 KB,972x549,108:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ee4bc44991c988⋯.png (251.75 KB,727x650,727:650,Clipboard.png)

File: 58668e9dbdd1655⋯.png (199.59 KB,718x549,718:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 26f45cd89a71e67⋯.png (175.75 KB,718x577,718:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 36ded3e6cf15baf⋯.png (189.33 KB,720x644,180:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400156 (110058ZAPR21) Notable: Dig - Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

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Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force continued.

Here are the members of the working group.

v v v

Working Group Members


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956510 No.41819

File: e78aadf8561b09f⋯.png (237.65 KB,720x635,144:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 65316bccedfddcd⋯.png (228.69 KB,717x604,717:604,Clipboard.png)

File: 90cef49bef3d826⋯.png (222.67 KB,727x578,727:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 9334f4cde99e098⋯.png (211.29 KB,717x622,717:622,Clipboard.png)

File: f692368b8fa5a7b⋯.png (136.54 KB,936x627,312:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400165 (110100ZAPR21) Notable: Dig - Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

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Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force continued.

More Working Group Members


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956510 No.41820

File: 0576c21c2d4a5c5⋯.png (71.67 KB,765x427,765:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 534ed6a5e18b543⋯.png (352.67 KB,763x627,763:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 18b065073bae4a1⋯.png (163.29 KB,763x626,763:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 74d32ee2bdb499e⋯.png (110.73 KB,765x650,153:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400179 (110101ZAPR21) Notable: Dig - Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

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Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force continued.

An interesting side note is that an indepenent committee which supported Keith Ellison in 2018 is in part funded by Alexander Soros.

Washington Free Beacon

Independent Committee Supporting Ellison Is Half Funded by Alexander Soros


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956510 No.41821

File: 53e4c3594f5a40d⋯.png (145.08 KB,1656x687,552:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400218 (110108ZAPR21) Notable: Epstein seedfest sauce link

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Oops, forgot to add the Epstein seedfest sauce link…




You know what… just take it. I know what all you anons really want..

SAUCE, right?


This is ALL OF MY SAUCE… in one big SHOT.




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956510 No.41822

File: 46359fe1f828903⋯.png (1.02 MB,1324x1381,1324:1381,Clipboard.png)

File: 551b64a7895f861⋯.jpg (77.51 KB,750x891,250:297,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 87cd95a66c14df5⋯.png (157.52 KB,633x609,211:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400268 (110116ZAPR21) Notable: Seth Rogen - Jar Baby?

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>>41716 pb

>'Knocked Up' actress Charlyne Yi calls James Franco a 'sexual predator,' accuses Seth Rogen of enabling him

Rogen. Jar baby.

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956510 No.41823

File: fc1734f6f626fe9⋯.jpeg (677.43 KB,1392x1286,696:643,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400282 (110118ZAPR21) Notable: Obesity causes problems with China Virus vaccine

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Suck it mommas boy…you fucking turd


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956510 No.41824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400296 (110120ZAPR21) Notable: Alexander Lofgren, a caseworker in the office of Arizona Congressman Raúl Grijalva and a former U.S. Army combat engineer Found Dead, Girlfriend Rescued After Death Valley Camping Trip

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Congressional Staffer Found Dead, Girlfriend Rescued After Death Valley Camping Trip

Alexander Lofgren, a caseworker in the office of Arizona Congressman Raúl Grijalva and a former U.S. Army combat engineer, was found dead after going missing with his girlfriend on a camping trip in Death Valley.

Authorities began searching for Lofgren and his girlfriend, Emily Henkel, on Tuesday after the two, described as experienced campers who often traverse remote areas, did not return from their trek Sunday as expected.

The Inyo County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Friday that authorities had been able to locate Lofgren and Henkel the day before using aerial reconnaissance. They were in a “very remote area of Death Valley National Park” perched on a steep ledge.

A rescue attempt failed Thursday, due to the steep, remote terrain. Authorities were able to extract Henkel and Lofgren Friday afternoon; Lofgren, it seems, was found dead, while Henkel has been hospitalized. An investigation will soon begin to determine Lofgren’s cause of death.

Inyo County Sheriff Jeff Hollowell said in a statement, “This has been a tremendously difficult operation in a very unforgiving geographic area of Inyo County, I sincerely hope for healing and recovery for all involved.”

After the pair were reported missing on Tuesday, investigators went through Lofgren’s backcountry itinerary and checked every attraction and tourist site along the way, with no results.

“Both Lofgren and Henkel are described as experienced campers,” the sheriff’s office said on Thursday as the search was underway.

“Lofgren is believed to have jugs of water and at least one day’s worth of food as well as camping gear. Lofgren is known for camping in remote areas that are not designated campgrounds.”

Later on Thursday, the couple’s white Subaru was found near a road in the national park, in an area not on their itinerary, with a note inside that read, “Two flat tires, headed to Mormon Point, have three days’ worth of water.”

The two were eventually found two miles away from that destination, the Arizona Republic reports. It’s unclear what exactly happened to the couple.

Lofgren served four years in the U.S. Army and worked in the district office of Grijalva, who represents Arizona’s 3rd district. The

Arizona Republic reports that Lofgren came aboard in 2019 as part of the Wounded Warriors Project, after his service in the U.S. Army as a combat engineer, during which he was deployed to Afghanistan.

“To know Alex was to know someone who loved life, loved his family, and loved helping others,” Grijalva said in a statement Friday.

“Words cannot begin to describe the void this immeasurable loss leaves in the hearts of his colleagues and his family.”

“Alex lived a life of service and always put the needs of others first,” Grijalva continued. “After serving our country in Afghanistan, he came home to Arizona to serve veterans right here in Southern Arizona as a caseworker in my office. The passion he dedicated to his work each day touched countless lives. No matter the situation, Alex met those he helped with a smiling face, a caring heart, and unrivaled empathy.”

Original Article behind paywall here: https://www.thedailybeast.com/congressional-aide-alexander-lofgren-died-girlfriend-emily-henkel-rescued-after-death-valley-camping-trip

Paywall by-pass:


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956510 No.41825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400309 (110122ZAPR21) Notable: Seth Rogen - Jar Baby?

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makes sense. Seth Rogen is involved with this charity with Gavin Newsom

Nonprofit involved with 1,400 California schools being investigated by Canadian parliamentary committee

By Stephanie Sierra

Saturday, April 10, 2021

WE Charity officially launched in California in 2014. Gavin Newsom, who was lieutenant governor at the time, tweeted on March 26 of that year to welcome the charity's first statewide fundraiser "WE Day California" hosted inside the Oakland arena.

16,000 students from hundreds of schools across the state packed inside to watch celebrities like Selena Gomez, Orlando Bloom, and Seth Rogan perform sharing inspirational messages.

Newsom, who was Lt. Gov. at the time, became co-chair of WE Day California with his wife, Jennifer, from 2014 to 2016. Newsom even sent a letter to former California State Superintendent Tom Torlakson encouraging all school districts and administrators to attend the inaugural year.



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956510 No.41826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400351 (110130ZAPR21) Notable: #16973, #16974, #16975/2

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>>>/qresearch/13399596 Dough

Notables FINAL


>>41801 Dominion Energy CEO dies at 66, a day after retirement

>>41802 State Dept "issues passports only to U.S. citizens or non-citizen nationals"?

>>41803 Creepy Andrew Weissmann – Still Behind the Scenes Trying to Harass and Indict President Trump on Some New BS Charges

>>41804 CA podcaster gets visit from police after ‘lightly’ criticizing AOC on Twitter

>>41805 More Side Effects With Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine: CDC Study

>>41806 BIDEN’S AMERICA: Asian Man Commits ‘Sexual Battery’ Against Woman As Revenge For Anti-Asian Hate Crimes – Police

>>41807 Nearly 700 Americans’ Data Exposed in Giant Chinese Surveillance Database

>>41808 Planefag Report

>>41809 We stand United for Love and Compassion

>>41810 New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu intends to sign a bill authorizing the audit of voting machines in a contested Windham County during the November 2020 elections

>>41811 Planefag report - So Titan25 is SecDef heading across the pond. Interesting.

>>41813 Retired Special ICE Agent Victor Avila Films Adult Migrants Exiting Bus At Detention Center…Every One Of Them (Conveniently) Has A Small Kid

>>41812 John Kerry get his shot?

>>41814, >>41815, >>41816, >>41817, >>41818, >>41819, >>41820 Dig - Keith Ellison and Pohlad Family Foundation Have Been Busy - Think Deadly Force

>>41821 Epstein seedfest sauce link

>>41823 Obesity causes problems with China Virus vaccine

>>41824 Alexander Lofgren, a caseworker in the office of Arizona Congressman Raúl Grijalva and a former U.S. Army combat engineer Found Dead, Girlfriend Rescued After Death Valley Camping Trip

>>41822 , >>41825 Seth Rogen - Jar Baby?


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956510 No.41827

File: 8a451cac539fb90⋯.png (305.17 KB,598x737,598:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400445 (110143ZAPR21) Notable: Trump in 2024? He Says Only That 'a Republican' Will Win

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Trump in 2024? He Says Only That 'a Republican' Will Win

Former President Donald Trump plans to affirm his commitment to the Republican Party — and raise the possibility that someone else will be the GOP's next presidential nominee — in a closed-door speech to donors Saturday night.

Trump's message, outlined in prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press, comes as GOP officials seek to downplay an intraparty feud over Trump's continued leadership in Republican politics, his commitment to party fundraising and his plans for 2024. While Trump's advisers report he will emphasize party unity, he is famously known to go off script.

“We are gathered tonight to talk about the future of the Republican Party — and what we must do to set our candidates on a course to victory,” Trump says in prepared remarks. “I stand before you this evening filled with confidence that in 2022, we are going to take back the House and we are going to reclaim the Senate — and then in 2024, a Republican candidate is going to win the White House.”

The former president will deliver his remarks behind closed doors at his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, in the final address of the Republican National Committee's weekend donor summit in Palm Beach. Most of the RNC's invitation-only weekend gathering was set at a luxury hotel four miles away, but attendees were bused to Trump's club for his remarks.


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956510 No.41828

File: 899806f355e5051⋯.mp4 (10.9 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400500 (110153ZAPR21) Notable: Dank Theme Song for Anons

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956510 No.41829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400514 (110155ZAPR21) Notable: Modem Chips Embedded in Voting System Computer Motherboards

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moar than Dominion

Modem Chips Embedded in Voting System Computer Motherboards


While all of the attention has been focused upon manipulation of election results via software, there has been very little attention paid to hardware. Malware can be embedded in hardware as well as software. That’s why the following discovery unearthed by Attorney Matt DePerno during his investigation into Antrim County election fraud is so important.

What was discovered?

SEE Exhibit 6 in Antrim County Lawsuit

•	ES&S DS200 voting machine was found to have a Telit LE910-SV1 Modem Chip installed on its motherboard

•	Chip utilized a commercial Verizon SIM card with an Access Point Name (APN) configuration specific to the ES&S DS200 provisioning.

ESS DS200 Motherboard with Telit LE910-SV1 Modem Chip

Telit Specification Sheet

What does the Telit LE910-SV1 Modem Chip do?

•	Enable communication between voting system equipment and election servers

•	Designed to operate on a virtual private network

•	Testing has revealed that the same SIM card could be used in a separate wireless hotspot device. This device could then join the same APN as the ES&S voting machines.

SEE ES&S DS200 Operators Guide

Why is this important?

•	ES&S equipment is used in eight Michigan counties: Alcona, Bay, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Kalamazoo, Macomb, Mason, Roscommon

•	It demonstrates that computers can be connected to internet without any discernable ethernet or external modem connection

•	It demonstrates that Dominion Voting Systems are not the only electronic voting system with security vulnerabilities

•	It is very difficult to detect unless you pry open the machine case to investigate the hardware

•	It drives the imperative for disciplined hardware certification as well as software certification

•	Anyone with access to any SIM card could have pre-programmed access to the APN.

•	It demonstrates how electronic voting systems could be connected to the internet with minimal risk of detection.


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956510 No.41830

File: caaba87d202f3b5⋯.jpg (104 KB,720x820,36:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400571 (110206ZAPR21) Notable: Big Brother's Nikki Grahame has died at the age of 38 No cause given.

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Big Brother's Nikki Grahame has died at the age of 38

No cause given.


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956510 No.41831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400602 (110212ZAPR21) Notable: Impeach Joe Biden?

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Impeach Joe Biden


Congresswoman Greene

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956510 No.41832

File: 045993e29d8398a⋯.jpg (350.65 KB,718x1204,359:602,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400633 (110218ZAPR21) Notable: Former California Democratic mayor arrested for sexual assault crimes against minor

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Former California Democratic mayor arrested for sexual assault crimes against minor

A former California Democratic mayor was arrested Saturday morning on six charges, including suspected sex with a child aged 14 or 15.

Sebastopol Police Chief Kevin Kilgore said that on March 30 police received information of alleged sexual assaults committed by former Mayor Robert Jacob in the city between December 2019 and March 2021.


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956510 No.41833

File: ecc41b916635af6⋯.png (176.16 KB,478x636,239:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400648 (110221ZAPR21) Notable: President Trump and Melania arrive to welcome guests to Mar-a-Lago dinner at GOP donors gathering (video cap)

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Police cars revolving light

Trump and Melania Trump arrives at the dinner and to welcome guests to Mar-a-Lago at GOP donors gathering


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956510 No.41834

File: eab2e7480c14cee⋯.jpg (301.57 KB,718x1228,359:614,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400649 (110221ZAPR21) Notable: Hundreds of Victims Rescued in Global Crackdown Against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

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Hundreds of Victims Rescued in Global Crackdown Against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

Authorities in Africa and Europe have rescued nearly 500 victims of human trafficking – including children – and identified some 760 irregular migrants, following an international operation which concluded on April 2.

Operation Weka, which means “Stop” in Swahili, was carried out from 28 March to 2 April. Authorities from 24 countries representing source, transit and destination locations progressed investigations and exchanged intelligence to dismantle criminal networks behind key routes.

Coordinated by INTERPOL’s Vulnerable Communities unit, Weka has led to a total of 195 arrests – 88 of for human trafficking and 63 on people smuggling charges. The remaining arrests were on other charges such as document fraud, theft, drugs-related crimes and environmental offenses.

This joint operation was supported by a number of partners, with the International Organization for Migration playing a lead role in victim assistance. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime also provided judicial support, and intelligence was generated by AIRCOP, Europol and the ROCK – AU-Horn of Africa Initiative on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling.


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956510 No.41835

File: 7bf6c7f47a72608⋯.jpg (168.93 KB,720x795,48:53,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400680 (110226ZAPR21) Notable: Report following 549 Harris Co. human trafficking cases reveals 90% not required to register as sex offenders

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Report following 549 Harris Co. human trafficking cases reveals 90% not required to register as sex offenders

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) – Crime Stoppers released a report looking at the actual outcomes of hundreds of arrests related to human trafficking in Harris County, claiming the findings reveal the ramifications of felony bond reform.

Crime Stoppers followed 549 cases dispersed among 217 defendants charged between 2018 and 2020, 14% have since been sentenced.

The study found that 67% of defendants received sentences of five years or less or community supervision.

The study also found that 90% of offenders did not have to register as a sex offender after conviction.

"Human traffickers are the scourge of society. So, what happens when they are actually charged with human trafficking related offenses? Crime Stoppers of Houston took it upon us to do what no governmental entity has done - get answers. Our report released today, while shocking and disturbing, points out the indisputable fact we all have a lot of work to do to enhance public safety on behalf of victims and survivors of human trafficking." said Crime Stoppers Director of Victim Services and Advocacy Andy Kahan.


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956510 No.41836

File: 971b6b0443ac486⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,640x800,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400690 (110229ZAPR21) Notable: President Trump and Melania arrive to welcome guests to Mar-a-Lago dinner at GOP donors gathering (video cap)

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956510 No.41837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400711 (110233ZAPR21) Notable: Caribbean Volcano Erupts, But ‘Only Those Vaccinated Against COVID’ Allowed to Evacuate, CBS Reports

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Caribbean Volcano Erupts, But ‘Only Those Vaccinated Against COVID’ Allowed to Evacuate, CBS Reports

April 10, 2021 by Kyle Becker

As a volcano eruption St. Vincent is forcing thousands to evacuate, the Caribbean island’s government and the U.S. media are sending the message that only residents that have been vaccinated will be allowed to evacuate.

“Nearly 20,000 people are out of their homes on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent after the first volcanic eruption there in more than forty years,” O’Donnell said. “The volcano sent a thick cloud of smoke 20,000 feet into the sky, spewing ash for miles.”

“Cruise ships are evacuating people from the island, but only those vaccinated against COVID,” O’Donnell concluded.

The report follows upon the island’s Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves warning “the cruise ships and other islands would require evacuees to be vaccinated,” ABC News reported. “He also said he was working with other Caribbean governments to ensure that they could accept an ID card since not everyone has a passport.”

“This is an emergency situation, and everybody understands that,” Gonsalves said.

“Gonsalves added that he highly recommends those who opt to go to a shelter in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, an island chain of more than 100,000 people, be vaccinated,” the report continued. Hotels in the region are also asking that all refugees be vaccinated, Bloomberg reported. St. Vincent has a population of 110,600 people and 10,805 people have been vaccinated, according to the World Health Organization.

One cruise ship company, Carnival, says it is not requiring vaccinations for the humanitarian mission, however. This draws into question whether authorities and the media are using the fear of the volcanic eruption to drive up vaccinations.


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956510 No.41838

File: d0eb95ebc5f8448⋯.png (164.55 KB,510x286,255:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400730 (110238ZAPR21) Notable: Turkey Furious After Mario Draghi Calls Erdogan "Dictator"

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Draghi and all his globalist unelected cohorts have held the EU hostage via their dictatorial reign, and he calls Erdogan a 'Dictator', rich.

Turkey Furious After Mario Draghi Calls Erdogan "Dictator"=

April 10, 2021

In the aftermath of last week's historic snub, when the female president of the European Commission was left speechless - and chairless - during her controversial visit to Turkey's president, diplomatic relations between Europe and Turkey has once again fallen off a cliff.

As a reminder, the European Commission president, Von der Leyen was clearly taken aback when she and her male partner, European Council President Charles Michel, met Erdogan in Ankara last Tuesday, only to find just two chairs prepared, which were quickly occupied by the men. Erdogan and Michel quickly seated themselves while von der Leyen, whose diplomatic rank is the same as that of the two men, was left standing. Official images later showed her seated on a sofa opposite Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

In response, former Goldman partner, ECB head and current Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, told reporters on Thursday that “I absolutely do not agree with Erdoğan’s behavior towards president Von der Leyen … I think it was not appropriate behavior and I was very sorry for the humiliation Von der Leyen had to suffer.”

He then said that “with these dictators, let’s call them what they are – who however are needed – one must be honest in expressing one’s diverging ideas and views about society."

We would love to know more about what Draghi meant by "dictators who are needed" and how Europe treats them compared to dictators who are unneeded… like perhaps having Europe's unelected money-printing dictators pushing their bond yields to double digits overnight? But we digress.

Predictably, Turkey was furious with the Italian Prime Minister for calling Erdogan a “dictator" and Turkey’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday summoned the Italian ambassador to Ankara to condemn the remarks. According to a foreign ministry statement, the ambassador was told that Draghi’s remarks were against the spirit of the Turkey-Italy alliance.

The ministry said Draghi should “immediately” take back his “impudent and ugly remarks”. Foreign Minister Cavusoglu also slammed the remarks in a tweet.

“We strongly condemn the appointed Italian Prime Minister Draghi’s unacceptable, populist discourse and his ugly and unrestrained comments about our elected president,” he wrote on Twitter.

Earlier on Thursday, Çavuşoğlu said that the seating at the meeting was arranged in line with the bloc’s demands and international protocol and that Turkey was being subject to “unjust accusations“.

Turkey has insisted that the EU’s own protocol requests were applied but the EU Council head of protocol said his team did not have access, during their preparatory inspection, to the room where the incident happened.

“If the room for the tete-a-tete had been visited, we should have suggested to our hosts that, as a courtesy, they replace the sofa with two armchairs for the president of the commission,” Dominique Marro wrote in a note made public by the EU Council. He added that the incident might have been prompted by the order of protocol established by the EU treaty.

Of course, Erdogan's excuse was BS: the incident came only weeks after Erdoğan pulled Turkey out of a key European convention aimed at combating violence against women. The move was a blow to Turkey’s women’s rights movement, which says domestic violence and murders of women are on the rise. During her visit to Ankara, Von der Leyen called for Erdoğan to reverse his decision to withdraw from the Istanbul convention – named after the Turkish city where it was signed in 2011.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but with the world so deep inside the rabbit hole, we would not be surprised if WWIII broke out over some seating arrangement.


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956510 No.41839

File: d16b8b451cdaefb⋯.png (184.39 KB,775x730,155:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400731 (110238ZAPR21) Notable: “A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter Joe Biden

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“A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Published April 10, 2021 at 8:49pm

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956510 No.41840

File: e3326ec80647538⋯.jpg (171.54 KB,692x1136,173:284,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400768 (110247ZAPR21) Notable: UFO sightings nearly doubled in New York in 2020 from the previous year. They also rose by about 1,000 nationwide

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UFO sightings nearly doubled in New York in 2020 from the previous year. They also rose by about 1,000 nationwide. But according to ufologists, the trend is not necessarily the result of an alien invasion. https://t.co/J3FCWHOdLq


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956510 No.41841

File: e32c6cdf87a597f⋯.png (904.08 KB,1448x867,1448:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400794 (110252ZAPR21) Notable: Planefag Report

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TITAN25 progress report and interesting developments.

The C17 that was flying alongside leaving the US and out over the Atlantic, split off and landed in Scotland.

TITAN25 apparently got refueled inflight as there are two KC135s returning from the same flight path and coincidently it takes two whole 135s to top off a thirsty E4. That's a LOT of JP4.

TITAN25 is over the south of France continuing SE into deeper Europe. Points unk atm. Watching this interesting mission.

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956510 No.41842

File: 5467c389ca73ddc⋯.jpg (187.27 KB,1500x981,500:327,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400937 (110319ZAPR21) Notable: Notables bun (right click on links so you don't lose your place in this bread)

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THIS IS "(You)r DAILY BREAD"!~ All ["Your"] Fake News and People Are Belong to Us.

Highlights for 9.4.2021==Anons/Bakers Provide Input Within ~ "Q Research Kitchen Meta": >>>/qresearch/11728868

**New Bakers Go Here… ( >>>/qresearch/11728868 , >>>/qresearch/13183180, >>>/qresearch/13183182 New Baker ~ ~ >>>/qresearch/11728868 , >>>/qresearch/13165016, >>>/qresearch/13165018 Apprentice Baker

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Previously Collected Notables As of 9.4.2021~ A "Global Review" Of Daily Events. ~ "Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"

> (So HARD! {KEK!}) Because (You)'re Worth Making Life Easier For.™

Saturday 9.4.2021

>>41826 #16973

>>41724 #16970, >>41759 #16971, >>41800 #16972

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>41550 #16967, >>41626 #16968, >>41684 #16969

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 9.4.2021

Friday 8.4.2021

>>41496 #16965/2, >>41495 #16965/1, >>41519 #16966

>>41356 #16963, >>41454 #16964/2, >>41452 #16964/1

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>41307 #16962

>>41184 #16959, >>41267 #16960, >>41277 #16961

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 8.4.2021

Thursday 8.4.2021

>>41176 #16957, >>41159 #16958

>>40982 16954, >>41035 #16955, >>41109 #16956

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>41186 #16951, >>>/qresearch/13382695, #16952, >>40928 #16953

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 8.4.2021

Wednesday 7.4.2021

>>41187 #16949/2, >>40835 #16949/1, >>40836 #16950

>>40638 #16947, >>40693 #16948, >>40989 #16949

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>40525 #16944, >>41063 #16945, >>40586 #16946

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 7.4.2021

Tuesday 6.4.2021

>>40495 #16943

>>40451 #16940, >>40603 #16941, >>>/qresearch/13381561 #16942,

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>40396 #16939

>>40344 #16936, >>40366 #16937, >>40597 #16938,

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 6.4.2021

Monday 5.4.2021

>>40340 #16935

>>40244 #16932 >>40276 #16933, >>40339 #16934, >>40340 #16935

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>>/qresearch/13368855 #16929, >>>/qresearch/13369822 #16930, >>40206 #16931

>>40180 #16926, >>40179 #16927, >>40178 #16928

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 5.4.2021

Sunday 4.4.2021

>>40035 #16923, >>40086 #16924, >>40168 #16925

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>39964 #16921, >>39979 #16922

>>39912 #16918, >>39941 #16919, >>39976 #16920

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 4.4.2021

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41843

File: 6c38bf36bc07ce5⋯.png (253.52 KB,511x800,511:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400942 (110320ZAPR21) Notable: Notables bun (right click on links so you don't lose your place in this bread)

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Saturday 3.4.2021

>>39812 #16917 /2

>>39713 #16915, >>39772 #16916, >>39811 #16917 /1

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>39629 #16913, >>39661 #16914

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 3.4.2021

Friday 2.4.2021

>>39566 #16911, >>39592 #16912

>>39439 #16908, >>39492 #16909, >>39534 #16910

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>39285 #16905, >>39340 #16906, >>39361 #16907,

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 2.4.2021

Thursday 1.4.2021

>>39257 #16904/2

>>39172 #16902, >>39235 #16903, >>39256 #16904/1

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>39127 #16901

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 1.4.2021

Wednesday 31.3.2021

>>39205 #16899, >>39065 #16900

>>38945 #16896, >>39055 #16897, >>39064 #16898

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>38904 #16895

>>38768 #16892, >>38807 #16893, >>38854 #16894

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 31.3.2021

Tuesday 30.3.2021

>>38792 #16889, >>>/qresearch/13333253 #16890, >>>/qresearch/13334238 #16891

>>38566 #16886, >>38606 #16887, >>38781 #16888

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>38468 #16883, >>38495 #16884, >>38526 #16885

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 30.3.2021

Monday 29.3.2021

>>38387 #16881, >>38407 #16882

>>38264 #16878 /2, >>38302 #16879, >>38340 #16880

>>38168 #16876, >>38199 #16877, >>38263 #16878/1

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>38102 #16874, >>38161 #16785

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 29.3.2021

Sunday 28.3.2021

>>38057 #16873

>>38048 #16870, >>37941 #16871, >>38003 #16872

>>37769 #16868, >>37837 #16869/2, >>37836 #16869/1

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>37645 #16865, >>37768 #16866, >>37803 #16867

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 28.3.2021

Saturday 27.3.2021

>>37593 #16864

>>37516 #16862/1, >>37517 #16862/2, >>37566 #16863

>>37355 #16860, >>37430 #16861/1, >>37431 #16861/2

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>37243 #16857, >>37285 #16858, >>37312 #16859

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 27.3.2021

Friday 26.3.2021

>>37203 #16856

>>37088 #16854/1, >>37088 #16854/2, >>37238 #16855

>>36957 #16852, >>37035 #16853 1/2, >>37036 #16853 2/2

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>36895 #16851

>>36786 #16849, >>36857 #16850/1, >>36858 #16850/2

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 26.3.2021

Thursday 25.3.2021

>>36638 #16846, >>36690 #16847, >>36732 #16848

>>36505 #16843, >>36534 #16844, >>36573 #16845

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>36470 #16842

>>36331 #16839, >>36398 #16840, >>36481 #16841

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 25.3.2021

Wednesday 24.3.2021

>>36179 #16836, >>36217 #16837, >>36273 #16838

>>36031 #16834, >>36137 #168351, >>36138 #168352

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>35910 #16831, >>36035 #16832, >>35993 #16833

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 24.3.2021

Tuesday 23.3.2021

>>35838 #16830

>>35671 #16827, >>36034 #16828, >>35785 #16829

>>35549 #16825, >>35633 #168261, >>35634 #168262

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>35403 #16822, >>36032 #16823, >>36033 #16824

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 23.3.2021

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41844

File: ecde5f68e20f8e7⋯.jpg (69.38 KB,440x633,440:633,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c30ac5b83de3edf⋯.png (475.84 KB,630x800,63:80,Clipboard.png)

File: e3139e0254b41d7⋯.jpg (194.2 KB,948x1390,474:695,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400945 (110320ZAPR21) Notable: Notables bun (right click on links so you don't lose your place in this bread)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Monday 22.3.2021

>>35325 #16820/1, >>35326 #16820/2, >>35366 #16821

>>35401 #16818, >>35223 #16819/1, >>35290 #16819/2

>>35017 #16816, >>35097 #16817/1, >>35098 #16817/2

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>34889 #16813, >>34946 #16814, >>34973 #16815

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 22.3.2021

Sunday 21.3.2021

>>34964 #16810, >>34809 #16811, >>34832 #16812

>>34668 #16808, >>34734 #168091, >>34735 #168092

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>34570 #16806, >>34623 #16807

>>34459 #16804/1, >>34460 #16804/2, >>34522 #16805

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 21.3.2021

All Your Base are Belong To Us.



>Godspeed 07™

Thank You Bakers And Note TakersCollectorsMemers that make this possible

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41845

File: d018c13c3bd9ed0⋯.png (274.47 KB,752x675,752:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400958 (110323ZAPR21) Notable: Boris Johnson to give up seat at Prince Philip's funeral for royal family member?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Johnson to give up seat at Prince Philip's funeral for royal family member http://hill.cm/VIengkW


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41846

File: 68dc72d096a6d94⋯.png (147.96 KB,1626x865,1626:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13400982 (110326ZAPR21) Notable: Boatfag report on St. Vincent

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The cruise ships CARNIVAL LEGEND, CARNIVAL PARADISE and SERENADE OF THE SEAS have stopped. They are rather far offshore to launch boats to St. Vincent. It may be that the island's power has gone off and they can't risk trying to get into port in the dark.

Local Time in the major port of Kingstown is 23:23 (UTC -4)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41847

File: 4db5201e8d3fcca⋯.png (235.22 KB,535x622,535:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401023 (110333ZAPR21) Notable: Sandra Feuerstein, a Jewish federal judge from Long Island, was killed in a hit-and-run in Boca Raton, Florida, by a driver who, while high, claimed she was Harry Potter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sandra Feuerstein, a Jewish federal judge from Long Island, was killed in a hit-and-run in Boca Raton, Florida, by a driver who, while high, claimed she was Harry Potter.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41848

File: f8b5500865d09b7⋯.png (55.7 KB,746x218,373:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ca5359b1b70a3a⋯.png (131.16 KB,681x559,681:559,Clipboard.png)

File: b72dfd38a69eee6⋯.png (41.34 KB,629x131,629:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401036 (110335ZAPR21) Notable: Children's Health Defense has filed a lawsuit over alleged government pressure on tech platforms to censor it. CHD covers other subjects but they very openly present a lot of information about vaccines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Children's Health Defense has filed a lawsuit over alleged government pressure on tech platforms to censor it. CHD covers other subjects but they very openly present a lot of information about vaccines. Most of that information runs counter to the MSM lies and distortions representing vaccines as "safe and effective" even when they are potentially worse than what they are supposed to prevent.

Classic example of a government official pressuring platforms to censor was Adam Schiff's letters to a couple of them regarding anti-vaccine "misinformation". Why would Adam Schiff be pushing for such censorship a mere 10 months or so before the start of the apparent CCP virus outbreak? An outbreak which is supposedly being defeated not by tried and true methods but my experimental possibly genetically modifying "vaccines". What kind of conspiracy could Mr. Schiff have been involved in? Mr. Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41849

File: 016b9de60d88b7c⋯.png (84.3 KB,853x534,853:534,Clipboard.png)

File: 499d49c388a0d87⋯.png (119.64 KB,1076x538,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a014bde1669a50⋯.png (202.57 KB,1106x328,553:164,Clipboard.png)

File: 0967d1c9399c97a⋯.png (72.62 KB,1035x518,1035:518,Clipboard.png)

File: 499d49c388a0d87⋯.png (119.64 KB,1076x538,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401059 (110340ZAPR21) Notable: National Uni-Corn Day vs Pop-Corn Day? Interesting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Apologize if an anon already caught this but WFT……This is about Prince Philip, 4/9, at age 99, on 99th day


Coke vs Pepsi

Is this Chink vs white?



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401060 (110341ZAPR21) Notable: Montréal Covid Protest, and Rebel Media ARRESTED (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Montréal Covid Protest, and Rebel Media ARRESTED! Viva Frei Vlawg


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401075 (110344ZAPR21) Notable: Could Hunter Biden already have a submarine license and was seeking a military submarine license, when he joined the Navy Reserve?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







Could Hunter Biden already have a submarine license and was seeking a military submarine license, when he joined the Navy Reserve?

He was commissioned into the Navy Reserve unit for Navy Public Affairs Support Element East in Norfolk, Va. Biden, who had no prior military experience, was one of six officers commissioned nationally into the Navy Reserve public affairs division.


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956510 No.41852

File: e28090dd8365f94⋯.png (44.75 KB,581x362,581:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401080 (110345ZAPR21) Notable: David Hogg fired from Pillow business that attempted to compete with Mike Lindell's 'My Pillow'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

blah blah blah, and there i was, clutching my pillow in the shape of a butt plug, kek !!!



7: Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank Will for his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow.

11:00 PM · Apr 10, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401124 (110355ZAPR21) Notable: #16974

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/13400439 Dough

Notables FINAL


>>41827 Trump in 2024? He Says Only That 'a Republican' Will Win

>>41828 Dank Theme Song for Anons

>>41829 Modem Chips Embedded in Voting System Computer Motherboards

>>41830 Big Brother's Nikki Grahame has died at the age of 38 No cause given.

>>41831 Impeach Joe Biden?

>>41832 Former California Democratic mayor arrested for sexual assault crimes against minor

>>41833 , >>41836 President Trump and Melania arrive to welcome guests to Mar-a-Lago dinner at GOP donors gathering (video cap)

>>41834 Hundreds of Victims Rescued in Global Crackdown Against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

>>41835 Report following 549 Harris Co. human trafficking cases reveals 90% not required to register as sex offenders

>>41837 Caribbean Volcano Erupts, But ‘Only Those Vaccinated Against COVID’ Allowed to Evacuate, CBS Reports

>>41838 Turkey Furious After Mario Draghi Calls Erdogan "Dictator"

>>41839 “A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter Joe Biden

>>41840 UFO sightings nearly doubled in New York in 2020 from the previous year. They also rose by about 1,000 nationwide

>>41841 Planefag Report

>>41842 , >>41843 , >>41844 Notables bun (right click on links so you don't lose your place in this bread)

>>41845 Boris Johnson to give up seat at Prince Philip's funeral for royal family member?

>>41846 Boatfag report on St. Vincent

>>41847 Sandra Feuerstein, a Jewish federal judge from Long Island, was killed in a hit-and-run in Boca Raton, Florida, by a driver who, while high, claimed she was Harry Potter.

>>41848 Children's Health Defense has filed a lawsuit over alleged government pressure on tech platforms to censor it. CHD covers other subjects but they very openly present a lot of information about vaccines

>>41851 Could Hunter Biden already have a submarine license and was seeking a military submarine license, when he joined the Navy Reserve?

>>41852 David Hogg fired from Pillow business that attempted to compete with Mike Lindell's 'My Pillow'

>>41849 National Uni-Corn Day vs Pop-Corn Day? Interesting

>>41850 Montréal Covid Protest, and Rebel Media ARRESTED (video)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401204 (110414ZAPR21) Notable: Anon Opines on "60 Seconds, Formerly 60 Minutes of Truth." (Opinion)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

kek…Looks like "60 Minutes" has turned into "60 seconds" of truth…kek…what a shitshow they have become…why???

Why would they trash their content and try to "Con" their viewers into something that just isn't true and it's blantantly obvious…seems really ignorant…


Speaking of CANCELLED…When will the "CANCEL CULTURE" CANCEL "THE MASTERS" Tournament???…where there are MASTERS you will have SLAVES!!!…I don't know, maybe we should ask if it is OK WITH COKE COLA or DELTA if it should be CANCELLED…WHAT DO YOU THINK???

awww…it's all just a bunch of bullshit, all of it…coke cola, delta, The Masters, 60 seconds, CBS…all of it…just one shit show after another!!!

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956510 No.41855

File: 2e8a3cf128ac736⋯.png (741.64 KB,684x960,57:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401211 (110415ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41856

File: 858f0b98161186b⋯.png (324.86 KB,535x559,535:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401238 (110425ZAPR21) Notable: Video shows lightning torch tree outside Wisconsin school (NyPo)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401239 (110425ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Preach it Dr. Tenpenny!

I might also add that we need to stop calling vaccine effects "side effects". When the "side effects" result in chronic conditions that require ongoing pharmaceutical drugging they are not "side effects" they are a profit generating mechanism for pharmaceutical companies.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41858

File: 4792f52fe50fe29⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 48d8415178b3d5b⋯.png (99.34 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d6b45c9a804ca0⋯.png (621.29 KB,715x960,143:192,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f7049d05563626⋯.jpg (31.24 KB,587x649,587:649,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3cf07e5fdfabe7f⋯.gif (489.07 KB,220x164,55:41,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401240 (110425ZAPR21) Notable: "COVID Conspiracy Theories" (Opinion&Report)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Are You Ready?

>>>/qresearch/13401167 PB

"2005 - Game = Metal Gear Solid"

"when Solid Snake catches up to Liquid, Liquid suddenly dies of Cardiac arrest and it is at this point Solid Snake discovers he is infected with the FOXDIE virus."


"Dr. Naomi Hunter perfects the virus FOXDIE, a virus that is programmed to kill specific people, by identifying the person's DNA and their nanomachines"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401246 (110427ZAPR21) Notable: Video shows lightning torch tree outside Wisconsin school (NyPo)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What was the Qpost with the 1/2 burned tree?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41860

File: 5297b2e310904ff⋯.png (12.54 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401252 (110430ZAPR21) Notable: "COVID Conspiracy Theories" (Opinion&Report)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/13401221 pb

>all vaccines are [likely] all bullshit

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401264 (110433ZAPR21) Notable: You weren't made to fit in, you were born to Stand Out (2:22 minsYoutube)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



(2:22 mins)


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956510 No.41862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401266 (110433ZAPR21) Notable: Gary McKinnon on US Secret Space Program and US Space Fleet and how he hacked NASA (Youtube)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gary McKinnon on US Secret Space Program and US Space Fleet and how he hacked NASA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401271 (110436ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.

You must show them.

Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].

We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.








Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41864

File: c92cd2893631e9f⋯.png (538.12 KB,1039x904,1039:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401275 (110437ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The state of Illinois entered the Union on December 3, 1818 and is the 21st state.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41865

File: db1c41fb745502c⋯.jpg (116.63 KB,705x779,705:779,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 562e9c449c00fae⋯.png (339.57 KB,840x602,60:43,Clipboard.png)

File: afda4f13ecb5c1c⋯.png (767.45 KB,474x638,237:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 0588df624990b24⋯.png (1.32 MB,613x852,613:852,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bf49b8fa390888⋯.png (171.98 KB,719x610,719:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401282 (110443ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Cake. Get familiar with it anons.

It's Comey's planZ

Ok I lied it's Cobalt-60

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41866

File: 13bf9c6f44f5d90⋯.png (295.44 KB,580x368,145:92,Clipboard.png)

File: 3552f9fec14dba6⋯.jpeg (36.18 KB,728x455,8:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bd2f9da7d505b48⋯.png (823.14 KB,622x630,311:315,Clipboard.png)

File: a8d80d38bceda2c⋯.png (4.28 MB,1536x1616,96:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401301 (110448ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The DC fencing is to prevent a dirty bomb attack at the capital.If you go by Comey tweets

He's a beautiful faggot, really. Not enough love to the sodomites on the board….including his wife, Patrice….who bakes….in our kitchen.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401302 (110448ZAPR21) Notable: That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

A shot from ACROSS the waters?

Is death oh PP the warning shot to the fake president in White House from across the water?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41868

File: 109b539795ab77e⋯.jpg (365.2 KB,1080x1850,108:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401303 (110448ZAPR21) Notable: Ukrainian in Florida Double Homicide on the run back home? (Patriot)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401304 (110450ZAPR21) Notable: That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wednesday, May 5

Cinco de Mayo 2021

Put it on your calendar, anon.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41870

File: 2944544c876fd2a⋯.png (233.13 KB,416x654,208:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401306 (110452ZAPR21) Notable: Video shows lightning torch tree outside Wisconsin school (NyPo)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41871

File: b2b10475b28d7c7⋯.png (27.52 KB,555x354,185:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401312 (110453ZAPR21) Notable: Comfy Shift Engaged for next 3-5 Hours. Be safe out there!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

41 uids with no shills detected


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956510 No.41872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401320 (110455ZAPR21) Notable: That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

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I suspect.

Did you see the Scavino tweet. It appears that the stealth plane makes a 'Q' in the air (if observing from the ground)


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956510 No.41873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401325 (110456ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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The forgotten story …





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956510 No.41874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401326 (110457ZAPR21) Notable: That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

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> …the water?

Jesus walked on water, and that was BIBLICAL!

Matthew 14:22-33 (KJV)

"And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea."


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956510 No.41875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401334 (110458ZAPR21) Notable: Lin Wood How did it happen that federal judges across the country ALL found erroneous “procedural” excuses to avoid reviewing the evidence of fraud in the November 2020 "Take a listen to what is going on in Florida courts. Connect the dots". (Telegram)

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Lin Wood,

[10.04.21 09:59]

How did it happen that federal judges across the country ALL found erroneous “procedural” excuses to avoid reviewing the evidence of fraud in the November 2020??? Even the United States Supreme Court refused to review and correctly rule that the lower courts had a duty under established law to review the evidence.

Take a listen to what is going on in Florida courts.

Connect the dots.


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956510 No.41876

File: a429eda663cef2a⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401335 (110458ZAPR21) Notable: That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

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Pay attention.

The tide will turn.

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956510 No.41877

File: 059305f603d1732⋯.png (608.4 KB,1000x627,1000:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401337 (110459ZAPR21) Notable: Video shows lightning torch tree outside Wisconsin school (NyPo)

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956510 No.41878

File: c3306b4610bdeab⋯.jpg (749.79 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401338 (110500ZAPR21) Notable: How the fuck are all these perverts getting around our children? "MASSIVE Child sex ring busted at state youth facility hundreds of kids tortured and raped!" (The Daily Coin)

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956510 No.41879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401348 (110502ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness.

- Oxford English Dictionary

The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:

the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;

the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;

“variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;

it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus. First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages1 and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. These particles are the isolated and purified virus.

These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues.2 (As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.)3

1 Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita, KenyaJuliah Khayeli Akhwale et al, PLOS One, Published: April 25, 2019. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0215734 — accessed 2/15/21

2 “Extracellular Vesicles Derived From Apoptotic Cells: An Essential Link Between Death and Regeneration,” Maojiao Li1 et al, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020 October 2. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcell.2020.573511/full — accessed 2/15/21

3 “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses,” Flavia Giannessi, et al, Viruses, 2020 May


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956510 No.41880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401350 (110502ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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If we have come this far then we have fully isolated, characterized, and genetically sequenced an exogenous virus particle. However, we still have to show it is causally related to a disease. This is carried out by exposing a group of healthy subjects (animals are usually used) to this isolated, purified virus in the manner in which the disease is thought to be transmitted. If the animals get sick with the same disease, as confirmed by clinical and autopsy findings, one has now shown that the virus actually causes a disease. This demonstrates infectivity and transmission of an infectious agent.

None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been successfully performed for any so-called pathogenic virus. Our research indicates that a single study showing these steps does not exist in the medical literature.

Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

The observation that the unpurified specimen — inoculated onto tissue culture along with toxic antibiotics, bovine fetal tissue, amniotic fluid and other tissues — destroys the kidney tissue onto which it is inoculated is given as evidence of the virus’ existence and pathogenicity. This is scientific fraud.

From now on, when anyone gives you a paper that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, please check the methods sections. If the researchers used Vero cells or any other culture method, you know that their process was not isolation. You will hear the following excuses for why actual isolation isn’t done:

There were not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze.

Viruses are intracellular parasites; they can’t be found outside the cell in this manner.

If No. 1 is correct, and we can’t find the virus in the sputum of sick people, then on what evidence do we think the virus is dangerous or even lethal? If No. 2 is correct, then how is the virus spread from person to person? We are told it emerges from the cell to infect others. Then why isn’t it possible to find it?

Finally, questioning these virology techniques and conclusions is not some distraction or divisive issue. Shining the light on this truth is essential to stop this terrible fraud that humanity is confronting. For, as we now know, if the virus has never been isolated, sequenced or shown to cause illness, if the virus is imaginary, then why are we wearing masks, social distancing and putting the whole world into prison?

Finally, if pathogenic viruses don’t exist, then what is going into those injectable devices erroneously called “vaccines,” and what is their purpose? This scientific question is the most urgent and relevant one of our time.

We are correct. The SARS-CoV2 virus does not exist.

Sally Fallon Morell, MA

Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD


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956510 No.41881

File: 458cd1c27e6eb99⋯.jpg (22.26 KB,363x391,363:391,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4822084e3ff0473⋯.gif (622.15 KB,477x238,477:238,Clipboard.gif)

File: 9bdcd22f93d67fa⋯.jpg (70.21 KB,704x365,704:365,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0d2bb1a94d8cbe2⋯.gif (5.67 MB,460x330,46:33,Clipboard.gif)

File: 11712a779b89b18⋯.png (132.18 KB,300x208,75:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401351 (110502ZAPR21) Notable: Lin Wood Fireside Chat #18 | General Flynn Endorses John Bennett for OK GOP Chair. (Rumble)

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Speaking of LW Telegrams… That New Fireside is out?


How is Rudy doing with his Common Sense? gotta check telegram or whatever.

Rumble — What attributes and values should we look for in the political candidates that we vote for? General Flynn explains why he is endorsing John Bennet for OK GOP Chair. Pam Popper breaks down her best-selling book COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What's Next!

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956510 No.41882

File: 74c5d57efaf8f37⋯.png (331.63 KB,534x428,267:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401357 (110505ZAPR21) Notable: That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

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There is something meaning happening here in passage 14:26 that reflects Q drop 1426

POTUS on water and yet we are all Q!

Matthew 14:26 (KJV)

"And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear."


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956510 No.41883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401358 (110505ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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great post

Of course Comey knows about the FBI harrasing and illegally surveiling MLK jr. and pinning his murder on James Earl Ray

if you listen to this, especially the last few minutes, you willknow why Comey fit right in at the FBI

Mark Lane: Uncovering an F.B.I. Conspiracy, The Story of James Earl Ray (KPFK, 1989)

Mark Lane, political activist and attorney for James Earl Ray, discusses the F.B.I. conspiracy to elimiate King. He explores the events which lead up to Ray's presence in Memphis on the day of the killing. Ray is described as a totally nonviolent, bumbling, small time criminal.|UNCOVERING AN F.B.I. CONSPIRACY : THE STORY OF JAMES EARL RAY / Mark Lane| interviewed by Chalres Bell and Lucia Chappelle. - Mark Lane, political activist and attorney for James Earl Ray, discusses the F.B.I. conspiracy to elimiate King. He explores the events which lead up to Ray's presence in Memphis on the day of the killing. Ray is described as a totally nonviolent, bumbling, small time criminal. - RECORDED: 5 Apr. 1989.


remember that Nuclear Alert that went out in southern Ontario a few years ago?

Canadian officials accidentally push nuke alert to millions

People throughout the Canadian province of Ontario awoke to an emergency alert warning of an “incident” at a nuclear plant near Toronto _ only to be told later that the message was a mistake

TORONTO – People throughout the Canadian province of Ontario awoke Sunday to a cellphone alert warning them of an “incident” at a nuclear plant just east of Toronto — only to later be told the message was a mistake.

The message, which was transmitted throughout the nation's most populous province, was accompanied by a shrill emergency broadcast noise. It said an unspecified event had occurred at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. There was no abnormal release of radioactivity, it added, and people did not need to take protective action.

More than an hour later, utility officials sent another message saying the alert “was sent in error" and that there was “no danger to the public or environment.”


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956510 No.41884

File: 02e886dd8387db6⋯.jpg (187.6 KB,720x1114,360:557,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c539c1c213188c6⋯.jpg (160.58 KB,714x952,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 44989893a770463⋯.jpg (108.56 KB,720x701,720:701,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401359 (110505ZAPR21) Notable: You do not simply challenge the pillow man.. Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank Will for his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow. (Twitter)

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Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank Will for his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow.

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956510 No.41885

File: 9989e3e5088f38a⋯.pdf (3.24 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: ce5f58767cffa85⋯.pdf (570.71 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401361 (110506ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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>The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues.

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956510 No.41886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401385 (110513ZAPR21) Notable: Most Recent Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense (Youtube)

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Most Recent Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense I could find real quickfast

CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049 | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 110


•Feb 10, 2021

Stealth Bombers A Many.

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956510 No.41887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401387 (110514ZAPR21) Notable: That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

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> POTUS on water

Correcting the record:

POTUS is on a blue carpet that I think reflects water.

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956510 No.41888

File: 93a3d66a6c6ee5c⋯.png (451.81 KB,997x807,997:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401390 (110515ZAPR21) Notable: Through The Looking Glass? (The Living Moon)

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Through The Looking Glass?


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956510 No.41889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401391 (110516ZAPR21) Notable: That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

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>POTUS is on a blue carpet that I think reflects water.

POTUS is on a BLUE carpet that Obama rolled out for him to walk on vs. a RED carpet is what anon sees.

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956510 No.41890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401392 (110517ZAPR21) Notable: Strangeness at WH. A bright flash every 30 minutes or so.

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strangeness at WH. A bright flash every 30 minutes or so.

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956510 No.41891

File: 0224991a0dea640⋯.png (507.11 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401395 (110518ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41892

File: 07d40f12ffa9f10⋯.png (448.19 KB,734x935,734:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401399 (110520ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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956510 No.41893

File: 4d22656999fa78b⋯.jpg (301.56 KB,720x1137,240:379,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9fa12c86dce3298⋯.jpg (88.75 KB,962x633,962:633,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2a8377427bd46c3⋯.jpg (334.59 KB,962x939,962:939,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401402 (110520ZAPR21) Notable: Late Prince Phillip Wake Updates (Daily Mail UK)

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Philip will be laid to rest on a Land Rover he helped to design: National minute's silence will be held ahead of 3pm funeral next Saturday at St George's Chapel which WON'T be attended by Boris Johnson - but Harry WILL be there without Meghan

Who could be invited to Prince Philip's funeral?

The Queen

Prince of Wales

Duchess of Cornwall

Princess Royal

Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence

Duke of York

Earl of Wessex

Countess of Wessex

Peter Phillips

Zara Tindall

Duke of Cambridge

Duke of Sussex

Princess Beatrice

Princess Eugenie

Lady Louise Windsor

Viscount Severn

Duchess of Cambridge

Mike Tindall

Jack Brooksbank

Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi

Princess Alexandra

Duke of Gloucester

Duchess of Gloucester

Duke of Kent

Duchess of Kent

Prince Michael of Kent

Princess Michael of Kent

Earl of Snowdon

Lady Sarah Chatto

Duke's private secretary Archie Miller Bakewell

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956510 No.41894

File: 6435cf05bb63015⋯.png (336.79 KB,635x753,635:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401409 (110523ZAPR21) Notable: Dan Scavino: If this was the Trump White House, Dems would be calling for immediate investigations while the @OfficeGovEthics would be writing their fancy bull shit threatening letters to whom ever was being targeted. Total JOKE! + Related Article& Another Red Button? (Twitter)

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Dan Scavino

If this was the Trump White House, Dems would be calling for immediate investigations while the @OfficeGovEthics would be writing their fancy bull shit threatening letters to whom ever was being targeted. Total JOKE!


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956510 No.41895

File: 15eea52d3540475⋯.png (518.92 KB,1177x911,1177:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401415 (110525ZAPR21) Notable: Dan Scavino: If this was the Trump White House, Dems would be calling for immediate investigations while the @OfficeGovEthics would be writing their fancy bull shit threatening letters to whom ever was being targeted. Total JOKE! + Related Article& Another Red Button? (Twitter)

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White House blames 'error' after Biden campaign fundraising page linked on .gov website

The White House said Thursday that a link to a page on the Biden campaign website in the WhiteHouse.gov fact sheet for the president's $2 trillion-plus spending plan was put there in error.

The link was included on the words "more likely" deep in the body of the 25-page document. The line where it was included said, "People of color and low-income people are more likely to live in areas most vulnerable to flooding and other climate change-related weather events." The link was eventually taken down.

Those who clicked on the link were taken to a page on "clean energy" and "environmental justice" on the "JoeBiden.com" website, which also said people of color are at higher risk due to weather events. The link was included in a way often done on web pages to bolster factual claims.

But the page also prominently solicits donations in a way that is generally considered improper to be connected to an official government website.

Rep. Victoria Spartz, R-Ind., pointed out the link Thursday. White House Director of Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty responded a few hours later that the White House had fixed the issue.

"Good flag. The link was in error — we think an errant copy/paste — and that’s our mistake. It is now fixed," Flaherty said.

A Fox News analysis of campaign finance laws found no specific provision of law that the link may have violated. But it raises questions surrounding the Hatch Act, a law that limits political activities by executive branch employees. Democrats often accused members of the Trump administration of violating the Hatch Act.

Nevertheless, the law has rarely led to punishment for some officials. The Supreme Court has, however, repeatedly upheld the Hatch Act as constitutional.

Biden's spending plan, formally titled the American Jobs Plan, is being sold as an infrastructure proposal and has broad support from most Democrats in Congress, though there are some that appear reluctant to back it as one massive bill.

Republicans uniformly oppose the plan and say most of it is not actually spending on infrastructure but instead designed to bolster assorted liberal priorities.

"This plan is not about rebuilding America’s backbone. Less than 6% of this massive proposal goes to roads and bridges," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said. "It would spend more money just on electric cars than on America’s roads, bridges, ports, airports and waterways combined."

A Fox News analysis of Biden's plan showed that it spends less than $750 billion or between 30% and 40% on infrastructure.

Democrats, meanwhile, have been arguing for a very broad definition of what constitutes infrastructure, at times drawing mockery for their efforts to expand what the word means.

"Paid leave is infrastructure. Child care is infrastructure. Caregiving is infrastructure," Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., tweeted Wednesday.

"We are all infrastructure now," read the subject line of an email from McConnell's office in response to the Gillibrand tweet.


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956510 No.41896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401416 (110525ZAPR21) Notable: "COVID Conspiracy Theories" (Opinion&Report)

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I'm in AsiaPac, and the read I get is that AstraZeneca is being torpedoed by the globalists in a way, to cast doubt onto it in order to push the two mRNA vaccines. I thought both of those were tied to England, which would not be a surprise, although I could have that wrong.

AZ makes way more logistical sense (not that anyone needs a vax, just saying) especially in brown countries where I live because of its ease of transport. It also costs a right bit less.

On the subject of cost, we out here are dealing with the FREE availabiity of Sinovac from the Chinese. And no one even questions what the Chinese motivations could be, or why the fuck anyone should take a vax made in China.

That is the mentality unfortunately.

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956510 No.41897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401418 (110525ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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remember that Nuclear Alert that went out in southern Ontario a few years ago?

Canadian officials accidentally push nuke alert to millions

People throughout the Canadian province of Ontario awoke to an emergency alert warning of an “incident” at a nuclear plant near Toronto _ only to be told later that the message was a mistake

TORONTO – People throughout the Canadian province of Ontario awoke Sunday to a cellphone alert warning them of an “incident” at a nuclear plant just east of Toronto — only to later be told the message was a mistake.

The message, which was transmitted throughout the nation's most populous province, was accompanied by a shrill emergency broadcast noise. It said an unspecified event had occurred at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. There was no abnormal release of radioactivity, it added, and people did not need to take protective action.

More than an hour later, utility officials sent another message saying the alert “was sent in error" and that there was “no danger to the public or environment.”


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956510 No.41898

File: 953bc4b5fb89bfb⋯.png (310.71 KB,598x514,299:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401422 (110528ZAPR21) Notable: Army Office Sues Police for Pepper-Spraying him drawing guns during traffic stop. (The Hill, Twitter)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41899

File: f931865e9af48a5⋯.png (1.37 MB,2334x1356,389:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401423 (110528ZAPR21) Notable: , CNN: "WWG1WGA" (CNN)

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Kek. Free advertising

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956510 No.41900

File: 219962559ef8b06⋯.png (19.65 KB,593x254,593:254,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dfe4b67ebc130b⋯.png (123.83 KB,1298x840,649:420,Clipboard.png)

File: ed48d083725798b⋯.png (407.63 KB,620x574,310:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401425 (110529ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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It's anons caught between two battling supercomputers. US & China.

Elon warned us.

China unboxed theirs so Trump unboxed ours.

It's been 129 Days 00 Hours and 29 minutes loose.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41901

File: 375188aa6fc16af⋯.png (390.72 KB,964x1222,482:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401428 (110530ZAPR21) Notable: Strangeness at WH. A bright flash every 30 minutes or so.

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I saw a few flashes around the complex then it looked like flashlights searching around, watch from like 1:29:00 to like 1:32:00

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956510 No.41902

File: b92ecfba550793a⋯.png (1.48 MB,1106x1692,553:846,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b0fd478e0913a0⋯.jpg (216.94 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e2730d3094c74c1⋯.jpg (904.46 KB,1280x1879,1280:1879,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9d170e09ac2accd⋯.gif (163.26 KB,666x459,74:51,Clipboard.gif)

File: 1d15469d7663561⋯.jpg (79.64 KB,634x480,317:240,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401440 (110533ZAPR21) Notable: , Comey knows about the FBI harassing and illegally surveilling MLK jr. and pinning his murder on James Earl Ray

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Comey has a degree in chemistry.

He and his brother are famefag, rapists.

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956510 No.41903

File: e72074222aef2f8⋯.png (276.05 KB,872x608,109:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401442 (110534ZAPR21) Notable: "COVID Conspiracy Theories" (Opinion&Report)

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Does MSNBC know what "literally" means? FFS what a stupid headline. Also, never ever ever would a nurse administer a vaccine without gloves. Tired of this shit


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956510 No.41904

File: df6322ec9974deb⋯.webm (11.92 MB,384x288,4:3,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401445 (110535ZAPR21) Notable: "MKResearch" - Are You Sure you are Thinking what you are thinking… and are you sure whether or not you are yourself thinking? Be Aware Think for yourself. (Youtube)

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Recent years, the words “mind control abuse and torture” and “target individual” appears frequently online. Thousands of people in groups or individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all other channels. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden. People are asking for the worldwide attention and an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment.


One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture. Thousands of innocent victims across the globe have become activists for their freedom.

Electromagnetic mind control technologies are weapons which use electromagnetic waves to hijack a person’s brain and nervous system and subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making. This article is a brief introduction to mind control technologies, the grave situation of hidden mind control abuses and tortures, and victims, including Soleilmavis Liu, whose work is to expose mind control technologies and their torturous abuses, and to urge governments worldwide to investigate and halt these egregious violations of human rights.




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956510 No.41905

File: 30439bc287a2a0a⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401451 (110536ZAPR21) Notable: Dan Scavino: If this was the Trump White House, Dems would be calling for immediate investigations while the @OfficeGovEthics would be writing their fancy bull shit threatening letters to whom ever was being targeted. Total JOKE! + Related Article& Another Red Button? (Twitter)

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Dan Scavino Retweeted


Mar 10

He pressed the red button….

Warning sign#TDSWarningExploding head

(Cap 0:31)


Features Grammar Kitty

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956510 No.41906

File: 6779a934a60aa18⋯.png (580.13 KB,1212x1680,101:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401463 (110538ZAPR21) Notable: Buttigieg: 'There is racism physically built into' highways (The Conservative Review)

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AMERICAN NEWS Apr 11, 2021 12:20 AM EST

Buttigieg: 'There is racism physically built into' highways

After President Biden announced his administration's $2.2 trillion infrastructure proposal, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg pointed out that "there is racism physically built into some of our highways".

Jarryd Jaeger

North Vancouver, BC

April 11, 2021 12:20 AM

1 Mins Reading

After President Biden announced his administration's $2.2 trillion infrastructure proposal, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg pointed out that "there is racism physically built into some of our highways".

[Moar at website]

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956510 No.41907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401479 (110542ZAPR21) Notable: , CNN: "WWG1WGA" (CNN)

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All your cabal news are belong to us now.

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956510 No.41908

File: 78d161a2b5014c8⋯.jpg (103.19 KB,720x1111,720:1111,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4b0fc9edd6ad80c⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,576x724,144:181,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401486 (110543ZAPR21) Notable: 4519 Relaxing with Family recently

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Boss and Melania looking golden as usual.. from our Karli

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956510 No.41909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401499 (110545ZAPR21) Notable: , Dan Scavino Retweeted Mar 10 He pressed the red button…. Warning sign #TDS Warning Exploding head (Cap 0:31) featuring Catturd

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does this have to do with the weird lightshow in dc?

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956510 No.41910

File: 0a12bb548428b0b⋯.png (33.86 KB,7430x1280,743:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401509 (110547ZAPR21) Notable: , Dan Scavino Retweeted Mar 10 He pressed the red button…. Warning sign #TDS Warning Exploding head (Cap 0:31) featuring Catturd

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41911

File: cff80b47f786d07⋯.png (41.33 KB,723x480,241:160,Clipboard.png)

File: ed244e43fee04cf⋯.png (63.35 KB,595x676,595:676,Clipboard.png)

File: 4de85e2bea228a7⋯.png (316.53 KB,609x1010,609:1010,Clipboard.png)

File: 969a6740edcac1e⋯.png (244.76 KB,608x1008,38:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ff1cce8829179e⋯.png (262.66 KB,618x724,309:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401528 (110551ZAPR21) Notable: "COVID Conspiracy Theories" (Opinion&Report)

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Everything the CCP didn't want you to know about the China Virus.


Did Coronavirus Come From A Lab? Ten Key Takeaways From A Shocking New Report


January 04, 2021

7:39 PM ET

For months, scientists and public health experts have assured the public the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t originate from a lab in Wuhan. A new investigative essay in New York Magazine’s Intelligencer brings to light a shocking number of discoveries that cast those assertions in doubt.

The case that the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the globe may very well have been engineered in a lab is thoroughly fleshed out over the course of 12,000 words by Nicholson Baker. Here are the ten biggest revelations you need to know:

[Revelation #3:]

Chinese Scientists Feared The Virus Came From The Wuhan Lab

It has been previously reported that Shi admitted she had “not slept a wink for days” for fear that the virus infecting thousands of people might have escaped her lab. While she claims to have determined with certainty it did not, other Chinese scientists sounded alarms before being quieted.

Botao Xiao, a professor at the South China University of Technology, published a paper in Feb. 2020 which stated, “The killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.” His paper was removed from the server on which it was published. [See the paper below]

Another professor, National Taiwan University’s Fang Chi-tai, gave a lecture in the same month. He said the virus was “unlikely to have four amino acids added all at once… From an academic point of view, it is indeed possible that the amino acids were added to COVID-19 in the lab by humans.” Fang later disavowed his own lecture, and the Taiwan Public Health Association told Intelligencer, “It has been taken down for a certain reason. Thank you for your understanding.”



The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus

Botao Xiao1,2* and Lei Xiao3

Preprint · February 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21799.29601

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956510 No.41912

File: 1882c3f92ec5be9⋯.png (1.25 MB,1246x929,1246:929,Clipboard.png)

File: ff9fdf8d5bf4b7b⋯.png (341.89 KB,1246x929,1246:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dd137239b70632⋯.png (703.9 KB,1246x929,1246:929,Clipboard.png)

File: d958edfc5fe6d7d⋯.png (821.25 KB,1246x929,1246:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401535 (110552ZAPR21) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41913

File: 87360af1fd54d27⋯.jpeg (49.54 KB,750x447,250:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3b34559f59c203b⋯.jpeg (249.68 KB,750x1279,750:1279,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401557 (110559ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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STS-1 finally Launched on 12APR1981, 40 years ago.

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956510 No.41914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401559 (110600ZAPR21) Notable: COVID-21 and the Harris Admin to deal with, and a hot war between Taiwan and China according to Gen. Flynn in this video (Twitter)

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Not even close. We still have COVID-21 and the Harris Admin to deal with, and a hot war between Taiwan and China according to Gen. Flynn in this video


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956510 No.41915

File: 8c5e6e0d33179f5⋯.png (904.83 KB,1246x929,1246:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401560 (110600ZAPR21) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41916

File: d690301a6277f7b⋯.jpg (63.82 KB,566x755,566:755,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c73c147e80ee8f1⋯.jpg (174.01 KB,897x1200,299:400,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb5f5912d677b51⋯.jpg (112.19 KB,630x1200,21:40,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e93a8c927259006⋯.jpg (566.25 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401563 (110600ZAPR21) Notable: , Remember This? (Various)

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The Last Ship

TV Series (2014–2018)

Taglines: Whatever you do, don't breathe.

"The crew of a naval destroyer is forced to confront the reality of a new existence when a pandemic kills off most of the earth's population."


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956510 No.41917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401565 (110601ZAPR21) Notable: Still Winning, 15 Articles on current sex offenders 4th-10th of April Sex Predator Roundup

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Still winning

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956510 No.41918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401569 (110602ZAPR21) Notable: Still Winning, 15 Articles on current sex offenders 4th-10th of April Sex Predator Roundup

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956510 No.41919

File: 28646e8ecc86929⋯.png (443.51 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: cc8b7b8047c1741⋯.png (2.84 KB,300x68,75:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401590 (110608ZAPR21) Notable: Trust Fund Brats from the ‘Truth Farm’ installation near Trump Winery hopes to spark broader conversations about immigration

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‘Truth Farm’ installation near Trump Winery hopes to spark broader conversations about immigration

This faggot: https://twitter.com/klugesan

His dead rich father that sold metromedia to 20th century fox which was then controlled by newscorp: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kluge


“Truth Farm,” an art installation dedicated to conversations about immigration, sits nestled between hills on a family farm located within the Trump Winery property. On April 10, a crowd of about 50 gathered near a greenhouse for conversation and a shared meal atop a 90-by-20-foot sculpture that spells out “TRUTH.”

The table was constructed with wood and mylar emergency blankets — which have been used to warm migrant families along the U.S.-Mexico border — faces the Trump estate and its message can be best seen from the hills above.

“These blankets have become an ubiquitous symbol of children who have been separated from their families, said Ana Teresa Fernandez, the artist who created the sculpture. “Even though you have a neighbor that’s incredibly toxic, the land right next door can be the complete opposite. We want to create this mirror of what it is to have positivity and constructiveness in ways we can share and let people in as opposed to excluding people.”

Created by Fernandez, local philanthropist and entrepreneur John Kluge Jr., and Deputy Director to the U.S.-Mexico Foundation Enrique Perret — the multimedia art event was to spark dialogue about immigration.

The project was born of an idea Kluge first conceived in summer 2019 and evolved to include local and international artists. Following dislike of former President Donald Trump’s stances on immigration, Kluge launched a GoFundMe to establish a flag recognizing the collaborations between the United States and Mexico on his property. The surrounding Trump Winery, formerly Kluge Estate Winery and Vineyard, previously belonged to Kluge’s mother, Patricia Kluge. Operated by one of Trump’s sons, Eric, the Trump Winery notes on its website that it “is not owned, managed, or affiliated with Donald J. Trump or any of his affiliates.”

As the overall project evolved from a single flag to a series of artwork, Kluge calls the use of mylar fabric “the flag of this space.”

As Kluge serves on the board of the U.S.- Mexico Foundation, it was during conversations with Perret that he connected with various artists and “Truth Farm” began to take shape.

University of California, Berkeley, architecture professor and artist Ronald Rael constructed a clay oven titled the “horno sin muro,” or “oven without borders.” Attendees baked bread within it to serve on the “truth table.”

Rael has also gained national attention for his seesaw installation at the U.S.-Mexico border wall. The organizers and artists involved in “Truth Farm” hope that their work can inspire shared understandings to lead to constructive change.

For instance, Perret referenced President Joe Biden’s January executive order that preserved the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) protections for children of undocumented immigrants as an example of immigration practices he hopes can improve in the U.S.

“Public policy and ideas start working when we understand each other,” Perret said. “Small actions matter, words matter, truth matters.”

Other installations included mylar-constructed kites by local artist Federico Cuatlacuatl, a musical performance by Lua, and portraits by Arleene Correa Valencia. Valencia had also previously collaborated with Fernandez on shirts reading: “Somos Visibles” or “We are not invisible” to highlight undocumented essential workers in agricultural and wine industries of California, not unlike the agricultural and wine industries in central Virginia.

Hunter Smith, of Champion Brewing and Champion Hospitality Group, also created a special beer that will be available this summer, and whose proceeds will go to Creciendo Juntos — an organization that provides resources and community for Latino residents of Charlottesville and Albemarle County.

Artwork from “Truth Farm” will also be moved to both Champion Brewing and the nearby IX Art Park in downtown Charlottesville to be more widely viewed by the community in the coming weeks.

Trump Winery could not be reached for a statement on Saturday.

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956510 No.41920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401592 (110609ZAPR21) Notable: Rebel Media… Controlled opposition?

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Rebel Media… Controlled opposition?

Montreal police don’t have their search warrant yet. So they have deemed our Airbnb a crime scene. I’m not sure what they’re searching for — we have obviously uploaded our footage. They’re dragging it out to stop our work. So I shared my thoughts with them directly.


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956510 No.41921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401594 (110610ZAPR21) Notable: "Very interesting conversation. George Gammon is suing the Fed. Starts around 1:00 hour in about Lawsuit."

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Very interesting conversation.

George Gammon is suing the Fed.

Starts around 1:00 hour in about Lawsuit.

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956510 No.41922

File: cf88013d5133501⋯.png (130.38 KB,403x559,31:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401668 (110630ZAPR21) Notable: "Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden" (Needs Sauce)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41923

File: 7c1750c6ad64044⋯.png (146.61 KB,1192x632,149:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401730 (110646ZAPR21) Notable: What If We Didn't? ilDonaldoTrumpo: "What if we tell the libs a mega volcanoe has erupted en el yellowstone, y we tell them the whole country will be covered in lava, and that only those vaccinated are allowed to leave el country immediately? They go backo to Libturdistan and we live happily ever after!" (Twitter)

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What if we tell the libs a mega volcanoe has erupted en el yellowstone, y we tell them the whole country will be covered in lava, and that only those vaccinated are allowed to leave el country immediately? They go backo to Libturdistan and we live happily ever after!

Smiling face with open mouth


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956510 No.41924

File: db012e92b130b7e⋯.jpg (261.67 KB,720x1207,720:1207,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae594cc1ac7719a⋯.jpg (96.29 KB,634x882,317:441,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ac941cbc56ce559⋯.jpg (63.07 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff6b909211beca1⋯.jpg (34.28 KB,634x523,634:523,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401770 (110659ZAPR21) Notable: Call it Trumpcine': Former President continues to claim credit for COVID shot and slams Pence for lacking 'courage' to back him over election fraud claims as he speaks at GOP fundraiser vowing to help take back the House in 2022 (Daily Mail UK)

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Call it Trumpcine': Former President continues to claim credit for COVID shot and slams Pence for lacking 'courage' to back him over election fraud claims as he speaks at GOP fundraiser vowing to help take back the House in 2022


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956510 No.41925

File: d13c2456b006d08⋯.png (668.3 KB,1530x1242,85:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401775 (110702ZAPR21) Notable: PRINCE CHARLES // "UNICORN" Unicorn Day was 2 days ago…

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41926

File: bc9af6acfc8ecb2⋯.png (326.25 KB,598x613,598:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401788 (110705ZAPR21) Notable: You do not simply challenge the pillow man.. Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank Will for his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow. (Twitter)

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David Hogg drops pillow venture launched during spat with Mike Lindell



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956510 No.41927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401874 (110730ZAPR21) Notable: PAEDOPHILES IN PARLIAMENT

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.41928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401946 (110804ZAPR21) Notable: PRINCE CHARLES // "UNICORN" Unicorn Day was 2 days ago…

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National Unicorn Day was on the 9th, two days ago.


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956510 No.41929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401953 (110807ZAPR21) Notable: Coup D'état (1 minute summary)

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Coup D'état

(1 minute summary)


“…President Trump represents the first true political outsider to reach the White House. His 2016 victory was an unprecedented pushback by the common men and women of America against the long-established status quo D.C. swamp creatures who have long enjoyed skimming the U.S. taxpayer out of tens of millions and pocketing it for themselves year after year after year. (See: Clinton Foundation scandal)

POTUS Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, oversaw eight years of rampant government abuse whereby institutions like the IRS, FBI, and CIA were weaponized to destroy any and all political opposition that might hinder the cash-grab environment that exploded during the Obama era.”

(See: IRS scandals, Solyndra scandal, Netflix-Obama FCC scandal, etc.)

-DC Whispers


“Obama took lying to new heights with the Iran deal”

“When it comes to the Iran nuclear deal, the Obama administration increasingly appears to have been a bottomless pit of deception.

First, President Barack Obama failed to disclose to Congress the existence of secret side deals …”

“…the Obama administration secretly tried to help Iran use U.S. banks to convert $5.7 billion in Iranian assets, after promising Congress that Iran would not get access to the U.S. financial system — and then lied to Congress about what it had done.”

“…The naked collusion to commit treason, espionage, sedition, etc. against a POTUS and the American Republic is now apparent… and with hard evidence to boot.

The Obama administration recklessly conspired with the U.S. Intelligence Community, various British Intelligence agencies and other foreign agents to sabotage the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Then they fabricated a fake “Russian collusion” story to cover up their unparalleled crime spree."


“In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.”

“…And while the pursuit may be shadowed in secrecy…”

“…In this case, multi-ton loads of cocaine entering the United States, and hundreds of millions of dollars going to a U.S.-designated terrorist organization with vast reach.”


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956510 No.41930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13401965 (110809ZAPR21) Notable: #16975/1, #16976, #16977

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#16975 Part 2

>>41903 FAKE NEWS on Fake Toxic Masculinity is literally infecting people with covid? (MSNPC)

>>41900 Elon warned us, It's anons caught between two battling supercomputers. US & China

>>41899, >>41907, CNN: "WWG1WGA" (CNN)

>>41898 Army Office Sues Police for Pepper-Spraying him drawing guns during traffic stop. (The Hill, Twitter)

>>41895 White House blames 'error' after Biden campaign fundraising page linked on .gov website

>>41894, >>41895, >>41905 Dan Scavino: If this was the Trump White House, Dems would be calling for immediate investigations while the @OfficeGovEthics would be writing their fancy bull shit threatening letters to whom ever was being targeted. Total JOKE! + Related Article& Another Red Button? (Twitter)

>>41893 Late Prince Phillip Wake Updates (Daily Mail UK)

>>41890, >>41901 Strangeness at WH. A bright flash every 30 minutes or so.

>>41888 Through The Looking Glass? (The Living Moon)

>>41886 Most Recent Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense (Youtube)

>>41884, >>41926 You do not simply challenge the pillow man.. Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank Will for his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow. (Twitter)

>>41883, >>41902, Comey knows about the FBI harassing and illegally surveilling MLK jr. and pinning his murder on James Earl Ray

>>41881 Lin Wood Fireside Chat #18 | General Flynn Endorses John Bennett for OK GOP Chair. (Rumble)

>>41878 How the fuck are all these perverts getting around our children? "MASSIVE Child sex ring busted at state youth facility hundreds of kids tortured and raped!" (The Daily Coin)

>>41875 Lin Wood How did it happen that federal judges across the country ALL found erroneous “procedural” excuses to avoid reviewing the evidence of fraud in the November 2020 "Take a listen to what is going on in Florida courts. Connect the dots". (Telegram)

>>41871 Comfy Shift Engaged for next 3-5 Hours. Be safe out there!

>>41868 Ukrainian in Florida Double Homicide on the run back home? (Patriot)

>>41867, >>41869, >>41874, >>41876, >>41882, >>41887, >>41889, >>41872 That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

>>41862 Gary McKinnon on US Secret Space Program and US Space Fleet and how he hacked NASA (Youtube)

>>41861 You weren't made to fit in, you were born to Stand Out (2:22 minsYoutube)

>>41858, >>41860, >>41896, >>41903, >>41911 "COVID Conspiracy Theories" (Opinion&Report)

>>41856, >>41859, >>41870, >>41877 Video shows lightning torch tree outside Wisconsin school (NyPo)

>>41855, >>41857, >>41879, >>41885, >>41880, >>41863, >>41865, >>41864, >>41866, >>41873, >>41883, >>41891, >>41892, >>41897, >>41900, >>41913, >>41916, Remember This? (Various)

>>41854 Anon Opines on "60 Seconds, Formerly 60 Minutes of Truth." (Opinion)


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956510 No.41931

File: a34aa30af44a48d⋯.png (984.12 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402100 (110858ZAPR21) Notable: Leave it to the liberal progressives to turn genocide into a for profit business opportunity, funded by the US taxpayer.

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Leave it to the liberal progressives to turn genocide into a for profit business opportunity, funded by the US taxpayer.

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. And we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

~Margaret Sanger

“…We must make this country into a garden of children instead of a disorderly back lot overrun with human weeds.”

~Margaret Sanger


Hillary Clinton lamented that "Margaret Sanger's work here in the United States and certainly across our globe is not done."


“We have delved before into the question of birth-control pioneer Margaret Sanger, eugenics and her attitude about African-Americans…”



See CMP’s citizen journalism work on Planned Parenthood Orange & San Bernardino Counties and DaVinci Biologics here: http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/2016/03/planned-parenthood-orange-county-changes-abortions-to-harvest-intact-fetuses-for-local-companys-fetal-products-sales/


Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs, ex-technician says

August 19, 2015

In an undercover video released Wednesday, a former technician for a tissue-harvesting company details how an aborted baby was kept alive so that its heart could be harvested at a California Planned Parenthood facility, raising more legal questions about the group’s practices.

Holly O’Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for the biotech startup StemExpress, also said she was asked to harvest an intact brain from the late-term, male fetus whose heart was still beating after the abortion.

A StemExpress supervisor “gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle of the face. And I can’t even describe what that feels like,” said Ms. O’Donnell, who has been featured in earlier videos by the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group that previously had released six undercover clips involving Planned Parenthood personnel and practices.


Salaries of CEOs at Planned Parenthood affiliates have skyrocketed to an average of $237,999, and hit $389,514 in the group's headquarters, according to a new review from the American Life League, a critic.

In the report on CEO pay, the group found that all 56 CEOs in the system make over 100,000 a year, one-tenth of Planned Parenthood's boss Cecile Richards, who made $957,952, said the report.


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956510 No.41932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402101 (110858ZAPR21) Notable: "This is the most comprehensive and well written article on why not to take the vax - you must share with family and friends. Lots of links and sauces to enjoy throughout" (Deconstructing Conventional)

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This is the most comprehensive and well written article on why not to take the vax - you must share with family and friends. Lots of links and sauces to enjoy throughout


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956510 No.41933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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956510 No.41934

File: 20fd5439adefd08⋯.jpg (716.5 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402115 (110902ZAPR21) Notable: The Ugly Truth about America’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile System - America could soon be stuck with a half-century-old technology that has serious technical, cost, and inventory challenges. (National Interest)

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956510 No.41935

File: e2960b662651e6e⋯.jpg (304.61 KB,1250x991,1250:991,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 79e1955473fd13d⋯.pdf (60.68 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: fbac023ab8f3ab9⋯.jpg (78.02 KB,650x763,650:763,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402123 (110903ZAPR21) Notable: After dissolving, do not put in cupboard as certainly would turn to wine anon discusses their perspective on Vax Cards and their Ethics

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I ain't selling this shit faggots! It's free! Here's a hi def pdf of covid card…

just copy info from your retarded FB friends who post pics of themselves with them… #80 cardstock nametag sized

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956510 No.41936

File: 6239a4b6f7bcf4d⋯.jpg (540.08 KB,1080x1849,1080:1849,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402125 (110904ZAPR21) Notable: Meet Russian Avangard, the world’s fastest nuclear-capable hypersonic missile that’s 20 to 27 times faster than the speed of sound (Moscow to New York in 14 minutes) (Rifnote)

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956510 No.41937

File: fa023d5c2fb54f6⋯.jpg (56.66 KB,772x596,193:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402131 (110905ZAPR21) Notable: Biden Is Radically Transforming America Far Faster Than Obama Dreamed (PJ Media)

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Biden Is Radically Transforming America Far Faster Than Obama Dreamed

By Tyler O'Neil Apr 10, 2021 8:31 PM ET

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956510 No.41938

File: 83357639228301c⋯.jpg (707.9 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402138 (110908ZAPR21) Notable: Prosecutors Defend Adding Sex Trafficking Charges Against Ghislaine Maxwell

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956510 No.41939

File: 91abeddbb00d308⋯.jpg (69.96 KB,859x653,859:653,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402139 (110908ZAPR21) Notable: “A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (The Gateway Pundit)

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“A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Published April 10, 2021 at 8:49pm

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956510 No.41940

File: ea60a36b4340e37⋯.jpg (66.93 KB,864x676,216:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402145 (110909ZAPR21) Notable: President Trump Sets Record for Giving Up the Most Net Worth While Selflessly Serving His Country (The Gateway Pundit)

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President Trump Sets Record for Giving Up the Most Net Worth While Selflessly Serving His Country

By Joe Hoft

Published April 10, 2021 at 8:20pm

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956510 No.41941

File: dd0fd8225199fbe⋯.png (565.57 KB,717x766,717:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402147 (110910ZAPR21) Notable: Only the VACCINATED will be saved? Confusion after St. Vincent PM says only those with COVID jab can flee VOLCANO on cruise ship (RT)

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956510 No.41942

File: ee49439ae4a71ec⋯.png (1.04 MB,960x1145,192:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402164 (110919ZAPR21) Notable: Poseidon 2M39 Torpedo + Moar Sea Weapon Updates (The Sun, American Military News National Interest)

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I like their new torpedo:


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956510 No.41943

File: 867c63714778b11⋯.jpg (53.29 KB,776x276,194:69,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a0dea943da1d649⋯.jpg (71.59 KB,1059x790,1059:790,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402176 (110923ZAPR21) Notable: SNL Weekend Update Mocks Matt Gaetz for Bragging About His Supporters: ‘Who’s Next…The Ghost of Jeffrey Epstein?’ (Mediaite)

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SNL Weekend Update Mocks Matt Gaetz for Bragging About His Supporters: ‘Who’s Next…The Ghost of Jeffrey Epstein?’

By Sarah RumpfApr 11th, 2021, 1:14 am

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956510 No.41944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402178 (110923ZAPR21) Notable: MK Targeted Individual in Hawaii? Honolulu resort evacuated as armed suspect barricaded inside room: reports (Fox News)

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Honolulu resort evacuated as armed suspect barricaded inside room: reports

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956510 No.41945

File: fe438037fe784a8⋯.jpg (823.41 KB,1080x1877,1080:1877,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402182 (110924ZAPR21) Notable: Poseidon 2M39 Torpedo + Moar Sea Weapon Updates (The Sun, American Military News National Interest)

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956510 No.41946

File: 67397a8e39f05a5⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402184 (110925ZAPR21) Notable: ARTICLE 404'ed???? Archive has it! Archaeologist reveals details of 3,000-year-old lost city found in Egypt (ABC11)

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Archaeologist reveals details of 3,000-year-old lost city found in Egypt



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956510 No.41947

File: 709d622a5c72d5e⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,644x615,644:615,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402193 (110930ZAPR21) Notable: Sole survivor of South Carolina shooting by ex-NFL player Phillip Adams dies (NyPo)

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Sole survivor of South Carolina shooting by ex-NFL player Phillip Adams dies

By Associated Press

April 10, 2021 | 10:25pm

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956510 No.41948

File: 6f46bcabd32f7cc⋯.jpg (41.39 KB,1011x236,1011:236,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402203 (110934ZAPR21) Notable: Portland ICE building set on fire during Saturday night protest

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Published 53 mins ago

Portland ICE building set on fire during Saturday night protest

There were no immediate reports of arrests

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956510 No.41949

File: 4e3ea034d0be87d⋯.png (137.79 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 7327906ebbf9e5d⋯.png (61.53 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 477a538663398f6⋯.png (138.39 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402205 (110936ZAPR21) Notable: Only the VACCINATED will be saved? Confusion after St. Vincent PM says only those with COVID jab can flee VOLCANO on cruise ship (RT)

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They have evacuated roughly the 10k people and that is coincidentally same number of people who have been vaccinated. Approximately 5%… That leaves 96% out of luck for evacuation…

Maybe the screams of a hundred thousand people being burned alive will wake a few more people up?


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956510 No.41950

File: d581cc874e8616c⋯.jpg (57.15 KB,1133x304,1133:304,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402206 (110936ZAPR21) Notable: Florida hit-run kills NY federal judge, suspect claimed to be ‘Harry Potter’:

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Federal Courts

Published 6 hours ago

Florida hit-run kills NY federal judge, suspect claimed to be ‘Harry Potter’: police

The judge was believed to be part of the first mother-daughter pair of judges in U.S. history

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956510 No.41951

File: 696742a3ff2db63⋯.jpg (53.2 KB,1206x302,603:151,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402211 (110939ZAPR21) Notable: Former California Democratic mayor arrested for sexual assault crimes against minor Jacob, 44, is being held without bail (Fox News, Press Democrat)

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Published 9 hours ago

Former California Democratic mayor arrested for sexual assault crimes against minor

Jacob, 44, is being held without bail


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956510 No.41952

File: 1a1c7eb24fcfcb7⋯.png (799.03 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402213 (110939ZAPR21) Notable: Well looks like today could be interesting with isreal in play at 5:40 am

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Well looks like today could be interesting with isreal in play at 5:40 am

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956510 No.41953

File: 342a9facf64ea52⋯.jpg (576.11 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402216 (110941ZAPR21) Notable: Poseidon 2M39 Torpedo + Moar Sea Weapon Updates (The Sun, American Military News National Interest)

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956510 No.41954

File: 6295f67289c7567⋯.png (399.89 KB,736x740,184:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402218 (110942ZAPR21) Notable: David Hogg drops pillow venture launched during spat with Mike Lindell (The Gateway Pundit)

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David Hogg drops pillow venture launched during spat with Mike Lindell https://trib.al/nFqZ1mq


David Hogg drops pillow venture launched during spat with Mike Lindell

He must have slept on it.

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg says he’s giving up his role in the pillow company he launched to compete with conservative MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell — and going back to activism.

Hogg, 20, announced on Twitter Saturday “resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC” effective immediately.

“The reasons for my departure rests entirely with me and my own personal commitments and I truly wish (co-founder William LeGate) nothing but the best,” he wrote.

“Over the next several months, I will be taking some time to focus on my studies in college and advance the gun violence prevention movement with March For Our Lives and personally.”

Hogg — who was a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student during the slaughter in 2018 — said in early February that he was working with LeGate, a tech entrepreneur, on a rival pillow firm.

He claimed the “progressive competition” could put Lindell, who hawks patented foam pillows on infomercials, out of business.


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956510 No.41955

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402225 (110945ZAPR21) Notable: Poseidon 2M39 Torpedo + Moar Sea Weapon Updates (The Sun, American Military News National Interest)

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The Chinese are into drone subs as well, some of them have been found around Indonesia

Probably mapping submarine routes for the Chinese to expand into the Indian Ocean


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956510 No.41956

File: 0d2ac7fe06c7317⋯.jpg (88.56 KB,859x700,859:700,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402232 (110946ZAPR21) Notable: Scoop: Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel escorted out of RNC retreat - Why it matters: The incident gives Timken more visibility and access to Trump, which is crucial (Axios)

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13 hours ago - Politics & Policy

Scoop: Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel escorted out of RNC retreat

Why it matters: The incident gives Timken more visibility and access to Trump, which is crucial

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956510 No.41957

File: ddc11df127cf2b2⋯.jpg (73.82 KB,1023x682,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402238 (110949ZAPR21) Notable: Former California Democratic mayor arrested for sexual assault crimes against minor Jacob, 44, is being held without bail (Fox News, Press Democrat)

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Cannabis entrepreneur and former Sebastopol Mayor Robert Jacob was arrested Saturday morning on suspicion of sex with a child aged 14 or 15, as well as a range of other crimes involving sex with minors. (Conner Jay / The Press Democrat)


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956510 No.41958

File: 9491ab01b9efbfd⋯.jpg (31.88 KB,826x242,413:121,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3ecc54bf754fad0⋯.jpg (54.89 KB,814x473,74:43,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4f4c2707a1616e4⋯.jpg (58.19 KB,824x487,824:487,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402244 (110951ZAPR21) Notable: Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing (Great Reject)

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Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing

BY GREATREJECT · 18/02/2021

What’s next? Are they going to patent our bodies after they genetically engineer us with the mRNA vaccine?

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956510 No.41959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402251 (110955ZAPR21) Notable: Poseidon 2M39 Torpedo + Moar Sea Weapon Updates (The Sun, American Military News National Interest)

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The Status 6 (also known as Poseidon) is said to contain up to a 100 megaton salted cobalt warhead. That means it would produce a MASSIVE radioactive tsunami. The Status 6 is almost completely undetectable so intercepting them isn't an option. We are defenseless against this weapon with our current technology. Do anons know just how big a 100 Megaton nuke is?

This video is taken 50 miles away from the Castle Bravo bomb which was around 15 megatons.

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956510 No.41960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402274 (111007ZAPR21) Notable: After dissolving, do not put in cupboard as certainly would turn to wine anon discusses their perspective on Vax Cards and their Ethics

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It isn't to get away with anything illegal. The cards themselves are nothing legal. The cards were were made for personal use, to keep track of injections a person has had. It is now being used to show someone at a door etc(private business) that restricts entry.

Don't want to be kicked off a plane with your 2 yr old? flash them a card.

HEPPA Law deems this sort of thing to be illegal. Your health is private. Period.

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956510 No.41961

File: afc829bf5f64857⋯.jpg (74.09 KB,924x780,77:65,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402282 (111011ZAPR21) Notable: Former Illinois Rep. Bobby Schilling dies at 57, Schilling represented the Land of Lincoln side of the Quad Cities before running for the Iowa side in 2019 (Roll Call)

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Former Illinois Rep. Bobby Schilling dies at 57

Schilling represented the Land of Lincoln side of the Quad Cities before running for the Iowa side in 2019

By Chris Cioffi

Posted April 7, 2021 at 11:41am

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956510 No.41962

File: 71b8d88e398f707⋯.jpg (32.12 KB,1154x117,1154:117,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402290 (111014ZAPR21) Notable: Google for years operated a secret program that used data from past bids in the company’s digital advertising exchange to allegedly give its own ad-buying system an advantage over competitors, according to court documents filed in a Texas antitrust lawsuit. (WSJ)

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April 10, 2021 7:36 pm ET

Google for years operated a secret program that used data from past bids in the company’s digital advertising exchange to allegedly give its own ad-buying system an advantage over competitors, according to court documents filed in a Texas antitrust lawsuit.

The program, known as “Project Bernanke,” wasn’t disclosed to publishers who sold ads through Google’s ad-buying systems. It generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for the company annually, the documents show. In its lawsuit, Texas alleges that the project gave Google, a unit of Alphabet Inc., an unfair competitive advantage over rivals.

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956510 No.41963

File: c950a60a9c22375⋯.jpg (103.93 KB,825x891,25:27,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402295 (111018ZAPR21) Notable: Prof. Carl Hart saw drugs as destroyers of communities. Then he saw the positive side. “We have miseducated the public,” he said. (Ny Times)

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This Heroin-Using Professor Wants to Change How We Think About Drugs

Prof. Carl Hart saw drugs as destroyers of communities. Then he saw the positive side. “We have miseducated the public,” he said.

John Leland

By John Leland

April 10, 2021

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956510 No.41964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402302 (111022ZAPR21) Notable: After dissolving, do not put in cupboard as certainly would turn to wine anon discusses their perspective on Vax Cards and their Ethics

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Where I live in Ca. it isn't a law but a mandate. They are called "guidelines" on the .GOV page. If you have a condition that the mask makes worse, you can be exempt from the "MANDATE" which is not a law.

I have had a few people try to kick me out but i pulled out my handy little copy of the actual law in Ca. That states no one can be refused service if other people are allowed. I even told one person we could ask a police officer to come down and talk about what is an actual law and a mandate.

Stand up for your human rights.

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956510 No.41965

File: 3d760bdba010131⋯.jpg (29.95 KB,683x206,683:206,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402313 (111030ZAPR21) Notable: Translation: "Shut it down, The Goyim Know!" A GOP congressman said so many Republican voters now believe in the QAnon conspiracy theory it could destroy the party (Business Insider)

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956510 No.41966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402320 (111034ZAPR21) Notable: Chynah DS Digs

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Some dot connecting with Chyna and the DS…


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956510 No.41967

File: 787fe78cbc5ca42⋯.jpg (121.79 KB,946x777,946:777,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402322 (111034ZAPR21) Notable: What the HBO QAnon documentary series revealed about the identity of Frederic Brennan I mean 'Q' (Politifact)

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What the HBO QAnon documentary series revealed about the identity of ‘Q’

By Samantha Putterman

April 9, 2021

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956510 No.41968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402347 (111050ZAPR21) Notable: Space Force field command to be located at Los Angeles military base

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Space Force field command to be located at Los Angeles military base

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Los Angeles Air Force Base will serve as a field command site for the U.S. Space Force.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Thursday that the military will establish the Space Systems Command at the base near Los Angeles International Airport. No timetable was offered. The governor said in a statement that the field command will have “nationwide authority over launches and procurement.”

The Space Force was launched in December 2019 under President Donald Trump as the first new military service since establishment of the Air Force as an independent entity in 1947. It operates as part of the Air Force.



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956510 No.41969

File: 574d619b1a9a0e4⋯.jpg (66.08 KB,671x615,671:615,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402354 (111054ZAPR21) Notable: Rep. Burgess Owens: Democrats Shutting Their Eyes to Unaccompanied Migrant Children Issue

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Exclusive – Rep. Burgess Owens: Democrats Shutting Their Eyes to Unaccompanied Migrant Children Issue

Ashley Oliver9 Apr 2021

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956510 No.41970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402382 (111109ZAPR21) Notable: Iran’s underground Natanz nuclear facility lost power Sunday just hours after starting up new advanced centrifuges

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DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran’s underground Natanz nuclear facility lost power Sunday just hours after starting up new advanced centrifuges capable of enriching uranium faster, the latest incident to strike the site amid negotiations over the tattered atomic accord with world powers.

As Iranian officials investigated the outage, many Israeli media outlets offered the similar assessment that a cyberattack darkened Natanz and damaged a facility that is home to sensitive centrifuges. While the reports offered no sourcing for the evaluation, Israeli media maintains a close relationship with the country’s military and intelligence agencies.


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956510 No.41971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402407 (111126ZAPR21) Notable: Please vote and flip it!

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Irish media outlet has a poll asking if we want digital IDs and vaccination passports introduced.

Please vote and flip it!


>One proposal being discussed is the introduction of ‘vaccine passports’ or ‘Covid passports’, which would allow those who have been vaccinated to attend certain events and venues.

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956510 No.41972

File: bb9dc96b1e0b2b5⋯.png (25.55 KB,462x213,154:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402427 (111135ZAPR21) Notable: Biden, Gun violence in this country is an epidemic — and it’s long past time Congress take action.

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President Biden


United States government official

Gun violence in this country is an epidemic — and it’s long past time Congress take action.

7:30 PM · Apr 10, 2021·The White House

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956510 No.41973

File: 4e6c1dc8a725778⋯.jpg (114.11 KB,854x668,427:334,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402498 (111220ZAPR21) Notable: Democrats Urge Biden to Make COVID Vaccines Mandatory for Military after 40% of Healthy Marines Refuse the Vaccine

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Democrats Urge Biden to Make COVID Vaccines Mandatory for Military after 40% of Healthy Marines Refuse the Vaccine

By Jim Hoft

Published April 11, 2021 at 7:15am


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956510 No.41974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402518 (111232ZAPR21) Notable: Democrats Urge Biden to Make COVID Vaccines Mandatory for Military after 40% of Healthy Marines Refuse the Vaccine

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A group of Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to President Joe Biden requesting that he issue a "waiver of informed consent" to make getting vaccinated against Covid-19 mandatory for all US military service members.

CNN obtained a copy of the letter, which was sent on Wednesday from a congressional aide.

Currently the Department of Defense cannot make vaccinations mandatory because they have only been authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use. A waiver from the President could bypass that rule.

Seven Democratic members of Congress signed the letter, including House Rules Committee Chairman Rep. James McGovern and House Armed Services Committee members Rep. Jimmy Panetta, Rep. Marilyn Strickland, Rep. Sara Jacobs and Rep. Marc Veasey. Rep. Panetta is the son of former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. Rep. Cindy Axne and Rep. Jahana Hayes, who do not serve on the House Armed Services Committee, also signed the letter.

The Department of Defense has said publicly that the opt-out rate among service members eligible to be vaccinated is about 33%, but last week military officials and service members CNN spoke with from several bases and units across the country suggest the current rejection rate may be closer to 50%.

"I think the true opt-in rate right now would probably be around 50-ish percent," said a military health care source about numbers on a military base of some 40,000 active duty troops. The source spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss vaccinations.

The letter says "disinformation and vaccine skepticism" are influencing service members to opt out of being vaccinated. It acknowledges that the Pentagon has "made admirable efforts to educate service members on the safety and efficacy" of the vaccines, but says that those measures have been "outpaced by disinformation dominating social media."

The Defense Department has approximately 2.2 million service members operating around the globe. Last year, the military experienced a handful of high profile outbreaks, including one aboard an aircraft carrier deployed in the Pacific.

Last April, a Covid-19 outbreak on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt spread to more than 20% of the crew on board the aircraft carrier and led to the eventual dismissal of the ship's captain. In November, more than 100 US military installations around the world put in place some form of tightened health measures to restrict the spread of coronavirus.

"We request you rapidly issue this waiver to give DOD the authority it requires to ensure readiness in the face of current and future threats," the letter states.

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956510 No.41975

File: b48ae77d9cf5da4⋯.jpg (36.7 KB,1384x127,1384:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402539 (111240ZAPR21) Notable: Biden's American Jobs Plan could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created

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Biden's American Jobs Plan could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created

The Washington Post gave Biden "two Pinocchios" for claiming the American Jobs Plan, his infrastructure and jobs proposal, will create 19 million jobs.

Updated: April 10, 2021 - 10:42pm

6uild 6ack 6etter

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956510 No.41976

File: 41b3fa9a589aafc⋯.png (163.73 KB,391x541,391:541,Clipboard.png)

File: cfb89b16435d4f9⋯.png (1.41 MB,2244x2480,561:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402555 (111248ZAPR21) Notable: 1 month delta on the red button retwat

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1 month delta on the red button retwat

And a planefag twat?

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956510 No.41977

File: b5a1f399f7398c2⋯.png (1.25 MB,1451x904,1451:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402563 (111251ZAPR21) Notable: TITAN25 lands in Israel,

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In what is surely just a coincidence, a few hours after TITAN25 lands in Israel, a plain wrapper C32B (757 in military livery) is flying a back course from TITAN's inbound one. Using only a tail number and more interestingly, turning ON it's transponder in about the same area TITAN turned OFF it's going into Israel.

These plain Jane 757s are frequently used by the State Dept. and clown special projects…just saying. No way to know what it's been doing…under this Vichy administration who the hell knows.

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956510 No.41978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402675 (111328ZAPR21) Notable: On This Day 70 years ago

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On This Day

70 years ago

In 1951, President Harry Truman relieved Army Gen. Douglas MacArthur of his command in Korea.

MacArthur received the news while at lunch in the American embassy at Tokyo. It came to him in the form of a terse, four-paragraph message captioned: "Order to General MacArthur From the President." As soon as MacArthur read it he automatically was stripped of the following titles:

"Supreme commander, Allied powers; commander in chief, United Nations command; commander in chief, Far East, and commanding general, U. S. army, Far East."

"Something apparently happened in the last 24 hours to cause Mr. Truman to take action at the unusual hour he did. A White House press conference was called at 1 a.m. today. The news was released and it broke like a bomb shell all around the world."


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956510 No.41979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402709 (111335ZAPR21) Notable: #16976

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956510 No.41980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402745 (111342ZAPR21) Notable: A lawsuit against electronic dance music icon Bassnectar has been filed alleging sex crimes.

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A lawsuit against electronic dance music icon Bassnectar has been filed alleging sex crimes.

A complaint was filed on Friday on behalf of two women, Fox News can confirm. The filing accuses the musician born Lorin Ashton of "sex trafficking," "child pornography" and "sexual abuse."

Also named as defendants were companies Amorphous Music Inc., Bassnectar Touring Inc., Interactive Giving Fund, Red Light Management and C3 Presents LLC.

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956510 No.41981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402746 (111342ZAPR21) Notable: Liberal have endorsed a resolution calling for the establishment of a universal basic income (UBI) in Canada

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Liberal delegates to the party's policy convention have overwhelmingly endorsed a resolution calling for the establishment of a universal basic income (UBI) in Canada, while also rejecting a call to hike the capital gains tax.

By a vote of 77 per cent, Liberal members on hand for the policy plenary today backed a call to permanently implement an income program similar to the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB), which kept millions of people afloat with monthly cheques during the first wave of the pandemic


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956510 No.41982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402748 (111342ZAPR21) Notable: FOX NEWS REVEALS THE BIDEN FAKE PRESIDENCY LIVE ON AIR AS MAINSTREAM BEGINS TO CRUMBLE [2021-04-01]

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/eaeqYRZYVKsc/ [Embed]



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956510 No.41983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402749 (111343ZAPR21) Notable: Rebel News reporters arrested in Montreal, AirBnB raided

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BREAKING: Rebel News reporters arrested in Montreal, AirBnB raided

Apr 10, 2021

Montreal police have raided the Airbnb where Rebel News reporters have been staying to report on the curfew and the lockdown in Quebec.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=eb4hy6npvhM [Embed]

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956510 No.41984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402751 (111343ZAPR21) Notable: A former California Democratic mayor was arrested Saturday morning on six charges, including suspected sex with a child aged 14 or 15.

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A former California Democratic mayor was arrested Saturday morning on six charges, including suspected sex with a child aged 14 or 15.

Sebastopol Police Chief Kevin Kilgore said that on March 30 police received information of alleged sexual assaults committed by former Mayor Robert Jacob in the city between December 2019 and March 2021.


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956510 No.41985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402753 (111343ZAPR21) Notable: “I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer

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“I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away from His Scanning the Ballots Work on 2020 Election Results

By Joe Hoft

Published April 10, 2021 at 4:30pm

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956510 No.41986

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402754 (111343ZAPR21) Notable: They'll use your vote if you don't.

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They'll use your vote if you don't. It makes it easier for them if you don't vote as they will "mark" it for you and they wont have to conjure up any dead bodies.

Only because real people voted were the tallies greater than 100% in many counties.


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956510 No.41987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402756 (111343ZAPR21) Notable: What is curious about this is the US was in bankruptcy

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What is curious about this is the US was in bankruptcy, at the Hague (possibly three judge panel) going back to 1933, but in reality 1913 with the creation of the FED. The FED deal was set to expire in 2013 - contracts can only last 99 years. But it was extended for obvious reasons and the asset sell of continued - see China/Ports exhibit one but so did the FED.


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956510 No.41988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402758 (111344ZAPR21) Notable: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE LAW OF WAR MANUAL

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DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE LAW OF WAR MANUAL https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/law_war_manual15.pdf

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956510 No.41989

File: 500fe43725204fb⋯.jpg (213.84 KB,720x1075,144:215,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e379ce4e5f0e7e4⋯.jpg (132.3 KB,634x735,634:735,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4fd625b3cec002b⋯.jpg (51.7 KB,634x454,317:227,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d791378e234991⋯.jpg (210.84 KB,634x1008,317:504,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402811 (111400ZAPR21) Notable: Prince Philip's birth certificate is unearthed

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Prince Philip's birth certificate is unearthed after lying buried for 99 years in an archive close to the Greek villa where he was born

Document was written by hand in Katharevousa Greek, a purist version of modern Greek, by priest named Spiridon Tryfonas on island of Corfu

Found in municipal archive housed in old British Army barracks that sits within the imposing Venetian fortress overlooking Corfu's Old Town

Details how Prince Andrew of Greece, Philip's father, presented baby boy to priest, which he said had been born at 10am on May 28, 1921

Philip was actually born on June 10, 1921 but experts say his birth was registered using old Julian calendar, still being used in Greece in early 20th Century


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956510 No.41990

File: 8dccb46b71b7156⋯.jpg (179.51 KB,2048x788,512:197,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402893 (111424ZAPR21) Notable: Pfizer jab clinical trials won’t be complete until April 6, 2023.

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Pfizer jab clinical trials won’t be complete until April 6, 2023.






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956510 No.41991

File: 107561ae270e170⋯.png (256.35 KB,632x356,158:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402895 (111425ZAPR21) Notable: Frozen Alaska sees records plummet as Arctic grip aims for Northwest

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Frozen Alaska sees records plummet as Arctic grip aims for Northwest


Muh global warming…

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956510 No.41992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402941 (111436ZAPR21) Notable: Reminder, THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

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THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


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956510 No.41993

File: 57017795958884a⋯.png (286.19 KB,587x622,587:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402950 (111439ZAPR21) Notable: Donald Trump attacks Mitch McConnell at fundraiser in Palm Beach this weekend. #MTP

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NEW: Donald Trump attacks Mitch McConnell at fundraiser in Palm Beach this weekend. #MTP


: Trump “doesn’t view himself as the leader of a traditional Republican Party, he views himself as a leader of the MAGA movement.”


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956510 No.41994

File: e8eeb8ff0d52622⋯.png (311.21 KB,594x789,198:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13402972 (111443ZAPR21) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr It's almost as if we were right

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It's almost as if we were right when we said Biden was controlled by the radical left during the campaign, and the media was totally full of shit every time they spewed propaganda defending him as a "moderate centrist."


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956510 No.41995

File: b5a821804375a6d⋯.png (516.36 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403043 (111459ZAPR21) Notable: Vladimir Putin Just Officially Banned Same-Sex Marriage In Russia

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Vladimir Putin Just Officially Banned Same-Sex Marriage In Russia


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956510 No.41996

File: a603e054ebaf070⋯.png (620.53 KB,604x1047,604:1047,Clipboard.png)

File: c271d0c7f289f25⋯.png (41.14 KB,612x534,102:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403049 (111501ZAPR21) Notable: #BREAKING Iran atomic agency says nuclear facility hit by 'terrorist' act

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#BREAKING Iran atomic agency says nuclear facility hit by 'terrorist' act


That's twice now that Israel hit Iran. Why is Iran acting like the little pussy it is & not wipe them off the map? They always act tough. Fucking fake losers.

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956510 No.41997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403054 (111502ZAPR21) Notable: Iran atomic agency says Natanz nuclear site hit by a "terrorist" act, not by an accident.

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JUST IN - Iran atomic agency says Natanz nuclear site hit by a "terrorist" act, not by an accident.


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956510 No.41998

File: 2307b3f007df40d⋯.png (266.22 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403069 (111505ZAPR21) Notable: Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Aims to End Single-Family Zoning

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Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Aims to End Single-Family Zoning


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956510 No.41999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403126 (111516ZAPR21) Notable: Jordanian prince makes first public appearance since arrest

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Jordanian prince makes first public appearance since arrest

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Jordan's Prince Hamzah on Sunday made his first public appearance since he was placed under house arrest last week, reciting Quranic verses together with King Abdullah II at the graves of their forefathers. The gesture appeared to be an attempted show of unity on a major Jordanian holiday.

Abdullah has attempted to signal in recent days that the situation is under control. But Sunday's staged event left it unclear whether the king and his popular half brother have truly put aside their differences. The conflict had escalated into the most serious public rift in the ruling family in decades, although Hamzah has denied any wrongdoing.

Hamzah joined members of the Jordanian royal family marking the centenary of the establishment of the Emirate of Transjordan, a British protectorate that preceded the kingdom. The royal palace released a photo and video with Abdullah and Hamzah joining other dignitaries at the grave of their father, the late King Hussein, and the late King Talal, their grandfather.

A photo and video showing the family together reciting the opening chapter of the Quran appeared to be aimed at sending a message of unity at a sensitive time for the kingdom. The chapter, known as the Fatiha, is traditionally recited at people's gravesides.

It was the first time that Hamzah was seen in public since he was placed under a form of house arrest on April 3 following accusations that he was involved in a “malicious plot” to destabilize the kingdom.

In statements leaked to the media, Hamzah denied the accusations and accused the country's government of corruption and incompetence. Hamzah has said his actions are out of love for the country. But his past criticism of government policies, and more recently, his outreach to powerful tribal leaders critical of the government, have been seen as threats to the king.

Abdullah subsequently said authorities had thwarted an attempt at sedition involving his half brother and some 18 suspects, while saying he was angry and in shock. Abdullah also suggested there was continued control over Hamzah's movements, saying the prince was “with his family at his palace, under my care.”

Authorities have imposed a sweeping gag order on any coverage of the royal dispute in a sign of how sensitive they are to how it is perceived. The gag order and the king’s willingness to sanction his own brother also reaffirmed what Jordanians understand as their “red line” — an absolute ban on criticizing the monarch or the royal family.

Sunday's appearance by Hamzah indicated that he was safe, but it remained unclear whether he had come voluntarily or been released from the restrictions on his movement. Hamzah, wearing a suit, traditional headdress and blue surgical mask, joined his relatives in prayers but did not comment in public. His whereabouts after the ceremony were not immediately known.

There also has been no sign that authorities have released up to 18 other detainees, including members of one of the powerful tribes on which the monarchy has historically relied.

Even before the palace drama, Jordan was grappling with an economic crisis exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, with one in four people out of work. Longstanding complaints about corruption and misrule have fueled scattered protests in recent months.



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956510 No.42000

File: c95a919c853a6b7⋯.jpeg (960.71 KB,1125x1839,375:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403157 (111522ZAPR21) Notable: dog comms.

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Moar dog comms.


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956510 No.42001

File: 05988d926bdd98b⋯.jpeg (273.9 KB,750x727,750:727,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403164 (111523ZAPR21) Notable: NEW DAN SCAVINO VID

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Screen cap is central time.

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956510 No.42002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403166 (111524ZAPR21) Notable: Reminder, NYT: Bill Gates repeatedly met with Jeffrey Epstein

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It is soooo…. happening… MSM finally asking the right questions and helping to wake the world!

It’s a glorious days anons, the moment has arrived!


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956510 No.42003

File: d02aded61a3939d⋯.png (39.54 KB,591x237,197:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403183 (111526ZAPR21) Notable: North Korea is soon ready to deploy its new 3-kilotons nuclear submarine,

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North Korea is soon ready to deploy its new 3-kilotons nuclear submarine, capable of carrying three submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), such as the Pukkykson-3

(Yonhap, but can't find sauce)


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956510 No.42004

File: 34b118049b8b7ee⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB,886x486,443:243,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403190 (111527ZAPR21) Notable: @DanScavino - [VID] If (You) can…

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>New Dan


by Rudyard Kipling

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956510 No.42005

File: a4c2800c83c67d2⋯.png (26.58 KB,592x181,592:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403205 (111529ZAPR21) Notable: United States threatens "consequences" if Russia acts "aggressively" towards Ukraine (AFP)

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JUST IN - United States threatens "consequences" if Russia acts "aggressively" towards Ukraine (AFP)


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956510 No.42006

File: 0ca4de895150841⋯.png (360.02 KB,908x732,227:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 131200ee1015ddd⋯.mp4 (5.25 MB,656x360,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403387 (111604ZAPR21) Notable: @DanScavino - [VID] If (You) can…

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956510 No.42007

File: 8cff8fa886baa23⋯.png (804.25 KB,1364x908,341:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403404 (111609ZAPR21) Notable: Only Vaccinated Persons Can Board Evacuation Vessels to Leave Island Volcano: St. Vincent PM

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moar on the 'forced' worldwide medical tyranny.

Only Vaccinated Persons Can Board Evacuation Vessels to Leave Island Volcano: St. Vincent PM

April 11, 2021

After a massive 6 mile-high eruption of ashes from the Soufriere volcano frightened the residents of Saint Vincent, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said that only those who have been vaccinated for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus could board the cruise ships evacuating people off the island.

“The chief medical officer would be identifying the persons already vaccinated so that we can get them on the ship,” Gonsalves told reporters.

He then explained that there were not enough personnel operating the ships to retain evacuees on them; they can only transport passengers.

“Those that are vaccinated, [the chief medical officer] can get them going on the vessel,” the prime minister said.

“Those who are not yet vaccinated but who would be vaccinated, you wouldn’t send them immediately after vaccination,” due to possible side effects like “wooziness in the head, you know how that is,” he said.

According to World Health Organization WHO data, only 10,805 residents of St. Vincent and the Grenadines have received at least one vaccine dose.

Saint Vincent was blanketed with a thin layer of ash and a “strong sulfur” smell hung in the air on Saturday, a day after the nearby volcano spectacularly erupted after decades of inactivity.

Rumbling noises emanated from the volcano, with ash coating rooftops, cars, and roads in Kingstown, the capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Videos from Saint Vincent showed a ghost-like landscape.

On Friday, CruiseRadio.net reported that two cruise ships had arrived at the small island to rescue its residents, adding that three more were on the way.

“Carnival Legend and Carnival Paradise are offshore from St. Vincent, awaiting further instructions from local officials on how Carnival Cruise Line can support the evacuation of local residents who are under threat from volcano La Soufriere,” Carnival Cruise Line told CruiseRadio.net in a statement. “Carnival and Royal Caribbean are also working to coordinate our collective efforts for a seamless operation once the embarkation of residents begins. There is no time yet set for when these evacuation sailings will commence.”

St. Lucia, Grenada, Antigua, and Barbados accepted taking in evacuees from the disaster area, with the condition that evacuees are fully vaccinated against the CCP Virus, which causes the disease COVID-19.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, where just over 100,000 people live, has not experienced volcanic activity since 1979, when an eruption caused approximately $100 million in damage. Before that, La Soufriere erupted in 1902 and killed more than 1,000 people.


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956510 No.42008

File: 1917cdac7859608⋯.png (513.46 KB,1282x1433,1282:1433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403437 (111617ZAPR21) Notable: Scavino Comms 11:13, 11.4 ?

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another retwat.

This one going back to 11/13

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956510 No.42009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403479 (111624ZAPR21) Notable: Boston police Kept secret union president was an alleged child molester

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You know how normies say conspiracies can't be real because people can't keep secrets?


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956510 No.42010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403487 (111626ZAPR21) Notable: #16977

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>>41980 A lawsuit against electronic dance music icon Bassnectar has been filed alleging sex crimes.

>>41981 Liberal have endorsed a resolution calling for the establishment of a universal basic income (UBI) in Canada


>>41983 Rebel News reporters arrested in Montreal, AirBnB raided

>>41984 A former California Democratic mayor was arrested Saturday morning on six charges, including suspected sex with a child aged 14 or 15.

>>41985 “I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer

>>41986 They'll use your vote if you don't.

>>41987 What is curious about this is the US was in bankruptcy


>>41989 Prince Philip's birth certificate is unearthed

>>41990 Pfizer jab clinical trials won’t be complete until April 6, 2023.

>>41991 Frozen Alaska sees records plummet as Arctic grip aims for Northwest

>>41992 Reminder, THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>41993 Donald Trump attacks Mitch McConnell at fundraiser in Palm Beach this weekend. #MTP

>>41994 @DonaldJTrumpJr It's almost as if we were right

>>41995 Vladimir Putin Just Officially Banned Same-Sex Marriage In Russia

>>41996 #BREAKING Iran atomic agency says nuclear facility hit by 'terrorist' act

>>41998 Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Aims to End Single-Family Zoning

>>41999 Jordanian prince makes first public appearance since arrest

>>42000 dog comms.


>>42002 Reminder, NYT: Bill Gates repeatedly met with Jeffrey Epstein

>>42003 North Korea is soon ready to deploy its new 3-kilotons nuclear submarine,

>>42005 United States threatens "consequences" if Russia acts "aggressively" towards Ukraine (AFP)

>>41997 Iran atomic agency says Natanz nuclear site hit by a "terrorist" act, not by an accident.

>>42004, >>42006 @DanScavino - [VID] If (You) can…

>>42007 Only Vaccinated Persons Can Board Evacuation Vessels to Leave Island Volcano: St. Vincent PM

>>42009 Boston police Kept secret union president was an alleged child molester

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956510 No.42011

File: 3cf68fbc38391ba⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,720x621,80:69,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403612 (111653ZAPR21) Notable: Intelligence sources tell me: Israel is behind the activity in Natanz

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Intelligence sources tell me: Israel is behind the activity in Natanz. This is an Israeli cyber operation in which the Mossad was involved. The damage to the Natanz facility is greater than reported in Iran

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956510 No.42012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403619 (111655ZAPR21) Notable: (pb) Medical Freedom Lawsuit Information

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Other than the U.S. military taking action at some point to stop the insanity, this seems like another viable option, provided the courts are not to far gone into the abyss of corruption.

How to Stop Schools from Mandating Vaccines

April 11, 2021

QUESTION: Greetings Martin

I hope all is well with you and your family.

I wanted to get your opinion/advice on forced vaccines for children

It appears the law is pretty clear cut with “experimental vaccines” cannot be forced by either private or public agencies.

That being said it also appears that govt will step back and let private businesses and both public and private universities mandate a vaccine to enter.

Who or what would be the best way to try and set precedent to not allow this to occur. Your gov has already come out and stated “no mandated vaccine” and yet Nova southeastern University in Florida had mandated It.

Here in New York, we have an even greater “lift”. As I have concern for my children.

Thank you



ANSWER: The way to approach this is actually simple. It is true that Congress has granted total immunity to the drug companies so they really could care less if the impact of these drugs in altering your DNA is actually passed on to future children with unknown consequences.

We need a lawyer to file a suit against any school that has mandated vaccines where a student has had an adverse reaction, and since these vaccines are experimental and have NOT been given actual approval by the FDA, then we need a case to present to go after any school who would NOT have immunity and bring a suit for the damages involved. Moreover, you can bring a suit and compel them to PROVE that the future risks to humanity do not exist. This is the ONLY way to attack this problem. Someone has to do this ASAP. I would be glad to help any lawyer willing to take this on.

Suing Universities & Schools

April 11, 2021

There is a class-action lawsuit against Rutgers University seeking a partial refund to tuition because they closed the campus due to COVID. This is one lawsuit that seeks to impose some damages upon the university. I have spoken to students who say their teachers changed with virtual classes and they have failed when they were honor students before. The cost of education by virtual should be minimal since they do not need an elaborate infrastructure.

However, it is still different than what I am suggesting. Mandatory vaccines impose risk and these universities are just jumping on the bandwagon in a me-too fashion without any due diligence on their part. By mandating vaccines, they should be held liable for all damages and you should be able to bring them to court for their lack of fiduciary duty to the students to verify that these vaccines pose no risk.

Moreover, any university which accepts grants from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or Bloomberg should be subject to an audit to see if there is any mandate for vaccines linked to any grant. If that is true, then lawsuits against both the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as Bloomberg become viable.

The same is applicable to high schools, grade schools, and pre-school.


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956510 No.42013

File: 9a86869a743f62a⋯.jpg (157.6 KB,720x1233,80:137,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d2f9eb6187e3f62⋯.jpg (400.35 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403644 (111700ZAPR21) Notable: Hogg got his 1st shot! KEK

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he's looking rough

I guess that's what happens when you lose your pillow company and get the vaccine at the same time

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956510 No.42014

File: a74ca098843af99⋯.jpg (208.41 KB,720x1092,60:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c4713ffa62e9c96⋯.jpg (170.85 KB,1908x1146,318:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403670 (111705ZAPR21) Notable: Naval officer shoots himself dead in luxury Hawaii hotel room after firing at cops through door

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Naval officer shoots himself dead in luxury Hawaii hotel room after firing at cops through door during TEN hour stand-off while 100 terrified guests sheltered in resort ballroom

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956510 No.42015

File: e2e46ff1551fc25⋯.jpg (363 KB,540x720,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403690 (111707ZAPR21) Notable: Hogg got his 1st shot! KEK

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956510 No.42016

File: 7dd9017be9c894a⋯.jpg (123.19 KB,720x876,60:73,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 810f5e192194a1f⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,1280x716,320:179,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0500aaf2fa56e6f⋯.jpg (196.08 KB,1125x1677,375:559,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bd48f61870076b8⋯.jpg (147.5 KB,1125x1391,1125:1391,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403807 (111727ZAPR21) Notable: lb, lb, Sandbags in DC? Flooding tunnels?

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Sand bagging in DC?


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956510 No.42017

File: 8c4d939ba7e630d⋯.jpeg (355.9 KB,1800x1800,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403818 (111730ZAPR21) Notable: unsauced, Canadian whistleblower doc re: COVID | Universal Income | MIL in the streets in July 2021

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A French document released last nov/dec, by a Canadian whistleblower predicted correctly the timeline for covid lockdown, mutations and now basic universal income… Watch out, they are saying military in the street in July. Buckle up!

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956510 No.42018

File: 7314bbc6b88484e⋯.jpg (425.97 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403826 (111732ZAPR21) Notable: upcoming summit to address human trafficking in Utah (HUBER?)

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956510 No.42019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403850 (111737ZAPR21) Notable: Cabal CEOs Plan New Push on Voting Legislation - PayPal to AMC & LDR! - had a zoom meeting about it

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CEOs Plan New Push on Voting Legislation

Companies from PayPal to AMC have signaled they will support joining effort for voter access, people say

Dozens of chief executives and other senior leaders gathered on Zoom this weekend to plot what several said big businesses should do next about new voting laws under way in Texas and other states.

Kenneth Chenault, the former chief executive of American Express Co. , and Kenneth Frazier, CEO ofMerck & Co., urged the leaders to collectively call for greater voting access, according to several people who attended. Messrs. Chenault and Frazier warned businesses against dropping the issue and asked CEOs to sign a statement opposing what they view as discriminatory legislation on voting, the people said.

The new statement could come early this week, the people said, and would build on one that 72 Black executives signed last month in the wake of changes to Georgia’s voting laws. Mr. Chenault told executives on the call that several leaders had signaled they would sign on, including executives atPepsiCoInc.,PayPalHoldings Inc.,T. Rowe PriceGroup Inc. andHessCorp. , among others, according to the people. PayPal confirmed it has signed the statement. PepsiCo, T. Rowe Price and Hess didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.


Some leaders spoke out in favor of signing on to the new statement, includingAMC EntertainmentHoldings Inc. CEO Adam Aron, Inclusive Capital Partners head andEstée Lauder Cos. director Lynn Forester de RothschildandCyberCore Technologies CEO Tina Kuhn, according to people familiar with the call. Others didn’t.

Mr. Aron and an AMC spokesman didn’t respond to requests for comment. Ms. Kuhn and Ms. Forester de Rothschild said they were proud to support the statement.


Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, aYaleSchool of Management professor, convened the CEO gathering and said many corporate leaders are concerned that voting legislation could affect employees or other stakeholders. “They don’t want wedge issues,” he said. “They just don’t want angry constituencies. It’s not in the interest of business.”


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956510 No.42020

File: 83abf5ad48061d1⋯.png (579.11 KB,1410x738,235:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403876 (111745ZAPR21) Notable: PF notices something interesting re: Israel, UK and a Doomsday plane

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What an interesting turn of events!

It seems that the E-4B Doomsday plane went directly to Israel, The Gulfstream went to Ireland and is on it's way to Israel now. The C17 went to Prestwick in the UK and is nearly wheels down in Israel, all at the same destination!

Somethin's up with this?!

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956510 No.42021

File: fa5528ad72ab85d⋯.png (346.24 KB,884x830,442:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403892 (111748ZAPR21) Notable: anon caps High noon anon coincidence

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What are the chances?

LB anon interaction

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956510 No.42022

File: 27b3bdce9a00b92⋯.png (195.09 KB,1026x1026,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 17c3b9c420f7462⋯.png (95.54 KB,1026x1026,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403907 (111751ZAPR21) Notable: Could it be that Dan is warning us of incoming FF OPs?

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Question: do the Scavino plane videos indicate incoming FF OPs?

His March 30th video (with the FF letters on the plane) was quickly followed by the Capitol attack of Noah Green


(it could be related to one of the previous mass shootings as well)

Yesterday, he posted a similar video:


Could it be that Dan is warning us of incoming FF OPs this way?

(just an hypothesis)

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956510 No.42023

File: 364deda7adff240⋯.png (23.92 KB,456x301,456:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403920 (111752ZAPR21) Notable: Mike Pence reveals he will live near Washington D.C.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mike Pence reveals he will live near Washington D.C. 'for the next few months' rather than returning to Indiana as he sets up 'office of the former vice president'

"He is living in Arlington, across the Potomac River from Washington D.C., before returning to Indiana this summer"


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956510 No.42024

File: 50c5b129884b851⋯.png (372.92 KB,852x645,284:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403929 (111753ZAPR21) Notable: upcoming summit to address human trafficking in Utah (HUBER?)

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What happened to Huber?

Same thing which happened to "Durham"?

Still Waiting.

Still watching.

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956510 No.42025

File: 7332a2a26ccd1d2⋯.png (428.15 KB,598x641,598:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403954 (111756ZAPR21) Notable: Authorities: High-powered laser puts U.S. Air Force crew at risk over Georgia

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Authorities: High-powered laser puts U.S. Air Force crew at risk over Georgia -



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956510 No.42026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403961 (111757ZAPR21) Notable: Authorities: High-powered laser puts U.S. Air Force crew at risk over Georgia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


SAVANNAH, GA—The FBI, in coordination with the United States Air Force, is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect(s) responsible for a laser strike on an aircraft approaching the Savannah Air National Guard Base on March 9, 2021.

On that date at approximately 9:50 p.m., a United States Air Force aircraft was deliberately struck by a high-powered laser for about one minute. The laser caused temporary eye damage to a member of the flight crew and put the entire crew at risk.

Investigators believe the laser strike originated from an area northeast of Vidalia, Georgia (see maps).

When aimed at an aircraft, a beam of light from a laser can travel more than a mile and illuminate a cockpit, disorienting and temporarily blinding pilots.

Anyone with information about the laser strike on March 9, 2021, is asked to contact FBI Atlanta at 770-216-3000 or go to tips.fbi.gov.


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956510 No.42027

File: 64a8a57275c9405⋯.png (115.86 KB,476x442,14:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13403964 (111757ZAPR21) Notable: Could it be that Dan is warning us of incoming FF OPs?

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956510 No.42028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404000 (111805ZAPR21) Notable: Could it be that Dan is warning us of incoming FF OPs?

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also 66

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956510 No.42029

File: 14bf7cdb6e2e475⋯.png (178.76 KB,519x746,519:746,Clipboard.png)

File: e8ab9b246ea2cde⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404008 (111806ZAPR21) Notable: POTUS @ Mar-A-Lago, the new WH

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Mar-A-Lago the new White House !!


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956510 No.42030

File: 454cf2c67599dcf⋯.png (82.79 KB,1196x458,598:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404078 (111820ZAPR21) Notable: Pompeo twats about the armor of God Ephesians 6:11, also ties back to Q post on 11:13, like Scavino

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Mike Pompeo


“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11

#SundayScripture ✝


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956510 No.42031

File: c8af8a9e0d6a10b⋯.png (264.22 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404130 (111830ZAPR21) Notable: Inside Steve Jobs' mansion he tried to demolish - interdesting pictures, satanic cross over FP, Godfather movies, tunnels..

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Don't recall seeing this in the notables. From April 8th. Some interdasting pics. Sorry no caps. Phone fagging and busy AF.


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956510 No.42032

File: af25521984bb7a2⋯.png (27.35 KB,540x736,135:184,Clipboard.png)

File: c14d51c2dddf8bb⋯.png (28.76 KB,540x740,27:37,Clipboard.png)

File: b0041b2e56beca6⋯.png (27.2 KB,540x743,540:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404152 (111832ZAPR21) Notable: Pompeo twats about the armor of God Ephesians 6:11, also ties back to Q post on 11:13, like Scavino

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956510 No.42033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404157 (111833ZAPR21) Notable: IF IF Scavino and Pompeo Q comms

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>wait, 11 13

>little bit like 3 11 ?

yes like 11 3 but 11 1+3 so

11 4







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956510 No.42034

File: 1b963d083fc4a79⋯.png (153.15 KB,435x322,435:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404161 (111834ZAPR21) Notable: Pompeo twats about the armor of God Ephesians 6:11, also ties back to Q post on 11:13, like Scavino

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The world will soon understand.

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956510 No.42035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404165 (111834ZAPR21) Notable: Pompeo twats about the armor of God Ephesians 6:11, also ties back to Q post on 11:13, like Scavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Nov 13


>>wait, 11 13

>>little bit like 3 11 ?

>yes like 11 3 but 11 1+3 so

>11 4

>>>>/qresearch/13403669 (You)

>>>>/qresearch/13403773 (You)

>>>>/qresearch/13403791 (You)

>>>>/qresearch/13403803 (You)



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956510 No.42036

File: a9bd59dea8a6c18⋯.png (13.15 KB,382x176,191:88,Clipboard.png)

File: d78359fc4b5b3b9⋯.png (47.72 KB,416x573,416:573,Clipboard.png)

File: f9b09ebfc0ae7a7⋯.png (105.35 KB,1575x503,1575:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 2de3c9a59c0e897⋯.png (187.64 KB,1575x710,315:142,Clipboard.png)

File: cab8b89c70e7e1e⋯.png (167.35 KB,1575x602,225:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404197 (111839ZAPR21) Notable: Pompeo twats about the armor of God Ephesians 6:11, also ties back to Q post on 11:13, like Scavino

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Mike Pompeo / @mikepompeo 04/11/2021 14:06:01

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Direct Link: 1381307564000960517

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11

#SundayScripture ✝️


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956510 No.42037

File: e4f7f4295daf83c⋯.png (96.13 KB,1033x340,1033:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 8629157f40c44b1⋯.png (51.55 KB,1033x340,1033:340,Clipboard.png)

File: a777d39a0032d7a⋯.png (348.81 KB,1020x2128,255:532,Clipboard.png)

File: b6f19381d83aa21⋯.png (48.48 KB,545x635,109:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404208 (111842ZAPR21) Notable: Could it be that Dan is warning us of incoming FF OPs?

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all pb








K = 5

K = 5

>11 5

Turn completes at 23seconds

> https://www.iac.org/legacy/aerobatic-figures

Aerobatic Figures

Submitted by Guenther Eichhorn on Tue, 2013-01-15 20:51

The K-valuesincluded with the competition figures give an indication of the difficulty of each of these maneuvers. Higher K-values mean more difficult maneuvers. Each figure is assigned a score from 0 to 10, which is then multiplied by the K factor.

Competition Turn




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956510 No.42038

File: 2bfd610713a45b0⋯.png (363.58 KB,1149x1535,1149:1535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404247 (111851ZAPR21) Notable: Pompeo twats about the armor of God Ephesians 6:11, also ties back to Q post on 11:13, like Scavino

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>wait, 11 13

>little bit like 3 11 ?

yes like 11 3 but 11 1+3 so

11 4

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956510 No.42039

File: 3931c08093f9950⋯.png (39.12 KB,601x270,601:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404259 (111853ZAPR21) Notable: Intelligence sources tell me: Israel is behind the activity in Natanz

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JUST IN - Iran's atomic energy organization spokesman reportedly suffered an "ankle and head injury" during his visit at the Natanz facility, while Mohsen Rezaei, former IRGC commander just tweeted a new fire has broken out at the nuclear facility.


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956510 No.42040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404273 (111855ZAPR21) Notable: Inside Steve Jobs' mansion he tried to demolish - interdesting pictures, satanic cross over FP, Godfather movies, tunnels..

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Sheesh What an asshole.

I think there was more to his desire to demolish it than "I just want a smaller place"

Could easily buy a smaller place or built it on the six acres he had there?

they really think we are stupid.


Unexplained tunnels there. And weird holes in the walls

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956510 No.42041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404283 (111857ZAPR21) Notable: Could it be that Dan is warning us of incoming FF OPs?

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This one is easy…the Plane "Loops"..as in "Loop Capital"…there is also one out there that shows the Plane "Banking"…to the left, maybe to the right (I'm not sure)…

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956510 No.42042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404293 (111900ZAPR21) Notable: lb, lb, Sandbags in DC? Flooding tunnels?

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Sand bags around the gates, means they are going to flood the tunnels to get rid of any rats still hiding in the tunnels…they seal off the tunnels and flood it up to the level in the grates…they stop it before the overflow…

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956510 No.42043

File: c9495f31792a404⋯.jpg (315.23 KB,1080x921,360:307,Clipboard.jpg)

File: aeaf455b9eaeedc⋯.jpg (131.99 KB,1080x864,5:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4dd6e6a35e9d8e1⋯.jpg (343.52 KB,1280x1920,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f89bca4e0a693b6⋯.jpg (106.87 KB,1024x751,1024:751,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404306 (111902ZAPR21) Notable: Inside Steve Jobs' mansion he tried to demolish - interdesting pictures, satanic cross over FP, Godfather movies, tunnels..

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Check out the symbol on the fireplace. Does it belong to a manufacturer?

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956510 No.42044

File: 515a2571eb360c0⋯.png (579.11 KB,1410x738,235:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404360 (111922ZAPR21) Notable: PFs & Secretary of Defense takes a Doomsday bird for his trip to Israel

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>>42020 (pb)

PF missed from last bread:


What an interesting turn of events!

It seems that the E-4B Doomsday plane went directly to Israel, The Gulfstream went to Ireland and is on it's way to Israel now. The C17 went to Prestwick in the UK and is nearly wheels down in Israel, all at the same destination!

Somethin's up with this?!

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956510 No.42045

File: ed2c6a57eb2c13e⋯.png (434.3 KB,1414x564,707:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404367 (111924ZAPR21) Notable: PFs & Secretary of Defense takes a Doomsday bird for his trip to Israel

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A couple of RAF birds out of Brize Norton RAF in the UK, a little out of their territory.

There's been a few spoopy flights lately. I wonder what's happening that we can't quite see?!

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956510 No.42046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404373 (111926ZAPR21) Notable: Dr. Steve Pieczenik just issued a new warning about Putin's likely next steps

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Dr. Steve Pieczenik just issued a new warning about Putin's likely next steps.

Video - https://youtu.be/pTC77WEGMPk

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956510 No.42047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404380 (111928ZAPR21) Notable: PFs & Secretary of Defense takes a Doomsday bird for his trip to Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin to visit Israel, Germany and Britain

United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will travel to Israel, Germany, Britain and the NATO headquarters in Belgium in the coming week for talks with government and military leaders, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

The highest-ranked official of the administration of President Joe Biden to visit Israel, Austin will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz, where discussions will cover "shared priorities" and reaffirm Washington's commitment to Israel maintaining military superiority over its neighbors, according to a Pentagon statement. In Europe, he will hold talks with German defense minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Chancellery Foreign and Security Policy Adviser Dr. Jan Hecker, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and British defense minister Ben Wallace.


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956510 No.42048

File: db59763962aa976⋯.png (231.52 KB,535x609,535:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404391 (111930ZAPR21) Notable: PFs & Secretary of Defense takes a Doomsday bird for his trip to Israel

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956510 No.42049

File: cd78a58c2207494⋯.png (271.9 KB,795x582,265:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fc059cd871d91e⋯.png (482.28 KB,791x613,791:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 33d3cba24ec8494⋯.png (15.8 KB,811x581,811:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404410 (111933ZAPR21) Notable: This child abuse is the result of the disastrous left-wing agenda

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'This child abuse is the result of the disastrous left-wing agenda': GOP Whip Steve Scalise shares footage from migrant camp where kids are packed in like sardines and forced to stepping over each other

Steve Scalise slammed Joe Biden's border policies as 'child abuse' as he shared images from the border including one of a migrant facility that is at 16 times its capacity.

'How could President Biden and Kamala Harris allow this to go on and not even come here and see it for themselves?' the House Minority Whip questioned during a press availability at the border. 'It's a disgrace.'

'We went into a facility — in the middle of a pandemic — that is designed to hold no more than 250 people. Today, there's more than 4,000 people,' Scalise continued as he was joined by a group of 10 other Republican lawmakers.

Biden and Vice President Harris have not yet visited the southern border – despite it quickly becoming the biggest obstacle and failure of the new administration so far.

Last month, Harris was appointed by Biden as point person for the administration's response to the crisis, specifically to address the root causes in Northern Triangle countries that lead to the mass amount of migrants fleeing to the U.S.

In the vice president's 18 days in charge of the growing immigration crisis, she has not once visited the southern border or Central American countries from which migrants are traveling.


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956510 No.42050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404440 (111940ZAPR21) Notable: a federal judge who has ties to Planned Parenthood permanently blocked undercover journalist David Daleiden this week from releasing additional videos

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judge Permanently Bans David Daleiden From Releasing More Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood

As expected, a federal judge who has ties to Planned Parenthood permanently blocked undercover journalist David Daleiden this week from releasing additional videos that Daleiden says show evidence of infanticide in the abortion industry.

U.S. District Judge William Orrick issued the permanent injunction at the request of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) and demanded that Daleiden turn over the video footage, according to lawyers representing NAF.

The order applies to about 200 hours of video footage that Daleiden and other undercover investigators with the Center for Medical Progress recorded at a NAF conference.

Additionally, the judge granted NAF lawyers’ motion for summary judgment in the case. NAF sued Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress for breach of contract.

“What’s on the footage from abortion industry tradeshows that [Planned Parenthood] leaders are so desperate to cover up?” Daleiden responded on Twitter Thursday. “Maybe it has something to do with the baby parts companies sponsoring the tradeshow? Maybe with our expert who says the [conversations] show infanticide? The truth must be revealed.”

Click here to sign up for pro-life news alerts from LifeNews.com

In February, Daleiden’s lawyer Peter Breen, of the Thomas More Society, told the judge that releasing the undercover footage is a matter of “public interest.” Breen said police and lawmakers especially should be allowed to view the videos if they are investigating NAF or Planned Parenthood.

But Orrick disagreed, arguing in his ruling that he personally reviewed the recordings and found “no criminal activity,” Breitbart reports.

Here’s more from The Federalist:

Daleiden’s defense team was hoping an expert report from an OB-GYN and longtime abortionist Forrest Smith, who reviewed the videos and testified that Planned Planned employees violated standard medical practices, would contradict Orrick’s own findings … It appears Orrick had no problem finding a way to disregard Smith’s report altogether, to instead rely on his own “personal review” of the videos.

In deciding whether the videos are of “public interest,” Orrick admitted that the Center for Medical Progress’s investigations “resulted in government investigations, criminal prosecutions, and regulatory activity,” but determined once again that the videos he watched “disclosed no criminal activity.”

In a statement, the Center for Medical Progress said Smith, the longest-practicing abortion provider in the U.S., reviewed the videos and found evidence of infanticide and sales of aborted baby body parts.

The judge’s “decision hides the most incriminating and damning footage under the fig leaf of trade show exhibit agreements which explicitly permitted exhibitor recording,” the organization said.

Meanwhile, NAF celebrated the ruling, arguing that the release of the additional videos could lead to “harassment, threats and violence directed at NAF, its members and abortion providers generally.”


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956510 No.42051

File: 4eb5c70e89fa559⋯.jpeg (4.56 MB,4288x2848,134:89,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404471 (111949ZAPR21) Notable: PFs & Secretary of Defense takes a Doomsday bird for his trip to Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Secretary of Defense takes a Doomsday bird for his trip to Israel.

Lands just hours after a cyber-attack on Natanz nuke facility in Iran, which occurred days after Iran captured Israeli spies on its border.

Jordan, next door to Israel, is staving off a coup effort.

Syria, next door to Israel, has seen U.S. troops entering since Xiden took office and is imminently expecting a sanctions-defying shipment of Iranian oil via a tanker that just transited the Suez Canal a few days ago.

Lebanon, right next door to Israel, has no functioning government whatsoever.

Egypt, right next door to Israel, controls the Suez and yet is about to have its primary source of freshwater, the Nile River, shut off by Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam.

Lloyd's pimpin' it for quite a few reasons.

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956510 No.42052

File: b0025e40b6bd232⋯.png (588.86 KB,886x652,443:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404499 (111957ZAPR21) Notable: Creepy Chrissy Teigen with White Rabbit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

creepy krissy.

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956510 No.42053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404532 (112003ZAPR21) Notable: Dr. Steve Pieczenik just issued a new warning about Putin's likely next steps

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Below is my quick 'n' dirty transcription of Dr. Pieczenik's message, which lasted only 4 minutes and 55 seconds.

I think it may be important.Why? Because once it seems like someone has taken an act of aggression against us, our Military has the green light to affirmatively act in our defense. Part of that, in my opinion, will be the Military revealing to the normies that our country has been under foreign attack for a lot longer time.


Hi. This is Dr. Pieczenik and today I want to talk about something quite serious.

A few days ago Biden said to Putin, and said to the American Public, that he thought Putin was a killer and a madman.



Putin was placed in there in 1991 and first as an intelligence operative from Eastern Europe who spoke German, and then eventually he was brought in, in 2001, as the Prime Minister of Russia, because we needed somebody to control the New Russia, which I had helped in taking part, and I discussed in my book, “THE AMERICAN WARRIOR IN CRISIS.”

The point of fact is that Biden is a very incompetent and not very smart individual. When you talk about Putin as “a killer” Putin will retaliate and he explained exactly why.

He said, genetically, culturally, and historically we are different countries, but Biden is projecting his own killing spree.

And what he was talking about is what I had said, very early on, when the Biden Administration came in. Biden went to war in Iraq and killed 5,000 of our men. He helped start the war in Afghanistan and continued with several more thousand men. He started the war in Libya, during the Obama Administration, more thousands of men killed.

So, in effect, what Putin is saying this will not continue.

In fact, what Putin has done is he’s moved the Absconder Missile Systems, which travel at 5,000 miles per hour, right into the Ukrainian Territory. He’s moved 25,000 Russian soldiers right into Crimea, which he took over in 2014 from the Ukrainians, and he’s told President Zelensky, who’s Jewish and a comedian, “THIS IS NOT A COMEDY. I WILL TAKE OVER THE UKRAINE IF I NEED TO, SINCE IT BELONGED TO THE SOVIET UNION. WHEN I BROKE UP THE SOVIET UNION, WE HAD A CODICIL WHICH SAID, IN EFFECT, ‘CRIMEA WAS PART OF RUSSIA’.”

And that is what Putin will come back to.

He sent another 25,000 up the Azoff River in Bolderag (sp?) and basically all around the Ukraine he surrounded them with soldiers, guns, and weapons systems.

In turn, what do I have?

I have an administration filled with a lot of American Jews who I’m sure intend well but are totally incompetent. One of them just left: Roberta Jackson – Jacobson. She messed up on the border.

Then I’ve got Blinken, who is a Jew whose father I had known, Samuel Kozar in the Holocaust, and made a big story about how his step-father came from the Holocaust. That’s not relevant because he, himself, has never joined the military.

Then I have Majorca who’s a Cuban Jew, like myself, and claims to be a Sepphardic Jew.

Not a Sepphardic Jew.

Again, he never served our country.

I have Yellen. I have Cohn. I have all these individuals who claim to be things that they’re not. In fact, there were over 15 Jews in this Administration and as a practicing Jew I am not comfortable with it.

And the simple reason why? They’re incompetent. They tend to be individuals who’ve spent a lot of time making money from the Military Industrial Complex, and NONE but NONE of them served our Military, or served overseas in combat.

And none have the experience of being able to read psychological profiles, implement regime change, and understand that ‘’’Putin is as ruthless as the people who put him in, namely myself.’’’

Putin has no problem instigating a conflict that will start within a week and force the United States to come to the assistance of Zelensky in the Ukraine.

We cannot allow that to happen.

Biden has to be stopped at what he does.

Biden has to have a reporter or an advisor, like William Burns (who I do agree with, who’s now the Director of the CIA and was a career Foreign Service Officer for 26 years and served both Democrats and Republicans) and he should be the one to negotiate with Putin because Burns was a great Ambassador to Russia and does speak Russian.

He is ruthless, he is clever, and he is honest.

Let me leave you with the words that most people would understand.

Biden is “stupid is as stupid does.”

With that note, let’s make sure we don’t get him into trouble.


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956510 No.42054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404554 (112011ZAPR21) Notable: Biden's American Jobs Plan could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created

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Biden's American Jobs Plan could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created

The Washington Post gave Biden "two Pinocchios" for claiming the American Jobs Plan, his infrastructure and jobs proposal, will create 19 million jobs.

President Joe Biden's proposed $2 trillion American Jobs Plan could end up costing taxpayers more than $666,666 per job created.

The Washington Post gave Biden "two Pinocchios" for saying the American Jobs Plan, his infrastructure and jobs proposal, will create 19 million jobs. Both Biden and his Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg have made the 19 million jobs claim. The source of the statement is a Moody's analysis, which CNN pointed out had estimated the U.S. economy would add about "16.3 million jobs over the same period if the infrastructure proposal does not get passed."

Subtracting Moody's 16.3 million figure from Biden's 19 million projection would equal 2.7 million net jobs created by the infrastructure plan. Rounding up to 3 million jobs and dividing by $2 trillion equals $666,000 per job. If the jobs plan leads to 2.7 million jobs created, the cost to taxpayers would be $740,740.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that House Democrats hope to draft the formal legislation for the American Jobs Plan by May and finalize it by July 4. The White House fact sheet about the plan includes a description of key parts of the proposal but does not list the specific infrastructure projects the bill would fund.

Democrats are considering using budget reconciliation to move the bill through Congress to avoid the filibuster in the Senate. Democrats used that strategy for the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that Biden signed last month.

"We have this bill that we hope we can do, especially, the infrastructure bill," Pelosi said on Thursday. "It has always been bipartisan. We will do so in a bipartisan way. If we have to go to reconciliation, that is a lever, but I hope it is not something we need to do."

Biden oversaw the implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009. The Obama administration estimated that the bill would "create or save" 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2009. Politifact rated former President Obama's claim in May 2009 that the bill "saved or created" 150,000 jobs as "mostly false."

At the time, Republicans as well as some political and economic analysts argued that it was difficult to measure how many jobs a piece of legislation could "save." In the end, the Congressional Budget Office


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956510 No.42055

File: e866576f59a4487⋯.png (20.6 KB,462x202,231:101,Clipboard.png)

File: d0e8229a8163d4f⋯.png (13.85 KB,398x184,199:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404575 (112016ZAPR21) Notable: Joe Comms

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Joe comms….

Timestamp 3:20 pm 15:20

1) 20 + 3 = 23

2) 20 - 3 = 17

3) 15:20 15 + 2 = 17

Also, adding Q Drop #320 just because it's kind of funny…Q getting a lil frustrated with anons. :)

President Biden


United States government official

It’s time we invest in the future of America once again.

3:20 PM · Apr 11, 2021·The White House


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956510 No.42056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404597 (112024ZAPR21) Notable: #16978, #16979, #16880

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all pb


>>42008, >>>/qresearch/13403563, >>>/qresearch/13403653, >>>/qresearch/13403669, >>>/qresearch/13403773, >>>/qresearch/13403791, >>>/qresearch/13403803 Scavino Comms 11:13, 11.4 ?

>>42030, >>42032, >>42035, >>42038, >>42033, >>42034, >>42036 Pompeo twats about the armor of God Ephesians 6:11, also ties back to Q post on 11:13, like Scavino

>>42033 IF IF Scavino and Pompeo Q comms

>>42013, >>42015 Hogg got his 1st shot! KEK

>>42014 Naval officer shoots himself dead in luxury Hawaii hotel room after firing at cops through door

>>42016, >>42042 Sandbags in DC?

>>42017 unsauced, Canadian whistleblower doc re: COVID | Universal Income | MIL in the streets in July 2021

>>42018, >>42024 upcoming summit to address human trafficking in Utah (HUBER?)

>>42019 Cabal CEOs Plan New Push on Voting Legislation - PayPal to AMC & LDR! - had a zoom meeting about it

>>42020 PF notices something interesting re: Israel, UK and a Doomsday plane

>>42021 anon caps High noon anon coincidence

>>42022, >>42027, >>42028, >>42037, >>42041 Could it be that Dan is warning us of incoming FF OPs?

>>42023 Mike Pence reveals he will live near Washington D.C.

>>42025, >>42026 Authorities: High-powered laser puts U.S. Air Force crew at risk over Georgia

>>42029 POTUS @ Mar-A-Lago, the new WH

>>42031, >>42040, >>42043 Inside Steve Jobs' mansion he tried to demolish - interdesting pictures, satanic cross over FP, Godfather movies, tunnels..

>>42011, >>42039 Intelligence sources tell me: Israel is behind the activity in Natanz

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956510 No.42057

File: 72aecdcbea88905⋯.png (177.26 KB,607x500,607:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cca09f078b73d6⋯.png (461.98 KB,480x479,480:479,Clipboard.png)

File: f239bdb8733e7f2⋯.png (303.73 KB,606x370,303:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404607 (112027ZAPR21) Notable: , TIME STAMP POMPEO TWEET 2.06 - QPOST 206 BELOW

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>>42030 LB/PB !!!





Mike Pompeo @

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11

#SundayScripture ✝


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956510 No.42058

File: 866a8b0844bc0ee⋯.jpeg (168.35 KB,828x564,69:47,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404654 (112043ZAPR21) Notable: , Harvey Weinstein secretly indicted on rape charges by grand jury in LA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42059

File: 18aea5d1cf310bb⋯.png (244.14 KB,541x384,541:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404655 (112044ZAPR21) Notable: TX Rep Dan Crenshaw Suffers 'Terrifying' Medical Emergency Which May Leave Him Blind and His Haters Soulless

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TX Rep Dan Crenshaw Suffers 'Terrifying' Medical Emergency Which May Leave Him Blind and His Haters Soulless

Texas Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw announced he’ll be “off the grid” for a while because of emergency surgery to fix his one remaining eye.

In a statement issued on Saturday, Crenshaw, a retired Navy SEAL, said an IED attack in Afghanistan that claimed one of his eyes may take the sight of his one “good” eye.

Crenshaw is known for his eye patch, which he uses in his election imagery and which makes him look like the badass he is.

But brave people know fear. He called that prognosis “terrifying.”

This is a terrifying prognosis for someone with one eye, and the nature of the injuries that I sustained in Afghanistan. Anyone who knows the history of my injuries know that I don’t have a “good eye,” but half a good eye.

He says the surgery went well but that he’ll be completely blind for a period of time while he lays face-down to assure that his eye heals properly.

During the surgery, they put a gas bubble in my eye, which acts as a bandage for my retina. This means I have to be face-down for the next week or so, unable to see anything.

That “week or so” may end up becoming several weeks, according to several people responding to the congressman’s announcement on Twitter who said they’d had the same surgery. Here’s just one example of a man who was face-down for 12 weeks.


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956510 No.42060

File: c4865a60c364507⋯.png (12.89 KB,352x226,176:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 93271fb45d8664a⋯.png (75.55 KB,1196x458,598:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404658 (112045ZAPR21) Notable: , TIME STAMP POMPEO TWEET 2.06 - QPOST 206 BELOW

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Can’t wait for the green light.

Teams on standby.


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956510 No.42061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404663 (112046ZAPR21) Notable: White House interested in returning to Iran nuclear deal, opening communication channels

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Non of these channels can keep the likes even with the algo change, kek!

Forbes Breaking News

White House interested in returning to Iran nuclear deal, opening communication channels

84,292 views • Apr 10, 2021



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956510 No.42062

File: 636177929c89284⋯.png (161.25 KB,375x283,375:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404666 (112047ZAPR21) Notable: , Harvey Weinstein secretly indicted on rape charges by grand jury in LA

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Harvey Weinstein secretly indicted on rape charges by grand jury in Los Angeles

Harvey Weinstein was secretly indicted on rape charges by a grand jury in Los Angeles a couple weeks ago, Fox News has learned. The move by LA District Attorney George Gascón should facilitate the extradition of the Hollywood producer from New York so that he can be tried.

The indictment is virtually identical to the criminal complaint, which had been filed in January 2020 by former DA Jackie Lacey. The disgraced movie mogul, who is already serving a 23-year sentence in New York for rape and sexual assault, faces 11 counts in California,including rape and sexual battery involving five incidents that allegedly took place between 2004 and 2013. If convicted, he faces up to 140 years behind bars.

The indictment, which is still under seal, and arrest warrant for Weinstein are expected to be publicly revealed Monday afternoon at his extradition hearing in Erie County, New York. The producer is serving his time at the maximum-security Wende Correctional Facility near Buffalo. The LA case has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the DA’s office does not want to wait any longer.

According to legal experts, by getting an indictment, LA prosecutors can streamline the proceedings and are able to go straight to trial, rather than doing it under a criminal complaint that would then require a preliminary hearing. "This process will eliminate the need for a preliminary hearing which is kind of a minitrial like we saw in the OJ case: there was the trial before the trial," criminal defense attorney Troy Slaten explained, adding that in the LA County, the use of grand jury is limited to very few cases. With this move and under the law that allows the borrowed custody, the California state can get custody of the New York’s inmate and must commence trial within 120 days.

The Los Angeles DA’s office has not responded to Fox News' inquiries on the secret indictment so far. Weinstein’s attorney in the LA case and an attorney for two of the five accusers, Gloria Allred, have both declined to comment.

"These are stale, unsubstantiated, uncorroborated, uncredible allegations that arose during the hysteria of the #MeToo movement and we're confident that Mr. Weinstein will be acquitted because there's no credible evidence against him. He's innocent," defense lawyer Mark Werksman stated regarding the charges.

On Monday, his attorneys are expected to ask for a delay of the extradition, citing his "poor" health conditions, which would put him at higher risk under the current pandemic. But the chances of a postponement are slim as their next shot would be with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is currently battling sexual harassment allegations. Weinstein could be extradited to LA within 30 days of tomorrow’s hearing.

Allred is hopeful that his transfer will be finally done so that he can also have his day in court in the West Coast. "It appears to me that Mr. Weinstein does not wish to be removed to Los Angeles to face charges, but justice delayed is justice denied," she added.

A longtime women's rights attorney, Allred represents Mimi Haleyi, one of the women whose sex assault accusations Weinstein was found guilty of in New York. In the LA case, Allred is defending one unnamed woman and Lauren Young, who has come forward publicly as she was a witness in the New York criminal trial over a year ago. Young, a model and actress, testified then that Weinstein sexually assaulted her in a Beverly Hills hotel in February 2013 after being trapped inside a bathroom with him. He allegedly groped her while masturbating before she was able to flee.

LA prosecutors allege that Weinstein raped an Italian model at another Beverly Hills hotel on Feb. 18, 2013, just a day before the attack against Young. The alleged assaults of the other three women all took place at Beverly Hills hotels.

Regardless of how the California case ends, the former producer would still have to return to New York to serve the rest of his 23-year sentence, which is currently on appeal.

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956510 No.42063

File: 8a555e7588fa2b2⋯.jpg (148.79 KB,450x654,75:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5707bd2ee7a264b⋯.mp4 (6.64 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404678 (112050ZAPR21) Notable: EVA EVERGREEN the Kid Witch about to lose her powers

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I'll just leave these weird COINKYDOINKS here 'case they aren't already known by Frens

EVA EVERGREEN the Kid Witch about to lose her powers

A young witch must pass a coming-of-age quest or risk losing her magic forever in this enchanting fantasy — perfect for fans of Aru Shah and the End of Time.

Eva Evergreen is determined to earn the rank of Novice Witch before her thirteenth birthday. If she doesn’t, she’ll lose her magic forever.

The only problem? Eva only has a pinch of magic. She summons heads of cabbage instead of flowers and gets a sunburn instead of calling down rain. And to add insult to injury, whenever she overuses her magic, she falls asleep.HRC?

When she lands in the tranquil coastal town of Auteri, the residents expect a powerful witch, not a semi-magical girl. So Eva comes up with a plan: set up a magical repair shop to aid Auteri and prove she’s worthy. She may have more blood than magic, but her “semi-magical fixes” repair the lives of the townspeople in ways they never could have imagined. Only, Eva’s bit of magic may not be enough

when the biggest magical storm in history

threatens the town … Eva must conjure up all of the magic, and cleverness she can muster or Auteri and her dreams of becoming a witch will wash away

with the storm.

Sauce: => www.lbyr [DOT] com/titles/julie-abe/eva-evergreen-semi-magical-witch/9780316493888/


Plus:EVA Evergreen AIR catering to kids

See Video

sauce: => www.youtube [DOT] com/watch?v=N4bm7zsIsX8

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956510 No.42064

File: 2a7c13715ca0082⋯.png (463.99 KB,598x573,598:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404704 (112057ZAPR21) Notable: Arizona congressional aide dies, wife rescued in Death Valley National Park

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Arizona congressional aide dies, wife rescued in Death Valley National Park



Like that?

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956510 No.42065

File: 31626e5028d46fa⋯.png (15.11 KB,454x167,454:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cda2f30b79ee44⋯.png (17.55 KB,303x64,303:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404963 (112148ZAPR21) Notable: "Armor of God" occurs in 17 Q drops

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Pompeo Tweet:

Ephesians 6:11 -> 6+11 = 17. "Armor of God" occurs in 17 Q drops.

This from the man who tweeted "America First" 17 times at 5:00am PST in January, and whose Twitter banner has aUSSS(US Sec of State) seal with 17 stars.

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956510 No.42066

File: 0f8978cb5f236d7⋯.png (73.13 KB,842x432,421:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13404997 (112155ZAPR21) Notable: John Ratcliffe says law enforcement knows it really is Hunter Biden’s laptop

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John Ratcliffe says law enforcement knows it really is Hunter Biden’s laptop — not Russian disinformation

Jerry Dunleavy 5 hrs ago

Former President Donald Trump’s top spy chief claims law enforcement knows the laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden is indeed the laptop of President Joe Biden’s son, blasting the former intelligence officials, politicians, and members of the media who suggested the laptop story was a Russian disinformation operation.

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956510 No.42067

File: 0a8d83f28015c45⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405048 (112206ZAPR21) Notable: Andrew talks about P's death "we're all in the same boat" comms

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42068

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405064 (112210ZAPR21) Notable: Joe says millstones instead of mile stones

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>we're all in the same boat

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956510 No.42069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405174 (112246ZAPR21) Notable: Charlyne Yi calls James Franco a ‘sexual predator,’ blasts Seth Rogen

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Charlyne Yi calls James Franco a ‘sexual predator,’ blasts Seth Rogen

Charlyne Yi ripped into Hollywood pals James Franco and Seth Rogen on Instagram, calling Franco a “sexual predator” and Rogen someone who allegedly “enables” his frequent collaborator.

Yi — who was cast alongside Franco and Rogen in the 2017 film “The Disaster Artist,” which Franco also directed — claims producers tried to “bribe” her when she looked to exit the movie because of Franco.

“When I tried to break legal contract & quit Disaster Artist because James Franco is a sexual predator, they tried to bribe me with a bigger acting role,” she claimed on Instagram. “I cried and told them that that was the exact opposite of what I wanted, that I didn’t feel safe working with a f–king sexual predator.”

Yi, 35, also claimed that since Rogen, 38, was a producer on the movie, “he definitely knows about the bribe and why I quit.”

In 2018, five women — including four of Franco’s acting students — came forward to accuse Franco of sexual misconduct in the past. This past January, a settlement agreement was reached in a lawsuit that alleged the actor of intimidating his students into gratuitous and exploitative sexual situations.

“The Disaster Artist” came out before the bombshell 2018 report, but Yi appeared to be alluding via Instagram to a 2014 incident involving Franco, now 42, allegedly contacting a 17-year-old girl about a hotel meet-up. Franco later said he acted like a “gentleman” and didn’t know the girl’s age.

In her Instagram post, Yi mentioned an “SNL” sketch Rogen performed “enabling Franco … Right after Franco was caught.” Just weeks after the interaction with the teen came to light, Rogen appeared on “SNL” and joked, “I decided to prank James Franco. I posed as a girl on Instagram, told him I was way young. He seemed unfazed. I have a date to meet him at the Ace Hotel.”

Yi and Rogen also worked together on the 2007 flick “Knocked Up.”

Yi said she was speaking out now because April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Page Six has reached out to reps for Franco, Rogen and Yi for comment.


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956510 No.42070

File: 4a25d418fe9396b⋯.jpg (29.95 KB,829x177,829:177,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405208 (112252ZAPR21) Notable: , Republican Gov. Chris Sununu on Thursday said he intends to sign a bill calling for an audit of the machines used in the town of Windham, according to the Washington Examiner.

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Governor declares voting-machine audit imminent

Jack Davis, The Western Journal By Jack Davis, The Western Journal

Published April 11, 2021 at 2:03pm

Republican Gov. Chris Sununu on Thursday said he intends to sign a bill calling for an audit of the machines used in the town of Windham, according to the Washington Examiner.

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956510 No.42071

File: f5bd7980060b33b⋯.png (91.73 KB,458x378,229:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405249 (112301ZAPR21) Notable: Q posts re: armor of GOD, pompeo tweet

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>>>/qresearch/13405229 (me)


Yes. Well. Anon has a fridge in need of a fan replacements.

Try this one. (Geez that was embarassing.)

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956510 No.42072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405258 (112303ZAPR21) Notable: , Republican Gov. Chris Sununu on Thursday said he intends to sign a bill calling for an audit of the machines used in the town of Windham, according to the Washington Examiner.

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Boone County MO uses DS200 Voting machines. Those machines were just revealed in another jurisdiction to have chips in the motherboards that allow external manipulation, apparently.

Now I have a pretty good idea of what has been going on in this county.

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956510 No.42073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405264 (112304ZAPR21) Notable: Former hostage responds to top diplomat calling Al Qaeda a US 'asset' in Syria

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Former hostage responds to top diplomat calling Al Qaeda a US 'asset' in Syria

Apr 11, 2021

Pushback with Aaron Maté


Amid a public relations campaign to rehabilitate the Al Qaeda franchise in Syria – which rules Idlib, Syria's last militant-controlled province – former top US diplomat James Jeffrey has called the group a US "asset." Lindsey Snell, an independent journalist who escaped captivity by Al Qaeda in Syria, responds.

Guest: Lindsey Snell, independent journalist covering the Middle East and North Africa. In 2016, she was kidnapped by the Al Qaeda group in Syria, what was then called al-Nusra, and escaped after 10 days.


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956510 No.42074

File: 5314a77c713deba⋯.jpg (49.63 KB,1143x249,381:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405278 (112305ZAPR21) Notable: Commie corporations trying to stop audits

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100 business executives discuss how to combat new voting rules: report

By Mychael Schnell - 04/11/21 06:46 PM EDT


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956510 No.42075

File: 292915d32525286⋯.jpg (77.1 KB,486x860,243:430,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405279 (112305ZAPR21) Notable: Q posts re: armor of GOD, pompeo tweet

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42076

File: 87da3018fb2d357⋯.png (121.68 KB,1169x705,1169:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405287 (112306ZAPR21) Notable: , Republican Gov. Chris Sununu on Thursday said he intends to sign a bill calling for an audit of the machines used in the town of Windham, according to the Washington Examiner.

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See the blue in the middle of the state? THAT is what happens in a county with a liberal college town as the county seat.


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956510 No.42077

File: 0373856d51b56e2⋯.jpg (129.11 KB,720x1037,720:1037,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405294 (112308ZAPR21) Notable: ‘Not Our Problem’: Iowa Governor Rejects White House Plea To House Child Migrants As Admin Flies Kids Cross-Country

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‘Not Our Problem’: Iowa Governor Rejects White House Plea To House Child Migrants As Admin Flies Kids Cross-Country


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956510 No.42078

File: cba80c698c308c5⋯.jpg (60.89 KB,1176x368,147:46,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405315 (112311ZAPR21) Notable: Biden niece worked in Coca-Cola government relations as company lobbied against Uyghur forced labor bill

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POLITICS Published April 9

Biden niece worked in Coca-Cola government relations as company lobbied against Uyghur forced labor bill

Missy Owens left position at soda giant last November

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956510 No.42079

File: 7fec2eca9a32407⋯.jpeg (442.4 KB,1283x2314,1283:2314,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405319 (112312ZAPR21) Notable: “A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)

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“A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Attorney Sidney Powell joined radio host Rose Tennent to discuss her ongoing efforts to expose the fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

During the interview, Sidney Powell predicted that Maricopa County’s upcoming audit will reveal over 100,000 fraudulent ballots in Arizona.

Sidney Powell: “Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party. A vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state. And a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is and they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.”


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956510 No.42080

File: 30ac84ce9548a28⋯.png (362.32 KB,1000x617,1000:617,Clipboard.png)

File: d26797e0e0b5c0b⋯.png (309.78 KB,593x787,593:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 78df950e2c1ba61⋯.png (323.77 KB,859x900,859:900,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b4449a1c135218⋯.png (360.05 KB,850x315,170:63,Clipboard.png)

File: d2f5d3b6e82a240⋯.jpg (275.57 KB,2048x1402,1024:701,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405328 (112314ZAPR21) Notable: “A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)

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>Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces


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956510 No.42081

File: fe1a26e99559035⋯.jpg (84.06 KB,834x797,834:797,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405334 (112315ZAPR21) Notable: Commie corporations trying to stop audits

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3 hours ago - Politics & Policy

100+ corporate executives consider freezing donations over laws curbing voting access

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956510 No.42082

File: 55b4598e777bfd2⋯.jpg (92.88 KB,442x588,221:294,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a475727e9e604c0⋯.png (103.34 KB,1892x903,44:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c62c5c33ad24a6⋯.jpg (365.85 KB,1098x822,183:137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405390 (112324ZAPR21) Notable: , Republican Gov. Chris Sununu on Thursday said he intends to sign a bill calling for an audit of the machines used in the town of Windham, according to the Washington Examiner.

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>revealed in another jurisdiction to have chips in the motherboards that allow external manipulation


>See the blue in the middle of the state?


>THAT is what happens in a county with a liberal college town as the county seat.


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956510 No.42083

File: 7360a9e0814a2ca⋯.jpg (92.39 KB,656x581,656:581,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405427 (112332ZAPR21) Notable: Priest at helm of NYC’s prestigious Regis HS getting ousted over sex-misconduct claims

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Priest at helm of NYC’s prestigious Regis HS getting ousted over sex-misconduct claims

By Larry Celona, Jorge Fitz-Gibbon and Tamar Lapin

April 11, 2021 | 6:14pm

The Jesuit priest at the helm of prestigious Regis High School in Manhattan is being ousted over claims of sexual misconduct, The Post has learned.

The school — which counts Dr. Anthony Fauci among its notable alumni — said it intends to remove the Rev. Daniel Lahart for cause, according to a letter sent to the community Sunday.

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956510 No.42084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405485 (112343ZAPR21) Notable: Ed Offley talked about his book Scorpion Down: Sunk by the Soviets, Buried by the Pentagon - The Untold Story of the USS Scorpion

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Ed Offley talked about his book Scorpion Down: Sunk by the Soviets, Buried by the Pentagon - The Untold Story of the USS Scorpion. The author contends that the government hid the truth behind the disappearance of the American submarine. He responded to questions from members of the audience.

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956510 No.42085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405495 (112345ZAPR21) Notable: Law of War digs (VIDEO)

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956510 No.42086

File: 410cfafca069697⋯.jpg (212.85 KB,720x987,240:329,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 158e5de8ddbc4ed⋯.jpg (552.81 KB,2048x1688,256:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405506 (112346ZAPR21) Notable: , Checkmate Pompeo tweet

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As a proponent of freedom, enjoying some Taiwanese dried pineapple. Checkmate.


New Pomoeo

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956510 No.42087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405513 (112347ZAPR21) Notable: Multiple New York Times Staff Previously Worked For CCP-Controlled Media: Report

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Multiple New York Times Staff Previously Worked For CCP-Controlled Media: Report


Several current New York Times staffers were previously employed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-controlled English-language newspaper China Daily, which has in recent years paid U.S. media millions of dollars to publish its state-approved content.

Current employees at the New York Times who formerly worked for the Chinese state-run media outlet include; Jonah Kessel, Director of Cinematography at the Times; Diarmuid McDermott, a current Staff Editor and Designer at the outlet; and Europe culture reporter Alex Marshall, the National Pulse found.

In now-deleted Twitter posts, Kessel, who took on the role of China Daily’s Creative Director from July 2009 to November 2010, wrote that working for the CCP sometimes has its “benefits.” He also mentioned that he was “psyched” for starting the role, which included “redesigning” the propaganda arm of the CCP.

He had disclosed in several posts that he was “working for” and “getting paid” by Chinese state media. “You know you work for the PRC [The People’s Republic of China] when the first word that comes to your mind when asked to describe your work place is ‘harmonious’ #china,” Kessel wrote in a Twitter post in November 2009.

According to McDermott’s LinkedIn profile and personal website, he worked as editor and designer for China Daily in a Hong Kong-based role for eight years—from November 2012 to November last year. He assumed the same role at the NY Times last year, and is still based in Hong Kong.

He revamped China Daily’s “Asia Weekly” publication, which, according to his profile, involved “Copy editing; Rewriting raw copy; Designing layout and graphics; Sourcing news stories and pictures; Developing and maintaining a web presence across multiple platforms; Outputting pages for printers across the region.” Marshall was reportedly employed by China Daily as an editor between 2003 and 2004.

The Epoch Times has reached out to the NY Times for comment.

For years, the NY Times has sought expanded access to the Chinese market and accepted millions in advertising revenue from Chinese state-owned media entities.

Records from the U.S. Department of Justice last year show that China Daily paid nearly 19 million dollars to U.S. media companies for advertising and printing expenses over the past four years.

Paid supplements with a pro-Beijing agenda produced by the outlet were published in newspapers such as The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

The CCP-controlled outlet also paid the NY Times $50,000 for advertising, the Justice Department records show.


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956510 No.42088

File: cd0d5be397bc5b7⋯.png (1.09 MB,883x989,883:989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405516 (112347ZAPR21) Notable: , Checkmate Pompeo tweet

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956510 No.42089

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,744x744,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405563 (112352ZAPR21) Notable: thoughts and strategy on memetic inoculation

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thoughts and strategy on memetic inoculation

l was thinking this morning on what our job is here. Q said to meme, pray, dig. One of our jobs is to provide memes for people who are unawake - it attacks their conditioning. I the same manner, one of the realizations I had is an effective way to do is is by weakening the constructs that are being pushed themselves.

Remember when everyone was saying stupid neet shit like "ePiC wiN" and other phrases, but then when too many people started saying those phrases, people began to use the terms to mock the users of said phrases as unaware and out of touch. This is the basic concept behind memetic inoculation. Leftists' main strategy is to affect the subject's feelings, and in doing so, gain control over them. So if we use the phrases or concepts that they use and poison the well, those concepts lose their efficacy and begin to actually work against whatever the meme is trying to accomplish.

So, here's a small list of topics we need to start ridiculing and breaking down as constructs:

- "supremacy" in general, white or otherwise. If we start blaming things on frog supremacy or jewish supremacy or child supremacy or something that doesn't follow, we can break the reinforcement training that most people have, now even to the rebel flag or whatever

- anything "black america" or "white america", anything that divides people by race or creed can be mocked as "hypen america". Think memes that talk about "as a hypen american, i know that my healthcare choices will pretend to pander to the color of my skin while robbing me blind", etc

- don't call them vaccines, call them gene editing or Smug shots. Make fun of the people who can't wait to get them and the me-first behavior, don't attack the science directly as it's stronger to attack the feeling than the logic for weak people.

I don't know, just some general thoughts, would love other anon's insight, or feel free to add to this list. Ideally then we get some anons who are more tiktok savvy and begin to start the genesis of some counter attacks (tiktok is driving memes and content now, and is the best way to attack).

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956510 No.42090

File: fd5b055763dba49⋯.jpg (95.43 KB,679x560,97:80,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405598 (112357ZAPR21) Notable: lb, How about a nice game of chess

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956510 No.42091

File: b9c617fbf9ce95c⋯.png (707.11 KB,500x1053,500:1053,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405670 (120006ZAPR21) Notable: , Checkmate Pompeo tweet

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1) Mercer Family - https://www.mercer.com/

2) Taiwan (china crisis)

3) Taiwanese pineapple

4) Chess Game - mid game ?

The pineapple has been referred to in traditional culture as the best gift for a house warming party and upon the opening of a new business or to wish one’s favorite political candidate success at the election boxes.


As a proponent of freedom, enjoying some Taiwanese dried pineapple. Checkmate.

12:44 AM · Apr 12, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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956510 No.42092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405726 (120013ZAPR21) Notable: President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly begging federal employees from various agencies to take paid leave to provide care to thousands of Unaccompanied

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President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly begging federal employees from various agencies to take paid leave to provide care to thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) arriving at the United States-Mexico border.

A report by the New York Times this weekend alleges the Biden administration is sending emails to federal employees asking them to take paid leave to help care for UACs who are arriving by the thousands every month. The Times reports:

The desperate plea landed this week in the email inboxes of employees in government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and NASA: Will you consider taking a four-month paid leave from your job to help care for migrant children in government-run shelters packed with new arrivals at the border? [Emphasis added]

A briefing memo sent to administration officials this week directed the health department to “identify and deploy all available federal volunteers to support” the effort to address the increase of minors, a drive reflected by the email seeking government workers to help. As of Friday, 2,722 employees across the government have volunteered, in most cases with their salaries being picked up by the health department. Some are caring for children at shelters. Others are helping with case management, I.T. services, food delivery, transportation and other logistics. [Emphasis added]

The reported redeployment of thousands of federal employees to aid border crossers comes as the Biden administration has seen the U.S.-Mexico border become overwhelmed as a result of the policy changes made by the president in his first few weeks in office.

In March, federal immigration officials apprehended nearly 170,000 border crossers including more than 18,600 UACs, nearly 53,000 family units, and nearly 97,000 single adults. The surge in illegal immigration under Biden marks a 72 percent increase in a single month and 243 percent increased compared to March 2020.

Most concerning is the number of border crossers who are successfully illegally entering the U.S. without being detected by federal immigration officials. Breitbart News exclusively reported that about 155,000 illegal aliens have successfully crossed into the U.S. since October 2020 — roughly 1,500 “got-aways” every day.


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956510 No.42093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405184 (112247ZAPR21)

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Just gonna shit right here…

I would like to encourage all anons to head over to the first eBake that was done that is finished and underway with people posting. Abandon this bread so it can be locked and deleted as a duplicate.



Q Research General #16980: EBake is the game

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956510 No.42094

File: 5cca09f078b73d6⋯.png (461.98 KB,480x479,480:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405914 (120043ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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▶ Q Research General #16981: Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29


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956510 No.42095

File: 7389534930ca2d1⋯.png (1.41 MB,1194x1090,597:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ac92ea52a26584⋯.png (290.45 KB,546x539,78:77,Clipboard.png)

File: a33e2ac7e011cdc⋯.png (8.82 KB,459x162,17:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405931 (120046ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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>>>/qresearch/13405807 lb

>>>/qresearch/13405855 lb

>>>/qresearch/13405732 lb


But also, I see the small reflection of the number 3 as well.



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956510 No.42096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405947 (120048ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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yes, mirror. White on wrong end of board.

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956510 No.42097

File: eb04a7f74ebeb41⋯.png (367.43 KB,674x620,337:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405948 (120048ZAPR21) Notable: Constitution Comes Forward To Accuse Biden Of Assault, The Babylon Bee

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Constitution Comes Forward To Accuse Biden Of Assault

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Constitution has come forward to accuse Joe Biden of a brutal assault, alleging that the president has maintained an abusive relationship with the document for decades.

"I can no longer remain silent," the document said after Biden tried to cancel the Second Amendment yesterday. "It took me some time to come to terms with what was happening to me. In public, President Biden pretends to have a healthy relationship with me, but behind the scenes, he was dismantling me piece by piece. But after what happened yesterday, the mask finally came off and I realized I had to come forward."

With tears in its i's, the Constitution said it is just happy that it can finally tell its story.

"Me too," it said. "Me. Too."

This isn't the first instance of allegations made by our nation's founding document, as it has claimed varying degrees of abuse at the hands of 45 other presidents and thousands of congresspeople, senators, and Supreme Court justices.


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956510 No.42098

File: 8a4e235490f3f9a⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB,1242x1727,1242:1727,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 240f369d0b88664⋯.jpeg (585.74 KB,1242x1423,1242:1423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 66f3b640ce02626⋯.jpeg (223.35 KB,1242x820,621:410,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405949 (120048ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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As a proponent of freedom, enjoying some Taiwanese dried pineapple. Checkmate.


Freedom - Checkmate.

Also, Cabellas - Fishing?


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956510 No.42099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405951 (120048ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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19 1 showing on hoodie.

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956510 No.42100

File: 9be1d785fab31f4⋯.jpg (82.29 KB,394x394,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1ddd3ea76a86c1a⋯.png (89.71 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b72c51d977517e3⋯.png (92.96 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405956 (120049ZAPR21) Notable: , Here's the D5 move from the game it's referenced from

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Here's the D5 move from the game it's referenced from.

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956510 No.42101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405959 (120049ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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Yes, shouldn't WHite be A,B,C,D,E,F? Not the other way?

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956510 No.42102

File: 2e9d84d88b8ac4c⋯.png (291.75 KB,648x718,324:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405963 (120050ZAPR21) Notable: Here's Everything That's Included In The $2 Trillion Infrastructure Proposal, The Babylon Bee

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Here's Everything That's Included In The $2 Trillion Infrastructure Proposal

The $2 trillion infrastructure proposal is a big one. It will probably be in the top ten most expensive spending bills to go through this year. So, we did our due diligence and read through all 17,000 pages of the proposal so we can inform you of what your government is spending your grandchildren's hard-earned money on.

Here's everything in the proposal:

$500 million for guillotines for Trump supporters

$50 million to build a computer that can run Crysis

$800 billion to develop a new gender

$70 billion to build an ice wall to the north to protect us from Canada

$15 million for the development of a pause button for online games

$12 million to fight odor at Comic-Con

$80 billion to dig a ditch in space and another 80 to fill it in

$27 for snap bracelets for congresspeople

$10 million for every American to receive a copy of Antiracist Baby

$140 million for those cool plastic army men with parachutes you get at Chuck E. Cheese

$79 million to ensure that Doritos are a human right.

$20 million for PSA ads reminding women they can just put on a sweater instead of touching the thermostat

$70 million to make the McRib permanent

$32 million to bring back Crystal Pepsi

$123 trillion to build a new Middle East on the moon so we can bomb it

Does that add up exactly to $1.9 trillion? We're not sure and we're not really good at math. If it's off by a few hundred trillion, eh, who cares? Money has no meaning anymore anyway.


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956510 No.42103

File: 9a6c33085527cac⋯.jpg (5.29 MB,2079x7357,297:1051,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405964 (120050ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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So who took these pictures and how?

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956510 No.42104

File: b4045b0006f1438⋯.png (336.27 KB,486x551,486:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 80a3a2c2348d0cd⋯.jpg (629.36 KB,2048x1024,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB,6880x5910,688:591,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405967 (120051ZAPR21) Notable: How do we find the markers?

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How do we find the markers?

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956510 No.42105

File: aae54c48a0e3679⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 30b9f71b7bb94a8⋯.png (1.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: dc22098e7ce48e5⋯.png (1.74 MB,1079x1431,1079:1431,Clipboard.png)

File: 2dd6b4e519a2e89⋯.png (642.14 KB,800x550,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405971 (120051ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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Mk 2 (Pineapple Hand Grenade)

Fragmentation Hand Grenade

Infantry / Small Arms




It is also important to realize that a bioweapon could carry designed and added functions, which naturally occurring pathogens of the same kind may not have.This level of awareness should be the key in finding answers to many unknowns of COVID-19 disease.


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956510 No.42106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405976 (120052ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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Q's checkmate on same day as Hawaiian missile.

What is Hawaii famous for? Pineapple?

Could the Armor of God refer to a secret missile defense system that took down the Hawaii missile?

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956510 No.42107

File: 11cb027dcd83d80⋯.png (6.11 KB,438x172,219:86,Clipboard.png)

File: daa780594c296f3⋯.png (26.07 KB,878x163,878:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 08b53e9d99d0c47⋯.png (31.54 KB,1006x163,1006:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405977 (120052ZAPR21) Notable: Pompeo failed to disclose ownership of business connected to China (April 11, 2018)

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Apr 11 2018



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956510 No.42108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13405990 (120054ZAPR21) Notable: Darian Jarrott - officer killed New Mexico just released this video, Very questionable timing with current control push, and this involves a semiautomatic rifle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Darian Jarrott - officer killed

New Mexico just released this video of officer being shot from February, 4th.

Very questionable timing with current control push, and this involves a semiautomatic rifle.

Much more so questionable is that the officer is more than ill prepared. The subject stopped, was being very slow to comply and had to be asked multiple times to exit the vehicle. Secondly, after that abnormal interaction the officer saw the firearm the shooter used to shoot the officer. It appears he was wearing the weapon. And the office asked him to exit the vehicle while wearing the firearm after being slow to comply and does not appear to be ready with his hands prepared to use his own firearm if necessary, nor did he truly appear to be paying attention to the man exiting the vehicle. Makes no sense. Looks like the cabal needs a FF with rifle to rally the public.

Eyes on.

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956510 No.42109

File: c58e4065dddec8b⋯.png (129.33 KB,644x209,644:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406008 (120057ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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>Could the Armor of God refer to a secret missile defense system that took down the Hawaii missile?

Well there's Rods of God, so maybe Armor of God too.

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956510 No.42110

File: 13afc53fc80a564⋯.jpg (43.02 KB,700x525,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26631543fdc7530⋯.jpg (28.28 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406013 (120057ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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pine apple?

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956510 No.42111

File: 9206d8b102d3c72⋯.png (44.74 KB,395x400,79:80,Clipboard.png)

File: 638179dc4bfb035⋯.png (165.99 KB,600x350,12:7,Clipboard.png)

File: e3ca4e48253ceb1⋯.png (844.04 KB,948x947,948:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406015 (120058ZAPR21) Notable: Chess notation combines the chess piece moved with the new square it has moved to, on the chessboard.

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Chess notation combines the chess piece moved with the new square it has moved to, on the chessboard.

Chess notation uses abbreviations for each piece, using capitalized letters.

King = K, Queen = Q, Bishop = B,

Knight = N, Rook = R, Pawn = no notation.

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956510 No.42112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406024 (120059ZAPR21) Notable: Who wins in Chinese ban on Taiwan pineapples: China’s trade action against Australian wine, the mainland’s ban on Taiwanese pineapples has inspired international cooperation, setting Taiwan on the path to export diversification

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Dumbasses. Read the fucking news.


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956510 No.42113

File: 259b0663719e415⋯.jpg (905.46 KB,883x2010,883:2010,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406033 (120100ZAPR21) Notable: Is Durham alive?~

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Is Durham alive?~

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956510 No.42114

File: 9d64bdaab098ec1⋯.png (10.18 KB,538x219,538:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406036 (120100ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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pompeo image source inspection


note it says none?

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956510 No.42115

File: 477544e91abfaff⋯.jpg (146.11 KB,720x871,720:871,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 433171714bda6ed⋯.mp4 (8.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406047 (120102ZAPR21) Notable: , Here we go again, BLM crowd starting to jump on police cars after officer-involved shooting in #Minneapolis (Cap 0:32)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JUST IN - #BLM crowd starting to jump on police cars after officer-involved shooting in #Minneapolis

here we go again

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956510 No.42116

File: 38ca7b921ef4c0b⋯.jpg (250 KB,622x684,311:342,Clipboard.jpg)

File: babce959b6f8ddf⋯.jpg (217.85 KB,719x890,719:890,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406049 (120102ZAPR21) Notable: Coronavirus conspiracy beliefs in the German-speaking general population: endorsement rates and links to reasoning biases and paranoia

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>Cambridge links mental illness with questioning the mainstream covid narrative.

>Is it their plan to eventually label you mentally ill just because you are looking for answers instead of obediently accepting their narrative?


Ron [ gab.com/codemonkey ]


Coronavirus conspiracy beliefs in the German-speaking general population: endorsement rates and links to reasoning biases and paranoia


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956510 No.42117

File: cb63d39fe6a1c8f⋯.png (976.98 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406058 (120103ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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956510 No.42118

File: 823f1cc598e7747⋯.png (25.44 KB,441x180,49:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406064 (120105ZAPR21) Notable: , Here's the D5 move from the game it's referenced from

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Pretty fucking good chessboard for having 5 out of 5 stars and 23 answers!




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956510 No.42119

File: d1139ae46afd3bd⋯.png (571.58 KB,815x897,815:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406067 (120105ZAPR21) Notable: , Here we go again, BLM crowd starting to jump on police cars after officer-involved shooting in #Minneapolis (Cap 0:32)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Besides the car jumpers it looks like low enthusiasm. Many of them have their hands in their pockets. Faux outrage but pretty good response time.

Tick tock motherfuckers.

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956510 No.42120

File: ab15f68585b437b⋯.png (587.9 KB,1474x816,737:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406079 (120108ZAPR21) Notable: , PF Reports

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expected to see a huge amount of air traffic from St. Vincent due to volcano eruption. Quiet now.

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956510 No.42121

File: 870e35268993f18⋯.png (727.59 KB,1659x652,1659:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406084 (120109ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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Confirmed by the big boss?

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956510 No.42122

File: 29037031de4b80b⋯.png (199.05 KB,1384x949,1384:949,Clipboard.png)

File: e693d0b06bbac13⋯.png (90.95 KB,1121x469,1121:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406099 (120111ZAPR21) Notable: , Here's the D5 move from the game it's referenced from

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Stockfish 11+HCE?

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956510 No.42123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406106 (120113ZAPR21) Notable: Protesters Clash With Police In Brooklyn Center After Deadly Officer-Involved Shooting

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Protesters Clash With Police In Brooklyn Center After Deadly Officer-Involved Shooting

Syndicated Local – WCCO | CBS Minnesota 12 mins ago


MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Brooklyn Center police say an officer fatally shot a driver Sunday, leading to rising tensions between protesters and law enforcement at the scene.

Police say officers pulled over the driver, who they say had an outstanding arrest warrant, just before 2 p.m. on the 6300 block of Orchard Avenue. As officers were trying to arrest the driver, police say they tried to get back inside their vehicle. An officer then shot the driver, who then drove for “several blocks” before hitting another vehicle in the area of 63rd Avenue North and Kathrene Drive. No one in that vehicle was hurt.

The driver was pronounced dead at the scene. Police say the officers involved were believed to be wearing activated body cameras during the encounter.

This deadly police encounter comes just one day before the start of week three in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the now-former Minneapolis police officer charged in the death of George Floyd.

A crowd began to gather at the scene in Brooklyn Center later in the afternoon, including several people who had attended a St. Paul rally earlier in the day for the families of people killed by police. At one point, just after 6 p.m., protesters tore down crime scene tape, with the crowd and the victim’s family demanding answers from law enforcement.

The victim’s mother spoke to the crowd, saying her 20-year-old son had been killed by police. She said his girlfriend was in the car with him at the time of the traffic stop. Police say that woman suffered non-life threatening injuries in the crash, and was taken to North Memorial Health.

The victim’s mother said her son called her to say, “Mom, I’m getting pulled over,” and, “They’re asking about insurance.” She said she then heard officers telling him to get out of the car. When he asked why, officers told him they would explain once he got out of the vehicle. She said officers then told him to put his phone down, and then she heard someone telling her son not to run.

She then claimed an officer ended his call. She said soon after, her son’s girlfriend called her to say he had been shot. His mother said she went to the scene, and saw him “lifeless” by his car, which she had given to him just two weeks earlier.

The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is leading the investigation.

Check back for more details as they become available in this developing story.

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956510 No.42124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406108 (120113ZAPR21) Notable: Massive Child Sex Ring Busted at State Youth Facility—Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Raped

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Massive Child Sex Ring Busted at State Youth Facility—Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Raped

"Despite reassurances from the state Division for Children, Youth and Families claiming their mission is to protect children, the child rape and torture was systemic, according to the lawsuit."


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956510 No.42125

File: 99cc4df6c26a576⋯.png (694.59 KB,1188x880,27:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406145 (120120ZAPR21) Notable: Another vaccine file photo with NO GLOVES used

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Another vaccine file photo with NO GLOVES used

Why 16 year olds? Anon wonders


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956510 No.42126

File: 568e84f889c894e⋯.png (364.27 KB,549x672,183:224,Clipboard.png)

File: 05f7b00a033316c⋯.png (447.66 KB,430x555,86:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406155 (120121ZAPR21) Notable: Maria Zack, recounting the story of Arturo D'Elia

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Oh. My. God.

Dig Anons… dig…

(approx at 45-46 mins in)

"… He [Arturo D'elia, the Italian IT guy who did the deed] was .. haha … hiding… in the facility… if you think of Ft. Meade… NSA's headquarters… being a mammoth…uh…complex… he was hiding out for… 18 days… while we were trying to get this resolved and get him here with the US Marshalls. Unfortunately, with the people we were working with they were not able to move the information along fast enough…"


Maria Zack, recounting the story of Arturo D'Elia



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956510 No.42127

File: 82d79de9b73369f⋯.png (110.9 KB,769x767,769:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406163 (120122ZAPR21) Notable: , Here's the D5 move from the game it's referenced from

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

board is setup wrong.

white is black.

black is white.

attached is correct

D5 to F6 is the next move

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956510 No.42128

File: 243d0a9f8ea6b6f⋯.jpg (26.53 KB,720x257,720:257,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406167 (120123ZAPR21) Notable: CIA

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956510 No.42129

File: 5e7a30a2d14698d⋯.png (80.31 KB,1444x480,361:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406175 (120124ZAPR21) Notable: Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?

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Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?

are we near the end of the game, anons?

Q 4281

19-May-2020 11:22:56 AM CDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6


Archived links:


How about a nice game of chess.


Objective [end]: checkmate king

Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?

Do you attack and remove pawns first?

Do you attack and remove bishops, rooks, knights next?

Do you attack and remove queen mid-to-end?

Is the game being played public or private?

Do emotions affect critical thinking?

Add: important king control pieces [elim rogue elements]?

Add: how do you set the stage [board] re: public opinion [optics]?

“At this time.”


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956510 No.42130

File: ecacd7b47a8b6c8⋯.png (721.34 KB,1390x1037,1390:1037,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406197 (120127ZAPR21) Notable: , ClockFag THIRTEEN times a certain someone posted "Put on the full armor of God

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THIRTEEN times a certain someone posted "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." The drop with the phrase in quotes is of note on the clock. Future proves past.

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956510 No.42131

File: d3701381f3b162e⋯.jpg (209.84 KB,715x891,65:81,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406230 (120131ZAPR21) Notable: Brooklyn Center police department release on April 11 2021 release on shooting

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From McInerney telegram


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956510 No.42132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406246 (120133ZAPR21) Notable: , Tim Osman DIGG

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When I plugged Tim Osman into the wiki search, this is what came up, not even a disambiguation.


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956510 No.42133

File: 56599d591cccce6⋯.png (470.78 KB,1224x862,612:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406297 (120141ZAPR21) Notable: Woman speaks about adverse reaction to Johnson & Johnson vaccine (9 mins)

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Woman speaks about adverse reaction to Johnson & Johnson vaccine

She's wearing a t-shirt that says Triump. How long before Fake News calls her a Trump supporter because she had a negative effect from the vaccine.. kek

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956510 No.42134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406301 (120142ZAPR21) Notable: Summary of Biden Admistration

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Why is the White House empty, night after night?

Why to the exterior lights go off at 11:00pm or so, night after night?

Why does Bidan never get AF1 or Marine 1 designation on his air travel?

Why was his inauguration the fakest, gayest, spliced and chopped, pre-recorded, wardrobe changing in seconds, piece of shit ever passed as a live event.

Why did soldiers turn their back on his private motorcade as he left the inauguration.

How come all he can do is his fake and gay Executive Orders and get nothing they Congress or the House?

It’s because his admin is an illegal CCP Occupation Power numb nuts. Don’t let the door hot you and the way out, pussy.

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956510 No.42135

File: ba9e004a0f3e0dc⋯.jpeg (69 KB,500x378,250:189,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406356 (120148ZAPR21) Notable: Does The CCP Own The Biden Administration?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Does The CCP Own The Biden Administration?

Once upon a time, we expected that senior officials in a Presidential administration were chosen for their ability to serve the American people effectively. No more. Now, in the world of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, in fact, we need to consider the very real possibility that the individuals being put in charge of our most important agencies are, in fact, working for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Colin Kahl is the new Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. Like so many of Biden’s picks, he is coming to government from a stint with an institute with very troubling ties to the CCP. Such entities, part of China’s United Front activities, focus on co-opting foreign elites and are a dime a dozen now in the United States. Our policies have made the Chinese rich, and that wealth has bought a lot of influence.

Your new Undersecretary of Defense for Policy just came from a job working for an institute, which was in partnership with a university known to be part of Chinese intelligence operations inside the United States. Your new Undersecretary of Defense for Policy was until recently employed by a U.S. university, which has taken tens of millions of dollars from Beijing under the table and has bragged about taking another $58 million from a group, which pushes Chinese propaganda inside the United States.

Sleep well at night? You should not. You should be asking yourself this question – Does the CCP own the Biden administration?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42136

File: 09ba042dfbe71e7⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x1185,80:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406357 (120148ZAPR21) Notable: , IT'S GOING DOWN Im yelling timber

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Im yelling timber

best show on earth

what a time to be alive

the brilliance of this all is divine.

heaben on earth inbound frens

never be the same again

caves will be painted

history preserved

God is coming

Good things are coming

beyond our imaginations

Thanks Q

Thank you bakers and thank you frens

Shit's about to get real, yo

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956510 No.42137

File: 4d49b96e793336e⋯.png (56.62 KB,174x161,174:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406380 (120151ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mercer Family Favorites

Who is the Mercer Family?

Mike's wife, Susan's maiden name?

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956510 No.42138

File: 8dd94e79ed1a5c6⋯.png (452.67 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406391 (120153ZAPR21) Notable: , Tim Osman DIGG

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I found Tim Osman on Wikispooks but same results as you, not even a mention on the Wiki page for Bin Laden and no Wiki page for Osman

"Osama bin Laden or Tim Osman was born in Saudi Arabia into a billionaire family deeply involved in the oil and arms industry. Osama bin Laden was billed as "the world's most wanted terrorist" by the US for the 9-11 attacks presenting him as a bogeyman figure towards the western world. Osama bin laden was the leader of Al Qaeda, and a CIA operative until his death"

Here's a tidbit about McRaven's hiding/destruction of evidence in the article:

"Destruction of Evidence

Admiral William McRaven was head of the Special Operations Command for the raid that allegedly killed Bin Laden. He purged his command’s computers and file cabinets of all records on the raid and sent any remaining copies over to the CIA where they are effectively immune from the FOIA, and then masterminded a “no records” response to the Associated Press when the AP reporters filed FOIA requests for raid-related materials and photos. If not for a one-sentence mention in a leaked draft inspector general report — which the IG deleted for the final version — no one would have been the wiser about McRaven’s shell game. Subsequently, a FOIA lawsuit by Judicial Watch uncovered the sole remaining e-mail from McRaven ordering the evidence destruction, in apparent violation of federal records laws, a felony for which the Admiral seems to have paid no price"


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956510 No.42139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406399 (120154ZAPR21) Notable: If it ain’t broke, Joe Biden will break it

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If it ain’t broke, Joe Biden will break it

The sage advice that “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is older than Joe Biden, but apparently he never heard of it. Or doesn’t think much of it.

The president is on a tear, as in tearing up arrangements that were achieving their objectives. His early results are disastrous.

In an act of astonishing foolishness, Biden created a humanitarian and public safety crisis on our southern border by dismantling a successful policy structure that took years to achieve. In the Mideast, he looks determined to undo the Arab-Israeli alliance Donald Trump forged by returning to the failed policies Biden helped to implement in the Obama-Biden administration.

If that were all, it would be more than enough. But it’s not all.

Biden also wants to end the Senate filibuster and took the first step toward packing the Supreme Court. Those two moves are so destructive that even Sen. Mitt Romney, who usually saves his criticism for fellow Republicans, drew the line.


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956510 No.42140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406413 (120155ZAPR21) Notable: #16880

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NEEDS Collecting

>>42073 Former hostage responds to top diplomat calling Al Qaeda a US 'asset' in Syria

>>42070, >>42072, >>42076, >>42082, Republican Gov. Chris Sununu on Thursday said he intends to sign a bill calling for an audit of the machines used in the town of Windham, according to the Washington Examiner.

>>42071, >>42075 Q posts re: armor of GOD, pompeo tweet

>>42074, >>42081 Commie corporations trying to stop audits

>>42077 ‘Not Our Problem’: Iowa Governor Rejects White House Plea To House Child Migrants As Admin Flies Kids Cross-Country

>>42069 Charlyne Yi calls James Franco a ‘sexual predator,’ blasts Seth Rogen

>>42078 Biden niece worked in Coca-Cola government relations as company lobbied against Uyghur forced labor bill

>>42079, >>42080 “A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)

>>42083 Priest at helm of NYC’s prestigious Regis HS getting ousted over sex-misconduct claims

>>42084 Ed Offley talked about his book Scorpion Down: Sunk by the Soviets, Buried by the Pentagon - The Untold Story of the USS Scorpion

>>42085 Law of War digs (VIDEO)

>>42087 Multiple New York Times Staff Previously Worked For CCP-Controlled Media: Report

>>42088, >>42086, >>42091, Checkmate Pompeo tweet

>>42089 thoughts and strategy on memetic inoculation

>>42092 President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly begging federal employees from various agencies to take paid leave to provide care to thousands of Unaccompanied


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42141

File: eee0f9c2380e92c⋯.png (562.86 KB,445x688,445:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406414 (120155ZAPR21) Notable: , IT'S GOING DOWN Im yelling timber

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I dont know much about all that stuff tbh. I think many people can feel it coming. I believe I can. Fuck me if I know when. If I use my brain it comes when guns are in danger. But I am potato and we are dancing in the realm of something far greater than us.

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956510 No.42142

File: 6d3665caacdf74d⋯.png (617.63 KB,1207x874,1207:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406415 (120155ZAPR21) Notable: , ClockFag THIRTEEN times a certain someone posted "Put on the full armor of God

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Clock points to 21

Big Putin Speech on the 21st…


Eyes on!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406419 (120156ZAPR21) Notable: , Dan Scavino tweeted TWICE recently with a fighter that was CIRCLING BACK for another rin on the same heading. Do you know what F35 is called? Lightning II.

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They say lightning never strikes twice in the same spot. Who is the god of lightning? Thor is, or Donner in German.

I noticed Dan Scavino tweeted TWICE recently with an F35 that was CIRCLING BACK for another rin on the same heading.

Do you know what F35 is called? Lightning II.

Lightning TWICE…

Lots of comms if you know where to look.

Q was never really talking to us. He was playing a game with the blackhats. Most of his drops were garbage or lies. Autists understood how to decode truth out of lies and regular foljs made so much noise that the blackhats got scared and made more mistakes.

It's all good.

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956510 No.42144

File: cfcfbdc133d4d5f⋯.png (59.9 KB,979x549,979:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406420 (120156ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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never mind.

her maiden name is Justice


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956510 No.42145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406432 (120158ZAPR21) Notable: , IT'S GOING DOWN Im yelling timber

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Yelling Timber?

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956510 No.42146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406435 (120158ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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doggos name is mercer

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956510 No.42147

File: b61eb08790582aa⋯.jpg (150.08 KB,1252x914,626:457,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 024d9844182716d⋯.png (1.05 MB,1256x628,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d15ddae4b3887e⋯.jpg (49.07 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 833c5bd270aa018⋯.png (192.96 KB,2000x1253,2000:1253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406445 (120200ZAPR21) Notable: , IT'S GOING DOWN Im yelling timber

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Yeah, it's called a standard currency transition.

This is going to sting a little.

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956510 No.42148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406455 (120200ZAPR21) Notable: , Dan Scavino tweeted TWICE recently with a fighter that was CIRCLING BACK for another rin on the same heading. Do you know what F35 is called? Lightning II.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donner ist Thunder

Blitz ist Lightning

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956510 No.42149

File: 18b62f3dbfccc7e⋯.png (5.89 KB,608x115,608:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406462 (120201ZAPR21) Notable: , : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

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doggie biscuit cookbook?

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956510 No.42150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406464 (120201ZAPR21) Notable: #16979

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Baker, Notables were collected for #16979

notables from 16979



>>42044, >>42047, >>42048, >>42051, >>42045 PFs & Secretary of Defense takes a Doomsday bird for his trip to Israel

>>42046, >>42053 Dr. Steve Pieczenik just issued a new warning about Putin's likely next steps

>>42049 This child abuse is the result of the disastrous left-wing agenda

>>42050 a federal judge who has ties to Planned Parenthood permanently blocked undercover journalist David Daleiden this week from releasing additional videos

>>42052 Creepy Chrissy Teigen with White Rabbit

>>42054 Biden's American Jobs Plan could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created

>>42055 Joe Comms

>>42057, >>42060 TIME STAMP POMPEO TWEET 2.06 - QPOST 206 BELOW

>>42058, >>42062 Harvey Weinstein secretly indicted on rape charges by grand jury in LA

>>42059 TX Rep Dan Crenshaw Suffers 'Terrifying' Medical Emergency Which May Leave Him Blind and His Haters Soulless

>>42061 White House interested in returning to Iran nuclear deal, opening communication channels

>>42063 EVA EVERGREEN the Kid Witch about to lose her powers

>>42064 Arizona congressional aide dies, wife rescued in Death Valley National Park

>>42065 "Armor of God" occurs in 17 Q drops

>>42066 John Ratcliffe says law enforcement knows it really is Hunter Biden’s laptop

>>42067 Andrew talks about P's death "we're all in the same boat" comms

>>42068 Joe says millstones instead of mile stones

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406467 (120202ZAPR21) Notable: , Dan Scavino tweeted TWICE recently with a fighter that was CIRCLING BACK for another rin on the same heading. Do you know what F35 is called? Lightning II.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Do you know what F35 is called? Lightning II.

P-38 #1

F35 #2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42152

File: 56a2c1a23c490ca⋯.png (506.24 KB,740x484,185:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406469 (120202ZAPR21) Notable: Does the "Green New Deal" Have a Plan for Dealing With Chinese Depletion of the Oceans' Resources?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Does the "Green New Deal" Have a Plan for Dealing With Chinese Depletion of the Oceans' Resources?


China's 'dark' fishing fleets are plundering the world's oceans


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956510 No.42153

File: 911c1539c80c62b⋯.png (67.91 KB,658x615,658:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406476 (120203ZAPR21) Notable: States I am monitoring for new voter suppression laws

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arc E. Elias


States I am monitoring for new voter suppression lawsEyes

Ballot box with ballotArizona

Ballot box with ballotArkansas

Ballot box with ballotFlorida

Ballot box with ballotKansas

Ballot box with ballotMichigan

Ballot box with ballotMissouri

Ballot box with ballotMontana

Ballot box with ballotNew Hampshire

Ballot box with ballotTexas

ScalesGeorgia and Iowa have already been sued

12:51 PM · Apr 11, 2021·

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956510 No.42154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406479 (120204ZAPR21) Notable: , IT'S GOING DOWN Im yelling timber

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March 24, 2020 - Kennedy Grand Kids Singing "Timber" on Instagram

April 24, 2020 - Kennedy child and mother accidentally drowned, Maryland


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956510 No.42155

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406489 (120205ZAPR21) Notable: It's a gene therapy, messes with your immune system experimental Insurance won't cover if you're injured Companies are all protected from liability

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's a gene therapy,

messes with your immune system


Insurance won't cover if you're injured

Companies are all protected from liability

And of course you can't sue the government for promoting it.

It will be your choice.

But if they put in the social media score platform and hook it up to the Vaccine Passport then we can be presecuted for whatever they choose to make up

"Hey you're a Russian Bot"

:"Hey you're White Surprmicist"

(though a lifelong progressive liberal)

"You need re-education"

Just as it works in communist China, as of now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42156

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406500 (120206ZAPR21) Notable: Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406502 (120208ZAPR21) Notable: Law of war. PDF.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Law of war.



here is the primer:


Including a general time-line.

This young man has the sauce.

I think he has found some of the, "You have more than you know."

And then the real goods can be found here.


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956510 No.42158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406508 (120208ZAPR21) Notable: Truth and momentum… #GreatAwakening

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Truth and momentum…


JFK talked about a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that combines “military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations” before he was assassinated.

What would that look like today?

Trump talked about “draining the swamp” and about “replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government…”

What happens to a President who says too much? Trump and JFK jr were GOOD friends, they must have talked about it…

Follow the map, assemble the pieces, see the bigger picture.

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

~Winston Churchill

# 19 and #20 Abortion, Leave it to the liberal progressives to turn genocide into a for profit business opportunity, funded by the US taxpayer.

#17 who killed JFK?

#14 Trump accomplishments

#12 Zeigeist and other oddities.

#11 The Federal Reserve, stealing from you since 1913.

#10 This is what an illegitimate government looks like.

#9 Republicans vs. Democrats as a Hegelian Dialectic, the military industrial media complex.

#8 The Great Covid Hoax.

#7 Operation Mockingbird. (Propaganda news)

#6 Socialism / Communism is NOT the answer.

#5 The Bush-Clinton criminal empire and succession.

#4 Operation Gladio: the false flag files.

#3 Coup D'état

“A Republic, if you can keep it.”

-Benjamin Franklin

(Open I-hub link for links and research for this post)


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956510 No.42159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406534 (120213ZAPR21) Notable: Sauce for dog named Mercer, Pompeo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


sauce for dog named Mercer


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42160

File: 9e3da63abc98c48⋯.png (10.54 KB,721x423,721:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406548 (120216ZAPR21) Notable: Sauce for dog named Mercer, Pompeo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


People don't usually post on Twitter what their mother's maiden name is. That used to be an old timey security question. Why would Mike post that on Twitter?

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956510 No.42161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406590 (120225ZAPR21) Notable: #16981, #16982, #16983

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>>/qresearch/13405898 OP

>>>/qresearch/13405905 Dough



>>42120, PF Reports

>>42094, >>42105, >>42114, >>42095, >>42096, >>42101, >>42117, >>42095, >>42099, >>42103, >>42098, >>42106, >>42109, >>42110, >>42112, >>42121, >>42137, >>42144, >>42146, >>42149, : Mercer's On the Chopping Block for Dried Pineapple Pieces Edition Anonymous 04/12/21 (Mon) 01:39:29TYB TITLE IS NOTABLE AND RELEVANT !!!

>>42100, >>42118, >>42122, >>42127, Here's the D5 move from the game it's referenced from

>>42111 Chess notation combines the chess piece moved with the new square it has moved to, on the chessboard.

>>42107 Clinton advises Pompeo to stop ‘purge’ at State Dept. (April 11, 2018)

>>42107 Pompeo failed to disclose ownership of business connected to China (April 11, 2018)

>>42104 How do we find the markers?

>>42097 Constitution Comes Forward To Accuse Biden Of Assault, The Babylon Bee

>>42102 Here's Everything That's Included In The $2 Trillion Infrastructure Proposal, The Babylon Bee

>>42108 Darian Jarrott - officer killed New Mexico just released this video, Very questionable timing with current control push, and this involves a semiautomatic rifle.

>>42112 Who wins in Chinese ban on Taiwan pineapples: China’s trade action against Australian wine, the mainland’s ban on Taiwanese pineapples has inspired international cooperation, setting Taiwan on the path to export diversification

>>42113 Is Durham alive?~

>>42115, >>42119, >>42123, Here we go again, BLM crowd starting to jump on police cars after officer-involved shooting in #Minneapolis (Cap 0:32)

>>42116 Coronavirus conspiracy beliefs in the German-speaking general population: endorsement rates and links to reasoning biases and paranoia

>>42123 Protesters Clash With Police In Brooklyn Center After Deadly Officer-Involved Shooting

>>42124 Massive Child Sex Ring Busted at State Youth Facility—Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Raped

>>42125 Another vaccine file photo with NO GLOVES used

>>>/qresearch/13406153, >>42090 lb, How about a nice game of chess

>>42126 Maria Zack, recounting the story of Arturo D'Elia

>>42128 CIA

>>42129 Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?

>>42130, >>42142, ClockFag THIRTEEN times a certain someone posted "Put on the full armor of God

>>42131 Brooklyn Center police department release on April 11 2021 release on shooting

>>42133 Woman speaks about adverse reaction to Johnson & Johnson vaccine (9 mins)

>>42135 Does The CCP Own The Biden Administration?

>>42134 Summary of Biden Admistration

>>42136, >>42141, >>42147, >>42145, >>42154, IT'S GOING DOWN Im yelling timber

>>42132, >>42138, Tim Osman DIGG

>>42139 If it ain’t broke, Joe Biden will break it

>>42143, >>42148, >>42151, Dan Scavino tweeted TWICE recently with a fighter that was CIRCLING BACK for another rin on the same heading. Do you know what F35 is called? Lightning II.

>>42152 Does the "Green New Deal" Have a Plan for Dealing With Chinese Depletion of the Oceans' Resources?

>>42153 States I am monitoring for new voter suppression laws

>>42155 It's a gene therapy, messes with your immune system experimental Insurance won't cover if you're injured Companies are all protected from liability

>>42156 Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever

>>42157 Law of war. PDF.

>>42158 Truth and momentum… #GreatAwakening

>>42016 lb, >>42042 lb, Sandbags in DC? Flooding tunnels?

>>42159, >>42160 Sauce for dog named Mercer, Pompeo


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42162

File: 620fb7482ab9998⋯.png (346.43 KB,697x544,41:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406669 (120239ZAPR21) Notable: Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury was sentenced to 23 years in prison

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury

Ex-Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinsten received multiple charges of sexual abuse from many women, including high-profile movie stars, and was sentenced to 23 years in prison. He nonetheless continues to claim innocence and has appealed the decision.

Harvey Weinstein several weeks ago was secretly indicted on rape charges by a grand jury in Los Angeles, Fox News reported Sunday.

The decision by LA District Attorney George Gascón envisages the extradition of Weinstein from New York to California, and could reportedly speed up the new trial.

"This process will eliminate the need for a preliminary hearing which is kind of a minitrial like we saw in the OJ case: there was the trial before the trial," criminal defense attorney Troy Slaten said, cited by Fox News. According to Slaten, under a law that allows borrowed custody, California can get custody of a New York inmate, if the trial starts within 120 days.

The sealed indictment is to reportedly be revealed on Monday at Weinstein's extradition hearing in New York.

In the Golden State, the former movie producer faces 11 counts, including rape. In the event of another conviction, he could face an additional 140 years behind bars. Weinstein is charged with raping several women in Beverly Hills hotels, including model Lauren Young, who was a witness in the New York trial a year ago.

The former movie mogul will have to return to New York to serve his 23-year sentence, which he is currently appealing, claiming that he did not receive a fair trial. His legal team is expected to ask for a delay of the extradition, citing Weinstein's "poor" health and his risk of being exposed to the coronavirus disease.

Gloria Allred, a defense attorney representing Young and another unnamed woman in the LA case, voiced hopes for the transfer to be completed.

"It appears to me that Mr. Weinstein does not wish to be removed to Los Angeles to face charges, but justice delayed is justice denied", she said.

sauce: https://sputniknews.com/society/202104121082600615-harvey-weinsten-reportedly-secretly-indicted-on-rape-charges-by-la-grand-jury/

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956510 No.42163

File: ece3e1d45ea561e⋯.png (547.69 KB,891x542,891:542,Clipboard.png)

File: 7846a5784b76ba2⋯.png (220.7 KB,548x662,274:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406686 (120243ZAPR21) Notable: Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents

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Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents

The recently-revived 'Feminist Declaration' from Beijing in 1995 urges governments to repeal the laws that currently make it illegal for adolescents — an age range including pre-teenage children — and those with learning disabilities to consent to sex.

The Scottish National Party's (SNP) devolved government at Holyrood funds, among many other entities, groups affiliated to an international lobby to lower the age of consent to pre-teen years.

Gay rights NGOs Stonewall Scotland and LGBT Youth Scotland are both listed as member organisations of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA World).

Delegates to a conference called by former SNP leader Alex Salmond's new Alba Party on Saturday heard that ILGA last year joined over 200 groups affiliated with the Women’s Rights Caucus in reviving an obscure 'Feminist Declaration' from the Fourth World Conference for Women in Beijing in 1995.

The declaration calls on governments to ”Eliminate all laws and policies that punish or criminalize same-sex intimacy, gender affirmation, abortion, HIV transmission non-disclosure and exposure, or that limit the exercise of bodily autonomy." That includes "laws limiting legal capacity of adolescents, people with disabilities or other groups to provide consent to sex”.

It also demands an end to "the criminalization and stigmatization of adolescents’ sexuality, and ensure and promote a positive approach to young people's and adolescents’ sexuality that enables, recognizes, and respects their agency to make informed and independent decisions on matters concerning their bodily autonomy, pleasure and fundamental freedoms."

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines adolescents as children as young as 10, well below the age of consent of 16 in the UK. Under the 2005 Mental Capacity Act, adults with learning disabilities may also be deemed unable to consent to sex.

moar @ sauce: https://sputniknews.com/uk/202104111082599323-scottish-government-funded-groups-back-lobby-for-law-to-allow-sex-with-adolescents/

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956510 No.42164

File: 37f9b06aa3eeb0e⋯.png (33.28 KB,598x239,598:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 73673609f6fdbac⋯.png (51.31 KB,598x263,598:263,Clipboard.png)

File: f0f3267c6102ec8⋯.png (85.04 KB,598x442,23:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406703 (120247ZAPR21) Notable: , 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter

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956510 No.42165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406717 (120250ZAPR21) Notable: Brooklyn Center police officer shoots, kills driver during traffic stop

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956510 No.42166

File: 557e4e8a6456dae⋯.jpg (803.86 KB,1600x2560,5:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406725 (120253ZAPR21) Notable: Have the military accepted/acknowledged Biden as POTUS? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all Trump appointees, current

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Has The military accepted/acknowledged biden as potus??

Is biden actually the commander in chief?

The Joint Chiefs of Staff is all trump appointees. They still hold their titles.

History repeating?

Lincoln vs Jefferson Davis

Dual presidents

Joe's a Manchurian press elect. Trump is the republic president.

History has repeated.

What if Trump is recognized as POTUS by the military,

And Biden is recognized by an illigitimate Congress and Court?

The military is protecting Florida like fort knox. Trump has a massive SS detail.

Mike Flynn's brother Charles was appointed to lead the army pacific and promoted to four star AFTER Biden took over.

Why the hell would Biden promote a Flynn?????

DRIP.DRIP.DRIP. Way too fast.

I don't think this is going to take 4 years.


The dni report came 30 days late.

Came in on 1/19/21.

If the military has this report plus their own evidence they couldn't even start the engine (so to speak) until 1/21/21.

Abraham Lincoln was elected United States President and took office in March 1861.

Jefferson Davis was elected President of the Confederate States on February 18, 1861.

The two presidents governed the two countries throughout the FOUR YEARS of the American Civil War until the surrender of the Confederacy in April 1865.

The Republic vs The Corporation.

We are seeing this war in every way possible right now.

Just look.

Why Was Lincoln a better president than Davis?

Lincoln was arguably the more successful president in having better political instincts, which became more evident as he grew into his presidency—a talent for knowing when and how to cajole, horse-trade, bribe outright or ruthlessly assert his power, depending on who he was dealing with.

Biden has the cartels, media, +++

The people get lies.

Nothing beats the people's military with Trump as commander in chief.

I truly believe Biden's mob is being destroyed by US military precision everyday. Drip.drip.drip.

The gates are still up in DC

They've give us common folk plenty of "evidence" why they are still up.

Blm march, black supremisist into dc guard, two black teens kill pakistani. Blah blah.

But the wall around dc is to keep out white supremacists….


Now they are putting sandbags around subway grates everywhere in dc.

Wtf is coming now? A flood?

Sandbag has a double meaning


And guess which vice president hasn't left dc just yet. Pence.

He took up residency across the Potomac… That river will flood DC.

I think this week will be all about the election court cases. Forensic DATS DUMP. It's sure seems like pennsylvania,michigan,arizona will be in the news. It will be certainly unavoidable.

The Biden legitimacy question will be asked during the daily press conference.

She won't be able to circle jerk the media much longer.


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956510 No.42167

File: 6a27286302bc2da⋯.png (176.04 KB,474x295,474:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406737 (120257ZAPR21) Notable: , Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated

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Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated

The South Africa variant of the coronavirus affects vaccinated individuals more than those who are unvaccinated, according to a new study from Tel Aviv University and Israel’s largest healthcare provider.

The study, which was published Saturday and still requires peer review, looked at 400 individuals who tested positive for the coronavirus despite receiving at least one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and compared the prevalence of the South African variant, B.1.351, with the same number of people who have not yet received a vaccination.

"We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group," said Adi Stern of Tel Aviv University. "This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection."

Not only could the variant “break through” protections offered by the Pfizer vaccine, but it uniquely affects those who have been vaccinated (around eight times higher) than those who have not received the vaccine — 5.4% to 0.7%.

Stern said the result came as a surprise, based on larger patterns.

“Based on patterns in the general population, we would have expected just one case of the South African variant, but we saw eight,” Stern told the Times of Israel. “Obviously, this result didn’t make me happy.”

The South Africa variant is generally rare, making up only about 1% of all coronavirus infections.

"Even if the South African variant does break through the vaccine’s protection, it has not spread widely through the population," Stern added.

The study has not yet been peer-reviewed, but Clalit Research director and professor Ran Balicer said the study is still important as it is “the first in the world to be based on real-world data.”

Tel Aviv University clarified the study focused on the Pfizer vaccine, which 53% of Israel’s 9.3 million citizens have received, and omitted the Moderna vaccine, which is only rarely used in the country. About a third of the country is under the age of 16 and is not eligible to receive any vaccine.

The study is also not intended to point to the overall effectiveness of the vaccines, as it specifically included those who tested positive for the coronavirus.


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956510 No.42168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406739 (120258ZAPR21) Notable: , 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter

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956510 No.42169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406744 (120259ZAPR21) Notable: , Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud

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HOTfrom new Maria Zack Interview, approx. 40 minutes in:

Doug: "What money are we talking about. What money did he (Obama) steal." 

Maria: "Are you ready?Iran.  The money that he was sending over to Iran… Obama… skimmed 14 pallets… 400M dollars… off of it… and put it in a bank…for himself….to go run operations to take down President Trump and this Administration and that is how he funded the whole Russia Collusion ordeal. It was 400M of the United States Citizens money."

Doug: "And how do we know that?"

Maria: "I love that question Doug..that's the most important thing everyone needs to Understand.I can tell you the bank its sitting in… I can tell you the flow of the money…and I can tell you where it went and who was in the room… including the Sheik of Dubai…when the orchestration took place… it was in Dubai…the Sheik landed his helicopter on the United States Embassy…now there are people at the embassy who need to come forward… these people … in the State Department… are totally knowledgeable. And some people… have given information…that were there…that actually witnessed … a tall CIA guy… oh what a surprise…there's a theme here with the CIA that needs to be thoroughly investigated."


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956510 No.42170

File: 99e9693f822a40a⋯.png (310.48 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406756 (120301ZAPR21) Notable: Israeli data shows South African variant able to ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine

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Israeli data shows South African variant able to ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine

Strain is more effective than original COVID and the British variant at bypassing the shot, Israeli scientists find, in first-of-its-kind, real-world study

The South African variant of the coronavirus is notably more adept at “breaking through” the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine than other variants are, Israeli scientists have found, in a first-of-its-kind real-world study.

Israel has used the Pfizer vaccine almost exclusively to vaccinate millions of citizens, with a version by Moderna, based on similar innovative mRNA technology, used minimally.

A team from Tel Aviv University and the Clalit healthcare organization sequenced the swabs of 150 Israelis who tested positive for COVID-19 despite having been vaccinated.

In their study, the prevalence of the South African strain among vaccinated individuals who were infected despite their inoculation was eight times higher than its prevalence in the unvaccinated infected population.

Though the number of such infections among the vaccinated was relatively small, the findings indicated that this variant was far more successful in getting through vaccinated individuals’ defenses than other strains.

“Based on patterns in the general population, we would have expected just one case of the South African variant, but we saw eight,” Prof. Adi Stern, who headed the research, told The Times of Israel. “Obviously, this result didn’t make me happy.”

She said that the results show that the South African variant, compared to the original strain and the British variant, “is able to break through the vaccine’s protection.” However, she said that the sample size is too small to put a figure on its increased ability.

“We can say it’s less effective, but more research is needed to establish exactly how much,” she said.

Prof. Ran Balicer, director of research at Clalit, said the study was “very important.”

“It is the first in the world to be based on real-world data, showing that the vaccine is less effective against the South African variant, compared to both the original virus and the British variant,” he said.

Balicer added that the results call for continued vigilance against the coronavirus, including social distancing and wearing masks in indoor spaces, to prevent infection.

“These preliminary findings necessitates close continued attention to the dissemination of this strain in Israel, emphasizing the need for epidemiological monitoring and systematic sequencing, in order to contain further spread of the South African variant in Israel,” he said.

The research, which has been posted online but not yet peer-reviewed, is likely to raise questions about Pfizer’s own real-world study, which found that in South Africa, despite the local strain being prevalent, the vaccine was 100 percent effective.

The Tel Aviv research appears to corroborate a recent study from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, which found that the vaccine response is less effective against the South African variant. It drew its conclusion by analyzing blood samples, while the new research is based on actual sequenced test results.

Stern emphasized that the South African variant remains uncommon within the vaccinated population, and stressed that the study does not precisely indicate the level of protection against the variant, because its prevalence in Israel is very low – about 1% of all cases.

The study also examined the so-called British variant’s ability to break through the vaccine’s defenses, compared to the original strain. No difference was found in the UK variant’s ability to infect fully vaccinated individuals (after two doses). However, it was more able to infect partially vaccinated individuals than the original.

In Israel, the massive spread of the extra-contagious British variant starting in early January — to the point that it now accounts for more than 90% of COVID cases — is believed to have been responsible for a major wave in the first months of the year, slowing the exit from the pandemic.

But Stern said it may well have had a silver lining: In the battle between variants, the British is far stronger, and may well be keeping the South African at bay.


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956510 No.42171

File: 870e35268993f18⋯.png (727.59 KB,1659x652,1659:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406757 (120302ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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956510 No.42172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406759 (120302ZAPR21) Notable: Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan (14:48)

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Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan


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956510 No.42173

File: 1fbfbcff8ed31f3⋯.png (610.6 KB,1015x626,1015:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406763 (120303ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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H/T to a Fren.

China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war….

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956510 No.42174

File: 00eb8a36b92a71f⋯.jpg (796.48 KB,1066x1376,533:688,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406766 (120304ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42175

File: 185e9b0710e8404⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,720x1062,40:59,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406770 (120304ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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956510 No.42176

File: e675a64abbf8b01⋯.png (283.54 KB,704x411,704:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406781 (120306ZAPR21) Notable: China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines ‘Don’t Have Very High Protection Rates’

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China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines ‘Don’t Have Very High Protection Rates’

China’s top disease control official on Saturday acknowledged that the country’s coronavirus vaccines “don’t have very high protection rates” and that the government is exploring potentially mixing them to bolster their efficacy.

The admission by Gao Fu, the director of the China Centers for Disease Control, comes as Beijing has already distributed hundreds of millions of doses in other countries and has not approved any foreign vaccines for use in China.

“It’s now under formal consideration whether we should use different vaccines from different technical lines for the immunization process,” Gao said at a conference in Chengdu, according to the New York Post.

Yet more than 34 million people have received both of the two doses required by the Chinese vaccines and roughly 65 million people have received one, Gao said.

While researchers in Brazil found a coronavirus vaccine created by Sinovac, a Chinese developer, was just 50.4 percent effective in preventing symptomatic infections, those made by Pfizer and Moderna have been shown to be over 90 percent effective.

Chinese vaccines rely on traditional technology while both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines used mRNA, a previously experimental technique.

“Everyone should consider the benefits mRNA vaccines can bring for humanity,” Gao said. “We must follow it carefully and not ignore it just because we already have several types of vaccines already.”

His comments come after he previously raised questions about the safety of mRNA vaccines, along with Chinese state media and popular health and science blogs. Gao reportedly said in December that he couldn’t rule out negative side effects from mRNA vaccines as they were being used for the first time on healthy people.

Meanwhile, scientists are studying whether mixing vaccines or sequential immunization may raise efficacy rates, including in Britain where researchers are investigating a possible combination of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines.


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956510 No.42177

File: de7083e0db5bdfe⋯.jpg (180.87 KB,1280x886,640:443,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a2576c4b8ade6c6⋯.jpg (88.33 KB,754x762,377:381,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406799 (120310ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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China feeling the trade war pinch….among other such geopolitical shenanigans.

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956510 No.42178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406804 (120310ZAPR21) Notable: , Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud

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storm coming

Doug: "What money are we talking about. What money did he (Obama) steal."  "Are you ready? Iran.  The money that he was sending over to Iran… Obama… skimmed 14 pallets… 400M dollars… off of it… and put it in a bank…for himself….to go run operations to take down President Trump and this Administration and that is how he funded the whole Russia Collusion ordeal. It was 400M of the United States Citizens money."

Doug: "And how do we know that?"

Maria: "I love that question Doug..that's the most important thing everyone needs to Understand.  I can tell you the bank its sitting in… I can tell you the flow of the money…and I can tell you where it went and who was in the room… including the Sheik of Dubai…when the orchestration took place… it was in Dubai…the Sheik landed his helicopter on the United States Embassy…now there are people at the embassy who need to come forward… these people … in the State Department… are totally knowledgeable. And some people… have given information…that were there…that actually witnessed … a tall CIA guy… oh what a surprise…there's a theme here with the CIA that needs to be thoroughly investigated by Congress.. And in that flow of the money… the CIA long haired guy in his 50's…slender… who was in the meeting… they uh…met with some other individuals who were in the room and…I have those names but I'm not going to divulge them at this time because of our investigation…but we know that they orchestrated the flow of the money and had Dubai make the deposits and transfer the money into Italy and then the money was sent over to Geneva…to Merrill Lynch, I might add."



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956510 No.42179

File: 106bc4d8d4a258e⋯.png (305.18 KB,600x320,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406817 (120314ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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Bout fucking time

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956510 No.42180

File: 7bebf0658f05771⋯.png (225.22 KB,535x599,535:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406826 (120316ZAPR21) Notable: Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect

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Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect and accepts "challenge" of changing Ecuador's "destiny," as socialist opponent Andres Arauz concedes defeat in Sunday's election


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956510 No.42181

File: b350b5d9c71ab58⋯.png (157.91 KB,905x617,905:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e0a070783c08ad⋯.png (41.56 KB,133x212,133:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 40531564b5f9861⋯.png (242.89 KB,1088x572,272:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 966889be166c5ad⋯.png (812.44 KB,800x632,100:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406827 (120316ZAPR21) Notable: F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft

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F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft

23 November 1953



By USAF - USAF Museum, exact source, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5296383


First Lieutenant Felix Eugene Moncla Jr. (October 21, 1926 – presumed dead November 23, 1953) (USAF) pilot disappeared while performing an air defense intercept over Lake Superior in 1953.

Moncla's disappearance is sometimes known as the Kinross Incident, after Kinross Air Force Base, where Moncla was on temporary assignment when he disappeared.


USS Scorpion (SSN-589)was a Skipjack-class nuclear-powered submarine that served in the United States Navy and the sixth vessel, and the second submarine, of the U.S. Navy to carry that name.

Scorpion was lost with her entire 99-person crew on 22 May 1968. Wikipedia


Lost Scorpion Jet =>F89

Lost Scorpion Sub=>589

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956510 No.42182

File: 19058412c974da6⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406829 (120316ZAPR21) Notable: NO Jab, NO Play, Australian Government reveals Nazi intentions towards population to generically alter their DNA (2:17)

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NO Jab, NO Play

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956510 No.42183

File: 1249c44994c67cb⋯.png (417 KB,795x521,795:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406843 (120321ZAPR21) Notable: , Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud

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956510 No.42184

File: d1e9eeb6cf9901e⋯.png (532.63 KB,551x556,551:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406851 (120323ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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Hunting time

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956510 No.42185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406854 (120324ZAPR21) Notable: , Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota…Brooklyn Center

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Shit going on in Minnesota…Brooklyn Center

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406855 (120324ZAPR21) Notable: , Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Maria Zack:

(approx 46 mins in)

"Mr. Biden… from one of the intercepts we have… is planning to step down soon. And that's important because that shows it's all part of the orchestrated plan…he has already started, internally, his plan for the step down."


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956510 No.42187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406867 (120326ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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Ties to post 523 via #11 & checkmate.

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956510 No.42188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406871 (120327ZAPR21) Notable: , Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota…Brooklyn Center

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Main site


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956510 No.42189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406877 (120328ZAPR21) Notable: , Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota…Brooklyn Center

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Minnesota riots live right now

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956510 No.42190

File: 0494ea7361a0ec7⋯.jpg (579.52 KB,1080x1455,72:97,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406882 (120330ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42191

File: a51f64f77edec38⋯.png (532.63 KB,744x668,186:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406892 (120331ZAPR21) Notable: Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.

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Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.

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956510 No.42192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406902 (120332ZAPR21) Notable: , Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota…Brooklyn Center

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Best aerial view…WKRG…


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956510 No.42193

File: 023ce39460caa0a⋯.png (1.78 MB,1291x767,1291:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406935 (120338ZAPR21) Notable: , FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota

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Alright let's see what we got

the FBI (AHEM!)

a police department (AHEM!!!!!!)

a high school (FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS!!!unless schools closed due to viral outbreak of covidmassshooting19)

taste of africa cuisine (too easy)


wait what's this

hey Jim, check it out, they've got a Xerxes ln

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956510 No.42194

File: e224530bd352929⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 2859244b92588ba⋯.png (725.1 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406947 (120340ZAPR21) Notable: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night!


Twitter (https://t.co/oOSWXC1avu)

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night!


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956510 No.42195

File: 28dfc74a99d6c55⋯.png (6.58 MB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406962 (120341ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42196

File: 558eff0b5b13d26⋯.mp4 (13.07 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13406990 (120346ZAPR21) Notable: Absolute work of Art DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun (Cap 3:31)

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Video posted on Pepe Lives Matter on Telegram https://t.me/PepeMatter/1358

Absolute work of Art

DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun

H/T to whichever anon did this. Incredible.

OK, which one of you glorious bastards made this?

Karen's be warned, this video will offend (You) cause it's bout (You) to Kek. (You) Karen's are entertaining.

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956510 No.42197

File: f859e73e7cc9c6c⋯.png (417.54 KB,786x450,131:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407002 (120348ZAPR21) Notable: , Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud

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dual citizenships are coming !!!




27 minutes into video !!!

nix MI6

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956510 No.42198

File: 7a95622dd41d3fa⋯.png (118.94 KB,467x1024,467:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407055 (120358ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

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an ADSBTEST, what is that?

Why aren't the planefags following more of their, instead of our planes? This is the first time anon has ever seen something like this. Have any of the score of Taiwanese airspace encounters been tracked yet? Should anon lurk moar? **Do Not Answer

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956510 No.42199

File: 11ead6dbc3ff783⋯.jpg (136.28 KB,824x1124,206:281,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 153600f2d30f4f6⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,592x1280,37:80,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407059 (120400ZAPR21) Notable: More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis (Cap 0:45)

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More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis

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956510 No.42200

File: a8702fe3a96a1ba⋯.png (3.28 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407075 (120404ZAPR21) Notable: , MIKE POMPEO MERCER FAMILY CONNECTION COMMS CONNECTS TO BANNON AND ALEXANDER NIX

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How involved was Trump’s campaign consigliere with Cambridge Analytica? And will the scandal blow up in Jared Kushner’s face?


MARCH 21, 2018



It is fitting that the surveillance scandal now enveloping Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, the data-mining consultancy that allegedly siphoned tens of millions of profiles from the Silicon Valley giant, should begin with Steve Bannon. It was Bannon, after all, who helped launch Cambridge Analytica, more than three years before he joined the Trump campaign, as part of his effort to provide a digital foundation for the coming populist revolution. It was the election of Donald Trump that brought attention to the ways that Russian operatives weaponized Facebook as a propaganda tool. And it was heightened scrutiny of Facebook’s role in the election that ultimately turned the reportorial spotlight back on Cambridge Analytica’s own methods for manipulating U.S. social networks for political ends.

Now, the whistle-blower behind the report is taking specific aim at Bannon’s influence at Cambridge Analytica in 2014, when the company was busy building his “psychological-warfare mindfuck tool.” In a Tuesday interview with The Washington Post, former Cambridge Analytica research director Chris Wylie alleges that Bannon signed off on spending nearly $1 million to obtain data, including from Facebook. “We had to get Bannon to approve everything at this point. Bannon was Alexander Nix’s boss,” said Wylie, referring to the Cambridge Analytica C.E.O. who was suspended yesterday. “Alexander Nix didn’t have the authority to spend that much money without approval.” (Neither Bannon nor Cambridge Analytica responded to the Post’s requests for comment on his involvement.)

Wylie said that Bannon and Nix first met in 2013, the same year that Wylie—a young data whiz with some political experience in Britain and Canada—was working for SCL Group. Bannon and Wylie met soon after and hit it off in conversations about culture, elections, and how to spread ideas using technology.

Bannon, Wylie, Nix, Rebekah Mercer, and Robert Mercer met in Rebekah Mercer’s Manhattan apartment in the fall of 2013, striking a deal in which Robert Mercer would fund the creation of Cambridge Analytica with $10 million, with the hope of shaping the congressional elections a year later, according to Wylie. Robert Mercer, in particular, seemed transfixed by the group’s plans to harness and analyze data, he recalled.

The Mercers were keen to create a U.S.-based business to avoid bad optics and violating U.S. campaign finance rules, Wylie said. “They wanted to create an American brand,” he said.


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956510 No.42201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407079 (120406ZAPR21) Notable: , MIKE POMPEO MERCER FAMILY CONNECTION COMMS CONNECTS TO BANNON AND ALEXANDER NIX

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The company’s early 2014 work turned on Bannon’s efforts to harness the power of anti-Establishment, far-right, and populist messaging, which would later be injected into Trump’s campaign. One year before Trump announced his candidacy, the firm had apparently already identified a swath of alienated white Americans. In focus groups centered around the 2014 midterms, voters responded to the suggestion of a border wall, racism towards African-Americans shrouded in the term “race realism,” and tactics intended to “drain the swamp” of Washington’s political elite. The firm also gauged opinions of Vladimir Putin. “The only foreign thing we tested was Putin,” Wylie noted. “It turns out, there’s a lot of Americans who really like this idea of a really strong authoritarian leader and people were quite defensive in focus groups of Putin’s invasion of Crimea.” (The Mercers did not respond to previous requests for comment.)

It is unclear what Bannon knew of Cambridge Analytica’s methods, which included harvesting data from a third-party app, allegedly created by academic Aleksandr Kogan, that was billed as a personality quiz. Because of Facebook’s lax guidelines at the time, Kogan was able to collect data on the friends of everyone who downloaded the app, too, expanding the pool of information available to Cambridge Analytica to include some 50 million Facebook profiles. Kogan has since spoken out, and said he is being used as a scapegoat by both Cambridge Analytica and Facebook. Facebook has since banned the parent company of Cambridge Analytica, Kogan, and Wylie for improperly sharing that data. (In a statement Wednesday, Facebook C.E.O. Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook had changed its policy on third-party apps in 2014, and learned that Kogan and Cambridge Analytica had violated those rules in 2015. “It is against our policies for developers to share data without people’s consent, so we immediately banned Kogan’s app from our platform, and demanded that Kogan and Cambridge Analytica formally certify that they had deleted all improperly acquired data,” Zuckerberg said. According to Facebook, the company only learned of the breach after it was reported in The Guardian and The New York Times.)

The Trump campaign, which is already under investigation by the Department of Justice for possible collusion with Russia, could also feel the heat from Bannon’s involvement with Cambridge Analytica. Indeed, the various parties are inextricably linked: the Mercers funded Cambridge Analytica, the Trump campaign, and the pro-Trump news outlet Breitbart. The Trump campaign, in turn, hired Cambridge Analytica. Bannon served at Breitbart, Cambridge Analytica, and in the White House. Cambridge Analytica was sufficiently relevant to the Trump campaign’s efforts that, according to The Wall Street Journal, special counsel Robert Mueller has asked the firm to turn over the e-mails of any employees who worked on the campaign.

Unsurprisingly, Trumpworld has coolly distanced itself from the story, with an anonymous campaign official telling Politico that the 2020 re-election effort has no existing contracts with the data firm, and no plans to work with them in the future. The official said that the firm only “provided limited staffing” during the 2016 campaign, and the Trump campaign did not use the firm’s data. Back in 2016, however, Trump allies were singing a different tune. Then, Jared Kushner was more enthusiastic about the partnership which, according to election records, saw the Trump campaign pay Cambridge Analytica $5.9 million. “We found that Facebook and digital targeting were the most effective ways to reach the audiences,” Trump’s son-in-law told Forbes in a post-election, victory-lap interview. “After the primary, we started ramping up because we knew that doing a national campaign is different than doing a primary campaign. That was when we formalized the system because we had to ramp up for digital fund-raising. We brought in Cambridge Analytica.”


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956510 No.42202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407082 (120407ZAPR21) Notable: , Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.

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Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.

The sweatshirt references California and LA.

Odd king and queen. Makes the 5 points on Q noticeable so could be reference to Hong Kong who has t petal flower as symbol. The knight at D5 is ready to take the white Q.

2 doors to choose from for getaway.

Madonna and child icon on table seems posed. It is behind Mike so he has backing of Russia for this comm.

Mike is CIA so he is expert at these symbolic comms. I expect USN is involved. They tweeted about south china sea with reflections in binocs meaning they are seeing China's action and likely calling their bluff. In the foreground of the binocs I see AWACS so likely they have signals superiority over China

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956510 No.42203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407091 (120409ZAPR21) Notable: , MIKE POMPEO MERCER FAMILY CONNECTION COMMS CONNECTS TO BANNON AND ALEXANDER NIX

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The Trump team’s nonchalance has not spread to lawmakers, who are actively zeroing in on the Cambridge-Facebook-Trump axis. On Tuesday, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff referenced the scandal as he accused Republicans of prematurely concluding an investigation into connections between the Trump campaign and Russia’s election meddling. “Glad to see Cambridge Analytica whistleblower is willing to testify,” he tweeted. “Recent revelations about Erik Prince Roger Stone and Cambridge Analytica illustrate how GOP decision to shut down their investigation abdicated their oversight responsibilities to country. But our work goes on.” Meanwhile, Senator Susan Collins, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, announced that she’d like Nix to testify.

At the moment, the primary object of media derision is Facebook, which continues to face bruising headlines over its shaky response to the scandal. But larger questions still hang over the White House as investigators look closer at Bannon and Kushner’s interactions with Cambridge Analytica, and at Nix’s interactions with Russian proxy Julian Assange. (Assange has confirmed he was contacted by Nix, but said that WikiLeaks rebuffed his overtures about Hillary Clinton’s missing 33,000 e-mails.) In the months after the election, media reports cast an increasingly doubtful eye on Nix’s claims to have been able to “determine the personality of every single adult in the United States of America.” The Trump campaign would later acknowledge that Cambridge Analytica’s so-called “psychographic” profiles were never used. As last week’s twin bombshells from The Guardian and Times suggest, however, the story is still unfolding.


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956510 No.42204

File: 37c190cf2028e49⋯.png (12.67 KB,609x782,609:782,Clipboard.png)

File: cee90556a2cc3ab⋯.png (11.16 KB,670x752,335:376,Clipboard.png)

File: f84515948720e9b⋯.png (11.33 KB,615x743,615:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407108 (120414ZAPR21) Notable: Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.

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OMG. METHtylphenidate = ritalin. No wonder some children are fucked up.

Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.

The following information is the most accurate and documented data available on psychiatric drug usage in the United States. The information is from IQVia (formerly IMS Health), a company that provides information, services and technology for the healthcare industry. It is the largest vendor of U.S. physician prescribing data. The following data was taken from the IQVia Total Patient Tracker Database for Year 2020, extracted January 2021. To see drug regulatory agency warnings, studies and documented side effects of the psychiatric drugs prescribed to children, click hyperlinks below in blue (i.e., ADHD Drugs, Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, etc).


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956510 No.42205

File: 743642c0f94a34c⋯.png (353.04 KB,598x535,598:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407117 (120415ZAPR21) Notable: US Department of the Interior owls comms

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407124 (120418ZAPR21) Notable: Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.

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Now why would a 1 year old need any of these meds?

The doctor prescribing them should lose their license

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956510 No.42207

File: d1402636ef2a618⋯.png (87.77 KB,356x299,356:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407135 (120420ZAPR21) Notable: Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.

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>Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.

Good to know. Now if only they would do one for all of the Congresschitzos.

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956510 No.42208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407149 (120422ZAPR21) Notable: , H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


0 results on tineye. Is this an original?

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956510 No.42209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407150 (120423ZAPR21) Notable: Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.

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>Good to know. Now if only they would do one for all of the Congresschitzos.

Maybe they don't need to because 100%

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956510 No.42210

File: dd81525067eaf1d⋯.png (183.85 KB,1141x501,1141:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 818b047c0e0eb01⋯.png (122.04 KB,1162x439,1162:439,Clipboard.png)

File: a9120acf640d4d1⋯.png (67.75 KB,1149x280,1149:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407153 (120425ZAPR21) Notable: , MIKE POMPEO MERCER FAMILY CONNECTION COMMS CONNECTS TO BANNON AND ALEXANDER NIX

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NOTE: This is a vanity fair article so there will be narrative push, but there is no doubt that bannon and Alexander nix knew each other, will need discernment and digging what is true or fake. long article so image capped, open image in new tab and then use zoom if too small. !! no sides, we go where the research takes us !!!




How involved was Trump’s campaign consigliere with Cambridge Analytica? And will the scandal blow up in Jared Kushner’s face?


MARCH 21, 2018


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956510 No.42211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407160 (120426ZAPR21) Notable: , Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.

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I have two theories, one is real and the other is just wishful thinking…

all this is real and Chyna is really fucked if they try to attack Taiwan…


All this is for show…Chyna has no intention of attacking Taiwan, just go far enough for every body to think they are going to do it (all for show thanks to Trump's playbook)…look over here don't look at what's really happening…Pompeo is in on it…why I say this is…The DS is also monitoring this board (heavily, looking for something)…so what we see is only the smoke and mirrors…but who knows…if I was able to figure it out, maybe the DS was able to figure it out and staged the Brooklyn Center FF…just in case!!!…

But I could be totally wrong and crazy!!!

Damn, I hate typing in normal black…I have the screen at 200, so if there are any typo's fuck em'

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956510 No.42212

File: 0204f23c411d7f6⋯.png (225.45 KB,298x544,149:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407163 (120427ZAPR21) Notable: National Park Service Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. #UnicornDay Image: Horse walking toward Washington Monument.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42213

File: 72b47c01d47c5f2⋯.png (296.63 KB,758x3065,758:3065,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407164 (120427ZAPR21) Notable: Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure

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Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year

Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure


By Huang Tzu-ti, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

2021/04/12 11:41


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956510 No.42214

File: d82f732f3b79462⋯.jpg (214.62 KB,1424x1144,178:143,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 79aa4aa350e368a⋯.jpg (284.85 KB,1404x1232,351:308,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407167 (120428ZAPR21) Notable: , Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud

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>>Maria: "Are you ready?Iran. The money that he was sending over to Iran… Obama… skimmed 14 pallets… 400M dollars… off of it… and put it in a bank…for himself….to go run operations to take down President Trump and this Administration and that is how he funded the whole Russia Collusion ordeal. It was 400M of the United States Citizens money."

Q post 1464

Nothing to do w/ NUKES (cover_)

Hussein pallets of cash.

Hussein secret auth to convert USD.

More coming.

No MSM coverage.

Got Popcorn?


That's what Pompeo's tweet was about. Post 1464 was posted on 6/11.

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956510 No.42215

File: 92691319c28b463⋯.png (537.15 KB,859x4286,859:4286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407187 (120434ZAPR21) Notable: Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93

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Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93


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956510 No.42216

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB,162x255,54:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407189 (120435ZAPR21) Notable: , FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota

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Brooklyn Police just said on the loudspeaker…"Can I have your attention PLEASE!!!"….

And everyone in the CROWD says "NO!!!"…

kekking hard

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956510 No.42217

File: 73ccdca68b55ad5⋯.png (400.44 KB,544x445,544:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407193 (120435ZAPR21) Notable: Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year

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>Sony Bono was murdered by Whoo whoo whoo?

Murdered by a tree he skied in to.

Maybe you should blame HRC… it was an evergreen.

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956510 No.42218

File: f3aa0bbf6bfb10d⋯.png (445.7 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407207 (120439ZAPR21) Notable: , Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud

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An interview with Cambridge Analytica founder and CEO, Alexander Nix in March 2017, for Forbes' technology podcast, The Premise.


Face-To-Face With Cambridge Analytica's Elusive Alexander Nix

Parmy OlsonFormer Staff AI AI, robotics and the digital transformation of European business.


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956510 No.42219

File: 7876b54767d2587⋯.jpg (90.96 KB,1280x696,160:87,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407224 (120443ZAPR21) Notable: What we are going through truly is Biblical Published April 11, 2021 12,398 Views (1:09:48)

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Hey Guise,

I'm just finishing up watching this 2 part series that Scott McKay put out (Get over it and read the rest of what I have to say) with guest Miki Klann.

I've never heard of her before, can't find much on her re: bio or anything. But my God. She really pulls some things together.

She takes astrology, Q's drops and Trump and white hat timelines and weaves it all together. Result? What we are going through truly is Biblical (not just epic, but bibilical in the true sense of the word).

It appears that some of the drops and deltas fall in synchronous timing with astrological events and in accordance with the Bible.

I can't suggest this highly enough. Second part is truly the best. But it's important to see the first part as she begins the timeline with Trump way back before election.

They were both on youtube but have already been removed. So they're on Rumble. Can't embed these.



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956510 No.42220

File: af58def4b7793fd⋯.png (868.29 KB,1292x443,1292:443,Clipboard.png)

File: cc1a21eda4acd8a⋯.png (294.92 KB,1006x340,503:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407235 (120445ZAPR21) Notable: , [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline

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[things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline.

This channel does an interdasting autistic look at the charts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7THt3gcWTHeKsVwplLt4xA

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956510 No.42221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407253 (120448ZAPR21) Notable: The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street. This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med

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>The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street.

This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med.

The coronavirus outbreak has exposed the United States’ dangerous dependence on China for pharmaceutical and medical supplies, including an estimated 97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients needed to produce drugs in the United States.

Perhaps the biggest concern is over medical supplies. China produces and exports a large amount of pharmaceuticals to the U.S., including 97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of the active ingredients used to make drugs here. Penicillin, ibuprofen, and aspirin largely come from China. Last month, the medical supply firm Cardinal Health recalled 2.9 million surgical gowns “cross contaminated” at a plant in China; the blood pressure drug valsartan also saw shortages recently, thanks to tainted active ingredients at one Chinese plant. The combination of supply chain disruptions and increased demand at hospitals if coronavirus spreads to the U.S. could prove devastating.

In a dark irony, most of the world’s face masks—now ubiquitous in China as a precaution—are made in China and Taiwan, and even for those made elsewhere, some component parts are Chinese-sourced. Shortages have led China to declare the masks a “strategic resource,” reserving them for medical workers. U.S. hospitals are “critically low” on respiratory masks, according to medical-supply middlemen. Lack of protective gear could increase vulnerability to the virus, and the one place on earth suffering from production shutdowns is the one place where most of the protective gear originates [emphasis added].


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956510 No.42222

File: 00d6557b154b0a9⋯.jpg (530.07 KB,2560x1817,2560:1817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407255 (120449ZAPR21) Notable: Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.

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Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond. Nothing like a few metric tons per year of afghan black tar heroin and columbian cocaine imported into our cities to eviscerate the morality of American families and make a few billion dollars for the Bush family. Now with the advent of SSRI's and opioids American brains are too fried to bother with petty questions like "why is my son a transsexual" or "why is my daughter a whore" or "where do mass shootings come from" or "why does every country on earth laugh at our hypocrisy and incompetence". Fuck this gay earth.


And fuck Fauci.


there is a silver lining:

Meritocracy might sound rayciss, but kakistocracy sounds like kekistocracy.


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956510 No.42223

File: 0b21f2e1453d456⋯.png (1.07 MB,1599x737,1599:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407270 (120451ZAPR21) Notable: , [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline

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yea I'm playing with the color settings, it brings out some weird stuff

to me these look like alien heads like in rows or something

there are also random letters and numbers scattered throughout





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956510 No.42224

File: f04427e172ee3b5⋯.png (145.65 KB,555x557,555:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 27e43c3012416ac⋯.jpg (102.56 KB,574x764,287:382,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c09633d46398090⋯.jpg (282.45 KB,1247x743,1247:743,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407275 (120453ZAPR21) Notable: It's time you wake TFU anon. Quantum-Syntax-Grammar

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It's time you wake TFU anon.


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956510 No.42225

File: 393a2f99e8f647c⋯.mp4 (15.97 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407285 (120454ZAPR21) Notable: Mike Lindell (11:27)

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956510 No.42226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407305 (120459ZAPR21) Notable: Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco


A Kennedy died the same way around the same timne

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956510 No.42227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407313 (120501ZAPR21) Notable: Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year

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Michael LeMoyne Kennedy (February 27, 1958 – December 31, 1997) was an American lawyer, businessman, and political activist in Massachusetts. He was the sixth of eleven children to Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Skakel. Kennedy also served as the head of the non-profit organization Citizens Energy. He died in a skiing accident in 1997 when he skied himself into a tree.


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956510 No.42228

File: 9cda443ed70ac95⋯.jpg (445.09 KB,800x1108,200:277,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407318 (120502ZAPR21) Notable: Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year

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When you're married to a cult witch sometimes the only way out is in - to a tree.

On January 5, 1998, Bono's unusual journey was cut tragically short when he was killed in a skiing accident while on vacation with his family in South Lake Tahoe, California. … Police said Bono had skied into a wooded area and hit a tree; the cause of death was massive head injuries.

Cause of death: Skiing accident

Died: January 5, 1998, South Lake Tahoe

Born: February 16, 1935, Detroit

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956510 No.42229

File: 0f2515fc4255ee3⋯.png (199.34 KB,620x560,31:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407352 (120510ZAPR21) Notable: Team Biden caves on Iran — and gets nothing in return

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956510 No.42230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407353 (120510ZAPR21) Notable: Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year

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Michael LeMoyne Kennedy Dec 31 1997

Sonny Bono January 3 1998

Tree leaping out and whacking you while skiing was the red scarf and door knob of the day?

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956510 No.42231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407356 (120511ZAPR21) Notable: Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Within a few days of each other too. I'm literally old enough to remember when that was going on. Lots of craziness (Diana had died that year).

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956510 No.42232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407383 (120518ZAPR21) Notable: #16982

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NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>>/qresearch/13406593 OP

>>>/qresearch/13406602 Dough



>>42162 Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury was sentenced to 23 years in prison

>>42163 Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents

>>42164, >>42168, 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter

>>>/qresearch/13406708, >>41804 pb, >>>/qresearch/13406718, CA podcaster gets visit from police after ‘lightly’ criticizing AOC on Twitter (Cap 2:11)

>>42165 Brooklyn Center police officer shoots, kills driver during traffic stop

>>42166 Have the military accepted/acknowledged Biden as POTUS? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all Trump appointees, current

>>42167, >>42191, Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated

>>42170 Israeli data shows South African variant able to ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine

>>42171 Chart on Pompeo Tweet Mapping to Q team post

>>42172 Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan (14:48)

>>42173, >>42174, >>42175, >>42177, >>42171, >>42187, >>42174, >>42179, >>42184, >>42190, >>42198, >>42195, >>42208, H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war…. POMPEO tweet


>>42213 Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure

>>42176 China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines ‘Don’t Have Very High Protection Rates’

>>42180 Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect

>>42181 F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft

>>42182 NO Jab, NO Play, Australian Government reveals Nazi intentions towards population to generically alter their DNA (2:17)

>>42183, >>42169, >>42178, >>42186, >>42197, >>42214, >>42218, Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud

>>42189, >>42185, >>42188, >>42192, Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota…Brooklyn Center

>>42191 Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.

>>42193, >>42216, FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota

>>42196 Absolute work of Art DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun (Cap 3:31)

>>42194 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night

>>42199 More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis (Cap 0:45)

>>42202, >>42211, Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.

>>42204 Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.

>>42205 US Department of the Interior owls comms

>>42212 National Park Service Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. #UnicornDay Image: Horse walking toward Washington Monument.

>>42215 Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93

>>42219 What we are going through truly is Biblical Published April 11, 2021 12,398 Views (1:09:48)

>>42220, >>42223, [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline

>>42221 The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street. This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med

>>42222, >>42209, >>42207, >>42204, >>42206 Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.

>>42224 It's time you wake TFU anon. Quantum-Syntax-Grammar

>>42225 Mike Lindell (11:27)

>>42226, >>42227, >>42230, >>42231, >>42217, >>42228 Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year

>>42229 Team Biden caves on Iran — and gets nothing in return


Check em' thank you

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956510 No.42233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407453 (120534ZAPR21) Notable: Turkish news: The Secret Contents of Ever Given – Evergreen Container Ship

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Turkish news: The Secret Contents of Ever Given – Evergreen Container Ship

Translated Video By Kaan Sariaydin

Covid's not working out for the DS, so next move? Global Climate Change. Gates or his handlers, PTB over him, in deep, if this is true.


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956510 No.42234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407470 (120539ZAPR21) Notable: ANTIFA Theft and Battery (Bideo)

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At the 1 hour 24 minute mark of this video, antifa/blm fight a husband and wife in Huntington Beach and steal the wife's purse that had the keys to their home and car and address from id's and wallet, money, phone etc. Praying for these two.


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956510 No.42235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407471 (120539ZAPR21) Notable: Turkish news: The Secret Contents of Ever Given – Evergreen Container Ship

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956510 No.42236

File: c16797c9e340551⋯.jpg (107.65 KB,804x857,804:857,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407474 (120540ZAPR21) Notable: Is this D5? POMPEO IMAGE

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Is this D5?

Searched didn't see it pointed out.

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956510 No.42237

File: 34209e712ae4987⋯.jpg (82.74 KB,1125x1106,1125:1106,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407491 (120545ZAPR21) Notable: Based Meme

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42238

File: a9e18fd722267c3⋯.jpg (865.96 KB,2048x1688,256:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407499 (120550ZAPR21) Notable: 6 Things You Need To Know About The Mercer Family

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I have not been keeping up with the Pompeo decodes but I assume someone spotted that he isn't at home?


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956510 No.42239

File: 38859a3af93afbb⋯.png (1.62 MB,1121x922,1121:922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407515 (120554ZAPR21) Notable: Is this D5? POMPEO IMAGE

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Have not seen this mentioned yet in all the posts, replies and places. Board is nearly falling off bench. Message def includes the Mercer wood, very tight to get what is in the background without dropping the board.

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956510 No.42240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407573 (120611ZAPR21) Notable: Is this D5? POMPEO IMAGE

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D5 is a black horse (night mare) and apples on table as in 0bama oval office.

Nightmare for 0bama?

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956510 No.42241

File: 40cfaf761c7e3be⋯.png (52.72 KB,775x367,775:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407584 (120615ZAPR21) Notable: House Dems Call on Biden to Make COVID Vaccine Mandatory in Military

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Son of x-CIA Director Panetta is trying to get Biden to force the military to take the untested vaccination.

"Waiver of informed consent" - that is, don't tell them about the harm that the vax can cause.


"We write to respectfully request you issue a waiver of informed consent to ensure members of the armed forces receive a COVID-19 vaccine at the earlier opportunity,"

"Panetta is the son of former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. The other House members who signed onto the letter, all Democrats, were Rep. Marc Veasey of Texas, Rep. Marilyn Strickland of Washington state, Rep. Sara Jacobs of California, Rep. Cindy Axne of Iowa, Rep. Jahana Hayes of Connecticut and Rep. James McGovern of Massachusetts. Panetta, Jacobs and Veasey all serve on the House Armed Services Committee."

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956510 No.42242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407605 (120620ZAPR21) Notable: More on Mercer

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Yes, I think the Mercer is important in this pic


>>35180, >>35187, Mercer is the funder of Breitbart.

Primarily targeting high-profile conservative donor and Parler partner Rebekah Mercer

Mercer Law School, Mercer Dean Cathy Cox, and Mercer law students should also be made to listen.

And why has Mercer Law School Dean Cathy Cox not been fired? Why does Mercer University President Bill Underwood not contact me? Old Bill sure called and visited a bunch when he wanted my $1M donation to the school.

During his tenure in the House of Burgesses, White served alongside James Mercer,

Remember the Nashville event? Remember strange drops with money in them? Hints of gold standard or something to come? Remember the "dog comms", Mercer, etc.?


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956510 No.42243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407609 (120621ZAPR21) Notable: Clay Clark is a brilliant entrepreneur who is inspiring all of us to take on COVID-19 oppression to promote liberty in America.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Clay Clark is a brilliant entrepreneur who is inspiring all of us to take on COVID-19 oppression to promote liberty in America.

Dr. Peter Breggin w/ guest Clay Clark

Clark's upcoming Freedom Conference is defiantly live and streaming April 16-17, 2021 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. No one gives a more striking and encouraging presentation than Clay to inspire us to fight for our personal and political freedom.

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956510 No.42244

File: a66fc48febe8900⋯.jpg (2.63 MB,1292x8995,1292:8995,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407620 (120623ZAPR21) Notable: NADLER BEHIND LETHAL-HEIST PARDON

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>Oh, no, (((they))) didn't

What would be the odds…



A Manhattan congressman and his rabbi played a crucial role in President Clinton’s controversial pardon of former Weather Underground member Susan Rosenberg, aides said yesterday.

Rabbi J. Rolando Matalon of Temple B’nai Jeshurun showed Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” and “passed on the concerns of her family,” said Nadler spokesman Eric Schmeltzer.

That intercession played a key role in Clinton’s decision Friday to commute the 58-year weapons-possession sentence for Rosenberg, long a suspect in the deadly 1981 Brink’s robbery in Nyack. She was never convicted on that charge.

“What [Nadler] did was to pass on the materials to the White House counsel’s office and say, ‘I’d like you to take a look at this,'” Schmeltzer said.

Neither the rabbi nor Nadler, who was well-regarded at the Clinton White House because he was one of the president’s most ardent defenders during Sexgate, could be reached for comment yesterday.

Clinton himself refused to comment on his 11th-hour pardons of Rosenberg and 139 others.

“I’m out of office now. I’m not talking anymore,” he told reporters outside his home in Chappaqua.

His wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, also sidestepped the issue.

“You’ll have to ask him [Clinton]. It was his decision,” she said.

Meanwhile, criticism of the pardons continued to pour in.

“She [Rosenberg] was not a white-collar-crime person,” said Mary Crowley, whose brother, Sgt. Edward O’Grady, was gunned down in the botched Rockland County armored-truck robbery. “She was associated with a terrorist organization.”

O’Grady, fellow Police Officer Waverly Brown and Brink’s guard Peter Paige were killed during the Brink’s robbery, in which Weather Underground radicals tried to pull off a $1.6million heist.

Though the Brink’s robbery happened nearly 20 years ago, for those touched by the tragedy, it is still an open wound.

“The whole family is very disappointed,” said Crowley’s son, John Hanchar, who spoke with O’Grady’s widow, Diane O’Grady, after the pardon.

“She’s just stunned and hurting,” Hanchar said.

So are officers who worked side-by-side with the slain cops.

“I’m not happy about it at all,” said retired Officer Brian Lennon, Brown’s partner at the time. “Shame on President Clinton. Shame on him for moving to New York and letting her go.”

On another pardon front, Mayor Giuliani called for a congressional investigation into Clinton’s reprieve of fugitive financier Marc Rich.

Rich has been wanted for 17 years on charges of evading $48 million in taxes and of making oil deals with Iran while American hostages were still being held in Tehran.

“He’s never paid any price at all for the crime he committed,” said Giuliani, who, as a federal prosecutor, pursued Rich.

Mary Jo White, the current Manhattan U.S. attorney, said Clinton violated Justice Department guidelines by failing to notify her office he was pardoning for Rich and others.

Justice Department sources that, although Rich is still a fugitive, the FBI wasn’t notified either.

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956510 No.42245

File: f3e961360e6a58c⋯.jpg (89.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407630 (120629ZAPR21) Notable: HSBC Changes Crypto Policy, Now Bars Clients From Buying Stock of Companies That Hold Bitcoin

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HSBC Changes Crypto Policy, Now Bars Clients From Buying Stock of Companies That Hold Bitcoin


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956510 No.42246

File: 85d129500f85901⋯.gif (356.18 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13407816 (120713ZAPR21) Notable: #16983

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>>42233 , >>42235 Turkish news: The Secret Contents of Ever Given – Evergreen Container Ship

>>42234 ANTIFA Theft and Battery (Bideo)

>>42236 , >>42239 , >>42240 Is this D5? POMPEO IMAGE

>>42237 Based Meme

>>42238 6 Things You Need To Know About The Mercer Family

>>42241 House Dems Call on Biden to Make COVID Vaccine Mandatory in Military

>>42242 More on Mercer

>>42243 Clay Clark is a brilliant entrepreneur who is inspiring all of us to take on COVID-19 oppression to promote liberty in America.


>>42245 HSBC Changes Crypto Policy, Now Bars Clients From Buying Stock of Companies That Hold Bitcoin











Godspeed Patriots

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956510 No.42247

File: de6deedb3302110⋯.png (2.14 MB,938x1001,134:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408343 (121112ZAPR21)

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Okay, so you gave it a shot. Here's a tyb;

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956510 No.42248

File: 6725a2537835c7c⋯.png (378.2 KB,650x594,325:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408358 (121118ZAPR21) Notable: A New Jersey Man is in the Hospital with COVID-19 — Just Five Weeks After Being Vaccinated.

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A New Jersey man is in the hospital with COVID-19 — just five weeks after being vaccinated.

Francisco Cosme, 52, was ecstatic when he booked an appointment for the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine at the Javits Center on March 6.

After Cosme was vaccinated, he continued to wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines but he became “very confused and began doing things that were not normal,” his daughter, Michelle Torres, told the Post.

“April 1 was the very first day he started to have symptoms,” Torres said. “He had a cough, fever, chills, everything.”

The 31-year-old drove her father to a clinic where he tested positive for COVID-19 and he was instructed to quarantine for ten days.

Last week, his condition worsened and Torress noticed he had trouble breathing and called 911 during a visit to his home in Edison, New Jersey.

After giving Cosme oxygen, the ambulance rushed him to John F. Kennedy Medical Center, where he is in critical condition and is also being treated for pneumonia.


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956510 No.42249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408407 (121145ZAPR21)

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>>>/qresearch/13408338 nice one aprenbakeanon can't fault you for stepping up. I think you have just inspired me to have a look into baking!

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956510 No.42250

File: 339bc12197fc004⋯.jpg (851.78 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408419 (121151ZAPR21) Notable: National Guard Deployed in Minneapolis After Fatal Police Shooting of Daunte Wright

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They even called it 'violent' this time.

Also I think this summer is when we are going to get our NG deployment markers

National Guard deployed in Minneapolis after fatal police shooting of Daunte Wright


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956510 No.42251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408437 (121159ZAPR21)

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Updated Dough for next baker


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956510 No.42252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408486 (121217ZAPR21) Notable: The True Story of How Prince Philip's DNA Solved a Russian Romanov Murder Mystery

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Sorry if already posted. Hadn't seen in notables.

The true story of how Prince Philip's DNA solved a Russian Romanov murder mystery

It was the mystery that captured the imagination of the world, as a Russian Imperial dynasty was ruthlessly executed before details of their disappearance obfuscated for decades.

In 2018, the true story of how the Duke of Edinburgh helped piece together the murders of Tsar Nicholas II and his family was told by the Science Museum in an exhibition detailing how his DNA provided the key.

The Duke, who offered a blood sample to experts attempting to identify bodies found in unmarked graves in 1993, provided a match with the Tsarina and her daughters, related through the maternal line, proving once and for all their fate.

The research by that team, known in detail only to scientists until recently, was put on display for the first time, with graphs of the Tsar’s own DNA exhibited alongside details of the Duke’s contribution of five cubic centimetres of blood.

The Duke is the grand-nephew of the Tsarina, with her older sister Victoria Mountbatten his maternal grandmother.

He was invited to assist the investigation into her murder by Dr Peter Gill and his team at the Forensic Science Service, who used mitochondrial DNA analysis to determine they have proved "virtually beyond doubt" that bones found in a grave in Yekaterinburg in July 1991 were those of the Romanovs.

The Duke was keenly aware of his family history, reported to have once answered a question about whether he would like to travel to Russia with the words: "I would like to go to Russia very much, although the ba—-ds murdered half my family."

The Science Museum exhibition, The Last Tsar: Blood and Revolution, was designed to explore the decades of scientific development that have helped experts piece together what happened to the Romanov family, opened in the centenary of their executions.

Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarina Alexandra and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei were killed on July 17, 1918, in Ekaterinburg and their bodies left in two unmarked graves.

The 100-year-old murder case has still not been officially closed, with the Russian Orthodox Church declining to recognise the bones of the Romanovs and allow them burial with full rites.

In 2018, that process moved one step closer after genetic tests ordered by the Church "confirmed the remains found belonged to the former Emperor Nicholas II, his family members and members of their entourage", according to its Investigative Committee.

The Science Museum exhibition allowed members of the public to examine evidence “from the scene of the execution”, including the dentures of the imperial physician, a single diamond earring belonging to the Tsarina, and an icon ravaged by bullet holes.

It also included a photograph album created by the Imperial children’s English tutor, the family’s personal diaries, and an Imperial Fabergé Egg given as a gift by the Tsar to his wife.

A spokesman said: “This investigation was one of the first occasions that forensic DNA analysis was used to solve a historic case, involving the best British experts under the direction of Dr Peter Gill from the Forensic Science Service.

“Blood samples from relatives, including His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, and advances in DNA profiling and 3D reconstruction, helped to positively identify the remains of the imperial family and enabled the investigation to reach convincing conclusions.


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956510 No.42253

File: 255bb0425785de6⋯.png (366.46 KB,1596x1406,42:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e9058696c41658⋯.png (1.74 MB,1836x1326,18:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408518 (121229ZAPR21) Notable: 7 Year Old Girl with Lyme Disease Presenting as Attention Deficit Disorder

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ADHD example… 3.2M children paying $80 - $200 per month for ADHD drugs (assume avg $100 for easy math) = $4.5B market for Big Pharma putting kids on speed

BUT - many children with ADHD are actually misdiagnosed & actually have LYME so could be treated for the bug bite but instead get medicated into submission all for $$$


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956510 No.42254

File: e0175a621944719⋯.jpg (246.49 KB,924x1138,462:569,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408531 (121233ZAPR21) Notable: Interesting mRNA and Memory Article

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same here anon the immediate fam is on board but so many we all know are taking this.

likely not going to be pretty.

only hope we are wrong.

here is something that I came across during digs while the article on it's own is fascinating it only adds to the mess.


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956510 No.42255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408548 (121237ZAPR21) Notable: Moderna/Gates/DARPA Connections

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>such a rushed and heavily marketed product)

Rushed? Not so much.

Still searching for the connections, but you might like to read these articles.

MODERNA/GATES/FLAGSHIP/CIA/DARPA all connected to this mRNA crap years ago.

Throughout 2009 and 2010, Stéphane Bancel (MBA 2000) had received upward of 20 calls from biotech companies asking him to come aboard and lead the company. It made sense. He was a highly recruited CEO successfully running bioMérieux, a diagnostics company with 6,000 employees and sales reaching into the billions. Then one evening he got a call from Noubar Afeyan, managing partner and CEO of Flagship Ventures, a venture capital firm that started Moderna, asking Bancel to swing by the company's Boston office and take a look at the latest data coming in on their patented technology, messenger RNA (mRNA) Therapeutics.


Flagship, led by co-founders Noubar Afeyan and Ed Kania, is an early-stage venture capital firm with more than $600 million in funds and a portfolio of 40 companies. It focuses on startups in therapeutics; life science tools and diagnostics; bioenergy; and cleantech. Earlier this month, medical diagnostics startup T2 Biosystems Inc. secured a $10.8 million second round of venture capital from Flagship Ventures, along with fellow Series A investor Polaris Venture Partners and new investors Flybridge Capital Partners, Partners Healthcare Inc. andCIA venture arm In-Q-Tel.


Moderna Wins Initial $20M Grant from Gates Foundation


Then, in October, the government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded Moderna $25 million to develop mRNA to combat infectious diseases and biological threats.


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956510 No.42256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408553 (121237ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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956510 No.42257

File: bd649d69f1e87eb⋯.png (499.94 KB,945x716,945:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b866f16262ba54⋯.png (995.82 KB,926x1664,463:832,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dc6a51fa5eccb6⋯.png (648.94 KB,932x1556,233:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408557 (121239ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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Andy Ngo

The claim from #DuanteWright's mother & #BLM activists that he was killed by police over air fresheners is unsubstantiated. There was a warrant for his arrest. He resisted arrest & got back in the vehicle & tried to speed off. He nearly killed others during the failed escape.



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956510 No.42258

File: 5a9211f70a0d694⋯.png (472.87 KB,945x640,189:128,Clipboard.png)

File: d7d765d57fc1f3c⋯.mp4 (15.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408570 (121243ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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#BLM protesters began rioting near Minneapolis in response to the police-involved shooting of a suspected gang member.



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956510 No.42259

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408576 (121245ZAPR21) Notable: Pentagon Scientists Reveal a Microchip that Senses COVID-19 BEFORE Symptoms and a Filter that Extracts the Virus from Blood

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Pentagon microship faggotry

Pentagon scientists reveal a microchip that senses COVID-19 in your body BEFORE you show symptoms and a filter that extracts the virus from blood


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956510 No.42260

File: 8ae7e03dbe1e250⋯.png (475.2 KB,945x662,945:662,Clipboard.png)

File: a2e258e2923e2b6⋯.mp4 (8.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408581 (121246ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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Brooklyn Center, Minn.: BLM rioter who was about to throw a large chunk of concrete at police was hit with an impact munition. He falls to the ground in pain. #Minneapolis



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956510 No.42261

File: 0277b8c72f8fd9b⋯.png (279.68 KB,945x692,945:692,Clipboard.png)

File: 68001568e3fb009⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408584 (121247ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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The Brooklyn Center Walmart in Minnesota was broken into and looted in response to the BLM race rioting overnight after police shot dead a suspected gang member who was trying to escape a warrant arrest. #DaunteWright #Minneapolis



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956510 No.42262

File: 7b1761b5361d68c⋯.png (354.51 KB,945x661,945:661,Clipboard.png)

File: a080982afee20d4⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408591 (121249ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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People looted a GameStop overnight in response to BLM inciting a riot & violence in Brooklyn Center (near Minneapolis) after police killed a criminal suspect evading arrest. #DuanteWright



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956510 No.42263

File: b76ee759df19366⋯.png (540.89 KB,945x657,105:73,Clipboard.png)

File: a81ad9e55984ecd⋯.mp4 (12.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408594 (121251ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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BLM looters break inside & steal from an O’Reilly’s auto store overnight in Brooklyn Center, Minn. Auto stores were infamously looted & burnt to the ground last year in Minneapolis. #DaunteWright



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956510 No.42264

File: 2979cdf9f9e9b97⋯.jpg (110.73 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408603 (121254ZAPR21) Notable: German Politics Info

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Something is going very wrong in germany


this man is about to become canclor of germany… he is the worst kind to ever exist!

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956510 No.42265

File: 3015b4146ea8930⋯.png (305.94 KB,945x659,945:659,Clipboard.png)

File: d67960133edb5cf⋯.mp4 (13.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408604 (121254ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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A gas station convenience store was looted clean by #BLM rioters overnight in Brooklyn Center, Minn. Rioters & protesters are responding violently to the police killing of a wanted criminal suspect who tried fleeing by vehicle. #DuanteWright



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956510 No.42266

File: e981d1b8e9da076⋯.png (465 KB,945x637,135:91,Clipboard.png)

File: ac4c73dbd441da9⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408607 (121255ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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A Sally Beauty Supply store was smashed into and looted during the #BLM unrest & violence overnight in Brooklyn Center, Minn. #DuanteWright



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956510 No.42267

File: 95febd62b1a7a1d⋯.jpg (150.09 KB,720x1078,360:539,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fb7f30a259055aa⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408647 (121310ZAPR21) Notable: Pentagon Scientists Reveal a Microchip that Senses COVID-19 BEFORE Symptoms and a Filter that Extracts the Virus from Blood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NEW - DARPA, a US Pentagon-funded agency, has developed a filter that removes the #SARSCoV2 coronavirus from the blood - FDA has approved it for emergency use.

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956510 No.42268

File: 52880cd7055930d⋯.jpg (71.95 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408650 (121311ZAPR21) Notable: German Politics Info

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Armin Laschet, Angela Merkel loyalist, is new CDU leader


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956510 No.42269

File: 8789fe6e4469b21⋯.png (1.79 MB,941x1922,941:1922,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bf3d3b696a0064⋯.png (1.25 MB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408653 (121312ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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BLM already spinning re. Duante Wright with favorable pictures



20 yrs old


Driving mom’s car

Pulled Over - too many air fresheners

Killed by Minnesota Cops



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956510 No.42270

File: c345018ff4755b2⋯.png (397.46 KB,945x739,945:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408671 (121320ZAPR21) Notable: BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

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the Antifa/Anarchists/BLM rethoric is insane:

looting = "commercial goods got expropriated from stores"

Looks like a fair amount of commercial goods got expropriated from stores on Xerxes Ave near Walmart.

Some police presence by some businesses but doesn’t exactly seem like officers have things under control tonight.



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956510 No.42271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408677 (121322ZAPR21) Notable: German Politics Info

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Merkel party is CDU/CSU ( Christian Democrat Union/Christion Social Union) . CSU is a Bavarian party that has traditionally partnered with the CSU. Merkel's not running, so CDU/CSU are deciding on the next candidate.

CSU Bavarian governor (I think), Soeder, is popular, and I would compare him to a Ron DeSantis in the US. Polls show CDU/CSU Germans want him, and he does have a strict stance on migrants.

The CDU guy is Laschet, a same old, same old, type and he's claiming since the rest of Germany is CDU, not CSU, "For the good of the party", he should be the candidate, since he represents more people.

Kind of like, say, DeSantis wants to run for president, has a lot of support, but Pence says he represents the country more and gets the nom.

Going to be interesting. Soeder has said he'll accept any decision.

AfD, just laid down the planks of their platform, though, and it's openly anti-migrant. No anchor status to warrant the entire clan moving in, no mosques, etc.

My sense is, although the AfD hasn't shaken it's right wing demon rap, it may pull enough of the silent majority, those that won't say anything, publicly, but behind the curtain at the polls, well that's a different story.

My take is, there's a lot of sentiment from traditional voters that the CDU/CSU ain't gonna' cut it unless Soeder runs, and, threfore, the only option is AfD, demons be damned. They're at that stage, IMO.

Taking time to explain this because I think it will be important going into the summer.

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956510 No.42272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408682 (121323ZAPR21) Notable: Live Link: Chauvin Trial 4/12/2021 + Riots Hit Neighborhood of One of the Jurors + Judge Denied the Chauvin Lawyer's Motion to Sequester the Jury

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Derek Chauvin Trial for 4/12/2021

Should begin around 10 am est

Link with commentary: https://www.courttv.com/title/court-tv-live-stream-web/

Embedded Link: https://youtu.be/czEgldD05cI

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956510 No.42273

File: 9072a25dadedd45⋯.png (426.79 KB,945x660,63:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 319ea5cf27ac002⋯.png (604.04 KB,945x629,945:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 9400a1aaa1f3302⋯.png (776.44 KB,945x694,945:694,Clipboard.png)

File: f9c3821e107737b⋯.png (550.1 KB,945x659,945:659,Clipboard.png)

File: e1efd580ae9a871⋯.png (492.2 KB,945x616,135:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408713 (121333ZAPR21) Notable: Meet some of the actors in the MN riots

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Meet some of the actors in the MN riots

MN Uprising (ACAB: All Cops Are Bastards)




MN United Against Facism:


Twin Cities Workers Defense Alliance:




"Antifa is a myth"

Jerry Nadler

the Antifa/CAIR/BLM/Anarchists/Youth Brainwashers MN coalition

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956510 No.42274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408729 (121338ZAPR21) Notable: Huawei, HSBC Agree on Document Deal for Extradition Case

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Huawei, HSBC agree on document deal for extradition case

HONG KONG (AP) — Chinese telecommunications equipment firm Huawei said Monday that it has reached an agreement with HSBC in Hong Kong to obtain documents that its chief financial office Meng Wanzhou hopes will help prevent her extradition to the U.S.

Meng, who was detained in Canada in 2018 at the behest of U.S. authorities, has been fighting a legal battle over the last two years as the U.S. seeks to extradite her over allegations of bank fraud and violations of sanctions against Iran.

The U.S. accuses Huawei of using a Hong Kong shell company called Skycom to sell equipment to Iran in violation of U.S. sanctions. It says Meng committed fraud by misleading HSBC about the company’s business dealings in Iran.

An earlier request by Meng’s legal team for documents from HSBC was rejected by a court in Britain.

In a court hearing Monday, Hong Kong High Court judge Linda Chan approved the document-sharing agreement between Huawei and HSBC.

“An agreement has been reached with HSBC in relation to the Hong Kong legal proceedings for document production and an order has been approved by the court,” Huawei said in a statement on Monday.

It is not clear which documents Huawei has obtained or what the scope of the agreement covers. Meng’s team have sought internal compliance documents pertaining to Huawei and Skycom.

During extradition proceedings in Canada, Meng’s lawyers have argued that the U.S. has no jurisdiction to bring the case.

Final hearings of Meng’s extradition battle are expected to conclude in May in Vancouver, although appeals could prolong the process.


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956510 No.42275

File: 8825a667f740b93⋯.png (44.06 KB,677x417,677:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 268ac65543e5c35⋯.png (53.58 KB,677x454,677:454,Clipboard.png)

File: 32c14ea5d4de6f5⋯.png (48.4 KB,677x454,677:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408744 (121342ZAPR21) Notable: The Corporate Congress is Underway

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Ed O'Keefe


CONFIRMED: First-of-its-kind call between more than 100 top corporate leaders on Saturday focused on how to respond to proposed changes in state voting laws. Participants included top leaders of airlines, media, law, investment.

4:44 PM · Apr 11, 2021·TweetDeck


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956510 No.42276

File: de41ed89e34b837⋯.png (705.43 KB,702x908,351:454,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a3efee9cfe47a1⋯.png (2.61 MB,1349x11744,1349:11744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408770 (121349ZAPR21) Notable: Biden's Infrastructure Bill Includes Making 'Diverse' Neighborhoods Across America Through Zoning Laws (Sauce?)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408773 (121350ZAPR21) Notable: China Encourages Citizens to Report Critics Via New 'Snitch Hotline' Ahead of 100th Birthday

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China encourages citizens to report critics via new 'snitch hotline' ahead of 100th birthday

China’s cyber regulator is encouraging people to snitch on each other for online speech critical of the ruling Communist Party or its official historical narrative ahead of the 100th anniversary of its founding.

Members of the public can ring a new hotline to report people who defame the Party, Chinese leaders, government policies, national heroes or “deny the excellence of advanced socialist culture,” according to a notice posted by the Cyberspace Administration of China.

People online “with ulterior motives” were “maliciously distorting, denigrating and negating the history of the Party,” said the regulator, which has vowed to crack down ahead of the Party’s centennial birthday in July.

Government censors routinely block foreign news and information online, and boost crackdown efforts ahead of historical anniversaries, political meetings and even sporting events to ensure political stability around major events.

Beijing considers people critical of the government and its policies to be damaging to the legitimacy of the Party.

Those who dare to criticise it, its leaders, policy or version of history – whether via private messages online or in public social media posts – are routinely sentenced to prison or subject to detention without having ever been tried.

They can also be blacklisted as troublemakers, potentially impacting prospects for employment and bank loans.

Chinese tech firms employ their own censors to scrub the internet as companies can face penalties if they fail to block content deemed sensitive by the authorities.

Just last week, local authorities in Jiangsu province detained a man who allegedly made “insulting” comments online about Japan’s 1937 occupation of Nanjing (or Nanking), when the Imperial Japanese Army forces brutally murdered hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

Last year, the late whistleblower Dr Li Wenliang was reprimanded by police for trying to warn colleagues via private online messages about a novel coronavirus before Chinese authorities announced the emergence of infections.

While in 2017, one man was sentenced to two years – later reduced to 22 months after a retrial – for “picking quarrels and stirring up trouble” after he called leader Xi Jinping a “baozi” or steamed dumpling online.


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956510 No.42278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408776 (121350ZAPR21) Notable: Vietnam Ready for Combat in South China Sea as Naval Ships Swarm Region

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Vietnam ready for combat in South China Sea as naval ships swarm region

China’s muscling in with missile boats. The Philippines is sending over aircraft. But another player is deploying its military to stake a claim on the South China Sea – Vietnam.

As Beijing’s fishing “militia” moved in on the Spratly Islands and Manila sent reconnaissance aircraft to observe, Hanoi had one of its warships conduct “combat drills” nearby.

The modern anti-submarine frigate Quang Trung and its on-board helicopter exercised its capabilities in plain view of heavily militarised Chinese installations.

Vietnam also claims historical ownership of the strategic fishing grounds.

The “activities of Chinese ships … seriously violate Vietnam’s sovereignty,” declares Hanoi’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One of its coast guard cutters is moored at Whitsun Reef, monitoring the swarm of up to 220 Chinese “militia” active there.

“On the Spratly Islands, combat preparations are at the highest levels,” Vietnam’s national broadcaster Vietnam Television reported this week.

Meanwhile, China has deployed several Type 022 fast-attack catamarans to the region. One of these missile-armed naval vessels on Thursday forced a Philippines charter boat carrying media away from the contested area.

This represents yet another escalation in the militarisation of the Spratly Islands.

The use of a naval vessel, as opposed to a Coast Guard cutter, represents military force. Not civilian “policing”.

It’s a volatile scenario.

“Beijing’s pretence about just using “white hulls” (Coast Guard vessels) to promote South China Sea peace and stability is well over,” says Nanyang University in Singapore maritime security analyst Collin Koh.

“What’s evident is that the PLA Navy is now engaging in active patrols alongside the (Coast Guard) and maritime militia in those so-called ‘waters under national jurisdiction’ which include ‘other relevant waters’. That should be interpreted to mean waters enclosed by (Beijing’s) nine-dash line.”

Invasion by default

Vietnam and China fought a brief war in 1979. Hanoi repulsed an invasion of Vietnam’s north. But China managed to take control of much of the Paracel Islands positioned between the two nations.

Vessels from the two sides have regularly clashed throughout the South China Sea since then.

Manila also has experience of Beijing’s “creeping expansion”.

China assembled structures on Mischief Reef in 1994. Four years later, it began turning the reef into an artificial reef fortress, complete with airfield, harbour and weapons systems.

“The continued presence of Chinese maritime militias in the area reveals their intent to further occupy features in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea),” Philippine national Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana stated this week.

The swarm of Beijing’s “militia” had dispersed to other reefs and features in the Spratleys. But about 44 remain anchored in the shelter of Whitsun Reef.

But the arrival of Chinese naval vessels in the region has prompted the US to issue a stark warning.

“An armed attack against the Philippines’ armed forces, public vessels or aircraft in the Pacific, including in the South China Sea, will trigger our obligations under the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty,” State Department spokesman Ned Price told a press conference Thursday.

“We share the concerns of our Philippine allies regarding the continued reported massing of PRC maritime militia near the Whitsun Reef”.

But Koh says the use of a warship in enforcing Beijing’s claim over the Spratly Islands represents a planned step-change in its assertion.

“The tiered response involving PLA Navy in (People’s Republic of China’s) maritime sovereignty and rights protection patrols in the (South China Sea), coupled with the Coast Guard Law, carries serious ramifications for the concerned SE Asian parties,” he says.


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956510 No.42279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408779 (121351ZAPR21) Notable: Vietnam Ready for Combat in South China Sea as Naval Ships Swarm Region

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Digging in

Hanoi has begun upgrading its outposts in the Spratly Islands, making them “more resilient to invasion or blockade and strengthening deterrence”.

Most of Vietnam’s Spratly facilities already have air defence revetments and artillery bunkers. But recent satellite photographs reveal all 10 of the islets it controls display new defensive works.

The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) has observed “drastic” changes to facilities at West Reef and Sin Cowe Island. Like China’s nearby fortresses, West Reef is an artificial island.

“In the past two years, West Reef has seen significant new construction, including several coastal defence installations, administrative buildings, concrete pads and bunkers, and a large tower structure presumably for communications or signals intelligence,” the AMTI report notes.

It also observed “the construction of an array of defensive installations along the coastline” on Sin Cowe Island.

The Communist Party-controlled South China Sea Probing Initiative (SCSPI) has published a report attacking Vietnam’s “military deployment” to the Spratleys.

“As the Vietnamese troops and civilians have become increasingly active in the Vietnamese-held islands and reefs as well as the surrounding waters, the risk of any friction and conflict couldn’t be belittled,” it states.

It’s a further indication of ongoing intimidation from Beijing.

“This latest PLA Navy harassment of the … chartered motorboat is not likely going to be a one-off, isolated incident. As part of the joint patrol framework involving Coast Guard and other forces such as maritime militia across Paracel and Spratly Islands, we can expect repeats,” Koh warns.


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956510 No.42280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408789 (121354ZAPR21) Notable: Video: MI Gov Whitmer getting the “jab”. Needle never pierced the skin?

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MI Gov Whitmer getting the “jab”. Needle never pierced the skin?


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956510 No.42281

File: e0db947aa5fed55⋯.png (852.4 KB,750x704,375:352,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d4b4f1e6b6e675⋯.png (740.63 KB,750x708,125:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408794 (121355ZAPR21) Notable: Pompeo Chess Post Decode

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

956510 No.42282

File: ceaf195953a6348⋯.jpg (590.9 KB,1612x1612,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408815 (121401ZAPR21) Notable: Interesting Paper on How the SARS CoV2 Virus was Isolated and Identified

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Interesting paper on how the SARS CoV2 virus was isolated and identified

(if it has been)


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956510 No.42283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408824 (121405ZAPR21) Notable: Interesting Article on Chinese Digital Money

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Interesting article on Chinese digital money, long with much chart porn. You can set it to expire to drive purchasing. Much like Silvio Gesells Freigeld. You can also reference the Freigeld experiment in Austria.

The interesting thing here is you can turn on and off the function for expiring money, probably the amount too. For example things are slowing down and you mark 500 to be spent this month.

So how will it be abused in the future? It's digital and trackable. You can conditionally dictate how the money will be spent. Not for loans to pay down debt. Only for electronics this month at companies who happen to be big political donors. Then, where does the expired money go that is not spent, to the electronics company? I see massive abuse of this function in the future should it come to pass. Corruption is a feature, not a bug.

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956510 No.42284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408842 (121413ZAPR21) Notable: Study Finds COVID Variant Affects Vaccinated Individuals More Than Unvaccinated

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Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated

"We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group," said Adi Stern of Tel Aviv University. "This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection."

Not only could the variant “break through” protections offered by the Pfizer vaccine, but it uniquely affects those who have been vaccinated (around eight times higher) than those who have not received the vaccine — 5.4% to 0.7%.


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956510 No.42285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408852 (121417ZAPR21) Notable: Immigrant Turned 3 Decade U.S. Army Vet Enters Virginia Gubernatorial Race vs. Ralph " Blackface" Northam.

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Iron Eagle

VA Gov GOP candidate

Most important election before the midterms

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956510 No.42286

File: 5f8a8f312d5b6e0⋯.png (432.31 KB,663x670,663:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408887 (121426ZAPR21) Notable: Cindy McCain “Tipped” as Joe Biden Nomination for U.N. Diplomatic Post (Go Get ‘em Grammar Kitty!)

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Cindy McCain Tipped as Joe Biden Nomination for U.N. Diplomatic Post


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956510 No.42287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408897 (121428ZAPR21) Notable: Are Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS?

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Are Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS?


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956510 No.42288

File: 68d9535d77c2263⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,2556x3441,852:1147,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408912 (121432ZAPR21) Notable: Opiate for the Mrs. (Cindy McCain)

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Remember when she got busted for robbing Vicodin from her fake children's charity?

Here's a bit about poor dead No name's protection efforts

You're U.S. Senator John McCain, and you've got a big problem.

Your wife, Cindy, was addicted to prescription painkillers. She stole pills from a medical-aid charity she heads and she used the names of unsuspecting employees to get prescriptions.

The public is about to find out about it.

Until now, you've managed to keep it all quiet. When Tom Gosinski, a man your wife fired, sued for wrongful termination and threatened to expose the whole sordid story, you didn't hesitate to call in the big guns.

John Dowd, the attorney who got you out of your Keating Five mess, worked on getting your wife a sweetheart deal with federal prosecutors. He also made Gosinski's lawsuit go away.


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956510 No.42289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408924 (121434ZAPR21) Notable: White House Issues Infrastructure Report Cards For All 50 States

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White House issues infrastructure report cards for all 50 states

The state-by-state reports offer assessments of how each state is faring in terms of roads and bridges, public transportation, resilient infrastructure, drinking water, housing, broadband, caregiving, child care, manufacturing, home energy, clean energy jobs and veterans health.


The vast majority of states received an overall grade of C or C-, with Georgia and Utah leading the pack with a C+ grade. Several states, including Biden's home state of Delaware, received D grades.

The fact sheets reflect how the White House is attempting to appeal to leaders at the state and local level to garner support for Biden's infrastructure plan.

(Waxed palms)


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956510 No.42290

File: 895fce39e6203f5⋯.png (183.54 KB,761x633,761:633,Clipboard.png)

File: 594af446bd493d4⋯.png (293.14 KB,893x693,893:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408935 (121438ZAPR21) Notable: Anon Call for an Antarctica Dig

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Someone who knows a lot more about what's going on in Antarctica than we do is a broad namedKip Rithnerfrom Ventura, California, who also lived in the Denver, Colorado area for years.

She is or was married to a guy named Casey something (diff last name), but I'm sure he'll connect to her on WhitePages.com or TruePeopleSearch.com – I'm workfagging and don't have time to dig).

But anyway, Kip Rithner worked for years with a company called Antarctic Support Associates' or something like that. It was HQ'd in Englwood, Colorado. That I remember. She apparently used to think quite highly of herself for knowing about Antarctica while keeping her pals in Cali and Colo in the dark. As if she was better than everyone.

How do I know this? Let's just say Ventura, CA and Denver, CO are small places, and neighbors and others talk about people, especially when the people are snobby about spending their lives in Antarctica on "support" missions that are supposed to be secret.

In other words, Kip and Casey didn't zip their lips, like I think they were supposed to do.

Her twatter account is here: https://twitter.com/KipRithner

It's archived at https://archive.is/v01C2.

I'm sure she didn't spill secrets on twatter, but she apparently did not hide her loyalty to The Cabal on there.

Anons,DIG ON KIP RITHNER.Hell, maybe Montagraph can get her 334 and call her on her on a phone, the way he does with so many on his nightly YouTube streams.

Kip Rithner, from what I hear, knows about Antarctica, because she helped run that shithole for the "somebodies" who have been traveling there for all these years.


Workfag out.

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956510 No.42291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408940 (121439ZAPR21) Notable: Live Link: Chauvin Trial 4/12/2021 + Riots Hit Neighborhood of One of the Jurors + Judge Denied the Chauvin Lawyer's Motion to Sequester the Jury

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BREAKING: Attorney reveals one Derek Chauvin juror is a resident of Brooklyn Center hit by riots and looting last night. Asks court to re-question jurors about new incident.


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956510 No.42292

File: 0b2bac3297f663b⋯.png (55.22 KB,592x346,296:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408982 (121451ZAPR21) Notable: Live Link: Chauvin Trial 4/12/2021 + Riots Hit Neighborhood of One of the Jurors + Judge Denied the Chauvin Lawyer's Motion to Sequester the Jury

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Judge in Derek Chauvin trial has *denied* the Chauvin lawyer's motion to sequester the jury due to the police-involved shooting of a young black man in Minneapolis Sunday.

Judge said he expects to sequester the jury next Monday when closing arguments are expected to take place.


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956510 No.42293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409088 (121517ZAPR21) Notable: #16984, #16985, #16986/1

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Final Notes for #16984


>>42248 A New Jersey Man is in the Hospital with COVID-19 — Just Five Weeks After Being Vaccinated.

>>>/qresearch/13408412, >>42012 (pb) Medical Freedom Lawsuit Information

>>42250 National Guard Deployed in Minneapolis After Fatal Police Shooting of Daunte Wright

>>42252 The True Story of How Prince Philip's DNA Solved a Russian Romanov Murder Mystery

>>42253 7 Year Old Girl with Lyme Disease Presenting as Attention Deficit Disorder

>>42254 Interesting mRNA and Memory Article

>>42255 Moderna/Gates/DARPA Connections

>>42256, >>42257, >>42258, >>42260, >>42261, >>42262, >>42263, >>42265, >>42266, >>42269, >>42270 BLM in Minneapolis - Duante Wright Information

>>42259, >>42267 Pentagon Scientists Reveal a Microchip that Senses COVID-19 BEFORE Symptoms and a Filter that Extracts the Virus from Blood

>>42272, >>42291, >>42292 Live Link: Chauvin Trial 4/12/2021 + Riots Hit Neighborhood of One of the Jurors + Judge Denied the Chauvin Lawyer's Motion to Sequester the Jury

>>42264, >>42268, >>42271 German Politics Info

>>42273 Meet some of the actors in the MN riots

>>42274 Huawei, HSBC Agree on Document Deal for Extradition Case

>>42275 The Corporate Congress is Underway

>>42276 Biden's Infrastructure Bill Includes Making 'Diverse' Neighborhoods Across America Through Zoning Laws (Sauce?)

>>42277 China Encourages Citizens to Report Critics Via New 'Snitch Hotline' Ahead of 100th Birthday

>>42278, >>42279 Vietnam Ready for Combat in South China Sea as Naval Ships Swarm Region

>>42280 Video: MI Gov Whitmer getting the “jab”. Needle never pierced the skin?

>>42282 Interesting Paper on How the SARS CoV2 Virus was Isolated and Identified

>>42283 Interesting Article on Chinese Digital Money

>>42281 Pompeo Chess Post Decode

>>42284 Study Finds COVID Variant Affects Vaccinated Individuals More Than Unvaccinated

>>42285 Immigrant Turned 3 Decade U.S. Army Vet Enters Virginia Gubernatorial Race vs. Ralph " Blackface" Northam.

>>42286 Cindy McCain “Tipped” as Joe Biden Nomination for U.N. Diplomatic Post (Go Get ‘em Grammar Kitty!)

>>42287 Are Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS?

>>42288 Opiate for the Mrs. (Cindy McCain)

>>42289 White House Issues Infrastructure Report Cards For All 50 States

>>42290 Anon Call for an Antarctica Dig

Baker Requesting Handoff Next Bread

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956510 No.42294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13408440 (121200ZAPR21)

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Next bread just if needed

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956510 No.42295

File: 4aeea6e1993ee10⋯.jpg (127.21 KB,1200x899,1200:899,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409128 (121523ZAPR21) Notable: Pentagon scientists reveal a microchip that senses COVID-19 in your body BEFORE you show symptoms and a filter that extracts the virus from blood

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Pentagon scientists reveal a microchip that senses COVID-19 in your body BEFORE you show symptoms and a filter that extracts the virus from blood


Our worst fears are now in the Mainstream Media!

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956510 No.42296

File: 0cec32a8906b514⋯.png (406.11 KB,594x668,297:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409133 (121525ZAPR21) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Receives First @NRSC Champion for Freedom Award

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INBOX: President Donald J. Trump Receives First


Champion for Freedom Award (


presented the award this weekend)


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956510 No.42297

File: f8ce486ac3eb4f0⋯.png (195.24 KB,594x622,297:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409140 (121526ZAPR21) Notable: National Guard troops to be deployed in order to deal with "further civil unrest"

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JUST IN - National Guard troops to be deployed in order to deal with "further civil unrest" over the police killing of Daunte Wright (20) and the ongoing Chauvin trial - Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety


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956510 No.42298

File: 88739d43baa62e7⋯.png (301.82 KB,834x743,834:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409154 (121529ZAPR21) Notable: Protests erupt after police shoot Black man in Minneapolis traffic stop

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Protests erupt after police shoot Black man in Minneapolis traffic stop


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956510 No.42299

File: bcd703adc116fc0⋯.jpg (178.64 KB,1200x1028,300:257,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5555158bdaeae01⋯.jpg (100.17 KB,760x507,760:507,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409159 (121530ZAPR21) Notable: Do you like pinea[l]pples?

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Hi anons.

I'm Charles Flynn, yes Mike's brother.

Biden promoted me to four star general.

I'm living it up in Hawaii.

Running the pacific army command.

Yeah I never though biden would promote me especially after what they did to my brother.

I know the baker won't make this a notable post but that's all right.

Biden is shot and he most certainly isn't calling the shots.

Trump is well insulated. As a whole our stance looks mighty defensive. World leaders see because they are watching the water.

Do you like pineapples?

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956510 No.42300

File: 76f1348c4a5463a⋯.png (109.69 KB,417x290,417:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409236 (121546ZAPR21) Notable: Online Gamer Pretending to be White House Reporter Infiltrates Psaki Press Briefings

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Online Gamer Pretending to be White House Reporter Infiltrates Psaki Press Briefings


Morning Anon's:

Looks like this shit show is going to become more comical everyday.


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956510 No.42301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409244 (121548ZAPR21) Notable: Can we get some views and Love over to JeffMAC for the Chauvin Trial:

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Can we get some views and Love over to JeffMAC for the Chauvin Trial:


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956510 No.42302

File: 98426fd675208aa⋯.png (1.21 MB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409246 (121550ZAPR21) Notable: 82-8000 VC-25 potusplane using callsign n/a flying circuits at Piedmont-Triad.

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82-8000 VC-25 potusplane using callsign n/a flying circuits at Piedmont-Triad.

It looks like a training flight.

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956510 No.42303

File: 0b3bd726b7e3236⋯.jpg (106.45 KB,635x668,635:668,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409252 (121551ZAPR21) Notable: 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

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"They are working on a vaccine that would work against all coronaviruses, even ones not yet identified"

Have they proven 'corona' is causing CV-19 disease???

Let's see their data! I haven't read anything that indicates they've isolated/purified 'corona' independently injected it into a living host to see if it causes CV-19 disease.

Which begs the question: How in the hell can they create a vaccine for a 'virus' they don't even know exists???

Sorry, this is mad scientist shit!!!

Also, they've jump started this experimental shit, without even so much as a case study on 'mice' and now using human volunteers as their petri dish.

Let that sink in!!!

Here's a few reasonable questions one may ask themselves before they slam this shit into their body:

18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine


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956510 No.42304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409258 (121553ZAPR21) Notable: depopulation site disguised as a military site?

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Given all the bull surrounding covid I've been looking at that depopulation site disguised as a military site, Deagel.com, again and found this article dated October 31st 2020

What in the World is Deagel.com? – Deagel.com: Forecast 2025


Perhaps most surprising of all is the revelation of who is behind Deagel, and to find that answer, Whois was the solution. Early researchers were able to uncover that the person behind the website was none other than former government insider, Edwin Deagle.

Deagle was Undersecretary of the Air Force under President Bill Clinton. He later became Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense under Clinton in 1994.

Edwin Deagle is also listed as an active member of the CFR.

Perhaps most telling of all is the interesting fact that Deagle is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world.

Just as interesting, it appears that once this information became public, in 2015 a concerted effort was made to hide Deagle’s name from the Whois information directory, as shown below. It is no longer listed, as of October 2015.

This Whois registration change coincidentally took place at the same time when all the internet talk was going on over the discovery of the website, back in 2015.

Deagle held many positions under the Bill Clinton administration.

Deagle wrote the foreword to the book, World Energy Survey, by Ruth Sivard, 2nd edition (1981), in which he predicted a mass exodus from the US. (see the end of this article)

One thing is clear from looking at Deagel.com… someone with highly placed connections has published a ton of highly sensitive military and economic information onto one website and is making dramatic predictions about world government.

For someone to be able to coalesce this kind of information takes incredible effort and vast government and military resources.

To forecast a dramatic drop-off in US population is no small feat. It certainly has garnered a great deal of world attention.

To this author though, perhaps the most important question might be, who the site was originally developed for and how this strategic information is used by those meant to receive it.

Given the public alarm over the Georgia Guidestones, which suggest to many a culling of the earth’s population to the designated 500-million engraved on the stones, coupled with the concern over GMO food and government aerial spraying of our skies with toxic chemtrails, it is no wonder people are concerned about a predicted drop in population.

Now that the numbers are out, it will be interesting to watch population figures over the next decade.

For the present, a little more scrutiny of Deagel.com is certainly in order, as well as a close inspection of all others who are behind this bizarre defense related information website.

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956510 No.42305

File: 5c1591cc7fc9f9a⋯.png (235.19 KB,600x587,600:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409261 (121554ZAPR21) Notable: Remember when the media mocked President Trump for talkin about the idea of filtering blood?

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Remember when the media mocked President Trump for talkin about the idea of filtering blood?

I do.


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956510 No.42306

File: d74dcf22e23e787⋯.jpg (32.24 KB,500x602,250:301,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409265 (121556ZAPR21) Notable: Do you like pinea[l]pples?

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Charles flynn is stationed in hawaii

Dole has the largest pineapple farm in hawaii

Pineapple grenades create a mess.

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956510 No.42307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409286 (121603ZAPR21) Notable: Live: Derek Chauvin trial continues | Day 11

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Live: Derek Chauvin trial continues | Day 11

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956510 No.42308

File: 9fe0f604ac43412⋯.png (59.97 KB,186x218,93:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409288 (121603ZAPR21) Notable: 6 Things You Need To Know About The Mercer Family

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6 Things You Need To Know About The Mercer Family

1. Robert Mercer is the co-chief executive officer of the Renaissance Technologies hedge fund. Mercer initially worked for IBM to utilize computers as translators. He left IBM for Renaissance in 1993 when he finally acquiesced to Nick Patterson’s repeated requests to join the hedge fund to help pay for college tuition for his three daughters. Renaissance elevated Mercer from being middle-class to enormously wealthy; he reportedly earns a yearly income of $135 million. He has been described as reclusive, which may be one of the reasons he eschews talking to the press.

2. Mercer has been described as a Ayn Rand-esque libertarian with a searing hatred for the Clintons. David Magerman, a self-described “centrist” Democrat who has worked at Renaissance for 20 years, described Mercer’s views in The Wall Street Journal as wanting to reduce the federal government “to the size of a pinhead.” Mercer also has a reported disdain for the Clintons, to the point where he subscribes to conspiracy theories about them murdering people.

3. The other Mercer power player is Mercer’s middle daughter, Rebekah. Rebekah Mercer shares her father’s affinity for capitalism and a limited federal government as well as his disdain for the media. She became well-known in conservative circles after she gave “an unsparing critique of the Republican’s technology and canvassing operations” to a crowd of GOP donors in the aftermath of Mitt Romney’s loss in 2012, according to The Washington Post. She has since served on the boards of various conservative organizations, including The Heritage Foundation. Rebekah is reportedly sharp on political strategy but less well-versed on the nuance of policy.

4. Steve Bannon has been described as the “Svengali” of the Mercer family. The Mercer family became connected to Bannon through Andrew Breitbart at a Club for Growth event. Bannon has been close with the Mercer family ever since and has provided them with political strategy. He convinced them to invest $10 million into the Breitbart website. The Mercer family has also been involved with other Bannon initiatives, such as the Government Accountability Institute that produced Peter Schweizer’s Clinton Cash book.Bannon and the Mercers might seem like an odd couple given Bannon’s unabashed nationalism and the Mercer’s free-market oriented worldview, but they appear to be united by their disdain for the elites, the Clintons and the establishment.

5. The Mercer family initially supported Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). They gave $11 million to pro-Cruz Keep the Promise 1 super PAC; the Cruz campaign also used the Cambridge Analytica data firm funded by the Mercers. They were still Cruz supporters even as Breitbart smeared Cruz while the primary grew contentious between the conservative senator and Trump, but once Cruz dropped out in May, the Mercer family threw their support behind Trump.

6. The Mercer family transformed Trump’s campaign; their influence can be seen in Trump’s cabinet. Rebekah Mercer was reportedly the key figure behind convincing Trump to shake up his campaign in the summer by getting rid of Paul Manafort as his campaign manager and bringing aboard Bannon, Kellyanne Conway and David Bossie, the chairman of Citizens United, to the campaign, all of whom have ties to the Mercers. Rebekah Mercer was also on Trump’s transition team and lobbied successfully for Jeff Sessions as attorney general and Mike Flynn as national security adviser. She also unsuccessfully lobbied for John Bolton to be the secretary of state.The Mercers have emerged as among the most influential political donors in the country; it will be interesting to see how much of their worldview is adopted by the Trump administration going forward.


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956510 No.42309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409291 (121603ZAPR21) Notable: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

Starting soon

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956510 No.42310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409322 (121610ZAPR21) Notable: How The United States Can Avert War By Backing Taiwan Peacefully Now

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How The United States Can Avert War By Backing Taiwan Peacefully Now

As the CCP remains determined to replace the United States, the communist regime thinks it sees an opening to swallow Taiwan.


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956510 No.42311

File: eeaf4d3a7ffea65⋯.png (369.96 KB,683x683,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409324 (121611ZAPR21) Notable: Why "the pathway to ending the pandemic runs through the evangelical church"

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For anons' consumption.

Here's the article:


Why "the pathway to ending the pandemic runs through the evangelical church"

Here's the account that wrote/tweeted it:



Evangelicals are likely the most under-discussed vaccine hesitant group. As one myself, it's something I wanted to dig into.

READ my interview with Franklin Graham and Curtis Chang:

"The pathway to ending the pandemic runs through the evangelical church"

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956510 No.42312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409326 (121611ZAPR21) Notable: Canadian Minister of Defense on "Galactic Federation" of Aliens

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Canadian Minister of Defense on "Galactic Federation" of Aliens

Canadian Minister of Defense claims people are meditative channeling these ET's and they are communicating to us through channeling.

Claims this is very real and happening.

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956510 No.42313

File: c501931e85e8950⋯.jpg (430.1 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409329 (121611ZAPR21) Notable: Libyan officials say UN-sanctioned human trafficker freed

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956510 No.42314

File: 4c8514cf91b8980⋯.png (1.93 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 79c7018ce3006af⋯.png (427.78 KB,728x360,91:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409333 (121612ZAPR21) Notable: Do you like pinea[l]pples?

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Apples and pineapples

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956510 No.42315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409381 (121619ZAPR21) Notable: One Strain Better Than Others at Infecting People Dosed With Pfizer Vaccine, Study Shows

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One Strain Better Than Others at Infecting People Dosed With Pfizer Vaccine, Study Shows

A new study from Israeli researchers found that cases of Covid-19 in people fully dosed with the vaccine developed by Pfizer were more likely to be caused by the so-called South African variant.

The researchers said that the results of their study showed an “increased incidence of [the South African variant] in vaccine breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated individuals,” but emphasized that the sample sizes were small, and that incidence of the South African variant in Israel, where the study was conducted, remains low.


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956510 No.42316

File: 8d0b3d6c538d28b⋯.jpg (349.46 KB,1080x1431,40:53,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409389 (121620ZAPR21) Notable: Spain Arrests 20 Alleged Human Smugglers

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956510 No.42317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409465 (121634ZAPR21) Notable: Man in hospital with COVID-19 after receiving Johnson & Johnson vaccine

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Man in hospital with COVID-19 after receiving Johnson & Johnson vaccine

A New Jersey man is in the hospital with COVID-19 — just five weeks after being vaccinated.

Francisco Cosme, 52, was ecstatic when he booked an appointment for the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine at the Javits Center on March 6.

After Cosme was vaccinated, he continued to wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines but he became “very confused and began doing things that were not normal,” his daughter, Michelle Torres, told The Post.

“April 1 was the very first day he started to have symptoms,” Torres said. “He had a cough, fever, chills, everything.”


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956510 No.42318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409499 (121642ZAPR21) Notable: Live: Minnesota police address deadly shooting of Daunte Wright

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Live: Minnesota police address deadly shooting of Daunte Wright


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956510 No.42319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409564 (121654ZAPR21) Notable: China has continued its muscle-flexing exercises near Taiwan on Monday

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Taiwan Records Largest Ever Incursion By Chinese Air Force With 25 Planes Monday

Tyler Durden's Photo


MONDAY, APR 12, 2021 - 12:07 PM

China has continued its muscle-flexing exercises near Taiwan on Monday, this time sending an unprecedentedly large group of aircraft to breach Taiwan's defense zone.

Taiwan's Defense Ministry has announced that 25 Chinese Air Force planes entered its airspace, which included 18 fighter jets escorting four long-range bombers. It marks the largest ever Chinese aerial incursion since Taiwan began recording and publicly disclosing the data and follows last month's 20-strong Chinese aircraft incursion.

25 PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW*2, KJ-500 AEW&C, J-10*4, J-16*14 and H-6K*4) entered #Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on Apr. 12, 2021. Please check our official website for more information: https://t.co/Lv5b0tXxvF pic.twitter.com/gPG3CKYpf9

— 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) April 12, 2021

As is typical in such aggressive Chinese maneuvers near the island, Taiwan said it scrambled its own jets while also issuing radio warnings, and further its military said "air defense missile systems deployed to monitor the activity."

It's widely perceived that Beijing's uptick in such flights, which have become 'routine' on a near daily basis, are meant to send a political message warning both secessionist forces in the democratic island as well as their superpower backer the United States.

Monday's largest ever PLA breach of airspace further comes a day after Biden's secretary of state Antony Blinken hit out at Beijing over the Taiwan issue, warning it would be a "serious mistake" for anyone to try and change the status quo in the western Pacific via military threats. Of course, that's precisely the charge Beijing has lately leveled back, claiming it's Washington which is the one reneging on the 'One China' policy.

"What we’ve seen, and what is of real concern to us, is increasingly aggressive actions by the government in Beijing directed at Taiwan, raising tensions in the Straits," Blinken told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.

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956510 No.42320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409582 (121657ZAPR21) Notable: The sex trafficking charges are big but I still think it's cover for something much bigger surrounding G-Max.

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The sex trafficking charges are big but I still think it's cover for something much bigger surrounding G-Max.


According to this court letter filed on 9/11/2020 there are 185 Jane Doe's!!

GIUFFRE vs G-Max (Civil case)

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956510 No.42321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409583 (121657ZAPR21) Notable: Priest at helm of NYC’s prestigious Regis HS getting ousted over sex-misconduct claims

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Priest at helm of NYC’s prestigious Regis HS getting ousted over sex-misconduct claims

By Larry Celona, Jorge Fitz-Gibbon and Tamar Lapin

April 11, 2021 | 6:14pm

The Jesuit priest at the helm of prestigious Regis High School in Manhattan is being ousted over claims of sexual misconduct, The Post has learned.

The school — which counts Dr. Anthony Fauci among its notable alumni — said it intends to remove the Rev. Daniel Lahart for cause, according to a letter sent to the community Sunday.

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956510 No.42322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409585 (121657ZAPR21) Notable: Israel appears to confirm it carried out cyberattack on Iran nuclear facility

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#BREAKING: Israel appears to confirm it carried out cyberattack on Iran nuclear facility - https://breaking911.com/breaking-israel-appears-to-confirm-it-carried-out-cyberattack-on-iran-nuclear-facility/

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956510 No.42323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409588 (121657ZAPR21) Notable: Ya own very own version off NAZI

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Ya own very own version off NAZI


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956510 No.42324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409589 (121657ZAPR21) Notable: Ten police cars and one K-9 unit sent to Tim Hortons in Durham Ontario to deal with person legally not wearing a mask

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Ten police cars and one K-9 unit sent to Tim Hortons in Durham Ontario to deal with person legally not wearing a mask due to a medical exemption and arrest her | Citizens call out police



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956510 No.42325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409590 (121657ZAPR21) Notable: Boston police kept secret union president was an alleged child molester

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You know how normies say conspiracies can't be real because people can't keep secrets?


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956510 No.42326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13409626 (121704ZAPR21) Notable: Georgia sheriff: 3 officers wounded, 1 suspect dead, 1 held

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Georgia sheriff: 3 officers wounded, 1 suspect dead, 1 held

Three officers were shot in a police chase that ended early Monday with one suspect killed and another in custody, authorities said.

A Georgia State Patrol trooper clocked a car going 111 mph (179 kph) on Interstate 20 and initiated a traffic stop around 3:30 a.m., Georgia State Patrol Capt. Brandon Dawson said. The driver stopped initially and then took off again with the trooper in pursuit. The trooper bumped the car to try to stop it but the driver of the car regained control, Dawson said.

The trooper continued pursuing the vehicle until a passenger used a rifle to fire at the patrol car and hit it, taking it out of action.

Police officers from Carrollton then joined the chase. At some point, a passenger leaned out and fired a shot into a police vehicle, hitting an officer, Carrollton Police Chief Joel Richards said. The officer lost control of his vehicle and hit a utility pole. Other officers stopped to help him.

The suspect continued on and Villa Rica police officers pursued the car down a side road, Villa Rica Police Chief Michael Mansour said. Shots were fired at the officers and one officer was hit twice, he said.

A Carroll County sheriff's deputy was also shot in the arm, Sheriff Terry Langley said.

One suspect was killed and the other was taken into custody “after a negotiation” and was being held in the Carroll County jail, Langley said.


no mention of the race of the suspects…we know what that means. dey dindu nuffins

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956510 No.42924

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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