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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

8a1783 No.188 [View All]

02NOV20 to 03NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 775 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8a1783 No.134298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421183 (030517ZNOV20) Notable: #14587

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>>134289 POTUS on Vienna terrorist attack

>>134292 Video of Pence saying "We found the plug; and we're going to pull it tomorrow."

>>134290 Q #123: Think mirror, what is a map. Hunter pic of finger lake map tattoo in mirror.

>>134293 PF reports

>>134294 Joe Biden gave the last speech of his presidential campaign just like Hillary Clinton did four years ago: with a rally headlined by pop star Lady Gaga…

>>134291 October Happenings Calendar

>>134295 Biden tells supporters not to suicide because he needs them.

>>134296 Anon on POTUS's song choice tonight - Major Tom by David Bowie

>>134297 Three Pennsylvania residents killed when small plane crashes during flight from North Carolina to New York

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8a1783 No.134299

File: 411e74bb3eb44b1⋯.jpg (81.09 KB,806x672,403:336,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421281 (030524ZNOV20) Notable: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms

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Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms

Joe Biden's Twitter account got a sizable boost beginning in August from tens of thousands of fake followers purchased on the open market from troll farms in rural India, an investigation has found.

Within two weeks of Biden selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate on August 12, his Twitter following jumped by 738,595 new followers—a 9.1 percent leap. The number hit 11 million by the third week of October.

A close examination has revealed unusual patterns. A large number of Twitter accounts that followed Biden's appear to have been created exclusively for that purpose. And a large number of the users are located in small towns in rural India—in places where English-speakers are rare, and from handles run by people who don't speak English as their first language, nor appear to be genuinely invested in American politics.

A Zenger News investigation reveals that Biden's increasing social media footprint in India came from the country's infamous troll farms boosting his candidacy.

Kamala Harris's ethic heritage is in part rooted in India, but her share of Indian and apparently Indian followers is far lower, about 0.12 percent.

Some of the operators who worked on the campaign spoke at length about how propaganda agencies in New Delhi and Mumbai activated a widely distributed troll network to amplify Biden's campaign impact on Twitter.


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8a1783 No.134300

File: 71cb9fad80cbf40⋯.png (294.37 KB,535x600,107:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421329 (030527ZNOV20) Notable: Facebook reportedly held off shadow-banning Trump family members during election

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Facebook reportedly held off shadow-banning Trump family members during election


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8a1783 No.134301

File: 8fb715375ed2d5d⋯.png (1.4 MB,1029x699,343:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421351 (030529ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 3, 2020

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POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 3, 2020


9:45AM Depart the White House - South Portico

9:55AM Arrive at RNC Annex - Arlington, VA

10:00AM Visit RNC Annex - Arlington, VA [Closed Press]

10:50AM Depart Arlington, VA

11:00AM Arrive at the White House - South Portico



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8a1783 No.134302

File: e0472b904ea6591⋯.png (540.26 KB,594x661,594:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421362 (030530ZNOV20) Notable: Antifa has broken windows at Portland State University, unlawful assembly declared

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Antifa has broken windows at Portland State University, unlawful assembly declared


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8a1783 No.134303

File: 65fdc6216a57c08⋯.png (480.21 KB,637x680,637:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421364 (030530ZNOV20) Notable: Watch Joe Biden forget the Catholic sign of the cross: "As they say in my faith: Bless me Father for I don't know."

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Watch Joe Biden forget the Catholic sign of the cross:

"As they say in my faith: Bless me Father for I don't know."


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8a1783 No.134304

File: b5e56617d2c6dcb⋯.png (854.36 KB,620x899,20:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421389 (030532ZNOV20) Notable: Map of cities increasing election security - all "peaceful" Democrat

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Oh the peaceful Demrats. VOTE RED


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8a1783 No.134305

File: 360173ed459b316⋯.mp4 (656.03 KB,1056x594,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421404 (030533ZNOV20) Notable: Watch Joe Biden forget the Catholic sign of the cross: "As they say in my faith: Bless me Father for I don't know."

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8a1783 No.134306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421630 (030546ZNOV20) Notable: Don't stress today, Anons. CELEBRATE.

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We won months ago.

People who know the true numbers are sleeping like babies right now, ready to wake up to a day of victory and vindication. Trump is going to take them all like bowling pins. STRIKE.

It will be indefensible.

Democrats later today will begin accusing Trump of somehow cheating, saying that it is impossible that he could have gotten every state. The reality is, is that Trump has made every effort required to get the votes he needs in every state. It worked, because he works hard at we he does.

I have drinks ready and cigars.

The real treat isn’t even the election today.

It will be witnessing the news coming to terms in real time that the last nail in their coffins has been hammered, which I have to say is pretty god damned ironic and poetic.

Steak and Potatoes, with a nice glass of whiskey and finish it off with two fucking scoops of you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Don’t stress today, Anons.

CELEBRATE. We won months ago. Now we sit back, drink a beer, and watch it follow through.

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8a1783 No.134307

File: 485a1c7aa5398ec⋯.png (6.69 KB,277x91,277:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421657 (030549ZNOV20) Notable: 179k watching POTUS' 5th rally of the day!

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179k watching POTUS' 5th rally of the day!

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8a1783 No.134308

File: f0da8c0789b1997⋯.png (301.18 KB,598x571,598:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421665 (030549ZNOV20) Notable: Symbolism will be their downfall.

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8a1783 No.134309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421721 (030552ZNOV20) Notable: Symbolism will be their downfall.

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> Black and white pic

> Pattern of hat and shirt

> Right eye covered, left eye showing

All the symbolism

It will be her downfall

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8a1783 No.134310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421819 (030559ZNOV20) Notable: #14588

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>>134299 Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms

>>134300 Facebook reportedly held off shadow-banning Trump family members during election

>>134301 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 3, 2020

>>134302 Antifa has broken windows at Portland State University, unlawful assembly declared

>>134303 Watch Joe Biden forget the Catholic sign of the cross: "As they say in my faith: Bless me Father for I don't know."

>>134306 Don't stress today, Anons. CELEBRATE.

>>134307 179k watching POTUS' 5th rally of the day!

>>134304 Map of cities increasing election security - all "peaceful" Democrat

>>134308, >>134309 Symbolism will be their downfall.

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8a1783 No.134311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421829 (030600ZNOV20) Notable: Drunk Nancy Pelosi says House is prepared to decide president if election results are disputed

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"Pelosi says House is prepared to decide president if election results are disputed"

http://hill.cm/siWKyZE"' https://''twitter.com/thehill/status/1323486338260361216

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8a1783 No.134312

File: 22a825055767d0d⋯.png (217.93 KB,454x466,227:233,Clipboard.png)

File: f4bdc9450a69552⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421834 (030601ZNOV20) Notable: GTV: UK former PM David Cameron also worked with the CCP on COVID and his dealings are on the second hard drive…

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GTV: UK former PM David Cameron also worked with the CCP on COVID and his dealings are on the second hard drive…

Flag of United States Secure Voting Matters Orange square


Replying to @RichieAllenShow and @o_rips

Everything crashing down as they race to lock the people down

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8a1783 No.134313

File: 3b15312c2c4a55d⋯.jpg (789.56 KB,2560x1707,2560:1707,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b6345c0e771b081⋯.jpg (832.37 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5b5c713e21cf819⋯.jpg (496.43 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 55579d3b4b5be1c⋯.jpg (500.38 KB,1536x1536,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421846 (030601ZNOV20) Notable: Creepy Joe meme material

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Creepy Joe put some meme material in his diary


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8a1783 No.134314

File: 0467003b20fb5ed⋯.png (1.29 MB,1442x974,721:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e84781d8f21e6b⋯.png (595.68 KB,1020x649,1020:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 57faad8a9f94e5f⋯.png (1.06 MB,1026x765,114:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421913 (030605ZNOV20) Notable: PF report

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Call sign DMISE51. Pilatus U-28A Spectre 05-0573 orbiting Cannon AFB at 22,000 feet. Most recent photos of this tail number show it got painted like a civilian aircraft. No longer solid gray paint job.

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8a1783 No.134315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421926 (030606ZNOV20) Notable: Alleged Message from Rush Limbaugh

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Message from Rush Limbaugh:

Ladies and gentlemen, if there was ever a day to turn off all media except for the EIB Network, it is today, because we have reached peak disinformation. I'm gonna make a prediction to you, just to give an example.

Sometime tomorrow - and it may even be before the polls close - there's gonna be a network that will call the race for Joe Biden. And I don't know; they might use exit polling data. Who knows what they'll use, but the effort to suppress Election Day turnout tomorrow is going to be intense. Because, ladies and gentlemen, the people who are professionals in politics know one simple thing. There is nothing that overcomes Election Day turnout. Election Day turnout is how we avoid election fraud.

If we overwhelm the polls on Election Day - and don't be afraid of COVID, wear the mask, do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel safe. Stay six feet away from whoever you're nearest if you go. It's okay. You can do it. Election Day turnout is the best way to overcome election fraud and also the after-election chaos and the counting of votes, the chaos there, is to have so many votes on Election Day that it overwhelms the cheating. That is the magic of Election Day turnout. And don't think that your vote doesn't matter.

I'm not trying to be cliched here. This is absolutely the way we win, Election Day turnout, unless you've already voted. But despite all you've heard about early voting and absentee, the number of people who haven't voted yet is phenomenally high. So just make sure that on Election Day, if you've not early voted, that you get out and turn out because it is how this election is going to be won. And they know it on the left. They know it on the Democrat side.

Let me tell you something. These Trump rallies, these crowds are phenomenal. Even the governor, lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania is saying you can't Photoshop these. I'm looking at a photo now. I was gonna put it on the Dittocam, but by the time it ends up there the resolution would be so off that it would just be a blob of red here. It's 30,000 people in Butler, Pennsylvania. Democrat Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman vocalized a major concern among prominent Democrats alerting his followers to Trump's massive crowd Saturday night in Butler.

He said: "The president is popular in Pennsylvania. I don't care what polls say. With 700K ballots still out there, you need to BANK YOUR BALLOT. Use a Dropbox. Get them in."

They are worried.

Make no mistake: There are elements within the left-wing establishment that would rather see the country destroyed than another Trump term. It's come to that.

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8a1783 No.134316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11421994 (030610ZNOV20) Notable: #14588,

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>>134299 Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms

>>134300 Facebook reportedly held off shadow-banning Trump family members during election

>>134301 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 3, 2020

>>134302 Antifa has broken windows at Portland State University, unlawful assembly declared

>>134303, >>134305 Watch Joe Biden forget the Catholic sign of the cross: "As they say in my faith: Bless me Father for I don't know."

>>134306 Don't stress today, Anons. CELEBRATE.

>>134307 179k watching POTUS' 5th rally of the day!

>>134304 Map of cities increasing election security - all "peaceful" Democrat

>>134308, >>134309 Symbolism will be their downfall.

>>134311 Drunk Nancy Pelosi says House is prepared to decide president if election results are disputed

>>134312 GTV: UK former PM David Cameron also worked with the CCP on COVID and his dealings are on the second hard drive…

>>134313 Creepy Joe meme material

>>134314 PF report

>>134315 Alleged Message from Rush Limbaugh

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8a1783 No.134317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422071 (030617ZNOV20) Notable: Based patriot flies from Maryland to Arizona just to vote

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'So my registration to Vote here in Maryland didn't go through. I was pissed. I checked it out and turns out I am still registered to vote in Arizona. SO I JUST BOOKED A FLIGHT AND I LEAVE IN 2 HOURS.'


>anybody doing this for biden, haha

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8a1783 No.134318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422088 (030619ZNOV20) Notable: Finish strong

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3.5 years


see you all at the finish line


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8a1783 No.134319

File: 6426ef40aeadc98⋯.png (565.77 KB,846x438,141:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 0670a36f90bf7bd⋯.png (117.12 KB,1334x810,667:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422190 (030625ZNOV20) Notable: Europe Preparing to Cancel all Paper Money

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all your deposits and investments are belong to us.

Europe Preparing to Cancel all Paper Money

November 3, 2020

Europe is moving full speed ahead to cancel all outstanding paper money and move to a digital euro. They are doing this to force all money back into the banks and to end the hoarding of cash. I strongly recommend anyone looking to keep cash around swap to the US dollar ASAP.

Our model projected a major shift in the euro by 2021. This is precisely on target. They will also be able to enforce their negative interest rates, but they are hoping that this will be a cash injection into the banks so they need not have to deal with any bailouts.


Re: https://www.ecb.europa eu/paym/intro/cons/html/index.en.html

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8a1783 No.134320

File: ff7cc2f69482494⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1903x1070,1903:1070,largest_flying_flag_in_ame….jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422223 (030627ZNOV20) Notable: ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: )

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that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863

Together we win.


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8a1783 No.134321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422328 (030631ZNOV20) Notable: Resignations in the news 11/1/2020

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Resignations in the news 11/1/2020

Bank of America equities chief Fab Gallo resigns months after senior shake-up


Title IX Coordinator Morgan Levy resigns


Sherven retiring as police chief, lengthy replacement process begins


YRC -3% after earnings dump, CFO resignation


Loxam Powered Access CEO retiring


Genesco CFO resigns


Pennsylvania hospital CEO resigns


Anglican bishop resigns over response to accused cleric


Matsui to Resign as Osaka Ishin Head after Referendum Defeat


Westbrook police chief, retiring after 35 years, reflects on breaking gender barriers


Charles Graddick to resign as director of Pardons and Paroles


E! EVP John Najarian departing network amid NBCUniversal layoffs


PET CEO Rod Clark to step down after over seven years


Bryan’s Fire Chief Is Retiring


Salem City Council member Cara Kaser resigns. What we know.


Executives at Ecuador's state oil companies resign ahead of merger


Bruce Lucas, Heritage Insurance co-founder, will step down as CEO


Judicial secretary retiring


Jörgen Vrenning is retiring as CFO of NeoDynamics


Australia Post CEO resigns 'immediately' amid $20k watch scandal


Salary Council Chairman Resigns in Protest of Trump Order Politicizing Federal Workforce


Hinds County administrator Riley-Collins resigns


Kentucky State Police commissioner to resign


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8a1783 No.134322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422411 (030634ZNOV20) Notable: Out-of-town pool report #22 - Grand Rapids rally ends

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November 3, 2020 at 1:20:26 AM EST

Subject: Out-of-town pool report #22 - Grand Rapids rally ends

POTUS wrapped his remarks at 1:13 AM for a total of 77 minutes. The mic was working this time.

No giant flag suspended by cranes but about 15 smaller ones lined the top of the risers. The crowd thinned out near the press pen at the back of the rally as POTUS approached the hour mark.

Please check these quotes against the transcript.

“There’s a lot of spirit here,” POTUS said as the crowd cheered.

POTUS recognizes his children, who joined us on the the trip over from Kenosha. “No matter what happens tomorrow I’m very proud of you all,” he said. “But if you don’t win I’ll never speak to you again.”

He returned to his typical remarks attacking Obama and Biden.

POTUS again reflect on his life before politics - “I had a nice life” - before declaring that running was the “greatest decision I ever made.”

He calls Biden a “glad-hander. Not a smart guy.”

He questioned why Biden chose Sen. Kamala Harris (who’s first name he continues to mispronounce).

“Politics is a strange business,” he said.

He returned to his riff on suburban women, insisting that he’ll do even better than he did in 2016 with the crucial voting bloc.

“This is a poll,” POTUS said of his crowd in Grand Rapids. “This is not the crowd of somebody who’s going to lose this state, “ he said.

Complains of being hit on all sides. “Let’s impeach him for having a perfect conversation with the president of Ukraine,” he said.

“I don’t want to act like a complainer but it’s a totally rigged deal,” he said while complaining of what he claims is social media bias.

“What a disaster, I can’t believe this is happening,”Trump says of running against Biden, calling his candidacy a “fluke.”

“It puts great pressure on me running against a guy like this,” he said. “Can you imagine the concept of losing to this guy?”

He calls out Ted Nugent and, “one of the great superstars of the world,” Lil’ Pimp.

POTUS said Biden’s refugee admissions plan “would overwhelm your communities and turn Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the entire Midwest into a virtual refugee camp.”

Your bleary-eyed pooler was moved into the press van before POTUS finished. We are now rolling for the short ride back to AF1.

Courtney Subramanian

White House Correspondent, USA TODAY




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8a1783 No.134323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422540 (030640ZNOV20) Notable: ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: )

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8a1783 No.134324

File: 9a10569f0bf1174⋯.png (110.21 KB,673x489,673:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422557 (030641ZNOV20) Notable: PF update on Gulfstream from pb notable: collecting telemetry data, ensuring range safety and transmitting surveillance and communications data.

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>>134271 Planefags: Who has been riding in that Gulfstream with the tail number 1942 that is leading Air Force One in all day today and yesterday?

P3 replacement gulfstream perhaps?

Raytheon is set to initiate the second phase of the Gulfstream G550 aircraft’s modification program for the U.S. Navy.

The Naval Air Systems Command said Thursday the defense company will develop systems that will allow the jet to perform various roles such as collecting telemetry data, ensuring range safety and transmitting surveillance and communications data.

The G550 is being modified to include a telemetry system and additional equipment designed to support the Navy’s future operations.

The aircraft will also replace the service’s P-3 Orion range support plane, which is operated out of the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division in Point Mugu, Calif.

The Gulfstream Aerospace aircraft will possibly be delivered for initial operating capability in August 2021.

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8a1783 No.134325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422702 (030649ZNOV20) Notable: #14589

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>>134317 Based patriot flies from Maryland to Arizona just to vote

>>134319 Europe Preparing to Cancel all Paper Money

>>134321 Resignations in the news 11/1/2020

>>134322 Out-of-town pool report #22 - Grand Rapids rally ends

>>134324 PF update on Gulfstream from pb notable: collecting telemetry data, ensuring range safety and transmitting surveillance and communications data.

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8a1783 No.134326

File: f28c5b45997ed76⋯.png (1.89 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422929 (030703ZNOV20) Notable: Flag pic from Q's post is located in Gastonia, NC near Crowders Mountain

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8a1783 No.134327

File: 8c15d68d3792c50⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422961 (030705ZNOV20) Notable: Clip of Bannon saying "We're going to get the plug pulled…" + "Plugs" is what Limbaugh calls Biden..

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>11421858 /pb

>11421709 /pb

>11421546 /pb

>Bannon on Dems and DS election fuckery

>"we're going to pull the plug"

>"Pull the plug on hammer and scorecard"


from 1:45:20 War Room: Pandemic Ep 469 - A Wake Up

Clip of Bannon saying "We're going to get the plug pulled…"

plus clip of "This is a fight for the Greats republic in the history of mankind, the most powerful nation on earth …"


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8a1783 No.134328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422980 (030707ZNOV20) Notable: BO comments on the state of the board

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Sorry if some are unhappy with the threads that got locked. Try to keep the handoffs a little cleaner.

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8a1783 No.134329

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11422989 (030708ZNOV20) Notable: Q didn't post in Q_Anon Research - He posted in Q Research

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Please do Baker. Q didn't post in Q_Anon Research - He posted in Q Research

5:5? Anons have to stick together. You just saw we worked with you while everybody said we were going to fuck you over.

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8a1783 No.134330

File: 93591126d28b60f⋯.png (1.05 MB,1441x980,1441:980,Clipboard.png)

File: 38d5e83f9b8858a⋯.png (50.54 KB,1351x688,1351:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423017 (030709ZNOV20) Notable: PF report

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Here's a US Military aircraft with ICAO AE66CC being the only identifier. Looks like it flew out of Rota, Spain. No result for the ICAO hexidecimal decode.


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8a1783 No.134331

File: 2e8a58d52dc509f⋯.png (151.56 KB,762x960,127:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423036 (030710ZNOV20) Notable: Lady Gaga, Daughter of the Devil

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Lady Gaga, Daughter of the Devil

Lady Gaga is one of the highest in the Satanic order and spirit-cooking where the satanic cannibals ritualistically prepare human (adult and baby) meat for consumption in satanic rituals that glorify Moloch and blaspheme the sacrifice of Christ.

Her name, Gaga, comes from a Babylonian goddess named Gaga in the Enuma Elis that goes to visit Tiamat (the demonic dragon of the book of Revelation, and mother of all demons) and tell her that Marduk (the god of storms) is ready for war.

She is sent to the forces of Tiamat by the god Anshar, who was the son of Lahmu and Lahamu (the biblical Adam and Eve).

Zecharia Sitchin considers Gaga to be the dwarf planet Pluto, which he considers an escaped moon of Saturn (Anshar).

If you've read any of my previous work in breads over the course of the past 3 years exposing how this cult has grown and evolved over time you know that Saturn = Moloch. The biblical demon of child sacrifice that this cult worships. Unsurprising given her ties to Marina Abramovic.

Meaning that when Lady Gaga got famous she literally named herself a "royal daughter of Lord Moloch."

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8a1783 No.134332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423042 (030711ZNOV20) Notable: Flag pic from Q's post is located in Gastonia, NC near Crowders Mountain

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The worlds tallest flying American flag.

Gastonia, NC.

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8a1783 No.134333

File: 4f40581fafc4889⋯.jpeg (74.56 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423049 (030711ZNOV20) Notable: Donald Trump Praises Organic Parades: I’m ‘Honored’ to Be Part of this Movement

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Donald Trump Praises Organic Parades: I’m ‘Honored’ to Be Part of this Movement

President Donald Trump on Monday said he was honored by the massive crowds of supporters sweeping the nation ahead of Election Day.

One reporter asked Trump whether he was nervous about any part of Election Day the following morning.

Trump recalled that he experienced the same spirit in 2016, but that the energy for his campaign was now so much stronger and the crowds were bigger.

“Nobody has ever seen this before and, you know, I’m honored to be a part of it,” Trump said.

The president singled out the organic rallies and parades of support across the country as a symbol of the movement.

“Even the organic — you know, where they have 100 miles of cars, where they have thousands of tractors, where they have 6,000 boats in a lake or in the ocean or in a canal,” he said. “Nobody has ever seen this before.”

“I’m just a part of it,” Trump continued. “I’m a representative of it, but I’m really just a part of it, and I’m really honored by it.”

The president spoke to reporters prior to his rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin – his fourth rally of the day.

Tens of thousands of supporters showed up for his political rallies earlier in the day in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Traverse City, Michigan.

The president will conclude his final campaign rally before Election Day in Grand Rapids, Michigan, tonight.


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8a1783 No.134334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423061 (030712ZNOV20) Notable: BO comments on the state of the board

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honestly I didn't consider the image when I locked the thread.

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8a1783 No.134335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423090 (030715ZNOV20) Notable: BO comments on the state of the board

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As a rule of thumb I try to stay out of big decisions but it seems to me Q made his choice about the OP image.

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8a1783 No.134336

File: fecc43e2b8c0014⋯.jpeg (38.94 KB,679x419,679:419,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e9607f1bcce6f52⋯.jpeg (301.36 KB,1188x1161,44:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423099 (030715ZNOV20) Notable: REPORT: Democrat Elected Officials In Pennsylvania Are Secretly Planning To Vote For Trump

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REPORT: Democrat Elected Officials In Pennsylvania Are Secretly Planning To Vote For Trump

You may know there are many Democrats in Pennsylvania who are voting for Trump this year.

But would you be surprised to learn there are even elected, Democrat officials in the state who are planning to vote for Trump?


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8a1783 No.134337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423176 (030723ZNOV20) Notable: BO comments on the state of the board

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>i highly doubt Q noticed that

who knows my opinion isn't more important than anyone else's. Which is why I keep my nose out of decisions that should be left to the community.

I am a janitor and administrator it's not a glamorous job or something that makes you an expert. I'm just a guy and I make mistakes just like everyone else. As far as looking at hashes goes, yes we look at them but we limit what we do with that information because its a slippery slope that leads to unmasking anons.

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8a1783 No.134338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423303 (030733ZNOV20) Notable: BO comments on the state of the board

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just remember that I do not telegraph moves and you aren't privy to the conversations that the BO/BV team are having. I have double the man power available that I had before and we are currently adopting new policies that we can actually follow now that we have the manpower. I will state that I have told the BVs not to bake at all.

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8a1783 No.134339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423386 (030740ZNOV20) Notable: Clip of Bannon saying "We're going to get the plug pulled…" + "Plugs" is what Limbaugh calls Biden..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Notable, Anons?

>Pulling Plugs Biden tomorrow

Anon opines on meaning of "Pulling Plugs…" used by Pence tonight (also POTUS?)

Plugs is what Rush Limbaugh Calls Biden

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8a1783 No.134340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423425 (030744ZNOV20) Notable: BO comments on the state of the board

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>as in, you've just told them this now? or can you guarantee they have never baked?

Ever since the fiasco we caused with baking last year I have told BVs to stay out of the kitchen. I can't guarantee they never bake but I cant read every post on the board either. Though they all know how I feel about it and we don't need to there's an abundance of manpower in the kitchen for baking.

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8a1783 No.134341

File: f28906c42aa2f13⋯.png (116.16 KB,1353x468,451:156,Clipboard.png)

File: 51568d61fb31e8c⋯.png (1002.67 KB,1479x1947,493:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423461 (030746ZNOV20) Notable: Lady Gaga, Daughter of the Devil

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It's in the Enuma Elis, the Babylonian creation myth, one of the oldest pieces of human written language ever discovered. The part that mythologists equate Saturn = Moloch is literally so well known [they] even allow it on the wikipedia page about Moloch. Along with the child eating part.






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8a1783 No.134342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423492 (030749ZNOV20) Notable: #14590

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>>134326, >>134332 Flag pic from Q's post is located in Gastonia, NC near Crowders Mountain

>>134327, >>134339 Clip of Bannon saying "We're going to get the plug pulled…" + "Plugs" is what Limbaugh calls Biden..

>>134330 PF report

>>134333 Donald Trump Praises Organic Parades: I’m ‘Honored’ to Be Part of this Movement

>>134336 REPORT: Democrat Elected Officials In Pennsylvania Are Secretly Planning To Vote For Trump

>>134331, >>134341 Lady Gaga, Daughter of the Devil

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8a1783 No.134343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423538 (030754ZNOV20) Notable: #14590

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>134326, >>134332 Flag pic from Q's post is located in Gastonia, NC near Crowders Mountain

>>134327, >>134339 Clip of Bannon saying "We're going to get the plug pulled…" + "Plugs" is what Limbaugh calls Biden..

>>134330 PF report

>>134333 Donald Trump Praises Organic Parades: I’m ‘Honored’ to Be Part of this Movement

>>134336 REPORT: Democrat Elected Officials In Pennsylvania Are Secretly Planning To Vote For Trump

>>134331, >>134341 Lady Gaga, Daughter of the Devil

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8a1783 No.134344

File: 112209027547e3a⋯.jpg (57.44 KB,541x322,541:322,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423655 (030805ZNOV20) Notable: Ivanka Trump Twitter (comms) "Whats it say?" RE: True the Vote Founder

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what's it say?

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8a1783 No.134345

File: 2ca9faee9406ed1⋯.jpg (132.36 KB,720x880,9:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423663 (030806ZNOV20) Notable: Philadelphia mayor says it will take several days to count mail in ballots

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Philadelphia mayor says it will take several days to count mail in ballots

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8a1783 No.134346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11423679 (030808ZNOV20) Notable: Epic in the air

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Epic in the air

will Anons member

will the World member Anons

'let's see what happens'


'Conan The Barbarian - Theme'


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8a1783 No.134347

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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