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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

373d2c No.204 [View All]

17NOV20 to 19NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 785 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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373d2c No.146314

File: 393350e1836c12f⋯.png (20.3 KB,614x177,614:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698689 (190006ZNOV20) Notable: Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: 'Georgia May Well Be Overturned'

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Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: 'Georgia May Well Be Overturned'

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373d2c No.146315

File: 7f6598f6063bb2b⋯.png (1.03 MB,840x879,280:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 869711d45e59630⋯.png (2.14 MB,1024x819,1024:819,Clipboard.png)

File: e58cc0a12538300⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x732,256:183,Clipboard.png)

File: f732d47a3d7da64⋯.png (1.98 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d38a3ea7665276⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x731,1024:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698693 (190006ZNOV20) Notable: US Navy

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@USNavy photos of the day: #USSGeraldRFord prepares for #FltOps, #USSZephyr returns to #navstaMayport after @NAVSOUS4THFLT deployment, corpsmen @NavyMedicine

train with @USMC at Camp Fuji and Navy divers inspect #USSNewOrleans.

info & download: https://www.navy.mil/Resources/Photo-Gallery/


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373d2c No.146316

File: 0f4a72b472be23b⋯.png (53.8 KB,729x824,729:824,Clipboard.png)

File: 159702fa1257739⋯.png (13.8 KB,755x193,755:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 239d19e04b5e13b⋯.png (94.35 KB,704x857,704:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 0478fc90aa469cb⋯.png (55.48 KB,650x834,325:417,Clipboard.png)

File: c587a531c191ef8⋯.png (68.25 KB,666x831,222:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698720 (190009ZNOV20) Notable: Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy

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Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy

The ‘relationships created counterintelligence and extortion concerns,’ Grassley and Johnson warn.

Two Republican-run Senate committees on Wednesday released new evidence they say shows Hunter Biden and his business associates were working deals as late as 2017 tied to communist China and Russian energy interests, arguing the activities created potential counterintelligence concerns for Joe Biden’s family.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., made the documents public as part of a supplemental report in their ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden’s business activities. The documents included emails, text messages and business memos provided to the committee by Biden family business associate Tony Bobulinski, who is cooperating with both Senate and FBI investigations into the Biden family.

“These new records confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government, as well as the links between Hunter Biden’s business associates and the Russian government, and further support the Committees’ September 23, 2020 report’s finding that such relationships created counterintelligence and extortion concerns,” the senators wrote in their new report.

You can read the report here.


2020-11-18 HSGAC - Finance Joint Report Supplemental.pdf

Specifically, the committees’ evidence traces business deals discussed between Hunter Biden, Bobulinski and an American businessman close to the Biden family named Rob Walker. The senators released an email in which Walker described himself as “being a surrogate for H or Jim when gauging opportunities.” The committee said that in the email “H appears to refer to Hunter Biden, and Jim appears to refer to Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden.”

Many of the new documents involved discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was under the leadership of Ye Jianming. The senators stated that Ye “had established ties to the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese military, the People’s Liberation Army” and worked with Hunter Biden and his associates to pursue energy deals around the globe, including in Oman, France and Russia. The committee said a company affiliated with Ye wired money to U.S. accounts tied to Biden’s associates in 2017.

“In 2017, during the time that Ye’s companies were sending millions of dollars to Hunter Biden associated companies, Ye had business dealings with Kremlin-controlled companies and Kremlin-aligned businessmen,” the report said. “In effect, Ye appears to have been China’s unofficial bridge to Russia on energy. As noted in the Committees’ September 23, 2020 report, in September 2017, CEFC announced its intention to purchase a 14.2 percent stake in the Russian state-owned energy company, Rosneft, for approximately $9 billion.”

The committee cited direct communications in which Hunter Biden acknowledged he “was in close contact with Ye in 2017 and was aware of these developments.”




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373d2c No.146317

File: 324789d4c975b83⋯.png (409.68 KB,635x593,635:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698726 (190009ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Critics Seek Ethics Probe of Graham

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Trump Critics Seek Ethics Probe of Graham

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373d2c No.146318

File: e6a11ac1ab3606a⋯.jpg (287.98 KB,1551x2000,1551:2000,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698734 (190010ZNOV20) Notable: Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

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Holy crap, Dominion is fucked.

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373d2c No.146319

File: 88b67703435091c⋯.png (529.72 KB,611x497,611:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698744 (190011ZNOV20) Notable: Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

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373d2c No.146320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698761 (190012ZNOV20) Notable: pb POTUS: "I love the circles!" (Cap)

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POTUS: "I love the circles!"

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373d2c No.146321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698763 (190012ZNOV20) Notable: Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

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373d2c No.146322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698766 (190013ZNOV20) Notable: Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

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we high teck voting country , because ink on your finger like in Iraq is just so un-fuck-with-able

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373d2c No.146323

File: 859e5977b63e720⋯.png (500.98 KB,792x662,396:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698772 (190013ZNOV20) Notable: Cuomo Brutally Scolds a Reporter and Insists NYC Schools Won’t Be Closed, Minutes Before Announcement Schools Will Be Closed

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WATCH: Cuomo Brutally Scolds a Reporter and Insists NYC Schools Won’t Be Closed, Minutes Before Announcement Schools Will Be Closed

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373d2c No.146324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698777 (190013ZNOV20) Notable: Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

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WTF they have a ballot marking device that makes prefect circles?


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373d2c No.146325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698803 (190015ZNOV20) Notable: Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

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373d2c No.146326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698806 (190015ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS: "I love the circles!"

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"Sleepy Joe had a rally today, they had 12 people in those little circles. It’s got those little crazy circles. It’s the only thing good about his campaign, the guy that does the work, I’m a perfectionist, they’re so beautiful, nice and wide. And they can’t fill them up so they get the media, “Could you please take a circle?”


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373d2c No.146327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698809 (190015ZNOV20) Notable: Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

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>Holy crap, Dominion is fucked.

The ballots with the 'perfect marked bubbles' didn't even have a FOLD! THEY WERE NEVER MAILED OUT! "These people are stupid!"

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373d2c No.146328

File: a0efb2e29e0eb54⋯.png (451.14 KB,663x511,663:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698859 (190018ZNOV20) Notable: Susan Rice: ‘I’m Very Open to Serving’ in the Biden-Harris Administration

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Susan Rice: ‘I’m Very Open to Serving’ in the Biden-Harris Administration

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373d2c No.146329

File: c84525ebd6ef5f6⋯.png (318.91 KB,1366x657,1366:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698880 (190020ZNOV20) Notable: BUSTED: This internal email from Maricopa County, AZ talks about "Issues and Concerns" with markers but says they have to give voters markers anyway instead of ballpoint pens on Election Day

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BUSTED: This internal email from Maricopa County, AZ talks about "Issues and Concerns" with markers but says they have to give voters markers anyway instead of ballpoint pens on Election Day



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373d2c No.146330

File: cdbd88d7ce55e21⋯.png (200.75 KB,625x530,125:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698885 (190020ZNOV20) Notable: CSPAN PANIC ‘There’s an Enemies List’: Bolton Fears Trump May Fire More Officials

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‘There’s an Enemies List’: Bolton Fears Trump May Fire More Officials

Former US national security adviser John Bolton was given the boot by US President Donald Trump in early September 2019 after the pair were reported to have repeatedly clashed on how best to handle foreign policy changes, mostly in regards to Iran and North Korea.

Bolton, who served as Trump’s third national security adviser, remarked in a Wednesday interview with the Washington Post’s Robert Costa that in light of recent administration dismissals, more pink slips were likely to be issued in the coming months.

The former Trump administration official also stated that he “thought it was another bad mistake” from his ex-employer to have fired Christopher Krebs, who headed the US Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Krebs was given the pink slip on Tuesday, with Trump explaining via Twitter that the top US cybersecurity official had given a “highly inaccurate” statement regarding the security of the US presidential election, and alleging that “there were massive improprieties and fraud.” Earlier on in the day, Krebs had disputed the fraud claims and said there was no evidence of election interference.

Prior to the November election, Trump and his allies repeatedly refuted the validity of mail-in ballots, as the president often took to Twitter to discredit the voting option and urge his supporters to submit their ballots in person amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following the projected results of the 2020 election, Trump only doubled down on his stance by claiming that the election was rigged and that some ballots had even been discarded after being marked in his support.

In another instance, Trump pushed claims that in Detroit, Michigan, ballots were being submitted under the names of deceased Americans. Similar allegations were also peddled about Georgia, where the Trump campaign claimed that a ballot was submitted by a woman named Deborah Jean Christiansen, who they alleged died in May 2019; however, that was not true.

In an effort to bolster the claims even further, the Trump campaign launched a voter fraud hotline where Americans could submit reports on what they perceived to be fraudulent actions. Within moments of the hotline’s activation, it was inundated with prank calls, a move that ultimately saw it transition to an online forum, according to the Business Insider.

“There is absolutely no justification for [firing Krebs],” Bolton stressed, also saying that “there wasn’t any justification to fire [former US Defense Secretary] Mark Esper” either.

“There is no reason to decapitate your national security team with less than 10 weeks to go until the transition. That will inevitably cause disruptions in the agencies themselves, let alone their ability to hand off smoothly,” he added.

Reiterating his stance, Bolton further remarked that Trump’s allegations of voter fraud suggest that the president is living in a “fantasy world.”

“That there's a conspiracy so vast and so successful that it’s proceeding without leaving any evidence behind, and under that kind of theory, you can posit evildoing forever,” he said.

An analysis by the research group Brookings Institution recently found that the turnover rate among the Trump administration’s most-senior-ranking officials is roughly 91%. As of November 9, the group counted a total of 65 administration shuffles.


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373d2c No.146331

File: fa921a88eb17fd1⋯.png (594.28 KB,919x839,919:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698948 (190024ZNOV20) Notable: Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Six Figures Into Georgia Runoff

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Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Six Figures Into Georgia Runoff

Black PAC's canvassing cash is the first expense from outside liberal groups supporting Warnock, Ossoff

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373d2c No.146332

File: 20f643fd1bc8d1c⋯.png (38.48 KB,794x612,397:306,Clipboard.png)

File: 09ff65352d22121⋯.png (215.58 KB,796x734,398:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f2c138764e42f1⋯.png (78.8 KB,807x886,807:886,Clipboard.png)

File: d34e5c9e29f20b2⋯.png (193.07 KB,796x904,199:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698974 (190025ZNOV20) Notable: Israeli Company Wants To Play Music Inside Your Head With Directed Sound Technology Without Headphones

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Israeli Company Wants To Play Music Inside Your Head With Directed Sound Technology Without Headphones

A new technology called “sound beaming” developed by Noveto Systems allows listeners to hear music or sound without wearing headphones.

All that is needed is a simple device which tracks the ear and sends it audio using ultrasonic waves, creating personal listening experiences inside of a sound bubble, Times Of Israel reported.

The technology allows listeners to listen to music, play a game, or watch a movie without disturbing anyone else. That being said, unless you are within the distance of the device you won’t be able to hear sounds.

“You don’t believe it because it sounds like a speaker, but no one else can hear it… it’s supporting you and you’re in the middle of everything. It’s happening around you,” Product Manager Ayana Wallwater said.

In other words, the lack of headphones means it’s possible to hear other sounds in the room clearly.

The technology uses a 3-D model which locates and tracks the ear position sending audio via ultrasonic waves to create sound pockets around the user’s ears. Sound can be heard in stereo or a spatial 3-D mode that creates 360-degree sound around the listener, the company said in a statement to the Associated Press which reviewed the device.

Although the technology is being heralded as “new,” it’s anything but new; Noveto is simply the first to launch the technology in a consumer sense and their SoundBeamer 1.0 desktop device will be the first branded product. However, the technology before being called “sound beaming” is known as “microwave hearing,” which is documented with a former unclassified document from the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command received via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request back in 2006 entitled “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons.”

The document is dated 1998, more than 20 years ago. One of the main topics regards the effects of “radio frequency directed energy.” The document discusses the “incapacitating effect” of “microwave hearing:”

There is no sound propagated through the air like normal sound. This technology in its crudest form could be used to distract individuals; if refined, it could also be used to communicate with hostages or hostage takers directly by Morse code or other message systems, possibly even by voice communication.

According to that document, the technology is able to be tuned into a single person like a radio station.

The phenomenon is tunable in that the characteristic sounds and intensities of those sounds depend on the characteristics of the RF energy as delivered. Because the frequency of the sound heard is dependent on the pulse characteristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that this technology could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted to be heard like the spoken word, except that it could only be heard within a person’s head. In one experiment, communication of the words from one to ten using ‘speech modulated’ microwave energy was successfully demonstrated. Microphones next to the person experiencing the voice could not pick up the sound. Additional development of this would open up a wide range of possibilities.



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373d2c No.146333

File: 358e8b5666ae02e⋯.png (774.24 KB,652x629,652:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11698987 (190026ZNOV20) Notable: Last veteran of his WWII battle group marching alone in Victory Day Parade

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Last veteran of his WWII battle group marching alone in Victory Day Parade.


I love you guys, no homo

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373d2c No.146334

File: aa0e15534ac93c8⋯.png (382.47 KB,574x415,574:415,Clipboard.png)

File: edf23bd107aa497⋯.png (385.5 KB,573x521,573:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699086 (190032ZNOV20) Notable: HAPPENING NOW: Trump Supporters Gather Outside NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s House Chanting ‘We Will Rock You!’

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HAPPENING NOW: Trump Supporters Gather Outside NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s House Chanting ‘We Will Rock You!’

A large crowd of Trump supporters have gathered outside New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s house.

The group, upset about the lockdown, sang Queen’s “We Will Rock You.”

Cuomo has signed an executive order limiting the number of people at Thanksgiving gatherings — which many county sheriffs have said they will not enforce.

“New York follows the science. We know indoor gatherings and parties are a major source of COVID spread. To slow the spread, NYS will limit indoor gatherings at private residences to 10 people. This limit takes effect Friday at 10pm,” Cuomo tweeted on November 11.

Fulton County Sherriff Richard Giardino told CNN that he believes the order violates the constitution.

“I don’t think the Constitution allows for the infringement on the number of people in your own home,” he said. “He has authority to do a lot but not to tell law enforcement to get into someone’s house and count who is there.

“My position as a sheriff is that I took the same oath the governor did… and I don’t take any issue with the governors intent… to do what is best under the circumstances, but as a constitutional officer I have an obligation to the constituents in my county to follow that law,” he said.

Other sheriffs have expressed similar sentiments.


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373d2c No.146335

File: 84d9a35bb2a8af6⋯.jpg (792.71 KB,3691x1929,3691:1929,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699110 (190034ZNOV20) Notable: EMERGENCY COVID-19 SHELTER IN PLACE ALERT ISSUED IN NEW MEXICO AT ~16:32 MST ON NOV, 18 2020

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>either military or a distraction

















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373d2c No.146336

File: 9b3b016af1f12f8⋯.png (296.78 KB,593x495,593:495,Clipboard.png)

File: e362034d245effd⋯.png (386.51 KB,629x582,629:582,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cfb0f3ecd5ef79⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699129 (190035ZNOV20) Notable: Cuomo Bros do NOT like being challenged…

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Steve Cortes


Cuomo Bros do NOT like being challenged…


Let's try not to be obnoxious in your tone."

I don't really care what you think."

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373d2c No.146337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699162 (190038ZNOV20) Notable: #14935

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Notables are NOT endorsements

Dough: >>>/qresearch/11698478



>>146318 , >>146320, >>146327, >>146325, >>146324, >>146322, >>146321, >>146319, Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

>>146320 , >>146326, POTUS: "I love the circles!"

>>146336 Cuomo Bros do NOT like being challenged…

>>146334 HAPPENING NOW: Trump Supporters Gather Outside NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s House Chanting ‘We Will Rock You!’

>>146333 Last veteran of his WWII battle group marching alone in Victory Day Parade

>>146331 Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Six Figures Into Georgia Runoff

>>146332 Israeli Company Wants To Play Music Inside Your Head With Directed Sound Technology Without Headphones

>>146330 CSPAN PANIC ‘There’s an Enemies List’: Bolton Fears Trump May Fire More Officials

>>146329 BUSTED: This internal email from Maricopa County, AZ talks about "Issues and Concerns" with markers but says they have to give voters markers anyway instead of ballpoint pens on Election Day

>>146328 Susan Rice: ‘I’m Very Open to Serving’ in the Biden-Harris Administration

>>146323 Cuomo Brutally Scolds a Reporter and Insists NYC Schools Won’t Be Closed, Minutes Before Announcement Schools Will Be Closed

>>146317 Trump Critics Seek Ethics Probe of Graham

>>146316 Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy

>>146315 US Navy

>>146314 Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: 'Georgia May Well Be Overturned'

>>146313 7 min Delta between Dan’s Tweet and POTUS retweet

>>146312 Pennsylvania Tightens Mask Restrictions, Private Homes Included

>>146311 Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better

>>146310 Seriously? John Brennan Laments Biden Will Have to 'Repair the Damage' Trump Did in the Middle East


>>146308 Wisconsin Elections Commission, After Seeing Trump’s Recount Objections, is Trying to Change the Recount Manual at Emergency Meeting Tonight to Make Objections Harder to Make

>>146306 Lin Wood bombshell: 'Irrefutable evidence' of fraud in Georgia recount

>>146304 'They want Kamala in there tomorrow': Limbaugh says Dems to dump Biden

>>146303 , >>146305, >>146335, EMERGENCY COVID-19 SHELTER IN PLACE ALERT ISSUED IN NEW MEXICO AT ~16:32 MST ON NOV, 18 2020

>>146302 , >>146307, Twitter Hires One Of The World's Most Respected Hackers As Its Head Of Security

>>146301 Delingpole: The Great Reset Is Trending. Here’s Why…

>>146300 Nearly 200 arrested in sexual exploitation of a single Florida teen

>>146299 A team of paleontologists used CT scans and tissue samples to uncover blood pathogens in an infected titanosaur.

>>146298 China leaks dossier of 14 disputes with Australia as tensions increase


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373d2c No.146338

File: 9e07c24da1defc6⋯.png (380.81 KB,600x656,75:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699292 (190050ZNOV20) Notable: With THOUSANDS of uncounted votes being discovered more than two weeks after the election in Georgia, Could there be more votes on even more thumb drives? This is a failure in election security.

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Worth a listen



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373d2c No.146339

File: a27aa0f3ae25960⋯.png (198.34 KB,644x1206,322:603,Clipboard.png)

File: 764381550df6328⋯.png (560.2 KB,1017x1398,339:466,Clipboard.png)

File: 629f0d258319664⋯.png (251.32 KB,942x1183,942:1183,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e360c0df2f06f7⋯.png (271.39 KB,969x1429,969:1429,Clipboard.png)

File: d20d141f2c352b2⋯.png (3.96 MB,1229x4186,1229:4186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699307 (190051ZNOV20) Notable: Reminder: the ‘Q group’ is the ‘Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (and the press KNOWS)

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Reminder: the ‘Q group’ is the ‘Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (and the press KNOWS) 1/2

For those that joined us recently, and are still wondering what Q might stands for, or do not know what to say when their friends ask them what it stands for:

In drop 144, Q said:

What is No Such Agency - Q group?

Who has clearance to full picture?


is good.

+++Adm R+++

What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?

In 2013, when Snowden leaked NSA documents, an article from the Daily Beast leaked that (“according to former U.S. intelligence officers who spoke on condition of anonymity”) the people responsible for hunting Snowden were those working for the ‘Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence’, which they said is sometimes known as ‘the Q group’ (picture 5):

“The people who began chasing Snowden work for the Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence, according to former U.S. intelligence officers who spoke on condition of anonymity. The directorate, sometimes known as “the Q Group,” is continuing to track Snowden now that he’s outed himself as The Guardian’s source, according to the intelligence officers.”

The security and counterintelligence directorate serves as the NSA’s internal police force, in effect watching the agency’s watchers for behavior that could pose an intelligence risk. It has the authority to interview an NSA contractor or employee’s known associates, and even to activate a digital dragnet capable of finding out where a target travels, what the target has purchased, and the target’s online activity.”




It turns out that this can be confirmed by official documents:

1. In an NSA document that “sets forth the policy, procedures, and responsibilities governing the

prepublication review of official NSA/CSS information intended for public release by current and

former NSA/CSS affiliates in either an official capacity or a private capacity”, abbreviations for various terms are given every time they are employed, among which, that of Q:

- Associate Director for Policy and Records (ADPR)

- Multimedia Solutions (DN2)

- Staff Security Officer (SSO)

- Chief, Cover, Control, and Special Access Programs (S024)

- Classification Advisory Officer (CAO)

- Associate Directorate for Strategic Communications (DN)

- Office of the General Counsel (OGC)

- Office of Information Security Policy (DJ2)

- Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR)

- Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (Q) (page – picture 2)

- Directorate of Acquisition (BA)




2. In a report from the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense, the role of this Q group is defined on page 4 (picture 3):

The NSA Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence protects worldwide NSA/CSS information, personnel, activities, and facilities through its internal counterintelligence programs. The NSA Associate Director for Security and Counterintelligence appoints security personnel to provide guidance and assist NSA personnel in making security-related decisions.

Furthermore, on page 48 (picture 4), one can get an official confirmation that the Q group was involved with the Snowden investigation:

“(U) NSA Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence, "Snowden Investigative Overview:" (Document classified SECRET/ /REL TO USA, FVEY)

Declassification Date: March 1, 2041

Generated Date: February 9, 2016”




So there you have it. You now have enough proof to show your friends that the Q group is something that exists in the real world, when the time comes.

Maybe double or triple meanings exist, but at least you have one.

And you can point out the hypocrisy of publications such as the ‘Daily Beast’, who know full well about the existence of the Q group.

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373d2c No.146340

File: f77dc8cd00350f8⋯.png (83.2 KB,602x757,602:757,Clipboard.png)

File: cc02cb35010a1f3⋯.png (183.04 KB,1656x1103,1656:1103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699329 (190053ZNOV20) Notable: Reminder: the ‘Q group’ is the ‘Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (and the press KNOWS)

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Reminder: the ‘Q group’ is the ‘Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (and the press KNOWS) 2/2

For those interested of learning more about the Q group, there is very little information available, because the intelligence agencies are very secretive about their organizational structure.

But this page below provides the most that is generally known about the group:



The (very incomplete) organizational structure they give, pieced together from open source intelligence with sources, is (see picture 1):

Q: Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (ADS&CI)

Q0: Staff

Q05: Security Operations Center (SOC)

Q07: NSA Counterintelligence Center (NSACC)

Q09: Security Support Staff

Q1: Office of Physical Security

Q123: ?

Q2: Office of Personnel Security

Q223: Counterintelligence Awareness Office

Q3: Investigations Division

Q31: ?

Q311: Counterintelligence Investigations

Q312: Compromise Investigations Branch

Q5: Office of Security

Q509: Security Policy Staff

Q51: Physical Security Division

Q52: Field Security Division


Q56: Security Awareness

Q57: Polygraph

Q7: Counterintelligence

QJ: Joint Program Security Office

There also is a website that provides a mindmap of what is generally known about the organizational structure of the NSA (information might not be accurate, as the NSA underwent reorganizations in recent history):


[not possible to archive this mindmap on archive.(is/org)]

(see picture 2 above for the part of the mindmap about the Q group)

Note : unlike the information from the previous post, this information is putative, derived from open source research and information from insiders. Do not present it to your friends as indisputable fact.

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373d2c No.146341

File: ec8c304625281cc⋯.png (97.81 KB,552x778,276:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a2ba2accacc259⋯.png (126.25 KB,827x790,827:790,Clipboard.png)

File: 18102a8acd5fe0e⋯.png (77.58 KB,813x368,813:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 46493b0aba2c510⋯.png (129.6 KB,907x296,907:296,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ef5e231fc50f28⋯.png (64.71 KB,787x399,787:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699332 (190053ZNOV20) Notable: Voting Machines and the Defense Industry

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Voting Machines and the Defense Industry

VoteHere -> Dategrity -> Dategrity later spun off into two other companies, ElectionTrust and DemocracyLive

Dategrity Corp offered election audit and verification technology for use in elections in the US and Europe. Formerly an Internet voting company known as VoteHere, changed name to Dategrity Corporation in May, 2005.

Who is this VoteHere company? VoteHere “aspires to provide cryptography and computer software security for the electronic election industry.” Basically, they want total control of the “security” on all electronic voting machines. As of right now, it appears that Diebold and Sequoia use VoteHere cryptography in their voting systems. They also have a deal with election systems in the UK.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was on the VoteHere board of directors. Gates is of course a former CIA Director; Iran-Contra conspirator; close personal friend of George Bush Sr.; CIA Director under him and was head of the George Bush School of Business at Texas A&M. He was Bush Jr.’s first choice to be the first ever Director of National Intelligence, a position created shortly after 9/11. VoteHere was not Gates’ first election machine company, he was also a board member of TRW Cogent, a Northrup Grumman company.

VoteHere’s former Chairman is Admiral Bill Owens, a former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a member of the Defense Policy Board and he even served as a military aide to both Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, who also worked with Bush Sr. at the Carlyle Group. However, other than Gates and Owens being cronies of Bush Sr. and Cheney and sitting on the VoteHere board together, they also have another pivotal connection. They were both top executives at Scientific Applications International Corp. (SAIC). Owens was the President and CEO of SAIC and Gates was a board member. This is significant because SAIC has been involved in testing security standards for the voting machine industry.

HIG owns Hart InterCivic

6 July 2011

Millions of votes are cast each year using Hart eScan and eSlate polling place voting systems and Ballot Now central scanning/by-mail solution. Hart’s latest products, ePollbook and the eSlate A/T have triggered dramatic growth in the market.


One of Franklin Templeton Discovery funds major holding has been HIG, whose CEO, Christopher Swift, was a lawyer for BakerHostetler

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373d2c No.146342

File: 69b6d7e8b09caec⋯.png (568.83 KB,1895x863,1895:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699358 (190055ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Q 9 Reaper Drone seems to be looking for something???

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373d2c No.146343

File: f9d19a8c405f1be⋯.png (579.31 KB,886x688,443:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699361 (190055ZNOV20) Notable: Federal lawsuit details new rape allegations against McCarrick involving 12-year-old boy

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Federal lawsuit details new rape allegations against McCarrick involving 12-year-old boy

11 18 2020 Today 12:44 PM

In one of the most graphic accusations yet against Theodore McCarrick, the disgraced and defrocked former Catholic cardinal accused of sex abuse, attorneys for a 47-year-old man claim he was sexually assaulted for years by the former cleric — beginning when he was just 12 years old.

The new allegations against McCarrick, 90, were made in a federal lawsuit filed in New Jersey on behalf of the unnamed “John Doe,” who said he was raped and sexually abused as a child by McCarrick on dozens of occasions from 1985 through 1990.

His attorneys, in the voluminous, 108-page complaint filed in late September, asserted that the Vatican and high-ranking officials in the Catholic Church knew McCarrick had engaged in “rampant and widespread sexual misconduct.” But the lawsuit alleges church officials chose to ignore the allegations against McCarrick — mindful that he was an “extraordinarily successful fundraiser” for the church and the Vatican.

The Archdiocese of Newark and the Diocese of Metuchen were also named in the lawsuit for allegedly failing to protect the boy from a known predator while McCarrick headed the two New Jersey dioceses.

John Doe’s lawyers, Mark Lefkowitz of Hawthorne and Kevin Mulhearn of Orangeburg, N.Y., declined comment, and said they would allow the complaint to speak for itself.

An attorney for McCarrick also declined comment.

The civil action is just the latest in a series of lawsuits filed by former altar boys, seminarians, priests and others who claimed they were assaulted by McCarrick during his nearly 21 years in New Jersey as bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen and as archbishop of the Archdiocese of Newark.

Last week, the Vatican released an unprecedented 449-page internal investigation, which charged that bishops, cardinals and three different popes downplayed or dismissed reports of McCarrick’s alleged sexual misconduct. That report was based in part on the accounts of seventeen individuals who alleged McCarrick abused his authority to gain and maintain access to them, all while they were boys or young men.

The Vatican documented three decades of reported misconduct by McCarrick, and how his friends and supporters in the church hierarchy — including bishops, cardinals and ultimately popes — all dismissed those claims, including six anonymous letters accusing him of pedophilia that were sent to U.S. church leaders in the early 1990s.

McCarrick was defrocked, or removed from the clerical state, in February 2019.

He has denied all of the allegations against him.

LINK - https://www.nj.com/news/2020/11/federal-lawsuit-details-new-rape-allegations-against-mccarrick-involving-12-year-old-boy.html

Remember McCarrick?

Remember how Archbishop Carlo Vigano tried to blame the whole of the McCarrick Scandal on Pope Francis yet now we know that this was false?

Remember how Vigano, Taylor Marshall and Timothy Dolan wanted everyone to believe that this scandal had nothing to do with Saint John Paul II?

Remember how Saint John Paul promoted McCarrick 4 times over a period of nearly 3 decades yet it is now proven that he know about the scandal?

These cases have to be investigated on the Federal level as the states are in league with the Vatican/Church.

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373d2c No.146344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699367 (190055ZNOV20) Notable: George Soros Speaks For the First Time on Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Him

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George Soros Speaks For the First Time on Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Him

The Hungarian-born billionaire and philanthropist has long been the target of politicians in several countries, who accuse him of sowing political chaos. Last week, a former US Republican Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, accused the 90-year-old of helping Democrats steal the Joe Biden ticket victory in the 2020 presidential election.

George Soros responded to long-standing conspiracies concerning him. In a new documentary, which tells the story of his life from when a boy who escaped a Nazi-occupied Hungary to the moment he created his hedge fund and grew it enough to became a billionaire.

The film features several interviews with Soros. In one he spoke about accusations made against him by conservatives and right-wing parties.

"The fact that I have become involved in so many different issues, and have taken controversial positions, is now actually working against me", Soros said.

One of his sons, Robert, weighed in on the issue:

"He’s become demonized by one community because he’s synonymous with liberal causes", said Robert Soros.

Documentary director Jesse Dylan said that the billionaire’s work and projects anger "authoritarian" politicians, who "unfairly control freedom".

"These are the forces attacking him", Dylan noted.

The Puppet-Master

From Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan; former Malaysian president Najib Razak; Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and US President Donald Trump – many world leaders have accused Soros of attempting to destabilize political regimes in their countries by funding anti-government organizations.

Soros has been dubbed by some conservatives a powerful puppet-master who sows chaos. This allegation reportedly came following the 1992 withdrawal of the British pound from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. Soros was an investor who, like may others, bet against the British currency. The subsequent collapse of the pound, although no fault of his, is said to have earned him over $1 billion.

More recently, Soros has been accused by conservative voices of funding Black Lives Matter protests in the United States and across the world. Trump alleged this summer that Soros was funding the antifa movement, while Trump supporter Newt Gingrich accused the philanthropist of stealing a re-election victory from Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Soros has repeatedly criticized Trump, this summer describing the Republican as a "dangerous man" who will do anything to remain in office.

According to a financial report from Soros’ charity network, Open Society Foundations, the organization spent more on federal lobbying during Trump’s tenure than it did when Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama were in office. According to a Fox News report, Soros donated at least $32 million of his personal fortune to the Democratic party and aligned causes.


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373d2c No.146345

File: 1efaf3118a10ad4⋯.jpg (160.73 KB,603x1057,603:1057,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 03662b364403321⋯.jpg (189.95 KB,601x1080,601:1080,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ffb53eae23a8166⋯.jpg (26.6 KB,802x160,401:80,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 12776bde5e5e953⋯.pdf (633.59 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: ae5b24aaeb6726e⋯.png (153.74 KB,1681x940,1681:940,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699460 (190100ZNOV20) Notable: Turtle allows half the SES State Officials up for confirmation through

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Turtle allows half the SES State Officials up for confirmation through

nominated in Mid September by Chairman Risch, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (who is having SCIF on UAE arm sales tomorrow)



interesting set of people who weren't present for cloture/confirmation of circuit judges



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373d2c No.146346

File: 9555a7504ac052b⋯.png (1.95 MB,1688x1234,844:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699466 (190100ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Hillary Clinton demands to know why DNC didn’t cheat this hard for her

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373d2c No.146347

File: 5d988d80e7fcd73⋯.png (1.01 MB,1216x1344,19:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699489 (190101ZNOV20) Notable: NEW BILL BINNEY

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373d2c No.146348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699502 (190102ZNOV20) Notable: pb POTUS: "I love the circles!" (Cap)

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>>146320 POTUS: "I love the circles!"

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373d2c No.146349

File: ff90256e91f8369⋯.png (301.1 KB,669x332,669:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699536 (190105ZNOV20) Notable: Australian special forces soldiers allegedly involved in up to 39 unlawful killings: Afghanistan war report

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Australian special forces soldiers allegedly involved in up to 39 unlawful killings: Afghanistan war report

There is "credible information" that Australian special forces soldiers killed 39 civilians or prisoners in the Afghanistan War and a long-running inquiry into the possible war crimes recommends police launch criminal investigations into the actions of 19 current or former soldiers.

The "brutal truths" the Prime Minister warned were coming in the release of a four-year long military investigation into rumours of a toxic warrior culture in the Special Air Services Regiment have been realised.

Even the redacted report by NSW Supreme Court judge Major General Paul Brereton makes chilling reading as it delves into the heart of darkness in Afghanistan where patrol leaders ordered underlings to murder prisoners to 'blood" them.

It says there is credible information of 23 incidents where "one or more" non-combatants or prisoners were killed "by or at the direction of Special Operations Task group in circumstances which, if accepted by a jury, 'would be the war crime of murder'." In another two the inquiry finds if accepted "would be the war crime of cruel treatment".

Of the 36 matters that the inquiry recommends be referred to the AFP for criminal investigation they relate to "23 incidents that involve a total of 19 individuals".

'None of these are incidents of disputable decisions made under pressure of the heat of battle'

The inquiry found the soldiers sought to cover their crimes by using "throwdowns" – usually pistols, ammunition, grenades, or hand held radios - to be placed on the bodies to make claims the victim was "enemy killed in action". To conceal deliberate unlawful killings.

And they were in no doubt what they were doing was wrong.

"None of these are incidents of disputable decisions made under pressure of the heat of battle," the inquiry report says. "The inquiry did not encounter a single witness who claimed to be under the misunderstanding as to what was prohibited."

The inquiry finds it would be a "gross distortion" to blame poor command and leadership. The decisions lay with the "the criminal behaviour of a few was commenced, committed, continued and concealed at the patrol commander level, that is corporal or sergeant".

Their motivation was to 'clear" the battlefield of people believed to be insurgents, regardless of the Law of armed conflict; to blood new members of the patrol and troop; and to outscore other patrols in the number of enemy killed in action achieved.

Apart from recommending criminal prosecutions the inquiry goes further to say that the Special Operations Task Group should have its Meritorious Unit Citation revoked.

It also recommends the review of distinguished services awards given to commanders who are at the centre of "any substantial incident referred to in the report".


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373d2c No.146350

File: 02ba25f8171e71f⋯.png (65.63 KB,1161x211,1161:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a6d2563946e659⋯.png (133.69 KB,1194x477,398:159,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d9ae46f74d71c8⋯.png (47.73 KB,580x255,116:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 10659d3a19a8fc6⋯.png (48.74 KB,640x424,80:53,Clipboard.png)

File: a69c55f7ff3619b⋯.png (57.57 KB,538x506,269:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699556 (190106ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Twitter Archive v2.0 missing some tweets

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Trump Twitter Archive v2.0 missing some twats

in this case a deleted twat from 11/18/19

the search is also focked

Potus typo today


search 2.0 for 'nt and get nothing

search for would and todays twat doesn't show at all

Nov 18, 2019 11:01:42 AM Just finished a very good & cordial meeting at the White House with Jay Powell of the Federal Reserve. Everything was discussed including interest rates, negative interest, low inflation, easing, Dollar strength & its effect on manufacturing, trade with China, E.U. & others, etc. [Twitter for iPhone]

Nov 18, 2019 10:49:55 AM Just finished a very good & cordial meeting at the White House with Jay Powell of the Federal Reserve. Everything was discused including interest rates, negative interest, low inflation, easing, Dollar strength & its effect on manufacturing, trade with China, E.U. & others, etc.

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373d2c No.146351

File: cfdc24c014026da⋯.png (635.42 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699573 (190107ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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373d2c No.146352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699575 (190107ZNOV20) Notable: Wisconsin Elections Commission Special Teleconference Meeting

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373d2c No.146353

File: 5044a9688106c44⋯.png (29.08 KB,960x200,24:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 5272aa42a85d0a6⋯.png (136.44 KB,1887x883,1887:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b506f3c16c1733⋯.png (97.4 KB,978x711,326:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699580 (190108ZNOV20) Notable: YouTube just suspended account with "YesQ" Timber video

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YouTube just suspended account with "YesQ" Timber video

I was able to grab video views chart from original post date to now.


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373d2c No.146354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699676 (190113ZNOV20) Notable: Apple to pay $113 million to settle state investigation into iPhone ‘batterygate’

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Apple to pay $113 million to settle state investigation into iPhone ‘batterygate’

(COLUMBIA, S.C.) – Attorney General Alan Wilson, along with a coalition of over 30 other attorneys general led by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, and Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill, announced a $113 million settlement with Apple, Inc. regarding Apple’s 2016 decision to throttle consumers’ iPhone speeds in order to address unexpected shutdowns in some iPhones.

Based on the multistate investigation, the attorneys general allege that Apple discovered that battery issues were leading to unexpected shutdowns in iPhones. Rather than disclosing these issues or replacing batteries, however, Apple concealed the issues from consumers. Apple’s concealment ultimately led to a software update in December 2016 that reduced iPhone performance in an effort to keep the phones from unexpectedly shutting down.

The attorneys general allege that Apple’s concealment of the battery issues and decision to throttle the performance of consumers’ iPhones led to Apple profiting from selling additional iPhones to consumers whose phone performance Apple had slowed.

“This scheme hit iPhone customers with phones that worked slowly or shut down unexpectedly and caused a lot of people to shell out money for new phones when they should not have needed to,” Attorney General Wilson said. “Having your phone shut down in the middle of a call is like having no phone at all. Apple is a huge and respected company but its conduct in this case was unacceptable.”

Under the settlement, Apple will pay South Carolina $1,815,511.36. In addition to the monetary payment, Apple also must provide truthful information to consumers about iPhone battery health, performance, and power management. Apple must provide this important information in various forms on its website, in update installation notes, and in the iPhone user interface itself. Apple recently also entered into a proposed settlement of a consumer class action litigation related to the same conduct. If the settlement is approved by the court, consumers who are affected will be contacted about how to get compensation under that separate class action lawsuit. Approximately 1,378,000 iPhones in South Carolina were affected.

Read more: http://www.scag.gov/archives/41637#ixzz6eC9ASv4H


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373d2c No.146355

File: f8038eb95894256⋯.jpg (169.51 KB,1080x1121,1080:1121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699678 (190114ZNOV20) Notable: ANONS WATCH WI LIVE TELECONFERENCE RIGHT NOW!!!!

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373d2c No.146356

File: 49110d5aa343ab1⋯.jpeg (355.96 KB,828x1079,828:1079,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699681 (190114ZNOV20) Notable: lb, Tiny owl in Rockefeller center Christmas tree Comms?? BASIC DECODE names list

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373d2c No.146357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699682 (190114ZNOV20) Notable: ANONS WATCH WI LIVE TELECONFERENCE RIGHT NOW!!!!

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373d2c No.146358

File: 0c7ba184bdfe69f⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1125x1864,1125:1864,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699706 (190116ZNOV20) Notable: China Berates Australia: Bow Down to Beijing’s Might and Ignore the U.S.

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can you believe the nerve of these chinese communist party sock puppets?


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373d2c No.146359

File: e7a4a9943838e7d⋯.png (93.33 KB,830x700,83:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699708 (190116ZNOV20) Notable: More has been released about the server seizure in Germany

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FromThe Daily Doom

More has been released about the server seizure in Germany

I have been skeptical about this because it "cannot happen". However, if it DID happen, it ONLY happened because somehow, somewhere, there was a complete chain of people that were not compromised. A lotto win so to speak - MAKE ME EAT CROW PLEASE.

I am still too skeptical to say more. Hopefully that will be what Rudy covers today, But the fact remains that the system is so compromised that even if this does break it is doubtful anything will be done about it, even in the supreme court.

NewsVax covered this, but I refuse to link to an outfit that speaks the truth out of one side of it's mouth while issuing vaccine death out the other. I don't trust them and believe they absolutely would push hopium to squelch public outrage until it is too late.

Recent developments have made how bad it is obvious.

This is a fact, and no one can deny it: Our current political situation is so bad that the people in charge are prepping the United States for genocide, and the entire "white privilege" thing is part of it. I did not realize this, but yesterday I happened across documented proof that before communists commit genocide, they have always, every single time, called the targets of their genocide "privileged."

So now we have an obvious fraudulent vote certified in Michigan, where they KNEW it was fraudulent and certified a count that had more votes than voters, AND THEY KNEW IT, we have a situation where a communist who has stated 220 million dead Americans twice will likely be vice president and is fist bumping Lindsey Graham, who we desperately need to have on our side, - a situation where another aspect of communist takeover - police who support the thugs and looters is now the norm, a situation where Ocasio can openly call for the complete destruction of Trump "and his enablers" and not be forced to clarify - a situation where the people who are going to do the genocide can go on national television and say that everyone who voted Trump is logged as doing so, and will not be around to vote in the next election, ALL OF THAT has been run through this site and the people saying these things are in charge of the government. They are the ones Trump has to have say this election was rigged and then approve of action to correct it. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. And as a result, we get Michigan certifying a vote that clearly has more votes than voters, and no one among the communists bats an eye.

We are in trouble.

It is not that there is not proof of rampant fraud, there is. It is not that there is not proof America did not even tabulate its own election on American soil - There is. It's not that there is not proof the probable incoming president hates the United States and is guilty of treason - there is. And no big truth bomb is going to fix that at this point, every damn person who could do something about this already knows all of this, and no one is doing anything to stop it. No one is doing anything to stop it because the infiltration of the United States by communists is THAT DEEP.

People need to consider what has happened thus far. We are clearly in a system so corrupt these people could be caught in broad daylight robbing banks or even wiping out a stadium with a flame thrower, be fully identified as the ones who did it, and the media would bury it, the prosecutors would not prosecute, they would release, and tomorrow would look the same as today except for the dead and maimed. And all of this is obviously going to land in a supreme court controlled by a swamp critter. Every safety, check, and balance is ruptured.

So "The Kraken was released" and Michigan certifies a known fraudulent vote, that EVERYONE knew was fraudulent. And the media rejoiced. So Rudy is supposed to do a huge drop today that is going to fix everything. Don't bet on it, BET AGAINST IT, no matter how damning it is, we are, after all, now living in a system that can openly call to destroy us without consequence, take action to destroy us by burning cities without consequence, - a system so bad the police place bricks for the rioters, without consequence, - and people still have hope that some big drop by Rudy is going to change anything? WAKE UP.


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373d2c No.146360

File: daaa27f2815f8db⋯.png (88.04 KB,749x867,749:867,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bd5c049ed64ac1⋯.png (41.48 KB,752x529,752:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699709 (190116ZNOV20) Notable: Texas Physician Sentenced for Multi-Million Medicare Fraud Scheme

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Texas Physician Sentenced for Multi-Million Medicare Fraud Scheme


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373d2c No.146361

File: cccc548b1670020⋯.png (512.24 KB,1613x2214,1613:2214,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b0171a9bc28774⋯.png (205.22 KB,1006x855,1006:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699715 (190116ZNOV20) Notable: Twitter Hires One Of The World's Most Respected Hackers As Its Head Of Security

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>>146302 lb

>>146307 lb

Twitter Hires One Of The World's Most Respected Hackers As Its Head Of Security


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373d2c No.146362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11699728 (190117ZNOV20) Notable: Twitter Hires One Of The World's Most Respected Hackers As Its Head Of Security

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373d2c No.146363

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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