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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

4f97e4 No.189 [View All]

03NOV20 to 04NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 801 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4f97e4 No.135049

File: caece0bc2689e46⋯.png (15.63 KB,665x141,665:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440242 (040156ZNOV20) Notable: Crowds gather near White House for Election Night protests

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Crowds gather near White House for Election Night protests

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4f97e4 No.135050

File: 4ce474b65024c8c⋯.png (27.86 KB,598x317,598:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440267 (040157ZNOV20) Notable: In an upset, Republican Barbara Ann Fenton-Fung has ousted Rhode Island's Democratic House speaker, Nicholas Mattiello.

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The Election Wizard

Man mage


Bill Kole



: In an upset, Republican Barbara Ann Fenton-Fung has ousted Rhode Island's Democratic House speaker, Nicholas Mattiello. #ripolitics

7:45 PM · Nov 3, 2020·Twitter Web Ap


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4f97e4 No.135051

File: 322cf0ee35f6eff⋯.png (231.44 KB,525x423,175:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440319 (040159ZNOV20) Notable: "DO NOT WORRY ABOUT EARLY VOTING RESULTS THAT WILL TREND HEAVILY TOWARD #BIDEN! As Today's MASSIVE TURNOUT of In-Person Voters Is Counted, You Will RAPIDLY SEE @realDonaldTrump CATCH & THEN SURPASS #Biden For An HISTORIC WIN"

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>Okay Anons…

>I getting nervous. I have faith but I'm getting nervous.


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4f97e4 No.135052

File: 90fb0e4bf996ca5⋯.png (13.33 KB,767x146,767:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440393 (040202ZNOV20) Notable: Meltdown! NY Times Columnists Suffer Psychotic Break as Election Day Arrives

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Meltdown! NY Times Columnists Suffer Psychotic Break as Election Day Arrives

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4f97e4 No.135053

File: cf15fbf3c356b7e⋯.jpg (40.2 KB,680x508,170:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440448 (040204ZNOV20) Notable: If I read that right, Hispanics are breaking big for Trump.

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Cerno Retweeted

Nick Flor-ProfessorF




If I read that right, Hispanics are breaking big for Trump. I blame it all on that that freaking mind-infecting song:

"Yo voy a votar por Donald Trump"


Kristen Soltis Anderson


· 11m

It’s early and so DISCLAIMER this would very well change throughout the night, but this is like a @reihan fever dream: bringing together rural areas with urban/nonwhite voters on the right while the left consolidates upscale college educated suburbanites.

Kristen Soltis Anderson


· 11m

It’s early and so DISCLAIMER this would very well change throughout the night, but this is like a @reihan fever dream: bringing together rural areas with urban/nonwhite voters on the right while the left consolidates upscale college educated suburbanites.

6:50 PM · Nov 3, 2020·Twitter for iPad

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4f97e4 No.135054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440464 (040204ZNOV20) Notable: "BREAKING: TEXAS CD2 @DanCrenshawTX PROJECTED WINNER!

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"BREAKING: TEXAS CD2 @DanCrenshawTX PROJECTED WINNER!" https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1323807475225735168

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4f97e4 No.135055

File: 486a36bd891775b⋯.png (22.81 KB,602x397,602:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440557 (040208ZNOV20) Notable: #UPDATE: Trump pulls ahead in Va. – HERE IT COMES

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#UPDATE: Trump pulls ahead in Va.

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4f97e4 No.135056

File: e06d594c62818f3⋯.png (21.77 KB,534x244,267:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 74d470c27109dbc⋯.png (16.75 KB,528x153,176:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440568 (040209ZNOV20) Notable: With0%of votes reporting, the Associated Press calls New York for @JoeBiden at 9 p.m.

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With 0% of votes reporting, the Associated Press calls New York for @JoeBiden at 9 p.m.


BREAKING: Joe Biden wins New York. #APracecall at 9:00 p.m. EST.


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4f97e4 No.135057

File: 36807c13dd43e89⋯.jpg (155.99 KB,967x672,967:672,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440583 (040209ZNOV20) Notable: Police scuffle with BLM protesters as THOUSANDS gather outside the White House in demonstration they'd 'planned for months'

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Police scuffle with BLM protesters as THOUSANDS gather outside the White House in demonstration they'd 'planned for months' - and they threaten to stay for weeks if Trump is re-elected

Thousands of protesters began to descend on Black Lives Matter Plaza a block from the White House on Tuesday evening preparing for a night of demonstrations even as many states still have hours to go until polling stations close.

As night fell on Tuesday, D.C. police lined the streets in preparation for the first signs of incoming results with an early scuffle between cops and protesters taking place around 5.15pm after demonstrators failed to comply with police orders to move a demonstration vehicle that was illegally parked.

The skirmish led to one arrest as more protesters began to gather despite the 'non-scalable' fence now surround the perimeter of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and secret service agents patrolling the area, according to NBC.

Cops escorted a truck of musical performers as Shutdown D.C. and Black Lives Matter began their demonstrations to 'start this next phase of the election cycle in the streets', with threats to continue the unrest for weeks if Trump is re-elected.

The groups have planned an eight-hour event at Black Lives Matter Plaza that will include a giant screen showing election results, DJs and performances by bands playing Washington's signature go-go music. A new report claims that they 'planned for months' to launch a new wave of protests from election night.

While some Trump supporters were present, they were vastly outnumbered by anti-Trump protesters.


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4f97e4 No.135058

File: 3e7698369ab7d81⋯.png (383.96 KB,595x663,35:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440610 (040211ZNOV20) Notable: Delaware elects Sarah McBride, first openly trans state senator in the US

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Delaware elects Sarah McBride, first openly trans state senator in the US https://trib.al/pjIYsLA

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4f97e4 No.135059

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440618 (040211ZNOV20) Notable: Don't close the book on Virginia just yet.

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The Election WizardMan mage


Don't close the book on Virginia just yet.

7:58 PM · Nov 3, 2020·Twitter Web App




Quote Tweets



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4f97e4 No.135060

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440638 (040211ZNOV20) Notable: #14611

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>>135038 LIVE - Steve Bannon Warroom

>>135039 Projection on St John's church - We are many, they are few

>>135040 Fulton election results delayed after pipe bursts in room with ballots

>>135041 hangin' wit dilley, _ffrank and adel til they hand us the trophy…

>>135042 VIRGINIA 81% reporting Trump at 58.4

>>135043 Houston woman turned away from polls after being told she already voted

>>135044 The @nytimes Election Needles As Of 7:41PM CDT

>>135045 2020 Results Update: TRUMP Wins Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia

>>135046 2 house seats in Miami-Dade have flipped.

>>135047 Biden isn’t going to win Texas, folks.

>>135048 ‘Mixed bag’: Kim Dotcom says he wants 'take US to task' on extradition request after court pays way for handover subject to review

>>135049 Crowds gather near White House for Election Night protests

>>135050 In an upset, Republican Barbara Ann Fenton-Fung has ousted Rhode Island's Democratic House speaker, Nicholas Mattiello.


>>135052 Meltdown! NY Times Columnists Suffer Psychotic Break as Election Day Arrives

>>135053 If I read that right, Hispanics are breaking big for Trump.


>>135055 #UPDATE: Trump pulls ahead in Va. – HERE IT COMES

>>135056 With0%of votes reporting, the Associated Press calls New York for @JoeBiden at 9 p.m.

>>135057 Police scuffle with BLM protesters as THOUSANDS gather outside the White House in demonstration they'd 'planned for months'

>>135058 Delaware elects Sarah McBride, first openly trans state senator in the US

>>135059 Don't close the book on Virginia just yet.

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4f97e4 No.135061

File: 3c57ca1eb7aa15a⋯.png (24.09 KB,786x244,393:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 12e3bae01b1a59b⋯.png (7.19 KB,617x82,617:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e2aa8da2ff2a04⋯.png (52.06 KB,767x490,767:490,Clipboard.png)

File: f2638acbbb96516⋯.png (20.73 KB,516x246,86:41,Clipboard.png)

File: af630f91f6bda2e⋯.png (9.27 KB,848x108,212:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440732 (040216ZNOV20) Notable: REDDIT SEETHING OVER FLORIDA WIN AND WANTS TO DEPORT CUBANS KEK

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4f97e4 No.135062

File: 031baffe6a5b259⋯.png (114.45 KB,598x637,46:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440738 (040216ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Trump is presently leading in Flint, Michigan

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The Election Wizard


BREAKING: Trump is presently leading in Flint, Michigan (Genesee County).


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4f97e4 No.135063

File: ddf7015ccc997e0⋯.png (189.13 KB,602x831,602:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440748 (040216ZNOV20) Notable: Socialistic, Marxist Drivel from the prospective Vice President.

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Rob Schneider


Socialistic, Marxist Drivel from the prospective Vice President.

America’s promise is equality & opportunity for all! It is NOT a promise of the SAME OUTCOME for ALL! It is YOUR individual HARD WORK and SWEAT & TALENT that determines your success!

A ‘big difference’ indeed!

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4f97e4 No.135064

File: 57b5072b61d40ce⋯.png (126.68 KB,621x583,621:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440786 (040218ZNOV20) Notable: Current House 55-GOP - 38-D

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Current House 55-GOP - 38-D



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4f97e4 No.135065

File: 3d02e124bdb36de⋯.png (34.8 KB,594x276,99:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440842 (040220ZNOV20) Notable: I'm honored to be elected as the next representative for Texas' 13th Congressional District. I'll NEVER back down to the liberal mobs, and I'll be the strong conservative leader that you DESERVE. I promise I'll make you proud! Thank you #TX13!

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Ronny Jackson twat

I'm honored to be elected as the next representative for Texas' 13th Congressional District. I'll NEVER back down to the liberal mobs, and I'll be the strong conservative leader that you DESERVE. I promise I'll make you proud! Thank you #TX13!


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4f97e4 No.135066

File: 11bd4730d80b657⋯.png (568.36 KB,648x650,324:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440845 (040220ZNOV20) Notable: 2020 Election: Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson wins Texas House seat

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2020 Election: Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson wins Texas House seat

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4f97e4 No.135067

File: 61f9681e73ff01f⋯.jpg (158.92 KB,720x1118,360:559,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440865 (040220ZNOV20) Notable: Fulton County, Georgia's largest county (and home to Atlanta), has its election results delayed after a WATER PIPE burst in a room with ballots

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Fulton County, Georgia's largest county (and home to Atlanta), has its election results delayed after a WATER PIPE burst in a room with ballots


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4f97e4 No.135068

File: 92fcc6da877129e⋯.jpg (19.58 KB,474x292,237:146,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f50edf160cebca⋯.jpg (138.64 KB,780x575,156:115,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 974ed3908f870b7⋯.jpg (44.58 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 974ed3908f870b7⋯.jpg (44.58 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11440909 (040222ZNOV20) Notable: Laura Loomer defeated

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Laura Loomer defeated

Frankel wins (she eeerily looks like Epstein )


Frankel defeats Loomer in Florida House race

Cristina Marcos 1 hr ago

Fox News introduces the Probability Meter to Democracy 2020 coverage

NBC News projects Joe Biden will win Vermont, other states too early to call

The Hill logoFrankel defeats Loomer in Florida House race

Lois Frankel wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera: Frankel defeats Loomer in Florida House race© The Hill Frankel defeats Loomer in Florida House race

Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.) easily defeated Laura Loomer, a far-right provocateur and activist, on Tuesday in a Palm Beach-area district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate.

The district is heavily Democratic, but Loomer, who has been banned from multiple social media and technology platforms for incendiary comments about Muslims, won the GOP primary and gained Trump's support over the summer.

Frankel has served in the House since 2013 and is a co-chair of the Democratic Women's Caucus, which promotes policies geared toward women as part of the Democratic agenda. She previously served in the Florida state House and as mayor of West Palm Beach.

Loomer, a self-described "proud Islamophobe," has been banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Lyft and Uber for violating rules against hate speech. Loomer made a point of listing all the platforms from which she is banned on her campaign website, arguing that she was kicked off of them "because of her effectiveness."

"Someone needs to create a non-Islamic form of @uber or @lyft because I never want to support another Islamic immigrant driver," Loomer tweeted in 2017.

That same year, Loomer retweeted an article from The Nation about how more than 2,000 migrants had died crossing the Mediterranean Sea. "Good. Here's to 2,000 more," Loomer wrote, adding an applause emoji.

She also accused the student survivors of the 2018 shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla., of "reading a screen or notes someone else wrote for them."

In addition, Loomer interrupted a House hearing to accuse Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of trying to influence the 2018 midterm elections to help the Democratic Party.

Trump embraced Loomer after her primary victory, adding to House GOP headaches of numerous candidates this year embracing fringe views and conspiracy theories.

"Great going Laura. You have a great chance against a Pelosi puppet!" Trump tweeted in August, referring to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Loomer was also endorsed by Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.).

While Loomer was a long shot to win in a Democratic stronghold, the House GOP conference is still expected to include more fringe voices in the next session of Congress that begins in January.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has praised the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory in the past, is expected to win election to represent a deep-red open seat in Georgia. House GOP leaders previously condemned Greene's videos expressing racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic views before she won the GOP primary.

Greene said in a Fox News interview in August that she longer associates with QAnon after finding "misinformation."

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4f97e4 No.135069

File: 93329b37ed5b253⋯.png (301.45 KB,854x604,427:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441011 (040225ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING ELECTION UPDATE: CNN Is Walking Back Virginia After Calling it For Trump!

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BREAKING ELECTION UPDATE: CNN Is Walking Back Virginia After Calling it For Trump!

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4f97e4 No.135070

File: 19c28dacfa23038⋯.png (23.92 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441070 (040227ZNOV20) Notable: Biden's lead in OH has now been slashed in half.

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The Election Wizard

Man mage


Biden's lead in OH has now been slashed in half. As I suspected, these are likely the Election Day votes that are now being count. If so, expect OH to flip.

8:21 PM · Nov 3, 2020·Twitter Web App


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4f97e4 No.135071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441102 (040228ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: CNN has recalled their early prediction of Biden winning Virginia. Wow, we could FLIP IT!

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John Reese


BREAKING: CNN has recalled their early prediction of Biden winning Virginia. Wow, we could FLIP IT!

8:27 PM · Nov 3, 2020·Twitter Web App


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4f97e4 No.135072

File: aa4bef407467cde⋯.png (12.04 KB,523x140,523:140,Clipboard.png)

File: 88d1db832a71aa5⋯.png (85.57 KB,517x576,517:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441340 (040236ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Republican Madison Cawthorn wins election to U.S. House in North Carolina's 11th Congressional District.

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Cry more, lib.


BREAKING: Republican Madison Cawthorn wins election to U.S. House in North Carolina's 11th Congressional District.


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4f97e4 No.135073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441382 (040238ZNOV20) Notable: #14612

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>>135063 Socialistic, Marxist Drivel from the prospective Vice President.

>>135062 BREAKING: Trump is presently leading in Flint, Michigan

>>135064 Current House 55-GOP - 38-D

>>135065 I'm honored to be elected as the next representative for Texas' 13th Congressional District. I'll NEVER back down to the liberal mobs, and I'll be the strong conservative leader that you DESERVE. I promise I'll make you proud! Thank you #TX13!

>>135066 2020 Election: Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson wins Texas House seat

>>135067 Fulton County, Georgia's largest county (and home to Atlanta), has its election results delayed after a WATER PIPE burst in a room with ballots

>>135068 Laura Loomer defeated

>>135069 BREAKING ELECTION UPDATE: CNN Is Walking Back Virginia After Calling it For Trump!

>>135071 BREAKING: CNN has recalled their early prediction of Biden winning Virginia. Wow, we could FLIP IT!

>>135070 Biden's lead in OH has now been slashed in half.

>>135072 BREAKING: Republican Madison Cawthorn wins election to U.S. House in North Carolina's 11th Congressional District.

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4f97e4 No.135074

File: 38ae189d170747e⋯.jpg (191.4 KB,1078x1633,1078:1633,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441505 (040243ZNOV20) Notable: Man I love her kek

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Man I love her kek


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4f97e4 No.135075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441561 (040244ZNOV20) Notable: "BREAKING: Betting Odds Have Now Shifted To A 64% Chance Of A @realDonaldTrump WIN!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"BREAKING: Betting Odds Have Now Shifted To A 64% Chance Of A @realDonaldTrump WIN!"https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1323816963202842625

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4f97e4 No.135076

File: 241f5467abc08ba⋯.png (110.58 KB,1208x510,604:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441585 (040245ZNOV20) Notable: Donald Trump is now the betting market favorite to win re-election. He first became the favorite at 920 pm et tonight. Trump first became the favorite at 935 et in 2016.

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Donald Trump is now the betting market favorite to win re-election. He first became the favorite at 920 pm et tonight. Trump first became the favorite at 935 et in 2016.


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4f97e4 No.135077

File: 24e7bb57c5bc4d0⋯.jpg (110.53 KB,985x716,985:716,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441722 (040250ZNOV20) Notable: Martinsville County, VA has shifted right, toward Trump, compared with 2016. We’re still waiting for more votes to be counted in 120 counties.

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Martinsville County, VA has shifted right, toward Trump, compared with 2016. We’re still waiting for more votes to be counted in 120 counties. 2m ago


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4f97e4 No.135078

File: fbdab2325557b13⋯.png (71.29 KB,598x584,299:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441820 (040253ZNOV20) Notable: Chinese yuan tanking

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Chinese yuan tanking

Eyes on!


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4f97e4 No.135079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441828 (040253ZNOV20) Notable: These are election day, not combined totals.

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Praying Medic Retweeted

The Election Wizard🧙‍♂️





These are election day, not combined totals.


The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru


Final Maricopa Election Day Update

Total: 167,764

R: 69,575

D: 35,962

O: 62,267

Here we go.

7:39 PM · Nov 3, 2020·Twitter Web App

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4f97e4 No.135080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441891 (040255ZNOV20) Notable: Twitters stuff

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Replying to


Surprised GOP is only 2:1 over DEM. Thought that would be a bigger lead. Hmmm.

Results Oriented




The ratio is less surprising than the total number





Total number also seems down from what I expected. Maybe I just expected too much.

Johnny V. Melton




Replying to


Are these same day voting?

The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru





Mixed Signals




Replying to


Seems quite low considering the 20% increase in registered voters.

gasping for breath




Replying to


what is this a count of? that's a very small number for Maricopa voters. Only the numbers that went to the polls, not including mail-ins?

Nicholas P. Padula Flag of United States




I think that’s walk up voters not mail in or drop off

The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru




it is

Soccer Thoughts Microbe




Replying to


McSally might survive!!!!

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4f97e4 No.135081

File: bc4d93d8832e7ee⋯.png (5.15 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 9881e0bacd316bd⋯.png (326.57 KB,494x721,494:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11441921 (040256ZNOV20) Notable: One big way it feels like 2016 is the “moving of the needle” from NYT Upshot and Nate Cohn. We kept refreshing and showing @realDonaldTrump the adjustments from “little chance” to “clear victory

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per KAC good sign with “moving of the needle” from NYT

Kellyanne Conway @KellyannePolls

One big way it feels like 2016 is the “moving of the needle” from NYT Upshot and Nate Cohn. We kept refreshing and showing ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ the adjustments from “little chance” to “clear victo


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4f97e4 No.135082

File: 079d0227af96d6b⋯.png (518.42 KB,622x676,311:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442032 (040300ZNOV20) Notable: TONIGHT: In northern Virginia, Fairfax County elections workers arrive in droves carrying sealed boxes we’re told are ballots from drop boxes.

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"TONIGHT: In northern Virginia, Fairfax County elections workers arrive in droves carrying sealed boxes we’re told are ballots from drop boxes.AT 10&11: Elections officials say the ballots in the sealed boxes will be “locked up and counted starting tomorrow”" https://twitter.com/TishaLewis/status/1323814468867031040

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4f97e4 No.135083

File: 916b10d6df9ae45⋯.jpg (116.23 KB,863x629,863:629,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442055 (040300ZNOV20) Notable: Orange County investigates report of fake polling site, complete with ‘I Voted’ stickers

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Orange County investigates report of fake polling site, complete with ‘I Voted’ stickers

Orange County officials said Tuesday that they were investigating reports that someone established a fake voting center in Westminster, accepted ballots and handed out phony “I Voted” stickers.

Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley said the incident was under investigation by his office and the Orange County district attorney’s office, so he couldn’t comment further. At about 3 p.m., he said officials were “on scene and active right now.”

Video purporting to show the phony voting center was posted on Twitter by Ty Bailey, an organizer with OCForBlackLives, an Instagram account supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. He said they were patrolling neighborhoods looking for voter fraud —"The orange man said to watch the polls, so that’s what we’re doing” — when an activist spotted a “Vote Here” sign written black marker.

Shortly after the video was posted, a Times reporter saw the sign discarded behind the building.

He said he saw people walking in with their ballots and then walking out with “I Voted” stickers, which he described as fake. He called the Registrar of Voters office, which confirmed it’s not an official vote center.

The purported voting center was at an address that is listed as the headquarters of Apogee International, a skincare company owned by Dr. Kimberly Ho, the vice mayor of Westminster who is up for re-election to the city council. A man who answered a phone number for Apogee said that the address was Ho’s campaign headquarters. The man declined to give his name or answer questions about the site’s alleged use as a fake voting center.

“You need to talk with the lawyer,” the man said and would not provide further names or information.

Van Tran, a former state assemblyman who is the attorney for the Ho campaign, acknowledged that people were coming there to drop off ballots.

He also said the office was helping to “advise” voters on how to vote. The boxes in the video were of empty ballot envelopes, he said, not actual ballots.

“It’s a false controversy that the opponents are creating,” Tran said, gesturing to several activists milling about in the parking lot. “There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that any illegality is happening.”

Tran said this was also an effort by the campaign to help bridge a cultural barrier to voting with the local Vietnamese community.

“Fellow countrymen and countrywomen who speak the language, offering a service that no other government agency provides,” he said.

Activists in the parking lot said they had no relationship with Ho’s campaign opponents.

“I don’t even know who her opponent is,” said Justin Frazier, an activist with Clarity O.C., which describes itself as a grassroots voter engagement organization.


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4f97e4 No.135084

File: b59dbce65c5d8b1⋯.png (25.74 KB,569x213,569:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442100 (040302ZNOV20) Notable: "So something’s up with Virginia, with some outlets retracting their call for Biden, but no one’s really mentioning it on TV. What the hell is going on?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@HeyTammyBruce "So something’s up with Virginia, with some outlets retracting their call for Biden, but no one’s really mentioning it on TV. What the hell is going on?" https://twitter.com/HeyTammyBruce/status/1323818078237532160

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4f97e4 No.135085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442132 (040303ZNOV20) Notable: #14613

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>>135074 Man I love her kek

>>135075 "BREAKING: Betting Odds Have Now Shifted To A 64% Chance Of A @realDonaldTrump WIN!"

>>135076 Donald Trump is now the betting market favorite to win re-election. He first became the favorite at 920 pm et tonight. Trump first became the favorite at 935 et in 2016.

>>135077 Martinsville County, VA has shifted right, toward Trump, compared with 2016. We’re still waiting for more votes to be counted in 120 counties.

>>135078 Chinese yuan tanking

>>135079 These are election day, not combined totals.

>>135080 Twitters stuff

>>135081 One big way it feels like 2016 is the “moving of the needle” from NYT Upshot and Nate Cohn. We kept refreshing and showing @realDonaldTrump the adjustments from “little chance” to “clear victory

>>135082 TONIGHT: In northern Virginia, Fairfax County elections workers arrive in droves carrying sealed boxes we’re told are ballots from drop boxes.

>>135083 Orange County investigates report of fake polling site, complete with ‘I Voted’ stickers

>>135084 "So something’s up with Virginia, with some outlets retracting their call for Biden, but no one’s really mentioning it on TV. What the hell is going on?"

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4f97e4 No.135086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442227 (040307ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING!! Trump has taken the lead in PA.

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Trump has taken the lead in PA.

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4f97e4 No.135087

File: dac6b2314611a8b⋯.png (428.67 KB,625x614,625:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442288 (040309ZNOV20) Notable: Greg Pence, Brother of Vice President Pence, Wins Indiana Congressional Reelection

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Greg Pence, Brother of Vice President Pence, Wins Indiana Congressional Reelection


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4f97e4 No.135088

File: 2887b1151c0ec9c⋯.png (58.56 KB,673x482,673:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442336 (040311ZNOV20) Notable: China Tanking - Biden Tanking Soon

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China Tanking

Biden Tanking Soon

https: //twitter.com/Birdyword/status/1323818411416145928

Chinese yuan tanking

Timmmmberrrrrr !!

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4f97e4 No.135089

File: 93be94e3dc0f970⋯.png (532.08 KB,620x660,31:33,Clipboard.png)

File: c9a28f99421e098⋯.png (617.85 KB,721x522,721:522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442338 (040311ZNOV20) Notable: AP: Lindsey Graham Wins Reelection

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AP: Lindsey Graham Wins Reelection

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4f97e4 No.135090

File: 40e7b7c8c4713f8⋯.jpeg (332.03 KB,1125x1880,225:376,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442347 (040311ZNOV20) Notable: Updated Betting Odds

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Updated Betting Odds

PDJT: 72%

Biden: 28%

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4f97e4 No.135091

File: 41e39dabebf75b4⋯.png (24.2 KB,783x203,27:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442369 (040312ZNOV20) Notable: A lot of pollsters are shit. Thanks. That’s all.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A lot of pollsters are shit. Thanks. That’s all.


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4f97e4 No.135092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442372 (040312ZNOV20) Notable: President Donald J. #Trump has captured the lead in #Pennsylvania.

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Must win.

The Election Wizard🧙‍♂️





President Donald J. #Trump has captured the lead in #Pennsylvania.

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4f97e4 No.135093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442398 (040312ZNOV20) Notable: "CNN walked back calling VA!"

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"CNN walked back calling VA!"https://twitter.com/CassandraRules/status/1323817048539951104

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4f97e4 No.135094

File: 62dd91d4ecaf91f⋯.png (42.68 KB,589x393,589:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442421 (040313ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS is up in Florida by almost 400,000 votes with more than 90% of precincts reporting. Why haven’t networks called the race?

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is up in Florida by almost 400,000 votes with more than 90% of precincts reporting. Why haven’t networks called the race? It’s a done deal and the refusal to recognize the obvious speaks volumes about the (lack of) objectivity of these outlets.

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4f97e4 No.135095

File: 76b63bf844b7d3b⋯.jpg (358.54 KB,1080x1671,360:557,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442448 (040314ZNOV20) Notable: So this certainly will come into play right?

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So this certainly will come into play right?


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4f97e4 No.135096

File: 409fc053c59629a⋯.png (51.74 KB,783x347,783:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442453 (040314ZNOV20) Notable: Know that our defense of #elections doesn't end tonight - this is an enduring mission for the Command and Agency, with election security integrated into our daily operations.

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General Paul M. Nakasone

Know that our defense of #elections doesn't end tonight - this is an enduring mission for the Command and Agency, with election security integrated into our daily operations.

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4f97e4 No.135097

File: 0c0de8e55956e79⋯.png (492.19 KB,498x362,249:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11442534 (040317ZNOV20) Notable: Epstein's Notorious $20 Million Palm Beach Mansion To Be Demolished

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Epstein's Notorious $20 Million Palm Beach Mansion To Be Demolished

Jeffrey Epstein's $20 million Palm Beach mansion where hundreds of underage girls were trafficked and sexually assaulted by the now deceased pedophile and his visitors, and which was featured heavily in the 4-hour Netflix documentary series Filthy Rich is set to be demolished by a Florida real estate developer.

A developer named Todd Michael Glaser was identified in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday as having purchased the notorious property after it was put on the market for an almost $22 million asking price in July. It's believed the closing price was about $18 million.

However area residents have wanted it gone for some time. After the deal is finalized in the coming weeks Glaser said he'll demolish it and erect a 14,000-square-foot Art Moderne home in its place.

"Palm Beach is going to be very happy that [Epstein’s home] is gone," he commented to the WSJ.

Epstein bought the six-bedroom home which is about 14,000 square feet in 1990 for $2.5 million. The deceased billionaire also assaulted young girls at properties across the US and the Caribbean, including a massive ranch property in New Mexico, his $88 million Manhattan townhouse, as well as what was branded 'Pedo Island' of Little St. James in the US Virgin Islands.

According to the WSJ report the New York home on the Upper East Side is still on the market at an asking price of $88 million.

However, given the whopping price tag combined with the weirdness factor of owning a home associated with rape and sex trafficking of minors, we doubt there will be any takers.

The home magazine Town & Country previously summarized the shady dealings of how the New York home was acquired in the first place:

Records show that the title for this Beaux Arts mansion was transferred to Epstein from his sometime mentor and client Les Wexner in 1996 for $0. The exact reasoning behind this generous gift is a mystery but various reports throughout the years have painted a picture of what the home was like on the inside.

And among the bizarre and perverse things found included "a massive mural of a prison yard, a massage table with sex toys and lubricant, a life-size female doll hanging from a chandelier, a sculpture of a naked African warrior, a room covered in leather, and a stuffed black poodle perched on a grand piano, along with the nude photographs that the FBI apparently turned up in a safe," according to the magazine.


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4f97e4 No.135098

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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