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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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55a87c No.224 [View All]

14DEC20 to 15DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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55a87c No.161354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038706 (151723ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / And Where are the Biohazrd Waste Disposal Centers? NYC mayor: Restaurants need to close, but everyone should ride the subway

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NYC mayor: Restaurants need to close, but everyone should ride the subway

Indoor dining is bad. Cramped spaces traveling underground are good?

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said that subways are safe and encouraged New Yorkers to use mass transit on the same day he said the city should be ready for a full shutdown after restaurants were ordered to halt indoor dining amid a surge of coronavirus cases.

Speaking at his daily briefing Monday, de Blasio said, "it is important to let people know the subways are safe." Prompted by a reporter, he floated the idea of setting an example by riding the subway himself to show there's nothing to fear, similar to how he plans to publicly take the COVID-19 vaccine, the New York Post reports.

"I like the idea of having a period of time to really emphasize to people that they're safe, by being out there," he said.

Subway ridership dramatically decreased in the first few weeks of the coronavirus pandemic amid fears that being around other people in an indoor cramped space might increase spread of the coronavirus. But studies have shown that public transportation does not pose a significant risk of viral transmission.

"We have found out that the use of mass transit is not a singularly important factor in the transmission of influenza," Mitchell Moss, director of the NYU Rudin Center for Transportation, told Gothamist earlier this month. Moss is one of the authors of a New York University study that examined data from 121 U.S. cities over 10 years and found the number of people who died of influenza did not increase in cities with higher participation in public transit.

The findings were hailed by New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

"This is the latest in a cascade of scientific reporting that shows transit is not a vector for the spread of respiratory diseases, and there has been no serious evidence worldwide connecting transit routes and spread of this virus," said MTA spokesperson Meredith Daniels in a statement.

Though Mayor de Blasio endorsed the city subway system, he also warned Monday that his city should be prepared for another "full shutdown" to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Speaking with CNN's Alisyn Camerota, de Blasio cited growing numbers of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations as cause for concern and the rationale for new coronavirus restrictions.

"We're seeing the kind of level of infection with the coronavirus we haven't seen since May, and we have got to stop that momentum — or else, our hospital system will be threatened," the mayor said.

The mayor's comments raise the question: If the whole city needs to shut down, who will ride the subway?


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55a87c No.161355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038708 (151723ZDEC20) Notable: Nothing is what it seems. + Coordinates

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Building 8.


What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?

The WORLD is helping.


Nothing is what it seems.

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55a87c No.161356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038710 (151724ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (WH Presser (Live!

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Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing @13:00hrs ET

The White House:





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55a87c No.161357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038715 (151725ZDEC20) Notable: Privacy Data Rules Fines First+Others

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UK warns Facebook, Twitter & other social platforms to better protect users from harmful content or face huge fines

The British government has proposed new laws to better protect children online, which include giving the media regulator power to impose fines on social media platforms – or block them if they fail to remove illegal content.

“We are entering a new age of accountability for tech to protect children and vulnerable users,” Digital Secretary Oliver Dowden said on Tuesday, as the government revealed the details of its internet regulation plan.

The Online Harms Bill was first proposed by Theresa May’s government in April 2019. The legislation sets out strict guidelines covering the removal of illegal content, such as child sexual abuse, and media that promotes suicide or violence. Websites must obey the new rules or face being blocked in the UK, and the firms’ senior managers could be held liable for content.

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter must abide by a new code of conduct that includes their responsibilities towards children. “We are giving internet users the protection they deserve,” Home Secretary Priti Patel said of the move.

We will not allow child sexual abuse, terrorist material and other harmful content to fester on online platforms. Tech companies must put public safety first or face the consequences.

The power to fine tech companies up to £18 million ($24 million) – or 10 percent of their global turnover – for breaking the rules will be given to British media regulator Ofcom, which could also be granted the power to block certain platforms from being accessed in the UK.

Online journalism and reader comments on news publishers’ websites will not be covered by the new rules, so as to allow freedom of expression.

Under a new two-tier system for social media, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and Twitter will be placed in ‘Category 1’ of tech companies with the largest online presences, who will be subject to more responsibilities than firms with a smaller online reach.

Facebook and Google have agreed to work with authorities on the regulations, and China’s video-sharing platform TikTok said it will strengthen online safety.


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55a87c No.161358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038716 (151725ZDEC20) Notable: Peter Nygard Files++

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Thank you for playing Pete.

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55a87c No.161359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038730 (151726ZDEC20) Notable: Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church received $4.4M COVID-19 PPP loan

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Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church received $4.4M COVID-19 PPP loan

Multimillionaire televangelist Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Texas netted $4.4 million in bailouts through the federal COVID-19 relief program, records show.

The Houston megachurch, the largest in the nation with 52,000 weekly congregants, received the forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loan in late July, the Houston Business Journal reported on Sunday.

The loan was the third highest in the Houston-area during all of July and August, the outlet noted, citing federal data.

Lakewood’s PPP check went to 368 full- and part-time employees, its spokesman David Iloff told the Houston Business Journal.

He said in-person services that were suspended from March 15 through Oct. 18, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, impacted “its ability to collect substantial donations during those services.”

“Believing the shutdown would only last a few weeks, Lakewood did not initially apply for PPP assistance during the first half of the program,” Iloff said in a statement. “However, as the shutdown persisted month after month, given the economic uncertainty, Lakewood finally applied for the PPP loan and has been able to provide full salaries and benefits including health insurance coverage to all of its employees and their families.”

He added, “It is important to note that, since 2004, Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen have not received salaries from Lakewood Church, and the PPP funds do not provide any personal financial benefit to them, whatsoever.”

Osteen — whose sermons are seen around the world — is worth an estimated $100 million. He took the helm of Lakewood Church following the death of his founding pastor dad John Osteen in 1999.

The best-selling author came under fire in 2017 following accusations that he refused to open up his megachurch to Tropical Storm Harvey victims.

The Small Business Administration said its approved more than 5 million loans through the $525 billion program, which ended in August.

Recipients included small businesses — as well as thousands of churches and other religious organizations and private schools.

About 1,500 religious organizations in the Houston area were approved for PPP loans, with 20 receiving loans of more than $1 million, the Houston Business Journal said.


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55a87c No.161360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038735 (151726ZDEC20) Notable: Cheeky Brits flag BBC & politicians after Metropolitan Police asks public to report ‘extremist views’

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Cheeky Brits flag BBC & politicians after Metropolitan Police asks public to report ‘extremist views’

An appeal from the Metropolitan Police urging Londoners to turn in people suspected of having potentially dangerous opinions has backfired, after the message was flooded with George Orwell references and satirical ‘reports’.

In a tweet, the police force encouraged Britons to tell them their concerns “in confidence” if they become worried about someone they know “developing extremist views.”

The message included a link to an counter-terrorism initiative called Act Early, which urges individuals to contact authorities if “someone close is expressing extreme views or hatred, which could lead to them harming themselves or others.”

If you are worried about someone you know developing extremist views, #ActEarly and tell us your concerns in confidence.Trust your instincts and seek advice.https://t.co/2YnfYEWNvh#Preventpic.twitter.com/LMYtIkioAn

— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) December 14, 2020

According to the site, signs of “radicalisation” include “An obsessive or angry desire for change or ‘something to be done’” and “spending an increasing amount of time online and sharing extreme views on social media.”

People are encouraged to call a hotline to share their concerns with specially trained officers. “You won’t be wasting our time and you won’t ruin lives, but you might save them,” the website states.

The Met’s Twitter PSA was met with considerable suspicion. Several replies made reference to George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and compared London’s cops to a modern-day thought police.

“Anyone reading a book you don't like, don't stand for it, report them to the authorities for wrong think,” reads one of many disapproving comments.

Gerard Batten, a former UKIP MEP, accused the police force of becoming increasingly authoritarian.

Yes, I am deeply concerned that your officer are being indoctrinated with hate against ordinary decent people who demonstrate & defend their freedoms& liberties. Your reputation is going the same way as the Gestapo, KGB & Stasi.

— Gerard Batten (@GerardBattenUK) December 14, 2020

“Your reputation is going the same way as the Gestapo, KGB & Stasi,” the ex-parliamentarian said.

But others were more playful with their criticism. Numerous Twitter users alerted the Met to “extremist views” being propagated by media outlets and UK politicians, including the BBC and London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

The BBC, Sky News and Channel 4 have extreme propaganda. Can you go and arrest them all please

— James 🔰 (@Snow_Mufc) December 14, 2020

I am really getting worried about @SadiqKhan his views are becoming more extreme by the day

— Frawden Osharr (@FrawdenO) December 15, 2020

One particularly inventive “report” expressed concern about a 'friend', whose description bore a striking resemblance to Health Secretary Matt Hancock, being radicalised.


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55a87c No.161361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038739 (151727ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (FTR Anons.

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(You) inserted yourself as baker while anon baker was baking this bread. (You) are the shill Gerbil. Just not a very good one. kek

>>>/qresearch/12038662 OP Real baker this bread

>>161299 (PB), >>161301 (PB), >>161335 (PB) (Notes FTR. OP baker this bread, from last bread

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55a87c No.161362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038745 (151727ZDEC20) Notable: Biden Transition Leader Partnered With Chinese Military Think Tank, Worked Under Top CCP Defense Officials

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Biden Transition Leader Partnered With Chinese Military Think Tank, Worked Under Top CCP Defense Officials

Patrick Schaefe – a top member of Joe Biden’s transition review team – praised the Chinese Communist Party’s ‘One Belt and One Road’ initiative while suggesting the U.S. assist with the endeavor in addition to partnering with a Chinese military-linked think tank, The National Pulse can reveal.

Schaefer – who serves on the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative review team which also oversees the International Trade Commission and the Trade and Development Agency – previously served as an Eisenhower Zhi-Xing Fellow.

The fellowship is funded by VIPKid, an online learning service that enjoys an undisclosed amount of funding from Tencent, a Chinese Communist Party-linked technology firm flagged by the U.S. State Department as lacking the “ability to tell the Chinese Communist Party ‘no’ if officials decide to ask for their assistance.”

As part of the fellowship, Schaefer produced a video where he appeared to offer substantive advice to the Chinese government’s One Belt and One Road Initiative.

Party Partner.

Schaefer leveraged his Chinese Communist Party connections from his Eisenhower fellowship to partner with a Chinese state-run think tank with extensive ties to the People’s Liberation Army.

According to the Eisenhower site:

Patrick Schaefer (USA/Zhi-Xing ’18) forged a partnership with China’s premier government think tank, the Shanghai International Shipping Institute.

Schaefer produced research for the group which, used by “local, state and federal decision-makers” in the U.S. and China:

“Patrick’s center — the Hunt Institute for Global Competitiveness at the University of Texas, El Paso — produced research for the Shipping Institute that put the bi-national Paso del Norte region (which includes Texas, New Mexico and northern regions in Mexico) on the map as a major influential trade hub that is significantly impacted by recent trade wars between China and the U.S. The data will be used by local, state and federal decision-makers who are at the helm of opening opportunities that will strengthen economic growth in the U.S. and China.”

The Shanghai International Shipping Institute, however, retains many ties to the Chinese military and navy.

Its Deputy Director, Ge Jizhong, boasts about his “long military life” in his biography, as well as his service in China’s Ministry of Defense.

The institute also lists COSCO Container Lines Co. Ltd as one of the entities chairing its “founders council”.

COSCO Shipping is a controversial, Shanghai-based logistics company labeled as a “thinly veiled arm of the Chinese military” by a task force of the U.S. House of Representatives. Eleven of its 13 executives boast of high-level Chinese Communist Party affiliations on COSCO’s website.

A host of other Chinese Communist Party-linked entities such as the Ministry of Transport and Hongkou District People’s Government also lead the institute.

Influence and Access.

The Belt and Road initiative has been described by the U.S. government China’s attempt to “reshape international norms, standards, and networks to advance Beijing’s global interests and vision, while also serving China’s domestic economic requirements.”

“Through One Belt and One Road and other initiatives, China is expanding the use of Chinese industrial standards in key technology sectors, part of an effort to strengthen its own companies’ position in the global marketplace at the expense of non-Chinese firms. […] Given Beijing’s increasing use of economic leverage to extract political concessions from or exact retribution against other countries, the United States judges that Beijing will attempt to convert One Belt and One Road projects into undue political influence and military access.”

Schaefer, who’s latest employment is an Assistant District Attorney in New Mexico, praised the “aspiration” of the Belt and Road Initiative in a video produced for the Eisenhower Institute:


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55a87c No.161363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038751 (151728ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese Astrologicals Snake Eat Rat?

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Tomorrow [THURSDAY] is 11.3.

Western Date:	December 16, 2020	Time in China


Chinese Date:	Nov 2, Geng Zi Year, Year of Rat

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55a87c No.161364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038758 (151729ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (FTR Anons.

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that didn't answer the question

/warroom/ is trying to brigade right now


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55a87c No.161365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038762 (151729ZDEC20) Notable: S.945 - Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act LawAnon Review+

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S.945 - Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act

This bill requires certain issuers of securities to establish that they are not owned or controlled by a foreign government. Specifically, an issuer must make this certification if the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board is unable to audit specified reports because the issuer has retained a foreign public accounting firm not subject to inspection by the board. Furthermore, if the board is unable to inspect the issuer's public accounting firm for three consecutive years, the issuer's securities are banned from trade on a national exchange or through other methods.

Foreign issuers of securities that use such a firm to prepare an audit report must disclose for each non-inspection year

the percentage of shares owned by governmental entities where the issuer is incorporated,

whether these governmental entities have a controlling financial interest,

information related to any board members who are officials of the Chinese Communist Party, and

whether the articles of incorporation of the issuer contain any charter of the Chinese Communist Party.


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55a87c No.161366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038764 (151729ZDEC20) Notable: “I don’t care about my legacy,” he said. “I’ll be dead.” +digs

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"Attorney General William Barr brushed off critics attacking his reputation and handling of matters concerning President Trump, stating in a new interview: "Everyone dies.""

"I am at the end of my career," Barr, 69, said.

"Everyone dies, and I am not, you know, I don't believe in the Homeric idea that, you know, immortality comes by, you know, having odes sung about you over the centuries, you know?" he added.

Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani shared similar remarks in an interview with The New Yorker last year when asked whether he was concerned about how his time working with the Trump administration would impact his reputation.

“I don’t care about my legacy,” he said. “I’ll be dead.”


Interview HERE: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/william-barr-interview-attorney-general-on-caring-about-his-reputation-everyone-dies-exclusive/

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55a87c No.161367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038767 (151729ZDEC20) Notable: S.945 - Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act LawAnon Review+

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Combat Online Predators Act

(Sec. 2) This bill increases the maximum prison term for a stalking offense, if the victim is under 18 years of age.

(Sec. 3) The Department of Justice must report on best practices for enforcing laws related to stalking.

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55a87c No.161368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038768 (151730ZDEC20) Notable: S.945 - Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act LawAnon Review+

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Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act of 2019

This bill prohibits employers from retaliating against certain employees who report criminal antitrust violations to the federal government.

Among other things, the bill sets forth provisions that authorize an employee to seek relief by filing a complaint with the Department of Labor or to bring an action in U.S. district court if the individual alleges discharge or other discrimination by an employer who violates the prohibition against retaliation.

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55a87c No.161369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038770 (151730ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (FTR Anons.

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>/warroom/ is trying to brigade right now


They are one person, three computers and a rotating vpn. That anons allow themselves to be bullied is a shame.

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55a87c No.161370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038781 (151731ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion MachineElection Digs

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Georgia Secretary of State Orders Absentee Ballot Signature Verification Audit for Cobb County

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger ordered an absentee ballot signature verification audit for Cobb County late Monday afternoon.

Raffensperger’s order came just hours after Democratic electors in Georgia cast 16 votes for Joe Biden in Monday’s meeting of the electoral college at the State Capitol. Earlier, Raffensperger certified that Biden secured a little less than 12,000 more votes than Donald Trump in the race for president in the November 3 general election in the state.

“Though the outcome of the race in Georgia will not change, conducting this audit follows in the footsteps of the audit-triggered hand recount we conducted in November to provide further confidence in the accuracy, security, and reliability of the vote in Georgia,” Raffensperger said in a statement. “I look forward to working with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Cobb County, and any other future partners to secure the vote in the Peach State.”

Raffensperger’s office reported:

Secretary Raffensperger first announced that following specific allegations that election workers in Cobb County had not adequately conducted signature matching on absentee ballot applications ahead of the June primary elections, the Office of the Secretary of State would partner with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to conduct an audit of the signature match in Cobb County. The audit will consist of reviewing a statistically significant subset of the signed absentee ballot envelopes and comparing those signatures to the ones on file in Georgia’s voter registration system.

“Conducting this audit does not in any way suggest that Cobb County was not properly following election procedures or properly conducting signature matching,” said Chris Harvey, Director of Elections for the Secretary of State’s office, who was formerly the Chief Investigator for the office. “We chose Cobb County for this audit because they are well known to have one the best election offices in the state, and starting in Cobb will help as we embark on a statewide signature audit. Just like Cobb County volunteered to be a pilot county for our new voting system, we thank everyone at the Cobb County elections office for their cooperation with this process especially while voting is underway for the runoff.”

The audit of Cobb County’s signature match system is expected to take two weeks. However, it will not change the outcome of the November election.

Raffensperger “also announced a planned statewide signature match audit,” but did not specify a timeline. In the statement, he said “The Office of the Secretary of State will partner with an accredited university to conduct a third-party signature match statewide audit study.”

The Republican Party of Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp, and Trump have been calling on Raffensperger to conduct a complete statewide audit of absentee ballot signature verification procedures in the November 3 general election for several weeks.


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55a87c No.161371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038791 (151732ZDEC20) Notable: US Covid-19 relief package set to IMMUNIZE corporations from pandemic lawsuits, alarms worker advocates +DigsNews

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U.S. Bishops Say Catholics Have ‘Moral Responsibility’ to Be Vaccinated Against Coronavirus

Leaders of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference (USCCB) declared Monday that Catholics have a “moral responsibility” to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

“Receiving one of the COVID-19 vaccines ought to be understood as an act of charity toward the other members of our community,” state Fort Wayne Bishop Kevin Rhoades, chairman of the U.S Bishops’ Committee on Doctrine, and Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann, chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, in a joint statement.

“In this way, being vaccinated safely against COVID-19 should be considered an act of love of our neighbor and part of our moral responsibility for the common good,” the bishops state.

The risk to public health posed by the coronavirus is very serious, the bishops assert, “as evidenced by the millions of infections worldwide and hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States of America alone.”

Moreover, “in many cases the most important effect of vaccination may not be the protection it offers to the person who receives the vaccination, who may be of relatively robust health and unlikely to be seriously affected by the disease,” they write. “Rather, the more important effect may be the protection it offers to those who are much more likely to be seriously stricken by the disease if they were to contract it through exposure to those infected.”

The bishops do not make a pronouncement regarding the obligatory nature of all vaccines for all diseases, or where a line might be drawn between vaccines that are optional and those that are morally compulsory. They do, however, offer their judgment regarding the seriousness of the coronavirus.

“The world is currently facing a health crisis,” the bishops state. “The number of deaths from COVID-19 is now almost one and a half million worldwide. In the United States, the toll is approaching 300,000.”

Along with their judgment regarding the morally binding nature of the coronavirus vaccine, the bishops also add an extended reflection regarding the permissibility of using certain vaccines whose germ lines were originally obtained from the cells of aborted human fetuses.

“Given the urgency of this crisis, the lack of available alternative vaccines, and the fact that the connection between an abortion that occurred decades ago and receiving a vaccine produced today is remote, inoculation with the new COVID-19 vaccines in these circumstances can be morally justified,” they declare.

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in September, about half of U.S. adults (51 percent) say they would definitely or probably get a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 if it were available.

The other half of American adults (49 percent), however, said they definitely or probably would not get vaccinated at the time.

Back in May, intent to get the COVID-19 vaccine was much higher, with 72 percent saying they would get a vaccine when it becomes available.



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55a87c No.161372

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038800 (151733ZDEC20) Notable: Nothing is what it seems. + Coordinates

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Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ].

Find the link (common denominator) > {KEY}.

*36.85337, -76.02149*

The hole is deep.

She knows.

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55a87c No.161373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038812 (151734ZDEC20) Notable: EU Fishermen Threaten to Blockade Ports If No Deal Ends Their Fishing Claims

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EU Fishermen Threaten to Blockade Ports If No Deal Ends Their Fishing Claims

A French fisheries chief has threatened to blockade British goods at European ports if continental fishermen are no longer allowed to plunder Britain’s lucrative fishing waters in the event of a no-deal Brexit on January 1st.

The UK is set to leave the EU’s institutions at the end of the transition period on December 31st, 2020. While the UK has said she would regain full control of her territorial waters after Brexit, negotiating short-term licences for fishing rights to EU countries, Brussels has demanded continued access similar to the current Common Fisheries Policy.

The bloc is holding up agreeing on a post-Brexit deal on key issues including permanent fishing allocations, but if there is no deal by the end of the year, all territorial waters revert automatically to British control, regardless.

Dimitri Rogoff, the head of regional fisheries in Normandy, has threatened that in such an event, Frenchmen would blockade their country’s ports to British imports, adding that he believed Belgian and Dutch fishermen would follow suit, according to The Times on Tuesday.

“If we are deprived of our fishing grounds, we will not watch the British supply the French market,” Mr Rogoff told the radio network franceinfo.

“There will therefore be blockages to ferries, since this mainly happens by ferries. And on that, we are quite clear and determined.”

These are not idle threats, as French fishermen have attacked British boats in the past, namely during the 2018 Scallop Wars. More recently in October, the French threw flares and frying pans at British vessels which were legally fishing in French waters off the Normandy coast.

A surge of European industrial super travellers is also causing havoc in British waters in the weeks leading up to the end of the transition period, resulting in the deaths of marine mammals, such as dolphins.

Merkel Rejects Boris Plea for Direct Talks, Wants to ‘Make Britain Crawl Across Broken Glass’ https://t.co/8UNpnERAYJ

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 14, 2020

The fisheries chief made the remarks in response to the report last week that the Royal Navy was preparing to deploy River Class offshore patrol vessels to protect the UK’s exclusive economic zone in the event that European fishermen attempt to illegal plunder Brexit Britain’s stock.

On Monday, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace articulated his support for the plans, telling The Telegraph: “We will be there to make sure we protect our fishermen because they have the right and deserve to be protected as well as going about their lawful business.”

Mr Wallace had earlier told “our European friends” during a trip to Estonia that “any ship that enters sovereign waters should follow the rule of law”.

“Whatever happens in negotiations we must respect each other’s sovereign waters and indeed follow the rule of law and behave peacefully,” he added.

Sources speaking to The Telegraph yesterday also said that the bloc’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, told EU ambassadors during a closed-door meeting that a trade deal could be agreed this week — if Britain surrendered her waters.

Cross Channel sources are also split on whether progress on a deal could be made, with an EU diplomat telling the newspaper “there might now be a narrow path to an agreement visible” — while a British source said that “talks remain difficult and we have not made significant progress in recent days”.

British sources have also warned, however, against making any agreement that could keep the UK subject to the EU’s rules, with one saying: “The UK can not be locked into the EU’s regulatory orbit.”

‘A Charade’ – Boris Downgrades Chance of No-Deal Brexit from ‘Very Likely’ to ‘Possible’ https://t.co/UZX1exlti4

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 14, 2020


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55a87c No.161374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038817 (151735ZDEC20) Notable: Pakistani Migrant Accused of Drugging and Raping Minors

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Pakistani Migrant Accused of Drugging and Raping Minors

A Pakistani migrant drug dealer in Athens has been accused of taking two teenaged girls prisoner before drugging them both and raping one in his apartment.

Police stated the girls, Greeks aged 16 and 17, had claimed that the man had held them captive in his fifth-floor apartment and had threatened them with violence, saying he would kill them if they tried to leave.

According to a report from Greek newspaper Proto Thema, the migrant raped one of the girls, while violently assaulting the other.

Greek Police Hunt for Migrant ‘Chain Rapist’ After Attack on 54-year-old https://t.co/7dEbKhX96Q

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 29, 2020

Eventually, the pair managed to escape and ran down a street shouting for help in the early hours of Monday. Police found the teens, who were being pursued by the half-naked man. Officers then subdued and arrested the drug dealer.

During a search of the apartment, police found 49 packages of cannabis, 70 pills of the date-rape drug Rohypnol, and an undisclosed amount of heroin. Police believe the man sold the drugs on the streets of Athens.

The case comes just weeks after Greek police in the capital undertook a manhunt for another migrant, also believed to be Pakistani, who raped a woman while wrapping a thick metal chain around her neck to subdue her.

Greek Government Admits Losing Track of over 32,000 Illegal Migrants https://t.co/dunRBsTk3u

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 15, 2020

In July, two Pakistani migrants were sentenced to 14 and nine years in prison after kidnapping a 17-year-old boy, blackmailing, and raping him in the city of Thessaloniki.

The two men, aged 25 and 29, kept the teen captive for around 24 hours and forced him to contact his uncle living in Spain, demanding he send the two men cash. They then filmed themselves stripping boy naked and threatening to publish the footage if they were not paid.


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55a87c No.161375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038818 (151735ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / Link to MI Dominion CEO HearingLive!

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55a87c No.161376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038822 (151735ZDEC20) Notable: Oh they'll cooperate with big business! Fauci says Biden and Harris must go to the head of the vaccination line ASAP

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Fauci says Biden and Harris must go to the head of the vaccination line ASAP

“For security reasons, I really feel strongly that we should get them vaccinated as soon as we possibly can,” Anthony Fauci said Tuesday.

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55a87c No.161377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038827 (151736ZDEC20) Notable: London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

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London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas

Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Ironically, Mayor Khan may have helped to exacerbate the Chinese virus’ initial spread through the capital earlier in the year, having urged people to continue using the London Underground subway metro, or Tube, as late as March 3rd, insisting there was “no risk in using the Tube or buses or other forms of public transport, or going to a concert” in a televised interview. Britons were subsequently warned against using public transport by the government.

Sadiq Khan Demands Minorities Get Preferential Access to Coronavirus Vaccines https://t.co/uKn6Pp9YbN

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 19, 2020

Mayor Khan also said that, due to what he claimed were “significant outbreaks among 10 to 19-year-olds”, the Conservative-led central government “must consider asking schools and colleges to close early and re-open later in January, with extra resource provided to support online learning.”

The leftist politician had hoped that such measures might stop London from being moved into Tier 3 lockdown, but to no avail, with ministers confirming that the capital and parts of Essex and Hertfordshire will be subjected to harsher restrictions from Wednesday.

Khan lamented that the move would be “catastrophic” for the hospitality sector, in particular, with “hundreds of thousands of Londoners losing their jobs” a real possibility — but added that, nevertheless, “Londoners must keep following the rules.”

“So many pubs, restaurants, bars, cafes and hotels, having invested so much to make their venues safe, are only just clinging on by the skin of their teeth but will be forced to take another huge hit,” complained Kate Nicholls, chief executive of the UK Hospitality trade body.

“The burden of a region being moved into tier 3 falls almost exclusively on hospitality businesses. It is an illogical tactic that fails to tackle Covid effectively but does push businesses closer towards failure,” she added.

While expressing concern at times for the hospitality industry in London, Mayor Khan followed those comments up with a message for the government on Tuesday, that coronavirus restrictions shouldn’t be relaxed over Christmas.

Traditionally an important time of the year for British people, Boris Johnson’s government has allowed a limited number of exemptions to the ongoing coronavirus ‘tiers’ lockdown on Christmas day, with the attached condition that Britain will have to lockdown harder in January to make up for it. This doesn’t go for enough for Mayor Khan, however, who told the government on national television: “What I’d say to the government is I’m not sure you’ve got it right, in fact I’m sure you haven’t got it right in relation to the relaxations over Christmas”, reports Sky.

Even if the government did not heed his advice, Mayor Khan used his television soapbox to urge the public to voluntarily isolate themselves at Christmas, even if the government gave a dispensation to see family. He said: “If they don’t change the rules, my message to your viewers is we’re under no obligation to do all that’s allowed, there’s no reason you have to kiss or hug an older relation.”

Khan Says ‘It’s Never Been More Hard to Be a Muslim’ Because of Trump, Claims Prez Bullied Him for His Faith https://t.co/MKGULiXkVS

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 10, 2020


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55a87c No.161378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038835 (151736ZDEC20) Notable: Sweden suffers deadliest November since Spanish flu era as Stockholm ICUs hit 99 percent capacity

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Sweden suffers deadliest November since Spanish flu era as Stockholm ICUs hit 99 percent capacity

15 Dec, 2020 15:50


According to Sweden's Central Statistics office, the country suffered its deadliest November since Spanish Flu struck in 1918, with 8,088 deaths recorded as the second wave of coronavirus continues.

The November toll equates to an excess mortality of 10 percent above the average between 2015 and 2019.

“That’s the highest number of deaths recorded during the month of November since 1918, which was the year the Spanish flu broke out,” Tomas Johansson from Statistics Sweden said.

While the figure is stark, the gulf between the country’s two deadliest Novembers remains substantial — in 1918 the death toll was 16,000 or double last month’s, at a time when the population was roughly half current levels.

Statistics also showed that the excess mortality was noted among people of 65 years old and older. For younger people, the death toll in November was slightly lower than the average in 2015–2019.

Sweden's lax approach to combating the coronavirus, in which authorities opted not to institute comprehensive lockdown strategies, has been the source of fierce public debate, but now appears to be faltering as some of Stockholm’s intensive-care units approach 99 percent capacity. Chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell at one point eschewed mask wearing in public, for example.

“Face masks may be needed in some situations. Those situations have not arisen in Sweden yet, according to our dialogue with the (healthcare) regions,” Tegnell said earlier in December.

The Swedish government recently introduced a raft of stricter nationwide recommendations including advice to avoid public transport and busy shops and markets, as well as limiting contact between households.

Social gatherings are also limited to no more than eight people. The government has banned the sale of alcohol after 10pm until February. However, most of the new ‘rules’ do not bear the force of the law.

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55a87c No.161379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038838 (151737ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (FTR Anons.

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>>161361 (Me)

>>>/qresearch/12038685 gerbil shill IP hopping, calls OP baker note-taker…

>>>/qresearch/12038699 gerbil shill continues calling bake without handoff

>>>/qresearch/12038711, >>>/qresearch/12038737, >>>/qresearch/12038749 moar gerbil gibberish

>>>/qresearch/12038777, >>>/qresearch/12038784 gerbil shill blames comms for their fuckery

Keep shilling gerbil. I guess it's what you do best. kek

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55a87c No.161380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038839 (151737ZDEC20) Notable: Yahoo Groups has been shut down

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Yahoo Groups has been shut down

Yahoo Groups has shut down as of December 15. While we've seen a steady decline in usage over the last several years, we've also witnessed unprecedented levels of engagement across our properties as customers seek out premium, trustworthy content. Though these decisions are never easy, we must sometimes make difficult decisions regarding products that no longer fit our long-term strategy as we hone our focus on other areas of the business.

As of December 15, 2020 members can no longer access the site, send or receive emails from their groups or access any settings or info that was stored on the site, including lists of group members. Any info that remained on the site has been permanently removed.


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55a87c No.161381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038848 (151738ZDEC20) Notable: Kamala Harris Pushes Gun Control ‘To Keep Our Children Safe’

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Kamala Harris Pushes Gun Control ‘To Keep Our Children Safe’

Kamala Harris remembered the December 14, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary attack by pushing gun control “to keep our children safe.”

On Monday she tweeted:

Today marks 8 years since 20 first-graders and 6 educators were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

To honor the lives lost in this terrible tragedy, it’s past time we implement common-sense gun safety reforms to keep our children safe. pic.twitter.com/YmsIWM6dDG

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) December 14, 2020

The “common-sense gun safety” being pushed for the Biden administration includes a ban on the sale of firearms which Democrats label “assault weapons,” as well as a ban on “high capacity” magazines, and the implementation of universal background checks.

These types of gun controls have been pursued by Democrats like Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) at the federal level for years and they have been in place in New York since 2013.

In New York City, the laws are correlating with gun violence at record levels. Despite the bans and background check requirements, shootings are on track to break a 14-year high in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) NYC.

When the heinous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary occurred, teachers and staff were unarmed, and there were no armed resource officers on campus. In fact, the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission concluded the attacker had over nine minutes inside the school without armed resistance.

But on April 13, 2019, Harris made clear her position that teachers should get a raise rather than a gun.

One of the “gun safety” pledges of the incoming Biden administration is to “prohibit the use of federal funds to arm or train educators to discharge firearms.”

The Biden campaign page says, “We should be passing rational gun laws, not requiring educators who already have too much on their plates to also protect the safety of their students.”


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55a87c No.161382

File: eef6a0e422e05e2⋯.png (15.41 KB,478x324,239:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038849 (151738ZDEC20) Notable: “I don’t care about my legacy,” he said. “I’ll be dead.” +digs

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Bill Barr had 3 brothers Stephen, Christopher and Hilary. His brother named Hilary was a German translator. Christopher died in 2009 but was survived by a stepson named David Zigenfus who was arrested for soliciting a minor for sex.

ROCHESTER – The Ulster County Sheriff’s Office arrested a Rochester man Wednesday on charges he engaged in sexually explicit contact over the Internet with someone he thought was a 14-year-old girl.

Police said David J. Zigenfus, 58, engaged in several sexually explicit conversations with a member of the Sheriff’s Internet Crimes Against Child Unit, and sent naked images of himself. Zigenfus was charged with seven felony counts of attempting to disseminate indecent material to a minor. He was sent to Ulster County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bail.

Keith Goldberg







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55a87c No.161383

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038862 (151739ZDEC20) Notable: Biden's office warned in 2015 that Ukrainian oligarch who hired son Hunter was deemed corrupt

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Biden's office warned in 2015 that Ukrainian oligarch who hired son Hunter was deemed corrupt

Newly released memo shows U.S diplomat revealed DOJ assisted earlier effort to pursue Burisma Holdings chief.

Vice President Joe Biden's office was warned in 2015 that the Obama State Department believed the Ukrainian gas oligarch whose firm hired Hunter Biden was corrupt and that some of the evidence supporting that conclusion had been gathered by the U.S. Justice Department, newly released diplomatic memos show.

Then-U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt in Kiev alerted Biden's top advisers to the concerns about Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky shortly before the vice president visited with Ukrainian officials in December 2015.

"I assume all have the DoJ background on Zlochevsky," Pyatt wrote in an email to top Biden advisers in the White House. "The short unclas version (in non lawyer language) is that US and UK were cooperating on a case to seize his corrupt assets overseas (which had passed through the US)."



Pyatt added that the asset forfeiture case "fell apart" when individuals in the Ukrainian prosecutor general's office "acted to thwart the UK case."

The memos were released last week by Senate committees investigating Hunter Biden's global business dealings.

By the time Pyatt had written the email, one of his deputies in the Kiev embassy, George Kent, had already alerted the FBI that State officials believed Ukrainian prosecutors had been paid a $7 million bribe to thwart the asset forfeiture case. Kent recounted his efforts in an email to a fellow ambassador a year later.



A year later, Pyatt's successor as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, wrote her superiors in Washington that the American embassy believed Burisma had paid another bribe in the form of cheap gas to get Ukrainian prosecutors to drop remaining cases against the gas firm.



Pyatt's email, dated Dec. 6, 2015, was sent to Kate Bedingfield, Biden's then-communications chief, Michael Carpenter, one of his security advisers, and Amos Hochstein, the vice president's energy adviser for the region.

Bedingfield was appointed recently by Biden to serve as White House communications chief if he assumes the presidency on Jan. 20.

Pyatt's communication provides the clearest picture to date of what Biden's inner circle knew — and what the vice president should have known — about U.S. officials' concerns about Burisma and Zlochevsky and the heartburn they felt about Hunter Biden's position with the firm.



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55a87c No.161384

File: 12a683420551e0d⋯.png (30.31 KB,904x254,452:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038865 (151739ZDEC20) Notable: NEW - Google is "worried" about the intentions of the European Commission to regulate digital services.

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NEW - Google is "worried" about the intentions of the European Commission to regulate digital services.


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55a87c No.161385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038870 (151739ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion MachineElection Digs

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after a six-hour hearing concerning the election and the ability of Arizona residents to trust the results

was a call by Chairman Eddie Farnsworth to issue subpoena’s to seize the machines. A forensic audit is the likely next step. This is a huge development, and moves Arizona in the right direction to account for the many irregularities.”

sauce: https://www.westernjournal.com/developing-arizona-senate-judiciary-chair-seizing-voting-machines-forensic-audit/

more twitter sauce: https://thepalmierireport.com/arizona-senate-judiciary-issues-subpoenas-for-ballots-and-dominion-machines-from-maricopa-county/

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55a87c No.161386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038875 (151740ZDEC20) Notable: SEN JOHNSON on HANNITY: Joe Biden Lied to the Public About Ties to Communist China

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SEN JOHNSON on HANNITY: Joe Biden Lied to the Public About Ties to Communist China

Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Monday night, Sean weighed-in on the escalating corruption scandal surrounding Hunter Biden; asking of the Biden family is “compromised” by China, the Ukraine, or Russia.

“Zero experience Hunter asked for keys to be made for his ‘office mates’ for space he planned to share with a Chinese business partner,” said Hannity. “Are the Bidens compromised when it comes to China? Ukraine? Russia?”

“I wonder if these countries have copies of Hunter’s laptop. It’s all been hidden from the public. Why was the Senate not made aware of this? Why was all the relevant information not part of the Impeachment trial?”

AIR BIDEN? Secret Service Reportedly Provided Security for Hunter Biden on 400+ Trips

An explosive report from JustTheNews.com is shedding new light on Hunter Biden’s dealings during the eight years of the Obama administration; showing the Vice President’s son was provided a Secret Service security detail on hundreds of flights.

“Hunter Biden has already made headlines with his pursuit of global business, raising questions about conflicts of interests by landing lucrative deals in Ukraine and China while his father Joe was vice president,” reports JustTheNews.com. “And now it’s his proclivity for globetrotting travel that is garnering attention.”

“The son of the former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential nominee in waiting used Secret Service protection on at least 411 international and domestic trips during the Obama years, according to records released this month under the Freedom of Information Act to the conservative watchdog Judicial Watch,” adds the website.

“Given the Burisma-Ukraine-China influence peddling scandals, Hunter Biden’s extensive international travel during the Obama-Biden presidency, including at least 5 trips to China, will raise additional questions,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said after releasing the records.


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55a87c No.161387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038892 (151741ZDEC20) Notable: US Covid-19 relief package set to IMMUNIZE corporations from pandemic lawsuits, alarms worker advocates +DigsNews

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WI Supreme Court Rules State Did Not Have Authority to Abandon Voter ID Rules Due to COVID

Wisconsin election officials made a terrible judgment call, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court has confirmed it

Local Wisconsin election officials made a terrible judgment call, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court has confirmed it. On Monday the Court ruled “that state and local election officials erred when they gave blanket permission allowing voters to declare themselves homebound and skip voter ID requirements in the 2020 election” reports Just the News.

The error resulted in the opportunity for Republicans to challenge “tens of thousands of ballots.” COVID-19 shutdown mandates, in other words, were not justification for skipping voter ID requirements to vote absentee. “we conclude that both the contention that electors qualify as indefinitely confined and solely as the result of the COVID19 pandemic and the declared public health emergency and the declared public health emergency and the contention that Wis. Stat. § 6.86(2)(a) could be used for those who ‘have trouble presenting a valid ID’ are erroneous because those reasons do not come within the statutory criteria” the court ruled.

In summation, the majority ruling concluded that local officials like Dane County and Governor Tony Evers’ “Emergency Order #12 did not render all Wisconsin electors ‘indefinitely confined,’ thereby obviating the requirement of a valid photo identification to obtain an absentee ballot.” Therefore, Evers did not have legal authority to issue the executive order earlier this year exempting all voters to get an absentee ballot without an ID.

Just the News reports that court filings show nearly 200,000 voters declared themselves permanently confined for the state’s primary in the spring, and even more people did for the general election. “The ruling opens the doors for Republicans to potentially challenge those votes if it can be shown the voters weren’t sick or elderly as required by the law.”


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55a87c No.161388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038906 (151742ZDEC20) Notable: “That’s An 8500% Markup”: Doctor Goes Viral On Twitter After Sharing A Thread About How Retail Pharmacies Put A Ridiculous Markup On Medicine

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“That’s An 8500% Markup”: Doctor Goes Viral On Twitter After Sharing A Thread About How Retail Pharmacies Put A Ridiculous Markup On Medicine

We’ve all heard a thing or two about the American healthcare system. To put it simply—it’s probably not the best system in the world. People who get ill are sometimes left with huge debts, it costs hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars to call an ambulance, and they can even charge you for “skin to skin” contact when you give birth to your child. Talk about unfair!

When it comes to medicine, the situation seems even direr. Recently, Emily Porter, a doctor based in Austin, Texas, shared an infuriating Twitter thread about the cost of drugs and ridiculous markups on medicine. Scroll down below to read it!

More info: Twitter

This doctor went on Twitter to share a thread about the ridiculous markups on medicine


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55a87c No.161389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038917 (151744ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (WH Presser (Live!

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55a87c No.161390

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038924 (151745ZDEC20) Notable: Uber is facing $59M fine from California regulators and could be shut down if it does provide information on 6,000 sexual assault and harassment claims filed by drivers and riders

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Uber is facing $59M fine from California regulators and could be shut down if it does provide information on 6,000 sexual assault and harassment claims filed by drivers and riders

Uber has been threatened with a $59 million fine if it does not provide detailed information on sexual assault cases and harassment claims among its drivers and riders within 30 days, in the latest round of a year-long battle.

California's Public Utilities Commission, which regulates ride sharing, announced on Monday that the Silicon Valley company could be forced to stop operations if it does not meet their deadline.

Uber has argued that they want to protect victims' identities, and fear what would happen if they hand over details.

That concern was dismissed on Monday by Robert Mason, an administrative law judge with the California Public Utilities Commission, who said Uber's concerns about violating privacy were 'premature' since the information would be filed under seal.

Mason found that Uber had 'multiple continuous offenses' that violated several previous rulings on the issue from the agency.

The scale of the problem was revealed a year ago, when Uber published an 84-page report that said it had received about 6,000 reports of sexual assault and harassment in the United States in 2017 and 2018, including 464 rapes.

About a fifth of those, or 1,243, were in California.

Regulators want to investigate those cases, so they asked Uber to describe each claim from 2017 to 2019, including names and contact information for witnesses, victims and Uber employees who received the reports.

Uber's refusal to hand over the names and contact details has been supported by some sexual assault advocacy organizations.

Uber would not say how they intend to respond to Monday's order, and said that they are considering their next steps, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

The tech giant said in a statement that they remained opposed to the 'shocking violation of privacy' the authorities were demanding.

Uber said the regulator 'has been insistent in its demands that we release the full names and contact information of sexual assault survivors without their consent.'

Monday's order said Uber should work with the agency staff 'to develop a code or numbering system as a substitute for the actual names and other personally identifiable information requested.'

'Now, a year later, the CPUC has changed its tune: we can provide anonymized information - yet we are also subject to a $59 million fine for not complying with the very order the CPUC has fundamentally altered.'

They said that the Commission's actions would discourage other companies from publishing their own reports into harassment claims, like Uber did in December 2019.

'These punitive and confusing actions will do nothing to improve public safety and will only create a chilling effect as other companies consider releasing their own reports,' Uber said.

'Transparency should be encouraged, not punished.'

In Uber's report last year, they found that about 92 per cent of the victims were riders and roughly 7 per cent were drivers.

Women and female-identifying individuals comprised 89 per cent of the victims, while men and male-identifying individuals made up about 8 per cent.

In 2017, Uber recorded 2,936 reports of sexual assault during a total of one billion trips throughout the United States. There were 3,045 reported sexual assaults the following year during 1.3 billion total trips.

'I suspect many people will be surprised at how rare these incidents are; others will understandably think they're still too common,' Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said of the new report via Twitter.

'Some people will appreciate how much we've done on safety; others will say we have more work to do. They will all be right.'

During 2017 and 2018, 19 people died in physical assaults that occurred in Uber-related incidents. There were also 107 motor vehicle fatalities from Uber-related crashes in the same time frame.


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55a87c No.161391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038940 (151746ZDEC20) Notable: US Covid-19 relief package set to IMMUNIZE corporations from pandemic lawsuits, alarms worker advocates +DigsNews

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Up To 75% Of Israelis Refusing To Get Vaccinated In Coming COVID Vaccine Holocaust

Despite the relentless COVID propaganda in the Israeli press — including Prime Minister Netanyahu allegedly agreeing to be the first in Israel to be vaccinated — the vast majority of Jews in Israel do not plan to get the COVID vaccine when it becomes available to the public in late December:

Israelis who choose to get vaccinated against coronavirus will receive “free movement” waivers, allowing them to bypass certain health restrictions, the Health Ministry has said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week that Israel will begin administrating coronavirus vaccinations on December 27 and that Israel was ready to vaccinate 60,000 people a day. Thousands of doses of the Pfizer vaccine arrived in Israel last week via special charter flights.

The so-called “green passports” will be handed out only after the second shot is administered since Pfizer vaccine requires two jabs in order to be effective.

Holders of the passports will be able to attend public events and eat at restaurants among other things, Health Ministry Director-General Chezy Levy told Channel 12 on Sunday.

They will also not be required to enter mandatory quarantine after contact with a confirmed patient or after returning from a “red country” abroad. Those travelling will also not be required to take a mandatory COVID-19 test before leaving the country.

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, meanwhile, told Channel 13 the idea behind the plan was not to grant privileges to the “green passport” holders, but to make sure they can engage in activities that are potentially dangerous for those who had not been immunized.

Recent polls reveal 50% to 75% of Israelis are unwilling to take the jab, mostly due to concerns over how fast it had been developed.

The Health Minister is lying — of course the idea behind the “vaccine passports” is to incentivize people into getting these untested and potentially deadly vaccines — Bill Gates all but admitted that has been the plan all along.

And from the average Israeli’s perspective, their families “survived” the so-called “Holocaust”, including grotesque “medical experiments” at the hands of Josef Mengele — along with having their gold teeth stolen from them by the Nazi dentists to fund Hezbollah — so they aren’t about to die in a real Holocaust with these deadly vaccines.


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55a87c No.161392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038953 (151747ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (FTR Anons.

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Would be a waste tho since Gerbs would get BTFOd.

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55a87c No.161393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038960 (151748ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion MachineElection Digs

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Trump: Audit of Dominion Machines in Antrim County ‘Shows Massive Fraud’

The preliminary report of an audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines in a county in Michigan is big news and shows the election results are wrong, President Donald Trump asserted Tuesday.

“This is BIG NEWS. Dominion Voting Machines are a disaster all over the Country. Changed the results of a landslide election. Can’t let this happen,” Trump wrote in a social media statement, sharing a post that included the report.

In another, he wrote that “many Trump votes were routed to” Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, adding: “True all over the Country. This Fake Election can no longer stand. Get moving Republicans.”

In an initial post about the report on Monday, Trump said it “shows massive fraud.”

The report in question alleged that Dominion’s voting system “is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

“The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that the Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified,” Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, wrote in the document.

Ramsland and others inspected and performed forensic duplication on the county’s election management server, which was running Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5.3-002. They also obtained flash cards and USB sticks.

The examination was approved by 13th Circuit Judge Kevin Elsenheimer earlier this month. The judge on Monday agreed to remove a protective order that had been blocking the public release of the report, as long as code that it contained was redacted for the time being.

Trump praised the judge, calling him “highly respected.”

“Thank you for the genius, bravery, and patriotism of the Judge. Should get a medal!” he added.

State officials challenged the report. In a court filing, Michigan Elections Director Jonathan Brater said it “attributes changes in reported vote totals, all of which appear to be a result of human error and which appear to have been identified and corrected during the county canvass, to alleged ‘intentional’ design elements in Dominion Voting Systems, without explicating why this would be the explanation.”

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, and Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel alleged the report lacked “credible evidence in widespread fraud or wrongdoing.”

Dominion hasn’t responded to requests for comment.

Trump’s lawyers had hyped the report before it was published, with one, Jenna Ellis, calling it “incredibly important to the election integrity effort as a whole.”

Biden has declared victory in the election. On Monday night, he alleged voter fraud did not occur in the Nov. 3 election and called on Trump to concede.

Trump and his campaign are contesting results in key battleground states and say the election is not over. The Epoch Times isn’t calling the race at this time.


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55a87c No.161394

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038976 (151749ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (FTR Anons.

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It's all good, Baker.

/AnonsKnow/ you're the legit kitchen chef right now.

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55a87c No.161395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038985 (151751ZDEC20) Notable: This seems to come outta nowhere: Why Are Jews Leading The Alt-Right & ‘White’ Nationalist Movements?

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Oh this place is an interesting spot.


Why Are Jews Leading The Alt-Right & ‘White’ Nationalist Movements?

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55a87c No.161396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12038992 (151752ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (FTR Anons.

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Well then, Gerbil.

There's only 1 way to settle this so I'll repeat myself:


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55a87c No.161397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039000 (151752ZDEC20) Notable: US Covid-19 relief package set to IMMUNIZE corporations from pandemic lawsuits, alarms worker advocates +DigsNews

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Yale Study Pre-Emptively Blames Coronavirus For Auto-Immune Diseases That Will Be Caused By The Vaccine

Vaccine manufacturers are well aware that their vaccines induce auto-immune responses — tricking the immune system into attacking healthy body tissues — so in order to cover up all the new auto-immune diseases that will occur in people who get the dangerous COVIC vaccine, a new study from Yale is offering pre-emptive blame for those auto-immune diseases on the coronavirus itself:

The research has not yet been published or peer-reviewed.

“COVID-19 patients make autoantibodies that actually interfere with immune responses against the virus,” Aaron Ring, an immunobiologist at Yale University and senior author of study, told the Guardian in a report published Sunday.

The result can damage the body, including the brain, blood vessels, and liver, areas that have been seen to suffer in those with symptoms of what has become known as “long COVID” — continued illness, fatigue or breathlessness in those who were infected and then recovered from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Ring worked with Akiko Iwasaki, a professor of immunobiology at Yale, to monitor COVID-19 patients with various severities of the disease and compared them to health hospital workers, looking for immune system antibodies that work by attacking any of nearly 3,000 proteins.

Whereas normal antibodies latch onto the virus proteins to prevent them from spreading, autoantibodies are the wrong shape and instead attach to proteins that are on human cells, or that have been released by them, the report said.

The study, the scientists wrote, found that COVID-19 patients had “dramatic increases in autoantibody reactivities” compared with hospital workers who did not have the disease.

Though some autoantibodies were apparently present in the patients before they were infected with the virus, others only appeared and increased as the disease took hold. More than five percent of hospitalized patients had damaging autoantibodies. The more autoantibodies there were, the more severe the COVID-19 symptoms.

“We certainly believe that these autoantibodies are harmful to patients with COVID-19,” said Ring, adding that the damaging effects could possibly continue even after the infection itself is no longer causing illness.

“Because antibodies can persist for a long time, it’s conceivable that they may contribute to the development of long COVID diseases,” he said.

“Post-COVID syndromes could plausibly be caused by long-lived autoantibodies that persist well after the virus is cleared from the body,” Ring told the Guardian. “If this is the case, there are immunosuppressive treatments, such as those used for rheumatological diseases, that could be effective.”

Long COVID is believed to affect about 10% of 18- to 49-year-old coronavirus patients, and as much as 20% of those over the age of 70, according to the report.

The scientists believe that more than one type of autoantibody in each patient is causing the trouble…

The study comes as countries around the world, including Britain, the US and Israel, are gearing up for or have already started mass immunization programs against the coronavirus.

Since the CDC admits that 94% of people who “died” of COVID had pre-existing co-morbidities — including a plethora of auto-immune disorders — it is virtually impossible, and scientifically untenable, to blame their conditions on the virus itself.


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55a87c No.161398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039021 (151754ZDEC20) Notable: Worth a dig?

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Morning you all

So last night I ended with this

Google Advanced search you find ALOT of references to solarwinds in our Military Infrastructure

Might be worth a dig. Monday they all unplug from Solarwinds so not sure if that completely blinds all of our systems but we will see


This is a DISA report for FY 16-22




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55a87c No.161399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039027 (151754ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / Duke delayed family holidays to party with Epstein: These exclusive pictures show Andrew in the Bahamas with his daughters. Now our probe reveals the bombshell 48 hours he was on paedophile's island

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Duke delayed family holidays to party with Epstein: These exclusive pictures show Andrew in the Bahamas with his daughters. Now our probe reveals the bombshell 48 hours he was on paedophile's island WITH teen sex accuser just days earlier

Never-before-published photos show Prince Andrew with his daughters on holiday in Bahamas in 2001

Pictures were taken by the Duchess of York, the children's mother while the family were on holiday together

Family had gone on holiday together almost ten years after parents' separation and five years after divorce

A doting father and his two daughters are relaxing in the Caribbean sunshine.

These never-before-published photographs show Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, with Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, then aged 12 and 11, on holiday in the Bahamas in the week following Easter Sunday, 2001.

They were taken by the Duchess, the children's mother. Almost ten years after their colourful separation and five years after divorce, the Duke and Duchess of York sought to maintain the cohesion of their family unit.

But all is not as it appears.

Charming as they are, the Bahamian swimming pool pictures suggest nothing of the calamitous misadventure into which the Duke had just plunged; one which would see him — eventually — banished from public life and wanted for questioning by the U.S. Department of Justice, as he is today.

At best Andrew was in the thrall of a disastrous association with a stranger whom he did not then know to be a predatory paedophile. At worst? Well, the Duke is accused of being provided with a sexually trafficked 17-year-old girl for his personal gratification.

That girl, now a woman, is Virginia Roberts. She has claimed and continues to claim that about a week before these holiday images were taken, the Queen's second son had sex with her in the massage room of the biggest townhouse in New York. Miss Roberts was then 17. She is one day less than five years older than Princess Beatrice.

The mansion on East 71st Street belonged to the billionaire Wall Street financier Jeffrey Epstein, whom Andrew had entertained at a Sandringham shooting weekend the previous December. Miss Roberts says it was Epstein who trafficked her across state lines so she could 'service' the Duke.

For his part, the Duke emphatically denies ever having had sexual relations with Miss Roberts or any minor. He says he cannot remember even having met her.

But as a victim of Epstein, her testimony has arguably been given weight by the existence of another photograph. This was allegedly taken in London in March 2001, and appears to show the Duke with his arm around his American accuser. She says they had posed minutes before the first of the three occasions they had sex together.

Yesterday, in the second part of a ground-breaking Mail investigation into Miss Roberts's allegations against Andrew, we set out in unprecedented detail the Duke's 'working visit' to New York and Boston on behalf of the charity the Outward Bound Trust, during Easter week 2001.

We revealed that the Duke and his senior police Personal Protection Officer (PPO) had spent the third night of the trip at Epstein's mansion, despite Andrew's denial of having done so during his disastrous BBC Newsnight interview with Emily Maitlis last year.

We also proved that the gap in his busy official itinerary — set aside for 'Private Time' — could have allowed him to meet Miss Roberts at Epstein's mansion two days earlier.

It was around this time she alleges the second sexual episode between them took place.


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55a87c No.161400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039028 (151754ZDEC20) Notable: US Covid-19 relief package set to IMMUNIZE corporations from pandemic lawsuits, alarms worker advocates +DigsNews

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Toymakers have been preparing for a different kind of Christmas this year with COVID-19 tests for dolls and anti-virus kits.

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55a87c No.161401

File: ae069eb1b39d985⋯.png (38.59 KB,598x211,598:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039060 (151757ZDEC20) Notable: Anon bun from 15369? Baker Missed? / (WH Presser (Live!

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Eyes on anons

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55a87c No.161402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12039062 (151757ZDEC20) Notable: #15369

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Dough in Order







>>>/qresearch/12038592 (DOUGH

>>161343, >>161346, >>161353, >>161361, >>161364, >>161369, >>161379, >>161392, >>161394, >>161396 (FTR Anons.

>>>/qresearch/12038639, >>>/qresearch/12038685, >>>/qresearch/12038699, >>>/qresearch/12038850, >>>/qresearch/12038964, >>>/qresearch/12038971 Warroom warrooming/w MNR assistance

Notables are NOT endorsements

#15369 450 Baking a little early, tag the other guy with notables or something at the end.

>>161339, >>161340, >>161358 Peter Nygard Files++

>>161341 Rinos Rinoing

>>161342, >>161357 Privacy Data Rules Fines First+Others

>>161344 New FULL LENGTH @CNN 9AM Editorial Call From 10-07-20

>>161345, >>161370, >>161385, >>161387, >>161393, >>161398 Dominion MachineElection Digs

>>161347 Another SEC director leaving. Fourth person leaving SEC in weeks.

>>161348 Flynn Tweets Trump ++Morale Go Show Some Love

>>161349, >>161371, >>161387, >>161391, >>161397, >>161400 US Covid-19 relief package set to IMMUNIZE corporations from pandemic lawsuits, alarms worker advocates +DigsNews

>>161350, >>161375 Link to MI Dominion CEO HearingLive Soon!

>>161351 Facebook Complicit in Surge of Counterfeit Sales Online

>>161352 Massive TikToker loses access to account with 100 million followers: 'TikTok locked everyone out'

>>161354 And Where are the Biohazrd Waste Disposal Centers? NYC mayor: Restaurants need to close, but everyone should ride the subway

>>161355, >>161372 Nothing is what it seems. + Coordinates

>>161356, >>161389 (WH Presser (Starting soon.

>>161359 Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church received $4.4M COVID-19 PPP loan

>>161360 Cheeky Brits flag BBC & politicians after Metropolitan Police asks public to report ‘extremist views’

>>161362 Biden Transition Leader Partnered With Chinese Military Think Tank, Worked Under Top CCP Defense Officials

>>161363 Chinese Astrologicals Snake Eat Rat?

>>161365, >>161367, >>161368 S.945 - Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act LawAnon Review+

>>161366, >>161382 “I don’t care about my legacy,” he said. “I’ll be dead.” +digs

>>161373 EU Fishermen Threaten to Blockade Ports If No Deal Ends Their Fishing Claims

>>161374 Pakistani Migrant Accused of Drugging and Raping Minors

>>161376 Oh they'll cooperate with big business! Fauci says Biden and Harris must go to the head of the vaccination line ASAP

>>161377 London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

>>161378 Sweden suffers deadliest November since Spanish flu era as Stockholm ICUs hit 99 percent capacity

>>161380 Yahoo Groups has been shut down

>>161381 Kamala Harris Pushes Gun Control ‘To Keep Our Children Safe’

>>161383 Biden's office warned in 2015 that Ukrainian oligarch who hired son Hunter was deemed corrupt

>>161384 NEW - Google is "worried" about the intentions of the European Commission to regulate digital services.

>>161386 SEN JOHNSON on HANNITY: Joe Biden Lied to the Public About Ties to Communist China

>>161388 “That’s An 8500% Markup”: Doctor Goes Viral On Twitter After Sharing A Thread About How Retail Pharmacies Put A Ridiculous Markup On Medicine

>>161390 Uber is facing $59M fine from California regulators and could be shut down if it does provide information on 6,000 sexual assault and harassment claims filed by drivers and riders

>>161395 This seems to come outta nowhere: Why Are Jews Leading The Alt-Right & ‘White’ Nationalist Movements?

>>161399 Duke delayed family holidays to party with Epstein: These exclusive pictures show Andrew in the Bahamas with his daughters. Now our probe reveals the bombshell 48 hours he was on paedophile's island WITH teen sex accuser just days earlier

Maybes… Needs Sauce.

>>>/qresearch/12038703So this Friday the 18th DNI Ratcliffe's report will be out saying foreign actors meddled in the election

>>>/qresearch/12038743 Some spreadsheet? Google?

>>>/qresearch/12038816 Ron Retweeted

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55a87c No.161403

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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