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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

3026f7 No.179 [View All]

22OCT20 to 23OCT20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 869 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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3026f7 No.127539

File: 86786b1d0758caa⋯.png (372.63 KB,837x829,837:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 076178fba1734a2⋯.png (372.03 KB,868x540,217:135,Clipboard.png)

File: 0157eba25d3f830⋯.png (115.26 KB,901x619,901:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11240971 (231945ZOCT20) Notable: BofA: Fed Will Use Digital Dollars To Unleash Inflation

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BofA: Fed Will Use Digital Dollars To Unleash Inflation, Universal Basic Income And Debt Forgiveness

When we recently described the upcoming "Unprecedented monetary overhaul" which will come in the form of the Fed sending out digital dollars directly to "each American", we explained that "absent a massive burst of inflation in the coming years which inflates away the hundreds of trillions in federal debt, the debt tsunami that is coming would mean the end to the American way of life as we know it. And to do that, the Fed is now finalizing the last steps of a process that revolutionizes the entire fiat monetary system, launching digital dollars which effectively remove commercial banks as financial intermediaries, as they will allow the Fed itself to make direct deposits into Americans' "digital wallets", in the process enabling truly universal basic income, while also making Congress and the entire Legislative branch redundant, as a handful of technocrats quietly take over the United States."

In short, we laid out the Fed's true reasoning behind the coming Digital Dollars not as how Fed Chair Powell recently described them, which as a reminder was as follows:

Faster and cheaper transactions

Addressing a decline in the use of physical currency

Modernizing the payments infrastructure

Reaching consumers who have been traditionally underserved by financial institutions

… but as a short circuit to a clearly broken monetary transmission mechanism, one which seeks to facilitate universal basic income and unlimited helicopter money, by completely overhauling how money reaches Americans.

Of course, it would be heresy to admit that the Fed's true motive is to effectively spark runaway inflation as that would provoke howls of outrage from ordinary Americans if they only learned that the $1000 or so in "free money" they would receive from the Fed was not a gift, but a curse which would make their cost of living unbearable in very short notice. And yet none other than DoubleLine recently penned a scathing op-ed admitting just that, warning that "The Pandora's Box Of Fed's Digital Currency Will Ignite An Inflationary Conflagration."

Today, none other than BofA chief investment strategist also takes the plunge into "tinfoil land", which of course is where the truth can be found, and admits the truth about digital currencies.

Hartnett begins by laying out a short history of revolutionary monetary policies, writing that in the past 13 years central banks have cut interest rates 972 times, bought $19tn of financial assets via QE, introduced NIRP, ZIRP, YCC, TLTROs, resulting in a near-record $16.8tn of negatively-yielding global bonds.


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3026f7 No.127540

File: f45579ea691ca78⋯.png (49.24 KB,535x476,535:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11240980 (231945ZOCT20) Notable: CH: FBI Spox “We have no comment, in keeping with our standard practice"

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FBI spox on Tony Bobulinski interview tells @CBSNews

“We have no comment, in keeping with our standard practice of neither confirming nor denying the existence of an investigation." Earlier today, Bobulinski lawyers postponed senate interview citing sit down with bureau. Senate

investigators say Bobulinski had already provided texts + emails in support of his statements. @ChuckGrassley



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3026f7 No.127541

File: 6a87468c3c1ba4e⋯.jpg (504.84 KB,1915x961,1915:961,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e60fb8da0421a85⋯.jpg (481.33 KB,1917x959,1917:959,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11240983 (231946ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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Lots (and I mean Fucktonnes) of SIGINT has been up all day. Exec jets have been busy too. Is AZAZ0909 still at Hanscom Field?

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3026f7 No.127542

File: a93d1ad2c173204⋯.png (987.75 KB,1438x947,1438:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241045 (231949ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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He's still there. Last ADS-B contact was six hours ago.

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3026f7 No.127543

File: 46bf090c0eb5e19⋯.png (86.59 KB,748x887,748:887,Clipboard.png)

File: bd151e0fda6ff70⋯.png (54.89 KB,744x590,372:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241103 (231953ZOCT20) Notable: DOJ: Justice Department Requires Divestiture In Liberty Acquiring AT&T's PR

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Justice Department Requires Divestiture In Order For Liberty Latin America To Acquire AT&T's Telecommunications Operations In Puerto Rico And The U.S. Virgin Islands

Divestiture Will Preserve Competition for Fiber-Based Telecommunications Services for Enterprise Customers in Puerto Rico


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3026f7 No.127544

File: 3e0ae40fc9e0427⋯.png (700.64 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241137 (231955ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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5 B52's up

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3026f7 No.127545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241220 (232002ZOCT20) Notable: #14359

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>>127543 DOJ: Justice Department Requires Divestiture In Liberty Acquiring AT&T's PR

>>127540 CH: FBI Spox “We have no comment, in keeping with our standard practice"

>>127539 BofA: Fed Will Use Digital Dollars To Unleash Inflation

>>127538 BREAKING VIDEO: Biden /alleged/ To Have iPad At Debate On His Podium

>>127537 Leading Gun-Control Group Abandons $60 Million Spending Pledge

>>127533 USN: 'Red Patch' is Back As Reactivated Landing Support Battalions Rejoin Fleet

>>127532, >>127535 WH: Historic Peace Agreement Between Israel and Sudan

>>127531 Shetland Islands space base cleared for launch Lockheed Martin

>>127530 SC: U.S. Embassy in Ankara alerted to potential threats of terrorism and kidnappings

>>127529 Republican Congressman And His Family ‘Threatened’ At Their Home (?)

>>127528 DJT: VOTE

>>127527 Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: Senate Final PDF

>>127526, >>127534, >>127536, >>127541, >>127542, >>127544 Planefag reports

>>127525 Joe Biden pseudonym on Hunter laptop is KGB mole from Hunt4 Red October

>>127524 AmThk: Is China Now In Control of Our Flow of Information?

>>127523 Doge aand ricky's out

>>127522 No Frank, you are finished because you were being emailed to by Hunter.

>>127521 Long Island man Brendan Sullivan busted in alleged rape of two 13-year-old girls

>>127520 Flynn I strongly endorse Bishop Leon Benjamin for Virginia Congressional District 4

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3026f7 No.127546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241286 (232009ZOCT20) Notable: Code name project hanson documents reveal hunter helped chinese military

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3026f7 No.127547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241289 (232009ZOCT20) Notable: RALLY FEEDS

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3026f7 No.127548

File: cb2662644de88b1⋯.jpg (104.32 KB,500x756,125:189,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241301 (232011ZOCT20) Notable: JW: Is dementia contagious?

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Kamala with 1 week and 4 days to go, really has the eye on the prize. The big one.


James Woods


Is dementia contagious?


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3026f7 No.127549

File: 18ff7c3b080f0c1⋯.png (490.83 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241309 (232012ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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Got a late start behind POTUS

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3026f7 No.127550

File: 094ac9bd6737413⋯.jpg (399.76 KB,1919x961,1919:961,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241315 (232013ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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Still no let up with the SIGINT flights. Is this the 'hunt'?

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3026f7 No.127551

File: 30f06dcfd249a0d⋯.jpg (573.7 KB,1913x959,1913:959,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241324 (232015ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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HUNTR72… Kek!

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3026f7 No.127552

File: 45b0917555ce318⋯.png (532.92 KB,589x649,589:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241348 (232017ZOCT20) Notable: USN: (EOD Crazy Fucks!!!)

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EOD Crazy Fucks!!!

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3026f7 No.127553

File: ec8c5be9c2482cc⋯.png (768.23 KB,1880x970,188:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e3b12ec56fb2cf⋯.png (1001.52 KB,1880x970,188:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 799b248e75a080a⋯.png (238.71 KB,1880x970,188:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241358 (232019ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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Two E-6s RATIO34 & MATE34.

Dutch Coasties patrol CG82 of S America coast.

MATE34? Checkmate? Hmm

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3026f7 No.127554

File: 7dfbdce29cd5fed⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 2b846a1b7015190⋯.png (256.13 KB,497x894,497:894,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241370 (232021ZOCT20) Notable: Duke Tanner makes video about his clemency after 16yrs - Thank you!

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Duke Tanner makes video about his clemency after 16yrs - Thank you!

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr

Yesterday @realDonaldTrump granted Duke Tanner clemency after 16 years in prison

He was sentenced to LIFE in prison for a FIRST time, NON VIOLENT crime because of Joe Biden’s crime bill

Good luck with your SECOND CHANCE

Let’s make this message go viral!

1-minute video


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3026f7 No.127555

File: 9496d1ea1b7b0a6⋯.png (217.56 KB,1102x1038,551:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241426 (232026ZOCT20) Notable: LinW: Carter Page about to sue Comey and FBI???

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Carter Page about to sue Comey and FBI???

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3026f7 No.127556

File: df0879c4bafc239⋯.png (1.81 MB,1286x12510,643:6255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241435 (232027ZOCT20) Notable: The Global Takeover Is Underway (New Old Info)

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The Global Takeover Is Underway

The World Economic Forum public relations video, “8 Predictions for the World in 2030,” short as it may be, offers a telling glimpse into what the technocratic elite has in store for the rest of us. This includes:

“You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.” Instead, you’ll rent everything you need, and it’ll be delivered by drone right to your door.

“The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower” — Instead, a handful of countries will dominate together.

“You won’t die waiting for an organ donor” — Rather than transplanting organs from deceased donors, custom organs will be 3D printed on demand.

“You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”

As detailed in many previous articles, this is a foolhardy idea, not just for health reasons but also environmental ones. Integrating livestock is a foundational aspect of successful regenerative farming that can solve both food shortages and environmental concerns at the same time. For a refresher, see “Top 6 Reasons to Support Regenerative Agriculture.”

“A billion people will be displaced by climate change” — As a result, countries will have to prepare to welcome more refugees.

“Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide” — To eliminate fossil fuels, there will be a global price on carbon. Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., discussed this in a recent interview. Rather than promoting organic and regenerative farming, the technocratic elite are pushing something called zero-budget natural farming. Bill Gates is part of this scheme.

As explained by Shiva, the wholly unnatural setup works something like this: The state takes out large loans, which are then divvied out to farmers to grow food for free. The farmers make their money not by selling their crops, but by trading their soil carbon rate on the global market.

Basically, carbon is being turned into a tradeable commodity, replacing the actual farm output of grains and other crops. Farmers with higher carbon in their soil will make more money than those with carbon-poor soil. Meanwhile, they’ll make nothing from the crops they grow.

“You could be preparing to go to Mars” — Scientists “will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space,” thus opening up the possibility of becoming a space-faring race and colonizing other planets.

“Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.”

Pandemics Are a Tool of Social Control

For decades, war and the threat of war has enriched the technocratic elite and kept the population going along with their agenda. War and physical attacks have been repeatedly used to foist ever more draconian restrictions upon us and remove our liberties. The Patriot Act, rammed through in the aftermath of 9/11, is just one egregious example.

Today, pandemics and the threat of infectious outbreaks are the new tools of war and social control. For years, Gates has prepared the global psyche for a new enemy: deadly, invisible viruses that can crop up at any time.1,2 And the only way to protect ourselves is by giving up old-fashioned notions of privacy, liberty and personal decision-making.

We need to maintain our distance from others, including family members. We need to wear masks, even in our own homes and during sex. We need to close down small businesses and work from home. We need to vaccinate the entire global population and put stringent travel restrictions into place to prevent the potential for spread.

We must track and trace everyone, every moment of the day and night, and install biometric readers into everyone’s bodies to identify who the potential risk-carriers are. Infected people are the new threat. This is what the technocratic elite wants you to believe, and they’ve succeeded to convince a shocking ratio of the global population of this in just a few short months.

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “technocracy,” be sure to go back and listen to my interview with Patrick Wood, author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation” and “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.” You can also learn more on Wood’s website, Technocracy.news.



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3026f7 No.127557

File: 9dedb7642ac8086⋯.png (1.23 MB,773x528,773:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241513 (232034ZOCT20) Notable: Alternate Hosting Sites for Fallen Patriot YT Shows

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Down The Tube: Take A Stand With Fallen Patriot Accounts

Corey’s Digs reported on the censorship taking place by big tech back in August, 2019: Controlling Minds, Narratives & Elections: Google, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter, and interviewed Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies on the Dig It! Podcast. Since then, the censorship has escalated dramatically, election interference being predominant, and a large amount of reporters and journalists with substantial followings are being wrongfully terminated with no explanation. In some cases, Paypal has locked down their accounts while holding their funds hostage, and Sean at SGT Report just had his Patreon account removed over reporting on Qanon. The purge is real.

Despite government hearings with big tech, a recent antitrust lawsuit against Google, Project Veritas’ recent bombshells exposing Google, the debatable repealing of Section 230, and millions of people screaming from the rooftops, nothing seems to put a stop to their blatant in-your-face control of search results, ads, posts and accounts so they can monopolize the narrative they wish to push. It’s flat out criminal and they are harming people’s livelihoods, finances, and businesses while censoring their voices.

Your Favorites Live On – Support Them:

Amazing Polly: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT

And We Know: https://www.andweknow.com

Craig Mason: https://www.bitchute.com/craigmason/

Deception Bytes: https://www.bitchute.com/deceptionbytes/

Dollar Vigilante: https://dollarvigilante.com/

Dustin Nemos: https://www.bitchute.com/DustinNemos/

Edge of Wonder: https://edgeofwonder.tv

Fall Cabal: https://www.bitchute.com/fallcabal/

Freedom Force Battalion: https://freedomforce.live/

Good Lion Films: https://www.bitchute.com/GoodLionFIlms/

InTheMatrixxx: https://www.inthematrixxx.com

IPOT: https://www.bitchute.com/inpursuitoftruth/

Joe M: https://gab.com/stormisuponus

Jordan Sather: https://www.bitchute.com/DestroyingTheIllusion/

Just Informed Talk: https://www.bitchute.com/justinformedtalk/

Karli Q: https://parler.com/profile/Karlibonne/posts

Linda Paris: https://mcallistertvonline.com/

Lori Colley: https://prayingcitizen.wordpress.com/

Mark Taylor: https://sordrescue.com/

Martin Geddes: https://www.onq.martingeddes.com/

M3THODS: https://dlive.tv/M3THODS

Mouthy Buddah: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wnuZEpMvRZs6/

Obiwan Qenobi: https://rumble.com/vaqkhx-enjoy-the-show.html

Patriots Soapbox: https://patriotssoapbox.com/

Praying Medic: https://www.bitchute.com/prayingmedic/

Red Racer Video: https://redracervideo.com/

Redpill78: https://www.clouthub.com/redpill78, https://www.bitchute.com/redpill78/

Sarah Westall: https://www.bitchute.com/1Ez5eVnVz1yY/, https://odysee.com/@sarahwestall:0

SGT Report: https://sgtreport.tv, https://www.sgtreport.com/

SpaceShot76: https://www.bitchute.com/spaceshot76/

Stroppy Me: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/M4YtazGIdcIH/

The Iconoclast: https://bitchute.com/Theiconoclast/

The Last American Vagabond: https://www.bitchute.com/thelastamericanvagabond/

The Patriot Hour: https://dlive.tv/ThePatriotHour

The Red Pill Book: https://www.bitchute.com/theredpillbook/

Titus Frost: https://dlive.tv/TitusFrost

TruReporting: https://www.bitchute.com/trureporting/

Truth and Art TV: https://truthandarttv.com

Woke Societies: https://wokesocieties.com

World Alternative Media: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gzFCj8AuSWgp/

X22Report: https://www.bitchute.com/x22report/


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3026f7 No.127558

File: 0d68f91898a887b⋯.png (428.84 KB,842x467,842:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241555 (232037ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Arrives

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3026f7 No.127559

File: bb33bd31fe90077⋯.png (367.41 KB,845x413,845:413,Clipboard.png)

File: d2f26c9470a6087⋯.png (408.64 KB,855x425,171:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 6daf56c30b6f8de⋯.png (443.78 KB,857x424,857:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 34aa310cb1d05dc⋯.png (69.55 KB,272x188,68:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241566 (232039ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Arrives

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3026f7 No.127560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241663 (232045ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden, Trunk at the Villages (old vid)

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Anyone remember drunk Joe Biden singing The Villages theme?

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3026f7 No.127561

File: 060b8d22e5794d8⋯.png (1022.18 KB,1442x978,721:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241693 (232047ZOCT20) Notable: PF Cont.

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3026f7 No.127562

File: 30ae26fa3ee5c5a⋯.png (357.85 KB,567x426,189:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 466dfea55407796⋯.png (344 KB,607x401,607:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241743 (232051ZOCT20) Notable: GWP: Kamala Harris Responds to Biden’s Vow to Shut Down US Oil Industry

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They’re Panicking! – Kamala Harris Responds to Questions on Biden’s Vow to Shut Down US Oil Industry, “Joe Biden is Not Going to Ban Fracking!”

They’re panicking.

Joe Biden really screwed up last night during the debate when he fell right into President Trump’s trap and admitted he will shut down the US oil industry.

Even the liberal moderator was shocked by Joe Biden’s statement.

Barack Obama was right when he said “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.”

Biden tried to clean up his mess after the debate by telling reporters afterward that he wants to end subsidies for fossil fuels and that “we’re not getting rid of fossil fuels for a long time.”

Biden claimed workers will not lose their jobs and that they will be able to find new jobs in alternative energy.

On Friday, Kamala Harris played clean up crew when reporters asked her about Biden’s vow to shut down the oil industry.

“Let me be clear, Joe Biden is not going to ban fracking!” Kamala Harris told reporters after she deplaned in Georgia.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both repeatedly promised to ban fracking if they win the US election.

Now they’re backpedaling because millions of Americans in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Dakota and other states would lose their jobs.

Roll the tape!


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3026f7 No.127563

File: 1fa6b262e74d633⋯.png (47.39 KB,603x482,603:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241753 (232051ZOCT20) Notable: Cilizza of CNN knows that POTUS won

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Cilizza of CNN knows that POTUS won, but thinks that it just doesn't matter…. Biden didn't Gaffe, that is all that mattered…



Chris Cillizza


He was adequate. Not a great debater. A decent one.

My only point: He's (way) ahead. He didn't need to be amazing. He needed to not make some massive mistake. And he avoided doing that.

Quote Tweet

Ben White


· 2h

I thought Biden was just OK in the debate and all my televisions literally attacked me

1:45 PM · Oct 23, 2020


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3026f7 No.127564

File: ffd7dba823c3485⋯.png (390.7 KB,640x411,640:411,Clipboard.png)

File: 713bb224d2a69eb⋯.png (36.5 KB,657x340,657:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241774 (232053ZOCT20) Notable: Marine Commandant to Leaders: Quit The 'Soft Relief' of Fired Officers

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Marine Commandant to Leaders: Quit The 'Soft Relief' of Fired Officers

The top Marine officer has had enough of so-called "soft reliefs."

In a letter sent earlier this month to a wide swath of the Marine officer corps, commandant Gen. David Berger reminded everyone from general to lieutenant that they needed to hold Marines accountable with a paper trail.

"Any Marine relieved for cause or reassigned based on loss of confidence in ability to perform assigned tasks shall receive an adverse fitness report," Berger wrote in an Oct. 9 white letter obtained by Task & Purpose.

"The practice of 'soft relief' for wrongdoing or poor performance is not authorized," he added.

Maj. Eric Flanagan, a spokesman for the commandant, declined to answer questions on the memo, though he said Berger has been focused on this "important matter" following the release of his planning guidance in 2019.

"When we fail to hold the standard, we establish new lower standards," Berger wrote in the planning guidance. "Elite organizations do not accept mediocrity and they do not look the other way when teammates come up short of expectations. We must hold each other accountable."

Fitness reports, the primary means of evaluating Marines, are a crucial metric considered in everything from promotions and awards to future training opportunities, said Steven Weintraub, a retired Marine colonel.

"It's unfortunate that the commandant has to remind officers in the Marine Corps of this," Weintraub told Task & Purpose. “If you have a Marine that was relieved of command, that has to be put in."

When a Marine officer is relieved of command over "loss of trust and confidence,” it's often seen as a career-ender, according to Weintraub, though some officers continue their career until they can retire with full pensions.

"They were most likely never selected for command" again, Weintraub said.

A number of Marine officers have been relieved of command in recent months, though it remains unclear whether any avoided an adverse fitness report as the commandant directed.

Maj. Gen. Stephen Neary, the two-star general in charge of Marines in Europe and Africa, was fired on Tuesday amid an investigation into his alleged use of a racial slur.


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3026f7 No.127565

File: 309f331b0117c19⋯.png (376.41 KB,478x501,478:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241777 (232053ZOCT20) Notable: TrumpWarRoom Trippz mask shaming

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3026f7 No.127566

File: e8e7905dc3a39c3⋯.png (466.62 KB,535x587,535:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241806 (232055ZOCT20) Notable: TrumpWarRoom Trippz mask shaming

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3026f7 No.127567

File: 25750d93d83ac1f⋯.jpg (665.96 KB,1915x961,1915:961,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 33f5017c27b3720⋯.jpg (619.17 KB,1919x963,1919:963,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241863 (232058ZOCT20) Notable: PF Cont.

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AZAZ0909 landed at NY Stewart. WARLOK7 appears to be entering the pattern to land at Andrews.

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3026f7 No.127568

File: cb7e053a62dfcba⋯.jpg (500.61 KB,1917x949,1917:949,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241944 (232103ZOCT20) Notable: PF Cont.

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MARLOK7 landed at Patuxent River NAS.

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3026f7 No.127569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11241987 (232106ZOCT20) Notable: #14360

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too much dough shit


>>127565, >>127566 TrumpWarRoom Trippz mask shaming

>>127564 Marine Commandant to Leaders: Quit The 'Soft Relief' of Fired Officers

>>127563 Cilizza of CNN knows that POTUS won

>>127562 GWP: Kamala Harris Responds to Biden’s Vow to Shut Down US Oil Industry

>>127561, >>127567 PF Cont.

>>127560 Joe Biden, Trunk at the Villages (old vid)

>>127558, >>127559 POTUS Arrives

>>127556 The Global Takeover Is Underway (New Old Info)

>>127555 LinW: Carter Page about to sue Comey and FBI???

>>127554 Duke Tanner makes video about his clemency after 16yrs - Thank you!

>>127552 USN: (EOD Crazy Fucks!!!)

>>127548 JW: Is dementia contagious?

>>127549, >>127550, >>127549, >>127550, >>127551, >>127553 Planefag reports

>>127547 RALLY FEEDS

>>127546 Code name project hanson documents reveal hunter helped chinese military

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3026f7 No.127570

File: 57b6913d1b9e27c⋯.png (364.7 KB,739x688,739:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242122 (232115ZOCT20) Notable: Federal officials said the shooter can be seen in the footage high-fiving

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Look at this BS.

Story mentions these things, how in the fuck is that right wing?

Federal officials said the shooter can be seen in the footage walking up to the camera and high-fiving other individuals before shouting “Justice for Floyd!”

Upon returning to Texas, Hunter made several posts about the event and on May 30, Hunter reportedly sent a message to another individual stating, "I set fire to that precinct with the black community," followed by "Minneapolis third precinct,” according to the legal documents.

Feds say far-right group coordinated attack on Minneapolis police precinct during protest


Feds say far-right group coordinated attack on Minneapolis police precinct during protest

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Minnesota on Friday announced that the FBI brought charges against a member of the far-right “Boogaloo Bois” group for organizing and participating in an effort to “incite a riot” outside a Minneapolis police precinct in May amid protests against the police killing of George Floyd.

According to the legal complaint filed Monday, Ivan Harrison Hunter, a 26-year-old from Boerne, Texas, who claims to be a member of the Boogaloo Bois, communicated with fellow members in late May ahead of a planned trip to Minneapolis as police had already started clashing with protesters in the city.

The documents claim that federal agents obtained a video from the evening of May 28 showing an individual walking up to the door of the Third Precinct in Minneapolis and firing 13 rounds from “what appears to be an AK-47 style semiautomatic rifle.”

Federal officials said the shooter can be seen in the footage walking up to the camera and high-fiving other individuals before shouting “Justice for Floyd!”

In the hours that followed, the police building was overrun by demonstrators and severely damaged by fire.

The federal affidavit includes screenshots from the referenced footage, in which the individual can be seen wearing a skull mask covering the lower half of his face, glasses, a baseball cap and tactical gear.

Federal officials wrote in the complaint that another individual charged in connection with the incident who is cooperating with authorities said Hunter was the one who fired shots outside the precinct, which authorities later corroborated with several social media posts.

Upon returning to Texas, Hunter made several posts about the event and on May 30, Hunter reportedly sent a message to another individual stating, "I set fire to that precinct with the black community," followed by "Minneapolis third precinct,” according to the legal documents.

On May 31, Hunter sent a message to another individual, saying, "My mom would call the fbi if she knew what I do and at the level I'm at w[ith] it

Federal authorities launched investigations into the Boogaloo Bois in late May, and in early June the Austin Police Department conducted a traffic stop and Hunter, who was in the vehicle, had six loaded magazines for an AK-47 style assault rifle affixed to a tactical vest he was wearing.


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3026f7 No.127571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242129 (232116ZOCT20) Notable: Gina Haspel’s education, it seems, had both exclusive and democratic elements.

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▶ Q Research UK #23: "London Calling" Anonymous 11 days ago 55ca35 No.11047711

▶Anonymous 1 hour ago 000000 No.11241282 >>>/qresearch/11241372


Digs yesterday from the MB

"Gina Haspel’s education, it seems, had both exclusive and democratic elements.

A friendly source informs me that Haspel attended Lakenheath American High School, located on a U.S. air base northeast of London. Then calling herself Gina Walker, she graduated in 1974.

A co-educational school with 430 students today, Lakenheath American is one of 164 accredited institutions run by the Pentagon’s public school system, known as Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA).

All of the students at Lakenheath are children of U.S. officers, enlisted personnel or support staff. The school is not open to British students."

"Lakenheath American, according to alumnus Joe Pinatubo on Facebook, “has produced, half a dozen astronauts, a Miss America, the band, America, countless fighter pilots and another famous CIA agent notoriously known for being the only CIA agent to successfully defect to USSR.”

That would be Edward Howard. a CIA who spied for the Soviet Union and fled there in 1985 when he was on the verge of arrest."


"Gina Cheri Walker was born in Ashland, Kentucky, on October 1, 1956, the oldest of five siblings. Her father served in the U.S. Air Force, and Haspel attended high school in the United Kingdom. She had wanted to attend the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, but it wasn’t accepting female applicants at the time. Instead, Haspel earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and languages from the University of Louisville in 1978. She was married briefly to Jeff Haspel, who served in the U.S. Army.

After graduation, Haspel took a job with the 10th Special Forces Group at Ft. Devens in Massachusetts as a contractor to run the library and foreign language lab. There, an Army officer named Michael Vickers encouraged Haspel to join the CIA. Vickers would later work for the CIA and subsequently served as undersecretary of defense for intelligence in the Barack Obama administration."


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3026f7 No.127572

File: 4974b4b39fc6fbd⋯.jpeg (944.55 KB,1125x1560,75:104,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242164 (232119ZOCT20) Notable: Kevin McCarthy and DJT retweet: POTUS HAS THE BALL

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Posting this again from lb due to baker/notable issues:

Kevin McCarthy and DJT retweet: POTUS HAS THE BALL

From another anon - intel incoming.


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3026f7 No.127573

File: 189663d8484d03c⋯.png (947.13 KB,781x731,781:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242167 (232119ZOCT20) Notable: MSNBC Host: Black Lives Matter 'Never Advocated Violence Against Police'

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MSNBC Host: Black Lives Matter 'Never Advocated Violence Against Police'

BY TYLER O'NEIL OCT 23, 2020 11:29 AM ET

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3026f7 No.127574

File: d1a88c29c668765⋯.jpg (383.38 KB,1919x959,1919:959,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242190 (232121ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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P-8 Poseidon PIONR55 landing at Patuxent River NAS.


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3026f7 No.127575

File: 25f434675ef9bde⋯.png (81.2 KB,617x426,617:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242243 (232124ZOCT20) Notable: MCCONNELL TELLS WHITE HOUSE STIMULUS AFTER 2020 ELECTION

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Matt Couch




Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly warned the White House against striking a stimulus deal with Democrats before the election, according to the Washington…


4:19 PM · Oct 23, 2020

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3026f7 No.127576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242248 (232125ZOCT20) Notable: A Senate report released today claims that the FBI are criminals

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ASenate report released today claims that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the General Services Administration undermined the Trump transition team in 2016 by sharing private Trump team records in violation of an agreement between that team and the GSA.

The majority staff report from both the Senate Committee on Finance and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs claims that officials from both the FBI and Mueller's office "secretly sought and received access to the private records of Donald J. Trump’s presidential transition team, Trump for America, Inc."

"They did so," the report continues, "despite the terms of a memorandum of understanding between the Trump transition team and the General Services Administration…—the executive agency responsible for providing services to both candidates’ transition teams—that those records were the transition team’s private property that would not be retained at the conclusion of the transition."

The report states that officials at the GSA proactively called the FBI and offered to retain Trump transition team records following the controversy surrounding Michael Flynn's resignation as national security adviser in early 2017. The agency informed neither the White House nor Trump for America of that decision.

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3026f7 No.127577

File: c085c0046c7a29f⋯.png (521.81 KB,602x582,301:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242261 (232126ZOCT20) Notable: Smithsonian: Vampires

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Vampires came when folk tradition filled the void of scientific knowledge.


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3026f7 No.127578

File: 7661a59cf4a37c2⋯.png (33.29 KB,681x318,227:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242287 (232127ZOCT20) Notable: Trump: Biden Will 'Destroy the Oil Industry'

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Trump: Biden Will 'Destroy the Oil Industry'; Sen. Graham: 'That Will Make Everybody in the Mideast Very Happy'

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3026f7 No.127579

File: dbfe5c1e260b67c⋯.jpg (116.79 KB,720x1206,40:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 83cf0d18fc441d5⋯.mp4 (46.59 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242296 (232127ZOCT20) Notable: Senate GOP The invisible enemy

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Senate GOP

The invisible enemy

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3026f7 No.127580

File: 30c362a09c6ef3e⋯.png (539.98 KB,813x521,813:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242307 (232128ZOCT20) Notable: "Here's the email where one of Hunter Biden's partners..."

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"Here's the email where one of Hunter Biden's partners told Hunter to get Burisma to take Joe's picture off their website."

"Here's a photo of Joe Biden and Devon Archer on Burisma's website. (presumably the same photo in question)" https://web.archive.org/web/2014051414 https://twitter.com/duckdiver19/status/1319737196161626112

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3026f7 No.127581

File: 43cfbe4f2850de0⋯.jpg (756.18 KB,1917x965,1917:965,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242329 (232129ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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HUNTR72 is still out there..

Pilatus Spectre

The Pilatus PC-12 Spectre is the critical link in law enforcement command and control. The PC-12 Spectre can be configured with a multitude of optional workstations and communications equipment to tailor the aircraft to the unique needs of each operator.

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3026f7 No.127582

File: 891043c8e9ac101⋯.png (19.33 KB,651x275,651:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242347 (232130ZOCT20) Notable: Bongino: Joe Biden is an active NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT

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Joe Biden is an active NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT Bongino


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3026f7 No.127583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242392 (232134ZOCT20) Notable: NEW trailer (#3)…The Plot Against The President

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NEW trailer (#3)…The Plot Against The President

in 2mins & 40!!!

Now Playing On Amazon and Prime Video:

h t t p s : // w w w . a m a z o n . c o m /Plot-Against-President-Devin-Nunes/dp/B08LMJ93LL

1AMDC Productions

Oct 23, 2020



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3026f7 No.127584

File: 0ee972319eaf321⋯.png (307.1 KB,607x1095,607:1095,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bcb22f0a31b040⋯.png (3.85 MB,3166x4096,1583:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242423 (232135ZOCT20) Notable: DOJ: 28 Oct. Panel Discussion: Combating the Online Exploitation of Children

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Justice Department


On October 28, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm ET

Panel Discussion: Combating the Online Exploitation of Children

Register in advance for the webinar using the following link:


4:31 PM · Oct 23, 2020·Hootsuite Inc.

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3026f7 No.127585

File: dc6ba92a9c2fc76⋯.jpg (450.92 KB,1915x961,1915:961,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242447 (232137ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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There's another one called DMISE41 out there too.

41= GHW Bush.

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3026f7 No.127586

File: a0696d4be422e4b⋯.png (33.67 KB,1319x247,1319:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242484 (232139ZOCT20) Notable: Pennsylvania's top court blow to GOP tossing signature-matching (new article)

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Pennsylvania's top court deals blow to GOP by tossing signature-matching rule

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3026f7 No.127587

File: b3e86da3747a442⋯.png (54.11 KB,535x561,535:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11242520 (232142ZOCT20) Notable: The man who supplied rifles to terrorists who used them to kill 14 people in San Bernardino

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The man who supplied rifles to terrorists who used them to kill 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015 has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.


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3026f7 No.127588

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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